973.7L63 Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878, BW459a Administration of Abraham Lincoln LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER ^\ THE GALAXY VOL. XXni.— JANUAKY, 1877.— No. 1. ADMINISTRATION OF ABHAII.\M LINCOLN. rr^IIE political differences wliicli JL have generated parties in this country date back to an early period. They existed under the old coufedcr- ttion, were perceptible in the form- ation of the Constitution and estab- lishment of "a more perfect union." Differences on fundamcutal principles of government led to the organization of parties which, under various names, aftir the adoption of tlie Federal Con- stitution, divided the people and in- fluenced and often controlKd national and State elections. Neither of the parties, however, has alw.ays strictly adhered or been true to its professed principles. Each has, under the pres- sure of circumstances and to secure tcftiporary ascendancy in the Federal or State governments, departed from the landmarks and traditions which gave it its distinctive cliaractcr. The Cen- traiuis, a name wliich more signi- ficantly than any other expresses the ehar.acter, principlij, and ti^ndcncy of those who favor centralization of power in a supreme head that shall ex- ercise paternal control over States and people, have under various names con- stituted one party. On the other hand, the SlatUti, under different names, have from the first been jealous of central supremacy. They believe in local self- government, support the States in all their reserved and ungranted rights, insist on a strict con.'itruotion of the Constitution and the limitation of Federal authority to the powers specifi- cally delegated in that instrument. The broad and deep line of demarc- ation between these parties has not always been acknowledged. Inno- vation and change have sometimes modified and disturbed this line; but after a period the distinctive boundary has reappeared and antagonized the people. During the administration of Mr. Monroe, known as the "era of good feeling," national party lines were almost totally obliterated, and local and personal controversies took their place. National questions were revivid, however, and contested with extreme violence during several suc- ceeding administrations. Thirty years later, when the issues of bank, tarifl, internal improvements, and an inde- pendent treasury were disposed of, there was as complete a break up of parties as in the days of Monroe. It was not, however, in an "era of good feeling" that this later dislocation of parties took place; but an attempt was made in 1850 by leading politicians belonging to different organizations to unite the people by a compromise or an arrangement as unnatural as it was insincere — party lines if not obliterated were, as the authors intended, in a measure broken down. This compro- mise, as it was called, was a sacrifice of honest principlos, and instead of allay- ing dispute.ngT«M, it Wa^hlogtoa. 1 6 ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAUAM LENCOLN. [Jancaky, Bcending anything the country had ever expeiienced, and ended in a civil war. The time has not yet arrived for a calm and dispassionate review of the acts and actors of that period and the events of the immediately succeeding years ; but the incidents that took place and the experience so dearly purchased should not be perverted, misunder- stood, or wholly forgotten. The compromises of 1850, instead of adjusting differences and making the people of one mind on political ques- tions, actually caused in their practical results the alienation of life-long party friends, led to new associations among old opponents, and created organiza- tions that partook more of a sectional character than of honest constitutional differences on fundamental questions relative to the powers and authority of the Government, such as had previous- ly divided the people. The facility with which old political opponents came together in the compromise mea- sures of 1850, and abandoned principles and doctrines for which they had bat- tled through their whole lives, begot popular distrust. Confidence in the sincerity of the men who so readily made sacrifices of principles was for- feited or greatly impaired. Tlie Wliig party dwindled under it, and as an organization shortly went out of ex- istence. A large portion of its mem- bers, disgusted with what they con- sidered the insincerity if not faithless- ness of their leaders, yet unwilling to attach themselves to the Democratic party, which had coalesced in the move- ment, gathered together in a secret or- ganization, styling themselves "Know Nothings." Democrats in some quar- rters, scarcely less dissatisfied witli the compromises, joined the Know Nothing order, and in one or two annual elec- tions this strange combination, without avowed principles or purpose, save that of the defeat and overthrow of poli- ticians, who were once their trusted favorites, was successful. In this de- moralized condition of affairs, the Democrats by the accession of Whigs in the Southern States obtained posses- sion of the Government and main- tained their ascendancy through the Pierce administration; and, in a con- test quite as much sectional as polit- ical, elected Buchanan in 1856. But these were the expiring days of the old Democratic organization, which, under the amalgamating process of the compromise measures, became shattered and mixed, especially in the Southern States, with former Wliigs, and was to a great extent thereafter sectionalized. The different opposing political elements united against it and organized and established the Re- publican party, which triumphed in the election of Lincoln in 1800. The ad- ministration which followed and was inaugurated in 1801 differed in essen- tial particulars from either of the pre- ceding political organizations. Men of opposing principles — Centralists, who like Hamilton and patriots of that class were for a strong imperial na- tional government, with supervising and controlling authority over the States, on one hand, and Statists on the other, who, like Jefferson, adhered to State individuality and favored a league or federation of States, a national re- public of limited and clearly defined powers, with a strict observance of all the reserved right of the local com- monwealths — were brought together in the elections of 1860. It has been represented and recorded as grave history that the Republican party was an abolition party. Such was not the fact, although the small and utterly powerless faction which, under the lead of "William Lloyd Garrison and others, had for years made aggressiva war on slavery, was one of the elements which united with Whigs and Dem- ocrats in the election of Mr. Lincoln. Nor was that result a Whig triumph, though a large portion of the Whigs in the free States, after the compromises of 1850, from natural antagonism to the Democrats, entered into the Repub- lican organization. While it is true that a large majority of the Whigs of the North relinquished their old organ- ization and became Republicans, it is 1877.1 ADSUNISTRATION OF ABRAH:V>I LINCOLN. no les3 true that throughout the slave States, and in many of the free States, the members of the Whig party to a considerable extent supported Bell or Breokenridge. But Democrats dissat- isfied with the measures of the Pierce and Buchanan administrations, in much larger numbers than is generally conceded, took early and efficient part in the Republican organizations— some on account of the repeal of the Mis- souri compromise, but a much larger number in consequence of the efforts of the central Government at Washing- ton, by what vras considered by them an abuse of civil trust, and by military interference, to overpower the settlers in Kansas, denying them the right of self-government, and an attempt arbi- trarily and surreptitiously to impose upon the inhabitants against their will a fraudulent Constitution. It was this large contribution of free-thinking and independent Democrats, who had the courage to throw off party allegiance .and discipline in behalf of the prin- ciples of free government on which our republican system is founded, the right of the people to self-government, and, consequently, the right to form and establish their own constitution without dictation or interference from the central government so long as they violated no provision of the organic law, that gave tone, form, and ascend- ancy to the Republican party in every free State. Persistent efforts have been made to establish as historical truths the rep- resentations that the civil war had its origin in a scheme or purjiose to abol- ish slavery in the States where it ex- isted, and that the election of Abraham Lincoln was an abolition triumph — a premeditated, aggressive, sectional war upon the South ; whereas the reverse is the fact — the Republican p.arty in its inception was a strictly constitutional party, that defended the rights of the people, the rights of the States, and the rights of the Federal Government, which were assailed by a sectional com- bination that was not satisfied with the Constitution as it was, but proposed to exact new guarantees from the na- tion for the protection of what they called "Southern rights" — rights un- known to the Constitution. The mis- representations that the Republicans were aggressive and aimed to change the organic law have not been without their influence, temporarily at least, in prejudicing and warping the public mind. It is true that the slavery ques- tion was most injudiciously and un- wisely brought into the party contro- versies of the country ; but it was done by the slaveholders or their political representatives in Congress after the failure of the nuUifiers to obtain as- cendancy in the Government on the subject of free trade and resistance to the revenue laws. Johu C. Calhoun, a man of un- doubted talents, but of unappeasable ambition, had at an early period of his life, while Secretary of War, and still a young man, aspired to the office of President. By his ability and patri- otic course during the war of 1813, and subsequently by a brilliant career as a member of Mr. Monroe's Cabinet, he h.ad acquired fame and a certain degree of popularity which favored his pretensions, particularly with young men and army officers. Schemes and projects of national aggrandizement by internal improvements, protection to home industries, large military ex- penditures, and me.asures of a central- izing tendency which were popular in that era of no parties, gave him i'dat as Secretary of War. Flattered by his attentions and by his shining qualities, militai-y men became his enthusiastic supporters, and received encourage- ment from him in return. It was the first attempt to elect so young a man to be Chief Magistrate, and was more per- sonal than political in its character. In the memorable contest for the sue- cessorship to President Monroe, Mr. Calhoun at one time seemed to be a formidable candidate; but his pop- ularity being personal was evanescent, and failed to enlist the considerate and reflecting. Even his military hopes were soon eclipsed by Genera! Jack- 8 .U)iIlNISTRATION OP ABRA.HAJVI LINCOLN. [January, son, whose bold achievements and suc- cesses in the Indian and Britisli wars captivated the popular mind. Jack- son had also, as a representative and Senator in Congress, Judge of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, and Gov- ernor of Florida, great civil experience. Mr. Callioun was, however, in the polit- ical struggle that took place in 1834, elected to the second oiBce of the re- public, while in the strife, confusion, and break up of parties no one of the competing candidates for President re- ceived a majority of the electoral votes. He and his supporters submitted to, it may be said acquiesced in, the result then and also in 1828, when General Jackson was elected President and Mr. Calhoun was reelected to the office of Vice-President. This acquiescence, however, was reluctant ; but with an ex- pectation that he would in 1833, at the close of General Jackson's term, be the successor of the distinguished military chieftain. But the arrangements of calculat- ing politicians often end in disap- pointments. Such was the misfor- tune of Mr. Calhoun. His ambitious and apparently well contrived plans had most of them an abortive and hap- less termination. Observation and ex; pericnce convinced him, after leaving Mr. Monroe's Cabinet, that the ed- ucated and reflective Statists or State rights men of the country, and espe- cially of the South, would never sanc- tion or be reconciled to the exercise of power by the Federal Govern- ment to protect the manufacturing in- terests of New England, or to construct roads and canals in the West, at the ex- pense of the National Treasury. These were, however, favorite measures of a class of politicians of the period who had special interests to subserve, and who carried with them the consolida- tionists, or advocates of a strong and magnificent central government. The tariff, internal improvements, and kiu- dred subjects became classified and known in the party politics of that day as the "American system" — a system of high taxes and large expenditures by the Federal Government — without specific constitutional authority for either. Parties were arrayed on op- posite sides of this system, which, be- sides the political principles involved, soon p.artook of a sectional character. High and oppressive duties on importa- tions, it was claimed, were imposed to foster certain industries in the North to the injury of the South. Henry Clay, a politician and states- man of wonderful magnetic power, was the eloquent champion of tlie "Amer- ican system," and enlisted in his favor the large manufacturing interest in the North and the friends of internal im- provement in the West. These mea- sures were made national issues, and Mr. Clay, Speaker of the House of Representatives, appropriated them to his personal advancement, and was their recognized leading advocate. Mr. Calhoun could not be second to his Western rival, but abandoned the policy of protection, iuternal improve- ments, and great national undertak- ings, and allied himself to the com- mercial and plantation interests, which opposed the system, expecting to iden- tify himself with and to receive the support of the Statists. But the strict constructionists of Virginia, Georgia, and other States of the old Jefferson school distrusted him and withheld their confidence and support. South Carolina, erratic, brilliant, and impulsive, had never fully harmonized with the politicians of Virginia in their political doctrines, but had been in- clined to ridicule the rigid and non- progressive principles of her states- men, who, always cautious, were now slow to receive into fellowship and to commit themselves to the new con- vert who sought their support. They slighted him, and rejected his nullifi- cation remedies. Instead of following the Palmetto State in her fanatical party schemes on the alleged issue of free trade, and supporting her "fa- vorite son " in his tlieories, they sus- tained General Jackson, whose Union sentiments they approved, and who, to the disgust of Calhoun, became a 1877 ADMINISTRATION OF ABR^VIIAil LINCOLN. caudidato for reelection in 1S32 and received the votes of almost the wliole Bouth. In this crisis, when the heated par- tisans of South Carolina in their zeal for free trade and State rights liad made a step in advance of the more staid and reflecting Statists, and undertook to abrogate and nullify the laws of the Federal Government legal- ly enaeted, tltey found themselves un- supported and in difficulty, and natu- rally turnecj to their acknowledged leader for guidance. To contest the Federal Government, and pioneer the way for his associates to resist and overthrow the Administration, Mr. Cal- houn resigned the otBce of Vice-Presi- dent and accepted that of Senator, where his active mind, fertile in re- sources, could, and as he and they be- lieved would extricate them. There was, however, at the head of the Gov- ernment in that day a stern, patriotic, and uncompromising Chief Magistrate, who would listen to no mere temporiz- ingcspedients when the stability of the Union was involved, and who, while recognizing and maintaining the rights of the States, never forgot the rights that belonged to ths Federal Govern- ment. In his extremity, when con- fronting this inflexible President, Mr. Calhouu hastened to make friends with his old opponents. Clay, Webster, and the protectionists, the advocates of the "American system," the authors and champions of the very policy which had been made the pretext or justification for nullification and re- sistance to Federal law and the Fede- ral authority. This coalition of hos- tile factions combined in a scheme, or compromise, where each Bacrificed principles to oppose the administration of Jockaon. It was an insincere and unrighteous coalition which soon fell asunder. In the mean time, while nullifi- cation was hopelessly prostrate, and before the coalition was complete, the prolific mind of the aspiring Carolin- ian devised a new plan and a new system of tactics which it was expected would sectionalizc and unite the South. This new device was a defence of slav- ery — a subject in which the entire South was interested — against the impudent demands of the abolitionists. Not un- til the nuUifiers were defeated, and had failed to draw the South into their nullification plan, was slavery agita- tion introduced into Congress and made a sectional party question with aggressive demands for national pro- tection. The abolitionists were few in numbers, and of little account in American politics. Some benevolent Quakers and uneasy fanatics, who neither comprehended the structure of our Federal system nor cared for the Constitution, had annually for forty years petitioned Congress to give free- dom to the slaves. But the statesmen of neither party listened to these un- constitutional appeals until the defeat- ed nuUifiers professed great apprehen- sion in regard to them, and introduced the subject as a disturbance, and made it a sensational sectional issue in Con- gress and the elections. From the first agitation of the sub- ject as a party question, slavery in all its phases was made; sectional and ag- gressive by the South. Beginning with a denial of the right to petition for the abolition of slavery, and with demands for new and more exacting national laws for the arrest and rendi- tion of fugitives, the new sectional party tost was followed by other mea- sures; such as the unconditional ad- mission of Texas, the extension of slavery into all the free territory ac- quired from Mexico, the repeal of the Missouri compromise, a denial to the people of Kansas of the right to frame their own constitution, and other in- cidental and irritating questions that were not legitimately within the scope of Federal authority. Fierce conten- tions prevailed for years, sometimes more violent than at others. In 1850 a budget of compromises, which has already been alluded to, involving a surrender of 4)rinciple8 and an enactment of laws that were unwarranted by tho Constitution, and 10 ADmXISTRATION OF ABRAIIAJiI LINCOLN. [Janc.uit, offensive in other respects, had been patched up by old Congressional party leaders, ostensibly to reconcile con- flicting views and interests, but which were superficial remedies for a cancer- ous disease, and intended more to glorify the authors than to promote the country's weli'are. Both of the great parties were committed by the managers to these compromises, but the effect upon each was different. The Whigs, tired of constant defeat, hoped for a change by the compro- mises that would give them recogni- tion and power; but instead of these they found themselves dwarfed and weakened, while the Democrats, who yielded sound principles to conciliate their Southern allies, were for a time numerically strengthened in that sec- tion by accessions from the Whigs. Old party lines became broken, and in the Presidential contest of 1853 the Democratic candidate. General Pierce, a young and showy, but not profound man, was elected by an overwhelming majority over the veteran General Scott, who was the candidate of the Whigs. From this date the Whig or- ganization dwindled and had but a fragmentary existence. Thencefor- ward, until the overthrow of the Dem- ocratic party, the Government at Washington tended to centralization. Fidelity to party, and adherence to organization, with little regard for principle, were its political tests in the free States. Sectional sentiments to sustain Southern aggressions, under the name of "Southern rights," were inculcated, violent language, and acts that were scarcely less so, prevailed through the South and found apolo- gists and defenders at the North. Presidents Pierce and Buchanan, liter- ally "northern men with southern principles," were submissive to these sectional aggressions, acquiesced in the repenl of the Missouri compromise, the extension and nationalizing of slavery, hitherto a State institution, and also to the schemes to prevent the establishment of a free constitution by the people of Kansas. The mass of voters opposed to the policy of these administrations, and who constituted the Republican party, were not entire- ly in accord on fundamental principles and views of government, but had been brought into united action from the course of events which followed the Mexican war, the acquisition of territory, and the unfortunate compro- mises of 1850. The sectional strife, for the alleged reason of Lincoln's election and Republican success, which eventuated in hostilities in ISCl, and the tremendous conflict that succeed- ed and shook the foundation of the Government during the ensuing four years, threatening the national exist ence, absorbed all minor questions of a purely political party character, and made the Cabinet of Mr. Lincoln, though its members entertained or- ganic differences, a unit. There were occasions when the antecedent opin- ions and convictions of the members elicited discussion in regard to the powers, limitations, and attributes of government; but in the midst of war disagreeing political ojjiuious as well as the laws themselves were silenced. Each and all felt the necessity of har- monious and efficient action to pre- serve the Union. This was especially thj case dur- ing the first two years of the war of secession. Not only the Presi- dent's constitutional advisers, but the Republican members of Congress, embracing many captious, factious, and theoretical controversialists, acted in harmony and concert. Murmurs were heard among ita friends, and dissatis- faction felt that the Administration was not sufficiently energetic or arbi- trary, and because it did not immedi- ately suppress the rebellion. A long period of peace which the country had enjoyed rendered the malcontents in- capable of judging of the necessities of preparation for war. " On to Rich- mond " became the cry of the impa- tient and restless before the armies mustered into service were organized. The violent and impassioned api)eals of excited and mischievous speakers 187 ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 11 and writers crc.itcd discontent and clamor that could not always be ap- peased or successfully resisted. Not content with honest if not always in- telligent criticism of tlie Government, some editors, papers, writers, and speakers, at an early period and in- deed throughout the war, condemned the policy pursued, assumed to direct the mauagement of affairs, and ad- vanced crude and absurd notions of the manner in which the Uovcnimeut should be administered and military operations conducted. For a period after the rout at Bull Run, which seemed a rebuke to these inconsiderate partisans, there was a temporary lull of complaints and apparent acquies- cence by Republicans in the measures of administration. Military dillereuces and army jea- lousies existed from the beginning, which were aggravated and stimulated by partisan friends and opponents of the rival officers, and by dissent from the policy pursued in the conduct of military affairs to which many took exception. General Scott was the military ora- cle of the Administration in the first days of the war. His ability and great experience entitled him to regard a:ul deference on all questions relating to military operations. No one ap- preciated his qualities more than the President, unless it was General Scott himself, who with great self-esteem was nevertheless not unconscious that his age and infirmities had impaired his physical energies, and in some re- spects untitled him to be the active military commander. It was his mis- fortune that he prided himself more if possible on his civil and political knowledge and his administrative ability than on his military skill and capacity. As a politician his opinions were often chimerical, unstable, and of little moment; but his military knowlcdcre and experience were valu- able. With headquarters at Washing- ton, and for thirty years consulted and trusted by successive administrations of different parties in important emer- gencies, internal and external, and at one time the selected candidate of one of the great political parties for Presi- dent, he had reason to feel that he was an important personage in the repub- lic; also that he was competent, and that it was a duty for him to partici- pate in political matters, and to advise in civil affairs when there were threat- ened dangers. But while he was sa- gacious to detect the premonitory symptoms of disturbance, and always ready to obey and execute military orders, he was in political and civil matters often weak, irresolute, and in- firm of purpose. He had in the au- tumn of 18G0 warned President Bu- chanan of danger to be apprehended from the secession movement, and wisely suggested measures to preserve peace; but he soon distrusted and abandoned his own suggestions. With- out much knowledge of Mr. Lincoln, and believing erroneously, as did many others, that Mr. Seward was to bo the controlling mind in the new adminis- tration, he early put himself in com- munication with that gentleman. The two agreed upon the policy of surren- dering or yielding to the States in se- cession the fortresses within their respective limits. It has been said, and circumstances indicate that there was also an understanding by Mr. Seward with certain secession leaders, that the forts, particularly Sumter, if not attacked, should not bo reinforced. Of the plans of Mr. Seward and General Scott, and the understanding which cither of them had with the secession- ists, President Lincoln was not in- formed ; but, while he had a sense of duty and a ])olicy of his own, he at- tentively and quietly listened to each and to all others entitled to give their opinions. The reports of Major Anderson and the defence of Sumter being military operations, the President, pursuant to Mr. Seward's advice, referred to Gene- ral Scott, and it was supposed by those gentlemen that the President acqui- esced in their conclusions. Nor were they alone in that supposition, for the 13 ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAUAII LINCOLN. [J.vnuart, President, while cautiously feelinw his way, sounding the minds of others, and gathering information from every quarter, wisely kept his own counsel and delayed announcing his determi- nation until the last moment. He was accused of being culpably slow, when he wrvs wisely deliberate. When his decision to reinforce Sum- ter was finally made known, the Sec- retary of State and the General-in- Chief were surprised, embarrassed, and greatly disappointed ; for it was an ut- ter negation and defeat of tlie policy which they had prescribed. The Gen- eral, like a good soldier, quietly and submissively acquiesced ; but Mr. Sew- ard, a man of expedients and some conceit, was unwilling and unprepared to surrender the first place in the Ad- ministration, and virtually publish the fact by an Executive mandate which upset his promised and preferred ar- rangements. It was then that he be- came aware of two things : first, that neither himself nor General Scott, nor both combined, were infallible with the Administration ; and second, that the President, with all his suavity and genial nature, had a mind of his own, and the resolution and self-reliance to form, and the firmness and indepen- dence to execute a purpose. They had each overestimated the influence of the other with the President, and un- derestimated his capacity, will, and self-reliance. When the Secretary be- came convinced that he could not alter the President's determination, he con- formed to circumstances, immediately changed his tactics, and after notify- ing the authorities at Charleston that the garrison in Sumter was to be sup- plied, he took prompt but secret mea- sures to defeat the expedition by de- taching the flagship, and sending her, with the supplies and reinforcements that had been prepared and intended for Sumter, to Port Pickens. In doing this he consulted neither the War nor Navy Departments, to which the ser- vice belonged ; but discarding both, and also the General-in-Chief, his pre- ceding special confidant, and with whom he had until then acted in con- cert, he took to his counsel younger military officers, secretly advised with them and withdrew them from their legitimate and assigned duties. The discourtesy and the irregularity of the proceeding, when it became known, shocked General Scott. His pride was touched. He felt the slight, but he was too good au officer, too subordi- nate, and too well disciplined, to com- plain. The secret military expedition undertaken by the Secretary of State without the knowledge of the proper departments and of himself, was so ir- regular, such evidence of improper ad- ministration, that he became alarmed. He felt keenly the course of Mr. Sew- ard in not consulting him, and in sub- stituting one of his staff as military adviser for the Secretary of State ; but he was more concerned for the Gov- ernment and country. A native of Virginia, and imbued with the political doctrines there prev- alent, but unflinching in patriotism and devotion to the Union and the flag. General Scott hesitated how to act — objected to the hostile invasion of any State by the national troops, but advised that the rebellious section should be blockaded by sea and land. He thought that surrounded by the army and navy the insurgents would be cut oS from the outer world, and when exhausted from non-intercourse and the entire prostration of trade and commerce they would return to duty; the " anaconda principle " of exhaust- ing them he believed would be ellect- ual without invading the territory of States. When the mayor of Baltimore and a committee of secessionists waited upon the President on the SOtli of April to protest against the passage of troops through that city to the national capital, he, in deference to the local government, advised the President to yield to the metropolitan demand, and himself drew up an Executive order to that effect. The seizure of Harper's Ferry and Norfolk and the threatened ' attack upon Washington greatly dis- turbed him, but not so much as the 187 ADillNISTRATION OF ABRMIAAI LINCOLN. i:! wild cry of the ardent and impulsive which soon followed of " on to Rich- mond " with an undisciplined army. Sensible of his inability to tuke the field, he acquiesced in the selection if he did not propose after the disaster at Bull Run, that General McClcUun should be called to Wiishingtou to organize the broken and demoralized Army of the Potomac. A tliorou>:;h re- organization was promptly and effect- ually accomplished by that officer. In a few days order, precision, and dis- cipline prevailed — the troops were massed and a large army was encamped in and about the national <'apital. But it was soon evident to the members of the Administration that there was not perfect accord between the two Gen- erals. The cause and extent of dis- agreement were not immediately un- derstood. At a Cabinet meeting which took place in September at the headquarters of the Gcncrul-in-Chief by reason of his physical infirmities, a brief discussion occurred which developed coolness if not dissatisfaction. An inquiry was made by the President as to the exact number of troops then in and about Washington. General McClellau did not immediately respond — said he had brought no reports or papers with him. General Scott said he had not himself recently received any reports. Secre- tary Seward took from his pocket some memoranda, stating the number that had been mustered in a few days pre- vious, and then went on to mention ad- ditional regiments which had arrived several successive days since, making an aggregate, I think, of about ninety- three thousand men. The General im- mediately became grave. When the subject matter for which the Cabinet and war officers had been convened was disposed of, some of the gentlemen left, and General McClcUan was about retiring, when General Scott requested him to remain, and he also desired the President and the rest of us to listen to some inquiries and re- marks which he wished to make. He was very deliberate, but evidently very much aggrieved. Addressing General JlcClellan, he said: "You are perhaps aware, General McClellan, that you were brought to these headquarters by my advice and by my orders after consulting with tlie President. I know you to be intelli- gent and to be possessed of some ex- cellent military qualities; and after our late disaster it appeared to me that you were a proper person to organize and take active command of this army. I brought you hero for tliat purpose. Many things have been, as I expected they would be, well done ; but in some respects I have been disappointed. You do not seem to be awnre of your true position; anil it was for this rea- son I desired that the President and these gentlemen should hear what I h.ave to say. You are here upon my staff to obey my orders, and should daily report to me. This you have failed to do, and you appear to labor under the mistake of supposing that you and not I are General-in-Chief and in command of the armies. I more than you am responsible for military operations; but since you came here I have been in no condition to give directions or to advise the President because ray chief of staff has neglected to make reports to me. I cannot an- swer simple inquiries which the Pres- ident or any member of the Cabinet makes as to tiie number of troops here ; they must go to the State depart- ment and not come to military head- quarters for that information." Mr. Seward hero interposed to say that the statement he had made was from facts which he had himself col- lected from day to day as the troops arrived. '"Do I understand," asked General Scott, "that the regiments re- port ai they come here to the Ilouor- aljle Secretary of State? " "No, no," s.aid Mr. Cameron, who wished to arrest or soften a painful in- terview. "General McClellan is not to blame ; it is Seward's ^vork. He is con- stantly meddling with what is none of his business, and (alluding to the Pickens expedition) makes mischief in 14 ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAHAM UNCOLN. [January, the war and navy departments by his interference." Tliere was in the manner more than in the words a playful sarcasm which Seward felt and the President evi- dently enjoyed. General MeC'lellan stood by the open door with one hand raised and holding it, a good deal embarrassed. He said he had intended no discourtesy to General Scott, but he had been so incessantly occupied in organizing and placing the army, re- ceiving and mustering in the recruits as they arrived, and attending to what was absolutely indispensable, that it might seem ho omitted some matters of duty, but he should estremely re- gret if it was supposed he had been guilty of any disrespect. "You are too intelligent and too good a disciplinarian not to know your duties and the proprieties of military intercourse, " said General Scott; "but seem to have misapprehended your right position. I, you must under- stand, am General-in-Chief. You are my chief of staff. When I brought you here you had my confidence and friendship. I do not say that you have yet entirely lost my confidence. Good day, General McClellan." A few weeks later General Scott was on his own application placed upon the retired list, and General McClellan became his succcrisor. Disaffection on the part of any of the officers, if any existed, did not immediately show it- self; the army and people witnessed with pride the prompt and wonderful reorganization that had taken place, and for a time exulted in the promised efficiency and capabilities of the "youug Napoleon." But the autumn passed away in grand reviews and showy parades, where the young Gen- eral appeared with a numerous staff composed of wealthy young gentlemen, inexperienced, untrained, and unac- quainted with military duty, who as well as foreign princes had volunteered their services. Parades and reviews were not useless, and the committal of wealthy and influential citizens who were placed upon his staff had its ad- vantages ; but as time wore on and no blow was struck or any decisive move- ment attempted, complaints became numerous and envy and jealousy found opportunity to be heard. The expectation that the rebellion would be suppressed in ninety days, and that an undisciplined force of seventy-five thousand men or even five times that number would march to Richmond, clear the banks of the Mississippi, capture New Orleans, and overwhelm the whole South, had given way to more reasonable and rational views before Congress convened at the regular session in December. Still the slow progress that was made by the Union armies, and the immense war ex- penditures, to which our country was then unaccustomed, caused uneasiness with the people, and furnished food and excitement for the factions in Con- gress. The anti-slavery feeling was increas- ing, but efforts to effect emancipation were not controlling sentiments of the Administration or of a majority of Con- gress at the commencement or dur- ing the first year of Mr. Lincoln's term, although such are the representations of party writers, and to some extent of the historians of the period. Nor did the Administration, as is often asserted and by many believed, commence hos- tilities and make aggressive war on the slave States or their institutions; but when war began and a national garri- son in a national fortress was attacked, it did not fail to put forth its power and energies to suppress the rebellion and maintain the integrity of the Union. IVrditary delays and tardy movements were nevertheless charged to the imbecility of the Government. It is not to be denied that a portion of the most active supporters of the Pres- ident in and out of Congress and in the armies had in view ulterior purposes than that of suppressing the insuri'ec- tion. Some were determined to avail tliemselves of the opportunity to abol- ish slavery, others to extinguish the claim of reserved sovereignty to the States, and a portion were favorable to 1877.] AD3IIN1STRATI0N OF ^UJRAJIAM LINCOLN. 15 both of these extremes and to the con- solidation of power in the central Gov- ernment ; Init a larger number than either and perhaps more than all com- bined were for maintaining the Consti- tution and Union unimpaired. The President, while opposed to all innovating schemes, had thehai)py fac- ulty of so far harmonizing and recon- ciling his dilTering friends as to keep them united in resisting the secession movement. Abraliam Lincoln w.is in many re- spects a remarkable man, never while living fully understood or appreciated. An uncultured child of the frontiers, ■with no educational advantages, iso- lated in youth in his wilderness home, ■with few associates and without family traditions, he knew not his own lineage and connections. Nor was this singu- lar in the then condition of unsettled frontier life, llis grandfather, with Daniel Boone, left the settled part of Virginia, crossed the Alleghany moun- tains, penetrated the "dark and bloody ground," and took up his resi- dence in the wilds of Kentucky near the close of the Revolutionary war. Tliere was little intercourse with each other in the new and scattered settle- ments destitute of roads and with no mail facilities for communication with relatives, friends, and the civilized world east of the mountains. Abra- ham Lincoln, the grandfather of the President, was a nephew of Daniel Boone, and partook of the spirit of his brave and subsequently famous relative. But his residence in his se- cluded home was brief. Uc was killed by the Indians when his son Thomas, the father of President Lincoln, was only six years old. Four years later the fatlierless boy lost his mother. Left an orphan, this neglected child, without kith or kindred for whom he cared or who cared for him, led a care- less, thriftless life, became a wandering pioneer, emigrated from Kentucky when the President w.-w but seven years old, took up his resilience for several years in the remote solitudes of Indiana, and drifted at a later day to Illinois. This vagrant life, by a shiftless father, and without a mother or female relative to keep alive and impress upon him the pedigree and traditions of his family, left the President without definite kno.vledge of his origin and tliat of his fathers. The deprivation he keenly felt. I heal'd him say on more than one occasion that when he laid down his official life he would endeavor to trace out his genealogy and family history. He had a vague impression that his family had emigrated from England to Pennsylvania and thence to Virginia ; but, as he remarked in my presence to Mr. Ashmun of Massachusetts, and afterwai'd to Governor Andrew, there was not, he thought, any immediate connection with the families of the same name in Massachusetts, thoug'.i there was reason to suppose they had a common ancestry. Uaving entered upon this subject, and already said more than was antici- pated at the commeucment, the oppor- tunity is fitting to introduce extracts from a statement made by himself and to accompany it with other facts which have come into my possession since his death — facts of which he had no knowledge. In a brief autobiographical sketch of his life, written by himself, be says: I was bom February 12, IROn. in Flarain county, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virginia, of undistin'^uidhed families — second families per- haps I ehould say. My mother, who died in my tenth year, was of a family of the nitnie of Hanks, some of whom now reside in Adams and others in Macon county, Illinois. My paternal grand- father, Abralium Lincoln, cmij^ated from Rt>ck- infitham county, Virginia, to Kentucky, about 1781 or 2, where, a year or two later, he was killed by Indians, not in battle, but by Htealth. when he was laborin'^ to open a farm in the forest. His ancestors, who were (Quakers, went to Virginia from Berks county, Pennsylvania. An effort to Identify them with the New England family of the same name ended in nothing more definite than a similarity of Christian names in both families, such as Enoch, Levi, Hcrdecat, Solomon, Abraham, and the like. My father, at the death of his father, was but Blx years of age ; and he grew up literally without education. He removed from Kentucky to what la now Spencer county, Indiana, In my eighth year. We reached our new home about the time the Slate came Into the Union. It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. There I grew up. 16 ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. [Jandart, TUere were some schools, so called ; but no quali- fication wua ever required of a teacher, beyond reading', writing, and ciphering to the rule of three. If a Htruggler, supposed to understand Lutiii, happened to sojourn in the neighborhood, he wa3 looked upon us a wizard. There was absolutely nothing to eicite ambition for educa- tion. Ox" course when I came of age 1 did not know much. Still, somehow, I could read, write, and cipher, to the rule of three ; but that was all. I huvK not been to school since. The little advance I nov? have upon this store of education I have picked up from time to time un- der the pressure of necessity. I was raised to farm work, which I continued till I was twenty-two. At twenty-one I came to Il- linois, and passed the first year in Macon county. Theii I got to New Salrai, at that time in Sanga- mon, now in Menard county, where I remained a year as a sort of clerk in a store. Ill adilition to the foregoing I may add that among my acquaintance in central Pennsylvania were several sis- ters whose maiden name was Winter.:!. Two of these sisters were wives of Judges of the Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania. Another sister was the wife of William Potter, a member of Con- gress of some note from that St.ato and sou of General Potter of the Revolu- tion. These sisters were the great aunts of President Lincoln, and I sub- join au obituary notice of the younger sister, Mrs. Potter, who died in 1875, at the advanced age of eiglity-four. There are some incidents not immedi- ately connected with the subject that might be omitted, but I think it best to present the obituary in full : Died, in Bellefonte, at the residence of Edward C. Humes, on Sunday morning, the 30th of May A. D. 13(5, Mrs. Lucy Potter, relict of Hon. Wil- liam W. Potter, deceased, aged eighty-four years, nine months, and two days. Mrs. Potter was a member of a large and rather remarkable family ; her father having been bom In ITiS, married in lTi7, died in 1794 ; children to the number of nineteen being born to him, the eldest in 174d, the youngest in 1790— their birth extending over a period of forty-two years. Wil- liam Winters, the father of the deceased, came from Berks county to Northumberland, now Ly- coming county, in the year 1773, having purchased the farm lately known as the Judge Grier farm, near what was called Newberry, but now wlthm the corporate limits of the city of Willlamsport. Jlr. Winters was twice married. His first wife was Ann Boone, a sister of Colonel Daniel Boone, famous in the early annals of Kentucky. His marriage took place in the year 1747 In the then provmce of Virginia. By this union there were issue eleven children, four males and seven fe- males. His eldest daughter, Hannah, married in Kocklnrxhnm county, Virginia, Abraham Lincoln, the grandfather of Prci-ideut Lincoln. Shortly before his death, Lincoln, who was killed by the Indians, visited his father-in-law at what is now Willlamsport, and John Winters, his brother-in- law, returned with him to Kentucky, whither Mr. Lincoln had removed after his marriage; John being deputed to look after some lands tak- en by Colonel Daniel Boocie and his father. They travelled on foot from the farm, by a route leading by where Bellefonte now is, the In- dian path "leading from Bald Eagle to Franks- town." John Winters visited his sister, Mrs. Potter, in 1843, and wandering to the hill upon which the Academy is situated, a messenger was sent for him, his friends thinking ho had lost himself ; but ho was only looking for the path he and Lin- coln hod trod sixty years before, and pointed out with his finger the course from Spring creek, along Buffalo run, to where it crosses the *' Long Limestone Valley," us the route they had trav- elled. Upon the death of Mr. Wlnters's first wife, in 1771, he again, in 1774, married. His second wife was Ellen Campbell, who bore hira eight children, three males and five females, of which latter the subject of this notice was the youngest. The father of Mrs. Potter died in 1794, and in 1795 Mrs. Ellen Winters, his widow, was licensed by the courts of Lycoming county to keep a "house of entertainment" where Williumsport now is — where she lived and reared her own chil- dren as well as several of her step children. Here all her daughters married, Mary becoming the wife of Charles Huston, who for a number of year.s adorned the bench of the Supreme Court of this State ; Ellen, the wl/e of Thomas Burn.side, who was a member of Congress, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and finally a Justice of the Supreme Court ; Sarah, the wife of Benjamin Harris, whose daughter. Miss Ellen Harris, resides on Spring street in this borough ; Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Alexander, a carpenter and build- er, who erected one of the first dwellings in Wil- llamsport, at the comer of what are now Pine and Third streets in that city, and many of whose de- scendants are still living in Lycomiig county ; Lucy, the wife of William W. Potter, a leading politician In this county, who died on the 15th day of October, 1838, while a member of our na- tional Congress. Mrs. Potter continued with her mother's fami- ly in Lycoming county, frequently visiting her two sisters, Mrs. Huston and Mrs. Burnside, who resided in Bellefonte, wlicre, in iH15, she was united In marriage, by Kev. James Linn, with William W. Potter, a young and rising law- yer, and sou of General James Potter, one of the early settlers of the county. Here, with her hus- band until his death, and then, upon the marri- age of her niece. Miss Lucy Alexander, with Mr. Edward C. Humes, she made her home, living continuously in this town since her marriage, and having survived her husband for the long period of thirty-seven years, being that length of time a widow. The biographers of President Lin- coln have none of them given these f.acts because they did not know them, nor was the President himself aware of them. Of their authenticity so fnr 1877. ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 17 as tbe relationship of Mr. Lincoln with the family of Winters is con- cerned, I have no doubt. His ancestry in this country, paternal and mater- nal^Liucohi, Boone, and Winters — is to be traced to the county of Berks, Pennsylvania. A roving child of the forest, where there were not even village schools, Abraham Lincoln had little early cul- ture, but his vigorous native intellect sought information wherever it could be obtained with limited means and opportunities, and overcame almost in- superable obstacles. His quick per- ception and powers of observation and reflection, and his retentive memory were remarkable; his judgment was good, his mental grasp and compre- heusiou equal to any emergency, his intentions were always honest, and his skill and tact, with a determination to always maintain the riglit, begot contidencc and made him successful and great. Party opponents imputed his success under difficulties that seemed insurmountable to craft and cunning; but while not deficient in shrewdness, his success was the result not of deceptive measures or wily in- trigue, but of wisdom and fidelity with an intuitive sagacity that seldom erred as to measures to be adopted, or the course to be pursued. It may be said of him, that he possessed inhe- rently a master mind, and was innate- ly a leader of men. He listened, as I have often remarked, patiently to the advice and opinions of others, though he might diifer from them ; treated unintentional errors with lenity, was forbearing, and kind to mistaken sub- ordinates, but ever true to his own convictions. He gathered information and knowledge whenever and wher- ever he had opportunity, but quietly put aside assumption and intrusive at- tempt to unduly influence and control him. Like all his Cabinet, with the excep- tion of Mr. Blair, who had been edu- cated at West Point, he was without military pretension when he entered upon hia executive duties and encoun- tered at the very threshold a civil war which had been long maturing, was deeply seated, and in its progress was almost unprecedented in magnitude. Neither he nor any of his advisers had personal, official, jjraotieal experience in udmiuistcring the civil service of the Fedirul GDvernnii-nt. The com- mencement of hostilities, before they had time to become familiar with their duties, imposed upon each and all labors and cares beyond those of any of their predecessors. To these were added the conduct of militai-y opera- tions as novel as they were responsi- ble. Unprepared as the country was for the sudden and formidable insur- rection, the Administration was not less so, yet it was compelled at once to meet it, make prcpar.atioas, call out immense armies, and select officers to organize and command them. These commanders were most of them educated military officers, but possessed of limited experience. Tlicir lives had been passed on a peace estab- lishment, and they were consequently without practical knowledge. Many of these, as well as such officers as were selected from civil life, seemed bewildered by their sudden prefer- ment, and appeared to labor under the impression that they were clothed not only with military but civil authority. Some in the higher grades imagined that in addition to leading armies and fighting buttles, they had plenary power to administer the Government and prescribe the policy to be pursued in their respective departments. Much difficulty and no small embarrassment was caused by their mistaken assump- tions and acts, in the early part of the war. J. C. Fremont, the western explor- er, a political candidate for the Presi- dency in ISriO, and made a major general by President Lincoln at the beginning of the rebellion in 1861, was assigned to the command of the western department. He evidently considered himself clothed with pro consular powers; that he was a repre- sentative of the Government in a civil 18 ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAHAM LLXCOLN. [jANU.\x.r, capacity as well as military command- er, and soon after establishing his headquarters at St. Louis assumed au- thority over the slavery question which the President could neither recognize nor permit. Gener.d Hunter, at Port Royal, and General Phelps, in the Gulf, each laboring under the same error, took upon themselves to issue extraordinary manifestoes that conflict- ed with the Constitution and laws, on the subject of slavery, which the President was compelled to disavow. The subject, if to be acted upon, was administrative and belonged to the Government and civil authorities — not to military commanders. But there was a feeling in Congress and the country which sympathized with the radical generals in these anti-slavery decrees, rather than with the law, and the Executive in maintaining it. The Secretary of War, under whom these generals acted, not inattentive to cur- rent opinion, also took an extraordinary position, and in his annual report enun- ciated a policy in regard to the slavery question, without the assent of the President and without even consulting him. Mr. Lincoln promptly directed the assuming portion of the report, which had already been printed, to be cancelled ; but the proceeding embar- rassed the Administration and contri- buted to the retirement of Mr. Cameron from the Cabinet. These differences in the army, in the Administration, and among the Republicans in Congress, extended to the people. A radical faction opposed to the legal, cautious, and considerate policy of the Presi- dent began to crystallize and assume shape and form, which, while it did not openly oppose the President, sowed the seeds of discontent against his policy and the general manage- ment of public affairs. The military operations of the pe- riod are not hero detailed or alluded to, except incidentally when n.arrating the action of the Administration in di- recting army movements and shaping the policy of the Government. Near- ly one-third of the States were, during the Presidency of Mr. Lincoln, unrep- resented in the national councils, and in open rebellion. A belt of border States, extending from the Delaware to the Rocky mountains, which, though represented in Congress, had a divid- ed population, was distrustful of the President. Yielding the Administra- tion a qualified support, and opposed to the Government in almost all its mea- sures, was an old organized and disci- plined party in all the free States, which seemed to consider its obliga- tions to party paramount to duty to the country. This last, if it did not boldly participate with the rebels, was an auxiliary, and as a party, hostile to the Administration, and opposed to near- ly every measure for suppressing the insurrection. There were among the friends of the Administration, and especially during its last two years, radical differences, which in the first stages of the war were undeveloped. The mild and per- suasive temper of the President, his generous and tolerant disposition, and his kind and moderate forbearance toward the rebels, whom he invited and would persuade to return to their allegiance and their duty, did not cor- respond with the schemes and designs of the extreme and violent leaders of the Republican party. They had other objects than reconstruction to attain, were implacable and revengeful, and some with ulterior radical views thought the opportunity favorable to effect a change of administration. These had for years fomented divis- ion, encouraged stiife, and were as ul- tra and as unreasonable in their de- mands and exactions as the secession- ists. Some had welcomed war with grim satisfaction, and were for pros- ecuting it unrelentingly with fire and sword to the annihilation of the rights, and the absolute subversion of the Southern States and subjection of the Southern people. There was in their ranks unreasoning fanaticism, and fe- rocity that partook of barbarism, with a mixture of political intrigue fatal to our Federal system. Tliese men, dis- 1877.] ADffllSnSTKATION OF ABKAHAM LINCOLN. 19 satisfied with President Lincoln, ac- cused him of temporizing, of imbecil- ity, and of sympathy with tlie rebels because lie would not confiscate their whole property, and hang or punish them as pirates or traitors. Tliese rad- ical Republicans, as they were proud to call themselves, occupied, like all ex- treme men in high party and revolu- tionary times, the front rank of their part}', and, though really a minority, gave tone and character to the Repu'v liean organization. Fired with aveng- ing zeul, and often successful in their extreme views, though to some extent checked and modified by the Pres- ident, they were presuming, and flat- tered themselves they could, if unsuc- cessful with Mr. Lincoln, effect a change in the administration of the Government in 1864 by electing a President who would conform to tlieir ultra demands. Secret meetings and whispered consultations were held for that purpose, and for a time aspiring and calculating politicians gave them encouragement; but it soon became evident that the conservative senti- ment of the Republicans and the coun- try was with Mr. Lincoln, and that the confidence of the people in his patriot- ism and integrity was such as could not be shaken. Nevertheless, a small band of tbe radicals held out and would not assent to his benignant policy. These malcontents undertook to create a distinct political organization which, if possessed of power, would make a more fierce and unrelenting war on the rebels, break down their local insti- tutions, overturn their State govern- ments, subjugate the whites, elevate the blacks, and give not only freedom to the slaves, but by national decree over- ride the States, and give suffrage to the whole colored race. These extreme and rancorous notions found no favor witli Mr. Lincoln, who, though nom- inally a Whig in the past, had respect for the Constitution, loved the Federal Union, and had a sacred regard for the rights of the States, which the Whigs as a party did not entertain. War two years after secession commenced brought emancipation, but emancipa- tion did not dissolve the Union, con- solidate the Government, or clothe it with absolute power; nor did it impair the autliority and rights which the States had reserved. Emancipation was a necessary, not a revolutionary measure, forced upon the Administra- tion by the secessionists tliemselves, who insisted that slavery which was local and sectional should be made na- tional. The war was, in fact, defensive on the part of the Government against a sec- tional insurrection which had seized the fortresses and public property of the nation; a war for the maintenance of tbe Union, not for its dissolution; a war for the preservation of individual, State, and Federal rights ; good admin- istration would permit neither to be sacrificed nor one to encroach on the other. The necessary exercise of ex- traordinary war powers to suppress the Rebellion had given encouragement and strength to tbe centralists who ad- vocated the consolidation and concen- tration of authority in the general Government in peace as well as war, and national supervision over the States and people. Neither the radical en- thusiasts nor the designing centralists admitted or subscribed to the doctrine that political power emanated from tbe people ; but it was the theory of both that the authority exercised by the States was by grant derived from the parental or general Government. It was their theory that tlio Government created the States, not that the States and people created the Government. Some of them had acquiesced in cer- tain principles which were embodied in the fundamental law called the Con- stitution; but the Constitution was in their view the child of necessity, .i mere crude attempt of the theorists of 1770, wlio made successful resistance against British authority, to limit the power of the new central Government which was substituted for that of the crown. For a period after the Rev- olution it was admitted that feeble limitations on central authority had 20 ADfflNISTRiVTION OP ABRAHAM LINCOLN. [Janoabt, been observed, though it was main- tained that those limitations had been obstructions to our advancing pros- perity, the cause of continual contro- versy, and had gradually from time to time been dispensed with, broken down, or made to yield to our growing necessities. The civil war had made innovations — a sweep, in fact, of many constitutional barriers — and radical consolidationists like Thaddeus Ste- vens and Henry Winter Davis felt that the opportunity to fortify central au- tliority and establish its supremacy should be improved. These were the ideas and principles of leading consolidationists and radi- cals in Congress who were politicians of ability, had studied the science of gov- ernment, and were from conviction op- ponents of reserved rights and State sovereignty and of a mere confedera- tion or Federal Union, based on the po- litical equality and reserved sovereignty of the States, but insisted that the cen- tral Government should penetrate fur- ther and act directly on the people. Few of these had given much study or thought to fundamental principles, the character and structure of our Federal system, or the Constitution itself. Most of them, under the pressure of schemers and enthusiasts, were willing to assume and ready to exercise any power deem- ed expedient, regardless of the organ- ic law. Almost unrestrained legisla- tion to carry on the war induced a spirit of indLEEerence to constitutional re- straint, and brought about an assump- tion by some, a belief by others, that Congress was omnipotent; that it was the embodiment of the national will, and that the other departments of the Government as well as the States were subordinate and subject to central Con- gressional control. Absolute power, the centralists assumed and their fa- natical associates seemed to suppose, was vested in the legislative body of the country, and its decrees, arbitrary and despotic, often originating in and car- ried first by a small vote in party cau- cus, were in all cases claimed to bo de- cisive, and to be obeyed by the Execu- tive, the judiciary, and the people, re- gardless of the Constitution. Parlia- mentary discussions were not permit- ted, or of little avail. The acts of caucus were despotic,mandatory, and decisive. The several propositions and plans of President Lincoln to reestablish the Union, and induce the seceding States to resume their places and be repre- sented in Congress, were received with disfavor by the radical leaders, who, without open assault, set in motion an undercurrent against nearly every Ex- ecutive proposition as the weak and impotent offspring of a well meaning and well intentioned, but not very com- petent and intelligent mind. It was the difference between President Lin- coln and the radical leaders in Congress on the question of reconciliation, the restoration of the States, and the rees- tablishment of the Union on the origi- nal constitutional basis, which more than even his genial and tolerant feel- ings toward the rebels led to political intrigue among Republican members of Congress for the nomination of new candidates, and opposition to Mr. Lin- coln's reelection in 1804. At one pe- riod this intrigue seemed formidable, and some professed friends lent it their countenance, if they did not actually participate in it, who ultimately disa- vowed any connection with the pro- ceeding. Singular ideas were entertained and began to be developed in propositions of an extraordinary character, relative to the powers and the construction of the Government, which were presented to Congress, even in the first year of the war. Theoretical schemes from culti- vated intellects, as well as crude no- tions from less intellectual but extreme men, found expression in resolutions and plans, many of which were absurd and most of them impracticable and illegal. Foremost and prominent among them were a series of studied and elaborate resolutions prepared by Charles Sumner, and submitted to the Senate on the 11th of February, 1863. Although presented at that early day, they were the germ of the reconstruc- 1877.] ADMINISTRATION OF ABR.VHAM LINCOLN. SI tion policy adopted at a later period. Iq this plan or project for the treat- ment of tlie insurrectionary States and tlij people wlio resided in them, the Massachusetts Senator niauifested lit- tle rcg.ird for the fundamental law or for State or individual riglits. The high position which this Senator held in the liepublican party and in Congress and the country, his cultured mind and scholarly attain- ments, his ardent if not always discreet zeal and elloits to free tlie slaves and endow the whole colored race, wheth- er capable or otherwise, with all the rights and privileges, socially and po- litically, of the educated and refined white population whom they had pre- viously served, his readiness and avow- ed intention to overthrow the local State governments and the social sys- tem where slavery existed, to subjugate thewliitcs and elevate the blacks, will justify a special notice; for it was one of the first, if not the very first of the radical schemes officially presented to change the character of the Govern- ment ond the previously existing dis- tinctions between the races. His the- ory or plan may be taken as the pio- neer of the many wild and visionary projects of the central and abolition force, that took shape and form not only during the war, but after hostili- ties ceased and the rebels were sub- dued. Mr. Sumner introduced his scheme with a preamble which declared, among other things, that the " exten- sive territory "' of the South had been " usurped by pretended governments and organizations "; that " the Consti- tution, which is the supreme law of the land, cannot be displaced in its rightful operation within this territo- ry, but must ever continue the su- preme law thereof, notwithstanding the doings of any pretended govern- ments acting singly or in confederation in order to put an end to its suprem- acy." Therefore: RAto^tvd, l9t. That any vote of Bccession. or other act by which any Stnte may andprtake to pat an eod to the Bupr«mac7 of tho Coofltitatioo 2 within ita territory, is inoperative and void a;;uin8t tlio Couatitution, and when suatuincd by forco It becomes a practical abdication by the State of all rights uuder tho Coni^titutiun, wtiile the treason which it involves etiii further worlis an instant forftiture of aii those functions uud powers essentlai to the continued existence of the btatti as a body puiitic, so tliat from that time fonvard the territory fulis under the exciu- pive jurisdiction of (Jon;;ress as other territory, and tho State, bcins, according to the laiij;uaye of the iaw, /V.'o d<^ tie, ceases to exist. Sd. Tlnit any combination of men assuming to act in the piace of such State, attcraptin.; to en- snare or coerce the intiabitants thereof into a con* fedemtion tiostiie to the Union, is rebellious, treasonable, and destitute of all moral authority; and that such combination is a usurpation inca- pable of any constitutional existence and utterly lawless, so tliat everything dependent upon it i3 without constitutional or legal support. 3d. That the termination of a State under the Constitution necessarily causes the termination of those peculiar local institutions which, havin;^ no origin in the Constitution, or in tho-ie natural rights which exist Independent of the Constitu- tion, are upheld by the sole and exclusive author- ity of tho State. . . . Congress will aflsnme complete juris- diction of snch vacated territory where su(;Ii un* constitutional and illegal things have been at- tempted, and will proceed to establish therein re- publican forms of government under the Consti- tution. It is not shown how a usurpation or illegal act by conspirators in any State or States could justify or make legal a usurpation by the general Govern- ment, as this scheme evidently was, nor by what authority Congress could de- clare that the illegal, inoperative, and void acts of usurpers who might have temporary possession of or be a ma- jority in a State, could constitute a practical abdication by tho State it- self of all rights under the Consti- tution, regardless of the rights of a legal, loyal minority, guilty of no usur- pation or attempted secession — the innocent victims of a conspiracy; nor where Congress or the Federal Government obtained authority to pronounce "an instant forfeiture of :;11 those functions and powers es- sential to the continued existence of a State as a body politic, so that from that time forward the territory falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of Congress as other territory, and the State, being, according to the language of the law, t'elo de s:, ceases to e.xist. " The aduiiiiiitration of Mr. Buchanan ADMINISTRATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. [January, a practical statesman. He could jjuU down, but he could not construct— could declare what he considered hu- mane, right, and proper, and act upon it regardless of constitutional compro- mises or conventional regulations which were the framework of the Gov- ernment. No man connected with the Administration, or in either branch of Congress, was more thoroughly ac- quainted with our treaties, so familiar with the traditions of the Government, or better informed on international law than Charles Sumner; but on al- most all other Governmental questions he was impulsive and unreliable, and when his feelings were enlisted, imperi- ous, dogmatical, and often unjust. Why innocent persons who were loy- al to the Government and the Union should be disfranchised and proscrib- ed because their neighbors and fellow citizens had engaged in a conspiracy, he could not explain or defend. By what authority whole communities and States should be deprived of the local governments which their fathers had framed, under which they were born, and with the provisions and traditions of which they were familiar, was never told. His propositions found no favor with the Administration, nor were they sup- ported at the beginning by any consid- erable number even of the extremists in Congress. It required much training by the centralizing leaders for years and all the tyranny of caucus machinery after the death of Mr. Lincoln to carry them into effect by a series of recon- struction measures that were revolu- tionary in their character, and which to a certain extent unsettled the prin- ciples on which the Government was founded. But the counsel and example of the distinguished Senator from Massachu- setts were not without their influence. Resolutions by radical Republicans and counter resolutions, chiefly by Demo- crats, relative to the powers and limi- tations of the Federal Government and the status of States, followed in quick succession. On the 11th of June, the aa had laid down as a rule of government that a State could not be coerced. The whole country not in rebellion had de- clared there should be no secession, di- vision, or destruction of the Federal Union, but here was the most conspicu- ous leader of the Republican party in the Senate proposing a scheme to pun- ish a State, to anniliilate and destroy its government, to territorialize it, to ex- clude or expel it from the Union, to make no discrimination in its exclu- sions and denunciations between the loyal and disloyal inhabitants, but to punish alike, without trial or convic- tion, the just and the unjust. There were, though he was unwilling to admit it, and was perhaps unaware of it, vin- dictive feelings, venom, and revenge in his resolutions and in his whole treat- ment of the States and the white people of the South. From the time that he had been stricken down by the blud- geon of Brooks in the Senate, Mr. Sum- ner waged unrelenting war on the whites in the Southern States, and seem- ed to suppose it was his special mission — he certainly m.ade it the great object of his life — to elevate the negro race- to give them at least equal rights and privileges with the educated and refined class — and did not conceal his inten- tion and expectation to bring them in :as auxiliaries to the Republican party, ;and thereby give it permanent ascend- ancy. All this was done in the name of humanity, and with apparent self-con- vinced sincerity. He was unwilling to acknowledge tliat he was governed or influenced by personal resentments in his revolutionary plans to degrade the intelligent wiiite and exalt the ig- norant black population by tearing ■down the constitutional edifice. In fre- quent interviews which I held with him then and at later periods, when he ■found it impossible to hold his positions nnder the Constitution, he claimed that he occupied higher ground, and that his authority for these violent measures was the Declaration of Inde- pendence, which declared all men were bom equal, etc. Mr. Sumner was an idealist — neither a constitutionalist nor 1877.] LUCILLE'S LETTER. 23 subject having been agitated and dis- The rcsohition of Dixon traversed cussed for four months, Jlr. Dixon, a the policy of Sumner and was the Ex- Republican Senator from Connecticut, ecutive view of ihe questions tliat were whose views coincided in tlie main with agitated in Congress as to the effect of those of Mr. Lincoln and the Adminis- the rebellion and the condition of the tration, submitted, after consultation States in insurrection. The Adminig- and advisement, the following: (ration did not admit that rebellion Itt»otc«d. That all acts or ordinances of bcccs- dissolved the Union or destroyed its BloQ, alleged to have been adopted by a..y k-isla- federative character; nor did it adopt ture or convention of the people of any htate, are ^ ^ ^i , ^i ^l ^ ^^ aa to the Fcdond Union absolutely nail and void ; or assent to tlie novel theory that the and that while such acts may and do subject the States and the whole people residing Individual actors therein to forfeitures and penal- jjj jj,p^ ^^^ forfeited all sovereignty tics, they do not, in any degree, affect the rela- i oi ^ i • i- • i i tlons of the SUte wherein they purport to have und all reserved State and individual been adopted to the Government of the United rights, because a portion of the inliab- States, but arc as to such Government acts of re- ita^tg j^.n! rebelled ; nor did it admit bellion. insurrection, and hostility on the part of ^- t i- e Uie individuals eng-.i^ed therein, or Riring assent that the usurpation of a portion of any thereto; and that such States are, notwithstjind- community could bring condemnation InsBuchactsorordinances, members of the Fed- and punishment on all. The usurpa- cral Union, and as such lu-e subject to ail the ob- ' ligations and duties imposed upon them by the tions and acts of the rebels were Constitution of the United States ; and the loyal considered not legal acts, but nuUi- cltlzens of such States are entitled to all the ^j^,^ ngW« and prlvUeges thereby guaranteed or con- • ^^^^^ WellEU. LUCILLE'S LETTER. (\UT of the dreary distance and the dark I stretch forth praying; palms— yet not to pray ; Hands fold themselves for heaven, while mine, alas ! Are sundered— held your way. Brief moments have been ours, yet bright as brief ; Oh I how I live them over, one by one, Now that the endless days, bereft of you. Creep slowly, sadly on. Qornered in memory, those bewildering hours, A golden harvest of enchantment yield ; Here, like a pale, reluctant Kuth, I glean A cold and barren Held— Barren without a shelter : and the hedge Is made of thorns and brambles. It I fain Would lean beyond the barrier, do you sec The wounding and the stain ? Did God make us to mock us, on the earth f Why did he fuse our spirits by !lis word. Then set His awful An-el in our path, Elis Angel with the sword ? Why, when I contrite kneel confessing all. And seek with tciirs the way to bo forgiven— Why do your pleading eyes look sadly down Between my face and heaven ? Why docs my blood thrill at your fancied touch- Stop and leap up at your ideal caress f Ah, God ! to feel that dear warm mouth on mine In lingering lendcrncsa I To lie at perfect peace upon your heart, Your arms close folded round mc Arm and fast. My check to yoora— oh. vision dear aa vain I That would be home at last. Leon, you are my curse, my blc'slng too, My hell, my hejjven, my storm that wrecks to save : life daunts mc, and the shadows lengthen out Lcyond the grave. Maut L. Ritteb. SOME OLD ALMANACKS. DO you know, gentle reader, wliat an interesting, valuable, and ussful book an '•Almanack" once was i You are gorged with books, and newspapers lie about thick as leaves in Vallambrosa. Do you ever buy an Almanac for five cents ? I trow not. Therefore you do not know how much careful calculation, skill, and knowledge are to be had for that small piece of money. Therefore you cannot sit down in the evening and pore over its mystic signs. Indeed, I fear you do not know what a zodiac is, or what the meaning of " Cancer the Crab " and " Gemini the Twins " may be. It is more than likely you will reply, " Oh, yes; if the Crab had a Cancer, he would cry Gemini to the Twins "—and in that light and flip- pant way you will try to hide your brutal ignorance, if a male, your shal- low understanding, if a female. Now I have just had a sort of musty satisfaction in looking over some old Aim macs, wliich dated as far back as 1737. They seem to have been the property of somebody whose letters were W. S. His almanacs were so prized that he had interleaved them,and then he recorded his profound observa- tions. He thus liad learned, what I fear you have not, tliat the moon had many mysterious influences besides making the tides rise and fall, if it does. It seems, if we can believe " A Native of New England," who made B. Greene's Almanack for 1731, that the "'Jloon has dominion over man's body," and that when she gets into " Cancer the Crab " you must expect every sort of bodevilment in your broajt and stomael'. When she gets into " Gemini," the same in your arms and s'.ioulders. Wiien she is in " Scor- pio " your bowels and belly are in danger, and so on all through your body ; so that wo might well enough wish the moon were wholly abolished; for the little wishy-washy light slie gives to lovers and thieves is not at all a balance for such fearful threatenings. Who was the " Native of New Eng- land " is a secret, and well it is, for in 1727 he graced liis title-page with this poem : Man— that Noble Creatnre, Scanted of time, and stinted by Weak Nature, That in foretimes saw jubilees of years, As by onr Ancient History appears ; Nay, which is more, even Silly Women then, Liv'd longer time than onr jfrave Qraybeird Men. " Graced," did I say ? May we not put a