UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA CHAMPAIGN STACKS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN JUL 2 i^:9 L161— O-1096 The Knights Templar A COMPILATION OF THE HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY, NO. 10, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. COMPLETE ROSTER OF MEMBERS AND HISTORICAL DATA OF PILGRIMAGES AND MEMORABLE EVENTS FROM DATE OF ORGANIZATION UNDER DISPENSATION, FEBRUARY 1, A. D. 1861, A. O. 742, TO JUNE 1, A. D. 1916, A. O. 798. ALSO A COMPENDIUM OF THE HISTORY OF THE CRUSADES IN THE ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH CENTURIES, AND A SUMMARY OF THE HISTORY OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF THE MID- DLE AGES AND THEIR RELATION TO FREE MASONRY AND THE MODERN ORDER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE ROYAL ARCH AND KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IN THE BLUE LODGES DOWN TO AND INCLUDING THE ORGANIZATION OF THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE GRAND COMMAMDERY OF ILLINOIS, A. D. 1857. BY WILLIAM LEE ROY MILLIGAN 33°, P. C. Republican-Times Printing Company, Ottawa, Illinois. WILLIAM LEE ROY MILLIGAN 33°, Commander Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, 1886-7, 1891-2. Historian Ottawa Commandery. UNIVER !TV Ot ILLINOIS THIS WORK IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF R. E, SIR JOHN FISK NASH, Past Commander Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., Grand Commander Grand Commandery, Illinois, A. D. 1878. Died July 6, 1913. AND TO R. E. SIR ALBERT FREDERICK SCHOCH 33 , Past Commander Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., Grand Commander Grand Commandery, Illinois, A. D. 1907. Their good works will live long after their day. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMAXDERY, THE APOSTLES' CREED. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried ; He descended into hell; the third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. 1 believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Catholic Church ; the Communion of Saints ; the Forgiveness of Sins; the Resurrection of the Body, and the Life Ever- lasting. Amen. I II E KNIGHTS T!-:m PLAR. The rising God forsakes the tomb, Up to his Father's court he flies; Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell, How high our gieat deliv'rer reigns; Sing how he spoil'd the hosts ot hell, And led the tyrant Death in chains. Say "Live forever, glorious King, Born to redeem, instruct, and save!" Then — "O death, where is thy sting? And where thv victorv, O Grave?" L1BRMW UNNER TV OM'J-INOIS HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. INTRODUCTORY. It is recorded of an ancient author, that while apologiz- ing for the imperfections of one of his books, he was in- terrupted by the inquiry, "Who asked yon to write it?" Jt might be asked with equal propriety, "Why is this book published ?" Xo person asked me to write this book. Its publica- tion arose from a desire to perpetuate the fond recollections of days and associations long since vanished. Days that were epoch-making in the valley of the Illinois, long be- fore ninety-rive per cent, of the readers of this volume were born. It arose from a desire to perpetuate the names of the members of our order who were foremost in the develop- ment of, not only our immediate locality, but the great state of Illinois, and our order in particular. It is with a sense of just pride that we record in this volume the roster of Ottawa Commandery, in which is found the names of men who ranked high in their professions and councils of our nation, and were men of national fame in military and civil life. We regret that it is not possible to allot space in this volume to give a more extended biographical sketch of all the members of Ottawa Commandery who have been prominent in military and civil life or in the different grades of Free Masonry, or even a synopsis of prominent incidents connected with their lives. Suffice to say that Ottawa Commandery was represented in the military serv- ice of the United States during the civil war by two gen- erals, three colonels, two majors, six captains and other subordinate officers. In civil life, Ottawa Commandery has been honored in both branches of our state legislature, as well as in the congress of our nation. Two of our mem- tO 111 I". KNIGHTS TKM I'l.AK. bers have been Attorney Generals of the state of Illinois. In our courts of justice, the benches of the Circuit, County and Probate Courts arc graced by members of Ottawa Commandery. Men have been chosen from the ranks o\ Ottawa Commandery to till every county office in the gift of the electorate, and several times lias the city ^i Ottawa chosen its mayor from the membership of Ottawa Com- mandery, and at present one of the city's most progressive commissioners is a member of Ottawa Commandery. and to-day many of its members are holding positions ^\ pub- lic trust, while others are prominent in professional and mercantile life, and others engaged in agricultural pursuits, the noblest and most ideal life of all. The fraters of Ottawa Commandery have been active in other Masonic bodies. Some have rilled the chairs in Occidental and Humboldt Lodges, Shabbona Chapter. Royal Arch Masons, and Oriental Council, Royal and Select Masters. Two of its members have been honored by the Grand Commandery of Illinois by being elected to the honored position of Grand Commander. Two have presided over the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and one has presided over the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Illinois, and he was also one of the original promoters of the Illinois Masonic Orphans' Home, and was a member of the board of trustees for several years, and holds life membership certificate No. i in that institution. He also holds a certificate of honorary mem- bership in Fortitude Lodge. No. 47, La Grange, Ky. Three of its members have, as a recognition of their Masonic services, been awarded the 33d and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the Northern Ma- sonic Jurisdiction of the U. S. A. Although, as above stated, so many have been dis- tinguished in military and civil life that it would seem HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. II invidious to make special mention of any one, yet there are some who have been so conspicuous in Masonic circles that justice to their memories, some of whom are with us no more forever, demands more than a passing notice: Oliver Cromwell Gray, the first commander of Ottawa Com- mandery, Generals \Y. 11. L. Wallace and T. E. G. Ran- som, George W. Lininger, and the dedicatees of this work, Past Commanders of Ottawa Commandery and Past Grand Commanders of the Grand Commandery of Illinois, whose biographical pages will he found in this volume. We do not hestitate in stating that this hook, like the "White Apron," is a labor of love. We had the pleasure of having been intimately acquainted with all the Past Com- manders of Ottawa Commandery, from Oliver Cromwell Gray, on whose lap 1 sat when a boy, down to the present time. To-day, as the senior Past Commander of Ottawa Com- mandery, I seem to be standing alone on the shore of a great ocean, scanning the vast horizon for a glimpse of a white sail. We look in vain for a Gray, a Rhoads, a Peckham, a Wade, a Burgess, a Lininger, the two Gibsons, a Nash, a Smith, a Trimble, a McArthur, who preceded me in pre- siding over the destinies of Ottawa Commandery, and from whom I obtained my inspiration in whatever capacity I may have served Ottawa Commandery. It seems but a short time since they were all with us, but now the green grass is growing over them. In compiling the History of Ottawa Commandery I have introduced in the forepart, a compendium of the his- tory of Chivalry and the Crusades and a more extended summary of the history of the order of Knights Templar and their relation to Free Masonry, the introduction of the Royal Arch and Knights Templar degrees and orders \ 2 III E K NIGHTS TEM PLAR, iii Blue Lodges or Symbolic Masonry, down to the or- ganization of the (irand Kncampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America in [816, and the Grand Commandery of Illinois in [857, to whom Ottawa Com- mandery owes allegiance, also an extended account of the history of Charleston Commandery, No. 1, the oldest Com- mandery of Knights Templar in the United States, if not in the world. In compiling this work we have been about equal author and compiler, since we have condensed quite a considerable of its historical data from the works of some of the earliest and most reliable writers on Chivalry and Templar his- tory, and, in incorporating- the thoughts and words of others, we have frequently changed and added to the lan- guage, often intermingling, in the same sentence, our words with theirs. While it will he of interest to others as a historical work, vet it is! compiled for the benefit of the members of Ottawa Commandery in particular, and it is hoped that each member will grace his library with at least one copy, and make himself familiar with its contents, which, if the metal is in him, will make of him a better knight and a better man. It is hoped, by your historian, that this vol- ume will also assist in maintaining the cultivation of that ancient sentiment of refined courtesy, generous friendship, and alleviating charity, one toward the other among our fraters, which is one of the distinguishing characteristics of our order; and that it will he instrumental in inspiring every heart, equipped from the "armory" of templar precepts, with noble and honorable emotions, bound by knightly vows, to wield a moral and social power in he- half of innocent maidens, destitute widows, helpless or- phans and the Christian religion. That the almighty force and importance of Truth will HISTORY OF OTTAWA COM M ANDERY. 13 radiate your pathway with the brilliancy of a pure morality and an exalted citizenship, which so much distinguished the founders of our order, is the wish of Fraternally thine. Historian Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. K. T. !_|. Til E KNIGHTS TE M I'l.AK, THE PRAYER OF NATURE. Father of Light! Great God of Heaven! Hear'st thou the accents of despair? Can guilt like man's be e'er forgiven? Can vice atone for crimes by prayer? Father of Life, on thee 1 call! Thou seest my soul is dark within; Thou who can mark the sparrow's fall, Avert from me the death of sin. No shrine I seek, to sects unknown; Oh, point to me the path of truth! Thy dread omnipotence I own; Spare, yet amend, the faults of youth. Let bigots rear a gloomy fane, Let superstition hail the pile, Let priests, to spread their sable reign, With tales of mystic rites beguile. Shall man confine his Maker's sway To gothic domes of mouldering stone? Thy temple is the face of day; Earth, ocean, heaven, thy boundless throne. Shall man condemn his race to hell, Unless they bend in pompous form? Tell us that all, for one who fell, Musi perish in the mingling storm? Shall each pretend to reach the skies, Yet doom his brother to expire, Whose soul a different hope supplies, Or doctrines less severe inspire? Shall these, by creeds they can't expound, Prepare a fancied bliss or woe? Shall reptiles, groveling on the ground, Their great Creator's purpose know? Shall those who live for self alone, Whose years float on in daily crime — Shall they by faith for guilt atone, And live beyond the bounds of Time? HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDER Y. I 5 Father! no prophet's laws I seek — Thy laws in nature's works appear; I own myself corrupt and weak, Yet will I pray, for thou wilt hear! Thou, who canst guide the wandering star Through trackless realms of ether's space; Who calms the elemental war, Whose hand from pole to pole I trace; Thou, who in wisdom placed me here, Who, when thou wilt, canst take me hence, Ah! whilst I tread this earthly sphere, Extend to me Thy wide defence. To Thee, my God, to Thee I call! Whatever weal or woe betide, By Thy command I rise or fall, In Thy protection I confide. If, when this dust to dust's restored, My soul shall float on airy wings, How shall Thy glorious name adored Inspire her feeble voice to sing! But, if this fleeting spirit share With clay the grave's eternal bed, While life yet throbs I raise my prayer, Though doom'd no more to quit the dead. To Thee I breathe my humble strain, Grateful for all Thy mercies past, And hope, my God, to Thee again This erring life may fly at last. — Byron. ]6 nil KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, OLD GLORY. Your flag and my flag, and how it flies to-day, In your land and my land, and half the world away. Rose-red and blood-red, its stripes forever gleam, Snow-white and soul-white, the good forefather's dream. Sky-blue and true-blue, with stars that gleam aright, The glorified guidon of the day, a shelter thro the night. Your flag and my flag, and O, how much it holds, Your land and my land secure within its folds. Your heart and my heart beat quicker at the sight, Sun-kissed and wind-tossed, the red, the blue, the white. The one flag, the great flag, the flag for me and you. Glorified the whole world wide, the red, the white, the blue. Your flag and my flag, to every star and stripe, Drums beat as hearts beat, and fifers shrilly pipe. Your flag and my flag, its brightness fills the sky, Your hope and my hope, it never held a lie, Home land and far land, and all the world around, Old Glory hears the great salute, and ripples at the sound. OLD (iLOKY. During the winter of 1891-2 a Eociety, called the "Anarchists," menaced ihe peace of the city of Chicago with their defy to con- si it uted authority, and in large numbers paraded the streets of the city, carrying only a "red fla-" as their symbol of defy to organized government. Sir W. L. Milligan, then commander of Ottawa Com mandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, conceived the idea of setting an example of patriotism for such organizations, by displaying the Stars and Stripes, the symbol of cur republic, by the side of the beauseant (the battle flag of the Ancient Templars) in our asylums and when appearing in public. Accordingly, the latter part of January, 1892, he purchased for Ottawa Commandery a beautiful silk regulation American flag with the intention of presenting same to the commandery on Washington's birthday. It was, however, sug- gested that the formal presentation be delayed until the day of departure of the commandery to the Triennial Conclave of Knights Templar, to be held in Denver, Colorado, during August following, when with the presentation of the flag Ottawa Commandery would pull off a "red-letter" day in Ottawa. Accordingly, on the sixth of August, 1892, the day of the commandery's departure for Denver, Sir Milligan formally presented the flag, for a full record of which, find copied from the records of Ottawa Commandery for year 1S92, in this volume, page 217. In 1896, four years later, at the Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery, held in the city of Chicago, General John C. Smith, P. G. C, presented the following resolution, which was adopted without reference: "To the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, State of Illinois: "Whereas, From the earliest organization of our Illustrious Or- der of the Temple, the Christian's Cross, the symbol of our faith, has been a distinguishing mark upon our banners and worn by the Templar as an evidence of the faith that is in him, and as the beauseant has been the battle flag beside which was ever the flag of the country from which the Templar came; therefore, be it "Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to purchase for this Grand Commandery a silk regulation flag of the United States that, with the beauseant and banner of our faith, may be carried the flag of our language, the flag of our common country, the flag of the United States of America." Following which Sir Hamer H. Green, P. G. C, then Grand Warder, moved the adoption of the following resolution, which he submitted, and which was carried: "Whereas, It would be becoming for the subordinate comman- deries of this grand jurisdiction to follow the patriotic example of this Grand Commandery just taken; therefore, "Resolved, That we recommend that each Commandery of this grand jurisdiction be requested to procure a regulation United States flag, to represent their fidelity to the greatest government of history." HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 7 OURl FLAGS. The first flag to float over American soil was the Red Cross of St. George, the banner of Richard Cioeur de Lion in 1 192, planted at Labrador, by Sebastian Cabot, in 1497, as the Royal Ensign of Henry the Seventh of England. (Columbus, in 1492, planted the Spanish colors on the island of San Salvador, one of the Bahama group.) In 1 192, Richard Coeur de Lion sought the aid of St. George, B'ishop of Cappadocia. He gave the King the Red Cross of St. George as a banner. Edward III., in 1345, made St. George the patron saint of England. For 250 years, or until 1606, the Red' Cross of St. George was England's banner, and floated over Virginia. The second flag to float over permanent settlements in America, "The King's Colors," a union between the Red Cross of St. George of England and the White Cross of Scotland under James I., in 1606 — the flag of the May- flower, in 1620. In 1606 Scotland was added to England, and King James I., in honor of the union, placed the White Cross of St. Andrew on the national flag, changing the field from white to blue. Massachusetts' records speak of it in 1634. In Novem- ber of that year Endicott, of Salem, defaced it. Not with ill intent to England; but the Red Cross was a relic of Antichrist. In 1651, the Court of iMassachusetts ordered that the Cross of St. George and St. Andrew be used in the colony. In 1801, Ireland became a part of the United Kingdom. To commemorate that event, the Cross of St. Patrick, a red diagonal, was, by order of George III., fimbriated on the Red Cross of St. Andrew, thus creating the Union Jack. [8 III E KNIGH IS TEW PL \K, Aboul 1707 the Third Flag, the flag of Cromwell and Charles II.. was not accepted by the United Colonies in the New World, and was the cause of much discussion. Under Cromwell and Charles 11. various minor changes were made. The color of the field was changed to crim- son, and the two crosses were placed on the upper corner. This was called the Cromwell flag, and in such form was never accepted by the colonies. They continued to use the King's Colors until 1707. when the crimson, bine or white held was adopted, with a pine tree or globe in the upper corner, and used until 1770. The Fourth Flag: Massachusetts had used the pine tree as her symbol for some time. It is on the silver coins of that colon}". Trumbull, in his celebrated picture of the battle of Bunker Hill, in the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington, represents the red flag, white corner, green pine tree. The troops of Massachusetts adopted the words. "An Appeal to Heaven." The Fifth Flag used by the colonies was carried by the men of the southern colonies of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, known as the snake flag. The flag was pure white, upon its area was coiled a rattlesnake, with the motto, "Beware! Don't tread, on me!" which meant no surrender. The rattlesnake will fight to the last ; when escape becomes impossible, will strike his fangs into his own body and die rather than surrender. This flag was used during the years [776 and 1777. The Sixth Flag, the plain white flag, with a pine tree in the center of the area, was decided on as the marine flag for our vessels, and used during the year 1775. This (lag was known as the court flag of Massachusetts. The Seventh Flag, or the flag of American independ- ence, was the first striped flag ever made, and was first HISTORY OF OTTAWA I'OMMANDERY. IO, Hung to the breeze at Cambridge, Massachusetts, Wash- ington's headquarters, January 1, 1776. It had thirteen stripes, alternate red and write, and the united crosses of St. George and St. Andrew on a blue held. When reported in England it was alluded to as the "Thirteen Rebellious Stripes." Lieut. John Paul Jones hoisted this flag on his vessel, the Alfred, and said, "The hag of America floats for the first time over an American man-of-war." The Eighth Flag, or Old Glory, was adopted by the American Congress, in session at Philadelphia, on the four- teenth of June, 1777, when Congress: "Resolved, That the Flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; the union to be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a new constellation; the stars to be arranged in a circle." The committee, consisting of General Washington, Robert Morris, and Colonel Ross, called on Betsv Ross, who kept an upholsterer's shop in Arch street, Philadel- phia, and asked her to make a flag after the design they showed her. She changed the stars Washington had drawn with six points, the English rule, to five points, the French rule. Our flags have always had the five-pointed stars; our coins, the six-pointed. The flag was first used at Fort Stanwix (now Reno). New 7 York, in 1777, when attacked by the English. The Ninth Flag, or fifteen stripe flag. Vermont came into the Union in 1701; Kentucky, in 1792. The Senate passed a bill, in 1704. increasing the num- ber of stripes to fifteen. When the bill came up in the House of Representatives there was considerable debate. The bill finally passed in July, 1795. 20 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, We used the fifteen-stripe flag for twenty-three years. The new star takes its place on the flag on the Fourth of July following the passage of any hill admitting a state. As the tie that hinds the United States was held by the government at Washington to be one that could not be severed, no star was taken from the flag during the con- flict of 1 861-1865. The tenth flag, Old Glory: A committee was ap- pointed in 181 6 to inquire into the expediency of again altering the flag. AJt first they reported in favor of twenty stars and stripes, the number of states then in the Union. The matter was referred to Captain Reid. He advised re- ducing the stripes to the original number, thirteen, and increasing the number of stars, one for each state, the motto to be "E Pluribus Unum." The committee reported as recommended by Captain Reid. It was laid over by Con- gress, but was passed April 4, 1818, to take effect July 4th of that year. It was at this time that Old Glory was first applied to our Flag. Stephen Driver had been a sea captain, sailing from Salem, Massachusetts, before the civil war. Once in a foreign port, for some service rendered, a beautiful American flag was presented to him. Giving up the sea, he made his home in Nashville, Tennessee. When the war began, to secrete the flag, he sewed it in a quilt, and every night slept beneath it. He named it "Old Glory!" Old Glory to-day: Forty-eight stars. The plan of arranging the stars in rows was adopted in 1818, and has been continued since. The Aleutian Islands, a part of Alaska, extend so far westward that when it is sunset on the most westerly part it is sunrise in Eastport, Maine. So that since 1867, thirty-five years before the Philip- pine Islands were taken under our care. The SUN NEVER SETS ON THE AMERICAN FLAG! HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 21 ROCK ME TO' SLEEP, MOTHER. Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight, Make me a child again, just for to-night ! Mother, come back from the echoless shore, Take me again to your heart as of yore; Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care, Smooth the few silver threads out of my hair; Over my slumbers your loving watch keep — Rock me to sleep, mother — rock me to sleep! Backward, flow backward, O tide of the years! I am so weary of toil, and of tears — Toil without recompense — tears all in vain — Take them, and give me childhood again! I have grown weary of dust and decay — Weary of flinging my soul-wealth away; Weary of sowing for others to reap— Rock me to sleep, mother — rock me to sleep! Tired of the hollow, the base, the untrue, Mother, O mother, my heart calls for you. Many a summer the grass has grown green, Blossomed and faded, our faces between; Yet with strong yearning, and passionate pain, Long I to-night for your presence again. Come from the silence so long and so deep — Rock me to sleep, mother — rock me to sleep! Over my heart, in the days that are flown, No love like a mother's love ever has shown, No other worship abides and endures — Faithful, unselfish, and patient like yours; None like a mother can charm away pain From the sick soul and the world-weary brain. Slumber's soft calm o'er my heavy lids creep — Rock me to sleep, mother — rock me to sleep! Come, let your brown hair just lighted with gold, Fall on your shoulders again as of old; Let it drop over my forehead to-night, Shading my faint eyes away from the light ; For with its sunny-edged shadows once more Happy will throng the sweet visions of yore — Lovingly, softly, its bright billows sweet — Rock me to sleep, mother — rock me to sleep! THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Mother, dear mot her. the years have been long Since I last listened to your lullaby song; Sing, then, and unto my heart it shall seem Womanhood's years have been only a dream- Clasped to your heart in a loving embrace, With your light lashes just sweeping my face, Never hereafter to wake 01 to weep — ■ Rock me to sleep, mother — rock me to sleep! — Florence Percy. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 23 A MOTHER'S DAY PRAYER. Congressman Humphry, of Washington, contributed a remarkable article to the Congressional Record not long ago. He asked unanimous consent to have published "a piece" written by Tom Dillon, of Seattle. Consent was given and the following prayer to "My Mother" appeared : For the body you gave me, the bone and the sinew, the heart and the brain that are yours, my mother, I thank yon. 1 thank yon for the light in my eyes, the blood in my veins, for my speech, for my life, for my being. All that I am is from you who bore me. For all the love that you gave me, unmeasured from the beginning, my mother, I thank yon. 1 thank you for the hand that led me, the voice that directed me, the lap that rested me. All that I am is by you, who nursed me. For your smile in the morning and your kiss at night, my mother, I thank you. I thank yon for the tears you shed over me, the songs that you sang for me, the prayers you said for me, for your vigils and ministerings. For the faith you had in me, the hope you had for me, for your trust and your pride, my mother, I thank you. 1 thank yon for your praise and your chiding, for the jus- tice you bred into me and the honor you made mine. All that 1 am you taught me. For the sore travail that I caused you, for the visions and despairs, my mother, forgive me. Forgive me the peril 1 brought yon to, the subs and moans T wrung from von, and the strength 1 took from you, mother, forgive me. For the fears I gave! you, and for the alarms and dreads, my mother, forgive me. Forgive me the joys I de- prived you, the toils I made for you, the hours, the days, and the years 1 claimed from you, mother, forgive me. 24 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, For the times that I hurt you, the times I had no smile for vou, my mother, forgive me. Forgive me for my angers and revolts, for my deceits and evasions, for all the pangs and sorrows 1 brought to you, mother, forgive me. For your lessons 1 did not learn, for wishes 1 did not heed, for the counsels I did not obey, my mother, forgive me. Forgive me my pride in my youth and my glory in my strength that forgot the holiness; of your years and the veneration of vour weakness, for all the great depths of vour love that I have not paid, mother, forgive me. And may the peace and the joy that passeth all under- standing he yours, my mother, forever and ever. Amen. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 25 CHIVALRY. In expressing - his deep regret in the existence of a con- dition of society in which so foul a crime could be tolerated as the execution of the lovely and unfortunate Queen of France, Edmund Burke remarked : "It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the Queen of France, then the dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more de- lightful vision. I saw her just above the horizon, decorating and cheering the elevated sphere she just began to move in, glittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendor and joy. "Oh! what a revolution, and what a heart must I have, to contemplate, without emotion, that elevation and that fall! Lit- tle did I dream, when she added titles of veneration to those of enthusiastic, distant, respectful love, that she would ever be obliged to carry the sharp antidote against disgrace concealed in that bosom; little did I dream that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor and of cavaliers. I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever. Never, never more shall we behold that generous loyalty to rank and sex, that proud sub- mission, that dignified obedience, that subordination of heart, which kept alive, even in servitude itself, the spirit of exalted freedom. "The unbought grace of life, the cheap defense of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment, and heroic enterprise is gone. It is gone, that sensibility of principle, that chastity of honor, which felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage, while it miti- gated ferocity, which ennobled everything it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its evil by losing all its grossness. "This mixed system of opinion and sentiment had its origin in the ancient chivalry; and the principle, though varied in its appearance by the varying state of human affairs, subsisted and influenced through a long succession of generations, even to the time we live in. "If it should ever be totally extinguished the loss, I fear, will be great. It is this which has given its character to modern Europe. It is this which has distinguished it under all its forms of government, and distinguished it in its advantage from the states of Asia, and possibly, from those states which flourished in the most brilliant periods of the antique world. _'() 111 E KNIGHTS TKM IM.AK. "It was this which, without confounding ranks, had produced a noble equality, and banded il down through all the gradations of social life. It was this opinion which mitigated kings into com- panions, and raised private men into fellows with kings. "Without force or opposition, it subdued the force of pride and power; it obliged sovereigns to submit to the soft collar of social esteem; compelled stern authority to submit to elegance; and gave a domination vanquishers of laws, to be subdued by manners." What a beautiful and eloquent tribute to chivalry; but let us further quote from, and inspire your reverence for chivalry, the glowing words of Montague: "The age of chivalry indeed is gone. We have piled away its helmets and its spears; but its blazonry is invested with a more poetic charm. Still we love the past. We love the heroic in man's history, we hate to divest it even of its fictions. "The independence of chivalry, bent on the accomplishment of lofty ends, without calculation of chances, or fear of failure, so generous in action, so munificent in courtesy, so frank in friendship, and so gallant in danger, must ever have rare attrac- tions to the enthusiastic and the aspiring. "There is something peculiarly delightful and exciting in those stories which represent the hero of the middle ages, loyal and brave, superbly mounted, cased in glittering steel, surrounded by his men-at-arms, and issuing forth from his lordly castle, in quest of adventure or an errand of love. "Who does not love to read of the fair and haughty dames, encouraging their champions at the tilt, and rewarding their valor with sacred banners, worked with their own hands? "Who does not dwell with delight on the gorgeous description of the tournament, where the place enclosed with sovereigns and bishops and barons, and all that rank and beauty had ennobled among the fair, when the combatants, covered with shining armor, and only known by a device or emblazoned shield, issued forth, not without danger, to win the prize of valor, bestowed by the queen of beauty, amid the animated music of the minstrels and the shouts of the assembled multitudes?" HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 2J THE CROSS. The history of the conversion of Clonstantine, com- posed by Caecilius, declares that in the night which pre- ceded the final struggle with Makentius, Constantine was admonished in a dream to inscribe the shields of his soldiers with "the celestial sign of God, the sacred monogram of the name of Christ ; that he executed the commands of heaven, and that his valor and obedience were rewarded by the decisive victory that followed." The Christian writer, Eusebius, gives, however, a dif- ferent account from that of Caecilius. He states that Con- stantine saw with his own eyes the luminous trophy of the divine monogram placed above the meridian sun and in- scribed with the following words: "En touto Nika" ("By this Conquer"). The appearance in the sky astonished the whole army as well as its commander, who was yet undetermined as to the choice of religion. But his astonishment was converted into faith during the following night, for the Crucified One appeared before his eyes, and, displaying the same celestial sign, directed Constantine to make a similar standard, and to march under it, with an assurance of victory against all his enemies. The sacred banner or standard, which unques- tionably took its origin at that period, was called the La- barutu. It was a long pike, intersected by a transverse beam. A silken veil of a purple color, hanging down from the beam, was adorned with precious stones, and curiously inwrought with the images of the reigning monarch and his children. The summit of the pike supported a crown of gold which enclosed the mysterious monogram, combining the two initial letters ("X" and "P") of the Greek name of Christ. 28 Til E K\ It, 1 1 IS TI'.M PLAR, The safety of the Labarum was intrusted to a color- guard ol fifty men of approved valor and fidelity, whose station was marked with honors and emoluments, and such superstitious reverence surrounded it that the sight of the Labarum in battle scattered terror and dismay through the opposing forces. The name Labarum is derived from lavar, "a com- mand," in allusion to the command, "Conquer, through the power i^\ this Sign !" The cross adopted by Baldwyn as the arms of the king- dom of Jerusalem, and since deemed a symbol of the Holy Land, is also the jewel of the Knights of the Holy Sepul- cher, an order that is said to he conferred' in the Holy Land, or in Jerusalem, on Roman Catholics of noble birth, by the Reverendissimo or Superior of the Franciscans. It was formerly given as a Masonic degree in what were called Councils of the Trinity, the next after the Christian Mark: hut it is no longer conferred in this coun- try, and may now he considered as obsolete as far as be- ing- conferred as a Masonic degree. The name of the cross or jewel of this degree or order, as adopted by Baldwyn. is the Cross of Jerusalem. The Maltese Cross is a cross of eight points and worn by Knights Templar as the jewel of the Knights of Malta. 'Idie eight points are said to refer to the eight beatitudes. The Cross of Salem is an upright piece crossed by three lines, the upper and lower being shorter than the middle one. It is the insignia of the Grand Masters of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, and also of the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. It is also called the Pontifical Cross, because it is borne before the Rope. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 29 The Passion Cross is the most common form of the Cross. With rays issuing from the point of intersection of the limbs, it is the insignia, or jewel, of a Commander or Past Commander of a Commandery of Knights Tem- plar in the United States. The Cross of St. Andrew is in the form of the letter "X," and said to he the form of the cross on which St. Andrew suffered martyrdom. As he is the patron saint of Scotland, this cross forms a part of the jewel of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, which is a brilliant star, having in the center a held, azure, charged with a St. Andrew on the cross of gold; pendent therefrom the compasses extended, with the square and segment of a circle of 90 degrees ; the points of the compasses resting on the segment. In the center, between the square and compasses, the sun in full glory. This cross is also the jewel of the twenty-ninth degree of the Ancient and Ac- cepted Scottish Rite, or Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew. The Templar Cross is of the same form as the Maltese Cross with this difference: the limbs or projections are not notched like in the form of the Maltese or cross patte. Prior to 1146 the Templars wore a white mantle without any cross, but in that year Pope Eugenius III. prescribed for them a red cross on the breast, as a symbol of the martyrdom to which the}' were constantly exposed. The Teutonic Cross has been adopted as the jewel of the Knight Kadosh of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Kite in the United Stales in place of the original jewel of the degree, which was a Latin or Passion Cross. It is a cross potent, sable (black), charged with another cross double potent or (gold), and surcharged with an escutcheon ar- gent (silver), bearing a double-headed eagle (sable). This form of cross is worn by the Teutonic Knights. 30 Til E KNIGH IS I i:.M IM.AK. THE CROSS AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PUNISHMENT. From the earliest period of history until the time of Oonstantine the Great, the nations of antiquity used the cross as an instrument of capital punishment, and as such it was naturally looked upon with the profoundest horror, be- cause ot its close connection with the ideas of pain, <>\ guilt, of ignominy, and of death. It was the usual mode of punishment among the Syrians, Jews. Egyptians, Per- sians, and especially the Carthagenians, and it was not unknown to the Greeks, as the crucifixion of 2,000 Tyrians hv Alexander, the Macedonian, when he carried by storm the city of Tyre (33-' B. C. >, abundantly testifies. In the domestic war of the Jews (86 B. C.) 800 men were crucified in one daw by order of Alexander Jannaeus. in the city of Jerusalem. But in no part of the ancient world was this punishment so resorted to as in the Roman Empire, where under the earl_\- monarchial government it extended indiscriminately to every rank; hut later it came to he regarded as the mosl infamous of deaths, and, save in cases of sedition, was indicted only on slaves and malefactors of the lowest class. Josephus gives in his account of the siege of and final de- struction of Jerusalem horrifying details of the crucifixion of numbers of wretched beings who escaped from the misery of famine within the city to fall into this torture outside of it. Malefactors were sometimes fastened to a simple upright stake, and so left to die, or they were im- paled upon it, and to this upright stake the Latin name crux was originally and more strictly applicable; hut very generally a cross-piece was added to the stake, to which the arms of the criminal were tied, or his hands and feet were nailed. When the cross-piece was fastened at right angles below the summit of the upright stake the cross was called crux immissa ; when the cross-piece was fastened at HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 31 right angles across the top of the upright stake it was crux commissa, and when it was formed of two beams crossing one another obliquely it was crux decussata. This peculiar and barbarous mode of punishment was continued until the time of Constantine the Great (A. D. 313), who. out of respect for the followers of Christ, whose cause he had espoused, after obtaining the victory over Maxentius through the influence, as he believed, of the sign of the cross, abolished its use throughout the Roman world. The cross as an emblem of Christianity and the jewel of our order is a sublime and affecting evidence of the transformation from an instrument of punishment to the transforming spirit of Christianity thai this token has been changed into an image of light and glory, honor and im- mortality. How justly it is called a marvelous light. It gives eyes to the blind to look in upon himself. Its energy is beyond the force of thunder, yet it is more mild than the dew on the tender grass. IN HOC SIGNO VINCES. ( )n the grand standard of a Commandery of Knights Templar the words "In Hoc Signo Vinces" are inscribed over a "blood-red Passion Cross," and they constitute in part the motto of the American branch of the order. Their meaning is a substantial, but not literal, translation of the original Greek "Eh touto Nika." The vision of Con- stantine was not a Passion Cn>ss. such as now used on the modern Templar standard, but the monogram of Christ as described on a preceding page. It appears that if the Knights Templar desire to retain the motto on their ban- ner they should, for the sake of historical accuracy, dis- card the Passion Cross and replace it with the Chrono- gram or Cross of the Labarum, as described in the vision of Constantine. 32 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, THE BEAUSEANT. A. I), i [48 the Templars, at the siege of Damascus, un- furled a white banner charged with the Red Cross. This was afterwards replaced by the celebrated "Beauseant," their war banner, one-half black, the other white, signify- ing their determination t<> conquer or to die — quarter never having been asked or given. This word was also 1 used as the war-cry of the order, and was never heard but to insure terror to their foes. It bore the pious inscription, "Non nobis. Domine non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam." This is, "Not unto us, O Lord; not unto us, but unto Thy name give Glory," It was the ancient Templars' shout of victory. The beauseant is the banner of the Masonic order of Knights Templar, and until A. D. 1892 was the only banner or flag borne by a Commandery in the United States, at which time your historian presented Ottawa Commandery a silk American tlag, and which has since been recognized and adopted as one of the banners or flags to be carried and displayed by all Commanderies under the jurisdiction of the several grand and subordinate Com- manderies under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 33 THY WILL BE DONE. Not in dumb resignation We lift our hands on high; Not like the nerveless fatalist, Content to trust and die. Our faith springs like the eagle That soars to meet the sun, And cries exulting unto thee: "O Lord! Thy will be done!" When tyrant feet are tramping Upon the common weal, Thou dost not bid us cringe and writhe Beneath the iron heel; In Thy name we assert our rights With sword and tongue and pen, And e'en the headman's ax may flash Thy message unto men. Thy will! it bids the weak be strong. It bids the strong be just; No lip to fawn, no hand to beg, No brow to seek the dust. Wherever man oppresses man Beneath Thy liberal sun, O God! be there, Thine arm made bare, That righteous will be done. — John Hay. 34 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, THE CRUS \DF.S. The spirit of pilgrimages to the East, although not ab- solutely due to Helena, mother of Constantine, was made popular and intensified by the imperial state in which the queen-mother visited the lands of the Bible, A. D. 326-7, and the splendid structures everywhere reared, at incalcu- lable cost, under her direction, upon every spot marked in the narrative of Jesus. She first made it fashionable to go to the Holy Land. as she first enabled the tourist to identify the sacred Ideali- ties, for her visits established with accuracy very many famous places, and set the Christian world on foot to iden- tify others. Jerusalem, whether in a state of glory or of abasement, has ever since been held dear and sacred by the Christian. As soon as the people of the West became converted to Christianity they turned their eyes to the East. From the depths of France, from the forests of Germany, from all the countries of Europe, new Christians were to be seen hastening' to visit the cradle of the faith the}- had embraced. In the early ages of the church a religious curiosity prompted people to visit those places which the Scriptures have sanctified; and as perceptible objects awaken asso- ciated thoughts and feelings, the travelers found their sympathies stronger, and their devotions more fervent in behi ilding the scenes of the ministry of the Divine Master than simply reading the narrative of His life. Tt is so to this day. Many thousands of pilgrims and tourists gather from all parts of the world to visit the Hoi}- Land and kneel at the sacred places, to be immersed in the swift waters of the Jordan, to feast their eyes upon scenes once hallowed by the presence of the Son of Man, and to return home, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 35 this one romance of their hard and proverty-stricken lives gratified. When the world was ravaged by the Goths, the Huns, and the Vandals, pilgrimages to the Holy Land were not at all interrupted. Pious travelers were protected by the hospitable vir- tues of the barbarians, who began to respect the Cross of Christ, and sometimes even followed the pilgrims to Jeru- salem. In those times of trouble and desolation, a poor pil- grim who bore his scrip and staff often passed through fields of carnage and traveled without fear and unmolested amidst armies which threatened the empires of the East and the West. Sometimes pilgrimages were attended with real danger and considerable cost. A service of risk and insult rather than certain death ; disguise often necessary, and contumely and privations always sure. Christians then found, on the banks of the Jordan, that peace which seemed banished from the rest of the world. This peace, which lasted several centuries, was not troubled until the reign of Heraclius, A. D. 610-641. Under his reign the armies of Chosroes, King of Persia, invaded Syria, Palestine and Egypt. The Holy City fell into the hands of the worshipers of fire. The conquerors bore away into captivity vast numbers of Christians and profaned the churches of Jesus Christ. All the faithful deplored the misfortunes of Jerusalem, and shed tears when they learned that the King of Persia had carried off, among the spoils of the vanquished, the Cross of the Savior, which had been preserved in the Church of the Resurrection. Heaven, at length, touched by the prayers and afflic- tions of the Christians, blessed the arms of Heraclius. who, after ten years of reverses, triumphed over the enemies of Christianity and the empire, and brought back to Jerusalem 3< > I M I KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, the Christians whose chains he had broken. Then was to be seen an emperor oi the Easl walking barefooted in the streets of the Holy City, carrying on his shoulders to Calvary the wood "l the true cross, which he considered the most glorious tropin of his victories. When Heraclius re-entered Constantinople he was received as "the Libera- tor of the Christians." and the kings of the West sent ambassadors to congratulate him. Among the faithful of the West who arrived in Asia in the midst of the early conquests of the Mussulmans, his- tory has preserved the names of St. Arculphus and St. Ajntonius, of Plaisance. The latter had borne arms with distinction when he determined to follow the pilgrims who were setting out for Jerusalem. He traversed Syria, Pales- tine and Egypt. On his arrival on the hanks of the Jordan Judea had not yet fallen into the hands of the infidels; but the fame of their victories already tilled the East, and their armies were threatening" the Holy City. Several years after the pilgrimage of St. Antonius, Arculphus, accompanied by Peter, a French hermit, set out from the coast of England bound for Syria. He remained nine months at Jerusalem, then under the dominion oi the enemies of Christ. On his return to Europe he related what he had seen in Palestine and in all the sacred spots visited by the Pilgrims of the West. The accounts of his pilgrimage were drawn up by a Holy Monk of the Hebrides for the information and edification of the faithful. The Pope, Victor 111., A. 1). [o88, died without realiz- ing his promise of attacking the infidels in Asia. The glory of delivering Jerusalem belonged to a simple pilgrim, possessed of no other power than the influence of his char- acter and his genius. It was Peter the Hermit who gave the signal to the HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 2)7 Crusaders; and who without fortune and without name, by the ascendancy of his tears and prayers alone, succeed.- ed in moving the West to precipitate itself in a mass upon Asia. One day, while Peter was prostrate before the Holy Sepulcher at Jerusalem, he believed that he heard the voice of Christ saying to him — "Peter, arise! hasten to proclaim the tribulations of my people; it is time my servants should receive help and that the holy places should be delivered." Full of the spirit of these words, which sounded unceas- ingly in his ears, and charged with letters from the patri- arch Simeon, whom he had met in Jerusalem, and wept with over the ills of the Christians, he quitted Palestine, crossed the sea, landed on the coast of Italy, and hastened to cast himself at the feet of the Pope. The chair of St. Peter was then occupied, A. D. 1088, by Urban II., who had been the disciple and confidant of both Gregory and Victor. Urban embraced with ardor a project which had been entertained by his predecessors; he received Peter as a Prophet, applauded his design, and bade him go forth and announce the approaching deliver- ance of Jerusalem. The people followed the footsteps of Peter in crowds. The preacher of the Holy War was re- ceived everywhere as a messenger from God. They who could touch his vestments esteemed themselves happy, and a portion of hair pulled from the mule he rode upon was preserved as a holy relic. At the sound of his voice dif- ferences in families were reconciled, the poor were com- forted, the debauched blushed at their errors. A council of the most renowned holy men and learned doctors assembled at Clermont, in Auvergne. in Novem- ber, A. D. 1095. The city was scarcely able to contain within its walls all the princes, ambassadors, and prelates who had repaired to the council, so that towards the mid- dle of the month of November the cities and villages oi $8 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, .1 the neighborhood were so filled with people that they were compelled to erect tents and pavilions in the fields and meadows, although the season and the country were ex- tremely cold. The council held its tenth sitting in the great square or place of Clermont, which was soon tilled with an immense crowd. Followed by his cardinals, the Pope ascended a species of throne which had been prepared for him. At his side was Peter the Hermit, clad in that whimsical and uncouth garb which had everywhere drawn upon him attention and the respect of the multitude. Peter addressed the multitude, and while describing the misfortunes and degradation of the Christians, the countenance of Peter was cast down, and exhibited feel- ings of consternation and horror; his voice was choked with sobs, and lively emotion penetrated every heart. The Pope then addressed the people, and in his peroration at the close addressed himself to all the nations represented at the council, and particularly to the French, who formed the majority: "Nation beloved by God." said he. "it is in your courage that the Christian church has placed its hope. It is because I am well acquainted with your piety and your bravery that I have crossed the Alps and am come to preach the word of God in these countries. You have not forgotten that the land which you inhabit has been invaded by the Saracens, and but for the exploits of Charles Martel (A. D. J3-?) and Charlemagne (A. D. 768-800) France would have received the laws of Mohammed. Recall with- out ceasing to your minds the dangers and glories to your fathers. Led by heroes, whose names shall never die. they delivered your country, they saved the West from shameful slavery. More noble triumphs await you, under the guidance of the God of armies. You will delivei Europe and Asia : and you will save the city of Jesus Christ HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 39 — that Jerusalem which was chosen by the Lord, and from whence the law is to come to us." When Urban had ceased to speak loud acclamations hurst forth from the multitude. To every class of the com- munity the Crusades became the great business of life — the only real business — all things else were playthings for children. Immense armies were soon raised throughout Europe. It was a motly, heterogeneous and most unmilitary crowd, from which the dross had to be skimmed off. The zealous Peter the Hermit, as fit for the mad hospital as any of them, figured at the head of that oddest of columns, in his woolen gown and with cowl and sandals, riding - jovially that same she-mule which had carried him over all Europe, England included. The preachings of Peter the Hermit and the exhorta- tions of Pope Urban forthwith aroused Christendom. Europe was armed and precipitated upon Asia. The Turk- ish power was broken. The Christian provinces of the Greek empire of Constantinople were recovered from the grasp of the infidels ; and the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem was reared upon the ruins of the Turkish empire of Sul- tan Soliman. The monastic and military Order of the Temple was then called into existence for the purpose of checking the power of the infidels, and fighting the battles of Christendom on the plains of Asia. Suggested by fanat- icism, as Gibbon observes, but guided by an intelligent and far-reaching policy, this order became the firmest bul- wark of Christianity in the East, and mainly contributed to preserve Europe from Turkish desolation, and proba- bly from Turkish conquest. At this distant day. when the times and scenes in which the Templars acted are changed, and the deep religious fervor and warm fresh feelings of bygone ages have given _p III E KNIGHTS TKM I'l.Ak, way to cold and calculating philosophy, we may doubt the sincerity of the military friars, exclaim against their credu- lity, and deride their zeal. But when we call to mind the hardships and fatigues, the dangers, sufferings and death, to which they voluntarily devoted themselves in a far dis- tant land, the sacrifice of personal comforts, of the ties of kindred, and of all the endearments of domestic life, which they made without any prospect of worldly gain or tem- poral advantage, for objects which they believed to lie just, and noble, and righteous, we must ever rank the generous impulses by which they were actuated among' the sublime emotions which can influence the human character in those periods when men feel rather than calculate, before knowl- edge has chilled the sensibilities, or selfish indifference harden the heart. How can any one he indifferent to their nobleness, whose soul has been touched by this recorded lament over a deceased knight: "Thou wert never matched of none earthly knight's hand. And thou wert the courte- ousest knight that ever bare a shield. And thou wert the truest friend to thy lover that ever bestrode a horse. And thou wert the truest lover of a sinful man that ever loved a woman. And thou wert the kindest man that ever struck with sword. And thou wert the goodliest person that ever came among press of knights. And thou wert the meek- est man and the gentlest that ever ate in hall with ladies. And thou wert the sternest knight to try mortal foe that e\ er put spur in the rest." List of Popes from A. 1). [088 to A. D. 131'': Urban II., 1088; promoted first crusade, 1096 to 1099. Pascal II.. 1099. Gelasius II., 1118. Calixtus II., 11 19. Honorius II., 1124. Innocent II., 1130. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 41 Celestine II., 1 143. Lucius II., 1 144. Eugenius III., 1145; promoted second crusade, 1146. Anastasius IV ., 1 1 53. Adrian IV., 1 154. Alexander III., 1 159. Lucius III., 1 181. Urban III., 1 185. Gregory VIII., 1187. Clement III., 11X7; promoted third crusade, 1 iSS. Celestine III., 1 191 ; promoted fourth crusade, [195-7. Innocent III., 1198; promoted fifth crusade, 1 198. Honorius III., 1216. Gregory IX., 1227; promoted sixth crusade, 1228. Celestine IV., 1241. Innocent IV., 1243; promoted seventh crusade. Alexander IV., 1254. Urban IV., 1261. Clement IV., 1265; promoted eighth and last crusade. Gregory X., 1271. Innocent V., Adrian V., Vicedominus, John XX.. 1276. Nicholas III.. 1277. Martin IV., 1281. Honorius IV., 1285. Nicholas IV., 1288. Celestine V., Boniface VI II., 1294. Benedict XL, 1303. Clement V., 1305. John XXII. , 1316. 42 I'll K KNIGHTS TKM 1M.AU, THE VINE OF KINDNESS. Over a winding, wayside wall, Ragged and rough and gray, There crept a tender, clinging vine, Tireless day by day. At last its mantle of softest tint Covered each jagged seam; The struggling wall, half broken down, Became, with that leafy, tinted crown, Fair as an artist's dream. Oh, for the kindness that clings and twines Over life's broken wall. That blossoms above the scars of pain, Striving to hold them all! Oh, for the helpful, ministering hands, Beneficent, willing feet. That spreads rich mantels of tender thought O'er life's hard places, till time has wrought It's healing — divine, complete. — Christian Advocate. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 43 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF THE MIDDLE AGES. There is no subject more calculated to excite the in- terest, and arouse the imagination of a member of our order, than a reference to the history of the Knights Temp- lar of the middle ages. Never in the history of the world has any body of men, united for a common object by a secret tie, attracted more romantic interest than the order of Knights Templar during the middle ages, whose prowess demands our admiration, and whose cruel persecution en- lists our warmest sympathy. Is it any wonder that Modern Knighthood or the Knights Templar of the twentieth century proudly boast of their descent from the old-time knighthood of history, whose valiant soldiers delivered the holy sepulcher from "Moslem caitiff's and infidel hounds," whose religion was a religion of motives, a religion of the heart, the affections, the emotions, the feelings, rather than the intellectual ac- ceptance of a system of doctrines, or the adherence to a logical and carefully defined dogmatic belief? As written by an eminent divine, William Stevens Perry 32 , Bishop of Iowa, they were influenced by no hope of fee or reward, with no selfish expectations or care for personal aggrandizement, the flower of chivalry went forth to defend and uplift the cross and wield, in the serv- ice of the Christian faith, the swords that had been belted around each neophite when the vows of knighthood were first uttered by lips sanctified by their reception of the sacrament of redemption. Inspired by this pure and holy devotion, the annals of Christian knighthood abound in in- stances of heroic constancy, even unto death. It is with pride we recall the heroism of that illustri- 44 'I'll E KNIGHTS TI..M PL \K. ous, valiant and magnanimous knight, Renaud de Chatil- lon, Grand Master of the Templars, who scorned, when in captivity, to purchase life on condition of apostacy from the Christian faith, and was beheaded by the hand of Sala- din. We cannot forget the constancy and devotion of the crowd of knights of the two orders, Templars and St. John, who joyously accepted martyrdom at the executioners' hands in prison, rather than renounce their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Gladly do we record the daring of Jakaline de Mailliacus, that heroic Knight Templar, who, on the advance of Saladin into Palestine, in a battle near Tiberiod, rushed boldly into the midst of the Saracens, one against a thousand, because, as the old chronicler is proud to tell us, "Mori Pro Christo Non Timuit" — he feared not to die for Christ. Such was the religious enthusiasm of those valiant men who>c proudest boast was to he "a true knight and servant of Jesus Christ." Of the religion of chivalry he further said that it was not merely a blind and superstitious acceptance of priestly teachings and ecclesiastical rites. There was then, as now, symbolism in the ritual and observances of knighthood. There was then, as now. dogmatic teachings hreathed into the strained ear. by prelate or priest, amidst the solemn accessories of initiation and adoption into the brotherhood of Christion knights; these teachings then, as now, brought out, with startling clearness and with no uncertain sound, the great historic truths relating to the life and life-work of the Son o\ Cmd when here on earth. The religion n\ chivalry was founded on the teachings of the incarnation and the atoning death upon the cross of Christ. In the words of the [ntroid for Tuesday in holy-week, sting in sweet and solemn cadences in every preceptory or HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 45 chapel of the Templars, as the commemoration of the great day of atonement — the Good Friday of the Church Uni- versal of Christ — drew nigh, prelate, priest ant I knight united with consenting voice: "We ought to glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection; by whom we have been saved and delivered." These knights of old may not have been familial- with the folios patristic theology burdening the shelves ot the scantv libraries of their day; but they knew and believed and lived the legend. "Non est sains animas, nee spes aeternae vitae. nisi in cruce," there is no health in the soul, nor hope of eternal life, save in the cross. They may have known or cared little for the theories of the philosophers or the teachings of the schoolmen, but they wore the blood- red cross upon their hearts; it entered into their very lite and soul; they fought and died under the blazonry of the symbol of our redemption. Their legend was that of the churches' earlier days of triumph, "In Hoc Signo Vinces." Sir David Brewster says in Alex. Lawries' History of Free Masonry, published in Edinburg, Scotland, A. D. 1804, that when chivalry made its first appearance the moral and political condition of Europe was in every respect deplor- able. The religion of Jesus existed only in name. A de- grading superstitition had usurped its place, and threatened ruin to the reason and the dignity of man. The political rights of the lower orders were sacrificed to the interests of the great. War was carried on with savage cruelty, equalled only by the sanguinary contentions of the beasts of prey; no elemenev was shown to the vanquished; no humanity to the captive. The female sex, even, were sunk below their natnral level; they were doomed to the most laborious oc- cupations, and deserted and despised by that very sex on 46 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, whose protection and sympathy they had so natural a claim. To remedy these disorders a few intelligent and pious men formed an association, whose members swore to de- fend the Christian religion, to practice the Christian vir- tues, to protect widows and orphans, and the weaker sex, and to decide judically, and not by arms, any disputes that might arise about their good effects. It was from this association, undoubtedly, that chivalry arose, and not, as some think, from the public investure with arms. But, whatever was the origin, chivalry pro- duced a considerable change in the manners and sentiments of the great. It could not, indeed, eradicate that ignorance and depravity which engendered those awful evils that we have enumerated. Until the breaking out of the present great European war. it was supposed to have softened the ferocity of war, and to have restored the fair sex to that honorable rank which they should possess, and which at all times they are entitled to hold. It has, notwithstanding, inspired sentiments of gener- osity, sympathy, and friendship, which contributed much toward the civilization of the world and the perpetuity of the Christian religion, and introduced that principle of honor which often checks the licentious, when moral and religious considerations would make no impression on their minds. Such was the origin of chivalry, and such the blessings which it imparted. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 47 CRUSADERS FOR THE TRUTH. The lance is rusting on the wall, No laurel crowns are wove; And every Knightly strain is hushed In castle, camp and grove. No manly breast now fronts the spear, No strong arm waves the brand, To vindicate the rightful cause, Or stay oppression's hand. The minstrel pilgrimage has ceased; Chivalric days are o'er, And fiery steeds bear noble men To Palestine no more. Rejoice in beauty more than gain; Guard well the dreams of youth, And with devoted firmness true Crusaders for the truth! 48 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, THE ANCIENT ORDER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Tins mighty brotherhood was founded nineteen years after the capture of Jerusalem, by nine of the Crusaders: Hugo de Payens, St. Omer, Rural, Gondemar, Godfrey Bisol, Payens de Montidier, Archibald de St. Aman, Andrew de Montbar, and Count de Provence. They called themselves "Poor fellow soldiers of Jesus Christ," and their object was the protection of pilgrims on their way through the passes and defiles of the mountains to the Holy City. In the Church of the Resurrection they took their vows before Garimont, the patriarch, of Jerusalem, and bound themselves to live according to the rule of the canons i if St. Augustine. This organization or order was perfected in the year A. I), i i i(S, and received the title of Knights Templar, lie- cause of having camped near the temple or church in Jeru- salem which was dedicated to our Savior. This site for a habitation was given the Knights Templars by Baldwyn, in consequence of the services they had rendered the Chris- tians and pilgrims to the Holy Land. The kind of poverty adopted by the Templars was that termed "media." It forbade the possession of individual property, but sanctioned any amount of wealth when shared by a fraternity in common. The king and his barons contributed to their support, and the abbot and canons of the temple assigned them, for the keeping of their arms and ammunition, the street between it and the royal palace; and within a few years the white mantle bearing a red cross became the distinguishing costume of the Templars. Hugo de Payens was chosen the first "Master of the Temple" in A. I). [ 1 1 8, and the Order was enriched with many land grants and money, in consequence of his visit HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 49 to Normandy, England, and Scotland, in A. D. 1128. In this year a great ecclesiastical council was assembled at Troves, which Hugo de Payens and his brother were in- vited to attend, and the rules of the Templars being there described, St. Bernard, the abbot of Clairvaux, undertook the preparation of a code of statutes, proper for the gov- ernment of this great religious and military fraternity. These statutes were subsequently confirmed by a papal bull, and became the rule of the order. Before his departure Hugo de Payens placed a knight at the head of the order, who was called the Prior of the Temple, and was the procurator and vicegerent of the mas- ter. It was his duty to manage the estates of the fraternity, and transmit its revenues to Jerusalem. He was delegated with the power of admitting members, subject to the con- trol and direction of the Master, and providing means for their transport to the far East, to fulfill the duties of their profession. As the Order increased in England "sub-priors" were appointed, and the superior was then called "Grand Prior," and afterwards "Master of the Temple." Brother Odo de St. Amand was appointed seventh Grand Master of the Templars upon the resignation of the king, Philip de Naples, A. D. 11 70. During the rule of Odo the bull of Pope Alexander, "Onine Datum Optimum," A. D. 1172, confirming the privileges of the Templars, and granting them additional ones, was published in England. Amongst other things, it permitted the Templars to admit into their fraternity "hon- est and good clergymen and priests," but exacted a proba- tion of one year, and required that, on their admission, an oath be administered, "the book in which these things are contained being placed upon the altar." It styled Odo de St. Amand the master and bishop. 50 Til E K NIC, | ll'S TKM I'l. \k, lii A. I ). i i ~2 the Templars conquered the Assassins, and forced their chief, "the Old Man of the Mountain," in purchase peace. In the battle near Ascalon, on November i. A. D. i 177, in which the infidels were defeated, Odo, with eighty knights, broke through the famous guard of Mamlooks, slew their commander, and forced Saladin to fly. In the following year, at the battle of Jacob's ford, where there was much hard fighting, the Master of the Hospital having lied, covered with wounds, and the Count of Tripoli also, the Templars were all killed or taken pris- oners, and the Master, Odo de St. Amand, fell into the hands of the enemy. Saladin burned down the fortress, and all the Templars taken in the place, except the most distinguished, were sawn in two. Saladin offered Odo his liberty, in exchange for the ransom of his own nephew, who was a prisoner in the hands of the Templars, htit the haughty Templar replied that he would newer by his ex- ample encourage any of his knights to surrender; that a Templar ought either to vanquish or to die; and that he had nothing to give tor his ransom but his girdle and his knife. It was one of the rules of the order that a knight should give nothing' of more value than his girdle and his knife as a ransom. The proud spirit of the Grand Master could htit ill-brook confinement, and Odo de St. Amand languished and died in the dungeons of Damascus. The Templars first established the chief house of the order in England, without Holborn Bars, London, adjoin- ing the present site of Southampton buildings; but subse- quently purchased the site of the property now known as the Temple. It was then called the "New Temple," as distinguished from the original in Holborn. At the New Temple they erected a monastic establishment, on a scale of grandeur commensurate with the dignity and importance HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 5 1 of the chief house of the religio-military society of the Temple in Britain; and the Temple church was consecrated on the [oth of February, A. I), i 1S5. by the patriarch He- raclius of Jerusalem. The order rapidly increased in wealth and power. Ac- cording to Mathew Paris, the Templars possessed nine thousand manors in Christendom, besides a large revenue, and immense riches arising" from pious persons. Each house of the order had a prior at its head, and each pro- vince was governed by a Grand Prior, who represented the Grand Master. The Grand Prior of England sat in Parlia- ment as a baron of the realm. In every country in Europe the liberality and piety of princes and nobles had augment- ed the treasuries and enlarged the possessions of the Temp- lars. In A. I). [ 185 their revenues in England, as given by Dugdale, will convey some idea of the wealth of this great fraternity, their entire annual income being then estimated at not less than six millions sterling. In every province they possessed churches and chapels, the number of which, in the year A. D. 1240, is said to have been as man}- as one thousand and fifty. The Knights of St. John, under the gallant Raymond Dupuis, engaged in many successful military undertakings in support of Baldwin 111., and the church and hospital of St. John attained to great magnificence. There was scarcely a noble house in Europe of which some scion did not bear the white cross upon his breast, and the name of Hos- pitaller of St. John had, during these eventful vears, be- come the synonym for every chivalric and martial virtue. In the year A. D. 11 60 the venerable Raymond, aged 80 years, died at the hospital of St. John at Jerusalem, whither he had retired to rest from the turmoil and strife of upwards of half a century of constant warfare, during which the order attained its prominent position amidst the 5 2 T 1 1 E KNIGHTS TEM TLAR, chivalry of Europe. The order of St. John obtained great distinction and importance in England, and the priory of Clerkenwell was consecrated in A. I). [185. Expeditions in Egypt had engaged the fraternity during several years, and in A. D. 1179 a truce was signed between the great Saladin and the Christians, but which even then promised only a temporal")- duration: for within a short period Sala- din was again in the field, and a series of disastrous com- bats closed with the capitulation of Jerusalem in A. D. 1 187. The order of St. John, now much reduced in num- bers as well as in wealth, established itself in the town of Margat, and there continued those charitable duties which, in its most prosperous days, had never been forgotten. We now hud the military orders engaged in the siege and reduction of Acre, though this advantage did not lead to any further successes by the Christian arm}'. In A. 1). [237 three hundred knights left the priory at Clerkenwell for the wars of the Holy Land; subsequently they were engaged against the Korasmins, and defeated them. Disputes arose between the Hospitallers and Temp- lars, and in A. 1). [259 the whole force of the fraternities met in a general engagement. Victory favored the Hospi- tallers and scarcely a Templar was left to survive the fatal day. In the year A. I). [259 Hugh de Revel was nominated Master of the Hospitallers, and received from Pope Cle- ment IV., by bull, dated November [8, A. I). 1 j0~, the title of Grand Master, by which distinction the head of the fraternity was always afterwards known. New wars arose with the infidels, which resulted in the loss of Mar- gat in A. D. [287, when the garrison retired to Acre. Fortress after fortress fell before the victorious forces of die Saracens, until the banner of the cross waved only on the walls of Acre. Of the magnificence of that city HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 53 tradition paints a. gorgeous and romantic picture, but the riches of the East, the luxuries of art, and the vices of ease and indolence, combined with the heterogeneous nature of its thronged inhabitants, fostered the growth of wicked- ness and demoralization until, "like Sodom of old, the cry (if it bad gone up unto the Lord, and its doom had been declared." Acts of outrage had been perpetrated by the inhabi- tants of Acre upon neighboring Moslems, and the Sultan Mansour demanded reparation. The Grand Masters o\ both military orders requested a compliance with this re- quest, but was refused, and the Sultan commenced an ex- pedition against the city, which was. upon his death, con- tinued by his son Khaled, and, before overwhelming num- bers, the last bloody act of the drama was consummated by the fall of Acre. The small relic of the order of St. John then quitted the shores of that land which bad so long- been the scene of its deeds of charity, as well as the theatre of its renown, and. in the darkness i)\ grief and sorrow, turned its steps to the island of Cyprus. Here, in the town of Limisso, the Knights of St. John found another home, and, for the fourth time, re-established their hospital. Idle Templars reoccupied Jerusalem in the year A. D. 124 1 , when the)', with the Hospitallers, emptied their treas- uries in rebuilding its walls. The city, however, was again abandoned in A. D. 1244. In England King John was resident at the Temple when be was compelled by bis barons to sign Magna Char- ter. The order in England exercised a magniheient hospi- tality, and constantly entertained kings, princes, and the distinguished nobles of the land at the Temple. After the loss of Acre the Templars also retired to Cyprus, where, at Limisso, the Grand Master. Gaudini, died, and was suc- ceeded in A. D. 1295 by Brother Jaques de Molay, of the 54 'I'll E KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, family of the Lords of Longvic and Kaon, in Burgundy. This illustrious brother was at the head of the English province at the period of his election to the dignity of Grand Master. Jn A. D. [299 the Templars joined the Tartar forces, and, after defeating the army of the Sultans of Damascus and Egypt, and the reduction of Aleppo, Hems, Damascus, and other cities, once again entered Jerusalem. The illness of Casar Cham, the Emperor of the Mogul Tartars, subsequently deprived the Templars n! the Tartar forces, and, with their consequent retirement again to Limisso, ended the dominion of the order in Palestine. A dark day at last dawned upon the fortunes of the Templars. Europe became jealous of them; disputes arose between the clergy and the order; their moneys were seized by Edward I., of England; they incurred the hatred of Philip le Bel of France, and, on the 13th of October, A,. D. 1307, all the Templars in France were simultane- ously arrested. Their persecutions were of the most cruel and barbarous crimes of the most unparalleled and dreadful character being invented, and charged against the frater- nity, in all countries participating in their oppression. The persecution of the order appears to have been especially vigorous in France, and, although the example set by Philip was followed by other sovereigns, they were mostl) satisfied with plunder, without the terrible and tragic addi- tion of the stake. The persecutions of the Templars continued unabated for some years, and on the [8th day of March. A. D. [313, Jaques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the original constitution or Ancient Order of the Templars, with four other distinguished brethren, were brought from their imprisonment of nearly six years, and burned at the HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 55 stake at the Isle de la Cite, Paris, near the spot where now stands the equestrian statue of Henry IV. Space does not here permit a detail of the cruelties prac- ticed against the members of this grand and chivalric order, whose only crimes of pride and wealth have been long - ob- literated from the page of history by the stains of their persecution and blood. This mournful scene extorted tears from the lowest of the vulgar. Valiant knights, whose charity and valor had procured them the gratitude and applause of mankind, suffering without fear the most cruel and ignominious death, was, indeed, a spectacle well calculated to excite emotions of pity in the hardest hearts, and whatever opin- ion we may entertain concerning the character of that unhappy order every mind of sensibility will compassion- ate the fate of the Templars and curse the inhuman policy of Philip the Fair. LIST OF GRAND MASTERS OF THE ANCIENT ORDER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. I. Hugh de Payens ; installed February 15, 11 13; died 1 136. _'. Robert ^\ Burgundy (Lord Robert de Crayon); installed 1 1 30. 3. Ecerard de Barres (De Barri) ; installed 114O; ab- dicated 1151. and devoted his life to penance and mortifica- tion. 4. Bernard de Tremelay (Trenellape) ; installed 1151; killed in the battle of Ascalon, 1153. An illustrious Sir knight, a valiant and experienced soldier. 5. Bertrand de Blanquefort (Blanchefort) ; installed 1154; died June iq. 1 [56. A pious and God-fearing man. 6. Philip de Naplous (Philip of Nablous) ; installed 1 1(7: abdicated in 1170. Me was the first Grand Master 56 THE KNIGHTS TEMPJ \K. born in Palestine. He resigned great possessions, and be- came a Templar after the death of his wife. 7. Odo de St. Amand; installed 1170; died, in captiv- ity, [179. A proud and fiery warrior, of undaunted cour- age and resolution. 8. Arnold de Torroge (Torrage, or Troye) ; installed [180; died, on a visit to Europe, 1184. Had filled some of the chief situations of the order. 9. Gerard de Riderfort (Rjiderford or Ridefort) ; in- stalled 1 185; killed in the battle of Acre, October 4, [189. 10. Walter ; installed 1189. it. Robert de Sable (Sabloil, or Sabboil, or Sab- laeus) : installed 1 191. 12. Gilbert Horal (Erail, or Gralius) ; installed 111)4. 13. Philip Duplessies (De Plesseis, or Du Plessis) ; installed 1201 ; died 12 17. 14. William de Chartres (Carnota.) ; installed 1217: died in Egypt 1217. 15. Peter tie Montaigu (Thomas de Montagu); in- stalled 1 2 18. 16. Hermann de Perigord (Herman Petragorius) : in- stalled 1233; killed in the battle of Gaza, 1244. 17. William de Sonnac; installed 1247; killed in the battle of Damietta, 1249. 18. Reginald de Yichier ( Yieherius ) : installed 1251; died 1257. 19. Thomas Berard (Beraud) ; installed 1257: died at Acre 1273. 20. William de Beaujen; installed 1273: killed in bat- tle, at Acre, 1291. 21. Theobald Gaudin (De Gaudini, or Gaudinius) ; installed 129] ; died T295. 22. James de Molay (Jacques de Molai) ; installed [295; burned at the stake, at Paris. T313. Allison says HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. $7 18th March, 1313. Some authors nth of March, 1313. Mackey nth of March, 13 14. As to the continuation of the order after the death of Molay there is a diversity of opinions among the historians. Their connection with the Masonic Knights Templar is said to have been derived through four sources, which would therefore make as many divisions of the order: First — The Templars who claim John Mark Larmenius as the successor of Molar, from which spring the Tem- plars of France, who claim their legitimacy by authority of a charter given to Larmenius by Molay. From this charter sprang the French Templars, and in which body the Duke of Sussex was knighted and received authority to establish a Grand Conclave in England, which he did hut never held but one conclave. The theory of the Duke or Orleans and his accomplice. Father Bonani, an Italian Jesuit, was (and the theory is still maintained by the order at Paris), that when Molay was about to suffer at the stake, he sent for Larmenius, and in prison, with the con- sent and approbation of such knights as were present, ap- pointed him his successor, with the right of making a similar appointment before his death. On the death oi Molay Larmenius accordingly assumed the office of Grand A Taster, and ten years after issued a charter, transmitting his authority to Theobaldus Alexandrinus, by whom it was in like manner transmitted through a long line of Grand Masters, a list of which is in our possession carrying same down to 1840, with Sir William Sidney Smith as Grand Master. The succession to the Grand Mastership fell to Fahre Palaprat, who attested as Grand Master in 1804. The Order of the Temple, under Fabre and his col- leagues, began now to assume high prerogatives as the only 58 III i: K \ [GHTS TI'.M I'l.AK, representative of ancient Templarism. The Grand Master was distinguished by the high sounding titles of "Most Eminent Highness, Very Great, Powerful, and Excellent Prince, and Most Serene Lord." It still claims to be the only tme depository of the powers and privileges of the Ancient Order of ECnights Templar, and denounces all others as spurious, notwithstanding the genuineness of its authority is questioned and pronounced a forgery by many Masonic historians. LIST OF GRAND MASTERS, ACCORDING TO THE FRENCH SYSTEM, FROM A. D. 1313 TO 1S40. John Mark Larmenius, 1313. Thomas Theobald Alexandrinus ; otherwise Francis Thomas Theobald, 13.24. Arnold de Braque, 1340. John de Claremont, 1340. Bertrand du Guesclin, 1357. John Arminiacus, 1381. Bernard Arminiacus. 1392. John Arminiacus, T419. John de Croy, 1451. Bernard Embault, 147-. Robert Lenoncourt, 147S. Galeatius de Salazar, [497. Philip Chabot, [516. Gasperd de Galtiaco Tavanensis, 1544. Henry de Montmorency. 1574. Charles de Valois, [615. James Ruxellius de Granceio, [651. James Henry, Due de Duras, 1681. Philip, Duke of Orleans, 1705. Louis Augustus Bourbon, 1724. Louis Henry Bourbon Conde, 1737. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 59 Louis Francis Bourbon Conty, 1741. Louis Hercules Timoleon, Due de Cosse Brissac, 1776. Claude M. R. Chevillon, 1792. Bernard Raymund Fabre Palaprat, 1804. Sir William Sidney Smith, 1838; died, 1840. Second — The Templars who recognize Peter d'Aurriont as the successor of IMolay and who claim that d'Aumont tied with several Knights Templar into Scotland and sought refuge with the fraternity of Free Masons. This legend is closely connected with Andrew Michael Ramsey's tradition, who claimed that all Free Masons were Knights Templar, in fact, that Free Masonry sprang from Templarism. Alexander Laurie holds to this theory. The Chapter of Clermont, organized by Chevalier de Bonneville, Nov.. 1754, in Paris, adopted the Templar sys- tem, which had heen created in Lyons, in 1743. after the reform of Ramsey. This chapter conferred the three degrees of Symbolic Masonry, Knights of the Eagle, Illustrious Knights Temp- lar, and Sublime Illustrious Knight and other high Ma- sonic degrees, grades and orders. Baron Hund received the high degrees in this chapter and from them conceived the Rite of Strict Observance, a modification of Masonry, based on the Order of Knights Templar, which he intro- duced in Germany in 1754. Hence, we have from de Au- mont the Scottish Templars in Scotland and the Kile of Strict Observance, or German Templar Masonry, which since 1776 has heen known as the "United German Lodges." Third — Those Templars who derive their Templarism from Count Beaujen, the nephew of Molay, and member of the Order of the Knights of Christ, the name assumed by 60 ill I. KNIGHTS Tl'.M l'LAR, the Templars of Portugal, and had authority from that order to disseminate the orders. It is said that he intro- duced the order into Sweden, where he incorporated it with Free Masonry. Therefore the Templar Masons of Sweden claim their descent from Beaujen and the Swedish Rite through this source is a Templar system. Fourth — Those Templars who claim an independent origin and refuse to recognize the authority of either of the three or of Larmenius, Aumont or Beaujen. There are two subdivisions ^i this class of Templars, the Scotch and the English. Scotland and England were the only countries in which the independent Templars found a foothold, and Scotland the only country in which Templars were not persecuted. The Scottish preceptories continued to exist long after the dissolution <^\~ the order in every other European coun- try. One portion of the Scotch Templars entered the army of Robert Bruce and were merged in the Royal Order of Scotland by him after the battle of Bannockburn. Another portion of the Scotch Templars united with the Knights Hospitallers of St. John. Many of them embraced the Protestant faith. Some ^\ them united with the Free Masons and established "The \ncient Lodge'* at Sterling, where they conferred the de- grees of Knight of the Sepulcher, Knight of Malta and , Knights Templar. The Masonic Templars of Sooly^wr are said to have descended from that body called the "Bald- win Encampment," or from one of the four co-ordinate en- campments of London. Bath, York and Salisbury, which, it is claimed, were formed by members of the preceptory which had long existed at Bristol, and on the dissolution of their order are supposed to have united with the Free Masons. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 6 1 The Baldwin Encampment claims to have existed from "time immemorial." Historians have traced it back long enough, in fact, to priority over all other English En- campments, and it is from this division of Knights Templar, whose forefathers fled for security into the Lodges of Free Masonry, the Knights Templar of the United States and Great Britain owe their origin. While there is a similarity in the ritualistic and cere- monial forms of the priories of Great Britain and her de- pendencies with those of commanderies working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of the United States there is a difference in the two systems in other respects. In fact, the system adopted in the United States is different from not only that of Great Britain hut from all other countries where the order exists. The governing bodies of Great Britain and her depend- encies are: "The Great Priory of the United Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and the colonies and dependencies of the British Crown; The Great Priory of the United Ma- sonic Orders of the Temple and Malta in Ireland and the colonies and dependencies of the British Crown; The Great Priory of the Religious and Military Order of the Tem- ple in Scotland and the colonies and dependencies of the British Crown; and the Sovereign Great Priory of Cana- da." Each body presided over by a Great Prior. Sub- ordinate bodies are called preceptories and presided over by a prior. The requirements of a candidate for the above orders are that he must have been a "Royal Arch Mason and a Master Mason of two years standing, and to profess a belief in the Holy and Undivided Trinity, while in the United States candidates for the Order of the Temple are required to hold membership in both lodge and chapter, 62 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, yet there is no time limit as to when they may apply for the Templar orders, and instead of being subscribers to a beliei in the "Holy and Undivided Trinity'' they subscribe to a "firm belief in the Christian Religion." The require- ments as to professing a belief in the Holy and Undivided Trinity was eliminated from the requirements at the for- mation of the Grand Encampment of the United States in [81 6. The Order of the "Red Cross'' is not embraced in that of the English, European, or Canadian preceptories, as it is in this country in our Commanderies. The legend of the order dates far anterior to the Christian era, in the reign of Darius, and has no analogy with the chivalric or- ders of knighthood. It is called in Great Britain the Baby- lonish Pass, taken from a Persian legend. The Red Cross, however, is permitted to he communi- cated in Canadian preceptories in order to qualify our Canadian fraters to visit our commanderies on this side of the border. There has been much speculation among Ma- sonic authors as to when this degree or order first made its appearance in our American commanderies. It is mentioned in the diploma which is relied upon to establish the Templar degrees or orders by St. Andrews lodge, Charleston, South Carolina, in 1783. It is not enumerated among the degrees conferred upon Bro. Wil- liam Davis, in St. Andrews Royal Arch Lodge, Boston, in [769; hut in 1707. however, that body "voted that the Knights of the Red Cross, by Brother Benjamin Hurd, Jr., he. and they are hereby, permitted to make their records in the hook of the chapter," a privilege that was not availed of. Boston council was established in the year 1802, and King" Darius council, of Portland, in 1805, and thereafter the degree seems to have keen regularly worked. It is generally agreed by Masonic authors and writers HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 63 that it was manufactured by Thomas Smith Webb from the Knight of the East or Sword, Knight of the East and West, of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. At the Thirty-Second Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment, at Denver, [913, the committee on foreign relations reported as follows: "Your committee on foreign relations has the honor to report that most amicable and fraternal relations exist between the Grand Encampment of the United States and the various Great Priories of England and Wales, of Scotland, of Ireland, and of the Dominion of Canada. Each of these bodies has accepted the Concordat of 1910 as binding upon it in its relations to other governing bodies of the Order of the Temple, and that peace and harmony exist between the Orders of Christian Knighthood throughout the world." <>4 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, KNIGHTS OF MALTA. The Knights of Malta was a fraternity of Hospitallers, which afterwards became a military society, instituted upon the motives of charity, and, prompted by a zeal for the de- fense ot the holy land, to take up arms against the in- fidels; an order, which, amidst the noise and clashing of swords, and with a continual war upon their hands, was capable of joining the peaceful virtues of religion with the most distinguishing courage in the held. This order, which at various times in the progress of its history received the names, of Knights Hospitallers. Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Rhodes, and. lastly. Knights of Malta, owes its origin to the Hospital- lers of Jerusalem, which was established at Jerusalem, in 1048, by pious merchants of Amalfi, when the city was in the possession of the Mohammedans, hut lived to see the Hoi)- City conquered by the Christian Knights. It then received many accessions from the Crusaders, who. laying aside their anus, devoted themselves to the pious avocation of attending the sick. It was then that Gerard, the Rec- tor of the Hospital, induced the brethren to take upon themselves the vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity, and clothed themselves in the habit of the order, which was a plain black robe hearing a white cross of eight points on the left breast. This was in the year moo- In 1 1 iS Gerard died and was succeeded by Raymond du Puy, when the peaceful habits and monastic seclusion of the Brethren of the Hospital, which had keen fostered by Gerard no longer suited the warlike genius of his suc- cessor, who changed the character of the order by which it became a military order, devoted to active labors in the fields and the protection of Palestine from the encroach- ments of the infidels. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 65 Baldwin 1 1., King of Jerusalem, who had been harr'assed by a continual warfare, gladly accepted this addition to his forces. The order being thus organized on a military basis, the members took a new oath, at the hands of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, by which they bound themselves to defend the cause of Christianity against the infidels in the Holy Land to the last drop of their blood, but on no account bear arms for any other purpose. This act, done in 1 1 18, is considered the beginning of the establishment of the Order of Knights Hospitaller of St. John, of which Raymond du Puy is, by all historians, deemed the first Grand Master. The history of the Knights from this time until the middle of the sixteenth century is but a chronicle of continued warfare with the enemies of the Christian faith. When they lost Jerusalem to Saladin, in 1 187, they retired to Margat, a town and fortress of Pales- tine, which still acknowledged the Christian sway. In 1191 they made Acre, which in that year had been captured by the Christians, their principal place of residence. With varied success, in sanguinary contests with Saracens and other infidel hordes, for one hundred years, Acre, their last stronghold in the Holy Land, fell beneath the blows of the victorious Moslems, Syria was abandoned by the Latin race and the Hospitallers found refuge in the Island of Cyprus, where they established their convent. On account of heavy taxes and other rigorous exactions by the king the Hospitallers became so disgusted that they determined to seek some other residence. On the 5th of August, 1 3 10, the island of Rhodes became the prize of the con- quering forces of the order, and the Knights of St. John here established themselves, and fortified their stronghold with those great defenses which attest at this day the archi- tectural and engineering skill of the brethren of the Hos- pital. 66 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, For two hundred and twelve years the Knights of St. John made their home in the Island of Rhodes, when, in 1522, it was besieged with overwhelming force by the great Solyman, and. on the 26th of December in that year, fell after one of the most memorable defenses in the records of warfare; a defense which shed glory on the defeated, and excited the admiration of Europe. On the night of January 1, [523, they hade adieu to Rhodes and found refuge in Candia. In the year 1530, by grant dated the 24th of May, the Emperor Charles Y. of Spain bestowed on the Knights of St. John the Island of Malta, where they arrived on the 26th of October following, and from this period they were commonly known as the "Knights of Malta." In 1505 Malta sustained a powerful siege by the Turks, the heroic and successful defense of the Knights, under their brave Grand Master La Yallette, adding new lustre to the bril- liant achievements for which their career had been so dis- tinguished. In Malta the Knights expended vast treasure, and displayed great skill in raising those wondrous forti- fications which remain an imperishable record of their en- ergy and perseverance. The beautiful church of St. John, with the tombs and heraldic insignia of the Knights, as well as the armory and cemetery, and, not least, the library of records of the order, renders this stronghold a place of the greatest interest to the antiquary and historian. For 268 years the order retained possession of the Island of Malta. In 1798 it was surrendered without a struggle by Louis de Homepesch, the imbecile and pusil- lanimous Grand Master, to the French army under Bona- parte: and this event may he considered as the beginning of the end of the order as an active power. The great body of the order proceeded to Russia, where the Emperor Paul had a few years before been proclaimed the pro- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 6j tector of the order. On the 27th of October, 1798, a chapter of such of the Knights as were in St. Petersburg was held, and the Emperor Paul I. was elected Grand Master. We will not dwell further on a detailed history of this order, as the real history of the order ends with the disgraceful capitulation of Malta in 1798. All that has since remained of it is but the diluted shadow of its former existence. The propriety of the Order of Knight of Malta being an appendant to the Order of the Temple has been derided by such writers as Dr. Mackey. The Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, sometimes called the Knights Hos- pitallers, and Knights of Malta, on the dispersion of the Knights Templar, by Philip the Fair, of France, in the year A. D. 13 13, were the beneficiaries of this dispersion in that they were the recipients of whatever revenues and possessions that were saved from the spoliations after the despersion of the Templars that had belonged to the un- fortunate Knights Templar. It seems that there had al- ways been a bitter rivalry between the two orders, marked by unhappy contentions, which on some occasions, while both were in Palestine, amounted to actual strife. The Templars never felt nor expressed a very kindly feeling towards the Knights of St. John or Knights of Malta, and since they accepted of an unjust appropriation of their goods and treasure in the hour of disaster, keenly added to the sentiment of ill-well, and the unhappy children of De Molay, as they passed from the theater of knighthood, left behind them the bitterest imprecations on the disciples of the Hospital. Dr. Mackey says that the attempt at this day to make a modern Knight Templar accept initiation into a hated and antagonistic order is lamentable and dis- plays an ignorance of the facts of history. The Order of St. John or Knights of Malta never were connected with Free Masonry; on the contrarv they seem to have been in- 68 1 1 1 I . K X IGHTS TEM PLAR, imical to Free ^Masonry from their actions when in Malta. The}- never adopted a secret ceremony like the Free Ma- sons and Rnigffts Templar, their ceremonies being always open and public in the reception rites. A third, and perhaps the best, reason for rejecting the Knights of Malta as an appendant to the Order of the Temple is to be found in the fact that the order still exists, with however hut few in membership, and in somewhat decayed condition, and that its members claim an unin- terrupted descent from the Knights who, with Homepesch, left the Island of Malta in 1797, and threw themselves under the protection of Paul of Russia, utterly disclaim any connection with Free Masonry, and almost contemptuously repudiate the so-called Masonic branch of the order. In 1856 the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, being convinced that the incorpora- tion of the Order of Malta with the Knight Templar, and making the same person the possessor of both orders, was absurd and a violation of all historic truth, at its ses- sion at Hartford that year had the order stricken from the constitution; but at the session of the Grand Encampment at Columbus, Ohio, in 1862. it was again restored and is now provided with a full form and a short form ritual, the full form being seldom used. The short form con- stitutes the Scripture readings and the modes of recogni- tion and is required to be communicated to the neophyte before he shall be permitted to subscribe to the by-laws of the Commanderv and become a member thereof. The full form ceremonial is a beautiful and impressive lesson. Your historian, when Commander of Ottawa Commandery in 1886-7. ,,n two or three occasions, conferred the Order of Knights of Malta in full form and ceremony. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 6() SEXTENNIAL. BY FAY HEMPSTED, Poet Laureate of Free Masonry. Is it the lees of life, and nothing more, When the years have come to the triple score? Is it only the close of a winter's day, Where the sunshine fades in the west away? It is only the tip of the mountain crest, Where the lingering rays of the sunlight rest; And where, through the mists of the past are seen The ghosts of the joys that once have been; While down in the valley, far below. Lie the graves of the things of long ago? Nay, nay. Not that. For he who holds By the simple faith that the world enfolds, Finds, unto life's last, feeblest spark, That the daylight far exceeds the dark; That the seasons bring, as they glide away, More days of brightness than days of gray; That the spring gives place, in its varied moods, To the mellowing tints of the autumn woods; And stars come out in the evening air, Which we fail to see in the noonday glare. And here, as I backward turn mine eye, O'er the faded days that behind me lie. How like a flitting glimpse appears, The vista made by these sixty years! Gone; and forever. Beyond recall, Each deed for itself to stand or fall, In the eyes of Him who judgeth all. But yet we cling to the firmer hope That each will be seen in its wider scope: And out of His mercy we be hailed With a large allowance where we failed. As the day dies out in a golden gleam, And the red west glows with its parting beam; So would I, friends, when it comes my lot, Wish to depart thus calmly, and not As the old year passes, sad and slow, Wrapped in the shroud of the winter's snow; But the rather in twilight, fair and clear. Where the quivering discs of the stars appear. May 20, 1915. 7<> THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AND FREE MASONS- RELATIONSHIP TO EACH OTHER. There is a difference of opinion manifested by Ma- sonic historians as to the origin of the relationship existing between the Knights Templar and Free Masons. Laurie in his History of Free Masonry, published in Edinburg, Scotland, A. I). 1804. says: The connection between chiv- alry and Free Masonry is excellently exemplified in the fraternity of the Knights Templar. It is well known that this association was an order of chivalry, that the Templars performed its ceremonies, and were influenced by its pre- cepts, and we have already shown that the same associa- tion was initiated into the mysteries, was regulated by the maxims, and practiced the rites of Free Masonry. Before leaving this subject, says Laurie, it may be in- teresting- to some readers, and necessary for the satisfac- tion of others, to show in what manner the Knights Templar became depositaries of the Masonic mysteries. Almost all the secret associations of the ancients either flourished or originated in Syria and the adjacent coun- tries. It was here that the Dionysian artists, the Essenes, and the Kasideans arose. From this country also came several members of that trading - association o\ Masons, which appeared in Europe during the dark ages; and we are assured, that, notwithstanding- the unfavorable condi- tion of that province, there exists at this day, on Mount Li- banus, one of those Syrian fraternities. As the order of the Templars, therefore, was originally formed in Syria, and existed there for a considerable time, it would be no improbable supposition that they re- ceived their Masonic knowledge from the lodges in that quarter. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. J 1 But we are fortunately in this case not left to conjec- ture, for we are expressly informed by a foreign author (Adler de Donsis Montis Libani. Rom. 1786) who was well acquainted with the history and customs of Syria, that the Knights Templar were actually members of the Syrian fraternities. This being true how natural for the persecuted Knights Templar of the fourteenth century in fleeing from their persecutors to seek a refuge among the various lodges of Free Masons, both on the continent and the British Isles, and secretly communicate their secrets to their benefactors and create them Knights Templar. It is well known that the ceremonies of the Royal Arch and Knights Templar were communicated as in one degree in the Military Sym- bolic Lodge, which quartered near Dublin, Ireland. How natural for the fugitive knights, while conquered and dispersed by their enemies, to have still retained the martial spirit of old and joined their fortunes with the armies of the British Isles and, becoming members of the mili- tary lodges, communicated the ceremonies of the Knights Templar to a particular friendly brother Free Mason. It is known that members of the military lodges lo- cated at and in the vicinity of Dublin, Ireland, were in pos- session of these so-called Haute Grades (high degrees), and several of them, after serving their time in the military service, returned to their homes in Scotland and affiliated with the Symbolic Lodges in their respective home towns, and that as early as 1796 the degrees of Royal Arch and Knights Templar were conferred as one degree in the May- bole Royal Arch Lodge. Scotland. The Royal Arch degree was introduced into Ayershire, Scotland, between the years 1771 and 1778 through, the medium of the Hibernian element which then permeated the Lodge St. James, Newton-upon-Ayr. Tt has not been /- I'll E KNIGHTS TF.M I'f.AR, ascertained definitely whether during this period they dubbed Masonic Knights, but their pretensions to the knowledge and practice of degrees other than those of Craft Masonry were supported by their assumption of the title of "Super-Excellent Royal Arch Lodge of Ayr," which title, however, they soon abandoned because of very few Masonic Lodges acknowledging them as a Masonic Lodge with such a title. When they resumed their proper title, "Lodge St. James," the}' not only continued to work the Royal Arch degree, but conferred also the Knights Templar, and it was through its members that a desire for the high degrees was created in their own province. In 1796 a few members of the Lodge Maybole, together with one or two Irish brethren, who were in possession of the high degrees, constituted themselves into an assembly of Knights Templar and surreptitiously began to confer the degrees of Royal Arch Mason and Knights Templar, the ceremonies for both constituting one ceremonial. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 73 NOT AFRAID TO DIE. Afraid to die? And why? Hath not that mother love that taught thee how to live Prepared a way to die? Hath not the prayer thou lisped at her dear knee Remained a solace and a guide to thee? Hath not her love, her life, her purity of soul Placed one small seed within thy heart? 'Though sown amongst a field of tares Hath not that one small seed found root ? And, nurtured on by mother's tears and prayers, Will not that one small seed bear fruit? Oh, weary, wandering, struggling manhood think — Think of the day when thou wert young, wert true; Forget this weary race for gold and place — Look back — in memory meet thy mother face to face. Now ask thyself, art thou afraid to die? Art thou afraid to meet that mother dear on high? Art thou afraid to make thy peace with God Ere this poor hulk of flesh and bone shall rest beneath the sod? Ah, no, methinks thou'rt not afraid to die; And when thy race on earth shall be full run Thou'lt close thine eyes in thy last sleep, And, with a smile upon thy lips, Thou'lt go to meet thy God and loved ones gone — ■ Prepared by mother's love and prayers to j&teJLi**^ Prepared by mother's love and prayer to die. — G. F. Orgibet. 74 THE KNIGHTS TKM l'LAk, [NTRO'DUCTION OF THE ( >RDER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR INTO AMERICA. St. Andrew's Royal Arch Lodge was instituted in Bos- ton, Mass., by the Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1756. Its first recorded meeting' was held August 18. 1769, in Ma- sonic hall. Boston, and the record of that meeting is the first account of the conferring the order of Knights Tem- plar, so far as known, in this country or Great Britain. The records of St. Andrew's Lodge show that "Brother William Davis came before the lodge begging to have and receive the parts belonging to the Royal Arch Masons, which being read, was received, and he unanimously voted in, and was accordingly made by receiving the four steps, that of Excellent. Super-Excellent, Royal Arch, and Knights Templar." The Red Cross was not then a prerequisite to the order of the Temple in this or any other country, as it is not now a prerequisite in any other country than the United States of America. ddie next earliest records of the order of the Temple being conferred in a lodge of Symbolic Masons is that ^\ Kilwinning Lodge. Ireland, warranted October 8. 1779. which shows that its charter was used as the authority for conferring the Royal Arch. Knights Templar and Rose Groix degrees and orders in 1782. It is significant that both St. Andrew's Lodge of Boston. Mass., I". S. A., and Kilwinning Lodge. Ireland, received their warrants from the Grand Lodge of Scotland. So also did Maybole Royal Arch Lodge of Scotland, in which the Royal Arch and Knights Templar were conferred in one ceremonial. The neophyte after passing the veils ot the tabernacle of the Royal Arch found himself standing HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 75 before a table in a triangular form on which were thirteen burning tapers. The one in the center represented Jesus Christ, the other twelve in a triangular form the twelve Apostles. One was extinguished by the neophyte and was told it represented Judas Jscariot, who betrayed his Mas- ter; one was burning dim, and was called Peter who had weakened, and denied his Master. Something on a table under a white cloth being uncovered was perceived to be a h n s 1, which the neophyte was desired to take up and view it. and was told it was a real s 1 of a brother called Simon Magnus. Porter was poured into the s 1, which the neophyte was desired to drink; he did so, and it was handed round to the Knights assembled. The panel Andrew put the point of the sword into it, and then touched the witness's head, saying: "1 dub thee in the name of the Father, Son. and Holy Ghost." The above is from the testimony of one William Hamilton before the court which sat at Ayr, Scotland, Sept. 17, 1800, under the presidency of the Lord Justice-Clerk (Sir David Rae of Eskgrove, Bart.). It was a case brought about through the jealousies of brethren in the Maybole Lodge, who had not been favored with the high degrees by their brethren of the Haute Grades. They first preferred charges against them in the Grand Lodge of Scotland with using Paine's Age of Reason instead of the Holy Scriptures, and that the obligations assumed were derogatory to the government After the Lord Justice-Clerk summed up the evidence in the trial at Ayr he observed "that he wished that this prosecution had been brought sooner, but this could not be imputed to the prosecutor, for it did not appear that he had delayed bringing the action after he got the informa- tion. Though this species of crime may not have occurred in our law before, still the law may be applied to remedy it when it does occur. The special law enacted in regard to y6 Til E KNIGHTS TI'.M IM.AU, it does not infringe on the law as it stood before. The oath is not innocent even as limited by the witnesses for At-© the panels: though there is proof that the panels had en- tered into a design i<\ leading persons they admitted into their society to seditious practices, yet the oath may he em- ployed for that purpose. His lordship said he could not helieve that any such ceremonies were employed in Masons' lodges, because they are so abominable and impious: it rather appeared that this was a new oath introduced by the panels, and not in use before in admitting Masons." After concluding his charge to the jury he instructed them to retire and return their verdict the next morning. The first husiness of the court on resuming its sitting the next morning was to receive the verdict of the jury: "That we all in one voice find the facts liheled not proven." D. Murray Lyon in his History of Free Masonry in Scotland says that the custom of Knights Templar en- campments fraternizing with lodges prevailed to a consid- erable extent in Scotland, particularly in the western prov- inces, at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries, and the distinction of honorary mem- bership was frequently conferred on Knights Templar as an expression of the brethrens' admiration of the high de- grees. The encampments on their part reciprocated the compliment by initiating the office bearers of the lodges in which they were received into the several degrees worked by them. This exchange of courtesies tended to wider dissemina- tion in lodges of a taste for the Arch and Templar degrees. so much so that possession of these was in some instances made a prerequisite to office-holding under the charters oi the Grand Lodge. It was to the military lodge Ayr and Renfrew Militia HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. JJ St. Paul, into which the Royal Arch had been introduced by the Lodge St. James, Newton-on-Ayr, that in 1799 the lodges in Sterling were indebted for their knowdedge of that order. The connection existing between Symbolic Lodges and the Royal Arch and Knights Templar of which we speak cannot as a rule be traced in the minute books of the craft, says Bro. Lyon, but that from the records that he has seen there is evidence enough that some such union existed. "Sterling, Nov. 22, 1799. At an emergent meeting of the Ayr and Renfrew St. Paul's Lodge, the following brethren, Master Masons, after having regularly passed the chair of the lodge, were admitted to that of Excellent and Super- Excellent Royal Arch Masons, and likewise duly dubt Night Templars, viz : the R. W. M. of Sterling Royal Arch. ." While the above are of later date than that of St. An- drew's records at Boston, Mass., the fact is that St. An- drew's Lodge obtained its charter or warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and it is reasonable to suppose that the Roval Arch and Knights Templar degrees were con- ferred at a much earlier date in Scotland than the records show, and that they were introduced in the Scotch Lodge by brethren who had received them in military lodges while serving in the militia and quartered in Ireland, and the brethren who applied for the warrant of St. Andrew's Lodge at Boston, Mass., or introduced the degrees and or- ders in St. Andrew's Lodge must have received their knowl- edge of them, or received the degrees, in the military lodge of Ireland or in some of the Scotch lodges which had been secretly favoring a few of their brethren with the high de- grees before any minutes or records were kept of such ini- tiations. The Order of the Temple continued to be conferred 78 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, under lodge warrants in the United States of America until about the beginning of the nineteenth century, when self- constituted encampments began to spring up. None of the encampments of Knights Templar prior to the organization of the General Grand Encampment in [816 worked under any other but self-constituted authority, although Sir Alfred Creigh in his history of Knights Tem- plar in Pennsylvania asserts that Commanderies Nos. 1 and 2 Philadelphia, Xo. 3 of Harrisburg and Xo. 4 of Carlisle, organized in the years 1793 and 1797, respectively, derived their authority from "Blue Lodge" warrants issued by the Grand Lodsfe of Pennsylvania. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 79 LINES INSCRIBED UPON A CUP FORMED FROM A SKULL. Start not — nor deem my spirit fled; In me behold the only skull, From which, unlike a living head, Whatever flows is never dull. 1 lived, I loved, I quaff'd like thee: I died: let earth my bones resign; Fill up— thou canst not injure me; The worm hath fouler lips than thine. Better to hold the sparkling grape, Than nurse the earth-worm's slimy brood; And circle in the goblet's shape The drink of gods, than reptile's food. Where once my wit, perchance, hath shone, In aid of others let me shine; And when, alas! our brains are gone, What nobler substitute than wine? Quaff while thou canst: another race, When thou and thine, like me, are' sped, May rescue thee from earth's embrace, And rhyme and revel with the dead. Why not? since through life's little day Our heads such sad effects produce; Redeem'd from worms and wasting clay, This chance is theirs, to be of use. — Byron. 8o THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, THE OLDEST COMMANDERS OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Benj. Dean, Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, in his address before the Grand Encampment in iSS^ made the following report on South Carolina and Templar His- tory : "On the 8th of December, 1880, I issued a dispensation to South Carolina Commandery No. 1 to appear in public in full Templar costume on the twenty-ninth day of De- cember. 1880, for the purpose of celebrating- the one hun- dredth anniversary of its organization. I also issued dis- pensations for a like appearance in public to join in the cele- bration to Columbia Commandery Xo. 2. Georgia Com- mandery Xo. 1, and Palestine Commandery Xo. 7. "Previous conversations with Eminent Sir Knight E. S. Jennison, Eminent Commander of South Carolina Commandery Xo. 1, had led me to believe it possible that our orders of Knighthood had been conferred in Charles- ton as earl)- as the date claimed ( tjSo). A claim so in- teresting and so at variance with the opinion of many re- garding the early history of Tenrplarism in this country challenged examination. In the investigation 1 received valuable assistance from Sir Knight W. J. Pollard, un- representative of the fifth district, and from Sir Knight E. S. Jennison, Eminent Commander of South Carolina Commandery No. 1. In a lecture exhibiting great research and learning, in Charleston. S. C, March 23, 1855, by Theodore S. Gourdin, then Commander of South Carolina Commandery Xo. 1, is found the following: "'The South Carolina Encampment, Xo. 1. of Knights Templar, and the appendant orders, was established in HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 8 1 1780, as is evident from the old seal in our archives, but it does not appear from what source our ancestors derived their first charter, all of our records, previous to Nov. 7, 1823, having been lost or consumed by fire. " 'It is clear, however, that this encampment was in ac- tive operation in 1803, and continued so until long after the date of our oldest record, for, on December 29, 1824, it was "Resolved, That, in consideration of the long, and faithful services of our Most Eminent Past Grand Com- mander, Francis Sylvester Curtis, who regularly paid his arrears to this encampment for more than twenty years, he be considered a life member of this encampment, and that his membership take date from November, 1823." "In Mackey's History of Free Masonry in South Caro- lina is found the following commencing on pag£ 487, chap- ter LI. : " 'Knights Templarism in South Carolina. — The exact date of the introduction of the Templar order of Knight- hood into South Carolina is involved in much obscurity. Gourdin, deducing his opinion from an old seal in the archives, says that South Carolina Encampment, No. 1, of Knights Templar, and the appendant orders, was estab- lished in 1780. " T have been unable to find any reference in the con- temporarv journals of the day to the existence of South Carolina Encampment, No. 1, at that early period. I have, however, been more successful in obtaining indisputable evidence that the degrees of Knight of the Red Cross and Knights Templar were conferred in Charleston in a regu- larly organized body as far back as the year 1783, and I have no doubt that the seal with the date "1780," to which Gourdin refers, belonged to that body, and afterwards came into the possession of South Carolina Encampment. 'The proof of what I have stated is contained in a 82 III E KM CI ll'S TKM I'LAU, small compass, but the testimony is irrefutable. 1 have in my possession a diploma written in a very neat chirog- raphy, on parchment, with two seals in wax attached, one in red. of the Royal Arch, and the other in black, of the Knights Templar. 'The upper part of the diploma contains four devices within tour circles, all skillfully executed with the pen. The first device, beginning in the lett hand, is a star of seven points, with the ineffable name in the center, and the motto, "Memento Mori"; the second is an arch on two pillars, the all-seeing' eye on the keystone, and a sun be- neath the arch, and "Holiness to the Lord" for the motto; the third is the cross and brazen serpent, created on a bridge, and "Jesus Salvator Hominum" for the motto; and the fourth is the skull and cross-bones surmounted by a cross, with the motto, "In hoc signo vinces." " 'The reference of the three last devices is evidently to the Royal Arch, the Red Cross and the Templar degrees. 'Idle first is certainly a symbol of the Lodge of Perfection, and, hence, connectedlv. thev show the dependence of the order of Templarism in the state at that time upon the Ancient and Accepted Rite. " 'The diploma is in these words : "We. the High Priest. Captain Commandant of the \\?(\ Cross, and Captain General of that most Holy and Invincible Order of Knights Templar of St. Andrew's Lodge, No. i. Ancient Masons, held in Charleston, S. C, under charter from the Grand Lodge of the Southern Dis- trict of North America, do herebv certify that our true and well-beloved brother. Sir Henry Beaumont, hath passed the chair, been raised to the sublime degrees of an Excel- lent, Super-Excellent, Royal Arch Mason, Knight of the K^d Cross, and a Knight of that Most Holy, Invincible and Magnanimous Order of Knights Templar, Knights Hos- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. . 83 pitaller, Knights of Rhodes and of Malta, which several orders are above delineated, and he, having conducted him- self like a true and faithful brother, we affectionately recommend him to all the Fraternity of Ancient Masons, around the globe, wherever assembled. "Given under our hands and the seal of our Lodge, this first day of August, 5783, and of Malta 3517. "George Carter, Capt. Gen'l. ""'Thos. Pashlev. 1st King. "Wm. Nisbett, 2d King. "R. Mason, Recorder." ' 'A note at the bottom of page 487 contains the fol- lowing : "For much of the historical information contained in this chapter I am indebted to an Historical Sketch of the Order of Knights Templar." ' "This is an address delivered before South Carolina Commandery, in 1855, by Theodore S. Gourdin. Mr. Gourdin, who has since died, was for many years the pre- siding officer of that body. "To a considerable share of Masonic learning and talent he added an unusual amount of laborious research in the investigation of any subject upon which he was engaged. "In the work just quoted, whose only objection is its brevity, he has collected almost everv fact relevant to the subject which was contained in the minutes of the Com- mandery, or in contemporary records. I have, I confess, found little to glean in the held over which he passed. "I have, however, ventured, in a few instances, to dis- sent from his theories, and once or twice have been com- pelled to correct his statements. Having learned from Sir Knight Jennison that the Hon. E. \Y. M. Mackey, the son of Albert G. Mackey, the author of the history of Free Ma- sonry in South Carolina, was in Washington, and probably 84 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, had the original diploma mentioned in the history, I be- came acquanted with him and he kindly placed the diploma in my possession, and subsequently, at my request, author- ized me in his name to present it to the Grand Encamp- ment of the United States. I now, with pleasure, present it to you. "On the 6th of May, 1881, Sir Knight W. J. Pollard. because of a conversation with him in Boston, wrote me a long and interesting letter on the history of Free Masonry in South Carolina and Georgia, in which he says: " 'I find in Charleston, from the South Carolina Gazette, that at some period not clearly defined there was a Lodge established in West Florida, called St. Andrew's Lodge. No. 40, and that it was moved to Charleston about 1783, and was chartered as a York Lodge in the city of Charles- ton, July, 1783, by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.' "He also called my attention to the recovery by Sir Knight Jennison of valuable papers relating to the En- campment. Sir Knight Jennison also sent me copies of the papers. The letters and papers were mislaid for a while, and the investigation was pursued with more vigor after the possession of the diploma. A careful examination of the diploma discovered on the seal the words 'Lodge No. 40.' These words and figures were not as prominent as the other legends on the seal, and seem to have escaped the attention of Bro. Albert G. Mackey. "A careful examination discovered the remains of two ribbons under those in sight, showing that there were originally four seals attached to the diploma. One of these ribbons is quite rotten. I looked in vain through Bro. Mackey's History of Free Masonry in South Carolina for any other connection of this Lodge No 40 with St. An- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 85 drew's Lodge, No. i, and for any of the names mentioned in the diploma. I looked in other directions with like re- sults, until in an address on the History of Free Masonry in South Carolina by M. W. Wilmot G. DeSaussure. P. G. M., on 10th of December, A. L. 5878, which was kind- ly sent me by Sir Knight Pollard, I found these words (while speaking of warrants issued by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania) : 'That (the warrant) for No. 40 was granted to brethren, formerly of St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 1, West Florida, and then of Charleston, on the T2th of July, 1783.' ;]; >[; >;; >jj "In following out the clew I examined the minutes and proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Free and Accepted Masons, compiled and published by the library committee of Pennsylvania, from page 39 and 40, of which 1 now quote: " 'Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, July 8, 1783. " 'Present. R. W. Win. Adcock, Grand Master. ' 'Lodges Nos. 2, 3, 4, 9, 13 and 19 represented. " 'A memorial from the brethren of St. Andrew's Lodge. No. 1, late of West Florida, and now of Charleston, S. C, with sundry papers relative thereto, addressed to the R. W. Grand Master, were laid before this lodge and received a full reading. "Agreed, that a letter be written to the master and brethren of St. Andrew's Lodge, referring and recommend- ing them to our worthy brother, Edward Weyman, of Lodge No. 38, to whom a letter is also requested to be written, granting full power and authority to act agreeably to directions to be given to him by this Grand Lodge." " 'The committee, together with Bros. Hamilton and Vannost, are appointed to that business, and are desired to 8< - III E K NIGH TS T E M I'LAR, lay their proceedings before the Grand Lodge at their next meeting.' ''Grand Lodge of Emergency, July i_\ [783. " 'R. \Y. Adcock, Grand Master. ' 'Lodges Nos. 2, 3, 4, 9, 13 and [9 are represented. 'The committee appointed last meeting' having laid before this Grand Lodge their several letters to Bn>. Wey- man. Master of Lodge No. 38. and to the Master of St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 1, they are unanimously accepted. ' '( )n motion, ordered, that the secretary prepare and draw a warrant (for the brethren of St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 1 ) to be No. 40, which warrant is to be transmitted to Bro. Weyman, Master of Lodge No. 38, to be by him de- livered to the Master and members of St. Andrew's Lodge, Xo. 1, provided that the Master and members of said lodge are found to be of this Ancient and Honorable Fra- ternity and accept to be under this jurisdiction.' "The same publication shows that Lodge No. 40 was represented at the following meetings of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, namely: December 25, 1783; December -/• ^^S: March 29, 1784; April 16, 1784; June 17, 1784; August 4, 1784: October 29, 1784; December 20, 1784; March 28, 1785; April 21, 1785; June 20, 1785; October 8, 1785; October iy y 1785; December 6, 1785; December 27, 1785; February 3, 1786; March 26, 1787; June 18, 1787; December 17, 1787; December zy, 1787; January 21, 1788; March 31, 1788; June 16, 1788; November 10, 1788; December 15, 1788; December 2~, 1788. "In the list of lodges at the end of this volume is found : No. 40. St. Andrew's Lodge, Charleston, South Carolina; granted July 12. 1783; surrendered and renewed May 2^, 1787; surrendered September 24, 1787; joined the Grand Lodge of South Carolina.' HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 87 "At the meeting- of September 9, 1783, page 43, of the proceedings : ' 'A letter from brother George Carter, Master of Lodge No. 40, of Charleston, South Carolina, addressed to the R. W. Grand Master, was read, informing that he had received the warrant sent him by this Grand Lodge, by the hands of Bro. Weyman, as also one other letter to Bro. Joseph Howell, with a power appointing him and Bro. Michael Jennings proxies in behalf of Lodge No. 40. which was admitted. "At the Grand Lodge held June 17, 1784, page 49 of the proceedings, appears the following: ' 'In consequence of a letter received by Alexander Petrie, late of Lodge No. 40, and a representation of the irregularities of Lodges No. 38 and 40 ( communicated by Bro. Young), Bros. Proctor, Young, Howell and Jennings, proxies to> said lodges, are directed to write to, and give them such brotherly admonition as may appear necessary." "To still further establish the authenticity of the diplo- ma I wrote Sir Knight Jennison that 'the best service you can render is to prove the existence of the signers of the diploma; also inquiry should be made whether the records of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania show to whom char- ter No. 40 was given.' I also myself wrote to Sir Knight Charles K. Meyer, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Sir Knight Jennison sent me an original official communication, of which the following" is a copy: " 'C. KERRISON, JR. " 'Register Mesne Conveyance, Charleston County. " 'E. L. Jennison, Esq. "'Dear Sir and Brother: In reply to yours of the 13th, I beg leave to state that none of the parties named in same appear on the books of this office, but one, viz: Wm. Nesbett. Several trans- actions of his are recorded between the^years 1779 and 17S4. " 'I write this officially, as you may so desire. " 'Very respectfully, C. KERRISON, JR., " 'Register, M. C 88 III E KNIGHTS I I'.M I'l.AK, "Sir Knight Charles Meyers replied to my inquiry as follows : " 'Pardon my seeming delay or neglect in answering your let- ter. 1 have been trying to gain you some information about Lodge No. 40. A warrant was directed to be issued on July 12, 1783, by William Adcock, G. M., Alex Rutherford, D. G. M., Thomas Proctor, D. G. W., George Ord, J. G. W., for Lodge No. 40, of which George Carter was to be the first Master, Thomas Pashley, Senior War- den, William Nesbett, Junior Warden. " 'The Lodge has no name, but was number forty on our list. and was located at Charleston, S. C. " 'I have searched the records and find no further record, ex- cept in the book of warrants as above. There are no papers, ap- plications, or list of names. I do not think they ever returned any names.' "It will be noticed that it is St. Andrew's Lodge, No. i. in the body of the diploma, and its date is 'i day of August,' and 'Lodge No. 40' is on the seal, and that the warrant from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania was authorized on the 12th of July previous. "The word 'August' and '3' and the figure '7' in the date are in a different handwriting (probably that of the Recorder) from the body of the diploma, showing the diploma was one of a number prepared in advance, and that it was merely filled out and the seal attached after- wards. "The evidence of the authenticity of the diploma would seem to be condensive. and therefore it proves what is con- tained in it — that the Lodge was held 'under charter from the Grand Lodge of the Southern District of North America,' and that it conferred the degrees of Knighthood mentioned in it. "Copies of some documents relating to this Command- ery with explanatory memoranda will he found in Appen- dix 'F.' "These valuable documents were found hv Sir Knight HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 89 S. Stacker Williams, of Newark, Ohio, who wrote in the winter of 1880- 1 to J. E. Burke, Secretary of the Grand Chapter of South Carolina, asking if there was a live Knight Templar in Charleston. Brother Burke sent the letter to Brother E, S. Jennison, who obtained them through Sir Knight S. Stacker Williams. The latter wrote to Sir Knight Jennison that he found them in a box among other Masonic papers; that they belonged to a widow of a son of John Snow, and that he wished to get $5.00 for them for her, and thought they ought to he in the possession of South Carolina Commandery, No. i. "They consist of a full record of the proceedings for the re-opening of the Encampment on the 27th of August, 1823, including a petition for a charter of recognition from the General Grand Encampment of the United States, and the dispensation issued in pursuance thereof hy John Snow, G. G. G. of the General Grand Encampment of the United States. "One of the resolutions passed at the meeting of the 27th of August, 1823, read as follows: " 'Resolved, That, on diligent search being made in the archives, it clearly appears that this Encampment was in full operation under the sanction of the warrant of Blue Lodge, No. 40, upwards of thirty years ago, and continued in operation many years, subsequent, and has, time out of mind, caused to he made and used a common seal. It also further appears that the said Encampment has lain dor- mant for several years past." "The Charter of Recognition, in speaking of the age of the Encampment, uses the same words. "The seals on the documents found in Ohio are the same as that on the circular, with the exception that 'Lodge 90 T 1 1 E K X [GHTS T E MI'I.Ak, No. 40' is on the documents found in Ohio, and 'S. C. Enc, No. 1. 17K0,' is on the circular. The impression of the seal on the diploma is identical with, and no doubt an im- pression from, the seal I am about to describe. '*! now come to the curious story of the finding- of the original seal of South Carolina Encampment, Xo. 1. which appears to have heen the original seal of 'Lodge No. 40,' the date and the circumstances of the loss of which are unknown. "My researches in the Grand Secretary's office in Massachusetts brought the information that Sir Knight A. G. Haley, of Salmon Falls, X. H., had such a seal in his possession. He gave it to me to he disposed of according to my discretion, saying that he bought it of a cook of a schooner in Dover, X. H. He bought it in the Massa- chusetts Centennial year for one dollar. The cook said that he had a little time before thrown it up out of the ground, while hanking up the earth around his house in Bath, Maine. He also said it was valuable hecause it was pirate money. On heing told that pirates did not make their own money but stole other people's money, and that it probably was connected with the Knights Templar, he did not think it was worth so much, and parted with it. It is of silver, of which seals were made at the time of its date. "I now have the pleasure, in the name of. and in behalf of South Carolina Commandery, Xo. 1, to present to this Grand Encampment, for its safe preservation, the valuable seal of which 1 have just given you a history. This con- duct on the part of South Carolina Commandery, Xo. 1, is vvorthv of hierh commendation. "But this is not all. The industry of Sir Knight Jen- nison appears to have heen still further rewarded. In con- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 91 sequence of information derived from Sir Knight Calvin Fay, of Atlanta, Georgia, he corresponded with Brother Sidney Hayden, the author of 'Washington and his Ma- sonic Compeers/ the result of which was the following let- ter, throwing a flood of light upon the Grand Lodge for the Southern District of North America. Bro. Jennison is now pursuing his investigation by correspondence with the Grand Lodge of Scotland. " 'Sayre, Pa., May 1, 1883. " 'E. S. Jennison, Esq. "'Dear Sir and Brother: I received, last week, your letter of April 25th, also your pamphlet relating to S. C. Commandery, No. 1. Please accept my sincere thanks for this interesting document. " 'My infirmities of age are such as to prevent me from an- swering very fully your letter, and my physician forbids me to tax mind or body with study or labor to any extent that fatigue me, so I can only give you a brief reply. " 'We know nothing of Masonry in Florida (if any existed there) till after Florida became a British province in 1763, at the close of the old French war. It then became known as the Southern District of the British possessions in America, and was divided by the English government into two provinces, called East and West Florida, over each of which an English colonial government was appointed, with their respective capitals at St. Augustine and Pen- sacola. " 'James Grant was made Governor of East Florida, and in 1768 he received a charter from the G. L. of Scotland to establish a Lodge in St. Augustine. Its registry number in Scotland was 143; the same year (1768) he was also appointed by the G. L. of Scotland as provincial Grand Master of the Southern District of North America, which embraced East and West Florida. Soon after his appointment (in 1770, I think) he established a Lodge in West Florida at Pensacola. This was called St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 1, of West Florida. " 'I know of no other Lodges which he established in his dis- trict. " 'St. Andrew's appears to have worked at Pensacola until about the close of the Revolution, when, as Florida became again a Span- ish province, Pensacola was deserted by many of its inhabitants, who had been British subjects, they removing to Charleston, S. C. This removal was mostly in 1783, and the year before, and with them it seems St. Andrew's Lodge was also removed, as this diplo- ma shows, and also the records of the G. L. of Pennsylvania, and it applied in July, 1783, for a charter from the G. L. of Pennsyl- <)_' III E K NIGHTS I'I'.M I'l.AK, vania. which was granted .Inly 12, 1783, to its former officers, with its No. 40, on the Pa. G. L. registry. The receipt of this fa. war- rant was acknowledged by Geo. Carter, its Master, Sept. 29, 1783, and it was between the time of its granting and the time it was received that this diploma was given, as shown by its date. " 'I have subsequent notes relating to this Lodge, but they are too tedious for me to copy. " 'The seal of this Lodge, after it became No. 40 of Pa., was not the seal of this Lodge while St. Andrew's, No. 1. " 'The first seal you give print of with Lodge No. 40, at the bot- tom, was like the inscription on the fourth design at the head of the diploma, as shown by Bro. Mackey in his description. This seal was probably adopted after the Lodge became No. 40. " 'The print of the seal in your pamphlet, page 7, with S. C. Enc. No. 1, 1780, at the bottom, with some design as former above, was probably adopted after the Lodge became connected with the Ancient York G. L. of S. C. instead of Pa., or perhaps, as it gives no number of its S. C. registry, it may have assumed to be an Encampment distinct from its former Lodge when this seal was adopted. " 'The date 1780 may have been traditionally true, or the Lodge may have begun to confer the higher degrees in that year or even before in Pensacola. These higher degrees in those times were conferred by no statute in Masonry, but what was then the common or unwritten law in Masonry, by which a regular Master's Lodge conferred any higher degrees of which they had knowledge on worthy Master Masons. " 'I do not feel able to extend this letter to you further. I am too feeble to fix my mind on the subject or make it very plain to you, and to copy all my notes relating to it in full would be a task I can not undertake, as they are connected with and scattered through so many papers and subjects. " 'Thanking you for your great kindness I am, dear sir and brother, Truly yours, '"(Signed) S. HAYDEN. "The foregoing calls for something more, that yon may have a bird's-eye view of the condition of Templar Masonry a hundred years ago. "Sir Knight Alford F. Chapman has just published a volume, entitled 'St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter, of Bos- ton, Mass.' "Sketches from the records. "Detached important extracts from the records have HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 93 been published heretofore. They were so important as to justify the publication of Bro. Chapman's. "I desire to call your attention briefly to such matters therein as relate to the order of Knighthood. " 'First. I present you with a heliotype of a summons taken from a plate for the summonses of the chapter. The plate itself, now in the archives of the chapter, is so much worn and some of the emblems are so indistinct that no more impressions could be taken from it. "'The record shows that at the meeting held October 21, 1790, it was "Voted, That Bros. McKean, Moore, Grooves and Hurd be a committee to procure a plate for the summonses to be stamped on." " 'Thus authorized, a plate was designed by Bro. Hurd, and it is still in the possession of the chapter, though much worn; a sufficient number of impressions were printed from it, June, 1877, to distribute one to each member. " 'As described, the plate is ten by six and one-half inches. The plate is so much worn that but few more im- pressions could be taken from it. ' T was, however, so fortunate as to procure the use of a summons printed from the plate, bearing date September 14, 1801. and directed to Charles Rummy, from which the heliotype now presented was taken. A study of the vari- ous emblems delineated upon this summons verities the record that the four degrees of Royal Arch Mason included the Order of Knights Templar. " 'Some of my correspondents, speaking of the South Carolina diplomas, had never heard of the officers "1st and 2d Kings" in any Masonic body. Bro. Chapman, vol. V., on page 194 of the Liberal Free Mason, quoting from the record of St. Andrew's R. A. Chapter, says: "On the 25th day of August, 1791, a committee was appointed to pro- cure jewels for the lodge; also to prepare a form of cer- 94 T HE KNIGH TS TEM PLAR, tificate to be given to any brother who might apply, and the following form was accepted at the meeting in Sep- tember : 'Now, brethren, behold, what glory, and see the peo- ple that came from the East! 'We, the High Priest, First and Second King, and Scribe of Royal Arch Chapter, held at Boston, and under the sanction of St. Andrew's Lodge, X<>. 82, of the Register of Scotland, do hereby certify and attest to all men enlightened that the bearer hereof, our faithful, true, and well beloved Brother A. B., was by us received as a Master Mason, and as a mark due to his diligence and zeal, did, on the day of in the year of our Lord, 1791, exalt him to the degrees of Excellent, Super-Excellent, and Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar, worthy to be received as such at all Royal Arch Chapters, and as such we recommend him to all Royal Arch Lodges on the face of the globe. "'"(riven under our hand and the seal of our Royal Arch Lodge, in Boston, this day of 1 791, and of Royal Arch Masonry 3291, and in the vear of Masonry, 5791.'' ' 'It appears that at some time, either when adopted or later, the word "and Knight Templar," and "and" in the attesting clause, were erased by drawing a pen through them; the subsequent records, however, prompt the con- clusion that the "and Knight Templar" were not erased un- til they ceased to confer that order. The summons does not contain the first reference to Templarism. St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter was at first called "St. Andrew's Royal Arch Lodge" or "Lodge of Royal Arch Masons." and was held under the sanction of the charter of St. Andrew's Lodere.' " HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 95 The first record of the chapter or lodge having refer- ence to the orders of Knight Templar is as follows : "At a Royal Arch Lodge held at Mason's hall, Boston, New England, August 28, 1769. "Present, the R. W. Brother James Brown, M. ; Charles Chambers, S. W. ; Winthrop Gray, J. W. ; William McKean, John Waddington, Joshua Loring, D. S. "The petition of Brother William Davis coming before the lodge begging to have and receive the part belonging to a Royal Arch Mason, which being read was received, and he was unanimously voted in, and was accordingly made by receiving the four steps, that of an Excellent, Super- Excellent. Royal Arch and Knight Templar." These degrees, or "parts," or "steps," are in the subse- quent records alluded to as the "four degrees of a Royal Arch Mason." There could not be four degrees of a Royal Arch Mason without including Knight Templar. The lodge was a "Royal Arch Lodge." and the words "Royal Arch Mason" included the possession of the Order of the Temple. The records of the 14th of May, 1770, has this: "Voted, that the Most Worshipful Joseph Warren, Esq., should lie made a Royal Arch Mason this evening, and he was accordingly made, gratis." Thus it appears that Gen. Joseph Warren, who was slain at the battle of Bunker Hill, was a Knight Templar. The record of another meeting reads: "The petition of Bro. Paul Revere coming before the lodge begging to become an Arch Mason, it was received, and was unanimously accepted, and accordingly made." So he, too, was a Knight Templar. "Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, 96 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, On (he eighteenth of April, in seventy-five, Hardly a man in town alive Who remembers that famous day and year." I'lk' only reference to Knights of the Red Cross is the following record made February 8, 1797, when it was "Voted, that the Knights of the \-4. which is the earliest record in her possession." Again, after giving certain reasons why the Templars of Pennsylvania refused at first to join in the formation of HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 97 the Grand Encampment of the United States, he says: "But another insuperable objection was the degree of the Knights of the Red Cross, formed, fashioned, manufactured for New England and its dependencies, and our illustrious brother has well said that the Grand Encampment of Massachusetts and Rhode Island has furnished the ritual which is now used in all the Templar Orders in the United States." Let us examine into the character of the Red Cross or- der, and see if it is not as foreign to the Order of Christian Knighthood as the parables of Christ are to the building of the temple in the degree. Again, he says: "Do you ask me from whence is the degree of Knight of the Red Cross derived? I reply, it was manufactured by Webb and his associates from the Knight of the East or Sword, Knight of the East, and Knight of the East and West, and other degrees of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite." Sir Knight Creigh says that Webb received his Masonic degrees in Philadelphia prior to 1802, and that his Masonic labors in Massachusetts and Rhode Island were after that date. And, now, at this late day, we discover that the orders of the Knight of the Red Cross and Knight Templar were in 1783 — eleven years before the earliest date of the his- toriographer — conferred in a lodge holding charter of recog- nition under the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. May we not well exclaim with our illustrious Bro. Pike, "How little we know of the early history of Masonry in this country !" The records of St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter con- tains the following entry : "On January 7, 1790, the degrees were conferred on Ephraim Carter, on which occasion the words 'Knight Templar' are entered in the records. William Cordwell 98 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, was present, also Samuel Moore and John Cadewas Tyler; this shows that Cordwell, as well as the others, was a Knight Templar. "Sept. 25, 3294." that is, 1794, "present, Win. S. Moore, M. and R. A. M. ; W. Harris, sec; W. McKean, W. Cord- well, A. Newell, W. Williams, E. Rumney. "Candidates to he advanced to the degree of Excellent, Super-Excellent, Royal Arch and Knight Templar, Bro. Robert Harris, William Francis and Ehenezer Perkins, of Xewburyport." Past Grand Master Gardner says: "Newhnryport Encampment of Knights Templar was established at Newhnryport, Mass., in 1795. Its old records have been lost, and the particulars of its organiza- tion cannot now he obtained. It was formed by an uncon- stituted association of Knights." HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 99 THE TEAR. When friendship or love our sympathies move, When Truth in a glance should appear, The lips may beguile with a dimple or smile, But the test of affection's a tear. Too oft is a smile but the hypocrite's wile To mask detestation or fear; Give me the soft sigh, whilst the soul-telling eye Is dimm'd for a time with a tear. Mid charity's glow, to us mortals below, Shows the soul from barbarity clear; Compassion will melt where this virtue is fell, And its dew is diffused in a tear. The man doom'd to sail with the blast of the gale, Through billows Atlantic to steer, As he bends o'er the wave which may soon be his grave, The green sparkles bright with a tear. The soldier braves death for a fanciful wreath In Glory's romantic career; But he raises the foe when in battle laid low. And bathes every wound with a tear. If with high-bounding pride he return to his bride, Renouncing the gore-crimson'd spear, All his toils are repaid, when, embracing the maid, From her eyelid he kisses the tear. Sweet scene of my youth! seat of friendship and Truth, "Where love chased each fast-fleeting year, Loth to leave thee, I mourn'd, for a last look I turn'd, But thy spire was scarce seen through a tear. Though my vows I can pour to my Mary no more, My Mary to love once so dear, In the shade of her bower I remember the hour She rewarded those vows with a Tear. By another possest, may she live ever blest ! Her name still my heart must revere: With a sigh I resign what I once thought was mine, And forgive her deceit with a tear. I OO 111 K K N 1 GUTS TEM PJ ,A K, Ye friends of my heart, ere from you I depart, This hope to my breast is most near: If again we shall meet in this rural retreat, May we meet, as we part, with a tear. When my soul wings her flight to the regions of night, And my corpse shall recline on its bier, As ye pass by the tomb where my ashes consume, Oh! moisten their dust with a Tear. May no marble bestow the splendor of woe, Which the children of vanity rear; No fiction of fame shall blazon my name, All I ask — all I wish — is a Tear. — Byron. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. IOI THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF THE UNITED STATES. The Grand Lodge of Scotland granted charters to the following lodges in America, which are supposed to have had authority to confer the Royal Arch and Knights Tem- plar : Hampton, Virginia, March 9, 1756. St. Andrew's, Boston, Mass., No. 81, Nov. 3, 1756. Brandford, St. George Co., Virginia, No. 82, Feb. 19. 1760. Union Lodge, South Carolina, No. 98, Feb. 19, 1760. St. John Lodge, Norfolk, Virginia, Aug. 8, 1763. St. John Lodge, Philadelphia, 1773. There were also chartered in Virginia by the Lodge of Kilwinning: Tappahannock, 1758, and Falmouth, 1775, and the Lodge Grants, No. 143. East Florida, was chartered March 15, 1768, and at the same time Gov. James Grant was made Prow Grand Master of the Scotch lodges in the South- ern District of North America. May 31, 1769, Dr. Joseph Warren, at the request of the Boston lodges, was appointed ''Prov. Grand Master over the lodges in Boston." It is supposed that Gov. Grant chartered other lodges in Florida than those above named, and did not report the fact to the Grand Lodge of Scotland. We make mention of these Scotch lodges in connection with this work because of the fact that the Royal Arch and Templar Masonry owe its origin largely to the Symbolic lodges of Scotland. As heretofore mentioned we rind the earliest mention of the conferring of the Royal Arch in this country in Florida, South Carolina. Massachusetts and Pennsylvania in the Scotch lodges. [Q2 ill E KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, In [805 a Grand Encampment had been formed in Providence, R. I., claiming jurisdiction in "any state and territory wherein there is not a Grand Encampment regu- larly established." It had two subordinates in Rhode Island and three in Massachusetts (including Maine). It styled itself the "United States Grand Encampment." In 1S1 1 a committee from this body, of which Thomas Smith Webb was chairman, was appointed to correspond with other Encampments, with a view of securing their co-operation. This committee reported progress the next year and was continued, hut no further report is recorded. But on May 15. 1S15. the following resolutions were adopted : "Resolved, That three delegates he appointed from this Grand Encampment to meet and confer with any or all other Grand Encampments that are now established within the United States, or with such delegates as may be ap- pointed by any or all of the said Grand Encampments upon the subject of a general union of all the Encampments of the United States under one head and general form of gov- ernment, and that the said delegates be and are hereby in- vested with full power and authority to enter into such en- gagements and stipulations, and make such arrangements upon the said subject as they may deem expedient and proper to promote the honor and interests of the orders of Knighthood. "Resolved, That M. W. Thomas. Smith Webb and \Y. Sir Henry Fowle, of Boston, and W. Sir John Snow, of Providence, he, and they are hereby, appointed delegates for the before mentioned purposes." There was also at this time a Grand Encampment in Xew York. It had no subordinates, although Columbian Encampment had applied for a charter of recognition and one had been ordered issued. HISTORY" OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 10^ At a special meeting of this body, June 9, 181 6, held to consider the propriety of appointing a delegate to the convention, "to be held in Philadelphia on Tuesday next," it was unanimously resolved "That Sir Thomas Lowndes be delegated from this Grand Encampment to said conven- tion, with powers to propose the acknowledgment of a General Grand Encampment tor the United States of America, should one be formed by said convention; pro- vided the said General Grand Encampment recognizes this Grand Encampment in its present powers, and as supreme over the state of New York." There was also a Grand Encampment in Pennsylvania. The holding of the convention was evidently based upon the expectation that the three grand bodies named would be represented and participate. The convention was held, but no record of its action, if any was ever made, lias been preserved. At the next meeting of the United States Grand En- campment Webb made a report stating that it was im- possible for the three Grand Encampments to unite in effecting the object for which they had met ; whereupon "a part of the delegates agreed to adjourn to the city of New York, and the convention was dissolved." The delegates returned to New York and a convention was held there by'parties claiming to be "Delegates or Knight companions from eight councils," etc. The record of the formation of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America reads as follows : "At a convention holden at Masons' Hall in the city of New York, on the 20th and 21st of June, 1816, con- sisting of delegates or Knights Companions from eight councils and Encampments of Knights Templar and ap- pendant orders, viz : "Boston Encampment, Boston. I<>4 'I'll E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, "St. John's Encampment, Providence. "Ancient Encampment, New York. "Templar Encampment, Albany. "Montg< wmery Encampment, Stillwater. "St. Paul's Encampment. Newburyport. "Newport Encampment, Newport. "Darius Council, Portland." In [816, when the national organization of Templars was commenced, it was denominated "The General Grand Encampment of Knights Templar and Appendant Orders fur the United States of America." The state grand bodies were called Grand Encampments, and their subordinates Encampments. There was no pro- vision in the constitution fixing the title of officers in either of the three grades of Encampments, but usage gave the prefix of Most Eminent to each. The General Grand Encampment was formed after the model of the General Grand Chapter, and the constitution of the General Grand Chapter was taken as the basis of the constitution framed in Xew York in 1816. For General Grand Chapter was substituted General Grand Encampment: for Most Excellent General Grand High Priest, Most Eminent General Grand Master ; for state Grand Chapters, state Grand Encampment; for Most Excellent Grand High Priest. Most Eminent Grand Mas- ter; for Chapters, Encampments: and for Most Excellent High Priest. Most Eminent Commander. It might be noted here that in the old constitution of En- campments of Knights Templar prior to 1816 there were no Grand Prelate nor Grand Warden. The Grand Master was called Most Worshipful, and other grand officers Wor- shipful; then titles were changed from Worshipful to Em- inent in [816. In 1856, when the General Grand Encampment met in HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. IO5 Hartford, Connecticut, it was considered necessary to amend the constitution, and make it conform to the existing" and contemplated prosperity of the Order. It was at this meeting- that the changes in titles and nomenclature were made, and more decided expression given in the constitution to the powers of the central gov- ernment. The word "General" was stricken out. so that the na- tional body was called ''Grand Encampment," the state grand bodies, "Grand Commanderies," and their subor- dinates, "Commanderies." The titles were also changed so that in the Grand En- campment of the United States we have M. E, Grand Mas- ter, R. E. Deputv Grand Master, and V. E. for the other Grand Officers. In the state Grand Commanderies, R. E. Grand Com- mander, V. E. Deputy Grand Commander, and E, for the other Grand Officers. In the subordinate Commanderies, E. Commander. At this meeting the terminal "s" was omitted from the word "Templar" in "Knights Templar." At the adoption of the present constitution of the Grand Encampment in 1856 there were eleven Grand Command- eries with a membership of not to exceed thirty-five hun- dred. The Grand Commanderies under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, in 1856, were: Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Maine. Vermont, Connecticut, Xew York, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Texas. There were forty-two Commanderies outside the juris- diction of Grand Commanderies under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment with a membership of one thou- sand three hundred and sixty-six, which, added to the membership under allegiance to Grand Commanderies, !<><> THE KNIGH ■l.Ak made a total membership under the jurisdiction of the* Grand Encampment of the United States of America of not to exceed five thousand, while at the present time there arc forty-seven Grand Cbmmanderies and nine subordinate Commanderies working by authority of the Grand Encamp- ment of the United States of America with a membership in [913 of 221. /Sj, Illinois ranking third with a member- ship of 17.14-'. PRECEDENCE OP GRAND COMMANDERIES BASED UPON THE DATES OF THEIR RESPECTIVE ORGANIZATIONS. 1. Massachusetts and Rhode Island May _\ New York June 3. Virginia Nov. 4. Vermont June 5. New Hampshire June 6. Connecticut Sept. 7. Ohio Oct. 8. Kentucky Oct. 9. Maine , May 10. Pennsylvania April 1 1. Indiana May 1 2. Texas Jan. [3. Mississippi Jan. 14. Michigan Vpril 1 5. Illinois Oct. [6. California \ug. ] 7. Tennessee Oct. 18. Wisconsin Oct. 19. New Jersey Feb. 20. Georgia April 21. Missouri May 22. Alabama Nov. 0, 1805 18, 1814 -7. 1823 27. 1824 Vv 1826 13. 1827 24. 1843 15. 1847 5 j 1852 12, 1854 16, 1854 18. 1855 21. 1857 7- 1857 2/. 1857 10, 1S5S 12, 1850 20. 1859 14. i860 2 5- i860 22 i860 29, i860 23- 24. 2 5- 26. - ? 7- 28. 29. 30- 3'- 3- 7 - 33- 34- 35- 36. 37- 38: 39- 40. 4i- 42. 43- 44- 45- 46. 47- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. Louisiana Feb. Iowa June Minnesota Oct. Kansas Dec. Maryland Jan. Nebraska Dec. Arkansas March West Virginia Feb. Colorado March North Carolina May South Dakota May Oregon April Washington June Wyoming March Montana May North Dakota June Arizona Now Florida Aug. Indian Territory Dec. District of Columbia Jan. Oklahoma Territory Feb. New Mexico Aug. Idaho Vug. South Carolina March Utah \pril 107 12 1864 .6 1864 23 1865 29 1868 -'3 1871 27 1871 23 1872 25 1874 f4 1876 10 1881 14 1884 13 1887 2 1887 8 1888 •4 1888 16 1890 16 1893 15 1895 27 1895 14 1896 10 1896 21 1 90 1 3 1 1904 25 1907 20 1910 SUBORDINATE COMMANDERIES CONSTITUENT TO THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT LIST, 1913. Name and Location. Date of Charter. Alaska, U. D., Fairbanks, Alaska July 17, 191 1 St. John's, No. 7, Wilmington, Del Sept. 18. 1868 Honolulu, No. 1, Honolulu. Hawaii Sept. 20,1871 Far East, No. 1, Manila, P. I Vug. 1 1, T910 t08 I'll E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, Mexico City, No. i. Mexico City, Mexico. .July n, 1907 DeWitt Clinton. No. 1, Reno, Nev Sept. 15,1868 Malta. No. 3, Goldfield, Nev July it. T907 Canal Zone, C. I).. Las Cascadas, Panama . April 1 1, 1912 Membership of above Commanderies, 1,203. °f which number St. John's Commander}', No. 1, Wilmington. Dele- ware, has 513. Canal Zone, Las Cascadas, Panama, 99, and there are 46 in Alaska, 131 in Hawaii, 106 in the Philippines, 147 in Mexico. GRAND MASTERS OF THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT. Giving Number of Conclave, Year Held, and, if Not Living, Date of Death. First Conclave — 1816 — De Witt Clinton. New York, X. Y. Second Conclave — 1819 — De Witt Clinton, New York, X. Y. Third Conclave — 1826 — De Witt Clinton, New York. X. Y. ; died February 11. 1828. Fourth Conclave — 1829 — Rev. Jonathan Nye, Clare- mont, N. H. Fifth Conclave — 1832 — Rev. Jonathan Nye. Claremont, X. H. ; died April 1, 1843. Sixth Conclave — 1835 — James Madison Allen, Cayuga, X. Y. Seventh Conclave — 1838 — James Madison Allen, Cayu- ga. N. Y. Eighth Conclave — 1841 — James Madison Allen. Cayu- ga, X'. Y. ; died . Ninth Conclave — 1844 — Archibald Bull, Troy, X T . Y. ; died December 22, 1865. Tenth Conclave — 1847 — William Blackstone Hubbard, Columbus, O. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. lOO, Eleventh Conclave — 1850 — William Blackstone Hub- bard, Columbus, O. Twelfth Conclave — 1853 — William Blackstone Hub- bard, Columbus, O. Thirteenth Conclave — 1856 — William Blackstone Hub- bard, Columbus, O. ; died January 5, 1866. Fourteenth Conclave — 1859- — Benjamin Brown French, Washington, D. C. Fifteenth Conclave — 1862 — Benjamin Brown French, Washington, D. C. ; died August 12, 1870. Sixteenth Conclave — 1865 — Henry L. Palmer, Milwau- kee, Wis.; died May 7, 1909. Seventeenth Conclave — 1868 — William Sewall Gardi- ner, Newton, Mass.; died April 4, 1888. Eighteenth Conclave — 1871 — John O. A. Fellows, New Orleans, La. ; died November 28, 1897. Nineteenth Conclave — 1874 — James Herron Hopkins, Washington, D. C. ; died June 18, 1904. Twentieth Conclave — 1877 — Vincent Lombard Hurl- but, Chicago, 111.; died July 24, 1896. Twenty-First Conclave — 1880 — Benjamin Dean, Bos- ton, Mass.; died April 9, 1897. Twenty-Second Conclave — 1883- — Robert Enoch With- ers, Wythesville, Va. ; died September 21, 1907. Twenty-Third Conclave — 1886 — Charles Roome, New York, N. Y. ; died June 2S, 1890. Twenty-Fourth Conclave — 1889 — John P. S. Gobin, Lebanon, Pa.; died May 1, 1910. Twenty-Fifth Conclave — 1892 — Hugh McCurdy, Cor- runa, Mich.; died July 16, 1908. Twenty-Sixth Conclave — 1895 — Warren La Rue Thom- as, Danville, Ky. Twenty-Seventh Conclave — 1898 — Reuben Hedley Lloyd, San Francisco, Cal. ; died March 10, 1909. 1IO THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Twenty-Eighth Conclave — 190 1 — Henry Bates Stod- dard. Bryan, Texas. Twenty-Ninth Conclave — 1904 — George Mayhew Moul- ton. Chicago, 111. Thirtieth C"oncla\e — 1907 — Henry \Y. Rugg, Provi- dence, I\. I.; died July 2J, 1910. Thirty-First Conclave — 1910 — William Bromwell Mel- ish, Cincinnati. O. Thirty-Second Conclave — 1913 — Arthur Mc Arthur, Troy, N.V HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 1 I IN ILLINOIS. The roses nowhere bloom so bright As in Illinois; The sunshine shines nowhere so bright As in Illinois; The birds sing nowhere quite so sweet, And nowhere hearts so lightly beat, For Heaven and earth both seem to meet In Illinois. The days are never quite so long As in Illinois; Nor quite so filled witb happy song As in Illinois; And when my time lias come to die, Just take me back and let me lie Close where the river comes rolling by In Illinois. There is nowhere a land so fair As in Illinois; So full of song, so free of care, As in Illinois; And I believe that happy land The Lord's prepared for mortal man, Is built exactly on the plan Of Illinois. 112 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, THE IXTRODUCTION OF TEMPLAR MASONRY IN ILLINOIS. The first Commandery of Knights Templar organized in Illinois was Apollo Commandery, No. I, Chicago, whose petitioners received a dispensation from Jas. K. Stapleton, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of the United States, dated May 5, 1845. The dispensation was received May 15, 1845. and au- thorized the petitioners "to open and hold an encampment of Knights Templar and Knights of Malta, and council of the appendant orders at the city of Chicago, by the name of Apollo Encampment, No. 1, with the officers and other privileges, in accord with the prayer of the petitioners, un- til the second Thursday of September, in the year 1847." On the same date the dispensation was received Apollo Encampment, No. 1, was duly formed and opened in solemn form. There were present Most Excellent and Reverend Sir William Frederick Walker, Grand Commander ; Emi- nent Sir John Roman Case, Generalissimo ; Eminent Sir William Stuart, Captain General, and Sir Knights Henry lirown, William Moreland, Davis Ryan, A. B. Lewis and John Ranney. The above named Sir Knights, together with S. H. Gilbert, Isaac Haight and G. C. Blodgett, were ap- pendant to the petition for an encampment. The first conclave was held in the forenoon of May 20. [845, in the Masonic hall, Loomis building, corner Clark and Water streets, at which Conclave the order of the Red Cross was conferred on Companions Jacob Beison, W. A. Rowlatt, W. S. Brown, P. P. Robinson. Charles Robert Starkweather, Charles Follansbee and C. Britain. On May 23. 1845, the Order of the Temple was con- ferred upon Illustrious Knights of the Red Cross Philip P. Robinson, W. S. Brown and Rev. W. A. Rowlatt. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 113 Apollo Encampment, No. 1, continued to work under dispensation until 1847, when, on September 16th, the Grand Encampment ordered a charter issued. The second Commandery of Knights Templar organized in the slate of Illinois was Belvidere Encampment, Xo. 2, at Alton, 111., under dispensation from the Grand Encamp- ment, dated May 13, [853. The third Commandery of Knights Templar organized in the state of Illinois was Center Encampment, at Decatur, under dispensation from the Grand Encampment, dated July 22, 1856. On November i, [856, the Grand Master, upon petition, extended and renewed the life of this dispensation, chang- ing the name to Central Commander)', until the second Tuesday in Septemher, [859, when a further dispensation was granted by the Grand Encampment of the United States, in session Septemher [9, 1859, until the ensuing session of the Grand Commandery- of Illinois, when, on November 3, 1859, a further dispensation was granted by the Grand Commandery of Illinois, to expire October 27. i860', changing the name to Beaumanoir Commandery, by which name it has since been known, and as Xo. 9, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Commander)- of Illinois. The fourth encampment established by the Grand En- campment of the United States in Illinois was Peoria En- campment, at Peoria, 111., by dispensation issued by the Grand Master July 2$, [856, and was chartered September 15. 1856. The fifth encampment established by the Grand En- campment of the United States in Illinois was Freeport En- campment. Xo. 5, by dispensation dated June 10, 1857; chartered September 16, [859. This was the last encamp- ment created by the Grand Encampment of the United States in Illinois. 114 THE KM CUTS TEMPLAR, The Grand Commandery of Illinois was organized at a convention of Knights Templar, convened in the city of Chicago en Tuesday, the 27th October, 1857, A. (). 739, at 10:30 o'clock a. M., agreeable to a call of the several com- manderies of the state, for the purpose of forming a Grand Commandery of Knights Templar for the state of Illinois, by order of lM. E. Sir William Blackstone Hubbard, (irand Master of Knights Templar of the United States of Ameri- ca. [See History G. C. See vol. 2, page 1.] Early in the month of December, 1857, the Grand Com- mander of the (irand Commandery of Illinois received at the same time two petitions for dispensation to form and open commanderies, the one at Joliet and the other at Mor- ris, 111., both signed by a constitutional number of Knights Templar, and both recommended, on the same date, by Apollo Commandery, No. I, neither petition having prece- dence in date of application, the two cities being only a few miles distant from each other. The Grand Commander granted a dispensation to the Sir Knights at Joliet to form and open a Commandery of Knights Templar and the appendant orders, at the city of Joliet, by the name of Joliet Commandery, and also granted a dispensation to the Sir Knights of Morris to form and open a Commandery of Knights Templar and appendant orders in that city by the name of Blaney Commandery. both dispensations bearing date February 17. 1858. A. O. 739- On October 26, 1858, the (irand Commandery granted charters to Joliet Commandery. as No. 4. and to Blaney Commandery, as No. 5. They are the twin commanderies of the (irand Commandery of Illinois, and Blaney Com- mandery, No. 5, is the mother commandery of Ottawa Com- mandery, Xo. 10. Sir Knights W. H. L. Wallace, John B, Peckham, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COM MANDERY. 115 Daniel H. Ashton, S. C. Miner and Ouincy D. Whitman, among the petitioners and charter members of Ottawa Com- mandery, No. 10, were knighted in Blaney Commandery, No. 5, and Blaney Commandery recommended the prayer of the petitioners for a commandery at Ottawa. 111., to the favorable consideration <>f the Grand Commander}- of Illi- nois, and the best of fraternal relations have always existed between the two commanderies. Oliver Cromwell Gray and James Rhoads, the two first officers of Ottawa Commandery, were knighted in Pitts- burg Commandery, No. 1, Pittsburg, Pa. R. E. SIR JOHN FISK NASH. Sir John Fisk Nash, to whose memory we dedicate this work, was Eminent Commander of Ottawa Commandery during the years [869 and 1877, inclusive, and Grand Com- mander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Illinois in 1878. He was one 1 f the first created a Knights Templar in Ottawa Commandery. At the time of his death he was the ranking Past Commander of Ottawa Command- er}', and Past Commander of the Grand Commandery by seniority of service, and by far the senior in age. Sir Knight Nash was born at Williamsburg, Mass., De- cember [6, 1824, and came west in 1840, locating at Gran- ville, 111., where he married on the 26th of November, 1847, Lura M. Penned, who died January 18, [917, in her ninety- second year. He came to Ottawa, 111., in 1847, where he began the study of law in October. 1849, and was admitted to the bar in [856. He was later elected Circuit Clerk of La Salle count}-, which office he held five years. He was later chief clerk of the State Senate at Springfield. He was cashier of the First National Bank of Ottawa for thirty-five years, resigning from that position in 1900, being then at i [6 II E KNIGHTS I'l'.M PLAR, R. E. SIR JOHN FISK NASH, Grand Commander Grand Commandcry, 1S7S. Born December 16, 1824; died July 6, 1913. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 11/ the ripe age of seventy-seven years, and feeling that he was entitled to a rest from the labors of what to most men is a life time. He was raised Master Mason in Occidental Lodge in [85 1, and was Master of the lodge during the years [863-64. Was exalted Royal Arch Mason in Shabbona Chapter, No.. 37, lv. A. M., June 2 1 . [856, and was High Priest of said chapter in 1865. Was created a Knights Templar in Ot- tawa Commandery, while working under dispensation, March S, [861. Was Eminent Commander from [869 to 1877, inclusive, and Grand Commander of the Grand Com- mandery of Illinois in r.878. In all these official positions he won the commendation of his brothers and fraters 1>v his faithful and efficient serv- ices. He died Sunday, July 6, 1913. His funeral services were held from Christ Episcopal Church on Tuesday after- noon at 4 o'clock, after which the body was conveyed to Ottawa Avenue Cemetery, escorted by Ottawa Command- ery, Xo. to, K. T.. where the beautiful Templar burial services were rendered under the direction of K. E. Sir William Leslie Sharp., Grand Commander of the Grand Commander}', K. T., ol Illinois. He sleeps like one who drew the drapery of his couch around him and laid down to pleasant dreams. Knight of the valiant and magnanimous Order of Knights Templar. Knight of Malta of the Order of Sts. )ohn of Jerusalem. Mail and farewell! R. E. SIR ALBERT FREDERICK SCIIOCH, 33 , Grand Commander, 1906-7. R. E. Sir Albert Frederick Schoch, one of the dedicatees of this work, is devoted to the Order of Knighthood, and i [8 Til E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, R. E. SIR ALBERT FREDERICK SCHOCH 33 c Grand Commander Grand Commandery, 1906. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I IO, in Templar circles is well known and most popular, not only in the grand jurisdiction of Illinois, but throughput the United States. Templarism, like everything- else in which Sir Schoch be- came interested, received, without falter, the full force of his energy, zeal and intellect. His watchword has always been the "upbuilding" of everything he undertook, not only in Masonic circles, but in civil affairs of his community and state at large. Without doubt he is one of the most progres- sive and public-spirited men of Ottawa, and his means and influences have been used unsparingly in advancing enter- prises, industries and improvements in the beautiful city of his nativity, where he was born on the 18th of December. ^57- Both of his parents. Philip and Caroline S. ( Sulsberger) Schoch, were born near Strasburg, Germany. The father being born in Gertsheim. Alsace, July 26, 1832, and the mother in Obenheim, Alsace, May 6, 1835. They came to the United States in 185 1, locating in Ottawa, which con- tinued to be their home until they were called to the Para- dise of God. R. E. Sir Schoch is a gentleman of scholarly tastes and attainments. He is proficient in literature and science, and reads and speaks French and German almost as readily as he does English. He is proud of the fact that he obtained his elementary education in the public grammar and high schools of Ottawa, and subsequently pursued a special course of study in French two terms in a French school. When eighteen years of age he took the competitive examination for admission to West Point, standing second among the twenty-two young men who presented themselves for that rigorous ordeal. In the fall of 1873 the business career of Sir A. F. Schoch commenced by his accepting a position as clerk in I 20 III E KNIGHTS TK.\! PLAR, the postoffice under John Rush Cameron. At the end of sixteen months he became connected with the National City Bank of Ottawa. Having proved his fidelity and perfect trustworthiness as a messenger boy, at the end of three years he was promoted to the post of bookkeeper. Three years nmre had scarcely passed, when his merits and stability oi character being fully recognized by the officials of the bank, he was elected a member of the hoard of directors January [3, [885, and was appointed assistant cashier on the fourth 1 f the mi mth following'. At the end of five years, during a part of which period he acted in the capacity 1 f cashier, he was advanced to the honored office which he has since occupied, that of vice- president of the bank. He also holds the position of vice-president of the First National Bank of Grand Ridge and First National Bank of Ransom, La Salle county, Illinois. He was president for several years of the Ottawa Development Association, the commercial club of the city of Ottawa, and is also treasurer of the Valley Building and Loan Association, in which or- ganization he takes an active interest, having done much towards the building of new homes in Ottawa. In view of the fact that he commenced his business career empty-handed, his success is the more remarkable, and his record must prove an inspiration to many young men starting out, as he did. with no capital save brains, in- tegrity, determination and perseverance, which, after all, is the best capital, and without which wealth, influence and position amount to naught. Had not great financial enterprises and a multiplicity of interests demanded a large share of his time and energy. Sir Schoch might have occupied almost any local office within the gift of the people for many years past. Though he was overtaxed at times, he has endeavored to do his HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 121 duty by the public in spite of this fact, as will bo seen by the brief summary following: From 1891 to 1895 he was Mayor of Ottawa; from [889 to 1891 he was City Treas- urer; was member of the Board of Education two terms; was School Treasurer of the Congressional township. No. 33, Range 3, from 1887 to 1889; was member of the volun- teer fire department for sixteen years, and was prominently mentioned at one of the Republican state conventions as the nominee for the office of State Treasurer. While he was Mayor he succeeded in having many material improvements instituted, such as the paving of streets, introduction of po- lice and tire alarm systems, the laying of sewers and build- ing" of waterworks. He was known as the "boy mayor.*' He refused to al- low his name to he used as a candidate for the mayoralty for a third time, and retired from the office with the good will and admiration of the people for his wise, progressive policy. In May, 1899, he was appointed by Governor Tan- ner as a member of the Board of Special Commissioners to inspect the Chicago drainage canal, and served as secre- tary of said commission. Fraternallv, he is a member of Humboldt Lodge, No. 555, A. F. & A. M., in which he was raised in June, 1883; Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., in which he was exalted in June, 1893, and Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, in which he was created November 9, 1893, and served as Eminent Commander from December, 1896, to December, 1899. At the forty-third Annual Con- clave of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Illi- nois, he was elected Grand Warder, and climbed the ladder of fame until he was elected ( hand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the state of Illinois at the Annual Conclave, October 23, 1906, and in recognition of his meritorious services in the Masonic vine- [22 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, yard he was crowned Sovereign Grand Inspector General, thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and hohorar) member of the Supreme Coun- cil for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, September 16, 1 9 1 3 . He is at present a member of the jurisprudence committee of the Grand Com- mander)- of Illinois and the representative of the Grand Commandery of Colorado near the Grand Commandery of Illinois. He is also, as Prince of the Royal Secret, 32 , a member of Oriental Consistory, Valley of Chicago. He is also a member of Medina Temple, A. A. O. N. O. T. M. S., ( )asis of Chicago. He has held the office of Supreme Banker of the Mystic Workers of the World for twenty years, and at the last ses- sion, recently held, was re-elected. This is an insurance organization with a membership of over 90,000. One of the most pleasing events in the career of Sir Schoch was solemnized December 17, 1879, when he mar- ried Miss Minnie Wolfe, daughter of Henry Wolfe, one of Ottawa's leading citizens. To this union has been born three daughters — Carrie U. and Lulu C. at home, and Esther S.. recently married to Dr. C. B. Sharp, of Ottawa. The home of Sir Schoch is unpretentious, but is a home in the best sense of the word, and to the most casual ob- server gives evidence of the culture, excellence of taste and traits of character of the family of R. E. Sir Albert Fred- erick Schoch. SUBORDINATE COMMANDERIES UNDER JURISDICTION GRAND COMMANDERY OF ILLINOIS. No. Name. Location. When Chartered. 1— Apollo Chicago Sept. 17, 1847 2— Belvidere Alton Sept. 19-, 1853 3— Peoria Peoria Sept. 15, 1856 4— Joliet Joliet Oct. 26. 1858 HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 1 23 5— Blaney Morris Oct. 26, 1858 6— Elwood Springfield Oct. 25, 1859 7— Freeport Freeport Oct. 26,1859 8— Galesburg Galesburg Oct. 23, 1860 9— Beaumanoir Decatur Oct. 23, 1860 10— Ottawa Ottawa Oct. 23, 1861 12— Waukegan Waukegan Oct. 23, 1861 13— Cairo Cairo Oct. 25, 1864 14— Gorin Olney Oct. 24, 1865 15 — Sycamore Sycamore Oct. 24, 1865 16— Urbana Urbana Oct. 24, 1865 17— Crusader Rockford Oct. 24, 1865 IS— Rock Island Rock Island Oct. 23, 1866 19— Chicago Chicago Oct. 23, 1866 20— Temple Princeton Oct. 23, 1866 21— Dixon Dixon Oct. 23, 1866 22— Aurora Aurora Oct. 23, 1866 23— Cyrene Centralia Oct. 22, 1867 24— DeMolay Bloomington Oct. 22, 1867 25— Calvary Woodstock Oct. 22, 1867 26— St. John Peru Oct. 22, 1867 27— Palestine Paris Oct. 22, 1867 28— Bethany Mendota Oct. 27, 1868 29— Hugh de Payens Carrollton Oct. 27, 1868 30— St. Omer Litchfield July 2, 1868 31— Hospitaler Jacksonville Oct. 27, 1869 32— Almoner Augusta Oct. 27, 1869 33— Ivanhoe Kankakee Oct. 27, 1869 34— St. Paul Fairbury Oct. 26, 1870 35— St. Bernard Chicago Oct. 26, 1870 36— Bethel Elgin Oct. 26, 1870 37— Melita Tuscola Oct. 26, 1870 38— Mt. Olivet Paxton Oct. 26, 1870 39— Mt. Pulaski Mt. Pulaski Oct. 24, 1871 40— Galena Galena Dec. 22, 1871 41— Gethsemane Metropolis Oct. 22, 1872 42— Damascus Havana Oct. 22, 1872 43— Coeur de Leon El Paso Oct. 24, 1873 44— Godfrey de Bouillon Mattoon Oct. 28, 1874 45— Athelston Danville Oct. 28, 1874 47— St. Aldemar Petersburg Oct. 27, 1875 48— Delta Clayton Oct. 26, 1875 49— Ascalon Pittsfield Oct. 23, 1877 50— Tancred Belleville Oct. 22, 1878 51— Constantine Lincoln Oct. 22, 1878 52— Chevalier Bayard Chicago Oct. 25, 1881 53— Montjoie Chicago Oct. 25, 1881 54— Siloam Oak Park Oct. 24, 1882 56— Rushville Rushville Oct. 24, 1882 I 24 I'll E K NIC, I IIS TKM PLAR, 57— Sterling Sterling Oct. 29,1884 58— Evanston Evanston Oct. 27,1886 59— Englewood Englewood Oct. 26, 1886 60— Long Mt. Carroll Oct. 28, 1891 61 — Macomb Macomb Dec. 18, 1891 62— Calumet Chicago Oct. 26, 1892 63— Columbia Chicago Oct. 25, 1893 64— Lincoln Park Chicago Oct. 24, 1894 65— St. Elmo Chicago Oct. 25, 1894 66— Clinton Clinton Oct. 23, 1895 67— Mary Watseka Oct. 28, 1896 OS— Champaign Champaign Sept. 2, 1903 69— Patton Mt. Vernon Oct. 24, 1905 70— Streator Streator Oct. 24, 1905 71 — Kewanee Kewanee Oct. 24, 1906 72— Illinois Chicago Oct. 24,1906 73— Mizpah Chicago Oct. 23, 1907 74— Gil W. Barnard Sullivan Oct. 26, 1909 75— Inglevere Carthage Oct. 26, 1909 76— Wocdlawn Chicago Oct. 24, 1911 77— Quincy Quincy Sept. IS, 1912 78— Chicago Heights Chicago Heights Sept. IS, 1912 79— Humboldt Park Chicago Sept. 18, 1912 80— Trinity La Grange Sept. 18, 1912 SI— East St. Louis East St. Louis Oct. 28,1913 82— Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel Oct. 28, 1913 S3— St. Cecelia Chicago Oct. 28,1913 84— Austin Chicago Oct. 28, 1915 GRAND COMMANDERS AND RECORDERS OF THE GRAND COMMANDERY SINCE ITS FORMATION, OCTOBER 27, 1S57. Year. Grand Commander. Grand Recorder. 1857 James V. Z. Blaney William H. Turner 185S James V. Z. Blaney* William H. Turner 1859 Josiah Hunt* William H. Turner* 1860 Hosmer A. Johnson George W. Deering* 1861 Hosmer A. Johnson* Henry C. Ranney 1862 George W. Deering* Henry C. Ranney 1863 William H. Turner* Henry C. Ranney 1864 Nathan H. Prentice* Henry C. Ranney 1865 Henry C. Ranney James H. Miles 1866 George C. Lamphere* James H. Miles 1867 Vincent L. Hurlbut* James H. Miles 1868 Jerome R. Gorin* James H. Miles 1869 Charles E. Munger* James H. Miles HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 125 1870 John M. Pearson* James 1871 Wiley M. Egan* James 1872 Daniel Dustin* James 1873 James A. Hawley* James 1874 Hiram W. Hubbard* James 1875 Theodore T. Gurney* James 1876 Philander P. Barclay* James 1877 John F. Nash* Gil. W. 1878 Robert L. McKinlay* Gil. W. 1879 Charles M. Morse* Gil. W. 1880 John C. Smith* Gil. W. 1S81 Loyal L. Munn* Gil. W. 1S82 Henry Turner* Gil. W. 1883 James G. Elwood Gil. W. 1884 Haswell C. Clarke* Gil. W. 1885 John L. White* Gil. W. 1886 Wilbur F. Broomfield* Gil. W. 1887 Edward C. Mulliner Gil. W. 1888 Norman T. Gassette* Gil. W. 1S89 George M. Moulton Gil. W. 1890 Joseph E. Dyas Gil. W. 1891 Sylvester O. Spring Gil. W. 1892 Charles G. Mac* Gil. W. 1893 Harvey M. Hall* Gil. W. 1894 Henry H. Montgomery Gil. W. 1895 Augustus L. Webster Gil. W. 1896 Edward C. Pace* Gil. W. 1897 James P. Sherwin* Gil. W. 1S98 George W. Curtis Gil. W. 1899 James B. McFatrich* Gil. W. 1900 Charles P. Kane Gil. W. 1901 Hamer H. Green* Gil. W. 1902 Holman G. Purinton Gil. W. 1903 Alon;;o S. Wilderman* Gil. W. 1904 George E. Ohara* Gil. W. 1905 Alfred A. Whipple Gil. W. 1906 Albert F. Schoch Gil. W. 1907 Smythe Crooks Gil. W. 1908 William L. Gross* Harris 1909 John D. Cleveland Harris 1910 Harry H. Cleaveland Delmar 1911 Arthur M. Otman Delmar 1912 William Leslie Sharp Delmar 1913 Stuart E. Pierson Delmar 1914 Thomas A. Stevens Delmar 1915 Louis A. Mills Delmar 1916 Andrew J. Redmond Delmar H. H. H. H. 11. H. H. Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles* Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard Barnard* A. Wheeler A. Wheeler D. Darrah Darrah Darrah Darrah Darrah Darrah Darrah I). D. D. D. D. D. ^Deceased. [26 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. THE BITTER CUP. Then comcth Jesus with them unto a place called Geth- semane, and sayeth unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to he sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them. My soul is exceeding sor- rowful, even unto death; tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O, my Father, if it be possible, let this cup p;is> from me; nevertheless, not as I will, hut as thou wilt. And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep and said unto Peter, What! could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that ye enter not into temp- tation: the spirit indeed is willing', hut the flesh is weak, lie went away again a second time, and prayed, saying", O, my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it. thy will he done. And he came and found them asleep again; for their eyes were heavy. And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, say- ing the same words. Then cometh he to his disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest; behold the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Pise, let us he going; behold he is at hand that doth betray me. And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great mul- titude, with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people. Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever 1 shall kiss, that same is he. hold him fast. And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said. I fail, Master; and kissed him. — Matt, xxvi : ^0-49. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY NO. 10 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR 12$ 'HE KNIGHTS TKM I'l.AK, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 29 OTTAWA COMMANDERY, NO. 10, K. T. 1861-1916. "More precious than rubies and pearls are the times in earlier years which first get the fibers in tune with never-to-be-forgotten joys; for they are the source of happiness distilled for the spirit, ethereal, tenuous like a ray of light; and the mem- ory of those times is not recollection but sensation. "So the autumn and winter of life are bright- ened, though there is to be no other spring." OUR HOME, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. The home of Ottawa Cbmmandery, No. 10, K. T., is a most beautiful and model city, with a population of 15,000 souls — for all of our people have souls — located in the beautiful and fertile valley of the Illinois river, where the silver-like waters of the Fox cut their way through St. Peter's sandstone to unite with the blue waters of the Illi- nois ages far down the vista of time. Its paved streets, shaded lawns, artesian fountains, sub- stantial business houses, costly churches, model schools, colleges and public libraries, hue residences, manufacturing and shipping facilities, make it one of the most substantial cities in Illinois, and, as a residence city of refined taste, un- surpassed in the West. The landscape scenery surrounding this beautiful city is such that no artist in the wildest luxuriance of his fancy could picture the grandeur and beauty that meet the eye on every side. The meanderings of the placid waters of the Illinois among the innumerable wooded islands, through a valley with a soil as rich and fertile as that of the Xile, abounding with clays with which to manufacture the most substantial building material, sands to make elass for venerations vet HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDKKV. 131 unborn, and hillsides thickly wooded and filled with coal to propel the machinery of the world, stretching far away un- til their outlines are blended with the blue horizon, forms a scene which the mind delights in contemplating. Is it any wonder that the once great and powerful na- tion, the Illini, builded their largest city in this beautiful and fertile valley, and that Hennepin, the great French ex- plorer, called the valley of the Illini the "Delights of the Xew World"? Looking down the valley of the Illinois, to the westward, stands Buffalo Rbck, like an island fortress commanding the valley for miles east and west, and from its wooded plateau the sojourner can look over the woodland hills of the Illinois far out on the cornfields and wheatfields of the prairie farmer, where less than four score years and one, the Indian was the possessor of wild prairies, and the buf- falo, elk and deer were his herds, partaking of his nature, and participating in his nomadic habits. Crossing the blue Illinois, the "weary pilgrim travelling from afar" is grasped by a friendly hand and guided through paths he had not known. Glens and grottos divinely carved in St. Peter's rock, from the depths of which the eye strains upward to reach the eagle's lofty nest; along noisy, sparkling brooks, gliding merrily from out the dark and grewsome walls of many a quaint and yawning canyon, and meeting in a broader, smoother stream, flow through the valley in purling, grace- ful windings, singing a mournful dirge as they bathe the rocky sides of Lover's Leap and wash the base of Starved Rock, the last resting place of the once powerful tribe of Illini, which, being besieged on this impregnable fortress by their adversaries, the Iroquois, preferred death by starva- tion rather than an ignominious one at the hands of their enemies. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. [33 "Here chief met chief in dubious strife. And neither yielded but his life; Dark, sullen, stern, no cry was heard That spoke of life — to death preferred." Having changed his garb, the "pilgrim warrior" now climbs to the summit of Starved Rock and, kneeling at the sepulchre of the Illini, implores the Great I Am to "Wind the mighty secrets of the past, And turn the key of time!" Arising from his bended knees, he beholds a most mag- nificent scene. Looking to the east, up the beautiful valley of tlu j Illinois, he beholds the cities of Ottawa, Marseilles and Morris, sitting peacefully between the woodland hills, and the smoke of a hundred factories drifting away into the immeasurable space. Turning to the west, his vision rests on the site of the great city of the Illini, where the cross of Our Blessed Savior was first planted among the aborigines in the valley of the Illini by the French Jesuits centuries ago, and on beyond the village of Ltica, and still on, sit- ting like Rome on its Seven Hills, the twin cities of La Salle and Peru and the smoke stacks of the largest zinc works in the world towering heavenward as monuments to man's industry and skill. Turning to the south, he beholds the sun at its meridian height, shedding its refulgent ravs upon thousands of acres of prairie, where the resin-weed had given away to the cornfields; the wild rose and native grasses were choked out by timothy, clover and blue grass; the crab apple had yielded to the rambo and pippin; and the wild plum cut away to give a place to the green gage and damson. Turning to the north, looking across the beautiful valley of the Illinois, far beyond the rising bluff on the north, he sees neatly furnished farm houses, the abiding homes of culture and industry, with which the white man had sup- planted the wigwam and lodge of the red man. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. l$J Seeking his chamber of reflection, well might the pil- grim penitent exclaim, in the language of Byron : "The naughtiest breast, its wish might bound Through life to dwell delighted here; Nor could on earth a spot be found. To nature and to me so dear." — W. L. Milligan, in Templar Itinerary, Boston Triennial, 1895. THE HOME OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. The corner-stone of the present Masonic temple was laid November 3, 19 10, by Most Worshipful A. R. Ashley, Grand Master, and was dedicated for Masonic purposes June J/, 191 1, by Most Worshipful A. B. Ashley, Grand Master. Great credit is due the building committee, con- sisting of chairman Al. F. Schoch, Shabbona Chapter; Samuel B. Bradford, Occidental Lodge; Henry L. Arnold, Humboldt Lodge; and William I). Fullerton, Ottawa Com- mandery, for the execution and completion of this mag- nificent Masonic temple. A more appropriate location could not have been selected. On either side are houses of worship dedicated to Almighty God, while just across the way in Washington Park is the huge boulder erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution to mark the spot where the first joint debate took place between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. Not far away is the temple of justice, the Appellate Court-house, once the seat of the Supreme Court of the Northern Grand Division of Illinois, in which such men as Sidney Breese, John D. Caton and T. Lyle Dickey sat on the bench and heard pleadings from Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. Just across the way from the Appellate Court-house is the public library, given to the citizens of Ottawa by Wil- liam Reddick, one of the early members of Occidental Lodge. Nearby are several other churches, as well as the late high school building, all symbolic of the lofty principles of Free Masonry. 138 111 E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, THE MASONIC TEMPLE. OTTAWA ILLINOIS. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COM M ANDERY. I 3c) The ceremonies of dedicating the new temple were un- der the auspices o\ Occidental Lodge, the senior of the two lodges in Ottawa. There were two addresses, one by Al. F. Schoch, Past Master of Humboldt Lodge, who made the introductory re- marks, and the dedicatory address delivered by William L. Milligan, Past Master of Occidental Lodge, Grand Orator. OTTAWA COMMANDERY, NO. 10, K. T. On the 29th of January, 1861. E. Sir Hosmer A. John- son, Grand Commander of the Grand Comrnandery of Knights Templar of Illinois, upon the recommendation of Blaney Commander, No. 5, Morris, 111., granted a dispensa- tion for a Comrnandery of Knights Templar at Ottawa, Illinois. Sir Oliver Cromwell (Tray was named as Eminent Commander; Sir David Walker, as Generalissimo; and Sir * William Hervy Lamme Wallace, as Captain General. The names on the dispensation cannot be given, for the reason that it was never made a matter of record. The committee on charters and dispensations reported to the Grand Comrnandery October 23, 1861 : "Resolved, That charters be granted to Ottawa Com- mander}', U. D., as Ottawa Comrnandery, No. 10." Officers U. D. Oliver Cromwell Gray Commander David Walker Generalissimo W. LI. L. Wallace Captain General *Quite all historians writing the life of General Wallace have, in error, written his name William Henry Lamb Wallace. The same error crept into the author's "History of the White Apron." We have it direct from his daughter, Miss Isabel Wallace, author of "Life and Letters of General Wallace," that his name was Wil- liam Hervy Lamme Wallace, "Lamme" being the maiden name of his mother. W. L. M. PAST EMINENT COMMANDERS. Oliver C. Gray, 1861* James A. Rhoads, L862* John B. Peekham, 1863* Thomas J. Wade, 1864 and 6* George J. Burgess, 1865* George W. Lininger, 1867- William L. Gibson, 1868* '"Deceased. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I4I J. B. Peckham Prelate James Rhoads Senior Warden S. E. Minor Junior Warden R. N. Goodsell Treasurer Levi Mason Recorder D. H. Ashton Standard Bearer W. B. McMillen Sword Bearer Daniel Stone Warder C. S. C. Crane Captain of the Guard The Order of the Temple was conferred in [861 on the following: Theodore Cunningham Gibson, Thomas Jeffer- son Wade, George W. Lininger, John F. Lamb, William L. Gibson, John F. Nash, Samuel C. Walker and Julius C. Avery. The first conclave of Ottawa Commander)-, No. 10, Knights Templar, under dispensation, was convened in the Masonic hall, on the third floor of the Glover & Cook building, now the Gedney building, corner of Court and Madison streets, on the first day of February, A. D. [861, A. O. 743- There were present at this conclave Sir Knights Oliver Cromwell Gray, William Hervy Lramme Wallace, John B. Peckham, Daniel C. Stone, James Rhoads, David Walker, Quincy D. Whitman, J. Baldwin, William B. McMillan. Reir N. Goodsell, Samuel E. Miner, Charles S. C. Crane and Daniel H. Ashton, the most prominent business and pro- fessional men in the city of Ottawa. The Commandery was opened without ceremony by Oliver Cromwell Gray, who read a dispensation from R. F. Grand Commander Ibismer A. Johnson authorizing the forming and opening of a Commandery, under dispensation, for the transaction of such business and work as legalized under said dispen- sation until the next conclave of the Grand Command- ery of Knights Templar of the state of Illinois. 1-1- THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, At this conclave a committee was appointed, consisting dt" Sir Knights James Rhoads, Daniel C. Stone and Charles S. C. Crane, to confer with Occidental Lodge in regard to the rental of the Masonic hall for Commandery purposes. A committee was also appointed, consisting of Sir Knights David Walker, James Rhoads and Samuel E. Miner, on fees and uniforms. The Commandery was then closed without ceremony until the fifth day of February, 1X61. At the conclave of February 5, 1861, it was ordered by the Commandery that all members of Ottawa Command- ery furnish themselves with uniforms according to regula- tions pertaining thereto. The first petition for the Orders of Knighthood to he conferred in Ottawa Commandery, consisting of those of Companions Levi Mason, Henry F. Clark, Theodore C. Gibson and William L. Gibson, were received at this con- clave. A committee, consisting of Sir Knights James Rhoads, William Hervy Lamme Wallace and David Walker, was appointed to prepare and report a code of by-laws for the Commandery. The Commandery was "called off" until Tuesday even- ing at 7 o'clock. At the conclave held February 12, 1861, the committee on by-laws presented their report, which was taken up in sections and adopted. Petitions for the Order of Knighthood were received at this conclave from Companions George W. Lininger and C. C. Perrin. of Peru, 111. The committee appointed at the first conclave of the Commandery on rent of hall reported at this conclave that they had secured a lease from Occidental Lodge for the use of the Masonic hall, by agreeing to pay one-third of the expenses, to-wit: Kent, lights, fuel and necessary re- pairs. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 43 The Commandery was "called off" until the following evening, February 13, 1861, at 7:30 o'clock. FIRST BALLOTING. The first balloting for candidates for the Orders of Knighthood in Ottawa Commandery was taken at a con- clave held March 7, [861, when Companions William L. Gibson, Levi Mason, Theodore Cunningham Gibson, John Fisk Nash and Thomas Jefferson Wade were declared duly elected to receive the Orders of Knighthood in Otta- wa Commandery of Knights Templar. The petitions of Companions John Fisk Nash and Thomas Jefferson W^ade were presented at this same conclave. Your historian has the honor (if having been personally accpiainted with the above petitioners. Companion Wil- liam L. Gibson was postmaster of the city of Ottawa, and resided on East Main street. Levi Mason was superintend- ent of the gas company, and resided on East Pearl street. Theodore Cunningham Gibson was in the furniture busi- ness on La. Salle street, and resided on East Congress street. John Fisk Nash was Clerk of the Circuit Court, and re- sided on Ottawa avenue, and Thomas Jefferson Wade was proprietor of the Mansion House, located on the corner of Court and Main streets. FIRST WORK. The first work in Ottawa Commandery was done at this conclave when a Council of Knights of the Red Cross was opened and the illustrions order conferred on Companions William L, Gibson, Thomas Jefferson Wade, John Fisk Nash, Levi Mason and Theodore Cunningham Gibson, all then young and enterprising business men, pioneers of the West. After conferring the illustrious order of the Red Cross on the above mentioned postulants, the Council of Knights of the Rjed Cross was closed and a Commandery of Knights 144 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Templar opened and the Order of the Temple was confer- red on Knights of the Red Cross William L. Gibson and Thomas Jefferson Wade, who were the first ones knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. in. Knights Templar. After conferring the Order of the Temple on Sir Knights William L. Gibson and Thomas Jefferson Wade. the Commandery was "called off" until the next morning. Friday, March 8, [861, when Companions Julius Caesar Avery, Henry F. Clark, C. C. Perrin and George W. Lin- inger were elected to receive the Orders of Knighthood, and the Order of the Temple was conferred on Knights of the \\i.^\ Cross Theodore Cunningham Gibson, Levi Mason and John Fisk Nash. The Commandery was presided over, and the orders conferred at the above conclaves, by Sir Knight Frank K. I lurlburd 32 . Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Command- ery of Illinois. There were also present, and to whom a vote of thanks was extended by Ottawa Commandery for their presence and assistance, Sir Knights William W. Mitchell. John Amis, Arnold M. Cleveland, Jonathan W. Massy, Perry A. Armstrong, Levi P. Lott, Uriah B. Couch and E. W. Hurlburd, officers and members of Blaney Commandery, No. 5, Knights Templar, of Morris, 111. The receipts at this conclave were $324.20 and the ex- penses $330.42, leaving a balance due the master of finance of $6.22. It was a glorious company of men, and they evidently had a glorious time, such as has ewer been one of the dis- tinguishing characteristics of Ottawa Commandery. At a special conclave of Ottawa Commander}-. (J. ])., May 14. [861, presided over by the gifted Oliver Crom- well Gray, Eminent Commander, a Council of Knights of the Red Cross was opened .and the illustrious order con- ferred on Companions George W. Lininger, C. C. Perrin and HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I45 Julius C. Avery, one of the leading practitioners of the La Salle county bar. At the regular conclave of the Commandery July 2, 1861, the petitions of Companions Samuel C. Walker, a brilliant young attorney, and John F. Lamb, a prosperous farmer residing in Rutland township, were received and balloted on and both declared elected, when the Command- ery was "called off" to Wednesday July 10, 1861, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time the illustrious order of the Red Cross was conferred on Samuel C. Walker and John F. Lamb. At a special conclave July 23, 1861, the Order of the Temple was conferred on Knight of the Red Cross George W. Lininger, who has since been honored with high Ma- sonic honors both in Illinois and Nebraska. He was Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Illinois in 1868, having been elected to the exalted station in October, 1867. He was also elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of his adopted state, Nebraska, where he passed to his eternal rest a few years ago. Knight of the Red Cross John F. Lamb was created a Knight Templar at a special conclave of Ottawa Command- ery August 13, 1 861, and Knight of the Red Cross Julius Ca?sar Avery was created a Knight Templar at a special conclave of Ottawa Commandery August 27, 1861. At the annual conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Illinois, October 23, 1861, a charter was authorized to be issued to Ottawa Commandery, as No. 10, on the roll of the Grand Commandery of Illinois. But before the Commandery was constituted under charter, and after the expiration of the dispensation, which expired on the date of the annual conclave of the Grand Command- l-4 n THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, ery in October, [861, a conclave of the Commandery was convened under a dispensation November i _\ [861, and the following officers elected, to-wit: James Rhoads Commander David Walker Generalissimo Rier N. Goodsell Captain General John B. Peckham Prelate J( >hn Fisk Nash Senior Warden Julius Cseser Avery Junior Warden Samuel C. Walker Treasurer Levi Mason Recorder Samuel E. Miner Standard Bearer John F. Lamb Sword Bearer George W. Lininger Warder Before the Commandery was constituted under charter and the above officers were legally installed into their re- spective stations, the said Commandery, officered by the said elected, but not installed, officers, held a "called meet- ing" and conferred the Order of the Temple on Knights of the Red Cross Henry F. Clark, Flenry D. Brown and John Brooks Rice. Hosmer Allen Johnson, Grand Com- mander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the state of Illinois, having learned of this irregularity on the part of the so-called officers, summoned the Command- ery in conclave March 6, 1862, and, after having taken evidence relative to said irregularities, issued the following proclamation, and ordered same spread upon the records, to-wit : Ottawa, 111., March 6, 1862. To all Sir Knights to Whom These Presents May Come — Greeting: Whereas, It having come to my knowledge that certain Sir Knights, members of Ottawa Commandery, while under dispensa- tion, having met and unwittingly conferred the Orders of Knight- hood upon certain companions, without said Commandery having been constituted, and its officers legally installed, therefore be it known that I, Hosmer Allen Johnson, Grand Commander, sum- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 47 moned the Sir Knights to appear before me in conclave, and, after examination, finding the same was done in ignorance, and not through any desire on their part to violate their Knightly, vows, did constitute said Commandery, No. 10, and did install into office Sir O. C. Gray as Commander Sir D. Walker as Generalissimo Sir J. B. Peckham (proxy for W. H. L. Wallace) as Captain General and by virtue of the high power in me vested as G. C. I did regularly constitute and create (by healing) Sir H. D. Brown, Sir J. B. Rice and Sir John Colwell as Sir Knights of the Red Cross and Knights Templar. Furthermore, I granted Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, a dis- pensation to proceed to the election of officers, whereupon a ballot being taken the following Knights were declared duly elected: James Rhoads Commander David Walker Generalissimo R. N. Goodsell Captain General J. B. Peckham Prelate John F. Nash Senior Warden Julius C. Avery Junior Warden Samuel C. Walker Treasurer Levi Mason Recorder S. E. Miner Standard Bearer John F. Lamb Sword Bearer C. S. C. Crane Captain of the Guard and that the above named Sir Knights were duly installed into office for the ensuing Masonic year, or until their successors should be regularly elected and installed. E. Sir H. C. Ranney off. as G. Marshal. The code of by-laws approved by the Grand Commandery were then (again) presented and unanimously adopted. And I do hereby grant authority to the E. Commander to heal, or cause to be healed, aijy companion who has been illegally created as Knight of the Red Cross and Knight Templar, as already set forth. (Signed) H. A. JOHNSON, HENRY C. RANNEY, G. Commander. Recorder. After which the following work was done per order of the Grand Commander: The petitions of Companions John Stout and E. C. Hatheway were received and balloted on and the Orders (if the Red Cross and Knights Templar were conferred on Companion E. C. Hatheway, after which the memorahle con- clave was closed, and Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights I_p^ THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Templar, set sail with her beauseant unfurled to the bleak March winds wafted from the prairies of Illinois, and how proudly she has buffeted the waves and kept the faith with her swords untarnished 1>v flight or shame is well attested by two of her members wearing the insigna of Past Com- manders of the Grand Commandery of Illinois and her mem- bership of nearly three hundred valiant knights loyal in their allegiance to the cause of universal benevolence, and ever ready and willing to wield their swords in the defense of innocent maidens, destitute widows, helpless orphans and the Christian religion. * * * * Ottawa Commandery was organized under dispensation during one of the most critical periods in the history of our beloved country. A terrible fratricidal war was impending, brother was arrayed against brother, plowshares were being beaten into swords and pruning hooks into spears, the reign of Emman- uel, the Prince of Peace, was ignored, and our beloved Sir Knight \Y. H. L. \Yallace buckled on his armor and left his fireside and his Commander) - to do battle for the preservation of the Union. The Gibsons, \Y. L. and Theo- dore, soon followed their Wallace, by whose side they fought Santa Anna at Beuna Vista, in the war with Mexico. Benjamin B. French, Grand Master of the Grand En- campment of Knights Templar of the United States, on behalf of the Grand Encampment, was exerting his preroga- tives in the interest of the Prince of Peace, well knowing that it would be a terrible and bloody war of not only brother against brother but that valiant knights of the order would be arrayed against each other in deadly conflict on the bloody field of battle. In his endeavor to prevent this great and impending conflict he issued the following stirring and knightly appeal to all the Knights Templar throughout HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I49 the land — North and South, East and West — dated at Washington, D. C, April [8, 1861, A. O. 743. To All True and Patriotic Templars: Brotherly Love, Peace, Honor: An awful fratricidal conflict seems to be impending. He alone who rules the destinies of nations can prevent it. He works through human instruments. I implore every Templar Knight on the continent of America, after humbly seeking strength and aid from on High, to exert all the means at his command to avert the dread calamity, which, to human vision, seems inevitable. Let each Templar, to whom this may come, remember how often we have stood at each other's side and raised our voice in prayer for the prosperity of a common country and a common cause. Let all call to mind how the Knights of Virginia, mingling in fraternal brotherhood with those of Massachusetts, pledged them- selves to each other on Bunker Hill only a few brief years ago, and, when another year had passed away, the same noble band stood together in the city of Richmond, in the state of Virginia, the birth- place of Washington, and with mutual vows bound their souls in an everlasting covenant! Let them remember these things, and, with hearts on fire with love for each other and for their countrymen, go forth among those countrymen and implore the arbitrament of peace instead of that of the sword. I ask no one to surrender a principle that has become dear to his heart, but I ask every one to labor and to pray that such coun- sels may take place between the contending parties, who have so many years acted with a common impulse, as to restore harmony and kind feeling, and avoid the curse of having fraternal blood cry- ing to Heaven from the ground and bringing down its maledictions on our children's children through all future time! Labor and pray that hostilities may be suspended until the mild counsels of peace can be appealed to, and that the appeal may not be in vain. Casting aside every political aspiration, and asking every Templar to do the same, let us as one man unite in one grand effort to prevent the shedding of fraternal blood, and to inaugurate here that blessed result which our Lord and Master initiated: "Peace on earth and good will to men." Templars! You count in this land by tens of thousands. Each one has his influence in the circles about him. Never, no never, was an opportunity to exert that influence in a more holy cause or more sublime purpose. Forward, then, to the rescue of your coun- try from fratricidal war! But if war must come — which dread calamity may God, in His infinite mercy, avert — then I call on every Knights Templar to per- form his duty, which so well becomes our order, of binding up the wounds of the afflcted and comforting those who mourn. But the appeal of a Christian Knight Commander was [5O THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, in vain. I he bloody conflict was on, and just one month from the day that Ottawa Comffiandery was constituted our beloved Wallace fell on the bloody field of Shiloh — slain fighting tor his country! Xo more worthy Sir Knight ever girded a sword upon his thigh. Xo more honest, honorable, charitable, pure- hearted, hospitable man ever lived than Sir ECnight William llervy Lamme Wallace. Honored in his profession, re- spected hy his fellow citizens, idolized by his comrades in arms and loved by his family, he was borne to his last rest- ing- place overlooking this beautiful valley by his knight fraters, and finally crowned by the rays of Eternal Light by his Supreme Commander in the Realms of Eternal Peace. Through all that dreadful struggle, between two of the bravest contending armies the world has ever known, the burning tapers on the triangle of Christian Knighthood were never extinguished, but continued to reflect their re- fulgent rays on the pathway of friend and foe on the bloody field of battle, in the hospitals, and around the firesides of desolate homes, succoring the needy and binding up the wounds of the afflicted, illustrating the universal benevolence and chivalry of modern knighthood, and, when the great struggle was over, no political power, or organization, or body of men, did more, during the reconstruction days of the defeated Confederate States, to regenerate and reaffiliate the different sections into a "Union, now and forever, one and inseparable." than the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America. Never, never more, shall we behold such generous loyalty to a country, such grand submission to a victor, such digni- fied obedience to lawful authority as that witnessed when the Grand Commanderies of Knights Templar south of the Mason and Dixon line renewed their allegiance to the Grand Encampment of the United States of America. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 5 I The most distressing loss to Ottawa Commandery dur- ing the year 1862 was that of General \V. H. L. Wallace, who was slain at the hattle of Shiloh on April 6th. He was Captain General of Ottawa Commandery at the time of his death, and not only Ottawa Commandery and the com- munity in which he resided, but the entire nation mourned his loss. Ottawa Commandery called a special conclave on learning of his death and acted as escort to Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., under whose charge the obsequies were conducted. Prominent Knights Templar from Joliet, Morris and Chicago assisted in the ceremonies. Sirs John F. Nash, Ottawa Commandery, No. 10; Henry \V. Ranney, Apollo, No. 1, Chicago, and Perry A. Arm- strong, Blaney, No. 5, Morris, 111., were appointed to draft suitable resolutions pertaining to the deceased, which resolu- tions were reported, but unfortunately not made a part of the record. The following were created in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, during the year 1862: John Colwell, Elias Cushman Hatheway, Festus R. Cleveland, John Stout and Philo Lindley. Expelled: William B. McMillan. Died: General William Hervy Lamme Wallace, killed in hattle. EXCERPTA: Rather let us remain a few, than, being many, lose our good name, bearing it ever in mind that a "good name in man or woman is the immediate jewel of their souls." 1863. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, held December 2, 1862, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year: Tohn B. Peckham Commander I 5_' 'I'll I". KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, Reir X. Goodsell Generalissimo Theodore C. Gibson Captain General Henry D. Brown Prelate Samuel C. Walker Treasurer John Stout Recorder John F. Nash Senior Warden John Colwell Junior Warden Samuel E. Miner Standard Bearer C. C. Perrin Sword Bearer John F. Lamb Warder The election of Captain of the Guards was for some rea- son postponed. Created : George J. Burgess, Gustave Koch, George S. Stebhins, William H. Williams, Thomas H. Clark. Ira B. X. Bross, Edward Martin Wade and Silas W. Cheever. Affiliated: Seymour Stover. D emitted: Festus R. Cleveland. EXCERPTA: As Sir Knights of the Cross we ought ever to bear in mind the great sacrifice offered on Mount Mcriah to can- cel the sins of the world, and to endeavor to be led and guided by Him who is the great leader of the Hosts of Israel! 1864. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commanderv. held December 1, 1863. the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : Thomas Jefferson Wade Commander Theodore C. Gibson Generalissimo Samuel E. Miner Captain General Seymour Stover Prelate Samuel C. Walker Treasurer Thomas H. Clark Recorder Reir N. Goodsell Senior Warden HISTORY OF OTTAWA COM M ANDERY. 153 Henry F. Clark Junior Warden John B. Rice Standard Bearer George S. Stebbins Sword Bearer John I\ Lamb Warder George John Burgess Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: E. Sir O. C. Gray, E. Sir James Rhoads, E. Sir John B. Peckham. Created: De Witt S. Rawson, William Palmer, Wil- liam E. Bowman, Jonathan Duff, Thomas E. G. T. Ransom. Affiliated: Matthew Magill and Rev. Seymour Stover. Demitled: William H. Williams and Reir N. Goodsell. Pied: Philo Lindley and Thomas E. G. T. Ransom, both of whom died in the service of their country. Rev. Sir Seymour Stover was Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Illinois in 1864. Sir Matthew Magill affiliated by demit from Covington Commandeiw. No. 7, Covington, K.y. In consideration of the eminent services of Thomas E. G. T. Ransom in the services of his country Ottawa Com- mandery refused to accept usual fee for conferring the Or- ders of Knighthood on him. EXCERPTA: As a Knights Templar it is hoped that you fully realize the high vocation you are called upon to fulfill, not only through your years of warfare and trial, but also through those of hope and joy. 1865. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., held December 6, 1864, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : George J. Burgess Commander J( )hn F. Lamb Generalissimo George S. Stebbins Captain General 154 ™ E KNIGHTS Tl-l.M PLAR, Thomas Jefferson Wade ! 'relate I lenry F. Clark Senior Warden John Col well Junior Warden Samuel C. Walker Treasurer Thomas 1 1. Clark Recorder Levi Mason Standard Bearer Charles S. C. Crane Sword Bearer William E. Bowman Warder William Palmer Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: E. Sir 0. C, Gray, E. Sir James Rhoads, E. Sir John B. Peckham and E. Sir Thomas J. Wade. Created: John L. Ramsey, of Peru Chapter. No. (>o. Pern it ted: Levi Mason. E. Sir Thomas J. Wade was Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand Commandery of Illinois in 1865, and E. Sir George J. Burgess was on the grievance committee of the Grand Commandery of Illinois in 1865. Charles F. Gunther, of Peru (afterwards the Chicago candy manufacturer), was elected to receive the Orders of Knighthood in Ottawa Commandery. EXCERPT A: To espouse the cause of her who is deprived of earthly support, to care for the bereaved ones, to watch over the standard of moral truth, and to be humble, yet courageous, requires faithfulness on the part of every Sir Knight. 1866. At the animal conclave of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. K. T., held December 5, 1865, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year: Thomas J. Wade Commander John P. Lamb Generalissimo William L. Gibson Captain General HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 1 55 George W. Lininger Prelate Henry F. Clark Senior Warden John Colwell Junior Warden Samuel C. Walker Treasurer Thomas H. Clark Recorder Theodore C. Gibson Standard Bearer William E. Bowman Sword Bearer John B. Rice Warder William Palmer Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: O. C. Gray, James Rhoads, John B. Peckham, Thomas J. Wade and George J. Burgess. Created: William E. Bell, Frank B. Chapman, Philo 11. Zeigler, Jefferson H. Fawcett, Joseph Mercer, William I. Moore, George Crossley, Joseph Gondolf, Washington Bushnell and Charles Houghtaling. Demitted: Gustave Koch, Philo H. Zeigler, Jefferson H. Fawcett, Joseph Mercer, William I. Moore, George Crossley, Matthew Magill, David Walker, Samuel E. Miner and Joseph L. Ramsey. Sir Knights Jefferson H. Fawcett, Joseph Mercer, Wil- liam I. Moore, George Crossley and Levi Zeigler lived at or near Princeton, 111., and received the Orders of the Tem- ple in Ottawa Commandery at a stated conclave April 10, 1866, and at the same conclave presented their petition to the Grand Commandery of Illinois for a Commandery of Knights Templar at Princeton, 111. This petition was unan- imously recommended by Ottawa Commandery to the Grand Commandery. The prayer was subsequently granted for a new Commandery at Princeton, and the above named Sir Knights became charter members of Princeton Commandery. EXCERPTA: I trust that the Grand Encampment of Virginia will be found in the ranks of the Grand Encampment of the United States, battling side by side with those of her sister states, North and South, in the cause of Faith, Hope and Charity, until with Jus- I 56 I'll E KNIGHTS TKM PL \K. tice, Fortitude and Mercy, knowing no North, no South, no East, no West, and all uniting in obeying the teachings of that Grand Mas- ter on High, which requires that we should do unto others as we would that they should do unto us. — Grand Commander Gill, Virginia, 1S66. 1867. At the animal conclave of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., held December 4, 1866, the following- officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year: George W. Lininger Commander William L. Gibson Generalissimo George S. Stebbins Captain General ( reorge J. Burgess Prelate John F. Lamb Senior Warden Ira B. X. Bross Junior Warden Samuel C. Walker Treasurer Thomas H. Clark Recorder John Col well Standard Bearer William E, Bowman Sword Bearer Theodore C. Gibson Warder Joseph Gondolf Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: O. C. Gray, James Rhoads, John B. Peckham and George J. Burgess. Created: Conrad A. T. E. Holmes. Casper Ruedy, George Emerson, George F. Stannard, Jason M. Liscom, David A. Cook, Preston J. Davis. Reuben Everts, John Bre- voort and George H. Norris. Demitted: Charles Houghtaling, John Brevoort, Ira B. X. Bross, David A. Cook. Preston J. Davis. George Emerson, Reuben Everts, Conrad A. T. E. Holmes, George W. Lininger. Jason M. Liscom, Casper Ruedy, De Witt S. Rawson, George E. Stannard and Henry D. Brown. With the exception of Charles Houghtaling. the above HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I 57 demitted and assisted in the organization of St. John's Com- mandery at Peru, 111. Suspended: Daniel H. Ashton. Pied: George S. Stebhins. The year 1867 was marked as a most auspicious one in Masonic circles by one of the greatest Masonic events ever having been held in La Salle county — St. John's day, June 24. 1867. No expense was spared by the Masonic bodies to make the occasion a success. Peru Commandery band was secured at an expense of one hundred and twenty- five dollars, and the Great Western Light Guard Band, of Chicago, at an expense of two hundred and fifty dollars and expenses. For entertaining the guests on the occasion the Masonic bodies guaranteed the ladies of the Congregational church five hundred plates at $1.00 per plate. The ladies of the Episcopal Church also provided meals. Washington hall was secured for a Masonic ball in the evening. Joliet Com- mander) - was present with a brass band. The procession was formed at 2 130 p. m. on Clinton street, the right rest- ing on Madison street, under the direction of General John Morrill as grand marshal of the day. assisted by EL L. Her- rick, L. A. Rising, John L. Morrison, Douglas llapeman, H. A. McCaleb, George \Y. Fuchs, Frank J. King, John F. Marriner and H. Koch as aids. The order of procession was as follows : Great Western Light Guard Band, Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar escort, Tyler with drawn sword, two Stewards with drawn swords. Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, Master Masons, Peru Masonic Band, Stewards, Junior Dea- cons, Senior Deacons, Secretary, Treasurer, Junior Ward- ens, Senior Wardens, Past Masters, Royal Arch Masons, Joliet Cornet Band, Joliet Commandery, No. 4, Knights Templar, Masters of Lodges, the Holy Writings, Grand I 58 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Chaplain, ( frator, officers of Grand Lodge, officers of Grand ( Chapter. Nearly one thousand Masons were in line. The proces- sion proceeded through the principal streets, and was halted in the grove, in the west part of town, on the banks of the Illinois river, where the following" exercises were held: Invocation by the Chaplain — Rev. Sir Kt. Charles A. Gilbert. Vocal music. Music — Great Western Light Guard Band. Address of welcome — Sir Kt. Julius C. Avery. Music — Joliet Cornet Band. Oration— Rev. Sir Kt. O. H. Tiffany. Vocal music. Benediction — Rev. Bro. John A. Gray. The procession was reformed and returned to the Ma- sonic hall and there dishanded. A magnificent banquet was served in Washington hall, and dancing was participated in until the wee sma' hours after the banquet. Ottawa Commandery acted as escort to Occidental Lodge at the funeral of George S. Stebbins, which was largely at- tended, as he was held in the highest esteem by his brothers and fraters. George S. Stebbins — Died November 29, [867. A Templar tribute to Sir Knight George S. Stebbins, prepared by Sirs Washington Bushnell, George J. Burgess and John B. Rice, was presented and adopted by Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., at a stated conclave Decem- ber 3, [867, as f( (Hows : Whereas, By the decree of an All Wise and Omnipotent Commander, our companion. Sir Knight George S. Steb- bins, has been summoned from his post of duty on earth HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I 59 to appear before a Commandery which knows no rest from pleasant duty, and where virtuous and honorable actions ever receive their true and just reward, and where their memory is preserved on tablets which neither time nor acci- dent can efface. Resolved, That, in the death of Sir Knight George S. Stebbins, onr Commandery and the different Masonic bodies in this city haye lost a chivalrous, true and devoted mem- ber, and that we, as members of this Commandery, have lost one who, by his Knightly courtesy and magnanimity, had won our highest regard and love, and one who was ever ready to draw his sword in the cause of a worthy com- panion. Possessing a mind of more than ordinary capacity, and untiring industry and an independent integrity, gentle and unobtrusive in his manners, ever respecting the rights of others, impelled by noble and generous impulses, and guided in all his actions by the highest sense of honor and right, he was always a kind and reliable friend, and in his death society has lost a prominent, active, useful and influential member, onr Commandery one of its brightest gems, and the fraternity at large one "who, though dead, is not for- gotten." Resolved, That while we mourn the loss of onr brother and companion. Sir Knight Gorge S. Stebbins, who, in the prime of his usefulness, has so early finished his pilgrimage and warfare on earth, let the sword he hath hung upon the wall ever remind us of the "daily beauty of his life," and that virtuous and honorable actions are infinitely more to be prized than wealth or fame. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the widow and family of onr departed companion; that we will af- ford to her and to her children all the aid and solace in onr power as companions and Sir Knights. l6o THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Resolved, That these resolutions he spread upon the records of this Commandery, that the memory of the worth and virtues of our departed companion may bloom in perfect fragrance. Resolved, That these resolutions he published in each of the city papers and in the Masonic Trowel, and that a copy thereof, under the seal of the Commandery, lie pre- sented to the widow and family of our departed com- panion. EXCERPTA: Templar Masonry occupies a high and command- ing position in the civilized world, one worthy of its fair fame and its ancient renown. Let it be your constant duty to preserve unsullied its high standing, to inculcate the great moral and re- ligious duties which our ritual teaches, and ever to stand forth as the champions of the Christian religion, which you have once solemnly vowed to maintain. [868. Stated conclaves on the first Tuesday of each month. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery held Decemher 3, iS()j, the following officers were elected for the ensuing' Templar year : William L. Gibson Commander Henry F. Clark Generalissimo William E. Bowman Captain General George J. Burgess Prelate Thomas J. Wade Senior Warden John F. Nash Junior Warden Samuel C. Walker Treasurer Thomas II. Clark Recorder William H. Bell Standard Bearer Quincy D. Whitman Sword Bearer Joseph Gondolf Captain of the Guards The above named officers were installed into office by P. C. Tohn B. Peckham Monday. Decemher 9, 1867. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. l6l Past Commanders: Oliver C. Gray, James Rhoads, John B. Peckham, Thomas J. Wade and George J. Bur- gess. Created: Robert M. McArthur, John L. Morrison, Joseph Ford, Francis L. Fiske. Douglas Hapeman and David Batcheller. Dcmittcd: H. D. Brown, Jonathan Duff and Daniel C. Stone. EXCERPTA: We, Sir Knights, are bound together not only by the sacred vows of Knighthood, but by every noble aspiration of the human heart, by every precept of that Christianity for the de- fense of which our lives are solemnly pledged, and if we stand shoulder to shoulder, with unbroken ranks, the strong right hand of each grasping ever the mystic blade of truth, and wielding it with justice impartial in defense of destitute widows, helpless or- phans and the Christian religion, we may rely upon the continued favor and protection of our blessed Immanuel. 1869. Stated conclaves held on the first Tuesday of each month. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Comrhandery, held Tuesday, December 1. 1869, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year: John Fisk Nash Commander Henry F Clark Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General George J. Burgess Prelate John L. Morrison Senior Warden Robert M. McArthur Junior Warden John R. Cameron Treasurer Thomas H. Clark Recorder William E. Bowman Standard Bearer David Batcheller Sword Bearer Edward L. Herrick Warder Charles S. C. Crane Captain of the Guards PAST EMINENT COMMANDERS. Edward H. Smith, 1877-8-9,82-3* Robert M. McArthur, 1880* Cairo D. Trimble, 1881* Theodore C. Gibson, 1884-5* John P. Nash, 1S69-76* *Deceased. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 163 Past Commanders: James Rhoads, Thomas J. Wade, John B. Peckham, George J. Burgess and William L. Gib- son. Created: Ehenezer Barber, William A. Brundage, John Colwell, Erastus De Wolf, William W. Eastabrook, David R. Gregg, Justus Harris, Hubert A. McCaleb, John F. MacKinlay, John T. Nichol, Samuel Poundstone, Anthony D. Simon, William G. Smith and Walter Todd. Affiliated: W'illiam Wilmot Eastabrook. Demitted: Oliver Cromwell Gray, Edwin Coan and Walter Todd. Deceased: Samuel C. Walker. The by-laws of the Commandery were amended on April 6th, changing the time of convening the stated con- claves from the first Tuesday evening of each month to the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. One of the happy events occurring in Ottawa Command- ery during the Templar year, 1869, was the presentation by the Commandery, through its Commander, John F. Nash, of a beautiful sword to Sir Edward H. Smith, Captain Gen- eral of the Commandery, on the 16th of November, at a special conclave of the Commandery. Resolutions of respect adopted by Ottawa Commandery on the death of Samuel C. Walker, an honored member and one of the most brilliant young attorneys then practicing at the La Salle county bar, October 26, 1869, presented by Julius C. Avery, William L. Gibson and Robert M. Mc- Arthur, committee : Whereas, In the events of this passing existence, we are daily reminded of the mortality of the human body, and by the frequency of this as a lesson, as well as by the teachings of the solemn rites of our order, we become so familiar with this great truth that it awakens little or no emotion in our I I > I I'll E K NIGHTS TKM PLAR, hearts until aroused by the grim messenger of death in our immediate presence — thus has mortality been again brought to our view by the execution of the solemn summons from the Sovereign Master of Heaven and Earth in removing from our asylum, into another state of existence, our beloved brother and companion. Sir Knight Samuel C. Walker; and. Whereas, Death in our midst is always sad, yet in the decease of Sir Knight Samuel C. Walker we are conscious of a poignant sorrow seldom felt. He was true to his Ma- sonic obligations, valiant and courteous as a Knight should be, faithful and generous as a friend could desire, and con- stant as a brother and companion could wish. His very manner of speech and action impressed all with his truthful- ness that when he spoke he needed no voucher. We recog- nize in our departed Sir Knight a mind richly endowed by nature, well trained by early education, and garnered full of varied and useful information. These accomplishments, combined with the finest social qualities and conversational [lowers, made his company courted by us all. We can ill- afford to lose such friends, and, while we mourn our sad bereavement, there is a vacancy in our Commandery and a void in our hearts that our lamentations cannot till; there- fore, be it. Resolved, That while we bow with submission to the will of Divine Providence let us improve the present hour that we may more earnestly seek an immortality beyond the fleeting life where the messenger of death can come no more forever. Resolved, That we, as a Commander}-, renew our solemn obligations in love and fellowship to each other, and with subdued hearts and softened affections imitate the virtues n\ our departed Sir Knight, who. in all the relations of life, was "the soul of honor." Resolved, That while the memory of his virtues linger HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 165 in our remembrance and reflects its shining- luster from beyond the portals of the tomb, so should it cheer our weary pilgrimage here below, and prepare us to renew our fraternal greetings on the other side of time. Resolved, That we extend to the widow and relatives of our deceased companion the assurance of our deepest sym- pathy in their great bereavement. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of our Commandery and a copy delivered to the widow of the deceased. EXCERPTA: What may we not hope from the noble army of Knights Templar in our country who profess to have these high virtues as the cardinal rules of their lives? When we bled on fields of strife, and from wounds given and received in obedience to demands which we believed were imposed upon us by honor and sanctioned by law and duty, we knelt beside each other's bloody forms, and in the spirit of Knighthood and Christianity we min- istered to each other's comfort. The life that seemed ready to pass away, through wounds we bad inflicted, became precious to us, and we prayed that it might remain to gladden us in future peaceful hours. The heart whose weary throbbings seemed about to stop with weariness of life moved with a new impulse when it was warmed in a brother's bosom, and whether the vestments which covered it were blue or gray the soul considered not. It was a Templar's bosom that warmed a brother's heart. — [Oration by John T. Morgan at banquet on occasion of installation of officers of the Grand Commandery K. T. of Alabama, December, 1868, Mont- gomery, Ala.] 1870. Stated conclaves the second Thursday of each month. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, con- vened in the asylum December 9, 1869, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : John F. Nash Commander George J. Burgess Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General William W. Estabrook Prelate [66 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, John L. Morrison Senior Warden Rlobert M. McArthur Junior Warden John Stout Treasurer Thomas II. Clark Recorder William E. Bowman Standard Bearer William L. Gibson Sword Bearer 1 )a\ id Batcheller Warder 1 )avid R. Gregg Captain of the Guards Past Commanders: James Rhoads, Thomas J. Wade, John R Peckham, George J. Burgess and William L. Gib- son. Created: Arthur Lockwood, Charles Marcus Catlin, Leverett O. Black. John C. Fulton, Robert Henning, Charles Miller Carpenter, Leman A. Rising, John Bohlander, Alvin E. Tyler, Francis P. Du Plain, Henry Clay Nash and Addi- son 11. Tyler. Died: Julius Cfeesar Avery and Charles P. Clark. At a special conclave of Ottawa Commandery, convened on Thursday, November 22(\, the Eminent Commander an- nounced the death of Sir Knight Julius C. Avery, one of the most highly esteemed and valiant Knights of Ottawa Com- mandery, and that the funeral would take place on the next day at 2 o'clock from the residence of his brother, George Avery, East Ottawa. The following committee on resolu- tions was appointed by the Eminent Commander : Thomas J. Wade, John F. Nash, Arthur Lockwood, Robert Mc- Arthur and Robert Henning, who presented the following resolutions, which were adopted by the Commandery. Whereas. In the death of Companion Sir Knight Julius C. Avery, a bright burning taper of life has been extin- guished iu our Commandery, and our asylum shrouded in the deepest gloom. This sad event calls to mind the striking and oft repeated lesson o\ mortality that man is born to History of Ottawa cOmmandery. i&j die. It also revives our faith and points us to a blessed im- mortality beyond the grave, thus impressing our minds with lessons of wisdom and instruction, and the importance of that preparation for the last great change that must soon pass upon us all. While thus called to mourn the loss of a cherished companion in arms, whose foot-falls will never more he heard within our council halls, and whose lips will never more thrill our hearts with the eloquence of truth, as in days gone by, yet we will ever cherish his memory as a true and courteous Knight, who has fallen in life's struggle full knightly with his armor on prepared for knightly deeds; therefore, he it Resolved, That in the death of Sir Knight Julius A ven- om- order has lost one of its brightest jewels, and societv an active, honorable, high-minded citizen. Resolved, That we will cherish his memory, imitate his virtues, and ever bear testimony to his integrity as a just and upright man. Resolved, That these resolutions lie spread upon the records of the Commandery and published in the city papers, and a certified copy be transmitted to the family of the. de- ceased. Resolved, That our asylum be draped in mourning and that the members of the Commander)- wear crepe on their swords for ninety days. EXCERPTA: We are engaged in a noble and glorious cause, a warfare against vices, errors and superstitions of the day, and, although we may not be called upon to perform the deeds of noble daring that characterized the Knights of the olden time, yet we should endeavor, as members of our beloved order, to mark our path through life with deeds of charity and pure benevolence, re- membering that The drying up a single tear has more Of honest fame than shedding seas of gore. [68 III E KNIGHTS I'l'.M l'l.AK. I 87 I . At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, con vened in the asylum on December 8, 1S70, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year: John F. Nash Commander ( reorge J. Burgess Generalissimo Edward Henry Smith Captain ( General William Wilmot Estabrook Prelate Robert McKim McArthur Senior Warden David Batcheller Junior Warden Henry Clay Nash Treasurer Edward Livingston Herrick Recorder Francis L. Fiske Standard Bearer Hubert Arrville McCaleb Sword Bearer Leman Aranah Rising Warder David Robbins Gregg Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: George J. Burgess, James Rhoads, William L. Gibson, John B. Peckham and Thomas J. Wade. Created: Eliphalet Follett Bull. George Lee Walker, George Beatty and William C. Tillson. Affiliated: David Walker and Henry M. Fusselman. Demitted: Charles Stout. John F. Lamb, Frank B. Chapman and William W. Estabrook. Expxdled: Erastus De Wolf. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, March 9, 1871, the committee, W. W. Estabrook, Thomas II. Clark and R. M. McArthur, appointed to draft resolutions expressing the sense of the Commandery on the death of the Rev. Sir Knight Charles P. Clark, reported the follow- ing, which were unanimously adopted : Whereas, By the lessons taught through the tenets of our order our minds become so familiar with the emblems of mortality that we are apt to lose sight ^\ its stern HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 69 reality, but when the messenger of death sounds an alarm at the door of our asylum, and summons hence one of our number, we are startled with the realities of life and the fleetness of time. Thus have we been again reminded of the death of our companion. Sir Knight Rev. Charles P. Clark, that the pilgrimage of human life "is but a few days and full of trouble"; therefore, be it Resolved, That we. as a Commander}', in contemplation of this sad event, renew our solemn obligations to each other in a closer fraternal fellowship, ever remembering that the day is not far distant when we too must go the way of all the earth. Resolved, That while cherishing the memory of our de- parted companion in arms, we should always remember his ''sunny side" of life, especially in connection with the genial associations of the banquet hall, when his wit and humor was ever ready to enliven and instruct. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records and that our swords be draped with the usual badge of mourning". At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery Decem- ber 14, 1871, E. C. John F. Nash, on behalf of the Com- mandery, presented to Rev. Sir W. \Y. Estabrook, who was about to leave the jurisdiction of the Commander}-, a gold watch chain, with a beautiful Templar emblem attached, as a testimonial of their appreciation of his services and conduct as a man, a Mason and a courteous Knight. Sir Knight Estabrook accepted the gift and expressed his thanks to the members of the Commandery for the same. EXCERPTA: Give your flowers to those you love while they live, post-mortem fragrance dies on the empty air. One rose in life is better than seven harps with a broken string after the loved one has vanished from your view. Your floral gates-ajar wilting in a cheerless cemetery are emblems of your despair, while the be- loved walks amid the fadeless lilies in the King's Garden. I/O THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, [8 7 2. At the slated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, con- vened in the asylum on December 14, [871, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year: John F. Nash Commander I )avid Walker Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General George J. Burgess Prelate Henry C. Nash Treasurer Edward L. Herrick Recorder Robert M. McArthur Senior Warden David Batcheller Junior Warden Francis L. Fiske Standard Bearer Hubert A. McCaleb Sword Bearer Leman A. Rising Warder Justus Harris Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: George J. Burgess. William L. Gibson, John B. Peckham. James Rhoads and Thomas J. Wade* Created: William H. Moore and Henry J. Waite. Suspended: Joseph Gondolf. Demitted: John F. Lamb, William W. Estabrook, Frank B. Chapman and Ouincy I). Whitman. John F. Nash was elected Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand Commandery in 1872. EXCERPTA: If a brother errs be not the first to shun him. If a brother falls into bad habits and evil ways be not the first by cold neglect or more active means to accelerate his fall. Hold him up rather, encourage him, stimulate him to exertion, encourage him to fight manfully the good fight against temptations, the vani- ties, the follies of this world to which our weak natures are so prone. At the stated conclave ^\ Ottawa Commandery. con- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. I7I vened in the asylum December 12, 1872, the following offi- cers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : John Fisk Nash Commander John Rush Cameron Generalissimo Edward Henry Smith Captain General George John Burgess Prelate Robert McKim McArthur Senior Warden David Batcheller Junior Warden Henry Clay Nash Treasurer Edward Livingston Herrick Recorder James N. Colwell Standard Bearer John L. Morrison Sword Bearer Eliphalet Follett Bull Warder Justus Harris Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: George J. Burgess, William L. Gibson, John B. Peckham, James Rnoads and Thomas J. Wade. Created: Edward J. Tillotson, John J. De Motte and William H. Dent. Degraded: William E. Bell. At the stated conclave of the Commandery. March 13, 1873, on invitation of the Commandery, Daniel Dustin, Grand Commander, and L. E. Osborn, Grand Captain Gen- eral of the Grand Commandery of Illinois, were received by the Commandery. This was a festive occasion for old Ot- tawa Commandery. There were present the officers and members of Joliet Commandery, No. 4; Blaney Command- ery, No. 5; Aurora Commandery, No. 22; St. John's Com- mandery. No. 26, Pern. 111., and many visitors from other states. John Fisk Nash, in his truly characteristic style, added to the laurals of Ottawa Commandery on this occasion. EXCERPTA: We. as an order, claim to be an association of Christian gentlemen; as Knights Templar we bow at the Christian's 1/2 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, altar and worship the Christian's God. Within our asylums are taught those sublime lessons which should sink deep into the heart with soothing influences, like murmurs of the falling flood. It is here that The pulse of avarice forgets to move, A purer rapture fills the breast of love, Devotion lifts to heaven a holier eye, And tenderest pity heaves a softer sigh. 1S74. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commander}-, con- vened in the asylum December 1 i, [873, the following offi- cers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : John Fisk Xash Commander John Rush Cameron Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General George J. Burgess Prelate Robert M. McArthur Senior Warden 1 )a\ id Batcheller Junior Warden Edward L. Herrick Recorder Henry C. Nash Treasurer John L. Morrison Sword Bearer Theodore C. Gibson Standard Bearer E. Follett Bull Warder Justus Harris Captain of the Guard Pasi Commanders: George J. Burgess, William L. Gib- son. John B. Peckham, James Rhoads and Thomas J. Wade. Created: A. C. Mclntire, Patrick Ryan. D. H. Slagie. Charles Wilkins and 1). C. Withrow. EXCERPTA: Our object is to strengthen and maintain an order upon a certain distinct and plain wrought foundation. If novitiates have not confidence in the foundation laid, then they have no part in the superstructure, for, in this Temple, founda- tion stone, buttressed wall and climbing tower are all hewn from the same rock and polished by the same rule. The foundation is the life, crucifixion, atonement and resurrection of Christ Jesus, II I STORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I 73 our Lord. Every living stone added to the superstructure, before being incorporated into the wall, must be permeated by His life, made alive through His crucifixion and atonement. 1875- At the stated conclave of Ottawa Cbmmandery, convened in the asylum of the Commandery, December 10, 1874, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : John Fisk Nash Commander John R. Cameron Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General George J. Burgess Prelate Robert M. McArthur Senior Warden David Batcheller Junior Warden Henry C. Nash Treasurer Edward L. Herrick Recorder John L. Morrison Sword Bearer Arthur Cox Mclntire Standard Bearer E. Follett Bull Warder Justus Harris Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: George J. Burgess, William L. Gib- son, John B. Peckham, James Rhoads and Thomas J. Wade. Created: William C. Hall, Henry Mayo, James O'Don- nell, James Rathbun, William Thomas, Walter B. Titus and John H. Widmer. Dcmitted : George H. Norris, Edward J. Tillotson and William C. Tillson. Suspended: Charles M. Catlin and Joseph Ford. This was the last conclave (December 10th) held by Ottawa Commandery in their new asylum, which was de- stroyed by fire on the night of December 2J, 1874. The next conclave of the Commanderv was held in the old Ma- I~4 TH E KNIGHTS TEW PLAR, sonic hall, in the Lynch block, on Main street. January 14, [875, at which time a dispensation from the Grand Com- mander was read empowering the Commandery to hold con- claves and transact business of the Commandery until a new charter sin mid be issued to take the place of one destroyed by the fire which destroyed the Masonic Temple on the night of I )ecember 27. [874. On the occasion of the loss by Ottawa Commandery by the above fire of the relics and paraphernalia and arms, necessary for the conferring' of the orders, Joliet Command- ery. No. 4, came forward with resolutions of sympathy and offered the use of their equipments until such time as Ot- tawa Commandery had provided a new outfit. This offer was very courteously accepted by Ottawa Commandery with thanks and a beautiful reply was formulated by that valiant and magnanimous Knight, Sir Robert M. McArthur, which was adopted by the Commandery by an unanimous voice. It was not, however, necessary for Ottawa Commandery to avail herself of the magnanim< us offer of Joliet, No. 4. for every Knight of Ottawa Commandery came forward with an open purse and soon had the necessary equipments for carrying on the work of the Commandery. EXOERPTA: We are not a dilettante, pleasure-seeking so- ciety. Christianity is our foundation; its maintenance the avowed object of our organization. As a Knight Templar we accept the whole teachings of the order. We can so follow out these teach- ings that wherever a Templar walks a halo of purity shall exhale from his life as perfume from a flower. The oppressed shall recog- nize him from afar. The oppressor, the contaminator of virtue, the plotter against manhood, shall shun him as they shun death. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, con- vened in the asylum of the Commandery, December 9, 1875, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I 75 the following- officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : John Fisk Nash Commander John L. Morrison Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General George J. Burgess Prelate Henry C. Nash Treasurer Edward L. Herrick Recorder Robert M. Mc Arthur Senior Warden Walter B. Titus Junior Warden John H. Widmer Sword Bearer Arthur C. Mclntire Standard Bearer Leman A. Rising Warder Justus Harris Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: George J. Burgess, William L. Gibson, John B. Peckham, James Rhoads and Thomas J. Wade. Created: Charles Henry Gilman, John Chrysostom Campbell, August Haeberlin, Jacob Winfield Moon, Robert G. Ewing, George Washington Landers and William Henry Pilcher. Admitted: Cairo D. Trimble, Henry W. Ensminger, Charles A. Hanley and Charles E. Stephens. Reinstated: Charles M. Catlin. Died: Edward L. 1 lerrick. Remitted: Thomas H. Clark, John B. Peckham, Sey- more Stover, James CXDonnell, John Bohlander, Dwight W. Fuller and E. M. Wade. Ottawa Commandery was inspected by James G. El- wood, Grand Warder of the Grand Commandery of Illinois, on the 27th of April. There were present, besides T. T. Gurney, Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Illinois, representatives of seven sister commanderies. EXCERPTA: The time has come when men are judged by 17'' THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, what they are rather than what they profess to he. The parapher- nalia of our order gathers lustre and reflects honor only in propor- tion as we illustrate the principles which are thus symbolized. 1877. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, con- vened in the asylum of the Commandery, December 14, [876, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : Edward Henry Smith Commander Robert McKim McArthur Generalissimo John Lyal Morrison Captain General George John Burgess Prelate Walter Briggs Titus Senior Warden Cairo Darius Trimble Junior Warden Henry Clay Nash Treasurer John Fisk Nash Recorder John Henry Widmer Sword Bearer Leman Aranah Rising Warder David Robbins Gregg Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: George J. Burgess, William L. Gib- son, James Rhoads, Thomas J. Wade and John Fisk Nash. Created: Lester O. Phillips, Walter 1). Strawn and Edward C. Lewis. Affiliated: David A. Cook. Pemitted: Henry F. Clark, Charles S. C. Crane, Wil- liam Palmer, Thomas J. Wade, Addison H. Tyler, David Walker, Henry W. Fusselman, William H. Dent, Henry W. Ensminger and Arthur C. Mclntire. Suspended : John Colwell, William C. Smith, John C. Fulton and Francis P. DuPlain. Degraded: Charles H. Hawley. Ottawa Commandery was honored by the Grand Com- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 77 mandery at the annual conclave by the election of John Fisk Nash as Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the state of Illinois. Ottawa Commandery was inspected by James G. El- wood, Grand Sword Bearer of the Grand Commandery, June 2ist, and he made the following report to the Grand Commander : "Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, courteously invited my inspection, at their beautiful asylum, on the evening of June 2 1st, and, in company with the Eminent Commander of Joliet, No. 4, I participated in a most enjoyable Templar reunion of the gallant Knights of that Commandery. "The work upon the Order of the Red Cross by Eminent Sir E. H. Smith was faultless and most remarkable, it being one of his first efforts as Commander, and the assistance from his officers, whose familiar faces make Ottawa asylum so welcome, was rendered in such smooth and even manner as to add greatly to the exemplification of the order." EXCERPTA: The faith of the Templar is broad as the neces- sity of a needy world, and high as heaven. Lived out in thought, word and deed it produces characters like palm trees, glorious in their symmetry and beauty. 1878. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December [3, 1877, the following officers were elected for the ensuing" Templar year : Edward Henry Smith Commander Robert McKim McArthur Generalissimo John Lyal Morrison Captain General George John Burgess Prelate Walter Briggs Titus Senior Warden Elias Cushman Hatheway Junior Warden I7§ THE KNIGHTS TEM PLAR, Henry Clay Nash Treasurer John I •' i > k Nash Recorder James Edward Rathbun Standard Bearer John Henry W'idmer Sword Bearer I >avid Alpheus Cook Warder David Robbins Gregg Captain of the Guard Past Conmmmders: James Rhoads, William L. Gibson, Thomas J. Wade, George J. Burgess and John F. Nash. Created: Ezekiel Howland and Asa Mann Hoffman. Demitted: John F. MacKinlay and Henry J. Waite. Suspended: John C. Campbell and Christopher C. Per- rin. EXCERPTA: Ours is an order such as earth and heaven may foster in the sweeping march of man's restoration and the yearn- ing instincts of the human heart. Unscathed from prejudices, and untrammelled by political despotism, it stretches from the Occident to the orient. The boisterous lashings of seas and oceans mingle with its morning orisons, while the gentle zephyrs of continents harmonize with its evening hymns. 1879. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 12, 1878, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : Edward Henrv Smith Commander Robert McKim McArthur Generalissimo Cairo Darius Trimble Captain General ( ieorge John Burgess Prelate Walter Briggs Titus Senior Warden Elias Cnshman Ilathewav Junior Warden Henry Clay Nash Treasurer John Stout Rec< irder Francis Lyman Fiske Standard Bearer John Henrv Widmer Sword Bearer HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 79 John Fisk Nash Warder David Robbins Gregg' Captain of the Guard Past Commanders: James Rhoads, William L. Gibson, Thomas J. Wade, George J. Burgess and John Fisk Nash. D emitted : Leman A. Rising. There were but four conclaves of Ottawa Commandery held during the year 1879. EXCERPTA: It was one of the beautiful fictions of ancient mythology that the bubbles leaped from the magic chaldron of Media, impregnated the spots on which they fell with luxuriant vegetation, and clothed them with luxuriant beauty. Thus it is with Knight Templarism. The presence of our order is attested in its march through the land — where flowers of unearthly time and fragrance spring from the spot the Knight has trod, and the desert of crafty selfishness assumes the loveliness of Eden. 1880. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 11, 1879, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : Robert McKim McArthur Commander Washington Bushnell Generalissimo Cairo Darius Trimble Captain General George John Burgess Prelate Walter Briggs Titus Senior Warden Elias Cushman Hatheway Junior Warden Henry Clay Nash Treasurer Asa Mann Hoffman Recorder Douglas Hapeman Standard Bearer Theodore Cunningham Gibson Sword Bearer John Fisk Nash W'arder Patrick Ryan Captain of the Guard Past Comiiuhiiders: James Rhoads, William L. Gibson, Thomas J. Wade, George J. Burgess, John F. Nash and Edward H. Smith. [80 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Reinstated: John C. Fulton. Demitted: William L. Gibson, Robert Henning, John T. Nichols, George L. Walker, Ozell Trask and John C. Fulton, Suspended: William A. Brundage. Died: Charles H. Gilman. The twenty-first triennial conclave of the Grand En- campment of Knights Templar of the United States of America was held in the city of Chicago, beginning August 7 th. Ottawa Commandery did not attend this conclave as a Commandery, notwithstanding the conclave being held in our own state and within a couple of hours' ride from our home. Many of the individual fraters of the Commandery, however, attended and were overwhelmed with the beauty of the imposing pageant on the day of the grand parade. Nothing worthy of note transpired in Ottawa Command- ery during the Templar year of 1880. In Memoriam — Sir Charles H. Gilman. Sir Charles H. Gilman was born in East Windom, Conn., March 1. 1817, and came west to Pern, Illinois, in 1840. A few years later he engaged in the practice of law in Mendota, 111., whence he had moved, and in 1869 was elected judge of the County Court of La Salle county, and moved to Ottawa. After serving as judge of the County Court he formed a law partnership with Washington Bushnell and, subsequently, with David A. Cook, his son-in-law. His death was untimely, and occurred April 14, 1880. Sir Charles II. Gilman was the father of Mrs. David A. Cook and Sir William II. Gilman, of East Ottawa. Sir Gilman was a man of fine physique. Being large and well proportioned, he was a conspicuous man among men. I fe was a man of brilliant intellect and a tine linguist. There HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. [8l was not a more learned man in Ottawa than Sir Gilman. lie was one of the type of men known as "nature's noble- men," kind-hearted and charitable to an unusual degree. To a friend he was as true as the needle to the pole. As a Free Mason he was greatly wrapped up in Capitu- lar work, having - occupied the position of High Priest of Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., from 1875 to 1879, inclusive, and to him, from whom your historian received the Royal Arch degree, is he greatly indebted for his active participation and preferment in the several degrees, grades and orders of Free Masonry. Being of a commanding and pleasing personality, and having a perfect command of language and a marked degree of dignity, mingled with his impressive manner of rendering the ritual, which, together with the personal interest he took in your historian's pre- ferment, while yet a young man on the farm, produced the inspiration that led to an active participation in the study of Free Masonry and kindred orders. Sir Charles H. Gilman was buried by the Knights Templar at Mendota, 111., and his funeral was largely attended by the fraternity and friends. Sir Charles H. Gilman. hail and farewell! W. L. M. BXCERPTA: Let us not linger around the days of ancient chivalry for character or commendation, but be up and doing, im- proving the time, not wholly forgetting those things that are be- hind, but pressing forward to the prize of our high calling — a prize no less than a crown of immortality — and which will be given to those onlv who are faithful unto death. 188 1. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held January 17, 1881. the following officers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : Cairo Darius Trimble Commander Robert McKim McArthur Generalissimo [82 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Edward I tenry Smith Captain General Walter Briggs Titus Prelate John Fisk Xash Senior Warden Sir Klias Cushman I [atheway Junior Warden I lenry Clay Xash Treasurer Asa Mann Hoffman Recorder Past Commanders: James RJhoads, Thomas J. Wade, George J. Burgess, John F. Xash, Edward H. Smith and Robert M. Me Arthur. treated: Lothrop Perkins, William Lee Roy Milligan, George Abram Mills, George R. Wilbur, Webster Wesley Arnold, William Henry Gilman, Paul Teissedre. Demitted: George W. Landes. Suspended: Charles M. Catlin. Died: John J. De Motte and Patrick Ryan. Ottawa Commandery was inspected by E. Sir James G. Elwood, Grand Captain General of the Grand Com- mander}', on the evening of September 22. 1881. He re- ported the attendance small, hut that it was a pleasing sight to see Past Right Eminent Sir Xash at his post as Senior Warden of his Commandery. Ottawa Commandery acted as escort to Most Worship- ful Grand Master, William H. Scott, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., on July 4, 188 1, on the oc- casion of the laying of the corner-stone for the La Salle countv court-house. There was a large attendance of Masons and Knights Templar on this occasion, among others was the celebrated drill corps of St. Bernard Com- mandery. under command of that eminent drill-master and prince of good fellows, Holmer G. Purinton. Their wonder- ful maneuvers in forming Templar emblems excited the wonder and admiration of the assembled multitude of people. James A. Garfield, President of the United States, and a Knight Templar, was mortally wounded by a cowardly HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 1S3 assassin on the 2d day of July, 1881, and bore with knightly fortitude the pains of death until September 19, 1881, when he closed his earthly pilgrimage. Funeral ceremonies were held in all the principal cities in the United States at the hour his body was consigned to Mother Earth. The ceremonies held in Ottawa were partic- ipated in by all of the civil societies, and Ottawa Com- mandery acted as escort to the Masonic bodies participating therein. EXCERPTA: The Mason who receives the numerous degrees merely for the sake of being known as a high Mason, and yet has not the depth or force of character to comprehend the full meaning of all their various parts, or the ability to digest them and make them realities in his life, can never become eminent in the order or do honor to the craft. His ideas are too crude. We must rise above mere signs and symbols that are the A, B, C's of our lesson, and study and grasp the teachings of our institution in its wholeness, if we would fitly perform our parts in the great rela- tion that Masonry holds with humanitv. 1882. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 8, 1881, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: Edward H. Smith Commander Robert McKim McArthur Generalissimo Theodore Cunningham Gibson Captain General Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Lothrop Perkins Senior Warden Elias C. Hatheway Junior Warden Henry C. Nash Treasurer Asa Mann Hoffman Recorder George A. Mills Sword Bearer William H. Gilman Standard Bearer William L. Milligan Warder David R. Gregg Captain of the Guard [84 I'll E K NIGHTS TKM PLAR, The above officers were installed into their respective stations at a public installation held in the asylum January i i , [882. Created: John \Y. Qegg, Thomas E. MacKinlay, Wal- ter McDonald Woodward. James Milligan, Jr., Joseph New- ton 1 hi n a way. Demitted: Charles E. Stephens and William Thomas. EXCERPTA: Knights Templarism is, or ought to be, a living, active, principle; its everlasting symbol, the Cross, its most inspir- ing memory, the Crusades, into the martial spirit of which knight- hood was baptized by fire and sword for the redemption of the Holv Land. 1883. At the animal conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 14. [882, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing- Templar year: Edward Henry Smith Commander Theodore Cunningham Gibson Generalissimo James Milligan, Jr Captain General Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Lothrop Perkins Senior Warden William Lee Roy Milligan Junior Warden Henry Clay Nash Treasurer Asa Mann Hoffman Recorder William Henry Gilman Standard Rearer George Abram Mills Sword Bearer Thomas E. MacKinlay Warder David Kobbins Gregg Captain of the Guard The above officers were installed into their respective stations by R. E. Sir John Fisk Nash at a stated conclave of the Commandery, January 11, [883. Created: William Stormont, Charles Egbert Pettit. Jesse Emerson Morgan, Richard Farnsworth, Celestine HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 185 Rohrer, John Stewart Ryburn, John J. Murphy, Louis Scheidecker, Daniel Fletcher Hitt, Louis Rohrer, Thomas Reedy. Affiliated: Corydon Cornelius Halladay and Garvy 1 )onaldson. Suspended: John L. Morrison and Leverett O. Black. Ottawa Commandery was not inspected during the Tem- plar year 1883. EXCERPTA; Like the sun in the natural world it (the letter G) marks the place whence comes the light which ushers in Ma- sonic day, and while it lingers, to Masonry, can come no night. The stars may be blotted out, the waters may fade from the sea, the blossom of the tree no more appear, the rock-ribbed. hills to the plain return, the silver cord be loosed and the^iiw«r5bwl be broken, but what is taught to Templars by that letter G shall, as noontime splendor, shine until old Time, weary with the weight of many centuries, shall lay his head on the lap of earth to die. And we do believe, my fraters, that if the paths it leads us to are trod, then even the lowly place, the obscure life, the hidden worth of this existence shall speak of us as of him they spoke when at the bar the question came: "Who speaks for this man?" from the great white throne, Vailed in its roseate clouds, the voice came forth; Before it stood a parted soul alone, And rolling east and west, south and north, The mighty accents summoned quick and dead: "Who speaks for this man ere his doom be said?" Shivering he listened, for his earthly life Had passed in dull, unnoted calm away, He brought no glory to its daily strife, No wreath of fame, nor genius' fiery ray; Weak, alone, ungifted, quiet and obscure. Born in the shadow — dying 'mid the poor. Hark! from the solemn concourse, hushed and dim, The widow's prayer, the orphan's blessing rose; The struggle told of troubles shared by him, The lonely of cheered hours and softened woes; And like a chorus spoke the crushed and sad, He gave us all he could and what he had. And little words of kindness said, And tender thoughts and help in need Sprang up like leaves by soft spring showers fed In some waste corner, sown by chance-flung seed; In grateful wonder heard the modest soul Such trifles gathered to so blest a whole. [86 Til E KNIGHTS TKM I'l. \U, "() ye by circumstances strong fetters bound. The store so little and the hand so frail. Do but the best you can to all around; Let sympathy be true nor courage fail. And raise from brethren poor and weak. Some witness at your trial hour to speak." [884. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 13. [883, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: Theodore C. Gibson Commander Robert M. McArthur Generalissimo Lothrop Perkins Captain General Walter B. Titus Prelate William L. Milligan Senior Warden George A. .Mills Junior Warden I tenry C. Nash Treasurer Asa M. Hoffman Recorder John W. CI egg Sword Bearer Paul Teissedre Standard Bearer William H. Gilman Warder Justus Harris Captain of the Guard The above officers were installed into their respective stations by R. E. Sir John Fisk Xash at a special conclave December 20, 19 13. Created: John Fletcher Gibson, Abel M. White. Wil- liam Evan Prichard, William Henry Stead. Warren C. Riale and Martin C. Hodgson. Pciiiittcd: Silas W. Cheever. George Beattv, Alvin E. Tyler and Daniel C. Withrow. Died: Lothrop Perkins. Ottawa Commandery attended Paster service at the Congregational church April [3, [884, twenty-eight swords beingr in line. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 87 Ottawa Commandery was inspected on the 27th day of May, 1884, by Eminent Sir Edward Starr Mulliner. There was a large attendance of the members and a large delegation from Juliet Commandery. Xo. 4, and also from Blaney, No. 5, as well as from other Commanderies. The inspecting officer was pleased to make the follow- ing report to the Grand Commandery: "Responding to the invitation of Ottawa Commandery. No. 10, stationed at Ottawa. I made an official visit to that Commandery on the 27th day of May, and, on my arrival in that beautiful city, -was taken prisoner by R. E. Sir Nash and E. Sir Gibson, Eminent Commander. "The occasion was made a notable one by the presence of the Right Eminent Grand Commander, E. Sir Wilcox, and staff, and several members of Joliet Commandery, No. 4, and E. Sir McDonald and other Sir Knights of St. John's Commandery, No. 26. Ottawa Commandery displayed some thirty-five or forty swords in line. "The Commandery met in special conclave and confer- red the Order of the Temple. "The work of this Commandery, as yon will bear me out in saying, is fully up to the average. Their equipments and paraphernalia are good, and drill in the tactics of the asylum fair. "Their books and records are pleasing specimens of neatness and faithful detail, which do credit to the excellent recorder, while their financial condition, as shown by their report, is sound, the Commandery having no indebtedness whatever. "With two Chapters in its jurisdiction, the membership of which aggregates one hundred and fifty-four, and com- posed of the best citizens of the county in which it is located. it would seem that Ottawa Commandery must continue to enjoy a steady growth. [88 I'll E KNIGHTS IT.M PLAR, "For true knightly courtesy and unbounded hospitality von will doubtless join with me in according the- palm to ( Mtawa. No. 10. "The work of the asylum and ceremony of inspection were supplemented by a handsome banquet spread at the Clifton, followed by numerous speeches by host and guests, Ottawa Commandery demonstrating the ability of its members as talkers as well as workers, especially of its younger memhers, whose maturity of thought and elegance of diction, disclosed in impromptu remarks, were a con- tinuous source of pleasure to the close." Joliet Commandery, No. 4, on this occasion acted as escort to R. E. Sir James G. Elwood, Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Illinois, whose presence was a source of enjoyment to Ottawa Commandery. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery Nov. 27, 18S4, the memorial committee appointed to prepare a memorial to the memory of Sir Lothrop Perkins, consist- ing of Sirs William L. Milligan, E. F. Bull and Henry Mayo, presented their report, which was read by Sir Wil- liam L. Milligan. In Memoriam. Whereas, He that doeth all things well hath removed from our midst the valiant and magnanimous Sir Knight. Lothrop Perkins, one whom in life was loved for his many knightly virtues, whose death we sincerely mourn, and whose memory we will ever fondly cherish. Resolved, That we are called upon to record his death with feelings of deepest regret and profound sorrow. That we mourn his loss as a worthy and trusted citizen, faithful in the discharge of all his duties, public and private, a friend in whose integrity we had the utmost confidence, a valiant and magnanimous Templar, whose well earned fame HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 189 had spread both far and wide for deeds of charity and pure benevolence, and whose exalted life, and Knightly Christian virtures are well worthy our institution; that the highest tribute of respect we can offer to his memory is to pledge ourselves to follow in his footsteps and to emulate his vir- tues. Resolved, That we tender to his afflicted widow and fam- ily renewed assurances of our abiding sympathy. That this tribute to his memory be placed upon the records of our Commandery and a copy thereof, under the seal of the same, be presented to her whose loss is incomparably greater than our own. EXCERPTA: If our solemn ceremonies mean anything — if they are not all a sham, a mockery — if, as we assert, our order is founded upon the Christian religion, the religion which had its birth in a stable at Bethlehem, when the angelic anthem, "Glory to God and peace to man," first burst upon the ears of a waiting world — if founded also upon the practice of the Christian virtues, it is evident that to be a worthy member of it, a man should be a Christian in belief, if not by profession, and should exemplify in his daily life, at least, some of the Christian virtues. I88 5 . At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 11, 1884, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year : Theodore Cunningham Gibson Commander William Lee Roy Milligan Generalissimo George Abram Mills Captain General Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Thomas E. MacKinlay Senior Warden William Evan Prichard Junior Warden Henry Clay Nash Treasurer Asa Mann Hoffman Recorder William Henrv Gilman Standard Bearer UJO THE KNIGHTS TEM I'LAR, John William Clegg Sword Bearer Warren C. Riale Warder Paul Teissedre Captain of the Guard The above officers were installed into their respective stations by l\. E. Sir John Fisk Nash at a special conclave December 18, [884. Created: Charles Blanchard, Foster Ilcild McKinney, John Dawdle Hammond, Thomas Coxey Fullerton and William Henry Watts. Demitted: August Haeherlin. Died: Washington Bushnell. Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service at the Episcopal church April 5, 1885, twenty-two swords being in line. Ottawa Commandery was inspected October 1, 1885, by E. Sir Norman T. Cassette, Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Commandery of Illinois. There were thirty-one Sir Knights of Ottawa Commandery present. Prom his report we quote: "It caused me no little sur- prise to note such correctness, ritualistically speaking", as I find in the Commanderies of the state, when the frequency of ritual exemplification is considered, in comparison with Commanderies located in the city of Chicago. "The asylum of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, is very g 1. the Sir Knights are as well equipped as one has a right to expect, and the records are apparently correct and in due form. "Eminent Sir T. C. Gibson, Commander, and the officers and Sir Knights did everything they could to render the in- spection satisfactory and complete, and Right Eminent Sii John Fisk Nash, Past Grand Commander, helped me in the discharge of my duties." Memorial to Washington Bushnell. The committee on obituaries, consisting of Sirs W. L. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. I9I Milligan, Robert M. McArthur and W. B. Titus, reported on the death of Sir Washington Bushnell as follows.: Once again the angel of death has crossed the lines of our dominions, and, at his command, a pilgrim war- rior, valiant and magnanimous, has crossed the dark river into realms from whose bourne no traveler returns. At his home, on the evening of the thirtieth day of June, A. D. 1885, A. O. 767, our esteemed and beloved frater. Sir Washington Bushnell, yielded up his armor, and passed beyond the veil of the earthly tabernacle to that rest pre- pared from the foundation of the world. It seems difficult to realize that he who so lately was with us and commanded our highest regard and confidence now sleeps in mother earth, never again to greet us here, nor to exchange with us the grasp of friendship and fraternal love. For the loss of such as he tears are not unmanly. Let them fall in honor of one whose life was that of a kind and. affectionate husband, an indulgent father, a true Knight, a loving companion, and an honest, upright man and citizen. In view, therefore, of the loss which we have sustained in the death of our beloved frater we do, Resolve, That it is with feelings of deepest regret and profoundest sorrow that we place upon our records the death of our beloved frater. Resolved, That we hereby tender to his afflicted family renewed assurances of our abiding" sympathy. EXCERPTA: Reputation is oft obtained without merit and lost without deserving. Tis a garment that can be easily put on and off at pleasure; 'tis easily soiled, easily lost, easily regained. But character is a living body, with lifeblood pulsating in its arteries and flowing through its veins. Every bruise gives pain and in healing it oftimes leaves an ugly scar and deformity, and ever lost it can- not be restored. Reputation is the football of the rabble; 'tis public property to be disposed of at the pleasure of the populace. Character is the jewel of the heart; 'tis personal wealth that has 192 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. been earned, hoarded and polished by personal exertion; 'tis a treasure that cannot be appropriated by any other person; it can only be wasted and squandered by the prodigality of its possessor. [886. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 10. 1885, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing" Templar year: William Lee Roy Milligan Commander George Abram Mills Generalissimo Thomas E. MacKinlay Captain General William Evan Prichard Prelate James Milligan, Jr Senior Warden David Batcheller Junior Warden Henry Clay Nash Treasurer Asa Mann Hoffman Recorder William Henry Gilman Standard Bearer Richard Farnsworth Sword Bearer I 'aul Teissedre Warder David ( iregg" Captain of the Guard The above officers were installed into their respective stations by Em. Sir Theodore C. Gibson at the stated con- clave December 24. 1885. Created: Alexander Hanna, Daniel Charles Mills, Barnett L. Bonar, John Charles Farnsworth, Simeon Guil- ford Gay, John Charles Corcoran. Harry Earl Rockwood, Charles E. Dunbar. John Michael Purrucker, John C. Ames. Willard Stanley Wheeler. John Calvin Pirkey, William Sloan Cherry, Milo J. Luther. Oswin Hallet Bourne, Oakley Griggs. Matthew William Jack. William Hayes Lukins, Frederick W. Gay, Benjamin F. Sweet. Henry Schmidt. Milton Eben Blanchard, Walter Reeves, Winfield Scott llinkson, foshua P. Rodgers, John Lewis Summers, Alex- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 193 ander Wylie, Frank Thomas Neff, John Francis Cleave, Joseph Adams Wilson, Eugene Moffit, Israel C. Cope, James Anderson, Charles Branson Anderson, Charles How- ard Smith and Samuel McFeely. Demitted: Garvy Donaldson. Died: Robert M. McArthur, Corydon C. Halladay. There were no affiliations, suspensions or expulsions during the year 1886. February 25, 1886, the Eminent Commander appointed Sirs John F. Nash, David A. Cook and Asa M. Hoffman a committee to make all the necessary arrangements for the Commandery to attend the triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment, to be held in St. Louis, beginning September 21, 1886. March 11, 1886, a coat of arms was adopted by the C< mimandery. March 25th the triennial committee submitted its report as having perfected arrangements for the Commandery's attending the triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment at St. Louis September 21, 1886. April 25, 1886, Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service at the Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-eight swords in line. July 1, 1886, Ottawa Commandery was inspected by Em. Sir George M. Moulton, Grand Captain General of the Grand Commandery of Illinois. There were present on this occasion fifty-three Sir Knights, members of Ottawa Commandery, and fifty visit- ing Sir Knights from St. Bernard, Englewood and other neighboring Commanderies. The order of the Red Cross was conferred in the afternoon on a class of 13, and the order of the Temple on two postulants in the evening. Two banquets were served by the ladies of the Episcopal church, one at six p. m. and one at midnight. PAST EMINENT COMMANDERS. William L. Milligan, 1886-7, 91-2 George A. Mills, 188S Waller B. Titus, 1889-90* Henry Mayo, 1893-4-5 Albert F. Schoch, 1896-7-8-9 Joseph N. Dunaway, 1900-1* ♦Deceased. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 1 95 Of this inspection we quote from the inspection officer's report to the Grand Commandery: "July ist I enjoyed the extreme pleasure of visiting Ottawa Commander}', No. 10, at Ottawa. It was my good fortune to be accompanied by eighteen Sir Knights of St. Bernard, No. 35, under the leadership of Sir Knight H. G. Purinton, and also had the pleasure of the company of Eminent Commander Kirk and staff of Englewood Commandery, U. D. About a dozen Sir Knights from Blaney, No. 5, joined the party at Mor- ris, so that a goodly number debarked from the train at Ottawa, where R. Em. Sir Knight Nash was in waiting with a detachment of Sir Knights from Ottawa Com- mandery, No. 10, and a brass band. The line of inarch was taken to the asylum, where we were received with honors in the council of Red Cross Knights then in session. During the afternoon thirteen candidates received the illustrious order of the Red Cross. Banquet was then served by the ladies of Christ Episcopal church, of Ottawa, followed by the usual Mow of eloquence. In the evening a Commandery of Knights Templar was opened and the order conferred on two of the afternoon class. Another banquet in the early hours of the morning concluded the exercises of the day. Em. Sir Knight William L. Milligan was ably assisted in the discharge of his duties by R. Em. Sir Knight Nash and by the official staff and members of the Commandery. The work was well done and strictly in conformity to the ritual. The financial condition of the Commandery is good, and, altogether, Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, may well be considered as one of honor and credit to this grand jurisdiction. A revival of interest in Templar affairs has lately taken place there, and under the able and zealous man- agement of Em. Sir Milligan Ottawa, No. 10, will take a front rank among the Commanderies of this jurisdiction. Its present membership is 1 1 1, of which 37 have been created h)o I'll E KNIGHTS TEW PLAR, during the present year, an unprecedented amount of work to be performed in an interior Commandery, and which out- strips all previous records in some of the Chicago Com- manderies." August i -'th the Commandery was called to mourn the loss by death of one of their best loved Past Commanders, Em. Sir Robert McKim McArthur. His funeral services were under the auspices of Ottawa Commandery, and he was placed in his resting place in Ottawa Avenue ceme- tery on the 14th of August, [886. Ottawa Commander}- attended the twenty-third triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment at St. Louis. Mo.. Sep- tember 21, [886. '^ Qfeivi y-hve swords were displayed in line in the parade. This was the first triennial conclave that ( )ttawa Commandery ever attended in a body. Some of the members who accompanied Ottawa Commandery on this pilgrimage are shown in picture herein of the Commandery taken in front of the opera house the day of departure. Beginning with front rank, reading from left to right, they are: W. L. Milligan, Em. O. ( i. A. Mills. Gen., E. II. Smith. C. G., W. E. Prichard, Prelate. II. C. Nash, Treas., Asa Mann Hoffman, Rec, T. C. Fullerton, S. W., J. W. Pur- rucker. J. P. Rodgers, J. C. Pirkey, J. X. Dunaway, Paul Teissedre, Warder, J. II. Widmer, II. E. Rockwood, W. E. Bowman, II. Mayo. F. T. Xeff. S. G. Cay, Rev. A. M. White, Dr. P.. P. Bonar, W. C. Hall, Oakley Griggs, Rich- ard Farnsworth, St. P>., David Batcheller, J. \V., Christian Suppes, C. Rohrer, J. C. Farnsworth, D. C. Mills. P. Roh- rer, E. Moffitt, E. I lowland, C. IP Anderson, Col. D. F. lint. C. E. Dunbar, J. W. Clegg, J. C. Corcoran, Dr. M. E. Blanchard, J. D. Hammond. \V. S. Hinkson, 1). Slagle, I). A. Cook, W. IP Watts. Besides the above several, including Walter Reeves and J. C. Ames, from Streator joined the Commandery at Dwight. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. !<)7 The following resolutions of respect to the memory of Em. Sir Robert McKim McArthur were read and ordered spread upon the records at a stated conclave of Ottawa Commander) - , December 23, [886, J. F. Nash, Walter B. Titus and T. C. Gibson, committee. In the death of our beloved frater, Em. Sir Robert Mc- Kim McArthur, we are again reminded that man is born to die; that rank and title are no safeguards against the attack of the relentless archer; that the most honored and most beloved, the humble and the exalted, the ignorant and the learned, all alike, fall beneath his unerring shaft, and all alike share the same heritage, a resting place in our mother earth. Xo eulogium which we can here pronounce, no tribute which we can here bring to the memory of our beloved frater, whose friendship it was our privilege so long and so uninterruptedly to enjoy, can equal what should jointly he awarded to him by all who knew him, and appreciated his mam - knightly virtues, and of those who are cognizant ol the services which he rendered to our cherished institution. His monument is in the hearts of those who knew him longest and best. He is no longer of this earth. His work among men is ended. His earthly record is complete. Words ef eulogy can add nothing to the honor due his name and character, which should stimulate those upon whom responsibilities in the present and may in the future rest to higher ideals and stricter integrity. He will never again answer to the roll-call of the Sir Knights of Ottawa Commandery. He has returned his sword to its scabbard. He fought a good tight and finished his course. The places that once knew him shall know him no more forever. In view, therefore, of the loss which we have sustained in the death of our beloved frater, be it I98 T 1 1 E K NIGH TS TEMPLAR, Resolved, That a page of our records be set apart and suitably inscribed to the memory of our departed pilgrim. Resolved. That in sympathy with the orphan daughters whom he has left behind, we mourn with them for the lov- ing father, counselor and friend. We find consolation in the reflection that he lived to do great good to those around him. and left behind him a stainless memory. EXCERPTA: "Christianity remains pure and spotless, though some who wear its garb are hypocrites, and Templarism is not de- graded, because impure hands hold the cress." 1887. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 9, 1886, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year : William L. Milligan Commander George A. Mills Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General William E. Prichard Prelate David Batcheller Senior Warden Willard S. Wheeler .Junior Warden Henrv Clay Nash Treasurer Asa Mann Hoffman Recorder William H. Gilman Standard Bearer John C. Farnsworth Sword Bearer Rani Teissedre Warder John C. Corcoran First Guard Charles E. Dunbar Second Guard Thomas C. Fullerton Third Guard Anthony D. Simon Organist David Robbins Gregg Captain of the Guard The above officers were installed into their respective stations on December 23, [886. R. Em. Sir John Disk Nash HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. IQQ was installing officer, assisted by Sir Thomas C. Eullerton as marshal. Created: Nile Wynkoop Heermans, Austin Valentine Mitchell, Oscar Benton Ryan, John Nixon Shinn, George Morrison Rig-den, John Marshall Davidson, Edward Clark Modes, Daniel Edward Daly, Edwin T. Reed, Luman Se- ward Sampson, John Arnold ECoeppen and John Philip Scheying. Affiliated: Timothy Ellis Gapen. Demitted: Elias C. Hatheway and James E. Rathbun. Pied: John Francis Cleave, Asa Mann Hoffman. Asa Mann Hoffman was Recorder of Ottawa Com- mandery at the time of his death and also Treasurer of La Salle count}'. Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service at the Episcopal church April 10, 1887. Rev. N. W. Heermans, rector, delivered a very appropriate sermon, which was greatly appreciated by the members of the Commandery. Ottawa Commandery was inspected June 3, 1887, by R. Em. Sir George M. Moulton, Grand Captain General of the Grand Commandery, on which occasion the Order of the Temple was conferred on two candidates. There were present on this occasion fifty-two Sir Knights of Ottawa Commandery and twelve visiting fraters. At the annual conclave the Eminent Commander stated that forty-nine had been added to the membership of the Commandery during the years 1886 and 1887, and there was more money in the treasury than at any time during the history of the Commandery. Memoria in a Terna. I heard a voice you cannot hear. Which says, I must not stay. I see a hand you cannot see, Which beckons me away. This page is dedicated to our beloved frater Sir Asa. 2( H > Til E KNIGHTS TI'.M I'l.AR, Manx I Iofkm an, Recorder of Ottawa Commandery, No. [O, l\. T. lie was born in Peru, 111.. October 7, [838, and died at Ackley, Iowa, at 1 1 130 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, May 4, [887. I lc was raised to the sublime degree of Mas- ter Mason in Occidental Lodge, No. 40. A. F. & A. M., December 24, 1S77. Exalted to the august degree of Royal Arch in Shabbona Chapter, No. 37. R. A. M., May 15, 1S78. Was charter member of Oriental Council, No. 63, R. & S. M. Created and dubbed a Knight of the valiant and magnanimous order of Knights Templar in Ottawa Com- mandery, No. 10, K. T.. December 4, 1878. Constituted a S. P. R. S. 32 , A. A. S. R., Valley of Chicago, October 10. 1884. As a citizen, neighbor, friend, man. Mason. knight, husband and father, he was always truly consistent and loving. Theodore C. Gibson, Foster H. McKenny and Thomas E, MacKinlay presented resolutions of respect to the mem- ory of Em. Sir Corydon Cornelius Halladay, which were adopted by Ottawa Commandery May 12. 1887: Whereas, Tt has pleased our Heavenly Father to sum- mon another of our members from our asylum to that grand asylum above, which knows no closing, and where each shall stand alone to answer the necessary questions for himself with no attending escort to answer for him. and where the results of our life work shall be opened to the light of eternal justice tempered with mercy and truth, it well becomes each of us who remain to see to it that our life work in the future and the influence of our example shall be such that when we shall be called hence our life work- shall have been well done, and be permitted to hear the welcome, "Let him enter." It was with sincere sorrow that we learned that on the morning of October 10. [886, our highly esteemed frater, Em. Sir Corydon C. Halladav, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 201 after a long and protracted and very painful illness of many months' duration, had passed quietly away from our midst to enter upon the untried realities of that other life beyond. We miss his cheerful countenance and hearty grasp of the hand as well as his kindly words of counsel and advice and genial friendship. In the every day walks of life his in- tegrity was unquestioned, and those with whom he came in contact in a business way knew him only to respect him in the highest degree, and his ever ready assistance and cheerful manner in filling any of the positions of our order won for him our warmest friendship and esteem. Therefore, Resolved, That in his departure we have lost one highly esteemed as a friend and a brother, and the family a kind husband and an indulgent father, and we hereby extend to them our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this hour of their deep affliction. Resolved, As a token of our respect to his memory, these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Commanderv, also that a copy of the above be presented to the family of Em. Sir G C. Halladay. The committee, consisting of Daniel C. Mills, Eugene Moffitt and T. C. Gibson, presented resolutions of respect to the memory of John Francis Cleave, which were adopted by Ottawa Commanderv May 6, 1887, and spread upon the records. The white winged messenger from our Supreme Grand Commander has called for another human life, and our late frater. Sir John Francis Cleave, has answered the com- mand. Young, but a brief time married, and only a short time our frater. he has laid aside his earthly tenements, and. Pilgrim no longer, has been clothed with celestial robes, although his fraters of Ottawa Commanderv. No. 10, sorrow deeply at his loss. 2< >_' I'll E KNIGHTS TEM I'l.AK. Wherefore mourn? We commend his widow and or- phan to the love of Him who has promised to care for the widow and the fatherless, and we share with them the sor- row which time alone can soften. Ever faithful to his vows, he was prepared to obey the last command. We honor his memory and invoke blessings upon all whom he loved. Therefore, he it, Resolved, That the foregoing he transcribed upon our records and a copy thereof he sent to his widow and or- phaned family. EXCERPTA: In this age of our order we seek the cultivation of the arts of peace, the education of all in the useful things that God has given for our, study, and especially to maintain with unswerving integrity the holy tenets of Him who was and is the Savior of the world. Ic At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 8, 1887, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: George Abram Mills Commander James Milligan, Jr Generalissimo Paul Teissedre Captain General William E. Prichard Prelate Timothy E. Gapen Senior Warden Charles E, Dunbar Junior Warden Thomas E. MacKinlay Treasurer William L. Milligan Recorder William H. Gilman Standard Bearer Joseph A. Wilson Sword Bearer John P. Scheying Warder Alexander Hanna Sentinel The above officers were installed into their respective stations on December 22, 1887. Em. Sir William L. Milli- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 203 gan was installing officer, and was assisted by Sir David Batcheller as marshal. Created': Austin J. Bell, Charles H. Steen, William L. Smith, Augustin Howard Jennings, Albert Atwood Colley, Henry Sansom, Ruffin Drew Fletcher, James Stewart, John Rosene, James E. Cooke, Thomas Corwin Tridell, Clarence Griggs, John William Teetzel, William Kellogg Stewart and William J. Byrth. Affiliated: Leman A. Rising. Died : John Lewis Summers, Justus Harris and Elipha- let Follett Bull. On March 22, 1888, Past Commanders John F. Nash and James Rhoads were each elected life members of Ot- tawa Commandery and William L. Gibson an honorary member. Ottawa Commandery attended Easter seryice at Christ Episcopal church. There was a large attendance of the fraters, which was duly appreciated by the yestry and the church, as manifested by their recognition in a pleasant worded set of resolutions to the Commandery receiyed April 26, 1888. On authority of Ottawa Commandery Past Commander William L. Milligan, Recorder of Ottawa Commandery, prepared and presented the Commandery a history of the Commandery from organization to 1888, and was awarded the thanks of the Commandery for the efficient manner in which same was compiled. On June 1st R. Em. Sir John F. Nash, on behalf of the Commandery, presented R. Em. Sir William L. Milligan a beautiful Past Commander's jewel, the first presentation o\ a jewel to a Past Commander of this Commandery. The Commander)- was not inspected during the year 1888. EXCERPTA: In this day of bold and aggressive infidelity let us not forget that we are soldiers of the Cross, vowed to 204 I'M E K NIGHTS TKM PLAR, stand forth in defense of the Christian religion, and to uphold its glorious banner. When Napoleon, with his warriors, stood before the pyramids of Egypt, he said: "Soldiers of France, forty cen- turies look down upon you from yonder pyramids." Soldiers of the Cross, more than nineteen hundred years look down upon you from Calvary's bloody brow. You cannot grasp the cross- hilts of your swords without being reminded of the awful scene there enacted. Be loyal, brave and true, and forget not the ad- monition of the great Captain of our Salvation, "Be thou faith- ful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." 1889. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 13, 1888, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar vear : Walter Briggs Titus Commander Thomas Coxy Fullerton Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General William E. Prichard Prelate Paul Teissedre Senior Warden James E. Cooke Junior Warden Thomas E. MacKinlay Treasurer David Batcheller Recorder Theodore C. Gibson Standard Bearer Albert A. Colley Sword Bearer John P. Scheying Warder Alexander Hanna Captain of the Guard The above officers were installed into their respective stations on December _> 1 , 1888, R. Em. Sir John F. Nash being the installing officer, assisted by Em. Sir George A. Mills as Marshal. Created: William James Williams, Ezra Hunt Bailey, James Sexton, William Batie Jones. Thomas H. Spencer, Charles Christian Modes, Benjamin Franklin Colehour. William Wilson. Henry Waldecker. Charles E. Fisher, Wil- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 205 Ham Ellis St. Clair, Robert Watson Law, Samuel Hood, Abram Cross Godfrey, David Edward Gardner, William Henry Knowles, Gustav Knenssl, James Gentleman and William Hitt Penballagan. Affiliated: F. W r . Case and Newton Poston. Deinitted: Daniel Fletcher Hitt, Jesse Emerson Morgan, Abram M. White, N. W. Heermans and Alex- ander Wylie. Suspended (N. P. D. ) : Webster Wesley Arnold, Charles M. Carpenter, John J. Murphy and Henry Clay Nash. Died: Thomas Reedy. January 10, 1889, in recognition of his efficient serv- ices as Eminent Commander of Ottawa Commandery dur- ing the year 1888, Sir Generalissimo Thomas C. F'ullerton, on behalf of the Commandery, presented Past Em. C. George A. Mills a beautiful Commander's sword. May 17, 1889, the Commandery was inspected by Em. Sir Joseph E. Dyas, Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Commandery. Of this inspection Em. Sir Dyas reported to the Grand Commander as follows: "May 17th I visited Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. The Order of the Temple was conferred. Fifty-five Sir Knights were present, after which the asylum tactics were performed and the Commandery was closed in form. The officers of this Commandery are thoroughly proficient in the ritual and drill, and all the minor details were strictly adhered to. The asylum was handsomely decorated for the occasion. After the conclave closed carriages con- veyed us to the residence of R. Em. Sir John F. Nash, where about twenty guests sat down to a repast. Ibis enjoyable meeting was presided over by our estimable host. Short speeches were made and social conversation indulged in until long- after midnight. 206 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, April _' i si the Commandery attended Easter services at the Methodist church, fifty-nine swords being in line. VV. L. Milligan. David Batcheller and Daniel E. Daly, committee on obituaries, presented the following', which was adopted September [3, [888: 1 x Memoriam — John Lewis Summers. He heard an inward call — Leave home, leave country, all That loved you and are loved — Leave wealth and fame, And with this ruddy cross, To go and battle in your Majesty's name! There where I walked in early days with men, Go, I will meet you striving there again! It is with the most profound grief that we record the death of Sir John L. Summers, who departed this life at his home, in Allen township. La Salle county, Illinois, July 14, 1888. As a man, and a citizen, he ranked with the highest; as a friend he was true as the needle to the pole; as a husband, and father, he was loving and indulgent, and his presence brightened the home circle, and domestic hap- piness reigned where'er he moved. He adored his wife, idolized his children and loved bis home. The true type of a gentleman, he was courteous and affable to all. But be is gone! The places that once knew him shall know him no more forever. His stately form will no longer be seen at our gatherings. The determined will and brave resolutions which nerved our departed frater in his herculean labors while living have alike succumbed to the all powerful King of Terrors. His work on earth is fin- ished, his record complete. His "term of penance" has in- deed ended, and he now sits on the right hand of the blesl Emmanuel enjoying ineffable and eternal happiness. "Fraters, be strong for life's demand, Boldly endure and bravely stand; HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 207 Prom his bright life example take — From his blest grave let hope awake." Remembering our duty to weep with those who weep, we tender otir cordial sympathy to his afflicted family in the great sorrow which has befallen them, and, while we mingle our tears with those of the broken circle in which he was best known, and most loved, we pray that He who hath smitten may also sustain and comfort them, turning their present grief into everlasting joy. T. C. Gibson and Paul Teissedre, committee on memorial to Asa Mann Hoffman, presented the following, which was adopted November 22, 1888: In Memoriam. Ottawa Commandery has again been summoned to the portals of the tomb. Our beloved f rater. Sir Knight Asa Mann Hoffman, contended valiantly with the grim mes- senger and fearlessly yielded to the silent angel, where con- tention no longer awaited, and sleeps with his fraters gone before. We who tarry yet awhile mourn his loss, but we do not sorrow as they who are separated from friends, but as they who believe that we shall all soon mingle with the Heavenly Host. Resolved, That these, our heartfelt words, he inscribed upon our records and copies sent to the relatives of the de- parted. W. E. Prichard, 1). A. Cook and Thos. C. Fullerton, committee on memorial to Justus Harris, presented the fol- lowing, which was adopted December 27, 1888: Whereas, The Sir Knights of Ottawa Commandery. No. io, received in deep sensibility the intelligence of the death of our late frater, Justus Harris; and. Whereas, His life radiated the luster of a noble man- hood, made conspicuous by a patient endurance under long 208 I'll E KNIGHTS TEM PLAR, continued physical affliction in the vigor and hopefulness ol early life, which wasted, not only opportunities for distin- guished advancement in his career, but frittered away the reserve accumulations required in old age and retirement, and f< ir the supp< »rt of the widow and i irphans ; and. Whereas, By his deatli we lose one of our most faithful members, his family a devoted husband, kind and indulgent father, and the community a good citizen; therefore, be it, Resolved, That we deeply deplore the loss of one who so well exemplified in his own life the virtues of patience and fidelity to every trust of humanity, and whose memory we shall ever hold in grateful affection. Resolved, That as a testimonial of our respect for the memory of the deceased we cause these resolutions to be engrossed and sent to the family of our late frater. John F. Nash, Walter B. Titus and Thomas E. Mac- Kinlay, committee, presented the following tribue to Elipha- let F. Bull, which was adopted December 2j, 1888: Sir Eliphalet Follett Bull. By the lessons taught through the symbols of our order our minds become so familiar with the emblems of mor- tality that we are apt to lose sight of its stern reality, hut when the messenger of death sounds an alarm at the door of our asylum and summons hence one of our number we are startled with the realities of life and the fleetness of time. Tims have we again been reminded in the death of our frater. Sir Knight E. Follett Bull, that a bright and burning taper of life has been extinguished in our Gommandery, and our asylum shrouded in gloom. While thus called to mourn the loss of a cherished com- panion in arms, whose footfalls will never more he heard in our council halls, and whose voice will newer more thrill HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 200, our hearts with the eloquence of truth, yet^ we will ever cherish his memory as a true and courteous Knight who has fallen in life's full struggle full knightly with his armor on prepared for knightly deeds in the Grand Asylum heyond the dark river. Therefore, he it Resolved, That in the death of Sir Knight E. Follett Bull our order has lost one of its brightest jewels, society an active, honorable, high-minded citizen, and his family a devoted husband and father. Resolved, That we will cherish his memory, imitate his virtues, and ever bear testimony .to his integrity as a just and upright man. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread on the records of the Commandery and a certified copy transmitted to the family of the deceased. EXCERPTA: Yours, Sir Knights is not an order of selfish seclusion. Wherever a human cry for help is heard there is your field of labor. 1890. At the annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December 12, 1889, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year : Walter Briggs Titus Commander Thomas Coxy Fullerton Generalissimo Edward H. Smith Captain General James E. Cooke Prelate Paul Teissedre Senior Warden John C. Corcoran Junior Warden Thomas E. MacKinlay Treasurer 1 )avid Batcheller Recorder Daniel C. Mills Standard Bearer Albert A. Colley Sword Bearer 210 'I'll E K NIGHTS Tl-'.M l'l.AK, 73 HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 21 I Theodore C. Gibson Warder Alexander Hanna Captain of the Guard Created: George A. Forbes, William Henry Boys, John \Y. Fornof, John James Withrow, John Frank Toland and Hans Gulbranson. Affiliated: William Herbert Higby. Reinstated : Charles Carpenter. Demitted: Charles Carpenter and Willard Stanley Wheeler. Arthur Lockwood and William E. Bowman were made life members on January 27, 1890, and September 25, 1890, respectively. April 6, 1890, Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service at the Congregational Church, with forty-seven swords in line. Rev. Warren F. Day, pastor. April io, 1890, Ottawa Commandery was inspected by Km. Sir Sylvester O. Spring, Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Commanderv. There were thirty-nine fraters pres- ent. The Order of the Temple was conferred. Of this in- spection we quote from the inspection officer's report: "Em. Sir W. B. Titus, Commander of Ottawa Com- mandery, Xo. 10, kindly invited me to visit them at their stated conclave, occurring April 10th, which 1 was pleased to do. I found Xo. 10 to be a very prosperous Command- erv. The regular business having been disposed of, the Order of the Temple was conferred upon one candidate in exceptionally good style. The officers are well posted in their various duties, and it is above the average of Com- manderies in both work and attendance. "They have a large and commodious asylum, comfort- ably furnished, and about two th< usand dollars in the treas- ury. Membership at last report was 140." EXCERPTA: The field in which we labor is ample, and no lack ofl opportunities for every valiant knight in our rank:; to 2 I 2 III E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, exemplify and impress our tenets in our respective communities, and, if faithful, the aggregate of good through our instrumentality cannot but rebound to the good of Templarism and the glory of the Great Captain of our salvation. 1891. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held December i 1, 1890, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: William Lee Roy Milligan Commander Royal D. McDonald Generalissimo Paul Teissedre Captain General James E. Cooke Prelate John F. Toland Senior Warden James Gentleman Junior Warden Thomas E. MacKinlay Treasurer David Batcheller Recorder Henry Waklecker Standard Bearer Albert A. Colley Sword Bearer John W. Clegg Warder Alexander llanna Captain of the Guard Created: Duncan McDougall, Davidson E. Huggins, Charles Hubbard Rathbun, Samuel C. Smith, Robert Court- ney Meyer, Lewis Lyall Graves, Charles Schaulin, Lyston Drewett Howe, Ludwig Otto Lorenz, John Maxwell Stew- art, Joseph Kopf and Jacob Benner Shuler. Affiliated: Albert Henry Hatton, James Marshall Tre- nary and Andrew II. Angell. There were no deaths and no demissions from Ottawa Commandery during the year. As soon as the officers were installed preparations were began toward the Commandery attending the triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment, to be held in September, [892, in Denver, Colorado, com- mittees were appointed and arrangements were concluded HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 213 before the close of the year for a special train of Pullman cars, including dining" car, day coach and commissary car. In conjunction with Occidental Lodge and Shabbona Chapter the Commandery leased the King & Hamilton building, second and third floors, for Masonic purposes. March 29, 1891, Ottawa Commandery attended Easter services at the Baptist church, sixty swords being in line. Rev. Dr. Gilbert Frederick, pastor. May 14, 1 89 1, Ottawa Commander}- was inspected by R. Em. Sir John Fisk Nash, proxy for R. Em. Sir Edward C. Pace, inspection officer, forty-five swords being in line. EXCERPTA: This is the age of the noblest type of the true gentleman, as well as the most beautiful type of gentle women, our wards. The American gentleman is the noblest type of true chivalry the world has ever known; here a type of gentlemen in which are richly blended a sense of personal honor, generosity, courtesy, Christian tenderness and helpfulness. Let us not forget, however, that we owe these ennobling virtues to the same influence that shaped the chivalry of the days of Bayard and Sir Sidney. In no other age of the world has there been so wide, so varied, a field for the exercise of these virtues as in this present age. The ideal of chivalry has always been lofty, pure and generous. Valor, loyalty, courtesy and generosity have always been the characteris- tics of the true knight. What scope to-day for the exercise of these virtues. 1892. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery. held December 10, 1891, the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year : William Lee Roy Milligan Commander Henry Mayo Generalissimo David P>atcheller Captain General Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Thomas E. MacKinlay Treasurer Albert Atwood Colley Recorder Paul Teissedre Senior Warden 214 I'll E K NIGHTS TKM I'l.AK, ( reorge Abram Mills junior Warden I tenry Waldecker Standard Bearer James Marshall Trenary Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Alexander I I anna Captain of the ( kiard Created: Clark Brading Provins, Albert Thomas Olm- sted, James Albert Curry, Lisle R. Colley, Louis Hanson .Miller, Sylvester Blanchard, Guy C. Carpenter, Charles Ben- ton Hess. Andrew Jackson Daugherty, William Morell Brown, George A. Wilmarth, John L. Barber, Milton Pope, Christopher C. Duffy, George Henry Pruett, William Eg- bert Wheeler MacKinlay, Charles Sumner Beckwith and Charles William Fredenburg. Affiliated: Alvin E. Tyler. Suspended: John Arnold Koepen. Demitted: George R. Wilbur. Pied: Augustus Howard Jennings and John Stuart Ryburn. Record of departure of Ottawa Commandery to Denver, Colorado, to attend the Twenty-Fifth Triennial Encamp- ment of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America. Saturday morning, August 6, 1892 : General Order, No. 1. HEADQUARTERS OTTAWA COMMANDERY, NO. 10, K. T. Special Instructions — Read Carefully and Obey. Ottawa, August 1, 1S92. Sir Knights and others who are assigned sleeper berths on special train of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., are hereby ordered to assemble at the asylum of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., at Ottawa. Illinois, on Saturday morning, August 6, 1892, at 8 o'clock sharp, at which hour the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad company will require each individual person, male or female, to affix their signature to the excursion ticket, entitling the holder only to one round-trip passage, as per itinerary souvenir of Ottawa Commandery. The description of each individual per- son entitled to travel on said ticket will also be stamped on the HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 215 ticket. Therefore, it is imperative that each person should be pres- ent in person at the above named, as the C, R. I. & P. ticket agent will be present at the asylum at that hour with tickets and stamps. BAGGAGE — You should mark your baggage plain with your name, "Special Train, Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Ottawa, Illinois," and have it sent to the depot of the C, R. I. & P. at Ottawa, Illi- nois, where it will be placed in the special baggage car of Ottawa Commandery. Send your baggage to depot early Saturday morning. Knights Templar valises, containing uniforms, will be taken care of at the asylum of the Commandery by special committee, which will see to having them placed in special baggage car of special train. The lines will be formed at 9 o'clock, and a new banner will be presented to the Commandery with appropriate ceremony, when the line of march will be taken up via La Salle, Main and Columbus streets, to the depot, preceded by Hentrich's military band. Ladies will be escorted to the depot in carriages. Courteously, W. L. MILLIGAN, E. C. Attest: A. A. COLLEY, Recorder. Persuant to the above order the following' named officers and Sir Knights and their ladies and friends in- tending to accompany the Commandery on its pilgrimage, together with a vast assemblage of friends of the order, rendezvoused in the asylum of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K .T., at 8 o'clock Saturday morning, August 6, 1892: William L. Milligan Commander Henry Mayo Generalissimo David Batcheller Captain General William E. Prichard Prelate Gustav Kneussl Senior Warden pro tern. James Gentleman Junior Warden pro tern. Thomas E. MacKinlay Treasurer Oakley Griggs Recorder pro tern. Richard Farnswortb Standard Bearer pro tern. William H. Gilman Color Bearer James M. Trenarv Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Alexander Hanna Captain of the Guard 2l6 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Also Sir Knights A. J. Daugherty, John C. Corcoran, William Wilson, J. \. Sliinn, Thomas II. Spencer, Louis Rohrer, Louis Scheidecker, .Milton Pope, Ebenezer Barber. A. C. Godfrey, John W. Clegg, J. B. Shuler, C. B. Hess, II. E. Rockwood, A. Y. Mitchell, G. II. Pruett, M. E. Blanchard, J. H. Widmer, L. L. Graves, M. C. Hodgson, C. S. Beckwith, James A. Curry, B. F. Colehour, T. C. Gib- son, C. l». Provins, S. G. (lay, R. I). McDonald, John L. Clark. W. C. Hall. L. S. Sampson, I). H. Slagie, John F. Wish, Frank T. Neff, Edwin T. Read, George A. Wilmarth, John L. Barber (Sir Knight George A. Forbes joined the Commandery at Denver), and the following named Sir Knights from sister Commanderies : C. C. Eldred, Blanev Commandery, No. 5, of Morris, 111.; A. ( 1. Blanchard, Syc- amore Commandery, No. 15, Sycamore, 111.; Em. Sir Geo. A. McPherson and Sir Knights A. L. Perry, J. A. Swem. Charles Neureuther, J. E. Hartenbower, P. J. Roberts, J. ( r. Eeldes. J. N. Cox. John Wylie, George W. Howe. St. John's Commandery, No. 2(>, Pern, 111. ; James Shaw, Beth- any Commandery, No. 28, of Mendota, Bl. Ladies: Mesdames J. A. Swem, Mary Reedy, Al. F. Schoch, R. Farnsworth, C. B. Hess, C. J. Metzger, J. PI. Widmer, W. H. Gilman, L. L. Graves, Oakley Griggs, C. S. Beckwith, \A'. E. Prichard, J. A. Curry, B. F. Colehour, T. C. Gibson, J. E. Hartenbower, C. B. Provins, S. G. Gay, J. G. Feldes, J. H. Cox, George Groshens, H. Mayo, J. F. Nash, E. W. Weis, L. Johnson, P. T- Roberts, R.' D. Mc- Donald, C. C. Eldred and H. C. Half. Misses: Mary McGinley, Julia Rabenstein, Josie Fors- ter, Edith Hess, Georgia Gilman, Hattie Hill, Jessie Clark, Josie Porter, Grace Mayo, Anna Renz, Nettie Ellsworth and Anna Gay. Gents (not Templars) : Al. F. Schoch, James Briggs, C. J. Metzger, M. W. Bach, William Rising, Don MacKin- lay, Ward Sawyer, Harry Hess and E. W. Weis. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 21 7 At 10 o'clock the lines were formed when Sir Knight W. L. Milligan, Em. C, presented the Commandery with a silk American flag, with the following remarks : Ladies, Friends and Valiant Knights: It affords us very great pleasure to extend to you a knightly greeting, as we are now about to embark upon a pilgrimage that will mark an interesting epoch in the his- tory of Ottawa Commander}-. I low changed the scene, how different the circumstances under which we embark in com- parison with the pilgrimage of the valiant soldiers of the Cross in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, who with san- dal, staff and scrip traversed rugged mountains and arid plains, contending against famine, the influence of climate and enemies the most formidable, to visit Calvary, the tomb of Christ, and renew their baptism in the waters of the Jordan. They believed that there no longer existed any other city hut Jerusalem or other habitable spot of earth but that which contained the tomb of Christ. All the roads which led to the Holy City were deluged with blood and presented nothing hut the scattered spoils and wrecks of nations. The beauseant was their battle flag, the black typifying terror to their foes, and the white fair- ness to their friends. Under its folds the plains of Hattan were drenched with blood and the Holy City delivered to the Christians. 'Jdie present generation, which has witnessed the out- break of many passions on the political scene, which has passed through so many calamities, will not see without interest that Providence sometimes employs great revolu- tions to enlighten mankind, and to insure the future pros- perity of governments. The discovery of the continent of America by Christo- pher Columbus 400 years ago was the beginning of a new era in the civilization of the world. Through the dim starlight of superstition and idolatry 2l8 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, the earlier ages of our race groped their way to knowledge. Conflicting legends had left in doubt the form of the earth, the origin of man and questions of theology were in doubt. The light of the Gospel emitted but the twilight of Christ- ian truth, its glimmering rays shone through prisons, in- quisitions and star chambers after the purer light had been closed i tut by creeds. The close of the Revolutionary war secured by law the freedom of conscience, with the liberty of the press; free inquiry came as an effulgent light, science awoke from the slumber of ages, and, like an agile army of travelers, pene- trated every recess of the earth and the elements to dis- cover further light. Freedom tore the fetters from the limbs of science, and, in grateful return, science has magnified freedom in giving her new powers and grander era of action, and instead of traversing a continent with sandal, staff and scrip, contend- ing* against famine, the influence of climate and enemies the most formidable, science has given us roads of steel and coaches with all the comforts of the most elegant homes, lighted by electricity, and drawn by chariots of hTe to whirl us, with the speed of the wind, through the peaceful valley of the Mississippi, with a soil as rich as the valley of the Xile. Through wheat fields and corn fields, until the lowing of the great herds on the ranches of Kansas and Colorado mingle with the rumbling of our mighty train, until moun- tains filled with the richest minerals, coal to propel the machinery of the world, gold to conduct its commerce, iron. lead and copper, remind us that we have arrived at the mecca of our pilgrimage, the city of Denver. How changed the scene. The age of ignorance and superstition has passed. Our swords are no longer drawn in mortal combat. The beauseant no longer incites to deeds of bloodshed and car- nage. We will now take np the ensign of a free and en- lightened people. The Stars and Stripes: Long may it wave, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 2IO, O'er the land of the free And the home of the brave. Sir Knight William H. Oilman, Standard Bearer. T now have the very great pleasure of placing in your hands this property of Ottawa Commandery, the first American flag ever presented to or carried by a Commandery of Knights Templar. Well may you feel honored in being its bearer, and we trust that yon, and the Knights Templar of Ottawa Commandery, will see to it, with your swords, if necessary, that no anarchist insults it and foreign nations respect it. Let its blue held remind you, Sir Knights, of the lessons taught you in Masonry: that virtue should be as expansive in the breast of every Mason as the blue vault of Heaven. And as you were taught that red denotes fervency and zeal, mav its red stripes remind yon that you should ever defend the free institutions of your country with that fervency and zeal which should characterize all loyal Ameri- can citizens, and, finally. Sir Knights, as we were taught that white is an emblem of purity, may its white stripes inspire us to perpetnate this government as pure and unde- filed as bequeathed us by our ancestors, and that the equal laws of our country and virtuous conduct of the people will lie imitated by all the nations of the earth, and the inhabi- tants of the world shall be free men and fellow citizens and patriotism itself be lost in brotherly love, relief and truth. [The address ended, Hentrich's military band, stationed outside the asylum, struck up the "Star Spangled Banner" amidst deafening applause.] After the address the line of march was taken tip in the following order : Hentrich's military band. Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T. Visiting Sir Knights. Ladies in carriages. With the swords of the Sir Knights glistening in the sunshine, waving plumes and the two Old Glories (the _'_'•> I ll E KNIGHTS TEM PLAR. SIR WILLIAM H. OILMAN. Standard Bearer of Ottawa Commandery, Who Received and Car- ried the First American Flag Ever Presented to a Com- mandery of Knights Templar. August 6, 1892, on Pilgrimage to Denver, Colorado. THE FIRST AMERICAN FLAG EVER PRESENTED TO A COMMANDERY OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. This flag was purchased in January, 1892, by W. L. Milligan, Em. Commander of Ottawa Commandery, but the formal presenta- tion was not made until August 6, 1892, the morning of the departure of the Commandery to the twenty-fifth triennial conclave of the Grand Encampment of the U. S. A., at Denver, Colo. The above pic- ture is the remnant of the flag then presented, a new flag having recently replaced this historic one. I'll E K N tGHTS I KM I'l.AK i- "3 a, c or" 5 •^ "£ PQ . 3i > rG W - a ^ »-« JJ £ M — i - ^ n j= < OJ < S £ rf < < >■ c £ c 5 * Eh £ ° ^ Eh ^ -o iS O — o a .2 H 02 ^ m •^ cts M HISTORY OK OTTAWA COM M AN DENY. 223 flag of our country and the beauseant of our order) side by side fluttering in the breeze of a beautiful summer day, the procession moved from the asylum south on La Salle street to Main, east on Main to Columbus, north on Columbus to the Rock Island depot, where the train, consisting of engine, baggage car, day coach tourist sleeper "Saracen," three first class Pullman palace sleepers and dining car "Hotel de Pil- grim," all handsomely and appropriately decorated, was in waiting to receive us. At ii 125 o'clock, amid the sounding of the whistle, the ringing bell, strains of music from the band, the waving of handkerchiefs and the cheers of the vast multitude of friends, who had assembled at the depot to wish us a hearty God speed, the train rolled away for the West. The presentation of the American flag, the first ever presented to a Commandery of Knights Templar, was heralded in the Associated Press as an innovation in Tem- plar Masonry, and when we arrived at Denver we observed that Commanderies, whose officers had read of this incident, were carrying flags of all sizes and dimensions from ten cents up in price, and when, on the day of the grand parade, Ottawa Commandery passed the reviewing stand General John C. Smith, and the reviewing officers, on observing the approach of Ottawa Commandery with "Old Glory" floating on the breeze, rose from their seats and shouted: "Three cheers for Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, and Old Glory." Ottawa Commandery had seventy-three swords in line in the parade at Denver. We quote from the Chicago Daily News of August 7, 1892: KNIGHTS HOLD AN OPEN MEETING. An Innovation by Ottawa Commandery Before Starting for Denver. Ottawa, 111., Aug. 6. — An innovation which marks an epoch in J 24 ™ E KNIGHTS TKM I'l.AU, I he history of Knight Templarism was indulged in by Ottawa Com mandery this morning. The beautiful asylum of the organization was thrown open to the public to witness the assembling of the Sir Knights preparatory to the embarking for the Denver encampment and conclave. At the appointed hour Captain General David Batcheller formed the Knights in line and marched them into the spacious lodge rooms, and halted them for orders. The routine details having been given, Em. Sir William L. Milligan called for the color guard, and addressed them pleasantly upon their trip. He touched upon the early strug- gles of Masonry and the Order of Knights Templar, closing by pick- ing up a beautiful silk banner, the stars and stripes, saying: "Sir Knights and Brother Warriors: This emblem of the greatest free and enlightened country on earth I now present you, with the assurance that it is the first American flag ever carried on a pilgrimage or elsewhere by a Commandery of Knights Tem- plar." The announcement elicited wild applause. The Ottawa band outside the asylum struck up the "Star Spangled Banner" and the multitude cheered themselves hoarse. The Ottawa Commandery turns out seventy-three plumes. Sev- eral Sir Knights were accompanied by their ladies. Over one hun- dred tickets were sold to the organization and members of the craft who have not yet reached the Knights Templar degree. They left by special train at 11 a. m. This was a most enjoyable trip, going via Des Moines and ( )maha, and returning via Topeka and Kansas City. The Commandery arrived in Ottawa on return at 5 p. m. on August 15th, and was met by a large concourse of peo- ple who were proud of the showing Ottawa Commandery had made while abroad. They were escorted to their asy- lum hv a detachment of Sir Knights who had not gone to Denver, where a fine luncheon and refreshments had been prepared for the returning 'pilgrims. Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service April 17, [892, at the Episcopal Church, sixty-four swords being in line. One of the most pleasant happenings in Ottawa Com- mandery occurred on the 12th of June when Em. Sir John F. Nash, on behalf of the Commandery, presented P. Em. Sir Walter Briggrs Titus a beautiful Past Commander's HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 225 Jewel, in token of the friendship and knightly esteem of the Knights of Ottawa Commandery toward Em. Sir Titus. W. B. Titus, C. B. 1 'renins and T. E. MacKinlay, com- mittee, presented the following tribute to Sir Knight Dr. John Stewart Ryburn, which was adopted October 13, 1892: Sir Knights : We have again been startled by an alarm at the inner door of the asylum, and another of our beloved and highly esteemed f raters has been summoned by the Sovereign Master of the Universe to that Grand Asylum above, prepared from the foundation of the world for all those who have clean hands and a pure heart. Our most worthv Brother and Sir Knight. Dr. John Stew-art Ryburn, after a very short illness of only four days, passed quietly away at his residence in Ottawa at 7:30 o'clock on Wednes- day evening", September 21, 1892, sending an electric thrill of sorrow and mourning throughout this community, where he was so well known and highly honored, and its coming was like a dash of lightning from a clear sky. And thus was he called to lay down his life work in the mid-day of an intensely busy and useful life whose labors (if love for his fellow men it will be difficult to duplicate and will be sadly missed by the poor, who have been the recipients of his generous benefactions in years past. We loved to think of him as one To whom long years were given. It came not once within our tears, He could so early go. Very few are called away from our midst who have left such an unblemished record, such an unselfish, self-sacrific- ing, unassuming manifestation of kindly solicitude for those with whom he came in contact, and more especially those who came within his professional care. With what untiring energy and earnest solicitude he 226 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, watched by the couch of suffering none know so well as those who knew him best and have been the recipients of his watchful care. The same assiduous attention was be- stowed upon the poor and rich alike, and as one has well said of him: "No night too dark, no road too rough, no hour too untimely to receive his quick response and earnest efforts." And thus went out a greatly valued life spent in the relief of the suffering of others, and thus furnishing an example of the highest type of manhood, and it may well be said of him: "He was one of nature's noblemen whose ex- ample is worthy of imitation." Therefore, he it. Resolved. That the members of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, do hereby tender to the bereaved wife and rela- tives of our departed Brother and Sir Knight our sincere and heartfelt sympathv in this hour of their great sorrow, and tenderly commend them to Him who doeth all things well, for that comfort and consolation which He alone can give. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions he spread upon the records, and that an engrossed copy he presented tc the wife of our departed Brother and Sir Knight. EXCERPTA: Our principles are heaven-descended, divine. The King of Heaven, Himself, the author and exemplar. We have vowed fidelity to these principles. Let none prove recreant to their vows. [893. The thirty-first annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery was held in their asylum 1 )ecemher 8, A. 1). [892, A. ( ). 774. when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: I Icnrv Mayo Commander HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDEKV. 227 Theodore Cunningham Gibson Generalissimo Gustav Kneussl Captain General Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Paul Teisseclre Senior Warden Jacob Benner Shuler junior Warden Thomas E. MacKinlay Treasurer David Batcheller Recorder Charles William Fredenburg Standard Bearer James M. Trenary Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Foster Heald McKenney Captain of the Guard The above officers were installed into their respective stations on the twelfth day of January, 1893, A. O. 775. by Past Commander W. L. Milligan, assisted by James Milli- gan as marshal. Created: Julius Antonio Freeman, Edgar Goodrich Dyer, Albert Frederick Schoch, Charles Philander Taylor and Jacob Isaac Warner. Affiliated: Edward S. Morahn. P emitted: Adelbert T. Olmstead and John F. Toland. Easter Sunday was observed on the second day of April by the Commanclery attending divine services at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, sixty-eight swords being in line. The Rev. N. (). Freeman, pastor, delivered a very interesting sermon, which was highly pleasing to the fraters of Ottawa Commanclery. Ottawa Commandery was net inspected (hiring the year 1893- EXCERPT A: Born amid the blaze of religious enthusiasm, when each Sir Knight felt deep down in his inmost soul that he must bear an important part in the prosecution of the ultimate design for which his order was created, so must we, by every hon- est endeavor, show our interest in this great and glorious work, and each bear his part in bearing aloft his banner to the breeze, proclaiming liberty to the captive, comfort to the aching heart, and faith in the risen Redeemer of the human race. 228 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, 1894. The thirty-second annual conclave of Ottawa Command- ery was held in their asylum December 14, A. L). 1893, A. (). yj^, when the following officers were elected and appointed tor the ensuing' Templar year : Henry IMayo Commander Theodore Cunningham Gibson Generalissimo William Lee Roy Milligan Captain General William E. Prichard Prelate Paul Teissedre Senior Warden George H. Pruett Junior Warden Thomas E. MacKinlay Treasurer David Batcheller Recorder William H. Gilman Standard Bearer William H. Knowles Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Foster H. McKenney Captain of the Guard The above officers were installed on Decemher 2^, A. D. 1893, A. O. yy^, hv P. R. Em. Sir John Fisk Nash, assisted by Sir Thomas C. Fullerton as marshal. Created: Andrew Ritchie Van Skiver, Francis Marion Yentzer, Rector Cass Hitt, Walter Bogart Wignall, James Morris, Samuel Richolson, Thomas Bawden and Rev. P. K. Hammond. Affiliated: Wilbur F. Heath. Demitted: Charles H. Smith. Suspended : B. F. Sweet and Charles Wilkins. Died: Charles H. Steen, Albert At wood Cblley, Thos. Coxy Fullerton and William Stormont. These are the immortal hours of whom thou dost demand. One waits for thee. It is with sincere sorrow that we here chronicle the de- parting of Sirs Charles H. Steen, Albert Atwood Colley and William Stormont, all valiant and magnanimous HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 229 knights, and men of affairs that the world was made better by their being moving factors in it. Sir William Stor- mont was one of Ottawa's most progressive citizens, and wielded a moral influence in the circles he frequented. He came to Ottawa in an early day and engaged in the foun- dry and machine shop business. He was a sincere Christian and devoted to the church and Order of Knights Templar. He was also a member of Oriental Consistory. 32 , Valley of Chicago. He passed to his reward O^toWr 12. 1894. Easter Sunday was observed by Ottawa Commandery at Christ Episcopal Church, of Streator, 111., on March 2;, A. D. 1894. A. O. //(->. One hundred and five swords were in line. The rector. Rev. P. K. Hammond, delivered a very interesting sermon, after which dinner was served at the Columbia hotel. Streator. Sir William Jenkins, Grand Junior Warden, inspected Ottawa Commandery May 24th, fifty-five swords being in line, and the Commandery passed a very favorable inspec- tion. Memorial to Sir Thomas C. Fullerton. On September 2j, 1894, the committee, consisting of Sirs W. B. Titus, John H. Widmer and John F. Nash, pre- sented resolutions on the death of Sir Thomas Coxy Fuller- tun, as follows : By the lessons taught through the symbols of our order our minds become so familiar with the emblems of mor- tality that we are apt to lose sight of its stern reality, but when the messenger of death sounds an alarm at the door of our asylum and summons hence one of our members we are startled with the realities of life's fleetness of time. Thus have we again been reminded in the death of our frater. Sir Thomas C. Fullerton, that a bright and burning taper of life has been extinguished in our Commander)- and our asylum shrouded in gloom. 23O THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, While thus called to mourn the loss of a cherished com- panion in arms, whose footfalls will never more he heard in our council halls, and whose voice will never more thrill our hearts with eloquence of truth, yet we will ever cherish his memory as a true and courteous knight who has fallen in life's struggle full knightly, with his armor on, prepared for knightly deeds in the Grand Asylum beyond the dark river. Therefore, he it. Resolved, That in the death of Sir Knight Thomas C. Fullerton our order has lost one of its brightest jewels, so- ciety an active, honorable, high-minded citizen, and his fam- ily a devoted husband and father. Resolved, That we will cherish his memory, imitate his virtues and ever hear testimony to his integrity as a just and upright man. Resolved, That these resolutions he spread on the records of the Commandery and a certified copy transmitted to the family of the deceased. EXCERPTA: Render unto every man his due, not stintingly, not grudgingly, not meanly, but nobly, generously, freely as the air we breathe, and without price, as the sunshine and the light. 1805. The thirty-third annual conclave of Ottawa Command- ery was held in their asylum December 13, A. 1). [894, A. O. yy, W. H. Gilman; 27, W. F. Heath; 28*, George Rigden : 29, George H. Prr.ett ; 30, C. Suppes ; 31, R. Farnsworth; 32, R. C. Hitt ; 33, M. W. Bach ; 34, J. P. Rodgers ; 35, S. U. Lawry; 36, Dr. I\. W. Leland, St. John's Commandery, Peru, 111. : 37, L. A. Kaiser, St. John's Commandery, Peru, ill. Ottawa Commandery took part in escort duty at the lay- ing of the corner stone of the Xorthern Illinois State Nor- mal School, at De Kalb, October 1, 1895. Twenty Sir Knights of Ottawa Commandery were in line. 2^4 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, EXCERPTA: The man of coarse fiber is not qualified to appre ciate the vows of Christian knighthood. In France, in the middle ages, the knights at a tournament wore embroidery on their sleeves; a rose, as an emblem that gentleness should accompany courage, and that beauty is the reward of valor. To be gentle and courte- ous to all is one of the impressive lessons taught in the asylum, and if thought, language and demeanor cannot be conformed to this standard, like the dull color of a valueless stone, the rich golden setting of Templarism only intensifies the contrast. 1896. The thirty-fourth animal conclave of Ottawa Command- ery was held in their asylum December 12. A. D. 1895, A. O. 777, when the following officers were elected and ap- pointed for the ensuing Templar year: Albert Frederick Schoch .Commander Henry Mayo Generalissimo George Abram Mills Captain General "Walter Briggs Titus Prelate 1 )a\ id Refior Senior Warden George Henry Prnett Junior Warden Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer David Batcheller Recorder William H. Gilman Standard Bearer Paul Teissedre Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Alexander Hanna Sentinel The above officers were installed into their respective offices December 26, 1895, by P. Em. Sir Henry Mayo, in- stalling officer, assisted by P. Em. Sir Theodore C. Gibson, as marshal. Seventy-five Sir Knights attended Easter services at the Congregational church April 5th. Rev. L. O. Baird, pas- tor, delivered an able sermon. The Commandery was inspected May 28. 1806, by ban. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 235 Sir James Sherwin, Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Com- mandery. Sixty-eight swords were in line. Em. Sir Sher- win did not spoil Ottawa Commandery by sparing the "rod" of criticism. His was a most rigid inspection of the mili- tary tactics of the asylum, but, notwithstanding his many criticisms, he pronounced Ottawa Commandery the peer of an}- Commandery in the state, except perhaps two or three which have crack drill teams. Xo work was done by the Commandery during the year 1896. Affiliated: Samuel Hogan Heidler. Dcmittcd: Thomas E. MacKinlay and William J. Birth. Suspended: Frank W. Case. Pied : John Brooks Rice and Austin Valentine Mitchell. Also P. Em. Sir William L. Gibson, who was Commander of Ottawa Commandery in 1868. demitted and affiliated with Eldorado Commandery. No. 19, Kansas, of which he was elected Eminent Commander. Ottawa Commandery performed the burial services for all of the above f raters. Memorial to John Brooks Rice. On March 12, 1896 C. B. Chapman, E, Howland and John Stout, the committee on resolutions of respect to the memory of Sir John Brooks Rice, deceased, presented the following resolutions : Once more the grim messenger of death has knocked at the door of our asylum and another chair is vacant. Sir Knight John Brooks Rice was called from labor to rest on the 24th day of February, A. D. 1896. He was an able lawyer, a safe counsellor, a ripe scholar and an upright man. Knighted December 10. 1861, he, for more than thirty- four years, moved among us as a valiant knight, wielding his 236 III E KNIGHTS Tl-.M PEAK. sword in the defense of helpless orphans, innocent maidens, destitute widows and the Christian religion. I le was made a knight before main- of our members were horn, and was the confidential friends and adviser of many whose honored names now appear on the records of our Commandery, hut who have gone to their reward. Mis last hours were soothed, comforted and brightened hv the knightly ministrations of his fraters, and his remains were tenderly consigned to mother earth. Resolved, That while we cherish the memory ^\ our departed brother, let us emulate his main- noble qualities of head and heart. On January 28, 1897, Henrv Mayo. E. How land and J. X. Dunaway. committee, presented the following mem- orial : Austin Yal extixe Mitchell. The Grand Warder above has again invaded our asy- lum and taken from our midst our late f rater. Sir Knight Austin Valentine Mitchell, who received that summons we all must obey and passed to the Grand Asylum above Thurs- day. Octoher 1, 1896, at Streator, 111. Sir Knight Mitchell was knighted in Ottawa Com- mandery May 19. 1887. He has maintained and honored the sublime principles of our order by exemplifying, in all the walks of lite, truth, purity and benevolence. Therefore. be it. Resolved, That Ottawa Gommandery deeply regret the loss of our departed brother, and cherish his memory as one of our most esteemed members. Resolved. That we extend to the family of our departed brother our sincere sympathy in this, their hour of bereave- ment, and that these resolutions he spread upon the records of Ottawa Commandery and a copy forwarded to the fam- ily of the deceased. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 237 EXCERPTA: By your daily walk and deportment, and an un- swerving fidelity to every principle promulgated and every les- son taught in Templar Masonry, illustrate that you are worthy successors to those men who, fired by love and strengthened by hope, in support of these very principles, baptized in blood the vows of Knighthood. 1897. The thirty-fifth annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery was held in their asylum December 10, A. D. 1896, A. O. 778, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year : Albert Frederick Schoch Commander Clarence Griggs Generalissimo David Refior Captain General Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Charles Philander Taylor Senior Warden Samuel Hogan Heidler Junior Warden Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer David Batcheller Recorder William Henry Gilman Standard Bearer Paul Teissedre Sword Bearer Clarence Beeman Chapman Warder Alexander Hanna Sentinel The above officers were installed into their respective stations January 14, [897, by P. Em. Sir Henry Mayo, as- sisted by P. Em. Sir William L. Milligan, as marshal. Created: Frank Young Herbert, Herbert Allen Brown, Charles J. Yockey, Richard F. Knott and Edgar El dredge. Affiliated: Berkley Gillett Barrett. Suspended: James E. Cooke, W. E. St. Clair, Austin J. Bell and John D. Hammond. Died: David Batcheller. Owing to the death of Sir David Batcheller, Recorder, 238 I'll E KNIGHTS I'l'.M PLAR, a dispensation was issued 1>v the Grand Commander for the holding of an election for the purpose of electing his successor, which election was held at a stated conclave Janu- ary 28, [897, when Sir John Stout was elected Recorder for the remainder of the ensuing" Templar year. Easter Sunday, April 18, 1897, Ottawa Commandery attended Easter serviee at the First Baptist church, fifty- five swords being in line, and the Rev. Albert J. Steelman delivered the sermon, which was duly appreciated by the fraters of Ottawa Commandery. The Commandery was inspected by Em. Sir Hamer Hershel Green, Grand Sword Bearer of the Grand Com- mandery, June 10, 1897, fifty-seven swords being- in line. Of this inspection he reported to the Grand Commander: "Em. Sir Schoch, of Ottawa, No. 10, and the Eminent Commander of Blaney, No. 5, were the only Commanders of the Fourth District who took charge of the lines pursuant to your general orders and went through the ceremonies of inspection as it should he done. My examination of No. 10 was very satisfactory to myself in every way. The Commandery abounds in fraters who possess every knight- ly quality. Its records and properties are in good order, and its equipments complete." On July 22, 1897, Ottawa Commandery, with fifty-two swords, participated in the parade in Chicago on the occasion of laving the corner stone of the John A. Logan memorial statue. February 11, [897, 1). McDougall, James Milligan and J. P. Rodgers presented the following memorial : David Batch 1:1.1. kr. Again has the silent messenger, the dip of whose oar is never heard, crossed the river which separates time from eternity, and, recrossing, borne with Him the lifeless form HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 239 of Sir Knight David Batcheller, esteemed for the purity of his life, loved for the generosity of his nature, and honored for the nobility of his character. In business he was the soul of honor. In all the rela- tions of life calling for the exercise of good faith, fidelity was a ruling passion. His appreciation and observance of the high teachings of Templar Masonry is evidenced by his constant attend- ance and faithful discharge of every duty. The gentleness of his nature is marked by his constant knightly courtesy throughout years of greatly impaired health. With all the gentleness of his nature there was mingled the courage of the true knight as shown by three years of most ardent military service in the cause of home, country and liberty. In all the tender and sacred relations of home, which consecrate the names father, mother, wife and child, he was a manly man. Indeed, lie lived as though having con- stantly in mind the following touching and beautiful words from the pen of a gifted poet: A sacred burden in this life ye bear. Look on it, bear it solemnly, Stand up and walk beneath it steadfastly. Fail not for sorrow, falter not for sin, But onward, upward, 'til the goal you win. Remembering our own great loss we are deeply thought- ful of the aged father and children, who sit in the shadow of a deeper sorrow, and to these we extend assurances of our sympathy. EXCERPTA: The Christian Knight to-day, as he grasps liis sword, unstained by blood, instantly reads the symbolism of the les- sons it teaches: "Faith in God, hope in immortality, and charity to all mankind." They are the words in our lessons, incorporated in our rituals, and especially adopted by our order. They are our jewels. Let us look at them a moment: Faith! Hope! Charity! 2_p> THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, I 898. The thirty-sixth animal conclave of Ottawa Command- ery was held in their asylum December 9, A. 1). [897, A. (). 77<>. when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: Albert Frederick Schoch Commander Joseph Newton Dunaway Generalissimo 1 )ayid Refior Captain General Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Samuel Hogan Heidler Senior Warden Edgar Eldredge Junior Warden Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer Clarence Beeman Chapman Recorder Richard Farnsworth Standard Bearer Paul Teissedre Sword Bearer Duncan McDougall Warder Alexander Hanna Sentinel The above officers were installed into their respective stations January 13. [898, by P. Em. Sir Henry Mayo, installing officer, assisted by Sir David Refior, as marshal. Created: Irving Hinton Trowbridge, Eugene Daniel Allen. John Joseph Becker, Sylvanus Sumner Thompson. Joseph Allison. Calvin Dallas Philips. Frederick L. Fisher, Elmer E. Gladfelter, Henry Lincoln Arnold, Samuel S. Pearson, Albert Thomas Lardin, Charles W. Campbell, Robert Lucien Smith, Herbert Blaker McKahin, William Dyer Fullerton, Edward Webster Bach and Elnathan Pierce Ha the way. Affiliated: Charles C. Strong. Demitted: Walter Bogart Wignal, James Morris and Cairo Darius Trimble. Died: Robert Courtney Myer, December 25, 1897, Ottawa Commandery observed HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 24 1 Christmas in their asylum in accordance with the Templar ritual, thirty-five swords being in line. Riev. A. J. Steelman delivered the discourse. With the recording of the Christmas observance Sir John Stout recorded his valedictory as Recorder of Ottawa Commandery, which we herewith append : "Sir Knights : With the above record — Christmas ob- servance — my term of office as Recorder ends. I thank you, one and all, for the courteous treatment I have re- ceived from your hands. May the Lord bless thee; may the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious un- to thee; may the Lord lift up his counteance upon thee and give thee peace. ( Signed ) JOHN STOUT." April 11, 1898, Easter service was observed in the asy- lum by Ottaw r a Commandery. There was a large attend- ance of Masons and Templars and their families and friends besides the sixty-eight swords in line. The address was delivered by the Rev. J. T. Ladd. The Knights Templar Easter service was used. Ottawa Commandery was inspected May i-\ [898, by Sir Bates Iott, Deputy Grand Captain General of the Grand Commandery, and sixty-seven swords were in line. The Order of the Temple was conferred. Ascension day was observed by Ottawa Commandery in their asylum, forty-four swords being in line. Address was delivered by the Rev. J. T. Ladd. Templar service was observed. Memorial — Robert Courtney Myer. Once more has the grim messenger of death knocked at the door of our asylum and called from thence a be- loved frater. Robert Courtney Myer has entered into rest. He was born in Morgantown, W. Va., April 21, L830. Was created a knight of the illustrious Order of the Red Cross Mav 2 [2 111 E KNIGHTS TEM PLAR, 14, 1891, and dubbed and created a knight of die valiant and magnanimous Order of Knights Templar and Knight of Malta of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem January 11, [891 . Life is all a mist in whose shadows we meet our fortune. lie lias emerged from the mists. His spirit has passed the confines of that mysterious land, From the darkness of night to the brightness of day; To dwell in that Temple not made with hands, Leaving the frail casket of the soul to decay. — C. B. Chapman, Recorder. I Read at burial services. Templar funeral, May 5, 1898. 1 EXCERPTA: Let us not linger around the days of ancient chivalry for character or commendation, but be up and doing, im- proving the time, not wholly forgetting those things that are be- hind, but pressing forward to the prize of our high calling, a prize no less than a crown of immortality, and which will be given to those only who are faithful unto death. 1899. The thirty-seventh annual conclave of Ottawa Com- manderv was held in their asylum December 8, A. D. 1898, A. O. 780, when the following officers were elected and ap- pointed for the ensuing Templar year: Albert Frederick Schoch Commander Joseph Newton Dunaway Generalissimo David Refior Captain General Samuel Hogan Heidler Senior Warden Edgar Eldredge Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer Clarence Beeman Chapman Recorder Herbert Blaker McKahin Standard Hearer Albert Thomas Lardin Sword Bearer William Dyer Fullerton Warder Alexander Hanna Sentinel HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY, 243 The above officers were installed into their respective stations January 26, 1899, by P. Em. Sir Henry Mayo, in- stalling officer, assisted by Sir Frederick L. Fischer, as mar- shal. Created: Clarence Edward Tryon, Christian Gasser and Jonathan Montgomery Ferrell. Reinstated: Austin J. Bell. D emitted: Charles E, Harman, Henry Sanson, John L. Barber, Austin J. Bell, Samuel Hogan Heidler and Christian Suppes. Died: Edward Charles Modes. Christmas day was observed by Ottawa Commandery with apprepriate services in the asylum of the Command- ery. Forty-one Sir Knights participated. Easter Sunday was observed by Ottawa Commandery attending divine services at the First M. E. Church. Forty- eight Sir Knights were in attendance. The Commandery was inspected May 25, 1899, by Em. Sir Charles P. Kane, Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Commandery. The record of Ottawa Commandery re- mained untarnished. We regret that the report of the in- spection officer was not published with the proceedings of the Grand Commandery. Ottawa Commanderv was honored this year by the Grand Commandery of Illinois in electing Em. Sir Albert F. Schoch Grand Warder of the Grand Commandery. He was installed Grand Warder by special dispensation to R. Em. Sir John Fisk Nash, Past Grand Commander, Novem- ber 9, 1899, the ceremonies taking place in the asylum of Ottawa Commandery. November 2, [899, W. H. Higby, W. D. Fullerton and J. W. Clegg presented the following memorial: Edward C. Modes. We are again called upon to record the loss of one of _'44 T11E KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, our number in the person of Sir Knight Edward Clarke Modes, who was summoned from his earthly home by the Grand Commander of Heaven on the 15th day of March, A. 1). [899, A. O. 7S1. In the departure of Sir Knight Modes from our ranks the Commandery feels that it sustains a decided loss, not only on account of making our number one less, hut also on account of the knightly and Christian character and hearing of our deceased frater. It is herein- recommended that these resolutions lie spread upon the records, and that the Recorder notify the family of Sir Knight Modes of this action and express our deep sorrow at the untimely end of our esteemed frater, and extend our profoundest sympathy in their great hereave- ment. EXCERPTA: To err is human, but to deliberately and ma- liciously err, to the injury and pain of a brother, is an offense against chivalric manhood and the order of Templar Knighthood. The man who does these things, with malice aforethought, should rend his clothes, and, putting on sackcloth and ashes, from the depths of a broken and contrite spirit, cry unto the Most High for forgiveness. 1900. The thirty-eighth annual conclave of Ottawa Com- mandery was held Decemher 14. 1899, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year : Joseph Newton Dunaway Commander David Rehor Generalissimo Edgar Eldredge Captain General Edward Webster Bach Senior Warden William Dyer Fullerton Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 245 Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer Clarence Beeman Chapman , Recorder Charles J. Yockey Standard Bearer Gustav Kneussl Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Alexander Hanna Sentinel The above officers were duly installed January 11, 1900. Created: Irving De Forest Vincent, George A. Clip- per, Edward A. Nattinger, Walter F. Weese, Charles G. Deenis and George Craft Dunawav. Affiliated: George W. Farrar and Christopher J. Byrne. Died: Jacob W. Moon, James Rhoads, William H. Lukins and Clarence E. Tryon. D emitted: David E. Gardner, Robert A. Brown, Wil- bur F. Heath, William K. Stewart, Joseph A. Wilson, Henry Smith and Frank Y. Herbert. Suspended: R'obert G. Ewing, Guy C. Carpenter and John W. Teetzel. The Commandery was inspected by Alonzo St. Clair Wilderman, Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Command- ery. The occasion was made notable by the presence of R. Em. Sir James B. McFatrich, Grand Commander, and a large delegation of Sir Knights from Joliet, No. 4 : Everts, Xo. 18, Rock Island; St. Paul, No. 34, Fairbury; Blaney, Xo. 5, Morris; St. John's, No. 26, Peru; Bethany, Xo. 28. Mendota; Englewood, No. 59, Chicago; Aurora, Xo. 22, Aurora, and Apollo, No. 1, Chicago. Of this occasion the Grand Commander reported in his address to the Grand Commandery at the annual conclave in 1900 : "On the 25th day of January, with Em. Sir A. S. Wild- erman, Eminent Grand Junior Warden, it was my pleasure _>4<> I'll E KNIGHTS TI'.M PLAR, to visit Ottawa Commandery, No. id, located at Ottawa. 111., for the purpose of holding an official inspection and a regular school of instruction for the benefit of the Sir Knights and Commanderies of the Fourth District. At [oliet I was tendered an escort for forty-three swords from joliet Gommandery, No. 4. under the command of ham Sir W. il. Xevens. and 1 desire to acknowledge my appre- ciation of this courtesy. The day and evening were spent in a very profitable way. The work was exemplified by Em. Sir Dunaway (the veritable Darius) and his efficient officers, and the banquet in the evening, at which fully 300 were seated, closed at an early hour in the morning. Every Commandery in the district was represented.'* Easter service was observed by the Commandery in at- tending" services at the First Presbyterian Church. Forty- nine swords were in line. Ascension day service was attended by the Commandery at Christ Episcopal Church May 27th. thirty-seven swords being in line. Memorial — Sir James Rhoads, P. C. The committee, consisting of Sirs John F. Nash, Wil- liam L. Milligan and Henry Mayo, appointed to prepare and present to the Commandery resolutions of respect to the memory of Em. Sir James Rhoads. presented the following, which were, on motion, adopted April 26, 1900. and a copy directed sent to Pittsburg Commandery. No. 1. Pittsburg, Pa., and an engrossed copy sent to the widow of the de- ceased : James Rhoads, born March 4. 1823; knighted in Pitts- burg Commandery. No. 1. March 17, 185 1; died at Otta- wa, Til.. April 18. 1900. The passing of P. Em. Commander Sir James Rhoads closes the first chapter of the history of Ottawa Command- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 247 ery, No. io, Knights Templar. Our beloved frater was the last survivor of the nine valiant and magnanimous knights to whom the dispensation to form and open a Com- mandery of Knights Templar at Ottawa, Illinois, was issued February i, 1861. While we tearfully note the fact that upon his venerable head glistened the frosts of more than three-quarters of a century, and that lie was exempt from the trials of our com- mon humanity, let us dry our eyes in the genial warmth of that radiance which has produced the blessings of each suc- ceeding season, and let us discern in the sweet memories by which his name is enwreathed, the fragrance which im- perceptibly distils upon the willing and obedient of all God's creation. Brownsville, Pa., on the hanks of the beautiful Monon- gahela river, his birthplace, saw the development of that character, which, in later life, had won for him the respect, esteem and confidence of his fellowmen. He removed to Pittsburg, Pa., while yet a young man, and in 1856 came West and located at Ottawa. Illinois. He was created a Knights Templar in Pittsburg Com- mandery, No. I, Pittsburg, Pa., March 17, 185 1, and was one of nine Sir Knights to whom a dispensation was granted to form a Commandery of Knights Templar at Ottawa, 111., and was the first Sir Knight elected (under charter) to preside over the deliberations and confer the orders of Christian Knighthood in Ottawa Commandery, Xo. 10. Ottawa Commander}- has never had within her ranks a more venerable, or a more worthy or beloved member, whose patient fidelity to his every obligation was as a bright and shining light upon the path of our duties — an example to follow which would bring honor upon us all. With a clear head and a warm heart, he had the courage of his convictions. Reared a Quaker, he believed in God, 2 J.8 'I'll E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, to whom to pray is not foolishness, and when the pale reaper came with his sickle, he so gently and imperceptibly drew around our beloved frater the mantle of dreamless slumbers that the gulden dream of an endless morning glowed with the beauteous eyes of the spring's fair night upon the soft green grass and smiling gardens, while yet the mub^tars were reflected in the tears of those gathered about the cast of earthly husk. We have uttered the last farewell to the frater. hus- band, father and friend. In all the duties which grow out of a blameless citizenship we have delighted to honor him, and now write upon our records the departure of our be- loved frater, so that in a becoming manner we may make a testament of our appreciation of his worth and extend to his bereaved family our sympathy and condolence. There- fore, be it, Resolved, That we recognize our frater's life as a con- stant expression of manly virtues and of faithful perform- ance of all human obligations ; that we recall with affection his frank disposition, his honesty of purpose, the sincerity of his covenant, the gentleness of his love, the strength of his attachments: that while we mourn our loss we part with our frater in full confidence in the ineffable goodness of Deity and in perfect assurance of our faith in the immor- tality of the soul; and that we look forward to the time when we shall all be raised from the prostrate state in which we are by nature, and admitted to the glory of the perfect Asylum above. Memorial — William H. Lukixs. The committee, consisting of Sirs E. H. Bailey, H. L. Manley and Samuel McFeeley. on memorial resolutions to the memory of Sir William H. Lnkins, presented same and was approved by Ottawa Commandery, Xo. 10. July 26, 1900, as follows: HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 249 William H. Lnkins joined Streator Lodge, No. 607, by affiliation from Meriden Lodge, No. 183, June 7. 1874; was made a Royal Arch Mason in Streator Chapter. No. 168, and took the Knights Templar Orders in Ottawa Com- mandery, No. 10, July 15, 1886, of which the deceased was a memher at the time of his death. Almost without warning the life of our brother is eclipsed, the shadow of the enemy of humanity fallen athwart our pathway, and the certainty of death and the uncertainty of life forced upon us. How sad the contem- plation of existence. We are born, we breathe, we mourn, and we die. Whence we come, what we are and whither we go seems surrounded for ages in the cheerless words, earth to earth and dust to dust. The men of strong char- acter and the characterless find the tomb. The former put their trust in God, hoping the strong hand of Judah's lion will prevail to exalt them to the companionship of that indis- soluble lodge, when the design on the trestle board will he seen complete, and may such be the lot of our brother, whose traits of character made him a kind father and husband, a firm advocate of the right as he saw the right; a man of sterling worth and strict integrity, an agreeable companion and a friend of the needy. Thus survives a virtue outliving what earth held more previous. Let us imitate his virtues, and, like wise men, become stronger as we near our eternal home. "As ships that pass in the night, and speak to each other in passing; only a look and a voice, then darkness again anel a silence." So only a little while is ours for sor- row or for laughter, and soon we shall all stand on the shore of the hereafter. So may we live wrapped in virtue's draperies that at the last we may lie down as if in pleasant dreams. Memorial — Sir Clarence E. Tryox. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, July 26, 25O I II E KNIGHTS TI'.M PLAR, [900, the committee, consisting of Sirs James Milligan, S. G. ( ray and C. S. Beckwith, appointed to prepare and present resolutions of respect to the memory of Sir Clar- ence E. Tryon, presented their report, which was approved and ordered recorded and a copy thereof transmitted to the family of the deceased. Your committee on obituary resolutions reports as fol- lows : Whereas. It has pleased our Heavenly Father, the Su- preme Architect of the Universe, to remove from our ranks here below our highly esteemed and beloved companion. Sir Knight Clarence E. Tryon, with whom many of us have been closely associated and united by the strongest ties of love and friendship. Resolved, That in his death this Commandery is called to mourn the loss of one whom it was pleasant to meet and have with us, a brother of the strictest integrity and most unselfish devotion. Resolved, That we tender our sympathy and condolences to his family and loved ones with the firm belief that He who tempers the winds to the shorn lamb will hind up the wounds of the stricken hearts and that His love will dispel the dark clouds and bring light out of darkness. Resolved, That this report he spread upon our records and a copy sent to his family. EXCERPTA: There are too many Free Masons to-day who are only in name; who give to their fellowmen no better evidence of Masonic character than badge, symbol, word, and these are really no evidence whatever. Too many there are who wear the uni- form, the badge, the sword, the plume, and yet have never tasted of the fountain of its living waters. We need schools of Masonry. We need symbols, badges and Masonic temples, but most of all we need Masons, students of Free Masonry — men who are not only able to find their way into these temples built by hands, but who are able to find their way into the human heart — the true temple; men who by good deeds and kindly lives are continually giving the Masonic sign that they are dwellers in that temple whose builder and maker is the Great Architect of the Universe. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 25 I 1 90 1. The thirty-ninth animal conclave of Ottawa Com- mandery. No. 10, was held December 13, 1901, when the following' officers were elected and appointed for the en- suing Templar rear : Joseph Newton Dunaway Commander David Refior Generalissimo Edgar Eldredge Captain General Edward Webster Each Senior Warden Herbert Blaker McKahin Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Irving De Forest Vincent Standard Bearer Walter F. Weese Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Christian Gasser Sentinel The above officers were duly installed January 10, 1901. Created : Harry Gilman Cook, Frederick A. Hatheway, Enos E. Palmer, William D. Duncan, Enoch Yentzer, Frederick E. Mills, Philo C. Weaver, John A. Jamison. John Bergeson, William G. Killelea, Albert E. Butters, Clar- ence C. Glover, Charles L, Belrose and George M. Trimble. Demitted: Ruffin D. Fletcher. Suspended : Charles Schaulin. Died: George A. Wilmarth and Edgar Goodrich Dyer. The Commander}- attended Easter service at the Con- gregational Church, at Marseilles. 111., fifty-six swords be- ing in line. Memorial — Sir George A. Wilmarth. At a stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, held Sep- tember 26, 190T, the committee appointed to present reso- lutions of respect to the memory of Sir George A. Wil- 252 Tl! E Is NIGHTS TKM PLAR, marth, consisting of Sirs Al. F\ Schoch, J. F. Nash and II. Mayo, presented same to the Commandery, and, after read- ing, they were ordered spread upon the records and a copy transmitted to the family of the deceased. Death has once more entered the ranks of our Com- mandery. Another of our illustrious fraters has laid down his armor, sheathed his sword, responded to the call of our Great Commander and gone to a resting place from whence there is no return. In the death of Sir Knight George A. Wilmarth Ottawa Commandery laments the loss of one who was loyal to the sublime teachings of our noble order, ever ready to extend the hand of aid and the voice of sympathy to the dis- tressed of our order. As a citizen he was worthy of our respect and regard. His upright life was a shining example, and his utmost en- deavors were extended for the welfare of his fellowmen. To the bereaved family, in this sad hour, we extend our sympathy, and commend them to Him, the giver of all, who is the only comfort in sorrow and affliction. Resolved, That this testimonial of our sympathy and sorrow be spread on the records of the Commandery, and a copv be forwarded to the family of our deceased frater. EXCERPTA: Templarism lights its taper at the altar of Im- manuel, God with us. Blow out that taper and it becomes a painted sepulcher — a fantastical mummery — and we are all here acting a ghostly farce. As the allies of the Church, as the soldiers of the Cross, we are called on, as never before, by our courage and de- votion, by precept and example, to show that Christianity is a divine, a regenerating force that has come into the world, and while it has filled the ages with its aroma, has not yet accomplished its greatest work. 1 90 1 -2. The fortieth annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 253 was held June 13, 1901, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar . year : Joseph Newton Dunaway Commander Albert Frederick Schoch Generalissimo Edgar Eldredge Captain General Edward Webster Bach Senior Warden Herbert Blaker McKahin Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Irving De Forest Vincent Standard Bearer W r alter F. Weese Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Christian Gasser Sentinel The above officers were duly installed June 20, 1901. Created: Orion W. Howe, Charles H. Williams, Hugh Hall, George H. Haight, Milton C. Pirkey, Eric Larson, Edward A. Graves, Herbert C. Wiley, Thomas W. Bur- rows, Charles R. Schurman, George H. Ahlborn, Robert S. Scharfenberg, Isaac F. Echard, John X. Neilson, Samuel E. Bergeson and William H. Jennings. Demitted: John C. Pirkey, Winlield Scott Hinkson and Lou H. Miller. Suspended : Joseph W. Bird, James Stewart, Abram C. Godfrey and Warren C. Riale. Died: Edgar G. Dyer, Royal D. McDonald and Israel C. Cope. At the annual conclave of the Grand Commandery of Illinois in 190O' paragraph 3, section 17, of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commander)- was amended to change the date of annual conclaves of subordinate Com- manderies from the first stated conclave in December to the first stated conclave in June each year. Since this change we designate, in the History of Ottawa _'5 ) IN I'- KNIGHTS TEM I'l.AR, Commandery, a Templar year by a combination of parts nf two years, thus: [goi-2, indicating one year, and only one year's service of an office-bearer. Prior to i<)oi such a combination, say [886-7, indicates two years' service as office bearer, because the Templar year then began at the first stated conclave in December. September 10. [901, Ottawa Commandery attended the memorial services, held in the opera house, in memory of the President of the United States, William McKinley. Fifty swords were in line. Twenty-six Sir Knights also attended the McKinley memorial services held in the Episco- pal church September J J, 10,01. The Commandery was inspected February 29, 1902, by Em. Sir William L. Gross, Grand Sword Bearer. Forty- eight swords were inspected. Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service at the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Streator, 111., March 30. 1902. Eighty-three swords were in line. A special train over the C, B. & O. conveyed the Commandery to Streator and return. Memorial — Sir Edgar Goodrich Dyer! At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery. held November 14. 1901, the committee on resolutions of re- spect to the memory of Sir Edgar Goodrich Dyer, consist- ing of Sirs Harry G. Cook, Edgar Eldredge, and Dr. John Bergeson, presented same, which were read in open Com- mandery and ordered spread upon the records and a copy transmitted to the family of the deceased. Sir Edgar Goodrich Dyer was horn in Ottawa, Illinois, March 29, [866. After completing his course in the Ot- tawa public schools he took up the study of law, and was admitted to practice and became a member oi the 1 .a Salle county l>ar, continuing the practice of his chosen profession HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 255 until obliged to go to California on account of poor health, locating at Palo Alto, Cal. He again took up his profes- sion, and on the 19th day of August, A. D. 1901, departed this life, leaving surviving him his mother and sister. His remains were brought to Ottawa, and interment took place in the Ottawa Avenue cemetery August 26, 1901. Sir Edgar Goodrich Dyer was initiated into Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., of Ottawa, 111., May 9, 1892; passed June 27, 1892, and raised September 12, 1892. He was a member of Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., and Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T. In deep sorrow for the loss of our dear frater, and in token of our love and high respect for his memory, let this memento be read in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, at a regular meeting of said Commandery, and also spread upon the records thereof, and it is directed that the Recorder be ordered to send a copy hereof to the family. EXCERPTA: The modern Order of Knights Templar has great and precious truths interwoven in its system, and made prominent in its ceremonies. Its purposes are noble and far-reaching, and its ministries are of an exalted and beneficent character. It has lived long enough to show some accomplishments in the way of a worthy service, whereby it justifies its right to a place among the helpful institutions of the present day. It has lifted some burdens, brightened some paths, quickened some hearts with more faith, and moved them to a stronger sense of duty. It has pointed to the Cross and empty tomb in its impressive enforcement of the truths that are connected with man's redemption from sin and his immortal being. As in the past, so now, it stands for most sacred principles, for most blessed work, and demands the love, ^yalty and true service of all who bear the Templar name. 1902-3. The forty-first annual conclave of Ottawa Command ery was held June 12, 1902, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: Edgar Eldredge Commander PAST EMINENT COMMANDERS. Edgar Gldredge, 1902 Henry L. Arnold, 1903-4 Herbert B. MeKahin, 1905. Irving D. Vincent, 1906 William D. Fullerton, 1907 HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 257 Henry Lincoln Arnold Generalissimo Herbert Blaker McKahin Captain General Irving- De Forest Vincent Senior Warden George Craft Dunaway Junior Warden Rev. George W. Farrar Prelate Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Paul Teissedre Standard Bearer Frederick L. Fischer Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Leman A. Rising Sentinel The above officers were duly installed July 10, 1902. Created: George F. Bliss, Joseph P. Gatiss, Charles Hahn, George P. Hills, George J. Kruse, Charles T. Row- land, Rezin N. Thompson, Philip J. Wendel, Charles A. Wiley and James R. Williams. D en liit erf: George W. Farrar, Timothy E. Gapen and George M. Rigden. Suspended: Andrew H. Angell, Ebenezer Barber, Charles E. Dunbar, Edward C. Lewis, Christian C. Modes, Samuel Smith., Thomas C. Tridel and Alonzo P. Wright. Pied: Charles J. Yockev. September 11, 1902, at a stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery Em. Sir Schoch, on behalf of the Command- en-, presented Em. Sir Joseph Newton Dunaway, the re- tiring Commander, in a few well chosen remarks, a beauti- ful Past Commander's jewel. Em. Sir Dunaway responded in his usual captivating language. The Commandery was inspected March 5, 1903, by Em. Sir Harry H. Cleaveland, Grand Warder of the Grand Commandery. Sixty-eight swords were inspected. Easter was observed by Ottawa Commandery attending divine service at the Congregational church. Forty-five swords were in line. 258 I'll E K N IGHTS TEM PLAR, Testimonial to Sir Alexander Hanna. The following tribute to Sir Alexander Manna was offered by Em. Sir Edgar Eldredge and approved by the ( '( immandery July 10, 1902 : Whereas. Alexander Hanna has for the past fifteen years been Sentinel of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. and during which time he has faithfully performed the duties of said 1 ►ffice : and. \\ hereas, Advancing years and ill-health prevent him from further performing all the burdensome duties pertain- ing' to such office ; therefore, lie it Resolved, That in appreciation of his faithfulness in the past and our esteem for him as a Knights Templar, that Ottawa Commandery pay him the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) a year until further order of the Commandery. The above was a worthy tribute to a worthy frater who had long been an enthusiastic member of the Masonic lxxlies in Ottawa. One bouquet in life is worth a whole flower garden after death. EXCERPTA: The romance of the Crusades does not belong to our experiences, nor are we called upon to take upon ourselves the burdens and risks of the knights of the middle ages. We need, however, that same quality of life which adds lustre to the charac- ter of the historic Templars. We need that same enthusiasm of faith and high resolve which they illustrated in so conspicuous a manner. We need to look where they looked, to the glorified Cross, for inspiration and strength. By this sign of Calvary we may be best directed and blessed. By it we may go forth as true followers of our crucified, yet victorious, Lord, making our lives of service to humanity here and thus having our souls drawn toward God and Heaven. By this sign we may conquer and win life's grandest victories! KJO3-4. The forty-second annual conclave of Ottawa Command- ery was held June 1 1, [903, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 259 Henry Lincoln Arnold Commander Herbert Blaker McKahin Generalissimo Irving De Forest Vincent Captain General William Herbert Higbv Senior Warden George Craft Dunaway Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder George Henry Ahlborn Standard Bearer John Neil Neilson Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Leman Aranah Rising Sentinel The above officers were duly installed June 25, 1903. Created: La Rue Perene Shaver, William Beighel My- ers, Samuel Wallace Reynolds, Everett Henry Butterfield, Peter McGilvary Campbell, Martin Luther Sample, Wil- liam Harper Rollo, Charles Geiger, Paul Raymond Chub- buck, Walter Link Ross, Charles Joseph Metzger and Carl Joseph Metzger. Affiliated: Robert Joseph Reid and John George Waters. Reinstated : Samuel Smith, Charles Christian Modes, Ebenezer Barber and John D. Hammond. Demitted: William Emory Bowman, John D. Ham- mond, Albert Henry Hatton, Charles Bronson Anderson and Hans Gulbronson. Died: Calvin Dallas Phillips, Edward Augustus Nat- tinger, John Purrucker, Ezekiel Howland and Julius Antone Freeman. June 11. 1903, annual conclave. Em. Sir J. N. Duna- way, on behalf of the Commander)-, presented P. Em. Sir Edgar Eldredge, in well chosen remarks, a beautiful gold watch as a testimonial of the esteem and regard he is held bv his fraters. _'I:m TJ I E KNIGHTS TEM PLAR, The Commandery attended the forty-seventh annual con- clave of the Grand Commandery in I 'curia, September i, 1903. Forty-six swords were represented. The Commandery was inspected February iS, 1904, by Em. Sir Arthur Melvin Otman, Fiji. Grand Warder. The Commandery presented sixty-five swords for inspection. This inspection was made auspicious by the presence of three officers of the Grand Commandery and fifteen swords from Rock Island Commandery, No. 18, Rock Island, Illinois. Easter was observed by the Commandery attending- di- vine service at the Baptist church with fifty-four swords in line. EXCERPTA: When we think of the sublime fortitude with which the Man of Sorrows bore the relentless persecution of his enemies, and, at the last, endured the most exquisite suffering, not for himself, but in our behalf, the profoundest depths of our nature are stirred, and we respond to the call made upon us by saying, from the innermost recesses of our hearts, "I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, three persons in one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory." 1904-5. The forty-third annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery was held June 9, 1904, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing- Templar year: Henry Lincoln Arnold Commander Herbert Blaker McKahin Generalissimo Irving De Forest Vincent Captain General William Dyer Fullerton Senior Warden George Craft Dunaway junior Warden Walter P.riggs Titus Prelate Theodore Cunningham Gibson \ reasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Philip J. Wendel Standard Bearer HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 26l John Neil Neilson Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Joseph Adams Wilson Sentinel The above were duly installed June 23, 1904. Created: Albert J. Roberts, Howard H. Bayne, Albert E. Herzog, Charles C. Brooker, James T. Applegate, Rich- ard J. Howells, Byron A. Roath, Louis L. Bennion, Ben- jamin Frankdin Trumbo, Samuel B. Bradford, Albert A. Dean, .Frank F. Follett, Jesse W. Carr and Louis Go-wen. Affiliated: John C. Pirkey and Joseph A. Wilson. Demitted: Foster H. McKenney. Died: Edward A. Graves, Daniel C. Mills, John R. Cameron and Douglas Hapeman. Ottawa Commandery enjoyed a very successful year. The work was up to the usual high class maintained by Ot- tawa Commandery since its organization in 1861. Sir Arnold is to be congratulated for the efficiency of his stewardship over Ottawa Commandery. Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service at the M. E. Church on Sunday, April 23, 1905, with fifty-four swords in line. The Commandery was inspected May [8, 1005, by R. Em. Sir John Durham Cleveland, Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Commandery. Xinety-six swords were inspected. Twelve visiting fraters were present. Ascension day was observed by Ottawa Commandery attending divine services at Christ Episcopal Church Sun- day, June 4, 1905, with thirty-seven swords in line. Ottawa Commandery, under command of Sir Henry L. Arnold, attended the twenty-ninth triennial conclave o\ the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar at San Fran- cisco, California, in September, 1904, and those participat- ing in the pilgrimage had a most enjoyable and interesting jf ,j Til E KNIGHTS I KM l'LAK. trip and maintained the ancient fame and renown of Otta- wa Commandery. The following Sir Knights made up the Commandery on this trip: I. I*. Rodgers, II. L. Arnold. 1. 1). Vincent, E. T. Read. J. \Y. Clegg, Al. F. Schoch, W. D. Fullerton, M. L. Sample. C. M. Pool, Win. Wilson. C. McClnre. F. A. llathe- way, Jas. Gentleman, W. II. Rollo, C. J. Metzger, L. Rohrer, Jas. Sexton, G. F. I>liss. I'. A. Wiley, C. A. Xeu- reuther, T. H. Spencer, L. P. Shaver. R. V. De Groff, I). H. Slagle, R. L. Smith, C. Rohrer and L. Scheidecker. Twenty- five of the above were memhers of Ottawa Commandery. There were also sixteen ladies fair in the party. After the grand parade the Commandery hroke ranks and disbanded as a Commandery, and each individual returned home when and In- whichever route he chose. Memorial — Sir Daniel Charles Mills. At the conclave of the Commandery, held June 8. 1905. the committee appointed to draft resolutions of respect to the memory of Sir Daniel Charles Mills, consisting- of Sirs W. L. Milligan, T. C. Gibson and W. B. Titus, reported the following, which was approved : Born in Staffordshire, England, July 3. 1832; called to the Asylum above May 2, 1905. Type of a generation dropping fast, Pillar of faultless worth and dignity, This record of the unreturning past Is dedicated with loving hearts to thee. We desire to mark upon our records the departure of our frater. not to gratify the dead, whose soul is lifted high above such honors, hut that in a becoming manner we may make a testament of our appreciation of the worth of the deceased, whose integrity was absolutely unimpeachable and pure as sterling gold. Mis fidelity was as filial and simple and lofty as that between mother and child. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 2()^ His habits of industry were remarkable, and were as constant and regular as the rising- and setting of the sun. Whatever was worth doing with him was worth doing well. Everything to which lie gave his attention touched a chord of sympathy with the living, and now that "he is no more" awakens feelings of regard for his memory, which is the sponsor of all our hearts can give — a legacy of tears to freshen the remembrance of his virtues. Habit is the conservator of character. Character is the gauge that determines the dimensions, capacity and destiny. The destiny of Daniel Charles Mills is the completion of a useful and well spent life, wreathed in the sunlight that falls as a confirmation to his family and to us that it is well with him where flowers ever bloom and never fade nor wither. His mam' noble virtues were the mantle that overshad- owed his faults, and the veneration which we feel for his memory is the tribute of Ottawa Commander}-, Xo. 10. Knights Templar, in which he was created and dubbed a Knights Templar and Knight of Malta June 3, 1886. And the hand that touched the damascus blade upon his head de- posited the Emblem of Innocence in his grave in Ottawa Avenue cemeterv — that beautiful city of silence and repose on the banks of the peaceful Illinois. His heart is forever stilled. The golden bond is broken. The trust confided to him has been faithfully fulfilled and c< inscientiously discharged. In all his relations as a citizen his conduct was squared by the standard of excellence. As a husband and father he was kind and indulgent, and as a friend always faithful. As a Knight Templar his deeds along the pathway of life were jewels that reflected the sterling consistency which governed every act of his life. Resolved, That we extend to the family ^\ our departed frater our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. Thai _>(>4 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, a page in the records of Ottawa Commandery, No. to, K. T.. be set apart to his memory, and this memorial be recorded thereon and an attested copy thereof transmitted to the family. Memorial — Sir John R. Cameron. The committee, consisting of John F. Nash, W. B. Titus and T. C. Gibson, to whom was referred the prepara- tion of suitable resolutions of respect to the memory of our deceased frater and Sir Knight, John Rush Cameron, pre- sented the following report: On the twenty-second day of May, 1905. we received this telegram: "Mr. John R. Cameron passed away to-day at his home in Clifton. 111. Interment at Ottawa. 111.. May 25th, to be in charge of Ottawa Commandery." And tints are we again admonished of the uncertainty of human life by reason of the passing away of our sin- cerely beloved Brother and Sir Knight, John R. Cameron. which occurred May 22. 1905. leaving another vacancy in the lines of our Commandery, one more name called to which there shall be no response. Sir Cameron received the Templar Orders May 28, [868, and was active in the management of the affairs of the order for several vears, since which we have learned to know- him more intimately and to cherish the memory of his virtues, the sterling integrity of his character and true manhood in his business and social relations with those with whom he came in contact in daily life, always a true and loyal friend, and his delight was to meet the friends of earlier years. though he lived in another city. Therefore, he it Resolved, That in the passing away of Sir Knight Cam- eron Ottawa Commandery has lost one of its highly valued fraters, the community an estimable citizen, and he will he greatly missed by his many friends in this community, but HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 265 infinitely more by those to whom he was a kind and affec- tionate husband and a hiving and indulgent father, ever solicitous for their comfort and well being. And, as another has said : How fast they fall — those we have known, As leaves from autumn branches blown. So quickly sear. Yes, one by one they drop away As withered leaves that fall and stray And disappear. Resolved. That Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, hereby tender to the bereaved wife and family of our departed Brother and Sir Knight our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this hour of their great sorrow, and commend them to the loving care of Him that doeth all things well, for that comfort and consolation which He alone can give. Resolved, That a copy of this memorial be spread upon the records and that a copy of same be suitably engrossed and presented to the family of our departed Brother and Sir Knight. Memorial — Sir Douglas Hapeman. The committee on memorial tribute to the memory of Sir Douglas Hapeman, consisting of Sirs C. B. Chapman. Henry Mayo and I. D. Vincent, presented the following, which was approved by the Commandery, June 8, 1905 : Sir Douglas Hapeman was born in Fulton county. New York, January 15, 1839. and with his father's family came to La Salle county and settled in Earl township in 1845. He enlisted in the army in April. 1861, and was commissioned second lieutenant and served in Company H, 1 ith Illinois in- fantry, until in the month of August, 1862, when he was tendered the position of lieutenant colonel of the 104th Illi- nois infantry. He accepted the position tendered and was commissioned to remain with his regiment until the close of the war, when he was mustered out in June, 1865. 266 I'll E K NIGHTS TEM I'l.Ak, hi [867 he entered into business in the city of Ottawa, and was one of ( Mtawa's prominent business men until about eight years ago, when failing health obliged him to re- tire from an active business life. Sir Knighl llapeman was knighted on the T(>th day ol June, A. f). [868, in Ottawa Commandery, No'. 10. and re- mained a faithful and consistent member of the order until the alarm was heard at the door of our asylum and his spirit took its flight to the Asylum above on the third day of June. A. D. 1905. It is said death loves a shining mark. When death called for Sir Knight Hapeman it called for one who adorned and shed luster upon all of the relations of life in which he had heen placed, whether as a soldier upon the tented field or as a quiet, modest and unassuming citizen. As a young man he possessed those qualities of mind and character which made him respected and which he car- ried with him through life. Against his integrity and character not one breath c\\ suspicion had ever been cast. As a soldier and officer in the field he was ever reaclv and prompt in the discharge of the arduous duties of the service. Cool and brave in battle, he knew not the meaning of fear. And yet his fearlessness was not bravado, hut horn of his sterling manhood which nerved him to perform whatever duty was placed upon him. He knew and felt that he was performing a high and sacred duty to his country. He was patriotic and brave. Not he- cause it brought him plaudits, although these were well earned and modestly received, but because' as an ideal Ameri- can citizen he felt that that country which had heen horn and dedicated to liberty and gave him birth was in peril, and that his highest duty was to assist in preserving unimpaired that liberty which had heen purchased at such great cost of blood and sacrifice by those who founded and reared this matchless republic. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMAISTDERY. 267 As an officer it has been said of him that he was "a model officer, loved by all under him, and respected and trusted by brigade, division, corps and army commanders under whom he served." As a citizen he was quiet, modest and unassuming and always interested in anything which had for its benefit the city, state or nation in which he lived. Honest and straight- forward in all his dealings, he was an example which all might follow. As a friend he was kind and genial, warm-hearted and generous. As a knight he was courteous and true and faithful to his knightly obligations. He helieved in Knight Templarism and its teachings. He believed that he had no higher duty to perform than to his God, and that loyalty to Him was his highest privilege. He had been for many years a true and consistent Christian and a faithful attendant at Christ Church. We rejoice in the close companionship which we have been privileged to enjoy with the brave and fearless soldier, the upright and honest citizen, the warm-hearted friend, the genial and kindly neighbor, and the Christian knight. His loss we all deeply deplore, but we know that his hrm re- liance upon the truths contained in the Holy Word has in- sured him eternal and immortal happiness in the world to come. As Knights Templar we will ever keep his memory fragrant and strive to emulate his virtues, which endeared him to the whole community. To his bereaved family and friends we extend the kindly sympathy of each and every frater of our Commandery in their deep affliction. Resolved, That this memorial be spread upon the records. 268 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, a copy be sent to the family of the deceased, and a copy also furnished the press of the city. EXCERPTA: There is a flavor of the old historic spirit im- pressed on modern Templary that gives to it a delightful charm; there are lessons and symbols gathered out of the past; associations and reminders connected with the stirring periods of the crusades that most properly find place in the Templar ritual as we have learned it. He who bears the name of Knights Templar to-day is pledged to defend the weak and oppressed. He is bound by solemn obligations to prove his devotion to truth and duty — to be courte- ous, brave and magnanimous — that so he may illustrate the char- acter of a true man and a true Christian. Only as he is thus faith- ful — performing some good service in the fulfillment of the duties of related life — can he be a true and loyal Knight Templar, and only in this way can he show a worthy appreciation of an institu- tion founded upon the Christian religion and the practice of the Christian virtues. 1905-6. The forty-fourth annual conclave of Ottawa Command- ery was held June 8, 1905, when the following- officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: Herbert Blaker McKahin Commander Irving De Forest Vincent Generalissimo William Dyer Fullerton Captain General George Craft Dunaway Senior Warden Milton Eben Blanchard Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Theodore Cunningham Gibson Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Philip John Wendel Standard Bearer John Neil Neilson Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Joseph Adams Wilson Sentinel The above officers were duly installed June 15, 1905. Created: Richard Daniel Mills. James Henry Monteith, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 269 Herman Silver Blanchard, William Hopkins Irwin, Charles Wallace Long, Edwin Randolph Spencer, Oscar John Ack- erman, Emil J. Hoffman, Albert Lawrence Trager, John Lowe Barnard, William Holland Sindel, Henry William Johnson, Albert Clinton Bradish. Demitted: J. T. Applegate, J. C. Ames, L. L. Bennion, B. L, Bonar. C. C. Brooker, E. H. Bailey, O. H. Bourne, S. A. Blanchard, W. H. Boys, Thos. Bawden, J. A. Curry, W. S. Cherry, L. -R. Colley, P. R. Chubbuck, B. F. Cole- houer, J. M. Davidson, A. J. Daugherty, I. Echard, W. C. Flick, J. W. Fornof, L. L. Graves, O. Griggs, O. H. Howe, L. D. Howe, R. J. Howells, D. E, Huggans, Hugh Hall, M. W. Jack, W. H. Jennings, W. B. Jones, Joseph Kopf, R. W. Law, M. J. Luther, L. O. Lorenz, S. McFeely, F. E. Mills, H. L. Manly, J. C. Pirkey, C. H. Rathbun, C. T. Rowland, O. B. Ryon, W. L. Ross, W. Reeves, R. S. Scharfenberg, S. Smith, W. L. Smith, A. RL Van Skiver, C. R. Schurman, J. N. Shinn, Jas. Sexton, T. H. Spencer, C. H. Williams and J. R. Williams. The above demitted for the purpose of becoming charter members of Streator Commandery, then working under dispensation, and was chartered October 24, 1906, as Streator Commandery, No. 70, K. T. ; also S. E. Bergeson, H. M. Taggart, J. M. Stewart, A. E. Tyler. Affiliated : H. Eugene Chubbuck. Suspended: John Charles Corcoran. Died: John Fletcher Gibson, William Camp Hall, Louis Scheidecker, David Alpheus Cook, Clark Brading Provins and Samuel Richolson. One of the most pleasing incidents occurring during the Templar year was the presentation, by the members of Ot- tawa Commandery, to Past Commander Theodore C. Gibson and his worthy dame, on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, February 26, 1906, of two purses, one to each, containing fifty dollars in gold, and in addition to Mrs. Gibson a beau- _'7 ( ' HI E K NIGHTS TEM 1'I.AK, tiful bouquet oi fifty ruses. A pleasant evening was spent by those who were fortunate in being present in hearing the reminiscences of the earlier days of Ottawa Commandery recited by the early members, of whom only 1'. Em. Sir Nash and T. C. ( ribson remain. Ottawa Commandery consented to the formation of a new Commandery at Streator, 111. The formation of the new Commandery of Knights Templar at Streator deprived Ottawa Commandery of fifty-eight valiant and magnani- mous Sir Knights. The Commandery attended Easter service Sunday, April 15. 1906, at the Presbyterian Church. Forty-three swords were represented. The Commander)- was inspected May 10. 1906, by Em. Sir William L. Sharp. Grand Sword Bearer. Sixty-five swords were inspected. Twenty-two visiting' Sir Knights were present. The inspection was most creditable to the Commandery and reflected the wisdom of the Commandery in selecting Em. Sir Herbert B. McKahin for Em. Com- mander. Memorial — Sir Louis Scheidecker. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery. held June 28, [906, the committee, consisting of Sirs J. P. Pled- gers, G. C. Dunaway and S. B. Bradford, presented the fol- lowing resolutions of respect to the memory of Sir Louis Scheidecker, which were approved and ordered spread upon the records : Again there is a vacant chair in our council chamber. The Grand Master of Heaven has summoned from our midst our well beloved frater, Louis Scheidecker, who an- swered the final summons and passed from his labors on earth to eternal refreshment in the Grand Encampment of I leaven. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 2JI Sir Knight Scheidecker was born in France January 17. 1833, and emigrated to this country with his parents in 1840, settling near Somonauk, 111., where he has since re- sided. He died at Santa Ana, California, on March 6th of this year, being 73 years of age. He was buried at Somonauk on April 22, 1900, hv the Blue Lodge with a Templar escort. Sir Knight Scheidecker was constituted a Knight of the Red Cross in this Commandery on July 19, 1883, and re- ceived the Order of the Temple on October 30th of the same year, since which date he has been a continuous member. We take this method of expressing- onr fraternal appre- ciation of the life and character of onr deceased frater, and courteously extend onr knightly sympathy to his bereaved family. We recommend that a page in onr records be set apart as a memorial to him. and that the nsual emblems of mourn- ing be displayed for the next thirty days. Memorial — Sir Clark Brading Provins. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, June 28, 1906, the committee, consisting of Sirs Henry Mayo, John Stout and H. S. Blanchard, presented the following- resolution of respect to the memory of Sir Clark Brading Provins, which was approved and ordered spread upon the records and a copy presented to his family: Clark Brading Provins, a frater in this Commandery, was born at Masontown, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, February 28, 1853. After passing through the high school of that city he graduated from Jefferson college in 1868. He then came west, taught school for several years and then took up the study of medicine in the office of Dr. R. F. Dyer, and subsequently graduated from Rush Medical col- lege in 1882. He then settled in Ottawa and commenced his 272 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, chosen profession and continued in such practice until fatally stricken by disease. The character, energy and skill which distinguished him in the earlier periods of his life soon brought him an ex- tended practice. He was acknowledged to be a man of sound judgment, well skilled in his profession, and highly esteemed by all who had the good fortune to make his acquaintance. Later in his practice he resolved to ht himself for spe- cial work in his profession, and for that purpose took a course of instruction at the Ophthalmic and Ayral Institute of Xew York City, therein- fitting himself especially for the treatment of diseases of the eye and ear. In his special practice he was not without distinction, his clear judgment, his patient and careful investigation of cases undertaken by him, made him an especial favorite with persons suffering from these afflictions. In his later years he suffered much from a disease, the ravages of which medical skill could not cope with, and, on the 4th day of June, 1906, the silent messenger of death made his final call, and the spirit of our departed brother crossed the dark river and wafted its way to the shore oi immortality. XV sentinel has ever heen able to stay the entrance of this unhidden guest to the asylum of our Com- mandery and none ever will he. The ties sewered by the death of our brother and the vacant chair in the asylum of this Commandery is hut an oft-repeated reminder of the fate of man. In the death of our brother the Commander)' has lost one of its most valued fraters. His was a strenuous life, even when the fatal disease had fastened its grip niton him. The God that gave him existence has called him hence, and we shall newer more he able to extend to him the fraternal hand and welcome him into the asylum of our Commandery. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 2/3 All that was immortal in him has watted its way to the shores of immortality. We cherish his memory, and, under the guidance of a divine hand, may we emulate his virtues. Though he be dead, may his life be an inspiration to the accomplishment of those things which shall result in good to our fellowmen. To the widow and family of our departed brother we extend our deepest sympathy. We cannot call back our brother, but in their hour of affliction we invoke the protec- tion of the Ruler of the Universe as our hearts join with theirs in sympathy for the loss they, the Commandery and our order has sustained in the death of our departed brother. Memorial- — Sir William Camp Hall. At the stated conclave of Ottawa Commandery, June 28, 1906, the committee, consisting of Sirs Duncan Mc- Dougall, C. J. Byrne and Joseph Allison, presented the fol- lowing resolution of respect to the memory of Sir William Camp Hall, which was approved by the Commandery and ordered spread upon the records: Again has an alarm come to the door of our asylum, and the messenger was he who sooner or later will summon all who sojourn here. Thus we are again reminded that in the midst of life we are environed by death. We learn with sorrow that the name of another valiant, courteous and exemplary Knight Templar has been removed from the roll-call of the living that it might be inscribed upon the roll from which erasures are never made. Sir Knight William Camp Hall was born at Hartford, Washington county. New York, December 4, 182 1. and was removed from life's activities at his home in Freedom town- ship, in this county, January 22, 1906. He was received 274 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, into the illustrious order of the Red Cross January 21, 1875, ;mM MANDERY. 285 Resolved, That in their trouble we offer our sympathy to the widow and son of our deceased frater and reverently commend them to "Him who is Lord of life and death," who in His all wise providence has removed the husband and father from his loved ones. Resolved, That we cherish the memory of our deceased frater, David Henry Slagie, for his sterling qualities, rug- ged character and many virtues. "Not with the clash of sabers, not with the roll of drums or cheers that greet the hero when home from the battle he comes. Not to the sound of the bugle, mellow and clear and sweet, do they pass homeward march with never re- turning feet, but into the dim deep stillness, where never more war may come with never a footfall sounding the soldiers are marching home." EXCERPTA: The perpetuation of the Christian religion is the chief aim of Templarism, the Christian graces its chief tenets. To these graces alone has been reserved the pleasant task of elevating and refining the degraded nations, of throwing the soft mellow light of universal benevolence over the dissolving rigors of the heart's long winter, of widening the horizon of human happiness, and fling- ing the arch of promise across the distant sky of the future. GEO. C. DUNAWAY, E. C. 1908-9, 1912-13. [908-9. The forty-seventh annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery was held June 11, 1908, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the en- suing Templar year : George Craft Dunaway . . Commander Philip John Wendel ... Generalissimo Milton E. Blanchanl . .Captain General William Harper Rollo, Senior Warden David Refior Junior Warden Joseph Newton Dunaway .... Prelate Theodore C. Gibson Treasurer Robert Lncien Smith Recorder 286 I Hi. KNIGH TS TEMPLAR, Martin Luther Sample Standard Bearer Peter McGilvary Campbell Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rbdgers Warder Joseph Adams Wilson Sentinel William Lee Roy Milligan Historian The above officers were duly installed June 25, 1908. Created: John Mathias Berg, George C. Borchsenius, Charles Beck, William Conger, Ralph Jason Callagan, Frank Burton Courtright, Harvey Louis Eastegord, George C. Hupp, Frederick Rudolph Kuhlman, John James Lacy, ( rustave John Malaise, Samuel Burritt Reed, George Wat- son Thompson. Demitted: Thomas Egbert Wheeler MacKinlay. Suspended: Philo Curtis Weaver. Died: George C. Borchsenius, Joseph Newton Duna- wav (P. C), Samuel S. Pearson, Frederick A. Peebles, Ed- win T. Read. 'Idie memorial committee, consisting of W. L. Milligan, H. L. Arnold and Henry Mayo, presented the following memorial to deceased f raters S. S. Pearson, E. T. Read. F. A. Peebles and J. N. Dunaway, which was read and ap- proved by the Commandery January 28, 1909: Ottawa Commandery attended Faster service at the Universalist Church, Marseilles, 111., with fifty-six swords in line. Rev. Sir Knight II. L. Thornton, pastor. Ottawa Commandery was inspected May 29, 1900, by Em. Sir Harris A. Wheeler. Grand Recorder, as special inspection officer. The Commandery had sixty-four swords in line for inspection. There were thirty-seven visiting Knights in attendance and a royal good time was had. The Silent Voices. in memoriam. "We do not need to write upon the walls HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDEKV. 287 The deeds of these, our dead. Where falls A shadow on the floor, or roof above, Is record made, a silhouette of love; And deep within our hearts we seem to feel A spirit cause, to make us pause and kneel." It is with a most profound sense of our inability to pen a fitting- tribute to the memory of such valiant an his vocation, that (if dis- trict superintendent of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, hnt went about his work as usual, maintaining his usual cheerful disposition until the last. During his short residence in our city he had acquired a wide and intimate acquaintance with the best people in our community. It was his strict integrity and attentive- ness to business, combined with his strong personality, that placed him at the head in the insurance profession. He was a member of Humboldt Lodge, Xo. 555, A. F. & A. M., Shabbona Chapter, Xo. 37, R. A. A I., was crowned a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, A. A. S. R., in Orien- tal Consistory, Valley of Chicago, April 25, 1907, and knighted in Ottawa Commandery, Xo. 10, K. T., May 2, 1907. Esteemed and honored as he was in his public relations of life, it was the possession of those noble traits of char- acter and finer qualities of heart which endeared him in so short time to his friends and gave him the highest claim to the admiration of those who fraternized with him in our Masonic circles. His kind and genial manners, his epiick and generous sympathies opened an avenue to every heart, and his straightforward honesty of purpose shone out so clearly that he inspired confidence in every one who ap- proached him. The genuine friendship of his character was always apparent. He was one of those men who are not content to look out for themselves, but that, in whatever po- sition of life he might have been placed, he would have been of service to the man next him. Hail and farewell, dear brother, faithful Knight! So noblv endowed by nature, full of manly and virtuous im- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 20,1 pulses, loyal to your friends, true to your manhood, your brother Knights, Soldiers of the Cross, join with your be- reaved family in mourning your untimely taking- away. Cut off in the prime of your usefulness, we have lost in you a bright example of Christian Knighthood, a priceless jewel of our order. The great work laid upon your two score years is done, and well done. Hail and farewell, dear brother, faithful knight! Sir Knight Edwin T. Read Was born in New York state, Christmas day, 1832, and passed to that house not made with hands November 22, 1908. Sir Knight Edwin T. Read came to Illinois in the early fifties and located on a farm in Grand Rapids township, La Salle county, which had been his continuous residence to the time of his demise. He married Miss Helen Ebersol in 1858. She was the daughter of Joseph Ebersol, one of the earliest settlers of La Salle county. She died a number of years ago. They had no issue. Sir Knight Edwin T. Read was a modest, unassuming- man, kindly and gentle in disposition, and a well wisher for all he met in his daily walks of life. He was a thoroughly well informed man on all topics of value and enjoyed the society of well informed men. He was a farmer by occu- pation and a business man of rare sagacity, and his efforts were attended with a corresponding degree of success. He was a member of Marseilles Lodge, No. 417, A. F. & A. M., Shabbona Chapter, No. $7, -R. A. M., and was knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., September 1, 1887. His residence being so far removed from his Masonic affilia- tions he was unable to be an active member in our mystic rites. He was, however, devotedly attached to the Order of the Temple, and in years gone by, we older members re- J')- THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, ] member his frequent attendance at our conclaves and partici- pations in our Templar pilgrimages. He loved the institu- tion for the good there was in it, and. we believe, practiced, as near as possible for frail humanity, the virtues which it professes. We were always pleased to meet and greet him in our fraternal circles, and the hearts of his fraters who knew him best went out to him and he was lovingly en- shrined in them all. He now rests secure in his high immortality, alike in his Commandery below and in the Heavenly conclave above. One by one, as fast as we are called, and as far as we are prepared, we shall follow after him along the still way to the asylum in that unknown world which opens only to the initiates of the divine degree of the resurrection. Hail and farewell, dear brother, faithful knight! P. Em. Sir Joseph Xewtox Dux away. Our late f rater, P. Em. Sir Joseph Newton Dunaway, was born in Green county, Pennsylvania, October 14, 1835; departed this life at his home in Ottawa, 111., Jan. 9, 1909, leaving a family circle of three sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. His Masonic career began when he was raised in Occi- dental Lodge, No. 40, A. E. & A. M., August 2, 1880, and was Master in 1899. He was exalted to the August degree of the Holy Arch in Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., July '1, [881, and was High Priest in 1007. He passed the Circle of Perfection in Oriental Council, No. 63, R. & S. AT., in [883, was knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. EC. T., June 28, 1883, and was Commander in [900, 1901 and [902. He was constituted a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret. 32d degree, A. A. S. R., in Oriental Consis- tory, Valley of Chicago. November 21, 1901. Our beloved Past Commander was Prelate of Ottawa HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 293 Commandery at the time of his death and had, but a short time previous to his passing away, exemplified the beautiful Templar burial service at the funerals of his beloved fraters, Edwin T. Read and Frederick A. Peebles, and was most highly complimented on the excellent and impressive man- ner in which he led in this beautiful service. It was quite marked that in the ceremonials of conferring the Orders of Knighthood while Eminent Commander or rendering the beautiful Templar service for the dead, while Prelate of our Commander}', that he embraced all that is sublime, im- pressive and effective in the teachings and observances of Christian Knighthood. He possessed all the high qualities which are necessary for the appreciation of these orders; their ritualistic formalities, their imposing, solemn and im- pressive ceremonies, their teachings to the heart and soul, all were deeply engraven on his mind, and, in the hours of his private grief, when the clouds of bereavement gathered over his heart and home, and he walked through the bitter baptism of tears, the sublime lessons of Christian Knight- hood were a balm to his afflicted spirit. He was truly a "bright Mason," not in that common sense applied to him who has the verbiage merely of the order, one who can repeat the words only, without feeling or impress, but in that exalted sense where brightness is ac- companied by mental brilliancy, where the refined taste and intellect lend their influence to enhance the value of lan- guage and tend to- engrave on the heart and the conduct of the recipient what is meant by Free Masonry and Christian Knighthood. In his extemporaneous addresses and presentation speeches the well-formed sentences seemed to flow as smoothly and naturally as in the ritualistic work of our order, always surprising and delighting his hearers with both the brilliancy of his thought and the beauty of his lan- guage. _>(;4 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, As a citi/.cn. he represented the graces and courtesies which constitute the "tree gentleman," the internal ex- cellencies, the polished soul, the compassionate heart, devoid of all selfishness, that enlarged charity which "Thinketh no evil, but rejoiceth in doing good to all." that glorious ema- nation well expressed in the epithet, "A good soul," the one earnestly alive to all the cheerful, pleasant amenities and humanities of the world. Such were the high qualities that constituted him the "true man. the true gentleman, the honored citizen, the revered husband and father, the Chris- tian soldier of the Cross." With such a man it would he superfluous to add that his home was the abode of domestic affection and bliss, of all the elegant and refined excellencies which a cultivated taste and mind, such as his, would seek to acquire. To his sons and daughters, who most mourn his passing away, we hereby tender renewed assurance of our abiding sympathy, and that the highest tribute of respect that we can offer to his memory is to pledge ourselves to follow in his footsteps and to emulate his virtues. Hail and farewell, dear brother, faithful knight! EXCERPTA: Breadth of muscle and fierceness of spirit no longer constitute the standard of greatness nor the test of virtue, but the whole length and breadth of human character is graduated by the scale of a higher, nobler philosophy, and shines in the light of a revealed immortality. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. -'95 PHILIP J. WENDEL E. C. 1909-10. 1909-IO. The forty-eighth annual conclave of Ottawa Commander)- was held June 10, 1909, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the en- suing Templar year : Philip John Wendel Commander Milton Eben Blanchard, Generalissimo William H. Rollo . . .Captain General Peter M. Campbell . . .Senior Warden Samuel B. Bradford . .Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Theodore C. Gibson Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder John M. Berg Standard Bearer Charles Beck Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder William Lee Roy Milligan Historian ddie above officers, elected and appointed, were duly in- stalled July 1, 1909, by P. Em. Sir Henry L, Arnold, as- sisted by P. Em. Sir George C. Dunaway, acting as mar- shal. Created: John Franklin Buehner, Harlev Elmer Booker, Ole E. Benson, Frank Bruce Davidson, Herman Haines Elder, Elias Erb, George Lester Farnsworth, George John ( rleim, George Oliver Grover, Henry G. Gamber, Fred- erick William Gleim, Carl Clement Lawrv, Carl William Lutz, Robert Charles Lucas, Edward Farnsworth Peck, Samuel Congram Pearson, Charles Henry Stockley, Benja- min Franklin Tummel, Charles Paul Vaupel. Affiliated: James B. Herring. Reinstated : Charles Schaulin. Demitted: Herman Haines Elder. Frederick Rudolph Kuhlman, Edward Chase Lewis. Leman Aranah Rising. _'(>f> III E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, Died: Berkley Gilbert Barrett, Samuel Mm id. Charles Schaulin, Sylvanns Sumner Thompson, Charles Arthur Wiley. Ottawa Commandery began this most successful year with a membership of one hundred and eighty-two. During the past Templar year nineteen stated, sixteen special, three emergent and one Easter conclaves were held, a total of thirty-nine conclaves. During this period twenty were knighted, one admitted to membership and one reinstated, making a total gain of twenty-two. The losses were: demitted, four, and died, five; a total loss of nine; leaving a net gain of thirteen and a member- ship of one hundred and ninety-five. This increase in membership in one rear has heen ex- ceeded by hut one other Commander of Ottawa Command- ery; and we cannot let this opportunity pass without ex- pressing to the Commander our hearty congratulations, and with the acknowledgment that it was just what we expected of him. His personal magnetism, his zeal in the interest of Templar Masonry, and his eloquent and impressive man- ner of exemplifying the beautiful and instructive ritual of our order, is to a very great degree responsible for the suc- cessful showing for the Templar year just closed: not only for the number knighted, hut also in a financial aspect, for the treasurer's report discloses the fact that the year was also a financial success, and that the treasury of Ottawa Commandery is in splendid financial condition. The records of Ottawa Commandery, as kept by our Recorder, Robert Lucien Smith, are models of neatness and accuracy, and the Commandery is to be congratulated in having such an efficient Recorder. Easter service was observed by Ottawa Commandery HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 29/ with seventy swords in line, at the Episcopal Church, March 27, 1910, the Rev. Sir Knight George W. Farrar, rector. The Commander)- was inspected May 12, 19 10, by Em. Sir Stuart Elwood Pierson, Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Commandery. Seventy-seven swords of Ottawa Commandery were in line for inspection. There were pres- ent f< irty-hve visiting f raters. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." In this chapter of the history of Ottawa Commandery we chronicle the death of rive of our most esteemed f raters. Their purity of life and honesty of purpose was devoted to the cause of truth and justice; and the impress of their characters has been left upon the history of Ottawa Com- mandery. After having lived their lives of usefulness as citizens, Masons, Knights and Christians, giving practical evidences of their faith in God, hope in immortality, and charity to all mankind, and thus illustrating how good men should live, we have no doubt the scenes of their passing away most impressively demonstrated how good men die. Thus, as time rolls on, we are passing away. These events speak in language more emphatic and pronounced than mere words, and inculcate in us who yet are among the living a lesson of deep significance. The memorial committee, consisting' of M. E. Blanchard, W. H. Rollo and C. R,. Spencer, presented the following tribute to the memory of deceased Frater S. S. Thompson, which was read and approved by the Commandery May 26, 1910: "Friend after friend depart," and each year grows dark and cheerless when we are compelled to bid farewell to those who for many years have been our comrades and friends. 298 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Another dark cloud has come over our asylum, and with it came that swift messenger, the relentless hunter of men. whose coming none can forbid, and whose demands are always answered. The last summons came and was answered by our late Frater Sylvanus S. Thompson, who died at his home in Marseilles, 111.. April 30, [910. Solemn is the silence of death, impressive the closed lips which do not tell us of the mysteries beyond. His life and its work is a matter of record among us, for it has heen a public life. Sir Knight Thompson was horn in Washington county, Pennsylvania, January 10, 1847. Moved with his parents to Illinois in 1854 and settled in Grand Rapids township. La Salle county. 111., where he resided for thirty-eight years. Moved to Marseilles in 1881, was appointed post- master by President McKinley July, 1898, appointed to succeed himself by President Roosevelt June, 1902, and re- appointed by President Roosevelt May, 1906, and was again honored hv President Taft to the same in April, 1910. That he was always courteous and congenial, ready to help or to comfort was evidenced by his largely attended funeral, which showed the respect in which his memory was held. "The clods have fallen upon his casket, hut the sunshine lingers about his memory." Our brother will he long remembered for the many kind acts of a busy and devoted life. The Masonic brethren in large numbers formed in front of the house and slowly led the procession to Riverview cemetery, the members of the Knights Templar formed a wide cordon in which a smaller square was formed hv members of the Blue Lodge, drawn up in close formation. After the rendering of the Masonic service and with the sprigs of evergreen dropping upon the HISTORY OF OTTAWA COM M ANDERY. 299 coffin the body of Sylvanus S. Thompson, Marseilles' re- spected public servant, was laid to rest. Brother Thompson was raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason in Marseilles Lodge, No. 417, September, 1883, was exalted to the August degree of the Holy Royai Arch in Shabbona Chapter, No. ^y. Royal Arch Masons. December, 1883, and created a Knight Templar in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., April 7, 1898. Sir Knights, the work of your committee is not a pleas- ant one. To be writing this report is like communing with the dead, and as we go down the dark valley into the very shadow of death to pen our last tribute to the memory of our beloved brother, the shadows thicken the gloom, and we feel, or seem to feel, the icy arms of the grim reaper about us, and we wonder how soon we may be living only in lrfemory. But through the gloom there shines the stars of faith, and in the shadows of the acacia blooms the emblem of im- mortality, and we are reminded that : There must be some clouds foreboding, But they bring refreshing rain; There must be some night of darkness, But the morning comes again. There must be some days of sorrow, In our journey here below; But they brighter make the morrow, With its Heaven-light aglow. EXCERPTA: By your daily walk and deportment, and an un- swerving fidelity to every principle promulgated and every lesson taught, illustrate that you are worthy successors of those men who, fired by love and strengthened by hope, in support of these very principles, baptized in blood the vows of knighthood. ! Til E KNIGHTS I'K.M PLAR. M. E. BLANCH'D, 33° E. C. 1910-11. [9IO- ] I . The fiirty-ninth animal conclave of ( Mtawa Commandery was convened June 10. [910, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year: Milton Eben Blanchard .. Commander William Harper Rollo. .Generalissimo Peter M. Campbell .. Captain General Charles Beck Senior Warden Samuel C. Pearson. . .Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Theodore C. Gibson Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder John Mathias Berg Standard Bearer Benjamin Franklin Tummel Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Joseph Adams Wilson Sentinel Anthony I). Simon Organist William Lee Roy Milligan Historian The above officers were installed June 23. 1910. by P. Em. Sir William L. Milligan, assisted by P. Em. Sir Henry L. Arnold, as marshal. Created: Joseph Hatheway Pearson. Wilson Conard, Fred L. Jones. Adam Shufelt. Edward C. Brignon, Axel Heiberg, Lynn A. Bteardsley, Prosper J. Malaise. William D. Mundorff, Charles B. Daggett. John H. Goodell. George W. Sterrett. John G. Yenerick, William Robert Maxwell. Alexander McLean. Charles B. Herring. Frederick C. Praefcke, Jos. B. Gaussin. Wm. P. Messenie, Chester P. Reed. Affiliated: Nathan G. Newport. Reinstated: Francis P. DuPlain, Ahram C. Godfrey. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 3OI D emitted: William H. Higby, William B. Myers. Died: Francis L. Fiske, Rezin N. Thompson. Fifty years have come and gone since Ottawa Com- mandery was organized under dispensation. Of those who were charter members of Ottawa Com- mandery fifty years ago, only two are among the living- Past Grand Commander John Fisk Nash and Past Com- mander Theodore C. Gibson, who have been crowned with honors by Ottawa Commandery, and wielded their Damas- cus blades in our asylum for fifty years untarnished by flight or shame. When the late venerable editor of the Ottawa Free Trader, William Osman, who was a charter member of Oc- cidental Lodge, had finished reading a copy of the "White Apron," a history of Occidental Lodge, he met me and re- marked : "William, I could not help but observe, as I ran down the list of members of Occidental Lodge, in the 'White Apron," that every man of prominence in the early days of old Ottawa was a Free Mason." So, my fraters, can the same be recorded of the membership of Ottawa Commandery since its organization. The Recorder's report for the year closed shows that the membership of the Commandery at the close of the year was one hundred and ninety-five, and that during the past year nineteen have been created, one affiliated and two re- instated, and two passed to their eternal rest. This is an excellent showing and the Eminent Com- mander deserves the sincere thanks of this Commandery for his untiring efforts in behalf of the Commandery. On invitation of Blaney Commandery, twenty fraters of Ottawa Commandery enjoyed a very pleasant and profitable visit to old Blaney on the 13th of March, 191 1, and, on imi- tation of Streator Commandery, seven were royally enter- 3° 2 Til K KMCHTS TKM I'l.AR, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 3O3 tained by our daughter Commandery at Streator on the 25th of April, 1 9 1 1 . Sixty-one fraters of Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service at the Congregational Church. There have been held during the past Templar year thirty-five regular and special conclaves and one emergent and one Easter conclave. Of the thirty-five conclaves the Eminent Commander attended thirty-two, while the average attendance of the regularly elected officers at each conclave was only six, and of the fraters fourteen. The new Masonic Temple has been the foremost topic among the fraters of Ottawa Commandery during the past Templar year; plans for which were presented and ap- proved by the Commandery on the 13th of October, 1910, and on the 20th of October following the Commandery au- thorized the issuing of eighty $50.00 4 per cent, notes to meet the Commandery's share of expense in the building of the Temple. On the 24th of November, 1910, Sir William I). Ful- lerton and wife deeded the undivided one-fourth interest in the lot purchased by the Masonic bodies on Columbus street to the Commander)-. On the 22(1 of December, 19 10, by-laws were amended creating a Masonic Temple committee, to act in conjunction with a like committee created by Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., and Humboldt Lodge, No. 555, A. F. & A. M., and Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., for the gov- ernment of the temple, or holding body. Idie committee having in charge the construction of the new temple deserve the thanks of the Commandery for the excellent and satisfactory manner in which they have car- ried on this work to its completion. Ottawa Commandery, under command of Em. Sir M. E. Blanchard, Commander, attended the thirty-first tri- 304 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, ennial conclave of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar in Chicago August 9, 1910. rhe Commandery, with ninety-one swords in line, em- barked on a G, l\. I. & I*. train at 6 a. m., and were joined by twenty-two fraters of St. John's Commandery, of Peru, 111., in the parade which, with the sixty-four fraters of Ot- tawa Commandery participating in the parade, made a total of eighty-six swords in line to the credit of Ottawa Com- mandery. The picture herein shows Ottawa Commandery in the parade during the Triennial Conclave of the Grand En- campment in Chicago, 1910. as they were passing the Palmer House on State street. Em. Sir M. E. Blanchard and staff, consisting of W. 13. F'nllerton. Henry Mayo, P. J. Wendel (M. E. Blanchard, E. C), H. L. Arnold and H. B. McKahin in fore part of picture dimly shown. W. IT. Polio marching in front of first platoon. Other members of Ottawa Commandery participating, as shown in picture and records of the Commandery, are David Refior, James Gentleman, M. L, Sample, L. Gowen, E. R. Spencer, G. A. Crowden (then member of Bethany, No. 28, Mendota, 111.), J. L. Barnard, Charles Beck. J. 1- Becker, H. E. Brooker, R. J. Callagan, C. W. Campbell, l\ M. Campbell, C. B. Chapman, J. W. Clegg, Wilso.n Conard, \\ ni. Conger, F. B. Courtright, F. B. Davidson, Geo. C. Dunaway, W. D. Duncan, H. L. Eastegord, Elias Erb, Geo. L. Farnsworth, J. P. H. Francis, C. W. Fredenburg, H. G. Gamber, E, E. Gladfelter, G. J. Gleim, H. L. Kline, R. E. Knott, G. J. Krnse. 1. [. Lacy, P. C. Lucas, Camillus McClure, Wm. McKahin, F. E. Mader, G. J. Malaise, Carl Metzger, \\ . B. Myers, J. H. Pearson, S. C. Pearson, E. F. Peck, S. B. Peed, A. J. Roberts, P. L. Smith, W. D. Strawn, C. H. Stockley, G. \\ . Thompson, R. X. Thompson, A. L. Trager, T. H. Trimmer. P. F. Tummel, 11. Waldecker, G. J. Wa- ters, A. I. Weirick and Win. Wilson. HISTORY OF OTTAWA (OMMANDERY. 305 Past R. Lm. Sir Al. F. Schoch was on the Grand Com- mander's staff and had charge of the second subdivision of Illinois Commanderies taking part in the parade. When Pompey the Great told the Dictator of Rome that : "More worshipped the rising- than the setting sim," he nttered a great truth, and one that applies to institutions as well as to individuals. When an organization is known to be prosperous and carefully managed it is generally popular, especially with its own members, who take pride in attending its meetings ; hut if it becomes involved in debt, and particularly so if brought about by mismanagement, then much of the in- terest and pride felt by the members in its welfare is lost. Let a Commandery or any other institution be known to be involved in debt, or on the decline, and there are but few proselytes to do it reverence or share its embarrassed fortune. Within the memory of a few of our oldest f raters, in- debtedness came very near proving fatal to Ottawa Com- mandery as well as to Occidental Lodge and Shabbona Chapter, when otherwise they had every opportunity to succeed. The discussion of an indebtedness incurred in the build- ing of the Masonic temple and Opera House block in the early seventies produced discord and was a source of con- tinual crimination and re-crimination among the members, that, to avoid the discussion of the subject, a large number demitted, and others, although they paid their dues, never attended the meetings of any of the bodies. One of the first lessons we are taught in Masonrv is, that "harmony is the strength and support of all institu- tions, especially ours;" and there, perhaps, never was a time in the history of Ottawa Commander}' when it be- hooves the fraters and officers to heed this admonition more than at the present. 306 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, The indebtedness incurred by the Commandery in as- sisting in the construction and completion of one of the most magnificent temples in Illinois, adapted and dedicated to purely Masonic purposes, and to which we point with just pride, and congratulate the building committee on their excellent judgment and management of this great work, makes it incumbent on the fraters of the Commandery to exercise discretion in the selection of officers for the en- suing Templar year. We trust that you will cast aside your 'personal feelings and make a selection of officers peculiarly adapted for the office to which the)' may have been elected, and that they will attend regularly the stated and special conclaves of the Commandery. The welfare and success of Ottawa Commandery is of far more importance than the personal ambition of any one or more of the fraters for official position, regardless of their qualifications. We trust that the officers whom you shall he pleased to honor with your preferment, this evening, will show their gratitude and appreciation for the confidence reposed in them, by a prompt and regular attendance at all the con- claves of the Commandery, as well as a diligent and con- scientious preparation for the part to be performed hy them, and thus insure the exemplification of the Orders of the Temple in such a manner as to make a favorable and lasting impression on the neophyte, stimulate the zeal of the fraters, and redound to the honor and glory of Ottawa Com- mandery. We find by a reference to the records of the Command- ery, that our Commander. Sir M. EL Blanchard, for the Templar year just closed, although residing at Marseilles. eight miles distant, has attended thirty-two of the thirty- seven conclaves held during the past Templar year, while HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 307 the subordinate officers residing within the corporate limits of Ottawa, who were elected as his support at the last an- nual conclave, show only an average attendance of six, and we regret to report that, at three conclaves attended by the Commander, there were not present one single officer to assist him with the work of conferring the orders. This is not as it should be, and the sooner Ottawa Com- mandery abandons the practice of treating the selection of officers with indifference as to their qualifications and rec- ords for punctual attendance at the conclaves of the Com- mandery, the better it will be for the Commandery. I am, and always have been, in favor of nominations being made in the selection of office-bearers of Masonic bodies, whereby the members can more intelligently select from the nominees whom thev desire as office-bearers, and not be casting their ballots promiscuously for "Tom," "Dick" and "Harry." If a great many, yes, the large majority, of those who attend the annual conclaves of the Commandery would be as punctual and zealous in their attendance on the regular and stated conclaves of the Commandery, and note the average attendance of the officers, they would be far better equipped to make a wise and judicious selection of officers. I am, also, one who is not favorably impressed with the practice gotten into, of late years, of rotating officers from the bottom toward the top each year, and limit the ser- vices of an excellent and efficient presiding officer to one year, and thus deprive the Commandery of one who, if continued, would still greater improve in proficiency, and increase the zeal of the fraters in their interest and attend- ance at the conclaves: but, instead, by our rotating process, we are often installing one as our presiding officer who, for lack of the necessary qualifications, destroys the interest and zeal attained by the fraters created under the magnetism of the officer whom you rotated out of office. 3< >8 III E KNIGHTS TKM I'l.AK, Had this system been practiced in the past, during the incumbency of 1*. Em. Sir Al. F. Schoch, who served as Eminent Commander four consecutive years, or P. Km. Sir John F. Nash, who served the Commandery as Commander seven consecutive years, Ottawa Commandery would never have been honored hy the Grand Commandery in their se- lection to pass through the chair of that honorable body. Em. Sir Albert F. Schoch was elected Grand Warder of the Grand Commandery after having heen elected Com- mander of Ottawa Commandery the fourth consecutive term, and Em. Sir John F. Xash, Grand Commander, after having" heen elected Commander the seventh consecutive term. As gleaned from the records of Ottawa Commander)', there have heen convened during the past Templar year thirty-seven stated and special conclaves of the Commandery. and that the average attendance of the fraters was only fourteen, and that at two conclaves there was only a hare quorum, and at several conclaves scarcely enough fraters present to form triangle guard in conferring the Order of the Temple. The records of the Commander}" show that we have a roster of two hundred and fifteen, and of this number one hundred and twentv reside within the corporate limits of the city ( »f ( )ttawa. Thus we find that the average absentees at the conclaves of the Commandery during the past Templar year was one hundred and six. Can it he possible that in this beautiful city, with a popu- lation away above the average in what makes for good citi- zenship, that only 16 per cent, of the fraters of Ottawa Commandery are zealous and faithful members of Ottawa Commandery and the Order of Christian Knighthood? It cannot he possible that 84 per cent, of our member- ship have enlisted for personal and mercenary motives only. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 309 We cannot nor will not believe such to be the case. Tt is true that when there are held stated occasions, such as in- spection of the Commander)-, or visitation of some notable, there is always a splendid showing of members. So, also, is there when the Commanderv musters before the public, as on Easter day, when nearly one hundred snow white plumes are seen waxing in the breeze and one hundred swords glistening in the sunshine. Is this for the honor and glory of the individual Knight or for the honor and glory of the Commandery, or that yon all want to show a disposition to reform your habits, etc.? If for the fraternity, why not support your officers and give them an average attendance of at least 20 per cent, of the home membership? It is an injustice for a Com- mandery, with the reputation abroad for knightly achieve- ments that crown Ottawa Commandery, to select office- bearers and not support them in their endeavor to preserve the standard of excellence attained by Ottawa Commandery. It is an imposition on the officers, detracts from the inspira- tion in the work and nullifies all efforts to make a lasting and favorable impression on the neophyte. We do not believe there is a single frater, whose name is on the roster of Ot- tawa Commander}-, but is at heart a Knight Templar and a sincere devotee of the Order of Knighthood. Neither do we believe that anv one absents himself from the conclaves of the Commandery for the purpose of injuring the Com- mandery, or imposing a thankless duty on the officers: but that is the verv thing that you are unintentionally doing. It is just as important that you should attend the conclaves ^\ your Commandery and assist the officers in the conferring of the orders and transacting the business of the Com- mandery behind guarded doors as it is to appear in public, with sword and baldric, and waving plume, attending Easter service or any other public occasion or demonstration. 310 Til E KNIGHTS TKM I'l.Ak, Lei us have a reformation in attendance at the conclaves. The Order of Knights Templar is an ancient and hon- orable institution, and men, noted men, of all Christian faiths have deemed it a high honor to become affiliated therewith. It is a semi-military organization, allied with an- cient craft Masonry. It is a moral, social and fraternal order and its basis is the good sense, honesty and morality of its de\( !ees. The virtues we cherish are founded on the Christian religion, which the experience of human life proves has been the might)' source which has developed and safeguarded the highest type of civilization known to man. As an order we neither ostracize the poor man nor seek the rich man in choosing our membership, neither dn we seek the erratic scintillations oi the genius nor the unimpres- sionable apathy of the ignorant. The Order of Knights Templar represents on its roster the practical common sense r\i the whole community — solid men of judgment, selected from men interested in society for the good of society. Upright and honorable men in all the walks of life, who are firm believers in the Christian religion — the divinity of our Redeemer — His birth, death and resurrection. We welcome good men of all parties, and believe the oftener thev meet and fraternize in our asylum the better they will be for it. We welcome men of different Christian faiths as we do those who differ in politics or business af- fairs. In Commanderies of Knights Templar the solid char- acter is the test of the man — his equity, his prudence, his energy, his social worth and his Christian faith, and in this his benevolent qualities are included. We improve good men. but the foundation must be there, must exist before. A Commandery of Knight'- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 311 Templar possesses no divine power to regenerate a de- generate, to change a foolish man to a man of wisdom, or a rogue to an honest man. But, give the order good material to begin on, and of such men she will make hetter men. and better citizens, dav hv day, as long as they live. We had hoped that the year would pass without the grim messenger of death paying our Commandery a visit: but he came on July 25, 1910, and deprived our ranks of one of our oldest and most esteemed fraters, Sir Francis Lyman Fiske. Sir Fiske was knighted in Ottawa Com- mandery August [8, 1 80S, and had always been true to his Templar vows. He was one of Ottawa's most pro- gressive business men and did much for the welfare of the city and community, lie left to mourn his passing away his widow and two daughters, to whom Ottawa Command- ery extends its condolence and sympathy in their hour of grief. Sir Rezin Naylor Thompson was horn in Marseilles, 111., October 26, 1858. Was knighted in Ottawa Commandery March 26, 1903, and passed to his reward May 7, 191 1. Sir Thompson was a valiant and magnanimous knight and held in the highest esteem by those who had the pleasure of forming his acquaintance. He left to mourn his loss a wife and one son, to whom Ottawa Commandery extends its sympathy and condolence in their hour of bereavement. His funeral was under the auspices of the Commandery and was largely attended. Like the brown leaves our loved ones drop away. One after one, in the dark abyss, Of sleep and death; the frosts of trouble lay Their withered touch upon our happiness, Even as the hoar-frosts of the Autumn kiss The green life from the unoffending leaves; And Love, and Hope, and youth's warm cheerfulness Flit from the heart; — Age lonely sits and grieves, Or sadly smiles, while youth his day-dreams fondly weave. J 12 111 E K NIGHTS TKM PLAR. KXCKRl'TA: Again to-day 1 admonish you of the saeredness of our faith, and remind you thai only in its sign may you con- quer. WM. H. ROLLO, E. C. 1911-12. IQI I-I2. The fiftieth animal conclave of Ot- tawa Commandery was convened June 8, 1911, when the following officers were elected and appointed for the en- suing Templar year : William Harper Rollo . . .Commander George Craft Dunaway . Generalissimo John Mathias Berg. . Captain General George John Waters. .Senior Warden John William Clegg. .Junior Warden Walter Briggs Titus Prelate Theodore C. Gibson Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Albert Lawrence Trager Standard Bearer La Rue Perene Shaver Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Harry Jndson Lee Sentinel William L. Milligan Historian The above officers were duly installed June 28, 191 1, P. G. Com. Albert F. Schoch, installation officer, assisted by P. Com. P. J. Wendel, as marshal. Created: Arthur J. Spaulding, Royal E. Willsey, John A. Wilson. William Herbert Stockley, Oliver J. Belknap. Perry G. Stordock, Henry C. Miller. John S. Edgcomb, Arthur I). Prichard, Frederick S. Prichard, Simon C. Geiger, William E. Berndt. Glenn W. Weese, Arthur J. Shnte, Henry I). Osgood. William C. Russell, Ray A. Carter, David R. Conard, William I*. Fread, Charles S. Roe. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 313 Affiliated: George A. Crowden, Harry J. Lee, Edward A. Reed, William J. McKahin. Reinstated: Eugene Moffitt. Dcmittcd: Merman S. Blanchard, Edwin C. IE Raben- stein. Suspended: Oscar J. Ackerman. Died: Theodore C. Gibson, Wilson Conard, Benjamin F. Trnmbo, Camillns McClure, Louis Rohrer. The fiftieth anniversary of the chartering of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., falling within the present Templar year, together with the completion and occupa- tion of the new Masonic Temple, made it an auspicious year in Templar Masonry in Ottawa and vicinity. October 30, 191 1. the semi-centennial anniversary of Ottawa Commandery was celebrated. More than six hun- dred knights and ladies fair were present with a represen- tation from Commanderies from Joliet, Morris, Aurora, Mendota, Pern, Streator, Princeton and Chicago. It was an elaborate affair and the program was carried out to the letter with the exception the rain eleminated the grand pa- geant or parade of Commanderies which was scheduled to be the distinguishing feature of the celebration. September 25, 191 1, Ottawa Commandery performed the last sad rites for P. Com. Theodore Cunningham Gib- son. October 26, 191 1, the daughters of our late f rater, Fran- cis L. Fiske, presented Ottawa Commandery with a beau- tiful pitcher. November 8, 191 1, Ottawa Commandery performed the last sad rites for Sir Benjamin Franklin Trnmbo. December 20, 191 1, Ottawa Commandery performed the last sad rites for Sir Wilson Conard. February 29, it) 12, a Past Commanders' conclave was held and the illustrious Order of the Red Cross was con- 3 J 4 III E K N [GUTS 'I 'KM I 'I. A I HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 3 I 5 ferred on six postulants, and the Order of the Temple on one. Past Em. Com. William L. Milligan, on behalf of the Commandery, presented Past Em. Com. Milton E. Blanchard a beautiful Past Commander's jewel. A Templar ball was given by the Commandery and was largely attended by the knights and ladies fair, and was a most enjoyable affair. April 7, 191 2, Ottawa Commandery attended Easter service at the Baptist Church, with sixty swords in line. April t8, 19 1 2. Ottawa Commandery was inspected by Sir Andrew Logan Anderson, Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand Commandery. The Commandery passed muster with its usual flying colors, which is one of the distinguish- ing characteristics of old Ottawa Commandery, No. m. On the whole. Ottawa Commandery has enjoyed one of its most eventful years, both socially and financially, and Em. Com. Rollo is to he congratulated on the success of his administration. Our Sacred Dead. Since the last annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery five valiant and magnanimous Knights have sheathed their swords and surrendered to the mandate of their Great Com- mander. In this world of disappointment memory must weep, until, catching reflections of glory beyond the grave, learn- ing that death does not end all. it rejoices with exceeding- great joy. Standing face to face with death. Masonry scorns Athe- ism, that writes upon the gates of our cemeteries, "Gone forever," and Templarism detests infidelity, which offers no consolation or comfort to dry the tears of sorrow when loved ones have been removed — laid low by the "setting maul*' and covered by the clods of the valley. But she hark- 316 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, ens to the "True Word," which points to the "ladder that reaches from earth to Heaven" — to realms beyond the clouds into the stars, and awaits with patience while a voice of melting tenderness heralds the glad acclaim: "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Reviewing the lives of our f raters we see through the night of sorrow their witness shining" as constellations in the firmament of glory. The hardships of pain and disap- pointment, insignificant, compared with their eternal bliss. Since the human heart yearns for a more serene home than earth affords, why should we not brush away the rising tear when another soul has gone to join the great white-robed throng ? The attempt to better one's condition is the great ab- sorbing thought of life. Yet trouble enters each door im- mediate 1 .} behind pleasure. The hearse follows closely the bridal carriage. The merry bells have scarcely sent their joyous echoes into surrounding space ere they begin to give forth their solemn notes, and in response the living come to plant the acacia upon another grave. Generations succeed generations like waxes of the restless sea. Army after army of strong men are swept like forest leaves into the cemeteries of the past to mingle with mother earth, im- pressing the comforting thought that this world is not the home of the soul. Jesns of Nazareth, the "Son of Man," expounded the new law of love. He called to him the humble and the poor and announced the new gospel: "Pdessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." lie poured the oil oi consolation and peace upon every crushed and bleeding heart, sharing with their sorrows, and sympathizing with their afflictions. He sealed the Gospel of Love with His life. The cruelty of the Jewish Priesthood and the cow- ardice of Pontius Pilate, who said he saw no guile in Him, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 2) l 7 nailed Him to the Cross and He expired uttering blessings upon the human family which we teach in our asylum, in its purity, to man as an inestimable inheritance. That our beloved f raters who departed from among us during the past Templar year were firm believers in Him who died on the cross that mankind might he redeemed we have not the least doubt whatever, because we had fre- quent talks of the future mysteries with Sir Knights Gibson and Trumbo, and we who knew Sir Knights Conard and McClure know well that they were not the men who would subscribe to that in which they did not have an abiding- faith. In Masonry and Templarism we cherish men like Louis Rohrer, Camillus McClure, Theodore Cunningham Gibson, Benjamin Franklin Trumbo and Wilson Conard; not to display them as rich jewels for the admiration of a profane world, but for the sunshine they throw around our fraternal gatherings; for our appreciation of their merit and the re- flecting light we absorb from it. Their memories will long linger in our hearts for their presence in our asylum at our conclaves always imbued our asylum with the odors of incense, and filled the hearts of our f raters with a sweet savor. Sir Knight Louis Rohrer. Sir Louis Rohrer was knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., December 6, 1883, and passed from this earthly existence on the 28th day of June, 191 t. Sir Knight Louis Rohrer was one of the most prominent farmers of the northern section of La Salle county and was a man of more than ordinary intelligence. He was a mem- ber of the Board of Supervisors for a number of years and also served his constituents as a member of the Legislature of the state of Illinois several terms, and in his political career there was not a blot upon his escutcheon. 3 [8 'I'M E KNIGHTS I i: M PLAR, A more genial companion nor a more loyal friend than Sir Louis Rjohrer is seldom met. lie was faithful to his vows of Knighthood and took commendable pride in at- tending the conclaves of the Commandery and also in ac- companying the Commandery on her triennial pilgrimages. Ability, energy, rectitude and devotion to duty charac- terized all his actions and the labors of his life, and we have no doubt but that he went down to the grave with a perfect faith that, while his body would "return to its parent dust," his soul would "live forever in the immediate presence of the Father of Light and Life." Mail and farewell, valiant knight! Sir Knight Camillus McClure. Sir Knight Camillus McClure was knighted in Ottawa Commandery October 10, [895, and passed from this earthly existence on the 19th day of August, 191 1. at his home in Freedom township. La Salle county. Sir Camillus McClure was one of the shining lights in the Masonic fraternity, and was beloved by all who knew him. 1 lis radiant countenance, his genial smile, bis affection- ate and brotherly greetings will be missed in our asylum, where he was loved so well by his t raters. A halo of sadness was cast over the Commandery when it was heralded that Camillus McClure had passed away. In symbolic Masonry he was Master of Freedom Lodge for a number of years, and as a ritualist and executive officer was unexcelled. Mis Masonic affiliations were with Freedom Lodge, No. 194, Shabbona Chapter, No. 37. R. A. M., and Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, 1\. T. 'fhe funeral services were conducted by Freedom Lodge. No. [94, and were largely attended by the brethren from Ottawa and surrounding towns, and was one of the saddest HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 319 and most impressive partings at the grave with one so loved and respected. Tims closes the record of a true and honorable life. His acts of charity and of kindness and of love are treasured in the hearts of all who met him, hut can never find expression. Hail and farewell, valiant knight! Hail and farewell! P. Em. Sir Theodore Cunningham Gibson. When all is done that can be done, When all is said that can be said; Naught then is left but memories — Sweet memories of our dead. P. Em. Sir Theodore Cunningham Gibson was born in Licking county, Ohio, September 5, [831. Was a youth of nine years when he arrived in La Salle county in [840, and settled with his parents on a farm near Ottawa, 111., attend- ing the district schools as opportunity offered. When the war with Mexico broke out he was sixteen years old, but, being imbued with lite spirit of patriotism, be enlisted in Company ( i, 5th [llinois infantry, under command of Captain Reed, of Ottawa. ( )n being mustered out of service at the close of the war he returned to Ottawa, but, on the breaking out of the gold excitement in California in [849, he, in [850, made the long journey overland to California, where he re- mained three years, when he again returned to Ottawa, where, for a time, he conducted a furniture business, in which he was engaged at the breaking out of the civil war, when on the 22d of April, [861, he enlisted tinder the first call for troops for ninety days, becoming captain of Com- pany 11, 11th llliin is infantry, commanded by the gallant Sir Knight Gen. W. II. L. Wallace. On the expiration of the ninety days' service he re-enlisted and was assigned to duty with Company B, 53d Illinois infantry. He was with this regiment in all of the battles it took part in until after the battle of Corinth, and in recognition of his able service 320 IN E K NIGHTS TKM I'l. \K, and knowledge of military matters was commissioned ma- jor, by which title he had since been known. lie was elected on the Democratic ticket a member of the Legislature of Illinois in the fall of [862. lie had held many important political positions and filled all of them with honor to himself and credit to his constitu- ents. He was married to Miss Susan S. Sample on February 5, 1856. A most interesting event in the life of Sir Knight and Mrs. Gibson was the celebration of their golden wedding- February 6. 1906, when Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., called at their home and presented them one hundred dollars in gold. Sir Knight Theodore Cunningham Gibson was made a Mason in Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., in 1856; exalted a Royal Arch Mason in Shabbona Chapter. Xo. 37, R. A. M.. January 31, 1859. and Knighted in Ot- tawa Commandery. Xo. 10, K. T., March 8. 1861, while the Commandery was working under dispensation, and was one of the first knighted in Ottawa Commandery; the first work being on March 7, [861, when his brother, William L. Gibson, and Thomas J. Wade were knighted, and on March 8, 1861, John F. Nash, Levi Mason and Theodore Cunningham Gibson were knighted. Of this valiant and magnanimous company of men only Sir Knight John bisk Xash is numbered among the living. Sir Theodore Cunningham Gibson served the Com- mandery as Eminent Commander during the years 1884 and 1SS5, and was Treasurer of the Commandery at the time of his death, which office he had held for many years. He was proclaimed a Sublime Prince of the Royal Se- cret, thirty-second degree, in Oriental Consistory, Valley of Chicago. October 10, 1884. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. ^2 1 Thus briefly have we glanced at the history of one who a few short months ago was among us. Although crowned with four score years, he was actively engaged in the pur- suits of life, and, notwithstanding his advanced age and business occupation, found time to devote to the fraternity he so dearly loved, and to which he gave some of the brightest and best hours of his life. His life, both public and private, was worthy of admira- tion and imitation. He was earlv attracted to Masonry, and has left the impress of his earnest work deeply em- bedded in the early history of the Order in the Vallev of the Illinois. In loving remembrance of his life, and in grateful recog- nition of his services to Ottawa Commandery, let it be in- scribed upon its records : "Loyal to his God and country, faithful and capable in the discharge of every duty to which he was called, loving to his wife, true to his friends, and charitable to all. Kindly and companionable by nature, his life was brightened by the love of many friends, and his grave is crowned with their sorrow." Hail and farewell, valiant knight! Hail and farewell! Sir Benjamin Franklin Trumbo. Sir Benjamin Franklin Trumbo was born November 25, 1862, at the Trumbo homestead in Dayton township, La Salle county, Illinois. His ancestors were of Virginia stock and traced their settling in Virginia back to the seventeenth century. Fie was knighted in Ottawa Commandery Mav 15, 1905, and passed from his earthly existence on the 8th of Novem- ber, 191 1. He was also a member of Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., and Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M. His entire life was spent on the farm, where his social 322 THE KNIGHTS TKM I'l.AK, nature was often manifest in entertaining his friends and those of his family, which he idolized. As an evidence of his popularity, he was elected Sheriff of La Salle county in 1902, on the Democratic ticket, when the county was Republican by a large majority. In keep- ing with the conduct of his personal affairs, he discharged the duties of the office with great ability and a singular reputation of integrity, retiring from the office at the end of his four year term with a clean record. How sad to realize that one so young in years, full of life and intellect, surrounded with a devoted wife and family, and all that the world could give to make life wel- come, should lie cut down in the full vigor of his manhood. But his life work is over, and he rests in the peaceful em- brace of an eternal sleep, while the influence of his labors and the fragrance of his many good deeds will remain a halo of glory about his name. "Is there in fate an hour reserv'd for me To sing thy deeds in numbers worthy thee?" As the wavelet made by the pebble upon the surface of the quiet lake widens and widens as the pebble sinks and sinks, so will the memory of Frank Trumbo, and his deeds, performed from a sense of duty and in true friendship, be more and more realized and appreciated as time widens the vanished days. How blessed to close life's record with a knowledge that there remains a stream of personal influence, whose ex- haustless force has risen in some kind word spoken, some good deed done, or some noble effort to benefit the race of man. Frank Trumbo is gone, but the world is better because he lived in it, and hearts are truer and more tender because they came in contact with his true, earnest and noble life. Hail and farewell, dear friend and frater! Hail and farewell ! history of ottawa commandery. 323 Sir Knight Wilson Conard. Sir Knight Wilson Conard was born in Miller township, La Salle comity, 111., October 5, 1863. He spent his life work on the farm and had accumulated a handsome com- petency of this world's goods when, in July, 1904, he moved to Ottawa, where he at once became identified with the business interests of the city and was soon recognized as one of the substantial and influential men of Ottawa. He was a pleasant gentleman to meet because of his genial dis- position and his friendly regard for others. He was knighted in Ottawa Commandery August 4, 1910, and passed from this life on the 15th day of Decem- ber, 191 1. The sudden and tragic death of Sir Knight Conard cast a gloom over the whole community in which he was so loved and admired. Sir Knight Wilson Conard was affiliated with Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., and he took an active interest in all the Masonic bodies with which he was affiliated. Sir Knight Wilson Conard was admired by the fraters of Ottawa Commandery for his many excellent qualities of mind and heart, for his quiet dignity, his pleasing and wel- come presence, his gentleness and soft voiced speech and his beautifully molded temperament. Wilson Conard is gone, but he has left a record for splendid business ability, unswerving integrity and high moral worth, which constitutes a rich heritage for his sur- viving family and friends, and of which all who knew him and loved him may feel justly proud. Hail and farewell, dear friend and brother! Hail and farewell ! EXCERPTA: "By a larger growth in ourselves and a wider influence upon our fellowmen we must emphasize the meaning of our name and the signification of our symbols." v }-'4 I'll E KNIGHTS TEW IM.AK, t9I2-I3. The fifty-first annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery was convened June [3, 1912, when the following officers were elected and appointed For the ensuing Templar year: George Craft Dunaway Commander John Mathias Berg Generalissimo < reorge John Waters Captain General John William Clegg Senior Warden George A. Crowden Junior Warden John Hubbard Goodell Prelate Albert Frederick Schoch Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Albert Lawrence Trager Standard Bearer George Lester Farnsworth Sword Bearer Joshua P. Rodgers Warder Harry Judson Lee Sentinel Anthony David Simon Organist William Lee Roy Milligan Hist< rian The above officers were installed June 27, [912, by Past Commander Henry L. Arnold. Created: Charles T. Bradford, John R. Dale. Tyler A. Hoganson. Carlos 0. McCarty, Joseph M. Megaffin, James Milligan, Jr., Harry C. Spencer, Fred. Chas. Stoessinger, Harry L. Thrasher, Noah H. Thompson. Demitted: John H. Widmer, Charles F. Wilson. Pied: Fbenezer Barber, James M. Trenary. Royal E. Willsey, John G. Yenerick. EVENTS DURING THE TEMPLAR YEAR. August [8, 1 9 1 2. Ottawa Commandery attended the annual conclave of the Grand Commandery at Peoria, and made a very creditable showing j n the grand parade, and were the recipients of the plaudits of the people assembled on the streets to witness the parade. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 325 October 5, 19 12, Ottawa Commandery performed the last sad rites over the remains of their beloved f rater, Sir John George Yenerick. January 3, 1913, Ottawa Commandery acted as escort to Waltham Lodge, No. 384, A. F. & A. M., at the funeral ceremonies over the remains of Sir Royal E, Willsey. February 20, 1 913, the annual Templar ball was held in the Masonic Temple, and was a most enjoyable affair, and was pronounced a brilliant success by those in attendance, a characteristic of old Ottawa Commandery. Easter Sunday, March 2^, 1913, notwithstanding the in- clement weather, fifty-two valiant and magnanimous Sir Knights of Ottawa Commandery formed in line and pro- ceeded to Christ Episcopal Church, where they attended Easter service on invitation therefrom. The fraters were delighted with the impressive services in accordance with the church ritual, and a very interesting sermon by the rector, the Rev. Geo. W. Farrar. April 15, 1913, Ottawa Commandery attended the in- spection of Streator Commandery, Xo. 70, and was most hospitably entertained by the fraters thereof. Under the command of Sir George C. Dunawav, Ottawa Commandery has, as a whole, had a most prosperous and satisfactory year. OUR FRATERNAL DEAD. Empty barren eulogy is mockery pronounced by the lips of hypocrisy. If there is not sincere admiration of the vir- tues and graces which were cultivated by those whose mem- ory we profess to cherish, vain are "the trappings and the suits of woe" which we display, and the eulogistic language which we utter. We can pass an infinitely higher encomium on our de- ceased fraters by our future lives than we can by the most eloquent panegyric the tongue of man can pronounce. 326 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, God in I lis inscrutable wisdom has removed from our ranks, and from lite's scenes and life's duties, the following valiant and magnanimous Sir Knights of Ottawa Com- mandery : Ebenezer Barber, one of the oldest members of Ottawa Commandery, who was knighted in Ottawa Commandery January 19, [869. He died August 30, 1912. James Marshall Trenarv, affiliated with Ottawa Com- mandery November 26, 1891, and died September 22, [912. John George Yenerick, knighted in Ottawa Command- ery March _\ 1911, and died October 2. 1912. Royal E. Willsey, knighted in Ottawa Commandery October 26, 191 1, and died January 1, 191 3. They performed life's pilgrimage in the duties which they owed to God, their country, their families and the prac- tice of the undying principles of the Order of Christian Knighthood, and left to posterity a record more enduring than words of eulogy or monumental marble. It was their aim so to live that when life's duties had been honestly, fairly, faithfully, and acceptably performed, they could look beyond death's cold river to the spirit land, and, with faith in the promises of their Redeemer, boldly and triumphantly cross to that spirit land, spanned by the Cross of Christ. To these Sir Knights our loss was their gain; their death, the triumph of the Pilgrim Penitent: their triumph the Asylum of Angels and the redeemed of Heaven. To their respective families and friends we extend on behalf of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. Knights Templar. our sincere sympathies and condolences. Barber, Trenarv, Yenerick, Willsey, valiant and mag- nanimous Knights, hail and farewell! As Historian of Ottawa Commandery. we extend the sympathy and condolence of Ottawa Commandery to our HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 327 beloved Past Commander, Walter Briggs Titus, in his hour nf bereavement. The most vivid idea cue can have of death is when the white winged messenger invades the sanctity of the family circle, and one of the near and beloved is borne away to that narrow house appointed for all the living. Never do we feel more reconciled to the inevitable des- tiny of man than when we reflect that all we most prized, most loved and clung to on earth has gone before us to "that country from whose bourne no traveler returns." What is the worst of woe that waits on age? What stamps the wrinkle deeper on the brow? To view each loved one blotted from life's page, And be alone on earth, as I am now. In the death of Mrs. Titus, who for nearly sixty-three Years had shared the joys and sorrows of our grief stricken Commander, a void has been created that words of sympathy and condolence cannot close, however sincerely they may be uttered, but we do assure him that the prayers of every f rater of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, were united with those that went up from his desolate home, that He who "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb" would strengthen and comfort him as he "in all the manliness of grief" walked the remaining span of life. Jon x Fisk Xash. Our beloved and Most Eminent Past Commander, John Fisk Xash, lies at his home in a semi-conscious state, wait- ing, waiting, waiting for the final command from his Great Commander to cross to the great beyond from whence no pilgrim knight has ever returned to tell us of the awards that await us there. To him and his sorrowing family, as Historian, we ex- tend, on behalf of Ottawa Commandery, the sympathy and condolences of his Commandery, praying that his suffering 328 KNIGHTS 'I'l-'.M I.AR, may be lessened by the knowledge of the fact that his has been a "well spent life;" that lie. in the nearly four score years and ten committed not one act fur which lie has a re- gret t<> offer, or an apology to make. KXCERPTA: "The Order of Knights Templar has witnessed I he rise and fall of many nations, and has dispensed its beneficent influences upon the lives of many generations of men. In its original purity of character and dignity of purpose, it is to-day our rich heritage. Let us not, then, show ourselves unworthy of this sacred trust, but realize ever the responsible position we occupy as the present depositories of this noble order." ' ( )PPI-P The fifty-second annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery was convened June 12, 1913. when the following of- ficers were elected and appointed for the ensuing- Templar year : John Mathias Berg Commander George John Waters. . .Generalissimo George A. Crowden. .Captain General Arthur 1). Prichard. . .Senior Warden James Milligan, Jr.. . .Junior Warden John 1 1. Goodell Prelate Albert P. Schoch Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Frederick S. Prichard Standard Bearer ( reorge P. Farnsworth Sword Bearer Fred P. Jones Warder Joseph Adams Wilson Sentinel Anthony D. Simon Organist William 1 .. Milligan I Hstorian The above officers were installed June 26, 0)13. Created: Charles Rodgers Stevenson, William Kirk JOHN M. BERG, E. 0. 1913-14. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 329 Leverich, George Clement Ford, Charles Edwin Jordan, Walter Rush Green, Samuel Emery Clegg, Clarence Edgar Hulse, George Edward Ten Eyck, George Clarence Nelson. Affiliated: Herman Haines Elder, Charles Ferdinand Brenn. Demitted: H. Eugene Chubbuck, Samuel U. Lawry, Frederick William Gleim, Jacob Isaac Warner. Died: John Fisk Nash, John Stout, Joshua P. Rodgers, Irving Hinton Trowbridge, Walter David Strawn, Edward H. Smith. We congratulate Commander Berg and his corps of effi- cient officers for the efficiency of their work and the pros- perity of Ottawa Commandeiw during the Templar year just closed. Xot withstanding the loss of nine f raters by death and dismissions, the records disclose an increase of two mem- bers over that of 19 12- 13. There were knighted during the year nine and admitted to membership two, leaving a net membership of two hun- dred and thirty-six. The finances of Ottawa Commandery are in good shape. Three hundred and fifty dollars of the temple indebtedness has been paid, which now leaves a balance of only $2,500 on this account. The reports of the Treasurer and Recorder show that the financiering of our Commandery has been in excellent hands, and a glimpse of the records will demonstrate the neatness and efficiency of the Recorder. During the holiday season a Knights Templar ball was given by the Commandery, which was largely attended and proclaimed a terpsichorean success. Ottawa Commandery. with sixty- swords in line, at- tended divine services on Easter Sunday at the Marseilles Congregational Church, and were edified with an appro- priate sermon by the pastor. ^O THE KNIGHTS TF.MPr.AR. The Commandery was inspected by Em. Grand Sword Bearer Milton Everett Robinson on April 30, [914. There was a large and enthusiastic attendance of fraters from sis- ter Commanderies. A banquet was served, and the feast of soul and flow of reason was greatly enjoyed by those in attendance. A new American flag was purchased by the Command- ery during the year to replace the old one. the first Amer- ican flag- ever presented to a Commandery of Knights Templar, and your Historian is gratified to know that steps have been taken to preserve this historic flag. The Common Lot of A [ax. To-day we live — to-morrow die, and then, The world will move on without us and soon Forget that we did once exist. Then, naught will remain but grewsome relies Of souls forgot — tenements deserted, Whence hath fled all that had honored and Ennobled us. Our forms will remain, but not Our souls — the souls that now hold royal court In thought's mysterious seat within the Chambers of our skulls — receptacles with Ethereal spirits filled. Mouldering canopies will but remain Where now the bright and busy eyes blaze Forth with fires of rage, or glow with Beacon lights of love. Hollow caverns will denote where now The silver tongue holds sway, and charms With soft melodious speech loved ones at home. Or fires with burning words of truth the Busy marts of trade, or, please with shafts Of ready wit and keen retort Companions of the road. Dismantled by divine command — derelicts Upon the infinite Sea of Time — ghastly relics Only will remain to remind others of their Impending doom — the common lot of man. Man may forget — God never does — nor Can the drapery of the tomb conceal us From His Omniscient Eye. Pilgrim, heed the warning — pause! HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 33I And let your light, henceforth, so shine That, when your soul takes leave Of its tenement of clay, the radiance That flows from the Almighty's throne May reflect His benediction upon you, And your passing to the bosom Of the Everlasting God be like one who Draws the drapery of his couch about him, And lies down to pleasant dreams. Ottawa, 111., Aug. 21, 1913. — W. L. Milligan. Memorial Tributes. During" the past Templar year death has taken from our ranks five valiant and magnanimous fraters, Sir John Fisk Nash, Sir John Stout, Sir Walter David Strawn, Sir Joshua P. Rodgers, Sir Irving H. Trowbridge and Sir Edward II. Smith. Sir John Fisk Nash, at the time of his passing, was the oldest living member of Ottawa Commandery as well as the senior Past Commander. He had the distinction of heing one of the verv first men knighted in Ottawa Commandery, having been created and dubbed on the 8th of March, 186 1, and had maintained a continuous membership in his Com- mandery to the date of his death, July 6, 1913. He was Past Commander of Ottawa Commandery, and Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the state of Illinois. He was buried with knightly honors. Grand Commander Sir William L. Sharp officiating, Ottawa Commandery acting as escort to the Grand Commandery. When Zeno consulted the oracle in what manner he should live, the answer was, that he should inquire of the dead. Words of eulogy may not add anything to the honor due the name of John Fisk Xash, but may well stimulate those young men of the present generation, of our community, upon whom responsibilities in the present and may in the future rest, to higher ideals and stricter integrity. 332 I'll E KNIGHTS TI'.M I'l.Ak, Sir Nash entered upon-this life at the threshold of the most wonderful era pending the most wonderful strides that have characterized civilization since time began, and drew the drapery of his couch about him and lay down to pleas- ant dreams at a time when the scientist and the inventive genius might, with propriety, exclaim in the language of the preacher: "There is no new thing tinder the sun." Being of an ambitious and resourceful disposition, he foresaw the might)' future in store for the broad prairies and fertile valleys of the Illinois and left his native state of Massachusetts when he was sixteen years of age and located near Hennepin, 111., in 1840, where he remained until 1847. when he came to Ottawa, and located in the beautiful valley of the Illinois, where for more than the allotted span of life he so lived and so deported himself that no eulogium which we can here pronounce, no tribute which we can bring to his memory, whose friendship it was our privilege so long and so uninterruptedly to enjoy, can equal what should he awarded him by all who knew him and appreciated the vigor and fertility of his intellect, and are cognizant of the services he rendered the community in which he lived and the interest which he represented. Having known and admired him from my boyhood days, and having observed him as a model in all the daily walks i^i life, among the money vaults and in the busy marts of trade, in social life, when business cares were cast aside, and in fraternal circles, where our souls mingled in unison in contemplations of the splendors and fruitions of the beatific vision when we should approach the throne of God and join in the symphony of angelic voices, as we took part in scenes and ceremonies that take away the ''sting oi death" and deprive the grave ^\ "victory" — scenes beyond the pale of the vulgar world and in which hut a compara- tively few are fitted to participate. In all these relations we HISTORY OF OTTAWA COM MANDEKV. 333 found in him a man who possessed a manly steadiness of conduct, whose great felicity was attained in intellectual pleasure in its purity, mirth free from indecency, and wit void of licentiousness. A man of admirable parts, of gen- eral knowledge, of a versatile understanding, a reputation for strict business integrity, fitted for any trust reposed in him, of infinite wit and pleasantry, and a delightful dis- position. Having a keen perception of the right, he had a haughty contempt for anyone in whom he discovered any inclination to subordinate right for policy. Being plain and outspoken himself, he could never have a filial feeling for one who practiced deceit or chicanery, and never afterward trusted anyone who endeavored to secure his favor by such prac- tices, so repugnant to his nature. He was as firm as the rock of Gibraltar, and could not be moved to concede an iota of a principle, and was always pronounced in the denunciation of a wrong. Whatever he supported or opposed he did it earnestly and zealously, openly and above board. Favors he never forgot, even though followed by repeated injuries. The sin of ingrati- tude was not at his door. Sir Nash was endowed with a fine literary taste, and the shelves of his library contained books of the choicest litera- ture from the most eminent authors. He was a thoroughly cultured gentleman of the old school, of which, unfortu- nately, there are but few remaining among us, and was con- versant on current topics as well as versed in poetic lore and classic literature, which, with his pleasing conversational powers, always using the choicest language and ready wit and repartee, made him a most agreeable companion in the club rooms, fraternal circles and the majesty of his home. In his extemporaneous as well as his prepared addresses, for which he was frequently called at public and fraternal 334 TH E KNIGHTS TEM I'l.AK, functions, the well formed sentences flowed smoothly and naturally, always surprising and delighting his hearers with the brilliancy of his thoughts and the beauty of his lan- guage. Mis internal excellencies, his polished mind, his com- passionate heart, his earnestness, always alive to all the cheerful amenities and humanities of the world, representing the graces and courtesies that constituted him the "true gentleman," and one who never indulged in contemptuous negligence or impatient idleness, leaving to future genera- tions an example of the art of growing old with pretensions resigned to the pleasantries and pleasures of youth. Such were the high qualities that constituted him the true man, the courteous gentleman, the honored citizen, the constant friend, the revered husband and father. It would he superfluous to add that his home, in which he took so much pride, surrounded with beautiful lawns, interspersed by rare taste with the choicest shrubbery and beds of the most beautiful roses, tended with his own hands, was the abode of domestic affection and bliss, and elegant and refined excellencies such as his cultivated taste and mind could acquire. Sir John Stout. Sir John Stout was born in Springfield, Ohio, January i i, [829. Came to Ottawa, Illinois, in October, 1840, when [6 years of age, traveling overland most of the way with ox-team. Clerked in a dry goods store for a term of years and eventually became one of the pioneer dry goods mer- chants of Ottawa, conducting a store on Court street until ittyj, when he retired and embarked in the grain business at Ransom, Illinois, then a new and flourishing town on the Santa Fe railroad, just completed through southeastern La Salle county. He, however, maintained his residence in ( )ttawa. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 335 Having sold his interest in the grain business at Ran- som, he engaged in real estate and insurance business in Ottawa, which he continued until his death. He was a mem- ber of the Board of Education of the city of Ottawa a num- ber of years, and was for several years City Collector. His capability and fidelity in positions of public trust was evi- denced by his long official career. Sir Knight Stout was always a generous contributor to churches and charities, and was a prominent and influen- tial citizen, respected by all who knew him. His strong and salient traits of character were such as commanded uniform esteem and confidence. As a Mason and Knight Templar he was true to the teachings of the institutions, and was a pioneer member in all of the Masonic bodies, and took an active interest in their welfare. He never held an elective office in the Com- mandery, but was ever ready to fill any position pro tern., especially that of Prelate, in the absence of the elected officers. He was knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, June 9, 1862, and passed to his reward October 21, 19 13, and was buried by his Commandery October 2^, 1913. We miss his hearty laugh and fraternal greetings. Sir Edward H. Smith. Sir Edward H. Smith, Past Commander of Ottawa Com- mandery, a native of New York state, came to Ottawa, 111., with Sir L. A. Rising in the later sixties, and conducted, on a large scale, the manufacturing of cigars for a number of years under the firm name of Smith & Rising. After the dissolution of this firm Sir Smith served as Deputy Sheriff under Sheriff Thomas Clark during 1881 and 1882, and un- til the first of April, 1883, under Sheriff Milligan, when he moved to Streator and established a retail cigar store, which he conducted several years, when he removed to Chicago, 336 l ll I. KNIGHTS I' KM PLARj where, in his later years, he was ticket agent for the ele- vated lines in Chicag< >. Sir Smith was affiliated with Occidental Lodge, Xo. 40, A. F. & A. M.; Shabbona Chapter. No. 37, K. A. M., and was created a Knight Templar in Ottawa Commandery August [8, [868, and at the animal conclave of the Com- mandery, December 1. [869, was elected Captain General of the Commandery, which office he held for eight consecu- tive years, when he was elected Commander, which office he held three consecutive years, and again was Commander in [882 and [883 and Captain General in [887. Having served through the civil war with the rank of captain he was versed in military tactics which, with his personality and commanding- skill, made him one of the hest drill-masters and Captain Generals in the state of Illinois, and when Sir Nash was Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery and wished to pay an official visit to constituent Command- eries. he invariably had Ottawa Commandery, under the leadership of Captain General Smith, act as an escort, and in so doing he would put them through movements forming Templar emhlems that created for Ottawa Commandery the reputation of being the hest drilled Commandery in Templar tactics in the state of Illinois. Sir Smith was a man of strong personality, and. as Commander of Ottawa Com- mandery, exemplified the beautiful service in conferring' the Order of Knighthood in a manner that made a deep and lasting impression on the neophyte. He was one of the earlier standbys of Ottawa Commandery and was a long and faithful worker in the interest of Ottawa Commandery and Templar Masonry. He was a man of kind and genial man- ners, quick and generous impulses and straightforward in all his transactions with his fellowmen. It was the posses- sion of these noble traits of character and finer qualities of HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 337 the heart that endeared him to his friends and gave him the highest claim to the admiration of his fraters. He married a daughter of Jeremiah Wood, one of the early and successful business men of Ottawa. To this union was born three sons who are successful business and pro- fessional men, one, the eldest, being general manager of the mining properties of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. He passed to his reward January 3, 19 14, and was buried in Ottawa Avenue Cemetery with Masonic honors by Occi- dental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M. To his bereaved widow and sons, who most mourn his passing away, as historian, on behalf of Ottawa Command- erv, we tender renewed assurances of our abiding sympathy. Sir Walter D. Strawn. Sir Walter D. Strawn was born on a farm in South Ot- tawa township August 1, 1850. His father, David Strawn, was one of the pioneer farmers and cattle men of Illinois. Our deceased f rater grew to manhood on his father's farm, and was educated in the public schools of Ottawa, later at- tending the normal school at Normal, Illinois. He married Miss Florence Parr, of Serena township, and soon after moved to near Strawn, 111., where he owned a large tract of as fine fanning land as could lie found in the state of Illinois, where he devoted his life and energy to farming and stock-raising to a successful issue. He retired from his farm in 1890 and moved to Ottawa, Illinois, where he had builded a fine residence in which to spend his de- clining years with his family. He was an active and ener- getic man all his life, being at one time one of the directors of the National City Bank of Ottawa. Sir Walter D. Strawn was full of life and energy, and whatever he undertook he invariably, by his push and ac- 338 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, tivity, made a success of the undertaking, as evidenced in the success of the La Salle County Fair association, of which he was the active and leading spirit at the time of his death, lie was always in a good humor, a hearty, hale fellow well met. Being of a hearty and robust constitution the community was greatly shocked on learning of his untimely death De- cember 4. [913. Sir Walter I). Strawn was knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., November 23, 1876, and held a continuous memhership until called by death. He never held any elective or appointive office, hut was always a willing helper at any fraternal doings. He was a valiant and magnanimous Knight. His burial was private. Sir Joshua P. Rodgers. Sir Joshua 1'. Rodgers was one of Ottawa's oldest and best known citizens. He was horn in Luzern township. Fayette county, Pennsylvania. May 6, 1836. Knighted in Ottawa Commandery. No. 10, K. T., August 6, 1886, and passed to his reward February 8, [914, at his residence in South Ottawa. When a young man he served an apprenticeship as a printer on the Brownsville Clipper, Brownsville, Pa., then edited by Seth C. Nurd, an editor, at that time, of national reputation. From Pennsylvania he moved to Omaha, Nebraska, when it was a thriving western village, where he worked at his trade, that of printer, on the Omaha Bee. until in the sixties, when he came to La Salle county, Illinois, and pur- chased the Eli Strawn farm, three miles west of Ottawa, where in the agricultural pursuits, by habits of industry and strict economy, he acquired a handsome competency of this world's goods. He retired from the farm in 1890, taking up his residence in South Ottawa, where, with his wife and HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMM ANDERY. 339 daughter, he, until his death, lived the life of an honored and respected citizen with a character unimpeachable. The word of Joshua P. Rpdgers was as good as his bond. He never made a promise but that he fulfilled. He was charitable and humane, and always ready to assist in alleviating the distress of a friend. He never boasted of his charities, but, on the contrary, would request the recipient to say nothing about it. Thus was the true charity dwell- ing within him at all times. He was strong in his convic- tions, but was always willing to concede to the opinions of others when convinced they were right. As a Free Mason and Knight Templar he was true to the teachings of the orders, and was prominent in Masonic circles, and throughout his Masonic career strictly ob- served the precepts of Masonry and Christian Knighthood. He was a firm believer in the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God, and was unshaken in his belief in the Christian religion. As an evidence of his popularity as a Mason he was elevated to the office of Master of Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., Thrice Illustrious Master of Oriental Council, No. 63, R. & S. M., and to various offices in Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., and the office of Warder of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., for many Years, and was one of the most faithful and prompt at- tendants at the communications and conclaves ol the various Masonic bodies in Ottawa. He took a great deal of pride in holding the office of Warder in Ottawa Commandery, and I doubt if he ever missed a conclave of the Com- mandery while holding that office, except on account of sickness. We miss him at our conclaves to-day. and the older fraters will long miss him on convivial occasions and fraternal pilgrimages of the Commandery. 340 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Sir [rving 1 1. Trowbridge. Sir [rving II. Trowbridge was born near Delta, Ohio, March [6, 1849, and was drowned in the Illinois river at Marseilles, 111., March 10. [914. Sir Trowbridge had resided in Marseilles since 1807. and was one of its most progressive citizens, lie took an actiye part in politics, and, besides serving his township on the Board of Supervisors of La Salle county for a number of years, was also elected a member of the Legislature of the state of Illinois in [896 and re-elected in [898. lie was engaged in the drug" business for a number of years and was a highly respected citizen of Marseilles. He was a member of Marseilles Lodge, No. 417, A. F. & A. M., Marseilles, 111., Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M.. and Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, Ottawa, 111. He was knighted in Ottawa Commandery January 27, 1898, and was quite popular among his f raters. In disposition he was qniet and reserved, yet a genial and whole-souled companion, and one who wore well with long standing acquaintanceship. His was a sad taking off and was a shock to his family, his friends and his fraters. His funeral was under the auspices of Marseilles Lodge, \o. 417, and was largely attended. Xash, Stout, Strawn, Rodgers, Trowbridge, Smith — knights of the valiant and magnanimous Order of Knights Templar, hail and farewell ! There is a singular coincidence in the passing oi Sir John Fisk Nash and Sir Edward H. Smith, in that, while it leaves vonr Historian the senior living Past Commander of ( Ottawa Commandery, there is not a link missing in the long line of my successors. All are among the living and holding their allegiance to Ottawa Commandery, \o. 10, K. T. This day witness the hand of time pointing to the be- ginning of another Templar year. The past is written in HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY 34* history. The future is before us like an undiscovered con- tinent, about to he penetrated by an explorer, who goes about his task with chart and compass, which enables him to make his reckonings and locate his bearings. So may the new officers elected to preside over the destinies of Ot- tawa Commandery assume the duties of their respective stations, and with chart and compass, be enabled to pilot old Ottawa Commander)-, No. 10, through another Templar year with a record in keeping with those that are now re- corded in history. EXCERPTA: "He is the worthy knight who feels the rever- ence for God, with whom every manly virtue becomes a part of knightly honor, whose mind is never swayed by conditions or con- siderations of fear or personal advantage, and who is ever ready to draw his sword in defense of that cause to which it has been so solemnly dedicated." I9H-I5- The fifty-third annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery was convened June tt. 1014. when the following of- ficers were elected and appointed for the ensuing Templar year : George John Waters. . . .Commander George A. Crowden. . .Generalissimo Joseph H. Pearson. . .Captain General Albert Jay Roberts. . .Senior Warden Geo. L. Farnsworth .. Junior Warden John Hubbard Goodell Prelate Albert Frederick Schoch. . .Treasurer Robert Lucieri Smith Recorder William EC Leverich Standard Bearer Samuel Emery CI egg Sword Nearer Emil T. Hoffman Warder GEO. J WATERS, E. C. 1914-15. 342 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Joseph Adams Wilson Sentinel Anthony David Simon Organist William L. Milligan Historian The above officers were installed by 1*. Em. Com. Henry J.. Anmld June 2^, 19 14, P. Km. Com. Philip J. Wendel acting as marshal. Created: William Griffin Watson Cowley, Albert Henry Parks. Straw n Aldrieh Gay, Robert Floyd Scoffern, John Thomas Morris, Robert James William Briggs, Clif- ford Charles Eichelberger, Talbert Ray Mers, Bert Har- rington, William Archie Harden and John Ott. Affiliated: Claude B. McReynolds, Walfred C. Sahl- berg. Edward X. Mercer. Deriitted: William J. McKahin, William H. Stead. John Rosene, Claude B. McReynolds. Suspended: Samuel Burrett Reed, Charles Secrist Roe. Died: Emil J. Hoffman, Henry Charles Miller. On December 10, 1914, Ottawa Commandery accepted an imitation from Streator Commandery. No. 70. K. T., to attend a reception to be tendered by the Commandery to Em. Sir William Henry Jennings, in honor of his election by the Grand Commandery, K. T., of Illinois, to the office of Grand Warder of the Grand Commandery of the state of Illinois to be held on December 14, 1914. A large number of Ottawa Commandery availed themselves of this invitation and the Commandery was well represented on the occasion. January 14. 19 15. Ottawa Commandery received and accepted an invitation from St. John's Commandery. No. 27. Peru, 111., to attend their annual ball January 27, [915. A goodly number of the knights and ladies of Ottawa Com- mandery attended and pronounced the event a terpsichorean and social success, such as are always pulled off by the Peru Knights. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDEKV. 343 January 14, 191 5, P. Em. Commander Philip John Wendel was elected a member of the Masonic Board of Control to represent Ottawa Commanderv thereon for four years. January 25, 191 5, an invitation was received and ac- cepted by the Commanderv to attend Easter service at the Congregational Church. The imitation was extended by the pastor, Rev. C. A. McKay. February 25, 191 5. the annual ball was staged by Ot- tawa Commanclery and, as usual, was a splendid success. Besides a large membership of the Commanderv attending, also many from sister Commanderies enjoyed the Hospitality of old Ottawa Commanclery. The annual balls given by Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, are heralded with delight by the valiant knights and their ladies fair and recognized as the biggest social event of the season in Ottawa. March 1 1, 1915, an imitation from Streator Command- erv, Xo. 70, K. T., to attend their annual ball, to be held March 19th, was received and accepted and a large number of knights and their ladies attended. On the above date the matter of enlarging the banquet and ball room and moving the kitchen to the basement of the Masonic temple was brought before the Commanderv for its consideration when the Masonic temple committee was authorized to obtain and submit plans and specifications for said change. April 4, 19 1 5, Easter Sunday, on invitation of the Rev. C. A. McKay, eighty-four Sir Knights of Ottawa Com- mandery donned their trappings of ancient knighthood and proceeded in a body to attend Easter service at the Congre- gational Church, and were highly entertained with a sermon exceedingly appropriate for the occasion, and your historian is confident that every f rater of Ottawa Commanderv who heard the sermon was glad that he was there. 344 THE KNIGHTS TKMPI.AR, April 15, [915, Ottawa Commandery was inspected by Em. Sir Louis Lincoln Emmerson, Grand Sword Bearer of the Grand Commandery, and, as of old, Ottawa Command- cry maintained her high rank in efficiency in every respect. riie Order of the temple was conferred in the afternoon, the inspection of the Commandery taking place in the even- ing, the usual banquet and flow of eloquence being a part of the program. The Grand Commandery was represented by the pres- ence of the Deputy Grand Commander, Grand Senior War- den, Grand Standard Bearer, and Grand Warder. There were also present, besides the eighty-four fraters of Ottawa Commandery, twenty from Streator, six from Bethany ^\ Mendota, ten from St. John's, Peru, eight from Aurora. two from Kankakee, and one each from Chevalier Bayard. Chicago, Alt. Vernon, Mt. Vernon, 111., and Beaumanoir, Decatur. 111. Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. K. T., has reason to be proud of the work accomplished under the commandership of Em. Sir George John Waters, and we congratulate him on his excellent record. In Memoriam. The last enemy of man is Death, and to him must all of us succumb. This inexorable enemy has frequently visited our asylum in the past, but his touch has been light during the past Templar year. Sir Emil J. Hoffman died August 5. 19 14. and Sir Henry Charles Miller December 12, 1914. As a man grows older he may always make it in some manner profitable unto himself to look back along the way he has journeyed, and commune with the thronging mem- ories, welcome and unwelcome, of the past. It is \yell for us sometimes to cast up and balance our HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 345 accounts with time and opportunity. From the near and far portion of the road by which we have come, with the faces of the dead friends and fraters come the ghosts of lost opportunities to mock us, the memories of enmities and reconciliations of failures and successes, of wise acts and foolish ones, of cares, and sorrows and disappointments, oi gains that seemed losses, and losses that seemed to he gains. It is a retrospect through a long vista of sunshine and shadow, of storm and fair weather. The past is not a dead past for any of us, nor for any order or any nation. We live more and more in it as we journey westward. It rules our present, and is full of living- interest for all of us. It is a land which our dead inhabit, a realm into which we also are soon to pass. The roll of our Templar dead is increasing every year, and it is with bowed forms and voices of melting tenderness and quivering pen that we add to the roll the names of our dead, and extend to their families our sympathies and con- dolences. But no tribute or eulogium that we can here pronounce, or bring to their memory, can equal what should justly he awarded them by those who knew them longest and best. They are no longer of this earth. Their work among men is ended, and their earthly record is complete. They will never again answer to the roll call of Ottawa Commandery. They have answered the call of the Grand Warder from on high. "We are such stuff As dreams are made of, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep." Avery Monument. It is with very great satisfaction that we can at this con- clave of Ottawa Commandery report that the monument to mark the last resting place* of our beloved frater, Sir Julius 3-1-6 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, C. Avery, has been purchased and placed in position at his grave, which had remained unmarked for nearly one-half century. And it is with just pride that we herewith record the names of the fraters of Ottawa Commander)- who con- tributed $1.00 each to this tribute to Sir Julius C. Avery, many of whom have themselves passed to the great beyond. there to receive their reward from the Grtat Commander of all: W. L. Milligan, T. C. Gibson, W. H. Oilman, W. D. Fullerton, Joseph Allison, Henrv L. Arnold. (). J. Belknap, J. M. Berg, M. E. Blanchard, A. E. Butters. C. B. Chap- man, William Conger, H. G. Cook. George C. Dunaway, George L. Farnsworth, Fred L. Fisher, William P. Fread. C. W. Fredenburg, W. H. Irwin, Charles Geiger, F. E. Gladfelter, George J. Gleim. J. H. Goodell, Clarence Griggs. John F. Nash, A. E. Herzog, Geo. F. Hills, Gustav Ivneussl, Alex. McLean, Duncan McDougall. F. J. Ma- laise. H. L. Miller. A. J. Roberts, J. P. Rodgers. Robert J. Reid, W. FI. Rollo, Perene Shaver. A. D. Simon. Al. F. Schoch, C. H. Stockley, A. F. Trager, Henry W'aldecker, George J. Waters. F. J. Wendel, William Wilson. As your historian ami senior Fast Commander, allow me a few words of admonition. Ottawa Commandery oc- cupies a high and commanding position among the Com- manderies of this Grand jurisdiction, one worthy of its fair fame and ancient renown. Fet it be your constant aim, as it is your constant duty, to preserve its high standing, to inculcate the great religious and moral duties which our ritual teaches, and ever to stand forth as the champions of the Christian religion, which you have solemnly vowed, on bended knees and bowed forms, in the presence of the most impressive scenes, to maintain. Fet us all strive to culti- vate the social virtues, and render our friendships and con- nections with each other of the most lasting character, and let us never lose sight of the sublime precepts and divine JUS TORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 347 teachings which that beautiful symbol, above the dais, the Cross, should continually impress upon us. EXCERPTA: May we keep vigilant and faithful sentinels posted in all the avenues to our Heaven-favored institution; may we study its teachings with that faith and humility which will enable us to keep its principles and precepts everywhere alive and burning upon the altars of our hearts; may we nurture it with care; preserve its reputation unsullied, that great good may re- dound to our race, and the Orders of Christian Knighthood be pre- served in all their purity to the latest posterity. 1915-16. The fifty- fourth annual conclave of Ottawa Commandery was convened June 10, 1915, when the following of- ficers were elected tor the ensuing Templar rear : George A. Crowden . . . .Commander Joseph H. Pearson . . . .Generalissimo Alhert Jay Roberts. . Captain General William K. Leverich . .Senior Warden Ray Adelbert Carter. .Junior Warden John Hubbard Goodell Prelate Alhert Frederick Schoch. . .Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Robert Floyd Scoffern Standard Bearer Clifford Charles Eichelberger Sword Bearer William Phineas Fread Warder Joseph Adams Wilson Sentinel William Lee Roy Milligan Historian Anthony David Simon Organist The above officers, elected and appointed, were duly in- stalled June 24, 191 5. Em. Sir Henry L. Arnold acted as installing officer, assisted by Philip J. Wendel, as marshal. GEO. A. CROWDEN, E. C. 1915-16. 34& THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Created: John Rutherford Ford, Benjamjn Kbcn Dale Frank George Yentzer, Fred Smith Keeler, Collins Eugene Knapp, Lester William Leipold, Henry Ward Conde, James Chester Manning, August Ledrich, Franklin Stauffer Ebright, Clarence Miner Watts, John Charles Gleim, Xels Albert Fruland, Ami Manuel Markeson, Edward Rudolph Clans, Carl Frederick Clans. William II. Springhorn, Floyd Marsh DeLapp, George Henry Brandenburg, Henry Ehly. James Lindsay, Charles Sumner Cnllen, Lewis Henry Clap- per, Leon Frank Levy, Oscar Albert Sieffert, Wilbur Grimes, Arthur M. Kile. Donald John McLeod, Frederick E. Beem. Affiliated: John Harold Edgcomb and Charles Arthur Briggs, Jr. Demitted: Milton Eben Blanchard and William Pier- gue Messenie. Suspended: Harry L. Thrasher and Jonathan M. Fer- rell. Pied: Walter Briggs Titus, Joseph Allison, Celestine Rohrer, George II . Ahlhorn and William Holland Sindeh A Templar hall was given by Ottawa Commandery on February 25, [916, at the Armory, It was a successful af- fair, as all valiant knights and ladies fair acclaim. Inspection of Ottawa Commandery was held April 6, 1916. K. Em. Sir James McCredie. Grand Captain Gen- eral, was the inspection officer. There were present sixty- eight swords of Ottawa Commandery, two from Apollo, No. 1. four from St. John's, No. 26, and thirteen from Streator, No. 70. The inspection was followed by a ban- quet, around which festive hoard the fraters participated in the usual (low of eloquence interspersed with wit and humor. Easter Sunday was observed by Ottawa Commandery on April 23, 19 16. at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. (diaries Arthur liriggs officiating, and by whom a very in- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 349 teresting discourse was rendered. Eighty-seven swords were in line in full Templar uniform, the largest attendance by four swords that ever turned out for Easter Sunday ser- vice. The Eminent Commander was justly proud of this display and manifested the same by his lofty carriage and military bearing as he marched down Columbus street. The discourse by Rev. Sir Charles A. Briggs was very appro- priate for the occasion and was greatly appreciated by the Commandery. Ottawa Commandery has now on her roster a member- ship of two hundred and sixty-four, a net gain of twenty- three since our last report one year ago. The temple in- debtedness of Ottawa Commandery to the amount of $1,150 has been liquidated, which leaves only $1,000 due on that account, which, the same degree of prosperity the incoming year will wipe off the slate. Ottawa Commandery to-day, with the largest member- ship in its history and practically out of debt, is financially in splendid condition. The records of the Commandery are, as kept by Sir Robert Lucien Smith, models of neatness and accuracy. Of the stewardship of Em. Sir George Adelbert Crow- den over the destinies of Ottawa Commandery it can be well and truthfully said, in the language of the Redeemer: "Well done, good and faithful servant." Em. Sir Crowden has been a faithful and energetic worker in the interest of Templar Masonry and Ottawa Commanden- in particular, and the number of initiates, twenty-nine, was only excelled in Ottawa Commandery in 1886, when your Historian was Commander, when the num- ber reported to the Grand Commandery, as having been knighted, was thirty-seven, thirty-six of whom were knighted between May 20th and September 2d, and was 35' ' Til E KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, not excelled by any Commandery outside of the jurisdiction of the city of Chicago, and then only by St. Bernard. No. 35, and Englewood Commandery working under dispen- sation. Em. Sir Crowden is an impressive ritualist, and, with his bearing and personality, should certainly make, in his rendi- tion of the beautiful and impressive Templar ritual, a dee]) and lasting impression on the neophyte, unless he should he so unfortunate as to lie a "stupid atheist or an irreligious libertine." With a membership of two hundred and sixty-four, Ot- tawa Commandery, however, has not given the Commander the support to which he was entitled. The Commandery was to he congratulated when it succeeded in electing one so peculiarly fitted for the Commandership as Em. Sir Crow- den. who has so faithfully performed his part toward main- taining the honor and glory of Ottawa Commandery. True Templarism is not pomp, pageantry, ceremonial. It is life. High moral purity is, always has heen, and we trust always will he, one of the grand characteristics of our order. Ottawa Commandery will he just exactly what its mem- bers choose to make it. Nothing more, nothing less. Ot- tawa Commandery has a roster of as fine a body of repre- sentative citizens as can he found anywhere. Men of high standing in their various vocations, men of honor and char- acter unassailable. We do not helieve that Ottawa Com- mandery has on her roster a Knight who is not interested in the welfare of Ottawa Commandery and willing to sacri- fice not only his time hut his energy and intellect for the honor and glory of Ottawa Commandery, and we can only account for the non-support, or light attendance, at the con- claves, especially when a good attendance is required to make the work more impressive on the neophyte, than to HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 35 I the fact that, having' so large a membership, there has de- veloped a feeling among the individual fraters that "there will he enough to assist without me." Now this feeling is well and good if the other fellow had not caught the same contagion and created an epidemic. But it is not as it should he. We do not believe that Ottawa Commandery has one single member who does not appreciate the good work of the Commander and his official staff put forth the past Templar year. We do not believe there is one member hut who would have been willing to have sacrificed a portion of his time, if he had, for one moment, thought it necessary, toward main- taining and supporting an institution that had exalted him to a higher and nobler conception of human existence — of the mortality of the body and the immortality of the soul. We do not believe that there are any "tares in the wheat" on the roster of Ottawa Commandery — those who do not appre- ciate the symbolism and the teachings of our beautiful and impressive Templar ceremonials. Neither do we believe that we have any "Judas Iscariots" among our apostles, whose sole ambition is to wear the jewel of the order, or for mer- cenary or other unworthy motives. If there is one, then Ottawa Commandery, instead of creating a knight of the valiant and magnanimous Order of Knights Templar, Knight of Malta of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, has cast a pearl before a swine. On the contrary, if you feel that the Commandery is not maintaining its exclusive social and moral distinction, in which you, individually, feel that it should bear as a Com- mandery of Knights Templar; if you feel that the fraters are not maintaining that fraternal fellowship that should follow the reception of the orders, and are not given to the 352 111 E KNIGHTS TEM I'l.AK, practice of the Christian virtues, as promulgated by our ritual and exemplified in our ceremonials, attend the con- claves of your Commandery and assist in correcting the evils you complain of, and "Let your light so shine among men, that they, seeing your good work, may glorify our Father which is in Heaven." Memoriam. There is no flock, however watched and tended, But one dead lamb is there! There is no fireside, howsoe'er defended, But has one vacant chair! The air is full of farewells to the dying, And mournings for the dead; The heart of Rachel, for her children crying, Will not be comforted! Let us be patient! These severe afflictions Not from the ground arise, But oftentimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise. We see but dimly through the mists and vapors; Amid these earthly damps, What seem to us but sad, funereal tapers May be heaven's distant lamps. There is no death. What seems so is transition; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian Whose portal we call Death. One beautiful Sunday afternoon, in the month t^i May. J took one of my usual strolls through Ottawa Avenue cemetery, where 1 was wont to worship at the sepulchers of departed friends and fraters and commune with their de- parted spirits, which seemed to he hovering around me, while meditating on vanished days, recalling hallowed scenes enacted in our asylum when Nash, and Titus, and Gibson, and Trimble, and McArthur, and Smith, and Dun- away, with us no more forever, in their serious and im- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 353 pressive manner, exemplified the beautiful and impressive ceremonies of our Templar service. Mother Earth was resplendent in her Easter garb — re- splendent with its Spring verdure — carpeted with a beau- tiful green — the foliage just beginning to shade the grassy walks — the rose and the violets had just come forth and opened their glad eyes, and the birds were flying about in joyous caroling, celebrating in festivities the New Life, singing their melodies and whisking from shrub to shrub among the flowers and blossoms. . It was a beautiful May day. I walked over to the bank of the river and looked down on its broad placid surface, scarcely a ripple to be seen, as it murmured along through the valley on its journey to the great ocean. I looked up into the infinite space of the blue cloudless sky, and there was the great sun looking down earnestly and lovingly, and the invisible vapors rising from the river to meet him. No eye but God's beheld those vapors as they rose. Soon they, in the higher atmosphere, began to condense into mist; then, as it floated away, began to gather into clouds. I could see those clouds forming and floating and swim- ming around in the ambient air. Condensed still more by the change of temperature, those small clouds soon began to roll in huge black masses in the west, and the zigzag lightnings began to flash from the black masses, and the thunder began to roll and reverberate up the valley, echo- ing and re-echoing among the glens and grottos along the hillsides. Soon the vapors that God had seen ascending from the river, and which 1 had seen condense into small clouds, came 354 THE KNIGHTS TKM I'l.AK, rolling up the valley, and the trees and shrubbery began to sway and bend with the force of the wind as if bowing an acknowledgment to the ( iod of Heaven for the vapor he had taken from the river and condensed into the clouds from which was now falling the rain — refreshing Mother Earth. The storm and the rain soon passed away; the clouds vanished, and the great sun again reflected his refulgent rays upon the glad earth. The grassy mounds were refreshed and all nature seemed brighter and newer after the storm. The birds were bathing their beautiful plumage in the little pods of water and singing more joyously than before. As the sunshine and the storm passed over me, while standing among the stones and lettered monuments, sym- bolizing the affections of surviving friends and fraters, there, before me, 1 beheld with no uncertain vision, God's answer to the question, "If a man die shall he live again?" The uncertainty of human life, the certainty of death, and the immutable evidences of an immortality were de- picted all around and about me: The river, the vapor, the clouds, the storm, and the rain to replenish the earth from which arose a New Life in the verdure and foliage around me. Our gaae cannot soar to that beautiful land, But our visions have told of its bliss, And our souls by the gate of its gardens are fanned When we faint in the desert of this. And so it is in human life. We cannot see the spiritual vapor, and, not having examined the evidences of its authen- ticity, we are contented in our temporal well being. Perhaps it is just as well. God never intended we should know the secrets of I lis asylum. Neither do we believe that lie placed us on this terrestrial sphere intending that we should devote all our time and all our energies walking in HISTORY OF OTTAWA COM MANDERY. 355 sackcloth and ashes crying down this earth with its splendid beauty, its thrilling interests, its glorious works, its noble and holy affections, and detach our hearts from this earthly life as empty, fleeting and unworthy, in seeking" an inher- itance in the Kingdom of Heaven. But if we cultivate the Held of courage, cheerfulness, energy and dignity of human existence, and have an abiding faith in God, hope in immor- tality, and charity toward all mankind, we have accom- plished the object implanted in the bosom of every Knight Templar and believer in the Christian religion — eternal hap- piness in the world to come. There has passed to This Estate since our last annual conclave four valiant and magnanimous Knights of this Commander}- : Em. Sir Walter Briggs Titus, June 20, 191 5. Sir Joseph Allison, September 1, 1915. Sir George H. Ahlborn, January 11, 1916. Sir Celestine Rohrer, March 3, 1916. The lives and Templar virtues of Sir Knights Walter Briggs Titus and Sir Joseph Allison were reviewed in a memorial by your memorial committee and presented to and approved by this Commandery November 25, 1015. and is appended hereto. Sir George II. Ahlborn was knighted in Ottawa Com- mander)- April 10, [902, and passed to his reward in Nash- ville, Tenn., January 11, [916. Sir Knight Ahlborn was a sojourner with us as a citizen but a few years, and while here was connected with the Gay carriage factory as a car- riage trimmer, lie was a man of a lovable disposition, and during his few years in our city made a host of friends, lie was a firm believer in the Christian religion, and we have no doubt that when his spirit departed from its tene- ment of clay that it took its flight to Realms of Light and 356 I'll E K NIGHTS I KM IM.AK, Life Eternal, and is now reaping the reward of a well spent life. He left surviving his widow, to whom Ottawa Com- mandery extends its sincere sympathy and condolence in the loss of a devoted husband. George II. Ahlborn, knight, hail and farewell! Sir Celestine Rohrer was knighted in Ottawa Command- erv August 9, 1883. and passed to his reward March 3, [916. Sir Knight Rohrer was a faithful member of Ottawa Com- mandery for more than thirty-two years. There are but few of us old fraters left to recount the hallowed scenes which were witnessed in our Commandery years ago. While Sir Rohrer's residence was more than twenty miles away. he. away back in the 8o's, was seldom absent from any of our conclaves, and took great pleasure in attending with his Com- mandery Easter services and Templar pilgrimages. He loved the institution for the good there was in it. and. we believe, practiced, as near as possible for frail humanity, the virtues which it professes, We were always pleased to meet and greet him in our fraternal circles, and the hearts of his fraters will mourn his passing away, for he was lovingly enshrined in them all. We have no doubt that he now rests secure in his high immortality in the Supreme Conclave above. To those of his family who remain to mourn his passing Ottawa Com- mandery extends its sincere sympathy and condolence. He was buried under the auspices of the Masonic fra- ternity, Ottawa Commandery acting as escort. Sir Rohrer was born in France in May, [839. He was a brother to our late frater. Louis Rohrer, who at one time represented this district in the legislature. Celestine Rohrer, hail and farewell! HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 35/ THE EUROPEAN WAR. The peoples of the nations of the earth had fondly dreamed that the Utopia and the Millennium were at hand — Satan bound and Holiness triumphant throughout the world — and had begun to believe that man was not, after all, a hyena half-tamed and that the smell of blood would wake the savage instincts within him, when all of a sudden, startled from their delusive dreams, they found the thin mask of civilization rent in twain and thrown contemptuous- ly away. With the dove of peace hovering - over them, they laid down to sleep in their little hamlets, dreaming of the bounti- ful harvest ripening for the sickle. Round them hung the clustering grapes in their vineyards, and the green leaves of the olive trembled in the soft night air over them. Above them, from a peaceful firmament, shone the "milky way," and the constellations of heaven reflecting a beatific vision upon them. Suddenly, as if startled from a dream, they heard the blare of bugles and the rumbling of artillery along the high- ways, and the clash of sabers and the rattling of machine guns in their gardens and vineyards. The lightning flashes from the artillery lighted up the heavens, the smoke of bat- tle shrouded the bosom of the sky, and the roar and shriek of a war of nations was all around them. The old world was a pandemonium. The nations were called to arms, and their great armies rolled their hideous waves over field and hamlet, leaving desolation and ruin behind them. Men who, only a short time before, were engaged in peaceful pursuits were now racking their ingenuity and tasking their inven- tive powers in the development of infernal engines of de- struction, by which to more expeditiously and effectively tear and mangle human beings. Homes and hamlets were pillaged and plundered, and no 358 'I'll K K NIGHTS I'l'.M PLAR, respect of person was shown to age or sex. The nursing child was snatched from its mother's breast and borne ruth- lessly away. Gray hairs were dabbled in blood, and inno- cent maidens shrieked in vain for mercy. Works of art, the admiration of the world, never again to be replaced, were destroyed. Old cathedrals, the handy workmanship of operative masons centuries ago, with towering minarets reaching heavenward, that had watched the stars in their course by night, and by day had caught the first rays of the rising sun and reflected its farewell benedictions among the aisles and arches, through windows dim with the dust of ages, escaped not the vandalism of the invading foe, and shot and shell completed the destruction of those wondrous structures, in which had been expounded for centuries the precepts of Christ : "Peace on earth and good will to men." God seemed to have abdicated, and the deity of the Am- monites to reign in His stead. Laws, courts, treaties, Chris- tianity, mercy and pity had disappeared, while the press and the pulpit and potentates of the contending nations, each, blasphemously claiming God on their side, alike exulted and urged the extermination of their foes by hellish engines of destruction, and that such ghastly warfare entitled the con- tending warriors to heroic badges and the thanks of Chris- tian nations. In the wake of this great misfortune we see the taunt- ing infidel trying to cast the shadow of doubt upon the soul that would fain love, trust and believe in that religion of which the Cross we wear is a symbol. He asks us, in the light of the misfortunes of this great war, to doubt the truth of revelation and the very existence of a beneficent God. lie asks us when swords are to be beaten into plow- shares and spears into pruning hooks, and the reign of Em- manuel, the prince of peace, will be perfect and everlasting, lie asks us if man is not after all but a little removed from HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 359 the savage, and all our boasted higher state of civilization and Christian professions but the creation of imagination — the heir-apparent of human vanity and self-conceit — and if when, as a guide, we abandon reason, the theology of the Pagans has not the same claim on our implicit faith as the religion in the defense of which we have sworn to wield our swords. This is not a pen-picture painted by imagination. Many a thoughtful mind is wavering in doubt and despair. Tt be- hooves us, then, as Knights Templar, as professors of a firm and unshaken belief in the Christian religion, wherever dis- persed throughout the globe, to see to it that our faith is so well grounded and complete that we shall never hear those painful whisperings of infidelity within our souls. Thrice blessed are they who never doubt and on whose soul never rests that awful shadow, which is the absence of Divine Light. Let us, therefore, as Knights of the valiant and mag- nanimous Order of Knights Templar, wherever dispersed throughout the globe, with unbiased minds, watch and pray for that day when this horrible war shall be ended and that day "when nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall thev learn war any more ; when the reign of Immanuel. the Prince of Peace, the Captain of our Salvation, shall be perfect and everlasting." — W. L. Milligan, Historian. The memorial committee, consisting of W. L, Milligan, H. L. Arnold and P. J. Wendel, presented the following- tributes to the deceased fraters, E. J. Hoffman, H. C. Miller, W. H. Sindel, W. B. Titus and Joseph Allison, which were read and approved by Ottawa Commander)- November 25, 1915: Tt can be trulv said that in our ranks — 360 I'll E KNIGHTS TEM 1'I.AK, Death's shafts fly thick; The cup goes round; And he so skilled as to put it by? There is always something sad about the death of any one, even when the allotted lifetime of man has passed, and old age, with its attendant infirmities, renders life almost a burden. Bttt how much more sad when the destroyer's hand strikes down manhood in the prime of life. A German philosopher conceived of the soul or spirit as springing- from the tomb as a flower. How lovely in tint, how sweet in odor, would he the flowers which might spring from the graves of the spirits, the ashes of whose bodies rest in peace. The smile has faded from our sight, and "silence now. enamored of the voices, locks its mute music in her rugged cell." Reviewing the long roll of departed worth, genius and trtte manhood in these memorial pages we are reminded that our lives are but as the sands upon the shore, our voices hut the evening zephyrs that dally the leaf for a moment, and pass away forever. 'Tis the wink of an eye, 'tis the draught of a breath, From the blossom of health to the paleness of death, From the gilded saloon to the bier and the shroud — Oh! why should the spirits of mortals be proud? Whence or how we came is a mystery. \\ hither we tend we know not. We do know that the survivors of us all shall tarry hut a little while here, and then join the mighty caravan that has gone forward to the infinite Beyond. As each falls his place is filled, and as these perish and fall away others advance and take their places, for whom also the seed- time and harvest, the snow and the rain, the sunshine and the storm, the flowers and the sweet music of birds shall come and go. And although the "dewy 1 sis" hath power to sewer the earthly bond, yet the spirits i)\ all true Sir Knights are still one, one in faith, in hope and in love, and one in HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 361 all that conquers death, for, in response, as in echo, to the "dust to dust and ashes to ashes" there comes ever the in- juring music of hope. In the vacant council chamber, and even in the saddened heart, hope, in form more beautiful than the Diana of Gre- cian mythology, stands as an angel of consolation, and her every breath fragrant with the promise of final victory, and of the glad time when there shall be no mystic orphanage of spirits that are fraternal; no more mystic divorce of hearts that are wedded. Even if we cannot touch the vanished hand or hear the sound of the voice that is still, the cheering consolation of our faith bids us ever hear in mind that — Death hath made no breach In love and sympathy, in hope and trust: No outward sign or sound our ears can reach; But there's an inward, spiritual speech That greets us still, though mortal tongue be dead, And bids do the work that they laid down." < Emil J. Hoffman. Born in Ottawa. Illinois, September 14, 1865; died in Ottawa, Illinois, August 5, 1914. Sir Knight Emil J. Hoffman was a native of our city and spent nearly all his life in this beautiful valley. He was ill but a short time, and his sudden taking off was a shock to those who knew and loved him for his many manly traits of character. He was a druggist by profession, and was in the employment of Marshall Field & Co., in the drug department, for ten years, when thirteen years ago he severed his connection with this firm and returned to his native town and obtained a position with the Western Cot- tage Piano and Organ Co., which position be held at the time of his death, lie was united in marriage twenty years ago and leaves surviving his widow and four sisters. His funeral services were conducted in the Masonic 362 I'll E K \ FGHTS I'l'.M 1'l.AK, temple under the auspices of Occidental Lodge, No. 40. A. F. & A. M. The interment was in Ottawa Avenue Ceme- tery, Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, acting as escort to Occidental Lodge, No. 40. A. I - '. & A. M. Sir Knight Emil J. Hoffman was affiliated with the fol- lowing Masonic bodies: Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M.; Shabbona Chapter. No. 37, R. A. M. ; Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. K. T. In his friendship he was true and steadfast. In his Ma- sonic duties he was enthusiastic and always ready to assist in the ceremonials or respond to appeals for charity. Ot- tawa Commandery valued him among her most valiant f rat- ers. His loss is mourned by his many friends, who extend, with Ottawa Commandery, their sympathy to his bereaved widow and sisters, who more than any others feel keenly their sad bereavement. Emil j. Hoffman, valiant and magnanimous Knight, hail and farewell! Henry Charles Miller. Born February 20, 1865; died December 12, 19 14. Sir Knight Henry Charles Miller was knighted in Ot- tawa Commandery September 14, 191 1, and retained his affiliation to the time of his death. He had made Serena, Illinois, his home for the past fourteen years prior to his death, working at his trade, that of blacksmithing. He was a man of spotless character and was admired by those who knew him longest and best. His patience and perseverance, his constancy and courage, his faith and humility, have doubtless culminated in the rich fruition of the paradise of God. His remains were deposited in their last resting place by the Masonic fraternity in the cemetery overlooking the beautiful vallev of the Fox river near Serena. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 363 To his aged mother and his two sisters, who survive him, and who most miss his genial smile and affectionate dis- position, Ottawa Commanderv extends its sympathy and condolence. I lenry Charles Miller, valiant and magnanimous Knight, hail and farewell ! William 1 [olland Sindel. Born in Ohio January 27, 1844; died in Marseilles. 111., May 30. 191 5. Sir Knight William Holland Sindel was a veteran of the civil war, having seen service at the hattle of Winchester, Morris Island and Petersburg, and was wounded on three occasions. After the war he located in Toledo, Ohio, where he worked at the carpenter trade. He came to Illinois in 1866 and located in Marseilles in 1871, where he has since resided. He was married to Miss Alida C. Wilsey March 21, [872, and. besides his widow, leaves two daughters and one son surviving, and to whom Ottawa Commandery extends its sincere sympathy and condolence. Sir Knight William Holland Sindel was knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, Mav 17. 1906, and has ever been a consistent and valued member of the order. He sleeps, but we would not awaken him, for we know- that having discharged all the duties of life as a soldier, patriot, a peaceful citizen, an honored and affectionate hus- band and father, and a faithful and valiant Knight of the order, he has nobly earned his rest, and we entertain the hope that when the blare of the trumpet shall summons his surviving friends and fraters there will be a meeting on the other shore where tears and sorrows are unknown. William Holland Sindel, valiant and magnanimous knight, hail and farewell ! ^>4 the knights templar, Walter Briggs Titus. P><>rn in Xew York September i, [824; died in Ottawa, Illinois, June 20, 1 9 1 5. Sir Knight Walter Briggs Titus was nearly 9] years old at the time of his death. I le was married to Miss Mary A. Buell December 25, [850, in Victor, Xew York, and moved to Ottawa, Illinois, in November, 1853, which was ever after their home. Mrs. Titus preceded Sir Titus to the Great Beyond hut a few years. Sir Titus was a contractor when he came to ( )ttawa and was assistant superintendent of the Illinois and Michigan canal for a number of years. He retired from active life in the early eighties. He is survived by two nieces and one nephew, who reside in Otta- wa. Interment was in Ottawa Avenue cemetery under the auspices of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar. He was raised in Occidental Lodge, No, 40, A. F. & A. M., November 23, 1874: demitted March [3, i S79, and a few years prior to his death affiliated with Humboldt Lodge, No. 555. A. F. & A. M. He was exalted in Shabbona Chapter, No. $~, April 7, 1S75, and knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, June 3, 1875. He was elected Com- mander of Ottawa Commandery December [3, iSSS. and re- elected December [2, [889. On January 17, 1881, he was elected Prelate of his Commandery, which office he held. with the exception of three years, two of which he was Com- mander, until and including the Templar year 1911. nearly thirty consecutive years. As Prelate he was considered the most impressive ritualist in this grand jurisdiction, and we who were knighted while he was officiating as Prelate know- that we became better knights and better citizens because of the impression he made on us in his rendition of the Templar ritual, well knowing that he was a firm believer HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 365 himself in every word he uttered, and his fidelity was and always has been an inspiration to those who were fortunate to witness the ceremonies as exemplified by him. Being" a truly Christian gentleman and a faithful com- mutor of the Congregational Church, he was most thorough- ly impressed with the principles and teachings of the Or- der of the Temple, and his appreciation and discerning in- telligence rose to the highest conception of all that is in- volved in the ritual, the esoteric mysteries, the sublime truths, and the deep foundations, the outward as well as the internal organization and government of the order. His belief in the usefulness of the institution and its beneficent effects in the elevation of humanity and as an instrument for the promotion of good was abiding and founded upon an intelligent and thorough appreciation of its principles and teachings. Sir Walter Briggs Titus was public-spirited to an un- usual degree, kind-hearted and charitable in the broadest sense of the word, and unselfish to an extent rarely known in these grasping and greedy times. Through all the mutations of changing fortune he maintained unsullied his knightly characteristics and left as his richest heritage an escutcheon untarnished, a reputation for probity, hospitality, benevo- lence and generosity which made his name revered by those who knew him longest and best. His honesty and probity was never assailed by the breath of calumy; his charity and benevolence never failed to give relief to the needy, and sympathy to the suffering, and his generosity was so open-handed and unselfish as to subject him not unfrequent- lv to the wiles of the sharper, even to his own pecuniary in- jury, but even this was impotent to check the generosity and kindly sympathies of his nature, which secured for him the well earned fame "for deeds of charity and acts of pure benevolence." 366 Til E KNIGHTS I'l'.M I'l.AK, Let ns bow lowly to his knightly deeds! He sleeps placidly in the beautiful cemetery on the banks ( :f the I Hint >is. Our esteemed frater passed away as quietly as he lived, and thus has been severed another link in the chain which unites us with the past. He passed through his earthly prilgrimage bearing his cross with humility and approached the dark river with a firm faith that his award awaited him on the other side. "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." To his immediate relatives Ottawa Commandery extends its sincere sympathies and condolences. Sir Walter Briggs Titus, valiant and magnanimous knight, hail and farewell ! Joseph Allison. Born July jo. 1801, at South Church, near Bishopauk- land. England; died September 1. [915, at Ottawa, Illinois. Sir Knight Joseph Allison came to the United Stales twenty years ago, and came direct to La Salle county. Illi- nois, from New York City, first residing in Streator, Illi- nois, for a short time, when he moved his family to ( )ttawa, where he has since resided. By occupation he was a locomo- tive engineer and had operated a switch engine in Ottawa, for the C, B. & O. railroad, since coming to this city. lie was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Hopper at Bishopaukland, England, February 21, 1886, and to this union seven children were born. ( Kir beloved frater was one of ( )ttawa's best known men. His was a lovable nature, and made him friends oi all his fellow workmen, who deeply mourned his untimely taking away. In the Masonic fraternity he held active membership in HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 367 Humboldt Lodge, No. 555, A. F. & A. M. ; Shabbona Chap- ter, Xo. 37, R. A. M., and Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar. He held many important offices in the above bodies, and served his Chapter as High Priest during the year 1906. His remains were deposited in their last resting place in the valley he loved so well by the Masonic fraternity. Sir Knight Joseph Allison was ever constant and de- voted to his Masonic duties and performed them with marked ability. Fidelity was his prominent characteristic, ever true to his Masonic obligations and trustworthy in all his dealings with mankind. His friendship was warm, his nature generous and his humanity broad and more mani- fest in action than in words; possessing all those virtues which are requisite to constitute a valiant and magnanimous knight. His faithful reliance on the promises of the Holv Scripture, and firm trust in the mercy of his Redeemer, which all true Sir Knights entertain, ensures us that his spirit passed oxer the trials and vicissitudes of his earthly pilgrimage to realms of life and light eternal. Our sincere sympathies and condolences are extended to his widow and fatherless children in their hour of sorrow. Joseph Allison, valiant and magnanimous knight, hail and farewell ! Alas! when all is said which we can say, Above the pallid, cold and silent clay, When throbbing, sobbing dirge and funeral song Their force have spent upon the mourning throng — When tone, as well, from speaker's voice has sped, Naught then is left but memories of our dead. EXCERPTA: As the handmaid of religion. Masonry (and Christian Knighthood) has an appropriate mission to perform, and as long as it confines itself to its proper sphere we have nothing to fear from the assaults of our enemies. But the disposition manifest in certain quarters to substitute Masonry (or Christian Knighthood) for the Church will, if persisted in, prove a death- blow to our institution. In its collective sense, the church em- 368 I'll E KNIGHTS TK.M I'l.AK, bracts all who profess to believe in Christ, and acknowledge Him to be the Saviour of mankind. With the different creeds of those who compos. ■ the church universal, we, as Templars, have nothing to do; and when assailed by bigotry and intolerance, instead of condemning the church, we should remember there was a Judas among the twelve, who, by transgression, fell and betrayed his Lord and Master. ADDENDA. From June 8, 19165 to April S, [917. The fifty-fifth annual conclave of Ottawa Command- ery was convened June 8, [9 [6, when the following offi- cers were elected for the ensuing Templar year : Joseph 1 fatheway Pearson Commander Albert Jay Roberts Generalissimo William Kirk Leverich Captain ( General Chark^ Arthur Briggs, Jr Prelate Albert Frederick Schoch Treasurer Robert Lucien Smith Recorder Ray Adelbert Carter Senior Warden William Phineas Fread Junior Warden John Arnold Edgcomb Standard Bearer Floyd Marsh De Lapp Sword Bearer James Chester Manning W arder John Harold Edgcomb Warder Pro Tern. JOS. H. PEARSON, E. C. 1916-17. ROBERT L. SMITH, Recorder 1901 to date. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 369 Joseph Adams Wilson Sentinel William Lee Roy Milligan Historian The above officers were duly installed into their re- spective stations June 22, 1916, by Henry L, Arnold, as- sisted by P. J. Wendel, as marshal. Past Commanders' night was held December 7, 1916, with W. L. Milligan, Past Commander, as Commander, when he conferred the Order of the Temple on F. C. Knowles. All the stations were filled by Past Commanders. Created: Leslie Edward Randall, Nov. 23; Frederick Stormont Knowles. Dec. 7; Sidney William Weise, Dec. 14; Walter Burnham Hartshorn, Jan. 4; Walter Clayton Lindemann, Jan. n. Demitted: E, H. Butterfield, Jan. 11; B. A. Roath, Jan. 25. Died: William R. Maxwell, Sept. 25, 1916; Simon C. Geiger, Jan. 27,, 191 7; William Henry Oilman, Feb. 17, 1917; Albert T. Lardin, March 31. 1917; Ami M. Marke- son, April 5, 191 7. On invitation from the pastor of the First Presbyterian church, the Rev. John F. Vonckx, Ottawa Commandery, with eighty-three swords in line, under command of Sir Joseph H. Pearson, Commander, attended Easter service at the First Presbyterian church April 8, 1917. The pastor welcomed the Commandery with a few well chosen words and delivered an interesting and instructive sermon, which, together with the excellent musical program, was greatly appreciated and most favorably commented on by the f raters who availed themselves of the privilege of being present. Ottawa Commandery on Easter Sunday afternoon per- formed the last sad rites for their beloved f rater Sir Ami Manuel Markeson. Thus, on Easter Sunday, we close the last chapter of the 3J I I I'll E K N [GHTS TKM I'l.AK, History of Ottawa Commandery. Max the God of our fathers be with yon and bless you now and forever mure. A I EMORIAM. When we had closed the history of Ottawa Command- ery June 8, [916, we had hoped that we had recorded, prior to its publication, the last of our fraters to pass to the great beyond. But death comes not at call: justice divine Mends not her slowest pace for prayers or cries. William Robert Maxwell. On the twenty-fifth day of September, 1916, while the autumn winds were wrestling" with the russet leaves of the forest, and sweeping with shadowy gusts the fields of ripen- ing corn, the spirit of our beloved frater, William Robert A lax well, passed from its tenement of clay to realms of Light and Life Eternal. William Robert Maxwell was horn in Tazewell county, West Virginia, July 12, 1865. Moved to Missouri when a young man. where he resided until 1890, when he came to Ottawa. Illinois, and embarked in the mercantile business, which he conducted until his death, displaying a marked business ability and enjoying the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. He was a member of Humboldt Lodge, No. 555, A. F. & A. M.; Shabbona Chapter, No. 37. R. A. M., and was knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Tem- plar, March 5. [9] 1. and of him it can be truly said that he exemplified, in his daily intercourse with his fellowmen, the virtues of a Christian gentleman, and illustrated a chivalrous devotion to the precepts of our magnanimous order, and we have no doubt but that he was prepared for the mandate of his Creator when called to the ( ireat Beyond, and, without dread or fear, laid aside his sword and buckler. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COM MANDERY. 371 To his widow and daughters, who most mourn his loss, Ottawa Commandery extend its most sincere sympathy and condolence, and commend them to Him who alone can af- ford them comfort and consolation in their hour of sorrow*. Sir William Robert Maxwell, knight, hail and farewell! Simon Conrad Geiger. "The life given us byi nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal." Never were the people of Ottawa more profoundly shocked than when, on the morning of January 24, 1 9 1 7 , they had learned of the sudden death of Simon Conrad Geiger on the evening previous, for less than twenty-four hours prior he had keen on the streets and in his place of business, apparently in his usual robust health and in his jolly, care-free and happy manner greeting his friends and patrons. Simon Conrad Geiger was born in Peru, Illinois, November 11, 1876, and came to Ottawa in 1890. He was engaged in the bakerv and confectioner}- business, and by his habits of strict integrity and conscientious attention to business made himself one of Ottawa's most reliable and successful merchants. Aside from his personal affairs he took a most active interest in educational work and was a member of the Board of Education at the time of his death, which position he had held several years, always working for the hetterment of the city's institutions of learning. Sir Simon Conrad Geiger was a member of Humboldt Lodge, No. 555, A. F. & A. M. ; Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., and was knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, January 18, [912. And we who knew him in the precincts of our asylum know that he lived under the influences of a Christian life, walked in its light, rested in its shadows, and, when life's work was done, its last battle fought and won, he was crowned with glory and immor- tality. 372 Til E KNIGHTS I I'M PLAR, To his widow and children and his aged parents, who most mourn his loss, we extend the most sincere sympathy and condolence of Ottawa Commandery in their hour of sor- row, and commend them to the mercies of Him who alone can afford them comfort and consolation. God's finger touched him and he slept. Sir Simon Conrad Geiger. knight, hail and farewell! William Henry Oilman. The memorials of our dead are very many now upon the pages of our history. Since our last animal conclave we have written the memorials of two of our beloved fraters into the pages of the history of Ottawa Commandery and now we must add that of the third, our beloved frater, Wil- liam Henry Gilman, who passed to his reward on the morn- ing of February 17, 19 17. Sir William Henry Gilman was born at Troy Grove, Illi- nois. May 10, 1849. Was raised in Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., April 11. [881, exalted in Shabbona Chapter. No. 37. K. A. M., July 6, 1881, passed the circle of perfection in Shabbona Chapter when the degrees were un- der the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter, R. A. M., in [881, and became charter member of Oriental Council. R. & S. M., when organized under the jurisdiction of the Grand Coun- cil, R. & S. M., of Illinois. He was created a Knights Tem- plar and Knight of Malta of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Ottawa Commandery, Xo. 10, K. T.. Novem- ber 23. 18S1. And in all these years he has maintained an unbroken affiliation in all these bodies. It was then that we were brought into intimate relationship with each other, and never once has our affection for each other been im- paired. We knew him in the pride and glory oi his vigor- ous and athletic manhood, and after an unbroken friend- ship for nearly forty years his death comes to us difficult HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 3/$ to realize and seems to herald the moment when all of our old-time friends and fraters shall have passed to the better life, and we, too, soon shall he called to that peaceful repose earned by the toils and cares of this world. "Billy" Oilman was faithful and true to his friends and was staunch and loyal to Free Masonry. The hand now palsied by death was never withdrawn from one in distress or want, charity and sympathy pulsated through his whole make-up with every throb of his big, noble heart, while his big bright eyes beamed with beacon lights of love. The last few months of his life were melancholy ones to us who knew him in the prime of his manhood. Like a great oak stricken and paralyzed by the lightning, its leaves dead, its limbs shattered and dying, the trunk decayed, he. dying slowly, lay prostrate at last with the life that God gave going slowly out of him. and his suffering ended. To our latest day the memory of Billy Gilman will be a pleasant savor to us, who knew him when in his best estate in our secret and select chambers in Masonry and Knight- hood. His presence was like the benediction of sunshine, and his cheery, hearty greeting an event to stir the blood of a stoic. . "His sunny spirit was like a stream, in whose depths the beautiful and pure alone are mirrored." But. alas! came the fateful summons, and obediently he laid down the armor he had worn so long and so worthily. He was devoted to his wife and daughter and sister, who are left to mourn his passing and to whom Ottawa Commandery extends its sympathy and condolence. Farewell, old friend! Sweet he thy slumbers! And may the autumn winds harp through the rustling leaves her soft- est requiem over you; may the winter's purest snows rest spotless on your grave; may spring entwine her brightest garlands o'er your tomb and summer gild them with the mildest sunshine. 374 I'll E KNIGHTS TEM l'l.AR, Albert Thom as Lakdix. For the fourth time since closing the History of Ottawa Commandery are we called to chronicle the death of one of our most illustrious f raters. Sir Albert Thomas Lardin. who passed to his reward March 31. 1917. Sir Albert Thomas Lardin was horn in Butler county. Pennsylvania, February _\ r863, the son of John \V. and Eliza (Rigby) Lardin. lie came with his parents to Illi- nois in [870 and settled in Ophir township. La Salle county. His boyhood days were spent on the farm. He acquired a good common school education while on the farm and then taking a course at University of Valparaiso. Val- paraiso, Indiana, graduated from that institution in 1884. after which he spent one year at the University of Michi- gan, when he came to Ottawa, Illinois, and entered the law office of Mayo & Widmer as a law student until admitted to the bar in 1888. He was elected Probate Judge of La Salle county in 1894. and, because of his capability, fairness anil systemat- ical administration of his office, has heen continuously main- tained, each year being elected by increased majorities, thus hearing witness to the fact of his popularity with attorneys, administrators, executors, guardians and litigants before his tribunal. Sir Lardin was united in marriage with Miss Ethelbert Morey in Santa Cruz, California. Septemher 26, 1900. To this one. bowed in grief. Ottawa Commandery extends its most profound sympathy and condolence. Sir Albert Thomas Lardin was raised in Occidental Lodge. No. 40. A. F. & A. M., April 2j, 1896: exalted in Shabbona Chapter, Xo. 37, R. A. \l.. April 14, 1807. and created a knight of the valiant and magnanimous order of Knights Templar, Knight of Malta of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, in Ottawa Commandery, May 12, [898. Death HISTORY OK OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 375 to him was disarmed of its terrors by a firm reliance upon the merits of that hallowed sacrifice offered by the blessed Immanuel, in his passing the portals of that Asylum of Peace beyond the veils of this earthly tabernacle. Sir Albert Thomas Lardin was emphatically a great- hearted man, overflowing with charity and good will. He was the poor man's friend, the comforter and helper of the suffering and unfortunate. It was this knightly trait that lent such a personal charm to his presence and gave that refinement and courtesy and grace to his bearing every- where. He was admired for his mental gifts and acquire- ments, but he was loved for his goodness. So his death brings a sad sense of loss, a pang of per- sonal bereavement, to all who knew him. Who does not feel that here is the true glory of manhood, in his consecra- tion to noble aims, this fidelity to unselfish ends, this toil- ing" for human welfare, never so happy as when lifting some heavy burden from another's shoulders, truly cheered by the divine whisper, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto Me"? Sir Albert Thomas Lardin, knight, hail and farewell ! Ami Manuel Markeson. The death damp still pervades our asylum; we look and long for a presence, and a shadow appears; a footfall is ever at the door, but never enters; we look up to greet one for whom our soul yearns as the embodiment of love, light and happiness, but no one is there. Sir Knights, it behooves us to pause and reflect, since we have had so recently demonstrated to us the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death in this state of existence. It is with sincere grief that we are called to chronicle in this volume the death of Sir Ami Manuel Markeson. who was so recently among us enjoying the best of health and 37< i 'I'll E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, surrounded with everything to make life worth living for. But he is gone. The places thai once knew him will know him no more forever. I lis presence will be missed in our asylum, but how much more so by the fireside of his happy home, where his orphaned daughters will while away the hours of sorrow weeping for the father gone, never more to return. To them we offer the sincere sympathies and con- dolences of Ottawa Commandery. Sir Markeson was born in Miller township, La Salle county, Illinois. November 19. 1805. He moved to Ottawa two years ago from his farm north of Seneca. He was chairman of the board of supervisors of Grundy county for several years. He died April 5, [917, after a short illness. He was prominent in Masonic circles, being- a member of Seneca Lodge. Xo. 532, A. F. & A. M., Shabbona Chap- ter. Xo. 37, R. A. M., and was created a Knight Templar, Knight of Malta of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, in Ottawa Commandery, Xo. 10, K. T.. May 6, 19 16. Ami Manuel Markeson. knight, hail and farewell! HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 2>77 THE BEYOND. It seemeth such a little way to me Across to that strange country — beyond; And yet not strange, for it has grown to be The home of those of whom I am so fond. They make it seem familiar and most dear, As visiting friends bring distant regions near. So close it lies when my sight is clear I think I almost see the gleaming strand. I know I feel those who have gone from here Come near enough sometimes to touch my hand. I often think but for our veiled eyes We should find Heaven round about us lies. I cannot make it seem a day to dread, When from this dear earth I shall journey on To that still dearer country of the dead. And join the lost ones, so long dreamed about. I love this world, yet shall I love to go And meet the friends who wait for me I know. I never stand above a bier and see The seal of death set on some well-loved face, But that I think one more to welcome me. When I shall cross the intervening space Between this land and the one over there, One more to make the strange beyond seem fair. And so for me there is no sting of death. And so the grave has lost its victory. It is but crossing with abated breath And white set face a little strip of sea, To find the loved ones waiting on the other shore, More beautiful, more precious than before. 378 Til E KNIGHTS TKM I'l.Ak. v~J ■ . . .-J ....;: C Oj .a ~ s T3 "H 1 55 a a a c 1 — o ■/: ra m 1* t. C „ a a c a a a: a — — a ^ ^ I S .* -a o ~ a o ■ ■Jist^i.^^r""-"-" ^oi r - r -i|Smm^Sii|sSS|Ss '^ ccJ ^d rtc^ • * o o *~^» • • 0) O c3 03 x ad M ,3 a ^ -5 a a:' ^ a:>- ddci^dpihsi^u^^^-c- cQ(omcQ KRY. 379 lflt-t>IZ)(»»00OO01OHOHNfl>t-00fflHM*M*te 3 g *G cp f— ■ ^ m £ g .2 *W E-| > 9 > x cj * 5 Oh QO §s S3 . cG <| CP CP b£ M XJ X3 0) 0/ cp e bJj-= rC X Cp 05 G > 2 « • CD £ 3 ^ . S -55S cpcdcpcc-^-^s^cpi-jo • CD £7.3 .3 .3 cp 3 2 « • a w ^ o « CP cm X5 CO -G . X u - 3 3 3 S "3 "3 X3 ■ ^ ^ C cp £ • ►> ,<~ 5 1 • o CO a^ 5 £ c o o ~ — Q >'0'£ ■/. Q I- o o >> ?. £ Z 3,^X5 U >> >> • • • xj • • H o M S I : : : o a a S * B M 2 2 . ' " ■g- = - = scp2Go50 _«CCOOO<(a3a3>3C>oo Q a> ti k x ^ X fH e- < I o ^ xj xj xs ■ • • 3 ■- — ■ — ' h en no s • • 3 h _• .3 •rgo^So^ s s o Oj co 5 £ g 3 2^ l~3 > 5 G > G 05 g O' g-O, G o S^ £ °* , 3^ £ 3 ■ • £3 X X! X >> >> >> • • CJ CJ v v 3 03 3 ; ; o o o o ^ sj ij o g ouoo * * S %%uimmai 5 2 5 3 3 fc fx, &h 6h G G 3 QQQ £«:«. — = 3 G G ££x CU CP CD CP . . . £} X X X CO W X ^ r: r: o o cp cu * # * •■CO st ho o o * cp „GGO„ H J J ^Q t, >> >> CP bJD « i: ? f c Olj f-i C >-■ — < -a cp cp cp > CP > X) ; > hf) m T3 ^ a) a X fc G P t G o - G O PP C Q o - X '_ § !-J ^ - 6 w fl d G - 6 d £ CP fl C3 CU s£ CP O O Cp CP cp g CP ^ H -2 3 CP >» O M H^ G S HNK^Ui!et-(l0C»OHNM'*115(St-I»81OHNM'*lffl!e oscTsasasassiaiaiCiOOOoooooooT— it— (t— i^hi— ii— ii— i KiMMCOOToococoaicROicncncrjcnjjaioscncriCrjcncTicncricn o m- ° ^ .2 <» , -2g.2 o cp t. t< cp CP 1-3 iS ' xi a *"' b/} G X! -3 E-i G -3 ® m Xl G^« 9 C8 > 03 W) X; ^ -3 G -S>-CX3 g *^% ^ ^ O S?l £ ° m -HO-2 cv G G 3 to P 3 cp cp O « ^ 2 >' g tH -3 cS ■2.2 ^g X 03 G CP Si G m O G bJD G br o G — . rrt ■" xH 5© O C7i bJDrH ^> G ■*> ■3 a - > rS CP - * ^ O 3 u x a -i: g ?80 'I'll E KNIGHTS I l-.M PL \U, [F WE ONLY UNDERSTOOD. If we knew the cares and trials, Knew the efforts all in vain, And the bitter disappointment, Understood the loss and gain — Would the grim, eternal roughness Seem — 1 wonder — just the same? Should we help where now we hinder? Should we pity where we blame? Ah! we judge each other harshly. Knowing not life's hidden force- Knowing not the fount of action Is less turbid at its source! Seeing not amid the evil All the golden grains of good; And we'd love each other better If we only understood. Could we judge all deeds by motives That surround each other's lives, See the naked heart and spirit, Know what spur the action gives — Often we would find it better Just to judge all actions good; We should love each other better If we only understood. — Rudyard Kipling. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. DAUGHTER COMMANDERIES. Temple Commandery, No. 20, Princeton, 111., was chartered October 23, [866. Among its charter members were Joseph Mercer, Philo Hamlin Zeigier, Jefferson Har- rison Fawcett, George Crossley and William 1. Moore, who were knighted in Ottawa Commandery and demitted for the purpose of becoming charter members of Temple Command- ery. This is one of the staunchest Commanderies in Illi- nois. In 1915 their returns to the Grand Commandery showed a membership of 150, with an average of 88 points in standing on inspection. St. John's Commandery, No. 26, Pern, 111., was char- tered October 22, 1867. Among its charter members were John Brevoort, Ira B. N. Bross, David A. Cook, Jonathan Duff, Henry D. Brown, P. J. Davis, George Emerson, Reuben Evarts, C. A. T. E. Holmes and George W. Lin- inger, who were knighted in Ottawa Commandery and de- mitted for the purpose of becoming charter members of St: John's Commandery. Fraternal courtesies have been the distinguishing char- acteristics between Ottawa Commandery and St. John's Commander}* ever since its organization. For genuine hos- pitality they are unexcelled. According to report to the Grand Commander}- in 1915 they had a membership of 1 15, and had an average of 90 points in standing on inspec- tion. Bethany Commandery, No. 2i>, Mendota, 111., was chartered October 27, 1868. George Emerson, David A. Cook, Casper Ruedy, J. M. Liscom, P. S. Davis, C. B. Gould and W. V. Bromfield demitted from St. John's Command- ery for the purpose of becoming charter members of Bethany 3©2 I II E KNK.II IS ThM I'l.AU, Commandery. The first four of whom were knighted in Ot- tawa Commandery and demitted to organize St. John's ( Commandery at I Vru, 111. Bethany Commandery, according t<> report to Grand Commandery in 1015. had a membership of 95 and an aver- age of 90 •points in standing on inspection. Bethany is a royal entertainer. Streator Commandery, No. 70, Streator, 111., was chartered October -'4, [905, Since Streator Commandery drew from Ottawa Commandery fifty-eight as valiant and magnanimous knights as ever wielded a sword or knelt around our sacred altar we, with just pride, look upon this Commandery as the child of Ottawa Commander}-. Those who demitted from Ottawa Commandery for the purpose of becoming charter members of Streator Com- mandery were J. T. Applegate, J. C. Ames, L. L. Bennion, B. L. Bonar, C. C. Brooker, E. II. Bailey, O. H. Bourne, S. A. Blanchard, W. H. Boys, Thos. Bawden, J. A. Curry. W. S. Cherry. L. R. Colley, P. R. Chubbuck, B. F. Cole- houer. J. M. Davidson, A. J. Daugherty, I. F. Echard, W. C. Flick, J. W. Fornof, L. L. Craves, O. Griggs, O. H. Howe, L. I). Howe, R. J. Howells, D. E, Huggans, Hugh Hall, M. W. Jack. W. It. Jennings, \Y. B. Jones, Joseph Kopf, R. W. Law. M. J. Luther. L. O. Lorenz, S. McFee ley. F. L. Mills, 11. L. Manly. J. C. Pirkey, M. C. Pirkey, C. II. Rathbun, C. T. Ryan. W. L. Ross. Walter Reeves, R. S. Scharfenberg, S. Smith, W. L. Smith. A. R. Van Skiver, C. R. Schurman, J. X. Shinn, James Sexton. T. II. Silencer. C. II. Williams, \Y. J. Williams and J. R. Wil- liams. Harry M. Taggart and John M. Stewart afterward demitted from Ottawa Commandery and affiliated with Streator Commandery. Ottawa Commandery was proud of this company oi II IS Kim OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 383 men, and it was a pleasure to have the honor to recommend their petition for a new Commandery at Streator, notwith- standing the numerical loss to Ottawa Commandery, for Ottawa Commandery well knew that with their character- istics so well fitted to add to the honor and glory of Templar Masonry in Illinois that Streator Commandery would soon attain an eminence of high standing in the councils of the Grand Commandery of Illinois, which has been verified in the preferment of one of its youngest Commanders, Em. Sir William Henry Jennings, as Grand Warder of the Grand Commandery at the annual conclave in 19 14. The returns to the Grand Commandery for 191 5 show Streator Com- mandery with a membership of T23 and with an average of 96 points on inspection, which is certainly a wonderful record for so young a Commandery, notwithstanding nearly sixty of her membership had their early training in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10. For hospitality and knightly courtesies Streator Com- mandery is unexcelled and has hut few equals. These ex- changes are quite frequent between the "child" and its "mother" and are greatly enjoyed by the entire family. La Salle county is the only county in the state of Illinois in which there are located more than two Commanderies, except Cook and Champaign, and Champaign has but two Commanderies. La Salle county has four Commanderies, namely, Ottawa, No. 10, Ottawa; St. John's, No. 26, Peru; Bethany, No. 28, Mendota, and Streator, No. 70, Streator, with a total membership per returns to the Grand Com- mandery in [915 of five hundred and seventy-four HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 385 MEMBERSHIP OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY No. 10 K. T., From Organization, February 1, [861, A. O. 743. to February 1, 1917, A. O. 799. A glorious company, the flower of men, To serve as model for the mighty world, And be the fair beginning of a time. I made them lay their hands in mine and swear To reverence — their conscience as their king, To break the heathen and uphold the Christ, To ride abroad redressing human wrongs, To speak no slander, no, nor listen to it, To lead sweet lives in purest chastity; Not only to keep down the base in man. But teach high thoughts and amiable words, And courtliness, and the desire of fame, And love the truth, and all that makes a man. Charter Members. Gray, Oliver Cromwell. Brilliant lawyer and poet; member law firm Gray, Avery & Bnshnell ; created in Pittsburg Commandery, No. i, Pittsburg, Pa.; Eminent Commander Otta- wa Commandery under dispensation; de- mitted February 2, 1869. Wallace, William Heryy Lam me. Son of John Wal- lace, of Deer Park ; lawyer ; State's Attorney 1852-57; served in Mexican war; Colonel Eleventh Illinois Infantry, and promoted Brigadier General at Pittsburg Landing, where he was killed in battle April 10. 1862; was created in Blaney Commandery, Xo. 5, K. T., Morris, 111., in 1858; charter member and first Captain General of Ottawa Com- mandery, U. D. 38I I ill E In NIGHTS TI'.M PLARj PECKHAMj John B. Musician; Utica, 111.; created in Blaney Commandery, No. 5. K. T., Morris, 111., t86o; charier member ( )ttawa Command- ery, No. 10. EC. I '., t86] ; Commander [863; Grand Sword Bearer Grand Commandery [864; demitted December 9, [875. RhoadSj James. Farmer, residing in Dayton township; created in Pittsburg Commandery, No. 1, Pittsburg, Pa.; Commander Ottawa Com- mandery [862, and held a continuous mem- bership from charter member to date of death. April iS, [goo; retired from farm several years prior to his death and was one of Ot- tawa's most respected citizens: a sturdy yeo- man of the 1 ild school. Stone. Daniel C. Ottawa; physician of high standing; charter member and Warder Ottawa Com- mandery, I*. D., [86] : demitted April 7, [868. Walker, David. Came to Ottawa with his father. Dr. David Walker, [826; druggist: served as mayor of Ottawa, and was member of hoard of education several years; was a prominent and progressive citizen; charter member Ot- tawa Commandery ; Generalissimo [861, [862 and [872; demitted May 1, [866; reaffiliated February 9, 1K71 : demitted February 8, [877. Whitman, Qtjincy 1). Ottawa; revenue collector ; created in Blaney Commandery. No. 5, k. T., Mor- ris, 111.. [860; charter member Ottawa Com- mandery; Sword Bearer [868; demitted May 9, [872. McMillan. William B. Ottawa; merchant: charter HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 387 member Ottawa Commandery; stricken from the roll in [862. Goodsell, Rier X. Ottawa; grain merchant; created in Blaney Commandery, No. 5, Morris, 111., [860; charter member Ottawa Commandery; Generalissimo [863; Grand Sword Bearer Grand Commandery [863; demitted Dec. 6, [864. Miner, Samuel C. Ottawa; grain merchant; created in Blaney Commandery, No. 5, Morris, 111., [860; charter member Ottawa Commandery and Warder [86] : Standard Bearer [862 and [863; Captain General [864; demitted Aug. 7, [866. Crane, Charles S. C. Ottawa; detective agency; created in Blaney Commandery, No. 5, Morris, 111., i860; charter member Ottawa Commandery and Captain of the Guard [86] and [862; Sword Bearer [865 ; demitted April 26, 1877. Ashton, Daniel H. Ottawa; merchant tailor ; created in Blaney Commander)-, No. 5, Morris, 111., i860; charter member Ottawa Command- ery and Standard Bearer 1861 ; S. 1867. Created and Affiliated in Ottawa Commandery Since Organization. Gibson, William L. Ottawa; furniture, drugs, grain; created March 7, [861; Generalissimo 1867; Commander [868; demitted Feb. m. [880; affiliated with Eldorado Commandery, No. 19, Eldorado, Kan.: elected honorary mem- ber Ottawa Commandery March 22, [888; is buried in Ottawa Avenue cemetery. 388 THE KNIGHTS I' I'M I' I. AK, WadEj Thomas Jefferson. Ottawa; proprietor old Man- sion Mouse that stood on corner of Main and Court streets; created March 7, [86] : Com- mander [864 and [866; Prelate [865; de- mitted Dee. 14, 1876; was active in Masonic circles, especially in the symbolic branch. Xasii. John Fisk. Ottawa; came to Ottawa in 1847; admitted to bar in [849; Clerk Circuit Court and Recorder 1855 to 1861, inclusive; Clerk State Senate 1861 and 1865, inclusive; cash- ier First National Bank thirty-five years ; created March 8, 1861 ; Senior Warden 1862- 63, and Junior Warden 1868; Commander 1869-76, inclusive; Grand Commander Grand Commandery Illinois 1878; died July 6, 1913; buried with Templar honors. Mason, Levi. Ottawa; superintendent Gas Co.; created March 8. 1861 ; Recorder 1862; Standard Bearer 1865; demitted June 6, 1865, and moved to Titusville, Pa., where he affiliated with Commandery; was prominent business man. Gibson, Theodore Cunningham. Furniture dealer and manufacturer of farm machinery in early clays of Ottawa: elected member Illinois Legisla- ture [862; served as County Agent several years, and in the insurance business; created March 8, [861 ; Captain General 1803; Gen- eralissimo 1864; Standard Bearer [866; Warder 1807, 1874 and [890; Sword Bearer 1880; Captain General 1883. 1893 and [894; Commander 1884 and 1885; Treasurer [896 to 191 r, inclusive; died Sept. jt,. t 9 i i : HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 389 buried with Templar Ik mors; served his country in the war with Mexico and the civil war. Lininger, George W. Peru, 111.; created July 23, 1861 ; Warder 1862; Prelate [866; Commander \^C)y: demitted Oct. 22, 1867, as charter member St. John's Commandery, No. 26, Peru, 111.; moved to Nebraska and became prominent in Masonic circles. Walker, Samuel C. Ottawa; lawyer; son of George E. Walker, first Sheriff" of La Salle county; created Aug. 6, 1861 ; Treasurer 1862 and 1868, inclusive; died Oct. 24, 1869; buried with Templar honors. Lamb, John F. Farmer, Rutland township, on Chicago road; created Aug. 13. 1861 ; Sword Bearer 1862; Warder 1863 and 1864; Generalis- simo 1865 and 1866; Senior Warden 1867: demitted Nov. 9, 1871 ; moved to Kansas. Avery, Julius C. Ottawa : lawyer ; ex-mayor Ottawa : member law firm Gray, Avery & Bushnell ; one of the legal lights of the La Salle county bar; candidate for Congress on Democratic ticket 1870; created Aug. 7, 1861 ; Junior Warden 1862; died Nov. 22, 1870: buried with Masonic honors. Clark, Hexrv F. Ottawa; member firm Colwell, Clark & Stebbins, contractors and builders; created Dec. 10, 1861 ; Junior Warden 1864; Senior Warden, [865 and [866; Generalissimo t868 and 1869; demitted Dec. 14, 1876. Brown, Henry D. Ottawa: created Dec. 10, 1861 ; Pre- late 1863; demitted Nov. 5, 1867. 390 'I'll E K NIGHTS TKM I'l.AU. Rice, [ohn Brooks. Lawyer: ex-mayor Ottawa ; created Dec. 10. [86] : Standard Bearer [864; Ward- er 1866; died Feb. 24, [896; was a ripe scholar and one of the brightest legal lights that ever practiced before the La Salle coun- ty bar: buried with Masonic honors. Perrin, C. C. Utica, 111.: merchant: created Dec. 20, [86] : Sword Hearer [863; S. March 4. 1S7S. Colwell, John. Ottawa: contractor; member firm Col- well, Clark & Stebbins; created Feb. 4. 1862; Junior Warden [863, [865 and [866; Stand- ard Bearer [867; S. Aug. 21, 1877. Hatheway, Elias Cushman. Groceries; nursery: dep- uty Sheriff [883 to [886, inclusive; created March 4. [862; Junior Warden [878 to 1882, inclusive; demitted Sept. 8, 1887. Cleveland, Festus R. Ottawa: minister: created April 1. 1862: demitted Dec. 1. 1863. Stout, [ohn. Ottawa: merchant: insurance: created June 3. 1862; Recorder [803, 1869 and 1897 in part : Treasurer 187c); died Oct. 21 , [913; buried with Templar Ik mors. Lixin.i'.Y, Philo. Ottawa: Circuit Clerk ; Quartermaster 53d 111. during civil war: created Oct. 4. [862; killed at Altoona, Ga., June 24, [864; buried with Masonic honors. Burgess, George John. Ottawa; machinist and plumber: created March 7. [863; Captain of the Guard [864; Commander 18(15: Prelate 181)7. [868, [869 and [872 to [880, inclusive; Generalis- simo 1870 and 1871: demitted Jan. 1 2, 1SS2. Km 11. GuSTAVUS. Ottawa; druggist: created March 24. [863; demitted March 8. [866. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 39 1 Stebbtns, George S. Ottawa; County Treasurer 1861 and 1862, inclusive; created March 24, 1863; Sword Bearer [864; Captain General, [865, 1866 and 1867; died Nov. 29, [867; buried with Templar honors. Williams, William H. Ottawa; English capitalist: re- sided in E. Ottawa; created June 16, 1863; demitted May 3, 1864; returned to England where lie soon after died. Clark, Thomas H. Ottawa; principal third ward school; our old teacher; created June 23, [863; Re- corder 1864 to 1870, inclusive; demitted Jan. 13, 1876; moved to Aurora, where he ac- cepted a position in the public schools. Bross, Ira B. N. Peru. 111.: created Sept. 18, [863; Jun- ior Warden 1867; demitted Oct. 22, 1867, and afhiiated with St. John's Commandery, No. 26, Peru, 111., as charter member. Wade, Edward M. English capitalist; resided on north- west bluff on Townsend farm; created Sept. [8, [863; demitted Sept. 14, 187O, and re- turned to England. Ciieever. Silas W. Ottawa; merchant on Main street; created Nov. 2- . 1863; demitted Jan. 2~j , 1884; was prominent citizen and pillar in the Methodist church. Stover, Seymour. Ottawa; minister; affiliated Dec. 1, 1863. bv demit from Blaney Commandery, Xo. 5, Morris, 111.; Grand Prelate Grand Commandery of Illinois 1863 to 1807, inclu- sive; Prelate Ottawa Commandery [864; de- mitted Jan. 13, 1S70. PvAWSON, De Witt S. Peru, ill.; created April 23, 1864; 3<)-' THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, demitted Oct. 22, [867, as charter member St. John's Commandery, Peru. Palmer, William. Ottawa; wagon manufacturer ; creat- ed April 23, [864; Captain of the Guard 1865 and 1866; demitted Feb. 8, 1877 ; had wagon factory on corner Columbus street, opposite Baptist church. Bowman, William E. Ottawa; photographer; member city council in earl_\- days; postmaster 1882 to 1886; created May [3, [864; Warder [865; Sword Hearer [866 and 1867: Captain Gen- eral 1868; Standard Bearer 1869 and 1870: demitted Nov. 12, 1903. by non-affiliation in blue lodge. Maoill, Mathew. Peru. 111.; affiliated April 5, [864; de- mitted May 1 . [866. Duff, Jonathan. Peru. 111.; created July 5. [864; de- mitted March 3, [868. Ransom, Thomas E. G. Peru, 111. ; promoted Colonel t ith Illinois during civil war on advancement of Wallace to Brigadier General. ; created July 23, 1804; died near Rome, (ia., Oct. 29, 1864; his portrait hangs in the reception room of Ottawa Commandery along side of that of Gen. Wallace; buried with Masonic honors. Ramsey, John L. Peru, 111.: created Dec. 7. [865; de- mitted Dec. 4. 1800. Pi-.ll. William E. Ottawa: bridge builder and contrac- tor; created March 6, [866; E. Nov. 14, 1871. Chapman, Frank B. Ottawa; express agent: created March [3, i860; demitted Dec. 14. 1871. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 393 Zeigler, Philo H. Princeton, 111. ; created April io, 1866: demitted same date as charter member Temple Commandery, No. 20, Princeton, 111. Fawcett, Jefferson H. Princeton, 111.; created April 10, 1866, and demitted same date to become char- ter member of Temple Commandery, No. 20, Princeton, 111. Mercer, Joseph. Princeton, 111.; created April 10, 1866, and demitted same date to become charter member of Temple Commandery, No. 20, Princeton. 111. Moore, William I. Princeton, 111.; created April 10, 1866, and demitted same date to become char- ter member of Temple Commandery, No. 20, Princeton, 111. Crossley. George W. Princeton, 111. ; created April 20, 1866, and demitted same date to become char- ter member of Temple Commandery, No. 20, Princeton, 111. Gondolf, Joseph. Ottawa; harness manufacturer; creat- ed May t. 1866; Captain of the Guard 1867 and 1868; S. Sept. 9, 1875. BusHNELL, Washington. Lawyer; member linn Gray, Avery & Bushnell; State Senator i860 to 1864, inclusive; city attorney three years and State's Attorney four years and elected At- torney General of Illinois 1868; created July 24, 1866; died June 30, 1885; buried with Masonic honors. Hou gh tali ng, Charles. Ottawa; Captain Houghtaling's battery during civil war ; created July 24, 1866; demitted March 5, 1867. 394 Til E KNIGHTS TEM PLAR, Holmes, Conrad A. T. K. Mendota, 111.; created Jan. 22, [867; demitted Oct. 22, [867, to become charter member St. John's CommandeFy, No. 26, Peru, 111.; was afterward charter member Bethany Commandery, No. 28, Mendota, 111. Ri'kdv, Casper. Mendota. 111.; created Jan. 22, [867; de- mitted Oct. 22, [867, to become charter mem- ber of St. John's Commandery, No. Jo, Peru, 111.; was afterward charter member Bethany Commandery. No. 28, Mendota, 111. Stannard, George F. Mendota, 111.: created Jan. 22, [867; demitted Oct. 22, 1807. to become charter member St. John's Commandery, No. 26, Peru, 111.; was afterward charter mem- ber Bethany Commandery, No. 28, Mendota, 111. Emerson, George. Mendota, 111.; created Jan. 22, 1S07: demitted Oct. 22, [867, to become charter member St. John's Commandery, No. 26, Pern, 111.; was afterward charter member of Bethany Commandery, No. 28, Mendota, 111. Liscom, Jason M. Mendota, 111.; created Feb. 5. [867; de- mitted Oct. 22, 1867, to become charter mem- ber of St. John's Commandery, Xo. _>o, Peru. 111.; was afterward charter member ^\ Beth- am- Commandery, Xo. 28, Mendota. 111. Cook, David Ajlpheus. Mendota, 111.; moved to Ottawa in the early seventies; lawyer and bank ex- aminer for lil teen years prior to his death: created Feb. 5, [867, to become charter mem- ber St. John's Commandery, Xo. 26, Pern. 111.; was afterward charter member Bethany Commandery, Xo. 28, Mendota, 111., of which HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 395 Commander}- he was Captain General 1868. 1869 and 1870; he was also Captain General of St. John's Commandery, No. 26, Pern, 111., U. D. ; on moving to Ottawa, 111., in [876, he demitted from Bethany Command- cry, No. 28. Mendota, 111., and affiliated with Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, March 9, 1877; Warder Ottawa Commandery 1878; died Sept. 21, 1905: was one of Ottawa's most respected and honored citizens. Davis, Preston J. Mendota, 111.; created Feb. 5, 1867; demitted Oct. 22, 1867, to become charter member St. John's Commandery, No. 26, Pern, 111.; afterward became charter member Bethany Commandery, No. 2S<, Mendota, 111. Everts, Reuben. Pern, 111.; created April 2, 1867; de- mitted Oct. 22, 1867, to become charter mem- ber of St. John's Commandery, No. 26, Pern, 111. Brevoort, John. Rutland. 111.; created April 2, [867; demitted Oct. 22, 1867, to become charter member o\ St. John's Commandery, Xo. _'(», Pern. 111. Norris, George IP Came to Ottawa in 1835; owned ferry on Illinois river; County Surveyor ten years; justice of the peace; admitted to the bar in [839; established "The Bank ^i Ot- tawa." now the First National Bank; helped build the Ottawa starch factor)-; moved to Colorado, thence to Florida; created July 16. [867; demitted Oct. 8, 1874. McArthur, Robert McKim. Ottawa; physician; creat- ed Feb. 13, 1868; Junior Warden 1869 and 39^ Til E KNIGHTS TKM PLAR, [870; Senior Warden [87] to [876, inclu- sive; Generalissimo [877 to [879, inclusive, and 1881 to [884, inclusive; Commander [880; died Aug. [2, [886; buried with Tem- plar honors. Morrison, John Lyall. Ottawa; clerk in general store for Win. Reddick several years; served through civil war in Ilenshaw's battery; created Feb. [8, [868; Senior Warden 1869 and [870; Sword Bearer 1873 to 1875. inclu- sive; Generalissimo 1876; Captain General 1877 and 1878; S. April 12, [883. Ford, Joseph. Ottawa: farmer; created March 3, 1868; S. April 5. 1875. Stout. Charles. Ottawa; dry goods merchant; created April 28, [868; demitted Aug. 10. 1871. Trask, Ozell. Ottawa; jeweler; created May 5, [868; demitted Aug. 13, 1880. Cameron, John Rush. Ottawa; dry goods merchant; appointed postmaster by President Grant in 1869; created May 28, 1868; Treasurer [869; Generalissimo 1873. 1874 and 1875; moved to Clifton. 111., where he (.lied May 22, 1905 ; remains brought to Ottawa and buried with Templar honors. Herrick, Ehward L. Ottawa; Deputy County Clerk sev- eral years; Quartermaster 104th 111. during civil war; created May 28, [868; Warder [869; Recorder 1872 to [876, inclusive; died April 11. [876; buried with Templar honors. Charles P. Clark. Episcopal minister; no record of his creatine or affiliating with Ottawa Command- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 39/ ery; his name first appears among the list oi members in the proceedings of the Grand Commandery in [868 and is also contained in the proceedings for the years 1868, 1869 and 1870; he died Dec. 26, 1870. Hapeman, Douglas. Ottawa; created June id, 1868; Standard Bearer 1880; associate editor Free Trader several years; proprietor news and hook store, now Kneussl Bros.; established first electric lighting plant in Ottawa; lien- tenant-colonel 104th 111. during the civil war; was an upright and honorable citizen ; loved by all who knew him; died June 3, 1905. Batcheller, David. Ottawa; clerk for Win. Reddick several years ; in Henshaw's battery during civil war; created June 23, 1868; Sword Bearer [869; Warder 1870; Junior Warden 1 87 1 to 1875, inclusive, and 1889; Captain General 1892; Recorder, 1889 to 1891, inclu- sive, and [893 to 1896, inclusive, and acted as Recorder in j 892 when Captain General; died Dec. 2^>, 1896, and buried in Ottawa A'venue cemetery with Templar honors. Fiske, Francis Lyman. Ottawa; clothing, firm Fiske & Beem ; created Aug. 18, 1868; Standard Bearer 1871, 1872 and 1879; died July 2^, 19 10. Smith, Edward Henry. Ottawa; cigar manufacturer, firm Smith & Rising in the 70's ; created Aug. 18, 1868; Captain General [869 to 1876, in- clusive, and 1 88 1 to 1890, inclusive; Com- mander 1877 to 1879, inclusive, and [882 and 1883; died Jan. 3, [914; buried with Masonic honors. 39 8 III E KNIGH TS TEM PLAR. Barber, Ebenezer. Marseilles; bridge contractor and builder ; created Jan. [9, [869; died Aug. 30, 1912; buried with Masonic honors. CoaNj Edwin. Ottawa; minister; created Feb. _\ [869; demitted Aug. 1 2, [869. Harris, Justus. Ottawa; city marshal several years; created Feb. [6, [869; Captain of the Guard [872 to [876, inclusive, and [884; died Nov. 27, [888; buried with Templar honors. McCaleb, Hubert A. Ottawa; Sheriff [867 and [868; County Oerk [873 to [877, inclusive; colonel of a colored regiment during the civil war; created Feb. 23, [869; Sword Bearer 1871 and j^/j; demitted March 14, [878. DeWolFj Erastus. Ottawa; created March ,:;, [895; buried with Ma- sonic honors. Simon, Anthony David. Music store and teaeher of mu- sic ; created March 30, 1869; organist for the Commander}- since be- coming' a member; at the present writing the sen- ior in membership among the living of ( Mtawa Commandery with a con- tinuous membership oi forty-eight years. A. D. SIMON. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 399 Nichol, John Tilton. Rutland township; farmer; created June 4, [869; demitted Feb. 11, 1 880. Todd, Walter. Ottawa; proprietor old City Mills on La Salle street; created June 1 _\ [869; demitted Nov. 1 1 . iSo(j. Colwell, James Neil. Contractor, firm Colwell, Clark & Stebbins; created June 12, 1869; Standard Rearer 1873; killed in railroad accident near Streator, 111., Oct. 10, 1870; buried with Templar honors. In [869, page [63, the list of created should read James Neil Colwell, in- stead of John Colwell. MacKinlay, John Fisher. Ottawa; member MacKinlay, Ravens & Co., bankers during the 70' s ; creat- ed June 15, 18(19; demitted March 14, 1878. Fstabrook, William W. Ottawa; minister; affiliated Sept. 9, [869; Prelate 1870 and 1871; de- mitted Dec. 14, 1871. Smith, William Caswell. Ottawa; druggist; created June 15, 1869; S. Feb. 8, 1877. Poundstone, Samuel, Grand Ridge; farmer living in Farm Ridge township; created Sept. 17, 1869. Brundage, William A. Ottawa; caq^enter ; created Sept. 23, 1869; S. Aug. 12, 1880. LocKwooi), Arthur. Ottawa; justice of the peace for many years; created Feb. 24, 1870; died Nov. 18, 1896; buried with Masonic honors. Catlin, Charles M. Ottawa; connected with window glass factory in the 70's ; created March 3, 1870; S. April 14, 1881. I on III E KNIGHTS TK.M I'l.AK, Black, Leverett ( ). Streator, 111.: locomotive engineer on ().. (). & F. R. V. R. R.; created March _'4. 1870; S. Aug. <>. [883. Fulton, John C. Streator; machinist; created April 14, 1870; demitted Dec.*), 1880. 1 1 i:\xi no, Robert. Ottawa; manufacturer telegraph in- struments; created July 1, 1870; demitted Feb. 1 1 . [880. CarpenteRj Charles M. Seneca, 111.; farmer and specu- lator; created Sept. 15. 1870: demitted Sept. i 1. 1890. Du Plain, Francis P. Ottawa; since moved to Chicago; telegraph instrument maker; created Sept. 22, 1870. Nash, Henry Clay. Ottawa; teller First National Bank for many years; moved to Chicago; created Oct. 20, 1870; Treasurer 1871 to 1887, in- clusive; S. March 4. 1889. Rising, Leman Aranah. Ottawa: cigar manufacturer, firm Smith & Rising in the 70's; created Nov. 3, 1870; Warder 1872. 1876, 1877 ; demitted Dec. 11, [879; affiliated March 22. 1888: Sentinel 1901. [902 and 1903; demitted Sept. 23. [909. Bohlander, John. Ottawa: telegraph instrument maker ; created Nov. 10, 1870: demitted Sept. 14. [876. Tyler, Alvan H. Streator, 111.; coal operator: created Nov. 17. 1870; demitted Nov. 13. 1884; affiliated Sept. 22, [892; demitted June 14, 1 906. Tyler, ADDISON 11. Streator. 111.; coal operator; created Dec. 1, 1870; demitted Dec. 14, 1876. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 401 Fuller, Dwight W. Ottawa; C, B. & O. ticket agent; created Dec. 22, 1870; demitted Sept. 14, 1876. Bull, E, Follett. Lawyer; came to Ottawa from La Salle, 111. ; was an able attorney ; created Jan. 12, 1871; Warder, 1873, 1874, 1875; died Dec. 4. 1888; buried with Templar honors. Walker, George Lee. Ottawa; dry goods clerk; created Aug. 15, 1871 ; demitted Feb. n, 1880. Beatty, George. Ottawa ; dry goods merchant ; created Sept. 15, 1871 ; demitted Jan. 24, 1884. Tillson, William C. Earlville; created Sept. 28, 1871 ; demitted Feb. 11, 1875. Moore, William H. Streator; created Feb. 1, 1872; died Dec. . . , 1876. Fusselman, Henry M. Affiliated Aug. 10, 1871 ; de- mitted April 26, 1877. Waite, John Henry. Marseilles, 111.; created June 13, 1872; demitted June 13, 1878. Tillotson, Edward J. Marseilles; merchant; created April 24, 1873; demitted Jan. 4, 1875. De Motte, John J. Marseilles, 111.; physician; created June 12, 1873; died Jan. .., 1881. Dent, William H. Ottawa; capitalist; created July 10, 1873; demitted Jan. 11, 1877. Ryan, Patrick. Ottawa; grain buyer; created Oct. 9, 1873; Captain of the Guard 1880 and 1881; died June 13, 1881. Slagle, David H. Marseilles, 111. ; railway mail clerk and later postmaster at Marseilles ; created Nov. 20, 1873; died March 8, 1907; buried with Masonic honors. |t >2 Til E KNIGHTS TEM l'l.AK, With row, Daniel C. Streator; grain dealer; created Feb. 26, 1874; demitted Dec. n, [884. McIntire, Arthur Cox. Mendota, 111.; fanner and stock raiser; Sheriff La Salic county [873 to [876, inclusive; created May 11. 1874; Standard Bearer 1875 and [876; demitted Sept. [3, [877. Wn.Kixs, Charles. Streator; carpenter; created June 11. 1S74: S. Nov. _'-\ 1894. Thomas, William. Ottawa; canal superintendent ; creat- ed Feb. 1 1, 1875: demitted Dec. 14. 1882. Rath mx. Jam i:s E. Ottawa: grain dealer ; created Feb. 18. 1875; demitted March 24, 1S7S. WidmeRj John H. Ottawa; lawyer of exceptional abil- ity; Major 104th Illinois during civil war; created March 4. 1875; Sword Bearer [877, 1878 and 1879; demitted Jan. 23, [913. ( ) I )oxxell, James. Ottawa; moved to Joliet; created March 18, 1875; demitted Jan. 13. 1876. Mayo, Henry. Ottawa; lawyer of extraordinary ability and strong advocate before a jury; postmas- ter for several years prior to election of Woodrow Wilson; is now serving as Judge of Comity Court; is a most remarkable man. and carries his eighty years with a men- tality and physical ability apparently unim- paired; an upright and honorable citizen; a boon companion and a hale-fellow well met: true to himself ami loyal to his friends: created March 25, 1875; Generalissimo j8q2 and [896; Commander [893, [894, [895, and commanded Ottawa Commandery on one HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 403 of its most pleasant pilgrimages — to triennial of Grand Encampment at Boston in [895. Hall, William C. Prairie Center ; farmer; created April [6, [875; died Jan. 22, [906; buried with [Masonic honors. Tins, Walter Briggs. Ottawa; contractor and superin- tendent Illinois and Michigan canal ; retired; created June 3, [875; Junior Warden 1878; Senior Warden [877 to [880, inclusive; Pre- late [88] to [885, inclusive, and 1892 to [893, inclusive, and from [896 to 1007, inclu- sive, and 1 910 to 1913, inclusive; Com- mander 1889 and 1890; after years of devo- tion to Templar Masonry he died June 20, 191 5, and was buried in Ottawa Avenue cemetery with Templar honors. ( ii, Charles Henry. Ottawa : lawyer ; Judge Coun- ty Court in the seventies; a man of marked personal it v and a most prominent citizen of La Salle county; created Nov. 24, 1875 ; died April 14, 1880, and was buried with Masonic honors at Mendota, 111. Haeberlin, August. Ottawa; hardware; created Jan. 22, 1876; demitted Jan. 22, 1885. Trimble, Cairo Darius. Ottawa; Clerk Supreme Court, Northern Division, of Illinois; manufacturer of bottles; editor Ottawa Journal ; affiliated Dee. 9, 1875; Junior Warden 1877: Captain General 1879 and 1880; Commander [881; demitted Aug-, n, 1898. Exsminger, Henry W. Ottawa; affiliated Dec. 9, 1875; demitted Sept. 13, 1877. Campbell, John C. Streator; coal operator and contrac- 404 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, tor; created Feb. 14. [876; S. March 14, [878. Hawley, Charles A. Streator; affiliated April 13, 1876; demitted May 25, [882. Pilch ER, William II. Streator; hardware; created May 11, [876, and still holds an unbroken affilia- tion with Ottawa Commandery. EwiNG, Robert G. Streator; painter; created May 18, j S - f > ; S. Jan. 1. 1900. LandeSj George W. Streator; created June 1. 1876; de- mitted June 9, 1881. Moon, Jacob W. Streator; capitalist; created June 8, 1876; died March 18, 1900; buried with Ma- sonic honors. Stephens, Charles E. Streator: musician; affiliated April 13. 1876; demitted May 25, 1882. Phillips, Lester O. Ottawa; groceries; created Oct. i_\ 1876: S. Jan. 10. 1907. Strawn, Walter D. Ottawa: a prominent farmer and large land holder in La Salle and Livingston counties: a persevering- and energetic citizen; created Nov. -'3, [876; died Dec. 4. 1913. Lewis, Edward Charles. Deer Park township: lawyer: prominent citizen: chairman board of super- visors several terms: created Jul}- [9, 1877; demitted Sept. 0, 1909. Mow land, K/.KkiKL. Prairie Center: farmer; created Nov. 2 1 . 1878; died Sept. 29, 1903: buried with Masonic In mors. Hoffman, Asa Manx. Ottawa; County Treasurer: created \K\\ 4. [878; Recorder [880 to \^J. inclusive; died May 4, 1887; buried in Otta- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 4O5 wa Avenue cemetery with Templar honors: was genteel and courteous in all his actions. Perkins, Lothrop. Ottawa; superintendent Gas Co.; member board of supervisors, city council and fire department : an active and useful citizen ; created April 14, 1881 ; Senior Warden 1882 and 1883; Captain General 1884; died Sept. 17, 1884, and buried with Masonic honors and Templar escort. Milligan, William Lee Roy. Farmer; Deputy Sheriff; general traveling representative Marseilles Co., E. Moline, 111., one of the John Deere Plow Co. factories; created April 2X, 1881 ; Warder 1882; Junior Warden, 1883; Senior Warden 1884; Generalissimo and Recorder 1888; Commander 1886, 1887, 1891 and 1892; Captain General 1894; bears the dis- tinguished honor of having presented the first American flag to a Commandery of Knights Templar. Arnold. Webster Wesley. Ottawa : Warden County Asylum; created Sept. 22, 1881 : S. Feb. 28, 1889. Mills. George Abram. Ottawa; farmer ; retired ; created Sept. 28, 1881 ; Sword Bearer 1882 and 1883; Junior Warden 1884; Captain Gen- eral 1885 and 1896; Generalissimo 1880 and 1887; Commander 1888; a zealous Templar and filled all his offices with marked ability; was punctual in attendance. Wilbur, George R. Ottawa; C, B. & Q. station agent; created Oct. 13, 1881 ; demitted Dec. 24 . 1891. 4©6 Til E KNIGHTS TEM l'l.AK, ( ii i.: \i w, William Henry. Ottawa; painting contractor ; son of Judge Charles II. Gilman; created Nov. 23, [88] ; Standard Bearer [882, 1883, [885, [886, [887, 1888. 1895, [896, [897, and Color Bearer [892, and as such 1 tears the honor of having received and carried the first American dag- ever presented to a Command- erv of Knights Templar; died Feb. 17, 1917; buried with Templar honors. Teissedre, Paul. Ottawa: dry goods clerk ; created Dec. 1, 1881 ; Standard Bearer 1884 and 1902: Captain of the Guard 1885; Warder 1886, 1887 and [896; Captain General 1888 and 1891 ; Senior Warden 1889. 1890. [892, 1893. 1894 and [895; Sword Bearer 1897 and 1898; as an officer he could be relied on. Clegg. John William. Ottawa; plumber and steam- fitter contractor; created May 30, 1882; Sword Bearer 1884 and 1885; Warder [891; Junior Warden 1911 ; Senior Warden 1912; always punctual in attendance. MacKinlay, Thomas E. Ottawa; lawyer; created June 3. 1882; Warder 1883; Senior warden [885; Captain General [886; Treasurer 1888 to 1895, inclusive; demitted March 12. 1,896. Woodward, Walter M. School teacher; created June 8, [882; S. April 2, r888. MiLLiGAN, James. Ottawa; tailoring; created June 13, [882; Captain Genera] 1883 and [895; Sen- ior Warden [886; Generalissimo 1888. DunawaYj Joseph Newton. Ottawa; farmer; grain dealer; created June 28, [882; Generalissimo 1898 and 1800: Commander 1900. 1901 and HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 407 1902; Prelate 1908 and 1909; died Jan. 9, 1909; buried with Templar honors. Halladay, Corydon Cornelius. Ottawa; retired grain dealer; past Commander St. John's Com- mandery, Peru, 111.; affiliated Feb. 28, 1883; died Oct. 10, [886; buried with Templar honors. Donaldson, Garyy. Ottawa; photographer; moved to New York; affiliated Feb. 28, 1883; de- mised March 1 1. 1886. Stormont, William. Ottawa; foundry and machine work; created April 14, 1883: died -@et. 'I2, 1894; buried with Masonic honors; a true Templar, an honored and respected citizen and a Christian gentleman. Pettit, Charles E, Member firm Republican-Times Printing Co. ; civil war veteran ; created April 21, 1883; has served Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., as Secretary twenty con- secutive years. Morgan, Jesse E. Ottawa; dry goods clerk; created April 26, 1883; S. March 2, 1896. Farnsworth, Richard. South Ottawa; dairy farm; re- tired; created May 8, [883; Sword Bearer 1886; Standard Bearer 1898. Rohrer, Celestine. Somouauk, 111.; farmer; created Aug. (), 1883; died March 3, 101O; buried with Masonic honors. Rvbi'rx, John Stewart. Ottawa; physician; created Aug. 23, [883; died Sept. 21, [892; buried with Templar honors. Murphy, John J. Sheridan. 111.; created Oct. 22. 18S3; S. Feb. 28, 1889. }<>X the knights templar, Scheidecker, Louis. Somonauk, 111.: fanner: created Oct. 30, [883; died March (>, 1906: buried with Masonic honors. 1 1 111. Daniel Fletcher. Ottawa; civil engineer: in Mexican. Black Hawk and Civil wars; col- onel 53d 111. in civil war until incapacitated by injuries: one of the early pioneers of the Illinois valley: surveyed Northern Illinois and the Lake Superior regions for the govern- ment; one of nature's noblemen; created Nov. 8, 1883; demitted Feb. 14. [889. RohreRj Louis. Somonauk. 111.: farmer; member Illi- nois Legislature several terms: created Dec. 6, 1883; died June 28. 191 1 : Masonic fu- neral with Commandery escort. Reedy. Thomas. Ottawa: Superintendent County Asy- lum; created Dec. 8. 1883: died March 4, [889; buried with Templar honors. Gibson, John Fletcher. Ottawa; retired farmer ; creat- ed May 6, 1884: died Feb. 24, 1906; buried with Templar honors. White, Abel M. Sheridan, 111. ; minister; created May 8, 1884; demitted Feb. 28, 1889; is now promi- nent in Scottish Rite circles in Chicago. Prichard, William E. Ottawa: importer and breeder of draft horses; vice-president Ottawa Banking & Trust Co.; created May 27, [884; Prelate [886, 1SS7, 1888, [889 and [894. Stead, William II. Ottawa: lawyer: elected Attorney- General state oi Illinois two terms; promi- nent in political circles: created Nov. 13, [884; demitted Nov. 26, 11)14. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 4OQ Riale, Warren C. Ottawa; groceries; created Nov. 14, 1884; S. May 19. 1902. Hodgson, Martin C. South Ottawa; importer and breed- er of draft horses; created Nov. 27, 1884. Blanchard, Charles. Ottawa: Circuit Judge several terms; created Jan. 22, 1885; died Oct. 31, 1906; buried with Templar honors. Suppes, Christian. Northville, 111.; farmer: created Feb. 26, 1885; demitted Dec. 14, 1899. McKenxey. Foster H. Ottawa; retired farmer ; created July 16, 1885; Captain of the Guard 1893 and 1894; demitted April 13, 1905. Hammond, John D. Ottawa; traveling salesman ; creat- ed Sept. 3, 1885; demitted March 24, 1904; the stained glass crown and cross over the throne in our asylum was presented to Otta- wa Commandery by Sir Hammond. Fullertox, Thomas Coxy. Ottawa: lawyer; created Oct. 1, 1885: acted as Senior Warden 1886; Generalissimo 1889 and 1890; was candidate for Congress on the Republican ticket when he died Aug. 2, 1894; was prominent in Grand Army circles. Watts, William H. South Ottawa ; farmer ; created Nov. 10. 1885. Hanna, Alexaxder. South Ottawa; retired farmer: created May 27, 1886; Captain of the Guard 1887 to 1892, inclusive, and [896 to 1903, in- clusive, except 1900; died May 24, [908; buried with Masonic honors. Mills, Daxiel Charles. Ottawa; retired; created June 3, 1886; died May 2, 1905: buried with Masonic honors. 4IO THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, P.onak. Barnet I-. Streator; physician; created June 3. [886; demitted Nov. 1, 1905. as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Farnsworth, John Charles. Ottawa; magnetic healer ; created June 8, [886; Sword Bearer 1887. Gay, Simeon (in. ford. Ottawa; carriage manufacturer: created June 8, [886. Corcoran, John Charles. Ottawa: harness and sad- dlery store; created June 8, [886; Junior Warden 1890: demitted Jan. 25, 1908. RocKwooi). Harry Earl. Farm Ridge township; tanner and stock raiser: created June 8, [886; Jun- ior Warden 1888; S. Sept. 19, 1904; moved to near Clarion, Iowa. Dunbar, Charles E. Ottawa: farmer; created June 8. [886; Junior Warden 1888; S. Sept. 19. 1904. PuRRUCKERj John Michael. Ottawa; railway mail clerk: created June 10. 1886; died Oct. 25. 1903. in Chicago. Ames, John C. Streator; hardware and lumber; U. S. Revenue Collector. Chicago; created June 17. 1880 ; demitted Nov. 1. 1005: charter mem- ber Streator Commandery, No. 70. Wheeler, Willard Stanley. Ottawa; photographer: created June 17, [886; demitted Sept. 11, 1 890. Pirkey, John Calvin. Streator; insurance: created June 24. [886; demitted Pec. 1. [901 ; affiliated Dec. 22, 1904; demitted Nov. 1, 1005. as charter member Streator Commandery, No. Cherry, William Sloan. Streator; coal operator; HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 4II created July i, 1886; demitted Nov. 1, 1905. as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Lctii er, Milo J. Streator: coal operator ; created July 1, [886; demitted Now 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Bourne, Oswin Hallet. Streator; coal operator ; event- ed July 8, 1886; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery. No. 70. Griggs, Oakley. Streator; druggist; created July 8, 1886; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Jack, Mathew William. Streator; bottle manufacturer ; created July 15, 1880; demitted Nov. r, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Lukins, William Hayes. Streator; manufacturer ; creat- ed July 15, 1886; died May 18, 1900; buried with Masonic honors. Gay, Frederick W. Ottawa ; carriage salesman ; created July 15, 1886; died [May *8, H^ee; buried with Templar honors. Sweet, Benjamin F. Streator; coal operator; created July 22, 1886; S. July 26, 1894. Schmidt, Henry. Streator; chief of police ; created July 22, [886; demitted May _'_', K>oo. Blanchard, Milton Eben. Marseilles ; physician ; creat- ed July 29, 1880; Junior Warden 1906 and 1907; Senior Warden [908; Captain Gen- eral [909; Generalissimo [910; Commander 1911; demitted Aug. [2, 1915: moved to Los Angeles, Cal. 4i- > the knights templar, Reeves, Walter. Streator; lawyer; member National Congress several terms; prominent in na- tional and state politics; created July 29, [886; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commander}-, No. 70. Hinkson, Wi n field Scott. Freedom township ; farmer; created Aug. 5, [886; demitted Nov. 14. 190 1 . Rodgers, Joshua P. Ottawa; retired farmer; created Aug. 5, 1886; Warder 1892 to [896, inclu- sive, and 1900 to 1 91 3, inclusive; died Feb. 1, 1914; buried with Templar honors. Summers, John Lewis. Ransom; farmer; created Aug. 30, 1886; died July 14. 1888: buried with Masonic honors. VVylie, Alexander. Utica; farmer; created Aug-. 30, 1886; demitted Dec. 12, 1889. Cleave. John Francis. Grand Rapids township ; farmer: created Aug. 30. 1886; died March 4. 1887: buried with Masonic honors. Neff, Frank Thomas. Marseilles; banker; created Aug. 30, 1886. Wilson, Joseph Adams. Ottawa; photographer; created Aug. 31, 1886; demitted Jan. 1, 1900; affili- ated Jan. i_\ [905; Sentinel since [905. Moffitt, Eugene. Marseilles; druggist; created Aug. 31, 1886. Cope, [srael C. Streator; U. S. Deputy Marshal; creat- ed Sept. 2, [886; died Feb. 2, 1902. Anderson, James. Streator: civil engineer ; created Sept. 2. 1886; demitted June 25, [891. Anderson. ChIarles Branson. Streator; hardware; HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 413 created Sept. 2, 1886; demitted May 12, j 904. Smith, Charles Howard. Streator; I., I. & I. station agent; created Sept. 2, 1886; demitted Dec. 27, 1884. McFeely, Samuel. Streator; lumber; created Sept. 2, [886; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter mem- ber Streator Commandery, No. 70. Gapen, Timothy E. Sparland : druggist ; affiliated March 10, 1887; demitted March 12, 1903. Heermans, Niles Wynkoop. Ottawa; minister; created May 12, 1887; demitted Dec. 12, 1889; moved to Anderson, Ind. Ryon, Oscar Benton. Streator; lawyer; created May, 19, 1887; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as char- ter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Mitchell, Austin Valentine. Streator; retired farm- er; created May 19. 1887; died Oct. 1. 1896; buried with Templar honors. Shinn, John Nixon. Streator; glass flattener ; created May 26, 1887; demitted Nov. 1, 1905. as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70, Rigden, George Morrison. Streator; jeweler; created May 26, 1887; demitted Dec. 11, 1902. Davidson, John Marshall. Streator; carpenter and contractor; created June 2. 1887; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Modes, Edward Clark. Streator; assistant manager bot- tle works ; created June 2, 1887; died March 15, 1899. 4 14 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Daly, Daniel Ei>ward. Ottawa; traveling salesman ; now milling; created Aug. 23, 1SS7. Reed, Edwin T. Marseilles; fanner: created Sept. 1, 1887; died Nov. _'_'. [908; buried with Templar honors. Samson, Luman Seward. Freedom township; farmer; created Sept. 8, 1NN7. ECoeppen, John Arnold. Ottawa; bottle moulder ; creat- ed Sept. S, [887; S. April 28, 1892. ScheyinGj John Philip. Ottawa; dry goods clerk ; creat- ed Nov. 17. [887; Warder [888 and [889; demitted Dec. 25, [890. Bell. Austin James. Streator: train despatcher A., T. & S. F. ; created April 26, 1888; demitted May 25, 1899. SteeNj Charles Hexry. Streator; superintendent water works A.. T. & S. F. ; created May 3, [888; died Dec. JO, 1 S<;4- Smith. William Lloyd. Streator; physician; created May 24. [888; demitted Nov. 1. 1905, as charter member Streator Commander)-, No. 70. Jennings, Augustus Howard. Streator; foreman; creat- ed June 1. [888; died Jan. 19. 1892; buried with Masonic honors. Colly, Albert Atwood. Streator; ice dealer; created Aug. _\ [888; Recorder [892; died Aug. [6, 1 094; buried with Templar honors. Sanson. Henry. Streator; mine manager; created Aug. 30, [888; demitted Jan. 12, [899. Fletcher, Ruffin Drew. Streator; clerk; created Sept. o. [888; demitted March 14. [901. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 415 Stewart, James. Streator; sand dealer; created Nov. 22, 1888; S. Aug. 22, 1902. Rosene, John. Streator; merchant tailor; created Nov. 22, 1888; demitted Jan. 1. 1915. Cooke, James F. Ottawa; insurance; created Nov. 29, 1888; Junior Warden 1889; Prelate 1890 and [89] : S. April 8. 1897. Tridell, Thomas Corwin. Streator; tile manufacturer; created Nov. 29, 1888; S. May 2^, 1903. Griggs, Clarence. Ottawa: lawyer; County Attorney several years; created Nov. 29, 1888; Pre- late 1895; Generalissimo 1897. Teetzel, John William. Ottawa; manufacturer; creat- ed Nov. 29, 1888; S. Jan. 11, 1900. Stewart, William Kellogg. Ottawa; carpenter and contractor; created Nov. 29, 1888; demitted Jan. 1 1 . 1900. Byrth, William J. Streator; material agent A., T. & S. F. ; created Dec. 12, 1888; demitted Dec. 10. 1896. Williams, William James. Streator; transfer line; created March 14. 1889; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Command- ery, No. 70. Bailey, Ezra Hunt. Streator; hanker; created March 28, 1889; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Sexton, James. Streator; retired; created April 11, 1889; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Jones, William Batik. Streator; boiler maker; created April 18, 1889; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as 416 THE KNIGHTS TEMTLAK, charter member Streator Commandery, No. ;o. Spencer, Thomas H. Streator; farmer; created May 2, [889; demitted Nov. 1, 1905. as charter mem- ber Streator Commander)-, No. 70. Modes, Charles Christian. Streator; foreman glass works: created May 9, 1889; died Dec. 17, 1907. Colhour, Benjamin Franklin. Long Point; merchant and banker; created May 17. 1889; de- mitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Wilson, William. Utica ; farmer; Waltham township; created May 2$, 1889. Waldecker, Henry. Ottawa; cigar factory; created June 3, 1889. Cask, Frank W. Streator; yard master; affiliated April 11. 1889; S. Sept. 10, 1890. Postox, Newton. Streator; bookkeeper; affiliated April 25, 1889; demitted Dec. 25, 1890. Fisher, Charles E. Ottawa ; dry goods merchant ; creat- ed June 27, 1889. St. Clair, William Ellis. Streator ; accountant ; created Sept. i_\ [889; S. April 8, 1897. Law, Robert Watson. Streator; carpenter and contrac- tor ; created Sept. [9, [889; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Com- mandery, Xo. 70. I loon. Samuel. Utica; farmer; Waltham township; created Oct. 3. [889; died May 14, 1910; buried with Masonic honors. H I STORY OF OTTA W A COM M A N DER V . 4 1 / Godfrey, Abram Cross. Chicago; grocer; created Oct. 10, 1889. Gardner, David Edward. Streator; locomotive engineer ; created Oct. 17, 1889; demitted Dec. 14, 1899. Knowles, William Henry. Ottawa; foundry and ma- chine shop; created Nov. 1, 1889; Sword Bearer 1894 and 1895. Kneussl, Gustav. Ottawa; druggist; created Nov. 14, 1889; Captain General 1893. Gentleman, James. Ottawa; farmer; created Nov. 28, 1889; Junior Warden 1891. Peniiallegon, William Hitt. Streator; minister; created Dec. 5, 1889; demitted Jan. 9, 1890. Forbes, George A. Ottawa; tailoring; firm Carmichael & Forhes ; created Jan. 3, 1890. Boys, William Henry. Streator; lawyer; created Jan. id, 1890; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Fornof, John W. Streator; editor Free Press; post- master under McKinley ; created Jan. 30, 1890; demitted) Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Withrow, John James. Ottawa; created April 10, 1890. Tol and, John Frank. Ottawa; business college ; created Sept. 2=,, [89a; demitted May 25, [893. ( in. branson, Hans. Ottawa; organ tuner; created Oct. 9, 1890; demitted June 9, 1904. JIigbv, William Herbert. Ottawa; druggist; affiliated May 8, 1890; demitted Oct. 2y, 1910. McDougall, Duncan. Ottawa; lawyer; created April 9, 189 1. 418 THE KNIGHTS TKM I'LAU, HugganSj David E. Streator; engineer; created April 23, 1891; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Trenary, James Marshall. Ottawa; retired; affiliated Nov. 26, 189 1 ; Sword Bearer [892 and 1893; Sentinel 1895; died Sept. 22, 1912; buried with Templar honors. RathbuNj Charles Hubbard. Streator; coal operator; created May 7, 1891 ; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commander). No. 70. Smith, Samuel C. Streator; contractor; created May 7, 1891 ; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter mem- ber Streator Commandery, No. 70. Myer, Robert Courtney. Streator; carpenter and con- tractor; created June 11, 1891; died May 3, 1898; buried with Masonic honors. Graves, Lewis Lyall. Streator; machinist; created June 11, 1891; demitted Nov. 1, [905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Schaulin, Charles. Ottawa; farmer; created May 2T,, [89] : died in Chicago May 10, 1909. Howe, Lyston Drewett. Streator; mine superintendent ; created June 11, [891; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Command- ery, No. 70. LokKxx, Ludwig Otto. Streator; painter; created June 11, [891; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, Xo. 70. Stew art, John Maxwell. Streator; sand dealer ; creat- ed Oct. 22, [89] ; demitted May 24, 1906, HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 419 Kopf, Joseph. Streator; butcher; created Nov. 12, 1891 ; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Shuler, Jacob Benner. Ottawa; coal dealer; grain in- spector; created Nov. 26, 189 1 ; Junior Warden 1893; S. May 14, 1908. Hatton, Albert Henry. Peru, 111.; physician; affiliated April 26, 1 891 ; demitted May 12, 1904. Angell, Andrew H. Streator; civil and mining' engineer; affiliated Sept. 24, 1891 ; S. May 28, 1903. Provins, Clark Brading. Ottawa; physician; created Jan. 1. 1892; died June 4, 1906; buried with Templar honors. Olmsted, Adelbert ThIomas. Ottawa ; dentist ; created April 14, 1892; demitted April iy, 1893. Curry, James Albert. Streator; physician; created April i 1 ^, [892; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Colley, Lisle R. Streator; accountant; created April 28, 1892; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Miller, Lou Hanson. Streator; watchmaker; created May 12, 1892; demitted Dec. 26, [901. Blanchard, Sylvester Albert. Streator; clerk ; created May 12, 1892; demitted Now 1. 1005, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Carpenter, Guy C. Streator; conductor; created May 12, 1892 ; S. Jan. 1 1, njoo. Hess, Charles Benton. Ottawa; capitalist; created May 12, 1892. 420 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, DaughertYj Andrew Jackson. Streator; dairy farm; created June 13. 1892; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Command- ery, No. 70. Brown, William Morell. Wedron; farmer; created June 13, 1892. Wilmarth, George A. Seneca; farmer, Miller town- ship; created June 13, 1892; died May 5. 1901 ; buried with Masonic honors. Barber, John L. Seneca; farmer; created June 13, 1892; demitted Dec. 8, 1899. Pope, Milton. Ottawa; capitalist; created June 13, 1892. Duffy, Christopher C. Ottawa; Clerk Appellate Court since 1890; created June 13, 1892. Pruett, George Henry. Ottawa; carpenter and contrac- tor; created June 13, 1892; Junior Warden [894 and [896; S.May, 1907. MacKinlav, William E. W. Ottawa; U. S. army; created June 13. [892; demitted Jan. 14, [909. Beckwith, Charles S. Waukegan, 111.; traveling sales- man: created June 13. [892. Fredenburg, Charles W. Ottawa; traveling salesman; created June 2^, 1892. Freeman, Julius Antonio. Millington, 111.; physician; created June i(>. [893; died May 8. 1904; buried with Masonic honors. Dylr, Edgar Goodrich. Ottawa; lawyer; created Oct. 30. 1893; died in California Aug". 19. 1901. Schoch, Albert Frederick. Ottawa; hanker; ex- Mayor; created Nov. 9, [893; Generalissimo HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 42 T 1895; Commander 1896 to 1899, inclusive; Grand Commander 1907; Treasurer since 1912. Taylor, Charles Philander. Ottawa: banker; created Nov. 23. [893; Senior Warden 1897. Warner, Jacob Isaac. Ottawa; insurance; created Dec. r, 1893: demitted May 14, 1914. Moraiin, Edward S. Sheridan, 111.; banker; canal com- missioner under Cow Dunne; affiliated Nov. 23. 1893. Van Skiver, Andrew Ritchie. Streator; editor Free Press; created Jan. 11, 1894; demitted Nov-. 1, 1905. as charter member Streator Com- mandery, No. 70. Yentzer, Francis Marion. Ottawa ; traveling- salesman ; created Feb. 11. 1894. Hitt, Rector Cass. Ottawa; created Feb. 22, 1894; lawyer. Wignall, Walter Bogart. Streator; groceries; created March 1, 1894; demitted Feb. 24. [898. Morris, James. Streator; cashier; created March 8, 1894; demitted March 10, [898. Richolson, Samuel. Ottawa; lawyer; ex-Mayor Otta- wa; created March 24, 1894: died June 24, 1906. Heath, Wilrur F. Ottawa; manager clothing store; affiliated Feb. 8, 1894; demitted Jan. n, T900; moved to Danville, 111. Bawden, Thomas. Streator; insurance; created May 10. 1894; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. (.22 Till'. K NIC, I ITS TEMPLAR, 1 I am mom), P. K. Streator; minister; created May 24, [894; demitted Dec. 26, 1895. Bach, Math ew William. Ottawa; manufacturer : creat- ed May 2, [895. Fleming, Nathan. Marseilles; farmer and capitalist; created May 9, 1895; celebrated 90th birth- day Jan. 10. 19 1 7. Refior, David. Ottawa; hardware; created May 16, 1895; Senior Warden 1896; Captain Gen- eral 1897. 1898 and 1899; Junior Warden 1908 and 1909. Francis, John P. Hale. Ottawa; retired; created May 23, 1895. Pool., Carlisle M. Ottawa; retired; created May 30. I895- Werner, Charles G. Ottawa; piano tuner; created June *3. l8 95- IIakmax, Charles Edward. Taw Paw, 111.: locomotive engineer; affiliated June ij, 1895 ; demitted Jan. 12. 1899. Wylie, John. Utica; farmer; Waltham township ; mem- ber Board of Supervisors, La Salle county, for several years ; ex-member Legislature : creat- ed July 5, 1895. Lawrv, Samuel U. Freedom: farmer; created Aug. 2. 1895; demitted July 24. 1913. Bird, [osepb William. Streator ; merchant : created Aug. 8. 1895; S. Aug. 21, 1902. McClure, Camillus. Freedom; farmer; created Oct. 10. 1895; died Aug. 19, 191 1; buried with Masonic honors. Wright, Alonzo P. Streator; lawyer; affiliated Sept. 12, [895 ; S. May 28, 1903. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 423 Manly, Harry Lewis. Streator; accountant; created Oct. _'4, 1895; demitted Nov. I, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Gabkee, Charles Lawrence. Streator; glass worker; created Nov. 7. 1895. Flick, William Carl. Streator; bank clerk: elected Treasurer La Salle county in 191 2 ; moved to Ottawa; created Nov. 22, 1895; demitted Now i, 1905, as charter member Streator Commander)-, No. 70. Chapman, Clarence Beeman. Ottawa; lawyer; created Dec. 5, 1895; Warder 1897; Recorder 1898 to 1900, inclusive. Heidler, Samuel Hogen. Ottawa; teacher; affiliated Sept. 23, 1896; Junior Warden 1897; Senior Warden 1898; demitted June 8, 1899. Herbert, Frank Young. Ottawa; dentist; created Feb. 1 1, 1897; demitted June 2$, 1900. Brown, Herbert Allen. Aurora; locomotive engineer; created Feb. 2^, 1897; demitted Jan. 1, 1900. Yockey, Charles J. Ottawa; ex-Sheriff; created April 8, 1897; died Dec. 2/, 1902; buried with Templar honors. Knott, Richard Francis. Marseilles; paper manufac- turer; created April 15, 1897. Eldredge, Edgar. Ottawa; lawyer; Judge Circuit Court : created May 2y, 1897; Junior Warden 1898 and 1899; Captain General 1900 and [90] : Commander 1902. Barrett, Berkley Gillett. Ottawa; Deputy Sheriff : accountant; affiliated Oct. 14, 1897; died April 2/, 1910; buried with Masonic honors. 4-'4 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Trowbridge, [rving Hjnton. Marseilles; druggist; ex- member Legislature; created Jan. 27, [898; died March to, [914; buried with Masonic Ik mors. Allen, Eugene Daniel. Marseilles; druggist; created March to, [898. Becker, John Joseph. Marseilles; butcher; created March _»4, 1898. Thompson, Sylvanus Sumner. Marseilles; postmaster; created April 7, [898; died April 27, [910; buried with Masonic honors. Allison, Joseph. Ottawa; locomotive engineer ; created April 7. [898; died Sept. i. 1915 ; buried with Templar honors. Phillips, Calvin Dallas. Ottawa: merchant; created April 14. [898; died Aug. (>, 1903. Fischer, Frederick L. Ottawa: hardware; created April 2 1 , 1898; Sword Bearer [902 and [903. Gladfelter, Elmer E. Ottawa; furniture and undertak- ing; created April 21, [898. Arnold, Henry Lincoln. Ottawa; ex-Treasurer La Salle count}-; secretary Ottawa Banking & Trust Co.; member Board of Education of city of Ottawa; created May 5. [898; Gen- eralissimo [901-2 (one year); Commander [902-3 and [903-4; member Masonic Board of Control Masonic Temple; a man of ex- ceptional ability as an accountant and sterling integrity as a citizen. Pearson, Samuel S. Ottawa; hardware: created May 10, 1898; died Nov. 21. [908; buried with Templar honors. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 425 Lardin, Albert Thomas. Ottawa; has held the office of Probate Judge since 1894; as Probate Judge has earned the title of "Just Judge" in pro- tecting the widows and orphans in the settle- ments of estates; created May 12, [898; Sword Bearer [899; died March 31, io>7- Strong, Charles I". Earlville, 111.: hanker; affiliated May i_\ [898. Campbell, Charles W. Ottawa; livery; city commis- sioner for several years; "eternal vigilance" his watchword; created May 26, [898. Smith, Robert Lucten. Ottawa; Deputy County Clerk: created June 5, 1898; Recorder of Ottawa Commandery igoi to 1917, inclusive; his records are a model of neatness and accuracy. McKatiix, Herbert BIlaker. Moline, 111.; general man- ager and secretary and treasurer of the Mar- seilles Co.; ex-Mayor of Marseilles, 111.; created June 9. 1898: Standard Bearer 1899; Junior Warden 1 900-1 ; Senior Warden 1901-2; Captain General 1902-3; Generalis- simo 1903-4 and 1904-5 ; Commander 1905-6. Fullerton, William Dyer. Ottawa; lawyer; created Sept. 15, 1898; Junior Warden 1900; Senior Warden 1904-5; Captain General 1905-6; Generalissimo [906-7; Commander 1907-8. Bach, Edward Webster. Omaha: accountant; created Nov. 17, 1898; Senior Warden 1900-1. Hatiiewav, Elnathan Pierce. Ottawa; physician: created Dec. 1, 1898. Tryon, Clarence Edward. Ottawa: life insurance; created April 6, 1898; died July 10, 1900; buried with Templar honors. 426 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Gasser, Christian. Ottawa; engineer; created Sept. 27, [899. Ekkkki.l. Jonathan M. Marseilles; agent C. R. T. & P. R. R.; created May 25, 1899; S. May 25, K)l6. Dunaway, George Craft. Ottawa; grain merchant at Utica and Ottawa; created Jan. 18, 1900; Junior Warden 1904-5; Senior Warden [905-6; Captain General 1906-7; Generalis- simo 1907-8; Commander t 908-9 and 191 1- 12. Vincent, Irving De Forest. Ottawa; merchant; created Jan. 2^,, T900; Standard Bearer 1901-2; Senior Warden [902-3; Captain General 1903-4 and 1904-5; Generalissimo 1905-6; Commander 1906-7. Clipper, George A. Ottawa; merchant tailor; created Feh. 16, 1900; demitted April 9, 1906. Nattinger, Edward A. Ottawa : editor "Ottawa Times" : created April 5. 1900; died Sept. 1. 1903. Weese, Walter F. Ottawa ; vice-president Central Life Ins. Co.; created May 31. 1900; Sword Rearer 1901. Deenis, Charles G. Ottawa; veterinary; created June 7, 1900. FarraRj George W. Ottawa; rector Episcopal church ; affiliated April 12. 1900: Prelate 1902-3; de- mitted April 14. 1903. Byrne, Christopher J. Ottawa; superintendent public schools; affiliated June 28, [900. Cook. Harry G. Ottawa; lawyer; has served as Master in Chancery several years; created Oct. 12, 1 000. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY, 427 Hatheway, Fred A. Ottawa ; ex-County Clerk ; secre- tary Building- and Loan association ; created Nov. 16, 1900. Palmer, Enos E. Ottawa; physician; created Nov. 22, 1900. Duncan, William D. Ottawa: druggist; created Jan. 24, 190 1. Yentzer, Enoch. Ottawa; electrician; created Feb. 7, 1 900. Mills, Frederick E. Streator; merchant; created Feb. 14, 1900; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Weaver, Piiilo C. Ottawa ; manufacturer pianos ; created Feb. 28, 1 90 1 ; S. Ajug. 3, 1908. Jamison, John A. La Grange, 111.; grain dealer; created April 4. 1901. Bergeson, John. Ottawa; oculist and aurist; created March 28, 1901 ; demitted Oct. 10, 1907. Killelea, William G. Marseilles: traveling salesman; created April 4, 1901. Butters, Albert E. Ottawa; lawyer; created April it, 190 1. Glover, Clarence C. Ottawa; accountant; created April 18, 1 90 1 ; demitted Jan. 10, 1907. Belrose, Charles L. Wedron; grain dealer; created April 25, 1 901. Trimble, George M. Ottawa; life insurance; created May 23, 1 901. Howe, Orion H. Streator; accountant; created Oct. 17. 1901 ; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Williams, Charles H. Streator ; merchant ; created Nov. 428 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, 7, [901; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, \<>. 70. Hall, Hugh. Streator; clerk; created Oct. 3 1 ; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Haight, George II. Ottawa; lawyer; created Dec. 3, 1 90 1 : ex-member Ottawa City Council. Pirkey, Milton C. Streator; insurance; created April 3, [902 ; demitted Nov. 1. [905, as charter mem- ber Streator Commandery, No. 70. Larson - . Eric. Moline; piano tuner; created Jan. 30, [902. Graves, Edward A. Streator; civil engineer; created Feb. 6, 1902; died Jan. 1. [905; buried with Masonic honors. Wiley, Herbert C. Ottawa; lawyer; firm Browne & \Vilev : secretary Building & Loan associa- tion; created Feb. 20, 1902. Burrows. Thomas W. Ottawa; physician and surgeon; created March 5, [902. Schurman, R. Streator; ice dealer; created March 13. 1002; demitted Nov. 1. 1905. as charter member Streator Commandery, Xo. 70. Ahlborn, George II. Ottawa: carriage trimmer ; created April 10, 1902; died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 11. 1916. Scharfenberg, Robert S. Streator; clothing; created April 17. [902; demitted Nov. i. 1905. as charter member Streator Commandery, Xo. 70. Echard, Isaac F. Streator; optician: created April 17. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 429 1902; demitted Nov. i, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Bergeson, Samuel E. Ottawa; clothing-; created May 8, 1902; demitted March 22, 1906. Neilson, John N. Ottawa; switchman; created May 28, 1902. Jennings. William H. Streator; accountant; created May 28, 1902; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Hills, George P. Ottawa; lawyer; member Board of Education; created Dec. 18, 1902. Williams, James R. Streator; transfer line; created Nov. 20, 1902; demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Rowland, Charles T. Streator; drug' clerk: created Dec. iS, j 902; demitted Now 1, J 905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Buss, George F. Earlville; fanner; created Jan. 15, 1903. Gatiss, Joseph F. Freedom; farmer; created Jan. 15, 1903. 'Thompson, Rezin N. Marseilles; manager sleeping cars for Sell's Bros.' circus; created March 20, 1903: died May 7, 191 1; buried with Ma- sonic honors. Kiusk, George J. Marseilles; tinner; created March 26, 1903. Wiley, Charles A. Freedom; farmer; created June X, 1903; died May 6, 1909; buried with Ma- sonic honors, 430 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Hah n, Charles. Ottawa; city waterworks : created June i i . 1903. Wendel, Philip J. Ottawa: dentist: created June 11, 1903: Standard Hearer 1904-5 and 1905-6; Senior Warden 1906-7; Captain General 1007-8: Commander 1908-9. ShaveRj Larue Perene. Ottawa: artist: created Sept. 2, 1903: Sword Bearer 1911-12. Myers, William Beighel. Ottawa: merchant: firm Fisher & Myers: created Nov. 5. 1903: de- nutted May 25, 191 1. Cam itjell, Peter McGilyaky. Ottawa: ice dealer ; now stock and wheat ranch, Hobson, Mont.: created Dec. 10, 1903: Sword Bearer 1908-9; Senior Warden 1909-10: Captain General 1 9 1 o- 1 1 . Sample, Martin Luther. Ottawa: hotel; created Dec. 13. 1903; Standard Hearer 1908-1). Geiger, Charles. Ottawa: grocer; created Feb. 18. 1904. Reynolds, Samuel Wallace. Utica; farmer. Deer Park township; was for several years auditor Illinois Traction System: created March 3. 1904. RollOj William Harper. Marseilles: hank teller: now financial representative I Jnited Agency credit department: created March 17, [904; Stand- ard Hearer [906-7; Junior Warden [907-8; Senior Warden 1908-9: Captain General 1909-10; Generalissimo 191 0-1 1 ; Command- er 101 [-12. RuTTEREiEi.n, Everett Henry. ( )ttawa : physician : creat- ed May 5. 1904: demitted Jan. 11, 1917. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 43 1 Chubbuck, Paul Raymond. Streator ; lawyer ; created May 20, 1904; demitted Nov. i, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Ross, Walter Link. Streator; railway superintendent and manager; president Clover Leaf line railways; created May 20, 1904; demitted Nov. 1, 1905. as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Metzger, Carl Joseph. Ottawa; ladies' shop; created April 28, 1904. Metzger, Charles Joseph. Ottawa; retired; created April 28, 1904. Reid, Robert Joseph. Ottawa; broker; affiliated March 24, J 904. Waters, George John. Ottawa: traveling salesman; affiliated April 28, 1904; Senior Warden 1911-12; Captain General 1912-13; Gen- eralissimo 1913-14; Commander 1014-15. Roberts, Albert J. Ottawa; physician; created July 14, 1904; Senior Warden 1014-15; Captain General 1915-10; Generalissimo 0)10-17. Herzog, Albert E. Ottawa; physician; created Dec. 1, 1904. Brooker, Charles C. Streator; created Dec. 28, 1904; demitted Nov. 1. 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Applegate, James T. Blackstone; grain buyer; created Dec. 28, 1904; demitted Nov. 1. [905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. 432 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Bavxk, I [oward IIalsev. Ottawa ; lawyer; created March 9, [905. koATii. Byron Allen. Marseilles; Justice of the Peace; created March [6, [905 ; demitted Jan. 2^, 1917. J [owells, Richard J. Streator; salesman; created March 2 3> U ) G ?'- demitted Nov. 1, 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Bennion, Louis. Streator; clerk; created March 23, 1905: demitted Nov. 1. 1905, as charter member Streator Commandery, No. 70. Bradford. Samuel Baldwin. Ottawa; secretary Central Lite Insurance Co.; created April 6, 1905. Carr, Jesse Wasson. Sheridan; physician: created April 27. 1905. TrumbOj Benjamin Franklin. Ottawa; farmer. Day- tun township; ex-Sheriff; created May 15. [905; died Nov. 8, 191 1 : buried with Tem- plar horn irs. Dean, Albert Arthur. Marseilles; Howe & Davidson Paper Co.; created May 25, 1905. (iowKx. Louis. Ottawa; salesman Illinois Printing Co.; created May 25, [905. I ; oi.i.ktt, Frank F. Ottawa; lawyer; created June 1. KJ05. Mills, Richard Daniel. Ottawa; lawyer; created Sept. 14- 1905- Mo. vi 'kith . [ames A. Ottawa; insurance: created Nov.. 9, [905 ; demitted June [3, 1907. Ik win. William H. Ottawa; civil engineer; County Surveyor; created Nov. 9. 1905. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 433 Blanchard, Herman Silver. Ottawa; created Nov. 25, 1905; demitted Jan. 11, 19 12. Long, Charles W. Ottawa; farmer, Rutland township; created Dec. 21, 1905. Spencer, Edwin R. Marseilles; merchant; created Jan. 1 1 , 1906. Barnard, John L. Ottawa; secretary and treasurer Illi- nois Valley Grain Co.; created Feb. 1, 1906. Ackerman, Oscar J. Ottawa; insurance; created Feb. 8, 1906; S. Ma v 9, 19 1-'. Hoffman, Emil J. Ottawa; buyer; created Feb. 15, 1906; died Sept 5, 1 914 ; buried with Ma- sonic honors. Tracer, Albert L. Marseilles ; salesman ; created Feb. 22, 1906. Chubbuck, H. Eugene. Ottawa; electric engineer; vice- president executive Illinois Traction System; now residing in Peoria; created April 12, 1906; demitted July 2-), 1 9 1 3 . Johnson, Henry W. Ottawa; lawyer; ex-Circuit Clerk ; ex-Judge County Court; ex-State Senator; president Ottawa Banking & Trust Co., and also Central Life Insurance Co. ; created May to, 1906. Sindel, William II. Marseilles; fanner; created May 17. [906; died May 30, E915 ; buried with Masonic honors. Bradish, Albert C. Ottawa; lumber; created May 31, [906. Weirick, Albert John. Marseilles; physician; created Oct. 1 1, 1906. 434 Tlll ' : KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, WilsoNj Charles F. Ottawa; civil engineer; created Oct. 26, [906; demitted June [3, 1912. Kline, Herbert Lewis. .Marseilles; retired farmer; created Dec. [3, [906. Cody, Clyde Jay. Freedom; fanner; created Dec. 20, [906. Barbour, Harry Charles. Ottawa; telephone manager; affiliated March 14. 1907. Rabenstein, Erwin C. Ottawa; bank teller: created April 11, 1907; demitted April 11, 1912. Peebles, Frederick A. Ottawa; insurance; created May 2, 1907; died Dec. 13. 1908; buried with Templar honors. Sherwood, Everitt A. Ottawa; student; created May 22, 1907. Mathes, Walter M. Ottawa: master mechanic ; created Dec. 19, 1907. Mader, Felix Ernest. Ottawa; custodian: created Jan. 9, 1908. Trimmer, Thomas H. Marseilles: retired farmer; creat- ed Jan. 30, 1908. Bruce, Clayton S. Payson, Utah; traveling salesman: created Feb. 6, 1908. Galloway, George Grant. Elgin, 111.; electrician: creat- ed April 23. 1908. Hupp, George C. Sheridan; retired; created Sept. 24, 1 908. Berg, John Math 1 as. Ottawa; mechanical engineer: created Dec. 3, 1908; Standard Bearer 1909- 10 and 1910-11; Captain General 1911-12; Generalissimo [912-13; Commander 19 13- 14. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 435 Conger, William. Ottawa; retired; created Dec. 17, 1908. Malaise, Gustave J, Grand Ridge; merchant; created Jan. 28, i<)Chj. Borchsenius, George C. Sheridan; merchant; created Jan. 7, [909; died Feb. _'4, [909; buried with Masonic honors. Eastegord, Harvey L. Freedom: farmer; created Feb. 4, 1909- Kuhlman, Frederick R. Ottawa; superintendent ; creat- ed Feb. 20, 1909. Beck, Charles. Ottawa; laundry; created May 6, 1909; Senior Warden 1910-11. Reed, Samuel Burritt. Ottawa ; superintendent ; created May 20, 1909; S. April 1, 1915. Lacy, John James. Grand Ridge; farmer; created May 13. 1909. Thompson, George W. Sheridan ; merchant ; created May 2j, 1909. Courtright, Frank B. Sheridan; railway mail clerk; created May 2J, 1909. Cal lagan, Ralph J. Sheridan; banker; created May 27, 1909. Stockley, Charles H. Ottawa: retired; created June 24, 1909. Peck, Edward F. Ottawa; court reporter; created June 24, 1909. Herring, James B. Ottawa; proprietor sand works; created June 24, 1909. La wry, Carl Clement. Freedom; physician; created July 22, 1909. 436 'I'll E KNIGHTS I'l'.M I'l.AK, Lit/, Carl William. Ottawa; druggist; created July 30, 1909. Davidson, Frank Bruce. Marseilles; superintendent Howe & Davidson Co.; created Sept. 23, 1909. Lucas, Robert Charles. Ottawa; retired: created Oct. 7. [909. Pearson, Samuel C. Kansas City; insurance; now man- ager of insurance company, Kansas City, Mo., where he resides; created Nov. 18, 1909: Junior Warden 19 10-11. Gleim, George John. Ottawa; lawyer; created Dec. 2, 1909. Brooker, Harley E. Joliet; engineer; created Dec. 9. 1909. Tummel, Benjamin F. Marseilles; grocer; created Dec. 16, 1909: Sword Bearer [910-11. Elder, Herman Haines. Ottawa; bookkeeper; created Dec. 23, 1909; demitted April 14. [910; reaffiliated Feb. i_\ [914. Buchner, John F. Ottawa; County Recorder; created I '"eh. 3. [910. Grover, George ( >. Ottawa; cashier Ottawa Banking & Trust Co.; created Feb. 24, [910. Erb, Elias. Ottawa; retired: created March 8, [911. Benson, Ole E. Ottawa; ex-Sheriff; member Legisla- ture : created March to, [9 to. PEARSON, [OSEPH H. Ottawa; hardware; created March 17. [910; Captain General [914-15; Gen- eralissimo [915-16; Commander [916-17. Vaupel, Charles Paul. Ottawa; steam titter; created March 17, 1910. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 437 Camber, Henry G. Peoria; business manager and treas- urer Peoria Musical College; created March 24, 1910. Gleim, Frederick W. Ottawa; jeweler; created May 12, 1910; demitted June 12. [913. Farnsworth., George L. Ottawa; city civil engineer; created May 26, [910; Sword Bearer [912- 13 and 1 013- 14; Junior Warden 1914-15; Senior Warden [915-16. Conard, Wilson. Ottawa; retired ; created Aug. 4. 1910; died Dec. 15. U) 1 1 ; buried with Templar lioni >rs. Heiberg, Axel, Ottawa; druggist; County Auditor; created Nov. 10. 1910. Mundorff, William D. Wedron; grain; created Dec. 1, 1 910. Malaise, Prosper J. Serena; merchant; created Dec. 8. 1910. SiiiFELT, Adam. Freedom; telephone manager ; created Dec. 15, 19 10. Bbignon. Edward C. Serena ; farmer ; created Dec. 22. 1910. Tones, Fred Lamb. Ottawa; manufacturer; created Jan. 12, 191 1 ; Warder 19 13- 14. Goodell. John Hubbard. Marseilles : machinist and in- ventor; author; created March 2. 191 1 : Pre- late 191 2 and 1916, inclusive. Yen erich, John George. Ottawa; retired farmer ; creat- ed March 2, 191 1 ; died Oct. 2, 1912: buried with Templar honors. Maxwell, William R. Ottawa: grocer; created March 438 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, 5, 1911; died Sept. 25. 1916; buried with Templar honors. Newport, Nathan G. Morris; grain; affiliated March 23, i9 J i- Sterrett, George W. Marseilles; millwright; created April 6, 10,1 [. McLean, Alexander. Ottawa: farmer; created April 13, IQII. Daggett, Charles B. Marseilles; railway mail clerk; created April 20, [911. Blardsley, Lynn A. Sheridan; manager lumber yard; created April 27, [911. Herring, Charles B. Ottawa: proprietor sand works; created May 4, [911. Prafcke, Frederick C. Ottawa; plumber; created May 4. 191 1. Gaussin, Joseph P. Ottawa; glass worker; created May 25, 191 1. Messenie, William P. Marseilles; electrician; created May 25, 191 1 ; demitted Aug. 12, 1915. Reed, Chester P. Ottawa ; salesman ; created May 3 1 . 191 1 . Miller, Henry C. Serena; blacksmith; created Sept. 14, K)i 1 ; died Dec. 1 2, 0)14. Spaulding, Arthur J. Troy Grove; farmer; Waltham township; created Oct. 5, [911. Stocklev, William 11. Earlville; farmer, Waltham township; created Oct. 12, [911. Belknap, Oliver I. Ottawa; retired; created Oct. 12. u) 1 1 . Storimkk, Perry (i. Ottawa; dentist; created Oct. [9, 101 1. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 439, Royal E. Utica ; farmer, Waltham township; created Oct. 26, 1911; died Jan. 1, 1913 ; buried with Masonic honors. Wilson, John A. Utica; farmer, Waltham township; created Oct. 26, 191 1. Prichard. Arthur D. Ottawa; importer and breeder draft horses; created Dec. 21, 1911; Junior Warden 19 13- 14. Prichard, Frederick S. Ottawa ; importer and breeder draft horses; created Dec. 21, 191 1; Stand- ard Bearer 19 13-14. Crowden, George W. Ottawa; editor Fair Dealer; affili- ated Dec. 28, 191 1 ; Junior Warden 1912-13; Captain General 1913-14; Generalissimo 1914-15; Commander 1015-16. Reed, Edward A. Ottawa ; agricultural implement dealer ; affiliated Jan. 11, 1912. Osgood, Henry D. Marseilles: real estate; created Jan. 11. 1912. Geiger, Simon C. Ottawa; bakery and confectionery; created Jan. 18, 1912; died Jan. 27,, 1917. Berxdt, William F. Ottawa; plumber; created Feb. 1, 1012. Edgcomb, John S. Ottawa; retired; created Feb. 29, 101 2. Weese, Glenn W. Ottawa; lawyer; created March 14, 1912. Conard, David Roy. Ottawa ; farmer ; created March 21, 1912. Russell, William C. St. Louis; bookkeeper; created April 18, 1912. Carter, Ray A. Ottawa; auditor; created April 18, 440 Til E K NIGHTS TI'.M I'l.AR, [912 ; Junior Warden [915-16; Senior Ward- en 1916-17. Fread, William P. Ottawa; physician; created April [8, [912; Warder [915-16; Junior Warden [916-17. Roe, Charles S. Ottawa; abstracter: created April 25, [912; S. May 4. [914. McKahin, William J. Marseilles; foreman; affiliated April 25, [912; demitted Oct. 8, 1914. Shltk, Arthur J. Ottawa; tanner and stock feeder; created May iS. [912. Lee, Harry J. Ottawa: piano tuner; affiliated June n, 1912; Sentinel [912-13. McCarty, Carlos O. Ottawa; traveling salesman; creat- ed Nov. 16, [9] 2. Stoessinger. Fred C. Ottawa ; druggist : created Dec. 12. 1912. Spencer, Harry C. Marseilles; bookkeeper; created Dec. 19, 1912. Hogaxsox, Tyler A. Morris; merchant; created Nov. 23, 19 1 2. Milligan, James, Jr. Ottawa; salesman and accountant: created Feb. 6, 1913: Senior Warden [913- '4- M loaf li \. Joseph M. Ottawa ; shoe store: created March 6, 19 1 3. Bradford, Charles T. Ottawa: laundry: created March Dale, John R. Des Moines, la.: insurance: created March 17. [913. Thompson, Noah H. Ottawa; publisher; created March '7- > ( )i3- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 44I Thrasher, Harry L. Ottawa: assistant manager Tent Colony; created April 17. [913; S. May jr. 19 16. Brenn, Charles F. Ottawa; mining engineer ; affiliated June 26, [913. Stevenson, Charles l\. Ottawa; engineer and oil opera tor : created Nov. 1 3, [9 1 3. Clegg, Samuel E. Ottawa; plumber and steamfitter; created Jan. _'_>, iol|: Sword Bearer 1014- [ 5- Green, Walter Rush. Dayton; fanner and dairy; created Jan. 29, 11)14. Hulse, Clarence E. Ottawa: plumber; created Feb. 12. 1914. Leverich, William K. Ottawa: machinist: created Feb. 5, 1914: Standard Bearer 1914-15; Senior Warden 1915-16; Captain General 1916-17. Jordan, Charles E. Marseilles ; Howe &: 1 )avidson press- man; created Feb. 5. 1914. Ten Eyck, George E. Marseilles; clerk; creat- ed April 2, 1914. Nelson, George C. Marseilles; merchant; created April 2, 1914. Ford, George C. Villisca, la.; tailoring - : created April 30, 1914. McReynolds, Claude B. Ottawa ; salesman ; affiliated July 2^, 1914; demitted March 11, 1915. Cowley, William G. F. Serena; minister; created Sept. 10, 19 1 4. Parks, Albert Henry. Ottawa; electric engineer ; creat- ed Sept. 24, 19T4. 44-' THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Sahlberg, Walfred C. Chicago; accountant; affiliated Sept. 24, 19 1 4. Gay, Straw x Aldrich. Ottawa: architect: created Dec. 3, 1914. Scoffern, Robert F. Ottawa; manager Pioneer Fire- proof Construction Co.; created Dec. 17. [914; Standard Bearer 1915-16. Morris, John Thomas. Ottawa. 111.; salesman: created Jan. 14. 1915. I lot; ansox, Talbert L. R. Ottawa: automobiles and garage: created Feb. 4. 1915. Mers, Walter Ray. Ottawa: salesman: created Feb. 4, 1915. Eichelberger, Clifford C. Ottawa; farmer; created Feb. 11. 1915; Sword Bearer 1915-16. Briggs, Robert J. W. Chicago; veterinary; created Feb. 20. 1915. Harden/ William A. Ottawa: electrician: created April 1. [915. Harrington, Bert. Des Moines, la.; traveling' salesman: created April 1 5, igi 5. Ott. John. Ottawa; bricklayerj created May 2-, 1015. De Lapp, Floyd M. Ottawa; Illinois Valley Printing Co.; created Sept. 23, 1015 : Sword Bearer 0)1(1-17. Springhorn, William 11. Ottawa; meat market ; created Sept. 9, [915. Edgcomb, John Harold. Ottawa; physician; affiliated Sept. 23, [915; acting Warder 0)10-17. BrandenberG; Harry (I. Serena: farmer; created Sept. 30, 1915. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 443 Ehly, Herbert. Ottawa; blacksmith; created Oct. T4. 1915. Ford. Thomas R. Ottawa ; superintendent Gas. Co. ; created Oct. 21, 19 15. Dale, Benjamin E. Joliet ; printer ; created Oct. 28, I9I5- Keeler, Fred Smith. Ottawa; jeweler; created Nov. 18, i9 J 5- Lindsay, Frank J. Grand Ridge; grain; created Dec. 2, 1915. Kxaim', Collins E. Ottawa; retired; created Dec. 2, 1915. Briggs, Charles Arthur. Ottawa; minister; affiliated Dec. 9, [915; Prelate 1916-17. Yentzer, Frank George. Ottawa; telegraph operator; created Nov. 11, 1915. Leipold, Lester \Y. Ottawa; clerk; created Dec. 9, 191 5. Manning, James C. South Haven, Mich.; civil engineer; created Jan. 6, 1916; Warder 1916-17. Conde, Harry W. Ottawa : automobiles ; created Dec. 23, 1915.' Ledricii, August. Ottawa; carpenter; created Dec. 30, 1 91 5- Ebright, Francis S. Marseilles; merchant; created Dec. 30, 191 5. Mercer, Edward Z. Ottawa; traveling salesman; affili- ated March 9, 19 16. Watts, Clarence M. Ottawa; farmer: created March 23, 1916. Gleim, John Charles. Ottawa; Deputy Circuit Clerk; created April 6, 1916. 444 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Fruland, Nels Albert. Ottawa; automobiles; created May 6, [916. Markeson, Ami Manuel Ottawa; retired: created May 6, [916; died April 5, n> 1 7 : buried with Templar honors. Claus, Edward R. Ottawa; King & Hamilton Co. ; creat- ed May 6, [91 6. Ci.Ais. Carl F. Ottawa; King & Hamilton Co.; created May 6, 1916. Cullen, Charles S. Ottawa; lawyer; ex-State's Attor- ney; created May 9. 1916. Clapper, Lewis H. Ottawa: merchant: created May 9, 1916. Levy. Leox Frank. Ottawa; druggist; created May 9, 19 1 6. Sieffert, Oscar A. Ottawa: bank clerk; created May 9, K) 1 6. Grimes, Wilbur. Ottawa; insurance: created May iS. 1 9 1 6. Kile, Arthur M. Ottawa: dentist: created May 18. 1916. McLeod, Donald John. Ottawa: superintendent ; created May 2j, 19 if). Beem, Fred C. Ottawa; manager United Telephone Co.; created May 2j, 19 16. Randall, Leslie E. Ottawa : traveling- salesman : created Nov. 23, 1 9 16. Kxowles. Frederick S. Ottawa: foundry and machin- ery; created Dec. 7, [916. Weise, Sidney W. Ottawa; floor manager; created Dec. 14, H)\(k HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 445 Hartshorn, Walter B. Ottawa; accountant; created Jan. 4, 1917. Lindemann, Walter C. Ottawa; lineman; created Jan. 11, 1917- 44^ 'HE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, HOPEi. What song is well sung not of sorrow? What triumph well won without pain? What virtue shall be, and not borrow Bright luster from many a stain? What birth has there been without travail? What battle well won without blood? What good shall earth see without evil Ingarnered as chaff with the good? Lo! the Cross set in rocks by the Roman, And nourished by the blood of the lamb. And watered by tears of the woman, Has flourished, has spread like a palm. Has spread in the frosts and far regions Of snows in the North, and South sands, Where never the tramp of his legions Was heard, or reached forth his red hands. Be thankful, the price and the payment, The birth, the privations and scorn, The Cross, and the parting of raiment, Are finished. The stars brought us morn. Look starward; stand far and unearthly, Free-souled as a banner unfurled. Be worthy, O brother, be worthy! For a God was the price of the world. — Joaquin Miller. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 447 THE APOSTASY OF JUDAS ESCARIOT. Then one of the twelve, called Judas tscariot, went unto the chief priests, and said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him tor thirty pieces of silver. And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him. Now the first day of the feast of the unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus, saving unto him, where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover? And he said, do into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The master sayeth, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples. And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them, and they made ready the passover. Now when the even was come, he sat down with the twelve. And as they did eat, he said, Verily 1 say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. And they were exceedingly sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord is it I ? And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hands with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. The Son of man goeth, as it is written of him; but woe unto that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he had not been born. Then Judas, which be- trayed him, answered and said, Master, is it 1 ? He said unto him. Thou hast said. — Matt, xxvi., 14-25. 44* Til KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. £5-5 •- Z a) n a- — gd be ~~7 ■a* s h os sa r-,' "*" •— 0/ r- •- « E < M G 1 •r- o ^ O O it -~ IV, S-, t-. 0) ~ a o x S3 a> o — = c" •- f ft tt a. ^ • c o 2 E- ~ .5 re o> > M a. » ■h r! B » t~ "^ o> i o o .z; - O 01 — S^ 73 o b at: S2So C C •" 5 i. 1 '/. « rj ai _f Q 1^" * 2 r. >: M hO mo*' f ' I If ese Pages ed to the Memory of OUR TEMPLAR DEAD. By the deep booming of the Templar knell, By the slow march that endeth with the grave, By funeral badge, and sign, and sorrowful brow, We mark a Templar fallen. IN vV\E/v\ORJA/\4 fv!NCES William Hervy Lamme Wallace April 10, 1862 Philo Lindley June 25, 1864 Thoman E. G. Ransom Oct. 29, 1864 George S. Stebbins Nov. 29, 1867 Samuel C. Walker Oct. 24, 1869 .1 alius C. Avery Nov. 22, 1870 Charles P. Clark Dec. 26, 1870 Oliver Cromwell Gray July 31, 1871 Edward L. Herrick April 11, 1876 James N. Colwell Oct. 10, 1876 William H. Moore Dec. . ., 1876 Charles H. Gilman April 14, 1880 Patrick Ryan June 13, 1881 John J. DeMotte Jan. . ., 1881 Lothrop Perkins Sept. 17, 1884 Washington Bushnell June 30, 1885 Robert M. McArthur Aug. 12, 1886 Corydon C. Halladay Oct. 10, 1886 John Francis Cleave March 4, 1887 Asa Mann Hoffman May 4, 1887 John Lewis Summers July 14, 1888 TN AAE/\AOR!A/V\ iVlNCES Justus Harris Nov. 27, 1888 E. Follett Bull Dec. 4, 1888 Thomas Reedy March 4, 1889 Augustus H. Jennings ' Jan. 12, 1892 Frederick W. Gray May 6, 1893 Albert Atwood Colley Aug. 16, 1894 Charles Henry Steen Dec. 20, 1894 Thomas Coxy Fullerton Aug. 2, 1894 David Robbins Gregg March 23, 1895 John Brooks Rice Feb. 24, 1896 Austin V. Mitchell Oct. 1, 1896 Arthur Lockwood Nov. 18, 1896 David Batcheller Dec. 28, 1896 Robert Courtney Myer .• May 3, 189S Edward Clark Modes March 15, 1899 Jacob W. Moon March IS, 1900 James Rhoads April 18, 1900 Charles A. Wiley May 6, 1900 William Hayes Lukins May 18, 1900 Clarence E. Tryon July io, 1900 IN V\/\EAAORfAAA Winces George A. Wilmarth May .".. Edgar Goodrich Dyer Aug. 19, Israel C. Cope Feb. 2, John Stewart Ryburn Sept. 21, Charles ,1. Vockey Dec. 27, Calvin D. Phillips Aug. 6, Edward A. Nattinger . . ' Sept. 1, Ezekiel Howiand Sept. 29, John M. Purrucker Oct. 25, Julius A. Freeman May 8, William Stormont Oct. 12, Edward A. Graves Jan. 1. Daniel Charles Mills May 2, John R. Cameron May 22, Douglas Hapeman June 5, David Alpheus Cook Sept. 21, William C. Hall Jan. 22 Louis Scheidecker March 6 Clark Brading Provins June 4 Samuel Richolson. June 24, 1901 1901 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906 '-4£2~~ IN -AAEMORIAAA V1NCES 1 Charles Blanehard Oct. 31, 1906 David H. Slagle March 8, 1907 Charles Christian Modes Dec. 17, 1907 Alexander Hanna May 24, 1908 Samuel S. Pearson Nov. 21, 1908 Edwin T. Reed Nov. 22, 190S Frederick A. Peebles Dec. 13, 1908 Joseph Newton Dunaway Jan. 9, 1909 George C. Borchsenius Feb. 24, 1909 Charles Schaulin May 10, 1909 Berkley Gillett Barrett April 27, 1910 Sylvanus S. Thompson April 27, 1910 Samuel Hood May 14, 1910 Francis Lyman Fisk July 25, 1910 Rezin N. Thompson May 7, 1911 Louis Rohrer June 28, 1911 Camillus McClure Aug. 19, 1911 Theodore C. Gibson Sept. 23, 1911 Benjamin Franklin Trumbo Nov. 8, 1911 Wilson Conard Dec. 15, 1911 IN 'A4EA40RIAA4 *>>» Ebenesser Barber Aug. 30, Royal E. Willsey Jan. 1, John Fisk Nash July 6 John Stout Oct. 21 Walter David Strawn Dec. 4 Edward Henry Smith Jan. 3 Joshua P. Rodgers Feb. 1 Irving H. Trowbridge March 10 Emil J. Hoffman Sept. 5 Henry C. Miller Dec. 12 Walter Briggs Titus June 20 Joseph Allison Sept. 1 William Holland Sindel May 30 George H. Ahlborn Jan. 11 Celestine Rohrer March 3 William Robert Maxwell Sept. 25 Simon Conrad Geiger Jan. 23 William Henry Oilman Feb. 17 Albert Thomas Lardin March 31 Ami Manuel Markeson April 5 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 1917 1917 rM'MEMORIAM HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 457 THE CRUCIFIXION. When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing - , but rather a tumult was made, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying. 1 am innocent of the blood of this just person; see ye to it. Then answered all the people and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. Then released he Barabbas unto them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole hand of soldiers. And they stripped him, and put < n him a scarlet robe. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand; and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying. Mail, king of the jews! And they spit upon him, and took- the reed and smote him on the head. And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. And as they came out they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name ; him they compelled to hear his cross. (And when they had come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull, they gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gall, and when he had tasted thereof he would not drink'. And they crucified him. and parted his garments, casting lots. And sitting down, they watched him there; and set up over his head his accusation written: This is Jesus the King of the Jews.] — Matt: xxvil, 24-38. 458 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, THE RESURRECTION. In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the Angel of the Lord descended from I leaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning", and His raiment white as snow: And for fear of Him the keepers did shake, and become as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the woman. Fear not ye; for I know- that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here; for lie is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay : and go quickly, and tell His disciples that Lie is risen from the dead; and, behold, lie goeth before yon into Galilee; there shall ye see Him: lo, I have told you. And they departed quickly from the sepulcher with fear and great joy, and did run to bring His disciples word. And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saving, All hail! And they came and held Him by the feet, and wni-shippcd Him. Then Jesus said unto them. Be not afraid: go tell My brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see Me. — AIatt. x.wiii, i-io. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 45Q THE ELECTION OF MATTHIAS. And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples and said (the number of the names together were about an hundred and twenty ), Men and brethren, this Scrip- ture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy (most, by the mouth of David, spake before, concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. For he was num- bered with us, and had obtained a part of this ministry. Now this man purchased a held with the reward of his in- iquity; and, falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem; insomuch as that field is called in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, the held of blood. For it is written in the Book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and no man dwell therein; and his bishopric let another take. Wherefi re, of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resur- rection. And the_\- appointed two, Joseph, called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. And they prayed and said. Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts oi all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen, that he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that be might go to, his own place. And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Mat- thias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. — Acts i. 15-26. 4^0 THE KNIGHTS TI.MI'I.Nk. THE UNBELIEF OF THOMAS. But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples, there- fore said unto him. We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my linger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, 1 will not believe. And after eight days, .again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said Peace be with you. Then said he to Thomas, Reach hither thy ringer, and behold my hands: and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and he not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. — John xx. 24-28. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 46 1 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Sir Oliver Cromwell Gray. First Eminent Commander Under Dispensation, Ottawa Commandery. Sir Oliver Cromwell Gray descended from an old Eng- lish family of the same name, of which Thomas Gray, poet and author of the "Elegy in a Country Churchyard," was a branch. His father was David Gray, the author of several poems, among which is "The Golden Wedding." The subject of this sketch was also the author of several most beautiful poems. One who knew Sir Gray, in a finely written review, under the head of "Gossip With the Poets," thus spoke of him : "We need not confine ourselves to standard works to find the ring of the true metal. What may be called a per- fect verse is haunting our memory now, from the 'Song of the Cable,' by Gray, of Ottawa: 'Drop me down in the deep, while the sea is asleep, And a spell is upon the tide.' "The same writers says in the 'Sea Coral's Dream' : 'Upward build through sea-green portals, Lost Atlantis — home for mortals — Occidental elfin island, such as loomed on Plato's sight ; An August domain for races — Tenants of life's hid oasis; Let the base be laid in silence, let the summit rest in light!' "We could wish this sedate man would bend oftener to the lyre when such strains flow from his touch." Sir Oliver C. Gray was admitted to practice law in 1841 at Cleveland, Ohio, and continued in the practice until war was declared with Mexico. At this time he was first lieu- tenant of the Jefferson Grays, of Steubenville, Ohio, and left with the organization for the seat of war. 4^2 THE KNIGHTS TKMl'LAR, OLIVER CROMWELL GRAY. Eminent Commander Ottawa Conimandery, U. D., 1861. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 463 During- the continuance of the war with Mexico he served as adjutant of the Third Ohio regiment, commanded by Samuel R. Curtis, afterwards Governor of Iowa, and during the civil war Major General of volunteers. Sir Gray came to Ottawa in 1853 and entered into a law partnership with Washington Bushnell, and later was senior member of the law firm of Gray, Avery & Bushnell, the strongest firm of practitioners that ever graced the bar of La Salle county. In [868 Sir Gray was nominated for Con- gress by the Democratic party, and ran against the Him. B. C. Cook, and, although the district was strongly Repub- lican, he was defeated by only a small majority. A complete biographical sketch of Oliver Cromwell Gray, reciting his student life in Ohio, his services in the Mexican war, his adventurous career in California in the early stages of the gold excitement, and then all his trials and triumphs as a leading lawyer at the local and Supreme Court bar of Illinois, would he of absorbing interest, and we regret that we cannot afford space, which would require a volume of itself. Sir Gray affiliated with Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., in 1854, and was elected Master the same year. Was charter member and High Priest, under dispensation, of Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M., Ottawa, 111., [856- ^7. and was one of the promoters and charter members of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, Knights Templar, and was the Eminent Commander while working under dispensation. He demitted from the Commandery February _\ 1860, and passed to his reward July 31, 1871, and was buried with Masonic honors. Tresdav morning, August 1, 1871, the day following the death of Mr. Gray, the announcement of his death was made in the Circuit Court at Ottawa. There was a large attendance of the bar as well as many promient citizens. 4 r »4 TIIK KNICHTS TEMPLARj [mmediately after Judge Leland had taken his seat upon the bench the Hon. Washington Bushnell addressed the ct nirt as t"( illows : "If the court please: It has fallen to my sad lot within the last few months to announce to this court the death of Julius Avery, a member of this bar, who for long- years was a partner of mine, as well as the death of William C. Tear- son, a former student of ours, who for lung' rears was in our office, the death of both of whom we mourn. It now he- comes my solemn tint}' to announce to your honor, and to this bar, the death of Oliver C. Gray. "For ewer fourteen years myself and Mr. Grav were partners in the practice of law. For these fourteen years I have to say that there was not a word of unkindness spoken between us. "I don't helieve that any unkind feeling- ever existed be- tween Mr. Gray. Mr. Avery and myself during the time we were partners together. Mr. Gray was an active practitioner of the law. lie was a man of energy, always at his post of duty. Mis countenance was familiar to us and to the com- munity and to all those who were in the habit of assembling in this court-room, lie will he missed by your honor; he will he missed and deplored by members of this bar. and by all parties litigant in this court. As a clear-headed lawyer, as a social and agreeable intellectual companion, it may he possible to supplv his place, but it will he very difficult to do so. I need not say that Mr. Gray was a remarkable man. Remarkable in the brilliancy of his conversational powers; remarkable as an intellectual man; remarkable as a lawyer in all the departments of the profession. lie had perhaps equals in all departments of the law, but if he had superiors, they were indeed few, either here or elsewhere. Kind in his practice, true in all his professional engagements, like all the rest of us, in the moment of heat, in the moment of excite- HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 465 merit, he may possibly have sometimes erred, but if he did he was always prompt, when the moment of excitement had passed away, to make full and complete amends for all that he had done that could he said to he unjust. For this Mr. Gray was remarkable. 'To err is human ; to forgive, divine." "Mr. Gray was a man whose intellect was not confined within the practice of the law. His mind was cultivated in all the various fields of intellect. He was at home in the law. at home in mental philosophy, at home in the various languages — they were all familiar to him. I know that many of us, indeed the most of us, went to Mr. Gray to consult him as a student does to Webster's dictionary. In all branches of literature his mind was highly cultivated; his memory was seldom, if ever, at fault. We have learned many lessons from him. He is gone! We shall go to him, hut he will not return to us! By the decree of an unalterable natural law he passed away. We who have seen him here shall see him no more. Mr. Gray was a man whose intellect was firm, grasping, and unyielding. When he met a man in legal controversy he met him as upon the held of battle. It was a strife the very moment he entered this court-room. The blade of the intellect was ever keen and sharp; his mind was grasping, his determination endless; he would struggle and struggle when other memhers of the bar would apparently he discouraged: he fought nobly with his antagonist. He never will again! He has had man)- a stern conflict here; he has met many a shrewd, keen and re- lentless advocate in this room. He has finally met an ad- versary stronger and more powerful than he had ever met before. The grasp of his intellect and his physical nerve have had to yield to a power superior to his own. The word was given, Mr. Gray yielded; after victories, he is no longer a victor; death has become his victor. Feace to his ashes. Long may his memory live; long may the work of 466 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, his intellect survive, and may it be said of us, as it will be said oi Gray, 'He was an ornament to society and an orna- ment to his profession!' Ever industrious, ever hard work- ing, ever seeking to develop and aid the members of the legal profession, lie was willing to assist even the younger members oi the bar, to cheer them, to encourage them, and to give them freely information which had accrued to him from long years of labor and study. 1 do not think that any cue ewer approached Oliver C. Gray and asked him for assistance, or information, or advice, but that he gave it most cheerfully and gladly, except when it would tend to reveal some of the features of his own case. I say he was kind. particularly so was he to the younger members of the bar, his bearing towards the younger members was always kind, indulgfent and forbeariner." Sir William Hervy Lam ml Wallace. Born at Urbana, Ohio, July 8, [82] ; killed at battle of Shiloh April 10, 1862. Sir Wallace came with his parents to Illinois in 1834, first locating in Deer Park. La Salle county. Illinois. In [845 he came to Ottawa and entered as a student of law in the office of T. Lvle Dickey. At the breaking out of the Mexican war, in 184(1, he enlisted as a private in a company raised by Col. Dickey in Ottawa, and on the organization of the campaign was made orderly sergeant, hut was soon promoted to third lieu- tenant, and finally to the position of adjutant of Col. Har- din's regiment. He distinguished himself at the battle of Buena Vista by his bravery and heroism. At the close of the Mexican war Sir Wallace resumed his studies in the office of Col Dickey, whose daughter he subsequently mar- HISTORY Oh' OTTAWA CUMMANDERY, 467 GENERAL WILLIAM HERVY LAMME WALLACE, Captain General Ottawa Comrnandery, U. D., 1861. Killed in battle of Pittsburg Landing April 10, 1862. 468 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, ried. ( )f his career as an attorney it is sufficient to say that it was eminently honorable and successful. On the break- ing out of the rebellion he was invited to command the Eleventh regiment of Illinois volunteers. He cheerfully yielded to the call of his companions in arms and gave him- self to his country. For his bravery at Fort Donelson he was commissioned Brigadier General, and for distinguished services he was ad- vanced to act as Major General just before the battle of Pittsburg Landing. At this battle he bore himself nobly and safely through perils of that unlooked-for and overwhelming assault on Sunday till about 4 p. m. Finding his division liable to be flanked on either side he had just given com- mand to his brigade commanders "to fall back steadily." and while overseeing its execution the fatal messenger sealed his lips in silence. The ball passed from near the top of the left ear along the temple, taking in its exit the left eye. He disengaged his feet, as if to dismount, and fell to the ground. He was supposed to be dead. His brother-in-law. Lieutenant C. E. Dickey, and two men bore him tenderly after his retreating columns till the hard pressure of the foe obliged them to leave him on the field. The next day our troops recovered the held and found him unconscious, but alive, his pockets rifled and a blanket tossed over him. He was immediately transferred to Savannah, Term., to the care of his wife, who had arrived the day previous on a visit, but as yet had not seen him. A slight return of consciousness, an occasional smiling recognition of his companion in sorrow, and at last a motion of his linger pointing her to the peaceful Heaven above were his last acts. The very last acts, coupled with bis >olemn written resolve after bis seemingly providential deliverance at Donelson. to this effect. "For this almost miraculous preservation of my life amid such dangers I am HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 469 resolved that henceforth all I am shall be the Lord's," leaves us the consolation that he found rest in Heaven. General Wallace was universally respected, loved by inan_\-, naturally noble and generous, always courteous; his life, in most respects far above that of ordinary men, was a model of manly dignity and honor, and yet of engaging simplicity and unaffecting modesty. He had occupied a prominent position in La Salle county and held a high place in public esteem. Sir Wallace was'raised to the degree of Master Mason in Occidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M., in [846, and was Master of the lodge in [848 and [849. Was exalted to the degree of Royal Arch in Shabbona Chapter, No. 37, R. A. M.. July 17, 1856, and was High Priest of his Chapter in 1859. He was created a Knight Templar in Blaney Commandery, No. 5, K. T., Morris, 111., in 1858, and at the time Ottawa Commander}' was organized demitted from Blaney Commandery and was a charter member of Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., Ottawa, 111., and the Captain General under dispensation, and held the office at the time of his death on the held of battle. When his remains were brought home from the held of battle they were met at the Rock Island depot, at Otta- wa, at 4 o'clock a. m. Monday, April 14th. The tolling of the church bells having announced the hour of arrival, the citizens turned out en masse to do homage to his memory. An escort of Ottawa Commandery, Knights Templar, and a delegation of citizens accompanying them met the remains at the depot and accompanied them to his residence, from ■whence, at two p. m., they were laid in state in the Supreme Court-house, where they were viewed by thousands of his friends and strangers. Tuesday morning, attended by the Masonic fraternity, under escort of Ottawa Commandery. the body was carried to the Episcopal church, from which, 17" III I KNIGHTS TKM PLAR. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. \~\ after appropriate funeral services, it was taken for inter- ment to the family burial ground of Col. Dickey, near his residence, "The Oaks," on the north bluff, and deposited in its last resting- place with the solemn and impressive cere- monies of the Masonic fraternity. "If I die it is glory enough to die in such a cause, and furnish no reason for regret. Alan must die some time, and to die nobly is a boon granted to few." [Gen. Wallace's letter to his wife.] We ({note the following from Miss Isabel Wallace's "Life and Letters of General YV. H. L, Wallace": "On Decoration Day, 1874, at Ottawa, the Knights Templar had charge of the day's services, which were im- pressive. In the afternoon after the other exercises were finished they proceeded to the grave of General W. II. L. Wallace on the bluff near bis late residence. At the grave the flowery tribute as well as the solemn appearance and knight- ly hearing of the Commandery was very imposing. Wreaths and bouquets were placed around the tomb by a delegation 1 if ladies, while the knights so placed their flowers as to form a cross o'er the breast of their illustrious though fallen comrade. A beautiful white cross within a triangle of ewer- greens rested at the foot of the grave and a cross and crown decked the head of the grave of the departed hero. "Then Hon. Washington Bushnell (a knight) gave an eloquent eulogy, which did honor to the heart and intellect of the living friend, no less than the dead friend eulogized: " Tie is not dead but sleepeth." 'Yes, "he sleeps the sleep that knows no waking." Look upon his grave! Heboid his tomb, but do not imagine that he is dead. A form so erect and manly may rest in the grave, but a spirit so noble cannot die. It is yet abroad work- ing for good purposes and ends. Who remembers him but as kind and gentle, vet firm? Exalted in his manners and 472 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, FLAG OF THE ELEVENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY REGIMENT, NOW IN THE LIBRARY AT "THE OAKS." HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 473 example, and pure in his impulses? Look through this leafy grove. Can you not see him walking from that front door to yonder gate with form erect, counteance beaming with kindness and hashing with thought and intellect? Be not deceived, for looking again you see him not, for here he lies. ' 'And here let me say to the widowed wife, lay aside your grief, forget your mourning, for what woman has had bequeathed to her a legacy so rich as the name and fame of him of whom I speak, and who yet liveth in spirit to com- fort and protect you. 'The inanimate form which his tomb confines was hut a short time ago the abode of one of the purest patriotic hearts that ever honored our land. He was one of the first to volunteer in the Mexican war and won unextinguishable honors as a brave officer in the First United States regi- ment. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was the first of our citizens to offer his services to the government. 1 need not detail his subsequent career, for it is as familiar as a household word. Mortally wounded upon the sixth of April, [862, he died upon the tenth. Pittsburg Landing, how hallowed the name, how glorious, yet how sad, the surroundings! Whether making friends in the social circle, or gathering laurels in legal contests; whether carrying ma- terial upon his shoulder up the bluff to beautify an early home, or wearing upon the same shoulder the glittering epaulets upon the field of strife and carnage to victory and ultimate death, yet he was Wallace ever, he was Wallace still. Oh! how the hopes of true-hearted friends drooped, like these faded flowers upon his grave as they heard the mournful news! Around his tomb to-day are thousands of those who knew him best and loved him longest. To them and his country his death was a calamity, but to him it was a glorious fading into immortality. 474 THE KNIGHTS TK.M l'J.AR, THE DRAWING OF THE MEMORIAL WINDOW IN THE LIBRARY AT "THE OAKS." HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 475 ' 'Fearless and self-reliant, open in dislikes, warm in friendship, he ever marched straightforward in line of duty and truth. As a man to be judged in private life few were his equals. Never was he charged with broken faith or vio- lated trust. " 'And now at eventide, as the shadows lengthen toward the East, where he loved to sit so well and from whence we have often obeyed his gavel call, let us turn again to the West and behold his sepulchre, fully realizing" that the Grand Supreme Commander of the Universe has by His gavel called our comrade to his final and peaceful rest. Gen- tle neighbor, good friend, true patriot and noble hero, hail! and again farewell." "As the concluding sentences of the eulogy were uttered the knights presented arms and with heads uncovered showed their appreciation of the dead hero. As the last word, 'farewell,' fell from the eloquent speaker the trickling tears and moistened eyes of the vast concourse of people told plainly of the love and respect which was gathered there to pay tribute to the memory of the fallen patriot. "After the ceremony at the grave the knights visited Mrs. Wallace at her residence and by words of comfort renewed the assurances of their sympathy. "Some years before the Knights Templar had presented Mrs. Wallace with a beautiful oil painting of her husband (a duplicate of which hangs in the entrance to the asylum of Ottawa Commandery — Author), thus showing their re- spect and esteem for her no less than the loving memory held of her husband. "For many years Mrs. Wallace had a desire to place a memorial window in the church at Ottawa in memory of her husband. She gave much thought to the subject, visit- ing many churches in her own country and in Europe. In the Glasgow cathedral she especially admired the stained 476 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION OF MEMORIAL WINDOW IN CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, OTTAWA, ILL. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 4/7 glass where the windows are exceptionally fine. They are all memorials given in the years 1861-1863. A committee selected of Glasgow citizens recommended a uniform plan of illustration and harmonious treatment of the entire series of windows. The Royal Establishment of Glass Painting, at Munich, was selected to carry on the work, and many of the most eminent artists in Germany were the designers of the windows. One window especially interested Mrs. Wal- lace. It was the subject of the Resurrection, designed by Professor Julius Hubner, of Dresden, director of the Royal gallery, and one of the finest artists in Germany. She made a note of the name, and when two years later she visited Dresden, called upon him. asking if he could suggest some artist to design a window for her. She told him she would like the subject of the Resurrection, but as her means were limited she feared she could not have a design so elaborate. "Professor Hubner became very much interested in her and her project and offered to undertake the work himself. As he would like to have some of his work in America, he would charge nothing for it, only for the mechancal part of the glass worker. His work consisted principally of large canvasses on historical and biblical subjects which hang on the walls of many public and private European galleries. Occasionally he made designs for memorial windows, some of which were placed in the royal palaces near Dresden, to which he gave Mrs. Wallace and her friends the entree to see his work and visit the interesting places. "He made a most beautiful design of the Resurrection for Mrs. Wallace's window. There is the figure of the Christ with the angel holding open the tomb. On the halo around the Christ head is the text: 'Grave, where is thy victory?' After the window was completed Professor Hub- ner made Airs. Wallace a present of the drawing of the 4/8 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, window, which she has incorporated into the book cases in the library at her home in Ottawa. "The window was placed in Christ Episcopal church in [872. The lower section of the window represents the life of ( ieneral Wallace. "It was executed under Mrs. Wallace's direction by a no less renowned artist than Professor 1 luhner. The first scene is a log cabin representing' the childhood home with the date [834 and the text: 'That our garners may be full.' The next scene. 1840. represents the student's life with table and hooks and the text : 'Take fast hold of instruction.' The third and central figure represents his profession, Justice with her scales and the text. 'Teach me thy statutes.' On a pillar to right in this scene is a Masonic emblem showing his connection with that order. The next scene is the •Mexican war in 1846 with the text: 'Thou hast covered my head in the day of battle.' The lower picture, and the last one, is the river at Pittsburg Landing with boats and the smoke of the battle in the distance, and the riderless horse, with the text: 'In the Lord 1 have put my trust. I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.' hi the right corner of this same picture is a beautiful oak tree in full vigor riven with lightning and broken in twain; cling to it is a vine with the text: 'Thy will, not mine, lie done.' The oak tree representing the vigorous manhood cut down in his prime; the vine, the woman's love remaining the same both in life and in death. "Thus in beautiful stained glass is pictured the blessed truth of a risen life beyond the sorrows and disappointments of this earthly life, where the noble deed of heroes and patriots find a reward more exalted than the plaudits of their fellowmen, for a country saved in its entirety by noble self-sacrifice and exalted patriotism." HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERV. 4~<) General T. E. G. Ransom. General Thomas Edward Greenfield Ransom, whose por- trait adorns the wall of our asylum, was horn at Norwich, Conn., November 29, 1834. where he was educated for the profession of a civil engineer. On coming west he settled in Tern, 111., removed thence to Chicago, and was engaged in business in Fayette county when the civil war broke out. Enlisting in the volunteer service of the army, he was at once elected Major, and soon after was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eleventh regiment Illinois infantry, which he led at the battle of Fort Donelson, and where he was wounded. Immediately after the battle he was commissioned Colonel, and while in command of his regiment was again wounded at the battle of Shiloh. In June of 1862 he became chief of Gen. McClernand's staff and Inspector-General of Volunteers, and the following year distinguished himself at the siege of Vicksburg. General Ransom was a man (if more than ordinary abil- ity, as was conspicuously demonstrated in Ranks' Red River expedition, and where he was again severely wounded at Sabine Cross Roads. In acknowledgment of his superior ability he was finally promoted to the command of the Seventeenth Arm}- Corps. While thus his brilliant fame was attracting the attention of his country he was attacked with camp dysentery and died near Rome, Ga., ( )ctober 20, [864, loved and lamented by comrades and friends. He was knighted in Ottawa Commander}- July 23, [864, and in consideration of the eminent services of Sir Knight T. E. G. Ransom in the cause of his country the Command- ery declined to accept from him the usual fee for conferring the orders of knisrhthood. 4$0 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, ( rEORGE \V. LlNINGER. Knighted in Ottawa Commandery, No. m, EC. T., (ulv 23, [861, and Eminent Commander [867; died at Omaha, Xeb., June 8, 1 1 107. He demitted from Ottawa Commandery October 22, [867, and was a charter member of St. John's Commandery, No. 2(), at Peru. Illinois. The dispensation for St. John's Commandery, No. 26, was issued to Em. Sir George W. Lininger, Commander; Sir George Emerson, Generalissimo, and Sir David A. Conk, ( aptain ( ieneral. Em. Sir Lininger was active in other Masonic bodies and was Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Illinois in 1868. On account of poor health he removed from Peru. 111., where he had resided since 1848, when he came to Illinois from Franklin county, Pa., where he was horn December 14, 1834. to Council Bluffs, Iowa. He was active in the Grand Masonic bodies of Iowa, having been Grand Senior Warden in the Grand Lodge and Deputy Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery and Grand Captain of the Guard of the Grand Council, and would have undoubtedly presided over these Grand bodies of Iowa had he remained within their jurisdiction. On January 1, 1874. he removed to Omaha, Xeb.. where the same activity prompted his work in that. state in all mat- ters pertaining to our institutions as did in Illinois and Iowa. Aside from these duties — which were light in comparison with his efficient record in discharging the minor, but equally important, offices in lodges, chapters, councils and com- manderies as ritualist, drill-master and expounder of Ma- sonic jurisprudence — he carried 011 a successful and remuner- ative implement business and found time to make extensive trips to Europe and other countries. He established the HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 48 1 Lininger Art Gallery in Omaha and gave to it much time and wealth, and was justly proud of the prominence he had attained in his home city. A citizen of integrity, crowned with Masonic, political and social honors, proving the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens. Honors worthily worn, respect well de- served, and confidence never betrayed. Peace to his ashes! 482 NIK KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, MASONIC REG )RD ( )F \\ . L. MILLIGAN. Raised in ( Accidental Lodge, No. 40, A. F. & A. M.. Oc- tober [3, [879. Exalted in Shabbona Chapter, No. 37. R. A. M.. December 17. 1X71). Passed the Circle of Perfection in Oriental Council, No. 63, l\. & S. M., March 2, [881. Created a Knight Templar and Knight of Malta in Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., April _>S, [881. Constituted a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, 32' . in Oriental Con- sistory. Valley of Chicago, October 7. [881. Crowned Sovereign Grand Inspector General. 33d and last degree A. A. S. R., at Providence, R. I., Sept. 20, 1SS7. Master Oc- cidental Lodge, No. 40. A. F. & A. M., [885 to [887, in- clusive. High Priest Shabbona Chapter, R. A. M., [88] to [887, inclusive. Master Oriental Council. No. 63, R. & S. M.. [883 to [887, inclusive. Commander Ottawa Com- mandery, No. 10, K. T., 1886, [887, [89] and [892. Grand High Priest Grand Chapter, R. A. M., [895. Grand Master Grand Council, R. & S. M., 1899. District Deputy Grand Master, ninth Masonic district, [885, [886, [887, [888, [896 and 1 S<;-. Member of the Board of Trustees Illinois Ala- sonic Orphans' Home [886 to [891, inclusive, holding lite membership No. 1 in said home. Second Vice-President Illinois Masonic Home for Aged Masons for several years. Honorary member Fortitude Lodge, No. 47, La Grange, Ky. Representative of the Grand Lodge. South Australia, near the ('.rand Lodge of Illinois, with the honorary rank of Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of South Australia since [886. lias represented the Grand Chapter of Quebec near the Grand Chapter of Illinois and the Grand Council, R. & S. M.. near the Grand Council of [llinois, for several years. Author of the "White Apron," a History of Occidental Lodge, Xo. 40, A. F. & A. M.. and the "Knights Templar," a history of Ottawa Commandery, Xo. 10, Knights Tem- plar. - - - - : : " - - - i is : Eg - - - I I - — ELobe HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 485 ERRATA. Page 57 — Last word of 15th line should be "of" instead of "or." Page 60 — Last word of 27th line should he "England" instead "Scotland." Page 73 — Last two lines should read: "Prepared by mother's love and prayers to live; Prepared by mother's love and prayers to die." Page /() — Third line after semi-colon should read "though there is no proof" instead "though there is proof." Page 151— H. F. Clark, H. D. Brown and J. B. Riee should he added to names of created in 1862. Page 163 — Among the created should read "James Neil (A dwell" instead "John Colwell." Page 165 — Year 1870 should read "stated conclaves second and fourth Thursdays." Page 185 — Sixth line should read "Golden Bowl" in- stead "Silver Bowl." Page 196 — Third line of third paragraph should read "fifty-five" swords instead "twenty-five" swords, etc. Page 248 — Last of sixth line should read "midnight stars" instead of "mid-stars." Page 253 — Should read David Refior Generalissimo in- stead of Albert F. Schoch. Page 405 — In sixth line of W. L. Milligan's history it should read Generalissimo 1885 instead of Recorder 1888. Page 422 — Should show David Refior as Generalissimo 1900, 1901, 1902. William Stormont's date of death, on pages 229 and 407, and on memorial page, should read December 12. [894. Dr. J. S. Ryburn's date of death on memorial page should read September 21, 1892. 4 86 Til E KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Fred \V. Gay's date of death, on page 411, should read May 6, [893. On memorial pages the names and date of death of John F. Gibson, Feb. -'4, [906'; Charles A. Wiley, May 6. 1 909, and John (i. Yeneriek, Oct. _\ i, by error, were omitted. HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 487 INDEX. Page. American Flag", first presentation to a Commandery. 18, 217 A Mother's Day Prayer 23 Avery Monument 345 Baldwin Encampment 61 Chivalry 25 Corner Stone court-house, laying of 182 Continuation of Order after Death of Molay $J Commanderies under jurisdiction Grand Commandery Illinois 123 European War 357 Grand Commanderies, list of 106 Grand Council, ( )ttawa Commandery. No. 10 ^y^, Grand Commanders, Illinois, list of 124 (hand Recorders, Illinois, list of 124 Grand Encampments, U. S. A 101 Grand Masters, list of 108 Grand Masters Ancient Order Knights Templar 55 lu Hoc Signo Vinces 31 Introduction of Templar Masonry in America 74 Introduction of Templar Masonry in Illinois 112 Introduction Templar Masonry in Ottawa, 111 139 Introductory 9 Knights of Malta 64 Knights Templar and Free Masons 70 Masonic Temple, dedication of 137 Molay, death of 54 Obsequies James A. Garfield 182 Oldest Commandery o-f Knights Templar 80 Ottawa Commander}', organization of 139 Ottawa Commandery under dispensation, [86] 141 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1862 147 4 88 THE KXIGHTS TEMPLAR. Oti :awa Ot awa Ot aw a Ot awa Ot awa Ot awa Ot awa Ot awa Ot awa Ot awa Ot awa Oti awa Oti .awa Oti awa Oti :awa Ot awa Oti awa Ot awa Ot aw a Oti :awa Ot awa Oti awa Oti awa Oti awa Oti awa OH awa Ott awa Oti awa Oti awa Oil awa Oti awa Oi awa Oti awa Commandery ( 'a immandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery O unmandery Commandery O unmandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery Commandery C< immandery ( '< immandery ( '( immandery O mmandery ( lommandery Commandery Commandery under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under charter, charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charier charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter charter 863 864 865 866 867 868 870 871 872 $73 8/4 8/5 876 *77 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 XX 7 XXX 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 Page. 1 o 2 53 54 56 60 61 <->5 68 o 7 2 73 75 /6 77 78 79 81 83 :S 4 [86 [89 02 [98 202 204 209 21 2 2 ' 3 226 228 230 HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 489 Page. Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1896 234 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1897 237 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1898 240 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1899 2 4 2 Ottawa Commander}-, under charter, 1900 244 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1901 251 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1901-2 2^2 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1902-3 255 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1903-4 258 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1904-5 260 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1905-6 268 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1906-7 277 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1907-8 281 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1908-9 285 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1909-10 295 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1910-11 300 Ottawa Commander}-, under charter, 191 1-12 312 Ottawa Commander}-, under charter, 1912-13 32^ Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 1913-14 328 Ottawa Commandery, under charter, 19 14-15 341 Ottawa Commanderv, under charter, 1915-16 347 Ottawa Commander}-, under charter, 1916-17 368 Ottawa Commander}-, membership of 385 Ottawa Commander}-, St. Louis pilgrimage, 1886 . . . . 196 Ottawa Commandery. Denver pilgrimage, 1892 214 Ottawa Commandery, Boston pilgrimage, 1895 231 Ottawa Commandery, San Francisco pilgrimage, 1904. . 2O1 Ottawa Commandery, Saratoga Springs pilgrimage, 1907 285 Ottawa Commandery, Chicago pilgrimage, 1910 303 ( hir Flags 17 Our Home (Ottawa, 111. ) «■ 129 Scotch and English Preceptories 60 490 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Page. St. John's I >ay, [867 157 The Ancient ( )nler of Knights Templar 48 The Apostles' Creed 7 The Beauseant 32 The Civil War. [86] 148 The Cross 27 The Cross, as an instrument of punishment 30 The Crusades 34 The Chapter of Clermont 59 The governing bodies of Great Britain 61 The Knights Templars of the middles ages 43 The Knights Templars of France ^J The Knights Templars of Portugal and Sweden 60 The Knights Templar, our daughter Commanderies . . .381 The Knights Templar, Princeton Commandery, Xo. 20.381 The Knights Templar, St. John's Commandery, No. 26.381 The Knights Templar, Bethany Commandery, No. 28. .381 The Knights Templar, Streator Commandery, No. 70. .382 The Red Cross 62 HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDER Y. ^OJ ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. American Flag [7, 221 Ascension scene 9 Battle Flag of 1 ith Illinois infantry 472 Buffalo Rock 1 30 Christ before Pilate 448 City of Ottawa 128 Commanders of Ottawa Commandery — Commanders of Ottawa Commander)- (group) ... 140 Gray, Oliver C. Burgess, George J. Rho'ads, James. Lininger, George W. Peckham, John B. Gibson, William L. Wade. Thomas J. Commanders of Ottawa Commandery (group) . . . 162 Nash. John F. Trimble, Cairo D. Smith, Edward H. Gibson, Theodore C. McArthur, Robert M. Commanders of Ottawa Commandery (group) . . . 194 Milligan, William L. Mayo, Henry. Mills, George A. Schoch, Albert F. Titus, Walter B. Dunaway, Joseph N. Commanders of Ottawa Commandery (group) . . .256 Eldredge, Edgar. Vincent, Irving 1). Arnold, Henry L. Fullerton, William D. McKahin, Herbert B. Berg. John M 328 Blanchard. Milton E 300 Crowden, George A 347 Dunaway, George C 285 Rollo, William H 312 Pearson, Joseph II 368 Waters, George J 341 Wendel, Philip J 295 |92 THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Page. Deer Park ( ilen 136 Gilman, William II 220 ( iia\ . ( Hiver C 462 Illinois valley looking east from Starved Ruck 134 Illinois valley looking west from Starved Rock [35 Masonic Temple [38 Memorial Window at "The Oaks" 474 Memorial Window Christ Episcopal Church 47(1 Milligan, William L 3 Nash, John F 1 16 ( Htawa Commander}- en route to St. Louis, [886 210 ( Htawa Commandery en route to Denver. 1892 222 Ottawa Commandery en rente to Boston, 1895 232 ( Htawa Commandery, Saratoga Springs, 1907 282 Ottawa Commandery, Chicago, [910 302 Ottawa Commandery en route to Easter service, 1912. .314 Schoch, Albert F 118 Simon, A. D 398 Smith, Robert L.. Recorder y>>< "The Oaks" 470 Wallace, General William H. L 467 HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY, 493 MEMORIAL TRIBUTES. Page. Ahlborn, George H 355 Allison, Joseph 366 Avery, Julius Caesar 166 Batcheller, David 238 Blanchard, Charles 280 Bull, Eliphalet Follett 208 Bushnell, Washington 190 Cameron, John Rush 264 Clark, Rev. Charles P 168 Cleave, John Francis 201 Colly, Allien Atwood 228 Conard, Wils< >n ^2^ Cook, Da\'id Alpheus 274 Dunaway, Joseph Newton 292 Dyer, Edgar Goodrich 254 Fiske, Francis Lyman 31 ] Fullerton, Thomas Coxy 229 Geiger, Simon C 371 Gibson, Theodore Cunningham 319 Gilman, Charles H 1S0 Gilman, William Henry 371 Hall, William Camp 2j^ llalladay. Corydon Cornelius 200 Hanna, Alexander 258, 283 Hapeman, 1 )< mgias 265 Harris, Justus 207 Hoffman, Asa Mann [99, 207 Hoffman, Emil J 344, 36] Lardin, Albert T 374 Lukins, William II 248 Markeson, Ami M ^yz, 49 | 'I'" E KX [GHTS TKM PLAR, Page. Maxwell. William R 370 McArthur, Robert Mckim 197 McClure, Camillus 318 ^ Tiller. Henry C 363 Mills, Daniel Charles 262 Mitchell. Austin Valentine 2t,() Modes, Edward Charles 243 Myer, Robert Courtney 241 Xash. John Fisk 331 Pearson, Samuel S 288 Peebles, Frederick Alexander 289 Perkins, Lothrop 188 Provins, Clark Brading 271 Read. Edwin T 291 Rhoads, James 246 Rice, John Brooks 235 Richolson, Samuel 276 Rodgers, Joshua P 33 s 1\( ihrer, Celestine $S () Rohrer, L< mis 317 Ryburn, John Stewart 22^ Scheidecker, Louis 2yo Sindell, William H 3^3 Slagle, David H 284 Smith, Edward Henry 335 Stebbins, George S 158 Steen. Charles H 228 Stormont, William 228 Stout, John 334 Strawn, Walter I) 337 Summers. John 1 206 Thompson, Rezin Naylor 3 I] Thompson, Sylvanus Sumner 297 HISTORY OF OTTAWA COMMANDERY. 495 Page. Titus, Walter Briggs . .* 364 Trowbridge, Irving II 340 Trumbo, Benjamin Franklin 321 Tryon, Clarence E 249 Walker, Samuel C 163 Wallace, General William Hervy Lamme 150 Wilmarth, George A 251 BIOGRAPHICAL. Page. Gray, Oliver Cromwell 461 Lininger, George W 480 Nash, John Fisk 115 Ransom, Thomas E. G 479 Schoch, Albert Frederick 117 Milligan, William L. (Masonic Record) 482 Wallace, William Hervy Lamme 466 SC R 1 1 T U RAL READING. Page. The Apostasy 1 f Judas Iscariot 447 The Bitter Cup 1 26 The Crucifixion 457 The Election of Matthias 45d ( hymn ) 8 The Tear 99 The Vine of Kindness 42 Thy Will be Done 33 Who Speaks for This Man 185