UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN STACKS CENTRAL CIRCULATION BOOKSTACKS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its renewal or its return to the library from which it was borrowed on or before the Latest Date stamped below. You may be charged a minimum fee of $75.00 for each lost book. inutllof ton/ ono UFtoorlininfl of books oro rca&ons for disciplinary action and may remit In dismissal from the University. TO RENEW CALL TELEPHONE CENTER, 333-B4OO UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URB ANA-CHAMPAIGN APR 8 1993 When renewing by phone, write new due date below previous due date. L162 ff ..,, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDIES IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES VOL. V JUNE, 1916 No. 2 BOARD OF EDITORS ERNEST L. BOGART JOHN A. FAIRLIE LAURENCE M. LARSON PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL URBAN A, ILLINOIS COPYRIGHT, 1916 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS The Life of Jesse W. Fell FRANCES MILTON I. MOREHOUSE, A.M. 507532 FELLS OF DALTON GATE FELLS OF LONGLANDS FELLS OF SWARTHMORE HALL COATS OF ARMS OF THE FELL FAMILIES Jesse W. Fell was a direct descendant of the Fells of Longlands FOREWORD There are few men in any generation who see their lives in relation to the accomplishment of that generation. Few realize, altho all profess to believe, that appraisal of worth must be according to the proportion of a man's part in the advance of his day; and that all honors and distinctions fall away from men when they stand before the bar of years, to be judged in the stark light of truth as to character and service. All men acknowledge this true, but the men are rare indeed who apply it to their own lives, and make it the basis of their individual schedule of values. Many men assert the immortal- ity of the soul, but few can conceive themselves in any scheme of time which transcends the limits of their own lives; or con- tent themselves to labor without reward, because they believe that in the fulness of time all souls must find full compensation. In writing the story of a man whose part in the life of his generation might in itself bring him some meed of remem- brance, I am nevertheless most anxious that his rare quality of indifference to such rewards as men might give, of steadfastness to ideals hot generally held in his day, of faith in ultimate things, should stand out as the true reason for his being brought as fully as possible before men. Here was one who steadily ignored or refused honor and fame, who despised no quiet and unrecognized labor, who was not turned aside from his steady aim by the pressure of circumstance; in short, whose belief in the future was interpreted in all the doings of his busy life. This is the sufficient reason for writing a life of Jesse W. Fell. FRANCES M. MOEEHOUSE. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Early Years, 1808-1836 9-21 II. Business Ventures and Home Life, 1834-1856 22-35 III. The Journalist, 1836-1858 36-38 IV. Founding the Normal School, 1853-1860 39-40 V. Political Activities, 1840-1860 50-62 VI. The Years of the Civil War 63-72 VII. Public Service After the Civil War 73-84 VIII. Railroads 85-91 IX. The Religious Liberal 92-95 X. Local Political Activities 96-105 XL The Tree Planter 106-111 XII. Last Years 112-118 Bibliography 119-121 Index _ 123 CHAPTER I EARLY YEARS, 1808-1836 The Fell farm in New Garden Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, lay mainly upon a high ridge, which was known by the Indian name of Toughkenamon, or Fire Brand Hill. It is a region rich in historical associations, not far from Brandy- wine battlefield. The house was built of stone, and in later years was remodeled into a handsome country residence. Here Jesse W. Fell was born, November 10, 1808. His parents were Friends, of ancient and honorable English lineage, but of lim- ited means and simple tastes. His father was a hatter, his mother a preacher of the Hicksites. Because he had much skill in song, his father, when he later united with the Methodists, became a choir leader; and he sometimes turned his resonant speaking voice to account in crying sales. There was a large family; Jesse, named for his father, was the third child. When he was eight years old, the family moved to another town in New Britain Township, and subsequently to Downing- ton. In the country Jesse attended, with his brothers and sis- ters, the neighborhood subscription schools maintained among the Friends of Pennsylvania; for there were then no public schools in the state. These schools, within the limited scope of their courses of study, were usually good, and the Fell children re- ceived a solid foundation in the elementary subjects. The elder brothers were apprenticed, upon reaching the proper age, to a blacksmith and a wheelwright respectively. As Jesse was not a robust lad, the parents and other relatives thought it best to apprentice him to a tailor, and cast about for a skilful master who might teach him this trade. But the boy himself objected so strenuously that the plan was abandoned. He "would learn a better business, ' ' he declared ; and his parents, not wishing to coerce him, waited for some definite talent or liking to appear, which might guide their son in deciding upon his vocation. As yet the boy had no plan, save that of becoming wiser than he was. He wanted to go to some school that would teach him more than the country subscription schools offered. 9 10 JESSE W. FELL [274 Joshua Hoopes conducted a boarding school for boys in Downington at the time, which was the best school in that part of Pennsylvania. It was remarkable in that, at a time when the classics formed the core of instruction in almost all sec- ondary schools, it emphasized the natural sciences. The master was an enthusiastic botanist, a popular lecturer on astronomy, and sufficiently adept at mathematics to win the admiration of his community. These subjects he had mastered by dint of sys- tematic application of his really brilliant mind to printed treat- ises, and by giving rein to an originality which the higher schools of those days did not greatly encourage. Free from the traditions of schools, this village schoolmaster gave to his boys a type of education destined to become popular afterward, but in other places practically unknown to his own day. He taught of plants and animals, of husbandry and astronomy, of literature and mathematics, with a wealth of practical applica- tion which linked books with life and study with pleasure. Jesse Fell wanted to attend this school but lacked funds. He applied for admission, however, offering to pay for his tui- tion by any kind of work that he could do. An arrangement was made by which Jesse was to work in the master's kitchen- garden and help about the house in return for his board and tuition. The work was hard, but not unpleasant. His master introduced him to the joy of intelligent gardening, took him for long tramps in the woods, and allowed him the freedom of his library. The books were a mine of riches to the boy, and Joshua Hoopes' enthusiastic love of plant life stirred to re- sponse a kindred feeling in the heart of his pupil. There grew out of this pleasant period in the life of the boy that love of trees which, in the man grown, was to give so richly to the prairies of the "West. 1 That West continually called him. The idea of going into the new country beyond the mountains grew in him during the two years of his stay at Joshua Hoopes' school. When he had finished the course of study, Friend Hoopes wished him to enter into a partnership with him in a vineyard enterprise which he was then planning. Jesse Fell declined, not being willing to relinquish his dreams of a larger career in a new country ; and Friend Hoopes abandoned the scheme "for want of a suitable partner." To further his plan of going west, Fell taught school for a period of about two years, from 1826 to 1828. The schools 1 Richard Edwards, Jesse W. Fell, 3. 275] EARLY TEARS 11 he taught were near his home, at "Buckingham, Colerain, Brown's, and Little Britain. As he understood surveying and other branches of higher mathematics, he was able to command a higher salary than the customary one of two dollars per quar- ter in cash. In the intervals of teaching he "kept store" for Issachar Price of Callaghersville, while that country merchant was away crying sales ; and in all his spare time he was reading diligently. The two years of teaching were a time of growth and devel- opment for the slim, blue-eyed Quaker boy. He tested his powers, enlarged his knowledge, broadened his interests. Altho he later considered himself "but an indifferent pedagogue," he was thought very efficient by those who employed him, except at Colerain. This was an extremely rigid Presbyterian com- munity, with a school in which the New Testament had been the sole text in reading for a long time. Mr. Fell suggested that his pupils bring other books that the reading might be varied, whereupon he was denounced from the local pulpit as a Hick- site who had "expelled the Bible from his school." Without denying the first part of this charge, which was true, Jesse Fell asked that the second accusation might be inquired into offi- cially, and when it was repeated without investigation, he closed the school, very hurt and very indignant. It was while teaching that he had his first great lesson in the uses of force and diplomacy. A school bully, larger than himself, had defied him and had been whipped. After the whipping he administered a lecture, so tinctured with kindness and well-directed flattery "what all men like if skilfully ap- plied," said Mr. Fell in telling afterward of this experience that the boy resolved to reform his ways. He became later a Methodist Episcopal minister of fine character and widespread influence. At this time, also, Fell began to speak in public, and especially to debate whenever opportunity offered. At the little country school-houses there were held political debates, as well as other neighborhood meetings; and at these debates Fell, when he was only seventeen years of age, made for himself a name as a speaker, particularly upon the tariff, that subject so dear to the Pennsylvanian. 2 2 The principal source of information for Fell's early life is the un- finished manuscript biography begun by Richard Edwards from notes dictated by Mr. Fell, and already noted. It is among the Fell MSS., as are all papers, not otherwise placed, in the following pages. 12 JESSE W. FELL [276 In the fall of 1828, having saved a little money and bor- rowed more from his brother Joshua, Jesse Fell started for the West. He was twenty years of age, still slight and rather frail in physique, and unacquainted with the world. He was going to seek his fortune in an unknown country, with no definite trade or profession as an asset. His family, with a helpful confidence in his ability to do what he wished to do, bade him godspeed. He spent the last night before starting for the West with a dear friend, R. Henry Carter, with whom he talked far into the night, of old days and days to come. In the morning he set out for Pittsburg. A young man by the name of Drum- mond, from Washington, started with him, but soon became discouraged and returned to his home. 3 This first stage of the journey was accomplished on foot, except for a few miles at the end, when, very footsore, Fell wavered in his resolve not to spend his money until he was started upon the farther pilgrimage. He entered Pittsburg upon the deck of a little canal boat. This city was then the clearing house of all western enterprise, the gateway to the new land, and a center for securing employment. Here Jesse Fell met a Mr. Reese, who employed him as a book agent. He was to take orders for- Malte Brun's Geography, Rollin's Ancient History, Josephus' works, and one other book, the name of which Mr. Fell afterward forgot. Armed with this means of defraying expenses, he boarded a steamer for Wheeling, where he soon fell in with a certain Mr. Howell, the publisher of the Eclectic Observer, Mr. Howell conceived a fancy for the young Quaker, and wished to interest him in his paper. This was a journal of protest against slavery, capital punishment, and any other institution which, in the eyes of the editor, deserved cen- sure. Jesse Fell again decided against the half-gods; he was bound for the newer and greater West. While canvassing Wheeling, however, he found time to write his first contribution to a periodical. The subject was one upon which he had often grown eloquent in the country school debates of Chester County: "The Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt." Howell was delighted with its force and fervor. Here was material worth the working what an abolitionist he 3 R. Henry Carter to E. J. Lewis, Mar. 8, 1887. Grace Hurwood to Fannie Fell, Mar. 16, 1913. The latter includes notes of facts related to Miss Hurwood by Mr. Fell. Franklin Price in the Fell Memorial (MS.), 9-10. 277] EARLY YEARS 13 would make ! He offered him an assistant editorship. But Fell declined, and went on with his own plans. They carried him, with his books, over the National Road, opened at that time as far as Zanesville. He met interesting people on the road, notably the Honorable Benjamin Ruggles, United States senator from Ohio from 1815 to 1833. But the people along the National Road, being busily en- gaged in making homes in the wilderness, had no great thirst for Josephus and Rollin. Mr. Fell perceived that the business of selling books would give him no very speedy or considerable help in winning his way to the "West. An illness took his small savings. Consequently, as the winter of 1829-30 drew near, he made his way back to Wheeling, where he spent the cold months in Mr. Howell's office, setting type, writing for the Eclectic Observer, and learning the tricks of a literary trade. At this time he asked his father for money to invest in a part interest in the Amulet, for which he had been agent. Very fortunately, as he himself said afterward, his father was not able to help him at that time, and the idea of this partnership was given up. When the spring returned, he set off again with his books under his arm, up the Ohio and toward the north, through the counties of Jefferson and Columbiana (where were people of his own religious faith, upon whose friendly interest he might confidently depend), and back to Pittsburg, the headquarters of his book house. Throughout the journey he had kept a note- book, which was later lost. The uncertain fortunes of a travel- ing agent, his illness of the year before, and the knowledge of the world which his experience was giving him, crystallized what had before been but a vague ambition into a settled deter- mination. He would prepare himself for a profession, which in those days even more generally than at the present time, led to honor, influence and power. He would be a lawyer. 4 With this resolution in mind, but with his agent's para- phernalia still in hand, he turned his face westward again in the spring of 1830. He had gone as far as Steubenville when the event occurred which was to prove the means of accomplish- ing his desire. Walking along the sidewalk with an agent's ready eye for a possible buyer, he espied a young man busily 4 Elwood Brown to Jesse W. Fell, Dec. 20, 1829. Jesse Fell to Jesse W. Fell, Jan. 16, 1830. Hannah Fell (an aunt) and Rebecca Fell (his mother) to Fell, Feb. 6, 1830. 14 JESSE W. PELL [278 chopping wood. He looked not averse to good reading, and the agent approached him in the interests of Josephus, Bollin, and Fell. But the woodchopper was as poor as Fell himself, and the two, finding a common interest in their common situation, fell to discussing ways, means, and prospects. The woodchopper was studying law, he said, in the office of a local firm of excel- lent reputation. He would like to buy books, but needed every cent he could make for bare living expenses. After he had been admitted to the bar, he was to pay for his tuition ; and then he would need all surplus funds for his law library. There was a place for one more student with Stokeley and Marsh, and he would introduce Fell to the firm. 5 Fell soon made arrangements for his law course. He was to pay his way in part by doing office work for the firm, and partly by such odd jobs as he might find to do in that frontier community, where there was usually work for all. His two elder brothers helped him from time to time as their limited means permitted. Stokeley and Marsh soon came to value him very highly, while he regarded both the partners with the greatest affection. About a year after beginning his studies in their office, he made a visit to his old home, and was present at the wedding of his brother Joshua, on January 16, 1831. On the return journey his father brought him as far as Shippens- burg, a point some forty miles west of Harrisburg. For another year the law lessons in the office of Stokeley and Marsh went on. The young men in the office had practice in public speaking, for they were eligible to membership in The Forum, a society whose object was the improvement of its members "in speaking and general culture". Jesse Fell made his first speech before this body upon his old theme of the abolition of imprisonment for debt. The presiding officer, a Mr. Wright, who had been a congressman and was later a judge, praised his speech; and Fell tried again. Mr. Stokeley was a local leader in the ranks of the Whigs, who were at that time actively opposing Jackson. There were innumerable stump B Fell to Jesse Fell, June 26, 1830. The story as told by Edwards implies that the idea of becoming a lawyer did not occur to Fell until the time of his interview with the woodchopper. But a letter to his parents, dated June 6, 1830, indicates that the idea had been with him for some time; while Franklin Price states (Fell Memorial, 9) that he had read Blackstone while still in Chester County. 279] EARLY YEARS 15 speeches to be made, and Mr. Stokeley gave to Jesse Fell his share in the work. The younger man conceived a great admi- ration for Henry Clay, which guided his political opinions and activities while Clay lived. A youth working in Trumbull's bookstore, and at that time a Clay enthusiast with the rest, became his friend. This boy was Edwin M. Stanton, afterward secretary of war under Lincoln. The autumn of 1832, when Jesse Fell was preparing for his bar examination, was an especially busy season. He took these examinations, with three other aspirants, on the first of October, passed them successfully, was admitted, and started on foot for the West about a fortnight later. 6 It was a some- what risky enterprise, for the payment of his debts took most of his money, leaving very little for the outfit and for traveling expenses. His family helped him as they could, but this was not much. Mr. Marsh, regretting to lose a youth who gave so great promise, had offered him a partnership if he would stay with him, his own partnership with Mr. Stokeley having recently been dissolved. Again Fell chose to answer the call of the ulti- mate mission. His plan was to travel through parts of Ohio which he had not yet visited and through Indiana and Illinois. He seems not to have thought of settling at once, as he suggested to his father at the time that he "might return by steamboat from St. Louis, as this may be done with little expense." He seems also to have left with Mr. Marsh the idea of possibly re- turning to enter into a partnership at a later time. Traveling on foot through Ohio and Indiana, Mr. Fell came to Eastern Illinois in November, 1832. The presidential election had been held the day before he entered the state. At Danville he met Judge McBoberts, a prominent citizen of those days, who told him of a village then but lately founded, named Blooming- ton. Its location Judge McRoberts thought good ; it was a ' ' com- ing" town. In Decatur, the next considerable place which Fell visited, this report of Bloomington was repeated. At Jackson- ville, Judges Lockwood and Smith made out for him his certifi- cate of admission to the bar of Illinois. 7 In Springfield Fell was to talk to John T. Stuart, to whom he had letters of introduction, and whose advice he wished be- 'Certificate of admission to Ohio Bar (James Ross Wells, clerk), dated Oct. 13, 1832. Fell to some member of his family, Sept. 23, 1832. Jesse or Rebecca Fell to Fell, Sept. 2, 1832. 7 Nov. I, 1832. This certificate is also among the Fell MSS. 16 JESSE W. FELL [280 fore deciding upon a location. At sunset of a warm day in late November, he arrived in the city which was afterward to be the capital of Illinois. John Todd Stuart was sitting before the door of his house when Fell approached, carrying the stout stick and carpet-bag which were his worldly possessions. Many young men so accoutred trod the streets of the new cities of the West in those days, and Stuart with a characteristic friendliness spoke cordially to this newcomer and asked him what he might do for him. Fell answered that he was looking for John T. Stuart, and would like to be directed to his house. Upon learning that he was speaking to Mr. Stuart, Fell produced a letter from one of Stu- art's clients in Philadelphia, introducing the Pennsylvanian and asking the favor of advice and help for him. The two men sat down then and there to discuss the question of location and op- portunity. 8 Mr. Stuart spoke especially, as had Fell's previous advisors, of the new county of McLean, lately created by the legislature, and its county seat of Bloomington. It was, he said, a very new town, and he was quite sure that there was no lawyer there as yet. With the quick decision which was one of his characteris- tics, Fell determined to go at once to Bloomington, and rose to depart. Stuart invited him to stay the night, but so eager was Fell to reach his destination, that he declined the proffered rest and entertainment, and trudged that night many miles on his way to Bloomington. At New Salem, pausing for food and rest, he first heard the name of Abraham Lincoln, when the townspeo- ple told him of the company they had sent to the Black Hawk "War. From there he went to Pekin, and then sixteen miles farther to Dillon, since called Delavan, in Tazewell County. Here he stopped to visit at the home of William Brown, members of whose family he had known in Pennsylvania. He was almost without money, but came "carrying a knapsack and feeling as big as King Solomon in all his glory, ' ' and full of that buoyancy and faith in the future which made him both representative and leader in his day and place. 9 William Evans built the first house in Bloomington in 1826. Four years later, on the twenty-fifth of December, 1830, McLean County was created. The first sale of town lots was on July 4, 8 These facts were related to the writer by Judge James Ewing of Bloomington, Dec. 4, 1912. Mr. Stuart had himself told them to Judge Ewing. See also Fell to David Davis, Dec. 16, 1885. 9 Joshua Brown to E. J. Lewis, Dec., 1896. 281] EARLY YEARS 17 1831. At the close of 1832 the town numbered about one hun- dred people, while the neighboring settlement of Blooming Grove had fully two hundred and fifty. General Gridley, lately re- turned from the Black Hawk War, was the leading citizen. When Jesse Fell arrived, William Evans had but lately sold his house to James Allin, who opened a store in it, and laid out the town in lots. There was no resident clergyman at that time, no newspaper, and no lawyer. Fell's survey of the situation satisfied him that there existed a favorable opening for him, and he returned to Delavan, where William Brown offered him employment for the winter as a tutor to his children. Mr. Brown was the great man of his locality a man who had glass panes in the windows of his cabin, whose family had "come west" in a carriage, and who employed a teacher to instruct his children. He had brought his family from Pennsylvania in 1828. Later, he became known in central Illi- nois as "Joseph," because in a year of crop-failure he had sold his good crop of corn for a dollar a bushel, the normal price of grain in early days in Illinois. People for many miles around came to him for food and seed. His home was a social center. From it the young people started on long rides to lectures or parties at Pekin or at distant farmhouses and settlements. The eldest son, Joshua, was the leading spirit among the younger men. Eliza, the eldest of the sisters, was a girl of rare loveli- ness and ability, whose early death a few years later brought great sorrow to the whole neighborhood. The children of two other families attended Jesse Fell's classes that winter. In the Brown home he found congenial friends, encouragement, and good counsel, as well as the material help he needed. 10 When the spring came he went back to Bloomington, and opened his office in a small brick building at the northeast cor- ner of Main and Front streets. The small legal library, which Mr. Marsh had agreed to send him when he was located, to be paid for when practice gave him means, arrived during the spring, after a long journey down the Ohio and up the Missis- sippi and the Illinois to Pekin, whence it was carted overland to Bloomington. Fell boarded with James Allin, who, in addition to his other activities, kept the only inn of that locality, at what came afterward to be known as ' ' the old Stipp place. ' ' With the growth of population and the inevitable troubles 10 E. M. Prince, "Hester Vernon (Brown) Fell", in Historical Ency- clopedia of Illinois and History of McLean County, II, 1024-27. 18 JESSE W. PELL [282 in adjusting titles and claims to lands, there came legal business in plenty to Bloomington 's first lawyer. 11 On the second of May, 1833, he made his initial appearance in an Illinois courtroom. This was at the third session of the Circuit Court in McLean County, which sat for three days, and disposed of several cases. Fell was attorney in two of these cases, securing favorable judg- ment in both by default. At the next session, in September, he had a number of cases, which he managed so well that his posi- tion and clientele were henceforth assured. 12 John T. Stuart continued to be his friend, furnishing him letters of introduction and recommending him to clients. He be- came known as a good judge of land, and located innumerable farms for his clients, making the entries at the land office in Dan- ville. Before long he began to acquire land for himself, and to exhibit the outward and visible signs of prosperity. He bought "John T. Stuart told Judge James Ewing that when he attended court in Bloomington six months after Fell had settled there, Fell told him he was worth about $60,000 above all debts. The statement is manifestly inaccurate, as to the time of the occurrence ; but it gives some idea of the rapidity with which fortunes were built up in the pros- perous days of the early land-exchange. Fell was "worth $60,000" in 1837. The first professional card used by Mr. Fell gives as references the following lawyers : Richard Dorsey, Baltimore ; William Dorsey, Richard Sturgeon and Amos Jeans, Philadelphia ; William P. Dixon, New York ; Willis Hall, Albany, New York; D. B. Leight and Company, Louisville; Hon. John C. Wright and Hon. Samuel Stokeley, Ohio ; and Hon. John T. Stuart, Illinois. 12 The first session of Circuit Court in McLean County was held Sept. 22, 1831, at Mr. Allin's house, but with no docket; at the second, held Sept. 27, 1832, the jury tried one appealed case, dismissed several on the docket, and continued one. Record I, Circuit Court, McLean County, 1-14. Fell to his parents, Nov. 17, 1833. An incident related by Fell to Miss Grace Hurwood, and repeated from her notes in the letter of March 16, 1913, referred to elsewhere, goes to show that although a Quaker, Fell was not averse to defending himself in traditional ways. He and another young lawyer became en- gaged in an altercation in which his opponent accused him of lying. "I told him that would have to be settled outside the courtroom, so when court adjourned, we promptly went out to settle it in the time-honored way. Neither of us gained much advantage over the other, as while he was the stronger, I was the quicker, and we were parted before we could finish. We had fought hard enough however to be willing to shake hands. In the morning we were indicted for fighting 'to the disturbance and alarm of the people'. My defense was that nobody was at all alarmed, much to Lincoln's amusement, and the indictment was quashed." 283] EARLY YEARS 19 his first horse, McLean, on which he took those long night rides to Danville, Springfield, Urbana and Vandalia, that soon began to tell sadly upon his health. His restless energy responded to the insistent demands of a growing, changing, developing country. Some prophetic idea of its possibilities, and much boy- ish eagerness to realize his dreams speedily, urged him to an ac- tivity which was the continual wonder of all his friends. He was interested in everything that promised to help the country of his adoption, and developed early that loyalty to Bloomington and McLean county which characterized him in so much that he did. An instance of this loyalty to Bloomington occurred early in his career. In 1834 an effort was made to take from McLean County its territory west of the third principal meridian, and add it to Tazewell County. This would have made the western boundary line of McLean County scarce eight miles from Bloom- ington, thus changing its central location to a western one, and so furnishing a possible reason for removing the county seat to another town at some future time. Mr. Fell opposed the move- ment valiantly from the first. Fearing that its friends might push the measure through the legislature if that body were left unguarded, he spent most of the winter of 1834-35 in Vandalia, where his efforts and influence were such that the project failed of realization. McLean County owes to him, consequently, and to those who worked with him, the distinction of being the largest county in the state. 13 The winter in Vandalia had results other than the preser- vation of the territorial integrity of McLean County. John T. Stuart of Springfield and Abraham Lincoln of New Salem were both at that time members of the legislature from Sangamon County. The two men roomed together, and Jesse Fell lived in the same house. These men were very interesting to the east- erner, who noted the sharp contrast between Stuart's attractive person and polished manners and Lincoln's big-boned, angular, wrinkled face and direct ways. Stuart introduced Fell to Lin- coln, and the two became almost at once great friends, for there was in them a fundamental likeness which transcended all dif- ferences of creed, training or destiny. The friendship of the trio lasted to the death of the president in 1865, and was ce- mented by much mutual service. In 1838, when Stuart was a candidate for Congress against Stephen A. Douglas, both Fell 13 Fell to David Davis, Dec. 15, 1885. Lewis, Life, 3. Lawrence Weldon, "Memorial of Jesse W. Fell" in Fell Memorial. 20 JESSE W. FELL [284 and Lincoln exerted themselves to the utmost to insure his elec- tion. Douglas and Fell also, in spite of the vigorous opposition of the latter on this and other occasions, were good friends, serving each other in many ways with the greatest cordiality. 14 Mr. Fell almost immediately, in spite of his youth and inex- perience, seems to have become a leading citizen. This was partly due, of course, to the fact that he was Bloomington 's first regularly trained and capable lawyer ; but it must also have been largely owing to innate qualities of leadership and to that singular charm and adaptability to which many of his generation have borne witness. In 1833, Benjamin Mills wrote to him ask- ing for support for his candidacy to represent the third con- gressional district in the next Congress. He interested himself in securing a mail route from Bloomington to Springfield, con- cerning which Governor Joseph Duncan wrote encouragingly in the spring of 1834. He was in requisition for Fourth of July orations, citizens ' mass meetings, and debating-clubs. In 1834 he became, by appointment, commissioner of school lands for McLean County. The county records of that and the succeeding year show many mortgages which he drew up with the school money, both for town lots and for farms. The last of these was made in October of 1835. 15 Early in that year the state legislature chartered the State Bank of Illinois, of which Mr. Fell became an agent. This insti- tution consisted of a "parent bank" at Springfield, with branches scattered over the state, and had a capital of one and a half million dollars. During 1835 and 1836 the bank made seventy-seven mortgages in the city and vicinity of Bloomington, to most of which Fell's name is signed as witness to instrument. The bank passed out of existence in February, 1842, having sus- 14 Fell to Lincoln, July 20, 1838. Lincoln to Fell, undated, about July 25, 1838. Douglas to Fell, March 21, 1844. 15 School money in Illinois was at this time unappropriated to its ultimate use. Benjamin Mills to Fell, Feb. 22, 1833. (Mills was opposed in this election by W. L. May, another personal friend of Fell.) Joseph Duncan to Fell, Apr. 4, 1834. The manuscript of a Fourth of July ora- tion, delivered in 1833 or 1834, is interesting in that it contains, besides the usual congratulatory and patriotic sentiments, a strong plea for free public schools. Fell delivered this same oration again in Clinton many years later, at which time he noted the presence of two or three Revo- lutionary soldiers. 285] EARLY YEARS 21 pended specie payment in May, 1837, with its bills at fifteen per cent discount. 16 The records of these and other enterprises show that by 1840 Fell had become a man of position and prominence in Central Illinois. He was known chiefly for his dealings in real estate, and of these it is meet to speak more fully. 16 N. H. Ridgley to Fell, Oct. 30, Nov. 2, Nov. 6, Nov. 13, 1835; May 3, 1836. E. J. Phillips to Fell, May 10, 1836. Ridgley to Fell, Oct. 11, Oct. 29, Nov. 18, 1836. Phillips to Fell, Nov. 26; Ridgley to Fell, Oct. 26 and 29, 1836. See Thompson, "A Study of the Administration of Gov- ernor Thomas Ford," in Governors' Letter-Books, 1840-1853^ xii'-l, (///. Hist. Col. VII) ; Ford, History of Illinois, 191 ff. CHAPTER II BUSINESS VENTURES AND HOME LIFE, 1834-1856 The preemption law of 1830, practically reenacted in 1834, provided that when two men settled on the same quarter-section of government land, each of them might preempt an additional eighty acres anywhere in the same land district. 1 These claims were called "floats." Many poor men were induced by capital- ists to lend their names for floats, later to sell the claims so ac- quired for enough to pay for the land they lived on. In this way many hard-pressed pioneers were enabled to gain a title to their farms, while such land-buyers as were shrewd enough and had the requisite ready money, secured much fine land in Illi- nois during the '30 's. Mr. Fell, who first visited the village of Chicago late in 1833, afterward remarked to friends that land in that locality might be secured in this way, and that it would be a paying investment, as a great city would eventually stand on the lake-front at that point. His friends laughed at him, as much of the land for which he prophesied immense future values was covered with water during most of the year. But one man in Bloomington, William Durley, declared that he believed Fell right in his estimate of Chicago's future, and loaned him money for real-estate operations there. He de- manded a high rate of interest as compensation, or if he pre- ferred it when the time of settlement came, half of the land. With this money Fell secured four floats in the fall of 1834, the land being within the limits of the present city. When the notes were due, Mr. Durley chose half the land as his share. Part of the two "eighties" which came to him, Fell laid out in town lots. 2 The rest of the land he sold to David Davis, Dr. John An- 1 2ist Cong. Sess. I., Acts of the United States, Chap. 209, 2. (May 29, 1830.) 23rd Cong. Sess. I., Acts of the United States, Chap. 54, 2-3. (June 19, 1834.) Treat, The National Land System, 1785-1820, 306, 386. Fell to his parents, Nov. 17, 1833. 2 Lewis states {Life, 26) that they comprised "Fell's addition to Ca- nalport". The property lies between 26th and 3ist streets, and west of the tracks of the former Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R. (now part of the Pennsylvania System). 22 287] BUSINESS VENTURES AND HOME LIFE 23 derson, James Allin, M. L. Covell and O. Covell for eight thou- sand dollars, taking their notes for the amount. After the crash of 1837 he took back the land and surrendered the notes at the earnest entreaty of the purchasers. His purpose was to hold the land for the advance which he knew would follow when better times had restored confidence. But altho he held out against the storm longer than many, his liabilities were such finally that he had to sacrifice even this resource. He mortgaged the *' eighties" for eight hundred dollars each, the mortgages being foreclosed by David Davis and others. 3 While he owned land in and around Milwaukee, Fell was much interested in the development of that city and of the state of Wisconsin. Governor John Reynolds, writing to him from Washington in 1836, sent the pleasant news of assured fed- eral aid for a lighthouse in Milwaukee harbor, a survey of the harbor, and a "road to start from that point running west to the Mississippi." William L. May, having been elected to the National House of Representatives, attempted at Fell's earnest solicitation to secure a post-office at Chippewa, but failed, be- cause Chippewa was then still in the Indian country. Fell owned lands "up the river from Cassville" in Wisconsin, in 1837, and made an inspecting tour among the Indians in "the pine country" in the autumn of that year. 4 But these operations in real estate in places far distant from his own home, were insignificant when compared with Fell's part in the development of Central Illinois. Gaining a reputa- tion as a judge of land in connection with his business of locat- ing tracts for settlement and investment, and becoming thor- oly acquainted with the topography of the country and with land values, through his work of loaning school funds and State Bank funds, he entered early into extensive operations in Illinois lands for himself and others. He had great faith in land. When a boy, spending unhappy hours picking the stones from the rocky farm in Pennsylvania, he had dreamed of the prairie, and 3 Lewis, Life, 25-27. Fell was at this time unable to borrow money of Eastern capitalists, while Davis had friends from whom he secured the funds. William L. May to Fell, Feb. 28, 1838. 4 John Reynolds to Fell, June 28 and July 6, 1836. (Reynolds was financially interested in the lands dealt in by Durley and Fell.) Fell to Hester Vernon Brown, July 30, 1837 : "from the Plain River, Cook County, "Wisconsin." Fell to Wm. Brown, Aug. 24, 1837. 24 JESSE W. FELL [288 wished that he might own farms in the land where, travelers said, there were no stones in the fields. He was in a position,, during those halcyon years between his arrival in Illinois and the great panic of 1837, to satisfy this early ambition. He did so on a scale which only the low land values and the easy speculation of the day made possible. He was one of a generation of men of large faith and far vision, who believed in their states, who fore- saw the empire of the West that was to be, and who supported their faith by generous investments. There were, besides men of such a stripe, any number of mere adventurers, wildcat specula- tors, who also contributed to the false feeling of security and pros- perity that preceded the panic of 1837. The General Assembly, in 1836 and 1837, entered into an ambitious series of internal im- provements, which while it saddled the state with a debt of more than fourteen million dollars, was nevertheless a strong stimu- lant to progress. The period was one of rapid development. Merely to have been upon the market, to have been bought and sold, to have a price, gave value and prominence to the western lands and to western enterprise. When in addition to this towns were founded and eastern people settled upon the prairie farms, when mail routes and railroads were projected and built across the wastes that separated the frontier cities, when schools and churches and shops gave to western life an approximation of conditions ''back East," the goal of the builders of the West seemed in sight. 6 In this work of nation-building Jesse Fell had no small part in that region which he adopted for his home. He worked mainly in Central Illinois, with Bloomington as a center, but branched out wherever opportunity offered. Clinton was among the first towns in which he became interested. He founded the town, with James Allin, in 1835, naming it for DeWitt Clinton. Mr. Fell had entered a goodly amount of land about the site of his proposed town before laying it out, and made a handsome profit from the sale of town lots. The town owes to him, as did all the places where he had a chance to plant, its early growth of trees. Fell did not escape paying the price for what he accom- plished. His restless energy led him to overwork, and in June, 5 Mail routes were established by Congress in response to petitions from citizens of the localities to be served. In 1838, for instance, the- people of McLean and Tazewell counties asked for a mail route from Bloomington to Lacon. It was not granted at once, but came after some delay. Richard M. Young to Fell, Feb. 21, 1839. 289] BUSINESS VENTURES AND HOME LIFE 25 1835, he became very seriously ill. He was in Chicago at the time of his seizure, on the twenty-third of the month, and started on the next day for Bloomington, hoping to reach his friends be- fore the malady developed into one requiring constant care. He succeeded in reaching the home of Dr. Gaylord at Oxbow Prairie in Putnam County, where he was taken in and cared for while he lay helplessly ill for three weeks. At the end of that time he was placed in a carriage and taken to Bloomington, not without further injury to his health, and was unable to attend to his us- ual duties until about the end of July. Early in August, how- ever, he made a long trip to St. Louis, stopping at the Brown home in Delavan on the way. He himself attributed his illness to exposure and overwork, explaining to his family that in the six months preceding it he had ridden not less than five thou- sand miles, going sixty, seventy, eighty, and even eighty-five miles a day. These journeys, he further pointed out, he had made in every kind of weather, hot and cold, wet and dry, swimming his horse through streams and afterward riding in wet clothes for hours, and making long rides at night. But the end for which he had endured these hardships was by that time gained, and he registered a vow never again to abuse his health and strength in this manner. He had made, he said, not only what he himself needed, but also a surplus with which to aid those who had long aided him. 6 Having thus earned a rest, in the autumn of that year he went back to his old home for the first time since settling in the West, stopping on the way for a visit at the home of his brother Thomas in Lancaster, Ohio. In Pennsylvania he suffered a re- turn of his former illness, lying ill at his brother Robert's in Lit- tle Britain for over a month. In the spring of 1836, however, he was back in Bloomington, not only looking after his own inter- ests, but planning for his brother Kersey. He had entered land for his brother Joshua during the preceding year, and this was deeded to him in May, 1836. Kersey Fell, after a period of clerkship for Covell and Gridley, was made clerk of the newly erected DeWitt County with power to organize it. He was later admitted to the McLean County bar and practised for many years in Bloomington. Thomas left Ohio for the same place af- ter his brother's visit in the autumn of 1835. Rebecca Fell, a 6 Fell to some member of his family, Aug. 3, 1835. When Kersey Fell arrived in Bloomington the next spring, he was told that his brother was "one of the richest men in town". Lewis, Life, 25. 26 JESSE W. FELL [290 favorite sister, was being educated at Kimberton Boarding School, and later became a teacher in McLean County. 7 In 1837 all of Fell's family who were not already in the West came to Bloomington, where they made their home subsequently. Two years after his family had followed him to Illinois, Mr. Fell married Hester Vernon Brown, a daughter of that home which had first welcomed him to the West. She had been "fin- ished" at a boarding school in Springfield since the days when Fell had been tutor in the Brown home. Rev. Nathaniel Wright of Tremont, a Universalist clergyman, performed the marriage cere- mony, for both bride and bridegroom had become somewhat liberal as to Quaker ways and Quaker customs. 8 The wed- ding day was January 26, 1838. Mr. Fell's parents were not present, but his sister Rebecca and his brother Kersey attended, and his close friend David Davis was best man. Joshua Brown, brother of Hester, who was also a friend much valued, came to the wedding from his home in Edwards County, and afterwards helped to move the household goods into the cottage that Mr. Fell had built in Bloomington. This cottage, later enlarged by many additions, was on the land which Fell subsequently sold to David Davis. In the accomplishments of Jesse Fell his wife had no small part. She was a notable "manager," in the comprehen- sive sense in which that word is used in speaking of housewives. She was courageous, capable, and independent. In her own home and in the community she seconded the efforts of her hus- band with sympathy and ability. Outliving him by twenty years, she was privileged to carry out some of the plans which he himself had left unfinished; and in the same time she demon- strated the force of her own personality, which for so many years she had chosen to make second to his. After the first few years in Bloomington Fell neglected his law practice in favor of the more congenial work of buying and 7 McLean County Historical Society Transactions, II, 35. Fell to Hester V. Brown, Feb. 28, 1837. Rebecca Fell to Fell, Nov. 20, 1836. In this letter Fell's sister expresses the greatest love for and gratitude to him. It is finely written and quaintly composed, but unbends in places to a degree of childish carelessness and even to one faint suspicion of slang. Other letters, models of an art carefully taught in girls' board- ing schools of that day and showing both strength of character and an irrepressible sense of humor, are dated June 10, Sept. 25, Oct. 23, and Christmas, 1836. 8 Rachel Sharpless (a great-aunt) to Hester Brown. Undated, but about 1836. 291] BUSINESS VENTURES AND HOME LIFE 27 selling land. In 1836 he sold out both books and practice to David Davis, altho he continued to use the same office with him for some time. Davis had come from Maryland in the au- tumn of 1835, and settled in Pekin. The chills and fever of the early prairie days so sapped his strength that he had about de- cided to leave Illinois, when Jesse Fell, alert for a good lawyer to whom he might turn over his now burdensome practice, per- suaded him to go to Bloomington. He offered his own books, office and whatever financial aid might be necessary, as an in- ducement ; and kept through a long life his promise of friendship and help. With the practice and office, Fell sold him several hun- dred acres of land, at the prevalent price of eight dollars per acre, and this land became the nucleus of Davis' subsequently consid- erable fortune. 9 His real estate and other business took Fell frequently to the eastern cities. In 1841 he made such a trip, of which inter- esting details are to be found in various letters. Bidding his wife good-bye at Pekin, whence she went to her father's home with her son Henry, to stay until her husband's return, he boarded the Glaugus for St. Louis. There he waited from Monday until Wednesday for a boat to Cincinnati, taking then the Goddess of Liberty, which he declared " a splendid boat," and which reached the city on Sunday evening. On Monday morning he took passage in the Tioga for Wheeling, thence by stage to Baltimore, where he arrived June 20, 1841. Two days later he was in Washington. In that city he met, in the House of Representatives, his old preceptor and friend, General Stokeley of Steubenville. He in- terested Stokeley in the manuscript of a book he had with him, which had been copyrighted in March; and the two men ar- ranged for its publication. It was a digest of laws and forms relative to real estate, evidently intended. to be used as a refer- ence or text book. No further reference is made to it after 1841, and it was never published. Fell wrote to his -wife at the time that he had secured favorable attention from some of the best 9 The Bloomington Observer and M'Lean County Advocate of April 22, 1837, contains the professional card of "David Davis, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. . . Office on Front street, with J. W. Fell, Esq. . ." The same newspaper contains the card of Thomas Fell, vendue crier. Fell in the Pantograph, June 29, 1886. 28 JESSE W. FELL [292 lawyers in the country concerning it. ' ' We think we shall be able to make some money out of it, ' ' he added. 10 Jeremiah Brown, a member of the House, was another old friend whom it was a pleasure to greet. The Westerner found much entertainment in visiting sessions of Congress, and wrote his wife faithful accounts of what he saw there. Clay had intro- duced his bank bill, which many thought would pass, " although some fear." Fell heard him make a strong plea for it, which, he wrote home, was ' ' a great effort ; " he still thought Clay a very great man, but had decided that noted men are in general like others ' ' distance lends enchantment . . . " "I yesterday vis- ited the President and Post Office Department and had a cou- ple of local postmasters dismissed. The President [Tyler] is a clean, good sort of man but 'ugly as sin.' ' He predicted the creation of a national bank, the repeal of the sub-treasury law, the distribution of the proceeds of the sale of public lands, a slight modification of the tariff events that any loyal Whig might easily persuade himself that he saw upon the political horizon. From Washington he returned to Baltimore, and took pass- age in a steamboat down Chesapeake Bay to the eastern shore of Maryland, where he visited Frank Brattan, an old Bloomington friend. Returning to Baltimore, he went the next day to Phil- adelphia, noting the fact that it required but five hours to go a hundred miles. In Philadelphia he was most impressed, to judge by the space given to the matter in one of his punctiliously fre- quent letters to his wife, by a new " bonne tt" being worn by the Quaker girls of that city. "I have concluded," he wrote her, ' ' when I get ready to start home to buy thee a Bonnett, if I can muster money enough to spare of a very pretty fashion lately introduced. If I get one I will get the materials to make some more of the same kind. ... I have almost fallen in love with the Quaker bells of Chestnut Street on account of their pretty bonnetts. Not perhaps entirely on account of their bonnetts either but because they are in the first place in themselves very pretty and secondly because their dress and deportment is so 10 The complete title : Digest of the Statute Laws of the States and Territories of the United States concerning the promissory notes and bills of exchange the limitations of actions the conveyance of real es- tate and the appropriate modes of authenticating deeds, devises, letters of attorney, etc. Copyright Office Records, U. S. D. C. MISC., March 6, 1841 ; District of Illinois. Fell to his wife, June 22 and July 6, 1841. 293] BUSINESS VENTURES AND HOME LIFE 29 neat and modest. Of all the city girls in the world commend me to the Philadelphians. " He promised his son Henry books and toys in the same letter. During his stay in Philadelphia, besides attending to the business which had taken him to the East, he visited a close friend, Joseph J. Lewis, at Westchester. The return trip was made by way of New York City and the Great Lakes. Fell ex- pected to reach his home by the first of August or thereabouts; there is no record of the exact date of his return. The details of this trip to the East have been given with some degree of ful- ness, not only because they serve to illustrate many of Fell's in- terests, but because this was the first of many similar journeys; for until old age forced him to limit his activities, he made one or two trips to the Atlantic seaboard each year. The real estate business, indeed, entailed far more absence from home than suited Fell, but it also took him much into the open, which was with him a strong consideration. Its financial returns were greater than those of law practice, and it brought him into constant contact with many men, and with the very heart and spirit of the growth of the West. But the panic of 1837 put a stop to real estate operations, as to all other business. Fell lost all that he had gathered together, and was compelled to take benefit of the bankruptcy law of 1841. Surrendering all his lands, he was discharged from his indebtedness (which was later en- tirely repaid), and began again, as penniless as when he first came to Illinois in 1832. As the bankruptcy court offered much business for lawyers, he took up his old profession again, re- luctantly but with marked success. The sessions were held in the United States court at Springfield, and the work brought Fell again into his old strenuous habits. He invariably prepared his cases in Bloomington, that he might be with or near his family as much as possible ; then leaving his home at sunset, he would appear in court the next morning, ready after his all-night drive to prosecute the business of the day. 11 "Certificate of admission to the Illinois District Court, Feb. 10, 1842. In an interview with Richard Edwards long afterwards, Fell explained his dislike of law by saying that he wished to be able to use his powers of persuasion where conviction urged, and not for money from clients; and that he disliked to live indoors. "A few years later, having accu- mulated some property, he voluntarily paid all his indebtedness, although not legally liable." E. M. Prince, "Jesse W. Fell;" Lewis, Life, 34. 30 JESSE W. PELL [294 But the practice of law was as irksome to him as it had been before, and he planned to escape from it as soon as possible. Since real estate offered no means at that time, he resolved to try farm- ing, and for that purpose moved in 1844 to a new home, which was known then and for many years after as Fort Jesse. Some people, appalled at its distance of four miles from the town, called it Fell's Folly. It had been entered for Joseph J. Lewis, and was far from any other habitation, having but one house between it and Bloomington. There was a stream upon the place, which in rainy seasons of the year became too swollen to be forded. Here Fell made a cabin, and broke the virgin prairie in very real pioneer fashion. He rejoiced in the opportunity to plant trees, and put out many of the black locusts which were re- garded at that time as particularly well fitted to Illinois condi- tions, since they grew rapidly and produced a very hard and dur- able wood. The borer, which makes the black locust an enemy to all other trees and a nuisance in a community, had not then appeared. 12 The life of the Fells at Fort Jesse was the life of a typical pioneer family. Nightly there burned in their window the candle which pioneer custom prescribed as a guide for travel- ers; and nightly, there howled around it the prairie wolves. Henry Clay Fell relates an incident which illustrates the condi- tions under which the prairie farm became a home. Mr. Fell and his wife had gone to Bloomington, and while they were ab- sent a storm had swollen the stream so that it became impass- able. Two children, Henry and Eliza, had been left at the farm, and at the coming of the storm they became much frightened. While they crouched in a corner, a big grey wolf thrust in his head at the window, where a pane of glass had been broken out. Henry, altho then but seven years of age, had the courage of pioneer children, and threw a footstool at the wolf's head, which frightened him away. The pet deer, which the children had brought into the cabin, and which attracted the wolves, was later given to a son of General Gridley. 13 In 1845 Fell bought a farm of one hundred acres near Pay- son, Adams County, to which he moved from Fort Jesse that au- tumn. About forty acres of the farm were in timber ; and thirty acres of that under cultivation were set out to trees, Fell's inten- tion being to establish a nursery which should cater to the mar- 12 Jacob Spawr in Pantagraph, July I, 1881. Lewis, Life, 35. 13 Lewis, Life, 35. Interview with Henry Fell, May 31, 1913. 295] BUSINESS VENTURES AND HOME LIFE 31 ket afforded by the increasing settlements in the neighborhood of Quincy. The nursery business did not meet his expectations, altho he sold enough fruit to make the venture a paying one. The farm, which was about a mile and a quarter northwest of the village, was known as Fruit Hill. As Quincy afforded him his nearest large market, Fell set to work to have a good road made to that town. He succeeded, largely through his own exer- tions, in securing a straight road of twelve miles which passed through his farm. 14 During this period he found time to take an interest in various public affairs, and particularly in education. He spoke at teachers' institutes, 15 and was much concerned for the wel- fare of the local Methodist church, of which he became a member. When he moved to Fruit Farm there was only a private school at Payson, but during his residence a "seminary," kept in such a way as more fully to serve the needs of the community, was opened. Farming did not prevent an active interest in state and national affairs, as a letter from Lincoln at this time shows. As an orthodox Whig, he strongly disapproved the management of the Mexican War, and wrote to Lincoln, then serving his state in Washington, to ask him to present a petition for a speedy peace. Lincoln promised to do so at the proper time, but added that there was in Washington a feeling that the war was over and that the treaty sent in would be endorsed. 16 v In 1849 a number of the citizens of Quincy, led by John Wood, afterward governor, resolved to go to California, where the gold fields were attracting people from all parts of the world. Fell was asked to join^the party, and made preparations to go, altho it was necessary to borrow money for the expedition. He went to Bloomington and bade his friends good-bye, but at the last minute failed to raise the funds necessary for an outfit, and gave up the project. In 1851 he arranged to return to Bloomington by trading his Payson farm to his brother Robert for a farm of two hun- dred forty acres near Bloomington. Robert Fell disposed of his nursery stock to F. K. Phoenix, who came to Bloomington from Delavan, Wisconsin, at Jesse Fell's earnest solicitation. Start- ing with Robert Fell's stock of trees, Phoenix in time developed 14 Lewis, Life, 37. Fell to Rachel Brown, Oct. i, 1848. "The report of one such address, given before the Adams County- Institute, is in the Western Whig of July 20, 1850. Lewis, Life, 36. "Lincoln to Fell, Mar. i, 1848. 32 JESSE W. FELL [296 one of the most famous of the nurseries for which Normal was later notable. Upon his return to Bloomington Fell first engaged in news- paper work, of which mention is made elsewhere more particu- larly. He soon gave that up, however, to reenter the field of real estate, which was again becoming a source of profit. Having lit- tle money of his own, he made a trip to New York and Boston in the autumn of 1852, for the purpose of interesting eastern capitalists in Illinois land. 17 In this he was very successful, and during the decade following he bought and sold great tracts of land throughout Central Illinois, founded several towns, and en- larged others. Pontiac, Lexington, Towanda, Clinton, LeRoy, El Paso and other towns were among those in which he was largely interested. He made additions to Bloomington and De- Intelligencer, Dec. 14, 1853. ^Pantograph, Man. 15, 1854. ^Private Laws of Illinois, 1853, 342-346. At about the same time Mr. Fell and others incorporated the Bloomington Gas Light and Coke Company. Ibid., 1855, 650. ^Pantagraph, Dec. 29 and 31, 1866. 353] RAILROADS 89 less. An accusation was made against Fell and Gridley, touching their disinterestedness in the matter, to which Fell replied by publishing a letter from T. B. Blackstone, the president of the Chicago and Alton ; and the canvass went on. President Black- stone convinced Mr. Fell that the new road would be built through Washington were the money not subscribed at Blooming- ton. 15 In April, Fell succeeded in securing a joint appropriation of seventy-five thousand dollars from the township and the city. In June the township voted a hundred thousand dollars each to the "LaFayette, Bloomington and Mississippi" and to the "Dan- ville, Urbana and Pekin" roads. Then followed busy days in Bloomington, for there were three railroads being built. The one from Jacksonville was com- pleted for traffic on August 14, 1867. 16 The Danville road from Bloomington to Pekin was completed in 1869, and to Covington on September 2, 1870, giving railroad communication between Indianapolis and Peoria. The other east-and-west road, of which General Gridley was president and Fell an active director, was less fortunate. Financial support was hard to find, but work began in spite of this in October, 1869. The contractors, Howard and Weston, had promised to finish the road to the Indiana line by January 1, 1871; but the company failed early in 1870. A new contract was let, but it was only partly fulfilled. The Wa- bash company finally finished the road, which established regular service on July 13, 1872. So at last, after efforts extending over twenty years, east-and-west communication by rail was realized. It was not in a form so direct as Mr. Fell and his colleagues had hoped to have it, but it has proved practicable and helpful. It has been noted that the Chicago and Alton Railroad estab- lished shops at Bloomington soon after entering the town. These shops were largely destroyed by fire on November 1, 1867. Al- most at once, it was proposed to rebuild them in Chicago, or some other city where labor might more easily be had. The loss to Bloomington would have been very great, and Mr. Fell with some friends set himself to find the means of making their reten- tion sure. Judge David Davis, General Gridley and Mr. Fell in- duced R. E. Williams, then local attorney for the road, to go with them to Chicago for an interview with President Black- stone. The latter assured the trio that, altho feeling for re- 15 Blackstone to Fell, Dec. 13 and 28, 1866, Jan. i, 1867. 16 This road was leased to the Chicago and Alton for 99 years in June, 1868. 90 JESSE W. PELL [354 moval was strong in the company, he himself favored the reten- tion of the shops where they had been, if only additional land for needed extension could be secured. This reasonable request surprised the Bloomington men, who had expected to be asked for a bonus in money. Returning to Bloomington, the matter was presented to the people at a mass-meeting on November 26. General Gridley and Mr. Fell spoke ; the latter had, as usual, resolutions to be adopted and a definite plan for raising the money. Many in the audience signed the guarantee that night, and within a few days the number of guarantors reached 740. After much negotiation, the citizens agreed to give about thirty acres of land, some of which had to be gotten by condemnation proceedings. The railroad company advanced the money to pay for it, at the usual rate of ten per cent. The new shops were larger and better than the old, and correspondingly more valu- able to Bloomington. 17 One other enterprise of a similar nature remains to be re- corded. In 1867 a number of people began to discuss the build- ing of a street railway from Bloomington to Normal. A member of the board of education who lived in southern Illinois objected that the -noise of cars would disturb the scholastic quiet of the community, but people in general thought it a good idea. 18 A company was incorporated, to which was given a franchise to build the railway through Bloomington, Normal, and the cam- pus. It was operated at first by a dummy engine, later by horse and mule power. The cars ran every forty minutes until nine o'clock at night. The purpose of presenting the somewhat detailed accounts of enterprises in which Jesse Fell was interested, which have filled the pages of this chapter and the preceding one, has been to show by what means the leaders of the era of settlement in the Middle West managed to achieve results which appear marvelous in whatever light they may be seen. Fell was but one of a host 17 To raise the money required, the Bloomington constituency framed a bill authorizing an issue of bonds. It passed the General Assembly, but was vetoed by Governor Palmer on grounds of unconstitutionality. A committee from Bloomington visited Palmer, and after explaining the situation to him, received his promise not further to oppose the bill. They worked to secure a repassage, succeeding only after much lobbying in the senate. The bonds were paid duly, with no question of their validity. 18 P. G. Roots to Messrs. Hatch and Fell, May 23, 1867. 355] RAILROADS 91 of workers who changed the wilderness into a land of settled in- stitutions within the measure of a generation. Few men, per- haps, united so many qualities of leadership as he possessed ; but the difference between him and other men in this respect was one of degree rather than of kind. It was a period rich in social service, altho "social service" had not then become so much of a conscious slogan as it has been since. It was a period when people were closer to the government than they are now, when living was simpler, when the machinery of civilization was formed by popular effort, in a more direct way than has been the case in later years ; when men of limited means and many in- terests laid the foundation for economic and political achieve- ment carefully and solidly, knowing what structure they reared and conscious that what they wrought would shape in great measure the future of their commonwealth. It is as a type of such men that Jesse Fell has real significance for the people of the Middle West. CHAPTER IX THE RELIGIOUS LIBERAL The Unitarian movement in New England had its parallel among the Quakers in the Hicksite schism, begun in 1827 by Elias Hicks, a brilliant and influential Friend. He denied the deity of Christ and the special inspiration of the Scriptures, tenets held by the orthodox Friends. Rebecca Fell, Jesse W. Fell's mother, was a warm friend and admirer of Elias Hicks, and followed him into the sect which he established. The father, however, while he left the orthodox meeting at the same time, did not become a Hicksite, but united with the Methodists, whose creed agreed more nearly with his own personal belief. 1 The father became an exhorter in his new church home, the mother a preacher among the Hicksites. The harmony of the family was in no wise disturbed, for both parents were tolerant and not dis- posed to exaggerate differences. Some of the children followed the father, some the mother in their religious faith. Jesse, whose special privilege it was to accompany his mother to meet- ing on First Days and Fourth Days, came closely to sympathize with her in her religious ideas ; and his activity as a leader of lib- eral religious thought in his community in after years, may largely be attributed to the influence of his mother's teaching and example. She was a woman of vigorous mentality, altho of but rudimentary education, as were most of the women of her time. With her husband, she centered the training of her chil- dren about the necessity of uncompromising honesty, universal freedom, and fidelity to conviction. 2 After removing to Bloomington in 1837, the Fell family con- tinued to hold meetings after the fashion of Friends, altho *At this time, the simplicity of dress and manners of the Methodists was very like that of the Friends, and such a transition was easily made, entailing little change of accepted doctrine or custom. 2 Jesse Fell to Fell, Sept. 2, 1832. This letter shows the intensely religious nature of Jesse W. Fell's father. It describes a camp-meeting in which he had taken part with great pleasure and profit, and expresses the tenderest wishes for his son's spiritual welfare. Another letter of Fell's father, dated Jan. 6, 1835, shows similar characteristics. 92 357] THE RELIGIOUS LIBERAL 93 there were few of their faith in the town. The meetings were held on Sunday afternoons at the house, and the attendance was such as often to crowd the rooms. John Magoun, beloved by everyone who knew him and an especial friend of the Fells, came to these Quaker gatherings. The elder Mrs. Fell's voice was often heard in admonition, and her husband's, altho he was totally blind, in song. In his youth Jesse Fell the elder had been a famous singer in his community, and in his old age his voice was still sweet. Under such influence, it was inevitable that Mr. Fell's relig- ious faith should be both simple and strong. Wherever he was, at appropriate times and places he joined people of many denom- inations and shades of belief in their worship ; and in all his life there appears no word of intolerance for the beliefs of others. His temporary connection with the Methodist Episcopal church at Payson has been mentioned on another page. Upon his return to Bloomington he did not uite with any church, altho he attended the "West Charge" Methodist church, then under the care of James Shaw. 3 It is significant of the character of the people of Blooming- ton that there were in the town a great many of differing views but tolerant dispositions, who during the early years were drawn together for purposes of worship. Westerners were usually af- filiated, when they had religious affiliations at all, with the more radically evangelical denominations. In Bloomington there had been a Congregational church of abolitionist leanings for many years, and Baptist and Methodist churches which, altho they contained many families from the South, were for the most part opposed to the extension of slavery. In 1855 the more radical element in the Presbyterian church had separated itself from the mother church, and formed the Second Presbyterian church. Thus clearly, during the decade, the political and sectional prej- udices held by people generally affected their church affiliations. 4 On the evening of the tenth of July, 1859, a group of people who were interested in forming a religious organization to which Christians of differing creeds might belong, met in the office of Kersey Fell. There were about twenty in attendance. Eliel Barber was chairman, Jesse Fell secretary. The result of the 3 James Shaw in Fell Memorial, 4. 4 Dr. John W. Cook, A Western Pioneer. Address at the semi- centennial of the founding of the Unitarian Church in Bloomington, Oct. 3, 1909. (Manuscript in possession of the author.) 94 JESSE W. FELL [358 conference was that the secretary was directed to write to Rev, Charles G. Ames, of Boston, asking him to come to Bloomington to look the field over. He came, preached a series of eight ser- mons, and visited the people who were interested in the possibil- ity of forming a new church. He made his home with the Fells while in Bloomington, and became a very dear friend of that household. 5 A church, known at first as the Free Congregational Society,, was organized on the seventh and eighth of August. Many shades of Protestant belief were included. There were Universal- ists, Friends, Campbellites, Baptists, Episcopalians, Congrega- tionalists and Spiritualists among the members. 6 The resident clergymen of Bloomington were invited to preach for them until the new pastor, Mr. Ames, could take up his work. Phoenix Hall was used for the services of the new church for almost ten years. Here the pastors, for the most part New Eng- land men, nurtured anti-slavery sentiments and fostered devo- tion to the federal union. Rev. Ichabod Codding, the fourth pas- tor, was a fearless abolitionist, and spoke boldly his progressive views. During his pastorate, which like those of most "Western pas- tors was a short one, the society dedicated its house of worship, on March 15, 1868. Other ministers succeeded Mr. Codding free and fearless speakers and thinkers for the most part, reform- ers rather than pastors, intellectual guides whose brief stay in the community served to waken thought and to deepen religious faith. Two of them, Rev. C. C. Burleigh and Rev. J. F. Thomp- son, a New Englander and an Englishman, became strong friends of Mr. Fell. Mr. Burleigh, a friend of the poet Whittier, was a quiet man of great spiritual force, but a man who gained no de- 5 Ames to Fell, July 15, 1859. Ames to E. M. Prince, Sept. 23, 1899. Vickers Fell to Fell, Mar. 4, 1862. J. J. Lewis to Fell, Mar. 2, 1862. It was Mr. Ames, a radical New England abolitionist, who preached the famous sermon known as "the funeral sermon of John Brown". It was delivered on Sunday, Dec. 4, 1859, was printed in the local press, and afterward in a pamphlet which had wide distribution. His personal esti- mate of Mr. Fell is given in the letter to Mr. Prince just cited. C. G. Ames, in the Christian Register, Mar. 18, 1909. 6 At a meeting held at the close of the regular service on the seventh of August, attended by about fifty people, Fell presented a set of resolu- tions looking toward the organization of the church. He and Kersey Fell, Mr. Phoenix, Mr. Stillwell, and others talked, after which the resolutions were adopted. Thirty-two people entered the society the next night, twenty more on August 14. Dr. J. W. Cook, A Western Pioneer^ 359] THE EELIGIOUS LIBERAL 95 gree of popularity in the hustling "Western town in which his lot was for a short time cast. 7 Mr. Thompson, who followed him, was on the other hand most acceptable to Bloomington, and later became immensely popular in Los Angeles. In speaking of the friendships which came to Fell through his church relations, it is meet here to mention Robert Collyer, with whom he often con- sulted and who became a valued personal friend. 8 During the years after its founding the church gradually lost its composite congregational character, and became more homogeneous in belief. Unitarian doctrines came to be the pre- vailing opinion of the congregation. The name was therefore changed on December 9, 1885, to that of the "Unitarian Church of Bloomington." Mr. Fell remained an active member and con- stant attendant of this organization as long as he lived. 7 "Give him," wrote Robert Collyer to Fell in 1873, in introducing art English clergyman who was viewing the sights of America, "if you can, a chance to meet Charles Burleigh. He may not otherwise see one of the Old Ironsides." Rev. Burleigh had preached in Pennsylvania many years before upon the subject of slavery, and the Fells had known of him then. "... last third-day evening we all (a few excepted) re- paired to the Meeting-house where we heard a very interesting and 1 eloquent speech delivered by Charles Burleigh on the subject of immediate emancipation. He is employed by the anti-slavery society of Philadel- phia to deliver lectures on that subject; he is the most profound reasoner I ever heard. And if dignity of manners, eloquence, and sound reason can do anything to promote the cause, he is well adapted to the office."' Rebecca Fell to Fell, Christmas, 1836. 8 Robert Collyer to Fell, July 3, Sept. 18, Nov. 8, 1866; June 7, 1870; Sept. 15, 1873. A spirited letter upon "Broad-Gauge Theology", contain- ing a clear defense of his liberal beliefs, appeared in the Pantograph of February 15, 1868. CHAPTER X LATER POLITICAL ACTIVITIES The congressional campaign of 1868 was one of especial in- terest to Mr. Fell. In March, an editorial in the Pantagraph had again proposed his name as a candidate for Congress, a pro- posal which received the usual short shrift from him. 1 The pub- lic request was repeated, and again declined. The Republicans of McLean then asked General Giles A. Smith to be their candi- date, and he accepted. Fell, however, thought this a false and foolish move, inasmuch as Shelby M. Cullom, the member then sitting, was a tried and proved man. There followed a lively controversy between the Cullom-Fell party and the Smith ad- herents, waged both in the newspapers and in all public and pri- vate places where Republicans gathered for council. The county committee called a mass-meeting for the purpose of selecting and instructing delegates to the district convention. It met on the eleventh of April, but was so tumultuous a gathering that little lousiness could be transacted. General Smith seems to have had control of the party machinery, but the machine was so power- fully opposed by Fell and his colleague Gridley, that none of the routine business decided upon could be forced through. A dele- gate county convention was therefore called, to meet on the twenty-seventh ; and the war between Smith and Fell continued. The friends of Smith published a vigorous attack entitled "The Other Side, ' ' to which Fell replied as vigorously. 2 When it met, the second county convention proved more tractable than the first had been, and nominated Smith as McLean's candidate. Fell continued his exertions throughout the district, however, and on the fourth of May the friends of Cullom were gratified by a vote of five counties to two in his favor, at the district conven- tion. He was elected by a large majority in November. The story of this congressional struggle in McLean County illustrates a condition of division which was fairly typical of the is, Life, 92. 2 Pantagraph, Apr. 9, 10, n for the notice of the mass convention; Apr. ii, article by Fell answering attack in "The Other Side"; other interesting matter in issues of Mar. 25-30, 1868. 96 361] LATER POLITICAL ACTIVITIES 97 situation of the Republican party in Illinois after the war. The unity which only a great common purpose can give, had passed away with the coming of peace. Discontent with the extreme congressional reconstruction policy, altho not then so decided as later, had begun to appear; Johnson's foolish blunders had complicated the situation. Locally, many men aspired to the honors which the Republicans had to distribute. The struggle for the nomination to the governorship, for instance, was unus- ually sharp. Robert G. Ingersoll, who had expected to be a candi- date for attorney general, upon the report of the withdrawal of Palmer decided to try for this higher office. 3 In the convention, however, Palmer took the nomination away from him and also from Jesse K. Dubois and S. W. Moulton. Governor Palmer's advocacy of states' rights divided the Republican ranks to some extent, and finally resulted in his leaving the party in 1872, with some adherents. In 1870 a bitter quarrel arose between Mr. Cullom and Mr. Fell, which resulted in Cullom 's defeat in his race for reelection. The cause of this difference was Cullom 's appointment of John F. Scibird as Bloomington 's postmaster. It will be remembered that the firm of Scibird and Waters sold the Pantagraph to Davis and Fell in August, 1868. Scarcely was the sale made, when Scibird and Waters began to plan the publication of a rival Re- publican paper, which appeared, under the name of The Leader, the next December. Fell and Davis regarded this as a breach of faith in their rivals, inasmuch as they had purchased the Panta- graph with the understanding that they were buying the Repub- lican paper of Bloomington; and the two newspapers soon worked up a rivalry as spirited as usually develops under such circumstances. Added to this circumstance were other consid- erations which gave Fell a much stronger reason for resenting Cullom 's appointment. 3 Ingersoll to Fell, Mar. 25, 1868. Another letter, dated four days later, establishes Fell's position as favoring first Moulton, then Corwin, and last Ingersoll himself. "In the meantime," says the irrepressible Peorian, "dear friend, stick to your tree planting. There is nothing like agriculture and horticulture. Stay in the beautiful fields. Hear the birds sing praises to Corwin and Moulton. I would rather the birds would do it than to have you. I know that you will enjoy yourself a great deal more working in the garden than meddling about the governor question." There is more of the same tenor, and finally this postscript: "Now is the time to plant trees. All should be planted before the 6th of May." 98 JESSE W. FELL [362 General Gridley had asked in return for the assistance he had given Fell in supporting Cullom in 1868, Fell's influence in favor of the retention of Gridley 's brother-in-law, Dr. Cromwell, as postmaster. Dr. Cromwell was a good postmaster, but his ap- pointment by Andrew Johnson was with difficulty confirmed by the senate, as were many other appointments by that unpopular president. Mr. Fell, seeing no good reason for opposing his re- appointment, urged it upon Cullom, and received what Fell un- derstood to be his promise that he would retain him. But for some reason Cullom changed his mind, and after Grant's elec- tion Scibird was given the appointment. Added to this was the fact that Fell had urged Cullom 's renomination in 1868 with the understanding that he was not to run again. These considera- tions put Fell in the position of a man who must either vindicate his own honor or impeach that of others, and he took a course calculated to clear himself of suspicion. Cullom repeatedly acknowledged at the time that he owed his nomination in 1868 to the efforts of Fell and Gridley. The equally vigorous opposition which the Pantagraph and its guiding spirit evinced two years later, made his prospects hopeless in Mc- Lean County, and doubtful throughout the district. McLean de- clared for General John McNulta, but the district, after a bitter struggle lasting through the summer, nominated Colonel Jona- than Merriam of Tazewell. Mr. Merriam was a man of fine char- acter but comparatively unknown, and was defeated in Novem- ber by the Democratic candidate, James C. Robinson. The fact that the division among the Republicans had resulted in Repub- lican defeat did not tend promptly to heal the wounds among the factions. Nevertheless Fell and Cullom found that mutual ex- planations removed the cause of their personal differences, and they became again the best of friends. 4 Although his informal and unadvised ways of doing things were distinctively Western and might have been expected to win a degree of approval in that section of the country, the four years of Grant's first administration seem to have aroused as much crit- icism in his own state as in any other. There was in Illinois a strong Southern element which, altho it had not made the state disloyal during the great struggle, still felt much sympathy for the subdued states, subjected to the indignities of military *Mr. Fell's own account of the controversy to that date is in the Pantagraph of July 22, 1870. Shelby M. Cullom to the writer, Mar. 15, 1912. 363] LATER POLITICAL ACTIVITIES 99 and carpet-bag rule. Sunmer, toward whom Grant had behaved with what most people considered inexcusable injustice, was no- where more beloved than in the Middle West, where he had long been a popular hero. And the best men everywhere were dis- satisfied with the position of the party leaders upon the civil service question. Carl Schurz was the guiding spirit of the Liberal Republi- can movement of 1872, and its strongest adherents were in those states where his influence, and that of his friends, was strong. His election to the senate in 1869 was the first sign of the tri- umph of a new set of ideas in the Republican party. Tariff- reform Republicans joined hands with the reconstruction-reform men, but as tariff-reform men were comparatively few in most of the states where the insurgents hoped to gain a following, this issue was kept in the background. The passage of the Ku-Klux hill in 1871 was so actively opposed by Schurz and Trumbull as to cause these two leaders to draw together and to gather around them the more liberal elements in the party ; and this group was further unified by the New York Custom House affair. Never- theless, as late as in December of 1871 neither Trumbull nor Schurz had openly planned to oppose Grant's reelection. 5 Early in January the movement, which as yet had appeared only as a division in Congress, began to take on a more popular aspect. In Missouri and in Southern Illinois, where the South- ern element was strong, there was a great deal of fighting among the people in support of Schurz, Trumbull, and Sumner. The Missouri Liberal Republicans held a convention in January, and issued a call for a national mass convention in May. Preconven- tion speculation as to the presidential candidate of this seceding Republican gathering centered at that time about two men, Ly- man Trumbull and Charles Francis Adams. The people of the southern third of Illinois, as well' as many throughout the state who remembered Trumbull 's service, were very hopeful concern- ing his chances. Governor Palmer and the influential Jesse K. Dubois were his leading supporters. Adams was probably better known in the nation than Trumbull, and had proved his ability in 5 Horace White, Life of Lyman Trumbull, 269-271, quoting an inter- view published in the Louisville Courier-Journal, Dec. 3, 1871, and New York Times, Dec. 6. A letter from Trumbull to W. C. Flagg, among the Flagg MSS, dated Jan. 10, 1872, however, shows that at that date Trum- bull was contemplating open opposition to Grant in the Republican party. Flagg was, according to his own statement, Trumbull's only confidant at this time. 100 JESSE W. PELL [364 the difficult position of minister to England during the Civil War. Just when Trumbull 's prospects were brightest, Judge David Davis decided that he would be a candidate for the nomination. Leonard Swett, the famous criminal lawyer, long an associate and close personal friend of Judge Davis, became his manager, and enlisted the services of Fell in arousing the people of Mc- Lean County and Central Illinois to the support of a citizen of their own community for the nomination. Fell, from the first an advocate of a milder reconstruction policy and for that reason thoroly in sympathy with the Liberals, had been a Trumbull adherent until Davis made his decision, when he changed to sup- port an old and dear friend. 6 By the first of April, then, he was being consulted as to the plans for the Davis campaign at Cincin- nati. Swett, ingenious and indefatigable, estimated the strength of the Trumbull faction, and proposed that to counter- act it a train load of Davis supporters should go to Cincinnati, that they might influence the nomination there as the Illinois delegations had in 1860. McLean, Tazewell, Livingston, Logan, DeWitt, Champaign, Ford, Iroquois and Vermillion counties were strongly in favor of Davis, and from these counties Swett drew the delegations upon which he mainly depended. 7 Peoria County, and especially the German population (the strength of 6 Fell to Lyman Trumbull, Mar. 4, Apr. 11, 1872. (Trumbull Library of Congress.) Trumbull to Fell, Mar. 9, 1872. Mr. Fell's sym- pathy for the once oppressed black man did not blind him to the shame of the existing oppression of white men in the South. A letter to James G. Elaine, written Mar. 3, 1885, but possibly never sent, shows plainly his ideas upon the subject, and contains some very entertaining com- ments. After referring to the failure of Republican reconstruction, he says : "Unfortunately the Democracy of this country neither learns nor forgets much, and without outside aid, I have slender hopes in that direc- tion." He thinks reform must come through some liberal leader. "As possibly you may know, I was quite intimately acquainted with Abm. Lincoln, & in a feeble way did something in 1858, 9 and 60 in bringing him before the people as a presidential candidate. In the enclosed I have ventured to say what were some of his views touching the matter in hand reconstruction. Had he lived doubtless they would have been modified. . . . Whilst you are not where many of us would have you, are you not in a position where you can be almost as influential? Your 2nd vol., in which you will discuss this very question, is yet to be pub- lished. Why not give this matter your patient, very best thought?" 7 Swett to Fell, Apr. I, 1872. 365] LATER POLITICAL ACTIVITIES 101 the Republican party there), would accept any man who might be nominated, in the opinion of Robert Ingersoll. 8 Early in April a number of disaffected Republicans met at the home of Horace White in Chicago, and agreed to issue a call for the Cincinnati meeting, signed by as many influential men as might be induced to join the movement. As this followed the one already issued by Missouri (and was copied from the one is- sued in New York), it was called a "Response." It appeared first in the Chicago Times, April 17, 1872. Thirty-eight men, in- cluding Gustav Koerner and Horace White, Dubois, Miner, Jayne, and Fell, signed the call as first published, and within a few days a longer list appeared, comprising the names of hun- dreds of Illinois Republicans. 9 Palmer, at first inclined to favor the Regulars, decided in March to espouse the new cause, and de- clined the Regular Republican nomination for the governorship, which was accepted by Oglesby. 10 Trumbull kept Fell informed of the trend of affairs *in Wash- ington, while Fell wrote him of the local situation. 11 Trumbull 8 The letter from Robert Ingersoll to Mr. Fell, dated Peoria, Apr. 6, 1872, expresses with remarkable frankness that would-be statesman's resentment of his rejection by the people of Illinois. "You must not expect me to make a speech at Cincinnati," he says. "I am done. I can conceive of no circumstances under which I would make a political speech. If ever in this world a man was thoroughly sick of political speaking, I am that man. Understand me, I am an admirer and a friend of Judge Davis. I want to see him president of the United States and I believe he will be. And what little I do will be done for him. I am going to take no active part for anybody. For some reason, the leaders in politics are not my friends, and never have been. My only ambition is to get a living and to take good care of my family. The American people have lost the power to confer honor. . . . Leonard Swett wrote me upon the subject of going to Cincinnati. I wrote him that I was sick of politics. By the way, if his letter had been about one-tenth as long, it would have been infinitely better. His letter is good ; but too much of it. All his points could have been made in one column. A letter never should be so long as to require an index." 9 White to Fell, Apr. 10, 1872. Fell to Trumbull, Apr. 8. Chicago Times, Apr. 17, and Pantograph, Apr. 19, 20. Carlinville Democrat, Apr. 17. Pantograph, Apr. 18. On the 23d of April, Palmer delivered a very influential anti-Grant speech at Spring- field, which served greatly to strengthen the forces of the Liberals. "Fell to Trumbull, Apr. 8, II, 1872. (Trumbull MSS, Library of Congress.) Trumbull to Fell, Apr. u, 16, 1872. Trumbull's letter of April u spoke of the Cooper Union meeting, at which Trumbull and 102 JESSE W. FELL [366 would give no formal consent to the use of his name before the convention until late in April, apparently with an unselfish de- sire not to hamper the success of the, reform wave by introduc- ing personal factions. Indeed, he tried to impose on other lead- ers an entirely impracticable policy of entire silence with regard to candidates until the meeting at Cincinnati. Meantime the Davis group was vigorously pushing its candi- date in the only region in which he could command much sup- port ; for, being a jurist and not a political leader, and being but little known throughout the country, his strongest claim to rec- ognition lay in his having been the personal friend and appointee of Lincoln, a claim that amounted to little except in Illinois. Since men with even less fame have succeeded in winning nomina- tions from the lottery of convention chance, Swett and Fell had lively hopes that with a good delegation of local supporters they might carry the day in Cincinnati. The Democrats, strong in Illinois, were rallying to his support. Among these was Adlai Stevenson, a man of considerable influence and a neighbor of Judge Davis, who with his adherents formed part of the Davis party at the convention. Swett was a skilful manager, and by convention time had gained half the Illinois forces for Davis. The Labor Reform party had already nominated him for presi- dent in February. 12 Returning from a tree-planting expedition to his Iowa lands just before the convention, Fell preceded by a few days the dele- gation which started from Bloomington at five o'clock on April 29. Judge Davis' generosity in providing facilities for the at- tendance of his supporters made the following a large one ; con- temporary accounts say it was also a very noisy and confident one. About 550 men from Bloomington and vicinity went to Cincinnati; the entire Illinois contingent numbered over a thousand. 13 The Davis party, ensconcing itself early at headquarters and marshalling its forces in well-organized companies which gave a strong impression of confidence and success, seemed to lead all others before the convention opened. 14 There was an under- Schurz both spoke to an immense audience, and said that the movement had attained such proportions that no one faction could then control it. 12 Stanwood, History of the Presidency, 336. 13 Pantagraph, Apr. 10, 13, 17, 19, 27, 30, and later issues. 14 "It is obvious that the Davis crowd is the calmest, the most confi- dent, and the best organized and disciplined. They pitched their tents 367] LATER POLITICAL ACTIVITIES 103 standing in which it is natural to suspect the old combination of Lewis and Fell that Davis should have first place, and Gov- ernor Curtin of Pennsylvania second; an arrangement which Curtin's own ambition to head the ticket brought to naught. Adams, by far the most able and best prepared of all possible candidates, was unpopular in the "West because of the very quali- ties which made his strength his distinguished ancestry, his long and successful diplomatic service, his thoro education and statesmanlike qualities. His opponents reviled him as an * ' aristocrat ; " to which his friends answered by inquiring with asperity if it were in the Constitution that the president had to come from Illinois? The "hordes" from that state had but a fictitious strength, for they were divided into three factions, supporting Palmer, Trumbull and Davis respectively. On the twenty-ninth of April there was waged an all-day fight among the Illinois leaders, who could arrive at no kind of agreement. Swett and Fell found themselves pitted against White and Bryant, the capable Trum- Imll managers. On the thirtieth Tuesday the leaders decided to divide the Illinois vote among the three candidates. They called a meeting at three o'clock in Greenwood Hall. Dr. Jayne of Springfield, a Trumbull supporter, issued the call. Fell pre- sided, and the secretary was a Palmer man. About a thousand the earliest, and have worked up in detail all the strong points of their candidate and all the weak points of his rivals. "It is claimed that Davis is the only man in the crowd who is per- sonally popular. Adams is aristocratic, Brown belongs to the 'hurrah' school, but has few warm friends ; Trumbull is cold as a fish ; Cox is phlegmatic and Greeley is pudgy and eccentric. 'But Davis,' says Jesse Fell, 'is a man who is beloved by those who know him. I have known him personally and intimately for thirty years, as I knew Lincoln, and Tie is just such an honest, faithful, straightforward, incorruptible man; and he possesses the same personal magnetism. He would give us the same enthusiastic campaign and the same overwhelming victory. All of those who were old Abe's associates before 1860 are now asking Davis' nomination. He now lives in Central Illinois, and has made two million dollars in fair dealing, and he hasn't an enemy in all that region, nor in the world. The last two times he was elected Judge without a single dissenting vote from either party. ['] This is the way his friends talk; and Fell is one of the sincerest of men, and his moderation gives weight to his words. Davis seems ahead at this hour. Curtin is to get the second place, in consideration of giving Pennsylvania's vote to Davis ior the first." Chicago Post of Apr. 28, quoted in Pantograph. 104 JESSE W. PELL [368 Illinoisans attended the meeting, and came to an agreement con- cerning the division of the votes. 15 There was a street procession for Davis after the meeting, and great enthusiasm. In the even- ing an adjourned meeting was addressed by Judge Wentworth and John Hickman, the latter from Pennsylvania. In spite of all these well-laid plans Davis was foredoomed to failure, the leaders in the party being uncertain both of his ability to attract the popular vote and of his interest in the par- ticular reforms they advocated. 16 Starting with a vote of ninety- two and a half, he lost steadily, retaining only six in the final ballot. His supporters were scarcely less disappointed than was Schurz at the failure to nominate Adams or Trumbull, both men far more likely to carry the Liberal banner to victory. The "Gratz Brown trick" by which Greeley won the nomination in spite of his eccentricities, his extreme views, and the lack of con- fidence of his colleagues, seemed to stun the party leaders every- where. Governor Palmer was among the first to recover from the shock and to shape a definite program. Assuming that despite personal disappointment the Davis supporters would rally to the ticket, he wrote to Fell asking for a survey of the field in his- county and estimates of Liberal strength, and asking his support for Greeley. 17 Palmer was personally much attached to Greeley, who had befriended him in the Tribune the winter before, and was therefore the more willing to urge the disgruntled into self- forgetting efforts for the cause. A state convention was to be ar- ranged for, and -strong efforts would be necessary to popularize the erratic editor of the Tribune, against whom the Middle West still remembered his harsh criticisms of Lincoln. With Adlai Stevenson, leader of the Democrats, Fell arranged a mass-meet- ing to ratify the nomination. This was held on May 12. Fell "Twenty-one were to go to Davis, eleven to Trumbull, and ten to* Palmer. Cincinnati Commercial, May I ; Chicago Times, May I ; Panto- graph, May 2. 16 Horace White attributes the failure of Davis to "the editorial fra- ternity, who, at a dinner at Murat Halstead's house, resolved that they would not support him if nominated, and caused that fact to be made known." Lyman Trumbull, 380-381. A letter from one of the McLean County delegates to the Pantograph of May 3 says that "It is believed, and is doubtless true, that Belmont's visit here resulted in buying every Cincinnati paper as well as those of Louisville, to oppose Davis at all! hazards." This letter is dated 1 :3O p. m., Thursday. "Palmer to Fell, May 8, 1872. 369] LATER POLITICAL ACTIVITIES 105 presented the ratification resolutions with a speech, which was followed by speeches by Adlai Stevenson, General Gridley, Major Sterlein (speaking for the Germans), Dr. Rogers, and others. A letter from Governor Palmer was read. By the end of the meeting, it is fair to assume that the leaders themselves were al- most persuaded that they wanted Horace Greeley to be president. 18 Horace White of the Chicago Tribune, stanch Trumbull man that he was, entered heartily into the Greeley campaign through loyalty to a cause which he did not feel justified in abandoning be- cause of poor leadership. He wrote to Fell in late May to tell him that it had been agreed at the state convention (which Fell did not attend) that the Illinois member of the national executive committee was to be Jesse Fell. This appointment was declined, Mr. Fell doubtless feeling that he could not effectively serve a man of whose fitness for the presidency he was not sure. 19 Nevertheless his personal relations with Greeley during the summer and autumn of 1872 continued to be friendly, and while in New York late in November, he was granted one of the last interviews which that sadly disappointed and broken man could have given to any of his friends. 20 Fell himself gradually with- drew from active participation in politics after the Cincinnati meeting, feeling that the day of his service in that field was past. **Panta,graph, May 7, 1872, for Fell's declaration in favor of Greeley ; May 9, call for a ratification meeting; May 13, account of the meeting. "White to Fell, May 28, 1872. 20 Greeley to Fell, Nov. 23, 1872. The note, in Greeley's altogether inimitable scrawl, is very characteristic : Dear Sir : Call at the Tribune office at 4 P. M. (Sunday,) second floor on the south side. Knock and it shall be opened. Yours, Horace Greeley. Mr. Fell, of Illinois, Astor House, city. CHAPTER XI THE TREE-PLANTER It was J. A. Sewall who, when the etherialized earthiness of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps' Gates Ajar had set every-one to discuss- ing his idea of heaven, replied to a young woman who had asked him if he thought there were trees in heaven: "I really don't know, but if Jesse Fell gets there and finds none, he will hunt around and find some somewhere and plant them." 1 The remark shows the extent to which Mr. Fell and tree- planting were associated in the minds of those who knew him. It was his great passion, perhaps more than anything else his life- work, to set trees in the bare prairie and watch them make of it a garden. From his first months in the new land, when the bleakness of its prairie struck his eyes with especial force, used as they were to the rolling wooded stretches of Pennsylvania and Ohio, he looked forward to the planting of trees. That there were no trees except along the streams was, to him, the one dis- advantage of the prairie. 2 Therefore he planted trees in the towns in which he owned land. He lined the streets of Lexing- ton, Clinton, Pontiac, and other places with rows of maples and elms. Wherever he held a block of lots, there clumps or rows of trees marked the land that Fell owned. But at no other place did Mr. Fell plant trees with quite the loving enthusiasm which he gave to that work in Bloomington and Normal. In the summer of 1856, when visiting in West Philadelphia and Germantown, he was especially impressed with the beauty of the streets there. Germantown was shaded by stately old trees, but West Philadelphia was a new town, al- ready beautified by careful and extensive planting. Vowing that he would make his own town in Illinois as lovely as West Phil- 1 J. A. Sewall to Fannie Fell, March 15, 1909. 2 Fell to his parents, Nov. 17, 1833. The settlements were built in the edges of the groves, he says, in some places extending two miles into the plain. "As the settlements move out into the prairie, people will turn their attention to the cultivation of the forest trees. This in some neigh- borhoods has already been done." A. W. Kellogg in Pontiac Sentinel, Aug. 29, 1889. 106 371] THE TREE-PLANTER 107 adelphia, Fell planned a comprehensive planting campaign, which he began to put into effect the next year. 8 His first move was to secure a special act from the legisla- ture to permit the fencing of young trees planted hi open streets, for their temporary protection. 4 His desire was to plant double rows along all the streets, with something like the spa- cious prodigality of Hadley, Massachusetts. But North Bloom- ington streets were not surveyed upon so generous a scale, and so only a few streets could have double rows. Even so, twelve thousand trees were set out in Normal before a single house was erected. 5 The stimulus and example so given, together with the ease of acquisition afforded by the nurseries, made planting a fashion. People vied with each other in making their private grounds beautiful. They quoted Mr. Fell's version of an old couplet "He who plants a tree (and cares for it) Does something for posterity," and acted upon its suggestion. Bloomington had already be- come known as the ' ' Evergreen City, ' ' and Normal came to share in the name. But evergreens do not attain a permanent growth in prairie soil, and of late years the greater part of the conifers so enthusiastically planted by that generation, have given way to the more adaptable maples and elms. 6 Many of the trees planted were from Mr. Fell's own nurser- ies. Unsold lots were utilized as branch nurseries, and the noble Fell Park, with its groves, lawns, drives and gardens, set an ex- ample of beauty and gave Normal a place of recreation. Mr. Fell personally supervised all planting, and it is due to his great and loving care that of the trees suited to Illinois conditions, scarcely one has died in the half century since their planting. The original twelve thousand trees were increased to thirty-five thousand before many years. It is to be noted that long before the transplanting of large trees became a common feat, Fell in- vented a variety of huge cart which could be used for this pur- 3 Lewis, who tells this anecdote of Mr. Fell (Life, 54), was with him during the drive through West Philadelphia when this resolution took form. *Laws of Illinois, 1857, I, 509. Approved Feb. 13, 1857. 5 Pantograph, May 27, 1857; July 26, 1865. Raymond Buchan in Pantograph, Mar. 16, 1898. 6 Henry Shaw, "Evergreens," in Pantograph, July 19, 1854. 108 JESSE W. PELL [372 pose, and full-grown trees were transplanted in Normal to beau- tify the homes of those who wanted results quickly. 7 From the first, Mr. Fell assumed the responsibility of look- ing after the grounds of the Normal School. He wanted to have planted upon its campus every tree that would flourish in Central Illinois, that the studies of botany and forestry might be pur- sued there to advantage. He insisted, at a time when expert ad- vice upon aesthetic matters was not highly valued, that the grounds should be planned by a professional landscape gar- dener, and secured the services of William Saunders of Phila- delphia, who had planned his own grounds at Fell Park, for this purpose. 8 The rather elaborate plans of Saunders were not carried out by the board of education during the first hard years, when the school was struggling for life. Year after year passed indeed, and the campus remained almost as bare as in the beginning. Finally, to secure the realization of his hopes and plans, Mr. Fell became a member of the board of education in 1866, contin- uing until 1872. He secured, with the cooperation of interested friends, the passage of a law which went into effect February 28, 1867, relative to the planting of the campus. 9 This act included an appropriation of three thousand dollars, and with the pros- pect of this cash assistance he set to work. The entire campus was subsoiled and plowed during the spring and summer of 1867. Before his official work had begun, Mr. Fell had planted some trees upon the grounds ; in 1868 he set out 1740, and 107 more the next year. Saunders' plan was followed as closely as circumstances permitted. In 1870, patches of oats and pota- toes yielded a small income for use in defraying the expense of this planting. Even with this help, the appropriation was in- sufficient, and the work had to be completed at Fell's own ex- pense. Having finished as nearly as was then possible the work which he regarded as peculiarly his own, he resigned from the hoard. 7 Lewis, Life, 55. Raymond Buchan, of Osman, Illinois, set out most of the trees under Fell's direction. "He was the best man I ever knew," said Buchan of him. Pantograph, May 27, 1857. John Dodge, "Concern- ing Jesse W. Fell," in Fell Memorial. 8 Saunders to Fell, Oct. 15 and 29, 1858. Saunders advised that a nursery be started upon the grounds, a plan which was carried out in a small way. The planting plans (for which Saunders charged $65) are among the Fell papers. ^Public Laws of Illinois, 1867, 21. 373] THE TREE-PLANTER 109 In 1885 he became interested in the efforts of Dr. Stennett of the Northwestern Railroad to induce railroad companies to plant trees for ties. The more scientific control of the supply of wood for railroads had been, years before, a hobby of his own. 10 Mr. M. G. Kerr of St. Louis, also interested in the project, asked him to write for the forthcoming report of the bureau of forestry, which Kerr hoped to make of commercial value. So far as known, this article was never written, probably on account of the condi- tion of Mr. Fell's health. 11 His interest in trees led to his friendship with Henry Shaw of St. Louis. For Jesse Fell alone, it was said, would this rigid Presbyterian Puritan open his famous garden on the Sabbath. Then the two men would walk around together, admiring new or particularly fine specimens, and discussing varieties and cul- ture. Sometimes Mr. Fell took his son Henry with him on these week-end trips to St. Louis. 12 Mr. Fell's last extensive venture in real estate was so essen- tially a tree-planting enterprise that it may best be related here. In 1869 a number of Bloomington men became interested in Iowa lands. As the representative of this group of men, Mr. Fell went to Iowa that summer, and selected a tract of about forty sections more than twenty-five thousand acres in Lyon County in the northwestern corner of the state. Even in its unimproved state this section of the country was exceedingly attractive. "In thir- ty-two of the thirty-seven states comprising our union, ' ' said Mr. Fell in describing it, "I have never beheld so large a body of surpassingly beautiful prairie as is here to be found. There is absolutely no waste land, and scarce a quarter-section not af- fording an admirable building-site." The plan of the proprietors was to survey a town in the cen- ter of their holdings, and to start the work of improvement on each farm by breaking a few acres of land, and by planting trees and willow hedge. 13 The town was named Larchwood, and the 10 O. H. Lee to Fell, July 4, 1853. 11 M. G. Kerr to Fell, Sept. 22, 1885. The letter is accompanied by "A Circular addressed to presidents of Railways, with the request that you may express to me your views and experience on the uphill road of interesting Railroad men in matters of Forest Culture," a set of "Inquiries addressed to Railway Managers," and a circular from the Department of Agriculture. 12 Henry Fell, interview, May 31, 1913. 13 Lewis, Life, 104. The original company included, besides Mr. Fell, Charles W. Holder, John Magoun, R. E. Williams, A. Burr, E. H. Rood, 110 JESSE W. PELL, [374 settlement came to be known as the Larchwood Colony. For many years Mr. Fell devoted much time each spring and fall to personal supervision of the improvements there. As in Normal and other places in Illinois, he did not trust the work to employees, but superintended the setting of the trees himself, sometimes helping with the actual labor. The improvements accomplished were unusual. In May, 1873, Fell set out a hundred thousand trees and cuttings, distributed through eight sections of land. At that time a hundred fifty thousand trees had already been set out, and a tract of forty acres in the center of a number of sec- tions insured a "start" of ten acres of broken ground to every immigrant who bought a quarter-section. Larchwood farms at that time were selling at from four to six dollars the acre. 14 The history of Larchwood serves to illustrate one of Jesse Fell's notable characteristics. General Gridley, who knew him well, was wont to say of him that he was never mistaken in his estimate of the ultimate value of a piece of land, but that his eager nature greatly discounted the length of time which would elapse before that value was realized. Imaginative and enthusi- astic, full of faith in the development of the West, he calculated upon an increase in value far more rapid than the actual rate of settlement justified. What he thought would be an accom- plished fact in ten years, the slow moving forces of development realized, perhaps, after thirty or forty. Larchwood, with its un- usual advantages, did not grow as its promoters hoped it would,, and about 1880 the Illinois owners decided to sell what was left of the tract. 15 An Englishman, Richard Sykes, who dealt exten- Richard Edwards, Milner Brown, and Daniel Brown. The willow hedge was planted because it would grow quickly, and later furnish fuel. Fell, To Hon. George D. Perkins, Commissioner of Immigration for the State of Iowa, June 27, 1880. (A printed letter.) 14 An account of a settler appeared in the Pantograph, Apr. 12, 1872. One by a settler in a neighboring vicinity, ibid., Apr. 25, 1872. 1B At that time, there were about fifty miles of willow hedge outlining the farms, and many of the trees were from twenty to thirty feet high. White willow, box elder, white maple, white ash, cottonwood, basswood,, black walnut, honey locust, chestnut, European and American larch, white and Scotch pines, osage orange, arbor vitae, Norway and native spruces, were among the trees and shrubs then growing. The catalpa speciosa > Mr. Fell's favorite protege, was a feature of the village planting. See Dr. John A. Warder, American Journal of Forestry for Oct., 1882. (Also reprinted as a circular.) Captain Henry Augustine, long a prominent nurseryman of Normal* 375] THE TREE-PLANTER 111 sively in American lands, purchased the Larchwood farms, and came to America with his brother and a party of friends in April, 1882, to see the estate that he had acquired. 16 He had previously brought out a pamphlet con'cerning Larchwood, and after in- specting the farms took up the work of further development with enthusiasm. He sent George E. Brown, an experienced forester from Scotland, to take charge of the groves, and sent saplings for planting. Delighted to find a successor so in sympathy with his ideas, Fell long kept up friendly relations with Mr. Sybes and various Larchwood residents. 17 has told of his first meeting with Mr. Fell and of his championing of the Speciosa. A shy, awkward German boy, seeking his fortune in the new country, Mr. Fell called him in from the road one day, and had a long talk with him in his office. Finding that he loved trees, Mr. Fell explained to him the difference between the worthless and harmful varie- ties of the catalpa, and the useful Speciosa. He showed him the slight difference in the seed which is the only distinguishing mark in appear- ance. Mr. Augustine in later years himself became an extensive grower and dealer in the Speciosa. Henry Augustine, interviews. Fell in the Pantograph, Dec. 30, 1882. 16 The sale took place in 1881. Sykes to Fell, Nov. 26, 1881 ; March 10, 19, 1882; March 10, 1884; Aug. 4, 1886. Close Brothers to Fell, Jan. 26, 1882. Newspaper clipping of Jan. 19, 1881, in Scrap Book. 17 As late as 1886, Fell was still corresponding concerning titles to Larchwood property. Sykes to Fell, Aug. 4, 1886. CHAPTER XII THE LAST YEAES His unsuccessful efforts for David Davis were, as has been said, Fell 's last important active participation in politics. After that, altho still interested in the issues of the day, he did no campaigning, save for some local projects in which he was in- terested. He continued to correspond with men who were in the field, and occasionally, upon request, expressed his opinions in the press. 1 Logan, engaged in 1874 with the formulation and passage of the Resumption Act, wrote to him upon finance; Wentworth and Murray discussed the election of 1876 with him.* As the faithful friend of Judge Davis, he seems to have arranged for his election to the Senate in 1877. He induced Palmer, the incumbent at that time, to withdraw from the race, and to throw the weight of his influence to the side of Davis. Logan was de- feated, and Cullom became governor of Illinois. 3 Any injustice still called forth a spirited defense of the person wronged, as in the case of S. W. Moulton, who was accused by political enemies of having had secession sympathies ; and in the campaign against severe corporal punishment at the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, waged in 1877. 4 With his brother Kersey, he induced William 1 Note, for example, the undated newspaper clipping, quoting a letter of Fell's dated Sept. 20, 1880, at Larchwood, giving reasons for support- ing Garfield. 2 Logan to Fell, Feb. 16, 1874; Jan. n, 1875. Wentworth to Fell, July 3, 1876. Bronson Murray to Fell, Dec. 18, 1876. 3 Fell to Palmer, Jan. 15, 1877. Endorsement by Fell. Later, Fell was active in a movement for erecting a bust to Judge Davis. H. C. Whitney to Fell, Jan. 23, 1887. *Moulton to Fell, Jan. 9, 1884. Davis to Fell, Feb. 4, 1882; Jan. 22, 1885. Oglesby to Fell, Mar. 17, 1884; Sept. 18, 1886. J. B. Foraker to Fell, Jan. 26, 1887. This last letter is in reference to an abortive attempt to secure the nomination of Robert T. Lincoln for president in 1888. Pantagraph, Jan. 4, 1884. Fell, "Oglesby and Logan," in Chicago Tribune, Jan. 13, 1879. Bloomington Leader, July 23, 1877. 112 377] THE LAST YEARS 113 A. Allin and David Davis to give Franklin Park to the city of Bloomington. 5 Business was not by any means given up. Altho he had always made money easily, he had lost as well, and had given much away. He was no hoarder; money in itself was nothing to him. 8 Withdrawing from the larger enterprises of his prime, in his old age Mr. Fell bent his energies toward securing property which might be depended upon to yield an income to his family after his death. Some land he owned in the out- skirts of Normal was planted to strawberries and larger fruit, and from this he derived an incalculable amount of pleasure and a satisfactory return in money. Fell Park was sold to a syndi- cate, which after his death divided it up into city lots. Its great beauty became but a memory to the people of Normal, altho some of the fine trees still shade that part of the town. 7 He kept in close touch with friends, among whom Jonathan Turner, Richard Edwards, Lawrence "Weldon, John H. Bryant, and Charles G. Ames were perhaps nearest to him. 8 His grand- children, who lived very close to his home, were a source of great pleasure to him, and he took the keenest interest in their education. When not in school, these children were usually at their grandfather's, "keeping store" in the playhouse he had built years before for his own children, or listening to him as he sang to them or told them stories, working as he did so among his trees and shrubs. They took long drives with him into the country, and planned with him wonderful things to do in the future ; for when he was an old man, Jesse Fell retained that fresh and buoyant forward-looking which had made him strong to accomplish in his youth, and passed it on to those who had their lives still before them. And with these family ties he kept up, later than any secular activity, his church work and church attendance. A new movement to which he gave some 5 Franklin Price in Pantograph, May 10, 1900, and Normal Advocate, Apr. 21, 1894. 6 He told Eberhart once that he liked to make it, and enjoyed spending it for the benefit of other people, many of whom didn't know how to take care of themselves. The remark shows his somewhat paternal attitude toward society, and explains many of his projects. 7 Pantagraph, Mar. 18, 25, 1888. Thomas Slade in Bloomington Leader, Mar. 2, 1877. Bloomington Eye, Mar. 25, 1888. 8 Turner to Fell, Jan. i, 1879. Bryant to Fell, Feb. 25, 1885. Ames to Fell, Mar. 20, 1883. 114 JESSE W. FELL [378 time and attention and his unqualified assent, was that of woman suffrage, then in the days of its greatest struggle for a hearing. When Susan B. Anthony debated with President Hewitt of the normal school, it was he who introduced the pioneer suffrage advocate, and in his home she was entertained. 9 Some time was spent in travel. In 1872 he made his first trip to the Pacific coast. 10 In 1873 he paid a visit to his old home in Pennsylvania, and treasured until his death the memory of drinking water again at the spring in the milk-house, sitting by the fire-side, and having tea with the hospitable people who had bought his father's old farm. He spent the night with B. Henry Carter, as he had the last night before starting for the "West in 1828. In later years he took, with various members of his family, trips through the farther West, which seemed to him a wonderful new world. He was planning a winter in California when overtaken by his last illness. 11 In ripening years a keen sense of humor, which during his more strenuous days was either subordinated to more important things, or forgotten by others in the memory of accomplishment, found frequent expression. It crept into conversation, bright- ened letters, even led to gentle Quaker jokes. These he could take as well as give, as two newspaper notices, quoted by Mr. Lewis, prove. 12 The first appeared on January 28, 1874, and read "J. W. Fell mourns the loss of an umbrella, left in the court room yesterday. He would be pleased if the finder would leave it at the Pantagraph office." The sequel came the next day: "J. W. Fell desires to return thanks for the generous supply of umbrellas left for him at the Pantagraph office yester- day in answer to his advertisement of one lost. Altho most of these offerings are better adapted to dry weather than wet, Mr. Fell is not disposed to look a gift horse in the mouth, but accepts the varied assortment with the feeling that it is pleasant to be remembered in the hour of one's distress." 9 Fell to Sarah E. Raymond (Mrs. S. R. Fitzwilliam), Nov. 22, 1886. 10 Leonard Swett to Thomas A. Scott, Sept. 6, 1872. "Newspaper clipping in the Scrap Book, Sept. 8, 1884. Bloomington Leader, Feb. 18, 1887. 12 Lewis, Life, 104. 379] THE LAST YEARS 115 It was a few years later that a young girl invited him to a dance. The reply was as follows: 13 Miss Florence Richardson: The fair invites ! and so, you bet, Your invitation I'll accept. But I must tell you in advance My Quaker foot it will not dance. A thousand times I have lamented That Fox and Penn were so demented As to proscribe what all can see With half an eye, is poetry; If not in words, in what is better, In motion, life, spirit, letter. Yes, if I could, I'd skip and prance In all the ecstacy of dance; For I am young, and supple too, I'm not quite three-score ten and two. But what's the use? My education's So neglected I'd scare the nation ! So goodbye dance, it's not for me, As you and all can plainly see. But, what of that? I shall propose To play a game of dominoes ; And if perchance you're so inclined Will play a game of mind with mind, Holding to each other's view The things of life, both old and new; The ups and downs, the weals and woes That follow man, where'er he goes. Meet at the hotel? Very well, There you'll find Yours, J. W. Fell. These instances will suffice to show the quality of the humor in which he met the days of declining strength. His last years were happy as they were busy. "I was glad to know," wrote John H. Bryant to him in 1885, "that you had got beyond all fears of the future, that terrible burden that weighs down with gloom, misery, and wretched forebodings so many of our race, and especially innocent children who are reared under orthodox instruction." 1 * In the winter of 1885-86 he suffered a severe illness, begin- ning with an attack of pneumonia in December, from which his 13 Jan. 24, 1880. Newspaper clipping in Scrap Book, and manuscript. Normal, Jan., 1880. "Bryant to Fell, Feb. 25, 1885. 116 JESSE W. PELL [380 convalescence was very slow. At times his family despaired of his recovery. He did rally, however, and grew stronger dur- ing the summer, so that people hoped he might be spared for several years. But when cold weather came again, there was a relapse. He became really ill in January, but refused to stay closely at home. In February he spent two days in Chicago, attending to business for the Normal School which urgently demanded attention. He returned to his home in a very serious condition, made worse perhaps by worry over school affairs, then at a most critical juncture. The family physician, in con- sultation with others, pronounced it a case of anaemia of the brain. For a week he lay in a comatose sleep. Bousing himself finally, he spoke to members of the family, repeated Pope's "Universal Prayer", a favorite poem, and the "Now I Lay me" which he had said since boyhood. His death occurred on Feb- ruary 25, 1887. 15 The usual marks of respect and regret at the death of a prominent and beloved citizen were paid him. Telegrams, let- ters, and flowers were sent from far and near. Newspapers printed eulogies and reviewed his life and work. Town councils, the Bloomington Bar Association, churches, schools, passed reso- lutions of respect. 16 The funeral, on the twenty-eighth of Feb- ruary, was held in the large assembly hall of the Normal School; no church could have held the crowds that attended. The public schools were closed. Business in Normal was sus- pended. 17 Special cars were run from Bloomington to Normal, to accommodate the people who wished to pay the last honors to Jesse Fell. The aisles, corridors, and stairs, and the steps of the building were filled with silent mourners who could not find room in the hall. Eev. Eichard Edwards, his old friend and neighbor, preached the funeral sermon. Mr. Fell had selected him for this duty, pledging him to the briefest possible account of his accomplishment, a pledge which Dr. Edwards kept at the cost of some criticism from those who did not understand the circumstances. ^Chicago Tribune, Feb. 26, 1887. Pantograph, Mar. 7, 15, 19, 1887. Richard Edwards to Fell, Feb. 4, 1887. 16 A lodge of Knights of Pythias, shortly after organized in Bloom- ington, was named for him, altho he himself was never a member of any such organization. i- 1 Bloomington Leader, Feb. 26, 1887. California (Missouri) Demo- crat, Mar. 3, 1887, quoting from St. Louis Republican of Feb. 26, 1887. 381] THE LAST TEAES 117 The service over, the procession formed for the long drive to the cemetery at Bloomington. No tribute could have been more eloquent than the appearance of the funeral procession. The country roads were as bad as Illinois country roads can be in spring, but carriages, carts and heavy farm wagons had come in from all the surrounding country. Shabby and smart vehicles alternated in the line that followed the hearse; and the proces- sion was so long that when the last mourners were leaving the Normal School, the first ones had reached the court house in Bloomington. The Bloomington school children joined those of Normal at this point. 18 There was sincere mourning, for in death men pay eager tribute to qualities which are accepted without appreciation, or quite ignored, in life. Mr. Fell had not been unappreciated in life. He had won from men the only thing he asked of them, a trust and goodwill answering to that he bore them. It is doubt- ful if those among whom he lived had any adequate idea of the part he had played in public affairs for many years, and few of them understood the magnitude of the work of development which he, and others like him, accomplished for the Middle West. But those personal qualities which distinguished him among men, all men saw and honored. " It is a good thing, ' ' said Judge James Ewing of him, in voicing this appreciation, "to have known one man whose life was without spot or blemish ; against whose honor no man ever spoke; who had no skeleton in his closet; whose life was open as the day and whose death comes to a whole community as a personal sorrow." And John W. Cook, who knew him well, said of him at the memorial service held in his own church on the sixth of March : 19 "In that picture gallery of the soul that we call memory, there will always be a gracious presence. The personality is vivid ; the outlines are sharply defined ; the face is full of earnest purpose ; every line is suggestive of tireless energy and the rad- iance of hope. A simple, honest, unostentatious man; yet wherever he has gone good deeds have marked his footsteps. As if by magic, stately trees have sprung from the path over which 18 The telephone was then just coming into use, and the one connect- ing the court house with the Normal School was used on this occasion by Henry Augustine, who had charge of arrangements, and who related the details given to the writer. 19 James S. Ewing in the Fell Memorial. Pantograph, Mar. 7, 1887; Mar. 27, 1890; June 20, 1892. 118 JESSE W. FELL [382 he has walked. In their gracious shade generations yet unborn shall mention his name with gratitude. Institutions whose only aim is helpfulness to man record his generosity and public spirit." BIBLIOGRAPHY. I, MANUSCRIPTS. The Fell Manuscripts. A collection of letters, memoranda, drafts, and other documents, in the possession of the Misses Alice and Fannie Fell, of Normal, Illinois. Unless otherwise indicated, all references to- manuscripts are to parts of this collection. Transcripts in the Historical Survey, University of Illinois. The Lewis Life of Jesse W. Fell. A manuscript biography by Ed- ward J. Lewis, a friend of Mr. Fell, written about 1900. It was prepared from facts gained by long personal acquaintance with Mr. Fell, from access to sources in the Fell Manuscripts, and from notes by Richard Edwards. In the possession of the Misses Fell. Referred to as the Lewis Life. Notes by Richard Edwards, in the possession of his daughter, Miss Ellen S. Edwards, of Bloomington, Illinois. These are contemporary notes of interviews with Mr. Fell regarding events extending down to about 1840. The Fell Memorial. A collection of sketches and appreciations of Mr. Fell by various personal friends. In the possession of the Misses Fell. The page references to the Memorial in this thesis refer to the abridged transcript in the Illinois Historical Survey, University of Illinois. Flagg Manuscripts. Transcripts in the Illinois Historical Survey, University of Illinois. Photostatic reproductions of letters from Fell to Trumbull, from the Trumbull Papers in the Library of Congress, Washington. The repro- ductions are in the Illinois Historical Survey. Transcripts from Records of the War Department and Copyright Office, Washington, in the possession of the author. Brush, Elizabeth P. The Political Career of Owen Lovejoy. Manu- script thesis, University of Illinois, 1912. II. PERIODICALS. Files of the Bloomington Observer and McLean County Advocate, the Western Whig, the Intelligencer, the Pantagraph, in the McLean- County Historical Society Collection, Court House, Bloomington. The Illinois Teacher. McClure's Magazine. Clippings from newspapers. A collection of these in a book, in the possession of Miss Alice Fell, of Normal, is referred to as the Scrap Book. 119 120 JESSE W. PELL. [384 III. DOCUMENTS. United States Congress, Statutes at Large. Illinois, Session Laws. Illinois State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Reports. IV. MISCELLANEOUS. Arnold, Isaac N. The Life of Abraham Lincoln, Chicago, 1891. Elaine, James G. Twenty Years of Congress. Norwich, Conn. 1884-6. Browne, Robert H. Abraham Lincoln and the Men of His Time. z vols. Chicago, 1907. Brownson, Howard G. A History of the Illinois Central Railroad to 1870. Urbana, 1915. University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sci- ences, IV. Cunningham, Joseph C. (editor). History of Champaign County, with Newton Bateman and Paul Selby's Historical Encyclopedia of Illi- nois. Chicago, 1905. Duis, E. Good Old Times in McLean County. Bloomington, 1874. Ford, Thomas. History of Illinois. Chicago, 1854. Herndon, William H., and J. W. Weik. Lincoln, the true story of a great life. 3 vols. Chicago, New York, and San Francisco, 1889. Hill, Frederick Trevor. Lincoln the Lawyer. New York, 1906. History of McLean County, Illinois. Chicago, 1879. James, Edmund Janes. Origin of the Land Grant Act of 1862. University of Illinois Studies, IV, No. 7. Lamon, Ward H. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 1872. Lapsley, Arthur B. (editor). The Writings of Abraham Lincoln. New York, 1905. McLean County Historical Transactions. Bloomington, 1809. Moses, John. Illinois, Historical and Statistical. 2 vols. Chicago, 1892. Newton, Joseph Fort. Lincoln and Herndon. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1910. Nicolay, John G., and Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln : a History. 10 vols. New York, 1800. Oldroyd, Osborn H. Lincoln Memorial Album. Springfield, 1882. Peck, John Mason. Gazeteer of Illinois. Jacksonville, Illinois, 1834. Portrait and Biographical Album of McLean County. Chicago, 1887. Prince, Ezra M., and John H. Burnham. History of McLean County, in Newton Bateman and Paul Selby's Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. Chicago, 1008. 2 vols. Scott, Franklin W. Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814- 1879. Springfield, 1910. Illinois Historical Collections, VI. Stevenson, Adlai E. Something of Men I Have Known. Chicago, 1009. Tarbell, Ida M. The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. New York, 1896. 385] BIBLIOGRAPHY 121 Tarbell, Ida M. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 vols. New York, 1900. Thompson, Charles M. A Study of the Administration of Governor Thomas Ford. Springfield, 1911. Illinois Historical Collections, VII. Weldon, Lawrence. "Reminiscences of Lincoln as a Lawyer," in Abraham Lincoln, Tribute from his Associates. Pp. 237-255. New York, ca, 1889. Whitney, Henry C. Lincoln, the President. 2 vols. New York, 1908. INDEX Abolition movement, 54, 55, 93. Adams, Charles Francis, 99. Allin, James, 17, 22, 24, 36. Allin, William A., 113. Alton and Sangamon R. R., 86. Ames, Rev. Charles G., 65, 94, 113. Amulet, 13. Anderson, Dr. John, 22. Anthony, Susan B., 114. Arny, W. F. M., 47, 56. Barber, Eliel, 93. Batavia Institute, 42. Beecher, Henry Ward, 74. Bishop, Jesse, 66. Bissell, Gov., 41. Black Betty, 50. Blackstone, T. B., 89. Blakeslee, Lyman, 33. Bloomington, 16, 19, 32, 106. Bloomington, Kankakee and Indiana State Line R. R., Bloomington and Wabash Valley R. R., 87. Boyd, Col. W. P., 65. Brattan, Frank, 28. Breese, Sidney, 85. Brewster, E. W., 39. Briar, Dr. David, 65. Brown, Daniel, HO. Brown, Eliza, 17. Brown, Ellwood, 13. Brown, Hester Vernon, 26. Brown, Jeremiah, 28. Brown, Joshua, 16, 26. Brown, George E., in. Brown, Milner, no. Brown, Rachel, 31. Brown, William, 16. Brown's, n. Bryant, John H., 34, 70, 103, 113, 115. Buck, Hiram, 44. Buckingham, u. Burleigh, R e c. C. C, 94. 123 124 JESSE W. FELL [388 Burr, A., lOQ. Byron, Illinois, 32. Cabinet appointments, 1860-61, 63. Cameron, Simon, 63. Campbell, Alexander, 42, 70. Carter, R. Henry, 12, 114. Caton, J. D., 34. Charter of Normal, 73. Chippewa, Wisconsin, 23. Clay, Henry, 15, 28. Clinton, Illinois, 20, 24, 32, 106. Colerain, Pennsylvania, II. College and Seminary Fund, 45. Cook, John W., 117. Covell, M. L., 22, 85. Covell, O., 22. Cullom, Shelby M., 70, 96. Cunningham, J. O., 32. Daniels, Mary, 34. Banner, Henry E., 79. Danville, Urbana and Pekin R. R., 89. Davis, David : buys Chicago land of Fell, 22 ; serves as best man at Fell's wedding, 26 ; takes Fell's law practice, 27 ; a guest at Fell Park, 34 ; a Lincoln supporter in 1860, 61 ; considered for a cabinet position, 64; urged by Fell for supreme bench, 66; urges resurvey of Normal Township, 73 ; interested in retention of Chicago and Alton shops, 89; decides to try for presidential nomination, 1872, 100; elected to Senate, 1877, 112; gives part of Franklin Park to Bloomington, 113. Davis, W. O., 34, 38, 68. Decatur, Illinois, 32. Delavan, Illinois, 16. Depew, Elijah, 33. Dickey, T. L., 55. Digest of State Laws, etc., 28. Dodge, John, 35, 74. Douglas, Stephen A., 19, 20, 85. Downington, Pennsylvania, 9. Dwight, Illinois, 32. Dubois, Jesse K., 97, 99, 101. Duncan, Gov. Joseph, 20. Dunn, Dr. McCann, 72. Durley, William, 22. Eastern Illinois Insane Asylum, 84, 389] INDEX 125 Eberhart, John F., 42, 46, 76. Eclectic Observer, 12, 38. Edwards, Ninian W., 40. Edwards, Richard, n, 29, 74, no, 113, 116. Ellis, Rev. Charles, 71. El Paso, Illinois, 32. Evans, William, 16. "Evergreen City", 107. Ewing, James, 16, 18, 65, 117. Ewing, William L. D., 85. Fell, Clara, 34. Fell, Eliza, 30, 34, 68. Fell, Hannah, 13. Fell, Henry C, 27, 30, 47, 70, 109. Fell, Jesse, Sr., 9, 53, 92. Fell, Kersey, 24, 26, 33, 48, 83, 93, 112. Fell, Rebecca, 13, 24, 26, 92. Fell, Robert, 24, 31, 51. Fell, Thomas, 24, 27. Fell Park, 33, 107, 113. "Floats," 22. Grant, U. S., 98. "Gratz Brown Trick," 104. Great Western R. R. Company, 85. Greeley, Horace, 38, 104, 105. Gregory, John Milton, 80. Gridley, Gen. Asahel: Bloomington's leading citizen, 1832, 17; goes to the East for goods, 36; begins his political career, 50; attitude toward Illinois Central, 85; accused of self-interest, 89; works with Fell against Smith, 96; wishes to retain Dr. Cromwell, 98; endorses Horace Greeley, 1872, 105. Griggs, Clark R., 79. Harrison Campaign, 1840, 50. Halstead, Murat, 104. Hawley, J. A., 39. Hewett, C. E., 114. Hickman, John, 62, 104. Hicksites, 92. Hill, William, 36. Hogg, Harvey, 65. Holder, Charles and Richard, 48, 109. Hoopes, Joshua, 10. Hovey, Charles, 40, 46, 47, 67. Hunt, Dr. Charles A., 77. Hurwood, Grace, 12, 18, 34. 126 JESSE W. PELL [390 Illinois and Michigan Canal, 51. Illinois Central R. R., 85. Illinois Soldiers' Orphans' Home, 82, 112. Illinois State Normal University, 45, 108, 116. Illinois State Reform School, 83. Illinois State Teachers' Association, 80. Illinois Teacher, 40. Illinois Wesleyan University, 41. Industrial University, 78. Ingersoll, Robert G., 97. Johnson, R. H., 37. Joliet, Illinois, 32. Judd, Norman B., 64. Kansas Aid Committee, 55. Kansas-Nebraska Act, 53. Kimberton Boarding School, 24. LaFayette, Bloomington and Mississippi R. R., 89. Larchwood, 109. Leader, 97. Lee, H. H., 39. Lee, O. H., 86. LeRoy, Illinois, 32. Lewis, E. J., 16, 33. Lewis, Joseph J., 29, 58, 60, 63, 64. Lexington, Illinois, 32, 106. Liberal Republican Movement, 99. Lincoln, Abraham: in the Black Hawk War, 1832,. 16; meets Fell, 19; with Fell works for Stuart, 1838, 20; Fell writes him about Mexican War, 31 ; a guest at Fell Park, 34; draws up bond for I. S. N. U., 45; the Lost Speech, 54; appointed on Kansas Aid Committee, 56; nominated for Senate, 1858, 57; autobiography, 58; introduced to Pennsylvania, 60 ; Cameron, 63 ; Judd, 64; appoints Fell paymaster, 68; assassination of, 70. Lincoln-Douglas debates, suggested by Fell, 57. Lincoln, Illinois, 32. Little Britain, Pa., 11. Livingston County, 33. Lockwood, Judge, 15. Logan, John A., 112. Love joy, Owen, 34, 54, 62, 65, 66. McCambridge, William, 34. McCook, Captain, 68. McLean County, 16, 18, 20, 24, 33, 70, 78, 96, 100. 391] INDEX 127 McLean County Register, 37. McNulta, Gen. John, 98. McRoberts, Judge, 15. Magoun, John, 93, 109. Major's Hall, 47, 53. Mann, Horace, 45. May, W. L., 20, 23. Merriam, Col. Jonathan, 98. Merriman, A. J., 44. Merriman, Charles P., 37, 65. Merriman, H. P., 65. Mexican War, protest, 31. Mills, Benjamin, 20. Milwaukee, 23. Minier, George W., 66. Minonk, Illinois, 32. Mitchell, R. B., 37. Moon, John W. S., 85. Morrill Bill, 77. Moulton, S. W., 97, 112. New Salem, Illinois, 16. Normal, Illinois, 32, 74, 106. North Bloomington, Illinois, 32, 41, 45, 86. Northern Illinois Horticultural Society, 79. Oglesby, Gov., 73, 77, 101. Oldroyd controversy, 59. "Other Side, The," 96. Osborn, Gen. Thomas, 74. Overman, C. R., 73. Palmer, Gov., 82, 90, 97, 99, 101, 104, 112. Panic of 1837, 47. Pantagraph, 37. Paymaster's service, 68. Payne, Dr. Joseph, 42. Payson Farm, 30. Pekin, Bloomington and Wabash R. R., 85. Pennell, William A., 74, 76. Pennsylvania campaign, 1860, 62. Phillips, E. J., 20. Pike, Meshac, 42. Phoenix, F. K., 31. Pontiac, 32, 83, 106. Preemption laws, 22. Price, Franklin, 14. 128 JESSE W. PELL [392 Price, Issacher, 11, 59. Prince, E. M., 17, 29, 65, 70. Public school law, 39. Quincy road, 31. .' Real estate operations, 32, 86, 109. Reeder, Addison, 75. Republican party in Illinois, 53, 61. Repudiation in Illinois, 51. Resurvey of Normal Township, 73. Rex, Dr. George P., 48. Reynolds, Gov. John, 23. Richardson, Miss Florence, 115. Ridgley, N. H., 20. Robinson, James C, 98. Roe, E. R., 38, 65. Rogers, T. P., 65. Rood, E. H., 109. Ruggles, Benjamin, 13. Saunders, William, 34, 108. Schurz, Carl, 99. Scibird and Waters, 38, 97. Sewall, J. A., 106. Seward, unpopular in Pennsylvania, 59. Sharpless, Rachel, 26. Shaw, Henry, 109. Shaw, James, 93. Smith, Gen. Giles A., 96. Smith, Milton, 44. Smith, Rodney, 68. Snow Brothers, 71. Snow, D. J., 65. Sorghum, 75. Spawr, Jacob, 30. Spencer, Hamilton, 65, 84. Stanton, Edwin M., 15. State Bank of Illinois, 20, 51. State Industrial League, 40. Sterlein, Mayor, 105. Steubenville, 13. Stevenson, Adlai E., 102, 104. Stokeley and Marsh, 14, 17. Stokeley, Gen. Samuel, 27, 62. Stuart, John T., 15, 18, 70. Sumner, Charles, 99. 393] INDEX 129 Swamp lands, McLean County, 47. Sweet, Leonard, 34, 54, 61, 69, 100, 102. Sykes, Richard, no. Taylor, James P., 38. Tazewell County, 19, 24, 88. Thompson, Rev. J. F., 94. Towanda, 32. Trumbull, Lyman, 66, 99. Turner, Jonathan B., 40, 77, 80, 113. Tyler, President, 28. Ullin, Illinois, 33. Underwood, I. N., 37. University of Illinois, 45, 77. Vandalia, 19. Vermilion County, 33. Wabash and Warsaw R. R., 87. Washington Academy, 42. Weldon, Lawrence, 19, 84, 113. Wentworth, Judge John, 104, 112. Western Whig, 37. White, Horace, 62, 101, 103, 105. Whittier, John G., 94. Wilkins, Daniel, 39. Williams, R. E., 32, 89, 109. Withers, Allen, 65. Wood, Gov. John, 31. Wright, Rev. Nathaniel, 26. Wright, Simeon W., 43. Yates, Gov. Richard, Sr., 48, 53, 66. Young, Richard M., 24. Jesse W. Fell Memorial Gateway MONDAY, JUNE FIVE ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN at three o'clock ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY CAMPUS DEDICATORY SERVICES OF THE Jesse W. Fell Memoriel Gateway MONDAY, JUNE FIVE ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN at three o'clock ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY CAMPUS EDITORIAL COMMENT THE FELL MEMORIAL It would be difficult to overestimate the real significance of the simple yet beautiful exercises that wer held on the campus on the afternoon of June 5, 1916, in connection with the dedication of the Jesse VV. Fell Memorial Gateway. Mr. Fell had finisht his life work more than twenty-nine years before, but the perspective that these years had lent to the events of his life had servd but to bring their meaning into bolder relief and to show with greater vividness the bredth of his vision and the sterling qualities of his character. What to him in his life had been an inspiring vision had now become a living reality whose value to the people of the state, the simplest observer can appreciate. It is indeed a fortunate thing that the good women of the Women's Improvement League of Normal caught the signifi- cance of Mr. Fell's life work and sought, through the aid of friends, to bild an enduring monument of stone to his memory, which wil catch the eye of every one of the thousands of students who, during the years to come, wil seek training and inspiration in the institution he lielpt to found. The Alumni Quarterly OF THE I. 5. N. V. Volume V AUGUST, 19i6 Number 3 DEDICATION OF JESSE FELL MEMORIAL GATEWAY JUNE 5, 1916 The following words of welcome were extended by Col. D. C. Smith, president of the day. Fellow Citizens: The large numbers in which you have gathered here this afternoon in memory of Jesse W. Fell, who more than a quarter of a century ago passed into the "quiet haven of us all," testify, as words cannot, that he was far more than an ordinary man. And the fact that his many friends throughout the state and else- where, through the signal aid of the Women's Improvement League of Normal, have caused to be erected the "Jesse W. Fell Memorial Gate- way" that we have met to dedicate, is evidence of their abiding love for his memory and their continued gratitude for his simple, earnest life, of which we shall presently hear from some who knew him best. THE DEBT OF NORMAL UNIVERSITY TO JESSE W. FELL DAVID FELMLEY It is always an interesting study to trace the influence of early en- vironment upon the subsequent careers of notable men and women, for we usually find that the associations, the interests, and the activ- ities of youth and early manhood determine the trend of one's entire life. In the opinion of many American writers, the best body of immi- grants from England settled not on the banks of the James nor on the shores of Massachusetts Bay but in the five southeastern counties of Pennylvania. It was from this stock that Jesse W. Fell was de- scended. In early life he showed unusual aptitude for study so his parents sent him to the best schools available. After reaching the age of eighteen he taught school for two years, then turned his atten- tion to law, studying for two years with a law firm at Steubenville, Ohio. This firm offered him a partnership, but he had heard won- derful stories of the fertility and beauty of Central Illinois. In the fall of 1832, with carpetbag and walking stick, he came into the little 2 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY village built in the hazel brush that skirted the northern margin of Blooming Grove and stretched off to the prairie to the north. Mc- Lean county was less than two years old, Bloomington scarcely eigh- teen months. He was Bloomington's first lawyer, but if he had de- pended upon law alone he would have had little to do. Immigration was active, real estate in demand, so we find young Mr. Fell locating claims, buying lands for his eastern friends, making shrewd invest- ments for himself. On one of his trips to the country in 1833 he stopped on the ridge now just south of the Alton railroad between Broadway and Fell avenue. Behind him to the south and southwest lay Blooming Grove and Major's Grove. To the west, north, and east lay the billowy swell of the prairie, not a tree in sight, hardly a set- tler's cabin. Here, he said 'to his companion, some day I shall build my home. Lands rose rapidly in value. In 1836 he was already esteemed a wealthy man. Then came the crash of 1837 with failure and bank- ruptcy in its train. The real estate business was dead. Mr. Fell re- sumed his law practice for a few years, but in 1844 he definitely and finally abandoned it. There is no doubt that with his industry, his clearness of vision, and his rare powers of persuasion he would have made a success of the law, but it was altogether too narrow a field for him. It is an old maxim that the law is a jealous mistress. He who is to attain a high place in this profession early learns that it is not conducive to the development of many of the finer qualities of the human soul. Jesse Fell preferred to do things, to mold the physical world, to civilize this raw country, to convert the wilderness and the prairie into the garden and the city and to aid in developing the in- tellectual and social life that are the chief elements of civilization. In 1851 began the most active period of his life. The Federal land grant had been made for the Illinois Central Railroad, but the location of the road had not been finally established. A powerful faction was determined to carry the road not directly north from Cairo to LaSalle, but to carry it from Vandalia to the northwest through Springfield and Peoria to Galena. General Gridley was then the state senator. It was through his efforts and Fell's that the final location of the road was made through Decatur, Clinton, and Bloom- ington. After May, 1853, trains were running regularly through Bloomington. Meanwhile the Chicago and Alton railroad was creeping up from the southwest. Mr. Fell was an intimate friend of E. P. Morgan, the chief engineer of the road, and of Mr. Blackstone, its president and chief operator. He helped secure the right-of-way from Bloomington to Chicago and laid out Pontiac, Dwight, and other towns. Early in 1854 it was definitely settled that the route through Bloom- ington should be half a mile to the west of the public square and that the crossing point should be two miles to the north. This distance made it possible to locate a new town at the junction. So Mr. Fell immediately bought a large tract of land around the intersection and began to lay it off in city blocks. DEBT OF NORMAL UNIVERSITY TO JESSE W. FELL 3 In 1856 he began the erection of his residence on the site that he had selected twenty-two years before, the house now standing on the southeast corner of Irving and Fell avenue and occupied by Mrs. J. W. Heckethorn. There was then only one house within the present limits of Normal, the cottage occupied by the station agent. Mr. Mc- Cambridge. From the first Mr. Fell had planned to make something more of North Bloomington than the ordinary prairie village. He wished to build a town that would be noted for its morality, sobriety, and good society, and was already planning the establishment of a college or seminary of learning, when in 1857 the legislature passed the Act es- tablishing the Normal University. Although occasional suggestions of a normal school for Illinois were made from time to time in newspaper articles and addresses after the founding of the first Massachusetts Normal Schools in 1839, it was not until 1854 that an organized movement really began. At the second meeting of the State Teachers Association held at Peoria in 1854, the proposition was made to use the College and Seminary funds, about $216,000, lying idle in the state treasury, for founding a normal school. There were two counter propositions. One by Jonathan Turner to use the funds for an Industrial University; the other by the old col- lege men who feared a divorce between religion and education to dis- tribute the funds among existing denominational colleges. Mr. Fell was with Turner in the early stages of the discussion, for he was a life-long advocate of vocational and industrial education, but his ex- perience as a teacher and school official brought him in 1856 and Tur- ner also to the support of the normal school, and the bill creating this institution became a law on February 18, 1857. The Board was author- ized to fix the permanent location of said Normal University at the place where the most favorable inducements were offered. Mr. Fell began at once to secure subscriptions of land and money to induce the Board to fix the location at North Bloomington. He pleaded, argued, persuaded. If we can believe contemporary accounts he soon had Bloomington as thoroughly aroused as Chicago seems to be on the "preparedness" proposition. On April 8, 1857, appeared in the Bloomington Pantagraph: "The advantages to be conferred by such an institution upon the place of its location are too obvious to need enlarging upon. Richly endowed from a government fund, collecting within its walls every year the flower of the youth of every part of the state, and organized with a full corps of the ablest instructors, the Normal University will doubtless take rank among the noblest institutions of learning in the country, and give to the town which contains it a degree of promin- ence at home and abroad scarcely second to that enjoyed by the state capital itself." To the individual subscriptions of land and money the county com- 4 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY missioners were induced to add $70,000 of the fund derived from the sale of swamp lands. The subscription totalled: Swamp lands $70,000 Other lands 38,000 Cash 33,725 In all $141,725 Jesse Fell's subscription of $9,000 was the largest single subscrip- tion from cash subscribers. When the bids were opened Bloomington's total was so far above Peoria's the Board of Education agreed to locate the institution in Bloomington, provided that suitable security should be given to guar- antee the swamp land funds. Abraham Lincoln drew up the bond, and Jesse Fell and his brother, Kersey Fell, headed the list of bondsmen Thus was secured for McLean county the State Normal University. With the location of the Normal University on May 7, 1857, the trou- bles of the Board had just begun. George N. Randall, of Chicago, was secured as architect, the main building planned, the contract let for $83,000, and work started. By fall the foundation was up. Then burst the financial panic of 1857 and progress was stopped for eighteen months. Almost every bank in the state suspended payment. Central Illinois was hit very hard. Money could not be had, there was no market for the swamp lands whose sale was to provide funds for the building. The wealthiest and most eminent of all the subscribers de- clared that he would not pay his subscription until the building was finished, that is, until it was no longer needed. There were trying times. President C. E. Hovey, charged by the Board with the duty of realizing upon the subscription, was aided at every turn by Jesse W. Fell. The building was completed in 1861, though with serious shrink- age in some of the subscriptions. The legislature came to the rescue with two appropriations aggregating $100,000 to lift the mortgage and complete the furnishing and equipment of the institution. In 1858 the name of the settlement at the junction was changed from North Bloomington to Normal. In 1867 when the population had grown to several hundred Mr. Fell secured from the legislature a special charter under which the town is now governed. It provides that no intoxicating liquors shall ever be sold within its borders. In fact Mr. Fell had previously provided in many title deeds for lots that no liquor should ever be sold upon the premises. It is notable that the petition to the legislature for the prohibition clause was signed by every man, woman, and child in Normal over six years of age. By this provision of the charter many desirable citizens have been attracted to Normal. Parents have felt that the absence of the saloons, of the pool rooms that accompany them, of the undesirable citizens that so frequently haunt them, make Normal a much safer place of residence for their sons and daughters while off at school. In his boyhood Mr. Fell had as a teacher Joshua Hooper, a famous schoolmaster of Chester county, Pennsylvania, one of the best botan- ists of his day. Jesse Fell was more than a pupil. He became a com- panion of his master, and under him developed a life-long interest DEBT OF NORMAL UNIVERSITY TO JESSE W. FELL 5 in trees and flowers. It was in the early forties that Mr. Fell began to manifest his passion for tree planting. A year spent on the open prairie northeast of Bloomington probably hastened the conviction that nothing was more necessary to the taming of the prairie than to plant it with trees. At first the black locust, with its rapid growth and durable wood, finely adapted for fencing, attracted his attention. When the borers attacked the young locust groves, he tried other trees in our prairie soils, hard and soft maples, ash and American and British elm, linden, catalpa speciosa, tulip tree, European larch, and many evergreens were planted in great numbers by him. It is said that 13,000 trees had been planted by him along the streets of Normal and in the grounds about his residence when there were still hardly a dozen houses in the present town. He brought to Bloomington Mann, Overman, Phoenix, and other men who made Bloomington one of the largest nursery centers in the country. Furthers the Work In 1867 Mr. Fell was appointed the local member of the Board of Education, the position now held by Mr. Capen. He at once secured an appropriation of $3500 from the legislature for the proper planting of the campus, a project that had always been near his heart. Wil- liam Saunders, the foremost landscape gardener of the day, had been brought on from Philadelphia eight years before to make a suitable plan. The planting was done under Mr. Fell's personal management, many fine trees being transplanted from his own private grounds known as Fell Park. The original plantings in the campus included almost every species that would flourish in this soil and climate. After the losses incident to storm and sleet, the ravages of borers and to the removal of trees to make way for new buildings, we still had in 1901, 940 trees of forty-one species. The great storm of June 10, 1902, destroyed many of these, but later plantings have more than replaced the losses in numbers and variety. The six years which Mr. Fell sat upon the Board of Education were years of rapid development of the Normal University. It was then everywhere recognized as the leading normal school of the United States in the extent of its revenue, the value of its building and grounds, the number of students and the ability and reputation of its faculty. The Home and School In 1865 Jesse Fell headed a movement to establish a home for the orphans of the soldiers of the Civil war. Normal, under his leader- ship, raised a large subscription and secured the location. This in- stitution has for fifty years served its purpose in an admirable way. With the passing of the veterans of the Civil War, the institution has been converted into a State Home for dependent children. It must be a source of gratification to the friends of Jesse W. Fell that the two institutions in Normal to which he gave so much are now brought into organic union. Beginning with September the school at this Home will become a part of the training school of the State Normal University. 6 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY The Man HimseM In summing up the services of Jesse W. Fell to the Normal Univer- sity we do not forget that the best part of it has not yet been told. In viewing this memorial that his friends have erected we are not unmindful that its highest values are not those of the mason or of the brass founder, nor are they to be found in the taste and skill of the architect who plans the work, or of the artists who have designed the bronzes. They are to be found in the character of the man whose name this memorial bears and whose services it commemorates. The character of a people is measured by the type of man it honors. Every country has its heroes who embody the national ideals, every town its distinguished citizens who, through personal excellence and public service, win universal esteem and are held in memory long after they are passed away. Normal is singularly fortunate in the man who, by common accord, is ranked as its founder and most distin- guished citizen. As a friend he was loyal, true, self-sacrificing, and obliging. But his love did not stop with the companion into whose eyes he might look or whose hand he might grasp. The breadth of his sympathy and affection embraced men of all faiths, of all races, and of generations yet unborn. As a man of Quaker birth and breed- ing he loved and practiced the arts of peace. As a lawyer he was a potent force in the political life of the state. As a promoter of rail- road building he took an active part in the industrial development of the state. When the steady encroachment of the slave power made it clear to every lover of human liberty that the friends of freedom must stand together, he was a leader in the formation of the Repub- lican party. He saw the greatness of Lincoln and was most zealous in securing his nomination for the presidency. He was a lover of trees and planted them by the thousand. He valued education and with characteristic energy persuaded the people of McLean county by generous subscriptions of land and money to establish the State Nor- mal University within its borders. He saw the degradation wrought by alcohol and secured for his new town a charter that forever forbids the sale of intoxicants within its borders. But Jesse Fell was not merely great in the excellence of his charac- ter, in his honesty, his unselfishness, his kind heartedness, his patriot- ism as abstract qualities; he was pre-eminently a man of action. We honor him for what he did, both for the kind of enterprises he under- took and the spirit in which he wrought. Mr. Fell had faith in the future. He saw the great city of Bloomington in the strangling, un- kempt country village of eighty years ago; he saw in Normal the seat of a great educational institution; he saw in Illinois a real empire state, great in its natural resources, greater still in intellectual and moral worth, and he shaped his life in accordance with these visions. Some men called him visionary. Like all other seers he merely lived in advance of his generation. His only mistakes seemed to have been in underestimating the amount of time needed for the realiza- tion of his hopes. The greatest indebtedness of the Normal University to Jesse Fell is the example of his life, his character and his worth. It is difficult DEBT OF NORMAL UNIVERSITY TO JESSE W. FELL 7 to summarize in a few words the character of Jesse W. Fell. I have read the estimates placed upon him by more than a score of his con- temporaries, the men who knew him well and were abundantly able to set forth their estimate of his character. They all testify to his superlative worth as a man and as a citizen. Yet it seems that no two have viewed his life from the same angle nor have caught the same radiant light from the soul within. His most conspicuous quality seems to have been his energy. While other men thought and planned and talked, Jesse Fell brought to pass. He possessed a genius for accomplishment, tireless energy, undaunted courage, and a persist- ence that was rarely unsuccessful. He was a born leader, skillful in plan, to organize, to enlist aid and sympathy, to convince and to per- suade, to subdue opposition, to kindle in others the flame of his own enthusiasm. He was a born advocate, skillful yet fair to his oppon- ents, more anxious to persuade them than to overwhelm them. Others who knew him personally will speak at length of his per- sonal characteristics. For me it is enough to say in closing, that this memorial has been erected in order that we may show to our children and to our children's children the type of man that we delight to honor, the citizen of whom we are justly proud. PERSONAL REMINISCENCES JOHN W. COOK Memorial structures are the efforts of a grateful people to celebrate in imperishable material the virtues of those who have wrought well for their kind. They are an endeavor to keep active and beneficent in the lives of men, those wholesome and regenerating principles that were the springs of action of the characters in whose honor and whose memory they are erected. We are here today to give meaning to this graceful entrance to these beautiful grounds. If the words we shall say could, by some art of magician, be an open book for the passer by, its significance would be for the aspiring and sensitive mind an evangel, for we are to tell the story of a man whose supreme ambition was to promote justice throughout the land. He sought the freedom of the slave from the cruel tyranny that gave the lie to our fundamental political principle. He championed the cause of freedom and toleration in re- ligious belief. He defended the sacred privilege of freedom of speech when the cause that he regarded as the noblest in annals of mankind was attacked. He fought the battle for the care of the orphan of the man who had given his life for his country. He built about the com- munity of his love the high wall of protection against the tempting devil of drink. He fostered with liberal hand the institutions that make for the rule of reason in the world. He fought with relentless energy corruption in high places and in all places. He sought no public recognition and aspired to no place of honor. He was content to fight for the good cause in his own way with no ulterior end to 8 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY subserve. Such a character is rare enough to merit especial recog- nition and to have dedicated to his memory a perpetual reminder of his virtues. Life Full of Incident In anticipation of this event my mind, of late, has been dwelling with fond recurrence upon its memories of Mr. Fell. Indeed, brief have been the periods that I have not recalled some familiar incident of his noble life, in all of the intervening years since I last looked upon his face. Again I have been reading the rich material that I eagerly gleaned from all available sources and carefully treasured nearly thirty years ago. Through it all, like the call of a melodious bugle, in the still air of the quiet morning rings the one insistent, in- spiring, engaging note. Men seemed striving with each other in an all-accordant chorus, to swell the voice of appreciation of the ines- timable worth of this modest, self-forgetful man, whose eyes always were seeking the welfare of his fellow men. I have slight need to go afield for what I have to say today. The brief minutes will permit only a scanty clipping from what would require far more time than is at my disposal in even a hasty telling. Under His Own Trees And first of all I wish to say that I know of no place more fitting for his memorial than here. Beside this ever flowing and inspiring spring of life, where youth is breaking the seals of futurity and fore- casting high destiny and striving for its ample realization, let an in- destructible reminder of his career defy the ruthless hand of time. As the years shall come and go and the long processions of the young shall pass through this noble gateway, let them receive a new and perpetual baptism of that generous spirit which is aptly character- ized by his immortal friend "With malice toward none; with charity for all." And let there be a fitting volume writ in simple phrase that shall tell of him and of his gracious life, and on each recurring birth- day of the institution that he did so much to found and foster, let his name be spoken so those who go out to help to make the new and better commonwealth shall keep his spirit in the transforming energy of their lives. His First Acquaintance Although I became a student at the Normal School in 1862 I had no personal acquaintance with Mr. Fell until some two years later. His name was a household word among the students but it would have been an honor beyond our most ardent expectations to be recog- nized by a man so widely known and so universally esteemed. The time came, however, when I had the coveted privilege of winning his attention although I have forgotten the occasion. After that the going was delightful and as the years slipped by the intimacy increased. A Pen Portrait You would like to know about his personal appearance. He was of medium height, spare of figure, and with a face full of intelligence and light. You have become familiar with it as it is portrayed by his THE JESSE W. FELL, HOMESTEAD PERSONAL REMINISCENCES 9 picture that hangs in the reception room of the main building. He was the most industrious of men and Judge Davis declared him to be the most energetic man that he had ever known. With this estimate I am in entire agreement. Even in his walk there was a slight in- clination forward as if he could not keep his body apace with the plans which his busy brain was ever organizing. He it was who carried out the original plans for the decoration of the campus. It was a treeless plain before he began his work upon it. There could not have been found in all its area a riding whip for a horseman. He prepared for it by circling the root of the superb evergreens with which his home place was crowded and when the clump of solidly attached earth was ready for removal he personally superintended the transfer of these great trees to the already prepared field. He had zealously cultivated it the preceding year so that everything was in readiness. At this task he worked with more physical energy than any of his helpers. I never heard of one of the transplanted trees that disappointed him. In consequence, the campus was transformed in a single year from a bare prairie to a place of beauty. Mind and Body Indeed, so intense was his physical activity that he found it difficult in his more advanced life to induce his body to take the requisite amount of sustenance to keep the fires burning hot enough for his de- mands, and I recall a conversation in which he related his annoyance that the machinery, upon which he had been accustomed to rely with such complete confidence, would not steam in harmony with his ex- pectations. And this physical energy was but the concomitant of his mental energy. He was afire with enthusiasm. He subordinated all of his fine endowment to the leadership of his splendid will. And all who came within the range of his influence caught the contagious inspiration. Was he a visionary? It never seemed so to me, for his large plans, with few exceptions, rounded to noble consummation. I am quite convinced that the one disappointment of his life was the failure of the plan to secure at Normal the location of the University of Illinois. It has always been my understanding that the offer of this county far surpassed that of any other. What it was that de- feated his undertaking I have never learned. I well remember that historic contest and the alternating hopes and fears that filled the minds of our people. An Old School Gentleman Mr. Fell is aptly described by the familiar phrase, "A gentleman of the old school." By this is meant that he was characterized by a courtliness of manner quite unusual in these less chivalrous days. He was a careful observer of the canons of etiquette and employed them in his relations to others with strict impartiality. Politeness has been defined as, "the ceremonial form in which we celebrate the equality of all men in the substance of their humanity." To be a human being was to win his respect and to receive the homage which he conceived to be due a human being. I have seen him rise in a crowded street car and offer his seat to a poor negro woman, with 10 THB ALUMNI QUARTERLY the irresistible grace that was his wont. That she was a woman was enough to win his recognition as entitled to the conventional cour- tesies of polite society. And with him they were far from being formal ceremonies for there was always shining through them the knightly spirit of the true cavalier. His kindness of heart was always evident and he was scrupulously careful lest he should inflict pain when dealing with the humblest. His Gift in Writing As a writer he was unusually engaging. He had the art of speech when his pen was in his hand. When I knew him he shrank from public addresses, but earlier in his life he was a rapid, terse and force- ful speaker. His letters best illustrated his gracefulness of expres- sion. Our relations were not of a character to invite correspondence, yet I carefully preserved the two that I received from him. They exhibited a grace of expression that lifted them out of the ordinary, and although one of them was only a request for an interview upon a matter of mutual interest, it was so charmingly rendered as to invite many readings before it was put among my epistolary treasures. One cannot but linger fondly over these memories, and before turning to other aspects of his rich and varied life I must be permitted to quote briefly from his loving friend of many years, former Presi- dent Richard Edwards. In the address which Dr. Edwards delivered at the funeral in Normal Hall he said: "Let me begin by saying that Mr. Fell was an honest man. He had so many other high qualities that we are in danger of not observing this * * *. *He who has been through the intensest activities of life, through those scenes where selfishness, duplicity, corruption are most apt to have full sway, and who has come out of it all with a maiden sensitiveness to anything like unfairness or dishonesty, deserves our esteem * * *. He kept his hands clean and his heart pure. He committed no false or foul act. He entertained no debasing or unworthy thought. So sensitive was Mr. Fell to this principle of rigid honesty that I have known him to insist upon making good pecuniary losses sustained by his friends through the dishonesty of other men, because he had been the means of making the parties acquainted with each other." His Forceful Character To this testimony of Dr. Edwards I may add that any indirection on the part of men in public life made hot his indignation. He would have none of them henceforth. There are men still living in Bloom- ington who are members of a political convention held there on a day almost fifty years ago, in which instructions were sought for the county delegation to assist in the renomination of a public official. I may add that I was the candidate's cordial supporter as I was during his long subsequent official career. Mr. Fell, however, believed that he had broken faith with some of his friends and opposed him with such vigor that he succeeded in securing the adjournment of the con- vention after a scene that defies description. His opposition defeated the desired renomination and resulted in the temporary retirement of the candidate from public life. Prominent in that historic struggle PERSONAL REMINISCENCES tl were a few whose names are household words in this community. Their number was small but under the rallying enthusiasm of Mr. Fell their effectiveness was irresistible. Words of His Friends In further view of this aspect of Mr. Fell's character Honorable James S. Ewing, at the memorial meeting of the Bloomington Bar Association, in an exquisite tribute to his memory, said: "It is a good thing to have known one man whose life was without spot or blem- ish; against whose honor no man ever spoke; who had no skeleton in his closet; whose life was as open as the day and whose death comes to a whole community as a personal sorrow." Similarly Honorable Joseph W. Fifer: "Jesse Fell was one of these moral heroes; he was the product of our free institutions, and I am proud he was an American citizen. His pure, exalted and unselfish life will help teach the world the great lesson that the indispensable basis of all true greatness is integrity of character, and that the only way to be happy in this life is to make others happy." Brave words these. They ring the recurring sentiment of every utterance of that memorial occasion. His Ancestry And now that I have tried in these brief minutes to tell you some- thing of his personality, you will anticipate his political alignment. As another will tell you he came from a family that had been identified with the Society of Friends from its origin about the middle of the seventeenth century. That he would ally himself with the anti-slavery party was thus a foregone conclusion. Like men of his kind, he was an ardent admirer of Henry Clay, with whom he became personally acquainted and whose name he perpetuated in his own family by conferring it upon his only, son. Few of the present generation can imagine the ardor with which the followers of the great Commoner attached themselves to his cause. His failure to achieve the place for which he repeatedly strove was a heart breaking experience to vast numbers of his adherents. My father once cautioned me, with quiv- ering lip, against ever attaching myself to any political leader whose defeat I could not contemplate with comparative equanimity. We had been talking of his political idol, Henry Clay. His Stand in Politics Although bitterly opposed to slavery, Mr. Fell had not indentified himself actively with the Abolition party. Unconsciously he was waiting for the evolution of a political party that should incorporate the slavery question in some of its multifarious aspects in its plat- form. Time was to give him his ample opportunity. The Kansas- Nebraska Bill so solidified the anti-slavery sentiment as to make the creation of the Republican party a logical necessity. As soon as it appeared he was one of its active adherents. And now I am going to make a claim for Mr. Fell that I have not thus far come upon. I cannot resist the conviction that there orig- inated with him an idea that made him an historic character and thus identified him personally and potentially with tremendous events 12 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY that were world wide in their consequences. I do not claim for him the far vision that might have foreseen what followed from the forces that were set in motion. Short-sighted creatures of a day, we may, nevertheless, release energies that by the natural accumulation of in- ertia may precipitate catastrophies that rock a world, bury old wrongs in the ruins of the castles they have built for their own preservation, and thus make possible a new day of freedom for mankind. Here are some statements whose correctness is amply verified by Hon. Owen T. Reeves, Hon. A. E. Stevenson, and Hon. James S. Ewing. On the twelfth day of September, 1854, Senator Stephen A. Doug- las came to Bloomington to make a public address. He stopped at the old National Hotel, at the corner of Front and Main streets. Lawrence Weldon, then engaged at the practice of the law, at Clinton, came up to hear the speech and went with Mr. Ewing and Dr. Stev- enson to call upon the senator. Shortly after, Mr. Lincoln, who had probably come up from Springfield for the same purpose, came in to pay his respects to the honored guest. After a brief conversation Mr. Lincoln withdrew. Shortly after, Mr. Fell entered the room and was cordially greeted by Judge Douglas, for they were old acquaint- ances. The tide of conversation ran along in the usual way for a time, but Mr. Fell had an especial purpose to subserve. He therefore said to the Judge that there was much feeling over the question of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, and that many of Mr. Lincoln's friends would be greatly pleased to hear a joint discussion between himself and Mr. Lincoln on these new and vital questions that were so vitally interesting the people. Judge Douglas seemed much annoyed and after hesitating a mo- irent said: "No! I won't do it. I come to Chicago. I am met by an old-line Abolitionist; I come to the center of the state and am met by an Administration Democrat. I can't hold the Abolitionists re- sponsible for what the Whigs say; I can't hold the Whigs responsible for what the Abolitionists say, and I can't hold either responsible for what the Democrats say. It looks like 'dogging' a man over the state. This is my meeting. The people came here to hear me and I want to talk to them." Mr. Fell said: "Well, Judge, perhaps you may be right; perhaps some other time it may be arranged." And so it was that Mr. Fell did not carry his point for that 'meeting. The Joint Discussion But Mr. Fell did not give up the idea of the joint discussion. It was his pertinacious following of the scheme that gave to the country that memorable series of illuminating addresses, unsurpassed in all the annals of debate in which the supreme question, the question of fate, in the forum of a nation, was held up to the reason and the con- sciences of men. Who doubts for a moment the effect of those debates upon the destiny of Abraham Lincoln? It would be the most violent of as- sumptions to assert that he would have been nominated for the presi- dency of the Republican party in 1860 without the prominence they gave him. He took his logical place thereafter at the front of the PERSONAL REMINISCENCES 13 champions of the anti-slavery movement, for he had proved himself more than equal to the most redoubtable protagenist of the pro- slavery movement. I cannot resist the conclusion that this remark- able train of sequences logically followed Mr. Fell's resolute purpose as foreshadowed in the brief incident that I have related. His Part in Debate But again. After the first debate at Ottawa, Lincoln came to Bloomington for a conference with friends from all parts of the state. Judge Reeves is responsible for the statement that Mr. Fell was present at that conference, as we should fully expect. At the Ottawa meeting Judge Douglas had propounded to Mr. Lincoln a number of questions to be answered at Freeport. Mr. Lincoln told his friends what answers he should give to those questions, and he also told them, he proposed to propound certain questions to Judge Doug- las at that meeting. Among them was this one: "Can the people of a territory, in any legal way, against the consent of any citizen of the United States, exclude slavery from a territory prior to its admission as a state?" The members of the conference saw clearly that if Judge Douglas should answer this question in the affirmative he would certainly be elected to the Senate, for there were many Republicans favorably disposed to him because of his opposition to the attitude of the admin- istration. It was believed that he would so answer. Lincoln saw that, although such an answer would close his hope for the coveted sena- torship, the South would never nominate so uncertain a candidate in 1860. In consequence, the conference therefore protested against the submission of such an interrogative and voted against it with a single exception. That exception, I need not say, was Mr. Fell. Did his stand in the premises account in any way for Lincoln's reply to the conference "Judge Douglas may indeed defeat me for the Senate but he will at the same time defeat himself for the presidency in 1860, and that is a far greater issue." Shaped the Result Prophetic words! They were verified to the letter. Did Jesse Fell's support of Lincoln's plan fall into the causal series again? Who can answer? The logic, if so, is firmly knit Mr. Fell's sugges- tion of the joint debate; the consequent nation-wide fame of Lin- coln; the consequent nomination; the fatal question; the two Demo- ocratic candidates in 1860; the triumphant election of Lincoln; the abolition of slavery; the indissoluble reunion of the states; one flag! One common destiny! Did this modest man ever allow himself to trace the conclusions of the successive syllogisms to the final conclusion? Dr. Edwards besought him to write a frank and free autobiography and he really began it, but his modesty soon got the better of his resolution and he gave it up, declaring that he could not bring himself to the task. If he had only been willing to write a book of "Recollections" what revelations we might have had! 14 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY Champion of Liberty I said, a few minutes ago, that he championed the cause of free- dom and toleration in religious matters. This he did especially in the part he took in the organization of what was long known as the Free Congregational Church of Bloomington. Which of two of the major differences that formerly drove sharp lines of social cleavage among men arouses the bitterer controversies, icligion or politics? We oi the present know little of the implacable- ness of the hostility which formerly existed between men who were in separate political camps and who affirmed belief in separate relig- ious creeds. At the same polling place we interrupt a friendly con- versation to deposit our several ballots and resume the cordial inter- change of thoughts as we again go together on our common way. The spirit of conflict over religious differences has quite folded its wings and shed its sharp talons and taken on the semblance of the dove rather than that of the hawk. There was a time, however, and it was not long ago, when the bitterness engendered by the rise of differing sects was the death of friendships, the divider of families and the destroyer of community peace. And this conflict over creeds often appeared to be a minor difference of doctrine or an inconse- quential variation in ceremonial observance, but the hostility was none the less intense. In Church Organization Imagine, then, the introduction into the institutional life of Bloom- ington of an organization that seemed to be indifferent to a body of doctrine that was regarded by the great majority of men and women in the west as indispensable to give validity to any rightful claim to the name religion. Such a phenomenon appeared in July, 1839. I have not time now to trace its history. Of course, the Fells, Jesse and Kersey, were there. Let it suffice to say that an organization was effected and that Charles G. Ames, predestined to a notable career, was called to conduct the Sabbath services of The Free Congrega- tional Society. On another occasion I tried to tell, with some degree of fullness, the history of the first half century of the life of this pioneer society. Its rank represented many shades of opinion, both theological and political. Of course, its personnel had at least one common point of agreement; all were committed to the idea of entire freedom of religious belief and of speech. Of course Mr. Ames would speak his mind on the slavery question. He did so and some of his parish were so offended that they with- drew. But Mr. Ames was incapable of bitterness. While he pre- ferred that they should stay, he could not deprive himseli of freedom of speech to retain them, for freedom was the principle upon which the society was founded. Before his nomination Mr. Lincoln dined with Mr. Ames. The "Irrepressible Conflict" was thoroughly discussed, Mr. Ames taking very advanced grounds. Upon leaving, Mr. Lincoln said, "I am as strong an anti-slavery man as you are, but I recognize some practical difficulties in dealing with it that you do not seem to see." PERSONAL REMINISCENCES 15 Some Intimate Details After the execution of John Brown Mr. Ames preached his funeral sermon. Having been a member of his choir in old Phoenix Hall I had enjoyed some acquaintance with him and therefore felt free to write him, some seven years ago, with regard to this famous address. I quote briefly from his reply: "On the last Sunday of November, 1859, I gave notice that on the following vSunday, if the telegraph brought the news of the execution of John Brown, I should preach his funeral sermon. The Society was in no mood to lay restrictions on freedom of speech, but there were those who said 'we've just launched our little bark in troubled waters and now Mr. Ames will blow us sky-high.' Phoenix Hall was none too large for those who came and there was great seriousness and perfect attention through the full hour's discourse. The next morn- ing came the request for a copy for publication which was granted. * * * oh, those were great days. I wonder if you live them over with such palpitations as come to me." I regard this quotation as germane to my theme as Mr. Fell was one of those who were called upon to stand behind Mr. Ames in those troublous times. I am deeply conscious of the need of brevity but I must be per- mitted to relate a single additional incident in this connection. One of the successors of Mr. Annes was Mr. Ellis whose pastoral relations were very abruptly discontinued. He was a strong abolitionist and was so extreme as to have been one of those who volunteered to at- tempt to rescue John Brown from his Virginia captors. On April 23, 1865, when the country was speechless with grief over the tragic ending of the life of the great president, M)r. Ellis preached a sermon in Phoenix Hall in which he took occasion to criticise Mr. Lincoln in severe terms. A Startling Incident It is easy to imagine the effect upon the Bloomington audience of such an address and especially at such a time. In the Hall were many of Lincoln's personal friends, men who were bound to him not alone by political ties, but also by the bonds of warm affection. Here and there were soldiers recently from the front, whose veneration for the murdered chief magistrate was greater than for any other character in American annals. Here was Mr. Jesse Fell, the man to whom in 1860 Mr. Lincoln had addressed his autobiography, and one can possibly imagine how his heart must have been wrung by so ruthless and so utterly foolish a violation of. the canons of the most ordinary common sense. The speaker was hissed and hooted and escaped by the back stairs to a drug store near by, from which he was rescued by Mrs. William Lewis, a present resident of Blooming- ton, and taken to her home. On the succeeding Monday the address was published in full and may be found, as may Mr. Ames' funeral sermon, in the files of the Pantagraph. An opportunity was thus offered to read exactly what Mr. Ellis had said. But nothing could induce Mr. Fell to do violence to his principle of free speech and a free pulpit. At the next meeting of the Society he 1 6 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY offered a series of resolutions denouncing the interference with the speaker's explicit right to be heard, however unpalatable his utter- ances might be. This single illustration of his fidelity, under the most trying circumstances, to a principle which he regarded as a fundamental necessity in a free country lifted him in my esteem to the serene heights of supreme manhood. His Philanthropy and Zeal No time remains to give other illustrations of those qualities which mark him off so distinctly and so superbly. Yonder on the hill is the home of those wards of the state who, orphaned by their fathers' devotion to the country were deprived of that parental care which is the due of every child of our common humanity. It is there be- cause of his philanthropy and patriotic zeal. Here rise the noble buildings of an institution to which thousands of grateful hearts turn with the most tender emotions. He wrought the deed, far more than any one else, that brought it here. We walk between these double rows of trees that he planted. One day he told me why he was im- pelled to adopt this particular plan. It was because he had happened to be in old Germantown, Pennsylvania, in the heat of a summer day. As he walked beneath the over-arching branches that met above his head, he determined to go to his new home and imitate the thought- fulness of an unknown benefactor. That I knew him, and had at least some modest share in his regard, has been one of the great gratifications of my life. Among my treas- ures is a memento which he ordered sent to me as he lay upon his couch of pain from which he realized he should never rise. Thank God for all of His heroes. They lift the world to the arching sky and leave an open door between the earth and the heavens. He was one of that great company and lived his life of simple devotion here in our own little comrrtunity. Great souls need no hilltops for their homes in order that they may be singled out as the benefactors of mankind. His memory is a precious treasure and as the new generations come and go this memorial structure will retell the inestimable worth of this simple, unostentatious man. VALUE OF MEMORIALS EDMUND J. JAMES It was a little over fifty-three years ago that I first saw Jesse W. Fell. It was on the occasion of a visit of my parents to the Illinois State Normal University who, in looking for a place to buy a farm and "settle down permanently," as they expressed it, were especially con- cerned about the schools of the neighborhood. They had examined one or two farms north of Normal and so wished to see whether the educational facilities offered by this school met their desires as to the opportunities for their children. I was tagging as a lad 8 years old VALUE OF MEMORIALS 17 after my mother as she went into the primary room, then conducted by Miss Hammond, who afterwards became the wife of W. L. Pills- bury. As we came out on the porch on the south side of the Normal University building, Dr. Edwards, who was kindly showing us about, stretched his arm out in a sweeping way towards the south campus and said: "The trees you see here have all been planted by the Hon- orable Jesse W. Fell. And there he is now, planting still others," he said, as he pointed toward a man superintending the planting of certain shrubs or sm,all trees. "He is sometimes called," Dr. Ed- wards remarked to my mother, "Jesse the tree planter." My parents purchased a farm immediately north of Normal, where for ten years I lived and from which for six years I trudged back and forth to school while I was preparing for college in the grammar and high school departments of the Normal University. Mr. Fell was a favorite of mine, as he was of all the children, so far as I know. He was kind to us and let us play without disturbance wherever he was working, provided we did not interfere too much with the pro- gress of the work, and sometimes, I think, even when we did. I remember my mother's saying once that Mr. Fell was a real public benefactor, and I wondered what that was and asked her what she meant. "A public benefactor " she said, "is a man who is doing things for the benefit of other people all the while and especially for the benefit of the community in which he is living." I think there could be better descriptions of Mr. Fell and his work than this. I need not make any extended reference to the life and services of Mr. Fell. They will be fully discussed and presented by persons better able to treat that subject than I. I only desire to add my testimony to that of all the others to the fact that Mr. Fell was a man of power and influence in many different directions in the com- munity in which he lived, and that in every direction this power and influence when exerted were exerted for the public good, for the ad- vancement of the common interest; and in this respect he was a model citizen, a man after whom his fellow citizens could well pat- tern their own conduct, and to whom the teachers and preachers and mothers of the community could point with pride as one whose life and activity were worthy of emulation by the children of the community. I should like to emphasize on this occasion the service which this community is rendering to itself by this formal recognition of the great work which Mr. Fell did for it and for the successive genera- tions which will make up this community in all the years to come. We have been very much concerned just at the present time with the question whether, as a matter of fact, we are at all, in any proper sense of that term, a nation. We had a most astonishing illustration more than fifty years ago of how loose were the bonds which held us together as a people when the country suddenly divided into two great sections. These sec- tions flew at each other's throats with all the ferocity and bitterness and energy which have been displayed in the great war now going on beyond the seas. And many things have since happened and some 1 8 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY things have happened lately that have rather called our attention to the fact that we do not, all of us at any rate, who live within the confines of the American Republic, think as Americans, think in the terms of the nation; but that we are still in some respects only an aggregate and not a thoroughly organized life unit. We are a collec- tion of states and territories, of people from different races and differ- ent faiths and different histories not yet melted and unified into a single people of uniform texture. There is little hope of this ever being accomplished until the nation has become a true organic instead of an aggregate unit. The comparison has often been made between the "body politic" and the "body physical" and there are some lessons which may be learned by us from the comparison. The body physical, according to modern theories of biology, is made up in essence of cells which are the last and final units out of which all portions of the body, and, finally the en- tire body, are composed. In these cells is the center of life and activ- ity,' the center of bodily health and bodily weakness and disease and death. If the cells function as they ought to do, all of them, each in its own way, we may be' sure that the body as a whole will be vigorous and strong and effective. If the cells, however, become weak and anaemic and ineffectual, we may expect to see the body dry up and disappear. So I should think of the nation as constituted of cells, not the individual human beings, but the ultimate or, if you please, the primal unit of organization, namely, the comm,unity. If the community is of the right composition, if it is organized in a healthy and vigorous way and performs its duties in a healthy and vigorous way, and all the communities do this, then we may expect to see a perfect national life as the flower and fruitage, so to speak, of this perfect community life, and unless this community life is of the right type, it is vain indeed that we build upon the tower, so to speak, upon the roof of this great structure when the foundation elements are decayed. If the civic life of the community is conducted on a low level, we have in so far as it is a part of the nation, a weak element which itself may become the source of disease and, like a cancer, by spreading its influence in the surrounding tissue, may ultimately undermine and develop a running sore which may seriously hamper, if not ultimately destroy, the organism of which it is a part. Those communities in the United States in which education is neg- lected, in which the health of the community receives no attention, in which moral and religious influences are not cultivated, in which a low type of civilization prevails, are communities which may become centers of disease, stretching far and wide through the body politic. This is something we do not always realize. In a large way, we have a classic example in our own history. When the people of certain communities thought it was a good thing to import the black man from Africa and make him a slave, the foundation was laid for infinite trouble, not so much for the slave, for in many cases his condition was really improved over that in the native wildness from which he -.vas taken, but the masters and the life of the master's wife and chil- VALUE OF MEMORIALS 19 dren and the life of the community which was made up of the masters of these black slaves. In the course of time as the country became industrially part slave and part free, it became perfectly plain to far-seeing men, even of the time of the Revolution, nearly a hundred years before the struggle finally came, that no community could endure, no body politic could continue to live, in which one part of the body was made up of cells depending for their industrial development upon the institution of human slavery and another part of the body was made up of cells whose industrial life was based upon a system of free and independent labor. It took a long time for this cancerous growth of slavery to make such headway as to finally threaten the destruction of the en- tire nation. But it came, just as inevitably as the sun rose and set, and it finally had to be cut out in all its ramifications we have not completed the work yet by any means by a process which for a time threatened to destroy the entire organism. So today any community which permits its children to grow up in ignorance, which does not cultivate and organize and develop the various elements which enter into a complete and well-rounded education, is a cell full of danger to itself and to the larger commun- ities and the body politic as a whole. We have com'munities in the United States today and they are not all in one part of the country, either communities which are so de- based as to form real centers of danger to the health of the common- wealth and the nation. Now the process of civilization is not by any means an easy one, and every higher civilization is brought forth in pain and tears, and the human race tends steadily to fall behind unless efforts are con- tinually put forth which involve blood and sweat. History has shown that in nearly every country and in nearly every time this work of standing, in season and out of season, for the forces which make for the uplift of the community, this standing for the right against the wrong, for the light against the darkness, for freedom against slavery, for justice over against injustice, for equal oppor- tunity for all over against monopoly and slavery, has been the privi- lege and the burden of comparatively few members of the commun- ity, those men whom we call leaders, those men to whose call to ad- vance we respond, those men whose leadership we recognize and follow. Jesse W. Fell was one of these men, and this community, thanks to his leadership and that of men like him, thanks to the original consti- tution of the community, made up of many different elements from many different parts of the country, has moved forward steadily to the ever completer life as one of those fundamental cells of national existence. Next to working out in a direct and immediate way through com- petent organs of action the welfare of the community, the element which has added most to civilization is the public spirit of private individuals, men of far-seeing vision like the man whom we honor today. Next to leading itself in all these respects, a group of people 20 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY shows its fitness as an element in civilization by its willingness to follow the leadership of men like Mr. Fell. And in that respect Nor- mal has shown a wise capability. I am greatly pleased to see that this community recognizes the great significance of an event like this namely, the erection of a memorial in honor of the men who have done things worth while in the community, especially in honor of the men who saw the best things that were possible to the community and stirred up and spur- red it on to realize these best things. It was not merely the work Mr. Fell did himself directly in planting these trees, in urging the improvement of the schools, in bringing one after another of the public agencies into more efficient action, but it was his work in stimulating other people to emulate his example. And one of the evidences that you have done that is not only to be seen in the external evidences which we see around us in improved schools, in paved streets, in improved water supply, and in enlarged and im- proved churches, in adequate drainage, etc., etc., but one sees it also in this willingness to acknowledge an indebtedness to the men who are wise enough to lead such enterprises. I have often said to members of the Illinois Legislature when pre- senting to it the claims for the support of the institution which I have the honor to represent today, that the people of Illinois have vested for the time being in them the trusteeship for determining the level upon which the community shall move. The business of a leg- islator is not simply to do what his constituents want him to do, but to do the thing which his constituents ought to do and to throw the full impetus of his power and strength into compelling the state to undertake the tasks which the interests of society demand it should undertake. The duty of your local member in the legislature and of every other member in the Illinois Legislature is not merely to see how little money he can give to the building up of this great Normal University, of which we are all so proud, but to discern if possible what the function of this institution ought to be and then by every means in his power help to the realization of that function. In fact the member of a board of trustees should be a prophet. He should have visions and these should be visions of the higher life of the com- munity and the higher level upon which the community may walk, and the fundamental purpose of his trusteeship is that he shall help the community up to those higher levels and hold it steadily and true to its higher levels. This was the work as Mr. Fell conceived it, and to which he gave unsparing industry and absolute devotion, and be- cause you recognize that end, because you recognize, even though in large part unconsciously, that somehow or other this is your in- terest projected in this large way by this seer and prophet, you are willing to honor him by this beautiful memorial. He cares nothing about it, of course. His family in a few years will care nothing about it. It will not be long until everyone will have passed away who ever saw Mr. Fell or who ever saw anybody who ever saw him, or spoke to him, and the personal element will disappear as the years go on, but this monument will ever stand here to remind the boys and girls VALUE OF MEMORIALS 21 of this community as they play about its foundation, and the men and women who pass by, that here was a man who deserved well of his community, and they will be led by the existence of this monu- ment to ask what he did and why and how, and the story will ever again be told to bring new inspiration and new life into each suc- ceeding generation. I have a friend, a most competent and brilliant and highly edu- cated woman, who declared to me when she saw the monument erected to her father, who was one of the greatest Americans, that no man deserved a monument, no man had ever done so much as to really deserve in any proper sense that his memory should be kept alivq, that none of us, no matter how hard we labored, could perform any work of supererogation, and that therefore it was an idle, nay an immoral act, this erection of monuments in honor of men and women who, no matter how much they have accomplished, have fallen far short of their duty to their day and generation. There is, of course, something to be said for this point of view, and I am sure that no man or woman ever performed any service for the com- munity of any great value who did not, in the bottom of his heart, feel that it was such an infinitely slight service that he should be almost ashamed of thinking of it as a service to his fellowmen. But monuments of this sort are erected not to flatter living men, but to call the attention of the boys and girls of each successive generation to the things that are most worth while in the lives of members of their own community, to the things that men will be m>ost grateful for, to the things upon which the community will lay the most weight, to the things that men will think about after one has passed out. This people will remember Andrew Carnegie, for example, not for the fact that he accumulated a great fortune of millions of dollars, not that he was one of the great industrial figures in the day and gen- eration in which he lived, not that he was one of the captains of in- dustry who shaped the course of men's occupations, in many different directions, but because he devoted this money which he accumulated in this way to what he conceived to be good purposes, and even though he should be mistaken in the form of its application, and even though the gifts he made should produce harm rather than good, yet the motives of the man will be the things that are remembered, and if the American people should decide that his motives were unworthy, that he gave this money not for the purpose of accomplishing good, from a sincere wish to do it, but simply for the purpose of magnifying his own name, they will forget him or they will blame him. Monuments of this sort help us to teach in a concrete and direct way to our children what are the really worth while things in the de- velopment of a community and a nation, and so I have always been in favor of seeing them erected in honor of men who have done really great and useful things. It is an honor to Mr. Fell that the people of this generation, that you, standing about here, few of whom knew him personally, few of whom could really have had any con- ception of the largeness of the man's mind and activities, erect this 22 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY monument to him. It is a much more significant, much more helpful, and to my mind much more useful service which this memorial will do by virtue of the fact that it is an honor to the community which has raised it, for you honor yourselves far more than you honor him in the events of this day. Let every citizen, no matter how humble, take new heart in view of these facts. We are sometimes inclined to despair of the Republic when we see so many difficulties in life, communal, state and national. We sometimes hang our head in shame at the events which have oc- curred within the limits of the great Republic without any adequate reaction in the direction of national or local uplift. But in the life of every man who has fixed before himself as a goal the ideal of ren- dering public service, we get a new inspiration, a new outlook, a new hope. From the contemplation of this gateway, let the little boy and girl learn the humble lesson of picking up the papers and other rubbish which are flying over the streets, which they perhaps have themselves thrown there. Let the citizen living in a humble cottage with a few square feet about it realize that as he keeps that lot, as he improves that lot, he is doing a duty by his community and by his fellowmen that will help raise the standard of life in the community as a whole. Let every man of influence and power and wealth and resources in the community recognize that it is a part of his business to work to im- prove these conditions under which the life of this community must be carried on, that it is a part of his business to see that the schools are improved, that the churches are supported, that the public insti- tutions of all kinds are made as efficient for their purpose as they can possibly be made. Let the member of the city council have borne in upon him the conviction that a public office is a public trust and that the man who violates in any way the interest of the community for any purpose whatever, whether it is in violation of the law or not, is a scoundrel, is an unworthy citizen, one who ought not to walk in the shadow or come into the same street where a monument has been erected to such a man as Jesse W. Fell. With such a spirit, with such a life, we may be sure that this prime cell of our great Republic can give an example in its local health which all other similar cells of the nation might follow. A PHILANTHROPIST OF MIGHTY VISION J. H. BURNHAM Jesse. W. Fell was a lover of mankind, a man of mighty vision. He loved his family and was never happier than when in their midst, planning and working for their future welfare. He wisely planned for the benefit of his adopted town, for the county of McLean, for the state of Illinois, for the nation, for the freedom of the slave, and always labored for the good of all mankind. *N - Vt Wv ~s-;i N.r^ A PHILANTHROPIST OF MIGHTY VISION 23 As early as 1834, when for two years he had lived in Bloomington as its first lawyer, he spent nearly a whole session of the Illinois Legislature at Vandalia, and, almost unaided, prevented the western tier of townships from being sliced off from McLean county in the interest of a new county seat. His clear vision told him that only thus could the new town of Bloomington retain its prestige and the new county of MfcLean preserve its grand outline, and the service he then performed has never yet been sufficiently appreciated. The new county of McLean was tolerably well established by this time but Mr. Fell was exceedingly anxious that its future should be provided for, and so became one of the prime movers in the pioneer effort to start a newspaper. The first issue of "The Bloomington Observer" started, mainly, by the personal efforts of Mr. Fell, was dated January 14, 1837. After going through the vicissitudes inci- dent to a newspaper in a new county, we find its successor, "The Bloomington Intelligencer" in the sole ownership of Mr. Fell on March 17, 1852. The paper passed the next year to the ownership of Mr. C. P. Merriman and then became the well known Pantagraph. This newspaper has been published the most of the time as a daily. However it was believed by Mr. Fell and his friends to be scarcely up to the requirements of the town and county. Being resolutely re- solved upon making this newspaper of more service to the public, Mr. Fell, in company with his son-in-law, Mr. Wm. O. Davis, pur- chased a controlling interest in 1868, and the two entered most ener- getically upon their chosen labor of developing the journal in ac- cordance with the needs of this intelligent community. Fortu- nately, Mr. Davis had the necessary financial means, and experience soon proved that he also possessed a remarkable aptitude for news- paper management. Its growth has been of the most substantial character, and the descendants of Mr. Davis, now owning the news- paper, are proVing themselves true to the tradition of their ancestors. In 1845 when the state of Illinois was in imminent danger of re- pudiating its enormous bonded indebtedness, and was about to be driven into hopeless bankruptcy by incompetent leaders, Mr. Fell published an open letter to the Senate and House of Representatives, boldly advocating the imposition of taxes and he eloquently urged the policy of re-establishing the state's financial credit upon a sound and reliable basis. The plan which he recommended was followed in the main, and his influence at that early day is said to have been very powerful. His vision told him that this state's magnificent agricul- tural domain could only thus be put in the way of its subsequent wonderful development. In the various periods of railroad building in 1838 to 1881 he was always a vigorous leader. He was either a projector or a railroad official in every scheme for a north and south or an east and west railroad in this vicinity. He secured a large portion of the right-of- way for the Chicago and Alton railroad from Bloomington to Joliet, was the chief agent in the donation of the machine shop site in 1853 and thus secured for Bloomington the immense advantages which have followed, and which will no doubt permanently continue. 24 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY While we are considering some of these almost marvelous achieve- ments of this great man, we may reflect that no doubt his active and vigorous mind contemplated many a project which was never carried to a successful issue. His vision was so broad and his mind dwelt so intensely on benefiting his fellow men that we can well conceive that he must often have felt the want of practical co-operation in some of his most heartfelt projects. Mr. Fell once told me that at a very early day when wearily riding on Horseback along the line of the present Illinois Central railroad in company with General Gridley, they discussed the possible im- provements likely to be enjoyed by future travelers along the iron rails which they fondly hoped would follow their route. How pleas- ant must have been his reflections in after life when all, and more than all, that his prophetic vision had predicted, actually came to pass in the lifetime of this earnest and brilliant railroad advocate. The present generation needs to be told on this and other appro- priate occasions, of Mr. Fell's almost superhuman exertions in be- half of all suggestions and plans for the advancement of the religi- ous, educational, moral, agricultural and community development of his neighborhood, the county, the state, the nation and the whole world in which he lived, but this paper can touch only a few of his characteristic efforts in the directions indicated. The man who planned our Normal campus, who planted with his own hands many of its grandly spreading trees upon a broad and almost desolate prairie, which I well remember, and who planted thousands of others in the streets of Normal twelve thousand of them before Normal was anything but North Bloomington no doubt had a vision of what their noble grandeur would be in fifty to sixty years, and perhaps believed that some of them would survive for centuries and in their final enormous growth in this rich soil would carry forward to future observers some remembrance of their origin. But the same man in giving names of trees to no less than thirteen of the streets of Normal perhaps never realized in his own modest mind that he was thus preserving for all time a most beautiful and touching reminder of his affectionate love for the town he had founded. Normal is truly indebted to the charming visions which must have occupied the founder's thoughts during this labor of love for coming generations. In the early part of 1867, when the grand effort was being made in this county to secure the location of the Industrial University, which is now the Illinois State University at Champaign, Mr. Fell's efforts were little short of miraculous. I was one of the workers in the cause and had opportunity to become acquainted with the man and ob- serve his methods of action, and I have never forgotten how ably, earnestly, enthusiastically, eloquently and persuasively Mr. Fell pre- sented his arguments which resulted in an offer of five hundred and thirty thousand dollars for the coveted prize. Most of this was in eight and ten per cent county, town and city bonds voted by McLean county, the township and city of Bloomington and by Normal town- ship and village. A PHILANTHROPIST OF MIGHTY VISION 25 Very few of us realized the actual possibilities of the university idea, but from the success which had then already been exhibited at the Michigan State University at Ann Arbor, it is evident that Mr. Fell had in mind almost a complete vision of what is now to be seen at Urbana and Champaign. Had that institution been located here and had it been properly fostered, what a boon Normal real estate would have secured! That it would have been fostered here was proved by the fact that nothwithstanding Mr. Fell's bitter disap- pointment, which it took years to heal, he nobly seconded the effort made in 1870 to induce the State Constitutional Convention, then in session, to provide in the new instrument for very liberal permanent assistance to be given to the great institution. Mr. Fell grandly and magnanimously took the lead in this effort through a memorial from the Illinois State Teachers' Association to the convention, and he thus nobly proved that his early efforts in behalf of that institution as well as in aid of Normal, were based as much on his desire for general educational advancement as for his own pecuniary profit. We ought to give a brief notice of Mr. Fell's efforts to have this state adopt the Maine Liquor Law at the June election in 1855, and we must not forget the remarkable steps he took in 1867 to perpetually prevent the sale of liquor in this town of Normal. We shall also find that there has been running through all of Mr. Fell's life efforts a never ending thread of elevated thought and action in behalf of great public questions. He never forgot the poor and needy and by his wise advice and counsel he placed many a poor man in the way of future comfort and competence. Some of these were ex-slaves for whom he had a peculiar sympathy, and he entered heartily into plans for their future welfare. Nothing appeared to give him more pleasure than to witness the progress these once down-trodden people began to make at oncei, in their new environ- ments, and to the very last he eagerly watched their advancement in all parts of the nation. From the very first he was active in his op- position to slavery, and gave most effective aid to the great cause of freedom through his wonderful assistance in bringing Abraham Lin- coln's abilities to the notice of the people, both before and after 1858. He was enthusiastic in advocating Lincoln's nomination and election to the presidency. It is a candid opinion of good judges that no single individual in the United States performed more important service, everything considered, in bringing about the election of him who has proved to be the nation's idol. The statements embodied in imperishable bronze upon the tablet dedicated here today are most admirably calculated to impress and inform future generations as to the most important characteristics of this great man this noble-hearted philanthropist although it will be almost impossible for those who never had the good fortune of his personal acquaintance to realize the grandeur and great modesty of his character. It appears proper to add that such was the simplicity of the man that we may well believe he never anticipated he would be deemed worthy of such public remembrance as has been mani- fested today, or had any idea of its possible occurrence. 26 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY PRESENTATION OF MEMORIAL GATEWAY TO TOWN OF NORMAL MRS. D. C. SMITH As President of the Women's Improvement League of Normal, the pleasing task is mine to present to the Town of Normal, through you, its Mayor, the stone gateway just erected at the east entrance to this campus in memory of Jesse W. Fell. It is a tribute of love from his many friends far and near, who ad- mired him while he was with them and who now honor his memory. The bronze medallion portrait upon one of the main posts is a gift from the grandchildren, and is dedicated by them with affection to the grandfather whom they knew and loved. The League is exceedingly pleased to know that the Town has au- thorized you to present this gateway for perpetual preservation to the Illinois State Normal University, thus linking together the University and the Town in further memory of him who was the friend and lover of both. The members of the League feel a sense of pride, pardonable I trust, in the fact that they have been permitted to bear some humble part in the erection of this memorial gateway, and they cherish the hope that in the years to come many who look upon it, and pause to study the portrait and read the inscription it bears, .may be inspired with Jesse W. Fell's rare public spirit and be moved to walk' in his ways. ACCEPTANCE FOR MEMORIAL GATEWAY FOR TOWN OF NORMAL O. L. MANCHESTER Mr. Chairman, Madam President of the Women's Improvement League: In behalf of the Town of Normal I accept this gift. While it is primarily and fundamentally a memorial to Jesse W. Fell, it will, in a secondary and less important way stand as a testimony to the good will, the thoughtfulness, and the perseverance of the Women's Im- provement League. By the Town Council of the Town of Normal I am authorized not only to accept this gateway but to give it away. Therefore, to the Illinois State Normal University, as represented by its Board of Trustees and its President present here today, I now present this memorial. That the women have wished that this transfer be made in this way emphasizes the fact that they wish the most cordial and helpful relations to continue to exist between the school and the town. May this beautiful memorial for generations and centuries to come continue to stretch out its ample white arms in welcome to the young men and women not only of Normal and McLean county but to those of the whole state of Illinois. ACCEPTANCE FOR UNIVERSITY 27 ACCEPTANCE FOR PERPETUAL PRESERVATION CHAS. L. CAPEN The first Constitution ever written provided that rewards should be conferred upon public benefactors. When such are bestowed by pri- vate liberality, and by affection, it is a coronation. It has been well said the greatest of public benefactors are the founders of such in- stitutions as that upon whose ground we celebrate today. Every such a one is but the shadow of a great philanthropist who created it. Illinois is blest more than in all other mighty achievements in the character of her pioneers, whose pure souls with unflagging energy established the foundations and set up the ideals of the highest civili- zation. The guide posts and land marks they handed down to us were those of education, progress and the higher life that for all time point and illuminate the true path. Never had any community bestowed upon it, one whose public and private virtue, whose deeds and achievements were greater or more lasting in good, than was and is Jesse W. Fell none of whom the saying of Lamartine is truer that Providence seems to delight at rare intervals in bestowing upon a community a great spiritual leader. Of the most modest of men, working always for others and not for himself, he never sought personal distinction. He had much to do in establishing the common school system of the state; then with wise foresight recognizing schools could not succeed well without trained teachers, he rendered yeoman service in having passed the charter of our Normal School: but for his heroic and long-continued labors, it would have been located elsewhere, and this village not have been. He provided important surroundings, one being the curse of the saloon should not tempt the student; he planted many of the trees on the campus with his own hands and at his own expense; at the critical time in the panic of 1857 he, with one or two others, saved the institution from its creditors; during the after period of stress and storm he never hesitated to make any individual sacrifice, to devote his time and wisdom for its good. The debt of gratitude is none the less if he builded better than he knew. We owe it to his character, as well as to ourselves, in this critical time when such strong efforts are being made to discard the ideals of the past, and to substitute for them those so strongly advocated in certain quarters, that this beautiful gateway built by the loving hands of the women of Normal, and by them given, shall stand as a perpetual protest against the false and dangerous doctrine the acquisition of wealth and the devotion of the chief energy and concern should be that which has wrecked the principal nations of Europe, and, if ac- cepted, cannot fail to produce a like result for us. The beautiful architecture is in itself an inspiration and culture to every one who passes through its portals, and teaches that we must depend more than ever before upon the lessons of our schools and churches, that the most important ambition should be for a broader and deeper life rather than for a more extravagant living, and that love of country is to be exhibited in the upper and nobler spheres. Mr. Fell was of 28 THE ALUMNI QUARTERLY the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, whose every action is controlled by the inner light, and was one of the truest of that de- nomination. It is justice to call him the height of Normal, as Scipio was called the height of Rome. It is my good fortune to accept with gratitude, in the name of the State Board of Education this noble gift, and to promise in its name it shall be sacredly cherished and preserved. The Board is only a trustee, and acts for all the citizens of the state in memory of her distinguished son; for the residents of this county and village who are what they are because he lived and strove among them and still lives and strives for the hundreds of students now fitting themselves for the highest employment of life, and the thousands yet to come. This gift is not limited to the present generation, but is for posterity as well; example and influence cannot die; it will act something like a miracle upon the hearts and minds of all. THE EARLY DAYS OF NORMAL URBAN A-CHAMPAIGN, ILL., May 23, 1914. * * * I can still remember the bare appearance of almost everything in and about the village, when the trees which "Jesse, the Tree Planter, ' ' had set out were not yet grown. They were of the promise of things to be, a promise which has been more than realized, but it took the eye of faith to see in the distant future what was to come out of his life and work. EDMUND J. JAMES. NATURE PAINTED IN GREEN AND GOLD * * * In the early fifties between the Illinois Central and the land, whereon three or four years later was to arise the stately edifice of the Normal University, rolling, unbroken prairie sloped down from the hilltops to the north to the "slough" which meandered southwesterly across the valley and flowed beneath the Alton through the gap of a spindly bridge of piling where now the street car subway is found. The prairie, upland and slough, stretched southward until the cultivated fields near Sugar Creek were reached. Drear and desolate in the dead of winter as an arctic land- scape, the country took on thrilling beauties with the dawn of spring. From the days when the streams were yet scarcely freed from their icy fetters, when the buds were swelling on the cotton- woods and the catkins were showing on the willows; when the grasses of valley and hillside were beginning to tinge the land with green, thruout all the spring and summer and all the autumn until the frost colored the foliage and cut down the golden sunflowers, an ever-changing panorama of beauty was painted on the prairie. THE SPRING FRESHETS In those times before the surface waters were spirited away by drainage, the rainfall did not disappear quickly as it does now. In the spring the valleys were often flooded by heavy downpours, the little streams which never ceased to flow except for a few weeks in summers of drought, were quickly swollen and spread wide. The thickest slough grasses impeded the cur- rent and the water escaped but slowly thru the grassy barriers. IN THE HEART OF NORMAL These marshy places were the homes of almost countless varieties of beautiful and fragrant flowers, and tall and graceful grasses. The red-tipped blackbird swung upon the willows, the meadow lark piped in grass, flocks of snipe wheeled low in air and waded in the shallows. Such was the picture presented by the low-lying parts of Normal in the prairie days of sixty years ago. Such scenes are to be found today only upon the rapidly disappearing frontiers. CLEAR STREAMS OF LONG AGO A clear stream used then to flow from the northwest to the Illinois Central embankment, there turning south thru a ditch cut for it when the railway barred its southeastward flow. A few yards farther south, it was joined by another brook rippling from the northeast, passing under the Central thru a one-arch culvert. At what is now the west end of Beaufort street, the united stream wound southwesterly here and there beneath clumps of bending willows and thru grassy expanses, a veritable paradise of flowers. This rivulet in springtime now and then spread beyond its shallow banks, the water reaching almost to the Chicago & Alton and extending on the north to the rise of the hillsides. A MEMORY OF GOLDEN YELLOW One of the most beautiful of floral transformations of early spring days in this little valley, now in the very center of things, in the busy town, was the bursting forth of the cowslips, by which the marsh was bordered growing on the edges of the water and in it wide ribbons of vivid light green leaves brilliant in the sunlight. Last night an open blossom amid the leaves ! This morning, the green has turned to gold, the May flowers are in bloom ! It is as if some fairy host has splashed paint of golden yellow upon the verdant stripes of yesterday. Down the valley and up as far as one can see is the cowslip glory, brighter than the yellow primrose and the buttercup. THE VARIED COLORS And then came that morning later on, when the swamp mus- tard blossoms made great splashes of pure white ; and the days when the philox bloomed pink patches set on the tawny green upland grass and the deeper and ranker green of the lowland. THE SUNFLOWERS Next in beauty to the April surprise of the cowslips, per- haps, was the blooming of the sunflowers. Late in the summer they began to glow. Of these there were scores of varieties great tall ones lifting their golden blooms ten feet in air and lesser ones bearing yellow flowers and yellow with black centers nearer to the ground. When the sun flower season was at its prime, there was a wide golden border on either side of the tall slough grass. Flags, the wild fleur de lys, flaunted their banners of blue and gold in marshy places and when they faded bequeathed an Egyptian heritage of cat-tails. THE PRAIRIE UPLANDS How beautiful, too, were the upland levels and the hillsides ! Clad in verdure by the grasses brilliant green in spring, chang- ing to yellow and russets in the summer and autumn, spangled by a continually changing host of flowers! In early spring the violets, blue, and delicately veined with white; pansies, spring beauties, big sorrel flowers, pink and yellow and white ; odorous clumps of fragrant, creamy meadow sweet; blue gentians, the swamp and upland anemones; wild flax, flowering grasses, the gleaming yellow puccoon, wonderful groups of deep red and orange milkweeds. THE PRAIRIE ROSES And the roses ! Deep pink, and pinkish white, they bloomed in profusion everywhere along the edges of the slough-grass, on the hillsides and hilltops and by the dusty roadsides. They reveled on the railway embankments and hung their perfumed buds and blossoms over the edges of cuts. WILLIAM MCCAMBRIDGE. Washington, D. C., June 3, 1916. A STUDENT'S MEMORY OF THE CAMPUS (The Daily Pantagraph) The approach of the occasion on June 5, upon which the Jesse W. Fell memorial gateway will be dedicated, has brought from many Normal students of earlier days, a message of appre- ciation. With each student passing from the university there goes a recollection of the remarkable beauty of the grounds, the beauty that was made possible thru the thought and effort of Jesse W. Fell. Mr. Benjamin Robinson, of Cambridge, has written con- cerning the effect which his memory holds of school days at Normal : "Having heard of the approaching dedication of the Jesse Fell gateway at Normal, I have been thinking with a great deal of interest and affection of the beautiful campus to which this new gateway will give appropriate and dignified approach. ' ' While a student at Normal more than thirty years ago, the campus meant a great deal to me. Its wide lawns, gentle slopes and abundant shade made it a constant joy. But I fear at the time I took these blessings too much for granted. "On the other hand, as from time to time I have revisited Normal, I have been more and more impressed with the extent to which the beauty of the campus is the matured result of wise and farsighted planning. In the first place, the grounds of the University were laid out on a surprisingly liberal scale with ample foresight and obviously with a fine faith in the future of the institution, a faith which is certainly worthily justified. "The next impressive feature of the campus is the variety of its trees. This must have been the result of considerable study and selection with due regard to soil and climate and their group- ing tho undertaken long before landscape gardening had become a recognized science in our country, was nevertheless accom- plished in a very pleasing way to give fine vistas and beautiful mass of foliage with just enough of plan and no obtrusive formality. ' ' On inquiry I learned long ago, that Mr. Jesse W. Fell was in large measure responsible for all this and it is on this account that on the dedication of the Jesse Fell gate I am taking the liberty to write and tell you how much the campus has meant to an old Normal student. " It is a highly interesting sort of arboratum where successive generations of students may learn to distinguish a fine variety of trees and derive from them many admirable ideas for attractive planting about public buildings elsewhere as they scatter to other centers. It is furthermore a wonderful object lesson of what can be accomplished in the beautifying of a tract of bare prairie land by the faith, foresight and intelligent efforts of one public spirited man." Very respectfully yours, BENJAMIN LINCOLN ROBINSON. Cambridge, Mass. FELL HALL DEAR MISSES FELL: It gives me great pleasure to inform you that by a unanimous vote the State Board of Education, at its recent meeting, named the new dormitory, on the grounds of the Normal School, ' ' Fell Hall ' ', in recognition of the great services your honored father rendered the institution : in its creation and thereafter as long as he lived. The Board well knows that but for his remarkable labors, enthusiasm and executive ability, the school would have been located elsewhere, and the Village of Normal have been little more than a railroad crossing. The State Board was glad to bestow this little tribute in memory of a great benefactor. It also appointed a Committee to prepare a suitable bronze tablet to be placed upon or near the main entrance. Only part of the building is now under construction : when fully completed, the dormitory will be the largest and most noticeable of all the structures upon the grounds. This action of the Board has received the approbation of all connected with the School and of the entire community. Very sincerely, your friend, CHARLES L. CAPEN, President State Board of Education. Bloomington, Illinois, December Twenty-third, Nineteen Hundred, Sixteen. A SHORT SKETCH of HESTER BROWN FELL BROWNS OF NOTTINGHAM From Authentic Records HESTER VERNON (BROWN) FELL Hester Vernon (Brown) Fell was the daughter of William and Rachel (Milner) Brown and a direct descendant of James Brown who came from England prior to 1679. James Brown's brother, William, who in 1682 came over to America in the same vessel with the great leader of their faith, William Penn, tells of their father's "convincement" in the following quaint lan- guage. "About the first going forth of that eminent minister of the Gospel, William Dewsbury, he came to the town where this pious man dwelt, who observed him as he was passing along, and taking notice of the solidity of his countenance, invited him to turn in and to break bread with him. He accept- ed the invitation and when they sat down the said William Brown had a little ceremony, or what is called 'grace before meat'. William Dewsbury was invited to help himself, but sit- ting in a grave manner, he replied, 'If thou wilt first partake with me T shall be free to partake with thee.' After a short silence he was drawn forth in testimony, beginning with these words, '0, Earth ! Earth ! hear the word of the Lord !' branch- ing out in a powerful manner which effectually reached and convinced this religious man. After this he accompanied W. Dewsbury on the way towards a neighboring village, and recommended him to a certain man's house, who was likewise religiously inclined and also effectively convinced on W. D.'s visit. "When William Brown came back, his wife asked him wherefore he brought that madman to their house ; he answered, 'Why, woman, he hath brought the Eternal Truth from God to us. ' She was somewhat affected and did not know the mean- ing of it ; but becoming more inwardly thoughtful, she was also convinced." "After William Penn obtained a grant from King Charles IT., for the province of Pennsylvania, and upon the proposal thereupon of many Quakers or Friends, as they styled them- selves removing from England to settle in America, there was a doubt in the minds of some (who were valuable) about the propriety of such a removal, lest it should be deemed flying from persecution ; but William Dewsbury, traveling into those parts where the Browns lived, had a meeting there and proved the means of settling and reconciling the minds of some that were in doubts, expressing in his testimony to this effect; 'The HESTER VERNON (BROWN) FELL Lord is about to plant the wilderness of America with a choice vine or noble seed, which shall grow and flourish,' and, in the language of a prophet divinely inspired, he added nearly thus : 'I see them, I see them, under his blessing arising into a state of prosperity,' thereby foretelling the spreading of the Truth in America." James Brown settled first at Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania. "At a Friends' meeting in Burlington, Ye 8th of Ye 6th Month, 1679, he was joyned in marriage to Honour Clayton, daughter of William Clayton, who had immigrated in 1677. *' William Clayton was one of the nine justices who in 1681 sat at Upland, Pennsylvania, afterward called Chester by William Penn, and was a member of Penn's Council, 1682- '84. In 1702 James, with his brother William, moved to Not- tingham, forty miles distant, a place "accounted far back in the wilderness," where he spent the remainder of his days. It is natural to believe that William Brown, who laid out the "Nottingham lots" gave this name from Nottinghamshire in remembrance of his early home in England. About ten miles west of this place, in Little Brittain, Lancaster County, more than a century later, on March 2, 1819, was born to William and Rachel Brown their daughter, Hester Vernon, the great, great, great granddaughter of James Brown. In 1828, Hester's father, William Brown, brought his family to Illinois, settling on a farm on the Mackinaw River in Tazewell County. They drove from Pennsylvania, having a four-horse team to convey their household goods and a two- horse carriage in which the family rode. They were nearly four weeks on the way, often stopping at farm houses for the night. If the house was too small to accommodate the family, they spread their own bedding on the floor for a part of them, and the rest slept on beds prepared in their wagon, which was covered and comfortably arranged for this itinerant living. The event of the journey which impressed itself most vividly on the mind of Hester, then a child of nine years, was jolting over the corduroy roads across the marshy lands of Indiana. There were other than financial reasons that lead William Brown at the age of forty-eight to leave his comfortable eastern home, surrounded as it was by old friends and numerous rela- tives, to brave the inevitable hardships of pioneer life. His thought was for his children, three of whom were entering upon manhood. For these sons he was looking forward to the time when they would be forming homes of their own with new ties and relationships and this gentleman of the old school and his good wife were willing to make any sacrifice for the future of their children. However, while he thus cheerfully gave up ease and com- fort to face the uncertainty of western pioneer life, he always held to his inherited ideals of home life and manners and required conformity to these from all in his home, whether members of the family or helpers on the farm which soon amounted to a section of land. The family arrived at their new home in October. On the farm, which William Brown had purchased from the govern- ment and which he owned till the time of his death, were two log-cabins which the family occupied until spring, when a house of hewn logs was built. None of the houses in the vicinity were furnished with windows. There were openings left for air and light which, in some cases, were closed by oiled paper, excluding the cold and admitting some light. William Brown, however, went to St. Louis before the coming on of cold weather to procure glass window panes. In taking this journey, he walked to Pekin, a distance of sixteen miles, where he took a boat to St. Louis. Upon his return his eldest son, Isaiah, met him with a wagon at Pekin. The winter of 1828 was a severe season, two years before the winter of the "big snow". Snow fell early and almost con- tinuously and lay on the ground to a depth of two and three feet. At that time game was abundant and one of the brothers trapped one hundred and twenty-five prairie chickens during the winter ; venison, too, was plentiful. They had brought with them a goodly amount of provisions and these, in addition to what was obtained on the trip to St. Louis, kept the family well supplied during this first winter in their new western home. William's wife, Rachel Milner Brown, by her thrift and ingenu- ity, helped to keep the family from suffering many of the privations that usually fell to the lot of early pioneers. As was usual in this new western country, there were no schools near at hand. On this account, a teacher was em- ployed for a time in the Brown home to instruct the younger members of the family. Joshua, the second son of William and Rachel Brown, who was about nineteen years old when they arrived in Illinois, in a letter written by him in his eighty eighth year, says he remembers perfectly Jesse W. Fell's arrival at his father's in the fall of 1832. "He came by steamboat to Pekin, and footed it to our house, a distance of sixteen miles, carrying a knapsack and feeling as big as King Solomon in the height of his glory. ' ' Jesse, the young pioneer, readily accepted an invita- tion to teach the younger children of the Brown family during the ensuing winter. At the age of seventeen, Hester and one of her sisters were sent to Springfield to attend a school for young ladies, kept by HESTEE VERNON (BROWN) FELL a very excellent teacher, and the girls received what, at that time, was considered a superior education. Among the reminsicences of her girlhood days, given by Mrs. Jesse W. Fell, are these ; one winter day in 1836, a brother rode horseback to the post-office, four miles distant. It was raining when he left home, but before his return the weather turned cold, and his clothing was frozen so tightly to the sad- dle that it had to be thawed to release him. In recalling with her grandchildren her childhood days in Illinois she often said: "Thoughts of my mother always bring to my mind the picture of a trim figure in a neat, quaker drab garb." This mother of hers never failed to order her new friends' bonnet from Philadelphia, where alone they had the art, or fine art, of constructing those perfect creations of simplicity with never a wrinkle nor twist nor sign of a stitch. The few plaits needed in joining the crown to the front and main part of the bonnet were so exact that no tape could discover in them a hint of variation. The narrow bonnet strings of ribbon were its nearest approach to ornamentation. Beneath the bonnet was worn a net cap to save the slightest soil from the immaculate bonnet and soften the outline of the face. When not in use the bonnet was stored away in a clothes press in a round bandbox with an outside cover of cotton goods, which was drawn together at the top with a cord. Her father was very fond of well bred horses and had none but the best on his place. One which was of immense size and strength, was often brought into requisition to carry people across the Mackinaw when the water was unusually high a sort of living ferry. Mrs. Fell often told of what a fine "eques- trian" he was and with what ease and grace he would place his hand on the pommel of the saddle and vault upon his horse. In 1833, when there was a general failure of the corn crop, her father having an abundance was called upon for seed corn by the farmers far and near. The grain would have com- manded almost any price, but William Brown would not take advantage of their necessity and charged only the current price of $1.00 per bushel. Consequently he was known in all that region as "Joseph." Extracts from letters of her father to his cousin, Jeremiah Brown, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, will give a glimpse of the life of the early Illinois pioneer. Tazewell County, 11 mo, 5th, 1829. * * * I have purchased two hundred acres of land which will be as much as I need at present. My prospects are fair, how they will turn out Providence only knows. Besides this purchase BIOGRAPHY I have been able to lend as much money as will bring me a hand- some farm every year and still as much cash as will purchase, as I need and what I will need for other purposes. Among all dis- advantages I have one satisfaction, that is, I owe no man any- thing but good will and I feel myself a free man and, if I keep my senses, no man will ever catch me otherwise. * * * Tazewell County, 4th mo, 20th, 1830. * * * The people of this country are from all parts of the Union; with different manners and habits from what we have been used to and almost as many religions as people, but they are very kind and obliging. I can do very well with them. * * * May peace, prosperity and happiness attend thee and thine with all my friends and relations, which is the sincere wish of thy old friend and relation, J. Brown, Jr. WILLIAM BROWN. From another letter written in eighteen thirty four, when he was a member of the Illinois Legislature from Tazewell County, to this same cousin, then a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, we have the following: * * * " I am in Vandalia at this time and shall remain here until the first of March. I should like it, if thee would write to me, as soon as thee receives this, and send a statement of how the canals and railroads of thy state are coming on. I was elected to the Legislature at the last election, and, as our State seems wild to follow the Eastern States in improvements, I would like to know whether the works are like to be an advantage to the State in general or not." * * * The young people of those days did not lack for entertain- ment, and those of the Brown neighborhood thought nothing of riding on horseback to a party at Pekin, sixteen miles dis- tant. But those were the good old days of work as well as play, and the girls, as well as the boys, had their tasks or "stints", as they were called, to perform each day, and this discipline prepared Hester Brown for the accomplishment of the arduous duties which fell to her lot, at a later period, as the wife of a pioneer in the city many of whose streets and avenues bear testimony to the interest taken in the- infant enter- prise by herself and her worthy husban'd. On January 26, 1838, Hester Brown married Jesse W. Fell, who by this time had opened the first law office in Bloomington. Jesse W. Fell as well as his wife came from a Quaker family, his mother being a speaker in the Quaker meetings. His family were the first Quakers in Bloomington and religious meetings HESTER VERNON (BROWN) FELL were held in their home. Her father, as well as her husband's father, in common with all Quakers, were strong anti-slavery men. Both William Brown and Jesse Fell, Sr., were known to have assisted slaves in getting from the South to Canada via the "underground railroad," as it was called. The exact route of this so-called "underground railway" through the portion of the Illinois where the Brown family lived, has been obliterated by forgetfulness and the long num- ber of years that have passed by since it was used. In fact, it is doubtful if there were ever a distinct line along which all the negroes were transported by friendly assistance. However, it is recalled that the runaways generally took the route along the Illinois river north from St. Louis, then followed the Macki- naw so as to keep within the protection of the timber as long as possible. They seldom sought the road across the open prairie, for fear of being detected. There was a large hound named "Pete" in the family in those days, and the stories of his service to the runaway negroes are still extant. It is said that he would growl and bark at any strange white man who approached the house, but if a negro was discovered by him Pete would scratch at the door and later at the garments of some member of the family until attention was called to the hiding place of the colored man and the latter was thus, through the intelligence of the dog, assisted to shelter. Pete's life of service extended over twenty- years. The young people went to housekeeping on what is now the George P. Davis place, and Jesse W. Fell, who was fond of horticulture and was something of a botanist, began what proved to be his life work, the planting of trees. In 1857 they removed to Normal, building the first house erected in that village, on the corner of Broadway and what is now Irving Avenue. The Fell residence was, for many years, the finest in Normal and many will recall the extensive and beautiful park which filled the triangle between the Chicago and Alton rail- road, Broadway and Vernon Avenue. In this home Mr. and Mrs. Fell reared their children. Mrs. Fell was always noted for her energy and good management. At the time of the dedi- cation of the Normal University building, she and her cousin, Mrs. Charles Holder, were the prime movers in preparing the banquet they called it a big dinner then which was given in the large hall. Church services were held at that time in the University building, as no church had as yet been erected in Normal, and some of Mrs. Fell's children attended their first Sunday school BIOGRAPHY there. In these early days the grounds of the Fell homestead were always open to the students. Mr. Fell died in Normal on the 25th day of February, 1887, in his seventy-ninth year. Mrs. Fell survived him by nearly twenty years, her death occurring in Normal on June 12, 1906. We believe the best insight into her character will be gained from the following words uttered at that time by Rev. J. H. Mueller, who had been her pastor for fourteen years : "Mrs. Fell has always appeared to me more than anything else the pattern of a great fidelity. I do not know anybody who has been more faithful to life 's trust. I have often listened to portions of the beautiful story of her life, especially the stories of those early years of hardship and denial, and yet of her triumphant faith. Those of us who knew her only in the gentleness of her latter years, could hardly think of her as on* among those early pioneers whose nerves were iron and whose confidence in human nature was almost divine. There was something in those brave pathfinders of our civilization in this western land, something so strong, so confident, so self-reliant, that we who now live can hardly understand. The duties of these men and women were hard ; and the harvests often scant; and the joys of life always mixed with hunger and fatigue and loneliness. Hers was that gracious faculty may I call it the Christlike gift ? of always thinking and speaking well and kindly of every fellow mortal. I do not recall the first unkindly word she ever spoke. She never forgot life's spring; she never forgot how to be young and joyous. She was the friend of the children; and they, in turn, came to her for friendship's sake. "She was like herself alone, especially in her thinking. Of Quaker stock, hers was the independent faith the faith in God which knows no limitations. She cared nothing for the beaten paths, the 'footprints' made by others. She went where truth and conscience called her. I have heard her give ex- pression to very quaint, yet always generous, ideas. Her life was full of motion. Her heart was always open as the gates of day. She never lacked the sentiment of appreciation. She sought the light and found it ; and stranger than all else, she never kept it for herself alone. She had the courage and the goodness to tell her honest thoughts. I never discovered a taint or touch of malice in her life. Surely, she, if anyone, leaves behind an untarnished memory. Her light will keep on burning."