. c {,6u.Infcv cop. 4^0,^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Urbana Departments FIRST SEMESTER COURSES Navy V-12 and Engineering Civilians Exclusive of Freshman Engineers Sixteen -Week Courses November 2, 1945, to February 22, 1946 .7H£ UfiRARY OF IKE NOV 5 ::45 UNIV:f>2b. F 1-4 F 207 T.L. All sections must have 9-12 S open for latter part of semester. C.E. 20. (Navy C.E. 17 in part). Highway Construction. — Prerequisite: C.E. 2, 15. 18. or consent of instructor. 3 hours E 8 MWF 102 E.H. C.E. 24N. (Navy C.E. 16). Airport T>es\gD..— Prerequisite: C.E. 20. 3 hours f8 TT 321 E.H. "^ \9-12 S 309 E.H. C.E. 26. Economics of Railway Location and Operation. — Prerequisite: C.E. 3 or ION. ^ v,^„ro T? /9 TT 102 E.H. A nours n- /I MWF 216 M.E.L. 5 nours f J2-5 TT 204 M.E.L. M.E. 12N. Heat Power III: Steam Power. — Prerequisite: M.E. ION and UN. c , . Tj /9-11 MWF 112 T.B. 5 hours P |i_4 ^^ 112 T.B. M.E. 13. Thermodynamics. — Prerequisite: Math. 9; Physics 1 and 2. 7 i,^„.o o /8 MF 206 T.B. ^ ho"'^^ Q \9-ll Tu 206 T.B. Timetable of firsf Semester Courses 13 M.E. 13N. Refrigeration. — Prerequisite: M.K. 3N luul 4N. Credit Section Hours Dayi Room Instructor J Jiours 1» 8 MWF 217 M.K.I.. M.E. 14. Thermodynamics.- Prerequisite: M.E. 13 or 4N. .Uioura V 11 MVVK 217 M.E.L. M.E. 15. Engineering Thermodynamics. — Prerequisite: M.K. 14. .< hours RS 8 MWF 215 T.H. M.E. 15N. Mechanical Design I.— Prerequisite: M.E. 7N and 8N; T.A.M. 3. 3 liours V 2 4 MWF 114 T.U. M.E. 16N. Mechanical Design II. — /V«-r s . I'rfrtijiii site: N.S. 1. Credit Section Hours Days Room Instructor .* 1 lours A K MWK MU Arrh. LI «> MWI- IIJ Com. C 10 MWl-- 105 L.n. D 11 MWK 12.4 L.n. E 1 MWK 21«; Com. F 2 MWK 12.4 L.H. G 3 MWK 12.4 L.H. H I 4 8 MWK TTS 12.4 L.H. .400 L.H. J 9 TTS lO.S L.H. K I. 10 11 TTS TTS 12.4 L.H. 10.5 L.H. N.S. 3. Engineering and Damage Control. — Required of N.R.O.T.C. students having from three to si.x terms to complete on November 1, 1945. .4 hours A 1 MWK 3 C.H. H 2 MWK 313 New Agr. C 3 MWK 313 New Agr. N.S. 4. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. — Required of N.R.O.T.C. students having from three to six terms to complete on July 1, 1945 3 hours A / 8 \ 8-10 M W B / 9 I 8-10 M F C flO \10-12 M W D fll \10-12 M F E 1 \ 1-3 M W F f 2 I 1-3 M F G / ^ I 3-5 M W H / 4 \ 3-5 M K I 1 8-10 Tu Th J r 9 I 8-10 Tu s K ho \10-12 Tu Th L fll 110-12 Tu S M / 1 1 1-3 Tu Th N / 2 Tu \ 3-5 Th 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. 408 E.H. N.R.O.T.C. sti 76 Noble Hall N.S. 6. Naval Administration and Law. — -Required of N.R.O.T.C. students who have already had N.S. 1. 2, and 3. 3 hours A 8 MWF N.S. 8, Ordnance and Gunnery. — Required of N.R.O.T.C. students who have already had N.S. 1, 2, and 3. 3 hours A 2 MWF 76 Noble Hall PHYSICAL EDUCATION Courses for Undergraduates P.E.M. C5. Apparatus and Tumbling Stunts. — For civilian students only. Credit Section Hours Days Room Instructor 1 hour B 9 MWF 100 Huff Gym. C 10 MWF 100 Huff Gym. I 5 MWF 302 Huff Gym. K 9 TTS 75 Huff Gym. P.E.M. 20. Adapted Sports. — 1 hour I 5 MWF 75 Huff Gym. 16 University of Illinois PHYSICAL TRAINING P.T. Nl. Credit 2 hours Courses for Undergraduates (Basic). — For men who pass the Navy Third-Class swimming test. Days Section I Hours 5 MTWTF Room Old Gym. Annex Instructor Note: Swimming classes for students in P.T. 2 are to be arranged at the time of registration. P.T. N2.— 2 hours MVVF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF Old Gym. Annex Old Gym. Annex Old Gym. Annex Old Gym. Annex Old Gym. Annex Old Gym. Annex Old Gym. Annex PHYSICS Introductory Courses for Undergraduates Physics la. General Physics (Mechanics, Sound, and Heat). — Prerequisite: Math. 2 and 4; registra- tion in Physics 3a. Credit Section Hours Days Room Instructor 4 hours Lect. 10 S 100 P.L. Quiz B 9 MWF 104 P.L. Quiz C 10 MWF 403 P.L. Quiz D 11 MWF 403 P.L. Quiz H 8 TTS 104 P.L. Quiz I 9 TTS 104 P.L. Physics lb. General Physics (Electricity, Magnetism, and Light) .- -Prerequisite: Physics tion in Physics 3b. 4 hours Lect. 11 F 100 P.L. Quiz A 8 MWF 208 P.L. Quiz B 9 MWF 101 E.H. Quiz C 10 MWF 305 P.L. Quiz F 2 MWF 305 P.L. QuizH 8 TTS 403 P.L. Physics PHI. General Physics.- - 4 hours Lect. 10 S 100 P.L. Quiz B 9 MW(F) 104 P.L. Quiz C 10 MW(F) 403 P.L. Quiz D 11 MW(F) 403 P.L. Quiz H 8 TT(S) 104 P.L. » Quiz I 9 TT(S) 104 P.L. Lab. Gl 8-11 Th 312 P.L. Lab. G2 9-12 Th 406 P.L. Lab. HI 2-5 Th 305 P.L. Lab. H2 2-5 Th 312 P.L. Lab. I 9-12 F 312 P.L. Lab. J 1-4 F 312 P.L. Physics PH2. General Physics.- - , 4 hours Lect. 11 F 100 P.L. Quiz A 8 MW(F) 208 P.L. Quiz B 9 MW(F) 101 E.H. QuizC 10 MW(F) 305 P.L. Quiz F 2 MW(F) 305 P.L. Quiz H 8 TT(S) 403 P.L. Lab. A 9-12 M 312 P.L. Lab. Bl 1-4 M 208 P.L. Lab. B2 1-4 M 312 P.L. Lab. C 8-11 Tu 312 P.L. Lab. D 1-4 Tu 312 P.L. Lab. F 9-12 W 312 P.L. Physics 3a. General Physics Laboratory.- -Prerequisite: Physics la, or registration th 1 hour Lab. Gl 8-11 Th 312 P.L. Lab. G2 9-12 Th 406 P.L. Lab. HI 2-5 Th 305 P.L. Lab. H2 2-5 Th 312 P.L. Lab. I 9-12 F 312 P.L. Lab. J 1-4 F 312 P.L. ' Timetable of First Semester Course* 17 Physics 3b. General Physics Ltibotntory.— Prerequisite: Pliyaicu lb, or reKlHtrutioti tlirrri Instructor Credit Section Hours Days Room 1 hour Lai). A 9-12 M .U2 P.L. l.at). m 1-4 M 208 I'.L. La!). HZ 1-4 M .il2 P.L. Lai). C 8-11 Tu M2 P.L. Lab. I) 1-4 Tu M2 P.L. Lai). K 12 W ,<12 P.L. Courses for Advanced Undergraduates and Graduates Physics 20a. Theoretical Mechanics. — Prerequisite: G J hours (or 1 unit^ Lcct. MWK Mu-rai physics and calculus. 305 P.L. Nyk Physics 40a. Electricity and Magnetism. — Prerequisite: General physics and calculus. 3 hours (orl unit) Lcct. TT 305 P.L. Nye Lab. 2-5 Tu 112 P.L. Physics 44. Electric and Mag^netic Measurements.— Prerequisite: General physics and calculus. 3 hours (or 1 unit) Lect. 1 ' MW 104 P.L. Williams Lab. 2-4 MW 112 P.L. Physics 60. Heat and Thermodynamics. — Prerequisite: General physics and calculus. 3 hours (or 1 unit) Lect. 8 MWF 305 P.L. Paton Physics 97. Thesis. — 3 hours To be arranged Professors in the department Courses for Graduates 8 MTT 202 P.L. Physics 122. Dynamics. — 1 unit Lect. i Physics 146a. Electrodjmamics. — 1 unit Lect. 10 MWT Physics 181a. Quantum Mechanics. — 1 unit Lect. 10 TuFS Physics 183a. Nuclear Physics. — 1 unit Lect. 11 TTS Physics 190. Research. — 1 unit To be arranged Physics 198. Seminar. — 1 to 2 units* To be arranged Physics 199. Physics Colloquium. — No credit 4:45 Th 119 P.L. 202 P.L. 202 P.L. 202 P.L. Dancoff Dancoff goldhaber goldhaber Professors in the department Professors in the department GOLDHABER Psych. PSl. Psychology.— Credit Section 3 hours A B PSYCHOLOGY Courses for Undergraduates Hours Days 1 MWF 10 TTS Room 327 G.H. 317 G.H. Instructor Harrell Harrell SPANISH Spanish la. Elementary Spanish. — For students who have no credit in Spanish. No credit toward graduation is given for Spanish la without Spanish lb. Credit Section Hours Days Room Instructor 4 hoursi E 1 MTWT 151 Armory ^Seniors will receive only 3 hours credit. *In registering for a course with variable credit, as 1 to 2 units or 2 to 4 hours, each student puts on his study-list the number of units or hours for which he intends to take the course. 18 University of Illinois SPEECH Courses for Undergraduates Speech 1. Principles of Effective Speaking. — Credit Section Hours Days Room Instructor 3 hoursi A 1 MWF 119 Com. B 10 TTS 223 Com. C 11 TTS 222 Com. •Seniors receive only 2 hours credit. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS Courses for Undergraduates T.A.M. 1. Analytical Mechanics (Statics). — Prerequisite:* Registration in integral calculus. Credit Section Hours Days Room Instructor 2 hours E> 11 TT 310 T.L. K 9 TT 202 E.H. Y 11 TT 202 E.H. A 1 TT 310 T.L. P 1 TT 202 E.H. T.A.M. 2. Analytical Mechanics (Dynamics). — Prerequisite: T.A.M. 1 or concurrent registration therein. 3 hours B 8 MWF 202 E.H. c 9 MWF 202 E.H. K 9 MWF 302c T.L. P 9 MWF 310 T.L. E 10 MWF 202 E.H. D 1 MWF 202 E.H. Z 2 MWF 202 E.H. T.A.M. 3. Resistance of Materials 1. — Prere^ misite: T.A.M. 1. 3 hours B 8 MWF 310 T.L. E 8 MWF 305 T.L. ' K 8 MWF 313 T.L. C 9 MWF 305 T.L. A 11 MWF 305 T.L. P 11 MWF 313 T.L. D 1 MWF 302c T.L. Q 1 MWF 305 T.L. Z 2 MWF 305 T.L. T.A.M. 4. Hydraulics. — Prerequisite: T.A.M. 1; registration in T.A.M. 2. 2 hours F 10 TT 302c T.L. K 11 TT 302c T.L. P 11 TT 305 T.L. T.A.M, 5. Mechanics of Fluids.— For mechanical engineering and aeronautical engineering students only. Prerequisite: T.A.M. 2. 3 hours W 10 MWF 302c T.L. T.A.M. 63. Resistance of Materials 'La.hora.ioxy.— Prerequisite: Registration in T.A.M. 3. 1 hour E 3-5 M 223 T.L. Z 10-12 Tu 223 T.L. D 1-3 Tu 223 T.L. K 3-5 Tu 223 T.L. F 3-5 W 223 T.L. J 8-10 Th 223 T.L. W 1-3 Th 223 T.L. P 3-5 Th 223 T.L. A 1-3 F 223 T.L. T.A.M. 64. Hydraulics Laboratory ■. — PrereCt luisite: Registration in T.A.M. 4. 1 hour P 2-5 Tu Hyd. Lab., T.L. E 2-5 W Hyd. Lab., T.L. K 2-5 Th Hyd. Lab., T.L. T.A.M. 97. Thtsis.— Prerequisite: Senior standing; ariproval of head of department. 1 to 3 hours* To be arranged Members of department Courses for Advanced Undergraduates and Graduates .A.M. 49. Advanced Dynamics and Vibration. — Prerequisite: T.A.M. 2 and 3. 3 hours (or K to 1 unit)* To be arranged *In registering for a course with variable credit, as 1 to 2 units or 2 to 4 hours, each student puts on his study-list the number of units or hours for which he intends to take the course. Tim9fabl% of Pint Semetfer Courses 19 Courses for Graduates T.A.M. 107. Laboratory ItivcstiKatioii in Strength *).» Iwiir a w<'c-k. .\rr:inRc. AssiH'i.itf Profossor I.ANsidUi). T.A.M. 100. Laboratory InvostiKutioii in Plain and Reinforced Concrete. (I tu / iiiiitMi.* 'Iwio- a werk. An.iiinr. I'lolos.n Kkiivki. T.A.M. HI. Analytical Study uf Kxperimental Work on Reinforced Concrete. Culiiiniis and Hlal»H. (limit). Iwirf a wi'i'k. Atranne. I'rolVssor Ku icak r. T.A.M. 112. Structural Mechanics. -(1 unit). Thrci- times a wcrk. Arraiinr. i'rofcnsor S» iiwai dk. T.A.M. 114. Theory of Elasticity with Applications to EngineerinK Problems. (1 ijiiii). 1 lirci* limes a week. ArrauKe. ProlVssor Nicwmahk. T.A.M. 198. Thesis. (1 to i units).* Arrange. Members of department. •In registerinff for a course with variable credit, as 1 to 2 units or 2 to 4 hours, cath student l»uts on his study list the niiinhei- of units of hours tOr whieh In intends t(j l.ikc the i«>uisc. 3 0112 105630278