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University of Illinois Library 1 ^ 3 ^^ AN ANALYSIS AND COMPENDIUM OF ALL THE RETURNS MADE TO PARLIAMENT (SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ;) RELATING TO THE imcrtust nf Pupmlati'iim IN THE UNITED ILINODOH OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; THE CfiutrcH OF AND THE AMOUNT AND APPROPRIATION OF THE PAROCHIAL ASSLSSMENTN, TITHES, &c., Ac., WITH ARGUMENTS DEDUCED FROM THE STATISTICAL DETAILS, ELUCIDATORY AND EXPOSITORY OF THE INORDINATE DISPROPORTIONS WHICH THEY EXHIBIT; THE EGREGIOUS FALLACIES THAT PREVAIL RESPECTING THEM; THE PORTENTOUS CONSE- QUENCES WHICH THE DISPROPORTIONS AND FALLACIES INVOLVE; AND THE MEASURES NECESSARY FOR EFFECTING A REQUIRED EQUILIBRIUM. BY J. MARSHALL. LONDON : . SHERWOOD AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW. 1835 . \ J ,V. ^ f : ■ , .■ V- ■ ■ ■ .■ .'. ;• ; >’V'v ■Jt^-i * ^■'- 'I'*'' ‘^ ' •' ' ' ’ . ;W',! ,^r'/ ; -i ■■' ■ ' * ■' ' y ,«.„ , . . ' V AN •/Inalysis and Compendium of all the Returns made to Parliament^ SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE IJHl. CENTTJIIV, KBLAT1N<; TO THE INCREASE OF POPULATION, AND THE Amount and Appropriation the Parochial Assessments* Tithes, Acc., Arranged as follows, viz. : I. A District arrangement of 6000 of the principal Towns and Parishes of England and Wai.es; classed in reference to the preponderance of their productions, and the occupation of their Inhabitants, numbered in consecutive order ; showing the locality and relation of each j)lace, the number of Inhabited Houses in each in 1801 , and 1821 ; the number of Families in 1821, distinguishing the proportion returned as being employed in AGRICULTURE, distinct from those returned as being chiefly employed in TRADE, MANUFACTURES, or HANDICRAFT; and all others not included under either of the two preceding heads ; the Annual Value of Real Property as assessed to the PRO- PERTY-TAX, in 1815 ; the amount annually expended for the MAINTENANCE of the POOR, on an average of three Years, at each of two periods, ending the 25th of March, 1815, and the 25th of March, 1824 ; the number of Persons relieved out of the PAROCHIAL RATES, distinguishing the proportion in WORKHOUSE, and of those out of Work - house; the proportion relieved occasionally, from those relieved permanently; the number of Persons in FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, and the amount of CHARIIABLE REQUESTS at the disposal of the Parochial Officers, in each of the 6000 Parishes and towns enumerated. This arrangement was adopted, to enable the conclusions to be arrived at, of the proportion of the Population engaged in, or dependant upon, each great branch of PRODUCTION or OCCUPATION, for subsistence, as exhibited in the annexed Sum- marv on the following page, the places not enumerated in this arrangement being Small PariMlic*, Townahlpa, Hamlets, or Tithlngs exclusively Agricultural, as exUiUited in line 2S of that page. II. A Statistical Disjday, in which the AREA, or SUPERFICIES in Statute Acres, as deduced from the Trigonometrical Surveys made by order of the Board of Ordnance, is exhibited in juxta-position with the Annual Value of Real Property as assessed to the Property Tax in 1815 ; the amount expended for the maintenance of the Poor, in the Y ear ending the 25th of March, 1829; and the total number of Persons, as returned to Parliament, at each of the four periods of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, in every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Chapelry, Hamlet, Tithing, Liberty, and Extra Parochial Place in ENGLAND, and separately (without the Area) in WALES, each respectively arranged Alphabetically. In this arrangement, all the new Sub or Electoral, and Sessional Divisions of the Counties under the act of 2nd of Wm. IV. cap. 45. [1831] are exhibited, and the antJ are distinguished by their respective initials. The CITIES are printed in ©III Roman, the Market Towns (those being distinguished that make weekly returas of the average price of Corn) are printed in Smalt. Capitals ; Sea Ports having Custom Houses ; the Towns and Places with resident Deputy Postmasters ; those at which Fairs are held, and those at which Sittings are held for collecting of Excise Duties ; the recently disfranchised, as well as the newly enfranchised, and Old Boroughs; Polling Places for County Members,''&c., &c.,are all distinguished by characteristic notations. (Vide pages 91 and 197.) III. A Synoptical view of SCOTLAND, in which the number of HOUSES, FAMILIES, and PERSONS, and the proportion of the Population engaged in Agriculture, and in Trade, Manufactures, &c., in every County, District, and Parish, are perspicuously displayed in a Geographical arrangement, in which the 970 Parishes, &c., are numbered in consecutive order, from 1 to 970, accompanied by an Alphabetical display in which every County, District, and Parish is referred by its number to its place in the Geographical or District arrangement, and in which the Annual Value of Real IJroperty, the Population in 1755, and 1793-8, and as returned to Parliament at each of the Ten Yearly Periods of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, in every County, District, and Parish, are exhibited. The Cities and Royal Burghs, are all distinguished by being printed in ©Ih Romstt, the 14 Electoral Districts are interestingly exhibited, and the Sea Ports, Post and Fair Towns, &c., distinguished as in England and Wales by characteristic notations. See page 231. ACCOMPANIED' BY ^ ©lassifiei statistical liisplap, ' showing THE PROPORTION OF THE MALE POPULATION OF GREAT BRITAIN EMPLOYED OR ENGAGED IN EACH OF 600 VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS OF PRODUCTION OR SERVICE, IN EACH COUNTY OF GREAT.BRITAIN, IN 1831 ; AND A VARIETY OF OTHER ACCOUNTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE NATURAL INFLUENCE OF EACH COUNTY, AS INDICATED BY THE NUMBER OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS IN EACH YEAR, THROUGH A PERIOD OF MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY, AND THE RESOURCES AND CONDITION OF EACH, AS EXEMPLIFIED IN ITS Production., Rental, Taxation, Pauperism, and Crime. 15,609 places in ENGLA.ND and WALES, made separate returns of Population in 1831, but as in the Alphabetical arrangements herewith, all the places with compound or subjoined names, as well as Joint Townships, being specified under both names ; and all the Hundreds or other subdivisions of Counties being also included, it extends the num- ber to upwards of 20,000, exclusive of Scotland ; each place enumerated in the district arrangement, being referred to by its number, and the small Agricultural Parishes, &c., not included, being referred to their nearest place in the district arrangement, it enables the LOCALITY, RELATION, RESOURCE, CIRCUMSTANCE, AND CONDITION OF EVERY PARISH, TOWN, &C., IN As well in regard to the Amount and Inequality of the Assessments, or @ttHes, AS OF O PAROCHIAL OR LOCAL ASSESSMENTS IN GENERAL, &c., to be determined with a facility and precision, and an approximation to accuracy, never before arrived at, and which renders them the most interesting and important development ? of the resource and relation of this or any other community, ever yet portrayed. To Professional Men, whose attention is frequently directed to the Value of Property in different * parts of the Kingdom, and to the Man of business desirous of extending his operations, they will serve as a constant and unerring guide ; while the results deduced from the facts e in detail, contained in a series of Summaries or Abstracts, commencing at page 239, disclose the most egregious fallacies that prevail in regard to the assumed and generally supposed O preponderance of the Manufacturing Population, and the assumed importance of the Manufacturing over the Agricultural Interest; and the equally fatal and hollow delusions that so extensively prevail respecting the effect of the Corn Laws, Free Trade, the Currency, National Debt, &c., all these great and important subjects, as far as they depend on Number, Quantity, Amount, and Proportion (and they depend exclusively thereon for a right understanding respecting them, and the means of giving them a right direction), being placed in such simple, clear, and perspicuous points of view, as to enable all who are desirous of arriving at just conclusions, so to do ; and to leave the Statesman and Legislator without an excuse for any longer subjecting this unparalleled combination of interests to the speculative expediency, to which they have so long and so fatally been exposed. r'8 ...;,i. VJ . fnm »vy.oii>*» >** nmm. ■ < '* ‘ K. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/analysiscompendiOOmars INTRODUCTION. 1 . The following district arrangement of about 5,000 of the principal Towns, and most populous Parishes of England and Wales, is part of an arithmetical inquiry and investigation, which I sometime since imposed upon myself, into the extent and number, resource and conditiort, of the Population, in the different Counties, Districts, and Divisions of the United Kingdom; of the nature of their relation to each other, as well as to the nature and extent of their relation to the several distant parts of the Empire, and to the several Empires and States, of the social world, separately and collectively. 2. The more immediate incentive however, to this part of my inquiry, resulted from a desire to arrive, with as near an approximation to accuracy, as the highly involved state of British Society admitted of, at the proportion of the Population engaged in, or dependant upon, each great branch of production, or occupation, for subsistence, and thereby, in the hope of con-ection, expose the mistake which had so long prevailed, in regard to the assumed preponderence of numbers engaged in Manufacturing, over those employed in Agriculture ; a mistake in some measure superinduced by the mode in which the returns of the occupations of the Population were made in 1811, and 1821, and busily availed of by a pedantic and presuming class of would-be-thought Political Economists, the mischievous tendency of whose pedantry and doctrines will be found more fully elucidated in another place. 3. At the commencement of the undertaking it was impossible to foretel exactly to what the inquiry would lead ; and when entered into, it became difficult to know where to stop ; and after becoming involved in a much greater extent of detail than was originally thought would be necessary for the attainment of my object, in having selected all the Mining, Manufacturing and Maritime Towns, many of the Country Towns seemed so blended, some with Manufactures, and others with Agriculture, as to render it difficult to decide to which class to assign them ; which led to the resolve of enumerating every Town and Parish except those which presented themselves as exclusively Agricultural ; this being done, with a transposition of every place into alphabetical order, with its number in the District arrangement to facilitate reference, and a comparative view of the Total Population of each place at each of the three Ten Yearly Periods of 1801, 1811, and 1821, the details appeared sufficiently interesting in themselves, abstracted from the more general object of my inquiry, to justify my claiming for them public attention. 4. This however was no sooner done, at a very considerable expense of time, labour, and means, than the official compiler of the Returns for 1831 presented to Parliament for the first time, a Comparative View of the Population, in every Town and Parish of the Kingdom, at each of the four Ten Yearly Periods of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, which rendered my partial alpha- betical arrangement valueless, and I consequently abandoned it as such ; but as there has since been a more amplified account of the Census of 1831 presented to Parliament, exhibiting in addition to the usual items the Area in Statute Acres, and the Occupations of the Population in every Town and Parish in the kingdom under twelve, instead of under only three heads, as in the three previous Returns of 1801, 1811, and 1821 ; which details of 1831 confirming in a singular degree of approximation, the conclusions to which I had algebraically been led by my own mode of analysis, induced me a second time to impose upon myself the labour, and incur the expense of offering the results of my investigation to the notice of the public, a conclusion to which I was additionally induced by the opportunity which the Returns of 1831 afforded, for a more interesting development of the relation, resource, and condition of this or of any other country, than has ever before been exhibited. 5. For although the Returns of 1831, as far as they go, are of singular interest, and intitle Mr. Rickman, the assistant clerk of the House of Commons, under whose immediate superintendance they were prepared for publication, to the most unqualified pr aise for their elaboration of arrangement, they are exceedingly defective in a geographical point of view, and in themselves totally inadequate to aid the Statesman and Legislator in those high and important considerations which the present state and circumstances of the country call upon them profoundly to entertain : much being done, more seemed absolutely called for ; and as my District Arrange- B VI INTRODUCTION. — Explanatory of the Object and Nature of the Work. ment determined the locality and relation of every place therein enumerated, the Annual Value of Property, and expense of main- tenance of the Poor appeared to be wanted in comparison with the Area ; this I have accordingly exhibited, together with the Total Population at each of the four periods of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, in each of the 14,397 Parishes, Townships, Hamlets, &c., hi England which made separate returns in the latter year, arranged in alphabetical order, with number of reference to their place in the District Arrangement; whereby, not only is the locality, and relation, but also the circumstance, and condition of each place determined with a facility, and an approximation to accuracy never before arrived at. 6. The Area of the Parishes in Wales not having been obtained, a separate alphabetical arrangement is given, exhibiting tlie same results as in England with the exception of the Area in each of the 1,212 Parishes, Towns, &c., in that very interesting division of the Kingdom. As Scotland makes no return of maintenance of Poor, another and a distinct order of arrangement has been adopted for that part of the Country ; first, in an exhibition of the extent of Superficies, as far as it could be ascertained, and the Total Number of Houses, Families, and Persons in 1801, 1811, and 1821, in each of the 948 Parishes and Places, arranged geographically in regard to their relation to each other, and numbered in consecutive order, followed by an Alphabetical Display of the Annual Value of Real Property, and Total Number of Persons in 1755 and 1798, as well as at each of the four Ten Yearly Periods of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, in each Parish, Town, &c., with number of reference to their place in the geographical arrangement. 7. After the Alphabetical Display of England had been proceeded in as far as Brig., page 104, the prevailing excitement of the time in regard to the Church Establishment led, in addition to the numerous other notations as explained at page 91, to the distinction of R., V., and P. C., for Rectory, Vicarage, and Perpetual Curacy, to all the remaining Parishes and Chapelries of England and Wales ; by this addition the Value of the Benefice and Pay Impr opriation of every Parish of England and Wales may be inferred with as near an approximation to accuracy as is necessary for all legislative purposes, and in conjunction with the other details presents a mass of information, and such a development of the involved relations, circumstances, and condition of every part of Great Britain, and such a combination of resource and power, as to have no parallel either in the history of bookmaking, or of human institutions. 8. That some inaccuracies of detail, and some defect of arrangement, may not be pointed out, is what I do not pretend to dispute ; but when it is considered that I originally had no intention of publishing the details at all, but merely arranged them to enable me to arrive at certain just conclusions, and that upwards of 20 of the first pages of the District arrangement had been printed without my being able to draw any thing like an accurate conclusion as to what use could be made of them, it will I hope suffice as an ample apology for the want of uniformity which appears in that part of the work. At page 35 I resolved on the endeavour, as expressed in section 3, to make the details interesting in themselves as a Topographical and Statistical Display, abstracted from the more important objects which first led me into the inquiry; and from page 34 a greater uniformity of design will be found to prevail. Still as I proceeded I felt regret at not having taken a better view of the subject from the commencement, and wished I had resolved on exhibiting every Parish, Town, &c., as I have done in regard to the Metropolitan Counties of Middlesex and Surry, and of Kent and Sussex, commencing at page 75. 9. Perfect and more interesting however, as the detailed display of those Counties may appear when compared with the other parts of England and Wales in regard to their Topographical and Statistical development, separately considered, such an arrangement will be seen to have been altogether incompatible with the more important object which originally actuated me to make the Analysis as stated in section 2, nor indeed would any other mode have sufficed for that object but the one which I resorted to unless I had exhibited the whole Kingdom in the same order as I have done the four home Counties, and after that exhibited the Mining, Manufacturing, Maritime, Metropolitan, and Inland Towns in a different form, a course which I afterwards wished had been adopted, but which course circumstances have prevented me from pursuing; and I hope that the more perfect form and interest of the Alphabetical Arrangement of England and Wales, and the complete Geographical Display of Scotland, will be deemed an ample com- pensation for the defects which I have pointed out in the District arrangement ; more especially so when I refer to the Series of Summaries which follow page 238, and a reprint, with some important additions of a series of Statistical details previously published, which I have hereunto annexed, containing together an additional mass of information which in a manifold degree justifies the eulogy I have offered in conclusion of section 7. 10. It will be seen by column 2 of page 244 that the several subdivisions of the Counties of England into Parishes and Townships is exceedingly unequal ; Norfolk having an Area of 2,024 square miles being subdivided into 730 Parishes, having 684 Parochial Benefices for a population of 390,000 inhabitants ; while Lancashire, with an Area of 1,766 square miles, has only 70 Paro- chial subdivisions and 282 Episcopal Churches and Chapels for 1,500,000 inhabitants. The Counties of Lincoln, Essex, and Sufl’olk, exhibit equal disproportions when contrasted with the subdivisions of the four Northern Counties of Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland, and also of Chester. These disproportions occasion a complication, and involve considerations in INTRODUCTION. — Appropriation and Inequalitif of Ecclesiastical Benefices, ^'c., S^'c. vii regard to the Church Establishment which would not exist under a more equal subdivision. The inequality has occasioned the Establishment to become involved in pecuniary considerations beyond those which apply to the ordinary Revenues of Tithes and Benefit of Glebes. Before, however, I proceed to show the nature and extent of that pecuniary involvement, it will be more in place fimt to show the origin of the distinction, between the Vicarage, and Perpetual Curacy, and the Rectory. <• 11. The appropriation of the Church Benefices took place soon after the Norman Conquest, from which period the Monastic Establishments commenced obtaining as many of the Benefices as possible, and by the close of the 12th and commencement of the 13th centuries they had obtained full one-third of the total number, including nearly the whole of those the most extensive and valuable ; Vicarating, deputing, or delegating (from the Latin word vicarius), one of their own body to perform masses, administer sacraments, &c., allowing a trifling stipend for such performances, and appropriating the greater portion of the emoluments to the general uses of hospitality, alms, &c., at the Monastery. Abuses imperceptibly, and almost of necessity, growing out of this vicarious mode of proceeding, in progressive extortions and impositions on the part of the Vicar, creating increasing complaints among the people, it led to the assignment of what are now termed the small tithes, fees, and occasional glebe, as a permanent provision for the Vicar, independant of the Monastery, which continued to draw the great tithes for its exclusive appropriation ; the Perpetual Curacies are a distinction in name rather than in effect, the Curate having assigned to him, a similar portion of the Benefices as the Vicars, while the Rector, which in Norman French signifies Lord or Ruler, enjoys the entire Revenues of the Benefice which he holds. 12. It will be seen by page 244, where the number of Episcopal Benefices in each County of England and Wales, is ex_ hibited in comparison with the number of Dissenting Congregations, that the Rectories amount to 4,978, and the Vicarages and Per- petual Curacies to 5,255 ; and if estimated in proportion to value, the latter will be found as two to one, compared with the Rectories; the influence and diligence of the Monastic Authorities continued to increase up to 1535 ; when, by an Act of Henry VIIL, the disso- lution of those Establishments was effected, and the Benefices then held by them were vested in the King, in as ample a manner as +hey had previously been held by the Abbots, &c., of the several Monastic Houses. At this period new Ecclesiastical arrange- ments were formed, and the Abbey Lands, with the Tithes, &c., attached to them, were divided among the new created Bishops, Deans and Chapters, Colleges, and other Corporations, and favoured individuals, who, up to this time, continue to draw the Great Tithes for their exclusive benefit; and as much to the exclusion of the support of the Clergy, as in the time of the Monastic Institu- tions, and more so to the exclusion of the support of the Poor, for which the Tithes were originally, in part, intended ; inasmuch as the Abbots did dispense in Charity from the gates of their houses, what is now absorbed in individual enjoyment, and luxury. 13. Page 245 shows the proportion of the Benefices at present retained by the King, and the proportion vested in the Heads of Colleges, of the two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and other public bodies ; and pages 246 — 255, exhibit a complete view of the nature, extent, and resource, of each of the Benefices in the Counties of Chester and Lancaster, of Cum- berland, Westmoreland, Northumberland, and Durham, these Counties having been selected for this Ecclesiastical Display, in conse- quence of the extent of the Parishes, as observed upon in section 10, and as serving at the same time to show more of the singular complication and nature of the Church Establishment, than any other part of the Kingdom would have done, and also the inutility and disgraceful character of all existing Publications, in regard to this most important of all our Institutions. The Clerical Guide or Ecclesiastical Directory ; published Periodically, by one of the most distinguished Bookselling Establishments in the Metropolis, and deemed the standard authority in all matters relating to the Church Establishment ; represents the Benefice of Whalley, in Lancashire, as follows, viz. : Population 1,658, [misprinted for 1,058] ; Value in the King’s Books, £6. 3s. 9d. : Patron, Archbishop of Canterbury : and Lewis s Topographical Dictionary, a work, generally speaking, of very great merit, recently published at a cost of 10 to 14 Guineas for England and Wales ; gives no better idea of the value of the Benefice than that contained in the Clerical Guide. 14. It will be seen on reference to No. 37, of the Ecclesiastical Display of Lancashire at page 248, that the Parish of Whalley comprises upwards of 108,000 acres, and an Annual Value of Real Property in 1815, of £141°236, greatly increased since that time; and a Population, in 1835, exceeding 100,000, it being the Township of Whalley merely, that in 1821 contained 1,058 inhabitants ; the Benefice, however, extends over the whole Parish, and instead of its value at the present time being £6. 3s. 9d.' per annum, it probably exceeds £6,000 ; yet, notwithstanding this large Revenue, 18 Chapelries within the Parish, have obtained money endowments to the amount of £25,000, see page 249 ; this, it is true, is an extreme case, but all the Representations of Value are equally inapplicable to the present time ; while, in all cases of subdivision of Parishes, the Population of the Township only, is given instead of the Total of the Parish. ’ 15. The Value assigned in all the existing Topographical and other Works, which contain any reference to the Church Establishment, are the Valuations taken at the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1535, and are the amounts on which the First-fruits and Tenths are levied; which Imposts, previous to the disavowal in England of the supremacy of the Church of Rome 4 viii i^TROnvcno^.—Queen Anne’s Bounty ; PmTiamentary Grants; Taxatio Ecclesiastica,\‘^Q\ ; Valor Ecclesiasticm,\^Zb. were paid to the Pope; from 1535, down to 1703, these Imposts formed part of the Revenues of the Crown, except, that all Vicarages under £10, and Rectories under 10 marks per annum, were exempted from the payment of First-fruits. In 1703, these Imposts were formed into a Fund, denominated Queen Anne’s Bounty, for augmenting the Smaller Livings, all at the same time being exempted from the payment of First-fruits, the clear improved Yearly Value of which did not exceed £50 per annum ; and the Valuations as they then stood from 1535, were enacted perpetual ; although provision was made in the original Act for their periodical revision. The principle originally acted upon, by the Governors of this Fund for its appropriation was, to grant £200 to any Poor Living, to which any private person would give an equal sum ; another mode of distribution has been by Lot. 16. Since 1799, Queen Anne’s Bounty has been augmented by £1,100,000 of Parliamentary Grants; and, since 1703, upwards of 3000 Livings in England, and 400 in Wales, have been augmented by £600,000 of Private Benefaction, £1,600,000 of Royal Bounty, and £1,100,000 of Parliamentary Grant ; Vide col. 56, fo. 195, of my Digest of the Parliamentary Papers, pre- sented to the two Houses in the Session oj 1833 : cols. 31, 35,36, and 61, 62, oj the same Page, will show other large money Expendi- ture out of the Public Revenue, on Account of the Church Establishment. This Fund it is that constitutes the money considera- tion in which the Church Establishment is involved, in addition to its ordinary Revenue derived from Tithes, Fees, and Glebes, adverted to in conclusion of section 10 : how far the intentions of the Founders of the Fund, in its appropriation, have been fulfilled, may in some measure be inferred, by the endowments bestowed on the Parochial Benefices, and Perpetual Curacies, of the Six Counties exhibited at pages 247 — 255. 17. In regard to the Annual Value of the several Ecclesiastical Benefices of England and Wales, with the view of showing how far the Value of the present time bears an analogy to past time. In the Six Northern Counties, (the Ecclesiastical Relations of which I have exhibited in detail at pages 246 — 255,) 1 have not only exhibited their present state, in comparison with the Amounts ill the ValorEcclesiasticus o( 1535, but also with those in the Taxatio Ecclesiastica of 1291, and the Nova Taxatio of 1317, as far as that Valuation extended, vide page 250 ; to render, however, these several Valuations intelligible and interesting, it will be necessary to take into consideration the Relative Value of the products of the soil, and of labour at the respective periods. In the Chronicon Pre- ciosiirn of Bishop Fleetwood it is stated that in 1286, Wheat was at the Quarter 2s. 8d., but that such a storm of rain, thunder, and lightning, fell on St. Margaret’s night ; that Wheat came by degrees to the Quarter 16s., and this dearness continued off, and on, for about 40 years, so that sometimes it was sold at London, according to H. Knighton, page 2468, for £4 the Quarter.” Yet, notwith- standing this last quotation. Bishop Fleetwood proceeds to state, that in 1287, Wheat was so cheap, that it was sold at the Quarter 3s. 4d., and in 1288, so great the plenty of corn, and scarcity of money, that Wheat was sold, by the Quarter, at Is. 6d. ; then follows a quotation from the Waverley Annals, which says 2s., and that Mr. Stow says that Wheat vvas sold (though the hottest summer that was remembered,) at London for 3s. 4d., in other parts of England at Is. 8d., Is. 4., and Is. ; nay, in the North and West parts, at 8d. the Quarter. Barley at 6d., and Oats at 4d., and Pease and Beans very cheap ; and yet Fabian sets it down this year at 9s. 4d., which is very dear ; but. Bishop Fleetwood proceeds to state, “ that it is easy to be mistaken in setting down one year for another, and therefore, when H. Knighton says, that great dearness continued off and on, for 40 years, we must understand him candidly; for now and then, it was, in that space of time, exceedingly cheap.” 18. In 1289, Walsingham says. Wheat was so cheap, that in some places it was sold the Quarter at Is. 8d. ; in others at Is. 4d., and in others at Is. ; which does not certainly belong to the year foregoing. Fabian makes this a dear year, and says Wheat was by the Quarter, at 12s. ; and says it went on increasing till it came to Edward II.’s time, to £2 the Quarter. Stow's account of this year is, that by reason of great hail and rains. Wheat rose from 2s. the Quarter, to 10s. 8d. ; and by degrees, came to 20s. the Quarter, while Dugdale, in his Antiquities of Warwickshire, gives the following rates, viz. : Wheat, the Quarter, 6s., Rye 5s., Barley 3s., Beans and Pease 2s. 8d., Oats 2s., a Swan at 3s. 4d., and a Duck at Id. In 1290 Walsingham, and from him the author of Antiq. Britan., in Vita Joseph Pecham says, that Wheat which had been at 2s. the Qaarter, rose (by reason of great rains and storms) to 16s., which scarcity continued off and on, for many years ; in 1297 Wheat (dear) by the Quarter, according to Fabian, 16s., and sometimes, according to H. Knighton, 20s. ; in 1298, at Scarborough, in Yorkshire, the price of an Ox 6s. 8d., a Cow 5s., a Heifer 2s., a Sheep Id. ; in 1299, the Common Council of London enacted, by consent of the King and Nobility, the following scale of prices, viz. : a fat Lamb, from Christmas to Shrovetide, Is. 4d., for the remainder of the year, 4d. ; a Swan 3s., a Crane Is,, a Heron 6d., Geese and Pheasants 4d. each, fat Cocks, Mallards, and Partridges l^d. each. Pullets and Woodcocks l^d. for two, Plovers Id. each. Dugdale, in his History of St. Paul’s, represents Wheat by the Quarter, in 1302, at 4s., ground malt at 3s. 4d., Pease at 2s. 6d., Oats at 2s., a Bull at 7s. 4d., a Cow at 6s., a fat Mutton at Is., an Ewe Sheep at 8d., a Capon at 2d., and a Cock or Hen at l^d. 19. On the installation of Ralf de Born to the Priory of St. Augustine, in Canterbury, in 1309, 6000 guests were enter- tained at a feast, which cost £287. 7s., being rather less than ll^d. for each guest; this not only included the cost of the j)rovisioi*5, but the cost of tables, tressells, and dressers; dishes and jdatters; 3000 ells of canvass; provender for the guests’ horses; and douceurs INTRODUCTION.— C/irw//Vo;i Preclosum, 128G — 1317; Silver Slandard, 1290—1835. IX to the cooks and minstrels, 1 1 tons of wine, cost £2. 3s. 7|d. per ton, tlie spice £2H, almonds £3. IHs,, saffron £1. 14s., 9600 eggs cost £4. 10s., 24 Swans 5s. lOd. each, 200 Pig.s [de porcellus] 6d. each. Partridges, Mallards, Bitterns, ar>d Lark^, cost £18, 53 Quarters of Wheat, 7s. 2d. per Quarter, 68 Quarters of Malt, 5s. per Quarter, 30 Oxen, 100 Hogs, 290 Sheep, cost respectively 18s., 3s. 2|d. and 3s. each, and 1000 Geese, 500 Capons and Hens, and 473 Pullets, 3^d., 3d., and l^d. each, 600 pair of Rabbits, 6d. each. Among other things in this year, shoes are stated to have cost 4d. per pair. Of all the articles or things, the prices of which are enumerated, at this period, the price of Swans is the most remarkable, being disproportionately high to all other animals, and still more remarkable for their non-edible appreciation at the present time. 20. It is recorded in the Antiq. Oxon., that in 1314, the Chancellor and Proctors of that University complained to the King, (Edward II.) that the market of Oxford ran so unreasonably high, that poor scholars could hardly live, upon which the King sent down his mandate to regulate the affair, the Parliament at the same time took the same thing (with respect to the whole nation) into consideration, and enacted the following rates, viz. : for a stalled or corn fed Ox £1. 4s., a grass fed Ox 16s., a fat stalled Cow 12s., an ordinary Cow 10s., a fat Mutton, unshorn, corn fed. Is. 3d., if shorn Is. 2d., a fat Hog of 2 years old (the Antiq. Oxon. say it should be ovis bima) at 3s. 4d., a fat Goose in the City 3d„a fat Capon 2^d., a fat Hen 1^-d., two Chickens l|d., but each of these in all other places |d. less ; in the City, 3 Pigeons for Id., and 20 Eggs for Id., but in all other places 4 Pigeons, and 24 Eggs for a like sum ; upon this attempt at fixation of Value, Bishop Fleetwood observes, that, “ notwithstanding this Act of Parliament, things could not be purchased at these Rates, for people would not bring them to Market (and that is a thing that Parliaments cannot remedy) ; and so the King was fain to revoke the former Act, and leave the people to sell as they could (for a trade will do as it can, and never be forced one way or other). The Bishop appears to have been a Doctrinaire ! / in 1315 and 1316, the price of Pease and Beans, and of Wheat, was by the Quarter, at £1., Malt at 13s. 4d., and Salt at £1. 15s. ; nay, says Walsingham (by the rains in harvest), the dearth was such, that Wheat came to 30s. and 40s. the Quarter, and good Ale was at the Gallon {per Lagenam, from whence the word Flagon, which used heretofore to hold 4 Quarts, was derived), 2d. ; the better sort 3d., and the best of all 4d., so that a Proclamation was fain to be issued out, that a Lagena of Ale should be sold for Id., and that no Wheat should be malted, (imbrasiatum) which the Londoners had usually done, to the great consumption of Corn, and sold it at the Flagon l^d,, and the viler sort at Id. 21. In 1316, Wheat exceeding dear, (Fabian), at the Quarter £1. 12s. In 1317, so great a scarcity of Corn, that at Leicester, (the abode of H. Knighton,) on a Saturday, Wheat was sold at per Quarter, £2. 4s., and the Friday following, at the same place at 14s. the Quarter, so H. Knighton; Fabian, puts it this year at £2. 13s. 4d.; and yet of this very year, [1317] Stow says, that the Harvest was in so early, that all was housed before St. Giles’s day, which is September 1st.; and Wheat that was before at £4. the Quarter, was now at 6s. 8d. ; and Oats, that was before £3. 4s., now at 5s. 4d. ; from these quotations of prices it is seen that the fluctuations in past periods were much greater than at the present time, and it is equally evident that the prices were exceed- ingly variable in different parts of the kingdom ; a little consideration, however, in regard to the altered circumstances of the country, will suffice to reconcile many otherwise seeming discrepancies ; at the period here exhibited, Leicester, Shtewsbury, and Leeds, were as distant from the Metropolis in point of time and facility of transport of large supplies of subsistence as Lisbon, Amster- dam, or Hamburgh, are at the present time ; so that Wheat, or any other equally bulky commodity, might be at 5s. in one part of the country, and 50s. in others. There is also another circumstance in addition to the bare quotations of price, which requires conside- ration in regard to a fair comparison of Value at the different periods. 22. It was enacted in 1290 [28 Edward I.] that the lb. Troy, containing lloz. 2dwts. of pure Silver, and iSdwts. of alloy, should be converted into 20s.=£l. This Standard continued until 1337, when the same quantity of metal was coined into 22s. 6d., and subsequently varied as exhibited in detail at page 252 ; the greatest extremes prevailing between 1533 and 1553. In the latter year 3oz. of pure Silver and 9oz. of alloy were coined into 72s., being at the rate of 24s. per oz. for pure Silver against Is. 8^d. in 1290, and 5s. 2d. at the present time. It will be seen from this, that a two-fold consideration is requisite in forming a fair comparison of prices of any commodities at different periods, first as respects a corresponding Value in the denomination of the money ; and secondly, in respect to whatever difference may exist as a consequence of a scarcity or abundance of either money or commodities. Independant of the change in the denomination of the money; Money, at the present time, is relatively far more plentiful than in the periods heretofore referred to; and so of Metallic money, independant of paper and confidence, which increase the propor- tion as 10 or 15 to one; and in that degree will it be necessary to look at the Valuations of the respective Parishes, at the dif- ferent periods, to enable any thing like a fair opinion to be formed, how far they have increased or diminished in interest, and rela- tive importance, since 1291. 23. Independant, however, of the comparative Value of the several Parishes to themselves, at different periods ; their rela- tive Value to ^ch other, in their respective districts, at the same period, is, in itself, a feature of no common interest. It will be seen that some Parishes which in 1291 were highly Valued, and indicated great importance, are now inconsiderable, and some entirely X INTRODUCTION. — Ckrouicon Preciosum, 1317 — 1440 ; Great Pestilence, 1348 ; Exportation of Wool Prohibited. obsolte ; while, in other cases the rule is reversed, in Parishes formerly ohscure, having become of first-rate importance ; the following example will place these changes in a prominent point of view : in 1291 the Benefice of Stanwell, in the Metropolitan County of Middlesex, was valued at £40., and the Vicar at £5. 6s. 8d. ; while the Benefice of St. Pancras was valued at only £8. 13s. 4d. In 1815 the Annual Value of the Real Property in Stanwell was returned at £9,455., and that of St. Pancras at £238,661, and Mary-le- hone, so late as the last Century an obscure Village, now the most Populous and Wealthy in the Kingdom, and rated in 1834 a £750,000. per annum. A thousand instances of changes, if not to the same extent, not less interesting, might be adduced, affording at delightful and instructive lesson in respect to the mutations and changes which States and empires, as well as Parochial Districts, and all organised bodies, are constantly undergoing. The Notes to pages 247 and 258 supply some further evidence of Parochial changes, while the details of the Benefices at large in the Six Northern Counties, exhibited at pages 246 — 255, afford an extensive range for comparison, reflection, and deduction. 24. The Valuations in the Temp. Henry VIII. [1535] indicate on the whole a less favorable condition of the Country than those of 1291. The arbitrary and avaricious character of the period of 1535, however, occasions great doubt to be entertained of the impartiality of that Valuation; but it will be seen as I proceed in the exhibition of the Prices of Commodities that no improvement had taken place, and in the absence of all data in regard to the increase or decrease of Population, much must be left to conjecture. The exhibition of the Prices of Commodities having already been carried to a greater extent than I thought would be necessary before I entered on this part of roy subject, it now appears desirable to continue it down to 1535, as far as the intermediate period affords satisfactory data ; I will therefore proceed accordingly. Inquisitio unum capitate Messuagium represents 70 acres of Arable land at Tunbridge in Kent in 1326 to have been worth 35s. per annum ; 80 other acres of ditto 3c?. per acre ; 20 acres of pasture \d. per acre ; 14 acres of meadow ^d. per acre ; 18 other acres of arable at 2d., and 27 at Ad., and 2 acres of meadow at 10(^. each acre ; in 1331, such plenty of corn and scarcity of money, that Wheat was at London by the Quarter, at 2s., a fat Ox at 6s. 8rf. H. Knighton and Fabian represent a fat Sheep at 6d., and at most 8d., a fat Goose at 2d., 6 Pigeons for Id., and a Pig for Id. ; and observe upon these low prices that they were occasioned by King Edward III. gathering up all the money he could get to carry on his wars in France, and Scotland ! ! In 1357, John, King of France, who had been taken prisoner by the English at the battle of Poictiers, was ransomed for 3,000,000 crowns of Gold, equal to about £1,500,000 ; a vast sum at that time. 25. In the ten years following 1336 but little information is given. In 1339 several undertakers promised to deliver at the Town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, and in Leith Road, 10,000 Quarters of Wheat and Malt, each Quarter at 9s. This brings the eluci- dation down to the most extraordinary period in the History of Europe ; the great Pestilence, which desolated all the then known parts of the habitable Globe : see my Statistical Details and Developinent of the Diseases and Mortality of the Metropolis, which contains the fullest account, in the English language, of that fatal malady. In 1348 H. Knighton says, that in consequence of the Pestilence then raging, things sold almost for nothing. A Horse worth 40s. was sold for 6s. 8d., and other animals in proportion, and a Stone of Wool at 9d. ; upon which the historian says, Erat leve precium cunctis prcz mortis timore : They were not only afraid of their cattle dying, but themselves, otherways Wool need not have been so cheap. In 1349 Wheat was at 2s., in 1359 at 26s. 8d., in 1361 at 2s., in 1363 at 15s., and in 1369 at 24s., in 1379 at 4s., in 1390 at 16s. 8d., in which year H. Knighton states that Wool was so cheap (by reason of a law that forbade men to carry it but to such and such places, for stranger-merchants to fetch it, and might not export it themselves), that it was sold by the Stone at 3s., and at 2s., and at Is. 8d. In 1401 and in 1416 Wheat is stated to have been very ^ dear at 1 6s. the Quarter. 26. In a Computus relating to the Prior and Canons of Burcester, Oxfordshire, in 1407, a new Plough is valued at lOd., a Dung Cart and all that belonged to it at Is. 2d., and a pair of Cart Wheels at 3s. 2d. ; and again in 1425, 23 Tod of pure Wool sold at 9s. 6d. the Tod, 5 Ox-hides for 12s., 16 Calf-kins for 2s., and 36 Sheep-skins two years old for 9s. In the same year Stone-cutters, Tilers, and Sawyers were remunerated for their labour at the rate of 4d. each per day, while a man for 12 days’ labour at ploughing and harrowing was paid only Is., or at the rate of 2d. per day. A great Flesh-axe was charged Is. 4d. ; 30 pair of Winter Gloves for the servants 4s., and 12 pair of ditto for the Bishop of Worcester’s servants 5s. In 1434 the Autumn is stated to have been so wet, that for almost two years following in many places of the Kingdom Wheat was sold the Quarter at 26s. 3d., and yet at the end of the year following the Hist. Croyland Continuatio states that it came again to 5s. 4d., which, says Bishop Fleetwood, seems to have been the usual common price of a Quarter of Wheat, about that time ; in 1439, Stow says there was such scarcity, that Wheat was sold at £1. the Quarter, and Fabian says at 26s. 8d.. In 1440 the scarcity continued; Wheat was at the Quarter 24s., Malt 13s., Oats 5s. 4d., Wine Is. per Gallon, and Bay Salt Is. the Bushel. 27. Bishop Fleetwood now states, under the year 1440, that if he was not misinformed, the Statutes of a College (wliich he does not name) enacted that the Weekly Allowance for every Fellow, Chaplain, and Scholar, shall be at Is. 4d, and in times of Scarcity Is. 5d. and Is. 6.; but if Corn should be (and continue for 20 days) above 2s. the Bushel, then their allowance shall be Is. 8d. the week, and no farther. Wheat, therefore, (says the Bishop) at 16s. the Quarter must be accounted exceedingly dear, and INTRODUCTION. — Chronicoii Preclosum, 1440 — 1594 ; Pint Corn Law, 146 . 3 . XI yet in 1440 it was at the lowest reckoning of Mr. Stow, at 20s. the Quarter. But indeed from that year to 1460, I have never found Wheat at above Ms. the Quarter; and here (continues the Bishop) if it would avail me anything, I might justly bemoan our want of History for these last 250 years and upwards : but as to the purpose in hand, I have had the good fortune to meet with the Comjyutus of 9 or 10 years of very great credit, which shall go under the name of E. C., [doubtless Eton College is meant] first giving an account of the Price of things, received from a private but very creditable hand, of the year 1444; Wheat 4s. 4d. the Quarter, Porkers 3s. Calves 2s., Geese 3d. each, 146 dozen of Pigeons at 4^d., 5^d., and Gd. per dozen, 8 Cygnets [young Swans] 3s. each ; [1 have before observed upon the relatively high price of this Bird over all other Commodities ; next to which the price of Salt, and of Fish, which follow, deserve the first consideration. 28. At this time [1444] it appears that Master Traders wrought by the day for 3d., and their labourers or servants at Id. • but then I believe they had their Meat and Drink. The Yearly Wages were, some £1. 6s. 8d., others £1. ; in this year there was paid for 26 Warp of Ling £1. 10s. 4d., for 100 Stock-fish 17s. 6d., and for a Barrel of Herrings of 30 Gallons capacity, fully packed £1.; in the following year 3000 Red Herrings cost £1. 11s. In 1448 a Cade of Red Herrings for E. C. [Eton College] cost 5s. 8d., and a Barrel of White Herrings 2s. 3d. ; in 1449 6s., and lOs. ; in 1451 7s. 4d. and 13s. 7d. respectively ; in 1453 the Cade of Red Herrings 7s. 6d.; in 1457 6s. 8d. ; in 1459 7s. lO^d. ; and in 1460 7s. In 1463 the first trace of a Corn Law presents itself; it was in that year enacted in Parliament that no Corn should be imported if Wheat were not above 6s. 8d., Rye 5s., and Barley 3s. the Quarter, which signifies those prices to be high ; the price in London this year was for Wheat by the Quarter 2s., Barley Is. 10., Pease 3s. 4d., Oats Is. 2d. ; and in Norfolk, Wheat was Is. 8d., and Barley and Oats Is. the Quarter. In 1486 Wheat very dear, and Bay Salt the same price per Quarter, £1. 4s. In 1494 Wheat (cheap, and Bay Salt the same), 4s. In 1499 Wheat per Quarter 4s., Bay Salt 2s. 8d. In 1475 the Load of Hay 6s. 8d.,and in 1498 8s. 2d. Mr. Stow says Hay was usually at .5s., but now it was 10s. or 12s. In 1511 the Load of Hay is given at 5s. ; in 1560 a Load of Old Hay 12s. 6d., and New 6s. 8d. ; in 1562 a Load of Hay 13s. 4d., and of Straw 6s. In 1504 Red Wine was £4., Claret £3. 13s. 4d., White £3. 6s. 8d., Malmsey £4., London Ale, 30s., Canterbury 25s., and Beer 23s. 4d. per Dolium [Pipe or Butt of 105 Imperial Gallons] ; in the same year Wheat was 5s. 8d., between which date and 1521 I find no quotation, in which year Stow writes Dearth i Wheat by the Quarter £1. 29. In 1533 Stow states it was enacted that Butchers should sell their Beef and Mutton by Weight ; Beef for a halfpenny the Pound, and Mutton for three farthings ; which being devised for the great commodity of the Realm (as it was thought) hath proved far otherways ; for at that time (i. e. 1533) fat Oxen were sold for 26s. 8d., fat Weathers for 3s. 4d., fat Calves of the like price, a fat Lamb for 12d. ; the Butchers of London sold Penny Pieces of Beef for the relief of the Poor, every piece 2|lbs, sometimes 31bs. for a penny ; and 13, sometimes 14 of these pieces for 12d ; Mutton 8d. the Quarter, and Icwt. of Beef for 4s. 8d. ; at this time also, and not before, were Foreign Butchers permitted to sell their flesh in Leadenhall Market of London ; by Foreign Butchers such as lived not, or had not served their Apprenticeship, in London, is probably meant. This brings the exhibition down to the time of Henry VIII. [1535], when the Valor Ecclesiasticus took place, at which period the quotations of prices are very scant. Oats are quoted at 2s. 8d., and in 1237 and 1543 at 3s. 4d. per Quarter ; but there is no quotation of Wheat before 1551, in which year both Wheat and Oats are stated at 8s., which rate appears to have prevailed for several years before and after 1535. In 1551 Coals are given at 12s. a Load, upon which it is observed, that whenever Coals are met with in old accounts, you are to understand thereby Charcoal, not Sea Coal, which had not been in common use (as well as I can guess) 150 years, at least not in London; though M. Paris speaks of them under the name of Carbo Marinas, in the time of Henry III. in. Additament. 30. The six preceding Sections exhibit a view of the prices of the products of the soil and other commodities, through a period of 350 years, from the time of Edward L, down to the Valor Ecclesiasticus of Henry VIII. , at which latter period the Valua- tion indicates a less favourable condition of the country than in 1291. In 1460, it is stated that. Wheat was never above 8s. the Quarter, notwithstanding the sword was drawn between the houses of York and Lancaster, which usually cut down corn as well as men ! ! In 1551, Wheat and Oats are both stated to have been at 8s^ per Quarter, and in each of the four years 1554 — 1557, Wheat at the same price of 8s. per Quarter, and Oats in the latter year 10s.; and the pay for the threshing of a Quarter of Wheat 13d., of Rye lOd. and of Barley 5d. ; notwithstanding the quotation in one place of 8s. per Quarter for Wheat in 1557, Stow says, that in this year, before harvest. Wheat was per Quarter, £2. 13s. 4d., Malt £2. 4s., Beans and Rye £2., and Pease £2. 6s. 8d. ; but after harvest. Wheat was at London per Quarter 5s., but in the country at 4s. ; Malt, in London, 6s. 8d. ; but in the country, 4s. 8d. ; so that a penny-wheat loaf, which before harvest was eleven ounces, was after harvest fifty-six ounces. In each of the five years 1558 — 1562, Wheat and Rye are both quoted at 8s. the Quarter. Bishop Fleetwood, however, observes in regard to this uniformity of prices, that they were the Rates agreed upon between the Landlord and Tenant, in regulation of Rent rather than the actual selling prices. 31. Subsequent to the last mentioned year, 1563, about which time the American Mines began to pour forth supplies of gold and silver into Europe, a high money price for all commodities appears to have prevailed. In 1574, such a dearth at London, Xll • INTRODUCTION. — SaxoH Ch'onicles ; King Ina's Laxvs,l\2 — 727 . that Wheat was the Quarter at £2. 16s., Beef (at Lammas) so dear that a stone came to Is. lOd., five Herrings 2d., and Bay Salt never so dear, the Bushel selling at 6s. ; after harvest. Wheat was the Quarter 24s., and so continued about a year. In 1587, Wheat was at London by the Quarter, £3. 4s., and in other places 10s., 12s., and 13s. the Bushel; this, it is observed, was occasioned by excessive Transportation. In 1594, Wheat £2. 16s., Rye £2. In 1595, Wheat, (by much Transportation), the Quarter at £2. 13s. 4d., a Hen’s Egg at Id., or at best three Eggs for 2d., and a pound of Sweet Butter 7d. ; the sins of the times, {Stow says), deserving it. In 1596, Wheat (by reason of great rains), the Quarter at £4., Rye £2. 8s., Oatmeal by the bushel 8s. In 1597. Wheat fell from £5. 4s. the Quarter to £4., Rye from 9s. the Bushel to 6s., and then to 3s. 2d., and then rose again to the greatest price. In 1598, Pepper so dear as that a pound was sold at 8s., Raisins at 6d., Gascoigne Wine at 2s. 8d., and Sweet Wine at 4s, per gallon. 32. The fifteen preceding Sections contain all that is worth transcribing from Bishop Fleetwood’s deservedly esteemed Work, Clironicon Preciosum, relating to the prices of commodities from 1286 down to the close of the 16th Century; thus far I was induced to transcribe, in reference to the Ecclesiastical Valuations of 1291, 1317, and 1535; but after all, it is still difficult, for reasons which will hereafter appear, to arrive at any very accurate conclusions in regard to the relative Value of the several Parishes at those past periods, in comparison with their Value at the present time ; nevertheless, as the Bishop appears to have taken very great pains in the collation of his Work, and to have pursued his enquiries with great integrity of purpose ; it may be regarded as containing, within a narrow limit, the best account extant of the Value of commodities during the period to which it refers, and as such, it may be considered quite in place here, as well in respect to the Ecclesiastical Valuations before referred to, as to the price of Corn and other commodities at the present time, to which I shall hereafter have occasion to advert. 33. In regard to the price of commodities, one class of Speculatists contend that, it is governed solely by the supply, or amount of the circulating medium; that the high prices of Corn, and other products of the soil, which prevailed between 1795 and 1819, resulted entirely from the extensive application of the representations of amount on Paper, and of Credit, to facilitate the ex- change of commodities; and that the depression which has prevailed since 1819, has as certainly resulted from the return to an intrinsically valuable circulating medium ; and some have as strenuously contended for variableness of season, obstruction to free ex- change, either by enactment, or commotion, being the governing cause of high or low prices ; while others assume, that price is governed entirely by supply and demand, and that it is wholly uninfluenced, in a general sense, or for any length of time, by any extraneous or special causes. Whatever respect, or otherways, may be due to either one or the other of these assumptions, it will be seen as the subject becomes more closely examined, that there is either some latent principle, or some undefined cause, which always has had, and which still continues to have, a greater effect upon the money price of all commodities, than any hitherto disclosed. 34. If there was any inherent tendency in the debasement of the coinage, which is the same in effect, with an enlargement of the circulating medium, whether of Paper or any other representation of amount, it would certainly have shown itself under the debasement that prevailed between 1536 and 1551 ; [see Statement, page 252], but as far as any evidence exists, no effect whatever was produced on the current price of commodities during that period; and under the extreme point of debasement in 1551, when the Intrinsic Value of the currency was only as one, to fifteen, in comparison with 1290, Wheat was quoted at 8s. per Quarter, which at various periods antecedent to any debasement having taken place is represented to have been at a much higher price, and continued, without any depression, subsequent to the restoration of the Silver Standard in 1552 ; and previous to harvest in 1557, Wheat is re- presented by Stow to have been at £2. 13s. 4d. per Quarter, and all other Grain in proportion. It is proper, however, to observe, that although the coinage was restored in 1552, to the same standard of purity which prevailed from 1290 down to 1535, the lb. Troy being coined into only 60s. instead of 48s. and 72s., as was done between 1535 and 1552 ; the debased coins of that period con- tinued to circulate down to 1559, [II. Elizabeth] when they were all called in, and exchanged, as was done by the greatly abrased coins in circulation in 1816. 35. According to a statement deduced from the Saxon Chronicles by Sir George Shuckburgh Pivelyn, Bart., inserted in the Transactions of the Royal Society, towards the close of the 18th century, the price of Wheat in England, for a hundred years antece- dent to the Norman Conquest in 1066, averaged about Is. 6d. per Quarter; and for a century subsequent to that event, the same authority represents the average to have been about 3s. per Quarter; but having proceeded so far in the History of Price, with the view of making the subject as complete, as the imperfect records of the time admit, I will now introduce a few Extracts from the Saxon C/^?’07^^c/e.s direct. In /«a’s laws, enacted between 712 and 727, it is said, Ovis cum Agno suo valet uniim Solidnm, usque ad XIII. Noctes post Pascha, An Ewe, with her Lamb, is worth one shilling, till thirteen nights after Easter. Bromton Chion. fo. 766. In the 10th century, Ednoth bought 2 Hydes of Land, at Slapleford in Bedfordshire for C. shillings of the best silver, and gave them to Ramsey Abbey. At page 473, Hist. Elien, it is said that an Acre of Land was purchased at Is., and a Hyde at Cs. from whence Bishop Fleetwood observes “one might think, that a Hyde contained 100 Acres, but it contained 120; and once for all, he INTRODUCTION. Saxon Chronicles, lOOO ; Norman Conquest., lOGG — 108.0. Xlll continues, “it will be well to remember, that a Hi/(le, ii Yard Lund, and a Kniyhl's Fee, contain no certain number of Acres, but diricr according to dilfercnt places, as may be seen in the Glossaries. :3G. In the Senatns Consultu de Monlicolis, in the time of King Ethelred, about the year 1000, it is stated, that, if a Horse be lost, the compensation must be 30s., a Mare or Colt of a year old 20s., a Mule or Young Ass at 12s., an 0\ 30d., a Cow 24d., a Swine 8d., a Man t‘l., a Sheep Is., a Goat lid. ; Saxon money 6d. to the Is., and 48s. to the £. 1043, is represented to have been a year of Famine, and corn so dear, as no one ever remembered it: insomuch that a sester, or sextarius, of Wheat was sold for LXd. H. of Huntingdon, and Robert de Monte, both of whom lived in 1140, explain the sextarius, which was equal to the seam of after times, or the quarter of the present time; to have been as much as would load a Horse, both say it was sold for V sol. Sir II. Spel- man, in reference to the famine of this year, cites Huntingdon L. 6., as follows, viz. : Circa hoc tempus (scil Ed. confess ), tunla fames Angliain i/mtsit quod Sextarius Frunienti, qui Equo uni solet esse oneri, venundaretur V solidis, et eliam plus. Bishop Fleetwood here directs attention to the distinction between LXd., and V sol, and observes that, the Author here quoted, who lived after the Norman Conquest, translated LXd. into V sol, because in their days, [1140] the Shilling contained 12d., while in the Saxon times when this famine or scarcity happened, the Shilling contained, as previously stated, but 5d. ; in support of which, he further quotes the Fragment of Grammaticus, vi\nc\i states, Anglia Sacr., p. 1., Libra on Leden is Fund on Englise, Fif Penegas gemacigath anna Scillinge et XXX. Penega aenne Marcs: i. e. Libra in Latin is Pound in English; Five Pennies make one Shilling ; and 30 Pennies one Mark. The Bishop dwells upon what seemed to him a blunder of the Authors in question, and fur- ther observes, “ Thus, in the Laws of King Athelstan, as they had been translated by John Brompton, (inter X. Scriptures, p. 847), an Offender is to forfeit for his first fault XXXd. for his second, LXd., and for his third Xs.; “now this,” says the Bi.shop, “ could not possibly be in King Athelstan’s time, when LXd. made XIls., and thus, in King Ina's time. Law 59, which enacted, that he who wounded or maimed the Horn of an Ox, should pay Xd., of a Sow 2d.; who cut off the tail of an Ox should pay IVd., of a Cow Vd., and the same for putting out the Eye of an Ox ; for all these offences, John Brompton states 5d., and when the mulct for putting out the Eye of a Cow is stated at Is. Brompton says 12d. Notwithstanding these strictures of the Bishop, he appears to have over- looked the fact, that although there was a difference in the number of Pence in a Shilling, as there were 48 Saxon Shillings to the £. ; the number of Pence in the £ was the same prior to and after the Norman Conquest; this, however, is no excuse for Brompton, who appears to have quoted loosely ; while, as respects both Huntington and Rob. de Monte, their quotations were correct for the time in which they wrote ; and they perhaps, little thought that what they were doing would be matter of tjuestion in either 1835, or in Bishop Fleetwood’s time. 37. The Annales de Morgan represent 1125 [this is subsequent to the Norman Conquest] to have been another year of Famine, and quote Wheat at £l the Quarter; but H. Huntingdon says, page 382, Vendebafur onus equi frumentarium Vis. [these will be Norman, not Saxon, s.] and Rob. de Monte in the same year says it was the dearest year in England that was ever known, Tor a Horse Load of Wheat was .sold at VI. sol. This, upon the credit of these two writers, seems more likely than the price given in the Aimaks de Morgan. In the Liber niger Schaccarii of Eadmer, written as is supposed in the time of Henry I, between 1100 and 1135, is the following, viz. : 1. Pro Mensura Tritici ad Panem Centum Hominum 2. Pro Corpore Bovis Pascualis jg. 2. Pro Preebenda xx. Equorum - - - - - 4d. 4. Pro Ariete vel ove 4 d. This was the exchange made by the King, that instead of Provisions for his Household he might have some ready money to defray the expenses of his Court and pay his Soldiery. Instead therefore of Bread for 100 men (for one meal it is supposed) the Tenant was to pay Is., and instead of a Stalled Ox, the same. Selden, however, in his notes on Eadmer, says instead of the Ox it was 5s. ; but Sir H. Spelman, who saw the Book, which he described as one on which the sun did seldom shine, writes Solidum unum. Is. By Pro Preebenda Equorum is always meant Oats ; and instead of bringing Oats for XX. Horses (for a night it is supposed) the Tenant was to allow 4d. In the Law of 1 Hen. I. cap. 76, Forty Sheep are valued at £l. About the year 1145 the Tenant of a Place was to pay Yearly XXs. or VII. Oxen, each worth Ills. 38. In 1185 the Tenants of Shireborn were by Custom to pay either 2d. or 4 Hens, which they would ; and by the custom of Beleshall, 2 L Ram or Vllld , while in the Preface to King Athelstan’s Laws it is said, Vel unus Aries qui Valeat IIII. Denarios, being a half less. In 1196 Corn is represented to have been so scarce, that at Salisbury a Serna of Wheat was sold at 13s. 4d., and in 1197 at 18s. 8d. The Serna, according to Dr. Gale, who quotes the above prices from the Chron. of Tho. Wikes, was only 4 Bushels, having put in a note to Serna, quatuor modios ; but Sir H. Spelman, who appears a better authority, writes. Seam VIII. modiorum mensura; sic de Frumenfo dictum quod unius Equi sit Sauma, '\. e. Sarcina. In 1199 it was ordered by King John that a Tun of XIV INTRODUCTION. — Great Famine, 1270 ; Stipends of Ficars and Curates, 1222 — 1287 . I’oictou Wine should be sold for no more than a Tun of Anjou at £l. 4s., and no French Wine above £l. 5s., unless so very good, that one would be glad to give £l. Us. 8d. No Sextarium of Poictou Wine to be sold above 4d., nor any White dearer than (id. ; but the merchants would not boar this assise, and sold the Red for 6d., and the White for 8d. the Gallon, and the land, the His- torian says, was filled with drink and drunkards. Neither the Tiai, Sextarium, or Gallon, as here used, are sufficiently defined to de- termine what proportion they had to measures of the present time. 39. The Wavertey Annates represent that in 1202 there was so great a scarcity (occasioned by continual rains) that a iluarter of Wheat was sold for more than 12s. ; and in 1205, according to M. Paris, there was so great a Frost) lasting from Jan. 14 to March 19, that Wheat was at the Quarter 12s. Stow says the ground was so hard that it could not be tilled, and a Quarter of Wheat was sold the Summer following for a Marc, which in Henry II, ’s time [1154 — 1189] had usually been at Is . ; Beans and Pease ()S. 8d., and Oats that were wont to be 4d., in this year were at 3s. 4d. Fabian puts Wheat this year [1205] at 15s. instead of 12s. the Quarter. In or about 1217, when the King came to Redhourn, only 4 miles from St. Albans, the Carnerariiis of the Abbey of St. Albans lost 3 good Horses, 2 Asses, and a good New Cart, all which were worth at least 50s. When Fulco de Brent came to Langley, the Camerarius lost 3 Houses, that were burnt, and 35 Hogs, which all came to at least £X., and a Plough that cost Xs., a mistake for Xd. ; and when the King of France’s Mareschal came, he lost many Oxen, Cows, Sheep, and other things, and 24 Horses, valued at 40 marks, i. e. £26. 13s. 4d . ; M. Paris, p. 1059. The Camerarius was the receiver of the Rents for the Monastic Houses, and who provided Clothes for the Monks. In 1223 Wheat is again represented by Stow as very dear, and as having sold by the Quarter at XIIs. About 1232 the Abbot of St. Albans going a journey attended with 6 Esquires on Horseback, agreed that if the Horses died on the way, that there should be paid for each Horse Xs., the Horses to be strong and handsome ; decentes, et fortes ad portandum. In 1237 Wheat was by the Quarter 3s. 4d., Barley 2s., and Oats Is. ; and in 1243-4 Corn so plentiful, that Wheat and Pease were each of them by the Quarter 2s. 40. In 124G Wheat, according to Thomas Wikes, is represented so dear at 16s. ; and by the same authority in 1247 still dear, 13s. 4d. In 1257, according to Fabian, excessively dear, 24s. In 1258, according to Sir Walter Hemingford, so great a Famine, that many people were starved, so that a Quarter of Wheat was sold at 16s.; this makes the account of Fabian in the pre- ceding year doubtful, more so when it is considered that Stoio says it was XVs., nay XXs. the Quarter. We now come to the most remarkable period in the whole History of Prices, the year 1270 [54 Hen. III.] in which year the Author of Antiq. Britan in Vita .Toll. Pecham says that Provisions were so scarce, that Parents did eat their own Children ! ! ! and that Wheat was so dear, that it was sold at the Quartered. 16s., and sometimes at 16s. the Bushel, which makes it at £6. 8s.; equal in the money of the present time to XT5. 16s. 8d. and £21. 2s. the Quarter. Other accounts vaguely represent the misery of this time to have been so great that thousands died of Starvation on the Highways, but no clue is given to the cause; it was somewhat of a turbulent period, but it is difficult to conceive of any internal commotion, or indeed of any human circumstances occasioning such an extraordinary state of Society, while there is not the slightest trace of any interposition of nature having prevailed at the time. This brings the Review of the Prices of Commodities from the time of the Saxons down to the period commenced at in section 17, and 18 — 31 carry them down to the close of the 16th century. So far as respects the Price of Commodities. 41. Next, as respects the Stipends of the Clergy, section 11 explains the distinction between the Rector, Vicar, and Per- petual Curate, and the following will show the prevailing Stipends of the two latter through a period of tw'o or three centuries. In a Council held at Oxford in 1222, it was decreed, that where the Churches had no greater Revenues than V. marks per annum, they should be conferred on none but such as should constantly reside in person over the Benefice, by which it is inferred that a single Priest might therefore subsist on V. marks, but he could not afford to keep a Curate. Accordingly S. Luugton, Archbishop of Can- terbury, in the same year decreed, that the Perpetual should have V. marks assigned him, i. e., as much as might be farmed out for V. tnarks. Except in Wales, where by reason of the smallness of the Livings, (and plenty it is supposed of Provisions) the V^icars were contented with less Stipends. In 1287 Peter Quivil, Bishop of Exon, in Synodo Exonieusi, decreed that in every Parochial Church the Perpetual Vicarage should be endowed with at least V. marks per annum, that the Vicar may in some measure keep hos- ])itality ; and in case he grow old, sickly, or impotent, may be thereby sustained. This must be done if the Living be really worth 'EL, marks per annum : but if it be of better value, the Vicar’s portion must be increased; and as for a Curate, who is termed [Parochialis Sacerdos) he decreed the Rector should pay him 40s. per annum for his Stipend, and says, if the Rectors feel themselves aggreved by this, they may do their work themselves and save that money. The Bishop of Exon further decreed that the Sacer- doles auxiliarii of his Diocese should have 50s. per annum at least; and if they have agreed for less, such agreement to be void 42. Bishop F/eehcoof/ observes upon the title Parochialis Sacerdos, that he should have thought Sacerdos, joined especially with Parochialis, should have signified a Parish Priest, Rector, or Vicar, as distinguished from the Capcltanus or Curate ; while he seems above, to have been a mere Stipendiary Curate, and removable whenever the Hector would do his business himself. The Bisliop iNTUonuc'i'iox. — Effect a oj the Great Pestilence in 1318, on the Manners and Conduct of the Clergtj. XV also appears to have been at a loss to account for why an Aiixitiari/, or Assistant Ihiest should liave had 50s, per annum, wflien the C'lirale had but 10s. ; but observes tliat there was very good reason why such underhand bargains should be made void, which were M) much to the jirejudice of the poor Curate, and therefore it was, that in 125.‘3 when Articles of iuqiiirij were directed to all the Dioceses of England, one question was, Whether any Rector had made a bargain with their Curates, that besides the Stipends they received from the Rectors, they might receive from the people Annuatia, et Tricennalia ; because if so, it was to save the Rector (or Monastic Incumbent, whom by section 11 it may be observed liad become the chief Impropriators of the Church Benefices) from giving so fair and reasonable a Stipend as they ought. 43 . Annuatia, et Tricennalia ; — the first of these implies such Oblations as were made annually by Relations of Deceased Persons upon the day the person died, which was called the l eads day, or Year's mind, and upon which. Mass was celebrated with great solemnity by one of the most considerable Clergymen that the means and influence of the party could procure. Tricennalia w'ere called '['rentals, from Trigintalia, and in English a month' s-mind, because the Service lasted a month, or 30 days, in which they said so many Masses. On this ceremony M. Du Fresne observes, Tricenariurn, Ojficiurn XXX, Missarum, quod tolidem diehus peragitur, pro Defunctis vet Ohventiones qiue ohveniunt Sacerdotibus ratione ejusdern Officii. In 1289 Gilb. Cicest. [Bishop of Chichester] decreed that Curates in poor Churches should have V. marks for their Stipends; in richer Churches more. In 1300 W. Grenefeld, Archbishop of York, decreed the same thing, and in 1308 Rob. de Winchelsea, Archbishop) of Canterbury , decreed that no Curate should serve under V. marks per annum. The Great Pestilence of 1348, (see section 25) H. Knighton states, had, among other people, swept aw'ay so many of the Priests, that a Chaplain could hardly be gotten to serve a Church under X. marks or X. pounds per annum, whereas before they might be had at V. or IV. marks, nay at II., together with their diet ; while in 1348 men would hardly accept of a Vicarage of 20 marks or £20 per annum ; this it is supposed was because F/cars were thought to be obliged to stricter residence, which in pestilential seasons was doubtless hazardous. 44. In 1360 /. Thoresby, Archbishop of York, confirmed the decree of his predecessor Grenefeld in 1306. In 1362 Simon Iselip, Archbishop of Canterbury, decreed, that Chaplains Annalia Celebrantes, and having no cure of souls, should be content with V. marks per annum, and they who had cure of souls with VI. marks, unless the Diocesan for good cause should order more ; but Slav) observes “ that these low Stipends occasioned many of the Curates to turn Robbers ! !” The Pestilence of 1348 appears to have produced the same effects on the habits of the Clergy of England, as the Villani of Florence describe it to have done among those of Italy, (see section 31 of Introduction to ray Display of the Mortality and Diseases of the Metropolis in each of 200 Years since 1628) inasmuch as the Archbishop of Canterbury in this same year [1362] complains that the Priests grew wanton, and were not content with reasonable Stipends for serving Parish Cures, but went about, rather choosing to say Masses for the living and the dead, and get what they could that way, than fix in any certain place ; he therefore ordered and appointed the Salaries named, and if any one took any more, under any pretence whatever, they should be punished. This, Bishop Fleetwood observes, had been highly unreason- able, unless V. or VI. marks had been, at that time, thought sufficient maintenance for a single person ; and so accordingly about that time he had found it to be the usual Salary. Simon Sudbury, Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1378 confirmed the decree of his predecessor Iselip, mid with the same complaints, and farther ordered, that every such unfixed Mass-Priest should content himself with VII marks per annum, either all in money, or with diet and III. marks in money; and he that took a Cure, to content himself with Vlll.'wzr/r^e all in money, or with IV. marks and his diet ; and all this under pain of excommunication. 45. On taking a retrospective view of the four preceding sections, it is seen, that w'hile previous to the Great Pestilence of 1348 it was necessary to stipulate for an adequate maintenance for the inferior Clergy, subsequent to that calamitous event it became as necessary to counteract their endeavors to over-exaction so much so, that the Parliament of the 39 Ed. III. [1356] c. 8 enacted, tliat “ if any Secular Man of the Realm pay any more than V. marks to any Priest yearly, in money, or in other things to the valure, or if he pay to such Priest retained to abide at his Table above 2 marks for his Gowm, and other necessaries (his Table accounted to 40s.) and thereof be attainted, he shall pay to the King fully as much as he paid to the same Priest.” This Act was amended in 1414, 2 Henry, s. 2 c. 2 as follows, viz. : “ No Yearly Chaplain withiii the Realm shall take from henceforth more for his whole Wages by Year (that is to say, for his Board, Apparel, and other necessaries) but VII. marks. Nor the Parish Priests which be, or shall be retamed to serve Cures, shall take from henceforth, for their whole V/ages, by year (that is to say, for the things aforesaid) but VIII. marks, unless it be by License of the Ordinary, so that the whole sum shall not exceed IX. marks ; and in 27 Henry VI. [1449] a pardon was passed for such Priests as had offended against these Acts. 46. In 1421 H. Chichley, Archbishop of Canterbury, at the very importunate instance of his Clergy, in Convocation, did, with the consent and advice of his Suffragans, confirm and ratify the decree of his predecessor S. Sudbury in 1378, repeating the very wmrds of it; and in 1439 the same Archbishop decreed that Vicarages shall be augmented by the Rectors or Appropriators to XII. marks per annum if the whole Benefice be worth so much, to support the burthens incident to Vicarages, which were at first free from INTRODUCTION. — Com Law, 1G70 and 1G89; Bounty on Exportation of Corn. xviii and Gd. on all other Grain ; and by tlie same Act, corn was allowed to be imported, when the price of Wheat did not exceed 48s. per Quarter, at a duty of 5s. 4d. per Quarter on Wheat, 4s. per Quarter on Rye, Pease, and Beans, 2s. 8d. per Quarter on Barley and IVIalt, and Is. 4d. on Oats. The average prices of Wheat in the Windsor market, in each of the four years 1660 — 1663, was as follows, viz, : 1660, 56s. 6d. ; 1661, 70s. ; 1662, 74s. ; 1663, 57s. ; by which it would appear, that the Acts here specified were passed more as pro forma ])roceedings, than for practical purposes. The annual average of the seven following years 1664 — 1670, was 41s., the extremes having been 49s. 4d. in 1665, and 36s. in 1666-7 ; the year 1665 is memorable for tlie last great Plague, which carried off 68,596 of the Inhabitants of the Metropolis, ( see p,68 of my Display of the Mortality and Diseases of the Metropolis,) before referred to in section 44; and the year 1666 is equally memorable for' the great fire in London. In 1659 the revenue of the protectorate was €1,868,717, and in 1665 that of the monarchy had been increased to £'2,477,500. In 1670, by the Act of 22 Car. 2. c. 13, the duty on Wheat imported, was increased as follows, viz. : to 16s. per Quarter, when the price did not ^ 53s. 4d. per Quarter, 8s. S exceed ^ 80s. and 5s. 4d. when it exceeded 80s. the average prices during the three years 1671-3 were respectively 42s., 41s., and 46s. 8d. In 1674-5, 68s. 8d. and 64s. 8d. In 1676-7, 38s. and 42s. ; and in 1678-9, 59s. and 60s. ; the average of the 6 years 1680-5 was 44s. 4d., the extremes having been 46s. 8d. and 40s.: and in the four years, 1686-9, the price was as follows, viz. : 1686,34s.', 1687, 25s. 2d.; 1688, 46s.; 1689, 30s. These prices appear to have led to further legislative expedients to obtain higher rates, and in 1689, was passed the memorable Act of the 1st of William and Mary, allowing a bounty of 5s. per Quarter on Wheat exported, as long as the price remained at or below 18s. per Quarter; in that and the following year the price remained at 34s. 8d. ; in 1692 it attained 46s. 8d. ; and in 1693, 67s. ; the annual average of the seven years 1693-9, was 64s., the extremes having been 53s. in 1695, and 71s. in the following year. In 4699, an Act was passed to prohibit the exportation and suspend the bounties for one year. 54. Pages 88 and 89 of my Display of the Finances, Navigation, and Commerce of the United Kingdom, before referred to in section 50, not only exhibit the price per Bushel (of 9 Gallons) of the best Wheat and Malt in the Windsor market, at Lady-day and Michaelmas in each of the 121 years 1700 — 1820, — the price of the Quartern Loaf in London at the commencement of each Mayoralty in each of the 80 years 1735 — 1814, when the Assize was abolished, — but also the quantities of each kind of Grain ex- ported and imported in each of those years. The large exportation in 1706 appears to have been occasioned entirely by the abundance of the Harvest, the season having been remarkably favorable; and from the low money price the exportation would appear to have been forced, rather than to have resulted from demand : three years afterwards, however, the reverse was the case; an exceedingly cold and humid season not only in England, but more especially in France, gave rise to such an extensive demand for export to that country, as to more than treble the money price, and which led, in 1710, to the exportation from England being prohibited one year. No such extreme in money price again took place until 1796, when £25,000,000 of Exchequer, Navy, and Victualling bills, (being nearly treble the amount in circulation on an average of years previous to the declaration of war in 1793,) first laid the foundation of that artificial and fluctuating course of money prices which has tended to demoralise and pauperise three-fourths of the British people, and which now portends the speedy annihilation of all social order through the British dominions. A somewhat high and irregular order of prices, as well as irregular extent of export, followed for eight or ten years subsequent to 1710, and for five or six more year:^ the prices somewhat declined, until 1725-26, when the demand for export, or some other cause which has not been satisfactorily ex- plained, led to some advance ; and in 1728-29, for the first time after the passing of the Act of 1688, the quantity of Grain imported exceeded the quantity exported. In 1728 an act was passed to regulate the price of imported Corn ; and in the following year another act was passed to amend the preceding. 55. During the ten years 1730-9, although the extent of export was irregular, the prices will be seen to have been mode- rate and equable ; a very severe winter in 1739-40, followed by an unfavorable harvest, occasioned a considerable rise in price in that and the following year; and by Acts 14 Geo. II. c. 2 and 7, exportation was prohibited with a discretionary power in the king to remove the prohibition. The seasons of the ten years 1742 — 1751 appear to have been exceedingly favorable, and the export during the three last years of that period, unusually great. Notwithstanding which, the average price of the ten years, in the London market, did not exceed 22s. to 26s. per Quarter, the minimum having been 18s. to 20s. only in 1754. A considerable advance in price took place in 1752,' and the export, although much less than in either of the three preceding years, was very considerable. In the four following years, 1753-56, although the price gradually receded to the level of the ten j’ears 1742-51, the complaints of the people were loud and general against what they then called a high price for provisions ; and at Christmas, 1756, the exportation was again prohibited by Act 30, Geo. II. c. 1, and continued by subsecpient Acts in 1757-8, and 9 ; in the latter year the prohibition was removed ; and in the years 1757-8 a yjartial supply of Wheat was imported ; yet the price gradually rose in the London market from 22s. to 26s. per Quarter, in June 1756, to 67s. to 72s. in June 1757 ; from w hich ju'icc it gradually receded to about 24s. in 1761, INTRODUCTION. — Commencement of Permanenthi Ili^h Price of Corn, 1705 ; Exportation Prohibited. XIX wlien tlie export again became very considerable; and which continued during the three following years, with an advance in price of from lOs. to 15s. per Quarter, wdien both the export and the price became again a subject of general complaint. 5fi. With the year 17G5 there commenced a succession of precarious harvests, and from which date a new era in the trade in Corn may be considered as having commenced, and a permanently higher range of prices established ; the exportation was pro- hibited from year to year, until 1774, and foreign Grain admitted duty free. In 1767 an embargo was laid on all Grain destined for exportation, and Wheat prohibited being used in the distilleries. From 1765 down to 1796, the importation and exportation, by the statement at page 89, will be seen to have been very irregular : notwithstanding which, no very marked variation in price seems to have taken place. In 1774, by the Act of 13 Geo. III. c. 43, the preamble of which stated, “that the several acts previously made concerning the duties and bounties on the importation and exportation of Corn, had greatly tended to the advancement of tillage and navigation ; yet, nevertheless, as it had of previous years, been found necessary, on account of the small quantity of Corn on hand, and of the shortness of the crops, to suspend the operation of those laws by temporary statutes, it was desirable that a permanent law should be passed, to render such temporary expedients unnecessary consequently, the high duties enacted in 1670, (see section 12,) were repealed, and whenever the prices of British Corn at i)\.e port of importation, should be at or above the following prices, viz. Wheat - - - Rye, Peas, and Beans Barley, Bear, or Bigg Oats - _ - 48s. 32s. 24s. 16s. (they should respectively be admitted at i duties per Quarter of 6d. 3d. 2d. 2d. and Wheat Flour at 2d. per cwt., and the exportation of all the several kinds of Grain remain prohibited, as well as Meal, Flour, Malt, Bread, and Biscuit made therefrom, when British Corn at the port of exportation, was at or above the following prices, viz. Wheat - - - - 44s. Rye, Peas, and Beans 28s. Barley, Bear, or Bigg 22s. Oats - - - - 14s. r 5s. and when under these rates to be entitled) 3s. to a bounty per Quarter of i 2s. 6d. ^ 2s. Under this Act, in the five years, 1774-78, the importation was considerable, and in the next four years there was again an excess exported, although in 1781, by Act of 21 Geo. III. c. 81, the payment of bounty on the exportation of Wheat was suspended for a limited time. An unfavourable harvest in 1782 led to a great importation in the following year ; and although in the nine following years the import and export of Wheat was very irregular, the importation of Oats continued progressively to increase ; and in addition to the quantities imported, as exhibited in the statement at page 89, there was occasionally considerable quantities of Rye imported ; viz. in the two years 1767-68, 123,600 Quarters ; in the two years 1774-75, 75,000 Quarters ; in the three years 1783-85, 134,800 Quarters; and in the seven years 1789-95, an average of 31,000 Quarters per annum; and in 1796, 163,650 Quarters. 57. Notwithstanding the pretended permanency of the Act of 1776, independent of the temporary violation in 1781, other temporary enactments were passed in 1789, 1790, and in 1791. By the Act of 31 Geo. III. c, 30, the Act of 1774 was wholly repealed, and whenever the district price of Wheat at the port of importation was under 50s. per Quarter, it w'as to be subject to a duty of 24s. 3d. ; and if at or above 50s., but under 54s. per Quarter, a duty of 2s. 6d. ; other Grain in proportion. Bounties allowed on the export on the same terms as under the former Act; but by Order in Council of the 9th November, 1792, exportation was prohibited ; this brings the history of the operations and Legislative interference in Corn down to the commencement of the war in 1793, and as such it will not be irrelevant to take a retrospective view of the variation in the money price of Grain through a period of nearly eight centuries, with Reference to the three leading causes usually assigned as tending to produce such variation, (see section 34) ; viz. 1st, an influx, and consequent depreciation of money ; 2nd, extremely favourable, or unfavourable seasons; and, 3rd internal commotion, or external war. That all these circumstances have each in themselves a tendency to produce a variation in the money price of all commodities of great and general consumption, and more particularly so of Grain to a certain extent, cannot be questioned ; but on a close investigation either of the details of variations in price exhibited in the preceding pages, the Eton prices of Wheat and Malt, and the London price of the Quartern Loaf, as exhibited at pages 88, 89, or the more circumstantial detail of average prices in each year since 1800; it will prove, that the same effects have not resulted from the same causes in any thing like relative degrees in any two instances ; and in some cases a converse effect has resulted from similar causes ; more especially so under those of changes in the circulating medium, and of war or peace. The inferences deducible, therefore, from these facts are, that all which has hitherto been said or written on the subject of an external trade in Corn, and the fluctuation in its money price, has fallen far short of a fair elucidation thereof ; and that the just principles of Legislation, and the just relations of society, as far as such fluctuations are concerned, are but very imperfectly understood. XX iNTRODi'CTioN. — until France, 1793 ; (iorernment Speculation in Corn: Great Bounty. 58. In looking at what appears to have been the feelings of the peo])le, in relation to the money price of Grain at different periods, it will be important to take into consideration the situation and condition of the country, with reference to its means of transit by canals and roads. It was not till towards the close of the 18th century, that these important sinews of empire became eflicient in tending to produce an equilibrium in the money price of staple commodities, over all the several parts of the kingdom ; hence it may have been, that neither the price of the Quartern Loaf in London, nor the Eton prices of Wheat and Malt, at the periods when loud and general complaints of dearness or scarcity of food are stated to have prevailed, afford any just criterion for the cause of those complaints. In 1753, for instance, eight persons are represented to have been killed at Leeds in suppressing a riot, which the high price and scarcity of provision had occasioned, while the Eton and London prices of that year, compared with former periods, do not seem to have justified any violent measures for their modification. The complaint, therefore, had probably other o-rounds of justification, such as an inadequate remuneration for labour, or probably a disproportionately high price in that part of England, compared with the prices in other parts of the country, arising from local circumstances ; and it will be proper to understand, that the prices at Windsor, as recorded at Eton College, have not been selected as intending to represent any’thing like a fair average price of Grain throughout the country, but that they were the only, or the most authentic series of prices, that could be obtained for so long a ])eriod back ; their authenticity being deserving of reliance, in consequence of their being the prices at which the rents of part of the College lands were regulated and discharged, being let pursuant to the grant of the testator, at a Corn-rent. The varia- tion in the relative prices of Wheat and Malt, at different periods, is a feature in the list that will be found deserving of attention. 59. England, subsequent to the French Revolution, which led to a declaration of war on the part of England against the French people, in 1793, assumed a position in social polity so novel and extraordinary, as to render all the ordinary modes of inquiry and elucidation of her relations, either internal or external, inapplicable to the purpose. Among the causes which accelerated that memorable event, the French Revolution, was the clamour for bread on the part of the populace of Paris, in 1792, in which year, by the statement at page 89 of the Statistical Display before referred to, it will be seen, a larger export of Wheat from England took place, than for near thirty years previous ; whilst in the following year, a very considerable importation will be seen to have occurred, but without any marked variation of price, through either of the two years. It was immediately after the declaration of war against France, on the part of the British Government, in February, 1793, that Great Britain resorted to' the equivocal expedient of endea- vouring to aggravate the calamities of the French people, by not only prohibiting the exportation of Grain from England to France, but to intercept the supplies directed to that country from all other parts of the world ; and it was this interference, and not any ne- cessity, that occasioned the importation into England in 1793 : and such an additional supply, uncalled for by any necessity, would doubtless have had a powerful effect in depressing the money price, had not the Government carried their experiment still farther, by creating a paper money representation, wherewith to become the purchasers, and thereby to sustain the then money price. This year’s transaction, whilst it tended to excite the still further creation of paper money, until in 1796 it had amounted to no less a sum than £25,000,000, as previously stated in section 54, involved the Government in the new, and politically equivocal character, of the most extensive Corn Jobbers in the world. The measure, as soon as it was known through the country, became a subject of general reprehension; but the difficulty which the Government had in extricating themselves from the dilemma into which the transaction involved them, may in some measure be inferred from the fact of one of their agents, Mr. Claude Scott, since created a Baronet, only havino-, on the 18th of March, 1810, delivered in an account to tlie amount of £1,778,728. 19s. 5d. for the produce of Corn, Flour, and sundry other articles, received and sold on account of the Government, between the 2nd of August, 1793, and the 29th of January, 1806, and which account was not finally settled until the year 1819. 60. In 1795 another experiment was resorted to, which had a powerful tendency to support the foundation of that inor- dinately high money price, of w hich the enormous amount of Exchequer, Navy, and Victualling Bills in circulation at this time, may be regarded as the basis. In that year an Act was passed, granting a bounty of 16s. to 20s. per Quarter (according to quality) on Wheat, till the quantity imported should amount to 900,000 Quarters, from the south of Europe and America ; and from 12s. to 15s. per Quarter, from the contiguous parts of Europe, till the quantity should amount to another 500,000 Quarters, and from 8s. to 10s. per Quarter on any additional quantity that might be imported up to the 30th Sept. 1796. The amount paid for bounty up to this date was £573,418. (See the quantity imported in the latter year, page 89 ; and compare the rate of bounty with the prices at the different Corn-markets of Europe, page 99), In 1797 all Gaain was admitted free of duty. In 1798, Wheat at a duty of 2s. 6d. per Quarter, in the following year at a duty of 6d., until October, when it was again admitted free of duty; and in 1800, a bounty was again resorted to, at a graduated scale, according to the average price ; and in the spring of 1801, notwithstanding the vast importa- tion in that and the previous year. Wheat of the finest quality in the London market attained the enormous price of 180s. per Quarter, and the Quartern Loaf for four weeks 22^d., and all articles of subsistence attained a corresponding price; (compare this with the price in 1340, section 40). The amount paid for bounty in the years 1800, 1801, and 1802 amounted to £2,135,678. This may be con- pidercd the period of a confirmation of that artificial and fluctuating order of money prices which the Government Bills of 1794, 1/95, INTRODUCTION. — CoTH Laxvs o/’ 1814 and 1822; their Palpable Jnadaptation. XXI high bounties of 1796, and the Bank-note system of 1798 tended to establisli ; and which, in addition to the inordinate extent of state and local taxation which it has occasioned, has also led to a rent-tax, both for land and houses, without any jjarallel, in the ratio of its extent and pressure, on the productive energies of the country. 61, An additional incentive to high money prices for grain, grew out of the high prices of 1800 and 1801 ; in the latter year an act was passed ‘^for the better cultivation of arable land, wastes, this, in conjunction with the prevailing high prices which had given rise to it, led to very extensive loans and advances of money on the security of land, in the way of mortgages ; and thus, money-lenders, lawyers, and others, all became partizans to, and advocates for, high money prices, as necessary to sustain high rents, as the means of paying the interest on loans and mortgages ; — (for the increased number of inclosure bills consequent on these incitements, see page 175 of Display of Finances, &c.) : comparatively low prices having prevailed for three successive years subse- quent to 1801, another Act was passed 15th of November, 1804, 44 Geo. III. c. 109, extending the price below which Wheat should not be imported at a less duty than 24s. 3d. per Quarter from 50s. (the limit assigned by the Act of 1791) to^63s., and a duty of 2s. 6d. if at or above 63s. but under 66s., above which price it was to be subject to a duty of only 6d, per Quarter: all other Grain in proportion. Bounties the same as per Act of 1791, to be paid on export when Wheat was at, or under 48s., and the export prohibited when the price was above 54s. From the 16th of July, 1806, by Act of 46 Geo. III. c. 97, the free interchange of every species of Grain was allowed between Great Britain and Ireland, subject only to the regulations attaching to goods removed coastvvays; Grain imported into Great Britain from Ireland, having previously been subject to the same rates as that im- ported from British colonies in North America: these Acts continued in force up to the termination of the war in 1814, when the Landed Proprietors again took alarm, and by the Act of 55 Geo. III. c. 26, obtained the entire prohibition of importation of all Grain for Home consumption, until the price of British Wheat was at or above 80s. per Quarter, except from British Colonies in North America, from whence it was admitted when the price was at, or above 67s. ; an unexampled unfavourable harvest in 1816, tended to render the effect of this Act imperceptible; but the consequence of that exceedingly unfavourable harvest had no sooner subsided, than all the productive interests and labour of the country became a second time, (since the termination of the War,) involved in the extreme of depression and derangement, and by the year 1822, the inefficacy of the Act became too apparent to be longer persisted in, and in that year the Act of 3 Geo. IV. c. 60, was passed, modifying the Act of 1815, as exhibited in detail_in the Statistical Display of the Finances, &c. 62. It will be seen, however, on reference to the statement of imports, at pages 104 and 105, that the Act of 3 Geo. IV. c. 60, was nugatory or tantamount to a prohibition during the three years 1822 — 1824; but a considerable quantity of Grain imported, under the Act of 1815 (55 Geo. III. c. 26), remaining warehoused, an Act was passed in the Session of 1825, 6 Geo. IV. c. 65, allowing all Corn, Grain, or Flour, warehoused prior to the 15th of May, 1822, to be taken out for Home con- sumption between the 15th of June and 15th of August, -1825, on payment of modified duties ; (it is here desirable to understand, that Corn, Grain, and Flour, was not prohibited being imported for re-exportation, under any of the Acts since 1660). By another Act of the same Session, c. 64., Wheat was allowed to be imported from Canada, at a duty of 5s. per quarter, under which Act about 55,000 Quarters were imported. For the aggregate extent of the operations under the Acts of 1825, see statement, page 104; by which ‘it will also be seen, that either in anticipation of some further modification of the law, or such enhancement of price as would render it admissible for consumption, a considerable quantity of Wheat and other Grain was imported in that year ; the price, however, receded instead of advancing ; but the wide-spread misery resulting from the periodical revulsion which commenced at the close of the year 1825, led to another Act in 1826, (7 Geo. IV. c. 70), permitting all Corn, Grain, or Flour, warehoused prior to the 2d of May in that year, to be entered for Home consumption at the following rates of duties, to which the quantities of each kind of Grain, entered for consumption in 1826, up to the 30th of November, were as follow, viz. : Wheat, 285,645 Quarters at 12s. per Quarter; Barley, 333,558 Quarters at 6s. per Quarter; Oats, 1,019,419 Quarters at 4s. per Quarter; Beans, Peas, and Rye, 191,209 Quarters at 8s. per Quarter. The spring and summer of 1826, proving remarkably arid, the Corn crops, but more especially the spring crops, indicated a general scarcity; to provide for tlie exigencies of which, another Act was passed. Cap. 71, authorizing the king, by order in council, to admit, for Home consumption, any quantity of Wheat, not exceeding 500,000 Quarters, at such a rate of duty as might be deemed desirable : this statute, however, was not acted upon in regard to Wheat ; but the price of Oats and other Grain having attained a price which rendered them admissible, even under the Act of 1815, an order of council was issued on the first of September, admitting Oats at a duty of 2s. per Quarter, and Rye, Peas, and Beans, at 3s. 6d. per Quarter. The quantity entered for consumption in all the ports of Great Britain, under such order, between the first of September and the 30th of November, was 682,484 Quarters of Oats, and 126,235 Quarters of Beans, Pease, and Rye ; and the statement, page 167, shows that the importation into the port of London, subsequent to the 30th of November, up to the close of the year, was unprecedentedly great, whilst the supply of British and Irish Oats will be seen to have been as unprecedentedly limited. Such is the history of the legis- lative enactments, variation in price, and commercial extent of the external trade in corn, between Great Britain and other parts of XXll INTRODUCTION. — Couclusion. tlie world, up to the close of the year 1834. Page 206 of the Display of the Finances, ^c., shows the Weekly average price of Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Sugar, in each of the years 1822 — 1833. 63. The events which have followed the memorable period of 1 793 ; the progressively increasing privation and degrada- tion of a great portion of the population, amid a progressive accumulation of Capital ; ascendency of money influence, and conse- (pient display of luxury ; an unparalleled extension of mechanical power, and increased facility of intercourse; successive alternations of seeming prosperity and extreme depression; progressively increasing pauperism and its concomitant crime; and threatened change of long-established Institutions; are all circumstances which call imperiously for the most profound consideration and regard, of all the friends of social order, and integrity of interests. The relation, influence, and effect, of each of these great and prominent features of British Society, and their combined influence and effect on the interests of the social world at large, will be elucidated in another place. J. Marshall. London, January, 1835. ** The convenience of the accompanying Statistical Details, may, in some degree be inferred, when it is stated that, the Area, Annual Value of Property, Maintenance of Poor, and Population, have been collated from Five different returns, forming Six Folio Volumes, The return of the Maintenance of the Poor, in the three years 1813 — 1815, as given in the District Arrangement, having become scarce, gives an additional interest to that part of the Work. The Taxatio Ecclesiastica, from which the Valuation of the Benefices in the six Northern Counties, in 1291 and 1317, was taken, is one of the Old Records, upon the collation and re-printing of which, upwards of £175,000 has been expended since 1800, in addition to nearly £2,500,000 for the printing of other Papers for the public service; (see page 174 of my Display of the Finances, &c.) : the Taxatio Ecclesiastica is one of the most valuable of the whole collection of Records, but in- teresting as it is in itself, its interest is increased in a ten-fold degree by the comparative position in which it is placed at pages 246 — 255. Independent of the labour and pains-taking requisite to bring the results of five different returns of 16,000 places into one point of view'; that of determining the locality and relation of each place, involved still greater labour and perplexity ; and should any one be disposed to not duly appreciate the accompanying Statistical Display, no greater resentment will be indulged in, than to wish that they might ^be forced to a hundredth part ordy of the toil which it has occasioned. The very nature of the Ecclesiastical lievenue of England, derived as it is from Glebes and Fees, as well as Tithes, precludes the possibility of any very accurate conclusion being arrived at, respecting its amount. In the parishes exclusively Agricultural, it may be esti- mated at 6 to 7 per cent on the Annual Value of the Real Property as returned in 1815; while in the towns it is liable to great change;. take Paddington as another example to those offered in section 23 ; this parish, which in 1291, appears in the Taxatio Ecclesiastica, page 17, as follows, viz. ; “ Ecclia See Margarete cu Capella de Padinton, £20;” and “ Vicaria ejusdem £8,” in the Valor Ecclesiasticus of 1535, is returned as not in charge ; on reference to Paddington in its place in the Alphabetical Arrangement, its population will be seen to have in- creased to 14,540 in 1831, from only 1881 in 1801 ; and on reference to page 10 of my “ Statistical Display of the Mortality, Diseases, &c., of the Metropolis,”, it will be seen that the Rateable Property of the parish in 1829, was £73,949 ; which in 1815 was only £24,712 ; — it will also be seen, that the Bishop of London is the Patron of the Benefice; he is also the impropriator of its Revenue, which in 1834 is estimated to yield from £12,000 to £15,000 per annum, from Ground Rents of a part of the Glebe, consequent on the extension of the Metropolis in the direction of that parish, the Benefice of which in 1291, was valued at only £48, J. M. U E C A P 1 r ELATION O F CON T E NTS. I. Stutisticnl Details of all the Towns and Populous Parishes of England and Wales, arranged in Districts, with the view of enabling the profortion of the Population engaged in, or dependant upon each great branch of Production or Occupation for Subsistence, being arrived at, as ex- hibited on the following page ........... II. A similar, but more complete Statistical Display of the Metropolitan and Contiguous Counties of SunnEY, Kent, and Sussex III. A Statistical Display, in which is exhibited the Superfices in Statute Acres ; Annual Value of Real Property, according to the PnoPEnrv Tsx Returns of 1815 ; the Amount expended for the Maintenance of the Poor, in the year ending the 25th of March, 1829; and the Total Number of Persons at each of the four periods of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, in every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Chapelry, Hamlet, Tithing, Liberty, and extra Parochial Place in England, which made a separate return of Population in 1831, distinguishing the Rectories, Vicarages, and Perpetual Curacies ; arranged Alphabetically, whereby it iserves as an Index to the preceding District Ar- rangements ............ IV. An Alphabelical arrangement of 1257 Villages, Townships, Hamlets, Liberties, Extra Parochial Places, and other Localities in England ; the Area, Annual Value, and Population of which are included, with the Parishes in which they are respectively situated V. An Account of the Annual Value of Real Property, as Assessed to the Property Tax in 1815; Amount expended for the Maintenance of the Poor for the year ending the 25th of March, 1829, and the Total Number of Persons at each of the four periods 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, in every County, Hundred, Town, Parish, Chapelry, Hamlet, &c., Sic., in the Principality of Wales .... VI. A District Arrangement of 970 Parishes, &c., of Scotland ; showing the Locality and Relation of each Parish, together with the Superfices of each, either in Statute Acres, or in length and breadth ; the number of Inhabited Houses in each in 1801, and 1821, and the number of Families in each, at the latter period, showing the proportion returned to Parliament as being employed in Agriculture, distinct from those em- ployed in Trade, Manufactures, or Handicraft, and those not included under either of the two preceding heads ; with Notes, Topographical and Historical ............. VII. An Account of the Annual Value of Real Property, as Assessed to the Property Tax in 1815; and the Total Number of Persons in 1755, and 1798, and as returned to Parliament at each of the four periods of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, in every County, District, City, Borough, Town, and Parish of Scotland ; arranged Alphabetically as an Index to the preceding District Arrangement .... VIII. A Comparative View of Agricultural Parishes and Districts exhibiting the inordinate disproportion in the pressure of Parochial Assessments and Tithes IX. An] Alphabetical Arrangement of 340 Parishes and Districts, comprising the greater portion of the Heaths, Moors, Wolds or Downs, and Forests of England, showing the Area, Annual Value, Condition, Population, and Agricultural force of each . . . . X, A Compendious View of the Extent and Revenues of the Church Establishment, and of the other Religious and Charitable Institutions in each County of England and Wales, contrasted with those of Scotland, France, the Netherlands, Spain, &c, in detail, as follows, viz. : — Numbers educated by the National and Sabbath Unions, and the British and Foreign School Society ; Amount of Charitable Bequests at the dis- posal of the Parochial Officers ; Income of Endowed Public Charters ; of Deposits in Savings’ Banks ; and of Voluntary Contributions in aid of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and of the Church, London, Baptist, and Wesleyan Missionary Societies, in each County of England and Wales A Comparative View of the Area in square miles, the Number of Parishes, Parish Registers, and Population Returns ; Parochial Benefices, dis- tinguishing Rectories, Vicarages, and Perpetual Curacies, and the pro- portion of each in the Patronage of the Lord Chancellor, and of each of Ten Denominations of Dissenting Congregations in each County of England and Wales ... A Statistical View of the extent of the Jurisdiction of each of the 26 Ecclesiastical Dioceses of England and Wales, showing, first, the Number of Parishes, and Number of Churches and Chapels within each Diocese, and the proportion in each of the Counties into which the several Dioceses extend ; secondly, the Rated Value of each See in the liber regis of 26 Henry VIII. Total number of Parishes, and of Churches and Chapels within each Diocese, and the proportion in the Patronage of the Diocesan and Dignitaries of their respective Cathe- drals, distinguishing the proportion of Rectories, Vicarages, Perpetual Curacies, and also the Number of Benefices in the Patronage of the King, the Lord Chancellor, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in the Heads of Colleges and Halls of the two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and the Dignitaries of sundry Collegiate Churches Statistical Display of each of the Parochial Benefices, distinguishing the Rectories, Vicarages, and Perpetual Curacies, showing the Valuation of each Benefice in the time of Pope Nicholas in 1291 and in 1317, and in the time of Henry VIII. [1535] ; compared with the extent. Annual Value, Population, Condition, and Agricultural force of each Parish in 1831, in each of the undermentioned Northern Counties, viz. : 91 Parochial Benefices and 46 Perpetual Curacies in Cheshire 68 ditto 196 ditto Lancashire 76 ditto 35 ditto Durham 83 ditto 20 ditto Northumberland 32 ditto 36 ditto Westmoreland 102 ditto 31 ditto , Cumberland XI. A Summary View of the Extent, Resource, Population, Occupation, and Condition, of the several Manufacturing, Metropolitan, and Agricultural Dis- tricts of the United Kingdom . . . . . ., . XII. Conclusions, Expository and Demonstrative, deduced from the foregoing and following series of Statistical Details. 9—74 76—90 91—192 193—196 197—206 207—230 231—238 239, 240 241, 242 245 246, 247 248, 249 250-252 251,252 I 253 254, 255 256, 258 3 SUMMARY of tlie 82 Pap;cs 9- 90, shewing the proportion of the Population of GREA'I’ BRITAIN ; engaged in, and dependant on, each great brancli of Production and Occupation. Tl»n first Iior«l EUcnborough in Ins place In parliament once stated that there were upwards of 3,000,00i) Persons in Great Britain, engaged in, and dependant on the Woolen Manufactnre the Ediiibiirgl) Ueview more reciiiily as.^erled, that upwards of 1,000,000 Persons were so occupied and dependant; from the Stalcmeiit below, it Mih be seen lo be doubtful, whether in all its varied operations, more than *250,000 ( certainly not 300,000 ) Persons, are engaged in, or dependant on (hat branch of industry :*-similarly mistaken notions almost universally prevail, in regard the greater or lesser extent and imp<*rtancc of each gruat branch of Production and occupation : in a work entitled '* He>iuU$ of Machineryt** ptiblished in 1831, under the snperiiiiendance of the Society for the Jhjfusion of Uxofal Knou'ledfi,e, it is stated (bat ** in consequence of Machinery having rendered productions of all sorts cheaper, and therefore causing them to be more universally purchased, it has really iucreased the demand for manual labour,** and in support of this assumption, at page 93, it is asserted that ** Richard Arkwright, a barber of Presion, invented in 1769, the principal part of the Machinery for spinning Cotton, and by so doing, he gave bread to about (wo inillionsf of People, instead of fifty thousand ; ** and at page 100, in adverting lo the Silk Manufacture, it is further asserted that ** the higher pride of the present day, is, that w*e buy three millions and a half pounds of Raw' Silk from the Stranger, eiiifdoy half a nnllionf uf our own people in the Manufacture of it, by the aid of Machinery, and sell U to the Stranger, and our own people at a price as low as that of the Calico of half a Century ago. Jn rojutution of the false assumption and equally false assertion here set forih^ the attention of the advocates and friends of ti'uth is directed to the Analysis of occupations below ; at the period of 1769, and for 20 Years subsequent theretOt the. habita- tions of Nos. 1-2 and A-ti, noted with an* were so many Manufacturing EstablishmentSj earning on an average from 2/ to 6/ ^P' Week, which earnings supplied the means of domestic comfort and tended to social and moral order ;^the introduction of Machinery has concentrated the operation of Spinning with an imposing effect upon the minds of superficial thinkers, but it has annihilated the domestic operaiiott, and deprived from 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 Families of the means of comfort, and substituted in the habitations of the Farmers, mawkish pretensions for approj>riateness of manner; and in the cottages ^ the Labourer, recklessness uf purpose for the social order which heretofore prevailed.^For the immoral effects which have fol lowed the introduction of Machinery and destruction of domestic industry, ^see the Statement relating to ('rime, which shews a progressive increase from 4,263 i?i 1806, to 19,647, in 1831. Districts of Production and Occupation. Numbers of Number of F AM ! LIES, as returned in 1821, reference to the chiefly empUyed in Total Numoer of i S • Nos. 4 and 0. include a considerable Number of Districts, Trade, Manufactures or Handicraft nianufucturers ; hut Sos. 13 and 17, on the other hand include prohahty a greater Number engaged in the Topographical Agriculture all others TOTAL FhHlSUNtSj in 1821. 1831. in Mining, than Nos. 4 and C do in Manyfacturing. Arrangement. fl Coal District of the North 1 — 69 3,318 30,076 20,441 53,835 235,525 22,232 277,662 26,033 18 17 2 Do Gloucester and Somerset 142 — 136 1,254 1,906 1,394 4,614 X 3 Do Derby, Nottingham, 4*c. 339 — 350 1,606 2,639 819 5,064 25,756 30,761 20 U 4 Coal and Iron . . Warwick and Stafford 70 — 106 3, ,595 *34,859 4,702 63,156 287,482 389,852 35 5 Do Leicester and Salop 113 — 126 1,318 6,591 1,302 9.211 43,200 47,166 9 to 2 G Do. . . Sheffield, Rotherham, Sfc. 127 — 141 2,260 * 13,997 2,835 19,092 91,139 120,007 31J 7 Do. .... Monmouth and Brecon 157 — 206 2,203 9,743 2,213 14,161 74,684 108,488 46| 8 Tin, Copper, &c Cornwall 207 — 293 9,963 11,287 13,492 34,742 164,419 240,006 46 9 Copper, Lead, Slate, &c. .... Diverse 294 — 338 3,837 0,215 7,130 17,182 83,641 99,881 20 Total MINING DISTRICTS. 29,354 137,375 54,328 221,057 1,028,078 1,339,856 30 cc ’'10 'fhe Pottery 107— 112 296 6,696 1,023 8,015 39,107 49,643 27 'Z 11 Woollen District . . West of England 231 — 406 6,452 20,851 5,115 32,418 155,875 171,483 10 12 Worsted, & Mixed Stuffs Norwich, Kendal 407 — 416 2,416 17,570 3,374 23,360 102,353 ^ 125,853 23 13 Woollen, Linen, &c. West R. of York 417 — 040 13,071 *85,096 14,932 113,099 560,068 ^ 712,151 27 14 Hosiery Leicester, Notts., Derby, ^~c. 041 — 790 11,922 41,918 6,691 60,531 280,232 339,264 21 5 15 Silk Coventry, Cong leton, Sfc. 791 — 835 3,176 15,876 1,176 20,228 95,328 % tl23,783 30 4 10 Salt Spring District Cheshire 836 — 859 1,115 2,670 1,178 4,963 23,956 31,649 32 17 Cotton Lancashire, Sfc. 860 — 1270 21,701 * 163,046 18,696 203,443 1,042,125 11,337,127 28J 18 Linen, Gloves, Silk, &c. W. oj England 1271 — 1315 6,134 7,566 2,422 • 16,142 79,319 93,148 17^ Total MAISUFACTURING Districts. 66,303 361,289 54,607 482,199 2,378,363 2,984,101 25^ The METROPOLIS,— see Pane 15,455 208,234 122,885 346,574 1,528,301 1,805,. 587 18 20 Bea Ports & Gt. Naval Stations iAverpooi,^c. 1316 — 1375 7,489 55,528 48,331 111,348 504,816 630,770 25 21 Places of Fashionable Resort Bath, Brighton 1376 — 1360 2,701 15,508 8,981 27,190 129,914 179,666 38^ 22 Minor Sea Ports, and Fishing 'Fowns . . 1361 — 1781 42,538 65,083 69,548 177,169 741,235 847,265 TOTAL ! 1 68,183 344,353 249,745 662,281 2,904,266 3,463,288 19 23 Inland Towns 1782 — 4900 1 61,034 145,101 63,222 269,357 1,268,034-] The further Analyal* vieioo, will ahew that of tbi.di* he whole 24 Populous Parishes [ specified 1 298,392 112,139 57,930 468,461 2,300,866 > uf incraaaa ii coDcentratad io 25 Villages, exclusively Agricultural, not 324,691 59,721 5,659 390,071 2,099,268j millions of Rural P without guy iocroase. opvUlloa. TOTAL 684,117 316,961 126,81 1 1,127,889 5,668,168 6,102,430 7| Total ENGLAND and WALES. 847,957 1,159,975 485,491 2,493,423 11,978,875 13,889,675 16 do. SCOTLAND. 130,699 1 190,264 126,997 447,960 2,093,456 2,365,930 13 Total GREAT BRITAIN, in 1821. Exclusive of I 978,656 1,330,239 612,488 2,911,383 14,072,331 16,255,605 15i do. do. 1831. J Army (§r Navy. The following STATEMENT shews the progressive increase of the Population in England, Wales, and Scotland, at each of the Six Ten Yearly Periods, since 1780 ; and the annexed State- ment sheivs the estimated proportion of the Popidation in 12 CAasses, histead of under three heads only, as exhibited in the return made to Parliament, Notwithstanding, the prevailing notio7i of Manufacturing, being the predominating interest of Great Britain; by these Aitalyses of the Population, it is seen, that five-sixths of the Nwnber are dependant on Agriculture for subsistence. Years Army ^ Ny. England Wales Scotland Great Britain Ireland 1781 250,000 7,473,000 480,000 1,470,000 9,673,000 No accurate Return, prior io 1821. 91 200,000 8,175,000 500,000 1,500,000 10,165,000 1801 470,958 8,331,430 541,540 1,599,208 10,942,646 11 640,500 9,538,830 611,785 1,805,688 12,596,803 21 319,300 11,261,437 717,438 2,013,459 14,391,631 6,802,093 31 277,017 13,089,338 805,236 2,3()5,807 16,537,398 7,731,365 Analysis of OCCUPATIONS, Number of FAMII^IES, in Total Ntimher of PERSONS 183(. 1821. 1831. 1 Agricultural Occupiers * 2o0,000 2.60,000 1 , 600,000 2 do. Laborers • 728,9.)6 800,000 4,800,000 3 Mining do 110,000 1 20,000 too, 000 4 Millers, Bakers, Butch. • 160,000 180,000 900,000 b Artificers, Builders, &c. • 200,000 230,000 6.60,000 6 Manufacturers S‘10,000 400,000 2,400,000 7 Tailors, Slioema.,& Hat. 1.60,000 180,000 1,080,000 8 Shopkeepers 310,239 SS0,00f> [ 2,100,000 9 Seamen and Soldiers .. 319,300 277,017 831,000 10 Clerical, Legal, & Medl. 80,000 90,000 4.60,000 1 1 Disabled Paupers .... 100,000 1 10,000 ) 10,000 12 Propiietors, Annuitants 192,888 316,48? 1,116,398 TOTALS. 2.91 1.383 3,,303,,';0t 16, .637. .39(1 STATISTICAL DETAILS OF ALL THE TOWNS AND POPULOUS PARISHES OF 0nslanDr anDr 13[lale$^ AUKAN(JEl) IN DISTRICTS; showing tl\(‘ Hopiiintion of oncli Hlaoe at each of tiu* thiTc I’eriods ISOl, 1811, and 1821, distinguish. ng the proportion in 1801 and 1821, employed in Aokkm LTiMU-,, (iistinc-t from those riliirncd as emi loycd in Trade, Manufactures, or H andicraft ; and all utliers not included in tlie two preceding Classes ; the Amount of the Eslimates of the Annual Value of the Uf.au 1’roff.rty in each I'arish or Place as assessed to the I’KOPKR'l'Y TAX in iHlo ; the Amount Aiinuulhj e.xpended for the Ui:i.lEF of tiif; Poor in each place on an average of three Years at each of the two periods ending Easter 181 j, and Easter 1821 ; the Number of Families Aiimmlly relieved in each Place, on an average of the three Years ending Easter I8l.'» ; the Number of Persons in I'rie.mii.y Societies in 1815 ; and the Amount of Citaritabi.e Hf;«uests at the disposal of tlie Parochial Ollicers in each Town and Parish ; — arranged in Districts, with the view of enabling the Proportion of the Population engaged in, or dependent upon, each great Branch of Production or OcciM’ATtON for subsistence being fairly deduced, as exhibited on the preceding page. ( llifi I’iaces not here enumeruted are small [Parishes, Villages, Hamlets nr Townships, eicliisivety agricullnrul, us staled in line 25 of the preceding page.) \ COAL-MINING DISTRICT OF DURHAM, NORTHUMBERLAND, AND CUMBERLAND. I■lh• SUUoitDt b«low (b« pUovf arraoged in rffe* •«c« to tb«>r T'opobic«l position cocnmtncing ut tlie Norlli. 3*JiiUMt»n is no iosuUted pert of the Countr of Durham >o FlwfHotiiberlnnJ IJ Miles N. E. of No.wnslle; eficr South bhicldi ISO pieces ere ernsafcii in reference to their locality shcirim; tiirir disUiicc Krut, Wtit, NortA, South, y. Sa»t, y. Wt»t, S. Hmt «««f S’. Wtti to thrir nenrcAt Centrel or piiucipAl Town which are all printed in SmaU C'epiVafe with their disUnen iu miles from l^otidoa. The pUecs noted by n { return two Members to Parlin* meat ^ all near themouth i 1 Bedlington . ■ of the rioer Illgth J 2 Cow pen ... nbout 12 lfi/« \ 3 Hlyth & Newsam IVorthojtheJpneli Jesmoml 5 Hartley (near the Coast ) I f G Coxlodge 7 Fawdoii 8 Kenton, East & West 9 Wallbottle 10 Newburn & Hall . . . , 111 E.ik W. Denton &Sug all within 5 or 6 Miles of Aeu’cas- lie on the A', ff'est 12 Monkseaton , *\ V.- } 13 Whitley I caftnlndtk, i 14 Cullercoats V 15 Long Benton & 3 Town. S 3 4Vylam 4 Miles W. of Newcastle 16 By'ker, & Heaton East of Do. 17 BMwell, Elswick, £c W^estgate 18 NEWCASTLE f 270 19 Gateshead (Durham J f 20 Wallsend & 3 Town. on the North \21 Preston, & Murton . . .fonA; /.Mr722,Churton ••••274 ^ r 21 North Shields 273 s g S s ~.=1 O— . r 25 South Shields .... 271 |.1 26 Westoe IS. i 27 Monkton & 3 Town.i W. (. 28 Heworth IS. W. 29 Buldon 4 N. 30 Whitburn, & Cieedon .. 4iS. 31 Southsvick 5 do. 32 Monkwearsiouth 266 ,33 do. do. Shore « 34 Sunderland 265 35 Bishop’s Wearmouth & Pans 264 36 Ford 2 W. South Bank i 37 Ryton & 3 Townhips of the Tyneyzs Winlaton West of A 39 Whickham & 3 Town. Newcastle f 49 Usworth & N. Bidick < 41 Lamesly & 3 Townships 7 W. 42 Washington 5 do. 43 Chester-le-Street 261 - - ''44 Birtley 3N. 45 Beamish Tanfield &c. 5 N. W ^ X 46 Harraton 3 iV. £. 2 S /47 Urpeth & Ouston . . 3 N. IF. ^•er48Pelton 1 do. 49 Painshaw & Biddick 4 N. E. 50 Lambton IE. 51 Lumley, Great & Little 2 S. 52 Houghton-le-Spring. 262 53 Newbottle IN. 54 Hetton-le-Hole 2 ,9. ,55 Rainton, West & East.. 2 S. 56 Bourn Moor . . 2 IF. of Danington 57 Hartlepool (Seaport ) 250 '58 Maryport 311 59 Dearham, Ellenboro’4'Unerig2iS. 60 Workington 3II 61 Great Broughton 5 £. 62 Harrington 2S. 63 Dittin^on 4 S. 64 Whitehaven 301 65 Moresby & Parton 2N. 66 Hensingham 2S. 67 Preston Quarter 35. 68 St. Bees on the Coast .... 6 S. W. ,69 EGREMONTt 299 No. of Pbapsons iu ISOl 1 Total Number of Persons in 1811 N.utnher of Inhab- ited Housesin 1821 Number of Familils in 1821 Erl'S 1^11 K-i ; s 'S-n Zsci'- B J 2 §• 1‘^eu w Ilf. 5* • oa|£J B"o “ » w» 1 No. o f 1 1 Pt.mat uoo in Trade Manufactures or Handicraft Total Numbi of Persons 18 Number of In habited Jloust all others included in tfu preceeding TOTAL i| ^ fei: do. in Trade Manufactures or Handicrait O 5 «> "5 ^ ml “Si out of jfork- house 1815. 1824. 2vH 163 189 810 1,422 1,488 94 231 64 1,862 873 682 87 lv.5 64 155 634 852 1,09.5 4 ;. 46 396 1 1,765 8,753 164 34g 31 12 52 234 284 1,170 1,.522 4 b f 13 132 298 1,805 4,909 515 41 36 20 219 27) 317 Ts 1 5 7 77 467 3,396 153 224 13 344 50 484 1,108 1,63 1,872 4 5 1 20 220 186 1,795 5 246 717 789 106 17 28 4 5 108 356 1 9 , 30 29 55 33 ) C 73 170 7 6 11 — 15 26 10!) 1 1 5 121 1 747 p 19,676 i IS* 57 5 170 52 241 592 885 1,052 224 23 183 27 1, 04 s C 361 381 29 98 29 115 347 462 591 116 13 10 104 676 ) C 211 137 25 267 62 404 9(i3 1,429 1,419 284 25 272 32 1,547 / 21,596 1 483 502 60 225 22 428 706 1,156 1 187 231 31 72 149 1,2 ) t 391 395 51 98 214 206 7 427 504 106 19 96 4 537 2,867 1 92 169 14 55 21 24 206 251 375 96 19 89 6 1,800 73 172 11 88 9 GO 3S3 452 454 92 — 10 134 536 1,472 97 73 21 665 197 541 2,617 3,355 4,358 983 153 856 16 5,-547 40,176 1,524 1,611 192 115 39 18;5 449 673 795 148 24 15 109 728 41 310 223 736 2,478 3,427 3,526 513 42 732 202 4,332 19,786 1,114 920 123 340 175 1,009 737 1,921 2,207 508 53 433 159 3,120 20,698 712 733 73 3,162 72 5,705 15,562 2S,3C6 27,587 4,031 45 7,046 1,206 35,181 91,642 11,793 r 9i 1,299 ' 1,037 90 1,679 6,828 8,597 8,782 1,618 98 1,419 1,156 11,767 25,205 2,804 2,796 342 509 41 1,126 1,853 3,120 3,584 560 23 1,024 3 5,10.5 54,576 1,205 1,158 146 183 59 69 799 927 1,060 225 33 195 7 1,183 6,737 255 362 26 196 77 278 797 1,152 3,116 579 88 762 20 4,351 6,86-5 586 728 804 102 462 3,292 3,856 5,834 1,525 51 669 1,494 9,454 20,685 2,317 2,104 891 — 1,843 5,437 7,280 7,699 853 1 762 1,318 8,205 11,666 3,276 1 2,423 431 1,260 9 1,063 7,036 8,108 9,001 724 2 2,243 41 8,885 12,227 4,208 4,036 462 ' 323 69 409 2,42.5 2,903 6,164 790 42 303 398 7,618 12,194 2,960 2,288 327 306 180 363 1,0.- 3 1,.566 3,19 607 73 109 575 •V30^ 133 673 140 412 2,335 2,887 2,905 729 85 98 692 3,921 < ^jx/4 %/ 122 111 50 458 619 662 140 46 71 45 733 5,017 130 144 17 j 136 387 240 48 675 843 144 90 17 51 856 7,22,5 333 419 47 56 118 380 554 641 197 12 179 6 1,004 1,805 241 238 60 175 9 30 1,064 1,103 1,091 210 42 130 148 1,278 2,505 248 371 40 ! 422 12 956 3,271 1,239 4,261 620 10 579 745 4,924 5,403 1,.324 1,706 208 ' 1,365 25 1,431 100 12,412 12,289 1,618 14 949 3,101 14,72.5 13,366 7,445 7,535 780 900 494 1,216 4,980 6,690 7,536 1,408 109 1,699 486 9,960 29,(i01 2,651 3,520 293 74 23 99 475 602 712 96 17 73 78 791 — 238 380 27' 387 155 224 1,377 1,956 1,953 428 128 170 194 2,231 11,459 800 733 133 568 211 1,200 1,610 3,021 3,06) 549 71 468 79 3,295 7,619 1,359 2,483 156 615 280 912 2,467 3,659 3,746 780 107 565 163 3,713 12,199 1,631 1,4.58 243 259 59 17 1,160 1,236 1,277 269 36 100 149 1,365 5,521 457 544 60 486 113 142 1,866 2,121 2,054 466 131 286 89 2,167 12,212 1,117 1,086 126 238 45 58 1,093 1,199 1,264 256 35 208 13 1,243 8,634 543 508 57 i 248 141 285 1,236 1,662 1,726 258 84 255 110 1,892 7,455 989 93 1 208 14 13 999 1,026 1,094 212 32 44 202 1,386 3, .30 512 4-' 71 555 128 133 1,967 2,228 1,810 463 118 99 28.5 2,357 14,631 1,399 1,042 154 337 70 104 1,433 1,607 1,759 405 49 335 55 2,217 8,961 1,076 1,331 153 162 85 95 392 572 1,9.54 180 29 91 64 9.54 6,044 l28 252 34 108 38 42 459 539 672 116 28 95 — 5 ; 1,914 '.69 162 34 378 40 654 1,195 1,889 2,416 438 32 69 394 2,257 5,135 679 1,381 47 ! 59 11 9 246 266 253 60 11 40 11 293 — 238 203 25 203 73 182 690 945 952 292 55 67 207 l,.591 8,922 432 488 46 155 54 196 746 996 1,356 405 36 102 399 2,905 4,445 555 651 62 194 89 315 566 970 1,224 379 34 105 310 2,306 4,905 442 48 43 39 34 139 212 264 107 57 86 2 919 1,894 128 3- 9 171 76 135 518 729 1,984 342 46 282 29 1,8.31 4,759 519 445 62 174 11 5 873 889 965 193 7 206 3 1,139 — 508 366 48 226 — 993 — 993 1,047 259 10 25 234 1,249 738 211 236 29 516 34 557 2,341 2,932 3,134 637 4 303 595 3,514 2,554 698 817 82 185 102 63 709 874 1,081 235 44 184 17 1,136 2,982 349 447 55 1,160 77 1,055 4,584 5,716 5,807 1,224 127 469 1,155 6,439 18,946 1,753 1,478 122 105 352 33 23 408 422 105 41 56 8 i' 2,001 114 171 16 406 114 191 1,052 1,357 1,621 347 29 85 324 1,845 4,.577 339 415 53 147 95 50 579 724 910 175 70 111 16 988 3,535 199 259 26 1,776 4 1,050 7,688 8,742 10,106 2,117 45 1,324 1,380 12,438 42,898 2,455 2,690 159 1 175 66 99 566 731 881 198 32 158 17 9.34 2,529 194 243 32 124 54 76 460 590 826 166 52 39 85 860 3,958 234 286 20 1 328 47 116 1,723 1,886 3,261 781 51 193 587 4,256 6,182 914 955 111 87 19 18 372 409 , 425 111 49 26 39 655 2,084 126 87 ' 12 319 244 523 748 1,515 1 1,556 348 117 195 41 1,741 6,807 475 572 41 1 irnf/y 15 261 — 12 620 — — 6 — — 613 300 2,492 108 35 56 42 40 — 24/6 121 240 — 900 174 21 Population, ^'c. 4’c. of the Coal Mining Districts, in the Counties of Northumberland, Durham,^ Cumberland, mlBll.awtZ 1821. 10 70—141 Nether Hoyland, Watli-upon-Dearn, and Wentworth, / o ri p ft ;s o b O o fh# order ofarrAni;ement adopted in the precediuft pago it hero poiilinueit, •titd whiuli it is trusted is aiitQcienlly per»j>ieuoii» to n-n ler any rurthercsplati.-ition iinncresiiary. JJuJlrt/, Old A'let'n- /ord, Stourii iJgt and Cradlnj N5 1,046 557 42 .59 70 378 714 81 1,545 2,243 3,869 4,828 996 61 952 45 .5,147 11,378 1,417 933 107 35 37 613 60 79 10 234 323 .393 74 20 8 50 390 1,7(M 183 180 17 — 7 1,022 39 64 4,729 4,832 4,850 1,019 89 926 78 4,814 7,285 1,743 1,615 88 68 9 69!) 921 67 1,594 3,097 4,758 5,076 1,081 89 989 60 5,379 10,927 1,718 1,242 177 52 101 1,00!) 120 18 30 105 636 563 119 3 12 104 5.54 2,077 381 292 .58 16 19 392 93 276 86 151 513 558 78 31 14 65 5(i6 096 493 340 91 2 — 6,518 307 9,613 21,304 31,319 35,.S40 8,72(i 509 7,663 877 •12,157 75,217 17, U3 13,4.')2 820 112 600 I1.7.W .I 476 172 504 1,605 2,281 2,673 689 78 237 384 3,172 .5,241 1,119 1,298 91 45 97 308 1.55 289 980 1,124 1,811 424 151 263 36 2,173 9,960 961 743 (i8 21 66 253 1,063 159 1,301 3,902 5,3()2 6,569 1,814 112 1,.571 2.59 9,113 19,164 3,060 3,409 166 53 63 I,!)06 382 101 554 1,3 l9 1,974 2,384 628 70 520 61 3,200 6,995 1,316 1,661 127 40 104 115 146 73 206 515 7!U 866 189 89 79 27 1,018 3,693 193 (i08 43 21 31 250 867 164 1,017 2,849 4,030 4,899 1,341 89 1,428 77 6,615 16,22'.) 2,832 2,433 116 32 35 106 729 633 723 2,748 4,102 4,354 913 347 331 309 5,298 15,710 3,950 2,33!) 228 !)2 1.57 887 984 340 1,323 3,451 5,1 14 5,805 1 356 402 774 274 7,163 19,821 6,1.30 3,614 265 49 115 1,078 192 54 55 1,057 1,166 1,2.53 270 47 48 189 1,2.52 4,311 829 710 46 — 72 181 678 68 9ti8 2,041 3,070 2,950 417 150 230 37 3,548 9,807 1,531 1,637 82 20 69 888 210 124 226 fi61 1,011 1,110 255 68 160 34 1,2.59 4,()99 687 .573 .59 — :»i 91 132 83 86 304 473 846 193 53 128 18 1,0.50 2,337 371 292 32 — 27 ICit) 562 93 928 2,305 3,326 3,482 770 62 540 245 3,797 10,770 1,436 1,401 no - 80 355 52 36 25 207 268 302. 66 1 33 1 25 8 327 1 16,21 4 375 369 23 -1 21 -1 Total Number ! of Persons in 1821 « » _ ^ w « O 1 l^.s si 22 <^os £. 2 g-S g g < i * as «-| g No. of F.amilies relieved 0-S,. Ptrmanrnlli/ A) 5 k. relieved oc- casionally V ’** s ^ < ^ 1815. £ 18^4. . £• 85,41fi •247,038 31, ‘217 31,417 4,737 G4I 035 13,833 19,189 53,142 6,460 4,646 478 218 122 1,152 2,117 11,724 667 622 43 17 78 3,859 16.871 1,615 1,4()9 144 86 870 9, .505 13,215 1,625 4,810 321 53 76 726 763 6,645 180 275 19 26 82 6,471 7,6U 1,200 1,694 111 28 52 783 5,585 1,213 1,110 1,244 206 31 18 925 5,504 6,6!>2 1,833 1,869 132 55 242 1,258 6,410 10,231 2,578 2,589 217 65 1,017 610 670 3,700 148 276 22 — 7 122 1,468 5,360 565 418 44 52 85 1!)2 3,965 5,508 1,0'J6 1,009 137 18 155 669 12,003 15,634 2,051 1,333 2(tl 50 54 1,490 18,380 32,'J67 4,837 4,514 3.52 123 4,077 1,086 1,461 9,397 757 860 67 32 109 490 1,400 1,9.50 4,316 1,093 906 101 25 46 626 6,062 10,017 1,.538 1,441 176 36 32 1,508 18,211 20,883 1,873 2,224 166 67 5S 2,68 7,273 624 701 3(i — 15(> 2,610 12,891 1,621 913 9!) 29 91 513 8,573 20,522 3,567 2,340 299 81 255 1,165 1,666 4,3!)0 980 4!)6 101 22, 135 1,793 5,419 786 8'(i3 69 6 12 128 10,176 22,208 4,846 3.767 362 49 2,076 5,622 4 is S'§> 6 50 25 24 32 60 (U 3 2 19 170 70 419 60 25 3 7 8 47 24 105 89 88 16 8 22 1325 / oenV ' 3,969 turned under the several heads of Baertall, Botleaiair, Buctnali, Eavaa, E'rntona Cal- vort, amt Vivian, the bulk of llii’ Popiilntion bein;' comprised in the r, the Parish also includes tlio 'rutvnshiu of Sealt id r, contain ' 28 230 51 40 57 58 4 9 8 19 20 6 i,I5(t 28 12 31 21 2 27 193 112 4 s o o I 5 SP 1“ ft :s A. 11 142—200 POI'l’LATION, it'C. iVc. of the Coal and Iron Mining Districts in the Counties of Gloucester, Somerset, Monmouth, Bre- con Glamorgan . — Bor remainder oj Goal district st^e Nos, 331>— 350 No. Pttwons io l»OI Niiniber of D/o. of families O sit* v» ^ i3 ary eunfa ml way i 1 whirb (ha rwtaru* of pHjiulatlau, 1’oor* Itatr*, 2 3 » •s* K u :;5 1 s !l 9 S . a’sl'- Permanentlu wriUto io tau)«tim«* in NV«Klt tml I'rrnuouly lunrcu* r«U la bath, bni rrotlvied il UiMcull lu •(cninlvlv drilau auuir uf lb* in Ibii St*l«ui<(uru« ii writtpn iu \»trh Uynyildvsljru mid r"ni|)tiio* 3 lUmloti >ifl. CUMn|>lnviT, b1ynvddmi»a«ll (No. ItM) cmn|irU«« 0 Kmniet*. Vu. Ko- roil, tiarih, K, llrolwpruiood, aud Cyuoii; the utmuit pain* bata baau lakaa Iu randvr further oi|ilaimliun uoutier** .ry. R a ■£i: w. «.s i 1-41: IIS'S & ?£1“ ^ “ «>> r V H III O *•) b* ? S'as !■» 2 b- ai a.! 'S.4- |l5 |ti S.2 ^ 5 f. o E 2 r*^ K V» *>• fc.5 St. Q <4> 'W |i;a M?'2l •« t ^ s> If — «s £■“ J C S «.s a 1824. < I- ■c *53 ■« •5 “■s IkIo* e - < rl42 Newent Par. 10 N. W.of Glou. 459 44 101 2,201) 2,354 2,538 532 310 148 98 2,660 11,718 1,393 I>U42 53 64 25 32 1 Mitchel Dean l2JlF.o/ 3 Ashwick . . • > 6 W.by S do. 160 96 172 508 776 710 193 80 75 64 829 2,345 219 436 23 — 8 106 — V a t 4 Buckland-Denhani 6 S. by E.do 81 15 19 547 581 403 93 9 83 4 440 2,156 88 140 5 — l2 80 11 o 1 5 Romaiiulfii’ of Hiiiidrofi 281 190 72 1,387 1,649 754 1,486 861 337 132 89 119 1,570 1,004 10,7fl0 968 1,040 140 139 73 __ 6Q J36 jANGport X'3 E. of Taunton 123 21 78 655 132 2 169 14 1,006 327 296 41 — 71 175 6 '157 Abergaven NYl44rr^.A''. If^ from London 520 162 635 1,776 2 573 2,815 679 62 511 151 3,388 11,075 983 789 384 51 50 133 190 36 8 Aherystwith from Aberg 6 W. by S. Lanover Higher < 4 A’. 74 88 32 568 805 1,626 616 75 571 16 4,059 5,465 327 27 — 13 — 1 9 181 91 798 1 889 1,333 317 30 318 5 1,863 582 39 160 8 — 8 318 160 do. lower * do. 45 119 109 — 228 239 51 34 6 11 282 1,898 91 101 15 2 17 120 6 1 Lan foist > 2S 19 19 25 114 158 211 91 19 1 73 535 1,733 151 11 — 10 — 2 Lanwenai'th .... # 2 2V. W''. 109 43 96 3 467 1,153 396 27 302 1 1,813 2,802 140 231 15 — 19 291 3 3 Gov ti e « 5 S.bv E. 100 97 33 276 406 44f3 108 32 23 58 513 1,807 93 122 11 2 11 23 26/ 4 UsK 152 59 93 582 734 841 207 54 116 53 989 2,248 336 212 36 — 23 166 25 3 Panteague .... 4 IF. byS.of Usk 120 70 41 439 550 1,052 273 33 247 9 1,478 3,208 113 156 16 — 7 265 — 9* V. 6 TrevethanwithPoNTYPOOL 5 W. 338 133 70 3 1,472 2 423 700 225 395 100 3,931 9,801 658 572 56 — 31 1,240 — •c: a» 7 Lanhiddei 6 W. Pontypool 37 60 134 9 203 344 76 12 44 20 438 1,202 97 76 7 — 4 65 — "S <' 27 W.N.W. of Bristol ( 168 N EWPORT in St. 199 16 307 812 1,135 2,i>46 ) 679 24 156 951 7,935 624 916 43 37 80 3 & 1 1 N. E. of Cardiff ( 9 W oolos Parish 52 68 20 200 288 4,055 497 599 29 — 8 80 — s 170 CjERLEON in 2 N.of Newport 145 450 114 503 667 936 208 2 228 5 1,062 2,8Z8 372 194 33 — 16 .370 16 1 Lan gattoch Parish do. 35 108 2 59 169 246 48 16 37 298 2,270 94 lol 10 — 8 — 21 2 Llanvrecha Upper 5 do. 63 50 50 220 320 600 133 15 104 14 662 1,888 144 151 10 — 7 70 6 3 do. lower do. 46 30 6 154 190 245 62 27 36 311 1,531 153 132 Xj — 10 — — .2P-5 r 174 Bassalig do. 84 49 11 271 331 417 97 54 17 26 439 1,443 350 193 19 — 8 229 25 P < 5 Rogerstone ...... 3 IF. do. 91 183 18 246 447 650 133 64 69 662 1,780 396 265 23 — 19 86 L f Duffrin do. 23 40 24 144 208 191 41 16 14 13 228 1,686 318 193 21 — 16 5 177 Risca 6 IF. JV. W'. of do. 46 32 47 161 240 564 100 13 11 76 358 708 137 194 12 — 4 — 8 Machen, upper & lower 6 W of do. 128 125 88 461 674 1,167 196 98 113 — 1,032 2,702 382 351 32 — 83 93 29 C 179 Bedwas up. & 1. 84 88 34 264 386 472 106 64 11 39 570 1,712 253 240 18 — 7 115 — Bunjmpg tehiehdividta 100 MoDytlUlsloine *... 334 397 253 894 1,534 2,990 514 130 61 374 3,186 8,774 1,147 2>140 90 — 22 410 — Gianorgianshirt ^ 1 136ClWftity •• •• 246 287 136 1 Oil 1,434 4,590 1,016 67 959 17 6,382 4,967 777 623 80 — 43 1,058 8 r 182 Crickhowkll 6 W. by N. of A berg. 127 107 91 365 566 611 195 40 lot 59 1,008 4,106 234 391 20 9 80 3 ( LlaneUj ^ 2.83 Aberbaidan • • • , 58 70 329 209 608 1 097 324 28 284 12 1,781 1,804 150 312 14 — 10 2,37 S 5“ 1 Parish if 4 M 0 ergwartha .. 61 104 15 210 329 724 228 29 187 12 1,181 4,857 130 13 — 7 — < 00 *§ j Llangad- j 5 Penalt doc fur. ) Prisk & Hille or Killey t 136 230 250 336 816 404 859 303 44 302 26 1 947 1 2,950 3,752 277 209 461 25 21 — 16 20 — — o c 1 Llangyni- ( 187 Vro, or Uro .... 112 109 53 204 426 483 124 76 33 16 517 1,934 270 241 27 — 27 9 , \^der Parish \ 8 DufFi ain & Blaiu 103 176 45 344 565 643 100 17 104 12 828 1,920 190 165 17 — — 458 £ 218 1,000 70 416 1,486 < 1,338 145 18 127 749 .5,370 251 556 20 — 20 30 — $ 315 76 65 11 — 424 283 14 — 14 101 — ’*->8 i 202 Neath 77 W. of Bristol 540 315 270 30 2 502 2,740 640 10 102 528 2,823 8,779 2,015 817 36 — 144 1 ,29.1 29 2 < ^ 1 '*• 1 extending f 203 Neath 1. ni. & up. 154 170 44 123 837 959 157 70 63 24 845 7,986 355 424 48 15 252 — •So/ ^rJorn^' } ^ Dyffrin Clydach JVeu/h a 1 5 Blaenhondden 124 46 178 402 726 643 150 16 30 104 720 1,859 329 33.> 56 — 26 10 8 js J 169 167 166 468 801 865 195 65 82 52 947 684 591 482 63 18 36 to 10 Miies\. 6 Dylais, low. & up 93 54 34 92 562 637 1 127 114 13 651 6,087 196 247 21 16 76 i 142-167 160-206 Population, ^e. 4'c. of the Coal and Iron Mining Districts in the Counties of Gloucester, Somerset, Monmouth Brecon, and Glamorgan. 207—275 12 Topografuical Position, Population, &c, &c. of the Copper and Tin Mining Districts, of the South Coast of Cornwall from the River Tamar (which divides Cornwall from Devonshire) by the Lands End to Cape Cornwall. ’ #• The following Statement exhibits the Topo- O No. of Persons in 1801. • > M craphical Position, Population, &c. &c. of Ihe Copper *o '1 *• and Tin Mininii Districts oj (he South ('oust oj oS Cornwall /'rom the River 'laiiMr loA't. Jmt Cape Cornwall, ^'/^e Places noted with a } return Mem- bers to Parliament. Those, with an • are situated -1 I&3 S g -ft ^ a k 8 S5 J3 0 -S b'a’? near the Shore* and those with a J are Seaports. 9 S'® •o 0 207 Calstock 5 Miles W.of Tavistock 197 3H) 42 723 ;i,io5 8 St. Dominic 4 W.of Calstock 103 173 23 344 538 9 Liskeard Horo’ i .. 234 tV from London 302 138 280 1,442 1,860 210 do. Parish .. do. do. 160 374 39 20 848 11 St Cleer UN. of Liskeard 147 279 196 299 774 12 Qnithiock 5 E. of do. 91 177 44 366 587 13 Menliiniot ^ S. E. of do. 150 276 61 581 918 14 Duloe 6 S of do. 96 619 85 5 709 t 215 East Looe Boro’ 1 ! 117 12 154 4 467 16 St. Martins Parish.. 61 332 8 4 344 17 W EST Looe Boro’t $ 79 33 23 320 376 18 Talland Parish .... 149 89 53 608 760 219 Pelynt or Plyant 4 iV. W. of VFest Looe 89 120 24 486 630 220 Lost wiTHiELt 12 W. o/ Liskeard 121 29 105 609 743 1 Llanlivery HW.of Lostivithiel 132 280 110 3 778 2 Liixullion 4 do. do. 143 116 24 325 875 East of ( 223 St. Winnow .. ^ S. E.of do. 116 645 13 13 671 the y 4 St. W eep or V eep 3 do. do. 99 221 45 240 506 River f 5 Lansalloes * .. 2E, of Fowey 162 198 249 400 847 Fowey\ 6 Lanteglos* .... 4 do. do. 146 242 146 290 678 227 Fo W E V Miles W. of Looe S(€> S. of Lost. 2)3 103 134 918 1,155 8 Tywardreth * 4 IV. W. of Fowey 137 144 42 641 727 9 St. Rlazp.v * 6 do. do. 87 90 23 116 467 230 St. Austle 8 S.W.of Lostwithiel 663 368 390 3,030 3,788 1 St.Mewan 2 W.of St. Austle 130 32 76 672 780 2 St. Stephens in Bramel 5 do. do. 342 70 22 1,646 1,738 3 St. Ewe b S.ofdo. 229 232 191 7.53 1,176 4 Mevagissey *...., T S. of do. 309 91 229 1,732 2,052 5 Gonan * 10 S.ofdo, 183 385 76 548 1,009 9) 6 Roach 8 N. of do. 183 60 22 872 7 Grampol'nd 6 W.of do. 80 07 70 388 6:;5 8 Creed contis:uoiis to Orampound 29 71 4 142 2 7 9 Ladock 4 W. IV. of Grampound 114 522 13 7 542 240 Probus W.of do. 194 163 98 147 1,073 iTregonyI iSofdo. 128 103 78 756 937 2 Veiyaii St. Sephovian .. b S.of Tregony 201 241 45 721 1,007 r 243 TRURO t • 7^W. of Grampound 354 94 557 1,707 2,353 a 4 Kenwyn \ N. of Truro 568 166 152 3,659 4,017 < b St. Clements 1 S.ofdo. 229 159 175 2,53 1,342 i 6 Rea 4 S.of do. 451 145 75 2,220 2,440 f 7 Feock 6 S.ofdo. 148 149 44 403 696 248 Falmouth Town J 12 S.ofdo. 465 25 626 3,033 3,684 9 do. out Parish .... do do. 113 22 148 99.5 1,165 163 119 156 1,141 1,411 771 1 Geimnce .. 6 E. of Falmouth 165 368- 373 30 S 2 f 252 Maw nan 5 S. of do. 85 95 16 316 427 3 Budotk .'. 2 W.of do. 124 107 70 602 779 4 Mylor S N. E.of do. 328 248 353 1,004 1,665 % 5 Constantine . . » , 7 S. W. of do. 246 244 101 884 1,229 6 Penryn 3J S.of do. 294 74 197 2,053 2,324 7 St. Gluvias 3 do. dc. 92 130 78 416 624 ’i.jV 8 Mawgan .... 10 S. W. of do. 127 207 31 547 785 .2’S? 9 Mannacan 7 S. of do. 92 93 35 361 489 ^260 St. Keverne .... 10 iV. of do. 440 387 87 1,630 2,104 26i Helstone 16 S. W. of Truro 301 111 415 1,722 2,248 Wendron 2 N.of Helstone 583 257 692 2,057 3,006 “ C 263 Sithney 3 W. of do. 265 148 137 1,135 1,420 | = \ 4 Breage 5 do. do. 492 197 392 1,945 2,. 534 ■| 1 / 5 Germot d do. do. 130 138 13 478 629 i 6 PerranUthnoe 8 do. do. 112 88 17 401 506 S S 5*'’ < f 7 Merazion .. 10 do. do. 206 77 165 169 1,009 ('268 Penzance .... 27 S. W. of Truro 667 41 382 1,532 3,382 9 G nival .... 2N.E.of Penzance 211 193 128 745 1,076 2"0 Ludgvan .... 4 do. do. 259 662 331 35l 1,324 1 Paul 3 S.of do. 611 261 556 2,122 2,937 2 St. Creet . .’ b W.of do. 150 559 165 58 782 * 1 3 St. Bnrian .... b S. W. if do. 207 268 54 839 1,161 j 4 St. Sennan SW.by.Sofdo. 80 412 19 8 i -131 V. 5 St. J list C C. 10 . Why N. of do. 1 636 379 2,277 123 12,779 Total Number of Persons in 1811 1 Number of Inhab- ited Houses in 1821 Number of Families iu 1821 1 Total Number 1 of Persons in 1821 •> ^ - s « o §*^.5 • S i, *0 1 a S • 5 £ £n3 1,091 1,986 379 371 1,073 3,839 2,630 29 958 4,346 1,182 907 425 17 1,076 4,392 814 3,980 855 4,864 492 219 770 1,907 671 243 366 27 2,932 196 236 1,089 1,284 534 2,788 1,698 225 1,582 3,256 4,561 812 1,205 961 373 425 1,054 1,549 487 359 446 644 257 697 319 153 765 650 354 I, 224 II, 427 287 709 709 53 648 2,764 328 82 767 3,631 674 250 1,671 1,773 433 1,061 1,137 735 671 12,972 338 1,408 1,099 4,483 1,169 353 563 1,912 1,811 1,120 723 3,891 407 1,609 1,142 4,840 1,433 372 145 392 103 423 316 209 167 :1,125 96 353 205 1,421 357 81 20 25 ()6 m 40 93 328 23 310 96 373 119 67 8 40 85 321 273 166 39 523 14 40 23 887 243 20 luui Total Number of Persona in 1811 Number of Inkao- tied Housesin 18‘il 1 Number of Families in 1H21 ' Total Number of Persons 1821 s|2|- ‘*'Sas5 5 S * 5 ^ N S*a « e S 9 No. 0 reli f Pamiltts 1 ^ ^ tl -c -Z untl^ V S Z TOTAL Vltie/iy Employe in Agriculture do. in Trade Manufactures or Handicraft all others not included in the precedinsf out of }Vork> house %! 3 Q < k 5 1815. 1821. '<■5 1,564 1,817 337 176 83 114 2,011 8,454 437 024 •Mi 3 42 — 2,714 3,281 725 ()9 274 434 3,520 5,530 1,140 1,210 141 — 12 333 465 532 110 SO 12 51 582 1,183 100 116 10 — 1 — 514 671 122 65 6 58 715 2,137 115 197 10 — 0 — 1,083 1,180 241 130 119 10 1,271 3,105 289 322 43 2 10 1.53 4,934 5,903 929 236 99 984 6,607 7,631 2,876 1,845 180 34 282 950 2,895 4,078 912 189 97 686 5,170 11,331 1,486 1,309 109 4 145 1,348 329 372 86 53 11 22 412 1,110 75 72 6 — 16 — 1,475 2,119 483 73 197 247 2,529 16,393 302 .378 27 — 84 585 4,811 4,714 1,158 392 180 586 6,219 11,783 1..579 1,290 111 — 38 1,232 1,654 1,952 423 83 319 39 2,383 5,185 408 576 36 — 25 287 1,122 1,317 273 237 47 1 1,004 4,708 393 492 38 — 8 290 990 1,248 268 113 — 179 1,558 3,322 283 444 30 3 35 — 2,587 3,021 698 145 587 10 3,973 13,175 1,070 69 — 1.51 437 1,269 1,394 277 91 42 166 1,688 4,110 851 638 67 — .59 238 4,594 5,303 1,165 67 128 980 0,294 18,273 4,099 3,083 204 17 91 165 884 1.104 243 55 47 157 1,362 2,165 420 463 36 — 9 143 4.161 15.024 1,012 104 950 45 5,762 9,929 2,348 1,355 232 — 216 — 1.110 1..504 361 187 57 169 2,198 25,559 465 48 11 20 215 6,099 8.196 2,049 30 739 1,355 10,255 29,184 1,834 2,339 18-1 33 17 2,428 732 767 188 64 124 6 981 3,376 344 418 33 11 14 148 322 276 112 3 111 3 606 954 93 136 12 — 4 50 1,275 1,305 296 234 35 32 1,437 2,741 271 398 41 ■ 4 15 167 2,567 2,307 537 96 395 56 2,639 9,182 93^1 938 135 — 56 484 2,549 2,812 640 53 464 143 3,344 15,512 700 748 71 2 53 420 621 637 147 82 24 40 738 2,577 208 204 27 — 42 — 391 454 123 28 7 88 566 454 236 219 22 — 32 — 1,715 2,102 489 231 75 243 2,585 9,319 996 1,552 302 — 118 — 3,666 4,595 1,127 249 660 388 5,788 9,618 1,200 1,317 130 47 37 598 209 382 74 05 9 329 2,072 390 458 42 — 14 — 318 452 103 16 87 — 509 981 109 132 20 — 0 — 464 438 90 92 4 — 472 1,086 73 111 27 — — — 316 682 182 138 15 — 788 1,639 82 189 7 — 4 — 1,280 1,770 374 98 259 49 2,341 2,978 490 573 50 — 32 — 1,322 1,470 329 210 132 — 1,964 3,294 404 457 53 — 49 — 732 961 178 02 16 128 1,168 2,349 252 276 66 — 7 — 4,977 4,210 1,09C 199 2.53 670 5,292 6,070 — 943 — — — — 1,168 934 234 93 25 123 1,184 1,198 165 226 49 — 6 — 502 419 91 43 5 44 494 4,927 108 155 13 — 4 — 2,212 2,542 54,5 250 302 13 2,896 8,595 1,164 760 139 — 143 290 3,619 3,804 790 210 112 527 4,629 12,liH 1,153 1,312 171 34 59 — 4,746 5,079 889 51 176 808 5,699 25,590 2,144 1,939 245 27 29 — 1,119 1,339 277 63 198 24 1,425 4,634 450 497 54 4 15 — 1,274 1,686 330 25 39 287 1,720 4,316 760 786 75 12 23 64 1,128 1,394 264 35 270 16 1,460 8,402 978 918 75 16 47 195 518 649 129 37 6 86 689 1,649 554 542 41 — 6 — 474 499 99 17 5 97 021 2,524 409 437 ■ 47 — 7 — 1,186 1,529 284 27 214 44 1,512 5,195 951 544 27 15 — 100 2,978 3,474 774 123 664 33 3,787 17,708 1,785 1,394 142 30 184 587 1,115 1,259 232 4 262 5 1,242 2,409 295 289 30 2 25 360 693 888 188 4 23 184 904 743 308 245 29 2 28 19 1,076 1,262 252 189 34 28 1,384 10,976 749 698 59 — 71 GO 753 847 200 28 58 115 928 2,527 337 185 18 17 41 100 603 656 145 54 92 1 710 1,808 239 270 30 — 31 70 686 852 185 52 39 97 955 4,495 287 276 24 1 21 172 401 434 126 30 20 78 548 1,891 160 238 15 2 25 59 330 316 78 39 31 8 381 2,388 223 211 19 2 8 43 817 1,000 221 24 81 116 1,021 2,145 353 338 30 1 30 210 1,351 1,219 324 39 76 209 1,.543 3,164 218 371 24 3 37 275 955 1,074 234 20 38 180 1,130 1,824 354 309 18 4 13 251 705 145 63 44 41 758 7,436 341 278 34 — 37 191 1,490 232 160 77 30 1,395 7,681 1,180 1,088 161 — 52 131 1.52 354 1 39 9 37 319 59 10 89 253 3 7061 1,914} 595 2,364 2,022 1,206 892 5,649 448 1,731 1,458 7,262 1,612 517 13 14 28 3 60 69 60 21 73 90/ 6 99 16 22 / 45 4 2 7 17 240 5 6 60 tl te« Note to Noe. 413 - 416. In 1869 these Mines jielded 2218 Tens nf pttr« LE.\D, of which the proportion at Lead HiHa was 1417 Toss, the Earl of Hopetonn takes one-sixtb of the prodnceof Lead Hills 5,711 3,044 4,446 1,707 3,033 15,501 1,597 5,641 7,346 5,126 1,933 1,161 1-5! 38 21 / 15 7 20 25 370 287 29 5 39 — 685 514 45 13 76 326 7 255 409 23 1 36 132 — 590 306 28 3 5 79 5 213 220 33 — 6 107 1)264 1,234 151 — 02 951 127 154 13 — 14 100 492 503 82 — 78 358 399 226 25 14 12 — 67 1,780 1,542 260 — 90 734 556 399 26 — 30 348 80 161 12 — 4 — 50/ 27i> -30 1 305 — 3.>0 Topogntphical Position, Population , ^c. ^ c. of various Mining Districts of Copper, Tin, Lead, Slate and Coal. 14 361— 41G The following Statement exhibits at one point of view all the principal places in Great Britain where the Woollen Manufacture is carried on, shewing the Vopulation &c. (Sic. as in the preceding pages, the West Rilling of York being exhibited in detail in the two following pages. Carpets are Manufactured at Aber- deen, liannockburn, liarnard Cantle, Cirencester, Stourport, and Wilton, and Blankets at Witney but not to any extent. — Note below, that Nailsworth ( No. 363) is part of the three parishes of Aceniiif^, Horsley, and Minchinhamplon, and in 1 801, and 1811 uios returned with those parishes. Uuntmirford, and Wortley {No. 367) are in the parish of Woolon under Edge which includes also the Tythings or Hamlets of Sinwell and Bradley, and Symonds Hall and Coombe, all of which , are com- prised in the Numbers staled, liingswood ( No. 368 ) is an insulated part of Wiltshire within the County of Gloucester The Places belouf noted oy an •, are on the Nuniher of Persons in 1801 No. of Families in 1821 No. of Persons line of Hoad from London to BerkHy ; those by a a bj) S-l'-SgS.J f,on that from London to t'roine and Wells ; and those by alt on another line oj" Hoad, diverfling S a I- . V — ^ • A 2 n V* sS S! ^ — 'S'l Si, j** lb R'b 1-5 a ^ « ■i J S' from the preceding at Deptford Inn, by Wn7 Q KA l6£ a 3 v» ^ 2 g j? ** L E S S « u>« £ 'c 5 2^5 ■s-a minster, to f'rome and Gla-itonbury. Vulne and O 5 h SS.5 !> S Si® 1’- 8 8 2 < ? S3 .se ('’hippenhum, are im the direct line of Hoad from isOiidon, by Murlhoroui:.h to Hath; from U'hick s - s r* Is It: «5 g6§! ■si I* -S d, Ul 5 ^ 61 "Si ■s,? si'' C ^ Chippenham is distant 13 miles; 0 A', of /Uel/cs- S ^ a < «.S«; V •c *r* and 13 iS’. of Tctburij, by way of Malmesbury, a S! o 8 1824. .3 distance i> mites. N G >1; a 'a 1815. ' o •5 o <-S fool Stroud 13 W. by N. of Ciren. *88 1,033 246 3,711 1,465 5,422 6,321 1,419 118 1,144 231 7,097 2,294 1,260 12,215 233 36 135 518 7 § . ^ 2 Randwick tW.of Slroud 120 33 536 287 856 748 188 30 147 36 984 339 284 1,616 68 7 79 376 55 g i. 3 Woodcliester 4 iS. TK do. 191 59 811 870 845 180 6 157 23 929 354 246 2,730 51 — 37 273 203 3^.\ 2 Uilton .. 2 A. W. 293 101 396 1 1,524 1,582 394 65 283 67 2,006 965 70 — 48 — 30 5^ C* wtintlfT, ^ 3 1 *V. 294 128 259 4 1,475 1,357 294 62 168 83 1,428 775- ( 59 — 48 — ^ 1 394 Melksh AM 7 PE. N. of Devi, t 88 759 370 1,299 2,361 4,030 4,110 913 390 465 116 4,765 4,120 3,533 17,678 313 51 889 270 12 ^ 1 5 Seend 1 92 169 25 60 891 976 876 197 105 62 85 1,011 983 794 5,787 4,179 125 — 256 106 19 1 188 413 613 656 139 776 563 636 47 27 U 7 J Cai.ne 87 1 ^ 1 775 700 1,077 1,990 3,767 3,547 879 438 423 109 4,549 2,895 2,988 26,502 345 47 66 222 112 -5 8 t Chippenham 93 667 297 1,416 1,653 3,366 3,410 576 197 532 50 5,506 3,021 2,489 20,143 261 222 418 80 Ut 9 Corsham 4 IE. of Chippenham 458 520 717 1,163 2,402 2,395 506 236 181 224 2,727 2,268 1,603 14,652 273 34 30 218 — 1 400 Laycock .... S\ S. of do. 142 103 121 43 1,408 1,460 329 167 150 29 1,682 1,226 1,407 8,555 1.51 ■ — 332 308 3 i ( ( C401 The Town .. 126 1,251 69 3,299 2,742 6,110 8,038 1.942 16 866 1,296 10,709 3,6.35 2,907 13,960 102 185 161 214 — a" ) yj 1 KinDER- l 2 The l>oreign..3lE. 385 276 359 1,291 1,926 1,987 411 103 300 17 2,043 1,086 805 11,282 82 21 24 — riv ; 1 MINSTER.^ g Lower Milton 3 S. 310 36 234 1,333 1,603 2,352 483 22 416 75 2,. 544 539 1,120 5,779 30 26 37 2.30 — g-i 404 Hartlcbuvy AS. of 281 258 226 1,050 1,534 1,673 367 205 146 26 1,857 649 477 7,793 35 20 31 356 65 2 j 5 t Bridgenorth ( Salop) 140 919 215 3,806 387 4,408 4,386 988 335 627 134 4, 345 1,843 1,395 11,741 146 .34 99 422 105 6 Axminster ('Heuon^ 14< 406 333 .572 1,199 2,154 2,387 490 145 260 135 2,742 1,040 1,233 13,797 60 80 138 305 61 TOTALS 15,711 9,135 51,471 52,543 119.772 136,863 30.316 6.468 31,351 5,085 165,846 7G>325 63,775 41G.543 U,71J 1,257 6,672 u.oc? 4,510 40: Nor>vicu (Stuffs mixed with Silk) lOt) 8,016 408 12,207 24,157 36^32 37,256 I0.C24 G20 9,783 2,060 50,283 8,984 18,941 17,341 72,^181 1,755 580 350 1,052 720 8 Kendal ( Westmoreland ) Coarse Cloths 1,394 151 3,729 561 3,012 6,892 3,633 7,.505 3,727 1,881 138 1.G19 300 2,393 2,480 1,926 21,202 175 206 296 787 142 743 2,329 915 478 387 4,431 1,862 20,139 85 91 West Ridirg of YORK. ( LKISUS JSi MM46 55.G05 IGl.ISS 33d, 196 563,953 653,315 154.314 31,613 lOS.StI 21,012 7»9.3j7 20(1, 1188 244.131 2.302, 4W 23.iG3 3,170 lo.sas Hfl.Gdt 14, 650 410 Newtown no 203 44 406 707 1,1.57 2,025 63S 56 581 10 3,486 746 735 4,915 75 20 49 in — 260 77 338 675 80 1,007 467 3,682 lUl oyy oo Flannels. ^ 1^2 WELCH FoOL 17b 530 443 238 2,191 2,872 3,440 7.52 4.37 275 130 4,2.55 1,637 1,541 12,871 117 46 27 321 39 ^413 St. Ninians ^ 35 iV. w . oj .7 14 Stillin'^ ( Edinburgh 1,324 2,510 2,689 1,650 6, '849 7,636 1 ,20» 404 1,042 65 8,274 1 The Svsteni of Parochial Asspsment 111 KiiclMid S ‘"g 614 26 514 4,716 5,2.56 5,820 7.52 25 1,162 543 7,314 \ & Wales, tioos not extend to Scotland & Ireland, nor -2 oir i i*> Gal\shiels oOS.oJ do. 167 89 164 591 844 986 205 52 138 99 1,545 / has any return in iletail of AsseMneiit of Properly Tax 16 Kilmarnock 22 s IE. o/G/asg 1,091 1,110 6,707 182 8,079 10,143 1*329 120 2,50G 7C 12,769 Jin Scotland or Ireland been laid before Pailiaiiicnt “S' a 5 ►5 S: b S 9 w o> 1 »-• Q SI fi 00 © CO 117 liH) 15 roi’OGRAPHiCAL POSITION, PO PIILATIOT'; , *c. &c. of TowNS and Places in the Mamifactnrivg Districts of tlicffcAl Ridiny of Yorksiiire, slicwing the increase of Population, &c. &c. since 11501. Th* ditr*uc*« In lh« fwlluwinK Suttnifnl »Uen from Uu^rttlwtU. amt W.,l*it^td, iupmUroly. IIAHT«K.>I.HY, !■ »»•« (X* uf « dUlnol In wlUch lUo Untm .Unnw/ac/wi* >i puMuctl to • mUdI, «od hu Mf*r«l /rw« AVMNJ«ri«J k Mill* fur droMinf o! M II. wUh tbo 6 ultior placo* ooUd by a * oro In Ibo of 5ia*<«n»* «r« tnuio euutia»ttbl« Collier.**. ilUDlMUtSI'IKLl). U ib« oc»' tr« tif *uoth«T dlttriot tit wbuU Hie Wo'dltn Aloon/flk l«r* in moll of lU braiiuha* it rarried on, and }>«rlialiv th* Cvltom AiuN«/nt:/ur'*. WAKEKIKLI), i* a l'.i.mnor»ial, ralhar than a M*ouf-*'lur»n|r It b • rr«'*l llapol for IVo*/, and Ornin, comumnicatiuK r.a»lw**d with UmU, ^ lha Air* and ('aider Narientiou, and Wcitward into luo b«arl of Ui# Manufat'lurliiK diilricl*. by Canal* lo RochdaU «*•< dfancarilrr, llawibiiry, (No. 4»j.) »• lb* cautro of tbo Blamifaclur* of Blaubsb* aaaJi iii« Fabrio*. r ff >>e< a cs i"S . Sop' ^ I. 117 BarnselevI 173 from London 18 Worsboro’ 2i 5. lit Tunkersley 3 S. 420 Hoyliind Swaiiiet 5 A'. 1 \V ortl.;y OS. W. 2 Thuigoland t 0 do. 3 Penistone 8 TK. fcy S. 4 Thurlstone 8J do. 5 Den by 7 W. 6 Silkstone*! Collieries diW. 7 Dodworlhi liNilT. 8 Darton 3 do. 9 Monk-Bretton 2 N. E. 430 Cawthorne Collieries OTP. 1 Cumberworth + 8W^. do. in Aiibrisg Wapentake 2 Ardsley 2 £. 3 Clayton West G.j £. 4 Royston i N ha E. 5 Hiinsworth or Hemswortli 8 iV. E. ' 6 Hudddersfield .... ISO from London . 2 f 7 Bindley 2 N. by W. ® I 8 Longwocd 6 IV. W. ^ w r J 9 Scammonden 7 W. ~i-a |440 Marsden 8S. TP. ~a,'§ 1 Slaithwaitet 4 do. L 2 Golcar 4 do. ^ 3 Almondbury 2 S. E. 4 Farnley Tyas .... S. S. E. 5 Honley or Horley .... 3j S. 6 Meltham 5 S. S. TP. Holme 9 S. TP. Thong Nether 4 do. do. Upper 4 do. Linthwaite 4 TP. by S. Crossland South .... 4 S. £. Lockwood Ij S. Lingarths Austonlcy Kirk Heaton 1 N.E. TVhitely Upper Dalton 1 N. E. Lepton E. by S. Kirk Burton G S. E. Foulston 4 do. Shepley or Shipley SS.S.E. Shelley 9 do. Cartworth 10 S. Hepworth G E. S. E. Wooldale 7 S. Thurstonland 7 Wakefield .. IH2 from London 8 Stanley contiguous N. o a y 9 Horbury 2^ TP. S. TP. S ^ v4/0 Alversthorpe-cura-Thorne 2 do. 471 Crofton i E. S. E. 2 Sandal 2 S. 3 Crigglestone 4, E. S. E. 474 Thornhill OTP. Flockton 7 S. TP. Shillington 4 S. byW. Whiteley lower ..7 do. Ardsley East 3 N. by W. do. West 4 do. 480 Rothwell 5 JV, Middleton-cum-Thorpe 2 Ou!ton-cum-Woodlesford5 N. 3 Carlton-cum-Lofthouse 3j N, Methley ON. N. E. 485 Dewsbui-y 5W by N. 0 Soothill 5 do. 7 Osset 3 TP. 8 Cliftou-cum-Hartshead Mirfield 8 TP. Warmfield & Sharlstone .... L 7 8 9 450 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ^ L 9 400 1 2 3 4 5 6 478 9 S a 484 '-rig: X474 {• Ardi di /•480 i ia ‘55. I 489 1490 No. of Ptirsons in 1801 Nnrnbcr of \o. of i atmlies 1821 _ *7 rein ved „ ! .. m 22 *3 “Si f-rman nt/y V ■2 ft! iefiy employed % Agriculture 11 T3 ■Q 55 3 « .5 ^ 5 o Total T>»vmb€r f Persons 1811 Number of In- bited Houses in ie/iy employed | 1 jl^rictt//ure *2 it <*) W 5 ratal Number ■ Persons in 1821 alii .a ii! ulii, 5^3 5^' ;so- klVi kiz ijZ 2 R s c .5 *R t'? si ^ ■0,5 Ti i£ 2 m* If •C 5- .2 -a •s» V &«* 9 < sS 1815. 1 J824. 3 0 710 69 1,832 1,705 3,606 5,014 1,441 30 1,297 272 8,28.1 —£ — 15,0 9 1,992 1,471 57 66 70 1,894 -oC 170 102 153 624 879 1,073 237 192 45 — 1,302 6'493 637 788 38 69 35 79 66 66 250 382 465 103 44 61 1 625 4'eio 308 495 15 21 59 100 43 115 404 562 611 136 39 81 20 738 1^935 431 376 34 10.5 131 5 106 124 143 579 846 925 173 75 98 5 904 4'l88 .571 450 33 23 8.5 213 21 140 74 207 362 643 652 170 37 126 22 819 2^.398 312 305 37 32 112 6 101 34 98 361 493 515 134 36 88 11 645 L509 138 149 12 11 322 4 222 61 267 768 1,096 1,282 289 124 153 24 1,.521 3'625 780 421 48 18 0 199 57 286 718 1,061 1,132 262 53 136 73 1,412 3'465 7.57 517 84 5 58 257 15 110 36 98 408 542 555 130 39 103 12 807 2i472 331 182 31 50 24 93 61 104 238 403 743 217 43 151 23 1,‘227 2^568 421 420 41 52 120 17 194 71 226 639 936 1,080 241 44 136 71 1,3^10 2^638 595 329 42 1 21 136 165 60 242 217 21 480 530 178 (>4 106 13 916 425 223 25 3 43 57 41 213 124 128 803 1,055 1,208 293 191 164 38 1,518 2,556 737 398 30 4 34 345 5 91 33 228 189 450 950 215 10 215 — 1,295 2,468 534 249 31 46 15 — — — — 898 214 52 103 69 1,120 2'l90 — 225 _ 94 72 91 298 461 704 164 41 112 17 992 2'556 351 218 25 1 21 59 127 39 182 447 668 665 169 35 136 2 854 l,9i2 276 306 22 5 23 6 80 166 46 148 360 361 103 49 51 10 549 2^006 241 181 14 19 66 165 174 84 645 803 811 204 125 72 24 963 5'684 1,169 693 19 1 22 90/ 1,376 92 1,446 5,730 7,268 9,671 2,521 212 1,912 397 13,284 17,998 2,801 2,652 245 71 84 1,401 112 289 20 720 637 1,377 1,686 393 14 352 58 2,040 3i819 318 351 32 18 214 10/ 201 12 240 1,024 1,276 1,461 354 5 381 2 1,942 2il43 271 204 41 12 94 98 — 316 310 626 472 135 1 154 1 855 '608 145 99 15 16 138 354 — 802 1,156 1,958 1,845 399 — 402 2 2,330 541 — 296 — 361 — 1,955 52 2,007 2,277 510 15 509 1 2,871 2,880 360 262 81 31 330 30 326 22 1.191 633 1,846 2,122 447 474 19 2,606 2,2b5 418 356 42 20 24 219 712 53 1,083 2,615 3,751 4,613 926 30 912 16 5,679 4^300 l,3i4 757 89 42 132 347 177 135 47 479 204 730 757 154 36 113 8 900 2'UI 405 173 26 40 110 446 56 1,682 791 2,529 2,918 648 39 563 67 3,501 4^303 973 907 84 26 64 1,195 237 89 533 656 1,278 1,130 337 3 373 5 2,000 1,603 259 254^ 29 63 329 — 55 30 143 129 302 347 79 7 6 3 459 524 106 40 ' 12 0 _ 26 119 11 397 272 679 787 172 5 31 140 927 1,443 232 241 17 21 58 — 191 13 197 823 1,033 1,015 258 22 179 72 1,437 352 319 45 34 3 245 72 752 557 1,381 1,643 387 12 344 41 2,127 ^ 1^187 318 290 57 9 22 757 — 253 14 542 665 1,221 1,424 305 — 308 1,.583 ’ 4,732 353 270 61 31 360 5 229 5 750 498 1,2.53 1,490 367 23 254 114 1,881 3'274 479 374 33 31 193 — 113 7 320 315 642 712 137 ■ 145 1 809 Slaitkwaite 284 101 22 4 8 124 3 425 246 674 814 178 6 182 2 968 972 349 276 42 18 — 449 48 713 708 1,469 1,690 387 92 264 33 2,186 2,697 789 658 41 25 37 165 6 — 644 150 61 88 1 764 3,116 415 389 31 32 194 8 223 14 794 414 1,222 1,625 404 57 348 17 2,289 3,031 65 j 476 27 8 74 54 7 410 110 478 1,592 2,180 2,585 526 59 396 81 2 729 4,803 748 454 48 9 348 235 23 362 22 200 1,183 1,405 1,693 356 12 376 1 2,153 2,003 669 502 66 15 167 79 203 — 572 57ti 1,128 1,139 277 132 145 1 1,264 1,689 506 491 37 4 70 52 25/ 122 19 105 495 619 793 187 40 156 2 1,000 1,S40 316 281 27 21 52 104 22 157 237 416 1,057 240 34 152 64 1,329 2,463 375 264 27 2 73 135 10 181 — 519 478 997 1,121 213 1 222 — 1,211 1,252 408 299 40 4 51 — 141 2 346 456 804 828 188 38 155 1 1,048 1,211 326 276 42 18 — 18 500 7 1,608 1,005 2,620 3,083 658 — 660 1 3,445 2,932 1,086 683 87 6 39 638 50/ 126 13 243 527 783 868 167 34 125 18 989 2,579 463 336 — — 94 184 25 1,721 306 1,657 6,168 8,131 8,593 2,223 1 2,069 181 10,764 72,123 3,773 4,415 265 104 250 725 — 699 183 426 2,651 3,260 3,769 907 170 355 388 4,620 11,318 2,322 1,657 146 46 29 — 49 419 121 716 1,264 2,101 2,356 611 39 501 6 2,475 2,948 1,001 625 61 32 47 406 10 660 122 773 2,210 3,105 3,766 917 60 445 436 4,448 8,129 1,970 1,448 177 48 80 — 43 107 74 75 386 535 424 81 54 24 5 459 2,405 269 1.52 15 25 — 50/ 167 97 126 542 765 789 189 74 80 38 888 4,951 511 322 32 26 152 28 250 157 203 856 1,216 1,225 266 77 115 79 1,265 4,888 780 439 56 6 59 — 33 291 102 414 983 1,499 1,619 370 152 444 20 1,932 4,100 1,000 782 43 152 104 55 162 300 400 100 800 930 190 67 101 25 988 3,696 408 163 28 32 30 82 235 370 553 1,166 1,410 311 126 109 111 1,635 5,176 1,163 540 — 92 — — 68 151 48 204 557 819 746 162 69 105 — 903 upper 560 368 32 20 — 12 145 8(i 35 565 686 812 174 69 48 72 832 3,092 463 243 22 30 33 50/ 232 78 88 866 1,032 1,332 302 76 189 68 1,515 3,631 873 459 67 39 — 50/ 311 141 132 1,416 1,689 1,711 454 48 111 299 2,155 3,037 1,457 660 51 77 — 9 161 29 133 669 831 972 191 21 18 177 1,096 4.774 660 358 48 29 195 — 268 92 148 983 1,223 1,267 305 76 2.50 4 1,526 X 832 511 58 5 14 218 20 / 214 108 115 753 978 1,054 257 87 167 3 1,396 t return 625 77 49 — 17 — 5 287 M15 48 71 1,234 1,385 296 89 198 10 1,499 7,023 078 777 74 11 78 265 17 481 8 1,058 3,424 4,566 5,059 1,261 38 949 371 6,380 9,580 3,027 1,746 214 44 215 278 105 414 75 936 1,123 2,134 2,609 618 32 597 2 3,099 4,042 1,523 952 85 23 94 — — 686 75 1,001 2,348 3,424 4,083 933 145 936 8 4,775 5,5S1 2,131 264 129 1 35 138 185 15 323 54 247 1,321 1,628 393 76 254 73 2,007 3,9.-i7 461 — 1 - — — — 704 112 1,887 1,725 3,724 4,31.9 968 209 732 95 5,041 7,405 2,241 1,674 303 i 49 207 16 186 63 55 686 804 813 221 65 57 107 1,071 2,357 535 509 63 ! — 33 31 28 To]x>graphical Position, Population, 4‘c. of the Mamifac turing Districts, of the West lUding of Yorkshire. 491 — 6Go 16 Topographical Position, POPULaITON &c. &c. of Towns and Places in the Manufacturing Districts of the West Riding of Yorkshire. — Continued Tlic Town and Lihcrtf of I.RKDS(No. 496 ) ua naliibitod below, i eoiDjiriiMi 10 out Cliapelriei. i'ii. Artnleg, ^ and liramiy, oo tho ». W. Chajirl-Aliffton, cind Voltert-‘Siru’ion uutho North t'amltg, and cum tlurlry on tho N. W., Ilolhn k H. by S., HuatUt or Hunttlft by V.., iiml irur//idrieR in ISil rim- tniiMti 36,193 Inhnhitiuiti ; tlio fUiiipolry of llneilun wliicb in IS!26 con* Uiiii'd only 1670 luliahilaiit* i« I'urtlicraubiliriddl ioto the 0 Tuwnitliipa of Urrttun Shatc,CoUingt> u ll dl, iVeio Hall, Varkaidr, Jlogdi ^ .VhkI. //*, LlilinS it tho rhirf Marl for Cloths both Hrund, ft Narrow, Fine, ft Coarse ; Iliili/or nud Uradj -rJ urc moro coU-bratud for the Manufacture S. W. of Wakefield 1 Clmrlweell 'iS.W. of Leeds V. 5 Gilderstone 4 do. do. LKEDS CToun and Liberty) 193 from London '^407 Harewood 8 N.of Leeds 8 9 509 I I'fif ^ “ llV ^ f s Ss Sv) Horsforth Kawdon Yeadon Guisley Baildoa Otti.ey _ _ 7 N. W. of do. 3 S. till E. of Oilleii ...4 do. do. ...2 do. do. .....iS. W.ofdo. 9 N. W. of Leeds 2- Burley 2i TF. of Ottley 505 Halifax 107 from London 6 Elland-cum-Greetland .... 3 A'. 7 Kastiick 8\S.E. 8 Owram South li do. 9 do North •iN.hijE. 510 Shelf 3 do. 11 Ovendon IN. 12 Barkisland l,?.tF. 13 Erriugden Ij do. 14 Hipperhohne-cum-Brig 1 do. 15 Norland 3 do. 10 Sowerby 4j do. 17 Stainland 4.S.1F. 18 Soy land 7to/do. 19 Midgley \W.i)ijN. 520 Wadsworth 7 do 1 Heptonstall 8 IF 2 Langfield contiguous to Halifax 3 Rishworth do do 1^ 4 Skircoat.. contiguous to Halifax 5 Stansfield.. do do 6 Warley.... do do 7 Fixby do dolj 9 530 1 '^.2 ^ -k* .5 ^1' Iff '528 Bradford .. 202 from London Heaton 2 E. Horton 2 A. IF. Bierley North .... 2S. hi/ E. Clayton XS'.W. Eccleshill 3 JV. Bowling 3^ IV. Shipley 3 N. xY. IF. IManningliam l^TF. Thornton OIF. Wilsden 7 IF. Haworth or Howorth .. 9 IF. Allerton 9 IF. Bolton 3 N. Idle 3 Ah Calverley-cum-Farsley 4 N. E. Pudsey 0 £. Hunsworth iS.buE. Briglinton 4 6. £. Heckmondewicke .... 5 do. Clackheaton Gomersal GS.S.E. Liversedge 7 E. Tong iE.S.E. , _ Wike 4'6.6»IF. S Bingley & Micklethwaite 0 N. IF. 4 IMorton 9 do. 555 Keighley 200 from London Sf\0 do. '550 Selsden 3 A'. Inj W.of Keighley 7 Steeton.... 2 N. N.W. of do. 8 Sutton 4N.IF. of do. 9 Fearn Hill 2W.of Skipton .500 Glusburn .... ZS. of do. Thi» plaiei (Jx. ^501 CowHng 2 Barnoldwick 3 Satterforth 3 jWio< ir..i •/«!>(«» r 4 Ihornton 5 Broughton-cum-Elslack 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 1^540 1 2 3 OV 4 545 6 7 8 9 550 1 2 !5.' q tu Number of In- habited Houses No. a*, s C -Z of H*asoN» in 1801 1 .. Total Number of Persons in 181 1 Number of Inhao- itedHouses in 1821 1 humberoj Families in 1821 Total Number of Persons 1821 lil= w-s f a * o ©■ a. S3-3^ ■ w 1 5 **! e CIV'S r 1,'c g.5ai.S “ 5*2 iZ t <‘S- ©£ No. of Fam relieved Parmanent/g Hies * ^4 P ■‘f do» in Trade Manufactures 0 Handicraft .S W W ip 0 ti as V c h. 2.® 1 do. in I rade Manufactures \ or Handnraft ■g~ s a *<5 .S ^ ^ ^ 3 eg iti «<£W ■jc V.I s o •jc 53 ^ C«5 1^: s .. iyi5. — /- 182-1. 233 88 232 800 1,120 1,201 270 104 187 5 1,351 3^82 489 — oL- 379 28 5 53 — 13 422 4.5 397 1,600 2,108 2,975 003 56 500 78 3,031 5,904 1,913 785 137 — 70 — — 529 29 1,077 808 2;574 2,457 733 34 092 30 s;717 4,488 1,913 908 127 32 123 141 7 127 0 100 390 .510 600 155 13 122 23 814 1,378 302 219 — 7 — — 211 10 792 424 1,232 1,409 306 34 190 82 1,592 3,148 an 321 51 — 79 7 1 ,25H Ct)6 20,3eJ7 32,1*29 5ii,uv> (>•2,534 17,419 61U 14,8‘)0 2,3:10 83,79(5 166,231 iC,30*2 21,773 ifSO'S 244 2/251 (>3-15 IIG 139 121 83 503 707 771 149 37 47 84 849 3,837 517 229 38 — 19 55 7 421 103 492 1,504 2,099 2,315 573 80 313 101 2,824 5,790 1,077 833 105 0 19 300 — 217 139 927 49 1,115 1,450 335 40 277 20 1,759 3,746 700 409 03 2 59 100 10 305 88 470 1,131 1,095 1,954 418 40 380 45 2,455 3,776 901 493 80 1 36 204 12/ 101 48 288 489 825 959 230 39 170 40 1,213 2,350 410 300 27 — 55 158 4 379 70 454 1,189 1,719 2,073 531 24 522 4 2,079 4,724 53.'> 3.51 48 3 50 024 — 513 59 513 1,700 2,332 2,602 633 72 540 31 3,005 4,805 1,178 730 87 19 240 438 68 132 132 317 393 842 1,175 187 72 90 25 1,200 2,509 328 303 23 — 14 — 7 1,913 10 1,840 7,030 8,886 9,159 2.734 8 2,258 585 i2,028 38,337 3,019 2,2(50 282 92 44 2,510 44 009 37 923 2,425 3,385 3,903 997 35 961 10 5,0S8 7,461 — 735 — — — — — 408 19 573 1,401 2,053 2,4-12 550 38 487 30 2,790 4,151 292 288 33 — 12 130 42 030 86 1,404 1,658 3,148 3,615 826 119 741 0 4,250 8,853 850 •J22 102 17 21 230 15 982 95 1,332 3,460 4,887 5,300 1,378 93 1,259 80 0 841 9,427 097 580 184 37 75 389 253 21 225 1,000 Fsoo 1,553 392 30 380 2 1,998 2,0.54 328 230 58 10 19 450 28/6 857 46 3,081 1,380 4,513 4,752 1,208 150 1,115 20 6,300 7,674 1,055 835 215 40 72 545 17 247 6 100 1,093 1,799 2,076 399 1 391 20 2,224 2,819 373 35-1 47 10 38 181 40 222 91 555 007 1,313 1,.580 254 71 183 1,171 2,532 362 400 01 7 9 705 — 5-52 220 089 1,904 2,879 3,357 722 86 696 72 3,930 7,482 1,134 013 no 21 35 477 144 229 1 1,179 1 1,181 1,310 301 50 239 12 1,005 2,883 208 205 40 — 7 — 14 800 4 802 3,469 4,275 5,177 1,245 77 1,214 6 6,890 0,703 1,020 908 210 59 — 513 102 334 20 1,138 012 1,800 2,077 488 5 500 — 2,814 3,155 398 531 32 18 22 498 5 200 8 1,876 4 1,888 2,519 608 — 008 3,242 4,757 600 362 93 21 22 786 1 259 — 807 402 1,209 2,107 398 8 398 — 2,207 2,287 310 379 39 2 22 149 35 475 206 1,185 1,410 2,801 3,473 831 — 823 8 4,509 4,425 388 565 87 1 59 1,809 — 004 108 15 2,800 2,983 3,647 833 — 826 7 4,543 4,439 350 315 42 — 46 1,752 70 202 37 757 376 1,170 1,515 345 28 338 6 2,069 2,361 145 158 22 29 368 159 13 917 900 1,211 252 259 1,.588 2,058 274 218 37 7 — — 401 13 580 1,745 2,338 2,823 677 24 002 46 3,323 5,601 737 074 72 9 41 75 — fU3 191 33 4,544 4,768 5,447 1,274 197 703 2 7,275 7,039 895 088 141 1,142 67/ 634 9 2,600 937 3,546 3,958 937 19 833 131 4,982 022 1,115 1,2.59 157 5 71 390 7 72 12 09 205 346 330 74 33 31 11 345 1,834 104 124 12 — 1,317 30 1,290 5,073 6,393 7,707 2,459 17 2,452 50 13,064 76,773 2,081 2,570 195 48 70 1,581 335 181 51 213 08-1 951 1,088 229 30 193 2 1,217 2,487 329 224 41 39 — 820 50 055 2,754 3,459 4,423 1,386 50 1,059 345 7,192 8,348 1,113 055 102 21 47 569 — 735 70 390 3,300 3,820 4,706 1,139 110 1,054 17 0,070 6,428 815 658 177 19 39 482 9 382 46 604 1,390 2,040 2,469 095 81 012 4 3,009 2,985 783 463 61 14 40 000 22/1 294 24 305 902 1,351 1,008 443 34 406 27 2,170 3,115 449 300 52 1 12 218 36/ 401 40 24 1,991 2,055 2,226 026 44 029 34 3,579 9,548 038 426 56 6 40 146 .50/6 196 115 885 8 1,008 1,214 316 33 224 02 1,600 3,527 241 271 07 1 (22 Ki5 — 270 72 448 837 1,357 1,596 482 38 518 12 2,471 3,9-12 526 40.5 35 — 29 030 — 489 70 1,703 on 2,174 3,010 788 45 016 105 4,100 5,950 — 783 — — — — 189 138 594 181 913 1,121 324 34 290 — 1,711 2,927 2!)1 269 23 0 14 155 3 577 174 29 2,901 3,101 3,971 926 35 904 37 4,068 6,616 730 791 230 — 32 1,371 106 1.53 27 409 313 809 1,093 274 31 2-13 2 1,488 2,707 417 339 30 0 3() — 3 97 74 282 118 474 581 121 17 86 18 634 1,344 127 125 17 1 10 — — 671 42 1,851 1,505 3,398 3,882 934 37 890 7 4,606 8,000 1,672 1,204 no 15 57 383 3 200 64 553 510 1,127 1,296 493 25 441 27 2,605 5,997 651 590 77 7 81 177 5 850 04 1,752 2,006 4,422 4,697 1,219 06 958 205 6,229 6,210 1,573 1,595 207 14 182 511 26 123 54 122 409 585 704 154 23 129 870 1,634 275 222 23 — 21 — — 244 16 157 1,059 1,232 1,365 358 3 290 60 1,719 3,.525 26 250 18 — 18 — 4-1/ 1.50 28 .571 210 809 953 190 45 111 7 1,092 2,010 310 307 22 — 30 92 180 67 151 658 870 1,045 2.54 43 2U 1 1,3.50 3,050 .540 589 34 — 32 — 07/ 93 53 294 186 533 051 139 33 108 3 787 1,985 2.50 230 22 — 19 350 80/8 212 90 793 2.57 1,140 1 449 329 72 202 18 1,870 4,1% 450 504 05 — (id — 18 1.50 21 557 191 709 892 259 30 222 7 1,334 7,308 092 21)0 02 — 101 — — 77 18 190 190 398 503 119 15 99 5 08(> — 214 203 10 — 15 — — 1 215 90 808 244 1,202 1,.540 310 108 217 5 1,829 0,107 1,001 771 132 — 55 105 — CD 57 ! 94 1 229 1 380 581 73 22 53 ' 3 427 4,934 350 20 1 ” 13 8 — Topographical Rosition, Popii ation, ^'c. Sfc .of the Manufacturing Districts ofthefVest Riding of Yorkshire.- Continued 50(5 — 0 JO 17 TopoGUAiMUCAi, Position, POI’IJLATION, <&c. &c. of Towns, and Places in the Munvfachtriwj Districtsoi the West if North of Yorksliire. — Continued into Durham .53 C «*? a» V. o a . u>d «.» "s.2 s I ^ K “I On th» EMt U»Qk of ( 57A th« Wh4rfe Hirer * ^ MounUinnut di»(rir( ^ \ Th. C.»«l xhkli .ont.«l. tb. W. main, of York.b ro onlh Iona, In . M, W. ,11-ollon f.o.ii I'"! Morion. «i>a jjfeon lo ll.rp .,0 loo No. 453, ona 1, MW. on.l 6IJ i from (for,,... .1 run. Sjb, W. |..M Tboinlon, llo.nolJorlrWo, M-oorllnr Into l..nou Ur. .1 Coin. ..o No, So». MH »na . . ColUI.rol out hoo noorllio.lo, ..lon.l. lo Uro,//or,( No. 4J'I. H«lil 4 « and eawiuuuuaJ* with L*ncfcrhli« b» lwo lo Maoohrrter, on* by .s*-»iil*woTlh, and RiK'bdale. and the ulber by M»r»dcn, aud Tliouf. No*. 440 44S lo Atlilon, . , ,, , . _ jr.,.r.#»oro.,* No, 5U1 i> Iho o.uiro of on ojlon.irro 1. non H.nufoolo™ rrbioh aalaud* Northward by Kii*j)o* to Darlington, and which proTaili wore »r lM. *w*rthorr4 atefpart ortU \V*.I KMiu*. rroin Bo ton to Dent No*. 4(*S90, and from Bildg* lo Darlignlun Nu«, C0‘J-CI0 the Colton Manufao tura gaotrally t>rcvail*. u = 4- — r ~ ( 5()(i Skipton 19 Mites N. W.of Rrudford 7 hlmbsay-cwm-Ei NJiifE. of Ski i>ton 8 Carleion "IS. of do. i 9 AfUUnjl'lnuu G E. by S. of do. Gruiinjlon 10 N. «/ f/O. _ J . KoltloiocU lr> do. do. ^ Gargrave* col.i coni.ion 4 7 Oi.bun,NKo,.o. 8N.N.E. hi"h”“i)"M 1 1 i ® Rimmington lido, nT, of arncUoMorf, 9 BoltOIl in Bowood 4 do. 580 S ETTLE in > 23-1 Miles from London 1 Giggleswick 1 nnd 10 N. W. Skipton 2 Long Preston Pari. 4 S. by E. Settle 3 Austwick C>N. W. of do. 4 Clapham-cuin-Newby do. do. 5 Ingleton lOj do. do. 0 Thornton llido. do. 7 Bentliam 11 IF. A'^.lF. o/" do. ?fyoVbo^sr.’nX'iv%r.:';:^ ^ „ oiiTomit, of Yortiuiro, sodir; fD< bam II West of Stock 1 1 c ion and 16 N. N. W. / ‘ kCl^UlU^lUIl of Northallerton ^ 1() oERNARD OclSi The distances of these T617 Gainfoul .. places arc *iren from ISSTAINDROP .. Bemfirrf CasS by W.of j 6 Evenwood 5 S. TF. of do. f 627 Escombe u. IV. of do. VT'^itton-le-Wear 5TF. by N. i BedburnN.&S 6 do. Hamsterly 6J do. Lynesack& Softly 2 do. Barony 8 ' 9 |'<( 630 1 2 3 I 934 Brancepeth 4 do. P'5 5 Brandon & Byshottles 3 do. 636 WoLSINGHAM 5W.()fdo. 637 Stanhope 5 N. W.of TT^oZsing Newland-side 5 do. Park Quarter Forest do Staohepe P.arisb intersected by Ibe Hirer Wi y 8 N.W.of i 9 WoUiogbam' ^ ^ .640 Number of In- habited Houses i« 1801 No. of Persons in 1801. Niiinbpr of Total Number of Persons i« 1822 1 Chiefly employed \ in Agriculture do. in Trade Manu- jac. or Handlcrajt all others not inclu- ^ dedin the preceding \ TOTAL 1 1 1 K |i (if. S 5 ^ "s- 22 S«H -mo **. S < ■Si Chiefly employed | c in Agriculture j * 8 1?' V. K b all others not in^ \ g 1 eluded in the pre, \ : 496 129 656 1,‘520 2,305 2,868 667 118 462 104 3,411 110 73 1!)2 358 632 692- 169 21 137 8 861 180 86 90 669 845 1,002 222 89 130 10 1,218 216 84 488 685 1,1.57 1,471 319 49 253 17 1,.570 173 37 29 697 763 892 224 18 154 52 983 50 24 9 404 437 361 141 38 28 76 663 117 76 81 571 728 1,154 193 43 113 37 972 91 156 78 318 552 612 108 49 62 1 672 142 60 65 356 481 564 131 22 17 9-1 687 204 236 356 335 927 1,022 185 53 93 40 1,125 327 .541 111 1,257 1,908 2,175 435 248 177 15 2.583 176 210 76 595 881 948 207 92 96 19 1,147 99 31 152 301 487 596 127 51 75 1 698 191 157 158 681 996 1,072 216 88 121 17 1,205 231 107 993 36 1,136 1,153 281 34 123 134 1,508 118 1 171 38.5 556 674 253 139 64 57 1,309 120 : 75 95 403 573 610 312 97 167 41 1,491 116 425 53 — 478 434 130 54 53 24 556 147 425 403 19 847 872 201 89 81 35 982 249 144 246 716 1,106 1,268 255 91 53 111 1,302 235 162 151 747 1,060 1,152 253 92 111 54 1,281 310 286 426 775 1,487 1,654 392 109 26-1 41 2,102 360 274 176 1 189 1,639 1.805 328 186 203 22 2,022 118 65 20 486 571 648 126 105 37 1 679 350 189 58 1 526 1,773 1,663 372 168 63 172 1,782 748 131 3,128 129 3,388 4,234 1,084 34 318 774 5,283 171 172 574 68 814 833 247 35 181 72 i;373 396 192 408 1,676 2,276 2,437 467 221 265 29 2,450 223 190 J52 820 1,162 1,153 245 120 80 48 1,182 123 61 50 481 592 710 151 76 48 27 777 153 79 9 987 1,075 1,220 261 22 31 243 1,408 509 86 618 2,507 3,211 3,633 953 161 606 242 4,563 92 35 44 417 496 521 114 7 28 86 551 265 42 168 1,277 1,487 1,619 403 63 177 103 2 072 62 93 28 238 359 517 118 43 19 56 647 67 141 207 15 363 480 105 47 37 22 479 62 72 18 240 830 339 62 19 13 30 367 88 83 24 231 338 377 94 44 26 45 440 51 68 15 146 229 416 86 18 26 57 493 93 65 41 355 461 414 92 05 40 3 436 114 88 36 402 526 685 158 89 44 53 805 65 70 22 244 336 569 65 40 63 6 460 116 99 52 485 636 688 129 44 40 48 706 65 30 246 — 276 302 67 31 29 14 377 76 142 10 178 330 337 75 46 9 22 356 804 178 1,041 3,451 4,670 5,059 876 155 859 209 5,750 142 82 54 471 607 689 138 88 56 30 737 65 62 46 200 308 398 93 39 51 17 466 101 2^10 373 127 aio 633 190 80 68 42 807 . 205 251 84 530 865 786 197 70 66 77 864 . 304 125 465 2,376 (2,966 2,986 393 126 531 187 3,581 . 07 82 67 296 445 431 110 55 38 20 600 . 177 101 160 895 1,156 1,087 247 115 108 71 1,273 . 01 42 37 382 461 475 113 32 64 25 533 . 03 126 34 146 306 335 68 39 35 19 4tl 139 — 218 578 796 988 166 24 200 8 1,263 31 — 6 275 281 294 59 7 4 66 416 88 5 150 305 460 601 83 — — 129 723 y 408 135 331 1,495 1,961 1,807 394 81 260 196 2,180 . 2.38 240 101 637 978 971 247 04 108 85 1,106 173 270 2.35 204 769 719 — — — — — 46 28 24 110 162 190 52 35 13 8 •232 74 83 48 319 450 6F1 96 25 21 55 531 102 197 29 338 555 703 134 92 26 21 717 95 79 71 341 491 529 106 33 82 6 552 107 72 24 421 517 602 159 82 45 32 732 — — — — — 104 39 11 56 479 n m 60 22 87 109 185 45 19 17 10 221 70 94 30 243 367 455 68 53 15 8 539 104 108 45 309 522 435 102 41 29 43 609 388 50G 556 772 1,834 1,983 390 149 219 108 2,197 . 188 51 81 1,107 1,239 1,375 185 34 51 228 1,584' 100 39 00 497 604 693 107 38 22 82 76-3 131 38 331 SOO 1,169 1,321 148 22 9 185 1,259 ' 374 12 79 535 1 ',143 2,987 436 36 55 575 ^ 3,735 m I'iK Uii (2 ^ fr n .4 IS s I* i '...I*' 3,759 5.591 4,708 3,714 3,5.52 6,828 6,379 2,423 4,906 19,698 6,537 2,861 6,249 6,683 5.592 4,810 4, .561 6,286 9,289 3,571 7,286 12,967 2,827 7,610 11,194 3,930 1,133 7,279 11,250 still Ao. of /'amiiies ' relieved 'lontnlly 1815. -£- 1,547 253 .562 326 417 461 504 476 237 471 1,420 527 277 495 713 389 368 192 383 556 305 734 864 238 1,153 2,200 520 270 796 693 841 11,430 1 1,276 2,916 1 255 1,073 298 134 314 163 188 145 139 264 221 86 54 2,101 434 86 302 421 2,034 182 207 268 69 409 101 254 1,443 674 4,160 2,986 3,550 4,867 5,135 3,276 3,()r.7 4,122 2,453 3,129 1,034 2,755 13,843 6,363 3,965 3,372 4,905 7,310 3,274 2,701 1,770 2,014 2.446 981 1,347 4,849 4,923 4,880 534 834 ' ■■ 3,852 5.447 2,309 2,996 1,449 5,468 5, ,515 9,5.51 141 176 320 216 312 94 190 42*1 1,147 1,718 18^1 1,302 312 571 310 441 430 430 8,9 Ki7 603 261 275 222 620 380 351 306 431 610 358 524 795 308 1,291 1,902 463 2(0 938 1,263 2,066 294 900 229 144 305 215 279 173 188 259 261 115 71 1,710 442 167 320 372 873 214 392 194 150 548 172 286 923 717 706 126 210 381 240 312 109 270 403 1,181 i,8se 80 25 41 37 41 43 64 39 16 35 138 38 25 40 36 29 28 18 23 42 19 38 71 46 113 72 29 20 70 68 67 118 35 72 7 19 21 15 23 14 15 2 !) 19 5 11 175 42 7 29 49 125 26 61 27 11 37 12 24 178 54 17 16 19 34 If 33 12 20 53 115 187 11 ■e 2 i S .2 '5 66 380 12 36 17 13 31 69 37 37 18 53 33 26 62 61 32 21 16 24 57 20 32 30 51 58 72 10 47 29 30 77 8 45 11 6 22 9 6 12 1 2 8 3 137 32 9 29 36 23 4 15 1 5 5 9 14 5 9 9 7 7 9 9 6 9 24 17 14 1,341 70 149 115 167 50 89 314 131 108 213 107 124 89 130 113 13 200 £j| C-.5 -£■ 91 14 95 32/ 7 60/ 48 3 46/ 43 5 37 56 5 937 118 7 22 10 / 43/ 55 9 75 65 7 8 46 190 49 326 31 54 177 215 83 467 vS c if » O' b 100 30/ 25/ 7 15 13 23 20 / 20 12/ 278 10 13 3 f4 97 6 8 9 24 16 21 20 24/ 11 56/ 90/ 42 21 63 a' b e>a. S- s* o o b ' Stanhopr like SimonbflhJ i see Statement relating to Greenwich Hospital ) is another of those extensive Parishes which would admit of division. TheRectory of Stanhope is r.ted at £63 6 S but its revenue ex I veeds £l,00l>. per Anmun. Patron the Lord Chancellor for tbe King. c IB C41 ~ 715 ropoGRAPUiCAi, Position, 1*0 ISOLATION, &c. &c. of Towns, and Places in the Hosiery, and Frame Net Lace Blanufacturing Districls in the Counties of Nottinyham, and Leicester. Tilth fh1fowin(r Statement the prinrinoJ Tnwns are printed in CAPlTALSi in SMALL CAFITALS ; the Fhicos noted by an « are situated on 1 No. of Persons in 1801. iVo. g/Fami. .A s of road leading to l.ondon, und tliusc printed in Italiaa arc situated j «« o' -= 2 a"? N. bv W. of London on tho l.crds Mail lino of mad l>y,way nd Slcllon Mowbray, from whioli it is distant ID MiU-s, K urthumpton, Leicesti'r, und J.oughhoruiiKli from which it 15 Miles V. bv N. of Derby. 2D S. W. of Newurk, 1 1 W. 1 “•2x5 t s *■ - ?2 of Bedford, ()akh«ni, Milos hy wity of ^ is distant 15 Milos it is 8 ] S-'s ?» 5 T ^ • » * »* “. 20 .^ - Fertnri „cntl,j i'i ot (traiithani, anil M S. i>f Mansrtt-ld. Southteeil is S Miles W. uf Newark making It* distiuice direct frum Cuuduii uiilv Milos. Uinehum is on the line of roi«d . 2 ^ ^ a frS tZ'v e -= i "3 fruiu Notliiif^haut tu O raiitliaiii, its most direct road to Lunduu is by way of Mel- rii it is distant IH Miles. LEICKSTKH is on the Manches* 5 Z ^ *0 ^ c 5 S “ q 5 1 tu» Mowbray trum wli II s o ts ® ^ Big*? 1 '^ ^ ST vs- 22 N. N. \V, of U|)|iiiii 2 Suenton lE.ofNott. 117 44 57 4.57 558 953 47 182 11 1,212 4,185 335 335 23 4 37 62 70/ 3 Carlton in Gedling 2 iV. E. of do. 1G2 b(J 191 542 819 1,214 270 95 199 12 1 345 3,878 489 271 27 12 1 342 78/ S.- ? 4 Burton Joyce \ do. do. 7G 58 94 295 447 4.59 88 34 49 7 508 2,132 182 125 14 3 17 123 66 / J 6 Lainbly 4^ do. do. 71 34 157 276 467 583 125 31 99 1 690 2,814 434 318 28 2 27 97 ■ § -s.l 1 G Lewdhani Parish 0 do. do 179 418 296 331 999 949 263 131 136 6 1,334 .5,216 440 445 57 2 30 414 44/4 7 Woodborousli .. 7 N. N. E. of do. 109 170 169 188 527 611 119 56 63 2 717 3,218 398 270 23 2 9 — 15 8 Calverton G do. do. 124 38 598 — 636 904 188 38 143 31 1,064 2,080 570 377 38 2 12 112 18 , 9 Oxton ii do. do. 130 245 232 220 697 778 162 85 59 23 798 3,311 2)0 239 37 12 13 212 11 C50 SoiiTHWELi 15 N.E. of do. 4G7 251 574 1,480 2,305 2,674 573 178 279 153 3,051 10,462 1,396 662 87 32 78 168 96 ( G51 Bingham 9\E. of do. 218 151 288 643 1,082 1,326 326 102 199 41 1,574 7,493 592 436 30 19 30 504 24 6 5 c 1 2 East Bridgford .. 2.j N. of Bingham 93 68 69 376 526 662 142 83 62 4 768 3,252 295 212 21 1 18 72 7 < 3 Sbelford-cum-!New. .“i E.by J\ of IS ot. 91 286 102 30 418 464 106 77 20 13 553 7,729 258 217 21 6 16 — 36 J 4 RnUlid' 5i, E.of do. 153 117 65 579 761 924 181 93 73 28 993 3,130 253 250 24 6 17 384 9 V 5 Cotgrave G . E. of do. 108 170 43 381 596 666 150 104 48 8 779 5,341 378 377 22 — 32 — — e bs g '^GdG Sutton A\1V. by S. of Mansfield 7 Huc.knall Dirty 4 IE. of do. 491 88 133 46 917 178 1,751 286 2,801 510 3,386 608 729 127 137 49 (>55 78 16 23 3,943 712 6,976 1,577 250 1,017 123 108 34 48 28 54 978 42 38/ ja',^ 8 Kirby G S.W . of do. 185 138 196 668 1,002 1,123 245 82 92 71 1,420 3,708 820 599 70 3 20 532 9 9 Selstone 12 N. IE. of Nottingham 158 87 162 584 833 1,102 243 70 196 12 1,321 2,513 761 512 46 — 28 221 40/6 1 COO Linbv 11 do. do. G4 33 244 238 615 434 69 35 35 4 439 1,364 194 114 17 — 4 33 — c 1 Pappletvick 10 do. do. 108 49 443 217 709 647 105 22 81 2 593 1,019 241 126 15 2 20 85 — k S’ ^ 2 Hucknall 9 do. do. 271 110 668 719 1,497 1,793 330 70 220 49 1,940 3,119 977 591 93 — 82 447 46 hi !;!< 3 Arnold 4j N. of do. GOO 402 1,742 (i24 2,768 3,042 691 125 554 15 3,572 5,276 1,437 1,093 116 3 260 885 34 = 4 ^ 4 Buhvell 3J N.TE. of do. 317 113 4:i6 1,036 1,585 1,944 383 100 251 37 2,105 2,116 492 457 47 1 9 293 14 O if 5-S ^ .'5 Basford 2 do. do. .377 118 778 1,228 2,124 2,940 a53 101 486 81 3,599 5,239 760 690 58 21 27 219 — r 6 Greasley 7 do. do. 574 540 820 1,608 2,968 3,673 712 226 506 40 4,241 8,350 2,233 1,236 130 7 71 — 26 'S' 2 : Ct 5 7 Nufhall 4^- do. do. 80 46 69 265 378 326 90 45 38 12 4()5 1,883 508 325 34 — 21 — — s 8 Strellv 4 do. do. 47 3G 20 194 250 298 63 21 17 30 350 1,600 315 234 10 — 17 — 5 5 H 9 Cossall .... 6 IE. by N. of do. 67 21 41 291 353 328 56 26 10 20 317 1,322 175 81 9 3 5 79 5 670 Bilborough 3i do. do. 54 53 15 239 307 269 51 17 15 21 291 1,475 3-11 206 21 — 25 — — o 1 Radford IV. of do. 454 (U 1,205 1,000 2,269 3,447 913 101 879 12 4,806 5,208 1,125 905 57 23 0 39 — J 2 Lenton .... I 5 IE. by S. of do. 153 96 108 689 893 1,197 210 82 130 42 1,240 8,097 980 620 90 4 86 87 10 / 3 AEollaton S^IEf/do. 150 120 714 4 838 769 112 48 58 8 571 2,039 337 276 12 5 14 240 21 4 Trowel 1 5 do. do. 98 72 38 125 235 482 85 42 45 — 464 1,952 333 198 18 6 11 51 12 i 5 Bramcote . . 4 W.by S. of do. 6 Beeston 4A'. IE. 0 / do. 6 G 48 79 227 354 378 89 39 41 11 4U 2,441 336 275 20 2 16 165 7 171 64 333 551 918 1,3-12 283 79 176 54 1,634 4,139 710 508 45 — 9 411 24 7 Stapleford 5 do. do. 155 56 189 503 748 954 237 38 143 56 1,104 2,392 616 408 33 — 21 195 20 / 8 Chilicell 5 do. do. 106 142 289 207 638 691 1.52 56 93 21 823 3,-523 331 205 14 3 39 238 10 A A , G79 Ruddin^lon* 5 S. of do. 149 208 385 275 868 1,017 lOl 78 106 16 1,138 4,195 261 239 9 15 20 424 72 s kGSO Gotham S S. S.W. of do. 91 55 95 325 475 549 109 44 73 1 625 2,525 355 308 29 6 50 128 3 ^ S ! 1 / 1 East Leake 9 A', ht/ IV. of do. 1" 1 2 Sutton Bonning. 10 S. A'. W. of do. 118 73 54 443 608 737 159 99 63 3 783 2,865 224 279 11 1 22 162 H/ ?5rl. 98 18 47 5 790 862 192 60 122 23 983 4,034 786 450 8 24 48 144 97 ■- ~f 3 VVTllougliby . . . . 11 R. S. E. of do. 70 73 31 251 355 305 73 42 20 33 450 2,691 294 380 20 — 12 4 4 Rempstone lOi A’, of do. 57 46 75 203 324 384 72 39 43 1 368 3,072 13:i 175 7 — 8 — 50/ ( 68 j liEICExSTEll Miles froyn London 3,205 499 n,330 3,096 16, nr. 3 23,1 46 6,086 220 5,723 446 30,125 57,390 12,022 12,422 010 ir>3 339 1,509 50 2 ( 119 148 52 398 00 1 031 150 43 ^86 35 735 371 5,022 2,888 TeIO 42 2 15(> 42/ 3 1*1 7 Birstall 3 do. do. 58 33 200 285 302 68 31 39 5 326 235 29 10 19 8 Humberstone .... 2J E. N. E. of do. 89 79 45 288 412 393 98 41 2 !) 28 415 3,251 310 232 19 7 9 55 17 9 Thurmaston 'i N. by E. of do. 106 i:i4 461 — 595 674 144 37 816 1 798 4,639 557 473 45 10 62 57 20 / Zs GOO Barkby Parish do. do. 111 186 210 178 572 684 145 87 58 5 719 6,322 40(i 330 31 3 42 — 45/ 1 Queeniborough .... G N. E.of do. 90 100 55 274 429 446 110 59 51 2 4(>9 3,314 369 240 38 — 21 1.59 2 Si/ston 5 N. by E.of do. 219 84 699 341 1,124 1,223 262 62 170 42 1,264 4,509 842 983 62 9 12 193 9 3 Sileby 1 E.of Mount Sorret 229 1.55 457 499 1,111 1,200 280 76 187 23 1,328 4 816 1,09() 705 83 11 38 425 6 S 2 4 Rearsby 7 N. E.of Leicester 87 77 195 173 445 426 99 40 34 29 461 3 314 363 228 24 3 2 — 7 2A 5 Thrussington 1 W. by N. of Rearsby 84 96 151 143 390 417 106 54 49 12 4()6 1,860 272 266 32 1 33 88 — (1 1 G VVimeswouid 5 E. JS. E.of Loughboro’ 17G 123 165 510 788 1,002 222 104 100 26 1,061 4,559 (>56 406 37 7 42 172 105 •S 7 Knighton .... 2 A', hy E. of Leicester G5 31 119 187 337 377 70 21 53 5 383 4,158 337 415 23 17 9 63 45/ 8 Aylestone Sc (Hen .. 2 S. by\V. of do. 114 103 139 326 568 ()26 133 .50 86 6 6()8 4,781 810 531 55 6 22 234 30/ hi 9 iVigston Magna . . Ah S. by E. of do. 33(i 113 1,020 525 1,658 1,901 437 73 342 43 2,089 (>,123 1,131 1 ,836 89 33 27 4(i7 59 cr < It 700 Oadby * 3 do. do. 12G GO 298 266 . 624 760 182 45 115 25 856 4,060 69() 750 45 19 23 192 3 tj I "-S 1 South Fields supposed contig. to do. not enumerated prior to 1821 182 15 150 23 762 — — — — — — — — 2 lilahy 4 S. by W. of Leicester 129 66 408 6 718 829 197 38 167 2 989 2,554 505 667 46 1 27 213 1 ! la 3 Whetstone 4^ do. do. 128 70 223 305 598 732 173 53 118 11 883 3,161 522 417 33 7 17 78 — r S 4 Cosby-cum-little Thorpe .5^ do. do. 115 109 277 169 555 826 162 65 92 21 883 3,591 171 613 21 15 9 70 5 'S' r * 5 Countess-tborpe 5}^ S of do. 78 94 301 115 540 593 142 49 93 — 741 2,291 569 681 51 4 19 70 — 4 ^ C Arnesby 7 S. byE. of do. 75 131 181 6 321 400 91 39 61 — 459 2,708 210 179 17 3 7 19 23 c5“ ^ 7 Diinton Bassett .... S. by W. of do. r708 Enderby 5 A'. A'. W. of do. 88 78 130 199 407 432 104 44 56 4 4(i0 1,983 299 313 24 2 () 21 — 98 64 148 301 513 804 234 64 203 1 1,113 3,5S2 458 5()2 45 — :i(> 141 19 c 1 9 Narborougli .... 5S.byW.ofdo. IG-l 114 318 329 793 932 203 74 127 26 1,064 l.SlMi 8-13 838 69 5 19 1.55 — 710 Stony Stanton .... 7 A'. W. of do. 87 100 155 100 3.55 446 95 10 54 12 533 2,891 356 338 27 2 10 .50 a ;J n HINCKLEY .. ViW.byS.ofdo. 1,0 40 238 2,735 2,703 5,676 6,058 1,342 159 1,228 (Ki 6,706 16,9!!6 4,616 3,591 477 112 415 607 41 -ii s 12 Barwell \}^N. of Hinckley 1.57 148 356 283 787 !)28 223 59 131 10 1,095 4,683 6,921 778 738 61 7 12 233 24 9 ; 1 13 Burbage* IS. of do. 192 .314 7(t7 77 1,099 1,348 286 HO 202 3 1,604 812 1,016 .59 25 28 186 16 Oq * 1 14 Saprote 'A S. S. E.of do. lOG 126 300 129 655 692 133 55 112 6 797 2,180 4,523 316 25() 41 « 12 215 19 L L 1- Earls Shilton .. 3i E. N, E. of do. 249 118 316 453 1,287 1,533 339 b4 251 26 1,771 1,191 782 104 7 31 421 83 G41 — G71 G72 — 715 Topographical. Position, Population, 4~c. <^c. o/ the Hosiery, and Frame Net Lace Manufac. Pistricts in the Counties of I- ott, if Leicester 11 ) 71(5 — 71)0 Topoguai’hical J’OSITION, population, &c. dtc. of Towns and Places in the Hosiery, and Traine Net Lace, and Cotton Manufacturing districts in tiie Counties of Leicester, Stafford, undJ)erby. l'h» lams ortlrr of di. tin. lion of Town* U «)utiuurd II llOUOlU* II anil IIKKIIY arr botb uu tb« Mau. b.-.tor M,*il lina ol road. *fp hoad (o j»r«cidiug iiUtomaut. Tbo turiu#i I’owu U foiillupil »«' tb* Hoilnry, mill I laine Ui* Manu- flirliiro*, but Darbj in addilion to lbo»o lirumdia* lia» an f atrn»i*o Silk Mill, and from Drrby Hit t'olion Manufai (urt raiiuiipitca*. Ill'll lilN *ituati-d »ii Iho Nuith Hank ol ttk* Tt«nl i. on a Cm** lint of rnad from LtK*»tpr tl.r.iM:li A.libydo-la Xoucb(*#t So 114 ) from which it it diHniit H Mile*, contlmiod Ihrnugh Mlntn tti, and Ibo l’utt#rl»» ( sat Nos, HD 113 ) and NtifUnvii h to NyurrinRloii I *1,^ *N. K. ef lllmiiu|haui hy nay of Idtchdold It lOdeh it U diilanl II Miloi g CO w Cm/ at these pla- cet which lye £. of Athby-de-la- Zouch. Castle , nomiiueton is distant y Miles N £■ OB the ruad j from Ashby to ' Nottioghain and II S. YV of Derby, and iudepeiidriil nl it* celebrity for it* Alt Hreverrip* it i* also eocaetJ lu I'otloii hi>ioatn|. In it* Numbers are in> ludtd the Towuihi|>< of llrtatOD, Builon*eatra, llorninilow, and Mrettou whi> h co>it|>ri>*d in IbJI y,0J7 of Ibt I’opMlaliou. TAM WOUTH it situated on the Chester Mail line ul'road Ifi Milts N. tV. ol Iliuukity *re No. 711 throuxli Athtrslono from which it i» distant » Mile*, and th- same distance S. K. of Litubtield. It* Nuinbei* rnm|>rise the TniTBshipt of lliddescote, Hi>urbill» Alinin>;tuii and Mone Detph, Bulcli.tll and OiaMott, and Nrstcole which ront|>ti»e about 1,100 of the Inhab , but tlie different Kalarbs are made in t very euufiisrd way and uot •atisfavtury. 71() Tliurlston 7 TC. S. 1C. of Leicester n Desford HlV.ofdo. 18 Newbolil Verdou 0 do. do. 1!) Htirleston 11 do. do. 720 GlenlielJ 'iiV. by M. of do. 1 (iroobif * Sf liutby 1 * .... 7 do. do. 2 Sawley SE. S.F.nfdo. 3 Breaston TE.byS of do. 4 Long Eaton 9 do. do. 5 Ockbrook A E. of do. 6 Sandiacre 9 do. do. 7 West Hallam 7 E.N.E. of do. 8 Ilkeston 7 N. E of do. 9 Pentrich 2'^ S. of Alf reton 770 Ripley 4 do. do. 1 Denby 8 N . by E. of Derby ^ 2 Kilburn 7 do. do. 5^ 3 Horsley 6| do. do. 4 Smalley 7 N. E. of do. 5 Allestrey 2 N. of do. 6 Spondon A E. of do. 7 Dcffield AN. of do. 8 Holbrook 5 do. do. 9 Beii’ur 8 do. do. 780 Heage I E. of Helper I 1 Cricli in Morleston .... AN. of do. ^ 2 South W’ingfield .... 31C. o/’A//rffow 3 Alfreton 13.^ N. I y E. of Derby 4 Wessington in Crich A'. N.W. of Alf. 5 Sbirland 2}iN.byW.of do. 6 Blackwell AE. N. E.of do. 7 Tibshelf AN, E.of do 8 Ashover ON. TC. of do. 9 Pinxton E. by S.of do. '< 1,790 Clay Lane - ON. of do. 22 .S 1 I ' ^ R Number of In- habited Houses it* 1801 No. of Porsotis in 1801. ' Total Number of Persons in 1811 74 9i « 8 *s •• I® <.§ •d Q Niiiiilier of futnilies in 1821. Total Number \ of Persons in 1521 1 ||p 5iia IgF'l- ^■st. ■ S « J V um r.miu Is Ml oJ Famines relieved Vermanontly g Ic ■Sre § ^ <•2 Chiefly employed in Atericul/ure do. in Trade Manu- 1 fac. or Haiidicrajt all others not inclu- ded in the preceding TOTAL Chiefly employed 1 in Agriculture , e *2^1 ^ g .5 . •ts all others not i/i- 1 eluded inthepre. 1 g «<» a o c k. g a c g 5 5 d< 1 a 5 g -2 *2 ^ g k 1815. 1824. 67 93 i;u 93 320 367 101 39 32 33 .513 oC 2,833 — e£- 585 —jL-. 403 36 7 7 66 126 87 M4 430 661 729 158 74 79 7 864 3,618 4(>4 411 33 2 27 80 89 116 134 339 410 120 69 51 2 576 3,0'i8 280 420 18 — 26 160 94 34 93 378 505 558 113 39 79 — 617 1,746 323 360 18 2 5 74 69 53 48 201 302 347 88 44 4/, 4 430 1,566 267 237 28 1 10 20 1.57 303 357 128 779 8()3 180 98 G8 19 938 2,089 1.55 161 188 242 591 i)07 218 40 188 — 1,078 4,466 447 47C 17 14 6 265 148 270 105 4 763 836 201 77 126 10 1,058 3,926 653 809 31 4 14 137 50 173 103 38 314 334 82 43 35 5 4il 2,583 200 202 12 — 9 02 134 48 221 391 060 747 160 35 128 5 784 3,031 694 601 51 10 66 218 145 152 354 269 775 857 201 97 104 9 918 3,154 .599 458 42 1 33 206 58 36 49 8 322 305 59 33 4 351 2,047 154 12 1 19 218 40 766 427 1,233 1,502 298 32 246 45 1,422 2,351 661 548 65 11 51 70 108 79 166 106 668 893 202 81 137 5 1,067 2,715 646 492 48 7 32 200 241 108 246 883 1,237 1,281 300 66 191 69 1,.,1.3 5,579 806 745 45 20 28 1.59 227 22 185 883 1,090 1,303 306 148 141 31 1,568 6,145 1,479 1,118 83 14 70 258 959 407 825 3,314 4,546 5,400 1.4?2 250 1.170 141 7,3(55 18,544 2i306 1,989 180 35 218 502 478 235 1,493 899 3,627 3,026 655 140 549 25 3,464 7,729 l'401 1,142 91 43 55 114 196 241 689 26 956 1,098 235 68 168 18 1,144 3,140 598 455 21 4 24 143 109 121 93 372 586 554 134 62 52 27 664 2,476 457 444 25 9 12 49 119 55 179 378 612 782 1.51 48 113 9 820 3,517 430 299 27 3 25 91 245 119 278 963 1,360 1,.550 333 114 207 22 1,607 6,488 602 585 49 13 32 372 127 109 96 423 628 656 108 72 49 19 718 3,497 222 261 22 — 14 81 71 55 19 23 337 384 81 42 27 22 421 2,265 274 239 15 2 15 77 411 97 217 46 1,959 2,308 539 134 319 86 2,500 10,154 731 826 44 13 35 349 249 210 157 729 1,096 1,113 240 84 111 50 1,257 3 360 398 412 37 3 41 80 227 88 190 791 1,069 910 180 45 114 37 883 4,856 578 552 67 22 69 211 100 54 86 348 488 427 113 :'5 79 5 541 2,497 257 286 17 — 14 — 146 28 120 753 901 948 210 34 106 74 1,171 2,298 537 486 45 14 24 57 160 53 282 482 817 895 223 05 142 iJ5 1,146 2,133 536 606 38 6 24 i.\. 983 652 1 678 2,948 5,278 5,891 1,211 317 059 392 6,151 21,714 2,5.57 3,681 168 70 242 1,226 70 410 19 17 446 475 114 61 51 4 599 2,896 238 184 17 — 9 GO 189 105 98 641 844 1,235 266 106 121 56 1,444 5,472 560 475 25 — 52 IV7 147 135 102 597 884 1,066 242 141 86 29 1,287 7,263 498 403 35 2 19 221 140 382 315 50 753 1,315 199 97 90 26 1,145 8,422 493 772 38 — 26 188 222 222 642 259 1,123 1,327 387 66 270 65 1,988 3,256 1,051 987 70 30 77 589 137 460 155 50 671 664 152 106 22 26 747 ' ,425 676 641 53 — 28 — 135 197 623 85 905 890 189 37 129 39 1,128 3,187 474 691 15 4 48 78 323 150 1,1.52 361 1,663 1,664 525 121 347 70 2,628 7,425 277 465 31 — 29 50 97 190 197 37 422 502 139 66 56 19 653 2,394 172 181 13 — 11 — 2,1 A 125 4,204 6,499 10,832 13,043 3,381 245 2.90.'i 501 17,423 39,432 7,106 5,500 477 189 470 65 1 190 78 478 635 1 191 1,398 260 57 194 29 1,.565 64 60 51 192 303 341 82 4C 28 12 399 3,744 247 149 14 1 12 — 72 241 48 178 467 532 116 04 41 16 552 3,329 377 388 18 — 13 57 135 83 276 331 690 892 201 48 142 15 1,102 2,938 745 342 36 2 73 77 108 120 200 260 580 750 103 67 89 14 993 3,215 602 287 33 1 15 — 145 82 288 350 720 823 185 56 127 8 958 3,758 357 290 29 2 19 267 69 103 153 123 379 457 109 50 60 7 579 2,442 402 351 23 2 21 139 125 127 95 282 504 580 127 37 82 17 682 3,198 256 422 1 9 102 161 61 237 529 827 934 237 41 149 51 1,203 3,237 503 412 39 1 57 25 83 125 140 140 405 495 114 40 67 12 587 1,841 294 177 17 2 19 77 95 43 03 478 584 639 131 40 89 14 706 2,923 475 234 21 — 32 79 487 113 803 1,.506 2,422 2,970 672 156 538 30 3,681 5,205 1,508 784 52 28 120 1,044 10<> 1.51 298 221 670 726 82 37 40 7 508 1,602 370 275 20 — 30 68 194 116 249 726 1,091 1,439 291 50 247 3 1,635 7,426 510 469 27 1 00 280 154 159 403 319 881 916 169 34 160 2 1,073 5,090 463 436 33 — 37 222 78 41 100 230 374 410 94 27 47 22 498 1,186 357 186 33 4 40 82 209 92 395 615 1,102 537 239 5o 191 3 1,216 2,846 723 691 68 2 27 176 109 89 119 410 618 646 135 45 74 20 727 2,003 309 281 31 1 299 70 123 135 92 350 380 67 18 38 14 361 1,889 135 88 — 16 46 200 341 182 342 865 943 223 89 101 33 1,186 6,4.38 345 565 40 — 41 524 312 172 451 1,033 1,656 1,882 463 121 324 82 2,083 6,221 1,093 489 82 13 56 242 93 34 159 , 366 559 541 112 18 97 12 563 1,070 492 314 42 — 84 — 831 232 1,769 2,499 4,500 5,778 1,239 65 ,309 44 7,235 8,900 1,677 1,185 114 17 136 320 208 109 200 670 979 1,210 324 69 181 75 1,745 2,704 874 857 53 3 25 207 272 238 590 585 1,413 1,828 392 117 165 12 2,024 4,381 973 801 74 16 54 2.53 167 243 203 452 898 987 119 80 114 17 1,051 4,877 501 418 56 3 19 100 439 179 756 1,360 2,301 3,396 811 1.59 679 53 4,689 9,634 1,245 640 94 39 161 549 113 160 86 26.5 511 373 87 42 45 — 488 1,052 104 141 13 1 1<> 47 227 238 204 506 1,008 1,197 247 128 120 9 1,205 5,006 539 442 30 — 52 173 88 51 66 303 420 429 87 39 28 20 457 2,062 282 270 19 — 33 195 133 100 90 471 661 705 131 44 78 19 711 2,610 227 284 23 1 14 261 417 181 199 1,739 2,119 2,377 500 260 135 110 2,506 8,453 700 9.51 05 8 — 231 99 139 179 145 463 548 120 20 115 4 681 2,595 295 142 16 21 — 59 74 45 234 353 422 103 49 24 32 465 1,415 191 263 25 2 34 169 2r . t -d- :i0 40 2^/0 io/ 11 0 32 4 08 20 435 2 20 6 5 30 17 29 26/ 5 67/ 10 26 99 472 100 39 31 10 2 65/ 205 57 11 29 8 .50/6 7 35 31 41/4 31 13/4 5 2 12 176 7 34 39 31 8 33/8 34 5 15 4 5C/4 bw bS t- a rb I a b o s? -S* b 20 701 — H(J5 I ()Pu(;k A i’HiCAii Position , I’OF’IJLATION, &c. &c. of Towns and I'laccs in tlic 11 1 ebon Manufacturing District in Tf^a s/iire, ol’ the SILK tlirowing, and Manufacturing, and Salt Spring Districts in Cheshire, and of the Cotton Manufacturin irict in I'Miiitshirc ,\ort/i H ales. ,’t'fhe I’aris/i vf JJaiearden A«. BUO is suMividert into 11 ToW7i.sliips tUe ’iir 'tneijjul vj uldek ticsiites Iluteurdeti are ICwloe and l‘entr others are Ashton, liar aeaea Uruwn J’ottery ; Yscejian arwick- Manufacturing Dis- ^ ^ ^ e Ewloc and Ptntrobinythe nm ley lireffu/ty liroadlanCy hr{H(}:,hlony Mancoly Manor and Hakt , Moore, Sultnvy, Stalandy a nd hSholtoHy this Parisii is distinoviskedfor its Clays, n arked into a Ysoejiofi in English is ivritten Hkeviog, COVKNTItY it on the Idvfrpuol Mni) line of mud 10 Milo N. of War- throuKh K«uilworlli, IH K. hy S. of itirmingliitui & IJW. by S of Lul- iHiwurth, Nmivntun u 6 Mik* W. uf llinckloy ( see No. 711 )& Ather«toor N A!il('» S. K of Tkiimurtli ( see No. 751 ; in udditioii to it* being the (reat depyj of the Kilibuu Mauufui ture, tkvontry li«* alto au eatensiro Manufac- ture of W«trhr>, uud is Hurrouuded by a eery fertile Country and hu a Cn.. Bk! t ominunieutiii;; witli thu grand line from I.undun to Liverpool and Man chrster and thoreliy with all parts of tlir Kiticdum. Conglcton is also on the l.isrrnool Mail line of road 12 Miles N . of Newcastle ( see No. 100 ) and 24 Jl. of Mandirhtsr. Maeclostiuld is on the Mniichestcr Moil line of road 13 Miles N ot Leek and 12 S.^of Stockport, both Couglcton and Macclesfield l>a»e exttnsive Mills for tlirowing of Silk and siure 1S20 the Weaving of Silk priacipally into Handkerchiefs has been greatly extended. Nantwich it on the Cheslor -Mail line of road. Nos. Htt) - are on the line of road from burton to Wurringlxn see head Note to preceding page Church Lato foB # being the point of intersection lewicu 3^ N. W. of Sandbach 2 Newton .. contiguous to Middlewich 3 Church Hulme 2\ E. uf do. 4 Cranage 2 E. by N. of do. 5 Goosetrey-cura-Barnsh. 4 do. do. 6 Blackden in Sandbach Parish C J i 7 Wheelock in do. do. 8 Wharton A S. of ISorthu'ich 9 Davenham 2\S.ofdo. 850 Leftwich 2 IF. 0 / do. 1 Witton-enm-Twambrook || 2 NouTiiwiCH 11 .S. .S'. IF.q/'IFflnvng. 853 Castle Northwich contig to North 4 Hartford + .... 2 .S', by W. of do. 5 Marston || . .. . N. N. E. of do. 6 Barnton + II l|jlF.q/'do. 7 Weaverha.nl 4 do. do. H Ot. Bud worth t |1 3 iV. ]V IF, of do. “ t 9 Winchain 1 || ''860 llawarden * Parish.. G\1V. of Chester I MoU) 1 1 N. q/' iFrc.r/iom L 2 Hol.YWF.i l. '* 3 Cmrwys .... 4 Whitford ... 5 Vseefiog ... Llan-asaph .. \7li N.W. of Chester 3 IF. S. W. of Holywell :i N.W. of do. 5 do. do. 6 do. do. 1 Number of In- habited Hoxtlesin 1801 No. of Persons in 1801. Total Number of Persons in 1811 A'o. of Kami- LlLS ill 1821 . *3^ No. of Families leiieved Plumber of Inhab- ited Houses in 1821 1 1 1 * !c!1 1815.1 824. ^ «<9 § ^ fcli as fl s'® Chiefly encployed in Agriculture do. in Trade Manufactures or Handicraft all others 7iot included in the i yrecedhig i-J gI o t-i all others not in- cluded i?t the pre- •c ^ §•? S ft! - § -S c c*5 e c 1-^.2 Permanently ^ 2 >» C $ C 2,930 304 7,002 8,728 16s0a4 17,P23 4,277 168 4,396 397 21,242 57,779 8,405 11 >*^33 473 8 277 1,589 -f- 72 40 166 146 — 312 321 121 74 50 7 592 1,969 159 181 10 3 97 41 157 307 505 481 129 47 80 6 572 4,950 246 231 19 12 6 22 6j/ 172 187 324 302 823 937 241 95 135 24 1,212 6,1.50 671 449 47 — 319 607 65 937 2,024 3,026 3,480 1,046 90 924 40 4,937 6,491 2,210 1,821 88 63 71 216 25 120 82 294 273 619 568 101 51 105 7 775 3,071 377 362 34 17 28 37 15 54 124 149 7 280 348 73 32 44 2 396 2,603 238 192 12 — 9 77 50/ 243 298 567 446 1,311 1,134 303 129 195 1 1,411 6,751 831 999 71 34 38 71 55 052 85 1,848 1,228 3,161 2,794 778 139 679 22 3,519 5,84-1 1,181 1,132 88 115 83 380 16 358 116 1,757 4 1,877 1,873 445 81 340 45 2,169 6,020 1,106 934 132 (iO 198 184 1,075 647 2,488 1,634 4,769 4,947 1,492 242 1,304 18 0,610 8,381 3,391 2,004 277 67 65 480 50 112 285 229 8 545 590 113 79 59 2 720 3,275 545 383 16 — 32 08 36 54 55 72 271 398 449 131 49 63 21 662 2,919 252 228 14 — 7 32 546 255 748 1,847 2,050 2,921 718 15 700 2 3,434 8,008 1,322 1,418 54 56 75 624 56 828 141 2,210 1,510 3,861 4,016 1,190 116 1,097 97 6,405 11,189 l,.5h0 1 204 128 27 73 606 155 91 157 25 393 575 590 115 94 2.5 3 569 4,229 48l 200 35 — 00 21 128 120 65 732 917 1,003 208 114 86 8 1,143 5,970 87 1 775 77 — 36 25 82 78 25 389 492 496 100 63 24 18 584 3,193 450 332 35 — 27 80 212 177 128 517 684 1.50 66 85 — 948 2,969 209 310 42 — 45 5 1,426 220 8,509 14 8,743 li,299 3,008 99 3,240 323 17,740 30,305 2,215 2 351 139 80 2,0G8 2,349 72 72 158 162 103 423 418 86 62 29 5 481 2,830 303 197 16 — •26 13 55 231 71 8 310 320 51 38 13 — 341 3,064 177 118 20 — 14 42 233 23 — 256 240 50 37 13 — 262 1,440 ll.'i 103 29 — 7 7 75 112 38 267 417 482 85 52 38 2 540 2,541 388 315 35 — 9 29 2 05 181 170 — 351 428 85 49 38 — 400 2,585 307 195 30 — 8 347 333 788 618 1,739 2,096 600 94 501 5 2.991 7,630 695 749 68 14 89 108 25 280 277 582 734 213 14 190 5 1,082 2,344 187 187 16 — 15 242 426 510 454 1,390 1,595 285 89 189 14 1,530 5,989 742 495 100 — 21 344 5 250 99 737 395 1,231 1,518 327 80 248 — 1,723 3,067 491 315 82 5 20 94 111 83 322 516 035 114 48 70 1 579 3,940 200 172 30 14 84 66/ 55 28 1 260 369 330 61 26 35 3 331 2,1.58 221 109 26 5 4 6 11 75 51 123 258 432 497 95 20 74 8 540 9,048 407 170 — — 36 80 82 52 57 357 400 415 80 30 38 14 440 1 ,772 218 100 28 — 24 130 8 ICS 190 98 559 8-17 940 180 109 70 11 1,057 5,731 634 486 49 9 55 27 45/ 66 115 46 1.58 319 349 68 39 23 6 382 2,652 390 225 23 — 20 36 3() 48 142 226 355 69 23 46 — 382 2,284 147 62 16 — 8 2 67 113 225 338 392 78 40 39 1 414 2,451 280 203 37 — — SI 122 53 360 540 584 102 63 25 14 615 3,355 277 237 25 — 13 — — — — — 370 62 27 35 — 383 2,258 205 138 37 — 21 36 38 33 117 188 254 72 17 57 2 406 733 79 28 — — 15 137 114 291 51 355 ()97 757 128 125 7 9 804 4,825 498 359 — — 31 171 10 287 219 926 301 1,506 1,755 333 91 227 22 1,761 4,341 1,083 542 35 — 9 29 2 177 202 .56 351 1,122 1,297 235 97 144 7 1,432 4,324 683 379 65 14 59 74 113 135 143 391 420 85 33 52 3 478 2,218 284 185 15 3 — 100 8 33 35 78 101 214 232 45 21 26 1 250 847 08 80 8 — 11 758 132 1,-434 1,897 3,463 3,999 927 111 029 230 4,661 0,484 1,593 1,728 133 35 139 403 232 60 125 22 257 404 352 82 44 13 49 526 2,499 266 212 15 — 24 2 51 61 47 30 195 278 455 82 33 34 16 429 1,305 127 63 13 — 5 32 77 49 64 33,2 445 488 95 33 39 25 612 2,754 359 324 24 — 13 12 379 183 1,210 151 1,844 2,311 585 145 396 74 2,905 8,169 1,226 693 83 — 53 3(>3 228 261 21 298 871 1,190 1,232 281 109 172 — 1,212 l,5(i9 972 691 58 2 49 160 70 210 77 230 630 943 1,201 313 210 97 5 1 520 4, .500 891 309 29 32 8 61 48 32 2:i4 314 346 71 11 49 13 397 1,011 247 200 24 — 8 80 30/4 76 76 28 281 385 387 84 15 63 19 433 2,450 421 257 27 — 11 49/6 — — — — — 201 60 20 28 4 298 2,605 170 157 23 — 10 18/ 2-1 109 11 16 136 1.52 32 9 22 2 191 1,018 84 8.1 5 — 1 30 61 67 61 189 329 80 24 58 4 458 2.103 233 204 14 — 11 19 99 75 667 11 753 888 1.53 12 39 101 853 3,062 297 338 17 — 22 228 2 71 44 10 273 327 317 72 18 27 32 379 1,180 220 124 17 2 12 80 64/2 189 94 175 030 899 979 218 15 119 99 1,192 2,828 348 303 2() 2 2-1 136 18 279 42 53 1,436 1 ,531 l,9(i6 479 12 393 128 2,405 5,316 350 578 37 8 13 340 — 124 1,214 1,338 1,382 291 3 213 109 1,490 1,952 ()72 580 .50 — 25 396 25/ — — — — 385 422 122 7 28 93 575 991 35 79 2 — 4 104 102 37 333 472 667 1.55 90 44 17 772 3,245 289 308 11 I 15 126 — • — — — 349 71 30 43 — 401 3,137 209 161 20 — 18 79 40 80 282 402 480 117 23 8 101 612 1,.505 176 109 12 16 67 162 371 135 534 l.OlO 1,120 1.58 72 159 31 1,241 6,076 480 8I>5 44 51 61 100 40 61 362 4()3 504 107 43 48 16 501 1,893 286 172 44 II 10 45 33 76 258 3(i7 420 81 15 59 10 491 2,005 322 200 41 2 16 65 760 685 184 3,204 4,071 1,136 931 416 677 12 5,059 1ft, 2, 57 1 ,5.59 1,211 231 4 87 1,139 r>(i 682 381 827 3,027 4,235 5,083 1,215 529 176 557 6,268 1,7.59 2,019 175 — 27-1 255 61 1,093 395 2,613 2,529 5,567 6,391 1,451 116 723 779 8,309 9,257 3,126 2,613 339 — . 276 l,H2(i 83 1.58 123 91 5.59 773 863 191 39 L59 1 952 1,614 310 219 38 — 120 408 292 492 1,741 2,525 2, 111 .519 349 15 199 2,874 4,000 1,307 912 190 123 329 128 269 498 — 805 11,668 362 102 266 1 1,8.52 3,889 4(i3 697 48 61 7 280 200 41 102 1,-102 1,567 331 182 40 U8 1,877 5,038 962 710 91 91 320 IT Ribbon, Silk Throwing, and Manufacturing , Salt Spring, and Cotton Manufac- turing Districts in the Counties of Warwick, Chester, and North Wales. 21 GHG — 0 10 ToHOOllAPHiCAi- Position, POPULyVTION, il’C. comprises the Townships of linllund, II uUnnd ward lntacks and Yeldesly with -KW Inhab. in Appletree Hundred. Clifton and ComvtOH with 708 tnhah. in Morlcston anti lAti'hurch flnndrt d, h'aton com Also}} le italCt Newton (lrauf,c, and Of/coat cum Onderu oud u ifk 440 Inhab. in H’irkswortU Hundred the Total To}>. of the Parish to be 4,708 and the Total Amount Assessed to the Proyvrty Tax £*‘20,005 CHBSTRRKIKI.U <• on Ut» l.*rd« M»il iine of fosJ 13 MilotN. W. of Mm*D«I< 1 and lam* diilani* S. of it I* 34 milca N. of Drib^ and 33 ft . K. of Aihhornr Ihroufh \> irVawotlh and (’rymlurJ from wlilcli it it ili». I'i ISiiloa. ANHHOHNK l»on tlio Maochcitcr Mail lino of road 13 MIloa N.W. at Dart>T, and I& S. K. of Look, it it 30 Miloa S. S. R. of Huxtnn amt ia afa> on tha K. baok of the rlT«*r I)u»t which for near 40 Milea in a dtrretiou ^ S R ditidea Ilia Co, of Oaibjr from the Co. o/ SlafTurd. CHAl'KC*«*n-lo- Kiliril fa#. No*. 01 1 - 13) it 4 irn/#a N. of Hiixton, 13 A'. R. of Stotiport, tkf " S. ^ Hu44*r»ftflS through aiottop M>«ica la u m »*» No*. 014 - 30 la tkt vkoU it into 30 Muu.n.n.y., .. .,n • %t'iuthiiini Biiwortk and Hr^wntidt, tcitk 010 la Aimf«r and Ot. flaniUt arifiOIT ia CAntcortIt, witk 919 /• Utard, 0/rr*»/f, an.f Thomtatt ; and 9^10 eomprtM CAflf/#aK’fr'#A, Vkunal, /)iafi»iic, Hadjiftd, I’aiOtald, Whitfield Iff Siw*amd$tay. EUkatU No. 034 i« parity tm tka pariak of Stockport tf part- /■ ui Nottktn or Nortkrnd*n IMi it A leAi'cA ia aaattd on tka S. 6dnA; vf tha Slaraay aiaal 6 Afi/#a H'. of Stockport. 1SS f? fSCfi CHESTERFIELD 150 N. N. U\ of Lond . o*- ■ " a»3,« 7 Newbold Dmistan ‘2 N. of Chesterfilld I J 8 lirimington ‘2X N. E. of do. 9 (’alow i E. by S. of do. 1 870 Hasland * I S. E. of do. i L 1 Walton 1 S.W.ofdo. 872 South Nornianton 3 S. E. of do. 3 Staveley & Harlow .... 5 N. E. oj do. “niaae placra form the N. E. ctlra ^ ^$74 (JlOWn uitf of the County of Derby aected by a Caoal from ChesterHcld the Trent befow Gai oaborougli. Cfotrn No. 874 is on the line nf road from Mansfield distunl 10 Miles, to- Kolberain dia. 13 Miles. Barlborough is on the line of road from Worktop dia. 7 Miles, to Cheatertield distant 8 Miles, aud is about 3 N. of Clown. No. 876 831 lie N. W. of Uarlbo rough. r 55 H 5 Barlborough . 6 Killamarsh . .. 7 Beighton ..... 8 Eckington ... 9 Mo.sborough . 880 Renishaw ... 1 Trowey 882 Norton 3 iV. 0/ Dronfield 3 Dronfield 6 N. of Chesterfield 4 Unstone S.of Dronfield 5 Whittington 2 do. do. C Brampton 3 W. 0/ Chesterfield c!?8S7 Ashborne { 140 N.TF. by N. of Land. " 8 Sturston in 1 E.by IV. of Ashborne S 9 Hulland AVard Ido. do. "890 Brassington . . . . 4TF. 0/ IFiVfcsuort/i .2 1 Bonsall A N. of do. 2 Tansley in (Irich 7 N. N. E. of do. ( 3 Winsley & Suit. 7 N. IV. TU. of do. (4 Darley-Dale ^ ^ ^ . r 62 S. E. of Bakewell 5 Bakewell 152 N.of London 6 Curbar or Corber 2 N. E.of Baketcell 7 Ashford 2 IV. W. of do. 8 Baslow & Bubnel .. 5 IV. E. of do. i ! 9 Longstone A N. N. E. of do. ” f 900 Calver 5 N. of do. 901 Stoney Middleton 5 do. do. 2 Hathersage 9J do. do. 3 Castleton bN.ofTideswel 4 Peak Forest Z E. of Chapel-en-le- Frith 5 Tideswell S N. N.W. of Bakewell 6 Litton \S. E. of Tideswell 907 Fairfield \E. by N. of Buxton 8 Fernilee 5 N.of Tideswell 5.1 9 Brad well 4 do. do. 15 f 910 Gt. & Lit. Hucklow 3 N. £. of do. These 3 Places form the Parish & Town ^ Qf 1 R -r* 1 of Chapel en la Frith on the lice of road \ Bowdcn’s Edge from Derby to MaOLhestcr by way of< 12 C/OOITIUGS // ^ ' ir, Cromford, and F ' the latter 14 Miles. If a. 7 Belper, Cramford, and Bakewell distant ^ y o _ ' - .... Kradshaw's These places constitute tbe parish of Glossop f Q7 4 f^U5r»7c»TT ■"* I extending Northward from Chapel en le Frith | ^UKilcy I about 17 MMes forming the N. W. angle of the j 1^ l^llOSiclG ~ ■ “ ’ ’ ’ ” the W. and N. by | S County of Derby buanded on tne AV . ana i>. uy 1 i\,f |i Cheshire and on the E- by a Mountainous Dis* < 20 iV46l lOT trict which divides it from the W. Riding of«^ I'T T Yorkshire. The Peak Forest Canal from near^ .UUdWOlin Tideswell^ past Cbape^Uen-le-Frith runs paral- | 18 Gl-OSSOP -C ^ s W rS la's- 4) . •2^ !i^ aa o ■ E; r I .••No.eb.w f920 Tother .. 5 r ■■i Tintwistle T E.of Ashton under Line "" ? •• •, 7 F. 5. E. of do. 3 Stayley Bridge ir do. do. 4 Newto.T Moor ..46’. b,j E. of do. 5 HoHingAyorth contig. to Stockport OGodley, &c. Gh E. N.E.of do. 7 Duckinfield see Note below 8 Hyde ‘i E. N. E.of Stockoort STOCKPORT 6 F. S..E.ofMaZ-k. 930 Offerton 2 E.of Stockport 1 5 do. do. . . 2 Nprbury 5 S. E.of do. t I T-f •,;•••••; ^do- do. ^ 1 I hese 7 places iorm the remainder ' O of the par. of Stockport situated on =5 I the S. Bank of the river Mersey and on the London and Mauebester Mail tine of road 12 Miles N. cf Maccles- field. Duckenfleld is also 00 tha bank of the Mersey 7 Miles N. R ^ Stockport, and nearly opposite to Ashlon-under-liae He in an angle of tbe County formed by the 'Junction I I of tbe Peak Forest with the Hud- t^dersfield Canal 934 Etchells 5 Romily ... C Torkington 7 AVernith ,, 8 Brainhall ., 9 Bredbury . , L940 Brinnington B S * « 4 • - S>* 5.2 •" *3 n . XI 5 fe J Ji|-- No. of FamUits relieved Rarmananlti/ V tz i. 0 ^ 'S.'S si j out of Jf'orkhouse 44 S w K z z u 1815. 18^. U' 2,051 oLe 1,572 97 27 13 407 308 381 28 2 19 — 135 146 15 — 53 15 147 184 11 — 12 — 228 259 21 — 5 — 198 233 13 1 11 64 387 303 18 — 40 32 1,209 794 95 1 69 384 132 145 9 — 9 32 .521 406 44 — 33 123 138 177 10 2 7 64 575 480 43 — 43 — 1,830 1,129 135 151 391 840 811 73 12 58 257 475 491 35 — 28 186 248 257 17 — 31 — 247 253 21 — 19 223 932 491 70 2 100 208 714 595 38 16 64 142 139 157 7 — 8 — 120 120 4 — 13 — 542 239 30 1 35 121 356 504 31 6 54 334 46 72 4 — 2 — 316 342 29 1 82 44 233 415 32 2 5 112 856 791 50 5 16 430 104 69 9 — 3 — 495 393 39 3 11 272 308 345 136 1 92 160 130 159 16 — 7 66 141 101 11 — 5 154 262 295 16 — 8 61 198 257 13 — 10 — 162 187 22 3 4 409 222 196 23 — 25 203 248 371 24 3 37 275 113 211 17 — 8 152 43 121 5 — 12 243 80 109 26 — 20 — 288 309 18 4 13 251 116 148 14 — 8 163 850 664 56 — 59 461 n 6,517 5,033 2,278 3,538 6.180 4;088 2,779 1,513 5,401 3,886 846 3,888 5,462 7,203 617 3,217 3,088 2,861 993 1,438 1,701 2,968 4,156 3,164 1,631 3,868 2,308 1.824 1,899 10,956 Not separately under these heads returned 171 183 194 173 167 179 308 187 2,572 60 340 104 191 219 150 32 207 184 245 133 73 191 471 738 938 187 64 120 9 1,038 3,838 284 235 35 — 17 758 45 103 824 972 1,286 263 82 173 6 1,338 3,329 358 34 — 151 487 68 945 657 1,670 1,760 348 37 308 20 2,999 3,565 456 283 54 2 47 360 102 .304 460 866 179 38 147 — 1,077 3,140 254 214 20 2 13 200 207 1,014 1,538 2,759 4,012 837 241 429 — 5,135 6,336 505 848 59 — 04 571 102 434 1,342 1,878 2,801 553 85 459 18 3,079 7,608 675 470 38 — 17 1,362 see Note at head 620 182 420 — 3,784 of Column 21 5.54 446 1,021 1,346 271 49 209 33 1,580 3,786 253 175 22 7 9 60 CO 497 391 498 1,446 311 4 348 4 1,944 2,349 350 252 32 34 828 n 621 423 1,055 1,104 280 29 218 39 1,609 3,060 451 494 36 2 24 110 15 523 467 1,005 1,444 331 8 368 10 2,159 2,063 290 123 22 — 10 — 23 185 702 910 1,089 237 10 247 4 1,393 2,665 191 198 12 — 8 287 73 704 233 1,010 1,235 237 29 218 5 1,401 3,247 474 334 45 — 42 — 78, 897 762 1,737 3,053 777 85 369 419 5,096 9,859 770 396 71 — 57 495 9 330 72A 1,063 1,806 471 12 490 3 3,355 5,122 474 306 41 — 14 — 111 14,580 139 14,830 17.545 3,405 21 4,2.'>6 62 21,726 35,865 6,789 3,161 277 100 244 2,615 13 337 — 351 493 77 18 58 3 401 1,521 110 100 17 — — — 53 1,448 530 2,031 2,254 105 88 356 43 2,646 10,912 560 457 59 — 39 790 96 278 218 592 4.51 441 48 44 39 680 3,094 362 289 32 — 47 208 64 249 682 995 1,415 275 72 198 22 1,533 4,754 291 360 47 — 17 139 175 218 276 1,269 1,276 253 95 148 17 1,525 6,421 426 458 38 — 58 136 44 513 268 825 1,015 208 26 181 9 1,181 2,835 293 282 — — 58 60 51 93 74 218 254 40 10 30 7 293 1,558 136 136 7 — 17 — 26 213 913 1,152 1,304 297 19 295 2 1,804 2,821 306 240 40 — 11 606 127 378 528 1,033 1,134 218 43 173 8 1,359 4,486 960 418 80 — 29 418 84 607 667 1,3.58 1,706 321 45 263 35 2,010 4,985 996 397 54 — 22 863 35 786 69 890 1,705 349 89 400 2,124 5,576 516 472 22 — — 60 -I- 51 7 16 16 57 17 16 78 27 40 121 233 6 31 100 62 13 44 7 11 69 5 74/ 15 37 1 16 10 / 9 25 240 5/ 34 8 5 52 13/ 20 2 20 126 7 45 2 2 7 5^/ 41 8 5 9 48/ BBC, _ an 1 895 — 940 Top. Pos. Pop. ^ c. ^'c. of Places engaged in the Colton Alamifacturc, in the Counties of Derby, and Chester. ‘)41 — 1015. 22 Tofookapiucal Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of Towns and Places, cngaf^ed in the Cotton Manufacture, in the Coun- ties of Stafford, Chester, and Lancaster. The Population of Leek Town JSo. 0(53. docs not appear to have been returned in 1821, and the Retai ns of 1801 and 1811, are confused. The Parish of Taxal No. 070. includes Whaley- earn- Yeardsky. 3 611 1- • 00 S Tlie distancok of Oie« plufcs are gi- < en trmn Chi-adle Iho rictuity of which a- h.iiibils ill Coal and u*.; (her Miiierolt. \o. U43 ini'ludr» Ttart, fy Miidtlejf Holme, and yia includes Moragr, 95! Mayfield 'ihe Cottoji iMunufacfurc yrcvaiU hut inirtialty in these districts, Nos. - 3., arc distinguished J'or ed tewiive Manufactures of Tapes, and .small U'ares such as Laces, liindinffs. Gartering, 4c* nfid Leek Aos. 1)00 - 3., for Galoons, Hihbnnds, and Trimmings in Silk. Frodsham No. l)l>u participates in the Man- ufacture of Salt, it is seated near the mouth oj the W caver River on the Road from Chester dis. 1 1 miles to if arrington distance y.] miles. II ALTON, No. 084 is about 3 miles N. of Frodsham. U ARRINGTON, partukts m-no of th, chnrncttr of u Commcroinl, thun a ManufucOiring tmi'n, it hat ««»!• irrry extrmiv Corn MilU. WIGAN, i# the venire of u gredit U'orkiHg Coal lUilriit, interseeteU 6y the Leedx & Liverpool Canal. !MI Kocester Z Miles N. of Uttoxeter 2 CllEADLE 10 IV. iV. IK. «/(/0. ''(M3 Checkley&c. IjS'. £. 1 Kina;sley 2 7V. 5 Wlifston .. 3N.E. 0 Dilhorne .... 2 IK. 7 Korsbrook 2.5. IK. 8 Chedilletoii r, /V. .V. W. y Ipstones &c. 4^ N. 950 Alveton .... 4 £. 'IS. of Ashhurn 2 Butterton 5 E. of Leek '953 Alstonlield . . 4 tv or.slow .... 5 Long NOR .... 0 Hollingsclough . . 7 Qiiarnfonl 8 I'aiiliehl-head ^ 9 Heathy -lee .. '9C0 Leek-frith .. 1 Onecote .... 2 Eiitloii dy Loiigdoii 3 LEEK & Low 4 lJushtons .... k 5 Bradnop &c. P. ofSlafford, from (hat of Der-*' by. Lofignor is at (be North extremity of tlic County It miles N, N. E. of L»ek ] about 5 5. of Buxton. ^ Tliese G places with Hea- ton, Manlej, ft Tittesworth ft.Tm ibe jiarisb '.I Leek To- Ul Pop. La.5. The Town is. 01 . tlie Manchester Mail lioe^ of road, 1.5 Miles N. W. t Ashbiirii, Si 13 5. E. of Mai cclesiietd. r f-'3£ Tin the p intersected by the line I of ('an.il from Preston Brook No. 9S6 to .Man ! Chester .Altrincham is< 7 Miles N. N. E. of Kiihtsford and S S.W. of Manchester, the dis tanccs of Nos. 972 - 9 imply fruin.Altrincbam Koutsford is on the M.iil line of rtixd from l.nnnon to Liverpool 11 Milas N. by \V. of Congletou No. S05, ff ' 12 J». E of Warring-t ton. No. 9S5 is con- ] tiguoiis to Warrington i and No. 9S2 is about 4 I Milos S., 993 - 4 is 3 to I 5 Miles E. S. £. of do. le 7 pl.c f»rm f971 Ai.trin'cham . . . n.i. „f n.,ra.n , 2 Timperley .... 1 £. 3 Hale '2 S. E. 4 Baguley 5 S. 5 Dunham Massey TK (i I’artington N.byJV. 7 Carriugtou . . 5 N. f 8 Ashton on M. 5 N. jX. F. I 9 Sale in Ashton 5iY.F. I 980 Knutsford 1 Mobberley 2 E. of K. 2 Hull fee Appleton . . 3 Lynim 1 4 Grappenhall k 5 Lutchford Preston Brook Kiincorn. 1 lie luwn of Koiicoru L isthe point of Junction of the 1 7 IvUNCORN .... Canal from tlie Trent with the J Q LI , • rr.yvxi Mersey ; and Preston which is ® XTAI. ION ...... »bml 5 lu, K of Kanoorn is the J 9 M^eSton L point troiii whence the Canal to W , -w^ .Man. diverges, see Note at head \ 99f> LRODSHAM ,, '991 WARRINGTON 2 Woolston-cum-Martinscroft 3 E, 3 Rixton £, 994 W inwick 2^ A’. 5 Houghton '2ljN.E. 0 Southworth-cum-C. 4 do. 7 Newton 5 A'. 8 Haydock 3 A. IK. 9 A.shton .... 2j A. A. IK. 1000 Culcheth 4 E. S • o’* ■2 — ►K C > 1 Kenyon 2 LoAvton . . . 3 Golborne 4 WIGAN t 5 Abram . . . 6 Hindley .. 7 Ince 8 Billinge . 9 Winstanley 5 do. 1010 Upholland . . . . iW.ay S. 11 Pemberton 12 Orrell ... 13 Dalton ... 14 Haigl: 2 do. 2 E. N. E. ... -2N.E. 7 A. 3^.5. ... LiATE, 1 do. .... C.S’.IK. 3 do 3 IK. (iW. hy A. ■2N. k 15 Aspull in Salford ‘2 N. E, 162 549 281 139 55 108 119 142 240 152 115 Cl 113 117 95 126 169 1.59 128 132 151 135 735 114 283 191 187 113 78 340 84 121 76 1.54 65 70 134 134 478 201 145 238 36 142 61 220 130 31 272 2.2.5S 92 154 96 46 171 213 138 647 322 59 273 1.59 2,177 69 432 161 220 117 470 397 333 59 118 223 No. of Persons in 1801 Total Number of Persons in 1811 «5 ^ *S "Z ^ § '1^ Number of j F»nnUvs in 1821 1 Total Number of Persons 1821 Ifl! 5| • H -■3 gg. ■ .£ a a •-C t ^ « Si |1 V- s 2 3 No. of rell Ptrma Families vS* 1“ eved ently Q © Osj 5 © R Si ^© © L Auumber of Per.^ons in Friendly Societies Chiefly employed in Agriculture TOTAL . 1 do. in Trade Manufactures o Handicraft allothers not ' included in thi , preceeding Chiefly Kmployd in Agriculture. R .s ^ all others not in eluded in thepu L .■» 5 C.-’v S © 1815. 18il. J. 114 333 452 899 873 184 56 52 102 1,037 6^74 ot 552 oL 420 39 13 105 -oC 6 468 675 1,607 2,750 3,191 740 166 410 185 3,862 1,348 LWio 1,442 108 42 25 1,112 42 628 743 3 1,374 1,698 394 130 221 53 1 2,070 8,425 1,120 598 71 4 10 250 28 189 484 — 673 787 176 76 100 — 917 — 551 116 — 25 107 13 108 192 — 300 351 68 33 33 I 403 — 4M 32 5 23 21 — 82 70 308 520 1,184 141 82 55 9 744 3,636 414 W2 35 — 40 180 7 85 66 412 563 138 88 55 2 655 1,950 278 262 24 — 36 — 30 310 50 415 775 952 204 131 71 3 1,061 3,368 472 754 40 — 20 340 10 308 426 470 1,204 1,235 203 HI 84 73 1,377 4,396 779 059 69 — 31 410 36 146 170 502 818 934 200 70 120 21 1,103 3,410 514 489 55 2 64 190 10 141 188 297 620 581 156 06 87 3 890 4,033 355 184 24 — 16 — 19 59 35 203 297 355 82 31 20 30 432 3,118 256 2I0 20 — 20 — 10 106 24 443 573 654 142 105 19 20 677 2,538 392 242 32 3 22 140 22 149 106 268 523 123 63 60 — 595 2,138 907 575 49 — 16 76 17 97 99 195 391 407 101 32 57 14 400 818 206 2f>5 20 10 181 2 33 53 476 502 513 110 37 82 8 560 430 227 209 13 8 — — 25 64 648 737 699 134 58 81 7 695 371 406 259 42 — 8 432 — 425 63 300 788 1,003 196 180 14 2 1,135 1,927 1,135 834 86 7 38 48 21 450 34 30 520 706 150 73 12 06 788 1,398 301 328 33 — 19 — — 334 15 348 697 710 149 118 32 0 800 4,938 516 485 69 — 10 — 26 272 61 282 015 404 100 51 11 39 585 3,330 349 411 38 — 11 — 4 79 46 609 734 766 152 111 35 8 795 6,294 5-10 .398 44 — 19 — 30 331 2,596 562 3,489 3,703 — — — — 10,041 1,188 1,148 83 51 27 456 87 154 74 330 558 086 126 93 28 9 713 2,918 505 418 50 — 8 00 — • — — — 420 229 164 59 12 1,281 0,907 — 257 — — — — — 1,200 92 1,.577 2,509 547 80 441 70 3,229 8,700 743 498 117 — 7 715 13/ 2S5 645 41 971 1,296 284 70 197 25 1,.134 5,890 649 416 70 — 43 — 3 213 319 2 1,034 1,315 287 40 215 39 1,745 3,058 642 584 32 — 12 — — 284 220 34 538 008 124 60 41 28 630 4,020 190 193 19 — 17 208 5 88 115 182 385 469 117 40 68 9 662 3,153 195 81 28 — 18 — 7 106 359 1,227 1,692 2,032 402 70 298 95 2,302 4,.5-17 737 707 04 12 05 258 23 113 214 261 588 624 128 99 25 6 683 3,925 512 195 40, — 24 150 — 279 166 338 783 929 171 102 57 23 958 6,368 353 330 45 — 27 233 — 89 36 298 423 46-1 83 50 25 8 458 3,130 178 122 19 — 10 45 — 339 76 403 872 936 177 140 28 13 1,090 4,984 218 277 18 6 16 — 18 1-16 205 7 358 412 53 20 57 — 434 1,649 141 JI9 8 — 14 — — 12,5 126 184 435 480 75 30 51 8 531 2,0 3,176 43 3,254 9 17,716 33,320 4,833 2,406 390 78 189 1,609 399 46 102 329 475 502 72 21 55 4 504 3,339 680 362 29 2 46 — 21 .54 971 1,307 2,332 2,902 627 53 58(i 9 3,757 6,000 683 435 120 — (i2 781 22 227 701 31 9fi2 1,065 246 37 201 8 1,362 4, .593 415 438 («) 2 — 70 8 146 447 .548 1,111 1,320 275 47 228 25 1,()72 4,422 438 356 36 — 64 412 70 25 53 553 631 741 124 39 88 2 804 3,399 279 190 22 1 41 — 16 126 407 1,894 2,427 2,603 .512 106 417 15 3,042 9,5.50 813 .593 40 12 50 786 86 180 1 366 763 3,309 2,\ Miles S. A', of the former, and 12 | }f\ of Ihc latter, and about 9 .V. of Hochdule* !“ 2o'“ S « R -a JS » ’ O (i) « .5 ■ 5-^ riOlOMANCHESTRR .... 17 Salford integral 18 Cheetham cnniig.N, 1!) Hroughton tio, do. 1020 Ouinpsall do. do. 1 Hlackley 3 N. 2 Moston 3 iV. E. 3 Failswortli 2J do. •1 Newton .. contig.E. 5 Dioylesden .... 4 ii. contig. on SV0'2i\ Hulme .. the South ( 7 Choi Itoii Row nd28 Ardicick 9 Openshaw 3 E. 1030 Gorton 3 E. S. E. 1 Denton 5 do. 2 Haugliton G Jo. 3 Reddish 5 do. deaton Norris * 0 5 Levenshulme * 4 r^lOSG Uushuline .... 2J } 7 Withington .... 4 i 8 Burnage 5 ' 9 Didshunj C tretford .. 4 5.5. IE. ParO\ ^ JSnTp.V-u..lfr-lin, ^ lOil ASHTON ToWn .. 2 Audenshaw 5. 5. TE. W C O k. Sl55‘^-=! kd-a Sj • ^ 5a s; C5 ^ ^ , g p I ^ fi! • * • ■2 .3 a S“ ® •= ='S s' The Par. of Oldham cx- ri045 Oldiiam Town tends about 10 m. from E. to tv. at a medium breadth of about 2 m. Tot. Pop. in 1821 52,510. The Town is 7 miles N. E. of ManchesterS on the road to H udders- ' field from which it is dls. 18 m. and it is 4 Miles N. of Ashton. 6 Crompton 2 A ,iV.£. 7 Royton .... 1 N. 8 Chadderton ID'. 9 Tonge .... 1^ do. 1050 Alknngton 3 do. 1 Heaton Gt. & L. 5 do. 2 Pvestwich 6 do. 3 Pilkington 8 do. pO — « "S' R.E<.o- „ 5 43 ca f Town of < 1054 Castleton ( South ) ■32 1;^ 3 Rochdale ( 5 Spotland Up.& Net. 35;2.oS 105h Butterworth 3 E. ° o J T^057 Wardleavorth .... contig. j a ' S AVuerdale-cum-AVardle .'•“5^ Hi 9 Blatchinworth SiavlOGO Todmorden-cnra-Walsden ^1061 Saddleworth-cum-Quick .... 1062 Middleton 3 Hopwood contig. N. 4 Thornham 2^ N. E. 5 Pilsworth 2 AMP. between Bury ( lOGO Ashworth and Rochdale \ 7 Birtle-cuin-Uamford contig. to ^ 1063 Ainsworth E. Bolton I 9 Great Lever 5. Parish of Bury flOTO BuRY 7 N. of Manchest^ Total Population in 1821 ,84,531 the Town is on the road to Clilheroe^ dis. 21 m. see No. 5 1158 it is5 m. E. of Bolton and 7 W. by S.of Roch- dale. • f 3 fo 4 Miles S.E. of Bolton 2 <0 4 Allies 5. of do between Wigan and Bolton h. _ a ® a “• ^ 2S S' i?as ■{ eomvriting e%bout 8 5y»«ar* mtle$ % ro/a/ Copulation in 1S2J 2.,%7. r th* Tohon it 6 M. S. of iXancht»~ \ O IvnOtt-LaDeS ?V Ur o*itk,roadto BarnoUi, dh.i d ^UUlt iiclUCb • • . » »i/.. ... ATo. 417. A 4 Hartshead .. A'.E. 1 Heap contig to Bury 5. E. 2 Walmslej' .... do. 1 N. 3 Elton 1 IK. 4 Totting- 1 Upper 2 N. IK. 5 ton ^ low. 4 N. by W. in mneUnrn f 1070 Miisberry . . 7 Hall Carr &c t/i» South. 8 Henheads . . 1079 Kersley on Irwell 1080 Farnworth 1 Hilton f Little .... 2 or ^ Middle . . 3 Hulton COver .... 4 Rumworth 5 West Houghton .. These B places are con- rlOSG Heaton .... tiguons to Bolton on the g 7 Halliwell IKesf ^ IK. fit/ N. C 8 Horwich .. rlinlnn Pan,/, a if ,i. Junction C JOgO UrmStOUe .if th0 IrwtU teith tht ilf«r««y, S to 6 milea < _ • ^.S.W.ofMantktster. ^1090 FllXlOD Number of In- habited Houses in IHOl No. of Persons in 1»0I Number of In- habited Houses in 18*21 Number Chiefiy employed in Agriculture do. in Trade Manu- I fac. or Handicraft all others not xnclu- | dedin the preceding j TOTAL J j Total Number of Persons in i^W Chiefiy employed I i in Agriculture J j ■^1 •R 1 10,313 07 38, MJ 32,887 70,400 79,459 22 22,101 2,204 02 6,487 7,044 13,611 19,114 4, .503 50 4,95.1 135 43 219 490 752 1,170 36!) 22 307 110 81 335 450 866 825 146 24 107 82 35 103 314 452 628 139 27 105 364 89 1,522 750 2,361 2,389 472 91 408 91 23 247 349 618 614 89 14 81 426 17 1,675 831 2,622 2,875 609 37 543 213 127 785 383 1,295 1,784 421 22 415 233 58 955 639 1,552 2,201 38!) 8 410 285 03 430 1,184 1,677 3,081 74!) 37 536 196 202 241 615 1,188 3,200 1,741 134 1,272 318 32 671 1,059 1,762 2,763 617 34 510 61 14 246 127 339 459 86 26 66 202 23 1,103 1 1,127 1,183 261 32 232 234 71 787 504 1,362 1,594 323 13 351 198 18 470 651 1,139 1,526 323 8 347 75 54 146 256 456 532 91 18 67 422 191 3,492 85 3,768 5,232 1,050 72 1,353 102 30 272 326 628 674 133 24 109 123 62 209 455 726 796 148 45 120 133 201 212 330 743 911 143 98 58 78 38 192 1.53 383 454 92 31 63 116 87 182 350 619 738 156 51 107 273 1,051 426 — 1,477 1,720 378 178 215 2,891 271 8,635 6,726 15,632 19,052 X 1,643 19 I,G80 These Places were not separately \ 620 24 640 enumerated prior to 1821 ( 044 1,548 29 SO 717 1,508 ' 1,212 42 5,9 ’fi 6,048 12,024 16,690 3,691 145 4,008 3.56 14 2,464 1,004 3,482 4,746 985 15 964 390 41 1,471 1,207 2,719 3,910 764 808 644 25 2,256 1,171 3,452 4,133 826 55 887 125 22 689 — 711 1,126 222 17 230 38 5 301 8 319 349 58 12 51 133 65 373 323 761 860 135 25 129 308 1.56 929 726 1,811 2,175 456 59 418 975 162 3,824 1,800 5,786 7,353 1,442 87 1,563 1,010 U6 1,325 4,019 5,460 6,723 1,420 35 1,466 1,672 70 5,045 3,910 9,031 10,968 2,242 122 2,420 676 67 2,371 1,492 3,930 4,872 905 72 903 645 4 809 2,476 3,298 4,345 1,006 15 1,155 581 126 974 2,120 3,220 4,189 956 1 932 301 88 588 971 1,647 2,480 537 88 502 346 172 1,454 889 2,515 3,652 819 3 881 1,215 39 3,913 6,713 10,665 12,579 1 815 28 2,132 614 13 2,376 876 3,265 4,422 1,006 91 963 156 116 551 281 948 1,083 2!1 40 170 114 89 355 230 674 1,098 204 32 153 70 69 244 105 418 454 75 32 45 48 15 145 135 295 261 41 7 33 140 41 517 195 753 1,055 200 24 196 211 36 800 404 1,240 1,422 266 28 253 73 14 230 154 398 613 116 8 110 1,311 107 4,545 2,420 7,072 8,762 1,9.34 29 2,086 652 24 3,241 1,018 4,284 5,148 1,060 50 1,018 358 119 1,447 600 2,166 2,619 478 61 458 336 95 1,415 570 2,080 2,540 451 57 367 227 23 817 406 1,246 1,556 299 42 233 710 61 3,771 482 4,314 5,914 1,181 47 1.220 81 2 297 164 463 589 111 10 109 118 35 443 198 676 786 187 — 195 24 8 69 45 122 195 38 — 41 193 42 477 563 1,082 1,388 303 18 306 1 260 77 920 442 1,439 1,798 334 35 342 i 262 67 936 495 1,498 1,886 396 58 398 1 130 47 4.54 318 819 900 1.54 28 75 ; 111 32 396 191 619 612 95 37 59 129 41 281 378 700 768 160 26 132 566 134 1,402 1,523 3,059 3,810 671 162 525 113 34 61 582 677 765 137 32 107 258 124 820 441 1,385 1,828 416 96 377 253 73 822 670 1 ,505 2.374 471 46 452 88 128 233 171 532 595 105 13 94 198 ll33 596 364 1,093 '1,387 233 54 1 169 2 » 686 444 46 17 28 29 4 19 16 8 317 396 191 2 20 5 1 9 4 7 15 4 14 4 41 6 24 19 46 28 26 14 4 2 26 27 35 13 3 55 83 10 12 205 13 3 24 ■o .s E ,= s < t 4. f''S. 108,016 25,772 2,027 880 910 2,911 593 3,358 2,577 2,855 4,234 8,833 3,545 497 1,604 2,012 2,084 574 6,958 768 913 892 513 933 2,173 5|i ■* s s S v-i 9iS ■X4 1815 -£--X- 27,618 5,170 378 539 310 928 632 959 578 788 268 968 626 235 491 461 304 381 1,189 425 280 448 161 378 1,478 6,949 1 1 308,634 49,048 8,651 6,082 2,910 5,455 3,429 4,644 5,866 4,955 9,422 22,775 11,241 1,771 4,658 3,195 ,419 2,555 12,155 2,345 3,608 5,008 1,752 3,803 7,076 9,22i.A 33,76 3,781 f 1824. — £- 20,618 3,989 306 380 207 404 410 297 372 341 409 337 375 139 363 235 170 245 749 227 195 407 81 208 791 2,880 No. of J<'amities 1 relieved Ptrmanttntlff <0> V -X ^ * .1 11 !- 1 JM -|o . J' K <0 ■C 1 J o <•5 1 •Jc k. relieved occa- sionally 1,750 441 1,6.31 1.1,712 o£ " 257 — 303 929 1,835 1615 33 — 32 230 42 — 25 29 9 103 — 45 946 26 48 — 32 145 30 176 908 83 — 9 413 14 86 — 48 210 43 — 20 83 — 15 139 8 59 — 26 2!)l) 18 — 20 61 47 — 30 457 48 — 63 35 — — 44 — — 65 65 31 13 940 40 7 16 — 23 — 15 33 45 — 13 242 2 19 — 3 26 — 2) 3,2 35 — — 88 506 1,066 196 194 5,946 32 3,827 C 9,137^ 21,662 6,482 4,933 5,124 1,390 365 854 2,724 8,976 7,894 13,453 5,554 6,451 5,629 3,143 4,985 13,902 5,809 1,384 1,374 499 280 1,207 1,609 631 10,583 6,552 3,290 2,897 1,728 7,333 728 1,284 246 1,833 2,044 2,465 938 391 847 4,211 826 2,288 2,873 645 1,604 For therelation of Ashtoii tvith the N. E. part of Cheshire see Nos 921 - 6. 31,423 2,554 2,799 302 94 129 4,422 132 7,036 760 461 157 40 197 1,621 5 8,797 1,102 476 82 26 108 1.373 *2 7,321 1,132 548 200 36 235 161 — 881 270 88 — — 34 — 1,436 142 65 — — 28 — — 2,870 368 161 29 — 32 — — 5,727 853 382 144 — 30 1,192 10 12,554 2,226 945 133 50 211 1,965 58 13,515 2,128 1,267 317 21 66 1,580 50 21,901 3,068 1,492 372 90 120 1,860 74 8,247 1,630 1,171 261 52 43 1,103 82 9,651 1..38I 570 90 18 02 2,240 — 8,194 1,424 868 212 5 29 828 30 4,892 597 376 — — 99 793 — . 5,547 479 463 54 — 44 534 — 21,306 3,043 2,462 32 - 25 152 28 5,457 694 674 133 11 — 1,308 45 2,256 828 284 50 4 73 — 39 2,742 432 310 68 9 71 — 2 1,707 182 156 18 — 22 — — 824 79 37 14 — 2 77 — 2,025 161 142 25 2 13 80 — 2,213 438 176 23 4 20 464 — 2,966 259 218 17 4 — — — 16,545 1,908 1,511 130 69 130 2,276 . — 8,829 861 1,110 45 23 125 1,251 — 5,821 631 547 48 — 26 72 24 6,287 602 449 44 — 19 77 — 4,283 208 164 47 — 21 — — 8,983 1,279 772 164 11 80 1,732 17 ',299 77 66 27 — 8 — 13 Willi Nos. 1125 306 191 48 — 20 — — and 1 130 9 24 1 — 3 — — 1,600 187 112 46 2 21 348 5 2,758 503 360 45 9 218 420 — 3,823 687 520 77 . — 22 430 — 2,014 729 505 37 9 51 94 5 2,125 489 725 69 — (i9 — — 1,805 308 29.5 11 — 55 130 68 7,337 1,1.51 1,004 345 5 47 1,156 13 2,3.53 289 2.55 31 1 12 — — 4,139 417 554 77 2 — — — 5,766 552 436 69 2 55 609 — 2,674 469 129 30 21 — 16 4,386 587 425 30 19 32 1,014 1010 — 1014 1015 1090 Cotton Manufacturing District of Lancashire, comprising the Parishes of Manchester, Ashton, liochdalc, Oldham, Bury, and Dean. 10.01 -- llGj 21 Toi'ogkai’UICAl Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of 'I'owns and Places in the Cotton Manvfacturinx) Ti'isAxxci of Lancashire . — Cmitinued t+t These 75 p/ares /brm the ivhole of Utacklmrn Untulrctlt which in 1821 contained 25,003 Inhabited Houses^ 70 liailding^ and 358 Uninhabited, 27,114 Families, and a Total Population of 140, ou8, of tvhom 72,042, it ere Mules, and 73,00(1 Females, of the Total Number of Famities 22,901 , v ere Heturntd as Employed in Trade, and Manufactures, 4 2.300 Agriculture, leaving 1823 Families, not comprised under cither of those Heads, Total Asses7ncnt to the Property Tax £*271,371. liiirt in th« W. KidiuK »f York«hlr« bt tli'* fix/t nlrri l^aucasliiri- n niiic ur two North of ('but* burn Ai Doiridiam tor No«. Util -i and runs ab’Mit 20 mitri in n dirr-ctiun W. S, W. into t)i« Iriiih St>a below freatun 'I he Hundred of lllaokburn iiei principally S. of tliia river, but the placne No«.| 1 12 to 1 12U tni luHive (k 11G.> are N. «>f the Kibble No 1120 beiii^ in the Mtiodrcd of Amuiiodorneis, and Cbaif(loy ur Cliari^ley aud Nne.Illfi-16b Ilfi.'ilioN.of Longridgu Fell belwei'u it end Hleimdulo Moors 111 to Id miles N. of lllackburn. Noi. ions - 0 tlioiiftb iu Hlackburn Parish are conliKUoiie to Preston on the S. K. Aijcblon end Hailey No. llUare about 3 iniTei N. \V. of Wlml ley. Fillyrioie tk New Laond Knoth No. HIM are 2 to 3 miles N. of Illack- burn, anil Krrdlay Hollows about 3 miles N. F«. of do. The figures follow* iu^ the pliives in Hlaekbiirn Parish dcuoto their distance from tlic Town of lllarkhiini, niul those iu Wlialley Parish the dist.stues from the ('Itief lowiis with which lliev are circiimtlexed. Coal abounds over the greater part of (bis distrirt wbicb is intersected by the Leeds and Liverpool Canal past Li*esay, Hlackburn, Rishtou, Claylon-lc-Meors, Haberfiliaio Laves, Hum* ley, Filloyclose, Marsdens and Cul&e, entering Yorkshire at Fouindee. No. of Persons in 1801 flODl Blackburn s -o ® , jyyjj j,arwin lower 2 I \ 3 do. upper 3 I \ 4 Eccleshill 3 ! J 5 Tocklioles 3 t (i Livesay 3 , r 7 Pleasington 4 ! y S Walton-le- Dale .... 9 ; j 9 Cuerdale H C 1100 Samlesbury 7 . ^ 1 Witton or Wilton .. 2 ! \ 2 Mellor 3 3 Balderstone 4 4 Osbaldestone 4 .5 Ramsgreave 2 G Little Harwood . . . . 1 i I 7 Clayton-le-dale .... 3 •^1 8 Wilpshire 4 3 1 9 Salisbury 5 1110 Binkley G 11 Billington 7 TP 11112 Harwood Gt. .. G i 13 Rishton < ~ i .E 5 .t; ? .c A « Is S - ~ ^ S .S S -Se-u i:.Si o .2 ==:££.. -2 1- y- ^ ^ c 5.2-“ a 5-«-^ " ^ s "I ' -a o, " ^ V. -w .s.. ■c-1 ^ 2 Ct: , .5 I z C.S ; 1114 Aighton^ Bailey & Chaigely see note at head 1.5 I'bipping 10 Miles N. hy F.. of Preston IG Thornley-curu-AV'heatlej 9 N. N. E. of do. ^ ^1117 Ribchester 7 N. E.of do. i I r 18 Dutton 8 do. do. i HI Dil worth 8 do. do. 5" V 1120 Alston-cum-HatbersallG do. do. ril21 HASLINGDEN .. 2 Yate-cum Piccup rtaiik 3 Oswaldthwistle 4 V. H'. 4 Churchtown . . 4 do. 5 Newchurch&c. 3 TE 6 Accrinzfon's 4 N. N. ft’ 7 Huncoat 5 N. by W. 8 Clayton-le-Moors 5 do. 9 Althani G Ak fUSO Booth lower .... OS. 1 do. higher . . G do. 2 Gouldshaw Booths do. 3 Dunnockshaw . . 5 do. 4 Hapton 3 do. 5 Habergham Eaves 2j - - 3:- ; .S ?■ > ^1*1 2 ^ v-<;5 ^ -w'<< V — — 5i>_„ I 5a’ = j .9 « 2 s 5 ^ — a: s ~ o7 go N X ^ 5 *5 X- . • =^a5i-SS^.Sa|l V~. 5 2 -a « ^ vii: S ( - “ - -X I 3 WU ALLEY 4 Wiswell 5 Pendleton 6 Heyhonses .. 3 7 Little Mitton .. 8 CLlTHEROEt .2.o^-3_f Twiston G do. , Eillyclose &c. ?l§-o i S‘ S 5 Bowland-cum-Leagrim Number of Paimlies in 1821 Number of 7«- habited Houses Chiejiy employed in Agriculture do, in Trade Alanufactures or Handicraft •ss C -ScS: ^•5 TOTAL Total Kumber of Persons in 181 Xutnher of Inhao- \ itedHouses in 1821 *e :>> Cl. ^ e. ^ z • C W § 2 ^ s Y3 ’"'S' .§ ® So * 5 c. t c < 2 I* n 2 *-0*5 — I- C it. all others not in chided in thept || ? i" •>ZO c' ||£| 1815. 1821. -*o£ - 31 6,707 5,239 ll,93t» 15,083 3,941 100 3,089 268 21,940 37,758 4,031 2,990 169 2G8 27 1,039 580 1,616 1,805 357 ; 373 — 2, -238 4,3-28 '652 578 142 573 110 2,456 1,015 3, >S7 4,411 1,114 28 1>121 8 6,711 6,629 761 966 96 72 9 8 329 346 374 70 3 68 — 456 1,048 170 168 15 127 5 330 393 7.58 1,077 207 13 191 4 1,269 2,538 240 228 27 209 14 561 609 1,184 1,126 281 51 95 151 1,664 3,971 351 476 33 101 53 352 209 614 599 95 14 69 21 625 2,474 297 209 25 G3G 137 1,415 2,280 3,832 4,776 954 13 904 33 5,740 13,07.5 1,479 1,299 226 20 20 50 — 170 1.59 28 10 18 — 166 1,286 121 81 13 255 56 1,606 — 1,064 1,589 3i:l 20 302 1,979 4,919 862 1.59 43 86 5 1 155 461 819 181 3 172 26 1,067 2,302 137 250 19 225 20 — — 1,439 1,548 320 8 321 1 1,981 3,1-27 359 466 43 107 — — 615 636 109 9 99 4 705 2,705 431 323 51 41 5 247 — 252 278 52 3 50 1 319 1,.570 60 41 5 51 IG — 282 298 484 86 7 83 — 534 1,492 136 121 — 28 14 20 70 104 126 33 12 6 16 210 1,414 108 ! 103 63 70 44 1.50 225 419 520 93 8 87 — 598 2,436 315 , 255 52 63 17 258 — 275 291 48 5 46 — 287 1,294 107 146 10 41 35 52 149 236 295 70 7 64 — 427 1,608 94 1 101 9 29 12 185 — 197 250 35 4 33 — 238 768 53 103 6 134 82 476 286 844 893 1.57 75 85 — 922 3,407 618 464 73 292 96 985 678 1,659 1,076 357 22 348 10 2,104 4,806 523 669 35 182 80 656 315 1,051 1,084 182 13 3 190 1,170 2,684 376 337 31 203 280 444 530 1,200 1,-296 233 90 171 4 1,487 5,084 759 984 67 IGO 20G 88 533 827 1,007 201 111 107 5 1,229 4,449 232 350 23 76 45 47 295 387 433 84 47 33 4 506 2,436 263 158 — 232 81 567 524 1,172 1,401 297 29 259 15 1,760 4,340 824 447 78 71 209 142 37 388 440 89 10 83 - 521 1,961 289 316 42 70 58 178 288 524 801 156 18 139 3 969 2,229 343 304 27 120 147 279 238 004 782 143 43 96 12 948 4,357 479 555 34 755 43 2,425 1,.572 4,040 5,127 1,170 228 509 433 6, .595 8,486 992 667 63 174 7 688 350 1,045 1,230 238 — 233 13 1,3.59 1,381 236 ‘>•>7 16 457 153 951 1,606 2,710 3,512 789 14 773 63 4,960 7,798 686 678 72 44 2 2-22 99 323 474 107 — 140 5 7.52 995 110 264 1 793 145 2,913 1,988 5,040 0,930 1,592 2 1,640 25 8,5.57 8,636 1,485 857 150 502 34 1,611 1,396 3,077 3,206 906 11 890 24 5,370 5,608 802 4!)3 78 514 116 13 107 1 629 1,583 160 137 32 181 6 875 255 1,130 1,423 207 3 325 21 l,!Mi3 2,000 24 — 510 1,598 212 161 8 122 20 214 319 583 742 172 41 127 8 891 2,214 210 145 18 207 133 6.59 266 1,058 1,193 I'Ki 1!)0 6 1,314 6,110 433 312 52 66 62 229 1.56 443 309 57 77 46 — 631 1,664 191 205 17 lOG 74 534 348 956 1,2-20 217 57 195 2 1,407 2,933 501 420 35 235 89 816 1,417 2,322 2,876 668 80 ()3!) 14 3, <115 7,306 1,.563 721 215 1-37 119 660 664 1,443 i,v .£ ‘J . 93 226 6,534 50 12 63 61 17 41 3,048 1 — 13 — — 4 24 73 14/ 5 71 90 2 3 15 19 67 293 728 12 — 13 — 17 60 290 25 — 9 — — 75 268 — 3 11 — — — 2 — 67 55 28 1,938 21 — 16 262 — 11 — — — 5 100 — — 4 — — — — 43 33 3 26 990 30 2 11 280 — 2 54 169 13 — 11 252 101 — 31 8 10 — 93 419 4 — 9 — 7 — 36 209 14 — 63 175 13 54 25 1,938 21 — 18 378 — 7 87 1,208 3 — 15 690 — 37 84 1,179 71 12 78 1,010 — — 9 296 — 1 11 443 — — — — — — 20 315 — — 24 1,381 — — It) — — — — — 3 1 ! 4 132 — 19 — 92 1,792 23 fi — — — 98 950 18 — 6 33 1 1 16 — 6 13 1.54 — — . 343 15 — 24 — 4 — 40 Ill 12 14 121 586 14 — 61 222 — 20 54 1,365 71 — 'IS — 4 I 50 512 4 — 1 — — - 13 ~ — — \2 — — -- 351 46 — 13 — 1 — 13 103 1 4 — — 1 5 — 10/ — ■17 162 1 3 — r, — — 18 141 — — 16 86 36 — 12 — 2 1 - - >- i 16 1 - ) w 1091 — 1120 11-21 — 11(55 Cotton Manufacturing District of Lancashire. — Continued, comprising the Toicnships of Blachburn, Durnlcg, Colne, and Clithcroe 25 110(5 — 1210 1 luo — la-iu TOPOGKAIMIICAL POSITION, POPULATION, &c. A'C. of Towns and places in the Cotton Manufacturing District of Lancashire. — Continued. ... . II, p rntton /Uanularlurtne DhtHct of England anil llalci-. The /Hacii in Am OI 1 jUllUtlaii 1 1 1;.— “ ifim Barton A'o. 1107. I* »fnr the tine ol the Puke of Bridgewaters Canal, from Preston ftrook to Man. Chester, lehere It is carried over the Irivelt by an a- tueduct ; the Toten of Croston \o. llOi, is 0 miles V of Chorley, and the distances of the other yiaces im'vty from Croston ; CliorU'y, is on the Mail line ot Road iroin Manchester to tUasgoie, i» »iJi<;s by A. of Preston, it Is the same distance A', of 11 igan and 9 .V IP of Biackbiirn. I’rt-Jton, seated on the ,V. bank of the Ki bte, is 32 miles X. A'. II . of Manchester, through Bolton and Chorley, the same dis. due N. of . .. .. irr.-..-- I. /•Inm'tntl Kt. V. V. K . of £.ii'«rMuo/ /A I'OHir A s.,... rr^vw.. The Places in Ammttt>frr/irfts imported intoVrvsion PonUon A i.a'Httiter* ir.K- «» CkorUifk 31 AT. AT. If. of Uv.niuol through VrZkVk it h B. of Lancahtr fclUi. of UUnkburn. S. I CAdf-MO** £ O o ^ '-C t c ^ 5'o“- g-- © o rt ^ or V S— « ^ ^ ? 5 Bcc/„ c 1 IG(i Peiiittel a* 2 0 / Ao«. V Hiirtoii (111 Irwell StP- 8 tVorsley liW.N.W. j 9 Pendlcbury* 4 'r?.T f 1170 Clifioii* Collieries ( 1171 KadcUn'e 8 N. N. W. fll72 JiCver little.. 'iS.E 3 do. Darcy.. 2 do. 4 DOLTON Great ., 5 do. Little N 6 Tonge-cum-Haulgh 7 Breiglitmet ... .2 £ 8 Harwood .... 2 do 9 Bradshaw .. 2N.E - or ^ : - i: S; - « -rS J ?.-fS S’ 2 35 < 5 ICO .— — 5 do - — • a ^ o o = “i-..':3g ® o ^ ^ ” = hS=.S25ki2 V. paruA p/ Croston, }Vet* of CkorUif about 8 AfiV«#/ro« S. to N. t$cteU by th« Dou^Ua Rivtr . Sot, 11511-5., Aeirtj on thtJ W»tt of that River ^ boun- ded on th« S. by the Bay into icAicA if« wattra and thoae oftha RibbUfall about 9 .S. \V. of Bratton. 1 Quarlton 2 Edgeworth 3 Turton . . 5 N. by E 4 Entwistle .... 6 do 5 Long worth ..BN, 6 Anglezarke 6 N. W. ( 1190 Bispham .... 4 iS". I 1 Mawdesly .. 2 do. 2 Croston 4 Bretherton 2 do. 5 Tarleton 3 N. IE, 6 Hesketh &c. 4 do. 2 .. 2 " 1^3 * S ‘ 1197 Anderton .... 5 S. S. E. 8 Charnock Heath 4 S. E. 9 Adlington 4 .V. 1200 Coppull .... 2iS. ii/ir. 1 Worthington i S. 2 Standish &c 4 do. 3 Shevington . 6 S. S. IV. 4 Welch Wittle. . 3S. TF. 5 Dusbury I ■■ S '-^1 “ ■< 10 Woods ^ Clayton Zh do (S “■igs5““S5 17 Cuerdon .. HN.byW 18 Wheelton .... Z^N.E 19 Withnall 4 do. 1220 Hoghton 5 do. 2 Rufford Preston, dis. from the latter ( 4 5 C 5Q5 Penwortbam Parish boandod 1 on the N. by the River Ribbte below Preston which is 31 mi.^ N. N. E. of Liverpool, 32 N. W. of Manchester, and 23 S. of Lancaster. | 1225 Earrington 6 Longton 5S. IF. 7 Hutton .. 3 do. 8 Horwick 2 do. 9 Pemvortham 1 dc fmo PRESTON t 1 Broughton.. 2 Goosenargh-cum-News. 7 JV. of do. 3 Woodplumpton 4 N. N. W. of Kirk 4 Kirkham u”” 9 IE". o/ do. On fAe North Bank, cf the mouth of the Ribble 5 1235 Freckleton 3 iS. \ 6 Lytham 1237 PouLToii 8 Great Marton . . 8 IF. by N.of do. 9 Garstang.. 11 N.by W.ofPrest 1240 Catteral S.of Garslan^ . • N ether Wyersdale 2 N. by E. of Pres.^ 106 Ne. o( Persons in 1801 Number of relieved •> Families m 1821. f-5 « * ^50- S-I.S * I’J'sS <•0 C rarm Sumber of In- bited Houses in 18< lie/ip employed 1 Agriculture 1^ V "S •SI c ^ ’C •M ^ e ^ V, ^ s o Total Number of Persons i;i 1811 00 ••• ^ s < -Si •2 ^ S ,5s ^ :: in Trade Man. ! * Handicraft \ .£ ^ s- »• ••• C* 00 < .5 E V, 5c 3 *• 4 “-"2 ilh hzi •St2! !2 s •« << .5 c* a •c •!< .C ^ ». 5 ^ a > ,2 Q •C ■as 53 •« 4^ •‘W 3 t-'s. -£- 1815. -£- 1824. -£- a o 198 558 127 2,229 1,155 3,611 4,805 1,032 1,280 26 992 88 5,948 1C,.542 1,717 1,976 34 134 1,061 420 3,437 2,310 6,197 6,948 183 1,227 64 7,977 20,624 4,323 2,162 2(i2 KM 127 833 324 3,082 1 ,656 5,062 6,1.51 1,097 178 1,062 32 7,191 12,428 1,285 1,130 111 25 228 75 51 207 179 437 694 162 9 161 10 1,0-17 2.704 239 214 22 — 18 137 46 330 423 812 901 171 14 187 — 1,168 2,952 508 312 5 — 60 457 101 1,584 812 2,197 2,792 516 13 403 173 3,088 4,382 677 340 5 — 58 228 34 858 384 1,276 1,586 320 27 20 300 1,8.54 2,611 360 268 33 2 44 105 19 38(i 184 589 792 158 4 170 1 956 1,378 213 210 36 — 9 2,454 44 7,001 5,504 1-2,5 *9 17,070 3,791 50 4,170 176 22,037 27,887 3,516 4,206 134 05 194 932 55 3,065 1,747 4,867 7,079 1,662 59 1,683 129 9,258 11,747 829 524 86 9 25 222 29 961 168 1,1.58 1,402 302 26 254 55 1,678 2,632 177 77 31 12 20 137 27 508 199 734 852 165 14 151 5 963 2,307 107 109 12 — 5 218 21 850 410 1,281 1,430 325 19 311 2 1,809 2,492 377 330 49 5 31 71 85 133 162 380 582 118 19 97 6 713 2,166 177 175 30 2 18 160 42 520 311 873 1,374 335 23 9 359 2,065 3,228 435 256 49 2 53 41 20 156 62 238 205 37 15 22 — 320 1,327 67 73 9 2 7 157 8 719 276 1,003 1,302 275 75 213 2 1,729 2,090 2,989 163 120 25 — 9 140 148 793 428 1 369 1.782 354 108 39 230 4,193 407 321 32 32 26 74 7 339 101 447 571 118 2 115 3 677 1,684 108 1.54 24 — — 37 35 143 71 249 226 39 11 28 — 238 545 80 63 15 — 3 26 31 81 50 162 181 31 12 19 1 215 975 68 47 5 — 9 101 90 261 168 519 526 94 30 57 10 583 2,650 193 134 — — 14 86 44 335 130 509 540 91 17 83 — 570 1,668 80 211 — — 8 293 67 1,551 5 1,623 2,111 434 67 394 13 2,436 4,618 363 367 30 2 41 27 32 17 123 172 242 42 17 23 2 254 1,736 81 M 5 — 4 119 100 115 444 659 744 137 6'i 71 — 833 5,585 259 187 13 — 8 184 125 274 516 915 1,211 237 56 186 19 1 367 6,216 490 637 23 22 30 87 65 193 195 453 529 86 38 51 — 537 4,230 418 313 33 — 24 99 162 189 216 567 6.53 129 48 75 8 748 4,851 412 278 16 1 9 171 197 28 4 1,116 1,281 291 140 99 48 1 616 6,704 379 429 11 1 23 71 45 68 240 353 347 , . 2 to a .S "i* 5s. ^ If Is® y |0 5 = § "5 'S' 5 s ® '55 1815. 1824. s ** <■5 < * -L~ 790 o£’- 782 •o£- 16 368 261 441 5 1,759 2,124 480 42 490 10 2,782 5,536 72 13 89 1,408 271 31 840 558 1,429 1,960 412 22 419 20 2,408 5,586 530 323 13 7 72 76 56 377 134 1,408 443 1,985 2,372 419 45 433 92 2,830 6,094 793 520 50 4 84 349 478 47 2,109 853 3,009 3,492 678 11 811 2 4,325 6,744 1,147 828 71 54 114 982 10/8 270 44 1,106 395 1,.545 1,723 306 16 318 6 1,882 4,059 664 469 .52 11 48 860 48 634 98 1,908 1,243 3,249 3,894 790 50 742 12 4,145 7,558 1,203 1,027 98 55 207 1,543 219 406 256 401 1,063 1,204 276 78 170 38 1,439 4,942 470 357 52 3 23 146 18 220 54 431 698 1,183 1,405 268 48 225 5 1,523 0,134 313 335 34 — 17 127 3 336 46 106 1,624 1,776 2,114 431 186 243 9 2,329 11,708 1,059 944 136 18 119 376 8 708 22 1,471 1,972 3,465 3,678 842 52 869 263 4,468 5,707 666 868 142 12 — 518 170 239 178 230 954 1,362 1,584 350 151 210 12 1,931 9,309 330 449 46 12 34 59 618 143 637 2,472 3,252 4,294 843 77 804 33 4,820 14,534 528 671 58 24 66 1,043 8 232 142 176 867 1,185 1,315 274 93 109 79 1,375 7,163 213 282 28 — 43 121 14 583 81 389 2,084 2,554 3,064 738 67 490 225 3,838 7,615 608 370 49 7 13 817 18 1,.598 133 1,822 45 9,030 9,247 1,792 116 L193 770 10,144 34,117 3,510 3,121 286 91 159 1,857 7 245 59 298 921 1,278 1,254 275 70 176 57 1,283 6,519 419 453 32 — 15 — 210 298 174 695 1,167 1,456 2ai 121 177 17 1,851 8,148 997 741 64 — 18 — 214 179 431 580 1,190 1,061 209 79 90 44 1,107 5,293 573 678 30 — 48 109 22 t^2 43 76 364 483 623 148 50 70 33 808 4,230 444 498 26 20 109 116 77 78 416 571 651 282 94 89 110 1,6-27 1,726 438 568 43 36 62 — 5 282 520 363 427 1,324 9l6 255 96 112 00 1,253 5,175 583 548 82 7 19 170 16 1,314 304 2,503 7,414 10,221 12,531 1,986 201 2,779 100 201 15,476 1 49,505 4,513 4,322 397 109 150 592 710 40 52 132 33 217 204 119 17 2 648 > — 56 68 44 93 400 183 257 217 701 493 914 471 158 99 23 33 166 70 22 2 15,129 698 847 69 7 4 463 41 339 44 136 1,502 1,682 2,043 434 131 438 7 2,448 8,564 391 674 12 30 8 1,192 — 622 408 166,1 675 2,741 2,977 729 128 701 07 4,0.50 8,745 1,127 689 94 11 29 443 4 176 261 648 419 1,335 1,.579 309 153 192 59 1,812 2,208 553 — 79 4 34 560 8 672 236 1,020 2,545 3,801 4,328 800 180 780 160 5,385 17,592 1,033 1,994 104 43 53 53 99 139 18 53 663 634 656 1.53 57 82 24 760 4,066 250 356 31 — 24 92 19 287 3,006 111 3,117 3, .567 594 05 493 182 3,742 7,001 1,528 1,829 71 63 207 514 29 131 52 183 419 654 644 170 66 45 79 854 4,158 310 453 34 — 16 6 2 62 121 169 44 334^ 344 53 43 20 7 385 1,927 135 133 11 — 3 — — 112 141 144 369 654 715 142 89 37 50 857 5 197 374 310 23 — 26 59 3 95 158 390 27 575 789 178 89 145 45 926 4,299 243 223 16 — 34 — — 63 23 270 423 716 941 201 27 197 4 1,139 2,226 219 439 23 — 38 52 — 131 161 64 566 791 860 202 181 32 4 1,076 7,394 222 517 98 — 190 — — 107 302 49 227 578 623 137 111 22 38 715 4,188 436 480 31 — 13 — — 172 462 200 270 930 1,065 251 220 48 7 1,317 4,472 678 592 61 11 23 — 37 64 35 35 299 369 451 104 25 39 55 607 1,779 285 277 10 10 — — 265 76 534 841 1,451 1,925 377 59 124 227 2,269 5,351 1,081 9S)7 67 27 53 16S 32 162 21 39 742 802 348 214 134 47 61 1,010 4,929 503 004 49 — 108 — 3 262 545 489 474 1,505 1,671 306 289 66 18 1,954 14,482 1,085 1,062 1,004 44 196 72 260 311 188 1,562 390 3,140 2,290 518 161 327 70 2,806 11,659 1,136 1,061 89 55 13 343 187 199 82 813 1,094 1,172 2.36 164 60 83 1,387 10,586 879 814 59 49 26 — 41 502 44 396 1,702 2,159 2,635 583 166 388 80 2,903 6,960 2,051 1,969 207 — 35 200 139 226 32 659 917 999 201 178 27 9 1,184 8,078 1,199 1,104 81 13 51 — 51 355 973 796 104 1,873 1,992 436 200 103 153 2,246 10,482 1,965 1,905 144 03 133 75 — 112 45 501 91 637 748 126 45 123 6 813 1,464 550 312 49 — 26 38 20 747 62 2,696 16 2,774 3,118 780 137 680 36 4,6.55 2,446 1,692 1,180 93 53 143 496 10 261 182 818 617 1,617 1,782 352 83 255 60 2,031 8,399 916 680 96 27 240 240 8 169 1.58 392 277 827 857 195 92 131 14 973 4,735 476 518 46 — 60 202 — 144 90 232 444 766 808 220 167 46 27 1,072 2,889 420 518 52 — 52 173 — 136 80 128 609 942 610 157 55 87 42 994 2,470 474 367 16 14 23 341 — 246 498 36 611 1,145 1,478 301 239 104 30 i,ai3 6,049 798 514 66 — 15 — 61 489 406 551 1,619 2,576 3,021 536 284 296 — 3,434 16,777 l,ai6 1,344 95 70 167 182 227 188 144 .30 843 1,017 1,058 223 188 42 5 1,212 6,403 554 438 32 — 28 — 12 no 91 65 419 575 611 144 82 46 33 737 6,545 268 314 23 — 18 212 53 346 420 444 810 1,674 1,867 401 240 107 83 2,090 10,097 1,113 854 42 29 112 55 351 451 1,267 327 2,045 2,160 348 137 234 39 2.1.56 9,825 1,257 1,250 372 712 540 18 6 534 696 1,286 802 2,784 2,9.32 511 128 312 201 3,100 13,238 1,489 1,148 69 72 27 725 1 148 124 152 588 864 844 1,56 94 82 8 878 5,978 790 559 49 12 18 166 11 187 245 73 777 1,095 1,151 230 179 68 11 1,256 6,287 539 586 40 19 42 80 120 198 584 364 40 988 1,045 204 160 43 4 1,147 5,707 608 .517 85 — 10 151 80 1,146 176 699 4,919 5,794 6,997 1,503 183 I,2rt7 236 8,534 2(i,956 4,100 665 3,347 371 81 48 1,118 72 121 349 75 388 794 903 150 103 62 33 1,004 8,386 561 72 — 31 — 53 72 174 46 187 407 4!«) 70 03 11 22 528 4,451 490 332 64 — 20 99 68 148 95 88 331 473 96 50 38 13 579 2,697 391 344 67 — 3 175 386 365 319 1,070 1,206 262 220 49 11 1,416 7,182 1,211 1,215 1.56 — 92 6 9(i 56 40 587 683 814 161 58 100 55 928 4,195 432 344 49 — 12 22 745 377 2,535 1,121 4,033 3,874 837 207 524 111 4,170 14,897 2,285 1,480 152 82 95 922 4 119 287 222 167 676 689 160 119 49 3 750 5,016 578 383 76 30 1 1 193 247 106 715 1,068 1,0.53 208 139 78 8 1,016 6,522 90(i 664 87 — 71 250 9 j 309 792 666 209 1,667 l,(i37 380 220 106 29 1,930 11,113 11,615 1,290 747 1.59 15 17 1-27 123 ! 438 514 1,542 515 12,571 1 2,550 543 209 323 ,12^1 2,791 1,710 1,090 192 1 37 1 41 158 » 64 I b f »■ E. a £. 51 27 — 1390 Topn.''HA»Miii’\i Position PO PULATION, Vales. *^*The out Parishes of Bristol invlude MarujotsJield and Stapleton, An. 1320., is des- of Fashionahl LIVERPOOL is •/“ 30' 13« o/' (.VivurcIfA J(; fcy the Miiil line of Uouit from London, Ihnmgh Vovfutrj/t isitchji* Itt, u»d ('oin^fftoUt th€ tlistanve *iOC mUes. thr Town is Jinfly on the A’. bank of the Hit er Mei'ACy, about ^ niilfs above its enfranve into the Irish ('hannrle ItHlSTOl.y is 113 miles from Isoruton by way of Seieburyt ('hiyyenn hatHf and Marshfit Idt anti 1 10 by tray of Vhiyyen- hantt and Hath, distanve from the latter 13 miles, IIV l.L, is 170 miles from London, by leoy of Li/h LIVERPOOL t I n 'Poxteth l^ark coniiti:. nn S, *.^5! 2 I 18 Everton do,N,hyE, 10 Wiivcrtree ■-‘'S 1320 Garston ... t West Herliy 2 Walton S3 V *5 Os o C ^3 t S ■ B 9 a I I 2 E. S. E. ... 5S.E. ... 3JV. is. 2 N. bfi E. 3 Uo()lle-< uni-Linacre 2 A'. fl32« BUlSTO L City t .... a Five out Parishes .. 0 Clifton cohtig-.N. 7 Wcslbiiry Par do, Wbyff'. 8 Hitton &c. . . 4 E. /«/ S. 0 Winterbourne 4 N.E. 1330 Beihninster con. S. E. 1 Hrislington . . tio. do. 2 Long Ashton W.S.IV. 3 St. Georges 5 IF. 4 Nailsea 7 TF. S. IF. 133.5 KINGS TON-upon-HULL t 2to3W. - , , Sculcoates .... contig. N.W. 8 Cottingham do. do. ;2 9 Southcoates & Drypooh/o.Af. £, "S' 1*340 Sutton & Stoneferry do. do. '1341 Pembroke t 2 Haverfordwest 3 Prendergast con. Hav.on N. 4 Milford .... 7 S. by IF. of do. Oo the North Shore of f 134.5 Burton L 7 Steynton II III I ^ I ri335 KI? .S-h 6 Kirk Ella, &c, '='3 1 7 Sent ^ 5 © t uie n*»on, ^ ' Ihe eDtr»n< ^ l^bj S. of Hi V? C 1348 Rochester City t 28 E. by .9. of Land ^■31 9 Chatham contig. to Rock. N. E. '’?\1350 Gillingham., do. to Chatham N. J contig. fa Rochester on ( 1351 Strood • t { the W.b- of the Medway ^ 2 Frindsbury 'isle C1353 Queenborough t of ^ 4 Sheerness 2 N.o;Q«ee?i6oro’ Sheny f 5 Minster 4 E. of do. F1356 PORTSMOUTH Boro t County ) 7 PORTSEA . . contig. N. On th» opporits ^ J of sSouth-' - ampton ( < 1358 Gosport Z’r i 9 Alverstoke ,110 323 87 131 80 44. 114 84 0,432 3,322 019 412 1,0,53 240 008 130 142 312 174 3,373 288 912 414 151 ■Si! 9 => § ^ -S' 1 3 SI'S 0, ^ 1 2' § ^ g =»i b 5 l-ig riSCO PLYMOUTH f 1 DEVONPORTcoMfi>.S. 2 East Stonehouse do. do. 3 Egg Buckland ..do. N. 4 Plympton St. Mary 4E. 5 do. Earl t .. 5 do. 6 Plymstork 4S. E. 7 Brixton 7 do. 8 Yealmpton 9 do. 9 Vaultersholme part of M. ri370 Maker Th... pi*. > >11 Ip the Co. of Corowall, the W. Shore of the H»r j bor oud eonnocted witb"S Plymootb by Ferry au4 Steam Boats, as Gosport ' is to Portsinoulb witbN au4 I sport I 1 Rame 2 Anthony St. Jacobs 3 St. Germains t 4 St. Stephens 5 Saltash t o to uno in r follotving ^ Page 7 Broadstairs, St Peters 3 8 Ramsgate, and .5 9 St. Lawrence 4 Coast ef Snuox C1380 Hastings.,.. 64 00 th.fir.i Colon. V J Brighton .. 51 105 of Nnmbiri iro- 1 , , pi. Ho di.ionc. / 2 vVorthing.. .50 117 J 3 Littleharapton 01 127 on from M.rs .10 ^ 4 BogHOT .... 06 140 Batb i* 105 Miio.dir.oi f X383 BATH City t . . . . eL" oVStiib “.^d or' ‘k 6 do. forum Hund C 7 Twiverton 2 IF. 1388 Cheltenham Glouc. 94 from London 9 Kings Charlton do. _ contig. to Chelt. 1390 Leamington IFarioicfc. KtQ from Land. • Buxton see Nos. 333 - 5 907 Sf Note ah * Harrowgate & Bilton contig. to .591 No. »r Rersonii ill 1801 O ^ 2 V J- O s.s "k c **«*•*• s ^ v.^ SS C’** 2|b ■” ■ = >2,= k =3 C 'll 8. O t-i Sc c o "v s2 s'® < •- > 174 n/2(;p 77,653 94,376 19,007 82 318 1,669 2,069 5,861 2,224 13 19 467 499 913 320 98 116 316 860 1,398 268 288 126 44 458 597 139 5(i6 304 1,757 2,636 3,698 1,100 109 82 38 93 534 362 681 537 791 610 1G2 124 113 490 7,222 2,729 33,479 15,27.5 40,814 18,374 46,592 22,8(i0 7,736 4,650 55 239 4,163 4,4.57 6,981 1,088 273 161 1,891 2,737 2,046 635 465 903 2,771 4,992 6,061 1,416 136 229 1,227 1,592 1,.569 494 75 321 2,879 3,278 4,577 1,412 141 41 594 776 1,0.52 173 300 500 95 895 1,073 202 77 58 1,533 1,668 1,820 395 114 198 881 1,093 1,313 289 10 4,261 16,3^0 22,161 21 ,299 5,0.52 296 115 1,037 1,448 2,493 525 21 840 4,587 5,448 8,645 1,953 363 149 1,415 1,927 2,299 505 56 50 28 671 1,461 473 394 1,175 — 1,569 3,065 746 685 389 1.441 2,515 2,415 808 6 375 2,499 2,880 3,093 768 38 197 579 814 967 243 59 8 38 185 169 39 457 — — 457 261 136 100 19 195 314 330 79 246 177 868 1,201 1,961 457 80 928 5,809 6,817 9,070 1,.586 92 1,244 9,169 10,505 12,652 2,549 132 600 3,401 4,135 5,135 1,041 30 145 997 1,172 1,394 283 171 130 765 1,066 1,489 279 — 280 365 545 805 160 375 1,047 1,122 1,685 58 205 525 2,409 4,139 5,318 1,228 — 958 6,881 7,839 7,103 1,100 368 3,351 20,608 24,327 33,464 7,527 244 1,724 9,327 11,295 t 4,424 1 7,788 1,241 830 29 1,524 12,494 16,040 20,803 2,384 750 3,650 19,347 23,747 30,083 5,174 3,147 10 215 3,182 3,407 717 166 75 470 711 772 170 4.54 168 940 1,562 1,727 308 40 40 524 604 715 103 3 192 139 1,302 1,633 2,164 408 165 58 412 635 729 145 2 175 130 688 993 1,051 241 5 50 54 1,510 1,614 1,569 221 3 170 102 570 1,691 3,678 301 7 51 33 820 904 978 137 4 ISG 94 1,.565 1,795 2,141 434 0 449 151 1,430 2,030 2,139 438 3 316 62 626 1,004 1,121 236 3 17 242 891 1,150 1,478 211 4 314 875 3,578 4,766 6,126 1,345 6 253 139 1,176 1,568 1,943 461 9 33 345 2,732 3,110 4,221 1,063 6 168 110 790 1,068 1,416 315 2 80 407 2,495 2,982 3,848 945 2 94 3,050 4,195 7,339 12,012 3,947 3 102 155 761 1,018 2,692 623 2 90 100 394 584 882 205 4 122 47 568 737 1,195 393 9 483 6,103 25,62-1 4,356 32,200 31,496 5,157 2 387 983 5,726 12,337 2,727 5 37 310 417 764 1,111 289 5 284 4.59 2,333 3,076 8,325 2,297 2 209 51 470 730 1,105 294 7 33 44 238 315 543 399 0 — — — 760 934 184. 4 189 148 658 1 1,195 1,583 364 1 Number of Fdimlies iu 1821 . t? . V S ga; •H d . .9 2 S' 61 188 206 95 61 84 126 16 186 62 284 10 308 60 291 202 105 16 32 21 28 182 92 293 159 140 55 100 3 689 215 176 61 81 107 231 41 72 88 132 50 39 19 77 68 147 23 115 157 42 174 57 92 101 19 95 191 1,036 36 362 21 18 115 70 11,421 991 183 135 45 637 37 61 9,096 3,362 698 290 562 357 596 40 53 62 127 4,330 145 1,993 120 251 335 465 511 75 5 5 12 170 1,250 1,451 444 80 263 36 145 1,300 645 3,800 378 295 2,976 3,239 595 46 119 67 499 32 89 44 261 17 109 143 38 95 863 127 532 72 395 3,834 311 50 183 4,891 1,413 142 1,824 272 290 57 252 U,758 1,5.55 116 80 28 172 114 12 3,486 1,562 713 236 751 68 1,017 70 48 362 22 2,613 139 554 96 202 195 266 290 175 2 110 39 139 657 1,1593 623 112 23 152 35 302 1,136 4.187 988 430 1,998 4,544 795 40 84 57 17 32 53 204 102 146 422 279 81 249 525 180 642 93 748 792 273 155 49 3,464 1.187 111 651 28 100 16 67 Ao. of Eamillcs relieved tell £ S » pormanontltf S ?! -o CO 1 2 Sc, S .i ! *5 “ go. • I??". - t t 3 I-9*“?23 z C k a s» k c > ’JT V ? k.. k i O i S k B'oPiS 1815. 1 182-1. a •- < 18,972 589,140 'difi.O.'jfi ; 31,06‘.£ ,383 790 M6S 5,337 •■I 201 12,829 27,433 1,275 1,081 100 8 71 2,109 9,721 176 228 10 2 3 1,620 9,.561 274 250 24 — 3 874 5,270 78 190 6 — 14 50/ 6,304 37,012 1,016 l,0.5i! 49 52 35 119 26 1,171 9,425 185 253 18 3 14 72 49 808 4,197 98 121 13 1 7 49/ 52,889 209,488 1 4,519 24,33tt ,220 384 448 5,745 ,030 26,079 58,422 5,745 6,983 626 88 157 1 ,<)9C 122 8,811 45,350 2,.590 3,03(i 219 — 53 ■ 60 35 3,721 7,605 1,169 981 77 43 80 175 87 7,171 15,373 2,740 2,609 323 *,13P 615 6 1,659 4,347 1,200 877 76 — 12 475 23 7,979 19,014 2,630 2,144 175 61 90 313 10 1,216 1,168 6,825 295 427 29 — 15 373 6,623 365 432 31 — 34 87 56 2,109 4,511 722 571 56 18 61 257 17 1,678 4,972 522 499 34 — 15 211 44/9 28,591 77,903 1-1,108 14,(i»7 835 249 1,244 5,055 110 2,834 23,750 1,390 997 100 4 15 149 70 10,449 32,91 1 5,402 3,855 298 47 113 136 21/ 2,479 21,261 1,915 1,8.34 77 34 90 414 91 2,207 9,885 416 1,125 29 — 25 160 3,658 21,124 2,123 2,584 84 31 17 67 9 4,925 7,409 978 1,128 138 — 29 33 41 4,055 8,281 1,978 1,579 1,028 174 18 23 155 1,126 242 186 36 — 5 223 1,801 121 124 14 — 641 1,256 64 154 9 1 387 955 127 103 15 — 5 2,405 6,253 608 516 102 — 18 150 - 9,309 24,120 3,319 2,173 161 137 92 732 869 14,754 23,222 5,177 4,916 160 241 54 1 ,605 25 6,209 11,765 2,576 2,596 92 111 270 1,562 6,399 1,278 1,271 62 72 113 221 87 1,461 5,135 883 1,353 44 12 30 45 881 1,480 249 735 28 3 7 181 817 — 450 461 18 50 5 7,597 17,754 3,826 3,912 133 63 300 620 7,269 35,341 2,819 3,313 108 137 1,5.57 38,379 100,725 7,364 10,382 272 409 ,877 1,003 8 6,184 4,788 1 41 440 3,345 4,483 87 239 1,183 343 27 21,591 78.937 5,926 6,959 __ 258 449 2,479 81 33,578 95,701 7,569 1 1 ,385 260 378 116 13,261 118 6,043 17,909 1,301 1,.506 121 104 , 292 153 30/ 954 7,896 302 555 1 17 ; 26 90/ 2,044 18,004 909 940 58 40 ; 20 183 43 762 2,480 196 231 33 — 1 H 64 31 2,735 10,955 1,128 1,673 59 28 19 71 854 5,635 567 558 60 — 28 1,235 7,565 610 765 19 12 34 4 1,222 1,796 1 3,465 660 959 — 45 15 876 16 807 2,872 241 371 19 — 6 335 5 2,642 6,361 365 656 48 — 56 224 2,404 15,283 1,439 1,487 94 — 105 13 1,325 9,253 568 845 45 — 33 120 1,548 2,473 150 303 14 7 — 518 9 7,843 25,437 2,966 1,297 3,813 240 88 155 420 17 2,101 7,685 1,277 33 49 19 — 78 6,031 1,601 1 6,110 1,254 1,091 27 43 61 14 - 6,085 11,942 2,155 2,912 80 73 46 49 24,429 71,515 6,842 8,982 305 2:01 158 81 133 3,725 9,561 2,057 990 65 7 24 41 33 1,166 4,067 829 473 9 8 26 1 37 1,851 7,834 1,486 1,140 63 16 83 36,811 73,508 5,146 3,906 380 107 302 909 8 16,615 165,216 9,946 7,506 605 112 255 1,380 83 U500 4,934 260 254 11 4 28 148 13,396 35,637 2,284 2,481 193 54 130 442 82 1,607 5,863 277 320 29 — 21 81 2,183 8,826 288 527 22 — 19 57 1,036 5,810 246 295 30 4 4 179 1,934 7,142 667 759 46 19 23 25 C4 ci M a o •A <8 a a c a a o' S I*. C5 a E. 1391 — 1405 2a Topookaphical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of Towns and Places on the South Bank of the Thames, and Coasts of Kent, Sussex, and Hampshire. •** The Isle of Wii'ht luts one f'enci'ul Poor House for the whole Isiand, which in 1815 eontuined 655 inmates, IX‘2 others receiving permanent, and 233 tempo- rary reti^'. The Island is divided into 30 Parishes, the Total Amount of Real Properly assessed to Propel iy Tax in 1815 was 126,949 and the Total snm expended for the relief -SI 5 Z x\upifier of In- ihited Houses in 1 Chiefly em'ployed in Agriculture I'H’ 5? ,5s ■§1 2i S 3 ^ ^ 4- s ^ o o Total Number Persons in 18U « s K, •- il ■e ^ jfe ^ -5s 1:- » -c: <: a 4“ — gL— 6,821 1815. 1824. g <-s — £~ 996 — <£- 1,400 ■d- 3 291 205 429 1,276 1,910 2,031 351 103 206 88 1,964 54 11 40 55 401 76 783 1,624 2,483 3,119 646 126 482 299 3,814 7,925 1,335 2,306 103 49 75 795 22 316 113 207 1,736 2,056 2,470 462 41 420 233 2,769 8,052 1,251 1,357 60 27 47 — 10 253 151 314 1,1.57 1,622 1,746 317 86 201 74 2,012 6,193 1,798 2,148 73 67 77 — 45 5.58 27 307 3,030 3,364 3,872 683 78 187 526 4,208 9,493 2,862 3,026 108 — 31 — 45 75 49 31 339 419 536 128 30 24 80 054 3,451 411 299 17 10 22 — 64 138 69 59 1,086 1,205 1,2^19 275 74 66 156 1,611 5,904 668 1,082 48 20 — — 230 199 261 106 865 1,232 1,142 242 196 61 62 1,675 5,921 2,027 2,149 50 70 113 — — 100 226 33 278 537 614 119 76 21 27 700 3,750 667 889 16 15 40 — 32 504 55 399 1,998 2,452 2,735 .546 102 205 292 2,912 8,481 1,708 1,709 81 47 54 — 66 285 385 72 1,118 1,575 1,685 360 265 79 47 2,020 15,640 1,846 2,454 31 51 114 — 96 121 184 25 419 603 624 101 136 6 2 689 7,060 657 1,056 43 17 95 — — 1.53 162 74 616 852 909 163 113 69 10 1,062 5,144 525 719 53 18 69 — 12/ 906 106 550 4,764 5,420 7,3.51 1,302 110 507 783 6,811 14,066 3,164 4,169 98 111 605 — 3 114 139 237 399 775 2,154 317 58 90 169 1,568 4,053 668 1,058 22 14 18 — 30/ 58 48 9 236 293 399 94 49 12 35 495 1,470 195 341 13 6 — 10/ 1,708 44 1,185 5,955 7,584 9,074 1,846 32 1,045 1,11.'} 10,327 16,487 2,667 3,828 200 257 44 — 93 83 72 21 326 419 481 87 69 10 8 613 1,228 211 389 9 6 22 — 9 48 16 24 289 279 600 116 19 98 7 791 2,293 137 192 2 6 — — — 60 45 69 441 .555 650 96 34 59 12 701 1,771 284 380 15 23 20 — — 71 38 71 237 346 584 131 31 84 25 693 — 315 501 16 12 23 — — 47 40 7 259 306 956 155 72 56 40 834 2,002 384 822 17 14 13 — — 61 79 25 325 429 408 76 63 20 9 498 2,708 512 733 24 — 74 40 2-1 75 83 64 580 727 887 205 61 112 36 1,121 3,332 626 857 48 9 42 — — 762 72 212 2,973 3,257 4,232 794 100 64 65 174 15 624 32 3,989 552 ! 3,647 575 796 26 19 41 3 4 224 65 198 1,183 1,446 2,318 382 18 195 206 2,181 4,093 948 1,142 33 42 94 158 22 55 74 23 269 366 424 82 60 38 7 551 4,523 280 524 17 7 10 — 10/ 141 86 55 713 864 987 178 88 65 74 1,115 8,740 1,084 1,721 87 44 86 1 204 140 106 1,057 1,303 1,504 290 137 66 98 1,437 18,131 2,075 2,890 58 47 21 — 3 389 139 307 1,741 2,187 2,681 601 62 591 57 3,599 7,230 2, .560 2,721 312 78 103 — 105 76 71 487 627 652 153 82 63 29 817 2,230 815 1,236 35 17 13 — — 51 132 9 4 414 385 67 71 14 3 477 2,035 947 905 53 26 5 — 10 172 270 75 766 1,091 1,027 295 169 94 71 1,907 2,607 6,439 2,727 3,857 3,499 429 71 781 — 248 165 120 1,383 1,668 2,623 465 165 268 54 8,866 2,659 70 48 — — — 146 68 62 717 847 1,001 198 68 76 57 1,047 3,507 1,401 1,087 31 34 14 — 10 100 43 126 415 584 755 158 18 53 96 927 2,479 600 549 28 — 6 1 23 89 97 39 397 543 5.59 148 87 45 24 772 2,895 880 289 17 11 13 — 148 4 57 71 799 770 203 2 101 127 1,047 1,046 549 584 17 14 20 — — 334 134 227 1,494 1,855 2,188 460 29 372 84 2,511 6,751 1.418 1,041 66 52 46 133 — 101 272 42 338 652 847 193 145 48 9 1,009 7,386 1,1.55 1,248 63 28 18 11 — 81 107 26 431 5(U ()48 107 95 50 7 76g 3,283 1,095 911 65 15 20 — — 821 114 681 3,949 4,744 6,425 1,245 69 1,102 258 7,362 22,015 4,499 3,557 172 119 89 157 688 166 160 60 660 880 1,079 208 116 34 (i9 1,049 6,545 1,621) 1,175 110 37 34 141 4 212 172 197 92 1,.549 1,702 383 145 129 121 1,8.52 8,710 1,980 1,742 78 33 36 120 32 282 141 225 1,067 1,433 1 ,657 374 106 W 210 1,850 4,990 1,481 1,336 55 39 — 42 100 335 128 285 1,2.56 1,670 1,824 330 106 186 87 2,099 6,229 1,444 1,281 77 42 29 83 — 98 360 21 197 578 620 134 80 43 22 738 4,776 709 693 36 — 21 69 — 513 504 228 2,046 3,069 3,739 713 400 232 179 3,808 28,016 3,304 3,719 169 27 92 — 42/ .544 186 398 2 455 3,030 3,325 690 169 421 135 3,677 21,088 2,287 2,459 144 41 54 130 78 551 1,730 391 328 2,949 3,227 696 347 243 98 3,528 12,017 2,819 2,982 168 84 20 188 84 98 IM 420 13 614 624 126 40 70 22 690 1,660 387 408 12 16 20 90 — 7.i 27 217 10 522 563 96 30 47 29 473 1,028 321 227 11 3 5 — — 71 13 132 327 417 85 7 18 83 421 981 217 2(i7 13 — 9 — — 83 481 93 101 675 6(i2 81 101 22 7 750 3,4.56 720 ()05 25 11 26 — 7 228 599 622 34 1,2.55 1,304 404 262 148 57 2,262 5,.538 1,395 1,155 53 38 164 71 4 l,5UD 235 1,882 3,727 7 913 9,617 2,161 46 •i,331 583 13,3.53 39,359 6,674 4,263 288 163 58 428 91 132 26 36 fi22 687 817 179 33 142 16 983 1,825 451 4.)3 21 — 20 — — 250 133 205 966 1,304 1,798 397 152 1.55 108 2,124 8,308 747 1,358 39 12 43 105 17 556 446 141 16 2,889 3,282 819 462 215 162 4,314 13,161 2,166 2,484 13 57 80 130 — 91 37 72 409 518 1,521 325 151 95 92 1,684 1,539 1,225 993 53 33 37 3(i 1 224 109 118 1,1.57 1,384 1,311 223 168 45 21 1,206 5,229 802 915 31 28 44 65 4 475 11 387 1,950 2,378 2,641 526 13 44 192 3,164 5,316 7,780 1,378 1,549 61 73 33 267 42 344 1,381 121 296 1,753 1,914 405 319 74 43 2,180 959 1,301 19 40 55 140 207 190 188 45 1.57 1,012 1 251 2.56 136 68 7(i 1,332 6,936 853 981 32 39 27 43 47 290 1.50 420 WO 1,410 1 920 369 463 175 4,644 2,876 2,301 2,092 12(i 81 185 430 45 165 112 44 681 810 589 169 153 48 14 978 1,027 746 705 42 13 66 231 10 192 263 238 588 1,089 1,619 324 189 141 71 2,068 8,063 540 (i061 ' 18 339 1.042 189 808 2,039 2,W7 633 266 226 242 3,945 11,8.56 1,263 1 ,470 — 15 100 60 23 467 550 058 136 65 33 51 804 2.399 207 210 35 — — 217 313 110 1,114 1,529 1,218 318 205 79 138 2,023 10,908 987 1,270 — 3 .561 11 640 2,934 3,585 3,855 695 — 395 415 4,059 9,392 1 ,052 1 .22(1 [ *5 522 17 302 146 Ml 2,063 2,353 2,811 594 298 285 4(i 4,670 10,781 1,081 1 ,263 — 122 142 37 513 695 690 107 100 26 18 767 4,629 432 395 — 108 162 61 383 605 669 154 94 21 61 876 4,5.52 355 429 9 72 12 48 11 343 427 94 — 40 69 564 806 91 103 cc — 465 208 375 2,188 2,771 3,424 534 100 487 13 3,579 11,275 850 l,036j — ihai-esend is the boundary ef the Port <)f Lon- don. ; the places noted by an * are Ports of entry ^ for the Rcffistry of Shipping ;. — see Shipping for the No. and Tonnage owned in each Port. The places noted by a J return Members to Parliament, and those with a § are frequented as Bathing places and Fashionable resort. Bognor No. 1431 is in the Par.of Pagham. Emswortk No. 1436 includesWar- blingtun, ^ t) ^ These 9 places are on the S. bank of the Thames, 6is. tances [jiven from London llrid^'e. Nos. 1396 - 8 lie 5 to 7 m. N. of Canterhury, & No. 1399 is about 3S.W." of Margate which is at the South point of entrance to the Thames, VI in. E. by S of London liridge- ri391 Northfleet .. 20 2 Gravesend . . 21 3 cum-Milton 22 40 46 .53 55 GO 69 a*r ."7 • -.SI'S 2-.S<£a “O gr, js H ^ es, - «*5 « 5 c ® I tt) O - '''.Or - 2 o 2 j: ■£ ^ 'ocft 3 = ^ r: -3 .0,2--.=^ S (« Ml C — 2 .S .2 ® I 1 S 3 4J -o I. ^ o ^ O iT V .C W)''*' C ^ 5 i! = ^ 2 ?• w g o rt 5 2 « q -'2 V 2 i 2 = .^ w 4,. rt 5 3 ^ - -c ^ ^ 4,- « o ■— « « oa &H ^ OSf 4 Milton 6 Feversiiam* 6 Sea Salter . . 7 Whitstable.. 8 Herne & Bay 9 Birchington . '1400 Sandwich t 67 10^ 1 Ash .... 3 W, of Sandwich 2 Woodnesborough .. Ido. 3 Eastry 3 S. of do. 4 Deal* 73 16 5 Walmer — 17,^ 6 Ringswotild — 18i 7DOVERj*§ ....7124 . 5 rl408 St. Margarets .... I r 9 Charltons < §0 41410 River “5 V 11 Buckland 1412 Hougham — 26 contiguous 5 1413 Newington to Folkestone ^ 14 Cheriton . . 1415 Folkestone 71 32 16 Sandgate^ 72 33 17 Hythe t 67 36 18 Dymchurcb — 40 19 New Romney t 69 44 .1420 Lydd 70 45 '1421 Rye t * 63 55 2 Winchelseat 66 58 3 Fairlight — — 4 Bexhill 65 72 5 Eastbourne § 60 86 6 Seaford 60 93 7 Newhaven * 57 96 8 Rottingdean& .... 55 102 9 Shoreham t* 56 113 1430 Arundel!* 57 123 1 PaghamjfRo/jnor 09 — 2 Selsey .. OS. of Chichester 3 Chichester ! * 62 135 4 Bosham 3W . of Chichester 5 Westbourn 5 do. 6 Emswortb — 142 7 Havant 66 144 8 Hayling Island .. see Note 9 Portsdown Hundred 1410 Fareham 72 — 1 Titchbeld 2^ W. of Fareham C2 Botley 69 160 / 3 Bursledon see Note (.4 Hamble-en-le-rice .. do. 5 Stoneham N. 3 N. of South. 6 do. South .. 2 do. do. 7 Southampton t * ^ 75 106 8 St. Mary extra contiguous 9 Milbrook do. 14.50 Eling 4 IF. of Southampton 1 Fawley 7 S. of do. f2 Beaulieu Odo. do. ; I 3 Lymington I from Land. 92 ■ 95 98 97 100 |/4 Boldre do. e I 5 Milford do. I 1 6 Sopley do i7 Christchurch I do 1458 East Cowes, in Wbippingham , 9 Ryde, in Newcburcb 7 F.. of Newport l460 St Helens 11 do. do. 1 Brading 8 do. do. i ^ j 2 N EWPORT t .... 4 .S', of IFe.st Cowes 3 Carisbrooke .... contig to Neirport 4 Nevvlovvn, J in Calbourn 6 IF. of do. 5 Freshwater 14 do. do. * Yarmouth! 12 do. do. • W. Cowes, in Nortbwood4 N.of do. 1391 -- 1420 1421 — t4t!5 Sea Ports, Towns, and Places on the South Bank of the Thames, and Coasts of Kent, Sussex, and Ilamjishir 1U)() li>K) Topogkafuical Position, POPULATION, Ac. &c. of Sea Ports, Tovvns mid Places on tlu> C(.asts of Devon it, tlie Liielisli Cliannel, and on the Nortli Coasts ot Cornwall and Devon, and oi Somerset in the Diistol Clidiinel. ® ‘ * • Watclu t No. l.i3S IS in Ihc 1‘arhh of St. Di uammns. ■■ The .Xolatiims beloie, tmpli/ as in the preceding page. The Ct/y of Exeter i.i the greatest rendezioas •/ the ll'est of Knglaiid, it is S'i miles from liath hg wav of li elli, (llastonburg, liridgenatcr, Taunton, lf’elllngton,and ('ollumpton being 3'1 Jrom Taunton. It is 37 .V. E. of Harnstaple, :30 E. of Launceston, by wag of Oakhampton front which it is distant V3 miles,' -ii E. by N. oj ('utlington by nay of Tavistock from which It is dis. 31 miles aver Partniojr, 43 N. E. of Elymouth by way of Chudleigh 4 Ashburton from which it <3 distant IS) miles. fl4C6 POOLE t* .. m from Land. 7 M'AREHAMt .. 115 do. 8 CoitFE Castle t 121) do. 9 Stiullaiul 5 E. of Corfe Cnstle 1470 Swanage .... 7 S.E.of do. 1 W EYiMou rli t • ^ 127 from Lond 2 Meleombe Ut'gia .... contig;. 3 Wike Regis 'iW.ofWexjmouth 4 Portland Isle ... . 5 S. of do. ' 1475 Axmoutli W. of Lyme 0 Seaton & Beer .... do. 7 Hranscombe do. 10 3 i 8 Salcombe do. 15 = ^ 9 SlDMOlITIl^ do. 10 1480 Sidbury do. 1C 1 Otterton do. 20 2 EastHudleigh .... do. 21 3 liitlleham & Exmouth do. 25 i| f 1484 Withycombe, Rawicigi “a j 5 Colaton do. saivM =3 1 5 Kenn 3do. 6 Kenton 5 do. •i fi C fl . iiiriu I. SjI’.i’l/ ■2 i o ;> .S S e=2z.§-- Q 2 5 S ■=, £ f! .2J-ga= f — t 2 u .= ws s S3" > >.^-2 Siii ^ .t: o — * -'5 0 — ' 7. — a B ■a 5 J ” ® o *• g'S'=.“2 5 « *" a o ■- * w ^0.0 u — B.2 " ti 2 £ a ® "C 5 •igs a «> — “■ s o g S 7 S « ^ — fc- _J ••• U — a “ js 4-> -Q ?cS o a SI'S X o5S‘-*3‘5sO ? o “2(2 D S o ^ Qw £ ^ O 2 S « 3 si « « 1** > s O o •« « i |i-S 55 ^“ SS i“Z S3^ Q S.2 »■= s® 3 w £-5 « S «.= S s-g SS iQx W. o • U 4, V .3 2 o-».S= «£ § 8 S ..aia 5 a.. 2 ';'s ■=aia = So'S'"l £-.2.2 ■-■5^ So'S2g.2.Ss JiE- = i=Z ? « North Coast of t Cornwall the dis, * imply from Rod-^ min which is 234 miles direct from i London. North Coast of Devonsh. the dis. of Nos. 1527 - 31 1497 Dawlish § 11 S. o/E.rp Pyle 25 do. do. I (i Marptm .... 27 do. do. f 7 Aberavon . . 32 do. do. ^1548 Oystermouth 5 S. 9 Hishopstone . . 5 S. In/ IF. 1550 Penrice 10 A. S. IF. 1 Oxwick 11 do. 2 Port-eynon 12 do. 3 Roscily 13 IF. by S. 4 Llanjfeney M do. 5 Clieriton, &c 12 IF. (i Llougher 7 do. 7 Llandeilo-t.ii-y-bimtsO'. N.ir. 8 Pembrey n S.E.of Kidu-elly 9 Kidwelly 11 S. by E. of Car. 15C0 St. Islimaels 3 IF. of Kidivdlv 1 CARMARTHEN 2 Abergwilli .. contig. N. E. 3 Llansteplien 7 S. 4 Llanviangel 2 S. E. of Clcer 5 St. Cleers, or Clare 9J S. W. 6 Llaugliarne 12 S. by IF. “ ■ 181 A. IF. L 7 Tenby 8 St. Issells 9 Begelty ., 4^ N. of Tenby .... do. do. These 9 places are in Pembrolceshirc. St. Davids is the extreme West point of Great Britain, being in 5 ’27 West Longitude ; it forms the South point of Cardigan Bay, sixteen miles W. N.W- of Haverford-<: west, and 38 S. W . of Car- digan. The dis. of 1571 - 4 impW from St. Davids and of 1575 -S from Cardigan, seated on the North bank o the Teivi rieer which di- vides the Co. trom Carm. ri570 St. Davids 1 W'hitcburch .... 3 £. 2 Llanrian ., GN.byE. 3 Llanwynda 171V. N. E. 4 Fishguard .. ICsN.E. 5 Newport 10 5'. S'. TF. 6 Kilgerran . . 5 E. by S. 7 Manordivy .... 5 do. 8 St.Doginaels .. contig. „ 9 Cardigan * . |g,fl580 Llangoedmore .... contig. J I j| I 1 Llechryd 3 2 Llan-dy-gwdd 4 3 » -dy-friog 10 4 a -dy-sull 18 5 Aberportb 7 6 Penbiyn 10 7 Llan-disilio-Goge .... 18 8 Llan-Llwchairn ...... 20 9 Aberarth 14 1590 Llan-Saint-fl'raed 10 1 « -rhystud 9 2 " -ycn-airn 3 3 » -badarn-faur 1 sis-soj i 4 Aberystwith * ^ ( 1595 Mach YNL i.AiTH .... 18 W. of Mootgoiuer,. f D 1 0HegOS ............ 19 '1597 Towyn 8 Llanegryn 4 9 fjlangelynin 8 1600 Barmouth, or Abermaw 12 1 Llanaber 14 2 » danwg 20 4 • fair-( Harlech ) 26 3 » fihangel-y-Traetham 28 5 Maen-twrog 36 6 Crickeith 10 7 Penmorfa 9 8 Ynys-eyn-haiarn 11 9 Pwllheli 25 .. 24 iioint. diitincef 1 1 1 Llriiibedrog .............. 27 w ofM..oiwrog. 12 Aberdaron 45 I.langwanadle ViW. of Pirllhelli ’ 14 Edeyrn 7 IS . by W, of do. .Sooth Coast of the Promontory (if rarnarvonsbire forming the N. hound ary of r*r-,y digao Bay, Aher- ) , , (laroD biing the ICIO LlailOr extreme Western t 15 Nevin do. do. o ^ £ ^ S 5 s ^ -cr No. oi Persons lu 1801 Total Number of Persons in 1811 Number of hi- habited Houses in 1921 Number of Total Number ] of Persons in 1821 1 J * s.* ^ s i ^ of — o 5 ; « % ts'-S 2 ? cC S 1 • W-j |ii“ f 2 S>( k t eluded in the pre. • 1815. ib'iA. 33(i 19 140 1,921 2,080 2,581 531 5 416 205 3,008 6,280 1,531 1,093 314 107 213 1,550 1,870 2,457 639 34 629 59 3,521 9,086 — 1,151 149 84 82 445 Oil 640 164 47 62 62 753 2,657 309 317 237 211 119 688 1,018 1,190 292 136 130 29 1,417 5,877 739 591 141 154 50 451 655 680 154 75 38 30 666 2,127 196 2W 321 472 203 1,033 1,809 1,803 380 76 131 173 2,047 5,142 799 884 61 4 17 254 275 321 83 5 20 58 365 2,106 78 95 168 171 25 411 715 761 218 157 25 49 1,008 no r. tu n 134 141 73 116 28 159 303 303 98 27 10 71 435 1,234 78 110 59 111 40 138 289 353 68 18 46 11 345 1,051 64 73 47 82 25 95 202 236 47 18 25 4 267 509 35 40 60 57 6 194 257 308 61 11 5 59 355 481 13 55 36 42 12 184 158 208 45 20 26 7 269 575 35 38 69 65 26 2.55 340 364 72 30 17 29 374 1,482 68 67 91 168 15 223 406 423 93 27 9 68 407 1,321 37 58 129 51 '8 527 583 764 146 42 33 74 685 1,883 97 144 179 199 43 353 595 599 183 103 28 56 906 3,923 198 414 308 670 25 760 1,455 1,528 311 103 10 209 1,767 4,694 235 405 311 400 382 616 1,388 1,441 348 77 121 216 1,733 6.189 423 529 100 525 10 4 545 641 162 40 37 93 861 3,520 267 307 930 23 206 5,319 5,548 7,275 1,080 25 1,140 852 8,906 16,684 1,746 3,051 277 822 251 543 1,617 1,789 389 269 82 68 2,183 8,831 763 1,126 201 572 65 330 974 997 242 230 20 15 1,185 4,357 547 582 118 296 149 102 607 657 131 115 18 5 759 4,780 252 251 147 195 95 243 035 746 204 29 50 136 908 2,452 210 81 254 12 202 468 1,561 307 148 59 130 1,953 5,7.54 616 8-10 221 40 68 876 984 1,176 302 43 260 70 1,554 5,208 390 259 212 167 23 784 974 1,006 245 62 28 106 1,151 4,006 272 223 139 43 14 638 695 722 182 35 18 132 895 1,981 117 140 414 1,237 89 477 1,803 2,127 483 414 67 15 2,240 5,274 714 692 160 282 25 292 599 789 207 29 43 161 939 1,773 167 316 113 274 25 234 533 569 135 112 14 11 048 1,847 159 217 225 405 — 328 733 665 221 187 30 5 1,029 2,084 322 327 344 418 909 176 1,.503 1,572 437 89 131 254 1,837 2,977 282 374 314 767 40 685 1,392 1,433 407 112 217 93 1,660 1,1)83 183 257 1»4 81 93 680 854 769 183 48 40 107 862 1,894 :^2o 209 159 273 43 429 745 693 163 36 28 103 839 2,305 209 225 295 1,033 26 320 1,379 1,620 475 324 68 112 2,107 3,349 330 375 415 77 173 1,661 1,911 2,129 439 99 192 287 2,397 3,596 395 471 154 316 25 442 783 815 182 154 28 3 941 2&1 216 99 22 94 334 451 319 76 9 70 3 338 S, 1 C7 40 169 230 31 537 798 877 190 166 18 6 1,006 3,170 250 236 134 87 52 508 047 703 211 173 33 3 836 2,088 136 135 132 895 478 730 2,103 2,277 508 133 370 5 2,535 7,068 659 947 85 166 4 175 345 439 101 90 5 6 505 704 38 92 285 602 20 454 1,076 1,388 346 308 38 — 1,537 4,296 382 330 117 276 18 218 512 1,050 279 89 46 148 1,317 2,700 304 451 183 132 33 513 ()78 713 218 36 13 1C)9 966 1,170 16!) 264 124 496 15 145 656 747 172 47 28 97 833 1.410 84 190 174 52 19 706 777 1,016 227 107 33 87 1,172 2,370 267 215 238 582 38 528 1,148 1,230 275 240 26 9 1,375 3,210 284 351 74 254 16 227 497 538 84 34 21 72 630 2,140 198 229 249 448 40 740 1,228 1,373 273 176 60 .55 1.479 5,510 410 423 325 36 223 1,500 1,759 2,264 539 8 185 557 3,556 4,861 517 717 241 — lai 93^1 1,118 1,252 351 85 206 27 1,595 3,518 460 .523 97 69 36 589 694 72!) 142 78 29 36 813 2,574 352 395 424 1,825 69 198 2,092 1,941 490 347 92 51 2,369 10,.570 1,060 1,572 92 62 20 541 623 600 157 59 12 95 799 3,115 400 522 173 230 304 2:0 754 903 243 80 15 120 1,0()6 3,683 439 513 251 263 76 1,030 1,369 1,417 362 131 59 179 1,742 <>,884 771 712 310 245 07 1,151 1,463 1,395 255 121 .57 143 1,420 2,9.54 291 471 105 73 39 349 401 528 128 39 35 54 5!)7 1,251 84 125 68 66 10 293 309 389 76 36 10 32 419 1,204 143 227 125 255 14 400 669 7!)8 197 146 58 26 1,011 2,07!) 200 259 <16 100 43 450 593 701 155 52 28 85 783 2,007 145 198 84 127 17 252 39(i 459 120 55 38 28 530 1,306 114 120 174 57 20 70 750 1,001 192 210 6 1 955 2,127 213 238 92 155 11 359 525 889 166 98 74 11 885 1,597 20!) 280 236 30 I,!20 10 1,166 1,383 372 4!) 124 212 1,876 2,486 308 3!)7 137 157 44 394 717 1,143 210 101 30 I!7 1,169 •1,765 214 318 53 35 <) — 3)7 3!)3 90 28 10 52 140 1,631 47 133 223 270 42 829 1,141 1,442 292 279 24 — 1,234 3,720 253 347 58 128 4 123 255 327 65 55 4 0 328 711 (51 70 89 386 14 3 403 415 106 86 33 - 525 1,284 62 HO 212 112 36 1 8 '!,028 1,177 1 340 120 208 - 1,614 1 ,27!) 155 206 relieved Perm aueritli «<> •J •«.. c *■ le f 5® ft k ? * *5 a. b. si < • O - 112 — 87 130 33 — — — — 11 — 8 — — 55 — 41 1!)6 15/ 24 — 13 24 90/ 89 — 87 2.54 16 15 l!)5 — . 17 — 2 65 46/ 13 — 3 — 6 6 1 — — 3 2 — — 2 — 1 37 14/6 6 — 2 — — 9 — — — ■ 3 __ 4 — — 13 4 15 167 — 25 — 13 — 41 — 30 75 7 59 — 28 1,120 20/ 33 — 17 114 10/ 154 38 105 1,878 135 — 59 196 12 59 — 22 26 — 51 112 10 35 — 13 — — 108 24 568 28 .59 — 9 193 22 — 24 15 — 11 1 12 — - 121 63 — — 31 — 16 — — 41 — 18 — — 41 — 4 — — 45 — — 70 — 36 — — — — 46 — • — — — 4 — 66 — 22 13!) — 58 — 31 945 — 35 — 25 — — 6 — II — — 46 — 30 — — 28 — 6 — 95 — 225 15/ 8 — 5 — 64 — 26 — — — — 58 — — 29 — 19 — — 46 — 9 — — 44 — 11 — — 37 — 1!) — — 21 — 12 — - 57 — 8 — — 58 — 239 — 86 21 52 21 68 — 30 — — 300 — — — — 57 — 13 “ 4 45 — 7 — 95/ 62 — 77 — 22 32 — — — 81/ 8 — 7 — 3 29 — II — 90/ 59 — — — 56/6 38 — 7 — — 13 — 15 — — 16 — 28 — 10 26 — 20 — — 27 — 10 — — 12 — 9 — 14 12 — 1 — — 58 — — 18 1 — 12 2 7 — 10 10/ 39 — — - — 1541 — 15G.0 1570 — ■ 1615 Seaports, Ttnens, and Places on the Coast of Wales, from the month of the Severn, to tne Northern Promontory of Cardigan Bay. 31 101(5 — 10‘)0 Topookaphicai, I’osttion, POPULATION, itc. &c. of Sea I»orts, Towns, and Places from the S. W. entrance of the Metiai Strait to the river Dee; on the Coast of Lancasliire ; and from Berwick on 'I'weed, to Whithy. 0 107i iu me CouHtv of Westmorelan.t hut h conneeteU with the l.ancashirc Coast by the rner Kern, which falls iulo Moreeomhc Itay. " ' ■ „er amt Loioer Itolkcr, ami Staveln : ami Ulver.lo.it Carish inclmles Ittawlth, Chnrch Conlstone, ttlon, t^wUh_ 'Ifr form the .South yurt of I.uiisttale Humlred North of the .Sands, Intersected by l.onlston and Win- Milthorpe i> des Vppcr an MansrigfiSy Si'wlamt, Osmothe 'frs ami houndvd i*/» »Mt »» - — .■ i ^ # t ^ Claughton-i'unhdriingf, Morcion, and Saughull Massey; and Wallazey ineiudes PouUo 7 i-cum- 6 (ac&mhe,aud J^lsvarda dudes l^pper anti ijtnver Allithu'aitt\ Uroufihtony i'artnivlftli, Vyyer dermere^iy(Uers‘Zut'hounM which rilvlderth^^^^ from Thai of Cumberland, judstone No. 1301 besides Birkenhead includes ' . .... a* ...» ri_. ....... sstifi AberconwayyC commonly called Co7\ivayy)and Bangor are on the .Mail line of road from IsOndonthroagU Chester to Holyhead. The l^arish of Otr Neslon No. KI.VZ includes Farks.ate. Thr Hamlets compo.Klng the Out Parish of St. Oswaldy So. IG35 art Bach, Iiuntington, Lea Newhotd, Newton, SaighPn, U'ervin, S; Croughton ; and of St. Marys sMarl'itoft-cunh/seach, Moston, Vpton, and Uitle MoUington. Hastham Parish includes Hooton, Pool, Sutton, Thoruton’Childer, and ll'hUhy. Bromhorrow includes Brimstage. ; Bebbington besides Trantnore includes PouUon-ium-Spittle, and Storetou, On the W. hunk of the Me- ( ICIG LlanReimven niti opposite Caniurvnn. ( 17 Newborouo’h On the line of road from C 1G18 LIan;rachvaI(ler Carnarron hi/ Newboro’ ? 19 Aberflraw .... S(c.,to Iloliihead. C 1G20 Llanfaelog , , S. end of lloli/heud T. ^ Llanrwst ■ i 5 o / the Town. % \ 1648 Abergele 224 /row London N. Coast of Flintshire 4 S 16^9 Rhuddlan & Rhyl e.( to 10 miles E. of Abergele. ^ 1650 Meliden-cnm-Preslatyn r E. bank of the river C 1 Leighton Dee 10 to l2 m. N. IP. < 2 Great Neston § . . of Chester. L 3 Ness 1654 CHESTER City * | 190 from London 1G55-G are Out Parishes CAGZ5 St. Oswald .. of the City of Chester and ■? 6 St. Mary .... comprise tl Hamlets. t 7 Gt. Bougbton On the West bank of the f 8 Eastham Par. Alersey opposite Liverpool, \ 9 Brombon ow rfo. Nos. 1660-1 include ( with A600 Bebingtoii do. j8 others) the Villages of J 1 Bidstone do. ^ Birkenhead !f Tranmore.' 1 ,2 Wallazey do. These 5 places CIGGZ Crosby 6 N. of Liverpool lie due N .of Liv^ 4 InceBlundel 10 do. do. 5 Fonnby 12 do. do. 6 Birkdale6IV.TP'.o/Om. 7 Northmeols 6 N. of do. 8 Bispham (fe Norbrcck Par 9 Layton & Warbrick .... = ■< ti A erpoolSf S of the f nibble ; a good J BathingCoast. > 17 to 20 mil** TV. W of Preston, Ifos. lliSS-O inelnde Blackpool, fr*. \ A-»a V L jaa.ns ^ 1(J70 Pilling qurnted place. The** 4 places are N. of Lancnster, the dis- tance* of 1673 - 4 imply I when approached across sa»“s* 1 Bolton-le-sands .... 4 2 Miltliorpe riPcstm.J 15 3 Cartmell Parish .... 13 4 Ulverstone do 20 6 Tweediiioiith contiguous 7 Alnwick ZOA from Land. 8 Alemouth & Lesbury 1679 Stockton on Tees * f Durh . ) 23i N. of Thirsk 1680 Yarm on <\o. f N . R. of York ) 20 do. do. fl681 Kirk Leatham 5 N. 2 Wilton do. 3 IMarsk do. 4 Redcar § 6 do. 5 Skelton AN. N. E. 6 Brotton 5 IV. £. 7 Lofthouse &c. 7 E. N. E. I S Easington 8 do. 9 Hinderwell .... 10 do. 1691 Lvthe A\ N. TP. of Whitby * Aislabie .... 2 IP. of do. the hi%h Toad ftom Niweas- tle into Scot- land Sasf Difteton of Lang- barough Ward, Nerth Ri- ding of Yorkshire, lying between the ^i*era Tret B*ke, and ir. N. ir. of ' Whitty, the distance* ar«V giv.*> y sn Gnisboron^h, | bi 4.A is fifty-three miUe 1 F errth of York by way of I Thirsk from tchich i#V« j distant thirtu mitts, { Number of ht' habited Houses No. of Persons m lijOl Total Number of Persons in 1811 f Number of Inhao- 1 tied Houses in 1821 Number of Families in 1821 j Total Number of Persons 1821 • - 5 a. a< Jl ^ 5 S- ^ £ §• Bis J-. IlKlil M S 5 ;i- t • ?• sr- s Ea | s a a-o ••£ Of j2 a|_S-«3S Xo, Oj retie Barman f f'amiliei 5 % h 2 a.'? ai .a s < ■“ tntly 9 *2 w s ft o ft Chitjiy employed 1 in Agriculture do. in Trade Manu. or Handicraft 1 ail others iiot included in the preceeding TOTAL V ^ Iv ft 2.5 do. in Trade Atanufactures or Handicraft alt others not in- cluded in thepre. U .«> ^ hi 5 a Q •ft 1815. — /' 1824. ■f - 111 177 27 408 612 624 1 11 103 17 23 688 2,047 nC- 300 276 46 7 176 75 20 504 599 750 196 140 20 40 7.56 1,018 202 160 42 — 65 146 10 174 330 368 80 52 8 26 404 1,477 111 160 11 15 179 642 47 247 936 1,0.54 239 154 88 1 1,204 3,976 442 504 46 27 97 176 7 258 441 427 111 96 18 538 1,067 80 186 9 5 12 110 174 489 187 307 804 917 212 185 15 3 1,024 1,713 215 376 32 16 473 337 63 1,732 2 132 3,005 759 513 236 102 4,071 2.201 818 792 133 14 101 53 64 9 260 333 337 71 33 8 30 412 1,.508 160 188 26 — 96 91 15 420 524 585 134 43 22 69 622 1,207 132 137 16 8 170 549 20 388 957 1,015 234 498 30 20 1,113 2,930 234 341 33 ■s 5 108 423 1 159 583 565 HI 24 7 86 695 2,009 — 146 — — 36 40 6 L50 196 207 70 56 15 1 392 578 46 94 9 3 125 124 35 408 567 645 185 165 19 2 839 1,294 202 236 S3 ’St 27 75 132 7 174 813 332 81 77 7 7 382 778 71 141 6 5 76 382 3 15 400 492 103 105 5 537 1,676 167 203 21 29 25 28 49 3 146 198 215 34 33 1 11 213 1,560 — 109 — — 267 100 126 1 1,350 1,576 1,810 385 64 228 172 2,-205 2,077 — 558 — p; — 99 240 14 230 484 522 147 149 706 1,215 144 243 16 43 55 60 5 ' 198 263 300 99 9 12 84 493 1,161 60 53 7 4 175 296 20 485 818 943 268 126 51 95 1,191 1,219 192 293 30 c 22 99 304 322 133 1,315 1,770 2,383 565 522 106 27 3,579 3,270 720 940 76 42 209 241 122 69 1,089 1,280 1,770 374 98 259 49 2,341 2,978 490 506 50 32 96 491 9 1 .501 534 99 62 11 26 621 1,351 93 132 14 9 95 461 9 — 470 472 96 62 15 19 508 1,143 103 140 11 7 61 60 15 206 281 266 69 64 S 353 1,130 77 54 9 6 182 120 59 710 889 1,053 216 41 17 166 1,105 1,123 211 298 — 27 93 80 27 72 387 388 96 36 9 84 604 1,514 135 144 19 6 — 140 226 23 120 769 744 162 141 33 33 963 3,540 380 437 16 33 78 89 12 93 396 379 106 76 19 11 502 1,113 140 165 12 15 — 162 474 38 453 865 868 266 237 25 6 1,194 3,599 379 431 36 25 227 584 20 16 1,249 1,441 281 262 31 8 1,517 3,576 ■Sl;8 473 — 26 19 — 727 595 86 55 2,865 2,872 .536 394 124 42 2,639 2,439 1,337 1,.519 — 137 52 — 297 300 18 1,430 1,748 1,944 426 331 117 34 2,317 9,232 1,017 1,012 108 98 — 134 384 26 473 883 1,083 226 174 50 2 1,467 5,715 520 509 38 20 119 87 79 46 302 427 432 106 61> 7 44 596 2,488 206 255 24 16 — 53 28 34 204 266 287 74 19 11 52 404 1,274 87 103 — 11 — 317 57 313 1,116 1,486 1,332 323 46 196 86 1,418 3,169 581 596 57 200 — 70 12 40 295 347 462 53 22 35 — 394 1,399 74 123 11 — — 3,109 402 2,U9 12,002 15,052 16, UO 3,861 830 2,552 1,147 19,949 55,966 5,481 5,607 606 86 1,072 1,163 94 233 31 328 633 675 129 97 23 16 792 9,956 596 550 60 1 18 13 45 213 26 54 297 324 52 56 2 2 360 5,368 253 228 20 15 — 123 86 58 400 544 660 194 88 76 34 911 3,440 260 284 24 11 — 198 528 .55 347 1,142 1,090 253 186 48 35 1,430 13,392 494 188 51 43 — 77 93 29 282 404 342 79 52 15 14 446 3,321 132 110 17 1 7 2 206 168 70 526 1,026 1,206 256 148 71 58 1,678 8,249 212 229 32 19 — 134 484 71 231 78.5 738 147 111 24 33 1,014 7,145 328 273 12 28 — 126 301 160 202 663 943 228 198 17 34 1,169 2,902 127 214 14 9 — 133 279 68 395 742 852 187 95 58 42 1,033 5,&15 274 282 22 11 360 54 246 31 142 419 413 75 71 12 7 472 4,428 246 148 23 2 — 194 237 62 17 1,045 1,101 219 128 30 61 1,257 4,201 255 269 39 1 — 482 — — - — — 391 60 62 12 414 — 58 66 9 9 — 327 508 159 1,429 2,096 2,496 539 150 390 8 2,703 7,219 572 741 50 33 545 53 207 41 6 254 297 63 51 10 2 323 3,177 170 130 13 5 — 105 226 108 139 473 580 130 126 4 749 4,439 234 262 18 2,1 — 118 155 35 528 718 840 181 141 40 5 1,043 4,947 504 568 60 26 171 293 658 286 522 1,466 1,604 321 234 69 38 1,821 13,841 858 1,171 82 37 42 208 113 170 685 968 1,138 249 66 135 80 1,401 5,348 761 769 41 10 171 711 1,070 668 1,.550 4,007 3,939 875 465 280 171 4,923 20,318 1,794 2,635 1.57 3 80 97 1,073 595 707 3,119 5,126 5,493 1,340 358 749 427 7,102 23,155 2,472 2,882 137 92 187 663 930 104 974 6,109 7,187 7,746 1,024 116 1,061 853 8,723 30,811 2,838 3,846 296 108 63 483 386 149 433 2,876 3,458 3,916 759 81 207 793 4,673 16,574 313 1,565 213 140 — 735 613 824 3,282 ,4,719 5,426 823 174 512 718 5,927 22,909 2,843 2,663 241 38 869 — 213 219 107 495 874 858 198 91 114 3 982 7,814 391 357 56 4 8 — 527 49 713 3,247 4,009 4,229 893 63 454 596 5,006 12,783 1,638 1,851 217 37 41 444 347 47 219 1,034 1,300 1,431 373 82 195 102 1,504 4,207 447 455 61 14 21 146 159 95 61 524 680 622 158 55 32 84 686 4,652 302 345 33 12 74 67 74 27 227 328 381 81 49 18 15 405 5,836 357 357 3) 25 — 102 75 40 388 503 479 129 67 35 28 576 5,808 269 222 26 7 118 115 56 334 41 431 411 147 13 47 95 673 1,705 106 112 14 — 40 167 171 279 250 700 717 182 92 47 45 791 5,076 452 454 40 57 — 77 66 33 274 373 384 76 43 16 17 332 2,341 211 212 16 12 — 261 77 311 798 1,186 1,145 264 25 63 185 1,178 4,480 569 617 55 33 — 101 77 89 334 500 445 96 38 44 16 507 4,767 316 267 28 32 7 329 37 51 1,136 1,224 1,397 316 16 45 266 1,483 2,639 457 417 59 5 — — 201 197 550 290 1,037 991 248 27 186 36 1,134 .5,010 437 385 56 5 — 35 107 62 42 211 216 49 19 25 5 253 1,251 65 53 8 1 1 - — II -of- 6 53/ 15 2 7 27 18 2 42/ 6 5 8 / 76/4 21 15 46/ 10 / 13 85/ 13 86/ y 500 263 3 6 20 31 17 47/6 14 84 17 33 87 34 306 41 54 41 10 238 17 14 1 12 13/4 7 48/ - 7/11 I 1616- 104 i 1645-1090 Sea Ports, Towns, and Places, Isle cf Anglcsca, North Coast of Wales, River Pee, Coasts cf Lancashire, andiork, i§t. 32 1091 — 1705 Topographical Position, POPULATION, cfcc. &c. of Sea Ports, Towns, and Places on the East Coast of England from Whitby to Jpswich; comprising the Coasts of York, Lincoln, Norfolk, and Suffolk. WltHbti Strund lAherty comvrUex the 'J'uwn.ships ol Uroxu, llacknesx, //arwood, Dule-cum Silpho, and Sii(HeUl i um-ICverleij, alt i/e Huckness Parish, 631 luhahilantx ; Snealan Parish, Ml Inhabitants ; and in ll'hithi/ Parish the Townsl.iys of Kskdateside, flutesker-vum-Siansiker, Aeu hulm-cum. Dunstey, and U y,glebarnby , Total Inhab. 1716. Atu ick AT). l7o’(i includes Arrant and Skirlingldn ; Hornsea includes tSurton ; Easinglon, Out-Newton ; and Hurstwick, Ryhilland Vamerton. (ioote is seated on the .V. bank of the river Ouse, in the Par. of Snuith, Osgotricross H ajten'ake, H'. Riding of Yorkshire ; it was matte a Port cj entry in 1828, «;«/ from its advantageous locality it is like- ly to become the general out Port for all the trujHc of the Aire and t'ulder Nuvigution, and all the other Rivers and Cunuts communicating with the ihest, and North Ridings of Yorkshire ; it is 170 miles N. by H'. of l.ondon 'by way of Rawtry and Thorn from which it is dis. 7 miles. Gainsborough is sea- ted on the bank of the Trent about 2 U mites above its eonjluence with the Humber. H'hitby Strand / 1G91 Ruswarp 2 W. of 'Whitby Liberty extend- | in^ 17 niilefi S. \ v/ flhithy. ff Lyth* \ Waiientakr, North HiUitiji of Yorkihire M t i •.= Z B S « ^ S -- - 3 2 W H I T 11 Y » 47 N. N. E- of > ork 3 I'vlingdales 5 iV. 0^ W hit. •1 Wliitby Stiaiul Liberty 5 Clougliton 5 N ,WoJ Scurb. G Biirnistone 3^(/». do. ^ 7 Scalby 9 do. do. 1698 ScAitiioRoiiOH t * § 44 N .of Hull / 1099 Filey 2 N. E. of Ilunman. . Huiinianby sAf.n.o/«Wrf. / \ 1 Bempton .. 2 N. of do. ) 2 Flaiiiborough 4 £. o/do. \ 3 Bridmngton * § liIJsl flTOl Ulrome .... 10 N. of Hornsea 5 Skipsea 8 do. do. 6 Atuick 3 do. do. 7 Hornsea 23 N. N. E. of Hull 8 Aldbrough 12 N. E. of do. 9 Easingtoii . . 2 N. of K'tlnsea po-lt 1710 Kilnsea-cum-Spurm Head 11 Pattringtonl8iJ.ii/iS.o///H/l 12 Hedon t SE.ofdo. 13 Paul, &Thorng. I S.ofHedon 14 Burstwick oE.ofdo. ^ 15 Preston, & LiUey 1 N.of do. niOGoOLE* 17 Gainsboro’ * .... \S N. N.W. of Line. 18 Morton eontig. to Gainsborough 0“ 1 1719 Barton 35 N. of Lincoln opp moHuii. M720 Barrow conUgAo iSarton 1721 Grimsby* t 34 /V. iV. E.of Line. 2 Saltfleet 43 N. by E. of Boston 3 Skidbroke . . eontig. to Sultjieet 4 Somercoates do. do. 5 Wainfleet .... 15 N.of Boston C Friskney 10 do. do. 7 Leake 7 do. do. 8 BOSTON * t 112 N. of London 9 Skirbeck .... eontig. lo Boston wLi'i'a'ci, is >« r 1730 WlsBEACH,St. Peters J 1 Ditto. St. Mary’s t 0 H2 Walton .. by the Deben Sj- Stour, t 3 Trimley .. 1761 Il’suicu } * (itifrom London 5 KastBergholt .... 2 E. of Stratford * Stratford, St. Mary’s 5Z from Land. Ne of Persons in 1801 1 Number of 1 relieved 1 1821. ^lly o « * * • 4 • - I i r* -S ■'tS a. k •S s s ^ a-, h 5 « II TS R 3 <4,» C ^ S 8 -3 O Total "Sumber Persons in 1811 ■e ^ 1 »» ^ a , I.S 'ft a' ft ft k 'C R C ^ “a CN CO ft ^ § s ^ — s ft a. nl^ iS S 5 S 1 55 K • s’? f 3 Q .5 ft ft •R •ft k. ,ft ft ft. ft -w ft ■E R ^ ft ft ^ ft 1? ^ ± h ft 1 -5 a 2 O ■c<5, "S' 55 ft 1815. 1824. ft ft — o£ — 6,390 — £- 942 -£- 674 293 91 247 1,227 1,.565 1,498 364 22 82 312 1,918 45 22 l,5!Xi 11 1,130 6,347 7,483 6,969 1,429 24 676 1,431 8,697 8,659 1,833 1,5-24 48 111 54 842 360 131 172 1,265 1,568 1,559 401 142 221 70 1,702 5,304 694 621 35 •29 10 291 474 917 327 1,158 2,402 2,189 477 278 95 114 2,.599 18,747 1,376 1,734 94 15 36 — 59 100 33 158 291 335 73 54 14 7 366 2,324 105 •221 12 — 4 — 52 131 60 55 246 •260 75 20 12 43 347 1,917 45 98 5 — — — 4 84 •202 47 160 409 454 86 75 14 7 446 4,900 61 168 16 — 5 — 1,615 143 1,173 5,372 6,688 7,067 1,830 87 734 1,‘201 8.533 14,506 2,065 2,484 239 84 63 699 114 41 24 410 505 579 165 24 116 25 773 980 62 107 12 1 — 1 166 166 59 532 757 903 209 117 52 43 1,018 6,679 277 489 9 13 8 166 54 no 9 103 222 241 46 15 5 34 231 2,343 50 89 — — 8 — 168 97 19 65 731 756 173 60 10 133 917 4,113 260 349 17 11 25 687 221 1,031 1,878 3,130 3,741 913 200 585 191 4,275 8, -248 772 1,070 82 20 18 741 25 63 11 69 143 166 31 11 O 18 170 1,6-22 28 58 5 — — — t 42 97 11 112 •2-20 290 63 41 16 11 329 1,-575 100 82 4 — 1 — 69 93 27 92 248 286 62 13 13 36 326 1,961 190 228 7 — 29 — 126 98 72 360 533 704 174 69 56 49 790 5,012 270 334 27 — 15 — 115 512 120 17 555 687 135 105 37 23 802 5,832 530 579 23 — 20 — 60 108 24 174 306 389 97 63 24 19 557 3,186 319 340 19 — 27 — IS 63 — 35 98 122 37 24 15 196 644 48 43 5 — 3 — 161 216 200 478 894 1,016 253 97 91 78 l,-244 5,356 570 888 39 7 24 Ill 136 35 64 493 592 780 179 28 83 75 902 2,239 297 462 23 7 27 154 43 108 3 101 212 574 133 95 26 22 745 11,539 434 403 48 — 15 — 54 95 10 230 335 360 136 116 23 2 751 5,824 3-20 272 15 — 23 — 109 50 30 621 681 800 161 128 45 30 947 9,062 628 574 32 15 12 — 56 200 30 58 294 34S 71 70 11 2 450 4, -280 347 337 16 — IS — 1,064 50 585 3,871 4,506 5,172 1,284 45 1,134 153 5,893 18,903 2,285 2,111 127 91 108 403 99 38 76 276 390 488 143 25 41 80 580 2,280 174 179 13 — 3 — 404 245 258 1,269 1,709 2,204 .543 180 252 127 2,496 12,3.54 880 1,159 80 32 51 156 181 668 193 "65 926 1,129 297 172 57 70 1,307 0,742 382 477 11 8 19 — 257 35 318 1,171 1,524 2,747 687 109 346 244 3,064 6,825 467 985 34 19 7 100 81 218 28 81 408 445 97 75 23 24 529 6,076 708 666 39 — 16 — 78 269 29 — 298 355 81 34 32 20 305 3,576 361 332 19 — 10 — 164 •227 44 614 885 913 207 141 35 48 985 8,941 667 1,001 34 — 47 36 164 608 288 31 927 1,165 285 167 88 43 1,422 9,407 978 868 55 — 39 27 115 1.52 27 512 691 888 193 204 31 13 1,208 8,322 1,148 779 44 4 27 — 186 508 41 362 911 922 288« 150 26 118 1,417 11,503 886 895 34 11 37 25 1,-221 91 865 4,969 5,926 8,180 2,185 106 958 1 350 10,373 30,423 3.773 3,»17 214 53 98 — 80 60 23 285 368 477 260 128 09 76 1,307 8,274 279 207 17 1 8 — 1,008 370 4,085 •255 4,710 5,309 1,418 257 750 494 6,515 28,233 3,336 4,725 190 78 40 136 1.50 793 38 — 831 991 236 244 29 — 1,362 9,981 725 717 38 12 22 — 82 518 14 3 535 534 109 139 19 — 781 6,544 664 644 22 7 17 — 130 693 12 — 705 845 256 166 73 27 1,‘240 9,892 727 853 ‘20 10 8 1,965 97 2 103 7,896 2,544 41 1,328 1,5-22 12,253 25,180 7,829 9,37() 690 175 476 — 75 184 30 310 524 686 136 786 39 62 710 4,971 540 719 33 — 46 28 62 149 4 1(U 317 299 52 50 26 21 433 2,637 421 487 32 — 13 I 99 99 18 424 .537 483 130 69 42 37 627 3,373 565 519 43 — 10 — 109 87 31 445 663 617 135 83 32 69 770 2,978 4.53 784 45 — 18 — 102 102 54 394 550 585 133 107 28 5 810 3,712 504 488 16 3 33 — 523 118 354 1,844 2,316 2,683 648 133 424 139 2,950 4,471 1,703 1,798 102 47 46 1 204 87 36 78 504 618 583 108 30 162 14 803 1,468 576 585 30 10 12 — 127 129 255 163 547 .595 169 56 72 48 742 1,8-16 458 513 14 17 — — 81 161 15 216 392 5:^ 138 73 72 2 694 2,023 534 569 27 11 12 — 50 68 15 2-29 312 302 88 80 8 1 417 1,206 •292 228 23 11 3 — 140 25 96 555 676 848 206 21 176 9 1,023 1,673 477 523 178 17 22 28 40 51 8 145 204 222 71 24 30 17 333 900 •222 167 18 3 9 54 91 35 252 378 494 88 31 13 79 545 1,136 111 178 12 — 4 i — 103 1.53 66 420 639 679 128 12-1 55 6 845 3,014 258 469 7 4 5 — 58 67 •26 353 445 592 140 88 37 20 087 4,101 194 308 15 3 17 1 41 58 63 61 •208 332 367 71 79 19 3 4-24 2,-502 102 16-1 — 3 19 ' 40 102 92 33 373 498 629 167 164 4 4 772 4,106 147 1 230 15 4 8 i 41 3 081 15 1,399 13,431 l),845 17,977 3,981 10 1 ,286 3,022 18,040 24,383 8,240 7,349 — 219 534 02 1 338 65 199 1,464 1,728 1,714 2-25 414 9 66 118 255 115 154 1,039 1,928 1 3,796 ‘217 318 - 8 8 1 496 82 206 2 044 2,332 3,189 756 97 663 ()0 3,675 7,451 470 548 — 18 47 213 42 34 27 116 177 305 66 17 4 40 337 823 45 54 — 2 5 41 56 48 39 195 282 328 6!» 38 Ar. 19 349 896 168 208 — 8 5 — 266 19 127 908 1,054 1,369 348 4() 139 177 1,676 1,8-19 335 401 33 4 12 60 201 28 49 727 804 1,066 258 18 79 191 1,212 2,005 458 449 30 23 30 92 83 99 92 560 751 737 216 77 72 132 1,119 3,906 391 102 18 8 21 81 590 71 626 2,323 3,0-20 4,332 640 116 556 208 4,060 10,819 2,588 3,1-12 156 W 45 3iH) 8-1 93 61 474 6-28 6-13 160 92 4.5 31 783 •2,957 519 730 3 18 25 151 71 361 37 185 586 66.) 104 106 36 26 815 5,438 474 1,001 29 17 31 1.53 2,170 418 1,810 8,733 1 3,fi70 3,264 257 21-28 1,324 17,180 40,925 8,652 522 18() 838 1,118 1.59 182 118 670 970 1,151 172 149 91 20 1,‘216 6,ai6 4.54 418 ‘20 26 (.3 190 76 74 90 338 502 ' 573 70 41 ('3 39 614 2,650 326 498 7 16 35 -■ £■ 10 43 2/6 '3/8 22 45 H 24/ 351 53 S 10 40 76' 2U 170 22 294 35 47 9 77 32 53 75 40 170 79 57 37 11 )l/8 4 80 102 48 6 21 31 24 10/6 16 14 98 32/ 34 131 15 2(i 29 11 48 681 12 265 102 II 1691 - 17-20 17-21 - 176.5 Sea Ports, Towns, and Places on the East Coast of England from Whitby to Ipswich comprising the Comities of York, Lincoln, Norfolk, and Suffolk. 17(M> ■— 1»40 3:j Topor.RAiMMCAi, 1‘0SITI0N. POPULATION, A:c. c^c. of Soa Ports, Towns, and Places on the IW Coast, whic^^^ |5 tl\i \i •riikiinii nf Towiis No 1 7H'^ commenciiiff the ('lass oi I*o|)iilous inlaixl I owns aiiluvr. The rh er Xtour iliuldet the Countie.i of Kstex ami Suffolk from near /larerhil/, see Xo. IS51, head lo following pa^e. The Colne also rises near llarerhill and runs past Jlalstead, and Volnes KarlOt and f'.n^ain, to (\ilvhesfcr and tPirenhoe ; the lUaekieater rises near S.iffron ll'alden, and runs past Braintree, Coi;xleshalt, and ll’nham, uniting irilh the ('helm at ytaldon\ where it forms a great expanse of water to Bruit- well. Xos. IS'iO, .'J IS-2rt-.)0 aie in the line of road Iroin Lon- don through tipping, and Bishops Stortford to Xcu'niarket, see Xo. 189S,"(i;irf Saffron ll'alden, Xo. 1S31 is 3J mites X. hg E. of Xewpart, making 42 from London. ,1 c t n0(5 Manninctree 7 JV. K. ofCw/c/iMtcr on the .'south y .. contie-. to Manningtree Imnk qt the Urishtlinssea otoumver. f HAHWiciit 1\ from f.omlon 1770 Dover Court .... '2 \V. of Haririch on the hunks tnn Colchester a\ from London of the Colne < 2 Wivenhoe . . . . A S. E. of Colchester river. C 3 East Donyland ‘iS.ofdo. Winstree Hundred 1774 West Mersea . . 10 do. do. ., ( 1775 Maldon * t '.V! from London on the y C Key bridge 2 N. of Maldon Blackuatcr ^ ^ Dradwell UlE.ofdo. Dens'ie Hundred 8 Uurnhani .... IV E. S. E. o) do. on the North C !) Leigh Al from London hank of the\l7S0 Prittlewell &c 2 E. of Leigh Thames. L I Purfleet ID E. of London 1782 Romford 1. E. N.E.ofdo. 3 Hornehurcii '1 ,S. E.oj Romford 5.3 ('178-1 Upmiiister 4 do. do. 5 South Ockenden 8 do. do. () Grays Thl'rrock 20, from London 7 Rainham V'! from do. 8 Aveley 2 E. hi/ S. of Rainham 9 South Weald contig. to Brentu'ood l,t790 Brentwood from London i> 1 , XT 1^1791 Soutli Beullcct A W. of Leigh Barnstaole Hand. V ^rsett .... 5 E. of Upminster tying between f 3 Horndonou theHill 7 do. do. Breyihi ood the ^ ^ Shen field 1 N. E. of Broiticood ^ 5 Billericay 5 F. by of do. 3f ^ . I Thames. Waltham Hund. bounded by the rivei Lea Rochford Uund. form- CV796 VxayVeigh .. 5 E. of do. »»i" the North boimday y 7 RocHFORD .. 22 do. do. oj Che Thames. 8 Gt. Wakering 6 .V. /?. of «ocA. „ . tc T>, 1 C 9 Purleigh .. 'i S. of Maldon Between the Black- \ Southminsters K. ,v. E.o/rfo. water and the Crouch | j xillingham 8 E. by S. of do. f 1802 Chingford 11 N. by E. of Land. . \ 3 Waltham Abhey ’ 12 do. do. ' ■{ -1 Epping 16J do. do. 5 Nazeing .. UN. W. of Epping t, 6 Roydon . . 8 do. do. f 7 Chigwell \D N. E. of London Ongar Hund. \ 8 Lambourn A N . E. of Chigwell between Romford 9 Theydon Gar. 5 N. by E. of do. and Epping. JI8 IO Ongar 21 N . N. E. of London f 11 Lough ton .. A N . of Chigwell 1612 Jngatestone 22 N. E. of London 13 Fryerning contig. to Ingatestone 14 Chelmsford 28J iV. E. of London 15 Writtle 2 N. of Chelmsford 16 Great Baddow 2 S. by E. of do. 17 Danbury a E. of do. 18 Springfield 2 N.E.ofdo. 19 Boreham 5^ do. do. 1820 Great Waltham AN. of do. 1 Little Ditto do. do. a S 3 » a <« ?■• 5 Harlow { 2 Harlow 7 N. of Epping Hundred.) 3 Hatfield Regis .. ViN. N. E.ofdo. Dunmow ( 4 Dunmow 22N. E.of do. Hundred.) 5 Thaxted G further '1826 Stainsted VGN. of Epping Uttlesford Hand., 7 Elsenham .. 2 N . of fhaxstead bounded on the II'. J 8 Newport .. 22 S. of Newmarket bp Hertford, and<,^ 9 Littlebury .... 18 do. do. on ihe North by | ^333 Chesterford 16 do. do. C 1 Saffron Walden Cambridgeshire. 9 I PrtshiBeU TIund. hounded the A*, iy Cawebrideehire. Witham L Hundred ’ between < Chelmsford J ^Colchesfer^ Lexden Hund. A N. of do. 3 Gt. Sampford . . . 4 Ashdon 4 E. by N. of Nqffron W aide 5 Hatfield Peverell 3 iS. W.ofWitlun 6 Terling 3 TE. 0/ do. 7 AVitham .... S N . E. of Chelmsfor 8 Kelvedon 3 do. of With 9 Coggleshall, Little 6 do. do. 1840 Ditto. Great 6j do. do. No. of PKflSONft 1 t 1801 S umber of in IH21 \o. of i'umWix jiy c ••m a I ^ r 00 1* ^ ; 2 i'ermanentlt/ 1 A: . *>) ■5 ^ -S'? E.'S ^ 0 W ^ a ? a - io. in I'radt tnnj'actures o. liandicrajt « S'* .5 k. ^ •a V *j V 0 fc-< Total Numbe of Persons in 1 *s - K a tw a 15 "a -2 It '■■i, I"?. *a -2 a ^ a. 0 -a Z •5 s I £ 1 ■je a a a 2; 5 tw a ~ a a-t; k a 0*- , 1 £ • 0 a *a * a t — S— 1815. 7.57 1821. -J - 872 0 ■- s c 12.0 21 953 39 1,016 1,075 210 2 212 61 1,205 1,718 64 13 86 291 105 25 48 2 554 648 115 41 41 83 778 4,710 1,162 1,292 77 15 19 1 — — 1,020 210 05 41 194 1 ,028 4,0.)6 1,165 902 50 12 13 160 ' 439 8 301 2,059 2,371 2,893 492 — 267 520 3,197 9,668 1,8.54 2,507 1.54 56 57 475 : 48 97 18 275 390 839 173 61 60 58 813 2,721 248 391 18 5 18 1 741 2,154 85 7,717 11,520 I2.M4 2,631 516 1,060 956 14,016 ■12,142 9,346 10,411 535 107 286 779 i 173 95 910 1,093 1,046 1.57 1 56 79 148 1,287 3,299 815 1,192 I35 14 — 223 1 47 11 60 296 370 392 95 38 24 68 562 1,.570 228 246 11 — 30 77 1 121 101 23 536 660 C9T 1U9 73 09 11 772 4,548 620 483 18 17 21 439 126 300 1,923 2,358 2,679 585 97 281 270 3,198 8,940 2,737 2,334 147 56 122 33-1 ' 64 93 48 227 368 532 101 .56 97 13 808 3,992 431 519 18 7 27 112 107 214 61 445 720 795 1.59 117 25 33 904 7,528 825 780 12 15 21 1 210 324 130 730 1,0.54 1,0.56 254 104 73 92 1,371 9,044 1,371 1,236 56 3 20 133 1 110 46 99 425 570 702 111 1 28 31 135 905 2,152 620 452 12 10 62 106 ! 241 189 16t 860 1,213 1,.541 340 114 132 104 1,922 6,718 1,925 1,426 44 25 28 214 100 217 123 479 819 785 97 73 33 85 829 5,327 4.54 618 11 9 22 103', 511 461 500 3,179 3,244 675 2(i0 306 268 3,777 19,194 1,416 1,366 31 70 200 539 I 248 287 126 123 1,331 1,.565 363 246 106 34 1,938 15,932 1,395 1,452 59 47 175 250 121 161 40 558 765 929 163 114 40 14 952 6,274 779 469 19 19 166 73 90 145 83 236 466 571 154 90 64 8 777 5,711 190 304 1 12 22 112 83 26 75 576 677 1,055 142 47 74 21 7-12 3,649 672 444 20 12 14 82 114 31 299 414 490 91 65 40 5 573 7,4.54 332 374 5 6 28 — 91 139 50 348 543 598 136 180 55 14 733 4,(i29 346 447 17 10 13 152 1-18 211 70 600 881 1,010 199 137 54 22 1,135 6,668 678 620 30 12 38 156 176 80 102 825 1,007 1,238 249 33 1.39 136 1,423 3,000 884 599 24 15 112 120 46 90 21 3 338 401 106 50 43 1 515 3,731 547 .545 17 11 16 81 123 226 53 8 511 936 133 136 48 24 1,130 0,180 9.54 760 11 23 78 ' 64 78 46 235 359 378 70 39 35 10 420 ,3,865 444 379 18 — 18 G5 1 76 113 15 30 549 555 104 63 24 23 619 5,004 4.51 377 14 16 i:< 57 1 240 180 92 — 1,472 1,533 326 170 137 23 1,861 7,169 1,411 989 44 25 136 168 161 766 115 10 897 1,131 228 127 80 23 1,203 5,009 722 971 38 12 82 61 180 210 111 901 1,228 1,214 263 lOl 139 44 1,382 4,465 969 9.51 39 17 39 78 82 151 89 434 674 670 150 78 50 18 776 4,829 981 884 30 20 40 38 102 574 123 12 709 810 136 134 36 1 967 6,937 798 933 8 10 50 37 145 246 101 781 1,128 1,289 257 184 80 21 1,445 9,959 1,417 1,544 54 10 11 202 115 218 54 423 695 760 175 134 33 9 946 6,380 1,111 951 45 11 30 00 113 133 40 439 012 693 166 83 59 30 837 6,4z6 370 933 10 14 37 51 522 392 382 447 3,040 3,685 738 307 407 77 3,982 24,886 3,077 1,887 87 91 221 369 305 238 285 1,202 1,729 1,884 387 195 238 61 2,146 7,991 1,68! 1,240 16 — 10 30 111 185 34 2 658 699 125 137 8 0 714 6,311 570 8,16 19 — 19 84 40 58 7 179 244 248 104 115 30 16 79(i 1,.524 267 180 15 11 12 — 134 206 99 40 1,351 1,574 300 139 86 98 1,696 1 3,807 1,020 1,2-22 51 48 30 101 91 475 36 4 515 595 125 lOfi 35 4 729 4,263 689 589 19 13 50 81 96 109 39 369 617 612 139 67 24 71 709 .5,792 887 635 11 17 39 37 207 203 205 928 1,336 1,.537 337 1.56 142 04 1,894 9,469 1,988 1,816 45 41 101 290 119 1-10 42 34 681 733 166 89 58 51 979 5,908 652 625 19 — 7 95 115 161 32 4.V2 645 (510 121 78 30 59 747 5,250 756 586 29 8 64 — 76 60 J04 476 646 653 118 41 71 14 612 2,810 436 431 16 8 10 338 646 317 727 2,711 3,755 4,619 893 94 497 387 4,994 14,935 2,657 2,919 140 64 1.322 349 278 1,215 339 45 1,599 1,830 399 325 120 62 2,100 13,731 2,363 1,629 56 47 181 20 r 257 258 122 1,065 1,445 1,461 259 165 120 39 1,603 7,345 1,325 1,056 46 19 17 110 155 208 40 520 768 939 192 139 61 0 1,005 2,605 700 431 46 11 47 — 152 150 120 613 889 1,201 253 108. 115 69 1,450 7,545 1,169 979 40 20 344 178 85 168 60 585 813 889 96 1^3 33 18 918 5,411 1,067 993 18 13 04 — 233 328 118 1,020 1,475 1,615 314 246 75 33 1,883 10,739 2,494 2,356 76 30 133 231 82 118 52 8 532 .593 79 72 38 16 620 3,926 910 781 30 12 50 — 255 224 178 1,112 1,514 1,69.5 317 188 124 78 1,928 8,157 1,958 1,390 55 18 120 287 204 335 97 7 1,436 1,321 1 313 256 67 7 1,693 10,917 2,086 1,806 130 30 48 1.54 381 546 148 1,131 1,828 2,015 4.52 229 18.3 79 2,409 8,895 2,102 1,644 97 29 227 309 344 1,319 575 — 1,894 1 733 404 225 140 91 2,015 7,829 1,983 2,097 63 15 77 261 90 120 42 505 673 870 288 136 89 68 1,518 7,307 1,342 968 100 27 64 180 68 91 21 237 349 392 89 50 55 — 434 2,170 494 488 30 54 — 118 78 56 6 663 711 114 00 62 31 852 2,603 524 652 48 — 33 98 114 121 33 16 495 568 140 102 24 21 766 4,314 570 430 36 — 31 40 125 73 39 5 600 650 133 112 34 8 755 2,362 703 521 46 — 24 55 657 456 367 2,358 3,181 3,403 850 311 371 228 4,1.54 13,697 2,822 1,669 153 19 101 274 173 173 79 2 833 822 ISO 110 49 44 8ST 3,534 941 785 46 — 143 70 98 123 49 425 .597 603 145 99 45 6 756 2,637 553 538 19 12 12 — 143 202 40 468 710 735 212 155 33 32 1,014 5,025 909 894 36 12 62 37 174 231 05 712 1,008 955 232 148 49 43 1,101 0,477 1,226 735 49 8 77 87 1.54 233 63 412 708 766 1.58 111 40 14 781 3,893 619 675 28 — 25 31 397 126 327 1,733 2,186 2,352 502 19.3 213 1.57 2,578 9,403 1,722 1,500 132 23 105 1 284 186 116 131 747 994 1,186 250 121 134 29 1,328 5.698 1,164 881 55 18 88 1 155 68 49 15 260 333 336 76 42 27 15 362 1,878 408 320 19 — 26 - 556 40 ' 302 12,020 2,469 2,471 517 115 278 220 2,896 5,430 2,355 2,172 220 42 18 1227 v|. ■d- S 7 08/ 28 45 97' 70 90 , 12 79 57 65 90/ 11 52/ 8 37 , 230 15 3 60 22 03 33 a'' 23 I 35 150/ re 53 : 15 S O c. o C.' “§ 87/8 S 107 cr, 8 ® ° S 71 S d? 77 'f 133/ |- 13 2 10 re 183 -• 74 ts, 31 — £“ 805 o 19 ~ 25^ P 65 82 5 974 43 S" — =4 Cl 'Akr 61 re 14 • 41 13 15 3P CO d- o 34 1841 -- 1915 Topogkaphicai. Position, POPULATION, &c. Ac. of Towns and Parishes in the Counties of Essex, ana Suffolk. The rii er Stour divides the Counties of Essex, and Suffolk, from near Haverhill past Clare, Sudbury, Bures, Naytand, and Stratford St. Maiy’s, (see So. 1765^ falling into the Sea at Harwich. Sudbury has a Manufacture of Silk. Bury St. Edmunds i.t .teafed on the banks of the river Lark which runs past Hatton Mills and Mildenhull, into the Ouse below Ely, the Ouse falls into the .\'ea at Lynn. Stowinarket is seated on the banks of the Orwell, which runs past Needham and Ipswich into the .Sea also at Harwich. Ixworth is seated near the Thet which falls into the Little Ouse above Thetford. ’S rS'f, ri841 I’elstead bS.S. IV. of Braintree ^ ° “ 2 Stebbins 5 W. of do. 3 Braintree 11 N. by E. of Chelmsford 4 Booking contig. to Braintree ft Wealhersfield .... 7 N. by W. of do. (i Fincbinglield .... 9 do. do. o 5 a ^ “ 52 H y w -c; j 5 7 Toppeslleld 8 Hedingbam Sible .... 7j N. of do. 8 N. by E. of do. 9 do. Castle 1850 Bumpstead Steeple 1 Haverhill I8j N.by W.ofdo. 2 Halstead Qt\N.E.of do. 3 Ballingdon contig. to Sudbury 4 Colne, Earle & Engain 5 St. Osyth \l S. E. of Colchester 0 Gt. Clackton .... 13 do. do. 7 Gt. Bentley GE.byS. of do. 8 Gt. Oakley 10 E. by N. of do. 9 Thorpe 11 E. of do. •rt X't. 1•••••« x.1. yj u KT* a 1 I860 Ramsey 17 E. iV. E. of do. rT '*0 C 1 Bradlield 12 do. do. 2 Ardleigli N. E. of do. 3 Law ford 0 do. do. ^ 4 Dedham 8 do. do. I ,, f 1865 Clare 15J N . of Braintree Co. Of Syffo , I g g^Q]^g contig. to Clare on theW. Clare ts 55 miles . Hundon .... 3 A. by W. of Clare from London oni g Wickhambrook ...'. 6 N. of do. the N. hank oj ^ , 5N.lty W. of do. the river tstour. ^ j^it. Thurlow 5 N. W. of do. '1871 Sddbhry t .... 16 N. N. of E. Braintree 2 Gt. Cornard contig. to Sudbury on the S. 3 Long Melford 3 N. of Sudbury 4 Cavendish 4 TE. of Melford 5 Glemsford 3 TE. by N. of do. 6 Lavenham 6 IS. of Sudbury 7 Nayland 6 N. o/ Colchester 8 Bures 3 IE. o/ Nayland 9 Stoke 2 N. E.of do. 1880 Polstead Z N.by E.of do. 1 Boxford A N. of do. 2 Groton 5 E.of Sudbury 3 Hartest 10 N.by W.ofdo. 4 AValdingfield Lit. 4N. N. E. of Nayland 5 Monk Eliegh .... 6 N.by W. of Sudbury 6 Lawshall 11 N. of do. 7 Cockdeld 10 N.by E.of do. 8 Bury St. Edmunds t .. 10 from London flSSO Bradfield, St. Geo. 5 S. E. of Bury I 1890 Rattlesden .. iW. of Stou market 1 Woolpit 6 do. do. 2 Rongham 4 E.of Bury 3 Pakenham 5 N. E. of do. 4 Barton 3 do. do. Thingoe Hund. rl895 Horningsheath 2 S. IV. of do. betieeen Bury ^ 6 Chevington 5 do. do. and Newmarket. L 7 Barrow 5 W . of do. . „ j a ., 1 , s r Newmarket .. 60 from London ih,“no/nis 1 9 Exning 2 N. by W. of Newmarket 2Uti%St‘UZ'‘N,\) 1900 Barton Mills '.. 8N. E.of do. Yolk.andon the W. iy'v 1 MiLDENHALL 9 (i3 26 11 62 91 469 186 32 687 665 no 116 27 746 3,116 1,015 745 29 12 82 70 160 31 48 745 824 833 133 153 29 956 5,294 1,341 1,177 90 11 71 145 818 183 5 1,002 1,160 149 188 52 3 1,295 4,204 1,514 1,909 87 33 29 29 104 269 9 295 570 659 87 129 40 2 790 3,593 1,190 899 37 20 45 89 148 58 304 647 684 93 89 29 7 898 3,741 1,093 733 52 — 73 21 594 34 625 2,624 3,283 3,471 819 55 671 229 3,950 3,471 2,294 2,448 260 35 26 296 82 56 23 546 625 510 137 99 24 16 656 2,191 464 413 20 14 17 12 453 210 1,837 157 2,201 2,068 493 177 274 60 2,288 7,724 3,062 3,279 387 34 101 221 189 189 320 533 1,042 1,074 242 140 118 12 1,215 4,406 1,357 1,712 198 17 94 40 247 207 666 342 1,215 1,148 159 172 103 4 l,-275 3,675 2,402 2,240 147 36 99 21 331 165 1,060 551 1,776 1,711 375 159 251 15 1,898 3,755 2,213 2,178 180 10 50 122 147 70 156 655 881 933 190 73 104 56 1,019 2,134 643 762 40 11 45 66 161 473 327 328 1,128 1,123 164 185 69 6 1,292 5,184 1,293 1,637 92 7 57 139 215 211 138 662 1,041 1,242 250 1.52 73 27 1,393 6,744 1,515 1,.503 87 22 141 31 101 89 35 531 655 699 179 148 42 2 900 3,936 1,258 1,238 48 22 246 41 99 88 93 455 636 702 117 103 55 6 743 3,102 535 845 21 10 25 35 69 69 68 389 516 545 123 77 44 6 597 1,719 416 457 35 — 8 115 120 69 30 547 &16 705 155 82 51 27 740 2,905 794 884 25 18 46 26 75 48 28 262 338 347 87 47 14 42 386 2,101 4.56 — 18 7 50 79 145 250 147 542 560 139 100 35 8 713 2,520 678 685 47 9 69 61 97 147 12 395 554 717 182 146 35 5 837 3,428 754 772 70 8 78 29 115 157 43 539 739 829 160 128 .50 2 897 4,086 853 997 67 15 31 1,360 94 4,198 3,363 7,655 7,986 1,873 100 1,516 357 9,!H)9 13,026 5,963 7,055 455 103 364 502 50 20 5 329 3.54 370 89 58 31 1 409 2,110 233 393 6 9 13 — 98 183 42 589 814 849 199 160 48 40 1,032 4,607 825 1,008 64 23 31 47 108 95 337 193 625 669 110 79 70 30 801 2,6(i7 772 622 48 10 118 53 70 282 26 299 607 626 92 102 32 27 778 3,993 1,013 959 41 12 133 — 89 518 112 51 681 793 106 128 38 12 928 3,113 786 814 41 7 34 — 56 318 13 192 523 569 133 116 16 12 702 3,128 458 459 6 9 13 — 97 136 204 203 643 523 111 88 27 7 539 2,4.58 552 865 ‘M 3 28 — 54 98 31 316 445 490 66 78 21 7 690 2,681 7()4 720 53 19 45 — 77 89 53 472 614 645 80 115 50 6 755 3,726 584 637 49 — 13 — 305 86 162 1,544 1,792 1,917 400 146 211 166 2,514 6,178 1,001 1,312 48 33 60 176 123 133 31 402 566 590 142 126 27 1 695 (.,293 680 593 37 — 54 — 53 43 57 205 305 376 91 34 37 21 523 2,995 319 327 23 4 18 12 355 390 149 1,744 2,283 2,493 567 412 171 HI 2,974 12,200 2,024 1,911 55 28 81 79 1.56 201 28 516 745 844 189 108 47 48 1,042 1,343 696 1,167 43 2 3(i 51 201 31 1,058 59 1,148 1,360 335 137 137 79 1 770 4, .523 03t) 996 47 15 8 133 130 !Kj 601 827 846 112 100 68 36 952 2,495 88. 958 43 21 30 89 66 117 31 408 556 653 78 91 29 19 687 2,972 681 929 65 — — — 13.5 690 38 — 728 816 188 121 70 16 939 3,828 778 839 42 54 35 63 66 53 314 433 441 68 56 36 17 524 1,389 407 493 36 — 6 31 110 140 31 8 633 665 100 117 33 8 691 2,778 611 978 2.5 — 18 35 467 219 218 2,049 2,486 2,778 .576 232 275 122 2,924 1 361 613 616 125 107 28 1 620 2,339 60(i 783 27 15 77 33 115 103 146 493 744 762 117 53 !K) 40 814 1,840 710 705 38 19 25 123 198 30 609 746 866 187 1.59 20 30 «t65 4,126 1,001 1,332 72 22 31 — 368 607 1,379 484 2,470 2,726 592 214 331 63 3,088 9,818 927 2,211 16 77 172 392 93 103 54 435 .'92 700 103 91 46 31 854 2,986 30(i 387 19 22 43 119 60 169 14 163 346 382 65 67 27 4 468 2,304 284 326 11 10 27 — 27 9 132 240 33 14 30 14 15 102 58 110 / 15 26 50/ 62 360 258 53 145 32 20 123 59 49 330 160 10 19 44 8 28 2 107/ 23 81/ 86 30 118 39 24 21 75 40 60 7 !M), 83 68 66 87/ 9 13 39 9 5 11 1 31 16 23 1841 - - 1870 1871 — 1915 Towns, and Populous Parishes in the Counties of Essex, and Suffolk; Sudbury, Bury St. Edmunds, Newmarket, Stowmarket, ^c. ^fc. l!)l() — 195)0 :ir> ToponiAi>Hir\i Position POTMJLATION, 1 yit-f/r ^ see No, U>21, ) the LtHle Oane ruuuti •• Therivevs LiClie Ouse ami \yaeemy litntle ihese i ounlies frot.i Last to West, both u\e s ^ise^nea^ w ( u,n,.rnu nia UprrhH in K— lfV.f ^..,1 Tludonl ,.n,l llnuulon into he (ireut Ou.e ,vMch falls into tUe S’ea at L.jnn, 7''^. 'Js ^lJ t t^i, g I Cr increase of Money e-vyemled for the Maintenance of the Poor in these Hundreds, in ihe tounty of {Suffolk, in the reais eimng runnitif' Yarmouth, iuter IHUl, s remurkalde, and deserves attention. BuNotY, ;V(). nnHi, is l»s miles from lAmilon, either by way of Chetmiloril, ,'luilhurv, tf Hary, or by lyswich, Yoiforti, auii llatesn orfli. lrom u hleh It is ilis. 7 mites, it is 13 miles S.by K.of Norwich, 34 P. of Hiccles, and 11) S. ir. of 1 ormoath. Bkcclks, (,v lUU/nilM from fjomton, by way of Ipswich and 1 oxford, from which it is distant 15 miles, both Hunyay and Heccles being seated on the South bank of the ll ai/criey rioer, makes them places of considera- ble traffic. “® |s|§ s5 ft; a? ( 1910 MEM)Lt.SHAM 5 TV. E. of stowm. 1 17 Thortulon 3 *V. of Eye 18 IlvEt SH from London I 19 Broome 2 W.ofEye - I 'O’-W I’aljATave 4 IS. IS. W.ofdo. 1 Wortham 4 N. L’. q/'/iolesda/e 2 Kedgrave '.iN.ofdo. 3 Botesdalu 10 N. K. of Jiury 4 Kickeiihall 2 IV. of iiolesdate 3 Gislingham 4 S. E.of do. 0 Bacton 0 .V. of do. 1927'^Grundisburgh 3 \V. of Woodbridge IVilford S 1‘32S Melton .. I N . E. of do. Hundred. ( !) Wickliam Market 4 do. do. C 1930 Tunstall .. 7 N. E. of do. 1 Snape 3 iS. of Saxmundham 2 .Saxmondham 89 from Load. 3 Kclsale I N. of Sa.vmund. 4 Benhall IS. of do. 5 Fr X M L 1 N o H A M b iV. of Wick. 6 Hacheston .. 2 do. do. 1937 Debeniiam 14 N. of Ipswich 8 Bramford 3 W.oJ do. 7 1939 Claydoii 3 A", .v. if- of do. ^ 40 Barham .... 4 do. do. 1 Coddenham 0 do. do. : ^ -S 5 ft V* 4 •Q S.A Plomesgate Hundred. Loes t Hundred. < • Soimftt Chdeitt IIuMiXred, between lp$wici and Stout- ^ market ; tket$ p/a- \ o i j ce» being on tht J 2 NEKUHAMMar. O (i0» QO. banka of tha Orxoall '5.:^ k 3 Barking contig. to Needh. ri944 Laxfield 9 IV. IV. tV of Saxmundham 1 5 Stradbroke bE.of Eye 0 Hoxne 3 N.E.ofdo. 7 Fressingfield 7 E. N. E. of do. 8 Weybread ..6 do. do. 9 Mendhara .... I E. of Harleston flOSO Leiston.. 4 N.of Aldborough § - g ~ 1 Theberton 3 E. of Saxmund. 2 Yoxford 4 N.of do. ■« t; ■§ !c 3 Peasenhall 3 IV. by N. of Vox. s^«i~ J 4 Bramfield 4 N . of Southwold 35^ .'l 5 Halesworth 7 do. do. 0 Mells contig . to Halesworth ■i - 7 Westleton 2 E. N. E.ofYoxf 8 Wangford ZN. W. of South. 9 Wrentham 5 do. do. 1900 Bunoay.. 70S from London 1 Beccles.. 109 do. do. 3-g t; aa-eS Wangford Hundred. f Loddon J 2 Ditchingham 2N. of Bungay 3 Loddon ...... 6 N.of do. 4 Halvergate GW.of Varm. 5 Reedham 7W.byS.qf do 6 Acle .... \\ E. oj Norwich 7 Walsh am 9£. by N.of do. 8 Blofield .... 7 do. do. 9 Thorpe 2|d» do. 1970 Ludham .. 10 iV. E.of do. 1 Catfield.. G E. of Coltishal 2 Hickling 9 E. by N. of do. 3 Stalham .. GE.ofWorstei 4 HappisburghO N. E. of do. C 1975 Neatisbead .... 8 N. E.of Norwic, 6 Tunstead 9 N . N . E. of do. \ 7 Worsted 11 do. do. Loddon < Hundred. \ Walsham S Hundred. ^ Blofield Hundred. -a o fe. a; 9 Smallbnrgh Z S. E. of do. 1980 Horning Z N. E. of do. 1 Walsham North.. 14 do. do. 3 South Repps C 1984 Coltishall . . G N. by W. of do. r'- t U) 3 US3 I 60 k 5 Hevingham.. 9 N. by W.of do. 6 Marshain .... 10 do. do. 7 Aylsham .... 12 do. do. 8 Buxton .... Z N.W.of Cottisha 9 S wanton Abbot .... Z N.of do. 1990 Lammas 3 W. of do. • Cawston .... 4 W. of Htvinshai No. of PlfRAONi in 1801 JK umber of Families in 18*21. 'S'2 . /Vo. of I'amilies ^CO Jly'C sip •$ cc "2 'K sO cc rarmananlly S' 3 il iejiy employet 1 Agriculture \o, in Trade uiufactures o\ Handicraft all otUers not eluded in the preceeding TOTAL S CO = r of relieved , *3 16*21. o 00 ••• 4 i ,, ■ 'l O- •*« i » a ^ “ g ^ f • w ? 19 s, ^ ! c ?• 5 h •>« ® ■c a •15 ^ < 55 2 o o. Total Number Persons tn 181 Number of In 'nted Houses in k • g ^ 2 AS c *5 : 2 £•£ A S't, 1815. 1824. «s k < “ .J' -d- 428 -d- 355 ■d- 12/ 00 87 31 252 370 307 57 50 22 19 492 2,214 25 3 59 92 37 341 470 483 i 63 07 28 16 512 2,250 087 459 3^1 2 90 22 189 100 200 .583 883 595 1.55 67 98 2 735 1,040 978 727 52 2.5 98 87 _ — 75 30 478 589 054 123 45 38 44 039 2,149 015 401 50 2 30 80 8 42 08 12 108 248 310 171 79 90 7 832 2,349 403 329 28 2 49 80 00 50 312 428 488 130 61 73 16 549 1,801 300 317 40 — 32 40 5 113 470 230 89 791 723 104 114 40 7 841 3,856 854 047 34 27 46 10 75 380 50 131 505 590 94 75 09 7 728 3,171 701 457 53 — 40 50 90 150 50 484 090 092 183 123 63 10 927 4,156 838 944 87 — 72 81 07 075 ,503 1,341 003 3,507 3,923 895 371 526 80 4,708 18,094 2,947 2, .572 198 121 142 342 173 BJ9 137 807 1,203 1.203 283 121 113 00 1,442 0,725 980 750 53 20 35 143 2)3 114 370 223 280 879 902 ' 224 140 78 5 1,014 4,041 1,233 928 99 — 25 lOl 38 123 242 103 393 738 794 129 79 70 23 8G5 3,822 945 804 72 — 38 00 11 101 107 57 4 707 784 159 134 39 19 809 4,030 904 800 93 37 144 42 40 89 400 28 174 002 587 109 99 48 10 774 3,079 000 401 64 21 85 30 1 100 118 77 403 058 085 127 100 38 2 750 4,139 547 530 34 — 39 49 47 55 00 33 287 380 437 70 67 30 17 480 1,405 271 272 20 — 17 — 53 200 105 229 1,125 1,459 1,510 202 96 123 106 1,041 5,077 1,124 700 69 39 11 51 78 47 70 35 205 370 367 54 39 40 385 1,491 282 412 25 — 11 — 24 221 200 112 1,190 1,508 1,644 272 225 84 02 1,806 7,713 1,627 1,300 !)5 01 ICO — ICO 325 174 423 1,019 2,240 2,590 397 141 315 94 2,701 6,999 2,088 2,135 lot) 49 120 28(i 72 59 58 79 293 430 497 82 76 47 14 001 1,992 4.50 596 38 — 21 30 3 87 110 54 395 505 588 110 90 38 15 683 3,614 730 701 41 10 34 — 73 78 112 52 380 550 603 118 123 38 3 804 3,239 505 637 28 15 5 30 73 107 109 511 GOO 1,280 1,409 210 153 137 8 1,562 5,702 1,276 1,217 95 9 32 (i3 223 123 178 151 723 1,052 1,102 170 149 92 i7 1,273 0,220 1,072 1,022 03 17 39 13 1 181 270 447 292 1,015 978 216 172 39 5 1,195 8,435 1,427 1,108 78 18 53 — 57 99 130 131 535 790 806 139 51 26 122 983 4,925 1,033 727 59 21 32 47 20 249 310 100 1,033 1,509 1,680 370 211 128 00 1,854 11,203 1,293 1,!'20 78 7 104 118 53 210 490 109 008 1,333 1,413 328 217 113 17 1,059 9,577 1,342 1,089 47 35 30 101 50 483 149 307 1,730 2,240 2 450 579 128 431 144 2,922 5,940 1,183 1,400 87 6 27 157 — 30 48 41 105 274 294 77 40 37 9 397 1,088 20-1 328 12 — 15 90 132, 05 31 520 010 700 128 1.52 25 3 840 5,950 738 1,020 30 — 31 — 21 123 093 65 187 948 1 008 245 106 55 84 1,153 7,1.55 l,0!)9 1,35() 42 11 41 40 102 133 1.50 53 050 805 942 220 190 30 4 1 164 9, -211 017 1,078 1,321) 5 SI 33 32 150 208 83 470 707 789 187 108 48 43 981 5,842 580 030 41 — 35 25 125 70 80 80 344 504 557 no 41 50 69 703 3,115 535 549 16 — 10 72 — 72 09 51 287 407 424 106 08 2!) 17 540 2,927 398 488 24 — 13 3 34 94 285 10 103 402 530 116 119 19 8 063 3,0.50 — 518 — — — — 85 208 49 7 759 833 190 159 35 5 908 0,415 025 093 43 12 25 — 107 79 33 477 539 622 111 135 14 7 770 4,421 589 615 17 5 55 — 4! 278 20 410 1,070 1,.512 1,771 417 90 170 170 2,044 5,234 056 1,143 45 10 37 08 13 50 20 10 230 200 305 64 10 69 0 413 1,993 183 275 10 1 10 — 103 1.52 H5 387 574 677 88 107 17 24 702 3,892 703 870 25 6 23 32 73 100 32 177 309 377 95 42 37 17 488 3,702 384 448 11 — 0 — It 30 212 8 220 253 65 14 7 45 348 I, .592 98 458 7 — 8 — 4.5 84 278 72 151 501 001 141 104 43 8 708 3,904 052 776 29 — 38 87 3t 75 275 55 130 400 507 130 88 41 12 079 3,439 922 929 27 — 00 — 93 457 30 — 487 442 116 118 16 4 700 4,275 054 900 24 22 29 — 4: 135 204 34 370 008 803 202 82 61 59 954 4,4!)7 548 867 29 10 49 93 10.' 358 l,P2S 204 087 2,019 2,302 449 400 130 24 3,070 23,700 2,221 2,828 118 39 35 — 227 149 333 11 1 711 809 192 135 40 50 970 5,549 074 982 25 12 — — 50 87 107 12 394 613 552 14'4 139 19 10 735 8,309 303 541 10 2 5 — 91 28 07 5 155 227 305 70 59 0 9 300 1 10,799 S 518 597 34 __ 21 — 121 120 180 38 500 730 811 195 180 30 12 1,102 ( 040 lvl50 30 10 78 — 15t 110 737 71 10 824 1,21 1 279 245 44 3 1,108 18,007 1,095 1,445 59 10 51 57 i; 83 400 8 — 408 483 85 101 18 3 583 4,917 438 6.56 15 13 21 — 41 148 207 292 194 093 794 19!) 00 98 41 8<)4 .5,132 821 1,074 06 — 40 05 123 102 530 21 059 771 190 165 25 0 925 7,459 838 788 41 — 20 51 09 507 19 10 530 015 154 134 10 4 771 5,230 700 910 34 — 21 — 172 .524 320 400 1,2.50 1,412 233 221 131 8 1,642 0,038 897 1,057 75 1 09 174 90 518 275 380 1,844 2,505 2,888 030 331 220 114 3,214 9,184 2,028 2,111 138 77 120 3!K) 111 72 91 21 304 410 408 75 03 21 14 505 2,070 041 593 34 9 23 01 2. 113 80 93 578 751 708 129 142 47 8 930 2,988 513 035 30 0 30 70 441 788 1,042 390 2,220 2,350 .553 231 203 90 2,830 11,218 1,480 2,403 50 21 90 294 o: 91 481 18 4 502 .570 HO HO 27 0 700 3,022 775 !)31 44 — 48 — 7i 90 414 2-10 9 003 719 183 137 51 4 807 4,190 547 1,211 27 17 28 92 82 07 97 35 428 500 571 145 100 42 3 723 3,4.59 020 073 42 1 21 4.5 5 102 101 39 371 51) 605 ■ 21 75 34 34 (iOO 2,535 435 898 33 3 27 — 2- 117 107 33 1,024 1,221 706 100 118 22 I 801 2,917 472 53 1 28 0 30 51 88 00 09 297 42() 459 123 01 07 3 586 2,300 321 028 21 1 31 87 1 48 51 33 239 323 354 00 50 30 31 510 2,370 1.58 343 15 1 27 II 3( 122 21 1-M 008 830 896 113 90 54 44 i 1,040 -1,401 091 900 60 *2 80 91 110 37 10 509 021 130 117 31 4 738 4,442 037 007 •) 20 16 It 4 82 135 53 3 019 715 188 1.54 38 4 1 912 3,193 707 1 091 33 1 - 33 42 - 51 77 40 1 407 509 128 90 33 2 1 005 3,007 725 1 808 40 — 33 !)'2 (• 101 51 84 1 842 902 212 143 ' 97 10 1,100 3,9.54 1 0.53 00!) 40 1 « 1 1991 — i0‘21 20'22 — 20C5 'opulous Inland Towns, and Parishes, in the County of Norfolk ; ymondhain, Fhetford, Diss, Downham, Swajfhain, ifc. ^e. 37 2060 — 21 10 ToroGRAPHiCAi, Position, POPULATION, etc. Ac. of the principal Towns, ami F’opiilous Parislies, in the remaining part of the County of Norfolk, and in tlie County ol Cainhriilge, inty Burnlt,im Market. \o. SOiU, U at the Northern aitr,mily of the Voaoty of Norfolk, -21 miles N. N. IK of I'ynn.see. Na. 17:10. Lynn, U HI miles hired, from London, hy way of Cumbridte, Kly, and Dowitham. tUy, is 13 miles N. by IK. of Newmarket, Ihrouiih .\oham, distance 9 miles, 17 H. o/ it. Ives, •. E. hy .V. 0 / reterborouth, both by way oj Chatteris, distance 11 miles, and 13 .V. of Downham. I 23 E. by N. of Huntingdon, the same dislante O ti. V Oa M UH I DU B, 13 seated on the banks oJ the rioer Caul, 9(1 mitfs from f,ondon by way of Epying, and 51 //y way of IKafe and Hoyston, it is 11 miles hi. A’. IK. Linton, l:i IK. of .\ewmarket, 18 E.by S.pf .St. :\’eots, 19 K. .V. of lluntinedon.and 17 S. by IK. of Ely ; the Cam, which is navigable to Cambridge, runs past Ely and falls into the Little Ou.se about four miles i eltw that City , — sec .Vote to preceding Column. Marsh, Ao. 210-1, is seated in the centre of the Marsh, called the Isle of Ely, 80 m. on the line of road from London to If isbeach, by way of Hoyston, Caxton, St. Ives and Chatteris. f'20C() Lyng .. S E. N. F.. of Dcrcham .g i 7 Ifau'ileswdl .... 7 N. E. of do. ^ j; 1 8 Foui.sham ..‘iN.of Jiawdeswell 9 Keepuam .. .{E. by N. of do. S 2070 Hackford . . contiK. to Reephum I 1 Wliitwell .. ilo. do. 1^ "i Hiiulolveston 'i N. of Foui.sham 2073 Hristoii .. do. do. 4 Edgefield do. do. 5 Holt 18 N. N. E. of Dereh. « Fakenham 15 do. of Stca/f. 7 K. Ruilluin 15 N. by E. of do. 8 WiLsiNCUAM Gt. 5 N.o/Fak. 9 do. Little do. do. iiitm/red (.2080 Wigh ton 7 do. do. D .1 1 CreakeS. .. t 5 West of Brother- y ^ Ditto. N... ^ tFo/sing/iam Cl OSS . Biiruham Thorp 7 M IP. 0/ do. ^^Hundred( Market 9^ do. do. f2085 SoiiAM 8 N. by W. of Newm. 1 C Wicken 2 S.ofSoham j 7 Islehani . . 7 IS. of Newmarket _ I 8 P’ordhain 5 do. do. ^ISI I 9 Chippenham 4 IV.N. E.rt/.. h 'w ^ s; ts o a = a ’§'■5 .r ^ '‘J 2 b fcl -kA a TOTAL Total \uniber of Persons in H41 1 ••• . 1= < "a 101 89 80 327 496 502 73 112 32 32 482 516 481 81 101 110 61 431 605 682 131 40 49 35 200 284 299 69 82 58 83 326 467 503 129 07 81 14 218 313 355 45 134 143 61 427 621 656 159 175 160 56 534 7.50 777 201 104 101 55 339 495 531 137 212 122 120 21 1,004 1,037 25.1 237 119 163 954 1,236 1,382 326 108 236 56 *6 572 569 151 49 96 10 183 289 347 68 208 88 139 777 1,004 1,008 227 76 104 36 306 446 433 76 112 185 38 402 625 613 165 63 103 25 277 405 483 117 58 88 9 173 270 319 67 164 96 116 .531 743 825 192 444 370 109 1,525 2,004 2,386 537 84 144 10 460 614 595 HI 272 269 588 355 1,212 1,277 342 125 170 66 464 700 817 159 98 104 41 379 524 593 113 269 1301 47 2 1,250 1,324 276 78 335 46 77 458 529 110 113 75 29 544 648 753 97 108 52 37 702 791 803 149 83 42 29 469 540 571 140 125 159 54 651 864 928 229 83 226 41 201 468 496 75 143 140 46 356 542 759 1.54 110 91 24 426 541 586 92 108 577 6 10 593 533 166 68 426 28 — 454 497 91 162 818 97 36 951 1,020 254 245 443 108 ! ,047 1,598 1,675 281 734 25S5 885 371 3,841 4,248 719 536 559 234 1,721 2,514 2,393 3,098 870 387 331 188 1,874 2,580 659 234 351 97 1,154 1,662 1,847 360 169 8 7 829 844 1,114 254 774 699 373 3,051 3,823 4,il9 106S 76 21 16 463 500 598 110 50 29 14 223 266 313 57 186 202 108 780 1,090 1,304 260 153 157 118 669 914 1,019 193 104 124 30 482 636 697 147 74 157 173 216 546 550 121 50 54 19 269 352 368 92 183 170 158 829 1,157 1,373 214 77 75 157 261 493 514 98 94 30 48 88 466 603 100 129 470 135 97 702 855 159 1,691 92 1,368 7,344 lo.sor 1I.1U8 2,594 60 80 19 389 494 508 106 83 116 49 405 570 593 89 35 74 22 198 294 245 43 134 515 177 49 741 870 216 76 214 24 285 523 535 89 114 404 144 5 553 680 138 189 188 84 816 1,088 1,224 210 62 93 25 232 350 418 91 74 407 14 9 4.30 483 99 84 421 7 — 428 489 85 128 199 80 7 828 878 135 130 174 53 592 819 972 149 73 136 25 283 444 452 93 146 225 119 503 847 901 227 91 147 124 283 554 569 142 44 70 12 254 336 317 74 94 75 40 470 585 582 107 168 789 40 2 831 828 142 144 139 47 5 689 699 119 145 50 32 713 795 972 i 168 Number of Kumilies in 1821 A; .is », R £•- 71 102 94 50 43 05 122 177 117 101 72 93 68 65 71 148 97 05 71 563 140 99 165 100 200 84 120 167 116 164 96 151 128 146 99 226 258 747 537 605 371 239 310 118 02 210 160 140 109 51 127 107 100 149 95 80 103 41 142 117 1.50 221 03 108 101 156 155 90 175 102 46 95 120 160 186 30 26 09 17 74 14 37 24 19 126 1.57 49 7 89 23 16 23 4 95 107 19 95 47 24 49 29 16 ?.8 37 47 7 21 17 20 21 30 73 300 262 105 85 36 373 19 29 94 61 37 23 25 139 32 56 44 2,123 13 32 14 68 10 27 76 33 7 18 55 83 37 81 52 21 22 46 14 60 S A, ■: L w a. S •t c 10 1 17 2 12 4 1 7 40 130 20 13 98 19 4 4 1 29 21 104 10 4 97 10 14 20 19 2 5 4 4 2 11 57 52 20 37 14 424 3 4 51 24 1 6 16 49 1 12 35 736 27 15 16 24 17 1 33 2 3 7 3 23 11 12 46 2 10 •C .M Is < § St 581 590 835 315 643 414 750 789 080 1,348 1,620 807 413 1,007 507 728 618 344 937 2,856 752 1,716 1,042 607 1.518 627 812 979 684 1,123 625 959 (i96 848 075 1,368 1,970 5,276 3,850 3,283 2,364 1,350 5,079 657 406 1,725 1,157 875 618 413 1.519 002 699 1,023 14,142 540 718 344 1,137 678 814 1,488 505 614 670 1,042 1,179 043 1,256 752 406 773 1,029 802 1,170 relieved t»»rm 1 m Si' M « - a ta's !ll| ItSi a o c k «■<> a < fc-5- y .2 ii|' •s* 'o£’ 1815. 567 1824. -£- 714 s 1^63 29 18 47 965 438 786 27 8 36 4,026 766 931 34 23 87 2,9 16 663 767 28 15 43 3,231 363 400 22 5 30 — 485 426 17 13 34 2,886 1,071 1,036 52 28 82 2,319 854 1,132 42 22 26 1,730 1,075 1,232 47 9 29 2,802 I, OH 497 38 39 11 5,677 1,.501 2,038 96 — 46 3, .594 376 534 29 — 12 2,728 440 555 30 — 12 2,553 778 1,137 63 — 35 2,299 489 542 12 4 35 3,587 709 834 19 15 15 3,816 645 792 28 — 75 2,466 484 615 22 — 16 4,033 641 572 32 — 40 14,020 1,981 2,057 151 26 193 4,3.57 707 539 37 — 10 7,3!)0 1,127 1,108 110 14 12 3,740 906 811 31 24 62 3,347 400 481 14 — HI 5,420 1,075 1,270 175 20 700 3,434 584 757 9 — 410 4,213 578 608 33 — 29 3,358 522 507 35 — 34 3,241 696 603 31 — — 5,597 879 927 47 — 192 2,742 584 571 16 13 30 5,128 790 828 63 — 93 4,394 748 780 32 — 300 7,790 610 645 22 23 20 7,131 566 578 22 — 11 19,090 683 1,351 37 12 5 20,501 1,920 2,130 66 62 49 30,681 2,507 3,443 135 54 201 27,925 2,637 2,256 168 38 82 22,234 1,065 2,066 98 28 11 17,680 1,160 1,770 28 18 98 11,874 767 873 32 28 25 31,208 3,287 3,058 272 79 175 6,192 413 420 23 — 17 2,344 164 315 13 — 9 13,236 — 1,443 — — — 10,307 420 1,039 26 12 39 6,321 431 554 30 — 18 3,222 1,095 939 51 -- 50 2,947 369 319 16 — 40 3,120 1,557 1,509 52 12 150 3,161 217 408 31 — 32 2,889 416 410 23 — 31 4,531 751 992 74 — 32 31,152 4,862 7,419 371 117 IhO 3,624 360 357 20 4 7 1,937 507 627 31 — 6 1,717 205 230 18 — 9 2,694 592 457 41 4 14 3,091 575 609 25 — 61 5,623 565 400 29 — 43 7,767 884 1,074 31 — 112 1,190 213 187 23 — 9 3,251 325 248 10 — 11 2,614 333 295 17 5 13 4,311 671 588 39 5 13 2,719 605 596 40 — 38 1,697 347 309 32 — 12 2,945 614 852 37 — 10 4,277 554 i 321 38 — 20 1,467 117 306 19 — 5 2,920 405 425 30 — 5 2,940 934 962 42 — 60 4,139 815 724 26 — 45 3,069 1,223 1,044 — — 97 , .s ^ n el" ■gt- 70/ 80 15 — 50 — 27 162 14 — 17 — 5 — 73/ 171 98/2 213 105/ 5 — 40/ 203 145 82 80 218 16 — 32/ — 2/ 129 15 — 3 100 91 — 23 _ 32 71 82 5 86 — 33 65 35 70 65 117 133 80 20 36 36/6 56 180 80 135 — 116 207 — 355 266 200 25 95 SO 141 169 147 65 — 80 — 12 20 — 51 (7 72/ • 15 70 6 — 44 — 110 93 42 336 146 45 27 49 20 - 25 50 35 — 34 24 59 41 254 136 1 16 91 41 120 13 166 8 00 26/ 5 36 HO 76/ — 47 23 41/8 36 24 79 82 •206t) — -iGUo 2090 — 2140 Populous Inland Towns, and Parishes, in the Counties of Norfolk, and Cambridge; Holt, Fakenham, March, Ely, Cambridge Sfc. ^c. 2141 2-21 5 38 TOPOGUAHHICAI. 1‘osiTioN, POPULATION, &c., &c., of Populous Towns and Parishes, in the County of Hvntmg don and part of tlie County of Lincoln. S r. Nkots, is seated on ike E. Bank of the Great Ouse River, which is Naviyahle up to Bedford, LnuhH! jMist lliintiniiio,,, amt St. lues, across the Isle of My, to Dou nham, in Norfolk, it is No miles direct Irom London on the Glasgow Mail line oj Hoad, hy way of Hat- • ’ . . .. “ ‘ ‘‘cr \\ miles, VI N. of JJetHord,^ S. brj . of JlunWigduTis and \\d li . oJ Caxton. fiet(}» lialdock, and liiggleswade, (tistu7U'€ Jrom the latter HUNTINGDON, in ockted on the Nortli, unci OAclmaDcheRtv' or. the South biiuk of the Ounr,. milc*» ilirocl from Lomlon ua the KiliiiburKli Uiiil lioe nf routl, hy \V«k>, Koyitun, 4ii too Note to preceding Column. bTAMKOIU) M aeuted ul the S. \V . extrriiuty ct the County of Lincoln on the North bkiifc of tlie Welldiid rircr, which dividee the County ol Liucoln, from tliot of Nnrthitin|it<>n, the uf .St. Murtio being in the^ ItUtcr County ; it i* on the Glasgow .Mail line ot road, 34 milet N . by NV . i>i St. NeoU. b \V. of Mark* t Dee ping, It N . of Ouudle, 21 N. B. of Ketter- iog, 12 E. by N. of U|ipiiiglmiu, U E. hv -S. of 0;ikhum. 13 S. S. W of Bourn, and 31 .S. of GfuiUliaoi , Market DEEIMMI, No. 2308. is on the Mnil line of ruadfrom Luiiilun, to Lincoln ititd Hull, 9 miles North of Unierhorough, auil SCALDING No. 3171, is U miles N. by E. of Si. James's Deepiug. — — fgsl'l'a f2Ul St. Ni'ots .. 55 from London S.'S 5: -a ie- ^ O =5 O "< 5 = — '.1^ i O I ^ * 's* 302 t'1 2 Eyneslturij contig. to St. Neots 82 3 Staughton Gt. OAMT. do. 171 5., 4 liuckdeii 5 N. of do. 163 ' 5 Hilton 7 N.jf Caxton 37 0 Fen -Stanton . . ‘iS.E.ofdo. 120 7 Hemingl’ord Grey 2 IF. 0/ St. Ives 52 H Godmanchester i S. of Ilunthig. 337 2149 Huntingdon .. 5S from London 350 50 Hartford . . 1 iV. of Huntingdon 62 1 St. Ives 59 from London 464 2 Holywell ZlV. of St. Ives 103 3 Bluntisham .... 5 N. E.of do. 81 4 Earith 6 do. do. 69' 6 Colne 7 do. do. 56 6 Somersliam ,. 5 N. by E. of do. 120 7 Warboys ., 9 N. N. E. of Hunts. 148 8 Ramsey .... 12 N. by E.of do. 341 i f2159 Brampton 21F. • E 1815. 1824. •S -£- d 2,104 1,570 105 55 56 454 416 34 23 946 1,046 87 36 81 822 .674 42 17 38 217 206 13 — 11 725 683 39 10 28 516 491 28 — 11 1,413 1,853 97 19 510 1,5.52 1,842 79 12 28 249 443 19 — 15 981 1,632 102 27 936 697 635 30 — 13 642 284, 890 20 13 7 9 7 373 421 19 9 20 653 721 30 21 52 689 708 36 3 10 1,494 1,606 76 48 239 787 881 39 8 25 946 1,004 49 15 27 343 338 19 — 9 217 250 21 — 2 469 756 22 4 24 358 256 23 — 18 336 449 — 17 7 259 274 — 16 5 247 321 15 13 66 565 410 24 15 18 194 274 15 — 47 429 618 34 — 8 557 608 29 7 8 513 812 19 22 36 88 173 6 — 4 1,473 3,739 194 14 233 347 567 17 — 9 930 1,138 41 13 14 796 1,250 43 11 88 1,580 2,834 71 33 213 514 .599 14 5 22 1,442 1,620 55 10 62 2,163 3,373 107 29 112 561 567 10 8 40 1,004 1,396 48 14 110 536 530 21 13 29 1,068 1,270 50 12 80 432 333 26 5 31 777 892 22 14 72 262 525 10 — 11 1,082 1,158 37 18 18 542 673 25 4 26 1,153 1,275 60 24 57 265 343 22 — 18 .517 673 21 3 20 219 179 12 — 15 661 548 35 10 13 494 470 17 9 15 600 625 25 — 21 361 402 19 — 8 94 231 5 — 16 221 306 11 1 5 326 .324 7 3 12 703 804 31 — 25 2,273 2,397 148 22 59 320 463 32 — 7 318 379 14 5 4 400 622 45 14 149 365 721 — — — 167 215 8 — 8 323 294 17 — — 251 302 30 4 8 870 2,377 3(i 15 19 i 239 297 18 8 6 273 390 21 7 — 307 21« 12 3 3 1 101 l()8 4 7 — ) 422 1 413 17 8 12 ■i 2.56 1 270 10 3 4 a.=? 167 50 114 51 95 76 80 35 60 175 63 151 70 172 80 78 244 164 57 63 185 246 32 183 68 159 270 21 90 17 94 52 58 66 817 82 31 78 148 140 8.S £■ 95 52 34 7 176 50/ 32 15 69 48 58 66 14 39 8 69 12 34 16 1 7 4 29 12 193 120 36 120 17 151 106 85 355 167 100 110 75 128 58 100 305 1,58 178 9 34 35 7.5 21 121 20 262 82 90 186 111 104 30 9 14 126/ 5 219 7 14 42 1 10 33 2141 — 2171 2172 — 2216 Populous Inland Towns, and Parishs, in the County of Huntingdon, and Part of Lincoln; St, Neots, Huntingdon, St. Ives, Spalding, tanifc 39 * 221(5 — ‘2290 Toi'OGUAPHiCAL POSITION, POPULATION, t*fec., &.C., of Populous Towns, and Parishes, wholly in the County of Lincoln. (Jrauthom, is stutal on the East Hank of the It'Uham Hivert and on the Glasfiow Mail line of roadt 110 miles from t.ondony by way of Hatjieldi St, Neots^and Slamfttrd^and four mites less bo wao of \i’ate% Uoystont and Huntingdon, it is lU miles Hast of Mellon Mowbray, 14 S, S. E. of JSIewark, and 30 due VV. oj Hoston, it is united to the Hiver Trent, by a ('anal to Sotlintlham, COLTKU2iWOimi, Nuittb*r »I9. •llitlnKuUbai •• Iho llUtb-pUco of Sir lu*o Nawtuu, li •eated uo (ha Km«( bkok of tho WIiIibiii Klvar 9b nillat dl- r«ul from Loudon, hy «««v of St. N«$t$, aitS Stainforti, U U b .SuuCb krf Oramtkam, M N . K of & 13 W. by N. of Uomrn thru' Corby. LINCOLN, !• ••«(•(! on tha bkiiki of tlio NVltbuiu rUar, 129 ulle* troia Loudoo bt i«uv of .StAinfurd, Collar»«rur(h, tod Auoudar; it ii (bo i«nio dlt- (Mco by w*y of I’alrrboroujli. and Dtopiuf, loo No. 2905. 1( !• 16 N. K. uf NowAfk, 9U W uf IL>rnrai(l«, by w«y ufWroKby, 99 W. S \V. of Louth, alio by «r«y of Wraitby, 93 K. by 8. of Kalfurd, 33 S, of ItArtan Walardda, 19 9.K, M Oaiatboraugh, ami 34 9. W. of (Iriiniby, by way of Market Kaian and Calrlor. I'ho Withaui (i navlyabla from l.laouln past TaUanball to Hoitou and it bai alto the advaulage of^a Canal to tbo I'rent LOU I'M, it 114 milridiroct from London, by way of Pn(a roorougb, Spal- ding, Uotton, and Spiltby, dlt. U uiilei, it it 4 mllet furtber from Louduu by way of SItafoid, rattorthall and llorni'aitln, dlt. from tho latter 14 iiiilat, it it 199- ufOrhutby, aud 36 dua \V. of Uaiuiboroug b, by war uf Markal Uatea dit. IS uiiltt. r ■-a n // • ; « f2216 Conm A E.of Collertu'orth uettisloe A Hytham 10 N.ol Stan{ford Wapenlakc | Kflenham. . 4 W. of liourn I- 03 .« S=§ O '221!) Coltcrsu'orth 13 N. by ]V. oJ' Stait(ford 20 (ireat Ponton .. 17 do. do. 1 Denton .. 2 S. by W. of Grantham 2 Hartaxton do. do. 3 Gr.\ntham WO from London 4 Manthorp.... contig. to Grantham 5 Spittleffate & Har. do. do. 6 Great Gonnerby .... IJiS.o/rfo. 7 Barkston 'AN. of do. itr- -I r 2228 Barrovvby \AW.of do. Winndn ig s ^ g Ropesley 6 N. £. of Coltes. and Throes g of Grantham Hundred. ( i Woolsthorpe bV. o/do. , , r2232 llelpiingham .. iE.hyN.oJItH > 3 Heckington.. 4 do. do. 4 Hale do. do. 5 Old Sleaford 6 N. of do. 6 New Ditto., &c. do. do. 7 Ruskington 2 N, of Sleaford ham , Hundred, f Flexwetl ( Hundred. ( Langoe ^ 8 ti- S South ) Kyme ^ North ^ 5E. o/do. Hundred i 9 Billinghay SN.E.ofdo. tiunarea. ^.^240 Timberland 8 do. do. '2241 Ancaster 13 N. by E. of Coltersworth 2 Caythorpe .. A N. by W. of Ancaster 3 Fulbeck 5 do. do. A Leadenham*.. 6 do. do. f Boothby Graffo Hundred. 5 Bennington 8 N. N. TV. of Grantham 6 Hough-on-the-Hill .. AON. of do. 7 Claypole 11 do. do. 8 Broughton 7 E. of Newark 2249 Welbourn 10 N. of Ancaster Q ’a •S' 50 Well in gore 11 do. do. 1 Navenby.... 12 do. do. 2 Bassingliam 6 N. E. of New. 3 Tattershall AA do. of Sleaf. 4 Belshford 4 N.N. E. of Horn. 5 Coningsby 1 E-o/TattersAai/ 0 Marehain-le-fen 5 E. by N,of do, 7 HorncastleON. 5j/E.p/'do. 8 Sibsey a N. of Boston 9 Stickney .... 10 do. do. 2260 Bolingbroke 16 do. do. 1 Spilsiiy 17 do. do. 2 Burgh 18 do. do. 3 Partney .. A^ N. of Spilsby 4 Alford 7 N. by E. of do. 5 IMumby 3 E. of Alford 6 Hogstliorpe .. A E. of do, 2267 Hagvvorthinghan 3 TV. of Partney Hund.) 8 Tetford 5 N. TV. of do. 2269 City & Lib. of Lincoln | 129 from London T f 2270 3 out Parishes, on the North Lawless > 1 Nettleham 2 N. JV.E.o/Lin. Wapentake ^ g Saxelby &c. 6 N. TV. of do. Wratriroe ( 3 Wragby AO E. N. E. of do. A Bardney 8 N. TV. of Tatters. 5 Louth .... AAA from London 6 Rasen Mar. 15 N. E. of Lin. 7 do. Middle config. to 7 )/. R. 8 Binbroke 7 N. N. E. of do. 9 Tealby 5 do. do. 7 N. E. of Louth 1 Thoresby A2 N. of do. 2 Tetney 13 do. do. 3 TValtham Al^ S of Grimsby A Laceby 2 AV. of do. ^ g 1^ 5 Clee contig. to do. 5^2286 Caistor 9 N. of Market Rasen ?\ 7 G LANOFORD Brig. . .. 2A N. of Lincoln |< 8 Wrawbv .. contig. to Glandford Brig 1/ 9 North &elsey A TV . of Caistor ^ v 2290 Goxhill A E. of Barrow Gartree 5 TV apentake \ Horncastle \ Soke. ^ Boling- i broke Soke. Candle shoe ( TVapentake ^ Calcewortk S Hundred. ^ Hill IPepentake ( Walshcroft \ TVa- : pvitakc i i R f 2280 Chapelmarsb , ! - N#. ot Persons in 1801 1 Number of In- habited Houses in 18-il /Vumber oJ Families lii 1621. Total \umber of Persons in 1S21 1 JIK lip m 4eo. . T .8 tS UH •.an.* b-3 ©/• m lid' 1815. /■ isli t ssl 1! « 1824. relieved c li Vi L y umber of In- habited Houses it* 180 .<5 65 *5 ft - § a o •c w c Q W c •ac .o R I Chiefly employed t in Agriculture do, in Trade Manu- fac. or Handicraft all others not inclu- ded in the preceding TOTAL ^ V b. ^ at g-2 do, in Trade Man, or Handicraft all others not in^ eluded in the pre. oL. 78 81 68 287 436 461 107 76 37 7 581 2,216 276 398 12 — 11 101 109 35 362 506 573 121 100 17 11 736 6,056 345 329 23 — 15 91 62 107 344 513 657 115 93 33 2 657 8,217 280 437 23 — 5 131 365 256 28 649 800 163 20 135 19 780 2,309 330 244 11 8 12 68 84 52 275 411 410 72 59 26 8 418 2,432 172 358 14 — 8 101 96 37 313 446 473 103 97 27 2 577 3,937 239 348 16 5 7 65 153 56 88 297 351 74 69 9 — 389 3,772 158 240 12 — 5 605 76 563 2,6frl 3,303 3,646 730 68 499 31 4,148 9,.554 1,619 2,180 117 22 28 91 61 66 319 446 552 247 86 128 44 1,175 4,.527 361 323 25 — 6 114 83 63 393 539 538 1.59 61 73 28 754 4,866 305 252 15 — 21 128 ' 245 45 269 559 610 174 104 53 20 743 5,684 323 322 23 — — 59 96 25 155 276 270 81 35 27 20 410 2,355 81 116 9 — 8 86 89 29 347 465 524 117 93 28 26 671 6,930 249 36G 15 11 12 85 110 39 253 402 440 114 85 29 6 554 3,339 134 228 6 9 51 66 18 152 236 275 65 47 13 14 377 2,310 176 114 12 — 3 74 268 104 — 372 456 95 04 47 19 566 2,806 118 137 10 — 10 113 118 47 353 518 550 145 106 31 8 693 3,990 302 424 14 18 27 239 206 91 745 1,042 1,261 316 171 101 59 1,438 6,563 377 800 15 8 3 125 141 28 458 627 710 171 135 35 4 863 7,902 294 504 23 6 24 30 i 24 101 1 126 176 45 26 18 7 215 1,3.52 39 87 9 — 1 321 79 287 1,117 1,483 1,781 459 115 233 110 2,220 5,504 259 433 15 22 17 98 203 60 217 4(i4 5.56 131 101 29 7 678 3,964 154 261 y 4 11 61 102 13 — 292 389 88 73 16 — 516 8,2^19 179 — 6 6 6 38 192 1 22 215 198 45 35 6 12 283 3,885 136 277 16 — 3 217 765 33 241 1,132 1,239 269 222 68 27 1,554 8,898 524 899 25 9 31 147 183 34 533 751 891 103 140 34 11 1,183 8,653 366 516 32 — 23 70 70 21 245 336 381 86 54 25 11 439 2,806 146 279 10 7 80 88 61 288 437 475 111 74 33 12 567 6,366 272 274 14 5 7 79 83 37 277 397 481 99 68 34 6 .555 5,324 181 249 11 6 9 107 360 44 113 517 530 116 56 30 29 574 6,336 299 280 12 6 17 123 200 52 471 723 805 150 144 41 15 881 6,049 471 484 40 3 19 68 120 3 261 385 442 105 81 19 12 533 4,567 179 218 12 — 6 99 82 56 347 486 484 114 81 30 3 605 4,323 269 332 17 2 9 83 104 75 388 567 530 126 77 40 13 596 4,973 358 227 26 4 13 72 78 24 258 360 383 93 79 15 10 489 4,028 222 195 14 3 11 132 136 54 369 559 613 141 150 13 3 727 4,577 181 1.57 7 6 9 101 19 34 426 479 542 123 83 31 13 6‘25 3,574 115 220 10 7 2 75 21 23 369 413 489 123 79 41 3 613 3,946 182 227 14 — 0 134 48 37 576 661 714 154 97 43 31 896 5,968 391 050 12 3 21 58 83 12 108 275 416 99 77 22 6 490 2,399 372 360 31 — 5 299 216 44 39 1,301 1,658 339 244 91 16 1,651 6,541 1,418 1,711 32 16 17 — 377 6 — 383 487 125 96 30 1 609 2,182 278 192 15 — 9 403 92 365 72 2,015 2,622 651 251 321 93 3,058 9,896 1,258 1,842 65 24 98 180 428 78 442 948 1,151 255 196 01 19 1,354 12,576 630 632 43 13 33 103 210 25 260 495 556 154 123 21 15 763 3,537 217 210 15 — 10 70 160 123 — 283 361 153 84 69 17 753 2,950 300 280 — — 26 200 55 165 712 932 963 ‘215 62 135 25 1,234 4,607 670 641 31 14 13 135 82 55 579 716 709 189 100 73 51 903 7,147 1,‘271 954 41 — 34 52 34 16 211 261 296 56 29 18 12 293 1,987 233 226 21 — 8 229 58 206 776 1,040 1,169 304 58 159 90 1,506 3,637 767 708 38 10 23 98 131 17 313 461 494 108 102 10 9 582 4,418 541 586 58 — 31 87 126 34 291 451 515 105 77 38 10 591 4,433 510 560 22 — 28 63 73 23 280 376 442 105 76 24 6 533 3,518 296 264 14 — 18 66 44 13 269 326 410 111 93 18 — 531 1,904 267 289 21 — 8 1,510 718 1,698 4,982 7,398 8,861 2.076 532 1,371 263 10,367 ! 44,396 2,136 3,511 }^^ 113 152 2.59 23 195 1,060 1,278 1,356 292 13 99 180 1,409 74 141 36 200 377 4&1 95 77 37 3 572 3,705 170 198 12 — — 83 120 10 259 389 450 110 80 23 14 561 4,086 93 135 10 — 3 71 40 87 283 410 509 93 53 34 6 633 2,583 290 310 6 5 28 116 119 84 500 703 814 161 45 35 126 954 5,295 422 682 14 11 13 899 341 549 3,368 4,2,58 4,763 J,217 35 620 032 6,012 17,761 2,223 2,406 126 57 66 131 56 147 571 774 964 •243 56 125 85 1,166 2,460 219 420 26 10 44 96 210 31 222 463 459 101 118 21 — 508 3,405 247 205 18 3 11 76 135 49 300 484 655 153 100 44 8 790 5,672 353 392 27 — 18 80 118 70 281 469 629 167 89 54 27 755 3,451 302 415 25 — 9 65 85 17 252 3.54 328 77 75 18 3 411 4,237 210 165 12 — 4 74 143 38 179 378 342 88 69 29 16 484 1,709 281 263 51 3 59 85 83 44 313 440 489 125 96 28 4 622 6,1.54 497 374 24 — 2 85 46 59 280 385 384 112 48 42 25 526 2,677 253 303 17 — 13 72 45 38 285 368 440 106 60 30 10 523 2,762 208 2!)8 11 3 12 74 62 18 307 387 591 127 48 72 14 560 1,514 163 300 8 _ 17 193 60 97 704 861 1,051 228 80 126 31 1,2.53 3,909 377 536 27 12 9 297 26 387 914 1,327 1 361 337 — 330 16 1,674 2,624 543 091 34 16 13 65 216 12 55 283 381 101 88 9 6 4.)6 3,952 98 148 7 G 97 164 16 309 489 509 121 120 13 3 573 5,826 254 310 18 1 12 146 203 50 343 596 660 1.58 135 20 5 730 6,638 326 283 17 5 17 pi i-im d® la £- 49 40 45/ 55 C 117 205 70 151 100 385 96 32 20 150 13 8 42 155 — I 10/ 89 48 — 30 — 116 — ! 92/ 507,1 112 — ! 46 — i 20 5 5 6 15 28 135 28 64 21 60 252 258 50 107 95 17 1 681 110 402 29 64 237 15 20 12 13 1 105 28 30 47 6/8 214 16 14 26/ 130 46 5 57 4 12 23 23 74 5 26 67 956 12 8 28 18 14 58 2 10 / 3 8 3 15 11 ‘22 IG — 221 k 2*245 — 2290 Inland Toions, and Populous Parishes, in the County of Lincoln; Grantham, SleajorU, Horncastle, Lincoln. Louth Sfe. Sfc. 40 2291 — 2905 Toi‘Ogkai*hicai. Position, POPULATION, Ac., &c., of Populous Towns, and Parishes, in Manly Wapentake, Lincoln- shire ; the Counties of Rutland, and Nottingham, and part of Derby. Mansfield, is 9 miles E. of Alfreton, 12 S. S. E. oj dies- East of Matlock, and IZ A', of If orksop. (kildecot, Vo. *230(5, /.t seated nvar the Juncfion of the river with the Welland on the l^euls mail line oj road, %\ miles j'rom London, hy way oJ liedJ'ord,and Kettering ; cont^aaed chroagh Uj/pin^haiii, Oakham, and Melton Mowhray to Nottiny,ham. Oakham, is II tf/iles .y. ff\ oj' t'oUerswortk, see i\o. 2210, 12 O'. oJ Stanijord, 10 S. of Mellon MowOfay. Uppingham <% 22 miles fV. of P'eterhorongh, 20 A*, of Leicester. Kh«i llRTpoiiu, is 23 miles, ft’. N. W. of lAncotn 0 .V. E. of Gainsbororonh, 0 *V. oj' iiawtry, and 7 E. oj Worksop. CorriaKliam Ilundied, \ 2291 Kirton .... 18 A', of Lincoln Di.i.ion. ^ 2 Scotter. . 5N. W. of Kirton r r22I)3 Owston (i N . of Gainsboro’ ^ Uaxaj.. 7 N. by W. of do. il . I 2 S ^ 5 Eywortk oj"- 0 Helton V 7 CllOVVLE I K Alassingham 7 N.W. of Kirton vJ I 2 Scawby .. 'll due N . oJ Lincoln |S I 2300 Brougbtoii.... '2 N . of Scawby do. i) do. do. 11 do. do. 1,5 do. do. I C i ,0 1 2301 Appleby.... 7 do. ' ~ A 2 tv interton 10 do. 3 BiimoN 11 do. 4 AVinteringh. 15 do. 5 Ankborough IG do. M WranJil0 Hiind. di.4>(icU from Aam;ito»?*Aii by the WtUrtnd riv9T ) 9 Mo: (2310 N. : O 1 as A On thf Meil lint ' road to Leeds through Noltiugham , Bost Bundred eantigHoue to Stamford, to uihtik the dtetancft Aletot Hundred North of Oakham, from tohenco tht distance imply. do. do. do. do. 1 2300 Caldecot 84 from London • A 7 Licldiiigton 3 fl. of Caldccot 8 Barrovvden 9 A'. E. of do. Morcot 10 do. do. . Lufl'enham 12 do. do. 11 Ul’PlNGllAJl AN. of do. • 12 Preston .... 6 do. do. ) 13 Oakham .. 11 do. do. . 14 Braunston 3 II'. of Oakham ' 15 Ketton 5 (K. 5. W. 1 16 Ryall 3 A'. I 17 Gt. Casterton 'AW. N.W. _ 18 Empringham bW. by N. 19 Exton 5 E. N. E. 12320 Greetham C> N. E. ^ 1 Cottesmore AN. f 2 Overton 5 do. 3 AV hissendine .. 5 N. W. f2324 Newark .... 110 from London 5 Balderton ‘i S. E. G Farndon 3 S. IK. 7 Elston 5 do. 8 Collingham South 5 N. 9 Ditto. North........ 6 do. 2330 Muskhata North 4 do. 1 Sutton 8 do. 2 Tuxford Vi N. N. W. 3 Markham East 2 N. of Tuxford 4 Welloiv 11 AT. IK. 5 Ol.LERTON 13 do. G Edwinston .... IW. of Otlerton 7 AA'^arsop 4 N . of Mansfield . g AKorksop 22N.TK. 9 Carlton 25 do. 2340 East Retford t .. 30 N. 2V. IK. 1 West Ditto, contig. to E. Retfd. 2 Ordsall do. do. 3 Clareborough .... 2 N. of do. 4 Gringley 6 do. do. 5 Misterton S 5 to 0 North 6 Stockwith .... ^ of Gainsboro’ 7 Bi.yth.. 5 N. N. E. of Worksop 8 Misson i E.of Rawtry 9 Mansfield H N. of Nottingham (23.50 Do. AVoodhouse contig. o7i ttia N. 1 Pleasely 3 N. N. W. of Mansfield 2 B 0 LSOVER& Glap. .. 7 do. do. 3 Ault Hucknall .... 4 AVhitvvell 11 N.of do. 5 Sutton-cum-D. 7 N. W.of do. G AVingerworth 2 S. of Chesterfield 7 Edensor-cum-C. 2 E. of Rakewetl 8 Dethwick, L. & H. 9 Matlock § .... 'i N.of Cromford 2360 Tissington .... A N . of Ashborne 1 Par wick C do. do. 2 Hartington 10 do. do. 3 Qaarndon A N.of Deri 4 Mickleover 3VK. of do. 5 Elvaston r> E. S. E. of do. i "alio No. of piiHSONs in 1801 -• Aif?nber of ISZl, s'” • • .« S’ jVo. of Families tJ -a S S.-S S -3 T2 ® s S'" do, in Trade Manufactures or 1 Handicraft \ * V, ' .2^ t ^ C K p-i O "s CO "a CO 1 j\uinher of inhab- 1 ited Houses in 18*21 It S 2 ?■ 5 *5 • o ( of Dunuuiw, io Katoa •« St. Alban* lhrt>‘ llatllabt. di*. 7 iiillci Tim Load* Mali Una of ruatl oivarKM from III* (llatfow Una at Walwyti, ( No. ) thru’ Hiti-bia, SUrifnrd, ko.» aaa Soa. *i4'i?. 7* 40 ; Watford, Uarkhampataad, and Trin|, ar* on th« liua of *t»ad from Ltfudoa, to tUr«ln|bam, Uwuu|(h Ayloabnry, !lueklo|{bain, and UaoburT. /ii<’i‘iaM«a*aur/A> No. 2403, It taatnd on tba Watt tank cf th3, Imply front Wa- Population 8lo., of Market Siroui, No 3l2A, it loenidod in Non. bcin^ I'nrtly in liorla, nod partly in Bedford (Juuntiaa. ^2306 Che.thunt 13 A«,t. 43(18 -ro, 4:77, \ 7 Woriulctj .... U ff \ 8 liroxbourn .... 15 »taU line of i'oad.dts- \ n i_r . . „ „ . .m tames Iroin London. / ^ HoDDESUEN 17 (3370 Greiit AmicclL. 19 2371 Hertford AN.]V. 0 / Hodde.ideii 2 Brickeudon ‘i S.qf llcrij'ovd 3 Hertingfordbury •iW.ofdo. 4 liengeo contig. to HerIJ'ord onihe North f2375 Sawbridgeworth .... ON.uJ'Epping 5*' . j 0 Bishops Stortford 14 do. do. ^®v 7 Ware ... 20, — and‘1 E.<\f Hertford ' 8 Stanstead Abb. 3 N. E. 0 / lloddesden I 9 Hiinsdon 5 do. do. • i 2380 Standon ON. by E.of iVare 1 Braughin 7 ' do. do. f 2382 Much Hadbam 0 N. E. of do. f 1 3 Little do. AW.ofB.Slort. "de^on tZ ^ 4 Layston &c. . . 11 A’. 0/ IVare E. by Essex. J ® Barkway .... 14 do. do. f 6 Barley 16 do. do. od.., n.ndr,d, ( 2387 Therlield 3 S. by \V. of Royston » 8 Royston .... 37 from London .. c,sr.J,„s. ^ g Ashwell .... 5 N. of liahioc/c ( 2390 Watton .... 3 N. N. W. of Herijord These \ places are Hatfield 19 on the Glasgow ,7 2 TV eliryn 25 mail line of road,\ 3 Stevenage 31 ; J dis.from London. 4 BaLDOCK 37 (2393 W estbn 4 N. N. E. of Stevenage Tato.. J39G- 7. «/iijioi. f 2396 Barnet ll ar. o, I., \ •J ST. ALBANS 21 and Manehtter Mati J fine of narf, di*tamce$ o Ot. i 6l6rS e fire oift J St. Stephciis // Pari.Ae* 0/ A'f. 2400 St. MichaclS ff C*?3 II JVoa. 3102 - 5, are tit the S. TP. ortrnnitif of tko CoNo(w No*. 2406 - 7 , are Je/aehtd partt of the TIundre. N. N. IP. '.f Wtitcy Wat/iivJ, includ’* tho Hatnhtt of L,*v*tden. Ca, oNii 0*nry ('2401 Redrourn 25 i 2 Watford ib from Land. 1 3 Rickmansworth 4 Aldenham .. 2 E. by N. 5 Abbots Langley.. 3 iV. 6 Codicote L 7 St. Pauls Walden .. 4 f24n8 Bushey 1 S. £. o/ W^atrord 9 Kings Langley 4 N. N. tV. of do. 2410 Hemel Hempstead 8 do. do. 11 Berkhampbtead.. 11 do. do. 12 do., N. Church 12 do. do. 13 Tring 17 da. do. 14 Gt. Gaddesden 4 N. N.W.of H.H. 15 Little Ditto 7 do. do. 16 Shenley. ... 6 iV. N. TV. of Barnet 17 North Slimms 6 N. of do. 18 Wheathampstead 5 N. N. TV. of H. 19 Harpenden 5N. by W. of St. Album 2420 Flanistead 2 N. N.W.of Redbourn * L 1 Caddington 4 do. do. Hitchin Hand. 2422 Hitchin.. 14 N.oJ Hatfield I "" ■■■ -.■5= 6^ = , „ 9 C C.2 ® 52 2 •■S Flitt Hand. ^2423 Luton \0 N.byW. of St. Alb. y 4 Flitton-cum-S. 9 N.of Luton 5 Clophill 6 Hawness 11 do. do. 12 do. do. '2427 Westoning 10 N. huW. of do. 8 Market St. N .W. of St. Alb. 9 Dunstable.. 12 do. do. si I" t 2430 Houghton Rogis 2 N. of Dunstable 1 Eaton Bray .... iW.ofdo. 2 Hockliffe .... i N. TV. of do. 3 Leigh TON Biiz. 3 TF. of Hockliffe 4 Chalgrave 2 E. by N. of do. 5 Toddington 3 E. N. E. of do. 6 Woburn .... i N. E.of do. 7 Eversholt i N.of do. 8 Apsl'.'y Gaije 2 i\.0y IV. of IVa'nirn 9 Salford 4 do. ao. rufinn f2440 Shitlington 5 N. TV. o/HitcAin iXA * Shefford 7 N. N. W of do. C * HenIo\y 7 N, of do. No of Persons in 1801 Nuviher oi relieved ISltl. Ptrmantmttu o ^*32 a S 1 « B'S! •II hiefty employed n Agriculture a ^ « t 5 W SS — •S V u TOTAL Total Thumber Persons in 1811 A^umber of In- cited Houses in I I’a in Trade Man. ir Handicraft n O R c •> -S 00 fc. •a .2 S ,3 e <; 5; lil.i ■2s J ■.’3 ai; M id ivfm 5 saw S 1 s • '3 ^ -A - 1 V 1 1 II iw A# 09 •« O'* ® *5. "o •S' s ® o X; ^ 3 55 1815. 1824. O ■S -o£ — -£- 2,413 — ci- 2,874 587 445 296 2,432 3,173 3,598 799 326 271 255 4,376 22,204 129 49 168 94 95 30 320 445 433 100 42 26 37 492 1,790 258 175 20 — 26 61 30 14 20 371 419 87 38 28 21 534 3,060 312 359 25 — 29 224 140 229 858 1,227 1,249 282 III 60 no 1,354 5,339 946 897 — 13 716 135 111 78 583 772 1,003 205 88 44 96 i,no 5,001 956 881 40 11 — 529 199 437 2,724 3,360 3,900 649 76 355 338 4,265 13,493 2,903 2,924 194 42 78 86 44 20 3!H) 463 '452 119 23 58 47 . 047 3,106 317 410 13 — 7 104 157 44 424 625 653 127 97 22 30 827 4,240 515 .578 11 20 13 95 142 30 412 584 536 144 57 44 76 731 4.118 492 616 22 6 29 179 330 118 1,239 1,687 1,827 384 223 120 59 2,071 9.194 1,489 1,268 73 25 — 421 107 453 1,745 2,30.5 2,630 610 93 490 73 3,358 8,930 11,791 2,705 1,951 148 60 160 557 160 407 2,387 2,950 3,369 670 40 252 408 3,844 3,288 2,211 125 78 31 150 — — — 861 832 181 108 48 40 950 4,329 624 522 94 17 in 103 94 19 4.56 569 512 111 58 33 26 584 2,717 537 382 22 17 13 247 339 116 1,391 1,846 1,889 269 211 93 no 2,135 8,012 1,832 1,411 93 47 56 144 213 67 <)92 972 i;029 233 195 32 17 1,228 .5,101 1,512 1 075 51 23 109 185 164 65 751 980 1,081 230 133 .59 44 1,208 5,728 987 925 42 2!) 80 115 186 40 459 685 070 146 144 19 10 787 4,20.3 816 776 36 — 46 162 110 130 .559 799 907 199 92 79 33 1,014 3,422 798 723 40 19 23 141 116 59 524 699 686 100 77 57 42 771 3,871 527 550 28 13 30 96 131 50 313 494 593 124 98 33 5 695 2,312 .500 468 24 — 22 129 97 32 678 707 692 169 74 28 87 87ii .3,633 365 726 14 — 15 270 95 222 1,014 1,331 1,309 275 102 129 67 1,474 2,208 700 475 35 22 21 141 311 198 208 715 '754 180 148 50 7 915 3,675 475 395 24 3 20 118 110 45 447 602 044 153 108 41 30 812 4,494 16,996 711 515 22 — 33 466 1337 774 331 2,442 2,677 584 369 122 179 3,215 2,387 1,738 86 41 117 165 401 443 71 1,015 1,130 215 130 82 29 1,287 3,922 759 946 20 21 38 258 229 101 924 1,254 1,302 343 193 119 43 1,664 5,001 167 1,010 67 22 27 220 127 202 954 1,283 1,438 286 123 118 91 1,550 2,110 1,048 1,034 71 14 29 120 306 177 246 729 708 167 145 So 4 927 4,447 017 483 28 7 50 271 144 253 1,214 1,613 1,985 372 97 190 144 2,322 12,048 863 1,473 28 45 515 101 575 2,t62 3,038 3,653 729 157 664 115 4,472 159 215 267 509 47 58 aV) bs/9 834 1,266 709 1,394 248 190 175 232 7l 55 8 26 1,261 1,580 [ 32,371 5,301 5,319 236 91 L456 150 179 116 M2 807 840 158 133 17 18 917 y 239 318 458 377 1,153 1,333 317 33 149 155 1,784 6,499 1,245 1,106 60 34 20 661 311 711 2,508 3,530 3,976 921 443 396 281 4,713 18,722 2,874 3,221 150 45 — 490 513 451 2,011 2,975 3,230 663 313 271 210 3,940 16,7.37 1,841 2,142 87 44 52 2il 253 104 746 1,105 1,018 242 185 57 26 1,391 8,962 879 983 41 30 39 222 357 100 748 1,205 1,331 341 236 90 17 1,'^V* 8,290 937 1,420 44 35 51 99 131 55 398 584 655 144 89 42 18 v95 3,048 260 380 20 3 9 152 158 54 546 758 767 179 161 25 4 906 3,598 087 014 20 23 36 176 146 87 623 856 1 261 300 111 lie 81 1,507 6,847 590 732 34 — 35 181 149 114 707 970 1 108 248 ni 122 32 1,242 5,193 4,762 858 873 51 30 50 652 1296 804 1,580 3,680 4 222 968 409 561 132 19,276 3,376 3,123 103 94 203 333 168 167 1,355 1,690 1 963 450 175 178 146 2,310 6,679 1,499 1,738 76 30 54 127 166 33 536 735 861 203 155 39 11 1,028 4,938 858 1,105 47 24 78 435 289 406 1,461 2,156 2 557 554 306 277 89 3,286 5,597 3,829 4,160 209 35 49 119 302 36 456 794 941 194 115 29 54 1,096 3,222 1,031 954 38 24 32 82 66 36 286 388 506 105 58 38 29 531 1,1.58 323 247 25 — 15 125 176 70 483 729 990 214 143 40 20 1,132 7, .592 987 731 21 28 41 150 170 70 598 838 ] 001 202 158 47 17 1,007 8,590 461 556 12 14 19 201 239 71 733 1,043 1 250 277 199 66 20 1,584 7,315 791 513 49 25 19 225 278 97 737 1,112 1 386 307 214 67 61 1,693 6,211 632 1,040 37 21 66 186 273 295 450 1,018 1 205 243 195 30 28 1,392 6,965 1,532 1,376 58 31 — 200 203 205 646 1,074 1,208 280 227 64 15 1,549 4,602 821 703 35 18 38 667 277 288 2,596 3,161 3,008 886 345 467 188 4,486 13,021 1,721 1,574 117 48 106 612 619 324 2,152 3,095 3,716 833 404 478 73 4,529 4,605 2,742 2,175 128 43 175 122 190 66 483 739 862 205 173 39 19 1,009 0,139 705 954 33 7 28 142 197 128 381 706 721 172 145 28 3 838 1,453 466 483 25 7 51 82 127 25 436 588 609 147 122 18 14 775 3,372 673 675 30 11 29 76 108 18 284 410 497 125 81 45 31 634 2,018 446 876 21 — 29 243 73 112 1,1U 1,296 1,616 329 61 163 133 1,831 2,204 769 674 29 22 51 139 179 52 553 784 1,020 240 170 47 30 1,283 5,481 949 971 22 23 40 104 165 233 185 583 075 157 100 50 15 816 2.8S9 458 915 41 — 30 52 37 22 197 250 340 73 6 12 57 .393 1,943 282 236 19 — 14 627 1642 1,083 130 3,172 3, .556 847 410 306 189 4,421 10,128 2,189 2,689 173 35 137 73 — — 534 633 145 no 38 3 710 3,541 675 627 16 12 28 360 304 113 726 1,143 1,182 329 234 95 17 1,065 7,822 957 1,572 6 22 14 277 221 693 649 1,563 1,506 310 27 311 20 1,656 7,320 1,222 982 32 12 29 143 205 265 245 715 763 168 135 45 — 870 3,171 512 577 24 19 24 100 108 215 356 679 825 158 118 31 13 8-18 2,544 409 635 36 — 22 46 96 114 - 210 235 64 7 14 47 3!2 1,.53J 374 333 29 — 25 165 255 58 586 }«)9 870 198 166 61 25 1,149 4,002 849 786 102 45 35 90 52 98 314 474 536 126 15 113 5 618 868 j 151 255 9 8 17 99 93 45 414 532 601 !20 95 33 8 688 3,210) 417 408 20 — si *1 Ei: SIT 61 41 90 663 60 54 219 561 452 123 45 116 183 171 (O 20 268 218 49 447 200 253 291 216 137 610 146 130 43 98 94 327 64 194 49 33 140 136 227 141 87 33 517 429 83 91 50 70 39 12 54 338 50 54 52 i ^ Si 3i : w N S'- ■£■ 29 69 32 7 18 20 97 88 / 3 62 189 28 26 120 32 55 6 29 1 5 27 74 10 12 82 16 12 2 354 66 30 74 49 22 53 10 14 8 24 56 54/ 24 57 17 26 11 65 45 45 13 6 89 137 15 42 6 27 25 10 6 17 119 133 132 15 25 36 81 7 23l5l> — aiOO 2401 - 2440 Populous Inland Toiais, and Parishes, in the County of Herts, and part of Bedfordshire; Hertford, Barnet, St. Albans, Hitchin, Luton, Dunstable, >^t. S(c. 2441 — 251 5 42 Topographical Position, POPULATION, <&c., &c., of Populous Towns and Parishes, in the remaining part of Bedfordshire, and princi|)al part of Buckinghamshire* Plaiting of Straw vartially, and making of Lace liy hand very extensively prevails in many of the places below. Colnbrook, on the great Western road, 17 miles from J,ondon, is partly in Nos. ‘irtlO - 1 <4 2, and partly in Stanwetl, Middlc'ex ; Salt Hill, also on the great Western road, 21 miles from London, is partly in Ao, 24fi5, and partly in No. 2468. No oI Persons in 1801 /dumber of sealed on the Glasgow Mail line of road frem London, by Higfleswado, Is wajr uf HalflHd ami lialduck. continu»«d thiough St. Neoti, Ui». il milei, Stamford. Granthaui, Kic Bedford nealrd on |tho bank* of tho Great Oui«9 rlror, bo« Notes at lleud of No». 2141, 2216, aud 22tB 5 it i» on the k. S CO S. R ^ Leeda Mail line of road. 10 mile* beyond Hitcbin, lbr.mi(b Sbeff >td, du. S niilM, ten Noi. 2423 uud 10, coulioued through Iligham l-err«r», di» >6 mile* to Keltcrioff, UppinBha-o, Nc., *eo No. 23M j it i* 8 N. of Amptliill. 12 K. of Olaoy, and 12 S. W. of Kinibulton. Uuckinebam, i* 66 roile* direct from Loaduo, by way of Watford, Aylesbury, and Winslow ; it is 16 miles E. S. E. of Banbury, through Brnckley, di*. 7 miles 35 B of Oxford, 27 S. of North* 2.S-S H ■S.2 . k t-i '< s R ^ |S .2 K O E-h tc ^1 l-c and 8 S. W. ufstuny Slralfosit Cs s-s ,2 ^2 • O / Vo. 2412 196 281 146 778 1,195 1,361 312 201 85 ■i £ 2 “ 2 Eddleborough 1 N.of Iringhoe 196 254 347 397 997 1,146 175 129 79 69 xS 3 Wins *iS.W.of AVl 2434 201 268 397 328 993 937 157 171 62 21 ^2 4 Wingrave 5 N. E. of Aylesbury 119 172 214 216 602 588 no 100 28 14 £ < 1 5 Whitchurch 5 N.oJ do. 97 76 67 503 646 714 122 81 45 38 "* ® r 0 Winslow 10 do. do. 219 121 150 830 1,101 1,222 200 144 121 23 Sc] 7 G reat Harwood 2 N.of Winslotv 91 72 19 3.59 450 475 114 70 30 18 a 8 Whaddon &c 5 IV. IV. E. of do. 165 171 65 574 810 811 189 111 69 23 r § 9 Stewkley ry N. E. of Whitchurch 118 78 63 539 680 802 192 134 80 2 10 Swanbourne 5 iV. of do. 80 128 177 224 529 499 84 98 30 f2511 Padbnry A N.W. of Win.'ilow 84 429 21 9 459 510 103 120 22 16 rf ■£ 1 12 Rockingham J 7 do. do. 531 194 313 2,098 2,605 3,147 ()75 211 337 208 13 Thornborough. . 5 E. of Buckingham 8-1 393 65 — 4.58 539 92 88 26 20 14 Tingewick ZW.ofdo. 133 257 186 199 (M2 711 80 96 53 2-1 1 15 Stowe 2 N.W. 0 J' do. 58 16 11 284 311 368 77 59 3 15 W L tit Marsh Gibbon 15 N. IE. of Aylesbury 105 153 36 1 315 534 626 127 118 40 5 ^ S2 2,778 1,498 1,178 2,039 790 5,400 000 882 429 939 091 1,527 739 899 1,153 1,419 1,017 1,189 1,063 1,610 796 520 2,475 839 1,268 1,073 r "S'S, 7,504 3,690 8,202 8,177 2,879 9,189 7,753 3,819 1,497 2,757 3,226 4,579 3,585 5,043 4,250 6,531 2,687 6,850 13,182 7,514 3,596 3,305 9,095 3,709 6,974 5,613 g-£ “ S S t “ S3 c e S ■ Jj « = 0 i.-c S5 m 2 feO !: a.« ” gtSxi “■C-o s'2s:*g>8 .Vo. of Families relieved Prrmanf/i^ly 1815. -£- 1,220 925 707 1,903 350 1,857 1,047 596 239 317 365 853 814 984 1,006 1,411 570 893 1,502 1,237 527 545 1,329 470 761 1,053 1824. —£ - 1,473 782 952 2,133 605 1,524 1,199 541 270 700 411 1,249 1,110 1,705 098 1,815 552 907 1,6.54 1,084 384 377 1,132 459 508 1,084 C •« a 30 47 13 99 2 52 18 6 17 15 23 21 87 50 312 87 68 111 29 36 53 94 26 31 252 161 143 38 190 81 38 00 76 50 50 30 104 25 118 134 176 120 91 222 21 97 47 77 90 52 25 07/ 60 30 75 14 12 23 10 3b 20 50 00 75 135 18 64 / 21 158 33 50 686 1,716 586 1,736 1,351 1,104 2,612 1.0. 54 595 5,032 3,763 775 1,281 302 1,831 5,599 1,247 1,545 1.0. 50 1,9.58 814 1,735 1,602 300 611 723 4,400 794 1,294 620 1,000 1,327 911 558 1,212 1,065 1,378 1,086 675 815 1,222 584 900 933 616 018 3 405 572 832 478 738 3,354 831 455 21 11 7,789 1,092 1,130 56 34 3,681 716 459 30 — 5,924 1,524 1,161 43 40 5,256 837 772 43 30 3,849 1,302 907 54 40 7,305 1,648 1,832 no 50 3,094 675 767 27 25 2,400 406 394 n — 15,656 3,761 3,930 — — 8,181 2,967 1,955 277 63 6,191 684 596 37 29 6,393 1,403 868 74 26 l,(i97 447 302 53 — 4,923 1,261 1,193 70 43 8,353 2,452 2,418 165 128 2,183 1,344 939 42 12 4,898 1,734 1,293 in 27 5,108 700 886 58 20 4,467 1,208 1,482 82 37 1,787 460 594 38 — 5,538 1,143 949 123 30 4.903 1,.586 1,353 50 44 2,544 668 619 30 — 3,(i7C 659 606 — 3,526 S21 698 38 — 9,288 3,190 3,486 108 45 3,298 950 727 26 — 4,293 1,300 1,269 50 — 3,469 566 842 23 15 r>,12l 811 755 42 — 9,8.54 1,911 1,564 116 9 3,451 — 789 — — 2,161 715 899 57 — 4,423 1,660 1,234 89 — 1,786 1,701 1,160 71 35 1,744 1,183 1,034 105 30 9,607 1,163 1,037 60 17 3,688 1,017 7.34 35 — 3,107 701 737 42 2 4,081 1,407 1,125 57 11 1,993 512 (kio 20 — i,:ni .591 531 40 — 6,311 1,060 1,131 65 — 4,505 l)8() 603 26 — 2,85() 535 718 34 — 10,660 2,527 2 388 169 20 3,188 ()87 505 25 — 2,337 (i28 788 30 8 4,113 3()9 320 2(i — 2,878 745 (i07 25 — 114 167 24 41 4 27 6 105 15 390 68 131 65 1.50 238 25 32 114 200 58 154 79 66 67 19 76 90 79 43 59 120 120 12 18 58 — 0 103 61 119 12 39 — 300 28 62 — 837 21 225 73 23 7 — 23 — 8 157 28 318 26 — • 2 140 5 — 29 — 25 — 7 180 22 84 45 — 10 — 17 — 90/ 211 16 99 19 — 50 — 63 130 in 35 — 53 125 13 40 133 102 22 — 32 — 22 — 7 71 21 — 25 — 22 — 32 — 8 — 18 J20 5 — 7 00 14 — 11 — 12 10 14 43 20 18 40 8 20 20 / 49 17 7 30 2441 — 24(50 2407 - - 2.1 15 opulous Inland Towns, and Parishes partly in Beds., anil principal part oj Bucks. Bedford, Eton, Wycomb, Wendouer , Aylesbury, Buckingham, ifc., ifc. 4!i •26l(> — 261K) Topoohaimucal Position, POPULATION, &c. &c., of Populous Towns, and Parislios, in tliu remaining part of Buckiugliamsliire, and part of Nortliainptousliiro, commencing with lirackley, No. ‘25‘29. t.nce maktni: bu I, unit prevails in many places in Ibis page, purtieularly in the vicinl/y of Neivport, and Northampton ; some .Silk Host are also made, and Shoes to a great Client Jor the London Market, and on the river l.yssetl, ivhich unites with the (treat Oase at Newport, are some extensive Manujaeluret of faptr. Br*cklt». No. U on Iho lino of the Oifonl ( 00.1 liwm l.onaou, BucklM|h«ni, U*nburjf, «u>l Worwick, tu lllrmlng- boui, ei atllM from l.onJoa. and V ii. B. of lUobury. it i* ‘23 tniiui N, K , thi'i’ Tuwi'i , ilit. U mtioB. AyDlin , by WOT of Ajrlo»bury and Konnjr Strotford, and NVoeduii Hook, Nuo '2.>IN K '2.J&I Ukfurd, and ‘JO S. \\ . of Nor(ham|>(< It on another tine of road to llirmingti klanbuiT. dii. tf tullet. Kenny Stratfi , , . are on the line of the tiraud Junction Canal which umlet with ilie Oafo'>i Canai at Brauotlou, No. 3A40. UaTeutry, it 17 mile* N. W. of Hanhury, ‘JOS. S. B, .>f \> arwiuk. tbrough .Southaui and Lcaniiii|il'in, ||] H. of Lultorwurtii, ami 13 W. by N of Noilhamploo. Nortbumpton, it tcated on the North bunk »f the Ivor Sen, whieb it iiaTiRable from thonoe pait lllrhaiu Kerrcrt, I'hrupttun, Oundie, and Peterborou|D, to the Liucolnthire WatTi below Witboacli, tee No. I7J0, it hat alto the ad^aiitafe of a Caiinl pa«t Market llarburough to l.eioetter which unitet it on that tide to the ciTtit Soar and Trent, whiltl a vulluteral cut from the Uraiid Junction, uuiiet the rieer Neo with all the Canal Navi|i:a- I of the interior and N. NV. uartt ol Eiigland ; it it 33 iniiet S. of Lcit< ... . . • Tbrapttou. and Oundie, and 10 S. $ E. of Kugby by way of No. 3671, by way 01 .varaet iiarnurougn, me. 17 milet, ami half a mile lett hy kVelford, and Hutbandi botworlb, 43 miltt S. W. of I’elcrboruugh b^ istisSStSir:! (‘iiAG Little nrickhill* 8 Gt. If Bow do *. jg t'entiy Stratford * .... 8 19 Simpson eontig. to 1'. ,S. 2520 Stony Stkatforu* .. 15 1 Wavendon || 8 2 Newport I'AGNELL ||.. 17 3 Great Linford 4 Sherrington 15 5 Crawley ‘iE.by N.of N.P. 6 Hanslope 5 N.W.ofdo. 7 Olney 18 8 Lavendon 2 N. E. of Olney '2529 Brackley t 7 W. of Buckingham 30 Eveuley eontig. to Brackley 1 Aynhoe ViW.ef Buckingham 2 Syresham 5 N. E.of Brackley 3 Kings Sutton 2 N.of Aynhoe 4 Middleton Cheney .. 3 E. of Banbury f2535 Passenham 1 W. of Stony Stratford - _ I 6 Cosgrove 2 N. of do. ilaJIlJ 7 Potterspury * . . 2^ N.W.ofdo. i 8 Yardley Gobion || 3 I 9 Paulerspury* 7 L2540 Roade|| 7 Towcestert 1 Towcester • 7j Hundred.} 2 Abthorp 2W. of Towcester » a m : oir. : S * 3^ i S'* 2^3 ^ *'J5> ? S ts Ij, •ss Hi iJs L Ills' Greens Norton Hundred. 3 Silverstone .... i S.W.of do. 4 Whittlebury 2N, hyW.of do. 5 Greens Norton 2 N. W. of do. 6 Blakesly 3 do. do. s > e -“.5 ofiia a. IrH ohippiDjw.rd., f 2547 Sulgrave 7 N.of Brackley 8 Eydon .... 10 do. do. ^ 9 Bytield 7 S.S.W.ofDaventry visss f2.550 Preston Capes 5S.ofdo.' 1 Wcedon Beck* .. AS. E. of do. 2 Everdon A S.of do. 3 Newnham 2 do. do. A Badby 2 S. S.W. of da. 5 Daventry * 12 N. N. W. of Towc. 6 Braunston * 3 do. of Daventry 7 Barby 6 do. do. 8 Kilsby 5 N. by W. of do. a (■ 25.59 Yardley Hastings.. 10 N.of Newport II, I 00 Hackleton-cxxm-Pid 9 N. N.W.ofdo. . 1 1 Blisworth A N. E. of Towcester 2 Grendon 12 N.W. of Newport 3 Hardingstone 3 S. of do. A Lit. Houghton 3 S. E. of Northampton 5 Rotherstborpe .... 3 S.W .of do. 6 Northampton t 10 N.W. of Newport ('2567 Bugbroke .. 6 W. of Northampton 1 8 Harpole .... 5W. N.W. of do. 1 9 Floore 7 do. do. S“|jo 2570 Whilton A N.of Floore 1 1 HarlestoneW 4 2 Briiigton 6 3 East Haddon || 7 2574 West Haddon \\ 11 5 Long Buckby 12 6 Ci'ickjl 13 7 Yelvertoft 8 Guilsborough & Nortoft . . . . 11 9 Naseby 12 2.580 Welford 15 1 Great Billing 4 £. I 2 Kingsthorpe * 2 3 Moulton, and Park 5 N. N. E. I 4 Pitsford* 5 5 Spratton 6 Orlingbury Hund. 2586 Brixworth * 6 7 Rothwell II 4 8 Rushtons 5 9 Uesborougb || 5 ^ 2590 Clipstone 5 S.W. of M. Harb. * Little Bowden ]o contiguous to Market Harborough A Z .a M u .S Sptiboe Hoed , the places noted with a ♦ are on the Manchester Mail line of road, N. hf Northamo. Kothwell Hood, the placet &oted by a II are on the 'oail from Rette* nog, to Market Harborough, dist from Ketterio S. W. of Tlirap*! Wolltogbarouffh, in 69 oiIIp* . .u . oTo'i I. (> t! •ml «l>i>ul6 VV. of IliKkaiii b'ci tl h Ketterint; in 9 milen W . of ThrA|Mt E. of Market if^rhoruiich. Ouncllp in S milo* N. by K. of 'I lirapalaii. H f SUroford, 13 S. \V. of Felorhoroujfb, •»d I » E. of Itoekin^cl.am, by way ^'b, of ('orbj ami Woldou, »ra No*. 2(iU>>19. i^elerborough, ab Eic/s*ia>tical ■••led on tha N. bank of llio lifer Neo, Uun the bi((b road from l.ood' Liucolufhirc. it t* -12 mile* N. Iv. of NorOiamplon, by way of NVellingbi Thraptlon, and Ouiidlr, 22 E. by S. ol UpptojrliHiii, l-l S. E. of Htainfora. u a. 9i Market l)ropinj(, »eo No, 22U0, and II J». W, ofCrowland, rtf No 2I?2. Market llarborougli i« .caled on the N. bank of the Woilaud r.»er, which divide* the Couuty ol Lciceater from (bat of Noitli«iu|)t»n, aii l rtm past Kotk- iDgliaio, Stunifurd. Market Deeping, ami Crowland, iuto the F'>»» Dyke Wa*l> balow Spalding ; it is 27 mill * R of Coventry by way of Lutterworth, di*. U miles, and llusbaiids Bosworih, dis 6 luiles, niid 10 m. W. of llorkiotham. Mel too Mowbray i» 15 luilcs N. E. of Lciocster, !t 16 S- VV'. ot Uraotliaiu, u r I I C 2591 Ectoii . . 5 E. of Northamplon llan,for,lshoeS a Earls Barton r ° i 1 * line of road from Loodon, through Northampton, aud Welford, to | Hinckley, Atherstone, l*ainworth, i and Chester, to Holyhead the J divtaui-et imply direct from I,un-S g • don. Lutterworth is 8 m N. \V. 1 B i of ^elfor^i, I*) S. B of Hinckley. 1 I’f'S 7 E. of Rugby. 15 K. by S. of I Coventry and 12 S. of Lcieester. ^ 2063 Kimeote 4 Gilmorlon ...... 5 l.eire 8 Misterton .. 88 9 Luttf.kworthOO 2060 Bitteswell .. 91 1 Ullesthorpe 95.^ 2 Gt.C; lay brook 94 , . 3 A. W. of Kilu orth 3 A. E. of Lutterworth 4 A. W. of do, :s -c k • Frowlesworth 5 do do. 90 132 602 135 154 103 159 125 09 179 86 100 177 143 76 Oil 93 72 121 127 152 176 05 171 84 49 123 102 155 376 46 59 99 .53 204 128 24 41 85 727 145 81 09 324 185 135 118 90 88 120 105 106 115 70 342 57 110 68 75 99 79 08 85 67 54 180 1.50 73 207 08 101 0!) 133 lU 7(i 71 No. o( Persons in ISOI O 2S S~ 5 5== 105 287 j 167 22 ' 109 I 1.50 ! 147 89 57 192 8-1 135 184 89 117 221 65 61 44 225 30 1.58 171 210 170 0 43 05 132 141 05 22 72 54 05 11 4 210 121 181 172 341 358 23 43 107 128 52 30 82 242 50 53 31 28 00 137 32 60 70 100 70 76 93 (iO 127 388 86 89 133 74 77 297 109 82 09 .37 438 848 30 81 45 449 03 105 99 47 142 112 81 38 1,770 266 114 152 75 72 91 150 500 172 25 285 81 63 301 20 7 60 30 103 71 72 4 41 735 25 45 14 330 407 408 180 62 49 162 128 51 159 41 358 49 50 65 38 40 31 21 41 17 20 no 107 34 274 141 237 f)9 .321 292 100 14 70 498 028 511 43 222 .574 no 3 323 534 590 499 264 1,020 160 265 479 209 90 654 12 45 09 182 283 709 480 54 222 239 309 171 708 -497 72 313 2,533 495 5 117 333 33 282 390 341 299 71 10 337 269 1,580 215 417 253 197 318 250 230 287 233 215 567 200 101 51 124 183 18.5 27 1.53 105 214 474 725 3,325 680 701 523 818 726 332 890 454 811 886 669 419 3,011 491 440 675 569 663 903 333 755 411 213 611 855 675 1,956 307 268 441 2.55 876 579 148 214 475 3 449 735 501 372 1,716 783 548 580 504 420 .543 441 485 549 348 b76fi 324 604 350 301 440 381 333 404 :i43 301 804 695 341 1,6.52 398 494 331 61.5 551 317 297 £ CO "I s a •— >■ ^ <; sc so. 490 842 3,999 754 849 614 858 823 .397 1,101 445 908 967 705 428 3,24? 465 462 708 589 651 928 315 699 334 230 627 815 608 1,833 313 247 482 264 966 595 142 237 453 3,674 751 587 387 1,704 826 598 534 477 365 514 420 .555 651 373 2, 1-1.5 367 627 333 437 512 471 371 372 328 891 758 56 1,845 352 470 412 721 638 118 205 ■§s I? .S 5; <.ts 111 178 905 148 163 132 205 1.53 81 252 120 220 233 174 91 781 103 100 159 161 175 187 80 157 85 57 139 175 176 434 58 69 115 60 227 139 29 46 86 950 194 167 64 310 219 152 135 112 93 117 107 123 138 89 537 80 136 81 112 99 98 95 88 80 79 224 163 100 414 95 no 90 103 116 88 70 Number of Families in 1S21. 81 102 111 165 104 88 97 80 45 101 88 98 116 66 •59 200 61 54 58 114 137 144 41 74 71 49 17 1.52 136 SI 62 46 73 30 84 6.5 8 46 75 10 57 143 57 9 53 65 30 41 60 49 22 50 34 150 42 !U 37 67 73 84 58 54 60 fiO 120 115 76 119 51 40 48 51 49 40 II 24 75 62 91 94 38 145 27 113 73 80 23 510 46 35 75 38 38 63 26 47 14 8 34 31 43 253 2 26 31 35 114 86 14 6 39 306 9 34 31 288 100 103 48 45 33 52 31 108 97 39 258 36 39 34 39 34 22 22 25 15 23 91 60 20 282 32 70 37 45 97 48 15 10 3 18 32 16 1 71 6 15 55 36 21 90 17 18 30 16 7 15 41 4 4 91 5 1 120 1 8 16 3 36 4 15 1 8 665 131 11 15 37 116 3 30 64 25 23 32 5 3 20 157 10 12 15 18 3 8 16 14 10 1 32 9 8 55 13 11 566 976 4, -1.54 754 991 689 1,077 877 424 1,301 583 1,072 1,159 842 515 3,668 572 551 854 748 751 1,037 367 697 377 278 707 819 687 2,1.50 309 362 555 312 1,080 689 179 266 494 4,598 i 98<)5 747 472 1,873 961 644 624 531 383 529 514 588 697 -450 2,815 435 678 381 621 (»22 518 438 456 457 411 1,070 811 53!) 2,102 427 598 4.58 4!)8 718 435 301 2 4,517 3,798 11,877 2,402 6,335 4,051 4,703 2,047 2,111 5,015 2,133 6.977 6,892 4,235 2,541 7,390 3.385 2,756 2,821 6,024 2,957 6.385 1.978 3,029 1,120 790 1,115 5,745 3,679 7,468 4,922 1,938 2,368 1,793 3,486 1,876 792 2,659 3,049 11,647 3,54.5 2,045 3,2!)3 8,208 4,924 3,.529 4,932 3,810 2,972 2,218 2,801 3,646 1,782 13,339 3,274 5,190 2, 0-0 ,-c • 3 fcO t Jt “ Ii* 1815. -£- 364 393 1,607 851 600 597 548 524 356 688 617 986 990 882 390 4,083 604 305 621 892 469 1,229 512 849 251 149 889 849 683 1,149 298 166 304 162 335 154 50 212 287 1,533 1.56 171 1,311 1,149 703 614 1,434 623 769 355 310 306 360 1,121 324 434 351 335 479 353 333 20!) 1.57 i:n 573 651 674 1,126 363 3.50 153 .537 573 299 172 1824. -£- 285 492 2,344 640 586 632 947 509 293 894 724 1,050 927 943 392 4,304 409 451 601 749 509 1,208 422 897 473 201 936 752 737 1,351 344 186 453 112 458 223 61 191 259 2,062 402 209 1,126 1,101 406 745 1,145 .597 1,129 494 438 717 400 1,60!) 210 -125 351 307 600 332 5? I 276 187 77 4!)2 (>38 ■ 1.53 816 271 228 IM :k« 418 210 198 No. of famines relieved Parmanontly 'a ^ Sb. ft c 26 41 172 60 45 27 32 29 24 51 47 68 61 54 26 258 34 19 31 35 41 49 42 54 17 16 53 58 47 54 17 13 17 7 27 13 3 11 16 68 13 8 87 71 41 28 77 52 47 28 25 35 38 91 17 I!) 12 17 22 23 19 22 n 11 23 61 35 ,5(i 30 3:1 II 33 7li 29 18 82 53 12 139 39 60 8 20 8 8 67 21 37 29 42 16 125 14 24 48 66 29 13 4 7 13 36 21 17 15 9 9 8 727 10 13 10 H 13 4 8 12 22 A 17 91 38 75 14 12 7 13 21 !) 9 E'“ N n ■£■ 37 35 56 1 18 5 31 199! 57 20 78 671 42 86 124 53 71 64 116 198 62 398 115 15 44 G4 56 91 344 40 459 90 81 131 55 67 142 55 30 70 46 63 221 ftl 336 98 67 2!) 133 13!) 60 18 26 38 43 71 140 167 167 76 26 1 222 106 19 31 3 12 5 28 14 403 27 15 19 30 5 67 9 161 6 14 70 52 61 19/ !) 30 52 3 I 897 I 6 I ()9 ; 2 loo 21 31 1!) 4 70/ 15/ 32 8 30 100 105 13 8! 2 24 Populous Inland Towns, and Parishes in the Counties of Northampion, and Leicester. Wellingborough, Kettering, Market Harborough, ^ c 4.", 2C)(>«) — 2740 I’oi'OORAiMiiCAii Position, POPULATION, Ac. ucc., of Populous Towns and Parislios, wholly in the County of Oxford. Th. . 1 ... til. Tk.iii.. ai.io.i ILo roaut, af 0 »fo'.l fr.i.ii itauii. .oa... r,a„, fl.an.ul ( ... No »m ) la M.al.v, till. ., La-.... ut»i l)a..U..l.. I',!?!./.'"'...* 'i'’. ‘JjJJ'" H.ri r»*»r ■• ••• «- _ , Kail of \»U»bur», runs UA»t lb* lowci of ihniDOf { aud UlU u»l«* lili «»A» Uoroboitor, wltMi Ih* unllod ■lrr«iu» ooiiHiluU t|J« •ud UlU M.io iM ^ ^ oi lUudlnjl. •«.» 7 S. W. ofdrr.l M-rlow. *^Tho I'lW ofollonl »alcd ou Iho -N . honk ufib. Ill* i> 60 mil.# K ofiUlli tbrougli Burford «sni;baiii. uu tlio Mail through l.oauuu^uu and Wu'wiuk.dii. 23 • utiy, and 1‘iN.B. of Chipping Noitou and ha* ■ a liuo of tb* Canal troiu Cuvonfry to Oxiurd. ^ ' Hf.ni.ey^* 35 7 Sliiplake^ 8 Eye & Dunsden ^ .... ^ «S ~ ^ •* |L = t! o Misss Sa'^'5 it .3 “cl »^t= . . * = " « I S S-o « ■gSiSK-Scjg S o t: ^ — O ^ ^ . «0 « — td e — I O " sS “S-S-=tiS rt-c— ® a— O 5 -aj - j5 s “ :;®2 s-r — M « a> i Si s l.S^.5 Z ^ '1 ^ ^ ^ *0 = S S 2 2 '-S i S«'S"“2l ^ ^ ® t- V ao ^ ai ii H =•* £ = s O ,M <9 *>U ^ V r_ 0 5 ) {» t’aversham ^ (2070 Kc Kotlierfield Grays .... Lniig- i I Whitchurch § trie <2GoriuK^ 3 South Stoke 4 4 Nettlebed* 40 5 Ewclme 4 i\. W. of Nettle. 6 Biiisiiigton* 40 7 W.irboroiigh *1 liens. 8 Clialgrave 5 If ', q/' Po.stcombe 2079 Wati.ington 5 N. of Nettlebed 80 Pirton&c. contis'.toWatliiigt. 2081 Aston Uowant&c 2 Stoken Church 30 1 3 Chinnor 4 N. o/'6'io/£t)r C/t. 4 Lewknorit l’ostcombe40 + 5 Tetsvvorth42t 6 Thame AN.ofPostcombe 7 Gt. Milton 5W.ofTetsie. 8 Dorchester* 49 f 9 Oarsiiigton 5 N. of Dorchester ‘ 2090 M'heatley 48 1 I 1 Headington52+ J 2 Cowley \W. of Wheatley 3 Stanton .... ‘AN. of do. 4 Littlemore* 55 5 Iffley contig. to Littlemore 6 St. Clements 54 1 C 7 Oxford 54^ t, and ii/ * 68 1^ IV > ^ -o a 55- « -a » « — C5 C . ^ •- c o ^ !•= s £° §^o . « £ £ C ■o ^£3 tt-cO If § £ J .« “ £ , = = o ■" 1 SS:S|iSr 0 3.2 III-: 3 Bloxham ... 4 W'lTNEY { 11 5 Hailey I N. ofWittiey 6 Bainpton &c. lAN.W.ofAbing. 7 Aston & Coat 2 E. of Bampton 8 Standlake 4 S. of Witney 9 Clanfield .... 1 IF. of Bampton ^2730 Burford§18 1 Fulbrook .. contig. to Burford 2 Shipton .... AN.N. E. of do. 3 Ramsden AN. of Witney 4 Leafield AN. W. of do. - 5 Spelsbury 2 N. IF. of Charlhury 1 “ J 6 Cnurchill 5 do. do. o 1 7 Enstone*14 8 Chipping Norton* 19 9 Over do. contig. to Chip. N. 2740 Hook do. 4 iV. N. IF. of do. * Kingham 5 IF. N. IF. of do. f. L. • Cbadlington 4 do. of Enstone o <11 ^ u, 1^ i”? •a ca c No . of Person.^ in 1^0I Total Nvmlfer of Persons in IS 11 _ 1 94 Oj S R 'H’i S 1= a JSuinOt r of h'amiiits ui lri21. 55 u ■“ •O S V, r sr,3 111? /' ISiilHI ^•2’* i z s « 1 v'sjsj- *’ < « ® C Vo. of I'utn relifvfft r»rmantntlii Hies 1 ft *a 2 U.l C'? u V II' l. * : - d S'? s !“ K ^ • /. tu ^ S'** ^ a HI ^ K o- a t ■R « ••• a ^ e ^ .5 ^ ^ R « "R fN o ■a In. $ s* ?■ V a*? k R O S ^ S ^ R -ft UR I $ V ft U> ft -< •le w .ft lbI5. 182-1. 025 99 622 2,227 2,948 3,117 69(i 125 410 309 3,509 ot 5, 104 3,6.53 1,903 105 83 201 100 o4. 95 82 30 301 170 485 101 GO 32 15 528 4,308 (ill 610 26 55 — — 141 185 47 473 705 756 166 145 5 31 845 3,29(i 1,078 563 72 36 — — 217 223 87 759 1,069 1,127 239 127 50 81 1,317 6,919 1,042 900 49 140 — 19 151 3(i() (51 317 677 668 l()2 83 51 28 717 5,1.56 930 621 93 37 — 1 108 103 43 431 577 640 129 73 52 10 617 2,80.5 7!)9 508 88 21 73 16 139 603 48 26 677 790 149 141 5 3 867 3,802 1,403 1,019 97 — — — 117 382 21 161 5(i7 645 148 131 19 2 739 3,090 832 799 62 104 — — 90 41 34 423 501 456 103 55 32 30 545 2,516 438 418 28 32 — — bO 96 111 283 490 535 114 86 24 6 573 3,140 780 627 40 — — 187 495 297 19 811 825 216 116 86 22 9.VJ 3,329 1,441 1,342 62 984 — 6 112 369 141 25 .535 600 128 107 43 6 684 2,774 698 650 41 _ 3 5 117 499 10 — 509 488 105 89 20 3 538 3,641 663 641 28 37 — 19 202 233 278 7.55 1,276 1,312 295 151 J27 76 1,479 4,069 1,292 1,215 102 17 107 97 99 222 56 249 627 551 118 101 14 16 622 454 901 885 52 16 — 11 147 231 44 446 740 787 162 143 26 17 870 4,195 1,007 1,234 71 53 — 6 154 77 36 698 811 888 193 55 60 83 1,102 3,002 824 1,035 47 23 52 6 47 145 1.59 307 201 607 694 164 113 56 13 865 2,227 553 1,3.58 51 48 — — 84 81 27 309 420 471 135 123 35 13 691 5,641 1,440 758 67 46 — 11 90 76 38 23 396 426 105 8 31 1)8 495 3,016 414 370 42 42 — — 435 347 209 1J37 2,293 2,328 479 106 85 311 2,479 9,520 3,569 3,124 171 51 77 — 189 100 265 78 106 509 588 106 90 33 4 593 2,055 402 283 23 8 — — 1.50 300 77 400 777 754 168 103 45 20 854 3,646 793 668 53 91 40 107 252 41 200 493 492 117 85 32 4 595 4,333 — 471 — — 154 37 150 498 085 764 173 85 79 21 899 2,295 575 398 16 9 90 55 — — — — — 841 201 117 97 50 1 087 4,148 723 547 42 8 11 20 78 119 43 183 345 392 88 47 40 10 472 1,828 299 308 21 9 - 15/ 54 66 65 218 349 397 92 76 14 11 468 3,486 487 392 39 33 - 83 53 112 15 132 259 273 77 62 20 2 3.54 1,253 27 66 1 6 — 100 70 190 19 122 331 370 108 84 24 11 527 1,599 460 410 42 20 — 75 34 351 28 413 488 116 62 60 8 770 1,3.52 141 316 — 19 — — 1827 146 1,&47 9,901 11,094 12,931 2,U\ 49 2,042 949 16,364 29,806 5,390 4,794 268 229 273 736 185 132 229 132 196 557 504 141 13 37 109 655 3,638 382 382 7 45 110 109 334 104 Go 503 521 119 89 20 7 570 3,580 775 729 37 4 — 135 408 923 906 117 1,946 2,146 498 338 252 02 2,644 8,263 2,498 2,691 76 39 145 150 297 — — — — — 436 95 13 22 66 476 3,080 321 342 25 4 — — 64 29 25 287 341 429 84 46 36 8 493 2,381 304 255 23 12 — 24 183 237 70 859 1,166 1,418 310 156 107 64 1,705 8,016 1,147 977 58 15 32 87 130 100 170 26 459 655 721 183 143 27 13 885 3,126 1,437 1,119 71 134 130 16 72 50 26 441 517 525 115 83 33 6 592 2, .566 755 557 20 17 40 95 G5 120 151 57 449 057 736 183 123 57 10 938 4,944 904 553 84 — no 171 29 213 7 721 649 1,377 1,600 275 34 279 40 1,627 8,049 1,138 506 66 11 56 271 70 93 192 64 108 424 511 93 47 61 8 564 1,768 398 401 42 — 9 85 58/ 69 23 12 339 374 436 96 42 52 13 498 788 347 247 64 — 139 95 71/ 155 440 272 111 823 888 20a'i 133 66 30 1,084 3,979 571 437 57 — 12 84 69 70 53 42 238 333 340 87 36 33 25 395 1,677 219 208 19 4 — 25 60 87 86 139 312 352 97 84 23 4 489 3,558 598 439 50 — 34 — 38 223 66 70 1,036 1,172 l,29(j 274 194 94 26 1,404 8,110 1,480 1,572 76 20 31 325 76 190 244 691 30 965 1,074 266 81 180 32 1,348 2,152 370 544 29 17 21 159 40 63 113 20 193 326 402 95 (>6 30 6 497 1,546 336 273 20 4 9 2 86/ 502 46 567 2,142 i2,755 2,841 651 14 631 103 3,396 5,878 2,800 3,199 201 30 273 536 123 229 60 150 845 1,055 1,332 390 305 97 6 1,851 9,669 1,120 1,105 104 9 173 — 89 123 100 210 433 405 106 82 24 2 441 3,468 461 373 37 — 29 — — 104 369 96 5 470 474 117 65 25 31 548 3,341 598 430 32 — 8 105 45/ 163 144 82 519 745 757 174 145 46 6 825 4,843 1,267 786 71 — 13 59 150/ 235 627 177 354 1,158 1,251 296 225 56 38 1,421 8,762 1,727 1,743 71 — 21 5 68 198 18.5 269 690 1,144 1,055 492 314 145 44 2,277 7,453 1,297 973 62 — 46 — 19 238 208 178 771 1,157 1,157 296 120 119 55 1,300 6,879 1,708 984 90 20 8 196 58 518 94 526 1,964 2,584 2,722 533 85 472 69 2,827 3,204 2.448 1,893 105 80 70 247 165 202 104 159 730 993 942 203 45 134 40 1,098 5,689 1,076 704 37 20 38 — 49 207 187 192 624 1,003 1,232 285 181 95 36 1,460 7,661 1,287 844 82 23 9 122 257 115 146 26 457 628 621 117 142 9 — 659 3,496 790 847 49 — 11 — 5 100 506 45 19 570 577 113 18 44 76 643 3,485 554 497 27 — 12 147 71 80 32 32 385 455 458 109 88 29 3 490 2,357 423 382 47 — — 5 283 144 699 673 1,516 1,584 290 193 125 18 1,409 4,926 1,555 1,349 85 18 76 239 63 63 70 50 200 320 333 78 57 17 4 351 2,145 264 382 26 — 5 17 2 85 378 26 2 406 395 73 76 32 5 441 2,112 426 269 29 3 3 100 2 61 15 22 298 335 354 79 78 17 — 391 765 378 259 80 7 20 54 1 94 40 18 429 487 478 105 118 15 1 553 1,074 403 346 19 2 25 120 2 97 390 59 60 609 554 109 79 14 19 610 4,667 718 462 64 — 7 60 11 97 141 22 328 491 588 123 104 25 12 605 4,869 571 460 32 10 12 — 10 197 871 41 — 912 962 201 156 49 17 1,077 6,856 928 1,131 45 10 14 84 60 127 312 1,373 1,812 1,975 426 162 196 102 2.266 3,934 1,629 1,188 136 24 43 190 30 I 76 78 20 290 388 356 75 45 18 13 374 3,380 631 422 42 — 3 — 214 246 90 696 1 032 1,129 232 202 34 7 1,072 6,345 1,108 2,306 58 28 103 59 31 80 — — — 428 442 86 44 29 18 464 3,140 385 312 18 11 13 66 40 511 124 58 411 593 570 104 81 23 6 633 5,182 594 432 , 32 — 12 — — Ci to ^3 a a o O ts ts n 46 2741 — 2815 Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c., of Towns and Populous Parishes, wholly in the County of Warwick, except a few in the County of Leicester. Leamington No. 2778 is much frequented as a fashionable Watering Place. The |)Ueen heluw uoled with en # are - n the line of road from Londou to Birmlnybuin. iiy wuy of i'xbrid^e, Wycoinh, Oxloid, aod Danbury ; Ihoee with a t oo another line of road to BirmioL'ham by way of Watford, Aylethu- rj, UuckiBKtaaru, and Danbury ; tho»n wilu a { r>n aoutlier line of toad fto Birmiuifhauj, by way of Duriiet, Duristiible, and Daventry ; nnd tlioie with a ( are on tbs Mail line of road from Loodon to Livarpool Ibroof'b Daventry and t'orcntry.libn denoting their dUtauca direct from London. ALC KSTEIi V utilei W. N. VV. of Stratlord on the read to Hroiuegror* and Kidderiniuftlvr. VVAKWK'K ■■ 10 in. S. S. W of Coventry, through Kenilworth. 20 S. F. tf DiriDinrham, and 8 N. D. of Stratlord. Noe. 278u*c are in continuation of No. 2571 k«. nof'd with a ||. No. 2805, it on the line of road from Dirmiog- iam, edit. 7 niilat) to Litrhiicid. No*. 2H02-3, are on the line of road from ','oTcntry to Taiiiworth The River Avon, which risa* in Naseby Fi"ld, *ee No. 2$70, fnllinc into the Severn at Tewkeabuiy, interaectt the County of Warwiek in a direction from N. E. to S. W., the placet preceded with an a, being OB it* bank*, it i* Navigable up to Stratford, and work* numerous Flour Bud tome l’aj>*r Mills in its eeurie through the County. So|] Sji ■til * g' '2741 Long Compton * 77 2 SiiiPSTON-oii-Stour* 85 .3 Hrails I N.o/ Long Compton 4 Tysoe-cum-VV'estcote 7 do. do. 5 Halford Bridge contig.to Eulington C Katin gton * 88 7 llmington i N.W- of Shipston 8 Kington or Kineton t 85 9 Iturton Basset 8 N.qt Bnnhury 2750 Fenny Compton '2 N. E. of B. Dasset 1 Wellesbourne t 89 2«Rarford t 93 3 Tatchbrook 3 <9. E. of Warwick 4(AVARWICK t 92 t96 5 Lapworth i N. of Henley (i Tanworth 4 Ab W. of do. f2757«STRATFORD-on-Avon, &c. * 94 8aBidford .... 7 W. hy S. of Stratlord 9 Salford 9 do. do. 2760 Haselor 5 IF. hy N. of do. 1 Aston -Cantlow .... 6N. W. If do. 2 Alcester 103 3 Sambourn-... 4 N. by W. of Alcester 4 Studley 5 N. of do. 5 Ipsley 6 do. do. 6 Wooton Waven* 100 7 Henley* 101 8 Claverdon 6W. of Warwick 9 Rowing-ton G N.W. of do. 70aAlveston I E.of Stratford 1 Hampton Lucy .... 2 do. do. 2 Snitterfield ^N.ofdo. S SJu <5“? £ o -Stc S • p f .ili'S “ 3 2 ^ iC ■< I 2773 Napton f 80 4 South AM f 83 5 Stockton 2 N. E. of Sontham 6 Long Itchington 2 N. of do. 7 Harbury . , 3 W''. hy S. of do. 8 Leamvngton f 90 9 Cubbington 3 N.of Leammgton 2780 Kenilworth .. 5 do. do. 1 Leek Wooton 3 N.oJ Warwick ' 2rtStoneleigh .. % S. of Coventry 3 Willoughby §...., 77 4 Dunchurch\ .* 81 5*Hillmorton || 83 CaRuGBV {{ 85 & 2 Ai. of Dunch. 7 Bilton 2W. of Rugby 8*nNewbold & Law.2 N. of do. 9 Stretton on Dunsmore § . , 86 90aWolston &c. . 2 N.of Stretton \*Brinklow .. 5N. W. of Rugby 2* Stretton-under-Foss 3 Pailton . . 5 N. by W. of do. 4 Wolvey .. 6N. IF. o/ Pailton 5 Allesley § 94 '2790 Meriden § 98 7 Hampton ‘SW.ollMeriden 8 Knowle t 100 9 Solihull t 109 2800 Berkeswell .... 5W. of Coventry 1 Balsall 7 do. do. 2 Fillongley .... GN. hy IF. of do. 3 Kingsbury 14 d«. do. 4 COLESHILL^ 104 5 .Sutton Coldfield 6 Grendon ZN.of Atherstone 7 Austrey 7 do. do, 8 Newton Regis.... 8 do. do. 9 Baddesley Ensor 3 A'. IF. »/ do. ~ t2810 Middleton 7 N.of Coleshill 2 f2Ull Market Bosworth .... 7 N.of Hinckley 12 Hugglescote 12 do. do. 13 Appleby ( partly in Derby ) 8 N.of A therst. 14 Husbands Bosworth 3 N. ofWelford 15 Kibworth Harcourt.. contig. to No. 2042 • Houghton 'i N.W. of Bitlesden 1 = ■S-'Z'S n § - fe ^ I ® S s; ^ ^ .2^ o H ffo "f I ■§ I iai y - a 44 5 I Sg a l-i il 1 No. ot I’ii81>()NS in 1801 umber of 'S’- 'S-- o 'e m a Of tamutes £■£ S.o£«’2 relieved «>* I.-S ^ J 1 ^ CO 1 US S 1 permanently ? b 1 S.5 do. in Trade anufactures < Handicraft ^ A) « 5-. total a JS s ^ K hi Qtn "S **• i! *§>« K. •S3 § in Trade Ma. r Handicraft all others not in- cluded in the ?>rt l-s '< § .iss-; g s^a. e a a «.SJ gg 1 ip E •k il V <«s a 0 $ K. <3 *^3 SJ W S o’** 5 s 1815. 1824. S — o£— 7,073 -of- 1,302 -of - 7.52 157 184 53 520 757 753 161 120 38 3 860 87 120 270 81 749 463 1,293 i,:n7 314 123 184 14 1,562 4,233 988 867 94 16 37 179 746 33 201 980 1,072 245 221 37 2 1,233 11,196 1,318 917 94 — 25 195 58-1 216 91 891 944 218 168 58 5 1,070 8,219 1,129 872 107 — 52 53 44 15 226 285 251 72 33 15 25 313 1,220 100 201 8 — 4 97 1.52 34 333 519 515 138 118 28 6 041 5,440 422 482 47 — 26 141 150 69 437 656 619 157 137 23 9 722 4,164 871 679 76 — 25 156 108 127 544 779 801 175 80 00 29 782 3,986 596 412 44 — 15 126 426 32 142 600 560 84 66 18 4 670 6,212 616 922 41 207 90 222 39 122 383 453 115 64 38 21 572 4,362 525 509 32 — 12 198 279 92 625 1,096 1,004 233 173 64 10 1,125 7,777 1,279 812 79 — 72 100 66 60 359 485 526 141 53 26 63 671 3,451 311 334 9 — 21 83 122 30 294 446 501 125 119 19 3 654 7,175 692 654 59 — 21 1,055 187 872 3,531 5,775 6,497 1,523 134 95 1,026 639 8,235 31,679 4,223 4,327 252 68 250 85 85 12 478 575 517 105 23 10 622 4,03.5 364 3.59 54 — 17 310 598 145 952 1,695 1,082 401 230 169 31 1,993 13,954 1,371 1,147 117 32 30 608 563 1,110 1,2.59 2,932 3,803 1,006 836 271 447 154 4,229 16,982 1,739 1,956 1.57 11 49 187 561 344 23 928 243 156 87 8 1,219 4,161 1,151 862 83 — 28 157 150 25 583 758 817 166 127 14 14; 30 813 7,178 945 829 65 — 47 62 293 13 — 300 340 73 47 20 387 3,123 416 196 20 — 27 150 538 151 32 721 744 181 150 43, 877 5,509 479 508 36 — 25 338 68 370 1,187 1,025 1,862 465 139 220 106 2,229 6,354 922 673 44 10 81 95 136 239 151 520 588 120 71 31 24 653 2,653 674 45G 40 — 25 189 252 435 350 1,037 1,083 257 loO 115 7 1,338 7,198 703 569 78 12 109 82 109 134 235 478 727 1.38 47 90 4 745 4,078 539 333 32 — 51 98 233 106 80 48 130 413 886 507 1,098 572 1,055 107 261 98 87 17 186 5 23 15.0S8 1,310 1,173 08 29 44 69 107 33 262 402 401 96 79 23 6 465 4,468 409 389 32 — 21 151 698 145 9 852 839 176 159 57 22 888 4,036 774 567 58 — 27 87 404 34 27 465 481 121 78 20 25 630 6,561 747 755 60 — 30 102 121 57 338 514 551 113 78 23 16 554 0,378 729 473 59 ■ 31 126 557 35 — 592 605 137 120 27 5 642 4,320 711 604 52 — 7 1 205 80 52 655 787 848 198 171 28 3 892 7,429 911 775 47 2 93 188 146 135 654 935 1,007 223 90 101 37 1,161 5,871 794 582 37 7 10 43 78 8 188 274 311 73 10 0 52 344 1,909 226 285 17 — 37 143 i 186 43 475 704 696 180 152 31 8 836 6,949 835 600 51 — 60 172 199 59 599 857 904 228 172 68 10 1,045 6,049 584 658 38 2 17 67 33 44 238 315 543 399 18 290 100 2,183 8,820 288 527 22 — 19 88 200 80 160 4-10 544 132 107 44 6 614 3,672 273 279 20 — 12 405 167 169 69 1,968 406 2,279 550 178 200 128 2,577 8,461 1,869 1,541 116 50 85 83 1 112 35 259 401 86 65 24 4 436 3,378 449 309 20 — 18 279 961 73 313 1,347 1,306 299 262 28 23 1,391 15,945 1,080 987 59 31 41 65 260 59 — 319 346 92 10 24 56 421 3,399 239 228 29 — 21 214 , 241 114 732 1,087 789 255 199 50 15 1,251 5,324 50l 309 37 1 14 101 1 79 52 489 620 670 169 70 69 37 779 5,392 496 391 28 8 11 278 — — — 1,487 1,805 415 96 277 47 2,300 5,275 074 689 32 8 46 79 91 12 244 347 396 91 70 8 13 401 4,320 224 288 14 7 131 455 76 102 633 740 181 162 27 2 886 6,965 617 474 34 15 135 138 336 160 634 605 170 107 39 28 760 3,927 276 330 33 12 117 116 101 3(i0 577 559 190 1.56 43 6 941 5,291 457 53(i 28 17 137 80 108 427 015 740 179 105 53 21 7.57 2,897 343 450 31 18 46 41 30 141 215 218 .59 38 13 11 261 2,110 21 1 184 16 6 8t 2S9 10 90 389 461 116 59 48 14 552 2,964 428 316 05 132 188 230 202 620 803 168 107 68 6 851 5,183 (UO 593 57 — 50 1 143 185 50 .517 752 745 167 117 39 15 844 7,792 5H5 656 40 9 .59 1 140 118 15S 548 821 817 161 U8 34 31 !)27 4,711 535 5:i8 38 7 30 1 1 64 83 39 28-1 4J6 449 110 81 28 6 538 3,279 257 273 17 1 20 i 170 112 70 661 843 998 218 145 84 10 1,082 10,080 Gb'> (i8-l 60 — 78 ' 480 475 165 1,833 2,473^1 2,581 5.52 311 1.53 112 2,817 12,546 2,519 2,041 157 28 120 260 278 111 803 1,17 827 31 — 858 918 162 155 45 37 6,293 708 560 58 — 40 1 177 184 104 609 897 875 169 147 12 8 980 0,581 852 603 36 7 35 213 279 67 765 1,111 1,104 242 215 57 10 1,346 6,4.56 817 857 70 5 47 275 151 235 1,051 1,437 1,639 337 115 152 97 1,760 8,533 1,143 640 70 39 61 565 1>041 508 1,298 2,847 2,959 ()77 360 327 117 3,466 1.5,827 1,374 1,433 129 31 104 73 69 66 315 450 476 100 54 33 19 554 4,3.50 418 252 29 — 20 112 285 229 8 515 , 497 98 62 34 11 .542 3,694 308 338 20 — 16 62 118 15 179 302 317 7(i 54 20 5 410 2,051 165 195 13 — 17 70 34 63 274 371 386 96 32 19 48 535 1,194 161 155 n — 12 95 251 15 8 514 .594 107 96 13 4 623 3,800 404 312 23 10 11 120 148 161 482 791 805 190 (iO lOI 38 1,117 (i83 1,982 77-1 795 39 42 102 128 .59 338 525 614 124 00 45 2 3,327 363 434 22 — 21 106 223 204 51 478 1,123 229 100 60 13 1,185 4,75(i 692 313 53 — 73 148 422 238 — 660 1,021 187 127 60 3 817 5,H75 716 .5!I7 38 11 28 87 142 133 1 107 382 385 87 33 48 9 396 2,424 303 504 — 15 21 72 187 112 2 299 329 89 48 22 1 '!> 374 3,490 225 222 14 6 6 244 47 77 69' 70 542 76 298 182 65 67 5 75 103 32 68 221 57 85 174 70 40 7-9 63 126 128 51 30 28 66 80 162 59 !)9 1.54 178 308 569 100 28 118 33 334 121 231 (i2 36 -=f- 15 70 116 132 2 11 50 n/ 48 34 238 115 10 14 46 1 220 5/ 40 2 3 251 5 170 12 77 197 18 15 51 27 32 18 135 186 45 71 31 5 95 9 46 6 8 50 39 111 123 2 157 13 155 43 9 19 5 18 1 60 10 27 17 29 50 / 2741 — 2772 2773 — 2815 Populous Inland Towns, and Parishes in the Counties of Waricick, and Leicester. Warwick, Leamington, Kenilworth, Market Bosworth, 4'c. ^c. 47 2010 — 2B90 To/oguaimucai, lV)SiTiON, POPULATION, &c. Ac., of Populous Towns and Parishes, wholly in the County of Worcester ; exc«'pt a few places in the S. VV. corner of Stalfordsh. licdditch celebrated as the centre of the Manufacture of Needles, Fish Hooks, 4 - 1 -. is in the Pnrish of TardebigK^ „nd its Poimlalion included therwilli, see No. 2762 Ifc ;for other impurlunl Towns in ]4'orcestersh.,see Nos. 89, 95, 97, 99 if 401. Th* pUev* below BuUd with «■ • or* on Oio lino of road from I«ondoo to %innrvuo, *nd thuto wilti n t on Ihnl from Loudon by w*jr of Str»tfo«J mid looklor, lo K idderuiluilor. Illuokly it locnMy aituatoii In n detooUod purl of Ibo County within tho ('oiiiity of Uluuooiter, noitr to Morolon In tho Mnrth, blob !• N& luiloy from London ou tho lino of road ooled with iho KVKSH A.M !• lontod In n honutifUl VnU, muoli of nhioli i« nppruprtatod to Horllculturo, and ii naarljr aurrouudod by tlie .kvon. Tho City of VVorcoaler •o«Ud on Iho banki of lha SoTorn, it la 2o miloi N. of Glouaealor by way of Towkaabury, Upton, and Howick, 2.1 K. of Horoford by way of llroiuyant, 28 S- of BridKOurtB, by way of Kewdloy, dit 14, l4 •'i. of Kiddoriuioater, 26 S.W. of BUuiin|bniii, by way of Dnitwleh and Bromaftroyo, and 21 W. of AIccatrr, by way of Droltwioh, and Peokanhaiu ; In addition to Ibo Navigation of Iho harorn It haa alao tho advautaro of a Canal through tbo Farialioa ofTardebigg. and Kinga Norton lo Birnilitgnam HKOMhOKOVB baa a oonaiderabto Man* afaoturo of Naila and ooarao Linon for Saoka. Yardloy, No. 2875, la a detavb, •d fiart of tbo County in Warwickabiro. J Osiraldslow Ilund. 2816 Blockley 2 N.of Bloreton till • : Cs ? r. ^ a ||5| ®C • a * X s « : a I ^ I i I ' 5 ^ O C o ^ 41 — 05 Tu c £ O 5 « §1 OH'S *S > S 3 3 5- « £ « 4 * W S 3 3 ^ O S 3 i 4&S ss 2817 Broadway* 93 J 18 t Evesham * in Blackcnh. 97 - . 19 Persmore* 102 a.J2820 Eckington .... 4 S. oj' Pershore '' 1 Beoly to N.of Aleesler 2 Eldersfield . 5 W. of Tewkesbury 3 Longdon bN. IV. of do. 4 Castle Morton 6 do. do. 5 Upton 0 N. of do. 0 Hanley Castle b N.W. of Upton 7 Great Malvern 7 do. do. 8 Severn Stoke . . OlV. of Pershore 9 Leigh.. SW. of Worcester 2830 Powick ZS.ofdo. 1 t WORCESTER* Ill, 0^5 7 2832 St. Clements ] 1 3 Martin leg 4 St. Peter J 5 St. John Bedwardine 6 St. Michael 2837 Claines 2 N. of Worcester 8 Whistons do. do. 9 Ombersley &c. 5| ao. do. 2840 Hallow* 114 1 Grimby 116 2 Holt* 117 3 Wolverley 2 N. W. oJHidderminst. 4 Redmarley.. 11 do. of Gloucester 5 Welland 2W. of Upton 2846 Ripple 4N . of Tewkesbury 7 Kempsey 4 S. ofW orcester 8 Lindridge* 128 9 Knighton ik Newnliam *... . 130 1,2850 Pensax, ( in Lindridge Parish ) T2851 East Ham*. 129 - 2TENBURY&C.* 133 3 Martley b N.W.oJW orcester 4 Clifton 8 dn. do. b Suckley 6 W. of do. 6 Shrawley 2 N. of Holt 7 Astley 4 do. do. 8 Abberley 5 2V. TE. 0 / do. 9 Rock &c 7 do. do. 2860 Mamble 2 E. of Lindridge 1 Bayton 5 IE. 0 / Betvdley 2 tBEWDLEYt 129 f 3 Bredon ^ N. of Tewkesbury 4 Overbury bN.E.ofdo. 5 Inkberrow 5 IE. of Alcester 6 Hanbury ZW.of Feckenham 7 Stoke Prior ... . ZW.ofTardebigg L, 8 Alvechurch ‘iN.ofdo. p2869 BROMSGROVEf 116 70 Feckenham .. 7 IE. o/A/cesto- 1 t Droitwich 14 do. do. 2 Dodderhill contig. to Droitwich 3 Salwarp 2 IE. 0 / do. 4 Tardebiggt 113 5 Yardley .. '6 E. of Birmingham 6 Kings Norton .. GS.ofdo. 7 N orthfield 6 5. by W. of do. 8 Chaddesly Corbett t 121 9 Belbroughton 4 IV. IV. JE. o//J. = '5 4 2880 Hagley 12W. by S.of Birming. L'^ V. 1 Warley-Wigorn 2 Arelv .. XtW.of Kidder min nfc'i. continua- tion of Oswalds- low Hundred. .2 5 B * ffi-i zs o 3S L ill II I li i ” 6 « ' iHsjiS & ‘IS 2 Arely .. 4W. of Kidderminster 3 Kinfere iN.ofdo. 4 Enville 6 do. do. 5 Trysull-cum-Yeisdon 6 Penn .. 2 S. of Wolverhampton 7 Pattingham GW.qfdo. 8 Codsall .... 6 IV. IE. 0 / do. 9 Bushbury iN.ofdo. 2 lsl»^p L2890 Clent .... iW. of Hales Owen yumher of In- habited Houses in 1801 No. 0 ^ Persons )l 1 Chiefly em-pUtyed 1 in Aericulture do. i7i Trade Manu- | fac. or Handicraft \ all others not inclu- ded in thepreceding 320 — — 249 401 311 445 606 321 472 1,204 408 171 285 1,454 90 468 40 42 126 325 100 205 136 434 42 — 100 279 37 217 124 380 28 251 396 274 285 1,299 176 521 75 3U0 163 289 .58 572 123 279 18 286 222 765 79 411 205 453 150 563 2237 208 2,923 6,496 33 43 31 120 76 47 250 62 179 15 93 714 77 6 32 573 314 iOOS 285 170 134 4 69 61 283 417 168 1,111 124 210 37 631 98 106 28 340 50 153 23 151 179 173 123 610 126 510 72 107 64 140 17 10 130 423 43 213 160 524 113 208 99 157 21 9 103 507 23 1 68 67 17 62 70 368 14 3 300 288 274 979 173 226 45 4 84 315 167 I7 84 149 20 3 81 219 36 3 117 172 54 10 82 442 27 26 62 312 40 56 — 106 __ 77 316 59 14 787 199 939 2,-533 129 221 119 409 85 119 61 245 289 615 153 567 165 918 21 44 135 342 131 281 207 646 278 301 1.14S 591 1,208 4,099 346 324 465 1,041 419 117 212 1,516 130 636 19 21 55 265 11 72 348 384 780 758 359 596 307 1,003 524 1,399 946 262 236 246 224 843 223 2S0 84 885 249 307 380 18 101 78 84 459 129 27 82 5 147 26 49 318 424 254 981 143 201 43 559 99 132 58 j 339 142 128 128 1 6 152 334 38 378 120 427 162 103 244 65 179 153, 101 138 499 1801 Total Number of Persons in \fs\\ Number of In' habited Houses in 19*21 1 TOTAL 1,569 1,654 373 1,117 1,331 278 2,837 3,068 722 1,910 2,179 487 5.50 610 109 630 671 119 750 729 146 533 559 117 659 758 137 1,858 2,023 464 986 1,186 256 819 1,205 293 583 600 142 1 ,255 1,318 301 1,172 1,219 287 11,352 ' 13,814 :<,037 419 100 194 498 135 365 429 108 831 1,932 482 551 673 199 1,463 1,863 496 583 631 183 1,696 1,836 355 878 885 221 543 675 130 327 327 64 906 1,164 256 689 775 161 334 391 94 679 733 142 845 1,004 235 543 590 116 531 532 89 469 495 109 385 380 05 1,541 1,562 333 1,050 1,118 226 499 485 86 509 555 109 504 539 83 697 740 170 495 545 112 352 1,185 245 338 354 65 389 403 86 3,671 3,454 879 749 431 202 425 306 90 1,335 1,489 352 983 1,018 161 754 796 176 1,228 1,344 269 5 898 6,931 1,513 1,830 2,135 460 1,845 2,079 453 677 680 145 34S 399 65 1,922 2,429 581 1,906 1,918 440 2,807 3,068 684 1,313 1,468 278 1,249 1,222 262 1,266 1,318 311 621 610 124 718 755 155 693 691 156 1,655 1,668 376 799 746 151 529 491 112 700 780 153 750 798 175 589 534 116 468 541 111 738 737 166 \umher Families in 1821. 4) a 4. "tj 285 204 257 280 70 102 149 98 150 126 176 204 120 241 232 147 12 82 29 130 2 179 7 65 169 120 44 117 158 75 117 78 94 99 44 63 197 202 81 104 78 136 119 164 56 73 76 136 54 272 172 134 204 456 190 77 126 83 173 321 354 137 177 126 48 33 80 244 86 67 79 160 83, 74 91 1 u> fc.£ 99 84 732 216 34 30 15 22 27 144 52 82 22 69 53 3,242 55 31 59 314 133 194 106 69 43 / 9 22 154 28 16 55 59 30 17 16 5 104 40 19 17 31 36 10 50 14 14 515 43 29 56 40 45 85 I, out 281 269 41 8 375 109 253 208 62 165 62 108 28 87 28 21 55 15 31 37 88 6 13 139 35 41 2 17 1 268 36 35 7 16 28 397 38 28 24 76 64 161 181 258 17 3 2 19 2 3 8 98 2 49 1 46 5 3 2 2 48 1 2 287 32 3 31 5 5 13 165 32 221 12 1 66 45 99 21 33 39 31 22 52 49 39 30 21 6 5 36 -P -M a a Sc ■la, 1,890 1.382 3,487 2,328 668 610 743 640 788 2,319 1.424 1 ,568 666 1,546 1,360 17,023 \ 453 f 816 Y 472 y 2.424 793 2,509 1,341 1,814 1,081 666 355 1,529 955 453 780 1,129 635 526 574 347 1,668 1,126 520 622 484 784 574 1,266 386 406 3,725 928 395 1,667 1,042 900 1,413 7,519 2.383 2,176 734 462 2,998 2,313 3,651 1,567 1,343 1,476 595 878 715 1,735 842 539 769 866 659 569 885 ' 8 ^ .3S —.i'- ll, 722 8,200 14,865 6,944 4,151 5,322 5.337 4,012 4,510 9,614 7,347 6,290 8,386 9,058 10,316 48, ) 7 2,352 1,827 13,787 3,807 11,002 6,227 3,802 2,641 7,020 4,982 2,008 6,009 6,888 2,804 3,438 1,930 3,409 7,736 7,340 3,605 4,018 2.372 3,820 3,078 6,838 2.903 1.904 4.372 2,031 1,997 11,189 10,073 7,066 10,176 26,661 8,006 6,702 7,345 3,578 9,832 13,985 22,822 8,993 9,083 7, .535 3,894 2,004 4,831 10,063 7,070 3,728 6,555 5,971 2,717 5,183 4.337 /Vo. nf Families . . relieved 1*1 s.a\ apl ^■'5 = 5 c 1-StZ ilh, 1 g1 « *S > oi*-2 ||2| P»rm nn«rtf/y 2 '- V 1 ^ k S a o o 1 3 Gt. Wyrley 5 N. N.IV. oJ do. ) 4 Cheslyn Hay.. 5.^ do. do. 48 50 40 137 227 361 103 35 69 5 531 1,765 322 207 21 23 44 2 »?•'- H 92 6 87 350 443 486 110 66 35 14 548 1,146 224 194 16 25 85 •5 5 < ;> ('auniick &c. . . 7 do. do. 284 227 230 1,016 1,473 1,278 316 196 147 17 1,701 5,177 211 739 31 15 1 198 27 C-g ° 1 (> Penkridge & c. lON.ofWolrer 3IG 394 141 1,084 1,619 2,486 470 326 160 23 2,641 14,110 1,753 1,285 44 20 18 388 52 \ 7 Caslle Cliurch contig. to Stafford 127 311 201 51 563 566 231 117 81 50 1,118 7,323 305 274 25 2 7 44 1. 8 Baswick&c . on the South. 202 515 297 290 1,096 1,111 248 190 .51 20 l,37li 6,491 274 348 33 4 20 208 4 1 =5* f 9 W’lieaton Aston 'i W. of Penk. lot) 106 65 392 563 579 132 91 66 718 2,301 1.54 286 22 4 11 106 2f) J 1 2900 Bradley-iii ihe-Moors 3 IV. ff\ oj do. 108 345 27 221 593 563 134 122 11 3 723 3,565 493 58!) 46 5 33 42 1 Haughton 5 do. do. 89 231 30 176 437 455 93 76 22 7 473 1 ,988 129 293 15 — 15 3 1 2 Church-Eaton .... 5lV.nfdo. 120 168 63 553 784 804 151 116 38 2 829 5,796 656 607 53 8 o2 42 1 1 s r 3 Cowley .... 7W.N. W. of do. 77 293 121 29 416 455 90 55 31 4 498 b3< ; ^ 7 4 Gnosall & Ape. 8 N. W. of do. 1 i i5 Knightley .. 10 do. do. 144 59 384 310 410 18 20 814 328 904 317 194 ()i 87 49 101 12 6 1,097 322 ( ' 7,253 1,931 1,628 141 32 130 225 165 3 Si - oCti Aloreton lOlT. i^ (/o. 118 639 19 — 658 696 154 105 33 18 754 J 7 Weston-under-Liz. 7 do. do. 42 47 3 51 101 275 32 20 4 26 2!)6 2,919 133 219 21 — 4 5 8 Blynihill-cnin-Brinc. 8do. do. 91 153 43 271 475 513 121 92 24 5 604 3,490 163 274 14 — 12 .5 t- 9 Sherift'- Hales lOdn, do. 120 126 34 456 616 809 167 148 33 876 2,737 380 315 45 — 27 _ 3 f2910 Forton-cum-Meer 2N.ofNeiv. 88 432 29 105 566 607 123 99 22 19 702 4,062 316 292 35 — 12 — 38 ( ^Jll Aldridge % N. E. of Walsall 124 255 43 438 736 847 159 132 15 15 820 5,128 479 507 35 1 52 204 20 b-d:_Q ■sIeI'IIJ 12 Shenstone ^ S. oJ Lichfield 239 843 278 188 1,309 1,378 301 192 62 50 1,699 12,827 923 931 54 16 50 — 7-2 " 1 13 Norton &c. hW.hy S.of do. 100 71 104 372 547 519 116 47 61 8 699 5,087 226 21s 5 6 11 101 23 « I 14 J LICHFIELD *119 1 125 873 293 1,566 2,003 4,512 5,022 1,121 257 691 351 6,0754 1 ,095 S / 15 St. Michaels, Out Parish 188 275 72 615 1,005 1,122 197 139 60 14 2 ,407 1,663 2,315 101 50 no 578 15 >1-% 66 274 3 105 174 229 397 48 56 48 50 250 1 1 17 Elford 4 £. of Lichfield 77 83 26 383 23 12 424 4,250 278 317 14 - 20 219 28 18 Longdon* 3^ JV.o/do. 193 206 61 642 909 1,017 234 128 95 41 1,115 6,673 531 3S9 39 — 47 81 51 g 1 19 Arinitage 4 do. do. 82 158 28 278 464 483 140 50 91 29 793 3,212 140 241 a — 15 — 4 0.4 £2f 5 1 2920 Drayton Bassett.. 2W.of Fuzeh) 69 209 26 160 395 455 84 80 12 9 468 4,290 226 285 25 — 15 36 — Jvjf i i ^ '2921 Whittington 2 E. of Lichfiela 109 240 49 322 611 611 125 98 29 8 723 4,118 377 467 16 — 20 181 8 2 Fradley i N. E.oJ do. 51 70 23 175 268 395 78 75 9 2 426 1,994 291 243 16 — 17 188 6 3 Alrevvas 5 do. do. 178 61 181 748 949 1,121 202 141 61 979 4,118 443 531 25 — 14 191 15 "? -5 - S * * 4 Bromley Regis 4 N. of do. 92 439 15 — 454 527 110 85 19 10 612 5,356 310 35!) 29 1 44 101 ,78 c ® ®6 £ '' 5 Mavesyn-Ridware .. 6 do. do. 71 244 88 154 486 548 82 91 19 7 598 3,271 182 270 16 — 5 100 10 6 Hamstall Ditto. . . 7 do. do. 62 80 21 248 349 428 84 66 20 3 455 3,424 246 239 22 — 6 — 43 1 1 7 Newborough ZE. of Bromley A hi. 87 138 33 269 410 623 120 71 31 48 744 11,213 267 458 29 — 28 105 — O • R i; 2 g 8 Marchingtons 5 N. N. E. oJ do. 102 357 67 40 470 630 127 124 23 — 781 6,525 243 389 14 1 16 49 10 T ~ 2 C 9 Hoar Cross, f in Yoxal Parish ) — — — — 101 82 16 7 611 — — — — — — — — 7..20S i s 90 91 20 317 4 627 2,677 5,950 6,383 321 340 24 59 14 19 2931 Rugely * t 7 N.W. of Lichfield 413 107 1,884 39 • 030 2,213 494 125 647 824 26 366 519 '2932 Colton ‘2 N.of liuseht 77 121 31 393 515 484 118 88 26 9 569 6,564 197 275 18 — 12 — 42 - 2» ".a 3 Bromley Abbots 10 N.of Lichfield 273 400 85 831 1,316 1,539 305 157 108 53 1,533 9,634 848 707 53 23 75 200 23 ^ O £ - 5 ' o 0 4 Colwich* t .... 10^ N.W. of do. 130 219 99 605 723 1,450 302 201 79 52 1,646 11, .544 620 834 55 — 43 225 28 ® ss^g^ 5 Weston-npon-Trent * 15 do. do. &1 298 8 — 306 394 93 51 38 12 442 2,186 81 10!) 5 — 10 144 10/ 6 Sandon * 17 do. do. 72 241 22 253 516 480 99 69 21 10 513 5,170 213 303 20 — 14 80 6 Sif* 0 g ® 7 Stone* 21 do. do. 527 207 397 2,029 2,843 6,266 I,3‘28 547 618 199 7,251 31,756 2,539 3,098 183 51 64 533 42 *g f « l.tz. 8 Mihvich '2 N.of Sandon 90 241 30 226 497 563 102 76 29 16 567 3,019 246 241 19 — 45 — 12 - = - * 9 t Stafford 17 from Lichfield 1 142 710 641 2,914 313 3,898 4,868 991 130 712 248 5,736 5,780 564 1,902 56 14 36 892 157 = - i" s-2 1 2940 Hopton & Coton y car,n,umn a siaforj 65 155 18 — 336 332 72 64 4 8 517 6,141 161 216 17 — 1!) — 3 1 Salt & Enson .. 55 78 23 2\9 370 391 71 53 10 8 4.39 2,303 1^ 171 25 — 12 — — 1 2 W'hitgreave &c. 3 m,hjt,u. 57 29 1 22 3 335 360 53 40 3 , 2 339 5,355 172 193 14 — 11 — - I 3 Seighford .of Stafford 131 344 31 466 841 866 151 133 20 4 851 6,295 224 298 30 — 8 — 8 ,2 £ 2 e S * 1 4 Ronton 4 do. do. 54 277 8 — 285 278 55 52 7 — 345 3,013 123 94 13 — 12 — 1 [ 853 B,(i28 225 762 64 205 33 9 1,185 4,227 8,.523 23,454 335 463 23 153 31 210 30 r 6 Eccleshall &c 1 149 590 2,6.57 830 — 3,487 558 2,120 1,557 33 133 319 North S 7 Swinnerton ZW. of Stone 132 171 24 453 648 893 111 130 14 4 832 7,433 456 380 42 — 22 — 6 Firehill- 8 Betley 7 W. 0 J Neiccastie 138 199 86 385 670 761 171 81 58 51 !)32 2,801 319 2U0 27 — ' 18 199 7 Hund. j 9 Mucklestone 1 1.58 1C6 655 25 3 683 772 141 103 40 27 924 4,161 688 453 48 2 3!) 8 22 r 50 Ashley 3 £. of Mucklestone 258 14 27 5M 605 616 149 109 36 5 729 3,206 265 310 27 — 27 — 26 '= osg: ('29.11 Audlem HW.of Mndelii 190 889 69 7 965 1,040 258 163 91 12 1,307 3,786 421 455 35 — 25 120 54 2 Newhall '6 IV, Ws of Audlem 120 489 61 269 81!) 8.59 148 111 50 11 854 4,322 717 429 24 8 34 6 10 3 Malpas .... 5 N. IF. of Whitchurch 191 87 106 713 906 938 201 74 83 74 1,127 3,480 t)t)5 481 52 — 41 160 3 jS w C5 0 4 Haslington 5 W. of Church Lawton 147 110 53 484 677 922 187 1.56 27 5 985 3, 7 Beeston l ,. 8 Tiverton f , 9 Bnnbury S ^^^n">rtey. 61 74 85 46 34 27 258 40 377 377 410 493 66 106 59 77 15 35 3 3 441 591 2,690 l,7(i6 402 368 313 415 21 24 1 47 z 7 1 92 — — — 519 574 106 58 75 6 667 1,610 44!) 449 — — 62 162 31 2%0 Tarvin t 184 165 — — — 768 921 193 96 74 29 1,022 3,811 f)01 500 45 1 26 41 14 c 0 1 Kelsall ‘2 E. of Tarvin 109 307 162 — 469 557 112 57 40 15 598 1,639 337 311 12 — 11 10 — 2 Barrow 1 IF. o/ do. 88 — 22 — 501 685 117 37 80 IV42 4,504 414 458 17 — 30 — 129 S aj 0 ’ f‘29f.3 Mpre 72 84 46 42 .368 498 7H7 568 860 101 I. 15 90 127 11 666 2,961 379 271 23 1!) 14 6 Si 4/ ^ txoatnern i a ti" i V . , V,;.. p.,r.oL i 4 High Loigh * 181 128 1-73 572 28 4 854 l)d).)6 688 3!)t 68 — 9 — 10 6'P.^ C 5 Rosthern Ac 793 117 744 1,654 1,824 389 405 — 7 2,231 16,298 1,418 1 ,343 11!) ( 1 !)!) 7 89 Populous Inland lotvns and Parishes, in the Counties oj titafford ey Chentee ; Penkridge, Lichfield, Rugely, Stone, Stafford, Eccleshall, 4'c. 4'c. 41i 2I)(U; — 3015 TopOdKAiMUCAi. l*()SiTioN, 1*0 1* U L AT lO N , &c. &c., of Populous Towns aiiu Farishts, wholly iti tho County of Salop. Tlio PoOm.Uio^i U. tnrii* from llin County wi ir vrry coiirui.iii), ncviTul of the I'arishi* bi iiu; lar){e amt sulullvidud Into .1 or 1, and in ionic canri into H or 10 I iiwiiihipi, or lliimli-lt; at one oertod iluv liave bc.ii rctiiiiiod icoaralcly, al another tune to(jillicr, and in ioinf casci they have been returned ieparatily, and again iiicinded in ilie Totali. The return Irom Shiltnal in loll [■ too nalhaldy erroneous to escape notice; the ntinoit pains liave been taken to lake the Niiinbera of eorreipoiidini' places at each ol liie lliree peiioda 1801, 1811, and 18il. l.ndlow is on a line of road from lliriniiisham to Aheryslwilh, by way of Kidderminster, llewdley, Cleobnry Mortimer, Hoptoii Wafers, and Caiiihain, dis. Iroin llirininghani 11 in., and Ironi liewdley M; % b«l«w prvcaJftl by « I ««tib niuro twit Membtri to l*MrlUm«nl : thvtio an # »u tb« Uoo of (mhu Luutluo thrvuj(b Wuroaiiar Ana Ten* t Auil rArn»r«on , tboie with A t on Ihnt to Holywell, by wny thei to MoiyheAil, by wat of UAbndne, Oxford, KirmlnKbi be deoeliog lb* dii ‘ ' •--- 'i-* whb • Dd WolrerliAiD' ittvn linee of road j but u Wo1 bAniTtoo i» T niiiei oenrer l>ouiluo by the MaU line of rood, thro* Cofeolry, lelieg the i) ^ oiitei DCi t«Tl» Uto the other lin< iitnncei by tbote retueut ' l>ouduo by the MaU line of roed. thro* Coeealry, wbioh At Uifntio|haiu, nil the pUcee ooletl with a t ( esoept Hfidreuorib i aa well Ihuie with a ^ are ef ooune 7 niles nearer London by the Mail line of road : tboie with a ♦ are on the old line of road by Cotenlry and i'.Aitle Hroutwich to Cbeiter. SlIKKWJiBUHV liluated in|the eeiitre of the Co. Aud almoit iurrounded by tlie Seeero, is 30 uiilei N. of Ludlow, by wajf of Chureb girellon die. 13 milee i S3 N. N. K. of KoigbtoD. by way of CJun h Biibopi Cai- tl*MU. 10 • TJ B. N. B. of Montgomery, hr way tf Weilbury and Wortben : aO 8 of Wbilehurch, by way of Worn ! W S. W. of Drayton byway of Hudoet, diilSnilei. WKLLINOTON (eee No. 118) la 7 milei W. of Sbiffoel and II ■ lofSbrewibnry. f29(iC Alvely .... 6 N.W. of Kidderminster 7 Highley . . . . 7 do. do. 8 } Bridgenorth .... 14 do. (lo. 1 139 9 Astley Abbots .. "i N. of Bridgnorth 2970 } Wenlock, Much.. H N.W. of do. 1 Ditto. Little H of Shrewsdiury 2 Cleobury Rlortiiner SW. of Beivdley 3 Stoddesden G N. of Cleobury Mortimer 4 Hopton Wafers .... 2iW.ofdo. 5 Corely 4 do. do. . C Cainham 9 do. do. 2977 {Ludlow *138 8 Bitterley 3 E. by N. of Ludlow > S ( 2979 Stanton Lacey ’i N.of do. ■ 3 I 80 Culraington 4.^ do. do. ~ ‘ j Munslow 10 do. do. 2 Onibury * 148 3 Stokesay 2 IV. ofOniburu 4 Winstantow 6 do. do. 6 Church StrettoD . . 11 do. do. 6 Cardington 4 E. of Church Stretton f2987 Clun Parish.. lOIV. o/OnifiiUT/ 8 Clunbury .... 6 do. dot 9 Clungerford.. 4 do. de. 2990 Hopesay G N.W. of do. 1 N. Lydbury &c. 3 E. ofB. Castle 2 { Bishops Castle * 159 3 Norbury .. i N. E. of B. Custle 4 WentnoT . . 4 do. do. 5 Chirbnry . . %E. of Montgomery 6 Wortben 9 N. E. of do. IS . *2 5 Z-Sjs 2 15 ® i g>2 i ^ s w i ^11 1 es|o 1 5 J £ o L . •sV^'SlE a. "C C3 • r 3 di O ^ C ^ „ 2 £ A 6 ^ 5 ... ;e o _o5 g 3 Cbirbury t ■ 1 . < Hundred. £ u 3 3.2 V 1 = 1 — o 1 2 ? S55 5S/S( = |2 a * Pimbil! Hund., boundert oa j he North by part of j ■Flintshire. 1 2997 Claverly 5 E. of Bridgenorth 8 Worfield ZN.E.ofdo. 9 Stockton N.of do. s "S 3000 Albrighton 10 do. do. E I I 1 Tong XI N.W. of Wolverhampton 1 2 Shiffnal 13 do. do. + 143 L 3 Priors-lee + 14(i f t; = ^3004 Newport § 140 5 Chetwynd.. contig. to Newport 6 Edgraond 2W.ofdo. 7 LUlesliall .. 2 S. by W. of do. 8 H. Ercall 10 N. W. of Priors-lee 9 Wroxeter ...... XOW.ofdo. _ ^ ,3010 Atchamttl57 4 E. of Shrewsb. I J 11 Upton Magna 4 E./i!/ iV.o/ do. f 12 Roddington 5 W. of Wellington 3013 t Shrewsbury Town t+ 161 4 Ditto. Liberty, extending about 5 m. N. j r3015 Berrington 4S. £. o/iSAreuis6iiru Condover \ Condover 5 S. of do. ' Hundred. ^ Pulverbatch 9 S. S. W. of do. Ford < 18 Pontesbury . . 9 S. IF. of do. Hundred. < 19 Westbury&c.9lF.iS.lF.o/ do. f .^3020 Hinstock §146 i I = 1 Cheswarciine 3 Pt. N. E. of Hins. I ; .5 2 Stoke-upon-Tem 4 Of. W. of do. d 3 Hodnet XX N. of Wellington f 4 Drayton HXC.N.XC. of Eccles. 5 Moreton . . 4 W. of Drayton ( 6 W oore 3 N. IF. of Muckleston J 7 Whitchurch §161 / 8 Frees Par. 5 N. N.E. ofWem 9 Wem.. XX N. of Shrewsbury 3030 Montford 4 165 1 Great Ness +169 2 Basschurch 7 N.W. of Shrews. 3 Middle t 169 4 Loppington .. 4 N.of Middle 5 Ellesmere 1 177 3036 St. Martins 5 IF of Ellesmere 7 Ruyton i N.of Ness 8 Kinnerby 4 IF. of do. 9 Felton +174 3040 Oswestry Town +179 1 Ditto. Out Parish 2 Whittington .... 2N. E.of Oswestry 3 Sylattin 4 N.of do. 4 Llanyblodwell 8 IF. of Ness 5 Llanymyneck 7 do. do. Jli >.2 .S' in Ne . of Persons in 1801 Number of A'o. 0 / J 'amilies 1821. ou *3 - 2 ||s- m a.v- s S 5 5 “ util a. 5 W 3 i? hie^y employed n Agriculture ^ e ?3 S k g ^ g .5 ^ !T *«* a, k sC ^ .5 TOTAL Total Number Persons in 181 1 Number of /«• bited Houses t/< 1 I’s in Trade Man. r Handicraft ■S £ k g 'otal Number Persons in IS 21 e? = o S .2 e « Sk i|S§ I'iU e S • o <«s g •k k <2 < k ,c 1 g •S' S.S: li; 5|° 3 O'** *53^ o ■S' cs •g ■§ O' < 1815. 182-1. a g <* -J.- 5,618 at 161 2>»6 112 383 791 802 157 135 21 2 831 508 3bl 40 60 131 191 48 66 19 2 274 483 84 42 54 1 424 1,929 131 141 13 1 6 — 6 919 215 3,806 387 4,408 4,386 988 335 627 134 4,345 11,711 1,843 1,395 1-16 34 96 422 105 135 76 62 602 740 592 138 113 21 6 664 3,571 356 253 10 10 19 55 3 467 425 237 1,319 1,981 2,079 481 357 119 16 2,200 10,812 1,5.54 1,152 92 38 51 320 35 177 131 281 568 980 941 184 58 132 2 965 1,083 605 493 85 5 7 162 — 319 433 246 689 1,368 1,582 328 167 147 17 1,602 8,210 1,215 730 87 19 76 80 9 215 533 171 645 1,351 1,328 232 147 46 54 1,261 1,415 1,139 681 95 134 16 1 78 23 42 327 392 434 93 29 45 19 459 1,665 285 194 24 16 — . 100 150 200 108 458 560 121 62 8 51 566 4,222 202 229 33 25 — 156 138 226 347 711 820 194 81 108 12 936 3,555 464 328 34 62 — 780 165 503 3,229 3,897 4,150 1,00C 164 601 374 4,820 9,407 1,298 1,521 116 23 65 613 5 189 173 124 786 1,083 1,103 191 82 25 67 1,064 3,574 958 586 181 102 27 24 185 691 186 28 905 1,026 243 198 44 9 1,267 9,705 635 523 82 44 — — 76 174 27 218 419 486 95 77 22 4 569 3,444 308 254 16 75 — — 109 116 61 433 610 629 108 114 30 3 708 3,625 542 331 42 3 44 95 17 71 116 13 230 359 415 66 63 20 — 445 1,991 209 223 20 10 — 7 96 466 35 11 512 489 100 96 15 7 561 3,531 535 322 21 5 47 — 10 119 225 61 300 586 659 162 124 41 5 883 3,924 607 615 05 56 199 142 66 716 924 944 248 142 78 42 1,226 5,370 296 309 19 10 55 — 26 116 265 56 302 623 644 124 118 17 1 687 3,462 440 332 28 30 — 10 266 663 47 680 1,390 1,735 324 147 33 108 1,781 11,723 1,194 1,148 122 34 125 15 129 760 34 — 794 851 167 165 21 1 800 4,926 4.54 441 47 52 — 2 74 190 16 230 436 509 86 51 11 25 486 4,002 390 517 31 29 — 33 83 208 15 246 469 484 100 94 23 9 612 3,548 315 339 36 19 67 15 152 807 14 8 829 800 139 123 16 29 892 8,722 683 367 39 39 — 44 272 183 260 867 1,313 1,608 364 153 190 30 1,880 8,248 581 546 — 29 116 329 10 60 266 6 12 284 350 72 25 7 41 377 2,449 222 191 27 14 — 10/ 70 334 10 208 452 592 97 73 16 24 583 3,026 336 256 — 22 — 3 263 788 62 1.56 1,391 1,475 259 110 35 138 1,442 9,182 902 839 52 38 22 97 85 270 281 157 1,200 1,602 1,590 212 190 43 9 1,684 7,059 1,151 1,177 67 40 46 80 40 260 969 278 81 1,328 1,305 254 175 54 26 1,305 11,603 606 909 50 5 53 116 48 227 1,115 39 200 1,354 1,339 315 222 73 21 1,582 15,688 734 761 44 19 46 275 71 71 125 36 248 409 429 79 55 15 21 500 5,168 259 227 26 15 441 3 163 148 148 605 901 911 198 109 70 24 968 6,357 473 455 57 14 200 75 70 92 22 290 404 468 100 68 27 5 536 4,050 177 249 17 6 7 20 79 389 290 251 205 232 .321 1,.550 1,073 2,033 1,599 5,019 1,788 489 367 250 74 188 246 87 69 2,560 1,851 ! 20,662 1,623 1,396 135 25 355 1,^60 48 317 50 — 2,307 2,114 478 133 214 131 2,343 4,396 470 756 38 4.56 1,210 197 91 268 34 292 594 561 91 67 26 8 566 5,095 439 211 31 10 26 — 7 160 23 47 809 879 897 188 144 28 23 1,048 6,327 387 485 50 32 — 61 376 596 1,439 25 2,060 3,030 519 105 4bl 44 3,143 9,189 1,011 688 73 9 12 560 62 194 528 41 522 1,091 1,795 341 269 58 16 1,952 14,210 1,377 1,198 141 27 123 145 12 95 524 7 13 544 575 112 89 24 11 659 7,138 391 341 21 17 30 154 3 83 227 69 134 430 378 86 46 .39 7 489 4,144 438 378 14 10 34 51 20 95 348 31 103 482 501 101 85 25 5 667 4,477 276 245 18 16 28 328 16 71 129 28 215 372 361 88 60 28 13 445 2,007 133 134 16 12 133 2,773 1,372 6,692 1,921 14,739 16,606 3,603 463 •i,S06 1,022 19,602 73,305 7,876 6,009 636 202 266 501 594 337 635 131 884 1,892 1,937 396 295 91 36 2,093 15,747 779 913 64 5 53 123 7 67 185 65 353 603 575 85 65 23 4 657 4,246 362 313 15 15 25 — 2 230 379 95 977 1,451 1,289 274 267 14 — 1,378 10,314 956 953 77 20 143 244 51 \i3 163 41 235 439 515 81 82 14 3 539 3,313 338 272 27 33 127 3® l,S39 618 169 45 2,053 2,307 404 288 95 129 2,458 11,593 2,248 1,534 173 19 139 364 44 195 149 1,224 1,991 2,195 377 223 121 71 2,153 15,117 1,488 1,088 195 89 322 66 78 130 43 363 536 521 128 121 7 — 671 3,782 292 274 24 24 — 122 151 52 575 682 824 155 124 40 10 938 7,167 405 488 47 114 146 30 119 611 15 — 626 852 181 144 32 21 985 8,440 446 538 43 17 75 — 1 254 555 119 712 1,386 l,7(i6 360 282 53 42 2,117 15,854 856 960 39 74 341 152 599 875 700 1,587 3,162 3,370 747 300 253 206 3,700 16,777 2,tm 1,666 109 35 34 334 160 128 331 51 301 683 739 138 113 20 8 762 6,497 311 326 34 18 — 12 — — — — ■ 5332 61 41 34 7 365 5,961 439 314 48 65 200 17 876 416 797 3,302 4,515 Ion 393 516 194 5,376 28,779 2,028 2,095 163 74 28 708 47 460 827 241 1,584 2,653 2,846 484 395 110 111 3,190 17,495 893 1,032 60 30 181 504 38 582 163 130 294 3,087 3,121 685 335 213 158 3,608 21,531 1,987 1,930 168 ),S1B 250 408 15 73 436 20 — 456 478 76 82 14 — 517 3,462 407 376 — 14 — 96 245 69 217 531 549 104 74 30 10 580 4,341 478 470 29 — 54 55 14 175 274 90 695 1,059 1,142 207 128 75 12 1,277 9,461 878 713 22 22 85 335 11 154 264 84 431 779 778 143 101 45 20 833 4,616 4,921 368 299 26 3 39 568 92 128 48 371 547 603 101 81 22 13 622 183 262 16 — 57 112 47 1,009 795 278 92 5,553 5,639 1,143 653 449 63 6,056 7,517 2,837 2,290 174 156 354 1,611 79 268 835 632 9 1,476 1,751 390 246 99 49 1,8.52 7,176 540 327 34 23 47 85 6 134 187 128 406 721 758 168 104 45 19 862 5,046 365 247 24 16 34 101 214 248 61 801 1,110 1,117 215 183 55 2 1,167 6,337 7,472 745 505 42 17 20 — 20 169 865 55 6 926 977 180 161 38 8 1,035 235 198 24 27 51 — 584 56 247 2,369 2,672 3,479 844 35 719 94 3,910 10,518 1,402 951 27 79 70 !,137 92 569 475 216 2,476 3,167 3,2.54 692 379 187 185 3,613 17,609 1,2.56 861 — 75 150 — 228 286 182 930 1,398 1,460 273 192 62 114 1,749 12,984 271 184 42 20 25 326 131 157 423 33 245 701 795 204 118 28 68 959 6,075 361 256 31 23 41 80 90 167 608 131 54 793 759 1.5G 120 26 27 850 4,379 437 298 36 19 37 — 7 1 74 38 47 305 390 413 89 18 22 53 454 2,291 99 68 11 10 25 134 25/ G oi)G0 — 2007 — 304.3 ropulous Inland Towns and Parishes, in the County of Salop: Bridgenorth, Ludloiv, Shiffnal, Newport, Shrexosbury, Ellesmere, Oswestry, 4*c. ^'c. 50 00 16 — 3120 Topogkai'HICAL Position, POPULATION, &c. &c., of Towns and Populous Parishes, in the Counties of Hereford and Monmouth. For the M 'uimj District of Monmouthsh., see Nos. 157-181 Sf 1541. The Hops principally sold under the denomination of Worcfsler are grown chiefly in Ilerefordsk.i in the vicinUy of Bromyard and Leominster y 4 aggregate of the Co. in 1827 wpnnrds of 12,000 Xcres were under Hop Culture* = § s J 3030 Linton 1 Upton-Bishops , . Thf pUcr« bnlow procedud b; a \ cuili return Iwu Member* to Parlinmeiit : thu«o noted with & <* ere on tho line ol roed from Loucimi by way oi Uxbridge, Oxford, «ud Oluuceiter, to t'anuarllien ; thoie willi n (» on that to Ab«ry»twitli t Inoicwilh H II on nuotlirr liue of road to Abc'ry*lwith, by way of Oxford uud Worcester : and tlioie with a | on thut to liny and IJie. wii, by way of Oxford and Glouooeler. The City of Herelord ia aealed on the North bnuk of the Wyo, about aevvn roiloa ahoye the jiincimti of the Lugjf ; it la 13 milei N ol Muniuoutb, 23 b. of Ludlow, by »y*y uf l.i'orninsicr, die. 13. and 1-1 S. W. of Bromyard. Leominster i* aeated on the banks of the Luj'g. and has the adranta((« of a Canal from KiiiKtuu |ui4l L'enhury, to tho heyern li^ar Kidderminster, it is '£t nnlea N. B, of Hay. by woy of Wcobly, di*. S, and II S. W. of Tenhury. MONMtirni iaanuted at tho junclinn of the Munnow with the Wye, 1 j milea N. of Chepstow, I'd N . L. of Pouty Pool, by way of Uak, dia. 13. uud 17 due Laat of Abergayeosy. niOlI) M'eston-under-Penyard * 117 7 Ross §1201 * 119 8 Walfurd 3 “S. oj Ross 9 Aston Ingham ... S A'. oJ Longhope 4 N. E. of II eston 4 AT. N. E. of do. 2 Much-Marde 5 S.W. of Ledhtm'/ 3 Wool hope riS.ofTarringtoii 4 Fownhope (iS.W.ojdo. .5 Mordiford iW. S.W. of do. (> IJridstow § 122 7 Goodrich * 124 8 Whitchurch *125 9 Llangarran .... i S.W. of Bridsioiv 3060 Hentland 4 A'.IF. of do. 1 St. Weonards 7 W. of do. 2 Sellack & Foy i N. E. of do. 3 Kings-Caple .... HN.N.E.ofdo. 4 Llanwarne 7 N. W. of do. 5 Birch, hluch & Little §128 ;.= I 6 Dewchurch, Ditto. ‘1 IS. E. of Birch 7 t HEREFORD.... 1130 §134 3008 Madley 0 due W. of Hereford 9 Peterchurch . . 12 do. do. at . UU -•c M 1 B '3 — = o Sop . o ^ Webtree Hundred, r 2 =1^ ^ f 3070 t W EOBLY 11 AklF. of do. a“ = " £ C c 2 I ■c =.S ‘ “1 -kdS ' 1 Almeley 5W.ofWeobly 2 Lyons-Hall § 152 3 Dilwyn 2 N. E.ofWeoUy 4 Eardisland li N . N.W.ofHerefd. 5 J'embridge 15 do. do. 0 Kingsland || 141 o.,,. n S.W. of Hereford i 8 Clitiord + 154 2N.ofHay Hold, bouD- , 9 Brilley ilS. IS. E. of Clifford '‘w.«by' 4 80 Eardisley 6 do. dc. R».loor,bir«. ( J K.INGTON &C § 155 Grimsworth t 3082 AFellington bN.efdo. Hundred. ( 3 Canon Pion 9 A^.Af. IF. of do. f 3084 Ledbury 1120 £ I 5 Eastnor 2 E. of Ledbury '=•1 I 0 Cohvall A N. E. of do. .2 = 21 7 Bosbury 5 N. of do. 8 Cradley, East A West 8 do. do. §!|S I 9 Yark Hill \ N . of Tarrington 1 3000 Tarrington t 128 ..1 132 A N. E. of Hereford .a V.. rp S -f '• 'i-=< 1 Lugwardine 2 Withington 3 '■ ■ 4 5 Marden 5 do. do. Bodenham b S.oJ Leominster „ Bromyard || 125 0 Whitbourne b E. of Bromyard 3097 J Leominster (| 137 8 Ditto. t)ut i'arish on the South 9 Hope-under-Din. A S. of Leominster 3100 Stoke-Prior 2S.E.ofdo. 1 Kimbolton AN. E. of do. 2 Eye AN. of do. 3 Yarpole b N. iV. IF. of do. A Orleton 6 A . * ^ 0 c «S ■*"* a "a ? tS> 8 1 E*“ K — < o»- -of- 1 5,067 ZiS HI. Ill i “-c-o 2: ^•1 ■“ 1 <.■5 S.5 6 ^ ts 1815. -F- 541 1824. Q 95 178 48 345 571 607 121 95 29 13 674 -J. — 3G7 32 521 188 481 1,678 2,347 2,261 585 171 408 89 2,957 11,111 l,2'90 950 88 152 403 21 324 728 887 227 214 82 9 1,060 4,686 712 4.52 09 79 230 29 157 416 471 114 90 24 551 2,.548 327 182 17 101 308 126 144 678 577 115 93 22 5 630 3,181 348 296 28 99 308 66 179 553 586 75 63 25 2 613 4,000 649 490 45 113 299 34 293 626 837 186 1.50 35 4 877 7,145 851 530 58 127 136 36 500 672 703 154 84 30 76 825 3,642 675 427 38 149 159 65 563 787 789 167 1.56 17 16 866 3,797 1,032 546 73 103 95 46 349 490 540 133 112 23 8 638 1,.341 210 138 19 62 124 31 316 471 492 103 66 40 5 541 4,141 378 370 18 97 180 52 280 512 632 119 123 30 5 711 4,174 491 471 50 142 285 53 367 705 745 1.55 114 39 7 730 3,792 396 379 28 139 149 26 719 894 796 172 169 28 4 1,016 0,704 852 467 68 83 139 39 265 443 488 108 50 33 36 b77 4,187 453 276 40 103 174 26 265 465 545 93 100 25 1 642 4,148 590 421 38 102 184 30 511 725 634 104 92 9 19 594 4,718 390 I'Ki 37 43 8 13 209 230 251 50 9 5 36 271 3,106 212 231 12 56 99 26 217 342 295 59 14 7 50 324 2,371 3 27 .5 18 II 8 22 <) 29 10 21 45 73 13 19 53 30 5 30 8 80 16 200 5 — 1 1 i 190 12 1 47 19 1 186 136 12 379 10 120 412 222 -of ■ 374 8 15 14 8 26 14 19 14 25 20 1 29 20 85/0 50/ 36/ 12 213 17 7 47 31/6 1 40 52 132 33 3 74 122 47 16 5 47 46 20 91/ 5 17 15 37 49 2»hopo, No 9»TS. thro* Koik, Uoiiiuuulh. And Aborfovoiiiiy. to t’oromrllitn { «i«J llmio with « • oro .IQ tbo huB of rood thru’ lloBurUw. litolor. AblD|don, Olid F«rlnKdo», ogulinurd from Tidonbom Ihro* Cli#p*toWi dli. 3 iiiilor lu SwAoroo. Aiid Milford Morot in.in thn- Martli It us Iho Mail lino of ru«d S3 lullot fruiu Lvadun, thro' Usford. NV.HxMuok. «sd Vhipidn* Norlos. lo WurcotUr : It it 4 lo. N. of Storr-oii ih.-.\Vald. irltivli It S isilrt \V«tt ul ('liippinf Norion 1TW KR'iUt'ltV loalod si «(>• Juocdon uf (ho Wsrwickihiro Aron with Ihs S. f^n, It II m N . R uf Ulsui«,t«r. 16 S. by W. of Wnrtrttor, fcU N. N. \V. •4 t'b«)tvnh«n t'iroDcotler It IW luilei S. W, of Mwir-os-tho- W«*ld, and 7 N. of 'M.-alado, III Wllt«, II It uu Ilia lisa ol a Canal from tha Setani to the Tbamoi Hir t'llr of Ol.«- '^5 ' W.stininster ( 3121 MoRETON-in-lhc-Marsli sec281f) Humireit J 2 Todtlcnhiim i K. IC.of niiirctvn f , / 3123 Lonpiborougli ‘ZS.of do. 4 (Iampden ike. 7 S'. i\.\V.o/do. 5 El)rington ZE.of Caini>den 0 Mickleton A S', of do, 7 Pebivortli .... 5 N. hiiW. of do. 8 Quinton 5 yV. E.ofdo. I- o 4 D Guy ting Power .... 7 W. of Stow fc w /3130 Ditto. Temple WW.hy N.ofdo. >i 1 MTncucosib &c. 13 do. do. 3^ 2 Twining 2 N. of Tewkeshury _ ("3133 Stow on-tbe-Wold .... HZfi'on London 4 Donnington & Mangersbury, in Stow P. 5 Oddington 'iE. of Stow 6 Dourton on-the- Water 5 N. E.of N. Loach 7 Slaughter, Upper Lower 7 do. do. 8 Great Barrington t76 9 Windrush .... 2 Si ,\V. of Harrington, on 3140 Sherborne .. the hunks of the Windrush. 1^ 1 Great Ri.ssington .. 5 Si . by W. of do. Bradley (3142 North Leach t 82 Hundred. ( 3 AVithington GW . of Si . Loach ■ c 4 t Tewkesbury 21 iV. IT. o/ do. Tewkesbury \ 5 kemerton .... 4 N. E.of do. liunureu. ^ (; Forthampton 2lT. o/Tcr-A-cs 6. Ueerhurit Hund. ^ 3147 Tirley 6iC. 4 IF.S. W. of do. 2 formed of 8 Deerhurst 2 S. of Co. detached parts 4 9 Prestbury 2 S’. E. of Chcttcti. of the County. U3150 Welford 5 IT. o/.Str« ^ chedworlh .... 8 do. do. Hundrea. ^ Cranham .... 2 E.of Pains wick Brockworth *101 Barnwood * 103 5 {GLOUCESTER .... {103 *105 6 Ditto. Out Parishes 7 Hempstead . . contig. to Gloucester 8 Upton, St. Leond. 2J- A'. E. of do. 3s-^5.5 I 9 Badgeworth A E.of do. = s=|j 3 3170 Sandhurst 2 N. of do. 1 Maismore 3 iV. IT. of do. 1 2 Hartpury 4 do. do. L 3 Higham * 105, & Churcham { 107 Long-Hope {113 Lancastei Minsterworth *108 Botloe S 7 Taynton G N.W. of Gloucester 4 Si. N.W. of Neweyif 3179 ATestbury *112 60 Newnham * 115 1 ATollaston * 125 2 Tidenhani * 129 3 Awre, &c. * 118 1 Lidney . . * 122 5 Aylburton * 123 C Alvington * 124 Ihese places are on the West bank of theSevern, & on the line of road from London ihro’ Gloucefiler, to Chepstow, see No. 1541 For the Coal District of Dean Forest St. Briavells Hund., see Nos. 142-9. a-S ' 3191 Slimbridge 5N. N. E.of Berke. 1 2 Arlingham opposite <0 IVetonAam Mjlllili 1 3 Cromhall Abbots %W. of Wick. '4 Henbury &c. 5 S. W. of Bristol 5 A"ate cont. tv Chipping Sodbury 1 ywnber of In- habited Houses in 1801 Ne . ot Persons in IHOl Total \umber of Persons in 1811 T>fuml>er of In- habited Houses in 18*il Number of b'amilUs in Total Sumoer \ of Persons in ISil 1 UL 111= SiS SS|» mt tM §■^5! BT'Sj 1815. /' No. of t'amUiey reUeveri i Pamamtatly Chie/iy employed in Agriculture do- in Trade Manu- \ Jac. or Handicraft j all others not inclu- ded in the preceding P fa ■c fa e s ^ c ^ s V. z ^ o ^ ■5*^ '*■5 J ij5y Sl"* 1824. s c b. o J a c ‘1 s < •se b. .o 11 169 98 170 .561 829 928 212 14 79 123 1,015 2^321 833 oL 629 62 3 12 66 83 23 233 339 363 80 69 20 9 410 3,401 461 252 44 7 105 210 36 227 473 502 125 105 18 2 526 4,075 370 385 32 26 357 791 701 148 1,700 1,684 372 219 132 46 1,798 1,044 1,799 1,650 — 35 284 82 351 46 13 410 359 103 90 13 — 635 2,912 440 434 31 5 98 300 101 20 430 665 131 101 33 3 574 6,856 600 413 46 8 116 172 29 378 579 591 121 112 17 4 620 3,585 695 378 39 41 83 33 21 289 338 380 130 112 28 5 698 3,0.50 422 301 38 — 9 92 127 40 263 430 613 139 130 20 3 629 2,208 296 330 19 6 59 59 10 232 301 450 91 88 16 2 510 4,479 360 388 30 9 422 346 269 1,216 1,888 1,936 475 239 226 92 2,240 1,344 1,473 1,.588 94 43 57 114 591 110 51 752 813 181 157 38 7 849 5,509 932 459 68 25 253 85 681 423 1,189 1,188 269 110 152 29 1,304 687 009 466 45 — 13 48 228 45 9 282 350 80 04 28 3 427 4,890 614 356 28 — 12 81 390 22 9 421 412 90 67 23 7 458 2,883 357 388 21 — 9 145 190 93 408 697 063 157 68 84 20 758 5,088 402 455 21 — 19 89 112 29 310 451 .148 100 84 14 5 487 3,800 316 238 25 — 12 62 8! 117 150 348 427 97 76 23 4 462 1,297 458 402 37 — 18 58 123 91 103 317 289 60 43 22 9 317 2,015 423 208 21 — 15 84 405 82 39 520 500 97 77 22 6 525 4,22^1 700 366 75 — 15 63 180 9 160 349 361 85 70 17 3 416 3,700 273 233 28 — 21 108 234 384 46 604 647 150 49 53 069 773 543 213 187 22 — 9 124 208 27 337 572 650 161 138 18 8 759 4,384 525 469 45 — 36 859 39 1,334 2,826 4,199 4,820 1,044 122 865 185 4,962 17,250 2,954 1,814 7-7 116 83 67 55 34 13 427 496 119 71 40 12 520 2,270 424 300 37 — 37 54 201 33 215 449 477 75 70 16 4 474 3,022 435 322 21 — 34 66 150 26 189 365 405 75 82 18 — 443 3,940 103 153 13 — 29 115 22 23 601 640 741 139 118 31 6 742 6,256 505 360 41 — 69 118 336 109 40 485 667 152 110 72 17 906 3,954 190 397 17 9 91 128 50 338 516 498 140 110 34 3 611 2,718 645 442 63 — 17 187 1.53 186 578 917 993 221 121 87 80 1,154 6,768 888 870 61 21 261 697 494 135 1,326 1,444 315 166 111 42 1,547 6,301 967 1,012 65 31 40 91 104 31 521 656 657 173 151 18 4 838 7,000 663 758 68 — 68 171 213 162 477 852 952 198 138 48 33 990 3,607 1,010 565 95 — 37 119 271 5 238 514 470 126 109 23 2 590 3,610 389 427 38 — 49 837 228 940 2,962 4,130 4,540 1,006 140 751 216 4,987 7,421 2,876 2,202 163 82 26 53 266 32 27 325 321 79 67 14 4 349 2,884 284 264 28 — 48 170 199 50 549 798 784 206 196 53 G 922 6,691 834 494 85 — 90 109 1.51 12 316 479 510 110 97 15 4 562 4,934 381 388 25 — 18 106 366 154 45 565 530 118 94 29 7 562 4,024 400 224 42 — 41 191 87 89 672 848 896 215 170 58 23 975 4,727 604 522 56 — 416 52 7 10 233 2.50 317 69 13 9 49 321 1,389 109 60 14 — 16 63 143 17 190 350 376 80 64 16 3 386 2,062 202 266 42 94 44 241 45 23 309 306 81 46 18 23 392 2,699 236 190 15 — 26 1 .325 93 2,317 4,619 7,579 8,280 1,732 240 1.624 455 9,744 18,485 2,474 2,756 184 89 134 244 426 117 635 1,330 1,500 453 252 175 41 1,831 12,909 1,025 837 131 — 62 30 174 26 19 1.59 219 108 46 33 45 548 3,522 101 128 15 — 16 123 244 377 — 621 713 171 145 22 4 895 5,320 453 190 52 — 10 108 141 19 1 603 642 152 146 20 3 715 4,994 479 369 64 — 5 83 222 26 117 365 399 65 76 14 7 473 3,739 429 231 182 — 90 51 336 7 — 343 408 68 58 11 8 404 3,729 367 246 19 — 46 92 360 186 21 567 682 123 119 31 1 8X1 5,008 500 452 — — — 126 322 63 144 529 753 143 139 15 3 733 5,252 497 318 45 — 4 84 82 4 227 313 357 77 60 22 8 405 1,169 181 117 13 — 8 145 328 106 202 636 646 160 93 41 34 790 3,425 283 237 20 — 47 72 162 15 177 364 420 82 71 15 12 462 3,621 368 281 23 — 12 09 — — — 378 416 87 88 14 — 516 2,975 169 217 11 — 30 222 1,001 222 — 1,223 1,342 284 263 43 4 1,5.58 8,292 654 481 68 32 100 286 291 75 1,285 1,651 1,765 372 311 86 4 1,889 9,293 919 910 73 36 109 144 43 202 576 821 952 171 35 70 83 1,012 4 058 507 372 33 17 54 93 367 32 214 613 646 169 136 30 7 884 3,159 314 344 12 — 43 138 193 51 452 696 918 189 144 41 20 1,102 7,284 309 423 26 — 16 111 303 118 91 512 1,035 208 94 110 15 1,138 6,632 464 587 52 — 32 129 142 109 532 783 820 175 70 72 56 1,040 6.387 408 616 42 — 29 57 71 27 4 249 340 06 32 22 14 353 1,855 112 133 15 — 1 40 52 11 148 211 213 54 37 15 7 272 1,787 115 184 13 — 3 97 39 216 403 658 016 165 3 128 70 836 1,600 266 392 23 10 151 177 34 605 816 893 182 143 18 52 1,101 7,298 621 538 36 9 47 133 399 40 390 835 822 135 146 22 6 903 8,069 811 787 30 — 35 117 268 81 432 781 845 191 56 32 121 935 11,311 693 570 21 14 56 117 188 143 439 770 794 161 101 67 6 807 8,165 580 372 48 13 47 87 330 20 156 506 .571 132 109 33 13 715 4,110 324 309 24 — 20 115 02 34 454 550 567 135 94 35 11 703 4,454 390 376 47 — 20 283 838 61 245 1,712 2,169 378 278 13 83 2,283 20,774 1,540 1,216 100 — 86 126 106 36 458 ) 654 717 154 122 29 28 827 6,370 330 339 35 — 17 t * 190 384 64 785 23 209 186 528 82 2 997 62 141 266 58 134 109 82 80 134 91 39 200 60 147 a*; H fi w -o£- 10 ' 580 5 410 17 19 30 25 79 20 10 17 15 13 20 39 46 1 21 20 7 63 34 10 12 1 1450 8 80 44 8 5 141 45 2 45 25 21 5 29 3 14 95 18 3 41 20 30 5 4 14 5 12 — 73 42 vSo 11 rf 22 ' 5 81 5 25 50 3121 — 3150 3151 — 3195 Popitlous Inland Towns and Parishes, in the County of Gloucester: Wincheomh, Tewkesbury, Cirencester, Gloucester, 52 3190 — 3270 Tovographicl Position, I’OPULATION, &c. &c., of Towns and Populous Parishes, in the Counties of Gloucester & Berks. The W’Uts 4; Berks ilanal diverges from the Kennet a:ul Avon Canal from near Melksham^ past Calne^ fVooton liasseCp and Swindon ; and through the Hundreds of Shrivenhamp and tt'anfage, to the Thames at Abingdon. The Town of Maiuknhkau is in (he 2 Parishes of Cookham and Hray^ it is seated on the tV, bank of the Thames ', on a Common called Maidenhead Thicket, two miles f rom the Town, the rood from Ijondon diverges on the IT. S. IV., by Reading ^c. to Hath ; and ff'. iV. IV. by Henley S(C. to Oxford. The Military School at Sandhurst, (No, 32«6 ) is 30 mileifrom London, on the road to Southampton : Vt'okingham, or Oakingham is on a line of nad to Reading, dis. 7 miles. •o •.S’** 3^ 2 85 =Q So:= a b< ® ^ B I : .o s s w Acton is 9 miles N, E. of BRISTOL. For the places below, noted with an • see the Note to Gniinbalds Ash Hundred : those noted with a § are on the line of road from London, hy way of Hounslow, Henley, and Nutlields Heath, continued from Biiscot, (No. 3'25U ) hy Nos. 3151 &c. to Gloucester: those with a 1| diverge from Nulhelds Heath, dl miles from London, by another line to Karingdon. MarshI' Ibli) is a detached part of Thornbury Hund., border- ing on VViltihiie, 9 miles VVect of Chippenham, and 9 N. E. of Bristol. Abingdon is seated at the junction of the river Ocke, with the Thames, 0 m. S. of Oxford, ans. 9 miles. 319(> Marshfield lOl from London t 3197 Abson-cura-Wick 100 do. > 8 Packle Church , . contiguous " i Siston to Wick. C3200 Westerleigh 2W. of Chip. S. s11“|a° f320I Old Sodhury *110 I 2 Chipping do *112 1 3 Gt. Badminton S E. of Old Sodhury 4 Dirham & Hinton .. ^S.ofdu. n Horton 2 N. of do. Hawkeabury 3 do. do. 7 Hillesley G do. do. 1.8 Upton, in Hawkesbury Parish .. 9 Oldbury-on-the- Hill 3210 W ICKWAR 13.J W. S. W. of Trthury (_ 11 Chartield 2 iV. N. IP. o/ IPic/cicar Thornbury Hund. f Iron Acton . . .... ... . . . * 115 bounded on the Tythenngton 2 N. W.oJ Rang. N. W. by the 1 ^ t 3214 Rangeworthy 2N.ofI.A. Severn. Iron 15 ThoRNBURY i N. N.W.of ' I J< 16 Kington [^Alveston 1 s j 17 Faltield-cuin-Moorton. . .. l^S V 18 Oldhury-on-Severn L.. 5 i.,.nas-i..h,.jr 3219 Doynton ., 'iW. of Marshfield Hundred: % 20 Frampton Cot. 1 IP. of /. AotoR in which is No, 1328. /. a ^ \ *-asr« i.iiicb,., ) Aire,tui.< I Alveston *119 B".'.:,rrr,b?":‘di. > 2 oiveston * 122 GLoucEsTE.u. ^ 3 Almoudsbury 2 S.W.oJ Alves. f 32^ Eastington &c. 4 IP. of Stroud 5 Frocester 5 do. do. 6 Frampton-on-SevernS do. do. 7 Standish .... 5 N.W.of do. 8 Haresfleld ..6 do. do. 9 Hardwick 4S.«S.IP.(!/’G1 omccs. ^3230 Longney .... 4S.W.ofdo. BERKSHIRE.— 1 t A bingdon §55 2 Marcham .. 2 IP. of A ting don 3 Sutton Courtney 3 S. of do. 4 Steventon .... 4 do. do. 5 Buckland .... 10 do. do. 6 Longworth .... 7 IP. of do. 7 Stanford 6 AT. IP. 5 Wantage || 59 Hundred. ^ g Hanney E. &c \V. 4 N. of W milage 7 Uffington GW. of do. 8 Shrivenham 5 S. W. of Faringdon A 9 Coleshill 4 IP. 0 / do f 3250 Buscot § 73 3251 East Illesly G^W.hy N.of Panghourn 2 Lambourn 6 i N . W . of Welford „ C 3253 Sunninghill 6 IP. S. IP.o/£g/i« Cookham) 4 Binfield 12 IP. 0 / do. Hundred. ^ Maidenhead , ^26 m, 13255 Cookha W. of Hyde Park Corner. ( 6 Bray .... Beynhurst Hund Bisham 4 N.W.of Maidenhead b.iunded on the } 8 Hurley GW.oJdo. Whitstons Hundred, inlersected by the river Stroud, and the Caual frum ttie Severo. past Cirensester (0 the Thames. Nos. 332, and 354-7 ( which see ) form part •f Ibis UoDtlred, Oek Haodred, bounded OD the East it North by the Thames. Ganfteld Hund., bounded on ttie N by the Thames. Moreton Hundred bountled on the East by the Thames. Shnvenbara Haod.. bounded OQ the West, j Wiltshire. I Noith by the A Thame#. 9 Remenham.... 9 do. do. 60 White Waltham 4 . 9. IP. o/do. Ripples- > 2 Clewer contiguous to Win mere , ^ Winkfield-cum-Ascot 7 W. of Eg Hundred^ 4 East Hampstead GW. of Sunning Sonniug Hundred. ^326.5 ^OKJNGHAM^ 8 ^ do. bounded on theS. by / Hampshire, & on the A N. by the Thames, f 6 Sandhurst 12 .5. IP. rif £g-/i 7 Hurst 5 E.of Rcadin 8 Sonning ,. 3 do. do. - . — o--- , vv aiiiiaiii, oi. JO. i o. rv . luuiuci Huoored. f ^ \j/ argrave .... 0 IP. S. W. of do. No. of Persons in 1801 Number of o'?, «>.- ,Vo. of Families •> 'S'- * “t relieved i Number of Inhabited House ■2 A. K fc OD . ^ s CO H 1. • :=ji§ |£5l Permanently 1 b, do. in Trade Manufactures * Handicraft k TOTAL Total Numhi Persons in 1 l-s k R s'? ■2 **• II i7i Trade Ma\ r Handicraft •S k 2"^ •» R k •Cl a R a ^ a I = S’" (2 J ^ g s-i O— * t, e£ c t 5-0 c 2 SO £ k o ^ s 5 O «>< •a s ^ R k Q O ** S.s “of 1815. -d- 1824. s -S k •262 311 333 602 1,246 1,415 274 257 38 7 1,569 8,063 513 319 49 — 46 111 81 113 377 571 671 146 39 51 56 715 5,219 217 214 26 — 13 121 140 61 341 542 535 118 71 43 10 612 4,850 224 198 23 7 159 81 288 487 856 833 177 19 56 104 902 4,072 409 533 36 7 19 235 244 295 1,043 1,582 1,632 310 93 62 155 1,817 10,889 746 768 78 155 92 22 24 641 687 765 145 79 26 71 803 6,796 458 328 42 — 23 217 29 323 738 1,090 1,235 201 80 130 18 1,059 2,270 453 482 46 4 21 70 153 35 235 423 409 96 8 15 82 464 2,563 342 216 32 32 82 124 13 300 437 476 91 79 10 12 526 4.994 205 •246 •22 — 37 65 154 25 187 366 373 88 63 17 9 385 5,446 195 322 29 — 9 59 284 49 2 335 333 101 89 19 11 4861 65 40 221 72 333 424 165 80 95 2 800 > 6,514 1,087 1,015 99 — 54 45 337 30 9 376 378 115 68 40 21 548) 108 77 34 239 764 317 75 156 32 83 24 21 15 371 919 2,329 4,347 273 727 217 513 43 51 23 71 157 77 54 633 805 86 40 231 8 8 247 250 58 45 16 2 344 2,639 227 225 25 — 28 128 569 202 27 798 780 200 160 39 7 1,122 5,3-14 677 731 45 — 247 52 238 42 15 295 317 72 75 8 1 474 3,218 196 331 17 — 42 48 19 24 187 230 265 42 36 15 296 1,034 181 166 5 7 12 173 154 365 337 856 1,083 220 63 118 65 1,261 1 A 419^ 18 8 20 90 370 81 27 484 678 98 40 9 49 831 (' 13,080 671 f \ 2025 ' 56 — 25 124 454 90 126 670 814 162 123 31 13 844/ 823 a 79 — 18 89 359 18 75 452 481 107 43 5 59 528) ( 600) c 39 — 11 70 48 20 235 303 342 72 60 12 6 415 3,670 113, 114 13 — 11 226 60 215 933 1,208 1,419 306 75 181 76 1,610 4,334 943 792 84 — 88 71 211 2 199 412 524 115 91 17 18 657 4,173 466 1 407 25 — 18 164 815 25 59 899 1,093 270 218 47 16 1,351 4,752 359 683 23 — 424 186 579 61 589 1,229 l,-284 239 201 50 6 1,408 9,377 600 436 32 — 72 180 72 231 685 988 1,223 324 78 203 55 1,681 4,949 608 446 58 5 69 79 174 63 1-25 362 367 64 66 19 2 437 3,593 285 193 25 33 170 152 180 528 860 848 183 69 114 9 996 4,992 464 378 33 — 29 93 300 75 129 504 474 101 79 26 3 525 4,663 490 374 47 — 29 93 14 1 32 380 553 552 116 96 28 2 662 4,698 435 348 47 — 51 52 306 35 — 341 423 80 70 12 446 4,866 285 214 28 — 15 53 93 16 205 314 379 86 76 12 443 2,513 429 194 — 34 867 102 1,847 2,407 4,3.56 4,801 1,090 61 942 128 5,137 9,023 3,550 3,160 238 133 109 144 562 38 7 607 706 1.56 141 21 8 829 3,744 1,020 789 47 — 21 141 258 53 563 874 757 166 105 63 11 769 5,385 956 903 107 — 36 101 298 57 182 537 584 122 112 32 5 652 4,073 674 495 17 — 25 136 1-21 19 587 727 763 151 141 21 11 893 5,951 1,148 1,026 54 28 15 79 265 22 114 401 441 98 77 22 7 537 2,929 488 355 11 — 23 124 300 22 285 607 677 151 119 34 3 772 5,486 749 702 79 — — 304 441 297 953 1,691 1,843 397 197 189 62 2,271 8,041 2,199 1,746 — 42 35 362 158 759 839 1,734 1,901 366 40 225 128 2,093 5,354 1,422 1,660 67 49 69 101 205 41 245 491 473 96 84 14 8 546 4,329 434 546 10 — 18 122 398 112 161 671 661 124 105 33 24 701 4,709 680 479 25 — 33 127 487 90 46 623 621 157 140 21 13 686 4,142 911 639 41 — — 106 259 112 285 556 596 115 81 26 14 590 4,‘229 1,117 457 21 — 66 180 581 101 310 992 1,016 197 176 33 8 1,182 5,702 l,-264 779 52 — 509 473 131 943 1,265 2,339 2,386 520 91 347 93 2,560 7,701 1,847 774 89 96 — 182 192 64 599 865 913 196 146 45 10 974 5,622 1,114 688 68 — 92 76 188 23 221 432 462 79 60 28 24 523 4,027 543 370 20 — 24 112 141 14 456 611 639 131 113 41 15 696 3,952 6-26 591 402 — 155 51 85 1 159 261 262 52 49 14 4 324 2,690 389 344 16 — 31 75 100 7 307 409 355 78 70 2 16 421 5,180 425 307 30 — 30 112 330 175 7 612 669 119 71 50 4 676 3,272 951 600 31 — 50 197 550 93 321 964 1,002 208 143 79 14 1,096 — — — — — I 138 l;t0 56 152 700 913 225 135 58 37 1,125 4,310 743 642 11 13 56 150 126 64 618 808 860 202 116 106 21 1,057 4,985 1,101 701 49 — 113 — — — 2,239 2,411 .509 255 2.59 100 2,734 l5,-243 3,163 1,668 190 45 25 506 891 261 1,251 2,403 2,604 636 364 181 172 3,159 17,950 3,390 1,591 158 — 182 86 393 131 69 596 619 133 79 48 21 707 4,434 703 446 — — 52 170 673 162 80 915 909 196 136 51 35 1,065 380 8,842 1,-101 400 117 118 56 38 7 254 299 283 72 37 21 21 3,089 401 198 22 — 4 115 430 100 22 552 635 127 103 36 •22 795 5,483 717 ‘233 29 19 7(i 625 128 362 3,301 4,030 5,272 917 164 411 386 5,698 20,924 3,806 4,296 165 54 196 371 86 1.54 1,530 1,770 2,096 364 112 292 85 •2,115 4,872 1,358 !«H 78 25 65 258 252 94 1,119 1,465 1,439 288 191 80 57 1,676 7,084 1,241 808 51 32 92 87 192 97 277 666 578 104 103 22 i! 10 615 2,662 423 334 22 — 35 475 246 418 1,617 2,281 2,365 558 234 219 166 2,810 771 7,6‘20 2,688 1,357 123 38 79 34 64 8 1.50 222 289 95 56 5 41 943 ‘242 150 20 6 110 79 32 505 616 656 1.58 91 57 20 ai7 2,734 495 305 3tl — 20 210 812 81 .310 1,233 227 1‘23 53 72 l,‘20l ’> (i,000 1,1-20 949 — 718 158 176 48 596 820 1,016 178 135 68 20 1,1.55 4,698 603 .571 9-.i 92 111 82 19 471 572 693 116 98 21 1 638 4,401 52C 334 Si 51 222 226 826 1,134 1,198 •274 177 70 35 1,409 6,009 ' 1.593 716 1 lot 18 8 195 148 147 37 88 85 81 104 121 76 142 32 140 ■X- 167 7 14 37 261 92 18 31/6 39 11 70 8 3 85/ 32 5 41/6 14 30 66 10 65/6 59 19 43 157 50/6 9 112 29 11 186 79 42 14 35 25/ 9 66 19 106 59/ 60 3 49 172 46 71 46 224 9 33 122 30 14 220 3190 — 32-23 3-224 — 3270 Populons Inland Towns and Parishes in the Counties of Gloucester and Berks. Marshfield, Abinqdon, Faringdon, Wallingford, Wantage, Windsor, ifc. Sfc. o3 3-271 — 3345 Topookaimucau Position, POPULATION, &c. iVc. of Towns and l‘o|)ulous I’aris.ios in flic Countios of Berks and Wills. ■ ■ 1 N (a. ot t*€rson.t in IMUI 1 tkumuer of !\'o. of I'amiltes Tk» dI • balow aota.1 with ftD • art oo Ibft Uf»* of ro*d fiom I.omlon to lUUi, — 1821 , *9 1 bv W»| «f c ftlft •nd OhlopenUftm . Ko». No, 3.Ufl H « inlitt Fail of lialh ; Uo.e re on Ibe line ol r...J from Fftfioadon, llirou|li So.lbuty. to «he t Note lo tlrumhftld* A»li llnndred. ou the (.reredlim (.in* : Ibo.t tre ou III* direct line of road from l/omtun lu Wuoloii Uftttet, dl. uoaerfoid, from whence the dlilanvet lm|dy. tented at the Junction ot the Kennel Hirer *nd Narl^ftllon wUh o e til- B»rm nmnthf <>> -- W with ft t UU Pftltftl*, M aoImI with ft ]l *«r|pftK fW>m 11 KKADINO ii •N •- a, >. lb* 37 mlUi J*. K. «f Ahiugdon. \» W by St. ul Wm.Uor. Ur wiiy ol \> o- kioichftm. dU, 7 mile*. amJ 15 N. N. W. of Uft*in|itok 1 Woolhampton *49 43 50 22 250 322 301 73 33 28 12 387 1,846 383 136 25 9 110 20 r3282 Midgham iW. by N. of Woolbam. 43 214 12 214 340 321 46 34 17 17 329 1,.554 346 162 11 — 28 1 V 3 Greenham . . IS. E. of Newbury 132 71 132 430 633 187 117 57 15 947 3,861 722 488 37 — 8 — — a 4 Sbaw contiguous to do. 96 78 15 331 424 480 111 69 28 21 531 2,827 547 401 37 7 — 13 S! u’O 5 Speenhaniland * 5.5 140 5 78 6-29 712 158 2 69 87 818 7,977 2,202 1,382 189 15 40 — 8 !:<; 6 Newbury udjoiningSpeenliamland 931 40 2,806 1,429 4,275 4,898 1,132 6 800 331 5,347 13,288 1,238 3,040 238 68 146 532 — Ctf 5 - o 7 Hampstead Nor. 2 N. E.ofNewb. 168 665 178 12 855 875 156 154 33 36 1,111 5,807 1,560 947 140 36 — 55 « r = u 8 Chievely 5 N. of do. 170 361 34 340 735 1,033 224 206 32 10 1,163 6,898 1,464 909 87 53 — 91 9 VV el ford 5 N.W. of do. 170 834 30 2 866 906 197 177 26 4 1,058 5,585 958 935 05 32 27 — — 3290 Speen & Benham * 57 113 302 67 295 664 193 1-25 28 40 980 leith Sptenhamland. — — — — 5 a ^ Kimbiirv 43291 Kintbury 5W. of Neivbu. 282 343 162 925 1,430 1,409 289 185 93 121 1,763 8,686 1,977 1,793 124 15 57 — — Eagle < 2 Inkpen TW.S.W.of do. 127 565 23 2 590 569 141 105 28 8 617 2,5AG 4,374 490 469 53 — 12 — — L Hundred. 4 3 HUNGERFORD *04 383 1,678 267 42 1,987 1,693 392 247 136 99 2,025 2,276 2,138 128 48 151 108 20 ^3294 Charnham Strt. adjoinins Hungerford 55 237 64 2 305 380 56 24 27 11 348 with Hungerford. — — — 5 ChiltonWiat .. WUN.W.ofdo. 83 153 33 530 616 605 133 100 30 9 777 3,379 945 789 52 3 24 — 20 S Froxfield * 66 128 104 26 362 492 505 82 76 14 2 508 1,380 494 342 89 — — T LittleBEDWiN \\ S. by W. of Froxfield 81 128 8 292 428 440 91 92 5 3 504 968 669 284 33 127 — 8 1 Great Do. 2^ do. do. 312 136 103 1,393 1,632 1,852 347 276 104 61 1,928 1,532 2,060 1,342 117 11 457 — — 9 Burbage G S. 5. W. of do. (90 214 52 742 1,008 1,024 237 199 33 12 1,195 5,922 729 775 35 139 — Ill 5 ? F* s 3300 Easton ...... 1 W. by S. of Burbage 76 367 8 16 391 408 79 73 17 3 447 2,710 486 303 33 19 — 8 1 Milton Lilburn .... 3 do. do. 108 285 24 266 573 542 113 111 5 4 632 4,536 645 514 63 — 12 — — £ 9-3 • 2 Pewsey, or Pusey .. 4 do. do. 222 259 102 818 1,179 1,209 250 198 83 10 1,337 6,858 1,769 1,261 122 11 66 85 — u 3 Chute & Forest 3 N. by E.of Ludgers. 117 363 20 105 488 600 120 115 17 8 633 4,608 634 164 15 — 60 101 16 r 3304 Aldbourn 117 260 1,128 152 1,280 1,260 277 186 130 22 1,385 6,576 1,175 973 136 21 — 38 g-O 5 t Marlborough *74 441 31 597 939 2,367 2,579 484 345 333 154 3,038 3,890 1,079 1,204 136 12 41 284 18 5‘§<: 6 Preshute contig. to Marlboro’ 100 470 17 — 496 583 133 122 24 1 693 6,244 807 676 54 — 20 — — 7 West Overton *78 84 17 23 326 366 563 124 119 25 8 734 1,402 674 523 64 — 7 — 1 8 Avebury GW. of Marlboro’ 175 201 23 366 590 607 131 131 20 21 688 4,571 710 382 71 _ 11 — 13 9 Broad Hinton 8 N. W. of do. 82 158 172 219 550 570 137 109 32 5 639 1,547 1,075 784 59 — 24 — 34 Caine Hand. 3310 Clierril .... ZE.of Caine * 84 60 179 27 98 304 289 71 52 21 7 346 1,917 158 140 22 — 5 — 4 . '3311 Bremhill 4, N.W. of do. 259 868 317 18 1,303 1,303 286 286 37 7 1,443 10,770 1,856 1,315 126 16 106 130 = !! s 12 Langley Bur. N.of Chippenham 13 Biddestone 5 TP. 0 / do. 65 226 8 99 333 364 82 69 14 5 428 4,005 296 300 23 — 9 — — = .S'=i 84 92 21 38 331 372 87 47 ‘27 17 414 2,435 165 91 15 — 9 85 — a ”’ = 3 14 Yatton Keynal.. 5 iV.lF. of do. 75 51 31 14 353 384 86 58 19 22 430 3,018 277 178 23 — 29 — — 15 Castle Combe . . 6 do. do. 111 87 118 362 567 570 129 36 41 59 635 2,731 359 313 37 — 16 50 5 3"2 ul 16 Box * 99 210 140 115 960 1,165 1,252 239 94 83 80 1,336 8,345 952 735 112 • 25 106 — 17 Colerne 3 N. 0 / Box 150 60 157 476 693 722 179 98 60 29 888 5,898 461 412 57 — 10 200 27 18 Slierstone Magna 1 100 189 156 105 631 892 1,027 243 141 71 38 1,146 5,816 661 576 37 9 168 — — 19 Luckington 1 102 52 69 20 215 304 295 58 44 20 4 280 2,068 209 319 28 — 40 — 3 Raiosbury H .od«a, r33‘20 Ramsbury ii 4 379 1,298 500 165 1,963 2,095 442 325 132 28 2,335 313 9,540 2,011 1,734 1.58 20 125 100 — w,:, w‘“' < 1 Baydon .. 2 N.E. of Aldboiirn 58 43 35 61 290 294 61 60 7 3 2,-243 346 233 25 — 104 — — B«rk«Iiir«. C 2 Bishopstone .. G N.of do. 94 219 81 230 530 467 105 92 13 4 572 3,831 421 352 9 — 28 — 143 3323 Lyddington .... || 1‘2 51 200 9 128 337 418 76 79 4 — 409 3,100 526 490 62 — 8 — — £ C 4 Chisledon .... 2 iS,W»of Lyddington 171 191 46 667 904 997 202 142 32 28 1,077 5,681 1,288 786 132 15 290 — 10 = W 3 >> » 5 Wanborough 2 N.of do. 155 377 159 257 793 841 166 143 23 2 903 7,093 801 681 71 — 18 — — 5 Swindon |j 16 244 140 260 608 1,198 1,341 272 13 336 27 1,580 7,818 1,510 1,370 110 — 30 50 — 7 1 AVooton Basset i| 22 279 39 61 1,144 1,2.M 1,390 344 166 134 54 1,701 9,831 1,525 1,124 1,347 102 25 50 49 50 -3 8 Lydiard Tregoose . . 4W.of Swindon 72 364 14 550 578 613 118 137 11 1 717 8,209 1,564 93 — — — — Hi 9 Iwneliam 4 S. S. W. of Wooton Basset 0 Hillmarton 'Ab N.of Caine 157 208 173 452 833 814 171 123 53 56 910 6,627 1,365 1,028 103 17 56 208 106 = 1^ 333 134 691 26 — 717 756 143 137 19 5 787 5,631 857 521 72 — 15 117 10 2-' 1 Cliffe-Pypard.. 2W. of Broad Hinton 115 130 36 458 624 692 151 152 6 815 6,356 754 688 85 — 32 — 40 T3332 Christian Mel. G N. N.W. of Cal. 183 869 79 948 887 197 129 61 15 878 7,007 986 605 65 — 78 — 105/ 1 3 Kingston, St. M. ido.ofChipp. 78 204 42 112 358 395 102 66 28 13 465 3,932 634 361 58 — 30 — 35 b.>taq s £ 9 Hannington.... 2W . of Highworth 53 240 5 82 61 8 23 412 4,067 632 619 25 _ 35 — — ^ a .-s J 3340 t Cricklade t 83 198 827 171 335 1,333 1,556 320 200 91 48 1,506 11,230 1,479 1,587 69 35 125 — 239 n 1 Ashton-Keynes AW. of Cricklade 164 458 85 221 764 828 202 152 44 6 888 4,909 752 714 50 — 43 120 143 _£ 3 } 2 Purton 4 S. of do. 271 1,412 45 10 1,467 1,497 326 255 51 20 1,696 10,054 1,494 1,496 1-22 13 13 114 139 3 Stratton, St. Mary A N.of Swindon 117 310 37 249 596 517 139 149 21 — 745 4,766 447 461 26 — 8 — — 721*=“ .a i 4 Rodbouin-Che. A N. N.W. of do. 85 442 9 — 451 463 101 104 12 10 544 4,711 490 344 41 — 8 — — Malmesbury .• \ Westport, St. Mary contig. 263 171 97 1,097 1,359 1,609 382 157 179 86 1,976 10,519 1,319 1,258 80 25 70 230 14 114 6 17 679 702 720 1.58 158 27 13 1,023 2,969 671 584 73 — 26 18 6 * C * Bnnekworth 5 S, E,of Marlb^ 155 146 41 736 923 1.042 189 72 42 154 l,-206 9,799 2,016 1,972 150 13 69 — 15 3-271 — 3303 3304 — 3345 'opiiious Inland Towns and Parishes, in the Counties of Berks and Wilts: Reading, Neiuhiirg, Marlborough, Wooton Basset, Crichlade, 54 334(5 — 3120 Topographicai- Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of Towns, and Populous Parishes, in the County of Wilts. ambliaw, No. 3104, is n deiacl cd pnil of Cawdou Huudrod, in the Nkw I'okest, 11^ miles from Salisbury on the load to Lyiidhurst, and is partly in Hampshire: Slourtoii& Mauh ►s. 40I5-16, emend into Somersetshire. Cuanuoubn, see No. 34‘iO is 11 m. S. S. VV. of Salisbury. Devcrhill Luiifebrid;»c is a detached part of the Hundred, 3 m, W. of Heylesbn Brambi) Nos. Maiden Bradley^ Heyiesbnry. b* way of ,.L The pltoei below uolvd with ao B are ud tlio line of road from I.unili Hvuntlow, HuiuKBtoka. Whitchurch, end Andii*.*r, to IloviZ)>« ; tvhicli tilloi iiearfr by the way nf Kniding and Marlboroueh, from which it i» dit 14 niilaa : Ibo*^ noted with a t nro ou the line of rnad I'roni London divereiog from AndoTor, ov way of Amaibury, over Salinbury UIhIii to llruton io liomerietanire : and thuxa with a { diverge fraru the road at .S TON RU HSCl E, two milri Weal of Aiocibury Io Rxeter, by way of Wincanlon, llclioitir, Ilnilnaler, and Houiluii : Ludgarahall it II uiilri from Andovor ; Aincvbury M ; and Salisbury 17. The City of SALHllUKY i« seated nt the oonflueneo of the little Kivers Bourne, and Wily, with Ibe Avon ; it is 14 miles W. by S. of Stockbridge, '17 N. W. of .Southaiupli’M, by way of Komsey, div, 10 , 27 N. N. \V. of Lyiniuitton, by way rf l.yodburst, dis. IS ; and 2(5 duo N, of Chrintcliorch, by way oI Fordingbrldge, dis. 10 and Itlngwocid div. 17 . the p’accs noted with .i | denote their distance from SaliBnury, up the Vall*y of the Wily Hirer, to Wariniimler : fur those with a l| and ^ see Notes to t.iwJ in and Dunworlh lluudreJt. The S places prooedeJ by a J each return two Members to rarliaoient. ISi'a'J-s’sl fl-5 o « jj A a oG^uis S " S.2 f ^r331(i 1 Lijdoershali *70 3 X 7 *Amesbury t77 ^ 8 *Figlieldean .5^ iS'. IT. (!/"3352 !) Diirrington 2 N . of Amesb. 3350 * Duvtiford, &c. 2 S. K. of do. 1 Collingburn Ducis 2 * Endford-cuni-Fy field .. 3 Everley *75 4 *Nether-Avon .5 * Fittlelon-cum- Hack .... <> V/estwood-cum-lfoi-d .... 7 Wrong liton 3 S. of Swindon 5 * Up-avou * 80 0 *Ntli Newnton 2 A'.»y Ujth. 300 * Woodborough 3 dc. 1 *Wilnot... t do. 2 Stanton St. Her. a A'. IT . tj do. 3 Allcanuings 4 E. of Devizes 4 Urchfont, 6cc. iS. E.of do. 5 Gt. Clieverill. . 2 IF. of Lev. 0 Market Lavington f3307 West do 2“l 8 t DEVIZES *89 v'aj (( l?ovvde2 IF. A’. iV. of Dev. ? = 1 3370 Bromham 4 do. do. 1 Bishops Cannings 2 Potterne, &c. . . 2 A. of do. If hortrelsdown fTundred,i^^^^ Keevil X E. oj Troivb. whiob includes also ^ 4 Steeple Ashton do. ' t 5 Eddington, &c OJ I "S « 1^^ w t <= r„ fUliiiil! o£-ck5i:>«-5 3‘“ L 1 Nos. 38S-9. 5> o < 3 109 106 78 09 87 100 139 58 89 58 95 204 87 43 51 121 No. oi S s o'" 394 440 240 98 280 109 582 82 90 63 25 274 76 100 l.',9 239 57 I 114 101 257 ( 17 4 14 ri . r C3376 t Heytesbury (92 Il^tesburi,) 7 Codfords Hundred. ^ g Horningham 4 S. IF. of Warmins. Warmin.'iter Hundred, i 3379 W arminster 1 96 4 21 PuoME, see No. 375, is ,7 3380 Sutton Veney con. to do 1 miles W. of Warmins- I 1 Corsley3IF. S.W.ofdo ter over Corsley Heath, f 2 Dinton 3 N. N. W. of do f3383 Tilshead N.W. of Shrew. 4 Shretvton +83 5 Maddington contifruous South 6 Winterbourne Stoke +82 7 AVily + 87, cum- Deptford +11 8 Steeple Langford 4 9 9 South Newton, &c 4 5 3390 * Fisherton-Anger .. 1 Fuggleston St. Peter 2 t W'’ilton ■e ° S z = - S II i S-jz: _ ^ ^ _ __ _ S!;2S^rLed,t3393 * + SALISBURY r.f ' the Burgage tenures Alderbury Hundred 4 Stratford-under-the-C. J Old Sarcu, are ill the i 5 *AYoodford 5 N. Parish of Stratford-umlcr-C Lavcrsfock, ^ 3396 * Milford the Castle. c con. to Satis. I 7 * Ford .. .7 3393 Winterslow 7 E. C 9 Alderbury, &c. ..XS. E. Cnu'don, 4 Cadworth l/unrf., ^ 3400 * Britford 2 do. the Places noted with a ,1 are oil \ 1 St. Burcombe || 4.+ the line of road from Salisbury^ 2Barford 16 to Mere, which is seven miles 5 p,,, m E. by N. ofWincanUm, on the# 3 Povant ••••■• H 10 Hoad to Exeter. 4 Bramshaw H A.A.A. Frustfitld Hundred. 3405 White Parish . . 8 S. E. DuntvortU Hand. No. 3703 , ^3406 Chilmark § 12 and Oouhead, are on liie road 7 7 r onthlll-Glilord |1 11 froti. Salisbury to Shafishury k 8 Donhead 4 16 dis. from Donhead 11 m.tseef 9 Tisbury 2 N. of Don. Tlo- 1*S6- r3410 * t Downton 6 S. hi/ E. y 11 Bishopstone 4 W. by S. J 12 + Hindon +94 'll 16 C, 13 East Knoyle .Mere Hi/ndred, bounded (3114 Mere, &c. +101 1123 on the W. by Somerset, 7 15 Stourton || 26 and S. by Dorsetshire. C 16 Maiden Bradley + 103 cte/i nasur.v, compri.il,; J 3417 Scmlcy . . I N . of Do iiheud .p,rt.,fCrm.boo,nci,..e. ^ Broad Chill k 2 Y. o/ South Dnmerham Hundred, C 19 Martin intersected by the Rd. from 7 3420 Sth. Danierha.n Salisbury to Cranbourn. C. * Deverhill Longb Downton Hundred, formed of detached parts of the County. 266 86 160 214 628 178 171 490 271 95 137 170 196 102 200 961 136 278 64 57 76 69 48 68 114 110 189 111 ai4 1,489 62 74 69, 58 140 191 125 54 91 100 100 182 88 76 294 357 509 87 175 139 422 106 109 I 78 ! VM I 73 i 103 ; 246 552 157 145 477 121 590 274 722 394 380 95 164 155 555 172 215 29 250 189 275 72 28 151 108 13 50 11 42 96 290 34 62 112 405 198 77 35 119 206 725 111 98 386 300 370 122 100 128 512 126 242 168 79 149 525 t Peksuns in 1801 f Total Number of ^ Persons in 1811. A’nmher of Inhab- ited Houses in 1821 dumber c Manttfaciures or \ Handicraft j O ^ total \ •t: AC £ i "t ?3' li .W R ^ -5 a ^ k o ® 30 47 471 487 110 95 23 238 43 721 723 172 110 64 47 80 367 .312 76 95 6 33 208 339 318 77 (58 1* 98 21 399 421 102 77 20 39 309 457 .501 93 (5C 23 85 7 674 788 167 148 29 140 99 321 301 57 39 10 60 329 479 403 95 88 17 9 179 251 250 53 63 13 17 404 446 435 99 40 56 52 774 1,100 1,202 246 211 47 49 305 430 1 408 68 57 39 12 109 221 1 249 58 47 12 49 118 326 325 52 51 11 68 200 567 1 5G'i 132 119 23 10 173 297 296 61 7 8 42 261 570 628 115 67 19 67 571 1,110 1,241 267 298 40 34 266 457 422 94 48 29 94 679 918 899 210 117 88 50 431 958 1,070 239 178 66 944 2,482 3,547 3,750 766 106 449 168 38 790 997 208 139 02 324 556 1,154 1,225 287 153 132 277 1,538 2,530 2,458 5.59 435 121 79 831 1,304 1,352 327 205 53 86 — 466 480 103 77 18 25 498 618 667 i50 104 31 33 180 834 824 213 193 36 611 206 1,072 1,023 213 84 138 — — 580 495 99 82 32 418 57 1,030 1,113 258 178 73 — 4,932 4,866 UU7 186 457 81 369 622 620 149 111 38 098 499 1,412 1,352 324 104 198 25 367 421 393 8T 53 18 18 77 327 397 73 75 8 57 23 209 399 89 64 31 48 4 327 340 78 75 10 9 175 2.56 215 56 51 4 15 4 352 427 89 63 14 46 323 523 556 123 100 26 11 422 .541 516 132 98 17 197 G3.5 865 893 207 27 1-16 .57 483 590 515 115 52 51 400 1,833 2,144 1,963 390 78 245 !,323 5,303 7,668 8,243 1,605 49 l,s^70 27 229 352 374 76 6(i 13 29 20 345 322 87 75 9 200 125 419 394 92 47 55 30 2.52 373 376 62 40 15 372 210 691 677 135 80 38 48 445 898 934 178 1()7 33 77 410 075 658 148 109 42 102 74 253 336 73 39 40 47 368 450 418 95 88 23 55 340 514 470 97 95 28 17 257 490 5.59 123 114 2(5 120 32 877 872 204 147 38 89 206 406 418 108 92 10 87 55 493 381 06 80 19 129 404 1,5.52 1,630 388 195 107 141 1,520 1,901 2,019 215 179 50 177 1,859 2,426 2,()24 566 411 1.59 10 403 53.5 544 112 124 13 71 622 793 781 Hi3 6 1.58 ICO 5.59 853 905 1.52 132 37 l,.541 38 2,091 2,21 1 3H7 1 174 188 9!l 409 649 635 130 ! 70 49 — — (ill (i03 100 109 22 8 213 493 546 123 129 22 50 .101 C25 616 142 1 140 13 15 300 394 393 88 1 85 10 37 343 529 I 519 91 HO 10 625 78 1 1,228 11,204 262 111 151 6 9 15 3 3 3 20 5 3 13 6 56 46 15 23 17 47 336 22 33 52 102 8 19 13 42 13 62 559 23 45 27 4 7 2 2 19 7 17 73 23 114 247 13 9 2 20 28 42 6 2 li) 8 6 41 6 5 126 10 121 2 3 18 67 23 2 3 5 1 6 29 477 810 437 370 472 476 901 316 464 298 462 1,381 464 288 3:« 695 332 617 1,294 442 1,061 1,123 4,208 961 1,357 2,722 1,609 496 747 1,099 . -I'g. • * £ a e £ 5 3 1,556 5,710 3,487 2,041 3,996 2,843 6,703 2,586 2,739 2,315 1,327 12,141 2,797 2,427 I, 096 4,119 2,689 4,658 8,118 2,893 4,104 7,467 8,209 5,702 5,.549 17,103 II, 572 4,189 3,987 3,001 >5.'3S:2.5 ih^ZS 3TC .X = c 1,329 605 1,267 5,612 089 1,009 517 425 401 369 281 406 557 579 1,253 528 2,058 8,763 385 363 489? 415 S 748 1,125 713 374 560 .523 72() 1,169 521 471 2.114 2,122 3.114 (163 830 954 2,422 6.58 620 075 706 528 605 1,349 4,252 3.. 595 3,145 17,381 3,898 4,345 2,756 2.273 1,806 2,942 3,‘M5 3,767 1,558 2,900 2,547 757 3,422 18,265 2,803 3,059 2,494 3. . 529 3,502 5.274 1,172 3,983 2,583 2,347 6,438 2,035 1.. 535 11,614 13,409 7,314 4,987 745 5,726 10,W8 2,061 1,003 5,195 4,918 3,159 3,323 3,921 1815. — »£- 423 958 458 304 398 008 644 320 488 320 275 1,382 473 191 203 652 266 471 1,321 404 821 1,233 2,674 753 1,445 i 3,282 1,056 241 549 872 1,725 589 1,099 3,005 454 532 388 386 408 561 311 364 525 909 514 719 3,094 4,732 631 471 597 874 789 751 294 643 545 435 993 382 .553 2,479 2,807 2,431 940 783 1,741 2,602 146 890 917 737 444 808 1,179 jVo. of Families relieved permanently 1824. -d' — 381 691 407 265 295 428 927 263 421 267 231 1,259 336 115 176 411 175 339 1,229 291 478 748 2,282 656 981 2,446 831 224 342 739 1,055 468 917 3,309 455 421 229 242 348 344 166 387 355 665 653 467 1,957 5,428 033 349 714 433 715 507 166 512 320 381 1,087 293 221 1,8()5 2,418 1,883 811 384 935 1,.588 378 705 783 WiO 277 631 1,182 I- L JO a.'o -mf- 79 — — 175 11 113 — 9 110 117 25 — 15 — 3 26 — 22 — — 15 — 5 100 12 58 — 113 50 — 40 — 51 151 4 14 — 24 37 38 13 29 — 22 — 25 30 12 25 2 15 101 U 20 — 40 27 — 0-1 — 10 12 — 18 26 — 19 — — 32 — 7 . — , 16 — 16 _ 45 — 14 _ 25 850 — 1.58 122 — 40 — 10 — 18 75 — 20 206 15 175 — 52 100 60 189 — 182 331 125 07 — 35 140 25 202 — 78 320 339 — 129 132 26/ 78 14-1 , 55 60 8 — 38 : 98 32 36 , 132 33 87 8 142 — 80 85 235 _ 49 11 140 105 — 78 132 45 182 96 139 200 92 40 — 38 194 7 75 — 65 208 9 27 — 80 56 26 — 10 52 23 — 22 121 37 31 — 16 — 8 16 — 8 — 23 — 13 KiO 0 35 — 8 25 10 60 10 — 18 15 22 — 31 41 — 258 — 259 72 40 2.53 6 343 174 203 488 228 29 — 12 55 •11 30 — — — 4 40 20 27 — — 40 _ 41 76 7 42 — 57 167 15 46 — 8 105 18 19 — 18 80 62 — 65 no 36 7 14 75 2 35 — 19 160 73 — 5 198 71 28 — 40 72 12 — 46 109 17 200 219 11 55 H6 075 146 74 106 57 22 285 10 100 — 32 '200 5 47 21 46 70 22 89 11 — 149 03 194 46 213 _ III 45 — •17 — 3 67 — 89 121 12 53 — 33 96 ~ . 46 — 34 137 6 7 — 80 60 12.5 64 — 98 ()0 2 86 — 173 2811 Populous Inland Towns and Parishes in the County of Wilts. Ludyers/utll, Devizes, Salisbury, Downtmi, Hindon, Sfc. ifc. 65 3421 — 3496 TnporRAPHiCAL Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of Towns, & Populous Patishes, in the County of Hants or Southampton, n 1 <1 the foUowiiikt oaue —for the Maritime Towns of ihU County^ and the Isle of Wl{ht> leo Nos. 1350 - 0, and 1*136 ” 1400. •Wted at the bead Waters of Mill, for I1.C ll.ro«l«* of Silk; an, 1 O.iiha.n, No. 3430, l.a. K>.ne Loom, employed In tl.o Weaving of S.lk Plu.l. for Ha... ow notrd with •« • »»» *b" lioo of roud thro' Wloth«it#r, %o. 1 No. of PuKHONS m 1801 Sumberoj Families In 1821 '5>-* ;Vo. of l^'amilics 1 Til* dUp«i b* UH ilfr- m rcHeveti •onliBUVt on tb » fullowiuc P*S* •• **"• - «** bias St" *> In .Holliburv 1 end ihoM with o t or* on unotbar lloo .. 3 T3 h. h » b. » >.s ' J .....1 fi-u. LonJon bv w*T of IU*ihot aud Parobkin lo Wln«ho»lor, tbo Sgor** MrJ- HASINOSTOK K U 15 m. U S. W. li Hodlnc, Ibfo' SborheW i.nJ Slrtlftild S«y». aod 9 S. S- » of Aidorma^OD, .M N-. S’lsO ll U «a»n#ci**i with th* rlfor rb»n<*i hy » tbrougb Godicy l7unVr.4 ^ MNC.SCLKRK. No WC.», USm. N. N. K. ofWnttoborcb, !n iba 1 Rr-wlio*. »b»n’ Aia*rin«ttoii. ANDOVKU U »p»tod no»r th« bead u th« YalU f of tho ^Itor T*»to which ruo» p«*( Stookhrldgo and Rointoy Into Uio NV.ltr ot Klio.', ‘t 1* lU «uil*» -S. S. W. of Newbury, tbrougb M.MilvirM. rorraiit. di«. t» uitloo, and Hixh I’lorc, r 3459 Sheet 4 52^ 45 53 17 177 247 245 58 46 18 4 306 2,514 169 269 9 — 8 -3 S-^-5 BX £-- .-I I r 69 1 Petersfield 4 54 192 125 748 286 1,159 1,280 250 101 145 25 1,446 2,113 752 763 24 23 7 69 £• a i 1 Buriton .... 2S.of Petersjkld 95 501 87 39 630 725 133 92 33 21 767 8,229 1,192 792 47 32 11 5 b C 2 Catherington .. 8 a. o/do. 92 135 44 420 599 607 122 82 60 14 798 4,299 604 1,007 30 8 6 56 a C 4 Steep 1 TE. 0 / Sheet 63 358 55 1 414 437 94 74 18 3 499 3j^7 570 805 32 — 33 ^ ^ 5 Froxtield 4 do. do. 67 333 53 51 437 447 72 93 8 4 548 4,269 473 525 37 — 8 - Saa- 5z 6 East Meon, &c. 5 IE. o/F’efer^d. 154 305 49 672 1,026 864 171 181 42 25 1,286 8,601 1,784 1,378 133 41 S3 6? t si f"3466 Wooton, St. Lawrence 147 70 51 20 479 548 511 128 102 25 6 664 3,245 835 786 22 — 35 228 80 1,130 358 1,178 349 259 84 197 54 16 13 1,341 434 6,719 972 1,632 438 1,165 385 GO 34 f 3468 Baugh urst 6 S. S. TF . of Aldermast. 70 23 265 68 10 27 24 •a * 9 Kingsclere . . 8 S. lE. 0 / do. 388 1,399 492 48 1,939 1,863 457 332 103 39 2,296 9,667 2,356 2351 ■ 272 36 15 174 3470 Ecchinswell in Kinpclere Parish 1 Burghclere .... 4 IE. 0 / Kingsclere 54 327 16 — 343 402 81 80 7 3 399 1,970 522 52 10 5* * * 91 114 16 452 581 628 126 116 11 9 763 4,844 771 499 55 — < 2 Highclere 6 do. do. 80 21 5 281 310 349 85 71 9 9 457 2,193 445 316 82 — 9 5 » V. 3 East VV'oodhay 5 S. S. IF. of Newb. 170 130 38 635 803 969 257 191 46 20 1,206 5,194 975 917 148 — 49 5 32| 4 t Whitchurch ;56| 220 245 132 898 1,275 1,407 267 197 37 33 1,434 6,217 1,854 1,062 52 39 57 93 s 5 St. Mary Bourne 2 N.IF. o/IF/fftc. 184 271 68 — 771 874 225 180 141 4 1,053 6,086 1,405 '900 142 55 i= 5^3 fej 6 Hurstbourne-Priors J 581 61 53 7 306 306 355 83 75 12 4 404 2,495 604 759 G5 — 3477 Hurstbourne-Tarrant 10 S. of Newby. 144 138 12 449 599 679 145 92 41 23 766 3,150 972 828 — 68 8 Vernham-Dean. • . • 9 S* S.W, of do. 95 133 30 — 459 453 100 66 25 20 628 2,061 773 645 63 A— 13 — 3479 1 Andover J63^ 657 1,393 1,257 654 3,304 3,295 794 258 445 206 4,123 8,975 2,783 2,906 203 47 46 HO SO Upper Clatford 1 S. of Andover 52 232 11 31 274 289 79 61 14 4 370 2,568 286 455 23 — 3 1 Abbots Ann 2W.ofdo. 85 126 82 249 457 459 92 101 18 2 526 3,157 881 48^1 52 — 2 Weyhill 3 do. do. — — — — — 365 84 50 10 18 408 — 496 432 28 — 17 — 3 Amport 4 do. do. 89 87 23 157 520 506 126 97 25 22 646 1,655 1,176 481 60 — 17 122 4 Wherwell 3 S. S. E. of do. 100 315 15 201 531 543 122 101 20 3 622 3,479 957 832 20 — 88 68 5 Long Parish 3TE. o/ IE/iifcfti the precediiijf pn^c- Tho City of W i NCfl CS I hK finely lo. «led oii the hank* of the llchia river, wbioh fnll* into SoiitliHUJptou Water, East of Soutliamptou, dis. 13 inllei ; it is 33 ui. B. of .Salisbury, by. way of SlockSridge, dii. (t m. ; and 13 N. by B. of .Southaiuptoa. SOUI'HAi'rfPrON. ( see No. 1447 ) is ?4 milesdirect fr-.m Hyde Park Corner, by way of Bosiofstoke (k Wmuhester : 77 by wny of iiagshot. Parnbam, Alton, Alreiford, and WinobesUr ; 79 by way ol Guildford. EnmiiNui, Ko., a* before ; and 7b by another r.sad diverging from thwl to Farehaio at l''iln]erhill C 56 from l.ondoo ) through Bishops Wtllham. dist 10, and Botley, dis. 7 miles from .Soulbamptoo. Hishups Waltham is lU miles .S. S F.. ol Winchester on the road to Cbiohrster. dis. 36 miles, thro’ Wickham, dis. 4 uiiles : Wickham is 10 miles from Portsmouth, by way >4 Pareham and crossiug Ibe Harbor from Gosport, or 13 m. by the head of the Harbor, to Purtsea.--*see Notes to hhostou and Ulaiidfurd Divitiooi, Dorset, for tbe other Nulatiuus in Ibis Culaom. ce > f 15 miles 1 62 7 Droxford . . ^ S.IV. of ^tton.J |63 i ~ 3 S f349C Meon Stoke ^ .2 i»j ^ _ i ® 8 Soberton.... 1 S. S. E. of Droxford ■o £ o. " 9 Hisbops Waltham 2 S.fiT. of do. u g S I 3300 Upham 4 IV. of Meon Stoke o. a - ~ ri|ii r ■w s;«^ a I ■< cr> k - •fl at • 5 o o C V . 111 - aj-j- V c * ■lUife id « « 3 C^Pa'o.t/7 1 Hambledon, &c. 3 S. S. E. of do. i 2 Wickham (SE.of Southump.) t 69 3 4WINCHESTEK ....*62 4 65 4 Cheriton .... 2 S.of New Alresford 5 Tvvyford 2 S. of Winchester 6 Owlesbury .. i S. S. E.of do. 7 Easton \ N. E.of do. \ 8 Bishops Stoke .... S S.of do. 9 West Meon 4 ,58| b" juT..;... f 351 0 Sparsholt 2 W . of W inchester We, lot } 11 Wonston .. 4 N. of do. ,hei.ob..R.e.,. ^ 12 Nutshalling 2 S.of Hornsey 3513 Hursley (6 from Hornsey ) *67 1-|a|l f3514 Minstead 6 S.W. of Hornsey 15 Lyndhurst 95 IE. fci/ 6’. o/iSoMtAamp. 16 Brockenhurst .. S S. of Lyndhurst 'Ss|S;l 17 Dibdin -iSlofEHns 18 Exbury&Lcap .. 4 S. of Beaulieu J 19 Rockburne G S. S.W. of Salisbury 3520 Breamore G S.of do. 1 Fordinobridge .... 10 do. do. 2 Riugwood fG S.of Fordb.J* 91 3 Holdenhurst. . 2 IE. of Cristchurck 4 Milton 4 E.of do. h ® Hordlo 3W. of Lymington '3526 Cran BORNE, &c. 11 iS. iS. IE. o/5aIis. 7 Witchampton .. 6 do. of Cranborne 8 Hampreston 2N.of Kingston f3529 *Gt.Canford.. 2 N. E. of do. 30 * Kingston * 100 I 1 Longfleet& Parkston 2 Corfe Mullen 3 S. IE. o/IEi/n6ne. 3 Lytehet-Matravers 5 do. do. I 4 Ditto. Minster 7 do. do. _ | 5 Sturminster-Marshall 41E.do. ~ L 6 Hamworthy.... contig. to Poole 3537 Horton G S. of Cranborne 8 * WiiviaoRNE-jyiinstCr II do. do. 9 * Shapwick .. 5 S. E. of Blandford 3540 * Spetisbury .... 3 do. do. 1 Alordcn \0 S.of do. 2 Handley Sixpenny 5 IE. of Cranbne. 3 Tanant-Gunville .... || 98 4 Eontmel-Magna 4 S.of Shaftesbury 5 Iwerne-Minster .. 6 do. do. 6 * Shillingstone . . 9 do. do. ('3547 Child Okeford. .. . 7 do. do. 8 Okeford-Fitzpaine. . 9 S.of do. 9 Marnhull .... 5'^ S. S.W. of do. 3550 Hinton, St. Mary .. 6^ do. do. 2 -^ 1 * Sturminster Newt. 7i do. do. 2 Iwerne-Courtney 2 N. of Pimperne 3 Silton 5 S.of Mere 4 Stower- Provost bW. of Shaftesbury 5 Stalbridge, &c. 12 IE. by S. of do. f 3356 Sherborne.. 15 do. do. I 7 Nether Compton 2W.of Sher. 8 Bradford Ah. 3 IE. by S. of do. dsE .fY..,- 1 9 Yetminstcr.... 4 N. IE. of do, I 3500 Chetnole & Leigh do. do. 1^ 1 Melbury Osmond 7,S'.IE.o/do. Bridport Division. 2 Halstock 5 S. S.W.of Yeovil .^=-S ('3563 Pimperne || loi 4 * Stourpain dW. of Pimperne 5 * Durweston do. do. 6 Haselhury-Briant 10 do. do. 7 * Blandf'ord II 103 8* Ditto. St. Mary.... contiguous 9 Winterhourn Whitch. |[ 108 3570 Beer Regis Hundred HS.ofWinterb. Langton Matravers 8 S. E. of Corfe C. Winfrith-Newbh. 9 IE. by S. of lEnrc. "s ! Hhethorn* Dtvtrfftn . the Town of Sherborne j is 00 the border of Som* ! erselshire, 26 miles S. Prome, and 5 E ofYeo- | srll, see Noe. 375 and | l*i90. -o J, 2 CO No. of Persons io 1801 Number of . No. of Families - 1821. e . '5*5 • “at* • P«rin/w]0n/fv s S Number of In- \ted Houses in U hiefiy employed n Agriculture i! I-I .3^ 2 b. 5 .2 roTA L Total Number Persons in 1811 a IS ^ 1 a»> e. 1 in Trade Man. »r Handicraft Total Number of Persons in 1S2I l| 1 » ^||h -age M i * J aSes't 2 0.O i B’ti i fM i|ii ^ 1 ■■S' C < ,s 1 Q « -Si i! ^ ?t *r* ■||j s.r -c, Q « '5. 2 Xs <-®* 1815. 1824. c c h. JS ^ < • of— ~d:- -of- 25 50 146 20 123 289 300 49 48 30 1 308 1,284 320 407 8 — 210 211 97 891 1,199 1,378 246 170 55 42 1,410 2,268 892 914 50 41 27 — 8 119 166 68 436 672 760 131 101 44 36 882 3,308 762 880 30 30 10 — 189 260 183 1,130 1,773 1,830 378 259 106 37 2,126 4,809 2,021 1,831 183 53 75 52 66 65 72 38 235 345 400 72 63 20 15 493 1,307 528 406 20 21 ■ 8 — 255 254 117 987 1,358 1,495 278 220 115 50 1,886 6,744 1,419 2,064 92 31 17 83 20 142 58 195 648 901 978 170 70 92 41 1,134 4,578 828 1,003 36 19 112 50 24 791 377 855 2,452 5,826 6,705 1,219 102 918 412 7,739 23,956 3,693 3,868 360 235 50 127 551 104 08 174 27 13 411 447 71 79 10 6 463 3,484 288 — 1 15 — — 102 91 81 699 871 880 169 113 59 45 1,048 4,060 698 1,036 32 2 6 101 25 94 116 19 268 503 513 95 85 16 11 603 3,504 581 592 45 17 — 37 105 10 — 224 262 57 63 17 5 427 3,347 333 246 16 2 18 45 — 134 163 91 530 784 855 167 137 49 9 1,007 4,719 734 630 52 — 60 — 5 83 114 58 364 536 668 97 79 55 9 747 2,186 511 .521 40 — 37 — 38 62 264 3 1 268 317 95 06 20 21 505 2,432 394 353 23 2 23 — — 115 109 56 399 564 609 134 93 47 1 668 1,036 714 617 — 5 40 6 56 113 36 338 487 556 88 77 12 25 637 3,182 388 428 24 9 31 52 C 201 78 61 966 1,105 1,191 186 27 30 8 1,302 7,052 1,880 1,223 96 18 — 139 450 .50 264 764 901 196 97 74 41 1,007 2,146 485 334 34 9 25 166 3 170 129 104 10 882 1,015 202 126 81 39 1,170 3,285 559 353 40 50 180 3 127 265 40 327 632 641 147 94 33 32 818 3,119 2,366 635 501 17 17 20 265 24 54 20 15 253 288 327 57 52 13 9 413 220 273 12 — 12 — — 49 75 30 181 286 265 42 40 12 8 311 1,906 — 180 — — — 77 111 14 245 370 444 87 86 10 8 461 2,539 485 457 24 — 30 17 — 90 298 149 41 488 507 84 82 20 14 549 3,126 709 771 45 45 220 7 449 332 892 1,110 2,335 2,259 529 290 240 43 2,602 9,452 2,480 1,635 84 147 239 108 7 671 530 909 1,783 3,222 3,269 833 429 262 190 4,161 15,772 3,102 2,201 209 101 150 272 67 107 120 21 348 489 491 125 116 11 — 580 3,714 372 378 30 — 24 — — 113 134 20 3 522 728 112 108 9 9 702 4,875 570 446 15 30 21 122 1 79 78 16 352 446 388 116 112 8 5 517 1,932 547 303 19 29 8 — — 314 288 104 1,010 1,402 1,705 307 259 92 36 1,823 3,973 1,419 1,3.56 83 52 87 74 9 62 79 42 253 374 377 81 45 37 10 442 1,993 364 288 38 — 16 — — 128 137 67 479 683 776 150 150 23 3 892 2,520 1,088 710 41 13 30 142 30/ 141 123 33 531 687 730 136 147 23 8 882 4.478 600 568 58 21 192 96 466 23 8 497 517 128 79 25 27 019 2,226 475 315 38 — 52 218 153 75 80 555 710 806 210 125 45 44 1,195 2.333 330 501 23 5 16 — 94 173 5 223 401 465 107 85 26 1 5-14 2.050 533 294 31 — 12 — 27 79 171 14 221 416 420 102 76 19 25 609 2,221 435 352 34 7 — 100 56 29 408 493 499 121 75 29 17 5H 1,760 2!)8 192 29 — 16 — 27 118 129 20 529 678 662 135 95 36 42 715 3,406 886 604 53 — 4 — 37 64 32 98 200 330 288 50 12 40 6 313 793 135 80 13 — 3 — — 65 254 54 — 308 326 77 69 21 — 420 1,369 402 332 41 — 12 40 647 334 287 2,418 3,039 3,158 061 303 24ti 221 3,063 12,3.58 2,513 1,949 in 00 48 140 4 79 100 34 274 408 395 85 67 20 3 40<) 4,100 789 333 40 — 77 — __ 96 42 8 286 336 477 108 74 24 10 546 3,641 404 457 34 30 — 127 24 13 550 587 572 136 106 20 8 650 1,190 6<)6 440 46 — 25 — — 135 74 41 642 757 791 167 148 27 7 831 4,640 1,365 681 101 — — — — 72 59 38 311 408 444 95 78 29 4 487 1,451 388 398 22 — 12 — — 63 57 48 289 394 421 77 77 14 12 459 1,856 343 539 34 — 21 — 86 472 25 — 497 529 114 96 49 5 622 2,1138 512 3.54 49 — — 44 — 74 153 21 206 380 385 79 63 20 3 430 2,609 194 185 — — 20 — — 107 53 79 366 498 620 92 94 21 2 694 2,705 503 456 35 — 24 .50 — 81 53 56 367 476 470 90 78 32 9 499 4,199 281 292 26 — 5 55 7 165 171 119 785 1,075 1,070 240 135 120 30 1,273 6,162 814 513 150 20 800 29 — 54 57 8 201 266 306 66 45 10 12 297 1,631 294 109 36 — 6 — 6 308 95 106 1,205 1,406 1,401 353 140 124 100 1,612 5,478 1,362 1,323 96 41 80 — 4 67 56 17 347 420 518 96 82 31 6 512 1,768 499 387 18 14 13 46 20 64 86 251 4 341 384 83 35 47 1 409 1,510 393 284 42 — 11 — — 127 477 110 17 604 662 134 125 32 8 800 4,079 511 399 49 5 259 8 4 251 183 120 942 1,245 1,306 239 81 74 152 1,571 10,615 l,2tKl 951 9!) 27 8 200 6 555 296 1,169 1,694 3,159 3,370 634 89 626 61 3,622 13,501 1,029 1,174 93 75 70 4.50 40 60 165 157 48 371 395 88 45 40 4 458 2,960 209 1.58 2-1 — 0 5 99 153 309 18 480 516 109 07 42 5 533 1 ,695 I'.IO 180 (| 18 73 76 63 340 479 .508 86 50 56 9 543 3,31 1 311 189 22 5 12 45 121 97 71 54 2!7 468 544 100 71 31 19 582 4,561 399 323 52 1 45 — 5 65 40 !Ki 199 335 285 53 37 22 12 319 1,240 302 20(i 16 — 18 — 26 63 228 133 36 397 433 91 76 23 1 417 3,986 293 195 20 — 8 — 8 62 79 22 215 316 325 85 93 13 4 426 2,900 314 3!)6 23 — 6 — 72 99 32 249 380 412 94 51 20 33 409 1,141 649 377 38 27 10 80 71 145 11 176 332 37() 83 4'9 18 29 451 1 ,808 381 237 31 — 27 — — 85 192 66 196 454 4!)4 105 HO 20 6 574 3,830 212 256 42 — — 23 405 97 471 1,758 2,326 2,425 433 12 275 290 2,643 6,019 2,374 1,7.52 173 36 20 98 55 30 10 1 252 292 320 58 25 19 33 358 2,278 258 171 — 12 — 89 115 186 129 130 378 8!) 50 37 10 493 2,208 237 342 21 — 8 84 311 615 75 ' 798 1,488 1,.572 329 210 92 96 1,808 3,274 1,578 1,104 94 — 60 — 27 102 27 110 1 373 510 4(i7 121 4) 82 1 628 938 818 681 5 11 11 — 98 HO 1 23 1 434 569 602 1 130 132 18 7 761 1,84-2 797 553 185 — — — 3 3496 — 3525 3520 — 3570 'opulous Inland Towns and Parishes in the Counties of hunts and Dorset. Winchester, Ringwood, Wimborne Minster, Sherborne, Btcnajora, 4fc. <§rc. f 3o71 — 30 45 57 TopoCfRAPiucAi, l*osmoN, J*() I*UIi ATION, Arc. ike. oF'I'owns, ami I’opulous PansaoK, in the \V. part of the County of Doisctshiro, ami N. li. part of the County of Somersetshire. Th« pUcc» b*tow not*il wUh • || lo enntinuitiun of 4h»* lonte fmm No. 3.WD. nOKCHBSTKK 1* on 0.* bnokiuflho Frooin* fl«o«. which »!»•• nc«r Urn- l•l(l*t•r. «iul UU* lnl continuous to 3580 Stinsfovd.. S Dorchester on the E. 1 Cbarminster .. 2 N . of Dorchester 2 tVinterbourn || 124.^ 3 AliBOTSBtlRY ll : «( 4 Portisliam ‘Z E. of A bbotshnry 5 Litton Cheney i)W. of Dorchester (i Up way bS.ofdo. 7 Chickerell 8 do. do. 8 E\ ersbot ti S. S. W. of Sherborne 9 Rainpisham 7 do. do. 3590 Toller Vovcoriim 'iW.ofAlaideti N. I Maiden Newton 8 IK. N. IK. of Dor. f 2 Hawkchurcli \0 N.W.of Bridport 3593 Daiwood 5 /V. IK. of Axminster 4 Corsecombe 3 IK. of Beaminster t. 5 Stoke Abbas .... 7 S. S. IK. of Yeovil f3596 Corston "iW. of Bath Wellovv 1 7 Dunkerton 4 S. of do. ,, , , J 8 Wellow .. 5»r. E. of Dunkerton Hundred, 9 Camerton.. IIK..S.IK.0/V0. SOMERSET. 1 3600 Charth. Hinton 5S.S. E.ofBath C 1 Norton, St. Ph. Cj do. do. Farraborough .... 8 IK. 0/ Bath Keynsham. . 7 IK. N. IK. of do. Stanton Drew .. 2 IK. of Pub low _ Publow..... 7 S. of Bristol I ' 6 Chew Magna . . 7 5. IK. 0/ do. < 7 do. Stoke.,.. do. do. I !. 8 Glutton S. ef do. 9 Gamely 10 do. do. 3610 Littleton, High &e. It do. do. II Farrington Gurney 12 do. do. 12 Stone Easton .... 13 do. do. 13 Paulton .... 4W. of Dunkerton 14 MidsummerNorton2lK.o/i?ads. 15 Chilcompton lOJ S. IK. of Bath 16 Chew ton Mendip 4 N. IK. of Chil. 17 Compton Martin 18 W. Harptree 4 S. S. IK of Stoke C. !ed- 5 3619 Windford 6 S. IK. oC do. osier, f 20 Blaekwell TlV.S.W.of 3621 Wraxhall 5W . of Bristol 2 Portbury .... 7 N. IK. of do. 3 * Portishead 9 do. do. 4 *Clevedon.. 14 do. do. ring- ( 3625 W rington 4 N. IK. of Black. on ^ 6 Burrington 6 do. do. 3627 Yatton 5 IK. 0/ do. 8 Congresbury 12lK.iyiS.fl/ Brist. 9 Worle. 16 do. do. 3630 * Weston .. 18 J do. do. 1 * Kewstoke 21K. o/IKorle 2 Ban well 4 S.W. of Congresbury 3 Bleadon .... 2 S.E.of Wcslein 4 Churchill 13iS. W. of Bristol 5 Blagdon 4 S. W. of Chew Stoke 6 E. Harptree 4 S. S. W. of do. 7 Chedder 8 N. IK. of Wells 8 Axbridge 10 N. IK. 0/ do. 9 Compton Bish. I W. of Axbridge 3640 Winscombe.. 2N'. TK.q^’ do. 1 Shipham .... 2 N. E.of 2 East Brent .... 5 IK. 0/ • 3 Lympsham .... 7 do. South Brent 6 . by S. of i * Berrow . , 7 do. 5 * Burnham 8 do. Wear 2S.W.of 4 Mark 5 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Wedmore 5 oV. IK. 0/ IKeh’.s No. of Persona in 1801 rk'umbr.r of \o. of Familien 1H21. B 2 * « rcltevefl P*rman0ntlti 0 do ■8 "Li *• 5 • 1^? s le ■o ^ li 8 s,— 'N aA3 *c Nr ■s ® 5 g Nr .8 !-■ 5 t 5 N) ' Si'-S •15 ^ 2 t JO N* k. « "1 C '< s Si S Sf •S-w II S “*• tj tw N* |3 II a n ?' N) C ,k 5 •5 k & ~ N k 2 ‘5 ft ••• < I, ^ k ."a. 5 iSsIh *S 3 k ^ a C 5. B c (U i ■ « ti'." i 'lis 11‘^t fill ■5|il A. a k •ft J2 ft < 1 ft it ft .$ Si a < 0 •* cisi 'o'a ■c C" ''t- -T- 1815. 1824. ~T- 0 •S < 5 -d- 109 382 10 70 462 512 112 95 17 4 610 3,008 356 374 36 21 — 70 121 39 .381 514 619 97 151 19 8 767 3,739 647 687 27 2 — 155 226 306 315 847 795 161 54 129 13 1,060 3,3 287 68 58 11 7 358 151 141 9 7 — 151 596 221 92 909 870 184 132 64 11 961 8,216 692 702 21 18 10 20 314 68 729 1,605 2,402 2,546 393 35 382 98 2,743 8,044 1,742 1,419 94 30 <13 — 21 147 173 103 612 888 1,094 233 94 130 41 1,275 5,320 599 514 39 22 — — 45 91 7 129 227 339 56 50 5 19 337 3,087 204 159 10 3 — 2 75 159 38 17 416 446 99 93 25 8 5.56 5,255 258 173 22 7 — 61 129 51 82 262 291 61 53 14 1 342 3,667 185 113 21 6 — 10 170 136 29 023 788 812 184 88 30 74 007 5,324 233 492 28 29 3 22 108 180 28 282 490 595 111 107 11 4 600 5,.531 401 505 20 20 — 6 70 151 10 186 347 365 81 50 13 25 424 4,441 134 172 24 3 — 25/ 67 79 52 232 363 398 100 47 53 11 485 2,800 275 300 14 21 — 29/6 49 89 17 149 2.55 321 83 40 15 34 409 2,126 63 99 7 1 — — 70 59 51 387 497 485 93 50 37 9 567 2,177 308 356 33 13 — 31 61 261 — — 265 347 77 51 22 5 368 1,722 194 344 16 7 — 02 73 40 29 271 340 384 59 53 15 10 340 1..555 132 146 12 — 4 — 21 68 184 78 108 428 428 97 59 47 6 520 3,005 326 322 22 20 — 4 122 117 108 454 679 771 142 99 57 24 856 4,134 626 531 61 — 20 — — 81 186 24 220 430 463 94 82 30 7 522 1,892 327 183 33 14 — — 88 174 38 303 515 563 120 101 25 7 632 4,613 235 321 15 — 42 — — 90 270 147 69 486 496 107 99 22 2 615 4,955 409 252 25 — 16 — — 60 54 15 199 208 278 78 54 17 13 368 2,2.59 55 60 7 3 11 — — 46 22 92 124 238 305 72 13 5 60 365 • — 138 — — — — 147 98 45 027 770 728 163 125 27 23 817 6,311 304 324 27 12 39 60 12 109 35 19 540 594 786 181 32 148 8 1,004 2,663 173 279 29 — 10 99 — 135 81 123 415 619 077 85 18 76 4 640 3,313 489 334 48 — 30 35 — 110 115 75 367 557 593 134 34 84 32 669 a,031 199 217 16 — 20 257 52 108 64 88 380 5.32 021 166 80 53 27 752 3,281 299 303 24 7 133 278 160 183 1,248 1,591 1,748 340 138 158 89 1,761 9,202 924 666 64 — 92 374 141 124 99 95 466 660 682 135 101 31 9 622 3,671 401 426 46 — 13 — 108 141 76 83 56 786 820 107 63 70 42 836 2,300 497 568 51 — 22 79 — 255 197 99 1,049 1,345 1,627 368 177 140 86 1,884 10,070 667 702 71 — 6-1 19-1 41 77 105 52 360 517 524 108 72 34 20 681 3,691 168 256 23 — 55 52 30 200 27 26 882 935 998 253 25 222 13 1,206 3,888 503 587 53 — 65 — 31 82 58 51 345 454 498 111 51 39 22 604 3,013 213 174 24 — 28 149 5 160 206 49 556 811 801 172 16 46 119 864 3,062 409 307 31 — 79 — 17 65 52 14 278 344 359 10.3 42 48 23 526 2,225 1.54 171 14 — 5 100 — 71 112 130 147 389 361 78 39 28 15 419 2,627 118 160 13 — 15 88 — 193 41 62 926 1.019 1,160 272 28 54 215 1,360 3,711 399 399 51 — 57 288 — 316 199 65 1,288 1,552 1,717 418 130 90 256 2,326 474 11,832 592 659 68 — 81 374 61 74 34 15 299 348 402 87 29 78 5 2,097 201 198 24 — 11 72 2 160 250 65 700 1,015 1,225 225 231 35 2 1,159 534 6,124 397 405 48 — 23 132 — 73 88 26 290 404 498 88 82 19 2 1,743 179 168 21 — 4 62 11 70 82 32 265 379 463 98 20 21 68 528 3,641 162 278 19 — 18 — 39 105 132 19 490 641 751 127 130 30 2 849 4,031 325 307 33 — 12 150 70 108 113 75 416 004 593 131 86 50 20 863 4,829 232 253 25 — 22 50 50/ 76 114 29 397 540 731 116 121 13 9 769 4,697 268 379 24 — 4 135 71 92 211 12 256 509 552 105 84 13 30 .594 6,252 393 286 28 — 24 132 23 62 283 25 79 387 369 86 97 8 7 506 2,892 78 79 5 — 5 105 5 58 76 20 238 334 455 103 89 15 3 581 6,145 274 219 16 — 7 90 18 164 200 116 472 788 1,109 215 157 67 39 1,349 6,236 444 571 51 — 25 109 26 74 90 31 302 423 462 103 66 33 29 559 2,742 237 191 21 — 11 95 19 165 224 70 712 1,006 1,215 225 177 70 34 1,516 11.783 652 607 — — 10b 93 70 150 176 43 608 827 913 211 138 46 37 1,202 10,088 492 478 35 — 28 34 5 79 308 114 — 422 467 130 70 65 5 673 5,286 269 174 19 — 9 — 5 30 126 7 5 138 163 126 6 57 84 738 1,930 45 154 5 — 16 — 15/ 59 60 6 283 349 379 54 70 17 — 429 4,251 150 152 13 — 20 — 10/ 184 295 80 707 1,082 1,166 252 182 78 30 1,430 11,441 653 671 35 — 26 142 12 69 94 3i 2 381 441 102 71 25 10 518 4,522 125 258 22 — 11 — — 93 122 40 437 599 740 153 161 13 5 824 4,264 340 383 29 — 12 — 33 129 145 173 479 797 818 211 143 46 42 1,068 5,308 356 357 48 — 40 — 60 76 67 34 366 467 502 130 20 19 100 627 3,589 203 310 20 — 19 1.50 80 222 158 52 940 1,150 1,270 314 239 91 63 1,797 8,434 406 343 36 — 12 261 193 153 53 98 668 819 835 172 61 107 42 988 1,926 327 327 32 — 2 106 184 61 58 10 323 391 484 75 56 5 36 513 4,245 461 233 31 — — — 17 163 726 92 104 922 1,113 255 231 51 32 1,428 7,350 421 597 27 — 24 — 15 86 17 9 467 493 539 128 11 25 104 635 1,392 109 139 12 — 10 Ill — 79 81 17 473 .571 672 122 134 33 9 820 11,508 479 498 27 — 24 17 46 51 157 20 1.57 334 408 95 77 20 21 496 6,052 302 332 9 — 17 4 80 37 72 391 500 637 116 105 21 8 764 10,858 435 328 29 — 52 105 7 76 103 16 252 371 480 68 44 12 27 449 6,060 452 340 31 — — 17 2 120 157 42 454 653 742 143 103 54 38 920 9,606 540 321 31 37 46 26 96 61 36 342 433 008 127 148 24 2 800 5,806 394 351 25 — 16 — — 162 162 48 665 875 991 198 60 28 131 1,150 15,158 591 560 29 — 26 43 4 393 459 78 1,585 2,122 2,480 H 590 478 100 15 3,073 22,694 972 1,113 66 159 50 9 Povulous Inland Towns and Parishes in the Counties oj Dorset and Somerset: Dorchester, Abbotshury, Chewlon, Chedder, AxbriQye, c^*c. <^c. 58 3G4G — 3720 Topoghapucal Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of Towns, and Populous Parishes, wholly in the County of Somerset. ri,e places nolrd with » t are mile* dlrergea into two hranehea j oue rooniag into Iba Axe ne*r B. Breot, No 3C43, and the other falling Into tha Mouth of the Parrot, between Hnntipill, No 371 1 «"d Uuriihain, No 3G4& } the lualn branch of tha Perrot riiea on tho berd«r of DoraeUhiie a* de.erlbed at No. 3691. nod run* to L-ogport, No. 3705, wh*re It i* toioed by the Yto or Ivrl, from Yeoril and Ileh**l*r ; it u jotoed by lb* Ton# fretu Tauolen. aod 3 or 3 Other Stream* bel-.w wbooce it >i Narigable pait Hridgewater. into the llrittol Cbaooel : No*. 3674-6, are an bland feriued by on* of tho tributary Slreain* of the Perrot from Somerten "® — — ®" w.ii, ror.mHssSrsa. f wells .. \5\W. of Frome *i,y 7 VVookey 2W.oJ Wells 8 Westbury 4 do. do. 4 Butleigh 11 4K. q/ Bi'ufon 5 Street 2 S. of Glastonbury 6 Walton A S.W.of do. 7 Compton Dundon .. 2 N.of Somerton 8 High Ham .... 5W. N.W.nf do. . 9 Ashcot .... ( I7i tK. o/ Bruton) 1 127 3C70 Shapwick 2 W. by N. of Ashcot " 1 Catcott 3 do. do. 2 Chilton-upon-Poldon 5 do. do. 3 Woollavington 8 do. do. I C3674 Othery A S.W.of do. f' 5 Middle-Zoy 5 do do. ^ i i. 6 Weston-Zoyland 6 do. do. ("3677 Henstridge %W. of Shaftesbury 8 Templcconibe &c. 2 N. W. of Henstridge 1 9 Horsington 3 do. do. 1>< h- _ O ~ « f 1 2 ^ S « ® C 5 - o Q — - - >*i! r V. K --el = -R * I ? 4 Kingsbury-Episcopi 7 W. of Ilch 5 Huish-Episcopi contig. to Langpt 6 Stoke, St. Gregory 5 N. W. of do. 7 North Curry 8W. of do. ( I . (3708 Chedzey 2 F.of Bridgeic 9 N. Petherton 3S.do. 3710 Bawdrip 3N.E.ofdn. 11 Pawlett .... 3 N.of do. 12 Huntspill 6 do. do. “(3713 Spaxton bW.ofdo. 14 Cannington 3N.W.(fdo. u i\S 16 Stowgfirsey.. 2 N.of do. 17 N.Stowey 41 IK. of Cun) 19 Stowgumherl2 J 20 Dulverton f * Brompton 3N.( do. do. No. Of PEasoNS in 1801 'S'- Number of Families in 1821. No. of Families s-s relteved ■1 0» k b CO -§ X r ^ • -"S s. • s< “ g i £ * ’ermanewf/y ft % a Number of 'tihubited Hot iejiv employe n Agriculture rfo. in Trade anufactures c Handicraft all others no\ icluded in thi preceeding total 1 .2 < s -w ft ft ^ ^ ««5 k s tu j **< t.) bo in Trade Ma\ r Handicraft .E S. ft « J5 •T) K k .Sb -c ^ s s 1 ES82 ■•c "a - 5 t § ij 1 iSo c-C 4C k ft ^ ft 8 ft •ft •ft k .ft a relieved occa- sionally hlts-g a"* li 1- O'** •5 tu 5-E ft ® •ft ^ s ft "k <■5“- 1816. 1824. a C k-S I « 26,.529 2,381 -d- 1,944 798 639 854 2,869 4,505 5,156 502 524 249 5,888 188 3 125 178 52 143 328 67 346 740 859 190 147 60 26 1,040 6,6.59 i 358 261 40 28 140 41 73 — — — 429 493 118 102 19 7 622 5,1^ 135 232 6 — — — 220 138 35 745 918 994 266 40 74 161 1,253 5,802 660 540 92 — 7 110 45 104 172 240 92 504 628 119 64 54 3 556 1,841 1 653 375 52 — 15 23 — 376 568 1,064 140 1,772 1,8.50 390 119 242 47 2,143 9,105 , 2,199 1,889 130 — 68 230 6 317 175 180 1,276 1,631 1,530 426 175 260 31 2,076 792 4,110 1,267 832 88 10 76 211 148 561 46 70 677 719 154 128 33 14 2,597 1 496 509 51 — 13 92 — 161 404 39 567 1,010 1,236 230 116 71 76 1,223 4,789 1,029 844 129 — 25 189 — 112 29 31 479 639 524 130 100 30 — 633 3,200 402 287 36 — 29 08 — 103 141 29 464 644 629 131 38 16 99 755 6,185 498 488 44 — 19 — 122 305 172 250 727 831 123 45 20 92 890 5,310 437 410 28 — 7 80 21 95 220 167 160 547 614 107 108 22 — 671 0,226 502 384 32 — 29 — — 391 107 104 1,824 2,035 2,337 533 362 118 88 2,630 20,498 l,i)20 1,445 77 — 95 — 7 125 34 77 642 753 972 185 188 22 3 1,151 14,981 714 325 33 — 50 76 — 246 498 36 611 1,145 1,478 301 239 104 36 1,643 6,049 698 514 60 — 15 — 61 87 90 71 294 455 489 94 79 29 3 536 3,552 349 214 26 — — 17 — 132 136 34 565 735 725 138 140 23 11 856 5,463 405 282 36 — 11 — — 116 64 30 5 694 710 169 96 60 30 809 6,962 1 503 411 53 — 20 — — 87 186 40 314 540 634 103 98 44 6 791 5,450 274 239 34 — 36 — 20/ 70 128 31 238 397 479 98 107 17 2 635 2,601 233 209 9 8 — 85 173 52 222 446 476 97 79 20 2 493 3,305 132 161 19 — 7 — 4 112 354 39 312 713 783 181 148 27 6 953 4,478 234 238 21 — 34 — 25 71 332 22 4 358 462 99 97 32 — 712 3,319 211 200 19 — 7 120 89 67 103 31 265 399 418 76 47 24 5 414 5,055 173 170 15 — 5 — — 66 91 4 296 391 445 111 115 16 — 579 2,455 3,314 206 159 11 — 6 — — 53 289 15 6 310 302 75 16 7 54 352 139 197 11 — 32 — 5 62 100 16 178 294 325 66 47 20 16 381 4,910 271 311 8 — 7 — 36/ 70 207 27 150 384 433 95 88 15 1 509 3,270 220 299 19 — 39 — — 95 32 6 — 494 536 100 99 11 — 605 3,583 222 251 15 11 26 — — 119 128 26 513 677 724 137 84 49 52 807 6,302 464 465 37 — 38 80 35/ 540 246 41 827 875 184 159 19 6 911 8,065 1,015 796 79 86 88 89 160 264 1 425 416 89 75 16 4 458 3,242 331 2!i4 37 — 9 — 19 135 41 215 .577 833 880 154 105 04 27 925 4,179 998 682 65 — 20 50 22 198 200 577 176 953 1,000 281 98 159 26 1,440 2,391 612 699 41 43 16 237 34 108 475 36 1 612 526 103 80 17 13 489 3,524 630 442 43 62 — — 63 307 13 — .320 442 81 44 15 34 479 3,663 276 205 21 6 — 14 64 43 45 289 377 422 77 52 31 2 469 2,534 1 237 244 21 — 12 — 3 233 167 280 834 1,281 1,406 299 158 167 8 1,627 3,877 1,755 1,275 143 — 22 — — 173 166 64 580 lUO 908 173 114 71 25 1,003 4,334 595 599 72 — 31 55 — 94 125 163 296 684 650 144 77 64 3 712 3,629 484 191 28 — 35 — 6 57 38 54 145 237 244 48 25 24 6 300 2,512 375 298 26 — -1 — — 39 18 40 148 200 261 70 0 69 2 349 775 64 40 14 — 1 165 — 57 70 73 170 313 402 64 00 16 13 437 2,539 216 239 34 18 16 18 51 54 20 214 288 358 48 42 30 368 940 87 04 11 — — — — 137 63 382 232 677 6<>4 155 GO 90 21 708 3,024 378 481 48 — 30 — — 83 62 180 184 420 394 71 47 32 7 387 2,712 i 291 155 30 — II 1 6 60 117 101 109 327 388 86 48 54 2 477 2,4()6 2-13 118 S5 — 12 — 15/ 61 78 67 163 298 355 84 73 10 11 434 1,530 109 214 27 — — — 20/ 49 65 31 238 334 417 67 43 40 23 482 1,332 242 203 26 — 65 51 5 60 113 242 1.50 505 519 97 72 39 9 581 2,810 280 179 26 — 28 — 4 70 91 10 327 428 477 76 17 69 28 540 2,916 239 209 23 — 2f) — 10 61 155 16 168 339 352 70 39 42 4 400 1,695 124 117 11 — 9 — — 352 331 176 1,595 2,102 2,350 376 260 232 52 2,560 3,683 921 936 98 — 47 201 27 346 420 444 810 1,674 1,807 401 246 107 83 2,090 10,697 1,113 864 42 29 112 55 43 67 50 129 147 326 331 94 46 50 2 425 1,418 225 171 32 — 8 — — 75 200 51 188 439 659 105 71 42 2 667 2,217 180 181 28 — 1.52 77 69 1.57 128 119 623 870 941 197 92 70 49 1,046 5,860 493 516 — — 18 157 1 200 407 100 567 1,134 1,181 280 263 31 9 1,470 8,320 812 619 66 — 36 100 15 60 79 17 271 367 437 76 87 6 1 472 3,596 2-13 161 13 — 23 — 7 181 781 13 110 907 1,031 261 204 88 12 1,369 1,645 7,624 417 65 1 45 — 10 — 115 97 57 413 567 651 323 228 75 20 10,.5I6 818 801 88 36 21 125 — 82 294 25 138 457 402 84 77 16 4 472 4,781 452 389 26 — 9 — 30/ 436 1.1S9 479 678 2,346 2,615 581 405 152 46 3,091 19,273 3,763 2,052 164 57 140 — 47 51 119 2 123 244 315 72 (.7 10 2 372 4,350 171 191 10 — 7 — 5 62 203 28 198 429 433 69 83 12 3 629 8,(i82 217 281 16 — 21 Ill — 186 510 79 423 1,012 1,119 274 214 41 28 1,337 19,897 967 f>4() 59 — 61 — 3 105 188 47 427 602 737 144 116 65 12 816 6,2-18 634 518 50 — 6 103 76 155 55 157 638 850 981 216 162 53 16 1,215 10,2.')(i ■M)7 6<)7 17 -- 73 193 83 88 446 15 7 408 401 71 129 3 687 125 323 1.5-1 17 — 19 — 65/ 218 631 124 413 1,168 1,208 250 132 88 42 l,3(i2 10,787 852 636 79 — 24 290 4 113 85 93 408 686 020 1.53 «) 72 17 773 3,837 405 212 40 — 11 29(/ 17 88 116 55 404 575 Oil 119 63 48 S 600 3,553 219 187 1 — 11 — 4.5/ 210 262 81 106 1,285 1,214 202 158 55 30 1,281 3,026 1 ,4 19 1,101 124 9 39 243 13 195 557 416 46 1,049 1,035 206 115 lOl 13 1,127 6,016 813 599 101 — 32 — 27 ! 121 194 39 469 702 682 140 109 29 3 771 6,379 697 520 1 20 — 7 - 7 5. M I £ a B a. a B a. ‘T3 a Si c •J _ ft S' tw c 6 V&rs 69 3721 — 3796 Tohogkaphical Position, POPULATION, cSjc. I'fec. of Towns, ;uul Populous Parishes, in the remaining part of llie County of Somersetshire, and S, K. part of tlie County of Devonsliire l^or T 41 TNTON, No. 3730, No. 1305; \t la sealed on the ol llie river Tone, wlilcli tails into the l*crrol| between Lmi^porl and Bridgewater, it has also tlie advantage ot a Caii.d lothe Kxe at Topshain. TivKiitON, Is se.ued on the E. hank ot the river E\e, which rise;* on Kxinotn at the N. W. exireniiiy t»f Somerselshire, running past Diilveiion and H imptuiij it is 105 til. troui London by way of Nt*. :ii)3l , ainl Sonierion, Langpori, Taumon, \ Wellington, the latter <|is, I I in. ; Oi S. of Hampton, Id N. W. ot' Houiloii by way ot Colluinpton, tlis. 5 m., ami 13^ N. of Exeter. « 0 o 5 S f V r. Sd ^ •3 z "5 S — ® C 2 . £ ^ a ® .=il 5 = ; 53 S = I i] f3~il Ilton 2 N. of Ilminster 2 2 Donyatt .... 2>S. IK. (j/ do. f I 3 Broadway 2iV. of do. 4 Ashill .... 3i i<.\V.qf do. t 5 llucklaiul .... HlV.of do. •3 6 Drayton.. \ S.W. of Lang port ig 1 7 Curry-Kovelt . . 'iW.ofdo. <: t. S Do. -Mallet \ S. of R. House 9 Creech, St. Mioh. 4 W. of do. ("3730 Staple^rove 1 N.W. of Taunton 1 Norton-Fitzwarren 2 do. do. 2 Hillfarrance 4 do. do. 3 Kingston 3 N. of do. 4 Lydiard, St. L. 7 N.W. of do, 5 Bradford 3 fV. of do. C Carhampton 3 IK. o/' ]Vo. 1.738 7 Timberscombe 2 -S. W. of 1537 8 Cutcombe .... 5 do. do. 9 Wooton Courtney 'iW.qf do. S I 3740 Luckham.. 3 IK. ^9. IF. o/' 1536 1 Selwortliy . . 'AW. by S’, rf dv. 3742 Ashbrittle GW, by N.iif WeUingt. t 3 Langford Bud ville 4 iV. IF. «/ do. DP.VOS’SHTRE. t'ii-iX Burliscombe 4IF.r/ s o s' ”*• ? .s o .a 3 c .s i wX.2 5 o O) io;§|2 I £ -o 3 2 aj =5 " tft* --SS33 ’ a =-gc5 2 .2-.^ >. — A — B W ^ 3£ «— 2 £ — V s^ "" 0 c3 •5-2 ® g Si“- *S 2 5 o «■< — « 22 0w--0>® ^ 2 . P e ^ 4, 2-0^2 ® Z " a iB— ^ 3 w s j « .S « S c t ^ 'ZB £ •-= 3 4j I -S V •?■< I < I I Coly- ton w ® o , rt cn ^ 2 '1' ^ 2 — I— e? * 3 2 J 3S 1=2 ® — 2 -B .*1 s o c o S =5r ■ 5; 'S ° o ^ ago o- ("3752 Clayhedon 6 A. E. of M. D. 1 3 Hemyoek 3 S. by E. of do. 4 Culmstock.... 2 S. of do. 5 Ch. Stanton 7 S. E. of do. 6 Dunkeswel CIV.PF.o/f/on. 7 Awliscoinbe.. 3TF. ofdo. 8 Buckerell.... 9 do. do. 9 Yarcombe 2 AT.PK. o/1304 3760 Membury .... AS. of do, 1 t Honiton ..6 do. do. 2 Luppitt . . 4 lY. of Honiton 3 Up-Ottery 2Y.1Y. q/1304 4 Thorncombe .y..V.£'.o/'l30i 5 Uplyme.. A S.S.E.qf 409 6 COLYTON 4 IK. S. W. of do. 7 Shute 4IY. of do. 3768 Otter Y .. S S. W. of Honiton Ciis- < 3769 Broadclist 7 5. IT. of Col. ton ‘l 70 Whimple TW.of Honit. f71 Broadhembury5 Y.lY.o/do, ^ 2 Payhemby. .“tlY. Y.IY. o/do. .g’ 3 COLLUMPTON 12S.IY.o/IYcl. ■=.< 4 Bradninch 2j do. of CoUmp. " 5 Kentisbere .... A E. of do. _ 1 6 Thorveton 6 IK. 5 . lY.ofdo. L L 7 Silverton 7 dr. do. f3778 Shobrooke 1 E. of Crediton 9 Cheriton-Fitzpain 3 Y by E.of do. L 3780 Newton Cyres 4J- Y. W. of Extr. o\ 1 Crediton .... 7 N.W. of do. 2 2 Sandford .. 1 N.W. of Crediton 3 Morchard Bishops 7 do. do. 4 Colebrook 4W.ofdo. 5 Pinhoe.. 2 E. of Exeter 6 Whitstone 2W.of do. 7 Dunsford . . 5W.S.W. of do. 8 Tedbury.... 8IK. by N. of do. 9 Cheriton Bishop iOW.ofdo. = 5^ ■^2 ° S a > ^ hiefiy employed n Agriculture 2^ 8 . ti ** Hi s ^ C ft. j® ^ V. sO 71 0 T otal Number Persons in 1811 8 8 k a |a= ■a •>< ^ •? -5 S .S ^ c i A. ft ft ft *ft S. ft ft ••• s It ?»!" Un iir jto| Uil •.! s|- • ft 2 5 ft a ft -C! 4e .ft 1 ft a ^•2 ,ft 'Z ft < 0 " 'S, •n. ^ a •ft VJ '** ft ft a-S 1815. 1824. -d:- 203 a ft .£ 70 352 11 .363 390 67 JM) 18 1 460 3,315 eZ. 221 18 18 69 52 10 355 417 465 107 87 22 — 518 2,110 275 213 6 67 91 73 159 328 307 63 39 38 10 316 1,415 143 151 12 15 47 75 17 224 316 299 69 41 20 9 378 3,855 176 117 22 30 81 188 15 215 418 454 101 98 9 1 565 3,310 320 266 H5 9 55 2<)5 75 — 370 426 75 79 16 4 414 3,680 341 243 31 12 152 271 288 415 974 1,030 218 162 81 8 1,102 5,976 477 361 51 _ 43 65 182 60 122 364 379 69 54 22 2 461 2,041 184 109 16 33 117 474 129 25 628 714 166 140 20 6 812 4,921 276 248 33 11 49 129 30 160 319 350 55 48 30 13 403 2,676 214 152 23 5 79 212 107 52 371 442 67 57 31 6 475 2,010 :v«i 300 30 0 79 164 147 127 438 425 94 63 33 — 483 1,971 301 217 39 3 150 099 36 100 834 847 144 111 36 25 9,54 7,449 799 585 77 22 no 272 59 273 604 575 128 118 16 — 618 3,579 446 365 51 58 85 117 161 169 447 436 58 27 6 5^5 4,147 228 199 33 — n 100 532 29 40 601 532 101 86 24 13 587 5, .541 639 359 53 7 41 08 231 96 29 356 388 74 54 25 2 409 1,943 212 157 21 — 23 79 439 84 71 594 602 112 60 •iA 39 664 3,553 396 358 53 — 34 . 49 266 76 3 345 372 57 64 14 3 411 2,391 200 209 20 — 38 P4 182 146 129 457 417 86 54 31 21 481 4,685 5 287 302 29 — 40 82 314 74 30 418 458 83 69 11 17 483 / 259 268 28 — 23 66 579 10 — 595 608 111 72 36 3 579 2,816 f .505 357 69 — — 103 95 4 421 524 503 99 95 20 1 664 2,844 385 260 52 — 7 189 571 261 21 853 957 173 98 50 65 1,073 4,878 763 629 109 — 32 356 442 770 625 1,837 1,564 390 182 189 34 1,979 10,274 1,613 1,263 158 17 45 193 43 451 168 662 937 1.57 79 55 26 829 3,517 C14 505 79 — 13 279 330 417 617 1,364 1,422 294 211 no 11 1,633 7,232 1,119 1,396 76 21 49 1,221 l>099 1,617 3,799 6,505 6,732 1,323 441 981 168 8,651 14,011 6,566 199 5,221 574 60 449 62 170 91 99 360 377 80 61 16 3 425 3,047 208 29 — 14 265 592 373 471 1,436 1,355 277 237 82 23 1,598 10,223 1,075 875 149 — 45 143 293 67 403 763 894 171 132 32 11 739 3,001 553 357 68 — 25 113 286 289 115 690 693 147 131 21 1 822 3,445 798 078 — 155 174 209 75 736 1,020 882 277 181 95 8 1,159 4,282 1,485 1,284 176 — 24 326 183 769 544 1,496 1,345 298 138 143 23 1,357 4,778 1,264 1,057 204 7 29 112 268 251 189 730 741 175 142 43 8 862 3,677 504 445 62 — 29 165 111 15 267 393 390 65 63 16 1 441 2,905 250 209 32 — 7 86 165 194 67 426 471 87 73 19 8 .513 3,733 255 165 34 — 5 66 143 15 122 280 290 43 42 15 6 315 2,876 204 215 34 — — no 712 18 10 740 708 102 93 22 2 793 4,638 652 656 74 — 49 112 594 115 — 709 699 136 111 33 11 837 4,648 565 521 61 — 22 546 141 1,250 986 2,377 2,735 681 61 467 157 3,295 10,698 1,293 1,568 140 20 9 109 322 178 175 675 639 130 118 30 4 739 6,094 498 455 49 — 38 150 239 56 500 795 820 158 131 46 — 886 6,095 629 610 80 — 30 217 270 351 465 1,092 1,189 257 129 89 39 1,322 5,162 1,139 648 76 39 28 126 427 15 107 549 629 176 122 47 22 848 3,074 419 355 SI — 21 267 255 197 1,189 1,641 1,774 399 288 86 25 1,945 12,909 1,124 1,139 97 — 58 91 122 41 395 558 584 105 34 25 64 593 4,945 512 337 37 15 42 513 1,530 645 240 2,415 2,880 693 326 246 143 3,522 17,682 1,644 1,595 231 — 24 394 l,3H 213 13 1,540 1,737 402 304 86 24 1,885 14,746 1,777 1,221 178 — 19 79 220 21 242 483 465 96 53 19 48 5.57 3,814 287 246 29 — 7 152 271 23 486 780 669 141 144 33 3 892 5,273 449 587 71 — 11 67 156 50 211 416 460 71 68 22 1 507 3,002 285 277 39 — 7 615 527 1,030 1,581 3,138 2,917 695 218 481 55 3,410 11,872 2,106 1,734 374 — 36 247 529 648 10 1,187 1,321 285 134 174 37 1,511 7,417 663 616 114 — 203 141 293 47 702 1,042 951 215 163 60 5 1,143 5,354 588 083 77 — 23 306 142 127 899 1,168 1,248 274 115 106 55 1,317 6,127 1,237 889 129 — 31 234 353 239 644 1,236 1,231 257 150 124 14 1,308 8,158 1,099 907 126 — 49 134 549 125 12 686 724 144 121 21 5 737 4,626 .599 518 64 — 34 173 561 223 100 884 854 185 132 56 8 1,002 5,135 494 580 51 13 40 168 340 70 457 867 1,049 215 163 63 4 1,083 6,395 522 654 67 — 66 1,0-15 1,609 3,166 154 4,929 5,178 UU9 431 578 212 ^515 19,011 4,155 3,821 510 35 359 320 595 809 338 1,742 1,720 380 236 164 52 1,906 10,927 1,507 1,565 168 30 131 310 466 413 819 1,698 1,846 347 191 162 20 1,935 5,350 1,889 1,172 232 1 — 50 135 208 39 515 762 759 156 103 58 3 875 4,477 526 486 60 — 18 81 136 25 192 353 412 102 77 23 6 477 4,405 303 199 29 — 14 91 27 12 432 471 515 101 91 14 8 585 4,200 320 296 37 — 11 96 348 124 189 660 708 118» 126 24 3 819 3,856 394 302 20 — 18 84 416 27 84 527 580 113 95 24 3 709 2,723 294 339 37 — 53 100 184 35 385 604 680 127 97 40 5 753 3,110 312 237 39 — 8 70 141 23 277 444 416 78 71 10 10 491 2,193 216 342 13 12 22 72 138 22 262 422 460 96 70 20 16 531 2,915 275 322 34 — 7 187 258 33 668 959 998 222 188 40 15 1,188 5,618 618 621 67 — 24 236 543 120 452 1,115 1,197 276 199 76 15 1,.503 5,420 835 854 93 — 9 207 1 A'i‘2 113 3 1,538 1,516 .303 239 69 37 1,878 6,240 1,127 1,154 115 — 17 123 127 234 213 574 669 129 90 19 23 610 2,932 295 338 48 5 91 217 55 523 895 82-1 167 118 41 8 928 9,724 729 723 89 — 18 360 308 570 908 1,786 1,832 381 105 232 55 2,033 8,988 1,014 1,232 127 — 1 108 ® , i. j ^ a 'ill a? k.s ! of- 64 76 46 38 81 118 90 112 49 214 500 37 27 no 108 101 38 520 467 47 36 187 136 51 1,348 301 157 397 26 3 36/ 2 47 5/ 10 31 49 9 154 8 50 7 14 17 9 38 6 66 3 8 2 3 1 423 67 5 25 8 185 25 34 89 150 12 40 6 25 23 44 6 24 26 22 13 3C 50/ — i 4 127 129 1S3 1 1251 23 7 35 9 3 Populous Inland Towns and ParislH:s in the Counties of Somerset and Devon: Tiverton, Honiton, Oliery, Collumplon, Crediton, Chndleigh, ^'c. <§c. 3790 — 3870 00 Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c. <&c. of Towns, ami Populous Parishes, in the The Blockhouse Flagstalf at Dkvonpout is in Latilurte fiO. ‘iS North, heiiig 1. 7 South, aurt 4. 9 West of Greenwich Observatory. Exeter, see No. by the route as deacrlbeil at Head Note to No. 3346, &c. ; 168 by way of Salisbury, .Shaftesbury, Ycovill, &c. ; 172 by way of Salisbury, Dorchester, Welis, and Bridgewater. S. W. part of Devonshire. 1489, is lt»5 rnilea W. by S. of London, , Bridport, ^c.; HUd 187 by way of Bath, ASHBURTON noar the R. bank of the river Pnrt, eml S. R. \i ia S ID. W. of Newloo Riiiihel, and the naoio dUtenen N. N. W. of I'ol the road from Bxeter thru' ChudUiirh and Nog. 38 00 the \V, hank of the ’I of Kxelcf by way of Ciicriton, Nn. 3789 ; it ig in. Il.tthcrlvigh, dig 7 mile*, and Torringtoodie. 19. aodlS _ . , verniin N. N. R. frm.i rorriintton ; it i* 7 m. S, W. of North T«wt.>n, which inakeg tb diatauoe of OKuhamptou 'iS m. from Rxeier by way of Crediton, Busv, and that place. of Bxeter by r; it ia U m. North of »nd 1.5 S. W. of Oke- lutjor ia m. W. by N. by K. of Rideford, by way of ■ ' by a road '' Noa. 151)1 -i. r Muretuii Hampstead 1 is 11 mllea Weal of J D°, ‘.».or I 31 , . . f3796 Hennock 2 N.W.of Chudleigli 7 Uovey Tracey 3W. by N.o/do. H llsington 4W.ofdo. 9 t Ashburton 9| tT.S. W. of do. 3800 Moreton Hampstead see Note I 1 North liovey 1 S. of Murt. Ham. 2 Manaton.... ZS. E.of do. “ s f3803 \V'idecombe& Buckland in the Moors 4 Broad Hempston ‘IW. of Prior Dean 5 Abbts. Kerswell 2 S. of Newton Bushel l> King’s Ditto 4 do. do. 7 Churston Ferrers .... (i do. do. 8 Marldon do. do. , 9 Kingswear .... contig. to Dartmouth I f.3810 Denbury ‘i S. of Ashburton '' 11 Buckfastleigh ‘6 S.W. of Ashburton 12 Prior Dean 4 do. do. 13 Brent do. do. 14 Rattray 'A 8. of Buckfastleigh Coleridg* Hundred, | which includes also I Nos. 1511, & 12-19. J Kiofsbridge, see No. j I571)is 12 n. S.S.W. •fTotness.j I Brmington IJund. Modbnry is on the road from Totness to Plymouth, dis. 15 a.j from the latter, by A way of Yealmptoo, | |j5f 111 16 Diptford 17 Holne 18 Loddiswell S.W. of Totness 19 Malborougb .... 3 N. of Kingsbridge ('3820 Cornworthy A 8. by E. of Totness 1 Blackanton.. 6 8. by W. of do. 2 Charleton.. I E. of Kingsbridge 3 Sherford 3 do. do. 4 Slapton 5 do. do. k 5 Chivelstone .... A 8. E. of do. C 3826 Modbdry 124F. by 8. of Totness 7 Kingston 2S.ofModbury 8 Ermington .... 2 N. W. of do. 9 Holbeton 3 W. of do. 3830 Aveton Gifford 4 8. E. of do. I 1 Newton Ferrers 7 do. do. 1 2 Ugborough. . . . i S.W. of Brent L 3 Cornwood 7W.ofdo. '3834 St. Budeaux .. A N.W.of Plymouth 5 Tamerton Foliat 3 N. N. W. of do. 6 Bickleigh _ 7 Buckland Monac .. 8. of Tavistock ■frll ! 8 Walkhampton &c. bS.8. E.ofdo. «’■: ™ “ k 9 Wbitechurcb contig. to do. 3840 t Tavistock A2 W. of Exeter 1 Lamerton 2 N. W. of Tavistock 2 Milton Abbot do. do. fS843 Bow 7hW.of Crediton,C 2Vo. 3781 ) 4 Zeal Monachorura . . . . 2 N. of Bow =>3 2 ?= 5 j Down, St. Mary do. do. 6 North Tawton 41K «/do •j 7 Chawleyt.... 2 8. E.ofChulmteigh 8 Lapford t 4 do. do. = d 9 Winkley i S.W. of do. 3850 Burrington t ^W.N.W.of do. 1 Asbreigny .. 2 S.W. of Burrington 2 Dolton 4 do. do. 3 High Buckington t A^N. W. of do. 4 Atherington t 5 do. do. 5 Coleridge liiZ ( 3856 t Oakhampton * 22 W. by N. of Exeter ■^5°’ I 7 Bridstowe* .... CAV. of Oakhampton 8 Lidford V S.of Bridstowe 9 Bratton Clovelly 3 N. W. of do. 3860 Mary Tavy A N. E. of Tavistock I I.ifton * HW. of Bridstowe ■sifsl 2 Broadwood-Widgar. . . . AN.ofLifton mI s e L 3 Sonrton 4^ iV. W. of Oakhampton 4 Crewys-Morebard .. AW. of Tiverton 5 Rackenford 8 IF. iV. W. of do. 6 Witheridge A S.W. of Rackenford 7 Oakford 3 IF. of Bamjjton 8 CiiuLMi.EiGti t .. MN.W. of Credilon 9 King’s Nympton.. A N. of Chulmleigh III 3870 Bishop’s do. . . A 8. E. of 8 Molton s'7'z L * Koseash ............ 4 do. do. li No. of Persons in 1801 I Total Number of 1 Persons in iSn. •§1 II ■gtt: 1.1 Number of Families in 18'2I. 1 Total dumber of 1 Persons in 1821. it ir e£ JS S, fid 1 1 ; c 1 r-o « a * i"® 2 “ Hi.*' . so h a l> * 0 red f Families I.S sf s- k alt others not included in the preceeding O ’ved c 55 ^ S: Si c b. Chietty Employd \ in Agriculture 1 do. in Trade Man. I orHandicraft | all others not in- cluded in the pre. do. in Trade Manufactures i Handicraft K. ^ § << 1815. 1824. 107 250 26 261 537 575 129 107 19 16 678 3,337 oC- 267 — oC - 385 37 127 236 326 78 1,027 1,431 1,385 325 241 82 20 1,685 6,714 1,179 994 126 29 28 164 449 373 44 866 861 189 161 36 2 1,122 4,029 723 825 55 12 20 369 141 267 2,672 3,080 3,053 396 232 486 60 3,403 7,848 2,003 1,801 127 49 40 402 289 599 880 1,768 1,653 386 218 165 15 1,932 6,446 1,225 1,232 111 21 14 77 160 34 325 519 497 103 74 28 9 603 1,870 257 433 30 — 98 57 109 25 214 348 374 56 28 11 30 403 1,657 188 299 18 — G 121 851 5 293 1,149 1,258 164 143 20 4 1,071 6,104 491 511 56 5 4 127 132 130 405 667 708 148 67 51 34 789 3,544 457 345 27 15 9 95 101 122 166 389 379 99 46 30 26 437 2,902 198 140 18 — 30 122 90 34 408 532 585 140 60 32 71 679 2,746 278 301 33 — 1 124 140 81 442 663 708 146 105 36 5 726 4,400 403 327 29 — 16 56 282 47 37 364 373 64 43 14 16 384 4,527 195 273 21 — 3 52 6 29 265 300 280 66 1 11 59 328 525 123 157 13 — 7 67 98 92 140 330 397 91 8 12 74 412 1,530 107 117 16 — 4 260 457 1,060 8 1,525 1,836 359 131 445 5 2,240 5,802 858 945 96 32 19 93 100 59 336 495 519 97 52 56 1 561 3,821 342 291 34 — 25 163 972 60 — 1,032 1,230 235 219 20 7 1,401 8,261 582 593 31 19 29 77 126 24 301 151 481 62 53 18 16 559 3,221 327 267 29 — 10 76 22l 56 209 486 575 99 85 12 6 602 6,755 244 284 18 — 13 83 191 50 337 578 630 107 100 39 4 653 4,616 485 444 49 — 73 59 164 97 98 359 360 68 21 56 1 410 1,634 166 155 13 — 4 112 195 199 214 608 686 133 111 22 5 762 3,929 481 357 43 77 190 334 277 445 1,056 1,353 248 212 20 24 1,552 6,396 768 571 43 33 41 80 286 130 52 468 477 104 86 23 — 607 3,602 360 328 31 — 12 198 415 92 512 1,019 1,109 226 172 56 6 1,227 8,332 745 747 57 12 8 103 168 38 316 522 528 125 93 21 17 618 3,857 298 174 33 — 7 57 lOl 28 251 380 366 78 48 34 1 429 3,392 263 283 19 9 3 102 250 22 286 558 572 123 100 28 5 689 4,413 298 429 31 — 6 99 140 36 386 562 568 114 75 25 20 637 2,586 487 357 60 — 4 296 944 862 7 1,813 1,890 367 216 188 42 2,194 12,616 2,117 1,378 284 64 122 52 HI 20 223 354 420 89 67 27 11 525 2,673 285 356 26 — 21 147 252 252 413 917 1,104 153 79 69 39 1,370 8,984 603 646 45 27 72 167 305 54 510 869 926 189 148 37 11 1,083 7,475 711 856 46 13 143 143 59 544 746 828 152 167 28 1 924 5,436 607 632 39 23 263 112 130 31 429 590 601 132 92 35 11 719 4,414 400 494 27 11 12 160 109 35 812 956 1.137 241 189 53 2 1,429 10,639 1,049 1,201 52 29 25 94 168 54 523 745 807 181 149 35 6 1,057 5,544 473 457 35 — 31 78 138 36 370 544 621 131 76 22 33 689 5,653 278 488 29 — 16 122 195 60 492 747 949 165 105 51 30 1,101 6,674 383 432 36 — 13 39 140 14 110 264 300 70 44 14 34 457 2,281 66 116 4 11 3 144 620 233 65 918 931 198 141 62 16 1,177 7,138 296 440 18 15 11 63 184 22 130 336 532 88 63 26 7 670 3,714 183 223 21 — 5 79 460 11 7 478 595 103 94 17 8 692 4,227 157 305 11 10 12 472 298 5.56 2,566 3,420 4,723 680 375 468 351 5,483 20,117 1,981 2,685 173 48 327 133 197 51 474 722 804 133 142 47 2 1,069 7,698 438 731 31 — 27 152 614 210 38 862 951 154 136 60 22 1,1.51 7,511 854 636 46 — 22 150 123 158 396 677 727 162 108 65 19 872 2,165 461 351 41 — 43 117 593 29 — 622 624 104 91 19 5 681 2,344 423 421 32 — 23 44 87 10 216 313 336 63 56 10 2 400 1,542 188 178 31 — 21 275 251 356 829 1,436 1,417 281 124 114 38 1,.563 6,229 894 764 60 — 73 144 755 24 115 755 705 154 108 40 29 792 3,854 498 494 64 — 31 111 153 293 142 587 637 127 75 62 27 674 2,537 384 355 53 — 16 211 4.56 256 502 1,214 1,168 262 118 69 63 1,436 4,327 700 722 79 2,5 142 330 370 55 755 825 1.50 151 39 2 939 3,300 738 519 85 — 12 1.51 625 100 31 756 752 183 145 38 2 8, IS 2,735 424 417 64 — 13 96 71 30 481 582 490 140 97 40 5 748 2,392 284 318 34 — (i 125 410 34 249 693 662 125 51 32 62 748 2,8.54 389 270 36 12 12 79 115 30 239 484 456 101 71 20 22 535 2.140 287 300 32 6 15 112 196 336 165 697 577 120 75 41 5 632 2,022 391 305 5 — 6 264 226 223 981 1,430 1,440 308 169 143 ()7 1,907 5,950 917 838 87 — 16 94 111 16 454 581 664 126 93 27 19 ■ 787 3,804 312 429 30 — 9 34 82 41 9!( 222 782 139 118 25 3 734 1,610 116 384 8 — 4 84 120 12 416 548 673 106 112 2 1 705 2,133 364 385 29 — 7 58 63 9 304 376 631 66 31 101 1 933 7,659 137 145 n — 4 145 517 35 291 813 1,006 206 171 46 9 1,214 4,8,58 519 .578 37 21 33 lOi) 27 10 149 586 688 125 131 1 — 748 2,639 291 176 24 — 15 56 195 30 225 450 484 91 77 10 27 546 2,119 220 266 28 — 11 87 170 36 3.50 556 590 113 86 24 4 6.52 3,437 313 301 49 — 13 68 100 30 210 340 326 79 61 15 11 3!>5 1,848 98 100 16 — 8 176 265 69 541 875 913 216 134 71 49 1,121 5,271 354 62fi 49 — 29 81 123 20 265 408 410 89 80 14 2 474 2,721 274 202 46 — 10 270 350 169 811 1,333 1,310 303 145 125 57 1,.500 6,245 907 ()62 118 12 131 94 210 9 261 510 6,11 124 118 24 2 623 3,722 391 265 65 — 61 169 350 143 409 902 78 188 167 41 1,0<)6 6,616 498 566 57 — 26 59 119 27 251 397 388 68 69 15 3 436 2-207 248 208 29 — 16 lii 520 100 159 284 353 i,oso 199 173 82 36 393 30 157 62 25 121 372 177 24 11 43 38/ 8/4 10 / 50/ 21 91 53/ 4 10 / 103 10 37 16 5/ 18 91 1 5 7 13 20 39 7 5 32 12 14 6 18 , 4 3790 — 3B25 3B20 - 3B70 ilous Inland Towns and Parishes in the County of Devon : Ashburton, Modbunj, Tavistock, Oakhampton, Chulmleiyh, i^'c. (fc. ;J871 — :«)45 TopoGUAPHiCAb Position, POPULATION, &c. <.tc. of Towns luul Populous Parishes, in the N. \V. part of Devonshire and the E«»l part of Curiiwall.— For the Mining l’«iishe» of Cornwall, see Nos. •21I7-U03 ; anil for Towns on the N. W. tloasl, see Nos. l.V2’2 -0. For the S. Coast of Devon, sec Nos. H75 - 1 V2I ; US. W. o/Gf. Torrngt. 2 Fritlielstock .. IW. of do. 3 Monkleigh .... 3 do. do. 4 Buckland Brew. 4 do. do. 5 Parkham H do. do. C Sheepwash \W . of Huiherleigh 7 Beaford 8 N.of do. 8 Iddesleigb .... 4 do. do. 9 Ware -Gifford 2N.N. W. of Tor a c l 2 '^^ 1^3900 Little Torrington .. l^S.qf do. 3901 Wolfardiswortby .. 7 W . cd' Bideford ^3902 Sampford Courtney .... * 21 3 Exborn *23 4 Jacobstow *24 5 Hatherleigh *27| 6 Inwardlgh. S N.W.of Olcehamp. 7 Nortblew.. ZW. of Jnwardleigh 8 Blk. Torrington 5 do. Hatherlgh 9 AsiiAvatcr.. 91F. S. W^. o/" do. d, 3910 Werrington.. 2 N. of Launceston 11 Nth. Petherwin Z N.W.of do. 12 Holsworthy *41 13 Clawton .... Z S. of Holsworthy 14 Pywottby 2TF. of do. 15 Pancras-Week. . 4 do. do. 13 Thornbury.... 3 IV. £. 0 / do. 17 Milton-Damerell. . 4 do. do. 18 Bradworthy 5 N.of do. f3919 Stratton *48 1 20 Launcells contig. to Stratton S. 1 IMarcham Churcli do. do. do. 2 Kilkhampton.. iN. hyW.ofdo. 3 Moorwinstow 6 N. N.W.of do. 4 Week, St. Mary . . 5 S. E. of do. '3925 t Launceston 4 W. 0 / Lt/fo«, 3801 0 i Newport, St- Steph.t eoniig. IF. 7 Egloskerry 1 2A 8 Petherwin .. ZS.W.of do. 9 Lewanick 5 do. do. 3930 Stoke-climsland 4 N. of Callingtn 1 t Callington .. dW.ofTavist'ick 2 St. Ive 5lF. 0 / Callington 3 I'illaton 2\S.of do. 4 Landrake 4 do. do. 5 Landulpb 4 N . of Saltash 6 Sbeviock .... 2 .V, of St. Germans f 7 Alternon .. 7 W. of Laujiceston 8 t Camelford +14 E's Ss - 5 ° g « V o ^ W c « ■— % « 2-S ^ ^ .S i S • c i s: o ^ ^•2 « >t 0 S js * 5 3 S * 2r-- "Sto am ec bo i o £ •?'=32sZ « ^ S o Si « gH =w >11 .iW C W o Q .3 = -* t: 35-i L Stritton Hundred, forming tbe extreme { E. point of Corn- j '^xll. hounded on Ihe^ Ml by tbe Tamar ] ri«ar, and West by | kho Briilol Cbaunol. | c-s c ^ -I I Z .Z - — 1 2"5 c 2 • 'Sji5gsjlg“l Minster Z N.W.of Camelford « " u .h o IZ I ^ I I >» S S hj j .a-z ^ s - 1 ^ = ,; -0 s 3 ' — ! 4^ O — 4) Si ^ c & ® § j « 2 2 1 3940 Poundstock.. 4 S.of Stratton 1 St. Gennis . . 7 S. W. of do. 2 1 Bodmin 21 S.W.of Launces. 3 St. Mabyn 4 A’, by W. of Bodm. 4 " Tudy 5 N.of do. 5 « Kew .... 7 A. W. of do. * /' Teatb t 18 * /' Endelliou 1 23 * » Minver 1 2*y way irf Ntwark «c. 0t Note to No. y.’.24 tr.; it it II miUt W. of (laiiiib..rough The jjla^irt uol»d with 62 &c. &c. of the Principal Towns, and Parishes, in the S. £. part of the West and N. W. part of this district, sec Nr s. 1^7-141 ; and Nos. 417 to COI ; see also No. 1716, and Note thereto. i>f road from London to LdinburKh, Ihrir disUm at from L'.ndna ) br way of M nistingdou Ko., Not' and Ihnaa nolad with a 4 di*trce fro •• fct o " ^ ta v> a; a; ■gig ^3 5 1 i.a “ U. h O ilr3 ^ .J & V .2 ^ - j: .Q V 2 f? ' i 9 © •“ 5 .2 "o C ? ? -^rr £ I : 2i u ^ ■ — rC V . i ^ ^ \ I -.,£ 5'^I-J ?-j| I Ci ^ ^ G ^ C ae’jZ-; £'5, J5 S ^ “v > c s >4^ £ (A ,£ 0 ; 'jr S c o 5-r -Z a. £ " Hart It i 1 1 ... . 10 TK. of Worksop Lougliton-en-le-Morthen Aiiston, N. it S. (j N.Tl^ ol do. Aston-cum-Au. SE.oJ Slnjficld 'rroeton I’arish.. (i do. do. \V histon . . 2 N. E. of llothtram M'ickersley .... ‘6 E. of do. Coningslrrough (j A. E.nl'do. Mexboro’ A I)an. 7 do. do. Holton on Dearn 10 N. of do. Wombwell 5 S. E. of Uarnst. Darlield Par. 5 E, by S. of do. Tickihll Par. Oi N. of Works. Maltby I'arish iW .of Tkkhill Braithwcll ev Bnn. 4 do. do. Wadworth ^N.ofdo. Bawtky t*149 Cantley (i .V. N . 1 V. of Bawtry Doncaster * 158 Soke of Doncaster Warmsvvth. 2 S.W.of Doncast. Bentley-cum-Ark. 2 IS. of do. Spotbrough & C. 3 .S'. TP. of Don Barnbrough 7 TP. of Domaster Hatfield t T59 Stainforth 2 N. N. W. of tiatfd. Barnby upon Don 3 TT-'. of do. Thorne 1 103 Fisblake 2W. of Thorne Skyehouse . . 3 i\. IK. of do. '3970 Snaith 1 170 7 Cowick coiitiy. to Snaith 8 Pollington .... '2 S.W.of do. 9 Itawclifl'e 'iW.ofdo. 3980 Arniin .... 3 .N. E.of RnwcUffe 1 Whitgift I’ar. 10 iV. E.(f Thorne 2 Campsall & N. \0 N . of Doncast. 3 High Ackworth * 108 4 South Kirby 10 N.\E.of Barslcy 5 do. Elinsball 12 do. do. 6 Ferry Frystone & Bridge *173 7 Knottingley conti,!'. to Ferry B 8 i: Pontefract tS.W.ofFerrybg. I 9 Castleford 5tP. »/do. ^§.= -2o.-| tHOOO Houghton Glass, in Castlefd. P. *" '3991 Carleton {171 2 DraX .... 2 A. 9,938 2,-203 -2,302 ‘200 3 234 — 74 123 172 1,228 1,523 1,.573 379 161 246 35 2,275 5,313 963 610 86 14 75 82 30 49 34 408 491 1‘F2 98 71 23 4 510 6,874 415 2&1 50 2 23 20 33 72 31 131 231 610 1.50 35 32 0,681 1,143 1)4-2 119 13 45 70 82 501 161 792 1,4.54 1,.553 342 214 100 64 1 ,667 9.65H .-97 432 79 1-2 KM) 118 31 250 190 923 1,363 882 306 ' 159 47 3 1,010 i,:i9 -261 1 2H 23 1 ‘ 33 — 1 48 a 5 a a c. ■D a a 'S b I a C5 b C fi: 4021 — 4090 Topographical PosrxioN (>:i , POPULATION, itc. arv«R«, and naa.lt oppoaila lha lunriiuu of tba Alt- \ It U 10 miUa 1. N. K. *r Snallh i M W. of HmII by war of Nuulb Cata, dU. I*i ullai : and 12 S.W. ot Uarkat Wal|blou. TRa rilt of tOUK acalad on Ilia banks of tho Ousa ia I9& •" ftow l.oadon by way of Wart. Hunlln|Jon. Hawl.t, rafrybrlJaa, and Taiiaaslar. Noa. 3{Nt*J, (bo i but as It Is only 13 luiias N. o< b\lhy, it U 6 niTlas r London by Iba roula dltatcinf fiom Bawtry nolad with a | mi lha procadin* paj{o ; or, it is 910 nllai (Void London by way at l.lnvoln and Hull, baioK uiilas W. N. W. of tlio lal- tar plaoa, by way ol ioath tU»a and Markal Wrigh W by 5. of Hridlin|ton, 70 K by .S of 'nioruloQ. sa< dis )i, Otiav, Sk plou, and .Sattla, and 49 B. N. K. i Laads, and I'adraslar. Kor tba dltlanca of York liei North Ridi«|, aaa tba two fullowkoj !>•{**• , dis. it) milas : it is 49 oiiUs I No. 586. by way of Watbarby, f Halilax, by way of Bradford, II tba prlootpal Towns in tba S o a V -O ^ * .2 ^ o-S St: o S ^■2 «« >>1= 2i M o .-P rt 1) M o £ » ^ " S’u-S-S-SS C5|-=:2;|-o Sgjc§«‘"“ s..'C(»«a,£co2o ««*= ^ o o >^x o 5;ii=s >*'>2 ^ o.a w.-U Ho,vdfn.,hire (-1021 Ho'VDFN U N. of Thorne H apentake, 1 ^ (.illierdlke 5\h.of lluu tien bounded on 3 Newport Wnllingfen C ito- do. the S. by tbo J 4 Welton 'iS.ofS.Cave Ouse river. ^ 5 Rarinby-on-the-Marsh ~ S'S f 4020 Hemingbrough l’ar.4 of Howden 7 Riccall 'AN. of Selby 8 Skipwilh cum N. Dull'd. 5 do. do, 9 Tliorgonby 8 do. do, 4030 Stilliiiglleet Parish 2 N.ofCaieood 1 EskricK A N. E. of do. 2 M'heldrake 7 do. do. 3 Elvingtoi) 9 do. do. -1 Acaster-Malbis Parish GN.ofdo. 5 Fulford-Ambo » 2S., §.= E2 S e £ . r 1 0 Beeford Par. 10 £-s = T 5;o2 "> "“r Sigglesthorne Parish f 4088 Wansford... A S. E, of Driffield 9 Nafl'erton 2 N. E. of do. 4090 Burton-Agnes Par 6 do. do. 1 Langtoft cum Cotton .. OlV of do. 2 Foston Par 2 N. of Beeford 3 Kilham 3 N. cf Nafferton 4 Radstone A N. of Burton Agnes 5 Muston..! N.of Hunmanby, No. 1700 •sPt t||s ft e'3 No. of Persons id IHOI Nttmotr of /Vo. of I'amllies 1 “i 1H21. ill'- relieved . V) dS . If III* .PSg 5 " a »i t 5 Ut £ 8. 1 *« O < •Je k. 1 Q c >. V 1 •2s ^ i.2 it h. s fk ■S' •c s “ Y5 V 1815. 1824. Q k . P oC 327 oL 313 00 221 1,271 1,552 1,812 393 114 212 106 2,080 6,390 1,018 1,012 55 22 83 30 03 89 21 227 337 464 109 92 42 — 640 1,969 236 266 11 11 — — 30 15 11 143 169 219 81 17 19 45 339 694 96 98 5 4 — — 97 54 47 348 449 516 116 44 37 47 676 3,119 196 490 14 7 — 11 85 40 00 264 364 476 88 96 27 4 525 2,206 303 184 18 27 — 9 2t)2 907 114 463 1,481 1,618 345 309 60 27 1,855 12,061 683 927 45 1 49 47 44 127 113 55 349 617 518 142 97 36 13 61)9 2,278 161 204 9 19 — 29 111 301 48 211 660 596 119 109 20 15 748 6,104 329 263 23 2-4 — 10 67 89 9 196 294 403 67 27 9 34 381 2,771 82 152 10 8 — 86 115 311 44 302 657 537 153 141 18 15 878 8,452 448 648 29 21 1 35 108 190 28 360 678 582 128 106 16 11 716 6,218 302 292 19 25 — 31 88 113 29 351 493 581 99 106 13 2 638 4,507 246 229 22 10 — 30 38 02 20 143 225 311 63 45 19 0 405 2,647 159 246 8 1 15 — — 111 101 48 419 628 632 125 100 23 3 657 6,890 370 316 34 12 — 6 93 90 37 615 642 885 136 72 25 45 847 4,926 158 339 12 6 — 24 2,407 190 5,478 10,477 16,145 18,il7 3,200 288 3,333 791 20,787 44,379 7,502 8,131 600 104 346 928 iUTi 179 81 136 824 1,041 1,259 208 60 154 101 1,280 1,551 382 495 33 7 16 — — 20 05 17 — 82 100 3 13 11 9 146 3,664 32 58 4 — 3 — — 122 112 018 116 846 870 160 37 58 90 992 1,025 321 379 32 — 21 9 15 99 103 32 301 496 694 137 100 24 23 754 6,476 248 325 10 — 13 — 4 135 224 54 429 707 785 173 42 no 34 870 3,279 246 378 15 — 5 — • 13 50 74 24 197 295 130 67 45 15 7 377 2,397 145 102 5 — 22 24 31 112 45 13 170 199 45 24 18 6 249 1,685 102 106 10 2 — - 7 52 95 9 114 218 262 53 54 13 3 301 1 no 99 117 7 — 6 — 14 98 119 49 313 481 557 131 107 30 11 623 3,174 270 259 34 — 1 — 5 03 127 109 18 314 328 62 45 18 3 343 2,029 67 72 6 — 10 — 35 153 208 61 658 827 872 201 171 27 10 1,054 9,887 480 670 32 — 29 4 5 128 254 91 392 737 763 133 123 29 13 808 5,531 342 618 27 — 27 1 — 108 493 91 30 614 607 110 96 14 8 579 4,470 293 438 19 — 38 — 17 04 166 22 182 370 406 59 48 9 4 430 3,945 189 314 14 — 5 15 16 173 215 84 174 972 1,062 225 173 51 20 1,190 10,228 553 592 35 6 28 75 39 180 201 75 598 874 942 223 126 41 09 1,091 7,497 525 735 19 6 24 — — 73 89 10 249 354 341 88 67 13 12 423 4,587 308 353 33 1 17 — — 67 61 22 249 332 390 82 74 9 2 383 2,058 157 151 12 — 7 — — 55 64 17 175 256 295 62 87 10 18 293 1,952 176 238 19 — 12 — 2 83 101 27 284 412 515 118 86 13 23 634 6,935 273 376 5 4 6 — 82 61 14 8 274 296 358 65 60 10 8 417 4,369 122 262 12 — 6 — 4 55 80 21 220 321 338 60 39 14 18 380 3,739 177 204 9 1 7 552 13 1,300 219 995 4,284 6,001 6,731 1,587 295 753 670 7,503 33,572 2,427 2,450 243 55 77 770 129 80 135 30 261 426 513 98 78 10 18 550 5,113 126 170 17 — 10 — — 63 125 15 170 310 327 58 54 23 3 357 3,742 94 184 8 1 7 — 7/ 40 86 14 186 286 406 81 72 13 3 441 3,714 191 187 13 2 6 — — 62 161 21 144 326 388 77 67 16 1 453 5,173 142 265 15 3 11 — — 169 298 85 311 694 793 141 109 32 — 1,000 7,449 229 449 16 6 18 — 7 333 172 235 1,076 1,483 2,023 521 173 227 130 2,471 15,271 440 896 57 5 12 451 1 34 120 11 89 220 237 58 49 12 4 300 3,283 105 157 13 — 9 — 24/ 205 567 104 501 1,172 1,260 211 172 53 62 1,455 12,299 916 1,056 48 12 38 78 8 92 194 47 288 529 643 124 98 10 32 702 4,314 358 355 33 — 17 — 5 78 343 42 — 385 395 80 79 16 — 477 3,351 156 210 8 2 15 — 38/ 183 858 156 10 1,024 1,165 180 162 31 3 1,318 8,721 418 719 23 43 6 — 36/8 234 245 191 272 1,508 1,864 377 177 163 64 2,003 9,398 858 1,029 68 20 33 237 98 114 545 35 31 611 634 126 120 28 6 751 5,006 159 268 21 2 7 — 12 395 222 287 1,126 1,665 1,762 464 161 217 64 2,163 8,822 704 1,027 34 7 44 479 12 91 171 53 246 470 '625 121 84 29 5 590 3,043 82 203 4 — 12 — 13 43 115 26 133 274 292 62 45 10 8 400 4,066 202 349 15 — 15 — 2 127 160 47 653 760 802 162 121 46 10 973 3,447 249 194 28 — IS — 2 108 432 41 162 635 672 164 148 12 5 793 5,048 295 449 39 — 33 — 46 52 146 20 136 302 362 63 69 6 — 413 3,310 415 189 14 3 9 — 5 48 208 9 55 272 299 75 51 16 11 378 3,106 212 164 13 — 6 — — 46 235 67 2 272 363 87 51 26 12 442 2,869 222 217 9 — 10 9 3 40 25 207 — 232 267 58 43 22 7 357 2,003 185 168 9 — 15 — 78 52 73 32 — 292 356 62 50 28 10 370 4,478 339 357 29 9 — 8 80 133 23 312 468 048 139 107 30 10 751 6,3.52 265 336 22 2 18 — — 89 109 39 306 464 649 114 90 25 1 591 5,273 282 233 25 — 17 91 33 82 77 27 216 365 484 115 95 32 8 575 3,660 132 174 8 5 6 1.52 30/ 98 255 32 277 568 667 162 113 36 15 791 9,128 231 492 16 3 9 — — 67 116 22 231 383 437 80 78 15 12 538 6,305 269 351 41 — 19 — — 55 20 163 195 378 368 02 6 50 — 344 2,055 140 137 7 1 23 135 13/ 169 152 68 501 721 804 188 121 41 917 5,401 343 407 25 5 n 62 23 74 249 15 S3 502 533 100 80 18 16 609 8,746 171 335 37 — 14 — 48 64 72 10 7 352 368 74 79 12 _ 4.12 3,830 124 148 14 — 7 — — 78 193 49 136 377 512 110 94 19 11 648 5,.531 198 318 19 — 6 — 6 138 156 38 7 688 789 190 131 43 18 971 6,961 138 433 26 — 18 301 34 00 93 20 183 296 375 70 12 14 54 417 5,075 195 317 13 2 9 — — 57 108 12 — 230 275 68 42.’ IS 8 850 3,840 104 109 1 15 1 — — — 4021 — 10.,0 4051 — 4095 Principal Towns and Parishes in the East Riding of York. Howden, Yoi k. South Cave, Beverley, Driffield, &fc. 40!K) — 4170 G4 Toi’OGRAPHICAL I\)srnoN PO PlJI-A'l'TON, &c. &c. of the Principal Towns, and Parishes, in the S. E. part of the North Hiding of YOHKSHIHE. For ihe M»n(in>e Towns of this district, see Ncs. 1601— 16W8. The Denvent river which rises neur Cayion No. 4ir»8, is Navigalile from New Mahon into the Onse at Harmby-Matsii, No. iu'25. about 4 miles below Selby ; New Mai/ion is in. S, \V. .)f Scarboioiigh, ami *i0 S. by W. of Whiiby, by way of Fickeriiig, dis. 8 m. fiom Mahon ; Kirby Misperton, No. 415.'i is 5 miles N. <»t Maltoii ; TopcliHe, No. 4ltJI, on fhe banks of tlie Sw'ale is VI miles S. of Noi lhallertoii ; Thiksk is if miles S. S, K. of Northallerton ami 12 N. K. of Kippuii. 4 o V J3 5 -"CSS i-c 5 I t: ^ *3 O t ' ^ O _ . ^ as o O V. ^ J w “ 4091) M'etwang GW. of Driffield 7 Slediiitre 7 N.W.of do. 8 Weavei'thorpe 5 IV. IP. -2 s 5-g-l? s a 6CO "“41 2 h. 3 S « &n ' o z o , ^ b .c .c .5 ^ s Z _ O , = t; 1* = I It 5:r o 1 5- s-= :-'-5 = 5 o ^ I = a.-3S = 1i f ll26 tNevvMALTON *17 7 Old Ditto *18 8 Appleton-le-Strect 9 Barton Ditto 4130 Slingsby 1 Hovingliam 2 Nunnington 3 Gilling I 18 4 OsAvaklkirk J 19 r 5 Helmsley §30 t 23 y 6 Bilsdale-Midcable i 7 Haram f 8 Remainder of Parish 9 KirbyMoorside§24^ |28 < 40 Bransdale East < 1 Remainder of Parish 2 Lastingham Parish 3 Kirkdale Parish = =l-a-s^ f4144 Sinnington §‘^U ” - - a : _ g Middleton Parish § 19 6 Pickering *26 §17 7 Ditto, out Parish 8 Thornton Dale § 15 9 Earmanby contiguous 4150 Ebberston §11^ 1 Allerston contiguous 2 Snainton § 9^ 3 Brompton &c § 8 4 Wykeham §6.^ 5 Kirby-Misperton 6 Hutton-Bushel 2 N. of Wyke. 7 Seamer Par. 4 S. of ScarCoro’ 8 Cayton .... \S. by E. of do. 4159 Coxwould > 4 A. of 60 Rem. of Par. S Easingwould 1 Topeliffe Township 2 9 other Town., Rem. of l^ar. 3 fTniRSK §14 4 Sowerby contig.toTliirsk S. 5 South Kilvington do. N. 6 Felix-Kirk 2 N. K. 7 Kirby-Knowle .... 3 do. 8 Hawnby 9 do 9 East Har.iley 1 4 A'. 4170 Thornton-le-Moor 5 A. Ik. * South Otterington ... L Ei si o.E'i =1 ijS .-“a 2z t =’^ £ S)3- = 5 ^ . 3 ^ c« ^ O I k. No. of Persons m 1801 1 Number of 1821. 'S'-’ •lira ^ o £ .c A'umber of nhabifed House fs do. in Trade annfactures or Havdic7'aft ft ^ ^ 4, ©■ft ft © ^ total Total Number Persons in 181 imher of Inhab d Houses in 1821 ■ft © t- I'E- .if gig , C •5 ^ •h* ^ © R ft . ^ "• CO S ,s .... ® Ji i'j bi> b 5 e *-c |a£l- £”3 1 £■2 © ® ■ft ^ «b- - 1815. 1 — £'— - 49 1.57 29 7 193 295 85 67 18 2 422 2,573 82 23 83 25 227 333 388 65 13 3 49 425 6,450 5,012 127 73 110 149 130 389 530 125 85 29 17 (i45 162 60 69 39 180 288 405 87 58 32 9 496 3,401 30 138 50 77 11 615 710 229 84 55 02 1,017 6,239 159 76 348 32 34 414 510 92 67 20 2 535 0,814 256 84 91 37 252 380 561 137 117 27 1 683 2,448 122 •57 65 16 1 274 369 78 01 17 3 423 1,053 82 119 196 42 291 529 CIO 147 87 36 32 788 4,909 191 43 186 8 39 233 293 02 61 8 8 310 1,488 138 74 96 15 264 375 442 91 84 7 19 517 6,.549 135 67 73 21 231 325 395 90 49 20 30 417 2,7.59 91 42 117 30 113 260 286 66 42 14 15 309 2,612 90 61 74 54 179 297 424 60 58 22 9 378 2,923 09 89 146 34 292 462 706 115 98 25 8 709 9,219 233 220 347 53 363 992 1,136 246 198 39 19 1,365 11,865 404 84 166 28 250 454 475 93 71 12 11 522 5,798 146 75 196 17 177 .590 374 84 74 11 445 3,382 114 147 455 118 25 842 891 165 132 26 41 940 9,215 378 111 83 70 378 531 681 110 91 52 4 698 2,945 150 34 52 9 138 199 208 40 12 3 28 277 4,131 99 121 333 32 303 868 804 135 95 45 39 862 7,752 340 245 306 93 837 1,236 1,335 284 232 42 23 1,418 9,448 434 26 64 14 126 125 29 31 1 2 185 4,430 56 111 407 206 42 714 729 104 141 29 4 832 3,424 331 184 318 62 160 1,051 1,127 238 180 58 5 1,278 850 10,939 517 1.55 374 65 315 7.54 721 171 111 39 24 5,139 84 100 280 23 160 403 545 117 91 2(i — 617 3,596 98 269 171 214 1,082 1,467 1,576 372 141 169 109 1,912 10,241 582 71 89 26 223 338 382 90 80 18 1 440 2,785 !48 600 447 2,028 572 3,047 3,713 764 74 400 332 4,005 10,640 978 151 394 152 195 741 961 211 23 61 128 1,061 9,767 223 133 376 51 297 724 813 154 144 28 9 873 5,644 246 71 254 16 1 361 377 79 58 11 13 386 3,846 93 91 237 48 149 434 404 119 84 18 8 548 2,416 49 110 410 78 7 493 599 136 27 30 79 649 3,219 118 61 257 28 6 291 339 80 52 18 10 418 4,031 78 54 229 16 91 336 310 62 52 7 3 329 3,003 55 33 44 11 158 193 210 36 7 5 24 212 1,360 107 247 129 287 1,033 1,449 1,415 280 27 146 138 1,.520 6,465 470 H9 508 106 30 644 678 134 121 23 — 780 4,412 152 64 222 151 373 411 90 54 24 13 461 3,666 95 131 347 52 354 723 725 131 68 20 46 097 7,033 260 273 603 757 36 1,396 1,673 364 152 186 67 1,878 I 6,256 398 — — — — — — 72 46 13 22 455 136 .521 193 3 717 517 88 45 23 38 570 1,906 95 239 856 288 175 1,319 1,745 336 250 66 53 1,836 8,544 394 145 696 95 44 837 1,094 292 221 62 20 1,616 9,314 451 92 156 39 271 466 505 122 80 32 10 598 3,674 193 274 677 1 139 638 1,454 1,.532 324 201 51 99 1,747 8,948 793 351 433 1,386 175 1,994 2,332 551 192 230 190 2 746 13,151 069 137 385 34 230 649 675 148 100 20 34 ’809 5,029 M9 139 198 81 452 731 805 177 82 53 46 879 5,746 279 64 79 29 202 310 366 86 50 24 12 403 2,618 120 89 212 23 130 365 437 90 65 31 505 2,814 70 49 82 77 64 163 344 68 52 16 5 401 3,240 lU 100 102 41 307 450 525 116 97 19 4 ()03 3,821 136 104 209 56 218 543 020 136 93 28 27 700 4,994 185 74 98 31 209 382 511 93 59 18 23 582 4,020 98 118 364 52 259 675 757 145 102 16 33 809 7,405 354 75 90 27 287 410 384 81 69 10 5 419 2,620 62 155 227 ,59 519 805 906 195 1.56 37 2 1 034 8,189 298 78 100 19 235 354 413 100 90 19 1 ’519 3,338 132 55 179 80 30 289 326 66 39 24 3 348 1,699 116 137 541 71 198 810 1,026 189 109 22 10 1 099 10,120 276 108 110 54 425 589 .573 121 73 39 11 659 3,877 223 359 661 135 652 1,640 1,760 392 325 78 22 1,881 13,789 633 513 144 423 1,525 2,092 2,155 504 182 322 73 2,533 8,702 709 146 18 53 568 639 685 140 123 30 25 748 4,471 219 74 1.54 54 162 370 357 81 60 20 1 405 3,514 231 1,57 598 195 — 793 832 173 118 61 8 895 6,857 369 67 202 216 448 539 too 74 21 2 505 4,770 212 92 ! 376 83 105 564 593 112 108 15 3 620 4,517 157 68 228 75 1 58 361 305 80 60 19 3 420 2,8.55 171 47 41 38 9 261 2.59 05 35 26 4 294 1,534 117 31 61 11 1 72 144 155 41 26 14 1 201 1,994 79 ;Vo. of Famiiits relieved P«rman»nlly ■d - 157 257 193 83 456 420 259 149 412 156 209 102 114 114 2H3 663 160 369 507 179 101 366 450 99 395 710 296 115 841 219 1,264 241 330 205 102 307 156 80 113 737 210 99 271 569 147 220 686 274 636 725 286 396 177 145 217 243 387 289 542 9() 386 210 161 542 369 602 849 299 187 414 236 233 218 79 88 3 6 17 10 16 15 12 9 32 8 14 7 6 6 23 28 15 8 30 14 6 24 29 4 3! 45 5 9 65 12 85 36 23 8 5 15 2 1 5 42 19 10 20 35 6 28 38 26 35 52 18 34 12 9 7 10 18 7 24 30 14 10 31 15 56 54 24 19 39 21 21 19 IT 6 t S 45 1,753 172 728 102 13 S O c- c- ^ I ^ i: 5= !<, 'd “ J5 10/ I 5 — *3 22/9 a 8 5 124 2 7 132 2 4 1^ 21 11 I ^ I 10 I 40 ; 3 ( 42 712 I 11 — 1 9 576 I 155 — : 7 5 S ft E: 1 5 29 10 / 6 4 12 14 13 4 23 2 6 4 77 35 3 18 ft a li, c; o “i/s I 4 24 16 12 6 51 35 IS « 4171 — 42r)0 G'} Topographicai, 1‘OSITION, IMH’IJLATION, Ac. of tne principal Towns and Uidiiig of YOHKSIIIKK. *arishes, in Uie West part of the Nortli lV#»r Oitliitg ^rAp»Htat0fo^m* lh« N \V, uf \ orkitilre. It U Uoniided oi. • S. hv Ih* ri.or Awii/#. which dl.ld** U from Wc.l Hnnii W«u«nUk«, ••• No*. 4‘Jltf be. HOWKS. No I* i jiMlM \V . i»f Horonrd ('»ill*, *•• No. «|0 | mnd 6 from Syittf* /«» on the bo.mdyy line ol lli« CftUBly. oo Iho road to llrna|h, Aiiploby, bo., *<•• followlnic najio, •“« Foro«l occupy « promontory uf the WaponUko in * direction of fi to l.i roll** N. t . of Uuwo*. lUnlMONO i* It mile* S. H. li, of llorn*rd <‘mIU, by wiy of K.ihy H.ron.woflh. dli. 5 wllo* } W W 8 W. ol Yurm, and Irt 8. ef Pi.roo BtldBO, orer tho IVoa on lUc r««d to nuriinm, dl*. 3(1 milo*. HAWKS, Nr*. 43tW, -In*. \V. by S. of Uaiubrldct, U about a inllo S of tli« High mart, thro' A^krigg to Kirby-Slrphen nnd on tb* lino of r >ad from l.ancaitor by way of Horoby, Mellliig, utid loglotoii, dit. I Mctling, s*e Nut. 685 aud 4331, 15 ailai from tba luUrr, aud 'i‘i from UmllittU \^J9»nlak«, bounded on Ibo Ka*l biy tha | SimU rlrer, oitendinc I N N, W. from Horougn* } bridgo. to Leemin^ 15 niUei< nl a mean broadth of about ] 4 toila*. Wetl Taoflrld it I In a nook Wctwaid abemt I 7 m. S. of Well, No. 4307. f417l Cundall Par. .. 2N. N.W. 1 2 AV'aith Par 7 do. 3 WestTanlield.... 12 N.IP. 4 Kirklington P. 12 N. N. \V. 6 Pickliili-cum-Uox. 13 do. 1 0 l$urnestoii & Carth. 13 do. f 7 Leemins ike 15 do. Part of f4178 Ivirby-Wisk Par. .. ViN.byW. En.tt (iitlinaJ 9 Ainderby-Steeple 1 E. of Leeming H'ofenlake. (.4180 Dauby Vvisk & Valforth 2 do. Allcrtnn- | I Leak Par * C shire. ( 2 Osmotlierley *'12 '4183 AriiclillTngleby * 13j 4 Whorlton Par * 15i 5 Appleton on Wk. 5 N.W.of Arne. 0 Carlton S N. E. of Whorlton 7 Rudby & Hutt. contig. to.Crathorn 8 Crathorn t Kii- 9 Kirk Leavington Par. f 18 4190 Stokesley *'20.} 1 Great Ay ton Par *23.} 2 S earner 2 A’, of Stokesly 3 .Slainton Par 3 do. do. 4 Marton \ do. do. 5 Ormesby 5 do. dc. 6 Kirkby, in Cle. P. 2 S. E. of do. 7 Kildale ZS.E.ofAylon 8 Guisborough *29} 9 Up-leatham. ... ‘i N. of Gnisboro’ 4200 Liverton a E. of do. 1 Roxby a do. do. 2 Barnby & Ugthrp. 3W. of Whitby (3 Egton 7 do. do. Tjmi's'f'/II.'t Glazedale.. 10 do. do. S - ® ° ct s a o ''' © 5 2 s= ssZo O S 4) ^ .2 ® 2 -o J* « o* 5 4; S .i 4* S * ••-■2 i. « w J u o ^ - ^ - O >> O « "a c ^ . 4) = ^ -S •C — .2 an heS . 3 U ** . c« O -;3 §1Z ?■§ 2 » >5 f.G Danby .... W esterdale 12 do. do. 18 do. do. i'l ?-S =S iS c O O "T g jcq2 33 o .. h S-> « " O B S.p'o^ „-2 o 33 •- tc « ^ •• 3 ^ oil < |'4207 Well il5 8 Snape .. contig. to Well, N. 9 Mash AM } 18 4210 Thornt. Watlas 2N. of Mash. 11 Bedale 3} N.W. of No. 4179 12 Crakeliall cont. to Bedale N. 13 Aiskew do. do. N. E. 14 Broinpton-P. 2N.W.of Bed. 15 Hornby 3 do. do. IG Scniton .. 3 N. N. E. of do. 17 Kirkby-Fleethain 4 do. do. 18 Catterick & Bridge ^23 f 4219 East Witton } 25 20 Spenithorn Par | 27} U I O tc li S a ^ t bfl e 47 m . ' = |.2 I • “ *^ '** -3 - « C >Z P 2.2 spa S S> 6JJ • „ ^ W 05 O o « w « •- - ^ ^-5 dte > i: 4>:S*2 i ^ 47 ■c CD : O c « g-z „ - ^ S S.S a 22 85 127 52 57 125 787 36 28 28 55 467 16 82 lOi 129 33 5TO 2 370 433 23 305 357 370 506 318 259 11 10 14 229 53 188 689 210 365 1,127 101 12 331 136 302 92 , 127 1,285 181 81 139 131 1 536 668 170 255 540 700 108 768 319 10 274 164 27 8 470 475 480 31 265 293 189 649 592 340 114 241 198 77 183 88 93 92 592 576 280 345 259 629 354 215 108 2,358 120 573 186 961 031 314 540 639 409 375 630 532 802 587 427 1,105 534 253 854 451 275 1,092 307 542 1,369 1,066 249 800 342 971 625 202 1,719 237 230 190 499 971 763 990 257 368 679 1,022 407 1.005 460 500 446 315 379 443 641 682 655 222 394 388 227 728 1.006 446 237 260 320 242 440 208 313 280 701 785 440 794 1,223 802 401 323 4.58 2,851 292 809 817 1,504 670 319 572 670 453 352 564 .553 840 593 402 1,010 578 290 734 400 230 1,121 304 568 1,439 1,091 268 806 361 834 604 202 1,834 312 244 178 525 1,026 877 1,145 248 332 616 1,014 369 1,078 519 511 482 392 374 480 .541 695 776 229 417 424 253 714 1,028 593 273 345 393 265 439 293 310 262 745 813 453 780 1,185 775 379 302 429 3,056 343 795 784 1,480 773 I S=® a ts 67 119 147 82 72 136 130 183 157 91 244 155 72 196 108 68 282 66 127 416 264 52 204 81 167 130 33 435 60 54 42 108 176 171 287 78 80 144 246 70 214 123 124 96 63 80 122 137 124 140 50 73 104 65 187 204 147 61 77 66 52 98 67 67 62 194 171 106 165 270 167 100 63 102 738 65 195 188 309 l-?9 PComt/er of . I'amilies in 1821. 30 96 117 76 56 02 106 133 91 22 180 97 30 108 38 13 120 25 76 99 101 32 134 19 91 93 15 124 24 36 20 49 116 93 118 27 16 45 63 55 39 14 43 70 13 45 79 4 47 82 15 45 62 52 29 140 47 21 IS 25 17 51 23 32 27 32 101 49 86 115 64 73 40 82 24 61 112 157 231 80 10 29 28 16 26 41 16 35 38 16 63 63 30 74 71 21 128 43 21 276 105 15 40 19 39 44 6 180 14 9 4 52 25 53 122 10 17 69 122 13 133 21 50 15 12 31 28 62 31 37 7 8 47 9 82 37 92 18 9 24 2 33 16 37 9 54 108 32 57 24 ' 36 3 85 73 134 39; 71 18 9 18 29 17 2 3 1 35 8 40 34 54 3 2 12 24 36 40 7 35 62 65 7 32 43 43 16 14 162 24 11 19 7 35 47 56 23 63 30 77 21 72 84 38 15 39 6 22 76 61 66 28 25 5 4 80 65 12 24 54 37 40 34 28 4 27 27 615 7 63 33 (i4 32 15 16 121 3 33 5 48 31 fcS s S-- 312 613 709 491 334 589 562 841 768 477 1,083 7.55 331 968 492 260 1,311 330 637 1,897 1,201 226 968 397 785 685 209 1,912 239 251 236 545 1,037 1,043 1,373 281 370 689 1,171 432 1,137 550 620 472 315 411 566 661 747 850 265 398 496 305 880 1,170 810 317 378 399 278 519 293 342 283 765 872 478 822 1,408 887 388 338 488 3,546 377 921 928 1,685 1,095 >2||s 4. « 9b* -- ar 11*1- IHl — o£- 6,776 5,929 3,734 5,131 2.613 4,990 4,573 7,051 7,119 4 518 6,736 1,803 2,074 7,469 2,427 2,084 9,7.50 2,822 6,958 5,688 7,405 3,954 11,189 3,971 4,580 5.584 1.966 8,445 2,007 1,543 2,531 3,638 6,812 4.966 5,949 1,653 1,336 3,923 2,886 3,831 4,666 3.005 3,289 4,394 5,281 2,685 5.006 5,468 5,695 6,821 3,076 4,890 4,295 2,043 4,062 5,208 4,460 3,351 1,801 1,809 2.585 3,555 1,013 4,465 2,515 2,941 3,915 3,157 4,341 4,899 9,971 2,645 3.773 5,021 9,4.52 6,610 7,165 8,624 11, .540 6.774 111 ^ o«w - 2 9 w at' 181.5. — i- 100 267 273 151 151 225 257 504 252 309 390 194 116 567 204 132 1,134 194 368 1,033 770 172 659 360 258 526 171 1,481 119 129 79 307 299 327 449 108 149 2.51 418 222 226 174 185 185 231 98 213 249 626 312 32 192 126 185 320 598 243 74 121 133 121 219 173 134 199 468 459 203 487 598 450 227 173 245 435 160 240 345 634 235 1824. -J.- 129 238 220 231 1.58 251 264 423 199 297 590 182 218 683 141 133 892 251 317 651 800 177 691 286 466 423 111 1,285 105 148 87 202 532 504 628 106 177 443 3S6 216 415 236 209 127 235 272 275 278 549 339 89 203 101 205 307 647 319 139 104 153 145 243 185 148 268 300 369 215 459 759 453 149 260 267 803 204 242 323 564 365 \o. of t'ornlttes relieved 9 19 10 16 12 32 26 43 22 26 37 21 10 44 25 12 98 8 50 105 69 26 55 48 34 50 13 138 16 15 12 27 21 33 29 7 12 24 43 17 16 23 2 22 18 6 21 25 43 29 19 13 15 20 63 22 7 7 23 10 24 17 15 20 36 53 9 48 59 43 17 13 23 13 15 71 40 83 21 10 22 11 5 12 14 15 10 29 23 10 24 7 10 58 18 26 5 14 34 60 31 30 10 2 7 4 63 6 12 13 17 13 46 4 14 23 11 7 12 5 3 3 7 3. 5 12 23 32 10 5 6 10 49 10 16 3 4 7 4 9 4 4 4 9 13 10 17 22 13 10 59 13 3 7 31 5 Sk 3 ^ > S 222 117 117 i.ti -£• 25 65 29 18 61 50 25 2 2 9 232 1 148 7 304 10 35 13 15/ 5 9 31 18 79 .52 20 150 35/ 3 36 10 30 41 22 3.5 7 21 12 10/ 8 65 10 8 30/ 28 3 44 9 28 343 Priticipal roivns and Parishes in the North Riding of Yorn. Stokeslrg, Guisborough, Askrigg, Richmond, Boives, S>-c 4251 — 4330 OG Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of the Principal Towns, and Parishes, in the County of Westmoreland, and parts of Amounderness and Looidale Iluiidre<]s, LANCASHIHE. Kirt/ij/ Stephou, !• ^8 nitlei <11r« taina the 1‘arochial Cliurrh ; Aiublealde, ia at the head of Windermere Water. The T> wn of LANCASTKU, are No. 1255 and 4325, aeated on the S. bank of tbo river Lunt, ia 54 m. N. N. W. of .Manohealer by way ol Holton, ('hurley, I’reilou, and Uaratang . the aaine dialaiiea due .S. of l.jveipool, by way of Ormskirk and Frealuo. The rivet /.une riaea near Urton iu Weatmorelaod, and ruua paat Kirby* l.ouadale, Melliug, and Uornhy. - " M 5 M :h ,2 > - cQ *T“ ^ L_ mu s - a a - * «c o .fi 4.1 5 o *0 C “gSIs . o ^ > — "S 4> ..i a.g u ea o c •> g ^ £ o Seal'S ° “ S ejz rc a 5-, o g',2 s .= ^ s .5 “So >.-r c £?!■“ S ”■0 „-£H. t. $ o ® c 9'z. ^ 5 £'^■3 J •S ° r, s c^a £ = sf''* X H uji ■=0 Sfcd L “"I f 4251 B HOUGH §56 2 Staininore & For. 5 S. of Brough 3 Kirkby Steph. ^\S.W.of do. 4 Warcop Par. .. 3 N.W. 0 / do. 5 t Apuleby do §65 (> Bongate do. . . part of A pplebij 7 Diiflon 'i N.of do. 8 Long Marton 3 N. N. W. of do. 9 Kirkby-Thore &c §69 4260 Temple Sowerby ^70 1 Kavenstonedale S. W. of K. St. ()rton \iN. E. of KENDAL Ashby i N. E. of Orton Crosby-Ravenswth. 4 N.of do. Sliap t 16 N. of Kendal Bampton 3 N.W. if Shop Newby 5 N. E. of do. Moiland 0 do. do. Bolton .... 5 N.W. of Appleby Lowther .... 2 6'. W. of Clifton Askham Par. .. 3 do. do. Barton do 4 do. do. Clifton t'Zi N.of Kendal Brougham & Lowther 15dg. § 76 Kirby Lonsd.4Le6 IF. of No. 586 Casterton 2 A', of Kirby Barbon 4 do. do. Middleton 9 do. do. Burton in Ken. 11 N.of Lancast. Holme U N.of Burton 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4270 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L4280 f4281 Beetham 4 N.W. of Burton 2 Witherslack 5W.of Levens 3 Preston- Patrick 5 N. nf Burton 4284 Preston Richd. 6 do. do. Parishes of . Heversham f Winder- mere Grasmere Stainton .... 8 do. do. 6 Levens 6 N. IP. of Barton 7 Crossthwaite 5 W. of Kend. f 8 Kirkland .... part of do. Kendal 7 9 Underbarrow 4 IF. o ^ > St. Michaels Parish, 9 to 12 Sowerby miles N. VV. of Preston. Raw-/ 11 Elswick dittes are on the N. bank of i 1*2 Ecclestons ilie Wyre Water. f Rawclifres Gar3lan« Parish; the (•1314 ClauMlton .) N. nf do. 14330 Tatham 2 N. E. of Hornby 117 93 200 112 120 139 75 112 94 64 224 291 66 151 161 112 49 52 65 86 87 422 48 22 254 41 48 52 123 46 148 53 69 63 60 85 101 205 71 91 119 62 64 118 51 57 59 101 135 100 54 121 79 59 112 73 61 72 97 104 46 102 185 55 88 85 90 70 76 211 128 231 134 87 211 77 1.53 321 154 No. of Persons in ISO) Number of «... ? 'S'- g.® sr-'® relieveft V ^ k •d ■§2 4 r ^ CO • — i i. ?< Ptrman .nOy 5>J b. ® 5! « a C I'-! do. in Trade Manufactures Handicraft all others 7u ncluded in th •preceeding TOTAL S a k a § k - ^ fed in Trade Ma r Handicraft A k •b o C k-Si -a s sc S -..i ® a |sR-9 .a *3 J £ S. s - Ik'S a -o «, s s B?! • " S'? £S5iS “■c. < k a 0 a 0 ^ 2 S' k ft 7 33 32 705 192 677 1 1.571 1,177 369 237 95 39 il.OaO 12,7-20 1,095 l,:$66 90 49 265 46 428 1 739 576 138 1 108 •23 11 765 4,986 935 562 18 — 71 < .5 42 2 311 82 5 90 196 32 249 383 13 71 21 .0. ■J. - 10 51 13 4 2 18 5 6 3 61 20 35 90 6 7 16 19 40 47 4 45 11 13 31 6 7 34 32 5 14 17 13 66 12 28 64 8 6 3 27/ 22 34 10 / 17 62 () 46 47 10 59 25 249 2 21 75 27 4-251 — 4 - 28 ( 4281 — 4330 Principal Towns and Parishes in the County of Westmoreland, and part of Lancashire. Appleby, Orton, Ainbleside, Kirby- Lonsdale, fc. ifc. roi'OCKArilU’Al, J4H) 07 Position, P()l*lJIw\Tl()N, iVc. itc. of toe principal 'I’ovviis and Parislics, in Lonsdale Wanl, Lancaster, am) p.trt of tlir Cniinry of CUM UKKIjAND. fRNlUTII U 4ir«ot fifin London by lUn OI«*row Molt ll«o nf rood, toe No Viil I tnd V-t l»» i*oy of Monch*»l*r. I’lo.lon, Lancoslof. Hurlon and Na 0«';> Hv . iba unixm* «» l.owllior dii t inMa, »aa No. JIM. ft I. lit „X:> s li. K. >. K. ofwiguo,... No., vmt,. MW S \v. of llallnld.ti*, fa No. «»5, by «ay of AldH..»i#-Mooi, dn. m. **>a ^o. 317 i ami 17 K by N. pf KIlsWH'K, laldob i. latlpd «>n Ilia NN bank of tho Ittru-fmtwmttr, ucht Iba foot nt' .Saddlabaok unJ Ibo JikUdnw Mono- Uliii (ha altllmU. ot which ie« »Ptlvcly ara 'J7S7 and lO'i’i lpot ab-tva lha lav«l »f lha ^»a I'h - ali'tnda. of (Ji*»iio»ra*l''pll, llow»l’oil, and Sra 'J to li inilea Wall of Orn.tmaia, laa No and hutindluft Knrrnwrtalo on tba Smith ira .a.paaliialy 'JfAti. !WU. and SMS fact. For tha Mioinj Town, of Ihil UUlrlot, * Sc*. bS-bS, *ud fur the MaoufaoturluK Tuwu >•. l2liS-70. Tha.a 4 ptaeai Ua N. R. of Lanrat. tar ( Iruui whanca tha distance, imply) u Sedbarih, see No, . Whilllu^tan 1. about I mile N uf Tun* •tall. « the road lu Sedbari luetan 1. about I Dd 3 S. of Kilby Lou.dal ■5 = ; hi f4331 Hornby .... 9 I '2 Mellins &c. 1 1 I 3 Tunstal I’ur.I 4 Wliillins'ton f I r .1335 Dm.ton .. 5 S.lV.oJ UlrerntoJ £.1 6 V.irlsiile .... 2 S. W. of Daltu S J 7 Hilwcoiit 3 do. do. 3 C 8 Ireleth .... * aW.of Ulvcrston 4339 Urswick Par i.S.(fdo. 40 Aldingliam 7 do. do. 1 Pennington 2 .S’. IP. of do. 2 Kirkby Ireleth, &c. 5i\. IP. fi/'do. i 3 Hawkf.siie.u) . .. a N.of Cartme I L t " -c a> — © «« TS -':5 - - T3 , S-s o gS'g a ©<= B ^ = o s .£ M ® S 'S “ o .3 ^ ““ S C* “ d. 2 Greystoke &c. . . 6 iP. of do. 3 Threlkeld .... 13 do. do. 4 Skelton P. .. 7 N.W. of do. 5 Hesket 9 N.of do. 6 Caldbeck Par. 15 IP. of do. 7 Salkeld Gt. 5 A. N £. of do. 8 Lazonby Par. 7 do. do. 9 Kirkland S E.of do. Sie i lit 1 -HOO Addingham 7 N. N.E.iifdo. I 1 Edenhall Par. .. S E.of do. 2 Ainstable .... 5 A. TP. of do. = a "=(£ **" ► 2 « I?*© « rs-° ^ S.-- 5 ® Sa ® £ S sea s 5 g S >> 2,5 a $ s S a kg .-a i 5 a- 4 Castle Sowerby. 7 Newton-Rigny 9 Renwick 11 A. A. E. nf do. aUto L4410 Isall Par. Z N . of CockiTtnmith N. ). i t Frhhond 1)1 18UI 1 umber of jVo. of i‘'UT ' 'S'-' •'» r« r «r*-< relieted Number of 'nhubited House ■g 1 0 t® “Jj SH" s * t»rman*»Uf •2 2 S s ■I’f •e S':; ? " 2 is.® a =5^1; TOT.iL *1 » a S 0 hiQs 1-5 0'S k. Si ^ w *•. «5 . k. tj ^ 1^1 ■5 S. §s ^ -5 ^ kp -c '*’ 3 R "5 2 !f 3 ; 3^3^.. lijH “■c.p •4) 1 V 1 ^ 1 © 1 k. ,c S'" 2.2 « * ■■jaS -d- 2,415 1815 225 1821. 2 80 40 39 335 414 420 102 50 37 j 17 1 477 ' -J: - 269 21 _ 117 335 50 345 772 1,331 182 125 30 22 1,0.55 10,747 649 588 48 108 212 46 379 637 665 135 91 22 1 )il6 757 7,676 644 537 57 85 96 27 261 384 411 82 51 16 1 24 461 5,203 265 252 29 3 50 91 10 — 303 613 16.» no 40 15 714 i 1 102 582 17 599 403 76 65 13 3 509 ^ 2,441 549 14 ^ 231 194 82 741 1,125 5 583 ( 445 74 77 26 7 25 4 710 513 794 49 139 126 53 454 633 590 147 87 23 37 787 3,1.10 308 439 20 6 114 397 66 180 633 706 141 114 12 18 760 4,800 202 387 17 4 53 74 9 2 273 271 50 31 16 7 284 2,227 140 138 19 261 272 98 225 1,339 1,428 314 148 153 22 1,694 10,148 495 459 94 9 152 71 176 407 634 676 166 53 65 48 829 2,532 252 \ i f 23 82 67 26 8 391 350 91 44 12 35 452 1,972 166 [ 999 > 17 — 63 52 86 148 286 386 84 42 22 20 426 2,010 252 23 56 26 4 4 274 298 54 33 26 2 307 1,824 106. > ( ' 11 224 244 52 816 1,112 1,218 262 198 46 18 1,346 6,44.5 607 782 56 42 39 12 181 235 261 48 40 7 1 301 2,464 97 157 12 30 46 6 128 180 191 34 31 3 1 221 1,818 90 98 15 100 116 54 377 547 602 120 67 41 12 656 3,965 131 189 15 74 95 31 216 344 591 109 84 16 15 653 2,576 221 190 20 11 55 68 34 100 292 298 68 50 19 — 368 1,621 138 1.55 12 63 108 18 241 367 373 73 53 11 11 433 2,162 97 212 2 5 134 213 54 385 652 685 139 110 37 4 888 4,458 328 285 23 70 51 57 254 362 571 109 30 87 12 818 2,216 71 91 14 77 141 41 172 354 438 85 66 17 5 478 3,211 182 195 25 75 110 20 270 400 632 103 73 28 7 661 5,708 6,782 108 198 5 1 146 131 54 393 678 752 166 126 40 5 832 392 419 42 68 82 25 187 294 336 87 70 9 10 440 1,910 109 186 18 40 60 4 158 222 231 50 45 5 — 289 3,196 19 66 3 101 457 12 — 469 606 98 76 13 10 566 4,075 359 261 41 10 290 51 318 981 1,350 1,683 403 62 338 3 1,901 3,229 268 316 19 14 189 172 735 962 1,162 256 123 123 14 1,106, 12,286 455 487 44 57 64 27 191 282 205 37 25 6 6 214 j 19 112 171 50 350 571 670 121 70 19 34 593 2,561 229 270 21 417 101 1,545 1,219 2,865 2,964 721 128 613 35 3,790 5,454 881 734 101 19 216 421 83 529 1,033 1,155 257 165 39 61 1,426 9,005 311 353 34 106 40 45 349 434 421 105 54 21 31 454 1,460 43 114 8 — 98 44 75 336 455 466 91 37 21 35 416 2,223 131 210 13 4 69 35 28 247 300 333 80 40 29 12 405 1,434 36 66 3 86 110 34 306 450 497 97 86 8 8 537 3,453 162 158 21 51 63 9 212 284 279 58 28 7 25 343 2,005 97 123 69 96 45 217 358 399 97 48 29 20 457 3,004 123 2.59 12 138 99 18 578 695 975 206 88 116 13 1,123 9,035 364 378 36 2 118 119 47 407 572 824 199 138 61 1 961 7,982 316 408 30 215 365 63 584 1,0)2 1,130 243 161 55 30 1,2.59 8,131 236 273 31 58 49 20 261 330 237 74 27 46 1 396 1,900 45 119 6 47 43 27 179 249 276 63 32 31 3 377 1,643 129 124 8 129 448 114 — 562 726 140 70 70 9 620 2,427 241 217 36 70 28 3 242 273 271 86 12 10 64 376 1,599 61 107 18 182 310 148 312 770 919 236 141 81 17 1,220 7,856 347 285 40 |250 394 291 536 1,221 \ 732 655 154 158 126 15 28 28 7 122 866 709 10,955 3,543 361 881 mj 35 12 1 196 198 83 637 918 1,002 221 162 63 4 1,287 — 474 386 48 108 277 47 266 590 600 148 95 42 17 758 5,188 279 261 19 192 323 58 631 1,008 1,160 214 186 26 7 1,313 10,413 448 '570 51 128 421 168 — .589 678 107 92 17 — 701 4,.559 158 253 13 84 341 23 56 420 469 97 59 34 11 543 3,554 154 182 10 18 63 5 28 96 391 79 49 39 3 549 1,960 14 105 672 236 1,020 2,545 3,801 4,328 800 180 780 160 5,385 17,592 1,033 1,994 104 43 139 278 53 381 712 763 151 112 32 24 904 10,321 335 409 23 373 856 112 925 1,891 1,849 394 314 50 41 2,116 15,171 787 1,052 71 68 245 13 2 260 283 71 49 14 8 303 1,900 153 99 25 141 308 46 139 729 756 146 110 37 4 858 6,041 254 344 27 158 244 74 618 936 783 220 190 52 2 1,286 15,430 703 466 39 26 223 306 336 469 1,171 1,436 298 182 130 14 1,588 6,902 538 564 47 4 58 100 21 164 285 289 78 66 9 3 403 1,909 152 122 110 179 42 305 526 578 134 106 31 6 801 3,9C0 205 255 21 145 415 56 160 631 608 125 97 29 5 712 6,887 260 196 22 123 233 30 339 602 550 124 104 25 4 694 5,380 174 226 14 75 299 26 49 374 338 73 65 21 3 501 5,063 169 169 16 85 104 26 314 444 431 93 73 29 51b 3,668 218 151 23 60 101 40 208 349 423 84 69 8 7 313 — — 165 328 66 544 938 974 181 118 52 27 1,012 7,254 269 439 37 2 45 160 29 11 200 236 48 35 6 9 252 2,439 99 loi 11 46 94 21 54 169 234 64 52 12 — 348 1,461 44 76 1 22 28 6 94 128 219 45 37 5 4 250 2,273 38 20 5 55 48 7 221 276 309 50 41 7 2 309 3,274 96 128 12 38 33 18 150 201 277 69 22 42 5 364 1,007 41 52 3 _ 58 203 15 58 276 378 71 71 12 3 449 6,486 108 891 8 — V. . 2 ’i © n! •e « - c. •i:2» -c •« 21 51 CS J 51 a? 12 I _ 18 — 25 _ 12 110 6 I _ 12 I — 8 I — - 2 I — 12 I _ 8 I - 8| - r^l - 9 I 4 4 I in 19 143 415 1 28 675 6 46 25 2 24 8 23 11 7 (9 1 3 53 16 32 7 11 16 42 ! 175 20 13 8 13 3 3 121 244 iCk u u ^ I ? C5 ■d- 19 10 34 a** 2 317 >• z 11 4 5. 15 9 era — 31 14 a 24 0 30/ a Crs 14 a 3 10 a — 12 s 12 a- fTi 2 35 278 30 308 41 4 8 30 10 b 12/ a 6 0 87 K. 22 a rs 40 40 a" ir. 5 5 1 — a* 2 98 r;j 10/ a r* 26 4 13 0 3 4 22 b 4 a 19 13 — — a 30 8 ei 7 10/ 4411 — 4490 G8 Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of the Principal Towns, and Parislies, in the N. E. part of CuMiiERLANn, and Soiilh pari of DURHAM. Cr«/< No. 4453, over the ri*«r Toei U 3 inilea South of DarliD^tjo, ood Y«rm. Nw. 44»fi. It 4 niitet Siloolh »f Stocktoa, Not. dO'i, 611-640, Kt 167W-MI. Tl.« City uf DUIUUM truted on llie bank* of the rifor W««r, about 20 milei by lUo courio of the Mrram abuTo iti eutiast'r iuto Ibe Sen at Kuoderlaod, It 255 inila>i frooi London by way r>f Darlinjtton, dit. 18 milet ; 359 by way of Stockton, dll, 21 lullct ; and 2(>2 by way of Pierce>Brid|;e, dii 21 milet : it It 13 m. S. VV. of.SumUrUud, 14 S ui W » 5 z W w E o ” feZ ^ c .a o a ^ X ,e u7 c *c •§l“l -"J I S33 ( 1411 Sebernliiun 7J N.W. of Hutton 12 Hawksdale &c. .. ‘i N. of Sebergkam 13 Woodside 4 N.W. of Jlesket 14 tVetherall &c 5 N. of do. 15 Warwick & Aglionby .. 7 do. do. 10 St. Cutiibert, out Par. of Carlisle 17 Tluirsby 4 S.W. of do. 18 Beaumont 3 N. IP. of do. 11) Kocklitr 4 do. do. 4420 Burg-upon-tlie-Sands. . 5W.nf do. 1 Orton 2 Bowness I’ar 13 W. <»/’ Cmdisie 3 Oulton, inWigton Parish 4 tVaverton do ‘2W. of Carlisle 5 Aikton Par i N. of Wig toji 6 Dundraw & Blencags . . 3 IP. o/ do. 7 Kiri- 1)1 ide (i N.W. of do. 8 Kirkb-ampton a...; f442!) Staiuw'ix Par. adj. Carlisle i 30 Scaleby .... G N. E. of do. -3 a to ■ili : i to i PS to w -C * > j 'S j. w.t: 5 L Walton .... 3 A. o/Brampton 2 Askerton .... 7 do. do. 3 Kingwater&c. 7 N.E.ofdo. C 4 West-linton 0 iV. ]V. IP. n/’CarZslc ^ 5 Kirk-liuton 4 N.E.of W.~linton C. 0 Hethersgill .... S do. of Carlisle 7 Bevvcastle Par. 15 do. do. 8 Brackenhill . . . . 5 do. W. -Union 9 Netherby .... 2 N . of Longtoicn 4440 Kirk- Andrew’s 2J do. do. 1 Moat 3 do. do. 2 Nichol- Forest 6 to 8 N. E. do. 3 Stapleton Par 5 =S =•? 5 Cumrew 6 N. E. of do. 6 Castle-Carrock .... 7 do. do. 7 Hayton 8 do. do. 8 Irthington &c. .. 8 N. E. of Carlis ° 9 Nawarth 11 do. do. 4450 Farlain Z E. of Brampton 1 Denton 13^, and Gilsland lOg , 2 Crosby g f 4453 Flarworth . . I E.of Croft Bridge - - = - a 4 Neasharo 2 do. do. 5 Middletoi^ St. Geo. 4 do. do. 6 Eaglescliii conti^ to Yar 7 Sadburgh i E.of Darlingti 8 Long-Newton .. 6 do. do. 9 Norton t 1 N. of Stockti 44C0 Billingham &c. *2 do. do. 1 Woolviston . . . . *4 do. do. 2 Greatham .... SE.ofWoolvisti 3 Seaton Carew .... 5 N. E.of do. 4 Stranton 0 do. do. 5 Hart, Elwick &c. . . * 5 N. of do. 6 Sedgefield. . t 10 N.W. of Stockti 3-2 = -3 -5 c O CJ 'J o 5 S M C J . Z o- o « s cs c5 Hi 4) ■*.» 2 .. y I sr « 2 i: C S- ^ — C 2 c s-;|2-=£ § 5 2-0 „ a ^ ^ o c o S'? •S ^ i o ^ ? i: 2 ss Darlington Ward. SaiingtuH Ward, I uondcd on the Entt I bv the North Sea, | uid on llte Weit and / North by the River » Wear, wbfeh fnlU in- I to the Sen at Sunder* 1 lend, 1 4170 Bishopton 1 Craike . . . . 4 Tudhoe & \V hitwth § 15 do. do. 5 t Durham City 7 Pittington Par. 8 Castle-Eden ... 4 E. of do. Part of Lancheiti *r.. Cheiter Wal’d Itcodinc from i - nilei N. W DURHAM. 1 Monk Heslcdon Par. 2 Esh r 2 Esh 5 IF . N. W. «f Durham 3 Lanchester G S. E. of Wolsingh. \ 4 Collier- Law 10 N.W. of do. I Kyo (j Medoinsley. A flctachert part of ihp ( of Durham at the Northern 8 Cornhill e-Oremiiy o( Norllmmherld, \ -1 Ancroft ..... J4490 Holy Island . I * Norhainshire . bordering on the Tweed. JVumherof In- habited Houses in 1901 No. of Persons in Total Number of Persons in 1811 Number of Familtes iu 1821 . Total Number of Persons in IS21 0-5 1 * Hi « ^11: « « ahi 3? B £ . .Vo* oj rtiie Ptrman . all others not inclu- ded in the precedmg TOTAL Number of In- habited Houses in 18‘i Chiefly employed in Agriculture a ^ ? ^ 5: s ° c ■o tk< ^ S»> K. c a S -S Vi. 1 do. in Trade Man, 1 or Handicraft. i all others 7Wt i«* eluded in the pre. ^-1 %>' a e£ S : 1815. ]| 1824. s K. oC J, ~ ~ ■ • 151 132 96 514 712 781 163 130 31 14 903 5,380 324 478 31 106 269 104 473 926 984 200 129 67 32 1,092 — 68 33 47 158 238 344 97 51 53 14 587 2,571 217 234 201 264 98 654 916 1,071 303 205 87 25 1,544 9,966 341 527 24 65 30 95 208 333 287 69 43 16 15 348 2,894 136 153 11 150 153 79 469 721 862 162 110 57 21 994 77 59 49 232 3-10 440 105 61 20 18 515 5,363 119 164 16 42 53 18 147 219 270 52 19 14 21 323 1,816 23 43 4 108 53 49 416 518 588 145 117 27 5 722 2,671 3-24 310 38 44 30 21 129 180 216 60 34 17 9 304 5,878 292 268 16 73 88 39 25 1 378 422 83 54 19 10 442 3,070 92 164 20 169 147 112 566 825 907 217 1*20 68 32 1,220 5,951 259 291 22 60 63 23 208 294 321 76 28 40 3 336 2,096 127 176 <) 88 67 39 269 375 409 89 83 9 — 477 3,531 221 219 29 125 135 63 384 582 614 143 102 33 9 706 5,174 225 291 20 88 115 24 226 365 421 94 78 15 4 532 2,705 232 155 23 56 70 170 9 240 258 65 24 41 — 308 1,609 87 83 12 87 87 41 328 456 458 87 57 26 9 470 3,026 212 213 14 231 301 126 841 1,271 1,435 308 143 123 70 1,592 1,779 554 775 53 86 131 14 323 468 557 108 57 40 11 618 1,691 117 103 14 77 163 16 242 421 417 82 66 13 5 480 3,171 228 113 15 82 80 15 261 356 433 74 69 9 — 503 7,974 133 123 14 173 179 48 430 887 902 168 138 24 7 1,006 8,841 318 491 28 no 85 20 414 519 526 117 37 19 61 623 3,257 217 > r 28 75 295 39 55 389 294 97 05 21 15 532 3,071 170 I 31 H 27 71 464 41 160 668 692 134 58 32 44 776 4,087 129. 1 28 186 liD 46 677 917 1,069 231 170 53 10 1,213 1,288 388 634 1 5 97 105 12 372 489 510 81 73 7 1 441 3,152 362 41 64 156 14 227 397 385 85 73 10 2 490 2,456 415 1010 35 200 200 61 562 818 1,048 230 176 52 3 1,140 5 396 652 554 84 48 60 11 220 291 281 55 31 4 20 300 1,050 63 82 4 139 126 46 496 668 757 143 78 25 43 795 3,131 218 198 33 120 210 34 492 736 911 191 170 14 8 1,127 6,675 327 312 27 94 76 13 357 646 478 94 80 13 10 544 2,951 147 131 20 36 44 H 126 181 194 44 37 7 2 231 2,118 50 62 6 47 54 15 183 252 307 65 55 6 7 346 2,208 57 83 9 190 216 60 639 915 977 203 180 25 12 1,102 3,686 190 il7 18 150 184 54 702 870 911 177 100 50 33 1,020 1,393 74 285 7 58 21 6 281 308 364 66 16 18 37 377 — 115 53 154 385 592 672 114 51 9 55 663 8,823 114 168 17 61 76 20 234 330 352 61 45 16 — 387 3,485 194 237 12 55 89 25 245 359 410 67 47 11 17 419 2,163 110 74 32 147 115 202 345 661 692 174 67 96 19 811 4,112 415 4.58 31 40 39 47 120 206 265 63 39 18 6 313 1,789 145 101 8 45 50 19 146 215 202 46 28 14 4 209 2,626 115 157 12 98 153 24 281 420 476 119 81 32 7 542 6,791 522 380 19 80 90 15 286 391 396 89 70 15 5 315 3,487 177 172 12 53 85 8 202 295 253 64 57 9 1 338 0,067 282 269 25 240 165 110 690 965 1,053 257 105 102 51 1,186 7,012 404 453 37 124 238 24 289 551 550 139 119 17 10 613 10,138 363 297 27 89 74 38 299 411 390 113 90 26 9 541 1,813 167 195 19 90 191 201 50 442 407 106 82 24 14 446 2,332 1.56 114 21 65 48 22 193 263 71 29 2l 21 312 1,158 80 129 7 74 81 35 209 325 68 52 20 7 371 1 ,547 175 15.5 I.) 122 177 31 309 517 523 119 101 21 4 500 0,852 253 3<)7 40 301 170 126 986 1,184 1,307 298 258 38 10 1,208 3,197 776 668 37 126 344 16 212 572 629 137 113 17 10 687 10,118 424 539 33 74 108 61 162 331 391 80 46 25 16 404 — 193 74 41 49 234 324 327 68 22 47 2 330 1,298 122 IIS 13 89 77 1 — *78 312 73 50 20 15 305 2,067 159 161 17 93 72 14 318 404 453 109 72 28 15 538 4,880 120 127 <) 121 67 47 393 507 507 125 57 48 24 574 2,648 181 183 26 129 132 82 347 561 591 132 70 42 24 705 4,720 3<)2 35(> 41 59 99 36 196 329 407 63 54 17 3 409 3,881 130 192 50 1,024 252 1,143 6,075 7,530 6,763 1 , i.V2 195 I,.t02 575 9,822 27,727 5,251 3,509 398 54 45 28 171 241 282 70 47 19 13 367 2,673 88 tto 11 146 162 73 421 656 762 177 132 49 808 6,043 312 3,52 10 60 89 118 1.55 362 257 55 36 14 8 281 1,-521 134 92 11 192 278 61 605 944 1,060 211 154 62 25 1.112 8,370 523 499 .58 112 289 139 125 553 6.54 123 78 31 17 679 6,661 2()3 386 18 98 108 38 288 434 450 97 87 16 3 503 3,627 240 210 28 68 39 19 4 276 383 05 54 14 470 2,418 <)5 95 10 145 126 72 510 708 834 1.59 93 68 9 885 4,818 337 107 33 115 47 136 356 539 549 109 28 93 3 556 8,!)I7 382 202 37 iyi) 37 46 198 281 385 75 19 68 448 1,9! 9 205 139 29 137 137 117 .500 751 391 77 34 23 34 -161 4,376 197 263 20 198 181 43 744 968 958 185 1 to 30 17 990 9,802 ()83 371 hi 140 59 27 582 668 725 163 109 28 31 863 8,210 3-)l 3;m — 227 206 56 882 1,141 1 ,236 255 161 85 17 1,378 11,786 612 .521 81 136 78 61 462 601 675 139 61 (hi 27 700 .5,1.52 282 238 33 1 527 1,U)2 443 1,081 2,716 2,799 562 289 161 111 3,013 22,'JUO 1,086 1,367 151 12 •tt g 11 19 1 -of- 20 — — — 21 — 13 152 40 2 — — — — — — 27 4 — — — — 2 — — 5 16 154 9 4 — 31 — 8 5 2 — 4 10 — — ' 19 — 7 1 6 — ! 14 336 11 1. 4 1 7 262 1 1 — 6/8 2 105 6/8 6 150 6/8 1 60 — ! !■'’ — 4 « — 4 20 — 20 1 3 — 4 1 5 — 3 17 100 3 20 -- 1 60 2 1 1 74 15 275 12 8 — 9 — 16 322 ! 5 — 1 5 00 — 9 — 12 5 — 8 3 — 16 — 6 1 29 50 17 1 5 — 1 1 17 63 112 ! 18 — 41 8 — 4 23 — 18 6 — 5 8 49 — 10 170 197 37 — 28 — — 5 — 15 14 10 8 — 37 7 4 3 14 8 4 3 3 10/ 1/261 4»1 70 3 — 3 13 — — — 186 — • 8 — 3 25 — — — — 9 53 107 18 220 19 4 — 11 2 42 — 1 58 _ — — — — _ 18 24 4411 — 4443 4444 — 4490 Principal Towns and Parishes in the Counties of Cumberland and Durham. Downes, Gilsland Spa, City of Durham, Norhamshire, ^'c. ^c. oy 4491 -- 4670 Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of the principal Towns and Parishes, in t he Co. of Northumrkrland No. of Pkhnon» 1M 1801 Til* Coontf of NoMhumb.rlond on Ik* Sonth for nbout 30 mlUi r«unii of Diirliom b« Iho Doiwoul rlior. whloh rlioi «l (ho lool of l-ntUri HIM. ood Ulit Into tho I'yno ohou( 3 niMoi NV*»t of NoweoilU ( A LLBN8UORI), No. 441W, U o.n <1.. .1... .boa. 'Jll o,n.. S W. of N— .■••.I.. >b. I <■»'“ •lorto No 4473) dU, 38 mtU*, loin Hcollond by t orlor-FoM. dU. 47 niMc*. CORUUinOK U 13 HilU* NorIb ot AlUuifonl, 3 Hoit oT Ho»1iotn, nncl 17 >\ ••( of Mowcottio, Tho diilamoi of (ho pliooo nulod wUb » t nnply from Hoihiui onJ oro •D (ho lino of rood dlrocl from lliooco ; Ihn.o wIlli • \ from Nowoo.tlo. Ulotf on (ho iMd dirovt fnim (hoooo Into AcolUnd by lUrwlok-upon- Pwood. dU. 14 N. N. N% . of Mollurd I oml (ho dUtooeoo of (how notod with n 4 ImpW from Morpo(h, brio* on (ho rnoJ diTorilni from (bone# lo(o .Hcodond by woy of Woofer and CorobMI, dit. 44 mHw, •M Nolo 10 44AH fcc. ROrilBUHY, No. 4451. U on Iho N. honk of tho Coautt rioor, whioh rUoi noor C«rlor>Foli and foil* into (ho boa at Warkworth, 4547 { >1 i* M oiiloi N. K Ho&bam, and 13 S. W. of Alniolok. ooo No*. 1677 and 4564. rissisJ r4l‘JI Kirk-hauRh i N. of Aldstune j I 2 Kiiaresdale .. *5 do. do. I *1^ Featherstone *7J do. do. i \4 Blenkiasop I N. of Featherstone I |<’5 Haltwhistle U .of Atdstone IwrParUhJe (4498 Shotlay 4 A'.o/AfLENSFORD lie between the } 9 H. lUanchland 4 J_r oj do, Dei Nveiil ami Tyne rivei?. = '^“^5 S'! 5 o « « c- A 13 2 OS a 5} 5» go ® -C i w O o © r 3- 5 -5 «; T a. w ^ t_ — 5 -2 o ^ - . n-M a II 1 « Henshaw. . 'i E.of llalticliistle *11 ' LkL 7 Nine other Townsliips i4500 Slaley.. 6 I^. N.W.of do. * V Broomley .. ION. of do. f 4502 Bywell&c. iS.E.ofCorb. 3 do. St. I’eters C ^ .= -S « o ■= -3 a. r ° • o S V 4504 Ovington 6 Ovingham.. Ofingham ParUb. lying betweoD Iho North bank of Ibo . . . piTe°"vvi;!l ** Prudhoe... ra'ii..‘E ofco.bj’s. C 7 Townships 4508 CORBRIDGE 9 Remainder of Parish . . , 4510 Hexham 15 II Hexhamshire ? 7, “ a. -- • ^ -3 s'® ^ ' -7 Z , ■ X-.c?*'®'-’? — fl2 \V .Accomh'iN. of Hexham ■>13 Wall tSj (.14 Rem. of St. Jno.-Lee Par. 15 Warden 2ZV. IV. of Hexham 16 Haydon .... (iW.ofdv. 17 Newboro’ 5 TF.N. IF.do. 18 Whitfield 5 IFAlFo/Hayd. „aj5is.E:=-S L t9 Heddon-ou-the-Wall Par. r4520 Simonburn&c The Dorwentwaler \ 1 Wark . . + Ettalo beloDging to 1 * '2 Orrenwicb Hotpilai ^ — *ee Statement re* \ lating (boroto. M 1. 4 Thorneyburn & Gaystead . , o o f 4525 Matfens’ . . 4 JV. by E. of Corbridge 2 Bellingham t 3 Falstone . ill 2"'* ® 6 Heugh 7 N. E. of do, 7 Stamfordham 8 Belsay in Bolam&c. 9 do. do. 9 Swinburn, Chipchase, &c 4530 Birtley contg. toWark 1 Kirk-harle 12 N. of do. 2 Kirk-whelpington .. 14 do. do. 3 Corsenside .. 16 N. N. W. of do. 1^ 4 Hartburn 8W. of Morpeth Castle Ward, C 4535 Ponteland 7 N.W. of Newcastle which includes < 6 Whalton 5 IP. IV. IF. 0/ .S'lnJig-fn. Nos. 1 to 24. ( 7 Stannington i iO N. of Newcastle , _.g f 4538 i MokPETH J 15 do. do. 9 do. out Parish 4510 Mitford Par. .. .... ] ^ IF. 0/ iUorpel/t 1 Hebburndo 2 N. of do. 2 Ulgham a Z N . N . E. of do. 3 Nether-Whitton 5 IF. N.W.ofdo. 4 Long-Horsley § 6^ N. AMF. of do. 5 Woodhorn 6 E. N. E. of do. 6 Widdington 7 N. E.of do. 7 Warkw orth Town 5 E. N. E.of Felton 8 do. Parish 9 Felton out Par N. of Morpeth ("4550 Felton Town J 25 1 Elsdon . . 19J IF. N. IF. of Morpeth 2 RothburyT. 8 IV. IV. TF. 0/4544 3 do. Parish 4 Hally stone 3 A. IV. IF of Rot hbury 5 Alwhinton 7 IF. IV. IF. q/’ do. 6 Framlington§ 11 N.N.W.q/Alorp. 7 Shilbottle 6 N. of Felton 8 Edlingham S N.W.of do. 9 AVhittingham § 19 NNW ofMorp. 4560 Yettlington 4 IF. q/TF/iittijiff/taw 1 Glanton .... § 21 2 Eglingham 4 IV. N. E.of Glanton 3 Ilderton 6 N. N.W. of do. f 4564 Long Houghton.. 3 E. of Alnwick, ± 34 5 Howick 5 E. N. E. of do. 1 6 Embleton 5N. E.of do. 7 Ellingham 2 N . of Charlton, f 41 8 North Sunderland 5 N. E. of do. 9 Bamborough 3 E.of Belford 4570 Belford +49 L • do. out Parish J* © W K 4 , 4 , . «s ^ ^*b oj*' '"h — O o SS *2 41 I ‘-:is C * ► 33 = i! 4» o c: ■* J •— -c p* oo ^ . *© U .- 4> ® Vi Vi »)K • 2 £ E g L •S'*" 01 £ g ss- • Ilia 52 106 45 37 !)8 115 257 80 69 125 53 80 196 72 46 63 213 200 144 482 230 95 108 155 310 82 72 125 167 149 227 86 104 79 88 160 69 186 82 56 148 74 123 305 94 250 457 73 123 114 70 109 192 259 94 93 222 197 87 320 126 323 70 153 139 214 120 188 62 59 233 83 118 38 316 183 106 476 158 13 436 35 127 60 124 483 112 105 122 63 90 209 48 40 142 398 170 286 204 220 99 79 177 307 95 102 237 373 373 208 18 109 86 210 252 93 278 78 100 241 75 145 343 127 203 133 202 247 162 76 113 234 277 290 202 614 254 45 304 49 458 64 254 132 215 273 280 85 50 447 135 125 28 314 474 07 763 319 231 no. in I’rant Manufactures or Handicraft all others not, included in the ftreceeding S 0 ^ £ 4 258 275 45 — 481 16 146 197 69 — 196 200 193 4.53 27 417 5(i8 78 950 1,616 1 41 281 434 254 7 306 47 416 585 27 170 260 24 288 402 77 697 1,043 69 237 344 30 183 253 23 153 318 120 522 1,040 1 195 667 1,032 1 35 391 712 515 2,708 3,427 3 94 824 1,138 1 52 381 532 68 303 450 45 480 820 190 836 1433 p 21 313 429 35 256 393 40 2;’,8 515 175 342 900 198 157 728 227 644 1,079 17 402 437 8 404 521 33 248 307 215 47 472 61 500 713 17 198 308 66 224 1,085 21 249 351 17 227 338 154 320 714 17 283 375 46 350 541 110 1,016 1,472 41 302 470 220 823 1,252 712 2,350 3,195 28 147 377 60 300 613 34 343 539 30 214 320 38 344 494 55 535 844 104 827 1,208 89 67 446 329 73 614 266 481 1,061 69 624 947 115 346 506 84 1,306 1,694 99 520 668 85 1,025 1,568 127 200 391 38 450 838 71 468 071 188 628 1,031 43 322 638 61 618 859 24 218 327 31 198 279 37 869 1,341 16 324 475 83 346 514 14 142 184 115 1,075 1,515 42 403 944 82 346 496 174 1,488 2,439 4S4 99 902 37 154 422 S c 339 526 219 252 751 509 ,024 913 618 558 318 428 999 369 243 294 797 .529 499 882 ,213 529 464 330 563 956 783 ,232 429 593 405 522 886 463 1,291 376 374 814 424 615 1,526 541 1,270 3,520 578 559 525 340 439 1,024 1,172 370 568 1,199 933 514 1,821 750 1,687 424 817 679 1,104 667 1,076 353 433 1,300 502 i\ umber of Kf F;i milieu in 18*21 •S'- .■5? Kumiter 0 ! Inhib- ited Houses in IS2I ('hiefty Emyloyd in Agriculture 1 do. in Trade Man, or Handicraft \ ^ 1 2 II Others not in- cluded in the pte. z ® -a 3 £ .■9T5. nl-s |x«l -o£- - 1,4.59 64 20 2 26 280 114 106 8 — 564 1,991 c 46 42 3 - 2 239 50 29 26 1 317/ s 135 46 60 08 707 > 23,709 < 115 82 20 13 .5931 304 218 64 46 1,727) ( 109 79 38 10 678 > 6,801 ) 90 9 20 63 412^ 122 90 38 4 582 4,629 57 44 9 6 354 74 45 14 24 309 4,308 196 141 40 20 1,0.52 13,027 81 52 33 2 362 -b 52 G5 21 42 29 23 6 6 26.5 ( 293/ 19,475^ 223 161 52 18 1,094) 230 102 107 93 1,254 J 19,154 ) 141 128 17 10 783 i 511 147 615 266 4,110 16,984 1 243 155 67 65 1,320 12,239 1 C 113 54 31 28 533 1 87 24 22 58 46^ 21,380 ' 190 143 33 24 954 ' ( 259 146 123 106 1,714 5,424 1 64 11 9 42 358 15,225 87 61 13 25 451 5,495 47 36 19 — 289 4,789 137 70 43 26 690 5,3.54 181 114 42 49 1,030 10,933 160 71 41 60 866 6,793 262 150 72 58 1 ,390 11,383 85 13 5 ti7 .501 0,673 '■ 108 89 9 22 604 1,989 1 92 66 27 4 4.59] C 84 47 36 28 51^ + 23,170 ) 165 104 32 29 856 j 89 54 18 18 458 5,1.57 220 163 61 13 1.241 13,873 85 57 17 14 393 4,398 61 49 7 7 354 2,449 154 95 36 30 793 9,184 84 66 18 8 487 4,357 122 64 19 40 640 7,418 299 206 77 24 1,579 25,773 107 69 28 13 534 9,985 201 128 45 38 963 485 181 466 248 3,670 > 27,807 ) 109 89 11 17 022 114 92 16 12 560 9,704 111 76 28 8 564 7,912 70 56 13 1 348 4,146 96 60 24 17 400 4,034 204 179 27 8 1,006 11,346 257 108 64 106 1,378 11,734 73 68 5 1 388 5,181 99 2 51 100 594 \ 19,432 • 258 211 42 10 1,327 186 144 34 14 962 1 17,157! 90 30 60 46 554 332 222 54 91 1,848 1 19,508 148 43 100 67 l,fl8( 20=318) 322 271 46 34 88 41 22 27 468 ^ 19,966! 155 138 12 10 900 152 78 54 37 815 6,407 220 121 94 22 1,153 7,454 120 90 13 15 666 9,693 177 108 19 50 919 62 51 6 6 363 > 18,765 > 80 39 37 20 474 261 212 27 28 1,440 19,926 105 84 4 18 579 8,445 1 130 89 44 2 050 5,229 45 25 0 14 234 2,451 367 238 09 67 1,806 18,698 163 152 36 13 1,027 8,194 126 77 48 1 566 1 30,354 1 ) 53-] 402 88 51 2,776 1,108 182 59 145 52 1 5,754 102 95 6 1 520 1 11,193 “ " 5 5^ £ ■l’£ »'■. :Vo. oj /'amilies rvlievet! Pormanonffyr 112 196 42 125 269 278 533 228 93 201 90 107 345 121 52 73 534 288 266 1,526 529 no 85 397 138 498 233 227 252 284 388 518 208 339 143 243 337 144 529 332 228 420 102 289 582 270 715 1,.570 224 255 216 130 238 589 451 252 267 619 471 244 850 329 822 363 341 396 656 329 638 143 114 626 217 300 167 862 509 161 472 532 306 ■h. 1824. -d- 160 237 77 150 261 221 715 269 90 188 100 99 428 143 47 78 802 447 112 1,402 635 210 132 479 169 462 220 175 202 409 459 068 271 300 163 265 395 155 621 236 169 386 229 309 719 283 713 1,415 302 289 245 164 255 544 627 320 204 641 568 255 945 257 782 148 500 406 505 430 632 169 95 756 218 195 115 814 508 189 1,369 394 302 25 25 6 19 34 34 84 21 7 25 16 14 46 15 6 12 76 43 38 214 74 23 10 49 21 66 34 33 28 38 52 65 23 40 45 29 51 27 69 37 25 61 14 34 81 18 107 163 34 38 35 19 30 72 77 39 32 46 56 35 108 52 108 29 32 48 i — 70 ! - 45 83 16 16 80 30 34 22 103 62 20 186 62 40 < .5 47 w i-i 12 4 10 1 1 0 19 6 225 21 9 3 5 3 10 5 5 11 5 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 8 5 12 1 9 324 9 3 1 8 5 2 5 2 5 10 3 4 10 17 15 2 12 11 5 150 il 11 7 12 4 I 4 137 3 50 — 67 234 88 74 241 137 250 470 99 .u <8 a *- £ f S G — 321 K 56 Cl 2 17 12 38 1 7 40 1 10 26 20 Ct 14/ 1^ 6 26 37 I “5 5^ c 'f 4571-1045 PoPOGAPHiCAL l*osiTioN, PO I* U L ATIO N, t'C'C. &c., of tlie principal Towns and Parishes, in part of the Counties of Nouthijmbehland, I’liMBiioKE, and Cornwali.. Iroin Tenliey, 1 1 tVom Pembroke, 9 from Haverlordwest, and a- boMt S. of Carrlinan : The l}oroui;h of Si. Michaels, No. d63.‘J and 1, is on the Mail line of road from Launceston lhroii{»li Truro to the Lands Knd; it is 7 miles N. of Trnro, about the same 4» iya ialaod, batwaan Criooitln and PwUliali,— aaa Noa. 1606 - 9. — ® •• i ’ Ckirt Ifimdrpd, ^ I Jleoaatjfa/tf whiofa iooludea alto 4651 Llaii-sillin .... 3 IV. of Osivestry 2 t -rhaiadr-yn-I\Ioclinant 9 do. 3 » -saint-fiVaid-Glynn-Ceirig. 4 Llangollen tl2i 6?. tK. o/ Ojta-e. ?s f4655 Haniner Far. 6 A'. A'. £. 1 ^' t7/es. .-5 6 Overton *5 A'.o/ do. Y=^i|li=“ . 7 Hangor 4^ E. S. E. of U rexham 8 Worthenbury .. iN.o/ Jiangnr fct" ; - j o = 9 Pen ley I E.of Overlon i 1 1” 14660 Hope 1 t Iscoyd 3 A'. 5 s >.55 O ^ S “ g" IJ, cs jC ® « !f £ >* ? ® S >2 he % Shuddfan Hundred, Flintshire ; which eludes Also No. 6€3 & 5 ■, St. Asaph, is oa Mail line of road to Holyhead by Chester, dis 27 miles ; 10 W. of Holywell, bid'll : the distances of Nos. 4h08 — 4701, im : J4700 Newmarket 3 A. ply from si. As.ph. ^ j Dyseitb Jsdulas llund., iVidZ St. George § 5 IP. (/ Si. Asaph which includes Y 3 Bettws-yn-Rhos 3 A. i)/*AZ. Geo. also Nos. 1645 — 8 . S £ 2 £ ^ u E o H ® o> ,:d ? 6ii*c . Ea-°w 2s o I X •£ s S .i ’j = 5 I 5* s £ ■■ h « <3 4* ^ .O 9 a .ts e oS 4 Llan-ellan .. 5 W.of Abergele 5 Gartbgarmon Parochial Chapel. ../4706 *Bettws-y-Coed t46 I t 7 Dol-wyddelan ZS.W.ofB. ' 8 *Penmachno .... 65. of do. 9 *Llan-rhycbwyn 1 N.W. of 4710 *Tref-riw 2 do. Llan -rwst 11 *Llanbeder-y-cennin 4 do. 12 *t,'aer-bun 5 do. 13 Maenan 1 Gyfiin 15 Llan-dwrog 4 5. qY Carnarv. 16 « wnda.. 5 do. do. 17 " llyfin ..9 do. do. 18 « aelbaiararn ...... . 19 Clynnog ,c4720 Beddgelert 235 ►.) 1 Llan-fibangel-y-Penant... 2 n ystin-dwy 3 " armon 4 Aberercb ....bE.of Pwllheli I .s 0 k Sumber of In- habited Houses in 1801 No of Per. sons in 1801. Total Number of Persons in Idll Number of In ■ habited Houses in 1S21 AuMOer oj Families in 18 ' 2 l. I Total Number \ (f Persons in 1S*21 HI- ■“Jls o S .. B C ^ 1 3 * “ t S. 1 5 ? ^ i ; 5 *f A'o. of Pan relieved iUes 1 ft 1.1 v> k k Number of Persons in Friendly .'ioctelies |1 It W.9 B • 0.B 1- ! alt others not inclis- dedin the preceding j Chiefly employed in Agriculture e k ^ H e . •a. ^ ^3 ^ ^ ^ 1 §'l\ ll' £*' X k ** k c k £ £ k ft Vj s C sic C s ft < •ft k .ft •S 1815. 1- 1824. 273 599 43 406 1,048 1,347 236 172 50 41 1,448 8,196 JL 542 :i67 64 24 95 140 ok 14 369 502 147 1,220 1,869 E974 434 363 77 4 2,229 6,435 647 990 97 33 — 78 III 302 124 38 464 431 109 27 74 12 489 1,502 185 208 23 13 — 5 530 960 611 1,081 2,598 2,897 711 287 260 216 3,535 1,807 1,804 1,130 204 113 930 64 362 490 124 1,302 1,916 1,939 479 431 89 12 2,771 9,914 i,in3 1,147 94 120 190 125 271 910 67 256 1,233 1,563 309 126 81 122 1,668 5,800 103 367 6 18 19 407 22 227 664 149 388 1,201 1,103 246 140 68 54 1,232 13,351 519 524 13 2 80 2M 56 96 130 23 377 530 511 119 72 22 25 658 6,804 317 394 22 40 100 5 68 155 9 192 356 460 72 23 12 52 605 2,385 160 107 17 — 15 40 3 396 1,007 54 863 1,921 2,250 493 270 08 162 2 498 6,403 652 — — — 80 112 16 335 463 433 9(i 85 9 2. 509 3,440 144 219 20 — 15 28 5 — — — — 399 102 40 20 44 504 — — — — — — — 76 435 43 15 493 480 93 75 14 9 519 3,764 299 , 282 32 — 25 — 18 I.S06 2,165 2,647 3,527 8,399 8,975 2,1*25 541 915 763 11,081 11,746 2,379 2,041 320 25 227 1,7P6 542 238 1,054 201 25 1,280 1,403 267 179 51 53 1,432 10,816 572 597 21 — 38 — — 540 2,209 453 42 2,707 3,131 607 504 78 49 3,160 2,278 1,648 1,502 142 160 560 137 287 149 84 396 \ 629 700 133 59 23 69 743 1,557 413 320 37 8+*) — 8 57 115 17 128 260 329 62 33 83 23 394 1,831 187 238 22 — 12 — 7 66 249 18 — 267 290 78 13 15 54 351 115 107 14 — 5 Go 11 259 1,2*17 60 — 1,307 1,397 299 114 33 154 1,610 525 517 64 — 51 — 27 86 223 7 218 448 529 93 34 6 62 541 1,960 224 208 34 — 7 146 10 343 56 155 904 1,155 1,292 234 52 132 80 1,294 6,281 688 064 54 — 43 120 70 81 56 9 10 422 356 82 32 63 4 431 2,747 374 332 — — 60 — 12 277 80 84 934 1,098 1,033 323 289 Go 1 1,448 2,356 585 620 49 — 26 — 17 81 89 18 330 437 421 88 84 5 1 462 2,261 319 345 39 — 26 — 27 204 1,016 21 12 1,049 1,043 253 222 40 7 1,206 6,581 809 705 45 — 113 — 46 142 — 11 — 697 '660 148 153 23 3 909 2,829 521 552 34 ___ 24 — 30 91 51 7 385 443 534 99 83 18 5 657 2,S09 235 309 — — 48 — 12 94 175 64 221 460 651 119 83 22 15 578 2,117 292 229 26 28 1 14 144 372 29 373 774 770 124 1.50 11 2 850 8,428 704 707 47 — 55 — 18 69 256 24 — 380 378 95 64 22 11 470 2,251 219 237 16 — 34 — 13 127 68 52 4 526 508 174 72 59 52 775 1,007 367 378 23 — 27 .r— 6 133 196 35 444 675 638 124 118 16 2 606 4,471 632 707 06 — — 9 531 299 794 1,298 2,391 2,714 686 208 504 46 3,195 6,859 1,218 1,180 136 24 225 132 434 396 54 1,509 1,959 2,212 470 349 146 20 2,455 14,118 1,657 1,672 170 34 — 23 182 135 31 16 957 910 208 188 13 16 1,086 4,665 619 537 41 45 — 14 66 185 40 117 342 349 84 46 34 4 359 1,161 143 135 4 — 27 12 15 243 502 64 675 1,148 1,221 287 252 32 9 1,311 5,534 580 716 56 42 — 3 146 259 33 483 776 994 204 155 39 10 1,004 2,741 321 495 33 9 — 14 141 295 39 259 593 842 157 135 18 5 783 2,887 348 433 65 — — — 19 183 94 34 750 850 934 184 139 32 13 971 3,998 368 384 42 — 33 — 89 182 240 34 577 851 941 204 173 27 6 1,026 4,016 312 272 49 — 28 — 55 92 209 12 215 436 500 106 33 14 60 603 2,288 223 185 30 — 10 — — 85 170 14 197 381 400 77 54 6 21 453 816 164 180 14 — 21 — 1 69 — — — 383 395 82 43 11 28 421 1,415 82 166 7 — 20 — — 342 530 89 1,083 1,702 1,692 371 300 34 37 1,854 9,428 1,619 1,537 114 — 77 — 57 272 1,-137 78 — 1,515 1,520 452 104 152 341 2,755 8,992 1,750 1,233 110 59 114 — 76 91 01 15 536 597 622 129 116 13 — 670 3,104 306 250 25 — 23 — 8 123 448 22 2 825 877 138 151 28 14 845 4,870 533 541 49 — 37 - 6 93 23 201 227 451 409 87 27 22 68 523 1,289 230 183 30 — 7 — — 96 100 335 1 436 486 127 91 36 — 585 1,429 246 259 28 — 14 115 2 62 64 13 263 340 330 66 69 10 2 345 1,950 187 284 20 — 33 — — 141 718 36 24 778 805 171 139 32 4 897 2,745 275 414 — 24 9 — 5 87 228 3 1 454 551 101 52 17 37 627 1,604 208 285 21 — 19 — 7 — — — — — — 156 140 20 3 709 — 84 36 14 35 359 350 81 30 9 42 389 591 122 136 12 — 11 10/0 112 54 19 — 492 609 117 49 2 68 605 909 113 110 — — 19 — 3 173 40 18 — 674 893 182 54 22 118 1,033 2,262 — 311 — — — — — 80 337 39 — 376 473 105 58 6 41 540 810 185 90 26 — 28 — — 70 36 24 240 301 321 80 31 13 33 373 446 73 62 11 — 12 — — 81 354 63 3 420 477 82 68 IS — 476 1,556 173 176 24 — 5 8 43 196 216 69 1 |i07 950 145 00 19 37 1,008 2,671 286 276 13 — 79 — 81 Si9 4 2 427 Tli 73 3 444 2 lil 203 IG 17 85 10 472 512 101 88 6 7 636 2^048 274 260 24 — 5 — 6 202 262 51 862 1,175 1,593 343 302 21 25 1,749 3,828 569 634 67 — 37 — — 157 139 15 672 826 1,023 225 139 85 1 1,141 3,102 340 349 — — 89 — — 164 131 18 723 872 1,128 265 1.50 91 25 1,182 2,532 369 294 — — 48 — 10 IIG — 12 — 542 587 122 68 7 53 616 1,936 113 142 26 — 11 — — 235 250 33 966 1,249 1,508 323 245 64 24 1,695 4,503 448 382 83 — 4 — — 96 215 7 245 467 747 120 105 11 1 613 487 229 397 50 — 27 — — 80 95 10 — 427 484 109 109 6 — 632 2,586 137 254 14 — 26 — 3 178 856 119 — 975 1,057 222 180 68 5 1,200 2,938 281 368 16 — — . 8 154 20 389 563 527 108 96 ' 13 4 628 2,310 128 167 31 — 1 11 3 1 231 204 923 2 1,129 1,128 276 230 1 40 2 1,408 2,275 288 415 36 — 31 1 - s 4G51 — 1003 4G04 — 4724 Principal Towns and Parishes in the Counties of Denbigh, Flint, and Carnarvon : Llangollen, Wrexham, Denbigh, Ruthin, ^-c., Sfc. 472G — 4800 72 ropoGRAi’HiCAi, Position, POPULATION, &c., &c., of the Principal Towns, and Parishes, in the Counties of Montgomery, iM LuioNLr II, }UuNOK, anti Hiiecon. The allidue of Plitiliinmon Mountain, lying between Machynlleth and Llanidloes, No. 4750, is 2,403 feet above the level of the Sea. MONTUOMKRY, and the IMaoet u.-ted hy an London tu Cafuarvun by wav of'iMir. 2U77, do.. O fr< m I.uiidou ; Mon()(»t «i I’linllmainii County, burdrring nu CardiKaiitIjirp, and rum in a di idloe*. Newluwn, Welthpuul, and Lluiidri f’aiterly oourie to SbrPWkhury, ami from Ihriipe S. K north, Bewdlay, WoriP«lcr, lewkeihufy, Ginuceilpi Pitremity of Ihe County, ia 1 1 mi Ira N. of Uhayailpr, 32 H, by N. of Abfryaiwilh : No. 4 L. of tiuillb ■, Ne Kiugtoo, and 11 N. E. uf Kuillh. are on the line of road from ll^urei denoliot; the distance haiilk of the Severn, at the 'll Chirbury, No, 2005, and '2t fial pariallel with the Severn to the Elleauiere Canal to I. at the S. ratremity of the reilion N. N. E. past Lhiu- n vvh'-iioo It takes a mor* . to Colebro"k Dale, IJridga. , See. ; I.Unidlora, at the S. I9S. K. of MBthynllrlh, i erge the County w, 10 S. ol Bishops Castle, eron, by way of Hay a V Radnor, ia 7 miles \V. - ^ ^ o 00 ^ .iJ ^ © "o © ._ . a; ^ ^ © <- _ a I * i i«s-^ **‘ j5 f S ^4720 f4730 I 1 I '3 < 3 I I 5 f) 7 8 9 4740 1 2 3 4 L 9 . 3 ; K |Z g o-s "ill! a si = r 0 7 8 I 9 _ r47.'50 -i 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 I 9 L L47G0 if a } t IMontgomery *109 ( lunch Stoke 4 E. nf Montgom. Moughtrey, with Eskirgilog .. Kerry, Lower and Upper Herriew * 173 Maiiafon 0 IK. Iiy N. of Herriew Bettw's.... 7 \V . (f Montyumury Tregynon .... 7 N. of Newtown Aberhafesp t 3 W.o/do. see 410. Llandyssel II wydellan Castle-Caereineon * 170 Forden . . 3j N. » ® 155 144 131 26 972 932 221 143 328 111 333 772 859 193 88 180 47 255 482 470 100 290 644 352 702 1,758 1,855 315 302 407 171 1,149 2,059 2,130 421 (iO 131 20 175 326 019 113 121 403 05 193 723 707 1.50 87 323 34 282 639 058 117 70 102 17 350 475 527 91 111 158 54 443 645 758 167 87 231 08 101 400 522 95 130 235 27 479 750 715 137 115 168 17 880 1,071 730 117 504 — 170 1,343 2,523 2,608 578 130 178 32 447 057 733 144 119 222 02 37(i 000 711 140 95 237 12 244 493 511 100 183 283 45 744 1,048 1,054 214 437 274 73 1,017 1,394 1,508 346 318 — — — 1,633 1,526 352 105 180 49 585 814 818 173 133 68 24 538 630 657 143 64 33 18 170 227 382 71 54 40 4 199 243 468 100 385 436 208 1,493 2,127 2,855 463 165 192 49 679 920 850 180 55 91 133 90 320 311 60 140 225 307 206 858 9.56 175 111 505 46 1 551 559 no 208 729 197 048 1,574 1,620 267 408 423 743 1,115 2,282 2,380 621 258 575 327 524 1,426 1,559 297 227 472 448 582 1,502 1,6.54 270 205 525 131 546 1,202 1,250 232 122 341 220 180 !41 823 158 344 1,20? 534 2 1,743 1,6.57 276 116 339 47 415 801 774 no 107 77 90 710 877 810 179 114 119 24 001 744 712 140 251 263 70 1,030 1,309 1,417 302 24(i 115 49 979 1,143 1,211 273 53 59 13 179 241 234 53 152 160 50 590 800 794 181 157 304 310 201 815 815 203 259 629 i 284 792 1,705 1,902 350 486 858 1 520 1,001 2,445 2,305 309 271 101 210 115 105 430 4.52 90 290 298 1 57 836 1,191 1,309 243 208 933 1 24 3 900 1,104 249 630 574 200 2,115 2,949 3,004 780 139 080 20 2 702 607 138 207 232 1 42 1 793 1,009 947 187 72 54 40 204 398 487 101 275 180 35 1,017 1,232 1,481 300 101 70 15 548 033 590 no 76 30 21 309 300 301 10.5 87 77 44 433 554 579 123 194 90 94 803 1,057 1,211 291 359 1,295 127 499 1,921 1,917 411 225 90 119 729 938 1,118 253 43 54 10 140 201 321 62 191 553 27 278 858 1,100 224 72 222 0 205 433 400 78 1.50 482 74 212 768 821 109 109 — 0 — 1,221 1,094 201 79 17 44 313 374 440 III 107 70 25 102 519 1,150 129 680 1,510 1.57 1,613 3,310 3,547 701 257 305 803 02 1,170 1,341 330 no 118 70 393 511 609 131 259 284 217 695 1,214 1,311 207 59 120 15 159 294 310 08 137 210 45 409 724 740 115 99 139 32 345 510 441 102 1 78 177 32 III 383 351 83 1 90 408 20 30 458 580 129 Number oj 135 120 44 181 334 88 103 92 32 100 45 no 114 338 149 90 98 181 133 329 80 90 20 37 458 144 34 78 81 292 183 211 178 71 158 105 74 129 132 131 243 27 144 117 227 55 129 53 109 88 287 98 84 43 131 75 47 40 22 350 25 44 180 49 103 214 8 56 5.55 65 !I3 138 20 104 51 52 51 5^ 88 44 23 00 104 25 25 27 80 50 41 24 9 113 22 32 19 32 137 41 23 27 47 0 202 29 11 28 28 10 434 105 100 209 23 133 02 58 19 59 44 5 33 20 31 78 28 5 27 101 318 5 23 20 38 25 23 84 115 72 222 18 30 9 30 10 08 38 157 275 30 51 48 10 15 22 20 24 02 119 11 8 42 10 2 22 28 20 2 152 4 24 9 112 3 70 30 34 63 75 31 29 103 15 92 1 37 1 24 1 3 2 179 23 8 70 108 170 114 41 107 230 43 93 49 138 30 00 0 174 34 27 11 38 23 48 5 54 55 50 35 0 119 0 43 17 < I 1,002 957 514 2,038 2,334 679 853 714 552 870 557 752 880 3,121 833 724 573 1.190 1.700 1.701 930 745 402 530 2,514 986 319 1,024 616 1,636 3,145 1,784 1,804 1,372 910 1,883 857 923 803 1,742 1,375 273 783 910 1,878 1,103, 1,304 ' 407 1,385 1,100 3,588 702 <«>5 471 1,444 700 527 080 1,387 2,180 1.191 382 1,299 404 974 1,141 017 Oil 3,809 l,(i49 095 1,439 300 082 519 3(i0 rm 5,235 4,024 1,425 1,194 10,020 2,934 3,033 2,848 2,179 3,153 1,705 2,324 4,075 15. . 505 4,043 2,714 4,142 6,271 5,ii9f) 8,060 3,862 2,008 505 1,890 0,323 2,580 805 2,804 2,261 5,764 5,170 2,782 3,340 4,191 1,210 5,649 2,732 3,022 3,929 0,884 4.857 900 4,334 3.809 8,509 0,214 1,693 4,407 3.810 8,844 1.857 3,850 1,108 4,135 3.. 551 1,345 2,387 6,959 13,179 3,119 1,413 5,004 1,032 4,124 5,079 658 1,779 18,082 4,490 3,1.51 5,409 1,970 3,702 1 ,820 1,517 2,910 ! 5 ' ! !|P «?3S uor. Ne. 478S to Tregarron , HellOi, oalled aU<. LUntai', l4 eu lha , 10 of lllo i lloy, by «i wsjr ot Lis HrJiKSnih roiollT o( 1 UUBiT, bur< eri »( on Kadeerslite. M miles N. nl Brecon i 19 N, MT. 4 s . — > •5 * 1 R R r? *x y of Otesbury ; 14 S. S. K. •>! ULayader ; and 70 8 ut Newtown, iibadara-Pyadd, No 47H9. dll. 7*tib t 90 N . N, \V of Cunu«rlhen | 93 N. of Narbsilh { 70 N K of H«vsrlar4w«st : and 39 N. B of St. Davids, bv way of Newport, and bguard,|be loraar dit. 10, aad the latter 17 miles •o % e 6. R s 9 ts e-elsB a ■5 2 N. Pi 1 •Ec b •« $ c C*' O « U (2 “8 .a'a at t'S ^ "a iifi •s. •« *jc i 2 •2 ** 6 ^ — — .... (9 O " *S ■5 a > 181.5. 1824. !? a >.a. -£- 1,849 -i- 121 -£- 92 CHfkhowoM Hu MO also f 4801 Llan-beder 2 N.of Cricklwurll 7<> 133 26 150 309 319 73 47 12 18 331 15 ud.. 2 II filiangel-CvvndO Par. * 1.53 171 295 72 285 753 928 221 158 36 27 1,010 5,538 543 486 26 27 — Nos. l»— 197. :< 68 173 113 88 374 363 96 59 30 7 381 2,913 225 147 19 7 Sin « 8 = r r4804 Llausaintfraod *160 — — — — 204 37 29 7 4 215 1,8.59 175 112 12 2 — S 5 ..fl. S ■= " 5 » iiamlacli * 163 6 a vrvnacli 1 W . of Llunlni. 67 101 38 139 278 282 288 59 63 43 41 15 16 2 9 277 340 ■ 3,711 85 5 153 t 143 -- 3 - ? S . 2 a “"O 7 f \i^an 'i W.ol' Llansaiinf. 62 182 16 90 288 541 126 92 26 17 633 5,568 404 287 30 11 63 — > g i '*'1 -6 2 o ^ o o "o a 8® " •- 8 » thetty 2 S. of do. 134 337 9 133 479 407 81 72 7 12 514 1,153 132 265 13 4 516 9 Brecon • 166 499 272 654 1 650 2,.576 3,196 930 174 574 240 4,193 2,930 836 1,247 75 38 1,267 ‘«r “ s a - X r 4B10 St. David N St. John, out Parisbet of Brecon 67 211 25 81 322 283 56 35 21 286 1,612 230 290 32 15 t L * r “ in i II Llan-spy thid *169 112 348 25 158 .531 448 103 92 14 — 511 3,483 222 353 25 22 "^“■p s - u o» - h* Vi^ 12 Trallong .... 7 IT. Hrecon 61 127 19 148 294 313 62 43 14 6 336 1,967 196 199 17 6 s'! r 1 13 Builtii (WN.ofdo.) tl70 108 118 161 268 677 815 197 25 230 9 946 2,430 223 267 21 8 644 ’^Z a 0 sZ 14 Llan-afan-fawr t 17.5 145 488 4 1 831 848 154 128 15 20 903 3,706 217 374 26 — w < 0 B 15 » -gamniarch 1 179 125 758 19 3 780 909 133 109 20 26 992 3,163 304 368 85 — 222 < c <5 .a „ • } 16 » -wrthwl con. to lihuyud. 87 385 5 1 391 475 102 69 5 38 517 1,429 281 302 19 4 "Z 1 17 II fihangel-bryn-Pabjoan 62 341 9 1 350 308 64 32 8 35 366 1,864 18 88 9 12 — g 1 18 u v,’rtyd(i]V.(g'Llan-gam. 68 330 7 337 307 62 56 1 10 373 884 121 82 13 30 ■S'Sie c'Sai L' 1 19 II liliangel-Aber-gwessyn 97 403 27 30 437 527 108 52 6.7 060 1,601 88 1.50 21 21 138 r • ■ ' 4820 Tregarron *202 236 443 254 340 1,035 1,133 235 223 47 1 1,307 6,095 218 2:10 43 — “ 5 1 1 Llanbadarn-Odyn 64 198 14 100 312 401 87 44 10 34 467 1,610 38 62 9 — ■C 1 2 Strata- Florida 101 228 122 173 523 641 126 116 10 — 709 — 152 220 26 ^ a 0 3 Llan-geitho 5 S. of Tregarron 54 97 15 138 250 279 66 27 11 33 332 790 30 54 8 •S -'-w ff 4 Blaen-Penal 7 N. N. W. of do. 59 198 24 109 331 403 90 36 20 35 473 700 31 82 7 ® f? ^ rr rt Os 1 5 Gorwydd ^ 308 668 26 501 1,195 ! 440 144 90 33 21 522 2,475 29 133 5 1 — 2 ^ • 0 » 1 6 Llan-cldewi-brefi 3 A. o/ do. ! 1,145 239 168 34 46 1,314 199 236 28 8 ;> .2 0 1 7 Nantcwnlle8 IV ffW.of Lam. 99 347 18 92 457 569 141 41 24 74 035 860 82 96 9 2 ■6lo ? 7 Mothvey .... Z S. of Llandovery 202 850 32 52 934 1,085 219 92 112 18 1,110 3,207 313 328 49 22 319 i< 8 Llan-sadwrn 6 S W. ofLlangado. 186 464 95 248 807 955 200 140 105 3 1,246 3,879 257 212 35 14 80 3 S « 5 0. 9 II -ddoysaint 3 E. of do. 148 411 23 248 682 807 138 122 16 — 854 2,367 123 205 23 9 S 1’ =“'^ a 4860 « -gadock.. 22 W . of Brecon 373 1,663 42 116 1,821 1,964 391 328 97 50 2,484 6,767 745 849 100 27 501 1 .2 1 Lan-dilo-fawr Town. . . .* 201 136 247 152 248 647 776 194 1 145 86 1,019^ r 139 i ^ .2 L> i 2 Part of Par. in Perfedd 172 490 47 359 903 893 185 151 33 7 1,062 < 13,046 1,296' 3771 184 18 878 .. * • 3 do. S. in Iskennan 157 249 33 393 675 1,2.58 266 219 52 16 1,475 r 382 r — a; g .2 5 ft 4 do. N. in Cayo 214 466 39 491 996 1,103 199 125 56 38 1,1 12> t 424 !' c;-J IsiU ^ 5 Talley 7 N.of Llandillo 164 275 48 499 822 880 156 113 25 19 1,084 4,648 161 191 35 . _ 9 114 §1 Z-o"* 8 6 Llansawel .... 8 do. 121 5.57 43 173 773 849 133 114 28 32 919 3,715 131 227 28 7 25 > 7 « wrda 5 S. IF. of Llandovery 104 425 70 — 495 494 102 77 19 12 .528 2,090 145 166 22 9 104 c; *■ 2 S 8 Conwil Gayo 7 IF. N. W.oJ do. 334 663 87 446 1,668 1,696 398 387 44 126 1,880 6,365 296 510 53 85 1 9 Llandefeyson — — — — — — 49 14 8 35 226 3s; 14870 Cyly cwra 334 1,457 41 7 1,485 1,434 274 272 47 — 1,459 4,523 254 428 28 63 333 C 1 Llanvihaugel Aber bythch .... 118 464 10 180 654 718 169 131 18 34 867 2,817 243 257 38 14 67 T 3^ B ~K> ) 2 n debie 2 S.E.oJ Llanvihangel 309 972 55 486 1,513 1,787 428 324 93 11 2,077 5,305 379 433 60 7 202 ©ea* o i 3 a Bettws 6 do. do. 111 507 10 21 538 608 139 130 9 — 1,026 1,.593 141 118 20' 8 li SbS: I r t 4 n ddarog 6 S. IF. of do. 132 670 8 12 690 753 177 163 39 9 939 3,029 226 205 29 5 ; 159 5 • non * 216 191 404 27 1,206 1,233 1 1,199 272 223 50 3 1,396 5,259 366 407 56 - 31 ! 345 1 K at fa 24 2 43 33 29/0 3 14 7 24 5 5 13/4 120 13 5 15 1 5 H IS 9 26 2 60/0 4B01 — 4033 4834 — 4875 Frincipal Towns and rarishes in the Cminties of Brecon, Cardigan, and East part of Carmarthenshire ; Brecon, Tregarron, Lampeter, Sfc., Sfc. 74 4876 — 4947 Topogaphical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c., of the principal Towns and Parishes, in the County of Glamorgan, ana Remaining part of the County of Carmarthen. 1 no I owo Ol nm 1 n ‘ oftb* Towo 7 Kifor, 316 mileo from Loa< — , CHokhewoHr Rto., ooUd bv *a • in Ibo procedlog Paj^o , and 330 t Uriolol, Iho Nawpaioago, ISowporl, 8 m., nolod by an * balow, and bf Olouooilor and Ct«P»«ow, the two latter roads oultlng 3 miles Moek Inn,— see Note below i^l is 47 miles S. of Aberystwitb. by peter and Llan-llbysUdd. & 30 S. B. of Cardirao. bjr vriy of Nesrcasl The Riser Towey rises In Cardu'aasbire, and for abont 10 miles for dary between tbat Coontj and meokagek, before it enters Carmi It rone past Llaoderery, Llaogadof, and Llandillo to Carmartbec is NaTieablo fur Vessels uf oonsideiable burthen, and falls Into < between St. Ismaels, and Llaastephen ; St, Davids, No. 1570, the ero poini of Oreat Britain Is 46 olios West of Carmarthen, making the nearest line of road tbroagb Carmarthen 363 miles, but as it is of Oreenwleb, iU m*a» distanaa from Ilyda Park Corner, is only Z £“S S • Iiliiffl 2 z 2 -i: & Sllf” rM7 Part of Llangevelach C Parish near Swansea,^ — sen Nos. 300-1. (. ;76 Caerphilly .... *147 7 Eglws-clan Parish.... 8 Llan-vabon 9 Gelli-gaer 80 Whitchurch 1 Llandaff *158 2 Pentyrch 3 Llantwitvairdre 4 » -wonns 5 Ystrad-devdwg 6 St. Nicholas .... * 164 7 St. Fagans 8 Wenoe ■2-^' 9 Llancarvan "■!)0 Penmark 1 St. Andrew 2 Twenty other Parishes 3 CowBRIDGE .... *171 4 Llanblethian 5 » twitmajor tiy 6 Welch St. Donats .... ^ 7 Llanhary 8 n haran 9 Fifteen other Parishes 90 Caychureh *177 1 Laleston 2 St. Brides Minor 3 Bettws 4 Llangonvyd Parish ,. 3 St. Brides in Ogmore... 6 11 other Par. of Ogm H. 7 Baglan *192 8 Britton Ferry .. *193 9 Michaelston 10 Llantivit 11 Glyn-Corwg 12 Kil-y-bebill .KIlliH llllPt? flp’-" 3 i«2 S 2 o'S^'Sl I pll|||| 4913 Penderry 14 Rhyndroy-Clydach.. 15 Llanguick .?f4916 Llangendeirm *225 17 « deveylog 18 « wnnor 19 Newchurch *230 4920 Abernaut-cum-Convil .... 1 Treleach-ar-Bettws 2 Llanpumpsaint 3 « llawddog 4 Kilrhedin 5 W. ofVith. M. 5 Penboyr A N. E.nf do. 6 Llangeler | Newcastle. . . . 7 Kennarth 8 Llanegwad .... 9 » fynyddT W.of Llandi. 4930 * tihangel-Rhos-y-Corn 1 r -y-Crwys 2 Pencarregt 3 Llan-y-byther t 4 // llooney | 5 » flhangel-Ar-Arth . . . . 6 a gathen 7 Mydriin *240 8 Llanivinio 8 IV. W. of Car. 9 « gunnach 4940 « dowror * 242 1 IViffech ZW. of Llandouror 2 Idangan 7 tV. hy N. of,St. C. ^ 3 Henlan Aingoed I 5 Llandisilio L 6 Kil-y-Maenlywdd 4917 lAARBERTH *253 ^1. Number of Inhabited Houses No. of Persons m 1801 Number of Inhab- ited Houses in 1821 Number of Families in 1821 Total Number of Persons in 1821 . if m m _ ^ liiffl iift? snap jV). 0^ relie Families Number of Persons in Friendly Societies 487G — 4912 ncipal Towns and 1 iriysoivj »,» , 17 ^ Total Number oj Persons in 1811 . ved relieved occa- sionally ii II ft do. in Trade Manufactures or Handicraft all others riot included in the vreceedins TOTAL 1 Ckiefiy Employd ‘ 1 in Agriculture 1 do. in Trade Man. 1 or Handicra ft all others not in- cluded in the pre. out of Work- house in Workhouse 1815. 1824. 153 22 56 780 859 1,013 192 49 106 41 899 ot —et -j;- pW 260 152 38 837 1,027 1,296 345 179 82 89 1,604 3,199 956 722 97 — 30 714 299 224 414 914 1,.552 594 133 48 34 58 681 312 312 274 31 — 12 249 664 31 376 1,056 1,022 201 104 31 66 1,247 14,652 697 439 43 — 31 IIS 2 153 107 180 409 696 997 231 150 77 4 972 3,400 423 330 41 — 25 471 — §• 191 700 100 60 860 960 250 226 29 — 1,138 2,042 — 536 — 96 250 31 189 470 475 153 79 71 5 747 808 249 322 — — 35 12 12 ^ 81 38 13 4 405 469 124 64 19 60 610 3,838 360 325 29 — 28 104 — — — 426 775 153 67 7 86 1,044 2,301 338 426 27 — 6 50 5 p 109 128 30 384 542 973 176 95 66 24 985 4,575 345 433 32 — 10 52 g 60 90 29 200 319 320 61 52 16 2 32*- 328 707 193 22 1,630 2,112 427 172 67 202 2,117 8,222 756 644 121 4 36 343 25 2 2 215 894 182 32 1,108 1,008 200 137 51 13 1,236 7,178 453 419 44 7 15 213 3 S W 158 478 36 7 824 929 176 156 20 15 950 6,011 462 376 114 — 9 155 504 4 — 508 679 156 133 21 2 769 2,621 317 411 66 — 11 240 1,092 22 212 1,326 1,566 361 301 47 18 1,994 4,758 397 571 84 — 27 65 15 ^ 231 454 44 537 1,035 1,131 263 97 171 1 1,292 4,029 £28 361 53 — 12 127 0 ■« 93 381 20 — 401 449 104 68 26 28 515 1,.503 146 189 — 3 31 3 » ^1 92 469 3 — 472 609 139 89 18 32 739 2,088 172 249 26 — 5 2 S 149 309 50 373 732 740 205 67 34 103 911 629 146 128 25 — 6 — a 175 405 12 360 777 850 229 115 55 59 1,123 2,612 213 221 44 — 11 — *•{ 272 431 73 788 1,292 1,377 350 197 148 8 1,.573 3,239 215 341 65 — 13 — - r 273 416 94 799 1,309 1,399 340 193 121 29 1,635 2,922 260 330 44 — 10 — a 311 845 167 543 1,557 1,803 411 275 143 4 2,070 6,706 1,409 730 222 — 161 130 62 247 662 65 418 1,145 1,191 277 232 65 2 1,412 4,878 290 349 51 — 27 80 18 92 203 14 320 437 601 126 48 9 69 598 1,722 149 208 28 — 11 _ 0 31 28 6 104 138 262 67 46 11 13 331 1,027 44 67 7 — 10 2 190 324 25 447 824 896 171 78 40 67 1,047 2,745 236 295 2() *- 12 — 167 196 42 471 700 822 199 176 21 3 913 2,356 210 230 25 — 9 — — SI: 121 142 24 439 606 666 148 113 31 4 761 1,780 173 225 27 — 10 — — ^ 227 559 37 583 1,179 1,653 407 275 47 92 1,927 4,841 628 628 93 — (i4 — 164 687 76 245 908 1,017 199 74 53 101 1,171 5,096 387 475 51 — 8 245 49 100 384 29 192 605 856 159 61 20 92 941 3,151 388 366 63 — 28 97 10 g* 142 364 36 260 666 787 193 167 25 1 928 .2,4.52 129 171 26 — 10 - 1 118 447 23 110 587 605 156 120 29 22 807 3,017 255 255 — 69 — 11 j- 47 99 14 103 216 329 71 19 22 35 391 818 56 59 12 — 12 — 88 189 37 191 417 454 103 87 13 3 641 1,4.53 82 105 17 - 6 122 134 101 422 657 60s 126 38 13 83 705 2,414 109 236 1 — 22 — 67 154 18 181 356 466 87 68 12 7 460 1,332 106 120 12 — 14 1 272 564 96 689 1,349 1,169 317 237 85 — 1,621 5,740 684 55 and Norfolk. Ratcliffe. ■S (h-i Tower Liberty I 55 do. Old Precinct • • I Katharine, near the Tower. .57 St. John, Wapping 'S'' a 5 1 George, in the East S I 39 St. Paul, Shadwell, L60 St. Ann, Limehouse ■ 2 ? s f6i St. Mary, Lambeth 62 Christ Church, Blackfriars Road,.... 63 St. Saviours, Southwark 64 St. Olaves, do 65 St. Thomas, and Hospitals 66 St. George the Martyr 67 St. Mar.y, Newington, and Walworth 68 St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey .. . 69 St. John, Horsley Down s 1^70 St. I\Jary, Rotherhitlie •? y 1 1, -S ^ 'k'Sc.J ,586 2,050 1,097 3,497 1,627 610 756 925 505 998 4,029 1,5.50 755 4,790 1.530 2,547 1 ,3.36 178 3,811 2,865 3,137 1.531 1,680 835 37 68 45 305 4,166 181 179 12 4,471 2,399 2,416 241 7.282 5,717 2,699 961 3,864 2,598 811 1,424 1,155 71 126 495 5.56 4,423 1,682 1 .282 7,201 1,669 2,547 1,294 143 4,656 4, .574 3,36.5 1,193 2,695 4,456 487 31 67 45 313 4,995 187 168 1 1 5,517 3,495 1.1,325 747 816 1,592 85 191 1 ,444 1,865 708 3,118 1,063 2,458 2,241 142 16,47U 2,3.33 425 1,239 2,471 8,170 10,41S 5,888 2,546 4,956 3S,743 996 5,504 2,208 8,615 927 77 81 46 621 6,274 347 297 14 7,033 2,228 2,300 j 4,205 267 420 8,269 I 9,224 2,361 -y 1,759 ,030 ,945 3,715 2,420 1,759 I ) 2,030 ( ( 1,945 ) 5,630 941 4,225 4,284 946 2,020 1,136 84 31 427 483 5,345 1,682 1,683 9,294 1,811 2.639 1,221 130 5,149 5,819 4,278 1,527 2,098 1,752 6,141 2,137 1,484 1,107 1,513 145 637 1.. 574 5,771 2,647 1,046 8,812 2.. 563 4,131 2. . 378 350 5,988 3,740 4,283 2,458 2,394 1811. .11,640 ,739 453 1,612 89 265 1,255 1,864 705 3,106 910 2,346 1,969 135 15,448 2,499 449 1,198 2,929 8,.554 7,394 6,297 3,146 5,430 31 95 IS'il. 11, .571 845 414 1,870 75 337 1,415 1,875 859 2,988 872 2,597 2,199 151 38,160 1,026 5,860 1 829 11,999 835 55 70 50 663 7,533 387 295 12 8,499 3,274 16,497 2,356 457 1,247 3,805 9,221 7,440 6,533 4,630 5,733 32 100 41,554 1,156 6,285 2.244 12,255 836 49 63 4P 602 9,720 385 335 11 10,610 4.244 TOTA L Number of PERSONS. 1 1801. 63,832 3,021 1,907 7,078 453 783 .5,511 8,092 3,597 11,446 4,161 10,314 8,689 644 1811. 35,484 3,239 1,796 7,003 459 929 5,741 8,724 3,612 11,704 4,135 9,184 8,297 602 65,696 8,717 1,704 4,992 1 1,637 38.440 .34,462 25,752 8,37 5 17,508 1,685 153,272 3,768 22,205 7,500 36,502 4,144 320 474 281 2,409 23,396 1,428 1,221 249 26,881 10,212 65,425 9,796 1,578 5,304 12,288 41,687 34,093 26,585 10,615 18,680 176 596 4,345 4,752 I 15,091 423 498 I 1,7,52 10,337 12,828 | 34,766 I 2,867 \ "ioi (.2,978) 3,125 4,653 12,730 1,512 6,946 3.. 576 1,426 1,653 1,772 94 220 665 843 6,918 2.. 5.52 1.674 10,171 2.675 4,117 2,051 226 7,2.30 5,389 5, 1 83 2,330 3,530 1,575 7,418 5.399 1,720 2,642 1,718 117 41 685 822 7,612 2.399 2,317 13,047 3,193 4,445 2,105 354 8,901 7,935 6,715 2,209 2,934 6,153 23,666 9,848 5,253 4,493 5,666 563 2,6.52 5,889 21,170 8,828 4,678 27,985 9,933 15,596 7,846 2,888 22,29.3 14,847 17,169 8,892 10,296 162,086 4,224 23,972 7,208 48.536 3,910 287 443 274 2,620 30.537 1,385 1,343 162 32,445 15,065 16,200 1,716 43,9.30 ,33,619 69.260 10,753 1,784 .5,834 15,215 46,384 33, 819 28,252 16,835 22 387 181 641 182,085 4,740 26,492 9,002 51,793 4,010 222 489 268 2,737 39,105 1,487 1.358 144 40,876 22,417 18,6.50 1,896 .52,966 12,619 9,6.5r ) 11,63 (. 11,76 ,636 ,766 16,771 22,494 5,265 27,578 14,4fi5 6,028 7,708 6,998 417 776 2,706 3,313 26,917 9,855 7,386 41,644 1 1 .0. 50 15,349 7,917 1,466 27,967 23,8.53 19. . 5.30 8,370 12,114 6,429 29,407 22,876 7,091 12,223 6,973 463 20S 2,624 .3,078 32,528 9,5.57 9,805 .57,638 1.3,,339 16,H08 8,420 1,807 36,3()8 .3.3,047 2.5,2.35 9,16.3 12,523 Proportion in 1S21. Males ) Females 27,506 1,705 1,111 3.640 212 626 3,078 4,228 1,8.58 6,59.3 1,953 4,796 4.641 309 34,441 5,316 863 2,769 7,285 20,864 16,195 13,618 7,898 9,942 78 254 85,082 2,381 12,316 4,454 24,289 1,905 101 227 97 1,415 18,533 685 641 102 19,987 9,550 9,025 869 24,843 6,195 4;550 5,600 5,808 «,76'6 3,032 14,394 10,1.51 3,396 6.052 3,107 176 99 1 ,.300 1,432 14,740 4,482 4„589 25,792 6,280 8,423 4,154 938 17,516 14,917 12,125 4,379 .5,757 28,6C8 1,844 435 3,648 231 621 3,1.56 4,043 1,896 6,445 2,050 5,344 5,106 371 34,819 5,437 921 3,065 7,930 25,520 17,624 14,634 8,9.37 12,445 103 387 imteuni «/ Bthmatot •/ th* Annual Value of tho Root Broportf ' at attttted to the Properly ISIS orj 731,495 20,274 41,014 7,046 6,400 29,908 41,128 14, .549 43,001 22,265 48.252 44,593 6,442 324,877 84,363 42 74 466 275 155 ,488 962 ,799 ,47 9 ,422 142,387 97,003 2,359 14,176 4,548 27,504 2,105 121 262 171 1,322 20,572 802 717 42 20,889 12,867 9,62 1.02 28,123 6,424 5,065 6,036 5,898 12,728 3,397 15.013 12,725 3,695 6,171 3,866 287 106 1,324 1 ,646 17,788 5,075 5,216 31,846 7,0.59 8,385 4,266 869 18,8.52 18,1,30 13,1 10 4,784 6,7 66 1 , -24 1,903 21,201 124,349 29,17.5 260,241 10,265 98,300 5,599 138,356 103,457 37,695 0.437 159,868 I 69,722 92,674 24,304 99,3.54 61,649 10,761 99,014 21,985 2,367 10,168 23,495 131,074 22,764 31,040 220,618 .56,960 60,472 32,914 2,880 95,374 84,223 65, 13'. 3.5 ,7 67 5 1 ,26 1 71 — 1 11 77 TovaORAPHiCAi, Position, POPULATION, A'c., Ac., of the several Parishes, which compose the METROPOLIS, (and its Environs) of the U ItITISIl EM P IRE. — Continued. in atiditton to the places helotv, stated as constituting the M iTnovohiSt the greate.tt portion of the /oUctving places, as well as several in .Viirrfy and Kent are as viuch identified with it, us are Pad- dington, Chelsea, and Ii^enslngton,-~- see Introduction. Hounstorv is partly in the Parish of Heston, and partly in that of Islesworth. TOTAL within the Bills of MOHTALITY, as ^ preceding Page Tluse Parishes lye O est,and / 71 St. MarY'LB>bone y, IV. o/'Sr. Pauls, form an in- I 7*2 St. Pancras tegral part of the ML'/ BOPOLIS, < 73 Parpinoton Uut are not included within the i 74 St. Luke, Chblsba , 73 Kensinpion . Bills of Mortalityk TOTAL of the METROPOLIS (including Norton Faigate) ’.fe ^•S ® 'S e S ■Sf-W'W.K. ('76 Fulham 4 on the Road to Kingston 77 Hatnmersmith 3J 78 Chiswick 2 W. of Hammersmith 79 Ealing, with Old Bkentford 7 80 New Brentford contignous 81 Heston and Hounslow 9 82 Cranford 12 83 Islewortli IJ 5. «/ Brentford £ ® o 5 84 Twickeniiam 3 do. “ ^ 83 Teddington 4 do. 86 Hampton Court 5 do. 87 do. Wick..... 7 do. 88 Suubury 9 do. 89 Slirpi)erton 12 do. .CQ ^ o-a S-i§ .■« ^9.-. g S’a;t-o . §£ I 90 Bedfont S^W. of Hounslow 1-9* Staines 7 do. do. The distances of these Places up to 100 , imply fhnn TH/burn Gate, or the outer end of Oxford Street which is tniles iT.by A'. o/St. PiULs. Nos. 02-07, are on the Great line of Road into O ales through, If’ycomb, Oxford, Gtou- j cestcr, 4c. Nos. 03 - 99, are on the ■( line of Road to Birmingham, thro’ Watford, Aylesbury, Banbury, 4 Warwick. No. 100, is 9 miles N. of Paddington, which is i a mile from the end of Oxford Street, and the distances of 102 - 4, imply from Paddington. 93 Hanwell 8 94 Norwood, and Southall .. 9 96 Hiliingdon 13 From St. Pancras Church, 98 Edgeware 8 99 Stanmore, Great and Little 10 100 Harrow-on-the-Hill 101 Pinner .... 2 N. IV. of Harrow 102 Twyford .. 5 W. of Paddington I 103 Wiilsden SN.W.of do. 1^104 Kingsbury do. do. ^ 10.3 Hampstead 2^ 31- 1 J mile N. N. W. of St, Pauls. \ 106 Hendon Thedistances of these Highgate, in Hornsey Parish 3 laces, imply from If- 108 Finchley 5 -^ Places, lingtOM 110 Clfipping Barnet (in Herts) Church, which | io9 Wlietstone, and Fryern Barnet fioanii lu" are on t/ie Mil East do. (contiguous) do. lAverpool Mail line oj j ng Hadley-Monken contiguous on the North i^llS South Mims 13 Road. H i 'X 114 Stoke Newington 2 ; 113 Tottenham 4 " 116 Edmonton 6 117 Enfield lo The distances of these Places imply from Shoreditch Church, which is fj mile N, E. o/St. Paul,. Sos. 114-lC, are on the line of the Great North Road through Ware, 4c.. to York and Edinburgh. These Places, and Nos. 3b ~0\, form ("US Feltham 13 the Hundred of Spelthornb, boun- ' 119 Littleton 16* ded on the East by Hlfworth Hundred | . ar, ctamvi,!! -j lir at isr ' V" z> f and on the S. and W. by the Thames J Stanwcll 3 W.N. VF. «,/ Bed. to the point where it is joined by they 1*1 rlanworth 2 E. 0 / Feltham Colne at Staines. Nos. 118- 119, are on I 122 Ashford ,. 2 W. of do. ateriTet Hounslow to 15.3 Laleliam 2 W. of Littleton These 10 Places, with Nos. 80 82, 93, and 07, form the Hundred of Elthorne, bounded on the W. from Staines, to near Rick- . mansworth in Herts., by thej^ River Colne, it is intersected by I the Grand Junction C'unat from ' Brentford past Cowley, llx- I bridge, and Harejield. '124 Perrivale 2 iV. 0/ Hanwell 125 Greenford .. 2 N. W. of do l26N ortholt 2 N. of Southall 127 Cowley .... 1 iS. iV.oJ Uxbridge 128 Ickenham .. SN.E.of do. 129 Rutslip .... 4 do. do. 130 Harefield .... 4 N. of do. I 131 Harlington ... 1 IV. of Cranford I 132 Harmondswortli ..3 do. 1^133 West Drayton ..4 do. East of Whitechapel Church, which is 2 miles East of St. Pauls. ^ f » en t S I 34 St. Leonard, Bromley 135 Stratford-le-Bow . . . rs C ^ - ^ 2 sH*:- 136 West Ham 137 East do. . 138 Barking . 139 Dageuliam Nos. 136-9, lye S. of Stratford. No. 140, E. on the Road to Ipswich, and Nos. 141 - 2, N. on the Road to ChippingOngar. Woodford, is about „ ■( the same distance from Hackney, as-i. 140 Ilforo . from Strafford. Wansf cad, is about 141 Lavton 1 East, and Walthamstow, I North 142 Woodford of Layton. Ilford, No. 140, is in 143 WansteaH Number of IvhiihlM IWVMES, umber of F AMU JUS, TOT A L Number of PERSONS. Proportion in 18*21. Jialimmlts of tk$ Anmnad Vatu 0 of tio H»al propirty as a$t 0 §tt313 J.0I>.948 477,699 534, ‘/49 4,081,17U . 7,W9 8,070 0,701 13^378 17,038 22,510 63,982 75, 62^ 96,040 41,380 64,664 . 4,173 5,820 8,824 7,370 11,472 16,382 31,779 46,333 71,838 31,796 4l,il42 . 324 870 1,130 417 1,083 1,448 1,881 4,609 6,476 2,86*2 3,eW4 •L4,712 . 1,037 2,430 3,002 2,740 3,908 5,820 11,004 18,262 26,860 m,(23 I5,‘i37 03,«ir . 1,314 1,579 1,081 2,214 2,278 3,218 8,556 10,886 14,428 .740 8,670 03,680 121,189 142, .320 104,948 210,892 242,436 287,599 86-1,845 l,«U,327 l,n7,S90 671,105 657,485 S,OM,UOO 724 885 987 925 1,094 1,219 4,428 5,903 6,492 2,949 3,543 28, .551 871 978 1 ,406 1,126 1,521 1,887 5,600 7,393 8,809 4,032 4,777 30,349 536 592 654 637 798 825 3,235 3,892 4,236 1,984 2,252 16,419 849 922 1,116 1,384 1,284 1,825 5,035 5,361 6,608 3,185 3,423 30,187 272 297 360 370 453 415 1,443 1,733 2,036 994 1,042 6,370 284 338 447 466 459 384 1,782 2,251 2,810 1,402 1,408 13,771 25 36 42 44 51 54 212 267 288 1.38 150 1,468 733 773 899 977 1,045 1,082 4,346 4,661 5,289 2,484 2,785 23,051 ! 622 651 738 868 786 945 3,138 3,757 4,206 1,849 2,357 22,548 118 137 168 142 140 176 699 732 863 427 436 134 229 351 290 333 489 1,722 1,984 2,289 987 1,301 156 177 238 194 190 286 793 770 1,261 568 693 ^ 12,465 259 292 317 282 324 378 1,447 1 ,655 1,777 884 893 11,038 137 118 138 146 127 170 731 761 782 370 412 5,556 82 81 142 91 114 148 456 577 771 423 348 3,014 312 333 396 368 497 447 1,750 2,042 1,957 949 1,008 10,188 241 265 326 303 278 356 1,425 1,674 1,929 961 968 11,321 126 132 164 165 132 182 817 803 977 498 479 5,350 117 156 195 141 160 193 697 875 1,124 575 549 3,798 199 242 267 207 242 298 1,026 1,252 1,530 748 782 8,722 336 408 537 422 436 587 1,783 2,252 2,886 1,467 1,419 13,096 385 442 506 409 469 595 2,111 2,411 2,750 1,363 1,387 7,111 66 98 109 90 149 142 412 543 .551 271 280 5,423 204 245 292 243 268 349 1,146 1,387 1,702 842 860 10,987 364 473 596 420 533 677 2,485 2,813 3,017 1,660 1,3.57 23,978 140 167 181 131 216 ^Oo 761 J,078 1,076 523 553 8,968 1 2 3 1 2 3 8 10 3o 17 16 92 167 234 98 173 278 751 671 1,413 692 721 15,462 45 56 66 30 62 80 2C9 328 360 168 192 5,464 661 842 1,047 953 1,154 1,455 4,343 5,483 7,263 3,104 4,159 37,421 358 399 450 389 466 503 1,955 2,589 3,100 1,603 1,497 32,722 429 507 640 483 625 743 2,716 0,349 4,122 1,917 2,205 20,926 256 232 359 264 267 407 1,.503 1,292 2,349 1,129 1,220 14,138 82 90 102 no 98 105 432 487 534 274 260 4,683 215 2.39 280 293 308 329 1,258 1,579 1,753 907 848 6,727 56 67 92 88 79 104 353 406 567 261 246 5,321 113 120 156 130 137 205 584 718 926 392 534 3,780 293 302 357 443 320 357 1,698 1,628 1,906 991 915 15,025 208 342 398 268 375 450 462 2,149 2,670 1,117 1,553 12,429 598 815 976 784 948 1,165 3,629 4, .571 5,812 2 578 3,234 32,372 901 1,157 1,334 9.50 1,335 1,390 5,093 6,824 7,900 3,855 4,045 35,795 926 1,115 1,309 1,168 1,301 1,573 3,155 6,636 8,227 4,039 4,188 39,213 69 108 154 95 123 163 620 70.3 962 512 450 4,672 24 21 23 25 21 27 147 130 149 75 74 1,618 137 206 2.37 173 209 246 893 1,032 1,225 621 604 9,455 68 102 103 68 104 105 334* 533 552 265 287 3,963 43 44 67 48 33 67 264 2c6 331 190 141 2,817 70 •61 89 75 90 92 372 481 499 243 256 3.749 5 5 5 5 5 5 28 37 25 13 12 1,570 65 72 78 66 86 88 359 345 415 217 198 5,554 58 72 56 82 76 57 336 392 455 243 212 3,073 40 71 39 51 73 66 214 382 349 159 190 1,699 43 41 48 43 32 65 213 257 281 128 153 2,869 201 228 239 209 269 288 1,012 1,239 1,343 704 639 9,415 160 194 229 180 205 241 951 1,079 1,228 611 617 8,358 70 82 73 77 108 97 363 461 472 245 227 3,427 115 131 132 153 176 212 879 926 1,076 552 524 6,067 98 108 120 116 110 123 515 555 608 312 296 2.641 256 694 842 335 771 976 1,684 3, .581 4,360 2,115 2,245 17,886 340 360 404 437 487 464 2,101 2,259 2,349 1,135 1.214 10,771 1 081 1,344 1,722 1,390 1,573 1,980 6,485 8,136 9,753 4,472 5.281 40,650 156 182 212 221 202 253 1,165 1,267 1,424 735 689 10,245 419 529 681 493 592 726 2,182 3,081 3,402 1.665 1,737 20,366 207 281 363 219 320 377 1,057 1,483 1,864 94.5 919 12,179 303 441 518 333 478 596 1,724 2,462 2,972 1 480 1,492 with Etrkia? 444 517 372 489 338 676 2,519 3,162 3,374 1 552 1,822 16,046 273 303 395 293 400 471 1,745 2,056 2,699 1,326 1,373 13,9.55 159 203 229 178 223 234 9i8 1,127 1,354 609 745 9,145 515 1 558 685 599 638 830 3,006 1 3,777 4,. 304 1,986 2,318 \ 24,507 115 - 212 78 Topogkaimucal I’osiTioN, POPULATION, &c. &c., of all the Towns and Parishes, in the County of SURREY. This I’ounti) is so contiguous and identified with Hit Metropolis as to render it difficult to determine where the Metropolis terminates and the Country begins. In addition to the 10 Parishes included within the Bills of Mortality ( see Nos. 61-70 ) the whole of Brixton Hundred, and part of Kingston Hundred, and the Parishes of Croydon, Carshalton, and Mitcham, ( to the extent of 60,000 Persons ) form as muck a part of the Metropolis as does the Parish of Lambeth. The Thames separates the County on the North, from the County of Middlesex, from London to Eyham, distant from Hyde Park Corner 17 J miles, but by the sinuosities of the river nearly double Ihe distance : all the places preceded by an » are on the S. bank of the Thames. Battersea, No. 148 is united to Chelsea, ( see No. 1* ) by a bridge, as Putney to Fulham ; a suspension Bridge at Hammersmith leads to Barnes, whilst another Bridge at Hew leads to Richmond, where another Bridge connects that place with Islesworlh'arul Twickenham, as anothe’- at Kingston connects Kingston with Hampton Wick ; and h'gham is in like manner united to .Staines ( see No. 91. ) A Canal from the Thames at Deptford, past Sydenham in Kent, and from thence over Penge and Norwood Commons, connects the Town of Croydon with the Metropolis, and a Tram or Rail Road runs from Croydon, past Merton to the Thames, at iVandsworth. The places below noted with a t are on the line of road, from the Brld.'es, to the Coast of .Sussex by leay of Horsham : and those with an • cm that to Portsmouth. Baushot, ( see No. 178 ) bordering on Berkshire, Ls 8 miles S. W. of Egham, on the road through Andover, Salisbury Sg:, lids End, Cornwall. to the Lands = g 3 >> S " - 5 Ilii? j lijO = .,-5 1 • V £ *3 O rrs * -e s i _ 41 » 2 s s s §= 5-5 mO- M^5“Cs'=Si ('14.7 Camberwell, Peckham, & Dulwich 6 Clapham t 3 7 Slreiitham .S fm. the Bridges on the road toCroydn. ^ R * Battersea .... 6 S- of Hyde Park Corner ^ 9 Peuge contig to Sydenham, Kent • Wands worth *5 Tooting 1 5 2 W imbledon 3 S.of Putney 3 * Putney .. 4 S. IP. of Hyde Park Corner 4 * Baines tW. N.W.of Putney 5 * Mortlake, &, East Sheen 3 do. do. 6 Merton t7 — O A- >, K 5 = J x>a-zk'f° I ^ V 5 uu .a trt irt — , 41 fS ^ O ^ ^ ^ - 3 J? S S ;c § £ 2 41 o o ' 157 * Kew . . 6W.by S. of Hyde Park Corner 8 * Richtioxd .. ^W.S.W.of do. 9 * Petersham i S.of Richmond 160 * Kingston lO iS.lP. o//f. P. C. — *11^ In Kingston ^ 161 * Ham 2 S', o/ Richmond Parish. ( 2 Hook Malden 3 S.E. of Kingston Long Dittou .... coniig. ioThames Litton 'Talworth do. do. Thames Ditton^ Cleygate *13 Parish. ^ Ember & W eston .... 16.3 4 5 — c 8-1 ^ s r o a S J o j 31h S = - - “ I 5>« i 168 * East Moulsey opposite to Hampton Court a ' 3 - ; 9 * West Ditto opposite to Hampton 170 * Walton upou-Tham. 2^ ^ in coniiituation 1 * Weybridge .5 ( from No. 38. 2 Esher * 15^ 3 Cobliam * 19 4 Stoke D’Abernon 1 S.E.ofCobham S, -Si S u,-rS a 5 S i ■a i H ~ - = ■ ■ 175 * Ckertsey Sin continuation of No. 119 6 * Egham 1 Ditto, of Staines No. 91 7 Thorpe l S. of Egham 8 tVindlesham, including Bagshot .... c o -2 = j 9 Chobham 5 S.S. W.of Chertsey ^ i o ! Byfleel SW.ofCobham 1 Pyrlbrd 1 N. of Ripley 2 Horsell 3 S. E. of Chobham 3 Bisley 1 S. S.W. of do. 4 Frimley A S.of Bagshot “ " J = oO S. rX — « esae " ™ Stop'S- 4^'^ "e^cs-— 2 - - 3 s-s t; ■^..S^SaCQc^S 1 ^ o “ *c rt •“ X ' 05 x 0 flS5 Croydon A S.of Streatham 6 Addington .... i E. S. E.of Croydon 7 Sanderstead 3 S.of do. 8 Coulsdon 5 do. do. 9 Chaldon ? do. do. 190 Woodmansterne. ... 4 S.W. of do. 1 Beddington 1 W. 0 / do. 2 Wellington 2 S.W. of do. 3 Carshalton S.of Mitcham 5 Sutton 11 < <0 Ryegate. . ut- ri96 Morden t 9 ! ” I 7 Cheam 1 10 r l| o 3 j 198 Ewell 1 13 xo = ’| I 9 Epsom t 14 I 200 Ashstead t ICJ .SS-® 1 * Leatlierliead tl8 2 Mickleham 1 20 203 Banstead b S.of Sutton ~ A Chessington 2W. of Ewell 5 Cuddington conlig. to Epsom 6 Fetcham 2 IP. of Lcalherhead 7 Headley 3 E. ,V. E. of do. 8 Walton-on-the-Hill 5 do. do. - 4> o : *3 a i Zoo I •$.5 .5 5.2ja:= a 2 y -S o |S 55: -.5 Qo> 7: H ® 2 1.5 c* 3 -r JS M - ^ — Z 2 s - V. s-a Si-a £ * lf-3 S’. IP. 0/ do. i 12 Capel t29 V. 13 Ockley 1]V. of Capel « 8 S Number of Number of .2 ~ « Inhabited HOUSES. FAMILIES. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1,168 1,849 3,010 1,299 2,166 3,632 _ 628 743 413 714 1,132 535 801 935 386 625 1,050 475 1,079 1,564 664 1,162 230 605 AilJeJ 235 41 984 42 1,308 720 889 1,191 1,115 270 163 185 241 202 256 357 38 250 284 318 284 346 382 118 626 476 539 736 539 650 176 160 191 208 185 195 209 107 328 346 403 457 441 526 106 147 135 186 182 174 223 85 72 73 111 82 99 123 823 816 976 1,102 1,028 1,226 6 .69 64 71 61 64 71 46 676 716 843 819 738 1,155 262 105 131 150 129 182 176 86 19 16 48 19 17 49 43 24 28 41 37 31 46 36 35 79 1 52 bo 1 97 V 68 1 39 43 34 36 34 36 265 277 102 200 270 295 102 219 j 8 33 95 84 97 113 116 110 49 53 62 71 61 75 87 60 267 295 3.30 290 322 387 189 143 160 177 144 170 188 56 154 159 190 177 176 213 75 208 250 253 224 255 292 126 42 55 48 53 55 62 51 552 652 805 572 697 827 366 363 519 598 420 523 720 301 93 88 71 100 93 93 72 203 208 313 203 218 326 153 216 259 306 229 265 328 248 67 62 81 78 75 105 85 33 45 45 37 50 59 67 84 91 90 97 116 115 74 37 41 49 42 43 52 34 83 95 247 111 110 262 144 1 020 1,394 1,667 1 115 1 478 1,895 404 36 46 52 40 53 68 56 33 31 31 37 31 31 23 76 78 71 76 80 94 71 20 16 26 21 21 28 28 24 24 25 28 28 33 24 62 74 76 66 74 86 50 134 134 138 174 177 151 18 237 269 295 280 323 329 115 640 672 728 800 794 883 296 93 121 171 111 138 193 69 65 93 98 68 108 120 47 97 126 175 98 132 179 127 194 225 290 220 232 306 89 414 397 430 537 481 559 141 91 88 94 104 104 111 51 187 212 256 216 237 260 91 53 54 81 79 76 99 51 140 157 165 146 1 .7 180 134 23 25 28 29 27 28 28 11 16 19 14 17 19 19 50 58 61 88 66 82 62 33 35 43 4.^ 46 43 37 41 35 42 43 55 53 41 570 589 697 611 641 842 308 73 96 100 85 102 104 64 105 112 115 130 116 P20 85 9s 102 112 130 139 161 109 76 85 83 76 100 109 84 TOTAL Number of PERSONS. 1801. 1811. 7,059 4,598 2,357 3,365 4,445 1,189 1,591 2,428 860 1,748 813 13,309 5,083 2,729 4,409 5,644 1,626 1,914 2,881 994 2,021 905 424 4,628 422 3,793 557 88 210 243 169 S 1,288 1,444 560 5,219 406 4,144 781 74 221 182 641 462 320 1,476 747 847 1,200 290 2,819 2,190 485 1,060 1,176 362 230 493 196 532 5,743 178 204 420 128 151 353 793 1,449 3,466 579 512 616 1 , 1)2 2,404 552 1,078 389 717 1.37 92 271 217 204 3,0.58 441 632 675 692 609 343 1,804 918 863 1,275 307 3,629 2,823 523 1,148 1,329 392 264 564 204 702 7,801 252 185 440 155 147 446 804 1,532 4,175 638 549 757 1,135 2,515 548 1,209 416 882 146 94 364 220 263 3,259 488 629 730 572 17,876 7,151 3,616 4,764 228 6,702 1,863 2,195 3,394 1,250 2.484 1,177 683 5,994 516 4,908 961 222 250 561 234 659 1,033 526 430 1,891 897 1,108 1,340 317 4,279 3,616 509 1,590 1,719 427 294 617 273 1,284 9,254 354 189 516 166 171 480 847 1,775 4,453 911 638 792 1,555 2,890 679 1,478 .505 910 150 117 377 184 314 3,812 589 742 876 642 Proportion in 1821. Males Fe.iiale 7,504 .3,124 1,669 2,168 122 3,280 935 1,179 1,584 585 1,169 574 275 2,545 202 2,450 426 107 135 168 124 318 498 255 219 911 405 536 667 173 2,141 1,780 246 833 885 222 144 324 136 655 4,485 184 101 298 92 96 238 444 870 2,188 460 307 426 755 1,428 280 754 247 497 78 61 184 97 179 1,878 303 386 456 337 10,372 4,027 1,947 2,596 106 3,422 928 1,016 1,810 655 1,315 603 408 3,449 314 2,458 535 115 115 193 I 110 S 241 dtnoufH of the Eatimatea of tha AnnuaJ Value 0/ the Real Property aa aaaraeed to fhe Property in April 1816. 84,392 29,223 25,277 635 271 211 980 492 572 673 144 2,138 1,836 263 1,757 834 205 150 293 137 629 4,769 170 88 2)8 74 75 242 403 905 2,265 451 331 366 795 1,462 299 724 258 443 72 56 193 87 135 1,934 286 356 420 305 ] 33,060 25,444 6,896 16,802 21,160 8,433 14,210 7,624 2,493 25,767 3,204 18.853 4,651 702 1,487 3,149 7,308 2,350 1,364 11,522 4,162 6,080 7,094 2,859 18,022 10,761 3.012 4,184 6,598 3,191 1,630 3,004 1,025 4,027 47,01. 4,118 2,100 3,837 1,630 1,834 5,992 4,542 11,334 13,549 3,735 4,663 4,805 10,530 13,056 3,022 5,601 3,495 5,445 1,368 uUk Saill 2,808 1,098 1,132 13,425 2,353 3,1.51 3..129 2.012 214 — 290 79 Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c. »-0 s i.r= 2 X ^0=-.0 •=='5 “l-St-S -"S ■ >0 §®-I -.2 a "* 2 *0 ^ . - slia;^'='“ ° ^ ° ^ c ="a I ^ 114 1 X 3 ti . r.^ On the Road from 15 Mei'stliain tSf , , ,, , > London, through lOtGATTON 19 i /. , , , ... \Lroudonto Keigte. 17 t Reigate 21 j “ 18 iluckiniul IJ W.of Reigate 19 Retell worth do. do. 220 Nntfield 1 W.of Rletchingley 1 Leigh S iS. IV. of Reigate 2 Horlcy 6 S.af do. 3 Burstow 8 S. S. E.of do. 4 Chaiiwood 8 S. S. W. of do. 3 Newdigate 7 S. W.of do. 6 Kingswood Liberty, in Ewell Parish . . 7 Farley oS.S. E.of Croydon 8 Warlingham 6S.of do. 9 Chelshani 8 S. S. E. of do. 230 Catterhain 7 S. of do. 1 t Bletchingley ... 2 W . of Godstone 2 Godstone 9 S. of Croydon 3 Oxstead <2 E.of Godstone 4 Limpsfield 4 do. do. 5 Tandridge i \ E.lny S.of do. 6 Crowhurst 3 S. E. of do. 7 Horne 4 5. W. of do. 8 Longlield 6 S. S. E of do. Bordering on Kent,i Titsey . 2 <0 4 miles North < 240 Tatsfield f)f Limpsfield. x Woldingliain r f 242 Great Bookham 2 ' S a I 3 Little do., . . contiguous 4 Effingham 4 5 East Horsley 5 a 6 West do 6^ j 7 East Clandon 8 I 8 West do 9 9 Merrow 10 250 t Guildford 29 12 1 Stoke ...... contiguous to Guildford 2 Ockham 1 E.of Ripley 3 Ripley 23, Sc Send 2 S. W. of do. 4 Woking 2 W. of do. 5 Purbright 6 do. do. 6 Worplesdon .... o N. W. of Guildford 7 Wisley 3 do. do. 8 Wanborongh 3 W. of do. 9 Ash and Normandy .... it N. of Seal ) I > I a t ^ rs~ ^ S5 E 2^ a c ^ ill 3 >v-C S S = n£0 a <2 -- ® s V K S ^ • V O £ « ! ('260 Shalford \ S. of Guildford - X Chilworth St. Martha contiguous to do. 2 Shiere 3 S. by E. of Horsley 3 Albury do. do. 4 Bramley 3 5. o/ Guildford 5 Wonersh contiguous to Bramley 6 Hascombe 3 S. of do. 7 Dnnsfold 5 do. do. 8 Alford 71 rf«. do. 9 Cranley dS.S.W.of do. ■-S 1^270 Ewhurst 5 S. of Albury 271 Artiagton .. 1 S. W.of Guildford 2 Compton 3 W.of do. 3 Pnttenham .... 4 do. do. 5 Peper-Harrow 6 5. 5. W. of do. 4 Godalbiing.. 4 5. IF. n/ do. 6 Thursley . . 3 S. W.of Godaiming 7 Witley 4 5. o/ do. 8 Hambledon . . . . 2 S. E. of Witley 9 Chiddingfold 3 S. of do. ^280 t Haslemere 9 5. 5. W. of do. 1 Seal and Tongham 6 W. of Guild. 2 Farnham 10 do. 3 Elstead ...... 4 IF. of Godaiming 4 Frensham ..8 do. do. 5 Chart and Pitfold r286 Badshot and Runlbld \ 7 Run wick 8 Culverlands and Tilfd. i 9 Wrecklesham Sc Bourn Godalming Hundred : bounded on the S. W. by Hampshire, and on the S. by Sussex : Godalmin;;, is on the South side of the XVey 4 miles S. W.of Guildford, on the Road to Portsmouth : — Haslemere, is 9 miles S. W. i of God aiming, on the Road through Midliurst to Chiches* ter ; & Witley, & Chidding- fold, are on the Road thro’ Petworth to Chichester. Farnham Hundred, — C forming the Western extre- mity of the County, boiin- dedlby Hampshire; the Town of Farnham, is on the North bank of the Wey, 10 m.W.of J Guildford, and 37j from H. i Park Coiner by xvay of Eg- ham, and Bagshot, on the way to Southampton, thro’ Alton, Alresford, and Win- chester, dis. 27 miles. . S S 3 aj 'll s "5 ^ .3 '£ 3 .=>..4, 3 O 290 Waverly Number of Inhabited HOUSES. V>iumb€r of FAMIIsIHS. Proportion Employed in -■igri. in 1821. TO'/ A fj Number of /*EHSO!^sS. Proportion in 1821. VtJud If'tks M*al fruptrttf a$ iw Ihm Property 1801. 1811. 1^1821. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1821- Males Femalei 49 54 53 67 83 84 62 347 403 440 248 192 2,079 92 120 140 97 125 146 52 481 663 796 408 388 3„568 18 18 22 18 19 22 9 112 99 1.35 68 67 2,3.31 417 423 499 501 510 566 2.50 2,246 2,440 2,961 626 702 12,2.32 47 45 38 48 47 50 44 296 287 292 145 147 2,366 193 176 177 213 180 179 121 930 1,007 909 490 419 5,402 80 126 124 103 138 130 98 524 631 707 3.54 363 3,449 63 62 65 69 73 89 76 390 403 4,53 256 197 2,820 140 148 176 174 196 183 131 871 942 I,0C3 567 496 6,421 103 103 106 lOS 109 125 no 006 601 715 383 332 2,782 1S6 158 156 155 187 200 144 860 959 1,134 607 627 5,079 63 65 69 76 86 94 73 445 447 579 117 90 1,416 28 33 34 32 33 38 30 112 153 187 104 83 1,096 14 15 15 17 15 15 15 95 62 84 58 26 847 52 .58 77 52 58 81 50 187 317 421 24.5 176 1,364 31 38 35 34 40 42 40 2.31 237 217 126 91 2,018 63 79 80 71 88 84 48 301 333 435 241 194 1,868 183 184 195 185 227 243 120 1,344 1,116 1,187 630 667 6,770 183 193 159 195 197 242 131 1,081 1,1,56 1,210 613 597 7,475 92 113 129 125 126 1at6 89 644 754 777 384 393 5,242 110 136 162 no 156 193 103 727 746 918 473 445 3,988 64 62 73 64 73 94 80 381 390 421 222 199 3,139 22 21 22 29 32 38 37 186 194 214 115 99 1,865 86 82 89 94 104 96 86 476 521 585 319 266 3,217 237 252 275 257 284 325 271 1,387 1,490 1,684' 861 823 7,032 18 18 27 18 24 33 30 108 144 167 90 77 1,552 18 24 24 22 34 32 29 1.t3 139 174 92 82 1,150 6 6 4 6 7 7 7 33 58 47 28 19 513 104 111 124 102 120 139 64 587 606 732 374 358 2,867 20 22 22 21 24 30 25 . 119 137 153 73 80 990 61 64 64 73 71 90 69 379 445 499 278 221 2,654 31 34 24 33 35 40 33 223 168 192 97 96 1,.576 98 94 115 102 94 123 95 495 474 611 122 118 2,798 36 46 38 49 50 52 37 260 228 230 122 108 1,203 39 60 53 50 67 86 70 23-i 324 361 189 172 1,729 27 4,1 44 40 45 49 30 169 181 240 122 118 1,408 464 495 542 579 596 671 oO 2,634 2,974 3,161 1,465 1,696 7.860 135 155 193 138 177 235 8.3 788 942 1,120 498 622 6,836 92 97 114 105 97 118 81 473 494 565 308 267 2,581 191 206 235 200 216 246 107 1,024 1,092 1,283 644 639 7,53 4 276 303 320 304 304 361 254 1 j340 1,.578 1,810 944 866 9,766 58 65 67 80 92 100 79 400 421 472 261 211 2,029 1.51 184 203 194 207 254 220 945 1,013 1,276 676 600 7,109 16 18 19 22 22 25 22 101 97 141 75 66 904 18 20 21 20 25 25 20 lOi 105 107 63 54 1,351 105 106 112 128 113 114 82 601 553 583 1 292 291 3,287 113 112 143 124 112 158 83 634 620 744 357 387 4,177 12 14 40 23 22 57 14 112 166 197 101 96 1,490 183 124 202 183 181 214 145 871 918 1,077 564 513 4,1.57 85 93 143 104 120 152 87 510 589 765 383 382 3,241 124 95 106 130 129 152 94 657 629 707 350 357 3,926 147 166 185 148 169 185 118 770 814 918 603 415 3,563 34 30 47 43 43 50 38 225 264 253 122 131 1,398 79 103 87 110 113 115 85 549 518 678 320 2.58 2,543 59 70 91 68 84 97 80 306 364 470 237 233 1 ,225 167 175 166 177 191 208 150 1,090 1,009 1,182 666 526 5,721 115 131 156 121 142 161 125 644 706 821 436 385 3,40"J 55 67 74 57 64 90 57 305 383 489 247 242 46 48 49 38 74 81 65 270 332 423 212 211 2,067 67 60 72 67 7 6 83 64 361 339 389 194 195 1,755 22 21 22 22 29 22 17 111 133 130 61 69 942 474 672 724 516 697 796 337 3,405 3,543 4,098 2,042 2,056 13,889 83 86 95 109 113 12.5 90 584 x564 608 308 300 2,298 163 168 169 222 221 250 172 1,039 1,137 1,264 623 641 5,282 53 55 61 66 57 71 42 459 384 381 215 166 1,371 162 160 174 191 Ibl 212 152 848 933 999 536 463 3,920 132 146 167 132 166 175 72 642 756 887 427 460 1,831) 58 61 68 69 67 74 56 335 360 364 190 174 2,192 473 527 571 314 570 665 113 2,508 2,911 3,132 1,419 1,713 20,991 79 92 112 103 104 118 93 466 521 608 325 283 j 1,985 84 100 95 107 10.5 122 80 543 542 554 294 260 J 75 83 92 103 105 111 70 508 570 710 368 342 S 182 158 171 198 161 187 151 136 826 869 436 433 - - — 27 33 — 38 36 32 — 215 197 106 91 - — — 72 — — 83 63 — — 457 226 281 125 119 142 133 128 151 122 677 749 758 393 365 9 7 9 9 10 10 6 40 59 58 30 28 — 2!)1 — 363 80 Topographical I*osrriON, POPULATION, &c. &c., of all the Towns, Parishes, &c. &c., in the County of KENT. Lallie of SVTTON-AT-HONK , — formiiiB Uie Western eJitreiiiily of the County, I'ountlcd on the W. by Surrey, and S. by the Kent Water, which dividea it from Sussex. For the source of the Medway, see Note to Tandridge Hundred, Surrey, No. 21i7 &c. ; after entering Kent it runs past Edentridgc, ( see No. 322 ) Hever, Chiddiugston, Peushurst, and Taudridge, to Yalding, see Note to Nos. 3SS &c. The Kent IVater rum past Cotvden, Ashurst, and Gronmhridge, Jailing Into the Medway near t’enshurst.see Mas. 324-5, and Ante to No. 35S. Leigli, No. 33», aiid Pensharst are on another line of road to Tonbridge Hells, dinerging from H atts’s Cross, miles from .Seven Oaks, but the distance by this route is Ij mile more than by Tonbridge. Townof C291 St. Nicholas.... : [j £ 2 05 >.5 Heptfoui). c t St. Haul = k §az=.S,j5(a.2P5 2 L 5 Lewisham . . , . 6 Lee .. + 6 7 Charlton ... 117 8 Woolwich. . . ... 118 TOTAL, of above. L299 Eltliaiii t7J Lesness Hiiiid. r 300 Hliilustead || 10 lying beiwten ) 1 East Wickham Dover and tiie i ^ Ith . . . . || 3 4 Thames. L 3 Crayfoitl X 304 Hromlev .....' * 9J 5 Beckenham 2 W. of Bromley 1801. 1 1811. 1,202 2,201 2,315 1,105 100 246 2,290 - « a ^ s-g« 0 .a *« w ,a o 1 s-s 1; saw--- J o o = ’ ^ — a ^ O “ >c-5! I' 306 Hayes 2 S.ofdo. 7 West Wickham 4 do. do. 8 Keston do. do. 9 Down L E. of Heston 310 Cudham 2 S. S. E. of do. 11 Farnborough *14 12 Knockholt * 18 <( 13 Orpington 1 S. of St. Marifs Cray 14 Chelsfield 3 do. do. 1.') Chislchurst 3 S.of EUliam „ r St. Mary’s oj do. do. 17 ® > J St. Haul’s 1 iS. 0/ Fools Cray 18 ^ “ i Foots +12 19 (.North conlig. to Foots Cray 1^320 Bexley Jll WSSTERH.4M S 321 *\Vesterham S.of Bromley Hundred. ^ 2 Edenbridge 6 S. of Westerham SomeRdbn Hand.) boun- ded on ihe S. by Sussex T 323 Hever 3 E. of Edenbridge y 4 Cowden 5 S.of do. I 5 Henshurst 7^ S.of Seven Oaks 6 Chiddingstone 3W. of Penshursl j a ® li, ” ■« s f 327 * Bl asted ........ \ 1 to i miles 5?^ 3 * Sundridge i TF. 0/ Riverhead. 9 Chevening 330 Halstead t E. of Knoekkolt Parish ofS^^i ‘Riverhead .. »2ia = r = r- i c 1 ■{ ^ Seven Oaks = £311°.! si 3 Weald 4 Seal "v b Kemsing f „ , e 6 * Otford C 7 * Slioreham ' • V 5|w|o:i 2 -*= * Z-c S £ c 1 - J ,0 P- a * "levs ^ ^too tnilcs S:=_r H 2 ? • ‘X Z Sox gf |25 I L •* Leigh 5>- S.of Seven Oaks Riverhead. 5.5 £ ■S S.5 S c = ■“ a .S a "Hot ^ a o 5 .2 •- 5 S u .a W tnZ £ 2i ? 4) a o a .-a; ■JoSS «a“ g ^ ® _2 « • j bj) •a o a> a; a i&«-sas f339 40 1 2 3 4 *Farningham +17 * Eynesford &c. . . iW. of Furningham * Luilingstone .... 2 do. do. * Horton Kirby 1 S. of do. Hartley ~l 3 fo 4 Fawkham E. N. E. b Longfield } of do. 6 Kingsdown +21 7 Ridley } ‘2 E. of 8 Ash.... ^ Kingsdown 9 Dartford X 14-5 3b0 Stone contiguous to Dartford 1 Wilmington.... do. do. 3 * Sutton-at-Hone '2 S.of do. 3 * Darent 2 elo. do. ^ ^ 4 South P'leet 3 E. S. E. of do. S cSfe-l ® L 6 Swanscombe 2 E. of do. Lowey of Tonbridge *30 Tonbridge. \ 7 Hadlow 4 N. E. of Tonbridge ,w ,,. , rr j 6358 Bidboroiiob .. 3 S.of do. jrashltngsfone Hundred^ ^ fr« »ir » Tonbridge Wells, is in the 1 ^ TONIIRIDGE Wei.LS .. * .3.5^ Parish of Spddhurst, which j 360 Ppiiibury.. 5 S. S. E. of Tonh, also includes Groombri^dge:^ i Asliurst 4 W.ofdo. Speldhurst, IS 2 S. E. of « / #» ‘ i Fehshnrpt and Groombridj;e j ^ CdprI 1 N. of I embui'ii about 4 South. L 3 Tudely 2 N of Tonbridge : - S ’ ^ rz ar-rs. < s 7,491 275 210 37 151 187 415 159 72 75 27 36 89 57 55 102 108 208 127 51 24 34 257 261 162 28 95 160 140 120 141 142 32 129 411 90 203 61 83 146 97 73 155 3 78 23 29 18 43 7 80 4.53 68 96 126 18 78 131 714 191 26 236 103 19 49 65 1821. 9,525 306 358 38 173 233 472 164 79 79 36 49 107 80 73 97 121 231 137 59 37 36 284 268 203 63 87 115 151 143 167 142 44 184 354 91 210 66 90 156 95 87 168 3 77 30 29 17 71 11 91 526 79 119 143 88 103 156 908 268 22 308 109 19 45 7 t 1,161 2,481 183 3,oor 1,409 119 294 2,520 Rumber of FAMIUE.S. 1801. 11,174 328 461 52 223 315 486 196 80 86 50 69 124 91 83 129 128 264 145 72 40 42 403 .301 230 68 80 165 164 159 194 143 42 230 362 89 241 70 115 162 115 97 196 5 88 31 31 14 70 10 92 609 95 124 15/ 94 125 163 1155 277 34. 297 149 31 48 57 1,645 2,808 172 3,215 787 87 198 2,556 11,528 392 250 39 218 255 538 180 73 81 34 38 102 59 55 115 121 232 129 51 34 .36 275 284 168 41 97 212 162 130 150 156 41 130 412 99 217 66 86 163 134 74 185 3 79 30 32 18 69 8 88 G68 90 122 137 21 105 183 860 268 26 324 135 22 55 1,826 3,184 3,276 1,272 no 286 4,448 14,402 390 463 38 233 321 634 165 86 95 39 53 115 86 73 119 161 248 l58 61 40 36 342 298 225 89 112 207 163 160 171 158 45 200 402 106 218 66 102 166 139 90 182 3 81 30 31 18 73 11 92 732 89 1.57 155 93 106 164 1097 273 33 363 149 23 65 78 1821. 1,523 3,411 227 4,002 1,591 149 347 4,293 ■S 1:' TOTAL. Number of PERSONS. 1801. ^ 1 280 50 117 480 39 43 14 15,543 426 479 57 281 380 648 2)4 86 107 51 74 132 97 82 147 145 342 165 74 46 45 466 333 280 114 116 237 195 173 220 158 42 239 418 121 272 88 125 178 169 137 265 5 99 31 37 24 77 10 101 7fi ' 102 138 163 106 142 183 1407 320 40 392 174 35 63 99 1,024 191 263 26 165 139 166 77 40 64 30 47 111 75 43 102 132 lOO 76 48 15 25 233 156 158 93 98 155 160 108 188 72 34 135 51 105 168 81 82 108 114 65 144 3 72 27 31 23 55 Q 80 102 82 96 104 73 94 55 603 236 31 141 121 20 15 87 6,933 10,615 734 14,339 4,007 376 747 9,826 7,085 12,748 16,947 6,625 512 1,211 17,054 1821. Proportion in 1821, Males Females 47,577 1,760 1,166 237 909 1,210 2,700 955 382 436 183 217 514 31 + 2.57 693 605 1,217 672 263 151 192 1,441 1,344 910 187 553 1,128 910 7.50 715 756 145 7.50 1,403 487 993 320 497 828 739 397 841 33 356 151 149 99 337 47 472 2,406 403 520 690 407 .508 763 4,371 1,115 1.57 1,618 742 102 314 417 62,182 1,942 2,116 238 1,119 1,553 2,96.5 1,093 412 494 216 266 693 452 355 727 713 1,450 708 290 239 235 1,774 1,437 1,271 492 641 1,193 935 768 854 748 201 1,012 1,922 510 1,084 316 564 806 822 4.59 984 28 415 185 1.57 100 364 65 600 3,177 438 646 733 439 ,548 848 5,9.32 1,531 160 1,901 825 131 348 472 6,337 13,525 956 20,7 12 8,185 737 1,626 17,008 69,086 1,977 2.386 317 1 ,363 1,866 3,147 1,180 429 5.55 252 340 683 553 407 754 756 1,.586 874 364 221 245 2,311 1,742 1,454 606 683 1,392 1,096 970 1,129 812 243 1,216 2,114 612 1,320 3.59 630 891 876 586 1,077 41 .537 161 168 1)3 438 74 505 3,593 514 653 864 574 .577 908 7.406 1,7.57 192 2,297 891 208 330 5+6 2,931 6,382 464 10,740 3,630 294 710 7,606 3,406 7,143 492 9,972 4,5.55 443 916 9,102 32,757 922 1,140 159 711 919 1,496 558 207 290 114 185 347 292 215 410 4)8 851 452 186 85 129 1,164 880 764 313 354 734 589 .501 680 415 135 603 1,006 312 678 178 312 438 464 332 546 26 263 87 93 68 226 36 272 1,815 279 335 414 292 305 456 3,.532 907 100 1,065 4li7 103 181 277 a.«..i,nr ./ I/.. Etitmattn if th* Annual Valut af tht R*al Properly at ntteated tv tkv Property Tax, in April 1615. 14,704 22,746 46,738 27,007 5,986 5,652 31,500 36,329 1,039 1,246 1.58 652 947 1,651 622 222 265 138 1.55 336 261 192 3+4 338 735 422 178 136 116 1,147 862 690 293 329 658 507 469 549 397 110 613 1,108 300 y 642 181 318 453 412 254 531 1.5 274 74 75 45 212 38 2.33 1,778 235 318 449 282 272 452 .3,874 850 92 1,232 424 105 119 269 154,333 13,135 12,073 1,995 8,968 6.248 14,798 8,060 2,691 3,957 1,905 1.954 4,508 1,995 1 ,566 4,837 3.174 6,784 3.827 2,722 2,661 2,919 12,115 6,311 4,694 2,424 2,747 5,168 4,264 4,769 4,178 4,178 928 ^ 10,742 4.954 1.827 3.175 5,207 4,696 3,599 4,095 1,5)9 3,126 1,013 1,071 .543 1,916 3,297 12,595 3,869 3,229 4,364 2.. 540 3,2.56 3. . 564 19,531 6,36b 991 6,858 2,7.58 80c 1,813 1.519 'S.S O 2* s & b5 to b S. 6 13 15 97 49 37 123 no 80 55 170 141 9 18 188 19 10 68 22 27 50 7 131 54 48 399 530 234 C5 Uj i « Si O a g- b a S3 O r> 304 — 441 81 Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c., of all the Towns, Parishes, Hamlets, Tythings, ike. &c., in the County 3f A'A’/V7'.— Comlmied. I.athe of AYIjUSFOHI). This part of the County commences with No. 336, on the prtcodlnfi Page ; the River Buill rises near .Shacloxhurst, and runs through the heart of the it'eald q) Kent, past Smarden, Headcorn, and Hunton, to the Medway at Yalding.—tee No. 31)8. The places below are on the line of road f continued from No. 346 J to Folkestone ; and llrenchley and llorseinonden are in conthiuatlua of the road from Tonbridge to New Romney. Maiuston*. seated on the Fast bank of the .Medway, is 8 miles .\oulh of Rochester ; 16 Fast of Riverhead ; 13 N. F. of Tonbridge ; 17 N. E. of TonbridgelYells ; N. qf Cranbrook ; and lij S. II'. of the DoverRoad at Key .Street. „ ,, A Hicnehley.... 'll from Kipiiing’.'i Cross * 36J Hundietl oj ^ 3 Hoistimuiulen . . . . do. do. *41 366 Lainbcrhiirst ( see Sussex ) No. 7 47, r 367 \V ROTHAM, &C t 24 Wrotliam J 8 Stuiisteuil :i E.of Eingsdown Hundred 9 Ij'tliain '2 S. of Wrolhain V.370 Shipboiinie o do. 3 o o a g ® a '*■2’ -a g-e s-aj( a.".g.S g j a-S~S?.2s'^ s I'a “ a £ A, •5'^ S i 3 .S K a < a “ I 4. 13 3 .« 3: o A' ft fS7l Ti'ottei'scliff I I ■ ■ ■■ i E.of do. t Addington .... 3 do. do. 3 Kyai'sli 4 c/u. do. 4 Leybonrne .... 5 do. do. 5 Byiiing .... 6 E. by N. of do. 6 Snodland, See. 7 E. N. E. of do. 7 Bnrbam.... 8 do. do. 8 Wonldliam 10 do. do. r 9 Ott bam ... i E. by S. of do. 5)380 WestMalling .3 do. do. 1 East do. 6 do. do. V. 2 Ditton tSOJ 383 Allington 1 N. of Shiidstone 4 Aylest'ord 7 do. do. L The distances of all these Places, imply from Maidstone ; but No. 392 ts onty 3 A’. E. of II rot ham .■ ff'est, and East Ptckham, are contiguous to Mere- worth, and all the othtr Places are about the same distance .V. B. of H'rotham as from Mai'ds'toeie : East,'\ and If'est Burleigh, are on the East ; 4 Harming, Teston, and Nettlestead, on the ll 'est Bank of the Medway. ('385 t M aidstone t34 6 Boxley "l^N. N. E, 7 Debtling N. E. 8 Baiming 7 S. W. 9 East Faileigh ..IJ S. S. W. 390 Loose 2^ S. 1 Linton, &c 3f 5. ,i(t1«SeId ^ 397 Meiewoi'tli .. 6^ S. W. iindred. ^ g WcstPeckliam 7 do. ("394 Teston 4 do. 5 Wateiingbuiy 4| do. I 6 Nettlestead i> do 7 East Peckbam 7 do. Yalding.it ou tb» North bank of the Rt*er Built, near its junction with li.e Medway. Hunton, is about two miles East of Yaldiug:. as W « 03 I'*) 2 I: S 2r= ~ a A. ^ .c; fcir ^ S ''IC 0 -o -J* ) V ^ J •2 **“ ^ Jh » ' h ^ 1 H tj 5 ^ ^-2 £§ ; ■S'-d 1 * I iS ^ 1 ~ a .S w t ■?. 8 West Fai'leigb 4 S. S. W. 9 Yalding 7 do. 1.400 Hiinton 8 do. 2 r 401 Berstead, or Bearstead t36 " 3 T'S-*? 6 j 2 S.E. 3 Langley 3 do 4 Boughton IMoncbelsea. , . . 4 S. 5 Chart Sutton 3 S. 6 Sutton Valence 3 S. 7 East Sutton 6 S. S Hedcorn . . 9 S. 409 Leeds t 39 410 Broomfield 1 S. E. of Leeds 11 Ulcomb .. 3 do. do. 2 1 ^ 17 Boughton Malherbes ...,3 do. do. S 13 Harrietsham 1 43 S 14 Lenham t44 i f 15 Thornham 3 N. E.of Maidstone 16 Stockbnry 6 do. do. 17 Bredhurst 6 N. N. E. 18 Hollingbourn 1 N. of Leeds 19 Hncking, or Hocking ...... 3 do. do. 5 420 Bicknor 4 do. do. I 1 Frinstead 4 N. E. of do. 2 Witchling 3 N. of Lenham I 3 Otterden 3 N. N. E.of do. l^Z 1 ^ 4 W ormshill 5 North Fleet from London t 20 6 Gravesend do. do. tsilf 7 Milton do. do J 22f 8 Ifield .. iS.S.E.of North Fleet 9 Nurstead ..5 do. do. 430 Meophain ..6 do. do. C 1 Luddesdown 8 do. do. f432 Chalk and Denton ..23} 3 Higham 4 E.N.E.of Chalk\ 4 ClifFe 5 do. do. 5 Cowling ... 5 do. do. 6 Shornc-ciim-Merston 2 E.of do. 7 Cobham 3 S. of Chalk 8 Cuxton 3 S. E. of do. 9 Lower Hailing 3 S. of .Stroud 440 Frindsbury .. contiguous to Stroud Touintrough Huttd.i A'lTi -1 , are. on the South, bunk of the Thamesy and (iraves^nd i.f the ooundary J ot the Port of fondon. ' The -places voted with a i are on fhe hi&h road to DOVER, vontmned Jrom Ao. 349. St AN WELL flundred , — lyim’ between Gravesend and Rochester : Higham, Cliff, and Coivling, are E. of the Canal from the \ 7'hamei 'it Gravesend, to"^ the Med wav at Sttoud. . GklsHh.l, rendered so celehra*id inj ShaUspeare, ] r 071 the Road to Stroud, 3} miles from Chalk. C 1 Strood-extra } 28 Number of l/ihabited HOUSES Number of FAMILIES. i- w TOT A !. Number of PER.SON.S. Proportion in 1821. J mount 0 / tht Jitlimatkt of tht Annual Valua 0 / th» H*a( Proptrli at nttatttd ta tha I'luperty in Aprtl 1816. moi. 1811. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1 1821. IHOI. ! IHll. IH21. Males Females 247 266 390 322 357 416 304 1,844 1,924 2,267 1,185 1,079 5l582 35 124 129 147 157 183 207 153 852 1,049 1,224 586 633 3,873 269 64 93 66 2 538 286 252 290 383 408 351 454 515 317 1,989 2,225 2,367 1,073 1,184 12,647 577 56 34 51 46 44 54 45 249 252 292 1.58 134 1,.554 94 131 158 164 148 178 115 709 693 867 448 419 2,141 no 56 61 67 58 71 78 65 323 377 402 210 192 l,4tl 23 38 48 45 49 52 54 44 281 220 243 120 123 1,482 32 27 32 43 36 41 43 36 159 203 228 113 115 ] ,236 12 50 44 60 52 59 66 50 262 316 359 182 177 2,259 1.57 sy 49 53 48 49 63 40 275 228 300 143 157 1,699 65 62 70 82 64 83 98 74 371 419 4.59 239 220 2,351 91 — 53 59 62 71 86 39 312 350 438 240 198 2,124 66 24 28 45 30 3l 61 58 144 158 236 129 107 1,833 10 20 28 28 30 30 38 32 165 159 176 93 83 1,819 44 37 46 46 53 55 44 251 243 274 144 130 940 88 186 223 219 215 223 237 81 1,093 1,154 1 , 20.5 537 647 3,433 255 165 217 219 239 249 251 141 1,302 1,256 1,403 700 703 .5,139 130 14 19 36 17 27 37 24 98 137 192 100 92 1,274 99 6 8 6 9 10 6 5 44 .55 45 24 21 854 54 151 l5l 192 161 176 225 125 912 875 1,136 565 571 6,835 166 1,330 l,70G 2,131 1,742 1,S69 2,348 451 8,027 9,443 12,508 6,083 6,425 33,244 461 1 63 177 201 186 218 228 161 1,010 1,043 1,166 577 589 8,230 141 41 52 58 44 59 62 46 253 281 321 166 1.66 1,386 38 58 69 76 65 82 78 73 328 4.37 406 212 194 2,117 624 102 88 200 1 34 135 228 161 642 775 1,166 377 589 5,223 570 116 152 166 116 152 182 88 668 868 882 448 434 3,204 282 69 68 107 109 98 122 100 690 383 686 337 349 3,271 5 109 120 131 109 136 142 117 597 602 711 363 348 2,816 273 58 82 81 78 87 91 61 388 426 498 249 249 1,826 125 42 47 48 42 47 53 42 250 244 259 127 132 1,416 88 137 147 176 143 165 182 142 817 852 915 476 439 3,554 279 28 34 34 35 34 49 43 167 205 255 125 130 1,731 no 167 251 278 229 280 364 246 1,327 1,511 1,724 910 814 5,923 675 44 56 58 6.5 56 75 49 244 320 364 184 180 2,366 230 360 269 354 389 312 37 6 321 1,968 2,059 2,414 1 ,is;33 1,181 8,061 835 94 99 116 96 108 U7 94 583 546 683 339 344 2,977 322 81 100 107 86 109 119 741 294 519 6fiCi' 257 309 1,967 74 35 40 63 62 67 67 50 277 307 337 165 172 2,362 I5i2 29 35 »9 35 36 46 42 175 194 263 143 120 2,035 9 101 128 139 142 140 160 137 712 760 828 411 417 4,014 182 69 63 64 72 75 90 73 381 424 50(1 2.51 249 3,015 381 102 125 202 130 139 205 171 706 829 1,058 530 528 3,359 139 45 45 59 57 56 60 56 312 283 312 169 143 2,369 167 117 145 184 134 154 201 152 740 883 1,191 622 569 6,600 113 70 67 99 78 90 113 68 422 391 515 255 260 4,037 199 16 20 21 20 21 22 18 127 140 115 62 53 1,652 17 77 81 115 96 93 115 97 532 562 668 358 310 4,716 164 45 50 51 59 61 78 70 327 375 475 255 220 2,894 90 64 80 90 lOi) 119 144 81 484 542 707 363 344 2,864 40 232 265 3(10 269 301 383 222 1 ,434 1,509 1,959 1,004 955 7,410 136 64 55 64 64 82 94 70 348 406 523 ■ 269 254 3,392 6f) 65 73 87 84 96 91 433 478 694- 306 288 2,714 43 13 15 15 19 21 21 20 119 140 134 82 .52 576 10 135 144 156 135 156 178 97 730 876 1,000 535 465 5,375 82 15 13 17 20 16 26 Sf5 98 108 158 90 68 697 14 8 8 8 10 8 8 7 5^ 49 53 29 24 381 8 21 22 22 23 22 29 24 153 133 !52 80 72 668 10 1 .0 15 l5 17 19 21 20 104 128 1.37 63 74 370 25 22 22 26 j 26 27 30 27 143 164 172 87 85 \ , 303 3 23 S3 26 28 25 34 30 1.57 160 165 91 74 872 16 291 367 351 385 410 397 103 1,910 2,031 1,964 979 985 6,821 93 401 525 646 528 698 907 126 2,483 3,1 19 3,814 1,796 2,018 7,925 516 398 462 477 540 694 41 2,0.56 2,470 2,769 1,310 1,459 8,052 2 8 12 12 n 12 12 12 58 68 56 29 26 455 71 5 4 6 6 5 6 d 5 33 29 33 17 16 483 33 108 108 in 1 129 133 141 • 99 748 765 833 433 400 3,782 173 27 34 35 27 38 46 31 j 172 176 2.35 125 no 1,027 64 62 60 82 65 60 90 46 ; 322 281 424 206 218 2,862 72 89 87 77 95 102 76 365 502 .568 306 262 3,081 24 85 no 146 147 124 146 135 j 525 .578 673 347 326 5,891 12 12 15 l-i 15 21 20 97 90 124 71 63 2,173 79 111 115 114 118 145 112 602 624 776 423 3.63 3,860 no 108 116 115 113 133 76 .571 497 646 334 312 2,531 139 53 36 3l 39 38 51 48 202 195 384 200 184 1.585 20 41 39 50 49 47 58 38 1 249 202 346 ‘20S 143 1 1,231 t 194 272 1 27 9 229 312 334 j 142 1 1 3)66 1,149 1,562 776 786 S 0,135 14 196 212 ; 283 ! 257 302 311 ! 55 1 1,172 l,39i 1,461 778 683 * 6,399 12 364 — 397 398 — 441 County of KE ST. — Lathe of Aylesford.- -Wrotham, dialling, Maidstone, Lenham, Gravesend, ^ c. .ij c. 442 — 514 02 Fopographical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c., ot all the Towns, Parishes, Hamlets, Tythings, &c. Sic., in the County : AWT'. Continued.— Conclutled.— and part ui Lathe of SCRAY. Goiidhurst, No. 509, 497 feet above tbe level of the Sea ; Hawkhurst, No. 511. U seated A on tlie bolder of Sussex, near the Headwater of the liother IHver, which falls into the Sea at IIY The Places helow ?toted with a J are on the line of Road continued from "No. 441, to ('anterhury : the Jinures denoting the distance from London : the whole of this line of Hoad from- London to Canterbury ^ runs yurrallel with the liouth bank of the ThameSf and ajfords a sue- ccs.^ion of delightful vieus of the Hirer ^ and the numberless Vessels floating on its surface, Uoebester. is 8 miles North of Maidstone) — see Note to preceding Column. Hoo Hundred) H piomontaiy ^442 Hi^h HalstOW 4 foriued by the contliu nce of the ] - ®-- Medway into the Tliames; the Isle of Grain being the Kastern J extremity. Hoo and Stoke) are*^ nn the Shore of the Medway, and | AHhallow'S ou the Thames: the distances imply from Strood. L 3 St. Marys, Hoo 5 4 Allhallows 6 5 Hoo, St. Werberg 3J 6 Stoke 5 7 Isle of Grain, St. James’s 7 These places are situated of (he Alsdway ; Bruiuptfn Parish of Gillinghaiu bei Chstbaiu tiurthwarj : Friii,Q. i £ W . - cii S ^ i 5 - vt ■ ~ ^ s ^2 1 TOTAL Lathe of A YLESFORU. Lathe of SC/tA K. 1-2 ('451 Kainham J34 2 Upchurch 1 2V. E. (if Ruinham 3 Hartlip .... 1 S. E. of Moor Street f34J 4 N ewington t 5 HalstOW 1 N.of Newington 6 Bobbing \ N. of Hey Street 38 I wade ^ N. E. of Newing ton > 3 J . - a - - « > a C S>i * •= ^ = 5 ‘ £ <5 Z> ^ ^ .2 ' 3 w ' -lUlii 8 Burden . . . 9 Tunstall ... 460 Bredgar . . . 1 Milton . . . . , . . IN. E.of Chalkwell J Teynham Hundred + 39 2 Sittingbonrne f 39^ 3 Miirston 1 N. N. E.of Sittingbourne 4 Tong 1 N. E.of do. 5 Milsread 3 S.by W. of Bapchild 6 Bapchild 7 Rodmersham 1 S. o/ Bapchild 8 Kingsdown 3 do, do. L 469 Lynstead 1 S.of Radfield J41J ' 470 Doddington. . . . 2 do. do. . ..(V/ . . . . .. ..... f 1 Teynham . . i N. E.of do. IsleofSHKPPY. t QuEENBOROUGH is 4 miies N. Ei of Kings i ^ oHEERNESS Ferry : Elmiy is approached by another Ferry from Murslon, No. +163: and I Harty Isle by another Ferry from Oare*^ No. 4S4 : East Church, Warden, and l Laysdon, are at the N. E. part of the ' Isle, and approached by either Kings oi* I'lartry Feriy. L , o , ■fiiiyi & u c ^ ^ 5 3 4; S -S 2 i « " "is % u 1 ~ s 3 S ■; 0 = ii 3 ' '+• = §•§■? = = t: 5a Sas s » Houghton under BleuU) the summit of Bougliton Hill, is 1 mile from Boiighton Street. 4 Minster 5 East Church 6 Warden 7 Laysdon 8 Isle of Elmiy 9 do. of Hartry ........ ■ 480 Luddenham 2 N. E. of Green Street X 42^ 1 Ospringe J46 2 Preston i 46J 3 Faversham tN.of Ospringe 4 Oare “4 1 <<, 2 miles N. N. E. 5 Stone \of Ospringe) and con 6 Goodneston i^tiguous to Faversham. 7 Norton \\ S. E.of Radfield 8 Newnham 3 do. do. 9 Eastling.... 3J do. do. 490 Sheldwick H S.of Preston 1 Baddlesmere 3 do. do 2 Throwley 3^ S. E.of Radfield 3 Leaveland 4 do. do. 4 Stalisfield ,5 do. do. 5 Bnckland 1^ 6 Davington 497 Graveney 8 Boughton ! 9 Hernehill e> 1; 2 N. E. of Preston Felhorough Ihmdred^ bounded" on the East by the Stour River, which rises near Ashford, and runs past Canterbury to Stourinoulb. i ■501 ('hilhain 5 5 . iS. £. 0/' I 2 Charthani 3 S. E. of 3 Moidasli .... 4 S. of 4 (3iallock .. 4 E.of C 5 Godmersham 5 do. do. do. do. karin do. Part of the IJ eald of Kefit) i Stile Bridge is over the River Built, I 5.^ miles South oi Maidstone: Cran- brook, is about the saint* distance from London by way t>f Tonbridge, ] Breiichley, and Goudburst,as it is by^ way of Stile Bridge and Staplubnrsi: | Milkhouse Street, No. 51*2, is 4 h m. lr»im London on the R«-ad thro* Ton- | Inidge to Romney, & Highgate No. ■;1 1 IS 47 miles on tlie Road to Rye. 7 Staplehiirst S. E. of do. 8 Fiittenden S. E.of Stnp 1 13 Hcncnden 3 E. by S. of do 14 \io\ycin\cu 3 S. S.W of Te IKutnber of inhabited HOUSES. \ Tdumber of j FAMILIE.S. e.2 ^ J* "a. TOTAL Number of PERSONS Proportion in 1B21. Amount of the EeUmatee of the Annual Value of the Real property a$ aeettted to the Properly Tax, iR April 1813 ts 4. .2 §«! s a. a: 1801. 1811. 1821. 1 1801. ISIl. 1821. ISOl. 1811. 18'2I. Males Females 36 42 49 39 48 55 51 227 295 350 199 151 ef 2,489 2 34 35 1 30 43 49 54 48 214 247 286 167 119 1,873 26 29 33 29 34 40 34 166 173 259 142 117 1,849 93 126 144 114 138 160 95 350 710 960 521 439 3,663 45 65 69 51 65 71 52 263 315 350 193 157 2,128 31 29 45 35 29 45 38 191 196 254 136 118 2,390 — 1,136 1,622 1,586 1,550 1,981 1,999 92 6,817 9,070 9,309 4,364 4,945 24,120 1,715 2,191 2,549 2,615 2,720 3,337 293 10,505 12,652 14,754 6,881 7,873 23,22‘i 875 1,041 1,030 1,231 1,226 159 4,135 5,153 6,209 2,966 3,243 11,76.5 39 13,376 16,341 19,037 i 17,627 19,598 23,044 9,070 S3^?37 97,775 U5,334 56,903 58,431 391,309 — 119 130 164 139 156 191 118 722 877 1.030 505 525 6,010 16 38 48 67 51 68 72 66 243 285 414 218 196 2,383 10 47 37 51 52 58 69 .56 256 272 300 160 140 2,052 84 88 103 95 116 115 85 507 526 629 323 306 2,708 67i 23 27 35 30 41 42 16 121 158 220 111 109 1,.573 2 35 46 41 50 67 65 50 231 313 325 155 170 1,549 2 16 21 22 20 22 28 8 106 176 145 75 70 2,818 97 75 79 105 119 95 79 528 672 650 298 352 2,122 5 24 26 26 2.5 27 32 14 136 148 160 75 85 1,551 62 77 68 77 86 95 69 401 435 508 266 242 1,812 253 307 317 307 359 361 86 1,622 1,746 2,012 1,019 993 6,193 2 199 230 294 261 267 325 34 1,347 1,362 1,537 748 789 4,363 12 17 22 20 22 23 23 21 128 136 141 74 67 1,705 20 27 29 29 32 33 31 164 187 216 122 94 2,328 17 29 29 29 39 34 32 26 189 177 191 109 82 841 5 48 59 60 53 61 63 59 224 265 307 160 147 1,825 21i 39 39 41 47 54 41 38 237 278 307 148 159 1,206 11 7 10 11 11 10 12 11 60 68 75 44 31 612 — 112 121 139 141 135 168 87 796 767 890 455 435 2,845 1 54 61 68 62 71 80 52 366 402 451 237 214 1,836 5 78 93 100 85 106 125 79 424 498 600 309 291 3,971 134 128 157 160 143 186 188 545 805 881 400 481 1,480 — 134 58 413 134 180 1,422 1,685 817 426 391 — 666 833 1,228 1,070 1,250 1,702 100 4,139 5,318 7,597 3,866 3,729 17,759 54 63 97 74 84 113 100 392 444 705 385 320 8,419 — 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 7 12 21 13 8 262 13 12 20 18 12 2.5 24 88 66 132 75 57 1 ,555 - 2 3 4 2 3 5 5 11 21 23 12 11 2,842 — 7 7 7 7 9 8 7 S5 41 45 24 21 2,649 18 23 32 25 31 43 37 130 135 178 96 82 1,822 — - 109 106 148 131 113 183 67 645 658 918 452 460 3,492 25 24 43 66 31 44 66 62 220 291 351 168 183 2,841 164 578 672 683 749 846 791 78 3,488 3,872 4,208 2,019 2,189 9,493 11 33 33 34 38 41 40 23 182 196 197 |09 88 615 — 9 9 10 12 11 12 12 58 62 75 41 34 971 63 9 53 15 13 13 13 11 68 71 66 37 29 558 4-5 12 13 15 14 15 18 14 88 105 98 52 46 1 ,364 — 41 41 67 50 56 72 42 262 291 356 192 164 1,196 15§ 47 56 58 58 68 79 56 289 329 406 g07 199 1.5/'6 30 67 67 95 81 89 102 54 410 449 545 267 278 2,296 394 16 16 16 19 19 21 17 101 106 113 54 59 810 5 67 75 94 68 r,8 108 87 430 512 607 315 292 2,526 33 8 10 11 9 1 1 12 10 57 61 69 34 35 412 10 43 52 48 55 56 50 250 292 340 183 157 1.432 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 21 22 13 9 639 — 24 27 31 30 31 32 12 146 168 151 67 84 1,027 4 23 32 34 29 33 35 30 1.52 160 ]94j 105 09 3,061 174 207 21.1 181 214 248 203 884 1,002 1,237 621 616 4,295 2n 68 7.5 83 70 79 90 82 359 398 477 241 236 3,24.5 49J 71 65 68 107 81 87 72 .500 4.58 .573 296 277 2,553 744 119 135 185 1.58 179 193 96 807 946 1,025 5‘10 485 6,951 1 12 135 130 137 154 154 1.5.5 101 776 811 855 4.3.5 420 4,582 121 42 46 47 57 59 70 61 294 342 37 8 21.5 163 1 ,660 4.S4 .53 49 48 63 57 72 63 311 306 381 l99 182 1,867 214 62 63 68 66 63 81 59 367 .372 414 204 210 2,479 20a 225 301 354 305 313 367 282 1,660 1,604 2,0.5 1 1,100 951 9,214 412 206 198 236 224 247 277 201 j 1 ,220 1,341 1,.513 774 739 6,110 175 97 95 116 97 110 135 110 63 1 593 799 .112 387 3,023 116 284 273 385 321 386 462 326 • 1,782 2,082 2, .57 9 1 ,299 1 ,280 8,969 227 427 511 473 44.5 .587 734 .379 2,561 2,99-) 3,,6B3 1 ,8.55 1,828 13,012 657 2.50 290 382 328 323 414 219 ■1,742 1,849 2,250 1,129 1,121 7,635 43.S 201 205 218 214 215 260 135 f 1,151 1,279 1,544 811 730 6,3.56 151 197 214 27+4 216 2.58 306 1 230 1 ,300 1,522 1,746 912 834 .5,778 .55.5 144 13? 157 171 195 240 165 889 1,130 1,403 702 701 1 7,1.59 297 442 — 471 472 — 614 County of KENT. — Rochester and Chatham. — Lathe of Scray . — Queenborovyh, Sheertiess, Faversham, Cranbrook, ^c., ^c. 03 515 — 5U»J TopoGKAPmcAi. Position, POPULATION, &c. cVc., of all the Towns, Ptiiishes, Hamlets, Tytliiiigs, A'c. /■ AT/M Coiiclmlfd. Part of the iMt/w of St. AU(J(JST/NIC. The Hefine of Longitude in the Latitude of the Observatory beinR :i7^ (Jeot;ra- phiiai ; oi\ tlufitish Statute mileSt it makes the mean distance httween St. Pauls and the IVorth Porelaad about OH milest whilst by the Itne of Hond^ it is about T>1 miles. Gretmtelch Observatory in lat,h\ ,tiO IV.ivhtch forms the hleridian yoint of f^onititude for Grkat Britain, 3 A’, and A /s'. i»/ St. Pants, l4onaon : the North Korelaiul, which forms the \orth Pastern extremity of the. Voanty of Kent , bet Wien Marjjntf ond HromI St:ilr» is 4 Mouthand I .*ii) t.ast oj the <) servatory: and the Soiilh Forrlaml between Dover and St. Margarets Hay, see A a. 030, Is 17 South and 1 .*25 Past. ■£3.2«2>o5 0 = .s ? ^ 3 - ® t i g i! L e.- g § ^■c Q ° B-E n -a “ .r 2 « ^ — ® #5 •*S S ® ® “* 5 a. S ^-o ^>3 a7ot3 2 Mg S„o«go-=it ■s c-g^ ; 2 I " = « o. ;; >, 2 £ o -''!ls2e|o 7 E § o-,o2« ^ * cE ^ ai O ' j c ■ ot: is " -d-5 o “ I “ 2“|*sSs-52 ? -3,« o -o a . ^ Si“Sp.)SSS|S °i£oE'--Sy® S! Z o ® _pa „ .*33 =25-® = „ *®3; = o £6^4 17 Teiitenlen “ s;r5l8 Appleiloie ... 19 Kcnardiii> “ Little Chart 2 S. S. W. of Charin, 6 Fluckley, &c, 3J do. do. ^ 7 Westwell 3E.byS.of do. I 8 Smarden . . . . 34 iV. E. of Bidenden 530 1 Bethersden 3\ E. of Smarden Hothfield t .'>2 Chart Magna 2 S. S. E. of Hothfield Ashford‘S t544 Kennington ” 1| N.of Ashfor Hinxhill ^ E. of do. Kingsnorth 2 5'.o/ do. Willesborough t 56 8 Mershain t 58 r 9 Eastwell 4i E. by S. of Charin V 540 Boiighton Alnph 6 do. do. cJ 1 Wye, on the banks of the Stour 7 do. “ * 2 Crundale ^ E. N. E.qf Wye 3 Brook .-,. ....25.0/ do. TOTAL Lathe of SCRA Y. !,athe oJ St. AUGUSTINE. ^5^4, Harbledown f 54 5 St. Dunstans 1^44 6 Thannington 7 I CANTERBUilY.. .. 155 8 Hackington, St. Stephens . Westgate and Whitstable Hunds., including the City and Suburbs of CANTER- BURY. Tot. Pop. in 1821, 19,213. Sea Salter, k Whit- j 9 Holy Cross. staple, are a miles N. oj 149 171 135 155 192 147 698 870 1,095 5.50 545 7,800 78 30 34 39 33 39 45 40 188 214 244 117 127 1,159 10 96 101 122 124 134 164 114 731 776 890 478 412 3,862 88 123 155 192 148 174 213 141 851 912 1,167 .5.57 346 5,147 41 26 26 29 34 37 43 25 217 224 303 161 142 2,2,32 14 74 84 86 106 106 123 97 .572 616 663 371 292 3,940 80 88 94 107 111 125 143 135 629 684 867 443 424 4,542 75 160 163 184 168 178 202 137 831 890 1,038 55.5 483 4,819 119 112 134 142 150 166 187 151 740 898 1,001 521 480 4,906 104 bo 66 74 70 76 81 70 355 416 438 220 218 2,342 25 87 80 117 99 107 128 96 544 582 659 337 302 3,960 41 392 413 469 383 481 522 117 2,151 2,532 2,773 1,328 1,44.5 8,387 2f 59 61 65 79 61 93 34 314 373 447 222 225 2.464 10 21 22 22 24 26 25 24 133 152 146 82 64 868 43 44 48 50 62 70 57 295 347 372 204 168 3,198 14^ 68 65 73 79 76 89 54 442 435 483 209 274 2,3.58 12 12 12 13 16 16 19 13 85 74 86 49 37 1,281 8 81 83 89 107 109 127 75 571 625 776 410 366 3,790 23 15 16 16 19 22 23 18 136 131 134 62 72 1,040 9 01 71 75 72 82 91 63 403 404 453 248 205 3,193 28 213 217 269 251 256 298 158 1,200 1,322 1,508 50 738 9,394 37;^ 32 36 29 37 36 45 40 179 171 250 12.3 127 1,330 344 21 24 24 21 29 31 2.3 104 144 162 77 85 773 12 8,SI7 10,152 11,577 11,170 12,215 12,264 7,275 56,371 03,710 75,037 38,093 36,991 243,699 — 95 125 138 106 142 144 114 473 608 678 3.58 320 3,904 7- 129 128 128 159 153 132 41 707 695 719 328 391 1,768 19 5l 59 53 55 65 65 48 239 297 374 194 180 2,8.55 140 i.r-u 2,093 2,-lOS 2,270 2,320 2,890 394 9,000 10,200 12,746 5,780 6,965 26,508 229 46 57 65 46 57 66 45 255 .323 •149 173 176 3,611 19 148 155 153 246 169 161 9 791 728 S7‘2 432 440 1,757 — 63 86 103 69 92 108 103 338 440 543 296 ,247 2,255 31| 12 60 64 19 66 111 16 71 236 37*2 163 209 591 — 48 42 38 65 62 58 6 249 224 257 134 123 196 — 51 70 82 61 91 88 22 287 479 438 238 200 2,092 — 75 112 128 82 121 134 30 419 536 654 309 34.1 3,451 — 138 231 275 217 293 296 74 1,205 1,249 1,611 844 767 5,904 6 130 141 157 132 143 168 107 657 709 878 441 437 4,469 H 10 1 5 13 16 17 20 20 99 89 143 78 6.5 1,086 199 210 242 227 242 319 196 1,232 1,442 1,675 8.57 818 5,921 - 3sS 38 37 36 39 37 30 188 179 194 104 90 l,boo — 154 169 191 158 176 198 167 848 912 1,135 591 541 8,401 — 43 43 59 49 49 70 46 271 296 348 178 170 1.258 — 44 37 36 44 38 40 36 252 265 266 136 130 1,379 — 35 31 40 37 41 45 41 202 230 257 137 12i: 2.146 n 30 30 39 34 38 41 S3 169 186 191 94 97 1,203 59 63 69 60 63 73 67 300 332 348 187 161 4,452 — 92 100 107 98 105 122 86 520 480 590 301 289 5,917 — 100 117 119 100 119 124 76 537 614 700 346 354 3,7.50 — 1,004 1,229 I,3t5 1,009 1,231 1,503 115 4,766 6,126 7,843 3,634 4,209 25,437 — 356 432 46 1 369 435 464 157 1,568 1,943 2,101 1,020 1,081 7,685 -- 226 274 315 243 295 339 174 1,068 1,416 1,601 790 811 6,110 — 639 785 1,063 708 890 1,216 42 3,110 4,221 6,031 2,697 3,334 14,080 — 149 153 170 152 157 182 133 707 824 920 497 423 8,949 — 7 9 9 7 9 9 4 33 51 41 23 21 1,937 — 25 17 32 25 19 40 38 145 163 212 93 119 — — 44 48 53 ol 48 53 44 236 252 242 121 121 1,003 — 99 109 122 112 116 127 76 539 642 698 378 320 2,698 34 65 81 82 65 84 91 64 411 430 469 236 “^oS 3,367 — 84 87 89 87 89 94 82 430 460 621 273 248 4,716 44^ 18 28 26 24 29 28 25 no 137 122 67 55 969 2 37 38 39 51 57 53 48 271 324 305 169 136 1,903 .56 60 63 73 75 80 87 83 316 380 467 241 226 2,592 IH 164 160 190 174 163 194 113 844 859 1,085 559 526 5,092 mi 65 63 65 83 73 81 63 411 409 432 223 209 3,459 4.3 90 91 129 100 112 129 101 562 566 730 379 351 1 ,386 21 35 35 36 38 39 40 37 138 213 233 115 118 1,367 — 285 334 360 343 340 391 265 1,575 1,68.5 ! 2,020 1,031 989 15,460 138 304 317 546 1 535 597 599 { 102 2,452 2,735 : 2,912 j 1,.326 1,586 7,278 — County of KEST. — Lathe of Scray. — Concluded. Part of the Lathe oJ St. Augustine. Canterbury, Margate, Sfc. Sfc. 6»» (!()l <{4 Topogkaimiical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c., of all the Towns, Parishes, Hamlets, Parochial Chapelries, &c. &c., in the County of /rKAr'/'.— Coiilimiud. Lathe o/ .S7. 4 t/O't/.V'/'/Nfe’.— Concluded, and Part of the Lathe of SllRPW A Y. The Road from Canterbury to Dover runs through Bridge, over Barhuni Oowne, Rroorn Park, (see No. UII,)fo the Halfway Houae, dUt. /rti « c >- -a - ^ 'I « H a a j ■“ .— 3 S''— . ''i ^ \ do. ....3 do. do. do. 3 do. do. 5 S S. W. of do. I ^ L fa) Preston. .H S : r « t « « — 5 ^ -X) S . >» ^ ^ a> ^ ^ p, = § ^ £ S' — Si — r . ft , — ’ 5 .= .5 “ f624 Lydden... from Canterbury +10 5 Coldred 1 N, of Lydden 6 Sibbertswould Ij do. 7 Ewell tl2 8 River contiguous to Ewell 9 W bitfield 2 N. E.of do. 630 West Langdon 3 do. ^ 1 Guston 2 N. of Charlton Buckland jl4 Charlton 1 15 t DOVER (2^S. of Margate) .. tl6 West Cliife 3 N. by E.of do. St. Margarets 3 N. N.E. of do. Poulton 2 I" g 2 * = 1^ 8 Houghain ( part of) ... . 4 S. W.of do. TOTAL Lathe of St. AUGUSTINE. Lathe of SlIEP WAY. c' 3,3'3 f ('639 Hougham C rem. part o/J 4 S. W.of Dover 640 Svvingfield 2 S. E.of Denton 1 Alkham 2 S. of Lydden 2 Hawkinge 4 S.of Denton 3 Capel-le-fearne 1 W. of Hougham 4 Newington 2)^N.of Hythe 5 Folkstone 7 S. W.of Dover 6 do. out Parish 7 Cheritou and Sandgato 8J do. r 648 Eleham ...... 4 S.of Barham, No. 598. , .£3 ; 9 Acrise 2 S. E.of Eleham |t<( J £ 1 650 Lyminge 2 S.S. W.of do. ’ ( 1 Paddlesworth 3 S. S. E. of do. '652 Stelling 7 S.of Canterbury I 3 Ehnstead 4 E. S. E. of Wye 4 Stanford 1 E.of Sellinge ^ 5 Monks Horton 2 N. E.of Wye 6 Stoiiting 3 E. S. E. of do 7 Ahlington 2 S.of Selling 8 Smeeth .. 1 E.of Met sham Hatch, No. 53b. 9 Haslingleigh 3^ N. E.of do. - rt 6X O' S 2r ^ « w ~ S fcj 5r — O ^ > If W ? •S.al-2'^ = Z ■g o ^ II i = ; A L IS i 660 Brabourue t 591 L 1 Bircholt Number of I^umber of TOTAL Proportion in £»titnate» of th» Annual Valut of the Inhabited HOUSES. FAMILIES. Number of PERSONS. 1821. Roal Pr^trty at attttttd to IdOl. 1811. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1821. X iHOt. 1811. 1821. Males Females Tm, in ,4iiri/ ISIS. 42 76 86 65 81 99 37 325 397 432 202 230 1,667 30 21 20 20 21 20 22 19 124 129 165 86 79 1,858 94 29 43 28 41 43 41 36 215 202 !?13 112 161 1,271 84 78 81 94 91 87 102 80 414 451 536 263 273 3,461 108 39 44 49 47 44 49 38 241 237 243 142 101 2,096 57 66 67 67 80 72 86 77 383 476 682 323 259 2,329 76 45 45 43 48 45 45 31 213 239 268 147 121 2,999 44 44 49 48 .54 54 42 216 257 311 162 149 67 i 49 54 63 50 58 65 55 242 259 325 149 *176 1,913 44f 36 42 46 48 59 58 51 197 276 301 175 126 1,529 19 139 140 130 157 163 167 107 751 816 912 433 479 3,684 40 17 17 20 22 20 24 16 107 104 131 61 70 728 H 8 11 12 8 11 14 13 50 69 76 43 33 911 134 61 86 79 79 92 100 81 418 481 604 255 249 2,512 16J 124 103 101 90 136 144 136 603 624 689 358 331 7,060 125 48 59 67 48 59 68 61 264 317 438 208 230 5,262 3 3 3 3 3 5 1 18 37 34 12 22 809 153 184 163 159 189 192 113 852 909 1,062 551 .Sn 5,144 10 5 6 5 5 6 6 5 29 42 26 10 16 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 38 26 21 12 9 1,331 40 39 41 52 48 58 52 229 226 303 151 152 1,250 2 69 67 67 71 67 74 33 346 330 390 209 181 1,692 11 13 16 12 13 18 11 59 89 115 52 63 523 3 22 20 25 54 32 39 30 187 159 196 98 98 1,061 13 23 25 26 25 25 29 18 122 123 147 74 73 - 9 9 11 11 13 11 8 65 48 69 34 35 1,065 __ 906 1.340 1,302 LIO? l,5S2 1,400 no 5,420 7,351 6,811 3,136 3,675 14,066 100 105 135 114 131 146 116 583 674 757 400 357 3,918 12J 39 41 46 47 53 55 46 238 286 285 142 143 2,022 39 41 52 49 53 56 40 248 263 281 138 143 1,453 17 14 17 17 19 21 21 105 91 113 60 .^3 1,559 S’, 114 360 317 130 389 317 58 775 2,154 1,568 730 838 4,0.53 19 21 21 19 21 tb 22 122 131 171 81 90 1,230 58 77 94 71 84 96 49 293 399 495 244 251 1,470 21 22 31 23 25 31 27 134 127 154 82 72 1,141 33 35 33 37 35 4b 35 243 239 3d7 194 153 995 — 20 27 29 21 27 33 26 103 128 149 92 57 771 20 18 14 22 23 21 20 120 1 12 125 72 53 1,492 44 45 53 45 45 54 34 212 217 299 136 163 1,487 — 34 40 48 3b 44 64 40 172 222 340 180 160 942 40 60 76 96 73 89 105 34 555 650 701 380 321 1,771 32 27 40 32 27 41 28 164 149 207 112 95 1,033 17 17 19 18 17 20 20 92 80 86 41 45 468 29 35 37 29 35 37 35 149 174 206 110 96 1,263 71 119 131 75 132 140 31 346 584 693 340 353 48 114 116 48 114 124 19 279 600 791 491 400 1 2,S93 1,708 1,780 1,846 2,071 2,163 2,192 32 7,084 9,074 10,327 4,775 5,552 16,487 — 7 5 5 7 »» 5 5 61 40 62 39 13 1 ,024 83 89 87 85 94 87 69 419 481 613 351 262 1,228 — 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 28 32 29 21 8 471 47 52 58 52 67 66 55 306 33.5 420 240 180 2,002 — 10,485 17,490 13.490 11,998 14,035 15,115 5,305 54,889 67,3dd 77,134 37,624 39,510 304,943 — 36 162 97 46 240 102 17 215 621 414 209 205 36 37 47 4b 46 60 47 215 245 304 178 126 1 ,725 68 44 83 69 44 98 86 385 234 509 264 234 2,246 23-1 16 18 16 18 26 24 24 91 119 132 69 63 419 n 22 22 27 23 24 33 33 133 130 195 114 81 1,142 61 65 76 67 71 92 63 429 408 498 259 239 3,2 1 6 H 762 7 65 794 770 8U 862 64 3,257 3,690 3,989 1,862 2,127 88 104 100 89 105 112 65 447 535 552 291 261 , 0 A 1 75 174 205 111 204 209 61 727 887 1,121 521 600 3,332 — 174 187 191 209 130 — 992 1,168 591 577 5,284 27 25 22 28 33 28 28 23 160 194 186 89 97 1 ,026 14 80 100 108 88 109 121 118 491 540 718 363 375 3,669 22 8 3 9 9 b 10 10 42 21 44 24 20 282 48 49 53 52 54 57 53 206 263 295 163 132 1,242 33S 65 65 67 71 73 83 68 362 398 454 239 215 2,155 55J 29 30 31 38 34 42 30 203 188 229 111 118 1,591 — 31 35 38 35 30 160 186 91 95 1,175 — 36 36 37 43 39 45 40 186 197 236 )21 115 1,012 221 68 83 87 90 91 129 105 504 543 728 372 obb 4,811 -171 46 51 54 62 78 77 1 55 296 402 393 200 193 1,8.50 33J 24 27 26 37 32 1 33 1 152 188 194 105 89 962 64 101 117 79 120 1 129 423 664 .599 326 273 3,809 51i 5 5 5 ' 5 6 1 t> \ ^ 26 31 33 18 15 •120 2 Brandllm, ( see N,.. JSB, and COd,) at the divergance of the Road from Canterbury tn .Saudtvkh, and to Veal, is 5j miles East of Canterbury ; a Road runs parallel tvil'i the Coast Jrom Margate to New Romney, through Ramsgate, distance bh mites, Sandwich lllA, Deal Id, Walnve' 17 .J, and Dover us above. 58B — 623 624 — 661 County of KENT. — Lathe of St. Augustine. — and part of the Lathe of Shepway. Deal, Dover, Folkestone, Sfc., Sfc. 85 G(5'2 — (593 'I'opoGUAiMiiCAi- Position, I’OPIJLA'I'ION, &.c. &c., of all tlu; Towns, I’arislies, Hamlets, Parochial Cliapclries, Ac. Ac., in the County of A A W/'.— Coiiclu(U'il. /'nrf 0 / fAo Intllie 0 / .VAc;jii>ay Uoiiiiioy Marili ; Ihe Harrackt ac Saitwood occasioned the excess 0 / Numbers in IHII ; a /fotirf runs jianalUl u ith the Coast oj Kent Jrom Marf^atv to At W' Hommut distance Ui miles. Xo. 081, 4r., in Hvmney hfarsh, noted u ith an * are on the line of Hoad confinurd /ram T anteruin, Ao. 517 , the Topof Ttnterden .Stee- ple so distinguished as a tsund Mark from the English ('hannel, is 322 feet above the level of the AVtJ, and the Toy of Swingfield Steeplet^iee No. 040, 330 Jeet i Hwingfieldt is about the same distance S. If. of Jsifdden, No. 024, us from Dmton, lec Oil, it is about 0 A. o/ Folkstone. e, -5 C fc ^ *5 ^ Co O e ■t ft; w ^ ® ‘^■5 o . o < lllUHlriMtl of Strcel. J35 5 ^ ^ ts :2 . Ham New Church Hayne 66i Sellinge t6I} 3 Lynipiic 1 S. of Pedley Green 1 63 4 Hurst iS.of Sellingt 5 Hoiniingtoii 3} do. 6 Bilsington 4 S. W.o/do. 7 Ruckingc 4} do. do, 8 Orleston b S.of Asiford 9 \V eathorn 6 do. 670 Pestling .. i N. of yeio Inn Green uous to Hythe Parish 1 67 Hythe .... cositiguous South ! 670 Postling .. iN.o/ye 1 Saltwuud .... contigui S t Hythe, in iSd/itt’ood ; 3 West Hythe .... conti rfMMdriS »/ iii» un ot i tin dhtitntti i 674 thlfony ........ 1 do. »wp/f from R»4ine Str«*t, wAiVA • 59 mlet ’ ^ SlftflP ^2 dfi ^rtm sis 4 Tti*t*rdem, («iiiarU< ^ * •••••••••• • (_ 6 Wittersham .... do. -"S'".,- ott.S^e'3 a. *’>6: ^ ^ a-'SSa: 4 S. of Pedley Green . f677 East Bridge -- S C r i 8 Burmarsh S. W. of Hythe 9 Orgarswick .... 3 S.S. W. of do. 680 Dymchurch .... 4 do. do. 1 Snargate * 64 S Suave t y. E. of Stiargate 3 Fairfield IJ S. IV. 0 / do. 4 Brookland i S. of do. 5 Brenzett *65 6 Old Romney *67J 7 Hope, All Saints t y. E of Old Rom. 8 Ivy Church N. do. 9 New do 4 do. do. 690 Midley IJ S. do. 1 Lydd 3 S. E. do. 2 jNew Romney *69J 3 St. Marys 2N.of yew Romney * S-Sw.i; ' « ^ ^ ^ ^ O 4q a>' 5 35 1 ^ I i 9 S.9 I TOTAL Lathe of SHEPWA Y Number of Inhabited HOU.SES. Sumber of FAMILIES. |L I:h tii rOTA L Number of PERSONS Proportion in 1821. Am4Unt •/ IA» Rettmafes of th* Ammual Vatu* «/ lk» B»ai Properly aosetieJlo tko Prapotly T«i. itt April ISIS < 1801. 1811. 1821. 1801. isn. 1821. 1801. 1811. IS-H. Males Females 50 52 57 75 78 87 .55 361 371 469 245 224 2,910 74i 44 50 56 67 69 89 73 354 376 444 250 194 3,954 8i 2 4 — 3 5 5 — 23 24 13 11 877 4 20 21 18 23 27 25 20 126 165 129 75 54 1,747 3i 34 37 33 42 50 46 41 213 232 250 145 105 4,347 23| 43 41 46 46 47 60 55 279 263 331 177 1.54 3,589 1 33 35 49 37 39 59 27 209 220 262 128 134 1,578 I 63 48 72 72 71 86 67 411 435 493 262 231 3,157 22 23 23 25 26 30 26 126 134 175 89 86 1,639 49 80 72 62 90 88 81 385 1,066 570 290 280 5,761 6 212 268 382 248 458 413 18 1,365 2,318 2,181 960 1,221 12 14 16 to 19 24 22 81 89 119 69 50 1 4,093 23 22 19 28 28 26 19 351 139 151 89 62 3,726 10 44 48 53 55 66 74 59 346 341 425 232 193 5,174 63 84 104 141 118 144 169 121 496 754 911 463 448 5,005 140 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 21 21 18 9 9 2,909 14 14 17 17 20 21 19 99 96 94 53 41 .5,675 1 1 — 1 1 ) 7 10 4 6 1,020 55 72 82 67 84 105 60 366 424 551 273 278 4,523 10 12 1.5 12 13 18 16 67 68 93 46 47 3,285 11 13 13 14 18 21 21 59 88 108 57 51 4,043 5 6 9 6 7 11 11 34 54 86 44 42 2,138 61 68 79 64 80 87 43 .382 363 487 245 242 4,335 27 33 44 32 35 48 36 179 200 238 122 116 3,603 19 23 21 21 26 27 24 109 146 1.53 81 72 with Ntv) R. 5 5 — 7 7 7 36 48 25 23 3,639 27 30 28 27 34 37 34. 144 188 252 132 120 10,726 18 22 32 21 32 40 38 113 176 281 165 116 8,146 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 29 20 33 21 12 3,850 204 302 290 238 329 301 137 1,303 1,.504 1.437 706 731 18,131 122 153 157 162 178 200 64 755 841 962 433 529 8,740 7 7 14 9 10 19 19 45 50 103 73 30 4,915 — 3,087 3,786 4.200 3,583 4,600 4,897 2,488 12 730 22,831 25,420« 12,736 12,684 Recapitulation of the TOTALS of the several Lathes, and Cities and Towns. TOTAL Number of HOUSES. Number of FAMILIES. Lathes, and Inhaffited Uninhabited BuUdine TOTAL Proyortion Number 0 / PERSONS. Cities, and Towns. 1801. ISIl. 1821. 1301. 1811. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1911. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1821. eSutton-at-Hone 7,603 9,127 10,626 287 241 284 106 98 9,0.S9 10,767 12,500 5,205 .5,921 43,658 54,000 62,714 * 1 Aylesford 9,195 10,922 12,771 226 243 345 97 76 11.720 13,128 15,360 7,012 8,234 58,388 66,610 78,763 .S < Scray 8,817 10,152 11,577 164 148 255 57 81 11,170 12,215 14,264 5,939 7,275 56,37 1 63,710 73,087 i St. Augustine 8,777 10,710 11,644 373 373 752 106 77 9,917 11,862 12,923 4,950 5,277 47,805 58,270 66,807 C Shepway 3,087 • 3,786 4,200 55 102 139 11 29 3, .583 4,600 4,897 2,274 2,488 1 8,Si56 22,881 25,420 ['Deptford 3,068 3,463 3,642 51 59 390 97 19 4,513 5,010 4,934 208 281 17,548 19,833 19,859 '5' Greenwich 2,067 2,3l6 3,007 54 66 346 47 17 3,215 3,276 4,002 96 117 14,339 16,947 20,712 W oolwich 1,341 2,296 2,520 21 150 227 41 11 2,556 4,448 4,293 6.5 14 9,826 17,054 17,008 f Rochester 1,136 1,622 1,.586 14 29 53 19 7 1,550 1,881 1,999 259 92 6,817 9,070 9,309 Chatliam 1,715 2,191 2,549 14 SO 135 25 26 2,615 2,720 3,337 74 293 10,505 12,652 14,754 { Maidstone 1,330 1,706 2,131 16 39 103 5 42 1,742 1,869 2,348 437 451 8,027 9,443 12,.508 c t C anterbury 1,741 2,093 2,408 58 106 87 10 11 2,276 2,326 2,890 508 394 9,000 10,200 12,745 Dover 1,708 1,780 1,846 80 65 70 7 17 2,071 2,163 2,192 50 32 7,084 9,074 10,327 TOT A L of County 51,535 62,063 70,507 1,413 1,671 3,186 628 511 65,967 76,265 85y939 27,077 30,869 307,624 373,095 426,013 STATEMENT of the Total Number of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in each Lathe, and City, and Town, in the 20 Years 1781 - 18OO; and in each of the two 10 Yearly Periods 1801 - 10; and iu 1811 and 1820 ; shewing also the excess of Baptum.s over Burials, in the 20 Years 1781- 1800 ; and in the 20 Years 1801 -20. Lathes, and Cities, and Towns. Number in the 20 Years 1781 - 1800. Exces* of Baptisms OT«r Burials in the 20 Years 1781-lSOO. In the 10 Years 1801-10. In the 10 Years 18U - 20. Excess of Baptisms oTer Burials in the 30 Years ISO! . IB20. Amount of the B$ti~ motto of the Annual Value of the Real Property a* atoetoed to tho Property Tax, sn April 1815. Mar. riages E Males U RIALS Females DAr i JAIrlLl Males \Femalcs | TOTAL TOTAL Baptism. Burials Baptism. Burials V, f Slitton-at-Hone 9,020 18,909 17,636 36,545 17,223 15,363 32,586 3,959 15,789 10,838 17,784 10,999 11,736 t. 288,103 8,357 16,462 15,738 32,200 12,490 11,639 24,129 1 8,071 20,647 14,695 24,214 14,852 15,314 310,723 .a < Scray 8,870 17,371 16,486 33,857 13,032 11,688 24.720 1 9,137 21,286 13.899 22,429 12,583 17,233 332^47 9 ^ 1 St. Augustine., 6,776 14,366 13,451 27,817 11,301 9,989 21,290 1 6,527 18,899 13,300 21,150 12,135 14,614 288,456 ^ eShenwav 2,509 5,636 5,261 10,897 3,426 3,127 6,555 1 4,342 9,067 5,632 8,873 4,494 7,814 185,113 f Greenwich 1,641 3,060 3,011 6,071 3,090 3,267 6,357 i contra 10,198 11,464 12,032 9,415 1,351 46,738 "S' Deptford The Numbers of these two yjaces in the 20 Years ' 37,450 •SO W oolwich 1781-1800, were included in Sutton at-Houe. 1 5,283 5,612 7,082 6,222 531 1 31, .500 » a s: 3 J t Rochester. 1,569 2,166 1,557 4,601 1,.594 4,233 3,151 8,834 2,096 4,710 1,535 2,828 3.631 ^ , 7,538 ( 7,767 6,359 8,6.53 6,847 3,214 24,120 f 2.3 222 j Maidstone 1,498 2,439 2,402 4,841 1,838 1,825 3,663 1,178 3,653 2,196 4,440 2,431 5,466 33,244 S X Canterbury 1,433 3,009 2,742 5,751 2,496 2,470 4,966 805 4,530 3,955 4,457 2,906 1 2,126 26,508 Dover 2,432 4,545 4,291 8,836 2,968 2,653 5,621 3,215 4,315 1 2,683 3,946 2,28? I 3,289 16,487 TOTAL of County 46 072 91,892 96,769 178,660 75,087 66,181 141,271 'i 37,389 1 121,434 90,633 135,060 85,173 ' 80,6S3 1,641,1;9 County of KENT.- -Romney Marsh, SfC. Summary of Population, Parish Registers, ^c. 4’c. ()04 — 705 00 'ropoGKAi’iiicAL Position, J*()PULAT 10N, Hasting^s, by waif ofTuiibridpe, Kippiii/f s Cross, and Lamberhurst . — see Ros. 3!>(i, and 301, in Kent. Those noted with a § are on another line of road diverging from Tunbridge, by way oj Tunbridge Wells, which is mile, further than by Kippings’ Cross : Hurst Green IVu. 708, where the two roads unite being ih miles from Ticehursl. The Parish of I'rant No. 740 includes part of Tonbridge Wells No. SOO, and part oT a. ^ sS I *= EV2 sh- £2 w ■ 5 .- w -■5 c V “'S' S 1" SS I S.3-=^ 8 Penshurst 4 IE. Whatlington 719 Ashburnham 4 W. by S.of Battle Foxearte ^ 7^0 Hurstmonceaux S E. by S. of Horsebridge, 776 ^ 1 VVartling SE.S.E.of do. f ^ (722 leklesliam “ . . 1 W. of W inchehea 3 Giiestling®* 5 S. W. of do. 4 Pett i S.of Guestling 5 Faivlight . . 3 £. N. E. of Hastings 6 Oare +62 7 \V estfield 4 S. E. of Battle 8 Crowliurst .... 2 ,S. of do. i 9 Holliiigton.. 2 N. W. if Hastings I 730 St. Leonards . . 1 IE. if do. ‘ 1 St. Marys Out Parish of do. 2 t Hastings “ +64 C733 Catsfield 3J S. W. of Battle N infield^ 4 Ninfield 4 do. do. C 5 Hoo.... 10 do. do. J36 Bexhill’2 iS.S.W.of do. - — o i S ” 5, , 2 33 C. I m I a i z H : _ - H -i: *• '' - : ® C ! ! S' « s IV J ^ I cq i = 2 - " ™ := ■= - - .tl ^ "Sd s •- CQ ? TOTAL Rape of HASTINGS. •8.5 06 ^ -r a L. e v-® ."H ^ ^ S ^ S 8 ii: ■? W 8 0> W- . . i S' ^ to 5 = R ~ o a j .s R ^ 3 5 Sr* .2 0;'^ . I I ' 1 ^ 2 5ti 2l ‘ »*• 5* a o • 2 -• ?: 5 1 1: c .. Danehill- ^ Horstead J a'3" i3'R. f 7.37 t East Grinstead t‘28 Hurt- <^73% Hartfield 5 E. of Forest Row J 31 field ( 9 Witbyam 4 do. do. r> ri n II ^ ^40 Fant; or, Frant §37J Rotherjield ^ ^ Rotbei field 4 S. by W. of Frant T n 7 j C 2 Lamberhurst * 40 Loxfidd- } 3 Wadlmrst §41J Pelham ^ ^ Mayfield 6 S. of Frant 5 Horsted Keynes ( see Note ) 6 Selmeston .... near Uckfield 7 Tarring Neville do. 8 Lindfield K3’36| f 9 Maresfield t39^ .? 750 Fletcliing 2 IE. of Maresfield L 1 Little Horstead j 43J 752 Bnxtead 1 >S. E.of Maresfield 3 Uckfield t 4i J 4 4 Frarafield 1 ,9. £. «/ Uckfield * .5 Isfield I S. W.of Horstead f 756 East Hotbly .. 2J E. S. E. of do. I 7 Chiddingley 2 S. I'.- of Hothly 8 Laughton 2 S. by W.if do. 9 Ripe 3 S. of do. 760 Cbalvington 4 do. do. Rush- inonden ikxC JW V5 1 'it 5^ . S a ? i: » ! i 5 I “> a 5Q I 3 o *’*» < b/.< ill 1 Waldron 5 E. by S. of Uckfield 2 South Mailing. . . . conliguims to Lewes 3 Ringmcr 2 E.of do. 4 Glynd 2 S. of do. 5 Stanmer 2 E.of Patcham i i Amount of the 1 EstimaiMof Nut7lt/€7' of umber of -1= TOTAL Proportion in \ IheAunual 1 V»lu«-jftht < a Inhuhittd HOUSE.S. PMMLIES •2 Numhir of PERSON.S 1821 , Keal Properly 5 ■£ 1 the Prnpertv 1 Tax to April 1815. 1 ISOl. 1811. 1821. 1801. 1311. 1321. 1801. 1811. 1821. Males Females S 2 Littiington 4 W. of Willingdoti 17 20 22 24 21 23 16 111 117 133 75 58 851 — Q -c 1 1 ^1?; » S •« 3 p <» «, .§■ i| ' 3 Wiliingdon I|S7J 4 Eastbourne®® 1| 59^ 58 2+8 65 413 92 465 64 303 75 440 93 487 56 165 347 1,668 445 2,623 520 2,607 253 1,226 263 1,381 4,812 8,866 — fiB ^ ^ V ~ fcD 1 6 Jevington 2 W.of Wiliingdon 45 36 51 51 55 61 49 229 280 300 147 153 1,624 — W ^ <5 1 1 6 West Dean 5 do. 10 12 13 15 21 25 25 88 114 163 83 80 2,150 t’SxT? S 1 7 East do. . . . . W. of Eastbourne 41 37 51 48 49 56 42 284 249 296 151 145 1,841 — 8 Friston “ 2 do. do. 4 5 10 5 8 10 10 35 45 62 34 26 770 — Lower) of Pevensey 9 Pevensey®®.... A E. of Swines Hill 98 48 52 54 49 64 18 752 254 292 140 152 10,329 790 West Ham 4 W. of do. — 99 96 — 112 142 121 — 584 583 309 274 5,623 — TOTAL Rape of PEVENSEY. 5,258 5,S33 6,735 6,573 7,071 8,133 5,290 34,345 38,217 44,830 23,051 21,776 190,757 2,183 C 5J 2 ^ ^ “ f79l Crawley fSO* 2 Worth *29J 26 194 41 288 51 264 51 207 55 319 60 276 22 221 210 1,501 234 1,539 334 1,725 174 931 160 794 462 4,625 8 ^ it V» ^ CU 3 Balcomb *32f 73 91 101 78 113 114 70 451 559 606 338 268 2,171 4 Ardingley .... 3 E. S. E. of Balcomb 62 64 70 82 83 99 72 606 553 .579 299 280 2,292 [3 5 Slaugham Ij W.of Handcross t34f 93 132 123 101 132 148 99 560 759 933 497 436 1,928 .rh'?T ?,£ ^,'2 = be ■|d 6 WestHoathley §30^ 113 116 119 144 156 172 115 794 840 943 523 420 2,8.53 4 ^ ^ ^ 'sS J 7 CUCKFIELD (39-2 *37 290 300 324 376 398 436 275 1,693 2,088 2,385 1,250 1 ,135 7,679 2 = • 3 CQ 8 Bolney 2 W.of Cuckjield 91 90 97 103 111 112 97 497 510 560 291 269 2,066 — ° S-« a i 9 Twinebam 3 E.of Mockbridge 46|^ 34 35 38 39 44 48 32 238 234 275 148 127 1,541 — sta -S;^ g T ••s.J-c'S'.S 1 800 Hurst Perpoint 2 W. of Ditchelling 172 166 213 230 225 245 134 1,104 1,184 1,321 642 679 5,298 — 1 AVivelsfield §40| 70 70 91 84 82 98 71 442 468 537 275 262 1,767 12 2 Ditchelling § 44f 92 109 122 132 145 183 108 706 740 844 420 424 3,882 6 ■3 5 f 3 Keymer ^45* 68 61 112 85 61 122 84 465 536 679 359 320 2,800 — 2 d 2 •'"S 1 S S'^'S 5 »2 » 4 Clayton +4Gf §47i*44^ 55 53 73 73 77 79 72 337 425 453 242 211 1,974 — r> West Merton .... 1 S. E. of Ditchelling 31 31 35 38 37 43 35 205 189 251 132 119 1,566 — c2 vs“"fe; l2 £ 6 Street '2 E.of do. 19 19 21 25 24 25 22 112 l33 152 77 75 :’,006 — ® g •o ^ R ^ ^ ^ 5 ^ ( 1 Falnier 4 W. do. ouns" J 2 Ovinedean .. 3 E. of Brighton 48 8 57 13 75 15 56 10 57 13 75 16 49 12 I 255 85 322 75 437 79 246 39 l9l 40 3,188 1,631 — mete i ^ Rottingdean 4 do. do. 89 100 148 102 116 156 87 543 559 (72 361 411 2,895 fia s ^ -2: < CD pj r 4 Piecombe §48J*45i 17 29 20 30 29 39 33 l34 181 218 119 99 1,219 T 5 New Timber 24F.il/ N. o/Piec. 17 23 26 24 23 26 24 148 173 161 81 80 1 ,385 — ’■“ ® ’sp S rvyn,ngs<. g PoyningS .. 3 VF. «/ do. 21 29 38 33 29 40 23 173 181 232 123 109 1,531 — 5 ?3 ^ R V. 7 Eiiiking .... 2 W.ofPoynings 23 24 25 31 SI 41 37 167 170 177 93 84 1,923 — Dean 8 Patcham *47J 30 67 70 60 67 75 60 286 33 1 403 209 194 4,187 — O R h b ‘^ac t! Fisher- $ 9 Hangleton S. W. of Patcham 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 36 48 52 26 26 1,788 — gate X 830 Portslade 5 do. do. 48 70 41 60 74 62 40 284 358 421 233 188 2,043 tf Preston ^ ^ IW. of Brighton 31 79 33 33 83 55 33 222 429 319 129 190 1,839 P? S « S* <; 18 33 45 20 40 49 25 101 193 312 149 163 1,908 Whales-^ 3 Brighton §64^*6JA 1,282 2,077 3,947 1,380 2,416 4,718 92 7,339 12,012 •i4,429 11,019 13,410 1 71..515 1 — bone X 4 West Blachingtou 9 10 — 9 10 10 — 49 54 27 27 1 703 1 — TOTAL Rape of LEWES. ! 2,922 2,932 3,234 3,712 3,511 3,873 2,595 J 19,401 18,659 21,573 1 11,195 10,378 S 1B5.B64 1 m (otinlff of SUSSEX.— Rapes of Pevensey, and Lewes . — Seaford, Eastbourne, Crawley, Cuckjield, Letves, Newhaven, Brighton, Sfc.,SiC. 835 — 903 88 Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c., &c., of all the Towns, Parishes, Hamlets, Parochial Chapelries, ^ Co •■2 -2 ^ s S ^ a 4 Shei'nianbiiry 1 E. of Mockhridge * 46 40 40 42 44 53 57 45 274 270 320 169 151 1.255 — ® ^2 •c r 5 Sliiplev . . t \V. of W. Grinsteod 125 146 148 137 171 I78 153 997 1,011 1,159 633 526 4,020 SsJ 6 West Giinstead 1 43 I 3j 136 143 l64 175 211 166 939 998 1,229 658 .571 4,228 'S.S i 7 Ashington Il-Id| 28 25 41 32 ol 41 37 173 193 229 117 112 865 — a S ff.-S 3; UJ a ® 3 J ■> C V 8 Ashurst .. 3 S. of W. Grinslead r 9 Heiifield *47J 55 m 55 164 56 243 73 182 75 215 75 258 56 130 385 1,037 408 976 394 1,404 205 704 189 700 2,320 4,822 10 7 I ’ 850 Woodmancote *48i 36 38 37 43 51 57 49 231 247 294 153 141 1,660 ^ t. 1 Alboiirn.. 1 E. of Woodmancote f 2 Wiston 1 W. of Steyning 33 o4 42 36 44 32 54 53 5iii 46 67 40 56 34 253 258 293 289 360 293 192 163 168 130 1,617 1,594 — S S’ ~ « 3 J 88 118 124 232 108 232 121 231 132 97 512 1,174 619 704 1,324 360 677 344 647 1,847 1 j 4 tSTEVNING f51 212 182 254 122 1,210 4^411 — S’ 5 i Bramber i at 22 20 20 24 21 23 17 91 95 98 44 54 519 5-S “ja 3 2-~r 3 « 6 St. Botolphs.. S.of Bramber 5 5 10 8 10 10 10 36 51 62 40 22 7 Coombs 2 do. 6 6 6 9 10 10 10 47 61 70 42 28 — _( 8 Ifield li W . of Crau'ley 73 94 111 89 111 141 96 637 654 758 420 338 2,529 — s otsj; a = “ : 9 Edbui ton 2 S-of Woodmancote ®-S/ 860 Beeding t 32i 37 81 14 103 18 105 51 114 18 119 18 142 17 121 258 689 92 717 92 904 48 505 44 399 940 5,847 — 30 39 38 203 37 155 41 162 43 36 2 188 210 770 225 1,047 120 472 115 .575 1,908 X 333 “7 2 t New do. 3^ S.of Beeding 148 160 230 799 b046 .a i 3 Kingston 1 E. of Shoreham 11 8 7 14 12 10 10 77 60 56 28 28 — — SI t, 4 Soutliwick .... 1 do. 54 .50 .57 67 66 72 27 271 321 374 156 218 t,289 — WjM rs u 79 101 116 81 103 118 80 451 519 590 306 230 284 3,330 2,252 6 Sompting"® 4J S. of Steyning .53 60 92 71 88 92 75 40.5 441 472 242 7 Dunington “Z S.of Finden 23 26 38 28 39 39 27 140 186 194 no 84 823 — "«•= a® 8 Heene l IV, of \i orthing 16 29 36 19 30 38 20 101 136 178 89 89 773 -3 5 5 2-3 0" so*s^.ct; ^ c Finden II 514 56 84 85 72 85 97 61 381 421 477 233 244 3,274 870 Clapham 2 IV. S. iV of Finden 26 28 32 3.7 41 4.7 40 197 201 245 141 104 1,381 1 Patcliing 3 do. do. 22 27 30 3.7 37 41 29 192 183 222 120 102 1,069 2 Broadwater& Worthing ||56 183 471 623 213 497 685 101 1.018 2,692 3,725 ,658 2.067 9,561 S;gg-5js5 3 West Tarring 1 W. of Worthing 81 100 120 102 107 121 .7 1 487 568 650 328 322 1,668 - TOTAL Rape of BRAMBER 2,956 3,700 4,322 3, .563 4, ‘261 4, 069 2,671 i9,‘2o:i •22,777 •26,910 13,Gv5 « w IS o 1 Woollavington 4 S. 5i/ IF. do. 28 29 36 38 40 54 45 192 201 272 136 136 1,137 — .^5 aZ - •1 2 Bar do 4 S.of do. 10 \6 10 13 17 17 13 78 78 94 51 43 767 — r. . , 3 Sutton ” a do. do. 47 51 46 1 52 59 62 46 303 342 353 193 160 1 ,336 — 4 Diincton ( top of'Hill ) §,53i 30 35 37 43 49 45 36 205 5233 246 128 1 18 840 — ^ »■ o “3 ® a 5 Tillington 1 W. of Petivorth 90 87 1.33 122 135 1.54 114 614 6.50 681 368 3)3 3,655 — • f 6 Wisborough Green 21F. (/Bi/Hng-s/t. 206 218 226 351 279 309 237 1,307 1,421 1,679 873 806 5,091 j — 7 Fittlewortli * . . 3i S. E. of Petworth 84 102 93 113 117 127 1 77 564 .525 631 314 317 1,784 1 .3^-5 'r^Su'S pa 8 Hard ham {49 11 IP 12 14 13 17 17 85 89 114 60 51 1,173 1 - = 9 Coldwaltham' {.50 40 41 44 49 57 57 49 237 265 357 170 187 744 ( 900 Coates ^ S. of Finden 6 6 6 6 7 8 ' 7 30 41 41 24 17 319 I — 2 "2 ~ .a * -a 1 Bignor " 3 do. do. 19 23 20 21 28 26 ' 23 95 1.50 138 66 72 792 i — ^ S § g G 35 ~ 2 Bury ” { a^ 1 62 42 73 76 50 103 81 361 242 504 262 212 2,197 ' ^ 3 Houghton \ S. E. of Bury 1 27 27 2.5 34 31 35 13 114 142 162 83 -9 61 1 ’ - Nos. S43-4,fonn the Hundred of Windham and Ewhurst, and Nos. 871 and 873, each form a acparalc Hundred; ntflvu'orth, No. 897, is in the fork of the Hiver Kolher and Ock, fsee Note at Heatl of the followin» CoJumn) and on tlie Road from Petworth to Arundel, by CoUlwaltham and Rury ; }}'ishorouf:,h Crten, is on the Htiad fnnn (JuildfonI to Hnshton. .5.J ind> s South of Alford.-- see No. and Nt>tc thereto, conlinued from Wi»boroiit;h Green, by lladfoltihcrns, Daneliill, Warniini'luir!-!, No. 811, Ashiiij'ton, No. 817, ami Wisimi, No. S.V/, to Stey- niny. No. 8.04, dis. of Sleyiiint; from fliiiltlford 3'i miles, and from Hrii'liton 10 miles, uiakini* the dislance ot (Jiiildlord from Rriuhtou -I2 miles: liy the Hoad abni'j; the Coa**!, ihe disianie from Brighton to Margate, i«, as tlie Diarnonri figures represent lO.'i miles, hut by another lim- of Road, tiy Bewes, Uingmer, Crons in Hand, Bnrwash, Kuliinuhaiu, and IIuihI (J I'mi,— see Nos. 70S - 12, ronti tilled by Hawkhiusi, Cranhrook, Sniarden, &c., (see Not'' to Nos. .02^, c^-r., i/i ) it *i« only 87 miles ; Margate, being in Longilmle | 32 K;ut, ainl Bi iglitoii 1 1 U o mean Bongiuide bettveen tiic two nlaccs, is 72 JSlatute mile^, at an angle of 40 Statute miles Smiili : the ilistaiice of Brighten liom Tuuinidge \\ ell^ t» j'l miles by ^^a^ of Leues, riVliebt P-.imd Gate, and J'r dgo Greer 835 — 864 865 — 903 County oj SUSSEX. — Rape of Bramoer, and part of Arundel. Horsham, Steyning, Bramber, Shoreham, Petworih, Sfc., 4‘C. 904 — 97(5 (59 Topographk’AL I’osiTlON, POPULATION, ® * t *• f904 North Stoke .... ^ S. S. E. of Bury 10 9 9 13 13 12 12 48 62 63 37 26 lfl73 s - o 2 = .? s 3 Btirpham* .. 2 iV. N. E. of Arundel 37 36 35 41 50 51 37 201 229 223 119 104 1,844 -.a 6 'Wamiiigcanip, in Leominster Parish 17 21 18 21 26 22 19 121 126 113 57 66 804 7 Leominster* 2 S. of Arundel 60 74 99 74 100 1 12 83 357 428 562 287 275 4,409 8 Little Hampton ’ ■ 4 do. 112 159 205 122 191 224 19 584 882 1,166 .570 696 4,067 Q 9 Kustington .. \ E.of Little Hampton 44 5t 51 55 66 68 51 261 292 327 167 160 2,145 w ^ Q "N ^ 4»S 6 Stedman 2 TF. qf do. 39 45 56 57 69 92 57 258 353 453 246 207 1,875 ? K® ■« c 7 Selham 3 E. S. E. of Petworth 11 13 13 13 X3 14 13 78 71 80 41 39 761 s 8 Bepton 2 W. of Cocking 9 Cockins t 624 26 26 26 32 37 36 34 129 148 140 73 67 877 49 52 51 71 62 74 45 300 332 340 166 174 1,749 c 940 Heyshott 2 E. of Cocking 42 58 56 57 58 64 56 27^ 265 309 155 154 1,.501 -»o 5« ^ *?3 t? 1 Grafihani 4 do. 45 49 52 51 57 72 54 260 295 343 176 167 904 L r 2 Llnch 12 13 14 16 15 14 12 78 84 77 39 38 .588 3 Chithurst 3 W. of Midhurst 19 22 23 21 27 28 23 94 127 146 81 66 678 S-S 4 Trotton 4 do. do. 53 53 56 62 72 76 54 329 370 390 212 178 2,583 ft. ■a 2 a g V 5 Tui'wick 5 do. do. 10 11 11 17 17 20 16 91 109 112 61 51 537 o a 6 Rogate 6 do. do. 87 1C7 106 99 128 142 116 518 595 724 368 356 3,222 q g a ^ •~ S S !® 1-11 1 7 Didiing 3 W. of Cocking 11 11 13 17 17 20 20 83 79 81 49 32 537 3 8 Trayfoid 4 do. do. 17 19 19 19 24 27 25 95 114 137 77 60 722 9 Elstead 5 do. do. 21 24 27 29 24 36 30 121 128 190 107 83 1,503 2.1 ^950 Hartine Sk S.E.of Petersfield 143 175 190 143 212 236 150 863 947 1,072 558 514 8,144 tec .C ^ CO o> ‘3 ^ • r 1 North Marden 6 W. by S. of Cocking 3 3 3 5 3 6 6 20 23 20 T3 7 319 a 8 West do t66 103 108 107 103 109 114 78 510 554 622 317 305 3,080 « -§ S) « ^ 9 Stougliton 4 W. S. W. of West Dean 101 83 84 108 99 115 82 502 489 519 271 248 2,821 28 47 50 45 52 53 29 198 215 243 124 119 1,227 -2-« ,£ 1 Racton 5 W. of Mid Lavant 16 15 17 19 22 22 13 111 102 100 51 49 1,057 ~ '..s.S ~ a OJ 2 Westbourne .... 6^ do, do. 212 359 383 318 377 395 145 1,549 1,702 1,8.52 885 967 8,710 IS 1 4 7 13 4 12 14 13 53 86 67 33 34 1,081 o §^-S « I 5> VH S ‘:2 4 Upwaltbam Direction Post .... § 57 6 7 10 9 11 14 65 49 99 58 41 407 ■2 S' s*'S .« 5 Eartham §68 19 19 19 25 23 25 19 114 122 105 55 i 50 955 bc 6 Boxgrove 2 S . W. of Eartham 131 l43 152 150 163 167 131 682 754 868 425 443 4,423 52 5 •• .5 7 Aldingbourn, &c 3 S.of do. 99 35 140 129 47 142 101 725 3l0 855 450 405 4,854 ^ 5 c« * 2 *Ci 8 Oving 3 E. of Chichester 69 65 144 92 95 148 77 464 476 637 332 306 6,372 U 9 Rumbolds-Wyke .. . . 1 do. 43 45 56 48 52 63 34 224 269 303 148 1.55 2,280 1 < 970 Fishbourn'^^. . . . 3h S. E. of do. 26 55 64 32 57 69 11 309 252 288 132 156 2,587 I 1 Donuington ^ S. of do. 23 25 25 34 39 51 35 183 222 267 140 127 2,011 s 2 Hunston 2^ do. do. 15 16 32 23 2i 39 24 123 111 166 79 87 1,918 a ? = g § a- 3 N. Mundbam 2 S. S. E. of do. 65 62 51 70 88 85 77 324 430 422 22 201 3,670 hma C« 0'S ^ 5 ^ « a 1 is ;c G,< rT- W 0 4 Merston 3 S. E. of do. 14 20 18 16 2o 18 16 77 84 107 62 46 1,048 ^ 6 Westhampnet’’*. , ^ E.of do. 59 49 68 67 60 72 44 400 444 401 214 187 2,526 j 1 6 Appledram 24 24 17 24 24 26 23 136 119 133 1 00 78 2,354 1 M County rf SV ^SRX..- ~ Rapes of Arundel and Chichester. Little Hampton, Arundel, Alidkurst, Sfc. Sfc, 977 — 9D4 00 Topographical Position, POPULATION, &c. &c. of all ths 'Powns, Parishes, &c. Ac. in Concluded. In addition to the Six Parishes In the City of Chichester t the Pop- ulation of ivhivh in \H'l\,are separately enumerated in the ICcvlesius- tic.al Index, the City further contains the Parish^’s of All Saints, otherwise the Pullant, with *i94 Inhabitants ; St, Bartholomew, with Inhabitants ; The Close Precinct, with 145 Inhutntanls ; and. Aew 'Towji Extra Parochial, with 82 Inhabitants ; making with the Six Parishes enumerated us above mentioned a Total Population of 7,302. The. Parish of St. Mary Hospital, specified in the Eeclesius- tical Returns, is not noticed either in (he Population or Parochial. ii > 4> c ■» ' V. > w>c< o mS y ,5; ^2; “-§2 : H.g 10 . S — X ©Ws-t -5 • ! a.s ■ ji A 982 ill 'i 977 Liivaiit, E.&W. 1 E./Miilhavn 8 Sliiuloii .... 2 iV. E. of Ear I hum 9 Taii^niere •• oj E. of Ckichesttr 980 S. 15er.stcail t08, BocNOit f 69J 1 Pa"haiii SW. S.IV. of Bersteud i cr()iff)rBtn' >“ t o2 § 63 983 Silllesliatii .... i S- t7 S.W. of do. 8 Earnley .... 7 S. hy W. of do. 9 Selsey 7 S. of do. 990 Stoke, We.st 2 IE. oj Mid-Lavunt 1 Eimtingtoii .... 3 do. do. 2 Botliam .... 3 IV. if Chichester 3 Chidhain. . . . b do do. 4 Tliorney.'VV'. 7 S. W. of do. TOTAL Rape of CHICHESTER. Aumber of Inhabited HOUSE.S. Number of FAMILIES, 1 ill K<-S TOTAL Number of Persons. Proportion in 1821. AmoQot Af the Beiimatei of the anoual Value of the Real Property ee useeied lu ISOl. 1811. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1821. Males Females Tai. io April 1815. .33 46 65 63 48 73 .64 274 348 364 188 176 £”510 66 76 70 80 94 99 55 374 437 471 249 222 1,958 24 ^7 28 33 36 40 25 136 157 174 87 87 1,334 94 200 3o3 136 224 .327 95 737 1,195 1,851 897 954 7,834 101 1 66 193 13.6 168 202 145 652 847 1,009 537 472 7,386 821 l,W83 1,245 1,017 1,286 1,429 69 4,744 6,425 7,362 3,276 4,086 22,015 102 149 195 136 149 l9,5 187 805 865 1,029 537 492 6,107 33 43 .34 39 44 39 11 161 199 181 102 79 1,0.58 62 7 b 69 73 76 95 74 361 375 532 293 239 2,865 2 .=) 38 40 31 40 46 38 202 214 216 112 104 1,791 61 9b 100 83 109 104 62 396 483 .504 254 250 3,606 1 J 13 21 27 24 22 115 106 148 77 71 2,192 81 94 107 117 136 152 95 564 648 7 66 400 366 3,283 1,1 16 16 16 15 15 15 76 64- 92 49 43 847 137 140 1 10 142 143 155 no 681 6B7 8-17 406 441 5,726 166 173 208 183 185 219 116 880 1,079 1,049 510 539 6,545 33 36 38 44 49 55 .51 209 243 293 156 137 1,850 10 10 12 16 15 19 17 71 62 111 63 48 1,361 3.J95 4,151 4,659 4,369 4,856 5,561 3,449 21,608 24,200 27,87 14,228 13,643 160,794 Rccapitul.iHoii of TOTALS of Rapes and Towns. fHasiings (!94 — 736 o 1 Pevonsey .. 737 — 790 g ) Lewes 791 — S34 a-l IJramber . . . . 835 — 873 (S I Arundel ■874— 928 I Cllicliesler .. 929 — 995 f Bp. 10 H I "N . . 833 V'oK'nj < Ch icii ts t ER 982 1 Lewes 818 TOTA L TOTH U Number of HOUSES. Number of FAMILIES. TOTAL Number of PERSONS. Proportion in 1521. Amount of the estimates of the value of the Pro- perty. as ms sessed to the PrepertyTax Pareehial Assessment io the Year ending Easter 1776. Inha Bi TED. Uninhabited Bo 1 LDING. TOTAL Proportion ISOt. 1811. 1S21. 1801. 1811. 1821. ISll. 1821. 1801. 1811, 1821. ISll. 1821. 1801. 1811. 1821. Males Females 4,158 5,268 6,634 65 130 191 17 51 4,390 6,533 8,188 3,657 4.512 23,997 34,926 44,311 22,213 22,098 I49,lll 11,494 5,476 5,833 6,735 126 126 M7 39 46 6,900 7,071 8,133 4,812 5,290 36,111 38,217 44,830 23,054 21,776 179,261 11,455 2,922 2,932 3,234 72 56 56 14 17 3,712 3,541 3,873 2,371 2,595 19,401 18,6.59 21,573 11,195 10,378 110,115 6,004 2,956 3,700 4,. 322 89 233 ISO 3} 32 3,563 4,26 J 4,069 2,527 2,67 1 19/203 22,777 26,940 13,681 13,259 89,310 7,764 .3.482 3,624 4,391 85 89 95 38 20 4,459 4,787 .5, .382 3,061 3,160 22,478 24.276 28,615 14,627 1.1.9SS 118,203 11,111 3,495 4,151 4.659 108 123 149 36 21 4,369 4,856 5, .56 1 3,105 3,419 21,608 24.200 27,876 14,228 13.648 160,794 11,152 1 ,282 2,077 3,947 112 301 352 SO 360 1,380 2.416 4,718 61 92 7,339 12,012 24,429 11,019 13,410 71,515 509 821 1,083 1,245 10 32 74 10 9 1,017 1,286 1,429 72 69 4,744 6,42 i 7,362 3,276 4,080 22,015 1,143 6S0 893 1,116 24 29 28 24 8 965 1,258 1,3(2 112 82 4,122 6,221 7,083 3,412 3,671 15,878 1,057 2.5.272 29,561 36,283 721 1119 1272 •2SS .576 30,7.55 36,014 43,565 19,778 21,920 159,311 190,086 233,019 116,705 116,314 915,348 61,694 STATEMENT of the Total Number of Maniages, Baptisms, and Burials, in eacli of the .six Rapes aud three principal Towns of tlie County of SUSSEX, 1st. in tire 20 \ear» 1781 — 1800 ; 2nd. in the 10 Years 1801 — 1810 ; and 3rd. in tlie 10 Years 1811 — 1820 , shewing the excess of Baptisms over Burials in each Rape and Town at each Period; tlie ratio of Baptisms to every 100 Marriages, and of Bnriais to every 100 Baptisms; aud also the amount of Parochial Assessments, 1st. on an average of the three Years ending Easter I78.i ; 2nd. in the Year ending Easter 1803; and 3rd. in the Year ending Easter I8l3, tviUi the Numher ot Persons relieved out of the Parochial Rates in eacli of the two latter Years. Oi CO C i C ^ CO «> o 3^ Rapes and Tow ns Mar- BAPTISMS. ! BURIALS. Excess of Baptisms j Total Uncrease Popula- tion © O •*»- c esT «e ® ~ Parochial Assess- ments Number ears ending Easter '' f ffa.'Stings . 4,240 4,499 2,306 2,778 8,767 9,683 4,789 5,982 0,739 8,791 4,528 5,836 17,506 4,940 5,187 2,781 3,572 4,786 5, 169 2,729 3,277 9,7^6 10j3.66 0,510 7,780 8,118 3,807 413 14,099 rrs. ’3 1 1^'cvensey 18^474 9,317 — 411 404 56 59 16,760 9,623 9,262 are exclusive of Children, which in 1909 amounted to 17.990, exelu«ive of 2, 6IH relieved cot bcinir Parish- S' 1 Bramber 11,818 6^849 4^969 42.5 58 ihe latter V Number ot ( hilnren in ears is not slated. ^ j Arundel 6,615 7,082 6,375 6,795 1,842 12,990 13 877 3,839 3,703 7,542 7,843 5,448 6,034 . .. 428 58 11,956 i (!hiehe.‘5ter . . . 3,044 1,299 326 3,995 3,848 57 11,756 »>a l’890 3^732 1,234 1J43 2i.377 !^50 915 Towns of' Lewes 665 657 1,312 54.5 530 1,075 237 250 82 1,469 is S 991 1,505 1,445 2^950 1,090 1,014 2,104 846 300 71 l’S92 g. ^ S 8 <4, Q,. 22,711 46,968 45,003 91,976 27,183 26,199 53,382 38,594 — 405 58 77, .508 ^.S s « 2 V) 0 f ("Hastings 3,181 6,661 6,358 13,019 3,912 3,170 7,082 5,937 10,829 409 54 37,923 915 1,417 1,316 % j Pevensey 2,667 6,216 5,956 12,172 3,291 2,850 6,141 5,9.31 2,106 457 50 45,679 699 1,805 1,-509 * J Lewes . 2,873 2,763 3,600 5,636 7,37b 1,641 1,50.5 1,936 3,146 2,490 3,109 .. 412 5.‘) 22,886 24,749 438 1,,522 1 ,004 §■ 1 Bramber 1,436 3,77b 2,330 4,266 3,564 513 58 301 1,209 1,219 ^ 1 Arundel 1,706 3,930 3,073 7,803 2,251 2,132 4,383 3,420 1,798 4.57 56 30,322 6l9 1,407 658 f Cliichester 1,727 3,918 3,839 7,7.57 2,137 2,196 4.2.3:> 3,524 2,592 4.50 54 29.010 421 1,.525 840 ( Brighton Towns of ' Lewes 1,358 2,036 1,923 3,959 1,273 1,117 2, .390 1 ,569 4,683 291 60 4,440 153 223 229 578 878 829 1,707 722 .524 1 ,246 461 1,681 29.5 73 3,114 41 141 78 i^ f Cliicliester 595 922 917 1,839 702 670 1,372 467 1,799 .309 75 3,823 237 106 48 14,611 31,209 30,058 61,267 18,259 16,000 .34,259 26,908 30,772 420 56 206,592 3,823 9,415 6,901 f ("Hastings 3,340 7,101 6,731 1 3,832 3,145 2,919 6,094 7,738 9,48.5 414 44 65,87 1 1,169 2,881 2,007 ^ 'S i Pevensey 2,648 6,609 6,389 12,998 2,949 2,898 5,8-17 7,1.51 6,613 491 45 80,475 909 3,272 1,692 1 S'! Bi amber 1,369 3,426 3,176 6,502 1,596 1,5.56 3,2.52 3,250 2,914 475 50 .50,416 548 2,107 955 1,686 4,265 4,011 8,276 2,028 1 ,923 3,951 4,325 3,163 491 47 45,044 465 1,956 898 ® 1 Arundel 1,822 4, .550 4,286 8,836 2,076 1,980 4,056 3,780 4,339 48.5 46 48,024 6.39 1,910 965 j (^(Tfichester 1,809 4,6.54 4,407 9,061 2,226 1,9.57 4, 1 83 4,878 3,676 501 46 47,900 4,35 1 ,6.38 1,166 1 i Brighton 1,883 2,7C« 2,691 .6, .3.69 1,610 1,.5()0 3,1 10 2,219 12,417 284 .59 8,616 197 327 162 j Towns of ' Lew es 671 841 837 1,178 .63.6 518 1,053 625 937 250 63 6,098 8(i 210 17.3 f CTdrliester 551 1 ,065 1,101 2,166 651 678 1,329 837 862 39 '2 61 5,0()1 120 1.67 83 1.S,7T9 .3.5,169 .3;’,, 5.39 68.708 16,816 1.5,9.59 .32,805 35,903 12,9.36 ■l:i,> 48 .■>56,608 ‘1 ,56(1 1 1.1(9 tl.IiM 997 — 994 f • County of SUSSEX, — Rape of Chichester, and Summary. Marriages, aptisms. Burials, 4'C., «^c., in the 40 Years 1781 - 1820. A STATISTICAL DISPLAY OF THE Urta, m tw llcwg, THE ANNUAL VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY, As assessed to the Property Tax in 1815 ; THE aimount cajpenircli fot tl)e iWatwtenancc o( ti^e ^aot, In the Year ending the ‘ibth of March, 1829 ; AND THE TOTAI. NUniBER OF PERSONS AT EACH OF THE FOUR PERIODS OF 1801 , 1811 , 1831 , & 1831 , IN EVERY COUNTY, HUNDRED, DIVISION, CITY, TOWN, PARISH, CHAPELRY, HAMLET, TITHING, LIBERTY, AND EXTRA PAROCHIAL PLACE IN ENGLAND ; ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY, With Numbers of Reference to the preceding District Arrangement, to which it serves as an Index. f)l An account of the Supkrficies ; Annuai. Vai.ue of Pkoi’erty, according to the l*roperty Tax Itctnrns of the amount expended for (he Mainiknanck of the Poor, in tlie Year ending the ‘i/jtli. IMarcIi U521) ; and llie "I'otal Nninber of I’ersons at each of the 4 I’ciiods, 1(501, Util, 1021, and 1(531, in every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Cliapclry, Hamlet, 'I’ything, Liberty, atnl lixtra I’arocliial Place, of O UKA'l' Dill I'AIN, arranged alphabetically as an Index to the District arrangement of the preceding (5000 'I'owns ami principal Parishes of llN(Ji.ANn and M'ai,ES. The Numbers in the Column of Places refer to the Number of the Place in the District Arrangement, by which the Z,oca/i7y, Itelaiion, Vhcnmstuncc, unit Condition, of every place in the Kingdom is determined with a facility and precision never before accomplished either by Description, I\lap, or otherways. In the District arnui^emciit of tlie four Counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, and Sussex, commencing at page 76, every Town, Parish, and Place in tliosc 4 Counties is oxlii- bited, and the Nos. 1 to yyt are repeated; tlie repeated Nos. therefore, in the Alphabetical Arraiigemeut which refer to the places in those four Counties are preceded by an *. The tipurcs I to S preceding certain places imply its being a Post Town or Station having a Deputy Postmaster in the Post ()Hicc Divi'-ion which the figure denotes; that Kstab- lishmeut for supcrintendauce of conveyance being formed into 9 Ditisions. The Market Towns are printed in Smaij. (Capitals, the initial letters which follow, denoting the days on which the Rlarkcts are held; and those places which make a weekly return of the average price of Grain are noted with an •. The Cities and Ecclesiastical Sees arc printed in 01K iiioman. The Old Cities and lloroughs returning two Members to Parliament are preceded by + t do. do. do, one Member to do do. do. *- Those formerly returning two, now only one do. do do. do. f t The New Uoroughs returning two Members to Parliament do. do. ^ do. do. do. one Member to do do. do. t The Disfranchised Uoroughs are preceded by 4 ^ ; The Polling Places for County Members do. do. ^ The Towns at which Sittings are held for collecting of Excise Duties are followed by a f ; those at which Fairs are held by a \ The Sea Ports having Custom Houses are preceded by J Discrepancies in the Numbers of the Population are noted by an • The Chapelries, Hamlets, Tythings, Liberties, and Extra Parochial Place are all expressed by the respective abbreviations of Chap., Ham., Tyth., Lib., and Ex. Par. The Townships are expressed by the adverb (in) as Abbotside ; the (in) implying that it is a Township in the parish of (Aysgarth) 4233 ; where nothing in addition to the name of the I'lace is expressed, it implies that it is an entire Parish ; where the word (next) appears, it implies adjoining the Place to which the Number refers ; and when the word (near) .appears, it/implies the nearest place to which the reference can with propriety be given ; where the names of Places are printed in the figure columns, they imply that the Super- ficies, Property, Maintenance of Poor, or Population respectively, is included therewith. The Figures within a ( ) denote the Number of Townships or Hamlets, &c. whicb tlio Parishes to which they are affixed respectively contain. Abb — Acr Towns, Parishes, l(C, Abbas and Temple Combe .. 3078 Abbaton or Abherton....near 1771 Abberbury or ( Salop 4710 Alberbury (Montgomery.. • Abberford Town, VF. 4001 Total of Parish ' Abberley 2858 Abberton, Worcester 7 IF. of 2762 Abberu ick 4.558 Abbey-Dore 10 A. IF. of 3007 do. Malmesbury 3345 do. Quarter 4385 Abbots-Ann 3481 do. Bickington .... near 3912 ^ DO. Bromley, Tu 2933 Abbotsdury, Th 3583 Abbotsham near 1529 Abbotside, High in 4233 do.. Low » « Abbots- Kers well 3805 DO. Langley 2405 do. Leigh, Sow. near 1324 do. Linch, — see Hob-linch Abbotsley, Hunts near 2141 Abbots-Morton » 2818 Abbotson, — see Itchin Abbotstock, or Stoke Abbas . 3595 Abdon near 2981 3 f Abergavenny, * Tu 157 Aberystwith 158 4 ^ Abingdon, M. F. 3231 Abinger • *211 Abinghall .near 143 Abington, N orthampton near 2506 do.. Great • 2116 do.. Little o • do. -in-the-Clay .. • 2131 Ab-Kettleby ' 2045 Ablethorpe, see Appleshaw .. Ablington 3154 Abney, Hamlet near 333 Abram., 1005 Abson-cura-Wick .......... 3197 Abthorpe 2542 Abiiry or Avebury 3308 Aby with Greenfield.... near 2264 Acaster Malbis. . . . 4034 do. Selby 4030 Acconbnry .4S.of 3067 Accrington, New 1126 do.. Old, Chapelry.. » Acklam do. with Barthorpe Total of Parish Acklington do. Park Ackthorne near 1680 .... 4104 ..... > near 2275 do.. East do., West Acrise \ni lunl 1 Total Numbtr of PERSONS, Superflci«« Value of eXpeuJed j af each of the 4 Sutut* Prnperty, asteHSed lu Meiateoce uf the 1 VtH Yearly Periods, Acres. the I’ruprrty Tes In 1816. POOR, 1828— 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. £' 2,020 3,242 348 425 416 458 448 1,030 1,267 218 1.50 176 203 202 6,040 8,519 704 547 939 1,113 1,029 4,043 — 057 733 833 770 1,480 1,510 171 650 649 679 644 3,820 6,450 234 794 922 900 925 2,390 3,078 231 495 545 674 690 1,050 1,407 112 86 88 82 90 with Ed Hugham. 37 99 142 125 135 6,790 4,204 623 — 486 523 533 iiiih 40 302 45 80 137 169 124 Holm Cult. 5,188 279 590 600 758 861 3,100 3,1.57 476 457 459 626 662 1,510 424 70 68 72 75 77 8,360 9,634 673 808 1,019 1,533 1,621 4,050 6,324 474 788 812 907 874 2,090 2,481 175 313 321 386 387 '3,740 3,047 230 559 585 641 589 4,300 1,294 222 235 195 181 173 1,670 2,902 211 389 379 437 442 5,100 8,290 1,121 1,205 1,331 1,733 1,980 2,150 4,170 180 292 341 317 360 2,110 1,586 442 287 325 392 369 1,420 1,563 91 191 231 236 233 1,980 4,955 418 486 496 613 585 710 609 37 134 137 1.57 170 4,290 11,075 888 2,573 3,036 3,592 4,230 10,930 5,463 422 805 1,626 4,059 5,992 340 9,023 4,763 4,356 4,801 5,137 6,259 9,780 3,152 515 622 629 742 767 860 1,132 164 185 201 215 235 1,190 2,401 95 170 153 176 153 1,500 1,881 320 272 274 337 382 1,120 1,515 170 185 168 257 253 1,260 1,575 172 177 201 233 239 1,520 1,121 225 169 142 187 200 With Bibnrj. 118 132 127 103 with Hope, 991 20 145 137 143 112 1,790 3,339 315 475 602 304 511 2,170 5,219 276 571 671 715 824 1,960 2,327 703 393 424 417 477 5,450 4,571 462 590 607 688 747 1,560 1,184 201 122 115 192 204 4,500 5,890 321 628 632 657 707 1,360 2,017 272 178 191 188 201 1,470 1,058 57 113 131 148 163 2,480 4,097 520 2.246 2,381 4,109 4,360 740 1,511 170 831 885 1,261 1,323 1,100 1,469 96 98 105 105 102 1,860 1,592 141 255 310 389 371 4,130 4,909 308 529 640 788 827 with Wark worth 1 257 ( 108 249 125 269 125 285 107 with Elking ton. 2,270 6,680 677 1,432 1,322 1,575 1,660 4,360 4,073 235 600 671 698 820 7,330 4,930 259 707 785 870 882 ntifa Byweli. 12 23 42 51 36 with St. Jofao Lee. 173 532 529 633 623 1,170 1,020 174 160 194 186 194 2970 Act — Aik Towns, Parishes, Ifc. Acton Cheshire near 836 do. juxta Mondrum do, Total Parish do, do. inWeavetiam do 857 do., Middlesex *92 do. Burnell ) Total Parish 5 do. Reynolds do 3014 do.. Round do. near 2968 do. Scott do. t 2981 do., Suffolk 1871 do. Beauchamp a 2853 do. in Featherstone .. near 3988 do. Grange in 987 do-, llgar i do.. Iron 5 do. and Old Felton 4549 do. Trussell and Bednall .. 2898 do. Turville near 3203 Adbaston, Stafford.. 3 W. of) Remainder of Parish . . . . ) Adderbury, West 'i do.. East >2722 Remainder of Parish ....J Adderby near 302) Adderstone in 4569 Addingham 569 do., Cumberland 4400 Addington, Bucks next 2506 do., Kent *372 do., Surrey *186 do., Gt., Northampton near 2602 1 do.. Lit, do. » , I Addle-cum-Eccup ...... » 496 do. Parish » Addlethorpe f 2266 Adforton and Payton in 3108 Aclisham *580 Adlestrop near 3133 Adlingfleet next 3981 Total of Parish » » Adlington,CAesfer 824 do., Lancaster 1199 Adminglon 3128 Admiston or Athelhampton nr. 3577 Adstock ...next 2511 Adstone Chapelry « 2546 Advent near 3938 Adwell next 2684 Adwick-le-Street near 3964 Total of Parish.... » » do. -upon-Dearne .. » 3954 Atf-Puddle • 3577 Agden 2953 do. in Bowden near 971 Agelthorpe 4226 Aglionby 4415 U Agmondesham 2473 Agnes, St., TA 293 do., Scilly Isle 49 54 N. 6 19 W. Aighton, Baijey, & Chaigley 1114 ,4 t/ce 4060 Aikton ) , Total of Parish AmooBt 1 Total Namtar of PERSONS Superficies Value of expcDdc at tac/t of the 4 Ststulo Property, a Assessed le * Maiolenr *1 Ten Yearly Ptriode, Acres. the Proper! 1 1801. 1811. Tax ia l&iS • 1829—^9 £* 1S2I. 1831. 1,230 1,285 150 2(?2 280 273 309 950 1,585 164 HI 146 159 152 19,800 25,288 2,451 3,181 3,448 3,777 3,928 1,300 1,817 162 j 210 263 301 335 2,260 11,321 1 ,298 1,425 1,674 1,929 2 453 2,650 (1,821 108 272 290 230 295 h,125 181 356 404 305 381 690 1,442 w. Sliawb 177 155 168 173 3,040 1,410 117 200 184 214 203 930 1,397 108 164 184 187 204 2,090 3,035 954 461 470 553 565 1,600 1,615 201 214 240 25.S 239 1,090 1,199 75 86 85 72 51 780 1,826 12S 139 135 148 149 3,030 5,344 620 ( 62 < 798 117 780 1 1,122 1,372 with PalteB. 37 113 81 91 lOl 2,370 2,698 173 436 400 502 551 940 1,264 88 156 180 215 230 6,330 3,810 238 407 ( 121 X 532 157 690 199 601 1 3,060 (2,748 384 326 345 402 397 <4,705 724 818 710 924 961 3,320 6,187 973 779 720 951 1,115 2,260 5,603 318 365 405 ‘ 378 468 with Banboro* 158 300 327 342 322 3,500 4,708 432 1,157 1,471 1,570 2,179 9,520 5,380 303 602 550 694 719 1,320 3,101 85 93 99 89 72 920 1,236 183 159 203 228 200 3,210 4,118 3S9 178 252 351 463 1,230 1,590 275 200 254 256 1,170 999 270 212 209 233 264 4,570 3,936 257 606 652 699 703 6,350 7,370 431 966 990 1,028 1,063 1,770 3,279 313 190 192 176 175 with Leint wardi ne. _ 212 218 1,810 1,993 412 271 324 305 390 1,320 2,199 175 225 228 229 193 1,680 1,773 87 203 223 256 218 4,580 5,986 162 437 461 431 478 3,350 •5,731 362 847 940 1,057 1,060 990 2,586 199 470 610 1,043 1,082 w.QuintoD. 1,444 104 147 174 162 177 290 1,773 41 62 54 79 6? 1,130 1,882 699 289 314 393 445 1,190 1,878 131 161 185 171 ICO 4.020 1,396 116 170 219 229 244 600 795 2 40 36 44 48 1,530 3,119 179 284 314 346 382 2,950 4,546 336 375 438 486 536 1,130 1.375 184 142 159 168 145 4,940 2,000 300 344 273 272 442 670 619 68 90 100 122 104 670 1,026 63 85 90 77 99 1,090 1,946 r.Coverh. 156 140 131 188 with War Vick. 92 72 91 107 5,420 7,305 1,772 2,130 2,259 2,612 2,816 8,660 9,929 1,556 4,161 5,024 5,702 6,642 289 1,980 5,780 6,084 776 1,260 1,296 1,487 1,630 048 44 79 84 98 86 6,270 6,174 253 ( 185 i 682 1 201 614 249 706 261 75f 92 Sujiojicici in Slattile Acres ; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Alaintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in Ail — Aid Towns, Purishfs, SjC, Ailesworlh Ham., in ('astor 2029 Aincolt or Arncolt Chaj>. near 2700 Aintlerb]! Myets in I'il.'i do. (Jiiernliovv .... ‘ 4175 do. .Steeple 4179 Total of i’ai ish near 109 Ainstalde with liuahcroft. . .. 4102 Ainsworth 1008 A in tree 0 A', o/' 1310 Airton in Kirkhy- Mallain-Dale Aishy, see llaydor AisU 1283 Aisliolt, or Asholt near 3717 Aiskew, or Aisken 4213 Aislabie in Egjtlesclill'e .... 44.50 do. in Whitby 1090 Aisinnndcrby \i ith Hoiulgate 598 Aisthorpe near 2272 Aha 2S.59 Ahebar 1222 Akcld in 4.578 Akeley near 25123 Akenhani 3 A'. 1704 tt Ai.naNS, St. Abb. Par., S. t 2397 St. IMichaels 2400 c* * ... S J>'oollford .. 2398 St. leteis ^ 'I'iltenhanger « St. Stephen 2399 Alba.ston or Alvaston 758 Alberbury 01 Abbeibury .... 4740 Albourn or Aklbourn 3304 do **851 Albrighton 3000 do. Chap in 3014 Alburgh near 2007 Albiiry *203 do., Herts near 2380 do. or Aldbury « 2411 Alby 4 N.o/ 1987 Alcester, Tn, t 2702 do. Liberty, — Shaftesbury 1280 Alciston *773 Alconbury 2103 do. W'eston 2101 * * t Aldboroucii, Stiff. W. S. 1759 ! + t do., Vorlc 4011 Total of Parish . . « do., or Aldbrough 1708 Total of Parish .. e do. 4218 do., Norfollc7 N.of 1987 Aldbourn or Albourn 3304 Aldbury or Albury near 2411 do., Oxon » 2085 Aidcliffe 4323 Aldeburgh, see Aldborough, Suff. I Aldeby, Norf. near 1901 Aldenham 2401 Aldeibury 3399 Total of Parish « Alderford near 2009 Alderley, Glouc ' 806 do., inferior ... .7 IF. (i/" 810 do., superior.... dn. n Total of Parish ... . do. ‘ Alderniaston + 3280 Aldenninster, H'orc next 2740 Aldersey in Coddiugton near 4005 Aldershot 3140 Alderton, Nortlin near 2539 do., SiiffitUc 5 S.of 1701 do., Wilts next 3319 do. with Dixon ..near 3131 Alderwasley in Wirksworth Aldestrop or Adlestrop.. " 3133 Aldfleid in Rippon Aid ford as. of 1054 do.. Total Parish .... near 4005 Aldham, Essex . ... 0 A. IT. of 1838 do., Suffolk next to 1909 Aldingbourn *907 Aldinghani, Upper & Lower . 4340 Aldington *657 do., Ham. in Hadsey Aldridge 2911 Total of Parish / do. Chapelry Aldringhani i E.nf 1934 ^ Auistone and Garrigill, iV. 317 'J'olul Number of /’ KlINONS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Etriotls. aim warrigiii, o. a Aldswortb, Olnii 5 Iv. of 2730 Aldrvard in Eeclesfleld 135 Aldwurk 4118 do., or Aldwark in Jlradborne .St. Marjr* 883 27 58 1 ,430 2,393 396 478 4,920 3,211 0481 057 3,2(10 3,852 945 657 2,020 1,912 585 457 810 839 218 217 1,530 0,354 542 1,025 with Shaftes biirjr. 274 1,020 1,006 381 186 3,700 4,622 759 483 l,.510 2,153 320 281 1,130 2,005 583 804 1,890 3,305 175 445 8,750 11,311 924 1,793 3,880 5,832 617 555 .5,2 10 10,913 818 751 1,150 2,919 202 461 590 1,108 308 218 8,000 6,570 1,155 1,280 2,020 1,942 585 457 1,250 2,453 283 177 080 1,335 85 vrith Bulk. 2,090 3,807 187 448 6,830 8,902 812 1,103 2,100 1,089 5 430 3,950 3,502 i 898 320 532 37 35 730 1,787 139 212 2,510 3,762 390 483 2,020 2,844 278 408 0,240 8,820 904 1,178 2,240 3,590 630 072 3,180 3,831 202 303 640 1,178 48 154 4,070 1,864 688 494 910 1,090 123 183 2,080 3,118 454 425 1,700 2,822 124 103 1,750 3,108 200 222 Wirktwlh, 3,475 143 347 1,320 2,199 175 225 850 1,25; 74 122 1,1.50 3,323 158 331 3,700 8,371 021 1,008 2,010 2,315 481 370 2,170 1 ,953 492 197 3,080 4,851 1,097 725 4,080 4,800 402 033 3,420 1,8)1 1,351 604 villi Badit 1,339 39 83 2,970 5,128 310 730 7,930 12,812 734 1,588 010 092 110 221 35,000 25,590 2,319 4,710 3,400 2,735 130 288 290 — 2,220 2,031 SO 173 with B r adborne 43 68 440 1,018 448 934 43 197 541 424 1,293 078 389 157 498 151 494 153 204 305 228 119 .391 1,309 345 251 030 700 543 80 847 1,740 204 5,079 282 140 71 475 1 ,399 688 1,125 45 235 008 473 1,477 053 443 138 525 177 500 170 312 451 229 133 491 1,084 4.35 292 855 700 735 87 8-20 1,082 .315 6,009 347 103 92 530 1,494 090 1,323 40 200 587 402 1,338 030 454 153 065 102 575 213 330 424 193 llO 488 1,710 407 318 833 884 732 104 841 1,804 302 0,858 353 1 !)0 97 Aid — Als Towns, Parishes, S(c. Aldwinkle, All Saints t do., SI. Peters ^ Aldwinton, see Allenton .... Aldwortli near 3242 Ale, or Alnemouth 1078 Alethoipe Ham in 2070 Alfold or Alford *208 Aleori), Tu. t do., Somerset next 3684 C H Ai.freton, M. P. t 783 ! Alfrick Chap in 2855 Alfriston *774 Algarkirk 2193 Alkcrton Tyth in 3224 do., Oxon 0 W. of 2710 Alkham *641 Alkington Tyth 3188 Alkmund, St 757 Alkmonton in Longford Alkrington 1050 Allarlhorpe, see Swaiiiby.... Allcannings, Total of Parish 3303 Allendale 310 Allensmore near 3007 Allen, St e 243 Allenton I Aller near 156 Allerby, see Otterside Allerdale S above Derwent 4347 W'avd, Cumb. < below do. e Allerston 4151 Allerthorpe next 4073 Allerton 540 do. Bywater 4015 do. Chapel 490 do. do., Somerset near 3038 do. Maulev. with Hop. // 4005 CO., North, IF. f 409 do. in Childvvall....near 1319 Allesley 2795 Allestrey 775 Allexton near 2030 Allhallows ...next 4374 do *444 Allington 1270 do., Kent *383 do., Tything in 1140 do., do., TFi/ts, in Allcan do.. Parish do. ..near 3347 do.. East 1521 do.. West II do., do., Lincoln ..near 2220 Allithwaile, Lnuer 1073 do., Upper n Allonby Chap., in Broomfd. 4382 Allostock in 858 All Saints 5 A'. IF. of 1955 Allstonefield 053 Total of Parish » Allton, see Idridgehay Almeley 3071 Aimer and Mapperton .. near 3507 Alniington in Drayton 3021 do. and Stone Delph .. 761 Almondbury 443 Total of Parish e Alinondington, see Earnley.. Alinomlsbury Tything 3223 Total of Parish » Almsford, or Ainsford 3087 Alne 4118 'I’otal of Pal ish « do.. Great near 2702 "^TouTiiKParUhS TJ^^^^o/ 4559 8 ^ Ai.nwick, 6*. * t 1077 Alpha Aljiliamstone near 1852 Alphelon N.of 1873 Alphington 1493 do. witli Velverton near 1903 Alpington, see Methop Alprahain in llunbury 2959 1 Alkf.sf.'RI), New, Th. t.... 3l.)(i do., Old 3157 do., Essex .... near 1772 AIrcwas 2923 'I’otal of Parish ' do.. , J lar (IS, Ex. Par s Alsagijr Chap., in llarlhoniley Alscote, see I’restou-ou-Stowcr AnionnI 1 Total Number of P lulhSONS, Supoiflotc* Value cf at each of the 4 Suiul* M«ir*»ffd to Ilia Prwpert l ax ia 1812 — — Uiiaoea o the 1 Ten Yearly Periods. POOR, — £■— 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 2,450 3,798 5 1.54 t 12.5 349 r f 230 < 150 240 100 177 171 1,900 2,201 282 1 279 293 288 IV. Leibarj 200 127 350 353 400 415 280 will) FjIi eiiharn. — 10 9 8 2,010 1,225 455 1 306 364 470 514 1,410 3,03/ 809 1,040 1,109 1,506 1,784 710 964 73 99 90 130 137 4,550 9,634 022 2,301 3,3fi0 4,689 6,691 1 ,790 1,719 234 390 404 445 493 2,120 2,050 917 670 590 648 694 6,050 0,092 504 617 687 002 661 with i^aaling ton. 903 1,055 050 1,019 171 135 174 158 192 3,190 2,246 327 385 231 509 542 *v. fiorktivjr 7,298 787 810 893 1,101 1,167 1,410 2,059 245 1,191 1,308 1,505 1,971 ton. — 210 200 340 »v. Tamivlti. 3,9()9 lOI 205 251 257 204 2,5.50 4,300 1,100 3,751 4,013 5,079 7,080 30,110 20,308 4,019 10,983 19,302 23,979 80,00\ 1,900 5,015 92 3.50 402 477 617 0,950 13,293 417 1,229 1,284 1,408 1,4!F2 1 920 2,512 290 237 214 300 S04 j 2,490 2,580 122 342 305 386 415 10,250 9,448 470 1,230 1,335 1,418 1,652 1,020 2,848 101 290 254 317 343 10,300 4,424 I 92 ) 1.39 1*24 233 130 21 1 143 209 140 278 16,250 22,909 2,997 4,719 5,420 5,927 0,788 1,140 1,8.50 423 237 231 214 277 •2,250 1,321 371 201 208 204 309 2,720 0,999 474 845 910 1,070 1,236 030 1,791 ISO 103 105 109 197 1,800 1,731 100 335 333 109 418 1 ,250 2,921 083 1,132 1,041 1,219 1,437 3,000 2,018 588 370 38,5 415 449 1,010 1 ,550 211 210 210 270 297 1 4,350 1 1,4 18 (7,173 4.52 9 19 1,121 979 1,102 7 05 1,312 1 1,102 1,007 1,080 — — 12 40 74 77 2,3(.0 2,792 192 275 319 369 440 — — — — 03 ewry County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Ilainlcl, Tylhiny,Sfc., in ENG LAN D, at each of the Pour Periods, 1001, Kill, 1021, 1031. Als — An Towns, Parishes, Ifc, Atsoji-lr- Dale ami llatun SH Alstoi- Iliiml., Itiill liai'.i Alsluiie with llullu'ial ...... 11-0 do. Cliii|i in ()\c-r Alstontiold, see Allslonelield Allcnr near KWi.’i Allenuin 3037 Althuin Chap 11 -311 Altliorpe near 2297 Total of J’iuish ' Althornc U) 1C. <>/ 177.i Altofls near -Ki7 1 H Alton, A', t 31 19 do. Barnes near : do. I’riors with Stowell do. Pancras 1 do. Hund. V N. division : Hants. \ S. do. Altrincii AM Chap., Tu. t . . . . 971 Alvanley Chap in 990 Alvaston 758 do., in St. Michael 830 Alvechurcht 2808 Alvcley 2900 Alverdiscot S8S7 Alverstoke, (sec (iospuit*) ., 13, >9 Alverthoipe-cnm-Thorpe .... 470 Alverton, see Alveton do. Ham in Kilvin(>' Alvescott near 2720 Alvesdiston near 3403 or 3408 Alveston, Gluuc 3221 do., ll'unc 2770 Alveton 950 Total of Parish « Alvingham near 2275 Alviugton 3180 Ahvalton 5 N. of 2107 Alwington near 1529 Ahvinton, see Allenlon 4555 Alwoodley in llarevvood . . . . 497 Alworth or At worth in 385 Amaston, see Rawton Aisberley *883 do., Chap in 3093 Ainbershain Tjth., North.. » 3104 do. do.. South., u u Amble 4518 Amblecoats Ilam., Old Svvinfd. 9(' IT Ambleside Chap., IK. +.... 4294 Ambroseden near 2700 Total of Palish • » Amcotts in 2297 4*t Amersham, Tint 2473 2 AmesBL'RY, F. 3317 do. Hund., TKi/ts. .. 3310 Amotherhy 4128 Amounderness Hund., Ltuit-. 4298 Anipleforth near 4134 Total of Parish » « Arapney Crucis 3155 do. Down » do., St. Mary or Ashbrooke » do. St. Peter or Eastington » Amport 3183 0 Ampthill, 77i. t 2452 Ainpton near 1888 Amwell, Great 2370 do.. Little Anam,— with Atwick 1700 Anbridge in Mitchelmersh .. Ancaster 2241 Anclifle-Ingleby, or Arnclilf 4183 Aneroft 4489 Anderby 5 E. of 2204 Andersfield Hund., Som 3729 Anderson, Dorset .... 7 S. of 3507 Anderton in Standish 1197 do. in Budworth 858 2 + t1T Andover*+ 3479 do. division o 3 Andoversford Andrews, St., llketshall near Angersleigh Angerton, High 4 do.. Low i Anglezarke Angmerring Angram do. Grunge. . . Anick do. Grange ... 1900 1309 in 4534 ... 1180 ... *915 ... 4019 ... 4100 ... 4514 27,'MtO 2,790 bury 3,580 13,810 1,100 I 5,400 2,000 1,730 3,910 250 2,030 1,370 71,320 41,100 620 1.400 870 010 0,820 5,740 1,390 4,010 2,930 ton 2,090 2.400 2,470 4,300 I 7,470 1,940 1,550 1,040 n.330 31,940 1,120 willi 3,030 330 j 2,590 will) 570 Graimare 920 5,210 AUliorp, 5,420 0,000 42,020 1,580 f45,llo I 2,370 2,000 2,470 1,170 800 3,400 1,928 870 2,510 480 2,800 1,840 9.570 1,080 10,9.50 750 1,110 490 7,670 130,210 1,780 340 with 2.570 3,640 470 380 ? with Aunitol 'I'uful XuNi/nr i>/ 1* EHSOMSf 'Tutul \umher v{ rirnsfiN.s, V.tut c.r •« .Malnlrnre at i uvh of the -1 Ten > early Terldds. Anl — Aril Nupufflda* In SUIule v«iu« »r lot »l III- at rarh of the 4 Ten Yearly l*irtodi» lix III — r I’OOH. in'is VII. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, IfC. Tbi lu Itll^ rooii, In2>i--vy. £ 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,881 73 70 01 01 00 Aiilahif 1336 2,020 3,985 •Air, 220 271 307 39S ;w,2ih 1,912 2,401 3,.503 4,10.5 4,275 Annier 10 A. E.of 1731 1,420 1 ,290 07 125 1.52 122 132 4,357 218 001 782 918 1 ,030 Annesley, with Felly ... .near 002 3,360 2,400 220 392 411 397 402 892 41 83 83 79 78 do., or Anslow, in Rolleston Ansley 802 1,920 1 ,503 112 200 22.5 270 302 — — — 3,580 3,275 308 515 590 720 773 3,893 112 271 408 499 505 Anstey Cliap. Tliiircaston nr. 087 1,100 3,031 728 600 717 781 850 0,147 301 079 784 885 1,009 do. Pastures (ex. Par.) in Glen licit! — — 11 19 2,975 181 328 383 439 413 do. Herts near 2381 2,170 2,5.59 294 3H7 717 781 850 t 1,219 108 208 195 252 313 do. Coventry next 797 990 1,708 120 189 218 205 208 i 5,921 293 593 014 877 981 do. Wilts near 3103 840 1,810 291 212 230 327 318 3,580 211 280 300 352 3,52 do., Dei'on, ICast .... « 3720 2,170 1,209 95 105 171 171 lOG 2,539 200 331 408 401 502 do., ir West ^ ^ 2,820 1,154 87 215 199 220 22(i 7,458 2,719 2,020 2,319 2,499 2,742 Anstrey, or Austrey 2807 2,280 3,(i91 294 545 497 512 .540 959 08 83 100 110 138 Anston, North and South.... 3918 3,110 2,800 2,901 392 025 075 770 810 1 ,853 110 178 101 100 205 Anthony, St., Jacob 1372 (>,301 770 1,795 2,144 2,012 3,090 1,570 72 184 108 207 210 do., in Meneage near 252 1,410 2,095 IGI 201 224 330 300 (51,721 M,4I5 11, Kit 12,180 13,714 14,9(i8 do., in Roseland » 250 710 1,0.50 41 103 137 179 40,212 4,547 7,319 919 f / 1 5,837 2,032 0,903 2,302 7,483 2,708 C31 1,’092 Antingham near 1981 1,530 1,117 217 201 218 222 248 Antrobus, in Budworth .... 858 2,500 2,988 201 351 385 453 470 1,140 111 314 287 284 346 Anwick near 2235 1,820 2,084 159 209 203 240 23.5 3,744 120 303 341 399 439 — 17 11 33 37 41 Apethorpe ' 2021 2,030 3,212 174 231 219 257 297 10,170 400 1,228 1,344 1,413 1,548 Apeton Quarter 2904 with Cnossall 111 59 5,018 380 791 802 831 830 Apley near 2273 1,210 2,041 62 121 129 139 152 1,131 181 , 278 257 334 339 Apperleij 3148 With Dotrliur St 399 401 41,440 4,295 11,295 *4,421 4,788 12,037 do. and Whitijield 4503 with By well 23 8,129 1,009 3,105 3,750 4,448 4,859 Appleby, Line 2301 5,180 3,897 398 394 385 534 517 . 890 1 4,750 4 413 457 478 540 610 003 4 - 24 10 do., Leic " 1,130 \ 391 1 1,123 <1,185 3,323 201 339 339 357 301 8 + + DO., Boro’ iS. * t (see Bongate) 1 5,350 7,373 067 711 1,100 5 824 851 2,331 L50 217 100 224 239 do., St. Lawrance I’arish 4255 i 517 608 1,173 331 412 524 057 800 Appledore *518 2,700 4,170 1,220 384 407 6.59 608 0,501 048 4(i5 481 030 050 Appledram *970 1,070 2,354 •2 Ariicsby Arnold do., in iSvvino Arriim, see Aiieiclc Arrx.s' Arreton next 7 Arriiiffton, Cainh 7 iV. o/ Arrow, in \Voodchurch..near do., with Itagley .... near Arrowthorne in Arthington near Artbingwortli near Artbnret I’arish includes.... Arlington : + t t AnuNDiiL, S. t .... do. Rape, Suss. Arvans, St next Arj holme and llawthorpe in Asby or Ashby Ascot under Wliichwood near do. Ham in do. do. with Wbichfd. nr. do. Race Onirse Asenby in TopclilFe Asgarby, Line near do. Holingbroke .. » Ash, near Ridley do. and Normandy do. Hocking next do.. Priors « do., near Sandwich do. Ham. in Sutton. .. .near Ashamstead near 6 H AstiDoaNE, S. + Total of Parish Ashbrittle, East and West .. Ashburnham 2 tt Ashbukton, S. t Ashbury 7 IP. o/ do., Devon near -Ashby, see Ashly do. -de-la-Laund. . 6 N. of do. by PartTiey near do. with Fenby next do. Puerorum near do.. West « do., do., see Thorpe. . # do., in Botesford.. 5 IV. of do., SitJfoUc near do.. Cold 70( ■1071 do., Folville without H • do., Magna « do., Parva i> do. with Oby in do. St. Legers near ^ DO, DE-LA-ZOUCH, N. t.... IfiOl 27()2 4211 4!)(i 2.587 I2(i8 *271 J430 •874 1541 4131 4283 2724 2687 2741 3263 4162 2235 2260 *348 *259 1941 1311 1401 750 3242 837 // 3742 *719 3799 3252 3850 2235 2261 2281 2261 2257 2299 17.5.' 2578 691 2659 ff 1750 2)55 114 3144 Ashchurch near Ashcombe and Outhill do near 1907 do., and Milton in Weston- Ashcott t 3669 Ashdon with Batlow-end.... 1834 Ashe next 3467 Asheldham 10 E. if 1775 Ashelworlh next 3170 Ashendon with Pollecot near 2497 do. Hundred, Ducks. Ashfield, Great near do. with Thorpe.. * 1937 do., do. Ashford do.. If DO., do., do. do. do. see Ruthale in St. Blazey Derby . .... . Devon near 1531 Kent, Tu. t in Burlescombe -Bowdler. do. Ashfordby . near 2645 Ash-holm in Lambly .. Ashill do., Norfolk Ashingdon Ashingtou do. do, and Sheepwash in Ashley, Northampton . . do., Slaford 2950 do, in Bowden..., do., Hants 1 SuperQclei 1 SUtule Annual Value at Pfiiperly, at Aanunt ■Ipended 1 for Main- lotianga of i the Total Nujnber of P/iftSONS, at each 0/ the 4 Ten Yearly Periods, POOR, I 31). r 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1 1,840 2,07 1 216 253 290 331 335 2,010 1,210 549 209 200 270 315 2,4.50 2i;H 73 90 108 13^1 171 1,510 2,708 220 321 400 459 442 4,670 5,276 954 2,768 3,042 3,572 4,054 — ■ — 59 70 — — — — — — 8,270 9,090 959 1,371 1,481 1,757 1,804 1,388 998 110 190 173 194 254 730 828 49 96 82 72 91 4,220 5,787 202 388 406 401 406 850 — 28 74 04 69 1.780 3,431 174 360 344 329 360 2,030 2,830 330 207 189 219 225 17,390 10,664 988 2,418 2,693 2,953 2,903 2,860 Guildford, — 305 383 489 511 1,830 6,751 701 1,8.55 2,188 2,511 2,803 132,800 118,203 28,927 22,478 24,276 28,015 31,064 2,720 2,336 127 282 329 307 304 690 454 13 31 38 33 42 8,880 2,994 199 357 388 421 436 2,540 1,995 231 410 392 409 419 370 963 92 57 40 45 97 — • — — — — 800 1,481 72 215 188 230 238 1,1.50 977 39 55 59 55 55 1,590 946 85 59 49 77 140 2,930 3,297 507 472 500 505 628 4,850 3,287 581 001 553 583 650 750 1,646 155 186 237 248 231 750 872 43 155 150 201 210 6,940 15,A10 2,508 1,575 1,685 2,020 2,140 with Sutlon 47 50 2 380 2,297 257 314 355 337 316 6,350 4,988 670 2,006 2,112 2,188 2,2^16 12,800 28,906 1,546 3,838 4,202 4,708 4,884 2,460 2,816 451 595 508 679 625 4,280 2,593 894 473 572 768 721 8,320 7.848 2,056 3,080 3,053 3,403 4,165 5,520 2,427 651 654 643 083 698 1,650 508 23 41 72 74 74 2,880 2,394 100 127 124 155 178 1,210 1,472 149 114 120 140 170 1,620 1,778 177 132 154 191 179 1,620 1,527 91 99 81 117 101 1,590 3,471 397 297 370 378 391 740 2,346 212 165 208 269 284 2,120 99 192 239 288 378 800 558 23 42 39 ai 42 1,940 3.211 363 379 308 375 385 1,860 2,715 159 135 145 163 161 1,720 2,490 173 283 260 280 330 1,260 2,155 109 135 150 176 169 1,150 2,104 129 47 52 72 82 2,0.50 3,608 254 232 229 272 257 6,980 12,764 1,326 2,074 3,141 3.937 4,400 4,240 7,265 806 558 571 643 649 • — ■ - — — - 2,2.50 1,341 249 280 272 283 320 super- mare. — 2,890 3,319 120 358 462 712 834 4,840 5,025 944 710 735 1,014 1,103 2,310 1,877 497 95 115 114 140 1,810 2,218 400 127 143 156 144 1,710 2,727 212 470 603 498 540 2,220 2,107 528 217 260 293 373 1,790 3,306 319 248 319 339 368 66,670 95,678 4,610 9.905 10,965 12,003 12,933 1,030 1,901 374 270 291 345 408 1,560 1,976 396 2.52 248 309 375 920 — — — — U>k 0 well. 3,217 477 678 624 728 782 2,170 662 39 73 101 98 99 2,950 8,387 1,275 2,151 2,532 2,773 2,809 1 1,500 2,817 419 264 266 331 458 1 1,480 722 149 227 290 105 289 1 630 1.212 65 79 61 89 99 1,210 3,066 305 301 367 42-1 467 — — — — 139 122 1,860 3,855 78 310 2!»9 378 403 2,970 5,366 458 482 647 679 700 1,020 1,519 6.1 59 102 97 98 550 1,709 53 02 71 81 74 430 865 362 173 198 229 285 Botbal. 4(11 — 58 68 60 67 1,190 1,978 421 333 315 307 304 2,600 3,206 254 606 , 610 729 825 1 2,390 3,131 243 288 350 392 379 n 2,580 1,080 51 92 94 90 93 Ash — Ast Towns, Parishes, S;c, Ashley Wills near do. cum Silverley .. e Ashleyhay e Ashly, Ashby, or Ashley a Ashmanhaugh e Ashmansworth a Ashmore o 365 18<8 324 1963 1992 3471 3544 Ashover 788 Ashow near 2778 Ashperton a 3090 Ashprington 1514 Ashreigny 3851 Ashstead *200 Ashton, — see Aston, which provincially are apt to be corrupted for each othtr. Ashton in Tarvin 2960 do., Devon near 1493 do., Northampton. ... next 2540 do.. Ham. in Utford.. near 2631 do., do, do in 2620 do. -Eyre near 2968 do. -Underhill, Glou. • 2818 do. -Keynes t 3341 do.. Long 1332 t do. -under-lyne + 1041 do. in Makerfield 999 do. -upon-Mersey 978 do. Total of Parish .... • do. Steeple ■) do.. West V 3374 do. Total of Parish. ... 3 do. with Stodday in 1255 Ashurst, Kent *361 do., near Steyning *848 Ashvvardhurn Wapent., Line. 2232 Ash water 3909 Ashwell 2389 do,, Rutland near 2313 Ashwell thorpe > 2000 Ash wick 153 Ashwicken near 1734 Ashworth Chap 1066 Ask in Askerne n Askerswell near Askerton Askham, Not'.s near do. West, — Total of Par. do. Bryan do. Richard f Askrigg, Th. t Ask with in Weston ....near Aslacton near do. Chap, in Watton near Aslackby near Aslacoe Wapentake, Lincoln Aspall next do., see Stoneham Aspatria and Brayton Total Parish Aspeden.. near Asperton, or Ashperton « A spley, nr A shley in Aspuil..... Asselby in Assendon Assington near 4246 3982 1271 4432 2332 4271 4042 4043 4236 503 2019 651 2213 2270 1937 4381 // 2384 3090 2946 1015 4021 2080 1877 Astbury Parish 805—9 Asterby 7 N.of 2257 Asthall and Leigh near 2724 Astley Abbots 2969 do. Chap., Lane 1215 do. do, Salop 3014 do., TPar. next 2802 do.. Wore 2857 Aston, see Note to Ashton .. do. Tirrold. ... Rer/iS . .nr. 3273 do. Upthorpe do. in Blewbe do. Abbots....£uck.s. near 2504 do. Clinton ., do 2491 do. by Ivinghoe do 2501 do. Mollins .. do. ..in 2193 do. Sandford.. do. near 2680 do. Grange ..Cheshire in 987 do. by Budwrth do. .... 858 do. by Sutton . do. ..in 987 do. & Thorntn. Derby, in 907 — 9 do. upon Trent do 7.59 do. Blank ... .C/ouc. near 3142 do. on Carrot! . do. 1'y. inAsb do. Somerville do. near 2818 do. Suberge .. do. « 3124 do. Ingbain ..Hereford .. 3049 do. inWigmore do. near 2977 Saperfleira Slataie Aiinoal Value of Propertv, a astc»*ea to the Propert Tax in lhl5 £ — 1 AlQOUDt •xpeiidcd i| for Maio- teuaoce o: the POOR, HISS— 1)9. — £ S Total Number of I’KliSONS, j at each of the 4 1 Ten Yearly Periods j| 1801. 1811. M82L 1831. 1,010 1,214 55 1 75 65 103 99 2,113 2,3-17 181 272 306 351 361 VVirkaworlij 1,533 153 i 198 214 222 241 040 897 68 186 197 234 218 700 642 95 139 122 128 154 1,740 1,205 224 196 173 196 222 3,940 797 92 141 196 166 191 9,180 8,453 1,116 2,119 2,377 2,506 2,504 1,100 1,797 108 205 182 178 176 l,0fX) 1,669 122 309 348 398 429 2,240 5,869 278 509 519 620 549 6,220 2,735 453 756 752 858 1,038 2,510 3,022 553 252 548 679 '607 1,740 2.042 193 342 365 414 405 1,560 1,613 189 176 221 258 333 1,290 1,346 270 292 270 341 380 980 956 64 96 104 131 126 — 1,857 192 112 119 129 142 1,330 948 84 106 112 63 120 1,300 1,855 148 305 325 301 291 3,820 4,909 676 764 828 888 915 4,110 6,623 491 895 1,073 1,168 1,423 9,300 33,736 2,606 15,632 19,052 25,067 33,597 5,510 16,440 1,015 3,696 4,747 5,674 6,912 1,630 4,880 380 778 918 875 974 3,690 9,426 846 1,597 1,819 1,924 2,078 f 3,987 449 618 667 747 848 7,450 < 3,074 375 341 338 371 374 1 10,204 1,123 1,401 1,452 l/)32 1,754 1,600 2,215 99 176 206 242 213 1,000 803 320 102 131 208 206 2,250 2,320 450 385 408 394 423 45,280 68,191 3,825 4,569 6,144 6,035 6,407 4,220 1,906 296 643 677 774 862 3,500 3,675 435 715 754 915 1,072 1,890 2,740 86 192 194 220 209 1,030 1,377 408 314 343 418 471 1,700 2,345 510 776 710 829 995 1,260 1,261 151 71 69 79 80 730 824 40 295 261 280 294 1,670 2,462 111 73 83 109 105 800 Sutton. 85 113 159 25G 2,330 1,044 98 170 181 190 228 Lanercost. 7,974 125 3.56 433 603 473 1,240 1,608 220 220 231 270 329 3,000 3,183 222 448 466 617 687 1,920 2,397 233 295 * 130 377 341 960 1,685 88 170 199 249 234 4,790 2,941 282 761 745 765 737 3,180 1,846 189 317 306 367 400 1,310 1,733 445 278 247 352 359 WaUon. 1,931 89 171 215 273 289 4,810 4.862 347 338 383 425 455 43,240 44,1 i)5 2,378 3,366 3,645 4,234 4,839 1,210 997 95 87 94 109 126 { 3,238 147 327 478 632 761 > 8,610 ( 7,856 311 770 919 1,220 1,395 1,620 2,739 3:u 364 367 455 560 1,090 1,669 122 309 3-18 398 429 540 Eccles hall. — 30 24 26 1,930 3,323 266 1,253 1,650 1 894 2,461 910 1,091 135 259 247 254 297 — — 1()7 — 3,450 3,829 938 471 478 533 641 18,070 37,232 3,576 6,362 7,295 9,648 14,673 620 884 123 154 199 189 231 ! 1,180 2,436 299 304 291 365 352 3,330 3,571 375 740 592 664 666 2,120 4,059 629 1,545 1,723 1,882 1,832 1,450 2, .528 73 141 163 201 239 2,550 3,277 260 2.U 288 293 340 3,310 3,820 380 Gtrr 740 784 849 2,030 1,.567 820 294 324 3.15 313 1,120 1,408 114 196 169 154 172 2,180 4,459 404 275 267 321 .H03 2,670 3,456 577 581 652 723 85-1 1,180 Iving hue. 233 382 406 290 W. Dcntni), — — 9 ■ 650 845 61 71 76 84 82 2,650 849 32 47 29 36 36 2,830 4,073 443 3!)6 402 380 409 1,490 2,372 29 186 167 197 1C>6 Hope. 1,197 28 116 10 102 161 1,710 3,32!) 4().'i 4()7 632 552 620 2,2.50 2,637 159 216 247 296 295 church 1,0.53 149 146 166 107 1,320 2,H0 87 87 88 HO 103 850 9H6 32 116 120 116 103 2,300 2,648 211 416 471 651 691 1,098 522 12 51 33 64 60 !)5 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, 6fc., in ENGLAND, at each of the Four Periods, IBOl, IHll, IB‘21, IBBl. Ast — Awk Towns, Parishes, J(C, Aston, ller(f. near 23!)2 do. Flainville Leicester • 711 r tlia Ttn Yearly l*€riods. Tax In iHIft. FOOIt. t801. 1811. 1821. 1831. £ — £ - 216 1,990 2,432 416 403 509 4!)4 1,.500 1,531 179 63 71 80 85 1,270 3,050 135 225 193 271 310 1,870 3,496 1,002 628 621 6,59 718 1,230 3,303 ■100 220 258 296 305 2,980 4,195 1,221 740 787 870 718 1 1,870 n,677 210 333 346 39.5 441 1_U,540 87 90 94 120 121 with Wcm. — — 262 250 3,000 1,926 108 2-17 194 230 260 1 BJgmoud 4,486 248 { 358 268 322 291 32!) 246 451 910 with Muck ieslonc. 20!) 277 283 2,170 2,301 347 563 579 718 1,042 4,300 5,509 .501 721 744 877 940 13,330 53,142 5,699 11,693 14,:«i6 19,189 32,118 with Blocklcy — — l247 254 — 760 1,243 131 2(Ki 305 312 381 950 1 ,585 164 111 146 159 152 2,870 4,012 215 586 601 556 564 WappeoUm 2,006 356 112 118 110 570 711 46 81 88 99 97 1,300 1,433 365 160 209 263 268 1,940 1,563 30 113 108 116 113 650 709 106 59 54 80 80 3,490 4,144 375 430 378 489 463 Ch. Lencb. 515 68 70 55 63 82 980 711 158 70 83 100 129 2,500 2,140 296 484 4.56 535 592 Mtncaltf r. 8,008 1,930 2,650 2,921 3,434 3,870 1,120 Wbitebreh. .59 112 79 94 87 2,220 7,558 1,315 3,249 3,894 4,145 4,181 1,580 1,603 87 137 159 197 157 1,930 5,851 368 813 870 1,031 1,094 1,190 942 35 95 69 110 112 1,270 5,244 1,138 2,281 2,673 3,172 3,741 Witberlj. 1,092 94 — 83 75 76 560 840 7 10 8 7 810 1,046 170 85 95 105 117 5,800 9,577 1,4.56 1,333 1,413 1,659 1,939 3,397 5,917 877 520 480 590 726 2,100 1,961 202 248 286 326 285 *witb Bradford — 549 642 705 2,180 1,877 113 179 203 222 233 2,570 4,849 1,3.52 1,961 1,807 2,180 2,859 3,720 4,923 641 978 971 1,106 1.52!) 1,780 1,828 155 206 209 220 410 1,110 1,551 66 121 135 119 296 45,470 46,382 4,943 7,090 7,334 8,263 11,137 — — — 3,781 — 2,250 3,786 580 965 1,040 1,307 1,558 11,780 15,240 1,915 2,375 2,350 2,795 2,978 1 8,140 12,891 864 2,2-16 < 610 12,681 583 2,940 767 3,617 4,410 8,730 256 987 1,032 1,279 1,462 1,900 with Halton. — 199 2,870 4,012 215 506 601 556 564 1,790 1,648 112 187 247 269 217 4,200 4,314 526 529 643 702 665 It) 1, -2-10 304,942 36,5 J7 54,889 67,344 77,139 74,914 2,.540 5,740 184 345 368 428 467 1,970 722 155 137 249 297 127 Ftaologt«y 1,781 269 defec live 235 3,730 505 129 492 511 605 618 1,250 1,295 26 84 100 105 117 4,120 6,632 442 512 1,035 1,138 1,309 Henburjr. 2,217 94 140 174 192 203 2,710 2,419 102 232 253 242 280 950 891 67 59 57 65 69 660 1,031 71 103 150 150 1C9 11,.540 40,628 2,201 3,788 3,686 6,175 8,758 1,760 972 168 674 841 968 1,420 2,280 3,697 294 491 497 542 540 5,400 4,567 340 478 434 556 614 1,390 1,056 111 85 94 100 121 5,450 4,571 462 590 607 688 747 53,220 76,593 5,290 6,898 7,687 9,091 9,978 3,920 4,623 456 543 598 733 758 3,140 4,270 277 316 342 333 344 4,660 4,279 694 1,507 1,602 *1,118 2,396 2,000 3,749 143 166 186 191 182 15,010 21,575 3,385 2,352 2,657 3,041 2,976 1,840 5,436 624 746 828 924 939 1,100 1,273 78 57 64 77 94 *1,820 1,641 100 123 164 195 191 160 659 12 14 46 18 26 1,580 2,.523 187 174 239 242 226 — — Awl — Bui Towns, Parishes, Ifc. Awliscoinbe 3757 Awnby, with Holywell in 2217 Awre, or Aure .. . 3183 H Axuiuuge, N. t 4 § 3638 Axford, Tyth .in 3320 Axminster, .S’. + 3 § 406 do. Hundred, />cnon,... 3759 Axniouth 1475 Aycliffe 614 Total of Parish (4) » A ijdon do. Castle Aylburton Aylesbear near 3768 If Aylesbury, .5.* 6 § 2492 do.. Hundred, Bucks. .. 2484 4509 3185 Aylesby A) lesford *384 do.. Lathe of . . . . *3.56 Aylestone Aylmerton 9Aylsham, 3’«.t*2§. Aylton Aylworth, Chap .. 3142 Aymestry Aynho § Ayot, St. Lawrence ... . near 2392 do., St. Peter Aysgarth Total of Parish (12 ) 4233—4240 Ayston Ay ton. Great 4191 do., Little Total of I'arish ,. /, do.. West do.. East Azerley, or Cozenley. . . B Babcarry next 3688 Babergh, Hund., Suff. 1871 Babingley ‘ near 1734 Babington 155 Babraham next 2118 Babworth near 2340 Baccup in 1125 Bach, inSt.OswaldjChes. City 1055 Backford near 1054 Total of Parish » Backwell 3620 Baconsthorpe near 2075 Bacton, Heref. .... 12 S.W. of Z067 do., A'or/. 1982 do., Suff. 1920 Bad^ 2554 Badoerley near 3490 Baddesley, Clinton .... /. 2809 do., Ensor 2809 Baddiley near 830 Baddington in Acton. .. . a u Baddow, Great § 1816 do.. Lit. with'Middlemead » Badger 5 I\'.N.E. of 2968 Badge worth 3169 Badginton, or Bageuden..nr. 3150 Badg worth near 3638 Badingham » 1937 Badlesmere§ *491 Badley next 1942 Badminton, Great 3203 do., Little, Tyth. in 3206 Badsey, without Aldingtn. nt. 2818 Badshot & Runfold, Tyth. in *286 Bads worth near 435 Total of Parish (3). ... or 3988 Badwell Ash ....j.. ...near 1904 Bagborough, Westjfe... » 1313 Bagby, Chap., in Kirby-Knowle Baggrave Liberty in Hungerton .. Baginton near 791 Bagley Wood, Ex. Pa. .. « 3231 Bagnal, in Stoke-upon-Trent 110 Bagnor& Woodspen in Speen 3290 Bagots Bromley, or Abbots.. 2933 1 Bagshot *178 Bagthorpe next 2077 Baguley 974 Bagworth, & Park Chap, in Thorn Baildon, Chap, in Otley .... 502 Bailie, in Bewcastle 4137 Bailey, Aighton, & Chailey.. 11 14 Bainbridge, in Aysgarth .... 4237 Bainton, Northampton ..next 2203 do.. Ham. in Stoke Lyne Amouol Total .\umhtr of i‘i:n •SONS, SuparAcUa Valua of •apenJad at iueh of the 1 Slalula Pruparty, at Aticiati) lo bl lb* 'J Vn Yearly Ptriodi, T.« loftlili’ POOR, 1801. 1811. 1831. 1831. 1,820 3,733 235 426 471 516 5!>8 2,350 1 ,455 41 99 78 116 119 4,120 6,632 442 512 1,035 1,138 1,:509 540 1,926 305 819 835 988 998 Willi Hamitbu o. — — 428 1.50 6,590 13,797 1 ,320 2,1.54 2,387 2,742 2,719 51,930 70,785 6,911 10, .568 11,391 13,268 13,939 4,280 .5,139 314 375 166 52!) 616 2,130 3,372 277 640 633 807 937 10,490 10,437 7(i6 1,137 1,129 1,379 1,.561 witli Cor bridge. 102 117 !)4 99 \ 5 29 2a 31 2!» Lidnoy. 1 ,855 161 219 310 353 388 3,750 2,526 31!) am 717 854 1,025 3,200 9,288 1,131 3,l8(i 3,417 4,4(M) 4,907 60,450 74,371 '22,l(jG 13,;164 14,-494 1 6,67 1 18.413 2,1 10 2,918 101 90 110 1 12 141 3,330 6,835 1,3-15 912 875 l,i:«i 1,301 233,5M0 3»i,aou 7(4,00(3 83,737 97,775 1 15,334 153,477 3,840 5,708 43 do. Saling * 1821 Bardney 2274 Bardsea, in Urswick 4339 Bardsey, with Rigton ..near 497 Bardwell 1905 Bare, in Lancaster 4326 Barford, Noj/. near 2000 do.. Great » 2443 do a 2713 Little » 2444 Warw 2752 St. John Chap., in Adder. St. Martins 3102 do.. do., do., do., do., do. do. (ex. Pa.) in Arthingwmrth Hund., lieilf. 2411 Barforth, in Forcet next 4248 Barfreston *610 Barham, Hunts near 2163 do, Kent *.598 do., Suff. 1940 Barholme next 2204 Barkby 690 do. Thorpe Chap. . Total of Parish (3) Barkham near 3265 Baiikino Town, .V. t § ft Total of Parish (-1) ^ do., without Needham .. •138 Annual Amount Total ^'umher of PERSONS, Superfl jlei Value of at each of the 4 in IVjjierly, a* ■ fttfsieil (o tenaoce of 7 \n Yearly Periods. jliel’ruperty Tai in ISM— 29. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 2,320 3,283 213 220 237 300 358 56,690 73,160 3,773 5,328 6,503 7,691 8,528 3,380 7,203 073 1,412 1,485 1,782 1,898 43,020 41,88() 3,745 7,271 8,280 9,162 9,503 1,420 3,(i0(i 203 283 335 392 420 6,050 2,171 846 451 5.59 ()06 641 1,600 1,853 173 247 207 241 267 1,710 2,705 455 616 636 705 658 4,050 (i,228 352 63<) 6.59 773 830 209 2,110 1,060 1,283 1,438 1,.5.50 1,704 570 1,1.52 105 208 277 312 319 2,010 1 ,656 170 223 262 258 272 Orton 1,584 64 205 217 234 235 710 980 487 195 203 265 275 780 1,0.34 69 106 132 125 75 550 779 98 120 89 105 117 — 2,382 62 80 92 102 108 730 1,.547 376 530 532 662 823 950 958 lit) 138 1.52 127 147 2,870 2,638 384 312 310 329 343 Haniplon 6,293 561 854 918 1,0.56 1,038 550 Wrox ton. 214 213 4,402 5,128 1,051 542 7.59 959 1,074 2,700 6,226 345 547 644 671 675 ( 142 295 298 342 417 25,100 30,356 ; 11 60 72 62 61 .1,471 2,935 3,114 3,342 3,949 32,820 47,305 2,098 4,259 4,.541 5,070 5,914 36,830 42,390 1,982 4,071 4,122 4,699 4,928 Httb«sage 848 74 173 190 263 238 1,480 2,025 149 753 1,055 1,207 1,650 8,130 7,232 1,548 1,364 1,422 1,633 1,961 10,390 4,237 363 600 595 614 636 Kirk- hampt on. 190 176 172 213 4,970 7,6<)1 1,221 1,003 1,232 1,460 1 ,605 8,750 14,219 2,S45 1,787 1,926 2,304 2,514 29,430 33,545 4,321 5,632 5,864 6,625 7,000 42,070 68,842 11,326 12,070 12,285 13,503 14,710 3,1.50 5,878 2,936 2,755 2,841 3,396 3,737 21,230 42,811 8,918 7,980 8,649 10,420 11,419 3,710 8,435 1,202 1,015 978 1,195 1,297 with CburtingtoD — 2,280 3,306 158 68 102 139 125 Waterbead 3,769 Waterhead. 218 280 296 770 1,134 381 228 247 256 360 5,480 5,415 457 717 882 940 991 4,970 11,441 918 1,082 1,166 1,430 1,623 1,080 1,825 333 224 265 307 319 mere — — — — — 4,960 6,615 282 756 796 763 ^59 4,690 2,626 126 242 254 348 ^318 3,700 5,032 636 597 595 645 637 1,620 3,198 249 180 171 184 198 5,280 3,353 1,470 615 700 753 931 10,110 863 44 191 206 219 214 1,710 671 8() 65 52 69 05 3,400 3,534 788 833 822 887 1,029 1,970 1,652 482 282 247 308 295 1,510 1,094 285 237 260 282 3.59 5,490 5,295 1,128 703 814 954 1,098 with Urswick — — 203 — — 2,780 1,423 148 364 348 356 331 3,320 2,972 1,139 556 553 687 7 180 Poulton. 48 '^Ponltoo. 71 91 110 940 1,412 119 252 306 387 420 2,830 2,.545 815 431 577 635 731 1,180 1,841 377 266 292 339 350 1,190 l,2(i0 81 80 73 123 176 1,490 3,451 377 485 ^26 671 748 480 1,517 171 100 H20 123 131 2,290 3,983 688 450 448 560 .570 26,170 26,403 6,919 3,970 4,402 5,137 5,880 1,750 3,138 125 142 126 141 128 :160 523 75 59 89 115 114 700 798 32 96 98 104 73 4,480 3,684 837 751 816 912 1,053 2,520 2,251 292 352 539 *845 825 1 ,230 1,3.52 73 145 151 1.54 155 1,020 4,681 415 389 454 4.57 5.50 790 1 ,641 43 72 62 70 72 2,2t)0 10,9()8 452 .572 68-1 719 80() 1 1,450 1,423 141 185 211 215 217 1 10,170 20,36() 3,399 ) 1 ,585 1 3,901) 2,421 5,543 2,580 6,374 3,404 8,036 1 3,010 2,70<) 372 470 301 387 418 ! 2,120 2,819 425 1,799 2,076 2,224 2,292 Bar— Bar Towns, Polishes, Ifc. Barkston, Line do., in Sherburn Barkstone next do. Ash Wapentake t Lo H’l 2227 3997 2654 l.nwer divis. 3991 pper divis. 3997 Barkway, w. Nuthampstead, § 2385 Barkwith, East next 2273 do.. West « Barlaston near 2937 Barlavington *892 Barlhorough 875 Barlby Chap., in Hemingboro’ 4026 Barleston do., in Mark. Bosw. 719 Barley, Herts 2386 do., with Whitley Booths 1152 do. Thorpe Chap in 2313 Barlickway '• rDivisiM^r^ 'i 4 Divisions. ^Stratford.. 2757 Barling near 1797 Barlings next 2271 Barlow, Great, in Staveley .. 873 do.. Little, in Dronfield « do., in Brayton ....near 3993 Barnihy on the Moor . ,. .near 4073 do., see Baruby Banner next 2081 Harming Cross *388 Barmpton, in Houghton-le-Skerne Barmston next 1704 do., in Washington ... . 42 Barn, in Whitchurch Canonicorum Barnack t next 2202 Total Parish (3) ,,f or 2628 Barnacle Ham in 798 Barnacre, with Bonds in Gars. 4317 SUBarnard Cas. Chap.*t IF. 2§ 616 Barnardiston next 1867 Barnbrough, or Barmbury .. 3969 Barnbow, in Barwick in Elniet4019 Barnby, iS«/if. near 1961 do., in Lythe 4202 do. upon Don 3972 do. on the Marsh in How. 4025 do. in the Willows next 2325 do. Moor, with Bilby in 2347 Barnes *154 5 Barnet Cliipping, M. t § . . 2396 do. Fryern *109 do. East *111 Barnetby-le-W'old next 2288 Barney near 2076 Barnham, Stiff. » 2021 do.. Suss *926 do. Broom near 2000 Barningham, Suff. next 1905 do., with Hope& Sc. nr.6!6 do.. Little, 6 to 10 N. of 1987 do. Norwood » » do. Winter.. • « Barnoldby-le Beck next 2283 Barnoldwick 562 Total of Parish f4) « Barnshaw cum, see Goosetrey 845 Barnsley, Glou next 3154 6 IT DO., IF. t3§ 417 2J f tt Barnstaple*, /•'. + 3§ 1531 Barnston, in Woodchurch nr. 1660 do., Essex » 1821 Barnstone, vvith Langar,lVoRs, Barnton, in Biidworth 8.56 Barnwell, All Saints. .. .near 2620 do., St. Andrews Barnwood 3164 Barony, in Auckland. ..with 626 Barrasford in 4529 Barrington, Cum next 2133 do., Soin near 3700 do., G'/ou., Great ... . 3138 do., » Little .... Barrens Park Ham., in Desford Barrow, Salop in 123 do.. Derht/. ... f near 114 do.. 'J'otal Par. ^ or 5 s. of 7.56 do., in Hallystoiie ., 4554 do., Ham ...in 2321 do., Suff. 1897 do.. dies.. Great 2962 do., (/<)., Little // do., Gurney near 1332 do., 'I’yth. in Kiiigsl: mry Epis. do.. North near 3681 do., South » Superfiviei AnouftI Value of Amoatkt expended (he Pruperty Tax io ISIS. POOR, 1828—20 2,080 2,355 136 1,260 1,226 126 2,870 2,1.55 96 45,606 60,510 6,937 39,040 48,381 3,5T1 5,0()0 5,886 786 9 194 41 6-1 66 84 Hathford a > 2,030 4,957 204 565 tm (i88 870 1,380 2,245 258 36 50 (56 101 Hathwick « » 630 35,212 891 2,720 3,172 4,009 4,035 73,290 98,100 10,353 9,237 10,243 12,437 13,181 Hathforum Hund » » 15,.55() 87,816 4,031 5,726 12,337 16,615 21,109 1,990 3,287 245 361 342 344 312 Hathealton » 3743 740 1,789 86 123 i:i8 105 98 Hatbley, in Musham, Nortlr 2330 — 61 179 172 197 250 215 49 48 31 57 50 Hatley 493 Total of Parish (4) « 2,140 6,3!)0 4,488 1,099 2,574 2,975 3,717 4,841 — 218 — 34 — — 14,977 2,731 6,416 7,507 9,154 11,3.55 270 711 35 25 29 29 34 Batsford near 3121 980 2,004 133 89 86 108 107 2,240 2,745 448 184 465 450 449 Batterley, in Harthomley » 839 1,020 111,612 156 237 249 247 305 11,600 13,132 1,644 1,662 2,2(55 2,333 2,523 Battersby, in Ingleby Gieenhow 740 — 78 80 87 77 1,160 1,469 96 98 105 105 112 Battersea, with Penge *148 2,180 33,0(K) 2,618 3,365 4,409 4,992 5,.540 210 608 77 77 81 81 76 Hattisforil next 1943 1,340 1,680 197 290 320 •421 436 320 675 83 83 56 94 106 8 IF Battle, Th. t 2 § *707 7,880 10,122 2,050 2,040 2,531 2,852 2,999 — — 200 163 174 212 205 Battlefield, in Shrewsbury § 3014 850 740 101 83 69 64 70 St. He len — — 14 14 Battlesden next 2432 1,140 2,420 351 133 130 151 145 1,500 1,107 186 218 213 273 284 Baughurst 3468 1,020 972 338 358 349 434 491 490 756 54 143 177 168 168 2,798 2,927 1.55 173 160 1.55 185 10,530 20,624 1,330 6,197 6,948 7,977 8,976 Baumber, or Bamburgh near 2257 3,200 244 261 290 319 356 1,510 3,795 172 348 344 414 422 Baunton 0 3156 1,310 1,251 88 108 105 129 144 6,710 12,354 1,573 c 674 976 1,191 1,707 Baverstock /< 3392 710 1,502 1.59 120 92 135 16(i ^,035 1,228 1,305 1,.529 Bavington, Gt., in Kirk Whelping. — — 23 82 75 74 70 1,620 2,047 99 322 347 403 379 do.. Little, in Thockington — — 58 58 36 78 72 33,690 3,144 136 219 254 322 346 Bawburgh, with Bowthorp nr 2000 2,070 1,940 334 268 330 456 440 10,.565 577 l,(Ki0 1,185 1,212 1,537 Bawdeswell 2067 1,310 965 775 546 481 590 587 2,790 4,773 132 501 446 467 499 Bawdrip 3710 1,780 4,350 102 244 315 372 373 1,330 995 91 124 106 104 Bawdsey near 1763 2,640 2,014 309 344 409 414 454 820 1,164 89 — 169 177 163 Bawsey » 1734 1,090 631 25 21 25 34 39 4,390 2,821 489 355 363 440 459 7 Baw'try, TA.t , in Blyth 2 § 3962 270 1,8.57 .515 798 918 1,027 1,149 1,530 2,218 18 61 66 73 60 Baxby, with Thornton, in Coxwold — — — • — — — 271 270 357 424 Baxterley next 2803 850 1,406 110 194 194 210 189 — — — — — — Baydon 3321 3,060 2,243 267 290 294 313 358 2,270 2,790 323 448 546 668 720 Bayford next 2372 1,450 1,346 355 235 224 307 332 Stone ham — — — 70 Bayleham near 1940 830 1,983 162 232 224 237 238 1,760 3,798 532 725 842 976 977 Bayton 2861 1,960 1,904 137 389 403 466 445 4,030 3,128 605 523 569 702 778 2,050 870 2,995 919 278 91 305 100 376 92 523 113 591 145 Beachampton near 2520 2,110 2,271 251 187 217 251 254 1,540 2,975 134 137 176 201 208 Beachamwell » 2026 3,730 2,076 236 221 209 288 263 3, .520 7,263 311 834 1,066 1,287 1,344 Beachleyferry » 1541 — — — — — 1,090 940 117 288 358 368 410 Beacbeyhead *784 — — — — — 1,470 1,.555 255 ' 412 497 670 786 4 IF Beaconsfielo, T/i. t 2^ .. 2470 3,710 5,924 943 1,149 1,461 1,736 1,763 500 846 100 285 287 337 676 Beadlam, in Kirkdale 4143 620 1,032 69 93 137 143 151 2,030 3,118 187 1,59 201 223 203 Beadnell Chap 4569 Bambo rough 143 223 291 213 251 4, .520 2,227 657 431 430 581 623 Beaford 3897 3,760 1,736 290 516 540 582 624 2,710 3,130 485 393 432 404 606 Beaghall, in Kcllington next 3987 1,570 ^775 188 384 432 546 563 650 1,197 254 184 205 253 258 Beaksbourne *595 1,200 Hastings 135 216 257 311 351 3,180 {3,856 197 342 377 386 436 Beal in gs. Great near 1761 830 1,658 223 218 279 339 367 11,5.58 129 149 1.59 176 190 do.. Little " • 410 842 122 277 269 262 272 1,750 1,.593 299 290 282 371 391 4 Beaminster t, T/i. § 1284 4,350 11,659 1,133 2,140 2,290 2,806 2,968 980 1,568 48 149 175 188 202 Beamish, in Chester-le-Street 45 4,120 — 1,574 942 1,643 1,848 9,870 313/260 31,256 63,645 76,433 87,779 103,886 Beamsley, in Skipton 566 1,820 1,409 89 276 310 312 279 Beamley, or Beenly in 4.562 Eglin gbam 65 164 137 160 169 1,660 2,584 63 362 422 396 946 Beansall Chap near 2746 Hatton 2,087 114 187 236 269 249 2,150 1,816 127 188 241 241 294 Beard Ham., in Glossop 919 515 withW hittle 332 283 2,290 4,683 743 787 928 1,095 1,245 Bearl, in Bywell St. Andrew 4502 — — 11 69 62 56 70 3,950 9,172 914 995 1,162 1,371 1,505 Bearley near 2757 810 1,136 93 165 164 230 230 890 — 140 27 12 29 35 Bearsted *401 640 1,967 45.5 294 519 566 594 1,930 1,605 104 158 133 162 164 Bearston, in Muckleston .... 2949 — — — 79 95 8,030 6,898 200 1,370 1,553 1,667 1,922 Beauchief Abbey ex. Pa. Ch. in 882 780 847 102 98 97 88 920 1,695 67 339 352 400 415 Beaudesert, Staff near 2918 Canno ck Clia se — — — — — — — 100 92 — do.. War... « 2767 840 2,504 97 50 1.50 209 199 Beaulieu 2§ 1452 9,480 5,229 1,128 1,384 1,311 1,206 1,298 8,490 9,461 615 1,059 1,142 1,277 1,321 Beaumanor (ex. Pa.) next 729 1,210 — — 61 73 96 98 2,720 5,239 770 2,124 2,940 3,599 6,325 Beaumont 4418 1,470 1,816 31 219 270 323 276 490 785 51 55 64 86 85 do. Leys (ex. Pa.) nr. 685 1,210 — — 20 21 14 28 CbeJdle 2,443 209 243 282 300 do., with Moze.... next 1858 ^890 3,462 488 340 387 434 452 3,640 3,777 269 — 358 348 310 Beausall Chap near 2746 Hatton 2,087 114 187 236 269 294 1,850 2,044 263 62 125 142 124 Beaworth Tyth. in 3504 Cherilon 757 87 130 118 136 156 4,970 5,652 1,385 819 921 1,073 1,103 Beaworthy near 3905 6,270 878 108 218 235 299 339 3,970 11,382 2,174 2,589 2,656 3,165 3,581 144,800 139,298 26,984 18,607 24,249 27,223 29,592 Bebbington, Lower 1660 910 1,283 78 263 279 316 440 9*20 2,699 3,088 141 440 158 817 13C 115 968 122 978 1,050 5,251 1,085 33 143 191 216 273 2,360 920 Total of Parish (5) . . // 8,249 Horton 269 1,026 1,206 1,678 2,193 6,290 4,909 614 986 1,258 1,329 1,664 Bebside, in HoUpn .... near 2 with 30 126 102 124 100 6,930 3,453 243 450 497 *337 449 Beccles, S. * t W 1961 1,740 7,976 1,346 2,788 2,979 3,493 3,862 — 421 17 16 15 23 Becconsal.with Hesketh Chap 1196 1,580 1,675 234 353 347 476 523 111,220 96,984 9,425 13,017 14,602 17,172 19,461 Beckton, in Sandbach 840 2,380 3,876 462 578 701 759 818 35,230 48,828 4,150 7,794 8,484 9,810 10,295 Beckbury 4 S. «/ 3002 1,640 2,340 75 231 241 285 307 38,080 3,120 45,983 4,142 2,07-i 5,986 623 6,183 621 7,043 686 7,496 780 3,820 4,640 8,060 3,554 761 955 1,093 469 1,180 545 1,288 574 699 Beckermet, St. Bridget near 69 198 420 3,275 4,311 720 828 878 1,042 1,255 do., St. John ....<' " 3,030 1,960 117 328 391 549 397 1,940 3,946 165 413 489 613 704 Becket with, see Shrivenham 3248 — — — — — — Egling 3,520 1,840 34 296 173 9 457 443 17 518 defecti. 12 682 559 2,650 790 2,106 450 181 281 291 442 433 4,401 2,700 709 546 194 58 42 48 50 do.. West or 1745 780 1 671 115 137 167 154 1.56 6,200 3,791 362 1,096 460 1,376 1,329 Beckhampton Tyth in 3308 — — — — — — 1,790 Melburj'B. 43 155 121 177 178 1 do., with Sutton, Line. nr. 1717 3,200 1 3,517 127 257 392 430 401 Svperjicics in StahUc Acres; Annual Value of Properly ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in 15ec — Bel Towns, Parishes, IfC. Bcckingham, Nolls near 2324 Beckiiigton 380 Beckley, Suss *(‘00 do. without Stiidley near 2003 Total of I’arish « » Bccontree lluiid. *130 8 BlilMUi, Tu. t 0 § 4211 do., Total l‘arish, (0) ... " Bedhurn, North 020 do., South " Beddcrn, with Minster Yd. f .gj- Kx. Fa iin Beddinghaiu *"0G Beddington, Sure *101 Bedfield near 1037 H Beilfont, I’.ast, with Ilattoa *00 Bedford in Leigh 1243 do.. Circus Free. I48‘4 Gif tt Bedfokd, Tu., S. *t0§ 2440 do., (,’ounty. • • •2123-.57 Bedhainpton next 1437 Bedinglield near 1037 Bedingham .... “ 1000 Bedlington, Durham 1 11 Bedininster, by Bristol .... 1330! Bednal 2808 Bedstone, Salop near 3108 Bedwardine, St. John 2835 Bedwas, Lower ? j^g do., Upper S Bedwelty, Total Farish (3).. 181 + + Bedwin, Great, t2§ 3208 do.. Little 3207 Bedworth 700 F>eeby next 088 Beech Lib in 2037 Beech Hill Manor » .501 do., in Strattield Saye .. 3424 Beeching Stoke next 3300 Heeding, Lower § > *gQg do.. Upper S Beedon I N. oj 3288 Beeford, Total Parish ^ Beeley, Chap, in Balcewell .. 805 Beelsby ...... . .near 2286 or 22.83 Beenham next 3281 Beer Crocombe near 3724 do. Hacket next 3550 do. Hall, Ty. in Axrainstr. 3700 Begis, iU. t 3570 Tyth. in Seaton 1470 T. . S + 1 Alstone .. ) „f,i ] Total Farish } 294 and Edstock Ham. in Can Beesby, with Hawersby, see Haw do. in the Marsh ....near 2204 Bees, St. in Cumberland .,..i Total of Farish (13 .... f Suporfloi«* 1 ) 0 . do. do. do. 08 3.010 1,840 5,.540 1.010 4,370 35,050 1 ,770 7,070 1,890 7,700 York 2,250 3,830 1,780 1,800 1,750 Exeter. 2,200 ^.207,032 3.200 1,080 1,140 8,010 4.180 070 1.200 3,730 4,340 15,440 10,420 3,170 2,200 1,020 Stone Knares 770 740 3,500 1,030 3,470 5,270 3 250 1,080 1,890 770 450 8,150 870 5,850 nington ersby 1.180 09,200 Beeston, Ham. in Sandy .... 2443 do. in Bunbury 2057 do. Chap., Leeds 490 do. Nolls 070 do. with Bittering, Norf. 2059 do. Regis next 1744 do. St. Andrew ... . « 1995 do. St. Lawrence .. » 1070 Beetham 4281 Total of Farish (5) .. « Beetley near 2052 Begbroke 5 N. of 2097 Beighton, Derby 877 do., Norf. near 19(i8 Belaugh « 1984 Belbank in Bewcastle 4437 do. in Stapleton 4443 Belbroughton 2 ^ 2879 lielby in Howden 4021 Belchamp Otton near 1853 do. St. Paul n 1805 do. 4 Valters « 1853 8 Belford, Th. *+ > Total of I’arish (0).. y Bel grave Total of Farish (3) .. Bellchallwell next 3548 Bellasize in Eastrington near 4021 Belleau without Claythorpe, 0 iV. «/ 2201 Bellerby in .Spennilhorne. . . . 4220 Bellester in 4197 fotal of Farish (0).. Belmisthorpe Ham in 2310 4570 680 210 1,720 1,770 1,H0 3,100 740 920 450 4,-120 12,850 1,770 380 3,070 910 810 with 5,350 440 1,600 2,270 2,110 i 9,380 I 970 3,450 050 1,020 [ 430 2,540 Haltw Annukt Value of Property, a* <>ie Property Tax lo 1615. Amouat expended for Main- (oaaoce uf the ' POOH. I8a8— 29. 4,871 321 3,783 801 4,792 1,.502 1,08-1 194 4,072 418 149,185 25,0(>2 4,660 352 13,201 843 2,324 187 3,123 211 City. 230 3,501 400 5,0i)2 4.54 1,748 401 3,014 362 0,0<>4 522 850 — 9,178 2,287 343,083 77,.5.54 3,317 3H 2,062 384 1,949 225 no reiurii 008 19,014 2,501 with Acton 1,718 47 2,352 948 1,712 230 4,907 370 1,532 1,.516 9i')8 508 5,844 1,032 2,098 boro’ 177 988 197 1,529 120 ( 3,917 340 a, 930 755 1,751 219 5,177 313 9,128 042 882 100 3,700 1.50 2,510 472 1,331 70 Liiliagton. 42 1,903 755 25,559 744 1,053 56 1,084 107 2,084 77 65,479 3,739 Sandy 2,690 301 6,0-10 071 4,139 386 705 833 170 803 78 409 53 3,945 605 0,7.50 957 2,302 303 1,280 102 5,730 390 1,2.57 129 980 100 Bewes stle 1,700 47 7,535 838 1,255 50 2,187 023 2,722 1,008 2,903 5,755 16,048 5,022 12,540 1,013 1,672 1,150 2,815 histle 15,540 Simonburn with 1 Ryall 1,014 382 527 559 1,534 80 177 194 1.50 32 [ 151 < 605 Total Number of PKHSONS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Ptrlods. Bel — Bes Toivns, Parishes, t(c. Superfleiet SlAtate Acre*. Adnual Velue of Property, ** a**c»*eu to Ibe Property Tex io Aiueunt expended for Main- tenance of the POOR, 1B2S— 29, Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods, 801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 425 438 515 481 If Beeper, Ch. S.2 ^ 779 Durtield 8,^ 1,017 4,500 5,778 7,235 7,890 ,400 1,.551 1,045 1,340 Belsay in Bolam 4.528 — 93 189 327 327 334 742 1,170 1,371 1,477 Belshfurd 2254 2,390 2,399 315 275 410 490 517 318 343 396 371 Belstead near I7(.4 1,090 1,198 101 212 237 255 248 001 758 825 770 Belstone n 38.50 2,010 690 04 137 120 157 206 ),880 20,075 31,233 34,924 Beltisloe Wap., Line 2210 53,470 52, .531 3,017 4,748 5,134 5,932 6,430 ,005 1,078 1,137 1,200 Belton with Gunthorpe..near 2:ill 2,380 2,812 252 373 348 401 '404 !,240 2,412 2,031 2,707 do. SuP'. » 17.54 2,120 1,941 155 350 389 385 424 245 282 351 387 do. by Grantham 2223 3,120 2,693 108 147 105 178 100 310 421 300 290 do. with Gracedieu ...... 735 1,900 2,470 382 58() 554 064 735 do. Line. 3 ^ 2290 8,530 10,923 972 1,259 1,285 1,437 1,597 701 882 924 901 Bel voir. Ex. Fa near 2655 170 — ' 80 ' 9ti ' 88 105 210 227 255 204 353 446 -180 4!Ki Bemerton in Fugglestone St. Peter — — 295 330 310 323 Bempton 1701 1,930 2,H3 97 222 241 231 287 456 577 771 908 Benefield near 2020 5,100 5,422 297 354 387 4H 519 ,895 2,372 2,830 3,087 Benenden, ^ *513 0,780 5,778 I,()27 1,300 1,322 1,740 1,003 110 123 119 114 Benfieldside in Lanchester .. 4183 2,150 1,792 295 275 341 5H 1,948 4,605 5,400 6,959 Benfleet, North near 1791 1,730 3,446 252 174 22^1 303 300 1,393 70,213 83.710 95,483 do.. South 1791 2.100 3.731 405 338 401 515 533 305 427 413 '637 Bengeo 2374 3,020 4,118 553 5S1 530 731 855 252 252 318 332 Bengeworth, in Evesham.... 2818 — 4,839 305 672 715 853 905 203 318 313 380 Bengrove, with Beckford nr. 3144 — — . . ,422 1,488 1,862 2,120 Benhall 1934 2,010 2,621 799 533 481 710 088 .,278 4,577 7,979 13,130 Benham, Tyth in 3290 1,030 Speen — — ^ russe 11 Beniubrough in Newt.-upon-Ouse 1,070 Newton 88 84 98 99 93 157 142 105 150 Benningholnie & Grange in Swine 1,280 1,775 151 78 85 97 105 ,574 1,932 2,424 2,001 Bennington, Herts near 2390 2,950 2,917 307 487 529 058 031 197 254 272 269 do. Line 2199 3,090 3,213 248 302 335 406 500 189 218 208 428 do. Long 2245 4,420 6,049 486 723 805 881 982 619 4,600 6,382 10,637 Benniworth near 2273 2,840 2,735 108 277 302 340 373 ,632 1,752 1,928 2,191 Benridge in 4540 Mitford — 37 54 45 57 53 428 -HO 504 587 Beusington orBenson,w.Myti.t 2070 2,800 3,329 1,332 822 831 901 1,200 ,161 2,794 3,519 3,980 Bentfield Ham. in Stansted IMount. 740 — 012 404 513 505 128 121 120 120 Benthall 125 770 2,077 247 636 503 554 525 681 838 Bentham 587 7,820 7,280 403 1,487 1,054 2,102 2,179 308 Total of Farish (3) « 24,990 19,042 1,180 2,853 3 2.54 3,824 3,957 184 200 274 249 Bentley Fenny near 887 670 2,000 30 180 192 242 308 174 173 1.56 187 do., Southampton 3142 2,450 4,147 913 504 575 090 728 459 443 499 589 do. Liberty in Wolverh... 81 1,470 1,069 100 90 103 99 104 230 274 405 533 do. Ham. in Shustoke « 2804 1,230 1,735 79 206 185 246 270 303 2!)5 313 300 do. » in Tardebig.... 2874 — — — — — — 378 524 020 731 do., Sujf. near 1765 j 2,350 3,320 280 337 340 300 303 507 607 794 894 do., with Arksey 3907 ! 5,220 10,007 997 980 1,102 1,171 1,1H 268 272 350 441 do. Hungry Lib. in Longford — 1,208 22 82 78 88 92 148 104 100 158 do.. Great 3^ 1857 1 2,850 5 jOoo 855 017 032 794 978 381 372 437 3(i0 do., Little « 2,750 2,980 .573 331 309 -102 438 137 148 180 182 Benton, Long 15 8,700 40,170 1,312 3,355 4,358 5,547 0,613 87 76 78 110 Bentworth, in Odiham 3432 3,770 3,392 052 425 400 548 592 331 Benwell, in St. John 17 1,270 11,730 ai5 951 1,004 1,290 1,278 936 953 1,080 1,170 Benwick Chap, in Doddin. nr. 2105 3,000 3^ i o3 317 340 355 514 520 1,2.56 Beoley 2821 4,700 5,322 40-1 030 ()7I 040 073 1,110 1,.504 2,198 1,876 Bepton *938 1,200 877 70 129 148 140 106 ___ Berdon, Essea- near 2376 1,570 2,287 430 291 303 338 .342 70 50 55 60 Bere Church (Colchester Boro') — 1,429 200 — — — — 131 126 132 159 Bergholt, East Sufi'. ^ 1705 2,380 5,840 405 970 1,1.51 1,246 1,300 409 425 655 517 do., West, Essrjc. .. .near 1771 2,170 3,232 090 5.52 530 094 780 2,848 10,184 19,900 19,203 Berkeley next 380 1,880 2,831 589 598 577 550 531 Berkeswell 2800 0,3(i0 7,489 795 1,192 1 ,203 1,408 1,1.50 180 185 214 258 RRirni^HAMi. 2411 4,250 5,079 1,875 1,0!)0 l,9(i3 2,310 2,309 377 410 -HI 434 1,070 1,987 258 314 305 439 450 1,427 1,.538 1,070 2,128 STEADt 2% Ajpg 2412 3,890 4,938 1,079 735 804 1,028 1,1.50 948 1,342 1,.534 2,.530 Berkley + ^ 3187 1 1 nun 1,000 1,958 058 010 836 901 511 505 000 702 Total of Farish (7) . . » 28,278 315 3,09t» 3,230 3,835 3,89!1 107 189 238 24() do. Hund., tUpper .... 3187 52,420 99.9.59 13,654 18,085 19,-183 23,891 21,894 39 32 09 49 Glouceslti'l Lower .... » 10,010 20,589 651 1,137 1,879 1,830 1,954 30 37 54 52 Berks County 3231-3293 -J72,*i70 G-13,7SI 109,215 1IS,277 131,977 U3,’i00 608 748 830 855 Bermersley in Norton on the Moors — — — 175 190 2+1 1,248 1,372 1,618 1,039 Bermondsey *08 620 65,131 17,438 17,l(>9 19,530 25,835 29,711 242 288 350 381 Berrick-Salome near 2070 1,090 1,125 195 143 142 174 134 80 118 102 102 do. Prior Lib. in New. » 2688 — — — - - 143 1.52 — 034 717 850 980 Berrier& Murrah in 4392 Oreyttook 1,339 15 130 120 128 113 208 205 2H 202 Herrington 3015 2,920 1,246 310 003 575 057 OSl 150 130 133 151 do., in Campden .... 3121 — — 138 138 171 129 284 3+1 415 485 do. Ham. in Tenbury 2852 — 189 — 195 105 109 120 137 127 Ben'ow, Soni 3645 2,310 0,000 191 371 480 449 -liKi 1,266 1,318 1,470 1,480 do.. Wore near 2825 1,940 2,279 351 .3!)7 410 404 507 38 38 49 41 Berry Pomeroy 1510 4,010 7,419 815 1,124 1,179 1,2.55 1,180 2(il 259 352 397 Berryn Arbor 3879 5,0.50 3,959 270 532 673 018 794 499 4!)0 085 808 Berstead, Soutli *401 2,750 7,834 1,918 737 1,195 1,851 2,190 422 459 608 070 Berwick, Suss *781 1,250 1,477 351 170 109 172 203 902 931 1,208 1,3.54 do. Hill in 4535 Fontel and 50 108 120 111 105 1,324 1,42T 1,728 1,905 do., St. James .... next 3380 2,370 2,024 185 22(i 224 227 232 001 631 735 989 do., St.John » 3108 1,230 2,881 401 3..7 373 380 425 1,418 1,007 1,004 2,320 do., St. Leonard .. « 3412 970 1,025 24 30 32 44 51 131 174 102 205 8 If tt » do. upon Tweed * t § 1(175 5,120 30,811 3,803 7,187 7,740 8,723 8,!)20 153 205 197 189 Besford in Shawbury .. near 3008 1,310 — — — lOI 109 158 113 124 88 107 do., Wore » 2819 1 ,300 1,991 80 120 127 164 Mti 300 31!> 407 417 Beskaby Place in (froxton-Ker. — — — — — !) 9 88 90 118 120 Besselsleigh near 3231 980 1,153 104 !«» 119 130 121 337 31(i 404 404 Bessingby » 1703 1,230 2,015 07 87 82 83 83 1,07! 1,232 1,390 1,-100 Bessingham 8 N.of 1987 410 58(i 32 103 104 149 137 — — — Besthorjie, Norf. next 202( 2,440 3,745 633 391 430 519 612 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Tarish, Iluinlvt, Tytltuiy,^ c., in CNCLA D, at each of the Tour Periods, llJOl, ItUI, IV, 21 , li’.IiJ lies — liil Towns, Piiris/irs, iVi' Beslhorpc, IMmp. in Stii. Scarlo Jleswiik, in MnnclicstiT .... loUi ilo., C'hnp. in Kilnwick n\t. tOliO Beti'liworth Betliersclen, ^ Betlinull (iroLMt * ki Betley, t § 1'^ Bette.' New\>l(l in 101 Betterton \ \V. tJinge, Ty. nr. :i2l.> Bettesli;in;>er *007 BeUisiConii)e ne.ir 12, so Bcttw.s, Monmnulh • loK do., 10 )V.of 20S0 Buverconles near 2:132 Beveridge, Ty. in CranOonie 3.1211 TlfttBovKULOY & LiO.ir. A'.*t 10.50 Beverstone near :l(i.5 Benalik'lli & SiOiilenailh, In Toj penhow. . Bewcaslle in Bskdale 4137 do., Total of I’arisli (1) .. » 4a-BKW0LEY, t 3§ 2302 Bewerley, in Uippon 5.)(i Bewlioliueik Nnnkeeling..nr. 1707 Bewick, in Eg- t New 4.502 linghain . . . . f Old « Be.'cliill *730 Bexley *320 Bex we 11 § next 20;12 Bexton, in KnuUfurd 030 Beynluirst Hundred, B. ric.i... ;i257 Beytou, or lieigUtou ..0 E. of 1338 in iU\ Bibury 3154 do.. Total of Parish (4) » 4 Bicester, E. + 4§ 2700 Bickenliall near 3724 do.. Chap next 2707 Bicker 2183 Bickerstall'e in Ormskirk . . . , 1254 Bickerton in Malpas 2053 do., in Uothbnry 4.553 do., in Hilton 4048 Bickford & Whiston in Penkridge Bickington next 3700 Bickleigb, fioborough Hund. 3330 do., Ha> ridge Hund. nr. 3773 Bickley in Malpas 20.53 Bickmersh aiul Little Dorsington, Bicknoller ..next 3710 Bicknor *420 do., English 140 Bicton near 1479 Bidborough *3.58 Biddenden *512 Biddenhain near 2440 Biddescote in Tamworth .... 751 Biddeshani near 3633 I St. Nicholas.. 1 ... Biddestone | ^ 3313 Biddlesdon, Bucics near 2520 Biddleston in Alwhinton .... 4.555 Biddulph 105 2 5 Bideford, T«. t 3 § 1.529 Bidescote in Tamworth, see Biddes Bidford, t 27.53 Bidick, S. in Houghton-le-Spring Bidstone, (see ) with Ford .. 1061 Liverpool).. ^ Total Par. (5) » Bielby in Hayton near 4073 Bierly, North, in Bradford.. 531 Bierton, with Broughton .... 2495 Bigbnry next 3830 Bigby " 2287 Bigges, or Carlisle Quarter in 4544 Biggin, in Wirksworth 324 do., in Kirk Fenton.... in 3997 do., with Newton. ...near 2786 6B1GGI.ESWADE, with Holme & Stratton, IF. t 5 §..... S Biggleswade Hundred, Beils. » Bighton near 3156 Biglands and Gamelsby .. in 4425 Bignal End, in Audley 103 Bignor *901 Bilborough, Nutts 070 do., York Ainsty near 4004 Bildeston, or Bilson t 2§.... 1911 Bilham, in Hooton Pagnel nr. 3967 9f Billericay, T«. t 2 ^ ....1795 Billesdon 2637 do.. Total Parish (3) .. • Billesley near 2757 Billing, Great 2.581 do., Liitle next » Billingborough 2215 , Alifiihtr oJ‘ rtpe..a*d nt t (trh 0 / \ III Pi M.e.ly, 0 ... lUl.i / i « \ ettrlu /’ir/udt. maiul* li« t'rt»|irrly h) 1,518 roou. 1HVS Vtf. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 510 1)1 216 233 271 322 (.0 wUli Mail- chpittr. (i 14 35 218 1 , i;io 2,101 50 136 151 192 205 3,660 5,402 1,111 ti:io 1,007 909 1,100 6,110 4,906 1,33 > 740 898 1,001 973 760 17,10J 22,310 33,619 15,676 62.018 1,180 2,801 178 (i70 761 932 870 1,200 (ill 20 66 88 81 108 With LoibiPK*. — — — — 370 1,331 29 38 26 21 20 1,810 731 82 47 62 62 65 1,470 932 47 106 !M 76 !)5 8 500 2,1.59 731 213 308 321 ;hi 389 790 61 30 •26 48 51 with Cranb orne. — — — 9,370 33,56!1 2,436 6,033 6,731 7,503 8,302 2,360 2,304 55 150 162 160 174 4,375 838 31 55 65 97 72 } 26,640 11,288 .516 173 198 188 177 < 2,994 563 917 1,069 1,213 I,3:l6 Kibbetford. 4,3(2 1,222 3,(i7 1 3,451 3,7-25 3,908 5,320 with Bacre 1,075 1 ,2-20 1,408 1,310 — 3,418 267 173 198 243 203 1 -llh Be t 18 f 91 63 187 92 180 93 247 106 227 7,900 6,4:59 2,5-20 1,091 1,627 1,907 1,867 5,370 12,115 2,497 45 1,441 1,774 2,311 3,206 1,280 I,:i85 65 47 63 53 510 1 ,2-24 49 58 69 76 13,020 23,285 1,441 2,456 2,942 3,082 3,424 550 910 227 231 248 238 330 1 6,300 2,022 391 t 315 ^ 852 339 952 361 990 338 950 2,580 8,263 3,077 1,946 2,146 2,514 2,868 1 ,090 1,667 76 155 179 215 270 3,810 3,844 483 664 642 648 725 :i,7-0 6,5)0 508 485 541 627 645 5,860 6,776 296 811 911 1,212 1,309 1,780 1.702 182 270 308 370 373 Rotbburj. *400 31 15 18 20 1,080 915 91 127 1:33 149 150 1 ,220 1,516 193 237 258 301 351 2,980 2,281 1-22 264 300 457 466 1 ,690 2,487 97 297 251 273 323 2,200 2,064 363 435 419 431 451 Hams., in Wei ford. — 21 61 65 1,370 2,081 58 216 204 251 285 500 341 63 52 49 53 44 2,140 3,267 281 465 500 534 598 1,180 1 ,966 76 173 174 204 213 1,360 991 221 157 100 192 237 7,110 0,3dG 2,279 1,151 1,278 1,544 l,(i,58 1,700 1,933 411 252 310 3<13 369 350 with TAinnurtb 84 39 70 11 510 1,756 78 88 88 136 158 2,530 2,435 87 331 372 5 387 1 27 4-23 31 1.630 2,119 198 147 ICO 175 184 fVilli At whmlon. 116 186 184 1(6 156 5,530 4,390 394 1,18(1 1,160 3,241 1 ,606 1,987 4,510 9,312 1 ,3j3 2,987 4,053 4,810 cote. — 81 39 70 11 3,240 1,161 952 928 1,006 1,219 1,268 280 H-te-Spring 678 *490 141 167 199 1,620 2,218 55 199 198 2.57 251 5,160 7,145 226 684 738 1,014 3,434 1,220 1,110 109 173 188 239 248 3,090 6,1-8 643 3,820 4,(06 6,070 7,251 2,470 3,469 855 518 503 620 605 4,160 4,147 4S4 430 474 336 578 1,040 4,810 177 178 188 190 190 with L. Horsley. 121 191 259 262 238 440 745 100 1-23 148 160 ICI 2,250 1,727 93 223 123 1G4 141 4,220 7,501 1,678 1,730 1,895 2,778 3,226 28,265 39,060 6,237 6,246 6,426 8,454 9,696 1,.580 1,395 312 198 211 231 290 Yvitll A'kton. 151 156 191 192 witli Audley. — — 236 308 432 1,180 792 176 95 150 138 130 1,090 1,475 195 307 269 291 330 1,410 2,002 65 185 235 260 228 1,120 1,840 662 744 762 814 836 2,710 1,025 83 45 46 74 76 4,420 7,169 826 1,472 1,533 1,861 1,977 2,410 3,5-29 581 580 534 624 769 4,530 7,014 788 695 665 751 903 750 4 -2s. 27 31 20 24 1,290 2,319 191 267 299 331 372 890 1,763 39 64 87 76 88 2,020 5,800 392 537 669 745 831 Bil-Bir •8 ;; j Towns, Parishes, If c, ^ j Billinge Chapel lind, in Wigan .. do.. Higher 1008 Billingfurd, or Pirleston..nr. 2041 do., in I'iynesfirrd ..next 2003 Billiiigham 44li0 do., 'J’otal Parish (4).... » do., 5' itb Cai isbroke .. 1463 Billinghay 2239 do.. Total Parish (3) .. » Billinghurst *876 Billingley, in Darelieid .... 39.57 Billingside, in Lanchester .. 4183 Billingsley, Siili)p next 2907 Billington, Chap 1111 do., J.iberty in Bradley on do., Chan in 2433 Billisborrow or liillso, in Garstang BillocUby near 1966 Billy. Row & Crook, in Brancepeth Bilney, East near 2052 do.. West ....8 N.IF. (/ 2055 Bilsby and Thurlby ....next 2264 Bilsdale iMidcable, in Helmsley do., W'estside in Hawuby Bilsingicn § *666 Bilsthorpe 7 iV. IP. of 650 4 Bilston, Chap., in U olv. t 2 ^ 83 Bilstone, in Norton juxlaTwycross Bilton, Warwiek 2787 do., in Swine near 1340 do., York Ainsty 4048 do.. Total Parish (3) .... » do., and Harrogate 1390 Binacre, or Benacre . . . .near 1958 B-broke Jil;Sier.;::S2278 Binchester, in Auckland .... 625 Binconibe near 1472 Binderton *963 Binegar § next 153 Binfield 3254 do.. Hundred, Oxon .... 2606 Bingfield, in St.John Lee .. 4514 If Bingham, T/i. t 3 § 651 do., VVapen- y N th. Div. 651 take, Notts. } Sth. » 651 Bingley & Mic- t Township.. 5.', 3 klethwaite, t 2^ ^ Total Par. (4) » Binham near 2078 Binley, w. Earnsford Lib. nxt. 793 Binnington inWillerby, 8 A'.o/4091 Binsey near 2707 Binsled, in Alton 3447 Binstead, Isle of VV'ight..near 14.59 do., Sussex *923 Hinton near 27.57 Bintree next 2063 Birch, Great 7 E. of 1838 do., Little 3065 do.. Much /» Bircham, Great 14 tof do. Newton. ...15 A. £.> 1734 do. Tofis of 3 Birchanger, Essex next 2376 Bircher, in Yarpole 3103 Birches in 858 Birchington *567 Bircholt *661 Birchover, Chap in 330 Birdall & Raisthpe., in Wharrsm-Per. Biidbrook next 1850 Birdforth, in Coxwold 4I6O do.. Wapentake, N.R.Y. 41.59 Birdham *<)85 Birdinbury near 2776 Birdon.Gt. in Haughton-le-Skerne Birdsall next 4104 Birkby near 58 do , 409 do. Total Parish (3).. » 4180 do. with Muncaster.. « 4351 Birkdale 1666 t Birkenhead, Ch. in Bid^tone 1661 Birker and Austhwaite, in Milhmi Birkin near 3986 do. Total Parish (5) » » Birkley or Birtley 4.530 Birley near 3070 Birling, Kent *375 do., in Warkworth 4.548 Birlingham near 2819 41T t Birmingham, * t 2§. .. . 70 Birstall, Chap, in Belgrave.. 687 do. Total Parish (8) .... 545 Amcuol 'J'utul \umhter )./ /‘/./I yoAv. or at tat h ot tUf \ SUtuto A.****ad l» >1 Hie •J • a Yearly l*tXipd H(« 1 Ui in tblj I'OOK, IS3H— W. 1801. 18H. 1821. 1831. 1,310 2,fo5 Mi:! S 71, a 1 ,;. 2,288 - 127 138 90 110 1,030 1,414 48 91 85 90 96 6,570 2,576 200 342 591 555 657 3,400 4,069 164 313 298 201 276 2,130 — 58 — 391 414 518 900 1,732 66 110 105 200 2,569 w. Millom. 603 12 93 109 101 102 2,320 2,528 234 139 136 139 129 5,890 6,9:15 759 706 812 917 873 2,290 4,398 172 351 376 393 447 1,260 l,-253 115 120 148 119 147 2,240 2,351 368 371 419 459 502 with Warkworth 26 87 81 69 85 1,450 2,802 141 353 373 327 360 2,6fi0 247.0.5S -11,1 1 1 60,822 70,209 85,416 110.914 1,260 2,888 238 285 302 371 393 13,180 34,000 3,924 14,657 17,069 21,217 24,103 100 Siipn/icics in Stululc .toTi ; Annual \ ahic of Properly ; AiitounI (•iiwuiUy P.ij)ended for MuiitU'iiancc of the Poor ; and I'otnl Svmbcr of t*ersor.s in k ; ■ Amount 1 Tutal Numhit oj /* EUSOiXS, Bir - Bla 'Supnifl. («! 211 40 223 37 177 45 Bishanipton near 2819 j 2 ; 140 1 2,. 178 107 308 290 374 . Bishop Auckland,— see AiidJand 2,570 IjHOl) 4,84!) 1 1 ‘113 1,352 1,90! •>!') 1,807 2,180 2,8.)!) do., Cannings ^,•1171 1 10,290 9, ',>82 i,.589 1 1,108 1,225 1,224 1,305 do.; Total of Par. (3) ( ’ l?,lii:i 2,7 15 1 DolecHTi* 2,5!)5 2,822 3,350 4fU no. C.\sTi.E, Boro’ (i ^ j 0,000 t 5,915 37 1 j l,07(i 1,367 1,010 1,729 do. out I’aiish.. ( 1 3,233 2i,’0 237 21! 21U 278 do., Cleeve near > do. Total Parish (.5) 8,150 ) 2,0153 175 431 391 458 550 1 8,810 580 1,35.5 1,410 1,.54S 1,042 (1 .., Dale in Avsgarth..nr. 4230 5,900 45 84 79 95 108 do. -fee in d85 with St. Mar garet. Leires Icr. — — I'onthiil 2,010 1,383 104 194 200 228 211 do., Frooine .••••;;• < nr. 3095 (( 0 ., 1 olill of PfU'.(o) ' 3,500 3,807 309 705 717 298 320 4,411 392 — 873 897 948 t! )., Hampt n, see Hampton Lucy. — — — — — do. hill, St. Mary in 4030 York City 3,307 3Gi> 428 593 7(77 1,402 do., Hull 1310 1,070 4,195 38.5 083 814 928 1,155 3,030 1,830 0,522 oo.> 1,068 331 1,053 391 1,016 1,295 387 do., iMiddleham 4408 191 '404 do.. Total of Parish (5) » 5,940 5,9u0 333 738 813 827 837 do., lUonekton, Chap 001 1,120 3,550 210 303 489 479 570 do., IMorchard 3783 0,910 1,098 1,132 — 1,840 1,935 2,003 do., Nvinpton 3-70 10,000 0,040 027 902 920 1,090 1,116 do., Oflluw in Adbastcn nr 2940 W'lth .4(1 has ton. 190 190 210 205 do.. Stoke, l]aiits 3 j0.8 1,910 4,719 08-1 784 855 1,007 1,020 9Ki)o. Stortfoiio 2370 3,080 8,930 3,007 2,30.5 2,030 3,358 3,9.58 do., Sutton, Hants 3453 3,510 ' 3,370 352 379 44.5 -174 527 do., Waltham, ilo 3499 5,029 4,809 1,70!) 1,773 1,830 2,126 2,181 do. side. High and Low. . 599 3,4«0 4,100 '-,101 1,487 1,019 2,072 1,843 do. ston 3411 2,730 4,987 i ,0u8 1 535 541 C(i3 003 do. do., 3322 3,330 3,831 394 530 407 572 088 840 1,025 2,050 188 172 208 270 278 ,io 1.820 158 127 188 20!) 277 293 do. do 4470 2,210 2,057 349 3! 2 305 423 do. do., Total Parish (1) » 5,100 2,978 1.52 450 408 453 512 do. do., in Bippon 597 350 1,101 50 106 91 136 118 do., Thornton, Chap O'JO 3,200 2,98fi 249 359 517 017 014 do., Tachbrook w. Mallory 2753 2,940 7,175 00;) 410 571 054 074 do., 'rawton 3.S70 4 710 5,003 Oil 747 978 1,200 1,641 do., Teighton 1500 3,800 4,904 59D 673 75 ;) iUG 1,085 do. thorpe .... 4014 700 1,110 08 218 202 30! 415 980 1,403 28,703 211 2.418 227 2:vr> 278 do. Wearniouth 35 3,280 0,120 7,000 9,477 14,402 do. do.. Pans » 5 898 315 5{i4 iro 4.83 303 do. do.. Total Parish (7) » 8,830 37,518 3, 145 7,800 8,810 11,542 10,590 do., Wilton w. Belthorpe 4077 4,970 3,149 -1.50 413 451 570 022 do. do.. Total Parish (4) « 7,2 SO 5,048 Brewo 534 035 072 793 831 do., M’ood, in Brewood .. 2891 with od. — — — near 170 1,850 1,304 1,025 51 100 1 15 ir»?* 1 5:1 IV) Bisley, Siirreij *181 780 190 201 273 2:0 do , Gh>uc. 2§ 359 7,980 7,0S3 2,455 4,227 4,757 5,12! 5,890 da., Hundred, Gloucester « 27,730 27,820 0,928 13,878 14,41! 17,878 19,710 Bishpam in Croston 1190 859 1,730 70 172 212 254 2 )*j do., with Norbreok 1CG8 1,490 3,177 115 254 297 323 3! 3 do.. Total of Parish ( 1) .. » 3,490 7,010 383 727 877 1,072 1,250 Biston Closes, w. Bnrlev. .nr. 3515 see Burley — — — Bitchlield ' 2210 1,540 2,385 75 95 117 144 135 do., in Stamfordham.... 4527 trith St«m rordbam 9 50 01 03 (il Biitaden next 3380 5,100 088 18 21 31 52 57 Bitterley 2078 5,010 3,574 707 1,083 !,!0:5 ! ,004 1,!!)4 Bittern oc Polla k, Tyth. in .'•■outh Stoneh am. with S. stoneh am. 703 Bitteshy Lib., in Clayhrook.. 2002 Claybrook 1,204 10 — 5 11 II liitteswell or Bitchell 2000 2,030 3,004 331 398 .3.52 427 43!) Bilton, Ham 1328 \ 7,520 i 7,380 807 1,094 1,480 1,788 2,258 do., 'I’otal of Parish (3) .. » l.'i,373 2,000 4,992 0,001 7,171 8,703 Bix, Brand, & Gibwen ..near 2fi(i0 3,130 2,957 472 303 379 383 409 Bixlev next 1990 700 1,408 72 33 55 107 84 Blahy without CountesThorpe 702 1,380 2,554 031 718 829 989 1,001 Blackauton 3821 5,850 8,332 003 1,019 1,109 1,227 1,477 Blackborough in Kentishere 3775 with Kenlis here. — — 0 * Blackburn t 3f> 1091 3,010 37,7.58 2,939 1 ! ,980 15,083 21,940 27,091 do., 'Fotal of i'arish (23) » 45,020 107, 0.39 1-2 li.’Ri 33,031 39,8!)9 53,350 .59.791 do., Hund., 5 H igher ,. 1121 91,710 1)9.134 I3,I3(! 41,793 53,888 72,110 84,072 l.noc. ^L-iwer.... 1091 79 ,' 190 161,3^7 IP, 200 .40,710 56,2(il 71,102 83,985 do., Hund., Saff. 1901 07,370 58,8.59 14.8Y0 10,773 11,100 13,089 14,2()7 Blaekbnrton near 2720 1,300 2,97!) 301 273 209 330 352 Black-Callerton in Newbnrn 10 Willi NotTburo 250 .195 170 173 438 Black-Carts & Ryshill(ex. Pa.)4515 15 Blackden in Sandhach 8 hi 700 1,018 88 130 1.52 191 470 Blai kdown or Bladen ....in 1285 wilh Broad 'A'insor I'lackenhnrsI, S Lower 2818 8,070 11,78-1 737 1,011 1,137 1. 187 1,384 Hund., IForc. J Upper « 8,270 10,100 1,8‘)0 1,051 85 1 2,020 LiMH) I’larkford Chap near 3015 O'iO 948 142 1.59 III) 151 192 Bla — 151o Tnuns, Parishes, Sfc. Hlackford n« Hlackfordby Chap. in Ashh' t UlackheaUi i do. Hundred, Surrei) lackheddon in htanifordin Hlackland n« IJIackley Cliap Blackpark, Ham Blaekiiool Chap. Blackrod Chap. § Blacktluirne Chap, in Amh Blacktott, without Scalby Black-l'orrinston do.. Hundred, . . Black wall & Poplar ....... Blackwell, ^ Hi};li ^ or hal I . . f Low < do. do. do. Derhi/ in Darlington Blackw'ood & Crowbor ’ in (» Hoiton 1 Blackworth in Earsdoii B1 lenavon Chap in ■'dagdon do., Tyth. in Cranborne . . 3520 do. do., in Pitminster. . . . 1309 do., in btannington 4537 Blagrave & Hadley, Tyth. in 3252 Blaisdon... next 3179 Blakemere .near 3008 1 Blakeney 1711 do., Tyth. in Aure 2§.. 3183 Blakenhall in Wybunbury .. 8.!8 Blakenhain, Great near 1704 do., Litttle. Blakesley with Woodend.... 2540 Blanchar.l, High, C. in Sliotly 4409 2 ^Bi.aM)Ford Forum * t 3^ 3.507 Superfl liei Annual Value uf Amount expendud io Statute t'r'ipc rty, ai tenance uf i 2 •? 2 Acre*. {iiePruperly lax lu IbUi. POOR. _ , — —i- — 3085 080 948 142 :e-la- Z. 1320 2,039 132 *2!)5 with Lewis ham. *2liC 40,930 34,853 7,727 4.)27 With Slam fwrdliaia 57 3947 400 1,013 70 1021 1,840 5,455 597 *(>80 320 Dyinchurcb 14 1812 1,990 4,248 564 3027 with Wbiicbuob 1 08 with Bisplia m and 1189 2,()(i0 4,018 410 • 27(.'0 2,280 2,179 687 1:10 1,720 2,434 2i,7 39(18 0,920 3,123 420 3902 Ul.tiKO 03,348 / ,45 i n *,>2 Stepney. 99,014 to, oat 4410 with St. Cut hbert. 895 w. Uakewell 712 30 780 1,700 2,002 277 012 1,070 3,377 284 27 12 with 'I'redin gton. 903 w. Ilurluo 1,708 225 5 w. Farsdun 2,502 78 10.54 1,170 1,852 84 2707 1,010 1,013 333 157 2,520 5,308 401 (lO. do., Blankney Blaston ISt. Mary Division, J North Dorset 3.-, 08 35( 3 ,' ^ South 3570 j .9 A. «/'2235§ ...next I’tjtl i Blatclienwth. & Cal. Ch ip.^. in 10.59 Blatchington, F.ast *771 do., West *831 Blalherwyck near 2018 Blawitli, Chap, in Ulverstone l(i74 'ilaxhall m xt 1930 Blaxton in Fenningley ....in 3905 Blatdon, Ham » 38 Blazey, St 229 near . in Bleadon Bleasby Bleasdale. Chap. . . Bleatarn in Warcop Bb'chingdon Bledington near Bledlow with Kidge Blencarn with Kirkland .... Blencogs in & with Broomfield Blcncow, Great in do.. Little » Blendworth near Blenheim Park, (ex. I’a.) .. Blenkinsop, see Blinkinsop.. Blennerhasset & Kirkland in + 1 P.letchingley 2 § Bletchley do.. Total Par. Bletsoe (tV'illey) ...near Blewberry » do., Total of Parish i Blickling « Blidesloe, Tyth. in Aure .... do.. Hundred, G7(ii(c . . Blldworth near Itlindbothel in Brigham .... Blindcrakc, lssall& Bedm. in Blinkinsop Blisland Blisworlh Bliihlield with Newton. .near Bio’ Norton, Norf. « Blockhouse, (ex. I’a) ....in Blockley, 2 ^ 1’otal of Parish Blolicld 3033 050 4321 4254 20U9 3133 2184 4399 4382 4391 4392 1437 2707 Tot- *231 Includes 2518 2155 32,55 1987 3183 U 2319 431.7 4110 4194 4027 2.501 2!) 2 1923 2831 2810 2,000 2, .190 1 ..550 8,190 will) 2,540 1,110 4,130 \r ith w ith fflih 3,110 2,940 pen!u)\v. 5,250 1,180 3,151 2,220 2,790 0,950 2,210 with 12,990 0,010 Il.lglm,,,. tvlili Igall. w.IlaK (i,800 1 ,980 4,180 1 , 100 1 1 7,000 3.277 1,139 1,119 1 408 1,441 1,011 1,302 5,250 .Shotlv. 0,019 2.278 45,092 38,347 4,8! 1 1 ,980 4,892 785 703 1,073 859 2,203 1,878 4,522 2,110 1,012 \Vai cop. 3,.580 2,507 5,108 Kirkla 1,918 Dacre. Crojslulie. 1,411 2,047 0,770 1 ,009 5,377 2,011 4,509 7,789 1 ,005 Aure. 10,001 3,1.57 091 4,031 whistb 3,013 2,725 1,009 1 ,005 1 1 ,722 19C8I 1,900 I 1,108 Lamboarn 110 75 442 133 143 105 225 91 1,997 210 o,:hi 7,541 3.59 103 432 227 191 84 513 118 473 128 92 227 ()98 285 1,224 ml. 95 284 74 990 312 992 709 490 843 400 1 ,297 315 l(i 30 7(i 170 301 233 307 935 448 Total KumOer of TEHSOM', ut eticli of the 4 Ton Yearts Periods. 1801. 1.59 243 0,308 50 48 2,301 Oyisuhtirch 591 Norbre 1,023 305 238 700 13,398 4,493 i 205 ( 105 55 420 277 103 30 287 797 109 120 115 059 Shol'v. 2,320 292 4.739 9,339 410 70 1,0.17 154 1.54 100 373 4(i7 381 215 220 503 282 917 107 1 ,509 057 I8H. 1821. 1831. 140 154 192 202 290 327 6,597 7,712 8,081 04 03 04 142 41 05 2,389 2,911 3,020 — 8 5 020 057 018 ck. 2,111 2,430 2,591 310 393 417 241 278 267 754 880 1,083 15,049 17,052 19,492 7,708 12,223 16,849 253 283 208 149 124 150 59 58 09 429 457 432 281 208 271 198 228 176 354 501 527 157 213 412 54 75 72 308 380 442 818 1,008 1,109 35 • 400 451 414 207 243 255 101 103 190 583 803 929 340 — 219 225 245 127 102 192 102 120 102 041 752 (-2!) 518 412 454 2,425 2,6-13 3,109 3-.0 358 303 4,801 5,722 0,089 10,477 11,002 12,811 391 495 543 58 58 73 2,180 3,143 4,221 302 187 170 4!) 54 58 205 240 227 170 ]<)0 171 429 474 .52.5 132 117 170 142 93S 2.155 -HI .518 599 209 290 324 22) 212 236 — 12!) W.llCip. 521 570 041 320 310 335 !)31 1,050 1,135 185 210 2'26 4!) 53 00 230 219 •240 121 !)() 83 195 224 •23S 1,110 1,187 1,203 435 303 370 1,103 1,100 1,201 312 3s3 410 515 .572 (ilU) 912 911 1 ,0.5() 338 359 305 2,108 2,803 2,!M5 557 711 901 91) H2 I IK) 233 311 323 252 317 .3M ■187 037 Oil OKI O'Hi 709 431 •IK) 408 307 ;ui 411 017 I 213 I 1 .01 1 1 ,058 ; ’A<> n,05i 1,890 1)07 979 1,0 2 101 pl’c/y Cnunty, Hundred, DiiHsioii, CHy, ionii, I'urish, Ilainlel, TytUiny, Sfc. in ENG LAN 1), at each of the Four J*criod», IBOl, liill, 1021, 1001. UIo-lloii Towns, I'ltiishcs, Sfc J I Kiipprfloiet l!)(i8 Rloficld llmul., Norfolk liluoro in I'yi lej', Hales in Hlciie \v. Su ansiM if< C'altiMi nr. .''87 IMotUul anil riircaplaml ..in 1.17 > lUuxIiani, Low near 2JIt7 | (In., willioul Ma'eombe 272'.$; (Id., llniul, O.riDi . . . . . . 2722. I»1d\ wit'll. Chap ill 7‘J llloxw.ii til near S.>70 • IC iililierli.'iises in 'CIlUl I IMdiiileslon near I75i | llliinlMin ’ 21i;0 do., mill Mogjierliani-er » • \ l>lun.i Ion, 8t. Andiew .. next 33381 (!.'. IJroad, Cli >p. ...... ' | niiinlisli.ini 215 i; I’dnrtnn Lighlivood Forest / j Chap near S ' l>l) bor.mgli near 2291 j Hlyniliill with Brincton 2 i08 ■ lll.YTii, ir. t2i ^ I ) dpn do.. Total I'lrish - < ■ w Uli 21), 299 IV. PfitylDii 3,739 Turp 'nliunr l.lim 2.8. 'i0 27.710 « nil 3 129 3,(i99 1,599 .1,309 1,129 \i itii 2, -110 2,2! 9 j 3.08. ) ! 2,199 'lo., Niirlli witli Canpiois in 1 do., S, or Nook \v. Ne'.' sham 3 Illytlib'irgh with liintiin and ^ IJnlcanip near y ' IMylhl'ord » 19i5 lllvtliiiii; llniulreil, Siil.'lolk. , 1959 do., Floiise of Indii.stry in Hnl- lllyton witli Wharton ..ne.ir 1717 lloarhnnt ' 111) lioarstall ' 2i0J Bobbing *459 Bobbington near 92 Babbingworth « 1819 i;oi,kenli.ld ..in 4549 Bockhainpton, with Stinsford do., and Kastbury Tj til. in 32.52 But king iSi4 Hotkleton w. Hamp. Charls i r 2852 Boconnoc near 229 3,5:)9 1 21 1 83,8,50 c lll.p. 2,839 1 ,859 3,080 l,'949 2,329 1 , 13i) wiih l.Bililimirne 3,' 09 3,300 2,239 Boddington near !3;!1 1,559 do., Lower next 25 I'M do.. Upper near 2773 i ’ Bodenham 3994 5,530 do., Ty. & Mnnton Ch. nr. 3399 1,04) Bodham ' 2075 1,*)30 Bodiam *d97 1,480 Bodicot, Chau next 271(5 I,0o0 2tt1fBODM IN Borough, S'.to^ 3912 2,849 (io.. Out Parish » 3,470 Bodney near 2922 2,.590 Bognor *9'0 with Bolam in Cainford G17 810 do ) do., Vicarage .-452,i 8,260 do.. Total of Parish . . . . i Bolass Magna, & Meeson. .nr. 3006 2,050 Bold in l'25u 3.910 Boldon 29 4,709 Boldre 1154 5,230 Boldron in Bowes 4259 1,340 Bole, Ferry, tsotls near 1717 1,250 Bolehall & Glascote in . 54 ..T«ii.™,.fiii Bolingbroke, Tu 22 lO 2,570 do.. Soke of 2258 59,980 Bollenfee 832 2,300 Bollington 819 210 do. in 2905 4,000 Bolney *798 3,5.50 do., with Harpsden..near 2000 1,430 Bolnliurst 7 A'. «/24 '0 2,130 Bolsoveu, F 2352 5,340 Boltby in 4100 3,140 Bolterstone, Chap next lil Bolton Abbey, Chap in 500 Barden do., by Bowland .... ... 579 4,940 -Castle 4231 5,100 in Calverley .541 510 upon Dearne 395 5 2,390 in Edlingham 45.58 "in' Chap 4209 in Bishop Wilton .... 40.'7 900 high & low in Gosfurth 4354 'vitii I in Aller- S High side > do., do., do., do., do., do., do., . 5 *n Aller- i dale..? Low 6fdo., Great, M.* 1174 do., Little 1175 do.. Total of Parish » do., -le-Sands 1071 do.. Total of Parish » dc., Piercy 4017 do.. Total of Parish < do., upon Swale, Chap, in 42181 do. 8,700 820 1,4.50 31,390 1,370 7,030 2,170 7,320 500 Bonby 5 N. of 2JS8 1 2,900 . Adiougl Tot.,i \umtn f »/ i‘i:n.s()Ns, . Amount of n nsoN-s, Valut uf l'ro|i»rlT. «• ■ led lu • X^umdeil lor .Mkii- (•II4III'* Ilf ut 4 ut /i Of thf •) 't i ll Y ml Ilf i't riutts. Bon— Bou 8up*rAcl«i In Value uf • tiieiidvd lor Main Iruani a oi at iUih of tht 1 Wn Ymriy • lia 1* upcrlv I'aB Id 1H1& 2(>,2^:ti IS’il 'id. 1801. 1811. 1831. 1831. Totens, Forislos, Sfc. il'ii . : £ 1 I'aa hi POOK. I’iltn W 1801. 1 1811. 1821. 1831. 3,351 3,723 1,714 5,290 Botir hurch ....8 .S’. Iiii IF. of 1101 150 401 ^2!) 171 88 J22 1 110 5,532 Di«y(uii 397 400 397 Bi'iidgale wi(h A ismunderby 598 2,250 2,910 222 495 .521 551 05.5 92i) 128 203 101 3.51 3.54 Bunds with Baniatre 1317 3.HH0 1 4,-184 290 474 4!)7 .548 619 2,7.58 208 313 302 381 405 Bum-hill ill 751 With Fazely. 210 2 ;io 279 283 1,355 0,879 (i.5 1,212 81 1,1.57 no 1,1.57 lt)9 1 ,300 70 1,343 B. ligate and Langtoii do., Total of Parish 4256 1 14, .550 0,8.59 33!) 908 l,Wi0 5 037 M,275 01.5 1,201 .5.5,111 8,0.51 7,037 ti,99.5 8,293 3,70G Boiiiiigale • .next 3000 090 1,78!) 54 170 1.50 KiO 108 W alkali — — — — Bonniiigton *005 1,310 1,747 .343 120 10.5 1.52 127 1,115 105 182 Ki8 210 251 Boiisall 891 2,750 3,880 411 1,204 1,278 i,:m 1,315 3i)3 54 120 129 120 118 Bun wick in 1705 920 918 10 31 29 30 22 2,397 0.5 38(i 35.5 118 517 1 ,807 lil 370 412 510 580 Book ham, Great •2-12 3,170 2,807 542 587 000 732 8!K) 4,59!) 838 721 857 945 901 do.. Little *243 950 9!)0 80 119 137 153 I9I I l,!Ki8 ih.) ()5 08 G5 73 Booby, in Stanton-upon-Hine Ifea th. — — — 134 138 1 i igli w (11 th. 390 493 552 09!) Boomer, see Boulmer — — — — • 3,018 9t)l 400 194 035 074 Boothby next 2251 2,850 2,870 70 174 101 155 173 u nil 2,93.5 Tmu 100 hum. 157 9.3 138 814 184 849 201 do., with Weltim in the Marsh do. Grall'o Wapentake..),,.,,,, do., High & Low Bivs. 2,0U0 50,250 2,458 01,381 232 2,033 184 5,287 281 5,870 3o5 G/JGI 303 7,843 3,190 319 475 513 004 500 do., Pagnell near 2219 2,500 l,.598 13 100 98 110 lie 4,010 322 689 670 801 811 Boothen 112 with .Stoke- upon* r rent. — 121 24,25.5 1,101 2,575 2,929 3,450 3,735 Booths, Higher 1130 2,000 5,090 021) 1,001 2,508 3,172 4,347 1 edi 11 gtoii. 207 — — do , Lower 630 3,187 253 931 1,178 1,513 2,178 4,999 4.50 1,170 1,522 1,805 1,709 Bootlc-cum-Linacre 1.323 1,0.50 4,197 120 537 010 808 1,133 2,818 198 303 438 513 579 H Booti.e, .S. t 4 § Booton next 4.550 2009 0,570 1,030 3,!)0.5 1,1.50 227 189 517 109 002 193 0.50 204 737 190 709 021 103 103 103 197 Bordean and Langrish ....in 3400 with East Meoii. — — — — 87,422 13, i 18,843 623 1 22,3li8 535 23 773 404 •458 2,010 2,122 45G 52H 572 050 771 336 Bordesley Chap in 72 1,94!) i,7!4 85 304 377 133 423 105 504 205 551 22.5 llordley w. Hetton, in Burn-) sall-cum- 1 horpe,-w hich si e ) 4,980 2,248 185 172 212 180 170 3,530 502 179 188 231 208 Bo re ham 1819 3,820 Mil 959 813 889 918 991 1,549 430 231 313 325 304 Boresford with Pedwardine in Bra mptoii Bryan — 94 109 112 10!) 4,925 100 381 B(iG 393 424 Bill ley near 1871 730 1,335 240 150 174 221 331 2,4.58 3.54 210 227 277 277 do., ill Oinbei.slev 28X9 with Oiiiber sley. — — — — I’Vilon. 41 139 113 107 141 Bornwood in & with tiost rth 4351 O (jostoi t h. — — — — — — — — — — do. Ham in 3674-0 u Athelii ey Isl and. — — — 3,GU0 LuraU.urt. 398 386 398 419 Borough Fen Ville.ex. P. nt. 2172 3,130 4,190 34 110 144 204 200 0,!)57 3,235 2,080 2,544 2,780 3,128 811 BoROtK.HIlRIllGE, S. t 3 §... 401-2 221) 894 209 080 747 800 950 2,803 199 298 302 385 3h5 Boirowby in Leake in 4181 1,280 1,435 102 251 274 207 350 1,252 133 212 230 253 259 do. in Lythe » 10' 0 050 804 15 81 80 04 68 Borrowdale, Chap. § » 4303 Crossthwai i 5,043 1.52 342 310 340 35(i 3,243 213 273 354 413 421 Boirouden » 4 i55 (viih Vlli-mon 140 109 138 179 174 ) 1 ,8i54 332 227 249 \ 034 S 295 Burwick « 4329 820 1,085 225 208 212 251 270 < 2,203 299 219 2.53 1 307 5,(i01 531 887 903 9.64 998 Bosbury with U]ileadon .... 3087 5,200 5,700 090 77G 904 908 1,061 1,103 254 221 234 280 309 Bosciistle, in Foriabnry and ? 1 ,350 2i)4 227 234 298 308 Minster, Conia «/(, 2 § ... S !,!)l)5 4'»7 228 201 314 3-19 Roscobel, (ex. Pa.) Salop. .nt. •2801 700 — — — — — — 2,908 092 574 457 038 779 Biiscombe ' 3347 2,000 1,023 08 103 117 128 118 7,784 1,02,5 1,''51 2,050 2,902 3,375 Bosham *'.102 3,800 0,.)45 1,009 880 1,079 1,049 1,181 3,977 204 348 333 37G 407 Bosley, Chap 814 3,180 2,541 214 417 482 540 547 1,099 94 89 122 90 110 Bosmere & Clatdon Hundred 1 30 50,040 01,472 8,5C3 10,042 10,715 11,927 12,527 Suuih Bears Led. — — — do. House of Industry .. in 1940 — — — 198 173 429 953 51 93 121 121 115 Bos.sall 4111 1.090 1 1 ,8G0 082 ( 50 31 76 f 31 t 35 4G 55 07 do.. Total of Parish 9,822 i 992 1,136 1,305 1,375 7,50.5 ■) 6 i 234 190 39 16 14 17 11 Bossiney with Trevaiia, i .. 1520 3,909 3,074 430 C49 730 877 1,000 13 1 G1 47 2,50.5 297 229 274 2.55 800 930 2,303 33,423 122 173 207 174 218 0,572 3 '2 713 773 818 7 * ft Bosto.n, IF..S. * t 4 §. . . . 1 7ir8 5,-. 20 4,803 5,926 8,180 10,373 11,210 5.017 134 019 002 733 855 do., with Clilford . . in 4053 see Cli li'urd. — — — — — 7,780 1,542 1,793 1,914 2,180 2,111 Boswoith. Husband 28! 1 3,870 5,875 456 COO 1,024 817 8(55 lio wes. 80 128 172 Ki8 148 Do., Market, IT. -t-'i §. . . . 2811 2,80i) 1,982 10,499 1,010 7!)1 805 1,117 1,049 1,537 110 100 181 193 144 do.. Total of Parish 0 8,040 1,880 1,949 2,335 2.077 2,530 2,905 2,950 141 427 280 314 301 414 753 421 725 Bot hardi^ate ^ • Botcheidby S * 1202 with St. Cut hberts (1,019 1 94 1,801 118 2,202 125 4,161 144 89,750 0,481 0,025 7,089 10,022 11,119 Bdteheston & Newton ....in 721 w.Raib). 1,108 Rdtby. 94 99 87 82 4,:ill 075 1 ,50*) 1 ,755 1,701 1,784 UBotesdale, Chap, t § 1923 54) 1,505 .501 505 575 584 655 1,097 55 202 233 2G4 208 B tesfleming near 1375 1,290 1,887 170 210 237 297 279 3,007 308 1,231 1,518 1,723 2,085 Bothal Demesne ) 453.8 8,230 ; 4,895 75 193 103 198 227 2,000 05(i 497 510 500 0.35 do. I'lital Parish ) 10,124 259 022 557 058 755 4,100 395 173 195 223 238 Bolhamsall » 23’.i2 1,030 1,810 241 235 287 310 326 1,908 340 225 230 2(54 300 Bothel & Threapland in 437:5 Turpeiiliuiv 2,758 208 313 302 383 405 5,280 725 1,091 1,043 1,245 1,330 Bothenhampton 1-27:5 600 1,927 179 334 .344 385 424 3,013 25() 3-U 303 403 342 Both-Hergi-sU .in 30.81 with Kiijfjton. 124 128 145 1.59 Botley.Tyth. in Cumner nr. •20' i7 with Oumner. 08 107 118 133 1,105 90 120 10.5 127 112 do. Ham in 247(' W t'l C ie»tiam — — — 0,249 defec. 990 1,072 1,205 1,174 do. 8 & Botloe Hund., G/o)(c. . .142 & 1442 3,090 1,000 372 014 (i24 690 722 2,585 98 242 265 278 269 3177 25,310 34,804 3,039 5,183 5,710 6,259 6,622 1,344 170 474 581 634 671 Botolphs, 8t. or Buttolphs .. *850 910 delective 30 51 02 81 3,427 593 l‘?7 547 1 I'a 575 130 023 590 Botsiow, or Botteslaw ... .in 110 Stoke 5 O]0 up n Trent. 801 4G 65 1 3,019 185 321 305 445 391 do! ("^’^‘2208 7,470 1 (2,188 59 104 71 101 112 1,042 81 92 94 112 103 1 7,095 479 683 794 949 1,229 Gosforili — — ■ — BoUisham 2095 4,700 5,597 %9 864 928 1,123 1,302 53,1.55 180 232 307 321 352 Botusfleming, see Botesflemin 0-. — — — — — ( 4,002 221 403 068 802 893 Bonghton, Great 10.57 840 3,410 302 644 coo 911 900 27,887 7,909 12,549 17,070 22,037 28,299 do., NtrfoUc next 20-27 1,.503 1,880 132 182 189 185 221 11,747 771 4,807 7,079 9,2-58 12,896 do., North, § » 2 82 1,850 2,495 338 344 334 351 360 77,0.i7 12,-138 2b, 826 39,701 (50,197 63,034 do., Nolls » 2335 1,030 1,331 122 190 217 289 295 4,009 409 039 5!)1 013 695 do,, Aluph, § *541 ■.),200 3,193 0 3 403 404 453 492 13, .841 4,230 1.009 1,004 1,821 1,781 do., -iinder-Blean *4 8 2,390 4,2!)5 1,222 884 1,002 1,237 1,300 3,:i40 1 35G 189 230 238 220 do , Malhi-rbe *412 2,590 2,894 1,447 327 373 475 478 9,887 1 827 877 972 1,0.54 993 1 do., Moiichelsea *404 1,740 4,014 953 112 760 828 1,025 4,214 1 93 70 100 85 1 Biiiildon in Hokigate ..near 20. 1 240 — — — — 00 49 2,53) 1 245 S 178 1 208 275 339 1 Boulge ' 1761 703 988 65 39 35 14 55 102 Superjicies in Statute Acns ; Anmiai Value of P roper t rj ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in Toivns, Parishes, S;c. a sll BoiiliDer & Seaton House. .in 45(il Uoulsdon & Kileot, Tytli. in 142 iioulstone .... next .tOfiO liuultliiun n 22(>!) do., Abbots next 3ill7 Boulton, Chap, in St. I’eler.. 75li Bourn 2135 Bourn & \V recklesliam, Tytli. *2s(t Bourne, St. Mary 317.5 do., see East, and West., do.. Moor in Hou(;hton-le-.S. 5(i DO., vv. Tongue End, .S', t t do.,' 'J'otal I’ansli (3) 3 § < do.. North *615 Bourton, Ham in 2512 do. hold in o do., with Draycot...,near 2781 do.. Chap, in Gillinf^liani 1289 do.. Great Sr Little, Ham. 2718 do., on the Hill next 3121 do., on (lie Water 3136 do., Tyth in 3218 do.. Black near 2726 Boosted Hill in 4120 Boveney, Lower Liberty ..in 216“ Buvey, North, § 3801 do., Tracey, 4^ 3797 Bovin^den, Chap. in 2410 Bow, Stratford-le *135 do. or Nymet Tracey, t 3 § 3843 Bowden, Little 2.590 do. Majjna, Total Parish 2631 5 Bow'den’s Edge 911 Bowdou in 971 Total of Parish (11) .. 971-977 Bower Chalk near 3418 Bowers Gifl'ord next 1791 Bowes, F. 1250 ’J ot:il Parish (3) « Bowland s High t ■ Forest ? Low i do , with Leagrim 1165 Bowling in Bradford 534 Bowness > do.. Total of Parish (4) \ do., Tylh with 4291 Bowood, Lib in 397 Bowlhorp with Menthori). .in 40i6 do., with Baw burgh nr, 2000 Box t 3316 Boxford .near 3286 do. (without Hadleigh), 2 § 1881 Boxgrove *9(i6 Boxley *386 Box ted near 1771 do next 1875 Box well, in Great Ash., near 365 Boxw'orth next 2137 Boycott, (ex. Pa.) with 2515 Boylstone (Derby) near 718 Boynton « 1703 Hoyt horp with Foxholes « 4091 Boy ton with Corton next 3377 do., without Northcot § nr. 3925 do., Sujf'olk 5 E.of 1761 Bozeat . ) 2594 Brabourne *660 Braceborough near 2201 Bracebridge in 2270 Braceby in Soke of G. ..near 2213 Bracemeole in 3013 Bracersell near 562 Bracken in Kilnwick .. » 4060 Brackenborough » 2275 Brat kenfield in Morton. .next 785 Brackenhill in Arthuret .... 4438 Brackenhholme w. VVoodhall 4026 Brackenthwaite in 4366 6 U HBuacki.EY, IF.tai 2529 Bracon Ash .near 2000 Hradborne a 887 Total of Parish (6) » 321 Bradbury in 4466 Bradby & Mihon Ham in 746 Bradden next 2545 Bradenbani » 2183 do.. East u 2051 do., AVest tt » Bradestone » 1968 Brail field ...., 3277 do., Essfx 1861 tb)., next 198! tlo., Chap, in Eccleslbl.2i 13! Amnuat Tofnl Numhtr of !* EHSONSt 1 • 1 Amiionl Total S umber II f HKHSOS.S. .Superfleia* SUtule Vdlite o( Pf'iperly, tii to Ibe Property Tax In 181^. £. tor Muia* Irnniui* of !>>• at idch of (he 4 Ten Yearly l*eriods. Bra — Bra Soparrioi«i 1 Value of l*r..perty, • 1 A»!tea»e4 to ex|)ruJe4 fur M«m. leoitMce at each of th.e 4 \n Yearly Periods, BOOK, i«M— 'iy. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, Sfc. K £“ a the Prupert) Tax iu IHI6 1,106 POOR. lS28— 29. — £~ 140 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. l..Hou((h(n 474 \\ 110 102 104 140 Bradfield,Conibush next 1887 590 125 137 146 1.54 With Newent. — — 408 488 do., St. Clare near 1890 1,190 1 1,406 223 131 151 201 226 750 498 48 71 6(i 75 86 cJo., at. Ueorge 1889 2,290 i lijHO 567 354 370 409 489 1,210 2,502 97 73 60 74 79 Bradford Abbey 3558 1.810 1 ,695 221 480 516 533 595 1 ,600 2,491 187 139 151 L58 218 do., Devon near 3!)08 3,070 1,763 174 352 338 384 487 1,240 IT. .Jlva^ton 45 108 116 168 175 ilo., in Manchester 1016 261) 584 23 94 106 95 166 4,073 4,277 507 551 569 752 767 do., in 4.5(i9 BamboTDUgb. 25 51 49 48 36 with Farnha m. (i77 583 758 770 do., in 4.528 Bolam. — 38 53 48 48 32 6,().10 6,086 <)46 771 874 1,053 1,125 do.. West in Mitton .573 1,700 1,964 250 564 522 — — — — — do., Sonieiset 3735 1,710 4,147 224 417 4:«) 525 525 450 H'le-$pr7ng 593 889 955 1,1.39 938 2 1 ) 0 ., Wilts, M. + 2 ^ 385 11,740 26,847 38,7.54 5,959 7,546 7,302 8,532 8,018 9,435 10,231 1 1 ,808 10,102 11,604 8,190 10,139 1,446 (1,474 1,.591 2,029 2,355 18,760 6 t H bo., York, jfVi. t 3 § .... 1,785 U,6(i4 1,78-1 2,242 2,589 528 1,680 77,773 2,345 6,393 7,767 13,064 23,223 3,490 3,918 937 583 074 7.57 869 lotal of rarish (13) 528-540 33,710 135,35.; 8,379 29,7!)4 36,358 52;954 76,996 1,360' Buck in O It '1 Ml 1 64 08 50 } w.Bnck* do., Hundred, J N ortli .. 3U08 1 12,110 Ifi5,023 I0,S7I 20,216 22,470 25,338 26,867 20 •5 11. ( 402 403 553 ( iaghto. do., A«/(/p. .( South .. 3004 85,400 !3Ji,U94 ll,S14 27,713 31,339 33,340 37,982 2, .520 3,401 318 318 326 322 367 do., I’ev. & Mucklefd. nr. 3578 2,700 1,911 93 216 225 237 330 Gillinfibam 1,464 296 ()37 748 813 810 liradforton, or Bretforton near 2818 1,530 2,574 197 413 444 4.51 423 1,380 3,468 519 433 405 441 563 1. railing, t ^ 1401 2,227 10,908 533 1,529 1,218 2,023 2,227 2,960 1,221 356 369 301 354 553 Braille, lytli.in Church.. nxt. 1468 Church Kiiowle. ' 88 ' li7 2,290 5,088 524 697 ()()3 7.58 8.58 Bradley, Tv. in Cumner nr. l$hrifenhnin 2,318 265 257 271 275 302 3237 with Cu inner. 5 0 1,300 2,979 361 273 269 236 352 do., in Malpas 29.53 940 791 44 77 63 78 Burgh 590 do., Deiby in 887 1,860 2,848 190 312 288 320 323 Upon 2,572 Sands 98 84 165 G5 150 80 202 63 207 2870 1,210 I,(i27 70 181 227 208 236 6,600 1 ,870 362 519 427 603 609 do., Great « 1870 2,280 2,049 513 39.5 406 487 527 6,480 6,714 940 1,431 1,385 1,685 1,697 do., LiUle » .V 890 985 1.56 48 44 31 22 4,160 4,151 827 779 7!)4 954 962 do., Lincnln » 2283 1,450 1,298 15 84 86 98 630 10,771 1,703 2,101 2,259 2,349 3,371 do., Maiden 3410 3,230 4,003 9:4.5 510 603 526 568 2,710 2,165 344 1 677 727 872 962 do., Ncrth (without South) 388 .3,020 3,127 l,0(i0 922 1,013 1,0.53 1,025 2,410 3,087 289 327 305 314 346 do.. West next .30.A7 300 962 72 116 117 114 132 3,120 1 1 ,501 1,908 2,4i)9 2.530 2,834 3,346 do., in Overton, Hants « 3414 670 750 62 96 103 100 103 with Cheste rtield. ' 902 1 ,076 1,093 1,067 do., in the 1 Cnltlestone. . 2900 4,690 3,565 623 593 563 721 731 690 1 ,375 84 340 403 433 458 do., Moors ? Totmanslow.. n 570 1,074 50 75 83 84 75 18,870 33 836 2,532 ! 6,0fi6 0,<»53 7,622 8,200 do., Hund., Gtou 3112 39,2.50 10,417 2,970 4,049 4,213 4,872 5,316 3,120 2,006 236 320 335 358 370 do., Haverstoke» Wap. Li/ic. 22S0 66,1.50 72,505 5,850 i 6,993 8, .537 9,894 11,91!) 2,230 3,582 176 1.56 174 221 231 Bradleyfield w. Underharrow 4289 Eeiidal 3,346 40.5 376 :fi9 504 526 16,090 6,771 387 070 773 1,095 899 Bradley s Booth m Kildwick 550 1,630 2,004 226 385 412 506 614 19,780 7,943 491 913 1,038 1,438 1,145 Bradmore next 17,800 2,847 197 t A.j-i 5 237 t 360 177 679 1,560 1,924 108 325 407 410 36!) 3,743 249 ^ 623 408 il4 Bradner, Rnstrock & Bar. in 3081 'vnh Kingion. 271 270 42-1 7,960 2,924 222 318 328 370 288 Bradnini h, t 3774 4,320 7,417 675 1,187 1,321 1,511 1,524 1,240 9,.548 611 2,055 2,226 3,579 5,958 do. Precinct, Exeter .... 1489 \\ l!h St. Pali!, Ex el IT 32 341 10,830 1,438 ^ 201 ) 220 t 825 318 471 388 Brad nop 905 Leek. 2,946 299 420 489 467 5,951 i(07 1,220 1,196 Bradon, North Sc S. ..2 A. of 3721 530 745 7 21 31 32 34 — — — — Bradpole 1275 990 4,299 261 575 789 926 1,0 iL 1,320 witli Caine. 137 34 63 81 Bradshaw, (3hap 1179 1,380 2,166 184 380 582 713 773 U90 1,773 1,940 137 331 m 20S 53 330 49 456 59 440 Bradshaw's Edge 913 Cheste 1,300 t (it 111. 1,401 1,329 10.5 l,.59l 133 1,708 11.5 1,786 162 2,070 Bradstone near 3801 87 do.. Ham in 3187 with Berkley. 130 152 121 4,130 8,343 783 1,165 1,252 1,.366 1,.5.50 Brad well Abbey, Ex. P...nr. 2520 650 12 10 20 17 2,880 3,095 510 2!)3 487 563 628 1 do., HulIcs a H 790 1,5.50 200 2.55 2.59 271 257 1,840 3,102 1,201 6:1,6 702 743 874 • do., in .Sandbach 840 1,780 2,716 302 252 2.58 282 297 3,110 4,423 903 682 754 868 77S 1 do.. Ham. in Hope 3:i5 w. Hope. 1 ,8 .'4 326 955 1,074 1,130 1,153 5,670 3,120 8,230 3,895 1 § 1,010 558 1,013 600 1 1,39! ! 8:i2 1 do., Su/f next 1751 1 .^Urt 3,372 1,334 120 226 199 244 225 272 317 257 318 810 1 7!)3 do., near Coggeshall .... 1840 3^21 0 247 1,.580 1,160 508 171 173 U/G 2;?!) : do., near the Sea 1777 3,870 7, .528 853 72!) 7!)5 904 950 2,210 2,295 105 217 254 297 291 Bradworthy 12,220 3,205 471 634 763 978 1,027 2,000 1,767 255 220 219 317 2)'3 Bralleiton in 614 2,080 2.203 132 212 201 263 217 witli Stowe. 1 27 do.. North Riding 4120 1,990 1 ,2.54 74 133 164 178 152 1,360 2,050 88 253 327 330 330 d Total of I’arish (3) .. e •1,860 3,421 370 714 72!) 832 872 2,690 1,179 58 ()() 10!) 123 114 Brafield on the Green ..next 2504 1 ,980 1,177 431 284 3(18 424 460 2,610 1,375 76 130 141 16!) 17/ Brails 2713 5,220 11,196 7(i0 980 1,072 1,233 1,272 4,.580 2,071 2.56 218 24:8 284 382 Braiisford near 7.56 5,200 6,912 26.5 6-18 70!) 724 780 4,460 1,477 168 319 402 406 4.52 Braintlicid or Branlield.. » 2371 1,540 1,701 161 192 214 232 204 1,890 1,646 332 20! 218 208 247 9 A Biiaintree, TF. t 2§ 1843 2,.500 4,493 2,171 2,821 2.298 2,983 3,422 2,100 2,402 800 680 754 754 812 Braispworth next 1918 1 ,400 872 143 10.5 126 170 1.56 Braitliwaite in 436-1 with Crosstit waiie. 282 205 214 245 3,(540 3,809 883 4:i;i 661 599 6(il do., and Middlesceugh nr. 1262 2,360 1,609 39 176 1()7 221 1!I5 2,230 Lincoln 970 1,682 City. 1,196 111 118 161 198 1,5.5 97 219 Ilraitliwidl without Bramley 3960 3108 2,010 with L 2,432 eintwa 207 nline 331 3!K) 138 125 4.55 118 123 M) 71 01 158 123 G Bramber f5hrewi*biifv 6,892 510 1.253 1,076 1,318 1,207 870 519 57 91 !15 98 97 1,924 1,941 158 173 185 176 160 I'.ramcoto 675 1 ,000 2,111 295 354 378 411 .562 460 — 10 14 22 30 28 Bramcott, Ham in 798 with Bulk! iiglon. — 39 35 890 815 1,598 13 167 :Vi w Morton 16 322 .51 3.53 3 ir>3 1,360 1,000 1 ,232 8.52 191 96 215 138 184 138 232 181 215 2iK) Morton 3(i3 Bramertiin u 1996 Ariliiiret 3,152 ^rthiirel 489 510 111 •391 Bramlicld 1951 2,070 3,300 6.56 5.52 552 631) (Ki7 1,0.50 1 ,063 6i' (>5 79 90 69 Bramfurd 1,911) 1.096 781 702 784 855 874 Lorton. 894 83 l.3(i 111 1 10 130 do., Speke. near 1489 670 3,:171 179 273 274 303 371 2,790 2,.587 1,839 1 ,120 1 ,580 1,851 2,107 Bramball in 9;iH 3,2.50 l,4H(i 1 12 l,o:i3 1,131 1,3.59 1,101 950 1,410 283 283 231 260 316 Brambam witliout Clifl'ord .. 40!)2 3,760 2,817 236 792 80.5 970 1,237 1 6,400 3,624 (.7 1.57 19!) 210 19.5 Brambope in 503 1 ,290 2,202 i:t2 261 318 366 3.59 13,010 421 1,022 1,189 1,313 1,297 Bramley, Hants 313.) 2,3.50 2,7 19 613 404 ■HI 4.5.5 429 1,970 1 ,9!)5 119 106 125 L52 1 17 do., Surrei; *201 1, 120 3,926 7.56 057 62!) 707 8.12 Uepton 2,289 219 265 311 302 32.5 do , in Braitliw ell 39'0 !):•;() 1 ,62!) 191) 238 22!) 301 2!M) 1,000 1,470 208 156 13!) 135 165 do. Cbai),, in Lceits 4!'(i 2,490 1,168 2,502 3,48 1 4,921 7,039 830 1 ,385 76 170 181 220 263 Brainpford Speke, see Bramford ^iieke. — — — . . .. • - 2,120 1 ,790 2,828 2,1 10 365 505 137 300 253 307 310 385 381 371) 6f Brampton m EiIuI.iIdB . t 4§ 1260 do., Total of I’arisb (3) .. « 16,970 8,561 531 ) 1 ,(iS2 ^ 2,125 2,013 2,513 2,448 2,!)2I 2,812 3,31.5 1 630 559 116 108 1 12 145 do., Cbapcl next 2571 1 ,330 2,2'!8 211 170 168 213 206 i 4,270 5,774 1,488 678 817 ' 946 9.5(i do., ( lunch n H 1,100 1 ,338 196 173 1.50 17!) 176 1 2,270 3,290 1 ,037 582 613 822 961 do., Derby with CuUlior[)C 886 8,82!) (i.ltl!) 555 2,017 2,260 2,632 3,.5!'l i 630 33,730 842 15,710 168 2,029 1 n ' 4 ■» '/ i 3,6 10 1 790 0 lOli 1 ,087 87 780 1 93 SOS LOO { 1 ,00 1 1,192 ! .5,293 1 5,5J i do., Cliap. in 'J'orksay ae.ir 1 ^23S 70 ! 1)S 103 io:i cvf^y C^ounty, Iluiniyaly DivisioUj (Jityf lowiif I (ii ishf Iluiulct, iythitiyj in LtA ^ (it v,uch the I'ouv J^evioilitf IHOl, IBll^ lU^I^ IBJl, l$ru — Ure Town$, Parishes, Ifc. linunpton, f^or/olk near do., by Diusley .. * I iV. /•■'. 0 30b I 113 .. 3101 in 3421 .. 34 -.8 3j72 Brnneaster 1738 Jlrancepctli 031 do. Total of I'aiisb (7) • Brunch & Dole Hund., II ilts. 33S3 Brandeston near 192‘J Brandiston » 200.' Brandon and Byshoitles .... 03 > do., in Kp:ling'lmni 4302 U DO., biill'olk, /■’. t3§.... I; 03 do., and iMarston Ha. in 2790 do., I’arva near 20.>4 Braiulsburton wiOioui ^U•or^t^avIl j in -iOS l Bransby, in 8lovv next 22 2 r!o., with Stearsby 4110 BranscombK Bransdale 1 East in I' anida e 114, i sides .. < U e.'t in KirUdale 41 13 Bransford Chap in 2820-30 Branson in 74ii Branston near 2050 do.. Liberty in City of . . 2209 Branttield Brantham next 176.5 Branthwaite in 4358 Brantingham 40.53 Bran ton in 45i>2 do. Green, w. Up. Duns. « 4011 Branxton near 4571 Brassington, in Bradborne .. 890 Brasted *327 Brathwaite,— see Braithwaite Brattleby 7 A’, hy W. uf 2269 Bratton, Chap, in Westbury 391 do., Clovelly 3839 do., Fleming near 1531 do., St. Maur « 3651 Braughin 2381 do. Hundred, Herts. .. 2375 B well near 2236 Braunston, Norlhamplon .... 2550 do., Rutland 2314 Braunstone Chap in 720 do. Frith Liberty n « Braunton 3882 do., Hundred, Dcco«... . 3878 Brawby, in Salton near 4128 Brawith,with Kj ayton . . . .in 4181 Braxted, Great near 1837 do.. Little » « Bray 3256 Braybrook near 2590* Braydon Ham in 3342 Hi ay field Cold next 2528 Bray toft near 2202 Brayton, with Aspatria 4381 do., Votlc, W. R near 3i93 do., Total of Parish (6) * » Breadsall near 756 Breage 201 Breamore 3520 Breame next 3045* Breaston in 59! Breason Chap in 762 Breckenbrough w.Newsham » 4178 Breckley ...10 ^'.E. o/2021 Bredbury 939 Brede, or Breed *711 Bredenbury orBirdenbury nr. 3095 Btedfield e 1761 Bredgar *100 Bredluirst *417 Bredicot near 2831 Bredon, or Breedon .... » Ji4 do. Total of Farish(O) « do., withoutNoiton A Cuts. 2863 do. Total of Parish (0)-.. Bredwavdine. 12 IF. of 2067 . Atnoubl Toti/i A'mwi/d r ./ HimsuN.S, >«iu* .>r at i'Ui'h of the 4 ^ In .Stalul* • SArISfd to irn.o.r» or 7 V/i Ytarty t*triod Tai In 1SI&. i*uun, ISJit -vw 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 53.1 547 102 133 120 145 , 207 2,29 1 2,928 55 79 89 113 100 1,300 1 ,992 39.S 230 251 25<> 289 1,000 2,491 187 139 161 1.58 218 3,190 1,317 162 i 127 1 221 102 211 101 213 140 249 1,090 1,192 68 120 111) 130 I 12 1‘rcitclgoe 1,9.51 89 12<) 107 148 1.57 1,310 1 ,961 103 1!)3 155 189 170 2,700 2,317 335 490 55<) 72() 799 with Eversl t'y. S-A 149 11 187 10 ioO 10 C.I90 3,714 S17 707 940 1,000 1,210 1,200 1,738 168 214 224 252 211 3,310 2,978 475 503 017 770 851 7,0.50 5 ,4f>8 228 307 455 639 329 21,850 19.498 1,021 1,608 1,481 1,905 1,449 3K,4 10 35,824 6,326 7,291 7,279 8,188 8,500 1,000 1.873 462 2S7 115 458 669 580 807 198 30 83 91 96 3,460 5,515 418 522 435 609 478 wiih Kt iin<;{um 40 103 132 118 160 5,570 1,523 85G 1,148 1,360 1,770 2,005 910 WolslOD 294 \Voli*lou 559 .5!K) 589 1,010 1,464 12.5 197 261 230 208 2,080 4,854 272 432 509 502 b85 290 w 1th Stow 08 w. Stirton 75 88 2.700 4,131 97 199 208 277 298 1,750 3,029 465 003 595 773 829 2,730 \\ ilh Fared aJe, Jia St Side — — 6,080 .Skipl.-iu 7 08 93 2S6 Skiplajo 1,190 2,717 123 237 215 204 338 1,490 4,006 308 281 373 412 382 960 2,388 132 209 236 282 298 Liiico 111 380 445 527 702 859 1,540 — — — — 204 1,940 2,368 175 323 385 307 with Dean 271 321 355 317 3,040 4,587 400 3.)4 341 423 468 wilh Eg laiguaiH 70 108 101 111 110 with Uunsfo rth — — — — 1,120 2,335 97 209 201 253 249 Era.ihoroe 5,401 229 500 650 689 714 4.030 4,763 931 750 768 970 9(54 1,220 1,414 91 123 127 1.57 154 with \l estb ury 1,085 1,204 1,295 1,237 8,200 2,133 276 .548 573 70.5 787 4.370 3,377 250 406 434 490 534 1,170 — — 62 79 80 59 4,300 5,104 1,194 972 1,029 1,228 1,20'i 38,410 02,380 U,‘207 12,924 14,077 16,386 17,827 3,470 1,879 130 30 37 77 131 3,930 5,024 1,312 900 907 1,236 1,380 3 250 2,215 240 367 350 423 424 1,610 153 202 193 214 198 — 388 — 13 9 10 8 7,010 7,455 573 1,296 1,390 1,099 2,047 68,830 08,087 0,459 13,377 14,287 17,927 21,974 1,080 1,42.5 92 103 139 188 199 1,330 2,272 118 321 347 377 330 1,240 3,248 507 502 490 508 471 1,680 727 94 73 78 117 92 8,900 17,950 1,022 2,403 2,004 3,159 3,480 3,060 4,122 000 378 333 379 300 Purton 857 53 with Burton 70 64 530 983 50 82 75 80 93 1,220 1,867 190 131 129 179 201 see As patria — — ■ • — 1,790 2,040 76 227 274 252 278 10,690 12,228 617 1,274 1,479 1,489 1,612 2,410 2,122 131 414 478 541 555 7,390 8,673 845 2,534 2,888 3,068 5,149 3,140 3,120 748 488 507 549 600 1,330 1,986 65 70 90 86 134 1,.5C0 1,047 89 146 175 226 248 Sawley 2,442 277 379 457 579 042 2,000 1,824 115 167 154 173 182 1,860 1,774 185 139 124 140 154 2,730 4,985 583 1,358 1,700 2,010 2,374 5,700 3,410 1,790 801 787 902 1,040 540 6!0 27 81 66 02 54 1,630 2,078 438 334 407 402 460 1,810 1,812 480 401 435 508 512 400 576 89 119 140 134 147 430 007 21 32 37 52 3,010 3,739 480 1 815 908 1,044 1,103 6,410 9,479 ‘165 2,198 2,302 2,030 2,056 3,140 7,418 785 749 886 928 900 6,130 10,405 9.54 1,083 1,210 1,239 1,325 1 3,890 2,085 123 1 306 327 379 430 Bre — Bri Towns, Parishes, Sfc. I S'H a Bredy, Long near 3585 do.. Little with > « « Kingston Kussell \ u Breem Chap jn Bri'ighlmet Breighton jn Bieinton near Bremilliain „ Brenihill Brendiley Brenckley in Brendon Exmoor Forest near Brent, ( East Som. y South, 2 § do., Devon, do do., EleighorIlleigh,A’i/j)''.nr f Brentford, New, Tu do., Old, see Ealing Brentingby, Ch. w. VVyfo. nr. Bren ton ..........next 9 Brentwood Ch. in S. M eald t Brenzett Breock, St ” Brerehiirst, Ham ..”i"n Brereton with Smethwick nr. Bressingham „ Bret or Bradfortou » Bretherton Bretsford, Ham. in VVolston, Brettenham, Rorfulk in do., Su! folic ,, Bretton Monk, in Roy tun do., \Vest^‘" ^a.ndall t in Silkstone .. Breward, St. or Simon ward.. Brewham, North near do., South „ Brewhouse Yard, Ex. Pa... in Brewoods, with Coven 148 1177 4067 3067 3345 3311 •304 4535 1.531 3012 3041 3813 1870 *80 2645 3840 1790 *085 1524 104 810 2011 2818 1194 , see 2021 1912 429 472 426 4020 3650 3052 641 2891 Briavells, St near 158 do.. Hundred, Glouc. 142-9 Bricett, Great 5 .S’. W. of l<)4i Brickendon, Lib. in All Saints 2371 Bricklull, Great ^<517 do.. Bow „ do.. Little 2.510 Biicklehampton, Chap in 2819 Bridekirk i do. Total of Parish (7) 5 Brides, St. Netlierwent 5 E.oJ 170 do., U'entloog ..5 ,5. IF . 109 Bi'idestowe 3«vo Bnford Bridge *588 Bridgefoid, East (,52 do.. West bettveen 641 & 679 Bridgeham 6 £. 0/ i021 Bridgehampton, Tyth....near 1294 Biidgenieie, near 3 i2(i in 838 4 ttlfBRIUGENORTH, S. 18 4 2908 Blidgerule 5 IF. of 3912 Bndge-Sollers ......0 IF. 3007 do. 1 raflbrd in Plemonstall Bridget, St. Beckermet..near 69 2 t tt IT Bridgewater, 1 Tm T/i. S. * 1 4 § I TiITBridlington & Quay, S 1 1703 do., 'Total of Parish (7) /. 2 * tt Bridport, JF.iS'. * t 3 8 1271 do. Division, Dyr.'4r»- ay. — £ — 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. no 211 217 291 333 ( 311 131 > 5 120 10.5 i 13 .59 ^ 185 ( 79 70 id — 339 417 393 150 7:u 852 !I03 1,020 151 1.57 140 179 204 193 238 201 259 200 53 14 2.5 33 1.013 1,303 1,303 1,413 1,53.5 3,293 1,844 1,924 2,204 2,002 23 49 39 37 42 1.50 200 2:«i 275 259 430 571 072 820 802 478 500 037 704 890 044 1,032 1,230 1,401 l,iil8 428 243 255 298 290 884 1,443 1,733 2,030 2,085 39 78 97 120 98 70 108 104 151 147 900 1,007 1,238 1,423 1,642 458 179 200 238 258 540 902 998 1,225 1,450 aton — 040 714 900 .501 556 587 024 001 1,079 650 63.5 702 655 197 413 4H 451 423 237 567 053 748 828 26 50 54 50 05 031 228 292 280 300 308 480 530 910 1,391 351 t 182 133 1.54 101 t 309 410 304 427 203 513 500 5.54 627 4'9 274 310 389 395 624 390 508 000 573 15 111 107 90 80 1,421 2,8li7 2,809 2,702 3,799 333 670 867 1,112 1,124 3,165 10,393 1 1 ,50.5 13,790 10,092 334 224 224 290 284 559 463 452 647 705 460 .500 5.54 558 775 283 431 392 438 475 20i 385 409 485 514 76 102 117 156 150 22 94 115 144 111 394 1,410 1,5.52 1,694 1,902 52 70 125 132 120 134 131 160 193 200 474 581 004 787 907 384 444 410 491 529 141 325 397 432 543 278 526 002 768 938 83 235 210 310 231 188 242 245 294 291 ton — 105 103 129 230 208 233 230 1,619 4,408 4,386 4,345 5,065 106 332 319 436 467 70 53 54 58 71 39 61 67 01 58 198 420 469 545 574 2,589 3,634 4,911 6,155 7,807 ( 3,130 3,741 4,275 4,792 (3,773 4,422 5,034 5jt»37 1,788 3,117 3,56o 3,742 4,242 12,376 19,930 20.030 23,017 25,3*13 409 471 492 541 590 28 29 48 52 67 210 41.5 443 4.52 483 648 9.50 1,220 1,407 1,755 10 22 StrantoD. 21 22 779 1,327 1,301 1,674 1,780 76 238 277 390 503 1,408 4,581 4,918 6,037 7,040 83 80 84 103 151 602 2.879 3,357 3,936 4,977 10,718 7,339 12,012 24,429 40,634 89 93 92 97 102 1,109 507 497 641 050 960 — 1,020 1,.528 1,784 helms tone. — — 2,489 4,030 4,899 0,615 8,968 400 420 30.5 450 442 8(54 491 478 546 578 149 53 73 80 415 238 266 286 332 90 52 02 , 44 52 244 155 159 i 192 210 5,292 5,854 0,2-19 0,914 7,159 175 205 189 1 210 232 104 1‘vpcrjicips in Slaliite li-ics ; Annval Value of Properhj ; Amount aunually Expended for Maintenunee of the. Pour; and Total Number of Persons in Hri — Hro c Toicni, Purishes, !fc. zJli Hrigsley, K next 2'283 Mrij?st(ick, V. 5J(>i2 l‘.iill, IM.;. § 2 too Itrilley, C 3071) Itrimfield, l». C 3I03 llrimhill or Itremhill, V 3311 llrimington, Clia[) in H(i(i Itrlnipton, Utiks, V near 32S(i do., Somcisvt, H. .. " 12 lO Hrimsiield, K « 358 ({rinisladc, l''x. J*a near 32‘)-J Hriinstage in 1059 Hrinistrey I liindred, ■S’d/o/) 2997 Briixl & Newsham near 1021 Brindle, K 1221 Brindley in Acton near 836 Brindleys, Ex. I’a « 4021 Bringliurst, V next 2010 do. Total of Parish ( 3) k Brington, or Briuliton, K 2572 Briningham, C ^....neai' ‘2073 Brinkburn, in Long ^ High 7 Eramlinglon, C. \ Low S do.. South side in 1549 Brinkhill, li next ‘2208 Brinkley, R near 2098 Brinklow, li 2791 Brinktou, or Brington, li. near 2101 llrinkworth, R. with (iritteuh. 3315 Brinnington 910 Brinsop, V C A^. W. of 30li7 Brinsworth in 137 Brinton, R. t near ‘2073 or 2o75 Brisco, or Birksceugh ....in 1‘202 Brise Norton, F. C near 2720 Brisley, R » 2003 Brislington, I) 1331 .-i; tt Bristol* t. dad;/. 2 ^ .. 1324 Suburbs ....1325-0 & 1330 Briston, V 2073 Britford, V . 3400 Britwell, see Brightwell Salome, R. Brixiiam, V., T/i., .S’. § 1.508 Brixton. Devon, C. 1307 do.. Isle of Wight, R. near 1402 do., Deverell. R " 3378 do.. Hand., J East dtv.*61 A 145 Surrey ( West do *150 Brixwortb, V. § 2580 Broad Blunsden, Chap in 3337 do. Chalk, V 3118 do. Cl 1st, V. 3709 do. -field, Odsey ....near 2381 do. do. Tyth in 3025 do. -gate. Ex. Pa. Lib. nr. 725 do. -henibury, V. & 3771 do. -hempstune, V 3804 do. Hinton, V 3309 (lo. do.. Lib. in Hurst .. 3207 nr of i* 1 /{SONSf SuprrAciet N Alar uf OX|l(>Clll*ct at > ac/i 0 / the 4 i.i lot VI., Ml- . n i,f : < u > t ur. y {*! / lOtls . slV;.'.’ r«x lit 953 POtHl. ■ 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 8()0 Lit) (71 77 94 108 5,'JOO 0,385 1 ,002 , 903 928 1,037 1,107 2 000 .5,121 l,‘222 ; 859 801 1,000 1,283 1,2.50 3,0.)7 317 j 407 501 500 539 1 ,880 2,099 230 415 483 532 581 5,920 10,770 1,013 1,303 1,303 1,113 1,.535 3liUilerfleld 2,388 108 ! 503 620 029 759 1,900 2,507 454 j 330 390 404 113 800 2,703 37 133 124 125 100 2,240 2,825 253 ! 2'99 320 318 382 590 — 155 ' — 103 110 180 1 ,050 970 29 i 127 123 111 130 00,090 92,001 0,274 ; (lefecuve 19,444 18,817 21,005 wall \5'ie-8fll PJ2 184 177 203 2,940 4,567 709 I 1,271 1,425 1,574 1 ,558 950 1,515 171 148 153 107 153 — ■ — — 4 5 7 2 490 1 ,893 190 98 94 102 85 3,050 4,805 1,305 1 777 737 735 782 4,180 5,549 000 772 787 874 887 1,450 1,330 411 1 228 230 282 277 2,390 2,300 ) 101 I t 10 r 2C0 V 127 ( 44 197 55 123 09 800 837 48 25 38 25 43 780 1,109 34 94 111 119 110 l,.500 1,^50 291 275 274 317 335 1,410 2,897 501 015 740 757 9i9 1,190 1,451 115 144 157 164 1.50 6,470 <),7'J9 1,788 i 923 1,042 1,216 1,417 810 5,570 ()02 1 *8'.i0 1,705 2,124 3,7 385 1S2 2,980 3 119 432 032 041 818 841 3,980 4,090 74!) 851 854 937 1,001 72) 2,3)9 99 70 78 ()9 68 620 70S 59 117 132 116 153 with Buckla nd Ne wton 1 137 19> 102 0 Newington — 1 •> 350 II 41 43 28 28 l,'-90i 1,093 1 74 217 235 255 1 232 Bro — Bro “ . : Towns, Peoislies, Sfc. zsIS Brockworth, Y 31 3 Brodswoilh, V near 3904 Brogden in -502 Bnikeuborough, Chap />33l5‘* Brokenhaugh, Qr » 4 j15 Bromblovv in Woithen 2990 Broinboirtiw, C. § lf'59 Bromby in Fioilinghain . . near 2300 Bromeswell, li » 1701 Bromlieltl, or Brfxiinfld. t otiTT do. l ot. of Par., V. ( ' Bromlleet in 4051 Bromball » 837 Bioinliam, Hnifortl, V. ., near ‘2440 flo., TEid.v, li 3370 ^Buomlky, KiUt, P. C. 'T/i. 2j *304 flo., 8!. Lei naid, Ji. .. *134 H flo. Abbots 3 § 29.33 do. Regis ‘..'.21 fit)., (fieat, R near 1700 do., Little, R « d". (see lir oiuley) in 2940 Bronijiti'ii Cbjp . 409 do., Tvilli Riston, Solo)) » 4727 fin., in Pickering Lvthe 7 , , do. 'J’otal of Parish (4) flo. Hierlow 139 do. Patrick 4214 do. Total of Parish (1) « do. Ralph, R near 1315 do. Regis, V., 2§ 37‘70 do. on 8w ale 4742 Bromi berrow, Glouc., R. near 3084 Bromsgrove, V., Tu.'Itj .... 2SC9 Bromwich, see Castle 8c West Bromyard, R., Tli. 5§ 3095 do. Total of I’arish .. » Bron-y-garth, w'ith W eston Rhyn Brook, R. *543 do.. Isle of Wiski, li. next 1464 do. alias Caspar Ham. nr. 3051 Brofdte, Soiiolk, V » 1997 df)., Rulluiiil, C next 2314 Brook-end Ham near 2518 do., w ith Thorncote, 8vc. » 2441 Brofikesby, R next 094 ]>i of)k hani| ton, in Holdg. nr. 2981 Brook land, V *084 Bruok-thurp, V— ......... ..near 3108 Broom Ham near 2411 do., in St. Oswald 4475 do., StotfonI, R near <17 Broome, Norfolk, R * lOCO do., Suffolk, R » 1919 Brmmifleet in 4051 Broomfield, Essex, V. ., near 1814 flo., Kent, C *410 do., Som., D. ..5 A’, o/ 1305 do., with Crookflale 7 Tot, of l^ar. (6) [A Scales ] Broomhaugh in 4502 Broomhill *(i8ii Broomhope and Buteland. . . . 4529 Broomley in 4593 Bloom- Park » 4558 Broomsthorpe Cliap » 2077 do. do. (lo. do. do. 4251 e e • Value of 2,300 , 2,002 3,170 1,784 1,070 ll.'fiulJwck 2,5'JO 3,780 with ; M arde l,2d0 , 2,345 Fr.,di,igliani | .030 3,000 887 9,33,1 ; 0,035 Brosei,y,R., IE. 2 § 123 Brothercross Hundred, Norf. 2081 Brotherick in 4548 Brotliertofi, C « 2191 Brolherton, V near 3980 Total of Parish (3) » » Brotton, C 1080 Total of Parish (3).... » Brough, V., T/i. 4 § Sfiwerhy ; -i Total of Parish (4) j Ham in 4218 Ham., with Sh dt. » 997 9 ferry, with Elloughton 4054 Brougham, R 4274 Broughton, Docks., R., Ind. 252 -2 do., Hinils., li., • 2 19 8c 57 do. Chap, in Preston 1231 DO., in Eurness Cha]). 7 inKirkhy Ire., /'.3^( do., in Manchester .. 1019 do.. Line., R 230i) do., Ni'flhn., R. near 2000 do., in Shrewsi). Lih. 3014 do. Chap in 2910 do. in Appletoii le-St 11 8 do., R., with Erenchm. ^ 3492 ^ 1 ,220 1,130 1,910 3.300 4,030 020 8.300 3,370 3,050 2,200 !,■ 80 3,490 1,500 10,180 I .3,150 1,280 5.. 500 2,s00 8,810 1,710 1,700 11,230 120 9,310 w ith 540 750 1,340 2,000 1,500 n. SUeoley with 040 with 1. . 500 1,U‘0 2,277 1,233 1,'J90 5,549 14,798 19,001 9,034 5,356 4,085 2,719 .viUi bcc R-sliall 4,993 047 Amount I • xpoiidedi <»r M» 95 104 110 7 Kil 113 171 1.57 191 191 192 319 351 351 411 6 15 548 615 620 1,005 <366 1 253 1,375 800 825 880 l,r.89 729 747 82? 915 371 401 455 533 108 119 177 L57 hbm 18 30 26 71 93 <14 III 037 659 821 897 S i i liro — Hue K , j Towns, Parishes, S,-e. ^5 = ! Broiiglilon Astley.K nonr '01, (ir do. Itranl, K ‘2218 «lo., KhsI, ('Ivap .ill I()7:J do. V., w I' l.sliick ill .Vied. ,>(i5 do, (iillurd, K. 3!'0 do., (irciitiV I.itllo in lltKi do., in Hiido- S <'ieiit (il Kirk ) t.iule 437(i do. lliic kcl, H., h o/' 2831 do. NfUier, K ‘JCiKi do. Oxoii, williont N. 2723 do. l’i)(>s!.i') •• neiir 272!) do. R., .Sidney, or ov(’i- nt, 2('4(i do. Cluiicli K Sap. III. 748 Rrownside, with Cliinley-B. 014 Hrowusover Chap, in Clift, nt. 278(5 Br.'Xa, in Hackiies in KiOl Broxash Hnnd., Here/'. 30!i2 Broxburn, V., without Hi dd. 23(58 Broxholiii, R next *2252 Bioxted, Ureat, V 1^21 Broxton in 2!i53 do. Hnnd., ( High l)iv. " Cheshire / Kow do. 2!KiO Broxtow Wapen- J North .... (..7(5 take, Ahi/(.v. ( Sth. (5(5(5 & 23.70 Brnen Stapleford in 2!!(50 Brnera, ex. Pa Lib. .... near 2731 Bruisyard, C » 1032 Brninsend (Quarter in 1823 Brumstead next 1973 J5riindall, R » 19(i8 Bnindi.'h Chap. ........ near 1041 Briinstock up. Eden nr. 1-2 2 in 44.52 Briintingtln rpe, R next 70ii Brnuton, in ) i'last in 43.51 Gosfoith ) West .... near 18 Brushfleld in 89.5 do., in Michelmersh nr. 3189 Brushford, i)( I'OM, C » 3848 do.. Sain., R next 3720 Bruton t, P. C., .V.2 § 3652 do. Total of I’arish (4). . . . » do., High and Low .... in 4506 Brjanston, R near 3567 Bryants Pidle Tyth. in Aff. » 3577 Bryer, Sc'illif Isle r‘lF 275 Bryngwyn, R near 492(5 Bryning, with Kellasnergb in 1234 Bubbenhall next 2782 Bubnel 898 Biibwith, V 4067 do. Total of Pai'ish (6) a Bnckby, Long, V. 2575 Buckden, V 21 J4 do., in Arncliffe.... . next 571 Bucketihara, R. near 1963 or 1968 DO., t New, C., iS. 3 § .. 2019 do.. Old, C . Buckenhill in 3053 Buckerell, V 3758 Buckfastleigh, V 3811 Buckhorn-Weston, R. .. near 1286 Buckhowbank in 1264 Buckingham, t V 2512 do. Total of Parish < do. Hundred 2511 do. County 2548 do. Parva or Tofts nr. 2022 Bue,kland, Bucki., C. .. next 2491 do., Herts., R » 2385 do., Surrey, R *218 do., near Feversham .. *495 do., near Dover, P. C. *632 do. Brewer, Devon, V. 3891 do. Egg, V. t 1363 do.. East, R. » near 3872 do.. West, R. -> » 1531 do. Filleigh,R » » 3888 do. Monachorm, V. » 3837 do., ill the Moor, C. < 3803 do. Toutsts. Chap. nxt. 1.520 do., with Carswell, V. 3235 do., w. Laver.. Gt.,R. nt. 2817 do. Denham, 5o/n., V. 151 do., St. Mary, « R. 3725 do.. West, r C. 1312 do. Newton, Dors, nr ) do. Tot. of Parish, do. Ripers, Dor., R. nt. 3586 Bucklebury, V 3075 Buckleshaln, R near 1764 sion, ^ "'itlj, 1 oirw, 7*«r.x// , Hamlet, Tf/lhiii(/, 'I'oftil r of /V.7(.Vf)A.V, Suparflei** v,.u.a l.xp.mlad af t och of fhf 4 h> Slaiut* /Ma.VrTi"* \ n } eartif fUriods. J’niiurlj) lax l» ldl&. I'onu. ih;m— vu. IHUI. IKII. I8‘2I. 1831. 1 1,930 4,751 300 458 585 210 726 4,490 4,973 253 567 530 596 627 2,830 2,604 270 319 353 381 416 3,9.50 4,93 1 382 380 581 427 407 1 ,(i 40 4,174 1,035 613 6.56 776 735 2,780 3,2.7 Kirkly 460 414 517 287 Brule- 2,101 113 408 422 435 523 Kirk 1,006 95 243 231 237 2!)7 390 (i.55 56 65 91 123 153 2,110 3,274 176 321 3()7 435 415 1,950 4,8.58 289 419 532 525 538 360 1,169 208 103 108 114 158 1 ,60 ) 2.261 99 230 278 348 344 2,380 1 ,558 3.50 420 463 536 521 Olos'op 3,838 247 738 938 1,038 993 1,131) 1,808 b(i 89 84 112 90 450 469 26 49 67 61 74 61,290 65,741 5,823 9.717 10,406 10,975 11,781 1.930 3,i'60 463 371 419 (1 34 5‘29 1,230 1,‘220 37 110 128 148 137 3,110 3,917 1,0 6 540 502 .597 694 2,2 0 2,278 209 275 331 352 454 13,310 58,2 8 5,173 7,488 7,837 8,797 9,303 31,1(0 60,854 3,786 5, .576 5,814 6,926 7,110 51,950 57,092 9,122) 34,928 ' ‘26,558 30,672 38,094 29, .520 50,529 6,198 ' 15, .560 18,151 27.205 980 1,672 160 161 198 268 *159 3,510 1,973 6 30 42 64 41 1,330 1 ,2(Ki 311 225 223 269 292 Hatfield ___ — — 325 369 930 799 48 .103 88 93 107 490 .507 70 39 55 54 63 1,380 2 .593 512 330 384 4‘27 478 Crosh) — 05 63 53 108 1,320 2,005 215 259 332 348 382 Goaforth ■ 51 69 70 270 ‘268 do. — 78 101 138 126 118 Baketr^ll 396 12 44 51 40 44 — — 284 4,030 585 55 146 140 134 136 1,220 2,031 102 303 291 311 351 1 3,. 520 4,110 940 1,631 (1,536 (1,746 1,858 2.076 2,031 2,223 Embleton 900 80 77 48 70 62 1,870 Afi'pud 1,260 84 91) 98 79 155 die ■ — 178 169 128 300 1,560 1,090 105 218 264 265 1,040 1,402 85 115 131 145 164 1,290 1J31 183 261 237 247 233 Bake well w ith Basil! w 115 1,420 2,0'i9 412 424 477 540 461 10 -460 12 289 1,399 1,172 1,260 1,455 1,3.58 3,900 6,3-8 2,110 1,600 1,656 1,843 2,078 3,590 7,64 .> 840 8G9 924 973 l,t'95 15,79!) 1,020 4,031 268 •*so 326 382 309 0 7 45 40 54 31 49 250 1.525 490 664 656 720 795 5,5‘.:0 9,738 1,162 845 1,024 1,134 1,‘201 with \\ 00 h oj.e 107 — 2,120 2,876 U! 280 290 315 304 6,270 5,802 993 1,.525 1,836 2,240 2,445 2,080 1,950 12 307 297 327 403 with Dalsto n 493 471 570 668 680^ 5,330 10.C60 2,936 y 1,214 (2,60.5 1,363 2,987 1.195 3.165 3,610 50,900 64,048 10,864 7,320 8,150 9,596 10,500 463,320 124,49s 10T,4a1 117,6.50 134,068 1-16,529 639 614 219 24 34 29 51 1,296 1 ,156 467 288 331 496 510 1,.590 1,871 221 309 288 313 373 2,010 2,336 406 269 287 292 344 1,240 63) 4> ‘^0 21 22 15 850 2,99! 5T0 346 584 693 8.54 3,970 3,044 383 872 787 1,043 1,096 3.800 7,^90 5 6 711 772 954 1,117 2,340 1,118 60 I3S 153 165 173 2,290 1, 22 190 2.-.7 26 288 27 3 4,550 1,359 85 252 273 274 317 6,910 7,138 486 918 931 1,177 1,274 1,50,) 861 72 106 107 137 139 1,000 849 29 9 25 40 46 4,420 5, „„„ do. Total of Parish y 4,000 6,751 668 1,311 f 653 (1,378 817 1,679 } 1,7(2 do. Tyth, in 3373 760 2,147 190 326 288 306 249 Bulk worthy Chap near 3894 6,C50 521 1-22 110 126 159 198 Bullers Green in 4538 Morpetb 351 100 244 276 255 203 Bulley Chap., in Churcham.. 3173 780 828 60 176 203 237 216 Bulltaghan, T 610 878 119 95 90 112 120 1,090 1,504 256 244 256 264 277 Bullington Chap., in Golt. » 2273 760 952 6C 137 36 45 60 do. do « 3486 1,760 1 ,532 107 1.50 144 160 18!) do. Hundred, Oxon... 2689 46,(j30 08,965 9,134 7,399 8,870 10,684 12,867 Bullock’.s Hall in 4.548 Willi Wa rk worth — 7 22 14 14 Bulmer, JBssra;, V near 1871 2,880 3,761 729 421 481 628 706 do., York, N. R.. R 4122 1,430 2,339 78 295 293 339 360 do. Total of Parish (3) « 3,800 5,139 302 754 721 850 901 do. Wapentake 4105 113,300 132,361 7,162 13,106 13,585 15,512 19,366 Bulphan, R next 1793 2,020 2,110 343 ! 197 206 242 230 Bulverhithe, in Bexhill *736 — — — Bulwell, R 664 1,210 2,116 455 1,585 1,944 2,105 2, Cl ! Buhvick, R next 2618 1,910 3, .540 320 389 444 471 4,82 Bumpstead Helion, V Is5l 2,790 3,2!,'6 L,101 662 647 773 847 do. Steepl(',V 1850 3,460 4,406 1,195 787 800 961 1,0K) Bunbiiry, P. C ‘2! 59 do. Total of Parisli (12) » 1,000 1,610 318 510 574 667 834 17,600 18,959 2,397 3,073 3,453 4,021 4,373 Bund ley, R next 3846 2,410 2,090 1,185 156 286 303 335 3!) 9 Bungay, t \ Holv Tnn., V. ? 3Vt.,2§)St.Mary, R. .. t i 2,896 477 903 1,098 1,313 1,6(.3 (4,621 694 1,446 1,730 1,977 2,07 1 Bunny, V betvNeeii 679&|!84 2,000 2,664 85 , 359 374 395 371 7 f BuNTtNGFORD i, M in 2384 — — — — — Biinw'ell, R 2005 2,280 3,679 648 602 687 774 947 Buraston & Whetmore, in Burford Salop 1,587 — 291 242 226 Burbage and Sketchley, C. 713 3,170 6,924 964 1,099 1,348 1,504 l.(ilb do., V 3. <19 3,530 5,922 593 1,008 1,024 1,195 1,448 Burcomb, South, D. 3401 3,090 1,172 211 253 336 374 41!) Burcot Ham in 2688 1,550 786 112 136 147 145 k;3 Burden, Great,— see Birdon 510 1,151 73 78 66 76 10.' do 35 1,000 931 62 09 107 149 162 Bures, St. Mary, V 1878 4,220 5,181 1 ,855 1,128 1,123 1,292 1,559 do. Mount, K near 18.52 1,430 1,910 091 250 216 260 202 SBurford t, V., iS. 3§ 2730 1 2,170 ( 2,007 962 1,516 1,312 1,409 1,(«20 do. Total of Parish,. e (4,926 1,364 1,725 1,584 1,686 1 ,8(;c do.j Sulop^ R. . . f 2S52 do. Tot. of Par. r 1 8,370 ( 2,663 h,526 210 558 215 819 317 1,023 365 1,036 ( 1,086 Burgate, R. near 1918 1,830 2,524 5(3| 296 303 344 ‘213 Burgh, Ni/jf., R. ...... near 1761 780 2,182 385 i 2-22 218 250 252 do. Apton, R » 1903 1,620 3,274 2^3 s 304 312 388 50t) do., next Aylsham, R 1987 540 1,13! 1(6 179 184 228 247 do., St. Mar.&Marv,R. nr. B.'OG 2,160 1,.555 isfi 317 315 396 491 do., St. Peter, A’oi/1, R. " 1961 1,970 ‘2,575 223 217 220 259 316 do., .South. R near ‘^001 1,2 '0 1,555 235 176 217 242 26 i do. Mattishall, R. .. next 2051 690 847 139 173 157 219 210 do. Castle, R near 1752 1 210 2,264 179 189 ‘217 239 270 do., w. Grisby, V. 7 A’ l.of 2273 1,870 •2, 7-29 157 95 173 128 131 do., in the Marsh, t V. . . 2262 4,240 7,147 770 716 709 903 906 do. Head, V., or ? (i.ini upon the Sands y ! 6,380 5,878 214 5 180 1 780 216 668 301 987 4.9 1 ,‘372 do. AVallis, R near .5982 1,700 2,490 177 182 207 ■ 23-7 223 do. clere, R 3471 I 3, .560 4,844 7 73 581 628 703 802 do. field, R 3‘278 4,700 6,189 935 738 791 681 do. hill, V near 3067 j 3,170 4,139 918 639 050 813 850 Burham, V *377’ 1,630 1,833 216 144 1 158 1 236 287 lOG Supcrjlt ics ill Sialule .1 o cs ; Bur -Bur tjl w® g TontiSy ParisheSySiC, eS? 2 5 Burian, St., It '2T,i Buritoti. It., w. Nurst(l.& \V. 34(il Burlaiul, in Aclon near H3(i Burliscoiiibo, V 37.11 Biirleston, It next 3577 Burley, Hutlaiul « 2313 do. Tytli., with Bi. C. in 3522 do. Chap » 501 do. Lodj^e (ex. I’a. ) .. « 3.)23 do. -data Chap, in Art. nr. 830 r St. And., It. lit. 1908 Burlinghaii), ' St. iMiniumi, It. « CSt. I'eter, It. . . « Burlington,— see Bridlington 1703 Bunnarsh, It *078 Kurmington Chap near 2742 Burn, in Brayton » 3o!)3 Bnrnage 1038 Biirnaston Ham., in Ktw. nr. 750 Burnby, It » 4o73 Burneside Chap. .. comprises ■1200 Burneston 4170 do. Tot. of Far. (5) nr. 4211 Burnet, It next 3U03 Burnham, V. 3 § 2408 do. Total of Parish .... » do. Hundred, liucics. 2407-70 do., Essex, V 1778 do., Somerset, V 3045* do. Deepdale, It 2083 do. Norton « do. Overy » do. Thorpe, It /> do. L’lph and Sutton, It. « do. Westgate f, V. 2 §.. 2084 Burniston in 1007 Burnley Chap., .1/. >S’. t 8§.. 1130 Burnop and Hamstells . . . . in 44S3 Burnsall, with Thorp-sub-montem R., Total of Parish (71 nr. 500 Burntwood, C., in St. Michael 2915 Burpham, V *905 Burradon, Brierdean, or Borrowdn Burrals in 4255 Burrell, with Cowling ... . » 4211 Burringham, East, C. in Bottesford Bui'rington, Devon, C 3850 do., V. ilerejoril 5 IT. of 2977 do., Soiiiersel, C 3020 Burrough Gartree, It. ,. near 2015 do. Green, It next 2096 do., with Burrow .. in 4333 Burscough « 1254 Bursledon, C 1443 Bursi.em, C., il/. iS. 0§ 107 Burstall, C near 1704 Burstead, Great, V » 1795 do., Little, It » Burstock, A' near 1284 Burston, V' « 2011 Burstow, R *223 Burstwick, C 1714 do. Total of Parish . . » Burtholme, in Lanercost .... 4133 Burton, in Tarvin, Cheshire .. 2900 do., without Pudd. « next 1052 rdo., by Lincoln, It 220!t Ndo. Goggles It. .. « next 2210 do. Gale, V « near 2272 ido., upon Stather, V 23U3 V do. Pedwardinp, V. near 2214 do. -Lazars, Leic., C. « 2045 do. -Overy, It » 2043 do., on the Woulds » in Prestw. f do. Agnes, York, 4090 ; do. Tot. of Par. » » i do. Bishi'p, V. II 4050 «( do. Cherry, R. .. « 4057 do. Fleni.or N., V. « near 1700 ! do. Pidsea, V. .. » 4079 Cdo., w ith Hornsea » 1707 rdo. Black, C 58(i z do. Kirk, (9) 459 (.do. Leonard, V 4013 rdo. Salmon, in Monk Fryston .zdo,, with Walden 4238 (do. Constable in 1222 do., upon Ure next 4209 do., in Kendal t, V f ,, do. Total of Parish (3) ( ‘ ' do., in Wartop 4254 do in 4.509 Jo., or Bodekton *890 do. Bradstock, C 1272 Aiiniu.l Vuliie of Property', Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in Ainuiiot 1 'J'utal P|iefiy, 0* teiiaDi e ol 7 cn > €(u !tj i't rwd.K, Acres. tlir Pr'iperiy lax ill l»l^ I'OOlt. IhW-VD. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. f. 0,()70 7,288 287 1,101 1,188 1 , 195 1,707 (),810 8,229 795 930 ;:40 707 822 1 ,450 1 .759 191 371 431 50.5 515 4,210 4,8(8 554 853 1,177 1,073 999 U05 19 51 55 03 (<7 3,3<»0 4,822 78 192 198 222 232 Riogw ood — 241 292 3ll3 :34l 3,l'90 2,.509 274 842 1,175 1 ,200 1,H8 It in gw nod — — — 30 33 730 1 ,203 233 148 152 178 225 480 002 98 71 80 75 104 090 1,052 70 tw 84 97 102 1,()90 5,071 3.57 99 90 94 10) 720 2,072 175 lIH) 1:11 170 20.5 2,370 2,10.5 70 189 221 238 241 010 1,7.)2 108 383 4,54 513 507 Etuuil 1,193 193 117 132 148 131 2,100 1,002 08 111 113 95 93 Kcii'idl 5,929 491 619 012 731 712 800 2,280 179 2n0 253 288 312 0,920 12,32.5 033 1,302 1,247 1,320 1,430 000 1,246 30 04 70 75 82 0,150 7,789 1,093 1,3.54 1,.303 1,716 1,930 0,740 10,301 !,I91 1,519 1,513 1,918 2,137 50,980 00,91 1 13,19! i%8,51 15,.521 17,748 19,000 5,0.50 9.044 1,345 1,0.54 1,050 1 ,371 1.393 4,270 9,000 375 053 742 920 1,113 900 808 34 142 8!) 113 9.5 1,480 1,085 1.58 158 182 187 183 1,920 2,5'i3 070 301 381 508 010 2,200 2,400 792 270 319 344 303 1,220 1,477 l!i4 201 273 315 304 2,930 4,033 047 743 82.5 937 1,022 1,400 1,917 187 24ii 200 347 317 l,(i30 8,273 1,989 3,305 4,308 0,378 7,551 1,980 Lamb ester ()8 115 127 1.33 2,080 1.873 216 112 272 329 342 29,9.50 13,040 1,230 1,213 1,418 1,423 1,305 Lichri eld 337 582 059 075 731 3,150 1,844 198 201 229 223 273 -Allen Ion 140 109 138 178 174 Am)le by — — — 75 90 370 1,221 33 104 120 113 130 2.120 1,491 03 233 239 338 410 0,100 3,300 495 755 825 939 987 2,850 1,572 117 227 192 194 230 2,420 2,742 171 423 402 559 579 1,190 2,989 18-1 138 138 183 173 2,000 2,945 414 27o 323 381 421 2,290 2,824 200 1.50 103 198 300 4,340 9,142 330 1,139 1,492 1 ,7.55 473 2,244 830 1,028 190 522 503 503 2,930 22,208 4,001 (>,.578 8,025 10,170 12,714 1,230 1,074 157 151 100 203 199 4,429 7,109 820 1,479 1,.533 1,801 1,977 1,320 2,190 333 150 195 201 204 970 1,920 142 172 104 203 201 1,300 1,800 737 298 344 405 477 4,420 2,782 511 000 001 715 730 3,340 5.834 417 335 360 439 430 0,720 9,141 803 549 024 751 099 Laner cost 279 202 223 239 320 007 40 71 77 78 84 1,620 1,392 88 288 300 320 313 2.200 2,708 148 1(H 1()5 ISO 177 .3,010 3,(i03 174 219 211 245 210 1,100 1,080 40 05 03 110 101 3,800 5,408 339 482 520 702 700 2,580 2,l(i0 119 94 89 124 100 2,000 4,529 289 218 212 249 258 1,000 3,47(i 501 399 386 383 418 l,6'i0 3,801 314 315 384 41fi 411 3,010 3,308 24<) 283 207 321 350 0,510 8,740 430 502 533 009 053 3,970 6,935 3!)0 412 519 534 550 3,180 4,3()9 295 2!j0 358 417 447 3,.5!I0 2,240 101 237 sou 380 414 1,980 3,105 182 272 29!) 378 387 (see H ornsea) — — — — 1 ,380 3,1.54 (59 Th'iTDlon, io Lonsdale 740 711 15,990 18,1.59 3,404 9,(i20 11,480 13,059 15,731 1,700 1,898 310 352 433 518 553 040 905 123 114 138 182 142 0,950 3,1.57 307 440 453 478 545 2,480 2,409 130 217 20.5 204 257 2,921) 2,240 83 217 104 170 254 9,170 3,1.88 554 548 574 073 733 11,820 1,171 1,182 1,230 1,042 1 ,930 with Warcop — — — 52 — Banibo rough — 40 85 70 1,710 505 183 14 27 1 1 7 2,21)0 4,158 533 f)54 0! 1 851 1,008 Bur — Cab s . a Towns, Parishes, Sec. a r. Burton Dasseft, It 2749 ( DO. upon I RENT t, C. Th. 53 740 ' do. Extra (do. Total of I’arish (7) .. do. Hastings, C next 798 do. HillTyth in 3345 do. Joyce, V (,,14 do. Latimer, K 2004 do., Long, V near 35.50 do., \\ est, C., Nidts. » 2343 do. B ood, C in 991 (4 others) Burwardsley Chap in 29.59 Burvvarton, It near 29; 3 Bnrw'ash, It *712 Burwell, St. JMary, i amb., V. 2090 do., Lincoln, V. . , 5 S. of 2275 Bury, Hunts., P. C near 21.58 do., with West Burton, V. *0 HushI ury. V., w. Mosel. & E. 28h9 Bii.'hby Ham., in 'Ihurn. near 085 Bushey, It 2 1 On Biishley, P. C near 3144 Bu-slingihorpe, R » 2270 Bustabeck in 4404 Buston, in t High i \V ark worth } Low ^4518 Butcoiube, It near 3007 Butel.ind in 4529 Bulleigh, V 31,01 Bullers-niarston next 2748 Bulley in 820 do., Suffolk, C near 1700 Butsfield in 4483 Butter Crambe » 4111 do. laev n 10 do. leigh. It near 3748 do. ley Iron Works in 709-770 do. mere, Wilts., R. near 3298 do. do. Chap in 43o7 do. ton Chap.(i\Liyfield)in !(.52 do. do. do near 29;i7 do. wick, Lincoln, V. ... 2198 do. do., C., in Foxholes do. do., V\ est ('hap. in 2293 do. do., in Sedgefield * 4107 do. do n 4I2!I do. do.. East » 22>'8 do. worth 1050 Buttolphs *850 Buttsbury, C. next 1812 Buxhall, R near 1913 Buxtead, It *752 Buxton Chap. +, P. C., S. 4 § 13!i0 do., V 1988 do., V., with Coxal in Bucknill Bwlch, in Cwtnyoy .... near 3077 Byal Fen, Ex. Pa next 2109 Byers Green in 025 Byfield, It 2549 Bytleet, It *180 Byford, It 7 IF. r/ 30i;i Bygrave, It next 2394 Byker, in All Saints 10 Byland, Old, 1) near 4135 do. cum Meinbris .... in 4100 Bylaugh next 2000 Byley, with Gatehouse ....in 841 Byrlings,or Birling, V *375 Byrome, w. Pool, in Broth, nr. 3980 Byshotlles, w ith Brandon.... 035 Bytliam, Little near 2217 do. do. Castle, Tot. Par. (3) » Bythorn, It 2102 By ton. It 4 A. W . 0 / 3075 Bywcll, St. Andrew and ) St. Peter inrl '"-' do., St. Andrew, V i do. Total of Palish (5) do., St. Peters, V. do. (12) 4.503 C Cabo urn, V next 2280 Calms in 1239 Superfleias Statute Annual Value Ilf Amount expended tor Mam. letiauca uf the Tutal IKumher of PifHSOPfS, 1 at eui'h vf the A 'I't n Yearly Ptrlods, 1 ax lu 1^16. POOR, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. — — £ — — j(,._ — - 5,400 0,212 701 (iOO 500 070 ()73 1,4.50 0,812 2,078 3,079 3,970 4,114 4,:«)!> ■ 3,01 1 418 710 872 910 910 9,030 20.230 3,4.55 5,755 0, 102 0,700 0,988 1,910 2,327 220 184 201 241 253 Malms hurv 132 defect!. 192 lGt> 970 2,132 140 447 4.59 508 s:i4 2,090 4,235 8!i0 009 705 842 995 1 21.0 1,094 150 216 287 327 301 710 1,810 50 33 19 37 40 4,250 0,354 414 773 808 911 944 1,400 1,171 104 204 250 272 304 1,170 020 20 107 HI 123 112 0,840 5,513 2,204 1..524 1,(03 1,937 1,906 0,.5I)5 5,420 1,742 l,k50 1,:124 1,518 1,6(.8 2,190 2,575 183 83 1.55 101 181 2,480 2,080 313 224 2.50 337 368 3,310 2,497 5i,0 301 379 504 547 2,3;o 10,545 1,688 7,0:2 8,7()2 10,583 15,008 22,1)00 52,047 4,017 22,4 2 28,112 31,581 47,829 3,010 13,020 0,K(9 ( 3,505 3,780 4,709 5,942 1 4,0!)0 4,200 6,2:10 6,494 1,0.0 1,391 50 135 202 210 211 2,090 90 l2l 82 117 100 2,910 5,180 S'l 4t)9 355 421 410 7,010 8,802 331) 857 1,143 1,229 1,275 7(0 1,288 32 90 71 87 8'i 3,130 0,817 74 8>(> 1,204 1,507 1,58!) 1,740 3,280 1.50 282 323 300 313 1,220 1,037 38 48 43 55 Castle Sower by 423 220 248 2;i7 Mark 100 80 9.5 92 t 45 07 72 85 103 2,010 1,922 115 133 140 213 2!2 Cmdie rton 73 — 4,070 0,902 471 091 710 809 9.)2 1,020 1,''08 191 200 2 6 275 332 1 ,500 3,910 291 510 (i35 579 808 1,090 1,139 181 2.50 202 3Jl 356 1,390 Land. ester — — 220 285 1,550 3.1.3 1.3s 71 105 235 170 New burn — 21 24 28 30 2,520 8.50 53 125 l:t7 141 112 1,310 1,128 13) 129 121 130 187 3,480 80!) 3!) 71 10!) 130 89 1,940 3,118 2:58 297 355 4:32 340 in Tie nthain — — 22 .36 1,370 3,170 188 2-9 240 482 604 1,.540 1,102 :io 85 88 93 100 Oieslon 3,414 253 473 501 0(.9 798 1,010 1,120 38 00 4!) 54 38 500 1.330 (in': 73 02 50 50 080 1 ,92!) 1()!)J 128 191 218 326 Rocii(]al« 8,247 I,15.> 3,930 4,872 5,5j4 5,048 910 4 ,.K 30 51 62 81 1,440 Stork 7021 385 474 522 515 2,120 2.905 44 ('3 385 415 457 46() 7,020 4,417 2,09:5‘y 1,003 1,292 1,.509 1,042 540 5,810 384! 700 934 i,o:i6 1,211 1,400 1,.5(M) 4981 488 506 .501 010 1,430 1 ,0(Mi Bucknill 114 12() i:t4 120 050 713 01 00 83 81 87 7!t0 1,320 95 77 199 231 207 2,7(i0 4,587 018 842 910 903 952 2,000 3,191 513 302 :192 427 510 910 924 134 203 184 211 187 1,800 2,009 70 52 01 107 145 I,.540 17,.5()I 747 3,254 3,029 3,8.52 5,170 3,120 1,147 84 118 12(1 i:i3 103 3,130 2,401 170 133 358 372 305 1 ,580 1,094 2:50 74 79 93 !)2 820 1,5:55 131 i:50 1.35 i:»2 123 2,240 2,351 :508 371 419 459 502 850 1 ,008 135 09 01 01 84 3,100 5,515 418 522 4.35 009 478 1,010 1 ,207 73 189 212 223 237 3,900 3,012 2:10 372 407 677 697 7,700 318 50(i 515 7:to 781 1,51(1 1,8.57 104 209 2:i7 293 313 1,030 1,000 83 132 145 107 155 lljwell, S(. Paters 142 199 101 174 172 3,080 4,308 121 402 428 39!) 430 21 ,780 13,027 017 1,303 1,:U3 1,400 1,478 2,800 515 112 too 76 105 173 1,221) 2,198 188 210 253 277 207 107 eorni Counli/, Uiiiulnd, Division, City, Town, Tiiiisli, Ilonihl, Tifthiny , i^c., in ESC M>, ul cucli oj tl,v Jour lUriods, liUH, llUl, 11 J 2 I, 10 : 51 . 1-5 ■- f i • 22^l 2M1 :5'i(is ;57 7(i 30f<5 2121 M 37 IS 330.) 22S7 2()7() Cnd — Cam Towns, Ptirislies, S(c. Cailcby, « ill) \\'yliniii,K. next do., )) . oiil 1 )sbas., U. » do., or (Vitoln , C in Caill)ury, /)iimh,V. .... ot-xl , s Noi 111, K. . . do., CaddioRton, V. \ Cadi'lcigb, K near Cadley, Kx. I’a " Cadiiey, V., witli Houshm. » Cudwell Tytli » Caeiiby, or Caiiiby, K., 12 iV of 22(i!) Caeiileon, \'., 7 /». 2 § 170 Caerton, ultra I’orllern » Caenvenl, V., with Crick, nr. l.') II Cainhaiii. V 2i)7(i Caister, t l^t. Edni., 11. nr. lOtMi Caestor, or U., nr. Ynnnoutb 17.il C.ASTOR, J Liwcobi, R. .. with 2280 M. 3 § < Holton-le-moor. ... » Caistron in 4i53 Calbourn, U IKj-l Calceby, V near 22(>-t Calcethorpe, R " ll:27i Calceworth S Mai-sh Divis. 22G4 HuuJ., Line, i Wold do. » f High 1 Caldbeck, U..’Low >4390 CHatcliil'e ....j Caldbridge in 4220 Caldecot, Is’nrfollc, R. .. near 2027 Caldecote, V. nxt. 2135 do., ir«nricA:, R. near 804 Caldecott, in Shocklach » 2953 do., Herts, R » 2394 do., w. Chelveston nxt. 2.598 do. Chap., in Lidding. 2300 Calderbrook & Blatchinworth 10.59 Caldew-gate in 1202 Caldey, Gt. & Lit., in West-Kirby Caldicot, Monmouth, V. near 1541 do. Hund., J Lower » » Monmouth < Upper e « Caldicote, IJunls..ll. .. next 2107 Caldicotts, Up. & Low. Ham. 2441 Caldwell in 4248 Callaley, with Vetlington « 45.59 Callerton, Black " 10 do., High ^ do., Low y 2 1* Cau.ington, C., ir.S. t 3 § 3931 Callow near 3007 4535 324 397 809 207 397 2050 1987 do. Ham 3 It Calne, V., T(i. t 2 § . do., w ill) Bowood do. Hundred...., Calow Ham Calstock, R Calstone-Willington, R. near Calthorpe, Leicester, R. .. do., Norfolk, V. .. Calthwaite in 4395 Caltoiijin Kirkby near .580 ^Blore .. 1 887 do. Chap., 7 Croxdon . . . . » Stafford, in i Mayfield, V. 951 C Waterfall .. n Calveley in 2959 Calver Ham. » 900 Calverhall Chap » 3028 Calverleigh, R next 3748 1 \ -enm-Farsley, V. 543 ■ } Tot. of I’arish (4) 541-4 Calvert Fenton in 110 Calverton, Bucks, R 2.520 do., Notts., V 048 Calwick, in Ellastone .. next 951 Cam, V H Camberwell, V. ^ Camblesforth in Cambo a Camborne, R., 5. 4 % Cambridge ) 9tt11 Boro’ (14) S. *t2§ ) tt University .. do. County Camden T)th in Camel-West, R near do. -Queen, V Cameley, R 2+1 Camelford, F. t 4§ .... Camel ton, Somerset, R do., with Ryehill 371 *14.5 3992 4534 285 2120 5100 3680' 3009 8938 — .Tjiyiidid Totut Aomlor ul !• ICli.SON.S, v«iu» i.r 1 at tavh of the 4 ill Jliatui* piiano* uf Tfii Yrarly l*eriodf. 785 IH'ji. -W. 1801. 1811. 18’l. 1831. 1,880 13!) 83 87 107 91 900 1,251 1(59 1.52 123 1(57 175 1,110 1,131 i:55 15.5 171 1(5!) 178 2,(520 2 ,oo:i I 13 238 223 1 212 256 2,(530 1,331 (582 810 908 1,003 1,10!) 800 2,025 101 211 23(5 2.57 231 2,850 1 4,002 « .577 754 8!K5 1,170 1,177 1,(550 ) 221 319 372 379 38(5 2,020 2,491 172 22(5 228 23(5 312 MiU’ibo rougli Po reel. — 3(5 45 — 5,100 4,378 108 23(5 239 303 334 with Briglitw ell B 405 — — 15 — > 03 07 220 87 79 1 C 405 16 — 73 81 1,910 1,029 107 144 201 221 170 Bakewelt. 993 97 494 555 004 616 Frees. — — — 293 322 550 810 25 70 71 93 91 3,640 5,997 029 2,081 2,390 2,005 2,037 8,390 21.557 3,824 10,375 11,5,50 14,134 10,184 Stoke upon Trent — 1,050 — 2,708 1,980 2,846 425 321 332 370 425 3,320 2,080 384 6315 904 l,0(i4 1,196 Ellastoo. 2,047 47 94 105 120 130 3,430 7,356 819 1.285 1..501 1,885 2,071 4,570 84,392 8,713 7.0.59 11,309 17,876 28,231 lj970 1,716 115 190 231 257 200 Har bnrn. 22 87 111 101 108 6,900 11,783 1,459 4,811 4,717 6,219 7,699 \ 3,470 31,150 8,503 (9,270 ) 811 10,294 814 1 14,142 20,917 549,120 645,554 94,369 89,340 101,109 121,909 143,955 500 Nth.C ern ey — — 86 — 1 2,100 2,324 125 224 281 304 322 ! 2,280 3,629 193 t 584 650 712 (5(54 1,030 3,011 270 454 498 604 658 Lan te glos. 912 1,100 1,25(5 1,3.5!) 2,020 2,663 292 594 786 1,004 1,320 1 2,380 3,307 387 214 2(54 315 2!53 I ; 1 Cam — Car %- ; Towns, Parishes, S(c. Cameringham, V 7 N.of 2209 Cammerton, C t Total of I'arish (2) < IHCamplien Chip., V., IF. t 4§ 3121 do. Broad Ham. in » do. Total of I’arish (4) /> Campsall, R 3982 tlo. Total of I’arish (0) » Campsea Ash, R near 1!)29 Campton, witli Shelford, R. 2110 Candlesby, R near 2201 Caudleshoe J Marsh Uivis. 22(52 Wap., Line. 7 Wold do. 2203 Candover Brown, R next 3411 do. Chilton, R. , . . u « do. Preston, V /> Cane Kirby, Norjolk, R. near 1901 Canewdon, V // 1797 Canfield, Great, V / 1824 do.. Little, R » « Canford-magna j ^ p” ; ^529 Cann, St. Rumbold, R. near 1280 Canning’s Bishops (3) 3371 Cannington, with Ed.& B. V., 3714 do. Hundred, Som. 3713 Cannock and Wood, with Ednesford & Leacroft, P.C. >2895 Total of Parish (0) J Cannonby,— see Cross, P. C. 58 Cannonfee Tyth in 3781 Canon Froome near 3090 do. Norton, V 30(i7 do. Pion.with West Hope 3083 do. Stoke near 1489 Canonley, with Fernlull .... 5.59 Canons Ashbv » 2510 I tt 1 €31XC3£Jali?dl{», > ■y.* t 5 (17) (, Cantly Blofield. Norf., R. near 1963 do., Vork, IF. K.,Y 3903 Cantlow Aston, V 2701 Cantsfield in 4333 Canvey Island, C., § .... off 1779 Canwell, ex. Pa near 753 Canwick, V in 2209 Capel, or Capell, P. C *212 do., St. Andrew, C. .. near 1701 do., St. Alary, R » 1700 do., or Caple, Kent, C. ... *302 do. How.... near 3047 do. Kings .. « 3050 do. -le-Ferne, C. *013 Capes Preston 25,50 Capestborne Chap in 823 Capheaton » 4532 Cappenhurst, in Shotwick nr. 1054 Carbonell Ashford Z S.of 2977 Carbrooke, V 20.50 Carburton Ciiap., C in 2330 Car Colston, V. next 651 Carden, in Filsdon .... « 29.53 Cardeston, R., vv. Watlesb. » 3019 Cardiff' Warlton next 3144 Cardinton, Salop, V 2980 do., without E. Cotls, ■¥. 2147 Cardingham, R 4042 Careby, R near 2217 Carew Seaton, in Stranton .. 4404 Cargo, or Craghow in 4429 Carhaise, St. Michael .. near 211 Carham, P. C 45 ; r 1,213 1,214 1,21!) 1,503 5 4,(X50 1 ,041 1,208 ’ 221 198 250 202 C. 1.700 I,0H1 1,7!)8 2,03r> 1 ,470 2,120 140 317 393 :i89 38(i !),:i!)0 10,(520 92!) 1,411 1,011 1,8!)8 1,971 1, !)()() 2,656 32(5 327 32(5 312 '3!)2 1,120 2,394 4(57 790 800 1 ,02H 1,212 850 1,370 121 172 198 251 210 35,530 48,!)07 4,88!) 3,031 4,072 5.227 5,!K)5 1(5,510 21,510 2,3.54 i 1,814 2,027 2.38(5 2,01 1 1 , 2 :io 1,501 251 265 2(5(5 271 284 2,190 784 1(57 132 Wi 87 130 3,430 2,443 73!) 391 422 472 412 1,290 2,285 108 108 2-15 303 3^10 2,800 (5,:i53 530 .5(59 021 675 3,070 3,03(5 021 337 392 434 511 1,510 1 ,001 307 193 227 249 277 7,880 4,478 .545 (587 730 882 876 10,870 9,037 1,-100 1,894 1,903 2,(5!)0 3,100 910 3,337 17.1 203 207 3(55 43.5 10,290 17,103 2,715 1,330 2,595 2,722 3,3.50 3,970 10,914 .5.34 878 1,001 1,228 1,427 25,480 38,811 2,493 4,083 4,439 5,150 5,095 11,970 \ I,1C7 517 1,359 1,1-13 1,503 1,771 8,088 955 2,143 2,125 2,780 3,110 2,400 0,362 1,029 3,252 3,479 3,930 4,302 Cre diton. — 1,053 — 1,514 1,040 1,4.57 173 95 111 10.5 98 2,300 1,789 252 282 302 3^17 338 3,730 3,670 400 021 592 034 0..3 1,190 2,353 150 254 285 337 44() 1,910 3,050 089 870 1,045 1,350 1,.507 1,410 2,702 33 40 41 32 31 3,240 20,508 7,002 9,000 10,200 12,740 14,403 2,970 2,048 88 247 222 251 20.5 5,100 0,248 500 548 577 034 4,300 5, .509 501 721 7-14 877 910 1,100 1,074 81 138 123 120 88 3,(500 — — 200 390 21 36 28 24 24 Lin coin C ‘ty. 215 211 223 201 4,990 3,329 903 075 730 876 91.5 2,410 1,121 103 1(52 1.58 157 190 1,210 2,890 240 401 500 561 028 1,030 1,813 008 314 348 330 39!) 970 1,225 184 119 94 117 137 1,720 3,106 283 230 251 271 280 1,490 1,142 243 133 1.30 1!)5 203 2,280 3,101 342 380 41(5 441 378 900 972 01 88 70 65 72 Kilk-Wh elpiugloo. 71 208 222 225 232 1,1.30 1,330 76 147 165 161 159 1,480 722 149 227 290 310 289 3,020 5,230 1,010 536 615 771 789 GdwiaslotT. 778 128 122 131 154 143 1,200 2,365 73 1.52 167 213 249 730 1,200 05 124 183 195 2J. 1,980 1,073 187 304 310 297 314 560 1,424 40 62 55 51 57 0,500 3,462 342 023 044 687 718 5,0.50 7,753 1,227 509 521 606 594 8,550 3,029 370 552 662 775 728 1,590 1,742 52 65 44 51 2,030 1,158 117 263 Stranton 312 333 Stan wix. — 237 243 274 242 820 1,144 175 80 104 174 197 11,470 16,751 448 1,192 1,316 1,370 1,198 0,400 5,-541 433 001 532 587 658 60,350 3(5,058 3,505 6,616 6,523 7,332 8,102 8,880 10,781 1,041 2,353 2,811 4,070 4,713 770 Forcet. 18 55 47 24 40 1,810 — — 50 51 54 70 1,020 1,333 87 102 185 186 200 830 2,084 77 275 230 2C0 256 2,390 5,591 696 845 1,002 1,218 1,205 Car lisle. — 185 173 201 '189 1,030 1,418 50 99 105 140 183 1,900 4,161 132 209 308 350 31!) 930 864 53 109 70 79 96 3,070 5,208 354 536 087 775 80s 620 1,133 95 112 109 132 1,000 2,173 64 143 149 147 108 22,550 33,808 5,783 4,300 .5,137 5,906 6,248 100 10,348 1,138 3,3S7 3,504 3,930 4,583 2,600 7,4C0 887 3,661 4,899 5,884 8^383 300 3,630 240 801 997 1,235 1,448 1,680 7,343 922 1,990 2,669 3,915 5^104 2,000 ! 2,957 111 382 462 512 ! '48-8 108 Svpcrjicies in Slattile Annual Value of Pioperhj Amount annually Expended for Maintenance oj' ike Poor ; and Total Nunifjer of Persons in Car — ('ii3 , c 'loinr:, Parishes, l(c. Carlisle, Out < St. Mary .... 1; Pui ishes of < St. Cutlil)evt.. 1 TOTAL City aiul Suburbs. Carlton, Jicd/i.rd, H 2 «•. do. i. do. do., ( do. < fr do., do. do. 5 a do. \ fc’ t da., It: Cbistle, C.') V.>5 to 6 A’, of 2275 Great, v . Little, R.) -le-Moorlands, V. id. 2>52 Nortli, I’.C near 2270 South, J*. C. Scrooi), R next 2240 Chap., Leicesler .. in 2811 Curlieu, do. .. near 2042 East, KtorfoU;, R. // 1!)99 Eorelioe, do., R. « 2000 Rode, do., R 2004 East, Norlh)!., R. nt. 2014 Ham., Notts in 043 in Lindricii, R 233!) upon Trent C. in Norvvell Suffolk, R next 1032 Colville near 1755 and Diesp, Cumber/. 4353 in Husthvv, York nt. 41.59 Islebeck or M., P. C. 4103 in Coverhain 4226 Hishdale, in do » with Lofthouse 483 in Guisley 501 in Royston 417 (see Charlton h Carleton) Carnaby, V next 1703 Cam forth 4329 Carperby in 4235 Carrington Chap « 977 do. do near 2200 Carr- Wheatley 1150 Carshalton, or Casehorton, V. *193 Carsington, R next .32-1 Carswell, with Euckland. . . . 3235 Carthorp in 4170 CAaTMELi., J Lov.er Allethw. 1073 7’i(., t 4§ ( Upper Holker. . « Cartmeilfell Chap n Total of Parish (7).. n Cartivortli Carwood-Sibdon next Cary-Coals near Cascob, with Litton ...... in Cashio Ham « do. Hundred, Herts Cassington, V., w. Worton nr. Cassop in Casteiton, Great, R do.. Little, R do., Wcs'moreland .. in do,, with Ham, &c. nr. Castle Acre, V do. Ashby, R in do. Aydon » do. Hainborongli ...... « DO. Barnard, TIC* t 2§.. dulTDo. Bishops 6 § do. Bolton do. Bromwich in do. Burgh next do. Bytham < (i ut each of the 1 Ten Ycarlij Periods. Ao.c llie i’lojierl I'ai iu Ibis ^ PDOH. 182»— VD 1801. I8II. 1821. 1831. —X- _ City. 7,5.50 2,849 294 271 251 301 (i,080 17,764 1,108 721 861 994 1,066 20,370 52,351 4,413 11,236 13,063 16,721 21,433 1,530 1 197 219 376 401 429 424 2,200 2,589 358 22!) 271 363 387 f 500 ’2,190 C !)10 ^ 3,082 ^ 137 t 190 1 ! 202 44 213 62 212 54 280 1.061 !)3 1 75 105 114 131 2,(d0 3, .524 104 258 264 2!)4 328 1,910 1,701 82 120 143 171 180 2,010 1,971 172 L5I 168 194 207 1,460 2,22.5 182 136 113 148 19!) 680 1,204 171 100 219 218 201 1,070 2,000 98 47 44 49 51 1,140 1,221 23V) 107 198 262 314 700 1,036 100 123 112 130 132 2,680 4,030 1,190 769 781 869 916 1,420 2,372 55 82 90 63 95 Gt’dldig. 399 819 1,211 1,345 1,704 3,980 4,164 445 737 631 888 974 1,160 1,579 146 308 233 287 265 2,070 80.5 198 108 121 123 130 2,130 3,3.59 233 497 527 714 745 3,610 2,l(i2 16!) 367 373 433 4.32 1,680 911 51 — 153 169 Ki3 2,070 2,338 51 185 205 221 238 3,380 3,231 103 236 *578 280 301 12,480 — 3!2 328 — S!)8 305 1,810 RoUiWfril 172 978 1,054 1,396 1,463 1,270 785 42 115 135 158 181 2,090 2,509 184 291 312 326 340 1,950 2,270 130 129 132 130 155 1,410 2,2.74 281 219 215 294 299 3,460 2,515 182 2-0 262 283 320 2,070 2,004 145 435 480 531 552 2,660 5,869 *32 Fen. — 139 1-19 200 — 51 42 Go 69 58 2,680 11,335 1,309 1,4-19 L.532 1,775 1,919 1,080 1,858 120 190 212 2T0 286 4,420 5,951 1,02() 727 763 693 946 1,960 2,704 103 3.50 311 301 £04 2,360 1,873 463 589 686 S:i9 838 0,550 3,260 452 882 83,5 1,120 1 ,095 2,900 2,133 210 322 280 371 347 22.050 29,118 2,3-28 4,007 .'IIS') 4,S82 •2,820 1,272 351 997 l,Hl 1,211 1,796 1,000 760 42 70 73 61 63 J hock ington. 51 46 51 50 42 Presteigo. 822 6-1 85 95 74 92 VVatforfI, — 655 789 87,220 105,849 13,020 18,004 20,335 24,9.57 28,519 2,990 3,230 308 374 397 393 428 1,150 1,006 5 53 59 78 69 1,590 1,.5.56 101 300 300 335 353 1,450 1,034 108 121 117 84 135 4,320 2,048 161 266 278 277 £02 2,250 1,981 73 177 177 253 210 3,210 3,9.54 629 842 902 1,100 1,333 1,740 2,634 171 123 1.30 l-.'8 1.50 Cor bridge. 5 29 26 31 29 Bambo ■ougli. 11 60 72 62 61 3,810 7,310 1,694 2,906 2,980 3,581 4,130 6,000 8,248 070 1,313 1,608 1,880 2,0U7 5,160 2.585 98 212 265 278 269 Aston. — — — — I,-210 2,261 17!) 189 217 239 270 3,960 3,612 236 372 407 5.57 597 2,613 3,222 1,016 54.6 550 618 731 500 Great C. 139 46 41 62 54 3,610 2, -208 111 252 307 316 383 3,(>10 3,837 842 1,281 1,406 1,()27 1,794 3,460 7,323 276 603 56(i 1,118 1,374 1,770 2,731 273 567 570 635 055 4,250 10,154 798 l,9;i!) 2,308 2,.560 3,182 2,020 3,2-24 ::69 295 26!) 334 302 1,630 1,521 88 3 2 2.57 281 260 2,260 3,113 201 296 360 310 333 .540 1,457 264 793 890 1 ,022 1,141 1,320 l,.56-2 115 190 198 180 223 Church Gre.slfj. 46 111 11!) 1-29 126 5,630 7,347 1,1-18 986 1,186 1,424 1,653 2,6 it) 1,1.56 1,065 1 ,052 1,163 1 ,2-20 2, -260 1,347 151 138 13.5 1.50 M5 7::o 1,343 6.5 ■!7 61 44 45 3,780 4,510 321 65!) 758 7So 87!) 100 991 75 385 422 575 692 900 687 61 83 65 67 62 30 864 .Malpas 205 !)4 93 98 Oving liain. 57 62 70 7!) 71 3,000 2,270 1.53 ^ 509 261 23!) 262 1 ,320 2,01 1 20.5 t 318 261 2.4 ICroMlbnato 4,075 242 46!) CC6 5{i6 .567 Cas — Cha i®; Toicns, PmisheSyifc ij|i 11 Castle Rising near 1734 do. Sebergliam 4411 do. .Sowerby, V. (5) 4404 do. Thorpe near 2.520 Castleton, P. C., Dorset next 35.50 do., V., with Edale .... 903 do., in Rochdale 1054 Castleview Liberty, ex. I'a. .. 685 Castle Ward, t East 1-24 Northumhertiind I SVest 4.535 Castley, in Leatliley .... near 503 Caston, R » 2048 Castor, R. — see Caistor ) ,w..>q Total of I'arish (4) ^ Catash Hundred, Sonurset .. 3084 Catchburn in 4538 Catcherside » 4532 Catcliffe » 137 Catcott Chap 3071 Cateby do., or Cadeby .... 3908 Calesby Abbey, V., w. Newb. 25.55 Catfield, R. & V 5971 Catfoss, in Sirglestliorno .... 4087 Catherinp, St 1380 Catherington, V 3402 Catherston Levvston, R. next 1280 Catmere, R near 3251 Caton Chap 12.58 Catstield, R *733 Cattail, in Hunsingore .. near 4005 Catterall in 1240 Catterham, V *230 8 Catteiick, V 4218 Total of Parish (14) 4218 Cattei'len in 4407 Catterton « 4094 Cdt-Thorpe, R., or Calth. nr. 2059 Cattistock, R 3573 Catto, with Lai’.dmoth .... in 41M Catton, Norfolk, V 1994 do., in Thirsk 4163 fHigh 4076 do., R. ( Low " C Total of Parish (5) « do., Dcrbu next 2923 Catwick, R » 4083 t'atwortli. Ct.) Soi’an u, R. 2161 Caudeney, with Uudyard ..in 963 Cauldon, Stidford, C. .. near 887 Cauldwell Chap., Derhif » 746 Caulk, Derbij " 111 Caundle Marsh, R • 3550 do. Purse, R " 35.55 do. Stourtoii " do. Bishop Wake, R. 3556 Caunton, V near 2324 Causey Park in 4541 Cave, North 40.52 Total of Parish (3) .. do.. South t 4051 Total of Parish (3) ., « Cavendish, R 1874 Cavenham, V' next 1900 Caverslicid, V » 2701) Cavcrsharn, C 266!) Caver-swall (3) near !'42 Cavil, with I’ortingten. in Eastring Cawdon & Cadworth Hund. 3190 Cawkwell, V near 2251 Cawood, C 3995 do., w'itli Arkholine .. in 1332 Cawston, R. 19!)0 Cawllioiiie, P. C 430 Cawlhorpe, Little, V. netir 2261 do. Ham in 2210 Cawton /' 4133 7 Caxton, V., Tu. t 2136 Caythorpe near 61.5 do., with Elision, R. .. 2242 Cayton -Dcepdale ik Killerby 4158 do., C., lx Osgodliy « 7 CiuiNP, Abbas, V., IE 3573 do. Ne'lier next » do. siih-Divis, Hio'.vcl .... 3.571 I6 70,32.1 870 4,024 6,691 3,237 1 ,506 field. ' AoDuai Valufi of Properly, ai a»*e*ae00 3,280 2<) 1 385 408 448 494 Chaddonwick in 3^114 Mere. — — — — 1)03 710 Chadlington, East, Chai). > do., West, 1 vth. S ^ ' 3,300 6,183 513 593 ( 131 ? 439 12:3 508 ^ 081 do. Hundred 2731 09,900 85,137 12,097 11,93.) 12,' 40 I4,20(i 14,251 Chndshunt, C next 2748 1,230 1 ,0<)7 38 25 32 37 45 Chadwell, St. Mary’s, R. j 1792 1,510 Bar 2,070 L55 107 1.33 202 180 do. Ward *138 king. — 317 373 4f.I 733 do. \\ vcoinbe, C., in Rothly 1,730 1,213 39 105 95 101 103 Chall'combe, Iv near 1301 1,100 981 77 105 195 225 213 Challbrd Hundred, Essex .... 1784 31,030 01,025 0,109 7,178 8,471 9,101 9,988 Chagford, R. t 3973 8,710 5,120 932 1,114 1,197 1,503 1 .808 Chaigley, Aigbton, & Hailey 1114 5,780 5,084 770 1,200 1,290 1,487 1,980 Chailey, R *800 0,580 3,127 1,180 738 818 940 1,030 C’halbury, R near 3538 440 1,000 71 134 125 135 157 Chaleorabe, — see Chacombe.. 2534 1,730 3,234 310 438 42.3 485 4i.3 Chaldon, R *189 1,380 1,030 109 12S 155 100 173 do. Herring, V. 0 F. 1472 3,000 1,500 328 220 247 240 270 Chale, R 1402 1,880 2,913 308 391 400 473 544 Challield, Great, R. ,.f do.. Lit. & Cottles 1 396 1,200 2,520 \ ? 42 ^ 03 70 100 83 Chalfont, St. Giles, R 2172 3,550 3,189 1,231 702 921 1,104 1,297 do., St. Peters, V 2471 4,930 5,250 700 1,174 1,153 1,351 1,410 Chalford, w ith Aston Rowant 2081 2,130 1,087 202 283 280 207 309 Chalgrave, V 2134 2,130 3,541 570 534 034 710 740 Chalgrov{‘, V., Avith Uall'ord 2078 2,120 3,041 034 518 500 509 5-19 Chalk, V *432 2,040 2,802 242 3i2 281 421 333 do. Hower near 3418 3,120 2,00,'i 230 320 335 358 370 do. Hroad 3418 8,380 4,918 798 025 010 700 7 'JO do. Hundred, lEi/fs 3417 20,010 21,170 2,755 2,517 2, .552 2,918 3,1-13 Challaconibe, R. .. 10 A. E. of 1531 5,450 1,471 52 158 ISl 240 240 Challock, C *501 3,020 1,807 379 811 300 381 303 Cballow, East, Chap. ,. next 3245 Leicomb 3,074 303 229 204 250 328 do., (Vest, do » » Rogis. 934 149 185 181 150 148 Chalton, with IdsAvorth . . . 3100 3,470 2,955 773 330 573 559 550 Chalvey Ham., with Upton, Pucks. Upton. s — — — I Clialviogton, R *700 1,090 740 2071 143 109 181 188 Chamberlayne Compton next 3402 2,130 1,087 202 2&3 280 207 309 do. E'arleigh .... 3.503 1,930 850 285 148 133 201 105 CharapfloAA'er Weeke in 3052 Bruton — — 79 82 93 do. Huish .... near 1315 1,920 2,703 100 321 317 317 345 Chapel Allerton, Somerset in 30.38 1,490 3,070 93 S25 22.5 335 313 do. do., Leeds .... n 490 3,040 0,107 471 1,0.54 1,302 1,078 1,934 do. Ascote, Ex. Pa., in B. Itch ini^ton. 200 — 11 12 12 1.3 do. Brampton next 2571 1,339 2 238 244 170 108 213 290 DO. -en-le-Frith, T/i. 8 § 911 13,220 10,950 8.^11 2,507 3,042 3,231 3,220 do. mumby Chap near 2204 Mum by- ■ — — 218 do. Sneken in 4347 Mil lorn. — — 251 291 do., or Puntisbright.. near 1840 1,130 2,.578 543 209 274 331 390 do. Hadcllesey, m B irk in 1,140 1,245 73 152 105 199 190 do. Hill 3119 820 970 225 390 420 404 590 do., bJarsh 2289 2,980 4 207 295 3.31 328 411 477 Charborougli, R ..near 3507 Mor den. — — — — 2 Ch.ard, V.. iV. t 3§ (0) 1301 5,140 13,238 1,348 2,784 2,934 3,100 5,141 Chardstock, V 1393 5,.540 0,287 022 1,995 1,151 1,250 1,357 1,430 570 2,039 171 247 250 344 487 Charford, North, V. .... near 3521 '830 89 54 59 67 71 do.. South Tything . .in 3521 280 929 100 00 0-4 75 07 Charing, V *524 4,000 5,147 1,500 651 912 1,103 1,237 Charingworth 3121 Ebring ton. — 50 — Charity Stoke near 3503 1,040 1,005 149 113 112 144 135 Charlbury, V. + 2714 'lotal of Parish (7).. » 4,810 2.542 897 905 1,074 1,348 1,433 7,010 10,909 1,402 2,238 2,447 2,875 3,027 Chailcombe, R near 1385 570 1,420 32 75 100 124 107 Charlcote, V « 2754 2,1'jO 4,000 222 205 2-)7 331 297 Charlcott Tyth in 3174 While hurch. — 70 — — Charles near 3872 710 1,309 71 217 270 322 343 do. Hampton Ham. .. in 2825 510 443 40 75 84 91 91 do. the Martyr, Heron .. 1300 Devon port. — — — — — CharlesvTorth Ham in -0 301 321 Single ton. 2(«) I'JO — 12,'J40 15,214 2,040 3,052 2,721 2,087 3,108 0,2*90 5,672 989 800 959 1,134 1,170 4,910 5,2135 222 410 440 550 5r> 1,880 2,090 131 173 107 215 2.51 do., in Edgmond .... 30U(i Bdgiilond l,.527 01 173 105 195 195 Cherry Burton, U 3,180 l,3(i!) 295 290 358 417 447 do. Hinton, V near 2120 2,043 2,870 514 319 231 474 574 do. Markani, V next 2038 4,010 3,280 488 4!)1 504 078 7!)9 do. Willinahani .... near 2209 980 1,719 30 77 89 89 103 % ClIEHTSEY, V., IE. t U *175 10,020 18,022 2,939 2,819 3,(i29 4,279 4,795 11 Clieselhorne, k near 3577 1 ,8.50 1 ,795 333 208 273 330 351 Cmesham, V., ir. t 3 § 2470 11,880 15,050 4,293 3,91,9 4,441 5,032 5,388 do. Bois, C near a 810 1,180 184 135 130 100 1.57 Cheshnnl, St. Mary, V 2300 8,130 22,201 2,013 3,173 3, .598 4,370 5,021 Cheslyn Hay 2S!)4 Cannock 1,140 215 443 486 548 048 Chessington *204 1,230 1,308 82 137 140 150 189 .“i : +t t CTfjfiStrr, IE., S.‘t (12) 3^ Our C St. Mary (.y) .. „ ’St. Oswald (8) Parishes ^Xrinity ...... 1054 3,010 55,900 4.950 15,0.52 10,140 19,940 21,303 Ui50 3,020 5,308 City 419 324 300 400 1055 5,280 10,507 1,852 051 30 6!»3 54 817 75 832 72 ,, , y N. E. Division ; S. E. do. 255,740 478,050 41,400 85,205 114,325 142,417 189,420 393,310 004,428 56,700 100,500 112,700 127,081 144,990 Chester, Little, in St. Alkmuni 757 St .dikiiind 974 23 181 173 177 191 11 do. -le-.Street Chap 43 2,940 7 , 4.55 020 l,M2 1,720 1,892 1,910 Total of I'ar. (18).... 44-48 28,130 .54,198 4,815 11,005 12,201 13,930 15,378 do. IVard, S ". '.'.'.j tWest S 43 40,230 29,580 118,705 80,184 15,823 0,992 35,705 10,572 12,330 12,372 49,738 12,145 5!),249 12,021 88,250 13,100 77,001 7,.551 13,762 1 1,919 15,049 17,008 CH ClirSTERI-tELP, V., S. t .. 800 17,488 l,(i9.5 4 , 20 : 4.476 5,077 5,775 Total of Parish (9) 8li7-71 39,021 3,213 7,.593 8,119 9,190 10.008 Ciiesterford, Great, V 1830 3,030 2,302 055 600 050 755 873 do.. Little, k. .. next a 1,200 1,177 208 120 150 192 211 Chesterton in 101 Wolsta nton — 881 974 960 do., C., U'utuick near 2748 2,900 4,870 300 20.5 224 231 188 do., k., Hunts. 5iS.(>f 2107 1,440 2,331 101 112 110 9.) 10.5 do., V., Oxon .... near 2700 2,850 3,104 407 330 301 E92 382 do., Cambridge. .. . 2124 3,080 2,094 541 741 870 1,137 1.174 do. Hundred 10,599 18,0-10 2,980 2,808 3,097 3,820 4,108 Chesw^ardine, V 3021 0 , 0:0 7,167 551 082 824 938 1,051 356(1 1,340 St. M 1,75S arv 168 168 177 23‘) 236 Chettisham Chap in 2108 91 1,510 5,790 945 1,298 49 110 390 130 132 4.54 121) Chetton, 'without Lough. ,k. « Chetwood, C » 405 335 434 515 2514 1,200 1,124 128 123 98 131 119 Chetwyud, K 3005 3,330 5,095 385 594 501 5f)0 700 do. Aston, in Edgmond 3000 Edgmnud 4,480 24S defect. 208 291 240 Cheveley, R near 1898 2,489 2,380 T19 398 410 521 511 do. Hundred, Cumb. « U 12,807 14,724 2,818 2,201 2,489 3,015 3,239 Chevening, k *32!) 3,550 4,178 079 750 748 812 901 Cheverill, Great, R 3365 i,aio 2,893 331 457 422 442 576 do.. Little, k near It 1,930 1,0.59 119 1.59 199 203 259 Chevett in 434 850 1,505 95 75 3.) 27 3a Chevington, see Chiving., R. 1890 2,240 2,081 550 445 490 590 573 Chew Slagna, V.(C) 3000 4,490 10,070 784 1,345 1,527 1,884 2,018 Chew Stoke, R 3007 1,910 3,091 191 517 524 081 093 Chewton Mendip,w. U'id., V.f 3616 7,020 7,205 581 1,1.55 1,225 1,327 1,315 Chew and Chewton Hundred 3018 2522 *982 40,700 1 fi*>0 80,663 1 ^^>3 0,030 294 4,097 12,318 189 1,724 13,382 179 0,425 10,000 219 7,302 17,932 218 8,270 7 ; tt 1 €ff)irf)rstrr,'S’.*t 4^ ( 12 ) 1Jj80 22(01 5 do., Rape of,. Cliick, St. Osyth, C *!l29 1-14,100 100,794 30,295 21,008 21,200 27,870 30,059 1855 8,430 10,539 1,013 1.108 1,159 1,414 1,538 do., or Checklev,— see Cheokley — — — — — — — Chickerell, West, R 3ob7 1,250 1 2,120 119 V 29 30 *88 40 Total of Parish ,! 1,780 t 2.-, 5 321 409 430 Chicklade, R next 3412 1,000 1,092 145 150 130 139 127 Cliic kney, R near 1825 080 773 107 00 58 (iO 72 Chieksantls, ex. Pa » 2U0 2,120 wol K defect. • 42 30 60 00 Chickward, Peinbers Oak, and Lil ingtuii — 243 2!I7 331 381 Chiddingfold, R *279 5,.590 3,929 1,053 848 933 999 1,09.5 (.'hiddiu^ley , V •757 5,200 2,344 4,204 1 , 1 05 673 73!) 870 602 Chiddingstone, R *320 3'200 1 ( 2 , SI 910 935 1,090 1,223 < iliidiock, S. C 1278 2,210 4,188 433 578 023 715 838 C'hi'lhani, V. 1,200 140 1 ,850 219 300 209 213 293 320 Cliiillow in 2953 17 12 15 15 Cliidworth & Ludworth 917 Glnia.ip 3,140 102 801) — 1 ,077 1,734 Chievely, V 3288 9,410 0,898 1,201 TAo 1 ,033 1,103 1,12!) Total of I’urish (3) ff 10,917 2,01 1 1,122 1,715 1,8-12 1 ,857 Chignal, .St. James, k. near 1814 930 1,111 198 170 175 217 222 do. .Smealy, k u 1820 1,0.50 513 122 53 00 74 75 Chigvvell, V If- 07 5,380 13,807 1,020 1,351 1,571 1,090 LMi Chilbolton, R next 3174 2,830 2,;;09 203 211 2.SI 3.50 37.5 ChilcomI), k » 3503 2,390 1,908 193 1 10 100 1.78 l<)2 Chilcombe. It » 35-5 80) 479 10 21 21 22 35 Chilcom)ilon, C 3015 1,140 2,097 201 318 402 471 487 Chilcote Cliaji., Dirbi/ .... in 710 1 ,300 2,209 130 K8 P4 192 P)l Child Hanley Chap « 2851 Eatt Ham 094 .59 1.58 l-'l 195 210 / 2390 1,H0 . (i,727 053 1,2.58 1,.579 1,755 2,309 4 DO. Camphen, IE 3124 Caiop — 1,213 1,214 1,249 1,.5II3 DO. LaM BOURN, 3253 Upper Lanibo urn 904 1,002 1,099 1 ,166 DO. Norton, V., IE. t .. 2738 3,430 3,934 1,183 1,812 1,975 2,200 2,202 DO. Ongar, k., .S', t . . . . 1810 480 2,321 345 595 078 708 798 DO. SoUBURY, Ta. \ ... . 3202 120 2,270 500 1,1)90 1,23.5 1,0,5!) 1,300 DO. Wyco.mbe, C., /•’. .. do. M'arden, k. .. near 2181 W yco mbe 1,930 1 ,889 2,490 2,801 3,101 2710 2,140 2,702 4.S9 2!)4 438 488 500 do. do. Hundred .. 2547 21,370 27,2.51 3,988 3,037 3,889 4,403 4,097 do. hur.st Ham., in Cud. Ml) 892 51 22 I!) 28 30 Chijistable, k near Chipstead, k 1315 *214 2,420 2,490 2,123 2,079 183 303 301 317 288 103 337 4 10 343 522 Chirhury, V 2995 1,880 9,182 843 1.391 1,475 1,412 1,570 do. Hundred „ 20,890 18,871 1,988 3,118 3,378 3,131 4,212 Chirdon in 4524 Gayst ea Cliislehorougli, k 810 1,530 217 298. 355 431 183 Chislet, V 5,180 8,401 1,2.51 8-18 912 1,13.5 1,1 15 Chisu ick, V *78 1,120 10,419 1,015 3,235 3,892 -1,230 4,9!) 1 Chisworth, with Ludworth .. 917 Gloitnp 3,140 102 — 1,077 1,731 Chithnrst, C *913 1,100 078 102 !)1 127 140 172 3871 5,700 0,208 832 3,003 222 •1,.572 1,718 1,897 220 Chiltne Tyth in 3371 HUhopiCau. 908 188 201 233 Chivelstoiie, 1{ 3825 2,580 285 5(i2 568 037 001 Cliivington, East t • do., Best ) 4518 Wark worth t 4(> ) 55 123 90 170 lOI 207 108 231 117 C'liohham, V *17!) 9,470 (),598 813 1,170 1 ,32!) 1,719 1 937 Cholderton, k in 3317 1,390 1,011 01 127 131 1 19 101 Chcdleiton V. J ol. ot Par. (6) S 4529 li;,020 13,^73 597 1,08,5 1,072 1 1 19 ^,211 187 1,252 C’holmond( ley in 2!I53 2,480 2,507 229 2!)2 251 297 272 < 'ludmonstone, in Acton near 830 1,470 1 ,852 1!)9 108 18!) 208 180 CliolsiM , \ 3273 5,000 0,311 1 ,08S 81 1 807 975 1 Chopw ctl in 37 3,1.50 3,280 130 310 291 237 2M vvenj County, I/undrcd, IJii'ision, City, Town, Parish, Ilam/cl, Tythiny, ifc., in PN(Uj/\?sI), at caih »J thr Pom Periods KtOl, IIUI, 1U2I, IHIJI. Clio — (Mil Tuinut, Purishes, !fc. »> Ciloai.F.v, H., Tu., S. t I ^ . ilo i do Choi Iloii do., in Hackford .. iiei C i Mill ^ do., (lo. do. do. do. (Muip n dll Hardy , " Kow, C Cliouleshury, liucks., C. near ChowbenI, or .‘\therlon 2 § . . Chow ley, in Coddington near Chrishall, Essex, V » Christchurch, K., Spilallields do., I\tonm., X. near 1 IH)., Hants., V., i1/.t (-1) do.. Hundred.;.... (Miristian Malford,vv. Av., R. Christleton, R near Total of Parish (5) or Christon, R. next Christow, V 2 ClIUDLEtGlI, V., .S’, t 3 ^ . . . . 2 CllULMLEIGIl, R., Til.* t . . • . Chuuat in « C J tli 1207 837 831 2i).’)3 16.51 838 2<)t(i 1010 1027 2112 I21(i 4(i05 2386 *10 170 1457 n 3332 1657 2960 3632 3791 3795 3868 920 I 3173 • 3165 Churcham, V \ Total of Parish (4).. S Churchdown, C Total of Parish Churchend Shenley .... near 2518 Church Aston, C in 3006 do. Hickenhill, C. .. next 2797 do. Brampton « 2571 do. Broughton, V., &c. nr. 748 do. Conistone, C 1674 do. Eaton, R. (4) 2902 tio. Enstone Ham in 2737 1 „ 1 ^ Derby near 740 do. Greselej do. Honeyborue, C. near 2818 do. Hulme 843 do. ill, Ox< n., X 2730 do. ill, Somerset, C 3634 do. ill, lEorcesUr, R. near 401 do. ill, do., R. » 2831 do. Render, P.C. 12 .SU'<)/'3067 do. Rent, R. andcontig.to 3115 do. Ruowle, R next 1408 do. Langton (4) .... near 2031 do. Lawford, R " 2786 do. Lawton, R. 839 do. Lench, R 2381 do. IMarham, R next 3919 do. Alinsludl, C near 836 do. New, C 1125 do. Oakley, R near 3431 do. Over, R « 2780 do. I’eter, V 3069 do, Preen near 2970 do. Puckle, V 3198 do. Pulverbatch, R 3017 do. Sebergham, R 4411 do. Shochiach, C. .. near 2953 do. Speen, V 3290 do. Stanton, R, 3755 do. Stow, V next 1525 DO. Stketton, R., Til. 2 § 2985 do. Town, C 1124 Churston Ferrers, C. .. near 1508 Churton, in Aldford . . . . a 1054 do. heath, or B. Ch. * » do., in Farndon. . . . » a do., or Chirkton .. » 3366 do., or (Jhirton in 22 Churwell 494 Chute, V 3303 do. Forest, ex. Pii. n Circourt& Goosey Tyth. ..in 3237 4 tt IT ClnEXcrsTER, C. F.*t5 § 3156 Clackclose Hundred, Sorfollc 2027 Clackheat'Ui Chap. .... .... 548 Clacton, Great, V. ^ 1856 do.. Little, V. § a Claife in 4344 Cllaiues, C., and Whiston.... 2837 Clanaborough, R near 3843 Clandon, East, R *217 do., B'est, R *218 Clanfield, R 2729 do.. South, V next 3462 Clapcbtt Liberty in 3239 Total Sumhtr «/ /'/■.■/<. vo.v.y, ,Hitn»rAuic» v«ti>e ..1 ; ♦ ail Ilf t ttcfi vt the 1 In .Sultil* I'l lu , 7 tn > curly Periods* I’ltS Ml 1^.4, IB2S -W. 1801. ihii. 1821. 1831. 3,110 16,771 1,637 4,316 5,182 7,515 9,282 1,280 1,383 102 126 186 183 168 770 2,218 190 3!ll ■126 478 474 610 773 75 91 91 121 1.55 580 1,C43 !«i 68 53 78 h() 700 726 100 106 90 91 109 1,()00 2,301 236 Ecclcbli all 85 ^ 237 ( !>1 251 13.5 1,400 2,915 130 512 ( 19 624 (i66 700 19,830 985 675 2,5-1 8,209 20,5()9 170 220 134 122 11 1 132 127 2,220 7,5.58 1,315 3,219 3,891 4,115 4,181 580 808 48 .56 78 70 2,6>)U 2,815 436 220 361 411 487 70 37,69) 5,541 15,091 16,200 18,650 17,949 5,120 7,724 300 481 770 851 c62 24,640 *2,876 2,610 3,773 4,1 19 4.644 5,344 39,520 17,616 5,463 6 593 6,528 8,173 9,544 2,810 7,663 674 952 933 8lKi 1,006 1,480 4,280 159 651 560 701 t.3:i 3,070 7,184 291 857 77(1 854 893 350 636 20 69 57 55 83 3,680 2,915 313 422 460 531 601 6,230 8,988 !)83 1,786 1,832 2,053 2,278 8,650 6,247 727 1,333 1 ,340 1,.506 1,573 Glos sop. — — — 145 119 4,100 ( 1,720 191 327 4’5 481 .581 ^ 5,2.52 361 529 75S 733 908 4,010 ( 3,2-17 312 410 438 515 517 ( 5,582 522 644 783 954 982 Shenley. 2,463 310 232 211 225 240 Edg mond. — 358 322 329 451 3,813 3,844 483 664 612 648 725 1,100 1,338 109 173 150 179 176 2,380 1,5,58 348 420 463 536 521 7,210 1,314 204 338 460 566 687 4,230 5,796 648 781 804 829 922 En stone. — 254 — ( 4,227 183 245 235 306 671 ^ 6700 ^8,470 6-ru I’otal of Parish Clavering, V .....near 1828 do. Hundred, Norf. nt. 1961 do. do., Essex u 2382 Claverley, P. C 2997 Claverton, R near 1385 Clawrplwyf Ham. in 180 Clawson, Long, V. .. see Claxton Clawton, P. C. 3913 Claxby, R near 2276 do., R ,/ 2264 do. Piuckacre, R. e 2267 Claxton, V « 1963 do., or Long Clawson,V. 2647 do., in Greatham 4462 do., in Bossa.l 4111 Claybrooke, Great, V 4 do.. Little 5-2062 Total of Parish (5) 3 Clay Coaton, R near 2576 Claydon, Sujf'ullc, R 1939 do. & Bosmere Huud. 1939 do. Chap in 2719 do. East, V near 2499 do. Middle, R » do. Steeple, V. 2.506 Clayhanger, R near 3747 Clayhedon, R 3752 Claylane 790 Claypole, R 2247 Claythorpe Chap in Belleau Clay worth, with VVistou next 2344 (May ton in 532 do., Sttsse.x, R *804 do. Liberty in 110 do. -le-dale » 1107 do., w. Frickley, P. C. nr. 3955 do. Gnfiith .... in Trentham do. -le-moors 1128 do., West 433 do. -le-Woods 1216 do., with South Stainl. nr. 594 Cleadon in 30 Clearwell Tyth., in New land 148 Cleasby, P. C next 002 Cleatham, in Blanton .. near 2292 Oeatlam in 017-18 (Mentor, C 4355 Clee, V., and I Cleethorpe Clee, St. Margarets, R. ..m ar 2981 Cleer, St 211 Cleeve Bishops (5) 1388 do. Prior near 2818 do.. Old 1539 Clehonger, V 3061 Clely Hundred 2535 Clements, St., Cornwall 245 do., Oxun., Out Par. 2696 do., Worcester 2832 Clenchw'arton, R near 2046 Clennell in 4.5.55 Clent, V 2890 Cleobury, North, R near 2973 DO. Mortimer, V.,IF.t 3 § 2972 Clerkctnu ll, P. C *34 Total Sambir / / rnnsoN.s, 8u|i*iAotf* «r • Ip'lldvtf at each of the 4 ftUlulv • lo 7Vn Yeany l*»rio(1s. T.'i 1*0011, im— 1801. 1811. 1 IS2I. 1831. .£ 1,490 2,009 PH) 157 177 201 298 1,070 29,2.'3 2,937 3,861 5,(»-3 7,151 9,9.59 1 ,920 1,381 338 197 2ol 1 215 14,720 6,387 461 817 872 ' 982 Oil 24,340 15,1.56 985 1 ,()93 1,1 id) 1,889 1,909 Croy lion — 20a 255 368 ll'l 700 1,172 123 103 lot 218 109 1,900 2, .501 94 88 92 91 99 980 1,213 75 123 131 1.57 167 Mids uinin<»r Norto tl. 117 106 1,780 1,732 358 2t)7 320 280 3,410 3,417 1,019 — 1,170 1 ,487 1,619 M'iver ton. — — — 381 398 3,870 6,505 221 1,202 1,532 1,929 2,I0() 1,160 3,5-;2 527 129 145 183 177 — 480 25 — 19 11 20 Cor liridge. 2(i 38 64 62 71 140,820 1 12,238 14,35.5 20,910 23,351 27,360 29, 190 71,830 93,077 5,710 10,582 1 1 ,5<)(i 12,.5(Xi 12,5% 970 2,.568 472 274 289 370 487 3,390 1,793 565 298 298 382 414 670 5.50 14 — — 8 9 4,000 2,664 195 197 238 2-0 246 1,530 1 ,.551 71 71 92 123 116 3,300 4,812 110 78-1 735 943 842 700 606 20 67 88 119 224 4,330 ( 4,4()8 324 402 401 465 487 t 0,067 511 552 .590 083 666 1,680 6,204 1,489 9(K) 889 1,081 1,134 28,880 43,327 2,723 8,116 5,267 5.973 6,612 18,140 18,842 3,955 2,559 3.290 3,867 4,W;2 7,530 11,003 756 1,328 1,305 1,305 1,.521 1,180 1,620 70 123 123 137 1.56 5,870 — 476 882 1,2.50 1,918 5,950 2,005 224 383 519 534 .570 1,980 2,839 42 130 1.59 184 20.5 590 839 99 78 87 97 101 690 1,2.50 40 10 26 36 1,040 908 98 102 109 100 192 3,450 5,190 461 604 627 678 776 610 822 35 42 46 38 32 880 1,061 88 127 93 135 163 3,082 c 180 331 442 458 481 4,370 ] 54 ( 535 58 61 54 82 7, .552 942 1,047 1,200 1,242 1,380 1,696 1-25 110 93 99 83 GOO 1,653 277 305 316 328 402 50,640 61,472 8,568 10,042 10,714 11,927 12,527 1.160 2,016 236 235 240 2.,2 291 2,100 3,705 3(,2 l99 309 339 336 2,8.50 4,127 74 103 120 160 130 3,270 4.976 1,055 €46 704 804 881 2,324 1,740 131 213 233 342 272 4,530 3,445 872 693 698 8-22 767 Wingfied 1,415 210 303 422 461 561 3,370 4,323 231 486 484 005 586 220 1,253 72 — 57 61 3,190 4,821 273 .543 516 .577 597 1,610 2,985 315 2,010 2,469 3,609 4,469 1,870 1,974 567 337 425 453 489 Stoke -upon- Trent. — 171 152 171 950 2,436 286 419 520 598 551 1,640 2,390 138 302 294 360 321 590 M'rent ham — — 31 53 950 1,999 44!) 1,130 1,123 1,954 2,171 1,080 1,972 199 €(i8 665 854 887 1,370 2,943 196 700 730 801 926 1.800 2,316 198 217 210 232 243 Whit burn. — — 219 — — New land. 544 583 678 970 1,246 74 123 124 147 162 1,010 1,560 48 43 00 117 76 1,210 871 27 73 103 126 94 3,000 2,246 13) 312 571 818 487 3,580 ( 7(-7 135 103 115 154 177 1 747 222 284 3/5 406 497 1,530 685 42 249 2.<7 2a9 294 9,700 5,448 533 774 780 985 982 8,150 ^ 2,083 175 431 394 458 550 I 8,816 580 1,3.55 1,416 1,548 1,612 1,580 1,909 164 287 322 344 368 4,340 6,385 748 1,040 1,074 1,251 1,3-17 3,380 2,540 264 299 280 339 365 26,620 32,210 6,306 5,036 5,802 6,787 7,413 3,520 7,029 873 1,342 1,692 2,306 2,885 580 135 488 473 488 770 1,836 110 Wore ester. — 419 453 488 3,010 4,827 385 232 350 456 478 Allen ton. 4 18 29 27 15 2 520 4,337 247 738 737 885 922 1,710 727 41 1 136 166 173 187 7,670 8,212 05.5 1 1,368 1,.582 1,602 1,716 320 98,360 16,289 1 23,396 30.537 ! 39,105 47,634 11-2 Siipci/iciis in Slalule Acres : Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Cle — Clo Tiiwni, Parishes, S\'c. ■ (blether, St next Cleve, or Cleeve Uisliops .... ('leveclon, V do. INlilton next Cleveley Hnmiet in (devely « (.'leveload Hamlet « (devertoii and Lea near Clewer, U ; Clf.v, 01 Clay, IL, .S' Cleveland \ Cleypate manor Cdil)nrn, K next (diddesden, H » Clievcload Ham in Cliir, willi Lund » do., or Clifl'e-at-Hone, U. .. do., Kindis t do., St. 'i’hoinas, R in do.. West do. I’ipard, V do., in Manlield .'>2 2737 1230 2830 3315 3202 1712 4190 4187 *10(i 4200 3134 2830 4020 *132 2025 *810 *035 3331 004 4071 4052 1003 3078 2757 2H0 a 987 1320 1170 2713 4273 2780 2930 887 (i31 2272 2331 2209 4308 2088 3558 2527 4300 2854 4039 503 4009 488 4210 Climping, V *921 Clitnsland Stoke 3930 Clinch, Fawdon, and Hartside in Clint .594 Clinton Aston, without St. Ld. 2491 Clist Broad, V 3709 do. Hydon, R near « do-, St. Laurence, R » do. Hundred « do., St. George, R next 1488 do., St. Mary, R » « do. Honiton, C " « Clippesby, R., in West FI. nr. 1900 Clipsham, R » 2320 ^ Clipston, R 2590 do., in Plumptree nxt. 055 Clipstone in 2330 It CuTiiuno, P. C., S. t 11.58 Clive, P. C in 841 do. Chap., in St. Mary .... 3014 Cliviger Chap 1142 Clixby Chap in 2280 Cloatly Tyth near 3345 Clodock, V. (4) includes 3077 Clolfock, ex.Pa in 00 (Uoford, V next 378 Clophill, R 2125 Clopton, R tear 1701 (dosworth, R Clothall, R Clotherholme .... Clotton Hoofield , Clough Wildboar (dpughton, C. ... C.ldvelly, R do. Bratton . next 1291 , » 2394 ... in .597 . . « 2900 827 1095 1528 3859 (,'lo'vhouse, w. Houghton in Hedd . Amount Total Numher of P t^R^iONSf SuperRcIrt In V«lu« of Fr»p«f(f, at ekpondvd tur Maln> teiianr* of at each of the 4 'J\n Nearly f^criods. Ar.re». tlin Fraprriy I'az lu 18H'. 1,998 POOK. 132A-V9. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 3,510 101 134 105 175 171 nuhops 2,083 175 131 394 488 .550 2,970 0,145 1!)7 331 455 581 1,147 1,320 1,702 115 200 199 189 242 En stone. — — 214 — 530 091 108 145 113 148 140 Pow ick. — 30 29 1,790 2,759 371 252 29(i 371 419 1,490 4,872 1,417 1,()95 2,090 2,115 3,01 1 1,980 1,840 510 547 595 742 827 5,020 5, ,584 253 ()25 004 085 409 0,930 9,749 1,092 1,092 1,121 1,311 1,397 1,190 Thame -s Hitt on. — 5.59 708 1 ,300 2,117 41 1-57 101 205 229 2,150 2,100 035 239 202 204 329 Clei e load. — 30 29 2,280 2,700 212 424 459 .501 490 5,400 5,894 732 525 578 073 832 4,400 3, 18G 425 870 900 1,080 1,173 Lewes. 2,241 720 1,113 1,258 1,302 1.408 1,090 1,024 2W 01 40 52 82 5,050 0,350 938 Gtil 092 815 8t5 970 400 17 40 04 53 08 1,480 728 24 89 99 89 85 1,700 965 51 100 130 131 104 1,500 2,010 175 000 835 1,017 1,100 0,920 9,720 3H4 791 038 810 807 1,530 2,100 135 223 244 305 330 1,420 2,417 275 329 399 483 064 18,005 19, .583 3,045 3,.542 3,993 4,774 6,558 040 1 ,243 94 28 30 20 30 910 45,530 3,008 4,457 0,981 8,811 12,032 820 2,952 428 812 904 1,108 1,277 070 Deddi ngton. 220 220 271 208 1,520 2,072 103 219 219 283 288 2,870 3,050 2,805 273 272 300 372 358 J 5,950 303 591 027 583 ( 8,130 475 100 745 838 801 1.120 2,932 119 027 Gf)3 708 839 1,980 2,723 54 381 39;) 470 405 1 5,050 € M3 118 107 202 219 225 1 1.373 82 214 238 292 340 1 3.000 270 040 082 804 940 VVorkiegtoo ( 057 49 208 228 251 280 ( 803 30 106 193 203 221 1,030 1,348 244 210 223 277 288 770 2,030 30 40 47 00 GO 1,120 1,872 239 221 238 230 240 3,010 5,874 401 552 575 008 508 3,310 3,605 302 499 485 520 488 Oldve St. Miiry 1 5,238 204 5 210 < 107 223 183 200 269 342 373 1,440 1,905 145 203 172 208 203 3,510 1,950 248 403 415 420 415 2,820 3,987 399 1,028 1,728 2,007 2,408 720 Tliorntii. 19 VVaUas. 38 50 43 2,000 2,890 281 197 210 258 209 Stoke. 0,010 1,.507 1,153 1,237 1,524 1,008 Ing bam. 11 50 08 80 07 1,750 2,112 208 430 395 412 404 2,070 3,520 577 58-1 052 723 854 10,270 14,740 1,380 1,540 1,737 1,885 2,085 3,000 2,952 159 257 200 297 331 1,380 1,730 95 1.50 102 149 185 19,200 ai.loo 2,011 2,501 2,703 3,032 3,482 800 3, .507 200 249 279 345 359 580 1,.550 101 97 112 145 137 1,410 233 343 325 383 420 1,300 1,190 50 40 42 50 79 1,.570 1,818 80 175 175 221 210 2,800 4,807 770 737 708 813 807 1,850 945 22 02 74 72 82 Edffinttuiv 704 99 131 129 142 223 2,410 5,359 491 1,308 1,707 3,213 5,213 1,130 593 82 102 118 *29 123 1,370 1,980 91 289 205 300 333 0,100 5,110 773 1,0.58 1,193 1,314 L.598 2,020 1 Hank 1,253 52 0!) 67 07 40 erton. — 74 87 88 18,250 8,570 1..595 1,738 1,790 1,803 \V ork ington. 2,080 2,012 302! 257 303 312 302 2,140 1,453 .591 TOO 721 838 t)72 1,480 3,310 581 339 377 413 408 1,030 1,327 70 105 188 187 195 3,520 2,(i09 325 18-1 210 358 411 83 525 70/ 11 18 10 14 1..5.50 1 ,550 215 278 312 388 401 4,980 2,451 197 338 392 414 470 3,510 2,321 342 291 335 3(i0 415 4,2:k) 2,245 711 830 941 907 8,200 2,133 27(i 548 573 705 787 on. 1,213 27 101 89 100 122 Clo — Col f £ • Towns, Fatishes, Ifc iHl Clown, R 874 Clun, V > Total of Parish (4) Clunbury & Obley, P. C. .. 1 Total of Parish (4) .. S Clungunford ik Dinmore, R... 2989 Cliinton in 2988 Cluney (Ilford near 2141 Clutton, R., in Farndon u 1051 do 3008 Clytha Chap., in Lanarth nr. 157 Coal A ston « 883 do. Coats, w. Hcnthorn&M. 1157 do. do in 4535 do., or Cool Pilate, in Acton Coaley, V 372 Coanwood, East in 4497 Coastanioor « 015 Coat and Aston » 2727 Coat, or Coal 5'ards » 4543 Coates, .S'wisc.T, R. .......... *900 do., Gloucester, R. .. near 3150 do., V 10 N. Inj W. of 2209 do.. Great, R next 1721 do., Little, V « « do., Norlh, R near 1722 do., in Prestwould .. n 731 do » 502 (^oatham Mundeville, in Haughton Coathill, with Cumw liitton in 4414 Coaton Ham., in Ravensthorpe do. Clay near 2570 1 Cobham, V *173 do., V *437 Cobley and Tntnal in 2874 Cockayne Hatley, R. .. near 2412 Cocken in 52 Cockerbam, Y., wilhout Ellel 4322 Cockerington, St. Leon, V. nr. 2275 do., St. Mary, C... » O+tlfCoCKF.RMOUTlI, il/. * t 3§ 4300 Cockerfon in Oil CocUfield, R 019 do., R 1887 Cocking, V *939 Cockington, C near 1500 Cocklaw in 4514 Cockle Park « 4541 Cockley Cley, R near 20.')5 Corkthorpe, R " 2078 Coddenham, V. ‘ 1911 Coddington, Chester, R. near 4005 Tot. of Parish (3) » « do., llerejord, R. « 3084 do., Notts., C. .. « 2324 Codford, St. Mary, R 3377 do., St. Peters, R. . . » Codicote, V 2100 Codrington, wKli VVapley nr. 3202 Codnor and Losenw > do. Castle & Park Lib. \ Cod.salI, P. C 2888 Codsheath Hundred *327 Coed Kernew near 108 Colfinswell, C » 1503 Collin Thorn, Somerset .. " 1294 Cogdean Hundred, Dorset .. 3529 Cogenhoe, or Cocknal, R. .. 2.5(i.l Cogges, C.,wilb Wilcote in 2721 CooGFSiiAM., Great, V., S. t 1840 do.. Little, V 1839 Goggles Burfon next 2210 Cogsball (7 Oaks) in 858 Coker, East and North, V. .. 1291 do., West, R near » Colan, V next 4031 Colaton Raw leigb 1485 Col bon me in 4218 Colby 4255 do., R near 1984 9 * ttf C01.cn ESTFI!, iS.* + 3 §(10)1771 Coldale, or Coledale in 4303 Cold Ashby " 2578 do. Asliton, R ...next 3190 (lo. Braylield " 2258 do. Bridge, orCaldbridge in 4220 do., or Coal Coats « 4535 do. Collision 572 do. Ilanworth near 2272 do. Henley in 3471 do. Hesleton in l)allon-le do. ilcindly, wiiu i li.vcrcrolt in /UTIOIl&t \ 7'ciul Numhei of P Kit .VOA.y. Superficiet Statute Value of Property, a» airrsied to expended lor leoance of III# 1 " at t uck of the 4 eti Yearly l*eriods. Acrof. Tax io^’ltll!/ pnuK. 1S2S— vy. 1801. 1 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,800 1,059 253 484 515 010 . 037 22,000 11,723 940 1,390 I ( 73-1 i '1 1735 792 1,781 930 1,990 7,870 4,920 500 794 i 5 219 , t 8.,1 1 800 959 3,710 4,002 303 430 520 480 488 — — — — 293 900 1,017 233 170 219 237 232 590 780 7<) 72 84 !,‘0 100 2,120 3,888 574 935 998 1,200 1,287 l,(i00 1,850 187 ■ — 370 331 Uronflfi, 1 ,4.55 157 244 200 304 300 1,4.50 1,028 34 70 70 99 70 Ponte land. 10 53 48 45 30 020 811 40 39 43 48 48 4,73,5 4,735 700 800 900 1,117 1,124 Haltw' histle. 15 151 175 105 150 510 255 23 9 17 12 13 1,870 3,490 1,002 028 021 0.5!) 718 Nether Whitto n. 7 20 15 14 20 510 319 ai 30 41 41 75 2,330 2,250 184 22(> 25!) 30!) 343 950 1,033 13 33 51 45 55 2,200 4,130 147 208 210 237 235 1,000 1,380 87 52 40 47 49 2,240 2,233 179 1.54 130 154 215 530 1,743 30 70 83 74 ()8 700 75 45 108 97 88 1.500 1,275 74 172 151 184 175 Weth erall. — 305 429 472 575 800 914 75 111 123 120 110 1,380 1,090 125 110 93 99 83 5,240 7,094 957 1,200 1,275 1..310 1,422 2,800 2,. 531 484 571 497 040 732 3,400 5,030* 275 400 312 400 518 1,400 1,330 111 102 110 117 125 380 084 14 17 .59 .5!) 71 4,800 8, .501 570 714 738 773 577 1,430 2,896 207 148 143 180 214 2,030 2,310 148 170 155 206 202 BioghttOJ 5,454 800 2,805 2,9C4 3,790 4,530 Darlington 2,980 242 330 409 469 522 1,720 1,770 174 401 475 633 790 3,470 4,080 1,004 739 829 8!)7 1,023 2,370 1,749 023 SCO 332 610 453 1,500 2,109 98 294 274 280 223 St. Jo bn Lee. 80 183 197 l!i9 188 Heb bun . 28 62 08 57 78 4,370 1,253 234 184 205 238 218 530* 682 110 32 31 32 41 1,540 2,747 443 053 725 847 913 1,220 2,542 121 no 133 130 122 2,610 4, .528 219 320 358 840 3-15 1,570 1,143 112 194 208 184 104 1,850 2,595 178 320 301) 374 435 1,540 2,705 180 187 175 258 287 1,770 8p b'bv. — — 1 11 MS 1,000 (2t 194 217 238 2()7 301 11,770 12,137 10 100 11,520 12,514 1 1,030 10,107 Cro.=st Invaite ' 282 225 204 253 1,910 3.21 1 363 37!) 308 375 385 2,310 3,065 210 224 268 24 3->2 630 083 60 82 75 80 !(3 Covrrhnm 645 45 73 (iS 103 107 Ponte land. 10 53 48 45 30 1,710 1,832 57 342 257 315 330 l,0!)0 !Ni0 38 30 :i.5 57 63 Wbil chiircb ■ 5.5 — — -Dale 054 35 40 52 1!) 73 Eelkrk 8.51) 123 ISO 162 18!) 1 ,3 113 cvcrxj County, JlunJrcJ, Dicision, City, Town, P(trh!i, Iluinkt, Tythiny, SjC., in ENG LAIS D, at each of the I'uur Periods, lUOl, 1811, 1821, 1831. : i i (;ol — Com to? Total Numfitr 0/ P imSONSt ^ i 61 Com — Cop “Ic 1 ABii)ont 'J'otal lYumhtr of P EliSOSSt In VaIu« rur'Mlln. teiianco uf at ravh of the A Tm Yrariy PerluiU, Huparllt>iei SUiKo V.tuo uf Proptrly, a* a»|A(teil to fur Main* lenanca v( at each of the Tin Yearly Ptriodi, Tom'/is, Parishes, !fc. Aorei. Ux 111 I»I6 2,195 l»OOU, IS'JS— w. , 310 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, S(c. 'Fax ill Ibis. POOH, IS2b— ». 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Colli Hiji'liiuii, H npiir 2oll 1 ,0(i() 271 282 314 391 (iombintinhead, R 1.501 2,000 2,690 217 505 409 403 460 do. Kii’lvby, or Kirby .. » lUiS do. IMfci'C, or iMeere .... in 21M(> 2,100 1,030 1 5J 1.58 191 185 185 (.unihrook Chap in 2748 1,270 1,295 160 239 2.51 289 282 1,170 Eccl s hill 4' 61 60 Combs, R next 1913 3,000 3,653 503 062 723 73(i 050 do. Newton Cliiii) in Lo w esby 2,220 161 101 111 104 120 Combust Bradfield » 1887 590 1,100 140 125 137 116 154 do. Norton, in Cbebsey near 21(10 1 ,090 1,.513 19 02 48 41 37 Common Dale in 4198 2,630 551 55 68 71 86 78 do. do., V., Pssex.,.. " 17!H) 1,570 2,101 158 223 226 226 216 Compton, V near 3251 do. Overton, 11 next 2048 2,320 2,225 67 88 90 123 123 4,050 4,120 422 488 4.32 482 554 do., St. Aldwins see Coin 3,420 2,915 346 3.85 380 393 441 do. Hundred, Berks. .. « 18,090 — 2,147 2,071 2,212 2,307 2,596 do.’ Waltham, C *899 (i70 304 21/ 27 33 24 2.> do. 'lylh in 142 Ne\\e nt — — .• 403 428 do. well in 4.>32 i,2:;o 741 305 237 265 357 449 do. do « 3194 1,610 Henbu ry 151 — 151 1.59 Coulton, C. Tot. of Par. (5) 1200 Cound, R,, and Cressage near 3010 Coundon Ham. S >u St. Andrew Au, do. Grange do. } which inch 024 5 do. Ham., in Holy Trinity .. 791 Countessthorpe Ham in 705 Counthorpe Ham., in Bytham Cas. Countisbury, V next 1534 Coupe Lench, with Newhall 1077 Coupland in 4578 Courteenhall, R. next 2.501 or 2.540 Courtney Hurst, in Birkin .. 3980 do. Iwerne, R 35,52 do. Nuneham, R. near 2094 do. Sampford, R 3902 do. Sutton, V 3233 do. Wooton, R. .. near 1537 Cove Tyth 3439 do., Korth, R next 1901 do., South, R. ,/ 19, 5h Covehithe, nr North Hales ur. 1758 Coven Liberlv in 2891 Coveney, R., without Man nt. 2108 Covenham, St. Mary, R. near 2275 do., St. Bartholem., R. » Cohriltri), t Hidy Trinity, V. 7 5 tt IT* + 4^^ SI. Michael, V. < do., County of City of (9) 792-0 Coverham, C. (0) 4220 Covington, R near 2100 Cow Honeybornc, C. ,. near 3124 Cowarne, Little, C » 3095 do. IMuch, V * // Cow bit, C 2173 Cowden, R. § *324 Cowdon, Gt. & Lit., in Ma. nr. 1707 Cowes, East, in Whippingh. t 1458 1 f do., M est, in Northwood 1405* Cow'fold, V *843 Cowgrave, or Ki'nson Tyth. in 3538 Cowick 3977 Cow lam, R next 4097 Cow ley, R., (itouccslcr near 310L2 do., R., hJiddlescx *127 do., 1^. C., Oxon 2092 do., (Quarter in 2903 Cowling .501 do., P. C 1809 do., with Burrals .... in 4211 Cow-pen 2 do. Bewley in 4400 Cowsby, R next 4107 CovA thorn in 4145 Cowlhorp, R near 4lt05 Cowton, East 4"243 do,, North near » do.. South, C » « Coxhall,wilh Buxton, in Bucknill Cox hoe in 4080 Coxlodgc <» 0 Coxuell, Great, N' near 323 ' do., Lillli’, C in » 1 . AmoDnt' Total Sumber of P EH 5,890 5,932 422 714 082 799 080 080 1,070 10.5 103 103 222 475 030 037 20 25 23 28 44 880 2,043 150 1.58 149 213 192 1,920 2,291 774 540 593 741 839 1,4.50 989 40 3.5 30 43 0.5 3,290 039 73 120 113 118 187 1,200 Dcadnin. 210 076 787 1,224 1,51!) KirkNewlo 1,299 57 70 101 98 109 1,510 2,303 200 139 114 144 120 590 841 149 132 152 145 117 2,270 1,768 428 420 518 512 557 1,5 10 3,498 177 •278 201 312 314 7,820 5,147 555 900 971 1,017 1,217 4,200 5,385 1,009 874 757 7(i9 834 4,030 2,391 178 345 372 411 420 Yately 1,19-1 252 357 303 403 IH 1,910 1,074 77 178 193 219 218 1,520 814 101 131 1-35 180 183 1,900 808 70 180 109 109 189 1,750 Brew ood — 512 499 — 2,500 3,478 302 212 252 325 348 950 1,032 70 114 111 142 163 1 ,340 1,424 1821 170 185 219 225 1,000 3,3-20 57,779 11,031 y 5,217 h 0,817 5,737 12,180 0,<4.> 14.497 9,001 17,409 10,150 22,727 3,228 5,408 5,404 8,138 10,700 22,120 7,1.54 711 1,000 1,028 1,170 1,233 l,-290 1 ,53,5 133 104 120 139 MO 1,080 1 ,998 198 274 280 333 329 830 739 58 111 129 i:h 180 2,970 4,240 280 648 501 685 573 4,590 2,008 311 300 351 611 550 3,170 2,747 824 .553 041 083 089 1,750 1,588 91 115 113 M(i MO 4,390 8,0(i3 519 1,089 1,019 2,(Hi8 2,‘229 4,270 11,275 830 •2,771 3,325 3,57!) 4,-191 4,0-10 2,121 1,1.39 (iOl 014 822 80!) iVini borne — — — 038 728 8,970 3,431 070 70!) 050 905 928 1,930 2,200 32 17 28 33 ■1!) 1,000 1 ,835 170 251 270 273 323 300 1 ,099 90 214 382 3-1!) 315 !)10 1,828 2('rl 345 392 ■172 558 G noss all — 440 155 4!)8 5,1 10 4,l!Mi 085 1,140 1,149 1,870 2.219 2,820 3,593 1,120 570 05!) 790 845 370 1 ,221 33 101 120 113 13!) Horton 327 853 1,095 1,705 2,0M 2,.590 4,088 74 1-28 1-25 132 137 1 ,220 950 22 07 93 91 89 I..510 Croiilon 2!) — 22 IS 1 ,280 1,139 47 148 143 120 1 10 3 150 3 773 29() 323 303 338 371 1 ,030 1,519 97 282 322 ‘270 2(1-1 1,530 2,107 120 1 112 1.52 1 18 103 1,430 1 ,000 PuiXiini 114 1‘20 131 120 '870 884 01 117 171 132 I.H Gosh ibth 194 108 35l> 033 905 1 ,4 10 2, ‘227 170 211 ‘278 300 3117 Fiirrlngdo 1,373 231 225 210 271 304 tvery County, Hundred, Division, City, loxvii. Parish, Hamlet, Tylliiny, i^r.,in ESC LAN D, at each of the Four Periods, IBOl, 1011, 1021, 1031 Cox — Cri Towns, Parishes, Ifc Coxwold, '115(1 'J'otal of Parish (1)).. -lUiO Cozenly, or Azerley lOU Crabhall, with Olacon .... in lo51 Crarkentliorp * 425ti Craco, in Ournsall near 500 do. Chap 09 Craike, H 'M71 Crakehall, in Bedale -1:12 do., with Elmer .... in 4102 Cranibe, V 4212 do. Total of Parish (3) r do. Butter in 4111 Grand ingtou Chap., in St. And. 18 Cranage 844 2 Cranboune, V., Th. t 2§ .. 3520 8 IT Crandrook, V., ir. t *510 Cranfield, K 2456 Cranford, K *82 do., St. And. 6c St. Jo., K. 2605 Cranham, B next 1784 do., U., Glvucester .... 3102 Cranley, It *2i 9 Craumore, East, C near 375 do., West, C » 3049 Cranoe, R next 2036 Cransford, V near 1934 Cransley, V. (Orlingbury) » 2600 Cranswick-Hutton 4004 Crantnck, C. near 1522 Cranwell, V « 2230 CranAA'ick, R next 2022 CianAvorth, R « 2051 ih ‘7? CrasSAvell, C., in Clodock nr. 3077 Craster in 4.506 Cratfield, V near 1955 Crathorne, R 4188 Cra .crook in 37 CraAvford I'arrant, with Pr. nr. 3567 CraAvley in 4.502 do., R., AA'ithout Hunt. nr. 35il 8 do., R., Sussex *791 do. Ham in 2721 do. Husborue near 2430 Cray, St. Mary’s, C. t *310 do., St. Pauls *317 do.. Foots, R *318 do., North, R *319 Crayford, R *303 Cray's Rainsden near 17J5 Creacombe, R next 3865 Creake, North, R 2o82 do.. South, V. 2081 Creaton, Great, R near 2578 do.. Little, Ham in 2585 Credenhill, R .....near 3007 1 2 ^ Crediton, V. t Borough > , S. t 3 ^ I Parish (9) S do. Hundred, Devon 3780 Creech Tyth., in Church KnoAA'le do., St. Michael, V. .,1... 3729 Creed, with Grampound .... 237-8 Creeksea, R next 1778 Creet, St., or Sancreed 272 Creeling, All Souls, R. next 1942 do., St. Peter, R. near 1913 do., St. Mary, R. .. next 1942 do., St. Olave, R. » » Creeton, R » 2217 Crendon, Long, C 2.500 CresloAv next 2505 Cressage Chap., in Cound nr. 3010 Cresset-Upton, R « 2908 Cressing, V « 1837 Cressingham, Great, R. « 2055 do.. Little, R. » » CressAAfell, R in 4545 do., ex. Pa near 942 Cretingham, V » 1935 CreAve, in Farndon .... » 2953 do., in Barthomley .. " 839 2 Crewkerne, P. C., S. t i.. 1290 do. Hundred, Somerset « Crewys-Morchard 3804 Crich, V. 2 § (3) 781 Crick Ham 1.... near 1541 do., R 2570 Cricket, St. Thomas, R. near 1290 do. Malherbie, R. .. « 3722 SuparAcUi in Aerc*. 1,2.50 14,.590 3,140 1,170 Bong 1,310 6,460 3.3U0 1,920 900 1,091) 3.710 1,5.50 720 2-041) 13,730 10,400 3,500 790 2,420 1,880 1,970 7,-120 980 2,160 990 2,180 2,510 4.710 2,480 2,480 1,.550 1,100 Clodock Etubtoion 1,930 2,460 1,390 600 F.gliMg 2.010 820 910 1,520 2,220 630 020 1,160 2,330 2,260 3,190 3,400 3,820 790 Sprat 1,170 11,440 34,100 r.x la IHIS. 1 ,699 11,819 3,696 1 ,852 ale 1,393 ( 3,672 } 4,091 2,143 4,880 3,00,5 891 1,574 5,798 3,123 4,858 2,45(i 3,973 13,102 4,2.56 1,-108 2.. 541 2,808 1,389 5.721 1,605 3,040 945 1.. 523 3,70.5 5,473 3,244 1,801 949 1,458 1,890 900 2,418 2,822 2,147 1.0. 50 bam 2.587 462 1,122 2,074 3,827 2.722 2,661 2,919 6,248 1,696 372 3,816 3.587 2,186 ton 1,784 19,011 46,733 2,1.50 2,710 690 4,240 ^ 1,780 ^ 2,080 490 3,120 620 Cound 1,820 2,960 2.490 1,690 Wood 460 1,700 400 2,190 5,810 13,260 6,290 6,180 CaerAv 4,921 3,296 1,768 3,.593 t 1,927 ^ 1,655 \ 2,010 i 472 991 4,423 1,461 2,115 1,330 2,782 2,367 1,776 horn 2,637 609 1,993 16,777 35,087 3,485 c 4,381 ) 6,270 ent 3,930 5,273 540 1,273 350 1,033 Ainnunl I 'i'utui /Vtiwhir v/ /* tC tt SU IV‘S\ • .|>oaJed . I • >|ioi.ded‘ ut ravh qf ftif <1 TV/I Yeorlif ptriotl^. pooa. I6J« -79 . ' 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. •Ho 289 326 348 375 670 1,099 1,352 1,447 1,380 42-t 521 527 579 701 3(i 54 75 72 — — 134 115 84 191 1(>2 179 150 ^ 554 5 022 695 739 776 \ 695 688 720 733 452 1,431 1,607 1,090 2,022 157 104 453 538 607 194 460 519 550 580 25 85 74 78 77 63 139 138 152 IM 1.59 454 475 522 573 138 74 105 235 176 130 271 303 330 931 279 385 387 433 438 1,295 1,402 1,605 1,823 2,158 2,8fil 2,561 2,994 3,683 3,844 972 961 1,035 1,153 1,260 157 212 267 288 377 413 419 428 515 564 238 240 248 289 300 64 250 317 321 394 1,100 1,090 1,009 1,182 1,320 30 53 47 68 0-1 239 229 268 270 298 134 91 97 101 100 394 210 234 294 323 296 217 228 250 308 393 062 748 917 1,053 181 299 358 389 458 170 88 102 155 229 55 79 92 70 88 182 226 285 331 323 252 391 372 374 374 41 100 118 146 212 449 551 651 717 692 213 307 304 330 304 86 325 268 308 340 76 66 70 78 14 30 24 23 32 482 324 298 354 372 146 210 234 334 394 2(i9 157 Ki9 221 275 600 543 493 572 680 823 672 708 874 905 487 263 290 304 411 229 151 239 221 308 389 192 235 24.5 342 1,407 1,210 1,553 1,860 2,022 313 269 262 276 272 34 29 34 40 43 675 405 483 618 651 839 62.5 613 728 831 495 341 345 492 543 88 SO 95 100 100 169 167 195 199 235 3,555 4,929 00 5,515 5,922 7,379 10,092 10,648 11,407 12,237 291 628 714 812 204 1,110 523 742 827 947 973 198 97 128 152 154 304 782 790 1,001 1,009 152 279 214 271 294 281 — 123 109 166 151 122 165 167 129 37 3() 26 35 44 29 62 47 51 66 1,493 991 989 1,212 1,382 21 0 5 5 5 118 275 257 295 276 95 53 61 69 43 552 378 370 489 551 515 301 309 400 449 230 205 212 100 270 113 183 194 303 251 17 19 12 11 751 246 349 375 387 15 29 38 47 51 241 289 280 297 295 1,406 2,576 3.021 3,434 3,789 2,484 4,780 5,320 6,061 6,847 289 556 590 652 634 750 1,413 1,828 2,024 2,115 1,043 2,305 2,571 2.961 3,087 131 945 1,432 961 892 968 36 69 74 75 86 46 64 60 73 *28 Cri — (iro Tow nis, Piirishi s, tfc. tt Crick i.ADE, R.&V., .V. f ^ (irickseaj or Creeksea, R. nt. Cridley Stubbs, in Womersley (h'igglestone Crimplesham, V near Crimpsal,or Crumpsal ((ringleford, P. C near (iripton Tyth., in VVinterbor. C Crishall, or Chrishall .. near Critchel-Moore, R « do,. Long, R " Croborough, Avith BlaclcAvood, in Crockliurst and Linton Crocombe Beer near 3724 Croft, R., Avitliont NeAvton nt. 3103 Id 5 ■jS ? ,. tt y. S « 3340 1778 473 2032 1020 1999 aine 2386 3.537 3.526 do., do., do., do., Avith SoiitliAvortli 966 R., Leicester next 709 V., Lincoln /> 1725 5 york, N. It 602 \ Tot. of Parish (3) Crofton Quarter in 4417 do., R., York, IE. R 471 Crogdean in 4532 Croglin, R 4406 Cromer, V., S 1745 Cromford Chap 325 Cromhall Abbots, R. & Lygon 3193 Crompton 1016 CroniAvell, R next 2330 Crondall & Swantliorpe .... ) Total of Parish (4) S do. Hundred, //««<*... . » Crouton in 12.50 Crook, with Billy Row .. » 634 do. Chap « 408 Crookdake & Scales 4382 Crookham I’yth in 3-141 Crookhouse » 4578 Crooks Petterell 410) Croom D’Abitot, R near 2847 do. Eiarls, R » 2825 do. Hill, R » 2819 do. Ham., Axith Gledmere 4097 Cropredy, V 2719 '1 otal of Parish (5). Cropston, in Thurcast n near 728 2818 Cropton, V., in OsAvalds. i Total of Parish 5 " Cropton Chap in 4145 CropAvell Bishop’s, V. .. near 651 do. Butler Cliap., in Ty thby » ' Crosby near 58 do in 4181 do., in Bottesford .... next 2298 do., upon Eden, V. | | 4452 Total of Parisli (4) . . » do. Garrett, R., AA'ilhout M. 4253 do.. Great, Chap in U63 do.. Little o « do. RavensAA'orth V 4264 Croseonibe, R 364 3 Cross Cross Canonbv ? Tot. of Par. (4) ^ Crossgate, or St. Mai g. Chap. 4475 Cross, St., with Sandcroft nr. 1960 Crossland, South, Chap 451 Crosthwaite, V., &Tyt.Ch. in 4287 I'otal of Parish (8) 4361 3 Croston, R 1192 Total of Parish (7) 1190-6 Crostwick, R i:ext 1993 CrostAvight, R near 1981 Crougliton, in St. OsAAahl .. 1655 do., R., Sorthamp. nr. 2531 CroAvan, V 289 CroAA’borough. Avith Blackwood in CroAA'combe, R 3718 Ciowell, R near 2682 Crowheld, Par. Chap in 1911 Crowhurst, C 4236 do., R *728 58 Crowland, R., < with Deep- (jr Croyland ^ ing Fen 2172 Crowle, V near 2831 DO , V., Avilh Eastoft, DL 2297 Crowley in 858 do.. North near 2522 Crowniarsh Gifford, R. next 3239 do. Battle, with Bensing. 2676 Crownthorpe, R. ...... next 2000 Crowthorne and Minety .... 3155 Crowton in 857 5,840 690 1,380 2.9.50 1,680 660 1,080 900 2,690 2,020 2.310 Horton 1.2.50 770 1,010 1.9.50 1,010 5,840 4,700 7,060 Thnrs 970 Kirk N 9,180 800 waiinib. 2,810 2,290 1,170 9,.540 28,220 1,000 4.310 Kendal ))roani field Crond Kirk Heskel 1,510 1.650 840 6.650 860 8,460 880 3,520 3,810 1,380 2,080 Canonby 1,430 740 ^ 3,590 3,470 1,900 1,750 15,460 1,420 2,400 Dnrliain 1,110 1,500 7,880 58,330 2,390 17,840 550 710 310 2,030 7,310 Horton 3,220 1,160 2,280 2,250 2,180 12,780 1,640 7,350 1,440 4,060 480 520 33.720 1,260 11,230 1 ,768 1,013 4,888 2,258 2,910 1,270 AV/n:.rbor 2,845 '1,721 976 Tulal Mumhrr of I’EII.SUN.'t, at cacti af the S Ttn Yearly I*erioils. I HOI. 1811. m 70 507 283 238 650 113 1,910 4,283 118 128 137 160 Forest 129 138 123 174 498 2,200 192 170 383 135 114 92 Canooby 33 87 Horton 590 137 18 956 255 379 330 543 69 535 14 169 676 1,115 550 3,482 203 1 ,550 4,085 311 193 179 297 14 Plompto 118 138 169 335 470 1,913 120 240 570 269 307 3G2 8,783 20.326 1,916 2,219 1,109 2,686 alt 307 in the 1,599 1,904 1,722 6,1.50 3,311 17,573 827 I 2.590 i 7,255 1,718 1,706 2,592 1,.520 Leak 1,859 2,169 91 1,117 3,237 2,408 7,313 2,771 6,302 1,029 3,252 3,479 2,342 1,331 4,732 5,218 15,821 6,210 30,997 763 510 399 2,703 13,175 1,708 3,5.53 1,013 1,3,50 1 ,805 1,645 1821. 1831. 1,.506 1,642 152 154 94 470 1,894 4,835 358 228 227 363 623 18 128 129 186 188 425 518 2,395 98 304 687 321 392 489 17,399 2,207 8,320 1,775 3,046 867 826 42,382 1,970 1,266 269 880 48 812 353 85 4,595 297 101 4,649 355 i 60 > 3,870 1,4.54 233 1,583 781 4,087 1,367 5,831 136 84 27 376 3,973 561 600 1.59 345 214 340 2,113 398 461 1,961 149 775 230 59 4,243 1,403 234 2,258 721 4,344 1,398 0.278 143 79 39 450 4,332 527 691 159 360 212 3;o 2,268 448 626 2,113 138 791 325 106 5,766 *361 lie Svpcrjivies in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in Cro — Cut Tou tis, Parishes, S^c. Ooxley, 1< near !i^7H Croxliall, V., \v. Kdinnhall » 751 do. ()al< ley, in » 75’^ C.roxden, w. (it. Yate, I’.C. « K II Croxtelli I’ark, ex. I’a. .. » 1322 Croxton in Hll 77 270 1,094 l,-273 1,435 1,038 800 2,-24 1 470 244 239 207 317 2,700 0,.500 1,231 1,005 1,143 1,328 1,400 1,850 Ewell 3-28 92 94 117 138 980 2,1-27 799 435 4(i2 547 020 1,200 1,855 258 *424 22.5 247 200 990 1,931 173 212 217 282 277 5,930 4.508 002 514 033 083 000 1,070 l,(Xi7 31 103 1-10 144 140 1,520 3,0-10 194 390 451 480 451 500 1,280 143 170 1.59 ICO 118 930 1,583 137 519 573 509 592 1,4-20 3,208 122 2.51 248 321 319 N ewe nt — 381 372 l,.5(i0 1,582 7 58 14 45 02 5,330 7,475 031 1,833 2,117 2,103 2,503 850 1,947 202 198 201 211 212 2,490 1,074 272 ‘2-14 239 291 327 Kirkland 2,419 (K) 254 230 257 257 1,080 4,794 308 30-1 389 359 404 rynemrrulh 1,-172 55 452 4.54 530 5-12 5,790 11,872 1,901 3,138 2,917 3,410 3,813 3,100 3,444 223 419 480 509 515 4,530 4,778 1,010 l,4 Lower,... » 157 D Dacorum Hundred, Herts. .. 2408 Dacre, V. (5) 4391 do., (see Bewerley*) 595 Dadlington Chap in 711 Dagenham, R *139 Daglinworth, R 3150 Dagnell Chap 2502 Dalbury, R., with Lees OW. tyf 7.50 Dalby, Little, V near 094 do., Magna, V a a do., C., Lincoln next 2203 do., R., with Skewsby nr. 4121 do., on the Wolds .. next 2040 Dalderby, R near 2253 Dale Abbey, ex. Pa. ... « 750 do.. Town in 4108 Dalham, R near 1809 Dallingdeld Dallinghoo, R. (Loes).. near 1929 Dallington, V. a 2571 do., V *710 Dalston, V. t / Total of Parish (0) \ Dalton, in AVigan 1013 do., in Topcliffe 4102 do., in Kirk Heaton 457 do., in Kirkby Raveusw. 4‘249 do., in Newburn 10 do.. North, w'ith Keswick 4003 do., South, R a do. Piercy, in Hart 4405 do. upon Tees, in Croft . . 002 do., in Burton, up. Ke. 2 § 4279 do. le ( Tow nship, V. nt. 52 Dale ( Dawdon*, &c. (4) nr. » do., in ( Dalton, iV. 3§ 4335 Furness, ( Tot. Pa. (-1) V. » do., or Datton in 137 Dalwood Chap. § 3593 Damerell Stoke see Dev do. Sydenham (Lifton) 3840 do. Milton near 3912 Damerham, V., S. 3420 do. Hundred \ J 3419 Damian in the Blean, and St. Cos Dammer Hartley Lib. .. near 3271 Danbury, R. § with Russells 1817 Danby, C 4205 Danbywisk, R 4180 Yatlbrth a Dando-Conipton near 3003 Dannaby, in Wexhorongh. . . . 3954 Dansby, with Brauncew. nr. 2230 Danthorpe, in Hainbleton nt. 4081 Dantsey Winterborne .... a 3397 Darcey Lever 1173 Darelield, R 3957 Tot. of Par. (7) includes 418 & 432 Darenth, V *3.53 Daresbury, C in 987 Darlaston, R 77 Darley Dale, ( Ham. 2 ^ .... 894 R. & P. C. I Total of Par. 893-4 do. Abbey in 7.57 do. with Meinwith . .. . » 593 Darlingscott Ham near 2742 II Dar I INGTON, S Town, P. C. Oil W. *t5§ (Out Parts.. 012 I .(South East .. till <1"‘ " est.. 017 North do. .. 024 Darlton Chap., in Dunham nr. 2332 Darnall, with Atterclilfe .... 1‘28 Darnhall. in Whitegate near 853 Darras Hull in 4535 AnouaT Amoaot Total Number of PERSONS SopBrAoiei Value of expended at each of (he 4 S'alula asieised to Ibe Properly l ax io lenance ot the Ten Yearly Htriods. POOR, 18^8— 2» 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 0,080 17,704 1,108 721 801 994 1,006 4,230 'J'liet ford 809 933 1,092 1,510 14,100 20,498 1,035 2,008 2,233 2, .500 2,838 1,890 1,174 •30 114 110 112 Ki6 05,400 00,041 5,542 11,870 12,032 15,028 17,096 40,100 40,397 4,905 7,205 8,423 8,399 9,82:* 820 Bramp tun — 315 620 1,149 190 141 135 182 207 1,330 1,.585 220 202 195 384 298 1,370 805 — 72 85 00 79 2,830 1,835 167 177 279 293 301 2,000 1,114 162 188 108 214 4,180 1,700 144 210 218 205 194 3,030 1,040 121 219 297 300 250 78,100 102..583 19,735 18,579 22,525 20,781 28,872 8,130 10,321 408 712 703 904 '995 5,230 11,520 1,.580 592 710 777 698 870 1,091 130 131 147 179 169 4,550 12,179 1,202 1,257 1,488 1,864 2,118 1,700 1,312 KiO 215 230 253 239 1,890 Eddies bury — — 314 304 1,000 1,870 123 187 210 241 256 2,180 2,652 111 102 155 185 194 3,080 3,260 241 345 378 402 411 1,020 1,835 89 50 71 99 98 1,480 1,5.53 84 123 129 109 155 3,430 2,900 180 254 320 357 393 520 822 09 31 28 40 42 1,.530 2,103 189 414 412 418 407 Hayvabf 041 21 47 45 08 53 1,840 r,9.51 509 428 402 498 538 1,020 2,000 333 200 290 322 400 1,110 2,331 200 240 280 303 354 1,520 2,407 308 302 302 309 479 3,890 1,590* 501 401 449 548 577 10,890 15,129 523 ( 701 ( 2,120 914 2,309 955 2,617 1,109 3,023 1,930 3,477 333 3.52 404 480 468 1,150 1,119 38 80 215 23.5 252 1,200 3,03-1 721 1,222 1,02.5 2,289 3,0()6 2,450 2,401 119 230 237 205 308 New- burn 8 104 1-22 123 106 3,890 5,173 230 320 398 4.53 525 1,730 1,500 109 190 225 277 273 900 1,032 58 70 08 75 79 1,440 2,090 01 124 131 107 190 2,230 2,.136 43 73 151 131 830 054 25 40 52 49 73 3,f'40 2,980 185 181 202 ’1,305 770 2,130 43 1 2,027 ( 043 714 759 10,210 4, .577 1,137 ( 2,074 2,446 2,697 1,400 2.-251 137 225 204 225 187 3,950 1,892 170 430 403 622 134 .11 port 95,701 9,805 23,747 30,083 33,578 34,883 2,250 1,.571 79 199 214 288 290 5,200 2,0»1 308 409 504 001 761 4,310 3,323 074 529 549 005 710 10,520 19,378 1,7.56 2,345 2,438 2,0-24 2,957 17,080 13,-207 ‘2,154 — 2,500 2,930 3,135 5,700 2,092 101 287 479 438 554 440 Shioflold 294 252 251 323 381 3,070 2,005 040 708 939 1,005 l.O'iO 13,800 6,949 525 990 1,145 1,-373 1,392 3,230 2,923 190 302 273 3-28 313 1,1-20 1,.549 1-21 1-25 129 149 105 1,210 2,010 170 330 3-10 344 382 1,080 1,093 294 417 403 805 1,110 3,-170 1,879 130 30 37 77 134 870 917 12 51 47 52 37 1,280 082 lit) 120 125 160 101 610 1,378 322 589 792 9.5(i 1,119 I 11,7-10 3,709 ‘23,120 470 2,094 447 2,958 443 3,522 612 4,3-20 520 J5,703 2,080 2,540 ‘208 409 439 674 588 530 1,2-23 30 131 III 140 143 770 4,213 1,0.1 3,812 4,884 6, ,585 0,047 5,0(i0 5,402 350 1 ,(<77 990 1,175 1 ,200 7,880 9,350 050 1,097 1,007 1,830 1,937 St. Aik ■mind — 015 799 811 1,170 2,480 1,770 311 5.5 1 037 0-18 74-2 in Tred inglon — — 173 189 Kill 3,170 13,813 2,104 4,070 5,0, .9 5,7.50 8,.57.| 4,100 7,730 5.50 079 701 801 843 50,1.50 78,022 0,2 12 11,110 1 1 ,939 13,397 17,305 80,000 49,-270 5,53-2 9, 93 10,075 1 1 ,991 1 1,382 145,430 87,315 8,970 15,701 10,987 19,090 •21,217 1 ,530 1,579 85 120 139 1.53 10-2 l,-270 5,-24l 1,183 ‘2, -281 2,074 3,17-2 3,711 1 ,‘270 2,-292 118 129 139 1.53 102 Ponte land 8 •21 23 1-2 IS 117 every County, Ilundrcd, Division, City, Town, Parish, Ilmnlet, Tythiny, 4^'c., in ENCi LAN D, at each oj the lour Periods IHOl, IHll, 1H21, Dor — Don Towns, Piirishes, tfc. li 0 *« Darrington S Darriiigtoii, V. 3‘JfiH i{ Stapleton .... Darsliain, A' lU'Xl 19.52 Hartford, V., Af. • t § Dartiugton, li 3S15 Dartmoor Forest 3790 Da RTMO irni, s c. J 1510 troAvnstall, V.3 Darton -128 Total of 1‘arish, \'. (3) » Harwell, LuAver. C 1092 do. over, Ch 1093 DarAvent Chap in !M)2 Hatchet, A' 2104 DatchAVorth, H near 2390 Hatton, or Dalton in 137 Hanntsey, K near 3315 Davenhani, K 849 Total of Parish (12) .. > Davenport, in Asthnry.. near 805 tHAVENTUY, ir,, P. C. + 8§ 2555 HavidstoAv, A' near 3938 Davington, P. C *490 HiiAvdou in Halton-le-dale HaAvley Magaa, C 121 DaAvlish, \ 1497 Daylesford, Il'oreesfcr.. next 3135 Hayrell-Lillingslone . . . . « 2515 : Deal, R.Tu. S.i 2 § *014 Dean, Nether, & Fpper, H. 2445 do. Parish, A\ (10) .... 1079-88 do., Hunts next 3407 do.. East, C., Hants. .. « 3495 do. A’arnhain 3478 do. Forest, P. C.t (0 Walks) 149 do. Little, C 141 DO. Mitchell, 3/. 2 § 143 do. Priors, A' 3812 do. do., C near 3404 do. Raw Qr 4515 do. Hedgerley Ham.. ..in 2407 1,4358 (.Total of Parish 3 de., AVest, t near > IFi/ts. ( E. Grimstead 5 do., Chichester do. PeA'ensey, t East *787 see Deene ( U’est .... *780 Deanham in 4534 Deauhead & Scanmonden C. 439 Dearhaiu, A ToAvnship V. ^ Ellenboro’& Unerig Debach, C., with Boulge near 1928 Debden, R next 1828 Debdon 4553 Dedenham, V., E. t § 1937 Debtling *387 Decuman, St 1538 Deddington 5 ToAAii 2713 1) V. S. + 4 ( Clifton & Hemp, n Dedham, A' 1804 Dedworth Ham in 3201 Deene, see Dean near 2618 Deenthorpe 2018 Deepdale-Cayton 4158 Deeping Fen, ex. Pa 2172 do., ex. Pa u do. Gate Ham in Maxey DO. Market, Th 2200 do., St. James, V. t .... 2205 do., AA^est near • Deerhurst 3148 do. AValton » Total of Parish, C. » do. Hundred § ( 3147 Defford Chap in 2819 Deighton « 4031 do. Chap t 409 do. Kirk \ i North. . near » Delamere, R a 2901 Total of Parish (4) or 2956 Delaval-Seaton near 5 Dembleby, R « 2213 Denbury, R. § 3810 Deuby, C 771 do. Chap 4'.)5 do. AValk 149 Denchworih V near 3240 Ainoual Total Numhn ol nCH.SONS, SupftOcloi Valuf oi ttf Piirti of' the “i ht .Sutui* Pru|i*My. a lu 7Vm ) rarly Ppriods* Aciai. ll.»l'»..uarly iKriuhi6 POOIl, 1801. 18H. 1821. 1831. 2,930 2,i:i6 211 37!» 373 510 512 1 ,660 697 101 101 71 109 107 1,700 2,012 180 421 387 487 513 4,150 12,595 1,494 2,406 3,177 3,593 4,715 2,910 (iy755 271 486 575 602 618 53,900 — — — — 393 f 40 ] 40 ^5,114 A 254 1 563 727 1,671 747 1,861 976 2,289 1,035 2,316 C 1 .570 3,021 517 1,014 987 1,220 2,216 1,100 2,638 374 936 1,080 1 ,340 1,466 4,510 7,775 574 1,699 1,88-1 2,176 2,966 2,490 4,328 7C4 1,616 1,805 2,238 2,(i67 5,010 6,629 2,107 3,587 4,411 6,711 6,972 HatK^riNge, 828 48 135 126 123 153 1,630 3,709 536 3.57 710 839 802 4,850 2,224 212 410 447 494 593 1,400 2,251 137 225 261 225 187 2,940 9,448 269 357 307 407 561 500 1,180 145 327 317 379 413 9,400 19,4-29 1,488 2,891 3,250 3,567 4,515 660 1,455 69 89 89 96 103 4,090 10,287 1,824 2,582 2,758 3,326 3,6-16 6,260 3,393 145 217 262 363 389 540 1,027 160 146 168 151 1.57 830 775 34 22 27 35 1,022 2,990 11, .378 1,040 3,869 4,828 5,147 6,877 4,710 9,990 802 1,424 1,882 2,700 3,151 .540 745 51 94 102 103 88 2,210 2,345 325 111 132 127 150 1,120 14,066 3,809 5,420 7,351 6,811 7,268 2,370 2,508 623 385 428 479 513 19,310 33,720 4,932 12,843 16,129 18,196 22,9H 1,350 1,-127 169 137 153 157 163 640 1,079 140 146 133 160 173 2,840 2,661 681 459 45.4 628 694 26,320 3,325 4,073 5,.535 7,014 780 1,120 186 541 754 807 617 680 1,229 191 563 535 556 6fl0 3,760 3,821 384 495 519 561 553 1,290 991 179 117 134 1.50 IWi AV'arde n 439 535 654 480 643 90 77 180 19<) 171 C 178 192 1()8 193 6,360 6,783 387 229 236 309 356 (. 678 752 832 866 2,780 A 2,230 200 221 211 258 238 ? 940 111 148 118 107 122 4,670 1,729 317 305 353 397 391 4,480 3,080 584 510 554 622 641 2,510 1,841 421 284 249 2!Ki 330 1,840 2,150 195 88 114 163 150 Ha rtburn 8 36 ()8 53 46 2,080 ^ 3,870 608 120 020 647 855 912 A 1,794 1-18 403 443 515 730 ( 1,188 211 471 638 021 713 580 807 139 117 114 113 1.33 5,040 4,994 1,021 781 854 940 985 — Rothb ury 16 16 18 14 1,920 4,512 858 1,215 1,224 ],.5.35 1,029 1,430 1,386 354 253 281 321 372 3,250 5,601 1,098 1,602 1,659 l,8(i5 2,120 2,350 1 8,110 1,9.56 A 1,172 1,296 1,404 1,590 1,640 t 380 3.54 443 488 2,660 4,600 1,463 1,537 1,432 1,651 1,7 70 — AVinds or 75 — 137 1,820 2,007 188 221 195 234 228 1,130 ^146 125 178 109 224 225 see Caytou land — — — — 16,290 Crow 370 463 398 448 — 342 Maxey 1,614 123 1-13 156 170 1.55 1,290 4,304 329 803 899 1,016 1,091 6,470 8,413 629 1,160 1,220 1,3S5 1,587 1,170 1,535 235 216 244 302 301 ( 141 187 168 >2,930 6,2.56 557 \ 155 173 > 809 s ( 640 741 742 ) 9,380 17,786 1,340 1,434 2,026 2,387 2,.596 8,120 8,395 787 1,242 1,217 1,468 1,449 1,760 1,906 167 284 334 347 383 2,280 2,167 118 172 168 168 179 2,210 1,851 67 140 125 134 140 1,290 2,729 145 320 303 371 375 1,180 1,791 58 163 1.58 141 131 1,980 1 Enc losed ! out of the A 262 424 8,670 A F orest. i since 18ill. ( 424 828 Eaisflon. 3,470 242 240 322 240 271 1,000 1,1-30 19 50 51 58 66 1,270 1,530 140 330 397 412 464 2,380 5,990 433 881 916 1,073 1,272 2,870 3,4 3006 1 ,230 1,910 1,750 50,110 4,850 1 ,100 1,4(H) 2,:m 1,990 2,840 3.370 2,430 300 A Iveloii, 1 ,230 19,210 890 800 1,030 3,170 600 1,100 2,730 2.370 1,970 730 890 4,530 860 2,610 1,.520 2,000 \ 1,060 040 4,910 30,950 1,060 1.410 270 372,100 291,080 5,090 3.440 3,ai0 2,110 2.410 3,830 Belfrd. 2,110 3,250 470 2,690 1,420 2,060 4,230 1,320 1,000 660 Dewsbury, 'V, Township 485 Total of Par. (4) « Dibden, R 3517 Dickering AA'apentake 4088 Dickleburgh, R 2014 Didbrook, t Parish near 3131 A'. J Pinock & Hide /» « Didcott, or Dudeott .... next 3241 Diddington, A'^ ’ 2144 Diddlebury, A’’. (4) » 2961 Didley, Avith St. Devereux nr. 3066 Didling, R *947 Didlington, A'. (Greenhoe) nr. 2022 Didmarton, R. « 3203 Didsbury, C 1039 Digby, A^ next 2237 DigsAA'ell, R a 2392 Dilhani, V 1978 Dil borne, A^ 946 Forsbrook " Dilliker in 4288 Dillington,Ham » 2052 Dilston » 4509 Dilton, or Ditton Chap 392 t 802,000 833,550 Plymili. 1,640 4,890 3,480 500 1,330 9,620 2,000 109,980 2.590 530 1,800 1,150 1,450 7,400 1,600 1,000 1,810 170 1.. 560 2,800 1,270 1,390 3.. 550 Kenda 460 Corbri Annual A niridnt Tolal XumhfT »/ !' UK SONS, Valua of Vfotswtly, a aitaitrill lo tliaPrujinri) Tag Id 1»|& rtp.ndH r»r Ma.t, lha at earft of the A Ttn Yearly Trriodi. POOR, ll»2A— 1801. I8H. 1821. 1831. .£ 1 , 1,450 574 277 29') 327 2,100 308 267 2<)1 310 319 3,297 331 145 171 1 231 249 61,831 10,245 7,436 8,211 ' 9,767 9,915 6,850 712 7!Ki 1,000 . 1,189 1,169 2,156 213 429 403 410 530 2,531 322 377 4-22 469 491 1 ,682 318 218 217 2.VJ 276 1 ,239 275 111 1-47 KXi 191 5,185 1 ,337 7-255 414 451 498 601 580 1,194 376 • 378 379 475 627 1,074 14.5 114 121 134 137 Avburn A 733 824 814 779 { 423 362 404 445 1 ,944 130 54 83 133 117 2,602 93 245 258 287 2n | *'2 Dinmore Preceii., ex. I’a. N.of 30 7 do., ex. l*a. Liberty .. in 2989 Dinnington, K next 3918 do. in ,d.'j3.5 do. Chap., in Seavington St. iM Dinsdale, Lower, R next 4154 do. Over, in Sockburn » Dinting Dinton, R., with Ford & Upt. 2493 do., V., see Ditteridge .. 3382 Dippenhall Tyth in :^441 Diptford, K 3810 Dirham and Hinton :$201 Discoed-Lanvair near 1.541 DiscoveTyth in 30.52 Diseworth, V. 7;i8 Dishforth, C in 4102 Dishley Chap., w. Thorpa. nr. 732 Disney-Norton next 22.52 Diss, R., F. * t § 2i)H do. Hundred, Norfolk 2014 Dissiugton 5 Si.. 03 933 Superllclei Annual Value of riipefty, • POOK. HM— ’JD. — £■ — Distington, R. Distley Chap. do.. C., Northumb. (5) Total of Parish . . do., V., Kent do., in Wybunbury .. do., R., without W. nr. do. Dry, C next (lo., Great, V. .. « Ditchburn, East & West., in 4.507 Ditcheat, R 3054 Ditchelliug, V *802 Ditches and Low in 3029 Ditchford Ham " 2^10 Ditchingham, R 1902 llitteridge, V., see Dinton .. 3382 Dittisham, R 1515 Ditton, R., Knit *382 do., or Dilton 392 do., in Prescott 1250 do. Fen, R. (Fiendish) nr. 2120 do. W'ood, V 2092 do. Priors, V near 2981 do. Loll ', R., w. Talw. *104-5 do. Thames, w. Cleygate *100 Dixon, or Dickleston, with Aldertn Dixton Hadnock, V 3110 do. Newton » Docker in 4288 Docking, V near 2084 Dockingfield Tyth in *284 Dock low, C near 3097 Dodbrook, R., IF. § 1519 Dodcot, or Dodcut-cum-W'ilkesley Doddenham, C near 2853 Dodderill, V 2872 Elmbridge » in Droitwich 2871 Doddinghiirst, R next 1794 Doddington, R » 2105 Tot. of Par. (4) includes 2104 ‘ ■ ' ' 4.572 4573 838 2593 Doddingtree Hund., ^ Lower 2850 Worcesttr t Upper 2851 Ooddiscombsleigh, R. ,. near 1493 Doddleston, R.,(Broxtow ) ) Kinnerton, Lower .... S ” D'ldford, V next 2551 Dodington, R., Gloucester « 3202 do., R., Somerset u 3717 Dedworth 427 Dogdj ke Ham in Billinghay Dogmersfield, R next 3130 Dngsthor|)e, in St. .lohii .... 2031 ilolton, R. 2 § 3852 Domer-Chiltnorne, V. .. near 1291 Dominick, St 20n D 'NOASTliR, V., .V. t 5 § 3901 do.. Soke off 10) .... 3905 Doiihead ^ ■'^L Andrew, R. .. 310, S .Jonlitdil, ^ ^ Total Nnmhi r of P tCRSONH, at each oj the 4 Tin Yearty Periods. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. iiliclivaler 2,229 213 624 801 909 0,080 7,704 009 840 902 1,020 — Bromli eld — — 83 1,050 1,922 140 185 215 175 1 ,740 2,021 1.53 274 290 301 2,120 1 .908 103 204 227 174 1,500 2,777 195 143 122 1.50 0(i0 1,1 10 140 133 120 135 410 512 34 20 34 30 500 708 54 197 250 238 040 — 15 31 14 Clung u n ford — 11 12 1,.54() 1,311 110 102 109 189 Ponte land 33 158 172 205 ichael 1.1,58 04 219 2:$9 208 1 ,:$40 1,.545 30 108 125 111 810 1,051 40 51 70 00 G los sop — — — 1.52 3,170 1 3.298 1,398 098 713 817 2,420 1 2,705 347 421 393 517 Cron dall — — 312 4,1.50 4,010 410 .578 030 053 3,290 4,994 200 437 478 520 1,590 708 49 174 158 181 Bruton — — — 00 43 1,880 3,497 339 628 650 718 1,000 2.405 115 291 323 340 890 2,203 247 225 287 351 1,900 2,447 102 184 235 214 3,4.50 0,9t)t) 2,081 2,F10 2,590 2,764 25,450 37,475 9,801 7,072 7.730 8,810 New burn t 00 t 38 80 93 87 90 05 74 2,910 3,535 138 724 910 988 2,700 4,754 294 995 1,415 1,5?3 Filing ham 25 87 86 97 5,220^ 4,789 914 1,010 1,230 1,223 5,270 3,882 1,180 700 740 8-H Wem — — — 93 Block ley — 42 4() 1,720 2,756 475 534 034 701 950 Dint n 31 Dinton 101 80 3,230 4,800 443 03:) 090 704 1,010 1,274 215 98 137 192 U est bury 1,524 1,.5S2 2,000 1,740 3,98-1 99 491 422 455 1,802 2,903 300 317 355 401 4,899 4,213 813 048 758 812 4,000 2,090 240 020 ai9 085 820 3,1-19 502 243 541 595 2,900 7,308 1,585 1,288 1,444 1,.592 1,750 3,108 206 222 204 312 1,250 3,030 1 1,402 180 J 321 \ 232 ^ 424 5 300 t 205 Kendal 923 29 05 71 89 4,030 6,088 1.420 777 994 1,107 010 447 273 124 13! 109 1,420 1,031 85 160 1.53 191 420 1,779 *179 608 942 885 5,100 6,:i29 770 755 022 070 830 1,128 128 210 231 252 t7,:i-15 821 077 680 7:h 12,231 211 296 322 330 i Droit wich 472 .541 495 3,400 2,730 102 2(35 334 3.50 7,720 8,7.59 718 374 470 070 38,240 .50,198 3,378 3,791 4,002 5,899 .rx - - 5 3,035 83 339 403 419 9,110 1 9,893 280 734 887 805 2,000 1,830 773 300 402 451 870 578 32 51 02 39 2,030 1,075 03 140 145 1.59 2,110 2,218 HO 191 190 227 1.310 3,202 420 311 37() 442 29,920 30,5.39 1,983 4,731 8,343 8,814 38,040 50,073 4,317 7,1.58 7,‘i72 7,088 2,.390 2,825 190 317 320 350 ( 2,749 122 185 229 200 1,8-10 1 841 85 97 95 85 1,180 2,4.59 397 205 230 217 1,070 2,538 1.55 95 113 100 000 709 14 71 75 113 1,510 2,508 352 403 743 1,227 850 i,.5;$3 284 192 195 231 1 ,0.50 1,090 307 212 215 213 2,!:$!) Pelcrl) on/ 27(i 375 379 2,180 2,:i92 : 305 582 490 748 1,190 1 3.772 1 78 107 213 2:14 2,(iS0 ' 4,119 512 5;i8 534 090 1 LOU) 28,207 1,891 5,(i97 0,935 8,5.H 10,731) 15,721 922 1 804 901 1,087 1 5,000 ^ 905 1 (i07 535 753 : 2,(i80 / 1,1.50 945 1,095 i,:$oi 902 83 810 218 2,172 4()0 528 888 584 027 1,878 330 447 225 95 1,400 109 199 1,038 037 283 822 331 043 372 919 7, .527 420 903 4()0 37 105 2:$o 412 9,119 8,004 392 252 101 279 113 9.5 1,179 213 272 413 870 230 720 10,801 1 ,2.50 80! 1 ,520 Don — Dra |c • •S-* ■ Towns, Paiishes,Sfc f Donington, V., S. i 2187 do., R,, Salop, w. Bos. nt. 3001 do., upon Bain, R. 0 N.of 2254 do. Castle 3 § 710 Donnington-cum-Shaw 3284 do., Gloucester in 3133 do., R., Hereford near 3084 do., V., Sussex *971 do., with Hugglesc. in 723 Donisthorpe Ik Oakthorpe, in Ch. Donyalt, R 3722 Donyland, East, R 1773 Dorchester, C. t § 2088 do. ‘Hundred, Oxon. « Httno. Borough, iS.*t4§(3) 3578 do. Division 3570 I do. or Dorset County 3.520 Dote, C in 8:$3 do. Abbey, R. ..10 5. IF. r/ 3007 If Dorking,V., T/i. t§ *209 Dormington, V } Bartestree Chap. 5 Dormsden e 1!'43 Dormston, C. (Pershore) near 2805 Dome Ham in 2,sl0 Dorney, V near 2408 Dorrington .. next 2237 do in 2949 Dorset, Co. of, see Dorchester 3.520 Dorsington, R next 3127 do., Little, with Bickm. in 3150 Dorstone, t Lower. . . . V. 4 Upp Dorton, P. C near 2497 :::S next 3009 Dosthill Houses, w. M ilnecote 755 Dotton, ex. Pa near 3708 Doughton, with Dunton » 2070 Doulting, V 3055 Dovenby tt Dover in 4372 *034 Dover, or wort -fSt. Mary, P.C. » ^ (Suburbs *032-3 Dovercoiirt, V 1770 Doverdale, ext 2872 Doveridge, V near 113 Dowdeswell, R next 3143 Dow land, P. C 3852 2802 1300 3878 Dowles, ii. (Stoddesden) I wS’r!'ai;:i: Down, East, R do., VFest, V 3881 do., St. Mary, R 3845 do., C., Kent *309 do., Ampney, V. t.... next 3155 Downham, R., Cambridge 2107 do., R., Essex .. next 179.5 do. Chap in 1102 do. Division e 2000 If DO. Market, R., .V. t 3^ 2932 do. -SunUm, Sufidk .. 1903 Down-Hatherley near 31(i5 Downhead Chap next 3055 Down-Holland, in Halsall nr. 12.54 Dovinholme, t next 4221 P. C. ^ Tot. Par. ( 4) or 4227 Downside Tyth in 3014 Down-8 tonebeck in 4014 Downton, V., Hereford., next 3108 H DO. Boro’ V., IF/Rs. .. 3-110 do. Hundred o Dowsby, with Graby, R. next 2212 Doxford in 4.507 Doyle-Stoke (Navisford) near 2020 Doynton, R 3219 Drakelow, in Church Gresley Draugliton, R near 2587 do in 500 Drax, V 3992 do.. Long » Total of Parish (I).. « Draycott Cerue, R. nr. 3315 or 3312 do. Foliat, R next 3321 do. Lib. A Chap., w. W il. 700 do. Tylh., in Liming, nr. 1290 do., R., Slqford .... " 7 18 do. Ham., in 2810 2(510 do. Ham in 1 Amount Tctal Number of PERSONS, . « ■ 1 Superflciei t j Value of expended or Main* at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods as io 1616 POOK. 1626— rj. 1801. 1 1811. 1821. 1831. 11,384 0,180 i 900 1,321 1,.528 1,038 1,759 2,000 .5,418 244 289 320 330 313 1,890 1,539 200 188 203 209 300 4,2,50 10,154 799 1,959 2,308 2,500 3,182 1,9-10 2,827 411 424 480 531 620 760 1,.501 87 102 196 201 200 740 1,1.55 05 121 105 103 124 1,090 2,011 .593 183 222 267 228 1,500 3,327 378 525 614 083 786 Gresle y 142 281 (kiO 7.32 757 1,220 2,110 274 417 405 518 557 1,130 1,.570 277 370 392 502 692 900 3,040 031 777 754 854 806 11,280 18,432 3,028 2,010 2,770 3,091 3,257 1,870 8,044 1,487 2,402 2,516 2,743 3,033 94,840 110,0.56 8,235 1-1,104 15,980 18,302 : 21,351 027,220 098,396 82,402 115,319 124,093- 144,499 159,252 Dron6eId 1,084 192 375 398 476 527 5,790 4,204 523 — 486 523 5‘33 10,150 13,42.5 3,5.52 3,0.58 3,259 3,812 4,711 900 (1,408 140 107 100 115 98 1 215 49 48 34 57 50 790 548 117 82 83 74 73 830 670 04 85 87 113 157 Block ley — — 25 45 — 1,190 1,9,54 207 190 247 279 268 080 1,840 72 225 239 284 371 Muckl estone — — — 185 197 910 875 7-1 100 103 121 122 1,340 W'elfo rd — 21 01 05 4,700 2,100 322 — 535 < 402 ^ 189 401 170 890 2,538 277 105 124 F33 1.58 — 2,394 474 505 053 088 Aylesb ear IFc ton — — 13 20 177 1,773 182 121 101 124 120 4,530 3,209 400 539 624 033 030 Bride Kirk 1,746 31 153 209 211 247 190 8,099 1,012 1,327 1,440 1,674 2.109 130 8,388 5,125 5,757 7,o:h 8,053 9,753 1,010 2,293 842 025 1,184 1,484 2,471 2.0(!0 2,724 471 390 839 813 920 980 972 130 00 50 00 72 4,000 10,412 300 722 800 843 792 3,250 2,798 101 190 185 181 •ii32 2,330 818 75 184 106 190 196 1,080 1,300 8-1 57 39 01 62 080 2,402 148 241 251 319 380 430 530 42 40 40 32 38 3,390 2,7.59 128 311 312 422 446 5,000 2,820 191 330 450 562 028 1,890 1 ,542 170 313 b8() 400 407 1,380 1,954 115 217 200 810 421 2,470 Ampney 204 279 324 365 403 10, .5.50 11,874 1,135 844 1,144 1,3.50 1,722 790 2,203 330 250 305 315 271 1,870 1,009 109 470 537 020 552 W'ymo ndham — 619 014 935 1,165 2,880 5,234 1,099 1,512 1,771 2,0.U 2,198 3,800 1,185 110 57 78 79 00 930 1,448 901 119 122 170 150 1,310 1,413 229 225 172 208 221 3,290 4,772 177 482 552 029 704 1,190 1,775 141 114 225 113 104 5,800 1,170 119 233 309 254 iMidsu ninier- Nortn — 380 442 — 12,220 3,177 313 431 451 508 494 1,170 1,011 ()6 1-22 133 111 HI 11,420 7,344 2,383 2,420 2,0 1 3,114 3,519 23, .590 22,005 5,580 5,003 5,:13I 0,117 0,815 1,900 3,331 150 i:io 140 201 230 ElluiBhotn 070 22 49 60 54 79 1 ,620 2,480 1.31 115 1-24 141 105 1,720 3,070 127 1 342 416 •148 Ch.Gr. 2,900 07 91 77 8.1 77 1,300 ‘2,183 l(>5 179 139 170 170 2,000 2,4.82 101 173 240 279 2:3 2,440 1 ,940 L57 221 290 370 350 900 1 ,048 1.57 170 109 187 1 10 7,490 7,723 553 700 915 1 ,083 1 ,032 1 ,090 2,:$58 94 141 L58 109 I8(.' 740 1 ,325 95 38 33 24 19 Saw ley 2,938 I ‘200 090 892 1,102 1,074 Liming ton 1 — — • 31 — 1,2.50 1,430 251 188 3, HI 3-JI •J8K Biocii ley — 172 197 2,5:0 3,401 318 318 32(i 322 307 920 1,011 220 111 127 191 224 3,(it)0 3,91 1 390 191 5;to 579 539 1 ,950 3,019 280 184 .F)4 198 500 980 Hliul'hurtt 395 i:$o 129 101 L50 - — — — 119 every County, Hundred, Division. City, Town, Parisfi, Hamlet, Tylhiny, Sfc., in ENGLAN D, at each oj the Four Periods, IHOl, Kill, 1921, l«:il. Dra— Dun ^os Towns, Parishes, S^'C, »;|1 Dravlon. R., Norfolk. . . . next 1992 do.. R., 0.r<)H ( Bloxh.)nr, 2716 do.. P. C., O.roM. . • . . ^ 2688 do. Dry, K . • • ^ 2120 do. Fen . next 2138 do.. East, V . near 2333 do., M'esl, C • • ^ 2332 do. Fenny, R. ... 711 do.. B est, V •133 do. Bassett, R. . . 2920 do. Beauchamp, R. next 2413 do. Parslow, It. . I • 2510 do. & Middleney, P.C. 3726 6 do.. in Hales, or 1 1 Salop 3024 3Iarket,V.1P. t 4§ ! ' 29 770 758 622 670 637 1,150 1,792 131 181 207 197 181 636 718 87 163 243 243 203 1,400 1,893 186 295 327 352 364 1,.580 1,724 125 231 201 285 356 3,930 20,833 2,654 10,107 13,927 18,211 23,048 9,630 15,913 1,042 1,362 1,625 1,698 1,869 12,100 20,710 1,470 2,929 3,082 3,834 5.282 20,360 31,150 2,333 3,278 3,766 4,430 5,180 Hally stone 129 32 25 41 45 1.7,390 26,464 576 j 1,654 ) 9,010 1,882 10,853 2,683 13,896 2,725 14,683 3,220 4,269 118 313 346 433 344 1,280 1,275 96 160 177 181 122 Btsikicg 1,686 235 208 191 228 123 20,560 2,311 180 392 489 511 554 1,820 1,661 160 97 102 154 186 Ovin gham — — 7 9 8 1,690 9,859 554 1,737 3,053 5,096 14,681 1,320 549 24 39 58 60 58 3,240 2,742 643 468 496 025 684 5,900 5,094 596 709 821 779 928 7,760 5,046 633 1,049 1,035 1,127 1,285 2,100 4,501 214 307 315 274 420 2,100 2,213 541 286 319 393 383 790 1,158 62 183 167 200 182 5,010 ( 5,324 t2,174 327 199 GO t 789 ( 207 947 304 1,029 281 1,330 840 165 205 233 246 272 2,790 3305 181 446 476 544 623 Broomfield 787 56 198 236 316 337 2,820 5,076 443 355 417 454 583 1,480 l,7.-.6 74 260 289 300 322 2,030 4,144 225 313 432 415 557 2,180 2,295 674 361 330 468 511 1,860 1,990 149 210 235 307 290 3,710 4,984 284 872 936 1,090 1,105 2,270 2,027 267 140 171 220 137 910 2,689 183 238 305 305 718 5,160 2,905 223 393 390 441 414 1.230 2,043 73 218 238 257 261 4,380 2,255 882 338 446 543 613 7,910 8,895 2,010 1,828 2,015 2,409 2,462 1,390 2.0.3 417 272 2(U 342 378 54,670 61,205 13,606 10,088 10,336 11,888 12.791 Dun — Ear Towns, Parishes, lye. Dunnerdale in 4342 Dutinington, Donnington . . . . *867 or Dorrington 3319 Dunnington, in Beeford .... 4086 Dunnockshaw 1133 Dunsbourne, see Duntesbourne Dunsby, R next 221 1 Dunsden and Eye Liberty 2668 Dunsford, V 3787 do., or Dunsfold, R. *267 Dunsforth, Lower, C in 4011 do., Itpper, with Bran. » Dunsley, with Newholin.. in 1691 e Boiirton .. next 2789 Dunsmoor, N Clifton 2786 Places < Dunchurch 2784 upon jRyton .... next 2789 vStretton » 6 Dunstable, R., IP. t 4 §. . . . 2429 Dunstall, in Tateuhill.. near 746 Dunstan, St *545 do. & Newbold Ham. 867 Dunster, V., r. t § 1537 Dunstew, V next 2713 Dunston, V. (Langhoe) near 2269 do., C., Norfolk > 1999 do in 4566 do., C., Stafford n 289(i Dunterton, R near 3861 Duntesbourne, f Abbots, R. » 31.36 Duntsbourn,.? Leer » or Dunsbou. (.Rouse, R. .. » Duntish Tyth., in Buckland-Newt Dunthrop, with Haythrop nr. 2737 Dunton, K. (see Dutton) next 2505 do. Wallet, R. nr. 1793 or 1795 do. Bassett, V 707 do., with Doughton,V. nr. 2076 do., withMillo, V a 2441 41 Dunwich a 1758 Dunworth Hundred, fVilts, 3406 li>nv!;am ^ City, P. C., ,9. 5 §.. 4475 8 ttf * t ( St.Oswald,V 4470 do. County | So”uth 011 & 4472 Durleigh, V next 1540 Durley, C ' 3499 Durnford, V 3350 Durrington, or *867 Dunnington, C 3349 4 ITDursley, R., TA. t 2 §. .. . 369 Durston, D next 1306 Durw’eston, R 3565 Duston, V next 2568 Dutton in 858 do. (see Dunton) 1118 Duxbury 1205 Duxford, R. 6c V., Camb. nr. 1830 Dyke Ham in 2210 Dymchurch *680 Dymock, V 3178 E Eachwick in 4519 € Hall near 2252 Eagle, V..? Woodhouse, ex. Pa. » (.Tot. of Par. ( ) or 2269 Eaglesclilfe 4156 i Township . . . . : ) Tot. of Par. (3) ' Eaglesfield in 4370 Eagle-Winfrith Chap. .. near 3585 Eakring. R « 2335 Ealing, V., with Old Brentford *79 Eamont Bridge, with Yan. in 4272 Eaniington, in Quatford near 2968 Eardisland, V 3074 Eardisley, V 3080 Eardley-end in 103 Earith 2151 Earl, or Yeard Hill in 4272 Earldoms, ex. Pa., in & with White EarUFi-aniingham next 1996 Earl-Shilton, C 715 Earl-Stoke, R 3366 Earl-Stonham near 1942 Earl-Soham, R., see East a 1935 Earls-Barton, V 2.592 Earls-Colne, V 18.54 Earls-Crooni near 2825 Earls-Winterbouru » 3396 Early Liberty t Charlton) in 3268 Earnly, w'ith Almondington *988 A cnaunt 'Total Numher of /*TU.SO.\.S, SuperAvUl Value «r egpeaded at each of the Sla’Hia Properly e« eieeiied la tenaare u( Tin Yearly Teriodi, Tax lo 18I&. POOR. ivn—n. .f. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1 3,910 Idi07 75 298 319 351 4.58 740 823 129 1 10 186 104 162 2,H30 2,041 447 339 318 370 •167 650 1,022 216 67 49 76 61 2,300 < 2,050 109 470 494 551 613 ) 521 — 51 63 72 70 350 Lower Boo h 61 (i3 76 46 — - ■ — — 2,420 3,518 162 146 1.56 I'K) 172 2,550 3,29(i 741 70.5 756 8-15 887 6,560 3,856 2.56 Gil 708 810 903 4,240 2,548 648 .510 518 579 567 960 816 28 118 128 115 133 900 1,026 58 no 128 1.56 163 2,250 2,060 1.54 346 326 2.59 356 2,520 3,101 318 318 327 2,870 2,865 273 272 300 372 3.58 5,010 7,498 527 1,087 096 1,251 1,310 1,650 2,879 259 324 4K3 498 510 3,110 3,927 403 634 604 760 817 520 2,204 901 1,206 1,616 1,831 2,117 Tatenhiil 2,897 203 177 1.57 184 204 320 1,768 553 707 695 719 809 Chaiterfield 4,668 397 781 841 962 1,140 2,500 2,589 461 772 868 895 983 1,370 2,924 442 318 371 460 450 4,620 2,647 164 279 341 406 423 500 637 86 86 93 111 102 KmbleloD 2,069 150 177 209 213 185 1,480 1,624 21 208 214 234 272 1,170 1,538 95 129 164 126 207 2,410 880 1 2,124 185 — < 175 \ 88 171 85 171 111 1,730 1,505 75 93 9:) 100 126 on — — 101 1,710 1,010 199 33 56 136 123 1,550 1,600 86 85 89 98 116 2,790 3,176 152 — 114 133 133 1,860 1,987 283 407 432 460 514 1,570 1,773 182 121 102 124 120 2,840 2,428 272 336 ' 303 332 413 3,240 522 82 184 208 200 232 26,650 37,299 6,170 5,399 5,331 6,353 0,747 10,260 20,076 3,227 7,530 7,953 9,822 10,125 2,690 4,013 1.50 362 405 460 39.5 291,090 452,889 52,216 108,948 122,459 145,383 178,321 388,340 338,470 28,554 51,413 55,166 62,290 78,589 480 716 127 104 124 127 139 4,290 1,203 220 304 315 319 361 3,770 3,990 435 399 421 472 481 740 823 129 140 186 194 1C2 2,830 2,041 447 339 318 370 407 1,360 5,. 505 2,341 2,379 2,580 3,186 3,226 980 2,376 164 169 167 211 226 1,760 1,808 316 332 376 454 418 1,760 3,071 340 386 408 484 003 2,550 2,279 208 301 313 325 329 Ribebester 1,961 342 388 410 521 490 1,090 2,107 157 255 305 312 214 3982 2,263 563 464 530 605 670 Bourne — — — — 144 143 1,210 4, .523 480 366 424 543 521 0,270 8,292 501 1,223 1,^2 1,588 1,656 200 1,003 127 36 90 169 113 980 C 21 20 45 1 477 80 1 1,219 109 1 — — 10 1,470 L 203 211 308 5 1,580 3,325 115 270 293 332 424 3,970 6,791 292 420 476 542 625 Brighant 1,434 40 310 333 405 411 1,370 2,114 47 149 142 152 134 2,210 2,479 229 -441 500 564 598 3,930 30,187 3,214 5,035 5,361 6,608 7,783 Barton 2,027 100 198 223 244 327 1,200 1,773 113 328 240 300 32.5 4,170 6,004 386 744 863 791 813 4,460 5,590 470 575 657 683 825 And ley — — 158 192 10.5 1,000 Blunti sham 362 497 674 767 Doddingtoo 1,972 52 51 70 60 86 parish — — — 560 968 55 96 49 56 74 920 4,523 1,096 1,287 1,533 1,771 2,017 2,400 2,590 262 ai2 34.5 37.5 420 1,070 3,572 463 575 620 677 757 2,240 3,261 538 563 574 041 762 1 760 3,792 532 725 842 970 977 2,910 4,272 822 972 1,056 1,229 1,319 1,650 1,904 138 158 178 186 192 1,430 1,670 131 189 191 210 243 2,280 Sonning 592 — — 447 44i 1,120 2,192 112 115 106 148 15tr 120 Superjicies in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Properly ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Kar — Eas Towns, Parishi's, S(c. ^ J. M bQ « ^ S5 a larnsford liib., with Eiiiley nt. 70S i Jariislull, l{ near S72(i I larsdon, J 'rownship . . . . « 21 1 P. C, ( ’I’ot. Par. (8) itidii arsham, aoiMi do. Hundred, NorfoUc » ar.swick in JIOO artliain, V •0(i5 SupcrficiM 390 ’ro|.frl fn itn&. -£• — 1 ,220 S&.'i ^ "’**''•* ] 2l’so? Easby, V in 12(i(i r Mai.f leuiknoe Total JVumhtr of P KHSONS, at tacfi of the 4 Ten Yearltj lUriods. POOH. IS28— ?U. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. — — — 20 10 13 12 121 200 215 271 028 1 ,805 3,011 4,388 4,044 0,4(i0 93 00 91 100 \ 30 40 30 31 32 418 0.-)8 085 7.<0 759 0,047 0,955 7,378 7,773 8,485 20 48 01 113 00 100 114 122 105 113 135 130 90 98 50 85 113 105 7!» 220 093 722 705 822 79 138 101 124 151 1,040 7(H 720 777 904 329 510 .545 753 859 08 115 114 104 202 314 370 451 .501 421 438 310 338 379 314 185 162 203 177 180 279 500 455 507 477 27 31 20 25 13 318 487 542 593 693 504 044 1,000 1,112 1,390 70 151 195 180 203 35 57 57 54 62 41 35 59 09 63 224 300 389 488 ♦ 9 9,210 15,827 18,782 20,385 41,633 2,235 3,.585 3,812 4,1.57 5,(i88 1,027 1,4()7 1,570 1,912 1,922 193 338 383 440 459 1,308 2,905 2,059 3.100 3,406 5,101 0,907 7,824 9,272 8,101 9,905 4,720 5,520 0,940 8,316 5,745 10,430 12,135 12,908 13,542 5,079 1 1 ,223 12,431 13,974 11,455 4,450 9,111 0,222 10,114 10,831 429 353 400 507 547 227 154 302 187 170 — 34 30 28 21 21 18 16 276 520 602 768 938 24 11 10 12 14 237 103 190 243 258 875 — 444 705 857 302 299 309 3.39 330 501 518 588 710 2,525 2,5Uo 2,888 3,244 3,913 110 430 505 491 010 111 148 118 107 122 4,020 2,059 2,809 3,153 3,304 350 50 94 124 128 51 04 108 108 104 380 3!15 408 510 505 074 512 006 070 738 202 243 239 347 322 337 210 215 231. 1.59 357 370 370 333 370 300 008 731 783 975 151 407 008 770 805 l,.548 1,001 •893 1,330 1,081 251 170 219 207 281 808 1,048 2,030 2,401 2,491 — 211 229 255 212 501 402 539 .579 588 538 503 574 041 702 78 see Ville 118 130 170 371 393 502 481 2,815 1,008 2,623 2,007 2,720 329 510 545 7.53 859 Lain bourn 3t)8 380 398 419 271 023 092 HOI 891 — 118 113 123 lit) — — 1.50 1.57 — 213 103 151 100 208 430 429 ’ 420 478 487 1,001 801 777 819 802 - — — — » ■ I . 395 320 304 377 417 J ohn 100 KM) 247 250 1,331 1,105 1,207 1,121 1,513 51 318 325 308 350 539 1,142 1,090 1,510 1,0 H 210 385 380 345 312 2!)3 032 042 077 071 341 500 578 015 017 173 171 1.52 175 107 35 85 109 93 103 — — — Eas — Ecc 5 Towns, Parishes, Sfc, Easthothly, R pr^c, Eastington $ in Naunlon near 3131 Chap., t in Northleach .. 3142 Eastley and Barton do in 1440 Eastling, R *480 Eastnor, R 3085 Eastoft in 2207 do. and Haldenby . . next 3081 Easton, V., Hunts near 21(i0 do. Ham., in Ste. Stoke nt. 2210 do., V., Foi’ehoe, l\'orf. nr. 407 do., w'ith Elniingtun 2020 do. Crux near 3477 do. Magna Chap., in Brin. 2040 do. Maudit, V next 2.594 do. Neston, with Hul. « 2530 do., R., Hants 3507 do., li., Suffolk next 1030 do. Bavenis. R » 17.58 do., P. C., yVills 3300 do. Grey, R. (Chip.) near 3345 do. Percy Tyth., w ith Kington, do. Ham in 1703 do. -in-Gordano 1333 do.. Great, R near 1824 do., Little, R « do. -Stone, C 3012 do. -Bath in 1380 Eastridge Tyth in 3320 Eastrinoton J Township near 4021 tastnngton ^ ^ Eastrip, ex. Pa « 30.52 Eastrojj, Hants next 3434 do., with Highw'orth and West Eastry § 1403 Eastwell... *.539 do , Leic near 2050 Eastw'ick next 2378-9 Eastwood near 1707 do., Notts 342 Eastrope Ham near 2770 Eatiugton, Lorver and Upper 2740 Eaton, in Appleton near 3231 1 do., in Davenham 849 *do., in Eccleston ....near 1054 4 do., in Prestbury 823 Cdo., in Tarporley 20.50 do. in Stoke 3022 do. -Mark near 750 do. -Long 704 do., Leicester near 2050 do., Notts r 2340 do., Salop 120 do., A Alsop-le-dale. . . . in 887 do. -Bishops next .3008 do. -Percy 2131 do. -Castle next 3330 do. -Church, R 2002 do. -Constantine .... next 3009 do. -Hastings » 3250 do.. Little, Chap in 757 do. -Socon, with Wyboston 2441 do., St. Andrew 407 do. -W'ater, in Bletdiley, see Bl do. do., in Eisey next 3310 do. do., in Kidlington 2700 do. -Wood near 2007 (see Eton, and Eden) Eaves in 110 Eavestone « .507 Ebberston 4150 Ehbesborne-Wake next 3118 Ebchester Chap in 4183 Ebony *074 Ebrington and Charingworth 3125 Ecchinswell Chap 3170 Eccles Parish (5) 1100 70 do., Norfolk near 2010 do., with Hampstead « 1073 T-i T (• 1,1 STownshii) .... 135 Ecclesheld J |;jj Eccleshau., V., F. t 4 § .... 2010 Total of Parish (10) » do. -Bierlow, C 130 Ecclesliill, in Blackburn .... lOtll do., in Bradford 533 Eccleston. R. ^ Township near 10, il Cheshire (with I'.aton. . . « do., R. $ Township ... . 1208 Lancaster t Tnti\\ Par. (4) « do., Idllle, with l2 755 840 270 227 271 303 350 187 389 304 419 386 549 1,072 1,298 1,330 1,783 2.54 302 131 330 352 375 328 808 1,089 1,358 1,049 1,076 26 , 20 17 12 99 51 50 07 09 High w'ortli — — — 088 852 909 1,002 1,245 180 130 131 131 97 02 107 114 109 125 143 153 176 212 109 574 390 427 530 .531 379 735 1,120 1,200 1,395 56 — — 145 431 519 515 Oil 728 85 109 10 15 13 18 13 61 81 54 Oti 73 70 182 228 327 525 435 400 309 477 504 Tern 123 148 200 184 199 258 232 340 504 580 082 750 239 217 20!) 284 350 52 219 200 215 2.34 380 513 558 5(i0 53!) 73 70 01 01 00 434 351 .381 452 489 991 583 075 810 957 3(i!» 295 2()9 334 302 048 784 807 82!) 922 1 IS 204 224 251 214 139 137 124 178 107 222 395 429 547 010 3,135 1,025 1,833 2,039 2,4!);) — 419 52!) 188 214 187 270 58 113 243 100 97 107 102 35 73 07 0!) 8(> Trent 2.32 281 15 57 08 73 82 157 301 437 505 50!) !>3 225 200 23!) 278 lot 108 210 200 255 3!)7 351 139 151 105 124 ■lit) 359 635 573 610 313 402 39!) 41!) 4.311 10,1 19 19,.502 23,331 28,083 151 103 103 122 122 200 192 20.i 212 20!) 3,217 5,11 1 5,804 7,103 7,!)H 2,029 4,102 4,3(i3 5,333 5,504 1,180 3,487 S 1,010 t 3.533 1 ,25 1 3,8!)0 1,2S5 4,471 4,219 5,'102 0,509 9,113 14,27!) 280 3 It) 371 l.iti 715 310 1,351 1 ,008 2,170 2,570 153 1 and Pitsley ........ Edgbaston, P. C 72 Edgbolton, in Shawbury near 3014 Edge, in INIalpas 2953 do. Tyth., in Painswick .. 358 do. Quarter in 3018 Edgecott, H next 2515* do., or Edgeot, U. near 2.547 Edgefield, R 2074 Edgehill and Woodhouse .... 2915 Edgerley in Aldford 5 f Edgeware, D. t § *98 Edgeworth, R 1182 do., in Bolton « Edgniond, R 3000 Total of Parish (5) .. » Edgton Par., C. (2) near 2992 Edingale or t in Derby Edinghall ( in Stafford near 72i Edingly, V near 650 Edingtuorpe, R next 1982 Edington in 4.540 do. Chap., in Moorlinch nr. 3009 do., C., Wilts 3375 Edith-Stoke, see Stoke next 3090 Edith-Weston, R near 2312 Ediaston & M'yaston, R. next 887 Edlinghani, V ) Total of Parish (0) ] Edlington, V.. Lincoln .. near 2254 do., R., Vork, W. R. • 3.598 Edmondbyers, R. 7 N. b;i E. of 037 do. Hunstonworth Chap. » » Edmondsley in 43 Edmondthorpe, R. ...... next 2049 Ednionscott,w'ith Milverton » 2778 Edmonsham, R « 3520 Edmonton, V *116 do. Hundred *112-117 Edstaston,C in 3029 Edstock & Beer Ham n 3714 Edston, orEdton Gt , V., next 4139 do.. Little • t Edvin, or Edwin-Loach near 2854 Edwalton, C next 079 Edwardstone, V » 1881 Edwin-Ralph, R., w. Butt. nr. 3095 Edwinstow, V ) „„„„ Total of Parish (6).. 5 Edwinstree Hundred, Herts. 2382 Edworth, R near 2441 Effingham, V *244 do. Hundred « Efford Tyth. Harbridge. . . . in 1455 Egbrough, or Eggboro’ in Kellingt. Egdean, R *688 Egerton in 2953 do., C., Kent *523 Eggbuckland, V 1363 Eggesford Chap near 3868 Eggington Chap 2433 do., R., Derby .... near 740 Egglestone Chap in 620 do. Abbey with Rokeby nt. 607 Eggleton, in Bishop’s Fr. nr. 3095 Egham, V 176 Egleton .7i next 2313 AiuouaI Total A’wmiir i>/ PKHSON.S, A .i m Annual 1 Amoonl ’fatal tXumher >f /‘KII.WIV.S, Sui)*rfleU> ••panded at each of the -1 Egl - Elr SupAfflelo* Vala* of 1 at each of the 4 la StaluU P...p*fty, •• Tvn Yearly Ptriofis, arishes. Sec, ^ | Stalul* Aate.te'd lu { laatuea Ten Yearly PerioiiM, POOK, KiW- 'W. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, P Tax la ISIS. — £ — - . i POOH, 1801. 1 1811. 1821. ' 1831. t^l 2.57 1 5W-1 \ 17,650 1 %'} 201 1,311 IIU IHi i;.570 3,9:«i ‘ooo 052 ’()!»9 '703 V. / Tot. of I’ar. ( 14) » ' 19,92(i j 1,268 1,3(K) 1,410 1 ,(,33 0,610 12,767 974 2,094 2,889 3,598 3,918 Egloshayle, V 6,170 6,757 540 781 951 1,174 l,3:t5 2,200 4,151 237 550 010 008 700 ICgloskerry, P . C 3',r27 3,060 2,195 287 303 395 4:«i 535 1,790 4,517 428 474 490 566 570 ICginanton, V. 2,220 1,642 148 2 44 38 do., R., Stafford 2917 1,840 4,2.50 284 383 397 424 483 Clun — 401 419 460 Fulham, or Eleham, R. t *648 6,240 5,284 850 — 992 1,168 1,302 1,630 1,.521 88 302 257 281 260 Eling, V. . . . 14,9.50 13,161 2,124 2,889 3,282 4,314 4,621 5,290 4,094 1,342 910 1,271 1,454 1,432 Elkiugton .. 1,720 2,413 53 62 56 56 43 3,570 2,898 57 148 132 251 294 do.. North, V » 2275 1,290 967 47 51 56 74 100 2,.540 2,165 89 226 200 250 250 do.. South, V., w, Ackth. » 2,6 ..r. 'I'olnl of Earisli (0) S Klsnilimn, 1827 KIslicId, \' near 2. C *283 do., K., Sussex *!M!t Elslol), or JClstols, in (Jrt. btainton Elston in 1230 do., I{. & Chap., Notts 2327 Elston Tytli., with Orchcston, St. Elstow, V near 2410 Elstree, or Idlestree, H. near *08 Elstronwiek, in Huinbletn. nt. 4081 Elstui), tk Everley Hundreds 3351 ElsAviek, in St. IMicliael .... 4311 do., in St. John 17 Elsworth, 1{ 2137 Ei.tiiam, V. (see Motliiif^hani) *209 Kit home Hundred *124 Eltisley, near 2130 Elton, in Thornton « 10.54 do., in IVanningham » 840 do., !{., Durham next 1070 or 4458 do., 1’. C., Hcrefurd . . . .neur 3107 do., 1C, Hunts 2171 do., in Bury 1073 do., 1C, Notts near 051 do. Chap., in Voulgrave .. 331 Ellriugham in 4507 Elvaston, Y 2305 Elveden, R.jor Elden7 N.E.of 1000 Elvet, in St. Osvsal 1 4475 I’lvetham, IJ 3420 Elvington, K 4033 El«ick: in 4570 do., in Hart, R 4405 do.. Hall next » EKvorlhv, R near 3719 Oi; 3iljJ,'C., T/i. * t 2 § 2108 do., isle of 2000 do., Hundred 2100-7 Elyhaugh in 4549 Emher & M'cston Ham in *107 Eimberton, R near 2.522 Einbletou Chap., V in 4307 do., in Sedglield 4407 j 1 TotaVof Par."(io) ^ 1 Embley Ty th.. Ex. Pa.,w. > o,„. | E. M ellow & Duuwood y ' '^ | Emborrow, C next 3015 | Enibsay, ■with Eastby .... in 507 i Endey 401 do., with Woolley in 434 I Enimington, R near 2084 I Emueth, R 2042 Empingham, V 2318 Enipshot, R near 34.55 ^ Emsw'ell, with Kelleythorpe 4005 i 7EmsworthTylh, C., w. WiU'blng. 2§ Enborne, R., (Kintbury) next 3280 Endellion 3945 I Enderby, Leicester 708 do.. Hag, Lincoln next 2207 do., jMuvis, 1C, do. » 2201 do.. Wood /> 22.50 Endford, V., } with I' yfield S JwithLongS,’Sl T Enfield, V. t 2 § ,117 Engain-Colne 18.54 Englefield, R next 3277 English-Hicknor 140 do. -Combe, V next 1387 do. -Sherlield near 3405 do. -Stockley next 3770 do. -Street 4202 Enbam-Knights, R next 3470 Enrnore, IC (Andersfield) » 3713 Ennerdalc ( hap in ^ do. High end ^ Enoder, St 4(i3'4 Enshain, V 2703 Enson, with Salt 2041 Ensor-Baddosley 2800 Enstone-C Hamlet Church, ' Neat J 2737 4 V'. C. Tot. of Parish (0 ) 3 Entwistlo H84 Buperflclei to Slalul* Aniiutl V«luo uf Properly, ui a»»PMed t'i Ihe Propail.V Ui tu KM6 Amount etpeiiileil iur Mtin* Iroeix e ul 1 Die rooii. 1 iHaa— 62, 170 10,508 138 1,012 1,810 2,170 60f> 1 ,200 1,238 147 4,110 5,237 208 1,530 1,050 520 ' 3,050 4,034 382 4,400 1,985 484 1,790 1,.503 252 880 558 27 070 1,204 5.5 1,040 2,088 107 2,100 — — 1,522 2,416 670 1,370 3,234 2.53 010 1,()15 122 40,500 41,205 4,460 1,010 2,315 85 720 Weitgale, 198 3,700 2,020 525 4,230 11, .5.53 1,492 35,690 92,596 10,712 1.041 918 185 1,100 1,424 1,314 100 630 202 1,000 1,485 64 1,700 1,798 33 3 250 5,607 732 1.000 6,287 550 080 1,006 57 1,210 1,801 251 Ovin gliam 12 2,7(i0 4,538 326 5,200 1,641 80 Durham. 8,546 945 2,980 1,750 338 2,120 2,647 314 licUord. 2,380 35 1,940 1,450 41 4,150 2,802 151 1,800 2,701 L57 17,480 31,208 3,430 242,030 330,952 34,133 20,040 20,554 3,671 Eel ton — 2,900 1,800 3,786 781 Bn^h III! 2,140 63 3,160 1,940 75 12,810 J 6,135 18,698 107 1,018 2,810 1,767 69 2,400 1,426 135 3,900 3,759 271 .3,120 3,382 458 2,500 3,701 315 1,230 1,011 79 2,810 5,440 849 2,780 4,658 375 1,320 721 142 2,610 2,714 42 2,300 4,900 1,035 2,550 2,232 489 3,530 5,213 626 1,810 3, .582 538 860 1,278 27 1,510 1,7.55 212 900 1,041 94 7,880 6,294 G75 Leek 6,294 363 12,400 3!),213 4,.357 2,020 2,711 (i64 1,510 1,893 420 2,4-10 3,2fi7 281 1,760 2,.576 165 2,400 1,743 2.58 1,320 004 112 St. Cuthb erts 2,400 770 103 030 1,012 177 St. Beps. 2,.550 126 4,050 5,303 287 5, Of it) ; 8,016 1,498 1,330 1 2,303 170 1,340 1,4‘U 1 203 1 4,850 6,8.56 855 1 1,150 ! 1,684 126 Total Numhtr of P l-.HSONSy at each of the J 7Vn Yearly Periods. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 267 325 200 308 1,604 1,822 1,848 1,724 340 302 i;h 483 175 164 188 185 310 3^17 383 471 287 330 374 437 380 581 427 407 466 .521 608 711 121 128 100 174 37 20 28 04 58 50 76 6-1 394 383 446 552 — — 210 470 501 548 561 286 202 300 ail 126 110 1.54 153 4.893 4,880 5,368 5,722 232 256 290 327 301 398 4fU 787 585 582 773 689 1,627 1,813 1,883 2,005 12,950 15,266 17,843 20,0!)1 259 277 319 340 167 165 170 210 331 377 370 430 78 76 105 103 85 85 93 S5 738 717 785 780 2,080 2,540 2,807 4,054 00 07 03 91 401 434 548 595 2-1 30 52 50 465 438 403 522 134 174 277 248 1,827 2,115 2,621 2,016 459 489 497 481 225 311 405 391 54 78 73 70 170 179 213 232 129 120 176 160 150 196 187 210 3,948 3,640 5,079 6,189 32,5!l9 32,443 40,92.5 53,341 2,416 2,001 3,714 4,366 34 27 13 16 1,033 1,170 540 541 540 598 202 338 391 442 08 105 102 105 2!)4 312 413 4i;2 1,515 1,.526 1,806 1,023 2.57 268 288 318 241 100 250 207 623 602 861 801 1,120 1,261 1,351 1,44.5 565 543 482 553 76 6!» 77 80 711 809 970 905 778 767 757 013 97 104 130 149 72 86 93 102 1,433 1,657 1,850 2,118 275 333 349 420 727 950 1,140 1,218 513 804 1,143 1,141 80 !K) 107 114 125 140 189 203 1.53 183 183 210 674 651 763 5 801 ( 157 734 766 5 445 ( 0f>8 487 1,003 5,881 6,63fi 8,227 8,812 5-.;3 502 547 618 336 201 343 411 405 500 534 .508 226 240 311 388 32^1 312 327 338 116 128 127 144 2,324 2,674 3,210 3,773 80 71 77 123 2.54 254 287 291 190 1 18!) t 7!) 200 102 410 860 881 833 1,125 1,166 1,418 1,70.5 1 ,H58 370 3!)1 43!) 533 371 386 53.5 588 < 254 1 210 012 962 ’ 32ti 370 1 ( 1,077 i 1,172 447 .571 677 701 Towns, Finishes, Sfc zlii Enville, R 2884 Epperstone, R next 047 oil Epi’Ing, V. ^ Town P'04 I /•'. t 3§ ^ Upland, C., & Rye. ’ Eppleby, in Gilling 4247 i Eppleton, in Hough- ^ Great 52 ton-le-Sj)ring ( Little « 8 Epsom, A' *190 E])well, C., in Swalclille .... 2721 t Epvvorth, R., Tu.\ 2 § .... 2205 Ercall Child’s next 3020 do. Magna, V 3008 Eriswell, R next 1001 Ei'ith, V. (see Earitli) *302 Ernie, St near 243 Ermington, V. 2 § 3828 do. Hundred 382(i Ernest-Milton near 2140 Erney, St., w ith Landrake .. 3034 Erpingham, R near 1087 do. t North (32).... 1742-5 Hund., ^ South (30) 1984 Erringden 513 Erth, .St 287 Ervali, St 4030 Erw arton, R. . . 10 £. by S. of 1705 4>yholme Chap in 4247 Escombe, P. C 627 Esh Chat in 4-182 1 Esher, K. § *172 Esholt, in Otley ... 503 Eshot in 4540 Esliton, in Gargrave 572 Eskat and Salter, ex. Pa. nr. 60 Eskdale N Wardale, I’. C. in 68 do. U ard 4420 Eskdaleside, C. in 1692 Eske, in St. John 4050 Esklev-Wichael, S Lower t „„ — Chap, nipper 4 Esiack, or Elslack-eum-Brough(n. Esperibields N iMiilshield .. 4503 Esseiidine Chap., C in 2310 Essendon, R near 239i Essex S North 1700-7-1 & 1824 04 County ( South 1775-1823 Essington, in Bushbury .... 2892 Eston, in Ormsby, C 4105 FtchelH *'* N'lrthen 034 p.tcneiis, i„ Stockport .... 928 Etchilhampton Ch next 3303 Etchingham, R *708 Eton, (see Eaton) § 2403 Etterby in 4420 Etton, R 4058 do., w ith Woodcnjft, 3'. next 2033 Etvvall N Bearwardc., V. nr. t -rr Tot. of Par. (Appletreej^ Euston, R. ( Blackb ) Suf. nr. 2021 Euxton Chap., in Leyland .. 1212 Eval, St near 4030 Evedon, R next 2235 Evenley, V 2530 Evenload, R., iVorcester near 3121 Evenwood 020 Evercreech, \', 3040 Everdon, (Leat, R 2552 Everingharn, R. near 4071 or 4073 H Everley, R 3353 do., with Sullield .. in 1004 Eversden, Great, V netir 2135 do.. Little, R » Eversholt, R. t 2437 Evershot ^ 3588 Ever; ley, R. (, Brtunhills) 3421 Evert horp Brew ton .... in 4052 Everton, V near 2141 do. -cum- Tctsworth next 2113 do. Chap in 1318 do., iVoGs., V. (see Seal’.) 3002 Evesbach, R near 3i 85 4 ltEvt:.sMAM M. t 3 ^ r All Saints, C. » 'St. l.aw’rnc.C. ; 2818 C Bengew. P. C. ) Evington Hain.,w'. Leigh near 3148 do. ((Jarlree) near 685 I Ewart in 4573 I Ewe, St 233 1 Amount Tctal Number of PKRSUNS, Value of at each oj the 4 Slalote s»«e*ied i» lenance ut Ten Yearly Periods. Aeret. Tax io i»lf> POOR. IS26— ay. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 7,076 4,930 40(i 799 746 842 766 2,280 2,815 207 422 420 513 518 ^ 5,250 J 7,001 ^ 1,368 5 1,473 1,473 1,688 1,880 ^ 4,741 ( 256 401 458 427 1,400 1,224 107 168 L58 157 206 700 727 10 35 28 43 47 170 4f)0 11 6 30 32 17 3,970 13,0.56 1,812 2,404 2,515 2,800 3,231 1 ,270 1,.528 250 284 302 355 367 8,140 8,312 775 1,434 1,502 1,763 1,825 3,340 5,1 16 215 4fi6 387 389 416 11,780 14,210 1,452 1,001 1,705 1,052 2,048 6,620 1 ,830 344 205 20.5 3^16 403 3,860 8,068 7!)3 06!) 1,119 1,363 1,533 3,780 2,035 186 3.58 431 561 5S0 4,920 8,084 757 917 1,104 1,370 1,471 51,610 65,245 6,889 7,871 8,671 10,364 10,524 I 2,070 1,468 362 300 332 304 372 3,640 5,818 343 6U 768 841 872 1.350 1,607 478 275 305 349 434 35,770 35,5.57 7,2!)3 7,043 7,65-1 8,007 10,160 50,760 56,222 13,094 11,487 11,612 12,000 14.898 2,080 2,533 361 1,313 1,.581 1,471 1,033 3,050 4,708 3^10 1.122 1,317 1,604 1,022 3,110 2,812 207 358 331 422 453 870 1,450 118 10.5 155 157 170 1,790 3,708 438 163 130 177 172 840 831 112 162 190 232 282 (4,120 4,0.51 218 406 414 548 717 i 2,280 2,167 118 172 168 168 179 2,910 2,418 2,088 88 276 383 470 486 2,120 700 847 863 1,108 1,215 810 HxAvkstvell. llsG 268 Hxivkiwell. 355 404 Pel ton. 69 120 127 114 132 Gargrave 372 133 84 63 69 82 400 — 37 42 St. Bees. 1,230 78 232 238 206 354 204,120 08,li22 6,04.5 17,431 10,370 22,286 23,!)9l 4,150 1,491 170 344 364 305 277 1,130 1,.575 46 32 26 18 17 4,850 2,305 ^ 165 '( 147 • 307 380 399 424 406 3,9.50 4,034 382 581 4.7 407 Bywell St. I’et ers 43 160 185 180 19.5 1,440 1,872 121 08 136 175 L5(i 2,170 2,728 325 .545 566 595 072 .511,670 6.57,87(i 107,(i72 I22,6!)li 120,514 138,104 163,211 -167,330 898,0ti0 103,741 122,0.50 151 ,230 154,3lKi Bnshbnry 3,610 229 360 540 605 5<)8 1,870 2,152 loti 288 303 272 334 2,640 1,480 1 6,421 ( 300 < 101 1 1,269 1 ,276 1 ,525 t 7.12 ( 701 3,160 2,035 130 206 170 2.52 270 4,-'40 2,81,5 413 414 485 025 631 600 9,00.5 1,001 2,02() 2,270 2,475 3,232 Stan wix. 4!) 51 67 HO 3,960 3,730 164 321 338 380 4!)7 1 ,270 2,42.5 224 05 07 12.5 118 3,680 ( 3,334 2.51 504 423 445 471 ( 4,.527 461 621 555 503 605 3,910 1 ,592 136 108 160 164 202 2,480 5,813 483 831 1,103 1,360 l,.5()l 2,070 2,300 133 288 300 323 3.54 2,300 1,503 Ii8 86 86 80 86 2,760 4,001 4(i8 360 307 •168 506 1,560 H,*-70 80 227 273 207 312 1 ,6 10 4,880 818 769 719 785 1,010 3,130 5,802 020 018 0!) 1 1,2.53 1,1!M) 1 ,900 4,043 8!)1 585 578 (Ml) 7-15 3,080 2,673 IfMi 22!) 2.57 271 276 3,370 2,576 376 321 301 311) 3.52 1,010 1,417 111 110 !)8 07 121 1,200 l,.52t) ItiO 212 212 268 316 ti70 780 146 1.50 17!) 232 l!Mi 2,0 to 3,171 651 715 763 870 901 1,030 2,177 2!)1 4!)7 4.S.5 567 569 .5,400 3,5.54 5!)0 5!)0 681 767 755 Norih Cav <*. — 12!) 151 177 149 075 1,302 220 141 81 1.54 213 2,180 1,004 3(il I3(i 180 183 600 0,721 272 4!)!) !II3 2,10!) 4,518 4,630 6,-240 282 468 58.5 641 708 830 1 ,8'.'5 ()7 8fi 81 87 M ( 6,005 523 1,107 1 ,376 1 ,187 1 .628 2,1,50 ] 3,02!) C 4,839 41!) !)liH 077 1,M7 1,308 30.5 <►72 715 853 0l'5 1 ,720 2,807 145 303 301) 310 355 1,360 4,206 !)8 177 222 257 260 i Diitl (lington I .!)75 64 1 It) 1.51 i:.() 173 ( 6,100 4,685 774 1,176 1,125 1 ,633 1 ,600 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, in HNCLAND, at each of the Four Periods IftOl, IHll, 1H2J, 1B31 c — Fain Towns, Parishes, Ifc. li! •%S “ Fwt'll, V., t do., A', without Kingswd. 2^ *I!)8 F.welmc, K 2(i75 do. Huiidroii, O.ron .. 2(>71-H I'werhy, V., with Thorpe iiext.22S:$ Fwosloy in h>13 Kwhurst, H., Hants, ur. 3-Uit> or S18(i do., K., Surrey *270 do., I{., Sussc.v *(>!Hi F.wsliot Tyth in 3111 Fwyas-Harold, F.C near 3077 do. Lacy Hundred, UereJd, » F.xbouine, R. § 3003 Kxbury, C., with Leaf 3.518 ICxe, Sether- next 3770 do.. Upper, Tyth., in Rewe > • Fxelby, Seeming, & Newton 4177 2 1 tt ^ ISiftrr, 5 Parishes 1480 Tu. F. • t 4 § < Out do. ..1400-3 Kxford, R. (Carliampton) nr. 3720 Fxhall, R 7'.H) do., V next 2701 F.xminster, V. §... 370, do. Hundred ...... 1403-0 Fxmoor, ex. Pa. . . . W. of Exford 2 Exmouth, C.,+ included in 1483-^1 Exiling, V 1800 F^xton, V., Rutland 2310 do., V., Stifolk next 3720* do., R., Hants » « Extwistle, with Brierscliffe.. 1144 (Township 1 Ey'din, R.-J -U'oodland ^ 333 i.Total of Par. (3)> Eydon, R 2548 K\e, V.C., Northampton .... 2032 0 n DO., V., Sitf., Tu. S. t 2 § 1018 do V J J'loreton & Ashton ? oin.^ do. & Dunsdon Liberty 2008 F'yford in 3133 Eyke, R. (Loes) near 1701 Eynesbury, R 2142 Eynesford (31) 2000 do., V., Kent *340 Eyre-Ashton, in Morval near 2008 Eythorne, R-. § *000 Eyton, C., Hereford . . . near 3007 do., in Abberbury, C 4740 do. -upon-the-Wildmoors, R. 122 Ey worth, V near 2441 Facconibe, R. (Pastrow) next 3473 Faceby, P.C in 4184 Faddiley% in Acton near 830 Fadinore in 4130 Failsworth 1023 Fairburn, in Ledsam 4000 Faircross Hundred, Berks. ., 3282 Fairfield Ch 007 do., P. C. ffciit *083 do. Head 058 4 Fairfokd, V., Th. t 2 § ... , 3152 Fairhaugh, in Allenton near 4552 Fairlight *725 Fairstead, R near 1837 Faith,St.,&Hosp.of St. Cr. in 3503 Fakenham-lMagna, R 2213 0 if DO., R., Line., Th, * t 2 § 2070 Falcut & Astwell Ham. next 2543 Faldingworth, R near 2271 Fal field and Moorton 3217 Falkenham, V near 1703 Falkingham, or Folking- ) „„,o HAM, R., f/i. 7§ Fallowdon in 4.500 Fallow'field " 4514 Fallowlees " 4553 Fallybronm " 823 Falmer, V' *821 2: Falmouth, ^ \ ^ (.Out Parishes 240 Budock, Gluvias, &c. 253-4 & 250-7 + t Falmouth with Suburbs Palsgrave in 1098 Falstone, R 4523 Fambridge, North, R. .. near 1709 do., South, R. .. » 1797 Amount • sponilod fe 81 105 105 202 200 1,940 1,M7 94 52 85 9.1 91 2,430 2,281 503 387 378 479 504 5,080 5 7,782 ^ 110 J 430 .505 491 010 ( 1,041 ( 102 107 172 200 2,050 5,223 827 042 775 1,143 1,401 1,050 2.:«i0 097 244 320 301 392 HIO l,2:«> 128 107 149 174 108 1,820 1,232 88 50 71 84 108 0!f0 j,719 8.1 81 93 91 90 1,340 1 ,553 M 92 105 102 90 Alvetoii. 2,328 231 321 339 398 4.50 !X)0 847 70 95 62 84 83 l,!)70 2,101 173 204 354 347 390 1,930 8.50 1 285 148 133 201 105 700 1,813 Ptt(on. 41)8 480 222 254 2,070 3,<)79 564 302 453 5.53 778 1,490 2,130 103 174 109 170 1.52 2,000 2,933 013 201 300 357 370 1,720 950 104 301 509 345 345 1,140 093 13C i 88 80 101 94 2,530 2,618 i 251 310 366 403 431 1,310 3,281 i 320 532 621 752 924 2,470 2,0.59 j 217 210 232 245 311 1,420 1,995 ! 203 314 452 551 638 2,370 1,213 303 399 300 287 334 2,430 3,904 1 303 241 201 356 365 2,720 2,680 1 151 213 204 210 229 4,850 3,689 [ 155 381 480 455 405 0,220 — 88 ^ 350 5 268 286 289 3,500 — 41 ( 180 213 185 810 805 30 68 72 73 81 1,120 1,806 120 357 337 429 423 3,050 4,8.59 329 718 764 857 864 1,710 3,929 196 387 451 499 570 1,070 2,426 296 279 251 250 250 1,300 2,734 5t>6 330 395 470 624 1 740 900 208 210 180 213 216 Allen ton 14 34 38 36 47 10,510 20,991 4,439 ( 2,508 k,321 2,911 4,701 3,132 5,413 3,142 5,8.58 20,080 28,401 0,500 0,213 0,753 7,707 8,228 2,200 804 ) no (142 88 191 207 208 283 220 314 1,070 1,-124 279 301 429 403 410 2,910 4,778 841 851 1,053 1,149 1,193 1,350 1,300 03 125 142 1-11 109 1,430 1,7.59 93 300 393 407 44.5 1,910 3,050 089 876 1,045 1,350 1,.507 4,080 1,855 7,56 383 508 593 769 2,880 3,599 433 397 459 586 701 1,810 2,327 47 194 161 179 196 2,070 3,0.57 373 943 1,104 1,332 1,591 1,740 2,171 192 730 757 900 849 3,920 3,370 1.55 564 097 811 1,010 1,450 2,758 461 1,-439 1,798 2,044 2,928 4,000 2,077 347 293 330 379 377 3,730 9,364 3,170 1,904 2,145 2,542 1 3,033 3,180 904 189 198 242 9,880 18,451 2,748 2,945 3,224 3,631 4,207 1,010 1,869 113 131 148 140 156 1,940 2,903 206 382 497 513 672 890 2,225 194 344 359 526 568 3,(U0 5,997 629 2,081 2,390 2,605 2,637 3,320 2,709 376 348 300 470 4.56 1,820 2,214 319 230 207 265 293 3,420 2,573 207 287 300 346 360 llayton 1,429 Hayton 290 304 331 333 800 Han bury — 72 48 4d 750 1,653 256 125 162 168 101 1,050 2,261 237 354 350 389 443 \ 430) ) 1840 5 9,493 3,216 ( 3,304 ( 124 1 3,055 5 3.919 ( 289 3,982 447 Hart burn — 15 8 16 15 24,430 i 8,963 057 1,230 1,333 1,525 1,.501 27,770 ; 5,077 405 828 795 909 1,084 Kendal! 807 — 81 01 54 61 Cun dall. 10 — 39 48 Gos forth. 48 26 100 747 707 Ing ram. 11 50 68 80 67 1,000 1 1,071 99 149 1.57 168 204 980 t 1,676 158 112 161 146 134 2,010 1,707 405 181 189 278 254 C,.590 ' 1,539 i,133 518 1,521 1,084 1,839 129,05K) 109,548 i 20,510 16,120 18,552 22,210 24,020 2,170 i Kirk 2,137 1 166 186 191 212 194 Whelp 1 ington 5 7 8 7 1,5 50 i 2,276 1 84 29 41 22 22 49,199 79,847 , 12,230J 10,618 11,208 13,140 14,157 124 Superficies in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Properly ; Amount annually Ej pended for Maintenance of the J*oor ; and Total Number of Persons in .5 1 Amnurit To^ul Number Ilf l‘till.SONS, 1 1 1 Aniouot Total Number of P EltSDNN . Fax — Fif 'll £ Superflotri ' V«lue vf IcspeiideCl !lnr M.m. lePHuce b af each of the 4 Fig — Fie ,£ 7 O Superficies 1 Vsliie of experide at each of the -1 Siyi'iite Properly, » Ten y eurii/ Teriotf^. td £ iti Statute 1 Properly, h 1 Hxetted to (ensore o Ten y’earty Ptriods, Towns. Parishes* bfc* eS- ' 2 3 Tu« iu POOH, ISVI ’i9. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, Sfc. jlsx III 1 POOR, |l8‘i8 -2i) 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Fax fleet in 40.) 1 1 ,630 1 ,683 H3 139 180 163 177 Figheldean, R 3348 5,150 3,487 450 367 342 437 531 Faxtoii Ch., in Lamport near 2.)H(i I’azakerley » 1310 2,120 3,!)03 123 54 67 85 103 FiTby, l{ 17.50 1,150 2,502 ; 980 1 173 332 367 424 404 1 ,860 -1,166 103 272 32!) 418 407 '700 123 505 579 773 802 Fuzelv (’ll., willi Honeliill > 2,150 3,158 694 ^ 611 8!)0 1,128 1,13!) Lythe " 2,390 2,.527 61 255 309 335 390 and lliddescote, P. (J., 12 ^ i i 210 236 279 283 Filgrove, R., w.Tyrringb ni. nr. 2.522 1,900 3,757 260 236 180 201 227 1 Filkington, or Felkington in 4490* 1,100 890 (i7 194 218 186 141 Fearby in 420!) 600 1 !)'J8 97 205 216 214 249 Filkins Ham., in Broadw'. nt. 2729 3,430 2,2H 468 454 442 508 1 473 Fearnhead, witli I'onllon » !M)I 1,070 j 3,118 23(i 417 ,561) 631 70!) Filleigh, see Pliilleigh.. near 3872 2,260 1,429 138 220 2!)5 307 i 329 Fearnliill, (see Fainhill) .... ftfi'J 1,010 3,050 689 876 1,015 1,3.50 I,,5(i7 do. -Buckland ... » 3888 4,5.50 1,3.59 85 2.52 273 274 i 317 Featlierston, C in 4103 Haltw' histle (U 197 21!) 239 274 Filley-Close &Newlnd. 5ooth 1 nil 1,360 1,534 257 408 415 422 I 468 !•’(!ather.slone " HI Shsrothill (ill 37 48 52 -1!) 34 do., or Pliilleigh . near 240 2,310 2,375 199 315 342 39.5 1 432 , ^ To\vnslii|i. . near 3088 )Total of I'ar. (4) » 1,100 1 ,78!) 160 305 320 337 328 Fillingbam, R. 24 (Aslacoe) » 2269 3,980 2,905 177 212 280 27!) : 308 4,0.50 8,774 438 801 848 915 !)45 Fillongley. V 2802 4,310 5,581 740 8!)7 875 1 980 1 981 Feckenhani, V. 2§ 2.870 (),740 8,006 840 1,830 2,135 2,383 2,762 1 Filton, R. (Berkely).... near 1324 1,040 2,391 141 115 168 i 210 1 217 FeeriuR, V near 1840 2,130 .1,644 533 593 608 615 735 1 FelbriKtc, F " 174.5 1,410 1,0!)7 112 181 171 16) 155 Fimber, C. 1,8-10 1,940 39 81 inc 104 13) Felix- iTo.in Fippon lib. 507 1,010 1,!)71 ()6 113 101 113 110 Fimborough, Great, V. near 1913 1,960 1,721 395 325 363 392 421 Kirk,V. J(3) in llirdforth 4100 5,080 7,896 495 793 832 895 801 I'lnborongh, Little, \'. . , // 0 220 4.53 26 — 68 70 73 Felixston, V next 1703 1,170 1,670 268 259 318 385 363 Fincham, V. & R. 2 § . . . .... 2037 2,980 3,9()4 854 501 601 708 7.56 Felkin"ton, or Filkington in 4400* 1,400 890 67 194 218 186 Ml Finchampstead, R. 4 • neaj’ 3205 4,130 2,372 572 403 513 5.52 575 Felkirk, \'. (4) next 434 6,360 6,903 484 i,o:h 1,063 1,042 1,1.56 Finchingfield, V 9,410 8,472 2,933 1,600 1,6.55 2,007 2,101 Fellisclifle in 503 2,320 1,783 261 424 397 382 351 Finchley, R., M 3,3.50 14,138 1,417 1,.503 1,292 2,34!) 363 3,210 F’ellside ' 30 U liick ham — — 501 455 419 Finderon Ch Micktenver. 2,1()7 301 318 339 410 Felly Ham., in Anneslev near 002 Auneely 356 23 33 70 71 67 Findon, V *869 4,2.50 3,274 483 381 421 477 544 Felmersliam, V., w. Kadw. » 2451 2,400 2,023 59! 329 358 390 448 Finedon, V., or Tbingdon ... 2003 3,650 5,892 950 886 907 1,159 1,292 F’elminghani, V.& It next 1081 2,010 2,252 279 1 314 299 361 3!)4 Finesliade (Corby) .... next 2625 840 880 30 75 54 76 68 Felphain, R, Sc V *027 1,800 3,807 854 306 536 581 588 1 Fimrall R J Township . I ^ / Total of Pai 050 ^ 4,890 114‘ 1.52 126 127 Felshain, R near 1800 1,-140 1,930 670 301 295 389 401 • (-1) ' 4,460 \ 188 394 417 3! 18 460 F'elstead, V 1841 7,170 8,249 4,672 1,021 1,917 601 1,486 ()20 1,503 703 1,724 962 1,788 024 F'ingost.f R. , next 2479 1,100 900 249 316 303 29.5 340 Fellham, V *118 2i020 2,250 Bowiiess 1 ,565 4,115 Bownss 136 129 128 194 Felthorpe, K next 1002 276 289 336 370 502 Fingrinhoe, V .near 1773 2, -wo 390 461 470 472 .542 Felton, V., Hereford ....near 3003 !)00 1,459 72 107 115 135 129 Finley-Thorpe 2,029 land 90 109 96 127 do., West, U., Salop 3030 6,160 7,472 228 926 977 1,035 1,093 Finningham 4 near 1916 1,560 1,918 766 373 3*3 435 497 do., or Wliitchureh near 1324 2,180 3,657 1.50 3()2 310 403 423 Finmcre, R « 2512 1,650 1,513 092 308 337 395 373 7 Township 2 ^ 45.50 V)ld, with Acton ... . » 7,570 8,468 f 178 ’ 37 506 113 514 81 5.54 91 CIO 101 / Awkley, Softs. ) ■ Finning-) do., i\,W. It. S 1,970 722 155 SAl’ 249 297 127 235 do., '3 other Towush., in Coque tdale C 185 275 280 300 282 ley,4Blaxton » a 1,640 1,781 118 269 132 117 176 /4 do., in Morpeth 4.540 7,180 8,689 281 524 572 571 626 C Township. . . . near 3!)(i2 2,360 1,45.5 12.5' 2!)2 339 368 424 f Total of Parish (10) » 14,750 17,1.57 681 1,418 1,447 1,516 1,619 Finstock Ham 1,220 1,596 317 326 402 497 519 Feltwell, tit. iMarv & Nicli., R. 2024 14,810 7,155 996 948 1,008 1,153 1,231 Firbank, Ch 2,080 1,604 152 190 219 209 100 i’enbv, C.,xvith Ashby next 2281 1,620 1.778 177 132 154 191 179 Firbeck, P.C near 3958 1,330 1,315 75 horpe 40 161 169 226 178 1 ,862 2,000 2,903 1,1-19 306 317 256 M\\ 528 319 A103 4'JO 56 44 38 do. Drayton, P. C " 2137 190 272 325 do., in Bedale 530 Fil y 73 52 76 Filey *2 100 5,687 burn 590 704 724 77() *7G7 4,410 910 4,115 910 037 494 551 644 018 Fen-rother in 4530 Heb 32 79 71 99 90 Firsbv, R. .’. near 22(i2 147 117 118 119 142 I’encot & Murcott Ham., in Chari tn 650 1,456 215 263 262 27-1 300 do., East,(Aslacoe) 10 N.of 2269 690 (ioO 43 23 30 29 2!) Fenderon, or Findero in 23(54 Mickleover. 2,167 301 318 339 363 410 do., Most, « a 600 800 9 29 2C 31 30 I'enham, in St. Andren s .... 18 420 St. Joint 20 93 86 87 100 Fishbourne, New, R. . • . CIO 2,587 1.59 309 288 291 Feniton, R near 3701 1,340 2,190 192 2.52 258 321 313 1 Fishburn 2,010 1,.500 110 1.54 171 192 212 5 Fciiny-Coropton, R 2750 2,330 4,362 598 383 453 572 565 Fisherstreet, St. Mary . .... 1262 Car lisle 2!)4 309 393 443 1,780 030 1 ,709 2,291 ]68 109 130 IIH 127 ! 035 3300 (>(>0 2, .547 2,432 423 865 893 1,2,53 290 1,4! 6 30!) do. -Stratford, C. t 2518 493 469 481 521 do. -de-Ia-mere.V. next 3387 3,300 87 270 226 Fislierwick, (see Freeford) in 2915 1,130 2,093 121 83 73 91 <)6 Fenton, with Pidley .... near 2156 . 4,360 4,703 267 261 320 374 400 t Finsbury Distr. *25-8, 32-9, & 11 1 4,200 818,673 114,8£ 142,472 I74,.5(i0 207,810 2M,047 do next 2247 1,220 1,682 127 84 88 99 102 Fislilake, ( Township. . . 3974 2,9.50 4,892 383 6!)l 704 7)1^0 717 d '., in Kettlethorp (W'eli) 2272 Kettlethorp 1,805 72 153 116 1!I8 226 V. / Skyehouse . .... 3!)75 3,220 4,888 384 497 4!)0 651 617 do., with Faugh in 4447 ton 1,129 Hay Ion 290 304 331 333 Fishley, with Upton . . . . ue.ir 1966 2.090 2,825 111 337 362 465 510 do. -Kirk, J Township next 3!)07 2,160 2,390 129 291 340 -116 406 Fisbtoft, R 21!)7 4, .580 8.871 450 267 2!)3 456 463 V. J Lit., w. Digg. » 3005 2,250 1,727 93 223 212 277 2-13 Fish wick, in Preston... 4299 600 1 ,730 isr 287 295 284 7.5!) do. -Calvert in 110 -Trent J 1,650 2,708 I Fiskerton, R near 2269 2,040 2,880 78 270 318 294 330 do. -Vivian « » ? v5toJv e-upon \ b'>0 — 1,002 do., in Rolleston » 650 570 1,444 62 230 313 ai2 314 Fenwick » 4.527 Stamfo rdhain 14 83 bb 76 80 f Fitting, in Hiimbleton .. next 4081 1,420 1,41!) 50 127 129 119 103 do 3082 2,060 2,781 281 2-10 252 29.5 286 Fittletoii, R., with Hacklest. 33.55 3,050 2,315 290 251 249 298 331 Feock 247 2,530 2,»71 338 696 968 1,093 1,210 Fittleworth, V 2,390 1,784 491. 664 525 631 6(W Ferensby, in Farnhain next 502 400 663 52 bO 96 1 to 133 F'itz, R next 3030 1 ,670 1,833 289 236 238 22!) 211 Fernham Ham in 3248 1,.596 2,308 182 63 1.58 182 183 422 230 ' near 1315 near 130.5 1,190 2,H16 2,227 K>1 336 304 300 311 Fernilee 008 Hope 346 368 418 Fitzjiaine-Cheddon .... 1 '(150 134 268 255 272 325 Ferriby, South, R near 1710 1,750 1,610 2,600 301 280 420 453 500 do. -Okeford 3.548 1 ,860 4,199 346 47(i 470 4!)!) 620 do.. North, t Township in 1336 1,779 190 250 315 347 345 do. -Staple 3728 2,1.(i0 2,202 114 27!) 310 385 415 V. < Swanland nt. » 2,150 4,811 303 321 377 418 478 do. -Wootton near 1281 2,210 1 ,5(;3 200 35.5 328 446 455 Ferring, V *011 1,070 1 ,424 288 2;8 213 286 258 Fitzwarren-Norton 1,270 2.010 298 371 442 47.5 51.5 Ferris-Korton Hundred .... 36.50 18,730 23,675 3,884 4,48!) 4,191 4,947 6,092 do. -Stanton .... near 3337 1,420 2,222 426 181 215 262 188 do. -Woodham near 1705 4,160 6,321 (i66 667 747 865 826 Fivehead, V iiexl 3727 1,740 1,458 101 280 307 326 387 do. -Sibfort Hara in 2721 820 1 .68(i 340 213 234 216 248 Fixby 890 1 ,h:h 130 316 336 34.) .3-18 Ferry, East, C., Ham., in Sc. nt. 22!)2 7 do. liridge, in Frystone .. 3086 ScoKon 1,273 62 142 142 151 141 2,850 3,952 374 705 7(>8 777 833 Fladburv, ( Township Z R. /Tol.Par.(6)< near 2.S18 2,060 3,211 211 121 412 4.51 417 do. Hill in 4473 2,480 2,6-18 207 507 507 571 .591 7.830 8,979 731 1,223 1,2!)3 1.387 1,407 do. Stoke 2027 1,520 3,115 1,880 819 504 5.57 703 706 ' Rnkewll. l,.l!H) 107 161 168 220 232 Fersfield, R near 20i2 1,890 4(iH 267 297 325 292 ^ Flainborougb, 1’. C. ... 1702 2,980 4,113 318 7;u 75() 1 > 1)17 1 <)75 t yitVA F'eversham, V.— see Faversham OU-I 377 r lamTitead, 1 . f Flamville-Aston .... 2120 TUMT 711 1 ,500 1,531 17!) 63 ’ 71 ’ 80 85 u:\ Fewcot Ham., in Stoke near 2700 Stoke- Lyne — — — 148 198 Flashy, with Winlerburn ..in .572 2,940 3,()!)0 1,50 120 1,50 131 Fewston, ^ Township 400!) 1,760 1,558 406 526 823 610 683 Flasbbrook, in Adbasloii near 2916 Adb aston — — 117 127 t)i) V. i Total of Parish (5) « 16,660 Gj5i)9 1,024 1,088 2,178 1 ,089 2,135 Flandon Chap ...in 2410 970 811 176 17!) 188 277 316 Flavcl-Flyford, R 8 P. «/283l 730 770 71 117 121 1,59 1.54 Fiddiu^fon, R npvt ^71/; 1,070 Aftbcilurch 1 H21 108 172 147 143 172 155 185 166 920 680 .540 1,370 Alne 1 ,36,5 22 33 70 Staunin. 71 85 80 do."' Tyth., with Natton, in Ashchurch near ( 2,027 172 Flaw'ith, in Alne Flaxborougb 4118 next 3621 87 101 1!)7 91 192 91 21!) Field, in Leigh next 013 540 1,131 110/ 63 6!) 72 82 Flaxby, in Goldsboro’ .. near 591 580 *5,66.5 21 66 5!) 78 !)6 Field-Dalling, V near 2070 1,620 2,000 333 260 296 322 400 Flaxley, D next 111 1 ,980 2.213 123 135 1.58 196 186 Fifehead-Neville, R next 3551 2,3(0 1,919 11 72 74 0.5 101 Flaxton, on Hie Moipr .. . in 4111 1 , 160 1,913 201 227 24.5 29!) do. -Magdalen, V. » 3.554 1 ,070 3,161 74 210 26!) 296 241 Flax well Wapentake... 2236 37,120 31,921 2,236 3,781 4,3(i5 5,22!) 6,015 1 17 3^0 348 37 :i 450 511 do. Ham. '. ' in 2676 130 Bens ington 11 16 2 13 1 Fledborongh, R near 2332 1 ,300 2!3H4 113 71 82 75 86 do- -Bavant, 1£ next 3-118 860 671 34 42 47 42 49 1 Fleet, V., Dorset . 1471 1,400 938 67 125 105 132 122 125 fvertf County, Hundred, Division, ('ity. Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tijlhing, Sfc., in ENGLAN D, at each of the. Pour /*e,riods, llJOl, HJll, 1H21, •it He — For £=; Towns, Parishes, S(C, Fleet, K., iiHfo/H ;• -179 Fleetluun >>• 30 Flimby, C 4380 Flintham, \ near 652 Fliuton, in llumbleton.. next -1081 Flitchani, 1*. C near 2005 Flitt Hundred (20) 2123 I'l-.. A- (Township 2121 H^tton,^.|sjilsoe Ham « Flitwick, \ near 2452 Flixborough, U » 2301 Flixton, U., 5’i{^o/A; •••• ' 1755 do., V. ( \\ augford) » 1900 , ,, (Township .... 1090 ilo., t-. Ui-mstone .... 1089 Flockton Chap in 475 Floore, V 2509 Flordon, 1C ( Humbleyard) nr. 2003 Florej -Combe, K. next 373-1 do. Niueheail, V., . near 3732 Flotman-Newton, 11 » 1999 Flottertou in 4553 Flowton, 11 near 1939 Fl> ford-Flavel, K 8 /•■'. oj 2831 do. Grafton, ex. Fa. 7 » » Fobbing, R near 1793 Fockerby, in Adliuglleet next 3981 Foggathorpe in 4007 Foleshill, V 795 Foliat-Chilton, R 3295 do. -Draycot, R next 3324 do. -Tameiton, V 3835 Folke, R near 3550 „ C Town *045 FoLKEpoNE,) Qut Parish .. *640 7/1. t ^ <^Sandgate....in *647 7 Folkingiiam, R., Th. t § •• 2213 Folkington, R. *780 Folkesworth, R next 2167 Folkton, R. ( Tow nship » 1700 & V. < Flixton or 4095 Follyfoot in 4000 F’olville-Ashby, V 091 Fonthill-Bishops, R near 3412 do. -Gilford, R 3407 Fontmel- ( V ^ as ii Magna, t Hartgrove Tyth. ( Foolow in 333 Foothog, or Toothog, in ^"077 Cw myoy near ( Foots-Cray, R *318 I’ ( Township, C. next 4247 torcett ^ Total of Farish (4) » Ford in 35 do. & ()rrell,in Sephton nr. 1323 do., R 4577 do., P. C., Salop (Ford) next 3030 do. Hundred (10) 3018 do., R., A’Mssex *920 do. Tyth., in Idmiston 6 iV.()/’ 3397 do., with Laverstock « Ford’s-Bridge,ex. Pa. (W'olp.) 3099 Fordall & Apsley,w. IJIIen. in 2766 F'order, in \( old-Newton near 1700 Fordham, V., Cambridge 2088 do., R., Essex near 1771 do., P.C., S'oj'folk next 2030 Fordingbriuge, ( Tow n . . . . / V., F. ?Godshill Fordixgton, V., Tu. ^ 3.579 Fordlej% C., w. Middleton nt. 1952 Fordwich, R *575 Forehoe Hundred (28) 2000 Foremark, ( Parish ( Kept.) nr. 115 C. ( Ingleby 114 Forest A (in 021 Frith, (Eggleston 020 do. Hill, C next 2690 do. Quarter Stanhope 640 . 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 6,710 7,193 058 551 680 776 791 Bambo rough 86 70 72 94 93 2,950 5,000 272 443 ISO 560 025 13,390 18,620 1 ,403 1,999 2,291 2,773 2,998 18,370 18,320 1,953 2,821 2,!)69 .3,713 4,212 4,370 3,377 256 400 434 •I'.M) 534 720 1,019 103 99 128 129 188 11,900 13,701 3,259 1,808 1,803 2,398 2,778 5,830 4,780 l,.508 1,279 1 ,397 1,090 1,870 780 1,841 74 134 153 159 189 1,020 1,599 109 273 271 370 401 2,4.50 4,157 170 4.59 455 540 545 1,440 1,739 122 105 111 125 120 3,!«)0 3,051 324 309 227 340 323 38,760 28,819 7,731 7,196 8,.597 10,303 12,171 1,025 2,82() 797 292 382 501 458 2,160 3,313 434 447 480 568 720 1,700 2,628 772 430 413 489 030 2,650 1,328 141 173 199 216 210 820 918 50 41 37 34 39 1,460 1,.507 388 219 199 209 206 1,750 4,386 671 1,093 1,387 1,604 1,393 960 2,674 147 532 595 (U5 700 1,050 3,690 215 800 930 988 995 3,390 4,873 Ml 821 869 861 955 1,020 1,218 250 118 142 159 104 1,500 2,658 119 249 289 306 316 1,510 3,353 122 353 324 308 311 1,000 Roth 1,574 413 330 344 390 382 bury 51 75 115 92 95 800 578 138 121 118 150 185 730 770 71 117 124 159 154 1,040 2,343 48 184 124 241 242 1,830 2,933 459 304 250 407 391 1,410 853 15 84 86 106 103 1,530 1,3!»5 123 78 100 137 128 2,810 6,491 2,038 3,020 3y480 4,937 0,969 2,180 3,379 775 oro 005 777 701 740 1,325 95 38 33 24 19 3,910 6,674 (34 747 949 1,101 1,061 1,200 2,702 147 182 195 269 281 680 3,6.57 1,367 3,259 3,0!I7 3,989 3,638 3,680 2,943 1,011 447 535 553 658 1,790 3,332 741 727 887 1,121 1,143 1,700 3,632 351 531 6.59 759 744 2,110 1,192 298 119 158 186 168 770 1,413 200 119 155 203 195 2,.540 2,506 ^ 129 ( 112 118 144 204 2,500 1,629 ( 154 244 267 251 1 ,990 1,973 213 273 322 293 327 l,'(i ) 2,7 15 159 135 145 103 101 2,040 1,383 164 194 200 228 211 1,550 1 ,535 237 403 381 471 442 2,010 1 ,856 511 394 ( 421 ( 249 459 274 556 187 Eyam 1,027 84 301 332 298 248 2,010 401 38 90 105 87 127 020 2,601 229 151 239 221 308 1,710 2,062 41 201 128 86 92 4,760 5, Wo 245 555 449 417 430 810 B.Wearmlh 307 002 712 791 911 470 1,281 47 Ainiree 146 217 244 12,220 17,701 777 l,i in'iMU POOH, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. I'ormby Chap 1605 2,150 4,201 282 1,015 1,101 1,2.57 1,312 Forneett, St. Mary, R. near 2005 7(i0 1 ,202 408 193 212 274 288 do., St. I’eter, R. « » 1,710 2,868 743 538 .590 638 727 Fornham. St. Martin, It. » 1888 1 ,230 i,(m 201 160 174 222 276 do., St. Genevieve, R. . . » 790 731 71 116 111 144 73 do.. All Saints ' 2,200 2,119 118 2:«i 282 305 310 Forrabury, R next 1520 430 8.59 61 140 212 223 358 Forsbrook in 947 Diliioriie 1,950 236 .563 Dilhorne (kin 754 Forscote, C near 3597 680 798 24 100 129 115 102 Forthampton, C 3140 2,390 3,622 321 449 477 474 459 Forthington, with Ulceby nr. 2204 2,220 822 170 165 \m 214 218 Forton, in Garstang 4318 1,280 2,148 293 402 482 587 662 do., or Foston, R., Lcic. nt. 705 840 2,605 134 24 28 21 32 do., R., & Meer 2910 3,700 4,062 374 566 007 702 904 Forton & Tatworth Tyth. ..in 1301 Chard — — 437 — / North, or Fen > Forty-Foot 7 Corner ....(' Bank, 4 nr. Pelhanislnd « « V « Fosdyke » • 2,830 1,100 740 ^ Drained ' Fen, Extra y Parochial. ^ 123 (- m 136 27 179 5MI 20 41 Fosdyke, C 2193 1,200 3,389 342 271 309 42-1 401 Fostun 5c Scropton, Derby nt. 748 2,750 6,616 433 476 494 510 500 do., C., Line., see Forton " 2245 2,180 2,827 182 243 383 426 441 do., ( Township « 4123 820 1,638 41 75 70 91 78 R. ) Thoruton-upon-Clay4l21 1,270 1,171 90 146 157 173 205 do. upon the ( Township . . 4092 1,110 1,619 185 175 267 300 308 VV'olds, V. ( Total Parish > 4,.500 5,, 531 350 377 512 048 715 Fotherby, V , (Ludboro’) nr. 2275 1,400 1,335 4,922 185 141 159 198 207 Fotheringhay, C. § 2021 2,110 335 307 313 309 280 Fotherly, High in 4.503 Bywell St. Pet ei s 31 91 90 91 105 Foulby & Noslall Hurstwick, in W ragby. see Hu rs 177 tw'ick •19 142 F'oulden, V near 2020 3,500 2,235 370 376 -121 467 500 Foulk-Stapleford in 2900 1,-430 2,031 83 212 243 263 244 Foulmire,R near 2132 2,302 1,615 300 420 448 641 547 Foulnes, R., Isle of § .. « 1797 8,000 6,363 830 396 450 505 630 Foulridge 1148 2,020 3,211 657 833 1,032 1,307 1,418 Foulsham, R., Tu. t 3 § 2008 3,100 4,026 1,118 605 682 835 958 Foulston 400 1,200 1,689 004 1,128 1,139 1,204 1,573 Fountains Earth, w. Middle.s. 4014 (),840 2,025 348 329 381 441 413 Fovant, or Foffant, R 3403 1,990 2,583 447 514 470 523 553 S 4+ Fowey, Y., .S', t 3 § .... 227 1,900 4,856 459 1,155 1,319 1,455 1,767 Fownh ipe. V 3054 Foxcote Chap. (Andover) .. 3-179 3,870 3,797 347 789 789 806 1 ,006 620 1,147 80 57 72 96 95 Foxcott, R. (see Forscote) nt. 2512 740 854 134 85 91 119 107 Foxearth, R. near 1871 l,9(i0 1,844 651 361 328 436 406 Foxhall, C. (Carlford) .. » 1764 1,000 1,385 178 150 1.58 217 190 Foxholes, ( with Boythorp nt. 4091 2,010 1,375 76 130 144 109 177 R. ^ Butterwick Cn. « » 1,540 1,402 36 85 ,88 93 100 1,840 1,430 1,043 255 187 224 250 274 Foxt, R., Wilts in 949 850 45 50 05 71 07 do., or Toxt & Morrage « 3345 Ipstones 1,553 Ip stones 341 415 403 Foxton, V., Leicester 2639 2,120 3,821 659 420 305 .383 346 do., V., Cambridge § near 2132 1,082 1,018 309 322 304 o08 408 do. & Shotton in 4466 1,720 1,244 63 53 62 63 73 Foy, V 3002 2,500 1,892 387 245 3-12 293 290 Fradley Ham in 2922 Alrewas 1,994 254 268 395 426 382 Fradwell Chap « 2934 1,410 1,003 92 1(,3 246 219 199 Fraisthorp, C., w. Auburn nr. 4090 2,0-10 2,661 145 87 78 91 103 Framfleld, V *754 6,830 4,413 1,365 969 1,074 1,437 1,468 F'ramland Hundred (48) .... 2645 87,540 128,181 9,547 11,624 12,936 15,314 17,197 Framingham-Earl, K. .. near 1990 500 968 55 96 49 56 74 do. -Pigot, R. " 0 350 1,016 214 25G 241 S04 302 IT Framlingham, R., iS. t 2 § 1935 4,470 8,696 1,764 1,854 1,905 2,327 2.445 Framlington, ( Tow nship .... 4.556 Long, C. 2 W Brinkbiirns . . « ^ 5,730 (4.011 ( 2,390 191 117 471 200 508 171 563 252 543 192 Frampton, V., Dorset 2§ near 3578 2,080 3,254 268 295 .331 418 376 do., V., Lincoln 2195 0,200 8,( 57 414 512 628 088 706 do. Tyth., in Sappert. nr. 3.59 Sapi) ert n — — 181 178 do. -Cotterell, R 3220 1,190 4,334 580 1,208 1,419 1,610 1,816 do. -upon-Severn, V. § 3/26 2,300 4,992 519 860 848 996 1,055 Framsden, V near 1937 2,100 3,967 1,162 080 573 702 642 Framwellgate 4175 St Oswald 8,014 408 1,071 1,190 1,5;:3 1,584 FYankby, in West Kirby near 1601 430 708 22 70 93 66 114 I'rankley, C., W orcester « 98 2,<’00 1,486 151 191 174 189 176 Frankton, R next 2789 1,660 2,r,57 214 273 273 253 261 Franshaiii, Gt., R. (Laund.) « 2057 1,500 1,803 404 207 254 322 323 do.. Little, R. (do.) n « 1,490 1,068 170 214 199 2;i8 234 Frant, or Fant, V *740 9,430 4,738 1,996 1,090 1,439 1,727 2,071 Frating, R next 1857 1,350 1,902 329 176 204 263 269 Fratruni, Toller- or Little nr. 1282 730 505 10 46 45 37 50 Freckenham, R. & V « 1900 2,520 1,897 307 256 307 360 427 Freckleton 1235 1,430 3,063 217 561 701 875 909 Freebridge ( Lynn (34) 2004 75,770 49,615 9,291 8,051 8,834 10,537 12 227 Hundred ) Marshland (17) 2042 57.2s0 102,061 8,521 6,531 7,957 9,994 11.274 Freeby Chap in 2645 920 2,145 57 135 111 110 121 Freefolk Manor, D., Ch. .. « 3474 800 1,082 113 54 83 68 73 Freeford Ham « 2915 280 Fisher wick 19 14 17 i Freeholders Quarter « 4.544 LongH orsley 38 74 90 109 127 Freethorp, V. (Blofield) near 1965 1,050 1,055 267 207 236 304 289 Freniington, V 3885 6,600 3,844 567 875 941 1,099 1,180 do. Hundred 3884 33,350 26,734 3,609 0,492 0,587 7,841 8,844 IFrenchmoor in 3492 H rouglit- 1,660 28 .52 51 44 — j f Docking6eld, Hants. Frensham, Chart & Pitfold *285 i C. (.Tything *284 «" 610 447 273 124 134 169 169 1 8,780 3,293 1,333 ( 508 543 570 542 710 554 618 601 Superjicies in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property ; Anunint annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in iii , Amount 'Votal Number of 1* EliSONH, Fre — Fun Supvrfiuloi VnIud tit expended at ( ack of the 4 ao 1 . in • Statui* (■...il..!,. .. AiiettPli to teiienoe Ttn Yearly Periods. Towns, Parishes, SfC. S r a lli» Properly Tex In ISI6. POOR, IS'itt— 99. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. — £- Frenze, R.,seeThoiT)-Parva nt.20l | 500 36 Scole 60 50 Fresdon Tyth in 3337 High wortli — — 24 21 Fresh ford, R » 13s6 440 1 ,5(i0 479 6-il 571 587 666 FresliAvater, R 146.5 4,760 4,.5.52 341 605 666 876 1,184 Freshwill Hundred (lit 1832 27,710 31,151 7,316 5,316 5,372 6,205 6,807 Fressingficld, V 1047 3,780 5,788 2,206 1,014 1,061 1,231 1,352 Freston, or Friston, Siijp. nt. 1031 1,790 1,233 607 2!)9 374 452 466 do. (Sainford) near 1764 1,680 1,763 186 142 148 189 lfs3 Fretherne, R next 3226 380 !)31 73 117 160 210 224 Frettenhuin, R » 1001 1,420 1,819 300 195 191 248 269 Frickley, C., Avith Clayton nr. 3055 1,640 2,390 138 302 294 360 321 F’ridaythorp, V e 4006 2,070 1,330 1,619 111 112 180 275 283 Friern-Harnet, P. C *10!) 4,683 459 432 487 534 615 Friery-Withani, ex. Pa. Lib nr. 37.5 4,970 6,290 133 485 533 58!) 574 F'riesden & Net. C. in Pigglesthoni 420 1,050 86 85 101 108 142 610 5tH) 17 684 31 734 46 801 45 8(»2 46 Frieston, V 2106 3,980 8,422 1,089 Frilford Chap in 3232 1,180 1,090 134 148 1.50 152 129 Frilshain, R. (Faircross) next 3275 920 889 95 187 168 171 192 Frindey Chap., in Ash *184 7,770 4,027 610 532 702 1,284 1,351 Frindsbury, V 1352 3,010 5,135 986 1,666 1,489 1,562 1,8.56 Fring, C near 1735 1.690 1,666 61 175 141 139 127 Fringford, R » 2700 1,.580 1 ,7G6 294 2.52 258 289 358 Fringstead, R *421 1,130 668 305 153 133 152 193 Frinton, R near 1859 710 759 84 31 32 45 35 Frisby Chap., in Gaulby » 2637 Gaulby 1,419 31 23 21 18 21 do. on-the-\\ reak ur. 2045 or 094 1,080 2,495 211 380 344 376 442 Friskne^ V 1726 6,270 8,322 1,105 691 888 1,268 1,457 Friston, V *788 2,080 770 1.50 35 45 62 89 do., V., with Cay thorp .... 2242 3,820 6,366 285 437 475 567 720 Frith Ville, (see Ville) near do., with VVrenbury Fritnelstock, P. C 2260 2,200 Ex. Pa. Draine d Fen 272 201 837 2,030 2,499 233 404 455 526 524 3892 2,380 2,727 284 479 504 632 696 Frittenden, R *508 3,640 3,023 1,171 551 593 799 816 FrittoD, R near 2003 710 1,383 420 241 235 275 243 do., R., Suffolk e Fritwellj V 17.54 2701 3225 2,100 1,230 1,830 1,441 3,080 3,593 72 368 228 174 178 436 367 174 476 437 170 494 414 Frocester, R 362 F'rodesley, R near 3016 2,120 1,994 104 158 188 179 186 F’rodingham, S Bromby & Scunthrp. ^ 5,030 S l,(»3G 136 30.5 307 338 355 V, ^ 1 ot. Par. near 2300 ( 2,588 161 370 355 406 42.5 do.. North, V 4085 2,880 3,660 249 365 484 575 711 do., S., in Owthorpe nr. 1711 1,410 1,756 100 50 68 71 60 t ^ ^ Total Pkr.(8) .. 990 1,950 5,780 553 1,250 1,349 1,5.56 1,736 U 3,000 3,655 449 301 756 973 1,02-1 u 14,100 19,423 2,918 3,542 4,098 4,991 5,047 Frogstreet and Stapleton .. in 4784 Prestcig n 1,.573 108 129 151 151 156 FT'oggat » 895 Bakewe H 234 13 103 102 179 167 2tFR0ME*, V., IE. i9. t 2§ .. 375 6,960 16,009 6,693 8,748 9,493 12,411 12,240 do. Hundred (18) .... 37.5-80 32,!)00 55,225 11 , 665 ! 15,474 16,598 20,565 19,884 Froorae, Bishops, V. (5) near 3095 3, .560 4,411 392 765 873 897 948 do., Canon e 3090 1,040 1,4.57 173 95 111 105 98 do. Castle, R next 3087 1,320 1,.562 145 190 198 180 223 do. Halmonds ....near 3995 Bish op's Fr oome — 275 — do. St. Quintin, R. next 3588 960 859 39 132 125 120 142 do. Vauchurch, R. » 3591 1,080 1,089 44 81 67 105 135 Frostenden, R » 1953 1,380 1,617 152 266 324 390 373 Frowlesworth, R 2665 1,900 2,881 235 297 265 301 278 Froxfield, C 3465 6,480 4,21)9 550 437 447 508 618 do., V., H'i'Rs 3296 1,150 1,380 376 492 50.) 508 681 Froyle, V. (see Coldrey) .... 3446 3,920 4,777 727 744 750 734 755 Frustfield Hundred (3) 3405 8,200 7,478 1,384 1,063 1,116 1,382 1,480 Fryerning, or Ginge Hosp., R. 1813 3,830 2,810 409 646 653 612 670 Frystou- (Jownship ....nr. 3986 1,470 1,281 89 277 319 409 4.30 Monk C. ^ Hillam& Burton « y 2,300 2,263 213 304 396 451 433 Fryston Ferry, V. & Bridge > ^ (see Knottingley) s" » 2,850 3,952 374 705 768 777 833 Fryton in 4131 970 985 19 72 62 62 60 Fugglestone, St. Peter, R. .. Fulbeck, R. 3391 2,480 757 626 590 545 528 515 2243 3,900 5,324 169 397 481 555 650 Fulbourn, R. & V 2119 5,221 4,.531 1,113 702 855 1,023 1,207 F’ulbrook, C., Oxon 2731 1 ,670 2,145 368 320 333 351 361 do next 2771 do., with HogshaAV u 2408 650 1,030 Hainpio 2,195 n 54 83 81 55 86 55 77 68 77 48 Fulford-Ambo, J -Gate 4035 1,630 4,926 423 6-12 851 812 905 C. (-Water .... H 310 915 15 34 35 29 Fulham t Hammersmith Chai ). *77 2,140 30,319 4,45t) 5,600 7,393 8,809 10,222 Parish ( Fulham, R. & V. *76 3,960 28,5.52 2,424 4,428 5,9113 6,492 7,317 Full-Sutton near 4073 Fulking Ham , in Edburton *827 950 1,330 889 1,923 26 Edburton 100 167 126 170 125 177 140 166 Fullaway Tyth in 3363 Ail-ca niiings 22/0 14 10 14 0 F’ulletby, R near 2268 1,940 2,065 208 190 213 254 250 Fulmer, C » Fulmodeston, R., w. Cro. « 24f)4 2076 1,780 2,330 2,712 2,049 356 577 292 276 262 2HI 340 331 391 391 Fulnetby Chap., in Rand « 2273 1,340 1,083 22 — 41 62 63 Fulshaw 835 540 847 !)6 214 232 25() 291 FuIsIoav, V next 22S0 2,840 2,46() 314 332 356 38!) 448 Fulwell in 32 640 1,230 64 85 145 118 1.58 Fulwood 4319 1,780 2,()20 146 396 401 430 500 do., ex. Pa » 656 Sutton in Ash field — — — 12 Fundenhall, D near 2003 1,270 1,886 226 283 231 307 394 Funtiugtun, C *091 3,810 5,726 926 1 681 687 8-17 969 I'ur — Gay Tou tis, Parishes, !fC. do., R., Essex do., R., Hunts. do. Tytli Fylingdales, P. C. Gabriel-Stoke, V Gaddesby, C in do., V. t Total Parish (16) : If Gainsuoro’ < Town V. Tu. * t 2 § ( Morton . . . . do., R Ganerew, R Ganfield Hundred (8).. Gaustead, in Swine ... Garboldisham, R. Garendon, ex. Pa. Garford Chap in Oarforth, West, R Gargrave, ^ Township ...... V. ( Total Parish (5) Garmondsway-Moor in Garrick, w ith Heckington Garrigili Chap. 2 § Garrison Side, ex. Pa in Garristou, in Hawkeswell nr. Garsdale, P. C Garsdon, R near Garsington, R Garstang, ( Town V. Total Parisli (II) Garston, U.C., in Childwall nr. do.. East . Garth Hall- in Garthorpe, V near do., in Lnddington Garton t Township .... next ( Owstwick... do. -upon-the-Wolds, V. nr. ‘ Gartree Hundred (06) Garvestone, R next Garway, P. C near Gaspar, alias Rrook in Stonrt. Gasthorpe, R near Gatcomb, R Gate-Helinsley, V Gateforth, in Hrayton .. Gateley, V next Gatenley, V in Gatesgill & Raughter... t Gateshead, R. 2 § ... it Gatton, R Gaulby,R.^T;«7“®'‘\lV;.r^^^ Gaunts-Earthcote Tyth. .. in Gauntby, or Gautby (Gart. ) nr. Gawcott, C Gawsworth, R Gaydon, C near Gay. H ainpton, C next Gayliurst, R near Gayliuid Stock, R » Gayles, or Gales in Gaystead Gayton, in Heswall ....near do. do. do., do., do. -Thorpe, R R., Northampton V . C., Slq/ford . , next do. -le-VVold, R., with > ^ Griinblethorpe, ex. Pa. 5 " Superflciei AnouxI ^V.lue ot Aisetted to Amoast expended fur Maio- Total Number of PEHSONHf at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Ptriod.t. the Property POOR, 2 II a I83&— 39. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1261 7,010 5,175 472 1,005 966 1,253 1,375 4335 16,210 4,.577 1,137 2,027 2,074 2,446 2,697 2381 2,570 3,607 763 529 533 566 619 2535 480 — 110/ 9 10 12 16 3231 1,620 2,637 260 315 350 407 403 1811 2,030 4,339 437 511 540 583 572 3482 2,210 1,274 132 197 195 201 2!l 3352 EndiQKi 409 63 140 137 138 157 1693 13,910 5,304 639 1,568 1,559 1,702 1,535 1509 2,3.50 4,593 355 531 572 638 718 726 1,580 2,791 143 203 230 282 276 2414 4,000 3,222 1,024 794 941 1,096 988 2415 910 1,158 218 388 506 531 592 2737 En stone — 63 — 617 2,450 3,274 190 445 431 500 524 n 24,370 30,393 3,016 5,363 5,573 6,508 7,430 1717 3,530 18,903 1..5.50 4,.506 5,172 5,893 6,658 a 3,680 4,286 2-21 606 743 871 877 2076 44,.480 54,200 11,206 6,305 6,716 7,934 9,378 4528 Bo lam 31 43 61 74 33 4400 .AdJibgliam 1,790 125 2-22 215 279 301 3067 1,040 1,517 102 120 138 154 171 4425 Aik ton — 151 156 191 192 2134 4,143 2,945 1,306 847 !)01 1,256 1,319 eford 530 1,623 21 97 116 102 107 2340 2,000 2,413 77 410 341 385 30<) 3058 950 Whitchurch 41 89 74 118 148 3235 17,020 25,937 2,164 2,658 2,894 3,285 3,411 1340 580 1,135 79 58 63 61 7!) 4123 700 742 43 101 96 106 110 4091 3,650 3,623 149 223 259 278 275 2018 3,130 4,172 444 577 645 700 718 732 1,270 3,108 43 23 43 51 3232 1,170 1 ,977 189 183 174 192 209 4017 1,700 2,695 201 234 610 731 782 572 3,490 4,!)96 645 728 897 !)72 1,062 a 10,420 14,596 1,143 1,312 1,469 1,659 1,748 4468 1,040 656 34 28 41 35 43 2233 i,720 6,563 965 1,042 1,261 1,438 1,480 317 Aid stone 1,120 1,288 1,614 1336 80 Hes sle — — 173 366 4227 480 Hanksveell, 40 63 53 52 60 589 10,930 2,827 263 571 648 679 657 3315 1,140 1,8.50 163 143 143 183 234 2689 2,230 4,333 686 4!)3 4!)2 595 SOT 1239 500 2,209 216 731 791 936 929 » 26,580 37,3-18 3,191 5j766 6,196 7,403 9,927 1250 1,680 5,270 205 458 597 874 1,147 3252 4,.520 3,222 615 609 538 637 6!)9 4477 2,7.50 Pittin gtou — 277 304 1,632 204!) 1,090 2,318 101 134 107 115 117 2303 1,380 3,065 292 388 419 600 454 1708 1,830 2,499 184 105 123 160 172 4079 1,200 1,635 88 109 106 139 125 4065 4,380 4,697 270 288 333 357 428 2634 80,710 14ti,264 17,088 14,290 14,697 16,006 17,059 2254 22,820 20,342 1,!)63 2,071 2,497 2,956 3,163 )2253 31,230 34,651 2,8!)7 2,717 2,890 3,605 3,800 2051 1,100 973 276 247 275 330 333 3061 3,340 2,365 186 450 458 522 513 3415 1,340 1,160 Stourton 343 .312 303 2015 1,110 4.56 51 89 113 112 1-163 1,310 2,784 114 222 239 247 263 4076 620 7!)3 82 151 212 209 243 3!)93 1,410 1,440 110 178 145 192 223 2063 1,580 1,437 188 77 !)2 104 120 4176 1,070 1,330 21 67 65 88 69 4412 Dais ton 206 184 294 330 I!) 3,320 25,205 2,7.57 8,597 8,782 11,767 15,177 *216 1,140 2,331 27 112 9!) 135 145 2t>13 ( 1,365 t 81 108 96 97 2637 ( 1,419 1 21 21 18 21 3223 Almon dshury — 125 2257 2,010 1,626 87 118 122 118 109 2512 650 Bnckin g'ham 402 503 563 831 5,480 4,825 312 697 7.57 804 847 2748 1,140 1,867 1-13 219 188 187 213 269!) 62!) 1,336 50 67 76 86 HI) 2522 840 1,465 63 89 89 90 118 3555 1,600 1 ,1)31) 6!) 71 62 63 66 424!) 1,840 1,856 73 1!)0 221 218 223 25,!)H0 Simon l)tirn 199 230 246 247 1()52 )S40 1,038 15 100 115 1.53 lit) 1734 2,!)00 3,200 S3!) 897 490 540 711 // 2,110 1,618 162 113 14!) 187 16!) 2541 1,.580 2,543 21)8 207 335 38!) 491 2!)35 1,270 1 ,85!) 154 273 261 284 2!)6 226-1 2,250 3,031 26!) 238 22!) 276 306 2276 1,730 1,495 107 67 78 122 127 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Toxvn, Parish, Hamlet, Tuthiuy, Sfc., in ENGLAND, at each of the Four Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021, 1001. (iuy — (ila 2'oinis, I'ttrislics, l(C. f iR S< (Jnywood, II near 17:H Gazeh I’arisli willi lligliain (>ieen Gediliujj, 11., see Giddinn’s tieddinpUm, V. Gedliiin, S Carlton vV Stoke- I \. < Oardolpk near S Gedney, sin. It • do. -Hill Chap in Geldestone, H., Norfolk near Gelston ik linuidon Ham., in Gemblin^ • Gennys, St George, St., IMiddleton do., or Kaston, in Gordauo do. Nymptoii-, It. .. next do. Sliipton-, P. C. near Georgeham, It U Germains, St. 2 § Germans-W'eek, C next Gerinoe Gerrans Gestiugthorpe, sin. R. ..near 2,3S0 2,270 3,200 IStiJ 2(ill (il3 2180 10, .110 1,070 f)10 gh on t 000 2,1.'>0 1,100 ItHil Hon -1002 .3041 445.3 1333 3872 1271 3883 1373 38.30 20.3 251 1871 Gibbon Marsh- 2515* Gidding, Great, V near 2105 do., Little, R. ... » • do.. Steeple, R. .. « » do., see Gedding .. next 1089 Gidley, R • 3793 Gillbrd-Ashlon in 3377 do. Aveton-, R 3830 do. Rowers-, R next 1701 do. Broughton-, R. 300 do. Compton- Tyth in 1300 do. Crowmarsh-, R. next 3230 do. Fonthill-, R 3407 do. Stoke-, V next 1329 Giggleswick, 1 Township . . . 581 V. t Total Par. (4) « Gilberdyke 4022 Gilbert-Witton, P. C. .. near 4475 Gilcrux, V 4378 Gilden-Wells in 3947 Gildersome Chap 405 Giles, St 3880 do. -on-the-Heath .... near 3801 Gill and Slotherby in 4392 Gilligate Ward (St. Giles) ‘ 4510 Gillimoor » 4141 p;,,. „ ("Town- 1 West .. 4133 ship ) Ryedale 4247 ■ i Total of Par. (8) . . » do. Wapen- 1 East(15)4178 & 4241 take ^ West (19).... 4245 Gillingham, 1 Parish 2 ^ .... 1288 V. ( Bourton Chap. 1280 do., V 1350 or *450 All Sts., R. 5 Clavering, St. Mary, R. t N orfolk Gillmonby in 4250 Gillmorton, R 2004 Gillsland Spa, — see Note to 4451 Gilroe, ex. Pa., Leicester .... Gil stone, R near 2375 Gimingham, It » 1740 Ginge, West, with Betterton, in Gipping, D., w. StowTnark. nr. 1013 Girsby, in Sockburn • 4454 Girtford, or Gritford, — see Sandy Girtou, R. (Northstow) near 2120 do. (Newark) n 2331 „ IT cTown 577 Forest » Total Par. (9) « Gisleham, R near 1757 Gislingham, R 1925 Gissing, R near 2011 Gittisliam,R. (E. Budleigh) « 3701 Givendale, V., or Gwindale in 597 ^ Great near 4077 5,580 3,100 1,400 2,240 1,800 4.050 10,050 1,570 1,300 2,470 2,030 3,110 2.050 040 1,080 580 2,000 Codfo 1,840 2,230 l,t>-10 1,510 480 1.5.50 2,070 4.280 15,200 570 3.1.50 1,750 540 1,120 3,330 3.280 -£•— 3,273 : 2,040 2,057 ) 3,478 ^0,1.50 13,857 2,440 1,202 he Hill 1,210 2,502 2,020 4,511 1,880 1,274 4,220 15,283 901 1,373 3,487 3,051 2,878 1,730 879 1,110 570 *557 rd, St. 5,436 3,582 4,174 3,505 807 1,535 2,880 5,592 18,638 1,9(>9 3,648 1,643 1,295 3,147 2,189 1,107 Grey stock 3,308 887 , I i 7,165 Hf-xUam 1,070 4,440 2,500 14,610 I 16,738 40,910 73,608 198,640 ill2,356 ( 7,22 o|i«;482 3,000 11,705 ;nr. 1961 Gisbcr M iCRN, V.5r .4 2 § do. ( Grimthorpe Glaisdale Glandford, C., w. Bayfield nt. H DO. Briog*,T/i. ^ .... Glantlees and Greens .... in Glanton > Glapthorn(Willybrook) next Glapton, with Clifton. . . .near Glasshoughton Glass House Yard Glasswell in Glascoed < 4204 1742 2287 4549 4561 2620 079 3990 *36 2352 164 1,990 2,350 2,330 920 1,240 Lockiii 900 1,410 Sandy 1,700 1,210 2,010 4,830 18,190 1,320 2,040 1,950 2,100 760 650 480 8.370 1,180 Wrawliy Fel Whitti 1.370 1,080 1,500 8 720 1,470 2,986 1,174 3,382 959 1,023 ge 915 1,017 1,809 1,473 4,260 2,2.57 18,241 2,120 3,091 3,219 2,939 1,182 ^ 975 Ainooot Ur'.Malu* of III* POOH. isa»- 'i». — £•- 578 1,815 505 172 470 1,161 241 46 49 200 1()2 633 162 108 330 1,622 136 175 376 1,452 902 480 25 109 1(U 80 Peter 024 170 1,035 80 353 237 441 458 1,082 341 195 187 65 451 277 107 4,966 1,036 2,624 ton ngham 2,115 2,723 1,304 St.BoTolph 1,548 1 79 1,254 ' 97 440 66 229 1,049 3,705 7,455 1,090 206 2,394 260 24 401 127 309 233 46 297 42 667 230 1,951 113 870 487 113 32 85 452 156 779 107 278 54 90 Total JVumbt'V of PEHSONSt 1 C • G la. — Goo II 2 1 Aunoti An.o.l 'fatal Sumhrr of f*EltMONSt at rack t f the 1 SuparAdaa V«lu« of at each of the \ Till Yi:arly Periods, '5^ ? Totvnsy PnrislieSy SfC, 8l«(ot« ■ to ha Tas in Ibl6. „ £ of iba Ttn Yearly Perloilft, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. POOR, IHVI-’M — — U1 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 410 483 47!» 021 Glascote & Bolehall in 754 TBRiwurtli 2,?«>5 280 314 311 421 523 t 374 374 420 (i lussonby ' 4400 Glastun near 2311 1,120 80 111 111 153 167 1 103 270 311 1,270 2,179 97 189 105 189 229 do. Twelve Hides (8). .. . 30.57 24,010 50,1 40 2,858 4,102 5,049 5,772 0,:«i 1,0.50 1,.5()6 215 302 347 430 653 2,030 2,139 2,404 2,5m 1,940 792 29 37 32 40 133 208 324 370 6,830 7,806 523 700 802 932 1,100 629 735 830 1,175 Glentham, V. (Aslacoe) 12^.2209 2,240 3,122 124 258 319 372 39‘> 771 698 732 706 Glentworth, V. 12 N. by W. of 2209 2,940 3j980 193 193 187 275 29« 544 532 604 801 Glewston in 30.57 Good ricli — — 154 Clinton, C near 2630 1,380 3,305 211 314 312 372 414 534 026 738 812 Glooston, R /' 2636 660 1,368 209 129 135 142 177 420 404 496 452 Glororum in 4569 Bamb orough 26 50 63 46 47 47 70 64 48 Glossop, t ToAvnship § 918 , V. \ Total of Par. (18) 914-20 49,960 ■ 0,336 787 2,759 4,012 1,351 2,012 77 84 93 80 20,208 2,049 7,005 7,996 13,766 18,080 108 113 144 147 Gloster Hill in 4548 IVark worth 10 21 21 31 28 125 98 121 155 3 : t tf ® louccster, IF. S. * t 4^ 3105 680 18,482 2,851 7,261 8,181 9,744 11,933 — — — — do.. Out Parish 3106 2,240 8,941 2,124 905 1,153 1,494 2,124 746 828 924 939 , „ East 3121-73 do. County J 484,960 687,503 83,615 113,094 125,796 149,855 175,024 156 174 221 231 305,510 775,757 63,280 137,715 159,718 185,988 21i;9.55 013 656 776 735 Glusburn 500 1,300 1,985 292 533 054 787 987 92 114 175 229 Gluvias, 5 Penryn, see Falm. 250 290 5,117 1,015 2,324 2,713 2,933 3,521 204 184 230 325 V. ^ Parish 2.57 2,480 3,951 349 624 715 745 969 403 381 471 442 Glympton, R next 2710 1,670 1,101 145 96 114 141 125 281 315 376 441 Glynd, V *704 1,370 1,740 240 216 203 250 276 556 674 746 780 2,201 337 359 2,428 464 399 2,817 640 364 3,017 032 417 Gnossall, t Township ••••>0005 r P. C: ] Total Par. (5) i 2903-6 Goadby Chap., see Goodby in 2637 7,820 870 7,243 1,626 1,247 127 2,246 72 1 790 ( 2,372 87 1,038 2,071 90 1 3,358 98 249 276 377 382 do. Marwood, It. .. next 2050 2,.540 2,834 141 181 168 171 161 — 62 83 81 Goadland, or Goathland, C. in 4147 11,030 1,172 104 201 270 335 320 1,232 IrlOO 1,592 1,652 Goat and Papcastle » 4376 Bridekirk 2,157 89 283 311 384 401 547 506 786 894 Goathill, R next 3080 230 480 18 24 17 20 35 187 273 301 357 Goathurst, It. (Andersfi.) » 3709 1,370 1,902 234 296 318 3-12 349 78 78 112 115 Gobion, Higham- near 2424 770 1.318 140 91 113 86 108 — 939 1,230 1,374 do. Yardley- 2538 2,820 1,709 400 440 508 565 594 223 177 105 179 1 Godalming, V., W. S. t 2 § *274 8,470 13,889 3,465 3,405 3,543 4,098 4,529 608 795 5 921 899 do. Hund., iS«rj-ey(10) *271 37,200 33,360 4,695 8,024 8,554 9,068 10,470 } 108 214 Goddington, It near 2700 1,030 2,947 117 99 85 110 118 1,656 1,053 1,948 2,075 Godley in 926 600 1,320 189 270 451 514 636 0,349 6,364 7,180 7,460 do. Hundred (9).... *175 43,730 51,273 2,894 8,483 10,430 13,018 14,517 14,721 16,971 17,842 17.471 Godinanchester, V. § 2148 5,590 11,971 1,644 1,.573 1,779 1,953 2,146 1,873 1,992 2,246 2, .520 Godinanston, R next 3573 1,240 890 33 127 144 128 152 637 748 813 810 Godmi rsham, V *505 3,440 2,479 363 337 372 414 444 5,135 5,145 6,200 6,734 Godsfield, ex. Pa near 34.50 160 — 7 10 8 4 ) 100 224 ^ 369 309 Godshill & LinwoodTyth. in 3521 1,8.50 — — W’ood green 158 211 1 154 133 do., Y., Southampton ... . 1402 6,400 8,336 902 1,079 1,133 1,214 1,305 145 03 175 98 8 Godstone, V. & R *232 6,600 7,475 3,586 1,092 1,081 1,156 1,210 1,397 554 638 718 830 Godwick, with Tittleshall nr. 2061 2,960 642 439 417 446 570 — — — Golborn Bellow .... in Tattenhall 520 089 29 81 75 86 9ti 4 5 11 do. David, in Handley nr. 1654 550 833 65 62 58 76 80 186 197 213 233 Golborne 1003 1,310 3,606 431 962 1,111 1,310 1,532 Golcar, C 442 1,500 2,2.55 375 1,846 2,122 2,606 3,143 272 283 300 353 Goldcliff, V near 108 2,130 3,975 86 179 192 268 270 1,140 1,190 3,112 2,278 415 430 331 387 423 525 459 594 490 543 120 107 107 87 Golding Stoke-, Chap in 711 80 93 85 83 Goldington, V next 2440 3,940 3,032 480 339 333 426 494 615 937 1,178 1,359 do., -Stoke near 2.522 2,070 2,634 912 636 617 818 912 232 251 326 338 Goldsboro ’ S Township . . next 591 1,850 1,674 125 177 177 195 167 125 129 182 183 R. ) Coneythorpe & FI. « 1,380 6,555 1,801 33 165 171 190 359 485 509 690 607 Goldshaw Booth 1132 980 296 516 626 819 763 396 439 457 400 Goltho, P. C next 2273 1,780 1,374 70 — 97 95 93 1,959 2,209 2,530 2,306 198 201 222 262 Gomeldon Tyth., in Idmis. » 3397 Idm iston — 42 50 473 519 620 060 Gomersall 548 3,000 Stalb 8,760 1,252 4,303 5,002 5,952 6,189 444 4.56 544 598 Gomershay Tyth in 3555 ridge — 77 89 90 4.59 403 S51 370 35 Gonaldsfnnft, T?.. next r>46 950 1,772 74 146 127 96 107 916 19 25 31 Gonerby, Great 2226 2,230 5, 684 359 559 610 743 < 54 61 60 59 do.. Little, w. Manthorp 2224 Gooderstone, \. near 2055 1,240 4,527 580 446 532 1,175 1,720 1 16 23 29 19 2,870 1,558 470 292 351 439 476 Good Easter-, V » 1814 1,800 2,303 430 429 429 478 487 763 877 1,043 1,004 Goodleigh, R » 1531 1,180 1,316 145 248 269 351 442 88 08 03 102 Goodmanham, R next 4071 2,930 2,013 194 149 200 240 268] 1,327 1,361 1,674 1,780 Goodneston, R *583 1,990 3,459 517 411 499 432 486 34 58 70 56 do.. P. C *486 140 558 87 68 71 06 74 279 315 433 280 474 354 534 353 Goodrich, < Township ) onrT V. ( Glewston & Hun S 2,400 4,174 503 512 032 711 5 519 \ 273 381 399 470 405 Goodworth-Clatford, V. next 3480 1 3,390 1,793 565 298 298 382 414 382 409 412 1 446 :Goole 1716 3,020 4,280 307 294 348 450 1,071 1,221 1.343 1,358 1,312 Goosey, C., & Circourt Ty. in 3237 850 Stanford 142 139 146 159 203 109 103 110 99 Goosnargh, with Newsham,C. 1232 9,290 10,508 708 1,558 1,562 1,852 1,844 131 1 195 201 1 197 Goostrey, w. Bamshaw Ch. in 845 ! 1,230 2,005 174 231 261 298 292 Superficies in Stnlute Acres ; Annual Value of Properly ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in (Joscote K»iuli'e(l (iop — ( Gosfortli, C 4354 rNorth near 18 do., U. ' South » " ( Total I’arish (7) 0 & 8 7 Gosi’ort, P.C., IF. /'"..S', t 2§ 1358 (xothain, l{ 080 Gotherington Ham in 1388 Goudhurst, V. t § *300 Gonlsbv, V near 22.54 Gorvdall in 3070 (xower-Sibford Ham " 2721 Gowthorp, with Youltho)'pe » 4077 Goxhill, V 2200 do., R near 1707 Goytrey, R 103 Grab}', with Dowsby, R. next 2212 Graby Ham., in Aslackby near 2213 Gracedieu, with Helton 735 Grade lO.S’.o/ 201 Grallliam, R *041 do., R., with E. Perry nr. 2100 Grafton, in Tilstoii " 2053 do., All Saints » 3007 do., in Langford .... next 2729 do. 'Temple & Arden near 2702 do. IManor, ex. Pa. » 2809 do. Flyford, R. . . 7 E. of 2831 do. Peaton- with 3182 do., will) iMai ton. . . . near 4010 do. Regis, R next 2537 do. Underward, R. near 2000 Grain, Isle of., V *417 Graig 174-4) (Jrainsby, R next 2281 Grainthorpe, w. Lndney & Wiangh. Graisley Ty th., in Sulhampstead A. Gralam Lostock- in 85S U Grampoond, C., .9. t 4 § " 237 Granby, V.,‘with Sutton near 051 (irandboro’ V. (.\shendou) nt. 2.500 do., V n 2783 Grandsome Stretlon-. .. . near 3090 Grange, in West Kirby » lOtil d"., wit!) Adfort. it Pay. in 3108 do., or Grench Ham. near *450 do. & Henningholme, in Swine do., with Claughton. ... in 1001 Gransden, Gt., V., Hunts, next 2130 do.. Little, R. Gransmoor in 4090 Grantchester, 2123 , llorough 2223, Manthorp ft *1 Cran-U® XII AM, V. ' L i9 t 5 § ^ Harrowby Spit.icc. » , Soke of (11) Granlley, C., with Skeldin in .597 G rappenhall, t Township .... !i84 R. ( Latchford Chap 985 Grassby, V next 2280 Grassington, in Linton 4 §. . . 570 Grassthorp, in .Marnham near 2331 Grately, R. next 3183 Gratton Ham in 335 Gratwich, R near 113 Gravely, R n 2137 do., R., Herts » 2393 Gravelthori)e 4011 Graveney, V *4P7 Gravenhanger, Sidop in 2919 Gravenhurst, LoAver,C. orNet.2121 do.. Upper, R. near Sapurflaiei In St»luU Ante*. Aniiwfel Valu« uf I’rupOftr, B» Amount lur .Mxin- lei.aiicnur Total Numher of Ti.IisS(>NS, at each of the 1 Ten Yearly PtriortA. lh» Pro|>rrl)( I'ni in IDIi). I’OOIl. jsasi— vtf 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 000 911 8 •1 7 7 7 , 1,100 4,51 1 033 1,008 1,821) 2,109 2,255 j 1,220 1 ,580 30 117 15) 101 297 1 1 ,330 1 ,293 0.5 90 113 HI 121 28,000 87,545 0,130 C,0(i8 8,738 9,800 11,31.5 ! 2,120 3,802 09.5 419 439 -17(i 5-'7 4,(i70 3.802 899 077 790 807 933 1 ,830 3,790 381 1,728 1,714 1,928 2,1 16 i 4,000 3,487 738 1,009 1,110 1 ,203 1.205 1 1,3.50 4,058 203 1,127 1,183 1,004 2,(i23 1,530 1,991 195 284 2fi0 308 319 8,820^ ! 1,1101 14,878 1,274 1,189 ) 1 301 if 52 1,019 07 1,851 43 79,830 135,889 12,992 14,437 15,705 17,501 18,770 8(i,5(i0 150,317 18,297 31,148 34,090 40,788 47,312 2,990 3,500 799 400 490 598 512 280 3.55 41 47 41 47 45 8,400 2,485 212 052 085 888 93.5 r l,i)80( C 51 133 127 141 145 19,070 4 ^ 03 130 174 237 0,010 (.720 1,385 1,988 3,295 3,5-M) Alver stoke — 7,783 0,184 — 2,740 2,525 203 475 549 025 7-18 Bisb .Cleef e 2,007 142 33.5 348 318 373 9,820 8,909 3,328 1,782 2,082 2,579 2,7.58 1,440 934 20.5 191 192 244 252 1,100 1,270 150 218 227 243 260 1,090 2,800 592 397 425 494 507 1,3.50 857 47 130 121 111 106 5,800 0,038 343 59(i 736 801 880 1 ,079 52 54 08 70 65 3,730 1,807 135 400 413 513 521 1,900 3,334 ckby 156 130 1-10 201 230 Asia — — 21 — 1.900 2,470 382 580 554 604 735 2,420 1,3,57 283 320 306 355 306 1,5.50 904 267 200 29.5 343 372 2,380 1,847 251 170 219 207 287 500 525 22 23 17 21 18 410 484 50 36 32 45 50 Langfrd 807 84 06 09 81 71 1,830 3,000 209 210 251 330 374 1,380 — 72 01 4.5 45 1,()40 2,343 48 18-1 124 241 242 U'ey hill 282 345 Wev hill 429 2,030 2,770 183 3!)3 384 404 482 1,510 2,217 272 107 181 214 241 2.0.50 1,409 108 227 229 285 290 3,100 2,390 300 191 190 254 240 1,443 171 331 417 439 581 1,390 1,221 49 85 90 114 HO 4,280 5,242 279 408 410 503 517 1,100 720 119 87 99 85 00 1,030 2,104 178 301 4.53 52.5 537 C reed 854 297 525 001 008 715 2,120 3,3.54 160 329 3-12 389 342 1,500 2,008 600 230 251 286 341 4,100 3,247 435 407 418 483 528 710 1 ,249 174 178 149 150 168 1,180 l,-.;87 27 101 93 125 121 Leintw ardine — — — 125 118 230 — 09 — 112 131 1,280 1,775 151 78 85 97 105 700 000 20 07 88 119 224 her places, whici are follectiveUj at the end. 3,200 2,149 077 412 404 545 527 1,890 1,301 14.5 232 221 201 2.51 1 ,0.50 2,175 71 49 73 85 93 , 1,.591 1,7)7 272 294 215 314 488 i 130 9,5.54 2,151 3,303 3,040 4,148 4,590 1,210 4, .527 580 440 532 1,175 1,720 1 4,190 7,343 381 539 .579 754 1,117 25,400 44,095 5,040 7,011 7,700 9,391 10,780 930 1.101 47 195 233 233 243 1,.540 2,808 235 338 301 401) 411 1,010 3,143 200 7.54 911 1,2.52 2,100 21,.5.50 ) 1,.507 198 270 205 .321 359 ( 5,700 808 1,008 1,190 1,151 1,721 1,720 1,117 152 108 217 •AW 287 4, <100 3,714 375 703 892 983 1,007 510 1,128 80 280 93 97 118 <)80 1,03.5 9fi 155 122 M2 13(1 1,311 23 3.5 37 51 20 800 1,101 15 107 110 115 HO l,.5i58 1,510 271 1.50 217 2Tf 255 2,1 10 2,1.51 179 200 27(i 310 331 2,!)00 2,9.50 208 479 473 527 .571 Ij920 3,001 420 1.52 100 191 197 IMnckl estinie — — 20t) 198 1,210 1 ,43.5 81 48 72 03 77 385 1,812 274 201 211 291 318 Gra — Gri | Towns, Parishes, fyc 1 JirORAVESENi)^ 5 1392 or *420 R., il . iS. t 2§ ^ Milton .... *427 Graveship-Netiier in 4288 Giayingham, R next 2291 (Irayrigg Cha[) in 4288 Graysouthen t 4300 Grays 'Thurrock- + 1780 Gray Upton- 3443 Greasborough. C 130 Greasby, in VVest Kirby near 1001 Greasley, V 000 Grc...f.,d o,c..h„, I;:?"';!:'*:.:::::: T do., R., Hants near 3458 do., C., Sussex *832 Great Par Chap., in Aldridge 75 Great Hamlet in 910 Greatworth next 2547 Great ^'ate, Avith Croxton nr. 941 Greencroft in 4483 Greenfield, V., with Aby near 2204 do. Compton-, R. » 3194 Greenford, Great, R *125 Greenhalgh 4300 Greenham Chap in 3283 Green Hammerton, in \V h. nr. 591 Greenhill, ex. Pa « 2291 do. & Weald Ham *100 Greenhoe t North (17) 2078 Hundred ^ South (25) 2055 Greenhow Ingleby, see I ng. nr. 4190 Greenleighton in 4534 Greens &c Gl; nilees x 4549 Greenside Hill, Ingram (k Linop Greens-Norton, R 2.545 do. Hundred ( lid 2543 Greenstead next 1810 do., R in 1771 t Greenwich, V., IF. -9. t 2^ *294 Greet, R 3131 Greetham, R. (Hill).... near 22.57 do., Y 2320 Greetland-cum-Elland 500 Greetwell, C next 2270 Gregory, St. Yille, ex. Pa. . . *551 Greintoii next 3(i05 Greudon, V., or Grindon .... 2502 do., R., with Whittington 2800 do. -llishops, C near 3095 do. -Uuderrvood, R. » 2491 Grenville, or GunvilleTarrant- 3543 Gresham, R near 174.5 Gresely Castle (Derby) betAveen do Church ^ ToAvnship 114&740 ao. uiiurch , Gressenhall, R 2000 Gressingham Chap in 1255 Gresty, witli Shavington » 838 8 Greta Bridge near 010 Gretton, V 2019 Grewell, C in 3430 GreAvellthorpe, or Graveltli. » 4014 Greys Forest « 4178 Grey-Hemmingford .... near 2147 Greystead, or Gaystead, R. 4.524 Greystocli , t ToAvnship . . . . > R. ri'otal Par. (12) Greytree Hundredi'lOd 3040 Gribthorpe & M'illitoft. .. . in 4007 Grimblethorpe, Av. Gayton nr. 2275 Grindey, V 2841 Grimoldby, R near 2275 Grim.sarghtk Brockholes, C. in 4299 7 J ft H Grimsry, Gt., V., E. t § 1721 do.. Little, V. near 2275 Grimshoe Hundred (U>) .... 2022 Grinistead, East, C near 3399 do., West, R » » Griinsloi^ C. ( Th Goscoie) » 2045 liitton . . ,S do. do.. S I'owiisbip .. ^ \ 1’iirit.li with Whittiujtton Gringley-on-the-llill, Grinsdil'ie, C near (iriiishill, li in ++1 Grinsteai), East, r/i. t 3§ do., \\ est , \7 S M'est GilliiiK.. Gnnton,A. J West Hang Gristhorpe Ham in do., in Filey Grisby, with lJurgh, V. near (iriston, V next Gritford, witli Sandy Gritlenhani Tyth in Grittleton, U. Grooby Ham Grosmont, R., Til. 3^ .. Groton, R Grove Ham do., R., liiich-s do., R Grovely, ex. I’a Grumbald’s Ash t Lower Hundred ( Upper Grundisburgh, R Grundy-Fen House ... fSi « 2 c 2i)r>3 ; (lor I •H!M) I ■Htiti 3333 .. in near 721 3115 1882 3245 2433 2340 3391 3201 3205 1927 2111 Gobbles Preston- 3014 Gueldable in 4181 Guernsey, Isle of 49’ 8' N. L., 2° 33' Guestling, R *723 Guestwick, V near 20G Guilden-Morden, V 2130 do. -Sutton, C near 1054 1+tlI Guildford, 4 R.,IF*t 2^ *250 Guilsborough, S Township .. ) „ V.jHollowelI..^2oi8 do. Hundred (17) .. 2574 8 f do., Gis, or < P. C., Tit. 7 ^ 4198 Guisborough + ( Tot. Par. (5) » Guiltoross Hundred (12) .... 2915 Giiislev R rr^'viiship .... 501 O-msley, K. ^ Xutal Par. (5) 498- Guist, V near 2008 Guldeford, East *703 Gulval, V 209 Gumbald Thorn- in 1713 Gumley, R near 2034 Gunby (Beltisloe) .... » 2219 do., R. (Candleshoe) » 2201 Gunhouse Ham., w. \V. H. nr. 2303 Gunner Winterbourne .. near 3397 Gunnerton & Chipchase ... in 4529 Gunthorpe, R near 2073 do. Ham., in Pastou » 2030 do in (i46 do. Lodge near 2311 Gunthwaite in 423 Gunton, R. (N. Erpingham)nr. 1981 do., R next 1755 Gunville Tarrant- 3543 Gunwalloe near 201 Gurney Farrinton- 3011 Gussage, All Saints, V. near 3520 do.. St. Michael, R. » » Guston, C *031 Guthlaxton Hundred (36) .. 097 Guyson in 4557 Guyling-Power, V 3129 do. -Temple 3i30 iGweek Port of 201 Gwendale t Township . . near 4077 Great ( Grimthorpe « » Gwennap 291 Gwernesney near 104 Gwindale, or Givenclale . . in 597 Gwinear, V 286 Gwithian 283 Gwihellog Ham in 104 H Habberley, R next .3018 Habergham-Eaves 1135 Habrough near 2287 Habton, (in Kirkby, Great 4155 do., Misperton,) Little » 1 ,380 Hope 1,380 5 2,880 ^ 1,020 3,210 1 ,050 4,2ft0 890 970 13,3<)0 0,100 42,810 7,000 lulen 910 1,870 1,370 see Rrink 2,060 Ratby 5,810 1,580 W.„Ug. 210 1,500 Fuggle 16,310 24,360 1,420 1,990 Pres Leak W. 3.180 1,660 2,506 1,130 210 3.080 43,260 6,120 12,000 29,900 1,580 8,890 2,190 2,430 3,280 1,450 1,550 930 600 j 4,870 1,760 Choi 1,420 Paston Loxrdb&m Belton 1.080 1,060 560 2,660 1,440 890 1.400 2,650 1,550 63,980 Shil 3,380 6.180 650 480 7,940 630 760 4.400 2,070 2,590 1,110 3,910 1,570 990 490 A Dnuat V.lu* ul liirl*rop«r 71!) Hackney, R *47 3,300 92,674 12,381 12,730 16,771 22,494 1 31.047 Hackthorne, V. (Aslacoe) nr. 2269 2,890 2,614 187 218 214 256 j 2-1 1 Haddam, Little, C., see Hadh. 2383 3,070 4,203 968 685 670 787 878 do. Much, R 2382 4,351) 5,728 1,090 980 1,081 1,208 1,268 H.iddenham, V 2494 3,1.50 4,293 1,835 964 1,038 1 ,204 1,477 ilo., C., t'amhrUlge . . 2111 9,530 13,236 1,744 1,090 1,304 1 ,725 1,92!) Haddington, in Auburn. . next 22.52 Haddiscoe,R. (Clavering) « 1963 910 965 23 93 106 108 123 2,180 2,957 160 328 320 316 383 Haddesley, West, in Birkin nr. 3908 1,160 1,615 223 224 238 293 29fi do. Chapel " » 1,140 1,245 73 152 165 193 l!Xi Haddon Over- in 895 do.. East, V 2573 BakewU. 2,990 4,992 4,090 76 393 204 259 238 552 266 617 242 644 do.. West, V 2574 2,900 4,737 876 800 752 893 90!) do., R., Hunts near 2107 1,240 1,818 79 77 101 112 130 Hadlield & Dinting 920 Hadham, Little, 6l Much, — see Ha Glos ddam sop 495 Glos sop 659 1,270 9K Hadl’eigh, R., M.*2^ .. 1909 3,440 7,605 3,0f)2 2,332 2,592 2,929 3,425 do., R near 1797 4,480 2,152 174 240 311 329 365 do.. Ham., C in 1881 610 446 154 1.54 186 201 214 Hadley Tyth., w. Blagrave « 3252 do. (Monken) D *112 Lam bourn 337 400 451 414 2,530 3,780 538 584 718 926 979 Had low, V *357 5,930 6,365 1,627 1,115 1,531 1,757 l,a53 Hadnall-Ease Chap 3014 430 2,441 203 362 366 363 398 Hadsor, R next 2871 940 1,602 189 90 97 135 103 HadspenTyth.,in Pitcombnr. 3052 Pit comb — — 240 — Hadstock, R » 2110 1,870 2,070 285 272 329 392 424 Hadston in 4548 W ark worth 41 68 72 88 ' 97 Hadwell, or Hadnall-Ease Ch. 3014 430 2,441 203 302 366 363 398 Hagborne, ( East Liberty. . . ) V. § j D'est do S 2,830 3,796 (466 (217 4f» 196 460 200 524 184 562 220 Hagley, R 2880 2,830 3,894 313 621 610 595 691 Hagnaby, D near 22.59 640 1,140 85 66 52 91 71 do., with Hannay » 2264 1,010 1,278 111 83 84 106 ■ 97 Hagworthiugham 2267 2,430 3,518 266 376 442 533 .593 Haigh 1014 2,0.50 5,653 253 798 1,118 1,300 1,271 Haigham, or Hougham near 2245 2,.590 3,479 120 175 205 290 304 Haighton in 4299 1,0.50 1,799 91 167 193 184 192 Hailes near 3131 Hailey Ham., C 272.5 1,.520 2,120 2,607 5,689 143 750 111 993 122 942 130 1,098 123 1,236 Hailsham, V *777 6,350 3,863 1,575 897 1,029 1,278 1,445 Hail-Weston, C next 2141 1,860 1,881 304 258 278 297 346 Hainford, or Haynford near 1991 1,600 1,470 277 353 308 484 605 Hainton, V « 2273 2,780 2,447 197 216 212 228 268 Haisthorp in 4090 1,120 1,776 57 89 111 109 117 Halam, P. C near 650 1,310 1,803 114 284 271 310 371 Halberton, V 3750 5,960 10,323 896 1,436 1,3.55 1,598 1,636 do. Hundred (3) •> 10,090 14,647 1,462 2,154 2,690 2,626 2,806 Halcombe, see Holcombe.... — — Halden, High *520 3,340 3,631 1,041 519 553 724 649 Haldenbv, aiid Eastoft , ) in Adlingfleet \ 1,490 3,360 00 150 152 09 1.57 Hale, in Bowdoa 973 3,.540 6,368 245 783 929 958 945 do., (see Hail) near 3520 1,210 796 95 147 100 181 203 do., with Wilton, C « 69 3,220 1,858 17 220 247 249 272 do., in Wrotham *367 — — — — 388 do. Chap., in Childwal. nr. 12.50 1,410 2,561 171 537 527 630 572 do.. Great 2234 2,630 5,100 479 404 448 577 677 do., Little » 2,480 2,742 279 223 262 286 299 Hales, P. C. (Clavering) near 1961 1,120 1,392 145 131 154 252 314 210 252 169 . do.. North, or Coveliithe nr. 1758 1,900 808 70 180 169 182 DO. -Owen, ^ Salon 98 9,930 13,988 1,240 6,888 8,187 9,765 V., M2 tVorcester (3) 99 1,360 4,812 736 2,267 2,520 2.759 3,071 9H Halesworth, R., Tu. 2§ 1955 1,070 3,M)4 759 1,676 1,810 2,166 2,473 Halewood 1250 3,450 6,190 321 777 903 934 930 Halford, or Halford-Bridge, R.2745 1,010 1,220 168 285 251 313 315 Halford Chap., in Bromfi. nr. 2977 Bromfill. Blore 123 — — 51 — Halfshire S Lower (17) 95 & 2878 42,980 103,695 10,065 27,944 34,155 40,951 50,316 Hundred ^ Upper (18) 2869 69,200 120,225 11,163 18,174 18,744 23,380 26 371 6 1 11 Halifax, ( Town 505 990 38.337 2,848 8,866 9,159 12,628 15,382 V., N. 2 O Total Par. (23) 527 75,740 140,274 16,186 63,434 73,415 92,850 109,899 Hallabrow, with High Littlet. 3610 1,190 3,062 334 811 806 864 911 iiallam-Nether 131 5,480 6,!, 9.5 1,587 1,!'.74 2,884 3,200 4,658 do., LTpper 132 5,870 3,693 .595 794 866 1,018 1,035 do.. West, R 767 1,280 2,923 109 584 639 7i:6 710 do. -Kirk, V., see Kirk nr. 768 730 964 22 83 109 95 102 Hallaton 2 § 2636 2,360 4,921 604 518 .598 644 653 Hallikeld Wapentake (10) ,, 4171 33,850 54,016 2,572 5,485 5,030 5,9.58 6,424 Hail Car, Coupe-Lcnch, &c. . 1077 ^ 1,200 Deadtrioclu. “s''210 676 786 1,224 1,519 130 Sitpcrjicics in Slatulc Acres; Annual Value oj Property ; Amount uiinually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Hal — Ham t Towns, Parishes, Sfc. » 1 ? Iliill-GiU'th in 4177 Hallinp, V. . *439 Hallingbuiy, Great, It. near :J370 do., Idltle, It. » 1822 Halliiigton, \ « 227.5 do in 4514 Halliwcll 1087 Ilalloojtliton, It near (i.lO Hallow, (i 2810 Hallows-lteedly in IKil Hallystone, S 'I'o" nshii) ..../ C. } Total I'ai . (5) J Halincr-end in 103 Halmonds-Frooine nr. 3095 ■ I , ,, ,, S I’ownsliip .. " 1251 H‘‘I*'‘'I.It-^r„talPar.(5)» » Halse, V » 13H Halsliain,or Ilalesham, It. » 1714 9 Halstead, V., r. 2 § 18.52 do., It *33!) do., in Tilton .... near 2037 Halstock, C. 3.502 Halston, ex. I’a near 3042 Halstow, High *442 do., Lower, V *455 Haltham-upon-I5ain .... next 22.50 Halton, It., Bucks » 2488 do. Chap., in Ituucoru. .. . 988 do., with Anghton Chap. 4328 do. Holegate, R 2201 do., West, It., w. Guuh. nr. 2303 do., East,V » 2290 do., C in 1509 do. Shields " do.. West, in Arnclifle nt. 571 do. gill Chap « » do.. East, with Bolton in 560 1i Haltwhis- S Town ) , TLE, V., 77i. § I Tot. Ear. (13) i Halvergate, V 2901 Halwell near 3912 do., C next 3821 or 1513 Ham, R., Kent *000 do. Tyth. & Stone Chap ... 3189 do. ham., with Hatch .... *101 do., R., Elstub near 3293 do. High- 3068 do.. East *137 do.. West *130 Hamble-eu-le-Rice, 1’. C. ... 144-1 Hambledon, R 2478 do., \ Hants. Stj. .. . 3501 do., R., Surrey *278 Kambleton Chap near 1327 do., V., Rutland 2313 do., in Braytou .. near 3993 Hambroolf Ham in 1329 Hameringbain, R near 2257 Hainerton, R next 2104 Hamfollow Ham 3190 Hamfordshoe Hundred (8) .. 2.591 Hamlet, Great in 910 f Hammersmith Chap *77 Hammerton Green, in Wh. nr. 591 do. Kirk, see Kirk « 4005 Hammerwick, C " 2914 Hainmoon, R next 3551 Hampden, Great, R near 2485 (lo.. Little, C 2487 do. Clifton- near 2088 Hamphall, w. Stubbs, in Adwick Hampnet, R next 3142 do., West, V *975 Harapreston, R 3528 Hampshire, see Southampton Co. Hampstead, P.C *10.5 do.. East 3204 do. -Marshall, R. near 3291 do. -Moreton 3800 do. -Norris, V 3287 Hampsthwaite, ^ Township . . .593 V. ^ Tot. Ear. (5) « Hampton, in Malpas 2953 do. do. do. do. do., do. do.. J Court, V *80 t Wick Ham *87 Arden ) Tot. Par. (5) ( Bishons \ ••■'ext 30.55 Mishops ^ Charles Ham., in Bockle Gt., E.C., w. Lit. nr. 2818 High- next 3908 Hill in 2853 1 Amount Total Number of l*EHSONS, Superfloioi Value uf |•X}.ellded at each of the 4 SlHlulo uttntteil to lriiaiu-« 0 'Ten Yearly Teriods, Ux in i POOH, ibvs— -ja. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1834. 2,750 2,955 JL 255 — 277 304 1,032 1,090 1,231 218 249 202 :uo 431 1,390 3,815 975 549 555 078 095 2,010 2,242 4.53 408 451 470 483 800 79.5 100 55 09 75 67 St. Joh n Lee 95 128 144 129 120 2,320 4,139 041 1,385 1,828 2,288 2,903 800 1 ,000 34 90 93 101 103 3,550 0,227 320 878 885 1,081 1,227 1 ,300 1,534 257 408 415 422 408 19,900 AllcrUou . 43 125 130 132 124 < 242 391 424 408 402 And ley — 491 553 081 Bisho ps Fro oine — 275 308 0,320 8,340 189 751 781 970 1,109 15,540 24,378 804 2,701 3,017 3,538 4,159 1,340 2,407 210 383 425 447 444 2,800 4,795 108 200 205 315 302 0,230 8,140 3,039 3,380 3,279 3,858 4,0.37 1,010 928 168 145 201 243 242 Tilton 2,078 151 123 138 187 102 1,970 3,908 208 397 432 447 554 800 U hitti ngton — — 39 17 2,730 2,489 293 227 295 350 351 1,320 1,.573 304 121 158 220 221 2,010 1,739 97 115 143 19(i 143 1,390 1,004 174 159 171 195 209 1,930 3,422 2.57 028 894 1,060 1,322 2.830 0,981 442 823 776 1,027 834 1,320 2,446 317 410 399 400 520 4,870 3,210 13.5 204 322 374 359 3,920 2,840 232 350 478 408 515 1 Cor bridge 5 52 1 19 74 02 78 67 60 57 08 56 2,220 2,075 83 180 171 190 171 5,050 2,545 100 139 141 114 88 3,440 1,289 105 152 170 141 144 52,930 23,709 290 453 751 707 1,018 1,194 2,930 3,355 3,583 4,119 2,030 3,505 252 397 392 449 405 5,830 82.5 35 150 210 217 230 2,720 3,287 301 358 414 408 474 200 BeUeshaogr 20 29 42 26 38 Beikley 8,009 433 835 883 903 903 Kingston 4,051 002 557 781 901 1,079 1,620 1,803 130 188 195 171 205 3,840 4,478 233 713 783 953 1,027 2,800 10,245 1,331 1,165 1,207 1,424 1,.543 5,100 40,650 5,804 0,485 8,130 9,753 11,580 440 981 209 327 417 421 318 0,620 0,393 828 1,074 1,110 1,281 1,3.57 9,030 0,744 1,747 1,358 1,495 1,880 2,020 2,020 1,371 308 459 384 381 437 1,230 2,080 198 252 273 338 334 1,300 4,760 209 330 290 308 297 3,998 2,873 210 380 410 488 494 Win terbour ne — 704 908 950 1,370 804 89 129 135 1’49 158 2,090 2,955 279 129 133 141 129 Berke ley — 394 — 437 045 10,530 35,029 5,124 5,973 6,957 7,934 8,178 Glossop 3,329 GJossop 972 1,280 * 705 1,092 2,140 30,349 4,450 5,000 7,3!)3 8,809 10,222 1,017 1,810 107 259 285 329 330 2,190 1,483 161 210 285 479 270 2,330 1,180 87 209 215 218 218 870 1,101 25 59 58 71 54 1,820 1.148 300 228 235 281 280 620 195 30 79 09 88 105 1,030 1,348 244 210 223 277 289 1,420 1,427 15G 91 124 110 154 1,190 l,6fi0 (H 90 82 121 187 1,850 2,520 451 400 441 1 401 409 5,090 2,520 702 083 770 892 883 2,070 37,421 3,016 4,313 5,483 7,203 8,588 5,300 2,602 341 500 578 015 017 1,810 1,793 202 271 292 304 313 7,370 0,440 1,205 1,708 1,053 1 1,932 1,8(U 0,280 5,807 1,235 855 875 Fill 1,179 1,170 1,133 208 439 418 490 415 9,000 7,3.5(i 1,308 2,270 2,437 2,750 2,589 1,290 1 ,839 100 1.59 190 207 273 ^ 3,190 ( 8,550 ) 3,909 8.17 .590 1,722 793 1,981 770 2,288 1,210 2,529 1,403 12,910 1 3,279 289 400 409 558 012 19,0.52 1,022 2,107 2,481 2,772 2,891 2,130 2,3.50 130 225 183 201 211 850 3,051 370 210 290 340 512 510 413 40 75 84 91 91 1 ,()70 3,081 104 270 333 321 290 2,220 1,204 119 204 221 282 301 Manley 1,4.50 99 142 138 138 105 [ 1 Alooaot Total Number of P KR.SUNSt Ham — Har ' 15 1 1 buperfleies 1 Statute Value of Pfoperlj,^*, [ exprodet 1 tor Maio 1 lentnee o at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Piriods. Towns, Parishes, tfc. 1 j ihr Property Tax ID ]bl6 POOR, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Hampton Little *908 or 1383 700 4,(i07 398 584 882 1,110 1,625 do. Maisey-, R. .. near 3152 1 ,920 2,020 185 315 333 302 30-1 DO. Min- ^ Tu. 2§ 300 4,880 9,001 1,733 3,419 3,240 4,!)07 5,114 CHIN t Rodboro’ Ch. 3(14 1,390 3,008 804 1 ,058 1,628 2,038 2,141 do. -Nether, C near 3400 800 1,101 140 107 135 117 143 do. Welch- » 3035 2,970 2,434 100 373 377 478 532 do. -Gay, C next 2099 020 1,330 50 07 70 80 80 do. -Lovett, R » 2871 1,580 4,135 265 198 192 170 143 do. -Lucy, or Bishops, R. 2771 3,130 0,371 382 514 551 554 504 do. -Eoyle, R next 2098 830 1,498 138 100 128 153 150 do. & Clav. Hund. (3)nr. 1385 2,610 5,012 234 355 450 501 587 Hamsey, R *820 2,520 3,046 700 367 492 637 008 Hamstall-Redware, R 2!)20 2,030 3,-124 286 i^l9 429 455 413 Hamsteels, with Burnop .. in 4183 1,980 Lanch ester 68 115 127 133 Hamsterley Chap « 030 2,820 2,309 284 491 529 552 603 Hamworthy 3530 1,270 793 107 330 288 313 308 1,580 110 > 19,250 1,146 1,281 C 113 239 (.1740 147 250 1.54 291 (.Tot. Parish (8; 2927-8 12,380 2,19.5 2,100 do., R 2806 7,200 10,073 883 983 1,018 1,042 1,073 Hanby Ham., in Lavingtou nr. 2210 830 Laving ton — 32 Handborough, R 2704 2,820 3,120 808 055 721 885 883 HandchurcH, in Trentham nr. 2t)34 720 ^ Tre ntham t 249 224 109 Handford Chap » 290 t 393 490 007 Handforth, with Boxton, in Chea 2,020 3,658 0.53 1,034 1,315 1,745 1,980 Handley Lvme- in 823 3,920 2,088 117 222 247 253 222 do. -Sixpenny, C 3542 1 ? t Township., near 1054 ■’ *■ J Golborn-David « 2953 6.1i70 5,040 952 757 793 831 889 1,340 1,952 193 203 215 2.50 309 550 833 05 62 58 70 80 Handsacre, with Armitage .. 2919 1,950 3,212 315 405 483 793 977 Handsvvorth, R 129 3,510 9,900 717 1,424 1,841 2,173 2,338 rlr, T> 5 ■"'ill' Soho •••• 73 ao.,K. ^ Perrv-Barr.... » 3,950 3,770 j 10,875 1,315 s 2157 ) 502 2,451 670 3,082 777 (4,941 Hanford, ex. Pa., C near 3547 460 — 11 9 13 10 Hang Wapentake \ 4^19 63,780 08,701 4,450 9,111 9,222 10,114 10,831 164,010 92,554 7,129 12,.570 13,353 14,707 15,180 Hanging Houghton, in La. nr. 2.586 Lamport 1,940 117 117 ' 97 111 114 Hangleton, R *829 1,000 1,788 — 30 48 52 04 Hanham Chap 1328 Bilton 3,4(i7 580 795 934 1,080 1,212 Hankelow in 2951 800 1,340 131 207 210 258 289 Hankerton, \ ^'i„aVlyTV.'ur ( 2,130 2,895 348 200 t 231 1 u 209 87 325 88 Hanlev, if. S. 4§ 108 Stoke upon Trent — 4,481 5,022 7,121 do. Castle, V 2820 5,630 7,347 1,148 <18(i 1,186 1,424 1,0. 3 do. Child-, Chap in 2851 1,110 094 59 1.58 151 19.5 211 do. William, R near » 9(J0 1,042 69 138 128 124 141 Hanlith, in Kirkby in Mallam-Dale 880 093 28 81 51 40 42 Hannay, with Hagnaby near 2204 1,010 1,278 in 83 84 100 9T C Rart of .... 3240 ooo 2,430 287 330 348 387 39!' Hauney, West, ^ East 1,390 3,lb0 315 535 .577 587 031 V. ( Ly ford Chap. » 1,070 1,220 147 124 108 133 131 Hanningfield, Ea.'t, R. near 1795 3,770 .3,545 372 330 378 398 417 do.. South, V. a 1812 1,020 1,684 127 180 159 176 213 do.. West, V or 1810 2,800 3,820 4.39 353 307 408 480 Hannington, V near 2580 1,270 1 ,495 100 144 134 177 190 do., R., Hants. « 3409 1,220 1,406 484 210 242 215 287 do., V., Wilts 3339 2,450 4,007 488 303 412 412 415 Hanslope, R 2520 5,290 0,052 1,734 1,289 1,345 1,479 1,023 Hanthorpe, or Harnthorpe Ham., Hants, see Southampton County in Mort on — — — 2.51 977 10(i 1,213 Hanwell, R *93 1,100 5,3.50 424 817 803 do., R. (Bloxham) near 2710 1,240 2,813 311 204 230 280 288 Hanw'ood, Great, & Lit., R. in 3014 Hanworth-Cold, K near 2272 130 801 07 135 103 1.57 1.50 1 ,090 !)0(i 37 30 35 57 03 do., R., Middlesex .... *121 1,390 3,!)03 208 33^1 533 5.52 071 do., V., Norfolk . . . near 1745 1,480 1,293 272 24(i 200 2.50 27(i do. -Potter, R « tim 4,1.50 3,127 210 303 304 374 402 Happinpj Hundred (16) 1970 30,240 20,109 3,390 5,095 5,210 6,883 0,440 Happisburgb, V 1974 1,700 2,231 281 520 487 523 582 Hapsford, in Thornton near 990 700 759 4(i 78 92 89 83 Hapton 11.34 3,.570 3,057 350 395 .533 568 .583 do., C near 2003 070 1,012 110 172 148 180 200 Haram in 4137 1,920 3,00(i 80 373 111 101 4 15 Haraton, or Harraton 40 2,090 8,901 1 ,283 1 ,007 1 ,75!) 1 2,217 2,171 Harberton. V 1513 5,800 10,720 947 1,138 1,312 ! 1,425 1,584 Harbledown, St. Michael, R. *.544 1,470 3,901 558 473 008 078 819 4,000 4,310 801 S i,i"s t 1 ,097 1,283 ; 1,328 1,400 1,9.50 1,5.51 2,070 Harborongh-Magna, R. near 2788 1,.580 2,202 137 241 319 365 no. Market, Th. 9 § in Bowdon Magna 3,2!)3 772 1,710 1,704 1,873 2,272 Harbottle in 4554 Hally stone 14 128 152 181 16.5 Harbridge, C near 3522 2,700 1,931 195 320 329 352 322 Harbury, or Harberbury, V. 2777 2,000 5,010 H57 BOI 1,015 01)7 •ISS do., in Clifton, North near 2329 Clil'ton 863 40 180 18(1 2(i7 304 Harcourt Kibworth- in 2(il2j JeaucliMin p 2, 12 1 808 382 3H5 390 4il do. Newton-, in Wis. nr. 2013’ 880 1,710 2' 18 180 214 1 298 279 do. Stanton « 2703 3,120 4,939 003 .501 553 000 0.57 do., in Stanton « 3023 | Stanto n upon nine Heath — 31 3.-> Hardenhiirst, R m-xt 398 I 540 1 1,097 1 40 55 53 70 no Harderleu, ox. Pa near 29t!2 F.dg' ton 1 — 13 2 — Hardham, It *8981 080 1,173 1 79 35 1 89 m 131 Hardhorn, with Newton near 1237 2,200 5,970 i 210 311 329 392 lO'.I i:u every Covnly, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tything, Sfc., in ENGLAND, at each of the Four Periods, IBOl, 1011, 1021, 1031. liar — liar Towns, Parislifs, l,c. i-ii to* 1 ii ill llardingliam, H near 2001 Hurdinslone, V 2;)(i3 llaulingluii, li !&'> do. -Mniuleville, U. nr. 3(i0G Hardley, C next 1003 Hardniead, K • 2.>2-l llardres. Lower, K ‘oDO do., I' poor, K *392 Hardwick, 0., (Houceslcr .... 3229 do. Ham., in Abergav. 157 do., K., ^or/olk.. near 2003 do., K. (Urlingbury) » 2593 do., Knst in 39H8 do., \1 e.it, in M'ragby nr. -107 do. I’riors-, .. » 2773 do. Klmstone-, V. • 3148 do., ex. I’a., w. Haw.nt. 1888 Hardwicke, IL, C 87 80 500 810 61 — 81 96 139 Wragby 728 30 — 99 93 85 1,000 2,348 416 228 252 203 296 1,980 1,802 185 177 170 178 197 1,980 3,500 436 392 409 404 414 1,010 081 165 152 127 134 90 580 .501 29 121 125 124 103 990 1,391 27 01 85 98 80 1,340 2,313 239 178 196 207 235 1,860 2,974 380 385 358 420 405 1,400 2,945 130 513 619 624 006 750 879 95 59 47 71 81 4,510 8,358 985 951 1,079 1,228 1,285 1,360 2,037 277 433 430 439 531 700 843 81 108 100 104 121 1,980 4,098 305 553 552 602 611 Egling ham 24 44 36 46 50 860 1,414 98 59 48 80 85 3,850 3,837 255 707 771 849 894 12,180 12,850 699 2,172 2,117 2,348 2,463 3,680 1,498 86 142 182 199 210 1,010 1,283 20 07 64 72 77 2,400 1,402 178 158 188 192 203 1,870 2,159 389 324 313 360 394 1,250 1,909 258 — 240 301 329 2,530 3,772 247 297 351 389 390 Kirk- whelp- t 10 67 77 48 64 ing ton i 11 48 G5 04 45 2,140 2,870 1 2,449 ) 99 ( 104 166 172 195 178 192 102 167 200 1,010 5,077 1,144 1,4.59 1,516 1,641 1,784 2,530 2,543 445 437 503 564 045 1,120 2,186 172 160 150 211 218 730 763 118 87 97 94 89 500 2,471 75 221 196 235 257 Bo lam 25 46 56 01 73 2,990 3,748 624 674 754 867 1,031 2,980 1,177 104 122 112 116 107 1,815 2,076 542 344 352 398 481 1,340 3,427 341 303 461 472 648 1,320 917 129 105 120 141 115 4,490 8,1.57 1,261 1,514 1,695 1,928 2,101 28,000 46,791 7,371 6,534 r 6,697 7,515 7,796 Oving ham 81 115 121 124 149 2,910 2,855 260 361 305 420 430 520 438 52 62 74 93 105 1,100 1,244 136 150 159 221 233 860 1,865 83 176 202 194 233 3,480 6,007 607 879 926 1,076 1,270 2,690 3,896 122 235 251 333 405 1,200 2,189 398 186 240 207 250 Bo lam 25 46 50 61 73 830 1,127 39 71 65 75 71 4,920 6,211 1,163 1,112 1,380 1,693 1.972 1,240 2,472 93 190 193 202 307 1,970 2,728 276 172 203 251 240 2,180 2,032 206 304 312 359 370 1,560 3,345 423 545 571 687 711 1,400 4,100 395 173 195 223 238 2,180 2,238 101 59 64 79 73 900 857 39 77 83 76 68 2,770 3,589 230 467 502 627 695 2,850 3,641 234 379 463 528 63G 270 640 23 118 172 297 403 Car lisle 47 58 46 00 2,090 8,961 1,233 1,607 1,759 2,217 2,171 2,520 2,864 1,051 484 542 707 704 2,380 4,577 35G 1,357 1,621 1,8^15 1,758 1,070 1,612 137 59 65 105 70 2,000 4,617 240 140 164 184 191 3,060 6,340 330 404 363 350 358 4,800 7,142 1,273 1,195 1,583 1,934 2,812 3,240 2,757 813 703 796 939 995 1,980 1,314 96 342 317 412 344 1,840 2,380 122 287 281 329 342 9,870 23,978 2,502 2,483 2,813 3,017 3,801 1,430 942 154 111 133 130 144 Granibam 2,477 39 51 41 45 54 1,160 1,785 31 95 123 140 148 1,480 2,019 246 284 347 420 405 2,910 2,855 260 361 305 420 436 Her — Has Towns, Parishes, Sfc, Harsley, West Harston, V do., R Harswell, R. ill .•t? ir S < .. . in 4182 near 2132 next 2651 near 4071 I \r i 'l'ownship 4465 Hart, j.^rish (4) Hartburn, in Stockton 1079 r Township i 4534 do., V. •' Grange do. > Morpeth C'l'ot. l'a.(24) 1 Tinuale Hartcliffe, with Bedminster 1330&2 Hartesmere Hundred 1910 Hartest, R 1883 Harttield, R *738 Hartford in 854 do., V., Hunts 2150 do.. East, t in Horton, do.. West, f includes 2 Hartgrove Tyth., in Fontmell-mag Hartnill, P. C near 2952 do., or Hartle in 895 do., R., with Woodhall 3940 Hat ting, Sin. R. & V *950 Hartington, V. 2§ 2302 do.’ Ha’rE'.! ^ in 4534 Hartland, D., S. t 3 § 1.527 do. Hundred (5) » Hartlebury, t Township .... 404 R. ( Milton, Upper t Hartlepool, V., S. 4 § 57 Hartley, R., Kent *343 do., in Earsdon 5 do., Kirkby Stephen .... 4253 do. -Bum in 4497 do. -Dammer Liberty near 3271 do. -Maudit, R » 3449 do. -Westpall, R next 3428 do. -'Wintuey, V. 2§ .... 3427 Hartlington, or Harlington, in Bur Hartlip, V *453 Hartoft in 1115 Hatton , 27 do » 4111 Hartpury, V 3172 Harts Grounds, ex. Pa., in Gosber. Hartshead, C 1044 do. -cum-Clifton .... 488 Hartshill 803 Hartshorn, R near 114 do. Barton next 2514 Harthill rBainton Beacon 4000 Wapen-rHolme « 4007 take, 4 i Hunsley « 4051 Divisions. V. Wilton « 4073 Hartsides, Fawdon, and Clinch, in Hartsop,with Putterd. Ch. in 4272 Hartwell, R near 2492 do., or Wold-Hartwell, R. 2538 Hartwith, w. Winsley Ch. in 4014 Harty, Isle of, P. C *479 Harvington, R near 2818 Harwell, V 3241 91 nHARWlCH, 5 St. Nicholas 1769 C.Tu. F. f 2§ ? Dover Court « Harwich, with Torksey near 2272 Harwood, Great, C 1112 do., Little 1100 do 1178 do., see Horwood.... in 4534 do. Dale, w^ Silp. Ch. a 1094 do. & Forest 620 Harworth, V near 3962 Hascomb, R *2ii6 Haselbeach, R. (Rothwell) nt. 2579 Haselbury-Bryan, R 3.566 Haseley, or Horsley in 2946 do., R near 2754 Gmat 5TotM^EweIme)nt.26S7 Haselor, in St. Michael .... 2915 do., V 2760 Hasfield, R. (Westminster) nt. 3147 Hasingham near 1968 Hasketon, R n 1701 Hnsland in 870 Hasle, in Wragby . ...near 467 Haslebury-Plucknet 3691 1 U Haslemere, C., Tu. t 2 § *280 Haslewood, see Hazlewood 1759 Haslingden Chap., S. 5§.... 1411 Haslingfield, V near 2411 Haslington Chap 2954 1,3.50 4,740 1,000 1,020 3,580 1,110 Ashton 2,820 iVlAUcettr 2,510 870 56,090 01,330 64,740 46,000 Ingrun Barton 680 1,850 5,470 2,530 1,290 2,730 90 1,970 2,380 2,510 730 1,100 Hart 8.430 7,700 4,320 990 1.790 3,010 2,520 1,280 3.140 520 1,950 1,400 610 1.140 Cbetler^eld Wragby 1.430 3,330 2,570 4,420 2,439 3.790 2,0.52 504 3,139 1,908 5,008 -under- 3,987 2,919 3,875 919 73,100 00,329 125,018 40,820 1,842 1,513 1,578 4,098 2,049 2,351 4,709 9,008 2,724 2,813 4,806 1,414 2,492 burn 2,087 1,347 3,958 1,398 3,226 3,830 522 28 135 71 439 Line 399 143 307 91 3,773 5,918 9,589 3,609 193 192 440 305 102 254 731 2,114 471 144 578 111 280 117 300 236 385 204 198 Eccles hall 1,417 113 t 1,136 > j ( 3,440 \ *’.^10 707 3,123 2,465 519 2,783 4,164 958 3,024 1,830 785 8,486 1,677 3,990 6 130 151 50 345 288 60 411 687 197 1,656 243 607 256 89 100 154 507 1,628 398 580 100 5,328 6,,599 7,570 4,900 50 201 115 357 449 35 202 671 2,371 390 236 1,659 104 1,281 34 185 see 270 225 118 454 199 ( 165 ( 558 33 306 187 112 360 560 677 642 93 4,040 387 077 272 104 205 105 682 52 1,728 449 095 92 6,503 7,490 16,772 5,349 68 319 221 414 480 41 260 661 2,893 839 240 1,676 126 1,430 36 Forest 512 264 115 494 427 213 135 540 42 340 265 100 493 697 128 664 756 110 5,127 412 922 Aonunl Amoant 1 'Total iSumher 0 / /'/', « SONS, 8up«rAci«* v«i«« or • IptHdori at rack of the \ In PsuffStf, «l • ••oaivd to 1 Ten Yearly TeriotH, r*x Id 1016, POO It, irM- 'JV. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,410 1,828 162 79 82 51 m 1 ,480 2,113 432 412 452 Wifi .562 030 1,323 105 130 151 162 182 720 810 45 73 00 78 70 3,300 3,985 109 219 228 231 243 7,250 0,852 291 617 514 5!W 021 940 1,682 57 104 115 121 1.52 — 25 16 23 17 13,370 20,137 64 68 68 06 10,160, I 1 (.681 1,340 1,424 1,474 1,440 19,440 40,174 3,810 5,T.n 7,433 11,419 17,047 55,240 09,207 18,619 12,133 14,6(i5 16,180 17,871 1,900 2,905 9.:3 646 705 740 761 8,420 4,970 1,353 1,050 1,2.50 1,440 1,4.55 1,030 3,245 206 472 067 772 8r> -L- 89 Ill Hawkinge, R *042 1,490 419 73 91 119 132 131 HassalV in H-10 1,030 1,510 125 181 205 218 200 Hawklf*y, (] npnr 1,710 1,772 849 458 41 258 72 248 75 253 50 Hassingliain, R.,— see Hasingliam Hawkridge, R » "3720 3,209 G7 Hassoj) in h V. ri'otal Par. (5) 1 13,030 S 1,701 1 0,087 301 733 498 1,390 570 1,592 058 1,850 722 1,794 do. Hopwas in 751 Hay, Chesljn 2894 500 Cannock 1,140 1!)9 440 480 3 548 2 048 Hathertou in 838 1..5.50 1,759 173 191 379 418 447 do. Comb next 3.598 i j isu 1,438 147 232 278 237 200 1,441 1,103 1,135 248 94 299 108 320 108 320 104 do. Horton,— see Horton do. Ogley-, Ex. Pa., in South Of — Hatley, East, R near 2441 1,184 51 1,070 How 8 23 24 do., St. George, R. .. » » 1 ,000 90 101 102 105 119 do. Tiddesley-, Ex. Pa. near 2890 — — 5!) 43 50 do. Cockayne » » 1,400 1,330 111 102 110 117 125 Hayling ^ North, C 1438 1,180 1,993 290 254 247 295 29-1 Hatterslfty in 1,190 970 103 473 563 477 Isl Tul < Sniilli, V f 2,490 3,-2()0 2,783 540 324 373 443 588 Hatton..." » 987 920 1,338 137 241 271 397 391 Haynes, or Hawnes, V 24-20 3,372 977 588 00!) 775 847 do. in W aver ton near 1()54 1,3()0 1,733 137 1.52 147 157 150 Hayridge Hundred (17) .... 3771 44,890 00,301 7,315 11,038 10,847 12,315 13,1U do. Ham., near 748, in Marston- Dove 1,197 115 •299 252 225 211 Haythorpe with Dunthrpe. nr. -2737 1,710 1,010 199 33 o() 130 123 do., R., Lincoln near 2273 1,780 1,774 104 104 133 105 105 Hayton, V » 050 2,700 2,0(ki 138 230 233 244 25G do. with East Bedfont. .. . *90 1,890 3,014 302 450 577 771 908 do. and Melay in 4381 2,3.3!) 22 174 192 241 253 do. in Sliiffnall 3002 Sluff nail — 588 571 do., (Township } C. > Faugh, Felton, & T. < 7,050 \ 2,257 352 »J70 430 491 582 do.. High near 301-1 in tS tan ton- upon- Mine Heath 193 208 i 1,429 539 .541 Oil 709 S Townshii), P. C. } ^Jeansall&Shr. ^754 3,910 S 1,750 220 248 272 287 302 do., ( E. Riding near 4073 1,700 2,756 135 135 152 177 180 < 3,182 301 432 401 519 513 V. t Bielby » » Haytor Hundred ( 22) 3803 1,220 01,340 1,140 95,705 109 10,499 173 17,722 188 19,400 2'3!) 21,032 248 ■24,143 Haugh, Ex. Pa. lib near 2204 040 — 14 8 7 8 Haywood Lib., Ex. Pa. near 3007 1)050 — — 08 42 75 .53 1,300 2,460 834 124 70 R4 100 92 do. Forest do. do. « » Hazeleigh, R. (Dengie) » 1775 1,030 — , . - 80 38 C3 73 Haughley, V 1914 2,985 519 592 700 8.54 908 1,030 1,337 124 104 III 128 119 Haughton, R,— see Houghton 2901 2,150 1,988 234 437 455 473 490 Hazelbadge, see Haselbeechin 907 Hope 1,014 33 77 03 51 03 do. with Serlby. . near 2332 980 892 29 41 31 40 55 Hazleton, ( Tovvnship ,. near 3142 1,190 1,320 57 98 111 140 104 do.-le- ( Townsliip » Oil 2,140 3,905 275 308 398 406 710 R, ^ Vanwortli Chap. » » 1,340 1,405 179 97 113 11!) 123 Skerne ^Total Parish i"0) » 11,340 12,912 4.50 1,152 1,2-20 l,-245 1,003 Hazlewood, see Haslewood in 777 Duthcld 1,009 217 302 348 483 3!)0 Hankswpll S East & W'est nr. 4222 htaukswell ,, uarton & G. . » 2,040 1,320 31 140 144 170 197 do. and Stoutly. ... /' 5f)C 1,800 424 70 181 208 209 221 1,810 995 84 154 177 1.58 104 do. with Stutton * 4004 2,010 2,110 93 252 329 250 330 Haulgh with Tonge 1170 1,030 2,032 315 1,158 1,402 1,078 2,201 Hazle Heath, Tyth., in Heck. 3243 Heck field — — — 313 Haunton, in Clifton Camp\ ille 2!»30 Clifton Canipv ille — 229 2)4 Hazon in 4557 Sliil bottle 02 132 110 99 92 Hautboys, Great, R in 1990 t)00 605 84 08 77 102 141 do.. Little, R. see Lammas « Lam mas 95 38 28 Heacham, V 1735 3,570 4,971 737 521 580 710 733 Hauxley in 4548 W'ark worth 41 i)2 113 114 143 Headbourn-lVorthy, R. next 3.503 1,050 1,988 237 153 137 170 190 Hauxton-Newton, V next 2122 5()8 863 101 144 189 230 235 Headcorti, V. ^ *108 4,930 0,000 1,849 740 883 1,191 1,193 7 Havant, R., 5. * t 2^ 1437 2,500 0,-229 1,404 1,070 1,8-24 2,099 2,083 Hcadingley with Burly, C. in 490 2,800 10,087 433 1,313 1,070 2,154 3,8-19 Havengore Marsh, Ex. Pa. nr 1798 Haveningham next 1953 810 2,390 205 2 230 19 300 25 23 411 21 423 1,780 080 4,148 1,009 090 811 1 ,087 1,388 Id!) 1,838 322 Headlam in 017 70 89 175 •232 Haverah Park, Ex. Pa. « 4009 1,9.50 912 40 71 70 87 90 Headley 3451 7,090 3,1.57 1,004 858 983 1,093 l,-228 Haverbrack in 4281 720 1,100 31 92 105 127 120 do., R., Surrey *207 1,830 1,098 189 217 2-20 184 253 Havercroft, with Cold Hiendly, > in Felkirk ) 1,3.50 850 123 180 102 189 153 Headon with Upton, V. near 2340 Heage, C in 780 2,300 l)iilii«l() 2,-2-26 2,704 204 022 278 !)7!) 232 1,210 211 1,7-12 248 1,8-15 HAVERHILL,V.t2§)f^|^„/_; 1851 980 1 2,485 1,815 t 204 2-24 228 207 Healaugh, V near 4001 2,800 4,401 2()-l 233 208 191 212 2,340 t 1 104 l,-2-10 1,421 1,758 Healing, R next 2284 1 ,250 1 .3!)5 St. Pet 93 !)4 105 94 102 Havering-atte- ^ Parish 1782 4,290 2,050 278 188 210 352 332 Healey,— see Hceley in 4503 Bywell ers 2!) 51 .59 4!) 54 Bower (t Hundred (3) —3 12,550 37,770 3,471 4,098 5,055 6,007 0,812 do. & (’omb Hill .... » 45 Nether U hitto n 10 37 34 43 It Haveringland, V near 2070 2,350 1,252 2.53 143 145 174 181 do. with Sutton » 4209 4,180 2,372 2!)5 354 354 413 400 Haversham, R » 2520 1,430 2,180 250 223 250 289 313 Heanor, < 'I'ownship 1 -nu V. ri'otal of Parish (4) ( (i,870 ( 3094 741 1,001 1,912 2,301 2,()72 } 13,*2UI 1,321 2,031 4,280 4,981 5,HH() Haw witli Tyrley 3147 1,8.50 3,940 199 305 405 443 498 Heanton-Puncharden, R.near 1.532 2,340 2,0!)3 241 418 410 486 580 Hawcoat with W'olney, &c. .. 4337 15,410 2,441 Dal ton 583 710 848 Heap Chap 1071 2,-240 8,82!) 88() 4,285 5,148 0,552 10,429 llawerby with Beesby .. near 2281 870 1,053 50 70 60 55 00 Heapey do 1214 730 1,751 174 311 •128 530 -105 b Hawes, Chap, Tu. 2 % 4240 I9,.590 4,899 094 1,223 1,185 1,408 43 L.5.59 Heapham, R near 1717 1,2.50 1,215 50 lot) 105 112 143 Elawfield Norton- Ville near 3000 Norton Malrw d. 30 — 30 40 Heath, V., I)erh holme nr.400 1,790 ^ 4,134 422 079 5 533 5.58 570 390 3!)9 41 — — 11 42 It., Do/'sel ^ W'yldecourt 3592 2,114 ( 23!) 298 310 do. & Reach Chai>. in Ltughton Buzzd. 1 ,050 020 541 580 720 78-1 Elawkedon, R near 1808 1,210 1,058 501 237 208 32!) 328 do. or Hethe near -2700 1,300 1,077 191 202 319 350 -114 Hawkesbury, ( Tything ....t V. ri'otalPar.(7)r^^“ Kawkesdale in 4112 8,910 0,514 1,300 J 335 333 389 431 i 1 390 1,482 1 ,821 2,182 Heather, R 724 1,100 2,. 583 238 31 1 334 411 41 !) Dais ton — 321 370 330 -127 Healherop, or Hatherop near 31.52 2,100 2,850 255 217 209 2!)0 32i> t H avvkes- ^ Town,/W. t 1 ^ 4313 0,700 2,5.32 919 034 070 829 797 Heathlield, R next 3731 550 1,320 01 1-20 122 131 130 HEAD, P. C. t Total Parisli (4) — 0 22,220 8,338 1 ,585 1,710 2,014 2,000 do., R., see Warbleton *713 14,390 3,808 1 ,552 1 ,-220 1,310 1,011 1,801 Hawkhill with Lesbury .... 1078 liCfthiii y 7,014 20!) 524 505 670 501 Hcalh])ool in 4578 Kirkn. 570 57/ 38 30 -12 13 Hawkhurst, C. ^ *511 ! 8, .590 7,035 1,!547 1,742 1,849 2,250 2,428 Heathwaite & Woodland » 4312 4,190 ! 1 211 207 202 133 vverif County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, Sfc., in ENGLAND, at each of the Pour Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021, 1031. Ilea — Hem Towns, Parishes, Sfc. Si.i ;ill I Iciitliy-lee iu lleiiton, in Dean » do., with Oxclille . . . . » C. ij Total I'ar. (7) do., or llibbura .... iu Hebden, in Linton next Herk, or Hick in Hec'ktield, | M^ttinsley ix H. | Heckiiij^ham, P. C. (Clav.) nt. Heckington, V., w. Garrick., iieckinondwike, C I).')!) lOHt) 1041 1031 0 1(> !Xi.) 529 455 1492 4511 4575 570 3970 3423 l!)03 2233 547 Heddington, K near 397 .Township l Heddon-on-the- 1 East 5 45 W all, V.i West ....S 19 , Tot. Par. (0) » Heddon Black in 4527 Hedenham, R. (Loddon) near 1%0 Hedgerley in 4502 do., K near 2470 do. Dean Ham in 2407 Hedingham Castle, P.C. 4 § 1849 do. Sible 1848 Hedley, in Chester-le-Street 41 do. -Hope in 034 do. -on-the-Hill > • .-,,- do. -Woodside \ Hednesford & Leacroft. .. in 2825 H U Hedon, P.C., .5. t 4§. ... 1712 Hedsor, R., with Lillifee next 2480 Heelylield in 4483 Heene *808 Heigham, R in 407 do. -Potter, V next 1970 Heighinton, C., in W'ashing. nr. 2209 -tT t Township .... 015 ' • ( Total Parish (7) Heighley, High h Low in 4.540 Heighten, R *770 Helaugh, or Healaugh.. near 4004 Helens, St., S. 2 § 1251 do., P. C 1100 do., Abingdon (5). . . . 3231 Heloughton, V near 2070 Hellaby, with Stainton.. a 3904 Helland, R /> 3942 Hellesden (Taverham) .. » 407 Hellidon,P. C « 2554 Hellifield ... in Hellinghill » Helniingham, R « Helmingstone » Helmington & Hnnwick .. in H'Lmsley, t Town, S. + 4§ .. 1941 do., do. Upper. Helpringham, with Thorp Lidinier Helpstone, V near Helsby, in Frodshanu Helsiiigton Chap in 2 : tlH Kelston,C., ,S.*+ 8§ » do., see Hilton. 3HHe.mel-Hemp t Th. + 3 § STEAD, V.^ Be Hemiugborou^), Township 402i Tot. Par. (7) Hemlingtord r Atherstone. . Hundred, 1 Birmingham IFacu-'irrA:, 4 Solihull 27 4 divisions. VTamw. 751, Hemingford-Abbots, R. ne 800- do. -Grey, V. do., in Lockington . . . do., see Helmingstone nt. AniounI Tofal Numbtro/ 1* tlHSONS, V.lu, at tack of the *1 in SUIat* .. tU Unniio* l\n Yearlif Ptriods. Aor«(. >!• i'rontrly • 1 In Itll6. TOOK, — £- 2(iH 1801. I8H. 1821. 1831. 5,.590 1,398 520 701) 788 689 l,03t> 2,353 361 677 765 826 719 1,780 2,833 194 201) 175 176 170 2,180 12,1.55 889 3,768 5,Ti-2 6,958 11,238 1,090 1,767 138 2()7 234 221 181 480 1,103 95 494 G2<> 630 771 Byker 2,285 129 183 497 470 .501 Leek 2,076 24(i 3^13 346 391 402 1,220 2,487 276 951 1,088 1,217 1,4.52 (i,500 10,.531 2,521 4,871 6,544 7,968 10,020 3,290 12,888 847 833 957 1,253 1,932 6,930 7,912 t 257 79 539 98 625 93 561 84 561 Chilliagliktu 1,145 87 121 84 93 137 2,840 1,446 237 341 402 377 491 l,lti0 1 ,520 198 194 215 228 236 5,790 [ 3,209 526 613 5()1 636 623 < 1,206 352 482 468 513 579 1,160 l,3ti7 80 495 111 146 183 5,720 6,563 965 1,042 1,261 1,438 1,480 680 3,268 312 1,742 2,324 2,579 2,793 1,650 3,394 192 287 266 296 310 ( 123 253 318 362 383 730 2,479 ) 34 52 61 44 57 11 43 50 38 42 4,590 5,765 338 473 653 770 774 Stanifo rdham 57 56 64 63 64 1,80.) 2,364 190 273 289 283 3.56 Eglin gham 21 51 42 36 43 1,010 1,143 79 137 126 158 187 480 643 96 77 180 199 171 2,600 — 1,456 1,065 1,052 1,163 1,220 5,490 3,686 2,348 1,866 1,702 2,060 2,194 760 Lames ley 54 — 49 44 2,200 2,762 34 47 48 51 72 Oviu 1 gham t 59 t 53 166 88 172 76 168 55 193 60 Can nock — 442 1,440 2,239 531 592 780 902 1,080 770 670 218 140 162 188 207 1,220 Lanebester 53 145 156 161 159 460 773 74 101 136 178 153 Nor -w-ich — 854 842 1,503 5,495 2,620 2,168 192 321 290 340 367 1,350 2,267 306 321 323 396 552 2,110 3,081 299 543 502 557 767 8,630 10,726 ford 782 1,316 1,273 1,383 1,739 Mit 20 106 91 76 117 470 560 101 90 69 71 91 2,800 4,461 264 233 208 191 212 Eccles ton — — — — 1,880 2,399 198 550 658 804 953 3,590 Abing don 210 372 333 373 1,650 1,582 330 273 256 3-22 318 3,060 2,432 125 151 178 218 254 2,770 1,588 74 221 223 264 285 1,020 1,0-20 87 45 57 45 61 840 2,735 379 340 340 408 426 3,200 2,987 289 237 252 279 250 Roth bury 68 127 124 130 109 5,820 4,408 2,460 936 1,041 1,313 1,504 3,560 2,544 542 421 433 486 515 3,870 2,920 1 305 235 267 325 286 1,320 1,789 I 274 253 265 322 342 1,560 1,820 ' 97 122 150 160 164 8,200 6,465 ! 714 1,449 1,415 1,520 1,485 29,020 21,576 1,308 3,209 3,229 3,4.58 3,411 780 918 23 47 40 63 66 520 793 82 151 212 209 243 1,900 2,170 282 548 519 611 673 2,620 2,214 87 72 137 157 131 2,600 3,990 309 518 550 693 750 1,860 3,108 1 207 301 276 372 485 ! 1,440 1 1,747 1 - 174 268 297 378 534 Kendal \ 3,5.56 i 198 230 229 268 290 130 W en ^dron 2,248 2,297 2,671 3,293 Ask ham — — 162 192 1,070 812 120 214 133 255 238 7,310 14,014 2,056 2,722 3,240 3,962 4,759 5,130 5,262 827 958 982 1,231 l,-278 il90 1,700 235 387 429 500 468 9,440 12,024 1,280 1,484 1,618 1,855 1,806 2.430 1,897 199 231 244 2!)7 366 1 39,190 1 61,360 8,533 14,3-25 14,473 17,797 20,120 : 26,050 1 47,018 2,5-26 5,419 5,752 6,423 0,792 43,560 57,736 5,9! 3 8,309 8,870 9,763 9,933 32,640 37,934 3,980 6,761 7,920 9,419 9,343 2,9‘!0 3,365 374 306 372 400 484 1,610 3,769 3<)2 354 403 475 556 1,240 1,470 177 100 109 134 133 ) 635 2,265 204 337 384 421 389 1,780 2,575 172 357 339 323 384 1*1 Hem — lies Towns, Parishes, IfC. Hemley 7 E. hi/ S.of 1704 Hemlington 4|'J3 do. -Row 034 Heinpholme in 4 oh;} Hempnall, V i>0()2 Hempstead, C., Essex near 1833 iln S 'I'ownshij) ^ South Hamlet.... S 2'*'^ do., R., Nar/ulk next 2075 do., with l^ccles near 1973 Hempston, Broad, V shoI do.. Little next 1511 Hempton » 2070 do. and Patchway .... in 3223 tio " 2713 Hemsby near 1748 Heinswell, P. C. §(Aslacoe)» 2209 Hemsworth, R 435 Hemyock, R 37.53 do. Hundred (7j.... 3752-8 Henbury, J Tyth V. ^ Total Parish (8) do. Hund. ^ ( Ui>per .. do., with I’exhall in Hencoats W'ard ,/ Henderskelf, C » Hendon, V. Hendred, East, R.§ do., West, V Henfield, V Hengrave, R near Henliam, j Essex » T. ^ Pledgon Ham. n do. Ham in Henheads Henhull, in Acton next Hennington, East & Middle do., W est, see Herri. Henley, V next f DO, 4 DO, Henlly Henlow', V. ley, T next 0., in A I den, P.C.,M.t3§ 0., on Thames, R.,77i.t4 ^ lly orHentliss, C. near 3194 823 4510 4122 *106 3244 ff *840 1888 2376 0 1958 1078 836 52 a 1939 2707 2660 168 2440 3796 1157 1871 n 3970 4495 00 2707 1959 1757 1996 3677 3060 2683 2697 4553 4539 521 1904 464 Hennock, V Henthorn, Milton, Kc Henny, Great. R near Hdo., Little, R « Hensall u Henshaw in Hensingham, C., in St. Bees Hensington Ham., in Bla. nr. Henstead, < P. C next R. \ Hulverstreetnear do. Hundred (20) .... Hens I ridge, V Hentland, C Henton Lib., in Chinnor .... Henwood Tyth., in Cumner nr. Hepple 1 . do. Demesne ...... ^ Hepscott « Heptonstall Chap Hepw'orth, R near do in Herberts W'alk, ex. Pa. .. . « 149 Herbert, Somersall, T>erhy nr. 113 3 tt H ii?rrrforir, (6) iv. s. 1 0 § 3007 do., Little, w. Upton nr. 3105 do. County 3040 Hergests Both iu 3081 Hermitage, V next 3.560 Hearn, V., or earne 1398 or *558 Hernehill, V *499 Herriard, V near 3444 Herring, Chaldon -. . . .6 E. of 1472 do. Langton near 3583 Herrin gby, with Stokesby u 1750 Herring-fleet, D » 1755 Herringstoue,ex. Pa., Ch., in West " near East in 52 W est 3tt1f Hertford,V.(5)S.* + 4§2371 do. Hundred (12) do. County Herrington, or Hennington Hesket-in-the- t Nether & U . ) Forest, P. C. ^ Tot. Par. (5) 1 Hesket-Newmarket, F. 6i in do. Chap., in Beconsall 4395 Am„a„l Total ynmhtr of P Snpnifleiai Vnlii.Vf ] 'rop»fly, M Afttittd lo at tack of the 4 Ten Yearly Ptriodt A*r*t, ba PrupartT Ul In 1916. POOK. — £•- H7 1801. 1 IBM. 1821. 1831. — £•-- 501 1 ,000 ti6 1 00 80 69 1,000 1 ,469 67 58 77 72 83 1,.580 1,213 43 121 120 1.54 \fl 830 1,.530 80 67 74 93 102 3,530 4,041 899 879 962 1,014 1,225 3,430 4,202 870 674 5.54 655 708 1,2-20 (1,893 104 159 i 128 ! 157 1 165 (1,629 200 60 62 391 834 1,720 l,49(i 452 227 237 289 286 1,4.50 834 200 192 20.5 ' 212 209 2,140 3,544 425 668 708 789 748 930 2,034 174 200 300 323 321 560 566 192 235 232 29 laiwreiice ( rein of Pa nl S '* Hesselt near 1889 Hessey in 4050 Hessle, T/;”'”!' : V ‘ ‘ ’ ( Oarnson Side .... » Hest, with Styne « 1071 Heslercoinbe Han. » 3733 Heston, V., see Hounslow .. *81 Heswali, J will. Oldfield next 1052 J{. ( Gay ton « Hethe, or Heath, R near 2700 Hethell, R. (Hunibleyard) » 2000 Hethersett, R 1999 Hethersgill, in Kirklinlon .. 4430 Hett in 4473 Hettou-le-Hole .54 do., with liordley, in liurnsall Heugh in 4520 Hever, R *323 Hevershain, J & Milthorpe .. 1072 V. ( Total Par. (7 ) 4284-7 Hevinghani, R 985 Hewelsfield near 3181 "'''‘"dcS"::;::;::::::'.' Hewish (Swanborough) next 3307 Heworth, or Hedworth, C .. 28 do., in St. Cuthbertik Gil. 4038 81[ Hexham t Town, Tu., S’.2§ 4510 C.*t ^Shire (5) 4511 Hexthorp, with Halby .... in 3905 Hexton, V. (Casino). .. . near 2422 Hexwood, or Henwood, in Cumner Heybridge, V., or Keybridge 1770 Heydon, U. (see Hedon) near 1987 Heyfoid, Lower, R « 2700 do. Warren, R,,orUp. » a do. Nether » 2508 do. Upper » 2509 Heyhouses 1150 Heyshani, R 4327 Heyshott, R *940 2 it Heytesborv, P. C 3370 do. Hundred (14) » Heythrop, R., & Uunthrop nr. 2737 Hibaldstow,V., or Hilbalst. » 2287 Hibburn .• in 4375 Hick, or Heck « 3970 Hickleton, C next 3909 Hickling, V 1972 do., R., Notts near 2040 Hidcoat-Batrim Ham in 3120 Hiddon-cum-Eddington .. u 3293 Hide, or Hyde & Pinnock nr. 3131 Hiendly-Cold, w. Havercroft in I’e. do.. South, in do. next 434 High-Bickington, R.2§ 3853 do. -Easter near 1820 do. -Ham., R 3608 do. -Hatton near 3014 V do. -Leadon Ham,, in Ru. nt. 3172 See end of Alphabet fora further list of Places to which High is sub- joined, in their Alphabetical order. High-Peake Hundred 895 Higham Ham., in Shirk nr. 2 § 783 do., V., Keitt *433 do., V., SuJ/oUc next 1705* do. -Booth 1141 do. -Cold near 2.541 do. -Dyke in 4535 4 DO. -Ferhers, V., .S', t 8^ 2.598 do. - do. Hundred (14) 2594 do. -Gobion. R near 2424 do. -Green Ham., in Ga. » 1898 do. -on-the-Hill, R.,w.Lin. 711 do. fiver & Linton Hams. 3173 do. -Park, ex. Pa. .. near 2.598 Highampton, R » 3905 Highbray, R. (Sherwill) next 3873 Highclere, R 3472 Highdale, Carlton- in 4220 Highead, or Ivegill » 1204 Highland, see St. Minver .... Highlaws (see Heighley) in 4534 Highley, V 2907 do., St. Mary, w. Stoo. nt. 3807 Highlow in 907 Superllolei (ul« 820 1,890 7,0!,'0 Roth 2,570 1,020 1,120 2,410 80 1,210 in Kin 3,720 1,230 8-10 1,300 1,420 3. 190 KlrkMulijD 1.. 580 1.. 590 l,t)80 S til info 2,080 2,590 19.350 3,180 1 ,580 1.310 580 010 2.190 1,330 4.310 24,000 1,420 1,400 Cum 2,110 2,200 1 ,050 1,300 1,090 920 320 1,020 2,210 3,380 ! 32,370 I 1,710 I 4,390 Chillln-hm, 1,100 770 4,510 2,930 Mickle ton Hnnge 1,800 1.350 l,(i30 3,890 3,730 3,840 Stant 590 • iietied lli« I'foprrly Tax IO 1»15. £• 545 1.087 5,315 hury S 942 ( 2483 1,012 1,107 I 7,373 3,030 gston 13,771 1,192 1,038 1,077 1,812 4,150 4.087 1,072 1,894 2,248 rdham 2,424 5,348 I 2-1,083 1,972 1,140 1 1,901 1,257 9.115 3,004 10,984 12,239 3,000 1,412 ner 3,992 1,981 2,,503 1,275 2,273 1,015 393 3,851 1,501 4,252 20,397 1,010 5,1.58 1,145 1,520 1,493 2,511 2,898 841 rford 1,378 850 1,513 2,854 5.115 1 4,478 on -upo n. 805 ' far Mai laaano of ilie POOR, tm— ‘29. — £•- 31 83 293 27 40 156 091 118 034 101 1,449 00 15 191 246 1,292 275 142 381 185 204 889 557 2,123 001 85 5 38 t 65 32 1,355 85 1,019 073 203 178 565 421 480 201 247 84 29 335 044 1,180 4,940 199 193 198 08 380 240 86 01 123 97 291 ,004 233 ■Hin 55 203,190 Shir 2,820 1 ,020 1,400 1,000 Ponte 2,200 30,430 770 3,200 2,880 2,100 (i-10 2,220 4.1.50 4, .500 12,480 Dais Hart 1 ,400 5.050 Hope 151.809 land 3,081 1,407 2,214 2,495 land 2,047 34.809 1,318 Gazely 4,003 3,532 l,2(i4 2,001 2,193 ton burn 1,929 3,883 lligliaiti 12,531 430 103 251 310 5 725 6,304 140 409 170 119 07 503 312 17 194 197 12 Total Number of H KKSUNfl, at eucU of the 4 Ten Yearly Teriods. 1801. 48 1.50 441 67 150 260 323 114 681 259 1,782 Ki8 100 202 175 090 005 157 212 172 472 187 908 2,863 010 298 ! 183 82 2,887 82 3,427 1,138 283 239 308 290 240 217 204 122 1.56 30,5 275 1,072 4,520 33 443 121 194 174 595 391 59 125 180 205 693 801 713 -Heat 78 32,431 365 202 583 271 18 726 5,901 91 431 202 204 204 310 328 110 10 271 355 1811. 31 148 450 41 1.52 280 313 140 984 286 2,251 323 115 319 173 092 092 178 204 212 522 492 1,138 3,304 548 342 f 09 ( 105 71 2,905 100 .3,518 1,337 355 314 3 532 316 359 230 321 117 145 404 205 1,023 4,620 56 523 84 215 192 010 476 90 383 42 162 276 602 777 783 78 37,110 502 237 742 282 20 823 0,027 113 193 40! I 288 20 221 202 349 1(«> .589 20 483 434 34 1821. 65 104 603 40 221 292 393 101 < 1,021 ) 173 317 16 2,810 233 1.53 350 209 927 776 233 919 180 612 006 1,401 3,t>90 744 434 77 131 112 3,921 146 4,116 1,320 392 338 7 868 333 495 257 422 122 187 540 309 1,329 5,145 136 522 93 228 153 079 497 Mick 421 33 189 106 748 819 953 193 92 1831. 112 176 501 40 230 305 428 170 1,172 300 280 10 3,407 296 110 414 184 1,080 743 227 *5,887 176 472 5.59 1,.509 3,103 931 535 9.5 160 128 5,424 208 4.000 1,376 420 294 39 1,004 350 541 320 507 112 155 582 358 1,412 5,866 123 632 137 236 154 702 529 leton 479 47 153 272 853 862 1,027 208 100 43,130 591 508 202 891 314 23 877 7,508 80 270 533 252 14 282 278 4.57 398 12 !) 713 27 424 4(i6 30 47,485 595 7(13 200 1,03S 391 15 mb 8,230 108 311 500 327 15 304 280 414 305 141 711 18 404 521 02 Hig — Hin •!; Towns, Parishes, Ifc, ^ s c Highnam, or Higham, in Church Highway (Pot. & Can.) near 397 Highweek, C 1502 4 High WORTH t w.Eastrop& Westr. V., IF. 24 t t Tot. Parish(7) 3337 do. & Cricklade Hand. (19) Hilary, St. 288 Township , Marazion Hilbalston, or Hibalston next 2299 Hilbock in 42.51 ililborough, (S. Greenhoe) nr. 2022 Hilcott "I’ytli., with North New ton Hildersham, R next 2116 Hilderstone Lib in 2!)37 Hilderthorpe » 1703 Hildenly in 4128 Hilfield, P. C near 3.573 Hilgay, R 2030 Hilhampton Ham in 2853 Hilion, Bumpstead- 1851 Hill, V., Gloucester .... near 3189 do. & Moor, in Fladbury » 2818 do. Hundred (21) 2207 do., Croome-, R near 2819 do. -Deverill, P. C e 3420* do. -EndTyth., in Cumner e 2097 do. -Farrance, C 3732 do. -Top, in W ragby. . . .near 407 Hillam, in Monk-Fryston » 3968 Hillersdon, P. (’ » 2512 Hillesley & Kilcoat Tyths. in 3207 Hillfield & Muggleswick nr. 4475 Hillingdon, *4^ Hillington 4 N. W.of 1903 do., R near 2005 Hillmarton, V 3330 Hillmorton, V 2785 Hilperton, R 387 Hilston, R near 4079 Hilton, y., Dorset {see Hylton) 3571 do., do. do., do., do., do. do. do. do.. in Marstun-upon- near 114 in 018 V., Hunts 2145 Little, Chap 1081 Middle 1082 -Over (see Hulton) .. 1083 in 18 » 4256 P. C near 1080 2871 Himhlelon, ^ " ’ I Shell Ham. Himley, R 92 H incaster, in Heversham . . . . 1284 Hinckford Hundred (49) .... 1841 5 H Hinckley, t w. Hinckly B, 711 V. 8§ I\l. + } Total Parish (5) • Hinderclay, R near 1907 Hinderwell, yrowuship .... 1089 R. f Roxby. in Hindley Chap 1006 Hindolveston, \ 2072 t U Hinoon, C., 7'/i. t 2§ 3412 Hiiulringham, V near 2078 Hingham, R.,.^. t3§ 2001 Hinksey, Norih (Hornier) nr. 20!I7 do., South, Rciks. or 3231 Hinlip, R near 2837 HinstocU, R .3020 Hintlesham, R near 1909 Hinton Tv 111 in 31!)0 3309 3204 3207 3 00 2120 3504 3(d I 3374 3326 2818 2.529 3537 3.538 1298 3550 3513 3230 Hints, C in 751 ILnkshill, R 531 Hlinvick, with I’ad. 0 N. of 2150 Hiuxioii, V next 2117 do.. Broad- do. fv Dirham do. Lib., in 1 1 urst, II I'ihs. do. Charterhouse-, P .C. do. t-lien-y- m‘ar do. -A III]) tier, R next do. -Blewett, R., next IF«/ do.. Great, in Ashton 1 Stee. do.. Little, R.(EI.& E v.)nr do. -on-the-Green, R. ft do.. in the Hedges .. . . do. -Martell, R • . » do. -Parva, or .Stanb., IL /- .St. (ieorge, R. ^ . • • • • do.. St. Mary fin , Tarrant- next do , Wald list- If Aonaal I AisoudI Total I^umOer of P Superficiei Stalule Value of Properlj.ai Bi*e(ied Io expended ' tor Maio lentoce 0 at each of the 4 7V« Yearly Ptriods. (faeProperly lax io i«16 POOR, 39. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. am, see Over and Linton -- - 950 1,231 108 104 96 108 148 2,140 3,481 525 777 823 907 1,109 1 9,810 17,939 2,706 1 1,493 1,530 1,888 1,829 ) 2,328 2,514 3,005 3,127 51,520 87,490 11,539 9,587 10,403 11,001 12,235 1 3,380 < 3,322 614 990 1,248 l,.558 1,728 ( 3,454 247 1,099 1,029 1,253 1,393 4,390 5,1.58 193 4-13 523 622 632 Broug h 992 28 74 98 101 54 3,230 2,000 455 300 292 349 310 810 2,427 184 221 249 288 317 1,450 1,244 179 170 183 193 214 Stone — 2,219 1,.591 Stone 480 1,034 17 40 61 51 73 450 Apjdet on-le- Street 23 12 2,120 1,078 74 97 98 127 150 7,340 0,415 1,009 759 833 9 M apentake 3 4079-87 Holdfast Ham in 2846 Ho! gate j ( near 2981 Holdinghain Ham in 2230 Holford, R. (AThitley) .. near 3717 Holgate, R., in St. Mai-y in 4040 Holker, Lower 1673 do., Upper « Holkham, V' 1739 Hollacombe, R next 3912 Holland, Great, R 1855 do., Little, D « do. Down, in Halsall nr. 12.34 do., Up Chap 1010 do., parts of Lincoln 2172-2201 Hollesley, R near 1701 Holleth Ham in 1239 Hollingbourn, A’' *418 Hollingtou, A'. § *729 do., in Longford 9 ir.(^ 756 Hollingworth, in Mottram 925 Hollingclough in 956 Hollowell Ham in Guilsbo Hollows-Reedley, -see Hallows 5 Township next 1711 Hollym ] vVithernsea Holm Ham., in Bottesford t 2298 do., with riowgrave .... in 4175 Holme, East near 1467 do. Chap., w. Gt. Longs, in 895 dc., C., Hunts near 2165 do. -Hale, R next 2057 do., f'., Norfolk « 2035 do., \’. do. (Smithdon)o 1736 do., in Hockerton next 650 do., in Burton in 4280 Dullield 1,720 600 Broc 1,890 2,750 1,670 1,000 1,790 7,320 56,870 54.300 49.300 740 2,840 1,360 250 250 2,130 6,550 4,230 1,910 2,220 740 3.290 4,180 256,320 1,710 330 4,860 2.290 LongtVd. 2,130 1,920 rough 1,360 2,530 820 Bottes 350 1,560 Bakewel 4.300 2,690 1,100 1,570 1,330 Burton 1,070 2,438 898 khamp 1,166 3.517 2,278 1,527 4,703 3,714 76,970 103,525 85,785 2,175 1.771 1,264 864 971 4.517 3,260 3,712 370 3,203 816 4.772 9,550 364,673 3,726 373 5,375 1,815 1,199 2,665 436 1,938 1,534 2,663 1,163 ford 960 300 2,861 1,399 3,363 1,453 1,681 1,958 2,283 240 354 380 ton 71 459 295 283 168 446 4,952 7,676 4,932 81 127 96 43 23 287 452 512 42 643 193 177 983 37,133 301 33 1,.517 365 188 278 220 381 257 61 63 80 20 24 189 147 788 152 293 100 266 Total Number of P KHSON.S, at each of the 1 7Vn Yearly Periods. Hol - Hop ils CO • 'I'olal Number qf PEU.SUN.S, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, Sfc. j*s| Tax In Hll £* /I rooit, '1 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 228 2-13 247 295 Holmc-Baldwin' in 1421 Hortor 1,584 61 20.5 217 231 235 47 21 40 58 do. -Cultram, C. 4 Qrs. 4385 24,923 20,160 979 2,187 2,438 2,772 3,056 2,879 3,357 3,936 4,977 do.. North in 4143 610 757 81 1( 17 21 21 256 266 296 293 do.. South in 4131 500 1,127 20 5i (iO 66 65 — — — do 447 3,9!»0 .521 62 302 317 4.59 630 249 309 274 324 do.. North, in (^andleshoc Mars 30 80 84 56 89 1.55 104 523 535 678 784 do., on the Wolds. ... next 4061 1,360 1,317 30 127 122 i:i8 136 200 161 172 232 do. upon Spahliiig moor, V.4070 10,820 8,721 697 1,02^1 1,165 1,318 1,436 746 8 (h; 9()5 1,022 do. -Pierrepoint, R. next 651 2,120 4,687 142 171 191 20.5 20.5 887 989 1,247 1,457 Holmcr& ^ A' near 3067 2,510 6,049 451 279 312 412 487 3,161 3,608 4,486 5,211 Shelwich } Huntington » // 600 877 79 89 131 82 69 6,731 7,732 9,321 10,711 Holmeslield, 1*. C in 883 DronfiM 2,343 173 338 386 499 4il9 12-1 136 163 168 Holmpton, 11 near 1711 1,290 2,524 44 165 214 350 ; 239 Holmside in 4483 2,296 1,412 179 202 228 1 218 ftll H o 1 n p A^ 3K 1 7 2^040 1 I7rt 271 296 348 360 Holnest near 35.56 L970 4’0I7 115 160 127 162 ! 159 395 468 510 505 If Holsworthy, R., S.Vii .. 3912 8,870 5,724 580 1,045 1,206 1,4 10 1,628 794 840 943 980 — 244 255 285 9 Holt, R.* S. t 2§ 2075 2,950 2,802 882 1,004 1,0.37 1,348 1,622 89 90 102 116 do. Tyth in 3538 W imbo rne M nster — 1,180 1,265 294 303 352 3,57 do., & Bradley Chap in 2641 650 1,781 71 55 48 53 42 41 40 38 35 do. Chap • 385 Brad ford - — 846 839 276 344 392 438 do. Hundred (26) 2073 42,290 32,469 10,035 7,486 7,771 9,128 10,416 100 103 115 108 6/1 S Township, R 2842 1,920 2,641 116 327 327 355 348 111 109 114 121 ■’ ^ Witley, Little, Chap. • 1,010 1,701 118 235 263 302 287 350 392 525 565 Moltby, with Aindesby-My. in 4215 Hornby 1,222 — 69 90 79 90 612 719 784 777 do., R near 4106 850 1,448 32 117 163 170 157 256 340 393 460 Holton, R., Suffolk .... next 1955 1,130 1,487 84 328 399 399 435 616 700 846 878 do., with Beckering, R. nr. 2273 1,700 2,360 78 104 143 112 168 283 324 354 335 do., R next 2690 1,680 3,419 237 238 224 260 277 1,227 1,249 1,354 1,615 do., R. (Whitley) .. near 3651 1,.520 1,582 96 179 201 235 209 9 5 9 9 do. -le-Cley, V next 2283 1,.530 1,491 103 1.34 161 220 207 1,386 1,499 1,795 1,769 do. -le-Moor Chap in 2286 1,750 994 34 92 117 135 1.50 — — 322 328 do., St. Mary, R next 1765* 1,340 1,147 96 — 196 213 194 157 139 224 228 Holverston, R near 1997 480 426 13 33 27 26 33 — 93 99 Holwell, R next 2440 650 1,680 145 113 147 179 167 1,301 I,(i98 2,111 2.198 do., C., in Ab-Kettleby nr. 2645 1,400 1,557 41 85 95 132 131 262 288 292 271 do. Chap., in Broadw. nt. 2729 1,160 1,162 41 70 68 80 9<> 55 55 68 48 do. & Backshaw 5 S. E.of 3356 2,330 2,436 185 293 344 342 40.5 451 515 .591 698 Holwick in 609 5,910 1,865 118 196 182 201 208 197 190 188 173 Holybourne, C 3148 1,150 1,685 611 360 384 482 487 Holy Cross 2 § *519 100 1,757 448 930 850 1,072 1,006 2,683 2,962 3,621 3,890 Holyfield in 1S03 AValth am Al) bey 206 268 293 332 4,196 5,124 7,151 11,210 Holy-Island 1490 3,320 5,1.52 263 601 675 760 836 226 239 244 Holy-Oakes Lib., in Dry St. nr. 2306 700 943 Dry Stoke 4 7 3 869 926 1,083 1,107 Holywell Ham in 2410 180 Shillin gton — — 50 60 559 541 563 703 do., with Needingworth 21.52 3,290 6,883 719 623 685 782 951 417 477 641 762 do., with Awnby Ch ip. 2217 2,350 1,455 41 99 78 116 119 581 509 529 538 do., in Earsdon near 24 2,201 113 107 124 100 478 110 176 223 237 264 Hom-Lacy,A'^. (AVebtree) next 3054 3,310 3,344 393 237 323 389 430 662 937 829 915 Homersfleld, R near 1960 580 809 97 147 153 201 233 343 345 442 433 Homington, C » 3400 1,340 1,482 69 148 186 177 200 65 68 62 49 Honeyborne, Cow- .... » 3124 1,080 1,998 198 274 284 333 329 119 163 149 181 do. church, R e 2817 1,290 1,287 73 62 93 136 108 489 491 580 733 Honevchurch » 3902 710 432 8 66 69 66 72 5,450 6,698 7,577 7,925 Honiiy, C near 2780 660 793 86 77 52 63 60 7,644 10,666 12,844 14,753 Honing, V 1980 1,310 1,167 249 247 247 268 307 4,851 5,977 7,007 6,916 Honingiiam, A' T N. of 200u 2,780 2,333 349 261 289 321 365 84 91 89 86 Honington, A' 6 N.nf 2223 1,250 2,332 62 106 126 156 177 t 77 56 do , R., Suff' lk near 1904 1,450 1,500 153 176 209 250 248 1 238 188 do.. A’., 11 arwick next 2742 2,600 3,945 254 287 239 337 341 113 123 126 137 2 tt If Honiton, R., S. t 3§ .. 3761 2,800 10,698 1,492 2,377 2,735 3,298 3,509 125 180 240 188 Honley Chap 445 2,790 4,303 971 2,529 2,918 3,501 4,.523 55 50 83 97 1,039 931 1,091 1,021 Hoo, C near 1936 540 1,700 169 124 148 174 186 882 835 1,120 1,095 do., or Hoe (Launditch) next 2052 1,610 1,525 243 234 233 228 235 550 585 810 792 do., St. AV'erburgh, V *445 4,460 3,663 817 550 710 960 910 do., St. Mary’s, A' *443 1,920 1,870 — 214 247 286 296 74 75 96 100 Hood-Grange, in Kilburn near 4163 600 Kilb urn 49 30 21 300 325 413 425 Hooe, V. i *735 2,290 2,602 793 424 470 600 525 59 77 73 76 Hoofield, Clotton- in 2960 1,.5.50 1,5.50 240 278 312 388 401 482 552 629 704 Hook Ham *162 fi'ijg'lon 702 138 88 74 222 189 2,427 2,663 3,042 3,040 Hook-Norton, w ith Southr. 2§ 2740 3,730 6,345 1,938 1,032 1,129 1,351 1,506 38,152 44,291 55,131 62,547 Hooke, R., Dorset near 1284 1,190 2,771 109 *1,094 206 234 269 461 4H9 575 604 do. Cliap « 3980 1,620 1,8.57 215 48 348 363 650 31 38 43 50 Hoole, in Plemonstall. . . . » 1654 860 2,376 139 177 213 237 249 730 876 1,000 943 do.. Little 1223 1,090 1,491 123 179 225 216 189 208 233 272 338 do. Much, R 1224 1,410 3,119 427 417 519 644 745 219 259 314 343 Hoon, in Marston-upon-D. nr. 748 Dove 1,490 61 41 3o 40 31 910 1,089 1,303 1,760 Hoose, in est Kirby .... j 1652 230 118 60 100 114 196 562 513 560 564 Hooton in 1658 1,020 2,875 65 91 100 112 103 227 193 279 318 do. Levett » 3959 470 637 31 73 90 96 92 408 415 422 468 do. -Pagnall, t Tow nship 3967 i 2,429 213 359 355 326 340 223 229 261 221 V. (Bilham&St. » ) 1,302 106 53 55 83 85 76 104 108 130 do. -Roberts, R next 3954 1,050 1,517 123 158 143 198 178 — 62 39 49 Hope, A’. ( Township 335 2,178 203 394 449 518 4.6 72 86 102 110 1 2 § ( Total Parish ( 18) 907 19,229 1,241 3,292 3,827 4,102 S,«27 30 39 42 55 do., in Barningham near 4249 2,430 •roiughxiu 27 43 44 35 389 489 442 506 do.. All Saints, R *687 1,550 3,639 27 36 48 24 218 255 311 359 do. -I’.aggot, R next 2975 650 476 13 94 81 71 62 348 3S2 422 447 do. -Bowdler, R « 2985 2,470 1,097 83 130 101 ' 179 ( 202 180 202 198 225 do. -ManseP, R., Htref. nr. 143 1 1.190 923 36 92 100 : 146 141 165 185 219 268 do. -Solleri, R « 3054 I 1,250 1,071 37 160 158 : 187 : 179 111 109 114 121 do., under Dinmore, C 3099 1 3,660 3,003 323 420 499 ! 528 1 555 226 283 420 649 Hopesay, R 2990 | 3.010 3,548 340 469 483 1 612 1 571 136 Superficies in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Hop — Hor Tuans, Parishes, Hopi)en Hoptoii *11 do., R., 'vilh (^otoii L.il). K., Saphllc C., eh near Castle in the Hole .... neai' Monk- " do. do., do. do., do. do. Ho]>\vas-l layes, ex. Pa. .. i Hopwell Lib., in Sawley ... lIoiblinR, Horbiiry Chap Horderley, or Harderlea, ex. Hordle, C. Hordley, U near Horetliorne Hundred (11) Horlield, P. C. .. near 1S21 in I Horhani, T? next Horkesley, Gt., It. ( Lexd.) » do.. Little, C., Essex nr. Uorkstow, V " „ , ... Ullloxham) » Horley,V.§ „ do., V., Seirrei/ Hormead, Great, V do.. Little, 1? Hornier Hundred (12) ...... Horn in Horublotton, R next Hornby, Tu. + 2 § in Gt. Sraeet. do. Chap , ,, t Township ....) do., ' • ^ Hackforth &c. T Hop.ncastle, V., .9. t 3^ do.. Soke of (15) . . Hornchurch, V Hornclin'e Horndon, East, K., »9. § near do.. West, R do. -on-the-Hill, V. Horne, R Hornins, V. § (see Houiug).. Horninghold, V next Homlnglow ... .in Horningsea, C. (Fiendish) nr. Horningshain, P.C. Horningsheath, R. . Horningtoft, R , 5 N. of Hornsea, V.,\ v. Burton, fl/. 1 2 § Hornsey, R Hornton Chap., in Horley nr. Horseheath, R. Horseley, V., or Haseley in Horsell, P.C Horseinondeu, R. § Horsenden next Horsepath Horsey, V.. next the Sea do., Melcombe- .... near Horsford, V Horseforth, D. Chap. . . . Situ HoRSHAM,_y., .9. 5 §. . do., Horsingtc do.. HAM,V., .9. .5 ^ St. Faith’s, V. do., do., do., do.. f Township .. V. ' -VV oodhouse CKilburn .... East, R Long, V. (18). do. Keynes, R. 2 § Horton, R., Pucks do., with Peele in V., Deitsct R., Gloucester do., do., do., do. do., do.. -Grange. do. do., do.. Chap. 8uperfli.t«« in Stitlulo Annual Valuo or Amount expondeil (or Ualo- lananca of the 7'uiat Numher of I* EHSONS, at t ack of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods. < £ '5 a Tai ill HHO. POOH. 1833— 2V. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 4569 Bam borciug h “ 32 19 29 43 v^erer 2,300 4,265 132 182 237 276 231 321 Wirkutvlh- 1,711 51 99 113 116 118 2940 1,770 6,141 195 336 332 517 642 1907 1,410 1,389 481 433 441 524 581 1754 1,250 l,(i55 do. & Seabrook Hams, in 2501 do., in Tilston near 2053 Horwich Chap 1088 Horwood, R., Devon.... near 1.520 do., Gt. ^ sijjj,ieboro’ » » do., Little, V ‘ » Hose, V near 2046 Hothain, R 4055 Hothfield, R *530 Hothley, East, or lloathley.. *756 Hothorpe Ham., in Theddingvvortli Hoton Chap., in Prest . . near 732 Hough in 838 do. -on-the-Hill, V 2246 do. -Thornton Houghain, V 1412 Houghton, in Bunbury 2050 do. Spittlegate & W alt. 2225 do in 4420 do., R., Hunts 2140 do. (see Haughton) in 1032 do. Middleton & Arbury 905 do.. & Clowe House, in Hed do in 4520 do. Drayton, R., Hants nr 3487 do., C., Sussex ........ *903 do., St. (}iles-in-the-Hole2079 do. Glass 39!)0 do.. Great, R near 2564 do.. Little, V » do., Grt., in Darafield in 3957 do.. Little " do. Hanging Ham., in Lamp do. -on-tne-Hill, K 2815 do., R. (S. Greenhoe) nr. 2049 , T C Township > do., Long, > j ujjg _ f 4 -gj ■ I Boulmer . . J do. Netv, or in the B. nt. 2077 do., M’est, C 1085 do. -Conquest, R. near 24.52 do. -Lee-Side in 617 do. -Regis, V 2430 do. -Winterbourne, R. nr. 3569 do. -le- t Township.. 52 Spring, R . ( Par. (18) 49 & 53-5 do. & t Township near 4071 Santon ^ Clifl', North .... 4070 Hound, V near 1447 Houndsborough Hundred (16) 3691 Houndstreet Tyth., in Marksbury 3 Hounslow, 1 Heston and *81 C., 2 § ( Isleworth .... *83 Househam, with Cadney near 2287 Hove, V *832 Hoveringham, P. C near (>46 Hoveton, St. John, V. .. next 1975 do., St. Peter, V. » Hovingham, 1 Township .... 4131 P.C. t ( Total Par. (7) How-Bound in 4404 How-Caple, R near 3047 7 t Hovvden, 1 Township .... 4021 V., S. * 5 ^ ( Total Par. (14) 4025 How'denshire (7) 4021 Howe, R., Norfolk near 1997 do., in Pickhili in 4175 Howell, R next 2233 How'grave, with Sutton, in Kirklin do., with Holm .... in 4175 (lo., withNnnwick » .597 Howick ' 1229 do., ex. Pa near 1.541 do.. R 4.565 Howsham, in Scrayingham nr. 4014 Howtell in 4.578 Hoxne,Y. § i946 do. Hundred (26) 1914 Hoyland, 1 Township near 433 High, R. t Clayton & S. /» do. -Nether Chap, near 139 do. -Swaine 420 lluby in 4114 Hucking, C *119 Huckle-Cot Mam near 3l(i5 Hucklow, Great, Ham 910 do.. Little, l>iberty » ^ 5 360 1,800 1 ,220 1,240 450 3,230 1,280 2,200 920 1.9.50 2,140 2,530 1,900 2,000 1,150 1,850 1,080 3,600 2,770 900 Graolhain Stan 1,640 1,130 621) don Simon 1 .790 1.630 1,060 1,500 1,.570 1,070 1,900 1,130 ort 2,450 470 3.990 1,110 4,460 3,380 1,240 4,506 2,740 1,220 14,560 3,410 1,480 2.990 18,890 3,720 1,320 5,100 720 1.050 l,4(i0 980 3,110 8.630 Castle 970 2,820 14,510 31,730 970 410 1,650 ton 350 640 500 1 ,520 2,1110 KlrkNetvtn 1,890 53,070 740 1,080 2,030 2,060 4.790 1,290 Cli.Uowa 1 1 ojie £ — 8,753 3,126 1,175 Iving 1.124 5,7m 906 1,993 924 2,034 3,025 1,9.52 2,340 2,160 1,800 2,951 1.567 4.567 1,420 2,002 978 4,806 wix 2,627 2,449 1,552 1,213 burn 1,430 611 1,186 1,394 3,410 1,585 2,121 1,104 1,940 3,490 556 f 3,595 < 1,160 (. 475 1,259 7,3,37 4,576 1,151 5,481 1.125 4,445 27,569 2,290 728 2,672 34,380 13,771 23,051 4,378 1,839 1,708 1,391 934 3,219 8,230 1,225 6,390 25,76(; 45,017 916 469 1,231 750 960 1,134 1,228 455 2,451 2,690 1,494 6,345 80,2(i6 911 1,972 3,256 1,936 4,491 ()97 2,21Hi 1,683 316 Amount expended Tur Miio> lenaoce of Total Number of PEPs^SONS, at each, of the 4 Ten Yearly Period*. 1801. I63S— 39. 1811. 1 18-21. 1831. — £ — 1 67 113 142 139 175 ( 457 1,197 1,449 2,099 2,631 300 356 415 537 666 91 — 160 186 156 hoe 106 — 139 223 100 111 110 141 1 148 560 1,.565 2,374 2,873 1 3,562 68 103 100 144 1 130 ^ 738 ( 450 475 584 610 ( 87 100 104 110 642 339 325 429 431 102 264 296 325 385 238 2.56 295 293 286 229 355 416 438 410 380 395 468 610 605 76 44 46 62 26 225 300 336 412 401 70 206 238 202 252 256 385 240 533 565 37 ■ — — 777 306 956 834 1,151 120 151 138 175 172 342 488 538 709 1,003 220 243 288 384 228 306 363 427 372 225 1,139 1,520 2,084 2,914 102 295 273 280 286 101 89 100 122 20 78 152 127 154 470 340 298 305 435 191 144 142 162 174 227 190 189 206 215 90 382 409 412 446 292 214 202 249 305 237 389 422 501 539 255 257 270 287 292 112 128 119 112 132 117 117 97 111 114 224 299 329 374 3';.) 58 42 45 ai 150 371 418 409 470 38 73 75 77 80 44 110 10-2 104 140 232 198 1 179 209 277 L342 3,0.-,9 3,810 4,211 4,5!K) 1,059 507 1 505 6.51 796 (35 102 113 122 130 1,160 784 1,020 1,283 1,424 108 101 181 203 265 701 996 1,3.56 2,905 3,917 4,621 6,414 8,816 12,550 20,524 209 282 297 334 377 25 89 99 89 85 420 274 321 387 417 2,873 6,053 6,487 7,285 8,163 — — 73 1,449 1 782 2,251 2,810 3,407 2,333 4,346 4,6(il 6,269 5,590 168 236 239 303 334 110 101 1113 312 1,360 174 321 339 335 347 154 278 210 270 293 93 71 79 117 129 213 495 5t)9 049 672 432 898 1,037 1,115 1,155 • bv 254 255 279 197 184 119 94 117 137 1,113 1,.5.52 1,812 2,080 2,130 2,536 3,415 3,8S8 4,413 4,537 4,494 5,536 (>,710 7,805 8,240 25 87 100 99 119 24 24 31 32 33 72 75 62 07 71 41 110 116 122 116 20 72 86 102 HO 49 27 35 28 .38 71 112 123 136 132 25 30 34 47 199 181 214 231 208 92 203 228 225 210 81 IKi 131) 190 195 1,297 972 918 1 ,()()(! 1,213 20,.5(i8 13,299 13,.588 15,458 16,399 104 270 217 268 231 199 969 665 854 887 165 823 1,0()4 1,229 I,(i70 402 562 (ill 738 7iK) 337 393 434 497 526 205 198 lOH L58 1 3!) 210 234 315 439 165 120 171 218 271 253 60 174 200 219 168 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, Sfc., in ENGLAND, at each of the Four Periods IBOl, IBll, 1B21, IBIil Hue — Hun Towns, Parishes, tfc. * Supeiflol#* ill .. a i; I auiul* •J 5 Aer*». •it ' ilucknnll-Aiilt do. -Torkiird, V. . do. -undcr-lluthw eti lltlDDr.llSFU)., 5 Tow V., 7 'k. t 3^ rl’ot. Huddinston, I’. C Huddlestoue Cv Liimliy . Hudmill Ham Hudswell I'hup HugRato, U Hugglescote,C.,ik Doti. Hughley, K Hugil Chap Huish do., North, It do.. South do. -(;ii!impllow'er, R. do. -Episcopi, V. . . . 23.53 ()(>2 aite, or Ui a . . . . 43(i I'a. 13(5-42 .near 2S31 ... in 37 ... • 2.502 4224 4078 Ch. in 723 .near 2070 . . . in 1288 . next 3888 . » 3813 . » 3810 near 1315 3705 Hulam, or Holani in 4481 Hulcote, with E. Neston next 2530 Hulcott, R near 2402 f St. Mary, P. C. .. > I Holy Trinity, V. 5 ‘ ' 7J++ 1 County Part 133(i f Hull-^ Sutton & Stoneferry 1340 Tu„ .S’.* I Dry' Pool, w\ South. 1330 f3§ (TtUingham 1338 i. Sculcoates ....... . 1337 Total Town and Suburbs Hull-Bishops 1310 Hull & Appleton, in Budworth 082 Hullaiid 880 do. ward Ham » do. do. intakes » Hulme, wilh W inwick do. Church-, Chap. .. in 843 do « 1020 do. & Weston Coyney, in Cave, do. -enm-Kiudertou, in Middl. do. -\1 allield in 805-0 Hulse « 858 Hultou, Little, Middle, and Over, do. -Abbey in 107 Hulverstreet Ham., in Henstead Humbershoe Ham., in Studham Humberston, V near 2283 Humberstoue, V 688 Humberton, i Kirby-on-the-Moor w. Milby in ^ Aldborough 4011 Humbleton, in Doddington .. 4573 ,1.^ V S Township next 4081 '• ^Tot, Par. (5) .. » Humbleyard Hundred (10).. 1090 Humby, Ct., w. Somerby nt. 2229 do.. Little in » Humshaugh Chap « 4520 Huncoat 1127 Huncote Ham., in Narbo Kundersfield, C 1057-60 Hunderthwaite in 609 Hundleby, V next 2261 Hundon, 1867 3 Hungerford, ^ ^_^3293 Charnhain ly dts. 5 3294 do. Farleigh, R. next 3600 Hungerton j Xo^t! r ar’. ’(V)' ‘S <588 do., with Wyvill near 2219 Hungy, Bentley-, Liberty, in Long Hunraanby, V. t 2 § 1700 Hunningham next 2770 Hunsdon, R 2379 Hunshelf near 423 Hunsingore, t Township » 4005 V. ^ Cattail, Rib., &c. * Hunslet, or Hunfleet Chap. 496 Hunsonby in 4400 Hunstanton, V 1736 Hunsterton in 838 Hunston, P. C., Stiffolk near 1904 do., V., Sussex *972 Hunstonworth, C near 4484 Hunsworth Chap 535 7 tt HHt;NTiNGD0N,4R.S.*t4§ 2149 do. County .... 2141 Huntingfield, R near 1955 I 3,730 ! 3,270 rty 3,950 15,080 890 1,100 650 3,180 6,500 1,.500 1,330 Kendal 1,130 2,510 1,050 1,920 1,780 120 *720 850 ) 60 ( 900 10,640 4,450 1,290 8.530 1,010 26,880 1,670 3,320 Asliborn 2,400 800 760 440 3,810 1,510 1,110 270 see H [ 1,490 150 2,930 2,630 610 1,710 3o(]iliagtoi 1,470 6,110 22,620 2,090 500 rough Rochdale 2,910 ford Amount Total Number ot P I'.HSUNS, V»lu« vf Prupariv. •* tu th«Pro|>*ily Tux lo iSi6. oxpondod ur AUlu- at each of the 1 Ten Yearly Periods, POOK, £ 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 505 129 492 511 605 618 3,119 672 1,497 1,793 1,940 2,200 Sutton 17(5 510 (i08 712 929 17,998 3,42(5 7,268 9,671 1.3,281 19,035 30,241 5,332 14,8-18 18,3.57 24,220 125 31,011 1,31(5 54 108 99 111 817 133 108 101 184 212 Eddies bun — — 91 96 2,043 221 227 253 305 291 3,310 231 302 3(i2 413 439 3,327 378 525 614 683 78() 71(5 35 83 112 101 115 1,449 67 237 243 300 367 1,025 56 97 136 118 131 3,74 1 215 380 396 440 457 1,761 199 286 313 383 357 2,703 166 321 317 317 345 3,596 202 367 437 472 574 Monk He le ton 7 11 16 15 3,692 153 114 111 137 144 1,171 89 117 125 139 145 ^77,903 15,210 ' 3,089 U9,072 3,248 21,051 3,296 25,295 3,271 29,687 23,747 1,678 1,906 2,493 2,834 3,335 21,124 1,702 1,5(>9 3,065 3,658 4,383 9,985 894 671 1,-161 2,207 2,935 24,261 1,389 1,927 2,299 2,479 2,575 32,911 3,890 5,440 8,645 10,449 13,468 189,931 24,763 33,674 42,262 50,018 59,169 4,195 386 083 844 928 1,155 6,855 542 1,206 1,173 1,435 1,699 1,796 124 146 214 221 234 1,513 101 176 248 289 2S6 698 31 37 35 39 46 1 2,218 297 5 369 ? 20 ^ 443 5 472 ) 34 ^ 563 1,611 203! 314 346 397 406 3422 898 1,677 3,081 4,234 9,624 Cavers 278 wall 453 527 619 3,41(5 379 404 449 4(59 493 2,140 96 122 118 108 109 350 30 37 42 54 55 lilton — lem — — 477 501 Hens tead — 176 241 297 1,395 152 203 264 ) 69 i 150 151 69 1,-178 Stud ham — 395 2,926 126 199 218 217 258 3,254 233 412 393 415 470 1,152 1 45 ( 102 140 120 139 1,322 ) 28 16 23 49 1,681 81 141 195 184 171 1,.587 50 89 111 136 160 7,307 350 498 517 586 579 27,291 5,942 4,055 4,076 4,808 5,409 3,542 162 194 219 246 282 804 14 81 69 65 76 1 burn 129 267 300 334 381 1,.583 1.55 514 629 502 1,585 218 250 297 289 355 28,284 2,521 10,671 14,(i06 20,208 26,389 2,449 155 334 320 313 297 1,910 305 218 242 348 420 5,294 1,336 824 833 956 1,121 4,374 2,851 1,987 t 943 1 750 1,130 895 1,130 1,153 — 305 380 348 432 1,236 128 167 149 174 168 1,438 109 5 173 ( 203 200 218 233 292 199 260 1,089 141 89 112 124 128 4,268 22 82 78 88 92 6,679 512 757 903 1,018 1,079 2,450 155 185 174 193 212 2,717 503 509 512 584 592 2,063 244 327 429 436 531 1,390 72 192 196 237 235 4,683 228 405 506 599 595 8,507 2,117 5,799 6,393 8,171 12,074 " 1,032 59 117 113 151 146 2,037 508 317 299 433 432 1,320 172 235 200 239 226 986 178 143 165 178 185 ) 1,918 332 123 111 166 173 ) 1,359 63 215 386 411 .511 3 1,634 195 585 764 870 878 9 6,751 1,706 2,035 2,397 2,806 3"^,267 0 320,18J 41,55< 37,508 42,208 -48,771 53,192 9 2,258 495 373 1 403 386 400 Hun — Hyl Towns, Parishes, S(c. ‘■ti do. Ch., in Ho.AcS. « 30(57 do 0 3081 do. Hundred (8) .... 3078 do., in Cannock. 2895 I V S nshii) 4106 ) Karswick & Tow th. » ntisham in 51057 do. Chap., in Craw ley nr. 51171 do., in Brompton-Patrick 42251 lints, w'illi Coniugton next 2165 untsliam, R. (Ti\erton) ‘ 51747 untshaw, R 1 3885 untspill, R 3712 do. & Puritoii Hund. (2) » unwick & Helmington in 621 817 836 iuist ^ " I'istley 3267 p* p’ Newland & IVinnersh » ■ ■ t Broad Hinton Lib. « do., R., Kent *(564 do in 4545 do., Long, in Bothal mar 4538 do., Old, C next 2157 do. Temple, in Birkin nr. 3986 do. -Courtney » « « do. monceaux, R. ...... *720 do. -Pierrepoint, R. 2 ^ . . *800 Hursthourne-Priors, V 3476 do. -Tarrant, 3477 Hurstingstone Hundred (2-1) 2149 Hurstley, in Letton .... next 3098 Hurstw ick & Nosiall near 467 Hurstwood, w'itli Worsthorn 1143 Hurw'orth, ( Township 4453 R. ( Neasham or Nysam Husband-Bosw'orth, R 2814 Husborn-Craw ley, V. near 2436 Hussingtree, Martin-. .. .next 2873 fluperflolee Husthwaite, C. i Township Carlton 41.59 Huttoft, V near 2264 Hatton, R., Essex « 1795 do. (see Hooton) in 1227 do « 4329 do., R., Somerset .... next 3630 do. (see Long Marstou) in 40-19 do., in Rudby 4187 do. Hang in 4222 do. -le-Hole in 4142 do., New, Chap 4288 do.. Old, S. Holinesc. Ch. do. i’th’Hay & Scathwmiterij do. Sand in 4111 do. do. Chap » 4163 do. -Bonville, C., in Bi. nr. 4180 do. -Conyers, ex. Pa. .. » 597 do. -Henry in 4481 do. -John " 4392 do -Locras » 4198 do. -Mu I grave » 1690 do. -Roof 1 do. - do., C.,Westm. in 4275 do. -Sessay « 4161 do. -Soil <■ do., in-the- < Township .. 4405 Forest ? Thomas Close « 52 1,412 1,105 1,191 1.302 1,418 2,73 1 268 616 656 847 8C7 2,l(i9 477 587 667 755 783 2,603 221 406 390 489 519 877 145 — 23 30 40 horn (i 50 44 42 30 1,863 36 154 161 176 216 1,205 158 118 137 156 150 704 80 119 121 141 135 841 149 132 1.52 145 117 5,112 1,825 !)61 1,031 1,318 1,338 5,298 1,861 1,104 1,184 1,321 1 j485 2,495 741 366 3.3.5 404 490 3,150 1,221 599 679 7(i6 107,288 12,373 11,444 13,2-19 15,088 1 17,429 401 Lciton 64 67 68 60 hy 177 — 49 142 1,664 314 443 309 631 798 4,112 523 (i61 692 811 1,017 1,789 196 206 265 313 331 5,875 456 660 1,024 817 86.S 2,074 606 543 493 572 680 1.688 211 194 183 217 203 133 133 1 153 169 164 911 51 • 322 324 476 4,131 475 286 340 401 470 2,433 1.38 280 327 417 381 5,0.5() ' 307 462 507 613 7!5 1,881 146 168 — 213 203 2,519 105 214 243 325 381 1,.568 52 Ant^ram 143 12.3 116 3,149 544 707 762 919 1,027 Fini;naM 24 ?4 31 25 23 1,420 78 238 243 304 276 1,490 132 125 110 127 ^ 172 3,244 326 368 376 424 1 429 3,120 342 2.30 276 318 1 380 1,993 89 170 174 202 i 161 1,801 95 240 244 273 : 275 1 ,442 89 1.30 135 107 112 2,705 1.56 133 123 126 159 1,020 112 1.36 155 174 162 505 39 19 16 30 2j 1,245 42 59 70 50 1,051 82 93 90 90 85 1,485 117 163 193 214 289 2,062 174 179 231 257 351 Sessaj 107 85 81 129 Sessay 1,539 95 233 228 280 388 ( 1,941 1 170 200 < 159 157 167 ) 498 } 77 95 100 5,000 459 597 604 756 877 10,939 746 1,051 1,127 1,278 1,371 2,620 81 410 384 419 415 1,817 104 162 211 229 256 5,473 393 662 748 917 1,0,53 1,975 42 32 45 83 64 1,990 69 178 226 218 225 2,338 57 56 62 09 9l 3,382 288 390 374 445 412 1,371 76 135 139 172 153 2,384 237 196 212 247 246 58,847 11,306 9,496 10,090 11,632 12,837 8,428 307 862 955 863 1,094 19,916 759 2,012 2,402 3,046 3,412 1,866 83 2.54 273 296 317 1,918 44 87 118 102 no 5,122 458 1,063 1,800 3,355 7,144 — 508 537 10 — — 23 3,116 182 312 363 320 420 138 Siij/ctJlcics in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in lit, Myt — InR 1= ^ Tdwivi, Parishes, S(c, I +t lIvTiiF., St. Leonard, C. *072 do., West *073 1 Ihberton, R 7 W. of 3.5(i7 Ible ... ill 321 llislcy, (.b, Hants u 3.'52l Ibstock, S Rarisb 723 R. ^ I lii"Slesc()te& Donning. Icconib,! (.7e«ee,strr> 3,33 R. ( W orcester S Ickljoroiigh, R., Igbnrgh nt. 2022 Ickenliain, R *128 Ickford, R. | ^ f Ickliam, R. *.578 Ickleford, R 2422 Icklesliam, V *722 Ickleton,V.§ 2117 leklingliam, R near 1900 Ickwortb, R next 1895 Idburv, C 5N.(/ 2731 Iddesley, R 3898 Ide, C 1494 Ideford, R., near ClVudleigh 3795* Idea, R *701 Idle, Chap 542 Idlestree near *90 Idlicote, R « 2742 Idridgeliay & Aulton 324 Idstone Tytli 7 11'. 0/ 3252 Idsworth, Cliap next 3402 Ifleld, R *428 do., V., Sussex *858 Tfllev ^ 2095 'iney, ^ Lit(ig,„o„i. Iford, y., Sussex *812 do. -cum-Westivood 3350 Ifton, R near 1541 do. Rybn, in St. .‘Martin ... . .3030 Igliteiihill Dark 1137 Iglitlield, R near 3025 Ightham,R.§ *309 Iken, R near 1930 Ham, with Tbrowley, &c. » 953 IT U IlCH ESTER, 5 Caol R , IC. t 3§ ^ Borough .. 1294 Ilderton, t Township 4503 R. t Total Parish (0) /> Ilford, Ward, C in *140 do., Little, R near t Ilfracombe, V., S. \ 2^ .. 1533 Ilkeston, V 708 rSt. John, V. near 1900 Ilketshall La "ranee, P.C. . iiiveisnaii Margaret, V. » C St. Andrew, V. ,, » Ilklev y 5^’e"nship 504 ilkley, \. ^-2 other joint lllington, R. near 2021 Illingworth, C Illmire (Ashendeu) .... near 2485 Illogan, R 282 lllstone-on-the-Hill, Chap., in Car. llniington, t w. Compton Scorpion R. ( Lark Stoke .... 2747 2 Ilminster, V., 6'. t § 1300 Ilsington, V 3798 Illesley, East, R. t 3251 do.. West, R near « Ilton, V 3721 do., with Pott in 4209 Imher, D. ^ | near 3300 Imin^iham, V 8 JV. W.of 1721 Impington, V. (North Stowjn't. 2125 Ince, C near 990 do 1007 do. -Blundell, in Sephton.... 1004 Ingarsby, in Hungerton 5 E.of 088 9 Ingatestone. R. t ^ 1812 Ingbirchworth in 423 Ingerlhorpe u .597 Ingestrie, R near 2939 Ingham, V. (Aslac.) 8 A'. fV. of 2270 do., C., Norfollc^ near 1972 do., R., Blackbou.5 S', of 1888 Ingleby, in Foremark . . near 115 do. -Arnclill'e, C in 1183 do. -Barwick » 4193 . Amount Total Numht r of I* l.HiSONSt • . • Amoonl 'J'oCai Number of P ERSONS^ Superflolei Is SlalulA Value of rn>;>ertr, bi (ur tenem • of at vavk of the 4 Tm Yearhj Periods. Ing — Itt 1 Superfictei tD Vtlue of Properly, • •MeMed to •zpeoded ieotnee of at tack of (he 4 'Ten Yearly Periodi. the Property I'az to \Hli 1 4,093 POOR. 1 sail— 2a. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, PuiishcSftfc Ac... the Properti I'bx in I8I& POOR. IS3S— 28. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 800 1,380 A ,347 \ 207 1,305 81 2,318 89 2,181 119 2,287 108 Ingleby t Greenhow, Ingl.- nr. 4190 I’. C. i Battersby & Green. » < 2,010 3,790 1 3,592 289 5 180 \ 190 154 189 158 189 197 171 Inglesham, V. § next 32.50 Ingleton, C in 017 890 849 104 89 G5 129 133 800 1,423 141 230 285 295 355 do. ^ 685 15,280 9,289 012 1,100 1,208 1,302 1,228 900 1,331 113 1.57 108 222 225 Ingoe in 4527 Stamfo rdliam 119 201 232 239 242 WiikiOTtb. 424 23 80 110 135 113 Ingol,w Lea, Aston, & Cot « 4298 3,120 7,337 42<'> 594 590 058 087 870 1,.551 245 303 333 317 310 Ingoldesthorp, U. (Smitbd.)nr. 1735 1,480 1,813 194 200 229 247 286 2,770 3,920 700 703 830 1,0.58 1,044 Ingiildmells, K « 2204 2,250 1,8.57 297 137 137 1.55 206 1,500 3,327 378 525 014 083 780 1 Ingoldsby, R ' 2216 2,350 2,245 201 254 253 300 345 530 040 102 112 130 140 131 Ingram, t Linop&Gr.H.> It. ( Ite., raw S 14,890 4,290 t 22 00 01 74 71 440 — — 13 18 17 ? 52 105 119 1.54 134 1 ,580 1,070 ■2^800 72 078 199 154 197 Ingrave, R. (Barstable) » 1790 1,220 1,943 327 320 393 427 402 1 4*^n 250 230 213 2.>7 281 324 297 308 Ingworth, R. » 1987 5G0 723 11,189 2,530 114 882 409 181 1,33.5 590 143 1,489 609 uu 1 ’200 240 1 1,909 271 308 Inkberrow, V 2865 Ink pen, R 3292 0,940 2,840 1,067 017 1,734 729 2,190 4,710 559 430 400 521 507 Inskip 4310 2,940 3,793 201 G35 047 739 798 910 1,110 7,002 3,101 199 1,087 512 337 384 493 3.51 411 514 442 585 002 502 004 682 Instow, 1? next 3385 1,300 440 0,050 1,183 595 1,915 140 85 205 347 39 384 291 44 500 353 369 2,072 Inwardleigh, R 3900 540 638 0,.580 1,.545 305 335 304 424 473 Inworth, R near 1830 1,430 1,805 407 299 370 437 443 1,350 2,074 102 07 08 82 43 Iping, R *935 2,200 1,330 450 209 314 305 338 1,370 2,0.38 140 188 187 193 185 Ipplepen, t Township 1504 3,880 4,407 470 821 740 815 927 2,030 2,049 198 441 481 482 574 A’. ^ Woodland » 1,290 1,772 220 212 241 233 237 1,120 3,0.52 428 507 008 72i 757 Ippolitts, y 2422 I psden , C. ( Langtree, Uxon ) nr. 3239 2,970 3,0i)(i 427 4(U 541 071 874 1,810 1,790 200 339 348 35G 381 3,340 4,li7 528 470 220 583 582 3,120 3,281 000 289 450 542 517 Ipsley, R 2765 3,000 4,078 334 478 727 745 830 2,420 1,370 8,000 3,234 1,808 253 3,398 280 3,882 292 4,060 309 5,416 341 Ipstone, C. j I next 2479 1,010 370 ^ 807 159 258 247 272 313 1,410 2,153 110 100 — 88 82 Instones ipstones ^ ,'yjorrnge & Text .. » 730 2,844 )l,303 1,204 t 894 1,010 922 1,990 331 422 180 t 432 177 ^ 520 5,700 l,.5o2 i 34t 415 403 1 0,100 438 9Itt1[ Ipswich, ir.S.*t5§(13) 1764 7,020 40,983 13,220 11,277 13,070 17,180 20,454 Wirk»wlli. 522 108 134 159 100 182 Ash bury — 154 192 Irby, in M oodchurch .. near 1000 940 1,160 30 105 110 145 123 Charlton 2,203 494 303 321 310 314 do., upon Humber, R. » 2283 2,340 i,ai4 102 192 190 217 203 350 453 20 52 58 55 72 do, -in-the-Marsh « 2202 1,090 734 133 87 74 78 70 091 3.55 G37 Go4 758 526 916 irehester, V 2.596 1 ,980 1,810 4,051 1,303 741 107 523 G14 689 115 797 109 '410 1,599 331 370 050 Ireby in 4330 100 1,000 1,2.53 73 259 273 354 425 SLow'’.’.^.i^"-’2§ •• 4373 4,320 ) 1,559 119 90 130 104 18.3 1,080 1 ,.5!t8 257 140 117 157 187 S 1,445 88 202 209 293 314 950 1,327 205 410 435 402 390 Ireleth, Kirkby-, V. (0) .... 4342 22,220 15,523 844 2,344 2,394 2,947 3,234 ()80 451 14 43 40 50 42 do., or Above Town .. in 4335 Dalton n Fur ness — 44.5 513 591 St. M art in — 889 935 1,010 Ireton, t Kirk-1 reton t 3,, 2,490 2,710 201 512 544 001 OOti 090 2,800 3,170 3,030 920 1,9.59 2,141 1,305 82 209 OtiO 5.54 120 209 709 282 101 231 093 298 208 201 807 363 104 301 1,017 382 Kirk- H reton Wood ^ 1,229 000 3,007 110 125 105 22 t 214 i 150 165 10 250 103 138 740 3,520 Irnham, | ^ Hawtho. i 220 299 218 170 2,250 1,981 71 177 177 253 210 Iron-Acton, | Acfomilgm-; .' i 3,030 5,334 520 t 798 t 02 780 117 1 1,122 1,324 1 090 2,470 493 817 J 135 < 010 192 802 120 975 do. -Brock Grange, Ham. in 321 Irstead, R next 1975 510 83u Wirkswth 534 95/0 70 117 42 124 ai 1.52 27 109 1 9,070 8,445 \ ( 243 135 475 118 502 1.57 579 125 002 7,100 1,.393 230 i S PJ7 \ 870 221 911 251 1,020 207 1,023 I>ar kins — 1,724 2,402 2,972 3,512 Irthlingborough, R. & V 2602 3,520 0,977 1,085 811 908 1,072 1,202 750 3,020 2,092 7,.547 87 779 85 1,838 119 1,931 87 2,022 115 3,201 1 Santon & Mellhwai. \ 4^‘’’‘ 5,270 3,809 155 466 490 S 209 1 297 ^ 531 2,290 5,205 1,0.54 2,422 2,970 3,081 4,440 do., in Seamer 4157 Sea mer — 94 105 107 800 791 120 51 02 00 722 1 1,750 1,329 321 113 174 255 242 f Blindcrake& Re.') Issall, V. J Old Park >4410 t. Sunderland ....3 ( 4,031 36 188 233 311 323 1,070 2,.375 401 29,5 289 209 309 0,700 j 1,231 19 88 84 90 108 1,780 1,031 548 308 401 472 512 1 024 19 — 01 48 77 3,.59l) 1,901 101 420 459 4<»6 091 Istield, R *755 1,910 1,770 590 331 40-1 509 581 4,010 3,878 219 302 412 415 372 Isham, R. (Orlingburyj near 2.593 1,150 2,314 277 247 299 322 318 1,380 558 83 71 72 90 91 Ishlawrcoed 181 3,080 Bedw elty — 0.!2 978 2,070 — — — — — — — Islandshire (5) 4487, 9, 4490 & 1070 20,820 44,1,59 2,008 0,171 0,832 7,85G 8,183 810 1,1.53 83 74 09 08 78 Isle-Abbots next 3728 1 810 2,085 130 254 330 342 380 8,010 11,334 1,994 1,979 142 2,895 177 4,078 118 0,072 131 1,990 34,440 2,290 15G 181 184 219 254 1,900 125 Tcioc rw 1 , S East Medina 14.58 Isles of W.gl.t?^„,^^j do. 1405 cojoii 6,073 8,911 9,197 13,488 15,523 3,100 4,404 013 050 040 722 836 52,370 57,945 4,950 13,180 14,923 18,128 19,908 300 12 10 5 23 do. Ely 2099 242,030 330,952 34,133 32,599 32,143 40,925 53,311 4,390 9,825 1,175 2,045 2,100 2,150 2,957 do. Tlianet *501-74 25,880 04,238 11,077 11,210 l(i,3r)G 20,.581 20,090 7,100 4,029 825 800 801 1,122 1,298 do. Guernsey. .dS" 8'N. Lat., 2" 33'W. Lon. ksee Allr luev. Elm- / 20,827 20,128 3,010 3,272 074 512 009 070 738 do. Jersey ....dO" 7' » 2" ir „ ( ley, Hailv , Hay-) 28,(i00 30,682 3,070 2,141 330 .341 327 328 425 6 do. Man 54" 25' » 4" 20' ling, &c., in AI- k 40,081 41,000 1,920 3,345 203 303 390 400 530 do. Seilly iihabetical order, v 2,106 2,400 1,290 77 224 209 200 233 Islcbam, V 2087 4,390 1 ,320 7,390 23,0.51 1,433 2,333 5,970 20 1,212 1,277 1,710 5.209 12,285 ()5 1,942 4,340 9,200 50 4,003 10,509 65 6,590 13,568 72 1 1,370 H,120 ^ 971 597 .331 379 414 ( 302 ^ 102 do. Hundred (4)...... Isley-Walton, Chaii in 737 9^280 410 59'371 009 4,280 3,098 72 144 104 207 199 Islington, V *39 3,050 103,457 14,338 10,212 15,005 22,417 37,310 1 ,200 1,500 2,101 140 92 120 149 211 do., with Tilney, V. near 1734 2,010 3 930 113 177 189 230 238 3,000 257 443 420 400 487 Isli]), R., Sort ham ptoH 2008 1,370 2,7,50 493 440 402 .5.51 5()2 2,210 4,593 400 902 1,005 1,302 1,903 do., R., Oxon 2098 1,(>80 3,038 308 5.57 501 055 (>46 2,248 4,428 93 419 413 472 505 Issey, St 4029 4,110 2,0.50 314 522 032 000 720 810 Hunge rton 28 — 14 29 070 5,2.50 587 (>4.) 040 747 789 itebenor, West *981 510 1 ,0.58 187 101 199 181 237 820 1,051 149 170 204 307 371 Itebin-.\bbas, R near 3450 1,980 1,831 129 185 192 254 243 470 1,041 01 40 39 41 48 do. -Stoke, V., w. Abbotston « 2,850 2,412 291 12.5 202 218 2(i7 1,1.50 1,818 145 115 122 125 no Itcbingfield, R *839 Itcbingtou Tyth., in Tytherington 2,490 1,011 431 219 208 3 19 350 1,7.50 2,3.52 179 225 250 287 3(il 500 Tv t her ngton 73 121 111 120 1 ,980 1,401 103 329 374 418 419 do. -Bishoji.s .... near 2774 3,700 3,818 425 370 ■108 430 421 1,910 1 ,450 215 100 1.55 185 220 do. -Long, V 2770 4,510 0,949 501 701 ono 830 911 ^of^mark 985 70 132 119 111 103 1 Itonlield, in Hesket 4395 Hesket -in-le- Forest (lefee live 1,840 2,074 210 253 290 331 335 Itteringbam, R near 1987 1,220 1,342 320 290 303 3Tl 313 1,190 2,030 92 102 114 175 177 i Itton, R ' 1541 Howickl 755 87 8(i 129 123 ID 11)0 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Toicn, Parish, Hamlet, Tythhig, Sfc., in ENGLAND, at each of the Four Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021, 1031. I VI' — Kem Toirns, Piirislus, i(C. Ive, St., V : n ivKs, St., u , ir. /•'. t § . • 1)0., .1/. t §••••• • lv(‘,iill, or lliniiheml .... in Iver, I*. C • Ivestone >” IviNGlioF., S Tovvnshil), S. i 2^ V. ^ Total Par. (.»).... Ivinijton, (’ >» 2 Ivy-Oridite, (' near ivy-Chiircn, U., Kent Ivvnde, C Iwerne-Coiirtney, It do -Minster, V IXWORTII, P. C., /•’. t do. -Thorpe. ....... .near i-*-: 3!)32 277 2151 I2(>t 243!) 4 183 2.')0I 3098 3818 •(188 •4.57 3552 3515 1!)04 Jacobstovv, R 4C45 do., ll., Devon 3904 James, St., South Elinham ni*. l!Mi0 do., in the Isle of Urain *447 , r. S 2261 do., IVest, R • Rearsley in 1079 do ’ 4527 Keckwick > 987 Reddiiigton, R next 2275 do., or Retton, t Essex nr. 1851 R. t Svff. § . 1865 Redland, ex.Pa » 45.55 Redleston » 756 Reelby, V * 1721 Reele, P.C 101 IT 11 xr t Township 3373 Reevlll,^ . ^ Bulkington Tyth. » ^ IR. t4§ 737 Regworth ^ „ Reighley, R., r/i. t 2 § ... 555 Reinton-VIansfield 3688 Reisby Ham in Lavington Relby, C., in Ha>dor . . near Relfield, with Bulterwick in do near Relhani, R next Relk, Great in do.. Little, ex. Pa near Rellasnargh, with Bryning in Kellaways, R near Rellet- Nether in do. -Over, Chap » Relleythorpe, witliEmswell » Kelling, R next Rellington, t Township » V. ( 3 Others « Relloe 5 -Church V. } Total of Parish (6) Kelly, R next Kelmarsh, R 5 N.of Kelmscott, C next Kelsale, R Kelsall in Relsell, North, V do.. South, 2 R Kelshall, R next Relston. R in 9 Kelvedon. V. § do. Hatch, R near Kemiierton, R » Kemble, V near Remerton, V Kemeys Commander, P. C. nr. do. Inferior, R » 223.; 2293 4030 2324 4092 1234 398 1671 4065 2075 3987 4480 3861 2586 2429 1933 2961 2337 2275 3341 Total S'umbtr of P KKSONS, at t arh of (he 1 Ten Yearly !*trlot(^. V’iV \tMi. POOH. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 7,890 3,767 313 486 635 (iOl 656 1 ,850 5,530 1,101 2,711 3,281 3,52(> 4,776 2,330 10,671) 1,782 2,099 2,426 2,777 3,314 ilals ton lit) 109 129 141 5,140 13,182 1,476 1,377 1,635 1,663 1,870 1,5!)0 Litnche!*i Cl 75 251 214 238 212 2,380 »,280 ^ 1786 994 t 452 ^ 1 1.53 1 1.361 5 551 1 1,()65 578 1,648 Leoni inster 373 397 674 602 4,390 10,726 498 144 188 252 198 3,190 2,818 161 106 176 145 134 2,270 1,768 428 420 518 512 557 2,740 2,038 398 497 629 622 034 2,320 2,495 9()1 827 846 952 1,061 770 1,163 82 122 107 148 128 4,890 2,098 189 432 489 571 638 2,310 1,408 100 193 199 269 293 1,630 1,721 237 243 264 351 263 3,160 2,390 300 191 196 254 240 3,690 36,675 7,468 • 1,566 3,193 3,530 3,598 8,640 < 15,624 21,468 24,189 27,995 2 11 W. Lonsri tude — — 28,600 36,582 4,660 3,396 280 275 317 467 1,393 1,790 1,624 472 229 280 300 350 640 1,016 73 110 143 178 150 Croitth^ale 4,075 242 469 606 566 567 3,030 1,960 117 328 391 549 397 Grey stock 81 91 99 86 2,600 1,784 97 199 208 263 271 7,820 7,776 635 2,779 3,057 3,666 4,667 2,550 4,714 433 1,416 1,639 1,048 1,558 K . Stephen 959 83 135 152 164 180 6,860 740 |4306 1,020 2,440 2,766 3,208 3,890 Althorpt 1,1.35 50 158 171 279 309 1,800 2„S(i8 364 268 278 313 357 2,020 2,985 336 447 451 502 484 900 1,600 178 1,082 1,388 1,833 2,705 Stamfo rdham 4 17 17 11 16 580 774 6-1 69 61 56 74 1,190 1,129 125 1.50 162 179 172 400 7,451 121 86 94 84 1,390 1,.576 816 467 441 613 542 — 60 54 62 69 890 1,3.57 52 138 144 109 134 2,OOo 1,977 232 313 361 462 038 2,710 4,.503 375 904 944 1,001 1,130 1,630 4,189 245 466 480 496 443 760 2,147 190 326 288 3(10 249 1,850 6,488 610 1,360 1,550 1,607 1,749 410 669 20 56 55 05 72 10,160 15,838 1,009 5,745 6,864 9,223 11,170 770 775 16 206 261 3-19 4.59 1.420 1,217 177 66 77 80 65 1,140 1,098 23 71 103 124 104 Owslon 3,494 253 473 504 669 798 1,690 2,311 248 175 209 286 302 1,980 4,891 140 227 219 199 189 1,020 686 33 61 92 158 178 t)40 710 11 21 19 51 50 1,040 1,402 85 105 131 145 164 260 1,668 18 12 19 15 20 1,950 2,827 292 300 263 358 354 3,100 3,975 368 411 464 531 446 2,610 2,714 42 72 86 93 102 2,070 818 183 132 132 163 213 1.210 1,928 241 253 248 283 295 5,740 6,516 464 795 903 1,045 1,093 1,580 995 50 80 72 101 102 10,970 6,661 256 553 654 679 663 1,700 2,223 153 201 199 218 250 3,750 5,!)97 217 131 136 172 159 910 1,306 139 132 126 118 140 1,.590 4,994 1,042 — 1,021 1,060 1,103 1,170 1,639 361 469 557 598 648 5,370 5,826 370 489 509 573 648 4,980 4,788 347 449 637 623 032 2,090 1,817 187 179 180 208 251 2,700 2,036 366 154 5 151 1 15 148 31 166 34 1,2.50 2,996 112 221 248 248 274 3,160 5,698 974 994 1,186 1,328 1,-163 2,070 2,765 293 360 297 336 361 2,110 1,994 71 213 238 260 282 3,600 3,924 211 400 403 435 482 1,590 2,270 269 1 427 496 520 599 480 356 10 1 62 45 72 75 1 1,430 898 1 47 1 101 1 90 109 133 i-'Bi i.i * SOB *53? 142 2847 3153 3434 2456 2061 •335 •519 3067 2730 Rein — Key Towns, Piirishes, Sfc. Kempley, V » Kempsey. V Renipsford, V Kenipshott, w. Winslade near Rempston, V do., V next Kemsing, V Kenardington, R Kenchester, V near Kencott, R near 2726 or do. Ward (6) 4281 Kenderchurch 10 S. S. IV. of 3067 Kenilworth. V., IE. + 2§ 2780 Kenley, C. (Condover) near 2970 Kenn, R 1495 do., C near 3627 Kennerley, P. C. ...... next 3783 Kennett, IL, Cambridge > 2089 do.. East, P.C e 3307 Kennyside & Ennerdale in 68 Kenninghall, V. 2^ 2016 Kennington, C., in Radley nr. 3231 do., V *533 Kennythorpe, in Langton nr. 4100 Kensington. V *75 Kenswick Chap., in Knightwick Kensworth, V near 2428 Kent t East Division 451-505, 518 Co. \ West do. 291-4.50, 506-17 Rent-Church, R. 12 5.S. W . of 3067 Kentford, V near 1898 Kentisbere, R. § w. Blackburn 3775 Kentisbur^ R next 3878 Kentmere Chap in 408 Kenton, V., Devon 1496 do., V. (Loes) near 1937 do.. East & \V'., in Gosforth 8 Renwyn, V 244 Kenyon 1001 Repwick, in Silton-Over nr. 4181 Kerdiston next 2069 Kermincham, in Swettenham Kerrier Hundred (28) 248 65 Kersall Ham., in Rneesal nr. 2334 Kersey, C. § 1910 Kerswell-Abbots, V 3805 do. -Kings, C 3806 Res grave, P. C. ..between 1761-4 Kessingland, V 1757 Keston, R *308 6 IT Keswick, R., S. t § 4362 do., R., Norfolk near 1999 do.. East, in Harew. 497 6 K Kettering, R., A. t 4 § . . . 2606 Kettei ingham, V next 1999 Kettlebaston, R » 1911 Kettleburgh, R « 1935 Kettleby, Ab ...near 2645 do., withWrawby .... 2288 Kettle, Strickland- in 4290 Rettleshulme n 823 Kettlestone, R near 2076 Kettlethorpe, j ( 2272 Kettlew'ell Ward 1734 J V. 2 § 571 \ with Starbottou » Retton, V 2315 Keverne, St., V 260 Keverstone, with Raby .... in 618 Kew, V *157 do., St., V 3945 Kewstoke, V 3631 Kexborough in 428 Kexby, in Upton near 1713 do., in Catton 4076 Keybridge, or Heybride .... 1776 Keyhaven Tyth in 1455 Keyham, Chap » 726 Keyingham, V « 1712 Keymer, C *803 Keyne, St., R next 209 Keynes, Milton near 2522 Keynsham, V., T/i. + 3 ^ .... 3603 do. Hundred (16) .. 3602-6 Keynston, Tarrant- near 3567 Keysoe, V » 2445 Keystone, R next 2162 AiDOual 'Total Sumher of TEKSONS* Superfltlei Vetue of expended at each of the 4 SUlole Ttn Yearly Periotln, Acfee. the Kr'>i>erlv of ibe , - Tex la MH6. £ IMS- n. -P 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1 ,310 2,5:i4 126 218 286 301 302 3,3!)0 6,888 423 815 1,W)4 1,12!) 1,314 4,740 7,i n 21,202 3,014 6,8!)2 7,505 8,984 10,015 69,467 7,111 12, .5.58 13,486 15,976 17,427 80,230 51,800 5,037 13,427 13,674 16,1:41 17,237 890 722 70 72 70 77 75 6,460 8,461 814 1,968 2,279 2,577 3,097 2,280 1,293 56 300 261 321 2-)l 6,460 .5,717 773 818 791 906 982 720 3,324 76 160 195 276 274 600 573 59 94 96 93 100 1,400 902 85 111 135 161 195 1,000 1,763 68 102 85 94 103 St. Bees 126 172 209 225 227 3,060 6,226 1,224 1,052 1,102 1,273 1,251 Radley Sunnin gwell 80 197 171 R. be S. 1,320 2,464 374 314 374 447 461 730 470 24 52 59 83 75 2,680 63,686 7,798 8,556 10,886 14,428 20,902 — .580 — — 15 15 2,280 2,514 385 510 522 615 732 529,820 442,420 597,352 1016,827 1 340,525 ( 1 15,309 < 192,315 120,973 253,122 140,277 285,739 183,290 295,865 3,810 2,414 200 229 263 381 320 710 620 151 120 95 109 173 4,890 5,354 754 1,042 951 1,143 1,336 3,480 1,856 133 241 260 307 340 Kendal 1,409 102 166 212 212 191 4,850 8,345 1,078 1,639 1,793 1,891 2,050 2,270 1,496 329 243 237 252 261 Cos forth 298 885 1,052 1 204 1,106 7,370 13,296 1,896 4,017 5,000 6,221 8,492 1,660 2,270 168 384 415 396 349 2,520 1,186 79 167 169 170 152 1,680 Reep ham 162 152 160 211 1,070 1,969 98 312 321 < 3S6 1 206 412 228 1,080 1,796 122 179 173 176 174 103,550 126,975 16,032 31,258 35,497 42,746 51,313 390 612 24 50 62 82 94 1,630 2 339 915 513 616 621 700 1,670 2,902 211 3K9 379 437 442 1,-100 2,746 328 532 585 679 771 1,610 965 150 73 64 102 101 1,220 2 419 162 475 529 579 666 1,560 1,905 129 183 216 251 391 CroSstbtrale 3,229 286 1,350 1,683 1,901 2,159 960 1,085 334 67 94 104 120 1,460 1,584 63 535 2o7 296 365 2,840 7,390 3,850 3,011 3,242 3,668 4,099 [ 1,680 1,.599 278 181 190 175 215 960 1,144 267 145 186 190 202 1,3.50 2,299 482 272 275 360 388 [ 1,520 1,121 225 169 142 187 200 1 5,070 3,952 83 283 381 456 638 Ken dal 325 269 310 390 386 ! 1,440 1,351 127 291 404 354 232 1,070 1,207 335 166 210 230 221 <2,313 39 141 149 201 237 3,280 ( 1,805 72 153 146 198 226 Lynn — 750 913 1,136 1,209 5,800 2,520 |S552 423 634 *361 663 673 2,'740 4,376 240 657 712 797 810 9,650 10,433 1,129 2,104 2,242 2,505 2,437 2,660 3,142 185 213 201 203 247 230 2,493 605 424 560 683 837 7,530 8,598 650 1,095 1,113 1,218 1,316 1,980 4,251 209 349 379 429 467 1,450 2,553 137 401 302 440 548 1,540 1,355 80 — 130 171 227 1,750 1,480 77 129 145 149 160 2,110 3,992 565 368 532 868 1,064 Mil ford — — — 191 — 940 1,550 177 207 210 172 3,210 6,762 415 399 550 639 636 4,070 2,800 599 465 536 679 681 850 1,071 63 139 157 153 201 1,770 4.386 301 280 ,287 338 334 330 9,202 579 1,591 1,748 1,761 2,142 24,520 49,480 3,402 6,946 7,541 8,086 9,029 1,.560 1,544 148 165 186 220 277 3,510 3,226 664 370 502 649 718 2,480 3,009 214 212 190 196 198 140 Supctficica in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in £ =-• Key — Kill tl| Toil ns, Parishes, S;c, S j Keydioipe Liberty .... near 2(i3G Keyworlli, K ' 07t) Kibble.stone Lib ‘■t't'ST Kibbleswortli 'll Kibworlh- f ^^l\^ n^hip 2012 IJeau- ?-llammrt ...... 2815 champ, li. C 8mectou& VVesterby Kidbroke Lib in *^1*5 Kiddal & I’otlerton » 4019 A.v ( Tow n, V'., 7Vi. t 401 MINSTEK ^L„„.e? Milton ^ ' Kiddiiif^ton, ()ver& N., H. nr. 2710 Kidland, see Kedland.... • 4555 Kidlington, s Township 2700 V. ; Total I’arish (4) u Kiftsgate ^Low'er(l8), 3129 11 undred ( U pper ( 19) ..... . 3123 Kiebear Wain in 3850 Kilbourne in llorsley 772 Kilburn & Hood Or., P. C. in 4100 Kilby, C near 705-0 Kildalc, R 4197 Kildu'ick, S Township 550- V. ri'olal Parish (9) -501 KiljT^viTUt;'. near 104 Kilham, V. 2 § 4093 do in 4578 Kilkhampton, R. 2 § 3922 Killamarsh, C 870 Killcot & lloulsdon Tyth. in 142 Killerby, in Catterick ...... 4158 do in 615 Killinghall " 594 do., with Nidd next » Killingholnie, North 8 NE.of 2288 do., S., V. 8 iV IP. of 1721 Killington, C 4278 Killpeck, P. C next 3000 Kihnersdou, V 151 do. Hundred (10) 150-5 Kilmeston, C next 3509 Kilinington, C near 406 do., R. § 3650 Kilnsay, W'. Coniston,C., in llurnsal Kilu.sea, V., with Spurm .... 1710 Kilnw'ick, t Township next 4001 C. ( Total Parish (4) » do. -Percy, V next 4073 Kilpin 4021 Kilsby, R 2558 Kilton, V near 3717 do., in Brotton 1080 Kilve, or Kiloe, R near 3717 Kilverstone, R next 2021 Kilvington, N., in Thornton-le-St. , fj 5 (Newark) near 2325 ■’ • ( Alverton Ham. 2245 do., R. ^ Thornb. & Up. 5 Kilworth, North, R 2057 do.. South, R » Kimberley, V next 2000 Kimberworth 140 Kimble, Great, V 2489 do.. Little, R next » Kimbleworth, ex. Pa. » 43 Kimbolton, C 3101 7 no., V., F. t2§ 2100 Kinicote^ R., & Cotes de Val nr. 20.58 Kimnieridge near 1408 Kimpton, V 2400 do., R near 3482 Kinder Ham 910 Kinderton, with Hulme near 841 4 H Kineton t see Kington t 2§ 2748 ( t’omhrook .... » Kinfare, or Kinver t 2883 Kiugcombe Tyth., in Toller-Porco Kingerby, V near 2270 Kingham, R 2i40 Kingmoor, ex. Pa. next 4429 King’s Bromptou, V. 2 § .... 3720 do. Bromley, C 2924 do Caple, C 3003 do Cliffe, R. § 2025 T do. Cross *72 do. end iSicester 2700 do. Langley 2109 Mttno.LYNN, T«..S'.2^ (10) 1734 do. Meaburn in 4208 do Norton 5 ^ ^ ^ AnnuKl Ainuimt 'J’oiat Number of 1* ICliSONS, [ AraoDDl Total Number of PERSONS^ Sup«rfloiei Value »r eipended at each of the 4 Kin — Kin jg | Saperfioie* VdIu* of eipeodtc Slaluto Properly, M the Properly r«K ID IIHS Ten Yearly Terxods. (d Slaluts Ttn Yearly Periodi POOR, IS23— *2y. by 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, Ifc. s t the Proper!, lax ID 181S POOH, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831 290 Tug — 20 20 10 King’s Norton 2870 11,970 22,822 1,415 2,807 3,008 3,651 3,977 1,530 1,003 1!)C 325 401 454 552 do. Nympton, R 3809 10,000 3,722 239 510 554 623 699 do. Pyon 3070 1,980 2,250 276 303 308 376 359 Stone — 808 1,0,50 1,089 Stone do. Soinborne 3489 7,100 3,703 1,179 778 849 991 1,040 1,580 Lames ley 202 — 237 two do. Sutton 2533 3,850 4,399 1,172 1,021 1,020 1,323 1,270 ?3220 ( 2,804 501 485 555 588 004 do. do. Hundred (25).. 2529 48,250 60,194 12,937 9,552 9,925 11,897 12,435 \ ^,424 808 382 385 390 421 do, Walden near 2407 4,180 3,870 491 727 779 920 1,004 > C.2,523 399 305 373 388 475 do. Weston Tytli in 3194 1,340 Hen bury — — 154 107 480 2,028 101 58 00 73 458 2 f Kingsbridge, V., W. * t § 1520 150 2,431 540 1,117 1,248 1,430 1,586 Barwi ck in Elinet 145 124 do. Hundred (11) .. 3323 40,430 63,477 10,370 7,3;, ‘.i 8,027 9,070 9,863 1,000 13,900 4,580 0,110 8,038 10,709 14,981 10,100 S 11,282 1,120 1,920 1,987 2,043 2,932 Kingsbury, P.C *104 1,700 3,403 141 209 328 300 463 ( 5,779 077 1,003 2,3.52 2,544 2,952 do. Episcopi, V 3704 3,890 8,320 040 1,134 1,181 1,470 1,695 2,450 1,000 223 189 235 252 292 do., V 2803 9,070 5,450 790 1,111 1,104 1.345 1,314 Ex. Pa. — 00 54 02 09 5 East (5) 3703 do. Hundred ^ ^ 18,080 30 9<)5 3,194 0,019 0,335 0,972 9,544 2,550 4,944 051 657 730 938 980 18,010 41,242 4.173 8,839 8,020 9,228 10,418 5,000 8,340 909 857 948 1,1.53 1,217 H Kingsclere, 5 T«. t2§ .... 3409 11,870 9,067 3,030 1,939 1,803 2,290 2,532 40,840 47,787 4,852 4,924 0,257 6,589 7,442 7,987 V. ^ Ecchinswell & Si. 5,370 3,852 709 4.59 540 555 019 38,450 42,229 6,131 6,210 6,752 7,100 do. Division (35) 3406 102,500 84,305 17,095 13,300 13,801 16,359 18,070 1,400 Oakha mpton 70 114 116 — Kingscote,C. (Berkeley) next 362 1,990 1,739 172 271 240 266 276 Horsley 1,180 232 374 410 498 590 Kingsdon, R 3002 1,870 3,5i)2 251 455 489 536 010 3,070 1,454 2,003 105 408 520 530 529 Kiugsdown, R *346 3,000 1,010 1,910 612 411 337 304 438 451 1,000 302 242 331 409 434 "do. ' R *408 158 . 00 68 75 94 5,730 1,906 1,117 120 201 202 209 188 Kingsey, V ...near 2500 1,350 1,206 3.53 165 109 204 22z 720 200 209 210 175 190 Kingskerswell 3800 1,400 2,740 328 532 585 079 771 25,990 20,009 3,803 5,919 7,031 8,605 9,920 Kiugsland, R. § 3070 4,050 0,703 558 948 1,009 989 1,074 570 221 41 6(i 81 113 129 Kingsley, C 3449 1,010 2,395 398 274 343 373 345 7,000 0,901 553 588 789 971 1,042 do., in Frodsham 990 3,220 3,200 502 001 656 924 934 K.-Newi n 2,530 50 20() 252 240 217 . ) R 944 ? 2.510 ^4150 789 5 673 787 917 867 8,120 3,959 590 808 852 1,024 1,120 2,780 ( 300 351 403 549 Kingsmarsh, ex. Pa near 2953 680 809 7 40 40 46 70 1,800 2,807 171 576 032 779 774 Kingsnorth, R *535 3,300 3,193 453 295 347 372 386 New ent — — — 408 488 Ringstanley 354 1,740 3,745 816 1,434 1,722 2,26!) • 2,438 890 — 42 50 53 48 02 Kingsteignton, V 1501 4,110 4,033 555 856 1,001 1,131 1,288 390 731 88 00 85 107 95 Kingsthorpe, V 2582 1,800 4,828 1,280 909 1,009 1,226 1,344 3,250 3,202 348 402 485 519 545 do in 4147 1,090 1.115 93 37 44 62' 47 940 1,905 159 114 120 86 110 2,200 1,808 07 118 129 151 142 Kingston, R., Cambrigde near 2136 1,807 1,912 190 225 108 278 293 3,090 1,719 200 215 266 287 338 ilo., C., Devon t 3827 2,420 2,073 341 354 420 524 504 5,080 2,990 270 314 252 335 302 do., R., Homerset next 1300 830 2,508 75 197 227 264 292 2,230 1,497 07 279 277 265 285 do., V., (i».,w. Hesterc.3733 3,470 7,449 752 834 847 954 892 3,560 4,919 1,049 1,721 1,780 1,991 2,129 do., C., Stajpord . . near 113 1,950 2,017 94 276 335 355 368 15,400 26,358 3,024 3,109 4,940 6,732 0,029 do., Sussex *912 490 032 23 63 42 43 61 1,740 1,841 208 153 141 212 255 do., R., do *803 020 — — 77 00 56 60 1.940 3,293 2-22 444 430 484 540 do., A ., do *811 2,990 1,512 137 124 149 172 100 2,750 1,841 394 504 528 556 580 do., R., Isle of VVight nr. 1403 650 1,0.58 37 37 47 08 83 5,380 2,825 308 182 151 137 102 do. -Bagpuze, R 3231 1,180 2,305 181 280 279 327 3(10 1,130 644 68 98 122 196 158 do. -Deverill, R 3412 2,000 1,833 194 292 285 328 380 2,100 3,990 2,577 4,081 90 173 199 349 203 379 230 576 217 581 do. -Lisle, C.,b£ Farlow, > C., in Sparsholt > 2,060 2,933 013 201 300 357 376 1,010 1,803 05 43 60 43 49 do. -Russell Ham., in Little B redy — 13 59 79 76 1,000 1,520 108 183 243 318 349 do. -Seymour, R 3027 2,790 6,405 134 207 290 320 368 3,200 3,533 825 703 042 690 087 do. -upon-Soar, C. next 082 1,200 2,011 51 152 155 K.0 175 1,.560 1,089 98 114 126 149 141 1 ^ no. -upon- 5 V., N. 3 § 160 Thames < Ham & Hook ^ 7300 18,853 2,481 3,792 4,114 4,!I08 5,989 1,510 1,922 129 129 101 100 80 5,353 801) 045 855 1,183 1,208 1,080 1,802 07 176 218 203 233 do. Hundred (8) *157 12,690 67,015 9,075 11,822 13,390 14,088 17,491 2,540 1,140 26 70 34 31 30 do. Winterborne- ne'xt 3569 1,770 852 295 335 377 404 564 1,210 1,240 43 57 06 68 04 do. -upon-Hull (see Hull; — — — — — 1 m 1 689 ( (-03 14/ — 20 24 29 70/ — 24 — 10 Kingstone, \ near 3067 1,020 2,295 224 372 300 400 492 t 940 1,409 128 229 332 200 279 do., R *597 1,050 1,529 250 197 270 301 282 ( 1 670 3,045 91 141 125 145 135 Kingswere, C ‘3809 120 525 152 300 280 328 275 2,230 1,470 3,100 2,318 270 400 20H S‘27 391 390 437 7,130 22,894 3,047 173 0,404 37 8,207 11,022 50 15,150 397 431 450 Kingsw'ood Ham., in Ludgershall 150 do., in Delamere near 2950 100 see Del am ere — — — 86 1,400 2,391 121 130 149 145 138 do. Liberty *220 1,700 1,090 ()7 112 153 187 221 2,940 10,770 1,113 3,320 3,482 3,797 4,031 do., C., iri/ls *308 2,320 4,903 1,1 9() 901 903 1,391 1,447 2,570 2,544 0()7 310 319 300 430 Kingsworthy, R next 3503 2,190 1,002 341 101 175 344 315 750 911 120 142 143 105 . 170 Kington Tyth 3210 Thorn bury 401 078 831 0‘H) 090 34 22 42 32 30 do. 8c Kinson, C in 3529 4,390 2 220 341 497 617 019 775 4,040 4,292 285 504 559 034 719 do., St. Michael, V. (3) .. 3333 3,!)50 7,070 087 729 814 9(i9 1,091 (),200 0,037 1.108 1,220 1,400 1,562 1,584 do.. West, R near 398 2,320 3,375 104 221 238 285 298 1,710 4 623 372 645 721 505 490 do.. It., IV orccster ,, • 2805 1,000 1,048 48 1 10 134 148 1.53 1,.570 1,419 22 115 105 90 124 do. -Magna -> 35.54 31 no. 1 ( 5 ) ^ 4081 1,910 3,000 319 413 404 48(i 539 3,700 1,810 4,501 2,167 429 508 044 292 746 311 806 30ti 944 383 8,1.30 10,688 1 407 t 1,424 ( 2,01)2 1,017 2,312 1,980 2,813 2,1.17 3,111 Glos sop — — — 129 104 do., ori'Brails Div. (15) 2741 30,2(i0 49,214 4,451 4,8.57 4,!).50 5,023 5,918 1,510 3,410 379 404 449 409 495 Kineton r Burton Dass (11) 2749 25,860 39,244 4,302 3,414 3,009 4,140 4,25 1 2,540 3,98t; 203 779 801 782 820 Hand. ,k Kington (15 ) 2740-8 30,930 41,399 3,733 5,008 5,119 6,678 5,iM)9 1,270 1,295 100 239 251 289 282 4 Divis.U Warwick ( 12) .. 2752 32,010 45,970 4,744 5,187 5,775 0,710 (i,!)92 8,790 10,003 579 1,655 1,608 1,735 1,831 Kingwater 4433 Lancrcst 3,535 95 374 357 331 8()5 rum — — 119 1.59 189 Kingweston, R next 3090 1,220 1,209 51 90 111 111 122 1,510 2,163 67 30 45 84 95 1,540 3,140 308 428 442 404 504 Kinlet, V near 2973 0,5.50 7,053 199 002 527 552 532 1,110 1,140 41 103 132 102 42(> Kinnerley, V 30.38 8,070 0,337 511 1,110 1,117 1,107 1,1.58 8,810 5,379 m 702 082 771 802 Kiunersley, R hear 3071 1,940 1,521 205 198 317 310 351 3,370 5,3.50 3,100 35S 451 527 012 271 029 280 do R « 3000 1,710 580 2,2!»2 841 95 216 250 265 L720 283 230 251 Kinnerton, Lower, in Doddleston 85 97 !)5 85 104 4,400 3,480 425 876 900 1,080 1,173 Kinneyside, or Kenneyside 08 St. Bees 120 172 209 225 2c7 — — — — — Kinnoulton, V 055 2,500 3,101 75 275 307 370 389 1,540 2,597 1.50 196 225 271 280 Kinsham, C..... near 3100 1,090 1,0,54 95 1 412 III 107 tot) 2020 18,581 8,404 10,090 10,2.59 12,2 '>3 1 f42.i 13,370 (to. Eagle Hundred (15) « 43,!)40 43.314 7’i)84 1 1 8,109 9,421 1,4 IN') 9,li79 8,750 Morlanrl 1,955 10(i 178 108 170 203 Kinton in 3108 Uuntw irclino — — 197 191 000 1,620 34 60 73 71 05 Kinvaston ’ 84 — 2,52 20 1 19 15 19 23 1 ,390 1,203 L50 i 97 90 128 96 Kinver, or Kinfare, C 2883 8,790 10,003 5791 1,055 1,008 1,735 1,831 MI every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tything, Sfc., in HNGLAND, at each of the Four Periods, IHOl, 1811, 1821, 1881. Kill • Kir Towns, Parislu's, tfc, * ? 1 i Kiiiwnlsoy in 27‘,)7 Kiiiwarilsloim lliimli'fil (18) 32!M Kimvartuii, K next 27(>2 Kiplin -1217 Kimiax, i Towiisl.ip 4UIS V. 2 ^ < 2 Olliers « Kirby, (see Kirliby) % near 185!) do. IJt'Ilars, C » 20-15 do. -umm- 1 K • 2253 Bain ( Tiiiiiby 2 do. noivle, ^ V" do. -on-tbe- ( V next 1171 Moor, ( 2 others .... » do. Monks, S ^Cnpston nr. 2073 V. ) 3 other Ham. « do. M'isk, ’ (3 lownsliips < Kirdford, V *884 Kirk Andrews-on-Kden, R, nr. 1202 do. -upon- vJl. u < Nether >4440 Ksk, R-iMoat&Nic.-F3 do. Bainp- 1 Township. . . . ) ton, R. ^ Lit. K Ought. do. Brawith near 3972 do. Burn, | Tib thorp do. Burton | do. Deighton \ j; ;; do. Ella iTotaYPar'ish (4)' i„ ) V next 3997 do. Fenton J ^ Biggin » 3995 do. Hallam I do. Ham- ( C near 4005 merton ( Wilstrop Ainsty • do. Heaton 5 do. Ireton, nr. 32-1 do. Leatham I do. LeavingtonJl'^^;g^y;; do. Langley, R., xv. IMey. nr. 750 do. Lintoo,orLevington (3) 4435 do. Osxvald- C 4134 no. OsvvALDjJ-,,P,jt^_\Jl270 do. Romald ^ (joy^io do. Sandall near 3904 do. -Smeeton next 3982 Kirkbride 4427 Kirkby, Chap.,— see Kirby nr. 1321 do., in Cleve- ( Township 4190 laud ^ Gt.& Lit. Bro. » do., East near 2200 do. Fleethain, V 4217 do. Frith in 720 do. Green, V next 2240 do. Hall, in Lit. Ouseb. » 4010 do. -on-the-Hill in 4249 do. Ireleth, V. (6) 4342 do., w.Netherby, in Overblows do., V., w. Osgodby near 2210 tfuo. KEN-tTk. *2§ .... 408 DAL ( Tot. Par. (27) 4288 OlTdo. Lons- 5 Township t 4275 dale, V. ) Total Par. (9) » do., in Mai- 5 V near 580 lamdale, < Total Par. (8) • do. Mallory I do. Mai- 5 Township . . . 4014 zeard, V. ) Tot. Parish (9) « do. Mis- t Township . . . 4155 perton, R. ( 4 others » do. Moor- 1 Toxvn, IF. t . . 4139 side, V.2§ ( 3 others .... » do. Muxloe in 720 . AninuBl 'J'ofal Number of P EHSONS. Sup«rflc(M Valu* of af each of the 4 SUiul* Ten Yearly /^iriods. u* hrlisu* . £ POOR, la’ia— lu — i0~ Arden 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Hamp ton in - - 19 5"), 590 46,091 8,861 8,9.57 9,163 10,.504 11,699 480 1,138 43 26 45 41 40 1,250 1,277 55 95 94 100 103 1,470 3,531 252 779 860 958 1,128 1,930 1,779 306 744 713 807 773 3,530 3,851 1,001 664 743 853 972 2,590 4,053 204 173 196 203 227 1,730 i,2:h 65 185 201 256 274 3,380 2,639 .591 299 254 335 322 1,120 1,104 294 198 178 201 345 1,290 2,285 168 245 303 340 385 6,590 3,708 804 1,002 1,123 1,420 2,032 2,100 1,030 50 158 191 185 185 5,060 5,386 231 230 293 335 293 4,930 .5,319 41 144 166 178 184 3,010 2,710 201 132 145 198 230 1,800 3,126 300 356 415 537 666 1,120 1,093 77 129 1.54 138 146 2,130 3,677 180 319 385 367 361 7i)0 1 5671 5 36 140 177 190 189 1,410 ( 131 216 247 263 335 ^ 9040 ) 9,022 376 674 679 682 638 ( 7,106 .571 733 793 977 999 1,020 1,.599 40 150 215 197 205 4,050 5.452 383 652 625 644 667 14,950 5,088 3,079 1,340 1,452 1,602 1,653 1,050 627 19 98 100 141 107 (3,017 197 573 600 624 491 21,630 ' 2,379 C4,181 224 245 448 516 485 280 959 1,038 1,095 1,077 3,580 3,026 186 5 149 ( 307 175 283 193 279 192 331 1,200 1,738 168 214 224 252 211 1 ,090 1,270 26 92 115 119 141 6,320 4,494 122 218 271 336 348 1,260 2,003 543 1,405 1,693 2,153 2,650 15,990 18,1.59 3,523 9,626 11,480 13,659 15,731 1,290 2,729 145 320 303 371 375 1,180 1,791 58 163 158 141 131 980 2,780 173 212 272 246 285 4,390 9,784 550 655 817 875 974 2,100 2,390 129 291 340 416 406 2,250 1,727 93 223 242 277 243 730 964 22 83 109 95 102 890 1,094 97 275 319 338 384 1,070 1,483 161 216 285 409 270 1,120 1,394 29 92 85 95 112 1,.580 2,697 777 1,469 1,690 2,186 2,755 0,.500 10,355 1,744 3,4(12 4,854 5,781 7,265 2,490 t 2,710 261 512 544 661 606 ( 1,229 110 126 165 165 138 2,900 4,652 384 680 622 686 663 5,070 5,836 273 328 381 405 411 1,770 2,707 124 239 233 282 222 2,790 4,251 204 303 335 355 295 2,900 2,952 365 483 518 5.52 553 11,290 10,361 617 1,573 1,512 1,931 1,892 2,310 1,360 183 193 210 212 209 9,390 t 4,066 316 634 636 760 768 ( 3,274 143 276 309 309 265 1,470 3,129 283 636 688 706 631 54,760 15,067 1,020 2,302 2,343 2,461 2,507 990 2,.583 191 156 173 192 20U 1,770 1,721 139 248 297 321 318 1,750 1,609 92 249 258 308 383 4,010 4,651 1!)9 833 912 1,035 1,190 2,240 2,327 ^ 254 5 163 160 168 182 2,780 3,257 1 460 444 517 *287 1,670 2,524 101 285 309 347 396 2,950 5,006 272 443 480 566 625 Glen field 16 18 18 32 080 571 34 62 67 68 74 370 630 22 35 36 55 50 1,110 632 13 143 131 161 118 22,220 15,323 844 2,344 2,394 2,947 3,234 1,180 2,081 86 220 237 226 231 1,710 1,318 70 123 168 214 350 1 67,210 S 21,202 3,014 6,892 7,505 8,984 10,015 ) 67,010 6,898 12,558 13,486 17,417 17,427 2,980 7,711 757 1,283 1,368 1,643 1,686 33,700 29,952 2,376 3,061 3,235 3,769 3,949 1,590 919 72 167 175 204 219 22,040 12,765 512 961 1,021 1,005 1,033 2,190 *385 m 243 248 296 214 920 4,523 1,096 1,287 1,533 1,771 2,017 3,180 2,815 307 524 596 682 790 53,530 22,753 2,540 3,408 3,420 4,263 4,707 1,910 2,191 61 163 165 170 170 7,130 5,214 460 512 592 639 694 3,730 6,256 585 1,396 1,673 1,878 1,802 9,970 1,906 158 717 517 570 522 2,230 2,392 155 167 231 256 275 Kir — Kno Towns, Parishes, tfc. Kirkby Over- S Township nr, ,nf 197 blows, R. ) Total I’ar. (0) « do. Ra- StivT, vensworth^.;'“" ;; : ^ ^'^PHEN^V. ) Tot.^*aV('lb) ^ do. Thore,^‘-i-.y;;;;j 42.59 do. -le-Thorpe next 2235 do. Underwood, R. » 2212 do. Wharf, t w. Milford » 4004 V. ( Grimston & Ulle. Kirkdale (8) 4134 do., P. C in 1321 Kiukham ^V., Tir. t2^ .... 1234 Kiukham, ^ ^ do., ex. Pa next 4112 Kirkharle, \ nYwYck & H'e'atbn Kirkhaugh, R 4491 Kirkheaton in 4531 Kirkland 4288 do in 1239 X 7 S »nd Blencarn ) '^"•''^•^Culgaith&Sk-inr3‘‘9 Kirkley « 4535 do., R., SuyWc .... next 1755 Kirklington, V » 050 a 1 ? 5 "'^h Upsland 4174 do., K. ^ 2 others » Kirk-Newton, \ j j 4.578 Kirkstead, R next 22.53 Kirk ton » 2335 Kirk-Whelp- 1 Township .. ington, V. < Tot. Par. (10) 4532 Kirmingtrin, V near 2287 Kirmond-le-Mire, V « 2276 Kirstead, R » 1903 Kirtling, V 2091 Kirtlingtou, V near 2698 Kirton, R., Suffolk 1704 DO., in Lindsay, S. 2 § . . . . 2291 , V ) see Fortyfoo: bank " Brothertoft t ....2191 do. Wapentake (20) 2183 Kislingbury, R near 2567 Kittisford, R » 1311 Knaith, P.C /> 1717 Knaptoft ^ T,‘,taV Parish (4) Knapton, 1C, Norfolk .. near 1746 do., in Accoinb 4041 do., C.,in Wintringh.nt. 4102 Knapwell, R « 2137 8+t 5 KNARESBORo’,V.,IF.t7^ 591 Total Parish (6) » Knaresdale, R 4492 Knayton, with Braywith in 4181 Knebworth, R near 2392 Knedlington in 4021 I i V near 2331 Kneesal J K^rsal 8c Ompton Kneesworth Ham., in B. near 2388 Kueeton, V next 652 do., with Middleton Tyas, Kneighton in 2049 Knettishall, R next 1907 Knightley Qr in 2905 Knighton, Chap., in St. Mary 685 do.. West, R near 3578 Knight-Thorpe in 732 1 C • i,.i i Kenilworth (15) 2780 Kn^htlow ) Kirby.... (k) 2791 Rugby. . . . (16) 2786 4 Divisions.^ Southan . . (21) 2777 Knighton-upon-Teame, C., with Ne Knightwick5{^-;;;i^-k”ff;-j2855 Kuill, R. (Wigmore) .. near 3081 Knipton, R next 2651 Kniveton, C 887 Knockin, R near 3045 Knodishall, R. (Blything) » 1932 Knook, C next 3376 Knossington,R. (Gartree) » 2648 Knotting, R » 2445 . , Amoual Total Numbi r .yoA'.v, 8ttp«rAci«i Valu. or • apart lad for M.io- at rat h of the 1 Ten Yearly Ptriodt, kefs. Tbs 10 lftl( POOR, IB3»— W £ — 1801. 1811. 1 1821. I 18.11. 1,400 1,834 215 294 :’..5i 1 318 ! 29H 10,730 1 11,100 761 1,469 \yM ‘ 1,616 l,.528 1,330 1 1 3377 ( 87 269 -.U) 317 i 300 1,000 ) 27 113 121 1 10 i 15!) 11,740 1 8,103 4.58 1,122 1,069 ; 1,278 1 1,268 1,7.50 3,385 229 509 53!) 633 I 615 4,640 1 4,954 479 mi 716 681 863 31,870 J 3,039 547 1,141 1 ,235 1 1,312 1,409 ( 15,487 1,139 2,515 2,.*15 2,712 2,798 11,030 t 2,631 139 2^17 305 377 468 4,311 251 536 609 1 674 7(i3 1,570 2,7.53 121 160 1.56 1 II 6 170 1 ,340 1,134 132 191 168 167 162 1,240 1,516 9!) 79 90 86 90 1,810 3,276 135 406 458 488 402 10,0.30 10,137 624 709 884 1 1,3!)8 1,107 740 4,693 281 393 065 1,273 2,591 850 5,448 539 1 ,.501 2,214 2,73.5 1 2,469 41,850 72,089 4,817 8,949 10,321 11,925 11,630 290 400 19 29 14 7 31 2,140 1 2449 J 99 166 195 192 167 2,870 1 104 172 179 162 200 5,940 1,459 158 275 339 286 309 1,760 K.-harle. 83 149 153 140 182 Kendal 1,738 437 1,080 1,245 1,378 1,2.50 1,050 2,778 243 426 451 III 458 12,150 S 1,883 89 188 172 217 212 i 5,004 189 443 430 4!l5 553 Ponte land 118 143 147 146 165 1,320 823 85 177 305 337 374 1,940 2,363 132 140 237 240 213 1,980 3,057 194 273 309 337 305 1,820 2,074 55 136 144 154 181 34,010 978 20 55 74 83 76 19,462 572 1,406 1,472 1,701 132 1,674 1,540 1,092 43 131 110 179 1,090 1,163 38 172 165 200 217 12,420 9,184 5 135 ( 276 234 714 257 814 277 793 260 789 'k, and Kirby, c in Scotland. 2,210 1,714 115 203 200 243 310 1,290 1,460 70 69 59 71 74 1,250 1,021 161 168 109 230 261 3,016 3,434 732 458 529 627 735 2,500 5,932 610 525 536 697 687 1,830 1,.558 535 376 455 578 624 4,210 6,287 • 560 1,091 1,152 1,480 1,542 4,920 2,575 1,354 1,238 1,531 1 ,G!)2 1,793 900 1,830 106 102 112 HI 123 71,660 110,007 9,419 11,493 13,501 14,777 2,170 3,482 650‘ 482 541 643 683 1,080 1,.596 125 143 143 •175 171 1,640 789 75 53 56 59 63 1,210 2,030 119 — 52 60 53 4,940 5, ,571 711 497 .541 864 924 1,410 1,800 227 277 289 312 327 880 1,651 71 120 130 137 120 2,740 2,508 161 139 187 206 242 2,000 860 105 97 109 136 128 2,650 11,194 2,513 3,388 4,234 5,283 5,296 11,970 26,271 4,668 5,761 7,348 9,101 10,214 8,940 1,991 269 481 526 5G t 506 1,390 2,272 118 321 a^!7 377 336 2,740 2,318 375 225 182 266 259 940 1,208 71 90 98 118 123 2,390 2,637 286 368 367 414 399 970 1,112 75 119 137 I8U 214 960 1,417 118 120 104 171 191 990 1,916 28 88 103 104 119 — - — — Muck leston — 113 148 156 1,120 1,086 73 49 00 70 67 Guos sail 328 317 322 1,020 4,458 398 337 377 383 402 1,920 3,309 148 180 229 229 308 830 1,470 57 7 86 52 79 37,970 67,760 5,501 7,584 8,254 10,676 15,412 49,920 88,328 7,286 10,859 10,926 12,810 13,932 39,390 65,270 5,505 7,898 8,570 10,078 10;.571 40,000 61,098 4,721 5,849 6,050 6,630 6,741 wnham in Lind ridge — — 820 4 1255 1 580 1 95 158 161 5 155 t 15 154 15 550 669 14 72 86 79 94 1,430 1,746 248 262 277 310 322 2,240 3,275 92 285 301 394 342 450 2,611 53 210 219 225 311 1,710 1,516 292 286 309 316 315 1,440 1,.568 164 194 219 268 282 1,370 2,330 106 126 1.50 193 240 1,270 1,661 116 105 ! 117 135 165 142 Svperjicics in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Kuo — Lan tii 9operflcie» Slalut* V»"u* of Property. •• ••••‘•■ed to Amount expended fur Meio- teaxDce vf Total Nitmfnr of PkKSONS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Heriods. Towns, Parishes, Sfc, III* Property Tex to IHI6. POOK. IHSd— 39. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Knottingley , C.(see Ferry Br. ) 3987 1,,536 5,760 1,1*93 2,602 3,327 3,753 3,666 Knott Lanes 1043 Ash ton — — — 3,827 Ashton Kuowle-end 103 And ley — 231 208 282 do. Ham., Chap, t . 2798 Haniptn. 10,080 769 843 998 1,082 1,121 do. St. Giles, P. C. . near 1 300 7(i0 1,157 93 61 62 91 108 Know’lton, R Knowsley in Hiiyton... 550 809 80 18 37 34 30 12.50 4,7.50 8,001 283 229 739 427 913 1,174 1,162 Knoyle, East, R 3413 5,320 5,726 876 853 905 954 1,028 206 2,390 1,337 5,051 108 184 210 208 61I KNUTSFORD-Nether,V S. 1 3^ 980 760 1,090 2,052 2,114 2,753 2,823 do. Over ... a 730 1,471 146 320 243 231 217 Total Parish (5) « 4,300 11,222 1,478 2,870 2,855 3,535 3,559 Knutton Wol Stanton — — 713 809 933 Kommeridge near 1-108 1,570 1,419 22 115 105 90 124 Kyayton, with Brawith .. in 4181 1,390 2,278 118 321 347 377 336 Kyloe, C 7,7.50 9,802 590 968 958 990 927 3,490 3,s85 308 215 191 283 322 4,720 1,230 8;249 1,919 478 292 389 516 493 Kyo- 149 281 385 448 412 Kyre, Great, R near 2852 1,580 1,252 46 165 159 162 159 do.. Little, C., in Stoke-Bliss « 1,130 765 47 126 120 121 169 1 050 9! 702 368 440 616 Lacey Stanton- 6,030 9’705 365 905 1,6^ 1,267 1,467 Lach Dennis near 852 300 614 31 43 50 44 32 Lackford, R 2,470 1,642 148 162 128 163 193 do. Hundred (18) -... 1898 79,800 49,009 7,906 8,384 9,537 11,521 13,109 Lackington White 1,170 3,370 122 190 249 242 254 Lacon Wem — — _ 45 45 Lacy Mansell .... 6 A'. IF. of 3007 1,500 1,452 1.59 276 2.53 287 318 do. Stoke near 3095 2,320 2,267 209 310 356 358 381 Ladbrooke, R .next 2774 5,100 2,974 242 235 251 251 268 239 5,730 2,830 4,566 542 806 761 Laingdon, (Township .. near 1795 3,4SG 515 242 311 402 412 R. ( Basildon Chap. . . » 1,850 2,044 262 125 125 142 124 do. -Hills, R. (see Langdon) 1,850 2,306 200 195 160 205 224 Lainstone, ex. Pa., in Sparsholt Lunat ic Asyl um, H ants. — • 40 Lairchild, or Learchild. . . . in 4558 Ediing ham 14 25 27 30 20 Lakenham 107 or 1990 Nor w'ich C ity 428 441 1,875 3,810 Lakenheath, V 10,550 4,353 1,289 745 844 1,042 1,209 Laleham, C *123 1,290 3,749 266 372 481 499 588 Lamarsh, R near 1852 or 1853 1,160 1,716 456 285 281 331 323 Lamberoft Ham, .near 2275 in Kels tern — 15 31 34 Lamberhurst, ( Kent k . *360 3,590 ^1638 1,422 5 -148 482 539 572 y. 1 Sussex 2 i .. *742 1,700 ( 569 699 787 949 4 Lambeth, R 3,640 220,618 31,838 27,939 41,644 57,638 87,8.56 next 4492 ' 2,310 1,218 84 209 ( 139 ( 115 122 139 1 252 do., R., Notts 2,170 2,814 239 467 583 690 824 x'nTsi 5 3282 \.,TA.t3§^2 jointTyths. S 14,880 ^6800- 6,883 2,539 ( 964 J 3-16 L 735 1,002 348 786 1,096 354 849 1,166 387 823 Lambourne, R 2,480 4,263 553 515 595 729 778 1,025 127 124 137 164 176 Lambton 650 117 266 253 293 256 Lamertou, V 4,230 3,390 7,698 1,068 722 804 1.069 1,209 Lamesley, Ch 41 12,212 976 1,705 2,054 1,720 1,910 Lammas, C., with Little Hautboys 810 1,434 95 ( 251 ( 38 221 28 1 285 303 Lamonby Skel ton 244 236 274 544 Lamorran, R near 241 1,320 890 17 78 94 93 96 Lamplugh, R 7,140 5,708 208 535 532 661 624 Lamport ^ Hanging Hou .near 2586 ghtn. Ham ^1440 ( 3,305 ( 1,949 172 117 148 117 126 97 122 111 136 114 Lamyatt, R near 3652 890 1,399 139 206 220 243 204 near 157 1,880 1,600 ^ 1996 171 290 310 ( 310 ( 376 324 331 Lanbadock 3,430 2,832 187 312 343 369 374 6;tt1T Lancaster, W.iS. V. Total Parish *+ 4§ 1255 1,2^10 3^1,117 3,469 9,030 9,247 10,144 12,613 21) 4323-5 66,100 98,82() 9,002 17,158 17,528 19,272 22,294 a.. <’.,..., 1 -,. ^ North .. 4298 do. bounty 667.600 449.600 958,662 2,129,112 99,()(>1 161,200 201,649 471,082 242,019 586,290 304,751 748,108 343,108 993,746 do. Duchy of . . . 3174 8,660 10,781 1,023 1 ,733 1,878 2,176 2,3.56 Lancliester, ( and Hamlets . . 4483 5,830 4,818 352 726 831 659 574 C. > Total I’arish ( 18) 4482 41,890 34,786 1,812 4,020 4,502 4,979 6,076 Lancing, V 2,3(J0 3,330 441 451 519 590 695 Land beach, R near 2125 2,490 2,762 350 235 302 371 422 Landcruss, R . next 1529 1,1.50 420 17 50 65 83 Landegveth, R near 164 720 747 36 104 9(i 126 105 Landenny . u n 2,470 2,281 104 333 388 351 404 Landevenny, in St. Brides » 1()8 300 409 22 39 53 53 .37 Landewednock, R near 261 1,300 1,187 100 244 303 387 406 Landford, V 1,920 1,039 233 186 193 213 226 Landican, in Woodchurch,C/ic,vAir(; 510 639 15 45 47 53 61 Landke}', C, • 2,510 .3,215 240 607 625 683 790 Lanrlmotli, with Catto . ... in 4181 600 797 33 46 55 59 53 Landogo 1 ,620 1,011 180 589 612 612 61(i Landon K. Net* too 850 35 81 60 69 78 Landrake, K., w. St.Emey 2 ^ 3934 3,640 5,818 3^13 613 768 841 872 Lands End — — — — Lan — Lan Towns, Polishes, l(c Landulph, R 3935 Liundwacle, C near 2088 Lane-end and Longton* 4^ . . Ill Lane-end and Huttou-Magnum Laueast near 3925 Laneham, V » 2333 Lanellan » 157 Lanerenst Abbey, P. C. (5) 4432-3 Lanfoist 101 Langar, R., w. Barnstone nr. 051 do. -Lingoed .... near 157 do. -nigh-Usk, R. » 161 Langbanrgh 1 East Divis. (10) 1681 Liberty MVest do. (21)4183 Langcliffe in 580 Langdale, C., in Grasmere . . 4297 Langdon, East *625 do., West, C *630 do. Hills,see Laingd. nt. 1793 Langenhoe « 1773 Langeview, C near 164 Langfield 522 Langford, liedford 2440 f Berks 3151 do.,V. 4 Little Farringdon Tyth. C Grafton &Radcut,Oa'on do., R. (Thurstable) next 1770 do., R. (S. Greenhoe) » 2022 do., P. C., Notts 2324 do. Budville, C 3743 do., Little, R near 3198 do. Steeple, R. 3388 Langliam, R., Essex 1864 do., Norfolk 2075 do., C., Rutland ...... 2313 do., R., Suffolk. . . .next 1904 Langibby near 164 Langley in 4483 do., C., Essex near 1828 do., R., Kent *403 do., C., Norfolk .... near 1963 do.. Chap in 2732 do. Ham » 2768 do. Abbots 2405 do. King’s, V 2409 do. Burrell, R 3312 do. Dale & Shotton near 616 do. Fitzurse Tyth in 3333 do. Marish, C 2460 do. Priory, ex. Pa in 738 do. & Ruckley Chap., in Acton do. & Swineshead S Lower 1328 Hundred ^ Upper 3219 do., Kirk-, w. Meynell nr. 7.56 Langoe t 1st. Division (4) .. 2238 Wap. (2nd. do. (7).. « Langoven next 3120 Langport, East-Over, C. S.i 4§ 156 Langrick-Ville (see Ville) nr. 1728 Langridge § in 1386 Langrigg & Mealrigg « 4382 Langsett near 423 Langstone, with Lanbedr » -170 Langthorne in 4211 Lauglhorpe, in Kirby-on-the-Moor Laugthwaite, with Tilts... in 3965 Langtoft, V 2207 ,ir. \T S Township 4091 ■’ ■ ( Cotlam » Langton and Bongate 42.56 .Ik. n ^ Township .... near 4103 ■’ ■ ( Kenny thorpe » do in 617 do. East J (see Chnrch)nr. 2634 do. West ( Thorp & Tur . . » do. Great next 4180 do. Little " " do. -Long-Blandford, R. « 3568 do. -Herring, R near 1471 do. -Matravers, R 3570 do. by Horncastle, R 22.57 do. by Spil-sby, R 2261 do. by Wragby, V 2273 Langtree, R 3891 do., with Standish .... 1202 do. Hundred (9) 2671 Langua next 31 15 Langwathbv, C., in Edenhall 4401 Langwitli, Upper, R near 2351 do., in Cockney ... . » 2337 do in -1032 SuperAciei vlrue“of Properly, ei Aroouet expendei for Mein- the Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods. Acre*. Tex ID 1616 POOR. 1626—39. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831, 1,880 3,^6 3^3 529 590 57!) 570 120 508 45 25 28 20 25 St' ke -upon- Trent — 4,930 7,100 9,608 1,510 1,990 69 178 226 248 225 2,600 851 90 179 149 229 279 1,840 2,579 150 302 337 347 347 2,480 1,49() 124 224 277 293 372 36,510 16,815 490 1,243 1,335 1,512 1 ,550 2,490 1,733 119 158 211 535 891 3,550 4,953 127 266 271 287 274 2,200 2,270 119 169 246 298 291 550 2,878 119 667 936 1,062 1,071 1,730 1,155 99 191 178 192 191 1,260 2,116 115 179 166 160 161 116,330 100,688 8,396 14,900 12,418 16,758 I6,82<) 79,240. 100,811 7,361 11,458 11,598 13,100 13,346 1,890 2,467 103 .260 332 420 550 Grasm. 1,479 217 300 297 317 314 1,0.50 995 262 243 239 347 322 740 468 80 92 80 86 86 1,850 2,306 200 195 160 205 224 2,200 2,669 114 108 116 131 146 1,280 1,245 73 113 128 173 180 2,620 2,361 360 1,170 1,515 2,069 2,514 2,100 2,165 713 459 469 631 726 2,210 3,12b 144 356 406 387 391 1,010 1,869 113 131 148 140 156 980 1,749 108 97 94 HI 126 1,430 2 055 314 193 213 251 273 1,180 539 83 54 32 29 36 1,430 2,069 144 124 118 147 125 1,500 2,844 270 524 503 564 608 740 2,026 24 23 25- o2 39 1,510 1,5.58 338 523 556 557 587 3,100 3,928 978 657 661 725 821 1,950 1,408 292 268 288 324 374 3,250 4,852 292 485 487 571 608 1,270 1,103 472 207 211 268 264 3,700 3,971 341 350 447 494 516 2,520 1,596 56 83 102 97 75 5,730 1,599 272 247 288 320 384 1,610 2,035 301 175 194 263 ai4 2,430 2,998 247 294 273 3-19 361 330 449 56 51 50 63 67 Claverdij 1,294 158 127 167 192 164 5,100 8,290 1,121 1,205 1,331 1,773 1,980 3,400 4,762 859 970 1,108 1,242 1,423 1,980 4,005 299 333 361 428 438 4,630 2,015 271 143 160 198 217 Kington 3,138 307 371 429 501 500 3,820 7,514 958 1,215 1,671 1,616 1,797 660 Disewortb 57 15 10 13 16 B urnel 1,601 73 82 114 75 86 11,780 ( 48,382 5,814 1 0 ! 2,783 2,724 3,572 17,010 1 t 10,155 12,330 13,856 2,900 2,952 365 483 518 552 653 20,990 22,007 2,12<) 2,160 2,395 3,088 3,461 33,080 27,407 2,200 2,6-13 2,893 3,383 4,095 1,800 1,009 57 141 133 137 136 ()60 1,006 334 754 861 1,004 1,24.5 1,630 3,693 65 — — 195 202 800 1,152 22 8<; 96 103 1(H) Broomfield 2,113 99 198 212 194 269 4,370 1,393 105 203 235 325 320 1,000 976 32 1.6 131 171 liU 820 1,110 54 101 132 136 136 800 Kirby 86 117 107 143 196 290 735 73 33 24 21 28 2,520 3,475 317 3H(i 464 485 6(H> 3,140 2,413 111 276 353 416 498 2,760 1,417 13 16 15 16 25 Bon gate — — — 637 645 1,750 2,139 132 216 233 280 2()6 730 470 24 50 59 83 75 1,060 1,001 31 78 ()5 90 107 870 2,375 304 329 265 300 281 830 2,218 101 82 78 90 72 300 941 22 101 98 116 133 1,560 1,416 49 67 62 86 7 628 ()76 980 (i.54 74 68 80 109 11.5 1,.59(» l,!Ni0 188 132 175 167 23(> 2,.540 2,432 53 Ml 173 193 206 4,080 2,.526 3(>7 683 657 778 888 3,240 8,838 56-1 1,.542 1 ,770 2,0()5 2,107 21,820 22,(i29 4,451 3,168 3,220 3,735 4,077 890 (i08 22 62 61 71 76 2,510 2,165 89 221) 20(i 250 250 1 ,(>00 660 110 156 140 153 l(i.5 Click ney — — 3(il 378 437 70 45 WhfUli kc 29 37 39 44 M3 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, >^c., in ENGLAND, at each of the. Pour Periods laoi, lail, 1021, lf>31. t , Amoubl Total Number o/ PKHSONS, t . Annual Aniouol Total NunihiT of I'.liSONNf Lon — Lav to • S - ^ 5^ Sup«H)«lo .SUIuU V«lu» oi Pru|i*ny, « • ftp«lld«ii fur aU1h> Iniianuo vl tit each of the 4 Ten Yearty Periods, Lav — Led to* Towns, Parishes, Ifc. f s| SuparfleUt Mlatuta Valu* of Proparlj, at tha I'ruparlj I'ai h* 1*116. aap«o(ia 187 235 251 239 |5140 7, .167 778 958 S 582 626 790 < is’liiMi. (' Ufxt 3120* 1,570 927 63 174 222 255 296 , “ M-attleton-Pan. • / .188 4!»7 532 1637 5,540 4,086 359 513 687 803 922 no.. Market J Easterton Tytli. ^ 5 840 1 1 ,628 395 320 361 377 417 » liviTy, V 221 6,670 5,232 461 778 965 1,318 1,687 or East ( Township. . 33(i(i (4.104 508 918 899 1,061 1,108 170 1 ,0(i0 1,272 33 122 130 161 158 Lawford, R., Pssex 1863 2,160 4,213 648 467 548 ()88 '791 , . \ Hiirlu'r ...... 15'J 3,470 *582 74 889 1,333 1,863 1,776 do. Church, R near 2788 2,070 2,126 137 302 337 355 320 ' over, \ . \ 160 1,330 1,898 115 228 239 282 348 do. Little Ham in » .Newbld. 1,1.57 25 13 29 27 28 ^ rciUhj K. § 1640 1,750 3,110 3-15 478 518 629 651 do. Long do « » on .\V(>n 2,950 253 318 371 474 478 157 290 313 15 22 23 28 21 Lawliitton, R near 3925 2,670 2,717 160 289 360 435 48.5 225 2,930 3,218 487 817 604 880 881 Lawkland in 584 4,220 4,303 181 :«i8 Autluck 351 . env near 3117 1,210 1,583 61 143 143 139 148 Lawrance, St near 1777 2,080 24)76 289 MO 2j0 229 182 « ii-ilos. R..W. (;amelfrd.3!)38 3,750 4,141 658 912 1,100 1,256 1,3.59 do. Weston 'I'yth. .. in 3194 1,100 Hen 1)017 247 — 33.5. 329 do., bv rouey, V . •. 226 3,280 4,146 42(i 678 859 973 1,208 do., St., in Thanet *570 3,200 6 liO 1,365 1,068 1,116 IjtiOl 2,021 f tIie\vy-\ tu li, C near 161 9<)0 1,413 73 153 165 172 163 do., St., Hants. .. near 1459 350 368 29 76 101 9() 78 157 890 373 74 100 8(i 64 100 do.. Si. Ilkctshall » 1960 1 ,7.50 1,329 321 113 174 255 212 (io. - 11 y there h, V. » 2,260 2,314 229 304 322 317 359 Lawress Wapentake(28) 2270 46,570 53,051 3,014 5,230 5,611 6,()4H 7,213 # tillio-Pcr- V Citra ) ,3,150 1 4,178 440 349 656 t 339 360 Lawshall.R I88(i 2,280 3,428 915 554 717 837 885 tholev, V. ? H Itni ^ t 3,000 ( 387 389 5 Lawton, see Church-, R. ... 839 1,510 2,754 238 445 448 512 Sli) . do. -Gi-o.s- S Lower f seuny, \.( Uj per S 3112 5,480 4,320 626 625 i 388 ( 305 ^ 710 t 291 ( 298 Laxfield, V. 2§ 1944 3,790 5,383 1,112 1,008 1,003 1,1.58 1,1.58 Laxton, D., Northampton nr. 2618 1,370 1,292 49 204 229 190 188 « vaches, U near 1541 2,150 1,608 91 175 236 247 327 do., or Lexinglon, w. Moorhou. 3,610 3,907 255 513 5G1 015 659 0 1,.590 7()8 49 174 158 181 182 do., Cliap near 4021 Lay cock, \. 2§ 400 1,520 1,918 207 219 271 268 281 0 410 512 34 26 34 30 24 4,170 8,555 2,083 1,408 1,460 1,682 1,181!) do. -Kilsiddin, K. next 163 2,020 2,276 88 147 214 226 261 Layer-Breton, R. (W instr.J nr. 1838 970 1,540 173 — 193 259 202 # vapley, K near 157 770 1,003 103 108 101 112 94 do. -de-la-Hay, P. C « 1771 2,490 3,616 632 477 529 003 637 0 vetherine, 11 * 0 1,960 2,.599 176 95 211 212 214 do. -Marney, R « 1838 1,.500 2,246 29 i 188 1.50 246 275 M veynoc. Chap • jt vihanirel, iiich Usk, R. 3077 Clodock 1,726 110 221 314 323 298 Layhara, R 1909 2,290 3,722 792 471 493 595 5.52 164 410 673 37 54 85 99 117 Laysdown, V., or Leysdown *477 2,370 1,555 120 83 06 132 I'.l do. -lantarnam, C. nr. 170 5,780 3,555 245 445 488 565 626 Laysters, C., or Leysters next 3101 Lay sthorpe &East Newton, in St ’do. -Cru- \ V. near 157 2,570 239 342 < 300 299 275 Layton, with W arbrick. ... in 1668 2,000 4,439 268 473 680 749 943 cornev. V. ) Penbiddle « 870 ( 71 67 90 do., West, in Hulton-Magnum 570 2,338 26 56 02 69 t.4 # vrechva, t Lower 172 1 1,960 (1,888 94 320 .500 662 881 do.. East, in Slanwick, St. John 1,010 2,338 31 95 120 137 L56 C. ^ Upper . wenarth, t Ultra 173 <1,531 144 190 245 311 286 Lazonby, t Toyvnship > V. ( Plumpton W all ^ 11,510 1 2,024 169 320 384 533 544 162 2,200 2,802 231 467 1,133 1,813 1,956 <1,876 111 206 194 268 297 R. i Citra 0 2,910 2,132 103 148 186 188 247 Lea in 838 wern, R near 1541 910 1,309 30 32 30 27 22 200 462 72 73 73 71 56 1 -y-horne, Rnan » (see Llan ) 241 2 120 2,635 220 329 328 424 700 718 81 29 70 75 90 75 87 89 i"> p ^Gloucester 3046 no., L.. ^ „ 1.50 275 74 380 588 98 100 100 91 Lapford, R 3818 2,260 2,537 286 587 637 674 700 do., R near 1717 2,050 2,527 145 180 222 1G9 1*7 1,576 121 196 167 198 p,042 do., Ashton, &c 4298 3,120 New 7,337 426 594 590 058 0S7 ■Liapley, ^ \\ heaton-Aston . . 2899 2,170 2j301 347 563 579 718 do. -Bailey, Tytli in 148 land 29 86 72 93 108 Lapworth, R 2745 1,700 4,035 353 575 517 622 656 do. A ( leverton near 3345 1,790 2,759 371 252 296 371 419 Larbrick, with Eccleston in 1234 1,210 2,241 llmin 114 178 199 224 230 do. -Hall Ham, in Bradb. a 324 Brad born 20 24 23 26 Larkstoke Ham., Gloucester » 2747 300 gton 12 10 5 23 do. -Marston, C « 2804 1,130 1,623 225 209 248 284 269 Lark ton » 2953 410 545 62 50 64 60 44 do. -Newboki in 1655 690 1,388 13 42 58 61 43 Larling, R. (Shropham) next 2018 1,260 1,815 224 196 197 171 227 Leacroft and Hednesford., » 2895 Can nock — — 442 — Lartington in 609 6,300 1,579 181 223 231 243 183 Leach, w'ith Marlston .... » 1656 1,310 1,347 99 87 110 108 130 Lasham, R. next 3432 1,860 1,128 286 164 199 188 236 Leachlade, or Lechl., Tu. 1 3^ 3151 3,980 6,768 991 917 993 1,154 1,244 Lashhorouah, with VVeston-Birt 2,120 1,986 120 157 122 198 138 Lead Hall, in Ryther . . near 3995 640 Ryther 32 58 :0 59 Laskill-Pastins in 4138 Helm sley 17 79 97 91 85 Leadenham 2244 2,260 6,336 285 517 530 574 565 Lassineton, R next 3173 560 968 52 85 79 52 60 Leadon, High-, Ham., in Rudford 590 805 78 78 92 100 Lastinghani, t Township .... 4142 590 579 65 222 224 225 211 do., in Bishops-Froome nr. 3095 Bisho ps Fro ome — — 72 — V. CTotal Parish (7) » 25,290 8,.544 620 1,319 1,745 1,834 1,766 Leafield, Chap. in 2732 1,920 1,074 471 487 478 553 6.56 Latchford Liberty next 2687 Great Hasel ey — — — 35 Leagrim-cum-Bowland 1165 7,960 2,924 222 318 328 370 388 do., C., in Grappenhall 985 1,010 3,143 260 754 944 1,252 2,166 Leake, V 1727 5,880 11,503 882 911 922 1,417 1,7 U 975 Latchingdon, R. 2^ ... near 1775 4,160 5,116 566 354 354 414 451 do.. East near 684 2, .540 2,865 300 608 737 783 14,267 3,859 601 2,179 189 2,514 2,997 164 3,272 do., M^esL V 0 1,390 210 1,7S7 136 1 457 171 183 211 203 Latbburv, C next 2522 1,6.50 80 177 172 nr, V S 'i’ownship 4181 403 ( 7 8 11 9 Latimer, Burton-, R 2604 2,690 4,235 890 669 705 842 995 7,520 6,736 <1,105 1,010 1,083 1,089 1822 1,380 1,680 3,273 3,213 304 279 291 378 319 Leaming‘ton-Hast,ino;s, V 977fi a, 340 5,595 8,826 352 651 503 315 474 444 4f>*l do., V., Witts " 3340 231 349 322 315 360 do. -triors, V. (^ee Milv.) 1390 l',720 .543 2,183 0,20t) Leap-cum-Exbury 3518 2,600 1,906 223 286 2(i5 311 325 Laughton, R., Leicester " 2634 1,430 1,746 148 162 152 173 154 do. ,'Aveland) .... next 2213 840 1,800 41 29 43 76 75 Leai child 4558 Egling ham 14 25 27 30 20 s -wr S Township near } Wildsuorih Hm.5 1717 1 3,320 1 3,363 s 72 1 340 5 370 319 309 Learmouth 94 178 107 123 85 \ 750 ( 75 ( 90 103 132 Leasingham, ( orLessingh. nr. 2236 2,240 3,034 124 315 263 259 1 358 do., \ Sussex *758 4,110 4,044 1,058 539 612 731 804 R. ^ Roxholme .... « 720 1,062 165 49 66 87 do. -en-le- r Township . . 3947 3,500 1 4,421 t 478 1 465 614 J 652 780 Leath Ward (18) 4391 217,430 146,590 9,498 19,570 20,599 24,735 27,373 Morthen, < i hroaphain U 1,080 ( 96 ( 50 70 Leatham-Kirk, see Kirk ... . 1681 8,030 10,488 657 1,008 1,003 1,091 1,074 V. i 3 Others . . . . 0 3,010 2,489 224 339 303 353 382 Leatherhead, V. 2 § *201 3,2.50 5,601 1,023 1,078 1,2(19 1,4:8 1,724 3920 6,340 2,180 3,920 375 647 672 891 848 Leathley, t Township .. near 503 R. ? Castley » 1,100 2,472 743 2S4 336 312 29.5 It ^ Launceston,* C., S. t 7 ^ 3925 3,900 884 1,483 1,758 2,183 2,231 480 46 82 96 110 118 do., Tarrant- near 3563 712 1,192 67 67 63 88 72 Leathwaite, C in 4312 6,160 — Dunn erdale • 208 190 Laund, Old Booth in 573 410 668 95 287 316 390 476 Leaton, St. Mary. Shrewsbu’ y — — — — 2.52 — do., ex. Pa., Leicester near 2311 1,640 1,807 — 28 40 36 60 Leaveland *493 320 412 118 57 61 69 68 Launditch Hundred (32) .... 2058 59,930 59,178 10,959 9,484 9,596 11,483 12,639 Leavening, iu Acklam 4101 1,110 1,848 131 176 225 294 354 Launton, R near 2700 3,.550 5,294 760 372 431 553 570 Leavington Kirk, see Kirk and Ca stle 6,958 328 542 568 637 517 Lavant, East and West *977 2,970 2,510 1,187 274 348 364 407 Lebfhorpe Ham., in Noith Witham — — — 35 — Lavendon, V. ^ 2528 2,320 3,302 614 544 546 613 664 Lechlade, or Letchlade, see Leach lade — — — — H Lavenham, R., Tu. t 2§ . . . . Laver, High, R near do.. Little, R 2876 2,800 1,960 3,755 2,331 1,776 1,711 418 1,898 1 464 2,107 495 3,880 2,120 1,871 4,345 U5 219 268 2S4 32() 1804 2^558 330 '346 Leckby & Cundall, see Cundall .50 204 180 170 200 a 680 1,435 265 90 115 107 112 Leckford near 3487 2.530 2,568 364 199 200 200 22 i do. Magdalen, R a 880 1,977 234 228 226 236 206 Leckhampstead, R • 2512 2,070 2,797 4:i7 346 397 519 4 9 Laverstock, ( and Ford ^ 3396 1,090 2,494 5 248 373 376 415 294 do., Cliap in 3288 Chievely 1,675 402 330 325 358 402 R. < Milford Tyth. ( 423 419 394 489 523 Leckhainpton, R near 1388 1,530 1,819 106 225 2<2 3!8 929 Laverstoke, R next 3467 1,530 1,608 27 88 96 101 117 Lecoiifield * 40.59 4,030 5,860 190 310 290 302 301 Laverton, R near 375 1,060 1,487 40 134 133 189 196 Ledburn Ham., in Mentm. nr. 2.501 570 M ent more 131 — 165 — d(\M 7,710 1,8.55 2,933 299 368 *171 430 1 457 3 H Ledbury, V., Tk. t 7 §. .. . 3084 Parkhold « 8,630 380 14,783 492 1,444 1 44 3,058 3,130 3,421 do., with Buckland next 2817 2',270 224 328 324 1 382 i Ss ' 55 55 1 ' 57 144 Supeijtcies in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Alaintenanee of the Poor and Total Number of Persons in Led — Loo jo I *3 ^ j Towns, Parishes, IfC. Ijcdon, or < Salop near 2!)92 Kyddain ^ Aston, Montgomery • Ijpdsliani, S I'ownship .. near 4000 V. } l''airbuni& Ledstone" la'dstonc I lain in 2737 Lfio, lUidis near 2488 do., U., Kent *290 flo. -botwood near 3010 ar. (12) 900-5. do. -Wootton, V 2781 Lee Mailing in 4.522 Lepiniug, Kxelby, & Newton 4177 Leese in 840 Lees, w'itb Dalbury 0 IL. of 750 Leestborpe, with I’ickwellur. 2015 Leftw ich, in Davenhan 850 la'gbourn, C near 2275 Legesby, V » 2273 tt II Leicester, ir. S.*t 13^ (9) 085 0 do. do. do. do. Leigh Abbey, ex. Pa. nr. South Fields Lib. , t North .. County I __ 393 do., Tyth in 3538 do.. Chap. 3§ « 3500 do., !»., Essex § 1779 do., Kenti *338 V JWestt3§ 1242 ao., V. ^ Total Parish (0) 1211-0 do. -upon-Mendip, C. near 370 , 1 /, T? t Township. .. . « 943 do., Surrey *221 do., C., in Ashton-Keynes 3341 do.. High, Chap., in ftosth. 2904 do.. Little, Chap. . . . near 8.58 do.. North, R 3700 do.. South, R " do,, West,V. (Fremingt.)nr. 1529 do., V., with Evington « 3105 do.. North, R., Oxon 2705 do., South, Oxon near 2703 do. fields, in Oakham Lordshold do. and Wooley Tyth. . . in 385 do. -de-la-mere,' R next 3345 tv 2829 ■ t Bransford, C » do. -Abbots, C near 1324 r • 1 Tj S Great » 1821 '‘"^iShS) R- ^ Cbatley Ham. .. » do.. Little, V » Leighterton, C., w. Boxw. nr. 305 Leighton, V., Salop » 123 do in 830 do » 1051 do., V., /j'wnfs. 2 § n^ar 2101 5 ^do. Buzzari), S Town + V., 7«. 004 Chaps. ^ Leightonstone Hundred (30) 2159 Leinthal-starkes next 3107 Leintwardine \ Tot.PaV.‘(8) , Leire, R 2005 Leiston, C., with Sizewell 1950 Lelant Uny, V. § 280 Lelly in 1715 Lemington, Lower near 3114 Lemmington in 4558 Lench, see Church, Atch, Hob, Sh Lenham, V., Tu. t2§ *114 Lenborough Ham in 2512 Leningford, w. N. Staiiiley nr. 597 Lcnthall, see Leinthall Lenton, V. 3 ^ C72 3tt 1 Leomin- t Town, F. ( 7 § .3097 STER, V. ) Broadward & Ivin. ^ 3108 do. I VV rniiigcanii) ^ Leonard, St., Ham in 2191 do., Devon 1489 do. Stanley 35li do., St., Bridgenorth 290t Amount Total Number of PERSONS, SuperfloUl lo Slatiile Value of Property, ai uMcsied lo expended for Main- tenance uf at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods, Tax id 161&. 29. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,520 1,004 90 100 131 113 123 11 735 22 87 100 87 84 1,800 2,005 128 220 241 212 236 2,390 3,802 324 670 540 009 708 Ens tone — 140 600 400 177 150 172 198 186 1,470 5,980 470 370 512 737 1,108 1,000 1,730 79 181 208 204 223 650 889 70 137 150 102 150 Roth bury 41 92 111 93 103 Beilin gham 128 226 200 285 293 1,700 4,037 003 422 391 515 013 3,050 103,435 18,045 30,009 35,951 48,603 71,602 18,400 02,790 9,072 22,493 26,113 35,193 51,791 Luton 282 Limbury 34,370 10,041 1,729 3,489 3,703 4,855 6,374 4,958 .35,783 3,378 649 097 710 800 873 1,860 Beilin 4,215 6,819 7,483 9,147 10,780 190 400 401 4.30 43.3 gham 128 226 200 285 293 2,300 4,573 272 532 553 502 633 390 970 26 86 120 135 120 1,000 1,870 123 187 210 241 256 1,480 4,350 128 121 123 167 100 1,110 2,828 255 899 979 1,192 1,799 1,910 2,175 314 280 308 412 449 3,230 1,934 220 184 185 231 230 3,960 58408 13,4G1 16,953 23,140 30-125 39,306 25 — 18 19 15 18 — 2,939 02 53 70 71 67 St. 31ary — — 702 1,008 200,870 428,070 41,447 57,798 03,991 74,390 84,071 250,470 464,281 05,415 72,283 80,428 100,181 112,932 West bury — 1,475 1,357 1,428 1,420 \V imb orne M inster 358 532 2,200 2,803 194 300 367 343 400 930 2,152 703 570 702 905 1,254 3,840 4,090 1,313 739 822 876 1,011 2,030 5,.580 324 1,429 1,960 2,408 2,780 11,820 35,.577 4,680 2.970 15.5()5 18,372 20,083 1,470 1,790 503 534 502 000 040 0,820 7,364 473 842 808 947 950 540 1,434 5 03 09 72 82 3,710 2,820 544 3!)0 403 4.53 483 Ashton 2,067 410 174 242 203 207 5,010 0,950 410 787 800 854 983 1,280 2,107 471 380 340 359 381 1,4.50 1,347 80 180 151 214 240 2,130 2,825 107 237 246 327 320 1,340 2,236 184 408 391 452 ■ 484 1,720 2,897 145 303 300 3-10 3.55 2,400 2, .506 410 517 525 592 591 1,980 3,724 335 240 248 316 339 Oak ham 49 23 Oak ham Great Brad ford — — 1,.5‘59 l,(i80 1,360 1,823 55 0.5 83 125 129 5,050 9,058 007 1,255 1,318 1,540 1,073 1,190 2,747 123 237 215 204 338 2,150 4,170 180 292 341 317 300 1,340 1,277 ^ 768 ( 158 144 181 217 1,810 1,883 t 300 3fMj 480 539 1,040 1,551 1.54 125 135 100 189 2,210 2,295 105 217 254 297 2<)7 1,300 2,483 147 3‘38 301 375 300 1,510 1,898 131 200 L50 270 201 020 1,274 78 26() 287 404 333 2,770 4,192 553 312 240 410 4.52 8,990 5 1,102 1,500 1,903 2,114 2,749 3,330 t 5.526 l,8.-.2 1,209 1,3.59 1,872 1,813 56,130 03,204 9,128 7,240 7, <143 9,473 9,525 970 1,285 68 130 140 13! 127 8,350 3,340 724 1,070 1,180 ( 34(i 0277 445 1,358 .870 1,890 200 347 418 435 485 5,220 3,009 275 823 807 !).54 1,070 4,215 3, 1 6.5 281 1,083 1,180 1,271 1,002 800 1,160 43 107 123 119 114 OOt) 1,708 55 01 03 07 50 Edlin gham 94 178 107 123 85 eritfs & Wick — — — — 0,89t) 7,110 2,01 1 1,131 1,.509 1,9.59 2,197 4,230 4.140 200 314 252 385 407 2, Kit) Buck ingh.a m .59 78 75 5.080 8,997 501 8f)3 1,197 1 ,210 3,077 1,1.50 7,8.52 1,199 3,019 3,238 3.051 4,309 8,140 12,130 023 544 687 90.5 919 3,230 ( 4 -109 380 3.57 428 502 Oil i 804 102 121 120 113 ii)4 970 038 Aston 137 171 185 117 80 1,.582 120 133 107 2 (;o 4(i7 910 2,423 290 5f»0 538 7.57 942 1,000 5,213 882 2,189 2,185 2,101 2,517 Leo — Lil £5? Towns, Parishes, (fc, s?=|| Leonard, St *730 Leppington, C.,in Scray. nr. 4104 Lei>ton in 458 Lesbuiy, t with Hawkill .. ) 4 (j 7 g V. t Alemouth ) 2H Leskeard, or Liskeard, V. 209 Lesnewth, R near 3939 do. Hundred (17) 3937 Lcssingham, R next lt»74 Letchworth, R « 2394 Letcombe-Bassett, R. " 3245 do. - 1 R » Regis, \ East & W. Chaliow, C. Letheringham, C next 1930 Letheringsett, R near 2075 Letton, R » 2052 , n S Township » 3571 K-^Hurstley . » do. Walford & Newton in 3108 Letwall Chap " 3947 Levan, St., C 273 Levens in 4280 r , o . 1 ? (Township 4083 Leven,R. .... „ Levenshulme 1035 Lever Darcy, C 1173 do.. Great 1009 do., Little 1172 Leverington ^ „ Leversdale, in Irthington .... 4448 Leverton, R 2200 do in 3295 do.. North, V . .near 2333 do., Sth., t Township » « R. ^ Cottara Ch » » Levett, Hootton- 39.59 Levington, R near 1703 do. Kirk, or Linton (3) 443-1-0 Levisham, R near 4140 Lew, Ham in 2720 Lewannick 3929 8tt Lewes, S. * t 4§ (7) .... *810 see also *702-3 do.. Rape of, (12 Hundreds) ) (43 Parishes) *791-834 ( Lewisham, V *2!>5 Lewknor Hundred (9) 2081 \ Postcombe, Chap, f Lewston, Catherston- .. next 12S0 do., ex. Pa., Dorset near 3550 Lewtrenebard, R » 3857 Lexden, R 1771 do. t Colchester div. (14) 1840 Hand. 01 itham do.(lO) » Lexham, Fast, R next 2001 do., West, It " « Lexington, or Laxton. . . .near 2332 Leybourn, R *374 Lev burn, in Wensley t4§ .. 4227 Ley land, 1 Tow nship 1213 V. ri'otal Parish (9) 1212-20 do. Hundred (9) 1190 Leysdoun, or Laysdon *477 Leysters, or Laj sters . . . . next 3101 Leyton, Imw *141 Lezant, R near 3925 Leziate, R « 1734 Libberston, in Filey 109t) 5 tt ILirflfirnr. (Town (5)t4§29l4 To. F. } Out Parishes 2915 Liddiard-Millicent, R. near 3327 do., or Lydiard-'I're., R. 3328 Liddington, V 2307 do., or Lyddington .. 3323 Lidford, ^ partmoor Forest Lidgate, R near 1808 Lidhngton, V 2453 Li0NEY,(Town,W. •03184 C. ( Aylburton .1 Lidsey 11am in 9<'7 Lidsham " 1052 Lidsing, or Lidgeo *150 Lidstone Ham in 2737 Lie))Scot, or Hepscot in 4539 Lifton, It. t 3 § 3801 do. HOndred (21) 3S.5(i laghthorne near 27 18 Lightwood Forest & Blurton in Ti' Lilhourne, V near 2.575 Lilburn, East ( ; do., W est S Sop«rfleles 7.50 1,210 1,010 4,540 see Lis 1,940 07.000 500 1,120 1,200 ^4540 1,090 1,010 1,440 910 420 Leintw 1.090 2.400 3,920 4,240 830 1.050 540 770 1,020 4,5-40 4.400 Irthin 3,390 1,500 1.0. 50 1,030 900 470 1 ,000 11,290 2,(i70 1.. 500 3,920 1,300 127.000 5.220 19,780 4.090 90 540 3,530 ColclifSl 32,210 29,820 1,000 1,140 3,010 (itiO 2,040 3,45t> 1 7,950 79,t)4 534 337 418 409 407 222 782 734 s 477 323 33.5 3S<) 442 559 021 739 814 783 820 1,010 1,1-tO 219 340 353 388 — 105 50 75 74 70 — — ■12 51 i:i5 139 104 1 1 (» 179 813 1 ,00li 1,214 1..535 7,<)53 9,710 H,(i85 13,447 32:i 329 310 3I(> — 844 819 2:ii 228 2i;i 27 1 95 72 97 i(5 l(H I 10 171 235 U6 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tything, in ENGLAND, at each of the Four Periods 1»01, HUl, 1021, 1831. Lil — Lis ni ■ji? Toivns, Parishes, Ife, Couii Lilboriie, Milton- 3301 Lilford, V., w. Wicslhorpe nr. 2 waine 3000 2,380 2,371 263 342 294 324 390 « -y-blodwell, 11 3044 2,820 ; 4,379 300 793 759 8.50 915 » -y-myuech3§ 3045 1,530 2,291 70 390 413 4.54 525 Lloyndu in 157 Aberg avenuy — 100 121 163 (see Lan h\fra, & Llan in Wales) Loan end in 4490 850 1,781 63 134 153 143 147 Loasby , or Lowes. 10 £. hy W. of 685 2,350 4,663 251 147 190 217 231 Lockerley, C 3495 1,390 221 304 356 406 504 560 Locking, V near 3632 980 2,433 61 137 lUh 198 212 Lockinge, R., w. Bet. & Ginge 3245 3,680 3 314 305 333 342 373 fPartofAike 2,780 4,465 c 128 J 23 ( 379- 429 t 367 1 124 428 131 420 648 — 47 84 59 47 j_ -y ) Township next 737 ■’ ■ ^ Heniingtuu 739 1,.500 3,989 147 236 199 206 235 635 2,265 204 337 384 421 389 Lockston, or Loxtoii, R. next 3039 1,3.50 ti,m 50 97 165 165 148 Lockton, in Middleton 4145 0,610 1,350 77 23.5 252 324 312 Lockwood, C 452 1,670 3,274 435 1,253 1,490 1,881 3,134 Locrass, Hutton- in 4198 1,510 1,245 42 59 70 56 52 Loddington near 2006 1,020 1,906 200 183 152 214 218 rin V ) East Goscote . . . 2311 ■’ ■ ^ Whatboio’ Lib. » 2,010 2,966 95 130 137 148 145 Tilton 600 7 21 21 18 19 Loddiswell, V 3818 3,280 3,929 371 608 686 762 826 Loddon, V., F. t 2 § 1903 2,750 5,852 440 799 937 1,038 1,175 14(5 kttjtnjictcs in Slutule /lens; Annual Valve of Properly Amount annually Expended for Maintenance (f the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Lod — L(jii Tutens, Parishes, S(c. Ijoddon IIuiuIi'ihI (21) 19(i2 Lues do. (IS) 103;) Loders, V., or Lotliers 1271 Loilsworth Liberty, C in *032 Loftlionse l(jS7 Loi'tr.li()use, « ith Carlton .... 483 J.ohvortli, U near 2137 Luudesborougl,. \ K^Vt'TliJrpe"!/* tttt itoillloil ( Willjiii llir Walls (07) City Mviihoul do. (13) *1“13 •ft WESTMINSTF-U (U) 14-21 ft FiNSBUiiY (9* 25-39 3 I f 'I'oWMt llAMtETS* (17)40-u0, 134-5 fe ~ I t MaRY-I.u llOM! (3) n-73 t - < 101(1(4) 03-0, (iU • 'S I Southwark, J New (3) 62,08,70 '*'5 I t Lambri H (3) 61, 07, M-l “ I J (jRKBNWIoll (4) 201-4,208 Si-K Wcfelfrn Piinshe# .... 74-bO, 105, lOG TOT A L of above 5ii Ollier Parishes wiiliin the limits of ihc ) Metropolitan Police, up to ICO. J Turol METROPOLIS Si. ESV IRONS. Lundonthorpe, V near 2223 i oiig Ashton, V 1332 « Bennington, K 22-15 • Benton, V 15 • Buckby, V 2575 • Clawson, or Claxton, V. 20-17 /' Combe, P. C 2700 » Compton, V 2741 » Crendon, C 2500 . Critchell, H near 3.52G n Ditton, !{., with Talw. *104-5 » Drax, 3092 « Eaton, in .Saxvley 704 /' framliug- S Township .. > .--p K toil, 7 Brinkbury 5 (( horsley, V. (8^ 4544 (' Itchington, V 2770 « Lawford in 2788 » Marston, or Sicca, R. nr. 3150 // t ToAVnship 4040 » " ^ Augram 6c liiUt u « Marton, C 4258 H Melford, R 1873 // Newnton near 3345 « Parish, 3485 /> Preston, 5 Township. .. . 582 2 ^ t Hellitield & ^Vigg. n Riston, R near 4059 « Sandal, w. W heatley in 3905 s Sleddale, Chap « 4288 » Stanton, V near 2980 . Stow, Hunts » 2100 5; " Stratton R 2003 u Sutton, P. C., Hants, nt. 3441 u n \ ., Lincoln ... . '\a 2181 // « 4'., Somerset .... 3003 .. Whatton, R 730 // Wittenham, V, .... near 3230 Longborougii, V., w. Bank fee 3123 (( bredy, R near 3.585 „ bridge-Beverill § .... 3420* /( burgh in 4420 « burton, V near 35.50 o cott, Cliap in Shriv // den-dale, (see Tiiitwistle) 920 9 5,389 5,085 6,683 7,4.-)7 33,290 62,980 10.001 9,.578 11,422 12,208 13,5-14 2,2.50 5,197 35() 054 715 857 812 1 ,.570 1,718 098 443 393 513 .599 3,700 4,480 040 1,180 1,145 1,178 1,038 1,810 lliilliwll. 472 978 1,054 1,3!)0 1,403 800 <142 54 98 85 111 129 ^ 4200 2,592 217 t 100 t 17 195 20 1 2-14 259 370 731,193 61,555 C3,832 55,481 56,171 55,778 230 321,877 38,3i:< 65,696 65,425 69, *.^63 67,180 2,500 1,211,900 111,807 153,272 161,398 182,085 202,050 1,C02 815, C73 111,859 142,152 1 205,140 217,941 8/J88 920,1)24 117,883 189,293 237,187 291,650 359,861 5,310 772,627 98,677 97,642 126,566 174,354 210,294 590 224,527 36,687 51,627 59,603 70,759 76,340 1,310 173,912 28,999 37,398 42,694 5 1 ,097 56,321 5,000 389.233 as, 700 49,891 tfi.sog 108,561 160,613 3,930 115,688 24,803 43,577 55,079 61,210 65,890 15,810 335,823 38,234 48,108 63,996 83,883 104,310 48,C70 6.057,959 760,613 945,788 i. 116.949 1,354.206 1,636,831 198,120 908,352 102,602 115,836 1-11,882 171, S4I 192,182' 24C,;00 6,906,271 663/J|j J,06i,03d 1.961,631 1,526,047 1,829,063 1,520 2,333 158 125 139 195 187 4,110 0,023 491 895 1,073 1,168 1,423 4,420 0,049 480 723 805 881 982 8,700 40,176 1,312 3,355 4,358 5,547 6,613 3,900 0,388 2,110 1,000 1,056 1,843 2,078 3,450 6,190 401 004 027 078 776 1,450 1,708 490 424 511 504 019 3,530 7,073 969 757 753 860 891 3,120 4,423 1,493 991 989 1,212 1,382 2,310 976 50 91 92 108 138 820 3,149 502 243 541 595 .627 2,440 1,940 157 221 296 370 350 Sawley 3,198 346 504 580 682 750 ) 4,011 191 471 508 563 543 ( 2,396 117 200 171 252 192 13,240 11,346 438 844 1,024 1,006 952 4,510 6,9-19 504 704 696 830 911 NtiwDold 2,950 253 318 374 474 478 • 1,680 2,044 100 242 253 272 204 2,540 2,9.52 271 399 387 388 401 1,730 1,518 114 215 219 191 183 3,200 4,307 308 432 599 714 819 4,320 7,724 2,908 2,204 2,008 2,288 2,514 1,.570 3,211 135 190 219 300 307 4,320 4,283 890 558 570 693 775 3,000 4,810 340 673 610 733 808 7,030 5,646 497 608 045 758 093 3,490 1,843 213 209 328 301 379 2,520 3,918 97 107 1-10 100 323 Kendal 1,392 140 187 172 •185 li)9 i 1,3.50 2,356 112 206 253 201 278 1,480 1,.340 147 118 140 194 180 1,720 2,590 073 549 548 036 721 2,030 2,430 333 311 304 328 320 10,210 13,818 1,397 1,723 1,801 2,390 3,510 4,480 5,403 303 736 725 850 957 2,050 3,517 3.37 012 782 820 855 2,280 3,976 519 451 404 490 547 2,770 4,075 307 473 502 520 019 2,000 3,()69 110 241 247 291 333 4,230 3,920 092 1,228 1,204 1,349 1,307 Burgh- on-the- Sands 106 HI 154 118 1,200 1,094 150 210 287 327 301 enham 3,023 3,50 3()8 377 419 452 17,050 3,780 141 1,021 1,340 1,.580 1,820 4,800 6,073 495 909 1,017 1,115 1,147 3,770 4,012 549 533 550 040 012 1 1,300 1,328 40 102 75 95 109 1 Pontes bury — — 450 387 1 Leek see E ndon — ■ 350 398 1,050 543 93 99 100 113 125 1 ,790 1,001 .3!»4 504 485 810 840 1,310 3,017 212 182 221 234 200 < 4,704 418 414 4S1 673 630 < 9,228 739 895 1,0-12 1,204 1,233 1,290 2li0 ^ 26.52 t 01 ) 59 82 84 1 192 J 102 i 113 178 KiO 1 ,500 988 308 217 271 2!)8 333 Bothal 1,803 30 1.54 101 170 210 2,!)70 3,425 305 030 040 s 503 \ 287 5.55 j 318 ! 5 3, .595 150 .371 418 409 470 ^ «> Xt'.Pf t 1,034 82 183 177 181 220 1,070 2,513 210 314 37!» H3 453 j 1 ,200 1 ,5.57 130 177 231 222 211 ! 850 818 231 391 407 400 429 1 1 470 817 51 00 70 81 105 Leek see E ndon — — 350 398 Long 1 loislc ;y :n \ 40 1 39 38 41 1 Lon — Lud ■is s "7-* • Towns, Parishes, Sfc ^jl| Longstan- 1 All Saints, V. > ton^St.Micha.,R.J"*’-^l*« (' stock, V 3488 « stone, Gt.,w. Holme, C. ) (' (/ Little, Ham \ » stow, R near 2130 " « Hundred (14),.... 2134 « thorpe Ham in 2031 n ton and Lane-end 110 " (' C 1220 (( TOWN, t P. C., in Arthuret 1208 " « P. C., in Clodock 3077 " tree Hundred (9) 300-5 " ville-Newton .... near 2518 1 witton in 4534 « Wood, Chap 438 « worth, R 1185 , ^ i R 3230 ^ Charney and Draycot Lonsdale of < North 1073-4, 8c 4323 the Sands \ South 1071 to 4330 Lonsdale H ard (3) .......... 4275 ULooe, FxAsr, C. iS. t 4§ 215 H DO. West, S. § 217 Loose, C *3 373 351 1,519 311 1,094 600 171 1,047 118 190 2!)0 105 38 477 77 105 417 295 108 234 1,09.5 135 170 too 402 419 139 1821. 370 134 397 442 145 191 4,797 240 7,100 1,791 1,812 842 17,319 480 149 1,942 238 537 437 22,890 19,.590 4,951 770 5.39 882 425 741 821 622 100 353 240 576 525 933 857 427 7,305 129 299 293 979 119 370 416 210 6,012 43 3,978 8,740 7,453 131 447 176 206 572 440 19 811 079 053 93 2,644 113 104 3,075 440 378 419 1,799 333 1,1.50 599 149 1,988 138 241 311 105 40 531 81 194 481 280 181 284 1,317 178 235 119 402 500 101 I 1831. 428 127 428 500 146 231 4,975 265 9,708 1,744 2,049 938 18,312 473 143 2,111 179 540 494 24,311 19,802 5,440 805 593 1,001 502 807 729 669 128 388 25! 006 537 1,.548 812 426 10,800 169 315 325 1,269 112 382 425 194 6,927 49 4,101 9,926 7,965 154 432 143 214 665 544 19 974 791 072 81 2,952 111 120 4,238 454 371 394 1,864 229 1.184 494 138 2.374 L57 248 290 148 08 542 70 200 540 275 171 322 1,430 219 258 117 451 451 127 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Uanilet, Tytkiny, ifc., in PNG L/\ S D, at each of the Four Feiiods, IHOl, IHll, ltJ’21, U}:{1. Lud — Lyii Tmom, Pio'ishfs, jij LuilfonI, S Ih riyord .. } Salop next ‘2i)77 1 .1' 3:U(i ii'Hi 270 1070 2077 2275 017 2310 2515 3013 1200 3001 *38 *74 •341 375 *775 no 1407 0 2855 3007 51 0 4001 4020 000 1323 3702 4275 *880 2204 3705 3102 2423 2050 08 2020 4008 2736 222 n LuDGeiisiiALi., K. ^ do. iiml S "e'lr Titcliwoith \ Kiiigstvood Ludsvun, K Ludliain, V 4 ++ 1 Loolow, K., M . t 5 § . . Ludney, with Uniinthorp nr. Ludworth, V., & Cldswortli LiiH'eidiain, \ortli, K do , Soulli, U. . . near Luffield Abbey, Ex. Ea in Luti’eucott, H near Lnflon, K » LnKwardine, V Luke, St,, ,yi(UUesex (OLib.) do., Clielsea, U Lulliugstone, R Lullingtun, R near do., V. do., I Qoto,, in the El Lulhvorth, East, V. . . do.. West, C » Lulsley, C in Lumby & Hnddlestone. ... in Lumley, Great, C do.. Little Lund, V do., with ClitFe, C Lune-dale near Lunt, in Sephton » Luppitt, V Lupton in Lurgasall, R Lusby, R near Lustleigh, R " Luston in 1 Luton, 1 Town, il/. t 2 § . . > 0 M Hamlets 5 5 Lutterworth, R., Tli. t 3^ Luttley Ham m Lutton, R., or Luddington nr. Lutton’s-Ambo in Luxborough, C near Luxulian, V Lydbury, V 2001 Lydd, V *091 or 1420 Lydden, V *024 Lyddington 3323 Lydiard Tregoose, R 3328 Lyde and Pipe near 3007 Lydford, West, R 3089 do.. East, R // Lydham, R. (see Ledon) near 2002 Lydiard, St. Lawrance 3734 Lydiate, C near 1254 Lydlinch, R « 3551 Lye, Upper in 3106 Lyford, Chap » 3240 Lygon Cromhall, with Abbots 3193 2* it Lyme Regis, V. F. 2§ 1281 Lyme Handley in 823 Lyminge, R. &V *650 1 J tt f Lymington, C. S. t 2 § 1453 Lymm, R 983 Lyrapne,V *003 Lympsham, R 3643 Lympston 1487 Lyncomb& Widcomb, C 1386 1 Lyndhurst, C., in Minstead 3515 Lyndon, R near 2312 Lyne, Stoke- V » 2700 Lyneliam, C 3329 Lynesaack& Softly 631 Lynford next 2025 Lyng,R 2066 do., V near 3727 9,; tt I' Lynn Regis, Tu. S.* t 1734 Lynn West, R near with North « Lyss-Turney, Tyth in 3131 Lytchet Matravers do. Minster Lytham. Lythe | j, Tot. Par. (8) M Sg|t*rAvi*i Aatiual V.lue uf Total Sumhtr ot Pr.i{S()\S, at i .n U of lUi 1 SlatMl* 'TV,';: 7 (1 ri Vottrly i*etio(tx. the Froparty 1821. Tal lu 191». IH-.M \ — f 1801. 1811. 1831. 1 ,7.50 1 ,062 i 212 : i 253 101 85 79 1,170 785 t 157 195 205 3,310 2,98t) 21") i 314 337 126 t 322 ( 206 1,660 1,556 399 1 471 487 477 535 2,280 1 50 1 3 . 168 5 720 t 173 35!) :;7 1 412 S 520 ; 56 j 585 4, .560 5,75.5 516 1,324 1,491 1,839 2,322 2,910 4199 545 724 754 780 909 280 9,407 1,242 3,897 4,150 4,820 6,253 4,280 5,212 279 408 446 503 517 OluSSfp 3,140 102 866 — 1,077 1,734 1,740 2,328 120 357 389 421 447 1,230 1,719 148 227 231 274 273 Stowe 16 — — 10 990 293 36 70 03 90 92 280 — 16 — 26 21 20 1,950 3,815 418 585 518 618 0i,2 240 138,356 •20.4S1 26,681 32,545 40,876 46,(i42 780 93,617 1 1 11,604 18,262 26,800 32,371 1,110 1,519 144 33 28 41 40 840 1,163 80 1.57 178 224 145 960 762 85 32 48 39 49 3,100 J 2,502 ( 2,255 205 207 245 248 259 253 301 285 284 264 2,860 1,660 212 364 383 353 345 3,240 721 234 312 354 365 360 7(i0 949 42 131 134 120 128 1,100 817 133 108 101 184 212 1,730 3,922 427 696 693 1,240 2,301 750 — 108 249 259 351 393 2,950 3,742 217 310 327 357 370 2,280 2,760 212 424 459 501 490 21,680 2,256 87 307 .283 205 308 430 Seph ton — 65 75 67 4,730 6,094 387 675 639 739 702 4,<)70 3 ,3t)d 288 150 152 221 282 4,990 2,218 769 521 .549 664 718 760 1,289 130 89 90 125 140 2,^30 1,474 244 246 292 325 361 Eye 2,802 171 312 305 400 421 15,500 4,605 2,555 3,C95 3,710 5 2,986 1 1,543 3,961 1,732 1,890 7,753 1,006 1,0.52 1.815 2,102 2,262 Halet Owen 605 35 115 153 185 131 1,.520 1,039 122 155 10) 189 171 2,130 2,262 116 207 254 311 350 3,4.50 2,182 209 332 344 387 381 5,400 3,768 358 875 1,047 1,270 1,288 9,160 8,722 424 829 eoo 892 955 18,131 2,653 — 1,564 1,437 1,357 1,460 761 105 103 128 149 224 2,280 3,400 603 337 418 409 407 5,930 8,209 1,491 578 613 717 765 1,550 1,844 130 119 149 141 131 1,900 2,.->39 23-) 313 402 437 357 1,000 817 (.9 140 139 137 166 1,520 l,li6l 90 106 131 113 123 2,720 3.579 450 604 575 618 ()54 1,940 3,405 259 532 614 691 771 1,190 3,180 238 249 320 364 3i5 Aymes try — 68 — — — 1,070 1,226 147 124 108 133 131 2,810 4,544 238 550 567 703 761 1,190 5,351 844 1,451 1,925 *2,269 2,621 3,920 2,688 117 222 247 253 222 4,320 3,569 411 491 548 718 784 1,570 5,316 1,531 2,378 2,641 3,164 3,361 4,840 10,218 652 1,622 1,908 2,090 2,305 2,200 3,954 1,050 354 376 467 532 1,910 6,052 439 3-41 408 496 521 1,790 3,377 306 883 963 1,020 1,066 1,700 18,546 1,206 2,790 3,740 5,880 8,704 3,560 3,285 385 882 1,015 1,179 1,236 860 1,300 48 93 97 106 102 3,730 4,-548 496 334 394 509 593 1,650 3,221 197 195 206 260 237 5,320 2,996 301 517 602 732 795 1,500 791 27 37 67 52 90 2,020 1,863 898 496 502 581 645 1,970 3,380 167 253 204 335 363 2,620 25,180 9,619 10,096 10,250 12,253 13,370 1,710 1,080 1 4,504 224 242 345 < 367 < 85 396 54 4,650 6,355 .531 678 733 896 880 3,380 2,.586 740 467 392 500 663 2,580 2,224 335 416 420 609 680 3,660 ! ,769 186 493 499 541 505 5,240 6,944 253 920 1,150 1,292 1,523 3,620 5,010 481 1,037 991 1.131 1,116 13,250 15,693 1,135 I 2,093 S a 2,001 1 [ 2,191 ! 2,110 i 1 Mab — Man Towns, Parislus, Sj C. ; i-| Mabank, Clifton-, It next 3558 Mabe, \ near i.50 Mabletlioriie 1 St. Mary ( R. i St. Peter ^ Mabyn, St., It 3943 0 }H Macci.eseieu), C., .S', t 810 do. Forest * do. Hundred Macefen in 29.>3 Mackerfielrl ^ in 09!) iviatkerlield J n,,wt<,n 907 Mackerell, Charlton-, It. near 3601 Mackw.,rth,);^;;-:^-^;---- 'f Maddingtoii, P. C 3385 Maddock, Sutton-, V. .. near 124 Madehnrst, \ *917 Madely, F 124 do. with Onnely 102 do. Flolme Lib in 943 i\i a J inglev , V., (N orthsto w) n r. 2 1 20 Madle.s 3008 Madreslield, R near 2847 Maclion ^ Penzance, C. T/i. 3§ 268 Magdalen Fifehead, V...next 3554 do. Laver, R near 1801 Maghull, C., in Halsall .. « 1254 Magor ^ -C " " " ; ; ' Maiden- 1 C., Wilts » 3410 Jlradley ( Yarnfield, Som. * » do. -Newton, R 3501 Maidenhead, < Cookham, S . 325 > 4 C. IF. t 3^ (i Bray, V ; 256 Maidenwell, it.,w.Farfortb at. 2270 Maidfoid, It near 2511 Maidsniiiieloii, :t » 2>12 ttflFMAinsroM;, P.C.T.*t4§ *3S5 Maidivell, R.,(itolhwellj near 2586 Mainsf.jrth in Bishop’s Middleham Mainstone ^ 'If ( Castlewright, Montp;. Maisey Hampton R .... near 3152 Maismore, C 3171 Major, Tolleshunt-, V.. . near 1770 Maker V S f-'')'"' all 1370 maker, v. ^ _ ,3^,, Malborough, C 3819 Malden *lt'3 Total .y.umlierof I‘ KK.SOS S, af FacU of the 4 7Vn > •nrltj J*trioifn, 1775 IT I Maldon, f All Saints, V.J Ott S. t St. Peter, V. 5 see Keybdg. C .St. Mary, R. ) Malereward Norti.n .... near 3606 Malford, Christian-, R 3332 Malham near 580 do. -Moor 1 o do., or Mallam Dale, see Kirkby Malherbie Cricket, R. .. near 3722 Mallerstang Chap in 4253 Mallett Sutton, C. in Moor-linch Mallin g. East, V *381 do.. West, V. t. *380 do.. South, C *702 It Malmesbury, Y., S. 3 ^ . . 3345 do.. Total Parish (6) .. do. Abbey, see Westporl St. do. Hundred 3345 Malpas R., ilF. 3 § 2953 do.. Total Parish (24 ) . . " do., Monmouth near 168 Malswick in 142 Maltby, C., with Itaithbynear 2275 do. -le-Marsh, R » 2261 do in 4193 V 3969 Hooton Levet " St. Leonard 4126 St. Michael. C. « do. tt Mai.ton New T«. * t 3 ^ do.. Old, F. C.,-see 4100 4127 Malvern t V 2827 Great \ Newland, C » do. Little, P. C near » do. Wells in 2826 do. Quatt, or Jarvis » 2968 Malzeard Kirkby, V 4014 Mamble, V 2800 jMamhead, R near 3795 Maiiiliilad, C " 1*0 Mamhole in 181 M.innaccan, It 259 '899 14 i liO 1 ,,396 562 1 ,036 1,353 1,2L0 1,487 163 HO 221 i I,*)65 621 707 716 2,71.0 ( 2,696 ( 4,579 1,809 *866 1 ,033 709 785 5127 Norton 2,165 99 — 141 2,810 7,663 674 95' 933 ?,'570 3,022 151 262 :o*i ^,bb0 3,253 134 98 97 22,040 12,765 612 061 1,021 350 1,033 46 *4 (.0 Krkbj S. 1,453 156 314 249 810 l,f)74 81 151 144 2,560 5,139 1,604 1,302 1'256 1,320 3,433 717 1,093 1,154 2,680 5,018 714 34s 443 ( 1,927 1 I,0OS ( 1,024 1,152 5,990 3 Mary : 10,5^19 ( 1,359 1,009 > 302 — 80 137 37,030 89.030 8,482 8,667 9,268 2,110 3,480 531 906 938 25.640 30,474 4,470 4,326 720 948 112 178 150 New ent — — 1 .930 823 106 96 86 1,160 1,467 201 208 210 1.180 1 ,393 80 141 155 3,810 3,213 326 527 602 470 637 31 1 73 96 ^ no 10,646 944 1 5 1,7.18 i t 1,299 2,203 1,510 4,020 9,767 33.1 741 961 4,340 6,290 545 i 819 1,205 680 1,268 72 ! 132 133 550 582 31 5 1 37 .1,630 7,347 1,148 1 98.6 1 ,1 86 2.100 4,428 144 6 300 1 269 53,530 22,753 2,540 I 3,408 ! 3,420 2,130 2,903 1.53 1 338 1 230 1 354 1 ,220 l,t*2l 153 ! 252 1,670 1 1,599 103 1 -99 ! 26-3 *i,210 1 Hec welty 5 - - ‘ 1,Y?0 i. ;u 2,n 1 U>.; 489 ' 506 Supcijicv's in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in Man — Mar Towns, Pitrislies, (fc. .; = |f Manntton, It 38U2 Manby, It near 2300 Mancet-^ ^,.||,,|;st()ni! ? 80-1 UlarUliill&OldbiOry G t H M ANCM RSTB«» C.C., 7'u. .V. • 1 3) lOIG t Salford, C 1017 Kemaiiult r of Parish (28) lo 1040 + Ashton^ K I04l'l : Oldham, H. (10) 10-15-53 Middleton, U. (H) I0G2-9 t Hurt, U. (9) 1070-8 •fir Rochiulg, V. (7) I054-(i0 Sadtllewonh lOGI : Holton, V. (18) 1100-89 Dean, V. (10) 1079-88 Kccles, V. (5) 1100-70 Whalley. V,— 4+ Clii hbrob (-17) 1121-64 I Blackburn, V. (23) 1091-1 113 1+ H PRKSTON, V 1230 Chorlev, H 1207 + + U \Vioan,U.(I3) 1004-15 Leigh, V. (6) 1241-6 Winwick, U. — 41-1I Newton (lO) 994-1003 + Warrinoton, R 901 Prescoj, V, (15) 1247-53 J tt Liverpool, C 1316-23 m f Town, C 810 Maccles- Stockport, R 929 I rein, of Hand. 810-35, 921--1U Total Cotton Manufacturing DistricL Mandeville Hardington.R.ur. 3090 » 1810 -/ 2488 e 3403 Manea, C 2109 Manewdon, V.§ near 2370 . . 001 'liffe in « Mangersbury » 3134 Mangotstield C 132.5 Mauley in 990 do. Norton, C. do. Stoke, C. . do. Sutton, It.. Manfield m, SJ'i do. Wa (East (9 ) 2298 ,1 'West ( 9 ) 2293 pentake gsoi Man, Isle of, (20) ,54° 2.5' N. Lat., Manningford-Abbotts, It. near 3303 do. -Bobun Tyth. « « do. -Bruce, R. « » Manningham 530 Mannington, R near 1987 9 Manningtree, C., T/i. + §.. 1700 Mansell-Gamage,V.7 N.W.of 3000 do. -Lacy, V « do. Hope, R near 3040 Mansergh in 4270 0 IT Mansfield, V., r/i. 3 § .. 2349 do., Woodhouse, P. C. 23.50 do., Keinton- 3088 Manshead Hundred (23) .... 2427 Mansriggs in 1074 Mansion, It near 3551 Manthorp Tvitb Lit. Gonnerby 2224 Manthorpe in Witham on the Hill Manton, It next 2312 rir. n 5 ond Twigmore near 229t) ''“•'‘•Kleatham .... e 2291 JMaperton, It near 3085 Maple-Duiham, R » 2002 Maplebeclt, C 7 I^.W. of 2324 Maplederweil, C near 3434 Maplestead, Great, V » 1852 do.. Little, I) » // Mapperley in Kirk Hallain nr. 75(i Mappershall, or Mcppersliall» 2440 jMapperton « 1 ;;hj do. and Aimer « 3507 Mappleton, C » K 57 do. V. S and Rowlston 1707 ) Cowdons & Gt. Hatlld Mappowder near 3573 2 Marazion, C., Tft. 2^ 207 Marbury, C in 858 , twithQuoi “ ^Norbnry March, G., F. t 3i. Marcham V. ^ do. Marcle, do.. Woodlands e, It. .. Much \ ■■■■I t 1 atton ^ 0,170 1 ,400 4,120 1,480 I, WO :)l,.5«o 0,800 • 21,100 I 1,510 •2-2,ti00 40.340 18, -280 31,300 19.340 ‘20,240 99,980 45.020 1,980 3,110 27,610 11,820 24,660 2,600 34,920 22,270 2,410 1,740 147,290 654,410 2,010 2,180 1,460 1.440 5.860 3.150 2.230 970 1,770 2.440 1,220 46,250 50,590 34,720 4° 26' 960 1,140 1,200 1,240 • 680 30 1.040 1,500 1,190 1,450 9,070 2.860 770 52,045 510 1.230 1,240 690 1,290 3,420 1,210 1,210 4.040 1,100 730 1,820 1,0.50 890 1 ,69i» 1,090 1,5'0 780 2,160 3.020 2,800 SiHiUry 460 Aimokl Valun uf Pr..peflf, , •Mritcd t> (he Propettjr Tei hi 1816. — i'— 1,657 1.719 ( 2,809 ■’ 8,008 1 3,561 308,364 49,048 127,804 33,736 78,045 20,190 52,047 93,253 21,306 77,096 33,720 55.250 141,236 107,639 35,136 16,771 95,506 39,577 55,242 29,099 93,979 699,172 30,305 35,865 241,345 2,570,731 2,033 976 2,066 1,950 6,192 3,582 3,276 460 3,389 8,016 1,661 40,005 64,%4 38,955 W. Lon 1,362 1,603 980 3,942 308 1,718 1,517 1,452 923 2,811 13,326 4. . 527 775 69,742 621 2,633 4,527 758 2,124 1.250 1,560 2,066 3,958 1,238 916 2,254 969 1,094 2,161 4,207 1. . 560 2,000 1. . 562 3,217 2,8.54 3,454 677 near 30 '7 1..54!) 2,304 next 837 1 ,-5.50 1,635 2101 20,410 27,925 n 323-2 2, .590 3,744 Gaifunl 2,3.50 3,(«)7 2928 2,710 3,695 // 2,5.50 283 near 3084 1,230 1,515 - 3052 6,100 5 7,1 15 t 1 ,623 in 4265-6 Sbap Bamp Amount 'fottil Numln r >/■ PKItSONS, Total Number of P liRSONS, lur >lain- lh« at t avh of the 4 7Vn Yearly Hertod.%, Mar — Mar |cS Suparflcic* Id StDtat* Acr*i. v'Iru«“of ■g«e*trd to lur Maid* (enano* of at *uth of the <4 'Ten Yearly Periods. I'UOIl. IS28— ‘29, 1801. IBI 1. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, Ifc. ;|l| (he Pioprrl; Tai ID 1816 POOR, ISW-2'J. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 238 348 374 403 4.35 Marden ; 4,000 2,126 4!)0 132 720 781 896 250 144 188 236 207 i Aniberley, C in « 300 3.87 61 49 05 34 25 201 257 277 307 341 do., V., Wilts near 3364 1,180 1,616 139 162 165 200 205 1,930 2,()50 2,921 3,434 3,870 do., V., Kent *U)6 8,1-20 9,214 3,490 1 ,660 1,801 2,051 2,109 174 438 512 741 989 do.. East, V *951 910 470 105 40 52 85 48 do.. West ‘9.52 3,170 2,084 409 255 246 306 364 70,400 70,f59 108,016 ‘25,77*2 142,026 40,786 do.. North, R *953 810 410 319 767 23 27 20 32 32 22 13,611 19,1 14 iMarefield in Tilton .... near 2637 13 27 8,-4H2 28,2H0 15,632 33,065 36,797 19,052 41,342 53,154 25,967 52,510 108,149 .H3.597 67,579 Marehani-le-Fen, It ‘22.56 do. -on-the-Hill, C. near 22.57 1,.560 1 ,380 2,182 1,731 317 127 383 110 487 P22 60!) 133 625 193 •2,i)74 7,991 10.408 12,793 1 4,379 Maresfield, It. § 749 7,750 2,747 820 9<)0 1,117 1,139 1,650 4,(>I7 22,422 28, M2 34,581 •17,t89 Marfleet, C next 1339 1,110 2,752 1.53 116 121 127 130 7,G4:< 39.706 50,h08 61,01 1 74,427 MargareflVIarsh near 355! .540 904 71 025 05 84 86 12,438 10,665 12, .579 13,902 15,986 do. Roothing, It.— see Roding’s 1,310 1,199 173 144 188 209 233 39,701 50,197 63,034 460 2,820 lying 1,173 hoe 185 424 284 .593 317 447 313 4,932 4,31 1 12,843 16,1 19 16,129 19, .502 18,196 23,531 •22,994 Margaret, St., C., flere/d. nr. 3077 302 26,493 48,766 62.046 84,198 97,755 do., Htrls next 2370 390 .579 57 (5 85 !)7 107 12,656 33,631 38,899 53,355 59,791 do. Glee .near ‘ZOsl 1,.530 68.5 42 249 237 229 294 9.354 1 1,887 17,065 24,575 33,112 do. at Cliffe, V *636 1,920 1,228 324 419 481 613 712 1,637 4,516 5,182 7,315 9,282 do. lUetshall, V. near 1960 1,070 705 401 29.1 28S) 269 309 8,302 4,686 4,350 25,552 12,976 12,290 31,481 15,565 14,290 36,818 18,372 16,229 44,486 20,083 17,969 do. Stb. Elndiain, l<. u » do. Thom » 1311 '710 650 2,375 1,140 249 102 186 143 191 155 181 145 169 1&5 3,887 10,567 M.378 13,570 IS',018 do. in the Close, out part 2270 Linco 111 City 303 201 285 267 6,993 17,152 19,738 22.81 1 28,089 Margaretting, V near 1812 2,480 3,599 368 395 39!) 479 545 30,859 86,519 109,772 146,881 215,969 1 t Margate, IE. t *568 3,810 25,437 4,613 4,706 0,1-26 7,843 10,339 4,S6J 8,743 12,999 17,746 23,1*29 Marham CIierr\, V, .... next 2038 4,010 3,286 488 491 504 678 7!)9 22,275 1 4,b ju 41,607 1 1 ,545 53,078 21,726 65,753 25,469 97,880 do. -Church, It « 3919 do., see Marcham 2!(i30 2,485 2.56 414 448 647 659 235,798 628^605 802,041 1,009.974 1, 347.359 Marholni, R next 2633 1,790 1,672 02 109 108 120 174 Mari-Ansleigh « 3870* •2,190 1,313 108 199 221 289 282 225 91 324 147 489 03 248 252 532 112 341 225 537 141 402 250 603 114 461 256 Mark, P C. 3 § 3645 do.- Eaton •.•..near 756 MarkbVj E. (! 6,390 Maetiforlh 550 15,158 4,077 1,166 4-27 200 109 875 184 61 991 199 59 1,1.50 258 7 Do. Weighton t & Arras .. 4071 6,000 7,436 1,182 1,183 1,508 1,7 ‘24 I,8'l 703 1,112 1,349 1,.598 1,8.59 V., ir. 2 § ^ Shipton .. » 1..570 1,962 148 325 356 :«i9 318 16 206 •261 349 459 do. B estoii ^ next 1006 1,090 1,363 4.54 273 270 332 312 16,4.54 14,0.57 15,628 18,727 21,224 t Do. Wickham, V 1929 730 3,014 543 896 <906 1,015 1,‘202 82 (i4 64 62 69 91 109 110 140 149 Markfield, It 722 4,080 4,466 474 .591 907 1,678 1,088 580 446 .532 1,175 1,720 Markham, East, V 2333 2,820 5,313 1311 665 589 756 805 80 95 114 107 100 do., West, V near » 940 1,437 166 176 181 209 197 120 187 205 229 229 Markington wth Wallerth'.vaite .597 Marks Tey, V near 1840 2,840 3,492 347 389 435 4,57 487 54 52 77 81 74 1,350 1,.500 192 24<) 34!) 351 363 47 43 60 117 76 Marksbury R.& Houndstrt. / 3602 1,420 •2,617 149 283 30() 354 371 Markshall, It » 1840 910 (i{)7 58 3.5 59 69 52 107 171 178 165 187 Marland I'elers next 3891 2,200 1,410 112 289 306 313 3.56 735 452 4.50 509 636 3 tt Marldoro’ t St. Mary V . } S. t 3 § t St. Peter R. \ 170 t 1,374 4.5<> 1,B22 l.‘2‘23 1.601 1 ,84!) 60 152 175 193 181 1 2,616 602 1,215 1,350 1,437 1 220 160 172 18(i 211 do. Forest, see Savernake & Cad. 3,1.50 1,336 110 133 79 127 no 695 331 353 4-28 446 Marldon, It 3H08 1,940 4,.527 271 361 373 384 438 340 298 290 313 373 Marlesford, It ...near 1929 1,330 2,201 3!)1 315 3M 4'6 433 97 275 319 338 3H4 Marliugford, It » 2000 430 (i92 203 123 1-29 179 174 316 309 296 397 444 Marlow in 3108 Leintw ardinc — — 68 60 49 106 72 192 83 198 123 188 112 176 tt Do., Great, V. \ •.• '' ’ ’ ^^lutPunsli 150 6,4!)0 ^ 8,181 2,0(i3 3,230 t 2,7!)7 ( 1,166 2,532 1,231 1 4,23/ 134 162 178 ‘201 IHO do , Little, V » 3,.390 5,191 671 728 730 775 783 106 1.59 191 187 181 Marlstoii cum Leach in 16.56 1,310 1,347 <19 87 110 108 130 255 182 212 229 213 198 273 247 292 30S 2,-2'.)0 510 3,745 1,1-28 1!)9 86 ‘279 2.S6 229 93 251 97 2.58 IIS 247 1,009 1,022 1,253 1,392 Marney, Layer-, It near 1837 1 ,500 2,-246 292 188 150 216 27.5 1,330 3,210 6,1.52 10,912 814 645 1,075 2,0.'!2 1,070 1,‘273 2,616 1 ,30!l 53 20 41 35 26 Marple, C in 931 2/254 2'()78 300 372 301 395 403 Marr, P. C near 3!l64 2,140 1 ,5 12 lol 165 186 lfi‘2 2-21 •269 1,775 744 330 2,514 607 387 3,008 706 438 408 5,117 832 5,.5(i0 Pickerng (i,6‘20 2,524 1,888 1,859 4\7 lit • I7H 40^) ()2I ()5D 3,860 H‘29 200 103 210 207 • S Alnumdshnry 410 Marsden, C. in ) „ 320 1,510 1,352 1.708 1,698 3-22 331 .321 344 338 2,0.50 541 91 418 493 6‘22 612 321 ^ 1119 1 071 209 260 306 318 193 do,. Little « 1,1 70 3’‘2.56 2,322 2,876 i 2d)52 2,7 12 OH 128 136 168 143 Marsbam,— see Marcbam. . . . — — — — — — • 388 626 K37 877 1,001 Marsli-Baldon next 2(i8H 570 1,152 105 208 ‘277 31-2 :u!t 95 153 165 183 211 do. -Cliaiiel ‘2280 2,980 4,-237 ‘295 351 328 411 177 ton a — — — 49 do. -Gibbon, It 2515* 3,110 2,878 062 5:m 626 738 812 11 !) every County, Ilumbcd, Division, City, Toini, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, in ENGLASD, at each of the Pour Periods, 11)01, 1011, 1021, i? • IMar — Mar ^ o J '■ ’ V Toifus, I'lirishes, tee. ; • ; iMiirshall Ham[>st(M(l, K. m-ar 3'^)0 do. Slunuinslcr, V 353.) IMarsham, K )!)■'<) do., or O' , Marchaiii ( Frilford, vSi (•artord Maushkiui.o, 7V). t ’.i ^ •••• 31!)() do., .Mf.nmouth near ICH Marshwood ' Mar.sk, ^Kedcar Ui81 Marston with M^olston '^791) do ill 8.), 5 do. K. Lincoln near 2‘22(> do. V. Oxen " 2()97 do. Tail in 3372 do. with Mosehy ' 597 do. C. in St. IVIary 2940 do. -l)i7 — — 22 0 27 1;>0 Superficies in Stotnie Aunvol Value of Propcrtij ; Amount annualli/ lirpaidcd for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in Mel — Mer Tiiuiis, Pitrislifs, Ifc. Melconibe-Horsey, IJ. near do. If iMeldoii, V near Meld.cth, V _ M Kl.Foli I), Ijong, U., Tu. § .. Melkridge in do. Hundred (8) Mellins < with Wratton, (i. . . V. t Total I’arijli, V. (7) do near iMellion, St “ Mellis, H ■’ Mellons, St “ Mellor Chap do. in Mells&Leiiih ^ Mells, K. 2§ Hundred t Leigh near do. with Wenhaston Melmerby, K near do >n do. " Melsouby, li • IMeltluim C in Melthwaite k Santou . . . near IMelton, R. Suffolk do. C in do. High, near do. Constable, R. & Bu.uxt. do, Great, R near do. Little, V " 6 r.o.-MowBRAY ^FreebyitW do.-Ross, P. C near Meltonby in Melverley, C near Membris cum Woodford " do. cum Byland .... in do. withWalcot .... " Membury, C. § r Charterhouse on nr. Mendip ■' Chewton on C Leigh, see Mells . . Mendham, S SorJ'olk V . } Suffok Mendlesham, V., T«. § Menethorpe in Menheuiot Menington, or Merrington in Menslone " Menthorp & Bowthorp .... « Mentmore ’ Le,iburn .... « illenwith, with Darley ...... Meole-Brace, V in Weols, North near Meols-, Gt. in West Kirby /' do. Little in do. « Meon, tv ^ East t Westbury & Peak S do. West do. Stoke, R Meopham, V. § Ilepal, R Meppershall, R near a r 3572 . 1472 r 4537 . 2133 . 1873 1 4497 . 394 395 4332 1250 3931 1918 1542 910 1102 377 19.56 4401) 4220 4172 603 446 4351 1928 4024 3964 2073 407 5645 ilbv 17io 4073 3045 2549 4160 2819 3760 3ti38 3616 377 1949 1916 4103 213 3014 503 4026 2)01 593 3013 1061 3460 35'19 3496 *430 2110 2440 Mercaston, in Mugginton nr. 750 Mere in 2963 ' • ? Zeals. Woodl. &c. ^ do. Hundred (5) " Mereworth, R *392 IMeriden, V 279(i Mering, Ex. Pa near 2331 Merkshall, R. or Mattishall Heath Merrington in 3014 , ..r t Township 4473 Merriot, V 1297 Alerrnw, R *219 Merryn,St 4636 51ersea, East, R 1774 do. AVest, V' » Mersham, R *5?.8 Merstham, R *215 Merston.R *974 do.-cum-Shorne *436 do., or Marston Great near 31)8:5 Merther, C " 213 Merton, R., Devon 3889 do. R., NorJ'ok next 2048 .Suj,, 3,260 1,510 1.040 2,000 4.320 Haltw 8,020 2,730 18,870 1,120 21,700 2,0i.0 2,970 1,480 2,720 Glossop 1,830 3,250 1,470 2.380 5.320 930 1,070 2,310 4, .570 Irton 1,510 900 1,790 2,710 2,110 820 3,570 2.040 2,590 710 1,560 3,440 3,130 Holy 4,210 I 2,410 7,020 1,470 720 1,010 4,420 420 6,280 PresI 1,090 990 670 570 2,489 ihrewat) 8.450 800 610 11.380 3,380 1,830 4,:190 1.140 1,690 Mugj 2.450 7,400 17,290 1 ,050 1,100 2.140 . , .\mou.)| J'olal \um!nrot V«lu* ol' es|i<}rldrd at each of the 4 Pf'ifitriy. «» • to lenance of T*n Yearly Periods. Tax In iai6. POOR. — r— 1801. 1811. ! 1821. 1831. 1,839 118 129 153 172 12,542 1,282 2,350 54 2,985 4,2,52 5,126 2,194 26 129 156 111 1 ,697 222 444 4.52 643 643 7,724 2,968 2,204 2,068 2,288 2,514 hi.stle 82 221) 263 288 347 17,678 3,893 4,030 4,110 4,765 4,722 5,787 935 976 876 1,011 1,144 49,105 10,.566 6,766 12,811 17,292 18,871 1 ,499 100 1.56 188 210 200 18,392 979 1,669 2,001 2,343 1,962 4,008 122 402 471 528 559 1,928 147 284 326 321 330 1,442 574 371 422 447 513 3,443 339 451 515 551 564 3,565 338 1,670 1,760 2,099 2,059 3,127 374 1,439 1,.548 1,981 2,071 5,713 775 1,113 1,061 1,147 1,259 1,790 503 534 562 666 640 2,580 575 578 710 887 1,070 1,917 95 223 240 250 2i5G 755 67 106 111 112 127 1,943 104 229 226 258 338 4,122 149 338 377 440 514 1,603 274 1,278 1,430 2,000 297 607 2,746 2,649 538 ,501 564 707 1,2.56 105 98 118 107 133 1,247 120 165 157 137 131 1,306 240 132 112 111 114 2,711 534 329 319 386 406 908 206 189 178 210 292 13,339 1,719 1,766 2,145 2,815 3,356 3,346 114 191 189 175 164 1,643 129 102 106 126 158 1,805 123 41 79 78 ()0 2,315 78 218 229 225 216 3,H3() 783 629 653 766 827 2,461 176 133 358 372 365 Cross 239 282 332 375 4,648 439 709 699 837 870 482 73 76 74 115 105 7,205 581 1,155 1,225 1,317 1,32. 1,790 503 534 562 666 640 \ 4,471 909 S 196 '( 541 248 546 ( 835 t 330 ^ 551 5,747 1,047 1,051 1,093 1,250 1 ,233 632 40 104 120 131 126 10,599 1,111 bles 918 1,024 1,170 1,253 on Gub 180 203 1,075 62 193 217 257 346 1,773 137 61 53 19 59 ^ 1,377 339 t 131 \ 118 298 ^ IG5 1 137 ( 32!) 1,776 311 554 637 648 742 6,892 540 1,2.53 1 ,076 1,348 1 ,207 7,219 708 2,096 2,496 2,763 5,132 563 30 1-10 148 1 59 198 512 17 123 85 131 126 8,60 i 1,.548 5 1 026 ^ 3.) 864 29 1,286 50 1,455 226 2,186 564 536 668 747 71 1 1 ,284 139 289 300 368 382 3,782 798 748 76'> 833 911 2,3U 347 266 343 406 433 2,191 316 309 296 397 444 . 2,192 lo;i 153 1-H 166 163 2,961 314 498 568 566 552 10,848 2,225 t 881 t 1,210 ( 2,211 t 1,220 t 1,202 1,482 1,226 21,8-12 3,717 3,831 3,944 3,830 4,212 1,461 217 116 189 208 246 2,816 969 697 602 711 782 4,711 451 821 817 927 892 Gir ton — — 7 4 603 30 18 18 23 32 on Gub bles — 180 203 — 1,783 92 228 242 290 3.39 5,.591 41(i 840 856 989 986 6,403 423 1,017 1,0.58 1,212 1,405 1,408 163 169 181 240 249 4,084 407 425 4.58 537 576 2,612 18-1 231) 253 282 300 4,518 455 660 697 772 8-47 3,790 572 .571 625 776 677 3,.568 395 481 663 7!«) 713 1,048 128 77 84 107 129 3,850 552 602 624 776 730 3,471 139 303 303 32-1 316 2,103 150 305 350 370 411 2,904 254 689 676 cm 740 1,143 95 134 1-47 162 126 Total JVamhtr /) rrcHSoN.s, Mer — Mid iS : Super ndet In Suiule V«lue r>t' Properly, as • 1(1 lor M« 574 Miclewaite Grange, in Barkstone Ash — 61 83 Mickley,C in 4507 Oving ham 72 186 181 178 211 Mid-Lavaut *960 350 1,227 165 198 216 243 278 Piiid-A'ille, see A'ille .... near 2256 3,450 4,111 53 — 130 162 Middle, ^ Hadwell Ease C. 5,450 4,616 261 779 778 833 807 430 2,441 203 362 366 363 398 do. Littleton, wth Nrth nr. 2818 1,610 2,789 234 304 .349 342 360 do. Mead, .. in Little Baddovv 410 Little Badd ow 202 182 Linton 3,017 Low A 131) 3SO 294 532 .'^20 do. do « 4342 2,720 ACood |lands 377 504 654 MlDDLEHAM,D.i1/. t2§ 4255 2,400 4,062 26() 728 714 880 914 do. Bishop’s- see Bishops 4468 5,940 5,960 333 738 813 827 S;i7 Middleney Tj t. with Drayton 3726 2,250 3,689 155 370 426 469 519 Muldles t C. ) bomuj;h ^ Linthorp.. S 2,300 1 2,353 ( 2,644 38 74 25 2 4 35 177 40 IIH) 154 229 Middlesceugh k Braithw'aite 1262 Minni.ESEX ( ounty *1-60, 71-135 2,360 1,609 39 176 167 221 195 lbO,-18U 5,6y5,r)3b 659,925 818,129 953,276 I,i4),.'):ii 1,35^,330 Middlesnioor, C. wth F. Earth 4014 6,849 2,025 348 329 381 441 413 Middlestone in 4473 870 618 44 78 88 117 92 Middlethorpe, in St. Mary 4036 570 1,438 125 47 71 44 59 Middleton, R next 1853 680 1,711 138 94 90 100 108 do. Grange ...in 987 Aston — — — — 13 do in 1255, next 4326 1,030 2,078 187 161 161 185 177 do. Houghton & Arbury 995 (i20 1,5.52 162 295 273 280 2, -6 do. ill Cottiiighain .... 2615 CoUiogham 1,120 676 411 334 377 433 do. A'. Norfolk 2065 3,028 3,667 679 407 569 665 681 do' R. Sussex *928 380 545 35 40 ! 60 44 43 U{., E. 3^ I0<)2 ■ ELotal of Parish (8) 1069 1 ,860 5,457 775 3,265 4,422 6,800 6,!K)3 1 1,510 20,190 2,57-1 7,992 10,408 12,703 14,379 , {y 4145 ELotal of Parish (8) n 1,310 1,636 132 111) 229 217 266 25,450 8,948 677 1,319 1,.532 1,727 1 ,7 12 , i -Vyas, R. & Kneeton 606 ? Moulton & Mv ton » 2,700 4,867 288 5 6 506 569 621 4,200 8,160 267 300 304 421 437 , i in 'I’eesrlale, R 621 ‘ El’otal of Parish (4) // 9,570 2,-111) 455 lOt) 988 1.263 1,824 38,410 5,141 8-11 1,383 2,218 2,81 () 3,114 do. C in 4278 6, 1 80 -1,139 297 30t 293 322 2,86 do. Cheney, R 2534 1,780 5,088 2,069 1,1.53 1,172 1,398 1,415 do. R. with T’ordley nr. 1932 2,030 2,183 531 488 561 564 580 3,100 2,280 2,626 2,639 Hi2 258 215 308 202 350 209 31)0 do. on the 11)11, C- netir 3105 413 do. Mal/.or, or Miltu nxt.2 i61 1,190 2,811 721 327 300 402 641 do. South < Hart burn 59 S 88 '( 17 63 27 75 31 108 33 (lo. Hull ) do. North [ in 4563 do. South J ( - ■10 47 61 50 Ildci' ton ' 95 82 HI 12 s l.W i 9 67 70 69 (9 151 evertf Counhi, Huiuhcd, ])ivisioii, Cili), Toini, Paiiak, Hamlet, 'I'ijIIuikj, i^c., in UNO LAN I), at each of the. lour Petiods 1(101, Kill, 1(1*21, KiOl, Mi(l-I\lil IlS ii r Totvna, I’arishes, Ifc. Middleton Stoncy, (' '.•IH do. do., U. .. noiir ‘^700 d. . Scriveii ' do. on tlio Wolds, li.. . 4U(>2 do. upon Leven, C. .. 4187 do. Qiiernliow, C. . in 417*2 do. Witru'ick 2810 do. \ Stockliill .in flOl do ' 431 do. « 4o7() do. • 3i(> 5 Mn>ni.i.EU >c. \ ,*0:^15)^“ Middle/.oy, V ;i(i7."> IMiddop, (.! in .577 M id ford Hundred ( 18) 20.51 iWid};liain, C 3*282 Midaley 5ii> I t+ WiDiiuRST, P. C. 'iVi. t3§ ‘1133 Midley, U Mid loo, lix. Pa near 21 li IMidridge in (i'5 do. Grange * (i25 +t IVIidshall, see St. Micliael, in St. Midsummer. ITything Norton, V. \ Tot. Par. (4) (| *’"*^ U Milborne Port, V. t 2 § 3080 Milborough St. j ‘ Milbourn, Churclislon &c. ■» 3570 do. Styiebam in Peer Milbrook, I{ near 2452 do., with KecJbridge .. 1419 Milburu do. Grange ^ do. or IMilbourn Tyth. » 3315 do. & Grange, C in Kirby Milby, with i in Kirby on Moor Huniberton ^ Aldborough 4011 Milcombe, C in 27*23 Miloott, Ham. in Weston upon Av. Milden, 11 next 1876 Mildenhall, U near 3305 l)f Do. St. Andrew’s, V. jF. t 1901 Mile-End, ^ew Town *51 IF do. Old do *50 Mileham, R 2002 Miliield in 4578 3 Milford, V 1455 do. Tjthing 3390 do. Sooth 3990 Milhill Division, in 490 Milland Vdle, Ex. Pa « 3503 Millington u 2905 do. P. C near 4073 Millo, V., with Dunton. . . » 2-141 r Lower ^ Millom, V. 2 Upper >4347 CTot. of Par.(O)} Millshield, & Espershields in 4503 Milson, C near ‘2972 Milstead, R *j65 Milston, R., & Brigmis .. near 3347 6 Milthorpe F. + AHeversham 1072 do. in Aslackiiy ....near 2213 Milton. R. Berks near 3241 do. Sin. R. &V „ 2120 do. com-Weaverham, see Weav do. see Gravesend *427 do. V. t next Sittinghourne *401 do. or Middleton Malzor nr. 2)00 do. Ham in 2722 do. C ^ 2730 do. with Prittlewell 1780 do. Abbas, V 3572 do. Abbot. V 3842 do. Bryant, R near 2430 do. Clevedon, V next 3052 7 515 700 2,710 1,411 2,120 3,850 55 850 820 61 1,0j0 1,*378 01 bOO 1,100 08 Enodor 3,370 11,830 838 3,150 2,391 080 0,110 390 1 3905 219 3,320 2,911 253 Regis 42!) 81 1,450 2,097 481 2,900 8,308 1,415 Ponte laud t -18 f 12 Malme sbury I'hore 1,707 127 010 1,152 45 1,710 1,322 28 1,380 2,199 290 480 Wes ton 1,430 1,473 2.57 3,770 3,310 343 13,710 12,2vi0 2,039 SlepUH> 10,701 1,437 Uo. 01,049 11, *229 3,110 2,373 295 KiriNewtn 1,090 78 4,430 6,936 1,028 1,090 Laverstuck 4*23 2,240 2,218 210 Leeds — \Vioche»l«r 1,210 80 750 1,487 140 2,750 1,751 212 2,840 2,428 272 32,780 ^0,415 809 t8,009 1,003 Bywell St. Pet ers 43 1,000 1,341 47 950 841 176 1,480 1,019 90 2,590 5,348 557 jislac kby — 1,380 2,281 328 1,378 2,793 316 erham — — 050 8,0.52 1,558 2,340 6, 193 1,862 1,190 2,811 721 1,100 1,702 201 2,130 1,980 471 2,490 0,718 1,571 2,4 20 3,739 485 5,320 7,5)1 705 1,480 1,703 305 1,3*20 1,702 115 5,200 2,084 308 2,070 1,408 302 1,550 2,055 208 1,470 3,010 230 1,770 4,380 301 2,740 4,536 579 1,290 2,817 025 1,130 1,712 9p 1,050 2,800 203 4,500 4,875 585 180 494 86 Kiddrrmiu •..5,779 077 1,180 3,009 229 0,400 11,113 1,012 15,250 25,093 2,347 2,830 3,019 344 1 'I'utal Numift'f ../ rkitsoNfi, 1 I 1 ■ AnnutI A ni'Minl Total Sumhtr oj t' F.HS j tif VHcU of the *4 1 Ten Yt'itrhj Ht'riod ! Mini — Mon Ui Klatui* V«lu« «f Projiarty, ■» •ssatsad lo thaProparlf Tas III mis. aipandad fur Mam- taoarca ol af eat h of (In' \ 7V n y't a/ hj i’s i i„.n 1 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, Sfc. ® t POOH, ./•. 1801. 1811. 1821. f 'hi 1 513 035 47!) j Minims, North V. Herts, near *113 4,9 10 8, .59!) 748 838 1,001 1 ,(l( 7 ' 309 303 34;) 307 do.. South, V *113 4,200 1.5,025 701 1 ,098 1 ,028 1 ,!)()0 80 80 80 !)!) 4 Minciiin- ^ R’.,7'«. *2§ 3(i0 4,880 9,001 1,733 3,41!) 3,210 1,907 280 400 411 0*27 i iiAiucToN, t Rodboiogb 301 1 ,3!)0 3,008 804 1,0.58 1,028 2,038 IK) 100 111 8!) ’ I'.lindtown, R near 2992 870 (i2(; 31 :<8 35 3! 87 91 102 123 J D Mi.neiieai), V. IK. t § 1 5:io 3,780 4,255 .580 ),108 1,037 1,239 .514 594 023 550 M Incty t (see (b ow tliorm*). . . . 31.5!) 3,470 4,'31 454 47!) 510 .',02 201 233 205 100 Miningsbv, R. (see Villo)m*ar 225!) 730 1 ,3i.O 241 105 114 131 831 900 1 ,0!)0 970 Aliniot, or Carlton Islebi-ek, in 4103 2,070 2 338 54 185 205 221 50 57 7!) 87 I Minshull, Cbureh C near 830 2, *250 3,500 308 417 2.jH 5*;8 (>93 888 904 1,0! 1 Hll 2,(i30 U4') 3,1 10 448 357 255 1,190 1,*232 l,2l'i! 1,3.5 .Alinskip 401 1 2,227 183 204 205 213 3,77!) 3,948 4,4.51) 4,785 1 Mil. stead, R 3514 8,590 2,140 422 701 901 l,Oo7 i 494 530 095 07!) 1 Alinster 393 ■ 3,140 2,0h9 151 311 300 4*25 1 87 95 100 02 : do., in Thanet, V *572 5.010 8,94!) 1,010 707 82-1 020 ; 7,!HiO 8,950 10,1.58 11,495 do.mSheppyJj.,;^^^,,;^^ .. *474 f 7,610) 17,754 3,923 4,i;t!) 5,318 7,597 340 321 32!) 34!) *473 899 1,422 1,085 817 1,20!) 2,107 2,207 2,409 do. Lovell, V near 2724 1 ,500 2,597 441 28;l 252 320 1,073 1,2.56 1,335 1,478 do., Lytcbet- 3,000 I,7(i9 180 493 4!)9 5-14 2!) 20 33 .-.2 IF do. U imborne.R., F. 3^ 3538 Il,8h0 12,358 2,134 3,03) .3,158 3, .503 30 43 43 30 do. Yard, with Beddcrn .... 4037 A (irk City 230 701 882 924 198 199 201 307 Mi ies Westbur; 7,430 254 — 705 758 41 39 58 »5 Alinsterwortb, V 3170 1,810 2,021 3i.'2 354 420 4(i2 — — — - , Alint 5 aril in 4030 •St. Mic hael B elfrv 98 83 132 1,552 t 810 ( 1717 893 2,320 1 2942 Mintein, Magna, R near do. Parva in Biickland-Ni 3573 wtn. 2,070 Buck 1 ,7 55 Iau(J-N 228 ewtnn 321 307 8!) 311 105 Minting, A'. (Gartree) .. near 2247 1,9.0 2,556 104 190 192 270 953 1,000 1,440 2,072 Minth n next 1731 1,100 1,125 10 17 24 30 471 520 j 554 (. 41 555 42 iLnSS’.. i 3945 0,890 8,354 ( 474 ( 107 ^ 788 < 589 ( 202 713 315 172 19-2 244 240 Minw orth in Ciirdworth, near 2804 I, .5.50 2,007 125 291 295 287 217 242 313 MirlielHj V 489 3,390 7,405 1,821 3,724 4,3!5 5,04! i 1 327 335 405 C02 1,304 1,798 112 2,124 2,735 Aliserdon, R near 359 2,410 2,107 198 409 502 514 80 82 loi Misperton, Kii kby 4155 9,040 7,401 521 075 757 80!) 33 33 32 41 jAIissenden, (Treat V 2487 5,320 5,538 I,l(>3 1,41 1 1,570 1,731 ' 97 128 115 103 do.. Little V 2180 3,350 1,787 580 025 078 814 237 281 303 3*2. Alisson, V 2348 0,170 0,870 390 4; 2 571 720 102 140 120 139 Misterton, R 2058 3,5b0 0,041 504 341 429 539 28 16 14 230 , 5 V ; 2345 5,420 ( 3,210 ( 1,*202 489 012 770 811 201 200 220 ^ West Stockw ith .. ^ 187 530 509 018 21 16 14 15 do., V., Som near 1290 2,000 2,882 184 368 345 302 130 141 1(»7 177 1767 1,890 2,070 4,710 13,549 1,366 2,900 554 648 778 370 30.5 414 427 Alitcham, V *195 3,400 4,175 4,453 2,283 2,493 2,974 3,207 AIitchel-Dean, R., M. 2 ^ 143 080 1,229 191 513 535 550 5,253 0,028 7,091 7,384 Mitcheldever, V. see Michel 3415 9,340 8,334 1,145 145 303 828 9,8-18 14,405 22,870 33,898 do. mersh near 3490 5,-140 3,554 1,240 004 701 908 I 323 354 516 560 ilo. -1 roy u 3109 3,050 1,907 85 220 254 305 ! 193 108 259 262 Mitford ( Castle Ward (2) 4540 2,930 11,034 ( 49 199 102 178 1,012 1,116 1,332 1,533 V. ) Morpeth, W est (9) // 0,s(i0 1 232 670 630 02'. 419 394 48s) 523 do. Hundred (18) 2051 33, .570 46,010 8,028 7,900 8,950 10,158 457 491 031 719 Mithwoid.or Methwold, V'. 2025 ! 3,530 9,212 1,429 805 942 1,104 2,670 2,636 3,031 3,031 Mitmeece in 2946 710 Eccles hall — 113 131 92 90 101 149 Mitton, (V. West Ridiiie' 573 ) ,45.) 2,002 88 — 254 324 190 285 334 330 see ■< 4 To'W'iisbps, in do. 574-5 10,900 13,070 .1,212 1,960 2,468 2,72-1 183 205 282 255 Milton (.2 do. in Lane 1114 0,1!)0 5,752 871 1,547 1,012 1,877 330 303 332 413 do.. Little in Whalley .... 1157 1,4,0 1,028 34 76 70 90 1 589 884 t 320 1 400 400 515 Mixbury,R near 2529 2,0:)0 1,790 350 304 330 330 1,497 1,025 1,815 2,037 Moat 4411 K. Andrews 1,0.50 97 291 281 300 i 100 185 180 10.5 CM I 4,080 1 ,550 8,373 508 108 993 1,152 178 1,198 185 S 134 129 125 150 rvioccas.R near 3009 1,043 143 i 189 177 191 214 3 Modbury, V. Th. t ^ 3820 5,910 12,610 1.234 1,813 1,890 2,194 i 139 100 98 107 Aloggerhaiiger, in Blun. near 2443 Biilliiiati) 2,792 417 345 385 405 1,138 l,40l 1,.509 3579 4,. 570 1,*280 275 215 226 342 377 \ 80 Moldash. C *503 L220 LOOO 363 2!)4 378 1 Mo'esden in 4540 Ml ii.nl 350 25 38 29 21 I 310 338 421 413 Moleswortb, R next 2102 1,800 1,84b 184 KiO 176 191 i 273 297 . 341 3!7 RIolland 3871 5,170 •2,071 350 473 429 456 B — — — MoUin!rl6n,C in 2719 1,872 2,809 203 199 173 310 i 2,050 2,470 2,70!) 4,348 do. Gi'i at in Backford near 1054 900 1,2*20 80 111 113 122 1 1.022 1 327 1,746 390 2,012 492 2,233 541 ,1 , . S OxoH near * ^ M arwick . . . . « 2719 1,200 072 1 2,809 203 ( 199 ) 1*23 179 104 1 3!0 ! 105 133 190 205 Alolscroft, in St. John 4059 1,230 3,529 83 07 98 111 495 522 507 508 Mol ton. North V. 2 ^ 3873 15,330 8,528 868 1,5-11 1,.520 1.847 a 1,213 1,511 1,922 2,200 f Do., South C. iS'. 2 3872 6,100 9,900 1 ,005 2,753 2,739 3,314 ? 454 019 707 840 do. Hundred, see South (14) 3871 C7,9;i0 51,388 6,076 11,750 10,552 12,201 3 802 951 1,151 1 ,205 Monatton, or Manaton 3802 6,170 1,057 238 348 374 403 333 329 340 373 Monckton, Bishop, C in 001 l,4*i!0 3,5.50 216 363 480 479 1 206 199 189 *.42 do., Deverill, C. near 3410 1,320 1,175 88 108 134 181 1 469 5i4 (.01 701 do., Tarrant-, V » 3507 3,210 900 236 DO 180 230 1 300 332 1 3C4 372 Moncton-Coinb, (see Alonktou) 1380 720 2,363 270 309 525 855 i 509 588 ! 5!)3 600 Alonewdoii, R. ( Loes). . . .near 1929 1,900 1,571 314 157 180 188 3 92 1.8 108 182 Mongeham, Great R 780 1,4.53 372 248 263 281 3 280 287 338 334 do.. Little R *618 1,210 1,.559 219 105 91 113 3 573 542 632 (00 Alongewell, R. (Langlree)near 3239 1 ,650 1,921 3*17 125 150 142 3 325 384 411 473 154 l.',8 170 175 Alonk Coniston & Skehvith 4345 5,420 2,010 Hawkshd 286 380 420 302 325 350 415 , T- t (Township do. Fr)ston,| 3980 1,470 1,281 89 277 319 409 j .522 728 702 950 rton 2,300 2,203 213 304 390 4.il j 147 179 181 202 do. Hesleton j ^^*^ 4481 1,890 1,087 83 150 148 101 i 1,003 2,352 2,544 2,952 ,t 7,090 5,315 293 441 450 503 23J *ill 1!;3 537 do. ear- 5. Shore mouthy Tot. Par. (5) 32 590 2,505 359 1,103 1,091 1,278 ! 1,007 1,037 1,930 2,233 33 250 5,463 1,185 4,239 4,264 4,924 i 3,734 3,051 4,1.79 4,034 M 5,120 14,119 2,055 6,293 0.504 7,644 't 497 £03 507 551 do.Soham neai 1937 830 2.072 503 1 329 325 388 li-31. 1 ,(8 a 2,010 5,11 » 2,14! 3i> 1 ,48 1 585 351 238 408 38.5 207 1,074 497 91 1 7,9*22 01 3.50 505 4,00!) 901 80) 4!)0 lO'i .33! 101 301 ;p 7M 3!.*.) 3*21 0,490 441 Kil 1,8*27 937 841 .587 !'-M 035 400 870 4.3i7 00) 930 902 375 194 701 11,4»5 1 ,2G0 120 2()2 2,559 2,450 70 387 170 1,271 217 2,110 381 37!) 391 30 222 53! 3i.U 118 3t.O 121 1,937 3,820 13,825 435 570 201 220 1,031 207 310 9:. 102 397 431 433 171 .501 1,498 6,05 1 9,428 433 Siipcijicics in S/ahtie Icrrs; Annnal Value of Properly ; Amount annually Expended for AJuintenajue of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in lAlon - IMor I^arinlu's, !^c. ;^£|| Monlv-Hioiton 'l-’O iMoiiKon-Hiulley *112 Moiikhili ill »!>HH » lioiiUiii neiir 2!)70 » liuid V " « 3W« » OiiUiiiinptim, If. near 3‘J«.) » riiifie ill 4''>l Monks-Coppoiiliall, in tiop. iir H3(i do. ICIeiRli or llleigli, H. IHfSo do. lIorlon.K *(in'> do. Kir S ^ . wth Copstoii nr. 2791 by, / Tot. l>nr.(.5).... 279J-:| ,271 11,335 Batley, V 0,390 G,41G 9,1.59 Dewsbury, V 9,020 23,190 5,228 11,752 13,479 10,201 19,8.54 Rothwell, V 8,210 8,357 1,910 4,770 5,007 G.253 G,G35 % t Wakefield, F. + 2 §(4) 4G7-70 9,390 94,518 9,203 10,597 18,474 22,307 24,538 If t Halifax,V. A. 2 § (Z3) 505-27 75,740 140,274 10,180 03,434 73,415 92,850 109,899 Birstall (8) 545-52 13,180 34,000 3,924 14,057 17,639 21,217 24,103 If } BraI)Ford,V. Th.iiU'i) 528-40 33,710 135,353 8,379 29,794 30,358 52,954 7li,9(>t) Calverlev.V . (4) 541-4 8,390 21 ,557 3,824 10,375 11, .5.59 14,134 10,184 If t LEEDS, V. Th. S. t 3 ? (9) 490 21,459 00,227 27,717 53,153 02,534 83,790 123,393 Biugley, V., & IMicklethwaite 553 9,890 12,593 951 4,100 -1,782 0,176 8,030 Gnisley,R Otley.V. F. 2^ 8,890 10,453 2,092 5,849 0,813 8,409 10,028 ..(13)502-4 23,000 28,816 2,039 0,830 8,023 9,358 10,103 If Keighley, R. Th. t2§ 555 10,100 15,838 1,009 5,745 0,804 9J/23 11,170 Kildwick,V, .(9) 550-01 25,990 26,009 3,803 5,919 7,031 8,005 9,920 t 8 kii'Ton,\ .a. 7 4 3,780 15,997 993 2,305 2,808 3,411 4,181 If Barnsley, P.C. I1M3^ .... 417 4,000 15,029 2,041 3,00() 5,014 8,284 10,330 tt PoNTEFRACT,V. A. 2 i (0) 3985-8 4,750 18,555 3,271 0,189 7,473 8,824 9,254 If tt Knareshoro’,V. Ir ,7§(6)591-3 Total of n oOLKN and LINEDJ Manufacturing District, 11,970 26,271 4,008 5,701 7,348 9,101 10,214 3t)7,360 8-i3,-109 120,7-12 3U,6U0 300, H79 470,737 596,410 Morningthorpe . next 2003 1,040 1,210 300 130 135 100 104 8 Morpeth \ 7,600 7,710 1,188 1,394 2,951 3,707 3,2-14 4,098 3,415 4,292 3,890 4,797 42,440 58, 172 2,025 4,770 4,740 5,239 6,1.07 51,090 50,018 2,929 6,052 7,043 7,202 7,705 Morrage&Toxt, or Eoxt , in 949 Ipstoacs 1,553 Ipst ones 341 415 403 Morrel, Rootbiug Ham. do. Mortou- C with White Root lung 30 32 — 32 .next 2751 1,710 2,223 220 183 243 257 298 do. Newton Barton 1,100 30 40 32 31 31 Morrick, Mark worth 27 59 75 72 04 Mor.ston, R . next 1741 1,570 852 100 99 101 139 171 Morlhoe, V . near 1533 3,480 2,111 104 254 218 280 3.18 Mortimer, WestTylh. . . in 3279 1,810 1,274 249 303 340 31 do. see Strattield . i, 4, .590 3,894 ()22 094 072 7/i2 800 Mortlake, P. C. & East Sheen *155 1,910 14,210 1,370 1,748 2,021 2,484 2,098 Morton, East & West . . 3,290 3,831 232 838 987 1,199 1,219 ... in 1718 2,570 2,280 91 390 488 580 543 do. Ex. Pa . near 2252 710 5 13 9 S V / . . ■ / Han, or Hainliiorpe ( ^ 3,390 3,578 292 003 COO ( 511 ( 254 070 100 ,i„ S Township / ■ 1 Brackeiiiield ( next 7S7 2,800 ( 1,077 1 1,598 130 107 109 130 322 149 353 138 :io3 do .. in 4179 1,250 1,988 87 207 220 22 2()G 302 . . // 4195 780 8G8 2o 27 20 150 20 do. A'o//s. P.C. ... . near 050 1,310 008 51 101 135 1.50 do, -upon-Liig, C. next 30 2 1,080 1,517 100 85 93 110 09 do. -on-tlie-Hill, R. near 1992 1 ,220 597 98 125 121 153 1()9 do. Abh ts .. « 2818 1,120 1,503 91 191 231 23(i 233 do. -Baggot . . . •/ 2700 1,100 1,297 158 194 155 168 170 do. Birts . next 2824 1,410 1 ,537 24.1 238 253 2:t0 311 rlo. East in Dalton-le-Dale 1 ,400 1,007 28/0 75 71 72 98 do. Grange 580 583 09 188 251 308 295 do. Jeti'eries, C near 30!)5 00!l 770 20 04 09 04 46 do. -Morrell, C. ... next 2751 1,710 2,223 220 183 213 2.57 298 do. Nth. V. or Moreton iir. 3240 1,140 1 ,9()0 420 282 305 318 302 do. SoutliR. or do » 323',! 1,470 2.270 o52 320 330 301 410 do. Palms ton-le- ■S euie — — — 83 do. -Piid2 143 184 do. in SI. Mary .... 250 (i73 9 14 0 18 17 do in Stanti) n-upon -nine 1 loath — 00 7!» Molcomb, F.ast C 1287 -1,780 8,078 1 ,987 917 999 1,181 1,105 Motberby& ("ill . . . in 4392 Grey stock — 78 78 112 115 every County, Hundred, Division, City, 'J'onn, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, Sfc., in ENGLA N I), at each of the Four Periods, 1801, 1011, 1821, 1831 Mot — Mye Tvu'tis, Piirisnes, !(e. ill ;a i • li MoltiuKham, in KIthain *2!K) Mottisfoiit, 1{ 34!M Mottistun, li near 1 tli3 Motlraai St. Aiulri-w in 825 do. ia Lons- S ^ (len-l)ale S' Tot. Par. (8) * Mouldswortli in 2!)(>0 Moulsey, Ka.-it, I’.C *l(i8 do.. M ost, do *U>!) Moulsford,(; next 32-13 Moulsliam Ham., w ith Chelmsford Monisoe, V near 2,522 Aloulton, IL, .... * 18 8 I'JCf) 2014 llialnU lu I III* Pfi|iprly do.. R., .N orfotk .... do.. St. Michael .... do.. V. hiui' 5 246 533 1,042 94 146 892 501 89!) I'otul Sumbtr qf 1‘EHSDNS, at rueb of the -I Ten Yearty /‘erioiix. 744 18 588 59 422 1.33 118 250 488 483 1,111 61 195 93 379 Wales 87 145 279 122 76 584 178 82 77 234 43 624 200 683 370 74 169 94 692 371 131 138 1.53 368 5,306 215 759 15 774 223 206 128 145 114 66 273 118 18 5 124 ( 61 206 217 181 78 3,113 estone 86 166 1801. 1811. 1 1821. 1 1831. 75 69 !H 124 368 .397 501 ! 505 1.59 146 149 142 319 349 382 387 !)48 1,416 1,941 2,141 ! 5,949 10,086 15,536 142 125 138 180 462 509 62() 546 320 343 430 441 152 171 176 169 282 229 260 303 249 282 312 366 170 168 185 209 3.54 mi 417 447 1,228 1,273 1,629 1,850 103 187 19<) 243 174 179 236 1!)0 ^ 833 1 10 ^ 928 1,072 If 1,319 1 1 15 2.50 216 260 1 262 564 581 683 663 24 50 38 47 381 609 728 796 40 52 52 58 1,233 1,502 1,422 1,602 51 69 73 65 248 229 263 283 1 178 179 164 202 218 218 219 216 273 298 390 38!) 340 387 434 452 779 1,002 1,060 1,212 1,981 2,079 2,200 2,424 283 261 329 310 109 181 189 212 216 225 277 330 — 245 729 890 683 772 924 964 54 61 53 69 91 100 131 118 352 315 375 422 308 317 308 263 205 193 217 228 201 224 278 298 1,119 1,339 1,425 1,247 353 346 417 523 93 90 90 85 133* 139 134 123 529 571 692 733 — 45 52 39 461 316 582 619 342 591 555 657 .396 437 515 5.50 453 430 464 .521 172 151 184 175 274 294 397 414 242 265 304 314 324 430 422 467 283 281 309 273 204 222 333 436 160 202 236 226 159 173 182 178 610 629 708 680 8,517 9,370 10,478 10,367 263 262 274 300 — 25 46 — 1,514 1,563 1,887 2,192 136 120 128 113 318 310 4i3 495 128 136 141 166 496 615 556 451 — — 204 193 110 128 134 156 280 318 375 418 403 589 728 1,231 70 68 65 62 — — ■ 15 383 385 366 415 159 165 188 179 68 60 SO 75 5 336 445 484 t 179 172 197 284 284 278 261 206 226 242 310 236 275 350 382 290 330 387 373 9,409 11,612 13,565 15,255 — — 233 221 167 179 191 1 60 90 79 90 ; 464 459 557 510 1 Myl-Net 'Jli Towns, Parishes, ijc. f Mylor, V.,~see Falmouth . . . 218 Mynyddyshvyn, or t niaen Ham.^ Monytliusloyne t l’ar.(3) 180 Myllie, Ex. Pa 3132 Myton in 1335 stone ) see Ensti ne (6) . . S Neatishead, V 1975 Neatham, Ex. Pa near 3449 Necton, R. ? Neighton 20.57 Nedging, R near 1911 Needham, C " 2008 Do. Market, C., W. t ^ 1942 Neediugworth with 2152 C Hanbury, V. near 748 eh'atenhilUR. » . Forest ^ Yoxhall, R 2929 Neen-Savage near 2972 do. -Sellers " » Neenton, R u 2968 Neighton, ? Necton 2057 Neithrop 2217 Nempnett-Thrubwell, C. next 3607 Neot, St., V 4641 Do., V., r/i. t 5 § 2141 Nepikar, Ham in *367 Nesbit, e 4481 do » 4573 do / 4527 Nesfield^ith Langbar . . . . in 504 ^ near 4139 3031 Suparflei** I V«lui l,3!)0 170 Kings! 1,480 2.720 950 2,380 Oving 4,330 800 2,960 1,680 1,320 Avening 780 3,490 87,640 440 4,140 2,380 3,SOO 2.250 3,690 1,430 2,710 Salop 51,430 1,660 1,210 Kirkbjr Si 980 1,129 Kendal church 830 1,360 4,920 820 2,110 3,730 13,090 Brain 1,260 1,470 3.720 1.250 4,850 1,760 1,170 4,030 810 1,260 Bar king Holy 12,380 10,520 5,440 3,690 1,370 1,450 ham 5.401 ; 2,637 6,751 I West .... do ) C^reat, V > Little, C « do. Wapentake (13) 2202 do 1653 f Gre.it + 1652 Neston, V. ? Little near » tTotal of I'ar. (8) « do., Easton- with Hul. next 2539 Neswick, in 4063 Nether-Avon, \ chi'se'nbu^y T \ ^^54 » -Broughton, R 2646 n -Cerne next 3573 /' -Exe,P. C -/ 3777 " -Hampt u, C. ... near 3100 Banhnry 1,180 14, .510 4,750 Wro 130 UoddiDgton Stamfo 1,730 910 3,790 1,780 29,790 860 1,480 1,150 10,260 *720 960 5,160 2,110 1,330 450 8('0 j pton 1,23 2,13 6,311 1,789 6,856 867 1,600 2,134 well 19,256 16,642 8,422 2,502 1,917 1,327 9,669 1,982 4,635 10, .593 iham 250 630 rdham 1,356 822 4,341 1,449 44,470 1.. 399 3,169 1.. 520 14,344 3,092 1,640 2,739 3,274 616 1,131 1,161 1 Total A umhe r at Ttat.S at t aih uf (Ur >1 3 V/< Year It/ Virlofi 6 1 » £ 1801. { 1811. 1821. 1 819 1 ,665 j 1,897 2,193 ! j 773 ( 4.54 <1,544 1,0!)8 511 1 2,9!)0 3,186 i 1 — 1 15 14 Hull 10,540 13,510 16,429 121 126 1 12.'> 1 i 185 1 1 2.54 363 1 j 316 366 ! 1 340 124 129 165 ! 326 461 527 1 ' 4 41 til 39 1 1 639 721 804 917 1 I 80 378 368 344 452 1,09.) 1,313 1 ,678 1 1 277 492 293 35!) 1 211 200 202 £15 1 — 898 ! 1,513 3,463 3,999 4,661 I l,8(i8 1 3,717 4,235 5,033 12,599 17,637 19,.568 22,331 27 32 23 44 674 787 848 892 , 543 541 035 775 i 218 2.'i0 2!)7 289 105 268 290 294 125 71 101 12!) 707 538 598 697 268 2C5 203 375 124 183 221 233 89 129 107 148 143 251 391 1 377 4,050 6,826 7,029 8,558 306 441 482 655 249 272 296 40ti 34 108 111 140 79 1.34 134 143 313 176 18-.i 245 107 205 182 244 - — 143 155 166 276 120 125 155 277 5 433 430 439 ( 150 146 252 78 115 123 149 195 479 542 625 515 623 775 840 2,101 1,982 1,988 2,435 — 308 364 377 105 69 96 333 671 881 933 1,019 837 658 699 744 196 206 265 313 855 912 962 5 326 < 1 ,077 352 482 539 576 232 87 89 92 920 663 719 667 166 143 181 2.i3 354 276 304 351 504 1,348 1,301 1,310 1,146 1,284 1,746 2,195 823 1,430 1,754 2,059 855 753 1,345 1,756 284 469 464 485 108 197 209 231 24 120 134 119 1,285 1,055 1,332 1,460 112 253 225 264 496 906 1,041 1,2.55 2,107 1,752 1,997 2,272 — 506 528 5 5 9 7 63 65 52 35 41 42 38 58 101 178 201 < 25 74 75 59 1 36 49 56 65 464 531 549 6.S0 125 201 205 253 3,489 5,021 5,376 6,117 72 347 462 394 647 1,486 1,332 1,418 130 254 243 316 1,121 2,901 2,901 3,216 153 114 111 137 46 54 62 55 407 479 1 5 365 423 1 ) < 38 41 ( 176 324 i 367 435 I 11 50 1 62 60 47 86 ' 102 103 140 167 135 147' 1831. 2,617 942 5,03, 425 1.59 5.55 60 1,0.32 1.52 2,11 1 421 216 4,886 5,3.7 23,07-.' 43 833 792 355 3(K) 103 707 377 213 157 Bnrr<)i rl 10,071 601 232 136 15) £45 236 17-3 184 531 206 149 778 853 2,735 405 337 1,047 757 331 1 1,172 646 107 996 214 341 1,406 2,160 2,180 1,582 450 208 120 1,60.5 225 1,474 2,617 10 47 37 206 38 59 60S 242 6,870 480 1,638 412 3,518 144 57 508 41.'- SJ> ‘)9 143 154 Siipcrjicics in SUiiutc Acres; Annual Value of Property; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in JiS. Netherwent • Ni't — Ni'w Tinnis, I’unslus, ifi. Ncthei'-Ciravesliip in -1288 » -Stiivcly « « /. -Pad ley » 907-10 a -StowI'.y, V. 7’m. ^ .... S7I7 « -^\'yer^dale in 1239 NcUit rbury, V 1283 do 1139 do., willi Kivkby, in Oveiblous Netlierlon, in Sephton near 1323 « u (’ropthorn » 2818 » Nortliside / Southdo. Netherwasdalc, C in 68 St. Brides near 168 ' Landevenny « do. Whitt n, ) j -l.'543 N'etswell, C. or Nettlesvvell nr. 1804 4Netllebed,C 2674 « combe. It near 1.538 « ham, C 2271 " sden, & Friesdeii, C. in Pigle // stead, V *396 u do. K. + near 1943 » ton, If •< 2287 n do.. If 3336 Nevendon, K ne.ar 1795 Neville, Fifehead- K ne.\t 3551 New-Church, V. and Ryde 1459 u do. see MhiteRate, C. » do. see Newchnreh *689 f East Division 1452 n -Forest ■' West do. 1457 i do. Forest part 3514 in 4249 . . " 4288 '■ 1164 .... *825 rear 4 51 685 2324 2631 2328 2325 40.52 622 10 4498 4233 4545 /■ do. .. -Hutton, C » -I.aund-jjooth, .... " -Timber » -Village, Ex, Pa. . « -W'oiks in 7 tt Newahk.'V. if. * t 0 § do. with Eastfield do. Hun- ^ North Div. dred \ South do. North near ' South » New ■bald, I , Newbig'giu . do. rio do. do. do. R next 4260 Newbiggins, East& W^est in 4470 Newbold, Ham. in Trdngtn. nr. 2864 do. & Dunstaii 867 do. Lib. & W'orthugtn.nr. 114 do. withOuston near 2648 do. Astbury 806 do. upon- ^ V 2788 Avon f Lawford & Closford do. Pacey V. & Ashorn nr2752 do. Revel, with Strelton und do. Grounds with Cutesby do.' Verdon, R 718 Nevvborough near 2630 do. P. C. 4517 J in !i anbury 2927 do. \ Stubby Lane do. with Morton Ex. Pa. in Cox. Newbottle 53 do., R near 2529 Newbnurn, R. (Carlfoid) » 17(i4 Newbrough, P. C 4510 Newburgh, W’infrith- 3570 f Township » Newburn, V. J -Hall \ I Tot. Par. (15; > 3H NEwnuP.v j f.VntfordV. i jNewby, with MaUvith do 10 in do. rio. do. do. do. do. Newcastle with Rainton with Clapham .... Wisk .597 4448 4267 1697 4190 4162 584 4178 in 2987 + Do. -under- Lyne, see Potteries t Newchurch .. *689 do 1125 do. P. C. see New- near 1511 Newdigite,R *225 I'otul iS'umlar of P EIlSO WSt V«lu» .>t ■ Ma'r. at each of th^. 1 .Staliil* Ten Yearly Periods, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. — X — 2S K.'ji.I.il 1,9.53 37 43 76 312 Ho;ie 1 ,507 91) 131 155 189 1!)0 — 21 28 39 30 31 1 ,280 3,837 324 586 620 773 778 3,640 3,337 279 .571 713 800 770 6,(i00 14,482 955 1,505 1 ,(>78 1,9.54 1,942 Anliurt'i 2,4.56 397 385 490 326 1,180 2,081 86 220 237 226 231 780 .Sejih ton — 180 186 273 CropiliM. 1,431 46 82 80 106 129 Allen Ion ) 31 40 63 54 53 St. Bpfn (. 41 51 57 71 62 6!>5 20 139 1.59 211 185 890 641 — 70 125 132 126 300 409 22 39 53 53 37 6,850 4,034 U24 309 277 277 329 ( 352 494 439 460 520 1,830 2,511 205 288 275 306 316 1,120 2,516 441 501 456 545 618 3,760 5,160 270 329 328 372 325 3,7(30 322 377 464 572 714 420 1 ,050 86 85 101 108 142 1,310 1,731 437 167 201 255 340 590 1,049 89 87 97 85 74 3,.')70 2,804 102 2.59 295 353 385 l,8(i0 1 ,855 ISO 338 395 423 448 970 1,190 171 147 148 186 181 2,310 1,949 11 72 74 95 101 8,870 11,8.56 1,211 2,039 2,847 3,945 4,928 7,090 4,1.53 344 028 691 789 909 2,930 8,146 ()27 ! 113 176 281 241 62,360 48,151 8,497 12,232 15,864 17,595 18,346 75,320 60,531 12,907 14,698 14,784 17,175 19,127 58,550 — — 2,850 050 92 ! 68 74 73 73 KeiKl.iI 1,490 132 125 110 127 172 see Filly close 1,550 1,385 323 148 173 161 172 200 962 89! 108 141 149 140 Lciccslpr 3,451 53 219 281 219 194 2,080 26,418 2,381 6,730 7,236 8,084 9,557 St. John S 160 Hi6 217 250 I9,6u0 22,1.51 1 ,4.34 (5 3.30 i 2,932 3, do. I’riory near 662 Newthoi'i) in 3997 Newton, Cambridge .... near 2122 do. R. Ely " 2099 do. & Ponsonby, C. » 69 do. N Northway, Tyth. in Ash do. in (,'lodock near 3077 7 *ttDo +1 Do. 6 1 Do. do. do. .AoioudI Total NiimhtT a PERSONS, Sutirrflele. V.luo i. 7,935 452 1,135 2,346 St. Wo olos 80 9,392 1,010 3,586 3,855 4,0.59 4,081 3,010 3,467 316 738 890 977 1,08-1 3,220 9,208 1,437 2,048 2,515 3,013 3,385 75,770 122,, 505 1 <1,894 20,056 20,971 23,107 21,888 2,870 2,603 809 (>63 711 852 914 470 — 5i 34 35 44 58 — — — — — 19 9,290 IO,.50H 708 1,558 I,.562 1,852 1,844 Earsiloli 4,9mi — 1,179 1,.532 1,805 l,7(i9 2,060 1,824 115 167 1.54 173 182 3,490 2, .564 171 ■191 403 511 546 — — 192 184 177 203 780 1,218 44 78 70 75 70 3,660 5,229 34(i 1,033 976 1,166 1,458 Bambo rougli 38 108 109 90 HO Piippl, 1,532 wick 143 142 174 159 850 317 28 46 65 83 (i3 910 828 126 111 104 146 161 2,880 4,718 138 283 311 368 431 2, HO 2,058 29 78 117 150 180 cluH'cll 2,851 Ashe. 162 164 1,85 188 Clodocli 1,210 l'.)7 215 208 257 253 ciTM/ County, Ilumlrvd, Division, City, 'Down, Parish, Hamlet, Tylhing, Sfc., in ENC LAN D, at each of the. Jour Periods, llJOl, IBll, 1B21, 1031 1 Acuwont Total Nnmhtv of 1* i.HSifNS, New — New 1 ^«l«• of 1 • ipaixlad at ttivli Ihr 4 1 III SUtatt 1 T< a ) t'tirlv /*trioo t. "oM-n*, Paristus, if • 85 5 c* izst r»x In POOH, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. — i'- ll so .... 91»0 (MO 082 285 108 23 100 16 109 18 130 17 f do. juxta Mullins . -2953 860 t3 By well, St Peters 33 137 101 105 111 do. Chilling. 1,430 1,376 09 75 101 200 98 178 117 247 141 5*1 do. • Einbleton . Embfetn do. with Shelford . Shel ford 221 418 366 553 588 ++do. in Calbourn 4 . Cal bourn 68 do. Lib. in Blithlield nr. 2932 Blith field — 263 269 do. Sitif'iilk 1,3-20 1,683 245 170 167 171 137 R .. tin 1,370 2,737 1,812 757 354 108 310 343 432 do. & Biggin Ham. in Clifton lilGO 181 209 210 239 do. w itliAl’intringham nr. 4126 5,740 5,018 180 2-29 290 326 347 do. P. C next 4191 1,440 1,270 66 151 137 119 148 do. in Pickering . 4147 Pickerng 854 40 151 108 212 211 do. in Slaidburn . 2,140 4,597 297 378 498 581 544 21T Do. Abbots C High M’eek 1502 2,140 3,481 525 777 823 907 1,109 & Bushf.ll ^ King’s Teign. 1501 4,110 4,033 555 856 1,001 1,131 l,-288 IF.* 14 4 tWoolboroughl503 970 2,903 791 1,6-23 1,627 1,859 2,194 do. Archdeacon- . . . in 611 910 1,373 24 72 71 64 50 do. Bauk- . . . * 572 2,280 1,270 1,150 3,306 1,700 158 68 88 102 139 125 do. -Bewlev ....... ...» 4460 . 77 84 86 92 do. -Bircham, see Bircham 901 88 70 74 75 95 do. -Blossomville, R. near 2527 1,050 1,400 193 221 211 243 237 do. -Bronishold, R. next 2597 1,740 701 130 101 101 115 122 dn. Buckland- near 3573 6,770 6,017 461 652 095 743 786 do. -Capp, in Auckland St. An. 1,350 2,-200 53 111 134 140 15G do. Cold- in Lowe sby 2,2-26 104 101 111 104 120 do. -Dixton 3110 Dixton — — 232 205 225 do. East 630 2,039 34 24 39 38 29 do. West 730 3,042 137 172 147 158 173 do. East & Laysthorpe, in Ston gr. 860 977 10 69 60 72 79 do. -Ferrers 3,090 4,414 529 5<;o 601 719 767 do. -Flotraan, R near 1999 1,000 Ash 1,574 413 336 344 390 382 do. -Grange Lib. . . . . . in 887 1,410 borne 9 15 38 41 do. -Hall By well, St. Peter 60 107 95 89 94 do. -Harcourt near 2643 880 1,716 298 186 214 298 279 do. Tot. Par. (15) S ‘‘'”8 31,010 978 19,462 20 572 5»> 1,40G 74 1,47-2 83 1,701 76 1,674 do. -Kyme & Toulston nr. 4004 1,050 2,336 69 149 163 185 221 do. Long- R 4458 4,380 6,067 2,032 256 295 253 338 313 do. -Longville, R. near 2518 1,640 459 486 486 473 do. Haiden- R. . . . 3591 1,540 Barton 3,005 261 428 438 520 538 do. -Morrel, 1,106 30 40 32 31 31 do. -Miilgrave ...» 1690 1,950 1,624 77 133 139 134 123 do. North with Hilcot nr.3366 810 2,427 184 221 219 288 317 do. South V 3389 3,840 2,900 714 541 516 579 565 do. Old with Dagwrth nr. 1913 2,310 3, -242 548 451 511 577 679 •do. Out- .. in 1709 670 887 41 35 59 69 63 do. -Park Mit 11 19 15 15 do. -Poppieford, C. 4 nr. 3768 Ayles beare 481 588 do. Potter- 2,310 6,097 161 509 571 664 863 do. -Purcell, des R. near 2700 1,330 840 46 93 116 143 131 do. -Regis, R, or in the Th.2808 1,610 2,051 202 302 317 410 383 do. 2,560 S 1,038 t 1,235 14 35 92 128 104 115 124 126 125 151 do. ohjre near 1541 4,060 1,386 202 519 622 689 791 do. -Solney, C l,-280 1,912 187 181 259 201 338 do. -Toney. R . . » 3347 2,770 2,188 179 286 282 282 268 do. -Tracey, R 760 330 22 86 80 84 111 do. -t-inderw'ood .. .. in 4540 Mit ford 46 78 97 75 85 do. -Valance, V. . 3454 1,810 1,816 258 221 • 237 280 289 do. w ater- 7 N, of 2167 740 1,888 88 108 88 138 108 do. n elsh- near 3058 2,070 1,043 24 170 140 220 224 do. West, R...6 N.E.ofnU 1,030 1,027 86 184 208 211 232 do. » in Kirk-Newton 4578 Kirk 1,1-25 5 60 68 95 86 do. » in Broomfield 4382 — 6,156 Broo mfield 223 309 322 do. 'Wold- \ ( border ^ nr. 1700 1,960 1,460 1 2,013 79 106 198 5 177 i 48 I 252 do. do.- R 2,060 2,330 1,865 1,5-24 112 137 99 207 87 244 125 222 158 218 do. M'olves- R do. Wood-C 1,860 1,608 357 288 289 313 315 do. -St. Cyres, V. . 3780 3,290 6,395 681 867 1,049 1,083 1,311 d'. -St. Faith 1993 640 Horsha m, St, Faith 318 394 do. -St, Loe R next 3596 1,070 3,243 143 371 384 431 477 New — Nor '•! ; Towns, Parish) n,lfc. ^i|| Newton, St. I’elrock, li. near 38!)0 do. -upon-Derwent 4071 do. • Trent, Well nr. 2272 do. -in-tlie-'I'liistles, If. 2S0H do. -le-\\ illows, () 4211 do. -on-the-iMoor in 4.5S7 do. -upon r Township 4117 Ouse , Heiiinehrough « I'.C.i Linton ...... . New town, in Irthington next 1206 do. Linford- .... near OH.'j do. C • 3^173 do in 4;)00 do 3029 Newydd-Bettws near 3120 Neyland, or Nayland, C. .... 1S77 Nibley North, C 37o Niehol-Forest, C in Kirk-A Nicholas, St., V 1491 do. at Wade.V •50G do' Castle-Hold in 1402 do. Sth. Elmhain nr. I960 do. & t\rtinetouTyth.*27l do. Harwich 1769 do. Beverley 40.59 Nickleby, in 1690 Nidd, w ith KillinghaJl next 591 Ninlield, V *734 Niton 1402 Nixons in 4437 No-Man’s Land />.' 3410 Nobottle-Grove Hundred (19) 2567 Nock, or Knockholt, C *312 Nocton, V near 2269 Noctorum, in Woodchurch » 1660 Noke, If next 2698 Nonnington, P. C *584 Nook, The in 4522 Norbreck, with Bispham .... 1668 Norbury, R..& Boston .. near 887 do. in Marbury 933 do. t: „ 932 do. C „ 2993 1 WesVim-Jones j Norcott, in St. Helen 3231 Nordley-Regis, in 296(i Nore, 'I he » *447 Norfolk t East Division 1962 County ( West do. 2015 , O’- 4190 Norham,.^ -Mains, t C Total of Par. (12) < Norland 515 Norley near 857 I Normaneross Hundred (26) .. 2105 Normanby, V. 1 1 N. by E. n/' 2269 do. ( n-the-Wolds, R. nr. » do. P . » 4146 t '1 liornton & Ris eborough do. do. in Stow near 2272 Normandy, -with Ash Normantdh, C near 756 do. w'ith Bottesford 2656 do. R next 2-242 do. upon-Soar, R. near 684 do. • - I'rent, V. » 2331 do. on-the-lVolds next 682 do. R . » 2318 do. Temple- C do. South R 872 do. -le-Heath, C. in Nailstone do. -Turville j 5 All Saints, V. near 467 ( Altofts & Syndale 484 Normicott, Lib in 2937 Norris, Hampstead- V 3287 do., Heaton- C 103.1 Nortb-Chapel *885 do. ‘ do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Church ,orBerkhamp- ? oiio stead, St. Mary Cray *319 Curry, 3707 Deighton, in Kirk near 4007 Forty-foot-Bank. . . . in 2191 near Pelham’s Land « » Barshani, R near 2078 Bradley, | SouVj; ”ick 3^ c-e §ciiff;;&c;-.;;: Cemey, R. (3) 3160 Elmham, V 2063 Amounl Snmhir <1/ i‘i:h.s(>n.s, Qf Pr.p..i,. .. >• r«r Main-. J at fat h of the 4 en Yiarly Ttriodn, I'bi !• 1116. POOH. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. vr\ 1,010 110 215 ‘237 ‘278 250 1,61(1 1,619 15(1 188 209 205 2-28 1,390 2,539 123 205 210 295 310 1,610 ^ ■ 2,0.-)l •202 302 317 410 383 1,660 2.493 26 216 266 250 •269 Sliilb ottle 57 162 2-28 211 2(i5 1,490 ^ 4,652 J 172 338 115 495 193 1,070 i 88 84 98 99 93 2,030 3,100 121 216 291 261 258 Irthin gton 168 188 2-22 215 3,990 1,820 328 377 40.5 519 419 570 605 185 2.59 237 268 269 Rotb bury a 28 42 56 55 Wem — — 72 78 1 ,-2!)0 1,470 Oil 20 08 88 81 108 2,134 671 881 933 1,019 1,017 3,410 5,471 1,044 1,212 1,290 1,.5.53 1,5(52 ndrews 3,131 183 C68 757 79.) 907 580 1,2-22 253 585 772 1,178 3,390 5,917 877 520 480 .590 7-26 410 1,615 157 248 233 281 317 450 see El mbam 93 97 91 101 Guild ford 305 383 489 .511 90 9,668 2,114 2,371 2,893 3,197 3,371 860 3,499 235 443 478 577 739 1,340 1,300 93 176 174 117 170 910 1,90.) 159 114 120 86 110 2,700 2,165 828 492 505 618 600 1,170 1,991 167 288 370 443 673 Bewc astle 179 216 224 220 Down ton — — 1.33 31,160 55,225 7,008 6,341 7,053 8,093 8,726 1,750 1,.566 166 2.57 355 407 471 5,310 5,946 378 287 311 376 445 310 360 17 14 13 28 1,260 1,497 107 150 153 108 187 3,680 1,586 720 502 560 730 832 Beilin gbani 49 81 126 113 99 1,490 3,177 Ho 254 297 323 313 2, 170 4^18 236 384 425 498 465 1,550 1,635 269 330 387 438 408 1,310 3,091 278 592 451 680 071 4,880 2,149 218 281 350 377 382 \ 5,270 5 1,982 ( 929 132 89 215 156 2-24 95 2-20 89 257 113 Abing don — 69 79 85 89 Alv ely — — — — 539,230 736,598 136,220 158,589 167,848 'l97,.561 226,516 753,070 810,015 139,639 111,782 124,150 140,807 163,508 2,250 4.444 282 728 781 901 819 950 2,783 101 88 66 122 119 18,810 30,512 1,644 3,381 3, .521 3,906 3,744 1,110 2,883 192 1,181 1,316 1 1,618 1,170 1,542 150 3:6 391 434 502 52,070 66,108 6,341 6,802 7,427 8,020 8,828 1,120 1,782 93 235 i90 32'S 430 1.980 Claxby 87 77 6(i 96 122 2,020 1 ,725 117 148 118 191 219 310 911 27 33 31 32 39 1,610 1,560 126 99 110 122 138 570 Stow 20 21 21 17 see Ash — 1,660 2,308 240 214 230 294 29-.5 5,010 7,825 415 801 891 1,070 1,320 1,510 2,295 124 160 1.51 189 204 1,500 2,196 157 265 308 326 .36.5 1,110 1,875 127 102 288 297 3i9 Piumptr 1,195 51 102 110 191 185 2,150 73() 49 57 21 20 .33 Cbesterfi 862 44 141 151 111 146 1,730 2,910 138 719 818 1,056 1,154 1,320 2,273 122 200 202 215 216; Thurl 1,751 aston 41 — 19 55 1,160 2.677 170 276 269 2.50 283 2,950 4,102 317 161 519 5-23 61(1 Stone — 878 ‘ 6,280 5,807 1,235 855 875 1,111 1.179 2,180 12,(55 889 3,768 5,232 6,958 11,238 3,600 2,064 687 621 631 719 815 3,890 4,938 1,079 735 864 1,028 1,156 1,160 2,919 389 192 235 215 3:2 6,020 10,516 1,055 567 651 1,615 1,833 1,180 1,791 58 163 158 141 131 2,830 > Drai ned t 123 60 136 2)1 740 S F en } — 27 20 710 1.-299 194 44 64 66 84 1 3,020 S 3,127 ( 3,399 1,066 922 1,013 1,053 1,025 1,131 1,116 1,296 1,562 1,452 3 270 6,532 532 639 665 783 717 3.090 965 51 235 277 308 253 4,000 4.0.'4 247 565 530 5(.2 622 ; 5,000 4,101 694 836 896 1,016 1,155 15G Superjicies iti Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended Jor Alaintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Nor — Nor tla Towns, Parishes, (fc, ^ s | Nortli-llales, or Covehithe nr. 1758 do. -Hill, K. ^ - 3!)2!) do. -Holme, iiiCaiidleshoc Marsli do, do iu -1143 do. Meol8, R K)(i7 do. Mimins, V., /icr/s. near *113 do. ^loultoIl, V 3873 do. -Ormsl>y, Lodboro. near 2275 Do. -Petlierton, r«. t 2§. . . . 370!) do. -Petherwiii, V 3011 do. -Repps, R near 17-15 do, -Shields, C. + 2 § 24 do. -Stoke, Ox'oH. nr. 3239 or 2073 do. do *904 do. -Stonehani. R 1-145 t DO. -Walsham, V'., Th. * t § 1981 do. -Waltham, R near 3434 do. -Weald 1 V. near 1804 Rassett ^ Hasliugwood & T. do. -U’ootton, next 3550 Northall, Ham in 2502 1 V 11' t 409 +t Northallerton J Pa.(5)4181 Northam, V 1530 tt f Northampton, (4) * t 2.500 , t' t S South 2529-85 do. County ^ 2580-033 Northaw, D near 2390 Northborough, R ' 2200 Northbourue, V *015 Noithcott, Ham. in Boy ton nr. 3925 Northen, or S EtciieVir .’!!!!! Northendeu ^ do. in Stockport « Northfield,R 2877 Northtleet, V *425 Northiam,R *095 Northill, S with Irkwell ( q, ,, C. \ Tot. Par. (0) i North ington, C, in 3445 f Northleach, V., IP. t 4 § 3142 North lew, R 3907 Northnioor, P. C near 2738 Northolt, *126 Northorpe, V near 2291 do., Obthorpe, & Thurlby 22»9 Northover, V near 1294 Northsceugh&Moorthwaite, in4144 Northstow Hundred (11) near 2120 Northumber- S South 24, 4491-537 land County ^ North 4538 North way & Newton .... near 3144 Northwich, C'., F. t 3^ 852 do. Castle, « do. Hundred (8) 839 Northwick, C.t w. Redwick in 3194 North wold, R. § 2020 Northw'ood, in 3029 do. C. includes West Cowes 1405 Norton, V. Dtrfty 882 do. V. Durham 44.59 do. P. C., Glouc near 3165 do. Hereford in 3095 do. V., Herts near 2391 do. R., Kent *487 do. -juxta- 1 R. . near 804 Twycross, ^ Bilstone « do. V. with Muscot &c. nr. 2555 do. in Cockney, near 2338 do. in Hales, » 3024 do. R., Suffolk 190s do. P.C., by Kenipsey near 2831 do. V., withW ick.Leuch »2818 de. in Campsall 3982 do. in Runcorn 9.s5 I 1 P.C. by Malton. .. . 4100 ■ < Sutton & Welliam « do. C., by Bredon near 2803 do. -Bavant, V. ..... . « 3379 do. -Bishop, j " 22J7 do. -Brize 2720 j Canes, or un- J C. 2913 ■ der Cannock ( Lit. Wyrly. do. -Canon, V near 3070 do. CH.rr.NG-5^y^[»"-t^|”« do Hook- \ •, V • • • do. Cold, in Chebsey near 2940 do. do., V, ..; » 1799 do. -Coleparle, V » ,3345 do. -Conyers, C in 4172 do. -Disney, V. ... next 2252 Stiporflcie* Slnlulo 1 ,900 7,540 30 010 8.1.50 4.910 15,330 1,140 11,080 7,920 2,080 Tjneriioutli 1,090 800 5,<)00 4,010 1,970 3,310 1,400 530 990 3,000 13,100 2,740 1,.520 313,140 333,070 3.180 710 3,490 600 1.270 2,640 1,480 5,880 3.980 4.100 4,210 1,580 80 5.050 1.910 2,230 2.390 5,070 229 Cumwhittoo 20,000 620,340 599,030 Ashe 200 100 09,400 1.390 5.200 W ein 4.270 4.030 4,890 1.980 2.190 1,780 840 2,340 .570 3.200 (,'uck 1,910 2,340 2,095 2,420 2.030 2.180 1,240 1.270 1.100 2,370 3.050 1.190 3,1-10 ^ 4470 2,300 3,430 1 .3.50 Annual Valuf of Property, fi Htaraacil t< tlin Projirrty Tbk in 1815. — £ — 808 5,102 80 757 7,219 8,599 8,.528 820 19,273 2,917 2,020 11,086 1,250 1,173 3,450 0,253 1,772 933 1,885 834 3730 » 1 ,090 1 ,570 1,0.50 920 1,960 Eddies 8,552 20,139 0,039 21,731 477,792 404,350 3.9.50 1,863 3,918 313 4.020 I 0421 8,993 0,821 3,149 4,117 1,895 543 2,400 3.011 3,073 1.. 545 5.251 1.252 1,3.57 22,737 723,865 600,280 2,851 1,952 991 135,670 2,421 5,842 11,275 6,517 7.012 2,847 3,049 1,908 1,304 2,580 1,095 5,045 ney 2,089 2,778 2,713 3.980 2.1.50 3,589 I 6239 1,813 2.012 2,507 942 3,773 5,087 1,789 3,!)34 3,380 6,345 1.. 543 2,101 1 ,080 1,130 2,447 Amount exj’rnitrd for Main of I ho POOH, — £ 70 470 84 81 708 748 808 198 2,025 300 394 2,353 193 81 697 1,929 479 ^524 13 boro’ 1,241 2, 198 952 3,754 74,024 00,902 334 111 937 8 133 t 300 } 191 865 931 1,425 585 244 212 287 875 533 47 443 58 57 2,824 28,256 44,019 hurch 529 75 13,353 98 662 Total Number of PtC/tSONS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods. 1801. I 1811. ' 1821. I 1831. 830 899 562 106 273 194 237 155 88 527 196 113 740 207 22^1 312 100 487 133 310 145 35 387 104 251 1,184 450 1,938 19 158 100 55 102 180 782 50 10 2,096 838 1,.541 79 2,316 072 424 7,280 106 48 075 1,959 338 340 280 67 331 2,138 3,033 2,054 7,020 09,505 02,252 440 192 583 71 538 I 1 209 1,313 1,910 997 715 172 004 638 334 150 105 508 56 202 2,519 102,9-19 65,128 102 1,338 385 23,455 137 767 2,771 1,440 905 303 558 248 88 283 116 302 209 .533 337 30(i 479 220 015 220 204 224 95 4.53 547 282 1,812 388 1,032 62 223 94 50 184 109 893 89 17 2,490 1,001 1 ,520 88 2,015 828 439 7,099 147 02 0(i2 2,035 330 344 312 60 362 2,234 3,727 2,197 8,427 74,586 00,707 405 222 674 05 008 1,276 1,408 2,031 1,114 870 176 047 081 351 392 102 551 73 308 2,853 114,568 69,437 164 1,382 422 20,541 180 789 3,325 1,527 1,053 350 533 204 105 289 145 3<)7 289 250 505 405 339 558 221 < 710 t 139 214 253 2.->4 0 !) 475 t 103 I 350 302 1,975 350 1,129 48 226 89 02 235 109 1,089 1.55 21 2,703 1,007 1,847 111 3,091 955 529 8,205 203 03 750 2,303 373 ^ 827 64 482 2,026 4,431 2,550 10,844 87,345 75,138 506 232 757 83 030 1,.525 1,507 1,904 1 ,358 t 391 t 1,001 277 773 868 366 455 127 622 121 259 3,457 136,522 76,067 185 1,490 575 31,204 257 981 181 3,579 1,097 1,180 349 574 313 98 326 170 474 391 211 091 517 386 008 294 1,017 01 199 208 303 110 528 t 609 ’ 317 2,200 374 ^ 1072 ( 279 44 220 110 87 214 182 1,155 104 21 5,132 1,008 1,937 128 3,.560 1,044 605 6,744 199 86 700 2,615 458 887 78 553 3,004 5,118 2,727 15,351 97,411 83,935 COO 227 869 105 678 5 742 } 701 1,870 2,U4- 1,448 423 1,106 291 795 980 360 447 128 632 138 255 4,106 156,708 80,251 188 1,481 692 38,149 285 1,094 233 4,491 1,747 1,480 423 554 304 111 301 130 541 324 311 802 51.0 397 043 300 I 1,425 199 279 314 112 027 678 338 2,202 375 I 1,.500 37 210 1 13 73 210 Nor — Oak i| S a Towns, Parishes, If c. Norton, East C near 2^ do. -Falgate, Lib *41 do. -Perris, Hundred (10) 36.50 do. -Fitzwarren, R 3731 do. Greens- ^ S' ‘ ( Hundrd(ll)2543 do. -Hawfield, Ville see Malre do. King’s ° Hllston & Stretton do. do. Worcester 2870 do. -Lindsey, C near 2754 do. Mai reward, R.& H.» 3600 do. -Mandeville, C « 1810 do. Rlidsummer- 3614 do. Pudding- R near 2070 do. -St. Phillip, V.t 3601 do. -Subcourse, C. near 1963 do. W ood- 2068 do. -le-Clay, in 4171 do. -on-the- t C lOO Moors, ^ Bermersley « do. under-Hambdon. R. 3695 C V near 2330 Norwell < -W’oodhouse, Ham. « • V Carlton-upon-Trent » f ttXorlUirf) (.52) IF. A.*t 3^ 1991 Norwood Precinct *94 do. -Barningham, see Barniii do. with Clifton, 4009 Nosley,Ex. Pa near 2642 Nostal & Hurstwick, in W. nr. 407 Notgrove, R // 3142 Notley, Black R « 1843 do. White V // » tt H Nottingham, (4) TF. N. *+ 041 Nijs. 642-3, 003-6, 071-2, & 070 do Coiintv \ West 656 "“y ( S. East 642 & 2324 do. -Fee & Upton, in Blewberry Notion, near 434 Novel’s, S«anton-R near 2075 Nowton, V 1895 Nuffield, R » 2674 Nun-Burn SR 4073 holme ? Tliorpe-in-lhe-Street Nun-Monklon, C. near 40.50 Nundy, ? Undv » * do. ill Croxliull « 751 Oakniere, in l)e-la-mere • JJtKil Oukover, 1) » *J5l Oaksey, K « 3541 Oakthorpe 5c Doaisthorpe in Chur Oare *4S4 do. U. (see Ore) near 1535 Oazby & Aisby, in Haydor, which Obleigh, or lOiley, It near 3607 Obley kk Clunbury,— see Clunbury Oboine, V near 3556 Obthorpe, see Thurlby Oby, K., with Ashby near 1750 Occaney, with Walkingham Hill Occlestone in 841 Occold, K near 1918 Ock Hundred, (15) 3232 Ockbrook, C 765 Ockenden, North, K near 1785 do. South, K,. ..... « n Ockham, U *252 Ockley, R *213 Ode, or Ogle in 4536 do. -Pritchard, V near 3092 Odcombe, R 3697 Odd -Rode 807 Oddingley, R *. . ne..r 2871 Oddington, R 3135 do. R near 2698 Odell, R.§ 2450 Odestone, in Shackerstone » 2811 TOniHAM, ^ Y"’ ’ i Lyss-1 uruey .... 3431 Odsey, Hundred (16) 2387 Odstock, R next 3400 OdstoneTy thing .... 7 IP. o/ 3252 OfTchurcb.V near 2778 Offcoat& IJndervvood 887 Oft'enham, C next 2818 Offerton, 930 do. Ham in 907-10 do. in Hougbton-le-Spring Oflliam,R *379 do. & South Stoke *916 Offley, Great V , . . . near 2422 do. High 2946 do. Bishop’s, or Offlow « 2940 Offlow Hundred t North 2921 Stafford \ South 73-88, 2911 Offord-Cluney, R near 2144 do. -Darcey, R » » Offton, R 1943 Offwell, R 3767 OgbournSt. Andrew, V... » 3305 do. St. George, V. » • » Ogle, or Ode in 4536 Ogly-Hay, Ex. Pa., in Srii. Offlow Ogwell, East, R. (VVonford) nr. 1503 do.. West, R. do. « k Okeford, Child- R. (see Oak ) 35 17 do. -Fitzpaine, R 3548 (Have, St. Mary Gate (3) 4039 Old, or Wold near 2586 do. -Basing, C 3435 . do. -Buckenham, C 2019 do. -Bvland, D near 4135 do. -Castle, C H IS. of 157 do. do near 2953 do. -Cleeve, V 1539 do. -Felton & Acton, in 4550 do. -Hutton & Holmscales, C. in do. -Newton, V. wth Dag. nr. 1813 do. -Park, in Auckland St. Andr. 11 do. -Sarum in 3394 do. -Sleaford V 2235 do. -Sodbury, V 3201 do. -Stratford, see Stratford 2757 ^ . f R 95 do. -Swinford? t Stourbridge 97 t Amblecoats 9fi do. -W’arden near 2447 do. -Weston, C » 2161 do. beirovVjR , 2767 do. bury upon-Sevem, C. in 3215 do. -on-the-Hill, R 3209 do. R.2§ near 2968 do. Ham. in Mancetter • 804 Oldcott in 104 900 3,()!H) 800 1,070 2,810 see 2,800 810 1,190 ch Gres 770 4,540 see 1,630 720 1.1.50 330 760 1,430 28,250 1,730 2,760 2.050 2,310 4,150 M hal 1,520 940 3,300 1,060 1,660 1,410 2.980 1,420 7,550 3,380 32,430 1,220 Ash 2,200 Astibriie. 1,000 . 730 Ho 950 670 1,240 5,160 3, .520 Adba 75,080 95,610 960 1,920 1,530 1,200 5,350 2,790 Whal 1,070 730 1,020 2,100 1,860 2,120 1,650 4,970 5,230 3,120 900 30 4,340 Fel Kendal 420 1.1.50 3.980 6,861 ^ 2,680 570 3,330 1,750 1,320 Thorn 1,870 1,140 Mance B'olst r Amount Total. Mumher of PEH.SONS, 1 Valu« of rro|i«rly, i at each of the 4 Tvn Yearly Teriotts. POOH, ’ IWN.'JD 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,428 316 2!)8 324 403 365 4,385 1,145 769 86(i 990 1,118 1,712 109 15'd 201 262 2^14 647 104 113 113 121 128 1,800 391 189 1.57 183 201 t>oxl all 27 — 31 29 see De-la mere — 90 1-10 1,029 40 42 60 69 62 2,992 ley 208 363 372 385 494 142 281 666 732 757 665 109 182 196 197 176 Culbt ne ‘58 64 57 66 73 1,739 101 316 342 393 340 897 67 132 114 123 83 — — 12 — 2,104 129 47 52 72 82 331 M'alk inghain 17 24 25 1,368 97 85 86 94 93 2,093 481 397 433 461 518 49,312 5,561 5,545 5,734 6,241 6,599 3,237 194 827 934 1,203 1,634 2,947 282 243 289 325 294 5,711 381 466 571 777 816 2,581 506 473 491 5G5 590 2,812 645 592 572 642 710 ton 12 122 140 148 137 1,500 117 187 185 224 236 2,916 249 428 477 540 616 5,970 823 917 1,003 1,143 1,300 1,112 66 110 155 168 157 2,883 453 421 412 450 539 2,176 211 158 160 166 176 1,861 412 361 368 439 475 1,855 148 181 171 216 165 8,777 1,709 1,058 1,104 2,423 2,643 , 2,586 740 467 392 560 663 1 33,136 4,706 5,232 5,743 6,771 7,143 1 1,246 24 118 115 133 148 bury — — 31 33 4,878 339 267 319 337 350 5,821 210 220 257 341 328 2,614 108 264 298 342 360 1,521 97 351 493 401 431 pe 10 30 38 40 22 1,321 64 77 175 198 198 940 303 251 243 274 262 818 140 106 99 115 101 5,856 611 602 754 873 967 3,079 359 523 ( 548 ( 38 569 40 759 68 ston 196 210 205 123,397 10,067 15,068 18,432 20,531 20,900 174,367 21,818 47,745 59,928 71,662 92,121 1,617 233 170 249 237 232 1,971 341 156 232 214 277 1,.560 267 264 283 328 399 2,531 117 302 312 379 385 3, .570 483 434 351 415 489 3,622 293 406 400 493 548 ton 12 122 140 148 137 — — — 8 23 24 2,001 199 256 260 295 318 758 109 53 52 42 50 2,765 426 498 620 694 612 4,199 346 476 470 499 620 6,263 432 846 870 992 1,052 3,288 490 369 374 450 458 5,642 1,385 819 921 1,073 1,105 9,738 8 805 1,024 1,134 1,201 1,147 84 118 126 133 163 687 64 83 65 67 62 864 98 205 95 93 98 6,381 748 1,040 1,074 1,251 1,347 ton 113 81 91 1 01 3,244 326 368 376 424 429 580 30 29 14 30 67 1,3.52 60 126 176 215 .272 6,796 329 687 252 803 729 17,082 1,827 2,932 3,903 4,229 5,171 5 5,514 1,590 3,766 4,380 4,980 6,490 (5,974 1,305 3,431 4,071 5,090 6,148 3,183 371 1,002 — 1,157 1,236 4,943 619 455 492 670 660 1,487 442 268 369 379 356 1,464 101 113 120 102 65 )ury — 453 481 528 2,329 195 239 317 371 411 1,539 Bridge- 107 105 110 126 tr 642 *’’**31 46 63 79 80 ' in ton — 541 654 822 Old — ()s8 Towns, Parishes, IfC. Oldfield, with Heswall n i'C j i Ol.DIIAM-(!Um t C. (Tot. Prestwich i Oldton, or Oulton, .... see Oi Olerset in Ollertou * do do. C., F. 2 § Ombersley, v’. (9) Onipton in Kneesal ....near One-House, R « Onecote, C 961 9 1)0., CmpfiNG- R., S. i 2^ 1811 do. Hundred (26) 1807 Oneely, or Ounely in Onston u 3547 It 1307 375 3384 Orlestone, Orchard, East » do. West C « do. -Portman, R a Orchardleigh,R // Orcheston St. George, R. « do. St. Mary, R. » Orcop, C next 3061 Ordsall, R 2342 Ore, R. (see Oare) *726 GOrford, C. il/. 1760 Orgarswick, R *679 Orgreave in 2923 do // 137 R *668 _ Romney Marsh « Or!eton,V. & 3104 do. C., in Eastbam 2851 Orlingbury, R near 2593 do. Hundred (15) 2586 (Total of Parish (5) » do. St. Margaret, V. w th Scrat do. St. Michael, V 1749 do. North V near 2275 do. Sth.,C.,withKetsby » 2263 Ormside, R » 4255 11 URMSKIRK j yf. Orpington, V *313 Oirell in 1012 do. & Ford, in Sephtoh near 1323 Orsett, R 1792 Orston.V near 641 R .* Baldwin Holme do in 93 do. V., IF. 2 § 4262 do. C in 258? do. Cole-, R .... 742 do. -on-the-Hill, V. ..near 804 do. -Longville, R » 2630 do. Waterville, R • « Orwell, R " 2132 Osbaldestou 1104 OsbaldwickJV.^— 4105 Or on • 4421 Osbaston, inCadeby .... next 2811 Osbournby, V 2214 Osgarthorpe, \ near 742 Osgodby, with Kirkby ...." 2210 do in 4026 do Osgoldcross Wapentake Orleston ik Thurvas'ton Osmaston ( Appletree, Lower (5) Upper (15) near C. in ^ Repton& Gresly 4158 3976 3982 in 887 7.56 Osmington, V near 1472 do. I V ( Tot. Par. (4) 4182 487 near 2331 AaookI Ani««at Total ISsumber of PICUSOSSt V«lu« uf • ■p«nd«4) at cacti of the -1 » 8U(ul« Ptuperij, • A(mmv 4 to Ttn Yearly Herlodt, l ax to Ibis POOR, iriB— w. 1801. 1811. 1821. i 1831. 1,230 1,192 60 169 323 233 1 298 4,()40 31,423 3,788 12,621 16,690 2I,(Ki2 1 32,381 21,160 78,045 8,483 33,065 11 342 52,510 67,579 1,350 1,205 1.58 118 ! 137 159 1.50 Bittor 4,520 1,213 3,103 3,641 4,297 5,233 Botha 1,317 35 59 52 79 66 Glo i sop 293 304 Stokf -upon Tern — — 133 175 1,199 1,.541 128 244 229 246 283 Edwloilof 1,788 249 439 462 576 658 3,140 5 5,880 ( 1,009 1,598 93 ^ 2,075 2,268 2,339 S 2,344 ( 74 3,990 4,752 641 899 5 567 ( 526 681 670 794 729 6,740 11,002 1,325 1,696 1,836 1,814 2,118 580 500 51 69 75 106 120 1,300 1,086 132 180 356 189 .169 Leek 3,330 362 615 464 585 456 3,700 5,032 636 597 595 645 637 4,130 7,148 1,046 741 859 1,126 1,205 480 2,321 345 595 678 768 798 58,060 92,053 9,819 10,282 11,211 13,340 14,715 2,220 1,991 227 359 415 445 438 Made ly — — — 186 370 518 36 57 60 71 92 610 1,771 107 339 459 497 838 3,410 2,347 311 183 196 282 287 860 988 104 166 144 193 201 700 1,208 188 120 131 173 183 630 779 55 131 100 too 112 930 1,128 44 32 32 27 27 2,160 937 76 160 141 177 219 2,150 1,018 50 133 106 110 134 2,460 1,386 132 356 407 491 560 1,930 3,666 301 560 599 632 809 2,160 2,222 528 243 331 516 965 2,740 3,906 471 751 737 1,119 1,302 620 1,020 7 — 7 10 8 Alrewas 761 59 104 149 87 123 510 Tin ley 45 42 47 35 1,140 430 CO 408 209 220 s 262 ( 191 225 167 2,800 2,650 284 507 503 574 586 550 721 18 89 111 1.35 119 1,990' 2,952 303 268 301 343 336 29,600 47,499 5,704 4,164 4,341 5,192 5,694 2,550 5,320 91 357 399 349 403 7, .500 9,900 382 771 834 785 901 2,000 ^4,100 5 325 445 592 687 720 1,220 ( 63 219 242 261 273 1,440 820 198 79 88 HI 128 2.270 3,879 420 238 251 261 237 2,430 1,9!)9 99 171 195 202 190 600 7,615 357 2,554 3,064 3,838 4,251 31,150 52,445 2,087 8,251 10,299 12,422 14,051 3,060 4,837 835 693 727 754 842 1,840 10,872 5591 1,883 2,002 2,106 2,518 470 1,281 47 i — 146 2!7 244 4,200 6,180 922 j 511 936 1,130 1,274 1,940 2,390 208 351 356 391 439 4,630 51,584 64 205 217 234 235 ( 1,486 70 173 205 20S 216 Worn bourne 147 170 176 24,430 8,963 657* 1,230 1,333 1,-525 1,.501 S40 1,-584 201 83 60 91 109 1,750 4,856 614 1,069 910 883 848 2,290 2,706 295 303 279 370 350 2,400 4,038 189 197 213 213 286 1,310 2,145 198 270 318 282 286 1,850 1,050 288 375 422 475 537 980 1,570 134 252 278 319 349 680 1,488 100 123 135 176 163 1,060 2,928 128 110 128 134 156 1,230 2,048 130 152 179 176 186 1,260 2,186 225 343 361 428 522 1,220 1,715 106 318 312 352 344 1,710 1,318 70 123 168 214 350 1,540 1,736 180 146 158 185 170 1,290 Cayton 50 — 70 72 65 58,240 59,817 6,648 8,412 9,303 10,841 12,683 49,510 78,129 8,527 13,921 16,866 19,437 20,498 Sutton 2,087 234 263 291 440 392 960 1,752 172 225 253 296 289 930 2,287 82 114 112 159 173 1,880 2,193 158 257 237 318 421 1,580 1,240 235 335 285 319 380 1,070 1,327 622 314 413 468 617 1,140 1,701 244 218 237 264 293 3,780 1,803 192 534 578 755 1,087 7,740 6,840 563 854 926 1,087 1,417 2,9.S0 3,462 870 645 658 912 1,087 3,080 5,581 1 ,161 3,424 4,083 4,755 5,325 2,420 2,606 160 217 255 301 257 158 Superjicics in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Properly ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in Oss — Ove Towns, Parishes, Ifc. fa I Uhsulslone y pinsi,„ry r*)) 25-S3 . i’.. i Holborn (11) 71-73 4134 . . in KWr) 4476 ‘2H31 2803 2HK) 1123 l-fiO -33 ,4 n-i,- ■ ■ i Holborn (ll) 71-73 Oswiild-Kirk, C. t do. Quarter Oswald, St., V., Chester, (8) do., V., Durham . . HundrtT \ ' Hundred ^ p,, . Oswaldtwistle „ „ 1 V., H'. t 3040 H Oswestry .1... 3041 do. Hundred (13). .. . 3030 Osyth, St, C. & 18.55 Otford, C, *^330 Othani,R *402 Otbery,V 3074 Otley, R near 1941 JV..F. t3§ 503 ri'olalof Parish (13) ,502 Otterbourne, C. with Boyat nr. 3503 Otterburn, in Mallam-Dale « 480 do. Ward in 4551 Otterden, R *423 Otterford, C. § near 1309 Otterham,R 3927 Otterhanipton, R near 3714 r»n«. ■ t 1 North, V. next 409 Otterington ^ xhornton-le-Beans » do. South, R 4170 Otterton, V. 2 § 1481 Ottery St. Mary, V., T«. t 3 § 3708 do. Up-V 3703 do. Venn near 1481 Otton, Relchamp- near 1853 Ottringham, C « 1711 Oughterby in 4428 Oulpen, or Owlpen .... near 302 Oulston in 4100 Oulton “ 4123 do. V. Norfolk near 1987 do. R. Sujf ’ulk « 17.50 do. with M'oodlesford in 482 do. Low « 2955 H OUNDLE, 5 Is’hfon^ Him.’;: \ Ouram, or Owram, North .... 509 do. do.. South .... 608 Ousby, R near 4399 Ousden, or Owsden, R « 1808 Ouseburn, Great V 4010 j T - 4.1 ^ V. near « do. Little > par.(4) » Ousefleet in 3981 Ouston, P. C. wth Newbald nr.2G48 do. in Chester-le-Street . . 47 do in 4527 do. or Ow'ston (3) . . near 3982 Oustwick, or Owstwick next 4079 Out-Newton, V in 1709 Outchester » 4.509 Outerside & Allerby » ,4381 Outseats Ham « 982 Outthorpe,or Owsthorpe near 055 Outton, or Oulton, with Wood lesfd o.„,.u,R, T Ouze & Derwent VVapent. (14) 4020 Ovenden 511 Over, Cambridge 21 39 5 V., IP. 2 § 29.55 t Low Oulton iSc Wettenliall do. Ty thing in 3223 do. blows, Kirkby-(O) near 497 do. bury, 2804 do. church, C., orUpton nt. 1001 do. -Darwen 1093 do. -Dinsdale in Sockbrnnr. 4454 do. -H addon in 895 do. H igham,& Linton .... 3173 do. -Kellet, C in 1071 do. -Lye » 3100 do. -Norton 2739 do. -Silton, — seeSilton .... 3.553 do. -Stavely in 4288-90 do. -Stowey,V 3715 do. -Wallop n» ar 3193 do. -Worton » 2713 do. -Wyersdale 4231 Overs Hundred (0) near 2977 flversley Ham., in Arrow » 2702 Overstone, C » 2.583 Amount Total Number of PERSONS, Superfloiee at each o/ the 4 In Slelule Prupnrtr, aii^Mad (rt enaitre uf 7 en Yearly Periods, Acrei. !)• Properly i'ftx lo ISIS. POOK. ISJS— '29. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1 1831. 8,988 ,120,024 148,578 189,293 237,487 291,650 359,864 11,934 413,493 59,!)33 73,268 92,538 119,8021 151,409 7,808 1/^34.071 ino,sy*2 175,820 219,299 276,630 546,255 19,220 289,594 32,839 40, <112 54,052 70,808 87,961 2,310 1,300 183 193 210 212 209 Amplcfotlh 075 183 193 139 176 191 5,280 10,.507 567 651 693 817 832 2,090 4,013 150 362 405 460 395 80,700 127,830 10,718 18,521 21,746 25,641 30,115 58,640 88,004 6,881 9,972 10,696 11,894 12,499 20,090 30,386 3,133 4,693 4,987 5,555 5,824 4,770 7,798 1,372 2,710 3,512 4,960 6,897 10,518 962 2,672 3,479 3,910 4,478 17,609 858 3,167 3,254 3,613 4,103 62,580 85,858 4,149 13,782 15,385 17,189 19,025 8,430 10,539 1,613 1,168 1,159 1,414 l,i583 2,200 3,175 533 497 564 630 740 1,000 2,382 429 277 307 337 344 3,120 3,270 216 38-1 433 509 581 1,.300 3,697 590 415 507 629 616 2,310 4,805 577 2,332 2,602 3,065 3,161 23,000 28,816 2,040 6,836 8,023 9,358 10,613 2,.520 2,188 520 440 454 565 583 950 862 16 26 47 40 60 Els don 166 364 397 388 385 1,480 1,303 223 143 164 172 181 2,740 1,268 232 239 286 366 406 3,300 1,180 33 141 176 212 227 1,880 1,983 207 176 209 221 240 1,270 1,107 29 42 49 44 61 2,100 5,155 250 450 462 641 556 1,780 1,994 68 144 155 2ul 241 2,000 6,080 483 920 966 1,071 1,178 9,470 17,682 1,778 2,415 2,880 3,522 3,849 7,820 0,095 5116 795 820 886 940 •ilO 820 66 127 108 120 133 1,600 2,187 623 261 259 352 397 4,320 8,231 587 622 522 637 627 Kirk Bampt on 117 107 105 118 720 745 114 188 181 232 255 1,100 1 ,480 62 212 228 225 215 Wigton 2,096 111 294 321 336 379 1,900 1,015 7'3l 351 345 382 380 1,080 2,020 181 .522 475 471 588 950 — 432 1,223 1,267 1,520 1,490 900 1,100 81 52 62 60 55 - ^ I 7,468 1,662 1,95() 1,833 2,150 2,308 1 1,857 192 112 119 129 142 3,400 9,427 686 4,887 5,306 6,841 10,184 2,280 8,853 828 3,148 3,615 4,256 5,751 5,090 2,424 51 253 249 276 291 1,490 1,348 224 274 289 331 328 840 2,130 171 415 395 437 534 820 1,338 111 182 260 293 287 4,080 5,025 287 362 467 658 511 1,090 2,025 120 207 223 253 243 2,400 3,847 181 176 216 212 197 1,700 Urpeth 104 48 Urpeth 304 273 Stamfu rdham 9 37 24 32 19 2,500 2,807 246 355 412 452 473 1 ,200 l,t)35 88 109 106 139 125 070 887 41 35 59 69 63 Bambo rough 35 152 113 109 111 Aspntria 2,259 142 269 249 347 381 Hatberexge 372 59 - IsO 193 177 2,12 see Owsth oroe — — — see Oulton — — — _ — — 430 1.170 168 228 29!) 398 338 2,750 3,324 442 414 573 556 048 52,710 58,855 4,302 6,204 7,014 7,909 9,100 5jl70 7,074 896 4,513 4,7.52 6,360 8,871 3,700 4,139 807 689 699 802 989 1,239 1,.542 1,060 881 1,790 2,157 2 ,r,oi 2,090 3,179 260 280 330 357 323 2,890 1,521 73 177 — 133 99 5 1,997 141 425 306 395 447 ^6,221 342 (i78 681 764 817 700 1,250 43 163 183 191 5,010 6,029 2,107 3,589 4,111 0,711 6,972 810 1,051 40 51 70 66 58 Bakntrell 4,992 76 204 238 206 242 2,100 3,532 170 202 288 252 327 3,100 3,975 368 411 464 531 446 Aynie stry 68 — — — 1,350 3,380 4.50 388 .3.56 374 375 3,400 1,895 103 241 261 264 263 KeiiiUI 1,307 163 321 230 312 412 3,500 125 146 468 461 587 592 6,927 3,4!)7 455 435 465 499 478 980 3,000 30 53 54 56 56 10,990 5,195 566 ()6I 802 774 872 19,110 16,221 1,.599 2,381 2,627 2,.573 2,7(i7 1 ,000 2,537 81 143 188 211 179 1,940 3,322 195 173 190 192 203 do. do. do. do. do. do. \ Ove — Pal fa s t-* • Towns, Parishes, Ifc, i\\\ Overstrand, R next 1745 Overton in 2953 C 4326 in 1255 Cold- R near 2313 Market- R 2322 Moor, with Batchcot& Wo V.— ( see Orton ) + 4 § 3407 West-V 3307 Alton Priors with Stowell fV 4110 do. ? Shipton » ■ C part of Skelton .... «' Overy, Burnham- 2083 do. Burton- R near 2043 Oviatt-Shochlach » 2953 Oving, R., Hacks « 2499 do., V., Sussex *968 Ovingdean.R *822 , TotalV'ar! (’l7) I Ovingtou, R near 1847 do « 2048 do in 4505 do. R next 3457 AtDOQBl expended for M Ovingham, . // 4247 near 3579 . // 2276 362 do. in Forcett Ower-Moigne, K. ^ Owersby,V.)^-‘h Owlpen, or Oldpen Owmby, R. (Aslacoe) 10 A'. (/2260 do. with Searby near 2287 Owlesbury, C 3506 Owsthorpe, or Outthorpe near 655 do' in 4073 Owston, I \pggf Butterwickbr Keif S V near 3982 ?Skellow ., Owstwick, in Garton ... .next 4079 Oxborough,R. § near Oxcliffe, with Heaton in 1255 » Oxconib, R next Oxendon, Great R » do.. Little » Oxenhall, V « do., or Oxneyfield in Oxenton, P. C near tt ©iforb, (13) IF. A. * t 3 § do. St. Clements, D do. County Oxhill,R near Oxnead, R » Oxney, C Oxspring near Oxted, R. § Oxton near do. V do in Oxtrey Ham « Oxwick, R. with Pattesby nr. Ozendike, with Ryther, R. « Ozelworth » 2055 4326 2268 2634 142 611 3144 do \ ' ro. V . ^ jjfic. with Suibstoue do. Great V near 279t do. Little R » « Packwood, C. next 2755 Piidbury, V 2511 Paddington, C *73 Paddlesw'orth, C *051 do. withSnodland Paddocks. Kx. Pa neat Padley, Nether Padside & Thornthwaile J Padstow, V., >V. 2 ^ . . . . Padworlh, R Paglesham, R near Pagnell.see Newport Paonei. do. Boothbv near Pailton, in Monk's Kirhy .... Paingtou, V' Painshaw, C ■ . Pakenham, V. Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods, Acre*. .] r*x la 'isib /.* ■ POOR. 1S38-.29 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 420 389 62 117 Ill 154 178 930 1,187 73 97 101 101 111 930 1,910 315 322 305 344 336 2,320 2,225 07 88 96 123 123 2,840 3,053 203 419 387 468 470 oferton n Rich ards C astle 318 201 324 0,490 6,719 1,120 1,130 1,178 1,311 1,.507 5,400 1,402 089 172 503 734 718 2,630 1,853 110 178 101 KiO 205 1,330 t 42 44 50 59 49 1,840 i 123 341 364 377 304 2,320 4,941 154 120 174 187 291 1,920 2,553 070 301 385 508 610 1,660 3,476 501 399 380 383 418 1,210 1,713 161 145 155 180 216 1,270 1,536 902 357 300 372 384 1,570 6,372 1,249 404 470 037 789 1,130 1,631 07 85 75 79 119 15,740 19,47.5 1 49 253 243 205 233 1,141 2,028 2,810 2,742 3,028 010 1,021 140 127 115 149 179 1,440 2,873 142! 198 187 219 230 Oving ham 131 344 309 302 339 1,270 X,55(i 06 159 155 180 179 530 495 00 157 148 100 104 4.570 1,280 275 215 225 377 379 4,160 ( 137 232 242 272 297 8.0 ( 58 89 82 130 110 720 745 114 188 181 232 255 1,650 1,476 123 153 190 190 227 1,860 2,442 131 214 218 247 252 4,500 3,564 045 503 513 003 604 1,700 975 37 107 117 138 144 130 516 31 15 12 9 20 ) 7,112 509 917 1,003 1,300 1,409 ( 3,494 253 473 504 009 198 1,.570 1,725 135 250 280 306 2<12 990 1,143 111 105 120 1-16 181 1,200 1,635 88 109 100 139 125 990 1,439 70 89 7-1 143 129 3,810 5,432 258 307 309 415 401 2,740 2,782 001 296 290 320 427 1,780 2,833 194' 200 175 170 170 1,060 982 41 32 29 28 32 1,620 2,660, 274 281 234 277 239 740 Littl? Bowd eii — 0 2 1,810 2,139 190 313 347 323 300 Darlin gton — — 1,050 1,887 70 150 141 178 100 2,930 37,Sa‘i 8,477 11,694 12,931 16,364 20,434 580 1,352 488 413 488 770 1,830 407,380 713.147 123,399 109,020 119,191 130,971 151,726 1,800 2,654 381 298 297 307 320 730 804 58 54 47 53 72 340 Silt ton — — 11 7 530 1,061 140 219 255 247 283 3,910 5,242 580 (>14 754 777 959 780 728 21 137 128 109 234 3,790 3,311 180 097 778 798 778 590 1,434 30 49 05 00 00 M at ford — 420 500 — 1,130 1,189 118- 01 78 79 74 2,680 Ryther 290 — 279 335 302 920 1,420 140 133 123 134 152 810 Swin fen in Weefor d 63 44 310 ) 99 124 24t 250 254 2,020 ^ .>,179 ( 233 439 455 446 470 2,190 2,421 201 315 311 351 334 1,1 10 1,026 97 140 105 150 L50 1,580 2,190 300 305 270 279 319 1 ,900 2,856 500 4.-)9 510 018 708 1,220 24,712 4,118 1,881 4,009 0,470 14,.540 490 282 04 41 21 14 54 2,2(i0 2,124 441 312 350 438 518 90 — — — 2 3 — Glos S()]> — — 499 1,102 1 ,708 4,05<) 928 2,118 2,550 3,000 3,529 Hoire 21 28 39 30 31 1,960 1 ,007 178 229 291 309 304 3,270 0,931 750 1,332 1,198 1,700 1,822 2,200 1,801 384 218 278 271 234 3,980 7,380 1,187 847 1,009 958 4,290 3,183 324 311 3 15 390 450 3,220 9,208 1,137 2,018 2,.515 3,103 3,3i6 2.51(0 1 ,598 13 100 98 110 110 Kirhy 2,904 329 389 101 552 493 5,400 (>,002 734 1,575 1 ,039 1,790 1 ,900 1,310 5,135 753 1,399 2,752 2,091) 2,539 6,510 10,008 1 ,800 i 3,l.'i0 3,201 4,011 4,099 510 890 204 282 328 319 472 3,270 .3,113 8M) 081 7!i;l 928 979 1 ,670 1 ,995 815 1 580 001 05 1 7()l) 169 cvcri/ County, Iliindied, Division, City, Town, Parish, Ilamlct, Tylhiny, ^c., iti ENGLAND, at each oj the l our Periods, )1!01, IHll, IJillJ. Pal — Pea to • ‘•a Towns, Parishes, S;c. s | Palprave with Sporlo 205() Pullini' near the Sea, V. next 197*2 I’amber, I) near 3l3(i Paniiii)' ton Tything in Asli Painpisford, V near 2118 Paneras, St., V *72 Puncraswick, C 3915 Panfield, K ,near 1813 Pan);buurn, U 3*272 Pannal,V 4008 Panteague, 1{ 105 }*anton, 11 near 2273 Panxwortl), K., with Ramvth. • I9(i0 PapcastleN: Goat in 4'37(i Paperhaugh • 4553 ,, , . , t Ok* near 061 Papplewick ] , Papworth, St. Agnes, H. near 2130 do. St. Everard, U. » « do. Hundred (U) .... » I’aracombe, U near 1534 Parbold 1211 Pardsey,Ullock & Dean Scales 4358 Parham, V near 1935 do. R *880 Park-End in 103 do. -Leys, Ex. Pa near 2330 do. -Lib., & Coduor Castle 341 do. -Quarter 039 do. West- iSt Cole Ty tiling in 3345 Parkham, R 3895 Parkhold Lib in 3084 Parkston Tythiug 3531 Parley, West- next 2330 Parlington in 4001 Panne with Mooresbarrow » 841 4,1*20 1 ,09(» 2,450 church 1 ,500 2,000 2,210 1,.570 1,870 4,520 4,040 2,400 1 ,850 Bridstirt Roth I 5,250 1,300 1,115 *20,7!)0 7, *270 1,170 see 2,200 1,280 Aud 310 Heanor 12,190 Malm 2,770 380 2,810 1,780 1,580 300 3,<)2*2 792 1,830 1, 3:1-1 1 ,*2!»*2 238,(i(i I 1 ,0‘t8 1,078 3,059 5,525 3,208 2, *248 1,940 2,157 bury t 1,019 ^ 1,53*2 824 415 21,339 1,011 2,104 Dean 2,407 809 ley Parndon, Great, R near 1805 do. Little, R « // Parr 1248 Parslow, Drayton- R. .. next 2510 Parson-Drove, C in 2100 Partington in 970 Partney, R. 4 § 2203 Parton 65 do in 4417 Parwick, C 2361 Passenliam,R 2535 Paston,V near 1982 ‘^°* ^fotai'o‘f Par’.(4)^ ' do in Kirk- Patcham, V *828 Patching, R *871 Patchway & Hempton .... in 32*23 Pately-Bridge, C., 5. 6 ^ « 599 Patney, R. (Elstub&Ev.)near 3368 Patrick-Brompton, C 4214 do. -W'eston near :1430 Patrington, R., iS. t 3 § 1711 Patrixbonrne, V *594 Pattshull,C SW.of 84 Patterdale, C,, & Hartsop,. in 4272 Pattesby, with Oxwick, R. nr. 2070 Pattingham, t Rudge, in Salop 7W. R. § ^ do. in Staffurd of 84 Pattishall, V near ‘2541 Pattiswick, D « 1840 Patton in 4288-90 Paul,orSt. Paul, V 271 do 5'’’ 1713 ? Thorn Gumbald « do. St. in the Bail 2270 do. Shadwell, R *59 Paul’s-Craj , R *317 do., St.-W alden, or Abbots, V. 2407 Paulers-Pury, R , 2539 Paulton, C 3013 Pauntley, C near U2 Pavenham,V » 2416 Pawlett, V 3711 Paxton, Great, V • near 2141 do. Little, C » » Payhembury, V 3772 Paythorn near 577 Payton and iVdforton in 3108 Peak and Westbury in 3400 Peake-Forest, Ex. Pa 904 Peakirk, R near 2630 Peals in 4555 Peasemore, R near 3285 Peasenhall,C 1953 Peasmar.-h, V. 2 § *700 Peatling, Magna, V nee.r 2659 do. Parva, R a 2,330 640 1,300 1,680 4,460 1,*2*20 990 Moresby Thurl 2,4*20 2,230 1,380 3,150 Newtn 4,170 500 1,750 830 1,280 1,.540 3,180 1 ,:150 1.850 Barton 1,130 940 2,710 2,400 1,640 Ken 3,530 3,570 1,150 Lin 70 630 3,420 2,950 1,*200 1,900 1,340 3,*200 1,120 2,040 2,400 2.850 Leintw POOH, l,-OI7 12t» 0 - 1*2 Ashe. 175 35,78(i 1!I7 417 774 422 184 138 102 89 38 196 Total Number PEHSONN, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly /*erioit.i. 1,764 Stan esbury 4,502 492 729 1,114 4,382 527 3,259 896 6,134 1 ,916 7,131 1,019 1 ,987 343 by 150 72 5,345 118 100 520 01 73 hope 275 44 129 242 55 7 377 77 323 55^ 770 108 288 72 5,080 109 3,506 592 1,747 203 1 ,797 42 ^ 5,413 311 2,600 57/0 4,187 652 1,069 291 2,811 127 1,738 94 1,901 26 863 219 5,356 747 2,999 256 2,968 40 1,842 193 1,189 148 562 133 5,971 288 4,376 578 1 ,654 319 dal 77 7,464 6.59 11, .539 205 3,239 173 coin 22.764 *2,722 3,598 3,.577 3,711 2,104 1,812 8,082 1,‘291 1,980 3,002 1,080 ardine Warnfrd 1,300 630 Allen 2,350 1,080 3,310 1,900 870 1^ East 4,156 1,347 ton 2,843 2,359 3,379 2,920 1 ,474 187 5,212 487 540 984 377 222 549 239 232 319 290 293 209 75 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 503 676 7(H) 74() 188 ‘201 300 313 238 316 409 473 101 106 126 122 ‘202 237 285 293 31,779 46,333 71,838 03,548 330 403 529 5*26 2<)2 2*38 263 316 593 620 703 692 789 914 1,314 1,261 550 1,052 1,478 1 ,58-1 86 73 83 93 327 381 3.)2 400 283 311 384 461 76 58 80 79 709 647 593 359 143 142 174 159 80 77 74 106 111 123 117 107 4,005 4,‘250 6,187 5,597 322 365 364 409 255 318 339 382 229 236 309 356 399 389 448 502 51 58 77 46 75 88 94 — 13 10 16 309 708 693 637 1,169 1,321 1,259 1,873 — 43 37 43 584 789 967 923 — 55 55 57 206 231 385 609 180 175 204 235 180 203 229 207 27 27 25 25 330 347 396 296 62 69 103 90 1,183 1,405 1,523 1,94*2 307 287 372 416 454 497 675 7.55 358 412 434 466 261 296 293 389 390 472 496 559 98 1 10 95 85 450 485 551 544 685 533 753 828 226 232 238 2b0 55 69 98 91 583 632 764 836 135 180 209 207 286 331 403 489 192 183 2*22 149 324 500 421 130 131 141 144 163 142 158 188 133 146 18i) 210 894 1,016 1,244 1,298 213 2*39 268 280 160 142 144 132 261 319 282 400 61 78 79 7l 82 74 69 104 750 798 866 817 551 631 695 742 260 252 320 341 77 81 89 71 2,937 3, *371 3,790 4,191 212 574 486 473 190 215 259 266 316 387 247 447 8,828 9,855 9,557 9,.541 263 290 364 411 758 767 906 1,058 859 875 1,069 1,092 1,019 1,160 1,380 1,784 215 2*30 280 263 448 385 455 543 429 433 529 577 217 201 250 267 225 213 301 310 416 460 507 542 198 240 242 187 — — 212 2 8 35 29 50 226 607 626 (80 573 132 147 180 191 38 64 76 57 26* 311 2-4 298 532 633 746 773 611 781 913 92J 170 lie 228 2'. 7 117 13C 173 174 Peb — Per Towns, Parishes, SfC. ca a •n Pebmarsh,R. 2 § near 1852 I’ebworth, V 3127 Peckforton near 29.)0 Peckhiim, East, V. & *397 ■■ ■ .... *393' do. West, V. . Peckleton, R. with Tooley near 715 [ Pedniore, It « t>7 | Pedwardine, Burton- V .. . « 2214 | do. & Boresford iu Bramp ton Br I’eele, with Horton iu *2!HiO 240 I’eerston-Jaglin next 3988 8-10 Pegsworth .... in Botlial near 4538 Bothal 1,920 3.050 1.7.50 3,170 1,110 2;020 1 ,300 2,580 Peldon, R » 1773 Pelham-Brent, V e 2381 do. -Furneaux,V. » « do. -Stocking, R. .. " » Pelham’s Lands, Ex. Pa. .. in 2191 Pelsal, C 84 Peltun -18 Pelyut,V 219 Pembers Oak, Lilwal A Chickwood Pemberton 1011 Pembridge, R., Tu. § 3075 Pembury, V. § *360 Peualth,C 3116 Penbiddle, in Llaulihaugel C.nr.l57 Pencombe, R near 3095 Peucoyd, C " 3002 Pendeford in 85 Pendlebury H09 Pendleton, C HOO do. 1 155 Pendock, or Pindock, R. nr. 2844-5 Pendomer, R ' 1*^90 Penge, Ham in *148 Penhow, R near 168 Penburst,R *il8 Penistone ^ XotaiV Parish (8) Penketh near 1250 Penkhull 112 Penmaen in 180 Penn, V 2474 do.,V. ^ 2880; ’ ; Upper S I Pennard, East, V 3656' do. W est, C 3057 Pennington 1241 do. C 4341 Penny-Cross, or Weston-Peverell, 1[ Penrith, V. (6) Tu.S. * t 4§ 4390 Penrose § near 31*20 Peneyn, C.— see Falmouth t 256 Peusax, C 2850 . Pensby in Woodchuich. .near 1001 Penscelwood, R " 3051 Pensford, St. 1 homas, P.C. " 3005 Penshara : . in 2819 Penshaw, or Painshaw, C 49 [ Penshurst, -R. § *325 | Pensthorpe, R near 2070 Penterry, C » 1541 I Pentlow, R » 1853 Pentney, C « 2055 Penton-Mewsey, R next 3482 j do. -Grafton...., in 3482 Ripley S Pentridge, R near 3526 Penwilh Hundred (24) .... 263-*285 Penwortham, j Xot’. Par.' ’(5) Penyard, Weston-under- near 3047 Pen-y-Clawd, C next 3120 I IF Penzance, C., Th. »S. t 2 § 268 Peopleton, R near 2819 Peover, Little in 858 do. Nether, C " » do. Superior, C near 2965 Peper-Harow, R . *275 Percey, Easton iu Kingston St. Mic Percy , see Bohon, Kilnwick, & Wh Perlethorpe, C in 2330 ; Perpoint, Hurst, R. 2 § *800 Perran-Arworthal, C 292 do. -Uthnoe, R 206 do. -Zabuloe,V. § 152*2 Perrivale, K *124 Perrot, South, R near 3092 do. North, R " " Perry-Barr 73 do. East with Gratfham nr. 2100 Pershalt in *2946 2,230 1,620 2,570 040 740 1,180 930 4,400 in King 2,920 8,320 3.090 2,300 870 4,490 950 Tetteu 930 1,720 2,800 1,170 1,120 Batt 1,080 890 1,050 21,580 090 Stoke 14,500 18,020 4.250 4,*Z60 3,890 2,950 3,270 1.090 2,033 3,585 1,885 5,923 1,820 3.981 1.982 2,100 yaii 854 3.972 I, 58.s 3,307 1.972 3,(i07 059 Draiue 856 1,914 4,732 ton 7. . 558 9,155 2,758 1,161 Lautih 3. . 52 1 1,837 hall Re 2,704 10,542 2,754 1,906 1,210 ersea 1,537 083 1.. 509 15,054 2,071 -upon- II, 248 15,904 Ai> II) dll 3,094 2,923 3,632 6,185 5,310 »( tha FOOK, 639 390 181 2,511 041 313 200 119 39 74 70 184 293 703 89 d Fen 137 231 451 054 630 1,353 90 angel 213 49 gis 139 807 133 2o5 65 109 152 151 1,690 175 Trent 900 1,161 Iwj II 701 122 177 492 378 747 2,8-10 2(227 112 which see 6,640 17,.)92 1,710 2,510 1,719 149 200 5,117 1,015 Liminiig 1 ,930 230 210 295 — 1,030 1,396 88 740 1,4-19 104 820 St. An drew 1,310 Oy 1 753 4,e00 5,108 1,767 670 70.) 60 310 419 18 1,750 2,148 420 2,330 *2,101 439 920 1,388 128 ey hill 4,600 \ 1,902 < 7,426 260 379 990 8il 112 101,070 156,537 15,924! 2,120 6,503 390 9,530 20,155 1,797 3,220 5,067 398 im 340 31 Mailrun 10,lul 660 1,830 1,782 127 280 5!i0 52 1,030 1,469 149 2,850 4,291 296 i,430 942 153 hael — — ai riim — Edt*i(i«i.i-4 966 36 5,298 1,861 4,030 2,165 334 1,600 5,530 163 10,660 0,385 668 660 1,570 134 1,4*20 2,350 194 2,5U0 2,712 137 3,770 Hands w*oi*th 2,380 1,817 1 251 330 Eccles hall Total Number of !* EltSONN, at each of the 4 7’r/i Yearty I'triodi, 1801. 423 579 2ti0 1,327 388 290 300 94 94 :$o 177 158 313 ‘208 529 109 477 539 030 243 2,309 1,080 742 300 Criicor 391 157 4,i7 3,011 914 211 95 138 81 493 3,081 320 1,133 1,124 014 927 ^ 7U0 044 727 1 ,7 59 273 240 3,801 312 2,324 409 22 205 306 81 1,399 1,128 17 30 275 285 215 345 670 1,091 239 42, *226 1 ,049 2,900 571 38 3,382 214 131 250 451 111 1811. , 1821. 78 1,104 884 50o 1,389 28 251 426 502 176 4;-9 501 281 1,511 420 331 284 89 109 39 172 123 319 242 533 122 471 072 708 297 2.934 1,135 825’ 405 ney 71 412 179 ‘207 094 4 805 930 246 78 199 67 515 4, *231 341 3,851 1.934 2,240 1,010 950 I 253 > 527 62<) 831 2,124 271 239 4,328 310 2,713 495 27 299 *296 102 2,752 1,193 11 56 254 269 209 726 1,439 216 I 50,3*23 1,243 3,710 607 43 4,0‘22 264 99 238 480 133 75 1,184 1,104 020 1,527 37 284 394 576 219 98 001 0*20 [ 294 1,724 498 359 307 124 112 30 244 1.55 438 280 500 1.50 179 579 522 7.50 331 3,678 1 ,203 891 404 07 4.53 161 253 1.0- 17 5,948 1,319 276 70 228 220 100 645 5.0- 12 477 4,915 2,299 2,641 1,425 1,054 230 539 755 890 2,782 284 236 5.385 '385 2,t)3;l 574 22 332 319 95 2,090 1,392 26 60 310 418 202 508 1,635 272 60,642 1,501 4,554 674 41 5,224 264 88 250 543 130 1831. <712 .578 331 2,018 536 294 394 100 109 36 200 189 4‘24 271 019 1.58 41 721 550 804 •381 4,276 1,293 1,070 519 90 521 183 198 1 ,556 8,13.5 1,205 302 98 22 <> 235 102 703 5,201 548 5, rid 2,351 2,991 2,175 1,10 s 233 639 726 920 3,165 355 274 6,059 398 3,521 571 21 361 355 118 2,5*39 1,453 30 55 340 480 254 429 624 1,997 241 72,402 1,4'6 4,670 639 40 6,503 270 108 226 561 144 93 1,3*21 1,362 786 1,702 25 317 387 777 267 80 89 1 ,485 1,501 1,033 2,793 32 381 454 28! 100 IGO Sttpurficies in Statute Acres ; Annual Value of Property; Amount annually Expended for Alaintcnance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in I'er — Til Tvu iis, Parishes, tfc. Per- i siioiii; ' St. And- rew 1(1- t5( T„ i Holy- \ ^ C Cross, V. t Wadhoro’ , ,, , , t Lower (l(i) 2i do. Hundred Pertenliiill, IL, Heitjord near 2 I’erlholey, Lantilio-. (’. near I Perton, or Pii ton, \ » 2- Pertwood, Upper, K » 3 J’eter-Chuieli, V 3( Peter, St., V. (out part) i ( l> novt- do. Tavy, \i illsworlliy do. do. do. (lo. V., in 'I’hanet 2^ .. *')<>!» IL, Sih. Elinhain nr. 19(i0 V., W'orc. (out part) 283-1 tTlPftn’ftorougf). (‘iv.),000 2,506 202 221 294 358 500 2,450 — 70 82 80 — 5,910 St. Albns 1,333 834 709 1,261 1,810 2,840 7,685 l,.5(i8 1,943 2,101 2,342 900 626 151 129 131 139 122 1,080 2,019 126 470 598 679 1,126 1,430 11,647 2,393 3.449 3,674 4,598 5,553 51,430 53,089 4,050 6,826 7,029 8,558 10,071 2,200 1,410 112 289 306 343 356 240 2,113 702 ■ 1,159 1,280 1,446 1,423 1,8.50 2,514 198 247 215 306 380 660 3,204 572 422 406 516 610 1,740 3,226 178 111 122 110 1 ,500 2,246 248 210 222 277 261 3,000 3,461 4.52 414 451 636 582 1,720 1,357 84 126 134 217 224 11,080 19,273 2,025 2,346 2,615 3,091 3,.566 3,410 10,697 775 1,674 1,867 2,090 2,294 23,150 51,998 3,368 5,460 4,478 5,245 5,890 14,680 31,996 2,296 4,578 5,123 5,725 6,267 7,920 2,917 300 672 828 955 1,044 1,940 5,005 483 699 733 914 988 1,390 2,583 275 241 267 260 276 4,960 2,447 331 467 497 571 581 40 5,114 254 727 747 976 1,035 1,750 2,770 437 185 233 300 297 780 1,047 282 204 216 254 284 Hesket -in-the- Forest — — — — 980 1,125 38 35 42 48 49 6,140 7.883 2,188 2,2(34 2,459 2,781 3,114 4,000 10,329 553' 192 257 292 343 228,(K)0 190,757 48,334 34,345 38,217 44,830 48,500 3,833 6,477 964 1,088 955 1,101 1,313 3,1 10 3,001 410 7G2 894 739 787 1,310 5,932 415 246 239 238 274 2,970 3,940 1,163 572 616 663 714 1,070 1,412 33 05 617 122 125 4,970 6,8.58 1,230 1,179 1,209 1,337 1,588 440 2,548 192 139 303 322 383 1 1,400 3,092 197 335 385 428 421 310 21,850 3,315 8,406 10,702 11,824 15,777 1,850 3,031 245 557 592 669 767 2,880 16,393 396 1,475 2,119 2,.529 3,053 2,310 2,375 179 315 342 395 432 Hawk church — 533 558 570 Glos sop — 504 (i!i3 l,36t> 1,381 449 1,0J5 1,230 1,359 1,209 447 3,170 1,784 324 302 358 417 Fx. Fa. in For dinbri dge t 63 1,420 1 ,260 214 193 173 218 245 ! 1,810 1,161 122 120 132 146 195 20,640 1 13,151 2,742 651 1,994 2,332 2,746 2,555 184 351 3(il 422 418 12,120 2,287 197 298 314 387 373 142,570 97,169 6,276 11,942 13,404 15,232 15,310 1,010 2,613 233 375 352 3;i4 388 4,680 7,275 433 666 672 686 758 1,140 1,.594 120 148 168 217 228 870 986 46 91 84 <14 8() 760 1,330 61 96 100 93 97 1,480 4,3.50 128 121 123 167 • 160 1,270 3,680 1,615 79 1.56 174 186 187 1,169 98 116 131 140 140 1,970 2,631 197 191 208 251 231 1,980 5 1,350 278 382 413 4()9 558 t 1,387 249 278 343 402 425 3,140 3,040 44(i 310 317 359 422 810 974 128 103 125 133 119 2,780 1,182 240 263 287 358 403 8,0.30 8,216 758 . 909 870 961 1,223 4,530 3,301 382 449 462 590 ()80 290 661 104 144 140 178 175 4,360 4,703 267 264 320 371 406 2,320 1,219 261 134 175 218 227 t)60 1,032 58 70 68 75 79 1,650 775 49 62 4.5 81 89 940 1 ,065 91 193 231 236 278 Mil ford 11 47 30 36 33 2,680 1,291 346 275 288 3.-)3 436 420 1,050 8() 85 101 108 142 1,100 1 ,207 43 81 91 102 lot) 5,320 12,554 1,191 5,786 7,353 8,976 11,0()6 1 J'il — Ply Towns, Parishes, S^c. do. Priors.. Pilsgate, Ham. in Barnack » Pilsiey, do in do. do « do. do. do. R. (Navisford) Pinhoe, V. . . Pinknash Pa Pinner, P. C. do. Pirton, Herts do. with Trescolt Ham. do. R. Worcester .... n do, V. Oxon. see Per & ] do. Hundred (8) Pitchcomb, R next I’itminster, V Pitney t Parish, R. near Hundred } Muchelney& Langprt. Pitsea, R. near 179.5 Pitstone, ? Piglesthorne, P.C. Pittington, V. (3) Plainmellor, in 4197 Plaitford, C near Plaskets in Piawsworth » Pla\ den, R. § Pleaseley, R. 2 § 2351 I’leasington, Pledgon Ham. in Henham nr. Plemonstall, C. (1) » 1654 Plerdiey, D n 1820 Plomesgate Hundred (23).... 1930 Pioughill, or Poughill, R.— see Fo Ploughley Hundred (35; .... Pluckaere, Claxby- .... near 22(>7 Pluckley, R.witli Pevington § *.526 Pluinbland,R 1.377 Plumley near 980 I'lunipton, R » 2.541 do. Street in 43t)5 do. U'all.C » 4308 do. U ood- C 1233 do. R. see Plompton *807 Plumptons, with Westby .... 4305 Flunistead, V *300 do. R ION. V. t 4 § 1365 S Supcrficiei 8 in ex Statute Annual Value of Property, | aaae»>ed t 1 Amount expended fur Main- * trnanee 1 theProper Fax io 181 I'f tl)V y POOR, 182«— 29. 3 3,140 2,236 liio 6 • 1,762 106 232 1 ,460 2,141 143 0 5,350 4,947 686 1 2,170 710 57 2 Bdrnacl< 930 80 J Chesterl eld 1896 217 7 Edeii&o 524 84 5 1 ,330 1,707 257 ^ 1,210 5,131 313 9 1,470 1,735 79 9 610 456 7 ^ 4,760 2,112 537 0 6-1,460 47,518 4,822 3 4,510 2,900 326 3 11, (UO 13,078 1,603 S 1,180 914 8« ^ Clavtrdon 305 29 3 1,930 4,405 229 i 240 — 3,720 8,968 710 J 3,240 1,816 165 1,800 1,378 61 > 1,110 1,225 63 1 1,210 2,593 89 1 St. Mi chael 62 710 1,012 44 1,550 1,844 130 i 115,880 215,246 26,384 86,870 129,445 7,907 1,100 1,679 175 2,.560 3,862 357 Tetten hall Re gis 1,770 2,269 189 .5,140 4,4.54 1,192 14,190 17,769 3,747 2,700 2,284 564 1,180 2,136 73 .500 399 55 1,100 1,626 157 l,(i70 1,969 112 3,980 4,831 917 1,050 3,243 275 Frens ham 5,180 7,182 1,040 1,500 1,098 81 2,190 4,293 395 2,790 2,370 228 Tiver ton 6,330 6,043 408 1,150 Far ley 680 1,312 125 Hally stone 95 1,460 1,930 317 Simon burn 79 1 ,280 2,242 80 W rot ham 1 ,:«io 1,.576 235 050 1,710 278 3,750 3,813 359 1 ,(i00 2,474 338 1,190 Hen ham 3,0i)0 6,930 409 1,980 titn 257 41,390 42,062 10,253 2.870 2,333 201 ughill — 59,580 86,861 12,706 ()90 1,250 40 2,970 3,140 1,163 2,970 1,900 95 1,720 2,185 200 1,800 1,000 150 1 lesket -in-Ihe- Forest Inzoit by 1,876 111 4,600 7,429 389 1,710 1 ,865 358 3,310 6,618 .521 3,100 12,073 97!) 1,510 719 204 1,490 1,951 227 970 2,008 171 ^ 1,610 1 2,852 ) 1,195 <10 51 1,8.50 !)45 22 1,310 1,184 77 (on — s 78,937 9,217 2,aoo ' !)5,701 9,805 1 ( 17,909 2,068 1 2,8f.O 1 2,860 0,9.')5l 170 1 2,480 2071 iocai numoer 0 / mnsUNA; at each of the 4 Ttn Yearly Ptriods, 1801. 1 1811. 1821. 1831. 336 477 452 613 245 245 268 261 151 168 211 217 718 840 1,043 1,127 122 98 100 99 109 153 140 263 254 284 304 166 102 243 304 418 454 46 .378 66 60 63 75 206 194 208 297 1,197 1,397 1 ,()35 1,719 229 233 272 276 623 092 771 (inti 1,1 6(i 2,116 2,380 2,74,5 149 • 107 1.59 220 219 222 288 30.) 172 203 217 313 209 242 313 338 102 140 194 IH.5 02 74 72 .82 167 191 203 244 — 167 1.54 t 8,727 12,339 12,206 18,884 >7,313 8,404 9,385 12,19(i 23,747 30,083 31^.578 31,883 2,008 6,174 (>.043 9, .573 1,227 1,033 2,164 3,088 004 715 752 HO-t 101 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, ifc., in ENGLAND, at each of the Four Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021, 1831. Ply — Pot la; Towns, Parishes, ^c. Plympton, St. INInry, C 13(i-l do. Huiidrod (8) . . . . 13(il-8 Plyiiitree, 11 near 3773 Pock ley 038 „„ .y V., A’, t t§.. 4073 1 POCKUNGTON I (4) » Pockthorpe, C., in St. James 407 Poden, wth Cli. Hoiieybrue nr. 2818 Podimore Milton- K • 1201 Podlicot, or PudIicot& (. li. in 2714 Podniore * 2940 Poges, Stoke- 2400 I’ointin^tou, K next 3(i80 Pointon,-- -see Poynton .. near 2213 Poldeu, Chilton upon, C 3072 Polebrooke.J](;.„,;i,,-;',^f"|2020 do. Hundred (0) .. » Polesworth, V. t ^ 117 Poling, V *914 Pollack & Bittern, in 1440 Pollard’s Lands, in Auckland St. Kollecott, xvith Ashendon near 2497 Pollington 3978 Polstead, II. § 1880 Poltimore, 1489 Pomeroy, Stockley- ... next 3779 do. Berry 1510 Ponsonbv & Newton, C. near 09 Pont-y-Moile, Lantihangel » 104 PoNT-Y-pooL,iS.* 3 ^ in Treveth. 100 fV.A’.t3§ 3988 +t Pontefract, < Tot. Par. (0) « iPark,Ex. Pa. *• Ponteland ^ Par." (is)’ ^ Pontesbury, \ 4 QuaVt;;;! i!! \ Pontisbright, C. or Chapel nr. 1840 Pon, or Pentlarge-Studley nxt. 31 31 Ponton, Great, K. 2220 do. Little, C o Pool with Byrome, in Brotherton do.. Nether in 1058 do.. Over " « Poole, in Acton near 830 do.. South » 1520 1 1 tt Do., C., M. T/i. t 2 § . . 1400 do. -Keynes, R near 3345 do. C., in Otley 503 Poorslock, V., or Powerstock 1282 Poorton, North, R near » Popham,C » 3474 Poplar, C., & Blackwall .... *52 Poppleford, Newton- Tyth., in Ayl Poppleton, Nether, C. .. near 4030 do.. Upper, C in 4040 Porchester,V near 1440 Poringland, E. & W’est, R. » 1997 PoRLOCK, R., Th. 3§ 1535 Portbury, | Hundred (12). .. . 3021 Portcasseg Ham next 1541 Portgate in 4514 Portingscale, or Coledale . . in 4303 Portingten & Cavil, in Eastrington Portisnam,V 3584 Portishead,R 3023 Portland, Isle of, R 1474 Portleroouth, East, R. .. near 1519 Portman, Orchard, R « 1307 Porton in Idmiston. . . .7 N. o/" 3397 Portscuett, R near 1541 PORTSEA, V ? lorT do. Guildable ( t tt Portsmouth, V., Th. S. *t ^ 1350 Alverstoke, J Gospo^t ‘ Portslade, V *830 Portswood Tything in 1447 Posenhall, Ex. Pa near 2970 Poslinford, V. with Chinley « 1805 Postcombe & Lewknor 2084 Postern & Shottle in 750 Postling, V *670 Postwick, R near 1969 Potsgrove, R /> 2130 Pott xvith Ikon in 4209 Pott-Shrigley, C 821 Potter-Hanworth, R near 2271 do. Heigham, V * 1970 do. Newton in 490 11,200 32,230 2,000 3,5ti0 2,520 4.380 Nor 1,2‘K) 1,130 1,010 310 3.380 950 1,030 1,790 2,730 19,840 0,310 790 South Andrw 1.790 1,900 2,810 1,430 1,480 3.610 2,440 1,900 10,400 1,860 4.790 1,300 15,490 9,810 1,130 91)0 2.930 1,490 850 280 450 790 2,260 170 1,110 810 3,630 1,4.50 1,670 Stepney shear 1,150 1,340 1,110 1,740 7,850 3,310 23,980 St. St. Jo Cross! 1,490 4,. 540 1.610 2,970 1,910 630 I dm 950 16,800 28,016 3,597 100,520 154,780 26,474 4,980 100,725 11,477 I 110 35,341 3,240 ii,.r r.iiulMi. £ 18,001 65,207 3,150 1,.508 0,.501 8,822 wicii 1,287 1,712 2,381 Eccles 2,fil3 1,400 2,085 3,314 i 2,028 ( 752 28,594 4,187 1,308 Stone 725 3,300 1,719 3,930 3.451 1,199 7,419 2,058 1,291 9,801 9.452 18,55.5 1,975 25,223 11,593 2,.578 995 2,432 2,763 1,008 002 608 1,243 2.458 10,870 2,149 1,329 4,929 950 1,201 99,014 1,742 1,052 4,031 1,794 1,495 0,252 41,466 Arvans hn Lee hwaite 1,660 5,531 2,892 1,829 2,145 779 iston 1,068 roi)n, - -a 984 ' 4,30(1 189 50 715 809 73 90 239 hall 5()8 55 202 200 403 30 3,827 905 179 ham 14 319 450 1,310 205 149 815 29 104 1,071 1,704 3,271 50 i 107 ^680 1,319 543 44 234 90 135 18 5 109 203 3,376 187 70 621 41 69 10,024 160 03 409 289 200 333 2,004 9 107 407 110 670 225 55 196 4,010 2.780 Southa 80 1,940 4,090 DufTield 1,030 1,000 1,370 2,400 1.780 4,150 2,020 2,340 41,440 2,043 mpton 2,782 5,(i41 3,418 1,039 2,580 2,008 1,296 2,158 3,127 2,108 6,097 4,295 331 7 448 415 372 240 198 180 77 56 216 192 101 Total Snmber oj PiCfi .vtw.y, ul each of fUe -1 5 V/i eat . i *«» ; ' •a 1801. 1811. j 1821. 1831. 1,.502 1,727 2,044 2,153 0,714 7,im 9,229 9,817 375 371 381 439 228 235 227 217 1,602 1,539 l,9(i2 2,048 1,752 2,103 2,205 9/9 1,029 1,313 1,009 (i2 93 130 108 1.54 158 170 175 242 240 250 251 — 05 75 59 288 838 1,073 1,2.52 1.57 172 102 l(i5 200 321 303 409 310 302 352 423 1 241 f 272 1 13 310 23 392 25 3,335 3, .520 4,089 4,5.37 1,355 1,.21 1,834 1,870 170 148 191 202 — — — 703 82 93 117 138 248 319 339 308 378 429 483 482 0o5 009 900 900 250 206 270 292 196 212 228 238 1,124 1,179 1,255 1,186 78 147 1,50 180 130 171 158 149 1,472 2,423 3,931 10,280 3,097 3,005 4,447 4,832 6,189 7,493 8,824 9,254 47 50 47 51 327 313 381 1,439 1,404 1,.524 1,796 2,053 51,174 1 2,307 1,322 2,458 1 2,936 209 274 331 390 44 49 48 62 411 410 418 446 102 124 180 200 69 01 61 84 13 29 24 19 89 71 74 <13 108 170 185 188 412 433 493 567 4,701 4,816 0,390 6,459 137 147 146 169 182 304 294 315 801 924 1,010 1,024 75 80 89 89 48 69 98 104 4,403 7,708 12,223 16,849 — — 481 588 250 217 254 259 210 323 346 319 917 818 757 739 327 348 4ii7 543 600 633 769 830 509 552 .594 021 5,620 0,509 7,580 9,333 — — 18 21 29 29 33 29 282 22.5 294 253 100 118 98 100 490 595 600 003 387 309 500 800 1,019 2,079 2,254 2,670 298 331 391 427 131 100 100 112 — 140 140 185 216 208 168 190 4,129 3,739 3,808 4,092 33,912 37,004 37,400 41,298 24,327 3lyS65 34,785 38,199 1,000 2,099 3, .594 4,107 7,839 7,103 7,209 8,08.3 11,205 5 4,424 ( 7,778 4,788 0,184 12,037 284 358 421 ()1 5 284 359 440 054 — 18 14 2S 253 215 295 316 597 592 091 709 556 636 007 556 126 134 175 188 181 226 254 237 157 146 183 202 221 209 260 233 309 330 3'3l 334 303 304 374 402 321 290 340 307 509 571 064 863 Pot — I’ro tij Towns, Parishes, Ifc. tt New CASTLE, /•'. 100 The 4 .Stoke-iipon-Trt. 110 JPOTTEIUES, ' BuRSI.EM, S. 107 C W uistanton, . . . . 101 Potterne \ \ 3372 do. & Cannings Hundred 3307 Potters-Marston, C., in Harwell do. Potto in 4184 PoTTON, or Potten, V., .S', t 3 § 2442 Poughill, V near 3919 do. or Ploughill . . . . » 3779 Poulshott, It d 395 Poultou in Pulford /r 1054 do. C in 4320 do. witli I'earnhead near 991 do. // Seacomb in 1002 do. ir Spittle » lOtiO ^ 401 'Total Sumhtr of H T.HS()S>S» 8up*rflrUi v.iy. «r •>p*nd«d at each of the 4 Hlalutt tb« Ten Yearly l*eriod$. T«s tumi!. POOH, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 040 12Ji09 2,202 4,(i04 0,175 7,031 8,192 10,4iH) 59,.553 11,4.58 10,114 22,48 155 i 108 162 Superficies in Statute Acres ; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in l*re — Qua Towns, I'arishes, Sfc. I’rcstwood, in I'Mliistoiie next (i51 i'rcslvvoul.1, 5 j<„t. p,,,. ( ,) . Priddy, (3. ^ 30 Ui I’rirslclin'e&Taddingtoii, C. in 8!)5 l’ripsl|)()i)j)lo in -1510 I'l imetliorpe in ISroiin'hton nr. 701 I’l inces Kishorougli, 1’. C. .... 2-18.5 I’l'incPthoriH! with 278'J I’rinknasli Park near 3108 Prior, or Prior.s Asli,P.C. nxt. 1311 Prors-( leeve, V near 2818 do. Dean, (; ' S-lOl do. do. V- 3812 1 n-t. O' near 2981 do. D.tton ? K„t|,,,i,.itAshlield do. T.ee,C. « ith Oakengale 3003 do. IIardwick,V near 2773 do. Marston, C » “ do. Salford, V 27.50 ilo. Stoke- 2807 do. Swaffham 2003 Priston, H next 3002 Pritchard Saney- R near 2854 Prittlewell,V\, with Milton § 1780 Privett, C near 3100 Probus 4 ^ 240 Provosts fee, in Walkugton nr. 4050 do. Castle S ^^Oo Pryors Quarter 3748 Publow, C Puckingtou, R near Puckle- tv Church, ( Hundred (5) .... Pudding-Norton, R. ... near Puddington, in Burton rext do. R next do. V near Puddlestone, with \t hill » Pudlicott & Chiison in Pudsey, C Pulborough, R. t § Pulham IVatior" ( ° do. St. Mary the Virgin, R. do. St. IMary Magdalen ^ Pulloxhill, V near Pulverbatch, Church- R Pumney Farm, St. Helen .... Punch Knovvle, R near Purbright,— see Pir Purcell, Newton- des. R. near Purfleet and West Thurrock § Puriton, V. with VV'oolaving.» Purleigh, R. ^ Purley, R. (Theale) .... next Purslow Hundred (24) lB;aylon-.-. Pusey, see Pewsey .... next 3235 Putford, East, V « 3b04 do. West, R ^ 3018 Pulley, R. • » 3053 Putney, P.C *153 Puttenhajn, R near 2413 do., R *g73 Puxton, C next 3028 Pyder Hundred (21) 293, 1522, 4028 near 381 3605 1300 3108 2076 10.52 3864 2507 3097 2714 544 *877 1054 3551 2010 2114 3017 3231 3583 *255 2700 1781 1540 179!) 3272 2087 3342 Pypard,Cliffe- V 3331 Pyrford,see Pie and Pur *181 Pyrton or Pirton Pyworthy, R Q Quadring, V Quainton, \ IV ■ V " V ” ’ f anipton Lee • • ; ^ 2108 Quantox- S East, R ne-ir 3717 head ( West, R » Quarles, Ex. Pa in Houghton tluarley, R next 3483 Quarlton 1181 Quarmoor 4325 Quarndon 23(i3 do, C 730 Quaniford,C 0.57 Quarrendon next 2402 tlnarrington in 4 180 do. R next 2235 QuatfordjC " 2008 ^ , Atoounl 1 Total Number of P EHSONS, Superflclf>t Value uf eM...hde.J 1 at each of the “1 Siaiiite Properly, Ttn Y early Periods, llioPio|ierty Ux 111 l»lj. POOR. 2». 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Kllasion 1 f320 ■^4ple 2846 640 1,586 75 101 66 94 107 Quenliy Ham. in Hungerton nr.2637 Hung erton — 30 17 Quendon, R next 1828 800 9!)9 120 123 115 150 211 1 Quenington, R near 31.52 1,631 2,571 203 230 311 345 365 4,220 18,280 5,7.56 21,306 341 587 10,665 585 12,579 684 13,002 692 15,986 Quick-cum-Saddleworth, C... 1001 3,434 jQuiddenham R 2018 1,040 1,442 157 107 100 121 ' 84 ! Quinton < .•••. ^3128 } Admington S 4,800 3,056 1435 ( 104 338 147 380 174 436 162 432 177 do., R next 2560 1,170 1,4.59 96 02 94 115 128 Quoisiey, with Marbury near 3027 R Raby in 1652 1,540 2,304 300 372 305 305 403 1,780 1,851 54 131 1.50 145 165 do. & Keveistone 618 2,660 3,142 185 213 201 203 247 Rackenford,R 386.5 5,940 1,848 118 340 326 305 472 Rackheath, R near 407 2,200 2,387 223 189 246 260 262 Racton, R *9)il 1,260 1,057. 297 111 102 100 88 Radbourne, R near 756 1,970 3,760 81 270 217 2 t;o 253 do. Lower, Ex.Pa. ^ , do. Upper, do. Ladblok ) 735 ( 1,016 Lad- broke 81 14 12 7 30 14 14 8 Radcliffe, R. — see Ratcliffe .. 1171 2,880 4,382 820 2,407 2,792 3,089 3,904 do. upon Trent, V 654 1,880 3,130 227 761 924 003 1,125 Radclive, R. wth Clackmre nr. 2512 1,190 1,.506 25!) 252 227 296 334 Radcutt Ham.,Oa'on.— see Langford (irafion 942 24 31 25 30 55 Raddington,R near 1315 1,250 1,108 44 105 101 101 105 Radfield Humired (8) 2006 Radford, St. Peter, V (i7l 23,550 25,088 4,617 3,117 3,542 4,380 4,811 1,000 5 208 1,183 2,269 3,447 4,806 74 9,-806 Ens Keres do. do » 702 lev 206 228 do. Semele, V 1,340 2,775 482 400 365 472 478 Radipole, C near 1472 810 1,805 144 151 173 226 382 Radley, j Kennington &Thrupw'ck 1 3,550 3,153 548 ( 368 ( III 337 228 412 201 414 172 Radio w Hundred (23) 3084 52,350 69,658 6,112 10,600 11,227 12,226 13,110 Radmell, or Rodmell *813 1,6.50 2,331 514 256 201 336 350 Radnage, R near 2483 1,150 884 342 306 319 366 390 Radnor, in Astbury 805-0 100 360 51/0 14 12 14 20 iRadstock, R 150 970 6,137 286 509 567 002 1,165 Rads'.on, P.C. near 2529 Radway,V next 2749 810 1,070 269 128 168 212 203 1,530 2,'J97 216 237 282 346 315 Radwell, R. (t)dsey) « 2.391 740 1,202 96 58 72 01 103 do. Ham. in Felmersham nr. 2451 Felmrsli. 930 250 128 147 168 166 Radwiuter,R « 1828 3,070 4,490 843 650 663 773 810 Raffbrd Lib., in Chalgrave. . . . 2678 dial gpove 9 18 31 28 Ragdale, C next 6 Ragley with Arrow near 27(i2 4,220 3.2.54 202 245 218 200 287 R .gnell, Cr, in Dunliam .* 2332 Raine, Little, R., Essex .. » 1843 Dimlutii 2,244 77 155 137 146 D)8 i;460 2,01 1 405 2!)0 2()l 343 320 Rainford, C 1253 5,()80 7,163 328 1,185 1,315 1,375' 1,642 Rainhain, V., or Raynham. . . . 1787 2,060 7,454 411 414 400 673 671 do., V. ^ *451 3,200 6,010 1,233 722 877 1,030 1,222 do.. East, R near 2076 2,010 1,572 300 I4H li;l 130 115 do., West, R • » 1,450 1,635 392 262 260 341- 335 do., South, V « « 1,040 1,057 110 100 11)7 101 122 Rainhill 12.50 1,700 4,505 232 402 545 610 670 Rainbow, C 818 5,750 5,080 618 1,300 1,,505 1,530 1,807 RainsclilT in 104 Wolsta ntun • 675 67i) 835 Rainton, with Newby 4162 1,370 2,065 47 331 342 347 111 do.. East 55 080 3,379 252 204 455 671 1,()00 do., West a 1,270 1,380 3ii9 435 6-20 1,160 1,184 Raisthorpe& Birdall inWharram-P. 2,130 2,130 84 35 47 45 Raithby, R., will) Maltby near 2275 1,030 823 106 96 8(i 120 147 do., or Reilhby .... next 2261 680 1,4‘J8 105 140 140 'wn 175 Rame, R 1371 1,200 2,372 310 !)04 078 807 S!)0 Rampishain, R 3.580 2,080 1,722 251 265 347 368 410 do., V next 2127 2,260 I y 4 2,(i59 l!)2 :i22 313 301 411 Ramsbury | Tou,^,,'f ijaV.‘(3)' | 9,960 9,540 2,085 1,91)3 2,005 t 1,653 ^ 2,325 1,538 2,200 do. Hundred (3) .... « 16,350 15,616 2,716 2,783 2,856 3,220 3,336 RamsdonCrays, R near 1795 do. -Bellhouse, R » 2,260 1 ,()!«• 313 26!) 2(>2 276 272 3,210 2,()54 553 323 351 415 438 do. C in 2733 870 765 272 335 351 3<)l 423 Ramsey, V. § 1860 3,700 5,285 086 505 515 (>7() 708 1)0. C., .5'. t % 21.58 i7,(i<)0 17,118 1 .436 1,804 2,300 2,814 3,006 7,985 11 Ramsoate, V., IF. iV. t §.... *.571 260 14,080 3,110 4,221 6,031 ILiiiisgrave M05 1,120 l,4!)2 108 208 48.1 034 515 Ramsholt, C near 1761 1 ,000 2,113 328 152 132 174 215 Rainshopc, Ex. I’a » 45.51 1,010 Elsdon 7 10 7 9 Ramsliorn, in I'lla.stone next 041 857 112 — — 152 130 even) Conutij, Ifniuired, Division, CUy, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tything, tVc., in HNOLAND, at each of the Four Peiiods, UK)], 1»11, 1021, 10:)1 Kail — Hod to [ Tiiwiis, ]^urish(S, ifi'. Hanhy, V iiour )*2.>l Haiicohy, North uo\l 223(i do. Sill., or Hiuu'oliy » » Hand, H noxt 2273 KtiudwicU , 1’. (' I)7>2 Hiinp“ivorlhy, C 3214 IKuiskill, in 23)7 Hanstou- rarrnut,— s»e Tanant’.s IKiinvortli, V. wth I’auxwlli iir lDtiO Hapsgate Hundred (11) 3l(i0 Haskn, Market, V., T/i.^.... 2270 do. Middle, V. with Drakes 2277 do. West, H next » Raskelf, C 4125 Kastrick, C 507 ‘^‘‘**’ySGro;by;&c.\\’^ Hatcinvood, in 4569 Ratcliffe, Ham *53 do. on tlie Wreak, V.nxt. 095 do. on Soar, V near OSO do. Culey,C.,inSheepy nr. 804 Kathmill, in 581 Katley, V., and Upton .. near 2748 Katlinghope, (' « 2985 Rattery, V. 3814 Rattlesdeu, R 1890 Raunceby, see Ranceby Raugliton and Ga'.esgill. . . .in 4412 Hanuds, V 2000 Ravely, Great P. C. ... near 2158 do. Little » « Ravendale \ 1' Ravenfield, P. C « 137 Ravenglass, .S. t 2§ 4351 Raveningham, P. C near 1901 Ravenscroft in 841 Ravensdale Park near 2303 Ravensden, V. ^Harford) » 2140 RaveusthorpJ^”— n".‘.‘. Ravenstone, V. 2573 do r> \ Derbi/.... \ Leicester do., 1,210 3,400 2,430 990 1,200 1,210 310 1.8.50 20,900 1,220 3,470 2,720 3.5.50 1,290 5,410 Hanibo Sltpney 880 970 850 3,370 1,500 1,580 2,730 3,270 2522 111 742 do. -Dale, C 4201 Ravensworth 41 do. Crosby- V 4204 fC 4249 Kirkby- ' Whashton « CTot-Pa.(7) « Raw in 4553 Raweliff a 4039 do., C 3979 do.. Out 4313 do.. Upper, with Tamicar » Raw-'en, C in 501 Rawleigh, Colaton- 1485 do. Withycoinbe 1484 Rawniarsh, K 138 Rawreth : near 1790 Raydou 1705 Rayleigh, R. t 1796 Rayne, R., or Raine near 1843 Rayuham, or Raiuliam 1787 Reach& Heath, G., in Leighton-Buz Read 1140 (St. Giles, R 3271 Reading \St. Cawr mce Y. » 1[ tt IP. 5. C Soiithcott „ do. Hundred (10). .. . u Rearsby, R 694 IGavelyin Ingram next 4.559 Reculver, V *562 Redborne-Stoke Hundred (14) 24-52 Redbourn, V. t 3 § 2401 do. next 2291 do. -Cheney,. 3344 Redcar 1084 Reddenhall, R. wth Harlestue 2008 Reddish 2 § 1033 Reddisham, C near 1901 Redditch, C iu 2874 Redgrave, R I92 > Redlingford, C next 1917 Redlynch Tything § in 3652 Redmain, Issall & Bliuderake,— see Redmailey-D’Abitot, H 2844 do. with Gt. Whitley near 2850 Red-Marshall i Vr"’ < Carlton & Stiliingt Kedinile 2655 — £ — 1 ,2.55 2 5 14 1,803 l,7!Ki 1,010 1 ,034 1,079 489 1,940 24,744 2,400 3,405 3,410 2,785 4,151 J 2,089 / 1,108 rough 21,985 I’OOU. IN-Jt V. — £• - 72 01 120 78 527 175 79 30 102 l,9(Ki 515 302 134 193 474 ^ 736 6,155 1,089 112 1,077 00 1,21 Ripe, R. § *7.vj Ripley t2i 770 ^ Clint and Killinghall » do., C., in Send § *253 Riplington in 4530 t Deanery, TA. t 6§ 407 ^tI^"’PON,^-l.ot.ofl>ar. (32) . Rippingale, R ., 2212 Ripple vVard, (Barking) .... *138 do. R *020 ^ R 2840 ■ ( Holdfast & Queenhill » Ripplesniere Hundred (5).... 3201 Ripton Abbots, R. wth Wen. nr2140 do. Kings- R near 2150 Risboroogh, Monks, iS. t § ' 2485 do. Princes « » Risbridge, Monks- Ex. Pa. » 1807 Risbury, in Humber .... next 3100 do. & M'ickton in » Risby, R near 1888 do., V., with Roxby .. « 2301 Risca, P. C 177 Rise, R next 4082 Riseborough, Thornton- in Norman Riseholme near 2200 Rishangles, R » 1910 Rishton 1113 Rishworth 523 Risley,V 2445 do., C ...in 702 Rissington-4Vick, R near 3141 do. Great, R. ....... 3141 do. Little, R near » Riston, with Brmpton Salop hi 4727 do.. Long, R near 4059 Ritton Coltpark do., AVhitehouse Rivalx, // 4138 Riveuhall near 1837 Rive,. 5V *028 ' ( ATorkhouse for 13 Parishes do. Green, Ex. Pa in 4535 do. head. Lib *331 Rivington, C 1187 Rixton, 993 Roach ^ 236 Road, R. § 379 Roade, C 2540 8 Robertsbridge *790 Roborough, R near 3850 do. Hundred (14).... 3384 RoburnrJale in 4332 Roby, in Huyton near 1250 Rocester, V *941 ^ti?ne„nA.n( Gotland 1054-5, >§ tSaddleworth lOGl 1* ttKn (St. Margaret, V. *338 * > St. Nicholas, V. , Cathedral Close » (.Chatham A Strood in fr tCHATUAM, S^hf-nW's" G illingliam, V *4,50 Strood Extra, D *441 Erindsbury, V *440 Total Rochester, Chatham, i^c. Rochester Ward i„ 45.51 Oil Rochford, R.*, Th. 2 ^ .... 1797 do. C. Herefrd near 28.52 do. Hundred (26) .. 1790 R"'k,<’. in 4.50C ^ do. R 28.59 Rockbear, V near 3768 Rockbuni.D 3510 Rockfield,V 3111 Roc'khanipton, R near 3215 6 Rockingham, R, Tv 'j .... 2616 A mounl 1 Total Number of PEflSOSS, SiipernoUa value vf expnoded at each of the 4 la Property, • aiie»«flj to lenance Ten Yearly Periods, IhePropert 1821, Tax in INI& I82S— 9 ! (* . 1801. I 1811. 1831. 850 1,639 60 107 107 129 144 1,310 674 231 264 2(i5 286 350 6,100 7,822 1,604 897 1,055 1,271 1,271 1,420 1,819 223 309 302 329 309 6,220 2,735 453 750 752 858 1,038 1,920 l,ttl6 186 194 226 280 315 2,220 2,458 302 257 290 304 337 3 080 3,938 1.59 315 303 453 524 2,140 2,133 699 454 445 583 620 1,620 1,470 363 293 399 495 566 8,050 2,500 15,772 2,819 5 3222 ( 633 3,268 780 3,471 848 3,434 948 1,120 2,122 390 296 .331 3frl 360 P4ntrieh 7,426 379 1,091 1,439 1,635 1,997 2,080 1,905 269 270 273 251 270 5,000 5,374 616 892 880 931 1,219 ! 5,680 7,514 1,324 1,024 1,090 1,283 1,483 1 Whal ton 19 15 25 25 17 850 11,430 1,116 3,211 3,633 4,563 5,080 48,980 67,655 6,657 10,403 11,785 13,096 14,804 1 2,740 4,974 372 488 509 611 658 Bar king 280 287 361 387 j 1,120 1,230 202 122 131 171 209 1 2,760 6,009 321 67!» 733 780 779 i 1,380 3,761 1.56 185 1.57 183 193 ! 17,430 14,618 2,182 3,9.38 3,230 4,406 5,667 L 5,400 4,560 618 327 326 379 365 1 1,210 1,570 148 171 177 260 279 1 3,220 2,497 955 768 899 <134 1,018 l| 4,710a 4,467 1,810 1,554 l,t>44 1,958 2,122 . ! Bar nardisl on 7 8 — Rum ber — — — 1.50 1 68;' 1,020 Stott Prior 193- 100 — 140 143 I 2,620 2,500 349 266 277 293 332 5,100 .5,106 205 273 269 350 373 1,690 708 120 240 564 358 742 i 1,920 by 310 2,353 197 155 203 221 164 914 27 33 34 32 39 1,370 1,370 48 52 f)5 73 62 1,150 582 180 192 176 208 242 2,760 2,684 256 1,051 1,084 1,170 919 6,190 2,058 217 960 1,211 1,588 1,536 2,980 2,879 894 570 650 790 871 Sa'vley 2,160 68 225 240 288 252 1,140 2,721 65 217 214 231 219 2,420 3,700 268 349 361 446 468 1,650 2,264 147 227 220 228 231 1,.560 1,771 81 — 193 197 206 3,490 1,843 213 269 328 361 379 ( Net her 5 28 52 56 64 58 S AFlii tton ( 10 30 18 23 31 3,.590 3,295 132 223 212 212 225 3,240 4,981 644 542 536 591 653 1,110 1,771 454 555 050 701 560 130 48 480 550 9 33 02 51 1,910 Seven Oaks 7.50 1,012 1,216 2,630 2,650 275 619 526 583 537 2,850 4,096 344 881 886 990 90<) 4,930 3,989 360 954 1,104 1,425 1,630 1,010 3,722 389 927 957 1,217 954 1,600 1,283 338 3-15 428 480 653 4,830 1,741 225 461 453 523 584 57,870 79,883 4,713 7,824 9,045 10,714 10,896 8,230 2,339 163 229 228 237 199 989 Huy ton — — 310 401 2,030 6,374 344 899 873 1,037 1,040 40,340 121,901 1,756 9,031 I0,<168 13,1.53 15,325 93,253 7,191 39,706 50,808 61,011 74,427 18,280 21,306 3,434 10,665 12,579 13,902 15,98(i ) r 10,019 1,711 2,642 3,290 4,129 6,025 1 ® 1 14,1110 1,819 .3,003 3,090 3,294 3,0.50 >2 <: — 180 129 138 1 1 1,172 2,504 1,213 1,678 J L 23,222 5,795 10,505 12,052 15,268 16,485 — — 945 3,660 11,765 2,394 5,135 5,145 6,209 6,734 1 ,300 6,399 1,718 1,172 1,H94 1,461 1,.5-19 3,010 5,135 986 1,666 1,489 1 ,562 1,856 14,120 60,640 8,028 25,295 29,750 33,295 37,460 Els don 265 379 437 491 467 1,210 4,405 1,164 1,228 1,214 1,382 1 ,250 1,370 1,.521 98 258 240 261 235 57,980 81,061 11,007 9,270 10,678 12,572 13,604 Embleton 2,527 94 160 152 185 200 8,210 6,838 357 352 835 1,307 2,29t) 3,7!)9 286 419 363 143 530 3,800 2,539 4.38 370 444 464 517 3,880 2,671 326 ( 222 ( 296 250 338 362 360 163 422 2,390 2,100 1.59 218 2<)9 335 279 1,100 1,911 123 160 1.52 1.59 220 890 790 289 213 230 278 296 Roc — Rot tl I *c 5 I Towns, Parishes, Ifc. I c Rockingham < Apelhorpe near 2621 Forest in ( Blatherwyck* 2618 Rockland ^R near 1996 do. St. Andrews ) I, „ein do. All Saints ( do. St. Peters, R.. . . e Rock, or ICrockAvardine .... 119 Rocksavage, alias Clifton in 987 Rocliff, C « 4011 Rod, N^ash, & Little Brompton in Pr Rodborne,Tything in 3345 Rodborough, C 364 Rod bourn, Cheney V 3344 Roddam, in 4563 Rodden, near 375 Rode, Odd- 807 do. North 813 do, Carleton, R 2004 Roding, or Roothing fHigh R These 8 Parishes are Aythorp R. . Intersected, or hounded Leaden R. by the head fVuters of w, •. jj ' V the Hoding, or Roothing , v . . n ' * c River, which rises inJ o*oriell Dunmow Hundred, [ olargaret^R. sex, 4 runs past Chip- Berners C. , , ping Ungar, Stratford i Abbots R. Hivers,Loughton,Chtg- ^ Barwick . . Z^^T^e “iLmet l^eauchmp fi. Rociley in M'est Rodmarton, R near 3156 Rodmell, R *813 Rodinersham, V *467 Rodney Stoke, R near 3638 Rodsley, in Longford » 887 Rogate, V. § *940 Rogerstone 175 Roggiet, R near 1541 Rogus-Holeombe,V 3746 Rokeby, R. with Eggl. Ab. nxt. 607 Rollesby, R near 17.50 Rollestoue, C in 2637 do. V near 050 ILsrow::::;;::: Rollright, Great, R near 2769 do.. Little, R * * Rollstone, R. (Elstub) next 3384 Rolvenden, V *514 ITRomald- i R 609 Kirk t Total of Parish (7) » Romanby 409 Roniansleigh, R next 3869 9 H Romford, C. IF. * + § 1782 Romily 935 H H Romnev, New V. Th. % *692 do. OldR *686 do. Marsh Lib. (13) *677-93 1 Romsf.v, oi-Rum- t Infra .... 3490 SEV,V. S. t3§ (Extra. Romsley, Lib in 2960 Rookwith in 4210 Roosdown, Ex. Pa in 406 ! Roos.&partof Owstwick.... 4680 Roothiug’s,see Rodiug’s, near 1824 Rope in 838 Rojiley, C 3452 Ropsley I BitiiyH\imby"Ham.'^^-^‘* Rose-Ash, R 3870 Roseacre, Treales, & M hrles in 4302 Rosed lie C ) East Side ..in 4145 Kosectdle, L. ^ ^ Rosedon * 4.563 Rosley, see Woodside in Westwrd. Rosliston, Leicester near 746 3 Ross, R. & V. ] | 3047 near 4570 1719 . * 4069 ..in 39(>5 2965 do. see Roos do. Melton- P.C. do. Seaton- C. . . . Russingtun, R Rosthern, J TMaVof Par'.(ll) Roaton & Norbury near 887 RoTHiu)RY),|?-^^;-,ff\.;^;---^^ Rotherbridge, see Robertsbridge Rolherby, R next 69.5 Rothertield, R. 2§ *741 do. -Grays, R 2670 do. -Pcpard,R » Amnont Total Number of PF.RSOSS, Soperfleiea Slalftle 1 Value of I Property, ■ expeudeJ for Meio lertance at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods, Taxio l5ii ' -'£ POOR, l82»-9. £'* 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831, 750 660 1,250 — — — — 1,246 162 272 307 318 437 1,690 2,284 5 185 t 115 1 352 I 221 ( 12t) 207 Il.t 322 136 1,910 1,147 209 161 302 319 298 5,100 10,652 984 1,913 1,938 2,240 2,528 640 1,243 1,661 94 28 30 26 36 1,930 101 208 217 248 265 esteign 1,954 89 129 107 148 157 Malme sbnry — 108 140 139 155 1,390 3,668 804 1,658 14)28 2,038 2,141 2,770 4,711 333 451 463 544 574 llder ton 39 92 77 90 118 990 1,699 161 200 230 272 295 2,590 2,007 159 372 361 445 423 3,300 5,970 823 917 1,003 1,143 1,300 1,520 1,446 117 256 2-10 262 256 2,680 4,036 1,190 769 784 869 916 1,4.50 2,037 271 378 344 388 405 1,710 1,505 299 259 241 231 259 1,280 817 132 159 149 157 147 2,410 2,590 555 1 381 ( 36 398 32 439 447 32 1,310 1,199 173 144 188 209 233 770 1,124 147 106 86 93 100 1,260 3!)0 1 1,019 307 205 ( 115 ( 100 139 97 1 234 1,660 1,152 243 220 236 211 238 burv u pon Se vern ■ 4,010 4,004 233 305 286 357 369 1 ,650 2,331 614 256 291 336 350 1,190 1,206 326 237 278 307 31! 3,030 2,192 60 186 257 272 333 Loiitiforfl 1,080 78 115 161 208 183 4,700 3,222 1,143 518 595 721 901 Ba'^aleg 1,780 21’0 447 650 6(52 870 1,170 475 20 35 37 42 40 2,750 3,517 459 662 937 829 9>5 1,990 2,295 64 185 201 222 211 1,()40 2,038 153 420 385 619 717 1,150 1 ,859 77 43 44 31 41 1,500 2,020 3,297 57 265 269 306 272 2,896 224 446 475 599 561 1,920 1 ,563 142 200 225 270 302 2,360 2,811 528 403 360 419 438 780 1,104 75 29 36 28 29 910 514 57 34 40 41 39 5,670 7,159 1,866 889 1,130 1,103 1,507 1,170 1.034 121 276 302 377 380 54,760 15,007 1,020 2,302 2,343 2,461 2,507 2,250 3,180 183 250 251 294 825 1,950 1,410 96 156 1()8 21 1 217 3,340 19,191 1,809 3,179 3,244 3,777 4,291 2,290 2,835 ^ 8,740 300 825 1,015 1,181 l,2 2,259 85 285 278 334 273 1,240 Tliormii. 77 92 73 76 78 190 Ax in in ster — — 14 10 2,190 2,869 198 272 424 442 430 460 791 75 79 <10 95 119 4,060 3,732 717 642 533 730 779 3,210 2,535 191 321 371 48!) 502 500 801 14 81 69 65 76 4,280 2,207 194 397 388 436 487 4,100 6,118 337 675 671 760 7.56 5,100 7.'.)00 1,1.52 117 287 308 339 37(» 658 5 1 117 1,56 179 i;s llder tun 23 59 70 74 78 — — — ■ * 302 1,340 1,918 192 255 274 359 360 3, .540 11,111 1,009 2,347 2,261 5 1,677 ( <180 2,045 1,033 1,660 835 — 46 55 65 2, .560 1 ,643 129 102 106 126 158 3,380 3,351 221 385 395 477 430 2, '.190 4,831 305 217 316 383 325 1 ,500 2,i:i5 231 235 250 373 376 20,130 26,746 2,151 3,065 3,370 3,611 3,730 2,170 4,248 236 381 125 498 465 33,170 20,318 t) 321 t 3231 668 2,236 753 2,364 891 2,609 1,01 1 2,869 1 ,280 1,368 <17 !)5 110 143 152 14,710 7,016 2,586 1,967 2,122 2,722 3,08.5 3,460 6,1.56 2,628 678 677 668 717 1,1 15 2,300 402 317 325 401 42() 105 cvciy County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tything, in ENG LA S D, at each of the Four I‘criods, 1001, 1011, 1821, 1031. Hot — Uuf Towns, Pitrishet, Ifc. ItotherficUl, with F.t. Tisled nt. 3151 Rofherhilhe, K *70 Kothorsihorpe, V. Hotherwick, 1*. C. , M. 1 I Rothley ^ 2565 3129 726 do. in 4531 Rotiiinell, see Hathiuill .... • 581 Rothwell, 1{ near 1721 DO. or Rowell \ oVtoV & Thorje^^ do. Hundred (21) Trotiii of Parish‘(5j" Rotsea in Rottin^dean, V Rottiugtou in 480 0 4061 •823 68 Roucliester in 4505 Roudliani, V. (Shropham)aext 2018 Rough-lee-Hootn 1151 do. Shotwick, or VVoodbank see Rougham, V., tWirfolk .. near 2061 9 do. R., SiiJ'vlk 1892 Roughton, R near 2256 do. V., Norfolk » 1987 Roulstone, C. see Rowlestone» 2237 Rouuclon, West, R in 4187 do. Fast, C » » Roundhay, C in 4019 Rouse-Lench, R near 2865 Roushan), R next 2711 Routh, R near 4059 Row & Hoffe in 4255 do. -Bound in 4404 Rowant, Aston- 2681 Rowberrow, R near 3628 Rowclill'e,? Rocklilf 4419 Rowde, V 3369 Rowell, (see Rothwell)in Hawling Rowinglon, V 2769 Rowland in 895 Rowley-Regis, C 88 ,i„ 51 ^ “Car 4051 < Wauldby * do. with Winkfield » 385 Rowlstone n 3077 do. & iMappleton n 1707 Rowner near 1358 Rowney, R. with Southill 2440* Rowsham, with Wingrare, 2504 Kowsley, Great in 895 Rowton, in Christleton .. near 1657 do. & Amaston in 4710 do. & Nth. Skirlaugh nr. 1310 Roxby, V., with Risby .. near 2304 do •. 4201 do., with Pickhill 4175 Roxham near 2032 Roxholme, R. in Leasingharn* 2236 Roxton, V 2444 Roxwell, D 1814 do. R 2012 do. R near 1734 7-Royston, in Cambridge V., W. • t 5 § ^ Herts -,\ do. ^ Total of Parish (7) 2388 434 Royton,C 1047 Ruan Major. R near 261 « Minor, R » » » Lanyhorne, R » 241 Ruardean, V 145 Ruckinge, R *667 fiuckland, R near 2268, or 2275 Ruckley & Langley, in Acton-Bui- Rudby,in t'Township . .. . 4187 Cleaveiand ? To . of Par. (6) « Ruddington, V ^ 679 Rudford 5 S'.' 3171 < High Leadon » Rudge, in Pattiiighain 7 IP. of 84 do. Tything in 3781 do. Rufford, C. § .... do. Ex. Pa. 4.290 2,140 12,810 690 1 ,207 1,940 2.170 5,480 Har 3,370 2,690 3.130 1,300 42,640 3.170 8,210 710 4,040 St. Bees Oving 1,730 1,320 Shotwek 2,580 3.840 1.020 1,620 1,520 1.840 1,890 1,630 1,380 920 2.290 App Castle 2,980 950 which 2,760 1,640 3,660 Bakewll. 3,670 6.400 990 2,210 1,.550 2,160 650 South 2,600 Bakewll. 580 Abber 510 5,100 1,410 1,010 870 720 2,880 5,240 1.130 1.400 1,500 820 320 City, Town, Annual AiDBBnl Ptiipvrly, •» fnr Mam. III* Pfiuerly Tns IB Ibl6. •>l Ik* I'OOK, 1 ,869 249 9,807 1,.531 46,430 3,il49 51,621 5,807 3,352 282 2,119 304 3,1.54 <)79 6,833 980 bum 23 2,576 250 1,648 150 8,205 1,807 1,584 201 71,618 8,129 3,037 561 8,357 1,910 1,154 26 2,895 315 729 ham 30 863 1,651 291 280 20 3,317 220 3,933 981 863 91 1,110 429 2,118 57 1,832 103 1,759 118 2,760 137 1,665 117 1,858 126 3,841 leby 158 — Sower i>y 4,195 1,224 841 208 see 5,702 770 745 40 4,6.;6 631 483 2-1 10,107 1,695 8,697 1,377 1 564 3,050 318 872 123 1,562 106 2,265 82 ill 3,688 902 1,203 52 1,136 ChristUtn bury. Salop 2,503 Swine 5,106 2,531 2,613 449 1,062 4,325 6,657 6,339 1,524 1,992 657 2,208 1,070 ' 2,006 12,710 I 19,991 1,210 8,797 2,.520 890 2,120 1,670 3,440 610 nell 880 6,930 2,190 540 590 940 845 538 2,635 1,753 3, .589 470 1,601 1,042 9,749 4,195 809 805 562 Cred iton *874 5,960 3,014 2077 2,810 3,594 near U 4,300 3,070 841 2,030 2,956 4094 5,060 5,075 963 Leek 1,245 1222 2,840 4,101 near 2335 10,320 4,217 205 124 233 91 165 931 889 466 227 612 143 \ 239 J 676 212 1,515 775 85 75 220 406 832 42 73 155 1,089 222 87 55 133 1,437 933 696 146 280 93 275 338 Total Number of PE It. SUNS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 226 202 278 232 3,070 2,950 3,548 4,083 8,418 8,671 9,623 10,417 10,296 12,114 12,523 12,875 197 223 272 270 354 400 402 436 775 857 918 981 1,131 1,239 1,349 1,3^12 160 144 150 138 306 319 328 3-17 138 163 197 231 1,109 1,451 1,742 1,875 103 60 103 137 6,852 6,532 7,640 7,860 1 ,689 1,711 2,155 2,638 4,776 5,004 0,253 0,03.i 13 18 23 30 643 559 772 880 48 62 50 45 28 27 31 28 77 75 72 73 684 795 958 949 48 43 39 51 178 239 330 340 607 626 778 868 110 106 no 118 263 280 337 439 100 100 123 156 226 180 217 192 109 102 135 127 84 130 186 314 231 235 258 251 141 140 160 156 115 128 125 119 — 93 99 104 102 112 105 740 787 870 718 249 263 334 392 796 997 901 1,016 41 42 32 38 852 839 888 933 101 117 109 101 5,027 4,974 ^062 7,438 s 347 370 425 451 ^ 29 50 44 50 290 331 354 288 138 123 145 102 159 191 187 181 105 99 138 140 621 — 682 675 602 588 675 783 218 199 238 242 i 88 69 108 122 — 225 227 — 116 200 210 273 269 350 373 190 178 236 183 375 352 334 388 29 29 40 41 49 60 87 Ltaaiogbam 465 445 637 575 669 751 817 847 423 484 525 603 244 248 271 214 430 497 601 633 114 137 205 174 3.56 975 ^ 1,309 1,474 5 485 <1,272 360 361 549 597 2,490 2,559 3,126 3,690 2,719 3,910 4,933 5,052 142 167 187 102 317 274 293 209 329 3'8 376 424 845 735 729 8.58 279 263 331 379 24 34 33 24 82 114 75 86 80 88 76 81 1,092 1,121 1,311 1,3!>7 868 1,017 1,138 1,428 87 94 97 103 78 78 92 100 82 74 69 101 — — 261 760 837 974 950 572 569 807 950 298 311 376 457 264 303 363 367 296 375 417 618 109 115 112 117 ! 853 998 1,073 869 1 2G5 285 323 322 Ruf - Sail Towns, Parishes, IfC. ‘■'Si ef .S • fQ 0 Vzi 'd. z< RulTorth, V next 4042 5 Rugby, R., »S'. t 11 ^ 2786 do. Division of Kiiightl<)w(16) RliGi;i.EV,orRudgl.,V.7'«. t3^ 2931 Riiishtou, C. t near I305 Ruislip, V *129 Rmnbolds-Wyke, V *969 Riinibuigh. C near 19155 Itumney , \ Monmouth. , * 1.542 Rumworth 1084 f Runcorn j ‘ Runcton, Nortli, R near 1731 do. South, R u e Runfold & Badshot *286 Runhall, R near 2000 Runham, V « 1751 Runnington, R » 1311 Runstone, with St. Pierre « 1541 Runten, R 1744 Runwell, R near 1795 Runwick *287 do. V., Stafford 80 do. R., Wilts next 3359 Rushbrook, R » 1892 Rushclifl'e < North Division Wapentake ( South do. 680 Rushden, V near 2394 do. R 2597 Rushford, D. with Snarehill nr. 2021 Rushmere, V ...near 1757 do. R e 1764 Rushock, R next 2871 Rushroft, with Ainstable .... 4402 Rush ton .‘in 2956 do. Tarrant see Tarrant J“n>es ^ C. 964 do. All Sts. & St. Peter, R. 2588 Rushulme 1036 Ruskington, V. & Haverholme 2237 Busper, R • *835 Russell, Kingston- Ham. in Little- Rustington, V *909 Ruston, East, V 1980 do., Parva, C « do., Sco- C next 1976 Rustrock, Bradiier, & Bartn. in 3081 Ruswarp 1691 Rutliale and Ashfield ... near 2968 Rutland County 2306 Ruyton in the 11 Towns, V. .. 3037 Ryall, C in 4527 do., R., with Belmisthorp 2316 Ryarsh, V *373 Ryburgh, Great, R. . . . near 2076 do.. Little, V » « Rycote in Great Haseley next 2687 Rydal and Loughbrigg 4295 7 Ryde in Newchuren 1459 8 ; 4 1 Rye, V., IP. iS. * t 2 ^ *704 Rye-Hill and Great Tossen in 4553 Ryedale Wapentake ( ) 4126 8 Ryegate, — see Rei gate .... *217 Ryehill Ham., with Epping Upland Ryhill & Black Carts, Ex. Pa.in4515 Ryhill & Cammei ton in 1714 Ryhill in Wragby near 467 Ryehope, P. C • Ryme Intrinsica, R next Ryston near RytherwithtR • Ozendike \ Lead Hall » C R Ryton ? Woodside TTotal Parish (6) .... do., It., Salop near do ..in do. uponDunsmoor,P.C.nr. 34 4559 3559 2032 3995 37 3002 798 2784 Sacombe, R near 2.377 Sadburgh, C„ in Haughton .. 4457 Saddington, R next 2642 Saddlewood Tyth., in Hawksbury Saddleworth-cum-Quick .... 1061 91 SAFFRON-WALDEN,V.iS.t2§ 1831 Sahani-Toney, R 2049 Anounl Total Sumher of PHUSONS, BuparfleUt Valu* «r *ip*n6I 154 358 409 415 421 1,940 2,612 219 235 237 255 264 1,300 1,805 257 700 768 847 1,164 810 631 1 ,379 2,060 .3,103 5,035 21,390 36,399 2,390 4,860 5,-67 7,738 10,326 2,060 3,.571 282 251 259 314 307 790 Holme 51 111 126 123 133 F'ani ham 1,136 820 169 1,173 710 !)80 119 127 144 100 176 1,330 2,343 98 188 101 211 249 310 701 18 82 94 90 127 1,655 775 49 62 45 81 89 1,220 1,200 338 312 302 417 473 1,760 2,,579 203 243 251 307 341 Earn ham — 215 197 330 1,240 1,120 178 170 160 208 160 1,370 1,264 233 224 227 279 283 1,8.50 3,700 205 485 613 070 693 2,410 2,545 105 157 182 248 244 1,200 1,618 252 122 148 194 177 5,620 3,050 204 35G 428 478 507 19,230 31,587 1,410 1 8,094 ( 4,570 5,(Xi9 5,424 22,340 30,278 2,439 < 4,435 4,962 5,496 1,670 1,505 269 253 287 333 342 2,770 4,703 1,010 618 854 1,077 1,213 4,250 965 62 105 120 168 138 2,720 2,3U1 400 287 360 437 568 1,080 872 47 127 122 114 114 1,650 1,903 88 174 185 181 177 4,110 3,668 171 444 431 518 580 1 ,650 2.205 220 274 2a5 . 315 330 2-,110 940 62 180 158 206 226 Leek t 1,228 199 264 324 351 304 \ 1,690 213 294 362 359 337 2,960 4,789 472 434 338 3C6 405 1,040 3,608 209 726 7fl6 9! 3 1,078 4,750 3,901 178 483 556 078 782 0,750 1,568 426 399 450 487 531 Bredy — 13 69 — 79 7t; 1,070 2,145 299 261 292 327 365 2,320 2,720 349 486 406 613 730 910 1,504 34 91 113 140 152 440 626 66 123 99 103 105 King tin 271 270 357 424 ],.550 0,.390 1,123 1,-565 1,498 1,918 1,980 920 see P riors- Ditto)) 46 40 • 97,500 133,487 9,139 1C,35(} 16,380 18,487 19,385 3,990 5,0-16 251 721 758 802 933 Stamfo rdhara 115 128 129 118 85 2,070 3,090 170 501 402 439 569 2,000 2,259 441 262 316 .359 414 1,170 2,785 834 377 431 525 508 740 1,238 177 94 89 111 162 Great Hasely — — — 35 Grasmre 1,445 211 230 275 299 315 see Newc hurch — — — — 2,480 7,230 3,253 2,187 2,681 3,599 3,715 Roth buiy 132 150 119 1.59 195 121,970 104,275 0,487 15,122 16,921 19,524 19,765 Ep 4,741 ping 256 401 458 427 W ar den — ■ — 15 2,380 3,307 387 214 264 315 263 510 1,638 59 142 — 147 160 1,570 2,948 145 245 255 368 365 Wittin ^ham < 56 < 65 111 50 99 49 99 48 94 40 1,300 1,623 88 123 151 159 171 330 644 26 31 19 25 26 2.680 640 1 3,716 5 296 < 32 ^ 290 < 279 X 58 335 50 . 302 59 1,260 4,762 209 432 462 445 590 1,710 5,050 409 885 838 1,057 951 12,420 22,364 3,815 6,323 5,367 5,703 6,508 960 1,483 149 100 170 131 154 Bulkin gton — 318 345 — 1,650 2,870 259 3il 483 498 510 1,380 1,663 200 255 308 341 300 4,880 3,487 148 391 396 315 403 1,050 2,961 309 241 21.5 232 208 Hil esley — 26 * • 18,280 21,306 3,434 1 10,665 12,579 13,902 15,966 7,380 13,097 1 2,707 I 3,181 3,404 4,1.54 4,762 4,570 7,159 1 7881 659 771 925 1,0C0 lOG Superficies in Statute Acres ; Annual Value of Property ; Ainouiil annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Sai — San Towns, Parishes, !fc. Saighton in St. Michael Church, P.C. nr. S70!) .Siiinthury, K next 3121 Saint Loo, Newton- » SnUO Salcey Forest near 2-')37 Salcoinb-Kegis, V I47H Salcot Verley, U. § near 1771 .Salclen, w ith ivlnrsley . . . . « 2.)10 Sale, in Ashton, — see Sal!.... !170 Saleby, with Thoresthorpe nr. 22(il Salehurst, V *70<) Salford, V 2139 t do. C. 1017 do. Hundred (12) 1010 do. It., OxoH near 2738 do. lyiirwick 2759 Sal house, V near 1995 Saliug, Great, V » 1813 do. IJardlield- « 1824 2tt1^alt«hurc.S«l:Sn;if!^ or New SARCM.j^t. Thomas, C.» i K. A. t 4 ^ ( Cathedral Close F’isherton-Anger, I? 3390 Fugglestone-St. Peter, U. 3391 Salisbury, C H09 Salkeld, Great, K 4397 do.. Little in 4400 Sail, or Sale, next 2009 Salmon, Burton- in Monk-Fryslon Salmonby, I{ next 2208 Salome, Berrick- near 2070 do. Britwell- It ’ 2079 c , r' . ^ North Divis. 3004 Salop County, ^ 2990 Salperton, C near 3142 Salt&Flnsou 2941 Salt Hill, .... included in 2405 & 7 H Saltasu, C., S. t 2 ^ . .. . in 1374 Saltby, V near 2050 SalterSc Escat, Ex. Pa. .. » 09 Saltfleet-Haven, with Skidbrooke§ t All Saints, It. near 1722 Saltfleetby ? St. Clements, It. » « tSt. Peters, K. » » Saltford, K near 3003 Salthouse, It » 2075 Saltroarsli in 4021 ^ V \ Brawby Saltwood, R *071 Salvin, Thorpe- next 3948 Salwarp, R 2873 SalwickjWith Clifton in 4300 Sambourn 2703 Samfnrd J Hnutlted (28) 1705 Samlesbury, C 1100 Sampford-Arundell, V. near 1311 do. -Brett, R » 1538 -Courtney, R 3902 Great, V. § 1833 Little, R near » Melbury- R. next 3.701 -Peverell, R. 2 § .. 3751 -Spiuey, C I'near 3-180 St. Sampsons » 227 Sancreed or St. Creet, V 272 Sandall Grt. ) Xot. orPaV. ’( i ) do. Long with Wheatley in 3905 do. Kirk- near 3904 ^''•>T/i. + 2§ 840 Sandby, orSaundby, Notts, nr. 1717 Sandcroft, It. with St. Cross » 1‘JOO Sanderingham, R. .. 8 N. E.of 173-1 Sanderstead, R *187 2712 3028 2080 3550 425 1 32()8 3-'31 Sal ton . near 4120 do. do. do. do. do. do. Sandford, 1)., Devon .. . . flo. C., O.ron . . . . do. V., do do. Salop do. Aston do. -Oreas, It. . . . do. Ham ... ill do. & Woodley. . • • • » " do. Sandgate, , C Sandhoe a 1,810 60 1 ,8(i0 l,(i70 1 ,i)00 1,701) 2,840 2,000 1,770 5,940 <)00 1,220 212,170 1,070 4,730 1,970 1,7-10 1,510 s 480 000 2,480 1,150 3,410 Addiughaiu 1,470 040 1.030 1,090 730 3-19,470 514,890 1,210 1,330 St. Stephen 2,080 490 2,420 1,.530 1,110 1,5.50 1,150 1,900 900 S 1,730 t 1,080 2,480 2,180 1,850 3,010 Cnugbton 44,620 4,270 l,2s0 810 7,820 2,8-10 1,990 1,100 3.110 1,990 1,180 4,240 3,410 1,180 2,280 940 1,900 7.030 2,520 990 2,770 10,030 1 .250 1.110 1,110 2.250 7,720 1,080 1,850 Prees 1.50 l,3(i0 War 3,410 St. aaudholme & Stockhill -1059 1 300 Amount Total Nuf/ibrr of P ! .RiSONS, Value of at each of the 4 Pro)>erlT, ai a*ie«»ed l» Icnaiuauf 7»« hearty Periods. ■ ha I'lopertJ Tax i» itiii. POOH. iStM— 39. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 2,161 144 242 247 291 308 291 10 41 48 50 32 2,22(i 86 152 147 L50 123 3,243 143 371 381 431 477 3,451 255 300 340 430 448 236 151 115 117 138 154 3,663 774 318 310 473 495 4,546 460 819 901 1,049 1,101 2,183 300 211 222 235 220 6,523 2,018 1,011 1,053 2,121 2,204 1,534 257 210 312 340 49,018 0,253 13,011 19,111 25,772 10,780 930,752 58,199 177,682 2.54,120 323,592 429,)i02 2,573 310 225 251 293 341 7,178 782 7,5b 817 813 899 255 375 423 475 539 1,880 419 280 245 32 i 307 1,094 285 257 200 282 359 (3,159 3,252 3,S12 4,012 15,874 4,735 [ 1,750 (2,217 1,888 2,104 2,302 2,579 2,230 2,3 ^ 590 5 5'.).) t 133 0((0 101 737 855 957 989 1,018 21 08 78 1 18 no 575 391 390 453 505 708 310 310 312 302 105 302 318 378 -KlV 45 90 91 94 115 07 130 141 171 104 41 112 91 100 7S 71 200 219 222 252 125 60 97 179 127 t 172 409 • 4.5 1 4(i0 583 t 3-1 41 60 40 55 82-1 1,309 1,125 1,579 l.ti'O 200 2(0 271 323 3S7 78 t 211 229 255 212 1 tihl 328 303 3-IS — 168 179 2!)7 297 303 105 138 209 330 380 381 307 333 371 138 107 1 39 272 31)0 317 413 120 1 020 017 855 912 1(57 eveitf Comity, Hundred, Division, City, 7'oun, Parish, Hamlet, Tylhiiiy,!fc,,in EISIGLAN D, at each of the. Pour Periods, lUOJ, llJll, 1ton next 1976 Scogglethorpo in 4101 Seole, or Osmon ^ 11.^. ...near 2011 -diston ( Thorpe-l‘arva » Scopwick,V near 224.0 Scorbrough, R n xt 4060 Scoreby, with Slaniford-lJdge. \\ est Scurtou in 4241 Scosthorpe, in Kirk bj-in-Mal lam- 0 Scotby in 4414 Scotforth • 4323 Scotheru,V near 2269 Scott- Willoughby » 2214 Scotter, R. ^ 2292 Scottlesthorp, Ham. in Edenhain scotton, J i 2292 do in 4218 do in Farnham near 591 Scoltow, V. §. .. » 1987 Scoulton, R ' 2048 Scrafieldjor Scrayfleld, R. » 2207 Scrafton, West in 4226 Scraptoft,V near 68.5 Scrathby, xvith Ormsby 1749 Scray, 5 i“ 'FestUivision ) »... Lathe of Mn East do. S Scraying 5 R next 4104 -ham < Howshamftt Lepiiington Scredington, K near 2236 Screnby, R., with Grebby » 2261 Screnwood, in Alnham. ...» 4559 Scrcveton, R « 651 Scrivelsby, R • 2257 Scriven, xvith Tentergate .... 592 do. Middleton- .... near 2968 Scrooby, V 3962 Scropton, C., & Foston . . . . » 74‘i Scruton, R 4216 Scudamore, Upton- near 3379 Sculcoates, V., — see Hull.... 1337 Sculthorpe, R near 2076 Scunthorpe 2287 Scores, Nately, R " 3124 Sea-Borough, R » 1296 Seabridge in 110 Seabrook & Horton, » 2501 Seacomb, with Poulton . . . . « 1602 Sea-Court near 3231 Seacroft, in 4018 + 4Seaford, V., iS. 2§ *772 Seagrave, or Segrtive, R. near 728 Seagry, V . Lou er Sc Upper » 3345 c u i R., see Dalton-le-Dale Seaham, ^ ^ Slingley, nr. 52 Seal, C. § *334 do. P. C., with Tonghain. . . . *281 Seamer, P. C. 4192 r V. ^ 4157 • do. ? Irtou • CEastAyton » Searby, R. with Owmby near 2287 Searle, or t South V near 2329 Searle ^ Benthorpe r 2331 Sea Salter, V. Lib *554 • Season or Seizin-Cote, R. nxt. 3123 Seathing, or Seething near 1960 Seaton, V., & Beer, see Beer § 1476 do -Carew’, C 4403 do. & Slingley, in Seaham nr. 52 do. -Delaval 23 2,840 2,190 1,1 10 1,020 3,910 9..0 4,880 7,990 2.190 1 3,510 i 910 144,7.50 I 2,3.50 I 1,399 th’Hay 3,9;i0 3.610 700 Barw 49" 54' 440 1,210 I 1,079 3.190 1.310 1,940 2.610 1,350 Wethe 2,780 2.500 640 4.630 4,920 1.500 1,030 2,000 2,230 620 3,040 1,4.50 2,000 97,170 163,340 1.470 3.310 1,850 970 Ain 1,150 1,270 1,340 1,170 1.. 520 2.750 1,940 2,450 1,010 2,110 Frodi 1,120 610 Stoke lying 730 90t 1.750 1,870 2.470 1,060 1.. 570 1.310 4,539 2,470 4,530 2,930 2,650 ^ 5,1.50 2,610 1,860 1,549 510 1,4.50 1„530 1,310 4,120 2.630 1,310 Karsdun 2,409 3,131 12,535 2,150 2,972 736 1,352 1 1 ,954 1,109 3,501 1,273 190,985 2,610 1 ,601 3,120 4,(i78 951 350 ick in N . Lat. 62(> 2,086 1,327 622 6,218 5 3,254 < 1,273 1,134 1,096 2,775 3,497 650 551 2,424 Ormshy 107,597 223,402 1,925 5,734 2,341 1,766 ham 1,968 3,760 3,930 1,759 2,191 6,616 2,685 1,819 32,911 3,163 ngham 1,'29 'Tofnt Aumhir vf V EHSOS-S, at 1 ncU of the 4 Ten yearly Teriods. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831 413 73,735 • 82 5,976 100 150 200 238 8,188 345 491 105 136 1,584 434 498 171 43,178 378 148 348 838 154 37 491 2,614 103 222 468 23J 88 151 496 lOc 318 579 366 12 938 115 364 151 28 297 434 339 23 146 126 687 24,978 50,109 157 354 256 200 37 292 153 1,373 86 269 510 411 343 10,449 466 210 245 92 140 139 380 29 886 1,047 424 215 103 95 1,320 424 1,160 364 226 596 105 333 247 151 271 651 86 386 1,745 312 95 240 231 212 8,:«)9 391 .521 168 119 1,783 479 603 188 53, .582 407 147 380 912 148 32 2,465 105 2.52 5 (i03 \ 14 278 79 151 492 95 397 557 497 24 1,043 353 141 138 312 460 328 36 145 126 720 25,736 53,237 167 358 306 201 37 312 129 1,598 99 281 500 438 392 13,468 619 240 245 124 120 2J3 1,212 25 918 1,098 426 234 130 134 1,454 426 1,222 366 224 514 107 360 252 157 342 945 51 438 1,803 333 134 271 Sea — .Sha Towns, Ptirishi.s, Se*ton, Nurlli ?. in 4545 ) 'l'hon)e-by-\Vater ^ do. -Ross,C 4069 do. in (.'ammertoii,. . . .next 4368 do. in Sigglesihoi lie 41187 do. House, 8c Boiilmer in 4.564 Scav ( St. Mary, P. C. nr. 1 300 ington .?St. iMichacI, R. ) f Dinnington . . . . \ ‘ 4411 .Seberg- ( Hliurch, or Low liain, R. ^ Castle, or High \ Seckington, R next 804 or 2808 Seckmurthy, or Setmurtliy in 4367 SEDRFnru SLDBERGH Dent &c Garsdale 090 Seddlesconib, R *698 .Sedgeberrow, R near 2818 Sedgebrooke, it 2223 Sedgefield \ !J, | ;^Y)' ^ Sedgeford, V. ^ near 2084 do. Lane, Ward .... in 1734 Sedgliill, next 3-K3 .Sedgley, V 91 Sedgwick in 4286 Seend, C., in Melksham 395 Seer Green, Flam near 2467 Seething. C » 1960 Segrave, or Seagrave » 728 Seighford,V 2943 Seibdon & Trysull 2885 do. Hundred, J Sl^ulh ( ^fi) 90 SeIattyn,or Sylattyn 3043 Sel borne, V. ^ 3445 Selby, P. C.M.t 3§ 39u0 tot Main- at tat U of the 4 &UluU P*«|.e.|y, •• to «t ih* 'i rn y tarty J'triodi, Acr««. Ub io horn 1801. 1611. 1821. 1831. W ood 69 182 1.50 1.59 1.50 1,310 ) 1,K)2 213 358 3.56 377 Mr, { 932 103 100 (.9 80 89 3,380 3.351 221 385 395 477 4:vi ('kmmartvD 2,427 150 .5(i2 726 620 715 1,7.50 2,748 188 178 215 301 •i!SH Lf. Hvolajr 474 44 110 102 101 110 880 2,176 123 269 313 319 3fi« 940 t 780 ( 1,1.58 71 103 1.50 212 210 ()4 219 239 208 : 18T 6,890 5,380 t 198 t 102 3(;8 434 307 474 338 565 :m 494 470 1.287 93 LiO 118 126 lz9 Urigliam 1,327 45 164 140 188 l.‘-2 20,1.50 12,9()7 963 1 ,639 1 ,805 2,022 2,214 30,130 10,437 1,416 2,314 2,311 2,461 2,497 1,530 1,866 bl'i 510 506 667 732 1,090 1,643 85 184 195 250 221 1,540 2,421 170 207 201 230 25:^ 6,229 3,197 388 1,187 1 ,307 1,268 1,42!) 17,480 13,225 1,756 1,936 1 ,955 2,17H 505 3,800 3,994 813 3! 8 439 534 Lynn Rearis 1,749 1,579 1,766 2,0(i4 1,130 2,422 202 1!9 190 213 235 5,170 22,954 3,015 9,874 13,937 17,195 20,577 990 1,038 122 161 175 184 204 2,730 5,787 93.5 976 876 1,012 1,114 .590 781 183 224 219 264 245 1,310 3,030 160 3G() 338 38(i 438 2,470 3,514 308 301 365 424 420 3,830 6,295 174 841 1 866 851 b'Jb 3,110 3,728 244 529 j 491 539 42,050 121,015 14,438 43,869 54,998 68,401 80,530 39,330 60,975 4,117 8,565 6,253 10,072 10,701 6,150 6,074 262 70 1 79j 2,220 4,685 212 418 458 4b3 558 1,.560 1,718 482 203 230 262 275 Ash ton Ste eple 200 198 244 319 2,940 5,195 821 493 546 675 700 1,460 3,289 117 34 40 43 27 2,020 3,3; 9 252 32-1 375 419 463 5,680 7,514 1,324 1,024 1,090 1.283 1 ,188 2,350 2,148 147 431 495 637 6>9 •880 1,997 250 483 357 389 403 11,040 18,620 737 2,412 2,852 3,433 4, 18.5 980 892 29 41 31 40 55 2,740 600 ^2,834 107 < 292 \ 85 303 81 364 129 ^ 4C4 780 1,172 109 110 88 94 95 BrigliHUi 1,327 45 164 140 188 182 4,.370 0,683 799 1,136 1,153 1,508 1,627 4,330 6,814 564 414 510 535 527 1,210 2,080 74 200 219 222 252 760 Cogi^eihaU 103 130 147 141 149 1,670? 5,120 i 10,742 4,140 5 1,043 ( 1,237 1,922 1,522 2,114 1,828 ^ 4,709 2,600 2,940 162 349 334 386 465 High worth 187 263 242 239 2,940 8,386 3!0 583 600 660 74.5 8!0 1,281 122 85 74 86 111 Waltha m Abb ey 495 583 853 825 2,060 2,205 142 279 248 317 3.52 Ouckoiiostr 1,5^4 149 221 266 298 308 540 783 108 44 34 38 35 2,790 6,405 134 267 290 820 318 1,530 1,637 128 44 95 86 51 1,880 3,198 403 184 242 241 298 1,920 1,560 192 250 255 270 267 1,420 1,855 148 181 171 216 165 2,840 1,717 72 184 226 223 1,120 1,300 210 157 150 189 198 1,980 1,159 383 188 214 244 239 1,240 1,392 85 141 187 197 248 70 22,764 5,212 8,828 9,855 9,557 9, .544 2,400 6,959 1,620 2,433 2,635 2,903 3,00! 158,440 119,888 19,984 22,8S7 24,098 27,723 30,461 Hart burn 36 28 35 41 ( 15 40 40 54 08 770 920 54 174 182 235 248 2,610 6,744 1,149 3,009 3,492 4,325 5,038 3,610 1 3,061 j 503 507 531 512 1 jCOJ \ 272 — 410 4'0 1G8 Superjicies in Statute Acres ; Annual Value of Properly •, Amount annually Expended for Aluintcnunce of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in .Sha — She Tuicns, Parishes, tj c. Slinldcti, U near 3J t<) Shiilllcet, V n i4(i5 Sliall'oid, V., -see Sliciford . . Slialstoiie, W near 2512 SliatnbleliuistjOr Shamhlost, Tyllit; Sliaiij>toii,orShaiditoii, k. nxl. 2(il2 Slianklin, C; near l-)(il t Sliaj), V. + § 4205 Shajjwick, V., Dorset 3539 do. V., Somtrscl 3(>70 Shardlow & U iltie, C. ..near 7(il Sliareshill J r* 'v i ^ Gt.& l.ittleSaredon » Sliarlston, in 490 1j Sharnhrook, V 2451 Sharacote or Sliorncote, U. nt. 3341 Sham ford, R near 2(i(i2 Sharpenlioe.with Streatley .. 2423 Sliarperlon in 4555 Sharpies IISO Sliarriugton, R near 2075 Sharrow in 597 Shaston Division, 1 East .... 3526 see Shafleshnry ( VV est.. to 3546 •Shatton & Brough in 907-9 Shaiigh-I'rior, C near 1365 Shavington, with Gresty « 838 Shaw, k., enm-Donnington .. 3284 f V. & Edgljolton Shawbury ’ Besford near CActon-Reyuolds Sliawdon in 4559 Sliawell, R near 2659 Shearsby, C 2814 Shebbear, V 3890 do. Hundred (26) 3888 Sheen, C near 9.>4 Sheepliall, or Shephall .. » 2393 Sheepscoinb Tv thing in 358 SheepsheadjV 733 Sheepstor rear 3838 Sheepwash, C. + 3§ 3896 do. tk Ashington. ... in 4538 .Sheenv 5^Iagna,U near 804 *“®Py ’ i Ratcliffe Culey, C. do. Parva, R » Sheere, Shere, or Shiere, R. *262 Slieering, R near 1822 1 SirEEHNESS Ville,C., iS *473 Sheet Tythiiig in 3159 3014 Ecclesfield ^ b',..; Haudsworlh, R. 135 134 . - 129 fV., 3/.2§ .... 137 Rotherham ’ Greasboro’& Kimbr. Creindr. of Par. (4) 141 Rawmarsh, R 138 M ath-upoii-Dearne, V'. (5) . . . . 138 Tolui District of SHEFFIELD. 4 f IT Birmingham, R., Th . * t 2 & Aston, V Edgbaston, P. C Harborue Sc .Snielliwick, V. .. Handsworth, with Soho St Perry 4V est Bromwich, C t f Walsall \ Y-> ^thel'oroign .... Wednesbury, V,, /•’. 2§ Tipton, P. C Darlaston, R r Willenhall, C. . . •>" + IT W'oLvr R- 7 Wednesfield, C. HAMPTON TBilston.C Cc., IE. t § Sedgley, V f, King’s Swinford, R Rotvley-Regis, C t Dudley, V., .S’ 1 3 § lEorcesti r Old Swinford, R do. U Stourbridge, C., F. 3^ do. Aniblecoats, Stojf'ord PIales- ) V. M . 2 ^ iS'«fop[Wig. OvvEN ( lEorc. Cradley,\Varly- Tofal District of BtUMlNOH AM. ■Sheflling, or Skeffling . . . .next 1709 Sliefford Ham. in Campion 1 4 § 2110 do. Hardwicks, Ex. i’a. nr. » do., East, V near 3289 do I \\ e^l, R rf a ... . Anioiin 5 Total ]\'umher of EEtiSOSS, Suncrflcica Val.ie of rxpenrii Ifl at each of the 4 in Sinlute Pr„,,rrly, . “ linanrc Ten Yearly Periods. Airua. I'Mxiii 1H15 POOR. ' Id'iK— kU 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1 ,560 l,f33 79 1.58 157 149 1(T7 5,180 4,736 687 626 709 878 1,049 2,790 4,177 641 631 620 714 910 1 ,320 1 ,298 124 158 183 201 198 in .Sou li .Stoiu ham — — 921 1 ,590 2,113 107 36 41 39 910 756 47 138 155 255 27,770 5,f>>7 405 828 795 !)69 1,084 3,()70 4,100 421 408 395 409 462 3,690 5,05 •. 124 399 418 414 452 1,580 3,215 J6I 580 7.50 9!)3 1,091 ) 910 96 200 2J8 2,86 274 1 t 2,098 151 241 205 297 246 1,270 1 2,007 104 179 174 330 243 2,880 3,226 43!) 685 644 691 754 560 599 27 14 13 25 2!) 740 2,736 308 373 3!)4 460 645 2,180 1,904 257 209 271 309 339 Allen tn 45 99 74 107 105 3,920 3,228 247 873 1,374 2,065 2,589 1,060 1,211 345 207 246 235 272 670 1 ,()20 22 106 105 103 103 121.740 85,436 13,375 17,476 16,406 19,051 21,012 36,700 34,452 0,609 5,417 7,6!)2 8,672 9,449 Hope 1,101 38 92 89 93 78 7,170 2,988 219 480 485 551 570 1,270 1,724 97 189 19!) 274 320 1,940 2,827 411 424 4S0 531 620 6,830 6,739 j 439 S 838 i 277 t 94S 339 1,133 336 1,088 690 1,442 5 i. 177 155 168 173 Whitti ngham 17 91 95 77 80 1,480 1,563 126 195 196 209 216 780 1,961 270 249 260 310 354 4,220 3,415 649 744 738 1,006 1,179 79,200 03,771 7,315 14,335 15,243 18,134 20,159 3,020 2,308 131 362 414 42!) 366 1.130 1,385 175 120 131 187 217 Pains wick — — 725 803 5,280 7,729 1,560 2,627 3,026 3,464 3,714 3,850 945 54 59 84 129 154 1,150 1,480 238 348 378 436 446 Bcllial 464 Bolhal 58 58 50 57 1,800 2,566 408 385 363 427 415 850 1,947 202 198 201 211 212 600 855 48 82 92 87 87 3,900 4,157 1,271 871 918 1,077 1,190 1,520 2,460 392 342 349 439 547 Mins ter 899 1,422 1,685 817 61 1,850 2,514 198 247 215 306 380 3,120 75,217 12,621 31,314 35,840 42,1.57 69,011 19,710 51,325 10,058 14,441 17,391 23,118 32,681 !»,520 19,824 3,217 5,114 5,805 7,163 7,911 33.730 15,710 2,029 4,102 4,351 5,298 6,604 3,510 9,960 717 1,424 1,841 2,173 2,338 2,140 9,807 1,531 f 3,070 2,950 3,518 4,083 5,210 1.5,081 1,815 4,492 4,735 5,049 6,321 5,410 21, .536 603 856 986 1,026 1,013 2,470 4,699 579 1,011 1,110 1.259 1,638 11,120 29,242 2,268 3,796 4,831 5,812 6,927 95,940 252,401 35,438 69,620 79,843 96,603 126,327 2,660 247,058 41,111 60,822 70,209 85,416 110,914 13,330 53,142 5,69<1 11,693 14,366 19,189 32,118 2,790 11,724 750 1,165 1,180 2,117 3,954 4,000 4.316 861 1,178 1,283 1,400 1,551 7,720 16,875 1,315 2,719 3,027 3,8.59 4,!)44 5,380 13,245 2,330 1 5,687 7,485 9,505 15,327 100 6,692 i,.596 ! 5,177 5,541 6,504 6,401 7,820 10,231 1,794 5,222 5,648 6,410 8,665 2,190 7,614 2,407 1 4,160 5,372 6,471 8,437 3,020 22,804 1 ,742 4,280 8,407 11, .546 14,951 770 4,213 1,051 3,812 4,881 5 .585 <1,647 1,980 5. .508 1,190 3,143 3,523 3,965 5,834 3,700 5,360 404 1,088 1,248 1,468 1,879 2,580 1.5,634 1,5.54 6,914 !),646 12,033 14,492 3,200 32,967 4,208 12,505 14,836 18,380 24,732 5,170 22,9.54 3,045 9,874 13,937 17,195 •20,577 7,130 22,894 3,047 6,464 8,267 11.022 15,1,56 3,670 10,107 1,695 5,027 4,974 6,062 7,438 3,930 20,833 2,6.54 10,107 13,925 18,211 23,013 9 TiKO S 5,514 1 ,590 3,766 4,380 4,980 6,4!t0 1 5,974 1,305 3,431 4,072 5,090 6,148 670 .3,183 371 1,002 1,157 1,236 9,930 13,988 1,240 5,500 6,888 8,187 9,765 1 ,.360 4,812 736 2,21.7 2,520 2,759 3,074 95,680 567,642 83,701 177,053 215,615 267,511 353,773 1,580 2,811 218 155 1 59 201 204 CaiMptoiil t.68 230 474 536 618 763 Sout bill 1 — - — 16 1 ,050 I 1,136 42 70 41 69 <17 2,430 1 3,310 37li 422 421 490 5.59 She — Shi I Towns, Parishes, Ifc. Shellirooke in 3981 Shelding or Skeldiug .... » 597 Sheldon, C » 895 do., D near 3373 do., R 70 Sheldwick, V 490 Slielf, — see .Shelve in 51O Shelfhanger, R near 2011 Shelford, Great, V 2122 do. Little, R near « do. V., or Shalford e 1813 do. ^ Newton Saxondale J Shell Ham. in Himbleton near 2871 Shelland ...next I013 Shelley, R » 1810 do., C a 1765* do 462 Shellow-Bowels near 1810 Hake 2850 Shelsey,orrK-‘'''V‘^‘'^''r'l5’^ Shelswell, R 5 N.r/ 2700 Shelton, R., Bedford .... do. 2445 do., R., Korfutk .... near 2014 do., R., Psotts » 2324 do., .Stafford in 109 do., or Shilton Berks, near 2730 Shelve, R » 2995 Shelwick & Holmer, see Holmer Shenfield, R 1794 .Shengay, or Shingay, C. next 2130 Shenington,R near 2721 sh..i.y,R, do. R., Uerls 2416 Shenstone,V 2912 Shentou, C in 2811 Shephall (Cashio) near 2393 Shepley, see Shipley 461 Shepperton,R *89 Sheppy, Isle of *472-9 Shepreth, V next 2133 Shepscomb,C in 358 2^ Shepion-.Mallet, R.,F. t 2§381 do. Montague, P. C. nr. 3651 do. Beauchamp, R. » 1300 do. George,!’. C. * 1274 Shepway, Lathe of (15) *639 Sheraton, in 4481 2 H Sherborne, V., i9. * t 3 §.. 3556 3,560 2,310 do. Division do. V 3140 do. Monks, V. next 3434 do. St. John R. it V. 3436 do. P. C near 2754 do, .see Shirburnuxt 26.9 Sherburn, see Shirnborne in 4477 do. House, Ex. Pa. near « do. V 4099 Sliilford,!) in 2726 Sliilbotlle ^ T,;,.;,’,;/ iia,V((Vj ( 'a-W Shildon 111 625 1.130 1,250 1 ,270 18,340 1,200 Paint 3,770 2,350 670 1,890 127,380 2,850 4.900 31.220 4,560 2,430 3,700 1,110 2,230 740 660 4,(i30 3,400 11,6.50 3.900 810 2,490 2.220 2,240 4.130 2,910 4.310 9,590 Lendl 1,080 1,300 2.310 1,780 540 4.110 1.310 5.110 45,790 1,780 2,290 Tjuvmouth 170 Curb Long 10,860 680 7.310 700 ...... Amonnl Total Number of /^EfiSUNS* a Value of at each of the 4 Properly, a of the Ten Yearly ptriods. £ POOR, i'— 1801. 1811. 1 1821. { 1831. 961 19 91 90 1 115 1 113 Rip pon — • 56 ! 49 1 807 120 127 125 143 148 1,3-8 126 128 140 186 18.5 4,272 29!) 305 3s8 423 422 2,296 303 410 449 545 497 2,654 250 1,3(X1 1,5.53 1,9!)8 2,614 2,329 693 382 398 440 435 1,937 686 570 5H3 718 812 1,914 272 220 357 438 483 2,926 418 644 539 670 701 7,729 5 224 418 366 553 588 ( 21 68 78 118 116 Himh leton — 27 45 43 572 127 90 109 104 126 1,098 182 169 175 179 163 1,147 143 137 136 130 142 2,463 300 416 1,0.57 1,329 ! 1,319 500 85 104 98 114 i 143 (2,531 117 2fi3 277 282 271 h,130 160 233 218 201 282 966 25 07 18 57 4.) 705 27 — 40 51 49 690 105 100 97 129 132 1,914 472 220 207 236 253 1,381 80 73 52 105 113 e -upon- Trent — 5,487 7,325 9,2<>7 1,813 151 253 248 25(i 290 858 13 71 60 55 71 5,049 451 279 342 1 442 487 5,004 420 549 555 1 619 665 946 53 42 . 50 1-6 112 2,423 224 390 332 381 433 2,017 2d0 232 230 224 244 2,463 312 232 211 225 210 7, .592 5H5 7t9 990 1,132 1,167 12,827 714 1,309 1,378 1,69!) 1,827 2,200 101 177 185 194 200 Kss's 175 120 131 187 217 1,840 258 619 793 1,000 893 5,556 595 731 751 782 847 29,472 6,405 6,039 8,392 10,221 9,940 1,421 157 202 253 320 3)5 s wick ■ — 725 803 12,830 2.517 5,104 4,638 5.021 5,330 3,017 273 365 371 367 4.52 2,2!7 172 439 559 567 648 1 ,274 198 217 2H 311 3IG 151,205 21,876 13,720 22,881 25,420 25,849 1,688 57 99 !>7 116 110 13,.501 1,293 3,1.59 3,370 3,022 4,075 — — 6,()44 6,354 0,878 4,224 407 526 50.) 525 767 2,222 801 407 388 494 522 3,4 1,371 91 252 259 281 337 1,909 39 69 66 <)7 59 3,461 98 288 465 490 53(> 5,516 12,618 450 953 958 1,1 14 1,155 1,0/1 2,2 6 2,421 2,916 3,068 4,157 l,t71 871 918 1,077 1,19) 876 11!) 75 70 98 110 1,743 258 324 312 327 338 3,111 617 491 520 622 609 3,392 258 381 366 42!) 511 1,.549 120 130 18-1 188 195 2,737 45) 616 80!) 876 914 5,000 45!) 6!)7 664 756 877 10,939 746 1,051 1,127 1,278 1,371 1,173 88 55 5!) 76 88 1,2.55 447 274 270 S20 345 — — 19 23 999 136 100 106 135 140 2,023 630 352 63!) (.<)4 899 .3,121 543 691 773 7!) 688 18,921 1,436 3,141 3,275 3,787 4,186 3,283 316 (MO 72(» 836 809 2,787 208 40!) 428 191 453 11,686 2,35.3 7,280 7,6!)!) 8,205 6,744 12,227 3,978 8,108 9,001 8,886 9,074 ridge 62 67 67 .56 llorsle 14 21 29 21 13 f 1,141 t 1,163 1.6!)!) 20,662 1,517 ] 3,6.32 ( 1,5!>9 M,tll 4,7!)!) 1 ,788 ! 1,851 2,130 1 ,532 44 :ts •1!) 1 4'2 47 7,454 $ 235 472 465 518 5.57 t 484 1,031 1,104 1,153 I,l!)5 861 80 101 124 1 115 867 10 !) every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tythhuj, ijC., in ENGLAND, at each of the Four Periods, IHOl, IHll, 1821, 1031. i|j Slii — Sho il; •Sir Towns, Pttrislies, Ij-e. SliillinR-Okoforil, H next 3r>17 iSliillitigford ' 3.ilt8 do., St. (ieor^sc, 8. ' I t!tS Sliilton, V., Herks Hf O.ron , .. . 2731) do. Karl, C 715 do. C 797 Shilvinpfon, in 4538 Sbimpling, K., \iirl'ulk .. next 2014 do., U.,St{t/'ulk.... • 1873 Shinclille,l'.C 4170 Shineton near 2973 Shin- 4 East Side (rharlton) nr. 3271 held, ? Hartley Datniner (Thealc) V. C. W est Side, II i/ts Shiiijiay, next 2130 Shineham,K near 2027 Shipborne, D. § *370 Sliipbiook in 849 Sliipdam, li 2051 Shipham,U 3541 Shij)lake, V 2i)67 Shipley in 339 do ' 4507 do., C *845 do., (.' in 535 Shipmeadom, R.,seeM’ant;ford 1901 Shippon, C in St. Helen 3231 4 HSiilPSTON on Stour, R.,F. 1 2§ 2742 Shipton-Beanchamp, 3702 tio. -Bellinger, V near 3347 do. -George, P. C. .. » 1271 do. Lee » 2498 do. -jMoyne, R • 305 do. -Olili'e ) T> oi iQ do. -Seller I ‘ do. -on-Cherwell, R. next 2707 do. -under- S y 2732 do. AVhichwood f Tot. I’a. » do. orShepton, C. .. near 2970 do. C in 4071 do « 4110 Slui'borne, — see Sherborne, & Slier Shirburn, or Shireborn, V. nr. 2679 Shire-Newton, R. ^ I » 1541 Shirehamplon, C in 1327 Shirland,V ) Higham \ cmrlty, ^ j ^ Yeavesley r Shitlington, I Hoij’well & Low^f do. in Thornhill .... 476 do. High & Low,., in 4521 Shitterton Tything « 3570 Shobdon,R near 3075 Shobley, Broomey-Lodge. Linford, Shobrooke, R. or Sholbrooke 3778 Shoby.in Saxelby, near 2645 f Church ..< 2953 Shochlach, C.< Oviate. . . .» « C Cal denote « » Shoebury, North, V near 1780 do. South, R. . . . » s Shopland, V / 1797 Shoreditch, St. Leonard *42 Shorehan),V *337 do., 01d,V *861 ; t+do.. New-, V., S. t§ *862 Shoreswood, in 4490 Shorncutt near 3341 Shorne, V., and Merston .... *436 Shortflatt, in 4528 Shorwell,R.& V near 1462 Shoston, in 4569 Shothaugh, with East & West Thur Shotley, R near 1769 do J C 4498 } Newbiggin& Blanshard Shotover, Ex. Pa near 2090 Shottesbrook,R » 3270 f All Saints, V. 1979 Shotteshani ^ St. Mary, R. * C St. Martin, V. a Shottisham, R near 1761 ShottIe& Postern ^ 756 Shotton in 4479 do. & Foxton 4466 do. & Langley-Dale » 618 do. w ith Plessy, in 4537 Shottswell, V near 2716 ^ tP. C « 1654 Shetwdek^ Park.Ex.Pa. « < Total of Par. (8) » Supf 1,420 1,690 890 1,490 920 850 Mor 720 2,730 1,240 930 1,710 440 1.. 3110 754 870 2.570 320 4.340 740 3,120 He^iior Filing 8,170 1.140 800 Abing 1,300 570 2,350 1,890 1,620 2,400 1 ,050 1,160 1,220 4.720 11,620 1.570 1.. 570 1.840 burn 2,230 4.060 West 2.340 1,530 2.030 1.030 4.000 3.060 W'ark Beer 3,510 & Pick 4.140 710 1,540 1,210 430 1,160 1.340 1,830 620 5,190 1,870 170 1,100 560 3,010 Ho 4.060 Hambo ston in 1,820 I 1 2,660 950 1.060 1.31.0 ^ 2,040 2,320 DurtieM 3,130 1.720 4,630 Stanni 1,860 5,50 710 3.560 Tikviii IHI6 3,697 561 1,813 4. . >23 2,(i03 petli 1,310 3,050 2,673 1,0<)6 ^ 3,647 707 ai6 529 1,411 1,1 U 6,638 1,392 4,308 5,711 ham 4,120 3,527 865 don 4.2.33 2,317 2.. 525 1,274 2,579 3,602 1,336 1,075 1,126 2,112 9,607 2.267 1,962 Ovtrton 904 < 632 ( 754 bury 5,006 2,151 2,069 1,960 2,042 5,176 Regis 4.. 505 ed Post 4,626 1,214 1,538 1,713 984 2.033 1,889 1.267 139,868 5,207 1,908 1,046 1,325 59:1 3,860 lam 4,690 rough Felton 2,866 6,804 904 1,437 1,821 2.035 1.035 3,418 2,193 1,244 2,015 ngton 2,327 888 inanr « »( roou, IWJ-W — i,-- 1.50 191 17 151 1 ,0!I6 295 36 267 783 112 167 501 110 53 20 2!)3 68 1,194 218 653 325 41 2,889 417 110 900 172 231 198 132 2.50 72 84 70 239 1,706 147 148 123 370 105 97 508 134 125 488 500 489 103 'I'otal fiumher of FI':ttSUNS, tit eitch of' the a Ten y tarty Periods. 1801. 291 ,Ex.t 461 Saxel 207 161 49 200 227 loo 28,934 1,027 191 284 133 27 552 10 401 30 122 240 i 287 M05 78 56 465 379 89 372 98 53 271 184 60 5,062 ! 335 380 253 71 253 1,2.87 280 96 169 441 214 163 < 462 \ 252 1.55 42 38 323 90 1,250 493 476 433 108 997 1,008 442 128 1,293 439 297 217 120 273 I 239 106 406 1,969 119 325 341 313 280 239 354 1,098 244 221 I 899 1,166 171 496 near 686 by 15 146 145 59 202 101 36 34,766 828 188 799 247 14 602 20 492 30 249 284 I 434 59 94 441 350 161 .5.56 250 62 143 218 95 25 520 1811. 385 268 60 248 1,533 318 114 170 393 282 162 539 251 158 50 42 377 84 1,412 539 485 .563 1.52 1,011 1,214 387 155 1,377 559 282 244 94 298 207 104 395 2,005 133 356 364 321 363 259 490 1,197 302 2()0 i 1 1,410 192 501 Fordin 724 23 156 155 56 185 101 43 43,930 806 210 770 219 13 624 32 516 55 294 319 5 517 I 1,431 87 96 416 307 196 636 2^6 62 160 243 81 24 693 1821. 430 271 70 256 1,771 396 110 179 450 367 182 579 323 163 86 58 402 92 1,642 635 528 595 129 1,159 1,606 *133 138 1,562 557 267 311 106 390 S 177 \ 62 147 441 2,275 126 369 377 332 428 261 635 1 614 ' 591 309 280 964 185 1,635 209 127 536 bridge 737 31 158 ISO 84 210 153 34 52,966 891 23. 1,047 261 25 776 22 576 63 325 330 609 1,090 85 135 458 383 235 607 264 63 198 268 94 23 758 1831. 473 246 89 290 2,017 460 101 227 49(i 302 133 589 381 131 112 61 470 83 1,889 691 515 632 95 1,180 1,926 133 151 1,632 536 63 644 15 140 216 75 226 202 48 68,564 1,015 231 1,503 279 29 730 22 699 89 307 410 590 1,104 149 138 558 367 280 55(i 272 73 217 341 302 96 18 744 Sho — Sim Towns, Parishes, SfC. •S3? sir Shoulden, C *616 1 ,880 Shouldhain, (i. 2^ 4,300 do. 'I’liorpe, C. )» 1,410 Shrawardine, R next 3030 1 ,530 do. & Bcntlnil near A liber .Shrawley, It 1,360 Shrewley, C Mutton 4 n IF SllltEWS- litiRY, IV. F. S t 8§ fSt. Alkmund. V. '' f 1 St. Cha.l, P. C. .. o I j St.Gi. & Ho.C.,V. St. Mary, 1’. C. r — cc I St. Julian P. C. 1 Meole-Brace, V. 'T 1 1 y Liberty, (9) 3014 9,940 Slirewton, V 3381 Shrigley. Pott- 821 Shriinplinglhorne, ? Shimpling 1873 Shripple Tything 7 A’. 0 / 3397 3248 3247 2018 2019 25.'] 2116 3169 849 2804 3767 2716 2808 2541 do. Hundred.. (9) Shropham, V near do. Hundred (21) .... Shuckburgh Lower, t;. near do. Upper, C » Shudy-Canips, V » Shurdington, Great, 1; » Shurlach in Shustoke, ’ ) Bentley. ... near 5 Shute, C Shutford, East } r, do,. West S ' .Shuttington, C near Shuttlehanger, C » Sibbertoft, V » 2580 Sibbertswould, V *626 Sibdon-Carwood next 2090 Sibford, or t Ferris Ham. e 2721 Sibfort ^ Gower » » » Sible, Hedingham- 1848 Sibsey, V 2258 Sibson with Stibhington, near 2171 do 5 R- Leicester, » 804 ( Upton e u Sibthorpe, P. C « 232 1 Sibton,V « 1032 Sicklinghall, in Kirkby-Overblows Sidbury, V 1480 do near 2973 Siddington. C in 811 do. St. Mary,R.,&St. P.R.3157 Side near 3162 Sidenhefin or Sydenham near 2684 Sidestrands, R » 1745 Sidlesham, V., .V *963 Sidling, or Sydling St. Nicho. 3574 Sidmonton, C in 34(i9 2 SlDMOUTH,V., S. 2 § 1479 „ < R 4087 ^ Tot. of Par. (4) • Sighelden, or Silsden 556 Sighill, near 24 Signet & Upton, Ham in 2730 Sigston- 5 Township .... near 4182 Kirby \ Sowerby & Winton e Silchester, R 3425 Sileby, V, 693 Silfield Division in 2000 Silk-W'illoughby, R near 2235 Sdkstone, | BARNsrEY,'&c.'(8) 417 Silksworlh near 34 Silpho, with Harwood-Dale in 1694 Silsden, or Selsden, C 556 Silsoe Ham in 2424 Silston, or Siston, 3199 Siltou, R 3553 do. Over ^Kepwick.... * do. Nether J j in • Silverdale, C 4329 Silverstone, C 2543 Silverton, R. t2§ 3777 Silvington, R. (Overs) near 2978 Simonburn j Houghton &HuS i do. aa sub- 1 W^ ark , R ... (4) 4521 divided per \Bellingham, R.(6) 4522 Act of .’ii /Falstone, R. (2) 4523 II’ J Thorney burn R.(2) 4524 '■ f Gaystead, U. (2) » Simondsley, 920 Geo. II c.ip. 191. 2,220 1,780 2,739 in Idm 8,130 34.490 2,630 -19,010 870 910 2,300 2,080 460 5 1,930 t 1,230 1,940 640 980 Stoke 2,620 2,000 1,C90 820 1.690 5.490 5,460 1 ,530 2,590 l,-270 880 2.690 1,030 7,9>90 920 1,920 1.950 650 see 510 3.950 4,930 4,470 1,970 1.6.50 5,380 6,570 F.arsdun Burford 1,560 1.950 1,850 2,190 VV'ymo 2,290 1.2.50 14,530 1 ,555 8,430 6,570 2,160 1,820 1,170 940 2,520 2,610 1,110 2,110 3,6'30 1,120 16,050 26,090 15,440 57,700 18,100 25,980 2,022 3,439 1,514 2.312 bury 2,372 1,095 5,.578 29,923 7,018 17,015 6,707 6,892 15,280 1 ,806 2.158 3,050 iston ) 3,9.52 1 1 2, no I 39,337 4,390 56,348 2,028 1 ,961 2,329 466 .593 2,794 1,735 4,945 2,062 1,791 1,595 3,308 1,487 760 1,686 2,806 3,686 12, .576 2,786 1,826 1 ,959 874 3,039 1,822 10,0-.7 1,076 2,830 2,884 628 Sydenh 503 6,107 3,644 1,882 9,634 1,144 6,305 5,203 1,980 2,919 1,2.54 2,414 2.084 4,816 ndham 2,400 2,472 31,763 3,181 2,087 5,203 3.313 4,072 1,510 709 1,1 S6 t 1,464 i 395 467 1,106 8.158 921 10,933 6,793 11,383 6,673 Bellingh 1,989 881 144 186 1.86 676 2,779 .531 91H) 523 510 979 439 56 783 666 1,726 4,764 374 6,659 112 125 11 Gloslsop 343 5 40 ( 322 112 487 294 156 42 340 572 2,347 511 247 245 13.5 72 479 149 919 61 291 302 40 am 152 1,510 233 194 686 67 373 663 102 402 83 43 587 849 110 19!) 4,717 118 117 603 434 400 274 24 79 92 79 9.5 605 969 19 t 221 ( 149 412 816 203 am2l3 115 Total Niimhtr of P Elt.SON.'l, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 238 286 285 356 46 Little Kdstone& Mart. .Siinvell & Braitley in 307 Sisland, K near l!)(i3 .Si.stnn, IJ 31'.)1) Sithney, -(»3 ^ Siltiiigbouine, V. 2 § *302 .Six-Hits, (Uragg'oe) ....near 2270 Sixpenny- S liandli'y } Hundred (7) ... . »_ Sizewcll, with i-eistou l‘J.50 Skeekling, V., or llurstwick, — see Skeeby, in Easby 4210 SkefHngton, R next 2037 .Skefliing, or Sheffling, \ . ' 1709 Skegby, I’.C near 2319 Skegness next 2202 Skelbrooke, orShelbrooke C. in 3'J84 Skcldin, with Graiitley — .in .597 Skellii'gthorpe, V near 2209 Skellow, in Owston » 3982 Skehvith and Monk Coniston 4345 Skelmantliorpe in 431 Skelmersdale, C 1254 Skelsmergh in 4288-90 Skelton in 4021 \ Lamonhy '& Unthank ^ do. (see Shelton). .. . in 4110 , SR [how 1085 ( Gt. MoorshainSc Strang- do. P. C near 5 ton, R " 1987 Skidbrooke, V.with Sallfleet Havn Skidby,C near 1338 Skidder, or Under Skiddaw in 4303 .Skilgate, R near 1314 Skillington, V » 2119 Skinnand, R » 2251 fikinningrove, in Brotton » 1680 Skiplam in 4143 Skipsea, I "I'Jf p ”iVb (.1) ■ Skipton in 4162 6 5,' no. ^'PotMoVl^ari3h '(8)' 507 Skipwith, ^ skirbeck, do. M apentake (8) .. 2190 Skircoat 524 iSkirlaugh, North s Rnwton in 1310 do., South, C t 4059 Skirlingti n, Atwir k, ft Arram 17(;6 Skirpenbeck, K near 411! Skirrit, Lanthewy- K » 157 Skirwith in 4399 .Skuttersclift'e, or kelfe .... in 4187 Skyehouse 39’5 .Skyrack J Lower Divis. (9) 4015 Wapentake ( Upper do. (6)553-4 Slaidbnin ^ U .576 Slaiabutn, ^ Slainsiker ft Hawkser in 1692 .Slaithwaite, C 4.4 1 Slaley, C 4500 Slapton, R., Uncles near 2.501 do. B., Devon 3824 do. R., Northampton near 2541 Slaughatn, It. § *7t)5 ^ I'«"er, U 3137 Slaughtu R , IT I , S L(jw.(I3) 3136 do. Hundred, J Up,, r.(IOj3l3:t Slaughterford, (j next 3313 Au)ounl 1 Total Numher of T EHSO^iS, • i ’ Amount j Total Numlot of E ICliSOSS, Supetflula* V«lu* of at each of the 4 Supvi ftciet vipcnrted at each of the 4 SlHMllf Pruperty.ai ■ lu len.nraof 7 i7i Yem-ly Teriofts, Miiliit* (‘fCprrl,. atl >*»'»■•<) to of Ttn Ytarly Ttriods. r>l IN iMIf). 1)>7 molt. 1821-29. 107 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Puri.shes, !fc. ij||| l«z iu HH&. POOR, IWS— 29. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 900 2i)8 330 3<)0 410 Siaughton,? Staugliton, which see — — 2,8It) 1,.575 103 271 304 390 411 .Slawston. near 2041 1,510 2,5 -2 3F0 266 203 228 243 9,180 2,.50l 205 513 000 554 027 Sleaford, Old, V 2235 1,150 1 ,352 (iO 120 170 •215 172 1 ,330 2,301 383 307 372 395 470 7 IF 1)0. N Kw. \ 5 ^ ( Holuingham • 1,800 6,504 078 1,183 1,781 2,094 2,450 49) 802 25 77 75 80 93 1,300 1 ,245 90 1)3 123 126 137 920 92! Gt. llor woodhT 100 104 no Sleagill in 4208 iMorlantt 1,247 00 114 138 157 184 2,350 5,117 297 325 390 501 4'J9 Sleap & Tilley // 3029 W cm — 348 323 6,010 2,231 551 445 5 275 ( 20(i 285 1 503 Sleddale, Long- C in 4288-'J0 Kendal 1,8'J2 140 187 172 185 199 199 SlednierpjV. with Groom .... 4097 Sleep, and part of Smallford in2398 0,050 0,450 174 3S5 388 425 480 1 ,900 ^ 3,071 S 207 274 29i) 3^13 3-10 3,580 St. Prln 1,3j3 480 3‘J3 039 772 1 ,430 ( 69 192 220 271 244 .Sleiglits, G., in Eskdaleside . . 1()94 — ■ Woolo 11 under Edge 1,235 1,.5.58 — Slimbridge, R 3191 3,000 8,105 504 770 794 807 'J23 410 55 54 55 101 85 Slindon in 2940 500 Eccle shall 127 130 13.5 1 ,820 4,072 400 850 833 902 973 do.. R *978 2,840 1 ,958 317 374 437 471 539 5,070 5,839 730 1,420 1 ,552 2,238 2,772 SI infold, sin. R. and V. § *875 4,230 2,353 !)39 5.50 549 644 082 1 ,200 4,303 1,270 1,347 1,302 1,537 2,182 109 Slingsby, R 4130 2,090 2,410 104 434 404 548 502 1,350 2,203 137 131 117 141 Slingslev ft .Seaton in Seaham nr. 52 1,310 1,043 4 90 120 95 134 5,(i70 5,010 •J52 757 793 831 889 Slipton, (or Glipton) V... next 2608 720 915 129 128 123 135 155 11,290 1 2, .593 1,864 2,287 2,410 2,7'J9 2,951 Sloley, R near 1981 880 OaO 1.19 260 223 308 207 5,220 3,009 275 823 867 954 1,070 “'““el..- 3,380 1,5'JO 2,013 5,974 608 091 288 1,018 838 1,083 1,073 1,268 1,2.52 1,502 Biiivt wick — 770 1,504 59 153 134 120 147 103 183 Gays 1,1.W lead 83 131 1,54 163 7-22 173 099 1,011) 3,710 136 109 183 Smallbiirgh, R. 1979 1,155 251 6'J9 038 1,.580 2,811 218 155 1.59 201 204 Smalley, C 774 Smallford, part of, ft Sleep in 2398 Moi ley 2,(03 224 6)8 045 727 7'J2 1,570 1,.5.50 219 410 453 584 050 3,580 Si. Peter 1,333 486 393 639 772 2,100 3,081 236 134 132 1.50 185 .Smallwood » 808 1,0'00 3,193 373 492 4 038 <) 39 57 55 52 '930 1,101 47 195 233 233 213 Smarden, R., E. ^ *528 5,480 4,849 1,399 831 8'JO 1,038 1,177 0,220 4,852 207 193 244 370 417 Smeatou, Little inWornersley 1 .200 1,213 27 72 78 64 (i7 'J'JO 1,143 111 105 126 140 181 do. Great | 1,700 2,444 118 230 218 250 24H 5,420 2,010 flawkshd. 280 386 420 397 2,050 2,577 72 228 211 238 202 1,430 Cum berwo i th — — Smeeth.G. 2§ *058 1,520 1,850 418 296 402 393 497 1 ,7 10 2,6.11 195 414 541 022 676 SnieetoD & Westerby .... near 2642 Kibwrili 2, .523 399 365 373 388 475 Kendal 4,609 108 247 220 258 263 do. Kirk- next 3982 1,770 1,721 139 248 297 321 318 1,500 2,677 159 146 166 221 228 Smerrill ft Middleton, G.'. . in 330 2,300 2,405 100 183 208 280 302 491 270 '( 459 285 332 348 Smethcott,K near 2'J85 3,290 Har 2,447 155 338 359 347 306 G,9C0 6,041 471 526 779 Smethwick, G 87 bone — 1,097 1,328 1 ,95!) 2,676 2,320 4,911 1.54 126 174 187 291 do. with Brereton near 840 4,240 5, .584 501 556 687 624 661 3,830 5,076 340 700 717 791 781 Smishy, G., or Smithsby .... 114 Smithdon Hundred (18) .... 1735-8 •)90 'J79 108 235 277 322 324 0,010 3,239 285 420 4'90 444 460 ■15,000 50.279 8,2 1,210 1 ,508 lO'J 240 236 314 383 Smithfield, East Liberty .... *48 32 St. Bo tolph — — — 1,710 1,982 204 174 234 210 253 4,940 3,717 325 444 348 488 009 Snadlincote,orSwadlinrote Ham. in Cliurch Gresly 5!) 216 290 459 645 l'J,420 10,041 819 l,.56(i 1,.577 1,817 2,138 Snailwell, R next 2089 1,830 2,005 150 200 196 222 236 11,190 13,8,59 1,359 1,705 1,793 2,112 1,812 Snaiuton.G in 4153 Broinpm 3.821 281 4.50 025 603 o:'6 2,020 3,055 132 184 194 251 201 ITSnaith + 3§ 3'J70 730 3,159 482 088 743 834 885 1,020 6,519 058 1,278 1,254 1,283 1,351 34,810 34,114 1,042 5,101 4,782 0,',.'09 8,531) 3,170 6,924 964 1,099 1,318 1,504 1,018 Snape, V. 4 1931 1,440 1,191 453 402 456 618 614 1,480 1,553 84 123 129 169 155 do. in tVcll 4208 2,300 1,330 100 368 332 370 404 1,1 <90 1,401 352 320 340 324 317 Snareliill with Rushford near 2021 4,250 905 02 105 126 168 138 2,120 3,570 445 298 355 305 302 Snai-eton, G » 724 1,510 2,927 281 324 309 350 353 1,2.50 2,511 205 243 287 313 315 Snai-ford, R .8 N . P. c/2209 1,120 974 33 39 47 64 61 CfoSflhtraCe 3,474 119 338 380 4:->7 477 Snargatp, R *081 2,300 3,285 139 67 68 93 85 1,630 1,487 133 220 201 226. 227 Snave, R *082 1,3'JO 4,043 234 59 88 108 91 2,140 1,821 839 lOQ 45/ 2-14 12 270 11 304 14 38J) Sneatoii, R in 1094 4-040 2,-112 1,552 127 173 ‘21 1 251 133 ‘PSrt 000 24 Snpllaiid,*R nair 2273 1,400 80 94 109 105 250 133 17 07 68 00 03 Snelson ..in 2‘J05 t 900 531 03 126 118 137 130 Bransdle 1,426 93 70 82 170 124 Snelston, G near 887 Snenlon, P. G 042 1,900 2,909 394 413 419 402 484 1,680 1,575 14! 220 290 329 380 720 4.185 627 558 953 1,212 3,605 5,820 5,762 39 5.18 682 010 Sodbnry, Little, R 3201 1,110 2,217 80 89 83 107 120 810 1 ,954 309 228 202 312 300 do. Old V * 3,0. -0 0,790 329 687 *2.52 803 729 3,200 4,113 230 .559 578 089 0()5 IF do. Gmi'Piso- G., 3 ’h. 1 2 §3202 120 2,270 660 1,090 1 ,235 1 ,059 1,306 930 7<)7 183 135 185 201 197 Softley ft Lvne.sack <*3I 5,320 2,990 301 5)7 Mi 2 732 7'J5 2,570 1 ,928 827 5)i0 759 9:i3 740 SoilAM,V., iV. t § 2085 13,210 14,020 1 .969 2,001 2,386' 2,8.50 3,6ti'J 1,110 1 9fi5 195 1!)8 232 212 258 do. Eai 1- near 1935 2,240 3,:0I 538 51.3 574 t*4l 762 1 1 ,390 1,811 1.54 250 210 215 21 iO do. Monk-R ' 1937 830 2,072 501 3,9 32.5 388 433 ' 23,590 30,818 3,151 3,818 3,8;’,8 4,222 4,137 Soho with Hand.sworth 73 see Hands Wol'tli - — 13,810 2',72H 2,012 3 001 3,211 3,071 3,i)l 1 Soil, llntlon- in 4392 (inyMoc l< 1,.539 75 233 228 280 331 1 510 1 1,782 51 124 lib 121 115 Sokeholme, Ex. Pa " 2337 Wareoj) 730 39 — 63 ()9 68 171 ijs Sol — Sou tSS Toii ttn, Parishi'S, kc, ; ! 5 Solihull, 11. t 27i«) tio. Division (10) 2700-9 Solleis, Hope- 11 near 3051 (III. Neon- » 2972 Soliiey, Ne« toil- C » 716 Sol{>ort in 4-113 Sonibouru, Kini;’s, V 3489 ilo., Little, C near Sonierby, 2ti48 do., H near 2287 do., K. withGt. Humby » 2223 Somercoates, North, V 1724 do. South, R. near 1724 Sonrerford-Booths in 805 do. Broad, R near 33-15 do. -Keynes, V » 3341 do. Little, R • 3345 Somerlevton, R. § near 1755 Soinersall-Herbert, R » 113 Somersby * 2267 Somerset ( East Division .... 3590 County ^ West do 3691 SoMERSHAM, F. 2 § 2156 do. near 1942 Somerton, East, C • 1751 do. West, C » » do. R near 2701 DO. R. Tk., t0§ 3061 do. Hundred (9) • do. R 7 JV. W.vf 1873 Soniptin?, V *866 r V 3268 rSandford& Woodley 1 Sonmng . Lib. (Charlton) . C Eye & Dunsden. . . . 2608 do. Hundred (0) 3205 Sooth ill 486 Sopley, V 1456 Sopworth, R near 3345 Sotby, R » 2273 Sotherton, R « 1955 Sotterley, R ...» 1961 Sotwell, C next 3239 Soughton, Salop in 4051 Soulbury, P. C near 2133 Soulby, C in 4253 Souldem, R .near 2531 Souldrop, R next 2451 Soulton in 3029 Sound 0 836 Sourton, C 3803 South-Acre, R near 2055 » -Brent, V » 3044 » -Burn, in Kirk-Burn » 4065 » -Cave, V., it/. § 4051 » -Cerney.V 3158 » -Elmham’s (7) see ' -Fields 701 » -Hamlet in 3167 ' -Hill 3931 » -Holme in 4131 • -Hylton-Ferry, P. C. « 4472 » -Kyrae 2238 2 » -Moulton, C.,iS. t 2§ .. 3872 » -Newington, V near 2723 » -Pool, R /. 1520 » -Repps § // 1983 • -Scarle, orSearle.... » 2329 ' Besthorpe 2331 8 1 ' T Shields 25 « -Skirlaugh,C. in Sw. nr. 1340 » -Stoke, with Woodcote/» 2674 » do. do. Offhani *916 » -Stoneham, V 1146 » -Tidworth, R near 3346 » -Town, R ir:->3 » -Warnborough, R 3430 ' WeaM ) R-,<5( Brook St. 1789 4 Southall & Norwood, IF. § *94 H SOUTHAM, R. i)/. t 5 § 2771 do. & Brockhamptonin Bishps. do. Division (21) 2773-6 rSt.John,V. ..'I 1 * IT +t I St. LawrnceV. I Southampton, Holy Rood.R. 1 Tu. Th. Sf S, St, Michael V. * t 5 % ! All Saints R. . I ^ 1 St. Mary, V... | South \ ( Portswood . . j Stoneham ^4 other Tythings 1-146 St. Mary Extra, or Weston 1448 Milbrook, with Redbridge 1419 * . AmuuBt Total Number of PER SONS, Suptrflcivt V«l..» „f at each of the 4 •a Suiul* * VVrt Yearly /•'triot/f. T«x lo IHU POOIt, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 10,0(M) 12,516 1,837 2, 173 2,,581 2,817 2,878 43,560 57,730 5,917 8,30!l 8,870 9,7(i3 9,933 1 ,250 1,071 37 160 L58 187 179 1,370 1,917 108 197 209 231 208 1,280 1,912 187 181 259 261 338 Stapletn 1,737 93 25!1 277 3(i0 354 7,100 3,703 1,179 778 819 991 1,046 1 ,450 1,101 202 03 50 59 84 1,000 2,641 308 350 333 384 377 1,910 1,138 30 58 08 79 61 2, two 3,512 162 194 219 246 282 4.3H0 5,800 .579 601 013 084 753 2,510 3,141 384 284 2!)0 301 320 1,030 2,410 138 250 2(i7 285 297 1,770 2,616 365 358 412 481 500 1 ,640 2,350 242 203 257 324 327 1,330 2,792 260 255 251 330 376 770 2,398 125 240 277 349 419 2,120 1,082 45 88 107 104 117 560 1,050 35 76 73 95 69 486,460 1,077,570 87,215 157,552 176,895 211,036 247,824 541,630 823,082 67,990 116,198 120,285 144,278 156,376 4,200 8,229 879 833 1,032 1,166 1,402 1,370 1,252 106 298 337 377 440 830 1,029 82 95 50 76 54 1,780 1,104 103 162 161 197 243 2,140 3,437 379 254 314 400 392 0,030 6,049 543 1.145 1,478 1,043 1,786 25,450 31,201 2,083 3,813 4,303 4,871 5,452 1,000 1,149 194 117 187 156 141 2,660 2,252 458 405 441 472 519 1,210 J C 442 464 5,690 >6,000 1,233 1,534 •? 1,206 1,237 2,280 3 592 C 447 441 2,550 3,296 744 705 756 845 887 21,830 20,652 3,611 4,410 4,951 5,070 5,835 2,390 4,042 757 2,134 2,609 3,099 3,849 3,730 1,027 803 840 *589 978 1,012 790 1,960 80 180 165 222 222 1,500 1,130 109 95 109 128 157 730 966 131 168 l&l 178 196 2,530 1,358 309 254 255 287 243 1,310 1,398 104 68 164 145 157 4,320 1,037 59 156 249 247 4,460 4,390 731 526 515 547 578 .Rirkhy St 1,354 94 237 193 2o! 256 2,270 2,877 450 394 449 491 599 1,290 843 172 188 212 223 242 Wem — — 1 30 31 1,220 1,032 140 190 207 247 255 6,630 2,119 401 450 484 546 625 2,350 3,360 158 78 80 100 96 3,210 10,858 478 500 037 764 890 1,030 1,177 30 75 87 103 107 7,480 10,228 048 972 1,062 1,190 1,200 3,100 0,691 408 798 784 922 980 Elmha ms — — — — Leic ester — 762 1,608 Heajpite«d 1,029 200 60 52 391 834 3,250 2,(i22 426 447 466 534 530 500 1,127 20 53 60 66 65 2,480 2,648 207 507 507 574 591 4,720 8,249 478 292 389 516 493 6,160 9,900 1,665 2,753 2,739 3,314 3,826 1,460 2,631 424 395 343 424 402 2,260 2,458 203 412 433 393 567 2,170 2,024 5.52 571 617 656 733 1,540 923 72 119 149 151 157 510 1,518 91 216 233 271 322 170 12,227 3,978 8,108 9,001 8,886 9,074 1,190 1,438 94 123 160 211 228 3,440 3,090 1,029 504 045 739 751 1,240 818 140 106 99 115 101 8,269 5,539 1,455 1,255 1,304 2,202 2,083 2,170 1,700 235 — 57 198 217 840 — — — 1,039 1,304 2,670 2,834 443 240 201 356 374 5,200 (■,688 678 881 1,010 1,135 ,1,183 730 3,000 900 1,007 1,238 1,423 1,642 Rulslip 3,798 699 697 875 1,124 1,320 2,770 5,871 691 535 1,007 1,161 1,256 Cleeve 2,393 1H4 202 207 248 223 40,030 61,098 4,721 5,849 6,059 6,630 6,734 r 519 512 651 660 363 419 459 406 I 1,415 1,543 1,739 1,772 1,970 39,359 5,176 «( 1,210 1,450 1,671 1,752 1 2,315 2,792 3,685 5,560 1 1,807 2,542 4,708 8,520 L 284 359 440 654 8,260 5,538 1,455 1,255 1,304 2,202 2,083 2,040 1,825 354 617 817 983 1,068 2, 900 8,308 1,415 1,304 1,798 2,124 2,735 Sou — Spi Town$, Parishes, Ifc. Southampton, & Vicinity 1410-9 do. County > 'V'’ •' ( Soplh do. Southchurch, R near 1797 Southcot Tything, in St. Mary 3271 Southeai-e i *814 Southcrnby -Bound in 4104 Southlieet, R *351 Southgate, C Southill V near 2-140 Broom & Stanford SouthmailingC *702 Southminster, V. 4 § 1800 Sonthoe, V near 2141 Southolt, C. (Hoxne) .... « 1937 Southorpe, Ex. Pa » 1717 Southover, R *810 .Soulhrop, V near 3151 Southrope, 2 § in 2740 fSt. Saviour’s C. .. Southwark, • St. Thomas, D. The Hospital . . see Loudort. Guy’s do , St. George, R (.Horsleydown, R. SQ Total Electoral \ District oj SOUTh WA RK. j IT Southwell, V., S. t § 650 do. & t in N. E. Division » Scrooby Lib. ^ in S.AVest do. 2347 Southwell Park in Hargreave 1896 Southwick 31 do., V next 2623 do., D 1439 do., R. § *864 do. Tything § in 389 S SoDTHWOLD, P. C., Th. t 2§ 1758 Southwood, R. (Blofield) near 1905 Southworth & Croft 990 Sowe, V. \ !“ ’ < in Warwick a Sowerby, Castle- (5) 4404 do. w ith Inskip, P. C. 4310 do. Brough- in 4251 do. Temple, C 4360 do. under Cotcliffe, in Sigston do. -Bridge, C 5i0 Sowton, R next 1-192 Siwland 518 7 ifSpALDiNO, C. Tm. * t 5 § ..2174 Spaldington in 4007 Spaldwick, V. 2 § near 2100 Spalford.Ham in North Spanby, C next 2214 Sparham, R near 2069 Sparkenhoe Hundred (44) .... 716 Sparkford, R near 3685 Sparsholt, | Kingston Lisle & pidw do., V 3510 Spaunton in 4142 Spaxton, R 3713 Specton, or Spacton, P. C. in 1703 Speech-house Walk in 149 5 Church- 3290 Benham in 3290 '■ i Speen-hamland .. 3285 ' W ood- & Bagnor « Speke near 1320 Speldhurst, R *359 Spelhoe Hundred (11) 2581 Spelsbury, V 2735 Spelthorne Hundred (12) .... *118 Spennithorne ] ^eUerb; &’Harfby" Spernall. R next 2764 Spetchley, R near 2831 Spetisbury, R 3540 Spexhall, R near 1955 7 % Spilsby, V., /!/. + 3 § 2261 Spindlestone in 4569 Spitalfields, R, *40 Spithead off 1356 7 Spittal Inn 1 12 N.of 2259 Spittle in 4505 do. withPoulton <* 1060 ,Spitllegate 2225 f the Four F eriods , HiO) , IBll 1B21, 1031 1 1 Antoual Total SumhiT of PERSONS, Suprrflffiet 1 V*lu* of at iuch of (he -1 .1 II.. Ttn Yearly /^trioilt. Ui to idu POOK, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. — 1 - — - . 15,170 55,030 8,400 11,089 13,.'i30 18,722 25,210 l,lH 3,200 233 291 355 353 401 1,0 iO 7,783 ! 333 235 640 798 1,114 030 Rea ding 45 121 84 1,060 870 162 108 105 112 142 Castle Sowei by 157 200 160 102 3,950 3 , 0.59 512 4()2 5SG m'i 739 2,3-40 3,250 389 508 548 577 (i24 j 6,180 4,250 1,012 I 621 ( 304 \ 1,0^ ( 682 ( 483 (\75 692 2,080 5,018 714 348 443 620 705 0,700 9,959 1,215 1,128 1,289 1,445 1,422 1,800 2,049 280 234 250 268 283 740 1,077 256 211 192 2(13 193 590 655 53 20 26 34 36 Lewes 1,992 .543 487 543 091 831 1,030 1,937 374 238 268 313 350 3,730 6,345 1,938 1,032 1,129 1,351 l,.50O I '60,472 13,187 15,596 15,349 16,808 18,000 1 32,914 5,291 7,846 7,917 8,420 8,094 1 (2,078 ] 429 t 381 602 ? 1,807 r 069 )> 590- 2,880 914 410 { 413 C 374 454 ) 1 95,774 13,614 22,293 27,967 36,368 39,709 1 35,767 4,595 8,892 8,370 9,163 9,871 J ,56,900 5,7.54 9,933 11,050 13,339 13,705 090 51,020 5,807 10,296 12,114 12,523 12,875 020 65,131 17,438 17,169 19,530 25,235 29,741 1.9U0 401,116 66,600 94,913 103,063 123,663 134,117 4,550 10,402 585 2,305 2,674 3,051 3,384 19,520 27,511 1,853 2,747 3,058 3,420 3,628 25,080 29,087 1,772 4,741 5,544 6,473 7,423 1,870 2,1.50 389 324 313 3(0 394 970 8,8£5 261 554 641 1,004 1,301 1,320 2,190 177 • 104 96 109 1.54 4,950 4,002 734 509 714 711 723 1,470 1,289 140 271 361 374 5(,2 BradJey 3,399 1,134 1,140 1,296 1,502 1,452 080 1,849 442 1,054 1,369 1,676 1,875 350 507 125 42 30 40 54 1,950 3,486 279 956 1,916 1,357 1,329 1,110 1 6,150 533 I 569 668 882 988 1,150 ) 256 269 330 426 7,490 7,254 635 938 974 1.012 961 2,5 to 3,793 201 635 647 739 798 Brought onl,55I 38 139 155 740 155 Thu re 2,004 124 299 428 371 438 010 867 10 38 59 53 67 3,670 0,703 807 4,275 5,177 6,890 6,457 1,360 2,275 272 318 261 339 391 1,730 3,155 631 18,00 2,077 2,814 3,037 12,070 17,079 4,093 3,296 4,330 5,207 6,497 3,170 5,320 470 331 331 361 352 1,090 Clifton 2,103 357 259 255 332 388 721 36 79 62 86 80 1,330 1,211 9 59 54 73 84 1,830 1,387 255 309 307 339 355 108,730 168,460 21,459 26,341 30,660 34,309 35,170 1,020 1,973 142 239 228 273 257 4,280 5,236 457 410 422 460 498 2,000 2,933 613 261 306 357 376 4,030 2,432 369 268 317 378 357 1,540 1,135 69 107 84 109 139 2,000 5,248 452 662 737 816 963 1,820 1,859' 126 104 127 116 111 Dean Forest 9 20 43 50 1,630 V r 408 'i ( 600 1,310 210 ' 7,977 1,388 } 257 i 712 >2,006 > 3S0 > 818 >3,044 630 > C 371 s C 594 2,350 4,712 180 374 409 402 514 3,650 6,858 1,608 1,018 1,901 2,297 2,640 17,650 30,548 4,804 4,239 4,609 5,266 5,850 3,900 4,667 374 509 554 610 609 23,500 73,777 7,578 10,2'28 11,056 13,417 15,212 1,280 2,141 195 170 225 249 19.8 3,400 4,680 233 485 551 601 650 1,110 1,1-27 33 90 91 113 9.5 1,000 1,713 117 127 113 121 117 2,790 3,641 439 336 477 546 007 1,270 1,408 122 140 130 172 197 2,340 4,607 677 932 963 1,234 1,'584 Bambo rough 7 88 71 97 101 70 37,695 5,541 15,091 16,200 18,050 17,949 Oving ham 9 6 3 7 1,180 1,335 31 87 83 101 120 Granthm 4,806 342 488 538 709 1,0l3 172 Siipcijicien in Statute Acres ; Annual Value of Property ; Ainount annually Lxpended for Maintenance oj the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Sj)i — Sta ? Towns, Parishes, S(c, in ‘1510 iorth 100, 941, 2921 tlo. 1 . 0 . ^ South .. 73,2892-920 Stafford, West, It near 3578 do. with Barwick 3098 Stagsden, V near 2440 Stainbrough in 420 Stainburn " 60 do., C., in Kirkby-Overblows Stainby, It. (Beltisloe) .. near 2219 Stainciifl'e & Ew- ^ East (14) 535-72 cross Wapentake t ^ est (14) 573 Staincross do. (11) 417 c. ■ , !K 618 Stamdrop, ^ Staine Hundred (0) 2093 1 Staines, V., E. t 2§ *91 Stainfield,C near 2273 do. with Hacconby » 2210 Stainforth in 581 do. in Hatfield 3971 Staininghall wdth Horstead in 1991 Stainland 517 Stainley,Slh., P. C.,with Cl. nr. 594 do. North with Leningfd. 597 Stainmore, C • 4252 Staiusiker with Hawkser in 1092 Stainton (see Stanton) » 4429 do in Heversham 4284-7 do. in Downholme next 4224 do. -Dale in 1097 do. Little " 4470 do. Great, ’ pis,ois or 4457 < V near 010 t Total of Parish (5) r with Hellaby. .. .near 3004 V. by Langvvorth § n 2273 Market- C « 2254 -le-Vale » 2279 Stair, with Withern » 2204 STALBRiDGE,^Vit*'i,t^y;;;;§ 35.55 Stalham.V 1973 Stalisfield, V *494 Slallingborough, V near 1721 Stalmine, C. w'ilh Slanhall in 4321 Stamborne, It near 1847 Stambridge, Great, It a 1797 do. Little, It » // 7 tt Stanford, (5) M, /•’. • + 0 ^ 2202 St. Mar- 5 Stamford Baron 2203 tin’s, V. ( W'oothorpe. ... » Stamford in 45(iC do. Bridge, East § .. * 4070 do. do. VVest with Scoreby // Stamfordhain , V. (14) t 2 ^ . . 4.527 Stanal, with Stalmine see Slanborough Hundred (19) .. 3811 Stancill with Wellingley h Wilsick Standard-Hill’s, near 409,8c *734 Staiidbridge, C in 2133 do. or Hinton-Parva near 3538 do. do. do. do. do. A.noufH fi Total JVurnhpr of Pf.HSONS, Sup«rf{clri Alue of exi.emlrd at each of the <4 Sulul* BISeMfd’t'l teaaiir* uf J'en Yearly i*triods. Ant«a. (h* Propsrljr I'ax to IHK) POOK. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. MU ford 8 0 9 9 11 Cheste r 383 City 75 170 150 131 1,040 1,388 194 81 09 74 54 3,780 559 859 828 895 914 13,130 137)80 1 ,5 1 5 2,803 2,857 3,044 3,233 2,830 0,438 018 805 943 1,180 l,47(i 1,470 1,343 104 254 289 357 391 Pains wick — — 880 8 441 987 584 1,201 672 1.210 1,804 255 47() 471 l'J2 013 2,340 1,432 270 2.50 292 340 342 4,950 5, 050 205 274 291 313 31)0 1,010 2,345 107 418 439 507 504 1,930 2,001 494 358 35(> 432 475 1,780 3,150 55o 277 359 401 405 780 1,048 102 90 115 100 105 1,800 10,099 2,280 4,022 4,582 5,050 5,837 > 379 1 ,033 937 1,190 1,225 ( ()95 31/ 31 14 30 49 Eniblctn 1,7.50 47 122 117 120 91 080 1 ,229 131 170 188 208 385 1,940 2,120 173 123 143 151 151 17,130 23,170 801 1 ,052 1,813 1,837 1,730 1 Stalmi ae — 01,870 70,405 0,817 10,710 12,285 13,«J84 14, .521 I 1,357 9i ■10 04 51 00 Leiglitoii 1,201 4J7 202 3.5 407 410 1 430 430 32 33 25 25 , 30 do do. do. do. do. Sta — Sta |5 s Towns, Parishes, Sfc. Standerwick, R near 375 Standford, see Sandf. & Stauf. *054 Slandground, V 2170 Farcett,C 2109 Standish, It. t with Langtree 1202 2§ t Total of Par. (10) « do. V 3227 Standlake 2728 Standley-Pontlarge ....next 3131 Standlinch near 3410 Standon, V., F.§ 2380 do., R near 2940 .Slanlield, It next 2002 Stanford, V., Norfolk near 2022 do., V., Northampton « 2580 Ham. in Southill, lieds. in -the- i V 3237 Vale ^ Goosey &c Ciico -le-hope, It 1780 -upon-Soar, It. near 084 -upon-Teame, R. » 2858 do., Bishops, 3095 do. -Dingley, It. .T.. » 3280 do. -Rivers, It » 1810 see Sanford, Sandford, Sc Standford Stanhoe, R. (Smithdon) » 2084 < II R 037 StanhoDP Eark-Quarter .. 039 *ope, k Newland-side .. 038 (.Forest-Quarter.. 040 .Stauion next 2018 Stanley, C., in Spondon 77o do. with Wrenthorp 408 do in 900 do. King’s, It 354 do. St. Leonards, C 3.50 Stanlow House, Ex. Pa. near 1058 Stanmer, It *705 5 Stanmore, Great, It *99 do.. Little, C // Stanney, Great, in Stoke near 1064 do.. Little doi « u Staimingfield, It « 1801 Slannington, V 4537 Stansfield,R near 1805 do., in 525 Stanstead, R next 1883 do.. Abbots, V 2378 do.. Mount- ) V. § near 2370 fitchet t Bentfield « ^ do., C *308 Stanthorne in 849 do. C 829 Youlgra do. R 3131 1,050 do. in Ellastone ... 4544 Long do. . near 951 Elta^ton do. -All Saints, R. & 1900 3,840 do. -Bury, V near 2522 750 do. -Drew, V 3004 2,410 do. Fen- 2146 2,400 do. -Fitzwarren, R. near 3337 1,420 do. -Harcourt, V. . // 2703 3,120 6o. -Lacy, It 2979 0,030 do. Long- near 2<) 2,438 2,423 25 3,730 103 312 403 416 401 9,1.55 010 893 1,032 1 ,225 1 ,380 2,111 2(i2 332 397 424 503 1,740 31 80 51 .59 73 8,024 319 817 7S.1 928 955 1,779 415 i 337 t 1 274 400 1,435 400 1,5rids:e next ‘I\‘^2 1,400 ld«)7 253 235 329 408 401 Sternlield, R next 1932 520 1,309 210 170 107 180 203 (It)., K., Herts. .. near 2371 1,300 1 ,480 231 III 131 212 237 Sterscote, or Syerscote .... in 751 950 — 10 — - 41 31 til)., V., I.i ierster • 21)1.') 3,!HiO 3,430 44 179 102 218 18.5 ‘‘'tert next 3304 780 1 ,404 101 130 130 193 185 do., f'., Lincoln • 2321 2,030 2,371 104 175 104 213 185 Stetehworth, V near 1898 2,834 1,980 441 .342 330 402 515 do., V.C., Notts . 1)77 1,450 2,302 407 748 !)54 1,104 1,533 51 Stevenaok, R. IE. • t 4 § 2393 4,011) 5,001 1,028 1,251 1,302 1,004 1,8.59 do., \., Witts. » 33HH 1 , 2-11 283 297 Stevington, V 2440 1,950 1,780 587 415 430 485 500 do. -Hriien in 2000 980 1,072 100 101 198 208 159 Stewkley, V 2.509 4,330 0,311 1,391 OHO 802 933 1,053 do.' -roulk » » 1,430 2,031 83 212 243 203 244 Stewton, R. near 2275 1,030 1,228 109 45 55 03 09 do. -Hockenhull » » 300 745 38 41 40 38 35 81 G Steyninc, V., IE. t 3 § .. *8.54 3,290 4,411 1,103 1,174 1,210 1,324 1,430 Staple^ate, Ex. I’a *.5.52 Canterb ury 19(i 132 249 224 257 247 Stibbard, R near 2070 1 ,230 1,851 681 283 310 420 505 Staplegrove, K 3730 890 2,07() 185 319 3.50 403 457 Stibbington, R. with Sibson» 2171 1 ,530 2,780 247 321 339 371 450 Staplehiirst, R *.507 5,590 0,110 3,257 1,220 1,.341 1,513 1,484 Stickford, P. G near 22.59 070 1,033 281 253 271 343 425 o. , , J 2,444 143 239 377 487 447 4,220 3,537 349 495 550 703 809 Stapleton ^ , 5 ^, < 441.1 1 M,231 100 497 5.34 040 050 StifIkey.R near 1740 2,100 1,710 359 331 305 3.40 41K) do. -llristol, P. C. ..near 1.32.5 2,000 7,80.5 709 1,.541 1,921 2,137 2,715 Stili'ord, R 1780 2,320 2,000 299 215 204 200 274 do. & Prog Street in 4784 Presieltf iiel,573 107 129 151 150 1.50 Stillinsr f with Moresby ■) f 2,770 4,124 1.53 304 328 404 40ti 1,380 2,097 140 190 220 200 249 Onoev X Kelfield ; 4030 1 1,090 2,311 248 175 209 280 302 do. R next 3010 870 3, '920 277 228 234 240 235 «<^®*>V'Ucaster-Selby 5 Cl, 300 2)017 272 178 191 188 201 920 1,874 25 89 9.3 113 121 Stiilington, C in Red-Marshall 670 754 10 09 42 49 90 do * 30H8 l,6(i0 ()97 104 101 71 109 107 do., V 4115 1,490 2,945 137 531 081 098 717 do. Thorp- * 4018 300 500 5 5 25 19 7 1 Stilton, IF. ^ 2107 1,620 2)937 374 509 603 710 793 Staploe Hundred (0) 2085 39,572 41,751 7,522 0,040 7,351 8,897 10,015 Stinchcombef€ near 369 1,290 4,420 400 419 371 432 352 Stinsford,V 3580 1,200 3,087 94 227 339 337 382 Starbotton, — see Kettlevvell .. 571 2,520 Kettle well — — — — Stirchley, R near 3010 950 1,173 98 — 189 172 271 Starslon, R near 2008 2,100 3,130 480 417 418 437 419 Stirton, with Thorlby, C. .. in 550 3,850 3,427 224 134 149 108 170 Start Point S S. of 1010 50- O' N. Lat. 0" 31 ' West L ong. Stisted, R. 4 near 1843 2,270 3,222 782 079 574 790 895 Startforth, V 007 1,070 2,453 100 330 609 400 032 Stithians, St 299 4,490 4,110 813 1,269 1,394 1,088 1,874 Startou-Grange in 4.548 B'ark worth 27 88 80 72 88 Stittenham in 4121 1,340 2,082 98 77 82 81 86 Statfold, in St. Mary 2014 420 041 Licilfiel (1 27 25 29 41 Stivichall.C next' 791 800 2,701 98 107 56 90 103 Stathern. R 2053 1,420 2,971 251 404 372 450 481 Stixwould, V near 2253 2,250 2,874 103 200 220 214 221 Staugliton 1 North Side 2143 3,200 } ™ . 5 020 814 828 2,720 ^ 0,7 31 i 331 359 303 Stoborousrh Liberty, in 1407 1,480 Ware ham 280 288 280 347 do.. Little, R near 2444 l^OOO 1,000 518 272 318 400 455 Stock, R.' near 1795 2,020 0,408 493 503 532 010 619 Staunton 5< Streatlam in 017 2,730 2,932 190 272 232 251 324 do. & Bradley, C « 2871 1,210 1,627 70 181 227 208 236 do., R 147 2,090 921 140 159 171 200 204 do. -Dennis Tything n 1294 Tintin hull • — 10 13 do. -ujpon-Wye, R. near 3007 2,570 2,807 299 430 512 514 544 do. -Gay land, R // 3555 1,500 1,636 59 71 52 63 60 do. -Harrold, C « 114 1,840 2,380 122 287 281 329 342 2 ++ Stockbridge, C., Th. t 3 § 3487 1,220 7.59 355 043 063 715 851 do in Vnlp 5 R- 2245 1,410 1,397 93 5 128 142 93 do. or Sockbridge in 4272 Barton 1,725 90 175 213 190 203 ■ ’ t Flavvborough 920 1,370 22 1 71 85 80 Stockburn,or Sockburn, which see — — — — — — do., R.,— see Stanton near 2822 1,490 1,913 101 300 299 308 348 Stockbiiry, V. § *410 3.040 2,714 623 433 478 .594 CIS do., Whit- > 1301 1,850 2,257 192 2.59 209 327 318 Stockeld in 4000 970 Spof forth — 69 02 0,290 9,084 955 1,053 1,793 2,051 2,345 .Stnekerston, R., Leicester near 2311 730 2,080 82 60 49 50 00 Starely, ^ Barlow .... « 3,700 2,112 103 552 507 708 581 Stockham in 987 310 4,996 12 40 38 1 52 52 do., C in 1073 2.480 2,591 370 315 287 350 320 Stockhill& Middleton .. near 504 2,280 2,522 no7U' 201 233 205 100 1 ,3B7 163 324 230 ■112 419* 300 79..^ 11 30 48 34 do., Over to 4200 do. 1,507 90 131 155 189 190 Stocking-Pelham, R.....near 2381 640 059 89 109 122 150 158 do., R. near .501 1,240 1,929 133 255 327 331 330 Stockland JV.t2§ 1304 3,560 5,707 522 988 1,045 1,117 1,200 Staverton, V., Devon 1512 4,710 9,085 037 1,053 1,001 1,042 1,055 Stockland, J 3,950 1,892 170 430 403 522 434 do., V., Gloucester near 3105 720 1,012 121 159 230 202 245 do. Bristol, V near 3714 070 ^764 108 144 173 199 202 do., V., Northampton « 2555 2,240 3,818 328 437 448 474 475 Stocklewath-bound, in 4404 Castle Sower by — 191 213 200 Stawell,Ham in 1.540 1,040 ],.533 74 144 108 200 214 Stockley in 634 1,100 872 29 89 62 103 57 Stawley, R near 1311 830 1,114 73 138 170 195 180 do. -English, R next 3779 1,320 994 H '2 116 128 127 144 Staxion in Willerby .... 1008 1,040 Willerby 139 125 175 213 200 do. -Pomeroy, R. . . « « 1,480 1,199 149 190 212 226 238 Stayley-Bridge in 024 2,700 3,000 459 1,055 1,104 1,009 2,440 Stocklinch J -Magdalen, R. » 1300 100 89 85 79 95 Staythorpe in Averham near 2324 530 1,085 9 04 54 09 01 Stocklinch ^ .ottersay, R. or 3728 220 1 24 119 130 140 120 0 } 1 Stock- < R., F. t 4 § 929 1,740 35,865 3,080 14,830 17,545 21,726 25,409 .Steane, R near 2520 1,300 1,105 47 15 24 33 24 PORT ^ Total of Par. (14) » 24,810 93,388 8,407 28,882 30,019 44,957 00,010 Stearsby with Bransby 4110 2,700 4,131 93 199 208 277 298 Stocksfield-Hall in 4502 Bywell St.And ws.lO 24 20 23 35 Stebbing, V. § ■ 1842 2,810 4,393 1,975 1,020 1,072 1,311 1,434 Stedham, R *030 1,840 1,875 419 258 353 453 494 Stockton, R., Norfolk .... near 1901 910 1,3.52 47 111 108 92 110 7 7 ^17 40Q 429 400 Steen J ^ 3401 2.380 3,1.57 708 414 437 ‘499 531 do., R., Warwick 2775 1,800 1 )909 09 274 311 344 380 ^ Ambersham North & S. « 2,590 1,902 521 203 — 409 404 do., K., Wilts near 3387 2,000 1,834 148 224 221 207 274 Steeping, Great, V near 2201 1,020 1,817 178 207 202 278 2 S 1 do., R., lEorcester .. « 28.50 610 1,307 77 108 120 168 113 do., Little, R « » 1,490 1,003 109 255 215 278 203 do in 2953 010 332 15 23 28 32 30 Steeple, R., Dorset » 1408 3,000 1,702 230 200 190 233 237 do. -on-the-Forest,C.nr. 4037 3,270 2,554 100 225 203 357 319 do. \., Essex 2 i .... « 1775 3,740 3,829 400 342 393 533 497 8111 Ido.- O’., IE. *t3& 1079 2,010 12,783 2,273 4,009 4,229 5,000 7,763 do. Ainderbv-V. 4170 910 1,908 43 207 220 200 302 upon-Tees t Hartburn & Preston 1,580 3,012 168 108 177 178 2!8 do. Ashton-(5)§ 3374 7,450 10,204 1,123 1,401 1,452 1,032 1,754 dn Wnrd J^orthE. (10) 4400 59,550 .59,861 .3,310 6,636 6,911 7,007 8,209 do. Aston in 2711 Aston 1,077 240 333 340 395 441 do. waid,^ j. (13)44.53 46,310 63,996 5,119 8,457 9,251 10,590 14,410 do. Barton- V « a 2.710 3,130 485 393 432 404 006 Stockwith, East § near 2340 800 1,187 106 101 203 224 2(9 do. Bumpstead, V near 1850 3,400 4,405 1,195 787 800 901 1,080 do., West, C 2340 1,261 187 530 509 618 035 do. Claydon.V » 2500 3,270 4,970 1,0.55 040 704 804 881 Stockwood, R., Dorset . . near 591 071 36 56 39 33 33 do. Gidding- R 0 2105 1,080 1,110 109 77 84 93 86 Stodday with Ashton in 1255 1,500 2,215 99 170 206 242 213 do. Langford- R 3388 1.510 1,558 338 523 5.50 557 587 Stodden Hundred (14) 2445 27,590 28,310 5,087 3,602 4,20'3 5,050 5,511 do. Mordeii,R 2120 3,000 3,251 407 430 483 614 G45 1,^80 969 95 110 137 122 119 Steepleton Winterbourne uxt. 3582 1,880 i;c99 84 143 148 101 ' 170 Stody, R near 2075 1,290 793 107 149 148 125 101 Steeton, C in 4047 1,220 1,382 119 77 91 83 85 Sloguinber, V. t 3719 5,890 3,026 998 1,285 1,214 1,281 1,294 do., with Easburn » 557 2,100 3,017 329 510 545 753 859 Stogursey, V. § 3716 5,870 10,787 526 1,168 1,203 1,302 1,490 Stella » 37 .370 — 219 314 385 421 482 Stelling, C *052 1,380 1,242 119 200 253 295 313 Stoke, in Acton near 830 1,000 1,106 88 127 140 137 127 do in 4503 By well St. Pet ers 5 17 19 12 17 dn 5 ''^irrall Hundred" 1054 790 871 44 120 116 129 101 Stenigot, or Stennicot, R. near 2275 1,400 904 100 73 99 107 89 ^ Gt. & Little Stanney // 1,800 2,569 98 215 245 246 233 Stenson& Twyford, C » 114 Barrow 2,294 140 157 230 235 219 do. in Hope 907-10 Hope 507 21 68 60 74 00 Stenlon, see Stainton with Hellaby — — — — — — do. V *446 3,030 2,128 300 203 315 350 432 Stephen’s, St. with U Newport 3920 3,910 3,407 310 738 890 977 1,084 do. V., by Coventry 793 950 4,950 275 607 481 502 848 5 9,253 055 1,004 1,121 1,325 1,455 do. C., by Clare 1866 2,590 3,116 1,061 087 605 746 792 ( U Saltash ^ *374 ( 2,473 328 1,150 1,478 1,548 1,037 do. R., by Ipswich 1704 Ipswich 3,615 Ipsw. 385 508 7.52 789 do. in Brannell, C. . 232 13,420 0,090 1,054 1,738 1,904 2,479 2,477 do. R.,near Nayland 1879 4,530 0,744 1,219 1,041 1,242 1 1,395 1,447 do. V., out part 2390 14.010 11,189 1,107 1,200 1,394 1,580 1,740 do. R., next Guildford. .. . *251 2,410 6,836 914 788 942 I 1,120 1,327 Stepletou-Preston, Ex. Pa. nr. 3503 370 1,320 75/0 18 23 23 30 do. -under-Harndon, P. C. 1293 1,410 2,889 402 760 8 L 8 1,072 1 ,3(>5 Stepney, R. (4) *50-53 2,130 193,409 28,845 25,200 35,199 49,103 07,872 C T? ^ 1 S 541 520 Steppingley,R near 21.52 1,000 1,2'J9 258 204 285 323 348 no. -upon-Tern ^ ^ 3022 5,770 8,440 544 I 026 852 \ 985 1.030 Sterndale, Earl, or Middle Quarter Hnrtingt oti3,000 80 370 390 417 354 t do. do. Trent, R. (14) 110 10,490 59,553 11, 4.58 1 16,411 22,980 29,223 ' 37,220 174 Superficies in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property, Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in t 1 Amuont Total Sumherof P Efi.SOSS, Sti |)e»Kcle» value of \ axpoiided at each of the 4 sto — Sto ta B 1» Property, a aiaessed to Teh Yearly Periods^ Towns, Parishes, Ij C. » | j iheProperl Tax in 1016 ' POOK, ; IS'iS— 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Stoke, Abbas or Abbotstoke R. 3595 1,980 4,9.)5 418 486 496 615 687 do. -Albany, R near 2031 1,770 2,420 1 594 377 332 363 339 do -Ash,R « 1918 8,50 1,471 2,272 437 275 294 330 392 do. -Bardolph » (M3 Gedling 80 157 164 173 181 yi/. near 3095 do. Little Kyre, A, dap. 1,280 704 90 187 182 166 175 1,130 705 47 120 120 121 169 , „ (If noar 2541 do. -Bruerue, J shuttlehanger. 1 3,810 1 1,448 483 352 375 424 437 ( 1,.595 487 257 265 308 325 do. -Cannon, I) near 1489 . 1,190 2,3,53 1.50 254 285 337 446 do. -Charity, R » 3474 1 1,040 1 ,005 149 113 112 144 135 do. -Climsland, R. § 3930 8.880 (i,010 1,.507 1,153 1,237 1,.524 1,608 do. -D’Abernon, R *174 1,940 2 859 245 290 130 317 289 do. -l)amerall,R 1301 DcTonpoit 95,701 9,805 23,747 30,083 33,578 34,883 tlo. -Boyle, R near 2020 1,520 2,480 134 115 124 141 165 do. l)ry-R next 2300 1,100 1,598 68 61 67 52 50 do. East- R near 1407 5,840 090 372 318 196 519 561 do. do., V. (Newark) » 2324 1,590 3,171 221 293 363 424 320 1,710 1,980 1,485 125 258 248 302 309 do. -l.tldh ^ p c. . '950 116 161 183 193 196 do. -Ferry, C 2027 1,.520 3,115 819 604 53^ 62i blT Ik 703 P686 038 706 2,890 2,350 5,436 4,593 378 578 725 do. -Gabriel, V 1.509 355 531 718 do. or Stock-Gay land near 3555 see Stock Gayla nd 2,070 1,190 2,880 2,278 137 281 315 370 441 do. -Golding, C « 711 430 387 525 594 543 do. -Goldington, R . 2522 2,070 2,034 580 636 617 818 912 do. -Hammond » 2518 1,470 1,561 229 268 283 320 323 do. -Holy Cross, V » 1990 1,400 2,484 440 • 224 228 303 350 do. -Laev, R * 3095 2,320 2,267 liming 209 310 356 3ob 381 do. Lark- Ham in 2747 300 ton 12 10 5 23 , , ( V near 2700 do. -Lyne, ^ ijaditon&Fewcou ^ 3,730 4,548 496 334 394 ( 303 ( 200 368 225 do. -Limphey, with Winsley in Brad ford — — 2,316 2,479 2,847 do. -.Mandeville, C near 2488 1,400 2,060 324 248 341 402 401 do. -Newiimton, R *114 650 12,429 1,548 1,402 2,149 2, .570 3,480 do. North, U., iiHcofn l , c n S d <• near 2223 do. ^Easton.. 5 f 1,910 1,028 67 114 112 125 124 ^ 810 1,224 79 51 75 94 93 (.2,550 1,877 109 154 168 206 221 do. North, R., Somerset « 1380 810 1,141 28 108 113 129 128 do. South, V., do... // » 740 1,549 110 177 188 258 206 do. North, V., Oa-on .. » 3239 1.090 1,250 193 100 147 203 199 do. Sth., V., with Woodcote 2073 3,440 3,090 1,029 564 645 739 751 do. North, V., Snssea *904 800 1,173 81 48 62 63 86 do. South, R.,& OH'ham .. *910 1,240 818 140 106 99 115 101 do. -Orchard, C near 1388 B. Cleeve 904 79 195 237 239 229 do. -Pero, R » 3738 2,860 1,038 13 63 61 81 61 do. -Poges,V 2406 3,380 2,013 568 288 838 1,073 1,252 do. Hundred (12) 2458 28,140 83,057 7,437 8,941 10,965 12,091 13,869 , n . < C 3100 do. -1 nor ^ yyjgton and Risby 1,460 1,020 ^ 2,493 193 t) 327 i 100 ^ 397 t 337 ( 140 335 143 do. do. or Prior’s, V 2807 3,.500 7,006 691 754 796 900 1,100 do. -Rivers, R near 1531 2,100 1,779 100 225 237 291 270 do. -Rodney " 3638 3,030 2,192 60 186 257 272 333 do. -St. Gregory, C 3706 3,510 7,624 834 907 1,031 1,269 1,507 do. » Mary, P. C. .. near 1305 900 1,954 68 190 210 248 275 do. » Michael, P.C 383 2,250 2,890 586 860 861 1,000 980 do. * Milborough,JJ’"i29J« 6,110 390 1 3,905 219 471 620 < 554 t 41 555 42 do. Severn- 2828 2,940 8,386 310 683 600 666 745 do. -Talmage,R near 2080 720 1,588 128 153 127 140 107 do. -Trister, R. wth Bay. » 3(»51 1,090 3,142 209 336 382 377 428 do. -M ake, R next 3566 2,0.50 1,128 62 85 112 139 147 do, M’est- R *990 880 847 46 76 64 92 101 do. M’interboume- 3380 3,540 3,245 189 256 215 281 272 Stokeham, C near 2333 560 746 52 42 37 45 48 Stokeintinhead, R 3795 2,250 2,9.32 344 574 669 610 621 4 Stoken-Church, C. § 2082 4,080 3,002 1,287 812 888 1,102 1,290 Stokesay,V 2983 3,750 3,531 364 512 489 604 529 Stokesby, R. wtb Herngsbynr. 19(i0 2,1.50 2,616 246 194 248 294 324 81i bTOkESLEY ^ Easby, Sc. 1,490 5,688 665 1,369 1,439 1,897 1,9()7 5,200 5,190 214 386 380 393 409 Stokingham,V 1518 6,190 5,706 738 1,301 1,273 1,487 1,609 070 1,937 1,746 60 33 51 44 52 Stondon-Massey, R near 1811 700 99 200 211 230 290 do.. Lower in 2440 1,740 2,042 600 Sbitlin gtoii98 135 do.. Upper, R near « .575 457 22 29 30 33 37 3,142 ley 1 ^^70 515 592 716 773 do., C., Gloucester in 3189 Berk 269 do., V., Herd ^ *350 1,8.50 3,869 376 403 438 514 719 do.. do *4!^5 500 971 197 58 02 75 80 do., R. do *075 2,840 5,174 850 346 341 425 410 tP. C., T«. 15§ 6 do. 5 Liberties .. ( ■^•’37 20,030 31,756 3,125 t 2,035 ( 2,843 2,314 6,270 2,855 7,251 1 7,808 do.,y.,yVorcester near 401 2,520 4,243 <140 403 404 4(il 621 do.’ Hundred, Somerset (8) 1290 10,720 19, .591 2,182 3,9!)0 4,394 6, 076 7,433 do. Delph & Almington .. 754 Tamwrih 3,909 101 205 251 257 204 do. -Easton 3012 1 ,230 2,627 187 389 364 419 386 12,220 12,070 1 4,450 3,177 2,137 21,124 313 276 1,702 434 3114 1,569 4.^1 fiOH 301 494 Stonebeck | 311 332 Stoneferry with Sutton 1340 3,069 3,658 4,383 1 720 1,832 78 126 136 177 189 Stuuegiavc, Newton&c Ness > 1 1,770 1,800 77 192 191 196 170 Sto — Str Towns, Parishes, ifc. OStonehani, North, R 1445 vVokelield Tyth. /- tWest in Hants, n -Save ^ ^ t Beech Hill Perks -Turgis, R near 3124 Mortimer) do. do. Amoont Total Number of P ERSONS, SoperAeiei Veloe of at each of the 4 lenanco Ten Yeurlu Periods, llicPropert' Tax ID PH& ..£ of the POOR, 182^9- — £ 1801. 1811. 1821. 1 1831. 6,900 3,456 607 075 662 750 7()6 8,200 5,538 1,4.55 1,255 1,304 2,262 2,083 — — — — — — DeTonpart 17,909 2,068 3,407 .5,174 0,043 9,571 2,260 6,827 915 1,412 1,711 2,126 2,469 8,680 15,945 965 1,347 1.300 1,391 1,398 \V ard • 434 475 621 603 1,370 1 ,930 151 181 194 246 287 1,020 788 287 374 436 498 635 2,530 2,311 254 309 363 340 307 Hathersa gel ,438 251 404 513 635 479 1,7.50 2,894 3(<8 355 446 533 640 70 2,088 777 1,()53 1,488 1,499 1,619 2,450 3,229 508 578 019 633 612 1,070 3,752 403 575 620 677 757 2,060 1 ,.564 194 257 258 311 329 1,190 2,169 82 96 93 122 106 — — — 5,650 3,883 197 355 434 466 524 890 683 128 164 163 139 129 Luton — — 477 510 1,380 1,767 26 180 179 220 192 1,800 424 76 181 208 209 221 1,620 — 63 27 31 6 7 ' 4,940 2,676 993 846 792 901 916 see B ishops Stort ford — — 1,120 1,209 89 86 92 116 11!> 2,840 2,096 489 495 502 693 833 Houtton 270 Pagnell 8 9 9 9 8,900 1,415 636 1,351 1,328 1,263 1,234 1,620 950 104 301 509 315 345 87,290 81,486 5,868 11,260 11,755 12,160 11,919 1,290 2,850 147 158 129 167 139 5.3.50 2,821 991 502 489 519 570 2,520 2,843 125 301 357 380 312 Swinfoid 5,974 1,305 3,431 4,072 5,090 0,148 ■ — — — — 1,160 2,146 383 202 230 257 257 2,250 1,111 514 380 412 499 594 2,210 2,661 1 255 t 306 ^ 635 5 346 350 1,340 l,l(i0 ( 343 1 312 303 2,680 1,973 178 277 304 325 349 1,500 1,012 301 186 197 236 254 690 788 113 125 117 110 112 1,300 1,421 164 235 310 378 400 3,060 2,825 422 Ki8 182 242 242 600 687 472 1,189 1,188 1,304 1,240 2,530 4,890 238 282 350 427 670 1,480 1,340 147 118 140 194 ISO 2,030 1 G f>i 7 ( 237 243 267 334 385 4,590 t 182 308 355 364 423 2,270 2,462 100 179 207 202 191 5,840 3,892 66<( 574 677 702 760 1,160 1,839 265 217 261 290 303 640 672 45 33 19 2(i 26 2,710 1,779 64 133 169 1.57 147 22,010 32,076 5,415 5,708 6,050 7,536 8,308 (in On e Hons e) — — 235 189 3,0,50 1,156 118 168 170 179 266 3,120 4,113 358 311 368 478 490 310 3!)9 87 24 16 21 25 3,100 3,103 411 311 361 395 404 7,080 8,523 Licb field 853 1,189 1,283 830 1,303 66 13 34 33 43 620 1,412 82 88 97 102 123 Ovprton 1,8.53 110 178 161 166 205 2,130 2,614 207 380 432 476 531 1,820 1,910 109 132 172 205 219 2,480 4,079 582 604 ()()2 800 870 Whichl. 1,634 132 201 204 203 197 430 1,498 135 170 1!)5 208 234 3,560 125 140 4(i8 461 587 592 1,280 3,837 324 680 620 773 778 3,690 2,015 128 235 339 394 403 1,210 Hen bury 323 403 467 568 1,460 1,034 171 162 163 172 204 900 915 233 120 107 107 87 1,240 6,043 1,230 1,761 2,00(i 2,252 2,672 2,890 3,775 487 709 720 826 3,120 5,283 2,027 1,215 1,277 1,400 1,527 1,460 1,624 472 4()0 401 433 393 1,230 1,.521 148 166 168 176 183 107,210 162,414 18,078 23,914 32,765 38,665 43,828 147,600 294,073 35,319 70,417 74,136 89,244 116,152 1,1,50 879 43 79 !)2 100 82 2,350 125 118 107 91 122 3,100 1,647 230 326 1 659 t 371 381 3,330 1,526 127 286 ? 333 365 3,9i)0 (iOO 1 3,894 622 694 672 j (M7 ( 105 700 160 1,810 1,274 219 — ao3 310 318 3,0t)0 4,797 488 481 708 495 659 770 988 197 184 200 274 249 900 1,267 293 190 218 238 232 175 every County, Hundred, Division, City, 'I'otun, Durish, Jlamlet, lythiiiy, i^'c,, in IL^G D, at cucli oj the I'our Dcrinds, IROl, Kill, 1021| 1R31< Str — Stii II i IS’u Towns, Parishes, IfC. ; 5 5 Stratford, I'cnny-C. in Bletclil. 2518 do. Stoncy t Hast side ^ C.,/’. tsy West do. do. Water near 2.) 12 do. Old in 2.'»35-<) r do. V. \ liravtou 2757 4 do. ^ upoii-Avon, Th. t I § • t I.uddinjjton » do. Division (12) .... 2757-()l do. St. .Anthony, It. near 3-100 do. -under-ilie-tdvstle, C. 33t(l do. St. Andrew, It. near 1932 2 Dunsmoor ) Princethorp ( do. -on-the-Foss, R. near 2742 do. -under do. & New- > bold-Revel,in Monks- S IT do. Church- R., TA. t 2§ 2985 do. -Grandsome, near 3070 do. -Magna, C in 2013 do. -Parva, C.jin Kngs Norton do. -Sugwas, R near 3007 do. -en-le-fields, R. « 116 Strickland, Great ) do.. Little 5 m 4208 do.. Kettle i do.. Roger ] do.. Winterbourne- near 3507 Stringston.C next 3716 Strixton, R » 2594 Stroud, C.,F.* t 2§ .... 351 do. or < infra ....in *148 Strood, D. § < extra *441 do. inCumner near 3231 Stroudend, or StrondendTyt. in 358 Stroxton, R near 2228 Strubby, R. wth Woodthorpe* 2264 Strumpshaw,R near 1968 Stubbs, with Hamphall,in Adwick- do. Cridling- in Worn- nr. 3986 do. Walden- [ersley Stubby-Lane, Ham in 2927-8 Stublach in 841 Stubton,R next 2247 Stuchbury, or Sturchbury » 2532 Studham 5 in Bedford near 2420 V. t in Herts, see Market-St. Studland, R 1 409 Studley,C. in 1 with Horton nr. 2093 Beckley ( in Bucks near 2500 do. V., Wai'wick 2074 do. -Roger in 597 do. -Royal Total Number of i’Kn.su.\.s, Suu*rflol*i v*iu* »r at eavti of the *1 In SUlut* Pro|>«rtf, •* • Iw lanaoc* 7 en Yearly Perloils. lh« ProutMy Tai In 1H1&. POOH, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 930 2,291 493 469 481 521 035 70 t 1,230 KiO 1,125 9()8 969 1,053 < 858 317 628 520 530 .506 1,040 1,301 177 143 160 167 180 10,040 803 3(M> 822 !»96 1,.550 >0,860 4,83(i 912 2,418 2,812 3,069 3,488 5 1,500 112 148 139 164 127 29,230 40,161 4,72.5 0,493 7,689 8,710 9,895 1,4.50 912 107 119 100 148 125 1,350 2,803 598 352 371 385 374 300 847 268 203 200 213 200 1,440 2,0.50 353 602 573 614 630 630 10,771 1,703 2,101 2,259 2,349 3,371 5,160 40,650 5,804 0,485 8,130 9,753 11,580 1,300 2,115 78 233 253 262 310 Big gleswa tie 80 Big glesw'H de 2,380 3,.503 530 900 1,094 1,580 1,013 55,020 31 ,366 3,636 6,257 0,857 8,553 8,815 1,320 1,941 85 160 175 271 468 2,780 3,518 300 379 288 342 360 1,720 2,590 673 549 558 630 721 960 1,232 174 189 236 229 203 1,510 857 232 158 179 187 219 2,800 2,279 235 267 269 317 407 2,190 2:4.d 225 114 301 386 386 2,020 4,706 562 590 680 745 !(24 830 1,114 73 138 170 195 180 2,770 25,277 2,092 2,357 2,729 3,616 5,008 2,730 2,932 190 272 232 251 324 3,870 4,229 475 556 590 590 582 2,180 1,904 257 209 271 3(19 339 2,730 5,450 ■ 278 640 034 791 899 1,870 1,006 150 112 133 152 168 1,340 553 29 60 56 54 41 840 1,948 56 115 128 90 112 1,050 1,600 249 250 298 350 426 2,710 2,923 73 297 424 378 398 1,800 2,416 232 286 295 312 328 400 667 23 44 37 48 44 47,480 59,979 5,022 7,518 7,928 8,259 8,528 3,040 7,u70 498 1,477 1,720 2,173 2,401 5,310 6,321 625 036 697 875 916 1,630 1,433 151 119 147 229 257 Penk ridge 257 243 267 268 1,480 1,971 103 220 233 277 324 990 1,.528 64 84 101 106 105 ^380 3,563 530 900 1,094 1,580 1,613 Hope 1,101 38 92 89 93 78 Wngfivld 3,150 290 440 390 489 439 2,070 2,128 144 152 174 195 208 760 1,638 92 81 68 85 59 1,210 2,350 288 330 370 374 373 3,110 3,927 t 403 t 74 ^ 634 605 760 817 1,830 1,721 260 292 326 410 455 Kirby 2,110 174 229 218 261 304 11,790 5,370 305 924 944 1,226 1,302 710 1,249 174 178 149 150 168 . 780 1,093 86 22 24 17 27 1,390 1,203 156 97 96 128 96 1,010 1,355 72 158 157 151 155 1,040 2,035 251 212 134 116 109 Morland 1 1,827 1 790 113 125 211 98 241 102 246 115 245 121 Kendal 5,929 t 325 < 166 269 250 310 302 390 341 380 320 1,340 1,345 236 306 300 364 401 1,310 789 48 121 130 131 128 1,150 997 66 57 57 56 09 3,990 12,215 2,150 5,422 5,321 7,097 8,607 Roch ester 1,172 2,504 1,243 1,173 1,300 6,399 1,718 1,172 1,394 1,461 1,549 Cum ner — 64 89 76 72 Pains wick • 812 838 ' 970 1,529 91 95 110 140 124 1,700 1,816 167 195 215 255 201 1,330 1,322 104 323 304 318 374 le-Strt 1,427 156 91 124 140 154 1,380 1,013 42 83 !(4 96 118 1,3.50 1,338 98 127 174 158 139 530 Newbo rough — — 177 173 540 448 50 08 * 54 64 60 800 1,732 32 118 128 174 182 250 1,496 47 30 32 32 29 1,790 1,521 216 334 467 536 590 1,310 1,512 115 205 220 238 231 3,860 712 166 332 306 382 435 1,800 1,399 200 283 317 339 320 1 060 989 2*1 90 98 90 85 5,070 7,198 460 1,037 1,083 1,338 1,903 500 1,104 52 143 133 144 157 1 590 — — 1 21 19 00 i'Si Stu — Sut 'sil ■ ■5 3 “ Towns, Parishes, tfc. ! | Stuheley, Great V near 21 19 do. Little R " " Stunner, It • 1851 Sturminster-Marshall, V' 3535 do. Newton, V. Th. t 2§ 3551 Sturry, V. § ‘.IjO Sturston, or Slurnston in 888 do. C. (tirimshoe) 7 Sturton in Stow near 2272 do.. Great, V near 22.51 do. in the Clay, » 2272 do. Grange in -1001 do. with Scawby 2299 Stuston,R near 1918 Stutton, It » 1765 do. with Hazlewood.. in 4004 Stydd, in Shirley near 887 Slyford in 4503 Styleham Milbourne, in Beer-Regis Sty lie with Hest in 1671 Styrrup near 3902 Sty thians,— see St. Stithiaus Subberthwaite, C in 1674 Sucken, Chapel- in 4347 Suckley ^j^;,YY’^‘L,;sYeV” ^ tv near 1760 Sudbourn, ^ Qrford, M. § & Sed. Sudborough,V near 2009 Sudbrook,with West Willou.ghby & Sudbrooke, V next 2271 Sudbury, R., see Sidbury near II3 9+t Do., V.&2C., S. *t3§.. 1871 Sudely Manor, R near 3131 Suffield, R 1981 do. with Everley in 1094 Suffolk, Co. Sugley& East Denton in 11 Sugnall, Magna « 2916 do., Parva « « Sul by near 2580 SulgrarCjV 2547 Sulham, R. (Theale) near 3272 stead ^ Bannister, R n Sullington, R *842 Sulney- Broughton 2646 Summerford in 805-9 Summerhouse ,« 617 Siinbury, V *88 Sunderland, in Issal 4410 do. -Bridge .... near 634 S% It Do., R., F. *t2§ .. 31 do.. North in 4568 do., Wick « 4004 Sundon,V near 2429 Sundridge,R *328 Sunk-Island near 1335 Sunninghill, V. (seeSonning) 3253 Sunningwell, R near 3231 Superior, Rickenhall-.... n 1924 Surfleet,V 2184 Surlingham, R near 19(.9 Surrendral in Hullavington Surrey Co. Sussex do. t East Divis. *61, 145 < West do. *108-84 198 t East Division *694 ^ West do. *835 Sustead, P. C near 1745 Sutcombe, R » 3918 Suton in 2000 Sutterby, R next 2263 Suttertoa, V 2190 Sutton, All Saints, R near 2441 do. ..Cambridge,, 2112 do. in Middlewich 841 do. in Prestbury 816 do. in Runcorn 983 do. R., w'ith Duckmanton 2355 do. Essex next 1797 do. -by-Dover, C *623 do. in Prescott 1249 do. R. Norfolk near 1972 do. C. in Castor 2029 do. w ith Granby .... near 051 do. Division Diddlebnryo 2981 do. .St. John, R 3014 do. \.,SuJf'olk near 1761 1 Total Sumher of P Soperfli la* Valua u1 ' aipviidad at each of the 4 Slilul* •( 1 01 tha 7 #fi Yearly i*%rioiit. ImEtu lOli' POOH, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 2,990 3,672 448 353 301 341 397 1,.500 2,0.59 2.59 233 276 385 413 860 1 ,085 397 207 242 311 320 3,590 3,406 491 678 715 803 4,530 5,478 1,366 1,406 1,461 1,612 1,831 3,140 4,469 693 657 709 878 925 Aflibrne 2,779 98 360 387 561 67 b 2,000 559 — 28 30 42 49 1,730 2,(,36 182 220 33-1 2(i8 318 1,440 1,378 102 108 130 145 138 ! 4,010 5,388 460 509 5-ia 605 638 j 760 5.58 8 64 70 92 74 3,930 4,678 252 518 658 838 912 8(i0 872 247 180 192 208 212 2,060 2,479 360 406 420 475 475 2,010 2,110 93 252 329 256 3:30 120 665 15 29 29 30 29 Bywell St. And WS.47 111 96 69 65 8,150 *429 81 217 242 261 313 1,210 3,030 161 259 2 r 6 317 286 Biyth 3,651 290 307 359 444 510 840 960 57 90 112 154 163 Mil lorn Thwa its 251 291 2,990 4,018 328 509 555 622 575 2,.550 2,668 276 527 538 5(i5 621 4,.520 3,295 800 441 436 .561 631 2,740 3,906 471 751 737 1,119 1,302 2,730 2,005 443 241 255 294 346 Ancast er — — — — 1,000 3,257 52 86 70 103 84 3,500 6,701 403 536 525 628 642 1,250 3,471 2,574 3,283 3,471 3,950 4,677 1,720 3,683 164 68 76 90 84 1,300 1,357 248 179 212 238 272 1,910 1,447 111 110 98 97 124 400,200 627,628 112,013 113,291 127,824 147,278 160,142 458,560 499,776 130,043 97,140 106,387 123,264 135,155 New burn 15 East Denton 266 255 580 790 \ ® cclesh all 5 115 t 71 109 79 130 6 t 700 2,728 146 43 66 59 78 4,100 2,607 552 414 437 578 576 730 1,159 62 118 1.53 1.52 72 1,640 2,345 325 305 319 279 357 1,400 726 119 87 99 85 66 630 1,943 223 259 255 315 289 1,660 1,542 549 256 234 287 320 1,600 2,261 99 230 278 348 314 1,130 1,612 161 142 114 107 112 1,040 1,111 67 158 156 189 192 2,400 11,038 915 1,447 1,655 1,777 1,863 Issall 624 19 Issall 61 48 77 1,070 1,0.55 49 250 224 204 283 120 13,366 4,551 12,412 12,889 14,725 17,060 Bambo rough 173 496 528 566 860 810 822 16 19 27 60 36 2,160 2,039 295 315 293 3.87 408 3,830 4,798 1,244 715 8.^4 1,129 1 J 2 G 8 5,550 9,772 454 — 209 216 242 4,090 4,310 564 700 913 1,125 1.520 1,200 1,894 432 197 229 277 339 1,.580 1,890 719 565 508 705 774 3,730 5,048 544 609 658 812 871 1,740 1,672 262 308 318 403 399 800 Hullav ington 26 — 34 — 177,680 1,253,075 183,‘433 209,064 249,691 321,768 399,599 296,800 326,098 60,218 59j379 74,160 76,890 86,735 512,630 524,992 130,310 87,(95 97,923 117,797 131,600 395,290 390,356 96,435 71,616 92,160 115,222 140,740 560 543 95 106 106 134 162 ^790 1,801 352 330 320 405 491 M ymo ndham 491 569 645 739 310 500 60 28 21 33 34 6,550 7,908 606 737 860 1J114 1,093 2,470 2,857 423 301 301 369 386 7,850 10,307 1,214 944 1,019 1,157 1,362 160 650 30 28 32 18 4,460 7,636 795 1,739 2,096 2,991 5,856 1,220 2,498 106 223 265 266 237 4,870 5,879 231 515 619 685 700 760 1,219 129 65 73 89 96 920 1,141 94 134 127 154 164 3,350 11,708 1,565 1,776 2,114 2,329 3,173 1,470 1,300 126 267 301 317 313 Castor 851 85 110 103 113 118 2,420 3,354 KiO 329 342 389 342 4,370 5 2,278 191 283 278 347 419 t 1,921 255 268 306 370 382 Diddle bury — — 118 180 — 730 978 14 45 56 71 81 2,530 3,231 417 425 440 577 ; 680 17(5 Supcrfii ii a in Slutvte A errs ; Annual Vuhte of Properly; Amount annually pjcpended for Aluinlenuncc of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Sut — Swa Su|>frllole» In SlkluU Annual Value o( l*fopartv, u asicMad X-i Aninunl expoiKled lui Mum toiiumia <) Total JViimht r of /■ li SUff'S, I at vavh 0 / (he 4 7Vn Yearly Teriods, Swa — Tam ■tlf Superficial 1 Annual Vuhm uf I’rnperly, « 1 ftMeiied tu (munce of 'Joiut Number of P LHMONS, at tack of the 4 7V/i y tally Ptrlod^. Towns, Parishes, Ifc. ,? = 1| Tax in 'tSIi. POOH. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. I'ounis, I'(i> ishes, Sfc. At..., lb« Pro|M.rt jTax io l»l& POOR, j lS28-yj. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. ^^llton, K., .S'H/ Jvy 1,830 3,735 461 57!) 638 911 1,121 1 S wall and in 4549 Eel ton 148 207 195 211 210 do. U., iS'i(Ssc.T . - 1 ,580 Ten 300 4,1.50 1,335 246 303 342 .353 379 I Swarratlon, It near 3444 1,710 711 21 81 99 109 120 do. Ham in 28o2 bury Nm 214 !)1 3,065 205 87 3,658 185 Swatiin, V.^ u TiVi I Swavesay,V 2138 Swaylield,R next 2216 3,670 3,500 1,300 5,870 2,940 1,314 166 1,272 183 176 2lH 298 1,029 20() 311 . 1,115 2(i0 do. Stoneferiy, (; IS II* do. l$uridiam-tJli>lia, ll. 20H3 21,124 1 1,702 1,569 4,383 173 140 1,220 1,477 191 I 201 273 315 364 Sweepstone, It. with Newton nr. 724 2,260 4,645 606 412 520 025 1 627 do. with 1 lowgrave. . . . in ‘1171 (i()0 750 41 110 116 122 146 Sweethope in Thock .rinstoD — 27 27 32 25 18 3 3!H 1,160 2,210 656 ) 537 636 716 1 ,990 880 680 497 535 597 (ih3 Swalwell in 39 M hick lain — 1,393 1,320 1,372 Tadlow,V « 2130 1,636 1,284 129 101 153 117 176 Swanage,R 1470 3,770 2,102 981 1,382 1,483 l,(i07 1,734 Tadmarton, It » 27l(i 2,500 3,191 4.55 387 377 401 355 Swanborough Hundred (23) 33.59 47,310 2,510 59,081 4,505 6,668 7.58 7,828 529 8,058 4il9 9,M7 616 9,732 668 Takely, it » 2376 Talk-o’-the-Ilill, C in 103 3,110 And 3,72(i ey 933 689 783 817 1,134 1,008 1,09!) 1,196 Swanland in 1330 2,1.50 4,811 303 321 377 418 .178 Talkiii in Hayton ‘1447 Hay 2,(i90 on 24!) 237 280 376 .Swannington, C., in Whitwick 743 1,4.50 2,497 217 488 427 541 519 T^ll^'i^^ ^UWestLooe ....( X 3,128 ^ G‘1S < 760 801 839 841 do. It., t^orfvllc near 2009 1 ,530 1,368 463 299 337 305 370 ( .5(i5 ) 37(i 433 539 5!)3 Swanscombe, It *355 3,460 3,564 489 763 848 908 1,166 Tallatton, It near .3773 2,3!)0 3,288 271 3!)3 348 393 479 Swanthorpe & Crondall Tything in (h’on dull — 4(i0 470 510 Tallenliro in 4370 BrOUUrk 1,817 23 182 213 211 237 Swanton-Abbot, It 1989 1,140 1,404 307 .372 371 424 448 Tallingtoii, V next 2292 690 2,771 291 23(i 205 240 220 do. Morley, It. ........ 20.58 2,610 3, 159 739 560 671 723 837 Talmage, Stoke-. near 2680 720 1,.588 128 153 127 1. 10 107 do. Novers, It 2075 1 ,260 1 ,035 101 221 242 302 377 'Talworth Ham *105 1,190 jOllg- 1)' Uon — — 234 261 Swarby, V. (Ashwardhiirn ) nt. 2211 910 1,238 42 108 119 143 142 Tanierton, North 4643 5,400 2,125 1 189 403 420 47!) 517 .Swardeston, V near 1990 8!)0 1,200 407 277 258 291 371 do., Eoliatt 3835 3,910 6, 67.1 I (i34 747 949 1,101 1,061 Swarkestoue, It « 700 ! 1 ,430 1,110 105 256 2(<5 243 308 Taiiihorn in 2921 770 M hitti; igtoii 10 «.) 16 7 177 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Toxen, Parish, Hamlet, Tylking, ^c., in ENGLAND, at each of the Foxir Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021, 1031. Tain — Tef Toinis, Parishes, fjC, I c -■ iU r (1) in Sta^ff'ard 752-3 ttTAMMOItTII C'., 7«. t 3§ ^ v(l)iii Wanricic 755 do Division (U) Tandridge, 1*. (’ *235 do. Huiulrt'd (15).... *227 Taiifield, Fast, C in 4171 do. West 11 1173 Tangley, C near 3431 Tangineie, H *!*<‘J Tankersley,J^V^,rtley, C. .. 421 Tanninglon, A'. near 1914 Tanshelf, » 398S Tansley, in Cricli 892 Tausor, H near 2(>20 Tanworth, ^ MVnVs'VaVhV or Monks Taplotv, 1? 2409 Tapton in Cliest Tarbock, near 1247 Tardebiecr ^ Kedditch 2874 Tarlelon,C 1195 Tarling, or Terling § 1830 Tarnicar with Upper Rawcliffe O' SK.Tu. t 3§ .... 2950 Tarporlev , > yf p\r.(4) , Tarraby, in 4429 Tarraut-Crawford, with Preston do. -Gunville, R 3543 do. -H inton, R near ■» do. -KeynstoiijR » 3507 do. -Launceston, C. .. . » « do. -Monckton,V. ...» • do. -Ranston, or Raws. » « do. -Rushton, R » « Tarretburn, seeTarset .... in 4522 Tarring-Neville,R *747 do. West, R. t3§ *873 Tarrington, V 3090 Tarset, West in 4524 ,p . (V 29t0 Earvin Parish (11) Tasbnrgh,R near 2003 Tasley, R next 2908 , < R near 740 Tatenhill, ^ Total of Parish (4) 5R 4330 Tathwell, V near 2275 Talsfield, R *240 Tattenhall,see )R near 2950 Tettenhall < Golborn-Bel. & N. Tattenhoe, near 2518 Tatterford, «• 2700-7 Tattersett, ) ' « « Tattershall, D., F. t‘2§ .... 2253 Tattingstone, R near 1700 Tatton in 2905 Tatworth & Forton Tything « 1301 bliilal* 1305 2ft+TAUNTON 5 St. James, C. TF. iS. • + 2 § ( Marj'Magd.V Taunton-Dean Hundred (28) « laverJiam ^ .. 1991 Tavistock 5 V., i’. *t 5§ .... 3840 2 IT tt ( Milton Abbot & Brenti Tavy, Mary- R 3800 do. St. Peter, | wiYlsworfhy I Tawney, Stapleford- R. near 1808 Tawstock, R 3884 Tawton, North R. 3840 do. South V 3794 do. North < Winkley 3849 with ( Hundred(20)3843 Taxall 5 ^ (Whaley with Yeardsley Taynton,R 3177 do. V near 2730 Tealby, V 2279 Tean A- Checkley 2^ .... in 943 Teath,St.§ 3945 Tedburn, St. Mary, R 3788 Teddington, D *85 do. C in 2804 Tedstone-Delamere, V_ near 3095 do. Wafer, C » Teeton, Ham. next Ravenstborpe Teffont-Evias, R next 3400 7.420 I 110 5. . 390 32,(110 3.720 62,380 1,1(H) 3.070 2,000 730 2. . 500 5,550 1 ,()50 270 1,150 2.0. 50 10,410 |riding 1,920 ertield 2.300 5.420 3, 100 5,230 4,190 4,030 1.130 5,940 Stan eoo 2.000 020 1,500 710 3,210 310 2,110 1.300 970 2.070 Thorne 2,080 11,490 060 1,120 5,390 10,520 0,010 1,810 4,930 970 2,290 1,790 090 880 1,820 3,840 2,060 1.900 Chard 2,730 40,510 2,630 30,980 11,600 8.130 3,950 6.000 2,450 2,110 6,430 6.670 9.720 7.720 65,300 3,980 1.420 2.670 1,780 3,950 see 5.900 5,460 1,120 Ovrhiiry 1,800 620 680 700 — £ 9,612 3,250 9,719 37,934 3,139 48,081 1,324 3,731 1,203 1,334 4,010 4.188 1,949 1,400 810 1,940 13,9.59 Lin. 3,681 1.188 3,427 9,832 5,030 0,704 3,893 4,362 2,860 9,602 wix 1,0.56 1,451 1,400 1,544 1,192 960 489 940 4.008 938 1.008 2,325 yburn 3.811 17,102 1,836 1,519 3,609 16,642 4,980 1,36J 1,845 1,1.50 4,601 1,380 672 911 1,780 3,622 2,279 2,057 6,664 20,291 09,545 1,013 27,431 20.117 8,398 7,659 ^2,500 2,721 6,889 6,229 0,204 4,327 39,945 1,517 1,606 2,975 1,576 3,451 Madel 5,011 2,723 5,237 1,364 2,091 733 1,247 892 AioAiinl Total Samker of rKK.SUN.S, • xpemlail , for M«id- of. t ack of the 4 Ten Yearly Periotts. ^ IMIOIl, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,-299 1,785 1,8-29 2,2(i8 2,2(M> 1,193 S 1,123 1,327 1 ,03() 1,711 ( 1,064 1,938 1,8-20 038 Tendering, R. § near 1858 do. Hundred (31) .... 1855 STentf.rden, V. F.t § *517 Tentergate with Scriven .... *592 Terling, R 1836 Terrington J ^ Wipenthorpe 4123 j 5 Sh Clements, R.V. 2040 ■ (St.Johns, do. 2047 Terwick, R *945 Testerton, R. Ex. Pa near 2076 Teston, V *394 4 Tetbury, V., IF. * + 2^ 365 Tetchwoi th & Ludgershall nr. 24t)0 Tetcott, R ^ 3912 Tetford, R 2268 Tetnev, V 2282 4Tetsworth. C 2685 Tettenhall ^ " Clericoruin 1 RecrU V \ ‘'‘‘don '''>-esct > 85 -ilegis,V. 1^3 Hamlets > Tetton in Warmingham near 840 Tetworth, (Hunts.) next 2443 Tevelby, ? Tealby 2279 Teversall R near 2345 Teversham^R » 2119 Tew,GreatV.|«[fjf‘c.‘ : Tewin, R « 2371 31It+TEWKESBURY,V.PF. S.*t5 § 3144 do. Hundred \ jg J Tey, Great, R. sin. R.^ v. near 1840 do., Little, R. « « do., Alarks- V » « Teynham, V *471 Thakehain, R.§ *840 4Thame,V. 7’u.t2§ 2686 do. Hundred (6) 2085 Thames-Ditton, *166-7 Thanet, Isle of *564-74 Thanington, C *546 Tharston,V near 2003 Thatcham ^ Greenham & Midgham Thaxted, V., F. t 2 § 1825 Theakstone in 4176 Theale Hundred (13) 3277 Thearne in 4059 Theberton, R 1951 Thedding 1 V., Leicester next 2814 -worth ( Hothorpe Nox'thamplon Theddle- ( All Saints, V. near 1722 thorpe ( St. Helens, R. n « Thedwestry Hundred (24) 1889 Thelbridge, R next 38(iO Thelnethan, R near 1923 Thelveton, R » 2011 Thelwall, C in 985 Themelthorpe. R next 2068 Thenford, R near 2529 Therfield, R 2387 Thetford, C. in 2113 O^Hnn CSLCuthbert,C.5'i//Tl^ T^Hst. Peter,R. » > do. -cum-Baston 2208 2852 Aonukl 1 AmouAt ^ Total /Vumht'V 11 / p/:n.soiv.\. Superflclat V«lu« of at lach of the t StsluU Pnxpestj,, ASM-Mtd l» 7 \n Yearly ptriofit. ! |N)OK, < UKiH—TV. 1801. 1 1811. 1821. 1831. — 1,410 1,401 1-27 199 200 220 i 213 1,100 2,1-33 18 133 133 178 1 170 700 •1,388 an 481 813 1 ,400 1,810 580 4,3«3 830 1,.52H 2,080 2,51 1 2,878 59,230 45,-255 7,855 11,137 1 1 ,-209 12,977 14,405 1,700 1 ,056 <17 133 1 19 131 1 100 4,110 4,o;i3 .555 a5o 1,001 1,131 1,288 3,800 4,!K)1 599 073 753 940 1,085 500 l,-243 138 153 1 12.5 107 162 1,320 1,119 103 I 89 1 95 113 121 780 1.50 27 ; 1-5 ! 18 27 29 Bristo 12,007 City .3,710 ; 4,090 5,343 5,0 1.. 540 1,370 Thormanby, R « 4125 Thorn-Giimbald, C in 1713 do. Coffin, R near 1294 do St. Margaret, C. .. » 1311 Thornaby .....in 4193 Thornage. U near 2075 | Thornaugh. or Thornhaugh, R. 2628 j Tliornborough, V 2513 I do. in 4509 ' do. n 4165 ; Thornbury, R. near 3915 1 1 Tot.'^tif Par.'(6)‘ ( *^15 do. R near 3095 Thornby", R next 2.579 Thokncomhk, V., S. % 3764 Thorneote Hatch, .\c near 2411 Thorndon, All Saints, R 1917 7T1IORNU, P. C., ir. + 2 § 3973 do. -Kalcon near 3707 Thorner “lO^O ‘ ' ? Scarcroft N Shadwell " Thornes with Alverthorpe. , . . 470 TiloRNF.y, 1)., 7 'h. 2 ^ 2102 near 2272 ^ I’roadholme&Wiggersley do. West, R *994 Thornejburn, \ yVesawl \ Thornford near 3556 Thorn-grafton in 4497 Thornham, R., Kent *415 do., Lntic 1064 do., V., Kntfollc 1737 flo., Magna, R near 1918 do., Parva, R » Thornhaugh, R 2628 Thornhill in 907-9 do. Tything 3.5.55 do 474 ^ 2 Townshp. fk 1 C. » Thornholm in 4(KJ0 Thorning, ? Thurning next 2072 Thornley, (see Thorley) in 418t) do. with Wheatley « 1115 Thornsett (see Thurnscoe) 919 Thornthwaite & Padside, C. in .593 do., C in 4363 Thornton, R near 2512 1 t in the Moors 990 ■ I Total of Par (5) or 1054 VaUi^'of I'rupcrty, M the- Property NX 111 1816. — £•— 631 3,020 1 ,702 5,892 38,53(i 4f)3 1,049 1,8-12 803 histle 599 1.701 8.702 6,80!) 1.072 1,621) 3,151 13,779 4,115 1,7.33 498 10,280 2.072 1,-149 2,787 ew 643 1,443 1.187 4,465 1,709 1.. 507 2,025 1,131 2,771 1,340 3,427 2,249 1,!)07 1.0. 32 3 239 1,140 2,587 1.. 507 2,659 3.188 bridge 6-17 1,032 13,080 3,175 1,921 5.102 hill 2 708 13.705 1,149 2.. 591 2,128 8,129 20,.501 ^ 2,004 1,301 Tarret^urn Smaleiimth 2,135 histle 3.592 2 7-12 3,373 2,287 875 2.0. 59 Total IVinnher of P KUSUISS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periorts. POOH, ‘W. 6 172 122 9.59 5,781 15 41 102 149 92 9 89 59 914 404 48 70 167 160 S 34 t 170 113 Hut 900 1.4.50 400 650 1,230 1,450 2,540 2,530 Cor 440 1,010 11. . 580 2,310 1 ,090 5.5.50 North 1,140 10,840 800 2,190 2,190 2,930 17.. 590 2,380 1,760 910 18,100 ^ 890 Haltw 3,410 2,070 3,810 1 ,.550 570 2,540 Hope Stal bridge 2,.580 j 4,100 5,020 1 ,360 1 ,050 1,190 2,980 1 1 .988 1,128 1,.581 900 2,130 Glos.sop l,9(io| 1,007 Cross! hwaite 1,080 2,063 1 ,240 1 1 ,288 5,030 1 0,361 ton 1801. 13 221 163 880 4,982 52 3!) 281 168 .322 131 126 136 2,0!)2 824 41 143 378 137 51 182 188 1,288 2,189 5 203 173 ( 53 182 104 306 289 383 ton 32 39 — 221 679 268 1,033 178 .313 329 378 131 KiO 43 106 26 88 100 294 165 125 224 134 520 269 79 128 39 131 173 190 53 — 102 443 113 167 312 221 149 214 782 4.58 60 84 10 39 201 330 1,350 < 850 ( 2,488 81 195 118 484 671 1,092 1,097 .520 1 ,325 2,055 80 157 297 563 10(1 211 1 ,m<) .3,105 2,232 1,598 J 44 1.34 ( 55 108 110 71 ^ 88 < 163 ( 1.59 137 256 114 239 580 348 365 674 726 537 391 295 194 123 149 214 68 — 598 1,499 980 2,785 53 81 298 HI 16 .56 229 387 178 229 147 85 93 1.56 455 772 1811. 1821. 1831. 13 11 35 316 384 364 190 200 181 967 1,1.59 1,292 5,273 5,724 6,022 75 78 77 43 44 44 293 2!)3 317 166 167 131 282 293 328 98 126 142 115 133 1.38 102 105 170 2,155 2,533 2,835 890 969 994 54 01 59 1,50 181 151 403 419 408 206 484 207 39 48 71 158 201 203 187 238 205 77 95 100 2,538 3,245 4,203 241 307 248 218 301 378 296 319 355 366 427 478 49 44 51 32 43 41 787 927 1,004 1,015 1,437 r,648 310 342 272 342 484 544 146 149 142 86 HO 158 97 402 108 403 3S1 3-12 143 458 159 149 40S 170 307 380 414 138 132 140 135 118 133 215 259 266 94 97 101 155 14.5 165 1-19 197 301 252 261 332 237 206 271 539 572 673 81 74 81 28 27 21 383 517 546 1 ,083 1,261 3,321 3,760 i a, SI.) 204 183 212 178 170 198 4,189 1,32'2 1,368 — 241 268 580 638 690 2,713 3,463 3,779 187 221 273 621 708 804 259 302 416 3,750 4,448 4,859 4,675 1,970 2,055 108 129 155 93 135 153 62 HI 104 456 189 185 207 169 149 297 329 .383 238 247 263 40(> 523 671 4,098 1 ,374 1,455 483 (i27 668 300 342 380 122 139 206 237 266 271 125 1.39 13.5 491 272 257 1,619 1,932 2,371 3,086 3,526 3,000 82 94 93 101 112 140 58 60 50 433 506 516 — 685 291 309 304 121 16-4 174 70 78 91 1.58 162 181 807 853 oil do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. He. do. do. Tho — Tho a Towns, Parishes^ ice, ’ ^ Z. s s n’ornton in 4TJ0 1237 ( liagwmrth & Stautn \ V. (Gartree) .. next 2257 1 Beacon, V' 4072 < Melbonru &Sturwood » with Baxly 4l(io C., in Bradford 537 in Craven ,554 5 in Lonsdale. R 586 (Black-Burton .... , Si Aston in 907-9 -le-Beans, near 409 -le-Fen(Horncstle)/' 2253 -le-Moor in 4170 do. (Walsh. )next 2289 1 -le-Street, R. next 4163 ( North Kilvington « -upon-Clay, near 4121 Bishop- C 600 -Bridge, in 4120 -Childer » 1658 -Curtis near 1719 ILmanbV'V*^ -Mayow or Hough in 1052 -Riseborough, in Norman -Rust in 4233 Steward, A' 4221 Thorn ville, in Whixley near 591 Thornwood Ham near 1804 Thoroton near 651 Thorp, or Thorpe, a Sa.von word sig Thorp-Langton. C near 2034 do. -Basset, R next 4102 do. -Arch, V 4046 do. -sub-Montem, with Burnsall do. -Underwoods, in Lit.Ousebn. Thorpacre, (k with Dishley nr. 732 do. in Rothwell 480 Thorpe, R., Derby near 887 do. St. Peter, V., Linco/n « 2261 do. Ham. in W^est Ashby» 22.57 do. St. Matthias, R. near 1961 do. R., Notts next 2326 do. in Glebis, R « 684 do. St. Mary, V *177 do. in How'den 4021 do. East. . . . in Londesborough do. with W'hitclilf'e. . . . in 597 do. with Ashfield. .. .near 1937 do. in Balne in 3!)72 do. in the Fallows, V. nr. 2270 do. on the Hill, R » 2324 do. in the Street in 4073 do. -le-Soken, V 1859 do. by Ixworth, D 1904 do. by Water 2311 do. -Abbotts , Earsham nr. 2011 do. -Achurch, R 2609 do. -Arnold, V. &... .next 2615 do. -Aiidling in Badsworth 435 do. -Bocliarl, or in Glebis 684 do. -Brantingham, .... in 4053 do. -Hulmer, » 4481 do. -Constantine, R. near 751 do. Countess- C in 705 do. -F’inley or Tinley, in 2210 do. Little- witji Cosl)v ... . 701 do. -Langton, C., in Cli.Langton do. -Liitimer. with Hel.nt. 2231 do. -Lubbenham, iVcG.v. in 2638 dc. -Malsor, R near 2606 do. -Mandeville, R. next 2547 do. -Market, V near 174 >-(> do. -Morieux, R » 1786 do. -Parva near 2011 do. c, , , t R l!Ki9 ,1 St. Andrew < ■ » ■ , do. ( in Norwich do. -Salvin,(’., next 3'i48 ilo. -Sateliville,C. iiiTwyford do. Slioiildliam- 2038 do. -Stapleton in 4018 do. -FInderwoods, Ham. » 2.587 do. W'e.sl- V. or in the Fallows do. -Willoughby in 3993 Thorpland, with W'alliiigton nr. 2032 Thpnington, R » 1955 Amiiunt Total S'nmber of /* ICKSONS. Sapfrfifiet 8talut« Value of Property, ae expended fur Main- 7 at each of the 4 en yearly Pt rlods. Tax in ibl6 1 POOR, j IStiS— 29. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1 1831. 1,390 1 ,200 55 212 277 232 190 5,180 9,179 554 617 739 876 842 700 1,796 57 2.30 239 300 342 3,930 t 2,342 180 320 367 405 455 ( 3,935 698 615 661 671 623 1,440 2,058 118 97 107 1.53 216 2,410 1,202 141 217 201 198 209 4,2.50 3,804 282 394 433 553 582 1,740 l,(iC6 1(10 74 78 70 67 4,390 5,950 534 I 2,474 3,016 4,100 6,968 6,710 6,167 1,006 1,202 1,540 1,829 2,246 7,480 1,380 3,571 3,154 352 6,9 1 1,060 1,152 ^ 535 ( 746 102 441 711 Hope 1,197 28 116 110 104 1,090 3,621 109 189 203 247 219 380 2,(i69 72 see Ville 141 156 1,010 l,5il 141 261 2.59 294 333 1,520 1,.568 01 50 58 115 09 1 ,540 1,398 48 112 127 131 162 1,210 1,246 43 57 66 68 64 1,270 3,200 1,171 90 140 157 173 205 2,986 249 359 517 647 oil 970 Cunilall 14 33 46 43 47 670 1,170 60 112 96 177 296 4,610 5,223 3!)2 242 300 328 362 5,940 5,746 487 731 805 879 937 2,530 2,618 2.51 310 306 403 431 Hart burn ( 30 58 21 40 30 61 43 59 53 1,590 1,426 37 105 179 204 144 by 310 914 27 33 34 32 39 1,330 1,091 78 130 120 13.5 15S 2,.570 3,076 80 222 229 265 310 2.340 1,792 148 184 160 180 185 2,510 2,039 105 223 209 252 263 190 395 34 15 13 13 17 North 930 W’eald 161 201 730 1,212 96 110 103 145 143 nifying a Villa ge- 1,350 2,017 405 116 180 215 177 1,870 2,810 200 145 152 150 2(X> 1,370 2,029 98 314 328 343 316 2,680 1,873 310 142 272 329 242 2,200 2,133 104 146 140 179 144 890 2,263 247 225 287 3,51 366 560 546 41 55 06 80 62 1.400 2,512 42 152 151 203 189 2,880 3,690 537 207 196 381 498 740 2,346 212 165 208 269 281 600 1,091 78 71 75 96 79 470 1,173 69 44 48 96 105 930 927 36 20 10 33 3!> 1,520 3,012 436 485 523 509 471 200 803 31 54 52 53 44 — — 17 20 1,380 1,904 138 136 l:t0 157 Pi8 1,560 1,970 396 2.72 248 30!) 375 1,440 1,327 108 lOg 106 122 121 640 942 54 56 50 ()9 I 2 1,820 1,979 121 191 175 235 273 640 750 35 15 16 37 31 3,390 5,772 1,113 974 1,033 1,148 1,173 770 1,163 82 122 107 148 124 Seaton 932 103 100 09 80 89 1,070 1,643 230 172 198 246 272 1,580 2,383 201 208 102 239 240 1,110 2,748 153 73 88 109 117 1,190 1,798 89 200 219 341 3,5.5 930 927 3() 20 16 33 3 i see Eller ker — — 6i> 900 670 41 24 34 24 28 880 2,013 108 62 64 40 4!) 1 ,920 2,291 774 540 693 741 839 Tilnl)rlil. 2,029 125 90 10!) 96 127 2..5.50 3,591 577 6.55 826 883 1,009 1,3.50 2,017 405 186 180 215 117 see H elpring ham — — — Marsto n Truss ell — 2 2 3 680 1 ,505 261 230 S6.5 209 297 1,230 1,6<)5 228 137 1.58 187 17.5 1,290 1,178 125 147 166 192 2,54 2,490 2,176 404 271 30.5 3(i9 412 fr-ee Scale — 14 — — 14 1,980 2,776 383 409 4.52 807 9U) City — — 284 1,211 2,180 1,414 109 180 202 1'..9 -.33 910 2,023 125 141 131 182 163 1,440 1,514 111 200 213 305 3(H) 360 500 — 6 5 25 19 360 Roll well 20 — 12 18 640 912 54 56 50 69 <12 8.50 963 74 Braytr rn 128 III 148 1 ,460 1,291 129 60 62 72 47 1,870 2,404 173 271 306 363 431 J7D evert/ Vonuhj, Hundred, Divhion, City, Tvten, Parish, Ilamlel, Tything, Tlio — 'I'liw IIS •5 3 “ Toieiis, Put ishes, }(c. 'sj Thorvotoii, V 377(i Tlio) (Ion- l$ois, I’.C iK’ar do. (ismion, K. or (oiopleshall do. Mount, 1{ near ISIO Thrande.'don, K uear 1918 7 I'liHAfsTON, K., Tit.r 2^ .... 2(i09 Tlireapland liollicl iu 1375 Tlirpcuinj;hani, wth Stownr.2213 'I’liredling Hundred (5) 1937 Three Kiirnis in 29I(i Thielkeld.C. 1393 Thresldield iu l.intoii ....near 570 Threxton, K « 204s Thriber^ih, 1{ * 137 TliriRhy, I{ » 1750 Thrimby, C in 4"2(i8 Tlirinsstone, C., in Whitwiek 745 Tliripiow, V near 2132 do. Hundred ( ) 2124 Tlirislinj;fo'i •. in 4408 Thriston, East \\ est, with Sliotha Tliroapliam iu 3947 1 • S next 2384 rhrocktng | Wakeley Ex, l»a. . Throckleby iu 10 Throckniorton, C iu Fladbury Thropple iu 4540 Thropton » 4553 Throston » 4465 Throwley. A' uear 3794 do. *492 do. with Ham & Casterlon, Throxenby in 1697 Thrumplon.C next 080 Tlirupp Ham in 2706 do. 6c Littleworth, or M ad. » 3238 Thruppwick Lib., iu Radley Thrussingtou, V 695 Tliruxton, V near 3068 do., R next 3483 Thunderley, or 1 R near 1796 Thundersley } Hamlet « * Thundridge, V near 2377 Thurcaston, ’ ( AusteySc Cropston Tliurcross in 4009 Thiiie, or There, Kirkby- .... 4259 Thurg'arton, II., Norfidk near 1987 do., _ P. C., Notts 650 do. "'apentake>|^,-,^ ['-jj)^2330 Thurgoland 422 do., Ham iu 2784 Tliurlbear, P. C. ( N. Curry) ur. 1305 Thurlby. P. C uext 2252 do., V., ith Northorpe 6c ()b-2209 do., 6c Bilsby [thorpe] nxt. 2264 Thurleigli, V. ' near 244*i Thurlestone', R • 1520 do 424 Thill low. Great, V uear 1870 do. Little, R * » Tliurloxtou, R >r 3709 Thurlton, R M 1961 Thu rmaston. North » 689 do. South, C. .. » n Thurnbv. 1 X- ‘ ( iJushby 6c Stoughton » Thurnhani 4323 Thurning, R., Hunts near 2620 do. Ii..N(,rJollc ... ,/ 2069 Thurnscoe, R u 3(95.5 Thurrock, Grays, V 1786 do.. Little, R near » do., M’esi, V. 6c Purfleet 1781 Thur.by \ \ Thursfield in 104 Thursford, R near 2078 Thursheltou, C next 3857 Thursley.C *276 Tlvirstable Hundred (10) .... 1776 Thurstast n, R near 16.52 Thurston, V „ 1888 do.. East 6c West with Sliothaugh Thurstnnlaud 466 Thurtnn, C near 1963 Thurvaston 6c Osleston, in Sutton on Thuxton R. (Hingham) uear 20 H Thwaite, U. 5 ,\.of l'J87 do. St. Mary, R. 3 S. IK. e/ 1963 do. R., Sufolk 2 § next 1916 Thwaits, C AiuauM Tilal ut ri'.iisoNs, SuperAoH* V.lu^ i.l ««|l«Ud«d Ht t och of the ) .^UluU Hiuperiy... (•nan. a of I'en Yrorly i*rrioiis. Ui III I'm 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 3,270 6,1-27 8()6 1,168 1,218 1,317 1,155 2,460 3.-251 231 331 360 4 16 (i76 3,210 5,792 396 517 612 709 811 1,700 2,125 190 193 194 2 15 219 1,320 1,505 460 30.5 366 330 358 990 2,821 632 ()75 708 8.5-1 1,014 rtfrprnAoM< 2,758 208 313 302 382 405 2,270 2,462 100 179 207 202 191 7,630 13,-121 3,042 2,616 2,.559 3,166 3,328 410 Eccles hall — 36 55 ()7 1 ,!)00 122 260 — 283 303 320 1 ,990 1,375 130 •201 184 237 212 1,160 838 77 00 30 34 29 1 ,290 2,117 200 217 272 315 332 900 743 8(» 63 o(i 46 43 l,-.i70 17 (iO 79 62 81 1,510 2,298 5o9 901 948 1,171 1,'2(»7 2,607 1,1.50 274 334 319 .371 417 16,279 17,030 3,239 3,‘26.5 3,603 4,295 4,811 (i90 3,449 0 14 14 15 ugh Fe Ron 120 219 294 3-25 307 1,080 Laught on- 96 en le-M orthen 50 70 1,060 1,508 50 58 45 69 70 470 — 7 8 9 7 New burn 148 188 192 159 208 1,560 1,-120 133 150 164 153 159 Mit ford 15 69 67 75 78 Roth bury G8 118 148 158 218 1 ,050 385 80 58 48 71 70 3,9-20 1,.594 248 331 352 386 460 3,230 2,526 452 430 512 607 675 see 11 am — — — — Newby 520 21 48 58 66 54 1,080 1,493 53 121 119 109 132 540 364 57 56 64 55 84 3,180 ixennin 904 gton 189 25 198 Fan-in 30 gdon 31 2,-200 1,800 308 390 4W 466 4.54 650 668 68 75 59 54 59 1,530 1,418 328 203 210 240 269 1,750 860 ^ 2,199 376 354 5 260 1 181 313 233 1 526 2,110 3,230 520 437 517 529 588 680 2,117 277 215 259 277 276 2,280 3,858 920 786 847 882 965 6,340 1,984 232 467 610 600 601 see Ikirkby 266 — — — — 890 905 224 225 2-18 247 2,770 3,406 70 334 292 330 329 141,740 63,761 3,575 12,940 < 6,173 6,911 7,153 30,010 49,112 3,425 ^ 9,025 10,218 13,419 2,080 2,398 2821 613 652 819 1,147 2,980 J 2,833 ( 4,996 1 340! ( 320 \ 44 469 18 513 36 556 80 Dune 2,174 199 To‘t 207 304 2Sl 950 926 100 151 202 215 202 2,420 2,092 39 78 99 102 145 5,070 5,->51 413 503 551 ()22 632 2.960 2,886 552 337 373 416 453 3,480 2,781 775 411 457 477 538 2,390 2,970 224 3.5(i 392 426 466 7,740 3,025 406 1 ,096 1,282 1,524 1,.599 1,400 2,098 605 299 342 402 425 1,470 1,043 402 348 342 43(i 464 520 1,009 51 136 I5(K 178 229 1,190 1.522 218 332 386 414 416 480 ^ 4,039 737 ^ HI 168 192 184 1,2-20 t 595 674 798 947 690 l,-209 131 115 120 146 1.58 2,050 4,138 179 254 200 254 22.5 1,729 2,693 313 363 403 448 526 1,100 6()1 104 118 1.54 156 130 1.650 1,.581 208 111 104 112 140 1,100 1,6.58 159 192 211 •205 223 1 ,570 3,619 5i9 677 1,0.55 742 1,248 1.580 2,287 . 139 126 1-26 192 302 2,810 5,327 554 818 785 129 804 3,190 5,3.03 171 ( 242 t 167 272 168 3 5 160 373 191 Wolsta nt.an — 185 265 389 1,450 1,380 632 260 313 350 392 2,410 2.065 255 417 385 397 353 3,940 2,2!)8 664 584 564 608 708 23,640 33.216 5,132 3,951 4,511 5,313 5,942 800 1 .064 10 112 63 127 92 2,400 2 149 609 3 4 3fi0 377 462 in Felt jon 122 240 294 325 307 2,050 2,.579 363 783 868 989 1,098 750 ; 1,143 1 12 164 160 ■ 170 193 theHill 2,087 234 263 291 410 392 1,130 1,120 102 64 71 78 83 490 1 777 133 93 101 116 142 500 874 50 87 101 94 107 690 ! 1.243 172 129 116 112 175 Mil lom 1 523 333 315 324 I^c., ill HNCLAM), al each of the. lour Petiods, IP, 01, 1011, 10-21. lO.Tl, , '/'of at Numhnr of i'.HSOSM, Thw — Tit tl; Su|i«rA(ltt Alalul* Value of Pr>i|ierl«. at atiMted Iu • Ifiendad fur Mail.- a' each of the \ ’Itn Y tatty l*eriufl». Towns, Parishes, l/c. Tas III IDIS Poor, -'2i» 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Thwing, R next 1091 4,0(i0 :i,i8i • 2:^:5 217 •208 314 35i) 'J'ibaldstoue Hundred (3) ... 3111 5,980 7,948 430 9(g) i(79 938 824 'I’ibbenhani, V' near 2019 3.:3i0 4,:$72 1 ,020 531 512 553 0,0 'J'iblrerton, R., fi’/o/(cT.s'(fr f 112 1 ,620 1,737 193 251 2.52 282 307 do. C., Hcre;)iiril . . » .3067 790 1,187 09 92 102 1 16 IIK do. i'r,,Stdip .... JU)0t Krli'iiiiid 2,369 86 28!. 338 303 351 do. \., Worcester » ^2831 1,320 1 ,941) 257 208 250 288 337 Tibbington, or Tipton, — whicli see — — — — Tibshelf, V 787 2,280 2,610 295 tm 705 711 7.79 'I'iblhorp, in Kirk Hum near 4065 2,780 2,112 68 132 168 221 227 Ticphnr.st, V. 2^ *6!)4 7,280 5,466 1 ,036 1,430 1,.593 1,966 2,31 1 Tich, or 'J'itr hborne, C. .. near 3156 see Tit chbour ne — — — Trckencole, R next 2317 2,410 1 ,498 52 98 100 120 128 Tickenharn,V near 1334 Tickhill ^ ^ 1 ,640 5,3:i0 2,373 9,160 161 871 276 1,101 336 1,.508 405 i,8:io 427 2,018 ( Staiicill witli Ueilingley 1,140 1,3.57 94 46 (>1 54 Ticknall, 1*. C near 115 1,770 2,064 577 1,125 1,106 1,274 1,27b Tickton & Hull Hridge .... in 40,59 700 1,1.56 57 134 119 111) HI) Tidcombe.P.C near 3316 3,390 2,641 312 220 201 237 243 do. Quarter (secTyd) in 3748 Tiver ton — — 380 .571 Tiddeslev Hay, Ex.Pa.. . near 2895 2,430 — — 69 43 50 Jicldington in -Albury .. » 2685 Tidenham, V 3182 700 908 1-19 123 148 176 198 6,360 7,284 3.54 696 918 1,102 1,180 Tidesvvell LittM’, Wornishi ( 10,950 (3,164 \ 6,219 513 424 1,351 819 1,219 1,123 1,.543 1,126 1,553 1,254 Tidmarsh,R near 32:7 800 1,190 107 134 127 139 143 Tidmington, C., IVorcesfcr » 2742 8‘20 1,581 68 62 55 70 76 Tidworth, South » 1346 2,170 1,766 235 57 198 217 do. North, R « » 3,120 1,749 314 240 282 327 392 Tiffield,R » 2.541 2,530 1,286 69 120 141 127 131 Tilbrook, R " 2160 1,680 1,488 182 219 281 297 295 Tilbury, East, V « 1786 1,440 2,9:i6 242 173 219 264 245 2,120 970 2,785 1,.562 151 368 201 *117 276 2:30 do., R., juxta Clare 1865 168 167 2(3 Tilehurst, R .3274 5,400 8,979 1,020 1,3.53 1,521 1,700 1,878 Tilford & Culverlands *288 Earn ham — 160 457 443 Tilley and Sleap in 3029 Mem — — — 348 323 Tillingham, V. 2§ 1801 3,760 6.380 1,101 695 760 946 970 Till in gton in 29-12 Staf ford 29 30 36 42 do., in Burghill ..near 3067 Burg hill — 360 392 419 do., R *895 4,080 3,655 812 614 050 681 800 Tilnianstone, V *608 1,100 1,250 211 229 226 303 407 Tilney, All Saints, V near 1734 2,020 5,397 379 312 374 404 420 do., St. Lawrence, V. /. » 2,520 5,855 383 302 488 552 072 do. w ith Islington .. » « 2,010 3,936 113 177 189 236 238 Tilshead, V 3383 3,990 2,273 271 327 397 425 405 Tilsop, N ash, & \\ eston near 2972 Biiri'ord 2,182 143 251 391 377 Dnrfonl ) E Filston, ^ Parish (5) . 960 1,213 136 257 294 370 395 3,570 5,590 390 599 711 833 873 do. -I''ernal in 29.56 790 1,035 124 130 145 166 170 1,510 1 2,510 1,432 ( 2,816 216 235 195 206 240 275 t V. (East Goscote) » 2637 140 146 180 Tilton ? Halstead do. . .. . » « C Maretield(Gartree) » 2648 < 2,678 151 l'.;3 138 187 102 440 767 13 27 27 32 V2 Tilts with Langihwaite ....in 3;'65 •290 735 73 33 24 21 28 Tilly, D near 1825 1,040 1,537 296 64 61 78 82 Timber, Nexv *825 1,550 Norwi 1,385 322 148 173 ICl 172 Timberhill near I'j'tti ch Cil V — — 1,101 1,0.54 Timberland, | Marten &Th(^rpe?rin 1 9,190 \ 2,636 ( 6,017 34! 432 358 393 370 .521 498 (js5 511 70 V Timberscombe,V 3737 1,.530 1,943 152 350 388 406 453 Tinible, Great 40-9 1,450 768 1 81 172 201 233 218 do.. Little u 420 424 6:> 59 55 62 50 Timperley 972 l,38;i 3.925 19.7 588 624 083 752 Timsbury,R 15-2 1.170 6,7- 7 410 714 84! 1,090 1,307 do., P.C near 3490 1,360 1,302 197 r/8 172 188 105 TinwortI), R.(Thedxvestry) « 1888 1.220 1,050 161 149 106 210 2:0 Tincleton, R » 3577 1,490 2,421 146 122 125 142 17! r South Division 4510-14 V.Xitll^LlF'.ast do. 4502-9 \Vav6 do. -1491-7 r;ni visions! i North East do. 4525-34 5Divisions f vVest do. 4.5-20-4 89,-270 62,788 4,405 1,802 10,649 12,017 13,511 78,930 73,415 3,602 7,828 9,208 9,008 9,45-' 78,300 33,168 1,858 4,288 4,801 4,983 5,(,:34 81,910 74,125 2,850 5,727 6,328 6,364 0.427 18:1,210 63,918 2,602 13,611 6,220 6,920 7,3.5!> Tingewick,R 2514 2, -290 2,337 1,117 642 711 832 8(i0 Tingrith. R. near 2435, or next 2427 840 1,346 127 116 128 155 102 Tinley, or Finley Thorpe- .. in 2240 Timberland 2,029 125 90 109 96 127 Tinsley, C., see Catclilte&Org. 141 1 ,570 10,-214 219 268 302 327 3i 8 Tiutagel, V.,with 14 Bossiney 1526 3,960 3,674 436 619 ToU 677 1 ,000 Tinteru, Little, K 3118 650 581 90 248 258 285 3 3 Tintinliull, P. C near 12!!4 2,440 3,507 175 333 388 398 473 do. Hundred (7) » • 7, 150 17,368 1,044 2,996 3,2.52 3,919 4,4'.'2 Tintwistle2§ 921 17,0.50 3,7b6 141 1,021 1,346 1,580 1,820 rr,. ,1 t R next 2317 T*nwell,^j„^thorp « . 1,470 670 \ 2,115 113 231 228 245 2i2 Tipton or Tibbington, P. C. 90 Tirlev, V.with Haw (see Tur) 3147 3,020 22,804 1,742 4,280 8,407 11,546 14 95! 1 ,850 3,940 199 365 405 443 49S TirroW, Aston- near 3273 2,039 1,567 320 294 324 355 343 Tisbury,V 3-109 7,600 13,409 2,520 1,961 2,019 2,122 •2,2.5!) Tissington, P.C 2360 2,310 5,450 147 455 484 496 45!) Tistead, East, with Kolher- nr. 3455 4,290 1,809 246 226 202 278 2:32 do. West .... riield] » •/ 2,970 1,401 226 164 200 206 204 Titchbourn uext 3501 * 3,000 Cliefilon 488 •241 219 257 303 Titchfielp, R., 5. t 44 1441 15,960 12,017 2,889 2,919 3,227 3,528 3,712 Titchmarsh, R 2010 4,480 6,024 745 569 589 748 843 Titchwell, R next 1738 1,509 1,641 225 107 110 130 159 Super /ivies in Statute Acres ; Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for AJaintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in 'I'it — Tos Toiens, Parishes, Sfc, TiUt-y, l‘.C near 30HI 'I’ilsey, H Tillletoii or Titllingtoii .... in 'I'iitenluiuger " TiUeiiley " Tiltiswoi 111 » Wii I’ittleliall, H.witli (jlodwick nr 20(il Tiverton in 2 tt do., K., Tu. iV. t 2 ^ 371 do. or Twerton, V 138’ rr- *1 ,,S‘'’t'I'lnrgciret,K.nr201- T.veUhall ) Ij ; Tixall, H near 293! Tix orThixendale in Wharam Per Tixover, C near 2308 Tockenham, R next 3327 Toc'ketts in 4198 Tockholes, C 1093 Tockingtou, Lower, Tylliing 3223 do., I’plicr 2§ 3222 Tockwitli in 4018 Todber, R next 3.)54 Todbnrii in 4544 Toddenham, R 3122 Toddi.noton, R., 77). t 4 § .... 2435 do. V near 3131 Todinordeu, C. & Walsden .... lotiO Todridge in 4534 Todwick, R next 3949 Toft, R., Cambridge near 2135 do in 980 do. next Newton, wbeb see iii227ti do. Monks, R near l!(i3 do. Trees, V " 2070 do. M’c.st, R " 2022 do. Ham in 2784 ' do. is. Lound near 2202 Tofts, Hirciiam- 15 A’. E. of 1734 'J'ogston Liberty in 4.i48 Tolland, R next 3734 Tollard-Roval, R near 12S0 Toller-Por J or Great, V 3390 comm ver6c Nether Kingc. do. -Fratrum, V near 1282 Tollertou, R next 055 do. § in 4118 Tollesbnry, V. § near 1770 Tollesbunt D’Arcy, V. § ' » do. Knights, R.. . . « « do. Major, V • » Toljntddle, V 3577 Tompson, C. see Thompson » f Tonbridge,V., F. t2^ 2048 *350 *359 *740 Toney, Newton-R near 3347 do. Sahain- R 2049 Tong,V *404 do., P. C 3001 do., C 551 Tonge with Haulgh ........ 1170 do in 1049 Tongham with Seal *281 Tongue-End in Bourne, which see Tooley with Peckleton near 715 Toot-i3aldon » 2099 Toothog, in Cwmyoy n 3077 Tooling- Traveney, C *151 lopchlle, >Totalof Par. (10) » Toperoft, R, . • •••• . . . near 1902 Toppesfield, u. ^ M’ear 1847 2Topsham, 1) N. t § & 1488 Toi -Mohani, ( 1.505 Torbay . the Shores of 150(i-8 Torbryan,R. 1501 Torkington . 9.3(i Torksey-§ ^ lith Havw Irampton. ick nr. 2272 Tormarton, R, 3202 'J’orpen- t V., with \\ hi liow, t Total of Par. 4375 Torrington Black- R. . 3908 do. do. Hundred (37) 3902 2 no. G real, \ t 3 ^ 3887 do. Li ttle, R. . 3!)00 do. Ei tst, R.... 2273 (I'l. w est. V.... „ Torrisholme , , , . . . . . in 432fi Tortington, V *919 Toi tw orth, R, 3fi0 Torver, G. . . , 1074 'I’orworth ... , , , .. near 3902 'J oselaud, G. 2141 I 1 1 A iiinunt 'Total Aumher of' l*lCfiSOSfi, .SupcrflciPt Voiu« or eiproded at cavh of the -1 Sluiiits 1 Properly, a Irnanca « . do. Little...... r" 4553 Tossett, G » 577 Tosside with Sawley, Ex. Pa.nr. // Tostock, R near 1892 Tothain, Great V » 1775 do. Little C » » Tothill,R » Totley in Tottnonslow t North Divis.(13) Hundred 7 South do. (21) 2 +t Totnf.ss, V., . « do. High, G « 2257 do. Low, R » » Tracey, Rovey- R. 4 | 3797 do. Newton- R near 3885 Trallbrd, Mickle- " 1054 do. M imbolds, in Thornton Tranmore in 1000 Tranwell k High Ghiirch « 4538 Trawdeu-Forest It 40 Trayford, orTreyford *!»48 Treales, Roseacre, & VVharles 4302 Treborough, R near 3730 fiedingtcn, G near 3144 do. R. (5) » 2742 Tredunnock,R » 104 Treeton ^ [iMorthen 3950 ’ 7 Glley N Brampton-en-le- TrelTord- Bridge in Plemonstall Tregare, G near 3109 Tregavethan Manor in 240 H Trego.n Y,V. »S'. t 5 § 241 (TownV 7„,.,„ Trelleck j out part ) Tremayne, C next 3927 Tremiugham orTriminghm. « 1740 Trenegloss, V near .3911 Trent, R 3082 Trentlmm J irentliam, Trentishoe, R next 3878 Tresc.oe, Scilly Isle Trescott with Pirtou in 85 Tresham Tything « 3200 I’resmeer, G next 3!)27 'J'reswell, R near 2340 Tretire, R., with Michael Gburch Trevalga, R next 1520 Trevetiian, G. with Ponty-Pooi. lOli Treville, Ex. Pa near 3004 'rrewen 2 § • 3928 'I’rewhitt, High & Low .... in 4553 Trewick » 4528 'I’rey ford, R., or Trayford .... *948 Trigg Hundred (12) 3942 'rrinidon, P. G. . near -1180 'I’rimmingham, R next 1710 Trimley, St. Martin, Ri 1703 do. .St.Maiv,It " 3Thing,P. G., P. t2% 2113 Tri|)])leton & Whitton in 2108 'I'ritlington » 4.541 'I'roston, R near 1904 'l’rostrey,G « 104 Trottersclill'e, R.,orTroslcy *371 54,820 Roth Gis 2,2-10 840 2,030 1,020 910 nronliel 93,920 75,090 1,170 CbiliTAli 4,080 1,390 1,510 2,370 3.790 0. 330 2,800 Bray 1,050 2.790 12,980 2,880 3,070 \ 24 8,988 1,200 "y 1,570 1.790 1,050 1.300 Ipston 2,400 3,120 2,530 1, -.'10 950 0,480 7i:o 1,100 570 730 IMor 2,510 1,380 4,100 2,020 1,020 4,810 1,230 1 ,290 1,940 370 2,170 740 Cuby 5,4!)0 1,700 900 510 3.130 1,8.30 2,020 7 0,900 S 1,190 Tetten Hatvk 1,490 1 ,430 1 ,400 1.130 10,400 i,lt0 970 Ruth 2!»0 1,380 ()3,020 2,870 510 1 ,2t)t) 1,070 7,390 Lvint Heb 1 ,750 1 ,370 1,1,50 Property, •» to the Property Tax IB I8I&. £ 70,834 bury burn 3,327 1.. 390 3,348 1.. 503 1,071 't 921 77,275 100,504 9,208 2.. 328 32,372 1,592 '5,290 1,533 4,283 8,983 1,007 2,330 7,500 20,528 1,483 700 2,307 920,024 1,597 mondh 3,t)2l 907 II.nlingtMn 1,037 e 1,553 27,433 2,042 2,855 1,030 2,508 0,714 330 2,427 1,141 2,779 peth 4,444 722 0,118 1 ,252 1,077 0,070 1,090 2,7!)2 2,140 790 2,185 Kea 841 t 700 ( 1,459 1,491 407 471 1,303 3,003 11,908 402 hall Re esbury 588 1,731 1,198 1 ,t)24 !),80l 832 790 bury Bolam 722 03,11!) 1 ,853 471 3,338 2,100 5.. 5!)7 wardin burn 1,323 1 ,22 1 1 ,482 Anouat Total Number of PEliSOA.S, expeaded at each of the 4 enaooa u Ten Yearly Periods. POOR, Isas— ’29. — i' - 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 12,101 10,041 11,192 12,784 14,145 t 132 150 119 L59 195 ( 22 34 27 30 29 279 552 504 501 588 302 220 252 281 283 739 .528 507 680 696 270 223 221 207 306 50 72 58 72 07 04 200 238 305 351 10,345 16,179 17,980 22,853 9,710 17,901 19,804 23,152 23,607 1,122 2, .503 2,725 3,128 3,442 155 175 179 208 202 3,071 3,629 4,571 5,722 0,937 525 220 253 348 358 330 280 368 4!)0 595 420 334 375 450 515 280 1,246 1 ,556 1,728 7,333 2,572 943 4,314 5,917 9,280 190 198 249 284 313 ■ 667 778 Bray 09 1-19 163 184 221 2,245 2,o:io 2,24.5 2,5.54 2,071 4,173 3,038 4,058 4,490 4,873 120 465 523 582 737 119 182 204 203 224 503 j 417 430 433 ( 775 205 ■280 47,8S3 189.293 237,487 291,0.50 359,804 574 294 325 307 403 am 7-H 831 • 889 1 ,052 547 1,014 987 1,220 l,-24<) 37 4.5 00 01 48 28 13 -13 58 70 45 90 91 94 11.5 Ipst ones 341 415 403 1,001 2,009 5.804 12,829 24,007 105 289 2.52 342 475 94 235 239 349 372 21)2 93 121 159 101 141 41 98 95 108 940 1,431 1,38.5 1,685 1,097 22 80 8.S 84 111 170 217 248 319 142 111 103 117 118 lot) 353 474 825 1,1(;8 07/0 50 08 78 (i4 879 1,443 1,941 2,507 2,853 181 !)5 114 137 130 337 075 071 760 7.50 09 132 111 113 105 135 121 167 138 132 804 93.5 904 1,032 i,o:iO 37 142 157 178 158 320 312 338 304 345 130 310 237 339 335 39 01 07 01 58 130 272 298 335 32<) 00 59 432 937 923 1,035 1,1-27 1 180 S 102 1 530 121 608 138 7.50 140 8IK) 122 140 134 92 170 24 91 122 125 118 83 135 144 147 108 82 190 200 238 183 152 320 442 479 .549 1,283 1,8.57 t 555 1 2,120 58!) 2,203 031 2,344 00 128 124 130 128 — — — 47t) !)S — 211 259 2!)5 237 107 Hilles lev 40 129 I. 54 173 171 11)2 175 212 210 224 188 no 130 120 121) 64 100 112 i:w 192 1,071 1,472 2,423 3,!)31 10,281) 53 89 72 74 60 lt)5 193 li)1) 201) 213 52 91 lit) II ; i:i7 It) 18 10 5;) 30 181 95 III 137 130 5,327 8.704 9,41 1 11,040 13,057 95 278 274 302 83 13.5 144 1 17 1(.8 .DO 25t) 319 430 511 42.5 330 317 37!) 101 1,399 1,021 1,847 3,2Mi 3,188 il:i 7!) 03 89 103 !)!) hr 220 247 293 371 39!) 102 101 200 20.5 202 310 281 1 221) 213 310 itu every County, Ilumlred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tything, 4‘c., in ETsC LA S D, at each of the Four Periods, HiOl, IHll, 1021, 1031. Tro — Twy io | Towns, Pitrishfs, !(c. r *|« Trotton, K *94 1 Trough in 4413 do. -ond Ward » 4.').^! Troll 1 bock, C » 4:393 'I'routsdule ■> 4153 'I’rowuy » 878 2Tko\vhkiuge, K., A', t § 38(i Trow ell, K (>74 Trowle T\ thing in 385 Trowsp, V., with Newton near 1990 do. Cdrrow & Hracondale » » Trudox-llill 378 Trull, !*.(’ 1307 Trumpington, V 2131 Trunch.lv near 1981 2 ; It Truro, S*St. Mary, II. , . 243 IT. S. *t4§ ^ St. Clements, V. 2 Kenwyu, V. .. 2 Trusliain, U near 37 Tru.sley, R.(Ap|)letree) » 7 Trusthoipe, 11 t 22 Trjsull, V., Sc Seisdou 28 Tuhney, R near 3232 Tnddenhani, East, V » 2052 do. North, R. , do. R., SuJfiiUc 1704 do. V., ' uo 1901 Tudeley, V *303 Tnderley, or Tytherley,— which see Tudhoe, in 4474 Tudv,St,R 3944 Tullley, (see Barton; in 3106 Tnfton, C;., oiTuckington .... 3474 Tiiifhv J 2037 iugby ^ , Tugford, R next 2981 Tuggal in 4fi09 Tullaway Tything * 3303 Tuiuby in Kirby near 2253 do. inRevesby « 22.59 8 Tunbridge, Y., — see Tonbridge Tunstail in 35 do., R *4.59 \y 4333 ( Burrow, Cantsfield Leek C., ISorfolk next 1964 in Adbaston 3 W. of 2940 -Court, Lib in 104 R., Suf'oik 1930 y.. East Riding near 4079 in Catterick 4218 Tunstead,V 1976 do. Hundred (26) 1975 Tunworth, R near 3434 Tupholme, Ex. Pa next 2274 Tupley, .... in Hampton Bishops Tupton near 806 Tur-Langtou, C u 2034 Turk-Dean,R „ 3133 Turnastone, V next 3009 Turnditch,C near 777 Tm ners-Puddle, R next 3570 Turnworth,V near 3507 Turton,C 1183 Turvey,R 2448 j urville, V.,— see Weston 2479 Turwestou, R 2529 Tushingham, with Grindley in 2953 Tu.sinore near 2701 Tutbury, V., Tm. 3 § 748 Tutnal & Cobley ..in 2869 Tu^ttington, V near 1987 7Tuxford,V., 3J.t2 §...: 2332 Twaite(seeThwaite).... near 1903 Twambrook with Witton in 851 Tweedmouth,C 1076 Twemlow . i„ 840 Twickenham, V. 2 § *84 TNvigmoor next 2312 Twywoilh in 3166 IwinehaljuR *799 Twining, or Twyning 3132 Twinstead,R near 1852 Iwistou 1103 Twitchen, C near 3873 Twiverton, V. or Twerton 1387 Iwizell in 4490 do 4533 TwycrosSj^C near 804 1 wyford, C. & Stenson . . . . » 759 do 2515* t Charndon & Pounden » do 5 263 ( Thorp-Satchville ,, do., do., do. do. do., do., do. 1 Amnual 7'o/(U of i'.USONS, Twy-lph li; ' AiboooI Tutul yumhtr of !* I'.HSOSSt Sup*r8vl*> In SU<»(« V«lut of I*rop*fijr, • lo iur^Malu- Icnano* of th« at * avh of thi 4 'V/i Yearly I*eriods. SuparAaiai Alalulo V.lii« ot Propaily, •• f»r Maiii- «f *b" at rach of the -J 7'en Yearly Prriodi* l t» In I'OOK, IHU— ID 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Purislus, Ifc, Aarat. l ax'la jlHIf!' 1 FOOB, 90. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. — £~ 805 26 4,010 Staple! 2,583 on 788 32<) 129 370 137 390 143 416 169 Twvford in y‘>Ki 1,1 ID 300 Colster worth 60 10 73 33 1 ifo., J’.x. Pa *11)2 8 43 Els don 194 393 380 397 327 do., R., Norjiilk next 20(i8 230 501 91 53 68 82 82 AVindrmer* 1,628 111 310 333 335 349 do., R., Hants 3.505 4,320 4,066 1 ,062 871 880 1 1,048 1,177 Brom pton 67 53 (iO 45 59 Twy well, R near 2609 1 ,400 1,105 120 230 211 1 2 00 l!»9 Tick in gton — 1,216 — Tyd, St. Giles, R 1732 4,450 6,554 480 535 531 781 967 1,900 13,839 4,605 5,799 6,075 9,5 15 10,863 I yd, St. Mary, R » 3,280 7,920 457 607 629 77(. 9fi0 1,570 1,952 131 235 482 464 402 Tyldesley 1244 2,610 6,744 1,149 3,009 3,492 4,325 5,038 Brad ford — ■ — 290 Tyneham, R near 1468 2,840 1,471 119 187 200 210 217 1,000 1,801 wich 264 428 353 4K8 549 583 Tynemouth, Morton- in 617 250 6,570 597 20,685 23 2S :u 1 10 10,182 Nor 345 505 607 ^ 1 Total of Par. (8) ( 2,338 3,8.56 5,834 9,454 Nun ney — — 292 — 52,132 6,125 14,345 19,042 24,820 24,778 2,200 4,454 314 407 4!)9 528 506 Tyrley, — see Bloore-in-Tyrlcv — — — — — — 2,200 3,624 367 4!»4 508 540 722 lyrriiighain, R., with Filgrove 2522 1,900 3,7.57 260 23<) 180 201 227 1,230 1,686 467 351 363 441 430 I’ysoe, V. with Westcote .... 2744 4,710 8,219 725 891 944 1,070 1,007 190 6,958 914 2,358 2,482 2,712 2,925 T^‘hby, 1,.530 2,702 19 1.55 170 146 144 3,, 520 7,029 13,296 873 1,342 1,692 2,30(i 2,805 2,080 2,592 92 362 379 489 .551 7,370 1,896 4,017 5,000 6,221 8,492 Tytherington in 826 890 2,284 95 226 3l5 382 427 610 657 2,285 113 135 152 192 207 . tv 3gi3 1,540 ^ 3,218 181 « 295 ( 73 317 330 350 1,140 117 148 120 114 101 ? Itchiugton . . . . It '.560 124 144 126 1,370 3,110 2,119 3,728 295 244 198 529 19«i 491 262 539 286 562 1,650 2,990 894 4,539 197 531 106 147 1,238 1:12 2,288 Tywardreth, V 228 727 741 Tytherley, or <, East .... . .next 3494 1 ,560 1,6.30 431 209 237 259 294 1,220 1,970 non 127 486 79 415 122 453 138 524 1G7 Tnderley < AFest n 4,400 2,370 413 162 488 494 497, 2,350 587 2,.570 2,957 324 315 . 3:i4 368 399 U 1..540 2,424 359 205 301 308 369 Ubbeston, V. (Blything) next 1944 2,450 1,438 177 268 276 316 388 1,470 1,321 141 177 192 181 199 1,000 1,519 576 417 472 546 575 Cbley, or Obleigh, R. § near 3607 1,630 1,739 101 316 342 393 340 — — — — — Uckerby, in Catterick . . near 4248 850 752 7 75 50 62 50 1,770 1,938 125 219 292 298 237 8 Ucklield, C. 2 § *753 1,800 2,481 672 811 916 1,099 1,261 3,590 4,286 267 502 512 606 058 Uckington, C. in Elmstone nr. 3148 Eluiston 1,138 110 1.53 154 179 175 1,470 1,548 1,350 56 112 111 122 109 Udimore, V *710 2,250 5,920 2,042 10,274 615 321 428 1,979 2,160 1 84 133 131 156 197 Uffculm'e, V., if t 3 ^ 3745 1,178 1,837 1,567 2,082 290 ^ 2,031 202 230 < 20 20 16 Uflington, 1 ^ WoistoiP^ 6,650 ( 4,819 385 3hl 409 402 4.55 1,990 1,313 68 165 197 186 188 do., R., Lincoln 2204 2,730 6,025 355 4.56 455 466 481 Bam bo rough 51 108 85 ■85 102 do., P.C., Salop.... near 3013 2,110 1,889 89 120 140 139 143 Allca rulings 14 10 14 6 1,340 1,166 75 120 129 148 183 3,380 2,639 591 269 254 335 322 980 956 64 96 104 131 126 New inclos ure — — — 6 do. R., Suffolk near 1761 1,280 2,065 413 450 641 629 661 — — — . . — — do. Tything, C in 3781 Cred iton — 288 660 857 18 53 50 64 75 Ufton, C near 3281 2,340 2,704 361 334 320 350 357 1,020 1,240 1,551 204 136 148 IfiO J71 do., R a 2774 2,150 8,690 1,360 1,707 10,6:i9 1,656 148 207 171 154 166 1,307 64 124 111 155 142 Lgborough, A”^ 3830 1,146 199 956 1,137 328 1,429 308 1,467 7,730 6,369 432 513 554 602 520 Uggeshall.R near 19.58 335 '303 1,300 Adba 1,391 ston 115 45 74 79 101 Ugglebarnby, C. in W104 2,210 2,720 1,788 2,432 216 476 384 428 420 98 102 98 Ugley, V. near 2376 409 304 2<)9 329 318 VV ols tan ton _ 1,677 2,622 3,673 Ugthorpe in 4202 2,180 ] ,860 199 245 276 275 260 2,780 2,A18 692 586 609 f)53 733 Ulceby, R. with Forthngton nr. 2'263 do. A^ near 2287 2,220 *822 170 165 166 214 218 1,310 1,463 120 145 133 163 172 3,790 1,983 262 413 416 455 694 1,470 1,698 47 214 213 253 312 Ulcombe, R *411 3,46.) 4,716 2,300 532 562 668 761 2,110 3,071 485 505 454 501 498 UIdale, K 4372 Uley, R 373 2,510 2,005 104 284 279 343 344 35,440 39,153 6,731 8,393 8,419 9,632 10,593 1,360 4,472 2,047 1,724 1,912 2,655 2,641 1,190 816 194 94 78 119 120 Ulgham, C 4542 3,620 4,146 119 3.0 340 348 359 1,750 850 1,772 3,051 75 370 246 78 296 71 310 08 612 Ullenhall, \ ^-..V ’ } With Apslev& Fordhall 1 Wool on Wave n 929 489 5 393 ( 89 352 106 ^ 465 Wiiigfiel '! 1,005 160 218 216 202 201 Ulleskelf near 4004 1,210 1,819 102 335 402 426 339 1,230 3,099 471 345 317 318 33'^i Ullesthorpe, Ham in 2(i02 Clftybrooke 2,588 215 494 470 598 599 1,890 2,039 171 143 101 228 237 Ulley « 3950 850 954 67 196 127 203 193 oriO 613 38 55 45 60 54 Ullingswick, R near 3095 1,330 1,194 170 236 238 254 293 Duflield 1,224 113 272 323 384 370‘ Ullock, Pardsey , & Dean-Scales in Dean — 229 2:46 309 356 770 683 53 82 134 !'8 82 Ulnes-AFaltou 1193 2,090 4,230 367 453 529 537 501 2,240 1,151 24 82 77 72 78 Ulpha, C 4352 Millom 1T)21 182 292 298 368 405 4,110 4,193 481 1,369 1,782 2,090 2,563 do. Methop in 4281 1,910 3,092 128 90 79 82 86 4,260 3,819 615 7.58 813 882 988 Ulrome, C » 1704 1,520 1,622 105 143 166 170 166 2,570 1,697 327 376 382 302 442 Ulting, A'^ next 1835 1,670 1,503 184 136 131 175 158 1,240 1,887 302 211 252 314 371 Ulvercroft, Ex. Pa near 685 Newto wn Lin ford 58 88 87 100 1,380 1,908 185 194 216 283 328 6 IT Ulver- 5 P. C., il7. * •!■ 2§ 1674 2,900 11,708 1,613 2,937 3,378 4,315 4,876 — — 66 Hard wicke — 16 TONE, ^ Tot. of Par. (10) » 29,100 22,291 3,220 4,942 5,867 7,102 7,741 4,110 5,472 392 844 1,235 1,444 1,553 Under-Skiddaw in 4363 Crossllmte 3,474 119 338 380 487 177 3,400 5,030 275 400 342 460 518 Underbarrow, C. A Bradleyfld. 4289 Underditch Hundred (4) .... 3393 Kendal 3,346 405 376 349 504 526 840 1,129 252 225 217 228* 228 6,180 6,874 1,581 1,215 1,190 1,357 1,413 3,000 5,814 456 785 841 979 1,113 Undermilbeck 4291 WinJermre 2,438 219 500 503 689 8.54 500 Underwood, Grendon- R. near 2494 3,670 2,481 355 285 271 312 379 874 50 87 101 94 107 do. Kirkby-. ... next 2212 1,340 1,124 132 181 168 167 162 480 5,316 1,187 1,531 1,966 2,405 4,673 2,912 do. & OlTcoat § .... 887 Aihborne 5,821 210 220 257 341 328 4,520 16,574 1,315 3,458 3,917 4,971 do. AVeston- ....next 2.527 1,300 2,739 633 357 339 420 441 820 1,731 111 131 152 130 152 do. do near 7.56 1,860 1,915 125 237 267 228 272 2,440 22,548 Man 2,188 3,138 3,7.57 4,200 4,571 Undy, on the Coast, 12^.^. oT 1541 1,160 1,592 144 207 228 280 291 770 ton 28 33 25 Uneriggs& Ellenboroiigh, in 59 Dearh m. 1,188 212 471 038 621 713 490 886 68 59 59 90 87 Fnstone in 884 Drofield. 2,278 277 352 439 574 586 1,550 1,541 392 238 234 275 337 Unthank in Aluham West of 4559 Ain ham 12 24 23 21 34 3,630 5,509 458 752 813 849 942 215 235 252 235 1,230 1,255 276 181 139 202 205 Uny, Lelant- V. § 269 4,215 3,165 284 1,083 1,180 1,271 1,602 1,030 659 197 189 215 236 222 Up-Cerne, R next 3573 1,050 870 21 68 74 84 88 4,690 1,009 109 145 167 162 170 n -Clatford,R near 3180 970 2,568 472 274 289 370 487 870 4,934 321 764 1,111 1,500 2,478 " -Exe, Tything in Re5ve « 3776 370 ReiA'e 66 131 92 160 2,170 3,484 peth 177 284 305 308 292 » -Hatherley » 1388 810 520 12 22 21 32 21 Mor 21 37 36 38 50 " -Nalely, C * 3434 980 1,244 79 134 134 143 153 2,126 188 319 292 373 319 " -Ottery, V. 2§ 3763 7,800 6,095 506 795 820 866 910 2,850 2,291 146 157 230 255 219 Upavon, V. § 3358 3,270 2,797 326 430 408 464 4 OH 1,520 2,437 470 296 317 367 416 Upchurch, V *242 1,950 2,383 567 243 285 414 456 2,590 2,419 279 230 230 256 244 Upham, R 3500 3,870 1,307 474 345 400 493 511 1,510 1 ,742 179 256 279 313 349 Uphill, R near 3633 1,070 2,110 109 144 209 270 910 2,023 125 141 131 182 163 UrnoLLAND, C., IF. § lOlOi 4,180 9,550 983 2,427 2,663 1 3,042 3,040 Sirpcrjicies in Slulule Acres; Annual Value of Properly ; Amount annually Expended for Mainlenanee of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons m Upl - Vil Tdii'iis, Parishes, Ifc, rp'and, Slowniarket- L’pleadoii, C. (Uotloe). . . .nei I'pleatliiim, C I' plowman, U., see Wliitrcy II plyme, 1 { lip, orlV'est Marden llpminster, K Dijperby (i (jPl’INGHAM, l{., IV. Uppington Upsall, in Soutli Kilvington do.j in Ormsby Upsime Ham i Up.sland with Kirklingtou. . . Ui>thorpe, Aston- Ham. in Hb Upton, with Cltalvey C. Ilunis in Sibson i I All Saints, V. .. ? Kexby V.,witli Fishley.. C., in Castor & Signet, Ham P. C., Snmersel . . ne in Hadsworth ^ & Diuton, with Ford with Headon • -Gray, D. -Ratley » -St. Leonards, C -Scudamore, R. . . .neat -Suodsburv, V » Upwell,^<^“'"*-y'y ’I Urchfont, y R. fhampton i I Easfcott it Wed- I Urpeth. — see Oustou in Urswick, V Ushlawrcoed, Ham in do. Hundred, Usselby, P.C Us worth. Great it Little.... in Uthnoe, Perran- R Uttlesford Hundred (24) .... ') Uttoxeter, V., JV. t 4 ^ , Uxbridge, P. C., Tk. • t’2§ .. Vallance, Compton- R. nea Vange, R Vaultersholme Tything Veep, St Venn-Ottery near Verney, Compton- Vernham-Dean, C Vernon, Minshull- in Veryan, V Ville, Langrick near These H,740 m res i • • • " have heeu ilrained I West- .# t since IS12, and nsw J Fkist-, yieLii a renuil ex'. Fritil- .. // feeding £,< 0,000 W Carrington 1 Amount Total Number of TICHSONS, I Atnouot Total Number of PEUSONUt Supeiflclei 1 V*lti*or «ii>end«id at each of the 4 Superficiet v*iti« or 1 **P,'“4*‘* at each of the 4 * 0 5 SUtiiia 1 lo Ttn yearly Periods, Sialuta Property, ai ottetiod to Icoence ol 'Ten Yearly Periods, r.i'Ss *r«« i'» — r. . I’OUlt. W. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, Sfc. the Property T«x io 1»)S £ 470 POOR, 1 1838—^9. ' £• 1801. 1 1811. 1 1821. 1 1831. 11)13 2,890 3 775 487 70!) 720 836 820 Virginstow, R next 3802 1,090 ~34 lOI 1 91 110 136 3172 1 ,220 1,.57I 13!) 168 183 182 241 Virley near 1774 370 802 124 52 50 58 65 1 100 2.007 3,017 3.07 1 141 290 478 Vowrhiirrh, V. . ...a 2,980 Clif 374!) 3705 2,370 2,!)!)0 360 .54!) 377 62!) 42.5 848 335 !)75 Vuwiniiie in 307b ford 104 ooa IV •!).'>3 3,170 2,084 40!) 2.55 240 306 304 1 1784 2,5!)0 St. Cut 0,274 517 705 929 952 1,033 IVaberthwaite, R next 4351 1 4110 hhert 11!) 228 340 393 2,220 094 42 122 1 111 1S8 139 2311 1,210 5,199 800 1,393 1,484 1,630 1,757 VVaborne,_or U ey borne, P.C. » 2075 1,000 979 222 240 1 230 230 273 118 1,080 1,211 75 107 105 111 117 Wackeifield in 018 1,120 713 40 94 113 105 112 4l().i 1 ,230 1 ,398 Ormsh 81 102 97 118 114 W'acton, C near 3095 1,100 850 68 90 11!) 1 13 112 41!).3 000 y 34 10 do. -Magna, R » 2003 1,000 1,480 478 241 1 257 233 242 1803 IFallh am Ah hey 502 547 739 745 V, adborougli in 2819 Holy Cross 159 103 132 198 1,980 3,057 194 273 309 337 305 0,010 S 9,854 1,900 1,010 1,020 1,327 1,454 vher. 1,120 1,408 114 190 109 1.54 172 t 2,054 Ibt 252 203 28!) 280 2405 1,950 5,974 091 1,018 1,083 1,268 1,502 Haddington, R in 2209 Lincol u City 074 727 701 708 r3211 1,070 1,812 239 217 205 215 254 do., see W. Bradford 574 1,800 2,423 217 481 1,088 087 624 10.50 1,2.50 2,098 138 173 182 200 289 H addingworth, R. (Gartree)nr. 2257 800 991 35 59 49 59 63 KiOl 700 1,2.50 43 — 102 183 191 M^ADEBRIDGEt3§J|‘g«;,^“«k {524 7,800 6,910 510 902 998 1,225 1,450 2103 970 983 208 137 142 151 150 (i,170 0,757 540 781 954 1,174 1,335 801 1 ,270 1,959 135 130 141 141 148 VVadenhoe, R near 2009 1,150 1,319 215 237 225 243 252 1717 1,040 1 ,800 129 161 14,5 221 233 Wadhurst, V. t 2 § *743 10,170 7,114 1,533 1,077 1,815 2,130 2,2.50 U 1,540 1 ,355 80 131 171 227 Hadingham, R near 2291 3,850 3,004 101 343 377 447 523 IDiIO 2,090 2,825 141 337 302 405 510 Hadley, see Thrunp ^ .... in 3238 3,180 904 189 198 Farrin gdon 2029 Castor 1,454 90 70 91 103 122 \V adsworth 520 10,080 4,425 683 2,801 3,472 4,509 5,198 2.5()G 810 2,270 190 32 33 45 48 Hadworth,V 3901 2,930 3,.507 327 4-10 407 014 090 050 1,800 2,350 130 329 32) 4.32 533 Waghen j 4,100 4,740 349 299 250 251 255 2730 6m ford 2,9 9 402 209 242 277 240 1.390 2,315 80 49 03 74 83 3720 4,120 2,754 85 232 241 297 354 Wainfleet, All Saints, R.,S.4§ 1725 1,830 4,737 400 5(Ki 090 878 1,135 435 1 ,390 1,322 18 1(52 160 181 229 do. St. Mary, C » 6,440 4,670 531 421 475 544 660 241)3 3,170 3,298 1,398 698 713 817 893 Waitby in 4253 Kirkb> St. .527 9 6!) 58 4(j 41 823 440 922 11 50 07 52 04 Waith, V. next 2281 780 825 29 41 45 30 10,704 11, .543 31 Hawk 3 840 esburv 4,495 370 417 378 411 548 353 096 477 6 1 f Wake- y V., P. * t 2 ^ 407 FIELD t 2Towns. & 1 C. 468-70 630 8,760 72,123 22,390 5,041 4,222 8,131 8.400 8,593 9,881 12,232 12,306 3105 257 23 10 2,300 2.220 204 278 232 241 248 H akely. Ex. Pa next 2384 470 I'hroc king 7 8 9 7 1705 1,700 1,017 133 122 158 164 152 Wakermg, Great, V 1798 1,800 4,829 844 674 070 770 834 2825 3051 3,110 3,730 9,014 4,000 975 327 1 ,8.5b 553 2,023 580 2,319 613 2,343 620 do.j Littlft, V ff 2,320 2,130 3,201 1,893 291 04 2-2 194 179 219 202 2 9 297 2!8 IVakerlCT, R. . . near 2308 Wakes, Colne- // 1851 2908 1,820 1,330 95 53 61 69 43 1,430 2,051 774 372 379 417 442 3443 3781 3370 2,310 1,240 1,400 1,215 1,200 923 283 93 112 209 ISO 242 895 388 168 230 452 Walberswick, C 1758 Walberton,V *024 2,040 1,520 1 ,280 1 ,490 2,830 J)o« n 84 480 holm. 229 244 012 53 203 279 1/10 20 219 249 Walburn, in Downholme next 4224 4!) 37 3011 3,200 4,477 237 482 510 667 512 Walby in 4152 Crosby upon Eden 30 92 40 5i 3052 1,000 1,047 125 223 200 285 282 Walcot, V., Lincoln nexl 2213 1489 2,210 3,441 395 409 363 431 514 1,100 2,109 77 127 12S 152 183 2748 1,.500 2,470 380 221 317 402 370 do. C in 223!) 3,250 3,2i{5 282 301 370 472 r> 1 -t 3101 2,900 5,3/0 1.57 021 713 895 898 do. V., Norfolk next 1974 800 8li2 100 132 138 132 12!) 337!) 2,450 1,819 274 409 314 343 392 do. Oxon in 2714 Cliarl bury — — !l 2831 1,420 2,104 150 2i0 268 291 316 do. withMemhris » 2819 Holy Cross 239 282 332 375 2871 3,090 4,5.57 447 342 402 403 474 . see Bath « 1385 170 150,241 3,972 17,559 20,5«;o 24,010 20.0*23 3007 500 1,183 58 169 170 165 193 Walden, Stubbs- near 3986 1,350 1,338 98 127 171 I5S 139 *904 1,200 407 100 66 49 99 65 do. Abbots or St. PaiilsV. 2407 3,420 3,598 540 758 767 900 1 3580 1,120 2,800 204 303 398 485 618 do. Kings, P. C near » 4,180 3,870 491 727 779 920 1.0i.'4 7,000 11, .521 1,251 830 933 1,148 1,248 do. with Burton 4238 0,950 3,157 307 41 > -l.)3 478 545 2011 ^ 1,900 1,732 300 265 229 312 338 9fno. Saffron- V., )S. + 2^ 1831 7,380 13,097 2,70/ 3,181 3,4uo 4,702 t 3,200 2,543 535 222 213 394 407 AValdershare, V. § *613 950 1,005 103 05 4a 0!) 07 2158 10,140 1,770 12,230 2,345 1,572 349 1,189 316 1,429 329 1,928 388 2,123 326 W.MinBlieldj 2,170 1,.500 4,438 2,104 991 37!) .50-1 338 577 347 711 380 079 -i:)3 3364 4,800 8,118 1,476 5 899 i 291 940 304 977 317 1,058 331 H aldridge in 43 Waldriugfield, R near 1701 840 850 933 704 31 120 83 118 77 132 125 103 104 100 1089 900 2,074 147 532 595 045 706 Waldrist, Hinton- next 3230 2,180 2,801 418 275 297 315 348 47 1,780 6,044 227 524 1,419 050 710 Waldron, Sutton- near 1280 1,190 1,105 205 188 218 200 2:!(i 4339 4,100 3,130 414 633 590 787 752 Wales, P.C // 876 l,!i50 1,321 123 229 218 277 220 181 0,1.50 Bedwe Ity — 2,728 3,640 5,359 Walesby, or Wailsby, R. » 2270 2,580 2,479 152 107 188 239 247 104 410 2,248 202 734 844 989 1,160 do., R » 2332 1,200 957 120 250 287 308 340 4,000 29,220 3,486 28,795 211 1,874 383 3,790 495. 5,105 550 6,197 015 0,622 Walfield, Hulme* in 805-0 1,1 10 2,1 10 1 ,755 9(> 122 187 1 18 108 208 109 104-5 H alford, Letton, & New'tonnr. 478-1 L'-imw. l:t5 210 212 n 10,840 15,303 943 2,176 2,510 2,815 3,002 do., R 3048 3,720 4,08() 489 728 888 1 ,000 1,155 2277 1,110 426 40 56 08 75 84 Walgherton in 838 870 822 172 211 200 240 213 40 2,070 1,000 5,521 5,530 573 103 1,230 500 1,277 020 1,365 786 1,477 1,033 WalizravOy Iv near ‘A5H6 2,040 3,000 3 878 4,37!) 422 424 41!) 429 575 200 Walkei ingliam, V., A'oGs. » 1717 171 453 518 629 2950 1,870 2,,573 391 458 497 531 504 Walkeritli Ham in » 310 819 27 55 52 07 65 3781 Credi ton — — 259 Walkeni, K near 2393 2,1.70 2,825 412 501 554 031 771 2275 1,510 1,374 118 118 121 105 198 Walkhffrnpton, V 3838 5,890 3,714 227 330 532 070 091 1820 52,170 59,032 11,081 9,843 9,901 11,511 12,495 Walkingham Hill, Ex. Pa. nr. 593 330 331 17 21 25 113 8,920 24.2.57 1,079 2,77!) 3,155 4,058 4,864 Ualkington, 5 f,;. » 4059 3,400 5,859 210 103 S 233 324 381 *97 HilNngdao 7,111 1,441 2,111 2,411 2,750 3,013 ) 217 20 !) 177 Walkmill in 4548 IVark worth 0 0 13 7 Wall 4,5l| St. .lob n Lee 100 3 >6 49!) 405 49.5 do. Ham „ 2915 St. Mie liacl 43 97 91 84 93 3582 2,310 1,200 34 09 70 80 104 do. -Town 4195 Haltw liistle 09 8!) 120 12!) 90 1792 2,170 1 ,857 100 130 138 124 105 Wallasey Isle, C 7 to 10 miles 2,800 0,353 530 50!) 021 732 07,5 1 30!) 1,320 Maker 1,014 l,.5(i9 1,222 1,092 4,780 4,815 574 3!Hi 427 530 531 2,940 4,087 321 500 511 585 097 E. andN E 'J “klesbam, R 4,290 3,183 324 311 315 3!)0 450 1481 910 820 00 127 108 120 133 , ^1707 ‘Stambridge, R. (Little Wakering V. 1 ,780 3,1,50 355 277 35!) 401 -105 3582 2,310 1,209 34 69 70 8(5 101 2,320 3,201 291 222 17!) 202 297 3478 2,840 2,001 081 4.59 453 628 ()94 S [Seacomb 1002 ' ' { Liscanl&Ponlton with 1 ,050 1,083 1.50 271 410 414 558 811 2,030 3,140 418 3.57 255 319 385 l,.5!)0 907 83 178 214 3S0 1,212 242 5,430 (i,(»55 1,051 1,007 1,082 1,421 1,.525 Wallbottle 9 New burn 13.t •1()2 591 ()7(» 6NS 1728 1,030 3,093 202 VVallditcli, C next 1271 410 794 8!) 131 120 111 101 2250 3,450 4,119 53 tes. tifsi, J., - 102 VV allei scoat in 8.57 130 300 25 7 5 10 10 2258 2,2M) 4,812 33 i the Poor, bei ‘ 730 81 1 1,102 1,237 1,750 1 ,927 503 494 492 005 058 Stamfo rdham 4 6 3 7 100 <>, a YtuTltf Vtriotii. Ui lu 'ibifi' POOH, ISiA -211 1801. Ibll. U2I. 1831. — r— 1 ,220 95 7'J 100 1-28 12.5 1 ,U30 4,828 i:m; 2.8 27 307 253 (i20 710 12 11 11 19 IH l,.5.50 2,120 ) 8< t ;,(i ^ 282 2.53 2(>1 s 107 < 14, 2,980 ) 2,199 51 1 < 477 ) 390 418 46S / -■,01)0 ,(} 1 112 118 no 38 2:1,19.5 4,9.)9 5,889 3, 13 .3,'‘78 3, .501 lisathfifU 3,237 1,210 908 9(r0 1,1()7 l,-225 2,390 4,990 1,035 1,133 ) 299 < 1 ,3.58 ( 1,8.50 2,118 1 ,940 2,741 001 6.56 O(?0 (81 081 8,510 10,831 888 943 1,100 1,3.53 1,5.50 2,000 4,139 2()8 -173 6H0 749 913 4 180 1,727 78 330 3-'3 4 9 481 3,l.'i0 3,103 230 400 470 509 .512 10,020 5,317 707 073 713 080 310 310 17 15 1-2 14 1 220 202 31 7 12 21 27 10,520 20,049 210 $ 3 19 < I,4:i3 390 1,743 498 2,072 .54) 2,-2s0 3,330 4,943 019 455 492 070 000 2,000 4,843 90t) 664 757 82.) 82-1 920 1 ,025 72 1 1.5 132 129 144 Roch- 8,191 882 3,2-20 4,1 --9 5,029 0,754 dale 9,0., 1 02.) 1 3,298 4,345 0,4.51 9, SCO 1,550 1,179 25 52 03 52 •PJ DaktictU 374 34 ! 132 102 108 I !8 4,430 11,791 2,740 2,9.0 3,309 3,-41 4,2 -4 1,070 1,911 180 419 438 408 547 4,880 3,534 1,1.50 I,(?27 4I| 1,709 1,9.)! 2,;i2.5 2,720 3,1.57 (j75 435 493 439 2,150 2,015 201 195 180 231 241 3,4.50 4,098 009 820 1,010 1,15.) l,-/07 1,710 2,200 •a: 30 287 328 330 319 2,210 2,077 2-28 200 270 207 •M 4,-2C0 0,099 5i.O 1,135 1,1(8 1,409 1,423 6,900 9,099 857 1,392 1,009 1,793 1.910 2,900 2,088 339 323 352 400 451 20,090 Simon- (141 304 319 307 417 burn <412 1,000 783 806 801 3,{)90 1,371 150 291 298 208 2 3 AFark 3,.509 168 585 272 290 278 1,810 1,805 378 220 206 247 301 2,370 0,173 732 200 248 426 521 12,130 25,048 ( 109 <842 014 2,033 508 2,444 594 2,205 014 2,178 1,010 1,.519 31 00 09 97 7G 1,930 1,127 125 100 228 296 274 1 ,990 3,380 354 430 492 521 424 2,140 1,030 128 Ki9 177 179 103 Hales Owtn 2,004 249 718 755 178 921 3,980 *022 1,418 3,540 3,958 4,982 5 ,085 1,'00 1,301 223 187 317 421 454 1,730 3,230 405 (.25 039 741 752 1,270 2,007 104 119 174 330 243 2,000 2, ‘••50 1.57 310 iWG 372 2,180 3,008 381 571 690 092 795 870 800 113 112 91 110 113 3,lf)0 4,98! 757 314 480 519 017 1,720 3,074 3,58 39.5 375 437 470 5.450 17,381 3,’i i>y 4,932 4,800 5,012 0,11.5 25,170 38,531 0,857 8,771 8,479 9,840 10,728 1,010 2,171 100 2.54 201 335 302 1,840 1,017 45 10.5 86 82 S7 2,070 2,839 li am 413 240 261 3.30 374 Odi 4-27 4.35 450 Odibain 1,1-20 2,403 159 126 101 177 171 Bamb oroiigh 0 32 29 •27 36 2, (.90 2,708 .525 1 29() 301 4>8 4,070 2,098 884 080 774 914 952 LfOmintttr 804 102 121 i--r 1 1 o 104 400 780 23 25 19 27 30 3,090 Bamb 4,5)7 447 342 402 403 474 oroiigh 40 97 92 128 158 OIney 1 ,009 ‘ 3 — (Bney — 74 2,000 29,009 3,88? 10..507 11.738 13..570 10,018 9,000 10,025 1,285 2,013 2,876 3 128 3,137 900 — — 1 — 80 93 1,940 2,138 20S 623 828 59.5 854 0,710 ) 4.473 548 94! 984 1,072 1,-213 t 739 39 — 03 G<» ('8 0,900 0,990 400 355 401 42 s 470 1,521 1,461 G.) 144 182 177 207 800 9U 43 115 j29 153 Ki2 4,8‘0 4,143 1,205 8.58 874 990 640 910 92 77 80 90 .^(> 1,300 2,901 2.50 376 445 408 531 2,010 2,800 400 404 443 5.(8 5 )H 10,470 12,720 1,419 1,.574 1,477 2,')50 2,1.51 Rotlpbury 20 1 (iO 41 i 40 ,5‘» 1 ,090 1 380 ' >2dl94 149 j 5 3S:( < 120 2 7 ; 114 348 170 373 312 2,9-30 Wethlerall | 217 1 204 048 1 1,255 HU Siipn/icies in Statute .Icjes; Annual Value of Property, Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persotis in - 1 Amount ToliiL ]S'umher of PKItSO.WS, i Amounl Total Number of PERSONS, t 'S Q 1 at tack cf the 4 M'ee — Wen ii 1 1 Sop«rfici«i V«ln« of • xpcmled a/ each of the 4 \\ ar — I'd 1 7.27'nd'l“’’ 7Vw > t al ly J^t rio'ls. 1 HlatnM of the POOR, Ten Yearly Periods. Tmnis, Purislies, !jC. ; 1 j Aciei. i 1nK In UHi. POOH, JS'JS— 1). 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Tmvns, Purishfs, Ifc. ^ r»% 1801. 1811. 1821. 1 1831. ■1 Warwick S Mary, V > i,.-7r • 5,300 1 20,7.58 2,101 4,108 4,953 0,103 0,078 VU'edon Ham. in Hardwicke nr2492 1 1,800 2,974 380 385 358 420 405 tt ‘S', t ^ NicholasV. ^ ■“ do. Diyision ( 12) . . 27f>l-(i , ,, . S Noi tli 70, 27!l(i do. ( oLinty ? 9,297 934 1,424 ],.544 2,132 2,431 do. -Beck, V.t 2551 1 1,710 3,521 1,006 750 970 1,178 1,439 32,(il0 45,970 4,744 5,187 5,775 0,710 0,992 Weeford, ^ ^ Puckingw'n 2,.500 2,750 170 200 190 278 300 204,000 717,792 i 98,705 151,129 107,002 202,392 255,507 2,180 1,343 131 193 187 102 lOi 303,330 488,935 42,814 .57,001 61,673 72,000 81,103 Week, R. Hants near 3.503 1,190 1,.520 132 05 110 130 182 do. St. Mary 4 ^ 3924 5,830 3,012 281 500 012 782 709 U’asdale^ l^sUdale, C. ... in 08 St. lJet'8 1,239 78 232 238 290 354 do. -Champflower, C. .. in 3052 Bru ton — 79 82 93 \V aslibourn, (> I eat^ •. near Hi ll 470 1,'215 41 89 t)9 80 87 do. Germans- C next 3859 1,.570 901 136 133 208 324 370 do. Little, C' in 28(i-l Ovrhur) 910 10 59 08 55 51 do. or St. Lawrance . . near 3628 1,530 4,060 103 221 240 207 281 avlibrook, V near 17iil 940 2,309 3,331 730 293 278 289 377 418 Weekley, V .... » 2006 1,800 1,732 193 253 217 255 273 irrwItfwU.l 1? It H74H 2,320 277 422 131 457 453 W'eeks, or Wix " 1700 2,850 5,208 1,040 1,154 02 5V6 075 818 832 ashford-Pinc, li " 38(»*l 1 'ooo 20 109 110 139 174 IVeel in 4059 1,150 90 100 101 130 1 3,840 2,104 209 324 352 470 572 Weetey, R near 1857 2,170 3,630 522 387 •1,050 008 573 Ijorouj:^!! ^ Hei^hiiigton . . . . ^ 1 1 ,350 2,207 30C) 321 323 390 6.52 W'eeihley, C « 2702 591) 750 74 51 55 54 62 M asliiniiley, K. .....". next 2107 1,200 1,409 101 95 103 91 81 VVeetin, R. with Bramhill » 1903 C,.580 2,424 505 308 443 399 3.57 1,480 8,034 045 1,190 1,204 1,243 1,123 Weeton § 4303 2,640 4,586 324 384 508 473 477 IV asliiugton, Hj,rmston & Usworth 3,()50 0,349 008 1,285 1,324 1,444 1,550 do. orWheeton near 497 1,230 1,680 77 237 297 310 322 ,1,. V .... *K.iS 3,080 010 1,847 750 027 512 019 704 793 eever, in 841 1,200 1,5H 60 129 131 177 190 Wasiiig, IJ.-(Kiiii'cross) next 3280 85 102 77 08 79 Weighton- ^ V.&Arras lP.t2§ 4071 0,000 7)436 1,182 1,183 1,508 1,724 1 ,821 M'aspciton, X near 27.54 1,.570 2,350 210 212 217 271 292 Market ( Shipton, C. *■ 1,570 1 ,902 148 325 350 309 348 Waste-Lands, Lx. Pa in 1728 15os ton — — — — — U (' . . , fl H'i-IH 2 012 204 305 284 306 341 2,410 4,122 1,043 06 04 63 Welhorne, R. (Forehoe) next 2054 '800 82 148 149 106 231 1,040 1,030 1,258 1,477 2,683 Eisey 188 214 187 270 243 W^elbourn, R, 2249 3,270 4,028 1,257 3,585 212 300 383 489 494 100 97 107 113 102 M elburn in Bulmer 4122 750 131 322 291 •352 391 do. next 3340 58 — do. in Kirkdale 4113 Branidalt 117 103 117 112 112 V'atei-MiIlock,C in 4302 Greytlock 2,825 107 338 345 410 429 M'elbury.R near 4183 2,020 2,793 92 249 243 257 133 do. -Newton, K 7 N.of 2107 740 1,888 88 108 88 138 108 Welby, C in 2045 1,120 1 ,201 57 57 70 65 44 do. -Oakley Division 32.70 Pray — — 390 475 — do. R 2230 2,740 2,310 157 236 275 377 399 do. -Stratfoid, It near 2.>12 l,(i-10 1,301 177 143 100 107 180 \FeIch-Hampton,C. see near 3035 2,970 2,434 160 373 377 478 532 Waterbeach, V 2120 5,5.50 5,023 350 653 080 814 1,146 Welches-Dam, Ex. Pa. 1 Welsh 2105 2,980 2,253 211 102 132 156 137 Waterilen.lt next 2081 730 9.55 — 27 25 10 24 Weldon, Great, R. 4 , 2018 2,350 3,982 433 304 373 339 338 t!' , r It S C in t)4'J 1 ,530 2,142 00 407 455 401 450 do.. Little " 1,330 1,763 439 491 442 480 4-10 Blore 405 10 May field 73 81 Welford, R., Perks 3289 5,130 5,585 1,048 800 006 1,058 1,061 41 atergan,Ex. Pa near 2774 Lad 1,011 broke 13 30 13 13 1 ^ R.,G/o?/cester[sington 3150 ■ t Bickmersh & Little Dor- 2,030 1 2,718 305 510 t 477 041 604 41 atei head, in Lanercost Abb. 4433 Abbey 1,537 121 234 125 175 177 1,340 t 21 01 65 41'ateringbury, V *395 1,270 3,5.54 885 817 852 915 1,109 0 do., V., S orthamptun — . 2580 3,050 5,078 1,289 931 1,024 1,00.5 1,011 Waterless, Westley- .... next 2090 1,000 1,010 49 126 145 158 158 Welham .near 2030 800 1,903 70 78 75 74 73 2,020 000 5,034 1,444 212 195 239 242 243 910 45 64 — 4V*terslock, R. (Tbaine) .. " » 100 114 135 132 142 AV'ell & Ickham *578 see Ickha 111 — ■ 3 4Vatfohd, with ^ V., Tii. + 2 § 2402 Cashiobnry t Casbio&c. 1 10,980 18,722 2,830 3,530 ^ 1,373 1,753 1 5,293 do. R., A Derlhorpe. .. .near 2204 2.110 1,799 77 105 85 135 70 t 2,603 2,900 do. Wapentake (9) » 2209 19,540 23,570 1,251 2,171 2,217 2,738 3,194 do. V., Sorts. .. near 2.574 4Vath in 4131 3,080 300 5,984 200 408 6 350 19 276 25 331 22 353 21 do ^ V 4207 ' t Snape 4208 2,300 3,520 1,336 3,923 100 383 308 079 332 010 .370 089 4(kl ()56 V R. [Norton-Conyers 417'2 ■ ( Melinerby, Middleton & , r. IV 139 do. upon-Dearne ?T,^j_p^ 620 2,580 1,550 1,010 4,913 8,730 42 213 378 108 372 062 193 379 815 180 447 1,001 190 534 1,149 Welland, V 2845 IV'ellcomhe, C near 1527 Welles- V Hastings &W'alton t bourne t V. Montford ] 2,100 0,020 4,740 2,008 984 V 4 478 174 124 544 334 220 1 1,090 391 224 < 538 453 247 000 490 258 0!)7 11,120 29,242 2,208 3,790 4,831 5,812 6,927 i! 3,279 476 t 460 525 0()0 4ratlington, R. (see 4V'hat.) 2035 1,000 3,702 404 309 377 488 500 W'ellhaugh Qua>ter in 4523 Fal stone 124 228 215 207 272 DO. V’., 6’.t 2§. 2079 3,440 4,009 1,090 1,276 1,150 1,479 1,833 Of W'ei,linboi!odgii,V. IF.t 3 ^ 2593 4,490 11,877 2,878 3,325 3,999 4,454 4,088 IPattisfield, R near 1923 1,790 2,187 732 520 521 590 592 Wellingham, R. ' near 2061 1,040 1 ,060 85 150 148 140 105 4PaltisIiani, P. C « 1911 1,030 1,381 389 154 107 193 202 Wellingley, with Stancill « 3958 1,1-10 1,3.57 94 40 04 54 (iO Wattlefield in 2000 4\ymo ndham 386 381 487 451 M^ell ingore, R 2250 2,400 4, .577 222 559 013 727 752 4Vatllesborougb,w'itli Card. nt. 3019 see Cardes ton — 207 — — Wellington, V 3082 2,800 3,480 377 6.32 654 027 030 44'atton (see Wbatton) in Chester do. R. (see Walton) .... 2390 field 4,750 270 001 720 783 935 2 H DO., X., Snmerset, Th.i2t^ 1311 4,830 14,897 1,077 4,033 3,874 4,170 4,702 3,810 4,194 097 002 044 812 830 4 if VO., X Salop, Th.t . 118 7,<).50 22,518 1,870 7,531 8,213 8,390 9,071 1)0. V., lP.*t3§ 2048 2,000 5,132 1,008 093 794 894 1,027 do. Diyision (19) ... . 3008 50,7(i0 see Brad ford H undred — do. C near 4001 3,720 5,906 408 197 240 307 345 M^ellow, C 2334 1,211) 1,005 52 3F1 378 444 473 do. EastwithEnibley nr. 3490 2,810 1,707 09 257 208 288 318 4Vanldby in Rowley.... near 4051 990 1,377 Rowl 'ey 29 50 44 50 do. West !' 1,200 927 218 345 357 395 394 4Vavendon, R 25'.'1 2,880 3,021 017 635 085 721 802 do. C., Somerset 2§ 3508 5,500 0,311 380 770 728 817 t)00 41'aver, Last Qr.(see 44'eav.)in 4385 Holme 3,712 371 393 502 481 do. Hundred (13) 3.590 21,900 ■ 35,737 2,877 5,059 5,792 0,798 8,974 4V'averiey Ville, Ex. Pa *290 Earn ham 40 59 58 74 2tt1T r St. Andrew ex. I’a. ) 912ilrl!o * J St. Cuth- J In. . . . [ 3040 It'., A', t 7 ^ C. bert, V. t Out . . 3 i 3,970 191 208 329 298 381 Wnverton ^ Vlaverton, ^ « 930 2 900 1,923 4,110 149 374 240 248 203 359 303 404 324 390 14,100 ; 2,253 C 790 1,035 2,829 2,008 2,6tl4 2,233 3,024 2,500 3, 130 2,838 do. High A Low. ... in 12t-7 44 igton 3,531 9,501 113 3/5 40!) 477 487 do. forum Hundred (9) 3046-9 30,090 53,603 3.imi 7,815 8,873 10,130 1I,1'A) VV'avertree, D 1319 1,390 211 800 1,398 1,020 1 ,932 |9J Wells, next the Sea, R. .. 1740 2,2.50 4,471 1,720 2,310 2,083 2,950 3,021 41 awni, or 44 awn, \ . seeWagben — — ■ — — — W'elnethau, Great R near 1888 1,270 1,851 382 222 26(> 399 422 41axhain,R next 1972 1,740 1,384 103 63 02 03 59 do. Little R » » .570 809 139 142 127 170 180 41 axl'.olme, in Owthorne near 4080 500 598 20 01 00 72 08 VV'elney, C. in S Camhrid^e. . . . 2039 1,900 1,732 300 2()5 229 312 3.38 41ayford,R. (see4V'e>) » 1290 1,090 1,485 123 102 185 224 219 tjpwell \ Sorfolk » 3,200 2,513 535 222 213 394 407 Wat house. Lib. is Cpway, R. 3580 2,120 2.800 204 3li3 398 485 018 Welsh-Bicknor, Monmouth n\t. 30.57 900 8.54 58 80 105 113 91 41 ayland Hundred (10) 2048 32,010 48,717 5,580 4,790 5,414 0,283 0,824 do. -Newton » » 30.58 2,070 1,013 21 170 140 220 221 do., -Shelsey, R near 2580 420 900 25 07 18 57 45 41 ealdjSee North, South, Greenhili, do *3;i3 and Ha 3,210 mpton Seven 1 ,339 3,1.57 58 1 27 1 1 1 151 484 147 Oaks 487 510 012 7 Oaks Welton, V near 2209 3,0(i0 297 380 308 570 41 ear-0 ifibrd, (see 41'are) .... 3899 1 ,070 1,911 180 419 438 409 547 d.). C. in the Marsh w. Boothby 2,000 2,4.58 232 181 281 355 303 41 eatdlov in 497 1,080 1,001 74 1.39 190 191 109 do. V. (see Wilton) near 2555 1 ,0!I0 2,<)35 641 485 509 607 000 Weare-, V 3015 1,000 4,874 castle 412 608 H)() 764 t V ano.i 1,480 t)t)() 3,149 1,250 3M‘i 449 98 516 576 07'i 41’earmoulh, see P.i.shops’, Monk, A New 1 ^ Melton, C » 105 118 107 133 4Veasenhani, 4 All Saints, V.nr 2070 1,230 1,758 280 1 207 245 284 313 do. (see Walton) in 4505 Oving liatn 03 <)0 77 07 09 ^ ^ St. deters, V. // // 2,200 1,711 137 196 215 293 309 Welwick,V near 1711 3,310 5.214 301 312 372 410 ■101 1 ,309 W’eaton-Aslon, in Lapley ... 2899 2,170 2,301 347 503 579 718 Lanley < Lordship, V. .. 857 41'eaverham, ' -ciini-41ilton .. ^ i Tot. of Par. (7) » 3,140 1.50 1 0,070 038 1,010 1,120 J 492 ( 749 428 818 Wi M S 4^ t anou 13,330 24,3.51 1,135 3,087 3,021 V 1,5.55 ( 3,008 1,932 3,t)07 7.340 12,(i42 1,208 1,819 182 2.920 2,300 2,321 Wembdon, Vb next 1.540 see 3708 2,720 7,3!)7 227 214 290 293 289 41eaverlhorpJ)^----^;"” 2,970 2,750 102 270 334 493 M'endjury. 1) near 1300 3,070 .5,533 203 390 450 5111 052 2,130 2 202 110 207 254 311 350 Wembworthy, R » 3808 9!)0 1 ,359 201 3-J3 325 319 378 Webtrpf^ Hundred (27) 3068 02,300 910 ^2 712 0,01 1 80 6 60S 7 8HI 8,070 91 190 100 336 333 4V'eddington, R next 801 l’714 00 ’ 07 09 Wendlebnrv,R " 2700 1 ,0.50 2.03.5 no 181 200 190 Wedgwood in 104 4Vols anlnii — — 105 08 125 Wi'iidling, R. " 20.52 1 ,820 l,.502 489 229 250 351 31T 41 edhanii)ton, Tything » 33'i4 Urcl font 173 191 194 221 Wendon-Cofts, D // 1831 1,5.0 (i73 78 81 87 07 51 41 edmore, \'.4 3045 'I'ednesbury, V.t (see Shellield ) 70 \V'ednesfield,C in 81 9,540 22,(i94 1,180 2,122 2,480 3,079 3,.557 314. Wl.NDoyi'.R, V. T/t. + ^ .... 2|8H 5,'25() 4 963 1 ,022 1,397 1,481 l,(Ut2 2,(M)H 2,190 3,700 7,6U 5,360 2,417 401 4,100 1,088 5,372 1,248 0,471 1,408 8,437 1,879 Wtiidron, ^ ^ Hui s't'oN, S. 8 § 201 13,370 130 ^ 8,870 1 ,833 1 3,000 1 2,248 3,555 2,297 4,193 2,071 ■l,7WI 11,293 105 «Tt'n/ County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Ilamlel, Tylhing, 4'c., in. ENG LAN D, at each of the Four Petiods, IfJOl, IBIl, 1H21. 1031. Weil — U I's to! •ss f Tuuus, I'arislies, f(c. M en ly. V 2K$l . Weiihain, (iivut, K • 17(>5 ill)., laltto, 1{ « • M'onlia.ston, V., \iitli Mells .. lOaS Weiili.i-k, Little, K 2971 4H tt I'o. IMl'Cll, V. 77i. tl§ 2t»70 ill). Liberty (18) » M I'liii, St., 4f)28 \i eiiiiiiielon, K uext 1787 ill) ill 1332 do. nilh Kiptoii Abbotts, „ , S H ...4228 " ) Total of I’av. (5) M eiitloog, St. Hriiles .') S. IL. of 16!) do. Hundred J M e lit nor, K 2!l94 Wentworth, U.or Wingford iit. 2112 do. C in 139 ++ Wf.oiii.y, V., T/i. t2§ 3070 L eonards, St.. C 3001 Werhurgh, St. Hoo- V *445 do. in 7.5C Werehaiii, P. C 2028 M'ernith 937 M'ei^in in 1055 IVerrington, C 3910 do. Ham., C 2633 Wesliara with Medlar in 1234 Wessington 784 do. and Combe. ... in 3124 West-.\cre, D. Culthorpe near 2055 ,, -Anthony, V * 252 „ -Ardsley, P. C 479 „ -Harsham, V » 2081 „ -Bromwich 74 „ -CIitr,V *635 ,, -Coives, P.C. § 1405* „ -Dean. V *786 „ - do., V *958 „ - do., R., Hunts, next 3467 ,, - do., R., Wilts, near 3399 „ -Deeping, R » 2205 ,, -Derby, C 1321 „ do. Hand. 991,1241, 1316 ,, -Farlam 4450 „ -Farleigh, V *398 ;, -Firle, V *707 „ -Grinstead, R *846 ,, -Haddon,V 2574 ,, -Ham,V. (seeWestham) *136 ,, -Heslerton, R near 4102 „ Kilby, ^Tot.of Par. (9) o „ -Leigh 1242 „ -Linton in 4434 U„ -Look, )S. § 217 „ -Malung, V., iS. t 3§ .. *380 ,, -Meon, R 3509 „ -Mersea, V 1774 ,, -Moor, Ex. Pa in 3727 ,, -Parley, R next 3530 „ -Peckham, V *393 „ -Quarter in 4511 „ -Scaleby 4430 „ -Stow, R near 1888 „ -Tisled, P. C » 3455 ,, -Tytherley, R » 34P4 „ -Ville « 2258 „ -M4cliham,C » 2115 ,. -M'oodhay, R next 3292 „ -M'ooilyatea, F^x. Pa. « 352!> ,, -Worldhain, P. C « 34.50 „ -’Wratliug, V 2098 „ Hui)dred(19) 209-26 Westauwick in 3022 ,, beer, R *.559 „ blachington,R *834 „ borough, R near 2215 ,, bourn, R.&V *962 ,, brook. Tytliing with Boxford Weslbury, V., Bucks next 2529 do. V., Somerset 3048 do. Hun- J 2 It V., F. t-3 § 390 : dred I Bratton, D. &c. 391-3 do. upon f P. C.[& Stoke ) , -Trim ) Shirelianipton ) do. upon Severn, V 3179 do. Hundred (6) j S R & Yorkleton 3019 ( Minsterley, C 330 Westbtiiy, wdth Peake in 3406 M'estby with Plumpton.s 4303 do. with Basingthorpe nr. 2219 — £ — 1,035 1,2!)4 1,507 2,580 1,083 10,812 51,887 2,963 2,918 1.. 593 see 3,351 14,006 2.. 593 2().930 I ... 3!),230 ( 4,190 1 ,520 2,830 3.160 4,820 4.460 Derby 2,700 1,291 710 5,070 Paston 1.900 1,260 Camp 3.460 1.410 2.7.50 1.380 5.380 1,090 4,270 1,840 4,480 1.3.50 2,789 1,170 6,500 228,600 Farlam 1.050 4.410 6,110 2.900 5.160 2,180 180 5,200 2,030 Kirk Tallnd. 1,320 3.380 3,020 Curry 1,780 1,110 Hexha Scale 3.050 2,970 1.560 2,260 2,937 1 ,3!)0 1,290 750 3,441 92,600 Stoke 810 .5!)0 890 4,230 which 2, ,570 3.560 ^ 11,340 I 4,610 I 7,930 I 22,350 I 17,020 I Warnfrd 3,310 ' 920 3,026 2,232 13,354 3,t)58 4,148 3,663 11.715 2,927 2,821 986 2.809 2,049 3.4.52 1.052 den 2,564 2,095 3,931 2,245 13,245 1,024 11,275 2,150 3,080 1,427 3,176 1,535 37,021 575,900 ■ 1,041 2,366 4,115 4,228 4,737 40.650 2,618 5.58 6,439 5,586 3,257 565 3,433 2,186 4,548 Revel 1,114 1,826 mshire by 1,1.56 l,40i 1,650 4,843 3,192 1,211 618 4,394 73,324 upon 1,533 703 2,934 8,710 see 2,009 5,189 24,551 7,005 9,293 26.650 < 7,683 ( 7,436 East 0,618 2.099 AiuuubI (or M«ni- of 111* Total Numher oj T i'.tiSONSt at each of the 4 T«n Yearly Ptriods. POOR. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 52 109 HI 131 12.5 83 170 166 205 181 112 — 69 !K) 88 575 578 710 887 1,070 240 980 941 9(i5 1,057 1,111 1,981 2,079 2,200 2,424 16,304 1(),805 17,265 17,435 214 358 452 689 619 101 91 122 128 127 59 — 125 160 155 118 237 • 273 317 288 736 1,505 1,8()9 2,182 2,266 151 134 160 193 200 4,395 8,764 i 6,633 ( 9,636 *4,582 1 1 ,609 683 11,353 18,123 329 452 592 707 III 115 120 1.39 144 6(i4 978 1,086 1,269 1,394 4!)8 008 026 739 819 315 465 545 042 504 817 550 710 960 910 1,030 2,!I66 3,805 5,317 6,319 563 407 424 546 575 259 1,152 1,304 1,804 3,462 57 56 07 67 61 230 4S9 491 635 061 171 372 387 472 537 95 216 230 215 242 222 511 373 488 465 128 134 128 Ul 316 319 334 302 415 161 261 224 330 3.0 572 1,032 1,332 1,41.5 1 ,540 258 36 .50 C() 101 2,330 5,087 7,485 9,504 15,327 234 01 40 52 82 830 2,771 3,325 3,579 4,491 195 88 114 163 150 584 510 554 622 oil 169 137 153 157 103 311 369 329 3(i3 360 235 216 244 302 301 868 2,636 3,698 6,304 9,613 30,954 101,036 123,137 154,040 170,002 East 162 107 172 200 697 392 244 320 304 637 497 551 644 018 2,2.)5 939 998 1,229 1,292 876 806 752 893 909 5,804 6,485 8,1.36 9,7.53 11,580 95 129 240 273 299 21 148 141 172 232 183 886 921 1,140 1,289 321 1,429 1,960 2,408 2,780 203 519 526 623 629 376 433 539 593 717 1,093 1,154 1,205 1,309 561 536 668 747 711 455 660 097 772 847 — 66 242 180 175 204 235 644 388 426 498 536 121 267 243 248 2.57 328 363 348 148 168 170 179 206 226 164 200 206 264 431 209 237 259 294 33 see Ville 102 118 577 332 394 517 529 57 109 120 144 127 — 13 20 9 18 99 84 92 100 90 777 541 586 096 763 7,827 12,931 14,284 16,578 18,254 Tern 188 181 180 188 179 194 219 — 49 54 58 46 181 182 227 215 2,388 1,549 1,702 1,852 2,031 257 358 320 345 391 212 429 493 622 681 3,937 < 1,837 1,799 2,117 2,495 ( 4,084 4,143 4,729 4,829 1,065 t 678 9.57 1,203 1,515 } 1,647 *1,090 2,518 2,748 831 1,651 1,765 1 ,889 2,032 2,309 4,200 ^ 1,991 4,953 5,611 6,092 1,076 5 1,490 1,395 1,419 254 1 705 758 809 Meon 35 29 50 226 524 623 092 771 080 141 158 136 115 122 Annual A««anl Total Sumhtr of t* EHMONS, Wes — W'cs . tc* Towns, Parishes, SfC. Supsrflol** Valu* *f l'ru|>*flr, ■» I'ai in I(ll6. fur Maio Ilia at earh of the 4 7V'fi Yearly Ttriotie. POOH, im— 29 •f • — 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Westcote, R near 3130 1,200 1,8.34 "47 127 131 185 188 do. with Tysoe 2714 1,710 8,219 7z5 891 914 1,070 1,007 Westcott, 1 latii in 2197 \t'add*id*o 1 ,706 15.5 231 228 261 212 do. Barton- R. 7 N. of 2707 650 1,197 251 184 205 2.53 25H Western! near 4420 Biirgli- on-tlie- Sands 146 111 105 4.57 W'esterby A Smeeton ...... » 2642 Kihwofth 2,523 309 365 .373 388 175 Westerdale, 1*. C 4206 8,750 1,653 112 257 248 281 281 - field near 1764 ( Ill • ^ 1 ,880 1,.538 222 ( 69 1 187 218 289 74 253 » HAM, V., IF. t § *321 5,710 6,31 1 1,207 l,:m 1,437 1,712 l,9‘-.5 " leigh,C 3200 3,810 10,889 913 1,582 1,632 1,817 1,709 ' ton in (i25 Westfield, R next 2051 " do. V. § *727 650 400 4,600 556 .577 3,320 12 105 1,339 56 HI 30(i .58 149 707 77 165 897 85 127 !)3H « gate in 17 210 — 308 669. 745 1,360 2,996 « do. Holy Cross *549 Canter bury — — — » liall, V near 1955 2,960 2,300 387 373 All 440 442 • ham, V. (see W'est-Ham) *790 3,870 5,()23 1 ,605 560 584 583 752 » hampnett, V *970 l,h50 451 4o0 414 401 449 " harptree.V 3618 2,850 3,641 234 379 463 528 536 " hide, 1*. C near 3090 950 1,485 116 161 183 193 196 • hi the, If *673 1,380 Hvthe 207 81 89 119 168 " hoathley, *79() " horpe, R near 1916 4,420 1,790 2,853 1 ,706 933 272 794 199 840 230 943 2U 980 2fi3 " houghton, C 1085 4,400 7,337 1,342 3,059 3,810 4,211 4,500 Westleton,V 19.57 M^estley, R. (Thingoe) near 1888 2, .590 680 2.987 974 473 179 ()61 88 713 99 788 124 884 132 do. -W aterless, R. next 2096 1,000 1,010 49 126 145 1.58 L58 M estmeston, ^ i?* \ A, i',** ’ V’ ’ ( Last Chiltin^ton ^ 2,090 ( 1,.566 ( 1 ,645 291 237 205 163 189 190 251 243 23(i 2.;8 M estinill, R near 2381 2,130 2,741 463. 328 365 415 418 tt SScslllUPStrr (H) *11-24 2,500 1/2-H/JOO I11,H07 153,272 101,398 182,085 202,0.50 do. Hund.^ ( Upper (4 j 3121-2 8,550 10,330 705 2,101 2,171 1,«)9 1,787 5,590 8,846 1,350 1,376 1,818 1,871 2,3.55 V estmoreland, County 4251 485, (.90 298,199 24,793 41,617 45,922 51 ,359 55,041 West Ward, ot Do. (10) .4264 H8,l-.iU 58,946 3,470 6,152 6,004 7,316 7,894 Westoe, C in 26 1,590 12,194 2,000 2,903 6,164 7,018 9,082 Weston in 989 880 1,754 132 16‘2 189 294 532 do. (see M'iston) » 838 1,940 2,483 207 348 426 463 401 do. Tything, » 3555 Stal bridge — 173 224 225 do. V., Herts 2395 4,530 4,447 65(r 729 708 927 1,046 do. St. Mary, V., Lincftbi 2175 2,550 4,079 542 328 406 ,498 567 do. R., Norfolk near 2069 2,670 2,293 540 3C5 343 392 406 do. & Loys-Weedon . .. < 2511 1,050 2,956 628 387 380 477 528 do. R., Notts « 2332 1,690 2,771 148 246 286 300 395 do. Nash & Tilsop . . . . » 2852 Hurford 2,182 143 251 391 397 do. Ham. in W'anstroiv » 375 Wans trow — 85 — do. V., .Somerset . ... in 1386 2,230 9,985 452 1,010 1,291 1,919 2,560 do. or St. Marv Extra 1448 2,040 1,825 354 017 817 983 1,608 do. St. Peter, R., Sujf. nr. 1901 720 1,592 208 170 151 179 233 flo in 70ft - 133 151 5 V near 503 )Askwith » 1,280 i,l53 84 120 128 108 121 3,180 1,846 189 317 306 367 400 do. & Wixhill under Red-Castle Hodnet 1,797 — — — 322 328 do. &Embei'Ham in *L07 2,900 Tbam es Dit ton — — do. -Bamfvld,R next 3685 620 1,303 SO 140 142 119 123 do. -Beggard,V near 3090 1,110 1,308 123 199 221 270 281 do. -Birt, V. wth Lashb.» 365 2,120 1,986 120 157 122 198 138 do. Cold- R. (Munslow)nr.2977 670 304 24/ 27 33 24 25 do. Colly- R next 2626 1,690 1,015 108 294 325 353 394 do. -Colville, R near 2098 2,943 2,442 592 318 352 419 444 do. Coney R 1961 1,690 1,685 205 198 221 261 257 cTo. -Corbett, Ex. Pa. e 3443 440 360 10 18 20 17 do. -Coyney & Hulme, in Cav. do. Edith- R near 2312 3,810 Cave rs 278 wall 453 527 619 1,810 2,856 100 207 320 301 337 do. -FaveII,R " 2566 1,050 2,261 237 3,54 350 389 443 do. -Jones, Staffoul . • 3004 Noi'bury 929 89 156 95 89 113 do. Kings- Tything.... in 3194 1,340 1 Hen bury 5 — — 154 107 do. -Lawrance « » 1,100 i 247 335 329 do. Market, R near 1904 1,090 1,363 454 273 270 330 312 do. Old, C » 2161 1,750 1,487 442 2‘.8 309 379 SoO do. -Patrick, P. C. . . « 3430 1,540 863 219 133 146 189 210 do. -Peverell, C in 1360 1,310 5,932 415 240 239 238 274 do. -Rhyn&Bron-y-Gath» 3036 do. South R.(Pirton) next 2684 St. Mar tin — — 862 917 1,083 570 841 189 105 91 108 118 do. -Siibedge, R » 3124 2,200 3,053 201 332 283 347 307 do. -Turville, V » 2490 2,450 3 676 855 497 524 Gil 637 do. -Underwood, C. ’ 2527 1,300 2,739 033 357 339 420 441 do. do. C. near 756 1,860 1,015 125 237 267 228 272 do. -Zoyland, V. § 3076 2,180 6,302 401 (j77 724 807 937 do. -upon- ^ N.,Glouc. next 3150 Avon ( Milcot IFarw. n 1,060 480 ^ 1,833 143 5 118 1 21 96 16 93 14 !)3 1 5 do. do. V. near 115 1,820 3,688 201 380 3 2 397 387 do. -upon-Trent \ , 880 590 ^ 2,186 58 300 394 ( 442 i 33 587 21 do. -in-Gordano, R. next 3623 1,330 1,293 G5 90 113 111 124 do. -on-thc-Green, V.near 2698 1,980 3,139 3.i0 850 390 402 494 do. -on-AFclland, V. next 2613 1,040 1,527 373 222 2U> 220 208 do. -under-Lizard, R 2907 2,640 2,919 199 101 275 296 2.57 do. do. Penyard.R. 3046 3,220 5,067 398 .571 607 674 039 do. do.Wetherley,V. nxt 2779 1,290 1 893 120 207 198 232 ] 208 do. -Supermare, R 3630 2,190 1 ,030 303 138 125 738 1,3I'» WestoningjV .. near 2427 2,210 2,018 1 925 410 497 031 627 Superficies ill Stalulc Acres ; Annual Value of Property : Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of ike Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in Wes — Whe fls Tou'iis, Piirishes, Sfc. = s | Westover with Wherwell .... 3lSl do. Lih. is 1 lohlenliurst S.V2S V cstow ^ j otl>er Townships . Westpole, llnrtley- .... next Westport, St. Mary, V 334,5 Westpnttord near 3!)18 Westrill S: St'innoie, I'.x. I’a., Iauc. ^^'estrop Tythin>4 in 3337 M'estward, C. (3) 4384 Westwaler Ty thing in 4l)(i WestwelljV *.527 do. ]{., O.V0H next 2730 Westwick in 017 do. H next 1<)77 do. in Rippun .507 do. Ham in Oakington M'estwood with Iford 3350 do. Ihirk, Kx. Ihi. next 2873 f C 4414 Wetherall, ? Scotby & Cuniwhitton ( Gt. (iorby & War. I5ri. HWkthkiiby, C., Tii. t ^ in Spod’rth Welherden, R 1015 M'etheringsett, R. & Brook, nr. 1010 Wetlierley Hundred ( 11) . .. . 2123 Aretherslield, V 18-15 Weltenhall, C near 830 M'etton,C next 053 . . 4000 Wetwang,jV:,„^^^^(, 4Vexliain, R near 24ii5 IVey'bonrne, (see AVay) . . " 2075 4Veybread, V 1018 AVeybridge, H *171 AVeyhilI, R. § 3482 2 * H tt W EYWoiiTH, R., Tu F. + > Melcombe Regis, R t AVhaddon,V., Cambridge next 2131 do. 2503 near 3105 . ./ 304 in 070 . . . . 1153 i V., Hucks ( Nasli, Ham. do. C., Olducestcr do. R., Wilts AVhaley with Veardisley M halley ^ t|&4Wouoisbps 1121-05 Whalton J \ 4530 '^•'«p'ode "'J' Mliarles & Treales, Roseacre- 4302 Tj tv near 4000 M harram-Percy ^ 3 „therTownshps do. -le-Slreet, V. .. near 4104 AVharton with Blyton. . . . « 1717 do. (seeWarton) 818 do. in Kirkliy-Stephen 4253 V/hasliton in 4240 W'hatboruugh Lib. in Tilton nr. 2037 AVliatcombe with Faw ley .. " 3245 AVhatcott, R next 2745 AV'hatcroft in 840 Whatfield,R near ItlOO Whatley, R « 375 Whallington (see VV^atlington) *700 Whattou, Long, R. 730 , t V. (see Watton)near 051 Uslacton,C..... » , t ik, i\or/dk near 1001 A\ I'eatacre > H Industry AVheatenhnrst, P. C near 3227 WheatReld, R » 2080 AVheathampstead, R 2118 Wheathill, R near 2073 do. R. (Whitley) next .3080 Wbeatley-Carr in 1150 do. u itli Tbornley, .... 1110 ilo. North, V near 2343 do. Sou'h, R « n do. C., in Cnddesden I . . 2000 Wheaton-Aston in Lapley .... 2800 Wheddiear in 08 Wheelock, 847 V heelton 1218 Wheldrake, J B helpington, Kii k- (10) .... 4532 do. M est 'Vliemly,or iVendy Wbei)slead,R AVIierstead, V near 213! Vi 111 ssoe, in Haiightoa-le-Skeine Amniint Total Number of PERSONS, Supprflrirti Value of at each of the 4 in Slitliitfl Frcijirrly, ni< (riianre Ten Yearly Periods. the i’ruiierty I'nx in h)6. 3,47!) IMJo’it, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 4,640 (I16 531 543 622 (>S(> 1 7,320 3,71 1 416 -180 401 580 733 1 ,330 1 ,653 132 274 3(i0 423 389 1,370 2,319 60 1!)7 231 236 217 1 ,450 1,774 453 243 265 272 282 1,510 2,060 357 702 720 1,023 1,286 i 1,010 1,243 228 274 314 425 400 I ,()2I) High 63 27 31 6 7 worth — 510 — 644 13,120 — 432 918 1,002 1,287 1,253 Axmi lister — 3.57 — 5,130 4,542 1,515 620 684 HOT 861 800 1 ,300 5!) 139 140 160 162 1,210 1,446 42 03 95 07 98 1,170 8.50 95 106 101 182 210 400 500 12 20 22 27 . 30 270 488 37 33 35 47 47 0.50 1,327 Hampt 265 446 435 462 300 1,380 on LoJvett — 10 1 7,660 j 0,966 ( 376 349 451 607 427 A 610 722 700 972 1 2,060 ( 561 530 951 2,570 2,040 3,727 408 1,144 1,140 1,217 1,321 2,060 2,304 375 346 382 468 487 3,980 4,(j05 740 851 854 037 1,001 18, .559 15,312 2,.552 2,015 3,070 3,958 4,412 4,250 5,071 1,931 1,296 1,308 1,.5.58 1,60'8 1 ,790 2,010 2,484 179 228 268 207 272 2,600 257 540 593 009 407 3,900 2, .573 195 193 295 422 482 1,810 1,910 39 81 106 104 139 670 1,145 214 172 178 154 181 1,000 979 222 240 230 230 273 1,7.30 3,268 520 062 080 680 708 1,240 1,920 4,162 049 747 918 897 930 2,847 222 Pen ton - 305 408 Graftn. 1,510 ; j 2,027 12,542 560 1,267 1,747 2,370 2,520 1,282 2,350 2,985 4,252 5,126 1,324 1,701 235 221 213 318 330 2,300 2,653 420 515 548 525 512 1,430 1,369 268 265 263 375 377 1.050 1,204 65 88 114 130 152 580 1,439 33 36 48 63 58 1,420 1,606 87 225 287 421 403 1,890 2,627 170 876 1,004 1,058 1,151 108,140 141,236 21,730 48,766 62,046 84,198 07,785 6,100 9,985 t 186 ( 70 263 207 307 234 285 249 31 1 237 7,440 9,312 i,.503 935 9fi2 1,201 1,418 2,830 1,715 230 336 335 540 580 4,100 6,118 337 C375 071 760 756 1,440 1,612 65 38 42 44 30 6,980 5,876 1,922 281 217 261 202 309 2.080 37 112 114 127 L50 2,830 4,946 85 377 422 504 551 1,560 3,062 210 753 888 853 1,060 KirkSteven 1,517 35 80 67 81 76 1,000 27 113 121 1-10 150 Tilton 600 7 21 21 18 10 2,170 2,137 160 186 191 212 101 1,400 1,156 140 190 166 109 210 500 1,327 76 85 71 71 50 1 ,540 1,!)32 764 235 268 320 377 1,230 2,642 208 304 247 354 380 1 ,600 036 261 211 212 2s5 28li 2,050 3,5 1 7 357 612 782 820 855 1 3,100 ) 2.016 151 308 372 3' 10 388 t 1,031 89 171 215 273 2.80 1 1,660 1,696 35 151 i 141 ( 235 1.50 3i).5 186 388 1,760 2,048 166 287 33!) 370 423 .540 1 ,084 100 80 85 79 105 5,140 7,315 655 1 ,04:1 1,25!) 1 584 1 ,666 1,210 1,439 80 1.52 160 111 123 330 805 23 45 3!) 47 5(i 20') — 51 42 ()5 60 58 2,080 2,436 220 387 433 506 510 2,010 2,538 180 371 373 441 435 (iOO 864 18 41 33 47 35 070 2,205 .558 685 761 8;;0 875 2,170 2,301 347 5()3 670 718 Lapley St. Tiees 620 30 31 4() 52 55 660 2,103 L52 180 330 4.58 440 1,220 2, .576 261) 681 8.84 1,186 1,510 4,140 4,507 1 260 ) 493 ( 2!) .581 638 047 870 450 37 30 41 j 1-2, 420 0,184 V411 ( 26 048 43 1,071 80 1,070 60 1 1,010 072 1,300 1 ,(65 42 87 101 120 115 017 1 ,035 52 1 100 111 131 125 3,450 3,121 .-48 .545 f)'>5 661 618 2,370 2.758 \H> 237 223 242 233 4,610 3,470 616 531 543 622 686 1,220 1,133 51 77 82 1 09 123 Whe _ IVhi || I Toicns, Parishes, Ifc. Whestone, € in 334 Whetmore N Buiaston in Burford Whetstone, C 703 Wbicliam 4348 wi, id, fold, (201 wiiickiiaio, VVdiill with Puddlestone near 3097 Whilton,R 2.570 Wbimple, R 3770 AV'hinbergh, R next 2053 Wdiinfell in 4300 do in 4288-00 Whippingliam, R 1458 Whipsnade, R near 2420 Whisby, in Doddington near 2200 '1 liishaw with Moxhall // 2804 lyhissendine, V 2323 Whissonsett. R V070 Whistley-Hurst, Lib 3207 AVdiiston near 1;50 do., R « 2.504 do in 044 do., R 39.51 Whistons in 2837 AV hit-Staimton near 1301 AV'hitacre, Nether, C » 2802 do. Over, C » « do. Burgh-, R « lOol AVhitbeck,C 4310 AVhitbourne. R 309(i AV hitborn, R. &c Cleadon 30 Whitby in 1658 (K t P. €., S. * t .... 1092 7 * DO .’Total of Parish (7) » C rem. of Strand Lib. 1603-4 AVhitchbury§ near 3420 Al'hitchester in 4510 AV’hitchurcl), V. Bucks 2505 411 DO tR., F.t4§ .... 3027 " ■ t AVdrswell, Cheshire do. -Canonieornm, A'. 1270 do. 11-, Hereford .... 3058 do. R., Oxoit 2071 do. or Felton near 1324 2H DO. R., F.t3§ 3474 do. R., IFnnci'c/t'near 2745 WhifclilF withThorpe .in 597 AVhitcoinbe, (b near 3579 do. Magna, R. next 3168 AVhite Colne near 18.54 do. Lackington, A’ « I3n0 do. Lady --Aston, A' « 2810 do. Notley, A' n 1843 do. Koothing see Roding do. AValtham, V..,. 3260 do. chapel, St. Mary, R. *49 do. chuich. A' 3839 do. do. AA'inlerboiirne- 3.560 do. frjars. Ex. Pa in 685 do. do. do. Precinct *5 do. fryers AVard in 1335 do. held & Apperley with 3118 do. gate, Ab or t Darnhall next Newchuri h ) Marton 854 Ojt HAVEN, C., r«. * t 2 § (51 do. ho\jsp. Ritton- in 4513 do. parish. A' 3405 do. stone Hundred ( 12). .. . 3652 AA’hitlield 920 do., R near 2.520 do., R 4518 do., P. ^ *620 Whitoift ^ ^ ^ [S'vine 3981 "nitgilt, ^ ijeedness, OuseN » Whitgreave in 2942 VVhitliington 31 13 AVhitkirk, V.(4) 4018 Whitley, in (iimner .... near 3231 do in 3271 do., Ijower ’ 858 do.. Upper « » do., do 4.56 do., Lower 477 do. Biioths, witli Barley 11.52 do., ( see Wheatley ) .... 13 do. ill Kellington near 3087 do. Hundred (20) 3(i61 AVhitlingham next lOOti VVhitmore, U in 100 AVhitnash, R near 2754 Whitney, l{. (see AVitney) ... 3078 AVhitrey, Tything, in 3740 Amount Total Number of P EHSONS^ fiuprrficiei Vain#* of exprnrifc] at each of the 4 Statute Propi-rty, as asse^Dfd to IhePnijierljr tenance of the Ten Yearly Ptriods, lax la 18]5 29. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Ttde$xotH 740 '"42 47 66 6(i 75 Salop 1 ,587 Burfiij rd 201 242 226 1 ,()80 3,161 575 598 7S2 883 903 5,660 2,4()4 174 235 261 301 285 3,100 ) 2,832 2!)6 397 410 381 441 ( 1,634 132 201 204 203 107 5,730 12,109 1,421 3,050 5 758 ( 2,988 788 2,925 873 3,8-18 1 ;080 1,303 134 174 229 316 268 1,270 1,876 330 309 310 370 307 2,000 3,814 322 483 461 557 730 1,240 1,784 113 142 L59 196 219 Briuliam 081 .56 84 107 122 Kendal 1,878 106 184 193 204 214 4,300 1,3.70 8,063 519 1,089 1,619 2,068 2,220 915 138 140 108 109 204 1,700 651 43 49 04 68 E8 1,230 2,102 118 218 218 219 216 3,870. 6,043 505 555 555 701 800 1,200 1,376 Hurst 365 387 434 522 (i28 2,734 268 616 656 847 867 1,760 8,407 504 1,031 1,015 1,306 1,468 1,300 1,229 Kings 24 54 48 47 64 2,780 ley 300 351 403 510 3,100 5,884 514 672 762 859 • 927 Claiites 3,807 526 583 631 1,344 2,518 1 ,850 2,257 192 259 260 327 318 2,210 2, .540 208 360 352 408 413 1,360 1,881 191 299 239 292 288 1,970 2,575 223 215 220 259 316 3,910 1,848 108 181 191 221 234 2,700 4,156 387 770 787 821 809 4,3.50 7,225 394 675 843 856 1,001 1,200 1,989 128 1-70 — 250 234 50 8,659 1,334 7,483 6,900 8,697 7,765 14,620 27,346 3,713 10,074 10,270 12,584 11,725 28,700 11,7.59 1,083 2,044 1,030 2,332 2,514 1 ,850 1 ,200 81 132 120 1,56 183 Htfddon 1,070 16 57 45 57 57 1,.580 3,107 1,116 040 714 845 928 14,380 28,770 1,919 4,515 4,718 5,376 5,739 1,000 1,283 111 103 112 113 83 5,420 4,472 667 932 1,(165 1,317 1,300 1,080 3,792 326 705 74.5 730 8S5 2,070 2,805 687 577 540 647 715 2,180 3,657 150 362 310 4'!3 423 7,330 6,217 962 1 ,275 1,144 1,431 l,(i<3 2,000 3,028 143 236 203 262 261 1,380 1,004 138 136 136 157 108 510 .570 30 47 5! 51 (M 1 ,000 054 31 119 135 155 174 1,730 1 ,983 406 221 233 2i)8 384 1,170 3,370 122 l<)0 240 242 254 760 1 243 131 260 305 312 381 2,370 2,526 467 3t)0 3s7 418 486 2,410 2, .500 5)5 417 430 439 470 3,200 5,483 225 552 *1,035 705 002 60 9!),354 10,6381 23,666 27,57H 29,407 30,733 6,4.50 4,227 321) 478 505 602 701 3,850 2,208 410 430 378 493 513 Leice ster — 128 — 21)7 18!) Luntlnll 6,-140 7H3 029 1,217 1,302 Hull 2,i'.08 2,3!I0 2,403 2,t 03 2,300 Decrhii rst W alton 399 401 1,240 2,2 7(>.) 707 [ TynrmoiitA 1 ,800 73 251 375 554 (i32 1 ,800 40,640 1,116 101 225 2(i4 28-1 310 82,415 4,012 8,731 9,.571 11,108 12,701 630 H(5B 16 20 •21 33 4.5 3, "50 2,433 L50 231 •JOI 302 •281 2,1 10 1,550 176 203 21 1 287 •280 1 ,430 1 013 161 100 214 268 2) 1 Ulilow man liploM nmn — 12-2 1B7 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tylhing, ^c., in ENG LAN D, at each of the Pour Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021, 1031. Mlii — Will Towns, Piirislus, SfC, in 4534 M liilrinj; \\ itli Torpenliow » 4:175 M liitson, \ ., nr Witstoii near 1(W Wliilstiible, C. § *555 W hilsloue, K 4(il4 do. K. orW histon nxt. l lh'J do. Hun J I'piier (!)) 352, 3227 -tired < Lower (7) 3224-<> Whittering, K next 2(i28 Whittingliaiii 43U9 ) Tot of i>ai"{7) S M'hittington, K., Dcrhi/ 885 do. II., Gloucester 1388 do. or Witliiugton in 1037 do. K., Lane 4334 do. Great > ■ do. Little r" do. K., Salop 3042 5 C 2021 t Tam horn Ham. do. C in 2834 do. with Grendon 2800 Whittle 019 do. -le-woods, C 1215 do in 4507 do » 4557 do. Welsh- 1204 Whittlebury,C 25.14 f Whittlesea, V.t 3 § 2103 Whittlesford, V near 2128 do. Hundred (5) < Whitton in Grindon .... near 4400 do. & Trippleton in 3108 do. Y., Lincoln near 2303 do. (see Witton) in 4553 do next 21170 in Burford do. R.,SuJLolk in 1764 Whittonstg||5^-^;^,--j;-J . 4503 Whitw'ellJ'K., Derby 2354 do. -House, Kx. Pa. nxt 4476 do. V., No folk 2071 do. R., Hiif/nml. .. .next 2319 do. C., Hants near 1462 do in 4241 do. on-the-Hill » 4112 do. with Selside . . . . » 4288 Whitwick ( Swanmngton & Thring Whiuvood near 4(it Whitworth, > 4010 Widdrington, P. C 4540 VFidecomb-in-the-Moors .... 3803 Widford, R., Psesx next 1814 do. R., Gloucester . « 3138 do. R., Herts near 2377 Widger, Broadw ood- , V 3862 Widley, R > 1439 Widmer-Pool, R near 683 Widness with Appleton 1247 Widworthy, R near 3761 Wield, or Weld, P. C /» 34.56 5+t*TM^iGAN 5 * t 3 § 1004 5tt ,1 'Pot. of Par. (13)1015 Wigborough, Great, R. near 1774 do. Little, R. » « Wiggenhall, St. Peter near 1731 do. St. Mary Magd. V. • « do. St. Mary, V « a do. St. Germans, V... » » WiggenthorpeSi Terrington 4123 Wiggersley Ham near 2272 Wigginton, R., North Riding 4108 do. C., Herts.... near 2413 do. R., Oxon .... a 2723 do. C., Stafford .... in 752 Wigglesworth near 582 Wiggonby in 4425 W'iggonholt, R *879 Wighill, V near 4004 tWie-ht Isle of 5 ^ twight, isleol^^^ggj^^^^ _ 1465 Wighton, V 2080 Wigland in 2953 Wigmore, V.3§ 3107 do. Hundred (13) .... 3106 Wighorn, Warley- 2881 Wigsthorpe, with Lilford near 2010 Wigston, Parva, C in 2662 do. MagnaV. of 2 Steeples 699 Wigtoft, V 2194 6 IT Wigton, 1 do. in Hare wood 497 Wike, (see Wyke) in 552 do. (see Wick & Week) » 497 W ilbarston, V 2014 wiioerloss, ^ j\Jew'ton-upon-Derw. W^ilbraham, Great, V. .. near 2120 do.. Little, R. .. « n Wilburton, P. C ‘ 2111 Wilby, R., A'o)y«//c » 2019 do., R., Northampton » 2593 do., R., Suffolk 1945 Wilcot, V 3361 Wilcote in Cogges near 2705 Wildboar-Clough 827 W'ilden, R near 2446 Wildon-Grange in 4160 Wildsw'orth Ham near 1717 Wilford, R » 641 , 1 Hundred (15) 1928 ^ House of Industry a Wilfred in 4036 Wilhypoole near 3720 Wilkesley-cum-Dudeot. . . . in 2951 Wilksby, R next 2256 Willand, R near 3773 Willaston, in Neston. . . . « 1652 , 5 ^y*^“'’'’'^ory....in 838 ^ Nantwich « 836 Willerick near 170 Willen, V next 2.522 Willenhall, . .. . in County of 791 do., C 82 hallows, R near ( ®-^26 M'imbotsham, R. (see Wemb.) 2033 M imeswould, V. (see M'ynies.) 696 M'impole, R. § near 2136 2 ^ M INCANTON, P.C., IP. t 2 ^ 3051 V iuceby, R next 2267 MiiicelljC M inch. Fast, V near 1734 do., M esl, R „ „ M' incham,— see Winsliam 859 AVinchco.mbe,V., A. t3§ 3131 4+ M'inchei.sea, R., S. § *705 M’inchendon, Nether, P. C. nr. 2492 do., Upper, V 1 tt 1 5'®iiirf)r6trr,(8) A. • t2i 3503 M'inchfield, R. near 3426 >v inclilin^ or \Vitcliling .... *422 Winder-low in 4272 M indeririere, R. (3) Windford, R ni M indham or Wymondham, which do. and Kwhiirst. . . . Windle VVimlle.vliari Windleston AgiODdl Total Numher of PEHSONS, Soperfloict V.lu« of at each of the 4 SiKlIll* Pr'iperif, ■» Io lenance of T*n Yearly Periods. lax ID IBIO. POOR. I83S— 39. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 4,440 3,06<» 1,423 795 972 1,170 1,403 2,170 2,178 87 233 254 292 392 980 1,719 30 77 89 89 103 1,990 2,205 229 191 194 211 223 1,900 2,119 128 180 182 202 212 610 leton next Winterburn with Flashy .. in Winteringliam, R. 4 .... near 2303 Wintersett in Wragby .. » 467 M'interslow, Fast A M'est, R. 3398 M'interstoke Hundred (27) .. 3(i27 Winlerton, V., Lincoln 3 4- ■ • • 2302 do., Jf., Norfolk 1747 Winthorpe, V near 22(i2 do., R „ 2324 Winlney, Hartley- V. 24 3427 M'inton in Kirkby-Stephen do. in Sigston-Kirhy n Superficiei in Sialui* A«nual Talua of Property, ai Amount expended ur Main- (enance of Acre*. li« Property Tax io ISIS. POOR. I83S— 39. 1,760 2,015 fs9 00 5,986 1,051 14,938 3,820 1,490 4,872 1,417 690 9,095 1,091 2,570 3,016 125 2,600 3,614 1,070 1,370 2,414 47 1,240 3,007 153 3,590 1,842 757 5,310 9,607 1,679 1,050 1,795 179 ^970 2,044 72 Long Horsly 61 2,550 3,240 205 2,990 4,877 463 1 0,080 S l.'J74 198 ^6,610 751 2,630 3,791 851 1,520 2,232 141 2,400 5,092 1,072 2,000 3,688 902 2,240 1,883 59 10,640 7,084 723 2,210 3,050 318 7,220 4,327 904 960 741 32 4,540 7,619 2,762 2,050 3,158 138 470 780 36 2,169 Hurst 201 41,460 48,772 2,796 700 1,846 82 Muckl estone 0,840 4,304 408 1 Wortingtn 1,147 62 3,900 7,350 588 9,240 3,503 363 3,170 5,978 496 1,150 2,313 90 Adilingftam 1,032 59 1,210 • 1,277 138 2,200 3,888 300 Great Bradfo rd 5,470 4,098 365 1,920 4,681 1,171 2,960 2,963 275 1,585 Bibury 101 1,530 3,399 330 t 3,580 ? 1,950 1 3,924 619 2,570 3,016 125 Toulgrave 2,527 267 3,150 3,087 220 1,270 1,920 314 1,510 1,277 29 23,700 31 ,624 3,376 2,470 1,464 76 370 900 1 2,346 22 1,470 1,424 85 2,740 1,125 108 1,340 1,345 236 3,8.50 2,208 419 840 1,406 242 910 830 19 C/iievcly 2,344 408 4,850 4,347 991 1,410 2,601 293 1,280 682 no 1,430 1,670 131 1 ,760 1,3.56 71 1,840 1,494 203 3,540 3,245 189 1,770 852 2t)3 2,760 3,667 155 1,880 1 ,669 84 2,940 3,090 150 sec Wintri nghm 1,170 1,2.52 87 4,460 3,529 512 62,030 112,731 6,645 4,480 5,912 454 1 ,630 1,136 186 l,2(i0 3,(i27 456 680 1 ,905 27 2,280 3,868 69li KirkStrph. 2,167 107 1,340 1,547 33 Total Numher of PERSONSt at each of the'^ Ten Yearly Periodt. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 317 289 317 291 669 932 1,050 1,453 r3,122 f 4,288 5,191 239 >4,340 < 360 322 t 75 / 137 1 ,695 2,096 2,115 3,011 2,026 2,279 2,475 3,232 103 105 129 145 565 588 683 703 149 142 152 134 179 159 169 158 569 602 764 891 993 937 1,086 1,152 246 249 273 307 135 151 131 115 155 176 177 163 500 479 459 471 898 987 1,051 1,091 240 254 290 256 1,212 1,235 1,367 1,435 521 555 578 668 115 120 139 144 844 859 1,085 1,115 602 588 675 783 153 153 1,59 134 1,465 1,439 1,676 2,008 290 331 354 288 1,214 1,168 1,436 1,596 141 143 176 259 3,021 3,063 3,295 3,951 243 264 248 275 80 80 128 115 3i9 405 491 531 3,851 4,359 5,459 6,149 196 192 230 256 204 226 249 671 782 906 1,048 153 165 157 100 922 1,113 1^8 1,520 503 486 518 524 864 844 878 932 309 317 357 342 117 113 151 146 135 111 158 m 620 617 655 671 — 2,316 2,979 2,847 449 480 675 943 1,101 1,122 1,222 1,200 386 433 401 450 145 171 185 176 631 741 800 731 586 < 416 t 243 564 319 1 989 103 105 129 145 753 847 928 962 307 284 287 327 261 298 3C(> 398 143 169 192 164 3,123 3,474 4,107 4, -111 156 151 170 133 i 26 32 3-1 62 ( 67 44 20 18 49 60 73 84 161 181 203 265 306 300 364 401 430 378 403 513 233 241 245 233 82 83 77 101 357 357 321 326 ( l,5li9 1,6.59 1,939 \ 764 !M>8 950 218 203 291 288 120 125 1.50 161 189 191 210 243 136 94 132 166 177 164 202 263 250 215 281 272 335 377 4(>l 564 262 291 312 3ti9 1 13 1. 18 161 176 120 1.50 134 143 133 119 135 119 694 677 718 74!) 11,817 13,3.55 17,119 19,511 773 821 1,015 1,29.5 378 49.1 545 (i3l 2gl 171 233 211 196 191 235 228 761 771 93,5 1,13') 262 2.52 284 267 132 139 138 1-15 180 every County, Hundred, Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, Tythiny, Sfc., in ENC LAN D, at each oj the Lour Periods, 1801, 1811, 1>{2I, 1881. M'in — Wit i J j US Towns, Parishes, IfC, ^ J | Wiutringhaiii, 1) m>ar 2303 . I & Newton next 1103 ‘ ^ Knaptuii and Linton H'inwick, V., Hunts near 2103 do.. It., Norts next 2o74 , Ut DIM ^ Total of Parish (10) rV., Th. tl§ .... 324 6 irWiRKS- 7 Croinford & Mid. 325-0 WORTH i (4) in Appletree C Iron Brock Grange do. Hondred(lO) .. 887 M'irrall OIigher(12) .. 1052-9 Hundred ( Lower (9) .. 1000-2 Wirswall, Cheshire in 3027 7 J H WisBEACH 1 St. Mary, C. 1731 A’. * t 0 § ( St. Peter, V. 1730 H'isbeach Hundred (9) . 2099-2102 Wisborough Green, V *890 ITiseton or Wyseton in Clay Wishaw or Whishaw', R. ueaa-2804 M'isliford, Great, It next 3389 Wisk, Daftby-, 8c YaUbrth .... 4180 do., Kirby-, It. (4) 4178 do., New'by- in » ATisIey, R *257 M"ispington, V. (Gartree) near 22.57 Wissett. C » 1955 Wis or Winstanston, R 2984 IVistaston, R near 3007 IViston or Wissington, V. next 1877 IVistow, V 3994 do., V near 2158 Sy 2643 ■’ ( Newton- Harcourt » . do., R., Sussex *852 Wiswell 1154 Witcham, V.(see Whic.) near 2110 "Witchampton 3527 M'^itchford, R near 2108 do. J North (4) 2103-5 Hundred < South (11). ...2109-13 Witchingham,Gt., R.&V. nr. 2069 do.. Little 0 t Witchling, R., or Wichling *422 SWiTHAM, V., Tm. t 3§ 1837 do. Hundred (16) .... 1835 do. Friary, P. C. near 375 do.-on-the < V next 2218 Hill ( Manthorp & Toft do., N., R.,w.Lebtnorpe2219 do.. South, R / Withcall, R near 2275 Withcote, R., Leicester . . « 2311 Witheridge, V. 2§ 3866 do. Hundred (21) .. 3804 wuh„i., Withern, R near 2264 Withernsea, C., in Hollym nxt. 1711 Withernwick, V 4082 Withersdale, R next 1949 Withersfield, R near 1851 Witherslack, Chap 4282 Withiel, R near 3942 do. -Florey. P. C. ..next 3720* Withington, Lower 828 do., Old do., R 3143 do 5'^' 3092 ■’ t Preston-Wynn, C. . do., C., Salop. . . .near 3013 do. or Whittington . 1037 Withnell 1219 Withonstall or Whittonshall, which Withybrook, V. & Hopsfrd nr. 2792 Withycombe, V I537 do., Rawleigh, C. . 1484 Withyam, R. 2§ *739 Withypoole, C., see Wilhypoole Witley, V. *277 do.. Little, Chap near 2842 do.. Great, R., with Redmarley Witlingham or Whitlingham 1996 Witnesham, R 1704 3 IT Witney, ’ M Hamlets .... 2725 Witston near 168 Wittenham, Little, V. . n 3239 do.. Long, V » 0 Wittering, East, R *986 do.. West, V *087 Wittershara, R. § *676 Wittington or Whittington, which Amount Totat Numhtr of 1‘KHSONS, lap*r0«U» Valu* or at f «t/i of the 4 in lODODCO of Iho I'tn Yearly l*vriods. Tan to IBI&. IR3S-79. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 3,970 7,166 4.55 (i78 709 746 726 6,740 5,018 180 229 290 326 347 2,740 2,508 161 139 187 206 242 1,710 l,,575 391 110 255 301 326 1,880 3,267 115 124 108 137 1.59 1,410 4,291 202 573 570 602 603 24,660 55,242 4,350 12,290 14,290 16,229 17,961 ^8210 17,708 1,3.58 2,978 3,474 3,787 4,082 ' 6,853 ()8I 2,082 2,481 2,497 2,G3-> 5,020 7,275 5()4 802 886 997 1,008 510 — 95/ — 42 34 27 73,880 114,0(11 7,528 18,394 20,320 22,401 23,287 33,()40 49,286 2,873 6,081 6,231 7,208 7,693 29,1)80 19,l(i(i 1,3-14 4,663 5,348 6,673 11,407 1,000 1,283 111 103 112 113 83 9,800 9,981 565 831 991 l,3f)2 1,524 6,450 28,333 4,162 4,710 5,309 6,515 7,253 70,790 118,414 11,864 11,278 12,331 15,745 17,264 6,710 5,091 2,0.51 1,307 1,421 1,679 1,782 worth 1,847 33 123 — 126 118 1,2:10 2,102 118 218 218 219 216 1,.590 2,121 318 316 291 372 361 4,350 4,572 317 427 402 477 508 5,070 7,051 423 802 840 841 872 1,100 1,193 175 241 264 2()5 254 1,170 904 125 101 97 141 155 1,570 1,381 87 70 73 70 91 2,660 2,5.51 183 349 374 435 419 5,530 1,690 3,924 619 586 659 983 980 2,719 158 258 295 332 350 1,870 1,889 635 220 218 246 249 3,870 5,853 389 647 623 633 665 2,070 2,804 409 315 349 552 404 1,220 1,745 28 15 11 9 19 880 1,716 298 186 214 298 279 2,750 1,594 159 258 289 293 296 1.410 1,135 203 349 488 683 724 2,800 3,745 192 323 396 473 519 1,170 1,993 371 374 377 442 478 2,580 3,479 409 294 346 401 461 78,760 103,113 8,755 10,025 11,430 14,458 17,723 48,660 58,330 6,408 4,902 5,691 7,009 7,799 2,010 3,052 696 355 356 514 582 1,120 1,133 14 36 45 52 62 1,310 570 136 104 128 137 128 3,280 9,403 953 2,186 2,352 2,578 2,735 37,830 52,859 7,723 8,538 8,997 10,079 10,998 4,970 6,2!)0 536 485 533 589 574 2,150 1,962 105 162 168 246 236 2,060 1,669 186 291 308 317 294 1,740 1,722 179 186 194 209 273 3,230 1,429 89 343 325 345 410 2,650 1,092 50 66 64 89 72 1,230 930 38 52 50 51 32 6,490 5,271 655 876 913 1,121 1,263 84,680 48,830 4,256 7,370 7,749 8,890 9,567 1,570 ) 2,074 ( 1,092 236 94 ^ 383 ( 334 1 83 396 75 416 76 2,510 3,787 405 295 323 343 390 820 1,163 63 76 104 108 130 2,600 4,478 311 292 356 370 443 2,480 1,208 135 115 170 168 194 2,480 2,346 689 424 433 484 545 4,430 — 210 306 335 477 488 2,740 2,109 66 283 299 339 406 2,850 1,187 62 83 86 86 89 2,210 3,355 227 640 684 615 584 1,840 1,266 57 137 178 164 191 5,830 4,384 450 572 650 759 743 2,130 2,354 204 384 661 639 584 990 1,117 91 119 125 167 139 1,180 1,387 38 170 172 179 193 2,420 5,008 152 743 911 892 1,048 4,700 3,104 275 765 1,049 1,146 1,251 see — — • — 2,400 3,495 159 294 285 309 318 1,010 1,978 181 283 283 319 332 2,590 5,763 381 692 859 1,054 1,063 9,080 5,318 1,417 1,074 1,1.55 1,393 1,610 4,010 855 42 144 146 204 242 5,990 5,282 2,017 1,039 1,187 1,264 1,376 1,010 1,701 118 234 263 302 287 2,450 2,876 165 425 414 354 386 630 866 16 20 21 33 45 1,530 2,993 488 387 448 515 562 440 3,204 2,077 2,584 2,722 2,827 3,190 7,010 12,105 1,718 1,725 1,706 1,957 2,146 800 1,901 70 73 84 91 106 820 1,839 109 134 97 107 113 2,280 3,976 519 451 404 496 547 1,260 1,791 263 202 214 216 226 2,500 3,606 527 396 483 • 504 606 3,540 5,005 1,287 496 754 911 919 see — — ■ — Wit — Woo 'so! • t ; Towns, Parishes, Ifc. . t Witton-Gilbert, R near 4475 do. -le-Wear, P. C. . « 628 do in 1101 do., R., Nurfollc next 1968 do., St. Margaret, 'V. near 1981 do.. East, V. S without ... . 4219 see Wytton ( within » do.. West, P. C near 4225 do., Shiels m 4.508 2 WivEi.8CoivniE,V., Tu. t 4§ 1315 Wivelslield, P. C. ^ *801 Wivenhoe, R.§ 1772 Wiveton, R near 2075 VVix or Wicks, C » 1766 Wixamtree Hundred (7) .... 2447 Wixford, P.C next 27C2 Wixhill-under-Redcastle and Wes Wixoe or Whixoe next 1866 0 Woburn, C., F. + 4§ 2436 Woketield Tything in 3279 Woking, V., Tu. t § *254 do. Hundred (15) *245-591 1 Wokingham, see Oakingham + Wold or Old, R near 2586 do. -Newton, V c • 2281 , < do * 1700 ‘*°-?Forder * Woldingham, P. C *241 Wolfardisworthy, C 3901 Wolferlow, V 6 N. 3096 Wolfhamcote, V near 2555 Wolford, Great, V ? 0741 do.. Little ) VFollaston, V 2595 do. see Woollaston in 4740 Wollastone, R near 3186 Wollaton, R d73 Wolley (see Wooley) 1386 Wolney with Hawcoat 4337 Wolphy Hundred (29) 3097 WoLSINGHAM, R., T«. * t 2^ .. 636 Wolstanton, J ^otM PaV.(l2) S W olston, ) with Marston .... 2790 V. f Bretsford & Brandon » Wolstone in 3217 Wolterton,R near 1987 Wolvercott * 2702 cC.,W. t§.... 84 4 } H WoLVER- 7 Bilston Chap. 83 HAMPTON iWed. ScWil. 81-2 \ 5 other Townships Wolverley in 3029 do., V., with Kingsford 2843 Wolverton. see Woolv. 7 N. of 1734 do., R., Warwick . near 2772 Wolves-New’ton * 161 Wolvey,V 2794 Wolviston Chap in 4460 Wombleton in 4143 Wombourne J | 1 1 1 1 'J 93 Wombridge, C 120 Wombwell 3956 Woinenswould, C *585 Womersley, | 3 other Townships Wonaston next 3109 Wonersh, V *265 Wonford Hundred (33) 1489-92, 3785 Wonston, R 3511 Wooburn, V. (see Woburn) 2480 Wood *574 do.-Dalling, V near 2069 do. -DittoiijV 2092 do. -Eaton, R near 2697 do.-Enderby, C next 22.56 do. -Green, Ward » *115 do. -Newton, C 2622 do. -Norton, R near 2068 do. -Rising, R next 2050 do. -Row Quarter in 1823 do. -Plumpton, Chap 1233 do. -Thorpe in 732 Woodall with Harthill 3946 do. with Brackenhblme 4026 Woodbank, alias Rough Shotwick • bastwick near 1967 ‘ borough, P. C 647 " do., R., Wilts .... 3360 9* IT WoODDRIDGE, P. C., IF.* 1761 Woodburn or W^ooburn, w’hich see Auparfloiff lu J •ipnAdtd for Mils. Tutal !^'umhrr of P I'lKSOSSt at each of the 1 .llBlot* lo ‘•"I*** 7V/I Yearly Ptriodt, 1 •! tn 14fb POOR. wih—n 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 3,1.50 3,648 195 359 399 364 416 3,170 3,852 172 4.50 511 .531 ftirA 650 2,302 320 461 819 1,067 1,047 7(i0 918 90 68 78 112 J U 1,710 1,694 135 187 213 2:«i 4,280 3,218 225 294 302 303 3,4.50 2,413 193 3t-8 303 444 5,110 3,555 223 446 439 510 5.52 6,850 4,034 ) 125 309 277 277 320 494 439 4(X) Cor bridge 62 67 57 .5^10 11,615 1,321 2,.571 2,.550 2,701 3,047 Ti50 3,680 1,767 70.1 442 468 537 1,840 3,299 1,237 1,093 1,016 1,287 1,714 1,610 776 158 172 170 209 2 Ih 2,850 5,208 1,1.54 573 675 818 832 26,100 30,247 5,402 4,701 5,1.53 5,' 99 6,547 108 530 880 81 116 105 110 ton, in Hodnet 600 712 154 130 125 147 1-16 3,200 7,320 829 1,563 I,.506 1,6,50 1,827 160 600 Strat field Mor timer 105 8,190 9,766 1,763 1,340 1,578 1,810 52,500 54,279 8,860 8,211 8,810 10,581 12^069 1,650 3,288 490 369 374 4.50 4-'.8 2,060 1,865 112 99 87 125 158 1,960 1,460 ^2,013 78 106 198 J 177 ( 48 47 1 252 1,570 513 45 33 58 4H 5,960 2,939 430 591 782 755 840 1,.560 1,468 151 102 128 117 134 3,470 6,366 467 371 417 413 3:2 2,620 ) 1,497 241 278 250 272 30.) ( 1,.560 256 229 215 257 280 3,640 Alber 5,335 530 761 849 901 973 2,157 167 — 364 441 383 3,160 3,159 339 613 646 884 880 2,340 2,939 266 838 769 571 537 370 1,1.55 23 80 93 101 104 Dalton in Fur ness ^ 583 710 848 60,450 71,136 5,841 11,393 11,184 12,225 13,249 24,780 9,551 1,037 1,834 1,983 2,197 2,239 10,220 20,522 1,929 4,679 s 848 9.58 1,083 1,830 / 6,790 8,572 10,853 5,291 401 1 577 5 278 t 559 3.51 379 940 3,776 294 590 589 CLffington 2,021 230 208 249 247 270 640 761 81 34 47 37 41 1,600 2,381 280 311 429 493 524 3,200 32,967 4,208 12,565 14,836 18,380 24,732 2,580 15,634 1,554 6,914 9.646 12,003 11 , 4;. 2 5,680 10,868 1,594 4,231 4,771 5,433 7,713 1,180 4,039 394 826 893 1,022 1,143 Wem — 67 (2 5,410 7,020 686 950 1,164 1,529 1,840 2,680 2,337 198 114 110 159 163 1,320 1,684 180 159 1.59 152 1(6 2,330 1,524 137 207 244 222 248 3,790 5,183 399 620 803 851 935 2,390 1,813 2S4 411 300 541 582 1,040 1,279 61 220 274 265 262 4,680 6,684 323 1,170 5 989 ( 147 1,308 170 1,471 1T6 700 2,395 625 1,135 1,944 1,860 1,855 3,460 5,854 501 614 745 811 830 1,580 1,367 110 138 213 233 263 3,850 2,927 342 351 312 316 304 3,930 3,443 252 389 440 430 47!) 1,650 1,313 31 128 139 149 14!) 4,320 3,508 761 770 814 918 1,009 96,970 114,487 12,251 18,672 20,049 23,555 27,419 4,160 1,036 792 564 009 668 740 2,850 4,923 1,068 1,401 1,604 1,831 1,927 1,740 Birshingtn 383 145 163 212 292 2,540 2,627 734 391 408 527 512 4,800 4,213 813 648 758 812 888 920 1,050 35 73 67 69 80 090 1,044 94 153 183 183 210 Totten ham — — 429 505 74.5 1,590 1,938 133 268 247 362 44!) 1,860 1,608 356 288 289 313 315 1,680 1,637 151 118 105 119 127 Hat field — — 309 304 4,600 7,429 389 1,197 1,397 1,035 1,719 260 1,264 30 50 70 77 90 2,940 4,976 281 660 641 6.50 632 1,050 1,063 67 65 79 90 m 260 280 20 48 43 39 .51 2,050 1,980 112 230 243 236 288 1,940 3,218 223 527 oil 717 774 1,400 1,696 168 326 325 335 372 1^650 10,819 2,566 3,020 4,332 4,060 4,700 H)0 Super fivies in Statute Acres; Annual Value of Property; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in Moo — AVoo Towns, Parishes, ^c. Sfi a 0 “ ! Woodbury, I) 14HC cliestor, K. yd:) > churcli, U T>2\ I S H noar l(i(il ' rrot.I*a.(lO)» » » cot in 8;i7 » cote Ham » 3004 » do. w. South Stoke 2 § 2073 • croft, with Etton next 2033 ‘ cult, P.C near 3474 » end, in Blakesley. . . » 2540 • ford in 829 " do., St. Mary. K *142 • do., !{., Nvrlnamjitoti .. 2(i07 • do., V.,cuni Membris nr.2549 • do. Grange, Ex. Pa. • do., \., Wilts .. 3395 » green. Ex. Pa in 3.522 » hall, V. (Gartree) near 2257 • do. or Woodall, which see » ham Ham in 2497 » do near 014 » do. -Ferry, R. 2 § » 1795 » do. -Mortimer, K. » 1775 • do. -Walter, R. » • • hay, W'est, R 3473 » do., Flast, R 1 " < V 1 » horn < Demesne ; 4545 » t 'I'otal of Par. (8) j • house, Horsley- 773 » do., C 729 a do in 45.57 » do. -Hall, Ex. Pa. nr. 2338 o do in 2915 • houses 1 951 » hurst, C near 2155 » land Tything in 3781 0 do. -Eyam » 333 « do. -Hope, Ham 907-10 « do., C in 1504 » do.,C » 018 » do. & Heathwaite ., " 4342 • binds & Chaddenwicke» 3414 ” do. § near 3520 « do. -Marchington .... 2926 » leigh, R near 1520 • lesford, with Oulton. . . . 482 • » ley Sandford in 3208 » mancot. C near 3444 » mancote, R *850 u luancott Ham near 1388 » mansey & Beverley Park » mansterue, R *190 • nesborough, \ *002 • setts in 3947 M^oodsfield Ham 2830 Woodsford,R near 3577 AVoodside in 3002 do. AVard « 4.551 do. Rosley » 43^4 do. Heilley- • 4505 do. Quarter » 4413 AA’oodspeen& Bagnor « 3280 4 it AVoodstock, C., Tu. t 7 ^ . 2707 AA'oodstone, R., Hunts. .. next 2030 AVoodthorp, with Strubby nr. 2204 AA'oodthorpe Ham in AFingfield AFoodton.R near 1903 AV^oodwaltou, R « 2030 7.700 1,180 0,840 400 0,030 170 4.130 3,440 1,270 1.3.50 Blake 1,200 4,090 1.7.50 3,440 ^280 Gods 2,240 WaiidssdfH 3,080 4,100 1,020 3.2.50 1,390 5,110 7,000 Horsle 2,770 Shilb Click St. Mic May 2.130 Cred Eyam Hope 1,290 3,510 4,190 IVIere 1,470 2.. 5.50 2,430 950 3,410 1,200 3,370 Bishop 2,820 1,300 2,790 1,380 Pow 1.830 Shiffn EIs see Oving Wigton 030 300 1.0. 50 1.700 2(i0 2,140 3.830 Prn|j*rU, lheI*fop«rty TftX io ISIS. AV^ookey,V 3047 AA'ool, V near 1407 At'ooland,R next 3.500 Woolascot & Leaton in 3013 AVoolastone near 3180 AFoolavington 3073 i do. with Piiriton nr. 1.540 do. R., East & West *891 AV'oolheding, R *934 'tt^oolborough, D 1.503 AV'ooldale 4(i,5 H AV'ooi.f.r, Y., r/r. t 2§ 4.571 AVoolfardis worthy, R. near .3748 AVoolhamplon, R 3281 AFoolhope, V. (4) 3053 AFooley, R next 2103 do. & Leigh in 385 do. & I'mley, tl near 428 do. with (^haddleworth « 3293 Woolos.St. |{S,.oa4-i AVoolpit, R 1891 AA'oolsington in 10 AFoolstamvood « 830 AFoolsbiston near 2985 2,080 3,400 780 St. 3,100 1,910 1,790 2,370 2,740 970 2,370 4,(i20 1 ,.570 1 ,200 3,970 1 ,420 Great 2,.590 3,(Ki0 3,120 2,010 N e w 59' I 800 — £ — 10,355 2.730 7,800 497 0,908 144 1.. 549 3,0i)0 2,425 850 slev 2;2.58 13,955 3,385 3,830 3.059 hill 1,345 348 2,082 0,324 1,792 4,485 1,244 5,194 11,734 y 992 2,715 ottle ney hael,— field 2,022 iton 055 1.940 1,772 032 Kirkby 1,453 283 2,294 Sandford 009 1,000 ; 709 7,144 1,834 7.000 Gilden ick 1.000 all don Rosley ham 2.. 571 Speen 2,205 1,741 1,810 1,204 2,797 3,353 0,059 1,7.50 1,417 Mary 3.1.59 4.940 3.731 1,137 1 ,007 2,903 2,932 7,212 1,400 1 ,840 4,0.55 1,2.57 Bradfo’ 3,701 3,280 S 4,05.5 17,9.35 2,(i()7 burn 771 1 519 for Main. t*a4DC» of lb« POOR, mas— 9. — £•- 822 318 1,795 31 230 23 120 1,029 224 150 350 101 1,383 431 783 489 150 20 202 006 200 380 57 947 ^^5 ^447 157 502 17 see B 11 244 1 ,280 870 098 62 730 29 130 504 95 04 1,745 491 029 345 392 145 21 100 007 252 352 109 803 143 10 1,208 551 008 29 urntwo 28 245 36 77 220 54 Irelet 435 209 182 432 038 37 338 Cleev 304 192 1,4.52 Wells 52 184 135 880 88 107 30 356 284 340 288 100 Total Yumher of P En.SON.S, I at ruck of the 4 Ten Yearly Perioris. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 163 239 212 78 823 3ti4 200 240 1,233 74 231 192 229 151 603 123 132 1,361 845 870 76 753 20 184 015 97 73 254 370 2,050 405 053 322 488 162 35 165 747 295 400 120 969 130 14 1,172 580 893 8 9 od 339 103 140 520 282 791 532 885 93 174 407 74 315 254 4-24 452 058 30 (i5 28 193 484 88 238 371 1,322 143 195 60 417 198 740 383 123 613 294 332 1!)2 212 1,623 2,020 273 175 233 241 102 211 346 300 259 1,267 85 247 230 264 147 024 134 147 173 527 77 344 1,419 130 215 70 379 158 859 481 119 040 325 332 201 238 1,027 3,083 rd 197 225 233 155 267 663 395 318 298 1,526 759 75 294 255 276 171 689 135 50 159 509 164 608 55 687 594 1,455 149 255 77 605 211 1,040 453 135 252 884 381 350 272 2(>l 1,8.59 3,445 1 ,830 131 181 213 220 322 301 387 304 072 737 825 880 00 71 (4 58 — 1,.509 1,680 .505 513 482 553 385 408 448 494 288 079 951 ^ 7,002 ,135 2,340 defect. 62.5 00!) 801 880 57 50 .36 57 40 48 a5 70 101 101 1 93 89 1,073 885 1,187 78 929 30 195 751 118 90 302 403 2,548 639 827 IS 397 303 196 38 204 820 339 538 127 1,269 155 9 1,410 706 1,262 31 11 206 28 408 268 213 273 237 223 302 716 423 193 279 1,190 760 92 342 267 360 184 822 146 42 182 379 131 650 00 750 1,388 243 201 90 535 305 1,100 407 119 880 412 509 338 307 2,194 3,994 AFoo — AFor Tuivns, Parishes, Sfc. -AFayen,)V-j;p;(V)^27C6 AFoolsthorpe, R 2231 Woolstone, Great, R near 2522 do.. Little, R » » do., R » 3144 do. with Martinscroft 992 W^oolstrop Ham in Quedgley VFoolton, Little near 1319 do. Much, D " e AFordvercott, C ' 2097 M'oolverstone, R « 1705 AFoolverton next 2520 do., R ' 379 do., R " 3409 Woolwich, R., F. t • *398 Wooperton... in 4.562 AFoore ' 3026 AFoothorpe, Northampton .. > 2203 AFooton, A^, Bedford .... near 2455 do. C., in Cumner. ..a » 3231 do. Ham in 3106 do. R.,Kent *599 do. Y., Lincoln near 2288 do. R., Northampton • 2506 do. R., Oxon 2710 do. Hundred (30) 2702 do. li.. Isle of Wight next 14.58 do. (see AFotton). . . . . . in 2940 do. in Ellastone ....next 951 ii do. Basset, A^, Tm. t 3 § 3327 do. Courtney, R. ^ 3739 do. Fitzpaine, R near 1281 do. Glanville, R « 3'i50 do. Leek- V 2781 do. North, C., Sionrrset nr. 381 do. do., Dorset ....next 3556 do. do., Y., Norfolk near 1734 do. South, R e a do. -Rivers, R » 3305 do. -St. Lawrance 3406 do. do. Underwood, D. near 2497 4 1[ DO. -UNDER-EDGE, V., F. t § 306 4 tt H 2123orrestrr, W. F. S'. * t > ooqi (8R.&3V.) 10 rSt. Clement, R 2832 42 St. Martin, R 2833 c5 I St. John Bedw'ardine,A'’, 2835 ^unrl Tnx in U|6 Towns, Parishes, Ifc, ^5- ' POOH, 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Worstend, V. § 2,410 2,860 525 650 619 70(> 830 H’orsthoru 1143 2,800 1,6(>4 314 443 309 631 798 860 1,0.58 St. Mb 53 128 157 178 12!» in 21M2 300 ry am St. Cl ad 23 2.5 M’orter or M'artor, V. . . . 6,97b 505 416 4(i8 505 501 Yaxley, V., Hunts. ^ 2168 4,290 5,3(4 382 986 1,391 1,070 1,140 do., R., Sity'olk next 1918 1,410 1,617 1,941 555 382 391 4-25 478 Yazon, V 9 N. ^.of 3007 2,060 144 195 187 181 196 Y eadon .500 1,730 3,776 496 1,695 1,9.54 2,4.55 2,761 Yealand Conyers in 4329 1,.590 1,030 13') 197 230 264 291 do. Redmayne « » 1,960 2 2(3 133 148 181 227 227 2\'eaImpton, V 1368 3,2 .'0 7,565 721 993 1,051 1,235 1,262 192 Superjicies in Statute Acres : Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in ^'ea — Yor | Towns, Parishes, Sfc. ■\'ear(l Hill, or Earl in 4573 ■\'eartl8ley, with Whaley .. in 970 Vearsloy » 41C0 ^'eavelj , in Shirley .... near 887 Yeavptieg in 4578 ^■ecl«lin^l.a^l, V near 4102 Yelden or Yielding;, 1{. • 2445 Veldersley in 887 Yeldham, Great, R near 1849 do., Little, R • • Yelford, R « 2724 Yelling, R - 2136 Yelvertoft, R 2577 Yelverton, R near 1996 do. with Alpington » 1963 2 Yeovil, V. t2^ 1290 Yeovilton \ Brij-ghimp \ near 1294 Yetlington 8c Callaley .... in 4559 Yetminster ^ Qjjetnole & Leigh 2 § Yeilding, see Y^elden York-Walk in 149 YorkHeet • 4021 Soppriclei Iq SuiaU Anoval Value of Property, ai M*M»ed in the Property Tax Id 1816. 1,972 Amount eipeoded for IdaiD' teoaoce of Total Number of P ARSONS, at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods. Aoroi. V POOR. IS3»— 38. —£~ 52 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. OoddIngloD 51 70 60 86 1,420 1,606 87 225 287 421 403 1,720 1,326 66 164 163 170 164 1,910 1,404 110 192 231 250 271 K. Newton 810 25 68 59 64 68 1,150 792 106 116 92 127 109 1,380 1,678 227 209 237 279 276 Ashbrne. 2,085 119 187 210 202 226 1,900 2,268 711 468 437 552 673 1,060 1,202 332 185 221 287 321 80 8 16 16 16 17 1,670 1,709 290 253 244 297 326 2,080 3,939 460 526 598 654 696 410 65 75 79 80 630 1,794 180 163 165 169 197 3,890 2,446 1,571 2,774 3,118 4,655 6,921 1,770 1,758 109 200 245 5 150 ( 105 172 103 Whitti ngham 171 327 353 363 303 990 3,311 242 479 503 543 563 3,540 4,561 362 468 544 5S2 636 — — — — — — Dean Forest 656 761 1,214 1,566 950 1,999 150 165 161 199 190 Yor — Zoy 1^1 Towns, Parishes, tfc. i II | 7 tt¥ ©urn, (28) r. Th. S. • 1 6 § 4036 2 ^St. Cuthbert 8c St. G., Heworth is \St. Mary, Olave (3) 4039 Oh ^Heslington,St.Lawr.8cSt.Paul a JSt. Mary, tJunr. (31 4040 O V Bishopshill ( Senior (2) » Aiosty 4050 (West Riding .. 3496 York County < East do. .. 4021 (.North do. 4096-250 Youlgrave | Total’PaVish (7) : 330 I 328-31 YoulthorpewithGowthorpein 4077 Youlton in Alne 4118 Yoxford, V 1952 Yoxhall5^-2§ 750 YoxhaJl ^ Hoarcross *• Z Zeal-Monachorum, R 3844 Zeals Tything in 3414 Zelstone, Winterborne- near 3567 Zennor, V 279 Zoyland, Weston- 3676 .. . . AmeoDt 1 Total Number of P ERHON^it Soperfieiea io Value of Property, aa atieued to axpeoded for MaiB* Ui^ea of at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods. Acrat. Tax Id 1916. POOR. 1938-29. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. - £' ■ 2,720 44,379 9,293 16,145 18,217 20,787 25,350 1,330 3,646 85 82 100 146 268 2,120 6,263 432 846 870 992 1,052 2,570 3,425 202 416 438 .513 514 3,200 5,039 291 449 623 710 709 1,180 2,989 265 171 225 200 252 49,720 69,892 4,804 23,692 26,422 29,527 34,461 1,629,890 2,306,2*22 263,362 565,282 655,042 801,274 976,350 711,360 1,120,434 98,011 111,693 135,319 154,934 168,191 1,275,820 1,166,948 80,322 158,225 169,391 187,452 190,756 12,200 ; 4,495 357 680 852 955 951 15,156 1,364 2,786 3,l/.0 3,593 3,681 1,350 857 47 130 124 111 106 830 1,133 21 50 55 56 59 2,270 3,616 598 851 1,007 1,073 1,149 4,760 680 1 8,422 855 753 1,445 S 1,145 ( 611 ^ 1,582 2,220 2,344 421 622 624 681 747 Mere 387 539 510 840 1,406 242 233 244 245 233 4,640 2,137 136 544 674 715 811 2,180 0,302 401 677 724 807 937 AN ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT 1257 J^Ulagcs^ Townships^ Hamlets^ TAherties^ Extra Parochial Places^ AND OTHER LOCALITIES, IN do.. West ) Small Hythe, C Somerby, C Somers Town, C Soulby, C Southborough, C Southgate, C SouthMead, Ex. Pa. Lib. Southport. C Southrop Tyth Sowerby Bridge, C Spittal-on-the-Street, C. do. -or-Spittal Spittle Stafford Ham Stagbatch do Stainsby StaintoD do. Stalling-Busk, C Mulborough Presthury Stannington Huntingdon A mport Marlborough Hartley Stokeintinhead Oldham Mortluke Cromer Cockerham Churlbury Mendham Swerford Ashby Low Quarter Bedlington Tenterden Corringham St. Pancras Dacre Tonbridge Edmonton Gloucester North Meols Herriard Halifax Glentworlh Tweedmouth Fungloss Barwick Ivington Ault lluclcnall Dacre Ursicick .iysgarth Villages, Tiwttskips, Ilumlcls, Cliapelries, Liberties, Extra Parochial Places, and other Localities in ENGLAND ; the Area, Annual Value Villagest Townships, Hamlets, lAherties, end Extra Parochial places. PAItlSHES, with which the Area, Population, 8{C, ^c. is included. Vtllages, Townships, Hamlets, Liherties, and Extra Parochial places. PARISHES, with which the Area, Population, Sf.c. 4c. is included. Snead Ham Hock Chester-le-Slreet Suelsmore Tyth c Chievetey 1’atham Fell, C Tulhiim Ashton under line Theale, C Tilehurst Stalybridoe, iS. § . . . . Duckinjield Thoreslhorpe Saleby i Motlrum Thornton Tyth Marnhull Standhill Ham Pirton Thorpe Ham Aldringham Stane Par Witherne do Wyclijfe Stannington, C Ecclesfield do., Little, Par Scole Odiham Tisbnry Kenton Fakenham-Lanc JVimbisk Thunderley Ham Starcross (Sea Port). . . . Staverton, C Thurlston Vnr Whitton Trowbridge Tilstoek, C Whitchurch Steep Holmes Island .. Uphill Torleton Ham ^ Coates Stid(X or Stede, Ex. Pa. Ribchesttr Rodmarton Stockingford llam Nuneaton Torpoint, C St. Anthony Bedwelty Trendie Tyth Stratton, Ex. Pa. Lib. . . Lavington ! Treprenal Llanymynect Christchurch ChisH'ick do., West, Tyth.,... Micheldevcr Turnham Green Tusmore Par. Penkndge Ely Twyford, C Hyrst Chippenham ‘\Stnntney, C Tytlierton-Lucas, C Sudhrook Par near Chepstow do. Kellaway.... do. .Sudeley Tenements Ham Sutton Ham Sutton Par W inchcombe Granby Seaford U Unsworth, C Oldham do. -Scotney, C Swanwick with Wonston Atfnton W Sway Ham .Swindale, C Boldre Shop Lewisham [Edge W oollon-under- Misterton Sydenham, C • . \V?^lker Long Benton Godstone Symonds-Hall Tyth Walkinstead Wallon Baswich T ' 1 ! Walmsley, C 1 Bolton Villages, Townships, » Hamlets, Liberties, and Extra Parochial places. PARISHES, with which the Area, Population, 4c. 4c- is included. Waltham Green, C Fulhaut. Walwick, Ex. Pa. Lib. Walworth, C Warden N ewiiigton ySt.M Egtoshayle St. Decumen’s Penkridge ■' Aston Stanhope Long Benton Wallsend W orplesdon Stundjord Weslbury, Salop Bredon Mitcheldever Watchet,"5 Water Overton, C Weardale, C., S Wellington, or Wiliingt. VFestenhanger Par Westmancote Ham West-parli Tyth. with Westwood, Ex. Pa Cole Droilwich Thornbury Long Sandall East Barnet Fryern Barnet A rlecdon Whetstone ^ Penkridge Kirkham Chollerton Whitechapel, C Whailey Rochdale Bradford Welford Spalding Terrington St. Decuman VFickham, C do W'igginthorpe .... with Wiiliton, C Villages, Townships, Hamlets, Liherties, and Extra Parochial places. Willsborough, Ex. Pa. Willscot Ham Winchmore Hill Winder Windridge VEard WinOeld Winkton Tyth Winterbourn-Farring- ) don.'or St. Germans $ Wishford, Little Wisteston, C Witlierstone Par. with jWitton, Upper, C Woodcotts Tyth Wooden Woodgaston Tyth Woodhead, C VVoodmancote Woolferton Woolmer Forest Woolston Ham.’ Woolstone Tyth Wooton Newland Tyth. Worthy Abbots Tyth. .. do. Headbourn Par. Wortley Tyth Wotton-Abbas Wrantage Tyth Wribbenhall Ham Wykeham, West Wyke-Hainon Wythall, C Y Yockleton PAHl.(i liisliopstone, H I5i!) Rlaeu-Aeron > ■ ,, 'o r / ' /. / Ml l.ar()ii,or I rei-Ciaron 4h20 » -t aron S " -siwiacJi Hatn in 4911 • -lioiiddon Ham » 205 • -I’cnal, (’ » 4H2I " -I’orili, 1*. C 4H52 Rlaine and DyllVin Fared in IH7 Hlayney I’arcel ■«' 4802 ISletlierston, (' near 4582 Biotlivansli, 1{ • 4784 Rleyne Ham in 4875 Rliien-Sawtliey » 4859 Rod, itode, ( An Abode) Rod-aioch « 4758 • -edern, F.C b F.. of Holyhead « -ewyrd, F.C next 312 , t If., Flint 4099 (» Aberwiioeler, Denbigh « • -ferin near 1012 « idris, in Foddleston » 10.54 ^ » vean, I?.,or Rodcon, in 1-iey next 1015 » 'vrog, Anglesea 11 A’. W.of 1030 Bonvilstone, V' near 4880 Rorras-bovah in 4004 « -RiflVey » 4000 • -with Gweisylt, wliich see Borougli Ham » 314 Bosliestou, U next 4590 Botliwnog, C near 1009 Bonghrood, V in 4794 Boulston, I) near 13^12 Hoyden, or Lower Ham in 4904 Priipprly, i niMeHaetl t Ihf Projif 'hx in iU .591 Tref- 212 084 700 1 ,200 1 ,920 Llanfil 1,392 1,171 Llan- • Llan- 2,038 Llanel 1,282 3, .588 250 3,552 1,175 890 1,2.32 dVrex for Mall.- Irniinre if the Total Number of EHSONS^ at each of the 4 Te7t Yearly Periods, Hrauar and Marchaled, C ^ Hniwdy, V (st.john^yp^®;;---- 3M Brecon,),, /.'i: M/ V + X Castle Inn Ch. ColL . e . t o 5 J St. David or y Lower f Llanfaes ( Upper t Rrei^on County 182 & Breckfa, C next Bretton in Briddell, R Bride ,Sf \ ^’lumorgan > J.ride, St. J Total Parish (4) \ n Minor, R " Super Ely, V in « R., Pembroke BR,PGE-END,.S.t2§JN“^^ Brithdir Ham. in Britton Ferry, C Broad Lane in Bromfield Hundred (0) 348, & Broncastellan in Bronington in Hanmer Brongwyn, C Broughton in do Broyn-Iiss, V Bryinho in Brynchil & Talafog » Bryn, a Slope or Uill-side. do. -Croes ...» near S i - 1 4000 Buttington, ‘Jlelterwood & Hope . 412 C sounded inruriably as K English, never as S ; Ch never as K, but as Ch in Chapter. Caeca, Dutton- iu Cadoxton, V. (9) 202-0 do. Juxia-liarry near 48tM (’aelan-y-Maesmor in 4831 Cacr, or Gaer, .1 Castle or Fortifieation. Caer-einion, Llanfair- 4750 do. -fei han in 4775 Caer-fallwrh » 315 “t Caergwlle 45 » 4000 Caerhun, V 4712 Llange 2,002 000 753 1,570 001 140,539 302 Hawar 1,070 4,023 911 828 1,390 2,057 5,877 Gelli 005 Hawar 62,849 3,203 938 W rex Haw'ar 1,970 Wrex Cem 1,500 1,831 l.lanOilo 1,193 2,430 21,800 1 ,854 1 ,(i04 1,256 Gres 2,471 1,751 1 ,025 17,880 808 1,431 0.323 Mall \'ort Hope 2,077 1H28— 91) 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. *i(i0 311 283 35.5 381 102 359 350 389 348 623 778 805 897 912 1 loes — — 694 — 101 .3113 303 435 470 - Garon 5 250 ) — 278 90 304 94 104 132 104 227 414 380 801 8(i5 947 1,029 87 331 403 473 543 173 538 .548 tm 005 139 319 043 828 9:14 angel 210 171 178 210 100 9 235 252 344 300 79 20! 195 20.5 233 non — 302 • ddoy- saint 281 ■ Eglw ys — 343 ■ 308 593 720 1,117 1,085 van — 58 43 35 132 407 ^ 825 877 5 358 i 487 387 486 13 58 57 61 56 — — 106 93 103 299 350 411 378 110 219 281 332 312 138 203 211 273 247 ham 42 45 55 45 ford — 17 39 41 elly 2,021 4,173 87 191 181 208 222 30 15 > 101 193 179 '217 285 302 320 3.54 72 107 247 330 302 41 156 — 165 167 rniew 127 189 292 .572 650 086 761 334 849 1,309 1,510 1,763 708 1,109 1,212 1,000 1,988 — — 127 112 177 618 056 950 1,106 177 193 176 185 155 10,265 31,033 37,735 43,613 47,703 19 85 1 82 no 93 den 212 257 58 , 218 280 344 395 411 682 5 279 ( 870 347 913 328 022 120 359 299 399 306 33 94 102 114 128 71 154 156 153 132 281 on 640 753 890 503 1,018 1,190 1,417 1,642 gaer 278 257 .391 792 138 188 314 390 416 den — — 36 47 5,800 11,275 19,495 24,255 26,459 8 72 — 1.38 144 371 515 583 722 719 1G9 283 325 300 396 ham 702 958 1,1.52 1,266 den — 322 397 228 294 310 300 286 ham 837 1,030 1,0S0 1,116 mes 394 394 432 395 302 799 780 939 910 312 200 329 394 4.50 179 505 775 984 1,128 216 277 300 330 36'4 338 077 815 910 1,034 2,543 5,1.59 5,788 0,314 0,699 102 355 327 318 400 200 322 290 3fi2 369 187 457 201 041 694 ford 759 817 J 473 ( 494 615 539 132 290 338 437 422 100 281 323 3.58 353 21 99 89 78 103 1 , 4 . 55 3,480 3,080 3,87!» 233 4,536 39 ItIO 235 285 119 419 508 607 1,108 2,137 1,8 .', 5 2,51.5 2,687 wyd — — — 139 hop — — 209 289 400 807 950 1,008 1,117 ! Cae — Cly Towns, Parishes, IfC, fit *t Caerwys, R. &c V., Tu. t 0 § 3 H Caermarthen, V., W. A'. * t 7 § Elec. dis. S f Llanelly (5) f Caernarvon,;^, , in Llanbeblig y ‘ ' t7§ .. Electoral J Di.vtWcLSC'-iecK y Fwllhi V Nevin t Caernarvon County do. Hundred (9) 198, Caire, otherwise Cairan near 4881 Camrose, V. 2 § c-t-«^lNanMduVc;‘::;;.:".^;.'r IT Capel-Cury, near 4706 in Capel-Iltyd, or Glynn (see Glynn) 3 ’t SIT Cardiff, V., 14^ S. * t 6 § .. r Llantrissant 303 Electoral * Cowbridge 4893 District, i * HlaitiOaff, V 4881 x*Aberdare 199 IT Cardigan, V., Tu. 5. t 4 § ....1579 E-; * ,C Sir Aberystwith .... 1.594 Electoral >Adpar..: in 1583 Distuct.^,^ Lampeter 4837 t Cardigan County 1.579-94 Carevv, V 4586 Carn-giwch, C near 1609 Carno ^ \ ‘ ‘ ’ Vf>‘ ‘ I ^4760 I Tioascord and Dirlwyn. .. . y Carnwallan Hundred (4; 343-5 Caron, V., 6r Tref-Garon, wdiich see Caron-Uwch-CIawdd, or Strata-Florida Carreghova in 3045 Carvan and Priske, (see Llanio & Gwntil) Cascob, R., in Old Radnor 4785 Castellan, C in 4022 Castle Byth, R near 4020 Gaer > heligg i 47.37 ' Caerineon ^ Trehel , durran, in Kil-y-Maenllwyd 4946 t Inn, Ex. Pa in 4809 -> Martin, V 4591 e do. Hundred (19) 4587 » wright, in Mainstone .. near 2092 Cathedine, R., Brecon next 4804 Cathiniog Hundred (10) 4928 Cawrse llundred (6) 4726 Cayo Hundred (9) 4864 Cefn . . ( Back or Ridge ) . . Ham. in 4879 « pener 201 o in Cilcen 805 '’t Cefn-Llys, or Kevenleece Cefyupost in 4694 Ceidio ne.ir 1615 Ceirchiog, C., Anglesea ...... in Llyfon Cenimaes, in Llanbadrig 1025 Cemmes \ »< 0 'ichill & Talafog f Gwernybw'Ich ..... Cerrigceinw'en, Anglesea, in Maltrneth Cerrig-y-Druidion 4 ^ 4092 Cevenpawl in 4788 Chapel Colman next 1.570 Cheriton, R 1555 do., or Stackpole-Eliclor 4.590 Chirk, V. 4 § 347 do. Hundred (10) 4061 Christiouydd At Dynhynlle Issa, & Ucha348 ^urehsloke \ WeVton-niadoc :::::: \ '*^27 Cilcen, R.(7) near 805 Cilcenin, C., Cardigan 4844 Cilmargh and Ishgoed, in Llandoveylog 4763 Claiscamion and Rhwrworried .. in Claroeh, in Llaubadarn-Fawr Clarbeslon, C next Cl ase H Min, Higher do. do.. Lower Claiidd-Madog, iu Llan-wrtyd H CIcar.s-Street ? St. Clears Cletterwood in Clocaenog, R.2 ^ ^ ‘ [ ] ' ; ; ; _• ; _• ^ Clodack, with Y.strml-Devodug .... Clydach, Rhyndroy- ^ 4927 1.593 4005 301 4818 1.505 412 4075 4885 4914 Amoun Total Number of P EHSONH, B Value wf rxpemle at each of the 4 i Property, aaartsed I j theProper 1 Tax in 181 fi— i Dar r, tenaoco Ten Yearly Ptriods. ^ POOR 1828—29 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1 wen 391 42S 475 1 1,014 308 77: 863 952 985 16,681 3,050 5,518 7,275 8,900 9,9!>5 I5,.501 1,3.35 2,972 3,891 5,040 7,()46 i 277,455 29,992 67,317 77,217 90,23'J 100,740 9,618 1,599 3,626 4,595 5,788 7,612 1,123 332 889 1,053 1,105 1,245 3,270 1,535 1,770 2,383 3,579 4,751 1,306 161 396 459 530 648 2,486 478 1,166 1,383 1 876 2,091 1,279 252 1,028 1,177 1,614 1,726 125,198 Eglwy 19,868 41,621 49,336 57,958 66,448 s-llan 858 1,013 899 882 40,201 4,502 12,549 16,835 23,670 29,577 544 61 05 43 69 77 30.5 noch 80 71 102 89 3,617 515 831 953 931 1,259 1,467 390 ? 153 S 133 ( 96 141 91 151 122 109 102 Llaude gai m — — — 9,080 1,409 1,870 2,4.57 3..521 6,1,87 9,319 1,154 1,715 2,122 2,585 2,789 1,792 303 759 850 1,107 1,097 2,042 500 860 960 1,138 1,2!» 5,370 748 1,486 2,782 2,062 3,961 3,596 640 1,911 2,129 2,397 2,795 4,861 786 1.758 2,264 3,556 4,128 Llandy frog — — — — 3,900 007 9(.9 692 827 1,197 141,889 16,517 42,956 50,260 57,784 64,780 4,203 377 871 911 975 1,020 336 53 92 99 129 117 1.210 716 741 823 5 309 ( 607 1 i.oie 25,392 2,283 5,214 6,220 8,385 10,889 1,213 85 206 253 346 362 — 25 91 122 135 141 654 32 112 88 117 124 Pen rith — 129 127 733 45 174 205 218 284 2,324 447 756 5 355 ( 360 340 412* CD ■ — 80 85 Bre con — 20 24 2,572 361 338 389 421 487 34,804 3,991 6,309 3,900 4,517 6,024 899 65 143 160 155 182 1,159 89 177 179 187 157 26,934 2,834 6,686 7,096 8,989 9,083 17,429 1,260 2,623 1,977 2,448 2,712 24,432 2.631 6,683 7,016 7,537 7,926 Gelli- gaep 1 329 314 363 620 A her dare — 264 212 — — — — 177 298 695 102 143 137 131 135 256 72 144 164 191 168 1,594 Llan ladrig — 714 937 625 ) 394 ' .394 432 395 ? 483 416 491 522 787 170 277 3(i4 375 374 4.016 414 851 941 1,026 1,006 Llan bister 82 109 110 117 Penbd w. 44 71 72 103 130 810 29 235 24!) 210 212 1,6.59 157 25<» 288 318 348 7,346 271 1 ,0!H) 1,142 1,458 1..5<)8 29,942 3,451 4,233 8,822 10,4.52 12,018 Rua bon — 1,951 3,107 3,566 4,624 377 i 772 ( 216 859 194 957 234 1,010 237 3,116 668 987 1,303 1,117 1,189 1,417 t«i 530 516 551 695 — — — 169 162 SI. Ha 'inon 367 370 428 1 ,227 70 214 320 307 290 583 40 180 183 219 218 2,065 198 332 338 533 531 13,117 323 2,217 2,-l84 2,811 4,2.51 706 71 2H5 301 299 2,152 251 035 746 908 1 ,0,83 Bultin '(on 201 205 421 2()8 S 138 \ 321 2(i0 128 333 2,261 485 1 437 Ysirad 1 — 172 187 — 722 111 1 1 722 t) 252 286 252 2,9!»8 228 S ( 032 1 (i()2 88P 100 Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, ^'c, Sfc., in the Principality of WALES, at each of the Four Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021, and 1031. Cly — Ois Towns, Parishes, Ifc. Clydcy, V ClypyroK (sec Ceminaes) ;• Clyuiuiinum Clyiie, ill l.antwit ('lyiinog, K., Carnarvon Clyro, K iu (Myro-llettvvs, V ' Coed, or (ioed, \ Wood. Coedana, C., Anglesea near Coedcanias, P. C » Coed-frank Coedglassion in Coed-y-Cumar Ham • Cog'on near CoVeshill Hundred (5) 349 Colfr^n in Colva near ,1f Cohvyn Hundred, C. (10).... next Cohvinstone, V in Comniittmaen Hundred (11) Convil, C., in Elvet, in Abernant Convii-Cayo 48C8 Conwy, with Llanwyddyn 4749 6 If Conway, Aber-, V., E. 1 1 § •••• 1041 f Corwen, R.&V.t5§ 4705 Cosheston, R 4589 3^t Cowbridge, 4893 do. Hundred (23) » t CJ ill 14 ? • SC / • < 4023 1025 4801 4910 4719 4391 4791 313 4582 302 4791 197 4880 , 801 4743 4784 4794 4900 1012 5 Higher r Coychurch ' Lower ( Pencoyd & Peterstou Higher ' Lower Coyty, R. ^ >4900 1544 Craig & Swydd in 4787 Cray Ham in Deveynnock Cregina, R 8 S. S. W. of 4785 creigiog j S 4070 Creuddyn Hundred (5) 305-0 Crickhowell, R. & V., Th. >S. t 4 § . . 182 do. Hundred (8) 4801 r ) North in 4815 Crickddain,C. J ^ *tCRlCKEITH, W. 3§ 1000 Crinow, R near 4582 Criskedwin & Tyr-yn-Brenken « 1557 Croes and Berwyn in 4820 Croys-Lloyhin » 4750 Cruggion » 4740 Cruinvear, R near 4582 Cwin, Coombe, A narrow Valley or Dingle, in contra-distinction to DyfTryn, which signifies a wide or spacious Valley. — Prairie. 2(i 10 152 121 141 169 451 157 391 454 566 825 Nant niel 17 176 163 216 1,700 169 '889 1,058 1,621 1,540 368 frl 36 36 36 22 29,700 6,280 8,045 9,200 int-ll'ra 10,339 11,302 232 Llan-sa ed 218 164 1,577 89 188 190 236 233 10,567 2,055 2,431 2,438 2,447 2,632 2,258 151 235 224 310 338 14,246 1,893 4,269 4,861 4,528 6,048 2,755 516 854 1,072 1,285 1,566 0,365 589 1,668 1,696 1,880 1,971 1,890 207 243 468 530 668 1,123 332 889 1,053 1,105 1,245 6,884 755 1,369 1,417 1,742 1 ,980 1,418 128 401 404 555 678 1,792 303 759 850 1,107 1 ,097 33.178 2,889 4,472 7 4,907 5,894 5,942 f 1,315 100 C 281 328 259 ( 1,488 70 > 669 } 283 272 284 1 2,459 150 > t 435 527 536 2,442 184 1 1,018 5 392 464 477 3,435 319 ( 804 953 1,165 Llan-d egley 133 207 227 2,428 214 440 509 514 576 530 107 133 109 109 119 Llan- arnion 399 5 709 ( 252 \ 7,087 1,258 1,.541 1,695 2,147 2.720 4,106 276 566 611 1,008 1,061 32,057 2,000 5,046 6,521 9,076 11,176 1,041 162 ^ 433 5 245 268 185 636 106 ( 197 175 212 1,306 161 396 459 530 648 263 53 53 67 • 86 Llan-d eilo-ta 1-y-bon t 375 397 460 Tref- Garon 198 — 214 210 Llan- idloes 464 1,954 100 198 190 196 173 896 49 191 198 229 274 1,842 258 415 384 383 442 — — 490 Llan- dilo fa vvr — 131 179 904 143 237 307 968 . Aber dare 1,129 889 — Knight on 153 162 191 183 1,041 144 388 483 605 649 2,227 378 S 228 ( 335 268 369 259 445 360 507 341 41 — 71 75 56 1,1.33 161 419 697 784 966 12,688 ( 1,835 306 277 1 1,485 1,434 5 717 ( 742 713 924 1,840 199 465 487 590 636 955 107 314 330 387 355 2,732 48 801 5 391 ( 383 428 429 ■475 486 5,274 888 1,803 1,816 2,240 2,388 1,576 177 618 656 950 1,166 661 177 193 176 1.58 155 6,859 653 2,391 2,714 3,195 3,786 5,039 387 804 813 866 1,015 6,281 709 1,115 1,292 1,294 3,376 seeVFre xham 4,039 4,518 4,795 5,484 221 ,7n3 32,307 60,3.52 64,210 76,51 1 82,880 2,486 478 1,166 1,383 1,876 2,091 2,309 249 443 534 557 522 51,435 5,210 11,446 12,490 14,675 15,923 8,060 681 1.694 1,769 1,826 2,031 25,222 3,014 5,453 7,046 7,785 8,609 27,472 3,687 7,629 7,843 9,523 10,358 10,959 1,135 1,942 2,604 2,234 2,417 1,102 52 103 187 1.58 161 1,692 121 336 376 463 533 3,816 582 960 1,104 1,166 998 900 116 620 695 753 741 36,648 1 3,123 4,581 4,823 5,656 5,621 Din — Fie Towns, Parishes, Sfc. Dinlaen Hundred (10) 1014-15 Dilwyii & Troascoed, in (birno 4760 Disserth Dyserlh). . . . near 4793 Doddleston R S Bodidris .... near 10.54 uodclleston, U. ^ higher Kinnerton Dogmells, St L578 Dogwells, St., V ...next 4010 Do), Dale, Valley, or Meadow. Ool-ben-maen, C \8 S.of 304 If Dolgelli, R., Tu. t 0 § 4770 Dolgudcn in 47.58 Dolwyddellau, C 4707 Donatls, St in 4906 Llandewi-brefi 4826 Dremeirchion, V 4698 Drewerne, in Glascombe near 4685 Duffraine and Blaine 188 Duflryn-Cydrich in 4800 Dungleddy Hundred (21) 4604 Dutton, (see Caeca) in 4665 | Dwy-gyfylchi 1040 | Dyfffin, A wide or spacious Valley. Prairie. \ Dyffrin, in Llanthetty 4808 . Ham., in Vainor ) Gelli ) « Clydach 204 » -G^w^ ) Cwm-toyddur next 4792 w ] , t Lower ( in IMerthyr- < ' Honddu, ^ Upper 1 R., Cynog \ Dylais, Lower, in Cadoxton 200 » Upper do » Dynhynlle-Issa and Urscha in 318 Dyserth, P. C 4701 » -Betlws near 4793 Dyscoyd, C in 4784 T«X Hi J915. 14,^89 1,112 1,170 3..552 1,730 3,349 931 659 8,844 Tref-E 909 1,141 3,104 871 214 2, .550 25,400 Difl're 1,130 [ POOH. I mis—m 1 ,908 218 207 see D 08 931 028 104 1,355 glwy* 105 81 48 23 195 334 2,300 th&D 83 see Cw m. Llan-t|hetty 322 202 378 Earl as in 4666 Edeyrn .. 1014 Edernion Hundred (6) 4765-8 Ednol, in Old Radnor 4785 Edrens, St in Dewisland Efenechtyd, C near 4672 Eglwys, C Church, — see Llan.J Eglise, Fr. Eglwys-ael, R., or Llangadwalader 1618 -brewis, R in 4899 -Cymmin, R next 4940 -Dinas, R 4620 -Eirw, V 4619 -Faob V Sin Denbigh .. 1646 ai,u, . ^ Maenan, Carnarv. « fair-Achyrig, C in 4943 ilan, t Ener Glyn or Caerphilly 4876 V. ( 4 other Hamlets 4877 • -Rlios, C. 305 Egremont, Carmarthen next 4947 Eidda, in Yspytty-Evan .... 12 5. o/’ 1647 Eirias, in Llandrillo-yn-Rhos 1043 Eithig in 4066 Elerch, in Llanbadarn-Fawr 1593 Ellesmere, Penley, C., Flint in 3035 Elvet Hundred (12) 4919 Elvist, St., in Dewisland 4610 Ener-Glyn or Caerphilly 4870 Erbistock next 4056 Erthig, with Gwersylt, which see Erwyrys in 4670 ' Above Tolul Nuvihir of !' EH.SOS.S, at each of the -i I'm Yearly t*triodi. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 5,523 6,229 7,360 7,479 — — 607 — 264 2«) 228 .331 253 248 263 276 oddlesti n, Engl nd. UHi 93 182 j 368 :m 4.50 1,.379 1 1,620 2,107 2,109 339 311 393 514 266 245 315 355 2,949 3,064 3,588 4,087 • 219 492 609 605 601 198 191 163 151 116 127 145 1.50 105 99 125 132 .595 622 670 646 218 218 215 203 349 643 828 934 Elan-g adock 818 828 5,712 iflreth- 6,305 y-Brvn 7,417 7,835 281 266 353 444 177 188 233 248 S 177 168 172 145 ( 174 190 217 248 726 643 720 936 J 228 268 250 360 1 335 369 445 507 193 241 205 181 211 191 216 205 290 293 289 197 272 344 362 299 403 461 489 436 486 585 714 103 107 128 141 95 97 99 116 Esclusham s- 4064 _ Below Estimaner Hundred (4) 1597, 4781-3 Evionyd Hundred (10) 1606-7 Eskirgiliog, with Moughtrey 4728 Eskirieth'and Glyn-tret-nant .... in 4758 Evenjobb, Newcastle, Barland, &c. 4785 Ewenny in 4900 Ewloe and Ewloe Wood « 860 Eyton, in Bangor, Denbigh 4657 F in Welch invariably sounded as V Eng- lish. Ff or If, as f ; several of the places however begining with F are English. Faenal-Boddlevvy-ddang-Pegwern in 4697 Fagans, St. 4887 Farrington, with Cwmgilla in 4786 Festiniog, R. t 7 § 311 Fforest Ham in 4931 * t If Fishgaurd, V., E. t 1574 Flemingstone, R in 4899 16,508 15,758 1,425 Tref E 1,664 1,736 2,643 2,908 St. A saph 2,235 327 Knighfton 2,345 336 588 2,977 872 200 Annual Value of Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor; and Total Number of Persons in every County, Hundred, Fli — Gwy Towns, Parishes, Ifc. t If Flint, P. C. t 4 § Electoral f CaerRwIle . . District, ;‘‘ervvys ... lihuddlan . P‘<>ce in its] Atimaocti- cal vrder. t Flint County Florence, St. . j a 7. a a I *Mol(l 801 L*.St. Asaph 41.97 kjL. 4o87 Forden, P. C 4738 Forehainan in 201 Forest Ham. in Talgarth 4707 do., (see Fforest) in Llandiugat .. 4854 Frey strop, R 4003 G uniforml'/ sounded as in Gold, English, never as in Giles ; Gg or Gh as IF English. Gaer in Castle Caereineon 4737 Gafflogian Hundred (8) 1009 Garn in 4770 Garth, a Promontory. do. Ham. in Llan-Vabon 4878 do. in Guildsfield 4739 do. -heibio, R. 4752 do. -Brengy 4 N. of 4810 do, -Garmon & Tybrilh Uchaf .... 4705 do. -gynyd Ham in 4879 do. & Istrad, see Gorwydd Gatherley, C., in Llandew r-brefi .... 4826 Gelli, Hazel, Hazel Coppice. do. -Gaer, R. (5J 4879 do. Ham. in Vainor 197 Geneur, a Mouth or Mountain Pass. Geneur-Glyn Hundred (3) 4834 George, St., Denbigh 4702 do., R., Glamorgan in 4892 Gilestoue, R 4899 Gladestry, R 7 S. S. W. of 4785 tt Glamorgan County 198, 295, 1541 , & 4876 f in Radnor 4796 Glasbury,V. ^ in Brecon » C Aber-Llunvy & Piplon » S Drewerne 7 S. W. of 4785 Glyn, a Glen or Valley, see Glen, Scotland. do. or Capel-Yltd Ham. 4 S. W. of 4810 do. Ham in 344 do. do V 4875 do. -Colhvn, P. C., in Llanvigan .. 4807 do. -connon Ham in 4884 do. do. -rumney Ham in 4878 do. -tair » 4877 do. -Traian « 40.54 do. -tref-nant » 4758 do. -Vach Ham. in Llan-Igon .... 4800 Gogoyan in Llandewr-brefi 4826 Golftyn in 315 Gollan « 4788 n j 1 S in Llandewr-brefi 1 Gorwydd | (jarth & Istrad ^825 Gourton in 4064 Goytre Ham in 4875 Granston, V., in Dewisland 4010 Graig | | in Llanddwy near 311 Gresford ^ of Parish (9)'.!^!.' \ Grondre in Kil-y-Maenllwy J .. near 4946 Groyne-Vaur Ham 4797 do. -Vechan Ham » Guildsfield, V. (7) 4739 Gumfreston, R next 1.567 Gungrog-fechan in 4739 Gwaenysgor, R., Flint , — in Gresford 4066 Gwaravog in Llan-lleon-well . . . near 4815 Gwasteclin-fawr in 4791 Gwddelwern, V. (3) 47(iO Gwersylt, with Erthig, Parlas, & Borras, Gwern-Howell, Ex. Pa in 4705 Gwerny-bwlch ... in 4703 Gwinfe Ham in 4800 Gwinfil, C. \ \ in 4820 Gwndy with Llandygarn near 1022 Gwydwr 1617 Gwythcrin, R.^ 4095 1,164 Llan ■ Llan 1,333 782 1,220 242 Llan Eglwyj Tref- 220 Llan IFrex Llan 012 1.277 2.278 80 100 473 12,044 904 Guilds 699 2-16 Nant 4,857 1,109 711 in Gres Cem 1,970 1.10.5 1,684 950 1 .005 1,005 1,415 57 elly -non Llan Llan- 41 104 vabon s llan 412, Eglw 46 29 bister 117 ham non 85 90 1,101 15 30 1,272 87 field 00 27 rael 534 141 180 foi’d mes 309 5 44 t 30 178 80 59 171 181 206 288 wonno 102 132 180 806 s 61 01 211 209 44 150 308 ; 392 ' 2,459 37 39 116 1,807 132 171 1,143 256 200 761 483 Llanga 320 370 281 270 310 S83 192 2t)2 407 116 164 199 332 1,400 789 76 78 317 5 440 t 74 44 151 t 285 ( 100 363 2,973 38 3.5 70 2,008 144 19 106 01 346 1,211 221 223 759 97 410 dock t 239 t 138 393 332 339 370 395 194 801 401 289 368 124 227 254 517 875 839 76 107 269 332 522 102 52 315 208 287 105 487 3,380 20 47 100 3,121 133 23 204 67 385 1,375 2.59 290 783 i 07 491 857 278 145 485 3<)3 384 302 421 351 765 274 415 133 414 270 035 808 67 111 289 364 610 110 41 195 j 307 573 4,849 23 21 108 2,994 103 247 78 423 1,577 234 226 834 73 522 845 315 122 449 467 4.52 370 463 1 Annaat 1 V*'"® if Pruperlv, a aiaetied to Amounl aapa tided fur Mam* Tofal Number of PERSON at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods* Tax in ISIS POOR, 183S— ». — £- 314 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,933 1,109 1,433 1,612 2,210 Hope ^ — — — — — 1,014 308 773 803 952 985 5,800 303 1,233 1,563 1,668 1,746 5,715 013 883 1,083 1,467 1,.506 9,2.57 2,951 5,.507 6,377 8,309 8,909 1 18,488 2,008 5,165 0,059 7,320 9,385 1 8,992 1,206 1,940 1,903 2,7.55 3,141 153,930 20,216 39,022 40,518 53.784 00,100 1,7,52 133 295 299 360 350 4,675 400 1,071 730 880 856 Aber dare — 51 212 — 772 154 177 178 134 1,242 — — 192 200 762 153 445 401 478 636 see Cas tie Ca ereineo n 335 340 8,585 1,457 2,920 3,482 4,578 4,501 Llan fawr 478 — Guild sfield 395 504 427 767 577 865 89 320 311 .319 342 515 81 78 89 183 103 Llan rwist — 709 — Gelli gaer 128 118 121 129 - . — 370 50 227 268 277 216 14,6.52 557 1,051 1,022 1,247 1,825 DyflFr yn 174 190 217 248 25,904 2,891 7,254 8,026 10,863 12,592 1,9.50 300 340 330 3^15 376 1,392 134 114 108 235 252 558 29 (iO 57 77 62 2,403 249 23 341 355 385 334,192 32,871 71, .525 85,067 101,737 126,612 2,2.57 351 580 005 728 848 1,521 200 400 415 443 464 1,633 166 111 94 252 265 871 ^ 582 f 218 218 215 203 1,253 t 297 304 324 311 Gyf-Joh i Towns, Parishes, Sfc. f Gyffin, P. C 4714 GylFyliog, C 4672 H Hafod or Havod, a Summer Hut. Halghton in 4655 Halkin, R. (3) near 349 Haminiog in Llanrhystyd 1591 Hanmer 5 ^ ( 5 other Townships If Harlech, S. 4 § in Llanfair 1604 \j S Claiscannon 6c Rhurwor Harmon, Gt., V. ^ Kennarth. . . . next 4792 Harpton, Upper in 4785 Haroldstone, St. Issels, C 4596 do.. West " Hasguard, R next 4598 r St. Martin, C. .. 1342 3 ®t1T Haverford- IS t. Mary, V. . .. » WEST, Tu. S.* t66 1 St. Thomas, R. ) ( OutPart....5 ' nf /.r/i *Narberth 4582 Desinef. Davids 1.570 Havoddryinog Ham in 4884 Hawarden, 860 3H Av, ^ o,; *^a4s\ 1 i i Hays-Castle, V. in Dewisland.. near 4607 Hen, Old. Hendrefigil, in Halkin near 349 Hendredenny in 4877 Heneglwys, R. 10 IF. N, W.of Bang Per Henfynyw, C 4845 Hengoed Ham in 314 do t 4879 Henlan Ham n 4581 Henllan, V., Denbigh 4085 do. Amgoed | Egi^g.faur-Achyrig do., V., Cardigan next 4849 Henllys, C in 4834 Henrys Moat, R 4013 Herbrandstone, R next 1344 Hereford and Broad Street W'ard in 4784 Heyop, R. (see Knucklas) .... next 4786 High and St. Davids Street Ward in 4784 Highlight, Ex. Pa « 4892 Hilary, St » 4899 Hirnant, Montgomery near 4744 Hodgeston, in Castlemartin .... next 4580 7x Hnif 5 4605 ' (5 other Towmships » 5 '+ IT Holyhead, D., iS. t § 1622 5 Holywell, V., S. t 862 Hope, Flint 4000 do., in Buttington, which see .... Horseley and Marford, in Gresford 4066 Hubberkone, R 4595 „ ^Montgomery .... near 4726 Hyssington, ^ Mucklewick • 2995 Iddole and Molfre, — see Molfre .... lla,H„»dr.dSK-[»>j-:::;:;;;S Ilston, R OS. IF.fl/ 295 Is, Ys, Dis, Lower Isaf, Lowest. Is-Gorfai Hundred (8) .304 Is-Graig Ham near 311 Isaf Hundred (5) 4711 and 1041 Isaled do. (14) 4085-96 Isclawdd, or Tref-Garon, which see Iscoyd, C., in Malpas 4001 Isdulas Hundred (14) 164.5-7, 4702 ishcoed and Cilniargh, in Llandeveylog Ishmaels, St. 1500 do., Pembroke 4.599 Iskennen Hundred (0) 4871 Ismorlais Ham in 4875 Issell’s, St 1508 Istrad and Garth,— sec Ystrad Isycoed, in Penegos 1.59(i Isygarreg in 1501 J Jeflreston, V. and C 4584 , , ,, f Upper Division ... . 4810 John, St., he \ , 1 , fj „ Lvangcdist |venny-Vach . AmoQDt Total Number of PER yOA'4, Value of expanded at euc 1 of the 4 Pruperif, ai ufeiied tu for Mairt leoance Ten Yearly Periods, Tax io ISIS POOR, 1638-9. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 2,048 260 472 512 636 641 2,117 351 400 551 578 636 2,933 321 418 342 469 491 2,496 451 1,152 1,508 1,842 1,638 1,070 Clan-r hysldd 575 615 785 2,532 219 474 487 617 546 10,198 1,270 1,740 1,740 2,154 2,185 1,204 207 309 389 419 385 ried 5 367 370 428 1,931 ? oiy \ 357 423 400 1,941 67 137 120 144 212 1,034 46 135 180 234 304 701 42 116 129 170 155 914 89 115 108 105 106 3,208 339 813 785 1,329 1,244 2,512 504 1,360 1,483 1,708 1,740 2,501 195 S 701 t 74 825 59 1,018 90 927 109 2,977 512 1,503 1,572 1,837 1,990 5,460 486 1,.531 1,779 2,295 2,589 5,274 888 1,803 1,816 2,210 2,388 1,519 Llan- wonno 308 676 679 18,900 1,556 4,071 4,430 5 964 ( 4,095 895 4,519 4,496 706 s 882 t 288 1,099 242 1,319 330 1,709 250 1,122 46 282 223 291 367 Hal kin 462 582 ■ Eglwj s-IIan 332 335 371 373 1,338 212 622 324 385 335 700 103 386 458 576 625 Llan- elly — 1,047 1,!83 Gelli ^aer 221 245 267 273 Ulande wy Ve Ifry 20 38 39 14,118 1,597 1,959 2,212 2,455 2,703 478 96 134 < 179 154 854 96 222 ^ 281 257 327 35 90 113 119 122 1,410 119 307 339 434 496 897 102 291 285 275 282 1,801 110 185 169 223 221 4,506 499 1,057 1,114 724 760 1,445 57 147 166 164 187 Pres teign - 664 753 Ex. Pa. 12 19 24 1,832 65 145 162 168 108 840 103 277 269 280 290 392 51 73 72 75 72 5,039 387 804 813 8G6 1,015 5,777 237 476 690 660 594 2,201 951 2,133 3,000 4,071 4,282 9,257 2,951 6,567 6,379 8,309 8,969 6,403 693 1,924 2,250 2,498 2,747 — 61 95 133 169 1G2 — — — 216 214 325 1,861 154 641 816 910 1,013 1,020 79 175 175 230 208 54 01 53 69 17,470 1,7.53 6,532 6,108 6,!)91 7,818 10,002 1,782 6,8<)'l 0,700 7,475 8,047 1,348 80 272 245 279 210 18,344 2,080 6,021 7,552 9,410 12,844 Llan-d dye — 106 105 10,598 1,633 3,202 3,661 3,927 4,110 50,923 7,403 10,739 12,160 12,794 13,807 3,449 139 463 433 509 438 28,<)!)6 6,202 9,000 9,125 11,524 12,163 — — 169 162 3,520 336 64.5- 641 861 944 1,873 339 •103 429 458 527 18,388 2,233 5,693 6,733 8,115 8,426 Llan- noli — — 318 4,000 213 974 1,006 1,161 1 Pene gos 262 312 350 380 1,4.54 217 339 323 338 302 1,513 227 085 <63 732 610 000 331 8.19 1 ,30<> 1,516 1,760 753 708 1,109 1,212 l,<00 1,988 951 142 129 107 128 119 201 Division, City, Town, Parish, Hamlet, SfC. ^c., in the Principality of WALES, at each of the Four Periods, 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831. Joli — LI II Towns, Parishes, Ifc. : •lohn, St., C., Swansea 295 Johnston, U next 1347 Jordanstown, K., in Dewisland . .. 4(il0 K Kelinn, K 4843 Kelsterton in 315 “tKenli"', Lower next 4901 Kennartli, V 4927 do., in St. Harmon next 4792 Keniess Hundred (20) 1578 & 4613 Kenol in -1802 K";y.v. '•f Kevenleece, It. — see Cefn 10 IV. of 4785 do. Hundred (11) 4787 Kibbor Hundred (0) next 1542 KrnwELLV, V. t St. rtlary 1559 Tu. A', t 3 § t Suburbs » Kidwelly Hundred (C) 4916 Kiltick, 1*. C 4941 AtiaMtd lu lb« Prop«rt;f T*k io ISU. -£ — 954 541 1,283 1,120 North 740 2,922 op 95 100 343 St. Ha rmon 31,001 3,670 Llau- (ihang of lb* POOR, ISM— 111 — £- 108 3(> 83 1,194 1,697 13,319 9,387 1,569 4,620 35,840 1,453 1,483 189 1,393 1,438 409 153 2,982 164 Kil or Cil, n place of Worship, or a Village having a place of Worship, see Llau and Eglws, and Kil in Scotland. KtLGF.RRAN, R., IE. 2 § 1576 do. Hundred (9) 4623 Killey, Prisk, & Penalt,--see Llangattock Kilinarham in Llanidloes 4750 Kilrhedin, R. \ Carmarthen 4924 Kilwych in 4802 fR 4946 Kil-j’-Maen-lywdd c Castle Durran, C. « CGrondre, Pembroke Kinnerton, Higher, in Doddleston .. do., Talford & Badland.... in 4785 Kitploith & Portsey-borfawr in Llandevey Knelston near 295 f Knighton ^ J ^ ^ V, • • • ( Farrington with Cwmgil la do. Hundred (8) 4786 Kuucklass in Heyop next Kylie-Ayron, R « 4827 183 58 360 607 des 161 199 88 513 256 217 32 44 139 op Laieston, \ 1 4ooi Lambston, P. C next 1342 Lampeter-Velfry, R 4580 HT no., Pont-Stephen ^ Xref j^coed^*^*^^ Lanipha in 4905 Lainphey next 1311 Lanhvit 5 V'-V ( Clyne & Resolvend » Laugharne or t Town t4§ 1506 Llacharn ^ Out Parish » Lavar, Above and Below, in Llan-saint- > fl'raed-Glyn-Ceirog ( Lavernock in 4892 Lawrance, St., R next 4610 Lawrenny, R 4585 Leadbrook, Major ) . . do.. Minor., J Leckwith in 4892 Leighton in Worthen 1651 Worthe n 103 Letterston, R 4G10 Lisworney in 4899 Gisvane near 4881 LJ, a peculiar aspirate, sotmded as with h or as Llh. Llan, like Kil in Scotland signifies an enclosure or cleared place for Public Meetings or Conference, a Church Yard or Village where a Church has afterwards been built, see Eglwys. ’ Llan in Cilcen near 349 ■» aber, R. (includes Barmouth) 1601 * Eelhaiarn, R Llan-afan, C 4830 do. -fawr, \ divisions 4814 f I^ly3“ degla, R. 6 ^ 4699 » degwning, C 1611 Llan-deilo-tal-y-bnnt \ Ty^:;;:Byenkiai‘&! do. Vane, Brecon near 4809 Llan-deloy, V » 1571 « desilio, C., or Llan-dysilio . . . . 1634 ' ‘^evaiieyji^i;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;^^^ . deveylog^“„-{^^^^^^ Llan-dewy, V near 295 UltsTiSowryi”"!™! Llan-dilo near 1574 do. -Abercoweo, P. C « 1566 1 3 Kdo. I 'p/tlVof^arLsl (13)’ !'.!!!! ^ j do , or Llandelo-Graban, C 4794 Amooal Total .\umher of !• KH.SOK.S, Vala* nt fji tack of iht 4 " 3 Vn Yearly Ptriod r. h« Proptrif Tbs is lll(. yoou. 167H— 'J9. 1801. IBM. 1821. 1831. s,m .541 1,408 1,609 1,731 1 ,83:) 5,038 800 1,402 1,.507 1,877 2.373 718 69 165 180 161 174 4,86) 786 1,758 2,2(51 3,550 4,128 15,764 1,.584 3,930 4,371 4,8 Rhos-Peiro, C » 0 elidan, R 4677 0 elian, R. 4 § 4704 0 elieu, R near 4796 HLLAN-ELLv,v.jJ“j+2^|ty;;§ 344 ,, p, S Aberbaidan 183 ^ Maesgwartha • 0 elltyd, C 4779 0 elweth, C near 4813 0 enddvvyn, R » '1600 0 engan, R « 1611 0 erchayron, C » 1589 0 erchrochwell in 4739 0 ERCH-Y-MEDD, C., W. 7 § Ex. Pa., in « erfyl,R. 4751 0 eugiad J L]jmalgo, Ch « Llan-fachraeth, R near 1622 do., P. C., Merioneth .... 4788 Llan-faslog, C 1620 0 faelrhys, C near 1612 Llan-faes, C 1631 , cj. T. ■ 1 ^ Lower .... 4810 do., orStDavid^i^rppg^ / Llan-faethly, R 1623 0 faglan, C near 304 Llan-fair, Mary Church, or Church of St. ‘ts: Llan- do. do. do., do., do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. R. (includes Harlech) 1604 -ar-y-bryn, see Rhander ,. 4856 C. (includes Bcilth) 4813 Caereinon, V 4750 -Clydogau, C near 4837 dyffrin Clwydd, R 4676 fechan, R 1639 is-Gaer, P. C .near 1636 Mathafarn-Eithaf, C 1635 Nant-Gwyn, C near 1574 Nant-y-Gof, C Orlhvyn near 4926 pwll-gwyngyll, C 1635 ■■ ■ II, C. ... tref-Helygon, C. . ..near 4850 yn-eubwll, C in 1621 ynghornwy,C.,in Llan-ddeusaint yn-y-cwmmwd, C in do. & 1 do., C., ilan-fechel, R« 0 ferras .. 0 flinnan,V, 0 fflewyn.. m txgoil, C. 4671 1 Amonnt Total Number of PERSONS, V«lu« of •xpeodad at each of the 4 t«Daooe ut Ttn Yearly Periods, T«x iu 181&. POOR. 1 Has— 39. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 5^65 1,551 1,574 1,626 1,636 1,815 6,510 623 1,395 1,618 1,917 2,405 1,917 162 457 462 661 028 1,056 908 281 305 384 397 4,142 382 493 611 573 632 2,700 602 512 1,056 1,317 1,430 771 35 85 102 124 118 633 LJan ^*1 90 75 78 119 2,414 diogat 1,395 1,018 1,292 1,706 1,610 38 105 105 119 138 818 02 216 329 391 420 4,331 427 800 794 783 800 2,740 436 698 650 760 871 806 107 171 94 203 202 998 53 192 171 298 182 2,714 399 060 711 724 803 1,684 178 376 393 485 449 981 136 318 4.52 509 662 769 61 87 98 94 85 261 130 9fi 153 149 159 3,828 715 1,175 1,593 1,749 1,923 2,088 172 6-17 703 836 854 2,009 224 580 565 695 853 3,170 403 798 877 1,000 1,131 4,171 744 675 63S 606 708 1,161 39 263 300 493 479 1,557 401 029 700 743 842 3,153 371 645 758 870 914 4,210 512 932 1,294 1,465 1,034 2,858 543 1,171 983 1,070 1,090 1,608 234 301 263 348 315 1,023 165 343 244 289 294 3,033 303 671 723 892 1,001 4,352 1,105 1,557 1,803 2,070 J 883 \ 1,331 3,115 403 623 < 252 1 414 286 513 289 475 1,198 261 1,168 934 1,184 1,400 — — ■ 50 32 2,829 355 697 too 909 749 1,604 262 4.74 654 627 004 693 53 113 122 127 115 15,501 1,335 2,972 3,891 5 2,621 ( 3,028 4,173 2,773 1,804 241 608 1,097 1,781 4,857 222 329 724 1,181 1,169 200 398 487 471 416 955 62 146 165 176 182 1,951 159 567 654 704 798 2,050 248 666 912 969 1,016 665 126 205 207 270 233 Guilds field 514 548 530 Llantri ssaint Angle sea — 57 2,586 531 920 850 986 989 812 103 207 291 325 323 578 77 197 297 392 417 1,129 110 234 290 246 424 3,850 401 1,069 947 965 948 1,067 128 441 427 538 615 629 57 224 240 262 258 1,560 128 198 215 213 271 1,576 177 618 050 950 1,166 661 177 194 176 158 155 1,508 208 333 337 412 433 886 108 192 191 191 156 Mary. • 1,201 207 369 389 419 385 6,655 583 1 ,062 1,483 1,426 1,485 2,430 338 677 815 946 1,034 6,323 1,408 2,137 1,8,55 2,514 2,687 1,910 74 308 360 390 385 6,581 902 1,049 1,043 1,200 1,238 1,143 145 470 472 508 653 1,394 200 268 275 333 379 633 274 453 675 712 739 998 48 190 243 237 White hurch — — 221 — 1,084 116 317 361 378 394 586 117 385 308 479 497 2,741 515 776 994 1,004 1,3.55 39!) 29 70 74 103 124 619 136 198 234 310 319 1,180 127 313 307 323 310 Llan- idan 47 — — ■ 8,509 1,102 1,705 1 ,902 1,878 1,749 816 45 171 145 164 180 Elan- wriii 301 175 345 — Guilds field 357 619 646 2,333 401 410 795 1,035 970 1,960 333 418 529 541 705 788 61 ir>4 105 1.54 163 545 60 119 125 122 133 1 _ 420 70 100 123 141 146 Lla — Lla Towns, Parishes, IfC. Llan-fihangel, Michael Church or Church 1936 Llan -geinor-on-the- Hills 4986 • geinwen, R., Isaf & Uchaf .... 1616 0 geitho, R 4823 0 geler, V 492'i 0 gellynin, R 1599 0 ' gelynin, R near 1641 0 gendeirn, C. § 4916 ' gennech ^ 345 0 gennith,V 1554 ‘0 genney, C., tirccon 4803 0 gerng, or girrig, V 4757 • gevelach ) V 300-1 Hundred ( Languick & Llansanilet 0 gian, C near 1611 0 ginning, C » 1565 0 gludwen, R » 4945 0 good, C * 1632 0 goedinore, V 1580 II Llan-goi.len, V. ( Glyn-Traian .... 46,54 »V. 5§ (• and Trefor-Traian » Llau-gulman, C near 1574 gonoyd t Higher. ’Middle. \ Lower or Boyden. •••I LCvviii-du ' } 4904 near 4805 gorse, V., and S Lower. Llanywern ( Upiicr » gower, K 4773 granog, V 4841 gristriolus, C near 1634 Amoonl Total Number of PEliSONS, V«lu« of expeoded at each of the 4 PriApoHir, % a»»e*toa >o iho Proptrt' fax io 1815 £ St. Mic leoaoce o Ten Yearly Periods, POOR, 182ft— 29. ^ £ 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. ha el 3,862 334 814 818 936 996 2,871 235 654 718 867 911 4,780 266 607 657 759 864 886 93 337 307 373 345 4,841 594 1,179 1,653 1,927 2,023 1,347 173 284 313 304 332 660 91 1 350 < 207 280 273 704 33 i 101 86 112 5,538 332 753 928 1,010 1,203 1.101 223 353 .372 517 663 fach 103 179 200 186 188 9,727 936 2,395 2,808 3,261 Zf>76 816 175 381 400 453 452 524 14 102 84 89 101 267 10 52 34 65 69 1,786 232 < 302 i 217 264 235 308 241 ^ 528 960 121 489 606 656 732 1,100 165 308 149 485 481 2,409 201 5 170 t 144 188 124 205 183 284 128 1,340 51 252 240 309 353 1,722 200 437 501 698 683 1,705 171 297 327 344 350 629 59 148 169 185 135 332 9 66 72 78 62 954 161 260 277 2S6 360 3,021 219 704 766 880 944 2,010 194 793 949 886 1,027 2,580 285 427 484 632 563 1,345 296 366 361 527 394 2,079 310 669 798 1,011 1,026 440 162 145 179 205 1.53 3,600 366 784 , 801 ) 405 ( 609 571 612 1,951 295 616 646 661 657 2,3.56 525 1,098 1,033 1,448 343 105 185 230 243 285 266 5,290 632 1,394 1,508 1,706 1,836 26,812 2,648 5,218 5,017 6,360 6,849 4,878 426 1,145 1,191 1,412 1,436 2,864 .304 858 '956 1,021 1,067 6,767 9.57 1,821 1,964 2,484 2,476 2,950 3,752 o o 1,046 1,263 1,947 2,690 1,477 181 330 368 401 573 643 geiinvr! 1 128 164 1.54 137 1,530 238 321 301 419 423 2,057 159 — 454 608 614 1,106 204 455 484 491 2,364 271 642 586 689 710 150 15 22 16 23 1,312 62 189 190 231 261 1,040 79 154 164 172 179 1,829 164 203 204 221 229 1,720 86 130 156 165 175 5,090 526 908 1,017 1,171 1,182 0,704 508 894 796 1,016 1,125 1,793 152 235 271 311 323 1,472 619 639 965 1,737 1,753 1,401 93 280 309 335 2!)2 2,047 204 612 624 688 776 790 43 250 279 332 377 3,239 419 1,292 1,377 1,573 1,713 3,683 514 751 908 1,066 1,047 1,029 110 2.59 242 258 279 8,222 661 1,630 2,112 2,117 2,412 1,597 145 338 407 448 670 1,482 67 346 364 374 367 2,913 160 374 363 381 409 2,887 479 < 593 ( 127 ( 842 ( 783 \ 189 ^ 1,036 2,782 1,336 1,426 1,5.59 1,784 1,887 24,621 1,388 4,609 .5,120 5,860 7 743 12,196 1,415 3,3!Hi 3,367 4,067 5,034 2,077 469 791 1,031 1,063 1,211 2,063 111 325 291 319 434 539 6s 191 202 228 319 611 204 3!)4 427 552 562 3,792 243 782 815 941 1,014 412 806 1 ,400 875 868 1,807 609 1,8.52 1,477 2,660 3,()30 759 34 198 230 229 311 e 451 131 £ 173 184 260 > 825 228 J 806 » 278 301 331 i 667 41 > 156 165 167 i. 904 143 ) C 237 307 968 j 1,517 t 116 ( 126 227 1.56 220 131 ^ 366 405 1 ,693 198 430 452 467 412 1 ,500 280 470 561 829 921 2,327 580 613 728 836 873 Division, Cil,j, Town, Parish, Ilamlcl, 4'c. 4'c., in the. Principality of WALES, at each of the Four Periods, 1»()1, 1011, 1021, and 1031. Liu- Lla Towns, Parishes, Ifc, Llun-Rry wddoii r • guiimu'li • gwiirnvoj?,— see Llaii-lleonwell » gwdlo^, C uear Llan-gw m, V. ^ do., K Llun-gwnadle, 1’. C < gwniior, V uear » gwstenuiii, K Idan-g« ylau, 1{ near do ' Llau-gybi, R ' ' gyby, C • gynhafal, U » gyaiew, C • g>iilIo, K Llau-gynog, C near do., R., Montgomery fi„„i 1 .,.,, ,> V Lower Division Llan-hamlach, R. ^ Llechfaen • haran, C » hary, R • howell, P. C near ■ . „ 5 V near t ' ( Lloufair-yn-y-Cwminwd S fR.,S.t5§ ....7 "t H Llan-idloes, •' Third Division > Cremdr. of Parish 3 do. Hundred (7) do. R., Carnarvon next Llan-igon, | GiynnJvVchVHamV '!!!'. . ilar ^ Lower I • illid near » intern, P.C » • ina, C K io • in • ishen, C near 4is ! ■j s r • ir . ^ 4H-18 I<)15 ■193<) ig:»> 4(>UI 4o>)3 1013 1501 Kiiii 4072 1010 4719 4839 4780 4081 187 4754 4849 4813 4748 4805 # 4898 4897 1571 1030 4750 1032 1010 4800 4832 4893 4842 482ti 1542 • llawdog 4923 » Rawer, P. C near 1575 • llechid, K 310 ' lleonwell ^ , » llihio,C. in Llantrissaint 1022 • Ilugan, C 4750 Llan-llwchaiarn, V., Montgomery . . . . 411 do., R., Cardigan 1588 Llan-llwney, V., or Llan-llooney . . . . 4934 » llytin, R 4717 • niadock, 1555 • niaes 4899 • merewig, R near 411 » mi h angel, R » 4893 t non, (t. 4875 • nor, V 1010 » pwnsaint, 4922 Llan-rhaider, inKinmerch,V. 4§ 4090 do. -y-Mochn 2 int, V 4652 Llan-rhwydrus, C near 1<24 • rhychwyn, C 4709 • rhydd (see Ruthin*) 4082 • rhyddlad, R 1624 » rhythan, V near 1571 ' riaa, V 1572 ■ ^ • rug, R ILlan-rwst, R. \ SwJdei’cVr'™^*^^ Llan-saintffraed, j ( 4 )^rie”tlmr'!'! ( do., do., do., do. do. do. Llan-sadurnen, R Llan-sadwm, V, § V., Ca/'digan R., Denbigh do. -dydwy, R. in Elvel 1645 t Lower ( Upper do. R. Llan-samlet, C. \ ' sannan, R.4J .... ■ 4858 4688 , Arnounl Total Number 0/ FtCK.SON.S', >*r iptjiicitJ at eutk of the 4 Ten Yearly periods. 1'®i III — £ — 1,410 POOK. 1801. 1811. 1 1821. 1831. . 72 430 539 001 533 3,01 1 280 829 1,000 1,428 1,847 3,017 283 587 005 807 859 729 I'Ki 203 209 277 207 3,998 410 850 934 974 1,011 321 133 5()8 685 G14 (i97 711 87 255 327 328 293 6,041 410 824 920 950 1,041 1,514 225 387 388 004 043 1,200 142 171 170 251 204 1,292 109 201 205 210 218 1,101 280 635 010 719 717 000 45 197 231 249 275 3,049 322 S 142 150 154 175 ( 225 251 297 323 2,251 303 380 378 470 5u3 1,920 139 349 643 828 9;M 1,934 188 420 483 517 500 2,202 298 551 559 610 075 1,544 198 440 500 599 044 190 35 40 04 69 77 515 134 227 382 402 499 ( 3,711 100 i 125 t 153 149 133 139 138 ( 308 1,2.57 104 212 220 288 313 1,371 97 194 220 243 208 797 73 135 148 195 186 2,151 421 ) 701 i 47 ( 905 1,121 969 f 1,984 2,562 5,176 2,021 2,282 2,386 ] 594 C 507 ( 1,627 23,011 8,159 8,844 9,407 10,763 12,159 ( 313 8« 204 213 283 5 135 t 178 2,319 312 815 885 1,033 1,115 2,090 111 397 510 520 478 220 40 61 76 70 67 1,300 250 ( 404 i 412 437 414 441 408 512 482 937 79 138 143 180 119 727 143 84 118 132 149 700 95 373 335 439 474 GAvnfil 30 — 138 145 125 1,920 288 329 307 360 393 2,088 231 472 609 739 770 418 44 128 126 123 123 3,294 480 1,322 1,470 1,964 3,075 740 65 ( 189 S 159 152 148 246 27 i 61 57 78 353 58 79 90 88 88 1,139 119 244 299 330 301 3,682 620 675 699 1,007 2,005 1,170 333 078 713 906 1,178 1,780 261 606 666 764 848 2,532 467 872 1,128 1,182 1,571 505 23 171 174 227 240 1,063 125 148 182 199 234 809 83 103 130 145 201 041 30 53 58 41 43 5,299 500 1,233 1,199 1,396 1,582 3,705 393 974 1,143 1,169 1,137 1,503 199 401 449 515 548 9,428 1,732 1,702 1,61)2 1,854 2,066 9,116 1,002 1,809 1,974 2,229 2,344 608 1.52 199 188 171 178 810 121 376 473 540 565 1,007 203 526 508 775 *97 1,207 235 524 585 622 628 1,070 ( 379 1,148 < 575 615 785 2,140 ( 055 700 740 012 72 148 160 144 141 1,847 280 533 569 648 713 1 ,250 207 ( 1,275 i 802 951 1,033 1,491 176 443 486 412 1,639 259 316 682 788 1,204 2,439 2,007 2,549 2,.502 2,277 3,225 1,063 171 310 370 302 376 6,272 ( 232 t 422 ( 1,048 1,0.54 j 672 ( 519 808 537 2,370 290 777 1,016 1,172 1,206 3,599 424 865 868 1,194 1,300 1,859 105 — 204 214 190 1,.502 217 404 431 489 543 459 29 88 101 122 00 1,199 133 293 314 322 343 1,029 110 j 102 200 193 234 3,879 ) 148 t 109 li 954 j 528 ( 718 504 657 1,592 108 275 307 333 371 0,704 542 1 ( 2,507 5 722 890 1.070 2,478 593 ( 1 585 1,749 2 111 5l 5,534 832 1 1,143 1,221 1,311 1,383 jis to j Lla - LIy Towns, Parishes, Sfc. Llan-sannor 4899 • sawell, C. t 3 % 4800 H- sillin,v. spytliid t 8ougliton, Saloj) near S V 4811 ) INIodrydd St Pen Pont » stailwell, V., Carmarthen 4.594 Llau-stephoii, V 1.503 do., P. C., Radnor 4794 Llan-stiuan, C near 1.571 ' thetty ( 4808 » thew, C near 4809 ’t Llan-trissaint, V\, P’. t 3 § 30.i , iR near 1022 ^ -llihio 8 : Rhod-y-geidio < Llan-erchyniedd .. Llan-trithyd, R near 4893 Li„.,„u do. major 4895 do. vaivdre, C 4883 Llan-twoot, C near 1579 ' ufydd, V 4080 » uwch-y-llyn 5§ 4774 " vabon,C.5gf;^VumneV-::;'S^8^8 s vair Nant-y-Gof .1571 « vareth near 4813 I in Carmarthen n 1565 I in Pembroke • • • vedow Ham near 4870 s vernach, R 4018 » viangel, (see fihangel) 2§ 1504 » vip-an \ Glynn Collwyn 4807 • vilo, or bilo near 4809 » vrynach, R 4806 » wenllwyfo 314 . wenog,v.§ I ;;;;;;;;;; (4838 Llan-wnda, V 4710 do., V 1.573 Llan-wnen, V near 4837 « wnnor, or gwnor 4918 « wnog 4759 t Glvnn-connon ....... . 4884 ' wonno ^ Havod-ddryinog » wrda 4867 5-and Glyncaerig ... 4764 ( fechan St Blaenglepyrch Lower Division 4810 Upper do. , 4818 « valteg, R. * Avrin, R. • wrthwl, V. , r' S Ulaudd-Mado . wrtyd, C. \ Llechweddol » w'yddyn, Avith Conwy 4749 s wydellan 4736 ' y-byther,v.3§jNoK{; :”::;(4933 « y-chare, R near 1574 ' y-GrAvys,C.^jyjy„^^hty « y-Keven, or Cefn, P. C near 4947 ‘ y-Mowddwy, R 4 ,, , arlli Hunili’cil 47117 lilys-> -ciiod, in Cilcen near 845 LIys-yn, in C'anio, wliiedi see Llys-y-vntne, U near 4605 Llywell, V. (S) 101-3 l-ansl. . Lnveston, K„ or Low S S.of 4582 Ludcliurch, If next 4580 Lygaii-y-liin, in Halkiu near 340 » y-wern do ■» « l^ytlian, 8t., V .....in 4802 M "tii Macmyni.I-ETO, i Parish [reg K., il/. t 5 « \ Isy \ Uchygar- do. Hundred (6).. Maenciochog ^ \ Maenan < in Eglwys-Fach) IMaentvvrog, C Maes, — I tenth. K car Ham., in Devynnock Parish n fynon Ham in » gwartha Parcel n gwinn in » -Mynis near e ti'ei'-gonier in " -y-gros, in Cilcen near M - . „ S Castlewright » a.nstone ] 1.506 1.505 4761 4614 I 4713 1605 Salop " Mallwhydd, 11. ^ Dinas-Mowddwy ■’ ’ ( Laer-einion-fechan IMalpas ^ ' (in ( heshirc (24) ftlaltraeth Hundred (8) Manafon Mancol in Manerfabon Ham Llan-dilo- » Manleth, Birthdir, Treflyn, £t Cross- Manor and Rake in Manorbieu, V Manordiiio jm Manordwy or Manordivy, R Manorovven, C., in Dewisland Marchaled and Branar, C in Marchiviel S If- 4S59 184 4701 4813 4758 815 4726 2092 I 4775 4661 2053 1618 4731 860 4861 Llov 860 4588 4861 1.577 4610 4690 4663 4006 46f)6 1546 1346 1567 4899 4006 4750 4611 301 4665 ( Sonlley y Marcross, R in Marford and Horseley a Margam, P. C Marioes, V next Macros, C., Carmarthen near Mary-Church, St in do., St., Hill^ a Mathrat'el Hundred, Up. & Low. (7) t Matbry, R. § Mawr, Higher, Ham a Lower, do Maylor Hundred (11) Meistyrrhose-Lowry, in Llandewi-Ystrad Meliden, P. C., with Prestatym .... 1650 Melin-dwr in 1503 Meline, R., in Kemess 4613 Menai Hundred (14) 1616 Meriadog (Yale Hund., Denhigh) in 4697 t Merioneth County Merthyr, R., Carmarlhin next 1561 do. -Cynog, V. (4)....7JV. H'.r/4809 do. -Mawr, P.C in 4006 do. -Do van, R in 4 h02 ‘"t •( Merthyr-Tyuvil, R., IV. S. t 2§ 198 , do. Hundred (0) 4809 Menletwy, V 46'. IP.,/ 4.582 Mevenid in i./yryi Meylltyrn, R '...near Mill Michael-Church 4794 Michaelstoue, Super Ely, R in 4892 do. -le-Pit, R 4892 do. y Lower t 1909 I -super-Avon \ > . ' Upper y Michaelston-Fedw, V.~Llanve low Ham. Michlas, in Cilcen near 84.5 , Middleton (see Uppington) in 4740 j Milford, in Steynton ) 1347 Minera, C in 1664/ M I new ear, C near 4.582 , iliskin tiuudred (7) 199, 4882 I Amnuot Total Sumher of PE /{.SONS, Valu« ii( eipenri.J at each of the 4 Property, ai Ten Yearly Periods, TaVio iS'ls! 1,W>4 POOH, l»W- 2J. — r- vo 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 106 131 113 123 Cil ceil — — 115 100 882 104 198 191 211 213 1,113 176 396 379 502 585 580 96 137 168 140 202 Cil cen — — 110 86 — — 309 712 88 145 1.59 181 202 5,31 1 860 643 1,567 1,743 UbOlt 056 71 365 473 427 065 018 115 218 291 258 280 741 47 148 145 153 180 766 24 194 193 227 228 Hal kin — 511 678 — — 505 5h2 ■ 1,180 57 72 84 108 103 3,.518 492 1,118 1,2,52 1,595 1,6.57 2,725 473 707 652 708 724 24,152 4,111 6,684 6,586 7,592 7,927 S 430 '( 184 77 50/ 1 220 249 y 324 \ 38 429 39 2,160 252 355 427 414 352 2,007 182 593 701 783 745 2,488 274 629 605 670 712 Llan- ddoys aint — 227 — 4,857 222 329 721 ],1H1 Llaodly Nant mell — 320 363 340 1,150 113 224 293 300 265 Tref- E glwys| — 403 — Cil cen — 223 236 899 55 143 160 155 182 2,335 120 263 271 296 280 3,816 582 960 1,104 1,166 y 998 t 139 3,419 139 463 433 509 438 30,474 3,257 4,470 4,326 4,917 5,127 14,215 2,350 3,411 4,140 4,421 4,575 2,034 402 326 619 679 775 Haw-ar den — — 294 344 fawr IIS 342 376 420 402 bin in Llan- idloes 404 — IHawar den — — 70 83 3,074 255 451 492 590 582 Llan- y 162 ( 244 1 dilo- fawr y 367 ( 308 352 323 2,305 302 745 693 839 850 616 84 144 143 150 220 Llan- geruie w 127 — 189 — 3,764 158 493 480 y 4.50 ( 93 340 159 1,037 40 61 74 79 93 Gres ford 248 246 214 325 5,142 901 1 ,809 1,803 2,047 2,902 1,924 155 327 3o0 391 427 588 28 197 194 195 202 747 76 115 139 148 150 Oil 87 198 220 242 2.57 14,900 2,530 4,941 4,886 5,799 5,890 3,533 401 694 761 841 860 1,229 120 359 370 420 423 1,348 118 2(i3 267 318 384 48,404 3,()73 7,578 9,019 10,610 10,981 emiv 254 306 323 330 2,488 291 427 432 569 720 1,280 203 338 406 287 555 1,150 113 408 412 482 492 14,005 2, .594 5,319 5,913 7,065 7,242 St. As apb — — — 111,436 14,220 27,506 30,921 34,082 34,500 2 ill 163 300 223 217 246 3,722 425 893 879 895 833 1,244 90 1.38 129 128 147 998 78 123 111 168 130 15,724 2,609 7,705 11,101 17,404 22,083 1 14,270 1,741 3,322 3,325 3,555 3,295 2.080 181 558 629 773 723 2,140 Elanr bystyd 655 760 740 1,127 68 250 250 283 268 1,339 118 172 128 1.57 1.59 330 13 53 43 53 60 444 39 68 71 82 10.5 y 351 17 137 101 207 793 i t 451 58 95 131 188 257 1 Llan- vabon 247 285 315 293 1 Cil cen — — 48 HO j 1,019 51 67 92 86 100 1 W rex ham .541 540 832 502 1 711 38 148 117 136 Mil 1 27,072 3,.509 5,240 7,702 8,161 10,855 1 Mod — Pern Towns, Parishes, lyc. ^ 1 1 Modryd Ham in 4811 ' ^ Nerquis and Treddyn .... » do. Hundred (3) 850-1 Molfre & Iddole in 4017 Monachlogdii, R 4615 Monckton, or St. Nicholas in 1341 Monington, C., in Kemess 4613 Monk-Nash, 1^. C in 4906 "t 11 Montgomery, R., Tii. t 8 § 4726 do. Hundred, (8) » do. County 410, 1595, & » Moore in 860 Morton, above & below » 348 Morvill, R. in Kemess, 4613 lup^e^ ^857 Moughtrey with Eskirgilog 4728 Mount, C near 1579 Mounton, in Narberth a 4582 Moyddn Hundred (18) 4837 Moylgrave, C., in Kemess 4613 Mydriin % 4937 Myfod 4745 Mynachty, Ham 4931 N Nannerch, R., partly in Denbigh near 861 I'lantcwnlle, V 4827 a Conway Hundred (7) 4706 ' du, C 10 S. if 4809 " glyn, V. 2 ^ 4687 a mell, V. (4) 4791 ' moT, flJerioneth in 4720 Narberth, R.,TF.t0%j^«^-[|; ^582 do. Hundred (22) 4580 Nash, Ex. Pa in 4899 y in Castle Martin 4580 ^ Upton Ham. in Narberth 4587 S'^tll Neath, R., S. + 3^ 202 do. Hamlets in S hZT Vr 1 do. Hundred (9) do., R. • Nerquis, C Nevern, V Nevin, P. C., .S’. 3^ Newborouoh, R. r«. 1 5§ Newcastle, V. see y Higher . . . . 1543 Bridge>end ^ Ldwer . . . . 315 do. Evenjobb, Biirroa, &c. in 4785 do. Little, C. + 4616 DO. in Ehlyn,C., F. y in Kennarth 4927 3 § & •*t Adpar, ( Llandyfriogl583 do. Hundred (12) 4900 NewxhurchjC., Cuj-murf/ien 4019 do. R., Radnor in 4704 Newmarket, P.C., N. t 4 § 4700 New Moat, R. in Dungleddy near 4607 H Newport, R., S. t § 1575 Newton Nottage, R near 1.543 do. P. C. ill Narberth near 4582 "t Newtown, R., Tm. t 6 % 410 do. Hundred (11) 4730 Nicholas, St. 2 ^ 4886 do. in Dewisland 4610 do in 1341 Nicholaston, R near 29.5 Noddfa,in Darowen 4762 Nolton, R 6 IF. if 1342 Northop I '’v,? ^ • • V.- ' ^ 7 other iowiisliips y Norton, V., Rm/mir near 4785 0 Ogmorc Hundred (15) 4005-6 “t 1[ Overton, C. 3 § 46.56 Oxwicli, R 1.551 Oystermouth, C 1548 P IF Pains Castle Hundred (12) 4791 Parcel Canol in L503 Park, Ham » 4877 Parla-i, with Cwersylt, &c., see— Gwersylt Patrisbow, 1^. C near 182 Pegwarn, Facnal-Boddlewy-ddang in 4607 Penibrey, V 15.58 YSt. Marv,V. 1341 ‘^tll Pemuroke, iS.t4^ ^ St. Micliael, V. a < St. Nicolas, V. » ri„ C '‘-H7 ^^‘''"‘■'i.M'iston 4605 lotal ISumOer oj P&KSUJVS, at each of the I Ten Yearly Periods, tlieProporly Tax in ISIS. — £•— 912 POOR, I82S— 23. 131 1801. 1811. 1821. M831. 164 139 153 160 14.292 2,538 4,235 5,083 6,268 8,086 4,196 570 930 976 1,052 1,299 3L390 4,739 9,484 10,495 12,379 14,799 Llan- devey log — 357 440 895 81 352 406 447 447 3,596 381 673 770 1,021 1,128 811 78 129 89 97 102 494 38 101 114 117 121 5,235 27<» 972 932 1,062 1,188 21,926 2,594 4,436 4,611 5,128 6,532 207,280 30,994 47,971 51,931 59,899 05,700 Hawar den — 138 132 Rua bon — 1,349 2,342 2,957 468 52 125 138 172 201 3,207 3G2 934 1,085 y 598 ( 512 642 650 1,425 258 482 476 514 544 578 32 116 138 172 131 162 8 43 34 39 41 36,732 4,888 9,318 11,213 13,097 14,980 1,058 134 362 370 406 419 3,151 323 605 856 941 983 8,000 874 1,633 1,526 1,761 1.861 439 110 116 132 148 1,018 253 244 325 413 384 860 111 457 569 635 686 6,890 1,233 2,601 3,016 3,680 3,305 306 Canti elf 96 91 122 102 1,161 143 342 349 359 345 5,079 Beddge 625 1,221 1,094 1,144 1,294 lert 230 — 252 294 3,055 384 952 1,161 1,.589 1,852 1,811 102 579 618 706 737 43,295 3,169 9,536 9,080 15 11,321 8 11,942 9 1 707 y- 21 95 96 101 133 i 20 27 18 12 6 8,779 918 2,502 2,740 2,823 4,043 712 110 171 150 205 185 4,036 173 236 259 299 271 3,238 101 430 650 341 6H 1 39,234 3,390 8,320 9,126 9,837 13,090 1,706 261 466 422 441 470 4,992 586 1,283 1,313 1,744 1,558 1,279 252 1,028 1,177 1,614 1,726 1,018 179 599 750 756 804 1,198 55 1 Cil y 171 245 305 1,459 227 ( 469 508 585 1,604 200 322 290 302 309 942 100 255 302 336 330 2,922 343 1,309 1,399 1,635 1,935 2,088 172 6-17 703 836 854 30,805 3,548 7,140 8,006 8,997 11,130 2,621 245 508 679 769 659 782 72 115 115 178 164 1 ,289 208 451 469 623 631 1,447 160 327 303 310 331 1,983 318 1,392 1,433 1,660 1,798 1,658 113 209 471 505 626 460 63 92 82 69 42 4,915 1,008 990 2,025 3,486 4, .5, 50 36,481 5,223 7,339 9,134 11,527 13 930 2,101 188 319 320 329 351 881 93 230 213 262 315 3,590 381 673 770 1,021 1,128 310 91/ 85 128 119 92 D a ro wen 383 429 486 806 40 180 204 100 208 8,595 888 2,212 2, .542 y 741 (2,1.53 864 2,162 1,963 149 221 216 312 297 22,853 1,606 3,201) 3,454 3,904 3,982 5,800 303 1,233 1,.')63 1,6()8 1,746 .509 32 202 23(i 207 241 2,406 120 715 761 1,008 1,M>4 18,682 2,440 3,310 3,517 3,809 (4,226 1,1211 109 318 385 464 497 Eghvy s Han 122 111 126 123 < ■ res ford — ■ ■ - _ . _ _ 431 (it) 70 90 92 73 St. As upb 425 473 461 4,691 612 1,455 1,528 1 ,767 2,645 4,673 90 1 1 117 1,021 2,937 4,’22K 2,736 456 725 621 967 1,155 3,596 381 673 770 1,021 1,128 ■ > 5,208 184 984 1,176 1,5.54 2,128 3,012 245 569 «07 753 745 206 Division, City, 'Jown, Parish, Hamlet, Sfc. 4'c., in the Principality of WALES, at each of the Four Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021, and 1031. Principality of WA Number of P KHSONS, at each of the A I'en Yearly Periodn. 1811. 1821. 1831. 00,015 74,009 80,900 294 297 333 579 086 s 518 ( 258 gadock — — 75 77 t!8 5.011 6,814 0,404 240 309 353 850 1,123 1,444 1,388 1,537 1,733 4.54 508 Oil 89(i 1,047 1,178 300 305 402 387 383 415 391 447 012 930 1,024 1,144 259 281 241 145 152 183 321 365 351 312 350 380 417 403 440 252 286 289 279 344 357 4,404 6,326 5,257 400 505 517 255 279 208 280 341 349 6,903 7,113 0,654 893 1,033 984 107 140 137 — 537 433 477 536 179 291 240 1,004 955 982 492 537 377 657 745 789 207 311 357 123 100 150 102 110 112 438 525 557 353 345 362 273 S 190 219 ( 129 127 R)9 106 123 645 839 938 285 287 206 500 003 616 — 771 931 475 747 926 9,405 10,921 12,135 99 98 109 135 162 134 233 232 192 71 83 77 181 173 175 76 68 75 bury 1.52 140 502 549 528 65 71 61 3,303 3,792 3,802 308 355 308 101 128 174 907 1,126 1,105 1,114 1,288 1,513 97 99 116 535 654 653 ■ 178 3,372 3,758 4,685 1,263 1,947 2,696 122 135 149 171 199 174 210 227 326 1,383 1,876 2,091 187 165 187 443 444 475 380 426 472 327 318 400 1,537 1,760 1,989 332 371 307 1,114 1,191 1,2.59 446 647 069 1,114 1,288 1,513 1,958 2,290 2,461 20,900 22,4.59 24,651 — 70 83 97 123 13^1 233 273 261 1. I’eiii — Kos Towns, Parishes, tfc. ^ ^ I3J1-7, 1507-78, & 4580 next 1507 83 Pembroke Comity Pen or Hen, Ihad. I’eimlley, It ilo., I’riske, Killey 185 Peu-artb, St. Austin, V in 4802 do. Hundred (5) 4820 Pen-bedw, Llantilinngel-, U 4021 » boyr, U 4025 • bryn 1580 • bualt Ham., in Llanganiinarch.. 4815 • curreg, V 4032 s coyd in 4000 . derry \ ?‘sher 4013 ■' ( Lower » , ,|prvn 1? J Lower 180 deryn, K. ^ I,,q » dine, R next 15(i0 • duylun, V in 4800 ' ®Sos, R. ^ u^Uyeoed".'.'.'.”*.’.'.’ \ r iartii in 1508 Penkelly, in Llanvigan 4807 do. Hundred (14) 4804 Penley, in Ellesmere 4050 • llech,C S N.n/ 1612 • nine, V in 4900 » llyn Hundred (5) 4769-74 • niachno, P. C. 2 ^ 4708 ' maen, Cf. c.uext 1550 > maern in 4770 s niark,V 4800 » raon, C next 1032 « morfa, R. 3 § 1007 » mynydd, P. C 1030 • nant, sin. R. & V 4747 » nard,V 8 iS. IP. 295 » Pont, Ham in 4811 Pen-Rhos, C near 1009 do. Lligwy, ti- « 1027 Penrice, C. & 4§ 1550 ' S c;steii;n; c: ^ 4022 • strowed, R near 410 .» traetli, C. 5 § 1028 » tre Cwm Ham. 2 § .. in Llaudilo- 4861 » tre-Voelas, or Tyi-yr-Abbot .... 4093 • trobin in 800 » tyrch H Pen-y-pont Inn, in Cefn-Lyss Peterstone on the Hill,C. do. Super Elv,R. Pillith,C near Pool Hundred (3) — see Welch-Pool Portsey-borfawr,— see Kitploith Prees-Ucha or Trebrys near IT Presteigne scoyd ....... Herefordshire do. Hundred (6) Prisk,Penalt, & Killey Pulchrochan, R Puncheston, R. ( New, R., S. t 5 ^ ”t^RADNOR.7 oid,R. & Burlinjobb (.Total of Parish (9) .. (Cefn-Lyss lOJP.o/ '.••VV District. Heyop Radnor Hundred (4) do. County .... Rake & Manor Redberth, C — £•— 210,589 1,954 2,387 3,752 (>4 10.530 1.340 2,012 4,200 2,057 2,745 1,383 1.3W 1,318 1.530 l,:d»0 337 2,031 2,574 Llan- 4,235 22,160 2,385 1,390 1,738 24,094 2,282 490 Llan 3,815 521 2,127 1,076 2,068 1,532 1,354 257 1,454 1,051 756 541 1,294 fawr 2,288 Hawa 4882 808 371 4854 39,038 3,637 .4892 1,031 41 4900 1,076 63 4892 2,174 134 1341 793 51 4657 2,678 124 4784 769 68 4796 Glasbu ry 81 1615 1,025 109 1575 352 29 4739 18,712 3,324 1552 481 78 4693 852 102 1343 1,978 205 4781 4,506 499 tf 1,453 6 N 6,358 410 1650 see M eliden n 16,602 1,687 186 _^752 300 4826 Gwnfil .25 1341 1,274 132 1575 554 59 1609 2,486 478 4797 993 Talgarth 1545 1,387 218 4785 1,262 184 B 1,855 162 e 11,913 925 4785 1,697 189 4786 3,119 344 4792 558 161 4784 4,506 499 0 11,904 992 M 99,717 12,103 800 Havva rden 4584 Carew 2 4910 782 21 r.j. M.i ienaac* o( tli» POOH, IH3»— W - £•.- 22,807 53 315 see 249 do. Hundred" (8) « Rhulin \6 S. of 4785 Rhurrworried & Claiscaunon .... in 4927 Rhyd, a Ford. Rhydgwern, Ham. in Machen 178 -y-Boithan, Ham in 4877 yrhin 1598 Rhyl, in Rhuddlan 1649 RhyndroA:iydach 5 49/4 Ridley in 4065 Roatb near 4881 Robeston Wathon, C 4583 do.. West, R near 1342 Roch,C 4001 Roose Hundred (27) 4-593 Roscilly, R 1553 Rose-Crowther, R near 1341 market, V 4602 Royton in 4657 /V., il/. 3§ X ( Morton, above and below 3 Rudbaxton, R. 4607 Rudry, C next 4876 Rulen, or Rhulyn 10 S. of 4785 s «r r?.,.,....., SC., M. S. i 5i 4672 5 t H Ruthin, ^ yf Llan-fwrog, Llan- Hundred (17) » do. ey in 860 _ iton e 315 Scyber-y-coed " 4834 Sealand » 860 r in Devynnock 8 S. W.of 4810 . . . e 800 next 4853 4008 4786 4665 295 ;r) Electoral^ District. (V., IE. 5. t 4§ \St. Thomas 112 1 203 ( 1-14 558 101 12,101 1,7.57 8.58 217 Llan- fawr — 132 Ysirad - 114 404 110 570 101 648 204 619 13t) 446 162 280 23 704 33 Worth en 18 — 209 5,715 013 21,773 3,836 490 125 St. Ha rmon Mac hen Eglwy Llan-e s llan gryn Rhud dlan 722 114 2,998 228 696 21 2,161 219 801 79 1,322 70 1,596 237 37,328 3,759 575 41 1,629 158 993 100 1,520 57 5,421 1,398 2,322 242 1,806 184 495 125 6,281 709 rhydd & Lla 48,078 6,796 Hawa rden Nort hop 2,000 2.59 Hawa rden 1,675 136 1,728 54 Hawa rden 805 90 1,965 216 606 52 March iviel St.Br ide 1,288 118 1,659 157 1,159 Wrex 87 lam 6,253 462 Total SumOer of PEH.'SONS, at rack of the 4 Tin Yearly 1‘irlodt. 1801. 1,002 289 722 4,483 Garon 1,313 2,401 29,184 3,370 954 8,770 740 905 229 87 94 2,260 36 258 108 918 82 100 71 43,998 3,833 30,717 2,803 17,886 1,455 802 75 99,303 8,166 558 339 127 172 288 47 294 259 102 138 1,291 523 164 184 6,099 ( 411 ( 321 322 2,502 275 249 365 10,544 8.005 3,482 232 1811. 1821. 1831. 8 217 260 220 3 113 110 109 i( 331 401 2 1,-183 1 > 313 i> 318 475 ( 2H5 291 446 647 OtiO 4,141 3,982 4,410 100 128 127 • 396 li lo-fawi 306 221 d wg 397 338 505 318 380 3.'-,8 297 301 316 504 509 495 234 310 319 179 205 1.53 126 130 1.52 101 80 112 48 64 59 399 480 036 — 50 32 831 252 \ M67 1,506 7,563 8,389 9,270 139 118 119 307 370 428 173 173 184 485 590 805 414 513 475 252 Rhud dlan 5 252 286 252 \ 632 662 885 48 45 42 211 269 272 333 383 421 106 112 112 578 664 791 10,064 11,831 13,893 208 269 302 204 193 231 270 4!2 456 88 92 113 (1,137 1,352 1,341 >1,951 3,107 3,56G j 403 401 489 (.1,349 2,342 2,957 514 563 621 281 295 276 139 118 119 1,292 1,294 1,419 — — 1,957 8,673 10,652 11,129 156 172 419 421 614 735 701 — 270 290 329 340 303 144 154 150 220 180 209 246 327 257 386 353 54 60 57 — 93 159 357 303 340 321 377 452 288 318 348 125 128 155 169 258 260 1,961 2,405 2,984 641 709 732 132 204 197 223 237 230 8,005 10,007 13,256 191 248 438 448 507 678 319 414 559 270 600 690 2,740 9,823 4,043 321 305 573 242 222 276 4V3 427 13,015 1 15,679 21,178 8,488 1 9,927 12,787 3,686 1 3,879 4,o3<> 232 395 1,0.50 25,421 1 29,880 ! 20G Annnal Val tc oj Property ; Amount annually Expended for Maintenance of the Poor ; and Total Number of Persons in every County, Hundred, Swa — Tjt Towns, Parishes, SfC. Swansea Hundred (‘20) Swydd & Crai{5 Tal,#/ie Head or Front. ’ benny, H., in Koose Iliind. 7 W. o) • ford, Kinnerton, & Uadlaud . . . .in 47b5 XalRarth ^ 5 illiiVtV'.’.V.' « do. Hundred (12) Taliaris.C in f Ld>[>er • -J'-l)olion Hundred (12) -y-cefn,in Llanbedr-y-ceunin nxt 4711 yllyn.C 4781 15C7 Thomas, St. see Pembroke & Swansea Tlireapwood, Ex. Pa., P. C 4662 Tir, Terra, or Land. Tir-Efan or Tre-Evan, in Isaled .... 4684 « -y-mynerch in 4730 » -yr-Al)bot, or Pentre-Voelas 4693 ^ Towyn, V. § (a Sandy Blarsh) 1507 Trallong, C 4812 Trawsfyndd, R 4780 ■r „ • Ti ,, ^OlaseHam 192 Prayan in Llywell J „ _ __ ,.,3 Tre or Tref, a House orViltage. Trebrys, or Prees Ucha near 4693 « castle 7 ^ (see Bryn-y-Beird) in 4Hn,C in 861 Trederw'eufawr » 4743 Tre-Evan. or Tir-Efan, in Isaled .... 4684 Trefdraeth, R. 8 W. of Bangor Ferry • -Eslwys, V. (4) 4758 » eirifc, in Llanbadarn-fawr 1.593 Treffgard, R, in Roose Hundred .... 4593 Trefilan, R. in Lower liar near 1591 f Trp.fgaron, V. Tu.2§ 4820 Trefllys, C. Carnarvon near 1600 do. or lis in Llangammarch .... 4818 Treflyn in 4820 do., Manleth & Birthdir « 4756 Trefor-Traian » 4654 Trefriw, R. 3 % 4710 Pref-y -coed. Ham in 4837 Tregayan,C., in Llangefni near 1636 » gib, see Bryn-y-Beird in 4861 K gynon, C 4733 " helig in Castle Caerineon 4737 « Ian in Llandegley 4787 « leach-ar-Bettws, V 4921 » lydan in Guildsfield 4739 » lystan inM'orthen near 4726 • inaen.C near 1579, or 4852 1 nieircbion or Dremeirchion 4698 K tower Parcel, C in 4802 • vecca Ham » 4797 « walchmai, C in Hen-Eglwys e willan, iu 4743 « werne, see Buttington » 412 » worn a 4785 Troascord & Birlwyn, in Carno 4700 Troed, the font of a Hill. Troed-yr-aur \ | | | | J 4350 do. Hundred (23) « Tullymen in Cilcen near 845 Twinnells, St., V » 1341 Twrcellyn Hundred (9) 312-14 Tjbroughton 4655 Tydweiliog, P. C next 1614 ndaetlnvy Hundred (16) 1632 Tyr, Turris, a Tower nr Castle. Tyr-Abbot, or Llandulas-Newch, nr. 4815 IT escob h Rhosmaer in 48ril » y-mynach » 4834 » yr-Brenkin Criskedwin Ham. » 15.57 Ataouot Total Number of P EHSONSt ^ g Amourt t Total Number of P BRSONS, VAlua of ^ ■iieiiiod In lh« Proper! Tai io 1816 — i' - . fur Mjin at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods* Uch - Yst ii \ V.lue of Prnperlj, i as.ened »«. forMair len«»c« ^ p'loK • 1828-'/ ** at each of the 4 jf Ten Yearly Periods* ^ POOH. ■ >HV8— as - 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. Towns, Parishes, t^c. sc « ‘ the Pioppr T«x ID 181 — £■- 9,898 1801. 1811. 1821 1831. 27,685 2,300 7,385 8,257 9,501 10,709 Uchaf Hundred (5) 1,381 3,854 4,5B ! 5,78' 7,324 Llan degly 133 •207 227 380 8i 25C 211 36)8 221 32C Uchy-garreg 1,‘271 37t 332 1 Uchycoed iu Penegos Pen( ;gos 43i 417 461 446 Llan dilo fawr lUppington Middh ton 57 95 9!) 131 132 132 306 221 Upton, Ham. in Nasli , near 4.587 223 2( 27 18 6 613 Usniaston, P. C 1,493 214 382 453 424 .525 88 176 286 199 177 Uwch-afon, Ham ^ 476C 1 delw ( lO/i 755 Cen \ mes 391 391 432 395 > inGw( n rn — ( 69C 106 <102 99 145 166 192 222 -G'raig . near 311 Llan-c I dwye 105 2,036 126 153 200 216 246 -Gorfai, Hundred (6) . . 471£ 15,921 2,418 6,025 5,839 6,383 7,149 2,752 1 770 li 609 (i<)8 741 3.657 ( 692 705 741 732 V 28,044 3,254 6,278 6,684 7,364 7,701 81 119 118 162 207 Vainor, I? 2,853 1,310 491 83 1,240 235 1 416 2,010 317 4,648 ( 107 1 822 880 < 471 427 do. Uchaf . , . .in 1593 263 384 do. Jssa 17,279 } 207 t 613 631 915 108 no 125 116 186 3,115 3,731 4,574 5,007 5,439 do. Glare, in Glascombe 7 W. of 4785 1,253 Glasc 297 304 324 311 26,514 3,813 der-y- 4,108 4,287 4,993 335 4,400 318 do Nan nipn 252 08 233 80 315 59 Llanbe cennin Van, Glamorgan in Bedwas . . 179 Bet iwas 73 3,551 461 1 633 596 766 767 Varchael Guilds field 611 613 762 698 Llan- Wingat — 236 270 Venny-Vach, or Little Abergavenny « 4810 951 1 112 129 107 128 119 4,432 170 844 1,050 1,400 1,942 Venvick, V next 1579 2,040 1 183 338 404 361 439 776 14 140 126 154 186 Vorlau Ham Maencl ochoff 38 39 ■ 74 69 90 109 Vro iu Llangynider 1,934 1 188 426 483 617 506 399 504 477 do. & Dylfrin in Llanthetty . . 4808 Llan- 1 thetty 302 219 281 331 Guilds 259 273 279 W field 385 280 299 Walton, East, C next 4607 1,062 72 209 218 218 228 2,288 295 436 500 603 616 do., VV'est, R do., & Womaston 748 72 300 360 433 411 10,570 l,2(i0 2,092 1,941 2,369 2,694 1,175 122 169 159 181 186 1,967 209 295 313 336 314 Walwyns Castle, R Warren, V. iu Castlemartin . . . 1,520 180 278 274 366 311 4,135 582 1,232 1,481 1,444 1,450 4591 732 128 160 145 149 169 2,1 11 437 643 670 7^ 703 M'^epre North op — — 282 354 1,633 224 ■ 543 602 634 . . ir aii elly Stoke 032 234 852 Weston-Madoc .. . 4727 Church 216 194 247 162 — 101 128 174 C Upper 4,015 308 439 534 1,629 619 570 673 2,538 — 76 — 377 f Welcu-pool, V. }M*i3dle ... 2; 104 .536 1,311 2,079 805 Tref- G 85 14i 125 276 224 44 f>‘J5 1,‘269 56 1,176 207 253 248 263 Cyfi'ronydd • • . • // 341 71 75 2,430 309 464 554 611 829 Welch, St. Donuatts, C .. .. 4896 1,557 122 222 '233 279 304 Llan-s ant-lii- Jied — 128 153 Wenvoeor Wenval, R 3,004 2)7 331 373 446 432 Isa led — 259 273 279 Whitchurch, R., in Dewisland . 1.570 1,773 359 599 789 939 1,0-28 1,972 357 -461 497 601 835 do., C., f^latnorgan . . . 3,400 240 696 997 972 1,184 3,346 1,600 1,580 176 1,.502 372 1,654 410 1,804 455 1,820 496 .1., V ^ ‘0 !5.emess ■’ ■ i Llan-fair-Nant-v- Goirhen 1,687 90 430 274 < 340 \ 221 ^ 377 222 34 95 91 79 1 12 U hitford, K. i V 4,000 977 2,525 109 2,414 113 2,874 i29 3,333 131 349 970 72 226 214 278 313 IPhitton, R De«r 4787 '784 121 5,095 445 1,.558 1,774 2,071 2,282 Wick,C 2,022 ' 104 2.59 278 350 314 17 65 84 100 78 Williamstone, C Begell y 52 311 345 412 470 1,106 204 455 434 491 Williiigton 2,636 253 304 294 383 388 Tref-g arou 135 1.55 162 ”tWiston,P. C. ^ 3,012 245 569 607 753 745 Llan-i Hoes — — 594 Womaston & VTalton near 4785 1,175 122 169 1.59 181 180 1,122 — 565 734 Llan-g ollen Worthen, R. ^ " . . • 4726 2,486 159 375 241 432 378 446 86 301 321 373 413 7,095 1,0.50 1,602 1,089 1,684 2,290 Lanipe ter 68 58 120 Worthenbury, R 6,804 406 530 511 658 623 360 87 156 180 110 179 5 ’t If Wrexham, ^ ^*>*\°*® Urn V M Th * + 4^5 11,274 2,143 (1,464 ’ 2,575 C 4,470 1,518 3,000 1,708 3,0!)l 2,043 3,441 — 103 — — 178 372 4,609 6,286 6,037 2,848 Castle 3.50 639 658 740 Caeri neon 360 714 Y Llan-d egley 71 412 P28 4,029 390 1,035 1,131 175 1,565 Y, of on; Ym, in or by ; Vii, Y Y-Bran Dutton- ng, in at; Yr, the. Guilds Held — 85 1,292 — 553 49 44 43 48 58 Worth en 38 123 92 74 106 Yale Hundred (6) 10,326 1,882 3,347 3,245 3,039 3,850 1,095 122 192 234 89 241 Yerbeston, R next 4.585 527 31 134 135 107 155 3,104 Llan-fi- 195 597 622 240 6-15 Ynys, an Island . Cwin 070 300 318 282 . in dOA.5 225 5 82 96 91 1,316 224 230 u eyn-haiani, C 1,597 3(i0 525 889 885 1,075 1,044 149 367 485 251 719 « y-mond, 816 65 165 128 1,50 177 Llan-s ant- tfr aed ‘670 99 V'n-y-dre, Issa .. » 1593 735 77 283 254 294 335 1,7.51 1 100 281 323 69 353 Ys, lower Rad lor 144 124 358 126 Ys-ceifog,— Qu. Skeviog, R .... 865 3,889 811 805 1,068 1,852 1,860 Ys-clydach Ham. in Llywell... 1,537 199 — 354 399 36-2 — — — 183 — Ys-gwyddgwn Ham Gelli ^aer 95 88 105 105 607 Yskir-Yhiur Ham in 3Ierthyr-Cynog 1,005 121 225 215 221 204 2,615 30,993 313 3,5.52 789 9,587 5 366 461 do. Vechan Ham. .. in do. do. 1,019 85 261 232 253 2t3 8,969 t 557 11,147 603 12,0.54 .. ■ ,, S Eidda, Carm. \spytty-Evan,C. ^ nr. 4708 812 181 < 273 e 04 319 101 878 128 394 174 Cil cen — 35 49 4885 4 575 425 642 ’ 172 ( 6.17 187 261 130 96 153 149 1.59 t Rhigos ik Middle ' 637 7‘25 i,4iir 2f)9 412 399 ‘iso (>:i6 . . . . 194 3,078 l,‘285 1.56 709 l.lHl : 1,134 1 ,6-10 438 79 167 240 210 171 do. -gynlais, R. 1 _ 19.5 167 284 318 Llande ilo-tal -bout 375 397 400 do. -owen, C . in 4899 1,‘251 85 169 181 221 233 798 585 85 51 1!H) 87 223 101 200 134 302 102 do. -velty, P.C. ■ ■ ; ^ 1809 2,817 2t)5 669 1 393 317 419 311 431 313 A II 1 S T 11 1 C T A It It A N (i 15 M 15 N T OF THE NINE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY PARISHES, &c., OF Numbered in consecutive order from 1 to 970 ; SHOWING THE LOCALITY AND RELATION OF EACH PARISH, TOGETHER WITH THE SUPERFICIES OF' EACH, EITHER IN STATUTE ACRES OR IN LENGTH AND BREADTH; THE NUMBER OF IWHABITEI> HOUSES IN EACH IN ISOa AND 1831, AND THE NUMBER OF FAMIEIE8 IN EACH AT THE LATTER PERIOD, SHOWING THE PROPORTION RETURNED TO PARLIAMENT AS BEING EMPLOYED IN DISTINCT FROM THOSE EMPLOYED IN iltanufactttm, or And those not included under either of the two -preceding heads; And the TOTAL NIJllBLR of tn each Parish at each of the three Periods 1801, 1811, and 1831. WITH NOTES TOPOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL. ACCOMPANIED BY AN ^Ijji^aibcttcal ^mnsonent WITH NUMBER OF REFERENCE TO EACH PARISH IN THE DISTRICT ARRANGEMENT (TO WHICH IT SERVES AS AN INDEX), SHEWING THE , ANNUAZ. VALUE OF REAI. FROFERT'S’ ZN EACH FARISH, As Assessed to the Property Tax in 1815. And the TOTAL NIJ91BLR of PLRS0:N8 in each in 1755 and 17S8, And as returned to Parliament at each of the four periods 1801, 1811, 1831, 1831, THE CITIES, BURGHS, ELECTORAL DISTRICTS, POST TOWNS, SEA PORTS, &c., &c.. All being distinguished by characteristic Notations, as particularized at page 231. ty «> £ 'hJ g Q Z C H O o 1/3 1-.-44 Topoijrajmical and Statistical Details of each Parish of SCOTLAND. — County of DUMFRIES. 1 r-i 01 CO ’I' ‘O X X X c OI X mf >!? CO X cs 0 pH 01 X 410 X X X OI X T uO CO r- X 0 pH Cl X ')^l3Vf0i 'Off pH rm PH pH OI 01 OI 01 OI OI oi 01 OI OI X X X X X X X X X X mf. T Tf rr ‘O CO '.0 •0 *t0 OI CO ‘O X X 01 OI CO 01 X 0 •iO X X 0 c- X 1 X X -f X OI -t X X -t OI 00 IBSI Kt suvi j:>f[ Jo -r -r 06 X X Oi 40 0 0 f 0 0 X X 0 X X X 0 01 0 X 0 ‘O uo 4^ -r ‘O PH — 0 X *0 PH pH Ch uo cn cs i- 40 OI l*p 0 OI OI OI 0 X 01 X X X 0 uo X X X 0 X X X l> OI X cs uo OI cs X 0 uO ‘O X X X s ddt^ ma /^*^**» r. •> •ft pH " 01 OI OI Oi X (M '.tiutp333.l(l o.ltf 00 CO CO r* OI 0 X 0 X cs c* X 01 cs r* 40 X OI cs cs X OI uo Tf CO OI 0 0 X X X CO X 01 0 01 pH 00 311) ui popnpm CO uo X X X c* 03 uo uo X CO X X OI uo X 'T' OI X uo •0 X X PH T. a )ou ‘yjji/jo iiy PH OI OI pH pH pH PH -p X OI pH PH 0 u •)fii.i3ipiiDff .in Ci 0 CO '*0 X cs CO 0 0 X 4<0 40 X X 01 CO p- r* 0 cs OI uo X X 0 0 X X pH X X rf 4» 0 cs uo OI 0 X uo OI X CO 'S33n)3i>fnm>m 0 .—1 •c X OI cs UD 40 X cs rr cs rr X OI 0 uo CO TP X OI X rr uo 0 l-p 'O CO X X OI uo X X X X CO 01 OffiKe^l in U){) CO PH OI PH 01 PH pH pH r* uo r- X X 0 X pH X •n* -t- r* X X ‘O X CO rf X 0 40 X X O' v< p3lioj(tiuj I 11 / 301 J 0 01 x> X 0 I'p X 01 OI CO uo OI X 00 CO CO PH uo Tf cs uo l> uo cs X CO unt) 3 nitnjj pH pH PH pH pH PH PH pH pH PH 01 % s 7V10X CO 01 0 01 CO uo lO -f 0 r* X pH uo X CS OI ‘to — H p i X cs X cs X X X X X rf X X 01 c 0 0 X M p* CO pH CO 01 Oi - OI OI OI PH X OI <01 OI X X OI X X X X uo X PH PX X pH sf Oi CO pH CO X OI 0 OI -f 0 -t- uO uo 01 0 X n* X X X l> X X 4>* X OI X •T* X X 01 X X llSl suos^d^r JO T CO -t CO X X X X 0 X X X 01 X X X i> X OI X OI X X OI X cs 0 40 X OI 01 X 01 X X X 33qumsi V>i«X '"1 OI p- cs OI X q_ X uo X X uo Tf 0 x^ rj* x^ X 0 x^ X X X rr x^ X X x^ uo X CO uo co" rH cT pH pH (3» PH PH or p^ 01 X X 0 •*T 4t0 X -H 40 0 cs 0 uo rf X OI mm X ■T X X X X 40 X X 0 0 CD i'^ 'O uo X cs OI 0 X X X X X Oi X uo TT X 0 uo 01 uo *0 X X 0 4> 4> X uo CO uo 0 •(f X to uo oi l> P-4 -' pH (?S PH pH pH c« ’- OI OI •Sinp 333 ,id o.nj l> -f 0 eo Oi CO 0 X 0 -f X X OI Tf r- OI cs X OI rH 0 X I'- X X X 0 X r* *0 X OI 0 X >0 X CC Z in jtapnpin •H ■n" X OI X ’-f X X OI X X X l> 01 0 rH X 0 mm X X X 0 0 X OI X cs X X X X 0 X X z 0 uO X c X uo CO l> M X OI «p OI X 0 X 01 CO 0 cs CO pH X r? Cl X -p CM pp Cl 4^ uo 01 X OI OI ec U pu ^su^ipo iiY « CO* p- (?s‘ pH -■ " P5 Cm •)f0J3ipiWfl .10 ‘s3.tn).3r>JhuBH[ spvdj^ m -op p- OI 01 01 X OI 01 X 0 X 0 X X 4> pH X X 0 X ‘O X OI 40 pH mm 0 X 0 —4 pH X 01 X CO 0 h. 0 CO uo X uo *<0 pH l> X X • rf uo X l> mm — r 01 pH X 01 u » 01 OI uo X X 0 ’f cs X t- cs cs X r- X uo 0 X X X X CO X X X Cl CO uoifdodojj 1-^ CO FP PH pH X OI X 40 40 <01 X X X OI rr OI pp X X OI 01 ”40 PH 1^ Cl © *1081 w? 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M o ■ ‘|5'*4 »-v. - •' 2^ o (Q 'O'® OS 3 o- *2 5 5e s2| a £.S£ o •ijj o o S ■r ja S: £ ■M-5 ?-2 n.3 Win>2.S^ n Z I § a ij ><1 U O u o d-a’S E 5 pji »>® B 9 2 n3S“!£ SoB U.Sca mty of T'lvoijraphicul and Statistical Details of each Parish of SCOTLAND. — Counties of KHiCUDJiRIG IIT and \VI(J TON. 1 CO !>• CO 05 3 01 eo -p »o 50 1^ X X 0 01 X t »c X X OS 0 01 n -f •0 X X X 01 X HI »0 X X X 1 lJUJ.U/iJ -ItJIOB/oi ■0^\[ TT TT rr -f uo »0 uO »tO »o lO uo uo »o »o X X X X X X X X X X I'* r- I'* I'* I** X X X X X X X X X X 1 0 01 0 •t 01 X X X X Ol X iO •0 »0 «>• *0 CS X -p 01 pH -r CO 0 Ol X CS pH 1'^ ^ X X X X X 0 X 3.^ ° i 0 »o CO OS 05 CO 01 01 X X X 05 X -M* pH 01 X uo g X X pH ■s> •0 X •0 b X X rP X X 01 c-l 1 I7.SI l(f SlWS\t.*,l io CO 50 CO uo X TT 0 X X 01 X CO rf X X X OS X I/O 05 PH 05 PH ■t (£ CO 0 0 rr X X 0 X Ol X X X T X Ol rP eo a .(rft/Mtny ;1PJU^ pH of pH - '-'* -* pH of eeT •- pH pH c^ or rH 01 * rH PH -* 0? or -H or X 0\ FH n r» X •.iufpjjj.ul O.llf 05 05 CO CO M- 01 0 X •f rf 0 X CS CS r* 4>* 01 01 OS 05 !>• pH X 01 !S 0 0 pH »0 X X •0 •0 pH X I/O 0 jr/t HI /)>/)N/.Hil CO (M CO CO TT 01 CS 31 ifo -t 05 X X 01 X X PH eo X OS uo Ol X X 0 0 -f T p^ X PH C X X 01 X X 01 pH 0 PH a )«« *sAJiiio }}y CO (M pH pH X pH pH uo •ifiUJfpUVfJ .0 Oi oi 0 CO 05 X OS X 0 Ol X I/O 0 01 0 X X -p -f Ol 05 X 'A 01 r* X -p X I'- X *(0 01 pH X 0 o> £ 'SJ.IHI3l‘fnilV[fl rp (M 0 P«1 50 X Ol 00 >c uo rf X pH X uo X rp X X X 01 X X 01 uo pH pH X I/O -p t rH eo X 01 X X X X X X ‘^/'"■*lt ”? ‘"P Tf pH Ol pH pH cT Ol pH X 01 C*l < ■j.iuiin.* C5 !>• 1- »o PPI X !>• 01 "-P X 1^ r- pH eo OS X 50 X 31 2 •0 0 X •/O X X X 01 -p X 0 01 0 X H- H 1V10.1 »o 01 pH X X X C5 C5 1'- •0 Tf rp 01 HP HT X X X U5 X X 0 X X 05 0 50 X X X X X X rH X X X T -p X 1'^ 1- 2 CS oi pH X 01 pH 31 Ol 31 Ol pH X pH X P-1 X X Ol pH Ol 0 rp Ol 01 ‘O ^ X 01 X PH >0 X rp 50 eo 0 •n:si w? 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S § s> ^ a a a ^ a J § ^ »> 2 - ,s -s o - 2 "o -- 5 -a cc.^C R K 'a '>g Q ^ ^ 'S> '“ ^ £pl „ j; ! ^ ^ -S 2 § ■2 J ^ » ^ b/) o ■*>* 4 -a * . !» r S' t> S T!< tS'§^-§'§'§r^f ^ ^ Pco ^ ^ ^ zs ®. .• I OS SS I-I o o s PO i> i> >5 * R CO ~ g «> e 5 * S .gS' ^ rj< CS « ir ' a H' «»5 05 — "s s O •5 S S - — « 2 *» ^ > *® ^ ' ~ R •J ^ .£ tj3 "o *a 05 ^ 'S 53 5 l> E.li'S't,* £ SiWlTS g « I •“ SJ ^ fei^ Q ^ 5j bu R ;. • O '* 5 -5 ■£ 'S I 5 »j ?> ‘'£|Q-**g = * S^-.so'g -b^-R is I H ■? S a <; a ^ s a •<& " ^ -Q 5 3 o ^ a fz ^ "Tfs <2 ^ Cm 3 ^ a. r CT" o s C6 r- ^ CO 3 * Q a o S ■" o ^ H 3 _ qT' ^ J hc*3 i?“ 5^ c/5 5 O h b< ^ &« O i_^ fcp Lm • ^ O ^ S ^ .S o £ s o S a a 3C « ■? Z3 3 (» 3 3 " 3^ "C 1^ 3 0) « 3 « Kr— ' "3 tu „ 3 rf CO < 3S O ' P ' O ■ft . . • bj ® ■ w . (N P O s a H <: •O U .3 ' 33 hC „ W 3 S P ■5 H to ’ll S 'c 1 •S— a •* |-§1 o 3 ? bC'5 ^ ^ n "1^ -a ^ o -r • £>2 ? -2 w ^ bJ -g!^ 01 I § S . V . ^ ^ c o . 5 c« -TS i fe ® ed 3 O s -s s g “l-a 3 .— «t» cd 3 01 &i •'f • cc :o • M • O • 3 • • *s pf: >5 CU — *3 "3 WftOftPHU 'iHHbft^^^^S'^ftftU ocot^cooo»-ic^co'^oor»cociOFHCicO'^ocoi>oooiOfMei ^TrTj'^’^OOOO‘0i0O»^i0O;DC0<0OO?0?3C0C0?0!>!>l> *~Y“ ^ -2 /O ^ *a 6, R ^ a ^ •on pa« ‘501 ‘54 * 80 ^i ‘doijqonBi^ pas *aojSai|l 3 Ui{BQ ‘oJiBqdgis^ jo Xbaa Xq ‘avoSspjq jo »g 9 np 59 paB i ir, 79 ‘o 5 ‘91 ‘so>j ‘aaapsajrici puB ‘mqujoqx 'aAiqiaii^ jo Xbm. Xq ‘qSinqmpa i© -^V ‘S *S £8 MiBMaig nojAva^j jo -a *M *3 41 ‘iqSiJqpnjJia JO quo^ 61 *S 9 iJjiiun 0 jo Xq saiiui \ 7 . si ‘ttu?jy jsau aqj jo ^usq *^vv ^M 1 ^lo ASAionvo Ai 9 |q * 91 t^P%q)!M Jaddn sqi Xq *g puB SaJiqsjXy *JijuaB[) jo pujstp oqi *M *N p^punoq ‘Xinnoj) aqi jo uvd q)iO|»j aqj uuoj ‘ 54 - 69 ’SOf^ ‘qouicdijoj oj ‘eaujuinQ puB ‘uBouv Xq ^aoaaq) uiojij psoj jo auq loaiip aqi uo ‘ua\o) 2 uot inojj saoB^d* aAijoddsaa aqj jo ooucjsip aqi ajouap • ob Xq pi paoajd sajh^g a‘lX— UHOIHaanOHI^ XvJUOf) ao *XJiieA\ajs E> te; R fi; g s 52 s § o ^ s a 1 . ai a a K 52 H »S2 01 z ^ IS &2 52 ■^' CO S os g ♦ ^ 3 < -c 3 53 ri *SS ^ ^ .£ g| § 5 ^ § g .s ft CO Tf Ito !'• I> t'- CO tt c 52 CO 2^ Pi5 . "S' as S >>-S tn js in' g >“ 55 _S o O S — 'Z c» 50 l> CO Os f t- l> t» J 5>i a 3 3 S' S "S '3 a ~ SS C(0 j 52 ^ t ^ ';4 .« a; a> Si u 3 _3 iJ "S 33 3 5 O ij *i^ 2 'S ? 2 ! il‘~ll«l|s 2„. ' ft-^" « rt - S O- S 2 rf«£i- ^4 c« i-iiMCO-gtOCOt- eo 00 CO eo CO CO 03 0) "S3 • S « giZ §■- « B i ^ £ £ 5 ^ •:.."«■■ £" 2 S& 1 - 3 WS ■rS ® £f Jd CA t.4 cc o CO CO i 'W f-N »»* 'o»*iiO P®* *1®S^*W •liy j« *Mt3*«io JO M 4q *s €6 P« *t»ujmnQ JO X«i& Xq 'qSjoqutpg jo aojiB ►SI •! I! • P“»loiI o» po»noos pai puaiSoa jo qvso^ oqi uojj f|t«y( oq) SaiXoAooo joj ootjTtg oqj •! ifOLijuljioa 'uaVHkVBXS JO QMOX »qi ■( qoiifM JO ptoq oqt 'itoa • qi ao uvh^ y»07 poi M»»AV ®*ll o® I»ao»q9 qtiO[4 »qi Xq papacui^ ‘Xioiuooiojd ioqioa* aiioj 6-88 **®N • ^*9 0007 ^q a po» ‘|»aaiq3 HMON •qi 4«» ’M ®8» 00 p»paiK.q t X»moji »0 |o ||njg oqj Xq p»)toiai4»j XjojnoiQOida laiioj 9S *ojj[ TOTAL County of WIG TON. !)0 — 1 36 ‘210 Topoyraphical and Statistical Details of each Parish of SCOTLAND. — County of A YR. o pH 71 CO ‘7 X r* X 05 o 71 CO 47 CO l> CO 05 X fH 71 X 47 X X 05 o P ot X 47 CO CO 05 0 71 47 CO ^.waA^jjx *wtopfo 2 'o\r a> 05 05 a 05 05 05 C 5 X o pH pH fH rH pH 71 CO pH ( ® o o r* Tf •7 71 «3 * X X -T X X X !>• X 47 1 >* 71 r* 47 r* 71 71 X 71 -t 47 !2 X X ♦>• CO CO X o X X 47 01 X r* 71 X X • ssrosnad X X 05 X X o X <55 47 ot X o: •* 1 ’ 47 71 CO •7 X X rf 71 Hf o X •n* z; CO •7 o X •n* X X 05 47 0 »7 »7 X l> X p r* (M 05 X X 01 71 71 X CO 47 05 05 47 X 1 "* O X O X X l> PH TT X l> pH J- r* X o fH 47 o X X 47 P X X 0 X X X 00 a fo A 9 qiunjsj pnox of o' 71 pH ot* pH |H pH *7 7 ? CO <^ rH 0 \ X 71 O'! o Ol pH !> p p CO X X* X* '!r X Co •SutpjSiMl O.llf 01 X CO CO o 05 X 17 71 X iM 'f o 47 47 X o 71 47 71 -t* o O 00 CO CO X O O X o p O »7 47 X r- X 05 pH 71 o 'Cf CO X 05 o p X p 01 p p p X 71 05 p X 71 71 ^ou *^SAjii^o py pH pH rH pH pH CO 71 71 pH PH 71 X X p 'ijb.ioip'uvii JO 'sjjnfjvj'nuvnj o X CO 05 r* i 7 i 7 O o 71 CO 05 X X X X X X c. l> 05 CO l> '■O o pH CO o 71 p X 71 r- 47 p X X X p o C !5 o CO 05 71 X X 71 o 05 CO O X 71 •7 X X X 'Tf X 05 X CO o\ pH a 05 X X o •7 p 71 0 0 47 X p 71 47 ‘a/>iuj; ui *o/> pH ^7 pH p^ 71 71 fH 47 47 CO TP rr 71 X X 71 rf (N 47 71 71 71 •I* X 4.7 p p 47 71 p tM o •SMipiou^y VI poUoiduu tilfjpp X O o 05 05 05 CO 71 o pH o CO l> O X X rH C o »7 X X X 71 n' rt< X CO X 47 P X 47 P 71 CO X X X X 47 pH I-- o 05 X *7 71 o 71 pH O l> CO 05 pH o 71 X 47 O X c 05 rr o 71 X 47 p P X 05 71 47 X X 47 X p— X o .o uoijjodojfi 71 71 ■"' pH X 71 pH pH p< IH rH pH pH 71 71 p rH ot p 71 p 71 71 5 3 lO pH r- X ^7 (N o 00 pH X X X 05 05 o o 71 CO 47 X o 71 X pH 47 o 47 HH
  • I> o O 01 pp ^ fp 05 CO ‘O «0 5 CO 00 01 CO CO s 1 to CO o ■| of oT i-p co“ pp 3 I UO CO 05 S I CO o ^ 01 w5 O O CO tO Cl CC CO C5 cc Cl CO o CO 05 3< CO fn ■? eo iC cc o cd CO Cl Ci pH fF -J. o to 0D_ Tf 05 to to' l> CO to rf f-K co" for Ilolief of the Poor and County Rate, in the Year ending- the ‘25tli. of INlarcIi llCiO : and 2nd., the amount J'^xpcnded fcr Relief of the Poor, County Rate, Chiircli Rate, and Bye Highway, in the Vear ending tlie 2oth. of Warcli 1H27. — Vide l*uyes t) and 11 oj Parliamentary Paper, No. 52, (W/t. December, 1H3I. COUNTIES arranged in STA T EM ENT 29,500 34,382 14,747 ~ 1 0 — 1 2 2 5 1 71,525 101,737 S 33,392 I 15 12 10 18 0 12 18 13 20 20 07,317 90,239 a. .0 30,228 8 10 3 7 1 10 11 10 0 8 50,280 74,009 23,370 12 5 3 8 2 8 7 12 8 8 . 42,957 57,784 10,450 2 7 1 2 — 3 3 4 1 4 . 31,033 43,013 10,172 7 12 18 0 2 5 5 5 13 11 . 19,050 22,459 12,107 0 1 1 5 4 9 0 5 0 2 8,872,981 1 1'4 11,978,875 5,834,206 0,114,709 4,077,891 0,298,000 4,005 3,207 1,3:i8 4,310 3,120 1,220 4,410 i 3,159 : 1,287 4,735 3,332 1,403 5,300 3,800 1,554 .5,140 3,733 1,413 5.337 .i 859 ',478 0,570 4,891 1,685 7,104 5,133 1,731 6,390 1,826 1 504 . 4,G‘2r,8CT 08 57 ; 03 39 00 07 45 82 120 70 I 47 ACCOUNT Contimied. — Of the Number of Committals for CRIME, in eacli County of England and Wales, in each of the 2!j Years in06-‘2D; ilistini^uisliing in the 'I’otal, the proportion of Males and Fo"iales. Eor the nalvrc of the Offences, and the proportion Convicted, — see the next following Pages. < 3 ;^ These Statements contain only the Number of those Committed for Trial at the. Assizes, those Committed under Suinimiry Process, ie found exhibited in succeding Pages. CovENTKY, and some other Cities and Towns, as well us Bristol have exclusive Jurisdictions, but the Number of Criminals in each, have not been stated distinct from the Counties, in which they are situated. COUNTIES. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827, 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1 York 1 355 420 748 669 809 951 757 699 624 753 883 996 1,223 1,094 1,291 1,207 1,270 2 Middlesex .... 2,005 2,226 2,686 2,665 2,091 2,773 2,480 2,539 2,503 2,621 2,902 3,457 3,381 3,516 3,567 3,390 .3,514 3 Lancaster 959 1,212 1,946 1,771 1,896 1,963 1,716 1,663 1,632 1,897 2,132 2,374 2,459 2,011 2,226 2,028 2,352 Devon 264 284 380 416 431 337 341 333 356 402 437 440 432 425 430 494 399 5 Kent 327 325 528 495 476 520 492 458 504 617 577 632 632 604 665 649 640 () Surrey 294 366 491 559 585 525 587 428 537 558 591 699 663 680 716 708 733 7 Somerset 221 244 439 470 387 405 423 485 380 450 523 490 646 495 674 643 616 3 Norfolk 185 244 310 286 345 382 356 389 349 399 409 441 486 421 536 429 549 9 Stafford 154 197 425 388 444 413 374 307 214 263 276 448 569 575 613 563 644 10 Gloucester .... 187 243 442 376 388 358 291 270 264 307 352 427 415 389 449 535 636 Bristol City 98 104 166 176 150 159 166 170 142 135 133 158 139 177 171 174 188 1 1 Essex 191 236 319 312 407 269 303 273 388 460 408 403 451 .363 587 491 607 12 Southampton . . 217 268 378 367 312 315 359 267 260 321 357 285 341 354 396 424 567 13 Lincoln 156 133 232 229 220 210 188 179 222 226 198 221 329 302 337 258 307 14 Warwick 277 341 624 579 636 594 536 431 437 542 482 581 602 608 705 691 665 15 Suffolk 146 153 1 262 238 238 254 268 236 299 301 292 293 351 283 357 362 371 16 Chester ,. . lec 187 285 265 310 332 312 303 249 361 306 415 497 466 542 534 513 1 17 Cornwall 54 84 120 135 111 103 87 72 68 83 109 no 150 126 122 193 145 I 18 Sussex 104 120 189 232 257 215 240 225 292 319 273 277 309 308 378 360 314 19 Wilts 108 107 229 260 290 238 258 268 263 254 314 324 365 281 346 418 568 20 Derby 57 60 165 113 143 94 105 90 86 77 84 134 160 171 175 19,4 202 21 Durham 49 55 87 76 75 75 77 61 71 84 103 117 175 123 139 205 177 22 Salop 90 96 267 192 180 182 159 136 106 174 126 130 178 168 165 225 228 1 23 Northumberland 69 88 80 97 100 no 70 81 75 89 87 72 96 122 116 82 108 i 1 24 N ottingham .... 121 112 191 196 268 251 240 213 196 204 219 287 298 289 358 300 316 1 1 25 Worcester .... 130 128 239 239 259 206 257 207 173 154 165 169 250 203 282 264 342 26 Leicester 71 125 170 193 193 150 209 137 151 131 148 237 260 247 249 196 181 27 Northampton . . 81 75 145 106 165 133 127 128 135 109 129 123 176 122 183 152 168 28 Cumberland .... 28 51 89 50 55 55 66 50 38 64 57 54 79 53 47 74 74 29 Dorset 62 81 122 120 126 78 90 97 135 120 119 138 167 144 141 205 177 30 Oxford 66 85 118 153 152 116 120 101 87 147 no 167 210 141 167 193 270 31 Buckingham . . 50 65 75 88 126 97 86 101 121 143 160 113 182 153 188 151 311 32 Berks 77 103 146 180 181 142 159 142 162 148 154 140 208 190 212 170 291 33 Hertford 80 81 123 111 147 144 128 99 123 138 162 192 205 199 235 274 194 34 Cambridge . . . . 64 71 98 99 96 88 153 115 155 no 137 142 152 159 194 147 165 35 Hereford 54 87 174 141 121 112 124 104 93 99 68 97 150 127 155 145 166 36 Bedford 28 43 44 73 91 61 137 107 106 102 123 83 108 109 134 134 103 37 Monmouth .... 24 19 59 59 65 30 63 55 30 54 55 60 95 55 100 126 129 38 Westmoreland.. 13 18 14 16 22 17 18 14 23 21 16 9 20 19 11 22 17 39 Huntingdon . . . . 23 15 30 38 41 29 16 29 35 29 31 34 31 19 44 36 85 j 40 Rutland 11 12 9 6 8 9 10 14 8 18 7 17 14 16 20 5 11 i Total ENGLAND 7,710 8,964 13,624 13,234 13,997 13,495 12,048 12,076 12,092 14,484 I4,«14 15,986 17,654 16,307 18,432 17,75U 19,269 1 f Denbigh . . 5 15 31 33 26 21 17 23 14 20 26 24 26 34 35 28 32 Montgomery 9 14 49 57 33 21 26 19 14 20 36 20 22 17 32 40 30 i ■j; ! Carnarvon . . 12 3 10 15 11 10 20 9 14 26 15 14 22 18 15 19 36 Flint 6 7 20 11 15 22 11 16 9 6 11 12 22 22 20 31 27 ^ } Anglesea . . 2 4 1 1 1 4 10 4 10 9 7 2 16 7 12 14 8 ^ l^Merioneth . . 3 6 9 9 5 7 4 3 4 5 1 2 6 7 3 12 3 f Glamorgan 15 22 50 32 51 33 28 26 33 43 24 43 54 49 54 89 132 __ 1 Carmarthen 12 17 14 56 35 22 12 19 35 21 28 15 17 40 23 12 51 J Dembroke . . 19 18 29 55 30 20 12 14 17 19 26 20 42 18 21 24 19 ^ 1 Cardigan . . 7 — 14 23 16 8 7 11 2 16 4 9 9 9 3 12 11 i Brecon . . . . 15 8 48 22 23 36 15 9 11 16 21 14 16 21 17 20 14 1 Radnor. . . . 3 13 13 19 11 11 5 12 8 13 24 3 15 15 8 17 15 Total Committed 7,818 9,091 13,932 13,567 14,254 13,710 13,115 12,241 12,263 13,698 14,437 16,164 17,921 16,564 18,675 18,107 19,647 of whom were ^ FE^ifLrV 6,036 7,347 11,758 11,335 12,075 11,595 11,173 10,369 10,342 11,475 11,889 13,472 15,151 13,832 15,556 15,131 16,600 1,782 1,744 2,174 2,232 2,179 2,115 1,942 1,872 1,921 2,223 2,548 2,692 2,770 2,732 311,9 2Q7-2 3,047 Number Executed 57 95 115 97 108 107 114 95 54 > 49 1 50 ' 57 1 70 79 74 ’ 46 ' 25 48 STATEMENT shewing the various Offences, for wliich the Persons in the preceding Statement were Committed, and the proportion against wlioni no Bill was found, tlie proportion Acquitted, and the Nuinijer Convicted, shewing also the several de- grees of Punisliinent inflicted on those Convicted, and the Number Executed, in each of the 25 Years 1805 - 1829. These Statements it must be admitted, exhibit a very unfavorable picture of British Society, more especially so when it is con- sidered, that they exhibit only those Criminals who have been committed for Trial at the Assizes ; the Numbeis Committed under Summary Process, exceediny those Committed for Trial at the Assizes, by several thousands annually: nor does the subject appear more favorable when viewed in comparison ivith the extent of Crime in other Countries, as mill be seen by the Statement of following Pages; and when viewed in comparison with the extent of Crime in England from the middle of the last Century as far as the ac- count of the Number of Convictions in London and Aliddlescx serves for a comparison, the result is fearfully unfavorable ; it is some- what consolatary however to see, that the more atrocious offences against the Person, have not materially increased. A Return of the No. of Persons convicted of Forgery, or passing of Forged Notes of the Bank of England, in each of the 33 Years 1797-1829, represents 1138 Persons to have been convicted in the G Years 181G-102I. — Vide Par. Paper No. 442, Session 1830: whilst the Statement below represents only 767 to have been convicted in those C Years in all England and Wales! 1 ! Nature of Offences. [ Years 1805. 180G. 1807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817 3,530 3,689 177 4,363 4,623 4,259 21G .S 40Q 6,123 277 402 9,396 283 519 627 rin in n Tlwpllinp* HoUSf: IGO 215 236 221 fin frnni tlip Pprsoii 13G 194 214 272 311 277 204 4. T?iirjvlary 157 140 15G 287 1G3 3G0 lirpnk'ino' into a DvvpHitlP' HoilSP G8 53 GG 97 50 84 109 229 6 Robbery of the Person on the Highway . . 98 95 9G lOG 157 142 119 184 109 141 128 194 24G 191 27G 335 80 T\nibp7ylpmpi>t. by Servants 31 42 44 3G 50 51 55 104 92 130 14G 102 175 13 144 249 30 30G 10 Arson and Wilfully T}nrnvn4 80 Intent to Commit 29 35 18 51 31 G3 Ponepalimr Rirth of Infants 5 G 8 9 10 9 10 9f! Manslaiiphter 59 G5 49 55 84 G8 64 G8 27 Child Stealing 5 2 u Perinrv - 7 4 11 9 4 10 5 14 1 3 4 1 2 2 2 7 Transports beinor at laro'e 7 IG 10 9 8 7 7 :il Arnipfl to assist Smuo-e-lers Spiiflino' threateninp' l^etters 3 53 5 2 1 3 2 1 3:3 Felony, and Misdemeanors 47 147 191 114 IGG 124 245 84 Came T.aws, Offences acainst 1G8 51 All other Otfenees 18 125 39 7 18 37 TOTAL Committed 4,605 730 4,346 766 4, 446 801 4,735 886 5,330 887 5,146 Rt>8 5,337 940 6,576 1,169 1,494 7,164 1,291 6,390 992 7,818 1,287 1,648 4,883 9,091 1,410 U.932 2,198 1,092 1,063 1,078 2,567 1,545 4126 1,205 3,238 2,045 1,130 3,158 1,965| 1,234 3,163 1,523 381 141 1,451 4,422 1,934 590 229 6 1,373 4,025 1,884 2^678 9,056 Convicted 2,723 1,747 3,913 5,797 Imprisioned, and Y 6 Months, and under ' severally to be Whip-j 1 Year, and above 6 Months. . . . ped, Fined, kept foj 2 Years, and above 1 Year .... Hard Labor, !fc. (.3 to 5 Years .1,680 1,556 1,797 492 211 6 1,861 525 177 11 2,315 666 229 8 2,691 704 249 19 4,.357 1,079 238 26 158 112 133 131 16.S 148 147 195 183 137 154 190 320 C 7 Years 561 406 500 467 581 526 500 588 622 625 826 861 1,474 157 TRANSPORTATIONI 14 do 34 26 46 37 50 31 34 67 95 78 94 133 3 7 12 409 29 25 50 63 38 60 103 282 26R 280 299 .3.S2 359 450 593 488 496 795 1,187 115 68 57 63 39 60 67 45 82 120 70 57 95 YEA RS. 180.5. 1800. 1807, 1808, 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 181 1. 1815. I SIC. 1817 40 Tbc iiimexcd STATRM GNT exhibits the annitat aver. No. of Capital Convictions & Kx- evuthntf MX Lunuun iiiid M i ouLBiiKx, (luring ilie ttl YcHrs 17 lU - 1H2U. Thu account ior the Yoars 17l9->lril7| wus presented to Railiament In (he Session of IHIH, Vide Vol. XVI. » of ropers of that SuHlon;>-i( was at first coiiii lereit that tlie Convictions applied to all who were not either acipiited or iiKalnst whom no Hill was ioiinU* but on perceiving the vast disparity between the Total Number of Convictions since 1H17, when compared with liiose of pievUMis Yeaia, it led to a rmther invesii^aiion of the Hccounts, when it proved, that tlie Num- ber Convicted comprised ilu»se only who were >SeHtcfU‘C(i to /Je(ith,U‘rMwi\ Capital Convic» tions : and hence, it w'll bo perceived that the annexed account atlords no just criterion of to have I'reatly diminislied, but whether as a cause of K es atrocity of f 7f/.l/K, oi' a lesa san- guinary iniliciioii of runishmeul does not appear. For the Years 1811-2'2,of the nccounl below, see Folio 282, Appendix to Report on the Police of the Metropolis, Session 1828 ; and for the Years 1823-1), Folio 7, Par. Pa. No. 107, Session 1830: of the Number Coinniilted for all olliei Oltences in 1SI2, ( line 3^) 71 were for taking and aale of the five places being under Jf 2,000. The Column of incidents, in some cases below, where the amounts are large, include payments on account of Debt paid off, &;c. ivilhout being separately specified. COUNTIES, arranged in Alphabetical Order: the Amount noted with an * is for Debt paid off, and those with a + on account of Lunatic Assylums. Bedford Berks Buckingliam Cambridge Chester £*10,293 do. City Cornwall 1 1,427 Cumberland 1 4,315 Derby Devon Dorset Durham Essex Gloucester do. City 1 1,007 Hereford Hertford Huntingdon Kent Lancaster Leicester Lincoln do. City Middlesex Monmouth Norfolk City of Norwich Northampton Northumberland Newcastle Nottingham do. Town Oxford Rutland Salop Somerset Southampton do. Town Stafford f 4,844 Suffolk Surrey Sussex arwick City of Coventry Westmoreland Wilts Worcester York, East Riding do. North do do. West do f 1,309 City of York . . . Town of H uil Wales TOTALS. £23, .51 8 1,950 127 780 003 1,011 02 193 1,134 130 2,879 1,003 1,235 8,383 03,540 — £- 482 430 445 319 339 131 230 083 397 490 022 1,108 391 00 100 104 219 849 092 159 1,030 23 332 532 440 117 590 148 403 234 181 GO 180 885 531 78 298 207 723 531 30f$ 134 115 387 118 290 359 829 70 1 1,479 20,183 12,213 EXPENCES of -£- 58 85 121 121 283 109 191 104 309 50 259 305 10 149 105 58 589 1723 107 321 12 1028 84 270 92 135 98 41 140 112 137 15 177 509 201 20 432 225 330 215 187 13 53 159 134 174 255 702 32 83 871 — £— 2,008 2.090 3,009 1,740 3,410 1,327 5,823 800 1,898 3,350 888 1,078 5,504 590 1.400 1,542 490 7.090 4.400 1,329 2,105 189 0,209 1,094 1,913 957 1,851 023 842 983 941 2,814 570 2,289 2,738 1,.348 221 4,709 0. 052 2,902 1,141 5,020 809 490 1,909 3,000 1,045 1, -580 1,722 470 004 0,825 119,873 -£— 1,520 3,773 500 2,012 133 533 3,044 2,527 4,851 2,000 103 308 528 1,002 5,900 15,083 194 5,253 409 59 1,288 037 4,314 1,847 0,121 4,042 529 1,054 20,280 3,450 339 100 2,981 1,358 1,414 3,482 030 270 1,407 a; o O -£- 221 898 4,031 107,913 210 203 1,391 324 100 10 178 7,707 1,074 133 42 498 35 99 200 300 8 255 10 53 21 219 87 782 292 158 78 231 11 1 ,229 22,836 -£- 31 102 02 34 20 14 51 39 2 89 25 88 80 19 50 307 57 23 77 89 274 40 7 71 31 4 172 89 151 39 58 99 145 8 14 84 37 171 2 295 3,122 §,"5 — £- 102 137 304 193 701 42 315 14 2 008 508 209 906 588 113 229 185 57 1,000 2,809 107 1,053 9 859 72 375 82 186 70 11 527 088 99 20 203 877 012 9 518 737 453 701 078 52 23 547 213 50 334 792 113 91 005 22,978 — £— 491 714 801 1,123 2,753 112 295 480 793 3,070 089 1,272 3,143 1 ,344 99 097 518 197 3,378 12,404 1,259 2,252 50 5,900 455 1,805 315 910 020 331 1,050 1,153 085 72 078 2.207 1,111 54 1,495 1,431 1,993 1,895 3 903 202 222 1,-542 1.208 930 1,219 7,074 272 258 2,098 it — £- 180 425 342 102 471 393 95 253 733 47 173 277 Oil 38 2 132 153 52 800 115 200 7 788 7 30 18 249 157 70 239 7 20 31 20 30 118 GO 455 142 80 190 278 25 04 4-52 149 108 302 1000 33 409 82,600 11,888 — £ — 53 143 1 ,252 1,240 094 35 312 298 1,-305 1,080 277 097 1,284 373 150 1,154 7 518 1,227 3,135 3,250 1,413 193 3,298 121 581 477 1,174 250 95 1.014 444 189 15 007 1,330 1,700 89 1,050 Gff9 1,149 154 3-50 513 2-57 4,(i-54 238 2,001 1,039 9.014 432 23f) 2,208 “Ex -£- 00 200 00 110 200 21 87 103 20 250 40 100 100 25 10 50 414 50 200 000 100 128 750 53 150 50 GO 120 43 101 20 70 120 200 100 3 42 115 101 40 150 •>4 s O Ex £- 4,038 7,101 0,594 0,588 30,000 709 7,005 10,579 5,706 10,532 7,617 7,939 14,386 12,193 2,252 0,335 3,955 2,-577 10,181 31,485 8,439 23,020 902 38,258 2,928 11,827 3,154 5,417 5,825 2,204 9,042 0,150 5,008 957 7,002 10,132 11,808 1,090 19,929 13,780 30,030 8,920 11,379 56,H06 30 2,197 08 2,555 150 13,508 50 0,415 100 0,954 200 9,790 400 33,09f) 100 2,178 20 1 ,005 552 26,880 7,018 ' 538,770 51 S PA'l’KINll'iNT shc\vin|v the Population of eacli of the 20 States of NORTH AM RRICA, at eacli of the 5 periods 1700, 1000, 1010, 1020, and 1000; witli the rate of increase •Jf'' Cent, in each State in tlie last 10 Vears; shewing also the Nninher of Slaves, Ahoritjcne.s, and ions of Shipping, belonging to, and N'alne of Domestic Produce J’’xportcd from, each State in 1000. TO TA L POP ULA TION, Increase Number of UNIT FD at each of the undermentioned Jive Periods. <11'’ cent. 1(120 SLA VES. STATES. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. to 1B30. 1820. j 1830. 1 ‘Maine 2 New llampsh. 0 Massachusetts 4 Rhode Island 5 Connecticut . (5 ‘Vermont . 7 N evv Y ork . 0 New Jersey 9 Pensylvania 10 Delaware . 11 Maryland . 12 ‘CoLtiMBIA 10 Virginia . . . 14 Nth. Carolina 15 Sth. do. 1. IG Georgia . . . 17 Kentucky 10 Tennesse s «*« 'S'® O .2 ^ V Q (S o ii I sS! I Q ^ « 2 ‘ •« B ° ' •S K .s ^ i « 2-IE S'? £ fc.S 9G,640 141,099 370,717 09,110 200,141 05,4 IG 340,120 104,139 434,273 59,09G 319,720 740,309 393.751 249,073 82,540 73,097 35,791 ,r 19 Ohio .. 20 Indiana These States lie between the Ohio Ilii er on the Sth. ^ the great chain of Lakes^ which divide the j 21 lllinClS States from Canada OH the f IVTiehionn N.t 4 settled since 1790. v i»llClilgdH 23 Mississippi, incorporated in 1017 24 Alabama, do 1020 151,719 103,702 123,245 09,122 251.002 154,405 500,750 211,949 002,305 04,273 341,540 14,090 000,200 478,103 345,591 102,101 220,505 105.002 45,305 4,375 8,850 Louisiana, was purchased by the J 25 Louisiana 20 Missouri {I t 27 Arkansas . . 28 Florida, ceded by Spain to IJ. S. in 1821 United States, of France in 1802. \os 26-7 formed into separate States in conjunction with it since that date. TOTAL Proportion Slaves 3, 9^29,748 097,097 .i,30.i,056 890,019 220,705 2)4,300 472,010 77.031 202,042 210,713 959,049 245,555 010,091 72,074 380,540 24,022 974,022 555,500 415,115 252,433 400,511 201,727 230,700 24,520 12,280 4,702 40,352 70,550 20,845 7,238,7 53 1,191,364 290,335 244,101 623,207 03,059 275,202 236,704 1,372,012 277,675 1,049,450 72,749 407,350 33,039 1,005,379 038,829 502.741 340,907 504,317 422,013 581,434 147,178 65,211 8,890 75,448 127,901 153,407 00,500 14,273 9,038,19) 1,530,030 399,400 209,533 010,014 97,210 297,711 200,709 1,913,508 320,779 1,347,072 70,739 440,913 34,588 1,211,200 738,470 501,458 510,504 000,044 004,822 937,079 241,582 157,575 31,128 130,000 309,200 215,791 140,084 30,383 34,725 12,751,227 1.987,000 33^1 lOj I in f H I 19 J 39^ 15| 28J 9| 20| 13 15i 15^ 51 5 22 02 02 132 185 A 14U 81 250 40| llOA 113^ Nos. 2-5, formed the District of New Png land, in which Slavery tvas never tolerated. N timber . Abori- gencs. 10,088 7,557 211 4,509 107,398 0,377 425,153 205,417 251,783 149,050 120,732 80,107 190 917 32,814 41,879 09,004 10,232 1,017 2,000 110,000 10,000 470.000 200.000 290.000 220.000 170.000 130.000 50.000 130.000 110.000 30.000 25.000 1,987,000 2,573 4,820 300 3,100 300 5.000 1.000 1,877 4,050 5,900 9,340 23,400 19,200 939 5,031 7,200 4,000 98,030 Tons .»/ Shipping 233,939 20,253 424,512 43,407 00,800 704 355,535 48,772 104,115 13,213 170,948 2.3,233 07,302 54,094 33,089 13,959 2,389 471 10,473 51,904 2,782 1,741,391 Value of Domestic Produce Exported. —Dolls.— 729,100 98,204 3,949,751 337,408 450,985 808,079 12,030,501 8,022 2,017,152 7.195 3,002,773 914,285 3,783,493 540,500 8,134,070 4,980,042 2,044 1,079,385 10,898,183 38,103 65,700,193 STATEMENT exhibiting the Geographical Position of each of the 19 Provinces of the CHINESE EMPIRE, and the distance of the Capital City of each Province from Pekin ; with the Superficies of eacli in Chinese le, and in Statute Miles. — For some egregious dispari- ties which this Statement exhibits, see Notes following page. Provinces according to the Orthography of Air. Thoms. English Atlasses. Mr. Crawford. 1 Kwang-tnng Quang-tong Canton .... 2 Kwang-se . . Quang-see . . Kouansi . . 3 Yun-nan . . Yun-nan . . Yunnan .. 4 Kwei-chou Koei-tchou . . Koniecheou 5 Foo-keen . . Fo-kien . . . . Fokien .... 0 Keang-se . . Kikng-see . . Kiansi .... 7 Hoo-nan . . 8 Hoo-pih . . J Hon-quang Houkouan ! 9 Sze-chuen Setchuen . . Sechuen . . JO Kan-suh Kansuh .... Kansuh .... 11 Chi-keang Tchekiang . . Chekian 12 Gan hwuy i 13 Keang-soo Kiang-nan . . Kian-nan | 14 Jlo-nan .... Ho-nan .... Honan .... 15 Shen-so .... Chensi .... Shensi .... 10 Shan-tung. . 1 Chantong . . Shanton 17 Shan-se .... 1 Chansi .... Shansi .... 18 Cliih-le ? T> + I 1 - Imperial City j P^^tcheh . . . . Pechely . . / Capital Cities. Canton Kouei-ling. . Yon-nan .. Kwei-yang . . Fou-tcheou N an-chang Chang-sha. . OU-TCHANG HlN-YlN Ching-too . . Lanchou Hang-choo Gan-kjng .. Nan-kin . . . . Ho-nan Sin-gan Tci-nan Tai-yun .... Quang-ping PEKING .. Zhe-hol .... 1 Gcogiaphical Distance of Capital Snpeiftcies Position. City from Pekin, in le Statute Miles, according |iV. Lat. E. Lon. h Stat.m. 1 mean \Eto TV N to S to Mr. Crawford. to Sir Geo. Stdunti'D. 23 7 113 14 7,570 2,720 1,182 3,500 1,800 97,100 79,456 25 12 109 51 7,400 2,080 1,094 2,810 2,960 87.800 78,250 25 0 102 28 8,200 2,940 1,312 1 2,510 1,150 131,400 107,909 20 40 108 30 7,040 2,745 1 ,030 1,090 1,070 51,200 04,554 27 55 no 0,130 2,202 834 950 980 57,150 53,480 28 30 113 20 3,850 1,024 804 970 1,800 72,000 72,170 28 1 1 112 25 4,500 848 1,420 1,150 1 168,300 \ 30 34 114 25 3,155 1,133 660 2,440 680 144,770 30 40 103 44 5,700 4,040 2,048 967 3,000 2,120 3,200 I 2,400 ' 175,000 166,800 30 20 119 40 3,300 1,185 693 880 1,280 37,200 39,150 31 32 30 4 117 118 20 34 2,700 2,400 862 587 558 ■ 1,630 1,700 85,000 92,961 34 44 112 9 1,540 553 432 1,120 1,290 62,000 65,104 34 15 108 29 2,650 952 592 935 2,426 167,700 154,008 30 40 no 40 800 287 229 1,040 810 56,800 05,104 37 54 111 50 1,200 431 289 880 1,620 63,500 55,268 30 47 114 29 - _ 243 1,228 1,028 ■ 59,700 58,949 39 65 no 28 — — 100 5,100 3,000 10 48 10 50 1,372,450 1,(297,999 STATEMENT of tlie Revenues, Population, Civil, and Military Force, and Expenditure, of each of the 19 Provinces of CHINA, according- to an account drawn of the Ilonble. English East India Ct (tnnunl Exitences, a e published from time to time m me i .■mii-»iiiu, «« ^'itu ieny i- uuucauun, corresponainfe tviiii tne Annual i^ouri nateniiers oj I'^urope, accounts Mr. Thoms states he found to correspond ivith those in the MS. of Wang-kwe-shing. For the Superficies Sf Geographical Position of each Province, see page 51. i, I'opuLAi lujN, v/ivio, anu iriibiTAKY roRCE, anu UiXPENDiTURE, ot cacti ot tlie 19 l^rovinces drawn ii|( hy Wunfj-kwe-shing , a M’sin-tsze graduate of Kwang-se in l«i>:3; and printed at the press Company at Macao, l>y Mr. P. P. Thoms, in IB'24. The. Civil and Military Farce, and their me in the T.sin-sliin, an OJjicial Quarterly Publication, corresponding with the Annual Court Katenders of Europe, which PROVINCES, with Sumber of reference to their GeOGK U’lIICAI, I’OSITION, page 51 . 1 Chi-keang 11 Kiang- ( 2 Can-hwiiy 12 nan \ 3 Keang-soo 13 Hon- j 4 Iloo-naii 7 (piang I 5 lloo-pili B (> Shan-tung 1(5 7 IJo-nan 14 B Foo-keen 5 9 Kwang-tung ... 1 10 Keang-se (5 11 Kwang-se 2 12 Y un-nan 3 13 Kwei-chou 4 14 Sze-chuen 9 15 Shell -se 15 16 Shan-se 17 17 Chih-le IB 18 Kan-slth 10 19 Shing-king 19 TOTALS. Land. 2,914,916 1,71B,B24 3,1I6,B26 8B2,745 1,174,110 3,376, 165 3,164,758 1,074,489 1,264,304 1,878,682 416,399 209,531 102,628 631,094 1,658,700 2,990,675 2,334,475 280,652 38,780 Salt. 29,228,783 120,720 85,470 47,510 5,150 47,150 6,230 507,028 437,949 REVENUE. 501,044 312,440 93,240 Miscella- neous. 191,840 518,812 46,910 64,760 1 19,205 29,680 12,650 98,399 103,410 224,821 25,880 34,256 1 3,690 20,520 40,623 42,019 306,446 39,450 2,163,931 ! ,933,37 1 TOTAL Tales. 3,607,830 2.550.976 3.256.976 947,505 1,293,315 3,526,565 3,177,408 1,258,358 1,415,224 2,108,653 489,42.3 243,827 122,548 651,614 1,699,323 3,539,722 3,078,870 320,102 38,780 In Sterling, according to Crau'furd. £ 1,357,593 2,458,476 738,123 1,231,607 1,052,826 377,507 424,567 981 ,374 146,828 165,306 36,764 195,484 497,610 1,061,916 923,931 105,000 13,000 Additional in Groin and RU e. — Skills — 678,320 1,431,273 96,214 96,934 353,963 221,342 795,063 227,626 Retained in the District Granaries for the Troops, and as a reserve in times of scarcity. Shihs of Grain. 218,550 111,674 33,327,030' I 11,707,912 I 4,230,9,59 1,. 503, 605 864,110 1.466.000 1,435,958 465,627 966,500 2,221,300 1,778,887 2,585 1,139,689 990,471 750,411 157,818 1,045,179 2,697,620 1,306,988 869,192 3.080.000 156,810 Rive. 615,663 155,053 72,462 96,848 478,690 221,941 232,547 787,454 127,175 9,840 636,523 91,077 402,246 139,504 Proportion in Tales paid into National Treasury. 25,181,164 15.1 15,1)25 2,287,346 1,394,904 2,564,728 944,422 776,173 2,730,136 2,441,1 10 1,054,209 719,307 1,602,431 278,559 188,927 53,340 216,366 1,344,548 2,702,285 1,939,943 182,644 23,421,378 Provincial Treasury. 887,277 412,709 1,446,051 265,375 333,543 692,141 620,623 208,052 319,307 540,765 86,145 55,396 13,340 13,029 261,498 328,290 611,811 72,275 6,969,371 PROVINCES, POPULATION according to Number EXPENDITURE. ClVlM 'of Citiot of of dine 31.000 Marine.) with Numbir of reference as above. tht \st. Cla$$. the Und. Clats. Distriett, Craufurd. Staunton. Civil Officers. (Ifficers. Men. Civil Service A rmy. TOTAL. 1 Chi-keang . . 11 11 1 76 18,975,099 21,000,000 556 468 59,000 181,850 967,402 1,149,252 2 Gan-hwuy . . 3 Keang-soo . . 12 13 8 8 8 3 50 53 30,405,258 32,000,000 1 378 ) 958 j 630 132,000 ■ 124,000 } 314,590 ^;"’ ’'^' 2,621,297 4 lloo-nan .... 7 9 7 64 ; 33,702,379 ; 13,000,000 438 355 51,000 154,500 844,940 999,490 5 Hoo-pih .... 8 10 7 60 14,000,000 463 298 37,000 172,896 621,254 794, 1 50 6 Shan-tung . . 16 10 11 96 25,447,633 24,000,000 657 249 35,000 293,162 682,814 875,976 7 Sze-chuen . . 9 12 18 1 12 7,789,782 27,000,000 567 451 85,000 217,230 1,402,162 1,619,392 8 Ho-nan .... 14 9 10 97 2,062,969 25,000,000 578 181 24,000 260,970 395,613 656,583 9 Keang-se .... 6 13 2 75 5,921,160 19,000,000 549 173 39,000 190,840 611,339 832,179 10 Chih-le .... 18 10 25 124 3,504,038 38,000,000 869 681 151,000 281,148 2,470,807 2,751,955 PEKIN .... — — — 3,.525 207 26,000 5,819,123 434,272 6,253,395 11 Kwang-tung 1 9 10 68 1,491,271 21,000,000 622 708 99,000 198,440 1,582,654 1,781,094 12 Kwang-se . . 2 11 17 47 2,569,518 10,000,000 430 281 42,000 165,186 728,258 893,444 13 Y un-nan .... 3 14 31 39 2,255,459 8,000,000 389 411 53,000 204,821 892,678 1,097,499 13 Kwei-chou . . 4 14 34 34 2,941,391 9,000,000 299 390 70,000 117,060 1,161,103 1,278,163 14 Foo-keen .... 5 10 2 62 1,684,528 15,000,000 471 602 76,000 159,640 1,228,006 1,387,646 15 Shan-se .... 17 9 16 87 1,860,816 27,000,000 512 385 53,000 296,270 875,600 1,171,870 16 Shen-se .... 15 7 10 73 257,704 18,000,000 408 447 104,000 144,100 1 ,759,677 1,903,777 17 Kan-suh .... 19 Shing-king . . 10 19 9 13 15 340,086 486,6 13 12,000,000 303 164 635 123,000 4,000 138,500 8,527 2,010,995 71,872 2,179,495 80,397 TOTALS. 183 225 1,232 142,295,734 333,000,000 13,136 7,552 1 ,263,000 9,442,85.3 .‘*0,884,203 .30. .527, 054 I?: * £* =■ ® 5 OD J,. 00 ^7 s O C- ^ ^ ® 'c 5 o “ ^ ^ a ^ ^ S — Q ^ S ^ Z 5? o'. a, : S * C : I ^ : k. H V ^ C 1 5 After much deliberation on the several works ivhich hare heretofore been published relating to China, the above Statements have been adopted ns most entitled to regard, at the same time the above Statements present some such striking discrepancies as to excite a doubt in regard to their accuracy ;—for instance, the Province of Shen se, containing seven cities of the first class, and ten of the second class, contributing 1,699,32 i Tales of Revenue, and maintaining a :M Hilary Force of lo4,ooo men, is represented as con- taining only 257,701 inhabitants ; while Y un-nan a Province said to he rich in Minerals, Silk, Tea, Musk, and other choice productions, and carrying on an c.rtensive inter- course with Bir mail and Siam, is represented as contributing only 213,827 Talcs of Revenue. The dala relating to liwei choit and the MeiropoUlan Province of Chih-le excite nearly corresponding doubts, yet these data were submitted to the Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company by Mr. Craufurd, in the Session of 1830; and what is more unpardonable in a gentleman of Mr. Craufurd' s reputation, and general claim to respect, is, that in refirence to a Geographical .Sfalenient of the trorelhng dis- tances of the several provincial Capitals from Pekin, he represents the distance of Canton at 2720 English Miles, while the Geographical mean distance is only 1 \ English miles ; all the other distances are nearly as prepostirous, - see page 51 ; in like manner l)ii llalde represented the. Rivenues as amounting to 2oo,doo,ooo Talcs, which amount has been adopted as authentic and accurate, by the compilers of the Encyclopa dia Briltannica, — .so much for names. The competency of Mr. Thoms, from haring resided several Years at Macao, and his familiarity with the language of Chint, ijnalified him to judge eorrectly of the accounts which came before him, and the eircnmsiantiallity with which he has stated them, leaves but little doubt of their being accurate. The Population Statements however are palpably erroneous. Sir George Staunlon’s numbers in some cases, seeming as much over rated as Mr. Crawfurd's arc under-rated. It is much to be regretted that subjects of this nature should hare so long remained quest ionable. The Province of Y un-nan, 'borders on the Birman Empire, commercial operations extended in that direction would probably be more likely to afford facilities for pene- trating China than by its Sea Ports; the Cambodia and Siamese rivers, as well a-i the Erahalty all appear to fiow from Yun-nan , — the exploration of these rivers, with the aid of Steam, would be quite as laudable as exploring of the Nigir, and much more likely to reward commercial enlerprize. STA'l'I'M I'iNT oxliiI)ilin;^ llio 1!) I’rovinccs of CHINA, arranged in reference y the liUiclc Sett, tend Sea o/Asoph; it is better known to Western Europe wider the luone of the Crimea. E eatscti - d enicot , is on the \Eestern Const of the Strait kadb.g into the Sea of Asoph. Itessarahia, lies between the mouths of the Vrnth, and the Oneister ; Akermann, beinfr seated at the Western point of entrance to the latter Hirer. Clicrson, lies between the Dneister and the Ihieiper, and is intersected by the Ho;;. No. 4, is bounded on the East by the Sea of Asoph, and the Government of the Don-Kasacs, and is intersected by the Dneiper : Podolio, and Kiou, lie bet- ween the Dniester and Dneiper, they formed the S. E. part of Poland, annexed to Russia in t793. Pultowa, and Charcoff, tie East of the Dneiper. Volhynia,and Bialostock, are bounded on the West by the Bug, which runs West into the Vistula below lV'(()'5au'. latliuania, is bounded on the West by the Niemen, which ! divides it from Prussian Poland, and is intersected on the E. by the head TCutcr« of the numerous tributary streams of the Dneiper: Nos. are also intersected by the main streams I of those two Rivers, and are bounded on the East by Russia 1 Proper. Nos. 17-19, are maritime Provinces, bounded on the West by the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Eiuland. The Dwiiia River rises in Novgorod, No. 3S, and runs past Witepsk, Potolsk, and Dunniburg, into the Gulf of Riga, the City of that name being at its mouth. Courland, is on the West ; and Livonia, East of the Dwina , — the Waters of Coursk, and Voroneje, run South into the Sea of Asoph. The Occa, or Oka River rises in Orel and Toula, runs past Culouga and Raizan into the Volga at N ignei- Novgorod ; .laroslau, and Costroma, are intersected by the main stream of the Volga, tvhich rises in Twer, and after running a very circuitous course past Jaroslau, Costroma, &; Nijnei- Novgorod, it runs past Cazan, Simbirsk, Saratov, and Tsaryisyn, into the North port of the Caspian Sea, where it foims an ixUnsive Delta, on one of the Islands of tchich is seated the City of \ Astracan. The City of Moscow, the ancient Cupilal of | Russia, is seated on the banks of a stream of the same name, i o?- Moskwa, falls into the Occa, between Culouga and Riazan. | The Dneiper, has its source in the Government of .Smolensk J and runs South past Mohileff, and Kiou to Jeealrinoslau, and from thence into the Black .Sea at Kherson, IW miles East of Odessa. The Waters of Pskov, all run North to the Gulf of Finland, parity through Lake Tchude, and partly through Novgorod into Lake Ladoga, both of which Lakes discharge their Waters into the Gulf of Finland. The. Waters of the Eastern part of Novgorod run South into the Wolga, those of Olonetz and Vologda North, into the White, or .Sea cf Arch- angel ; and those of Viatka and Perm, run South into the Volga. Finland, No. 35, was a conquest from the Sicedes in 1812, it is hounded on the South, by the Gulf of Finland ; and on the West, by the Gulf of Bothnia. The Waters of Tambov and Penza, run in both directions partly East into the Volga, and partly .South into the Don, one of the branches of the latter River rises in Toula, and another in Tambov, uniting at Voroneje, from whence it runs in a direction S. E. to near Zaritszyn, No. 46, on the Volga, when it lakes a direction due West into the .Sea of Asoph at Nova-Tcherkask, — see No. 48. The Oural, or Ural mountains, form the Eastern boun- dary of the Governments of Archangel and Vologda, and afterwards intersect those of Perm and Orenburg. The Waters of the Eastern pait of Orenburg, run East into the Obe at Tobolsk; numerous other streams unite at Oiit'a, ! and from thence run West into the Volga below Cazan, while the Oiiral River, forms the Eastern boundary from Verkhouralsk to Orskaia, from u hence it runs due West past J Orenburg to Ouralsk in Cuucassia, from whence it runs again due South into the Caspian .Sea at Gouriev, forming in the whole of its course the boundary between Orenburg and Caucassia on the West, and the territory Peii'/n . Pevza 53 30 45 39 927 8 20 3 35 • 43 Niinei-Is'ovg. Lower Novgord 56 20 41 29 784 8 25 4 86 i 44 Cazan Kasan 65 48 49 21 1,031 6 50 3 60 ^ 1 45 Simbirsk .... Simbirsk 54 22 48 34 990 4 72. 3 ()5 l_46 Saratov .... 1 Zaritszyn ' Saratov 48 42 .-il 31 41 28 1 40 1,088 3 2 79 i-f r> 1 S Verkhoui'oisk 53 40 58, Oii/a 47 Oienburgh ^ Orskaia5\ 32 58, Orenhuri' .'ll 42 SI 40 1 ,50 18 j 52 31 48 Don-Cossacs Nova- Tsherknsk 17 14 i 39 50 1,291 3 75 3 80 '49 Caucassia .... Geogivffski Ouralsk 52 1 1 47 8 52 f» 63 30 1,540 4 75 3 50 B 1 50 Astraeban .... Astrakan 46 21 47 44 1,428 4 50 3 60 .51 Georgia Tephlis 42 45 62 40 ■ F 52 Tobolsk . . Tobotski 58 12 68 15 2,035 5 1 d 20 ■g ) 53 Tomsk .... Omsk .55 1 71 51 2,490 1 50 i a 40 ) 'J Omsk so 30 81 10 2.990 3.991 3 25 2 20 ^ 1 ^ J -f . , C lvkoiit.sk vx Ini Irkoutsk . . .1 eIA TK A 52 17 io:> 30 0 10 40 1 50 20 100 30 — 1 t Okhotsk 59 20 112 11 — 1^55 Karntchalka . . ■ A ij R r ■ I\(i Ri tcfia 1 sk (■.Ust Cape 57 (.7 ll.l 18.> Sl’ATEMENT cxhibiliiifi; tlic 55 Provincial («cvcrnnicnts of RUfifilA, arranged in Alphabetical Order, with Number of reference to llieir (iet)gra|ihical Position ; shewing the Numerical order of each Province, in extent of Superficies, Population, Arc. Ac.; together with the Superficies, Population, Produce, and Uevenue of each Province in ltf“25; and also the Number of Suicides and Murders in each, in 1U21). This Statement has been compiled from a Worh published in Russia in lfJ25, without being entitled to any very high degree of credit for aecuraey, it is believed to afford the best view of this vast Empire that has hitherto appeared. P R 0 r I IVORS arranged i/i Aipfidbeticul Order f with Aumber of reftrence to their Geogra'phical Position. Nuinerli'al Order of each Prtwlnce. tSuperJiciefi m Square Miles. POPULATION in 1825. Produce in Chetuerts. Hevenue in Roubles. Superficies. Total Popolaiion. Density of Population. ^ Fertility. Manuiaciurs. j 1 Commerce. Revenue. ^ Annual, mean Number in the Years 1810—20, •Sui- Mur- cides. dtrs. Archangel 37 4 48 48 49 33 39 43 356,400 175,000 230,000 1,300,000 I H H Astrachan 50 11 49 45 50 9 19 45 450,000 190,000 11,000 1,100,000 1 Si Bessarabia 2 16,000 150,000 10 J 9 Bialystock 10 14,700 160,000 H H Calouga 23 48 27 3 35 27 6 17 8,500 872,500 2,250,000 4,000,000 16 14 Caucassia 49 12 50 46 46 21 49 46 375,000 110,000 670,000 1,000,000 4 17 Cazan 44 26 21 22 13 7 17 7 22,000 937,800 5,200,000 5,500,000 22 22 Charcov 8 45 24 8 20 43 41 20 18,700 910,000 4,135,000 3,700,000 36 J I9| Cherson 3 32 40 33 38 39 29 47 36,500 450,000 1,430,000 950,000 22| 21 Cossacs 48 48,300 130,000 6^ Costroma 29 15 30 35 31 25 26 24 38,400 1,138,640 2,625,000 3,500,000 4 6 Courland 17 49 42 13 41 45 21 48 11,200 435,600 1,250,000 800,000 ^3 Coursk 20 41 3 5 3 6 9 4 15,000 1,312,200 8,200,000 6,000,000 41 27 Crimea, or Tauride . . I 27 43 37 47 47 43 25 42,200 335,000 450,000 3,400,000 18 11 Ekaterinoslaw 4 17 39 36 34 48 28 40 35,000 565,000 2,350,000 1,700,000 14 10 Esthonio 19 50 44 27 43 44 20 50 10,275 252,350 800,000 551,000 1 Finland 35 8 17 40 44 37 42 27 145,750 985,000 700,000 3,200,000 — Georgia 51 150,000 220,000 n 30 i Grodno 11 42 37 25 24 42 50 49 11,000 625,000 3,400,000 700,000 18| H Irkutsk 54 1 47 50 45 24 31 28 1,250,000 210,000 670,000 3,000,000 19 24 Jaroslau 27 44 29 10 29 13 11 22 14,000 867,370 2,800,000 3,600,000 15 15 Kamtchatka 55 250,000 Kiov 6 40 7 6 11 17 46 33 22,500 1,250,000 5,500,000 2,500,000 31 14^ Lithuania 17— -19 42,745 2,450,000 10.500,000 4,000,000 69 33 Livonia 18 31 38 31 40 29 4 30 21,370 617,500 1,270,000 2,000,000 22 1 4 Minsk 12 16 28 31 23 38 44 36 37,500 875,000 3,800,000 2,100,000 22 n Mohileff 15 34 31 21 16 35 47 41 18.500 815,600 4,800,000 1,600,000 18 MOSCOW 26 47 5 1 28 1 1 1 10,300 1,322,600 2,900,000 10,000,000 24 18 N ovgorod ...... .... 33 13 33 38 36 50 15 29 55,000 976,700 2,150,000 2,900,000 7 12 do., -Nijnei .... 43 30 19 17 15 3 22 15 20,400 1,035,800 4,900,000 4,250,000 11 18 Olonetz 36 10 45 44 48 36 37 42 87,500 287,600 360,000 1,300,000 n 1 Orel 22 38 8 9 4 8 5 8 16,000 1,132,300 8,100,000 5,250,000 26 24 Orenburgh 47 7 16 41 18 49 27 19 112,000 875,000 4,350,000 3,750,000 19 19 Penza 42 37 25 14 ■*I 19 36 23 16,500 878,670 9,100,000 3,500,000 6 12 Perm 40 46 18 42 33 10 34 10 116,000 1,128,240 2,500,000 5,000,000 17 27 PETERSBURGH 34 35 36 29 42 5 2 3 18,000 728,000 1,030,000 6,500,000 37 10 Podolio 5 23 2 12 10 30 33 35 20,400 1,365,000 5,600,000 2,300,000 20 Poltava 7 39 1 4 5 41 30 9 16,000 1,475,000 7,000,000 5,000,000 471 22 Pskov 32 24 34 30 27 14 14 34 22,000 712,500 3,000,000 2,400,000 13 18 Riazan 25 43 15 7 12 15 16 13 13,000 1,048,240 5,525,000 4,500,000 251 26 Sarotov 46 9 14 39 8 4 7 12 112,700 1,064,700 6,400,000 4,600,000 3 8 Siberia 52- -54 3,000,000 855,000 5,240,000 8,200,000 44| 49J Simbirsk 45 19 23 16 9 12 24 30 30,000 924,730 6,200,000 2,800,000 14 18 Smolensk 30 28 20 20 17 26 13 18 21,400 1,063,800 4,500,000 3,800,000 31 9 Tambov 41 25 5 11 2 31 12 6 21,000 1,287,630 9,080,000 5,800,000 23 32 Tchernigov 14 29 10 15 30 18 18 14 28,700 842,850 2,750,000 4,300,000 331 14| Tobolsk 52 3 41 47 32 23 40 31 55,000 430,000 2,600,000 2,700,000 14 14| Tomsk 53 2 46 49 37 28 35 32 225,000 215,000 2,070,000 2,500,000 13| Toula 24 46 13 2 6 20 10 21 12,000 1,063,700 6,700,000 3,700,000 19 12 'I’wer , 31 22 12 19 22 32 3 11 24,100 1,175,640 4,050,000 5,000,000 16 9 Ukraine 5 —8 * 77,400 5,000,000 22,235,000 13,500,000 135 64| V iatka 39 14 11 32 21 34 32 2 47,000 1,136,970 4,070,000 7,009,000 14 11 Vilna 13 21 26 28 19 16 48 44 38,500 950,000 4,300,000 1,200,000 29 14 Vitepsk 16 36 32 24 26 46 35 37 20,000 765,000 3,150,000 2,000,000 14 13 Vladimir 28 33 22 16 25 2 8 16 29,700 920,000 3,300,000 4,200,000 17 10 Volhynia 9 20 9 26 14 11 38 39 29,300 1,250,000 5,000,000 1,800,000 18 9 Vologda 38 5 35 43 39 40 23 26 149,000 657,800 1,400,000 3,300.000 3 Voroneje 21 18 4 23 7 22 18 5 31,000 1,175,000 6,500,000 5,800,000 31 13 I N T R O RUCTION TO THE (ficoQiiapijtcal anlJ statistical 5Displaj) OF THE THIRTY-THREE FORMER PROVINCES, AND EIGHTY-SIX PRESENT DEPARTMENTS OF FltAlVC E. 'Phc contiguity of France to Great Britain, llic similarity of pursuit of its inliahitants, and the superior natural and local advantages which France possesses, renders an accurate knowledge of its resources and power an object of the highest importance to the British Legislator ; the aceoinpanying display, therefore, of the local position, and relation of each of its eighty-six ])iesent Departments, and Statistical view of the Sui)crficics, Population, Production, and Revenues of each, it is hoped, will be appreciated as a suitable part of the present Collection of Statistical Details. France, from North to South, extends in nearly a meridional line from Dunlilrk in the Department of Nord (No. 1.) in the Lat. of .'ll® 2' N. to the village of Pcats-de-mcllo, at the foot of the Eastern Pyrenees (No. 56), in the Lat. of 42° 25' N. ; this line gives a mean distance of 5 1 7 Geographical, or 509 British Statute miles. 'J'he Naval Arsenal of Brest, in the Department of Finisterre, No. 23, is in Long. 4° 20' V"., and 48° 23' of North Lat. ; and Slrasburgh, in the Department of the Low'er Rhine, No. (J 1 , is in Long. 7° 45' E., and 48° 35' of N. Lat. ; the distance between these two points is 12° 14' deg. of Long., which, in the mean Latitude of 48° 20', are cqnal to 5fi8 British Statute miles j a line exceeding this by about forty miles, may be drawn from West to East, within the ])resent limits of France. From Point du Ras, twenty-eight miles South of Brest, to the extreme North East limit, forty-five miles North-by-East of Strasburgh ; the mean extent, however, from North to South, docs not exceed 470, and from West to East 420 British statute miles ; these limits give an aggre- gate superlieies of 1 97,400 sejuare miles, eipial to 120,33(5,000 British statute acres, exceeding the superficies of Great Britain, in the propor- tion of more than 2 to 1, and England and Wales in the proportion of more than 3 to 1 . A report made to the French Government in 1817, computed the superfices to be eipial to 128,000,000 of British statute acres, of which about 30,000,000 were reported to be unpro- ductive. In addition to all the products common to the soil of Great Britain ; the Vine and the Olive flourish over the greater part of France, the departments noted with an * in the South East produce silk to the extent of 8 to 10 millions of lbs. in Cocons, while the Islands of Guadaloupe and Martinique, afford a liberal supply of Tropical Productions. The five great rivers, the Rhone, the Garonne, the Loire, the Beine, and the Meuse, atford the finest possible scope for display in internal navigation, independent of the Rhine and Moselle, which still further augment the advantages. The great seats of manufacture, are Rouen, Lisle, and Lyons, in departments Nos. I, 14, and 09. The chief Ports of entry for Foreign productions, are, Havre, Nantes, Bordeaux, and Marseilles, in departments Nos. 14, 24,49, and 76. 'Phc great Naval stations are Cherbourg, Brest, and Toulon, in departments Nos. 10, 23, and 75. The following detailed display of the several Rivers, will suffice to show more particularly the relation of the several departments to each other. The Scheldt and the Lys have their source in the Department of Nord, the former runs past Valenciennes, Tournay, and Oudenarde, to Ghent, where it is joined by the Lys, from Lisle and Courtray ; the United Stream then runs past Dendermonde to Antwerp. The Som/ne, which gives name to No. 3, runs past Amiens, and Abbeville, into the English Channel at St. \'alery. No. 4 was partly in Picardy, and partly in the Isle of France, in which Province was part of No. 12 ; and part of 13 in Burgundy. The rivers Oise, Aisne, Marne, A ube, Seine, and the Yonne, all in- tersect the Isle of France; the Oise rises in the Forest of Ardennes, and runs past Guise, Chauny, and Noyon, to Compeigne, where it is joined by the Aisne Pom the Department of the Meuse ; past Grand Pre, Rethel, and • Soissons: and from Compeigne, to the Seine at Pont- Oise, “ about twenty miles below Paris. The Marne rises near Langres in No. 11, and runs past Chaumont, Joinville, St. Dizier, Vitry, Chalons, Epernay, Chateau- Thierry, and Meaux, to the Seine at Charenton.'* The Seine has its source in the Cote d’Or, No. 66, and runs past Chatillon, Bar, and Troyes, to Nojent, where it is joined by the Aube; below Nojent it is joined by the Yonne from the Department of the Nievre; the United Stream then runs past Foiitainbleau, Melun, and Corbeil, where it is joined by other tributary Streams from Loiret. No. 20 ; it then joins the Marne,*' about four miles above Paris, through which City it flows to St. Denis, and St. Germain, to below Pontoise, where it is joined by the Oise, “ from thence past Mantes, and Andelys, to Pont de I’Arche, where it is joined by the Eure from No. 16; and from thence past Rouen and Caudebac into the English Channel at Havre, in No. 14; vvhich department is North of the River, the remainder of Normandy being on the South. Nos. 17, 18, are watered by the Orne, which falls into the mouth of the Seine below Caen. The small Province of Perche is now comprised in parts of Nos. 16, 17. Nos. 21 — 23, are a promontary extending into the Atlantic Ocean, and form the extreme Western limit of France. Nos. 24 to 40, with the excep- ' tion of 37, ' are all watered by the Maine, and tributary streams of the Loire ; the main branch has its source on the border of 78, and runs North, past Le Puy, Monistrel, Feurs, Roanne, Deuze, and Nevers, below which it is joined by the Allier, which has run parallel with the I.oire fhe whole of its course; from Nevers tlie United Stream still runs North to Gien, when it take.s a N. W. course to (Jrleans, and from thence West past Beaugency, Blois, and Amboise, to 'Fours, where it is joined by the Cher, from the South: from 'Fours it still runs West past Lanjeais, and Saumur, to below Angers, where it receives the Sarthe and Mayennc, from the North ; and from thence, after passing St. Florent and Nantes, it falls into the Atlantic (Jeean. Nos. 24, 25, and 28 — 31, are all intersected by, and Nos. 32 — 43 are alt South of, the main Stream of the Loire. No. 44 is a maritime District, intersected by the C/(«rcjHf>, which rises in No. 40, and runs past Angouleme, Cognac, and Saintes, into the Bay of Biscay at Rochefort. 'I’he Isles of Re, and Oberon, are included in this de- partment, which is bounded on the S. W. by the Giiondc. Nos. 4i — 51, are intersected by the Dordogne, tlie Lot, t!ie 'Farn, and the Garonne, and their numerous tributary Streams. The Garonne has its source at the foot of the Pyrenees, and runs past Toulouse, to Castell-Sara- gin, and Moissac, where it is joined by the 2'arn ; from thence past Valence, and Agen, to Tonnien, where it is further augmented by the J.ot, and from thence past Marmande, Reolle, and Bourdeaux ; below which tt is joined by the Dordot/ne at Bourg, where the United Waters form the Gironde for about 55 miles, into the Bay of Biscay. The Dordogne has its source in No. 37, ' and the Lot and the Tarn in No. 79. "* Nos. 54, 55, are watered by the A dour, and its numerous tributary streams, which fall into the Bay of Biscay at Bayonne. Nos. 51, 52, 55, 56, and 85, are all bounded on the South by the Pyrenees. No. 50 is a small department, formed out of a part of the three Provinces of Guienne, Gascoigne, and Languedoc. The rivers Meuse and Moselle, which water the former Province of Lorraine run North ; they both have their source in the Department of the ^'osges, the former runs past Vaucoulers, Commercy, St. Mihel, and Ver- dun, into Ardennes; in vvhieh it runs past Sedan, Mezieres, and Charleville, to GLvet, where it enters the Netherlands, running past Dinant, Namur, Liege, Maestricht, and Groningen, into the Delta of the Rhine at Rotter- dam ; one of the branches of the Moselle ® rises in No. 63, and runs past Darnay, Toul, Nancy, Metz, and Thionville, into Luxembourg, past 'Freves, into the Rhine opposite to Coblentz. Nos. 61, 62, are bounded on the East by the Rhine, which separates them from Baden, they form the ex- treme Eastern limits of France, as No. 30 does the extreme West. The waters of Nos. 63 — 82, except 79, ■* all run South into the Mediter- ranean. 'Fhe Saone as well as the Moselle, " has its source in No. 63, and runs past Gray, and Auxonne, to Chalons, above which it is joined by the Doubs from Besancon ; from Chalons it runs past Macon, \'ille Franche, and 'Frevoux, to Lyons, where it is joined by the Ithoiie from the Lake of Geneva; from Lyons, the United Stream, under the name of the Rhone, runs ]iast Vienne and 'Fournon, below which it is joined by the Isere, from Mont Blanc, past Grenoble, St. .Martellin, and Romans; from the junction of the Isire it flows past V'alence, Montelimart, Viviers, and le Pont St. Esprit, to Avignon, where it is joined by the Durance, from I'hnbruu in the Upper Al)>s; from Avignon it runs between Bcaucuire and 'Farascon, to Arles, where it divides into two branches, falling into the Mediterranean about thirty miles West of Marseilles, and twenty East of Montpelier. Nos. 64, 65, 68, 71 — 76, and 81, arejall East of the Saone and Rhone. 'Fhewater.s of 'Farn and Arriege, run West into the Garonne, and those of Aude, East, into the Mediterranean. I'rom the jireceding display of the courses of the several Rivers, it ap- pears that in the South of I'rance, Canlal and Correze possess the greatest elevation West of the Alps : a mountain range vrhich gives name to the De- partment of Canlal, has an elevation of 5900 feet above the h'vel of the Sea. In the North-Isast Nos. 11, 60, 63, tuul 66, which are contiguous dc- ])artrnents discharge their waters both West, and Noith; as well as to the East, and South. 67 O K(^0 U A Pll 1 C AT, I)1SI’[,AV of (lie ITO former I’rovinces, and 0(» present Departments of /V^/l A’ 6'/:; shewing the Xnrnlier ot subdivisions in Arrondisements, C’anlons, and Communes; and I'opiilation in 115*23 of <-ach Department: and also the distance and bearing in French Leagues from I’aris, of the Chief 'I'own of each Department, with the Population thereof in ltt‘23 and 1(5*2(5. GEOGRAPHtCAL RELATION. PROVINCES prior to mo. Vorf//.— N o 8. I and fl. border on the Ni'tlicrhiiitH.^Nos. *i, 3, N, 18, and ID, are boimdetl on the VVeit by the Knglinh Channel: the re* inniuini; Departments arc interior. -“No. 8, is rich in Coal, Iron, and Slate : inteij»ecled by the Meuse riinnnu; North into the Rhine, and the Alsne, rminint; West into the Seine. The rivers of Cliampa^ne all run West into the Seine. Th« Pori of CALAIS, in No. 3. Ill* chiofS Port of •iilraoc* li»to Franc* from Ragland, it In L«t. SO 67 .North, and { SI ol R Lnneaud*. boing 9 mil** South, and 3? Batl ol Duror. J lriiig a lurau dittooc* of 33 0*oi;raphiral, r ‘3d Riigllih Staliit* iniUi ; Pari* beiit* in Lm. 4H S« North, and 3 30 of Ka»t Longilude, Iho in*a« diiiaor* Irom Caiai* i* 138 (Jeorra- phicaL or U9 Kngti*h Statute Mile*. ..The road di«ttnc« bjr Itoiilogne. AbhariM*. and Beaiivai*. I* 33 l*i>*lo», or 65 road Leaguri pf vOOO ToOe*. — th* Tci»* bring rqoal to 6 395 Rnglitli F-el. iiiabe* the di*tance in Bngli»h Statute mile* Its. By St. Omer, Aire, Duulrns, and Amien* the ditlance it 34 P«*ie,. or 69 /leiir#, equal 4o 199 £(i|(U»h Statute Ittile*. DEPARTMENTS 1833. 1 Artois iiml 2 Picanhj. 3 I Me of France. s I s / 4 Champagne, f 12 parilij in the isle of , lo France, 53 A 54 I 55 1 56 r57 7 58 >59 Ceo <61 f63 ]64 C65 f66 >67 C68 5 69 t70 C7l ^72 (.73 Nortl l*as tie Calais .. .Somme Alsne Oise Seine Seine-et-Oise Ardennes Klarne .\ube Upper Marne. . . . Seine-et-I\Iarne Yonne Lower Seine .... Eure Eure-et-Loire .. Orne Calvados La Manche Ille-et-Villaine Cotes du Nord .. Morbihan Finisterre Lower Loire . . . . Klaine and Loire Mayenne Sarthe Indre and Loire Loire and Cher.. Loiret Ni^vre Cher Indre Allier Puy-du-Ddme .. Cantal Corr^ze Upper Vienne .. Creuse Charente A'^ienne Deux Sfevres . .. . La Vendee Lower Charente Aveiron ........ Lot Lot and Garonne Dordogne Gironde Tarn & Garonne Upper Garonne. . do. Pyr^n^es Gers Landes Lower Pyr^ndes Eastern do. Moselle Meuse Meurthe Vosges Lower Rhine.... Upper do Upper Saone . .. Doubs .Jura Cote D’or Saone and Loire Ain Rhone Loire Isere * Driime * Upper Alps .... Lower do Var * Bouches-du-Rh* Upper Loire .... Arufeche * Lozere Gard * Vaucluse * H6rault* Tarn Aude Arriege Corsica «<» t; Q Communes. Pop If lation hi 1823. CHIEF TOWN. Distance and Hear In e, of Chirp Town 1/1 IjpngaeK from PARIS. POPULATION 0 / i'hlej Touny in (3 IS2H. 60 660 905,764 Lille 58 N. N. K. 64, ‘290 69,860 43 953 610,344 Arras 46 N. by E. 19,798 22,173 41 818 508,910 Amiens 31 N. 41,107 42,0.32 37 8r>8 459,(100 Laon 31 N. E. 6,837 7,354 35 738 375,817 Beauvais .... 17 N. N. W. 12,798 12,865 20 79 821,706 PARIS Lat. 48 50 N. 713,966 890,431 36 692 424,490 Versailles 41 S. IV. 27,.V28 29,701 31 538 266,985 Mezieres .... 59 N. E. 3,781 4,159 32 696 309,444 Chalons 42 E. 11,629 12,419 25 4.53 230,688 Troyes 39 E. S. E. 25,078 25,587 28 552 ‘233,.5‘28 Chauinont. . . . 01 do. 5,487 6,027 •29 561 303,150 Melun 1 1 S. S. E. 6,818 7,199 37 481 332,905 Auxerre .... 41 do. 12,065 12,348 50 987 655,804 Rouen 31 N. W. 86,7.36 90,000 35 813 416,178 Evreux 26 W. by N. 9,728 9,729 21 460 264,448 (ihartres . . . . 21 S. W. 13,714 13,703 35 627 122,884 Alemjon 47 W. by S. 13,9.55 14,071 39 897 492,613 Caen 55 \V. by N. 36,644 38,161 32 696 594,196 St. Lo 70 do. 8, ‘271 8,509 43 352 379 533,207 552,424 Rennes 89 W. by S. 1 15 do. 29,589 9,956 29,377 9,963 47 St. Brieux .. 37 231 416,224 Vannes 108 W. S. W. 11,289 11,289 4t 287 483,095 J Quimper . . . . 133 VV. by S. 9,400 10,032 45 209 433,815 Nantes 95 W. S. W. 68,427 71,739 34 385 442,859 Angers 73 do. 29,873 29,978 27 288 343,819 Laval 70 do. 15,736 15,840 32 413 428,432 Le Mans . . . . 50 do. 18,881 19,477 24 311 ‘282,372 Tours 58S. W. by S. 21,928 20,920 24 309 227,5*27 Blois 43 S. S. W. 15,147 11,337 31 363 29L394 Orleans .... 29 S. by \V. 40,233 40,340 25 330 257,990 Nevers 58 S. by E. 12,280 15,782 29 307 239,561 Rourges .... 54 S. 18,910 19,500 23 ‘275 230,373 Chateauroux 65 S. by W. 10,429 11,010 26 350 280,025 Moulins 72 do. 13,883 14,5‘25 50 438 5.53,410 Clermont Ferr 97 do. 30,010 30,010 22 272 •252,100 Aurillac .... 137 S. 9,196 9,576 29 294 273,418 274,470 Tulles 121) S. by W. 97 do. 8,097 24,992 8,479 27 223 Limoges .... 25,612 25 296 248,785 Giieret 86 do. 4,014 3,448 29 455 347,541 Angouleme .. 119 S. S. VV. 15,025 15,306 31 346 260,697 Poitiers 88S.VV.byS. 21,315 21,562 31 363 279,845 Nii.rt 108 S. VV. 15,500 15,799 29 324 316,587 Bourb. Vendee 104 do. 2,792 3,129 39 505 409,477 La Rochelle.. 124 do. 12,327 11,073 42 494 339,442 Rodez 148 S. 7,352 7,747 41 440 275,296 Cahors 153 S. by VV. 12,224 12,413 28 369 330,121 Agen 152 do. 11,659 11,971 47 648 453,136 Perigueux .. 121 S. S. VV. 8,452 8,588 48 580 522,041 Bordeaux .... 153 do. 89,202 93,549 32 210 238,143 Montauban .. 108 S. by W. 25,3.57 25,466 39 607 391,118 Toulouse .... 181 do. 49,202 53,319 20 501 212,077 Tarbes 187 do. 8,035 8,712 22 684 301,336 Auch 198 do. 9,670 10,844 28 352 256,311 MontdeMarsa 190 S. S. VV. 3,(65 3,088 40 660 399,474 Pau 208 do. 11,444 n,76i 17 249 143,054 Perpignan .. 235 S. by E. 14 864 15,357 27 327 376,928 Metz 79 E. by N. 42,030 45,276 28 .591 292,385 Bar le due. . . . 03 E. 11,412 12,520 29 718 379,985 Nancy 84 E. by S. 29,211 29,122 30 .549 357,727 Epinal 90 do. 7,941 7,951 49 70.S 502,638 Strasburg .... 120 do. 49,680 49,708 37 616 370,062 Colmar 117 do. 14,300 15,196 27 640 308,171 Vesoul 87 E. S. E. 6,391 5,252 27 649 242,663 Besancon .... 98 S E. 26,388 28,795 32 728 301,768 Lons le Saunr 99 do. 7,796 7,864 36 728 358,148 Dijon 75 do. 22,397 23,845 48 609 498.057 Macon 100 S. S. E. 10,411 10,965 35 442 328,838 Bourg 110 do. 8,132 8,424 25 261 391,580 Lyon 119 do. 149,171 145,675 28 327 343,524 Montbrison .. 122 S. by E. 5,486 5,156 44 558 505,585 Grenoble ... 146 S. S. E. 23,602 22,149 28 364 ‘273,511 Valence 146 do. 9,805 10,283 30 260 121,418 Gap 172 do. 6,714 7,015 24 189 149,310 Digne 193 do. 3,621 3,955 32 210 305,096 Draguignan . . 225 do. 8,616 8,835 22 108 313,614 Marseilles ., 206 S. by E. 109,483 115,943 28 272 276,830 Le Puy 125 do. 14,844 14,988 31 355 304,339 Privas 155 do. 3,878 4,199 24 191 133,934 Mende 138 do. 5, .370 5,445 33 343 334,164 Nisraes 187 do. 37,908 39,068 22 150 224,431 Avignon .... 179 do. 29,407 31,180 36 333 324,127 Montpelier .. 200 do. 35,123 35,842 35 356 313,713 Alby 199 S. 10,644 10,993 30 434 253,194 Carcassone .. 204 do. 15,752 17,755 20 332 1 234,878 Foix ■200 S. by VV. 4,552 4,958 60 399 1 180,348 Ajaccio Lat. 41 46 N. Lvmg. S 53 E. 7,431 7,658 Mean Value of Produce ^ Hectare-, Quantity in Hectolitres of each kind of Grain; Number of Hectares planted tvith Vines; Mean Value (iq O ^ 'Sk'* t; " s Ci.5 S tt, T3 a ^ y u O 3 ) ^ t- : y ) I ‘o ’ CCI bK - 'M C ) CO C« : ^ t ) a I *“ iG . sj s : s o r.2 a I = 1 I ■" “ ' 0) Q I 3 ” £.2 oi rt P •« 0) s o . . IM CO ?0 >ft O O 0 O O *0 >0 O CO w CO* wT >ff of Cl CO - 1 < *t O X CO X X O X c^ooxooci'f«>oxor'Oooor»x X >0 X I'- “ ~ ... - . f X O iC X X X ^ 1-^ !'• X Cl X <0 X 'O X O X Cl >0 Cl t-H Cl Cl X ‘O Cl X Cl Cl O >• Id O X X Cl >C O X <'l -- — -. -• — X ^ X Cl I— I Cl !'• X X X 1'' X •C X X X !'• O X Cl >.c . 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Jnod ypuo^ ^ fc, ^ TOTAL diS R 6 lcs, (as V CoL No 0 .; STATEMENT exhibilino- the «G Departments of FRANCE arranged in Alphabetical order, wifn Nos. of reference to their Geographical Position ; order of Fertility: cJutidbution to the Property Tax; Superficies; Population, &c. &c.; & Number of Arrondisements, Cantons, & Communes, in each Department: shewing also the Total Population in 171)0 and 1829 ; the Superficies of each in Hectares ; the Number of Marriages, Births, and Deaths ; and Committals for Crime against Persons and Property. 02 Thv 80 Departments of France arranged in Alphabetical order, with No, of reference to Geographical Position, Population, Superficies •O'MOC!'OM'.Si-HC-1C5O>-ir''MC0SCi-iOWC0iM-lO-^n'^*.3Xr-C0r»«T!'(?lt0W'O'^C531J9 S e 5 E 5* I.® 5 •«' « •nn3do.ij -r 35 -f -M !■' 35 00 53 O ■X ‘O 01 X 35 35 O 1 -- 01 —I OI o X -r •fo 01 X X XOXl^X>OC5*OC rH OI X OI •SU0SJ.3J X 'O 'O -H X X X OI OI o 01 -r X XXX X X •o ‘.0 -r i-H 01 1" lO OI *t 01 X X X Tf t X X X T}< s “2 S ma X X X X O X 01 01 X X X X >0 01 01 X X O X X X X *0 -r X -T C X X O C* IC X f-< 01 X -r »- 'O O OI lo *o X X X X *f >0 X 1 '* X X -r rH c — 01 X 01 X X I" — X X T— t'. 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CO CO CO CO l> CO Ci ^ CO 01 Ci CO uo « PP pp -rr to to »0 pH CO CO CO — ^ iO (d ‘O i> iO CO *C 050 ii-iOCi 0001 Cl pH pp Cl O O d l> pH O CO fcC l> Cl lO p^ CO Cl to O iO 40 pH Cl to to Oi CO to to to Cl to^cit>cicocoo fH PP CO 40 40 ^ O CO CO pH rf CO o CO CO to PH c .5 a a Cu a- ^ !=> 0 ) o £ 6 ^ 3 C 3 ^ « w 0 ) “ ZC u o o c Ui w O) OP 0 ) - ^ o §:| ^ s s S’® s i-S'- o .2 SSSSSl^l^iOOCHSpH , , O O •' i- 'H . 3 ?p> 5 Ki O) .— a- o a-h-^ r. I a; ^ ^ C; ca .22 S O ( I I •W -w q; o> 0 ) s ^ ^q.) o 3 c« o -o rj 3 cd 0 ) r> ■ U) s *. ^. t:-o X €>• Ci X I'* Ci X O ^ C5 Cl O o 9 «ocoeoo 9 ffOeoeO'!T*fco'C'^ kj tOiftXCCX'O — CIO^'OI^CC ^ 1 ciic — c^mCiCiiiCXCiCi’C^ 5 •r'ce Excise Duties, (Droits Rvunh) in each of the GO Departments of FRANCE, in (he Year llVi l; distini;uislung tlie amount under each of KJ different lieads. The Column of Totals includes 521 ,009 /r«?ics. Duty on (Carles) Playing Cards; I, 'll'! francs ( Sets d’Rst) Salt made |)rincipally in the Departments of the Meuse, Jura, and Upper tiaronne, Nos. 22, 23, and 51 ; I, l!)5,H.5 ( (iariintic 5 45(»,‘J0.1 SI Do., Hautes 85 Lozfere 170,315 1.50,911 202,455 132,222 416 98 1 1 ,070 9,502 0, 184 823 817 6,!)!)3 1 ,!)!)8 0,577 7,010 3,500 13,530 6,703 630 200 715 978 2,(i22 3,087 432, 82() 320, 1 50 TOT '.S’. ■Mrri.nt:! 4.102,841 (I.0;u,2l2 ■2,47'2.4r>.'i 3pl52,.'>»2 1)04,110 V2.I.PJ Du'y on hit fnr*A 1 Stage Inland A (enfi Aft7i/>try < urn Prorotidii of S'undrp S'tlzure, product 7V>/ ,1 f. ■Spirit Tohac< 0 Beer. of lilt kinds I Coaches. Naviga- tio’i. of the 7'oirn I) cs. Stamps. ^ o>'” (Jufiir.Hg Qunpou'drr. Bepoy- i ments. and Pines. *\f seizures Kiiii- t. S'l'yVTI'liMKNT shcwiiip,- the 4 1 Dopartincnts annexed to /'’/?yliVC7i’, diirin;>' the Hcpuhlican, Consular, and Imperial sway, between the Years 1702- 1U12 ; shewing the States to whicli they previously belonged, or to wliich tliey have since reverted ; the Siipcrlicies of, luid I’opulatioa, and Number of lloriiod ('<\Ulo in eacli Uepiiilmcnt in 1812: the mean price of (he flcctuUlrc of Wheat, and of live IJcclogntmmc.'i of llread, in each Department in 1809: the Number of UecluTct, planted with Meet Koot. the Number of Sugar Works, ami the quantity of Sugar produced tlierefrom, in eaen of the 20 Norlhern, and Nortli East Departments in 1812; and tlie Number of dr/awls planted with Vines, and the produce of W'ine in Hectolitres, in each of 10 of the Kaslern Departments in 1808; the whole compiled from an exposd of the Situation of the Empire, and presented at the command of Napoleon in 1813, to the Legislative Corps by the Minister of the Interior, flJ. le Comte MeinUtlivH. The Deimrtments, Nos. 27. 28, and 32 - d l, are productirc in Silk, — see I ndex, SILK,— -for reference to Statement of the produce of each Department, as well as qfeach ofS of the South Last heparlmenls of I'llA NCL proper. 1 Numher of 2 V, Geographical Position of Superficies POPU- 1 Horned Cattle , ^.5 fc . k k 6 ^ ^ DEPARTMENTS Chief Town North Latitude East Itw in Hectares LATION in 1812. proportim of Coivs TOTAL **^■2 £ ® <'s>a 1K«<- r 1 Etistern Enis 53. 22 1. 11 318,025 127,959 57,661 95, OTA 400 1 25,000 Zid i Alouths of the Weser Bro/ien 53. 5 8. 48 1,017,284 331,030 95,134 173,730 1,000 2 30,000 Hanover 3 do. of the Elbe Hamburg 53. 33 9. 59 738,765 375,977 72,.‘371 121,654 1,000 7 80,000 '9 ( 4 Eriseliind . Harlingen 53. 11 5. 25 278,835 513,580 340,000 175,.350 191,094 144,434 102,812 79,572 19,. 320 162,205 149,766 36,280 ■0.3 53. 12 52. 30 6. 35 IS 0 Mouths of the Issel . 6. 300 2 18,000 < 7 U pper Issel 52. 5. 37 561,091 192,670 56,510 111,077 310 3 40,000 A 2 0 Zuyderzee Amsterdam 52. 25 4. 40 950,100 505,387 126,013 197,128 640 4 100,000 -c § 9 Mouths of the Meuse Rotterdam 51. 55 4. 29 378,283 393,080 72,207 143,953 820 7 400,000 W a. ^10 do. of the Scheldt Middleburg 51. 30 3. 37 63,000 76,315 15,413 28,550 276 2 10,000 vs fll do. of the Rhin . . Bois-le-duc 51. 40 5. 9 410,864 257,573 57,138 103,835 550 3 32,000 1 2 Tw o JN ethes 51. 14 4. 22 285,380 284,584 51,940 84,040 16 .32 11 400 21 60,000 Si _b 13 Scheldt 51. 3 3. 44 288,870 636,438 85,559 128,102 16 .45 10 1,000 9 100,000 14 Lyss 51. 12 3. 13 366,912 491,143 79,096 123,217 16 .35 11 2,000 5 138,000 15 Dyle 50. 51 4. 22 342,848 431,969 51,527 78,366 15 .88 11 600 6 60,000 IG Lower Meuse Maestricht 50. 48 5. 43 378,633 267,249 48,426 84,040 14 .63 10 575 5 50,000 S 17 Jemmape 50. 27 3. 57 376,658 472,366 95,093 83,333 15 .18 10 900 8 90,000 -O 18 Ourthe 50. 39 5. 31 435,754 352,264 99,922 130,917 16 .11 11 300 11 55,000 19 Sambre and Meuse . . 50. 28 4. 51 467,922 180,665 39,494 73,746 15 .26 10 250 2 20,000 _20 Forests Luxemburg 49. 37 6. 9 691,035 246,333 58,705 104,246 12 .63 9 100 1 10,000 Y 21 Upper Ems 52. 18 8. 53 983,803 420,290 114,781 191,737 — 190 1 27,000 \ *2*2 Tiippp 51. 58 50. 55 7. 36 6. 56 566,913 522,985 237,750 621,410 55,000 100,852 100,000 164,783 s § 23 Roer 14 .21 10 800 21 200,000 J 24 Rhin and Moselle . . . Coblentz 50. 22 7. 33 528,420 249,010 53,774 104,284 11 .03 8 360 4 63,000 V 25 Sarre 49. 47 6. 38 493,513 273,569 57,140 116,560 11 .26 8 400 3 6,000 2(5 Mont Tonnerre 50. 8. 11 359,948 428,988 70,618 106,002 11 .19 8 3,700 13 260,000 Papal ^ 27 Trasimene 42. 45 12. 36 819,753 300,709 19,324 59,794 Arpents planted with Produce of fVine in (Sfafes j 28 ROME . . . ROME 41. 54 12. 15 367,660 548,909 36,650 91,236 — Vines. Hectolitres. tf I 29 Leman -iso Mont Blanc... 46. 12 6. 9 280,000 210,478 46,309 71,570 19 .48 13 78,672 438,034 . Chambery 45. 34 5. 55 640,427 300,239 70,225 111,452 20 .26 14 5,029 132,601 1^31 Simplon 46. 14 7. 22 500,000 53,533 25,000 47,195 — 11,086 258,380 r '32 Doire 45. 38 7. 23 250,853 234,822 41,700 68,522 16 .90 11 17,928 335,763 33 Sesia 45. 24 8. 23 517,200 202,822 37,060 60,565 13 .97 10 7,305 224,895 o 1 34 Po 45. 4 7. 40 414,526 399,237 49,817 97,902 15 .85 11 38,318 484,495 ^ J 35 Marengo Alexandria 44. 53 8. 40 348,260 318,447 32,044 83,218 15 .57 11 65,310 591,160 36 Stura 44. 22 7. 38 1,127,015 431,438 61,270 116,954 15 .3 10 39,742 428,389 37 Maritime Alps 43. 41 7. 17 322,674 131,266 8,171 16,331 20 .58 14 13,395 100,626 38 Montenotte 43. 55 8. 4 397,220 289,823 5,130 11,870 19 .67 13 19,276 384,474 States of i 39 Genoa 44. 25 8. 58 237,600 400,056 24,129 57,160 19 .97 14 36,032 477,796 Genoa \ 40 Appenins . . . . Chiavari 44. 22 9. 16 532,000 238,684 I 0,697 20,949 23 .41 16 16,255 308,118 JJuchy of Parma 41 Taro . . . . . Parma 44. 48 10. 20 363,628 352,215 36,657 119,900 13 .36 9 78,672 438,034 C 42 Mediterranean . . . . Leghorn 43. 33 iO. 17 491,000 262,368 19,016 55,087 18 .48 13 44,932 556,675 Tuscany < 43 Arno 43. 47 11. 16 852,376 538,452 32,083 107,122 18 .51 13 77,670 644,279 (_44 0mbroune .... 42. 27 11. 15 785,600 151,250 18,245 58,550 13 .63 9 12,152 230,812 The Number of Sheep in the above 44 Departments in 1812, amounted to 8,406,864: of which 27,593 were Merinos, and 99,395 Cross Breed; the Num- ber of Horses in the same Year was 938,000: and the Number Foaled annu- ally 76,000: and the Quantity in Hectolitres of all sorts of Grain produced in each of the 3 Years 1810-12, was as follows. Viz. — In 1810, 64,852,171 Hectolitres. In 1811, 62,681,297 do. In 1812, 70,311,174 do. The annexed is a Statement of the Quantity of IRON, produced in 1811, in each of 7 Departments: Mont Tonnere, No. 26 had also 4 Furnaces, and 15 Establishments for the Manufact. of Iron, to the extent of 10,890 Quintals. DEPARTMENTS, producing Iroju Number of Furnaces Is i 5 o' Pro i Metrical Rough duce n Quintals Manufact. ^ 1 ri Money Value in Francs 17 Jemappe 5 46 18.700 25,130 4,900 2.316,000 18 Ourthe 17 37 56,600 31,350 6,100 3,992,200 19 Sambre and Meuse .... 27 71 152,400 82,640 6,524 4,400,000 20 Forests 33 08 159,474 136,875 8,762 5,589,500 23 Roer. 9 13 40,500 24,750 4,340 3,130,000 24 Rhiu and Moselle 3 9 3,498 ■>,315 1,127 673,000 25 Sarre 17 46 35,325 24,6i6 6,515 3,745,000 I GO STATEMENT of the Geographical Position, of each of the 40 Kingdoms, Provinces, Principalities, &fc., Sfc., of the Pcniiisula of SPAIN and PORTUGAL ; shewing tlie Superficies and Population of each ; increase ^ Cent, of Population since the close of the last Century ; and Ratio ot Population ^ S(juare Mile, in 1825. The Population of the Peninsula at the close of the last Century as exhibited below, has been taken from a work published in Paris during the occupation of Spain by the Erench in 1810 ; and the Numbers in 1825, have been taken from another Work recently Published in that City ; other authorities represent the Population of Spain at the commencement of the last Century, at about 7,000,000 : the increase since 1799, sup- posing the Numbers as stated below to be accurate, is remarkable; more particularly so, under the circumstances in which the Country during that period has been involved. The extreme Latitudes of the Peninsula are, from Cape Ortegal in Gallicia, in 48. 47 North, to Gibraltar in Andalusia in 3(5. 7 North : being a mean distance between those two Points of 533 English Statute Mil es ; but, as the South parts ot Andalusia and Granada form a Promontary the average extent of the Peninsula from North to South will not exceed more than about 475 miles ; the extremes of Longitude are, from the Rock, in 9. 35 West, 25 miles West of Lisbon ; to Cape Rosas in Catalonia, in 3. 5 East, being a Total of 12 Degrees, 40 of Longitude, or 665 English Statute Miles ; ( the degree of Longitude between 37 and 43 of Latitude being 45J Geographical, or 52| English Statute Miles ) but the average extent ot' Longitude will not exceed 10 Degrees, or about 525 English Statute Miles; these averages give a Total Superficies of 249,375 English Statute Miles, which corresponds, or nearly so, with the detailed Superficies below, supposing them intended as Geographical Miles. KINGDOMS and PRO VINCES. 1*1 Kingdom of Gallicia . . 2 * Principality of Asturias n L 3 * Biscay .... Isasque 1 . « + • ' f X 4 I Guipuzcoa I’rovinces | ^ ^ * 6 I Kingdom of Navarre . . C 7 Leon I jjj ! 8 Palencia % I 9 Zamora .5 i 10 Taro Li? ■'5s I i 11 Vallodalid. Ll2 Salamanca . 13 Burgos 14 Soria . K'mgdom i of Old ^ Castile.l j 15 Segovia 16 Avila f 17 t Kingdom of Arragon . . . . o’' « I 18 * I Principality of Catalon. * 19*1 Kingdom of Valencia . . f 20 Majorca & Cabr. C ^ Isles of <21 Minorca 1 22 Ivifa & Formen. 23 Giiadalaxara 24 t MADRID £ ■« o ■§ O 2^® y o? 25 Cueiifa J 26 Toledo V 27 Lamanche 28 X Province of Estramadura 29 * t Kingdom of Murcia. . . . ► « C 30 Colony of the Sierra Morena ("31 Kingdoms J 32 Jaen i * i ’31 Cordova 33 * Granada 34 * Seville. . £ B O "a » •li- Total SPAIN 35 * Entre-Duero et Minho 36 Tras-los- Montes 37 * Beira 38 * Estramadura 39 Alentejo 40 Algarves Total PORTUGAL TOTAL Peninsula Geographical Position. Superficies. I POPULATION. Chief Town North w est French English — — Latitude. Longitu. Leagues. Miles. 1799. 1825. Increase per Cent. per Sq. Mile t Corunna* 43. 24 8. 20 1,330 10,060 1,142,630 1,585,419 38 99 t Oviedo 43. 24 5. 55 308 3,725 364,238 464,565 27 124 Bilboa* 43. 14 2. 42 106 1 ,280 111,436 144,875 49 113 St. Sebastian* 43. 10 1. 58 52 628 104,491 135,838 29 216 Vittoria 42. 55 2. 55 90i 1,093 67,523 92,807 31 84 Pampluna 42. 46 1. 42 205 2,475 221,728 288,244 29 115 Leon 42. 45 5. 27 493 5,943 2.39,812 311,755 30 52 Palencia 42. 6 4. 35 145 1,751 118,064 153,482 29 87 Zamora 41. 35 5. 45 133 1,606 71,401 92,821 29 57 Taro 41. 45 5. 37 165 1,992 97,370 126,581 30 63 t Valladolid 41. 45 4. 35 271 3,272 187,390 243,607 29 74 Salamanca 41. 21 5. 40 471 5,128 209,988 272,982 30 53 Burgos 42. 25 3. 55 642 7,752 470,588 611,762 29 78 Soria 41. 42 2. 30 341 4,118 198,107 267,537 35 63 Segovia 41. 6 4. 10 290 3,502 164,007 221,379 34 63 Avila 40. 45 4. 45 215 2,600 118,061 153,479 29 59 t Saragossa 41. 38 1. 2 1,232| 14,882 657,376 856,219 30 57 t Barcelona* 41. 22 2. 10 E. 1,007 12,111 858,818 1,116,461 29 92 t Valencia* 39. 29 0. 23, 643 7,764 825,059 1,255,095 52 161 t Pabna* 39. 30 2. 25 112 1,352 140,699 Ciuda della* 40. 5 3. 15 20 242 30,990 [ 242,893 29 136 Ivica* 38. 53 1. 29 E. 15 181 15,290 Gavdalaxara 40. 33 3 22 163 1,970 121,115 157,338 29 79 31 A DRIB 40. 25 3 33 110 1,330 228,520 297,812 80 224 Cuenca 40. 6 2 16 945 11,410 294,290 382,577 30 33 Toledo 39. 52 4 11 734 8,863 370,641 485,203 30 54 Cuidad Real 39. 4 3 631 7,620 205,548 257,210 25 33 Badajox 38. 49 6. 47 1,190 14,478 428,493 556,780 29 38 Alurcia 37. 59 1. 5 659 7,957 383,226 493,192 28 61 From 38 to 39 N. and 3 to 5 West. 108 1,304 6,196 — — Cordova 37. 52 4. 46 340 4,202 252,028 327,256 29 77 Jaen 37. 48 3. 51 268 3,2:36 206,807 276,905 33 84 t Granada 37. 16 3. 46 805 9,720 692,924 1,097,093 58 112 t Seville 37. 24 *5. 39 752 9,080 746,221 970,087 29 106 16,005 170,027 10,351,075 13,953,959 34 78 OPORTO* 41. 11 8. 39 2211 3,490 907,965 Alirandela 41. 26 (5. 54 455 5,450 318,665 Coimbra 40. 12 8. 25 753 8,725 1,121,595 LISBON* 38. 42 9. 8 823 9,855 826,680 Eslremos 38. 4(5 7. 23 883 10,.675 380,480 Cape St. Vincent 37. 3 8. 59 232 2,780 127,615 3,437 40,875 3,683,000 7 . 0 ;i(). 0 1 18,442 2 17, .502 114,034,075 <33° 'I he Kingdoms &fc., preceded by an * are Maritime; and the J denotes the 11 Captain Generalships; or Alilitary Gm'crii' me7its, into which Spain is divided ; the Toivns noted icith a f are seats of Audiencia, or Courts of Law having appeal to the Conn cil of Castile at Madrid ; those noted with an * are Sea Ports. STATEMENT shewing the Geographical Position of each of the 42 Provinces of tin Kingdom of SWEDEN and NORWAY; the Superficies of each, in Swedish Square Miles, distinguishing the proportion of Lakes and Morasses ; the Number of Towns, in each Province ; tlie Population thereof, in 1020 ; the Ratio of Population to each Square Mile ; and the annual Value of the Produce of all the Mines, in each Province of Sweden. *** Tfte Total oj" Lakes and Alorasses includes the Superjicies of Lakes Wenern 47. 93, TVcttern IT. 10, Malarn 12. 16, and HJelma rn 4. 25, together 61 .44 Suedish Square Mites. The Swedish Mile cosUains 11,700 English Yards, being as 1 Sivedish, to 0. 65 English, the Swedish Square Mile, is therefore equal to 44. 2 English, which makes the Total Superficies of Sweden, equal to 161,398 English Square Miles. 07 Gcographicid Position, Population, S^-c.,Sfc.,of each of the 42 Provinces of Sweden and Norway. Cl Pp Cl © © Cl © © d © © o © d © © pf © r* © pf Cl pf © © © Cl X fH © ©^ ©^ I'p 1- ©^ x^ © ©^ ©^ Cl pp Pf »c x*‘ •c CO •o ©" x'' ©" © ©" ©*“ cr © Cl 1- X © pf Cl *o © ‘C Cl © »c pp pp © © Cl l-«l Cl pf © pp -r to o CO iOCDT}'iOCOXOtDI-'l^CCI-»OC 50 S lO ‘O ^ r* Oi C5 05 O O O © Cl CO PN lO 1-* O CC CC Cl ^ pH cf Cl CC pH Cl PH fH r-oocooDcccopH»c© ©ccpf^cco©rpco © © OD © CC pH ^-, © Cl ?c *c © © © r* r* Cl t © © X p-i © © ^ -r o © -t © o © *^ © »^ 2 o o »o i-^ © © cc cc pj* © © -r Tf Cl Cl Cl PH r* -r tp©pp©pp©pf©ppQ©pHPf©©©'^»0©©'^tp'^fCl CCXWt)©OPH‘OTt<©PHl'P©©©»C©©©PHPf©X©©Tr ©©©©©©O»CCl©©OOC 4Pf»Cl'p©ClC0l>©C0©rH © Tf x' ©*^ ©* x*' FP cf pn' © x' CO © IC *c © cf © © l> rp©t^Xpf©cirp©xi>*TP©’^©c^©xxci©©©Tr© g t'-'S't^r'-"*tooitoo;soi-^'^'i0 CO ■«t ^ "of of o ^ «1OeOl'-CHOOOOOOI>>OOCO cooeodcotHC-it^cieo— cc^ CO O O CO to C5 T l-p to O C5 O O iCI O OlC 0050 i-i'cfOIOuO(MO_l>t^COO o' cT C-r *ro" pH pf O UO to pT of of -p' to”' >(0 iOdOI>^ 05 '-OpHpH 05 tH OC 5 OC'l-<'>te 0 O'^ COphuO^ChxOuOphph tOI>HHI>p-COo''cri(o' 05 iH|>'Heoocococo 3 CC'HOOOp-OOItO 'fOICl'p'^.OfOOHH s •0 0 >Ol'H*OC 50 -t'OC 50 COCOOC 5 t^O ”p'^C'COCO'^Ot!0 to t> X to d rH © to’ PH Cl ■iiti>«o-«co(Mcs 3 sc 5 PHC 5 'no oioroooorpHOKOOitHCio ^•/oo-^HfxoosTfTi'pHooos COCOC 50 l>*(OCO‘OC^OCOOOl'- 05 '^OPt^r)'OTfO‘CCOpH_^05 ^uo'xoio'oo'pHuo'c^tHo'c'ifo'co'Tr'iouo'oceoicooco phph Ol pH pH CO t" pH 2SO'ti>eo>.oco-t I SCOOOOOCOIN I _'pHrpuoTToi>o g p^pf'^t^ooo 1 p^ Cl ^ I>XX»OPfrH©iC ©0 0 '©pH©TrpH©TfCl©©ClpHPNCl l©iCX»C»C©^Cl I l IXph I I X lO o o Tf o rf >c to -P © © pP © or © t* © © re CO or or F -4 «0 © rp pf d © © ■Hf © lO iO to X d X PP © t> or © »o T)< © re or Cl pf P 1 < tP pp tO t> o o PH re © I'P d or or © to o «0 o to to © © © fp © r* © pf to r* © © tH. re pH © to X fh cr 5 © © (TH © to © © © © © •o fp © © d TT to or •B* © re © © o r> or to r> © © pf tP* t> © © to « © © ■a' © d ^p d tP © © pP d Eh -p Cl pH d © fp eo d or Pp pp pH pH © © ‘O 2 b. e ^ flo ej 5 ' ^ © © © o © © © © © © o o fp pp fp © d © pH © © Cl Cl or Tf Pf Cl FH ■'t PH © © © © © Co ^ 2 5 J O !> or OS or d ■B* or Ch CO pp or l> CO © re CO or or pP 9 . 2 © CO © X CO © © l> © © a' © Cl d © pp tp UO © © l> pH © or o tP d © or © o pp re tp or © Cl PH CP re or o to d o\ pp pP or •H © d tO © tP or pH or © to tC 310 © X © rf or © X o »o © d © © re © © re o ® © a © X fP fH tp © © © fP © tO 50 *?3 X © X © © PP UO to © © © a" to T — 1 © © to © © tP '!f X UO © © © or tp to to o to © o © CO 00 •S « r>» © © OS © CO tO © re o © © T** © d d © © rp © © o Hf o Ih» to to © Cl o pf t .0 © Cl pp fP 'n* Cl o © <34 © or « X Ch re re a< © © or © © © to rf rf to a X © Cp a< re © fH © © © d •rf © © to X Cl © o pH Cl rH © © © oiT d or pH pH pH © o « ^ ss 3 e § S--2 tn I® g a 5 COtHOnfCSOICOCO pHCiCOCOCStfiOCO«OuOCi o O (M C 5 C 5 to tOHfxoiMOT}'eo>ooi-HOi o o Tf CO CO t> lO Tfootoiroto OtHiCtHCHTfOpH PHr— ipppHpH — HpHpHpHpHPHOrOr © © , © CO I CO CO CO pH or re' ©‘ d 1 1> 1> d 1 Cp © © Cl to Cl tO or © 315 © © © pp © Cl pp © X o tO © © X CO fH r> Tf to d to a* d •O' © or pp or •a< 315 •a* CO 30 re .3 4 to pp Cp Cl © lo © © © © © n re X Cp X re Cp © © © © © o © Cl d © to as © © C 5 © pp © © ■a to 31 ? 310 to to 3.0 310 lO a 310 to a 310 tO tO to tO © © © © © © to tO t^ to © © © © eCU s 5S s ^ , h.2 P* 8 g - 5 s ^ a 'g S .s .s Si-i § • = ^ o jg "13 S ss I s O yi -SS J •'S 2 pHi a ^ a'^ •2''£ S a •2 i 1 ^ I ^ s "B a S 5^ b a<$ S « Je- Eh< 50 UJ u s * o g 0* a. 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H *2 £ J . -5 ® ® 5 c Sv-e s S ^ ss ftp&3 "B <^1 S o p 2^5 I - I § ■B a js "B .1 ^ -53 3 S CPp 2 s , Vj “B a js ~8 -2 a I a ■s JS B 'a S -a ■« k ^ 3 ~r~ Si &3 a 03 Bi 03 fiq ~B a I ’N^aSAlS V A VAi RON Bruks oh Fahriks-/ol Uandlande Sjorndn Mi.litaire- Staten Civil-Staten 08 S'I'A'I’ liM li Nl’ shewing tlie proportion of tlie Population of Sweden in 1820, depoiulant on each of the several occupations, or .service ; distinguishing Males from Females, and the proportion of each sex effective, from the jiroportion mmeffeetive, and also a Statement of the Po|)ulation in 1820, of each of the 88 I'ovvns of Sweden, shewing the N umber of Miners, and Manufacturers ; of Artists, and Arti- ficers ; Number of J'amilies, or Housekeepers; and of Poor or Prisoners, in each Town. ?o ( t a S Liir: Priister rare II ^ Ofningmastare i Studerande f Kyrko-lletjente rEnibets-och Tjensteman ! Medici [hbgre och liigre Paltskaror Architecter Ileljening Krono -/ Tull C CIcrgrj Bergs II Jageri och Skogs II Police 0 Sluss och Bro II Dykeri Vakt-Betjente Officerare hiigre och lagre Under- Officerare Soldater och Batsman .... Musikanter och Trumslagare Skepps-ocliFiilt Timmerman j Trosskuskai och Drangar Stads Vakter L Brand Vakter { Skeppare Sj bman Lotsar Fyrbiiks Vaktare Teachers - Various Proffessors y Students r Inferior Servants of the Church Civil Officers of the State of all Physicians [CVasses Surgeons Architects Officers of Crown do. of Customs do. of Mines Rangers of Woods, and Huntsmen Police Sluices and Bridges Divers , or Salvage Officers .... Messengers, and Porters f Com m issioned Officers of all grades Subalterns Soldiers and Sailors Musicians and Drummers Ship and Camji Carpenters .... Artillery Drivers and Servants . . I Town Watchmen \^Fire Guard 3 C Captains V .S ' Sailors Ill 1 Pilots S { Keepers of Light Houses “3 B I 3,218 812 83 3,109 3,826 4,639 260 119 14 981 919 93 375 285 246 261 1,367 2,020 2,444 37,517 1,351 1,024 168 162 827 1,697 6,309 691 20 • Gro39-ocli Minuthandliire, Macklare och &c. -S' j Caffekokare, Tracteurer och Kiogare ^ 3 § FI vdrtf ran afgFir nedan upptagne V E/tkor, som fortsatta sina ajiidne M Mans handel ovk rdreUe ‘Patroner och Fabriksagare som icke hafva nagot annal yrke, samt nedan upplagne Eukor oberaknade, som fortsatta sina afiedoe mans handtering MerchantSy Traderxy BrokerSy and Ship Agents Coffee Ilousey and Tavern KeeperSy 4,c* Contorister Mastare vid Fabriker Gesaller n n . . . Largosser u n . . . Andre hithbrande arbetare Bod-betjente ^ Mastare, oberaknat bar nedan upptagne ^ ^ j Eiikor som fortsatta handtterk 1 Gesaller Ltirgossar ‘ I Journeymen 3,408 j Apprentices 2,788 I Worlanen 15,170 [^Shopmen 31 17,868 Verkdrangar ^ i ■« ^ c * >2 I (^Bod-betjente Utur tjenst giingne personer ( Bergsmaii och Bonder, oberakiiat nedan upptagne Bond eukor, som fortfara nied Landtbruck ock girdskolsel pE egna heinn. pii andras do. Nybyggare sedan ar 1815 .. ”3 I’oi pare .g Skiirgardsbbnder och Fiskare "s Arbetsfbre Backstuguhjon . . ’C do. Inhyseshjon .... ^ Aldrige Biinderoch 'I’orpare, ,om Bond-Drangar ["l>P>>»rt mecl Landibnik . Bond Gossar ^ r blasters exclusive of W^idows Sfc. ^ \ Journeymen 13,026 Apprentices 7,294 I 2,127 6 Labourers Shopmen Retired from the preceding Classes Miners and Farmers, ( exclusive of Widow's ) tvho conduct their own affairs Labouring Cottagers . . . . Aged Peasants and Cottagers 11,138 9,559 3, ms 1,286 4,3i>4 1,007 From the abovcy deduct Widows, who con- tinue the busviess of their deceased Husband* f ^ r heaving of Males 3,3S7 U Handels- Betjente v Clerks, and Shop Men 3,054 Principals or Masters, having no other Occupation, exclusive of Widows, f j gjQ who continue the Business of their f ’ deceased Husbands J Clerks 976 <( Foremen 3,308 45,513 8,717 6,441 27,000 40,320 31,966 L Privatorum Rctjente f Som hafva Bhenhjordar I N Som iiro utan Rehnar . . . . (. Kringstrykando Vallhjon do. Lads Domestic Servants r ( Who possess Rein Deer .... . \ ^^itf^out do (. Nomade, or wandering Tribes 47,719 49,627 4,642 76,637 4,102 26,670 16,830 41,434 220,704 73,750 662,095 27,272 948 549 317 1,014 Towns arranged in order of the Geographical Position of Provinces t^Tfor Translation of Heads, — see foot of fol lowing Page. 1 Malmo 2 Lund 3 Landskrona 4 Helsinebort; .. 5 Y stud ....... 6 Falsterbo .... 7 Skanbr 8 Chiustianstad 9 Enpcelholm .... 10 Cimbfitshamn 11 Carlskrona.... 12 Carlshama .... 13 Sblfvitsborg .. 14 Halmstad 15 Laholm 16 Falkenberg. . . . 17 Warberg ...... 18 Kongsbacka . . 19 Cai.mar 20 IVastervik .... 21 Wimmerby .... 22 Borgholm pa o. 23 AVexio 24 JONKOPING .... 25 Grenna 26 Eksjd 27 LlNKiipi.NG. 28 Norrkbping ., 29 Sbderkoping .. 30 Wadstena .. 31 Skenninge .... 32 Nykoping 33 Trosa 31 Mariagfred .... 35 Striingnas .... 36 IMalmkoping .. 37 Eskilstuna .... 38 Tho*’®halla .... 39 Gothf.boro .... 40 Kongelf 41 Mar.strand .... 42 Uddevalla .... 43 Strbinstad .... 44 IVenersborg 45 Amfd 46 AlingsSs ' 47 BorSs 48 UlriCcTharon .. 49 JOariaestad .. 50 Bidkdpirtg .... £1 Skara ” 52 Skbfde 63 Hjo 54 Pahlkbpinc' .. 65 WisB V ........ 66 Carlstad 57 ChristiiiEehainn 58 Pbilipstad .... 69 Arvika 60 ORebro 61 Askersund .... 62 Nora 63 Linde 64 STOCKHOLM 65 Sodertelje .... 66 IVaxholm .... 67 Sigtuna 63 Norrtelje 69 bsthammar .... <0 oregrtind .... 71 WasTERiis 33 72 Arboga 3 73 Kbping 17 74 Sala 321 75 Upsala C 4 76 Enkbping .... c 77 Fai.un 3C2 78 Satlier 31 79 Hedeinora .... 3 80 Gf.fi. E ICO 81 Sbderbainn .... 4 82 Huddiksvall is 83 HERNbsAND .... 10 84 Stindsvall ... 11 85 OSTERSDNP .... 3 86 GmeS. 3 87 PlTEii 1 ®8 Ltiloa 2 Total f.t« 44 43 18 1 8 61 5 0 26 920 3 28 3 143 3 23 11 1 46 3 425 5 3 34 2 24 12 65 20 13 22 12 7 3 4 2 40 15 9 4 2 34 2 3 10 3.003 8 5 93 3 I I > “I 5() 114 251 20 1,131 37 38 187 721 3S2 52 2,010 50 132 23 656 l,t294 4,737 1,853 23,801 36 104 28 756 60 161 181 1,087 228 601 223 3,665 56 243 40 1,322 144 413 72 1,976 123 196 40 1.160 135 151 61 951 260 439 142 2,053 72 192 9 1.240 123 277 20 1,338 186 340 49 1,642 111 267 53 1,271 62 113 19 694 73 113 3 502 58 91 18 477 149 1,086 97 3,767 263 499 121 2,^3 123 281 67 1,469 3(i 119 16 702 36 39 186 378 657 200 3,448 GO 160 20 7.57 74 122 21 62.S 63 131 23 624 9,090 13,081 8,S99 75,669 74 227 16 941 73 201 62 9.58 45 101 20 396 105 190 47 803 95 113 7 497 22 167 45 682 326 669 196 8,093 146 314 53 1,582 117 217 69 1,199 171 671 162 2,570 513 878 210 4,463 202 219 .6 1,189 254 805 206 4,020 (35 118 27 625 122 166 41 875 598 ,495 186 7,027 235 399 18 1,389 325 362 35 1,630 281 391 92 1,826 355 356 36 1,720 25 56 3 313 113 216 49 1,195 160 235 28 967 83 162 37 1,028 SR, 301 Iso.eis I 13.007 tn.ua ST A I’KINI l*'NT of the prccctlinf^- page, Continued, — with the Eiglity-eight Towns arran- ged ill Alptr.ibclicid Older, with Niiiidier of icfcrciico to tlicir position, in tlie preceding hist, sliewing tlie proportion of the I’opiiliition, in encli Town, under each of ,S degrees of Uaiik : Tlie Towns noted witli an • are Sea I’orts, and i'orts of Ihitry ; and those printed in Komail, are licclesiasliral Sees. liroiKjkt forward ^ Having Support at Home . , V. \ Who live with others c fn Poor Houses M In Hospitals V Prisoners Gifta Manner Total effective I Married Men MALE * Widowers Unmarried above Transport / Soiti liufva Tatligilel heiuina ,§j\ lefva lios aiitlra . . . . S I J'attighiis J l*ii Hospitaler ( I'iii ingar e rGifti S } EnkI klingar Ogifta dfver 16 ar Population Ynglinoar ocli Gossar 1 6,1)2 1 1,»17 383 1,481 464,328 J2 f >i7 1,836 18,774 41,082 ( 890,801) ^Iluslnir sviirande emot lOrcslAtiule c g \ specificerade Folk Classer ^Soiii skiita siirskiltU och aimal uaiiu^3- W/lO COnduct (1 separate busiuCSS omen i i O ^ \ AH ^ f Som lel’va ensanmie I Som lefva af egna medel. . SlSintspersoners lom skiita Lundlbnik C? Som fortsiUta slna ufledne miins 1 handUring, nemUgeu af Hantlels-CIassen Bruks och Fabriks do. .... Kandtverks do oi o I Bonders, soni liafva CSnisskjolsel Som lefva hos stna Bam pa Landet Som lefva af arbete [ I andras tjenst I Lapp och Fattighjon samlF5ngar 1 tj* Deras minder^riga Bani inriiknadfc ^ Ifir ofvan ^ I ^ Som lefva af egna medel . . . Som bo for sig sjdi'va och lefva af deras vSallskaps Fruntimer .. rGouvernanter | g Hushitllerskor II 1 Kammarjungfrur ^ Bigor.'hvaribland inbegripes Bondfolkels Themmava'^ande ogifia dottrar {^TJeristtlickor Handels-Betjening Fabriks-arbeterskor u Bodbetjening Handtverkares do 16 329,308 f 890,809 do. under 88,911 J IFAo live with their Husbands 462,904 rr .... .. it. JJ\*I I. UO ..... O.. 886 Live separate from their Husb. 2,512 468,081 Who live on their own means 11,703 do. conducting Fartns 1,190 }Vho i'ontinue the Ou.sine.'i.^ of Chfir deceased liusbuvdSt Viz* of Traders and Shopkeepers 1,007 Iron Blasters, Manufactu. 280 Artificers 734 2,801 Peasants who cultivate ground 9,836 Who have retired to the Country 38,3 tO TFAo live by labour 38,329 In the service of others 5,420 ^Laplanders, Poor, ^Prisoners 28.984 133,802 uodrr age ar« iocluded in the above, but it is not very ici*lligib1e. Tills Note states (bat the ChiMr< 4,178 14,276 1,691 Lapp och- Fattighjon samtFi'mgar Summa i dfver 15 Sr Ogifta \ flickor derunder Summa minderariga | Gossar Barn, neml. Flickor TFAo live on their own tneans B7io subsist by their own labour Companions to Ladies [ Governesses 263 g I Housekeepers 3,614 I ^ j Chambermaids 682 H Blaidservants including the I j Danghts. of Peasants at home ^Servant Girls 72,815 351,064 Accountants Working in Blanufactories Assisting in do. or Shopwomen do. in Handicraft Laplanders, Poor, &f Prisoners TOTAL Proportion f aboVC 16 339,876 Unmarried. j under TOTAL Ineffective under 15 Years of Age 106 2,573 12 116 13,262 387,265 47,390 Boys ^ Is r i Boi \ Gir TOTAL POPULATION, in 1820 RECAPITULATION of POPULATION, According to Rank, Occupation, and Condition. 348,866 368,067 716,933 2,584,690 EFTER STAND RANK Ade\ Nobility Laro Stindet Learned Proffessions . . . Borgerskap Incorporated Traders*,, Stands personer Independant Classes * , BondeStandet Agricultural Peasants , Allaandra Allother SummD Total OCCUPATION* Handels Classen Traders of all Classes Bruks och Fabriks Classen Iron VlorkSyOnd Manufacturers Konstnarer och Handlverkare. Artists and Artificers Fattiga och FSogar Poor and Prisoners Total Summa HUSH ALLENS ANTAL, Nuynber of Families or Housekeepers. The Constitiu t ion of the Towns of Sweden, seems anala i gous to that of (he Royal Burghs of Scotland, ' the Borgerskap corresponding with the 7«cor- porated Traders of those Burghs. ^ The number of Illegitimate, or Foster Barn Children included among the Poor are ata'ed i at 15,158 of whom /,I51 Boys Covntry. Stockholm. Other Towns. Males Female Males 1 Feinal. Males Feinal. 3, ‘218 3,754 710 869 728 839 5,550 6,246 267 219 1,250 1,351 1,104 1,082 5,294 6,481 23,941 25,521 20,675 22,118 4,253 4,669 6,217 7,036 898,769 965,503 1 — — 188,963 ‘2. 6,174 ‘24,515 28.487 ^ 53,476 64,665 1,118,309 1 ,205,207 35,044 40595 ' 86,122 100,31 Stockholm i other Towm. Total j Country. Males Fema. Male Fema. Touns\ Males Fenial. 1,862 850 4,578 253 7,554 1 — 2,214 849 2,967 714 6,744 2 819 l,2^2 7,810 280 17,784 517 26,391 14,726 .13 933 2,966 3,246 6,182 13,607 1 21,091 44,108 12,820 4,945 28. .565 7,676 30,296 , 57,636 46,443 Riket. I Fonr.ogn BeliS.Ilua. . . Fattiga .. ‘ Ut Fattiga Sinnma CONDITION Stock' Other Towns Country TOTAL Wealthy 1,341 1,554 8,617 11,512 Aliddling 3,841 9,137 141,258 1.54 ,‘234 Poor 6,44S 19,990 212,472 237,910 Very Poor...,,.,. 1,651 6,953 70,155 78,489 Number of Families_ 13,281 .37,334 432, .500 433,145 The tW Towns etreoged In ^Ipliebalksl Order, with Number «f rtrsfenee lo Iheir I'Uce iu 111# List, MO the pieoodlog Page, AlingsSs Ami'll Arhoga Arvika Askersuiui. . . . Horiis Borgholm .... •Calmar * Carlshainn .. * Carlskrona . . Carlstah * Christianstad Christinmhamn Cimbritshamn Kksjd Rngelholni . . . . Enkiiping .... Eskilstuna. . . . Fahlkoping .. FalUenberg .. Falsterbo ". ... Falun *Gelle * (ffiotljctiot g .. Grenna *Halinstad .. Hedeinora .... * Helsingborg * iijernoBantt . . Hjo Hudiksvall .. Jiinkoping . . , . Kongelf Kongsbacka .. Kbping Laholni * Landskrona Lidkbping .... Linde 40 10 Jtinkoptng. . . . *Lulel ...... Hun!) Malnikbping . . * Mai mb Mariaestad Maria?fred *Marstrand .. Nora * Norrkbping Norrtelje .... * Nykbping .. Orebro Oregrund .... bstharamar . . ostersund .... Philipstad . . * Pitea Sala Sather Sigtuna Skanbr Sfeara Skenninge Skbfde * Sbderhamn . , SiUlerkbping . . Sbdertelje .... Sblfvitsborg ., * Stockholm Straitguas . . . . * Stromstad . . *Sundsvall .. Thorshalla.... Trosa *Umea UlriciEhamn * Uddevalla . . lOlUsaiLa .. Wadstena .... * Warberg . . . , ffiaiasUras — * Wastervik .. Waxholm ... AVenersborg 51E4crio — AVininierby , •Ystad ... I.'i 72 50 01 47 22 19 12 11 50 8 57 10 20 9 70 37 54 16 6 77 80 39 25 14 79 4 83 53 82 2^1 40 18 73 15 3 50 03 27 88 2 30 1 , 49 . 34 , 41 , 62 28 . 08 . 32 . 60 , 70 . 69 . 85 . 58 . 87 . 74 . 78 . 67 . 7 . 51 . 31 . 52 . 81 . 29 . 65 . 13 04 • 35 . 43 . 84 . 38 . 33 . 86 48 . 42 . 75 . 30 . 17 • 71 . 20 . 66 . 44 . 23 . 21 . 55 . 5 20 40 183 17 18 3 14 4 1 92 8 12 2 38 40 3 84 30 1 30 21 5 8 1 CO 49 45 1 8 24 '■‘Z o V. -c s « •!< c h . ^ ^ i*- 5 I 'S k K J L5 282 07 1 577 4 210 77 822 J7 488 ; 112 938 — 127 1 13 40 9 287 72 1 3S(i 10 052 , 80 1 1,292 — 31 3o 1 43 57 920 1 212 1 3,519 23 ’ 1,410 , 109 1,921 79 : 1,870 2,332 7,1.38 .50 774 225 ; 1,197 20 1,102 330 i 1,984 22 1 313 1 109 1 1,005 0 1 570 1 79 308 15 420 1 103 018 7 i 243 01 .501 10 052 50 403 4 j 300 27 1,073 15 131 45 280 « 1 301 95 261 129 1 — 58 32 1 508 1 253 3,147 79 1,7.53 300 4,783 130 3,383 959 19,1 Id 8 229 50 242 12 408 210 903 27 270 33 530 11 1,130 237 99!) 03 809 119 831 11 22( 29 241 40 980 04 534 21 996 300 2,129 5 278 — 405 8 124 34 273 25 245 93 824 30 503 33 220 34 529 210 2,077 10 520 124 942 15 191 40 375 83 705 225 2,318 8 350 44 020 207 1,509 231 1,513 — 111 75 49 1,271 488 4,879 27 202 100 922 9 179 27 436 13 165 88 813 10 259 101 2.57 116 1,197 294 7,721 7 339 51 46«i 41 582 130 1,923 35 900 263 2,145 8 200 59 415 U 338 10 132 5 164 33 103 12 170 54 406 18 529 92 328 25 491 178 1,852 21 146 59 299 12 208 39 137 8 289 18 226 71 380 90 711 12 313 78 4.58 21 170 07 312 7 061 .50 601 30 201 101 513 7 236 59 639 7 511 43 351 486 11,755 8,927 53,C0i 71 453 60 541 6 389 1 30 eol 7 1,100 77 400 16 194 38 306 5 384 10 89 10 ' 475 80 623 3 884 00 283 55 774 298 2.407 313 880 303 2,850 21 331 142 1,213 8 467 120 884 64 085 229 2,082 16 345 82 2,282 4 312 10 023 15 435 103 1,340 65 (i75 122 624 7 261 107 712 1 40 1,392 309 2,078 1 23 1,392 1 210 1,815 1 3, OS 61.317 ^25,180 171,549 Koping, which forms the termioatiou of E-ghl To*cds in Sweden^ s the same siguiOcatiga as Chippiag or Market, is Scglud. 0 STATEMENT exhibitiii|^ the 24 F’rovinces of SWEDEN, arranged in Alphabetical order, with Numbers of reference to the Position of each Province, in the Statements shewing the Geographical Position; Superficial extent; Population; Total, and mean Value of Land ; Amount of Contribution ; and of Agricultural Production ; and also a Statement of the amount of Loans granted by the Eank of Sweden ; and on Mortgage, with the Hated (Tax) Value of the Land, in each Province. PnOVINCKS, arruiiiged in Alphahetivul order, ivitU Numhvjs of referenci,9iC. h 5 1 a. POPUl.ATION. 1 Value j of hand Total Value Mean Value Contribution Produce of Grain Horned Cattle Loans by the Bank. Mortgages on LAND in 1821. Rated (Tax) Value of the LAND, in 1821. Rix-Doll. Banco TOTAL Country 1 Ratio Number 1 Amount I in 1824. 1 Rix Dol. Bco. To Private Persons Public Institutions and Trustees 1 TOTAL, RiX'Doi. Bco. Carlsrkona . . 3 19 18 20 3 18 17 3 18 21 20 113 90,040 1,109,713 286,344 1,396,057 10,353,000 Cat Istad .... 4 6 4 4 18 5 6 1 12 8 10 275 360,310 2,781,479 1,753,819 4,535,298 22,956,000 Cliristianstad 12 5 8 « 4 13 14 6 13 6 5 148 153,730 1,340,803 852,259 2,193,062 13,861,000 I'nliin 20 o 10 8 20 15 15 8 14 5 9 291 242,710 447,661 359,765 807,426 12,384,000 Gefie 21 21 15 15 19 6 5 22 16 17 13 35 50,4.30 802^382 247^010 1,049,392 10,117,000 Gotheborg . . 10 16 7 10 2 14 7 13 15 12 16 — 549,525 1,801,083 543,361 2,344,4.50 13,722,000 Halmstad . . 4 1/ 17 17 6 20 20 23 20 13 12 — 117,908 579,334 185,182 764,516 8,066,000 Hernbsand . . 22 20 20 19 21 19 19 7 19 19 17 23 28,890 835,681 499,032 1,334,713 8,961,000 .Linkbping . . 7 12 9 9 16 16 16 21 7 11 2 98 123,880 1,841,270 601,000 2,442,270 12,808,000 Kalmar .... 3 8 6 6 11 7 8 2 9 9 4 148 167,380 1,628,820 679,916 2,308,736 18,501,000 Linkbping . . 8 4 3 3 8 1 1 9 2 3 6 421 473,910 3,166,508 2,192,090 5,358,-598 29,163,000 Malmb 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 15 1 1 8 634 512,010 2,587,533 1,462,258 4,049,791 22,650,000 Mariajstad . . 12 3 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 2 3 — 492,905 2,983,013 1,508,385 4,491,398 24,280,000 Nvkbping . . 9 11 12 13 7 12 13 12 11 14 14 05 1.36,400 2,042,788 663,849 2,706,637 15,551,000 Orebro 15 15 11 11 12 11 12 16 8 16 11 234 267,300 2,931,246 1,243,277 4,174,523 16,611,000 Ostersund .... 23 23 23 22 22 24 24 17 22 23 21 20 19,960 188,820 40,115 228,935 1,799,000 Pitea 25 24 22 23 24 23 23 20 23 22 22 22 27,500 182,254 41,113 223,367 2,465,000 Stockholm . . 17 10 14 14 14 2 3 4 6 10 15 118 121,240 3,769,194 1,503,925 5,273,119 24,030,000 L^mca 24 22 21 21 23 22 22 24 24 24 24 45 70,630 262,559 26,874 289,433 2,549,000 L" psala 19 7 19 18 9 8 9 11 3 7 18 208 187,520 1,848,217 1,082,776 2,930,993 16,530,000 IV enersborg 11 9 2 1 10 9 11 14 10 4 1 — 367,540 ' 2,281,512 862,008 3,143,520 1 17,260,000 LYesterfis .... 18 13 16 16 13 10 10 10 5 15 19 187 196,600 1,816,006 628,420 2,444,426 : 16,075,000 AVexib 6, 17 13 12 17 17 18 18 17 18 7 139 127,850 1,208,462 693,157 1,901,619 ' 10,376,000 4Visby 1 13 18 24 24 15 21 21 19 21 20 23 33 42,900 155,793 19,659 175,152 1 3,633,000 TOTALS 6,020,608 1 38,592, lot 17,957,300 56,567,431 i STATEMENT shewing the Superficies of each Province of SWEDEN, in Swedish Tunneland or Acres, the various Tenures by which the Lands and Tenements are held, and the Number of holders in each Province; The Provinces arranged in order of their extent of Superficies, — see cnncluding Pages relating to Sweden, for further elucidalicn of Loans, and Mortgages, and also of the Swedish Tunneland, and Tenures, and of Hemniantalat and Hemman. PROVINCES, arranged in Order of Superficies. 1 Malmb ...... 2 Falu 3 Mariaestad ... 4 Linkbping . . . 3 Christianstad. (5 Carlstad 7 U psala 8 Kalmar 9 M^enersborg 10 Stockholm . . . 11 Nykbping ... 12 Jbnkbping . . . 1 3 M^esterks . . . 14 Halmstad ... 15 Orebro 16 Gotheborg . . . 17 M exit) 18 4Visby 19 Carlskroiia . . . 20 Hernbsand . . . 21 Gefie 22 Umea 23 Cistersund . . . 24 Pitea TO T.l L ) Hemmantalet I Superjicief- in Tunneland Slitevi Rii ovh Rbrs samt frahe Skatte krono Svmma 257,329 310 1,618 2,151 4,079 172,019 1 137 1,662 1,800 159,164 376 1,472 2,938 4,786 129,129 366 1,742 3,354 5,462 113,096 182 1,125 1,682 2,989 ! 105,482 — 436 1,306 1,742 93,112 281 1,275 1,986 3,542 87,322 164 756 2,438 3,358 86,127 233 1,183 2,782 4,198 79,814 568 1,686 1,790 4,044 69,716 371 1,403 1,508 3,282 62,788 438 1,050 2,413 3,901 60,181 ' 96 413 2,338 2,847 51,565 78 1,430 1,408 2,916 47,148 105 708 1,977 2,790 46,264 41 445 2,426 2,912 41,777 173 632 2,020 2,825 34,9C4 — — 1 ,098 1,098 27,363 — 120 971 1,091 29,149 6 12 1,598 1,616 24,430 1 55 2,0.36 2,092 24,254 — 2 620 622 14,871 1 — 919 920 9,124 4 54 468 526 1,8CG,240 3,795 17,754 43,889 06,138 mean Value 5,725 4,664 4,984 4,656 4,765 9,740 4,207 8,693 3,746 5.244 4,187 3,0(>5 4,524 2,698 3,710 3,999 3,355 3,251 8,360 4,689 2,781 3,247 1,915 3,701 4,138 Hemman, C Farms ) Freehold Copy- hold Swnma 3,789 260 4,006 1,734 55 1,804 4,195 418 4,629 5,031 379 5,479 2,746 228 2,988 1,674 99 1,773 3,020 286 3,543 3,121 216 3,300 3,886 275 4,189 3,728 192 4,054 3,048 187 3,303 3,572 312 3,907 2,490 186 2,849 2,803 88 2,916 2,630 145 2,788 2,567 216 2,874 2,592 221 2,810 1,038 57 1,097 1,062 24 1,080 1,561 45 1,006 2,020 53 2,073 611 16 627 844 75 920 506 12 510 00,028 4,045 05,205 « * T'l X- 1 .. i. Ueld by the Crown — S.'iO * the Number of Properties held as annexed are not in addition, * I'niversities 371 I)Ut are included in the Totals of tlie respectiye Columns in vhich they i Charilultle Institutions 217 are placed. ^ J’ublic Companies - - 2 Lageiiheter, C Houses ) Iron Tl'orks Manu- factures 1 Freehold Copy- hold Summa 3,189 02 3,207 — 34 227 579 4 583 69 33 92 1,013 14 1,028 13 50 295 1,787 129 1,997 32 119 354 1,001 36 1,118 1 180 247 67 19 86 108 78 263 402 74 503 10 29 208 1,012 21 1,046 22 119 031 061 19 689 8 75 729 408 00 014 6 122 273 832 70 941 28 62 183 093 10 707 14 85 501 242 35 332 98 63 168 137 10 205 — 11 106 1,311 20 1,331 74 55 139 1,407 14 1,499 — 97 208 298 — 302 13 82 422 02 2 70 — 47. 265 2,071 74 2,783 3 46 176 2,172 2,172 16 26 249 1,600 5 1 ,632 57 92 101 698 — 705 5 21 91 1,171 4 1,175 2 — 37 533 4 1,001 6 4 30 24,192 742 25,890 GHO 1 ,532 0,005 712 1 15 71 1 — ■ — Ti j 21 r. 71 STATEMENT shewing tlic Population of each of llic‘2& I’rovincos of SwEDilN, in 1761 ; and ateacli of the five f|ninlennial Periods, from lfl05 to Hl'26; the Hate of increase Cent, in 1J126, on the Number in 1761 ; and also the Number of iMurriaijct., Dissolution of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, \n each Province, in 1H20. Provinces orrannetl in ordfr qf fhrlr TOTAL POPULATfON,in 1820 ; with number of reference to tfn ir Geoj^ritphical Position POPULA TION in each of the Years Increase V" Vent 1751-1825. Mar- riages. Disso- lution of niarrlagei ISirlks Deaths 1751. 1805. 1810. 1815. 1820. 1825. 1 Mahno . 1 105, 163 149,892 145,892 165,432 176,0;J7 191,333 m 1,587 1,159 6,310 3,976 2 l.inkoping . 8 128,911 162,f$59 163,359 163,831 172,546 180,775 40 1 ,435 1,331 5,188 4,177 3 M'enersborg . 11 115,853 156,271 152,371 159,664 170.070 185,252 59 1,491 1,005 6,101 3,954 4 Calmar . 5 96,053 136,296 138,496 140,820 149,901 159,335 66 1,334 907 4,806 3,115 5 Mariestadt . 12 97,918 138,410 135,510 142,178 148,531 160,533 64 1,326 1,118 5, 1 36 3,927 (i Carlstadt . 14 173,917 140,100 134,800 140,977 148,260 161,116 55 1,371 1,016 5,276 3,6 47 7 G oteborg 76,537 119,514 116,614 125,622 134,919 147,426 93 1,044 797 5,1 12 3,902 it Christianstadt 90,335 120,547 120,497 126,119 134,683 143,511 59 1,180 785 4,521 2,748 0 Falu 97,428 124,806 118,606 119,648 122,840 128,225 32 1,062 735 3,635 2,305 10 Jonkoping . 7 106,317 117,381 1 16,181 117,562 121,554 129,116 21 1,027 705 3,878 2,761 11 Nykoping . 9 79,817 98,761 98,661 99,590 101,291 106,789 34 793 853 2,885 2,460 12 Orebro . 15 with Carl$tad 100,428 95,228 96,784 100,459 108,800 — 878 653 3,697 2,330 13 Stockholm . IT 91.399 99,377 96.677 97,345 97,704 100,259 10 750 1,061 2,.525 3,736 14 Wexio 67,283 89,631 89,931 91,880 96,019 101,901 50 728 566 3,412 1,925 16 Getle . 21 111,890 85,384 83,584 88,123 91,761 96,040 84 778 593 2,609 1,733 16 Westerns . 18 71,952 84,808 82,208 83,814 85,635 87,666 22 663 771 2,655 2,378 17 LTpsala . 19 63,895 84,141 80,541 80,099 80,216 80,926 27 576 748 2,196 2,381 18 Halmstadt . 4 58,234 73,594 73,694 77,266 80,093 85,956 47 674 508 2,570 2,000 19 Carlskrona 3 35,694 67,200 69,200 72,967 78,951 85,065 139 662 445 2,927 1 ,640 20 STOCKHOLM... . 16 55,700 72,652 65,452 72,989 • 75,569 77,253 38 509 760 2,211 3,734 21 Heniosand . 22 tciVA G*Jf« 59,684 60,584 66,342 67,087 71,341 — . 626 408 2,170 1,344 22 U me^ 34,861 33,761 33,487 40,364 45,110 — 321 171 1,580 764 23 Pitea . 25 > o0,oo9 33,320 32,420 34,132 37,142 40,842 133 286 169 1,398 900 24 Ostersund . 23 trifA Gtjn* 31,235 33,135 35,015 36,894 38,940 — 322 146 1,040 504 25 Wisby . 13 24,562 32,988 32,588 33,380 35,564 38,072 55 309 172 970 589 TOTALS 1,785,727 2,414,140 2,369,990 2,465,066 2.584,690 2,751,582 54 21 ,722 17,585 84,841 ^ 02,930 STATEMENT shewing the Mortality oi SWEDEN, in 1820 ; in each of 23 Gradations of Ages, contrasted with the Number of Burials within the Bills of Mortality, in London, in 1740 and 1810 : and also a Statement of the proportion of the Population of Sweden, in 1820, in each of the same 23 Gradations of Ages, with the Ratio in each grade of age, in every 10,000 of the Total N um- ber; the Ratios contrasted with a corresponding exhibition of the Ratio, in every 10,000 of the Total Popul. of England, in 1821. Mortality of SWEDEN, Gradations in 1820, in each of 23 Gradations of Ages. Ages. Males Females Total 1 U nder 1 7,649 6,218 13,867) 1 to 3 3,033 2,730 5,763 \ 3 // 5 1,135 1,160 2,295 J 5 U 10 1,163 1,144 2,307 1 10 n 15 599 618 1,217 ) 15 n 20 681 687 1,368 5 20 // 25 910 845 1,755 ) 25 // 30 953 870 1,823 S 30 // 35 937 1,011 1,948 1 35 It 40 1,151 1,037 2,188 5 40 It 45 1,319 1,135 2,454 ) 45 It 50 1,203 1,042 2,245 > 50 If 55 1,470 1,394 2,864 1 55 It 60 1,590 1,518 3,108 S 60 1/ 65 1,807 2,040 3,847 ) 65 // 70 1,886 2,249 4,135 1 70 n 75 1,738 2,203 3,941 ) 75 II 80 1,243 1,619 2,862 5 80 n 85 714 1,132 1,846 ) 85 II 90 300 521 821 j 90 II 95 80 156 236 ) 95 II 100 10 26 36 ( 100& all above 1 3 TOTALS 31,572 31,358 62,930 1 Burials within TOTAL POPULATION the Bills of Mor- OF Sweden, in O CO iality, in the Yrs. in each of 23 Gradations of Ages. 1740. 1816. Males Females Total 10,765 2,862 5,400 * 1 ,960 j 37,079 67,287 36,052 67,287 73,131 134,574 _ 64,873 64,974 129,847 1,235 845 130,351 131,518 261,869 947 675 1 115,187 115,465 115,626 116,868 230,813 232,333 2,205 1,464 1 110,730 114,758 225,488 105,308 111,270 216,578 2,783 1,912 1 88,115 77,979 97,691 87,492 185,806 165,471 2,866 2,123 ' 73,443 61,8T3 83,021 66,806 156,464 124,679 2,. 585 , ^ 53,463 l,95o ^ 4Q 413 63,969 57,715 117,432 104,128 1,977 1 720 ^ > 28,438 48,001 85,410 38,206 66,644 1,716 1,308 < 17,469 8,334 24,436 12,251 41,905 20,585 788 781 ! 3,157 [ 911 5,151 1,699 8,.308 2,610 100 168 f 167 362 529 1 22 58 80 5 2 1 . 1 4 6 30,811 20,317 1 1,239,475 1 1,345,215 2,584,090 Ratio of each Gradation of Age, in every 10,000 o/1,307 1,538 1,444 1,472 523 483^ 1,052 978 1,010 1,343 1,268 1,300 929 859 894 1,169 1 ,056 1,119 930 869 899 988 995 1,000 893 850 853 827 1 1,711 1,470 1,684 1,583 719 629 1 1 3Q.5 650 i 1,155 1,210 1,176 592 467 617 497 ■1,087 941 932. 6 931 431 374 475 430 1 855 065 653. 3 663 302 230 357 } 284 ( 447 458 460 141 67 182 91 240 222 228. 2 226. 7 25 7 38 13 41 5U 64. 85 62. 4 1 .4 2 .3 > 4, 15 5. 75 6. 6 — — 2 12 22 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 1 0,000 1 10,000 72 ST A'r RMENT shewinp,' the Rural [’opulation, under each of six degrees of Rank, in each of the Twenty four Provinces of SWEDEN, in and also, the nuinl)er of Iron Masters and Manufacturers, and of Artificers, in each Province ; and also under three difi'erent grades of Ages: and distinguishing the proportion of Males under each res])cctive head, from the proportion of Females. 'I’he I’rovince of Falun, Ihe Richest Mining District of Sweden, exhibits the greatest disparities ; the resident Wealthy Inhabitants being very inconsiderable, and the Male Population above GO Years of age, less in p>-o- portion than in any other Province ; 'I'he excess of Females over Males, above GO Years of age, over all Sweden, deserves attention : Gotcborg, exhibits the greatest exception. See paue GO for Translation of the heads of Columns, ProvlTJve.^ (irrunsii'd in order of (hetr Total Population in the Country with nuinher of rejerencc to 'Total Population. Polkmdngden ph Landet efter Sthnd. Bruks och Fabrik.s Classen Ilandt- verks Classen 1 Folkniiiniiden pd Landet ejter Alder n _ Emelian 15 Oct. CO hr. Adel S.iiro Sthndet Bor- gare Stlinds Personal Bonde ' Stdndet r Alla Andra Under 15 hr. Ofver 60 hr. Summa Mank 1 Wenersborg 3 215 325 19 855 68,088 9,187 711 361 26,810 45,582 6,297 78,689 2 Malini) 1 139 432 95 2,164 66,321 8,:320 60G 1,660 27,263 44,219 5,989 77,471 3 Linkiiping o 314 442 54 1,676 57,215 15,059 1,489 1,344 25,479 43,615 5,666 74,760 4 Carlstad G 152 189 11 1,495 58,032 9,757 1,981 258 24,225 40,423 4,988 69.636 5 Mariaestad 5 378 418 41 1,345 56,414 10,516 779 371 23,297 40,324 5,491 69,112 G Kalmar 4 198 328 192 1,146 53,201 13,082 953 1,353 24,273 38,367 5,507 68,147 7 Christianstad 8 108 244 105 1,387 54,163 7,058 423 1,489 21,579 35,968 5,518 63,065 G Falun 9 39 206 19 866 45,800 8,229 2,485 236 18,271 32,429 4,459 * 55,159 0 Jonkbping 10 278 301 28 807 47,050 7,078 702 535 19,034 31,274 5,234 55,542 10 Gbteborg 7 108 169 67 657 43,557 6,775 308 229 17,382 30,484 3,467 f 51,333 11 Orebro 12 14G 162 15 721 35,670 8,785 1,631 757 15,948 26,161 3,390 45,499 12 Wexib 14 182 239 12 605 38,320 5,784 647 516 16,233 24,835 4,074 45,142 13 Nykoping 11 209 290 14 1,159 34,179 8,928 1,060 507 15,024 26,181 3,574 44,779 r- 14 Stockholm 13 324 311 33 1,461 33,022 9,234 888 888 14,016 3,132 44,385 15 Gefle 15 35 150 15 535 23,559 14,489 2,411 718 12,381 22,961 3,441 38,783 16 Westerns IG 104 258 17 757 26,334 8,665 1,034 613 12,281 21,087 2,767 36,135 17 Halmstad 18 40 141 128 488 32,391 2,798 145 432 11,452 21,201 3,333 35,986 18 Upsala 17 144 265 7 802 24,607 9,278 1,461 782 11,571 20,932 2,600 35,103 19 Flernbsand 21 11 186 22 326 25,694 3,648 746 287 9,819 17,551 2,517 29,887 20 Carlskrotia 19 23 70 141 274 22,752 7,409 330 858 11,255 17,147 2,267 30,669 21 Umea oo 24 92 7 292 14,547 4,079 360 73 7,186 10,603 1,252 19,041 22 Ostersund 24 14 119 9 349 14,376 2,882 277 59 5,711 10,251 1,787 17,749 23 PiteSi 23 36 67 5 167 12,442 4,313 220 93 5,849 9,920 1,261 17,030 24 Wisby 25 27 146 48 341 11,035 3,610 172 307 4,964 9,042 1,201 15,207 Total Country 3,218 5,550 1,104 20,675 898,769 188,963 21,819 14,726 381,303 047,794 89,212 1,118,309 do. Towns 1,448 1,517 29,235 10,475 78,491 5,181 25,594 33,474 80,995 0,097 121,100 Total MALE Population 4,696 7,067 30,339 31,150 898,769 267,454 27,000 40,320 414,777 728,789 95,909 1,239,475^ Summa ^ Qvink . 1 ^Yenersboi'g 3 232 343 25 916 72,365 10,121 47 6 26,975 49,217 7,810 84,002 2 Malmo 1 132 488 97 2, 166 67,966 7,963 29 4 27,371 44,9(>3 6,538 78,812 3 Linkiiping 2 351 489 44 1,796 61,960 16,577 63 4 25,552 48,044 7,621 81,217 4 Carlstad G 180 222 15 1,496 61,237 10,534 72 5 24,099 42,907 6,678 73,684 5 Mariaestad 5 446 495 37 1,538 59,647 11,432 i 134 14 22,959 43,474 7,162 73,595 G Kalmar 4 235 376 202 1,298 66,203 14,672 162 1 23,924 42,112 6,950 72,986 7 Christianstad ...... 8 132 266 106 1,387 57,6.52 6,748 17 1 21,260 38,774 6,257 66,291 8 Falun % 9 37 237 27 938 51,824 9,198 171 18,060 37,046 7,155 *62,261 9 Jbnkoping 10 357 359 18 900 61,549 7,517 2 — 19,232 34,538 6,930 60,700 10 Gbteborg 7 149 200 69 750 44,472 7,325 90 — 17,605 31,565 3,795 f 52,965 1 11 Orebro 12 156 192 15 699 38,709 9,732 2G5 — 16,230 28,625 4,648 49,503 12 Wexib 14 186 245 17 657 42,328 5,922 3 — 16,281 27,996 5,078 49,355 1 13 Nykiiping 11 247 270 13 1,248 37,409 9, .566 78 3 15,301 28,645 4,804 48,753 1 14 Stockholm 13 365 355 32 1,669 35,739 10,818 73 — 14,133 30,498 4,347 48,978 !=- 15 Gefle 15 37 209 6 559 25,547 16,574 3 4 12,237 25,701 4,994 42,932 IG M^esteras IG 121 281 12 846 29,716 10,080 1 — 12,308 24,453 4,295 41,050 1 17 Halmstad 18 68 1G6 142 520 35,412 2,738 20 3 11,745 23,189 4,112 39,046 18 Upsala 17 177 298 6 893 26,800 11,287 1 — 11,560 24,048 3,8.53 39,461 19 Hernbsand 21 12 194 20 325 28,917 4,18G 2 — 10, 167 20,027 3,460 33,654 20 Carlskrona 19 47 93 97 300 24,403 7,349 G — 11,169 18,423 2,697 32,289 21 Umea 22 23 114 15 338 15,236 4,402 — 1 7,016 11,451 1,661 20,F28 22 Ostersund 24 19 IIG 4 322 15,453 2,918 35 — 5,459 10,884 2,489 18,832 22 Fitefi 23 23 79 6 207 13,146 4,656 4 8 5,897 10,677 1,543 18,117 24 Wisby 25 22 159 57 380 1 1,813 4,159 4 — 4,851 9,929 1,810 16,590 Total Country 3,754 0,246 1,082 22,148 965,503 200,47 1 1,282 63 381,394 707.120 110,087 1,205,207 do. Towns 1,699 1,570 31,982 11,705 93,052 1,563 797 34,003 92,404 13,481 140,008 Total FEMALE Population 5,45S 7,816 33,064 33,853 965,503 299,526 2,845 850 416,4.67 799,590 130,108 1,345,215 do. of both Sexes 10,149 14,883 63,403 65,003 1,86-1,272 666,980 29,845 11,170 830,234 1,628,379 220,077 2,584,090 J MALES. FEMALES. FEMALES and CHILDREN. At A LES. S'l'ATl'ilM l;N'r shewing tlie Auricultural I’opuliition ; and tlio "Niimhcr of Laptandcrs, Poor, and Prisoners, distiiif^uishinK Malen from reinales, in each of llie 21 Provincoa of S )VEI)EN, in 1»20 : tlie division of I’einalos also exliibits the 'I’otal Nninher of J'aniiliea in eacli Province, under four lieads, accordinf; to their circumstances or condition ; 'I’lie Provinces arranged in order of their 'I’otal of Agricultural Po|)ulation, with Nuinher of reference in the division of Males to their extent of Superficies ; and in the I’cmale division to (lu ir extent of Agricultural Produce. •,* Circumstantial as is the unahisisnf the Population in Panes 68 — 69, it here shews itself imperfect ; inasmuch, as ufler all, it does not sheir the jiroportion of the 3r>I,06i Seirant Hlaids tV Oirls which belong to the Agricultural Class and the Hlatemenl below, is, for the tike reason imperfect, and accounts for the otherwise seeming excess ef AJules over I'emules. PROVINCES, arranged in order of Agricultural Popula- tion, with reference to Superlicies. 1 TPAo conduct I their own Farms. ■ 1 Who conduct 1 Farms for others, , as Agents or 1 1 Bailiffs. 1 New Settlers since 181.5. Cottagers. 1 Laboring Cotta- i gers who perform 1 service in lieu 1 of Rent. [ Cottagers who , 1 lire by labouring I j for others. 1 1 Who hre 1 partly by Fishing 1 Aged and infirm 1 Peasants past I Labor. ' 1 1 j Servant-Men. 1 1 1 1 Sirrant-Bvys. ' 1 ! TOTAL of Ag ricultural Male Population. LAP Poor, Mules LAN BE and Pris Females Its, ont^s. Total j" 1 M'enersborg 9 12,009 4,277 449 5,530 1 ,007 1,107 2,031 10,013 5,151 49,440 1 ,597 3,077 4,074 2 Malini) .... 1 5,984 4,445 478 5,394 4,348 1,242 537 2,711 15,591 0,109 46,839 1,053 2,0.50 3,109 3 Carlstad . . G 11,391 2,007 280 3,957 881 1 ,399 — 2,055 14,945 4,115 41,030 2,700 4,009 0,775 4 Linkoping. . 4 5,950 3,803 240 7,411 1,892 1,152 117 2,348 15,427 4,510 42,850 1,313 3,325 4,038 5 Mariicstad 3 8,GG5 4,249 387 0,421 1,431 847 13 1,807 13,872 5,132 42,824 972 •2,001 3,030 1 G Kalmar .... 8 10,072 2,379 191 4,495 1,637 1,112 192 2,653 11,518 4,194 38,443 848 1,992 2,840 7 Christianstad 5 G,011 3,140 304 5,078 2,503 841 314 2,870 12,438 4,759 38,804 945 1,803 2,74!$ 3 Jonkdping 12 8,404 3,733 205 4,042 1,270 724 — 1,987 9,055 3,239 32,779 j f)50 2,234 3,190 9 Falun .... 2 14,103 590 34 300 542 498 — 1,904 11,904 3,784 33,075 730 1,921 2,051 10 Gotheborg IG 7,9G6 1,015 398 3,009 1,055 857 1,921 1,572 10,570 3,050 32,019 1,048 2,077 3,125 11 IVexib. ... 17 7,829 1,762 239 3,035 979 831 — 2,294 6,320 2,000 25,349 790 1,545 2,335 1 12 Ore’nro .... 15 4,745 2,259 129 4,122 1,089 001 — 1,411 8,023 2,567 25,840 702 1,842 2,544 j 13 Nykoping 11 2,322 3,298 135 4,200 750 603 52 1,433 9,866 2,089 24,814 743 1,095 2,438 14 Halmstad 14 3,842 4,570 2G2 2,144 882 357 50 2,032 0,980 2,551 23,070 728 1,024 2,352 15 Stockholm 10 3,818 2,180 102 2,970 750 705 349 1,360 9,754 2,641 24,035 668 1,858 2,520 16 Gefle 21 5,091 548 49 1,926 1,407 257 54 1,718 8,480 2,203 21,733 298 890 1,191 17 Westerns.. 13 4,284 1,579 35 1,911 972 770 — 1,623 0,487 2,300 20,033 ! 521 1,740 2,201 18 Ilernosand 20 5,740 359 151 3,142 152 283 118 1,219 0,203 2,494 19,921 1 264 093 957 19 Upsala . . 7 2,802 2,418 61 1,968 598 513 20 1,109 7,198 2,107 18,794 754 2,157 2,911 20 Carlskrona 19 3,513 297 211 2,280 701 675 419 1,251 5,224 2,318 16,955 395 1,007 1,102 21 Ume^ 22 3,07 1 232 99 309 171 183 21 720 3,761 1 ,073 10,900 1 1.149 1,382 2,531 22 Ostersund 23 3,225 ■ 221 55 1,315 90 260 — 883 3,906 1,529 11,484 > 188 330 524 23 Pitc4 24 2,818 232 03 180 422 363 5 914 3,089 1,485 9,571 1,011 1,800 3,477 24 Wisby . ... 18 3,404 28 13 100 375 284 — 857 2,820 1,008 9,909 52 309 301 TOTAL 147,719 49,627 1 4,642 76,637 26,570 16,830 4,182 41,434 220,704 73,750 602,095 21 ,091 44,108 65,199 PROVINCES, arranged in order of Agricultural Popula- tion, teith reference to their extent of Agricultural Produce. 1 Wenersborg 4 2 Mahno .... 1 3 Linkoping 3 4 Carlstad . . 8 5 Mariacstad 2 6 Kalmar . . 9 7 Christianstac 0 8 Falun .... 5 9 Jonkoping 11 10 Gotheborg 12 1 1 Orebro .... 16 12 Wexio .... 18 13 Nykoping 14 14 Stockholm 10 15 Gefle 17 10 Westerns . . 15 17 Halmstad 13 18 Upsala. . . . 7 19 Hernbsand 19 20 Carlsrkona 21 21 Umek . . . 24 22 Ostersund. . 23 23 Pitea .... 22 24 AV isby .... 20 TOTAL CHILDREN Aggregate of Agricultural Population, r.x- clusire of Servant Maids If Girls. | Husliiillens Antal i Riket. Number of Families according to condition. Married W omen Widow Illegitimate | of Married W omen Wcal- thy TV; y 1 Poor Males Female^ Males Females Males Females TOTAL Middling Poor TOTAL 24,333 777 i 492 537 1 17,093 17,879 60,533 42,989 109,522 699 10,570 13,800 5,328 30,397 22,514 349 171 202 17,673 17,618 64,512 40,471 104,993 763 8,788 14,690 4,011 28,252 21,753 320 191 180 14,851 14,705 57,707 36,843 94,550 478 7, -247 15.233 6,400 29,304 20,521 658 367 359 16,144 17,616 67,180 38,795 95,975 337 8,120 11,340 4,247 24,044 21,587 853 1 300 280 14,123 13,971 56,947 36,411 93,358 708 9,259 13,713 5,120 28,800 20,970 303 297 421 15,388 15,991 53,831 37, -264 91,095 492 9,853 12,710 3,819 20,874 18,727 399 232 238 13,758 13,536 52,022 32,602 85,284 610 7,761 12,025 3,009 23,465 17,330 1802 541 558 11,352 10,912 45,027 30,050 75,077 76 7,204 11,992 3,347 22,679 18,085 451 1 184 252 12,090 12,581 41,809 31,117 75,980 713 7,718 10,976 4,533 23,940 15,133 389 1 216 265 11,213 11,815 43,832 27,337 71,109 300 0,174 9,027 3,341 18,902 13,519 378 278 284 10,096 10,219 35,942 24,110 60,058 308 5,948 8,459 3,028 17,743 15,051 390 ' 340 310 11,390 11,049 36,739 20,490 03,235 426 5,-505 9.099 3,279 18,309 12,825 202 92 114 9,496 9,629 1 34,310 22,656 50,960 293 3,215 9,921 3,159 10,588 11,746 272 108 162 7,-293 7,456 31,928 19,474 51,402 387 5,598 8,531 2,787 17,303 10,590 336 95 136 6,501 6,044 28,234 17,570 45,810 255 0,050 6,952 1 ,432 14,689 10,410 237 92 139 6,7-39 0,932 20,772 17,585 44,357 157 3,83-1 7,843 3,012 14,840 12,123 319 149 184 8,180 9,602 31,850 22,044 53,894 211 4,010 6,815 2,272 13,308 9,177 225 91 103 6,796 0,041 24,590 15,443 40,033 195 3,371 8,171 2,516 14,253 10,363 487 106 187 6,208 0,21 1 26,129 17,001 43,190 335 5,933 5,216 859 12,140 7,996 233 112 115 0,080 0,147 23,035 14,370 37,411 442 4,017 5,889 1 ,438 11,786 5,106 133 81 110 4,552 4,251 15,458 9,490 24,948 03 3,276 2,482 618 0,439 5,827 187 49 31 3,207 3,052 14,751 9,000 23,817 l' 98 2,812 2,903 819 0,632 4,446 92 11 5 3,713 3,961 13,284 8,499 21,783 1 146 2,613 2,243 981 5,983 4,887 37 28 24 2,824 2,986 11,833 7,910 19,743 j 65 2,320 2,642 761 5,788 335,042 9.S35 4,682 5,214 235,820 240,864 897,915 ' .585,741 1,483,656 ' 8,617 1 141,256 212,472 70,155 432,530 Number of Families in Touns. 1 2,8'Jo 1 12,078 20,438 1 8,304 50,615 71 STA'ri^MKNT sliewinf? tlie Quantity of each kind of GTIAIX, annually rcciuired for Seed, and the produce thereof; and also the Niimher of Horses, Horned Cuttle, Sheep, Surine, and Goats, in each of the 24 l*rovinces of SWEDEN . ♦,* Till' liiiiilfil ri'liirii of Pioducc, especially of Oain deserves attention, anil seems to imply, notwithstanding the Latitude of Sweden, that its Agriculture is susceptible of great improve- ment; it is probable tijat too great a predilection for Mining and Manufactures, diverts both Capital an t energy from the in irc sober and legitimate pursuit of Agriculture, a subject well deserving the eonsidiration of the present enlightened Sovereign of Sweden, more particularly so, as Agricultural Productions form no inconsiderable Item, in its list of Imports. Quantity (in Swedish Barrels) of Grain and Potatoes, ^ Horses, Horned Cattle, 4fc., PROVINCES, annnally required for Seed. \ in the Toicns. iirranifed in Order , of their Produte llvete R?.g Korn Hafra lllanclsiid After Spannemal Potatis Horses Horned Cattle Sheep Pigs iGoats 0 / GRAIN. Ri/e Barley Oats Mixed Pease Summa Potatoes Hiistar Oxar Kor Ungboskap Far Svin iGettr 1 1 .\lalrnd . . . 3,304 26,833 58,447 24,592 10,158 22,192 145,576 30,872 1,212 193 1,51 1 160 790 1,273 1 27 2 Mai iestad . . 2,066 24,668 16,210 63,993 24,904 6,988 138,829 16,127 320 196 797 1.36 371 603 — :3 Linkopiiig . . 4 W'enershorg 4,118 27,711 19,591 4,794 21,790 5,207 83,21 1 14,424 595 315 785 47 533 712 — 959 10,361 10,031 67,027 22,-57 1 3,217 114,166 42,251 209 24 614 82 120 316 — 30 10,146 14,005 20,166 20,150 2,000 66,497 8,100 205 17 958 96 262 330 220 (! Christianstad 1,184 25,879 29,308 9,730 3,505 5,248 74,854 25,963 319 50 526 127 307 334 — 7 Upsala .... ii Carlslad .... 3,459 23,645 21,730 2,921 3,981 1.994 57,730 13,093 321 1 492 6 293 667 — 316 10,039 2,915 72,053 3,129 877 99,329 18,239 191 32 719 32 51 188 — <) Kalmar .... 1,174 33,567 30,457 3,051 212 802 69,263 24,733 238 126 498 43 296 331 13 10 Stockholm . . 3,073 24,621 13,867 3,505 2,608 2,496 50,170 18,026 1,149 42 1,925 16 1,699 388 2 1 1 .Itinkdping' .. 12 Gdthehors . . 286 15,677 8,335 39,937 11,985 690 76.910 19,159 88 82 297 — 88 161 — 1 ,004 4,107 14,542 24,418 6,990 5,227 56,294 14,498 258 71 763 84 59 54 20 13 Ilalmstad .. 614 10,-539 21,160 16,594 13,227 363 62,497 16,676 295 95 710 80 78 143 — 14 Nykoping . . 3,077 19,519 6,211 2,232 2,891 1,745 35,675 14,212 , 284 83 673 26 591 6.37 2 15 Westerns 1,010 20,383 10,113 3,289 5,781 896 41,472 7,773 ' 444 95 1,167 148 938 1,232 — 26 Orebro 552 18,131 3,174 14,440 5,384 1,541 43,222 14,876 242 99 727 142 121 347 — 17 Getle 18 4,606 12,474 4,130 4,013 1,527 26,768 10,202 198 22 982 130 229 337 379 IfiWcxib 217 11,728 18,677 3,708 6,972 407 41,709 5,545 45 12 170 20 10 78 — lo llernbsand . 2,225 17,165 1,446 2,406 785 24,027 6,715 92 8 586 50 400 95 223 20 Wisby . . . 21 CarLskrona . . 793 11,540 7,342 405 720 159 20,959 2,825 202 70 454 8 266 238 - 520 7,219 8,835 1,943 729 993 20,239 18,530 262 16 737 47 — 30 — 276 676 15,634 5,443 32 1,336 15,942 9,174 1,065 2,751 43 6 amt 53 185 .'lit 95 23 Ostersund . . 1,377 342 2 1 U mca ...... 32 929 9,165 408 1,570 12,104 2,864 60 5 150 20 30 50 100 TOTAL 27.806 345,075 374,837 386,159 177,044 65,696 1,376,616 349,519 6.272 1,660 15,067 1,563 6,281 8,682 1,081 Proportion Towns 405 5,625 5,832 4,324 2,065 683 18,934 11,583 In the COUNTRY. Annual average Produce of GRAIN and Potatoes. Hasfar Horses Kreatiir Hd. Cattl. Far Sheep Svin Swme Getter Goats 1 Mai mb .... 28,514 171,393 305,924 91,370 51,423 113,932 762,556 227,894’ 39,104 74,685 69,899 43,627 36 2 Mariestad . . 10,935 108,198 62,327 175,034 81,231 26,792 464,517 91,686 27,883 95, 145 68,380 30,013 277 3 Linkbpings. . 23,797 151,371 11 6,-526 26,479 110,688 23,515 455,376 117,028 22,197 79,242 .50,734 43,880 1.746 4 W^enersborg 4,184 51,733 32,197 195,566 70,1 12 10, .571 364,363 276,707 19,379 110,233 98,329 27,364 1,878 5 Falun 180 60,876 112,873 81,030 134,241 100,800 34,836 100,780 10,000 29,726 356,666 333,759 40,500 241,303 15,000 37,590 69,000 81,932 70,000 68,570 8,000 41,776 Kn 6 Christianstad 7,729 14,354 3,(510 7 Upsala .... 21,176 112,726 132,333 18,232 24,335 10,895 319,697 85,430 17,173 49,997 58,181 25,655 313 8 Cailstad . . . . 1,640 61,320 9,894 232, () 17 10,182 3,145 318,828 118,506 12,282 67,857 69,793 16,700 3,(550 9 Kalmar .... 5,529 153.5.58 108,729 13,406 923 3,602 285,747 152,113 16,395 91,545 1 3,237 25, AT) 903 10 Stockholm . . 17,600 134,348 80,247 18,807 15,211 12,254 278,567 101,844 21,748 53,551 67,312 22,317 212 11 Jbnkttping . . 1,069 71,953 26,636 12 4,195 14,2.52 2,<)86 240,791 111,929 12,582 98,795 76,634 20,829 8,050 12 Gbtheborg . . 5,954 25,994 59,536 90,616 26,552 22,214 230,866 108,963 17,381 51, 202 (53,896 15,0(56 (528 13 Halmstad . . 2,732 37,060 76,022 56,582 42,444 7,630 222,470 124,357 12,929 61 , 932 60,873 151,013 367 14 Nykbping . . 23,125 112,248 33,916 9,728 15,472 8,-597 203,086 73,638 11,105 53,669 47,677 22,47(5 ‘1(59 15 VVesteras 4,431 99,464 49,679 12,500 29,111 3,447 198,632 38,690 10,936 47,337 30,293 17,5(59 3 ,2(51 16 Orebro 2,721 71 88,755 32,328 3‘4,7()o 15,529 45,451 17,991 1 1 ,586 24,257 17,814 21,046 (!,792 5,680 1,487 183,. 505 137,815 135,981 76,309 52,027 27,615 9,572 1 1 ,230 7,366 GG, 443 44,074 50,672 57,5128 13,2(54 8,437 11,940 1 no 1 17 Gefle 63.931 18 Wexit) . . . . 673 66,484 78,829 8,219 ly Hernbsand . . 1 » 14,273 73,437 5,157 1 1 ,266 4,424 108,555 52,164 10,175 50,829 48,516 4,933 10,127 20 VV'isby . . . . 1 3,2.52 41,. 526 26,421 1 ,662 2,448 608 75,917 17,535 10,962 23,066 35,556 5,(556 73(5 21 Carlskrona . . 1,935 27,157 28,672 5,946 2,395 3,254 69,359 185,ti03 9,826 46, 177 •J 2,5122 32,(537 1 ,234 22 Pitea i 3,933 62,786 — 192 — 66,911 10,743 4,369 28, 890 42,613 1 ,(588 1 ,29(5 23 «'>stersund . . — 6,084 32,658 9,642 9,352 2,056 59,792 16,506 8,304 34,316 52,953 8,2(52 31,50(5 24 UmeSi 120 7,964 i3o j 1,232 6,282 51,153 21,124 A 0( 0 1 n Hi 0 1 0 • ) 1 1 TOTAL 167,375 1,7 24,840 1,717,710 1,299,465 702,122 6,924,819 2,;37(),474 370,783 1.493.117 1 •162,6 j'S 1 166.269 Proportion Towns 2,617 33,770 35,853 16,430 8,934 2,812 98,416 8 1 ,006 246,306 /‘roporlion Oxen j Ratio of Produce to Unity. 389.608 do, Vounir Cattle 1 ^ H 5 4 5 6 j \ 1 : ii7-c-i< Rye j Barley 1 Oats Mixed Pewie TOTAL Potatoes Horses Hd. Caltk 1 Sheep 1 Swine GonO STATKM I'^NT slicwing tlio INIortamty, in each of the 21 Provinces of SWEDEfi , and in the City of Stocikiuji.m, in tlie Year 1ft‘2t) : shcwiii"- the various Diseases under which the Mortality ensued, and distinguishing tlicNumhcrof Males from the Nninberof Fe- males; the Provinces arranged in Order of their Total Po|)ulation. (3^- The Column of Totals indudes 30 Mules and 7 Females Mur- dered; 117 Mule and 21 Female Suieides; and 14 Mules and 3 Females Executed. • • On comuiirint; this Slataiieiit with the London Bills of Morlalihj. one feature which it presents unfavoralile to Sweden, is the Number of Females reported to have died in Child-licil, which are as ;i in Sweden, to 2 within the London Bills of hlortality ; The Number ( leSjJ of lltegilimale Children dying under a Year Old in Sweden is considerable, but there is no corresponding data in England, on which to form a comparison; An Account of the Children annually received into all the London iYorkhouses makes the Number about 1 2, 000, of whom, about 900 are reported as Itlegitimale, and WO Foundlings ; The Numbers reported Drowned, and to hare died 0 / Dninkenne>», (is welt, as the Murders, Suicides, and Kxeentions, speiijied above, are iiH indications wfavorable to the morat Character of Sweden: The tegUimate object and endf/’ S tatistics, is, to enable the relations and conditions of Society to be correctly understood, whereby its social and moral improvement may be jn ogres- sicely ateanced! V'.fortunately the object and end «/ Statistics, as yet, do not appear to be understood in Sweden, notwithstanding their long continued popularity PROVINCES arranged in Order of Total Population, in 1020. '' 1 Malmd 2 Linkd|)ing . . . . 3 Wenersborg . . 4 Kalmar 5 Mariestad . . . . 6 Carlstad . . . . 7 Gdtheborg. . . . 8 Christianstad. . 1) Falun 10 Jdnkdping . . . . 11 Nykdping . . . . 1 2 Orebro 13 Stockholm.... 14 ITexio ..... 15 Gefle 10 lYesterks . . . . 1 7 U psala 18 Halmstad . . . . 19 Carlskrona . . 20 Stockholm . . 21 Hernbsand . . 22 Ume^ 23 Pitea 24 Ostersund . . . . .25 Wisby Total MALES. ^ 1 Malmo 2 Idnkoping . . . . 3 Wenersborg . . 4 Kalmar 5 Mariestad . . . . 1 6 Carlstad 7 Gotheborg. . . . 8 Christianstad.. I 9 Falun S g 10 Jonkoping . . . . 11 Nykoping . . . . 12 Orebro 13 Stockholm . . . . 14 lYexid ...... 15 Gefle 18 Westerns . . . . 17 Upsala 18 Halmstad . . . 19 Carlskrona . 20 Stockholm . 21 Heriibsaiid . 22 Umea 23 Pite^i 24 Ostersund . . . 1.^25 Wisby AGES. DISEASES. TOTAL Population in 1820. Legitimate | 1 Children under i j One Year Old. ) do. Illegitimate 1 to I.*). 1 tb and above Married o Childoed 1 Fever i Pleurisy 1 a, 2 S '■/i w 1 j Apoplexy j Dropsy Old Age j all other Drowned 1 Drunkenness Diseases not reported Bx O Bx Proportion “OOK 87,708 472 47 337 291 698 230 257 189 214 51 01 01 359 305 21 22 524 2,075 303 81,905 384 54 405 237 748 245 140 293 201 50 391 121 182 450 51 34 146 2,073 527 82,151 429 15 522 203 573 220 181 304 174 241 104 24 190 377 46 31 285 1,962 378 72,098 350 40 245 106 541 176 164 143 140 41 229 75 173 307 29 20 191 1,524 225 71,893 400 38 521 166 656 223 141 302 182 239 111 70 183 401 23 33 255 2,010 332 71,788 369 56 416 207 589 196 104 306 146 211 82 51 118 376 53 22 300 1,033 356 88,078 467 49 543 243 423 174 171 200 158 226 209 28 138 441 01 38 223 1,899 303 68,013 298 39 227 199 432 168 143 171 87 25 67 31 204 256 20 23 322 1,363 107 57,404 267 21 113 135 480 157 98 1J)3 135 2 83 40 154 216 34 25 184 1,173 212 57,851 300 19 304 164 423 176 95 244 129 111 88 30 161 379 11 17 no 1,386 268 48,439 184 39 202 133 486 165 164 101 145 34 155 61 131 220 25 15 155 1,209 304 47,897 301 38 197 112 386 136 1 103 194 132 30 71 41 97 265 25 18 187 1,170 245 45,303 290 41 377 284 669 208 1 179 226 178 93 219 124 134 400 55 28 227 1,875 496 45,794 242 27 160 89 330 119[ 85 159 22 47 97 42 122 275 19 16 86 973 150 43,378 177 17 74 96 379 1131 84 145 100 2 49 41 94 149 22 10 154 850 122 39,794 208 43 104 123 473 150! 126 126 105 1 135 09 1 13 252 25 n 130 1,161 296 37,548 203 30 204 139 465 1471 156 93 124 26 114 80 124 253 14 13 188 1,188 323 38,403 217 20 228 no 298 1251 75 170 82 45 35 17 123 253 23 15 1 50 998 128 38,317 235 26 115 140 252 no 94 100 89 3 130 45 114 143 39 13 102 878 126 35,044 198 216 333 554 465 140 203 98 373 130 392 102 54 291 50 17 108 1,900 559 31,407 197 27 62 62 246 74 47 103 53 — 38 28 78 107 16 14 181 608 58 19,897 156 24 61 35 106 36 19 44 25 — 17 17 39 102 16 8 131 418 28 17,891 191 13 72 45 92 37 ! 43 18 20 — 14 9 40 124 18 7 150 450 52 17,888 65 6 30 28 89 33* 9 28 15 — 16 14 45 54 4 10 53 251 33 16,908 73 13 18 29 99 41 18 28 16 — 36 11 57 58 8 — 40 273 32 ! 1,?39,475 6,691 95S 5,930 3,990 10,404 3,599 — 3,019 3,97S 3,110 1,614 2,943 1,238 3,227 6,514 714 466 4,583 31,572 6,023 ! 88,929 351 54 331 262 484 419 41 200 147 174 52 44 85 409 314 4 9 421 1,901 352 1 90,641 305 49 329 252 618 551 37 175 283 242 48 302 155 252 456 14 4 134 2,104 674 87,919 377 18 501 189 450 457 54 112 319 183 233 94 53 285 345 7 5 270 1,992 492 77,703 311 29 246 208 378 419 28 179 160 1 35 29 194 102 269 315 17 9 150 1,591 323 70,838 282 34 436 193 483 489 39 no 282 188 209 80 75 285 414 7 9 181 1,917 465 76,472 272 50 304 267 444 417 49 164 285 169 224 76 06 190 355 4 8 223 1,814 452 68,843 424 54 562 217 383 363 42 150 225 232 222 175 39 249 476 5 3 183 2,003 435 68,670 239 34 187 221 367 377 29 169 155 86 17 50 52 303 270 2 7 •245 1,385 259 65,376 197 23 91 1 56 263 402 21 in 171 114 4 61 57 268 163 3 5 153 1,132 280 63,703 244 23 294 160 305 319 25 98 237 123 102 79 57 220 342 4 9 77 1 j3 373 52,8.52 164 40 191 138 383 335 1 154 90 1 41 26 121 90 230 208 7 7 142 1,251 360 52,562 234 37 172 136 281 300 ' 19 102 168 161 27 79 61 172 226 7 5 132 1,160 321 51,341 250 34 402 241 484 500 30 175 196 145 72 205 147 237 439 7 1 206 1,861 591 50,225 195 17 154 133 217 206 24 92 155 46 35 71 49 154 8 5 82 952 235 48,383 135 14 88 108 225 307 9 74 141 82 — 54 62 ] ()«> 138 5 8 139 877 192 45,841 169 37 173 155 314 369 29 142 147 134 3 , 112 71 2{)B 2.32 6 4 108 1,217 417 42,668 150 30 207 141 313 352 18 147 107 117 22 77 103 202 262 3 7 127 1,193 417 41,990 183 16 228 125 119 231 19 76 175 107 49 20 37 151 233 6 J 128 1,002 177 40,634 164 28 127 82 195 165 21 72 90 72 3 1 99 42 124 114 4 4 no 762 101 40,525 167 191 334 371 302 463 35 168 88 373 138 312 157 179 308 8 3 57 1,8-28 689 35,620 158 17 58 1 75 174 194 16 35 82 50 — 33 32 148 103 2 6 168 676 114 20,767 124 10 40 41 08 68 10 16 37 29 — 7 10 1 57 77 6 3 88 346 35 19,251 147 14 90 43 80 76 10 34 11 41 — 9 7 77 135 — — 126 450 70 . 19,006 45 5 28 23 62 90 3 13 24 20 7 12 83 40 — 2 48 233 56 . 18.656 1 17 19 47 77 100 5 24 23 31 — 29 13 85 60 — 3 43 316 73 1 1,345,215 5,343 875 5,652 3,9S4 1 7,549 7,955 1 6-17 1 2,S53 1 3.S04 3,195 1,515 2,390 I,G40 5,0U0 6,274 136 127 1 3,741 31, 3.53 1 8,013 T tal FEMALES 76 STATEMENT shewing the Number of Manufacturing Establishments in SWEDEN in 1824; the of Workmen employed ; and the Value of the Produce of each bran ch of Manufacture in that Year If Refined Suf(ai', and Tohaccu and Snuff', which may he regarded as Foreign Products, rather than articles of Swedish manufacture he deducted from the follow- ing Total, it reduces the Value of the Products of Swedish manufacture to an incon- sidcrahle Sum number of Looms ; the number Eomuls-och Liune- Siden-och Ilalfsiden Strump Band Segel-och I'alt-Duks Siipsjuderier ....*••• Olje-slagerier Tobaks-ocli Snus-Fabriker I*a|)pers-Bruk Lader-Fabriker Sallians- do Socker-Bruk Jern-gjuterier och MeclianUka Factorier Jern-och St^l-Fabriker Fabriker f Woollens do. o Cotton and Linen do. ;i5 Silk and Mixed do. < Hosiery do. Ribbands do. , Sail Cloth and Canvass . . . . 422 347 543 223 124 157 ^ la do. do. do. do. Metall- Ur- NFil- Kard- Glas-Bruk Porcellaines-Bruk Degcl-och Saltglacerings-verk Pip Bruk Fargerier Cattuns Tryckerier Atticke Bryggerier Vaxduks Fabriker Skedvatten och Chcmiska Syrors tlllverkning Lack-och Kork F’abriker Poudre-och Starkelse Bruk V^ax-och Talj-ljus-Fabriker Spegel- do Kort- do TapetMalare Parfnmerie Fabriker Stilgjuterier Chirurgiska Instrumentmakare Musikaliske do. Mathematiske do. Fargberedare Handskmakare Tillverkare af Fabriks Redskap Finare Tradarbetare Liider Laquerare G1 as Ritare Pottaske Kokerier Japanerings Fabrik Diverse mindre Fabriker Summa Soapmakers Oilcrushcrs Tobacco and Snuff Paper Makers Tanners and Leather Dressers do. of Morrocco Snejar Refiners Iron Founderies and 3Iechanical Facto Iron and Steel Other Metal Watch and Clock Makers Needle Makers Carets for Combing Glass Makers Earthenware Crucibles Pipe Makers Dyers Calico Printers Vinegar Mahers Waxed Cloth Makers Operative Chemists Sealing Wax Makers, and Cork Cutters Starch and Hair Powder Makers .... Wax and Tallow Chandlers Looking Glass Makers Playing Card do Paper Stainers Perfumers Type Founders Surgical Instrument Makers Musical do Mathematical do Colourmen Glovers Machinists Cabinet Makers Glazers of Leather Glass Stainers Potash Works Japanners Various TOTAL 133 38 47 54 14 9 22 (5 96 41 66 7 27 3 20 23 102 3 14 11 1 1 5 100 10 10 5 6 17 4 7 33 12 31 10 1 6 9 5 7 5 4 27 3 8 2 1 106 •c 5 it 1,177 1,822 1,003 781 264 190 402 106 15 769 435 207 15 212 71 46 98 186 24 48 254 99 11 18 321 139 15 5 4 19 10 13 72 43 54 12 6 20 24 11 5 23 16 69 6 29 1 6 157 A nnual Valm of Produce 8,156 Rxx Dollars 1,855,000 345,116 571,485 58,365 93,918 110,620 117,215 39,476 848,351 245,597 355,562 43,357 1,402,613 *62,027 7,569 26,813 28,889 12,879 14,591 242,972 107,336 6,319 3,640 168,611 205,214 50,155 10,040 14,295 5,932 3,901 30,460 18,940 10,528 9,759 26,106 5,242 7,142 5,580 5,914 32,260 4,1 11 3,166 10,000 3.800 5.800 3,.561 3,000 37,926 7,281,183 The Woollen manufacture is prin- cipally carried on at Norrk'uping and Stockholm the proportion of V lue manujuxtured in Ibvil at Norrkiiping was 1,073,016 at Stockholm 608,630 at Nykiiping 77,928 at AliugsaB 19.444 In addition to the W ove Fabrics re- presented in the annexed list upwards of 13,000,000 Fils oj Cotton, Linen, and Worsted Stufs of Domestic man- ufacture, are also represented to have been made in the undermentioned Pro- vinces in 1824 Viz. iiiElfsborg 1,351,567 Skaraborg 1,270,620 Gefleboig 1,262,895 Veslernorrland .... 1,073,375 Linkbpings 902,717 Galmar 841,136 Kronoberg 771,910 Jbnkbping 741,220 Orebro 658,550 Nykopings 626,621 Westeras 547,118 Gbtheborg 321 ,608 Caristad 453,054 Halland 430,100 Norrbotten 385,436 AV'esterbotten 238,131 Stockholm 321,500 Total Ells 1 3,463,567 The Silk Manifacture is confined- exclusively to Stockholm, the Cotton S,fiinningis principally carried on at Elfsborg, Skaraborg, Sc Stockholm, and the Calico Printing in the vicinity qf G'dtheborg, and Stockholm *Tke Value of mechanUm for Ma- nufacturing purposes in 1823 amoun- ted to 157,576 Rix Dollars, the falling off in 1823 teas ou iny to the break- ing up of the principal Mechauical establishment of the Kingdom in that Vear The Export of IRON during the 10 I'cars 1816 - 1826, averaged 376,761 Skeppund ^='Annum, in the proportion of 239,949 Skep, from Stockholm 96,768 « // Gdthclmrg 40,444 « a all other Ports The Woollen Mamfactures tniH24 consisted oj 146,707 Ells of Fine Cloth 129,-549 (/o. middling 197,737 (ios C oarse 19,667 do. Flannel and Sundry Stuffs The Total Value of the corresponding aocount of JUaiiufaeiurei for I8‘23 Amounted to 7,572,115 Rix Dollars I Value in Quantities RixDollars The following Statement shews the 'Sumber of BLAS7' Fl/RNAnES, and of Iron JVorks, and of Forges for the Manufacture of Bar, and other IKON, in Sweden in ISIS, and 1821, and the annexed Slaleinent shews the quantity, and aiimial Value of each Mineral Product. For the proportion of Value produced in difterent parls of the Kingdom, see tlic Siatcmeiit of flit Geogra- phical Posit'.on of llie several Provinces. Tlie COAL, is exclusively produced lii Malm5, and more than half tlie quaiifity raised, is staled to he consumed on the spot. I lie COIiAl.T, is principally pioduced in Orehro, and a porlion in Calmar, and Nykpoings; ALUM, in Linkoping, Mariivstad, Orebro, aud Ciirisliansiad ; BRA.SS, almost exclusively in WesterSs ; SULPHUR, in Orehro, and Falun ; COPPER, chiefly in Falun, considerable in Linkflping, and partially in WesterSs, Orebro and Nykflping; SILVER and I.EAD, principally in Wester&s, and partially witli GOLD in Falun Masungar och Hyttor Number of Blast Furnaces 319 Sti’ingjernsverk .... 1818 St;iuujerns4uinlar vitl dem 1821 Amuesjeriisverk 1818 Amnesjcriis-hardar vid dem 1821 do. of Bar iron IVorks 389 do. of do. F'orges 999 do. of other Iron M'orks 106 do. of do. do. J'orges 1 13 'Tackjernstillverkning StFingjerns smidc Amuesjerns do I Koppar Kobolt Alun Messing Svafvel Steiikol Rbdfiirg, Victriol Bly Silfvor L,Guld 1821 Pig Iron Skep. // Bar do . ff // other d 0. /f 1824 Copper // H Cobalt Skalp. n Alum Tnnnor 1823 Brass Skepp. " Sulpliui II // Coal Tunnor l{ed Ochre n 1824 Vitriol Skepp. n Lead II ■! Silver Skalp. a Gold 472,425 370,622 7,112,741 41,918 1,089,879 6,111 794,336 46,629 155,431 10,148 182,664 471 89,566 578 29,888 135,112 135,112 2,769 9,597 1,504 30,081 298 19,322 3,022 60,4.11 3 1,20*' 77 STATKINl l-'XT of the Quantity and Value in Swedish l^ank Dollars, of each of 52 articles of Merchandize, EXPORTED from, and of (>7 articles IMPORTED into SMQ'iDElV, in tlie Year 1 H 21 . Skalp, signifies Skalpund, 20 of wliich are n JAspund ; sud 20 Lhpumls, ii Nki’piniml ; 100 Skali>umlH, sue 0 (|iial to 9.'tJ 11)S. Knulisli ; or 'tS'J Kilograine.s ; 'I’lie Skepund, is tliereforc c<(iial to 37o Ih. Kntdisli : — Tunnor, Dior, .signifies Itarnd ot’3‘/ Kitpixir, C(|iial to 4.1.i7 Eiidlisli iiiishcls, an overplus tor pood measure of 4 Kappar to every Kairel, is uniformly asiiriup all (Jrain; The l.upiid Tunnor, contains 48 Kaiin ; or O.l'/j ICnplisli Gallons ; Kistor, sipnifies Cliest, or Hox ; Itis, Reams; i(tm, sk ; /Vir, I’air; Tat, ; yl/m/r, Ell, ol 23 Enplisli Inches ; iVt. iVtyr/ce, Nnmher ; ToZ/ter, Dozen ; Gitss, also Dozen ; /•'amn l'athoniof,3 edish Hix- Dollar, should weiph tol’/j English Grains, 396*/5 of which should he fine Silver, equal to 4/7 J. —see Exchanges niensiirii Flask ; Swedis liaircl, is uniformly allowed in Dottle or Ells : The EXPORT. Articles EXPORTED. Varornas Namn. ( Iron, and Ore Copper Brass Ordnance Cobalt Steel Brass, and Wire Vitriol Argol Red Ochre Lime Alum Paving^'Grind Stone Porphyry Deals, Sfc. Timber, Spurs, <^'c. JVooden Ware Simdry Wood Furniture Tar and Pitch Potash [_Fox Skins Sugar Tobacco and Snuff Indigo Alolasses Salt f Silk Goods Other Wove Fabric Pipes Books, Charts, ^c. Cordage Paper Cards for Wool Whidow Glass Porter Ale Oil Cake Tinder Linseed Grain do. Flax Butter Rock AIoss Wool Dye Grass Antal ^ ( Fish ! Lobsters ( Pilchards Skips or Vessels Specie Dollars Sundries Total To FI NLA ND Jern och Malrn Skepp. Koppar d Metall Kanotier » Cobolt Skalp. Strd Lisp. Messning och Tr^d Victriol Vinsten Rodfiirg Tunnor Kalk I tZo Alun Fat Plan-och Slipsten st. Porfyr Traverke Tolfter do st. Tradkarl Tradverke diverse Flyttsaker Tjiira och Beck Tunnor Pottaska Lisp Rafskin Socker Skalp. Tobak & Snus . Indigo Sirup Salt Tunnor Sidentyger Vafnader Ain. Pipor • Bbcker, Charter &c. T^igverke Papper Ris Kardor Par Fonsterglas .... Kistor Porter Kannor Ol Fat Oljekakor Lisp. Fnbske // Linfro Tunnor Spannemal .... u do Lisp. Lin H Smbr u Bergmossa » Ull Skalp. Farggriiss Fisk Hummer Stromming Fartyg Mynt-Piastrar Diverse varor , Tunnor st. 413, 4G:} 5,449 315 5G,4()4 185,(5«3 553 14,557 2,164 3,822 63,187 8,999 105,535 226,034 4,055.690 - 69,758 48,872 3,130 3,155 76,625 226,024 14,313 40,762 2,307 325,336 35,431 19,740 201 17,841 1,136 21,420 8,498 2,908 18,901 41,890 3,810 3,889 19,980 31,049 464,430 1,151 6 57,400 Sv. Bco. 0,901,438 661,849 40,741 174,256 254,547 29,138 14,107 11,530 16,724 56,112 247,240 30,129 6,608 900,908 279,394 21,022 6,779 19,989 317,064 5,880 12,177 27,712 178,328 39,251 8,212 11,066 57,128 113,584 5,928 16,358 6,858 55.921 22,311 5,568 12,374 9,323 6,373 10.921 21,152 58,425 40,665 14,785 14,201 17,517 8,021 6,597 •27,043 15,033 10,029 37,814 148,283 319,617 IMPORT. Summa Jern, Tobak, Sidentyger, Spannemal, &c Grand Total of EXPORT 11,397,058 1,198,123 12,595,171 Articles IMPORTED. ( Sugar Cnjf'ce Tea Tobacco Raisins Almonds Prunes Pepper Aniseed Liquorice Orange Buds Wine Brandy Arrac Mineral Waters Lemons [^Caraway Seeds 'Butter Cheese Pork Hops Beef Grain Linseed £2l Grits 11 ^ is; Cattle Salt Fish do. Dry do. Various f Hemp Flax Wool ' Tin Lead Horse Hair Silk i Cotton Wool I do. yarn I Colours i Dye Wood Beaver Sf H. f Soap Drugs Oil of Vitriol do. Fish Other Oils Tallow Potas Tallow Candles Coals Firewood Pitch and Tar Wove Fabrics f Boots Paper Porcelai Sacks Timber Leather Books. Glass Cories Floor Mats Ships Stores Specie ^Sundries Total From FINLAND. Varornas Namn. Quantities jswedith bo C9 •Socker SkUlp. Kaflil « The If Tobaks blader « Kussin d Mandel » •Sviskon « Eeppar » Anis « Lacrilz « Pommerants-Knoppar « Vin Kannor Branvin u Arrac « Mineral- Vatten Krus Citroner Slyrke Kumniin Tunnor Smbr Lispund Ost Flask II Hurala II Kbtt Tunnor Spannemal » Linfro a Gryn Skalp. Kreatur Styrke Salt Tunnor Fisk /' Grasidor och Stock Lispund Diverse 7,031,287 1,205,J35 13,057 3,389,533 166,634 106,935 179,583 27.549 54,140 63,957 114,368 110,238 18,912 37.550 43,312 249,068 1,452 88,795 38,366 11,916 11,124 6,587 3,027 4,645 458,084 6,473 214,337 118,650 158,762 Hampa Skepp. Lin Lispund Ull Tenn » Bly Tagel // Silke Sk&lp. Bomull » Bomullsgarn n Fargar a Fargtrad » Bafver-Canin-och Har-h^r Tval SMlp. Apoteks Materialier a Victriol-OJja « Tran Fat Oljor Kannor Talg Lispund Pottaska a Talgljus a Stenkol Tunnor Ved Famn. Beck-och Tjiira .... Tunnor Vafnader Ain Stbflor Par Postpapp'er Rs. Porslins Tallrikar Sackar St. Tradverke L'ader Bbcker Glas Korkar Golfmattor Skepps-lnventarier Mynt-Piastrar Diverse Varor 8,422 25,008 61,845 3,172 9,508 1,609 30,762 264,117 307,014 451,432 104,279 3,534 50,741 3,077 213,518 53,124 47,156 1,683 32,930 37,408 8,095 341,642 6,199 1,300 6,219 13,036 4,543 Summa Smbr, Ved, Hudar, Kbtt-Salt, &c. &c. Excess of Export over Import 1,314,117 544,710 42,885 834,308 35,859 28,740 19,222 14,827 15,629 20.653 18,369 157,357 24,494 64,645 14,005 13,399 28,137 337,268 73,956 23,640 45,940 106,709 26,054 35,822 47,176 196,939 553,812 859,606 182,008 36,574 357,195 58,234 331,809 24,566 19,650 8,315 347,874 113,761 239,378 307,094 70,308 8,820 22,449 33,862 16.385 78.386 183,743 231,967 104,818 8,294 42,535 167,166 46,447 52,537 15,013 10,075 8,068 8,500 49,500 645,548 23,017 27,712 9,820 7,840 15.653 11,736 406,100 9,802,047 1,601,420 1,191,608 12,595,171 will addition to the 1,191,708 Rix-Dollars, Excess of Value Exported, over and above the Value Imported, tvhich the above account exhibits ; The Imports til be found to include 1,078,7 SS Rix- Dollars of Value in Fish, which may ' ' ' ' ' . .. „ . _ . . may be regarded as the produce of Swedish labor, rather than a Foreign Production, for uhich any other Product has been given, and further , Salt will be found Valued at 553,812 Rix- Dollars, whilst the quantity is stated at less than equal to 25,000 English Tons ; and^ consequenUy, s^rposing it tofave been Imported into Sweden, in Swedish Ships its Value is greatly over rated, and occasions a still further disparity between the Value of the Exports and Imports, —see Statement Balance of Trade 78 STATEMKNT showing the Geoc/rafihUal Position of each of the Colonies belonging to the BRITISH EMPIRE in 1833, with the date of Seltleynent*, Capitulation or Cession ( of each; the I’opnlation of eacli in 1829; the Tonnage of Shipping, cleared outwards to, and entered inwards IVoin ; and the value of the I'xports to, and Ini|)orts from each, in the year li)30. The (liminulion in llie Slave I’opnlatioii ot the liiilish West Indies, when compared with the increase in the Slave States of Nortli America is deserving of consideration ; in addition to the number of Slaves in the. W est Judies ; there are tnrthcr 3.i,ft04 at the Cape of Good Hope ; 20,464 at Ceylon ; and 76,774 at the Mauritius, making a Total of 829.66.7; the I’opniation of Van Dicmans Catid includes 8,484 Convicts; and that of New South Wales 1.7,668; both Totals are exclusive of Aborijines, — Vide I'ar. Pa., No. 260, Session 1831,— for the Impoils anil Kxpoits, see No. 690, Session 1832: The excess of Export to Canada, Gibraltar, Malta, the Cape of Good Hope, Van Die'mans Land and New South Wales, is e(|iialized in Mercantile account by the Bills drawn by the Agents of the Government at the respective places, and that to the roreign W'est Indies becomes involved in the general account with Continental Europe. * * The Shijijhiiif entered inwards from New llrunsiviclc aitjienrs greatly to hace exceeded that cleared outwards, the difference probably arises from New Vessels built in that Province; to Newfoundland the Tonnage cleared oulwauls, greatly exceeds the Tonnage from ; Gibraltar exhibits a still greater disproportion ; several of the Vessels cleared for Newfoundland proceed direct from thence with Pish to Spain and Portugal, white several of those which clear outwards for Gibraltar, seek homeward Preights from those Countries, and the «cneral Statement of Shipping cleared outwards ar?d entered inwards to and from all Countries will shew that the Tonnage entered inwards from Spain and Portugal exceeds the Tonnage cleared outwards thereto in a similar proportion to the excess outwards to Newfoundland and Gibraltar. In like manner the Tonnage cleared outwards to Van Piemans Land and Sew South Wales, and to the poreign ITrst Indies greatly exceeds the Tonnage from thence, most of the Vessels clearing out fur the former with Convicts and Settlers proceed to the Mauritius and India for homeward Prnght ; the Tonnage inwards from which will be seen to exhibit a corresponding excess, marry of those cleared outwards for the Poreign West Indies proceed direct to P.uropean Contrnental Ports with their return Cargoes, Province, Island, or Colony, with the Date of Settlement*, Capture or Cession t. Lower Canada. . fi759 Upper do fl760 New Brunswick *1497 Nova Scotia, . . .*1497 Cape Breton . . . .*1497 Prince Edward’s Island Newfottndland . . *1497 Hudsons Bay .. *1(310 'I he M hale Fisheries. . WES/' INDIES. Bermudas *1(509 Bahamas *1029 Jamaica fl(355 f'l’ortola .... *1600 1 1 Nevis *1628 S J St. Kitts . . *1023 c ] Antigua .. *1023 i j Montserat . . *1032 [ Dominica . . |1703 Barbadoes .... *1005 pSt. Lucia . . fl803 ^ I St. Vincents |1703 Grenada .. 4-1763 ■| I Tobago .... 4-1703 e [_7’riiiidad . . 11797 Honduras Treaty 1070 Demerara +1803 Berbice +1803 Total SLAVE Population. Heligoland .... +1816 Gibraltar +1704 Malta & Gozo.. +1800 Ionian Isles. . . . +1817 Gambia *1631 Sierra Leone. . . .*1787 Cape Coast Castle . . . . Fernando Po. . . . 1830 Cape of G. Hope +1806 St. Helena .... *1631 IMauritius +1810 Ceylon +1795 Singapore *1816 Prince of Wales Island Malacca Van Diem. Land *1803 New Stii. Wales *1787 Swan River. . . . *1829 Bombay 41661 Madras 1640 Bengal +1757 Siam, and Islands in the Cuba I St. Thomas. C Cayenne . . . West Indies, Geographieid Posilion of Tons of SHIPPING. Declared Value of EXPORTS. Total Official Value of CtllEF Tow’n. Total Population. Outwards to nwards from Rrilish Pro duce (f Man, Colonial If F. Produce. Imports. Latitude. Longitude. Total. Exports. £- £ £ £ Quebec Kingstown 46 41 50 N. 8 « 71 70 10 W. 40 -/ 423,030 188,558 221,094 227,909 997,502 181,819 1,179,321 082,202 1,576,020 St. John 45 20 n 00 1/ 72,932 133,409 155,249 215,448 30,592 246,040 220,094 276,491 Halifax 45 44 n (53 1 34,749 Louisburg 45 54 n 59 55 It r , }■ 31,738 30,146 258,797 293,546 06,004 350,163 Charlotte Town 40 15 " 02 50 0 23,473^ St. John 47 32 n 52 29 // 60,088 31,246 17,820 294,250 48,392 342,(542 204,032 326,745 Hudsons House 53 0 // too 27 // 1 ,247 777 91,136 8,244 99,380 32,857 90,144 39,540 35,952 2,108 2,108 195,591 2,108 1823. 1929. 3,170 4,008 32 22 n 04 33 » 9,251 2,256 020 40,924 10,052 57,576 4,014 00,300 10,808 9,268 25 3 « 77 20 0 16,500 1,338 1,360 41,440 1,770 43,210 21,428 58,719 342,382 322,421 18 12 0 7(5 45 V 322,421 82,558 85,710 1,246,995 106,364 1,353,359 3,053,206 1,805,455 0,460 7,787 18 33 o 03 ff 10,2.52 006 1,317 3,531 28 3,559 25,212 2,830 9,201 9,259 17 14 -/ 02 35 " 11,959 1,996 1 ,892 1(5,069 336 1(5,405 80,334 14,283 19,817 19,310 17 15 0 02 43 /' 23,922 6,804 6,224 53, Olio 3,509 50,594 202,917 72,107 30,985 29,839 17 4 0 02 09 0 35,714 9,307 9,781 92,316 8,199 100,515 267,055 114,290 0,505 6,202 16 4 7 02 17 '/ 7,400 944 1 ,253 8,077 570 8,647 32,581 7,987 10,554 15,392 15 23 0 01 24 n 19,838 2,921 3,011 14,148 2,085 10,233 149,322 15,902 73,345 81,902 13 50 // 59 41 // 102,007 20,887 17,190 271,797 21,495 293,292 541,708 358,577 13,794 13,601 13 24 f' (50 51 // 18,351 4,209 5,290 21,305 3,715 25,020 148,394 32,000 23,232 23,589 13 5 0 i51 15 // 27,714 12,084 14,379 77,370 3,053 80,423 394,913 82,917 25,580 24,145 11 50 // 01 45 0 28,732 11,031 12,349 75,366 4,070 80,030 337,922. 79,087 14,314 12,556 11 10 // (SO 30 n 14,042 0,913 0,594 41,132 3,200 44,398 164,73(5 41,340 23,537 24,000 10 „ 01 30 // 44,103 20,474 22,224 139,517 24,553 104,070 354,788 197,631 2,127 14 10 u 87 51 « 4,043 8,847 11,184 199,618 51,851 251,469 221,855 572,383 77,370 09,407 0 30 -/ 5(5 30 u 78,833 53,087 55,250 420,316 31,878 458,194 1,627,061 451,242 23,356 21,319 0 30 o 58 " 23,022 0,070 7,711 09,442 0,88 4 70,32(5 370,985 73,440 728,509 696,918 798,769 25*2,992 263,333 2,838,448 2yi),S7S 3,129.3*26 1 8>599.09l ■1,0-10.676 The Light House 54 12 n 1 53 E. 2,500 78 153 231 1 99 275 The Flag Stuff 30 7 o 5 19 W. 17,024 10,420 1,795 292,700 127,301 420,121 24,180 (574,8-27 La Valette 35 50 0 14 12 E. 119,9(59 7,900 2,034 189,135 49,023 238,758 42,4(53 390,544 Corfu 39 40 -/ 20 17 210,()0() 4,532 5,326 5(5,903 21,075 78,038 1 100,570 93,893 St. Marys 16 30 « 13 30 W. 17,420 Freetown Annamboe 8 5 30 /> i) fi 12 1 50 n 41 // P 31,909 27,912 2.12,123 133,771 385,894 312,011 502,337 3 53 '/ 7 40 E. J Cape Totvn 33 5(5 S. 18 23 II 129,030 7,705 8,069 330,0:J0 78,753 408,789 171,572 552,253 15 15 0 5 49 W. 38,915 2,341 41 ,25(5. 57,570 28,386 Isle of France 20 27 " 57 1(5 E. 101,409 (5,391 12,824 1(51,029 19,408 180,437 (575,345 247,(588 Columbo 7 4 N. 79 49 It 933,207 3,048 1,30!) 202,088 4(5,490 1 10 // 103 15 II " 5 25 V 100 19 >- W'ith Bombay, Madras, and Beng al. Malacca 2 14 0 102 12 7 J Hobart Town 43 S. 147 If 17,9.50 + r !)4,430 12,240 10(5,(570 49,282 101,891 Sydney 33 15 If 151 25 '/ 3(5,598 850 J 28,719 8,979d 20(),205 14,042 4!),003 4,119 255,808 18,101 (58,270 2(52,833 1(5,914 1 .1 The Fort 18 58 N. 72 38 II ■ 54,383 28,577 I'ort George. Calcutta 1 13 1 22 5 // 35 80 8(5 25 7 28 II 1. ^ China. . 71,911 27,915 ^ 3,905,997 438,70(5 ■1,344,703 7,. 555, 633 7,082,838 Indian Seas 1 2,220 1 ,982 23t,717 7,39!) 242, no 1 19,910 457,060 Cape Hayli 19 40 0 72 1(5 W. 400,000 7,(507 4,4(59 j 321,793 !»,!5!50 331,073 102,885 031,9.50 Havannuh 23 12 n 82 14 !> 5()0,00() ' :)7 1,070 (!, 1 55 377,825 2U7, 1 10 65(5,;585 The Town 18 22 0 (54 50 // 5,000 12,530 6,060 2:54,873 2!»,20:5 201,07(5 :io,352 501,312 A small Island 5 n 53 5,000 J ^ 11,480 39 11,525 II 713 1 1 ,261 79 STATEMENT shewiiio- the Population, ( distinj^uishing the proportion in Towns, from the proportion in the Villages,) in each of the 19 Provinces of the Kingdom of the NETIIEULAN DS, ( as constituted in 1914) at each of the two Periods 101(5 and 1025, the Provinces arranged in Order of their Total Population in 101(5, with Number of Reference to their Geographical Position as exhibited on the preceding Page; shewing also the Total Number of Ma mart's. Divorces, Births, Sf Deaths; the increase Cent.; and the 'I'otal incrcease ; the Total excess of Births over Deaths, and the Ratio of Births to every 100 Marriages, and of Deaths to every 100 Births, in the 10 Years 1015 — 24. The»e Stalenicnts relating to the Popiilatiou of llie NKTHEHLANDS^ have been compiled from an Ofliclal Work of 31 Sheets, printed at the Hague iu 1827, in pursuance of an order of His Majesty’s the King of the NetherlaiuU, beuring date the 3rd. of July of the preceding Year ; the first lU Sheets purport to shew all the changes in the Numbers of tiie Population in each Province of the Kingdom, In each of the 10 Years 1813-2-1; the 11th. Sheet is a Summary of the 10 preceding Sheets; the 19 following Sheets purport to shew the change in each of the 19 Provinces separately, in each of the aforesaid 10 Years IS 15 - 2 1 ; and the 3 1st. and Iasi Sheet is a Summary of the 19 preceding ones; in this Work the proportion of the Births and Deaths to the Total Pcpiilation distinguishinglhe Number in Towns, from the Nuinbei in the Villages, ( communes rur>iles) is worked out to 2 places of Decimals, and the proportion in the lUrtlis and Deaths which the Males bore to the Pcmales is worked out to d places of Decimals with various other ininiitue of detail ; with such a display of circumstantiality it was deemed fair to suppost; that some additional light on the subject of the causes wliich influence the changes ami progress of Populati.,^ 1 ) might have been derived : but on investigation it proved, that the 31 Tables con- tained a greater display of calculation and detail, (haii Philosophy ; for, it will be seen that whilst in hiege ( see No. 17, in the Order of Geographical Position ) the Xliiths in the 10 Years 1813-24, exceeded the Deaths by 30,923, and only 9B6 in the 10 Years represented to have emigrated out of the province, the Population in 1825, is stated to be 27,084, less than in 1815; on the oihcr bind, Ibe increase represented to have taken place in Jjuxembourg is as Irrecconcileable, as is the deciea^-e in Liege : and allhongh the results of the oilier Provinces indicate a probable approx- imation to accuracy ; they contain several trifling errors, the less excuseable on account of the display of minutiai of calculation, whilst a suspiscion is thrown over the whole by the results of tbe two Provinces here specifically adverted to. The diminution of Births, and great increase of Mortality in 1817, deserve notice ; the result was 'probably occasioned by the extreme uncongeniality of the Season of 1816. hi England and Wales in \%\7 , there was a dimmntion of Burials, without U7iy dimimition of Births ; a great increase of Mortality however ensued: in 1818-19 the [dumber of Divorces, sm North and South Holland, bespeaks peculiarities in the dojiiestic habits of the People of those Provinces, Number of Births and Deaths, in the 10 Fears 1815-2.1. PROVINCES, POPULATION. W3 Increase ^ Cent. as enumerated in 1816. and 1825. Number K Towns. Country. © J2 « arranged in order of their Total Population. of Marriages TOTAL Births. in the 10 Fears. Town Country TOTAL Males Females Males Females 1 Oost VlaanJeren 12 140,370 475,319 615,689 43,120 26,634 25,227 86,422 80,547 218,830 Hi 505 2 M^est Vlaanderen 1 1 136,299 380,025 516,324 37,882 6 I 27,522 25,779 71,196 66,642 191,139 9 501 3 Heiiegouweii . . 15 108,959 379,636 488,595 39,591 27 21,431 20,500 72,935 68,332 183,198 12 460 4 Zuid Braband 14 129,163 312,486 441,649 36,423 5 26,669 25,696 59,891 56,925 169,181 12 464 6 Zuid Holland. . 8 205,078 183,427 388,505 34,942 148 42,366 40,140 42,611 40,624 165,741 13 474 6 Noord Holland 7 248,007 127,250 375,257 34,789 209 48,189 45,530 26,892 25,133 145,744 5 419 7 Luik 17 72,726 285,459 358,185 24,387 24 15,690 14,632 43,205 40,096 113,623 — 469 8 Noord Braband 13 52,526 241,561 294,087 20,380 1 10,429 10,019 41,510 38,905 100,863 10| 495 9 Antwerpen .... 10 97, 145 194,420 291,565 23,015 2 19,949 18,973 32,337 30,212, 101,471 Hi 419 10 Limbi rg 16 52,307 235,306 287,613 22,960 5 10,973 10,316 41,522 38,970 101,781 H4 443 11 Gelderland .... 5 67,116 196,981 264,097 19,337 13 12,549 11,849 34,088 32,376 90,862 8 470 12 Luxemburg. ... 19 30,6.39 182,958 213,597 18,740 1 7,468 7,223 40,391 37,160 92,242 37 492 13 Vrieslaud .... 1 43,202 133,352 176,554 15,327 46 9,042 8,416 24,786 23,321 65,565 15 427 14 Namen 18 19,998 144,402 164,400 12,592 8 5,952 5,817 24,323 22,508 58,690 15 466 15 Overijssel .... 4 29,373 117,856 147,229 11,629 13 7,037 6,850 19,738 18,326 51,951 9 446 16 Groningen .... 2 27,824 107,818 135,642 11,492 37 5,290 5,031 21,249 20,103 51,673 15i 450 17 Zeeland 9 36,784 74,324 111,108 10,645 27 8,114 7,751 20,309 19,157 55,331 16 520 18 Utrecht 6 50,945 57,002 107,947 8,982 30 9,858 9,297 11,285 10,598 41,038 9 457 19 Drenthe 3 7,825 38,634 46,459 3,954 3 1,580 1,465 7,110 6,568 16,723 15 423 TOTALS, 1816. 1,556,286 3,868,216 5,424,502 1 430,247 605 316,742 300,511 721,800 C7b,593 2,015,646 11 468 Increase of Excess of 1825. Population, in the 10 Years. Deaths Births over Death';. 1 East Elanders 159,269 148,127 527,998 415,699 687,267 563,826 71,578 47,502 21,304 21,029 61,533 49,696 58,968 48,490 162,834 141,310 55,996 49,829 75 2 West Flanders .... 21,511 21,613 74 3 Haiuault 116,980 139,991 429,210 355,464 546,190 495,455 ; 57,595 53,806 16,359 22,985 15,233 22.014 45,108 38,387 41,589 35,723 118,289 119,109 64,909 60,072 65 4 South Brabant . . . . 70 5 South Holland . . . . 222,980 215,222 438,202 49,697 33,680 33 681 29,493 26,996 123,850 41,891 75 6 North Holland 259,763 134,153 393,916 18,659 43,786 43,434 17,994 16,511 121,725' 24,015 85 7 Liege 77,804 59,516 253,297 267,101 331,101 27,084 — 32,530 12,104 7,322 12,311 7,227 29,720 28,491 28,563 26,467 82,698 69,507 ! 30,925 31,354 73 0 North Brabant . . . . 326,617 69 9 Antwerp 109,961 64,176 213,717 257,070 212,680 248,721 150,901 159,078 117,661 125,894 89,405 63,179 44,310 323,678 321,246 32,113 33,633 20,266 79,013 25,976 24,993 13,708 20,403 18,221 9,458 R ono 15,334 7,752 9,233 4,940 6,410 4,218 5,111 4,009 7,345 7,983 1,018 14,162 7,676 8,535 4,927 6,609 3,552 5,100 3,882 7,185 7,920 929 21,432 27,950 22,324 25,166 13,124 13,766 14,286 11,752 14,699 7,350 4,144 19,695 27,171 19,726 23,662 1 2,076 12,598 12,982 10,896 13,207 6,675 3,767 70,623 70,549 59,818 58,695 38,219 34,134 37,479 30,539 42,436 30,807 31,644 70 10 Limberg 69 11 Guelderland ...... 71,683 43,889 51,629 30,315 43,276 30,151 39,924 54,226 9,058 284,363 292,610 202,530 189,393 160,9.37 156,045 129,329 117,405 53,368 31,344 33,686 27,622 24,553 14,472 21,134 66 12 Luxemburg 64 13 Friesland 60 14 N amur 58 15 Overissel 72 16 Groningen 60 17 Zealand 12’917 11,110 77 18 Utrecht 29,928 9,858 73 19 Drenthe 6’865 60 TOTALS, 1825. 1,732,718 4,280,760 6,013,478 252,404 247,019 470,415 445,762 1,421,6001 594,046 Increase in the 10 Fears. 1 176,432 412,544 588,976 588,976 64,338 53,492 245,385 230,831 594,046 HO STATEMENT shewing the Total Population of each of the 19 l*rovinces of the Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS, on the Hist, of lleceinher 1814; and Hist, of December 1H24; with the Number of Births and Deaths in each Province in each of the 'I’en Years 1815-24; the Provinces arranged in Order of their Total Population in 1815. PllOriNCES 1 31.VL of TOTAL Number of BIRTHS. . . . _ _roTA L arranged in Order of their Total Population. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. the Ten Years. 1 East Flanders 615,61$9 21,302 22,391 19,531 19,431 22,329 20,577 22,076 24,100 23,205 23,888 218,830 2 AVest Flanders . . . . 516,324 18,338 19,370 17,402 17,579 19,311 18,556 19,375 20,772 19,868 20,568 191,139 H llainanlt 488,595 17,623 17,399 15,361 16,127 18,997 18,201 19,733 20,188 19,963 19,606 183,198 4 South Brabant . . . . 441,649 16,140 16,022 14,509 15,084 17,362 16,335 18,245 18,949 18,2:35 18,300 169,181 5 South Holland . . . . 388,505 1 5,698 15,676 14,388 15,440 16,457 17,627 18,169 17,772 17 , 9:37 165,741 (J North Holland . . . . 375,257 13,827 13,544 13,687 13,709 14,424 13,997 15,196 15,848 14,875 16,637 145,744 7 Liege 358,185 12,268 12,193 10,644 10,421 1 1 ,630 10,550 11,272 11,644 11,624 11,377 113,623 8 North Brabant . . . . 294,087 10,177 10,507 8,943 9,238 10,461 9,207 10,393 10,516 10,481 10,940 100,863 9 Antwerp 291,565 10,532 10,419 8,893 9,617 10,392 9,409 10,290 11,055 10,442 10,422 101,471 10 Limburg 287,613 9,997 9,763 8,890 9,774 10,749 9,744 10,604 10,889 10,521 10,850 101,781 11 Guelderland 264,097 8,928 8,881 7,766 8,422 9,199 8,567 9,512 9,903 9,673 10,011 90,862 12 Luxemburg 213,597 8,324 8,320 7,184 7,536 10,110 9,626 9,978 10,252 10,600 10,312 92,242 13 Friesland 176,554 5,964 6,017 6,204 5,991 6,347 6,695 7,010 7,235 6,737 7,365 65,565 14 Namur 164,400 5,461 5,258 4,897 5,157 6,339 6,091 6,343 6,437 6,419 6,288 58,690 15 Overiss^l 147,229 4,894 5,066 4,368 4,706 5,006 4,942 5,613 5,747 6,623 5,986 51,951 16 Groningen 135,642 5,086 4,937 4,779 4,889 5,072 5,183 5,401 5,442 0,555 5,329 51,673 17 Zealand 111,108 5,277 5,386 5,210 5,358 5,418 5,220 5,643 5,910 5,734 6,175 65,331 18 Litrecht 107,947 3,928 3,904 3,427 3,678 3,954 3,994 4,313 4,549 4,519 4,772 41,038 19 Drenthe 40,459 1,596 1,549 1,472 1,549 1,615 1,597 1,735 1,936 1,771 1,903 16,723 TOTALS 5,421,502 195,300 196,002 177,5.55 183,700 205,292 194,948 210,359 219,541 213,f.l7 218,666 2,015,646 1824. TOTAL Deaths. 1 East Flanders 687,267 15,224 16,282 18,. 576 16,277 17,045 16,430 15,139 16,030 16,671 15,160 162,834 2 West Flanders .... 563,826 13,198 13,575 15,668 14,281 13,565 14,248 13,903 14,964 14,252 13,656 141,310 3 Hainault 546,190 12,621 11,373 12,229 11,508 12,298 12,158 1 1 ,669 12,469 11,438 10,526 118,289 4 South Brabant .... 495,455 13,016 11,578 12,136 10,931 11,691 11,915 11,498 11,785 12 , 0.57 12,502 1 19,109 5 South Holland .... 438,202 10,530 11,301 13,850 12,833 12,822 12,666 12,582 13,122 11,898 12,266 123,850 6 North Holland .... 393,916 11,819 11,016 13,449 11,306 12,008 12,189 12,337 14,-585 11,834 11,182 121,725 7 Liege 331,101 9,015 9,090 9,623 8,743 8,782 8,443 7,349 7,310 7,218 7,116 82,698 8 North Brabant .... 326,617 6,523 6,914 7,359 6,740 7,424 7,423 6,914 7,111 6,886 6,213 69,507 P Antwprp 323,678 7,354 6,346 7,777 6,389 6,932 7,346 7,464 7,592 6,864 70 6‘’3 10 Limburg 321,246 7,179 6,790 7,079 6,644 7 ’ 423 7,717 6,779 7,357 6,894 6,687 70,649 11 Guelderland 284,363 5,412 5,677 6,381 6,138 6,463 6,273 6,134 6,088 6,097 5,155 59,818 12 Luxemburg 292,610 5,161 4,875 5,731 6,191 8,383 6,176 5,524 5,673 5,636 6,345 58,695 13 Friesland 202,530 3,419 3,933 3,833 3,884 3,498 3,519 3,336 4,380 4,089 4,328 38,219 14 Namur 189,393 3,752 3,122 3,363 3,054 3,775 3,882 3,391 3,239 3,324 3,232 34,134 15 Overissel 160,937 3,474 3,769 4,065 3,905 4,100 3,483 3,209 3,855 3,977 3,642 37,479 16 Groningen 156,045 2,785 3,048 3,237 3,118 2,925 2,899 2,902 3,313 3,190 3,122 30,539 17 Zealand 129,329 3,466 3,505 3,654 4,336 *5,440 4,872 4,360 4,462 4,259 4,082 42,436 18 Utrecht 117,405 2,803 2,948 3,398 3,141 2,878 2,()55 2,767 3,145 3,002 3,191 29,928 19 Drenthe 53,368 858 981 1,200 997 945 883 863 1,064 1,1C6 t)61 .9,858 TOTALS 6,0X3,478 137, .599 130,123 152,008 140,410 148,397 145,177 138,120 1-17, .5.53 140, (i02 134,915 1,421,600 Excess of Birtlis over Deaths. 57,701 00,479 24,947 43,290 50,895 49,771 72,239 71,988 72,925 83,751 594,046 [ Years 1825. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1 822. 1823. 1824. *,* The following STATEHIENT shews the Total Number of Births and Deaths, in the whole of the Kingdom of the N ETH EKLAN DA, in each of the ten Years 1815-24 ; atid the excess of Births over Deaths injuxta position u'ith the balance of increase of the Total Population.— see Note to the preceding Page. TOTAL Number of Mar- riages. ^ 1 TOTAL Number in the 10 Years of E.rcess \tf Births Annual increa.M <0 at the end of each Year. Births. Deaths. •2 ^ .2 lit Town Country TOTAL 5 Males Females TOTAL Males Females TOTAL Deaths. ulution. ta 1815 1 ,556,230 3,868,216 5,424,502 48,851 43 100,625 94,735 195,360 7 1 ,362 66,237 137,599 57,701 1 . 30 115 1,567,016 3,915 247 5,482,263 40,801 63 101,629 91,973 190,602 69,581 60,542 130,123 00,479 57,701 4 .82 31 17 1,577,784 3,964,958 5,542,742 33,881 67 91,602 85,953 177,555 80,189 72,419 152,008 24,947 00,470 5 .21 W 18 1,577,751 3,989,933 5,567,689 39,218 69 94,791 83,912 183,706 71,773 63,613 140,116 43,290 24,947 4 .68 2i 10 1,584,247 4,026,732 5,610,979 42,101 53 105,850 99,442 205, 292 75,8-18 7i,519 148,397 50.895 43,290 4 .81 28 1820 1,649,100 4,016,170 5,665,576 43,258 66 100,551 94,307 191,918 74,246 70,921 1 15,177 49,771 54,597 4 .5 29 1 1,659,988 4,055,359 5,715,347 44,796 64 108,100 102,259 210,359 70,357 67,763 138,120 77,239 49,701 4 .7 37 1,677,401 4,112,658 5,700,062 46,919 66 113,126 106, U5 219,511 75,080 72,467 147,553 7 1 ,988 74,715 4 .07 33 3 t 1,693,913 4,167,234 5,861,147 45,421 66 109,948 103,609 213,017 7 1 ,665 09,027 110,092 72,925 7 1 ,085 4 ,7 34 4 1 1,712,163 4,222,367 5,934,550 41,605 4H 112,317 106,349 218,666 68,712 00,203 134,915 I 83.751 73,403 4 .9 3S s J 1,732,710 1,2h0,760 6.013 478 78,928 01 STA'l'KM I^XT sncwiiif; the Supciiicies ol of the 19 Provinces of the Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS, arranged in order of their Total Population in I02o; willi the Number of Persons \ii each Province in that Year; and tlie llatio thereof to every 109 Hectares, in cacli Province; shewing also tlic Number Educated, and of Committals for Crime in each I*rovince. PROVINCES, arraiigeil in order of their Totai, I’orul.ATiON ill 1826. Extent of Superfleies in lleetares. n ^ H o 2 ^ S = o 0( Ratio of persons to every lOO Hect, EDUCATION. Committals for CHIME In the Primary SCHOOLS. In Small Schools. TOTAL i Expences of Primary Schools in Elorins C — 13 ” •2 tti- 2 1 ■S: ® 13 <5 > 3 VI n 1 g Correc- tional Police. Summary Process ' TOTAL projiortion Cultiraied Hoys Girls 1 East Flanders .... 282,361 261,988 687,267 259 25,644 22,205 6,399 21,065 274 125 3,215 1,121 ‘2 West do 316,585 296,915 563,826 190 21,028 17,830 6,888 57,122 34,681 256 79 3,267 1,238 3 Hainault 372,469 356,258 546.190 155 32,179 21,736 6,504 60,437 61,379 1,263 60 1,815 1,324 4 South Brabant . . . . 328,126 316,883 495,455 156 21,993 16,177 4,863 43,541 74,293 779 137 3,331 1,403 5 do. Holland . . . . 287,181 244,213 438,202 180 23,813 16,885 8,179 50,173 116,715 225 143 1,315 537 6 North do 245,114 203,008 393,916 193 22,018 16,880 9,062 48,048 159,226 221 168 2,154 479 7 Liege 288,992 237,579 331,101 139 13,794 8,-539 933 23,333 12,311 «)34 69 1,967 969 8 North Brabant .... 501,293 277,183 326,617 118 20,630 14,529 2,624 37,978 48,066 420 64 1,3.56 138 9 Antvverp 283,830 197,303 323,678 164 15,805 11,914 2,969 31,401 34,765 570 83 1-338 439 10 Limberg 466,687 310,514 321,246 103 13,493 8,795 1,466 23,754 22,050 782 99 2,014 812 1 1 Guelderland 509,195 289,802 284,363 98 18,881 12,243 2,031 33,155 58,245 172 74 1,2-54 273 12 Luxemburg 650,210 463,423 292,610 63 19,925 14,819 160 34,904 24,798 505 35 4,146 3,126 13 Friesland 263,618 235,705 202,530 85 14,571 10,351 2,011 26,933 48,104 121 66 395 263 14 Xamur 347,683 278,397 189,363 67 1 12,139 9,565 1,247 22,978 37,919 435 I 38 2,146 1,029 15 Overijsel 328,712 175,863 160,937 91 ' 13,484 10,587 1,582 25,872 41,824 113 ; 39 319 51 16 Groningen 204,899 173,063 156,045 90 11,883 9,374 331 21,588 23,660 84 55 438 204 17 Zealand 158,416 148,029 129,329 89 7,959 4,813 1,386 14,205 35,267 37 55 424 62 18 Utrecht 1.33,194 110,281 117,405 106 6,765 5,165 1,468 13,666 27,433 119 vith North Holland. 19 Drenthe 229,266 74,229 53,368 72 4,770 4,039 90 8,899 8,572 28 n itk Groningen TOTALS 6,t98,137 4,653,636 6,013,478 129 320,744 236,437 60,193 633,839 890,373 7,038 1,389 30,894 13,468 The STATEINIENT below shews the estimated proportion of Superficies in Hectares, appropriated to various kinds of Culture, in the Kingdom of i\\e NETHERLANDS ; and the Annual Value of the produce thereof in francs between the Years 1820-30. Hectares Rate V alue in francs Mlieat 350,000 22 154,000,000 Kye 700,000 12 168,000,000 Barley 280,000 10 84,000,000 Oats 300,000 7 84,000,000 Pulse 110,000 22 48,400,000 Buck IV heat 200,000 8 , 1 32,000,000 Potatoes 130,000 2 41,600,000 Hemp & Flax ........ 210,000 600 *> 126,000,000 Kitchen Gardens ...... 92,000 // 55,200,000 Oleaginous Plants . . . . 60,000 20 24,000,000 Orchards 54,000 60 3,240,000 Madder 30,000 700 a; 21,000,000 Hops 30,000 800 24,000,000 Vines 20,000 10 (di 200,000 Tobacco 10,000 1,000 10,000,000 Woods 900,000 350 15,750,000 Marshes & Lakes 116,000 4 J 464,000 Meadows 1,000,0001 Pasture 400,000 ^as ^ annexed 306,000,000 Parks & Plea. Grounds 300,000 ' Covered with Buildings 25,700 TOTAL 5,317,700 1,1978,854,000 The following STATEMENT shews the estimated Number, Annual Consumption, & Money Value in francs of Horned Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Horses, &c. &c. in the Kingdom of the NETHERLANDS, between the Years 1820-30. Oxen & Cows Heifers & Calves Sheep Poultry Horses Colts under 3 Yrs. Dry Forage . . . . Bees Number Annual i Value in Stock Consumption Rate in francs 1,500,000 : 200,000 1 Milk 200 40.000. 000 19.000. 000 .590,000 260,000 15 3,900,000 1,600,000 ; 500,000 10 5,000,000 Wool, Kilogram, 1 2,400,000 2 4,800,000 600,000 580,000 50 29,000,000 8,000,000 f 2,000,000 n 3,000,000 Eggs 1 180,000,000 4,500,000 390,000 ' 150,000 300 45,000,000 95,000 j 40,000 Skins 6 240,000 quintals 30,000,000 — 150,000,000 — — 2,000,000 TOTAL Value 306,000,000 The annexed is a S tatement of the 1 ncoine from Taxes, and Expenditure of the Go- vernment of tlie Netheri.anps, in florins, in each of the Eleven Years 1816 — 1826; according to these amounts the Expenditure has exceeded the Income by an average ot about ten Millions of florins annually ; equa- lized probably by Loans, or issues of some Government Security similar to the English Exchequer Bill. f Years Income Expenditure 1816 140,023,658 17 83,416,634 111,877,561 18 83,075,521 94,825,409 19 80,933,971 92,361,408 d 1820 80,472,734 85,030,664 1 89,311,721 91,454,256 2 85.272,108 91,423,606 3 96,1,50,985 93,922,428 4 81,309,677 101,878,147 95,954,765 106,177,979 k 6 104,542,413 112,116,749 ■3^ The above STATEMENTS relating to the Productions and Revenue of the NETHERLANDS, have been compiled from two or three vague works on the subject, published in France; which works also represent the Manufactured Productions of the same Kingdom, to amount annually to 675,000,000 of francs, which amount, includes 10,000,000 francs for Cheese; whilst Butter and Coals are omitted in both estimates : although these accounts seem entitled to but little consideration for accuracy, they will suffice to shew the various Items of Resource. L 82 An account shewing the Superficies in German Square Miles; the Population; and amount of Tax on Traders; and also the Number of Sheep, Horses, and llorncd Cattle, in each of the 9 Departments of the PRUSSIAN MONARCHY, in 1816 and 1828. The part of the account relating to Horses, and Horned Cattle, was taken from Mr. Jacobs "Lnd. Report on Agriculture and Corn of Europe. Vide Parliamentary Paper, No. 258, Session 1828. The Totals of Horned Cattle in 1825, do not agree with the details. The Total of Balls being 50, and Cows 10,456 too many, and the Young Cattle 4,050 too few. Number of SHEEP, in IS*JS. DEPARTMENTS. Merinos Cross Breedi Natives TOTAL 1 I'^ast Prussia ...*... 80,447 102,722 384,697 577,866 2 IVest do 90,421 141,584 422,639 654,644 3 Posen 122,912 467,519 804,457 1,394,888 4 ILaiidenburg 373,300 947,740 798,357 2,119,397 .5 Pomerania 244,236 557,266 709,620 51 1.1 22 6 Silesia 403,095 1,298,841 507,620 2,209,556 7 Saxony 382,237 926,264 705,489 2,014,990 8 Westphalia 26,743 64,324 414,248 505,315 9 Rhinelands 10,714 61,517 566,420 638,651 TOTAL 1,731,105 4,558,777 5,313,.547 11,606,429 POPVLM'ION in Super- — — TA X in Jieies 1816. 1825. 1828. 1 East Prussia 703 906,752 1,172,314 114,912 2 West do 466 560,799 752,411 96,293 3 Posen 538 841,121 1,045,947 119,761 4 Brandenburg 724 1,266,765 1,479,482 332,584 5 Pomerania 538 689,681 742,306 106,638 6 Silesia 743 1, 966,060 2,289,299 377,452 7 Saxony 455 1, 197,363 1,358,888 244,940 8 ^Vestphalia 364 1, 066,141 1,190,349 156,747 9 Rhinelands 480 1,889,450 2,112,616 3!57,072 TOTALS. 5,011 10,394,042 12,243,603 1,934,409 Increase since 1816. 1,849,501 " • — Number in 1810, of Number of HORNED CATTLE, in 1816. TOT A E Horned Horses Colts Bulls Oxen Cows YoungCullle Cattle 226,239 48,372 7,932 124,857 208,580 129,918 571,287 83,630 18,386 4,462 57,393 102,660 51,294 215,809 66,082 8,657 3,276 84,710 119,621 65,122 '1T1,T1Q 139,039 23,420 5,822 128,276 153,951 142,310 430,359 96,627 23,171 5,262 69,795 195,371 100,202 370,630 139,323 20,979 8,695 107,200 399,531 168,113 683,539 107,499 22,825 5,093 46,150 239,091 131,793 422,127 102,198 23,550 4,924 13,333 275,790 142,733 436,780 82,013 12,651 6,205 69,099 388,271 146,385 609,960 1,042,650 202,001 51,661 700,813 2,182,866 1,077.870 4,0)3,220 Number in 1825. 275,047 55,082 9,038 141,107 245,844 127,369 523,358 100,199 16,359 4,484 62,099 123,090 52,152 2 41,825 88,814 15,160 4,526 95,478 158,193 85,770 343,967 152,207 21,007 7,627 106,020 277,706 125,849 517,202 105,423 24,737 6,652 55,168 225,272 93,889 380,981 148,534 21,980 10,306 110,877 445,991 177,888 745,064 123,972 19,905 8,896 40,292 263,572 110,997 423,757 112,345 16,930 5,633 13,058 300,845 161 ,955 481,491 96,101 12,146 5,051 80,567 413,314 192,554 691,486 1,202,642 159,992 199,706 02,265 10,001 704,066 3,853 2,464,283 281,417 1,124,373 46,503 4,355,567 342,377 STATEMENT ot the Geographical Position of the Chief Town, in each of the 10 Provinees of i\\e Kingdom of the NETHER- LANDS, shewing the Population of each Province, as enumerated iu 1816, and in 1825 ; the Change of Domicile ; excess of Births over Deaths ; and balance of increase in each Province, in the the 10 Years 1816 - 21. cc § ci Q -3 S6 < Geographical Position of PROVINCES. Chief Town. fl Friesland 53. 11 2 Groningen 53. 12 3 Drenthe . 52. 58 4 Overissel 52. 30 I 5 Utrecht 52. 6 Guelderland , . . . 52. 6 7 North Holland . . . . Amsterdam 52. 25 "^5 ''Qi L.8 South Holland ..... .Rotterdam 9 Zealand Middleburg ^ f 10 Antwerp Antwerp 11 West Flanders Bruges 12 East Flanders Ghent 13 North Brabant . . . . Bois le-Due 14 South Brabant Brussells 2 I 15 Hainault AIo?is I 16 Limburg Alaestrieht 5 I 17 Liege Liege Ll8 Namur Namur ^19 Luxembourg Luxembourg TOTALS. 51. 55 51. 30 51. 14 51. 12 51. 3 51. 40 50. 51 50. 27 50. 48 50. 39 50. 2tt 49 .37 5. 25 6. 35 6. 24 6. 5. 37 5. 7 4. 40 4. 29 3. 37 4. 22 3. 13 3. 44 5. 9 4. 22 3. 57 5. 43 5. 31 4. 51 6. 9 176,554 135,642 46,459 147,229 107,947 264,097 375,257 388,505 111,108 291,565 516,231 615,68!) 294,087 441,649 488,595 287,613 358,185 161,400 213,597 .5,121,602 Changed Domivile Into Out of 660 303 916 299 491 573 3,309 1,037 1,540 3,872 1,159 449 88 52 11,771 145 182 226 179 82tt 127 1,991 4,877 131 138 2,378 1 ,166 1,038 3,417 689 17, .613 Excess of , Births over 1 Deaths. ® s ^ ^ a £ 8 c .2 s a Excess of Births over 1 Deaths, ervxevl- ing the Total \ increase. . «<5 . ^ S: . H ^ .2 •i.- s- ^ *c; K V. - c ^ V © 27,346 25,976 202,530 1,370 - 21,134 20,403 156,045 731 — 6,865 6,909 53,368 44 14,472 13,708 160,937 764 — 11,110 9,458 117,405 1 ,652 — 31,044 20,266 284,363 10,778 24,019 18,659 393,916 5,360 41,891 49,697 438,202 — 7,ii06 12,917 18,221 129,329 5,304 30,fU8 32,113 323,678 — 1,265 49,f!29 47,502 563,826 32 55,5)96 71,578 687,267 — 15,582 31,356 32,530 326,617 1,174 50,072 53,806 495,455 — 3,734 64,909 57,55)5 516,190 7,314 — 31,232 33,633 321,246 2,401 30,925 27,08*1— 331,101 30,925 24,556 24,993 189,393 437 33,686 79,013 292,610 — 45,327 GO), 016 5aS,!)7G ' (i,01»,US 8:),07 1 03 STaTI^M KNT she will"' llio fJcoj>Tii[)lucal Position of each of (he 2(5 I*rovincia (Governments of the PRUSSIAN MONA RCJIV, Milh the Su|>ei!ieies of eaeii in (German S<|uare Miles the POPULATION, vXmount of 'I’ax on 'I'raders Number of Sheep, Ac. Ac. in ea(;h Province, in tlie \'ears lOK! — 1020. Deparliiiciits. Past Prussia U est I*nissia Posen Brandenburg Pomerania Silesia Saxony Westphalia Rhinelands Proi incial {: I . p2'C 1 Pairs of Stones 8 k. a V Inn^ and j Taverns i 1 Public Houses, 1 Konigsberg 406 1 ,658 9 21 7 225 669 805 287 272 8,026 147 600 1,238 2,615 2,706 2 Potsdam 370 1,617 10 14 14 348 1,326 697 354 1,236 14,991 305 706 1,693 1,775 4,028 3 Frankfort 353 1,791 8 13 23 492 1,482 1,348 643 886 8,053 172 422 1,385 2,321 3,897 4 Posen 327 2,160 2 7 1 278 2,564 523 200 48 310 109 258 1,202 3,320 4,418 5 Marienwerder ........ 315 1 ,3-56 3 9 2 234 591 607 241 149 1,550 94 217 841 1,776 1,561 6 Gumbinen 297 1,611 4 8 4 213 335 269 272 287 4,454 17 52 840 1,313 1,355 7 Cbeslin 259 1,151 3 4 2 169 506 5.52 211 47 221 49 105 397 767 927 8 Leignitz 251 2,918 16 28 50 399 2,299 2,015 640 333 3,671 212 578 1,124 3,115 5,983 9 Oppeln 248 2,610 8 14 281 367 1,.308 1,577 243 99 1,108 91 225 1,074 2,083 2,936 10 Breslau 244 3,702 17 43 10 351 2,715 2,056 468 449 3,097 328 1,032 1,907 3,032 7,322 11 Stettin 233 1,671 3 8 6 186 733 469 230 439 6,096 136 375 773 856 2,844 12 Bromberg 211 1,542 1 3 1 159 661 308 147 59 766 36 72 563 1,325 1,471 13 Magdeburg 205 2,538 20 41 9 213 1,664 859 641 444 8,561 201 537 1,411 1,360 4,626 14 Merseburg 186 3,003 25 59 19 303 1,481 1,470 632 133 2,835 431 997 688 2,133 3,433 15 Dantzig 151 2,054 5 16 29 80 410 358 89 356 7,176 180 607 524 1 ,502 2,028 16 Arensburg 139 3,076 13 23 743 141 620 1,006 468 29 415 619 928 845 2,919 4,007 17 Munster 132 2,879 9 26 6 181 500 540 219 20 181 71 190 621 2,079 3,250 18 Treves 121 2,832 6 12 45 216 90i{ 1 ,349 450 348 5,850 122 253 328 1,884 1,998 19 Coblentz 109 3,601 9 12 44 62 1,085 1,375 471 185 5,360 218 383 496 2,353 20 Diisseldorf 99 6,594 21 10 261 155 642 683 284 186 9,489 588 898 943 4,364 7,271 21 Minden 93 3,969 8 13 10 80 660 808 281 46 1,099 52 107 296 890 2,745 22 Aix-la-Chapelle 23 Cologne 76 75 4,421 4,851 9 24 17 54 144 67 94 73 359 457 550 525 240 250 87 2,512 252 349 420 594 463 396 2,171 2,173 3,169 2,723 24 Erfurt 25 Stralsund 64 46 4,113 3,093 17 2 24 5 58 135 36 603 297 878 66 324 69 177 2,589 166 74 351 251 332 336 1!8}{ 431 1,763 604 26 BERLIN 1 205,000 28 27 1 9 26 50 14 362 5,011 215 901 105 984 2,395 TOTAL 1825. 22. 19 — 280 255 240 (i03 580 516 1,837 1,834 5,199 4,748 3,696 25,099 24,542 23,902 21,743 21,320 21,421 8,308 7,500 0,808 0,077 0,881 0,973 103,121 108,233 5,237 4,100 12,059 10,603 20,821 20,312 50,129 50,833 50,463 82,020 75,648 69,74‘i STAT KM ENT showing the Numhcr of Acts passed up to in'20, relating to Tninpikc Roads, the .Vntnl>f;r of 'I'rnsts, anil Miles of Road, under their direction in each County of Enoi.AN l) and WaI-KS; showing also the amount of Debt incurred tliereupon ; and the amount of Receipt, and I'.xponditure in each County in lh‘21, with the Total under eacli head in 1}(‘29; and in Scotland in lt!-2l ; and also a Statement of tlie amount paiil out of tlie I’oor Uates for labour on the Bye Koails, See jinge ‘J,/or the Numhee ((/' Persons emjiloijed therton in each County, COUNTIES 1 ** 3 r «e in Alphabetical Order. § Bedford 44 15 238 1{prk«s 07 20 319 Bucks •2B 13 105 Cambridge 40 15 278 Chester 07 27 349 Cornwall 40 12 318 Cumberland 3-2 14 215 Derby 90 40 574 Devon GO 25 782 Dorset 35 13 347 Durham •20 15 359 Essex 20 11 249 Gloucester 95 51 840 Hants 73 31 810 Hereford 32 14 553 Hertford 30 9 170 Huntingdon 10 9 146 Kent 111 48 586 Lancaster 97 51 031 Leicester 07 24 445 Lincoln 70 27 538 Middlesex 03 20 158 Monmouth 19 9 315 Norfolk 37 14 271 Northampton 44 21 358 N orthnmberland 33 16 479 Nottingham 43 18 302 Oxford 44 18 332 Rutland 2 1 18 Salop 94 42 988 Somerset 42 18 746 Stafford 104 38 630 Suffolk 28 13 279 Surrey 30 17 281 Sussex' ,09 41 623 W arwick 85 30 477 Westmoreland 26 11 284 Wilts 94 34 768 AV orcester 56 23 565 Y ork 247 88 1,448 Total ENGLAND. 2,, SI 6 9,56 18,244 ^Anglesea 3 1 25 Brecon 1 1 169 Cardigan 5 2 250 Carmarthen 21 10 319 Carnarvon 4 3 1*29 1-J_J Denbigh .... 27 9 165 Flint 6 2 85 Glamorgan 12 8 355 Merioneth 16 7 261 Montgomery 31 19 450 Pembroke 10 6 173 ^Radnor 3 1 250 TOTAL 1821. 2,485 1025 20,875 1829. 3,78.S 1119 19,798 SCOTLAND 1821. 394 190 3,666 DEliTS. lialnncts due to Mortgages £ Floating, £- Interest. £- Current Itnlanccs £ TOTAL, Trusts, £ 49,082 1,934 6,902 105 ■ 58,023 3,538 54,544 4,061 4,348 222 63,175 6,0.56 23,900 1,690 8,590 — 34,080 3,188 69,897 1 ,607 23,833 708 96,105 9,505 90,952 1,336 3,218 1,000 96,506 4,668 35,586 1,108 4,258 825 41,777 8-28 29,(i59 1,648 684 31,991 2,360 217,448 •20,404 71,042 6,917 315,811 7,208 184,830 10,719 12,019 2,760 210,3-28 6,910 40,228 1 ,3-25 1,188 4-2,741 3,799 0-2, 069 1,466 13,626 872 78,033 3, -2-29 20,350 878 2,6-20 23,818 13,377 176,601 5,873 6,426 1,308 190, ‘208 6,866 91,309 5,824 15,012 63-2 112,777 6,175 35,991 951 831 490 38,263 1 ,-292 36,485 1,436 664 25 38,601 4,972 28,577 1,959 1,091 2,696 34,323 1,644 180,417 7,783 29,321 679 218,200 15,089 352,772 34,4-24 26,146 1,816 415,188 13,987 63,918 1 ,430 7,248 410 73,006 5,642 108,278 3,855 20,108 707 132,948 8,560 296,625 9,245 6,182 312,052 24,169 47,743 303 2,787 16 50,849 6,489 43,083 2,032 2,C78 397 47,590 5,112 73,800 1,008 21,381 186 96,375 3,830 70,613 6,870 11,214 833 89,530 2,789 77,193 320 9,831 7 87,350 6,532 70,170 1,846 9,996 2,013 84,024 4,349 87,401 2,859 7,234 615 98,109 6,738 29-2,232 3,993 4,297 1,928 302,450 10,378 1-27,723 9,385 13,350 1,5‘23 151,987 11,354 ‘26,935 834 1,760 486 30,015 4,749 1-26,798 6,305 14.760 147,863 7,896 172,764 9,236 35,610 439 218,049 9,575 79,090 4,935 9,660 3,137 96,8-22 4,433 34,707 367 1,086 121 36,304 3,665 195,652 7,484 36,257 3,188 242,581 4,606 77,855 1,908 8,42-2 1,383 89,568 4,097 426,494 22,695 68,475 9,983 527,647 20,8-28 4,279,851 201,588 524,525 49,204 5,055,165 270,411 2,843 211 3 054 108 25,787 338 60 26,185 8,820 — 773 9,593 754 53,245 16,638 761 70,644 1,336 8,801 2,9-24 637 12, .362 184 21,752 2,590 188 24,530 2,1-26 9,880 678 180 659 11,397 333 40,121 316 2,540 42,977 1,567 13,518 919 297 14,734 170 27,209 439 3,145 271 31,064 2,599 14,710 196 3,716 18,6-22 1,395 10,049 - — 114 10,163 177 4,5 16,586 203,217 558,613 52,077 5,330,193 I 281,160 6,578,815 303,541 821,586 81,227 7,785,171 480,367 1,300,439 29,107 167,778 25,371 1,522,695 1 27,613 Nett Total Debts. Income. £ £- 51,485 17,983 57,119 1 15,388 30,89-2 15,440 86,600 17,341 91,838 16,5-25 40,949 8,7-27 29,631 6,417 308,603 21,103 203,388 28,934 38,942 10,189 74,801 i 18,6-20 10,471 ; -27,-269 183,312 j 50,466 106,603 ■26,361 86,971 13,576 33,638 2-2,799 3-2,670 8,995 ‘203,111 55,860 401, -201 74,721 67,364 18,653 1*24,388 25,.367 287,883 95,475 44,360 7,971 42,478 9,042 92,545 18,800 86,741 13,311 80.819 12,590 79,676 20,948 — 4 66 91,371 20,061 29-2,07-2 38,972 140,633 29,009 25,-266 9,591 139,967 50,389 208,474 31,349 92,389 •21,182 32,699 6,091 238,075 42,3-28 86,471 •25,983 506,819 89,629 4,784,857 1,051,311 2,946 977 26,185 3,559 8,839 1,75-2 69,308 7.118 1-2,178 1,453 2-2,404 3,4-25 11,004 2,611 41,410 6,510 14,564 1,630 28,465 4,983 17,227 1,851 9,986 1,587 1 5,049,333 1,088,767 1 7,304,803 1,555,293 1 1 ,495,082 187,584 i‘ant Dul of l*ttor H'ttf Expendi- for r* )uiir.i tun. £- of rcad% in 18.H. £. 17,993 9,833 15,09‘i 7,810 15,-251 9,137 14,754 9,673 15,3.54 2,347 7,79-2 2,609 6,124 205 17,952 3,420 29,603 3,68« 10,357 3,599 16,660 1,616 ‘23,655 12,0-28 46,145 3,451 26,500 12,7-29 1-2,650 701 ‘24,551 8,210 9,073 1,339 55,067 17,9.30 72,574 3,086 17,906 3,864 2-2,752 7,176 80,050 9,7.34 7,116 •267 7,166 16,554 25,450 8,-264 14,272 912 10,789 2,882 19,770 10,977 578 868 19,301 709 36,845 3,398 26,590 1,040 8,505 15,080 44,397 16,. 528 26,730 28,146 21,030 2,330 7,296 124 41,008 9,334 22,877 758 86,050 8,757 999,342 261,463 1,142 185 3,734 77 1 ,66-2 831 0,148 530 1,1 10 34 3,548 135 2,742 251 5,215 802 1,438 26 4,968 ‘20 1,548 1,527 405) 5;i 1,034,124 1,678,0.=>4 •264,820 181,028 The annexed Statement shows the Charge of 1829 more in detail ; the 5th Item appears overrated : the Total Income in 1821, includes £4,483 received in lieu of Statute Labour, & £59,915 so received in 1829 : & £100,000 as the supposed Value of Statute Labour performed, not otherways brought into Account; the remainder is derived wholly from Tolls. The Balance due to Trusts, consists of Balances in Treasurers Hands, and Tolls and Parish Composition due, but unpaid : and in 1829, £71,106 of Arrears of Tolls antt Parish Composition of previous Years. The Total Charge annexed, differs from the column above, by the amount of Items 2 and 10. The proportion of Item 1 1 for Acts of Parliament, may in some degree be inferred by the Amount paid to the Officers of tlie House of Commons for Fees thereon, — see col. 34, page 192 of the Finance part of these Papers : see also Note to page 194 of the same class of Papers, for further Sums expended on Account of Roads. The account from Scotland in 1821, includes only 23 out of the 33 Counties, there being no notice taken of Kinross & Fife, Argyle & Bute, and the 6 Counties North of the Cale- donian Canal and Murray Frith ; upon the Kvidence and Appendix from which the above Statement has been com pileM, the Lords Committee reported, that, “ One of the greatest evils in the present Road System is the Number of Trusts, as well as their limited Range and Extent. The Committee would therefore recommend Consolidation, &c,^' f I Interest on Debt (Charged) £236,639 2 do., due on Debt, the Interest not brought into Account .... 129,58^3 3 Paid for Manual Labour .....£393,173 4 (Charge for Team Lalxmr, &c. £578,237) ... 5 Proportion supposed Manual 192,746 495,919 1 6 The Residue, including some Improvements 385,492 7 Land Purchased, 56,264 8 Repairs, &c. of Toll Houses 63,96S 9 Salaries, &c 196,025 10 Supposed Value of Statute Labour, not brought into Account.... 100,000 1 1 Sundry Payments, including Acts of Parliament, & Improvements 243,757 L Total Charge in 1829 S'l' A T 1’ lUI'/ N 'F', siiovviiig in II) p,r:i(los of Arcs, tlie I’rte ^Vliitc ; and in (5 grades, the Slave Population, of each of the 20 Dis- liicls and 'I'onitories of the II nitcd States of Noii'ni Amkkica in IttDO, distingnisliing in each grade of Age the Propo.tion ot Wales, ami Females ; showing also the Total Number of Free People of Colour, and of Aliens ; the Number Deaf & Dumb, and Blind, in each State. Stales ami Territories, see iia^e 51 . 1 IMainc 2 New Hampshire li IMasoachusells . 4 Ktiode Island . . 5 (’oiuu'clieut .... C )'ermont 7 New York 8 New .lersey t Norlh ( South 9 Pennsylvania ;v 10 Delaware 11 Alaryland , , < F.ast 12 \ irgiuia ) 13 North Carolina.. 1 1 South do. .15 Georgia yii Alabama ^ • 17 hlississipi Vetta of the is) tssis sijijn. 18 Louisiana F’ast M est 2 fl'’ 'remiesee j ! ! ! ! ! '. 3 I 20 Kentucky % I 21 Ohio s 22 Indiana u I 23 Illinois £ 21 IMissouri ^ I 25 Michigan (,2U Arkansas 27 Florida 28 COLL'.MIJIA ( f 1 lUaine New Hampshire Massachuselts .. lihode Island. . . . tlonnecticiit .... Vermont . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 f 15 D( Ita of the Missis sippi. • ^ 19 20 21 ^22 23 21 25 1.26 27 28 .. -i- 1 S North . . . . New\ork?y^^,th .... New Jersey Pennsylvania J ;; Delaware hlaryland North Caiolina. South do. Georgia . . . Ug Alabama \ <[l7 Mississippi North '18 Louisiana ^ Tennesee Kentucky Ohio Indiana .. Illinois.... Missouri . . Michigan , . Arkansas.. Florida .. Columbia 1 East t West. TOTAL V Male Uniteu SriTES. ( Female 1 Under 1 6- 1 •'» to 10. 10 to 15. 15 lo 20. 20 lo 30. 30 to 10. 40 to 50. 50 to 60. 60 lo70. 70 to 80. 80 to 90. 90 to 100. 100 Total. Deft/ • nd Dumb. B lud. I’ree C lour 31,053 1 28,7 12 25, .522 22,100 3 1,985 21,701 11,517 9,228 5,956 2,637 823 93 2 200,687 180 u 600 19,128 i 17, .521 16,737 1 1,8-17 21,191 ll,69() 10,772 7,218 5,0.59 2,786 810 85 4 131,184 135 105 279 10,61 1 3.5,988 31,679 32,801 58,621 35,133 23,683 15,008 10,319 5,575 l,7(i0 173 1 294,685 216 218 3,!)60 6,733 5,786 5,100 5,3.51 8,425 5,379 3,512 2,1.57 1,1 11 854 261 28 4.5,333 50 56 1 .511 19,033 17,891 17,788 16,.509 26,166 16,608 11,595 7,851 5,1!)5 3,1.51 871 81 5 143,017 291 188 3,850 21,700 19,106 17,.597 15,782 21,207 1.5,773 10,105 7,051 5,203 2,203 618 48 3 139,996 153 51 426 1 IS,.') 11) 103 772 88,558 71,010 125,086 79,831 19,689 29,278 17,199 7,017 1,7.53 177 19 691,589 596 4.53 5,512 I 39,537 33,699 1 29,iM)5 27,672 5I,(Ki8 33,305 19,182 1 ! ,225 6,710 2,987 808 78 16 256,8.52 216 189 15.913 25,071 21,201 19,71.5 17,123 27,001 17,231 11,013 7,053 1,-158 2,021 53^1 41 1 152,529 207 205 9,. 501 1 60,917 50,357 ' 11,956 11,315 68,121 42,729 26,595 15,.568 8,728 3,712 891 100 19 361,338 421 2.50 11.901 1 56,!)36 15,812 37,119 31,768 52,938 32,1 13 20,005 12,161 7,3.57 3,267 884 128 23 301,171 331 225 3,470 1,711 1,01)9 3,919 3,1 SI 5,508 3,206 2,036 1 ,286 609 202 43 9 28,315 35 18 7,t.82 23,737 19,138 17,886 15,778 29,397 18,215 1 1 ,072 6,565 3,162 1,375 355 53 7 117,310 135 1-17 21,906 ' 33,1 13 26,390 22,527 19,801 33,260 20,892 13,l(i2 8,786 1,8.53 1,928 571 87 13 185,713 227 215 19,203 32,650 25,115 20,760 17,1-16 27,651 15,617 9,919 6,175 1,118 1,7-16 537 97 13 162,171 192 110 3.181 16,7 19 35,950 30,.527 25,152 39,128 23,012 1 1,998 10,536 5,968 2,189 619 138 28 235,9.51 230 223 9,.5(d ' 25,132 20,2.59 16,197 13,!«il 22,161 13,969 8,334 5,611 3,012 1,210 298 66 11 130,590 171 102 3,67 2 3:i,027 23,700 18,581 1.5,186 26,SM 16,1.56 9,512 5,671 3,083 1,120 290 03 li) 1.53,288 145 l.'tO' t)'l59 6,727 5,221 l'300 7,036 i;i58 2;.516 L501 773 '216 63 11 12,311 i 31 30 2.53 13,305 8,755 6,908 5,209 10^101 6,911 3,513 2,092 968 31.5 81 8 3 58,535 : 58 38 .591 7,918 5,572 1,591 3,623 7,237 4,632 2,119 1,.595 632 189 17 11 38,4(i0 29 25 288 5,007 1,175 3,350 2,852 7,430 5,070 3,loG 1,116 633 22() 61 18 8 31,032 28 29 6,020 2,!«il 2,227 1,781 1,173 3,028 2,107 1,118 263 91 17 6 1 15,683 21 7 1,210 19,612 1 1,726 11,790 !),.581 11,085 7,765 1,733 3,727 2,002 877 291 43 11 39,213 56 89 961 39,Hil 30,610 21,2.51 19,666 30,897 17,316 10,375 7,-161 3,.51! 1,230 3(i0 62 21 185,823 116 87 1,369 41,073 31,222 29,017 ■45,913 26,289 1.5,900 10,843 6,253 2,.585 699 119 28 267,123 303 169 2,652 28,692 22,872 17,6.53 28,153 17,901 10,306 6,001 4 '.r j 1 t 3,160 1,0.59 210 19 13 175,hb5 116 85 1,857 18,831 12,753 10,021 7,770 11,706 8,825 1,627 2,853 1,172 381 90 6 1 82,018 66 35 821 13,. 531 9,617 7,169 5,639 11,117 7,081 3,612 1,939 927 331 60 11 2 61,105 27 27 284 2,326 1 ,90.5 1,513 1,389 2,739 1,232 658 261 61 20 1 1 18,168 15 6 1.59 3,020 2,021 1 ,626 1,272 2,835 1,820 876 131 209 69 12 1 — 11,19.5 10 8 88 1,932 1,333 1,015 789 2,171 1,.536 760 136 191 57 10 2 1 10,236 5 3 383 2,333 1,680 1,186 1,522 2,805 1,817 1,068 593 215 71 25 1 1 13,617 12 11 2,015 Allens, 27,676 21,067 22,318 35,596 22,259 11,183 9,330 5,901 2,688 911 138 3 197,.573 3,5 26 o7l 18,538 16,790 1.5,.525 11,823 21,.5(U 16,690 11,896 8,-118 5,888 3,110 1,085 171 6 137,537 110 323 39,533 31,537 33,32(i 31,139 60,195 38,163 26,()84 18,1.56 12,989 7,173 2,528 317 1 308,671 8,787 3,685 6,623 5,612 5,213 5,581 9,203 5,750 1,021 2,826 1,939 1,058 3T0 1-1 — 18,288 1,100 2,020 18,270 16,193 10,575 15,978 26,510 17,937 13,211 9,215 6,707 3,760 1,228 1.56 3 1-16,5.56 1,181 1,197 21,331 18,632 16,870 15,753 25,180 16,261 11,031 7,1.52 1,727 2,086 6.52 87 1 139,77.5 3,361 455 113,807 100,! V 85,608 7.5,001 117,190 72,696 1.5,213 20,082 15,151 6,356 1,713 201 13 660,078 29,631 5.818 38,061 32,937 29,558 30,19.5 51,707 31,826 19,102 1 ! ,662 7,138 3,289 960 103 1 256,)542 22,8.57 17.816 23,937 20,179 18,267 16,781 25,817 16,623 11,007 7,307 1,705 2.160 586 63 2 117,737 3,:«i5 8,802 58,038 18,111 13,612 13,598 67,050 10,870 26,277 1(),623 9,780 1,287 1,117 130 12 359,83.5 8,!)11 16,219 53,909 11,308 30,475 32,378 18,818 28,731 18,208 11,2.59 6,-Ul 2,797 782 10.5 9 2.81,253 6,135 3,331 1,617 1,011 3,651 3,381 5,181 3,179 2,017 1,397 630 263 50 6 1 2h,75(» 313 7,973 22,356 18,693 17,327 18,020 27,218 16,617 10,810 6,983 3,633 1,.511 132 61 11 113,768 4,T 80 28,032 31,391 25,373 22,361 22,138 35,2H7 21,-183 11,019 9,303 5,193 2,29.5 622 133 11 189,912 363 21,802 31,020 24,591 19,575 18,011 26,757 11,973 9,701 6,111 3,572 l,.552 476 55 11 156,171 126 3,15!) 4)J,77o 31,2(H 28,812 27,398 11,636 21,531 16,128 10,601 5,980 2,196 717 158 30 236,889 202 9,982 23,691 19,013 15,632 15,122 21,866 13,138 8,168 o,4.)5 2,929 1,181 3.51 80 17 127,273 186 1.21!) 30,958 22,590 17,988 16,152 21,036 13,971 8,127 5,089 2,661 987 2(i8 6.5 20 113,518 101 1,225 8,9(71 6,126 1,927 1,101 6,306 3,665 2,135 1,186 673 182 69 16 7 38,862 20 169 12,376 8,375 0,105 5,517 8,151 1,891 2, .560 1,515 711 250 75 13 3 50,698 45 559 7,319 5,165 1,169 8,053 5,231 3,090 1,739 983 136 119 31 7 2 31,977 72 231 5,000 1,01.5 3,107 3,151 1,693 2,929 1,603 8-18 197 173 (iO 13 — 26,119 1,610 8,273 2,800 2,118 1,733 1,558 2,237 1,275 707 109 163 19 13 1 1 13,097 103 1,207 18,111 11,019 11,01.5 10,086 11,716 7,915 5,138 3,33.5 1 ,773 73!) 225 18 11 87,227 56 983 37,285 28,9.56 22,511 20,530 28,221 15,(i00 10,126 5,91-1 2,768 1,116 317 62 11 173,1.53 63 1,2-12 50,835 39,139 32,197 29,623 11,936 23,163 15,176 !l,19t» 5,31.5 2,19.5 57.5 !)7 11 2.50,66-1 173 2,265 89,873 71,851 59,306 52,(i35 75,5)1 13,891 27,516 15,898 8,293 2,915 736 8!) 6 -118,616 6,778 1,779 37,505 27,313 21,072 18,087 26,702 15,703 9,028 1,808 2,275 780 212 2.5 1 163,511 279 1,772 17,129 12,000 9,216 8,0.53 12,161 6,850 3,7.50 2,017 812 273 77 11 1 73,013 451 813 12,.561 9,077 6,7t)l 5,765 8,791 5,121 2,718 1,49!) 766 227 60 !) 2 53,390 1.55 285 2,713 2,066 1,686 1,138 2,510 1,399 726 390 MO 3.5 10 5 — 13,178 1,197 102 2,782 1,897 1,191 1,225 2,012 1,087 628 301 107 31 !) 3 — 11,176 11 53 1,807 1 ,251 981 923 1,F17 818 181 217 101 15 10 5 — 8,119 221 461 2,182 1,616 1,(U8 1,813 2,850 1,752 980 603 272 !)8 j 32 1 — 13,916 724 3,507 972,980 782,075 669,734 573,196 956,4^7 592,535 367,ft4ll •229,294 135,082 1 57,772 2,011 301 107,832 921,934 750,741 638,850 596,254 018,41 1 555,531 35C,01fi 223,001 131,307 58,336 1 17,434 2,523 238 5,m,ii5 I6G,I1U MALES. LAVE States, and Territories. [Ages 1' nder 10. 10 to 21. 21 to 36. 36 to 15. 15 to 100. 100 & abve. Total. Under 10. 10 to 2 1. 21 to 3(i. .a b cJ" S 5; r 1 Delaware 580 8.53 215 83 42 3 1,806 508 617 230 - § 2 Maryland 17,880 17,75!) 8,816 6,13.5 2,772 50 .53,1 12 17,002 16,236 8,331 o O „ 3 Vireinia ^ 71,1.58 60,071 38,103 27,696 11,121 125 211, .577 73,666 .58,.571 36,670 b .i ' ngiiiia ^ 9,812 8,813 1,786 2,987 1,031 8 27,500 9,5 11 8,317 1,257 5 i •= V 55 4 North Carolina, . 45,991 38,0!)!) 20,212 1 1,030 5,818 133 121,313 11,817 37, .508 20,09.5 5 South do. 51,820 41,600 29,710 21,671 7, .567 98 155,16!) 51,521 4.5,517 32,68!) t . 6 Georgia 38,367 31,253 19,110 12,818 3,817 92 108,817 38,102 33,917 20,527 )^ *4; - cc K ^ S s 7 Alabama ^ 8,252 7,318 4,217 1 ,9.57 601 5 22,383 7,971 7,1.52 1,20!) ( iSoutn 1 3,585 12,235 6,853 3,201 891 22 36,787 13,112 12,517 6,87!) -c ti. -S 8 Mississipi 11,037 10,793 6,917 3,155 815 22 33,099 10,860 10,811 6,983 9,351 12,990 12,199 6,116 1 ,660 29 12,6-18 9,531 12,1.56 10,211 * ^ ^ :S • ( West 4,273 4,936 3,585 2,027 42!) 13 15,263 -1,153 1,-157 3,290 n ^ 3,401 3,0!)2 1,281 713 215 6 8,711 3,271 3,161 1,171 1 ^ T- ^ ( West 21,30!) 20,33!) 9,97!) 5,307 1 ,481 57 61,175 23,297 20,981 10,7I!I . i 5 CC ^ 11 Kentucky 31, .500 27,41!) 13, .520 7, 19!) 2,280 61 82,30!) 30,975 27,316 13,8.51 ^ £5 5 g s 12 Illinois 98 118 76 47 6 2 317 1 11 128 61 13 Missouri 1,872 1,.361 2,058 923 208 11 12,43!) 1,61 1 .1,605 2,I!H) -.'t -7 11 Arkansas 8-15 811 395 1!)2 47 2,293 803 836 39!) ^ o. ^ so 15 Florida 2,.501 2,-182 1,830 !)18 221 7,!)85 2,560 2,11!) I,.56l cc s £ £ = 16 Columbia 7!)1 1,021 512 375 111 3 2,8.52 816 1,270 612 S § - - 17 All other 36 132 i:;i 397 277 5 1,278 65 152 173 TOT,'. L. 3i-.i,oor lb5,0B5 IIS.SBO 41,5-13 718 1,012,823 317,005 308,770 185,780 females. 36 to -1.5. 45 to 100. 100 & abve. Total. DtwS Dlij'd. 80 1!) 2 1,186 !) li 5,329 2,601 53 .1!),5.52 !«i 121 21,183 11,219 131 201,713 1(H) 393 2,723 1 ,056 13 25,937 21 1.5 13,088 5,636 111 121,288 83 161 22,0(K) 8,112 81 l.59,!)32 69 136 12,325 3,765 78 108,711 .5!) 123 1,897 507 8 21,717 10 12 3,001 805 18 36,632 13 36 3,173 682 21 32,5(i0 12 31 1,.587 1,215 31 37,797 17 (.2 1,662 307 11 1 3,880 1 15 !)03 325 !) 9,116 -1 13 5,0 1(> 1 ,566 32 62,211 21 21 8,107 2,572 50 82,901 46 83 .52 12 3 too 9 () 1,01 1 21!) 1 12,652 8 10 193 51 1 2,283 1 2 768 177 1 7,516 6 16 391 176 2 3,267 2 1 S -189 351 10 1,513 138 162 1 1 1 ,887 41,130 070 u;io,'2!iO 1 7 13 07 ST A'l' I’’ M showiiif; (lie l’ro|)Oi(io;i in every 10, ()()(), of oacli oi tlie 12 (>raiIations of Ages of tlic I'ric Population, and ill ovi-ry 10,(100 of ciu'h of tlie 5 Krmliitioiis of AgCj of llip Slave I’opiilation in IKK), in oach of (lie 2H Dlsliicts and Terri to rii-ii of the I'nitcd States of N irni Ami; K iCA, as exiilliited on tlie preceding page ; uiid » itli the view of aiding the eiuiniry into tlie eiTei t of Climate, and Locality, on lininan existence, there is also exhibited in juxta position, the Latitude, and Longitude of each State, and Territory. Slates anil Tereilories, see page a I . 1 IMaine 2 New Hampshire .. 3 Mas.'achnsctls . .. •1 lihode Island . . . . 5 Connecticut 0 Vermont u; K’ V I S I'ioi th New \ ork J Hast i'est S New Jersey ( 9 I’ennsylvania t 19 Delaware 11 Maryland '2 vir6i»i» UiS :: 13 North Carolina.... 1 1 South do ^15 Ceorgia North Delta of the /IV tssis- sippi. <17 Mississippi ^ 18 Louisiana 19 Tennessee ^ a I 20 Kentucky % I 21 Ohio s 22 Indiana S I 23 Illinois S 21 Missouri ^ I 25 Michigan C29 Arkansas - 27 Florida 28 Columbia North Lalituile. 43 39 43 12 42 23 41 51 41 IS 41 20 45 40 43 40 13 40 39 10 39 21 38 a 35 30 32 40 33 34 30 30 31 30 3C a 37 30 40 38 30 a 38 42 30 34 30 29 30 38 58 Longitude of It ASHINGTON. 1 IMaine 2 New Hampshire .. 3 Massachusetts .... 4 Rhode Island 5 Connecticut 6 Vermont S 7 NewYorkJ^„-^h CO tq 5 2^ 8 New Jersey 9 Pennsylvania • 10 Delaware. 11 Maryland I 12 Virginia j ^ I 13 North Carolina. . I 14 South do. C15 Georgia Delta of the lUissis- .16 Alabama t North ( South 17 Mississippi sippi. ^18 Louisiana | ypg*g*j. ■ ^19 Tennessee 20 Kentucky 21 Ohio a>< 22 Indiana 23 Illinois 24 Missouri 25 Michigan C26 Arkansas 27 Florida CO 6 to 10 E. 4^ » 6 » 4 » 7 » 5 « 6 » 3^ » 5 » 1 * 5j- 4 E. to 31k. 2 - 3 £. 2 E. to 3 IK. 1.^ . 2 E. 2 £.211'. 1 II to 5 e 1 E. 6 II 2 to 6 » 4 » 8 // 8 » 11 e 11 II 14 0 12 e 17 . » 13 o 12 0 8 . 11 // 14 U 17 e 10 » 23 10 .23 Washington, W. of Greenwich 77.2 TOTAL ( M United States. 1 1' Male ... Female . I'llllfl- 5. 6 to 10. 10 to 15. 15 to 20. 20 to 30. 311 lo 10. 10 to 50 1 50 To 60 60 lo 70 'to 80 80 to 90. 90 1(1 100. 1,697 1,432 1 ,272 1,1 16 1,743 1,081 725 IfiO 297 131 41 1 .63 1,481 1,336 1,276 1,132 1,615 1,131 821 .550 386 212 61 6 .5 1,379 1,221 1,178 1,113 1,989 1,202 801 509 350 189 1 60 5 .87 1,185 1,27<) 1,191 1,180 1 ,8:58 1,187 775 476 318 188 58 6 1 ,330 1,251 1,241 1,1.54 1,829 1,161 81 1 5 19 381 220 61 5 .()6 1 ,550 1 ,3H() 1 ,257 1,127 1,729 1,127 713 501 372 1.57 41 3 .5 1 ,707 1,488 1,275 1,(M;6 1,801 1,1 19 715 422 218 102 25 2 .55 1,539 1,312 1,166 1,077 2,012 1,297 717 437 261 no 31 3 1,614 1 ,390 1 ,2‘)5 1,122 1,770 1,130 721 462 292 132 35 2.88 1,672 1,382 1 ,234 1,135 1,878 1,173 730 426 210 102 21 .21 2.74 1 ,88!) 1,520 1,211 1,0.54 1 ,756 1,076 661 413 211 108 29 4 .20 1,645 1,421 1,359 1,104 1,909 1,111 706 416 211 70 1 I .90 3.11 1,611 1,319 1,214 1,071 I,!)9.5 1,238 751 414 235 93 21 3 .59 1,784 1,421 1,213 1 ,066 1,791 1,125 725 473 262 101 31 4 .68 2,013 1,.567 1,280 1,057 1,70.5 965 612 400 254 107 33 5 .98 1,981 1,524 1,294 1,079 1,671 976 63.5 416 2.53 105 27 .54 5 .89 1,925 1,552 1,263 1,069 1,697 1 ,070 638 432 233 92 22 .81 5 .06 2,1,54 1 ,547 1,212 991 1,751 1,0.54 622 370 201 73 19 4. 2,235 1 ,590 1,234 1,016 1,663 1,051 594 3.)f) 183 58 15 2 ..59 2,273 1 ,480 1,180 900 1,778 1,186 600 357 165 59 14.35 1 .36 2,059 1,449 1,194 942 1,882 1,204 630 415 16.5 49 1 1 .69 .28 1,471 1,227 984 838 2,183 1,666 927 425 186 67 19 5 .28 1,888 1,420 1,138 939 1,931 1,343 732 368 168 58 10.84 3 .83 2,198 1,650 1,321 1,074 1,578 870 .530 418 225 98 32.60 4.81 2,151 1,649 1,305 1,0,58 1,663 933 5.58 402 191 66 19 .69 3.33 2,026 1,538 1,281 1,086 1,791 984 598 406 234 99 26 .16 4 .4.5 2,010 1,557 1,296 1,066 1,694 1,029 650 376 225 76 19 2.88 2,262 1,631 1,300 1,004 1,601 1,018 586 341 180 60 13.64 2.78 2,295 1,554 1,222 947 1,792 1,076 564 348 143 47 10 .96 .73 2,204 1,.566 1,216 918 1,816 1,154 5!)3 316 151 .54 9.77 2.27 1,664 1,280 1,049 849 2,416 1,508 678 362 146 35 11 .00 2.20 2,127 1,425 1,145 896 1,997 1,282 617 306 148 48 8 .45 .77 1,888 1,302 992 770 2,121 1,500 742 426 190 56 10 2 1,710 1,231 1,089 1,115 2,055 1,331 783 435 180 52 18 .31 .73 1,643 1,401 1,218 1,131 1,802 1,127 718 472 299 136 46 0 .93 1,348 1,221 1,129 1,078 1,786 1,213 865 614 428 226 78 .88 12. (1.5 1,281 1,119 1,080 1,116 1,960 1,236 864 598 421 232 81 .90 11 .24 1,372 1,168 1,080 LI 56 1,906 1,192 833 586 402 219 77 .86 9.11 1,247 1,156 1,130 1,090 1,811 1,224 902 631 458 2.57 84 10 .64 1,526 1,333 1,207 1,127 1,801 1,1G1 790 512 338 149 47 6.2 1,724 1,517 1,297 1,136 1,776 1,101 685 404 234 96 26 3 1,-184 1,284 1,1.52 1,177 2,016 1,241 745 454 278 128 37 4 1,620 1,386 1,237 1,136 1,748 1,12.5 745 495 318 146 40 4.27 1,613 1,345 1,212 1,212 1,864 1,135 730 462 272 119 32 3.6 1,897 1,550 1,283 1,140 1,718 1,011 640 400 223 98 28 3.3 1,616 1,394 1,271 1,176 1,907 1,106 712 486 220 91 19 2.1 1,555 1,300 1,206 1,253 1,895 1,156 754 486 253 107 30 4 1,6.53 1,336 1,177 1,181 1,8.57 1,132 740 490 273 121 32.74 7 1,983 1,572 1,251 1,153 1,710 957 620 393 228 99 30 3.5 1,848 1,446 1,217 1,157 1,758 1,036 695 447 252 105 31 .5 6.6 1,862 1,496 1,228 1,188 1,718 1,056 665 429 230 93 27 .G 6.3 2,1.57 1,574 1,253 1,146 1,675 974 587 355 186 69 18 4.5 2,307 1,654 1,268 1,133 1,623 943 549 305 148 47 17.75 4.11 2,441 1,652 1,216 1,094 1,608 965 50.5 305 147 49 14 .81 2 .56 2,289 1,615 1,304 1,142 1,636 966 544 307 136 47 11 2.22 1,893 1,531 1,290 1,192 1,776 1,109 607 321 188 65 23 5 2,138 1,640 1,323 1,190 1,708 974 540 312 125 37 10 3 2,080 1,602 1,266 1,157 1,691 911 589 383 203 8.5 25 .79 5 .50 2,150 1,669 1,298 1,184 1,627 899 584 343 160 (i4 18.27 3. .57 2,028 1,573 1,284 1,182 1,673d 936 618 379 212 88 22 .93 3.86 2,003 1,602 1,322 1,174 1,685 978 614 354 185 65 16.40 1 .98 2,294 1,670 1,289 1,106 1,633 960 5s52 294 139 48 13 1 .52 2,387 1,644 1,266 1,103 1,707 938 514 280 111 38 10 .54 1 .91 2,353 1,700 1,273 1,080 1,647 959 510 280 143 42 11 .21 1 .68 2,081 1,568 1,279 1,091 1,928 1,062 551 296 106 27 7.58 3.79 2,424 1,6.53 1,302 1,068 1,753 947 460 262 93 27 8 3 2,217 1,535 1,204 1,133 1,776 1,041 594 303 124 55 12 6 1,568 1,183 1,183 1,325 2,053 1,259 704 434 195 70 23 3 1,817 1,460 1,251 1,071 1,786 1,107 687 428 252 108 29 4 1,783 1,450 1,235 1,153 1,776 1,074 690 432 254 113 34 0 100 Bn.l ■huvfs .10 .30 .03 .3.5 .31 ' .29 .62 i .(i5 .52 .07 .47 .70 .80 1 .19 1 .07 .65 .51 2.31 .63 1 .23 1 .13 1 .04 .06 .73 .48 .32 1 I .73 .15 : .43 .16 .20 .3 .3 .1.5 .13 .33 i .32 I .35 1 .3 1 .3 1 .4 1 .8 .59 .63 .76 1 .60 .80 .55 .13 .24 .13 .37 .06 .46 K H 1 -2 = 12 I 1 £ “ 2 r: t f. 1 Tl T1 rt i.T V* 3 ^ « H t- V > o X '4 I ■M « ^ ' O X rd. 'X 1- © 'Jj o c s 3' - S I Ck O w Tl 'O ii ? < r^. •c o giSr: ' iii? ' *0 OI Ci^©^© « o o CJ >1^ '"t -r ‘ - '.5 ^ X Ti ^ 50 so w o D — o if lo i.o' — o of — X X iw. ;Ti so 01^ C^TcO CO c^ K c ^ so ?0 Id- CO ?o -f t'T t.o © X >o of of CO X so 'A 73 -• * S x' a-S ■>. iZ, ^ 1 ■a td. © 'O J of’^uo' 0 © © 1 01 CO Tf ' — M © £ ‘A . © t- CO 1 X © X LO © 01 X 01 © © ©. © CO 1 O 1- ' hJ i— S Pi=i . § £ © o 1 uo © CO 1— LO O CO ' CO CO 0? X CO — ' X ©^ i O co X of ©r o © ^ o 01 »-• CO © © so O X X © to — «0 01 'O ^©^OJ^©^ ^ tfC o' to' CO ^ © td- O^c^t^ © jO ^ w co'co co'c^r © © © © © — -N CO X X X X . o © © © © — OI so X X X X The progressive increase of Population in the United Slates of North f America, may he regarded as one of the remarkable features in the events of the last dO Years. During each of the three Ten Yearly Pe- riods from 1800 to 1830, the rale of increase has been about 35^ Cent., or 144 in the aggregate of the 30 Years : while, in Great Britain the in crease in each Period has been only about I5j ^ Cent., or 51 in the aggregate of the 30 Years. The Clerical and Typographical accuracy of the compilation of the American Official Returns is creditable to tbe parlies entrusted with their arrangement and execution : had any errors or Typographical blunders existed, tbe working of the above resulls woiiid have discovered them, but none were found to exist. It is as honourable to the American people to have produced so accurate a dis- play of their Numbers, as their amount and increase are interesting to the Philosophical enquirers of all countries: but before they arc entitled to unqualihed commendation for their regard for this interesting branch of social enquiry, they must exhibit ati equally accurate Account of tbe No. of Births, and a corresponding display of Deaths in each Class of Ages. On comparing the proportional resulls of the Totals of tbe United States, w'ith the Total results of tlie different Sections of tbe United Kingdom, the Numbers above 40 Years of Age in the United Stales, show a considerable disproportion to the Numbers within that Age : two opposite causes, or both conjointly, may contribute to such dispro- portion — a much shorter average duration of Life, or an excess of Births ; it is probable that both materially contribute to the disproportion iii the United States : but until an equally accurate account of the Births and Deaths are given, much must be left to conjecture ; the migratory ten- , dency, also, of the Inbahitanls tif the United States, greatly augments i the disproportions in the different States : to render the greatest inteiest to sucli Accounts, the change of residence should be given as is done in the Netherlands, see page Si. .See also pages 71, &91, for comparison of the results wiib Sweden, and tbe scveial parts of the United Kingdom. Ljadon, St pt. VS'i'i J. MaEsii.tLL. MALES. FEMALES. SLAVE States, and Territories. Under] 10. 10 to 24. 24 1 to 36. ' 1 30 to 45. 45 to 100. I00& 1 rthVD. 1 Under 10. 10 to 24. 24 to 30. 36 to 45. 45 tt 100. loft A: dbV: - 1 Delaware 3,212 4,723 1,356 460 233 16 ' 3,419 4,152 1,548 538 330 13 2 Maryland 3,346 3,323 1 ,655 1,148 519 9 3,431 3,276 1,681 1,075 526 11 3,505 2,839 1,815 1,.309 525 6 3,598 2,861 1,791 1,196 548 6 3 A iiginia j 3,615 1 3,215 1,740 1,090 376 3 3,679 3,218 1,641 i,050 407 5 4 North Carolina.. 3,699 1 3,065 1,626 1,129 470 11 3,698 3,092 1,657 1,079 465 9 5 South do. .. 3,333 ! 2,870 1,911 1,394 480 6 3,222 2,8-16 2,044 1,376 507 5 6 Georgia 3,525 ! 3,148 1.787 1,178 3.54 8 3,50.5 3,120 1,888 1,134 340 7 7 AlnUnmo 5 North 3,687 3,270 1,897 874 270 2 3,667 3,2!)0 1,934 872 233 4 7 Alabama ^ 3,693 3,327 1,863 870 242 6 3,602 3,417 1,878 818 220 5 8 Mississippi 3,33-1 3,261 2,099 1,044 255 7 3,336 3,330 2,14.5 974 209 f r 2,193 3,0-16 1,860 1,504 390 1 2,523 3,210 2,710 1,214 329 8 9 Louisiana J 2,800 3,234 2,349 1,328 280 9 2,992 3,211 2,370 1,198 221 8 3,894 3,537 1,406 816 280 7 3,.577 3,460 1,612 987 3.55 !) 10 Tennessee J 3,956 3,309 1,023 803 240 9 3,743 3,371 1,727 903 251 11 Kentuckv 3,827 3,335 1 1,643 911 277 7 3,732 3,300 1,671 981 310 6 12 Illinois 2,824 3,400 1 2,192 1,3.55 173 56 3,600 3,200 1,525 1,300 300 75 13 Missouri 3,917 3,508 1 1,655 742 107 11 3,044 3,640 1,738 802 173 3 14 Arkansas 1 3,685 3,550 1,723 837 205 3,517 3,662 1,748 845 223 r> 15 Florida 3,132 3.108 2,292 1,187 281 1 3,407 3,253 2,077 1,022 235 i 16 Columbia 2,784 3,.590 1,900 1,315 400 11 2,498 3,887 1,873 1,197 539 0 17 All other 1 281 1.033 1 3,373 3,105 |‘2,163 40 421 985 3,060 3,109 2.2H4 Go , TOTAL. ' 3,191 1 3,066 ■ 1,632 1,174 1 410 1 7 1 3,-190 ' 3,0C9 1,805 1,123 410 7 8B STATEMRN r slie\v'iiif>- the Numhor of Houses, Families, and Persons, distinguishing Males from Females, in each County of SCOTLAN I), at each of the ‘2 Periods ItiOl, and Ittl 1 ; shewing also the annual Value of Property ; the Proportion Entailed ; and the Number of Properties, in three Classes, in each County; and the Total Number of Persons in each, at each of the Six Periods 1755; 171)0-8; 1801; 1811; 1821; and 1831. COUNTIES, frith Number of reference to Order of Production. 1801. Aberdeen H Argyle 28 Ayr 1 lliiutf 23 Her wick. 18 Hiite 27 t'aitliiiess .31 Clackmannan .... 4 Diiinf'ries 12 Duinbartun 3 Edinburgh 6 Elgin, or Moray .. 24 rile 9 I’orfar 10 Haddington 10 Inverness 29 Kincardine 22 Kinross 21 Kircudbright .... 13 l.anark 3 l.inliibgow 20 Nairn 2.i Orkney & Shetland 32 Peebles 17 Perth 8 Renfrew 2 Ross and Cromarty 30 Roxburgh l.i Selkirk 16 Stirling 7 Sutherland 26 Wigtown 14 TOTALS. COUNTIES, with Number of reference to Geographical Position. 1811. Aberdeen 23 Argyle 32 Ayr 4 Banff 24 Berwick 10 Bute 14 Caithness 31 Clackmannan .... 17 Dumfries 1 Dumbarton 13 Edinburgh 12 Elgin, or Moray .. 2.5 Fife 20 Forfar 21 Haddington 11 Inverness 27 Kincardine 22 Ki.iross 19 Kircud blight 2 Lanark .5 Linlithgow 13 Nairn, 26 Orkney & Shetland 33 Peebles 9 Perth 18 Renfrew 6 Ro.ss and Cromarty 28 Roxburgh 7 Selkirk 8 Stirling 16 Sutherland 30 Wigtown 3 TOTALS. JKumber of House^t Total TSlumhpr of Rental according to Tax Returns, Propor* 1 tion of 1 Property I Emailed No. of Propertifs. Aoaual in 1801. Valued Rent, In ( Scois.) £ U 1 £500 2000^ and abve iCor- of Corpor. Proper, Hiiit- Uiiiii- habited of Families Estimated Rental. £500 ^ aim Inhabited ' TOTAL MaU.^ FemaUi Land. £. Huitges. .£. iOOOl po- rate. 573 25,249 31,701 \ 123,082 5.5,625 67,457 235,665 20(^000 23.3,827 65,5.57 . 90,000 114 88 28 1 — £ — 9,100 13,109 14,273 71,859 33,767 38,092 149,595 112,752 192,074 6,209 49,898 131 43 17 1 6 272 13,603 18,143 84,306 39,666 44,640 191,605 314,673 336,171 22,823 79,035 200 61 20 1 66 7,789 8,677 35,807 16,067 19,740 79.200 43,490 79,396 5,514 42,763 14 17 9 _ 273 5,965 6,835 30,621 14,294 16,327 178,366 230,000 231,973 8,153 59,788 lof 59 22 2 906 17 1,911 2,501 1 1,791 5,552 6,239 15,043 18,591 2,3l0 .5,010 2 140 4,433 4,652 22,609 10,183 12,426 37,216 19,960 30,920 1,698 13,631 14 11 5 64 2,100 2,612 10,858 5,064 5,794 26,483 14,200 32,048 2,827 19,835 22 6 4 953 o CO 246 10,785 1 1,8.50 54,597 25,407 29,190 158,502 109,700 246,002 16,787 86,709 405 30 10 1 80 107 3,375 4,418 20,710 9,796 10,914 33,328 56,000 56,973 5,791 11,109 136 19 1 1 80 1,081 17,111 28,186 122,954 54,224 68,730 191,054 151,500 277,828 400,004 33,683 569 92 10 19 6,753 tu) s: 134 5,992 6,354 26,705 1 1,763 14,942 65,603 41,420 62,312 2,754 24,580 23 18 7 766 17,065 22,298 93,743 42,952 50,791 363,192 174,000 335,291 38,756 123,064 491 102 45 29 500 3 827 20,195 24,087 99,127 45,461 53,666 171,240 122,000 260,197 64,108 57,079 191 59 16 19 4,251 406 5,851 7,219 29,986 13,890 16,096 168,874 86,960 180,654 6,871 56.257 133 29 23 1,306 159 14,357 15,353 74,292 33,801 40,491 73,188 70, .530 195,844 9,235 24,864 57 18 12 s 302 5,688 6,179 26,349 12,104 14,245 74,921 63,743 159,896 9,235 18,730 46 29 11 y 410 ii 37 1,372 1,686 6,725 .3,116 3,609 20,250 16,000 22,752 1,623 20,2.50 161 7 J 25 161 5,600 6,433 29,211 13,619 15,592 114,597 167,125 183,488 3, .550 6,750 354 40 7 5 .576 1,544 32,259 36,481 146,699 68,100 78,599 162,132 127,000 298,019 236,(172 36,142 ,096 .50 9 13 8,878 S 160 2,796 3,8,32 17,844 8,129 9,715 75,019 64,518 82,947 5,7 98 34,043 122 22 8 11 32 1,940 1,945 8,257 3,6719 4,618 15, 163 8,0()0 11,726 216 2,506 9 3 3 105 8,016 8,825 46,824 20,793 26,031 57,786 18,,500 16,236 3,547 2,7 36 195 11 4 ■ 64 1,682 1,843 8,735 4,160 4,575 51,938 29,820 57,382 2,568 33, 114 54 21 6 1 198 952 23,382 28,971 126,366 58,808 67,558 339,892 230,900 460,739 36,698 28,020 621 93 39 11 2,010 89 7,8.57 17,217 78,056 36,068 41,988 69,172 126,000 127,069 106,238 29,841 300 22 6 2 1,237 127 1 1 ,424 1 1,856 55,343 25,494 29,849 87,940 85,613 101,9.50 3,288 29,662 /)5 27 13 418 241 6, 156 7,480 33,682 13,813 17,869 314,665 102,350 !i!30,663 11,508 104,837 261 55 S3 6 3,094 27 986 1,163 5,070 2,356 2,714 80,308 26,320 39,775 834 32,661 15 20 9 1 1 .053 292 7,530 11,625 50,825 23,875 26,950 108,509 164,317 177.499 2.5,370 25,007 109 29 9 1 ,353 9 4,315 4,384 23,117 10,425 12,692 26,093 9,7.54 28,4.57 247 14,428 8 3 2 132 4,660 4,995 22,918 10,570 12,318 67,642 100,000 123,837 3,595 44,000 83 16 6 2 92 9,537 294,553 jpa 1,599,068 731,581 864,187 3,804,219 3,037,180 4,79^,342 1,158,782 1,240,032 3,ur 1,092 396 143 44,383 Hental of Houses Asse.sed in 1839. Total Number of PEBSONS, at each of the Six Periods, 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 206 745 26,000 33,718 135,075 60,159 74,916 33,63 1 116,836 122,921 123,082 135,075 1,5,5,387 177,853 119 1,602 15,240 17,368 05,585 40,675 44,910 6,086 63,291 76,101 *71,859 85,585 97 ,316 101,425 141 321 15,407 21,494 103,954 48,506 55,448 $0,606 69,268 75,514 84,306 103,954 127 ,299 145,167 63 223 8,043 8,612 36,668 16,465 20,203 3,564 36.621 38,487 35,807 36,668 43,561 48,604 35 308 5,730 6,867 30,779 14,466 16,313 5,254 24,946 30,875 30,621 30,77 9 33,383 34,034 2 38 2,047 2,618 12,033 5,545 6,488 2,797 6,866 10,563 11,791 12,033 13,797 14 134 45 139 4,301 4,714 23,419 10,608 12,811 it, 536 22,215 24,802 22,609 23,419 30,238 34,529 15 19 1,995 2,781 12,010 5,7 15 6,295 3,276 9,003 8,749 10,858 12,010 13,263 14,729 119 299 11,660 12,964 62,960 29,347 33,613 13,710 41,913 ,62,329 54,597 62,960 27 ,317 73,770 28 90 3,218 4,934 24,189 11,369 12,820 6,481 13,857 18,408 20,710 24,189 70,878 33,211 143 1,167 15,789 35,043 148,607 65,004 83,603 358,292 90,412 122,655 122,954 148,607 191,514 219,345 93 197 6,268 6,854 28,108 12,401 15,707 6,061 28,934 26,080 26,705 28,108 31,162 34,231 137 583 17,518 26,352 101,272 45,968 55,304 20,380 81,570 87,250 93,743 101,272 1 14,556 128,981 124 505 1 6, 1 3.1 24,750 107,264 48,1.51 59,1 13 29,812 68,297 91,001 99,127 107,264 1 13 ,430 139,604 32 500 5,882 7,407 31,164 14,232 16,932 5,439 29,709 28,906 29,986 31,164 35,127 36,14.5 90 2l5 14,646 16,014 78,336 3.5,722 42,614 8,809 64,656 73,979 74,292 78,336 90,157 94,77 9 • 48 283 5,718 6,349 27,439 12,580 14,859 2,3.50 24,346 26,799 26,349 27,439 29,118 31,429 21 53 1,364 1,680 7,245 3,466 3,779 820 4,889 5,302 6,725 7,245 7 ,762 9,072 84 196 6,223 7,380 33,684 15,7 88 17,896 4,975 21,205 26,959 29,21 1 33,684 38,903 40,590 169 1,184 32,040 42,510 191,752 88,688 103,061 170,210 81,726 125,254 146,699 191,752 244,307 316,790 30 186 3,098 4, 101 19,451 8,874 10,577 3,887 16.829 17,570 17,844 19,451 22,685 23,291 17 68 1,945 2,021 8,251 3,530 4,721 714 5,694 6,054 8,257 8,2.51 9,006 9,3.54 16 101 8,230 9,038 46,1.53 20,151 26,002 1,995 38,591 43,239 40,824 46,153 53,124 68,239 8 72 1,740 1,961 9,935 4,846 5,089 2,343 8,908 8,107 8,73.5 9.935 10,046 10 578 165 886 26.404 29,998 135,093 61,034 71,059 26,834 118,903 133,274 126,366 1,3,5,093 139,050 142,822 38 142 8,229 19,798 92,596 41,960 50,636 37,859 26,645 62,8.53 7 8,0.56 92,696 112 ,175 133,443 159 292 12,829 13,574 60,8.53 27,640 33.213 3,370 47,656 55,430 55,343 60,853 68,828 74,838 52 243 6,423 8,.374 37,230 17,113 20, 117 8,162 31,273 32,020 33,682 37,2.30 40,892 43,663 6 35 1,080 1,258 5,889 2,750 3,139 1 .203 4,368 4,314 5,070 5,889 6,637 0,833 55 414 8,910 12,526 58,174 27,745 30,429 14,781 38,813 46,613 .50,825 58,174 6.5,376 72,621 26 42 4,814 4,844 23,629 10,488 13,141 .552 20,774 22,961 23.1 17 23,629 23 ,840 25,518 55 181 5,166 1 5,863 26,891 12,205 14,686 3,984 16,166 20,983 22,9l8 26,891 33,240 36,258 2,311 11,329 304,093 1 402,068 1, 805,08s 8‘i6,191 079,107 809, 3 l,^^05.380 1,526 492 1 ,599,mw 1. SOS. 088 ' «.003,4j6 2,365.930 The Rental of Houses assessed to the House Tax in 1829, will be seen to be considcrablij below the amount of Rental in 181 1, but it will be remembered that in 1823, all Houses of less than £lO Yearly Value wete exempted from the Hnii.se Ta.r ; while previously, a considerable Number below that Value were subject thereto ; Scotland however appears not to contribule a fair tjiiota of direct Tares ; while the I and Rental is one sixth of that of England, the Assessed TavfS are only one fifteenth, and the contribution of all , Scotland, is less, than that of the City of ll'e.riminslcr. Numbei of Houses and Families, in 1801 and 1811 ; Rental; Properties ; and Total Population, at each of Six Periods 1755 — 1831. Xvmoer of Houses Assessed to House and Window Duty ; Rental at which Assessed ; and Amount of Land and Assessed Taxes, in each i^ounty. it!) No. of Houses Assessed to House <.y Window Duty , Rentals at which Assessed; Amount of Lana and Assessed Taxes, in each Co. I CO *0 I" W « 53 CO to !'■ C 5 o CO CO CO O -f CO OI 01 c Ci CO to O CO fh CO CO 04 73 rP 05 Tt T ^ CO 04 OD co" > t'- o FH l-t) 04 04 €0 a •0 r* 0 >0 3 © ? 4 ^ X O 04 •O 05 0 X X 04 5 X X X^ 04 X CO x" -F 04 " x‘ 04 * or - -H ) 05 »o •f >o •f © -t 05 »0 0 »o X , 04 X f X O O X pp 04 04 04 X 04 ) X 04 01 ) o X X FH X X X fh T F- X X 01 *T --' FH 04 or o © © r* X © PH 0 X X 01 © o 04 o PH o »o X 0 X X »o •^ C 5 o X 04 o X X F- 04 pH © 1 - X FH FH 05 " Tf o o ^ X »0 'O 05 'O CO C5 r- 04 'O X c- 1^ X •O' CO 01 CO w •r 2 04 2 •o S r- o CO — 04 -r c: 4-^ -r o -r CO 05 X 01 O 04 CO cc > w « c/: ■= C 71 C.2 * 0 Xt^ 05 iOCOCOfhC^ 10005 * 0 ‘^‘ 0 » o © m X PH X X 0 0 04 04 © 04 © 04 © © 04 r* X X I* s X rf l> X Ft pH pp 1 "* 0 X “F 04 *0 04 X 04 rt X X © •^ 0 04 CO c t- X n c Pi 00 © kO 18 ■'t 'j' © X 0 0 © !>• 0 pH © X © -c 0 0 1 04 X © X © © 0 X X •^ X 04 0 © X M X PH pH 1 04 X © 04 03 IC Ft o> rH »o 04 . 0 © © X X 04 04 X 1 © X pH X X M X X © 04 CO pH Ft 04 X rH X 04 31 •H 't £2 0 04 04 fh 1 pH -H ■rf X tT 04 © Ft 04 X -Si •0 . 0 X X >(f © 0 I 3 » -f 'i' fh rr lO © X l> 05 r* X tC © 0 rf © X 0 »o »o © X 0 X TJ» 05 04 -T PH iM Tf 01 lo 31 0 ■n* 31 »o X -H X 0 X X 0 Pt X fh X 04 . 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Numher of U 0 USES. TOTAL Number of FAMILIES. Proportio Employed in Agriculture, n of FAMILIES, R Trade. Manufactures, or Handicraft. "turned as All other. Building. Uninhabited. Inhabited. 1821. 18.31. 1821. 1831. 1821. 1831. 1821. 1831, 1821. 1831. 1821. 1831. 1821. 1831, Aberdeen 1 13 131 788 511 21,240 22,107 22,767 23,662 11,751 11,5.53 7,558 5,752 3,4.58 6,357 iUirgh 43 39 208 1 96 6,339 7,395 12,9:54 16,268 2,024 1,901 8,471 8,0.56 2,439 6,311 -'rsyle 32 9() 200 1273 510 16,059 17,146 18,:309 19,252 8,989 9,116 3,468 3,241 5,852 6,895 • . . . . J) 87 105 406 439 17,842 19,001 26,645 :50,501 6,207 6,967 15,008 15,193 5,430 8,:i41 iJanff 23 120 126 210 266 8,971 9,814 9,885 10,8.55 4,150 4,264 2,939 2,4.56 2,796 4,i:i5 Bet wick 2 42 13 276 267 5,803 6,159 7,!65 7,385 3,334 2,921 1,923 1,915 1,908 2,549 Bute 33 17 6 30 38 2,205 2,134 2,855 2,998 1,314 832 730 771 811 1,395 Caithtiess ... 2D 58 90 39 94 5,319 6,036 5,944 (),904 3,052 3,580 2,188 1,487 704 1,837 Clackmannan 17 12 9 62 85 2,145 2,391 2,881 3,352 434 385 1,418 1,190 1,029 1,777 Dumbarton 15 18 42 78 109 3.536 3,785 5,341 6,343 1,168 1,099 2,602 3,571 1,571 1,673 JJumfries (5 85 71 285 341 12,248 12,365 14,458 14,096 4,340 4,338 4,706 3,788 5,412 5,970 Edinburgh City . . . 12 150 95 616 582 9,159 10,179 29, 1 93 :35,116 1,759 563 13,517 17,190 13,917 17,323 do. County 59 55 547 527 9,918 9,.565 11,276 12,299 3,071 3,076 5,183 3,864 3,022 5,399 Elgin or Moray 113 98 162 226 6,668 6,919 7,327 7,768 2,676 2,605 2,330 2,:340 2,321 2,823 Fife 18 105 157 527 699 18,944 20,712 25,749 28,864 5,260 4,632 13,748 13,907 6,741 10,325 F’oi far 20 95 97 471 721 14,161 15,705 19,014 21,048 4,807 4,743 11,125 11,448 3,082 4,857 Dundee Burgh... 17 60 105 67 2,651 3,892 7,704 10,682 307 226 4,223 6,828 3,174 3,638 Haddington 3 14 33 379 388 6,230 6,561 7,931 8,080 3,009 2,811 2,947 2,627 1,978 2,642 Inverness Burgh 26 23 15 68 98 2,149 2,125 2,963 3,210 566 529 786 1,015 1,611 1,666 do. County 60 122 345 342 14,906 15,187 15,361 15,836 9,649 9,:i69 1,661 1,738 4,051 4,735 Kincardine 21 50 48 213 217 5,894 6,272 6,685 7,i:36 3,025 2,976 2,301 2,281 1,359 1,879 Kinross 16 11 9 34 43 1,419 1,524 1,827 2,019 446 440 735 819 646 760 Kircudbright 7 57 48 190 146 6,441 6,604 7,912 8,283 3,047 2,826 2,238 2,293 2,627 3,164 Lanark 10 79 78 496 664 15,372 17,147 I9,.541 22,911 4,:187 4,205 11,672 13,106 3,382 5,600 Glasgow City . . . 214 156 1917 1759 31,644 41,598 31,9.56 41,965 496 299 18,104 26,586 13,4.56 15,080 I.inlithuow 18 15 21 96 203 3,302 3,400 4,965 5,014 1,224 1,093 1,817 1,891 1 ,924 2,030 Nairn 25 15 21 54 I 9 2,012 2,074 2,131 2,246 799 742 429 487 903 1,017 Orkney 11 41 30 135 4,931 5,437 5,747 6,:307 3,153 3,094 1,274 1,408 1 ,320 1,805 Shetland 27 30 64 76 4,245 4,859 4,736 5,498 3,451 4,065 250 389 1,035 1,044 Peebles 5 2 14 51 58 1,750 1,789 1,962 2,072 837 736 651 666 474 670 Perth Burgh 11 11 309 182 4,984 2,049 4,984 4,956 52 53 2,374 2,366 2,558 1,537 do. County 19 102 127 651 716 21,734 23,760 25,98() 2(i,793 7,722 7,351 10,149 10,499 8,115 9,993 lienfrew 11 55 42 546 786 10,490 11,153 23,977 28,204 2,725 2,016 15,780 21,071 5,472 5,117 Uoss and Cromarty. . . . 27 146 131 345 352 13,638 15,039 14,506 16,187 7,947 8,498 3,:i5G 2,611 3,203 5,078 lloxburgh 1 27 42 242 226 6.587 6,732 8,639 8,930 3,613 3,134 2,822 2,942 2,204 2,854 Selkirk . . . .’ 4 1 3 35 59 1,081 1,094 1,372 1,391 421 474 409 450 542 4()7 Stirling 14 66 55 338 278 8,984 10,459 13,7:33 15,351 2,600 2,362 6,64 1 6,647 4,492 6,342 Sutherland 28 60 76 21 88 4,654 4,821 4,822 5,005 3,362 3,567 642 409 818 1,029 M igtovvn 3 69 51 150 133 5,819 6,404 6,774 7,514 3,525 3,156 2,089 2,011 1,160 2,347 Total SCOTLAND 2,405 2,568 12,057 12,719 3^11,474 300,393 447,900 .502,301 130,099 12C,.591 193,204 207,259 120,997 Ki8,151 '' fFlint 33 64 147 541 9,973 11,716 10,611 12,138 4,421 4,660 3,531 3,101 2,659 4,377 2 i Denbigh 117 lot! 376 832 14,771 16,368 15,677 17,150 8,625 8,i:l5 4,399 4,478 2,653 4,537 ^ ) Montgomery . 50 62 194 402 10,706 12,169 12,056 13,407 6,594 6,610 3,882 4,198 1,.580 2,599 " 1 Merioneth . . . 23 53 230 238 6,925 (5,968 7,279 7,358 :i,570 3,583 1,4:14 1,815 2,275 1 ,960 rf ^ 1 Carnarvon . . . 99 119 215 434 10,932 13,221 1 1 ,478 14,553 6,890 5,778 2,649 2,997 1,9:19 5,778 M J LAiigiesea 73 53 174 276 8,737 9,683 9,825 10,128 6,187 5,314 1,702 2,141 1,936 2,673 f Radnor 19 18 147 167 4,121 4,4.37 4,779. 4,879 3,182 3,135 941 1 ,028 6.56 716 ' Brecon 63 84 4()8 540 8,425 9,37:5 9,022 9,848 4,039 3,959 3,703 2,954 1 ,280 2,935 H J G lamorgan . . . 161 273 645 1298 19,396 23,843 20,314 26,111 7,126 6,814 8,33(i 8,929 4,852 10,:168 ^ 'l Carmarthen . . 107 186 333 504 16,402 18,920 18,392 20,719 9,628 9,987 4,823 5,299 3,941 5,433 ^ 1 Cardigan 77 115 220 324 11,304 13,045 12,071 13,652 6,312 7,246 2,501 3,243 3,258 3,163 ^ f Pembroke . . . 163 164 503 474 14,491 15,779 15,202 16,595 7,651 7,974 3,779 4,519 3,772 4,102 Total WALES. 085 1,297 3,(i52 0.030 i:i0,183 L55,.522 140.700 100,.5:$H 74,22.5 7:5,195 41,080 44,702 :$o,Hoi 48,011 Total ENGLAND. 18,28'J 2:5,402 00,055 113,885 1,051,073 2,320,022 2,340,717 2,74.5,330 773,732 701,348 1,118,295 1,182,912 4.>4,090 801,070 Total G R EA T RRI TA 1 N. 21,079 27,227 82,:504 132,031 2,42!),030 2,850,!)37 2,911,:$H3 3,114,17.5 97H,(i.5(i lMil,I31 i,:i.50,2:i9 1.431,873 (il2,418 1,018,108 Br ■,j,A ( <^>'enisey ... 21 1 14 107 221 3,08:5 3,i504 4,298 5,3:!3 1,()76 1 ,500 2,175 1 ,827 447 2, ()()(> ( C.O( 1 I Jersev 28 50 41 115 4,053 4,990 5,813 7,292 2,310 2,102 2,7.56 3,490 747 1 ,700 Isles 0/ i M Man 49 62 279 361 (),627 6,864 7,858 8,259 1 3,520 3,053 2,864 1,976 1,474 3,2:io A CLASSIFIED AND STATISTICAL DISPLAY SHOWING THF, PROPOIITION OF THK 3 , 944,511 MALE PERSONS IN GREAT BRITAIN, TWENTY YEARS OF AGE AND UPWARDS, Returned under the Population Act of \\ Geo. IV., c. 30, EMPLOYED OR ENGAGED IN EACH OP 600 VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS OF PRODUCTION OR SERVICE. IN EACH COUNTY IN 1831, ACCOMPANIED BY a Summari) at iloimlatiott AT EACH OF THE FOUR TEN-YEARLY PERIODS, 1801, 1811, 1831, AIVD 183L SHOWING THE NUMBER OK HOUSES INHABITED, UNINHABITED, AND BUILDING, THE NUMBER OF FAMILIES, AND TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS, DISTINGUISHING MALES FROM FEMALES, AT EACH OF THOSE PERIODS, (^C. 4’C- L ,v‘ ■ ’'i' f J >^^ ^'1 'W .1 .i '■' MHiti' - > .‘fSe’ . ,.••-„ (4*^^ p* ,U‘; 4 i ;'. , , ^ ‘ ... • ^ ^ ^ 6*1'“ • ', - '*^«V»' •«('• .''‘njM [ ".■**< *' ‘ v'*^, ** • ~ •**^a ' •*"*y., ..jf ^ 1 - ..ii ( -™ ' **■ , «U|i.V's4* '<*■*- ' ‘.T ' MV I -(.>».< • .‘ k , f)l AI|)hal)cticaI List of the Occupations of tlic 3,011,511 Male I’ersons in Great Britain in 1»31, 20 Years of Ago and upwards, arranged as an OCCUPATIONS. I^IuidU'^ sex. Sumy. litnl. iruru’ic/i:. Stiiffiird. Luncaster W. It. 1,/ York. Nollin;,'- ham. Lv'ues- ter. 1 All Ena- lund. Walts. Scollund (htal llrilaiu. Agri- ( Employing Laborers 1,050 1,873 4,3(il 2,838 3,781 6,()58 7,09(i 2,613 2,65(i 1 11,460 19,728 25,887 187,075 cul- •; not employing do. 490 727 2,152 1,142 3,649 9,711 10,636 2,414 2,145 94,883 19,966 53,9(>6 168,815 tiirislx T/ahonrers . . . . 11,376 16,761 36,113 15, (ill 16,812 20,949 24,502 11,799 10,542 744,407 55,468 87,292 887,167 Total Agriculturists, . 12,916 19,361 42,626 19,624 24,242 37,321 42,234 16,856 15,343 980,750 95,162 107,1 -tJ 1,213,057 Auctioneers 99 524 122 114 58 48 162 118 25 31 2,365 98 360 2,823 Bakers 6 6,209 1,557 1,310 565 353 ] ,089 290 341 479 23,730 371 3,841 27,942 Barbers 100 1,845 437 326 231 161 597 370 132 127 7,580 133 736 8,449 Basket Makers 77 529 180 170 103 124 319 236 100 96 4,381 144 268 4,793 Blacksmiths 22 3,106 1,506 1,838 1,105 1,373 3,46(i 2,496 649 578 45,405 3,557 9,200 58,162 Block Makers 113 37 31 14 - _ - - 193 3 - - - - 195 17 53 265 lloat-builders& Sliipwiights 111 928 575 1,654 78 81 989 104 44 63 11,272 577 2,035 13,884 Bookbinders 106 1,421 171 57 82 25 221 130 34 10 3,023 88 488 3,599 Booksellers 107 1,044 130 97 76 29 153 115 37 40 2,732 55 540 3,327 Brass Workers 68 1,607 162 91 1,837 356 402 121 68 41 6,314 78 459 6,851 Brewers 14 563 257 236 193 40 612 174 63 48 4,862 81 822 5,765 Bricklayers 52 4,864 455 1,691 1,672 586 1,139 1,191 1,785 904 591 582 28,939 9,465 212 442 29,593 9,864 Brick Makers 51 229 508 747 684 412 318 283 169 230 Brokers 101 932 190 90 80 14 330 72 15 26 2,431 7 203 2,641 Brush Makers; 78 392 186 9 119 33 220 73 32 7 1,613 2 143 1,758 Builders 49 825 102 148 214 121 323 203 53 66 4,341 147 716 5,204 Butchers 7 4,069 1,121 1,222 917 901 2,100 2,163 666 672 31,026 1,177 3,015 35,218 Cabinet Makers 79 4,921 735 266 471 249 1,691 1,532 287 125 17,646 465 3,663 21,774 Capitalists, Bankers, Profes- | sional Sc other Educated Men ( 49,457 14,235 5,503 4,012 3,569 17,614 8,354 2,093 1,421 179,983 5,204 29,203 214,390 Carpenters 57 12,354 3,935 3,393 2,214 1,477 6,267 3,938 1,053 1,036 83,810 4,601 14,836 103,247 Carriers ............ 63 828 375 191 400 271 95 329 25 2,367 189 1,023 141 214 12,324 2,575 511 14 6,024 265 18,859 2,854 Carvers and Gilders . . 80 1,345 47 76 20 13 Cattle Dealers 20 4 5 4 9 9 7 16 6 12 480 5 44 529 Caulkers 112 631 150 178 - _ - _ 11 11 - - - _ 1,215 17 20 1,252 Chair Makers 81 57 109 2 17 10 51 4 21 4 790 1 11 802 Cheesemongers 8 1,395 265 65 32 39 59 43 8 12 2,424 24 93 2,541 Chemists and Druggists 96 1,001 222 190 163 93 459 268 82 64 4,753 175 495 5,423 Clock & M'^atch Makers 73 2,558 223 207 468 129 1,114 270 81 65 7,720 228 944 8,8S1 Clothiers 37 669 88 58 74 36 142 - - 15 47 1,870 155 760 2,785 Coach Makers 60 2,016 265 109 241 90 352 146 45 38 5,030 44 323 5,397 Coach Owners 61 1,462 566 485 321 109 820 415 84 173 8,557 266 1,691 10,514 Coal Merchants 18 1,210 394 234 293 83 324 181 no 75 5,167 148 398 5,713 Comb Makers 82 106 81 1 89 - - 51 21 3 - - 444 * — 211 655 Coopers 24 1,645 1,015 679 i:i 295 257 151 222 819 339 73 5 101 9,530 2,302 702 . 8 3,014 353 13,246 2,663 Copperplate Printers ) & Engravers ^ 109 18 140 504 78 8 Cork Cutters 83 191 37 2 12 11 69 8 4 — „ 522 2 207 731 Corn Dealers 19 618 231 141 62 35 339 284 33 27 2,957 94 426 3,477 Curriers 27 783 425 143 145 138 393 353 84 63 5,086 1,522 291 5 635 157 6,012 1,68A Cutlers 71 634 71 2^ 135 22 81 159 17 21 Defective 123 — — - - 227 138 50 1,383 2,238 22 103 9,884 435 42 10,361 Dry Salters 97 512 90 20 16 6 92 88 2 1 928 2 70 1,000 Dyers 98 1,219 550 230 40 135 34 1,915 363 1,114 299 125 24 228 82 6,517 3,440 127 227 1,223 595 7,867 4,262 Earthenware Dealers.. 84 237 118 69 137 Earriers 21 590 172 99 66 52 159 142 49 44 3,224 116 258 3,598 Feather Dressers 119 114 9 2 2 3 19 2 — — — — 188 9 11 208 Fell-monp'ers ........ 28 102 191 86 63 28 21 107 196 115 82 105 56 39 3 53 17 2 2,022 3,394 493 74 103 3 217 372 65 2,313 3,869 561 Fish-mongers 12 945 287 181 30 Flax Dressers 118 10 1 1 1 34 Fruiterers 10 470 132 153 75 65 91 71 18 16 1,705 34 196 1,935 Furriers 46 390 73 5 6 3 60 5 2 3 754 9 33 796 Glass Cutters 85 327 108 - - 114 93 62 21 — _ — 793 — — 70 863 Glaziers 50 2,272 602 616 484 306 784 518 139 125 11,084 243 672 11,999 Glovers 41 278 56 45 16 11 17 13 2 17 1,441 99 75 1,615 31 3,970 646 1,040 951 529 1,225 516 37 1,112 78 1,138 49 279 21 340 7 18,217 2,700 415 18 3,515 168 22,147 2,886 Gun Makers 72 66 41 Harness Makers 25 709 174 172 185 60 79 85 70 65 3,984 67 265 4,316 Hatters and Hosiers . . 40 1,389 1,407 132 458 87 1,415 432 134 278 9,095 452 1,311 10,858 Horse Dealers 62 626 130 149 110 48 173 113 31 42 2,769 44 458 3,271 House Painters ...... 59 4,439 1,109 418 286 198 1,690 641 — — 121 13,839 235 1,579 1 5,653 Hucksters 34 764 198 206 511 660 1,057 643 211 271 9,257 200 1,424 10,881 Iron Founders 64 467 205 43 297 507 846 554 45 90 4,940 258 684 5,882 Ironmongers 65 866 168 105 226 214 301 173 54 38 30 42 11 3,862 1 4,779 100 31 567 421 4,529 5,231 J ewellers 74 2,680 173 80 860 28 138 Index to the following Classification, the Nnnibers in the Column of Occupations below, referring to the Columns of the Classification. OCCUrATlONS. LAiiounEKS otlier than in Agri- Middle- sex* Surrey. Kent. lK«r- wick. Stafford. Lancas- ter. W. R. of York. Notting- ham. Leices- ter. All Eng- land. Wales. Scotlaiid. Great Britain. culinic, suchasMinc'is, (inai- ( lynicn, Uoiulstcis, I'islici- i 79,735 24,878 15,245 10,358 22,090 60,548 33,885 5,028 3,701 500,950 31,571 76,191 608,712 men, &c. 6c,c I. ace Dealers 4 :i 300 31 8 40 9 37 24 80 162 1,055 3 47 1,105 Land Jobbers 48 41 8 27 85 02 124 17 — — 2 558 25 70 851 Lath Renders 117 23 13 12 7 3 17 290 5 18 313 1-ime Rurners 50 2(5 55 119 50 02 75 203 38 32 2,415 405 302 3,122 Linen Drapers 88 2,879 515 493 301 217 1,012 719 192 181 11,809 412 1,380 13,601 Nlallsters 5 49 85 125 315 341 117 808 222 144 0,124 424 431 0,979 Manufacturers .... 1 1 ,004 2,085 478 11,375 20,755 97,517 74,089 14,260 12,240 314,108 6,218 83,993 404,317 'Marble Cutters 88 289 48 25 45 25 83 56 8 15 1,455 64 221 1,740 IMasons 53 1,592 412 240 479 411 3,203 3,958 330 120 31,031 3,577 13,947 49,155 ftlat Makers 120 9 13 — — 17 _ — — — - - 3 7 143 - - 4 147 IMilkmen 11 1,348 282 195 222 133 533 232 178 87 5,210 63 516 5,795 IM illers ... 4 199 335 688 329 308 788 1,077 384 272 15,921 1,212 2,603 19,71)6 IMillwrigbts 3 159 198 62 33 24 84 52 62 17 1 ,489 35 337 1 ,881 ^Miscellaneous, 4,383 1,745 119 205 110 974 1,494 267 20 12,084 206 1,878 14,299 Nailors 88 4 — _ _ — 99 — — 540 78 38 9 1 ,874 142 60 1 ,882 Nightmen 102 108 44 28 90 30 131 51 17 10 880 23 549 1,458 IVon-Droducers 22,549 10,750 14,570 3,729 4,245 11,229 10,386 2,339 2,. 509 189,389 11,180 34,930 235,499 Old Clothes Dealers .. 47 1,080 187 51 62 77 251 103 66 24 2,837 46 178 2,861 Opticians 78 488 83 7 55 38 50 19 2 2 798 1 69 858 Paper Makers 29 389 135 531 52 43 301 214 20 8 3,044 63 457 4,184 Pastry Cooks 13 811 180 103 89 58 152 91 45 36 2,703 52 348 3,101 Patten Makers 87 118 48 28 71 62 518 160 19 23 1,709 38 83 1,830 Pawnbrokers 103 468 102 51 64 21 280 61 23 10 1,403 5 76 1,544 Pipe Makers 88 151 59 49 27 3 159 39 16 9 896 15 10 921 Plasterers 54 1,725 321 107 220 114 1,326 590 41 47 8,130 298 1,255 9,883 Poulterers 9 325 77 48 30 8 23 14 12 10 1,081 6 97 1,183 Printers 105 3,097 6.57 98 185 78 695 243 40 44 7,090 114 1,138 8,342 l^rintsellers 110 270 19 10 24 30 25 29 2 7 550 5 38 593 Professional Men, ttc.. see Capital! sts. I’ublicans 15 4,804 l,o79 1,997 1,526 2,233 5,455 3,553 805 979 52,021 3,070 5,-540 61,231 Retailers, &c.»* f Rope Makers 115 610 283 287 101 113 802 340 67 51 5,084 118 816 0,598 Saddlers 89 829 140 145 300 144 500 361 54 58 5,439 391 1,134 0,964 Sail Makers 114 144 81 93 _ _ — ^ 01 o 15 4 _ _ 1,114 24 98 1,238 Sawyers 58 1,809 893 892 434 489 1,383 588 205 152 15,178 858 3,145 19,181 Servants, Domestic. . 19,580 4,131 2,978 1,562 1,365 2,791 2,249 723 828 70,829 2,145 5,895 78,889 Shipwrights 111 see Boat Builders Shoemakers 38 15,274 3,931 3,438 2,879 3,402 8,470 7,008 1,949 1,585 110,122 5,819 17,307 133,248 Shopkeepers 38 3,188 988 971 528 690 4,143 2,818 570 535 31,312 1,724 5,214 38,150 Silk Mercers 39 582 29 25 51 29 73 25 22 25 1,140 19 188 1,327 Silversmiths 75 201 32 1 277 — — — _ 5 - - 009 - - 101 710 Slaters 55 204 74 25 74 28 498 200 13 15 2,498 504 1,539 4,539 Soot & Chimney Sweeps 104 423 81 82 71 82 100 159 53 30 2,230 34 154 2,418 Spirit Dealers 18 257 24 37 61 54 238 187 18 35 1 ,887 88 2,058 4,031 .Stationers 105 1,290 175 79 42 20 129 48 12 15 2,378 26 393 2,797 Stay Makers 44 99 23 7 7 _ „ 43 37 5 !'i 410 - - 2 412 Straw Plait & Bonnet Dealers 42 371 77 70 61 47 82 72 28 28 1 1,878 87 100 2,043 Tailors 13,783 2,085 1,570 1,588 1,354 5,225 3,833 1,058 829 80,188 3,.320 10,508 74,054 'fallow Chandlers .... 130 934 194 111 59 52 280 140 31 41 3,199 122 271 3,592 'I'anners 28 56 913 138 117 82 290 312 70 21 4,521 311 717 5,549 'I’ea Dealers 32 571 148 114 01 94 295 199 88 95 3,159 130 167 3,456 'I'inmen 09 1,140 181 141 182 63 470 281 54 42 4,471 168 574 5,211 'fobacconists 90 711 129 30 24 10 24-2 115 18 5 1,718 11 495 2,224 'fovnien 91 436 88 24 178 13 35 15 8 8 1,080 18 ()3 1,139 'frunk Makers 92 133 33 3 386 1 10 8 1 — — 245 - 3 ' 248 'I'urners 93 1,251 277 95 389 103 7'2‘2 336 131 80 5,180 112 830 5,902 Umbrella Makers .... 48 198 27 2 41 . — 21 4 — _ — — 349 - - 32 381 Undertakers 95 493 97 45 4 17 19 15 1 13 951 10 1(H) 1,121 Upholsterers 94 1,724 123 84 70 40 212 87 21) 10 2,421 11 500 2,932 M'eavers 121 — _ — _ 72 — — _ — — _ - 958 - - - 958 AVharfingers 118 159 90 35 45 38 41 37 39 13 808 27 49 t)82 ^Vheelwrights 23 1,024 520 890 381 782 1,187 1,128 328 287 17,444 818 1,288 19,550 M^hitesmiths 70 1,822 357 134 ()44 5(54 1,135 !)2‘2 178 113 9,007 105 431 9,543 W ine Dealers 17 589 78 54 34 27 49 39 12 18 1,419 15 1(50 1 ,594 M ire Drawers 87 71 — _ — — ^ 1 0*2 232 — — _ — 339 38 - - 375 ire Workers II 72 51', _ 4 31 89 11 _ — 331 4 8 343 Wool Combers 122 1 87 44 43 7 102 1,828 2 218 2,882 4 1 2,887 upwards SoSj-Vil 1 19,56.5 115,655 1 83,2*9 1 101,632 313,097 23 ,666 56,682 * 4<»,812 1 191,706 i 5T>,S21 A Classified and ST Population Act of 11 Gco. IV. cap. 30. [1331] COUNTWS, arranged in Order of Total Poim;lation, in 1831. 1 Middlesex ....... 2 Lancaster 3 York, West Riding 4 Devon 5 Surrey (5 Kent 7 Start'ord 8 Somerset 0 Norfolk 10 Gloucester 11 AVarwick 12 Chester 13 Lincoln 314.03 2(50, 02 108.04 101,0li 100,07 07,14 83,05 84,57 84,29 83,44 72,59 64,95 65,9cl 14 Essex 65,3^ 15 Hants 61,63 16 Cornwall 59,81 17 Suffolk 61,53 18 Sussex 52,7 19 Durham 54,73 20 ^Vilts 54,ei 21 Derby • • . 48,3] 22 Nottingham 44,93 23 Salop 46,4 24 Northumberland .... 48,3] 25 AVorcester ... 45,5] 26 Leicester 42, ij 27 York, North Riding. . 40,7 28 Northampton 39,ll 29 Cumberland 34,8] 30 York, East Riding .. 36,7j 31 Dorset 33,6| 32 Oxford 31,7' 33 Bucks 31,8. 34 Berks 31,0 35 Cambridge 30,2 36 Hertford 29,2 37 Hereford 23,5 38 Monmouth 19,9 Rpflforfl .. *>0 0 40 Westmoreland 10 9 41 Huntingdon 11,2 42 York City and Ainsty 7,7 43 Rutland 4,1 Total ENGLAND. ( South I g C O srj 5 S. East Counties 3 S. West do. Ayr Lanark Renfrew Edinburgh 5 Middle Counties Fife Perth Forfar & Kincardine Aberdeen 1 Banff, Elgin, & Nairn Inverness, & 5 N. C. Argyde & Bute L Total SCOTLAND. British f Cfuernsey . . . . ISLES . ) I Man 2 , 745 , 1 " 74,7i 91.81 27,8| 29.81 30,5 64,8 28,2 47,4j 32,0 28.81 31.7 38.8 39.9 20 , 8 | 58,91 22,2i 502,31' 5,3j 7.2| 8 , 2 | 1. Mani{facturtT» fur :STIC CONHUniPTION. I) FA LRUS. TAILORS. Co ft: Ui ■s O fe: CO V O Z Z c h a Crocerso u "3 Cl e General Shoopkeepers. 1 Hucksters. I Currieri. 1 1 Fell-mongers. 1 1 1 1 Pajter Makers. '• ' 1 Tallow ! Chandlers. 783 102 389 034 3,070 571 3,186 764 13,783 15,274 1 3J)3 107 301 266 1,112 205 4,143 1,057 5,225 8,470 2 353 115 214 140 1,138 100 2,618 643 3,833 7,008 3 180 101 200 134 452 87 857 244 2,136 4,253 4 425 101 135 104 1,040 146 088 198 2,065 3,031 5 143 86 531 111 051 114 071 20(i 1,570 3,436 6 138 28 43 52 516 94 600 560 1,354 3,402 7 130 74 114 113 333 84 017 244 1,588 3,296 8 115 47 94 50 421 66 928 277 1,440 3,620 9 212 35 85 107 484 117 755 244 1,763 3,618 10 145 53 52 59 529 61 528 511 1,588 2,879 11 103 23 76 58 274 50 975 314 1,343 3,008 12 102 74 31 34 387 36 721 160 1,471 2,769 13 89 48 11 52 247 38 839 200 885 2,274 14 74 43 93 58 546 61 826 155 1,259 2,448 15 114 40 23 51 140 43 804 112 714 1,759 16 79 28 14 37 243 68 774 221 1,028 2,613 17 81 47 60 47 506 53 568 213 947 2,097 18 144 39 118 62 267 113 617 199 1,017 2,062 19 50 37 32 48 232 48 620 137 695 1,507 20 76 31 43 37 266 45 644 118 893 1,911 21 84 57 20 31 279 86 570 211 1,056 1,949 22 90 26 69 34 225 30 364 145 891 2,001 23 112 35 63 45 330 69 480 203 1,191 2,070 24 77 75 23 37 196 36 335 276 834 1,706 25 63 53 8 41 340 95 535 271 829 1,585 26 75 29 22 47 238 21 520 161 987 1,801 27 104 18 10 38 218 24 393 176 745 3,730 28 68 20 16 41 256 84 410 108 707 1,252 29 71 21 10 44 277 34 489 148 971 1,656 30 51 22 11 32 161 37 393 95 524 1,442 31 40 31 53 22 215 17 334 93 680 1,115 32 25 19 220 9 181 22 314 105 420 998 33 45 25 68 21 273 59 384 68 583 1,161 34 26 11 1 18 181 22 300 55 639 972 35 24 34 234 17 211 28 325 105 505 914 36 38 30 14 17 81 15 244 36 480 975 37 27 24 53 25 106 24 244 75 338 732 38 17 18 3 3 118 10 232 46 336 636 39 25 8 38 10 88 17 95 26 243 465 40 22 21 30 3 60 1 130 26 223 421 41 59 25 10 10 107 34 96 31 275 536 42 5 12 1 1 21 5 50 8 106 167 43 5,086 2,022 3,644 3,109 18,217 3,159 31,312 9,257 60,166 110,122 140 37 38 49 246 46 832 10] 1,324 2,405 151 44 24 73 169 84 893 99 2,002 3,421 30 32 29 21 124 — 320 102 639 916 23 2 12 21 144 38 392 105 657 1,033 40 57 3 15 230 21 295 115 564 1,462 179 30 4 34 914 34 923 177 1,458 2,009 18 6 33 15 366 4 147 105 510 763 104 70 161 66 425 21 300 316 1,574 2,409 78 11 123 25 210 10 371 102 563 1,122 32 3 17 23 145 4 299 84 444 808 1 29 4 30 15 128 12 402 71 656 1,154 52 2 — 12 219 13 320 90 727 1,304 31 — 45 16 424 4 404 55 835 1,484 4 — — 4 79 • 211 35 393 789 10 — — 2 62 2 612 22 1,045 1,421 5 — — 2 45 — 218 45 503 633 635 217 457 271 3,515 167 5,214 1,424 10,568 17,307 18 2 6 47 4 81 5 150 388 7 1 - - 16 - — 22 — — 27. 28. 29. 30. 31, .32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Number of Column. A Classified and STATISTICAL DISPLAY of the OCCUPATIONS of the Male Persons in GREAT BRITAIN returned under the Population Act of 11 Geo. IV. cap. 30 [1331] coisriFs, ttrrtiHgeti in Ordei of Total Popi lation, I tN 1831. 3 a: to 01 ). DRINK. FUEL. OccupHtioii,^ dependant on AGRICULTURE. Manufacturers fur DOMESTIC CON SU M PTI ON. DEALERS. cc 1 "3 «0 w «0 U .e c§ be 1 J O W S 0. E W s s •2 W be K 1 ti 1 i o O S cu E & S S3 0 1 <« V. V "c Coal Dealers E K O "o 1 w ,fejo C 3 1 I o « • fe-g k ■«* *1 Cl e G — Tot.\i, Population. F-'flmilitjt, j Pcrsotxs. £ 1 J E E fee e 1 i Qw 1 |1 General Shoopkeepers. £ 1 a; 1 Midillfsex 1 114.039 11 ,3.58,3-30 59 199 49 5,-209 4,069 395 325 470 1,318 945 811 563 4,804 1 257 509 1,210 518 4 590 3,106 1,024 1,645 709 56 783 102 389 934 3,970 571 3,186 761 i I.ancastor ; 260.025 1 ,336,854 (>4 788 117 1 ,089 2,100 59 23 91 ; 533 196 152 612 5,455 238 49 324 339 7 160 3,466 1 ,487 819 79 290 393 107 .301 •266 1,112 295 4,143 1 057 5 225 o \ ork. osi UuUnfi; . -j 198,646 07d,lV>0 52 1.077 606 •290 2,163 43 14 71 232 82 91 1 174 3,553 167 39 181 ‘284 16 142 2,496 1,1-28 339 85 312 3.53 115 214 140 1,138 199 2,618 643 4 Devon , 101,911 494,478 36 692 330 861 1 ,052 41 35 45 1 2-24 139 • 68 104 1,602 89 27 139 34 7 no 2,155 527 425 105 277 180 101 209 134 452 87 857 ‘244 d Surrey 109,077 486,334 196 335 i 85 1,557 1,121 •265 77 132 282 287 180 2.57 1,579 24 76 394 ‘231 5 172 1 ,506 520 679 174 913 425 191 135 194 1,040 146 088 108 2 005 (5 k t'llt 97.142 479,154 62 686 125 1,310 1 ,222 05 48 153 ! 195 181 103 236 1,997 37 54 234 141 4 99 1,838 690 295 172 138 143 86 531 111 951 114 071 206 1 570 * Mattord 83,953 410,512 24 368 341 353 901 39 8 55 j 133 21 58 40 2,230 54 27 83 35 9 52 1 ,‘373 782 222 60 62 138 28 43 52 516 94 690 8 Somerset ! 84,571 404,-200 41 393 , -221 862 1,190 27 30 28 1 178 63 88 142 1,455 36 29 153 47 12 88 1 ,524 257 333 135 124 139 74 114 113 333 84 917 244 1 0 Norfolk 84,2-32 390,051 44 ' 800 i 213 828 816 8 29 30 1 1-20 154 j 5() 168 1,861 50 26 144 84 48 116 1,530 673 279 233 1-22 115 47 94 59 421 66 928 277 1 440 10 Gloucester 83,446 387,019 50 318 •279 963 1,081 45 32 32 106 50 118 183 1,471 (»6 32 158 102 31 109 1,457 371 447 104 113 212 35 85 107 481 117 244 11 M ar'vick 72,537 336,610 33 329 1 315 505 917 32 30 75 22*2 30 89 193 1,.5‘26 61 34 293 02 9 56 1,105 381 257 185 117 145 53 52 59 529 61 528 511 1 58ft li Chester 64,955 334,391 •20 I 331 ! 39 •281 762 49 9 27 1-27 23 57 141 1,251 55 36 104 54 11 49 1 ,062 560 1.50 26 166 103 23 76 58 274 50 975 314 1 ,343 13 Lincoln 65,903 317,4(56 37 ; 817 i 1.57 470 843 11 •23 19 1 71 100 34 114 1,387 38 16 1 19 39 33 1-28 1 ,254 623 136 121 97 102 74 31 34 387 36 721 169 1,471 14 E ssex 65,319 317,507 5(> j 669 217 0(>5 794 24 59 47 5(> 110 39 95 1,195 19 34 75 79 52 101 1,141 632 162 224 78 89 48 11 52 247 38 839 200 885 lo Hants 64,652 314,280 52 1 388 ! •241 778 607 •20 •26 39 119 83 90 210 1,491 31 51 123 60 8 57 1,316 444 182 118 86 74 43 93 58 546 61 826 155 1,250 10 Cornwall 59,816 300,938 12 621 130 156 457 1 2 7 36 03 24 52 823 23 7 53 22 — 32 1 ,349 178 207 18 109 114 40 23 51 140 43 804 112 714 17 Suffolk 61,533 •296,317 55 J 752 1 266 413 624 13 29 26 59 95 30 92 1,048 33 21 51 38 34 134 1 ,242 G45 229 189 76 79 28 14 37 243 68 774 221 1,028 18 S ussex 52,716 272,340 42 500 j 94 547 655 23 42 32 88 66 31 146 793 28 50 93 57 3 90 1 ,080 487 130 131 102 81 47 60 47 o0(» 53 668 213 047 19 Durham 54,73l> •253,910 41 i 391 1 47 235 656 30 — 10 33 21 25 115 1,073 74 9 24 16 — 49 1,505 237 146 9 100 144 39 118 62 267 113 617 199 1,017 •20 D ills 54,659 '.240,160 34 1 264 166 468 415 23 14 12 49 15 42 53 807 20 5 78 32 23 57 875 232 137 114 39 50 37 32 48 •232 48 620 137 48,3-20 •237,170 9 1 275 148 231 627 16 5 23 47 16 33 37 1,171 10 1 89 22 5 51 829 364 104 66 67 76 31 43 37 266 45 644 116 893 •2‘2 Nottingham 44,936 •2-25,3-27 62 1 384 , 222 344 666 8 12 18 178 39 45 03 865 16 12 no 33 6 49 649 326 73 70 70 84 57 20 31 279 86 570 211 1,056 *23 Salop 46,427 222,938 10 i 306 j •296 175 556 11 1 7 30 31 10 12 821 28 14 31 10 5 78 972 661 159 12 72 90 26 69 34 •225 30 364 145 891 24 Northumberland .... 48,364 -2-22,912 80 371 42 238 550 29 5 8 12 17 20 123 707 61 12 12 24 5 33 1,208 221 223 12 165 112 35 63 45 330 69 480 203 1,191 25 D orcester 45,512 211,365 16 206 192 288 466 13 5 19 53 23 36 32 834 30 10 1 19 29 5 43 843 324 175 29 77 77 75 23 37 196 36 335 276 834 26 Leicester 42,142 197,003 17 272 144 479 672 12 10 16 87 17 36 48 079 35 16 75 27 12 44 578 ■267 101 G5 21 63 53 8 41 340 95 535 271 829 27 li ork, North Kiding. . 40.760 190,750 19 302 41 160 522 11 6 34 62 139 19 76 872 45 15 55 46 13 40 903 366 1-20 •24 86 75 29 22 47 238 21 520 161 987 28 Northampton 39,163 179,336 14 262 153 5()0 536 4 11 10 27 13 20 00 852 15 10 55 37 14 51 547 290 102 68 43 104 18 10 38 218 24 393 176 745 •29 Cumberland 34,820 169.681 2 322 30 78 273 4 1 6 33 26 12 70 748 56 5 19 23 2 14 824 116 166 4 83 68 20 16 41 256 84 410 108 707 30 T ork. East Riding . . 168,891 34 379 .42 175 454 8 15 17 118 04 33 78 761 52 7 62 50 18 42 661 419 206 16 104 71 21 10 44 277 34 489 148 971 .............. 159,252 21 202 79 301 354 3 J 10 8 109 31 17 67 574 12 1 1 22 25 5 31 609 122 157 78 61 51 11 32 161 37 393 95 5-24 Us lord 31,770 152,156 12 174 108 528 358 3 22 19 34 38 53 41 801 18 ! 20 56 51 28 47 480 •251 82 63 11 40 31 53 22 215 17 334 93 680 33 Bucks 31,849 L46,529 — 170 50 431 363 2 19 21 8 18 16 37 686 6 5 32 28 6 37 457 230 49 57 32 25 19 220 9 181 *22 314 105 420 2 197 109 492 33u 10 1 3 20 40 32 23 94 747 10 29 GO 58 — 43 553 310 9*2 1 lii 34 45 25 63 21 •273 50 384 68 583 •So Uambndge 30,210 143,955 5 269 35 •241 379 7 23 •22 41 25 43 81 762 19 1 51 23 9 43 463 215 74 69 12 26 11 1 18 181 22 300 55 639 36 Hertford 29,250 143,341 25 274 84 349 355 4 16 15 29 38 22 66 860 0 10 72 51 9 41 498 257 78 101 26 24 31 234 17 211 28 325 105 505 *# * J 1 1 1 ,-2 1 1 17 188 63 90 248 3 1 (! 3 12 5 12 281 11 6 24 11 4 25 531 U4G 149 IG 54 3H 30 14 17 81 15 244 36 480 3o Monmouth 19,911 98,130 7 118 63 66 172 21 — 1 20 33 20 22 559 15 9 34 13 3 23 516 97 59 19 29 27 24 53 •25 106 24 •244 75 338 39 Bedford . . 20,016 95,483 1 114 24 226 •233 1 14 15 6 11 6 1 427 4 8 18 39 10 22 257 140 38 41 17 17 18 3 3 118 10 232 46 336 40 45 estmoreland 10,984 55,041 — 99 39 45 102 1 1 7 2 18 201 20 1 18 8 — 15 236 88 43 7 43 25 8 38 10 88 17 95 26 •243 41 Huntingdon 11,278 53,192 18 88 27 140 160 4 12 8 7 20 6 26 314 — 3 22 14 2 15 171 77 24 44 10 2*2 21 30 3 60 1 130 26 223 42 T ork City and Ainsty 7.704 35,362 6 62 11 57 1-28 9 5 5 57 16 32 32 220 13 12 31 5 1 7 88 43 27 9 23 59 25 10 10 107 34 96 31 275 43 Rutland 4,191 19,385 2 1 29 13 63 71 — — 5 2 4 1 5 108 2 5 0 — 2 7 72 36 10 10 5 5 12 1 1 21 50 8 106 Total ENGLAND. 2,745,33(i 13,0&1,005 1,189 15,921 0,124 23,730 31,020 2,42 i 1,001 1,705 5,210 3,394 2,703 4,8C2 52,021 1,887 1,419 , 6,IG7 2,957 480 3,224 45,405 17,444 9,530 3,9ai 4,521 5,0SG 2,022 3,04-1 3,109 18,217 3,159 31,312 9,257 G0,1GU WALES.y 74,734 360,2 1 1 19 568 236 178 618 12 3 26 •20 42 14 27 1,340 37 7 77 55 2 68 1,241 599 198 24 164 140 37 38 49 ■246 46 832 101 1 ,3-24 1 ^outa 91,804 445,97 1 18 644 188 193 559 12 2 8 43 61 38 54 1,7-26 49 8 71 39 3 49 2,3-22 219 509 43 147 151 44 24 73 169 84 893 99 •2,002 'o S. East Counties . . 27,858 131,267 14 249 16 288 163 1 9 18 6 55 287 20 _ 9 32 15 22 720 96 131 2 34 30 32 29 21 124 — 320 102 639 3 S. AV est do. 29,893 150,618 7 204 7 104 157 3 4 3 2 24 9 21 399 76 2 17 31 3 12 657 46 no 9 57 23 2 12 21 144 38 392 105 657 Ayr 30,501 1 145,055 — 116 6 217 159 22 1 1 12 1 12 34 275 116 6 19 22 8 13 498 81 99 — 43 40 57 3 15 ■230 21 295 115 564 Lanark 64,876 j 316,819 11 175 88 594 535 54 39 133 125 111 53 73 1,047 199 14 100 44 4 94 591 116 186 204 75 179 30 4 34 914 34 923 177 1,458 . Renfrew 28,204 133,443 49 10 268 155 10 20 75 38 20 5;^ 198 351 1 39 21 - 5 459 14 345 — 42 18 6 33 15 366 4 147 105 510 Edinburgh 47,415 1 219,345 43 146 41 845 492 4 25 •26 223 21 99 133 434 743 91 81 159 _ 27 1,115 31 317 21 173 104 70 161 66 425 •21 300 316 1,574 s o Middle Counties . . 32,079 152,9-24 6 153 65 325 186 1 1 — 17 19 14 04 494 74 0 29 26 1 3 728 36 137 - 95 78 11 1-23 25 210 10 371 102 563 Fife 28,864 1-28,839 21 119 25 335 P22 1 2 4 26 23 16 69 297 52 7 23 16 _ 12 504 133 136 10 29 32 3 17 23 145 4 299 84 444 Perth 31,749 142,894 6 250 45 177 150 3 4 13 6 16 81 506 82 7 20 15 1 15 641 07 99 1 28 29 4 30 15 128 12 402 71 G5(i Forfar & Kincardine 38,866 171,037 188 302 4 259 181 2 1 7 32 41 117 427 206 6 25 22 4 12 849 75 no 6 46 52 2 — 12 •219 13 320 90 727 Aberdeen 39,9.30 177,657 15 316 29 206 488 9 4 3 19 45 43 320 53 14 12 19 I 21 1,016 140 250 5 38 31 — 45 16 424 4 404 55 835 Banff , Elgin, & Nairi 20,869 92,189 13 155 17 68 88 _ 14 7 36 153 27 1 10 12 1 14 396 109 191 3 G 4 — — 4 79 — 211 35 393 Inverness, & 5 N. C 58,947 •287,903 313 26 77 102 1 80 8 31 435 65 4 5 3 4 2 698 230 763 2 11 10 — — 2 62 2 612 22 1,045 Argyle & Bute. . .. 22,2.50 11.5,124 13 116 52 55 37 - - - 15 12 268 33 1 3 - 1 328 93 137 2 5 5 — — 2 45 — 218 45 503 L Total SCOTLAND. : 502,301 2,365,114 337 2,663 431 3,841 3,015 93 97 196 512 372 340 822 5,440 2058 160 398 426 44 258 9,200 1,288 3,014 265 717 635 217 457 •271 3,515 167 5,214 1,4-24 10,508 BrilUh ) V'^ernsey . . . 5,333 26,128 ISLES. J 36,502 41 65 45 1 10 16 7 8 255 16 9 6 2 _ 1 133 17 36 2 7 18 — 2 6 47 4 81 5 150 t. AJ ail 8,2.59 41,000 — — 49 46 - 1 1 — 5 20 — I 2 - 3 176 21 43 3 - 7 1 - - 16 - — Number of Column. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 15. 10. 17. 1 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 1 32. 33. 34. 35. *0 fis ta c 9 ^ J* 5 3 1.5, -274 1 8,470 2 7,008 3 4,253 4 3,931 5 3,436 6 3,402 7 3,290 8 3,629 9 3,618 10 2,879 11 3,098 12 •2,769 13 2,274 14 2,448 15 1,7.59 16 2,613 17 2,097 18 2,062 19 1,507 •20 1,911 •21 1,949 •22 ‘2,001 •23 2,079 •24 1,796 •25 1,585 26 1,801 ■27 3,730 28 1,252 29 1 ,(>56 30 1,412 31 1,115 32 998 33 1,161 34 972 35 914 36 975 37 732 38 686 39 465 40 421 41 536 42 167 43 110,122 2,405 3,421 910 1 ,033 1,462 2,009 763 2,409 1,1 -22 808 1 1 , 1 54 1,304 1,484 789 1,421 633 17,307 388 — 3(i. A CLASSinEn, and STATISTICAL DISPLAY, of the O CCUP ATIONS of the 3 , 944,511 Male Persons in GREAT BRITAIN returned under the Population Act of 11 Geo. IV. cap. .30. [18.31] CLOTHIXG SHELTER, —BUILDERS. CARRIERS. Workers of, and Healers in METAL. - “ — CO rx TIES, arrantini in Order Total PoVvlation. t'N 1831. 1 O : ? 1 r I Q C Silk Mtreers. « . _ w V »> Straw-Plait and Bonnet Maker.n. Lace Dealers. Stay Makers. Furriers. Umbrella Makers. 0/d Clothes Dealers. Land Jobbers. Builders. E 3 £ 1 Brick Makers, 1 Sr, cq W . Plasterers. Slaters. Sawyers. Plumbers and Glaziers. House Painters. Coach Makers. K *2 § ® 5 1-ci Horse Dealers Stable -keepers. Carriers. \ Iron-founders, f Ironmongers. K 3 < I ^ ^ 1 — - Braziers. I Tinmen. Whitesmiths, 1 Cutlers. j 1 U Clock and 1 Watch Makers. Jewellers. Sileersmiths. Opticians. 1 MiJdlest'x 2 Lancaster 66!) 142 , 2.679 1 1,012 I 582 73 1 ,389 1,415 278 17 371 8-5 300 37 11!) 43 390 00 1!)6 21 1060 251 41 124 825 323 26 75 455 (184 4,864 1,785 1,592 3,203 1 ,725 1 ,326 204 496 1,809 1,363 12,344 0,267 2,272 784 4,439 1,690 2036 352 1462 821 626 173 828 2,367 467 846 867 301 4 540 144 53 1,(!B7 402 1140 170 1,822 1,135 <»*29 634 046 1 ; 2,558 1,114 : 270 1 I?-! 2681 138 54 261 468 50 19 3 York, M'est Ridina: . . 719 25 432 13 72 24 37 5 4 103 17 203 203 412 904 3,958 590 200 538 3,938 518 641 146 415 113 1,023 554 173 76 321 121 281 InM 4 Devon 79 i 354 1 16 148 17 108 30 10 4 3 57 26 304 175 78 139 3,170 340 135 624 4,165 301 1 384 104 323 78 254 60 140 3 70 209 207 28 33 5 Surrey 88 545 29 1 ,407 50 77 31 23 73 27 167 8 182 55 229 1 ,691 412 321 74 893 3,tl35 502 i 1,109 205 566 130 375 205 168 58 10’’ 181 357 71 173 32 1 63 0 Kent 58 493 25 132 45 76 8 7 5 2 51 27 148 149 586 1 ,672 240 107 25 692 3,393 516 418 109 490 149 400 43 105 91 141 134 t 4J 207 1*29 7 Stafford 36 217 29 87 11 47 9 - 3 - 77 62 121 62 747 1,191 411 114 28 489 1,477 306 1 198 90 109 48 329 507 214 7 1 356 63 504 37 28 36 8 Somerset 69 307 21 110 56 58 9 8 5 8 42 1 77 168 139 113 2,12*2 516 60 604 3,243 307 388 152 227 62 334 52 101 15 123 73 110 23 17 123 09 9 Norfolk 46 215 8 75 109 33 10 1 5 2 26 5 72 79 372 1,710 95 78 13 356 2,835 398 164 105 154 57 365 61 70 1 o 101 59 134 18 37 104 37 10 Gloucester — 343 38 260 14 39 16 24 29 9 43 2 124 118 131 319 1,962 722 182 577 3,017 352 462 162 212 170 267 125 121 !)G 203 157 182 42 30 174 (^3 14 1 1 AVarwick 74 301 51 458 16 61 40 7 6 41 62 85 214 50 508 1,139 479 220 74 434 2,214 484 i ,280 241 321 110 271 297 226 100 4 1,837 182 614 135 1225 408 808 277 12 Chester 57 205 - 989 39 25 8 7 14 8 54 27 62 25 296 722 853 215 121 442 1,274 213 279 50 200 21 338 167 105 59 114 227 18 17 !>2 14 2 13 Lincoln 33 238 8 79 18 26 4 7 6 1 22 1 115 44 382 791 428 69 26 211 2,032 217 138 56 132 37 293 19 97 44 2 53 69 77 10 31 132 u 14 Essex 29 178 12 41 58 37 6 3 1 2 24 4 47 56 388 1,082 61 29 6 282 2,177 288 125 04 221 53 267 35 46 4 2 52 54 55 10 25 105 26 4 15 Southampton 34 301 10 80 14 49 9 21 2 2 45 16 152 49 299 1,118 288 112 16 596 2,383 295 333 132 293 67 260 75 103 4 77 85 156 31 47 121 50 5 16 Cornwall 43 154 4 148 6 26 2 - - 1 13 1 63 67 11 12 1,535 61 30 172 2,184 53 93 8 45 16 138 31 44 37 98 58 5 1 82 14 17 S uffblk 21 168 12 40 97 27 5 3 14 - 11 7 58 31 227 988 48 25 5 241 1,891 264 100 91 136 52 252 44 47 1 82 50 114 15 27 105 23 5 18 Sussex 14 278 8 46 38 10 4 3 4 5 30 6 144 70 325 1,342 203 144 15 361 2,354 264 366 92 213 117 234 19 60 3 43 66 84 22 25 108 43 2 19 Durham 26 170 2 82 18 16 2 4 17 1 26 2 88 60 171 282 1,302 27 27 334 1,427 96 201 21 167 16 413 196 43 373 51 82 117 15 16 95 16 20 AA ills 15 160 6 28 25 26 55 6 5 1 27 - 49 37 123 330 614 205 26 331 1,573 167 97 42 84 27 246 36 50 2 2 39 37 48 19 18 08 12 2 21 Derby 29 125 7 262 6 14 30 7 12 - 32 2 80 44 176 264 737 108 87 227 841 140 108 48 107 43 230 108 23 108 47 53 211 38 13 80 64 5 22 Nottingham 15 192 22 134 2 26 60 5 2 - 66 - 53 38 318 691 330 41 13 205 1,053 139 188 45 84 31 141 45 38 38 11 68 54 178 17 21 81 30 2 23 Salop 16 188 20 96 86 10 2 1 6 - 11 4 43 140 236 589 530 54 26 304 1,082 139 145 32 68 65 152 73 51 53 _ 36 52 56 19 9 83 5 1 24 Northumberland 31 293 — 133 62 17 17 7 17 1 10 3 112 49 74 219 1,157 67 138 240 1,445 128 198 90 220 24 480 140 52 34 12 38 80 129 16 21 97 27 5 3 25 AA orcester 21 171 22 66 22 13 12 2 12 4 20 1 71 25 296 617 232 88 27 244 1,303 211 90 39 79 33 152 149 73 39 _ 74 66 365 8 23 59 15 2 26 Leicester 47 181 25 278 17 26 162 9 3 - 24 2 66 32 283 582 120 47 15 152 1,030 125 121 38 173 42 214 90 42 9 _ 41 42 113 21 7 65 11 2 27 Vork, >iorth Riding . . 12 141 7 69 13 23 4 8 2 - 23 - 37 68 116 185 678 13 20 76 1,057 95 102 10 65 19 149 19 32 4 _ 27 58 68 7 23 88 15 1 28 Northampton 18 116 2 32 14 25 36 4 2 - 34 2 33 31 114 170 645 89 97 263 1,064 114 35 29 107 42 167 104 31 - 27 27 57 10 13 48 2 — 3 29 Cumberland 50 88 — 175 2 7 — 6 4 2 15 4 28 77 74 63 978 64 66 137 879 82 82 16 119 4 132 48 44 87 17 43 39 5 12 62 2 17 30 \ ork, East Riding. . . . 12 183 16 105 8 38 19 5 4 - 18 3 80 22 194 538 127 32 9 170 848 100 186 30 47 34 235 36 58 3 2 38 68 102 9 17 72 10 3 31 Dorset 6 129 1 60 30 10 1 2 2 - 11 27 50 48 109 289 567 113 4 220 1,321 128 99 31 84 40 141 20 38 1 31 43 61 13 12 55 7 _ 32 Oxford 17 157 14 27 37 12 5 4 5 2 29 - 59 19 75 135 577 135 95 202 925 129 70 58 139 77 181 11 54 9 1 25 35 67 12 18 58 11 1 33 Bucks 17 80 3 16 10 62 38 1 18 2 22 2 12 6 116 381 86 6 4 224 853 133 31 23 39 19 120 11 23 14 28 !) 40 0 _ 34 Berks 8 161 16 43 14 19 6 19 11 3 25 15 35 20 170 583 161 60 12 231 995 140 173 66 151 37 107 59 46 _ 48 44 77 10 12 50 16 _ 35 Cambridge 9 86 2 25 14 20 6 4 4 - 14 17 26 17 117 416 28 25 8 86 880 101 69 28 52 32 107 11 17 _ 31 29 51 6 7 47 18 — 1 36 Hertford 3 99 7 15 24 90 1 3 - - 27 - 42 11 91 627 35 27 6 205 1,013 182 55 66 65 15 131 8 42 7 37 27 60 2 12 59 1 — _ 37 Hereford 8 67 3 27 72 12 5 - - 19 2 37 70 58 136 647 35 15 211 898 62 41 15 33 19 38 5 28 34 1 17 13 20 8 11 34 4 — 38 Monmouth 8 68 8 44 1 13 6 - - - 16 1 16 66 42 29 411 137 32 150 604 56 30 10 49 24 44 136 29 37 18 24 18 1 4 34 12 — 39 Bedford 3 79 - 9 10 138 21 - - - 13 1 9 6 97 256 38 5 2 94 524 84 20 13 59 15 55 2 21 17 20 21 1 2 36 3 — _ 40 AA'estmoreland 2 27 1 21 2 11 - - - - 4 1 22 18 — — 308 14 32 43 310 30 12 12 63 4 79 10 10 12 _ 6 22 18 2 1 14 3 1 41 Huntingdon 8 51 1 4 11 13 6 2 - _ 3 1 4 7 96 134 15 6 — 36 362 39 13 13 75 12 37 — 14 - 13 14 20 0 I 21 2 — - 42 York, City and Ainsty 43 Rutland 6 1 75 15 3 1 18 23 5 9 2 14 2 1 2 1 9 6 47 2 2 39 11 135 4 146 101 13 5 4 25 '33 24 222 155 43 14 58 1 25 6 90 20 5 38 11 16 14 2 6 - 6 2 33 9 66 4 11 3 5 19 7 23 1 3 Tofal EXGLAND. 1,870 11,809 1,140 9,095 1,441 1.876 1,055 410 754 349 2,637 556 4,341 2,415 9,405 28,939 31,631 8,130 2,496 15,178 83,810 11,084 13,839 5,030 8,557 2,709 12,324 4,940 3,862 1,674 771 0,314 4,471 9,007 1,652 2,700 7,720 4,779 C09 798 IT4 4 PV I ^ 22 163 8 118 21 34 2 - 8 _ 15 22 104 181 116 185 1,111 103 340 451 1,279 124 101 24 119 17 294 192 38 106 39 25 75 67 3 9 94 4 — - ( South 133 253 11 334 78 33 1 - 1 - 30 3 43 224 53 27 2,470 195 164 407 3,333 119 134 20 147 27 217 66 62 36 - 53 91 48 4 9 134 27 — 1 '^5 S. East Counties . . 25 88 1 102 5 4 _ 1 1 _ 58 21 8 1,080 50 112 113 1,166 20 61 6 149 10 534 11 32 6 _ 12 12 33 8 11 61 3 — 1 3 S. AA’est do 23 84 - 177 5 7 2 1 5 2 11 1 50 22 9 11 1,025 57 80 122 1,039 14 73 9 65 20 410 5 41 14 - 7 31 18 2 0 58 4 — - 23 80 5 137 2 ■ - 16 _ 1 _ 10 28 75 31 9 5. 700 60 69 131 738 25 42 10 70 14 486 22 28 7 - 18 44 11 4 4 50 8 ■ — - Lanark 142 290 74 418 18 43 12 _ 8 _ 95 65 40 46 357, 1,354 223 226 220 1,336 202 269 90 378 255 676 269 147 — _ 38 139 150 53 64 204 74 84 30 Renfrew 20 67 5 72 — 2 — 1 4 10 10 11 2J 25 435 65 81 182 666 36 106 — 58 5 433 35 20 — 26 38 36 15 8 37 5 — - Ldioburgh 218 214 61 219 12 15 8 15 9 31 21 245 7 26 14 1,491 235 172 270 1,816 207 545 115 447 73 877 82 98 3 5 193 130 48 41 40 139 241 15 20 5 .Midland Counties. . 31 80 3 55 3 — 1 - - 3 2 2 60 46 62 13 886 74 154 224 1,035 20 55 12 109 16 575 72 22 10 - 14 18 25 4 8 59 — — 1 Fife 27 101 5 15 2 6 _ _ 1 2 1 3 28 60 15 3 922 74 91 177 733 23 59 10 61 12 440 33 30 - 11 21 21 6 0 46 9 — 1 Perth 37 101 4 38 8 5 5 4 3 27 1 6 1 1,291 95 118 400 1,345 34 77 19 94 23 400 19 47 - 23 12 17 3 8 GO 15 — 1 Forfar & Kincardine 44 141 6 31 11 1 1 5 1 2 20 2 5 3 1,208 84 164 314 1,281 37 100 10 58 6 517 72 43 18 2 29 64 9 5 6 70 18 — 2 CC Aberdeen 81 30 3 34 3 3 1 _ _ 5 7 10 25 16 1,241 98 138 441 1,095 32 121 37 105 15 238 42 25 — - 41 14 42 10 0 76 18 — 2 Banff, Elgin, & Nairn 52 14 1 1 5 — 2 _ 1 _ 4 17 5 _ 788 41 54 192 790 5 20 — 33 5 162 5 12 — 1 7 15 6 4 - 25 12 1 - Inverness, & 5 N. C. 33 67 - 7 1 12 4 2 3 35 8 _ 5 1,206 69 46 299 1,358 14 40 8 47 2 187 13 18 — 15 17 11 2 - 43 11 1 - Argyle & Bute 4 24 - 2 - 2 1 - - - 2 - 23 11 - 5 320 30 34 60 438 3 11 — 11 2 84 4 4 8 - 26 15 4 - 1 16 3 — R „ Total SCOTLAND. ( Guernsey . . . . 760 1,380 168 1,311 75 100 47 2 33 32 178 70 716 302 230 442 13,947 1,255 1539 3,145 14,836 672 1,579 323 1691 458 6,024 684 567 06 8 459 574 431 157 108 944 421 101 59 i^T PX < Jersey 10 32 5 12 ~ 12 1 — 1 1 _ 4 3 24 15 300 88 10 53 560 31 31 9 10 3 53 16 13 -- - 14 7 6 1 7 18 7 — 4 • (.Man 6 18 1 40 2 — - — — — - - 5 2 — — 197 4 1 12 264 9 27 4 12 4 10 — 2 — - — — - 1 1 11 75 Number of Column. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 00. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 60. 09. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 1 75. 76. — e A; .sas £ I I ' 2 ' a i r> (i 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 GREAT BRITAIN relumed under the Population Act oj" 1 1 Geo. IV. cap. 30. [1831] CARRIERS. Workers of. and Dealers in METAL. * [ Plumbers and Glaziers. House Painters, 1 Coach Makers. , Coach Owners, Drivers, and Grooms. Horse Dealers If Stable-keepers. Carriers. 1 Iron-founders. | 1 Ironmongers, | Nailors, j 1 IVire-workers, I and Drawers. Braziers. Tinmen. \ 1 Whitesmiths. — - ' t 1 Cutlers, I 1 j Gun Makers, 1 i Clock and Watch Makers. Jewellers. «» s Opticians. S umber to fucilita Reference. ;44 2,272 4,439 2036 1462 626 828 467 867 4 144 1,687 1140 1,822 534 646 |2,558 2681 261 468 1 (J7 784 1,690 352 821 173 2,367 846 301 540 53 402 470 1,135 81 78 j 1,114 138 - 50 2 :3» 518 641 146 415 113 1,023 554 173 76 321 121 281 922 159 49 270 54 — 19 3 (55 361 1 384 104 323 78 254 60 140 3 70 209 201 28 33 174 86 16 4 4 :35 502 1 1,109 265 566 130 375 205 168 — 58 16? 181 357 71 56 223 173 32 63 5 1)3 516 418 109 490 149 400 43 105 — — 91 141 134 24 41 207 80 1 7 6 77 306 i 1 98 90 109 48 329 507 214 7 1 356 63 564 22 37 129 28 — 36 7 43 307 ' 388 152 227 62 334 52 101 — 15 123 73 110 23 17 123 69 — 7 8 35 398 164 105 154 57 365 61 70 1 2 101 59 134 18 37 164 37 — 5 9 17 352 462 162 212 170 267 125 121 96 22 203 157 182 42 30 174 63 9 14 10 14 484 I ,286 241 321 110 271 297 226 100 4 1,837 182 644 135 1225 468 868 277 55 11 74 213 279 50 200 21 338 167 105 — — 59 114 227 18 17 92 14 — 2 12 32 217 138 56 132 37 293 19 97 44 2 53 69 77 16 31 132 11 — - 13 77 288 125 64 221 53 267 35 46 4 2 52 54 55 10 25 105 26 — 4 14 83 295 333 132 293 67 260 75 103 — 4 77 85 156 31 47 121 50 — 5 15 84 53 93 8 45 16 138 31 44 — - 37 98 58 5 1 82 14 — 2 16 91 264 100 91 136 52 252 44 47 1 — 82 50 114 15 27 105 23 — 5 17 54 264 366 92 213 117 234 19 60 — 3 43 66 84 22 25 108 43 — 2 18 27 96 201 21 167 16 413 196 43 373 — 51 82 117 15 16 95 16 — 5 19 73 167 97 42 84 27 246 36 50 2 2 39 37 48 19 18 68 12 2 - 20 41 140 108 48 107 43 230 108 23 108 - 47 53 241 38 13 80 64 — 5 21 53 139 188 45 84 31 141 45 38 38 11 68 54 178 17 21 81 30 5 2 22 82 139 145 32 68 65 152 73 51 53 — 36 52 55 19 9 83 5 — 1 23 45 128 198 90 220 24 480 140 52 34 12 38 80 129 16 21 97 27 5 3 24 03 211 90 39 79 33 152 149 73 39 — 74 56 365 8 23 59 15 — 2 25 3G 125 121 38 173 42 214 90 42 9 - 41 42 113 21 7 65 11 — 2 26 57 95 102 16 65 19 149 19 32 4 — 27 58 68 7 23 88 15 1 27 G4 114 35 29 107 42 167 104 31 — - 27 27 57 10 13 48 2 — 3 28 79 82 82 16 119 4 132 48 44 87 — 17 43 39 5 12 62 2 — 17 29 48 100 186 30 47 34 235 36 58 3 2 38 68 102 9 17 72 16 — 3 30 21 128 99 31 84 40 141 20 38 — 1 31 43 61 13 12 55 7 — - 31 25 129 70 58 139 77 181 11 54 9 1 25 35 67 12 18 58 11 — 1 32 53 133 31 23 39 19 120 11 23 — - 29 14 28 9 — 40 6 — — 33 95 146 173 66 151 37 107 59 46 — - 48 44 77 10 12 50 15 — - 34 8G 101 69 28 52 32 107 11 17 — - 31 29 51 6 7 47 18 — 1 35 13 182 65 66 65 15 131 8 42 — 7 37 27 60 2 12 59 1 — - 36 98 62 41 15 33 19 38 5 28 34 1 17 13 20 8 11 34 4 — - 37 04 56 30 10 49 24 44 136 29 37 - 18 24 18 1 4 34 12 — - 38 24 84 20 13 59 15 55 2 21 — - 17 20 21 1 2 36 3 — - 39 10 36 12 12 63 4 79 10 10 12 - 6 22 18 2 1 14 3 — 1 40 62 39 13 13 75 12 37 — 14 — - 13 14 20 6 1 21 2 — - 41 22 43 58 25 90 20 38 16 14 6 - 6 33 66 11 5 19 23 1 3 42 55 14 1 6 5 11 ■ — 2 — - 2 9 4 3 - 7 — — - 43 810 11,0&4 13,839 5,030 8,557 2,7C9 12,324 4,940 3,862 1,674 771 6,314 4,471 9,007 1,552 2,700 7,720 4,779 009 798 79 124 101 24 119 17 294 192 38 106 39 25 75 57 3 9 94 4 — - 33 119 134 20 147 27 217 66 62 36 - 53 91 48 4 9 134 27 — 1 G6 20 61 6 149 10 534 11 32 6 12 12 33 8 11 61 3 — 1 39 14 73 9 65 20 410 5 41 14 — 7 31 18 2 6 58 4 — - 38 25 42 10 76 14 486 22 28 7 - 18 44 11 4 4 50 8 • — - 36 202 269 90 378 255 676 269 147 — - 38 139 150 53 64 204 74 84 30 66 36 106 — 58 5 433 35 20 — — 26 38 36 15 8 37 5 — - 16 207 545 115 447 73 877 82 98 3 5 193 130 48 41 40 139 241 15 20 35 20 55 12 109 16 575 72 22 10 - 14 18 25 4 8 59 — — 1 33 23 59 10 61 12 440 33 30 _ 11 21 21 6 6 46 9 — 1 45 34 77 19 94 23 400 19 47 — — 23 12 17 3 8 60 15 — 1 81 37 100 10 58 6 517 72 43 18 2 29 64 9 5 6 70 18 — 2 '95 32 121 37 105 15 238 42 25 — — 41 14 42 10 6 76 18 — 2 90 5 20 — 33 5 162 5 12 — 1 7 15 6 4 — 25 12 1 - 158 14 40 8 47 2 187 13 18 — — 15 17 11 2 — 43 11 1 — .38 3 11 — 11 2 84 4 4 8 - 26 15 4 - 1 16 3 — - 336 672 1,579 323 1691 458 6,024 684 567 66 8 459 574 431 157 168 944 421 101 59 .60 31 31 9 10 3 53 16 13 — — 14 7 5 1 7 18 7 4 !64 9 27 4 12 4 10 — 2 — - — — - 1 1 11 ‘> 75 - 7. 58, 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 71. 75. 76. as hein2.- O k. s 3 ■/, «» b. 2 •:k a o i 3 6 4 2 o C5 fcr, e k.* 2 Lath-renders and tlurdU-makeie. •A u s? •s £ 1 ; 1 Fealher-dtrssers I i U a ^ c *2 g o Ct *i3 n V a C) 1 529 392 4,921 1,315 57 1106 191 270 928 531 37 144 610 1.59 29 111 9 1 163,220 1 2 319 220 1,691 189 51 51 6! 2) 989 1 1 — 212 802 41 17 31 19 — — 102 i,:iH3 86,079 2 :i 2;5G 73 1,532 "Hi 4 21 } 29 104 1 1 3 15 340 37 — 105 2 — — 1 ,628 2,2:w 60,109 3 4 139 49 .555 53 29 15 1,' 1 1 1,370 77 11 95 409 9 13 23 1 — 99 164 291 35,784 4 5 DiO 186 735 191 109 81 3: 19 575 150 31 81 283 90 13 10 9 13 — 67 — 44,139 5 (> 170 9 2()6 47 2 1 t 10 1,654 178 14 93 287 35 13 1 2 — 72 44 227 34,257 6 7 124 33 219 25 10 — 11 36 81 — — — 113 38 4 1 3 — — 7 50 24,766 7 a I7G 31 412 63 2 4 ( 18 160 1 19 1 115 9 2 11 9 — 11 11 46 26,762 8 1) 158 52 357 32 — 2 2( 2 258 42 3 36 218 15 8 1 - 2 5 20 269 26,543 9 10 191 136 549 73 39 29 3] 11 256 1 8 20 159 17 25 6 1 — 41 19 — 29,716 10 11 103 119 471 95 17 89 1‘. 24 78 — — — 101 45 7 1 2 17 — 43 138 32,579 11 12 88 — 522 1 32 — ; 4 181 5 — 18 115 21 5 1 6 — 148 — 383 22,134 12 la 93 20 276 14 3 — c! — 141 4 2 14 183 22 1 9 2 1 121 8 13 20,490 13 14 134 25 182 7 3 — ‘i 1 98 2 5 26 38 11 31 1 - — — 13 301 18,9.53 14 15 108 17 325 27 15 — li 7 972 85 12 78 197 14 21 1 — — 7 117 23,164 15 IG 47 — 89 4 — — 1 3 330 10 — 27 160 5 4 — - 1 9 125 330 15,2.54 16 17 118 14 229 14 — — 5 2 109 6 2 7 23 9 17 — - — — 24 9 18,167 17 IG G7 2 230 23 5 — 2 14 90 2 1 5 38 9 27 1 1 — — 14 366 19,208 18 19 50 12 470 15 — — 6 1 1,288 1 44 62 177 18 1 34 - — 66 100 153 19,035 19 20 109 16 95 15 25 1 '•1 4 28 — — — 45 20 6 1 - — — 26 — 13.089 20 21 72 17 252 23 8 5 7 29 — — — 120 14 — 14 — — 129 20 — 14,787 21 22 100 32 287 20 21 3 4 2 44 — — . 4 67 30 — 3 — 3 — 2 22 14,683 22 23 57 3 202 9 4 i 1 31 3 — 2 71 17 5 23 - 3 — — 663 14,461 23 24 43 36 530 30 — 1 6 1 375 1 9 59 137 5 — 56 5 - — — 6 25 17,149 24 25 94 46 131 16 3 20 Id — 58 2 4 48 13 2 6 3 1 — 10 1 13,687 2.5 2G 98 7 125 13 4 — — i 7 63 — — — 51 13 — 2 - 7 — 216 103 13,772 26 27 50 14 256 10 — 1 1 167 — — 22 101 4 — 77 - — — 62 51 12,749 27 2B 75 9 85 16 6 — d 1 14 1 — — 48 5 7 — 2 60 1 44 — 13,841 28 29 42 — • 313 8 17 1 sj 1 238 2 26 101 29 1 1 208 1 33 11,186 29 30 53 28 321 17 2 3 20 4 268 73 11 40 117 6 11 27 3 — — — 12,917 30 31 G8 8 110 8 7 J — 80 2 3 20 108 1 12 7 — 7 38 44 10,. 568 31 32 60 2 132 18 73 d 6 16 — — — 28 9 8 — - — 1 13 649 11,110 32 45 — 53 5 227 - "i 10 1 — — 25 13 16 — 21 — — 211 8,604 33 ii4 82 — 122 13 — — 8 12 1 — — 30 20 4 — - — — 161 10,758 34 35 53 — 95 11 1 — 8 39 1 — — 31 — 1 1 - — — — 536 8,792 35 30 35 3 75 4 2 — 1 7 1 — — 46 7 7 — 2 16 9,426 36 37 45 2 114 5 — — 1 4 - — 1 20 4 28 6 - — 28 7 279 7.576 37 38 21 — 91 3 — — -1 5 52 7 — 1 20 3 2 2 - — 9 3 379 6,649 38 3ii 37 — 25 2 — — 2 — — — 10 3 9 — I — _ 399 5,502 39 40 22 — 41 - 7 10 - — 6 - — — . 36 — — — - — 29 3,621 40 41 18 8 20 1 — — — 19 — — 10 1 — — — 2 4 3 31 3,443 41 42 16 13 96 19 4 — 7 2 3 — 1 19 4 — 1 — . 2 53 4,069 42 43 9 13 — — - 1 — - — — 7 1 — — - — — 7 — 1,373 43 4,381 1,013 17,640 2,575 790 441 522i 550 11,272 1,215 215 1,114 5,CC4 806 356 493 188 143 958 2,862 9,884 904,177 78 161 4 1 — — 1 2 123 2 2 3 16 7 1 — 6 — 32 37 17,941 66 2 304 10 - — 3 3 454 16 15 21 96 16 - — 3 — — — 68 25,292 12 2 95 6 — - . 18 - - 21 . 8,754 14 — 196 7 6 1 a — 56 — — 28 _ — — — . ^ 8,689 11 — 215 1 - — — 69 — 2 6 30 13 — — — — 8,352 50 61 576 78 - 137 76| 20 37 — 3 — 74 27 1 52 — — , 24,046 13 — 374 11 - — 23 — 256 8 3 59 144 — — — 2 — - 8,295 62 72 920 118 5 60 85 7 115 3 16 14 168 3 7 13 4 3 — -- 23,780 14 3 175 6 - 6 1 165 -- 2 — 37 2 - — — — — — — 9,760 11 — 216 6 _ _ 4 98 5 2 24 2 4 . _ __ 7,688 18 3 222 13 - - 2 62 1 3 — 29 — — — 2 — 9,965 17 4 315 8 — - 250 16 2 112 9 — 1 1 -- - - - 11,372 35 — 150 9 - - 293 — 2 4 87 — — — 11,642 4 — 71 1 - - 1 60 — 4 — 16 1 — — — — — — 5,574 7 — 85 1 - - - — 402 — — 2 32 1 - — 1 — — — 42 10,504 ■ 53 — - 2 154 3 3 4 14 — - — — — — — — 4,130 268 143 3,663 265 11 211 20'j 38 2,035 20 53 93 816 49 18 65 14 4 — 1 42 152,464 9 — 120 4 7 74 6 12 6 51 _ __ 3,217 3 34 2 - - — — 49 — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115, 116. 117. 113. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123, 124. ' aKii OEALEKS in, Sundrii Artk'Us, contrihutiiig Ici the Cum/iif, Cuni-enienccs, ami Eleg-ancies of Life. ijl J a ki. 1 B 5 2 1 1 1 s 3 3 1 ^ ^ g 7! Q "a 'a u W s R a ye y "a S S' k. ■a «e S 9 a 1 a R 4 P k? R k. 4^ C 9 (3 W y a K -a 1 Chemists and j Druggists, Co U Ci Q 1 Sj»2 4.!>2 1 1 ,345 57 106 , 191 550 317 2(59 118 151 829 711 436 133 1,‘251 1,7-24 493 1,001 512 1,219 5-24 o SI!> 220 1 .4191 189 i 51 51 69 363 62 83 518 159 500 212 35 10 722 212 19 459 U-2 1,915 152 73 1 .332 7(> ' 4 21 8 20!) 21 56 160 3!) 361 115 15 6 336 67 15 268 88 1,114 118 -j lul 49 555 53 : 29 15 15 132 <» 153 49 7 223 11 14 4 69 •27 15 176 ;i ()6 117 d l;.t 13t> 4 »^0 191 ; 109 81 37 •237 117 46 48 59 146 1-29 68 33 277 1-22 97 222 90 230 1-22 (» 170 0 266 . 47 »> o_ 118 — 25 28 . 49 145 30 24 3 95 64 45 190 •20 40 114 7 124 S3 240 25 [ 10 - 1 11 137 93 25 62 3 144 10 13 1 103 40 17 93 6 31 48 j> 176 31 412 63 i •> 4 i 6 70 18 55 25 12 147 17 12 9 58 52 18 1-20 3 84 (if> j> 1-i;! 52 337 , 82 1 . o 1 26 5i> 39 42 31 58 7 8 1 73 46 3 106 7 170 73 K> l!ll 136 ^ 549 73 ; 39 29 , 31 145 15 61 43 48 176 55 27 2*2 111 61 25 159 17 98 70 11 ii»;i 119 : 471 95 1 17 89 12 69 118 45 71 27 300 24 178 6 389 76 4 163 16 135 58 1-2 8;5 ' 522 16 ! 32 — 3 74 — 15 48 18 154 38 24 - 167 47 12 96 17 •266 35 1;^ 93 20 1 276 14 i 3 — 3 34 — 10 11 25 191 <> 8 ~ 77 8 — 144 2 19 62 14 134 2.3 j 182 7 j 3 i 4 18 1 23 16 16 57 5 18 2 •28 26 14 83 2 25 42 io U'h; 1* 1 323 27 ' 15 — 1 11 43 1 34 24 22 112 15 11 2 87 32 13 105 2 28 48 16 47 — i 89 4 1 — 1 1 28 _ 10 13 3 119 — 5 34 11 3 47 - 21 32 IT 113 14 229 14 i — — o 29 - 39 18 13 71 4 9 - 50 26 11 63 - 24 35 IS C7 o 230 ; 23 ' 5 2 49 2 34 23 24 103 18 24 - 85 55 17 81 - •27 67 19 50 12 , 470 15 — — 0 j 192 11 17 34 99 11 4 - 31 37 6 93 2 49 32 109 16 95 15 1 25 1 ! 2 ! 31 - 33 18 5 77 4 5 - 34 13 19 42 - 41 27 21 1*2 17 *^5*^ 23 8 ' 5 3 117 _ 64 26 2 85 13 8 - 176 18 1 63 4 118 23 oo 100 32 287 20 21 1 3 4 21 -- 8 19 16 54 16 6 1 131 29 1 82 2 1-25 25 23 oT^ 3 1 202 <) 4 — 1 39 1 13 10 161 8 3 - 45 8 2 46 - 24 41 24 43 36 j 530 1 30 1 1 6 37 29 15 32 2 140 58 6 5 39 33 2 80 6 64 40 •25 94 46 131 ' 16 3 20 10 48 56 20 16 11 87 7 6 - 66 26 2 74 1 6 32 2v'. 96 4 125 ' 13 4 — — 82 - 15 23 9 58 5 6 - 60 10 13 64 1 228 31 •>- 50 l-t i 256 j 10 — 1 1 1 27 - 3 30 3 129 1 9 - •27 10 1 54 2 30 27 >6 75 9 1 85 16 6 — 3 17 2 16 14 9 53 — 4 1 71 14 8 42 - 7 29 29 42 1 — 313 8 17 1 3 59 12 68 9 99 40 3 29 9 - 44 9 104 32 30 53 1 28 1 321 17 2 3 20 85 1 29 7 18 82 20 10 2 24 11 7 92 10 16 37 31 68 8 110 8 7 - - 30 20 15 7 38 8 3 - 22 8 8 30 - 9 30 32 60 1 o 132 18 73 - 9 31 1 14 3 8 55 19 12 S 17 20 5 43 _ 14 20 33 45 ! 53 o 2*27 - « 35 - 4 7 4 22 1 3 - 136 7 6 26 - 6 23 34 82 122 13 - 8 28 - 40 7 8 52 6 20 - 38 2*2 11 52 - 14 18 53 . — ■ 95 11 1 - - 13 1 11 10 16 30 10 5 _ 16 9 5 37 8 18 3o •3o 3 To 4 2 - - 18 - 12 9 4 48 2 5 _ 33 17 17 37 7 21 :17 4o o 114 5 - 2 18 _ 6 6 47 1 25 — - 35 3 19 11 38 21 — 91 3 — - _ 22 15 5 47 15 3 5 30 _ 14 15 39 37 25 o — - - a - 6 1 5 38 1 2 2 10 8 4 22 _ 3 9 40 oo — 1 41 - 7 10 - 10 37 28 27 21 _ — 24 1 _ 9 9 28 10 41 18 8 20 1 — - - 4 _ 3 1 6 15 1 6 - 13 «_ 2 16 4-2 16 13 96 19 4 - 7 12 10 25 8 4 38 15 G 24 0 3 54 2 11 13 43 9 — 13 — — - - 1 - 1 - — 12 8 4 - 14 - 6 7 - 1 1 4.3S1 1.G13 2,57o 790 444 522 3,410 793 1,455 1,709 896 5,439 1,718 1,060 245 5,160 2,121 951 4,753 928 C,517 2,305 78 • — 161 4 1 - 93 — 13 10 8 204 4 4 _ 43 7 4 78 1 82 32 66 304 10 - — 2 134 — 43 9 7 187 7 12 - 72 4 6 97 1 45 66 12 o 95 6 - — - 44 __ 1 __ 79 20 1 14 4 11 37 11 14 — 196 7 6 1 3 27 — 4 20 - 63 7 2 - 18 12 — 15 1 52 19 n — 215 1 — 3 24 — 5 — 3 57 8 2 1 21 11 1 23 5 63 17 50 61 576 78 - 137 76 193 53 99 — - 291 210 26 - 110 237 134 189 40 421 73 13 — 374 11 - — 23 14 — — — _ 21 36 1 82 25 2 15 8 208 15 62 : *- 920 118 5 80 85 1-33 17 82 6 7 137 U5 15 2 80 136 9 60 4 75 54 14 *■ 3 175 6 - 6 6 33 — — 5 - 68 4 3 - 35 8 — 34 3 113 8 11 i — 216 6 - - 2 46 45 17 4 _ 44 9 13 15 0 22 14 18 , 3 222 13 - - 6 17 — 4 _ 102 11 2 25 8 12 1 57 35 17 ! 4 ; 315 8 - - 3 31 — 15 _ 72 45 1 _ 69 18 16 3 26 27 3o — j 150 9 - - - 2) — 15 - 77 30 5 _ 58 21 1 53 2 81 41 4 — 71 1 - - - 7 — — f - 52 4 — - 16 3 — 17 - 16 13 i — 85 1 - - - 3 — — 1 — - 56 4 1 - 31 7 — 24 1 32 29 53 - - - 2 — — - 14 2 — - 27 1 — 12 - 20 4 2f» 143 3,663 1 : 265 11 211 207 595 70 221 32 10 1,134 495 03 3 030 500 160 495 70 1,223 360 9 120 4 7 _ 10 7 1 11 19 2 9 5 5 18 12 16 3 1 34 2 “ - 1 - - - - — — - - - 19 - 9 1 77. 1 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. .97. 98. 99. o>- Service, in eaej^ Cmmhp—see Alphabetical List preceding, for hulex to the Columns. .si-rtvjcr.. LnEIlATVIlE. K1 ^4 < a. CQ ^ cq a; 1,845 932 106 406 423 3,097 1 ,421 1,044 1 ,'->96 597 330 131 280 106 695 2-21 153 129 370 72 51 01 159 243 130 115 46 •2-25 56 43 42 57 153 78 78 38 437 190 44 102 81 657 171 130 175 3-26 90 28 51 82 98 57 97 79 161 14 30 21 6-2 76 25 29 20 158 40 7 15 57 101 49 68 19 213 37 42 18 89 81 38 03 20 202 51 15 45 ()3 134 84 57 03 ‘231 80 90 6 4 71 185 82 70 42 146 21 17 23 •27 96 42 49 19 174 25 29 6 43 72 ■27 43 24 459 27 11 8 39 73 19 33 11 180 52 8 29 63 83 39 53 45 86 2 19 4 102 46 20 23 19 155 29 3 8 47 87 20 40 16 145 52 10 5 48 56 25 34 35 107 31 10 24 29 06 30 45 12 77 23 1 8 37 40 19 24 11 87 (i 21 10 20 76 35 13 16 132 15 17 23 53 46 34 37 12 80 8 15 1 31 64 8 27 9 92 29 17 37 •26 89 47 50 25 103 25 1 10 30 46 16 27 15 127 26 10 10 30 44 10 40 15 91 3 3 7 45 28 19 21 3 90 19 7 3 37 20 17 24 16 66 5 2 17 12 26 21 24 16 109 36 29 26 37 49 29 30 19 02 6 6 0 24 35 15 18 26 70 12 14 2 24 127 43 25 18 45 11 5 6 18 15 13 13 11 89 21 14 7 38 41 21 33 17 68 12 9 5 17 90 37 2.5 1 64 15 2 3 35 28 5 12 14 28 5 3 1 6 •26 5 10 1 24 4 — 5 10 19 6 15 5 48 3 — ■ — 15 11 3 4 4 16 — 2 1 5 12 9 5 4 26 2 2 — 12 8 1 4 5 47 14 5 3 8 48 31 24 7 9 — — — G 3 1 1 — 7,580 2,431 88G 1,4«3 2,230 7j090 3,023 2,732 2,378 65 4 17 1 13 54 39 24 13 08 3 6 4 21 70 50 31 13 33 — 10 — 3 21 15 9 9 20 10 6 — 5 15 15 28 8 30 1 5 6 6 20 14 17 8 105 79 90 46 20 208 102 114 270 70 38 35 2 12 48 12 35 — 161 45 244 16 77 700 224 182 66 25 5 7 — 2 12 14 15 2 34 18 — 4 15 16 29 5 35 1 9 2 4 30 20 10 6 68 17 72 2 — 23 17 34 20 52 5 48 2 5 — 23 42 4 21 — 1 — 1 4 5 11 4 14 2 1 — 1 13 10 10 1 7 — 3 — — 1 1 4 — 736 203 549 76 154 1,138 488 540 393 6 27 3 5 15 8 4 1 — 11 — — - — 2 2 — 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 1 105. 1 106. 107. 108. sinppiNi;. MISCEI.LA ypovs OCCUPATlay.S. k.4 o E-« a "z i J* R ' > X 4 ■hr 1 ^ a O C 2 5 C? •5 a R z ^ ■a S 7 ^ c ■a u ■R a 1 1 y c 1 ^ ,01.5 270 928 531 37 144 610 159 ‘29 _ 114 9 j 1 166,220 ~”i 504 2 > 989 1 1 — •212 802 41 17 31 19 — 1 102 1.3K3 86,079 78 20 104 1 1 3 15 340 37 — 105 •2 — ; i,(>28 1 2,2;i8 60,109 : 20 1 1 1,370 77 11 95 409 9 13 23 1 99 164 1 ‘291 35,784 4 131 19 575 150 81 81 283 90 13 10 9 13 ()7 1 44,139 5 18 10 1,0.51 178 14 93 287 35 13 1 2 72 44 227 34,2.57 ( 140 86 81 — — — 113 38 4 1 3 7 50 24,766 14 18 160 1 19 1 115 9 2 11 9 11 11 46 26,762 i" !) 2 258 42 3 36 218 15 8 1 - 2 5 20 269 •26,543 < 32 11 2.56 1 8 •20 159 17 25 6 1 41 19 29,716 If] 151 24 78 — — — 101 45 7 1 2 17 — 43 138 32,579 11 20 4 181 5 — 18 115 21 5 1 6 148 383 •22, 134 1-2 (i — 141 4 2 14 183 22 1 9 2 1 121 8 13 20,490 13 11 1 98 2 5 26 38 11 31 1 - — — 13 391 18,9.53 14 12 7 972 85 12 78 197 14 21 1 7 117 23,161 ir 3 3 330 10 — 27 160 5 4 — - 1 9 125 330 1.5, •254 ]( 3 2 109 6 2 7 23 9 17 — - — — 24 9 18,167 17 5 14 90 2 1 5 38 9 27 1 1 — — 14 360 19, -208 18 8 1 1,'288 1 44 62 177 18 1 34 — (k; 100 153 19,035 19 4 4 •28 — — — 45 20 0 1 - ~ — 20 13,089 20 30 7 29 ■ — — — 120 14 — 14 - — 1-29 20 14,787 21 5 2 44 — — 4 67 30 — 3 - 3 — 2 2*2 14,683 22 4 1 31 3 — 2 71 17 5 23 - 3 — — 663 14,461 •23 15 1 375 1 9 59 137 5 — 56 5 — 6 25 17,149 24 7 — 68 2 4 48 13 2 6 3 1 — 10 1 13,687 •25 8 7 63 — 51 13 — 2 - 7 — 216 103 13,772 2( 1 1 167 — — 22 101 4 — 77 - — — 62 51 12,749 27 - 1 14 1 — — 48 5 7 — 2 60 1 44 — 13,841 28 8 1 238 2 — 20 ini — — •29 1 1 208 1 33 11,180 29 8 4 268 73 11 40 117 G 11 27 3 — — — __ 12,917 30 4 - 80 2 3 20 108 1 12 7 - — 7 38 44 1 0,568 31 7 6 16 - — — 28 9 8 — - — 1 13 649 11,110 32 1 - 10 1 — — 25 13 16 - 21 — — 211 8,604 33 1 12 __ 1 — 30 20 4 — - — — — 161 10,758 34 2 8 39 1 — — 31 ' 1 1 - — — — 536 8,792 35 1 1 7 1 — — 46 7 7 - 2 — 16 9,426 36 1 1 4 - — 1 20 4 28 6 - — 28 7 279 7.576 37 4 5 52 7 — 1 •20 3 2 2 - — 9 3 379 6,649 38 1 - 2 - — — 10 3 9 — 1 — — — 399 5,502 39 1 - 0 - — , 36 — — — — 29 3,621 40 - - 19 — — 10 1 — — - 2 4 3 31 3,443 41 9 2 3 1 19 4 — 1 — — 2 53 4,069 42 - 1 — - — — 7 1 — — - — — 7 — 1.373 43 2,302 650 11,272 1,215 215 1,114 5,0G4 80G 356 4‘J3 188 143 958 2,802 9,684 90-1,1:7 2 2 1‘23 2 2 3 16 7 1 — 6 — — 32 37 17,941 6 3 454 16 15 21 96 10 - — 3 — — — 68 25,292 1 18 21 — - — — — - — — 8,754 2 56 — — 28 — - — — — — - 8,689 18 69 — 2 6 30 13 _ — — — — — — 8,352 107 20 37 — 3 — 74 27 1 52 — — — — — 24,046 10 256 8 3 59 144 - — 2 — — — — 8, -295 157 7 115 3 16 14 108 3 7 13 4 3 — — — 23,780 23 1 165 -- 2 — 37 2 - “ — — — — — 9,760 1 4 98 5 2 24 2 - — 4 — — — 7,688 16 2 62 1 3 — 29 — — 2 — — — — 9,905 6 250 — 16 2 112 — 9 — 1 1 — — — 11,372 8 •293 2 4 87 — — — — — — — 11,64‘2 o 1 60 4 — 16 1 - — — — — — — 5,574 1 402 — — 2 32 1 - — 1 — — — 42 10,504 1 2 1,54 3 3 4 14 — — — — — 4,130 353 38 2,035 20 53 93 816 49 18 65 14 4 — 1 42 152,464 2 74 6 12 6 51 — — — — — — — — 3,217 — — 49 — — — — — — 1 — — — — 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115, 116, 1 117. 113. 119. 120. 121. 122, 123. 124. 1 .ilphafhtical List of 500 ^^iscc^lUlanls Occnpation t^riutiu;!,' I.4CNC. 196 Binc>makcis«^lmlico) *> lU>iler.\ ' 'JlKf A.c:---r V I’re^ncr •'.sHirers N*m, ( f. . . 1 \v..VJi iiiak^ I'j i'i'« «A C rtiht .... 14 A”.;n kccxsaremcnt Makers 18 . . . .ViiiJ... S S ^ ) 1 «.l Kv 1 . > 2 \ Mid%Lx- 2 5 Awl maaerf ( £Uin D Back*maker5 . f > . 15 S k. E. R. i Z ) <«., Citv 4 § ?> v7?.i S''— D*m/rits 1 “ *r S ( S,m-y S Hac- \ r*rut .. S niikers) ll'^rcratcr S ^ 1 h>af 19 .. 1 Barometer- ^ Slidd. 3 , makeis i E.<$tcad- s Midd. 57 makers J Surrey 20 f m-, .V. R. 2 Bee-hire I Dmbish $ makers i GUmorg, \ \Aberdten 2 f r D^ros 3 Foor.-i GU.Citf$ ders 1 Line. -r < Hans* I eis ( Mtdd 14 - r • i?»ari'ev . . 5 t-i £ .. 1 r -r Hirmingh. H irar»r,Ci>. Jit Yk. E. K. ” J I Lrtds.... ^ (traco/N.. Bonnet-blocker .. i do. makers. 4yr 92 Boot-tree Makers 2 Bottle r Midd. .» 4 dealers, 1 Surrey .. 5 ami \ litislid,, 6 Makers C Verhy .. 3 Bowstring makers S Bow vers, or r Lnnc.i Bow k; Arrow J .Midd. 1 Makeis Som. 'i Brace- > Middienex 6 makers ( Surrey 3 Braid-maker .... 1 Bras«- \ .yjidd. .. 18 founders ( Suirey . 5 Bridle-cutter, Kk*. E. 1 Biistle-dealers .. 2 Bronze-makers .. i f Dorset 5 I Herts 2 * Kent 2 Softs 9 = 1 Surrey T j Sussex z I lYaricick .... e j Wilts ji. j U’orcestrr .... ■ C M'«< Yorkl Sorth t City . Flht 2 £ j Pemiroke .... 3 I Dumfries .... 1 [^EtJinhursh. . . , 1 Buckram-stiffener 1 . Birmg. 6 Building Ma- S Midd. o i 2 terial Dealers I Surr.'Z 1 I ('atgnt-makers. . . . 3 Causewayer. Gtasg. 9\ .. .,4 Kent . . 16 io/A.T.. 5 Chain-mak. Dn. 2 ebair-stuffers 17 , 4 Y.,\\ R.i (Ayr .. I Chasers \ Midd. SO Silver plate | Surrey 2 China- ^ Hunts .. 3 dealetsj h'l/e .... 2 . . irorc.C»(y20 ' inrby.. I 1 Line. (. Serf. J Dii0./rsi I / Dundee 5 V. '' Edtnb. 0 YMidd.., If BtUovrs-) ® makers CatesJid J Sumy Wore. Belt- S Midd. raakers t Surrqf . . 2 Hil.iard Table, Keeper Oxford City .... 4 do. Maker.... 1 Birdcase-inakers .. 30 blrd-tioffers, dealers 7 ' yiidalesex . . . i Solts r 1 Surfmlk j Lancuster . , . Z 1 PoTlgUOUih . -= I York, W. R. ■t I Bitk ■Z ^fjford . . . . , " : Dorut k D'Toh .... ( Lancask ire Cusuberland D r>/y . . . Drstn ... lirutol • . . J Middlesex .... * I SorikuatlerUiPd z ! -V*/ri 14 •5 ; 8 ^ ef jTd 2 ] Surrey 2' B'e«t«0r^f .Midd. .. 23 dressers i Lanc.y SfC. b f Lace Makei . . 1 ' .1/idfl/fse.r l7 iViirrey .. If Wilis..., 4 Dover .... 3 ICorcesfcr Derby .... Essex .... Gloucester Herts .... Lincoln .» Lffnn .... .\firfiist/c Glamorgan Dundee . . Edinburgh I Fife .... Dialers f Herts. ,, £ ) .Midd = ') sSurrey * ( () ^ Leeds Manchester » ' * ^ .liancuesier •• 17 V i Middlesex .... 7 I 1 York,W. R.,, r J -^»»Tey £ / ForA: City .... ^ ''' fj/alakei.s 3 Fish- \ Caithness., 69 C!irers I Sutheiland 1 4 K’limy .... 3 \ Devon 2 ’ Westmoreland 1 J: 2 i Banff 1 Ross 2 .. f !\Iiddlescx 30 3 £ ^ I Surrey ,, 4 “ - 1 CamhriilKC 1 York.,W.R.\ -z jr 1 Brecon , , 2 ^ " 1 Glasgow 1 1 (£dinA«r»/i 4 Fitters-up, Sedgley 8 Flannel-drapers, .Moutgomeiy , . . . 15 Flask-maker l Flatter do 2 Flint- $ Stafford,* cutters \ Edinburgh 3 Flint-giiiuler .... 1 Floating-light Maker l Flock-makers .... 2 Floor Cloth Dealers 21 6 j 5 81 S 'Surrey 21 Shrewsbury ,, 2 Bristol 3 Derby i I c Gateshead .... 1 i j York, E. R. , , l ; — ! Leeds 4 ^ I /•■(/> 1 [Linlithgow ,, 1 ' <« f Midd.r. ..113 « 7 Surrey , . 11 2 \ Newcastle 1 Stafford,, 1 Chaser ] Lace-workr, Ed. 1 Zt ■{ k. Silver lacemen 5 J j Thread Sjiinner I I / Midd.r. .. 13 I 2 \ Surrey ,, 22 1 !£ Flssex .... 3 \ . 7 , i Birmingh. 1 ^Edinburgh 2 s Ball ' '“>■ ' (iolf- rinb* ''do': Granary-keepers, Surrey 10 Granite-mason, or Dealer, Devon ,, 50 Grinders \ 1 Grindstone-makers, York, W. R. ..31 Gun-barrel Filer.. 1 s i Gtm-case Maker .. l Gun-lock Forgers 2 Gut-spinners .... 9 Guy-makers 2 (Middlesex , ^ iS'firrcy . . . z ^ Kent S I Essex . . . Bristol .. .1^ Plymouth , « Norwich , ^ 1 iSViinrrscI , k Glasgow , Edge-Tool f , makers ' k V arm. C Middlesex f Surrey H Florists 2 f Hereford .... I Northampton., Suffolk i Sussex 5 I l orA', E. R. ,, ^ k do. ir. R. Flying Booksellers, life 5 Foil-beater 1 Frame-) Midd. .. 4 makers ( Dtrby ,, 4 Frame-makers (Sash) Surrey 3 Free v Cutter, A6cr. 7 Stone ^ Dealer .... 1 French ) Midd,, 34 Dolisiiers i A'fjccasl. 1 Fiinge- F^M/dd... 54 tiimmers,! Surrey lo dealers, - Somerset \ and M (Rasgow 5] makers. \ Edinb. , 2 ^Exeter 66 ■A \ L'lucashire . ... 64 V 1 1 ■= \ Moiilg'omcry .. 17 ^ / .Merioneth .... 6 /1«« lesea .... 2 Fustian-) Cheshre.. 48 cuttcis i Lancashire 1 G 1^; 17 Coppice-deal, Hants 3 j Feather F.mbroiilerers .... 11 Emery and 7 Glass Daper jnakr. 3 Euamellers 3 Engine-tui ners ,, 6 Eiieine-wjights, Northumberland 15 Engraveis, Birmina. 7 I _ r biijd. 9 ! Fan-makers^ Esstx 6 j i iS’iirrcy .3 Fan-light Makers 2 do. Middlesex Surrey Cambridge .... \ Birmingham .• ^ / Sussex ^ Glasgow .... Gausc& Crape-dress. 4 Gilder on Steel .. (iiiiger 4*. Middx.. 6 Beer | Bristol. Brewersf Ashton. ^ I Leeds .. 13 '•“Y \ Waluficld 8 ■’ lluddrry. i Donensur makers.^ Blowers, Norts. C Dealei s 77 5 7 GiinderSjTI'.R ~ 1 Mouiileis .... ^ / c. ■ S ’"'d. 2 CSlaincrs’ ^ Globe- ) 71/idd.r. .. 6 makers / Surrey .. Hair-preparer.... 1 Hard- f Midd 19 ware ? Kent .... 1 men (_ Perth . . •• 2 Harp-makers, Montg.t HatorBand) lA-.A’. 1 box makers I Edinb. 1 f Middlesex .... 16 Bristol Somerset .... ForA:, IF. R.,, Birmingham,, 2 S ILmts Leeds J I Rutland Suffolk 1 Dumfries 6 [_Liulithgow ,, 1 Heck-makers, Lane. 3 Hemp-dressers, K'cnl 2 Herald-V •• ’ ; HerbaIRts 2 Hide-splitter .... 1 Higgler, Linlithgow 7 Hinge-maker .... 1 Hook- V Forfar,, 1 dressers i Inverness 2 (Gloucester.,., c Hereford .... i Kent ■ Lancaster .... 41 Lincoln ] Middlesex.... 1( Monmouth..,, 3« Soiilhampion., i: Stafford - §• j Surrey IJ 2 1 Westmoreland t j Dorset I O.rim Susse.x li IFills ' k Worcester .... ^ Stafford. . Hop- » Surrey ., dealers! Worcester V. Brecon llorse-traiuers, York, E.lt 10 Ilousecoluurers, Birmingham..., 6 I Image- 5 Mi Seit'castle .... ^ FoWc, TF.R... Lane ^Edinburgh.. . . Jewel Case tnakers Letter-cuttei 8 .... 4 , . ( Surrey , I Lime- > r • , , , ' Lanark ,, 8 dealers > r> r k Rafreiv.. 7 Lint-maker 1 List bhoe do. Sam. 1 ^Middlesex., 12 Lock- / .S’lirrcy .... 4 smillis^ Duuifries.. 1 C 1 Lodging! Bath .. 17 Hotise- ^ Brighton 11 keepers C Ed»n/uir. 23 Looking-glass Ma. 2 Lorimers, Edinb.,, 2 Kelp-makers, Ork. Ketchup-dealeis . . Kiln-plate Maker, Herts T C Binning Lamp- > ; ^ makers Middl. 11 M Maccaroni- makers 2 Machine 1 1 orA-, W 3 Agricul.-’ Kent .. 3 makers k Hoxhuig 10 Malt-makers, Herts. 7 Mangle-makeis .. 2 Map-dissector .... 1 ftlap-sellcrs 8 IMarble-lmr.er . . . . 1 Mast- S 1 , Brstol . . . . makeis) .. ( I (ii'i mouth 19 Malch-makets, Muii- chester 27 Mathe- f Midd/t’stx 35 maticali 4SHrny .. 15 Instrn- inent maker Mat- trass- makeis Brstol ■ h Glasgow.. Si rsk Sussex . . 1 Surrey t Surrey . . 2 ( Middlesex .... 48 Birmingham,, 37 Stafford 7 Sufolk 4 Norfolk 1 Surrey 1 Ne wcasUe .. . . Cardigan .... Berwick .... Edinburgh .... Dundee Glasgow k Perth Laid-ntakeis .... f.Midd I Bristol j ForA:, W.R... I Surnij I Norwich .... ■A J Plymouth .... ^ I Dorset a J Newcastle .... = Salop « I Hants j I Birin I York, E. R. . I Glasgow ... Edinburgh ... . Haddington .. K.Ayr Lead-dealers ... Lead Pencil-makers 4 f Dressers, .S’«rr. Z I Turn- V Midd. H. ers ( Dci’oji 1 -see Spoon, r Dealers, Horse- » Middx. 12 hair i Worker', Wilts.. 6 ( Hereford .... Kent Manchester ., Tl/idd/csitx .... Norwich Newcastle .... Somerset .... Suffolk .Viirrcy Birmingham . . Worcester .... j ForA\ ll'e.v/ H. Hants Sussex V oi /c, East U. Aberdeen .... Ar Edinburgh . , . . Forfar Pasilry Elgin Leather Pipe and Bncket-inakers.. Leech-dealers .... S Midd.r. ,, i Gloucester V Edinburgh ( Middlesex .... Herts Sedgley Hants Sussex Bristol Norfolk Oxford - I Wilts z 1 IFimricA* .... £ •( Aberdeen .... J Banff ^ 1 Caithness .... I Dumfries .... Edinburgh .... Elgin I Efe I Forfar I Kairn j Roxburgh .... k Ross Measnre-ma., Surry 14 Measuring-tape do. Medallion-painter Mercers Metal-dealers .... ■A (Middlesex .... Z j Surrey £ I Cambridge ... . '.Z I\Ianch 5 Somerset .... S I Suffolk rt [^Edinburgh... Millstone ) Newcast BtiiUlers^ Anglesva Miueral-dealrs. 2 Modeller, A'ciit . . ■A Gateshead .... ^ 1 Essex - . 51 Hauls 7 \ Sussc.x r/ Kendal Newcastle .... (Cornwall ..«• j Derby Liverpool .... Z 1 Stafford ..... £ d V'ork, W. R. • 0 I do., E. li. • • 2 Clackmannan 0 j Carmu»'f/n« • • 7 kGAimor^un •• 2 f Devon • • 1 Mould- ' Kent .... 1 makers ! Herts •- 1 v.ForA,E./L I f Middl Sui-rey j Livei'jwol .... Bristol j Exeter ' Oiford j Both I Birmiugitain . . j Leeds ll'iifs [Edinburgh .... (Middl. 211 j Surrey 02 I Liverp. 13 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 Musical Instru- ment- makers Plymth. •<( Bristol, Birm . . Bury.. Norwich Edinbur Mustard-dealers .. mak. Hull N Nail-factor ( H or. lronnion-sex Bristol 1 Northampton . . 1 = 5oniersct 1 i Suffolk .... ^ Birmingham Denbigh .... ^Merioneth .. News- ^ Middl., venders if Surrey 0 Oatmeal-makers Oil Cloth Painter Oil Crusher, Kent.. C Oil-dealers J ( Line. o P Middl.. 244 \ Surrey HI Oil-men \Bristol 5 AManchest. I ^ E^sei . . Oil Refiners, Leeds Orange-dealers. . . . ( Middl Bristol Balk Worcester . . . . Lancaster .... Exeter Comb Dorset Bishop TIVtir.* Norwich .... Hull York City. . Leeds Eiliuburgh ... amont-maker... Orris-weaver .... V £ y Orn Packers ^ Middl. . { 1 Surrey 1 F.Tr.R. Suud... i Sin I Bn ^ ,1//. Munch. Paper Ba.g-maker Paper- hangers Bristol Hunts Kcu t Middl Surrey 9 Sufoik = j Bucks "o Dorset IForccsicr .... ^ Pavior, II /litcAoven. Pearl Worker .... Pen Cutters Middl... 4H Climb. . 11 Siaford Suffolk. Hastings j Binning. I Wilts... ^ Leeds... Paper mould-makers 2 , Middl 143 Midd A . 71 Surrey . 44 ' ■ • 1 1 1 1 1 2 Sheffield 42 .S 1 Vo)7i, City .. . . .2 J Macclesfield ... 3 i j Newcastle .... 13 ^ 1 Eilinhurgh .... 3 ^MuHf/iestcr. . . . 1 Pattern Card-maker 2 Pattern- C iS'iirrey. . 1 drawer, ^ Lane. . . 5 Percussion Cap-mak. 1 / Middl 34 Per- ' Surrey 2 Turners i Paisley ... 1 ^Dundee ... 1 (Mtddl... 78 Pewterers ; Surrey. 20 kE(/iafc. . 2 A Mid. 1G7 Piano-forte \ Surrey 4 makers ! Cornun 1 V Here/. 1 Picker-) Derby .. 6 makers ( Lane .... 2 , f .1/iddL. 16 Picture- ) , , , ourrey . 4 dealers ] , r, , i^Ipswicn.. 1 Picture-frame- ^ Sur. 1 makers ( 6 Pill-box ) ;l/idd/. ... 3 makers i Norwich . 1 ■I,. f Lane 8 makers 1 Pipe Clay dealer... 1 , Bristol 5 * Liverpool 28 2 I Middl 13 I Norwich 4 £ / Newcastle .... York, E.H.... J I do. City .... i, 1 Leeds j Glasgow ^Dundee Plaster of Paris dea. 1 Plate Case-makers Platers , f y. E. R PIousli- ) _ _ makers r Middl... 18 Binning 28 Pocket I Newcas. Book* <; Edinb... makers I MancA . I Bath ( Leeds . Pork -dealers, Dorset 4 Porter-dealers .... 2 Potash-burner, Stiff r Middl.. 103 T, . > \ Surrey 37 Po atoe- ; 3 dealers 1 V Birm. . .1 Powder-ma., Kent 10 Press-makers ... ( Exeter Pressers < Middl... ‘26 kA'oraicA 8 Print Cutter ) Midd, 2 in M'ood ( Surr. I Bristol Here/. Denbigh . . . Elgin Herts Kent Middl Mourn Norfolk . . . . Silop Staff Siiplk .... Surrey Birmingham Worcester . . k. Essex Print Glazer, lane. 1 . Middl. 4 IMovision- ) Edinb. 3 dealer \ Surrey 4 f Sussex 1 Prussian Blue-maker I Purse-maker Q Middl.. . Surrey, . 18 Quill- ^ Newc dressers 1 Lincoln, i Bristol U Eieter Gloucester . Herts Hereford . . . Monmouth . Northampton , . Oxford... Sonthampt Suffolk . . . TFaru'icA Sussex ... Essex .... Surrey Stafford . Lancashirt ^Wilts Razor-strop- f J Rectifier, Edinb. . . I ( York, W.R. 70 t Lane 37 g Middl 2 £ 1 Edinb 2 ^ ^ Fif e 6 2 I /wir/«r .... 6 ^ (*7«s^oie . . 64 2 1 Perth .... 4 "" (Stirling..,, 2 ^ Middl 2*2 . 1 ^ Surrey .5 j York, City... . ^ i Salop . . . ... Bath '^FurA, W. R.., 3 Register Oflice keep. 1 Reno- ) Fife 1 valor f Forfar.., , 2 Rhubarb-dealer . . 1 Ribbon-draper..., 2 Do. dresser. 22 Riddle. See Sieve. r Middl.. 00 T,. ^Surrey. 42 Riggers 4 ( ForA, N, 6 Robe-makers .... 2 Rocking-horse-do. 1 Roller-maker, LrtHC. 12 Salt refiner; Stafford 1 Somericf 2 South.. 1 Bristol 1 Essex.. 1 Newc... 1 .. Vi Middl.. Surrey . T? i M Rug- > s, .... ( Middl. I Surrey Brist.. Rule or Ruler- makers Edinb . . Lane. . . 1 I Noru'ich 1 (Newcastle I Rulers, Midd/ 9 S. Sack-cleaner .... 1 (Midd/ 20 I Surrey 7 'A I Southn 3 5 I Wilts 5 incrby 1 a IF.. .. 1 Lynn 1 •■8 1 Warrington.. 1 I Huntingdon.. I Essex (Devon Sail cloth-dealer. . ^ / Glouc ai I Lincoln .... "Z V J Afonin •:q "z ! Northamp . . I S J York, IF, It. (Middl... ,S-„,Try men ^ Plymouth 14 Saloop-niaker .... 1 Salaion-) Argyle.. 1 boilers ( Elgin . . 2 3r> Dealers ( Flint Fife Sand-dcalars. , . . Sash-makers. . . . f Middl. Saw- ^y'ork,Citij 1 makers jLeed.< ... 1 [Forfar .. 2 Scale-beam-Tnakcrs 28 Scale- f , Midd/. .. . 6 board- < .S’finvy 3 colters CXfiiic .... 1 Scale- ) Middl. , , makers ( Surrey . r0.r/ord. 12 Scourers < Norwich 3 CForA-, IF. 3 Scull & Oar, Surrey 3 Seal-en- ) Birm.. . 1 gravers ( Edinb... 3 Seal-skin. ) Aliddl. 1 dressers ( Surrey 2 Sealing- r Middl... 7 wax- '.Surrey.. 3 makers ( Edinb... 1 Seed- ySurvetj.. 5 crushers (Suffolk, 1 f Esse.v Herts Norwich . ..... Oxford Stafford Surrey Birmingham . . South Wilts Worcester . . . . ForA, E Edinburgh .... Fife Perth Sheep Bell Founders, iri//.-f. “ Crib-maker ”. . Shell-polishers... . ( Middl Surrey Durham Liverpool .... Boston 5 Hull Kent Bristol. . .... AngU'sen 1 (Heufrvw 1 Ship time-piece makers 1 Shovel-makers. ... 2 Shroud do 1 (Lane 14 A I Norwich . . 4 = 5 Oxford .... 3 ' Leeds .... 12 7 -( Huddersfield. 7 2 Tr, I IF- Riding. lO S If'i7/s 2 (L I F'orfar 1 (Pfiis/py .... rMiddl Surrey Deron . .... .. Somerset .... Southampton . Essex Oxford Wilts Northampton . Worcester .. W. Rilling .. N. Riding .. Cardigan Carnarvon .... Denbigh .... Pembroke .... Aberdeen .... Dumfries Edinburgh. .. Fife Forfar Kirkwall .... Perth s.,Stirling .... Ship-breakers, iSwr. 260 Silk-dresser 1 l)rinter 3 Silver-polisher.... 11 turner 3 Sinker-) Derby .. 6 maker ( Leicester , Size-makers Sizers, Lane Skin-ilealcr dressers .... f i)/rtwc/ie.4/er .. IForceji/fr . . . . Bristol ir«rific/c .... BV.v/more/and. Newcastle .... Salop \ Denbigh .... Montgomery . . Glamorgan .. Cardigan .... Peebles Reifrew .... Roxburgh ... , (Clackmannan . Slate- S ■* V ’ (Edinb. Slaughterer . . . Slop- i Middl. .. 24 sellers (Surrey .. 4 Small- ware-dealers, Alanchester 14 Smelters, Cardiff.. 4 Snuff- ) Surrey .. 1 grinders ( Fife .... 1 { Deptjord 4 I Finsbury 5 IF. R.. 4 f7u’5/er. 1 Leicester 1 I Hadding North . . Line. .. (Norm. .. Bristol ,, Middl. .. Surrey .. , Sussex . . f Cumberland 4 Spade- ) Durham . . 9 makers i Dumbarton 12 f. Dumfries 3 Spade-tree-ma. Som. 1 Spar-dealer.8, Derby 3 Spectacle-makers . . Spice-dealers Spindle and Fly- makers, Lane. .. (Lincoln ... .2 iFalop ?M \xi IF. n . . U i Lanark.. 5 ' Perth , . . 14 ( Surrey . . 19 South . . , 10 IF. H.. r» Sussex . . ) Willi 6 ^ />uri6or(«»» 1 Dnmfrie-». I /nveriiess.. 4 Kircud . . 2 Paisley . . 3 Ross .... 1 1 Stirling . . 1 Shoes. Sec V. Varnish- ^ Middl. » makers / Surrey, . Vellum-binders.,.. Velvet- edger ... CBi)5to».. ' >n<-gar ) . maker, _ Violin- ( Fdinb..,. makers ( Dumfr'ies , Violin-how-iuaker „ , . (Middl. ""•"'"■’e. Surrey makers | ^ Vitriol- S Lane makers i Foi A.U'. R. 3 W U'adding-mak, Surr. Wafer- ) Surrey.. . makers f Middl. . . . Wii rehouse- keepers Watch-case- makers and ) Middl.. . , gilders f Edinb. . . . Do. glass-mak. Sur. VVater-lilter-makers gilders .... . .1/idf/ IFell- S.1/u»c/i.,,. sinkers i Lineoln . . i Salop. ... Wlialebone-cutters 'Middl Surrey ...... Birmingham . . Nortluimptan. . Bristol Lane Aeu'C«s//e .... Notts lFi/f5 Leeds Hull Yoik ; Essex Salop * Curl Isle ...... Suffolk Cardigan* • . . . . Ffdinh [ •Roi6ury/i . . . . 6 W'liipcord-raakers, Notts. 2 Do. fitrick-dresser, Sussex 7 White-lead-w'orkers 17 ( Suffolk I \ Kent . . 3 U hums- ’ Emcot,. 4 makers 1 9 V Do. IF. I Whitesters, Suffolk 3 \) ick-cutfer 1 Willow-do. kSu/... 1 W illow-weavers .. 8 doggers. i iVoncicA 3 Middl... 2 Lincoln , 1 Wilts ., 6 IF. 71... 7 Radnor . 2 . Oiford . 6 Sdop . . I J, I South . , 4 S J Sussex . . 6 "I ] IFnrir'cA 6 ^ Wills . . 1 > IF. R.. 13 ^Rfldfior , 1 1 ,Frome.. 13 r I Norfolk . Nolls. ,. j Surrey.. ] Sussex . . Wilts .. •V./i... ^ Denbigh ^ Washers, lFi//J 6 r MkUl.... Bristol . ....... IForctfj/er .... Lane.. . . .... Bath IFi/rs IF. A- VtirioirA Kent Kircud ..4yr W'oollen-printer .. A f Leicester .... ^ Lineoln S Veu'Cfl5//e .... *? ] Conterihury ., ' Southwark.... IForcesfer .... IF.R B'l/is Jli Vam-) Lanark .. dealers / Perth .... ^ Middl. .. \ Surrey .. dealers Do. IF.. 2 Zinc plate -maker. . 1 ons 21 years of age and upwards, employed in each Occupation, in each Place or County, Air I’linii) Makei, , - • • - - istol Agriciilliinil iMac'" iMaker, Hoxh. fit . » IdL... Aiiclior ^ Animal I’reseiver, * ^ Annoiirers^ Surr w » ' It » • . i , 'I'cester Army Accoiitrcim^ll; 31akcrs f hitehavcn. S HI. t ! (. * ‘ 'liters / Middi... MaKC.s ^ ^iirnw ^ t T I f Leeds... makers ( Edinb.. li Jjack-makers Sr. ( Luvhw * Awl- \ iVidd.x w ion Cap-mak. 1 / Aliddl .... 34 Kiivcia 'Surrey 2 I 3 ‘ ,/o. C, 78 5 ) £ rf»., 3^«|/WWe i(j lU.s'^oiVc, , i n- I Driers , ;rs i Oiirtm.. K I f>ur / Hag- I Dorset TS i Surrey. 20 [^Edinb. . 2 Mid. 1C7 4 Coruw. Ileref. milkers # ITwwsr J •• Kent ' ' isevc.. ^ Surrey Hall- makers U lUidd. i Surrey -s ‘l ' , Jarometer-l I\Ik . . . Hat- i IMM. kers__ 1 0 ' Hat- i I^Iidd, makers 5 itjiaa, . ,f »,j A- • »x C Muldl. ^orivicl J ,r . : Hea.l-makers ,/s l Norwich Hearn- do., Ei/efjlZy- Beaver cutter ..li “•••• Bedstead- I Miduy^‘’f\- ' ' ' makers - Bee-hive makers ,, , . eerpool ^f'‘^;ddi. 13 Glamo . , 4 , , irwicfi Aherdt ,, /• ^ T\ ^wcastle .. ders I Linl ' ' tsoy •••• = • • • • t- < r unrfee y V of Paris dea. 1 ^ase-makers hdih- j r ^ f Midd. ers 1 r Middi... Hans- els Bellows- makers 'i Surrci, a Sui ret, (. IPmcT Belt- t lUidd. makers ( Surrey Billiard Tahle, K 3 10 5 2 7 IS Binning 28 Ncwcas. 2 ‘■’k- <;■ Edinb... 2 ers i Munch . 1 I Bath . 2 Oxford City . . , 2 Birdcage-makers ‘ i- , Bird-su.rters,dea'-‘^™\f-^,,,' (Middlesex.. ^ 3 1 3 i Edinb.. V Birm. Notts Norfolk .... Lancaster . . Portsmouth W,Us York, W. R: , Bath j Dorset . . . k Devon . . . ( Lancashire Cumberland Dt rby . . , Devon . . . Bristol , . . Middlesex .... Northumberlc ' NolU < c. I Monm . . I V/ '% ",■■■■ NorfolU. Siaford.... gj I Surrey .... g {■ : Weslmorelaut u ir'il' (West^y"''' ) Pas' makers .... EheAer TS <( Middi... (Norwich Cutter S Midd. 2 V'ood f Surr. 1 Bristol Ileref... Denbigh Elgin .. Herts .. ! York West ,ast ji'iymuigliiiiji... Worcester Essex I Pity C NortI Print Glazer, Lane. 1 . Middi. 4 I'rovision- j A'diiii. 3 dealer \ Surrey 4 f Sussex 1 I’russian Hliie-inaker 1 1 9 18 3 1 4 1 9 I’urse-inaker .... Q Middi... I Surrey. . Quill- J Newc ... dressers 'v Lincoln, i Bristol U Edxeter f Gloucester Herts 8 Hereford .... Monmouth . . N orthamylon . . Oxford Southampton... Suffolk IFuru icA .... Sussex Essex Surrey , . . Stafford , . . Lancashire . . iri/ts . . . . 1 2 5 2 19 2 21 3 3 1 1 2 3 'Midd. 1 Razor-strop- j _ , ■“1- iSn Rectifier, Ediuh. . . 1 f York, W.R. 70 -Ij I Lane 37 Is Middi 2 w £ Edinb 2 ^^^ makers Spur- ^ Middi . . . iurreij makers IF. R. (M'iddl 243 Surrey Kent ... Herts... Berks . . , Bristol. . Lane.. . . ICssex . . . Soijp .') ^ Edinb fi Steel-burner 1 refiners 2 Stocking-maker, A.7. 1 '' ^OxfordC. 23 Flint 19 Denbigh. 0 ; Carmart. 1 t Glumorg. 3 3 Alonmouth 3 Caithness Kircudb. Orkneys Middi. . . Leicester Lane .... IF. R... 22 Leeds... 13 Northam. 8 Wilts... 3 Hastings . 2 Carnarvon 6 _ Glumorg. 4 Stove & c Notts 26 Fender- ? Surrey . . 2 makers t Middi, . . 2 Do 341 I Bristol 33 £ \ Liverpool. .. . 5 a I Sheffield .... 2 ■3 J Whitehaven. . 1 i "j Norwich 2 §) Sheffield 2 ^ Glasgow.... 53 I Renfrew .... 7 ^Edinb 7 .Sngar-mould-makers 2 Surgical- C Middi. . 1 1 instrum- a Surrey 6 makers ^ Portsniou. 1 . 1 3 I Sword-cutler T Tambour-worker .. Tan-dryer, Surrey.. Tarpaulin- ^ Middi. makers I Warw. ( Dorset .... lFi/f,s' Rutland, ... Notts Nort/iumb . . Northamp. . . Leicester. . . Radnor .... Brecon . . . Glamorgan. . Montgomery Diaiiburton . Teapnt-handle-mak. Tea-urn do ... . Teazle- C Somerset dealers ( IF. R. . . rhrasliing- (Lincoln 8 machine- Bristol . 3 makers / '-Surrey . 5 WoUn- ^ Pdinb . . . . 1 makers ( Dumfries . 1 Vi(din-bow-maker 1 P, . . (Aliddl. 7 Do. string J ,, „ makers 3 Vitriol- S Lane. 5 makers f York, W.R. 3 W Wadding-mak. Surr. Wafer- t Surrey . . . makers f Afiddl .. . . Warehouse-keepers Watch-case- makers and Middi,... gilders / Edinb Do. glass-mak. Sur. 2 Water-lilter-makers 2 gilders . . 7IAV/(/. . Well- J Munch. \ Salop. ... Wlmlebnne-cu tiers (Middi Surrey 28 Birmingham , 43 Northampton . . 20 Bristol / nn/> Newcastle . . . 3 Notts 0 If,7ts <1 Leeds 3 Hull 7 Yo)k " 4 Essex 1 Salop 1 * Carl isle 3 Saff'olk 1 Cardigan' . 1 Jidinb h * Roxburyh . . . . (j Whipcord -makers, Nott.s. 2 Do. strick-dresser, Sasbe.r 7 White-lead-workers 17 Suffolk 3 ein . . 3 l.incolu 4 WHiiting mall .Vs , Lmcolu .1 kers I V , „ # V ork, h. !l Do. ir. I M'hitesters, Suffolk Wick-culler Willow-do. Suff'... Willow-weavers .. Wire-ribbon Wisket- makers ^ Collier, Glum. Col der, do. . Q 01 r Surrey. . 15(i > If. li.. 14 1 Lanark. . 3 V Perth . . . 14 'Surrey . . 19 South,. . 10 If. R.. . 5 Sussex . . 1 JVilts, ... 0 Dunbarton 1 Dumfries 1 Inverness. . 4 Kircud. . 2 Paisley . 3 Ross . 1 f Stirling. . Wooden Shoes. See Cloggers. Norwich 1 Middi.. . ' Lincoln , Wilts .. If. R. . . ^Radnor . ^ Oxford . I i Salop , . South . . ; Sussex . . ^ IVarw'ck IVilts . . ! If. R . . ''Radnor . , Frame . . j Norfolk . ! Notts. . . J Suirey.. Sussex . . Ifi7ts . . N.R. .. 1 3 2 1 6 7 3 5 1 4 6 0 l.> 13 14 13 3 5 5 2 1 0 Denbigh 2 ^Washers, Wilts 5 r Midd 1 34 Bristol 20 L Worcester Lane Bath Ifi/ts IF. R Norwich ... . Kent Kircud Ayr Woollen-printer m , Leicester .. ^ Lincoln . . . . £ Newcastle . . "? I Canter, bury Southwark . . 2 Worcester . . ° If. R " ''Ifiks 20 7 11 3 0 2 1 1 . 4 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 I 3 Yarn- ^ Lanark , . 1 dealers i Perth .... 1 ^ Middi... li Yeast- ^ dealers \ f V'orA, El. . 1 Do. If.. 2 7. Zinc platc-mnkcr. . 1 Detailed Display of the Numhey of Male Persons, 20 Years of Aye and npicards, returned under the Ael of 1 1 Geo. IV, cap. OO, [1B31] as beiny lUCDFORD, Lulun If Diinstnhle Straw I’latlcra \ ^^illwrigl^ts 38 IIKHKS, Copper Mills lUsliatn t l Mucliiiio iiiukers liiicklehury 4 Mats, Sackiii);, \ Abhifulon S27 Sail Cloth, X Neu'liury 21 and Silk. I S/icuiflfC. 28 l^lteadini; .. 148 BUCKINGHAM, 369 ('opper Mills ]\’yrardishury 54 Needles .... LongCreredon 23 'I'aniiers . . . . Uitckingham 12.i C tVycombe . . . . 43 I’aper ....? Chaties .... l.i C litscwhere. .. 18 Mats and l Amcrsluim .. 41 .Sackiii" ( Nfieport .... 12 Agricultural Machinciy, &c. 57 CAJinRlDOEjf;;*'™,;,;;; CHESHIRE, 13,305 C Macclesfield Tn 2190 Stuckjiorl Tiiwn 2597 do. I'arish 2709 Prestbury do. 130(' ^ . Cluadle 590 " E I Mottram in \ ° ' Longdtn Dale J ‘ ^ other parts of M'icclesjield Hand. ^ ^ ConeletoH .... 672 2 ^ Astburij 27 > • X ^ s .E ^ > z • o « * ^ S 1=3 W JS*- j :§ 2 2h ^ Nantwich . l^C/ifster City CORNWALL, 107 Iron Foundry and Rolling Mill S'!. L'rt/i .... 50 Powder ^ St. Ghtvias .. 12 Mills I St.Ninians .. 5 Tin Gulval 5 Carpet \1 eavers St. Clements 12 Woollen C Sithney 6 Serge and J Camelford .... 8 Hats ^ Launceston, Sfc. 9 CUMBERLAND, 3,214 f Carlisle Lnngtotvn, .... Wiglon Dalston Upperby Cockermouth . . Keswick Brampton .... liingmoor .... Corby Aldstone Penrith ...... Whitehaven .. Mary port Workington .. Rockliff Burgh on Sands CaldOeck Papcastle LScoflered DEVON, 1221 Gloves .... Gt. Torrington 64 , , C Barnstable.... 86 Lace-mak.,J Pilion 19 ( Harberton 21 Sampford Courtney 16 Bishops Teignton 18 Cullompton 249 Culmstock 48 Moltons, N. Sf S. 100 Backfastleigh .... 100 Dean Prior 29 Korth Tawton .. 20 Ashburton 130 Chagford 38 I Exeter 88 I Plymouth 56 Scattered 84 .50 ' o a ,a o "S oy a; — sjD = y ® 0 — 3= 5 a: about 70 1448 119 276 146 66 237 231 144 52 97 26 76 97 25 14 37 37 24 12 160 s = — . I :=-=0 =- I ot3_ £ o s-g u I S S X DERBY, 8,K63 f The Town 953 Out Parishes .... 205 Btlper 936 Diijfield Parish .. 444 Spoiidun 68 Bakewtll Parish l.iO Glossop do. .. 1870 Ilathesage 60 Tideswell 211 Ashborne 200 licanor Parish .. 375 Horsley 213 Ilkeston 301 Smalley 81 Ockbrook 121 Pentrieli Sf Rossley 56 Sawley Parish .. 198 _ o o c9 Shardlow 40 Gresley 132 Hartshorn 86 Meashum • 48 Mrlhurn 200 Reptun 42 Stanton 44 Alfreton 175 Cheslerfielii 1.32 Dronfield Parish 109 Eckington do. .. 211 Mattock 217 Wirksworth .... 61 Cromford 71 Wingfield ...... Ill [^Scattered 332 DORSET, 722 Woolens .. r Lyme 37 Silk ? Shajfcshury .. Gloves. . . . C Cerne Abbas f Beaminsler 87 Brad pole 12 Stoke Abbots 17 Ailing ton 59 Broadwinsor 15 Burton Brudstock .... 24 ^ tVylde Court 20 J Phillylwline 15 ~ I'ordington 19 Gillingham Sf B 36 Sillon 29 Slower Provost 33 Bridport 260 I Sherkorne 35 Poole 10 [^Scattered 12 DURHAM, 2547 f Darlington .. 336 Cockerlvn . . 54 Ayciiffe .... 24 Haiighton .. 40 Heighinton.. 17 o o o n •C3 -ft •2 (Q hm 0^ • (« CU ^ E - s « « a. . it I *0 “ « y n S ..H o S' O TJI , . Mill Woik MIDDLESEX, 11064 Silk District { Bethnal Green 5651 * Christ Church 836 Miscel- laneous. \ Mite End .... 543 K_Shorediich ., 447 f Clerkenwell .. 44 I Islington .... 174 I St. Lukes .... 435 Bow Sf Bromley 128 j Other Parts.. 1232 I St. Geo., West. 621 [^London City 178 Sugar Refiners Whitechapel 477 (dtaiii (’ables Limehouse .. 143 Copper Works JIarefield 34 Crape & Oil. Leather lOl Mustard Mills Staines .. 20 MONMOUTH, 3203 ( Poniypool ,, 2068 T 1 Up. Llanover 383 Iron /a, a a, T- . ' Aheruslwith 2o4 Forges, &c, > - ^ S' M Lanwenurth 84 {^Monmouth .. 80 „ , ( Panteague .. 92 *^*^*'» Low Lanvrechra 99 ^ Rogerstone .. 30 Iron Wire Chapel Hill.. 60 Colors and ( ,, ... J J Monydmaen.. 76 Sugar ot Lead { “ C Usk 4 Japan Ware? Caerteon .... 30 i_Bedwelly,Sfc. 33 NORFOLK, 4740 f Norwich . . . . " Wymondham Marsham .... Hevingham . , Haynford 33 Bunwell 29 3752 282 35 34 a c: . « 10 S s S s g *N a s <« £ iS "E ^ / Depwadc 53 5 2 .3 I Diss 23 ,52 Har lesion 31 4 Ts -= 5 .£ C so t/l < I Flrpingham. South 59 I Henslead Hundred 47 I Taverham do. 152 Remainder of Co. 109 Hempen hibrics Lophmns .. 68 Silk do. Yarmouth SI NORTHAMPTON, 582 Silk Plush ; 12 E oi : ^ it s: i « ax > o 2 ^ ■,?.B neitenuf^ Rolhu-ell 38 32 10 "I s r-.a- 2 ■ o ■£ H . I -2 ( “ < B S Chulcomb . . . Eydon MiddlelnCheney 37 Maiilford .... 14 liushden .... 12 Guilsborough Lilburn, Sfc. 49 Burton L'llimer 12 Desbovough . . 51 Sprat ton* .. 20 Abthnrpe..., 20 Remainder . . 9u: NORTHUMBERLAND, 1252 Glass Bottles ) Newcastle 214 337 47 and s „ Crown Glass./ ,y „ ' V. Newburn Hall 28 Steam F.ngin. ^ Newcastle.. 79 Sc Machinery. ( Chirton .... 22 Iron ^ Sugley .... 50 Founders. { Long Benton 46 Chain Cables Nth. Shields 11 Lead Mills ^ Staley .... 14 and Shot. ^ Wylam .... 3 Alkali Newsham .. 20 Wool Combers Hexham 2 9 c — * « ( Berwick 44 « i o Kether Witlon .. 14 ^5=1 Rothbury 13 g H ^ Alnwick n •0 gl I I'^tannington 20 = .3 I Easington 28 ^ 3 S l^StaRered 223 NOTTINGHAM, 14260 fThe Totvn Rodford Buf/ord Mansfield and Woodhoust . . Sutton Arnold - j Other Places in I Broxtow Hundred rt Snenton S Calverton CA I Carlton o ! Lampley ^ '' Other Part, of Thurgarton .... Ruddington Gotham Leahes " I Sutton Bonniiiglon .. Keyworth ^ I Rusketiffe g ; Southwell S I Bingham 53 Bridgford 1 TlWfcso/) [.^Remainder of County Linen AVeaveis ^ ^ewajk ( llawtnn Sacking .... West Retford Caiidlewick Gamston . . . 4740 1 386 910 8 1 6 1 60 7 66 449 2571 4 18 270 257 132 375 131 71 5o 83 36 !>2 220 53 IS 32 401 52 19 8 12 OXFORD, 711 Blankets Silk Plush iiud Girths. f Witney . . ? Hailey ... . ( Ciawley .. f Banbury . . j Neithorp , . Sliulford . . J Adder bury \ ,Bloxham .. G loves Cogges Drayton . . [^Rem. of Co. f Charlbury . . -J Wooton .... ( Cropredy . . Coach- Wheels ^ Bensington Sc Axle-trees, I Deddington Horse Cloths Chipping Norton it Sacking Henley .... 2 RUTLAND, 12 204 68 20 65 60 27 23 34 18 12 63 17 40 24 11 15 0 limployed in Manufactures; shoiobuj the jmilicular Branches and Number of Persons Employed therein in each County of Great Britain. Nulls iiiul |iarl.s of litavy IMiichiiierv. SALOl*, Ki.i.) \ Ilales-Owcn -ISfi t W'dliujitun 49 209 Dawtey ,, 10 . Shrewsbury 103 i Slirchley .. 16 Item, of Co, 109 C Oswestry .... 16 I'lminols ^ Church Slreiton 10 Wortheu .... 12 roicclain ) I Is rose ty .50 (•lass H'rockwitrdihe 36 Caiiieliii}! Bridgnorth 00 Hal. -Souliiig . . .. 0 bO.M!::RSUT, 1260 f / route 7.S0 -Ic I Hoad, i;c 116 sii" I tScckhigton 36 o j. Berkeh y 41 1 Church Hinton .... 21 _^'’g ! Twer ton 2B1 o ■; I Lyncoiuhe If IVidconib 566 ij i. I I’fcsiiford 32 I Ihith-forum 63 ^ o Wellington 263 I Dlilrcrtoti 25 « \,_Scattered 168 C i'eov’l \ Milborne Port . Gloves V Stoke-undcr-IL. i Montucule Mar lock Uowlaisi Corton Denham amt : H'incanton .... Ticking. (. iSloAe Tristcr .. 1 r-i .1 L Crewkerne .. bail Cloth li r . , . , I . « East Coker . . backing 7 ■( and Giit-lVeb Woollen Clotli, Serge, Sail Cloth, & Silks, Iron, Caloniine, Copper, Urass, &c. &c. Merriott IKc.s/ Hatch North Perrot f Ilminsler Chard .. Bruton , , Taunton., Shepion M. 109 Castle Cary 17 Chinnocks 64 lFit'/Tsio«i6e 26 30 5 147 28 17 24 22 30 6 62 108 19 20 14 21 478 4 105 Edge Tool; Croscombe Bedininsicr Path . . . 3Iells 5 ' Whatley . , . Emborrow .. Glass Nailsea .... Tanning & Paper Chedder Flax Keynsham .. Dyed Sheep-skins Street . SOUTHAINIPTON, 292. f Alton 12 o — a es Andover 16 Romsey 8 Aldersholt Cove Whitchurch. .2 S — 8 Sf g 5^ 1^1 5 O ® ^ CJ §,8-= S S CJ PC “o) ~ c ««5 Stuck Lucks, Preicood Neiccastle . Poltcn Silk Tiimming and Cottons. Shoes Burslem. Stoke Parish Treniham ... Wvlslanton .. f Leek, Sfc. . , I Alveton . . . , I Chcadle ... ] Checkley . . ') Mayfield ., Burton .... 1 Tutbury . . . . k Vo.vhall . . . . Slajford . . . . 1986 696 907 602 . 65 177 105 . 96 . 66 , 82 . 66 , 80 . 180 . 191 734 1.372 3626 66 67 673 24 107 106 92 171 53 32 810 SUFFOLK, 670 Mixed Silk, & < Sudbury 269 IV’orsted Stulls,' Gtem.fl. 41 Silks, Ac. C Luvenham 14 _ , Haverhill. . . ^ ^ “8 I Kidington H'desworth 173 11 9 13 83 60 Jg ~ S \ other parts of the ^ i-tg k County Gun Flints, Brandon SURREY, 2065 .2 = .= .^ C ‘Southwark 284 S o ^ I Bermondsey .. 133 "g £ " ^ ; Lambeth 748 “ = § £ I Newington .... 154 ^ I Camberwell .... 80 i S '3 ^ Rotherhil he ... . 78 Dyeing ... .Wandsworth .. 31 Copper Works, Wimbledon.. 18 Calico f Tooling lo Bleacli- 7 WalUngton . . . , 35 ing and 1 Carshalton .... 9 Piinling V, Alitcham 97 Potters, &c. Battersea.... 62 Stockings . . Oodatmhig .... 166 Silk Crape, llaslemere . . . . 16 Y-ii iocs' «‘»k'Bon 27 ' R<^'»ah«Ur Co... 102 Floor Clotii, Ac. I'ariiham J5 SUSSEX, 109. ( Brighton 40 No Spe- 7 Ucice.s in cification'l Eastbourne ... . 13 K Scattered 46 WARIVICK, 11375. a, (3 f Coventry City . . 1990 ■5 I'oleshill 931 c 2 »•: I other parts of Co. 145 ^ £ I Bed worth 3l8 "s I Bulkington .... 166 " c ? * Shilton 91 100 938 200 26 1 1 ^ > o c rt w g’og O', tj Nuneaton I Chilvers Colon , , 1 Ilurtshill I Atherstone .... 1 Wolvey 48 k A nslcy 13 Needles, Fish 7 Stndlnj ,, 106 Hooks, Ac., 7 Ijisley .... 10.3 ■ 39 89 164 51 1 1 15 14 .Samhourne see Worces- T ter. (. Alcesler . Combs. . . . Renihciirlh . . . A • 1. 1 r Warwick. Agucnltural , I . Newton . Iniplemeiits, „ I ,,, 1 Brails ... Rush Weav- sj in„. some | 34 Linen, aS:c. Iscaltcred .. 738 WARWICK, Continued; The following is an Alphabetical List of the Occupalioiis enumera- ted in BIRMINGHAM, with the Number of Male Pcrsaiis 20 I'fwr.i tusey Blanketin". i o. ■ . - ^1/ • 1 J Sfmnlon Fancy Waist- < 7.^ ,, " n 4 . Nether coatinii, Carpets, Girtiis, Ho- ytoytintp 2- ncy, backing, ^,3 « 3U ^ Hat Thore .. It ,:iii 39 Bobbiid Stnvehj 28 C Stvickliwd Roger 19 Gun- 4 Sedgwifk 1.5 powder? Lungdales II WILTS, 3497 f Trowbridge 1094 Bradford Hundred .. 741 Westbury 521 Melksltam 178 Kingwood 123 North Bradley 9i Soulhwick.. 113 rlilpirton 85 Chippenham 65 Brvmham 62 ^ 2 j Lnngbridge 53 35 35 36 Heutesburn Caine Castle Combe. Lay cock 14 Knock 21 Upton Lovcl 18 Alnhncsbury 13 Corseley 15 l^Scaltercd 124 i JVilton t Btircomb , oth Britford. 40 11 6 WORCESTER, 8034. ® = c’-l cc - ^ c - o > 'li 01 T5 0 ^ s CC tu 2: — ( Ilales Owen . . ) See I Wellington .. { S dnp. I Rromsgrove .... 117 8 I Dudley 575 I Old Swinford.... 539 ) Cradley 162 A ISorthfietd ]30 Kings Norton. .. . 87 I Worley Wiglwrn 87 Belbroughton .... 55 I Stourbridge 50 [^Pedinore 42 f Dudley 176 Stourbridge ,, i5t Old Swinjord . . 115 Wolverley .... 149 Cradley 77 o , Inkberrvw Beoley 3 B redan 13 I, Stoke Prior .... 23 f Kidderminstir., 2203 Carpets' do. the Foreign 118 ( Lower Milton .. 28 4 F.veshain 26 Silks ^ BtuclJey 10 C Shipston 18 Fine Force- 7 Worcestr. City 841 lain about 50, J Out Fin ishes 191 remaindering Claines S3 Gloves. C Whision 51 YORK, EAST RIDING, 381 Ropes, Sail f llntl (>lolh. Sack-* Sciitcoiites .. ill", CoUnns, ' Beverley .. Steam Boil-i Ilisl of Biilg CIS, Ac. Ac. U York, City 78 56 15 26 208 YORK, NORTH RIDING, 1005 Woolens, Northallerton ... . 238 . fOsvi 'therby 62 a Link and Borrowby . . 33 c Applelon-upcn-W isk ■ 73 J J I Billon 173 ,>•1 Thornaby 27 Soicerby 22 Bui ton -upon- Yiirc .... 21 Brounhlon 20 Carpeting, Slarlforih .... uri ,1 I 6 ail aA' S ack Cloth 89 ■' ( Jet Ornaments. . 17 YORK, WEST RIDING, 74669 „ r . r Leeds . . . .10635 ^ re w c i2 o g O; ■? c re o c? ^ "t: w p re o o •A ^ .5 ! ^ e— C -b S C 15 I CO — a CO ^ I ^ llirsiall • .a re q3 ^ 0. - 1=0 0 C^iJQ *a o 1 ^ L „ . 1684 To! '' Bradford 7538 5 i Halifax ..11176 (. Calcerley . .With f Dewsbury ..2059 Halley 1407 Mirfield .... 417 Thornhill,.., 449 Wakefield .. 598 Aim ondbury •n' I Huddersfield 3683 ■fl, Kirkburton ..1137 <4 Kirkhealon . I Saddlewvrlh [^Rothwell ... f liarneslcy . . . Silkslone Par., Darfield do. . Darton do, . 1187 2638 56 1285 39.5 477 275 , West Clayton do. 78 - aJ ^ ) Penislone do... 283 £ I ^ M cc t/T o .t: = im 'a S "H 15 »j « I s k *r -3 k a; .re C" ej o =2 ^ O; n - -C i: s a c - — c >5 a ® I i; s’5 ■| i I ^ ~ a ■W C O . X 4? 4, *3 — " 5 1 1 - - *H -- .5 kI if ^ 1 5^ II =a Monk Bretton.. ‘24'i Knnresboro .... 662 Harltcilh, hjc... 80 Birstifith, Spc. .. 130 Fewslon Par, .. 120 Rippon Liberty 104 f Sky ■( Bingtey, Sfc. 278 rack.< Guistey Par. 1191 i973 (^Otley ...... 458 f f Addingham 316 ^ I I Rarnotdwik Sl7 Carleion ., 230 S J Gargrave. . 72 Keighley .. 94 Kildwick .. 534 I Skipton .. 114 [_Thoriiton . . 267 f Reethain P. 221 Bolloii by B. 84 Claphnm .. 40 Giggleswick 96 J Gisburn Par Vi9 ] Long Preston 84 I Milton .... 171 I Sedbergh.. 110 I Slaidburn,, 66 k k k F/iorH Rotary do. com. .. 11 e X I Fancy Net S S Silk do 1831. 1833. — K > r Square Yds. 6,750,000 15,7.50,000 150.000 750.000 L TOTAL Square Yards 23,400,000 1/3 1/9 3/6 2/6 Value <£ 421,875 1,378,125 26,250 250,000 Embroidering 131,810 Square Yds, 205,860 78,7.50 109,375 10,905,000 5.645.000 2.207.000 \ 6,622,000 (. 4,586,000 562.000 250.000 £l, 89), 875 I 1,525,825 >/ 1/3 0 ,'f ^16 1/6 , Value 1 £ 545,250 352,8 1 .5 137,935 496,650 229,000 70,250 18,750 30,771,000 1,850,000 Extent and Annual Value of the Manufacture of HOSIER V, in 1833. Description of HOSIERY. 1 Fashioned Cotton 10,300 No. of Frames, 2 Cut np do 3 Fashioned Worsted 4 Cut np do 5 Angola 6 Lambs’ Wool 7 Silk TOTALS. 6,000 9,500 1,000 1,300 1,900 3.000 33,000 Produce in Weight of Dozens. Material. 420,000 880,000 1,960,000 2,940,000 7 10,000 2,840,000 J 100,000 400,000 95,000 332,500 135,000 639,500 90,000 105,000 3,510,000 8,137,000 Cost of Material. £— 73.000 172.000 284.000 40.000 45.000 80.000 120.000 814,000 Wages. —£— 220,000 285.000 2 1 5.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 108.000 948,000 Einishini 32.000 98.000 41.000 10.000 19.000 16.000 13,000 229,000 TOTAL Cost. —£■ 32.5.000 55.5.000 540.000 80,000 104.000 146.000 241,000) 1,991,000 Namher of Persons Emvioyed in the Manufacture of HOSIEHY. In Cotton Spinning, Dou- bling, &c 3,000 lYorsted Carding, Spinning, &c 2,500 Silk Winding, Throwing, &c. 1,000 • f Men .. 13,000 o. f Women 10,000 Stockings^ Youths 10,000 33,000 Women and Children in Seaming, Winding, &c. 27,000 Embroidering, Mending, Dy- ing, Bleaching, Dressing, Putting np; &c 6,500 Capital employed in the Manufacture of Hosiery. Total persons employed 73,000 FIXED. In IMills and Machinery for Preparing Cotton .... „£'70,000 do. Worsted ...,52,000 do. Silk 18,000 TOTAL Mills ....£140,000 In Frames — ( Narrow 62,000 Cotton^ Worst- ( / .. 11,000 ed. ( Narrow 76,000 Silk 36,000 245 .000 FLOATING. In Wool and Yarn in Pro- ' cess and Stock 85,000 Wool, Worsted, &c 150,000 Silk 35,000 TOTAL Fixed ....£38 >,000 Fabrics iiF Pro- cess & Stock.. 350,000 345,000 85,000 270,000 780,000 TOT.AL Floating £1,050,000 0 S'rA'I’MMEN'l’ showing the Proportion of the Male Population in each County of SCO TLAND ami WALES, 20 Years of age, ami upwards, Kctiirned umler t!ie I’opulation Act of 11 Geo. IV. cap. 30, employed or engaged in Agriculture, distinguishing the proponioii cmployeil as LAltouuEUS Iroiii the i)ro|)orlion engaged as Occuimeks ; showing also, tlie proportion employed or engaged under each of Six general heads of (Iccupation or Service, as well as the Total I’opiilalion, distinguishing Males from 1’e.viales ; and also, the Number of Male Servants under 20 Years of age, and Female Servants of all ages in each County ; Col. No. .*>, exhibits the 'J'otal of those displayed in detail on the preceding folding sheets; Col. No. 6, comprises Miners, Fishermen, and Laboureis, employed as Porters, Warhouscinen, or otherways, by the employers of Cols. No. a, 7, and 8, — see Note preceding page telatiug to the tlol. of ftlaniifaeturers ; No. 8, comjrrises the Clergy, Legal, and Medical Practitioners, Artists, and Teachers; No. 9, may be defined Passive Agents, Consumers without either [uoducing or rendering any useful Service, and probably include a greater Number, not being heads of F'arailies than any other Class. For details under each of the 9 heads in each County of England, — see pages lO-ll, a remarkable feature in the Population of Scotland, is the preponderance of Females over Males, a conse(piencc, j)rohahly, of the greater Emigration of Males from Scotland, than from any other part of the Kingdom. COUNTIES, arranged in Geograiducal Order, from South to North. Junplityed in AG ItIC U LT U HE* Retailers and Llandi- cra/tsmen, as if preceding Displatj. Labourers other than m Agriculture, including Miners, Quarry and Fishermtn &c. i ! Proprietors, Annuit- ants, Mortgagees, and Depe?ida)ils. R Cc I Total Male Population 1 20 Years of Age and upwards. lUale Servnuts j under 20. TOTAL Dupulalion. Ecmale Servants. s' S c> •i s' ^ O " ^ L. •te S 53 s .5 - Labourers 1 TOTAL. Manufacturers if pages 93 — 4. Merchants, Bankers Professional Men Males. Eeinales. - ^ 1 1 loxburgh . . . . 545 314 3,058 3,917 3,040 900 1,070 400 585 155 10,139 70 20,701 22,902 2,230 i 2 l?erwick 433 189 2,851 3,473 1,994 1,107 399 301 540 104 7,984 00 10,239 17,809 1,951 '3 Haddington.... 30B 90 2,870 3,208 2,581 1 ,645 194 358 454 102 8,002 04 17,5197 18,748 1,44 4 1 id 1 -1 Selkirk 8() 3(5 499 021 455 229 154 79 97 32 1,007 28 3,394 3,439 454 5 Peebles 210 79 808 1,103 084 400 173 92 134 29 2,075 15 5,342 5,230 7.07 - i '0 Dumfries 1,241 939 3,927 0,107 1 4,471 2,479 1 ,002 838 1,159 127 10,783 24 34,829 38,941 4,221 7 K irkcud bright. . 871 490 2,048 4,009 2,299 1,056 529 440 805 91 9,229 27 18,969 21,021 2,378 B Wigtoii 820 487 2,609 3,970 i 1,919 717 410 275 656 03 8,022 14 17,078 19,180 1,603 Cc 3 .y A yr 1,830 1,725 4,858 8,413 8,352 4,874 8,311 1,223 1,078 238 33,089 103 69,717 75,338 5,509 10 Lanark j 1,470 1,280 3,702 6,458 7,304 5,729 7,364 840 1,306 558 37,475 480 50,505 57,888 4,887 Glasgow City | 23 03 101 187 18,832 574 19,313 2,723 4,012 554 40,195 392 93,724 108,702 8,000 n Kent rew 770 535 2,012 3,317 ! 8,295 4,054 9,017 1,259 1,375 182 28,099 07 01,154 72,289 3,504 12 Edinburgh City ^ 98 54 627 779 19,764 4,948 792 7,403 2,296 1,125 30,007 297 72,299 89,010 12,429 do.. County { 5(57 220 3,010 3,797 1 4,016 3,247 475 794 798 288 13,415 93 27,504 29,932 3,045 ric Linlithgow'. . . . 295 179 952 1,426 1,547 1,100 500 233 290 62 5,224 39 10,995 12,290 858 14 Stirling 885 005 2,807 4,297 4,069 3,301 3,370 709 932 152 17,430 57 35,283 37,338 2,579 15 Dumbarton . . 342 299 1,048 1,689 1,953 1,497 1,998 319 337 58 7,851 23 10,321 10,890 1,092 1() Kinross 114 80 444 044 598 433 502 94 114 11 2,400 15 4,519 4,553 351 17 Clackmannan 81 50 393 524 996 1,281 259 219 173 32 3,484 11 7,095 7,634 475 IB Life 1,038 013 4,434 0,085 7,088 4,975 7,729 1,301 1,054 275 29,707 90 00,781 68,058 4,040 19 Perth County ' 2,470 2,776 6,712 11,958 7,402 4,6(52 4,003 1,187 1,713 302 31,347 140 59,273 03,005 0,243 DO, Burgh 1 12 11 00 89 2,503 542 879 332 239 43 4,027 11 9,292 10,724 811 Dundee do. ^ 30 30 207 279 ' 4,231 1,092 3,312 845 700 42 10,501 8 20,810 24,555 1,227 20 Eorfar ^ 1,053 1,003 4,259 0,375 , 5,529 2,629 5,202 1,052 1,281 268 22,396 04 44,283 49,900 4,0(52 21 Kincardine 700 810 2,147 3,723 1,(512 1,023 726 225 378 85 7,772 24 15,016 16,415 2,240 22 Aberdeen . . . . ^ :j,io9 5,190 7,497 15,850 5,528 2,218 043 723 1 ,324 209 20,501 45 51,541 60,338 / ,od0 DO. Burgh i 422 822 1,521 2,705 0,114 2,889 1,651 1,027 1,203 153 15,802 43 31,047 38,731 3,200 23 Baiift' 922 2,183 2,721 5,820 2,043 1,490 240 343 754 69 11,3(55 20 22,743 25,861 2,948 24 Elgin, or Moray 500 1,055 1,789 3,404 2,309 985 199 340 000 02 7,899 45 15,779 18,452 2,270 U2.3 Nairn 220 354 403 977 532 330 54 83 102 20 2,170 11 4,307 5,047 518 f2G Inverness . . 1 779 0,954 3,941 11,074 2,173 2 217 287 455 1 ,807 83 18,705 54 38,134 42,339 3,217 "r 2 1 DO. Burgh i 47 250 311 608 1,010 792 57 207 207 18 2,895 5 0,370 7,948 855 5 s 27 Boss & Crom. 039 0,357 2,8(51 9,857 2,751 2,389 382 472 1 ,080 70 17,007 42 34,927 39,899 2,991 1 28 Sutherland . . 102 2,834 080 3,022 004 1,038 50 103 484 14 0,035 7 12,090 13,428 788 L29 Caithness .... 441 2,408 1,378 4,227 2,257 1,050 88 223 400 19 8,270 35 16,359 18,170 1,413 30 Orkney isles . . . . ^ 451 2,341 057 3,449 1,150 1,045 130 205 437 9 0,437 4 13,105 15,742 1,197 31 Slietiaiid isles... j 304 3,897 351 4,012 487 828 84 157 000 — 0,778 — 13,489 1.1,903 1,434 Western J 32 Argyle 1,274 5,823 5,710 12,807 3,540 3,930 810 800 1,740 113 23,818 02 49,844 51,129 3,405 liiahlands ( 33 Bute . . 133 4.17 358 1)48 590 918 215 152 272 12 3,107 4 0,495 7,656 483 Total SCOTLAND. 25,837 03,900 87,292 107,115 152,404 70,191 83,993 29,203 34,930 6,895 549,821 2,599 1,114,810 1,250,298 109,512 r '^Flint 1,010 840 4,192 (5,018 2,774 3,597 030 410 502 213 14,234 88 29,924 30,088 2,013 Denbigh .... 2,204 1,024 0,405 10,353 4,(504 2,995 235 533 1,148 252 20,120 1(0 41,018 42,011 4,489 'C Montgomery 1,938 1,010 5,7 17 9,295 3,370 970 1,039 418 854 171 10,723 140 33,048 33,434 3,095 c Merioneth . . 1,112 1,240 2,001 4 959 1,701 738 194 145 998 81 8,879 47 17,194 18,121 2 '2*2‘2 Carnarvon . . 1,500 2,237 4,3(50 8,103 3,235 3,520 143 333 1,200 109 10,709 95 32,108 31,280 3,500 ' ^Anglesea .... 1,215 1,530 3,870 (;,()21 2,190 ] ,032 120 252 471 1-27 11,413 71 23,475 24,850 2,054 1 'Radnor •••* 1,032 911 2,451 4,394 1,179 232 42 121 241 00 0,209 39 12,453 12,198 1,409 Brecon 1,249 1,15(5 2,822 5,22”? 2,818 2,547 551 351 522 204 12,220 73 23,890 23,867 2,221 Glamorgan .. 1,823 1 ,931 5,192 8,94(5 7,571 10,072 1,993 1,008 1,897 337 31,824 112 03,28 1 63,328 4,93(5 a ^ Carmarthen . . 2,735 3,074 0,940 12,749 5,58(1 2,713 292 Oil 1,233 171 23,301 97 48,083 52,057 5,018 Cardigan . . . . 2,002 1,931 4,753 8,08(5 3,353 950 248 41 4 804 83 14,598 18 30,808 33,912 3,8'.r2 ^Pembroke . . 1,842 1,804 0,075 9,781 4,785 1,599 131 005 1,124 331 18,350 219 37,952 43,373 4,929 Totol fl' ALES. 1!»,728 19,900 55,t(i8 95,102 43,220 31 ,.571 0,218 5,201 11,180 2,145 19l,7(«> 1.179 3!)l,.5f>S in. 01 9 12,271 Total ESGLAND. 111,400 91,883 ! 7 fl,107 980,750 904,177 500,950 314,100 179,983 189,389 70,029 3,I99,9tfl 30,777 0,370,027 (i,711,:i78 518,705 Total CHEAT BRITAIN. 187,07.5 108,815 j 887,107 1,213,057 1,159,807 008,712 404,317 211,390 235,499 78,009 3,914,51 1 31,555 8,103,023 8,370,295 070,191 Number of Column. 1, 1 4. 5. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1 1. 1."). AN ACCOUNT OF 'IIIH NUMliKR OF of jin^ iSuriAlOt DISTINGUISHING THE PROPORTION OF MALES AND FEMALES, BAPTIZED AND BURIED, AND UNENTERED AS WELL AS REGISTERED, IN EACH COUNTY OF ENGLAND AND WALES, IN THE TEN YEARS, 1831 — 1830 , AND OF THE ilmmiier ®t ailtgfttwiitt Cliillrrtw ®f tucli BORN IN EACH COUNTY, IN THE LATTER YEAR; AN ACCOUNT COMPILED FROM THE RETURNS MADE TO PARLIAMENT, UNDER THE ACT OF XI. GEORGE IV. C. 30., FROM THE 11,301 PAROCHIAL REGISTERS OF ENGLAND AND M^ALES, OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF EACH SEX, (I^OOO^IS^ Males, 1,94^,301 Females,) THAT DIED WITHIN EACH OF THIRTEEN GRADES OF AGES, IN EACH COUNTY OF ENGLAND AND WALES, IN THE METROPOLIS, AND ELEVEN OTHER OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES AND TOWNS, AND IN THE ISLE OF ELY, IN THE EIGHTEEN YEARS, 1813 — 1830 , SHOWING FURTHER, THE PROPORTION TO EVERY 10,000 OF EACH SEX THAT DIED DURING THE SAME PERIOD WITHIN EACH OF THE THIRTEEN GRADES OF AGES, IN EACH COUNTY, CITY, TOWN, &c., AND ALSO THE PROPORTION TO EVERY 10,000 OF EACH SEX, IN EACH GRADE OF AGE, LIVING IN EACH COUNTY, IN 1821, &c., &c., &c. LONDON; PRINTED BY ,1. HADDON, CASTLE STREET, FINSBURY SQUARE. 98 S'l’ATI^lM KNT showing the Population of each County of Englan d and Wales in 1821 , and the Total Number of Marriages, Baplisms, and ISuriuh, both registered and uii-entereil in each of the same, in the 10 Years 1821 — 80 ; distinguishing the proportion of Malts and Females in each County ; tlie Counties arranged in order of their Total Population in 1821 , whereby the disproportion of Mar- riages, Haptisms, and Uurials, is the more readily discernable ; For a similar display for the 20 Years 1801 — 20 , see pages 18 - 21 . COUNTIES arranged in order of iheir Total Population in 1821. 1 Middlesex 2 Fancaster 8 York, West Riding. . . . 4 Devon 5 Kent () Surrey 7 Somerset 8 N orfolk 9 Slafl'ord 10 (lloucester 1 1 Essex 12 Southampton 18 Lincoln 14 M arwick j5 Suffolk 10 Chester 17 Cornwall 18 Sussex 19 M ills 20 Derby 21 Durham 22 Salop 28 Northumberland 24 York, East Riding . . . . City ct; Ainsty 25 Nottingham 20 M' orcester 27 Y ork, North Riding . . 28 Leicester 29 Northampton 80 Cumberland 81 Dorset 82 Oxford 88 Buckingham 34 Berks 35 Hertford 80 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford 39 Monmouth 40 W estmoreland 41 Huntingdon 42 Rutland Total ENGLAND. 'Denbigh .... Montgomoi y Carnarvon . . Flint Anglesea .... [IMerioneth .. 1 "X Glamorgan , Carmarthen , Pembroke Cardigan . . , Brecon Radnor . . . Total WALES. Total E MiL .1 N 1) and W A L ES 1 Guernsey Ihitish Isles. , .lersev (Man .... POPULATION, Marriages, Baptisms, and Uurials, in the 10 Years 1821—1830. Number of ns enumerated ni In the ('ounties 7ioted / 1821. ■ith an * Females. Registered. Illegitimate Births, in 1830. Marriages Mar- riaf;es. Baptisms Males. Fe- males. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Males. Females. Burials. r 588,578 010,958 1,144,531 128,345 107,444 105,083 148,390 141,529 130 14,360 26,330 525 380 512,470 540,383 1,052,859 112,475 184,435 177,904 132,730 127,737 20 19,790 0,830 1490 143 4 397,542 401,815 799,357 7 - 5.100 133,100 128,703 87,107 82,496 90 19,800 12,250 789 745 208,229 230,811 489,040 30, .570 71,185 05,483 40,552 40,711 140 3,400 1,030 289 299 209,833 210,183 420,010 32,934 71,493 07,541 50,290 42,492 20 3,020 1,200 209 313 189,871 208,787 898,058 30,002 01,282 00,235 47,218 44,309 30 040 2,700 157 152 170,199 185,115 355,314 27,110 50,101 54,495 32,302 33,317 20 2,550 1,510 242 261 100,892 177,470 344,308 28,444 00,883 58,512 34,000 34,370 30 2,350 930 30 !) 339 * 171,008 109,372 341,040 32,801 02,830 59,201 40,154 30,715 — 3,240 380 370 306 100,451 175,392 335,843 32,832 53,723 51,015 29,007 29,700 20 2,810 1,650 230 222 * 144,909 144,515 289,424 20,459 43,701 42,035 28,800 27,804 10 2 , 9.90 1,300 1.55 154 138,373 144,925 283,290 23,493 40,508 44,437 20,924 20,221 100 2,790 390 179 177 • 141,570 141,488 283,058 23,209 50,282 47,000 29,279 27,390 10 1,680 580 273 205 183,827 140,505 274,392 27,498 40,813 44,702 27,781 20,519 30 2,720 960 219 200 132,410 138,132 270,542 21,301 42,331 40,009 22,905 23,713 — 2,780 920 204 204 182,952 137,140 270,098 24,435 42,714 41,385 30,805 29,781 360 3,170 1,120 270 312 124,817 132,030 257,447 20,550 44,530 41,307 22,183 21,038 70 3,420 550 152 128 * 110,705 110,314 238,019 18,. 557 40,070 38,879 22,522 21,401 10 2,290 280 180 199 108,213 113,944 222,157 10,313 33,874 32,172 19,304 20,019 — 1,780 1,420 104 177 105,873 107,400 213,333 17,555 33,484 31,970 19,954 20,154 80 2,750 1,880 199 173 99,100 108,573 207,073 17,514 30,885 35,188 23,034 22,921 420 3,180 320 187 193 102,050 104,097 200,153 15,747 32,107 30,031 20,031 19,438 — 730 770 241 2,54 95,354 108,011 198,905 14,950 27,710 20,318 17,379 10,922 930 6,120 7,390 219 185 1 92,701 97,088 190 , 449 ■ 13,597 2,901 24,307 4,723 22,800 4,. 508 15,791 3,287 15,030 3,210 100 1,270 70 250 149 33 143 31 91,491 95,382 180,873 18,530 35,350 33,047 21,313 20,670 — 1,550 840 178 17 i ! 90,259 94,105 184,424 10,180 32,045 31,950 19,909 19,788 40 1,510 410 178 107 90 , 1.58 93,228 183,381 13,071 28,758 27,240 10,548 10,040 40 2,350 480 213 217 80,390 88,181 174,571 15,883 20,880 25,481 17,221 10,792 10 3 , 0.50 1,800 100 121 79,575 82,908 102,483 13,299 24,342 23,482 15,870 10,004 10 3,300 1,500 95 100 75,000 80,524 150,124 9,781 23,922 22,700 14,009 14,951 240 5,250 1,100 214 109 08,934 75,505 144,499 10,905 22,092 21,332 12,090 13,113 — 1,230 270 90 109 * 08,817 08, 1 54 130,971 T 0,051 23,124 22,497 13,770 13,587 20 510 130 100 115 04,807 09,201 131,008 10,319 20,001 20,028 12,057 13,730 180 2,520 1,240 88 94 05,540 00,431 131,977 9,791 22,481 21,383 13,470 13,320 10 490 120 122 122 04,121 05,593 129,714 7,944 20,079 19,172 12,407 12,021 30 1,080 300 72 70 00,301 01,008 121,909 11,079 22,589 21,934 14,005 14,251 — 1,190 300 88 99 51,-552 51,091 103,243 0,928 15,132 14,405 9 , 2.58 9,137 — 190 70 111 123 40,885 43,331 83,710 7,311 13,282 12,003 7,032 8,178 20 1,080 710 41 50 * 37,278 34,555 71,833 0 , 8!)4 8,250 7,818 5,873 6,365 — 4,080 2,. 500 71 71 25,513 25,840 51,359 3,500 8,828 8,193 4,708 4,718 — 00 20 52 30 24,020 24.751 48,771 4,072 7,512 7,370 5,133 5,208 — 090 280 40 35 9,223 9,204 18,487 1,415 2,809 2,711 1,809 1,839 — 240 50 13 13 5,483,079 5,777,7.58 11,261,437 9!)8,431 1,832,721 1 ,758,003 1,1 93,161 1 ,155,005 3200 I40,7!)i) 85,:i(i0 !),3!)0 9 , 21 ') 37,785 38,720 70,511 5,303 10,718 9,897 0,900 0,008 — 1,590 190 55 .52 29,748 30,150 59,899 4,208 7,473 7,040 4,980 4,871 — 3,030 090 70 G.j 28,412 29,540 57,958 4 ,445 7,400 0,031 4,928 4,740 — 1,050 120 30 44 20,733 27,051 53,784 3,411 9,378 8,890 5,498 5,033 — 090 — 41 37 21,784 23,279 45,003 3,285 5,547 4,820 3,219 3,135 — 1,!).90 430 33 28 10,479 17,903 34,382 2,214 2,891 2,051 2,000 2,795 — 1 ,030 00 8 13 De faults . . 440 1 ,400 1,020 50,427 51,310 101,737 9,331 10,407 9,249 8,228 7,805 — 0,040 2,810 1 58 ir 43,577 40,002 90 , 23 ‘) 0,91 1 8,545 7,081 5 , 9 i )5 5,!)!)8 — 0.010 2,380 89 70 34,530 39,479 74,009 5,011 7,003 7,314 5,059 5,140 — 2,310 000 no 100 27,898 ' 29,880 . 57,784 3,990 0,504 5,020 4,430 4,419 — 3 , 0!)0 400 58 5 il 21,853 21,700 43,013 3,401 4,037 3,070 3,244 3,082 — 1 ,.500 010 38 4 1 1 1 ,200 ' 11,193 22 , 4.59 1 . 0.53 3,380 3,191 1 ,842 l , 8 ( i 9 — 200 100 52 48 350,487 300,951 717,438 53,259 83 , 94 !) 70,000 . 50,989 5 . 5,. 501 ; 10.450 8,510 Oil 0!'2 3,83.1,100 (i, 1 41,70!) 11, 078,375 1,052,0!)5 l,!)17,-llt 1,836,01!) 1,2.->I,105 i , 2ii,soa 3610 172,610 !)1,8!)0 10,1 17 !),'!)2 9,519 1 1 ,308 20,827 2,020 3 ,. 57 ! 3,383 2,408 2 2 J 2 13,050 1 5,544 28,000 2,997 5,294 5,107 3,370 3,453 19,158 20,923 40,080 2,700 0,230 5,859 3,299 3,238 1 SI’A'I’KiM K\'r sllo^vin^ the nitio of Marrhujes in the 10 Years I»-21 — to every 100 of tlic Population in 1B21, in each County of livyland and lln/es, ami ot liaplisins ami liuruds to a Marriaye during the same period ; showing also the excess of Baptisms over Burials, and the increase or decrease of Population in 1H31, over and above, or under and below, the excess of Baptisms over Burials. t OUNTIKS urrungi'd in reference to their increase of Poimlation in Ib3l. Metropolitan S 1 ) 2 !M iddlcsex Surrey . . 3 Lancaster 4 York, West Riding 5 Chester () Nottingham 7 Leicester B Stafford 9 Warwick 10 Durham 11 Northumberland 12 Monmouth r 13 Cambridge ^ 1 14 Kent 1= ! 15 Gloucester ; 1(5 Bedford J 17 Devon I J '' IB Somerset ^ 19 Cornwall 20 Sussex H 21 W’ orcester ^ (^22 Northampton . . . . f23 24 25 2(5 27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 41 42 Norfolk Suffolk Essex Lincoln Southampton . . . . Wilts Derby Salop • York, East Hiding City & Ainsty . . York, North Kid. Cumberland Dorset Oxford Buckingham . , . . Berks Hertford 1 1 ereford ........ M'estmoreland . . . . Huntingdon Rutland Total ENGLAND. f Denbigh ! Montgomery . . . . J Flint I Anglesea I Merioneth LCarnarvon r Glamorgan I Carmarthen j Pembroke Cardigan Brecon Radnor lotal WALES. Total ENGLAND and WALES. British S Isles of I Jersey Man . s 3^1 Ratio of Baptisms to a Marriogt. Ratio of r%als to a terriagt. I Excess in the 10 lV«r,s IH2I— 1H30 of ISaptisms over Uiiriats. Total increase in the 10 Years 1821 — 1830. (: -w* Total increase exceedin/' the excess of Uajilisms over llurials. 1 Excess ofRaiitism over Hurials exceedinf' the Total increase. ‘m. C HE ■S Q O Q a ^ a Males. 1 Females. Males. j Females. OS Males Females Males Females 9 .4(5 2 .7 2 .46 13,069 18,169 97,837 1 15,962 19 84,768 97,793 190 201 1 7 .4 3 .38 2 .61 13,004 14,806 40,989 46,687 22 27,985 31,881 145 1 147 2 B .41 3 .39 2 .37 58,179 56,647 137,913 146,082 27 79,734 89,435 70 , 219 3 7 .7 3 .75 2 .42 49,738 50,012 88,270 88,723 22 38,532 38,710 196 1 307 4 7 .4 3 .52 2 .5 12,934 12,629 31,181 33,112 24 18,247 20,483 88 1 1-25 5 B .22 3 .8 2 .31 14,392 13,332 18,966 19,488 20 4,. 574 6,156 211 216 6 B .07 3 .49 2 .25 10,290 9,314 11,166 11,266 13 876 1,952 212 2.56 7 !5 . 3 .8 2 .36 24,112 23,916 35,253 34,219 19 11,141 10,303 142 180 8 B .02 3 .42 2 . 19,412 18,563 31,749 30,469 23 12,337 1 1 ,906 205 210 9 7 .06 4 .20 2 .7 14,681 13,697 22,648 23,589 22 7,967 9,892 76 104 10 7 .12 3 .78 2 .62 9,696 8,761 10,793 13,154 12 1,097 4,393 85 99 11 7 .02 3 .01 2 . 3,473 3,543 13,817 12,480 36 10,344 8,937 125 128 12 7 .9 4 .40 2 .63 8,369 8,125 11,730 10,316 18 3,361 2,191 164 173 13 6 .88 4 .31 2 .82 22,077 25,929 24,739 28,400 12 2,662 2,471 409 395 14 8 .3 3 .29 1 .86 24,636 22,429 24,667 26,509 15 41 4,080 339 337 15 7 .69 3 .68 2 .25 5,B35 4,670 6,065 5,702 14 230 1,032 123 1-26 16 7 .42 3 .8 2 .24 31,818 25,957 27,560 27,878 13 1,921 4,258 467 471 17 6 .71 4 .17 2 .49 24,319 21,698 24,117 24,769 13 3,071 202 475 475 18 6 .8 4 .33 2 .12 23,788 21,104 21,396 22,095 17 991 2,392 i 205 203 19 6 .8 4 .41 2 .38 19,159 1 8,423 18,628 20,693 17 2,270 531 311 303 20 7 .69 4 .05 2 .47 13,286 12,718 13,124 13,817 15 1,099 162 171 199 21 7 .42 3 .85 2 .56 9,372 7,778 8,374 8,479 10 701 998 303 297 22 7 .3 4 .27 2 .45 26,987 24,852 22,131 23,255 13 4,556 1,597 730 687 23 7 .19 4 .02 2 .23 20,356 17,826 13,359 12,416 9 6,997 5,410 510 501 24 6 .45 4 .37 2 .8 15,806 15,676 14,106 13,977 10 1,700 1,699 406 404 25 7 .33 4 .28 2 .46 2 1 ,553 20,826 17,288 17,119 12 4,265 3,707 632 615 26 7 .5 4 . 2 .27 20,784 19,413 13,709 17,273 11 7,075 2,140 313 310 27 6 .79 4 .16 2 .5 14,690 12,333 9,409 8,590 8 5,281 3,743 300 311 28 7 .43 3 .87 2 .38 13,985 12,257 11,867 11,970 11 2,098 287 139 186 29 7 .06 4 .03 2 .55 12,116 11,173 8,961 7,824 8 3,155 3,349 215 234 30 8 .11 8 .21 3 .54 3 .2 2 .27 2 .24 • 10,557 9,607 5,891 7,913 11 4,666 1,694 184 44 192 41 31 6 .67 4 .45 2 .57 ! 13,145 1 1,-529 3,050 4,325 2 10,095 7,204 189 227 32 5 .9 5 .18 3 .07 11,298 9,800 6,371 7,186 10 4,927 2,614 104 138 33 6 .8 4 .15 2 .4 10,476 8,699 7,602 7,151 10 2,874 1,548 268 264 34 7 . 4 .34 2 .57 9,544 9,095 7,570 7,615 11 1,974 1,480 217 227 35 7 .15 4 .09 2 .64 8,584 6,932 6,867 5,594 9 1,717 1,338 202 206 36 6 .74 4 .51 2 .5 9,190 8,242 7,007 6,405 10 2,183 1,837 154 162 37 5 .56 5 .06 3 .01 7,972 7,511 7,271 6,353 10 698 1,1.58 133 132 38 6 .23 4 .3 2 .66 5,934 5,388 4,286 3,682 7 1,648 1,706 219 223 39 6 .47 4 .8 2 .65 4,140 3,495 2,063 1,619 7 2,077 1,876 32 68 40 7 .66 3 .82 2 .6 2,584 2,367 2,357 2,064 9 227 303 101 97 41 7 .3 4 .11 2 .61 1,155 967 498 400 5 657 567 50 50 42 7 .65 3 .72 2 .43 (K>C,47j 030,208 892,948 930,020 16 303,886 351,669 77,413 45,257 9,854 10,446 6 .34 4 .19 2 .5 4,518 3,929 3,833 3,285 8 685 644 59 58 6 .42 4 .11 2 .52 3,657 3,339 3,305 3,278 9 352 61 54 53 5 . 7 5 .5 2 .03 4,225 4,208 3,191 3,037 11 1,034 1,171 •27 30 6 .82 3 .76 2 .07 3,108 2,471 1,691 1,571 7 1,417 900 67 72 6 .24 3 .24 2 .73 1,016 641 715 218 3 301 423 34 34 6 .66 3 .53 2 .2 3,243 2,650 3,756 4,734 1 513 2,084 71 68 7 .33 2 .82 2 .03 4,154 3,299 12.857 12,018 24 8,703 8,719 127 123 6 .86 3 .57 2 .08 4,365 3,498 5,106 5,395 12 741 1,897 76 80 6 .16 3 .43 2 .16 3,369 2,999 3,422 3,994 9 53 995 145 140 6 .16 3 .82 2 .33 3,389 2,516 2,970 4,026 10 1,510 419 65 70 7 .13 2 .72 2 .37 1,268 1,063 2,043 2,107 10 775 1,044 67 75 6 .7 4 .13 2 .27 1,618 1,462 1,187 1,005 9 431 457 52 52 6 .6 3 .58 2 .27 37,930 32,075 44,076 44,668 12 10,785 16,249 4,639 j 3,656 844 855 r .6 3 .72 2 .42 704,405 602,283 937,024 981,288 16 314,671 367,918 82,052 48,913 10,698 11,301 1,163 1,141 2,464 2,837 1,301 1 ,696 1 1,924 1,714 3,950 4,032 2,026 2,318 1 2,932 2,621 402 517 1 2,530 2,104 1 I 100 I ABLK shnwni(l in order of their Total Population, in 1811. 1 INliddlescx 2 Lancaster 3 \Fesf Riding of A'ork 4 Devon a Kent (i Surrey 7 .Somerset 8 Norfolk 9 Stall'ord 10 G loiicester 11 Essex 12 Lincoln 13 Southampton 14 Warwick 15 .Sull'ol k 1(> Chester 17 ( orn wall 18 .Sussex 19 W ills 20 Derby 21 Durham 22 Salop 23 Nortliumberland .... 24 East Riding of York City of Y ork 25 Nottingliam 2(5 M'orcester 27 North Riding of York 28 Leicester 29 Nortliampton 30 Cumberland 31 Dorset 32 Oxford 33 Buckingham • . 34 Berks 35 Hertford 30 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford 39 Monmouth 40 Westmoreland 41 Huntingdon 42 Rutland Total S Males England, i Females [Denbigh I Montgomery .. t; J Carnarvon = ] Flint ^ I Anglesea ...... j [_Merioneth N I [Glamorgan .... I I Carmarthen . . . . I ■2 J Pembroke 1 J'] Cardigan I ! Brecon t Radnor Tolnl WALES. England J ’'lales N Wales, r Females .... Ml.TROPOI.IS Maritime Towns. [ Li verpool . . i Bristol . . . . J Plymouth . . Portsmouth Hull .■ LN(!Wcaslle Isle of I'dy Manu- facturing Towns Birmingham Leeds Norwich . Nottingham Halifax . . . . Total MALE Population, as enumerated in 1811. 1831. 134,f.35 631,410 394,104 650,389 .321,837 185,812 179,.5.53 235,78!) 183,.500 231,572 151,811 230,860 141,419 194,316 1 38,089 189,323 148,073 206,921 133,192 185,1 18 124,839 159,015 117,022 ' 158,858 118,8.55 j 152,082 109,539 1(>5,576 111,988 145,769 110,.S4l KM, 133 103,310 146,213 94,188 135,333 91 ,5(50 117 622 91,494 117,740 83,071 121,748 1 11,017 80i385 10(hI47 J 81,205 t 82,1 12 ) 16,510 79,0.57 110.457 78,033 103,383 81 ,070 93,203 73,300 97,5.56 0>.,279 03,433 .57,717 87,949 81,971 76,.5'(6 76,387 71.734 .50,208 57 360 72,553 71,395 r»o,75fi 72,03! 4(i,404 55,838 33,171 40,4^0 .30,987 51 ,09e 22,838 27,57('i 20.402 26,.377 7,931 9,721 4,. '582, 153 0,370.627 4,070,735 6,7U,37S 31,129 41,618 25,37.1 33,048 23,379 .32,108 22,712 29,921 17,444 23,475 14,308 17,194 41,305 63,284 30,080 48,683 27,453 37,952 23,7.59 30,8(i8 18, .507 23,8!Hi 10,124 12,1.53 291,633 394,563 5,290,890 7,li.'i,995 083,0,59 87,919 43,!»39 34,998 52,74 1 21,169 33,013 23,617 27,737 12 (i.57 20,739 11,916 19,660 17,812 26,771 40,518 71,7.56 29,512 60,473 15,1ii;t 15,195 27,761 23,ld1i 54,2;)2 35,35'.l Tout No. that died Proportion that died at each of the 15 undermentioned grades of Ages. in the Of Total 5 10 15 1 20 ] 30 40 50 GO 70 1 80 90 lot) 18 Years under to to lo to to to to to to to to sr) 9,.5H4 1,284 849 1,039 , 2, -281 1,818 1,9.58 2,264 3,:i90 4,160 2,.597 : 289 ' 7 33,283 7,.591 1,841 11, .570 1,449 l,0(i5 1,297 2,613 1 ,86-2 1,790 •2,169 3,182 3,734 2, -266 268 12 38,768 7,787 2, .565 13,419 2,091 1,898 1,196 2,803 •2,109 2,181 2,503 3,474 3,859 2,843 550 4-2 .34,556 (i,fi83 1 ,078 10,622 1,504 1,076 1,:128 •2,638 •2,123 2,219 2,.571 3,453 4,-207 2, .501 301 13 2!),380 5,375 l,(i2K !),()95 1,403 950 1,095 2,-.'82 1 ,826 1,797 2,026 •2,7.54 3,276 •2,:t67 464 45 20, (Ki.) 6,696 1,.5!)3 10,096 1,189 701 918 1,860 1,385 1,501 1,8.52 2,444 •2,759 1,7(13 252 5 5,509 1 ,308 383 2,081 278 176 170 315 344 343 4-28 528 510 270 27 — 33,916 • yois 2,428 14,:50l 1,489 804 1,079 2,305 1,703 1,828 2 , 1-26 2,735 ?,395 1,911 233 6 33,394 7,631 2,294 12,505 1,387 984 1,098 •2, -278 1 ,892 1,981 2,-2-20 3,l(i7 3,498 2,080 225 19 28,427 5,087 1 ,250 7,987 1,191 804 1,012 •2,062 1 ,528 1 ,522 1,922 •2,!129 3,934 3,0T2 470 24 28,303 6,747 2,065 10,658 1,102 638 901 1,970 1,684 1,602 1,81 1 •2,695 3,188 1 ,88-2 164 5 20,57S 5,747 1,51-2 !),()03 1,097 660 788 1,78-2 1,370 1,436 1,17 y,S54 3,01^7 1,943 153 3 25,502 5.191 1,703 8,' 7^ 1,215 710 885 1,817 1 ,452 1,522 1.698 2,319 2,775 1 ,808 308 15 20,!)33 3,929 1,191 6,(i:u 822 529 647 1,489 1,145 1,200 1,413 2,084 2,891 1 .823 253 6 23,226 5,353 1,222 7.979 831 5(il 723 1 ,603 l,-286 1,:300 1,571 2,:i04 3,048 1,840 178 2 21 ,384 4,91 1 1,0!)2 7,420 874 540 670 1,3.58 1,096 1,211 1,444 2,173 2,804 1 ,626 KM 4 22,721 4,498 i,:i03 7,271 885 .573 679 1,(M2 1,3.53 1,4-22 1 ,6:t7 2,307 •2,909 1 ,827 •213 3 21,0,58 4,73't 1.108 7,157 937 .5(i0 576 1,463 1,184 1,340 1 .5.54 2,137 2.6-22 l,:383 141 4 22,773 6,003 i,:t2o 9,103 1 ,059 627 675 1 ,603 1 ,300 1,307 1 ,550 2,002 2,223 1,129 124 5 16,241 2,951 604 4,;5(i5 565 -102 496 1,127 !)3(i 971 1 ,205 1,942 •2,374 1 ,645 202 11 12,508 2,777 722 4,:5:52 554 413 438 851 603 722 922 l,-265 1,447 h7 1 86 4 9,580 1 ,870 4(M 2,991 383 240 274 799 616 635 702 89!) 1,071 817 144 0 7,890 1 ,409 393 2,330 401 245 261 613 453 4:io 521 788 1,020 724 97 4 8,248 1,874 411 2,842 3.5(i 226 270 548 487 491 632 911 91)8 530 45 2 2,930 697 93 928 94 65 78 173 140 1.53 233 35(i 410 270 24 — l,H9D,0n4 1 25 706,56.*i 8-2, 97 2 49,010 6n,i IS (36,070 1 IS/i45 1*23,998 1 35,86*2 17 *2 ,806 190,669 I04.:)67 I3,0tl 559 I,S48,()48 ;v28,«y5 75,754 49,008 08,375 156,170 134,71 1 12), 386 1*26,671 i; 0,090 I98,6*J9 l*25,‘29-4 18,974 IU9) V"' V 11.989 2,189 (M7 3,632 517 367 430 95(i 72(i 754 898 1,161 1 ,150 930 167 1 8,700 1 ,602 481 2,641 363 2110 312 ()67 498 517 573 8-14 1,115 7(M 142 4 8,285 1,7:19 513 2,763 308 226 298 6:i2 509 489 54!) 745 1,033 1 1 46 SO 1 8,950 1,732 5:i6 2,985 423 302 321 7.59 603 599 694 838 h(>7 490 , 67 2 5,387 l,o:t 2 321 1 ,7(i8 223 140 174 445 297 29!) 3!)7 510 652 407 6!) 6 4,675 629 229 1,168 176 108 i:i9 333 273 207 310 534 695 567 191 4 13,126 2,392 816 4,196 620 352 426 1 ,076 7(i8 816 !)78 1,1 :i!) 1,314 964 ' 165 12 10,122 1,510 150 2,815 532 293 :i-i5 908 616 537 717 1,01 1 l,-2l'3 922 , 197 16 8,370 1,279 488 2,401 380 229 291 681 424 450 .59!) 81! 1,1)31 ( 863 LS9 1 5 7,s80 1 ,081 402 2,250 418 242 28(> 772 483 •I3r) 5!)7 729 940 623 !)3 n 5,856 1 ,033 260 1,651 229 151 206 163 386 350 431 55() 690 631 105 7 3,161 (i03 141 8!)5 102 68 79 215 168 164 208 329 516 ; :i.V2 61 4 96,501 16,821 5,287 29,474 4,291 2,708 3,287 7,907 5,751 5,077 (i,!)81 !),-->07 1 1 ,:>3!) 8,15!) 1 142 7s I.BlKi.lB.'i I30.4‘2(i ,o:i0 87.Vt)3 5*>,324 ni ),.')Sr> 1*23.996 1 l*2.8)3 IS'2,007 [ ‘20*2,204 1 I0,7*i6 1 (B:r ,B4*2,301 311, 137 l‘27,017 ! 79,732 52,155 7 1 ,535 163,140 140,818 130,139 13*2,<»18 I79,*^5I •2 » 1.0*2' IJ(*,04.'i *2), 304 I ,*^93 233,310 47,959 21,441 92,155 9,;560 3,(i!)8 4,783 15,718 19,585 22,9I0 22,146 21,515 i5.:wi ' 5,‘20!1 41!) 31 30,852 [ 7,<)80 H.207 14,701 1 ,50(i 665 785 2,21.1 2.121 2,.50(i •2,08!) 1 ,!I33 1 ,:i58 , 57(1 72 s 15, (i!)! 2,848 1,101 5,555 793 388 475 1 ,275 i,:i.57 1 ,493 1 ,3.58 1 ,3(iS 1,108 .551 58 •2 13,125 2,871 1,.561 6,1.57 610 235 299 1,018 l,(NI() 960 81!) 952 hll 3M,| 5.5 2 11,979 ■ 2,701 582 4,996 574 211 293 t).51i 893 9*29 870 8!)ti 111 50 0 8,816 1 2,238 706 3,7:56 458 192 2(i5 563 5 10 51)6 71 5 8()1i 63!) ‘295 41 4,677 918 299 1,584 232 122 150 392 396 350 38!) 42:i 397 213 •25 1 10,153 3,0.58 597 4,514 485 278 28(i (i!)2 551 (iOO 70() 802 835 :t(i!) :i:t 2 27,088 6,615 2,781 12,2:!0 1,.321 (ilO 711 1 ,883 l,()l(i 2,074 2,018 2,015 1,51:0 5'):i 85 !) 18,068 1 4,890 2,184 9,1 13 810 51 1 517 1,1 :i9 1 ,().■.!) 1,081 1,1.5!) I,t!)l 07S 116 IS 3 10 321i 1 3,315 .511 4,778 :5')i 161 221 l!!9 .196 5,S‘2 .5!)l .‘^70 1,11)5 564 55 4 9,L01 2,8:i7 996 1,916 451 195 •230 555 59 1 597 571 61.5 650 •259 27 1 8,863 2,1)95 888 3,7.54 4.50 289 :i:i9 593 j;i2 n;i 5 1.) 7.56 812 :i!)5 20 101 TIh' STA'I'l'iM I'^N'T lx low c>liil)ils llio 'rot,:il of llio I’lCMAl K I’opiilal ion in Hnoi.ANI) and \V ai.KH, A:c. &o., and llio Tolal Nniii- liiT of Ui'f(isliriil Hiniiils llion'of in ciaTosiiomliiin llinc mid order lo lliiit of llie Males on (lie iireiedinn pane. On referring to |)an«' 1>H il will be Keen lliat the birllis of iMales nroallj exceed 0io.se of I'eiiiales, while by the Slateinenl below if appear.s llial llie ^lorialily of Males in infancy, and up lo 10 V'ear.s of ant’, exceeds tlial of the reiiiales in a nct aler proporlion tliaii the excess of Oirtli.s ; from 10 lo l.i ^ ears of ane, On- Mortality of the twii sexe.s appear etjiial ; w hile from l.'i to 10 the Mortality of Females nceatlx exceeds that of the Males ; from to lo .'lO il anaiii appears nearly etpial ; ami from .'iO lo 70 preponderates ainoiin the IMales ; after 70 the perioil of lonncvily mav lie considered to have comineneetl, and lo preiionderate neatly in favor of the Female : hence, nolwilhstaiidinn the excess of iMales born, the n''caler i\iorlalily in infancy, and the shorter duration of Life, lonether with the nt'eater eminralion of .Males, a preponderance of I'eniales always appears on enumeral ion ; one or two (ioiinties which will be noticed in another place present an excejitinn to this neaer.d rule. 'I he two following; panes exhibit the propoilion in every Hi, 000 of each n'rade of ane in each of the Counties and 'I owns exhibiletl on this and the precedinn pane, by which the lelalive mortality bi each County and 'I'owii is more readily discernable than by inspection of the Total Numbers. Accordinn to the |)iopoi lional results, the North Kidinn of York, and the County of Hereford, exhibit the hinhest indications of lonncvity, and inconsiderable mortality in infancy; but as renards the North Kiditij; of York it dcsi’rvcs consideration how far the results arc all'ecled by its larnc eminralion; il is shewn at pa^e !H) (see No. :1'2 of timt page) that admitlinn the enumeration returns lo be accurate, IO,(l'J.i Males, and 7,’2l)l Females must have left that district, and aiig- menled the Numbers in some other Counties in eipial iiroporlions, and at page ’21 it is shown in like manner, that Lblti Males, and Females, left the North Kiding in the 10 ^'ears IHOI — 10, which numbers have tended lo iiicreasi’ the number of deaths in other (anilities on one side, while they have tended to ilimiuution in the North Kiding. Il is further shown at page !)!) that in the 10 \’ears IK2I - IKK), the iMetropolilan, Manufacturing, and Mining', Comities have received an accession of (ih’2,.'>8‘.) Inhabitants beyond the excess of Hirlhs over Deaths. (See following page.) COUNTIF.S ill onliT of their Tot.U. 1’ol’l'I.ATION, ill 1811. 1 Middlesex 2 Lancaster .......... 3 W est Kiding of \ (It k i Devon 5 Kent ti Surrey 7 Somerset 8 Norfolk 9 Stafford 10 (iloucester 1 1 Kssex I ’2 Lincoln 13 Southampton 14 Warwick 15 Suffolk 10 Chester 17 Cornwall 18 Sussex 19 Wilts 20 Derby 21 Durham 22 Salop 23 Northumberland .. 23 Nottingham 20 W'orcester 27 North Kiding of York . •28 Leicester •29 Northampton 30 Cumberland 31 Dorset 32 Oxford 33 Buckingham 34 Berks 35 Hertfora 30 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford 39 Monmouth 40 Westmoreland 41 Huntingdon 4’2 Rutland Total (Females., England. J Males . . . , r 73 a ( Glamorgan . I Carmarthen j J Pembroke . . >1 Cardigan .. ^ I Brecon . . . . (.Radnor . . . . Total WALES England ( Females . &Wales. J IMales ... KIetropolis f Liverpool . . , I Bristol .... Maritime J Plymouth . . Towns. 1 Portsmouth I Hull L Newcastle. . f Denbigh j Montgomei’y . J Carnarvon Y Flint I Anglesea ^Merioneth Isle of Ely J Birmingham. . Leeds Norwich .... Nottingham .. Halifax Total ■'F.5I \LF. To'al No 1 hit ion 5 lliai (lit’il Proiiorlion that died at each of the 15 undcrincntioned grades of Ages. as enumciated in in tlie 18 Yc.irs 1813—30- Ciider 1 Of Toliil under .5. IKI 1. 1831. 1. '■ 518,013 720,920 2().,,709 3l,(i85 17,078 72,IMi.5 434,205 ()8(),4()5 177,725 3(),4(36 18,180 72,037 331,478 190,538 124,1,52 23,097 10,903 4(),05() 203,775 258,(i8i) ()S,(i80 9,(i87 4,411 20,237 Ib9,5!)5 214,5'.:; 70,307 13,201 4,1.82 23,905 172,040 ‘255,47 1 71,s:i5 i:i,517 5,085 •25,834 101,731 20‘.),H84 55.298 8,314 3,045 15,570 1,53,910 200,731 .50,7.) 1 12,751 1,878 18,1-20 147,080 203,.591 (i0,034 12,812 4,530 •22,493 1.52,322 •201,901 50,204 7,703 2,845 14,143 127,034 158,492 45,023 ^ 8,388 •2,170 13,081 120,809 158,007 45,319 9,7(il 1,890 14,482 120,225 102,198 43,978 7,100 1,935 12,575 ll9,l«Ki 171,034 52,775 9,912 4,308 19,117 122,-223 1 150,548 30,818 0,994 1,489 10,538 110,19.) ' 170,258 47,405 9,021 3,200 15,818 113,3.57 1 1.54,725 35,889 S 3.955 2, .500 9,707 95,895 137,007 33,4.57 5,790 1,076 9.028 102,-208 1 1 22,, 534 33,040 4,533 1,001 8,174 93,993 119,4-30 33,198 5,807 1,740 9,577 93,951 1 132,102 37,970 5,907 2,222 11,224 08,450 1 111,921 33,343 5,422 1,515 8,994 91,770 110,705 28,801 3,<)83 1,455 7,442 ^ 80,148 ( 80,749 ( 18,852 25,239 5, .507 5,113 1,013 1,354 343 8,101 1,783 83,843 1 14,870 .53,29-. 0,859 2,344 11,864 82,513 107,982 32,447 5,910 2,212 10,7-20 85,430 97,553 28,700 3,840 1,150 0,571 77,053 99,447 27,327 5,148 1,792 8,825 91,387 27,907 4,000 1.324 7,010 70,311 87,710 20,017 3,944 1,032 7,027 0li,!)70 82,710 21,970 3,091 999 5,400 00,059 75,70" 22,020 3,999 1,149 0,502 01,442 74,79.5 22,923 3,777 1,029 0,147 00,917 72,830 22,139 3,400 1,107 0,000 50,031 71,940 20,235 3,7.54 1,072 0,171 50,353 71,924 22,108 4,948 1,220 7,830 47,009 55,373 10,118 2,290 491 3,550 37,042 49,033 : 13,480 2,101 683 3,f,71 31,140 47,035 8,837 1,432 394 2,42) 23,084 27,405 8,119 1,122 340 1,9.55 21, .800 20,815 8,200 1,.528 449 2,.582 8,449 9,004 3,025 577 71 779 4,970,735 7 14,378 I,S-18»0-IS 325,095 122, *297 598.235 4,582,153 ti. 376, 627 1,899,69-1 420,125 134,139 706,565 33,311 42,011 11,418 1,708 570 2,980 20,558 33,434 8,070 1,213 444 2,182 25,957 34,280 7,740 1,3.58 408 2,319 23,801) 30,088 8,298 1,300 473 2,.528 19,001 24,850 5,414 793 306 1,489 10,010 18,121 4,927 498 227 979 43,702 03,328 12,512 1,821 730 3,832 41,1 :17 33,102 5-2,057 10,0.57 1,184 401 2,100 43,473 8,741 1,041 371 1,947 20,501 33,912 7,882 770 389 1,H73 19,-2-28 23,807 5,517 841 245 1,451 10,770 1-2,198 3,077 449 90 182 320,155 411,019 94,‘263 13,042 4,720 24,008 5,29 i,S'M) 7,l2.‘i,995 r l,9J-2,30l 341,137 I'it.OI? 622,903 4,873,780 i, 771,190 E 1,996,195 439,946 139,4'26 736,039 552,105 j 788,882 1 219,830 37,871 19,373 79,954 50,301 101,323 S 30.000 0,043 3,'291 13,480 40,012 1 (54, 242 ! 1 5,.578 •2.-240 1,090 4,872 31 ,.591 42,491 j 12,402 2, -297 1.-2.54 5,158 29,102 85,2h7 1 11, -203 2,1-29 .513 4,180 15,590 •25,087 : 8,331 1,708 00 i 3,077 15 071 23,400 4,')02 1 084 288 1,352 18,880 •;0,.590 1 9,833 2,586 589 3,987 45,235 75,230 2.5,0-29 5,199 2,093 10.701 33,02.5 02.920 17,319 3,854 2,219 8,134 31,. 592 ( 10,021 •2,669 513 4,060 18,758 27,004 1 9.097 1 2,098 9t)4 4 079 28,0.57 55, < 07 i 8,45> 1 1 ,030 821 t 3.206 5 III 15 20 30 40 50 00 70 80 90 1 100 to to lo to lo to to to lo to to 6. a 9. 11. 19. -.9. 39. 4!). .59. 09. 79. 89. 99. 'bov. 8,092 3,584 4,810 15,330 l(i,801 IT,.)!;0 17,.590 19,173 8,0<)7 1,221 81 I 8,0(i7 4,800 0,898 15,404 13,408 1 1 ,K{.5 10,501 12,70; l;5,l()'-. 7,182 !)27 1 (i!) ' 5,218 3,008 4,9.59 10,482 8,h21 7,580 7,539 10)373 11,019 0,943 921 i 2,915 1 ,.575 1,902 4,915 4,421 3,<)h8 4,(i72 7,190 t),437 0,187 1,130 51 3,U5 1,898 2 589 0,318 5,-290 4 H5I 1,74.5 0,112 0,7 9 4,101 (>25 2>) ; -2,9.52 1 ,559 1,991 5,452 5,2<)3 5,107 5,470 0,714 U,H!)3 3,049 .521 31 i 2,-221 1,491 2,000 4,504 3,802 3,718 3,920 .5,710 0,t)05 4,033 709 37 •2,125 1,.501 2,005 4,499 3,508 3,390 3,(.27 5,031 0,H()7 5,080 808 58 2,.501 1,741 2,432 5,-2()0 4,184 3,(i73 3,500 4,721 5,42.5 3,.541 530 27 1,950 1,294 1,792 4,415 3,830 H,442 3,542 .5.0,52 0,000 4,130 5.52 41 1,950 1,400 1,985 4,355 3,3.58 3,084 3,181 4,10.5 4,954 2,999 423 •22 1,832 1,331 1,719 3,787 3,190 2,730 3,182 4,243 .5,IH)4 3,-222 472 29 1,733 1,104 1,G62 4,101 3,.570 3,0.51 3,218 4,308 .5,089 2,973 4.58 10 2,237 1,435 1,9-0 4,353 3,874 3,522 3,.5.50 4,021 5,000 2,710 347 23 1,387 1,200 1,744 3,080 2,890 2,010 2,770 3,705 5,014 3,041 516 27 1,990 1,.550 2,1(7 4,280 3,072 3,190 1 2,939 3,848 4,527 3,018 375 19 1,001 893 1,141 2,()87 2, -211 1,97.5 2,207 3,779 5,107 3,741 020 34 1,424 1,0-20 1,.590 3,499 2,.507 2,193 2,178 2,H02 3,7!)9 2,372 311 8 1,231 899 1,247 2,808 2,4-24 2,297 2,5:i7 3,873 4,419 2,788 341 8 l,-277 1,080 1,092 3.262 2,484 2,157 2,190 3,040 3,777 2,3-14 29i) 10 1,804 1,122 1,300 2,924 2,012 2,409 2 479 3,3.54 4,235 3,525 820 90 1 1,397 978 1,449 2,!)30 2,280 2,074 2,170 3,157 4,128 3,‘2(i4 50.5 17 i 1,313 777 982 2,395 2,098 1,910 j 1,986 v,()05 3,o()3 2,910 090 88 1 L104 70<» 909 2,087 1,776 1,013 I 1,738 2,20.5 2,727 1,873 200 14 •218 136 214 441 302 391 : 375 4!(4 580 415 03 5 1,338 944 ‘ 1.4-28 3,033 2,275 2,184 2,132 2,717 3,174 1,941 253 12 1,248 944 i 1,352 2,852 2,315 2,032 2,010 2,801 :t,433 2,330 370 28 1,089 857 1,180 2,510 2,018 1,747 1,931 2,825 4,049 3,208 075 40 938 735 1,105 2,312 1,91)3 1,719 1,820 2, .585 3 224 1,893 248 11 971 985 1,2.7 2,578 2,000 1,801 2,020 3,04.5 3,.587 1,907 194 0 1,100 714 803 1,981 1,683 1,595 1,721 2.5-22 3 272 2,401 459 19 j 780 644 865 1,830 ],.580 1,191 l,03:t 2,3 1.5 3,000 1,984 283 !) 1 705 OKi 900 1,913 1,067 1,414 l,.505 2,233 2,947 1,832 258 8 851 704 1,051 2,147 1,008 l,.52l 1,579 2,397 2,893 1 ,729 172 4 1 791 010 8(i4 1,971 1,038 1,499 1,511 2,178 2,K70 1,8.57 28.5 792 591 797 1,810 1,405 1,303 1,330 1 ,840 2,355 1,5:J8 222 <) 990 071 841 1,938 1,527 1,393 1,392 1,908 2,Is5 1,329 149 <) 579 430 075 1,394 1,093 1,0.54 1,108 1,073 2,250 1,849 303 34 535 5U1 763 1,432 1,037 928 908 1,319 1 ,4ti0 875 94 3 355 207 255 722 050 59,5 559 84-i 1 ,083 940 189 10 315 231 317 012 580 517 5.57 820 1,159 895 l.-)0 5 370 254 32M8 136,679 118,245 123,998 135,862 17■^,S()0 190,669 JOS, 567 l.^,U-ll 514 290 423 869 810 719 755 1,100 1,384 1,253 24!) 0 301 253 324 045 574 572 573 875 1,221 977 103 10 274 107 2:i8 493 498 482 522 757 1,018 804 103 5 389 253 319 084 525 487 520 758 944 704 114 7 206 146 174 385 324 354 407 551 737 540 99 2 174 117 138 342 317 312 341 503 703 700 177 4 577 306 397 928 875 770 790 1,011 1,300 1.288 333 33 444 259 343 787 057 550 706 9.54 1,397 1,187 321 40 415 234 281 003 491 489 5-15 888 1 ,2(i8 1,238 308 34 392 2;J4 280 014 499 480 .541 801 1,00.5 903 184 10 177 131 140 403 370 340 340 5G1 744 083 14!) 10 115 1 91 91 217 191 186 195 342 498 394 7b 5 3,978 2,487 3,100 0,970 0,137 5,753 0,247 9,101 12,399 •0,791 2,330 172 79,732 52,155 71,535 16.3,110 140.S-19 ! 130.139 1 32,9 IS 17 9,-2.-; I 21 1.02S 36,0S5 21,36-1 1 ,263 87,263 5-2,:«4 63,105 l-ll,58() 123,996 j 129.675 I Ci.SJ.t 1 182, oor 202, 2US j 16,726 14,186 637 8,676 3,612 1 4,890 10 , Too 17,988 18,981 18,813 21,737 19,340 8,535 1 1,133 71 1,410 509 i 773 •2,310 2, *280 2,201 1 1,970 1 2.101 1 1,848 915 i 153 1 20 052 310 1 468 1 ,3!)5 1,308 1,175 l,-200 1.001 1 1,4.7 1,022 121 15 020 231 259 9-22 950 824 1 801 1,011 i 1,049 515 110 0 491 230 316 1 ,002 1,020 820 ' 820 927 1 824 484 80 3 308 , 183 269 003 019 572 1 000 731 781 413 51 4 211 [ 118 134 383 361 353 I 1 294 416 505 303 02 11 470 281 317 837 030 1 591 1 .597 748 831 453 52 3 1,157 572 798 2,025 1.871 1,701 * 1.6.52 1,802 1,072 819 98 ! 11 732 1 420 628 i 1,330 1,152 1.020 980 1,1.57 1.148 505 02 i 3 329 195 258 1 057 024 010 1 ()S5 959 i 1,2‘30 804 140 4 395 230 837 729 on 001 555 019 ' 021 2,80 3.5 1 .”) 385 i 223 314 059 501 518 1 535 1 757 801 432 00 1 1 102 S'l’A'I’l'iM KX'I’ ot llio I'otal Nimibcr of DFATITS, distinguishing Mules from Females, in each County of England and Wales, 111 lilt! IMrTiioroi.is, in cacli of eleven of the principal Cities and Towns, and in the Isle of Ely, in the 18 Years 1813—1830, and the proportion thereof in every 10,000 of each sex at each of 13 grades of af?es; also a Statement of the total iminbers that died duriiij? the same 18 Years, distinguishing Males from Females, at each year of their respective ages ; compiled and deduced from the returns of the nunilier of Hiirials made to Parliament under tlie Act oj" 11 Geo. IV., cap. 30, from the il 301 Parochial Uegisters keiit within Eiiglaml and Wales in 1831, the returns being alt complete. At the present time, when the principle of Insurance of Lives is Virodiiciiig increasing excitement, and when the result of its practice is about to develope itself, the interest and importance of .Statements like these cannot be too hi'dily appreciated ; these notwillistandiiig some discrejiancies are probably the most complete and important exhibitions of the kind that any Age or Country have as"vel iirodiiced. In 1821 it w as endeavoured to arrive at just conclusions in regard to the relative effect of climate and circumstances on, and the expectancy of human life in the diH'erent parts of the Kingdom by obtaining the ages of the living; although that investigation led to results both curious and interesting, [see pages' 1 they are very inconclusive ; while in the present case, altlioiigh the returns of the ages are in many instances questionable, as a whole, they may be regarded as siilliciently aiiiiroximative to accuracy for all ordinary, or ])ractically useful purposes. It is observed by Mr. Kickman in his preface to the Olheial Ke- tiirns that “ It w as impossible to arrange the Table of the 3,938,490 Persons buried in England and IV' ales, w ithout remarking the excess of Mortality w hich falls upon “ tlie'lleceniiary Years, especially on 00 and 70, where the llurials are recorded to nearly double the amount as compared to the preceding, and to the succeeding “ W ar. Hence the tendency to speak in round numbers may be estimated w ith considerable exactness ; one person in 4 or 5 w ho dies at 59 and 01, and at 09 and 71 “ Years of age being thereby transferred to 00 and lO. Total Number Broporlioii of MALKS, in every 10,000. Ages of 3,938,490 Persons Buried COUNTIES, tliat died in the 18 Years, 1813-1830. that (lied at each of the 13 undermentioned grades of ages. in England and Wa LUS. iinaiij'id in reference to their under 5 to 9. 1” to 14. 15 to 19. 20 to 29. 30 to 39. 40 to 49. 50 to 59. 00 70 to 79. 80 to 89. 90 to 99. 100 & a- bov. 1 Tolal Mates- Females. ' Total. 1 Klijiiirent ej/'eet on Homan Lii-i:. Male. Female- 5. (!o. i Under 1 of 1 2 436,946 139,420 78,114 341,137 127 017 778,083 200,443 154,014 1 Middlesex 2 Lancaster 3 \1 est Kiding of Yoi k .. 217,087 205,709 3,838 400 170 211 094 841 974 948 933 705 254 24 2 75,900 181,713 177,725 4,000 489 303 359 098 579 589 597 081 062 335 40 2 3 47,800 40,773 94,033 129,819 124,152 4,1.55 405 309 350 091 .502 545 043 834 893 487 58 2 4 33,()93 32,070 65,709 7!), 707 70,307 3,500 434 243 343 922 780 737 73(> 858 912 475 53 1 : 5 24,854 19,376 23,340 18,091 48,194 37,407 70,320 71,835 3,943 413 190 247 040 710 821 830 937 842 376 37 2 6 05, .532 00,034 4,078 401 317 301 742 583 594 020 810 878 490 57 3 1 7 10,407 13,895 12,071 14,(i08 12,303 11,270 31,135 26,258 23,941 55,335 52,775 4,030 437 2:10 295 090 02t> 073 090 8G5 911 479 00 2 8 ' 9 8 tdiester 9 Nottingham 48,370 47,405 3,!)38 407 337 391 755 .599 009 018 783 898 b'6b 07 3 33,910 33;295 4,217 440 237 318 081 502 539 027 800 1,001 503 07 2 ; 10 11,610 10,.527 22,137 22,773 22,108 3,998 405 275 297 704 571 000 683 879 970 490 54 2 ' 11 12 10,441 9,990 9,777 9,800 20,218 19,796 1 1 Devon 12 Somerset 13 Norfolk 08,303 08,080 3,485 427 222 209 091 Oil 592 707 990 1,202 708 93 3 13 9,088 10,201 19,949 53,904 55,298 3,420 441 200 303 09s 010 027 700 995 1,139 704 90 4 14 10,.589 11,790 22,379 5(i,590 .50,751 H,807 392 2^14 309 086 495 525 579 809 1,190 801 99 4 15 10,090 12,527 22,023 50,329 50,204 3,302 441 271 322 75() 001 089 777 988 1,072 040 72 3 1 17 11,385 12,508 13,737 14,212 25,122 20,780 15 ] ir. 1 47,710 45,023 3,312 440 207 335 7o4 010 GG2 785 1,015 1,151 603 59 1 47,845 45,319 3,731 422 240 290 073 580 , 597 733 920 1,070 655 75 2 i 18 to 28 14,704 1«> 199 16,343 11 131 31,047 45,437 43,978 3,326 427 253 300 T'Ol 038 004 724 907 1,173 687 77 3 29 18 Sull'olk 38,217 39,818 3,250 381 208 345 701 539 548 053 1,005 1,320 842 85 3 14,513 10,514 31 ,027 3(i,877 35,889 3,154 457 244 332 773 502 041 794 1,045 1,215 092 89 2 30 35,3()8 33,457 3,304 434 288 354 798 021 591 GGl 900 1,212 702 08 1 j 31 to 39 12,165 13,815 25,980 21 Wilts 22 Derby 23 Northumberland 24 Durham 31, .520 33,046 3,041 407 209 330 724 577 021 718 1,075 1,320 824 92 2 40 10,209 17,304 33,513 33,283 33,198 H,47(i 435 320 3;M) 785 5()0 539 G52 950 1,122 681 80 4 29' 380 28,801 3,090 478 323 373 777 021 012 089 937 1,115 806 158 15 41 10,083 10,900 20,989 38,708 37,970 3,401 539 301 380 723 544 503 Glfl 890 995 733 142 11 42 1 3,493 14,073 27,500 33^343 3,074 435 312 385 703 014 042 744 999 1,217 724 87 4 43 10,828 11,489 22,317 *■ ' ’ 44 12,292 1:;,000 24,958 .. ^ East Riding ... . ' 1 City and Ainsly W orcester Sorth Riding of \ ork.. 25,239 3,780 CIO 203 344 098 519 5o3 095 910 1,035 039 94 2 45 15,532 14,548 30,080 20 27 28 5,509 33,394 28,427 5,507 32,447 28,701 i 3,778 3,703 2,810 505 415 419 319 295 283 309 329 355 020 082 720 024 567 538 023 593 530 777 005 070 9.58 948 1,030 920 1,047 1,384 500 023 1,070 49 07 105 0 8 46 47 48 12,601 12,633 13,801 12,334 12,103 13,230 24,935 24,730 27,031 2b'303 27,327 5,7(i5 389 225 318 090 595 507 041 952 1,127 065 58 2 49 12,203 1 1 ,480 23,089 221 050 070 710 084 912 !)23 1,013 1,080 585 701 72 3 !)4 95 1,129 977 1 ,()85 1 ,582 2,814 2,569 I,042,;j01 725 HO 0 !Mi 715 1,182 1 ,897 V" “ V ■ M 1 ROI’Ot.IS 233,310 219,830 3,903 400 159 205 073 839 !)8-l 949 922 (KiO 224 20 2 97 494 840 1 ,340 ( Liverpool . . . . 30,852 30,000 4,705 488 210 255 720 780 810 077 (27 440 185 23 2 !)8 420 708 1,134 1 Bristol Marilimej . owns. . . 15,fi91 15,578 3,.540 500 247 303 813 805 894 800 871 700 351 37 1 9!) 2()7 495 702 13,425 12,402 4, .580 455 175 223 758 790 715 (i32 709 029 280 11 1 100 239 4(i8 707 1 1 ,'.)79 11,203 4,171 480 204 1 24 t 798 745 775 720 718 710 310 42 5 1 101 133 225 358 1 Hull 8,810 4,t)77 8,331 4,238 3,388 520 218 I 300 039 012 012 811 91 1 72) 335 40 _ 1 10^ 70 174 244 l,New'caslle .. 4,502 495 201 i 321 838 817 718 832 901 84!) 455 53 !) 1 103 <>3 131 197 lot 41 90 131 Isle of F.lv 10,1.53 9,833 4,4 10 ■178 274 i 282 ()83 512 591 0!)5 ' 789 j 822 30.1 32 2 105 29 72 101 1 100 17 •2!) 40 ( Birmingham., 27,088 25,029 4,515 488 225 1 275 095 718 70(i 745 711 570 219 31 s 107 13 •21 3t 18,(Mi8 1 17,319 5,044 4 19 283 308 1 (i30 580 598 Oil ' GGt 1 541 230 27 •i 4 lOS 10 18 28 factoring^ Norwich . . 10;320 1 10;02l 1 4,029 379 1.50 1 214 1 483 480 .50 1 , 575 M7 1,070 540 53 1 10!) 0 12 18 Towns. JNottingham . 1 9,001 1 9,097 1.5,1.50 473 203 1 239 1 57H 52/i 021 .594 (i 10 07!) 2()9 28 1 Ill) 7 11 18 U Halifax 1 8,803 8,452 1 4,230 513 320 1 382 1 009 487 .521 015 1 853 1 910 110 33 - 1 HI III 124 9 18 lo:) Tlu' ST A'l' ImM I’iN r l)clow I'xliibits tlu! piopoiiion in ev«>ry 10,000. 1 ’kmai.ks that died, in cacli County of Knc.iaND anH2,5M) Inimliilanis, heyoiul live excess of liirllis over Deatlis, iiliile the A(;ricnllnral ( onnties during the ssine period (•■avo out 130,'.Hi.>, leaving npivards of r)5(),l)0() lo he accounted for, as having linmigraled into the IMelropolitan, &c. Counties of I'.ngland ;uid Wales from Ireland, .Scotland, and Foreign jvarts ; in addition to these causes for dispropoi lion in the ages of those ilying in the did'erenl (ionnties, the results are further Hllecled by the einigralion to distant parts during the same period of about 3.'iO,t)OI) persons of mature age ; lo enable a just comparison to be draiin of the relative idfecl of locality and circnmsiauces on bumun existence, all that are born in their respective districts should continue therein until they die, and an accurate account be kept of the Number and age of all m ho may immigrate iheieinto. I’iige 17 exhibits the result of INIortality during the same IS Years, in < leven other of the principal ton as of rngland in comparison with the (bounties of Kssex and Kulland, ami the Metropolis, and the following page exhibits the proportion living in every 10,01)0. in each grade of age, in each County of I’.ngland and Wales, and in Scotland in 1821 ; from the whole of whicli it is dcducible, that while the I’Nlanufucluring Districts exhibit the greatest tendency lo increase of numbers by jvrocrealion, as well as by immigration, the Manufacturing o])eralions are unfavor- iibletolil'e; hut the aggregate of Creat Britain exhibits a high physical condition, whetlur viewed in comparison with its state at former periods, or in comparison with the pliysical results of other communities in any part of the VV Orld.— .See pages H(C7 for the Cnited States of North America. , Proportion of I’lCMALl^S, in every 10,000. COUN I ICS (ijp undermentioned grades of ages. iirranged m vefercnce " t« ihiir 5 10 15 20 30 10 50 60 70 80 90 100 (ipiMiriit I'jft'ct on u iider to to lo to to to to to to to to 6c a- Human Life. 5. 9. 11. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89. 99 hov. 1 Middlesex 3,502 393 174 231 715 816 8.54 855 1 ,009 932 423 .59 4 2 Lancaster 4,087 454 274 388 867 758 661) .594 715 737 404 .52 4 3 B est Riding of N ork .. 3,710 420 291 399 844 711 ■ 611 607 83.5 936 5.59 74 3 ■1 Kent . . . 3,397 443 270 368 898 752 689 674 868 91)5 683 89 4 i Surrey . 3,39<) 411 217 277 7.59 737 761 762 935 960 508 72 5 (i Startdrd 3,747 417 290 40.3 876 697 612 584 786 904 590 88 4 7 Warwick 3,()22 424 272 375 825 734 667 673 876 947 515 66 4 8 Chester. 3,337 419 328 457 904 77.5 673 620 812 955 637 79 4 !) Nottingham 3,.563 402 284 429 911 683 656 640 816 953 583 70 4 11 Devon . 2,946 424 229 286 0< 4 716 814 581 ()2b (]80 1,017 1,374 £01 0/ Ui5 7 12 Somerset 2,817 402 270 374 815 ()H7 ()72 710 1,032 1,249 8.38 128 6 13 Norfolk 3,193 375 264 364 793 629 .598 639 887 1,199 8!)(i 1..3 10 14 Gloucester 2,814 389 257 357 878 762 685 705 1,005 1,207 823 no 8 15 Essex . 2,999 429 320 435 954 73t> 676 697 913 1,0 6 657 93 5 l(i Lincoln. 3,196 404 294 379 836 704 604 702 936 1,121 711 104 6 17 Southampton 2,860 394 265 378 933 812 694 732 991 1,157 076 104 4 18 Suffolk . 2,647 348 303 438 924 726 655 696 953 1,259 914 130 7 19 Cornwall 2,705 463 249 318 748 616 550 632 1,053 1,140 1,012 174 10 20 Sussex . 2,878 426 305 477 1,046 7C7 6.56 651 855 1,135 709 93 2 21 Wilts. . . 2,474 373 272 377 850 733 695 7C8 1,172 1,337 844 103 2 22 Derby . 2,885 385 32.5 510 983 748 650 661 917 1,138 706 87 5 23 Northumberland 2,-584 456 270 341 832 728 6()5 690 936 1,216 1,012 240 30 24 Durham 2,956 491 296 344 770 688 634 653 883 1,115 928 218 24 25 Salop. . . 2,697 419 293 435 879 684 622 651 ’ 947 1,238 979 151 5 or. VnrL- ^ Riding 3,233 437 280 384 827 704 639 689 871 1,080 742 105 6 20 ^ uik ^ Anksly 3,238 396 247 389 801 657 710 681 897 1,053 808 114 9 27 Worcester 3,30(i 385 2<>1 417 879 713 626 621 863 l,0.-,8 718 114 9 28 North Riding of York .. 2,289 379 299 413 874 703 609 673 984 1,411 1,117 235 14 29 Leicester 8,230 343 269 404 846 697 (i29 668 916 1,180 693 91 4 30 Northampton 2,722 347 352 449 922 717 644 722 1,089 1,283 682 69 2 31 Cumberland 2,932 446 27.5 332 761 647 613 661 969 1,258 923 176 7 32 Dorset . 2,488 355 293 394 833 719 679 743 1,097 1,393 903 129 4 .33 Oxford . 2,874 338 2^2 ICO 846 737 625 691 987 1,302 810 114 4 34 Buckingham 2,682 371 333 458 937 728 664 689 1,045 1,262 754 75 2 35 Berks . 2,7.38 357 276 390 890 740 077 683 984 l,29(i 839 128 2 36 Hertford 3,050 392 292 394 894 724 644 660 912 1,164 760 no 4 37 Hereford 2,206 359 267 419 865 678 054 725 1,0 !8 1,396 1,147 225 21 38 Bedford 2,648 396 371 566 1,062 769 688 718 978 1,083 6-19 70 2 39 Monmouth 2,738 402 234 289 817 742 673 633 957 1,226 1,064 214 11 40 W estm ore 1 an d -. 2,408 388 285 390 7.54 714 637 686 1,017 1,428 1,102 185 6 41 Huntingdon 3,149 458 310 397 866 677 599 716 982 1,166 016 63 1 42 Rutland 2, .575 314 297 354 830 648 555 727 1,164 1,435 955 139 7 Total 5 Females 3,237 410 269 370 845 729 673 685 920 1,075 078 103 6 England. ( Males 3,719 437 261 317 719 622 653 715 910 1,004 571 69 3 r f Denbigh 2,010 450 259 371 761 710 630 661 1,016 1,212 1,097 218 5 „ j Montgomery .... 2, .51 7 347 291 374 744 0(i2 660 661 1,009 1,408 1,127 188 12 t; J Carnarvon 2,996 354 216 308 637 643 623 674 978 1,315 1,039 211 6 = d Flint 3,047 469 305 384 824 633 587 634 913 1,138 921 137 8 1 An! ;lesea 2,7.50 380 270 321 711 598 654 752 1,018 1,3()1 998 183 4 ^Merioneth ? 1,987 353 238 280 694 643 634 692 1,021 1,548 1,-543 359 8 f Glamorgan 1 3,063 461 245 317 742 699 620 636 808 1,087 1,030 206 26 „ I Carmarmen 2,392 441 258 341 783 653 547 702 949 1,389 1,180 319 4() ti J Pembroke ' 2,228 475 268 322 690 562 559 623 1,015 1,451 1,416 352 39 5 1 Cardigan 2,377 ■497 297 363 779 633 609 686 1,016 1,351 1,146 233 13 “ i Brecon 2,630 321 237 265 730 682 627 616 1,017 1,349 1,238 270 18 . 1. Radnor 2,217 374 296 296 705 C21 605 634 1,111 1,018 1,280 227 16 Total WALES 2,617 422 264 335 740 651 610 663 972 1,316 1,145 247 18 England S Females 3,207 411 269 368 840 725 670 684 923 1,086 701 no 6 ScVvales. \ Males 3,687 437 262 318 724 621 j 650 716 912 1,013 585 72 3 Metropolis 3,636^' 395 165 222 734 818 864 856 989 880 387 51 3 Liverpool . . . . 4,486 471 189 257 771 7.59 732 657 699 615 304 51 9 Bristol 3,127 419 203 300 895 840 754 774 1,028 916 656 78 10 Maritime j Plymouth . . . . 4,139 503 185 208 740 762 661 643 811 842 413 88 5 Towns. Portsmouth .. 3,711 436 204 281 943 906 733 728 823 731 430 71 3 Hull 3,694 442 220 323 724 743 686 792 877 937 496 61 5 L Newcastle. . . 2,964 402 259 294 837 791 774 644 912 1,107 796 136 24 Isle of Ely 4,055 478 286 353 851 647 601 607 761 845 460 53 3 [Birmingham., 4,299 462 229 319 809 748 680 660 756 668 327 3!) 4 iNIaiui- 1 Leeds 4,688 422 242 362 770 664 .591 568 667 662 326 36 2 facturing c Norwich .... 3,823 308 184 243 6i9 588 580 645 903 1,158 813 132 4 Towns. j Nottingham .. 4,4&l 435 253 370 801 672 661 610 680 683 308 38 .5 . Halifax 455 264 371 780 664 613 633 896 948 511 7! 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Ff FH X »o to ® Ff © Oi ^ ^ © © ©^— ^©^© S^c^® © ^© ^x MALES. — Proportion living in every 10,000. witliin eatli oi the 13 linaenneiitioned grades of ages. — I'K.MAI.ES. o oci S t: ^ 22 P !2 ?? 72 x w 0 DC *0 •f C0tF.©»0©© ©©©04 ©t X If. Ff F^ — X DO fh »0 tF. DO X tF. © Ff DO 'O DO DO Ft © DO © Dt D7 *T © © © 04 rF. Ff trt F- X CO r^ tj X © © ©ff©©X04©X©®,-^X O tF. OtF.XlF.tF.tF. If.^ fh' wS of — — fJ' fh'' — — f^ — o o M oloTi — 3 «I 2333 — — x*'.'Mxito©x>oioxx*.oco©^ — jg 1,210 1.149 1,185 1,170 1,120 1.150 1,241 1,180 1,148 1,118 1,172 1,209 1,165 CO f CO Ff r.. to © X CO © X © X © © ©to — ©04 04 ©04©t;:SS2 — 04 CO — 04 74 O4f-O474 fh^ O^ 74^ O^ © o o I* -f t; I .-5 Cl Cl ri « t- « -T . -; V? . X cc X -f 1 ; X -g Cl cs I- . ? — ci — — — o « o i~ m x m g x g ^©©'©'Oi'Oi'-"— <©^x>o — ©© i-iiO'/ooi© — l•'^F©» © © © I'F © l'« CO ©©XtF.t..O 74Ff04©X© CO 1 ^ — CO^tX-H ©D^h.D7©X to © © (f. Ff ,o 04 t>. If. to If. to © © © © © © l-F © © © © © © © 0(04© ,©XC0tO©X04© 04 — CO tF. 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    . 77 Do. to each of 48 Jiritish Colonies or Dependencies, in 1830 78 F. Factories and Mills. See Mills. Families, numher of, in each class of occupation in Great Britain 3 Do. do. do. each county of England, 181 1-.31 8 Do. do. do. Wales and Scotland. do... 90 Do. employed in Agriculture 10 Do. do. in Scotland in 1811 — 1821 13 Do. do. in Wales, &.C. in 1831 96 Do. do. in Ireland 256-8 ante Farm Houses, exemjd from House Duty, in each county of England 8 Do. do. do. Wales and Scotland 89 Farmers, number of, employing lubourers,in each county of England, in 1831, col. 8 10 Do. not employing do. do. do. col. 9 ib. Do. do. in each county of Wales and .Scotland 96 and 256 ante Do. do. in each province of Sweden 73 Felons, numher of, convicted in each county of England and Whales, in each year since 1804 46, 47 Female .Servants, in each county of England and Wales, in 1831 9 Do. do. Wales and Scotland 250 ante and 96 Foreign West Indies 78 Forgeiy, nundjer committed and convicted for, lines 14, 16, and note 48,49 France, geographical and .statistical display of each of the 33 ancient provinces, and 86 present departments of 56, 64 Of the 41 departments annexed by Napoleon 05 Estimated annual value of the produce of the soil of. 59 Freeholders, number in each electoral division of the United Kingdom F.iendly Societies, numberof, and number of members in, in each county of Eng- land and Wales, in 1803 and 1815 33 and 38 Do. do. in the county of Middlesex and city of London 39 Do. do. Depositors in .Savings’ Banks 9 Furnaces, Iron, number of, in blast, in the departments 17 — 25 of Imperial France 65 Do. do. .Sweden 76 Do. do. Prussia 84 Do. do. the United States of North A merica G. Game Law.s, ofl’ences against, line 34 48, 49 Gaols, expenses of, in each county of England and Wales 5t) Genoa and Parma, how annexed to France 65 Geographical and statistical display of each county of England and Wales... 4 — 12 Do. do. do. Scotland 13 and 16 Do. do. do. Scotland and Wales 96 Do. do. do. Ireland. ..14, 15, & 256-8 ante Do. of the British North American provinces and colonies in the West Indies and other parts of the World 73 Do. of the United States of North America 51 Do. of the locality, relation, super6cies, population, revenues and expenditures, productions, &c. of each of the 19 provinces of China 51 — 53 Do. of the locality, relation, superficies anti revenues cf each of the 55 provinces of the Russian Empire 54, 55 Do. ot the locality, relation, population, superficies, productions, live stock, revenues, &c &c. of each of the 33 ancient provinces and 86 present de- partments of Fiance 56—64 I Do. do, of the 44 annexed by Napoleon, between 1792 and 1812 65 | Do. do. of Spain and Portugal 68 I Do. ot the locality, relation, superficies, population, occupations, ages, mor- tality, proprietary, productions, live stock, manufactures, and commerce of each province and chief town in Sweden 67 — 77 Do. of each ofthe 17 provinces cf Norway 67 Do. of each ofthe 19 provinces ofthe Netherlands 79— 82 Do. of the locality, relation, superficies, population, live stock, revenues, oc- cupations, productions, &c. of eacli of the 2f5 provinces of Prussia 82 — 84 Gibraltar, geographical position and population of 78 Gloucester, county of. Houses in, and their rentals, in 16 clas.ses assessed to House and Window Duty 43 Grain (aud Rice) retained in the district granaries for the troops,"and as a re - serve in times of scarcity, in each of the 19 provinces of China 52 Do. produce of, in each of the 55 provinces ot Russia 55 Do. in each of the 86 departments of France 68, 59 Do. in each province cf Sweden 74 Do. in the Netherlands 81 Gold Coast. See Cape Coast Castle. Grenada, geographical position and population of. 78 H. Hamburgh, geographical position of, &c. Hanover, do. Havannah, do. Havre, amount of customs dnties paid at 61 Hayti, Cape, geographical position and population of. 78 Hearth Tax, number of Hou.ses assessed to, in each comity of England and Wales in 1690 7 Highw'ay Rate, amount of, in each county of England and Wales in 1827 45 Do. with Church and County Rate, 1776 — 1815 38 Highlands of Scotland, population of, &c. Nos. 27 — 33 13 Holland, geographical position, population, &c., of each ofthe nine provinces of 82 Do. how annexed to Imperial Prance 65 Hops, acres planted with, in the counties of Kent and Sussex. See Di.strict Arrangement 80— 86 ante Horses, horned Cattle and Sheep, number of, in each county of Scotland 16 Do- do. in each of the 86 departments of France 58, 59 Do. do. 44 do. Imperial Prance 65 Do. do. 24 provinces of Sweden 74 Do. do. 9 do. Prussia 82 Do. do. the Netherlands 81 Hosiery District, population of, No. 14 ^^3 Do. and Lace, interesting Display of the Extent and Wdue ofthe Manufacture of 9*5 Houses, nurnher ol, inhabited, building, and nninhabited, proportion assessed to House lax, and oi Farm Houses exempt, in each county of England, in 18.31, and totals in I80I, 1811, and 1821 3 The like account for Wales and Scotland ' 89 90 Number charged and chargeable to House Tax in 1708 and 1781, and number ’ assessed thereto, at rentals ofT20 per annum and upwards, with the rentals at which assessed in 1823 and 1830, and also to Window Duty in the same years in each county 7 Do. in each county of Ireland .'.'.'..'..'.'..'..'258 ante Do. and rentals of) in 16 classes assessed to House and Window Duty in the Metropolis, and counties of Lancaster, Somerset, Gloucester, and Sussex inl829, .30 ! ; 43^43 Do. amount at which assessed to Property Tax and Rental in each county of ’ England and Wales in 181.3 g Do. ammmt levied on in do. to Poor Rate, 1825-6 45 Do. of Correction, expenses of. 5Q Do. inhabited, uninhabited, and building, in each county of Scotland in isOl&tlSll 88 Hull, amount exuiended for maintenance of Poor at, in each year since 1775 41 Hudson’s Bay, Geographical position of. 73 I. Rlegitimate Children, number of (Naturel), born in France, see note 63 Number of, born in each province of Sweden 73 Do. demised in do. do 75 Do. born in each county of England and Wales, in 1830, distinguish- ing males from females gg Imports, t|uantity aud value of each of 67 articles into Sweden 77 Ho. value of, into Great Britain, from each of 44 Colonies or Dependencie.s, and from Foreign West Indies 7g Income Tax, number and amount of assessments to, in 1801 44 Income and Expenditure. See Revenue. India, British. See East Indies. Ionian Isles, geographical position and population of. 7g Ireland, geographical and statistical display of the locality, relation, superficies, Iron Mining Districts of England, population of, &tc. Nos. 3 — 7 3 Produce of, in the Rhenish Provinces 55 Works, number of in each province of Sweden 75 Do. in Sweden 73 Proprietors and Workmen employed in gg Copper, and other Mineral Works in Prussia g4 Isle of France. See Mauritius. J. Jamaica, geographical position and population of 78 Jurors, number of, in each county of England and Whales. Jurisdictions, Ecclesiastical, England and Wales 245 ante K. Kingstown, Upper Canada, geogTaphical position of. 73 Konigsberg, East Prussia, do. do S3 L. Labour, Parochial, Proceeds of, in and out of Workhouse 32 Do. numbers employed in, in 18.32 9 Labourers, Agricultural, total number oi, and proportion to each occupier, and to every 100 acres of land iii each county of England in 1831 10 The like in Wales and Scotland 91 Other than in Apiculture, in each county of England in 1831. Coi. 12 1 1 Agricultural in Sweden 68 and 73 Lace and Hosiery. See Hosiery. Lancashire, numberof Hou.ses in, in 16 classes assessed to House 8r Window Duty 43 Vast increase of Population in. No. 1 12 Preponderance of Manufacturing Population in 11 Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials in, in 1700 — 1820 30 Land, super.ficies and rental of, in each county ot England and Wales.... 6 and 10 Do. do. do. Scotland , 16 Do. do. do. Ireland 14, 15 Do. Poor Rates, levied on 45 Do. Value of, assessed to Property 'I'ax 44 Do. Revenue derived from, in each of the 19 provinces of Chin.j 52 Do. Mortgages on, in each ofthe 25 provinces of Sweden 70 Land and Assessed Taxes, amount of, in each county of England and Wales... 6 Do. do. do. Scotland 89 Laplanders, number of. 68 and 73 Lead Mining Districts. See Nos. 31.5 — 338 of di.strict arrangement. Leeds, amountexpended for Maintenance of Poor at, since 1775, Population, &,c. 41 Great Mortality among Children at 17 Leicester, Maintenance of Poor at, &c 41 Leeward Islands, geographical position aud population of, ike 78 Life and Mortality, comparative view of, in 13 ofthe principal tow ns of England, with the counties ot Essex, Rutland, and the Metropolis 17 Linen Manufacturing District, Nos. 13 and IS 3 Liverpool, arnomit expended for Maintenance of Poor at, population of, ike 41 Live Stock, Houses, Cattle, and Sheep, number of, in each county of Scotland... 10 Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, and Goats in each ofthe 25 provinces of Sweden 74 Do. do. do. 9 do. of Prussia 82 Do. do. in the Netherlands 81 Loan Banks of Sweden 70 Ivocal Assessments, total amount of, in each county.... 45 London, City of, amountexpended for Maintenance of Poor in, since 1776 40 Houses asses.sed to tJonse 'I'ax, 84c 42 Value of Property assessed See Aletropolis : al.so ; -19 Lottery, France, produce of, in each department ol 60, (it OF KACIl {'OUN'I’Y. SKCTION, DISI'ltlCT, AND COLONY OF TUF MimiSlI DOMINIONS, Kc.&tr. iM . Miicliiiiery, result'; of Note to .‘I Alioiriis, geonrapliicul position of 7S Aliier of, in eaeli eonnty of l‘^nKlaii(I and Wales 9 Maintenanee of Poor in each eonnty of ICngland and Wales in 1750, 1770, 17H5, 1803, and in I'aeli year since ISI'2 30,37 See bFo pa^es 33, 35. and 39. Mannfm'lnrera, nninber of Alale Pitsoiis, 20 years of age and upwards, employed in, in eAcIi eonnty of l''ngland in 1830 1 1 N'ninlier of Persons employed in, in Sweden 70 and 70 Do. do. in 'Viissia 84 Do. do. in eacli District of Great llritain 93-100 Insignificance of, ns compared with .\gricullnre II Mannfnclaring District of Kngland, Ncs. 1 — 10 12 Do. do. Scotland 13 Do. do. Proportion of Population in. Nos. 10 — 18 .3 Do. Towns. Mortality of Children in 17 Do. Disirictoftho Metropolis, vast increase of Parochial Relief in... 40 Do. Popnlation, egregious Fallacy in regard to the, assiimed prepon- deiance of. Note 3 Manchester anil Salford, Maintenance of Poor at, in each year since 1811, and in 1775-6, 1785, 1802, population of, &.c 41 Alanorial Piofils, value of, asses.sed to Parochial Rates in each county of England 45 Alaritinie Paiishes of the Aletropolis, Maintenance of Poor in 40 .Marriages, total nnniher of, in each county of England and Wales, in each of the Do, in the ten years 1821-30 98 Ratio of, to every 1000 of popnlation in each county, in each period 25 • . m .X i:. t- irrco ou on Do. in the ten years 1821-30 103 in Lancashiie and West Riding of Yorkshire 30 in all England and W'ales, in each of the 40 years 1781 — 1820 31 Total in all France, in each of the 13 years, 1817 — 29, and in the city of Paris ib. Do. in each province of Sweden 71 Do. do. the Netherlands 79 Do. in all the Netherlands, in each of the 10 years, 1815— 1824 80 Do. in each county of England and Wales, and the Metropolis, from 1820 to 1831 I03 Marseille.s, locality and population of. No. 76 57 Produce of Customs Duties at, No. 17 61 Mary-le-bone, Alaintcnance of Poor in 40 Metropolis, amount e.vpended for the Maintenance of the Poor, in the several j- i.- i- /in ai Propress and state of Crime in ’ 49 Parish Registers of, and price of Bread in 29 Houses assessed to House and Window Duty, in each of 16 classes of rental, in each district of 42, 43 Value of Property in, assessed to Income and Property Tax in 1801 — 1812, Middlesex, Progress of Pauperism and Crime in 39 Migration of Population, from county to county, in England and Wales, 1801 — Do. do. do. from 1821 to 1830; 99 Mills, Factories, &c., value of, assessed to Poor’s Rate 45 Do. number of, in each province of Sw eden 70 Do. Grist, Fulling, Saw, and Paper, number of, in each province of Prussia... 84 Alineral Districts of Great Britain, population of, 1—9 3 Mines, produce and value of, in Sweden 76 Annual value of the produce of, in each province of. 67 Do. do. asse.ssed to Property Tax in 1812 44 Produce and value of, in Brabant and.Flamlers 65 Alineral Works, number of, in each province of Prussia 84 Alortality, comparative view of, io 13 of the principal townsof England, with the counties ot Essex, Rutland, and the Aletropolis 17 Mortgages on Land, in each province of Sweden 70 AIoscow, geographical position and population of. No. 2o 54 N. Nantes, locality and population of, in line 24 67 Proceeds of duties on Salt, and Customs at, No. 16 61 Netlierlands, general .statistical view of the supeificies, population, education, How annexed to France under Napoleon in 1812, Nos. 4 — 20 65 Annual income and expenditure of. 81 New England, population, &c. of, Nos. 1-6 51 New York and New Jersey, do. Nos. 7, 8 , ib. Newfoundland, Geographical Position of, &c 78 Norwich and Nottingham, Maintenance of Poor, population, and value of pro- perty at 40 Normandy, geographical position and population of, Nos. 14-19 57 Norway, geographical and statistical display of each province of. 67 Nova Scotia, Geographical Position of, &c 78 O. Ocenpations of the popnlation of Great Britain, interesting analysis of. 3 Do. of the effective Male population in each county, under six different heads 11 Do. do. of Ireland 15 Do. of the population of Sweden 68-9 Do. various, in each province of Prussia 84 Do. grand detailed di.splay of, col. 11, page 11, under upwards of 600 heads, in Do. of do. of the United Kingdom 256 ante Oporto, geogiaphical position of, line 35 66 Overseers, Assistant, numberof, in each county of England and Wales in 1830... 5 Do. do. do. do 10 P. Papal States. See Nos. 27, 28 65 Paper-Makers, number of,in each county in 1831, col. 28 of the grand display of Occupations 92 Paris, local position and popnlation of. No. 6 57 Mortality of, &c 63 Parishes, number of in each county of Great Britain 99 and 244 ante Parish Registers, iinmher of returns of, from eui;li comity 99 and 211 ante Parish Churches, mimlier of, in each diocese 99 ami 2 15 ante Parma, geographical posilion of, Nc 65 I’arorhial Assessments, amount of, in eneli comity of England and Wales in tlie year ending Eusler IH03 32 Do. do. ill encli of the three yeiirs ending Easter 1815 31 Do. do. in the yeur emliiig'Miirch 25, 1826, distingiiishing the proportion levied on land, mills, factories, tkc 45 Do. do. do. March 2.5, ISilO 5 Do. do. do. do. 1829 6 Do. total of, 1750, 1776, 1785, 180.3, and in eacli year since 1812 36, 37 Do. total, ill all Eaghiiiduiid Wales, in each year since 1811, and in 1750, 1785, and 1802-3 39 See also 37,38. Parochial Ex^ienditure. amount of, for the Mninlennnce of tlie Poor, in eacli comity of England and Wales, fiorn 1750 to 1803, and in each year since 1812 36,37 Do. for Law Charges, Removals, and for Church, Couiiiy, Bye Highway, Rate, &c .38 Do. in each of the Metropolitan Parishes, in comparison with 15 of the prin- cipal towns of the kingdom in each of 25 years since 1775 40, 41 Do. in each comity in the year ending March 25, 1830 5 Do. do. do. 1831..... 9 Do. do. Easter 1803, distinguishing the proportion for, in Workliou.se, &.C 32 Do. do. in each of the three years ending Easter 1815 3.5 Do. do. for County Rate unefer each of 13 heads 50 Do. do. for Repair of Roads 85 Paupers, number of, employed in repairing roads in each county of England and Wales !) Number of, relieved in the year ending Easter, 1803, in each county, distin- guishing the number in Workhouse from the number out, and tho.se relieved permanently from the number relieved occasionally, number of Children in two classes of ages, &c. &c 33 Do. do. ill each of the three years ending Easter, 1815 ;il Do. do. in the county of Middlesex 39 Do. Comparison of 1803 — 1815 38 Do. Ratio of, to population in each county. Do. Rate per head at vvhich maintained in Workhouse 33 Pauperism, synoptical view of the progress of. Peninsula of Spain and Portugal, geographical and statistical display of the super- ficies and population of. 66 Do. do. do. do. of India. Petersburg, geographical position, population of, &c 54, 5.> Petty Sessions, number ol, held in each county. t Piedmont, geographical position, population, and produce of, &c 32—8 of 65 ’ Plymouth, Maintenance of Poor at. &c 41 Poachers, number committed, line 34 48, 49 Poland, Russian, geographical and statistical display of each province, line 5-19 54 Do. Prussian, merged in Nos. 1 — 3 82 Do. Proper. Pomerania, geographical and statistical display of. No. 5 of 82 and 10-12 of..... 83 Poor, sums expended for relief of. See Paupers, and Maintenance. Do. proportion of, in Sweden 69 and 73 Population of Great Britain, analysis and classification of the occupation of.... 3 General view of the increase of, in each county of England and Wales, at six different periods since 1699,. the counties arranged in districts 12 Do. at the same periods, the counties arranged in order of total population in 1821, with I ate of inciease per cent, in each county since 1700, with note upon 22 Do. do. in eacli county of Scotland since 1754 13.. .See also 88 Do. do. in each county of Ireland 14, 15, & 256-8 ante Do. migration of, as indicated by the excess of Baptisms over Burials, ex- ceeding the total increase from 1801 to 1820 19,21 Do. do. 1821 to 1830 99 Do. of the 15 principal towns of England 41 Do. of each of the 28 states and territories of the Dnited States of North America, at each of five periods since 1789 51 Do. for a very interesting di.splay of tlie proportion thereof, in each of 13 gra- dations of ages in 1831, distinguishing males from females, and the slaves, free people of colour, and others, from the free white persons, and the ratio to every 10,000 in each class of ages, see 86, 87 Do. comparative view, according to dillerent authorities, of each province of China 52 Do. of each of the 55 governments or provinces of the Russian Empire 55 Do. of each of the 86 departments of France, and chief towns thereof. 57 Do. comparative view of, in 1790 and 1827 62, 63 Do. of each of the 44 departments annexed to France under Napoleon 65 Do. of each kingdom and province of the Peninsula 66 Do. of each province of Sweden and Norway 67 Do. of each of the 88 incorporated towns thereof. 68 Do. of, at each of six periods since 1750 •. 7 1 Do. of each province of Holland and Belginm 79 Do. of each province of Prussia 83 Do. ratio of, to every 10,000, in each of 13 gradations of ages, in each county of Great Britain in 1821 and 1831 102, 103 Portugal, geographical and stati.stica! display of each province of. 66 Pottery District, population of. No. 10 3 Post Office, France, Revenue of, in each department 60, 61 Professions and I'rades, number of, under each of six heads, in each county of England in 1830 11 Do. do. do. in Wales and Scotland 96 Do. Number of persons in each, in Sweden 68, 69 Do. various, in each province of Prussia 84 Do. Classified and Stati.stical Display of the number of Male Persons, 20 years of age and upwards, employed or engaged in each county of Great Britain in each of more than 600 enumerated. See Index 92 Do. Analytical View of, in the United Kingdom 256-8 ante Profits of Trade, amount of, assesSed to Property Tax, in each county of England and Wales, in 1814-15, schedule D 5 Do. in each of 17 classes, in the Metropolis, and total of all Great Britain ... 44 Property Tax, amount assessed to, under schedules A, D, E, in each county of England and Wales, in the year ending April 5, 1815 5 Do. do. in each county of Scotland 16 ALPHABETICAL INDEX, &c. Page Property Tnx, under schedules A to E, &c 44 Properties, niuutier of’, in four classes, in each county of Scotland 88 Prosecutions, Criminal. See ('rime 48-9 J’russiii, geographical and statistical display of the superficies, population, and activity, &c. of each province of. 82-4 Do. part of, annexed to Imperial Prance 65 Q- (Quarries, value of, assessed to Property Tax 44 (Quartern Loaf, highest and lowest price of, in the Metropolis, within each year ofthe 56 yeais 1758—1814 29 Quebec, geographical po.sition of. 78 R. Rectories and Vicarages, distinction between, and proportion of, in each diocese of England and "W ales 244 ante Registers, Parish. See Parish. Registries. Revenue from, in each department of Prance, col. 8 60, 61 Relief of Poor. See Parochial Expenditure. Rent of Land, in each county of England and Wales, according to Property Tax Returns of 1814-15. and average rates per acre 6 Do. do. Scotland 16 Of houses assessed to House Tax, 1823 and 1830 7 Do. do. col. 15 8 Valued, Estimated, and Actual, Land and Houses, in each county ofScotland 88 Of Houses assessed to House Tax in each division of the Metropolis, and in Plugland and Wales, in each of 16 clas.ses of Rental 42, 43 Retailers and Handicraftsmen, interesting Display of the Number of in each county of Great Britain 92 Revenue and Expenditure ol each province of China 52, 53 Do. do. Russia 55 . Do. do. of the 86 departments of France, under each branch 60, 61 Do. do. Netherlands, 1816—1826 81 Do. do. Customs in France 61 Do. do. Direct Contributions ib. Riga, geographical position of, line 5 54 Roads, number of Paupers employed on, in each county of England and Wales 9 Amount paid for such labour 85 See Turnpike. Roman States, geographical position of, 27-8 65 Rotterdam do. 9 of 65, and 8 of 82 Russia, geographical|and statistical display of the superficies, produce, and reve- nues of each province of 54, 55 s. St. Domingo, or Hayti 78 Salt District in Cheshire, population of, line 16 3 Proceeds of Duty on, in China 52 Do. do. France 61 Quantity imported into Sweden 77 Schools of Industry, number of pauper children in, in each county of England and Wales 33 Savings’ Banks, general view of the state of, in each county of England aud Wales in 1830, and note upon 9 Scotland, analytical and statistical view of the manufacturing and agricultural districts of 13 Geographical andstatislical view of the superficies, horses, horned cattle, &c. 16 General statistical view of the population of each county of, at six different periods, 1755 — 1831, value of property, &c 88 Number of Houses assessed to House and Window Duty in each county of. . 89 Number of Houses inhabited, building, and uninhabited, occupations, &o. 90, 91 Detailed view of the occupations of the Male Population of, under each of 600 heads. See general statement of Occupations of Great Britain. Seaports, total population of, lines 20 and 22 3 Select Vestries and Assistant Overseers, number of, in each county of England and Wales, in 1830 5 Do. do. do. cols. 15, 16... 10 Servants, Female, and Males, 20 years of age and upwards, and under 20, number of, in each county of England, cols. 3 and 4 9 Do. do. do. in Wales and Scotland 96 Sessions, Petty, number of held in each county. Sheep, estimated number of, in each county of Scotland 16 Do. do. department of France 58,59 Do. do. province of Sweden 74 Do. do. do. Prussia 82 Total of, in the Netherlands 81 See also note at foot of 65. Sheep and Lambs, number of, broughfannually to Smithfield Market, London, in each year since 1781. Do. weekly. Sheep Stealing, number of committals for, in each year since 1809, line 11... 48, 49 Sheffield, population of, property, and Maintenance of Poor at 41 Shipping, Tonnage outwards and inwards to and from each British Colony.... 78 Do. do. in each of the States of North America 51 Shoemakers and Tailors, Male ‘Persons, 20 years of age and upwards, em- ployed as, in each county of Great Britain ; 92 Shrewsbury and Holyhead Road, expense of, and traffic upon Sierra Leone, geographical position of, &cc 78 Silk Manufacturing District, population of, line 15 3 Do. of the Metropolis, effects of repeal of Regulatory Bill, by the increased amount paid for Maintenance of the Poor 40 Produce of, in France 59 and 65 Extent of manufacture of, in Sweden 76 Ribands, See., number of looms of, in Prussia 84 Shopkeepers, number of, in each county of Great Britain. See general display • of Occupations, cols. 31—34. See also col. 11 of 11 Slate District, line 12 3 Slaves, number of, in 1830, in each British Island and Colony 78 Do. in each of the i nited Slates of North America 51 Do. six classes of ages in 1830 86,87 Smithfield Market, Cattle and Sheep annually brought to. .Societies, Fi iendly, number of Depositors in Savings’Banks in each county in 1831 9 Number of, and of members, in each county in 1802-3 33 Do. do. 1815 38 Do. do. the county of Middlesex 39 Soldiers and Sailors, number of, at different periods 3 Somerset, county of, number of Houses in, assessed to House and Window Duty, in each of 16 classes 43 Spain and Portugal, geographical and statistical display of each province of... 66 Statistics, legitimale end of. Note upon 75 Stockholm, geographical position of. 67 Suicides and Murders, number of, in Russia 55 Sassex, county, number of houses in, and rentals thereof, assetsseil to House and Window Duty, in each of 16 classes 43 Summary Processes, Commitments under. Supeificies in statute acres, of each county of England and Wales 4 Do. in order of extent, and Proportion of Tillage and Pasture 6 Do. in relation to number of agriculturists 10 Do. of each county of Ireland 14, 15, & 257 ante Do. do. Scotland, cultivated and uncultivated 16 Do. do. province of China 51 Do. do. do. Russia 55 Do. do. department of France 62,63 Do. do. province of the Peninsula 66 Do. do. do. Sweden and Norway 67 Do. do. 44 annexed by Napoleon 65 Do. do. province of the Netherlands 81 Do. do. do. Prussia 83 Superiorities, number of, in each county of Scotland. Surrey, Amounts expended for Maintenance of Poor in each of the metropoli- tan Parishes of 41 Sweden and Norway, geographical and statistical display of the superficies, population, and produce of mines in eacli province of 67 Population of the 88 incorporated towns of, and analysis of the occupation and condition of the whole population of the kingdom of. 68, 69 Number of properties, their various tenures, mortgages on, &c. in each province 70 Populationof, at each of six periods since 1750, marriages, births, deaths, &c. 71 Proportion in various grades of rank and age 72 Do. do. and occupation T3 Ages and Mortality of do 75 Produce and live stock of each province 74 Very interesting display of the manufactures and mineral productions of.... 76 Exports from, and Imports into 77 Switzerland, part of under Imperial France 65 T. Tailors and Shoemakers. See Shoemakers. Tax. See Assessed, Land, and Property. Do. on traders in each province of Prussia 83 Tea Districts of China 5.3 Tin District of Cornwall, population of, line 8 3 Tithes. Tobago and Tortola. See Colonies 78 Tonnage and Shipping. Towns, Chief, of each county of England and Wales, with distance and bearing from the Metropolis 4 Do. do. Ireland do. do. from Dublin 14 Do. inland, of England, Population of, line 23 3 Trade, Manufactures, or Handicraft, number of families returned as employed in, in 1821, 1831, and explanatory note upon H Trade, profits of, assessed to Property Tax in each of 17 classes of amount.... 44 Do. do. do. county of England and Wales(D)5 Transportation, number sentenced to, in each year since 1804 48, 49 Turnpikes, Debt incurred upon, in each county ofEngland and Walesin 1821-9 Annual expense of, and tolls derived from 85 Tuscany, geographical position, population of, &c 42—4 of 65 United States of North America, statistical display of the population of each state, at each of the five ten-yearly periods since 1789 51 Do. Ages thereof, in 1830, in each state, in each of 13 gradations, and pro- portions to every 10,000 in each gradation 86, 87 Upper Canada. See Colonies 78 Vagrants, Expenses attending 60 Vestries, Select, number of, in each county ofEngland and Wales 6 and 10 Vicarages, origin and number of. See § 11 of Introduction. Victuallers, Licensed. See Publicans, col. 15 of the general statement of Oc- cupations. Vienna, geographical position of. W. Wales and Seotland, houses inhabited, &c., agricultural Labourers, and other Occupations 90, 91, and 96 See also general statement of Occupations. Warsaw, geographical position of. West Indies. See Colonies 78 Do. F'oreign do. Westphalia, how annexed to France by Napoleon 65 Westminster, Maintenance of Poor in 40 Houses in, assessed to House and Window Duty, and rental thereof, in 16 classes 42 Marriages, Births, and Deaths in 28 West Riding. See "Fork. Whale Fishery, ships employed therein 78 Wheat, produce of, in efich of the 86 departments of France 58 Do. do. province of Sweden 74 Do. do. do. the Netherlands; 81 Do. annual average price of, 17.50 — 1832 36, 37 Window Duty, number of Houses assessed thereto, in each county of England and Wales, in 1823 and 1830 7 and 42-3 Do. in each county of Scotland 89 Do. in each district of the Metropolis, andinall England & Wales, in 16classes42-3 Windward Islands. See Colonies 78 Wine, annual value ofthe produce of, in each department of France 58, 59 Do. do. in each ol the 44 annexed in 1812 65 Workhouse, number of Paupers in, and Maintenance thereof, in each county of England and Walesin 1802-3 32-3 Do. do. in each of the three years ending 1815 34 Y. York, West Riding, Marriages, Births, and Deaths in, from 1700 to 1820 .... 30 Do. do. do. 1021 to 1830.... 98-9 r /I m ' MsSSF^ iWi yj ]lfll 1 Wlk'm;^^lH9^W^^n m 1 ^B /fl BiSSfr IMmm 1 ' i.

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S c ^ E-4 s o c ‘C XI I Q Z U !■/) u c^ 6 O 172 - 210 212 Tomxjraphical and Sfatisiirul Details of each Parish of SCOTLAND . — Counties of SELKIRK and PEEBLES -)?i Uji ii't »7 .i.tijwnfij c r— •s',vos','i:i(i /(» /iijax I ■ uU!p33iU(l 031 f 3117 III p3im]3Ul pm ‘s.wi/jo 17 Y •lfu.l3ipui>l I .10 ‘b-3jn73Vfniii>H! s/in.ix ni 'op Cl Tt -r >!5 ifs a CO CO 00 -r Cl o rr d 1^ cc rn' Cl" " I', -f lO >o -c CO C3 CO COt'*COCSO'-'CICO”fOCJ>XOiOi-i 00 C5 o o cj >0 r- Tf oo cc •33n7}ii3i.iSiv ui -f< r- cc *c potioplmj hll'otilJ CO 21 uoi73o(lo.tfl I 7V101 o >o Ci "H* O ^ 01 • If.gl HI s^snofj pa)iqvyn] Jo d3quin>i^ •SS10SU3X o ‘ O CO CO rf Cl CO CO ■<# d r!< Q 7V1 OX 1(5 CO CO -1* IC 1-H 05 -f T? 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'soiij 'poo.ux M[\ jo Jpnut -fq .up uo «j 901 'ON Mm*.uiPpiof) . 10 \WN *A\ sapui 07 . «! qDi'|A\ ‘>m>p.)uuBq^ )V (|Tljnqp.)f UIO.IJ 9UI1 ;»qi ojMi SMtpBj ‘i|H.inqMip;»l ol lZ5l’‘OM9i>« i010(>AV UIO.IJ pBOJ JO 9IUI oqi no 04B OWpt pUB tltlfif4,‘fpj0l} o >, O G < u H O o c« 211 — 2111 Topo(jr/) in p^finput )uu *b\uiffo ijy' r* C'l o Ci O CO CO CC CO ^ l'^ CO to T}< CO ^ X 0 — 01 CO t »o 01 Oi rH Ci ‘O ‘O c »o X CO X X oi 'O' rH X C5 f-T i-T or o lO X Ci CS T '-f ‘ifoA.Ufmhll Ml ^'sxinpiifnnDiy ^. C5 o c 7Fii0i; ’ir.^l SAsnoff p3fi(liniit[ Jo M)qu(itf^ ^ 4'^ X CO — ' C OI OI f- oi p- X X 01 ‘O o PH o l> O X X r* -f X I'- •-< 05 fH 01 X Ol Ol 05 »o X t OI -< O X X X »0 O IS rf I'p *0 O lO X X OI O OI pH . 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S’SIlOH psiyiumn f<> Mqiunsi C5 OI ‘0 »0 -!f 05 0 »o X rp oi oi X X rf rr X lO X X 0 3,011 800 919 1,113 414 87 S 00 •SNOStl'Jd fo u,ii^in,\i i»i<>x X fp X *0 01 pH 05 X X X fp »o X Ol 05 ^ X OM^ X l> PH* oJ' rH or OP x" of o> 05 X *0 rt< OI g X t' OI pp 1^" X X PH rf ^ x" X of 1 Number of Persons in 1801 . | 7 VX 01 1,903 1,748 1,065 2,144 2 , 5.55 3,327 2,246 15,788 2,996 3,010 4,595 1,9-25 500 I «> •Su 1 p 333 .ul n.lit syt'ui p^pnpiil }uu 'ij 3 i/ fo ]iy 01 I'p X 0 05 ^ i:: ® 1 § 2 i: X* 04 ^ pH •)jn.i. 3 ipiinff do 's.).iiif 3 o/nuii[y PppjX »? -op 0 a ^ 0 « § Cl pH pH pH c a a a a u 5 a a a ,, ^ 1 d Super- Jicics in Acres, or length Sf breadth. iH| 05 X g -a * = " " S' a ^ » 0 1 * 0 ^ 0 0 S o' x" lO ^ »0 ^ 04 04 X i g o — •?! ec i> CO a c CO X Cl CO T 'O X a c X .'■g l> f> X o a a a i-* ci a *o a a a -* at"— cs^caoioat—ioa — — i" 'caaca — — — Cl— a — — — — Cl — ?3 74 125 271 147 106 64 43 60 87 172 73 80 74 104 50 312 15 246 197 70 203 15 38 i - § 2 2 :f § 2 .§ 3 ? g S ^ ^ a c 1 2 2 ^ 5 2 3 r* gi g 2 a — — — — a — — — — Cl Tf— — — Cl Cl a i -f oar*aa — Hfr'i"ioa — t i"a*fa a — — a — •c 3 g :^2 2 acHToaaaoacia — Cl — aa— — a-riC'C-c p-Ot^C^ 04 0 XXI>pH 04 04 04 X — X X‘OXI> 0 -r X'^XXX^n'fr 4 O 4 i 0 X 04 0 l X 04 Xph XXXOOlrf « 2,649 1,766 1,560 1,312 1,500 1,900 1,844 1,038 1,552 2.390 1,559 928 1.390 4,174 1,168 2,113 1,349 1,508 1,379 2,384 846 1,666 1 2,083 1 ,859 1,476 l ,-289 1,418 1,789 1,944 1,072 1,525 2,074 1,703 1,031 1,131 4,430 I liisii of f-T pf ^ of of a a th — a 1 " — ■ Hr a a X l> C '4 — ! 0 X pH l> f 04 PH X X S 1 2 g g5 S 1 05 r* 05 X pH ^ -r 1 '^ 04 PH CO pH PH ciai"aaaa ci ic a — aciat" uCTaci — aa a i" oaaciaa ^rtpH ^ ^ X^X 04 I r-s^-fcia ®aci — aaa — i ci t^aa^ao S^'ca-ol^ — Cl — — 0 — ^1 a i"i"a::;HTa - a Cl a “ rr i> Cl a a a ^ ci C" a a - a c* 1 ;s act^caioc-raa-fa -ici — — — aat")g 2 2 g gi g ' 5 ?: s g § s ?: § ' 2 g i ?i 3 c. 1 S' 458 430 314 271 278 422 2 '24 361 498 390 245 246 1,017 410 338 301 280 507 218 507 *25 bO U5 cc — » a 0) ..ei a "I'M Cl Cl a -«» "O aj "»I Cl 1" a c-i 5 a TT Cl Cl T ^ =: t a a" a’ •“ saaa » a a a a a O -l« X X O Cl — CO g? . . -S 2 '-■Cl '^- y ii mmuim '^153 t I = inml Hii iPiPiiii tBiSwa :g!Si El^C; s? 3 5 822 — 055 228 Topof/raphical and Statistical Details of each Parish of SCOTLAND . — Counties of ROSS, SUTHERLAND, and CAITHNESS. '•c. -3 Q o o < >-] F- C O rr> « S'- c F- C a a. w Ch rri 0 ]n 7 i[pKj ()| jaqmn^ 4”^ CO 'Tl CO Oi o Cl CO CO CO co^otot^cociOp^oirDT^o J2 ^ CO CO c CO C5 C •- 04 •o cc 2 I •s’Nosjni.i JO .ioquai>2 n*^\L •i)Uip^09.id o,v\j I di{) ui pripn(.)ui I p)u ‘sjoqjo iiY j CO 01 OI CO CO o :o oi CO c; ^ O rr Oi »o ^ Cl — of n*" ■'p' c; 04 01 o ^ CO X ^ •4j«.iDipin?H JO ‘si)jni 3 vjnin?x\[ ‘apuj^ *0 04 ‘C -P CO OI 01 ^ 01 -O CO Tf T? •ojiUIUoijSv iH pjXoiduio /({piip uoj4.iodoj({ ^ O *0 ^ *0 01 1— < CO CO ‘O ^ X OI — > OI 01 X "IVXOX c: o 4> Ci ‘O o X ^ lO X 01 OI o ^ 01 X lO iO X •ir*8l s9Snop^ p 3 )Kji?quj JO jaqiun^ — ^ o *0 X C-* X o *o -p o oi r* ^ OI X o o X JO a9qmn^n?jox X X -H ‘O i> »o f OI ‘O X X o *0 »(0 l> o o "i* 01 4> ^ or ^ OI or X O i'- o *o O OI o o Ci ^ CO of 7VX0X C X X X X X rH X X €>• c: X X l> C X X lO ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *5?uTp3oajd 0 A\; 9iji ui pspnpui joii ‘s.isqjo iiy *lJT).IOipUBH JO ‘S 0 JnjDBJUU^[\J ‘apBJx ui *op C 5 ^0 — 01 0 0 Ci pH pf X as — i> fH X PH X X X *- pf rl -!i* J.) Tf rj X •0jnj[nouj}v p 9 io[diu 0 ^p 9 !q 9 uoijjodoj j X »o X X I'- X X Cl c\ Cl — or or 0 »o Ci C 5 X •pf 0 X '-r X X >0 X Ci X X -f 0 4 ^ X l-p 'O « »o 0 X C 5 X 1 - 0 0 OI 0 X d c/T X x^ •0 X^ C 5 x^ 0 ^ 0 x^ 01 0 ^ l-^ C 5 co" or or 01 i?r X pp PH of or PH pH •0 1 X 3 . CO X X ■^< X c Ci CO pH »o “i* X pf X UO 1 f 5 ^ X X Ci OI X 0 OI pp t- pT »o CO CO CO 1 X 1 « © r* pf CS 0 CS 0 ■n* CO CO Cl d* pH X 01 1 1 0 1 tT CO pH X PH PT 'O 0 pH 0 0 CO 01 X 0 0 CS _ OS X r* X X 01 pf •0 0 01 0 IC CO 0 OJ t'p X X a © X 0 0 0 X X pf l> X d 0 X X CO (fT lO h* OI *0 X pH pH w rr PH pH OI OI m 1 « 01 CS OS 0 0 OS 0 0 r» OI 01 r* CS X 0 CO * •0 0 ».o X 0 c M C 5 I n? I 2 J pT X X X I— ' X O ^ ^ £ s V s § •<««» O o o O X O lO Cl X X O -I' OI X ,-H pH f-H 01 X X X a X I CiPHX’^ — xo'^xr*»oxx XX-f»OXXXCpl'^’?'OXO CiXp-XXXXO'^pHf^pf'^ PH or or pp" p-T pp*‘ of PH PH PH*' of -T 010 *XXX'^ 0 ‘OXXXX r»xoiopp'^ 4 ^’^x*oo’^o XXOOIXXX'^XOIOIXpf of or PH -J' P^ P^ Cl" PH P ( 0 1 1 01 X CS 0 1 ^ j CO ' PH xx'^^»^r-'^x f O X X *0 X OI r* -H X pH PH X »0 XCO pf —<0 Ci ^ fps 00 ^ GO 00 1^ ^ c«. O GO S' « S- ^ S ‘S ^ ^ 3 3 3 ^ 0 pH CS pf X X X CO OS X r* X X pf 0 : OI *0 -H CO t- CS X X X X d *0 X X X X Oj X Hf CO OI d d X X pf © X 0 X OI X X 01 01 X 01 pH pf Pf CS 01 OI X pf 01 OD OI pf pf* 0 CS d X X X X X d 0 X X 10 CS pf lO pH d 0 01 OI r* CO X »c X Ci *0 X X X X OI PH 0 pf CO Hf X d CS OI mH 0 X X PT X lO X OI X 01 01 X pH 01 rt< 4 > X 01 OI X (M €> 01 pf P!f 0 •0 X to OWX 0 PPI pf 0 C-Hicq X cow- 01 pH pH fp PH *p '-_• 0 a Cl X 0 s>~ -0 3 z- rO a a a a a % 0 ^ Cp S>a rO >1 * a uo © -f CS 0 pH 0 Pf 'Pf 0 *0 0 >0 pH p tp* 0 Tf 4 > pf rf 0 tp* CO CM 01 01 01 01 01 OI OI pH OI PH £ « 5 o ■=Z X SO X X X X ■o X ■0 * •H •0 X OI Pf d Pf X 0 pf r— ' X 0 c CO X 0 " CO CO pH pH 01 01 — pf X CO 0 OS »o CS 01 c X CO fH -f 0 X «H i^ 01 p^. CO PH X t- OI pH 0 X X X !>• X d X d d OD 4 ^ 0 CO tp* Pf X fh OI •0 X 0 pf fH (M" 53 X 0 X X OS 0 X •H CO X lO 0 X paH X X X X 0 X vO 01 X Pf pH OI pf ca o a “n £ w 4> Ji, •C « 5 V « 5 a> ^ 4 J — i i o a 0 © 01 d CS CS d X H< CD X X 4'^ 0 I'p* ' 0 © OI X 'f 01 I'p* X 4> ©* "p 0 01 X 0 OS X X d 01 2 ‘iy X r- Cl OI X 0 4'p* X pf X CS pH Cl 0 H- pf X •0 0 PH 7 CO X 0 - " 01 - X — 01 01 X CO 01 X •0 X CO © X Pf r- X pf OI OI X X CO X OI d 0 PH X X rT pp X -' 01 p- X — 51 04 d 01 X !>• d CS 01 pH © OS OI lO X OI *0 2i fH 0 lO 0 0 0 0 pH of X ift CS lO CS d X OI pH d 0 d 01 X OI CO I'- pH X 0 51 uo oT ifi © pf 0 X OI H* •r © CO © oq_ OS CO X X X X -t 0 ^ ‘O CD CO »r, 04 eo'* CD ci pp »;“55 V GO ; S- K VO O- : ^ — s ^ U3 < ^ = S = " ' ! ^ s'ff < ?J s 5«; he • h S ^ cd 2 ^ 2 ’a — . J£ ^ a o 2 2 ^ — *5 C *0 O — o c *** o 0 J pj c h-; 01 X *o X l> X 01 X I i Cj C/1 F? 2 j'gs |Ctj ^ i S Sftfy, 3^* 2 « 2^ §-2 5 2 S^-S ^ 5>.5, '2! 12 !2 ^ ^ 5“ ■« V. k. ~ *«2 ^ e ej eq i 5 ^ :q^ ^ “ .si g|®5 II ">^ 1 ?^® ~a§ '^ ' a ~ o ■s-'s-v^ s V? ^ ^ I, • v-=« «w ^ ^ • - j. « 55 ^ » a j; S 53t S ,0 i =^<5 I 2 SI i? 2-S = - -12 g-l'-r^oll < ^ S-.S? S ?.s^ . ^ '"2 w .2? o a •V I- .2 ja jVq ?jA ^ ^ .3 ■»- , ^ C«i ■2 5 ^ R '^.2 .? o « <•) '*^‘c c'<^'e'»®S*y-a£^ 1 ■ CS J_ •a . -^ -p 77 > cS y « 5 u = cSbc*r“S_®CQJcy « e go i J£ « :S 2 -d E Z £q®cS®-^o“'""C=0 QOa^MyOUHy:iJ<;tyQE- Ixf a £ ty !>2 =fi K-3 o ”C. « o -5 ^ o ^ o o o :s s ■ ^ -os .y i *< *^ * ? ; , 35 v',- L^’ SS 'P . ^ .>ty n* . ^^ . X < ; o ; I Vw o io2 “ 5 f Sio‘. «5^dl>c.9§ga'S^^”Hg-g m'S'I^ -5" M^." -Ss”^" jifco ^SC- j5 — ^ - a «= S i « , ^•° 2 So««*S^o‘S®* 5 X •=”■«.: °,-, = _^^=5£££“||Ss-3^ s»ss.-=i= s 2 ^s 5 i;;a.^e|sa ® ■= - Sa® -®- 9 , ■^Ssog ^ ?-S35%S.S2 2i -hETH® 22!) 850 — {)09 Topographical and Statistical J)etails of each Parish of SCOTLAND. — Isles of ORKNEY, and SIIE'J'LA ND. The Penttund Frith, which se)>arates the Island of South Uonaldshii fiu»‘ 11‘e main- land of Scotland, is ahout l?^miles across; The Skerries, on one qf which is a Li;rhl- Ilouse, hear A'. 1C, of Duncaiiishy Head about midu ay between it and S. Itonaldsha N. lionaldsha the extreme N, IC. qf the Orkneys is in Lat. about 69 16. 850 Swannay Pentland Skerries South ( 857 Lady Kirk Ronaldsha \ 8 Nth. or St.Peters P a//.s Island f 859 South .... of Ronaldsha \ 800 N orth .... ^801 Hoy N. IF. of Rotialdsha \ 2 lJurray E. of Hoy ■' 3 Plotta, & South Faira do. 4 Gricmsay .... N. of do. 5 Copinshay E. of Holm '’860 Holm & Pappay 7 Dearness . ... N. of Holm 8 St. Andrews E. of Kirkl. 9 Kirktoall in Lat. 58 53 N. I 870 St. Ola contig to Kirkwall 1 Orphir, with Cava I. S W 2 Firth . . . . TF. of Kirkwall 3 Stenness . . . . W.of Firth „ ( 874 Strom NESS ° s 5 do. out Par. (. 0 Sandwich 877 Harray .... N. of Firth 8 Rendal N. E. of Harray North end of ( 879 Evie E. . the Island \ 880 Birsa W. Super- ficies in Acres, or length i breadth. 1 ^by I 8 Square I 5 o c. A Promoatory .... the Weit tide of tho main land (oroed by ^ocA SiennetM, s « • > S-S GO .C :e, S L 681 Shapinshay N. of 869 2 Gairsay N. E. of Rendl. 3 Rousay N. E. of Evie 4 Egilshay E. of Ronsay 5 Stronsay N. E. of Q69 6 Eday & Fara Sanda. ( 887 Bumess & Cross 'Ed*a‘y!*^i 8 Lady Kirk ^ 889 Westra N. W. of Eday ) _i 890 do. Papa E. of Westra 5 ^ 1 North Ronaldsha . . 2 Wier and Enhallow 9^ by 4 a 1 6 Square 8 by 2| 10 Circum. 9 by 4 •'2 12 n n Total ORKNEYS. 893 Dunrossness &Faira Cj Number of Families in 1801. Number of I’ehbons in 1801. 1811. "0 Numljcr of FAMILIES in 1821. 'n- 1 Number of Inhabit 1 Houses in 1801. Proportion 1 chiefly employed in Agriculture. 1 do. in Trade, | Manufactures, 1 or Handicrft. AH others, not included in the two preceding TOTAL Total Number qf PERSONS. \. Number of Inhabit 1 Houses in 1821. IV 101 Proportion chiefly employed in Agriculture. do. in Trade, Manufactures, or Handicraft. All others, not 1 includtd in the two preceding. Total \uml.er of | PERSONS. ! 1 268 1,554 56 1 A 1,631 ' 8 8 5 1 2 37 553 1 17 117 275 286 1“23 74 89 1,396 122 122 647 11 51 709 1,084 < 94 102 9!) 3 — 695 61 69 69 — — 354 56 56 234 4 6 244 282 1 45 68 45 1 22 288 45 48 265 6 — 271 212 1 50 5» 21 13 16 245 42 42 220 1 63 284 wi h Wnlla ^ ;/2 , 34 61 59 2 — 297 32 32 174 2 3 179 190 42 1 34 1 1 7 220 10 1 J u —— — 175 175 525 114 232 871 747 145 145 110 20 15 773 134 150 501 16 143 660 620 134 134 90 12 32 691 173 173 847 6 4 857 780 155 155 110 26 19 857 417 601 396 365 1,860 2.621 i 1,715 309 542 7 352 183 ^,212 / 568 154 232 90 99 43 1,034 152 158 563 36 265 864 845 180 182 174 8 — 906 146 146 441 149 42 632 496 127 127 89 37 1 545 131 131 416 187 37 640 566 125 125 89 18 18 596 441 540 825 535 863 2,223 2,297 ' 385 556 2 160 394 .2,236 123 164 124 — 40 708 175 •239 835 95 40 970 922 133 191 132 9 60 > 930 158 159 457 97 171 725 691 158 161 102 53 5 719 106 106 410 23 170 603 550 96 96 79 4 13 518 ♦ 158 158 603 26 183 812 677 171 171 90 36 45 811 311 311 772 271 408 1,451 1,432 364 364 153 113 98 1,526 159 159 717 27 744 7-26 < 131 167 102 60 5 779 12 12 7 3 2 79 167 218 439 33 589 1,061 795 171 179 108 23 48 834 170 40 43 30 5 8 226 156 193 253 40 631 924 864 165 203 141 29 33 1,013 135 158 124 32 562 718 580 125 156 116 16 24 6.3 ( 233 252 600 106 612 1,318 935 204 208 173 20 15 980 1 151 157 231 45 5 830 862 169 172 142 10 14 880 232 324 1,537 87 1,624 ' 1,396 275 314 238 34 42 1,650 211 49 50 45 3 2 297 — — — ■ with No. 88 6 384 75 75 69 6 — 420 19 19 15 J 13 91 4,475 5,124 14,.586 2,370 6,940 24,445 23,238 4,931 5,747 3,1 53 1,174 1,320 26,979 4 Cannisburgh c-o «)•= o_f S tc o •“ «•§ £ S I V cj|«- ^ Z — • 2 I L 906 z) 7 -Si 4 8 f 9 5 Lerwick 6 Gulberwick 6 by 1 7 Tingwall, Whiteness ) 8 and Weisedale J 9 Walls & Sandness, 1 900 &Papa& Foula Isles j 1 Sandsting & Aithst. I 2 Delting | 3 Nesting, Lunnasting 4 Skerries & Whelsay 5 North Mavine .... Bressay, Burra & Quarf Yell, South (k Med .... do. North &Fellar Unst . . in Lat. 61° 15' N. Total SHETLAND. 20 12 12 12 I 14^: Q1 I Oq i 572 229 314 307 147 248 315 314 225 277 227 366 I 3,641 576 — 302 62 342 — 307 — 151 — 256 — 315 5 315 • 239 — 289 — 230 — 379 — 3,701 67 8,825 1 4,653 106 1,538 106 1,638 2,476 ' 8,478 3,361 1.706 1,863 1,967 1,493 1,449 1,941 2,045 1,330 1,576 1,389 2,259 22,37 9 3,498 I 692 1 , 949 ' 1,927 1,682 1,617 1,624 1,866 2,024 1,411 1,595 1,434 2,288 22,916 46 163 253 57 354 337 308 317 323 372 259 277 254 442 4,245 4,736 769 520 57 402 337 317 321 341 376 294 280 269 453 9,176 110,483 6.601 643 9 48 296 326 6 302 335 364 260 265 237 360 ,461 10 165 11 10 15 6 19 7 1 260 116 346 9 95 301 4 6 15 8 31 93 1,035 1,624 2,355 3,798 2,224 354 2,309 1,991 1,884 1,818 2,005 2,264 1.585 1,729 1.586 2,598 26,145 63,124 Total ORKNEY and SHETLAND. 8,016 46,824 Topogr.4PHIcal Position, POPULA FION, &c. &c., of each Parish of SCOTLAND. — Isles of ORKNEY, and SHETLAND, 910 — 970 230 Topographical and Statistical Details of each Parish of SCOTLAND. — County of A RG YLE. The County of ARGYLE, is composed of a Number of Isla, and reniiisiilar Dislriels. The Isle of Xta/fa, so celebrated for its Itasaltic Strata, is about 3 leagues N. of Icolmklll, — see Note to No. tt02. Lochs NMel, /I'if, and Leuen, on the N., separate No. 943 from Nos. part of 785, being In this Comity. liatlahulish. at the entiance of Loch Leven Into Loch Linnhe, where It takes the name of Loch Eil, leading op to the entrance into the Caledonian Canal at Fort William, ( from which it is rlis. Ig miles S.) is 41) miles from Tyndriim Inn,— see Note at head of Page 34 ; Kunnu'e, and Lorn Furnaces, at the entrance of the River Awe into Loch Etive, are |g miles W. of Dalmally, at the head of Loch Awe. ed on the K. by the mouth of the J river Clyde and Loch Long,', which divide them IromDnm/ barlonshire, see Note to Nos. . 318 & 3.59. Nos. 914-17 are j bounded on the W. by Loch 1 fyne, which rims np about 6 ! m. N.of Inverary, No. 9,35. Inverchaolain is West of | Dunoon. I Inverchaolain on Loch Strevan 11 Dunoon \ opposite toGi'cenock 12 Kilmoflan t about 5 miles West 13 Taochsoilhead 10 W'" o/" A^o. 358 H Strachar opposite to Inveraru 15 Strathlachlan .... 10 >S. W. of 10 Kilmorack 12 do. do. f iS’frac/iar 17 Kilfinan ...... 25 do. do. Total District of COWAL. 19 do., out Parsh 920 South End.... 1 iSadale This district forms a promontory, the ex- f918 Camptflloltllt treme S. point of which is in Lat. 55 21 North - and 5 45 of W. Lon.; on this point called the .51 u LL of Canty as, is a light House, 235 feel above high Water, it is about 5 leagues East of R.ilhlin Island oft the extreme N. E. point of Ireland. This promontory is from 5 to 7 m., broad, and united to Knapilale on ihe N. by an J Isthmus, less than a m. across formed by West Tarbet Loch, the road distance from which to Campbeltown withi» m. of Ihe S. point is 35 tn.; Nos. 921-2 are on the E. Coast and 923-5 on the West, the figures thereto denoting the distance N. ol Campbeltown. 3 Kilchenzie . . 5 4 Killean 17 5 Kilcalnionnel 27 C Kilherry 7 I. Gigha, & Cara Total CANTVRE. KiiBpdk!« furiot fto IniuUr diiti bounded «a Ihe S. £. by W. Tarbet tooh and the isthmo* of TarbM. and on the N. by th« ijthmni of Cnnao, Jiafioe Lneh Crinao on Ibe W.. and Lnob Gilp on the East ; a Canal i* cut throngh lhi» Ulhmti* about 6 in extent, which opens a communica- tion from the Frith of Clyde b on th<* Shore of Loch Siinart opp 8ii« I'l Ardnamurrhan ; the sound of Mull ' separates the Island in a directikin from S. E. to N. VV. fr«tm ‘he Di.frict of Morvern. Kilfinichen, No. P62, com- prises all the South part of ihe I«land, . and includes the Island of /■olmkil, | po interestingly expatiated on hy Dr. Johnson, off the extreme S.W. point. Total District of LORN. f 9.59 Tornsay 14 Isle of y 950 Kilninia MULL 1 Kilniore 27 2 Kilfiniciteii 963 Coll off' Kilmore Tiry, South (Ufrl East of Coll t 5 lEf-Yi Small Isles ^ 6 Muck see note to No. 798 St? IJutn - - Superficies in Acres t •g o •So |i| t* « a ^ U a b X» ^ . C . 5 ; -4 Is ts *^-S e ,0 0 s ? ^ a C J’ (t* ■g 0 ^ » S w or length and brdth. - 3 S!5 b •c *** S a S.i ^3.5 SS a 5 o 5^ ^ o ^ -SJ 0 ^ a, S bn « ^ J. K) ■c i £ < a «,» '*• •« a Q *§ fc. 1 N R ^ >} r 199 109 86 24 616 626 552 106 115 39 72 4 631 24 by 2 368 436 164 58 1,.528 1,750 2,139 338 307 88 50 229 2,177 106 106 90 32 300 502 622 no 118 no 8 731 30 . 13 103 121 233 101 346 680 604 123 128 40 55 33 694 18 « 3i 121 132 47 49 6.50 646 689 146 152 33 89 30 702 85 86 .50 13 420 433 440 86 90 53 30 7 .502 6j Diam. 78 83 108 51 306 465 468 75 81 19 10 52 436 15 by 6 291 304 123 87 1,222 1,432 1,382 343 351 119 68 174 1,839 1,259 1,380 901 415 5,268 6,534 0,887 1,327 1,402 501 372 529 7,732 43,750 1,000 1,582 661 649 5,783 7,093 7,807 j 400 345 1,409 378 1 269 520 75 883 34 6,445 2,671 25,000 ! 31,500 • 340 344 747 39 1,039 1,825 1,869 372 481 109 48 324 2,004 143 149 83 19 697 799 819 167 173 69 19 85 859 185 185 104 37 829 968 1,166 213 214 22 20 172 1,332 j 20,2.50 497 409- 314 126 2,080 2,52U 2,934 564 570 127 88 355 3,306 j 35,000 615 633 2,253 149 550 2,952 2.205 915 445 202 464 217 141 88 83 22 240 167 2,511 1,067 104 104 90 60 127 550 511 106 108 43 20 45 573 2,884 3,496 4,252 1,079 11,105 16,713 18,280 2,823 4,011 809 895 2,250 20,668 18,000 473 473 1,166 2,401 2,184 418 449 321 83 45 2,654 58,500 238 238 342 142 718 1,202 1,157 237 240 129 39 72 1,264 9 000 144 144 96 68 641 805 780 i 148 1-18 94 21 30 904 18 by 6 271 271 215 35 72 1,543 1,679 1 282 408 144 48 216 2,001 507 530 519 213 2,049 2,781 2,950 i 673 717 6li5 44 8 3,777 20 e 0 375 3T5 616 200 1,234 2,050 3,131 702 728 577 103 48 3,960 15 " e 362 362 355 96 1,539 1,990 2,269 432 432 316 AGO 10 2,427 w — ■ 2,370 2,393 3,309 754 6,253 12,772 14,162 2,892 3,122 2,240 447 429 10,993 275 440 115 21 .5 1,722 2,051 1,113 948 1 103 176 252 195 27 90 98 29 127 70 1,137 1,077 24 by — 132 141 32 74 634 740 750 1 136 1.52 50 20 82 814 > 636 677 4.56 151 2,683 3,293 3,400 ] 701 860 494 132 234 4,583 ^ 18,000 291 312 190 76 1,235 1,501 1,4.53 280 289 96 73 120 1,452 7,000 180 180 204 49 651 904 820 185 185 106 46 33 901 37,000 332 332 820 — 1.716 1,720 360 373 118 34 9‘'.l 1,913 273,280 1,084 1,096 2,119 112 2,598 4,829 5,151 992 1,007 906 41 60 5,422 2,930 3,178 3,935 680 9,423 14,234 15,637 2,%0 3,343 1,887 504 952 17,450 24 by — 174 227 356 49 706 1,111 993 190 218 132 35 61 1,122 ^ 49,000 ( 101 118 149 29 388 566 026 107 107 32 6 69 691 t 87 99 123 26 357 486 426 96 96 24 4 68 480 ^ 24 by 20 j 183 t 281 183 281 26 196 137 159 730 1,123 893 1,478 873 1,415 163 298 163 314 21 178 123 43 16 93 831 1,663 12 Square ^ 223 224 123 50 1,000 1,173 5 372 i 611 70 134 74 141 29 56 20 23 25 62 401 685 10 by 0 ( 469 989 91 1,198 2,278 < 1,074 ( 1.253 259 314 264 336 66 41 93 160 115 135 1,152 1,492 1 diam. 1 313 351 101 222 1,528 1,854 j 1,908 1 821 247 148 423 151 80 75 143 IS 194 61 1,946 864 50 by 10 8.000 [ 629 629 3,188 45 10 3,243 5 2,084 # 1,323 494 307 494 310 336 177 138 23 20 no 2,165 1,638 * 2,439 2,581 5,254 808 7,020 13,082 1 13,779 2,827 3,091 1,240 826 1,019 15,270 12 Square 328 331 462 55 1,247 1,764 1 340 340 217 123 — 2,288 i 672 678 894 167 2,540 3,601 I 4,064 710 813 694 112 7 4,357 1 22 by 12 — — 1 3,205 1 bfiO 680 362 61 257 3,967 1 15,000 226 226 246 47 869 1,162 5 1,277 1 230 234 126 22 86 1,264 1,217 \ 12,000 J 1 1,338 1 221 222 140 12 70 f. \ 1,818 1 500 511 309 36 160 2,964 1,800 / — — — — C 57 67 62 5 — 321 22 ,noo c J 1,105 65 65 61 3 1 394 1 ,900 I ' 73 73 73 436 1 1 00,000 1 j 353 36fl 266 199 495 2,083 1 1,883 j 342 206 50 80 1,995 1,579 1 1,601 1,868 468 5,151 8.610 1 16,834 1 3,224 3,337 2,240 424 673 19,203 . 1,213,.500 1 13,109 M,*278 19,188 4,196 43,884 71,859 1 85,585 1 10.059 18.309 8.989 3,468 5,8.52 'i07,316 n > r o o •z T r > o li? o Sp n ■s 0 1 I •4 O w o o c CA r: C r o A C C () U N T A N OF THE Jlnnual Value of Reed Property^ as ^/Isscssed to the Property Tax in 1815 , AND THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS IN 1755 AND 1798, AND AS RETURNED TO PARLIAMENT At cacli of tS»e Fonr PcrIodN, ISOl, 1811, 1831, Si, 1831, IN EVERY COUNTY, DISTRICT, CITY, BOROUGH, TOWN, AND PARISH OF ScotlaiitDr, aiTanKcl alphabetically as an Index to the preceding District Arrangement, by which the locality, relation, and circumstance of every Parish, Town, and Place in Scotland, is determined with the greatest facility. The CUCIUSSi and 13urgf)6 are printed in ©lb lliomatl ; the Towns in Small Capitals; those noted with an *have Post Offices; P. i*. Penny Posts; those with { are Sea Ports and Ports of Entry having Custom Houses; the figure and § following certain Places denote the Number of Fairs annually held at the respective places. Previous to 1831, 27 of the Scotch Counties each returned One Member to Parliament; Rute and Caithness, One; Kinross and Clackmannan, One; and Naim and Cro- marty, One ; the City of Edinburgh, One ; and 14 Districts of Rurghs, One each ; making a total of 45. Ry the new Constitution of Parliament in 1831, Bute & Caithness each return One Member ; Cromarty united to Ross ; and Nairn to Elgin ; and some insulated parts of Perth and Stirlingshires were added to Clackmannan and Kinross (see Note to No. 481 of District Arrangement.) All the other Counties, One each, as before. The Cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, Two each ; Aberdeen, One; and the Burghs of I'aisley, Dundee, and Perth, and the Town of Greenock, One each; Leith, with Porto-Bello, and Musselburg made a new District, which with 13 Old Districts with new Places added to some of them, each return One Member, making a total of 53 Members, instead of 45, as before. The 14 Districts are numbered in the following order, — Viz. 1 Ayr 4 Haddington 7 Lanark 10 Renfrew 13 Wick 2 Dumfries 5 Inverness 8 Leith 11 St. Andrews 14 Wigton 3 Elgin > 6 Kirkaldy 9 Montrose 12 Stirling The connected Places thereof being exhibited under each of these respective heads. The places newly enfranchised are noted with a ||, and each Place in its Alphabetical order with at and a Diamond figure, denoting the District to which it belongs. Abb — Anw Parishes, Towns, S(c. Abbey, St. Bathans .. 210 do. Par. of Paisley 332 do. Dist., Stirling 390 Abbots Hall 422 Abdie 445 Aber. see Aber, in Wales ”tai6rrl)rottltoicft3§ 577 Abercorn 36G Aberdalgie 491 t *: aciSKJaisiSii 5§ 617 do. Old 2 § ... 648 do. District 647-58 do. County 635-718 •Aberdour, Aberdeen 718 do., Fife 415 Aberfoil 523 Aberlady 243 Aberlemno 591 Aberlour 722 Abernyte 507 Abertarff & Boleskine 780 “Aboyne and Glentaner 637 ’t * Airdrie 5 §. . . . in 323 Airly 599 Airth 388 Aithsting Sandsting 901 •Alford 676 do. District .. 674-680 *:ALL0A4§ 406 Alness 806 Alva 403 Alvah 734 Alves 754 Alvie 767 alvth \ h'erthtilj 543 Alyth J Ancrum 153 "t * anUfftoS, St. 5§ 472 do. District 457-76 do., Elgin 757 do., Orkney .. 868 ’t *san«ait 3 Anuandale 25-37 “t*aiustrutficr. iSaster 464 ”t 53o„ Mrstcr 463 •Anwoilh 66 Eslimaled Annual Value of Properly in ISIS. — f 1,238 41,043 6,532 7,905 10,017 7,722 4,893 82,848 19,125 123,258 330,133 2,839 3,964 4,260 8,509 8,407 2,210 80 1,496 0,480 2,359 4,750 2,069 5,572 11,159 61 2,616 18,054 11,245 4.277 2,445 3,694 2.278 2,629 7,385 264 9,707 21,727 103,849 1,826 205 12,82-1 87,980 2,410 449 4,748 Total Number of PERSONS, at each cf the undennenlioned Periods, 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 80 164 138 154 150 122 2,509 10,792 14,153 16,785 20,575 26,006 — 379 201 216 1,348 2,136 2,501 2,879 3,267 4,206 822 491 723 708 834 870 2,098 4,676 4,943 5,280 5,817 6,660 1,037 870 814 885 1,044 1,013 320 523 542 513 490 434 10,785 16,120 17,,597 21,039 26,484 32,912 4,945 8,107 9,911 13,731 18,312 25,107 23,803 32,228 35,412 44,211 55,094 69,089 16,836 122,921 123,082 135,075 155,387 177,053 1,397 1,306 1,304 1,443 1,495 1,548 1,198 1,280 1,260 1,302 1,489 1,751 — — 711 601 730 660 739 800 875 912 1,033 973 943 1,033 945 973 1,040 1,079 1,010 920 815 923 1,059 1,276 ^ 1,670 1,769 ^ 927 988 721 1,229 739 1,258 834 ^ 1,493 1,415 S 133 ( 1,355 122 1,513 150 1,551 164 1,612 258 345 271 262 269 254 1,961 1,741 — 1,462 2,096 1,829 1,695 1,050 916 905 1,0.51 1,163 1,013 865 1,041 928 981 860 2,316 2,350 1,855 1,703 1,900 1,825 — 1,493 1,617 1,884 2,194 990 663 644 718 826 894 11,559 8,597 8,449 9,051 10,311 11,311 5,816 4,802 5,214 5,096 5,577 6,377 1,090 1,121 1,072 1,038 1,270 1,437 436 612 787 909 1,1.50 1,300 1,161 1,070 1,057 991 1,079 1,278 1,691 1,111 1,049 922 947 .945 1,021 1,011 1,058 961 961 1,092 ^ 2,680 2,723 5 2,3!)7 ( 139 2,388 175 2,387 182 2,693 195 1,060 1,146 1,222 1,309 1,386 1,454 4,913 4,335 4,203 4,311 4,899 5,621 23,003 22,434 22,949 23,877 26,593 27,154 — 799 869 934 1,087 — — 857 780 857 889 1.498 2,500 2,570 3,341 4,486 5.033 11,8.50 13,667 14,019 16,043 18,198 18,829 1,100 1,000 969 1,008 1,090 1,007 385 370 296 303 429 430 531 1 495 1 037 740 815 830 App — Bal Parishes, Towns, (fc. •Appin Distsict 956 Applecross 826 Applegarth 33 Arbirlot 576 Arbroath, see Aberbrothw. Arbuthnot 622 Ardchattan 949 Ardelach 765 Ardesie 775 Ardnamurchan i Argy, 943 and Sunart ( Invern. « Ardrossan 129 Argyle District.... 935-44 do. County .... 910-70 C Perth 485 Arngask •? Kinross .... « LFife . Arroquhar 358 Ashliirk J Roxburgh.. 145 Assint 841 Athelstoneford 242 Athol District 554 Auchindoir & Kearn. . 682 Auchinlech 101 •Auchterarder 618 Auchterderran 421 Auchtergavan 537 Auchterhouse 566 Auchterless 695 * Auchtermuclity 4§ .. 444 Auchtertoul 419 Auldearn 763 Avondale .311 Avoch 801 itt*agf4§.. 107 Electoral 4 Cambeltn. 918 Ti/.iiricf, Irvine .. 122 each jdace \ Inverary 935 srpuja/ely. f || Oban in 955 Ayr County 90-138 •Ay ton 220 B Badenoch District .. 766-7 Baldemock 393 Ralfron 399 •Ballantrae 90 Estimated Annual Value of Property Id 1815. — £ — 8,811 3,050 8,595 1,092 10,017 5,772 12,593 2,556 1,275 6,656 5,349 9,920 38,877 227,493 1,164 875 895 2,838 3,328 1,173 3,859 9.344 1.345 5,304 6,434 5,669 3,082 3,118 2.930 6.930 2,044 3,200 10,287 4,143 16,578 2,800 8,690 6,261 393,609 13,169 5,043 4,925 4,684 I Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the undermentioned Periods. 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. — 1,914 2,084 2,465 2,575 835 1,734 1,896 2,297 2,793 2,892 897 741 795 848 943 999 865 1,055 1,050 1,054 1,052 1,086 2,098 4,676 4,943 5,280 5,817 6,660 997 1,041 5 942 968 928 944 — i 1,478 1,415 1,663 1,650 1,163 1,186 1,256 1,275 1,287 1,270 428 1,298 1,041 1,287 1,387 1,268 ^ 5,000 4,542 < 2,664 2,827 3,089 3,311 ( 2,165 2,326 2,333 2,358 1,297 1,518 1,845 2,256 3,105 3,494 13,713 12,773 14,234 15,637 17,450 14,837 63,291 76,101 71,859 85,585 97,316 101,425 C 204 J 184 252 241 238 > 736 554 207 217 269 3 t 176 201 222 204 466 379 470 420 376 559 ^ 629 539 5 348 ( 163 396 162 360 184 405 192 1,934 3,000 2,395 2,479 2,803 3,161 691 927 897 867 909 931 839 590 . 739 780 889 1,030 887 775 1,214 1,382 1,524 1,662 1,194 1,670 2,042 2,508 2,870 3,182 1,143 1,200 1,045 1,138 1,488 1,590 1,677 1,784 2,042 2,557 2,478 3,417 600 600 653 635 632 715 1,264 1,264 1,129 1,257 1,538 1,701 1,308 1,439 2,060 2,403 2,754 3,225 389 334 396 501 536 527 1,951 1,406 1,401 1,406 1,523 1,613 3,551 3,343 3,623 4,353 5,030 5,761 1,1.57 1,380 1,476 1,560 1,821 1,956 2,964 4,647 5,492 6,291 7,455 7,606 4,597 8,700 7,093 7,807 9,016 9,172 4,025 4,500 4,584 5,750 7,007 5,200 2,751 1,832 2,051 1,113 1,137 1,117 59,009 75,036 84,306 103,954 127,299 145,167 797 1,245 1,453 1,379 1,481 1,602 621 620 796 806 , 892 805 755 1,381 1,6.'<4 1,986 1 2.042 2,057 1,049 770 837 980 1 1,280 1,506 Annual Value of Real Property, as Assessed to the PROPERTY TAX in 1815; and Total Number of Persons in every County, Distriet Bal — Cam Aiiuiial Value uf Total I^'umher tf P EKSON S, at each of the undermentioned Periods, Parishes, Towns Sfc. Properly ill 1HI5. 17.55. 1 1798. 1801. Ballingry 3,014 404 220 277 lialDiadellau 4,953 534 495 554 Kalmaghie ... 58 7,980 097 862 909 llalnierino 4,331 505 703 786 Halquhidder 0,794 1,592 1,300 1,377 •Haiichory t Aberdeen 033 Davenick } Kincardine • 1,7.57 3,5.54 1 1,495 1,700 5 235 ( 1,322 Banchory Tertian . ... 030 4,300 1,730 1,340 1,465 “t*laanff 3,540 3,000 3,510 3,571 do. County 719-41 75,131 30,521 38,487 35,807 Barony of Glasgow .. 325 110,090 — 26,710 6,115 ' 858 750 742 Barra 2,781 1,150 1,604 1,925 Barray, or Burray . .. 862 200 — — 271 Barrie 2,940 089 790 886 Barvas 14 1,995 2,005 2,233 •Bathgate 7 § 9,843 1,594 2,309 2,513 Beath 2,740 1,099 450 613 Bedrule .. 150 2,222 297 259 200 •Beith 10,054 2,064 2,872 3,103 j 1 Renfrew . • • tf — — , Belhelvie 3,590 1,471 1,318 1,428 Bellie \ 8,960 1,730 1,919 1,802 t hJorav ... 2,282 — — — Bendochy 4,803 1,293 878 860 Beuholme 3,957 1,367 1,557 1,412 •Brrbic 2,467 655 1,200 1,068 ‘t North .. 240 12,976- 1,412 1,300 1,.583 do. County 192-225 245,379 24,917 29,351 30,621 *Biggar3§ 4,017 1,098 937 1,216 Biruie 10 525 402 360 Birsay 115 — — 1,451 Birse 2,218 1,120 1,300 1,200 Blackford § •Blair, Athol, & Stro 10,330 1,681 1,300 1,520 w. 554 3,270 3,257 3,120 2,848 * do. -Gowrie 3 § . . .. 544 6,206 3,257 3,120 1,751 Blantyre .. 315 4,438 1,596 1,651 1,914 Baharm \ ‘ * } Elsrin •••• .. 724 2,014 1,517 1 835 1,294 f 1,101 Boleskine 4,7.56 1,901 1,741 Dore Bolton 2,274 359 235 252 Bonhill 5,611 901 2,310 2,400 Bonkle and Preston .. 219 1,723 691 622 674 Borgue 11,283 697 771 820 Borland Dysart — — — •Borrowstoness . . . . .. 368 9,093 2,668 3,178 2,790 Borthwick 8,955 910 858 842 •Boswells, St. ^ . .. . .. 167 4,048 309 500 497 Bothkennar 5,429 529 600 575 Bothwell .. 320 16,053 1,.561 2,707 3,017 Botriphnie 2,683 953 630 589 Bourfie 1,709 525 456 445 Bowden 5,813 672 860 829 Bower 1,796 1,287 1,502 1,.572 •Bow'more & Rilinen. 932 15,935 see Ray 2,781 Boyndie § 2,903 994 1,260 1,122 Braccadale 513 1,907 2,250 1,805 Braetnar and Crathie .. 035 4,646 2,671 2,251 see C jjrrriftin 4^ — 20,002 3,181 5,000 5,400 Bressay, Burra & Q a. 906 15 — 1,330 Broughton 1,599 307 264 214 Buchan District.... 700-18 52,745 20,880 24,511 25,518 Buchanan 7,447 1,699 1,111 748 Buckhaven Wemys — — — Buittle 8,544 899 855 803 Buncle and Preston .. 219 7,722 691 622 674 San 15 da Cross Burra, Quarf, & Bressay906 1,330 Burray, Isle of . .. . .. 862 200 — — 271 *13urntt8lanli... .. 418 6,660 1,390 1,210 1,530 Bute, isle of 359-61 13,065 3,220 4,759 0,106 do., County of .. 359-64 22,540 7,125 11,072 11,791 1811. 2(ih 289 * P. P. ^ Linlit/igoie » Cranshaws 208 Cranston 2.57 Crathie and > Dratmar \ Crawford 290 do. .lohn 291 ffeech, Sutherland .. 833 Creicli, Fife 455 Crichton 2,55 •Criei'f 2 ^ .520 Criniond 713 * Cromarty Town 814 do. I’arish 815 Cromdale 5 Inverness 772 & Granton t Elffin .... » Cro.ss, (see lluniess) 887 Esliinaleil Annual Value of Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the undermentioned I eriods. Property Id J815. £ 1755. 1 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 13,909 1,399 2,517 2,900 3,018 4,927 5,109 4,204 1,481 1,950 1,980 1,930 2,128 2,304 — Small Isles — 436 204 8,360 1,733 2,725 2,589 2,749 3,084 2,997 14,208 4,5 C 0 0,200 5,715 7,755 9,870 10,175 37,005 12,187 10,314 10,713 18,280 20,608 20,632 8,881 2,048 2,045 2,097 2,333 2,348 2,303 1,597 — 550 511 573 534 0,390 795 2,194 2,549 2,859 3,105 3,590 3,2 h 0 209 200 229 271 240 252 7,620 1,897 1,720 1,585 1,521 1,017 1,028 5,580 — 1,014 1,170 1,200 1,271 7,811 956 830 954 890 862 1,006 8,553 1,459 1,730 1,750 2,311 2,925 3,228 4,236 899 781 832 926 903 956 6.002 471 570 700 070 037 692 2,220 745 700 892 909 1,073 1,153 11,502 1,293 1,040 1,083 1.098 1,048 1,079 3,226 583 970 860 884 1,136 1,202 10,384 2,390 3,000 2,680 3,789 2,888 3,505 79,159 11,810 12,928 13,752 16,222 21,320 25,536 4,430 1,104 1,4.50 1,493 1,348 1,429 1,261 4,474 555 329 409 455 550 501 4,201 609 469 496 459 474 542 4,022 845 924 899 875 937 981 13,217 1,507 1,418 1,781 1.887 2,038 2,227 52,502 5,728 0,180 6,947 7,760 8,524 9,090 4,646 2,671 2,251 1,876 1,965 1,897 1,808 7,811 499 697 1,059 1,419 1,885 2,082 . 2,827 — — 55 171 200 5,490 858 1,000 937 952 1,036 1,006 1,160 — 864 845 906 996 11,503 993 1,300 1,382 1,402 1,50-1 1,025 12,753 2,540 2,320 2,352 2,407 2,840 2,702 6,827 531 000 640 707 730 841 4,312 1,351 1,035 1,221 1,207 1,610 1,803 9,008 383 961 1,147 1,239 1,189 1.248 14,026 1,913 2,528 2,961 3,005 4,056 4,206 31,109 9,005 8,749 10,858 12,010 13,203 14,729 ■ — — 947 1,211 1,240 800 559 425 433 494 551 535 3,003 692 053 025 004 504 081 9,220 999 1,490 1,079 1,702 1,082 1,080 5,929 1,233 1,020 906 980 990 912 2,414 906 1,037 913 1,000 942 944 1,741 994 885 821 823 807 959 1,900 1,406 1,660 1,043 1,639 1,874 1,711 Went ys — — — 400 400 8,281 919 883 930 904 906 1,141 6,543 640 1,123 1,081 2,000 1,925 2,025 18,729 2,313 2,391 2,391 2,424 2.075 2,< i 08 2,353 1,243 1,132 861 815 8.58 910 14,592 1,493 2,521 2,209 2,384 2,801 2, S 97 7,008 Tiiy — 1,102 1,277 1,261 1,310 2,300 499 473 502 003 691 730 6,490 989 949 930 954 1,030 1,1 ()2 13,880 792 1,395 1,397 1,005 2,019 2,232 9,029 1,814 1,100 1,300 1,304 1,<)80 2,212 — — 805 786 904 89 ,t 5,000 898 904 1,100 1,298 1,. S 22 1,3,58 9,188 2,540 3,000 2,458 2,089 2,014 2 022 3,481 1 ,949 2,500 1,944 1,844 1,930 2,023 South tsles — 10 10 7 0,795 993 583 C . I 0 077 804 RGO 13,106 995 1,037 840 1,1.59 1,321 1,401 5,929 1,233 l ,0 g 0 900 5)80 990 912 1,284 751 700 079 721 701 7( i 7 IV emys — — — — 400 400 1,720 521 484 4.50 438 626 521 30,180 7,998 0,028 0,.535 0,887 7,7.32 7,913 7,144 627 007 848 1,159 1,397 1,389 9,305 935 1,314 1,328 1,405 1,545 1,.552 8,511 651 700 780 707 803 82-1 1,3.59 709 770 ! K )4 820 901 8 tl 2 8,095 2,173 1,710 1,0.52 1,000 1,854 1 ,821 8,355 387 ( i 72 0( i 9 0<)5 718 733 10,491 1,455 1,485 1,403 1,645 1,735 l ,8^0 — — 8 8 (i!) 104 783 214 104 100 18.5 1.50 130 8,531 725 839 895 9( i 0 954 1,030 4,6.15 2,070 2,251 1 !»72 ( 905 1,001 904 ^ 1,891 l ,. S ( i 8 10,010 2,009 1,490 1,071 1,773 1,914 1 ,8.50 6,014 705 6<)0 712 858 971 991 4,100 1,705 1,730 1,974 1,909 2,354 2,502 2,531 373 300 405 403 3!M 119 0,702 Oil •too 923 1,082 1,195 1,325 8,005 1,414 2,040 2,870 3,3110 4,210 4,7 .SO 2,543 705 917 802 800 iHH) 879 230 333 ^ 2,184 2,413 2,208 2,413 S 1 ,993 ( ( i .50 2.215 osti 3,975 3,003 3,000 2,187 2,010 2.207 2,637 o,so — — 030 1 ( i ! l 7 Sanda — — 1,318 612 505 1 611 233 Parish, City, Burgh, and Town in SCOTLAND in 1775 and 175)0, and at each of the Four Periods, 1001, 1011, 1021 and lt'31. Cro — Dun Piirishes, Totcns, C'rossniiclmel i Inverness \suirn.... C'nulen ’t Cullni CulroBS 2^ C'ulsanuiiul (filter Cults •Cumbernauld Cum brae do.. Little Cummertrees •Cumnock, Old i8 15,279 16,807 17,179 18,179 ; 20,252 23,025 , 28,0(Hi 1 5,634 , - 948 1 t) 61 57 1 77 < l,0f>!l 1,108 1 1,278 14,976 1,298 1,773 1,185 l,3(i0 1,3(51 1.-171 5,i>95 2,919 2,705 2,977 2,982 2,977 i 2,807 2,604 2,176 1,697 1,818 1,634 1,7.50 , 1,788 6,762 796 779 808 990 1,029 987 • — • — — 68 i 56 10 1,235 1,399 l,36 — ■ — — 718 580 673 756 1,489 869 1,024 1,253 1,247 1,229 1,965 113 780 1,000 899 846 915 1,023 8,847 387 600 598 533 601 637 699 1,443 1,800 1,123 1,215 1,233 1,300 262,937 31,120 24,692 31,975 36,259 51,768 55,092 602,807 74,310 98,074 93,120 125,767 166,659 193,036 770,875 79,749 103,449 122,954 148,607 19t,514 219,345 5,645 679 710 677 918 810 836 14,288 898 1,336 1,355 1,360 1,510 1,435 1,375 862 963 905 955 950 901 — — — 107 97 93 73 — — — — 170 226 228 17 — — 506 442 469 452 7,186 6,306 4,534 4,345 4,602 5,308 6,130 1,312 900 1,214 1,076 1,070 1,452 1,593 3, .540 3,000 3,510 3,511 3,603 3,855 3,711 6,261 730 732 783 907 1,429 1,419 2,577 973 812 846 863 1,957 1,586 9,019 2,487 4,100 4,491 4,707 6,313 6,395 73,288 28,934 26,080 26,705 28,108 31,162 34,231 3,857 642 620 730 886 960 1,029 5,591 2,523 1,830 2,022 2,194 2,150 2,304 29,267 1 13,967 10,576 11,069 11,437 12,464 12,831 23,024 1 2,297 2,685 2,653 2,686 2,887 2,992 7,459 829 809 847 963 973 973 36.763 5,802 7,415 7,133 7,524 8,196 8,476 6,329 675 619 537 581 651 650 1,502 836 681 676 076 776 1,018 7,148 397 470 44.5 440 485 530 330 • 812 677 811 839 6,001 392 320 358 338 314 335 3,734 792 1,000 899 902 1,105 1,181 596 j 3.201 3,498 3,798 4,405 South isles 284 n'a//s 297 309 Largs i — — 713 264 1,248! — 234 213 277 312 120 150 128 125 < 17,936 \ 4,362 1 3,932 8,020 8,838 9,929 11,536 12,743 8,144 1,795 2,198 2.211 2,317 2,459 2,658 16,022 3 799 620 576 582 599 582 2,371 2,800 2,600 2.408 2,408 1,994 2,073 1,859 « 1,898 1,6I.'0 1,.528 1 ,508 1 ,651 1.695 8,987 g 1,113 1,281 1,280 1,.589 1.8.52 2,018 3,179! 1,271 1,240 1,270 1,S78 1 ,356 1,334 753 500 490 448 4i9 m 45Q 231 Annual Value of Real Property, us Assessed to the PROPERTY TAX in 1015; and Total Number'of Persons in every County, Distriet, l'’er — Gov Parishes, Towns, iSfc. reruell 5!)-l Ferryport ou Cniig . . -ITO FettorcHini (i2(i <>2I Fifo County 409-70 l''imlogask, 5‘W Fiutray <'51 Fintry Filth S72 Flisk 450 Floita ik Sth Faira Isles 8(i3 , , , , ( Ross .... 804 l odderty, J Cromarty • Fo^o 211 Foi'bes, and C80 Tiillyuestle ' Fordyce, 738 Fordoun C27 njforfar do. County 561-015 For^fan 475 „ , S Perth 490 Forgandenny ^ » Forglen 731 Foigue 691 if OWES 7.55 Forteviot 510 F’ortiiigull 557 '’t.'lFortt'OOC ,802 Foss.iway Ik t Kinross 484 rulliebole ^ Fert/i .. » Fonla, I’ajia, &c 900 Foulden 217 Foulis, Easter .509 do. M ester 533 Foveran 698 Frasreurgh 716 Fyvie 093 G Gairloch or Geirloch 827 Gairsay 882 Galashiels Sc ^ Selkirk 175 Lindean ( Roxburg 171 Galaton in 427 Galber, or Gnlbervvick 896 "t (laallotoag, Keto .. 09 Galston 115 Gainrie 736 Gargunnock 397 Garioch, or Logie Dar. 072 do. District 659-673 Garvald 230 Gan och^ 623 Gask-Findo 532 do. Trinity 531 Geirloch 827 Gifford 2 § Sc Vester 233 Gigha St Cara 927 Girthon 04 Girvan 92 Gladsmuir 245 Glainmis 508 t • % 324-6 Glasgow, New Port 340 r Glassy & Kilmichael 939 Glusserton 78 Glasford . 312 Glen, see Glyn Wales Glenary 930 ' bervie 028 » bucket .... ; . . . . 079 • cairn St Minihiv 20 » do. TullichScc. 030 « cross 282 f devoir 514 » elg, oralg 780 • holme 177 • isla 015 0 luce 81 • niorristone, see 783 /' inuick Tullich See 030 1 orchay 945 « shiel 822 » taner St Aboyne 637 Golspie Gorbals of Glasgow ., Gordon Go van J Lanark t Renfrew . . . . 837 32<) 2 tr 2 329 Enlinialeit Annii.il Valiit- of Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the undermentioned Periods. l*ro|)eriy in 1815. 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1 1821. 1831. — ■ £ 10,022 799 020 276 582 599 582 3,380 021 875 i):'0 2,104 * 1,401 1,.52!) 0,737 1 ,950 2,000 1 ,794 1,.502 1,572 1,037 12,018 3,082 3,370 3,087 4,252 4,483 5,109 ■405,770 81, .570 87,2.50 93,473 101,272 1 14,5,56 128,981 4,254 001 433 522 1 428 2,049 905 851 880 864 990 1,046 4,120 891 543 958 1,004 1,102 1,051 100 — 632 496 545 500 2,820 318 331 300 318 301 286 South isles 284 — 297 309 4,772 89 ^ 1,483 1,730 ) 945 ^ 844 507 1 1,900 1,952 2,232 4,776 506 450 450 469 433 589 1,176 791 782 200 330 178 362 643 778 6,920 3,212 3,425 2,717 2,707 3,245 3,304 9,010 1,890 2,258 2,223 2,535 2,375 2,238 8,69 Halkirk 851 2,319 3,075 3,180 2,545 2,532 2,646 2,847 ’t *Hamilton 7 § 314 18,863 3,819 5,017 5,908 6,453 7,613 9,513 Harav, or Horray . . . . 877 87 — — 725 691 719 735 Harries Isles 794 7,658 1,969 2,536 2,996 3,5(i9 3,909 3,900 *HAWICK3il 141 8,327 2,713 2,928 2,798 3,688 4,387 4,970 do. Di.strict .. 140-5 36,823 6,252 6,952 6,536 7,644 8,643 9,584 Heriot 250 3,348 209 3J0 320 300 298 327 Hobkirk 146 8,784 530 700 760 709 652 676 Hoddain 26 7,495 1,393 1,198 1,250 1,428 l,ffl0 1,582 Holme ahd Pappay .. 866 256 — — 871 747 773 747 Holywood 11 7,3.59 596 736 809 830 1,004 1,066 Hounain 1.54 5,081 632 365 372 373 327 260 Houston and Killellan 342 6,996 947 1,034 1,891 2,041 2,317 2,745 Hoy Isle 861 122 — — 244 282 288 321 Humble 237 8,507 1,507 676 785 837 837 875 Hume 194 3,508 959 1,000 3,600 415 408 401 430 *Hi)ntley 3 § 687 4.723 1,900 2,863 2,764 3,34!) 3,545 Hutton 215 10,302 751 920 955 1,030 1,118 1,099 do. and Corrie ... I Inch, or Insch 37 6,795 993 583 646 677 804 860 83 11,275 1,513 1,4.50 1,577 1,831 2,386 2,521 Inchinnan 341 5,268 397 306 462 641 582 642 *Inchture 500 1,731 893 1,000 949 954 985 878 Inishail 937 936 — — 740 750 814 . 835 Innerkip 3^ 344 5,392 1,590 1,280 1,367 1,632 2,3-14 2,088 Innerleithen \ 182 6,022 990 559 560 542 67 635 42 662 43 746 64 Innerwick 226 12,180 941 960 846 865 924 987 Insch 670 2,360 995 900 798 918 1,059 1,338 't *£nl)frari) d denary •>•••. y 935 2,621 2,751 1,832 2,051 S 1,113 d 948 1,137 1,077 1,117 1,016 Inverarity 586 6,093 996 929 820 865 8(i6 904 721 3,374 2,464 2,244 2,107 2,260 2,353 2,484 d Elfein M 1,196 — — — 126 164 IiibrrtrrbiE 618 2,324 055 1,200 1,068 907 1,092 1,135 Inverchaolain 910 4,136 944 504 626 5,52 651 590 Inveresk Sc Musslebur. 263 24,519 4,645 5,392 6,604 6,393 7,836 8,961 Invergowrie 510 — — 36 63 36 .30 luverkeilor 679 8,101 1,286 1,7-17 1,704 1,7.56 1,785 1,655 *finbEr{tfitf)tng 5 § 409 5,615 1,694 2,210 2,228 2,400 2,512 3,189 Inverkeithnev 731 1,772 571 460 503 .533 577 58!) “f * : 771 28,141 9,730 10,.527 8,732 10,7.57 12,264 14,025 District ( loitrose 762 1,762 1,698 2,400 2,215 2,504 3,228 3,266 3,895 755 4,216 1,993 2,987 3,114 2,925 3,540 802 — — — — Inverness Oiunty 766-798 179,789 64,656 73,979 74,292 78,336 90,1.57 94,77!) HUnbrnirj) ^ ( " f Parish ) 660 6,261 730 732 783 907 1 735 d 394 !)94 425 '+* I iIrbtUE see Troon 122 8,690 4,025 4,500 4,584 5,7.50 7,007 5,200 Islay Isle 932-4 17,S71 5,344 9,500 8,364 10,035 12,177 14,922 do. District 928-34 1 25,766 7,810 11,567 12,772 14,162 16,933 19,783 D * arbburgf) 4 § — 148 20,591 5,816 3,288 3,831 4,454 5,251 6,047 tio. District 146-53 70,371 9,918 7,982 8,607 9,447 10,383 10,813 Johnstone 32 5,514 494 565 740 904 1,17!) 1,234 Joppa *..in 264 Duddi np; stone — — — 227 389 Jura Isle K Kearn and Auchindoir 929 3,598 1,097 1,858 1,202 1,157 1,264 1,312 682 1,315 8.3!) 5!M) 73!) 780 889 1,0.30 685 1,262 3,675 475 379 4()3 562 987 692 1,084 Keir 17 4!)5 529 771 !)!)3 *KEITtl4 728 6,641 2,683 3,057 3,284 3,3.52 3,926 4,164 *Keithall and Kiuke! 673 2,01!) 1,118 838 8.53 883 838 877 Kells 69 4,4!Mi 78-1 86 !) 778 !MI 1,104 1,128 •Kelso 4 ^ 161 15,619 2,781 4,324 4,I!H) 4,408 4,860 4,93!) do. District.... 154-65 95, .532 9,375 10!)0.5 1 1 ,.502 12.378 13,342 13,524 Kelton 60 9,627 81 1 1 ,601) I ,!I0.5 2,2 (i34 631 Kemnay 666 1 ,200 6411 (ill 583 541 6.57 616 •Kenmore 0 ^ 511 21,181 3,367 3,463 3.316 3.621 3,317 3,126 Kennow ay 2 § 437 5,2.51 1,240 1 ,500 1 ,466 1,517 1 1,619 1 1,721 21)5 Parish, City, Ituryh, and ’Jown in SCOTLA N D, in 17J! (s, IHOl , 1(511 1(1*21, and lUDl. I Total \umber,f PERSONS, Anini:il Value <>r at each of the undermentioned Periods, J^roperly ill 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. ; 1821. 1 1831. 3,082 1 1 ,799 1,777 s 1,218 t 174 1 ,330 003 i 1,:«)8 1 001 j 1,394 1 091 9,374 2,290 2,073 3, ‘248 3,747 1 4,1.52 1 5,031 h.tm 1,390 1,210 1 ,530 1,931 2,l3t) 1 2,.ViO 8,758 2,:«)7 4,8(i2 5,385 7,081 8,187 8,90.5 10,803 2,385 1,708 2,308 2,201 : 2,413 2,579 92,045 21,911 20,805 28,748 31,958 30,744 11,1.59 0,504 529 COO 090 800 790 802 0,510 705 945 1,191 1,405 1,821 1,890 3,078 899 1,000 1,090 1,017 1 ,07.5 ! 1,111 0,080 795 090 787 1 ,006 1 ,283 1 1,371 14,953 1,513 2,275 2,380 2,703 3,377 3,511 213,308 21,205 585 20,959 29,211 33,084 ' 38,903 40,590 2,935 727 074 733 813 1,039 3,921 489 520 545 059 1 776 052 0,404 I,.3(H1 1,.570 1,-582 1,477 1 1,-572 1,71.5 10,217 792 1,1.52 1,100 1 ,133 1 1,488 1,514 7,446 1,090 2,039 3,210 3,740 1 4,580 5,888 IVemys — — — — , 475 003 9,332 ^ 1 , 101 1,501 J 1,200 1,241 1 1,605 1,09*2 5,527 t 441 441 , 608 5Ti 0,325 858 1,088 1,212 1,2(L4 1,512 1,779 10rf)77 1,098 1,200 1,315 1,401 1,008 l.OOl 7,069 1,051 1,380 1,013 1,719 2,210 2,051 8,745 1,710 950 1,119 1,593 2,234 2,758 2,232 1,288 1,272 1,332 1,380 1,-570 1,741 0,160 894 950 904 1,035 1,202 1,2-26 4,936 2,089 2, ‘200 1,.508 1,400 I..551 1,-508 Resolis, see — 1,108 1,‘201 1,470 9,830 1,157 812 1,071 1,300 1,513 1,445 10,546 1,108 1,.335 1,079 1,CS9 1,847 1,951 6,978 099 1,000 1,007 1,1.50 1,473 1,487' 7,377 794 017 1.541 l.fjul 1,096 1,066 0,478 895 702 730 841 880 912 5,959 774 617 590 821 912 981 3,530 330 341 320 287 315 294 1,993 310 288 327 387 352 318 1,631 1,989 2,550 2,021 1,715 2,212 3,005 2,342 — 508 1,034 0.56 9,292 3,409 4,358 4,421 4,791 5,0.56 0,425 4,797 1,309 1,009 2,401 2,184 2,054 2,583 2,740 1,202 1,521 1,500 1,716 1,720 1,913 2,137 1,987 1.207 1,432 1,332 1,414 1,497 — 1,371 1,234 1,859 1,760 1,973 2,139 102,987 20,054 27,889 33,362 41,005 50,413 53,550 Sanda 750 803 830 802 880 858 W es tray — — — 824 834 Slronsoy — — — 316 274 5,407 336 590 510 535 527 48.5 see South Ronald shay — 553 637 4,706 1,460 1,514 1,333 1,2.54 1,234 1,196 2,891 1,010 1,350 1,209 1,3.54 1,094 1,045 3,335 599 417 375 356 359 382 9,711 2,249 4,751 4,092 5,007 7,085 7,072 22,298 3.932 8,010 8,838 9,929 11,536 12,743 18,863 3.819 5,817 5,908 6,453 7,013 9,573 17,627 3,296 3,221 3,594 4,022 4,692 4,874 686,531 81,720 125, 2.54 U6,6P<) 191,752 ■24 J. 387 31>i,7!iil 6,134 1,833 2,581 2,039 2,036 2,104 2,(r/r, 5,644 290 435 428 418 477 4:3 7,950 1,864 *4,000 3,269 3,852 3,491 4,248 8,281 1,390 1,943 1,807 1,973 2,301 2,.507 ^ 6,259 1,104 ‘ 1,025 1,361 1,801 j ) 713 t 1,700 204 2,584 19,417 2,190 3,000 3,348 3,723 4,186 4,253 1,414 3,675 4,000 3,612 3,926 1 0,575 7,020 12,599 1,795 2,000 1,700 1,742 I 1,845 2,003 5,272 757 1,200 1,210 1,309 1,515 1,880 — — — — 39 78 1,790 ^ 577 420 5 200 229 201 189 1,593 t 248 279 252 254 4,923 398 422 495 560 476 505 15,415 2,205 2,409 3,-228 4,875 7,025 7,410 29,048 7,200 11,432 12,044 15,488 j 18,975 18,439 Duddin ^ston — — — 1,912 2,789 24,519 4,645 5,392 0,604 6,392 7,836 8,904 449 1,105 900 919 958 941 999 St. A ndre ws 303 .381 513 482 1 2,906 1,193 1,259 1,706 4,949 ^ 2,-224 '( 3.54 2,750 444 1,017 319 418 367 388 444 473 6,411 1,130 1,212 1,009 1.882 2,200 2,719 17,481 3,996 2,810 3,070 4,404 5,5 2 0,409 7,315 052 1,194 1,3-29 1 ,705 2,352 2,03-3 1,040 340 307 345 349 408 3(Hi 749 635 505 489 oil 538 401 14,957 1,091 1,020 1,087 1,072 1,731 1.S09 I Kot — Kin Ptrislus, Tiiinis, SjC. Kettle 43t) Kil, — Jilt' Lltiii, in U'li/t'A’. Kilbarclian 2 § 33S » berry D26 ■» birnie 131 » bramlun !>53 “ bride, ‘J31 » do. liuti' 3tit « do. Kast 31() » do. West 130 • bucbo 105 • calmoniiel 025-(i • cliatlou 5c brandoa 952 » choimin, see Islay 933 » chrenaii 940 » Christ and Ui ray 799 « conquhar 2 § • daJtun 934 < doiian 840 • drunimy 078 • liiiaii 917 » tiniclien Si Kilvick 902 » lean and Chenzie 923 • learn 401 • learuan 811 • lei Ian Sc Houston 342 •» liu 4 ^ 550 r madan or niodan . . 912 • inadock Sc Doune 5 § 513 f nialcolm 343 • . mallie \ •••783 I Inverness » » ntanivaig 784 • many 45l ’t ‘Kilmarnock 4 ^ . . 120 do 354 Kilmartin 940 ■» maurs 120 » nielford 950 ' meny, m ith 931 15o\vmore .... 932 « niichael Sc Glasry 938 « modan 912 » morack 778 » more, see Kilbride 955 do. ScKilninian 901 « inorach 910 » inory 303 nmir 791 Ross 809 Cromarty • ninian Sc Kilmore 900 • ninver 951 K Patrick, New .... 350 \ iSiIrfnu)) 405 Kilspindie 498 * » syth 5 § 392 » tarlity 777 • team - 807 • Aviuning 127 ‘Kincardine, Rerih . . 521 do., Ross .... 821 do. O’Neil ... 039 do. District 035-040 do. County 010-34 Kinclaven 538 Kinfauns 495 Kingarth 301 King Edward 097 '‘t*iSingf)orn2§ 417 Kinglassie 2 § 434 Kingoldrum. 597 Kii^sbarns 2 § 471 ‘Kingussie 700 Kinkel Sc Keithol .... 073 Kinloch 540 Kinloss 701 Kinnaird 409 Kinneff Sc Catterliue 019 Kinnell 593 Kinnellar 054 Kinnethmont ^ 083 Kinnettles 509 Kinnoul 4 § 494 •Kinross 4 § 478 do. County. . . 477-90 Kintail 823 ‘iiinitcrf. I ^ C59 do . Easter | Halil. laiti Aiinii.il V.iliif o( Total Nanilier of RL RSON S, at each of the ander mentioned Periods, 1831. rrppiiiy ill ISIS, — t' — 5,.500 17.55. 17!)H. ISOl. 1811. 1821. 1,475 1,100 1,207 1,211 1,215 7,047 1,021 1,759 1,889 1,908 2,010 11,911 1,185 2,500 3,751 3,503 1,213 u-ilh mica monnel — 915 1,003 5,133 051 700 959 1,088 1 ,333 13,-251 with R Ichatln 2,‘i78 1,‘253 1,192 see Ki more — 1,908 2,274 1,910 3,4)9 1,309 2,515 2,183 2,714 10,303 2,02!) 2,359 2,330 2,9(Mi 3,485 7,000 885 (i'J8 795 1,015 1,371 2,010 279 3()2 342 3‘22 328 9,2.50 1,925 2,118 2,952 2,205 2,511 see mtbre ndon — 1,074 1,152 1 , 73.5 5,354 *9,500 2,050 3,121 3,900 1,111 — — 500 020 591 5,717 2,4.50 1,800 2,083 2,049 2,731 10,357 •2,131 2,013 2,005 2,103 2,317 701 — 1,990 2,-269 2,427 1,-211 1,433 1,305 1,410 1,.574 •505 810 502 420 430 407 490 5,013 1,793 1,117 aiuii 1,432 1,382 1,839 1,3S1 see — 3,-203 3,907 17,449 2,391 1,911 2,520 2,934 3,300 0,731 9.59 •973 1,039 997 1,120 2,520 945 1,147 1,131 1,390 1,371 0,990 947 1,034 1,891 2,044 2,317 3,770 1,908 2,300 2,018 2,100 2,103 4,511 806 351 502 622 731 15,405 1,330 3,209 3,044 3,131 3,150 9,384 1,195 951 1,130 1,474 1,000 5,338 9,707 1 3,093 4,031 J 1,279 ( 3,242 2,000 2,045 2,484 3,043 15,405 2,995 2,400 2,541 2,407 2,!'i42 0,805 781 809 787 781 751 20,175 4,403 0,770 8,079 10,148 12,709 4,288 1,193 820 879 898 1,008 8,304 1,150 1,537 1,501 1 , 4.53 1,4., 2 11,617 1,094 1,147 1,288 1,132 1,060 with minin ver — 372 401 ■ 15,935 see Islay J 1,513 t 2,781 1,079 2,950 2,001 3,772 11,189 2,751 2,568 3,293 3,400 4,583 4,512 800 351 502 022 731 7.581 2,830 2,318 2,300 2,528 2,862 0,741 — 1,854 821 804 see ifiii/iin ian — 465 468 430 4,447 2,277 3,259 2,996 3,430 3, .827 13 1,572 2,005 2,555 2,752 3,387 0,211 5,331 ^ 2,402 3,780 1,703 1,559 1,381 11,810 — — 3,601 4,064 4,357 1,933 Kilm elford 1,173 611 685 9,372 j 2,071 4,152 5 1,401 1,643 1,545 12,825 ( 2,844 3,428 3,092 4,253 — — 90S 904 965 6,300 1,348 1,080 1,043 1,233 1,494 6,473 828 718 702 762 722 9,317 1,395 2,450 1,702 3,206 4,260 3,837 1,905 2,495 2,588 2,001 2,429 3,897 — — 1,525 1,552 1,454 13,786 2,541 2,360 2,700 3,391 3,096 8,070 1,2.50 2,008 2,212 2,419 2,388 1,997 1,743 1,000 1,805 1,006 1,811 3,091 1,700 2,075 1,710 1,045 1,793 29,070 16,694 15,155 13,341 13,344 14,523 82,799 24,340 20,799 20,349 27,439 29,118 2,720 993 1,150 1,035 1,066 980 12,410 039 628 646 621 802 3,820 998 727 875 854 890 3,608 1.3.52 1,577 1,723 1,887 1,822 10,863 2,385 1,768 2,308 2,204 2,443 0,019 998 1,200 908 983 1,027 2,780 780 600 577 537 517 7,065 871 807 832 800 998 4,020 1,900 1,983 1,300 1,981 2,004 2,019 1,111 838 853 883 838 2,795 331 372 307 340 415 3,544 1.191 1,031 917 1,052 1,071 639 557 404 455 445 405 5,490 858 1,000 937 952 1,030 8,492 701 830 783 097 732 2,059 398 342 309 325 359 1,451 791 830 784 888 974 2,730 010 021 567 525 566 2,172 1,163 1,465 1,927 2,431 2,674 5,150 1,310 1,839 2,121 2,214 2,563 25,805 4,889 5,302 0,7-25 7,245 7,762 18,520 698 840 1,038 1,058 1,027 2,577 973 812 846 803 t 312 i 745 1 1,120 ( 73 ‘2,071 4, 8(H) 993 1,541 1,733 2,109 2,05() 3,789 1,085 353 2,495 1,100 4,822 851 2.708 2,540 3,005 257 078 2.004 3,819 2,800 1,200 1,479 2,745 2,002 04^ 3,75? 1,013 2,821 2,745 2,809 707 18,093 999 1,475 2.130 425 2,207 4,898 4,054 048 2.709 727 on 3.771 3.415 1,551 4,830 047 1,075 5,879 1.415 1,705 700 4,297 2,715 1.005 3.772 2,450 1,887 1,936 15,415 31,429 890 732 746 1,966 2,579 958 444 l,0-23 2,080 877 402 1,121 461 1,000 786 449 1.131 547 2,857 2,917 9,072 1,240 402 782 Kip — Leu Parishes, Towns, SfC •'n -"DSS'r.® • t ‘lilirUaltij,) 17/ . , c liiirnt Isld, d Kinghorn do. District ir a culm » connel a cowan ’t*Btrliru))trigftt oi do. County Kirkden • gunzeon " hill land 431 listoun ? Edinburgh • Kirkmabreck ( • inahoe 1 _ » maiden t Kirkmichael, 4yr . . . . 1 do., Itanjf. ... Ti do., Dumfries 1 /lo., Perth.... 5f do., Ross .... 81 P. P.*Kirknewton } „„„ or East Calder J Kirkoswald 95 Kirkpatrick Durham § 52 do. Fleming 25 do. Irongrey 47 do. juxta Moir. 36 Kirktown 144 » urd 188 t*iAirkiuan 869 St. Ola 870 •Kirriemuir 590 Kuapdale, North .... 928 do.. South ... 942 Knockando 744 Knockbain 800 Kyle District 99-119 Lady Parish 888 Ladykirk, North .... 889 do. Stronsay . . 885 do. 213 do. 857 Laggan 781 Lairg 836 Lamihgton Sc Wandell 295 *t *llanarfe 9 § 307 ^IIAirdre in 323 E/ectonii y ilFalkirk. . 380 District, i IIHamilton 314 V. Linlithgw 371 Lanark County . . . 290-330 •Langholm 4^ 39 Laugton... 205 Larbert 381 Largo 4.57 •Larp-i; d & ^ Town 138 Laigs 4 ^ ^ Fairlee,5cc.l37 P. P.*Laswade 261 Latheron 840 ®tHaiitJ£r 5§ .... — 109 •Laurencekirk 2 §. . . . 025 Laveroch, or Leveret 221 j , < Perth 511 Legerwood 198 Leith, North 279 * do.. South 280 Electoral t Portobello 205 District. ( Musselbur 263 Lentrathan 000 Leonards, St 473 •Lerwick 5 Town^^^^ Leslie, Aberdeen 609 do., Fife 2 § 435 •Lesmahagow 309 Leswalt 88 , Lethendy 548 I Lethnot and NaA er. . . 013 Leuchai's2§ ........ 474 23G Annual Vaue of Ileal Properly, as Assessed to the PROPERTY TAX in 1015; and Total Number of Persons in every County, District, Lev — Moo Parishes, Tuicns, Ifc. •Leven 7 i&c Scone . . . 433 Lewis, Isle of .... 829-32 Lhanbryd, St. Andrew 757 P. P.'Libberton, Edin. 202 do., Lanark 301 Liil'and Ilervie 501 Lillicslief ICO Lindean 171 ’t*?tinIitf)0OtD < Hurph 371 6 5 ? Parish « do. County 306-78 Linton, Peebles 190 do., Roxburgh. .. . 1.50 Lismore, see Appin . . 9.57 Livingstone 377 *Lochalsh 824 Lochbroom 828 •Lochgarron 825 Lochel-t’ushnie 074 Lochgoilhead . . . ..... 913 Luchlee 014 ’t *iLorf)malien 4 § . . 3i Locbruttun 50 Loch’s 8.30 Lochwinnoch 2 § .... 339 Logie, Fife 452 (Stirling ...... 404 do., < Clackmannan . . » t Perth 510 do. -Pert Oil do. -Huchan 700 I do. -Coldstone 045 do. -Darno or Garn 072 do. -Easter 810 do. -Wester, or Urq. 812 do. rait .552 Longforgan 2 ^ 501 Longformacus 207 Long, — see Langholm 39 Longside 707 Lonmay 714 Lorn District 945-58 Loth 839 Lothian, East .... 220-248 do.. Middle.. 249-289 do.. West . . . 365-378 Loudon 123-5 Luce, New 82 do., Old 81 Lumphanan 040 Lunan 580 Lundie 562 Lunnesting 903 •Luss 357 Lyne and Theggate . . . 180 Machar, Old 648 . do., (Parish 6.56 '" New < Straloch Land 657 Madderty 628 Madoes, St 496 Mains, or Strathdighty 571 Makerston 162 Manor 183 Markinch3§ 430 Marnock 727 Martins, St 503 Maryculter 032 Marykirk 624 Mary ton 582 *Mauchline 7 § 110 Maxton 168 •Maybole 4 § 96 Mearns 335 *Meigle 508 “Aleldrum § 603 •Melrose 6^ 170 Menmuir 012 Menteith, Port of .... 522 Alertoun & Dryburgh 195 Methil 2 § 431 Methlick 704 Melhven 534 *Mid-Calder 284 Middlebie 27 Mid-Mar 041 Migvie and Tarland.... 644 Milltown of Urr 51 Minihive & Glencairn 20 Minnigaff 68 Minto 151 Mochrum 79 Aiimial V^alue of Property in 1815. — £ — 779 Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the undermentioned Periods 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,628 1,675 1,681 1,720 2,042 2,506 525 0,386 8,310 9,108 10,092 12,231 14,041 825 1,132 777 799 809 934 1,078 28,904 2,793 3,457 3,.565 4,033 4,270 4,003 3,790 738 750 700 749 785 773 1,311 1,790 2,194 2,442 2,585 4,217 0,328 .521 030 073 765 779 781 l,t)90 withGa lashiels 174 175 187 170 14,636 2,991 1 3,290 3,221 3,594 < 1,465 ( 2,557 1,580 3,112 1,687 3,187 100,679 17,120 18,138 17,844 19,451 22,685 23,291 5,049 831 928 1,004 1,180 1,191 1,577 4.324 413 383 403 402 458 402 1,2.50 2,812 3,526 1,329 1,323 1,638 1,790 6,008 598 420 5,51 879 944 1,034 4,459 013 1,334 1,006 2,034 2,492 2,433 1,995 2,211 3,500 3,533 3,7.54 4,540 4,015 513 771 1,068 1,178 1,485 1,952 2,136 1,034 1,286 042 008 671 760 1,077 4,090 1,505 1,012 680 604 094 585 395 080 608 .541 .521 572 553 0,297 1,395 3,000 2,053 2,392 2,051 2,795 4,174 504 528 514 564 591 650 1,207 1,768 2,613 1,875 1,927 2,669 3,007 13,730 1,530 2,955 3,514 4,130 4,515 4,281 413 425 339 369 410 430 3,765 ^ 1,985 ( 671 672 008 640 6,869 1,500 ' 1,074 1,162 971 951 3,847 L 421 393 376 354 6,173 696 999 908 920 1,012 1,359 2,307 575 509 539 6.57 029 084 2,353 1,243 1,132 801 815 858 910 4,312 1.351 1,035 1,224 1,207 1,610 1,873 6,247 850 1,125 1,031 928 813 934 7,030 2,487 2,200 2,890 3,001 3,0C5 3,138 26,315 1,285 1,.526 1,509 1,809 1,541 1,638 3,0.39 395 452 406 444 402 425 6,134 1,833 2,581 2,039 2,fi20 2,404 2,676 3,398 1,979 1,792 1,825 2,077 2,357 2,479 3,226 1,674 1,650 1,007 1,027 1,.589 1,798 54,308 11,428 14,043 13,082 13,779 15,270 15,963 3,450 1,193 1,370 1,374 1,330 2,008 2,214 242,292 29,709 29,970 29,980 31,104 35,127 36,145 770,875 79,749 10,344 222.954 148,207 191,514 219,345 98,597 17,120 18,138 17,844 19,.551 22,685 23,291 10,850 1,494 2,308 2,503 3,170 3,741 3,959 2,776 459 400 368 4.57 600 628 12,112 1,509 1,200 1,221 1,536 1,957 2,180 1,090 682 021 614 680 733 957 1,.5.58 208 291 318 300 300 298 167 Iwith 509] 345 380 401 456 1,318 1,169 1,535 1,941 •542 2,005 2,103 4,233 978 917 953 965 1,150 1,181 2,254 263 100 167 194 170 156 19,125 4,945 8,107 9,910 13,731 18,312 25,107 2,286 1,919 1,030 925 861 887 246 714 992 254 713 3,528 [with 527] 650 702 4 376 189 300 295 312 331 327 6,585 709 878 939 1,111 1,084 1,156 3,693 165 265 248 352 345 326 3,403 320 229 308 302 324 254 14,226 2,188 2,790 3,130 3,981 4,061 3,967 4,407 1,894 1,900 1,687 2,018 2,210 2,426 4,437 1,083 1,090 1,136 1,076 1,001 1,135 1,911 746 719 710 700 860 960 6,539 1,285 1,481 1,530 1,574 1,839 2,032 5,179 633 529 .596 473 470 419 8,218 1,169 1,800 1,746 1,871 2,057 2,232 4,574 397 326 368 438 403 402 19,717 2,058 3,750 3,102 3,940 6,204 0,287 11,964 886 1,430 1,714 1,941 2,295 2,814 0,408 1,285 1,148 940 923 847 873 3,784 1,603 1,490 1,584 1 ,055 1,772 1,790 10,532 2,322 2,445 2,025 3,132 3,407 4,339 4,031 743 900 949 915 889 871 8,555 1,865 1,765 1,569 1,0.59 1,614 1,604 5,974 502 557 535 614 010 004 W emys- — — — — 491 509 2,471 1,386 1,035 1,215 1,240 1,320 1,439 13,014 1,790 1,786 2,073 2,653 2,904 2,714 7,503 1,309 1,251 1,014 1,408 1,410 1,489 8,083 991 1,404 1,507 1,053 1,874 2,107 1,800 979 945 803 888 90!) 1,0.50 1 ,943 l,30f) 1,050 922 932 !)04 1 ,074 12,516 1,193 1,554 1,719 2,329 2,802 3,0t)8 8,748 1 ,794 1,700 1,403 1,666 1,891 2,008 10,914 1,209 1,420 1,009 l,.580 1,923 1,855 4,515 395 513 477 614 472 481 8,310 828 1,400 1,113 1,345 1,871 2,105 Mof — Pan [ Parishes, Towns, ^c. estimated Annual Value of Properly in 1815. - £ ul 1755. •Moffat 4 § 35 9,976 1,012 Monance, St 461 2,610 780 Moneydie 11,512 1,492 Monilieth 573 0,481 L421 IMunikie 584 3,039 1,345 Munimail 448 10,228 '884 Monivaird 527 10;091 1,460 Monkland, New 323 13,903 2,743 do.. Old 322 19.800 1,813 Mouktovvn 113 0,377 582 Monteith, Port of ... . 522 8,555 1,805 Monquhitter 690 2,248 997 "’t^Honllos^ 008 22,017 4,150 "5 —■ j Arbroath .. 577 13,017 2,098 S C ^ Brechin. . . . 004 20,062 3,181 g ~ 4 Fo! f.ir . . . 589 8,099 2,450 C Inverbervie 618 2,324 655 Monymusk 067 2,301 1,00.5 Monzie 529 4,243 1,192 Moonzie 450 2,763 249 Morbattle 155 13,613 789 Mordington 216 3,203 181 Moreham 232 2,765 245 Mortlach 723 5,.574 2,371 Morton 16 3,030 435 •Morvern 969 2,289 1,223 Moulin 553 6,0,50 2,109 Mouse wald 6 4,210 553 Moyand DaIrossie> 768 769 4,079 ^ 430 1 1,693 iMoy and Dyke 750 9,178 1,826 Muckairn 948 Ara ctuittan Muckliart 483 2,977 535 Muiravonside 385 6,001 1,.539 Muirhouse, or Murroes 583 6,930 623 •Muirkirk 112 3,820 745 Muck, Isle 960 Small Isles do. District 959-970 Mungo, St 29 *Musselburgh& In. 203 IMuthill 519 ' N ‘tlSTairn 702 do. County.... 762-5 Nentliorn 195 Nesting 903 New Abbey 48 New battle 2.59 •NewlSurgh 446 Newburn 458 'HiSTeti) ffiallotoaB 09 Newhills 05! Newlands 189 Newluce 82 Newmilns 124 New Port Glasgow .... 346 Newton 260 Newton Stewart . .. 73 Newtown, Ayr 108 New'tyle 565 Nicholas, St 885 Nielston 4 § 337 Nigg, Kincardine .... 634 do., Ross 816 Niuians, St 389 Nithsdale District .... 8-23 Northmavine 905 North Berwick 240 North Isles 881-892 O Oathlaw 595 % II Oban in 955 Ochiltice 104 Ola. St 870 Oldliam- S Haddington 225 stocks ( Rerivick • Olrich 8.52 Ordiquhill 733 Orkney Isles .... 85(i-892 Orinistoii 247 Orphir, with Cava 871 Orwell 479 Oxnam 149 Oyne 064 P t ‘PAISLEY 331 do. Abbey Par. of 332 Pan bride 675 Total Rumher of PERSONS, 18,197 27,554 3,502 24,519 14,937 1,762 12,324 3,838 1.318 4,979 8,722 3,129 4.318 2,875 5,339 2,770 Loudon 14,707 10,351 see Penn Ayr 0,111 Slronsay 13,372 2,021 1,177 41,618 213 12,976 278 2,558 8,782 2,342 3,820 1,380 3,291 1,380 11,893 4,440 1,100 8,201 8,248 1,744 31 072 44,053 9,649 481 4,645 2,902 1,698 5,694 497 see 364 1,439 1,347 959 1,009 459 1,697 1,199 inghum 581 913 1,299 1,289 1,201 0,491 1,009 1,112 435 1,210 with I 022 870 0(i0 15,210 810 8.5.5 1,891 700 043 4,270 2,509 1,299 1798. 1,000 832 1,320 1,218 1,278 1,101 1,025 3,.500 4.000 717 1,705 1,500 0,194 4,676 5.000 4,750 1,200 1,130 1,130 171 789 335 190 1,918 908 1,704 1,749 628 1,813 1,529 526 1,065 462 1,100 040 5,392 2,948 2,400 6,054 400 Lunnes 640 1,295 1,564 4,036 1,135 1,689 694 2,330 1,090 1,133 7,079 1,785 1,300 430 1,1.50 Kirk'j! 498 1,001 617 20,186 804 820 1,705 690 030 13,800 10,792 1,460 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1,619 1,825 2,218 2,221 852 849 412 1,110 1,157 1,080 1,178 1 1,028 1,407 1,728 2,107 2,635 1,230 1,293 1,325 1,322 1,066 1,100 1,227 1,230 641 713 539 531 4,613 5,529 7,362 9,807 4,006 5,469 6,983 9,580 986 1,340 1,741 1,818 1,.509 1,6.59 1,614 1,664 1,710 1,798 1,918 2,004 7,974 8,055 10.338 12,055 4,943 5,280 5,816 6,060 5,400 5,.559 5,906 6,508 5,161 5,652 5,897 7,949 1,008 907 1,092 1,135 901 880 867 1,011 1,1.57 1,102 1,167 1,195 201 183 209 188 78.5 983 1,070 1,055 330 276 302 301 254 219 241 262 1,876 1,767 2,044 2,033 1,255 1,570 1,806 2,140 2,083 1,883 1,995 2,137 1,908 1,869 1,915 2,022 705 769 795 786 ^ 1,321 < 817 727 606 } 542 497 458 ^ .34 124 108 25 1,492 1,427 1,460 1,451 893 873 831 770 538 540 704 017 1,070 1,320 1,678 4,540 591 052 629 657 2,.560 2,810 2,687 2,816 — — 321 155 — 9,383 10,612 10,538 — 16,8.34 19,203 18,842 944 727 709 791 6,604 6,393 7,836 8,961 2,880 3,090 2,862 3,2M 2,215 2,504 3,228 3,266 8,257 8,251 9,0U6 6,354 395 398 393 380 ting 771 — 833 1,045 1,112 1,060 1,328 1,651 1,719 1,882 1,936 1,951 2,190 2,042 412 428 398 418 1,305 1,759 2,141 2,552 950 1,163 1,041 1.078 308 457 609 628 ■ — 1,543 1,050 3,864 5,116 5,203 5,192 1,705 1,578 2,150 2,274 1,724 2,809 4,027 4,020 781 730 790 904 — 388 383 3,790 4,949 6,549 8,046 1,143 1,213 1,281 1,624 1,443 1,349 1,436 1,404 6,849 7,036 8,274 9,552 2,045 2,021 2,261 2,380 1,.583 1,727 1,694 1,824 2,523 2,655 3,002 3,325 381 355 405 533 1,308 1,548 1,573 1,562 all 508 1,034 6.50 ^ 460 002 626 024 i 109 — 99 Dti 1,126 1,012 1,093 1,14<1 510 621 500 655 21,445 23,238 26,279 29,392 766 727 779 838 86-1 845 906 t)96 2,030 2,113 2,529 3,005 088 727 093 676 518 552 576 79(i 17,026 19,937 26,128 31,460 14,153 16;785 20,575 20,0()6- 1,583 1,412 1,275 1,208 237 Parish, City, Buujh, and Town in SCOTLAND, in IToH and 1700, and at each of the Four Periods, 1001, 1811, 1021, and 1031, I’ap — Rum Parishes, Towns, Sfc. Papa Westrny H90 (U>. and Holm H6(i do. and Foula Isles !M)0 do. St. Peter 885 do. do 858 Parton 5U Path Hea <^l“sgow AFwtncf.f jj^jijgrgien 328 Renfrew County 331-47 Rerwick 55 Rescobie 590 Resolis 813 Rhynd, or Rynd 489 Rhynie and Essie .... 684 Riccarton 114 Roberto. SKS't’f do. and Wiston ... 293 Rogart 835 Ronaldsha, South .... 857 do., North .... 891 Rosemarkie 802 Roseueath 356 Rosskeen 808 Ross rE.Coast799-821 and } W. do. 822-8 Cromarty i Lewis Isle 829 Counties. (Total 799-832 Rothes 746 4*ISot{)J6aB 359 Rothiemay 726 Rothiemurchus 742 Rousay 883 Row 355 Roxburgh 159 do. County 139-71 Rum, Isle of 967 ’f Kuttitrslen o § ^ p' 328 Katliiuirii AnntM) V«lup of Total Mum/ur 0/ P/:/iSOysSy at each t\f the umlermentimied Periods. l*ioperiy ti) ISIA. 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. with 1,185 Wes 602 tray 871 211 747 297 773 330 747 *230 see Walls and Sand ness — — 664 — Strolls ny 310 414 Sth. Ronald shay — 1 ,296 1,628 4,994 396 409 126 569 845 827 Di/snrt — — — 1,692 1,918 2,090 9,255 1,896 1 ,920 2,088 2,485 2,701 2,750 61,182 8,908 8,107 8,735 9,935 10,046 10,5 8 6,:i62 910 1,033 925 970 1,115 1,166 10,985 1,.509 2,0(M) 1,569 2,8-17 3,090 3,461 7,570 890 1,721 1 ,705 1 ,827 1,953 2,255 5,113 858 800 960 987 1,082 1,232 — 37 89 34,838 9,019 19,871 14,878 16,948 19,068 20,010 555,532 riC.3(if> 135.093 139.050 142,822 2,6-11 755 1,002 871 1,010 1,096 1,223 ^ 9,019 2 487 4,100 4,491 4,707 i 4,783 t 1 ,530 5,112 1,583 South Ronald shay — — 1,396 1,728 2,082 330 381 430 401 490 461 3,852 1,643 1,518 1,585 1,615 1,758 1,743 — — — — — 83 2,696 1,224 1,300 1,256 1,350 1,345 1,439 1,712 939 1,157 1,072 1,096 1,200 1,317 8,785 1,094 1,400 2,194 1,827 2,171 3,210 3,166 251 388 291 307 298 288 8,555 1,865 1,765 1,569 1,659 1,614 1,664 14,707 1,695 4,036 3,865 5,116 5,262 5,192 5,074 996 1,105 1,151 1,246 1,354 l,.554 1,912 2,781 4,025 611 996 1.090 1,302 1,818 2,239 781 1,385 1,980 2,246 2,729 3,174 3,441 1,580 448 450 486 534 567 625 13,183 1,318 1,176 1,471 1,642 1,812 1,765 5,685 1,596 2,028 1,964 1,995 2,055 2,322 4,474 555 329 409 455 550 561 15 1,330 1,411 1,585 1,699 784 451 505 454 558 690 684 7,832 499 1,450 2,070 3,615 5,392 5,289 887 1,313 1,072 1,030 974 970 992 4,1.54 1,527 1,730 1,.588 1,734 1,926 2,100 11,746 930 825 987 1,008 1,440 1,313 7,336 2,898 3,524 3,901 4,374 5,364 6,484 2,433 751 500 880 912 1,057 1,362 2,731 1,131 1,173 1,228 1,249 1,374 1,484 1,076 2,275 ^ 2,252 2,298 5 865 i >>341 861 1,456 1,057 2,758 1,013 1,868 1,218 1,074 2,123 2,009 2,216 1,589 1,866 45 1,799 1,564 603 550 518 542 10,083 1,091 1,628 2,031 2,305 2,646 2 833 4,695 1,480 2,005 2,541 3,121 3,481 3,623 29,175 4,433 6,776 8,079 10,148 12,769 48,093 14.701 1,695 4,036 3,865 5,116 5,262 5,192 9,771 189 1,800 2,437 3,529 4,640 5,533 265,534 26,645 62,854 78,055 92,596 112,175 133,443 11,936 1,051 1,050 1,166 1,224 1,378 1,635 5,277 798 934 870 920 874 808 3,073 — — 1,163 1,201 1,470 5,854 498 495 403 3')3 426 400 1,502 836 681 '676 676 776 1,018 10,178 745 1,300 1,364 1,810 2,122 2,499 4,214 \ 629 618 5 381 328 384 421 1,607 ( 237 319 200 306 4,162 1,101 740 756 836 927 940 2,040 1,761 2,000 2,022 2,148 1,986 1,805 225 1,996 1,954 1,610 1,631 1,986 2,265 with Sanda 334 420 522 2,430 1,140 1,262 1,289 1,312 1,571 1,799 1,851 521 394 632 747 754 825 10,492 1,9-58 1,700 2,074 2,390 2,581 2,916 78,603 32,626 35,440 35,617 38,277 39,855 40,644 32,120 7,074 10,063 11,398 14,111 18,470 17,436 525 6,386 8,310 9,168 10,002 12,231 14,511 121.557 42,493 50,146 55.343 60,854 68,828 74,838 5,131 1,940 1,500 1.521 1,605 1,642 1,709 5 3,457 < 5,789 1 2,222 4,032 5,231 < 3,544 ( 1,426 4,107 1,602 4,817 1,267 2,651 1,190 1,125 1,061 1,067 1,154 1,228 Duthiu — — 465 470 585 586 136 978 1,072 1,061 795 834 921 5,891 853 1,000 970 1,243 1,759 2,022 9,564 784 840 949 946 926 962 254,180 31,271 943 988 32,019 1,339 1,860 33,682 37,230 40,892 394 < 4,091 < 549 43,663 134 4,741 762 i 5,263 < 4,509 2,437 3,529 Rut — Sir ‘ Parishes, Towns, ifc, Ruthven 598 Uiilhwell 5 Kynd, or Rhynd 489 S Saddel, or Sadalc .... 921 Saline 413 Saltoun 235 Sanda Isle (3) 887-8 Sandness and Walls.... 899 Sandstringtk Ailiisting 901 Sandwich, with Dunrossne Sandwich 876 ’t *Satiquf)ar 22 Wanlochhead ... 24 ScooN, or Scone .502 Sconey and Leven.... 433 +*SelktrU 6 ^ 174 do., in Roxburgh e do. County.-... 172-5 ShapinsliOT Isle 881 Shetland Isles. .. . 893-906 Shotts 321 Sinclairtown 427 Skerries and VVhelsay 904 Skipness 922 Skene, or Skeyne .... 655 Skirling 187 Skye, Isle of 787-93 Slains 699 Slamanan 386 Sleat 787 Sniallholm 165 Small Isles 17 Suizort 790 Sorbie 76 Sorn 1 11 Southdean J47 Southend 920 South Isles (5) .... 861-5 Southwick and > .. Col vend I 5® Speymouth Spott 227 Sprouston 100 Spynie, New 758 "t Sf. anhretD9 472 _ f Anstruther, E. 464 I do., Wester 463 .2-£ I Crail 466 ^ « I Cupar 442 1 Kilrenny .... 465 (.Pittenween 462 Staffa, Isle of ... near 962 Stair ... 106 Stenness Isle 873 S ten ton 228 Stevenston 128 •Stewarfown .... ... 131 '=t*stirling 39o do. Abbey in Clack Pj i Culross 481 f-,i -7 Dunfermline 410 DiTtrict i loverkeithing 9 ^**‘'^*"-(Queensferry 365 Stirling County . . 379-404 Stichell 163 Stobo 179 Stonehaven 623 Stonehouse 310 Stonykirk 87 *|Stornaway ..... 831 Strachan, or Strathaen 629 Strachur 914 Straiten 98 Stralochlands 657 “+* S Stranraer — 84 strath 788 » aen, or Strachan 629 » avon 31 1 R blane 394 « bogie District 687-92 1 dighty 571 • » don 686 I lachlan 915 • martin 570 1 miglo 443 Stricken 710 Strickathrow 609 Stromness 874-5 Stronsay Isle 885 Eftiiinatcd Total Number of Pi'.U S’ ON, S', AhiiimI Value of at each of the undermenlioned Periods. Propel ty ill Irild. 17.55. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 3, .5-19 280 220 211 240 313 363 4,665 599 1,061 996 1,184 1,285 1,216 5,85-1 498 495 463 393 426 4(X) 1 ,369 i,:ui 799 819 8.59 926 3,787 1,285 950 945 1,072 1,123 1,139 6,314 ;oi 830 768 7i)0 83-4 786 834 2,090 2,192 2,148 1,797 1,860 1,839 427 1,4.50 1,723 1,817 1,682 1,!/J1 2,143 61 911 1,285 1,493 1,617 1,884 2,194 ss 596 — — 3,201 3,49s 3,798 4,105 224 Stro mnesH 970 922 930 973 820 9,83'^ ^ 1,998 2,600 2,350 2,709 5 2,352 ( 706 2,.593 075 7,338 889 1,412 1,670 1,953 2,1.55 2,208 7,779 1,.528 1,675 1,681 l,72ti 2,042 2,566 20,397 1,793 1,700 2,098 2,422 2,696 2,833 1,051 — — — 44 32 50 39,325 4,308 4,314 5,070 5,989 6,637 6,833 142 042 730 744 726 779 809 7,928 23,381 22,059 22,379 22,915 26,145 28,817 9,012 2,332 2,041 2,127 2,933 3,297 3,220 Dysart — — — 947 1,211 1,240 testing — — 613 Nes tmg 5,959 C with 921 J 968 1,166 1,332 1,226 3,425 1,251 1,233 1,140 1,297 1,440 1,077 2,199 335 234 308 310 345 358 33,380 11,252 14,470 15,788 17,029 20,827 22,736 3.043 1,286 1,117 970 1,065 1,152 1,134 3,345 1,209 1,010 923 993 981 1,093 20,223 1,250 1,788 1,903 1,936 2,608 2,957 3,888 551 421 446 455 520 028 596 — — 500 1,547 1,620 1,459 833 1,027 1 808 2,144 2,275 2,789 3,487 10,700 908 1,069 1,091 1,265 1,319 1,412 7,783 1,494 2,779 2,606 3,348 3,865 4,253 7,848 069 714 697 804 837 839 1,391 1,300 1,825 1,869 2,004 2,120 322 — — 978 694 1,060 1,279 5,600 898 904 1,106 1,298 1,322 5 554 ( 804 409 994 1,347 1,236 1,124 1,401 1,476 6,197 727 019 502 561 582 612 10,710 1,089 1,000 1,105 1,199 1,371 1,384 1,533 864 602 843 816 996 1,121 21,727 4,913 4,335 4,203 4,311 4,899 5,621 2,410 1,100 1,000 969 1.008 1,090 1,007 449 385 370 296 393 429 430 8,025 2,173 1,710 1,652 1,600 1,854 1,824 14,0,56 2,192 3,702 4,463 4,758 5,892 6,473 6,360 1,348 1,086 1,043 1,233 1,494 1,705 1,712 939 1,157 1,072 1,096 1,200 1,317 5,045 369 518 663 614 746 737 46 1,108 1,186 640 566 596 640 7,356 634 624 620 685 687 686 5,897 1,412 2,425 2,146 2,911 3,558 3,544 15,007 2,819 3,000 2,657 3,049 3,656 4,503 10,695 3,951 4,698 5,256 5,820 7,113 8,340 mannan — — 379 201 216 5,497 — — 1,502 1,611 1,434 1,488 26,528 8,552 9,550 9,980 11,649 13,691 17,068 5,615 1,694 2,210 3,228 2,100 2,512 3,189 784 451 505 454 558 690 084j 218,761 38,313 46,063 50,825 58,174 65,376 72,621 4,163 f with 194^ 506 522 451 434 2,557 313 318 338 422 413 440 5,289 828 1,060 1,259 1 ,(iGo 2,038 2,359 9,424 1.151 1,365 1,848 2,364 3,133 2,966 498 1,812 2,639 2,974 3,500 4,119 5,422 10,787 1,294 1,400 1,876 1,161 1,313 1,448 2,530 — • 202 328 323 2,029 790 700 730 806 955 1,039 4,176 1,193 1,061 646 689 702 633 0,221 1,123 935 1,026 1,060 1,292 1,377 Old Machor — — 102 240 254 1,413 610 1,602 1,722 1,923 2,463 3,329 809 943 1,570 1,748 2,107 2,619 2,962 2,029 796 700 730 805 955 1,039 16,287 3,551 3,343 3,623 4,353 5,030 5,764 4,899 797 620 734 795 748 1,033 20,391 9,938 11,440 8,250 8,828 9,425 — 0,585 709 878 939 1,111 1,084 1,156 2.672 1,750 1,524 1,354 1,463 1,698 1,683 with Struck ur 4.50 433 440 502 4,852 368 340 503 627 695 855 8,353 1,095 *980 1,629 1,697 1,842 1,9-10 2,350 1,158 1,400 l,-520 1,7(j0 1,968 1,802 3,315 529 672 5°3 580 580 564 1,418 2,677 3,012 2,223 2,297 2,944 2,832 664 1,493 887 924 864 1,013 1,071 23B Annual Value of Real Property, as Assessed to the PROPERTY TAX in 1015; and Total Number of Persons in every County, District, ■ Sfr — Uis Parishes, Towns, Ifc. Strovvan 530 do, and JSlair Athol 555 Suiiart 94^ Sutherland County 833-4o ,Svvannay& Pent. Sk. H5C Swintun 212 Syininj’toa 118 do 291 T ”t *ram 819 Tannadyce 001 ^Tarbat 818 Tarbolton orTorboltoii 119 'Tarland 6c Migvie. . . . (ill Tarves 702 I'ealing 572 Temple 256 Ten-egles 10 Thornhill in 521 •Thukso 853 Tibbermuir 493 Tillicoultry 407 Tingwall, ike 897 Tiuwald 10 Tirv ....964 J iiy isles j 5 Tobermory in 900 Tongland 03 Tongue 844 Torosay 959 Torewood 384 Torphichen 373 Torryburn 411 Torthorwald 9 Tough, or Tongh .... 075 Towie 677 P.P.*Tranent ........ 240 Traquair 184 Trinity-Gask 531 Troquair 45 Troon and Shewalton Tulliallian 482 *Tullich and Gleiicairn 036 Tulliebole Sc t Perth.... 484 Fossaway ( Kinross « Tullybody and Alloa 400 Tullynestle 080 and Forbes " Tundergarth 41 -Ti pppfe a a !> Town.. 694 Tlrrlff5§^P3^j^,j ,, do. District 693-7 Tweedsnmir 176 Twyneholin 02 Tvnron 19 Tyrie 711 U Cdney 701 Uig 829 L ist, South 796 ElKiimaii'd AnniMi Value of Properly III ISIS. (with 3,270 5,319 33,575 8,700 0,178 1,984 2,393 4,788 2,121 12,890 1,913 3,473 1,793 5,128 3,911 8,353 7,817 4,209 730 7,007 I 7,068 8,467 1,529 Duni 5,293 5,009 2,980 1,207 1,228 14,239 5,646 5,231 1,334 see Irv 5,824 6,066 4,251 2,717 14,245 1,170 589 3,163 I 5,803 13,531 4,840 7,998 2,461 2,437 3,622 13 13,7.58 Total Number of P EltSON S, at each of the undermentioned Periods. 1755. 1798. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 527; . 392 410 337 395 3,257 3,120 2,848 2,515 2,493 2,381 A rdnar mtirchn 2,U)5 2,326 2,333 2,3.58 20,774 22,901 23,117 23,629 23,840 25,518 — 37 89 494 898 875 806 919 971 359 610 668 050 744 884 261 307 308 364 472 489 1,870 2,100 2,277 2,384 2,801 3,078 1,470 1,470 1,373 1,510 1,372 1,556 1,584 1,370 L'H3 1 ,379 1,625 1,809 1,305 1,200 l,7(j6 1,960 2,175 2,274 1,300 1,050 922 932 964, 1,074 2,346 1,690 1,750 1,804 2,093 2,232 735 802 755 779 725 766 905 593 855 1,058 1,156 1,255 397 510 510 534 651 606 2,963 3,146 3,628 3,462 4,045 4,679 986 1,280 1,’306 1,.587 1,634 1,223 757 909 917 1,025 1,163 1,472 1,412 1,780' 1,863 1,927 2,309 2,797 795 850 980 1,204 1 218 1,220 ( 2,702 3,452 1 1,102 1,338 1,217 1,343 \ indu des Cull 1,848 2,961 3,110 537 520 630 802 890 890 1,093 1,459 1,348 1,493 1 ,736 2,030 1,012 1,733 1,764 2,114 2,288 1.889 pace — — 165 109 186 1 ,295 1,069 1,028 1,131 1,197 1,307 1,635 1,600 1,403 1,461 1,443 1,430 584 600 703 932 1,205 1,320 570 ■ 560 629 589 698 828 650 550 528 585 578 728 2,459 2,732 3,046 3,030 3,306 3,620 651 446 613 627 643 643 913 755 769 740 679 620 1,391 2,600 2.774 3,409 4,361 4,665 ine and Dundo uald — — 2,516 1,321 2,430 2,800 3,194 3,558 3,550 2,270 2,111 1,902 1,781 2,223 2,379 < 7-J5 768 820 902 ^ 1 5 * llU 1 ytjyji 1 507 571 524 612 5,816 4,802 5,214 5,096 5,577 6,377 ^ 791 782 ^ 330 i 206 302 178 ^ 043 778 625 510 484 522 518 530 1,897 2,029 2,090 2,227 t 922 t 1,483 1,136 1,671 8,038 8,56-1 2,404 9,763 10,686 11,730 393 2-27 277 254 265 288 519 620 683 740 783 871 464 500 563 574 513 493 596 949 1,044 1,454' 1,584 1,613 1,3-22 1,137 1,242 1,210 1,328 1,309 1,312 1,898 2,086 2,500 2,875 3,041 2,209 3,450 1 4,595 4,824 6,038 6,890 Uis — Yet Parishes, Towns, Hfc. Uist, North 795 J Ullapool in 828 l^nst 909 *UphaIl 375 Urquhart, 752 do., Inverness.... 782 do., and j> 812 Logie H ester » Urr, or Orr 51 Urray and 5 Ko.ss .... 799 Kilchrist t Inverness » Vigeans, St 578 W Walls Island, j do. and Sandness 899 Walston 302 Wainphray 34 Wandell Sc Lamington 295 IVanlockhead 24 Wattin 849 Weem .... 559 VFemyss, Easter 429 do. Wester 428 Kemdr. of Parish 430-32 Westerkirk 43 West Parish in 889 Westray Isle 889 do. Papa 890 AYestruther 203 Whelsay Isle 901 ‘Whitburn 378 Whitekirk Sc Tyninghm.239 ‘T *5!S3I)ttf)oru 77 AYhiteness, Wesdale, See. Whitsom and Hilton 214 Whittingham 231 847 rDingwall .... 803 \ Dornoch 834 •§ i Kirkwall .. . 809 .Si’.? JTain 819 Ll! Cromarty 814 Wier and Enhallow.... 892 'n*fflSaigtort 74 r, , ,rNw. Galloway Stranraer 84 Whithorn 77 Wigton County .... 73-89 Wilton 142 AYistoun Sc Robertou 293 Y Yarrow 173 Yell, or Zell, South.... 907 do. and Feltar 908 Yester, or Gilford .... 233 Yetholm 158 Caithness County 846-55 Estimated Ann iial Value of Total Number of PERSONS, at each of the undermentioned Periods. Property in lSt 5. £ 1755. 1 1798. 1801. 1811, 1821. 1831.'' 383 1,909 3,218 3,010 3,803 4,971 4,603 — 1,368 1,988 2,259 2,288 2,598 2,909 5,258 690 600 780 800 1,016 1,254 10,191 1,110 1,050 1,023 936 1,003 1 019 6,334 1,943 2,355 1,944 2,440 2,786 2,942 5, .528 2,590 2,901 2,820 2, L 64 1,490 1,.591 — — — 1,610 1,510 1,3-26 1,273 12,510 1,193 1,351 1,719 2,329 2,802 3,098 5,778 2,456 1,860 2,083 2,649 115 2,731 2,750 18 14,841 1,59-2 3,336 4,243 4,771 5,583 7,135 481 426 ^ 1,000 991 709 i,oai J 354 1 595 403 66-2 427 1,450 1,723 1,907 1,082 1,991 2,143 1,730 479 427 383 377 392 429 4,607 458 487 423 481 554 580 3,335 599 417 375 356 359 382 9,832 Sunqu har — — 706 675 3,676 1,424 1,230 1,240 1,100 1,158 1,2:51 4,199 1,295 1,3(54 1,337 1,372 1,354 l ,-209 } C 648 > 6,305 3,041 3,025 3,264 3,691 1 592 858 > t 2,81 7 3,390 5,789 544 655 638 098 672 64 -i — — — West ray 291 317 1,100 1,290 1 629 1,024 1,396 1,050 1,702 — — — 211 297 330 4,683 .591 730 779 822 870 630 4,804 1,121 1,322 1,537 1,693 1,900 2,075 11,420 968 994 925 957 1,048 1,109 11,698 1,412 1,890 1,904 1 ,935 2,361 2,415 see Ting wall — 7,264 390 590 560 536 601 604 8,023 714 655 658 616 750 715 8,070 3,938 5,000 3,985 5,080 6,713 9,650 4,438 1,030 1,379 1,318 1,500 2,031 2,12-1 3,484 2,780 2,541 2,302 2,681 3,120 3,380 3,975 1,989 2,550 2,621 2,283 3,246 3,721 2,393 1,870 2,100 2,277 2,384 2,801 3,078 569 2,184 2,413 2,208 2,413 2,049 2,901 — — 91 113 0,499 1,032 1,350 1,175 1,711 2,042 2,337 1,413 610 1,002 1,7;12 1,923 2,463 3,329 11,098 1,412 1,890 1,901 1,935 2,301 2,415 143,425 16,466 29,983 22,918 26,891 33,240 36 jij 8 5,921 936 1,215 1,307 1,.500 1,661 l.bfH) 4,162 1,102 740 757 836 927 940 5,850 1,180 1,230 1,216 1,226 1,249 1 JJ 21 066 986 1,422 1 ,576 1,595 1,729 1,812 264 1,098 1,346 1,389 1,434 1 ,586 1,680 7,031 1,091 900 929 1,013 1,100 1,019 5,384 609 970 1,011 1,138 1,280 1,289 35,468 22,215 24,802 22,009 23,419 30,238 34,529 An Alphabetical List of Interesting and Important Localities ; and of all the principal Lochs, and Rivers of SCOTLAND, described or referred to in the Notes to the District Arrangement thereof, the numbers referring to the Parish, near to which they tvill be found described or specified. Arrau, Isle of 359 Arisaig Point 785, 798 Auchna- sheen 793, 832 Auctmacraig .. 900 Hallahulish .. 910 Ballanoch .... 970 Beaiily Bridge 801 , 837 Den-Lomond . . 402 Ben-Nevis. . . . 785 Bonar Bridge. 820 Bridge-end .. 932 Breadalbane.. .557 Biiliers of Biictiim 701 Bunawe and Lorn Furnaces .. 910 Bunnessan. .in 960 Burrow Head. 74 Button-Ness .. 579 Caldron Linn . 4S4 Canals.-Critian 931 Caledonian.. 787 Forth & Clyde 364 Cape Wrath,, 852 Carter Fell .. 151 Carron Iron Works 36U Cheviot Hills . 139 Clydesdale .. 290 Coran Ferry .. 970 Crook of Devon 484 Croto in Mull . 960 Dalmally 910 Dahvhinnie Inn 5’iO Dunan Point . 789 Diincaiiisuy Head 82'i DtJNVEGAN .... 792 Easdale Slate (fuarries .. 9.52 Fall of Fyers . 780 Ferries Coran,-Loch Eil Fleet 836 Keily .... to 929 Ky leak in .. 794 Meigle .... 817 Portinlech .. 842 AVooiJhaven . 476 Fife Ness .... 409 Eindiiorn .... 761 Fochabers .. 750 Forests of Man- 037 and Morven 723 Forts.-William 786 .-Augustus .526,780 George . . 775, 802 Inveisnaid .. 402 Friths.— of Clyde .... 359 of Forth 249, 423 ofMurray 094 , 7 39 of Solway ... 1 of Tay .. 480, 485 Garve 793 Girdle-Ness .. 624 Grangemouth 380 Highland Road 550 Howna Inn .. 822 Icolmkill Isle 970 Invergordon . . 836 Inversnaid Frt. 402 John o’ Groat’s House 822 Keils Ferry to 929 Kelvin Aque- duct ...... 301 Kerara Isle .. 951 Kiiinaird’s Hd. 709 Kyleakiu Ferry 794 Lainmermuir Hills 211 Lauderdale Dis- trict .... 197-200 Lennox District 305 Lochgilphead. 970 Loch-Farne- Head- (nn . . 528 Lorn and Bunawe Furnaces .. 910 Liming Isle ... 952 Mulls of Galloway ., 86 Cantyre .... 920 Meigle Bridge 645 do. Ferry . 817 Melford..near 947 Muulothy .... 835 Oichill Hills . 614 Parallell Roads Port in Craig . 476 PoRTNAIIAVEN 933' Portiuleck Fer.8-12 Pol lew or Poolevie... 632 Pass of Spittle of Glenshee 526 Port Asknaig 932 Roman Wall.. 365 Raasay Isle .. 827 Kona Isle .... » Scalpa Isle ... » Sconsar 790 Shuna, Sell, Scc.9.52 Tarhett-Ness . 815 The Trosachs . 525 Totteruish .... 7<)6 Tyndrum Inn . 485 Tweedale . 170-191 Woodhaven ... 476 LOCHS. Alsh ... 794, 824 Awe 948 Carron 794 Crinan 931 Dochart 485 Doon 98, 99 Duisch... .823, 794 Fame . . . . 521 Fil 784, 910 Ftive .... 948 Ewe . . . . 8:52 Fyne .... Gare .... 358 Inver .... 1515 Gilp ... 934 Katrine .. .401, 525 Leven.... 417, 447 do. ... 784, 910 957 Lochv. .. . . • • • 787 Lomond 352, 401 Long .... 912 IMoiclart, . « . in 943 Ness .... 783, 787 Nevish .. 798 Oich .... 787 Ryan .... 84 Shiel -... 781, !)](> Strontioii Siimirt .... 913 Tarbett .. 929 RIVERS. Adder-Water . 218 Allan do. 512 Almond 283,482 A veil 721 Avon 312 Beauley Water 797 Blackwater . . 212 Bogie 683 Clyde 290 Cree-Water . . 72—3 Cruich M ater 616 Dee . . 020, 078 Devon. . . . 408, 514 Deveron 689, 728 Don 678 Dornock .... 821 Fame 492 Iklim .... 454, 467 Fndrick 396 Fsk 39 » North 190 » South .. 256 a North .. 610 a South .. 581 Fillin 485 Findhorn 742 Forth .... 249, 385 Garry. . . . , 485 Gryli'e .. :uo Hcriot & ( iaia 251 Isla 539, 49i> Kenn . . . . o:t Leader-Water 2 . • • (i09 I'rossam . . . . 603 Spey .... 723, 742 lily 485, 5:51 Telth .... 511 Teviotl .. 146 'I'weed 170, 191 Tyne .... 2:50 Urie .... 669 VVhitc Car t 331 Yclhan . . 690 A COMPARATIVE VIEW OF HgrwttltMral pwfeKitg amSr CONTAINING, ON ONE SIDE, AN INCONSIDERABLE POPULATION, YET YIELDING LARGE INCOMES BOTH TO PROPRIETORS AND OCCUPIERS, BEING GREATLY EXEMPT FROM TITHES x\ND ALL LOCAL ASSESSMENTS; AND, ON THE OTHER SIDE, THOSE WHICH ARE PRODUCTIVE ONLY AT A GREAT EXPENSE OF LABOUR AND RISK OF SEASON, YIELD AN INCONSIDERABLE RENTAL, WHILE HEAVILY OPPRESSED WITH CHARGES FOR Tithe, Maintenance of Poor5 and other Local Disbursements. Ptirisltts in u-hick the Annual Value is great in eomparison with the Area, and on which Value, the Mnintenunce of the Poor does not exceed an average of 5 Cent., i-urying from 2 to 7 Cent. PARISHES. Ancroft Holy Island Kyloe Norhain Bamborough .... Carham Chatton Doddington Embleton Ford St. John Lee .... Ovingham Ponteland Stamford ham .... StanningtoQ .... Warkwoith Whalton VVoodhorn i S (aaaace of tha POOR. 1835—29. — £- 471 263 590 1,644 1,471 448 630 266 1,018 777 051 1,141 686 801 598 842 256 447 1 POPOLAI ION 1 Propo Total. rtion of Malts, 30 Ytart of Age, an d upwards. m proportion Umploytd in f AGRICULTURE. 1801. j 1831. - Cotia [Laboror • Total. 9,570 3,320 7,750 18,810 25,100 11,470 16,300 9,110 12,810 12,220 15,090 15,740 15,490 17,430 9,650 15,110 6,160 7,600 11,780 5,152 9.802 30,419 30,356 16,751 14,910 9.803 18,698 17,701 21,380 19,475 25,223 23,170 14,091 25,648 9,985 11,734 1 1,144 601 968 1 3,381 2,935 ! 1,192 1,135 734 1,515 1 1,903 1,802 2,628 1,439 1,652 2,033 470 1 ,208 1,384 836 927 3,744 3,949 1,198 1,632 903 1,923 2,110 1,962 3,028 1,796 1,736 1,021 2,478 548 1,416 276 178 250 885 947 266 390 213 482 522 536 848 502 457 244 604 153 373 15 8 17 49 55 14 26 12 38 28 63 61 66 56 33 36 24 23 4 10 1 12 14 9 9 7 5 5 36 7 14 1 9 2 24 111 61 146 391 456 196 239 118 222 132 215 189 215 226 81 246 73 127 130 i\l 164 452 525 210 274 139 267 165 283 286 288 296 115 291 99 174 Northumberland 228,730 316,174 13,020 26,740 132,591 1 8,126 624 169 3,444 4,237 Lyng 1,970 3,380 107 253 363 103 16 10 37 63 Allerton Chap 1,490 3,070 93 226 313 72 15 17 17 49 Breane 1,330 1,986 66 70 134 33 2 6 17 25 Burnham 4,270 9,606 375 653 1,113 252 38 13 89 140 Mark 6,390 15,158 427 875 1,289 348 43 35 170 248 Wean 1,000 4,874 412 433 764 164 12 26 39 77 Wedmore 9,540 22,694 1,186 2,122 3,5.57 990 170 35 435 640 Berrow 2,310 6,060 191 371 496 116 10 4 44 64 Brent, East 3,180 11,509 430 .571 802 214 7 32 79 118 do., South 3,210 10,858 478 500 890 185 34 30 53 117 Lympsham 1,940 6,052 439 334 521 116 26 — 56 82 Cannington 3,970 10,914 554 878 1,437 354 24 5 194 223 Fiddington 1,070 1,824 108 147 210 56 9 2 32 43 SpaxtOD 2,600 5,248 452 602 963 240 25 6 139 170 Stogursev 5,870 10,787 520 1,168 1,496 366 40 26 157 223 Baltonsborough ... 2,700 6,220 345 547 675 183 12 26 63 101 Meare 7,820 14,981 306 753 1,296 314 55 29 169 253 West Pennard 3,270 5,310 378 727 920 223 29 12 80 121 Henstridge 4,080 8,0G5 581 827 1,074 240 37 8 76 121 Trent 1,830 3,664 152 320 449 124 15 1 72 88’ Huntspill & Puri- 6,800 23,623 744 1,344 2,012 454 70 19 212 301 Bawdrip .... fton 1,780 4,350 102 214 373 95 15 6 46 67 Vlhedzoy 1,570 4.781 454 4.57 549 130 25 18 54 97 Pawlett 3,20!) 8,082 239 429 577 141 16 12 65 93 Wembdon 2,720 7,397 227 244 289 91 15 8 48 71 Peth’erton, North 11,080 19,273 2,025 2,346 3,566 805 77 32 360 469 do.. South 3,410 10,697 775 1,674 2,294 540 39 27 220 286 Aller 4,290 8,z42 261 389 490 110 17 15 52 84 Long Sutton 4,480 5,463 363 736 957 2-lfi 14 126 179 Wellow 5,560 0,311 380 770 960 273 18 8 150 176 St. Cuthberts Wei. 13,000 20,498 1,035 2,068 2,838 690 60 59 323 442 Westbury 3,560 .5,189 212 429 681 161 11 27 77 115 Woo key 2,680 0,659 340 760 1,100 269 26 30 12’5 181 East Pennard .... 2,950 (i,185 492 644 7-26 178 23 10 94 127 Ashcot 2,890 3,319 120 3.58 834 225 18 14 145 177 Butleigh 4,070 6,962 471 694 244 21 11 Ui7 1 5^0 Shapwick 3.690 5,055 124 399 452 115 13 9 62 84 Banwell 4,970 11,441 9i8 1,082 l,0;i3 343 35 38 123 196 Blagdon 2,520 5,308 401 ' 797 1,109 260 15 25 101 141 Chedder 6.6!'0 8,431 350 1,1.50 1 ,980 505 10 92 193 295 Coiigresburv .... 4.2S0 10,088 425 827 1,327 328 30 18 133 181 Vv'inscombe 3,900 7,350 588 922 1,526 346 18 24 205 247 \atton 5.743 11,738 50(i 1,006 1,865 423 14 29 181 224 Somerset 17J,;70 309,3261 19,277 32,280 47,812 11 ,671 1213 863 5,220 7,331 Parishes, in many of which the Annual Value is inconsiderable in comparison with the Area, and on which Value, the Maintenance of the Poor averages about 40 Cent., varying Jrom 30 to 60 Cent. PARISHES. Lenham Sutton-Valence., Ul'combe Brenchley Horsemondham.. Frinstead East Peckham. Yalding Pembury Kent Frensham Witley Wisboro’ Green .... Kirdford liurgasall VVoolavington . . . . Billinghui-st VVest Chiltiiigton Pulborough Rudgwick Slinfold Storrington Thakeham VFarnham Shipley VVest Grinstead Cowfold Burwash Heathfield ....( VVarbleton V Salehurst Brightling Mountfield Barcomb Halcomb Hurst Perpoint .. Slaugham M^orth Sussex Bishops Waltham Droxford Fawley Hurstbonrn Tarrt. do. Priors High Clere Wonston Cumner Hungerford Lambourn Bucklebury East Hendred .... Corby Morton-Pinltney . Middletou-Cheney Y ard!ey-H astings Thame Pirton Great Hasqly .... Stoken-Church . . Superficie Slatula Acra». 1 Aonoat Value of ' Pfuperly, « aiieited t thaPropert Tax ia iillS - -£- Aioaoot •xpeodetj , for Main tcoaoce o j tb® ^ POOR, ■ 182S— 29 Population in 1801 1831. 6,890 2,150 3,460 8.590 4,300 2,.590 2,100 1,130 3,470 5,860 3.590 1 7,410 3,359 • 4,716 5,582 3,873 2,894 3,015 668 5,923 8,061 2,758 2,611 1,015 2,300 3,293 1,506 1,447 1,137 305 2,511 3,107 1,353 1 1,434 1 706 1 532 1,844 852 327 381 153 1,327 1,968 742 2.197 1 1,144 761 2,602 1.197 478 610 193 2,018 2,400 1,070 1 44,130 48,259 20,615 10,266 14,730 8,780 3,293 1,333 1,051 1,219 5,990 5,282 2,017 1,039 1,376 6,710 5,091 2,051 1,307 1,782 14,950 5,088 3,079 1,340 1,653 4,990 2,218 769 521 7'18 2,370 1,137 520 192 338 6,830 3,199 1,491 1,164 1,540 3,690 1,331 995 558 718 6,610 6,526 2,396 1,334 1,979 5,960 3,014 1,437 760 950 4,230 2,353 939 590 682 4,940 2,676 993 846 916 2,980 2,049 886 639 597 4,670 2,698 884 680 952 8,170 4,026 2,889 997 1,180 6.110 4,228 2,255 939 1,292 4,640 2,121 1,139 601 809 6,840 6,513 2,261 1,524 1,966 t 3,808 1,5.52 1,226 1,801 f 3,237 1,246 908 1,225 5.940 6,523 2,018 1,611 2,204 3,390 2,256 1,109 507 656 2,740 2,102 899 565 663 5,280 3,353 1,470 615 931 6,0.)0 2,171 846 451 641 5,590 5,298 1,861 1,104 1,484 2,570 1,928 827 560 740 12,440 4,625 1,801 1,501 1,859 107,160 97,138 41,966 25,030 32,870 S 5,020 4,809 1,700 1,774 2,181 7,380 2,268 1,049 1,699 1,620 6.590 1,539 1,133 518 1,839 6,380 3,150 1,221 590 786 3,070 2,495 741 366 460 j 4,560 2,193 503 310 444 4,160 1,036 792 564 740 7,730 2,900 1,153 1,330 1,364 6,940 4,374 2,851 2,292 2,715 14,880 6,806 2,539 ! 2,045 2,386 6,970 3,6S1 1,124 I 1,122 1,300 3,430 2,618 1,299 683 865 2,800 1,115 1,069 i 611 684 2,460 3,177 1,043 j 420 581 1,780 5,088 2,069 1,153 1,41. i 3,510 2,695 958 714 1,051 1 5,310 9,520 3,845 ! 2,293 2,885 1 5,140 4,4.54 1,192 ' 293 661 3,149 3,146 1.2IG 5.58 ! 749 ! 4,080 3,002 1,287 1 812 1,290 ! proportion of Ualet, 20 Ytaro of Agr, vpu'artU. 437 432 180 88 386 168 483 260 192 230 162 259 319 355 211 478 425 299 533 160 161 266 176 363 167 495 8,379 536 417 466 202 135 126 182 356 618 649 331 225 152 147 385 238 680 169 Far Colt a 1 * Labon raj Total. 3 24 31 27f 334 1 13 8 171 192 5 40 — 82 122 i 86 31 28S 409 22 16 190 228 10 6 73 89 10 10 106 126 7 2 38 47 30 4 294 328 30 19 435 484 11 18 141 173 286 ! 148 2,098 2,532 27 24 197 248 16 — 229 245 28 11 208 247 33 11 285 329 15 127 142 4 46 50 25 10 184 219 15 1 104 120 29 9 243 281 27 14 148 189 13 4 141 1.58 17 1 82 100 17 3 90 110 23 2 153 178 40 — 221 261 36 2 244 282 18 4 119 141 45 29 237 311 27 36 200 2fi3 18 27 193 238 26 5 271 302 18 — 127 145 9 — 125 134 11 6 145 162 15 5 95 115 18 14 177 209 16 8 73 97 37 88 296 421 623 314 4,760 5,697 26 3 232 261 22 14 180 216 12 7 110 199 10 — 126 136 4 1 75 80 10 22 80 112 6 — 90 96 1 30 6 283 .319 18 1 213 232 30 10 318 3.5S 19 16 219 254 14 — 124 1.3.8 10 5 35 50 20 2 (i2 90 4.5 — 200 i 245 10 1 136 1 147 27 13! 306 346 8 ' 112 120 13' 2 !25 I 1 HI 86 , 13 731 ■ 830 240 Agricultural Purisites and Districts of ENGLA N D, exhibiting inordinate disproportions of pressure, in their Parochial and Local Burthens. Parishes in which the Annual Value is great in comparison with the Area, and i Parishes, in many of which the Annual Value is inconsiderable in comparison on which Value, the Maintenance of the Poor does not exceed an average of ; with the Area, and on which Value, the Maintenance of the Poor averages about 5 Cent., varying from 'i to T ^ Cent. ! 40 ^ Cent., varying from 30 A 5(atuU •••••••A !• Ih« Ptop*f(7 Tax IB 1915. laaaa«# at . Tattl. A6R1CULTURE. PARISHES. • iBtalB Aar**. aBBBca ct Total. AGRICtJLTUUK. POOR. 1 — 1 319 1801. 1831. 'aroeM ll •ttafra jaborara Tol.1. POOR, isao— M. 1801. 1 1831. P arcDert|Colta;ra aiborar* Total, Asliendoii ... 1,790 3,306 248 308 77 9 — 60 69 Long Crendon 3,120 4,423 1,493 991 1,382 329 18 2 193 213 Cliiydon, Kast 2,100 3,705 362 299 330 79 14 — 37 51 1 Grandborougb l,5(i0 2,008 606 230 341 80 10 5 52 67 do., Middle 2,8.')0 4,127 74 103 136 48 7 — 21 28 Marston, Nth. 1,910 2,161 1,066 478 6(>6 154 12 1 97 110 890 2,538 2,195 277 105 168 39 4 — 34 38 Oakley 9,250 2,059 959 305 413 112 17 — 88 lOS Hogsluiw .... 1,030 810 83 55 48 13 5 — 8 13 1 1,270 1,636 3,454 902 357 384 94 10 — 62 ra l'l53 1,948 83 74 78 21 3 — 14 17 Quainton .... 6,150 1,053 574 750 952 202 18 5 107 130 Marstoii-Fleet 930 123 — 41 14 3 4 7 10 Towersay .... 1,200 1,597 294 403 98 10 — 68 78 I’iUdicott .... 1,100 1 ,626 137 51 7 1 — 6 7 Kingsey .... 1,350 1,206 353 165 222 58 8 — 42 50 Sliiptun Lee . . 1,020 2,579 132 120 104 25 0 — 19 95 Winchendon . 1,030 1,981 461 206 223 54 5 1 43 49 Quarreudon .. 2,080 5,048 97 55 60 19 7 — 12 19 Brill 2,000 5,124 1,222 859 1,283 357 44 165 209 Bucks .. 15,200 28,255 1,087 1,100 1,357 341 59 4 218 277 Bucks .. 21,440 25,609 8,689 4,635 6,305 1,538 1.52 17 917 1,083 E. Guldeford . 2,430 4,329 350 59 126 97 3 — 23 26 Biddenden .. 7,110 6,356 2,279 1,151 1,658 425 52 19 232 303 1,900 2,910 3,603 317 301 451 120 20 19 54 93 2,750 3,862 1,580 1,171 731 866 216 16 23 125 164 Breuzett .... 1,740 458 179 258 08 3 3 45 51 Frittenden .... 3,640 3,023 551 816 203 35 — 111 146 Burniarsli .... 1,090 5,675 357 99 105 29 3 1 24 28 Goudhurst .. 9,820 8,969 3,328 1,782 2,758 608 5G 14 376 446 Dynichurch .. East Bridiie .. 1,530 4,523 2,909 494 386 526 125 5 — 55 04 Marden 8,120 9,214 6,110 3,490 3,257 1,660 1,220 2,109 1,484 521 50 20 366 436 1 ,090 28 21 10 6 1 1 4 6 Staplehurst .. 5,590 361 31 13 252 299 Hope, .‘Ml Sts. 1,.5.50 4,390 3,039 27 — 24 6 — 1 6 6 Beckley...... 5,540 4,193 1,562 742 1,477 323 14 2 205 221 Ivy-Church .. 10,726 498 144 198 51 6 1 36 43 Ewhurst .... 5,310 3,936 1,362 847 1,200 287 15 2 192 221 St. Mary’s. . . . 1,030 4,915 107 45 111 33 — — 33 33 Northiam .... 4,100 3,149 1,425 997 1,448 341 12 10 192 214 2,420 2,930 3,850 8,146 55 29 52 8 — 1 7 8 Sedlescomb «• 1,530 1,865 2,571 815 510 732 181 6 — 101 107 New Church . 627 113 241 60 7 “ 47 54 Guestling .... 3,180 1,136 496 768 178 20 3 108 132 Orgarswick .. Snargate 020 1,020 3,285 7 — 8 2 — 1 1 2 5,700 2,230 3,416 2,035 1,796 801 1,046 533 256 10 2 182 194 2,300 139 67 85 22 5 3 9 17 Fairlight .... '962 414 118 10 — 68 78 Suave 1,390 4,043 234 59 91 20 — 4 10 20 Udimore 2,250 2,042 615 321 454 108 10 2 76 88 Kent 27,730 63,573 3,698 1,5G2 2,292 577 53 35 359 527 Kent & Sussex 66,870 60,741 24,778 11,323 17,349 4,235 335 94 2,630 3,196 Ravensden .. 2,100 2,388 206 218 258 70 6 5 51 02 Great Barford 2,830 2,545 815 431 731 187 18 - 119 157 Edworth 1,100 1,084 69 90 95 28 2 — 23 25 Eaton Socon 7,530 8,177 3,135 1,625 2,490 514 31 6 303 340 Eywortli .... 1,370 1,457 90 86 129 41 3 — 37 40 Langford .... 2,100 2,165 713 4.59 726 163 10 25 102 127 1,240 1,435 1,330 81 48 77 12 1 2 7 10 Clophill 2,140 1,453 2,670 594 700 978 244 12 4 130 146 Cockayne[hst. 1,100 111 102 125 27 4 1 16 21 Pulloxhill .. 1,760 826 317 529 126 15 — 80 95 Claphain 1,490 2,009 120 157 298 17 6 — 54 60 Eaton Brav .. 2,C.50 2,889 991 583 957 222 13 10 116 139 Knotting .... 1,270 1,681 116 105 165 35 2 — 33 35 VVestoning .. 2,210 2,018 925 410 627 143 10 2 92 104 l*otsgrave .... 1,370 2,008 180 157 262 01 6 — 50 56 Kenipston.... 5,160 6,531 2,370 1,037 1,571 331 25 •J l67 199 Little Barford 1,190 1,260 81 80 176 30 1 — 35 56 Marton-moret 4,500 6,043 2,102 709 1,007 258 21 — 183 207 050 1,080 22,737 145 113 167 38 3 3 25 34 \V ootton .... 3,468 4,388 21,339 1,747 732 1,051 243 18 5 113 136 Northstow Hundred. 20,000 2,824 ! 1 2,519 4,100 1,021 117 68 525 710 Papworth .... 26,790 6,345 4,005 5,597 1,375 140 104 693 937 Lit. Hormead 2,160 1,487 49 103 107 26 4 __ 20 24 Gt.Gaddesden 4,000 3,222 1,025 794 988 229 18 — 127 145 1,000 1,508 50 58 76 17 1 — 12 13 Triug 7,390 32,120 5,597 3,400 1 8,844 1,021 7,516 3,488 831 35 4 225 264 Clavering . 28,880 43,327 2,723 5,116 6,611 1,656 142 56 891 1,089 Greenhoe 37,412 10,411 2,291 211 65 960 1,136 Cl Flegg ^ Freebridge 13,330 18,623 1,403 1,999 2,998 , 721 57 04 353 474 do.. South 03,850 55,155 10,264 7,277 10,237 2,445 134 46 1,313 1,493 18,370 57,280 18,320 1,953 8,520 2,821 4,212 1 1,020 75 73 456 601 Holt 42,290 32,109 49,615 10,035 9,291 7,486 10,410 2,593 133 97 1,188 1,418 i 102,001 0,534 11,274 2,836 296 197 1,012 2,105 Freebridge .. 75,770 8,051 12,227 2,907 169 1)5 1,647 1,931 Loddon . . 26,750 41,311 3,759 5,389 7,457 1,845 132 46 939 1,117 Launditch. . . . 59,930 59,178 10,9.59 9,484 12,639 3,212 251 101 1 ,900 2,252 Walsbam . 26,700 27,005 2,271 3,501 4,525 1 1,195 58 38 729 825 Taverhain .... 30,980 27,431 5,-573 5,111 7,695 1,889 141 54 944 1,133 Samford .. 44,620 01,200 6,584 7,457 11,242 1 2,888 196 38 1,7.58 1,992 Risbridge . . . . 59,160 59,059 18,223 — 16,215 3.980 239 39 2,341 2,619 Mutford . . 32.900 51,372 3,410 9,409 15,255 3,746 1.52 95 1,180 1,433 Babergh 68,380 91,844 28,062 18,685 23,678 5,609 360 52 2,974 2,886 .Colneis .. 30,040 38,915 3,552 2,946 4,369 1,085 65 17 041 723 Blackburn ... 07,370 58,859 14,829 10,773 14,267 3,953 261 100 2,108 2,469 Holderness ( S. 49,300 85,785 4,932 4,851 6,916 1,669 236 06 841 1,143 I Burford 2,170 4,926 1,304 1,725 1,860 448 6 2 93 101 Wapentake ^ j\. .50,870 76,970 4,952 5,450 7,925 2,160 320 147 1,055 1,522 j Charlhury . . . . 4,810 2,452 897 965 1,633 300 8 11 U4 133 Howden, Out 11,090 18,370 1,425 1,803 2,407 598 65 30 297 398 Wardington .. 2,600 4,843 900 6.54 824 220 14 7 119 140 Middlesboro’ 2,300 4,997 111 239 383 111 9 16 43 68 Eye & Dnusdn 2,550 3,296 714 705 887 234 18 — 140 164 Middleton-Tv- 0,900 13,027 555 810 811 209 37 10 70 123 Blackthorn .. 2,280 2,179 687 305 417 105 11 1 65 77 Newton .. [as 4,590 7,762 384 008 844 229 38 24 98 160 Hook-Norton . 3,730 6,34.5 1,938 1,032 1,506 344 53 5 177 235 Overfon ...... 5,590 10.090 9,109 12,228 24,083 17,764 319 511 704 194 25 8 92 125 3,440 3,140 4,670 3.090 1,029 564 761 189 16 3 63 85 617 1,274 2,863 721 1,612 3,103 418 04 54 213 331 Gt. Haseley .. 3,440 3,802 3,706 3,002 1.075 1,216 899 558 749 205 13 2 125 140 Heversham •• 19,350 0,080 17,070 2,123 1,108 1,020 309 103 95 322 520 667 933 230 13 1 125 139 1,066 18 13 120 1.57 2,7()0 4,080 5,140 1,272 1,287 1,192 862 1,225 304 22 — 185 207 24,2.55 85,494 330,952 1,161 1,793 9,1.52 2,603 12,442 048 198 22 322 531 Stoken Church 812 1,290 661 308 9 4 108 121 BinghaniWap. Isle of Ely .. 55,700 z,mr 34,133 3,114 11,440 310 233 1,410 5,621 1,959 293 1C9 8 — 112 120 242,030 32,599 .53,341 1,060 572 7,2.59 Andover Div. 130,210 33,736 23,194 20,307 27,405 7,082 318 91 3,281 3,723 pts. of Holland 250,320 304,673 37,133 38,152 02,547 15,800 1,298 1290 6,443 9,031 Eawlev do. 129,690 109,548 20,610 16,120 24,020 6,279 320 111 3,258 3,689 Peterboro’Lib. 51,430 53,089 4,0.50 0,820 10,071 i 9,007 222 119 1,207 1,548 Eynesford H. 49,990 47,272 13,520 8,175 10,9.57 2,769 216 95 l,4()5 1,776 Flaxwell Hun. 37.420 34,9!il 2,230 3,781 6,015 1,471 123 00 558 741 Fiitt Hundred 38,700 28,819 7,731 7,496 12,117 2,797 143 69 1 ,4(>6 1,668 Villes 13,800 2,000 31,875 1,023 400 — 1,184 148 — — Boscombe 08 103 45 1 2 .32 35 Swal- t Berkt 1,610 1,021 671 1 890 5 390 112 9 6 29 44 B iilford 4,100 1,390 2,403 139 228 290 68 4 30 40 lowlid. t IVilts Broughton. . . Fugglestone .. 1,400 1,610 2,210 4,174 656 ^ 716 189 28 3 52 83 Cliolderton .. ■ 'oil 01 127 101 53 2 — 30 32 1,03» 613 735 181 8 4 ()-l 76 (ihalfield 1,200 2,520 00 03 83 22 5 — 7 12 2,480 757 626 590 618 130 7 — 90 97 Blackhind. .. 460 1,013 70 48 65 1 13 2 2 4 8 South Newton 3,840 2,900 714 541 505 1.58 12 — 100 1)2 Calstone-Wil. 1,130 2,250 27 26 32 10 1 — 6 7 Sbrewton . . . . 2,220 1,800 439 269 491 141 11 1 53 (>r> Homington . 1.340 1,482 1,240 69 148 200 51 4 37 41 1,730 3,422 2,927 2,141 1,997 2 — 113 115 Odstock ... 1,220 24 118 148 47 1 33 34 Laycock . . . . 4,170 8,6.55 1 2,083 1,408 1 ,640 3.50 19 22 112 LiS Whitchbury . 1,8.50 1,200 81 132 183 47 5 — 34 39 Dowiiton .... 11,420 1 7,344 2,383 2,426 3,519 837 26 8 40«t 440 Hardenhuisb 510 1,097 40 55 116 23 9 3 10 15 Hindon 1 270 745 712 793 921 ! 232 12 — 91 io:i Slaugbterford Sopwortb . . . 540 1,382 51 124 115 36 2 1 19 29 Codford j 1,770 890 445 393 387 92 5 — I 40 45 790 1,900 80 180 222 48 4 1 35 40 Heytesbury .. Liiiebam . . . 1 3,380 4,252 1,180 1,072 1,412 1 317 7 2 107 1 1(> Berwick ... 97C 1,025 24 36 51 12 4 — 8 12 1 3,500 6,627 1 ,353 833 1,030 : 278 21 7 131 162 B rixton-Dev. 2,69€ 1,047 82 144 197 45 0 1 28 35 Lydiard 5,930 8,209 1,491 578 705 ' 177 18 it 1 1() 1 }0 1,0U 1,214 55 45 75 99 22 2 18 17 90 19 ' Bedwiu, Grca do., r.itlb 10,420 3,170 1 ,532 1 1,516 1 508 1,632 428 2,191 687 1 577 28 4 299 551 Foxley 'h.5C l'043 50 07 22 2 — '968 1 153 13 2 108 123 Wbaddou ... 5S< 1 ,439 33 30 58 17 4 — 8 12 CbiUoii-Foliat 3,731 3.379 1 775 6IC> 761 199 11 1 101 1 Ki . 6U 1,2.57 2,515 32 82 128 31 3 3 24 27 48 Brinkworlb . Maiden Bradl 3 6,170 9,790 4,003 I 1,788 935 923 1,417 608 3(H> 26 33 1^2 liU Kushall . 2,411 105 i 157 214 00 1 3 1 41 3,230 610 131 15 — 73 8S VV'ilsford 6c L i,mt 1,012 7! 99 119 31 ii 2 23 25 Imber 2,4'.M) 971 697 331 384 89 •1 — (ii) (>] 1 I- islierton ... . 3,:«u 2,43i. 87 i 27( 309 71 1 53 .5(i Broad-llinton . 4,070 1,547 764 6,50 684 151 1.5 - ' 97 Aldertou ... 1 1,7(K 2,822 1 121 '1 105 1 213 .40 5 f 1 31 ' iluniingbain . . 2,320 3,145 935 — 1,323 312 12 4 1 187 1 203 AN ALFHABimCAL ARRANGEMENT op 340 PARISHES AND DISTRICTS, Comprising the greater portion of the HEATHS, MOORS, WOLDS OR DOWNS, AND FORESTS OK in which the Annual V alue of Property, and Population, bear an inconsiderable proportion to the Area. PARISHES. Abbotside, Hifth do., Low . Aberystwith Abinger Addiugham Advent Aff-Puddle Allendale Alstonefield Alnhain ....... .. Alternon Alwhiuton Hallystone Appletreewick . Arkengarthdaie . . . . Arncliffe Asby or Ashby .... Ashreigny Bainbridge Balcombe Bampton Barden Barningham Barton Beaulieu Bedburn Bedwas Bedwelty Bedwin Beeley Beer Regis Bettws. Salop Bewaldeth Bibury Billinghurst Bilsdale-Midcable . . do. Westside.. Bishop’s Morchatd . Black Torrington . . , Bleasdale Blisland Blore Blubberhouses .... Bolton Castle Bongate Bovey, North Bowes Bowland with Lea- Bowness [sri*® Bradlield Bradworthy Bransdale|^^f^*^\;; Bratton Clovelly . . . . Brendon Breward, St Bridgerule Broughton with F. Buckden Bucklebury Bulkworthy Burcombe Barrington Burton with Wald . Buttermere Cardington Cardingham Cartmell, Up. Hoik Castleton with Edali Chailey CJiettoii Ghiddingley Chiltington Church Conistone . do, Stretton . . . Claife AiaeoBt Siptrfelei to StniQt* Vklni of Fropertf , Ai •Zp«Dd«d for UstD* (•BMIC* «f *'"**■ Tax laiSIS. POOH, 230 13,740 3,047 4,360 1,294 222 10,930 5,463 422 9,780 3,152 515 9,520 5,386 303 4,020 1,396 116 4,940 2,000 300 45,810 12,184 1,462 21,860 9,626 1,972 10,360 4,424 139 13,840 6,147 361 31,940, 19,900 19,966 \ 699 1 242 7,740 1,932 153 9,090 586 120 14,180 5,195 647 5,790 1,541 164 8,880 2,994 199 6,220 2,735 453 14,210 3,915 326 6,050 2,171 846 10,390 4,237 363 10,110 863 44 10,930 3,623 187 33,690 10,565 577 9,480 5,229 1,128 7,700 3,123 211 4,3-10 1,712 230 15,-440 4,967 376 13,590 2,500 2,024 3,250 882 100 8,150 1,993 755 8,500 2,159 213 4,375 838 31 6,300 2,022 394 6,830 3,199 1,491 8,380 4,412 230 6,090 2,610 99 6,910 1,698 1,132 6,920 3,123 420 8,490 1,642 227 6,800 3,643 176 3,730 926 128 3,600 303 54 5,160 2,585 98 14,550 6,859 339 6,600 1,870 362 19,780 7,948 491 7,960 2,924 222 10,830 5,951 294 33,730 15.710 2,029 12,220 3,205 471 2,730 — 6,080 — 8,2 10 2,133 276 9,470 717 156 9,180 2,561 205 4,010 1,797 166 4,500 1,660 521 15,790 4,031 268 6,970 3 681 1,124 6,050 521 122 3,090 1,172 211 6,100 3,300 495 6,950 3,157 307 3,480 809 39 6,500 3,462 342 8,550 3,029 370 6 550 3,260 452 10,100 5,397 351 3.127 1,180 5,790 1,298 335 5.200 2,344 1,105 3,690 1,311 995 7,210 1,314 204 11,790 5,370 305 5,310 1,972 237 POPDLllION 1801. 1831. 559 235 805 022 602 170 344 3,519 4,302 233 679 838 391 244 128 1,186 241 357 756 785 451 600 191 429 1,060 1,384 310 376 619 2,060 268 936 308 55 852 1,161 644 115 706 220 437 203 120 242 908 519 943 318 825 4,102 634 548 260 513 332 637 280 1,122 110 253 755 446 74 623 552 882 1,240 738 396 673 558 338 924 391 589 173 6,992 767 719 244 442 5.540 4,827 278 1,069 822 462 425 161 1,446 213 436 1,038 881 641 636 214 550 1,537 1,298 296 797 10,637 2,778 441 1,170 389 72 950 1.540 759 159 2,003 1,083 236 644 354 118 269 1,264 609 1,145 288 1,196 5,504 1,027 787 259 627 467 897 300 1,300 198 419 987 545 89 718 728 1,095 1,329 1,030 515 902 718 587 1,302 463 Frap«rfi«fi t760 184 - 11 3 14 2,014 300 ^ 300 f 623 136 10 8 25 43 3,325 7,014 1,708 6 36 120 ]62 393 97 15 13 40 68 — 52 13 1 2 5 8 8,963 057 1,230 1,501 298 43 120 131 294 5,677 405 828 1,004 260 31 62 1 84 177 48,265 4,097 5,666 7,412 1,875 287 270 448 1005 6,590 446 523 521 435 25 33 57 115 2,025 348 329 413 120 20 12 40 72 4,738 1,990 1,090 2,071 473 44 31 170 245 3,293 1,333 1,051 1,219 336 27 24 197 248 5,304 639 1,568 1,535 340 20 43 121 184 2,827 263 571 657 187 13 57 21 91 2,562 299 597 761 257 47 10 62 119 4,966 452 763 1,004 261 37 70 84 1 191 20,208 2,049 7,005 18,080 4,472 129 274 292 i 695 1,172 104 261 326 74 30 4 28 1 G2 2,485 212 1 652 935 g 236 36 26 73 1 135 5,766 808 1,068 1,724 569 84 41 181 i 306 17,071 1,1461 2,151 2,565 1 700 112 126 (261 1 499 1,649 413 S 518 1 696 3 156! 3 61 1 16 1 bO Parishes and Districts comprising the greater portion of the Heaths, Moors, Wolds or Downs, and Forests of ENGLAND. PARISHES. Hack ness Hallystone Hultwhistle Hal well Hartington Hartoft Hawes Hawkesheail Hawnby Headley [ton Heathlield & Warble Hexhamshire Holwick Hope Horsham Horstead-Keynes Horton do. in Ribblesdale Hunderthwaite .... < Icklingham Idmiston Iker Ingram Tnwardleigh ....... Ipstones h Morrage Irthingtou Ive, St Ivinghoe JacoDstow Kildale Kilkhampton King’s Nympton. . . . Kirdford Kirk-Andrews- > upon-Esk J Kirkby-Stephen .... Kirkland Kirk-Newton ...... Knaresdale Lakenheath Lanercost A bbey . . . Langsett Langton Matravers . Lanover Higher .... Lartington Laverton Lazonby Leathwaite and .... Dnnnerdale Littleworth Litton Llanvan Lockton Lorton Loweswater Lulworth, West .... Lune-dale Lnton Malham-Moor Manatton Maresfield Marsden Marsk Marton Masham Melmerby Meltham Michael Church.... Middleton in Tees ... Millom Minstead Molland IMonckton-Tarrant Monk-Coniston . . . Moorwhinstow .... Morden Morestead Moulton Muggleswick Muker Muncaster Monythusloine .... Newbiggin N ewton-Linford .... Nonington I Norbury ...I North Pelherwin . .1 Northlew I Nymet Rowland.... j Oakhamiiton i Otterhain 1 SoparSele* la ftaluU o'r Properly, m Amount • ipeodec fur Mam* leoanco of tho POOK. — £- 364 PoPOLil ION Proportion of MaUk, Y*ar» of Ago, and uptoardk. Superficial In SUiute wiurlf Propertf, e aiieiiea (o Amounl^ Population proportion of Afalrt, 20 Yoaro of Ago and upwards. in Proportion JSmpliiyed in AOUICULTU.HB. PARISHES. for'' M.io tenence 01 in ToUl. Proportion Smployod Ai AGRICULTUai. IhoPropert] T» io 1916 5,289 lenton. 1801, 1831. Par Cotia gera Labor oro Totat. tbeProperl Tax In 1(116 Ihf* POOR, )92»— 29. — £- 51 689 1801. 1831. Per Cott gen e Lebo ( rcri Totef. 12,730 see A1 512 719 182 52 7 89 148 Ousby 5,690 5,400 — £ — 2,424 1,402 2,551 3,385 2, .506 1,169 1,495 1,848 6,225 1,007 2,058 1,741 2,339 2,140 1,452 658 20,318 253 172 291 718 76 363 19 8 11 3 23 141 53 152 52,030 5,830 24,100 23,709 825 13,224 1,194 35 674 2,930 156 1,718 4,119 230 2,103 1,032 83 543 100 16 68 142 8 117 258 43 206 500 60 391 Papplewick Perran Zabuloe ... Peter Tavy 5,250 10,660 8,450 196 668 202 852 1,389 291 518 2,794 500 149 579 109 24 24 27 12 35 92 87 33 128 146 60 4,740 10,500 0,700 7,070 564 4,900 28 694 89 1,223 142 1,.5.59 36 387 17 23 87 14 24 31 134 Pickwortli Porlor.k * .... 3,680 7,850 98 206 116 600 140 830 41 195 6 21 1 10 30 82 37 113 2,532 980 48 634 274 797 275 192 78 3 1 17 22 65 27 85 50 RackinforH 5,940 118 340 472 119 11 10 64 85 7,0!H) 14,300 3,157 7,045 1,004 2,798 858 2,134 1,228 3,026 2?)6 724 22 45 5 63 148 392 175 .501 Ravenstone-dale. . . . Renwick 18,540 4,500 678 105 1,138 201 1,036 375 284 101 15 7 96 22 100 16 211 45 2^1,000 12,239 673 1,138 1,376 354 47 64 117 228 Rishworth 6,190 217 960 1,536 347 7 69 6 82 5,910 30,100 1,865 19,229 118 1,241 196 3,292 208 3,927 68 1,052 5 78 9 203 14 226 28 507 Roborough RohiirndHlf^ 4,830 8,230 225 163 461 229 584 199 127 62 20 7 7 12 57 29 84 48 20,040 0,210 7,000 18,070 8,899 2,659 1,369 6,745 2,610 1,202 315 400 3,204 591 308 570 5,105 782 421 567 1,280 204 101 145 38 19 6 18 11 4 1 43 392 119 75 47 441 142 82 108 Romsey, Extra . . . . Rosedale, East do.. West .... Rothbury 8,930 5,100 7,900 33,170 2,791 117 54 3,231 2,489 287 117 2,236 3,386 376 178 2,869 871 94 45 700 45 22 12 79 11 16 8 44 219 22 13 277 276 60 33 400 0,390 2,449 155 334 297 109 40 30 26 90 Rot.herfipi]fl 14,710 7,016 4,217 2,586 338 1,967 265 3,085 742 92 16 483 691 Rufford 10,320 322 86 9 — 63 72 6,580 1,545 305 335 473 124 6 3 72 81 Rushford 4,250 965 62 105 138 32 4 — 18 22 0,100 1,990 1,305 4,290 331 422 520 127 11 1 95 107 Rusper 6,750 4,680 1,568 943 426 399 531 163 12 8 84 104 3,030 14,890 554 74 282 171 382 205 80 52 6 3 2 2 61 43 69 48 Sandhurst 204 222 672 159 10 2 29 41 6,050 1,915 1,552 1,393 3,767 1,786 2,098 205 384 638 133 18 20 76 114 Satterthwaite 4.790 1,824 1,352 551 139 274 403 116 10 8 31 49 5,760 — 1,32.5 334 23 48 107 178 Scargill 4,880 104 119 33 9 7 14 30 7,100 236 870 1,028 267 55 14 118 187 Scrafton 3,050 85 107 145 35 4 8 6 18 7,890 313 486 656 175 16 19 102 137 Sedherpli 20,150 12,967 3,197 2,988 4,120 1,386 6,804 10,933 11,383 6,673 963 1,639 2,214 505 35 85 132 252 7,600 994 1,153 1,648 391 13 6 219 238 Sedgefleld 6,220 388 1,187 1,429 355 36 — 124 160 4,890 189 432 638 181 60 99 159 Shaugh Prior 7,170 219 480 570 138 13 19 63 95 Shipley 8,170 2,889 202 997 1,180 319 40 — 221 261 5,730 1,966 3,959 3,722 5,088 9,577 126 201 188 50 13 6 18 37 Shire Newton 4,060 519 791 233 10 14 92 116 8,120 596 808 1,126 272 42 110 152 Shotley 12,660 692 1,694 293 28 15 55 98 10,000 239 510 699 172 26 15 92 133 Simonburn 16,050 370 900 1,135 255 30 15 126 171 14,950 21,630 3,079 701 1,340 1,777 1,653 2,053 433 535 33 41 11 87 285 176 329 304 Bellingham Thorneyburn .... Falstead 15,440 > 18,100 57,700 25,980 26,090 5,010 5 816 i 213 203 1,416 322 437 1,924 334 520 347 71 145 26 6 12 25 19 6 92 20 91 143 45 109 31,870 12,150 15,487 6,887 19,462 1,991 1,139 278 2,515 2,798 765 713 74 100 137 311 Gavstead 1,989 6,793 2,231 3,239 115 199 247 73 8 5 38 51 631 213 31 26 74 131 Wark 412 960 861 237 20 29 89 138 34,010 572 1,406 1,674 387 26 5 261 292 Singleton 651 445 563 148 5 1 80 86 8,940 269 481 566 161 6 48 48 102 6,610 285 420 460 116 13 24 59 96 Sopley 3,730 1,027 1,037 2,119 1,770 803 840 1,012 214 16 3 137 156 10.550 30,510 4,370 4,353 16,815 1,393 938 1,289 490 745 1,209 264 10 35 120 165 Sougnton «... 4,320 59 247 66 5 12 20 37 1,243 203 1,550 320 390 11 148 140 299 6,630 4,440 2,780 13,0101 12,1901 20,010/ 9,820 ) 13,980 13,420 12,220 12,070 4,030 4,060 5,400 401 450 625 154 16 24 63 103 105 79 14 15 29 58 144 j 333 423 110 13 5 68 86 3,420 322 510 676 164 6 36 42 '984 16,339 68 1 1 , 974 ; 211 252 91 21 — 70 91 3,470 6,300 7,710 582 1,579 1,855 3,900 74 181 889 223 1,776 183 528 SO 3 9 12 2 13 18 28 29 Stanhope Quarter . . Park do 1,239 1,169 2,080 1,873 515 478 55 23 38 14 58 31 151 68 299 368 457 120 12 31 41 84 2,142 4,741 1,196 — 27 — 27 11,510 6,160 3,940 280 526 298 841 < 190 231 52 36 4 22 23 103 i 161 31 Newlandside . . . 6,675 6,696 ( 309 604 376 847 1,097 2,477 211 272 36 72 18 42 40 101 94 215 1,607 1,422 3,970 1,350 ( \ 148 44 10 7 24 41 1,054 1,738 603 32 29 152 213 3,180 6,850 8,120 88 310 114 466 102 506 30 118 6 30 2 13 14 61 22 104 Stonebeck, Down . . do.. Upper . . Swerford 3A77 2,137 2,004 1,976 2425 1,845 1,547 2,723 1,594 1,984 3,625 3,786 1,133 760 313 276 374 434 304 327 494 332 441 1.30 93 116 15 10 15 29 23 52 24 64 96 57 79 6,610 77 234 312 86 31 36 67 Syresham 313 587 895 199 16 — 119 135 13,960 4,360 3,561 1,910 721 356 194 571 294 639 454 161 103 27 20 14 21 51 28 92 69 Tamerton 18E 403 517 155 36 5 71 112 3,240 234 312 360 76 3 1 33 37 Tathwell 4'930 297 268 338 86 11 — 44 55 21 ,680 2,256 *4,605 87 307 308 81 55 4 59 Taxall 3^980 5,460 3,920 6,340 7,740 17,050 3,200 3,670 93 160 184 43 2 30 11 43 15,500 2,.555 3,095 5,694 1,310- 42 10 551 603 Tedbum Throwley 357 248 527 331 821 460 227 91 29 16 10 7 124 38 163 61 8,880 3,253 134 98 94 25 9 5 7 21 Thurcross 232 467 601 151 10 29 II 60 6,170 1,657 2,747 1,859 238 348 435 113 23 1 54 78 Thurlestone 406 1,096 1,.599 410 21 55 6<> 142 7,750 826 960 1,650 413 14 23 227 264 Tintwhistle 141 1,021 1,820 458 10 25 33 68 6,620 320 1,510 1,698 Toft, W’est 32 88 182 42 1 — 36 37 5,220 2,445 *1,851 2,886 1,917 134 239 290 60 11 12 29 52 Toryer 119 182 224 66 5 11 11 27 5,850 8,890 5,320 226 360 95 431 1,012 223 711 1,276 286 175 285 83 19 6 20 44 6 53 59 16 116 65 42 Trelleck VTadsyvorth 5;i90 10,080 10,020 6,580 2,219 4,425 5,317 2,424 984 180 683 638 2,801 940 5,198 243 1,206 10 16 27 l70 106 25 143 211 4,590 1,603 274 1,278 2,740 651 1 24 14 39 Warcop 354 707 680 192 36 40 70 146 4,850 2,305 312 397 406 86 21 15 33 69 Weetin 505 368 3.57 84 2 — 46 4H 9,570 2.446 455 796 1,824 406 3 68 4 65 Wf»llcoTTibe 0',620 5 600 124 220 258 61 13 7 34 54 32,780 8,669 1,003 1,497 2,037 548 78 75 175 328 Wenn, St 2,963 1,1.56 1.6.53 3,714 2,464 1,848 5,213 2,6.39 2,451 855 1,314 214 3.58 619 147 18 29 73 120 8,590 5,070 3,210 5,420 7,7bO 7,670 2,390 3,510 11,480 32,170 6,570 2.146 2,071 966 2,010 4,201 1,190 724 1,542 1,745 4,634 2,.576 422 350 236 649 432 79 265 76 584 200 764 473 180 286 874 587 44 249 201 1,119 342 1,074 .531 220 397 1,102 818 90 306 298 1,247 657 239 146 61 108 278 212 26 98 77 313 163 8 22 7 32 35 12 2 7 11 13 20 23 7 9 14 25 1 16 21 10 30 08 41 51 140 128 18 56 23 68 67 61 97 48 92 189 165 21 63 60 102 97 VTest Stow VV'esterdale W’estover Westward Whicham Whitbeck Widecombe Widger, Broadwood Wildboar Clough .. . Wilhypoole 3,050 8,750 7,320 13,120 5,660 3,910 11,300 7,350 4.980 4,010 5,700 19.980 9,240 4,430 5.960 24,780 4,130 3,510 12,110 6.960 16,900 4,610 148 112 446 432 174 108 .541 314 197 42 1,293 602 363 210 168 257 489 918 235 181 1,043 586 338 111 1,888 266 281 733 1,2.53 2S5 234 959 879 176 212 2,514 74 79 166 353 88 72 228 225 135 45 652 2 21 12 60 20 12 37 13 11 6 27 1 31 41 5 6 29 35 36 11 25 56 22 106 123 47 17 128 11-1 16 15 257 59 77 118 224 72 65 194 189 63 32 309 15,510 4,290 8,774 981 773 237 1,.544 281 5,035 507 1,478 117 133 15 6 312 2 490 8 Windermere Winsford 6,887 3,503 1,1.53 503 306 1,632 521 488 423 148 140 1 36 25 14 48 3 21 102 87 56 186 115 91 3,990 3,680 4,880 7,920 5,050 2,970 1,826 1,.586 2,449 2,917 2,100 390 328 720 218 300 287 30 377 562 284 672 638 76 449 832 382 1,044 980 99 124 216 100 258 202 20 19 9 17 67 29 7 11 6 5 11 30 55 140 56 126 99 13 85 1.55 78 194 1.58 20 Wolfardisworlhy .. Wolsingham Woodcote Woodland Worth 2,960 9,551 1,549 632 4,625 3,180 5,195 2,137 430 1,037 120 54 1,801 1.54 591 1,834 139 78 1,.501 291 840 2,239 195 223 1,8.59 325 195 523 43 51 495 93 36 37 <1 1 37 5 8 33 2 8 28 2 136 95 25 9 •2!M) 71 180 165 31 18 361 8 < 12,560 3,300 5,960 1,186 949 33 1,.500 1 141 2,0.55 227 509 61 41 14 10 201 38 255 52 Wyersdale, Over .. Zenuor 566 136 1 661 1 511 872 811 ‘212 201 9 2 ) 29 ..9 101 24 \:v.) li;i A COMPENDIOUS VIEW OP THE EXTENT AND REVENUES OF THF, Ciiuvcfi 0stai)U'sHmcnt, AND OF THE OTHER RELIGIOUS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS IN EACH COUNTY OF jEM^IaAMD AMP WAPPi, CONTllASTED WITH THOSE OF SCOTLAND, FRANCE, THE NETHERLANDS, SPAIN, &c. *,* The Amount of Numbers Educated, and of Voluntary Contributions in the following Statement, have been taken from a Supplement to tlte Congregational Magazine for 18*29, the Amounts in the other four Columns from Accounts presented from time to time to Parliament. The Voluntary i^ntributions below are the actual Amounts, as will be seen by a Display of the Totals for a series of Years on another page, which also contains observations on the other Items. COUNTIES in Alphabetical Order Bedford Berks Buckingham Cambridge Chester Cornwall Cumberland Derby Devon .... Dorset Durham Essex Gloucester Hereford Hertford Huntingdon Kent Lancaster Leicester Lincoln Middlesex Monmouth ....... Norfolk Northampton Northumberland. . . Nottingham Oxford Rutland Salop Somerset Southampton Stafford Suffolk Surrey Sussex W arwick Westmoreland . . , Wilts Worcester York W ales, N orth ..... do.. South TOTALS. TfcT 1 1 1 1 Amount of Charitable Bequests Annual Income of Endowed public Charities, £ Voluntary Contributions in aid of JVI9 JjUU at the dis'posaL of the ParochiaC Officers, Amount of Deposits in Savings* Banks, £- British MISSIONARY .SOCIETIES. .5 C Piational Un\07t, British and Foriign, Sabbath Union, In sup- port of Schools Other purposes. £- Foreign Bible Society. £ Church -£ London -£ Baptist Wesleyn ly £ - Total. £ 262 775 2,658 501 1,715 10,112 G9,t)61 475 175 57 215 — 218 1,140 3,780 1,571 2,011 1,733 2,796 11,9*29 260,639 1,260 577 611 204 392 62/ 3,047 4,810 942 5,9*27 537 2,587 7,479 60,911 384 400 217 104 176 — 1,*281 3,007 150 5,000 983 3,845 5,418 69,799 1,226 555 275 234 1 55 4*2/ 2,447 2,415 496 20,962 850 2,735 4*2,818 321,846 1 ,2*22 374 520 6 1,220 54 3,396 3,672 540 13,211 375 1,224 747 249,874 1,487 737 366 176 1,739 84/ 4,509 1,342 230 6.166 1,194 1,365 1,794 131,913 636 433 229 — 260 — 1,558 3,116 1,425 6,077 1,6*26 2,619 6,376 220,182 1,915 1,391 762 64 671 2*2 4,825 11,465 1,8*27 10,162 1,525 4,758 11,674 965,643 1,579 1,156 702 130 776 27 4,370 10,886 1,112 4,716 616 1,111 5,854 250,370 836 653 332 24 282 24 2,151 8,554 1,082 8,900 1,166 1,468 13,189 158,298 760 386 184 — 1,474 14 2,818 21,184 1,968 24,445 1,984 7,311 9,419 301,545 2,469 1,349 1,198 187 332 63/ 5,5«3H 4,909 1,728 24,163 3,0Sd 6,617 9,830 563,5*24 3,033 2,955 2,163 754 1,260 38 10,263 410 — 1,139 753 2,292 6,783 130,71*2 514 508 25 23 107 — 1,177 2,935 685 5.130 873 2,555 828 166,726 857 168 259 103 1*25 7 1,519 336 1,558 481 1,079 1,414 26,394 400 95 48 66 133 6 748 9,911 1,586 17,543 3,743 7,560 203,440 556,719 2,584 1,261 814 258 1,264 20 6, ‘201 36,363 2,640 79,203 4,056 6,485 2*2,05*2 965,144 3,941 3,259 4,238 685 4,237 279 16,639 7,217 — 8,624 1,586 3,083 9,061 100,601 1,497 806 227 186 677 15 3,408 3,295 325 6,414 2,896 6,616 13,199 225,630 1 ,610 789 389 2*2 1,19*2 7 4,009 20,205 1,224 11,508 336 66,487 6,252 166 17,448 784 344,4*26 729 1,853,894 38,870 5,523 554 5,261 226 7,941 14 2,193 3,808 156 310 21/ 25,116 951 4,493 951 9,721 1,268 7,615 16,491 198,554 1,640 958 746 250 967 33 4,594 5,960 608 2,267 2,413 5,452 10,886 177,577 1,058 760 257 181 4*20 15 2,691 2,289 1,378 25,600 783 583 2,579 307,77*2 738 417 290 102 1,165 — 2,712 1,874 509 30,107 1,160 1,964 6,790 ‘24*2,752 972 739 227 291 1,142 27 3,398 1,996 292 596 5,510 884 142 3,448 510 7,756 3,956 157,606 1,089 *24*2 408 189 1 14 66 187 332 51 — *2,130 2,483 788 3,544 670 2,896 7,865 391,964 844 886 241 75 460 11 2,517 6,384 1,348 15,685 951 4,155 23,304 563,414 1,584 1,300 756 250 743 55 4,688 9,320 1,761 11,810 1,408 1,557 5,340 318,516 1,246 686 796 285 215 14 3.242 12,468 935 *21,627 1,574 3,523 10,089 264,173 1,684 1,419 435 21 1,376 9 4,944 10,895 950 5,210 1,311 9,227 14,997 190,567 1,568 995 471 70 239 20 3,363 4,819 2,108 585 3,125 7,613 66,065 393,511 1,567 1,310 396 45 410 31/ 3,730 6,518 2,. 596 6,476 936 2,261 3,379 276,793 975 531 390 39 272 36 2,243 9,168 904 11,174 1,558 3,351 21, *249 184,-589 2,019 1,191 1,447 951 490 11 6,109 581 40 1,500 791 853 2,008 *24,041 189 133 48 — 144 46 560 2,358 482 5,989 1,14*2 3,496 8,40*2 266,076 743 630 63- 264 297 21/ 2,57*2 3,6*20 55*2 10,662 3,014 3,167 7,090 265,997 1,091 588 337 94 638 17 2,765 26,067 4,595 87,848 9,668 1*2,494 48,9*28 1,030,054 7,317 3,925 2,946 499 8,578 100 23,365 5,174 2,629 250 7*21 64,598 50,108 2,139 4,092 3,520 340,7*21 2,623 1,870 245 322 1,*250 1,291 1 43 ( 276 ( 477 30 4 4,4*24 4,007 1 280,686 52,998 690,!)17 71,888 1 100,310 1,089,26.7 14,283,572 C5,S2I 41,140 34,712 9, *278 39,420 i 1,222 191 005 244 STATEMENT of tlie Area in Square miles of each County of ENGLAND and WALES arranged in Alphabetical oider, showing the Number of Parishes iti each County; and the Number of Churches and Chapels in each that made Returns to Parliament in 1831 of the Number of Marria- ges, Christenings, and Rurials, as exhibited at page J)8 of the following part, and the Number of Parishes and Sub-divisions thereof that made separate Returns of Population in that Year; sliowing also the Number of Parochial Benejices, distinguishing the proportion of Rectories, Vicarages, and Perpetual Curacies, and the proportion of each in the Patronage of the Lord Chancellor; showing also the Number of each of Ten Denominations, and tlie Total of Dissenting Congregations in each County. *,• The Number of Dissenting Congregations, with the Amount of Voluntaiy Contributions on the preceding page, have been taken from a Supplement to the Congregational Magazine for 1829, since when no material increase has taken place, but a revised Return is making wliile this Statement is being arranged. COUNTIES arranged in Alphabetical Order. A rea in Square miles Number of Parishes. No of Parish Register Returns. Number of Population Returns. i PAROCHIAL IJENEITCES. J DISSENTING CONGREGATIONS. Total. ! Jn (he Patronage 1 of the Lord ! CfJANCKLLOH. Roman Catholics \ K a. s. Particular ' Baptists. £.= sl •» k V 5 <> la' Other ! Methodist. TOTAL. R. V. P.C. R. C. Bedford 4(53 123 126 146 66 60 7 6 7 1 1 8 21 4 35 1 1 71 Berks 752 154 162 222 72 64 12 7 5 4 6 1 14 11 1 6 34 7 — 1 81 Bucks 738 202 206 232 101 68 33 7 10 - 1 — 21 28 — 8 25 1 — 37 121 Cambridge 857 164 173 176 66 84 12 - 4 - 1 1 23 19 6 3 29 1 1 1 85 Chester 1 ,052 88 125 507 46 23 18 — - — 7 12 27 5 9 6 28 8 30 1 1 153 Cornwall 1,330 205 203 225 85 96 22 1 10 1 2 — 31 12 — 10 219 3 39 4 ' 320 Cumberland 1,523 104 138 297 38 29 37 — 3 - 4 10 16 8 — 22 32 — 11 2 105 Derby 1,028 139 186 333 52 54 31 3 10 1 8 7 36 5 11 5 84 3 22 1 182 Devon 2,585 467 471 491 251 140 75 16 16 7 9 15 65 31 — 6 93 — 18 10 227 Dorset 1,006 268 264 309 163 62 33 4 4 1 7 3 22 5 — 5 21 — 22 3 88 Durham 1,097 76 104 301 32 23 20 2 2 - 14 7 fs 8 — 7 72 — 28 28 177 Essex 1,533 406 404 430 250 134 16 14 10 1 7 2 64 24 — 20 36 1 — 21 175 Gloucester 1,258 339 337 433 139 101 87 19 13 6 5 4 38 27 — 13 53 11 7 19 177 Hereford 863 219 223 283 83 84 51 8 7 1 4 — 11 9 4 16 1 — 4 49 Hertford 630 133 132 147 67 53 16 2 2 1 1 28 13 1 12 2 4 — — 62 Huntingdon 372 101 97 107 57 29 7 7 2 - — 1 9 12 1 3 9 1 - — 36 Kent 1,557 409 395 443 169 162 — 22 5 1 8 4 44 30 4 9 90 15 — 6 210 Lancaster 1,766 70 219 461 26 27 13 — 3 _ 1 81 3() 88 29 5 25 156 9 75 — 504 Leicester 806 212 256 342 113 82 18 17 10 2 7 3 17 13 17 4 68 - 13 2 144 Lincoln 2,611 632 615 732 305 244 60 43 25 ^ 1 12 2 18 14 11 9 211 2 24 1 304 Middlesex London 1 282 190 201 230 25 31 14 3 2 i 2 i 21 15 91 55 2 12 59 22 7 5 289 Monmouth 496 125 128 158 44 39 40 4 2 - 4 — 24 28 — 3 10 — — 3 72 Norfolk 2,024 730 687 753 441 171 78 25 11 - 8 1 21 32 2 13 74 1 24 5 181 Northampton 1,016 303 297 344 172 93 29 11 9 - 3 1 35 40 4 7 61 — — 2 153 Northumberland. . . . 1,871 85 99 531 18 41 28 1 8 1 19 50 8 3 1 4 29 — 22 — \?S Nottingham 837 211 216 271 75 89 41 5 5 1 3 3 12 7 6 3 77 — 41 — 152 Oxford 756 217 227 297 99 72 41 11 3 4 8 3 14 12 — 10 44 — 2 6 99 Rutland 149 50 50 55 30 13 7 2 — 1 — — 3 1 1 1 7 — — — 13 Salop 1,343 215 234 288 105 58 51 7 10 4 7 2 25 15 — 3 32 — 18 — 102 Somerset 1,645 475 475 499 241 138 90 9 10 3 8 7 47 37 — 17 94 3 20 21 254 Southampton 1 ,625 313 310 357 154 72 89 8 8 1 11 4 49 22 1 5 27 6 — 3 128 Stafford 1,184 142 180 347 45 44 57 2 3 3 21 5 32 16 3 6 82 — 41 7 213 Suffolk 1,515 510 501 525 322 97 81 27 19 1 4 2 33 35 2 10 40 1 — 5 132 Surrey 759 145 147 161 79 34 28 12 4 1 1 4 1 27 21 — 10 •¥ 11 — 27 101 Sussex 1 ,466 311 303 327 157 127 16 18 6 1 6 4 31 13 — 5 20 6 — 2 87 Warwick 897 205 210 259 71 91 39 6 20 6 11 5 30 16 7 12 18 2 2 5 108 Westmoreland .... 762 32 68 121 14 17 1 — 1 - 2 1 12 — — 11 13 — 1 1 21 Wilts 1,367 300 311 380 143 104 48 10 9 3 3 1 38 31 3 3 37 1 8 4 129 W orcester 723 171 199 243 92 55 24 8 5 2 8 8 10 22 — 7 24 3 21 1 104 York, East Riding 1,119 184 192 364 51 97 36 13 22 - do.. North do. 2,055 189 227 537 60 64 62 8 10 46 13 154 51 9 64 532 1 127 2 1,019 do.. West do. 2,576 196 307 665 61 101 32 6 13 1 j do. City, &c 86 44 41 68 18 14 6 10 2 1 J |l Total ENGLASD 50,380 9,854 10,446 14,397 ! 4,688 3,281 1,506 394 337 69 382 235 1,289 781 107 387 2,593 124 625 241 6,764 ^ TAnglesea.. 271 67 72 77 24 3 40 2 1 - 1 1 . Carnarvon 544 71 68 74 ' 28 8 31 2 - - ■5 J Denbigh . . 633 59 58 104 26 15 10 1 - - o 1 Flint .... 244 27 30 76 ! 8 11 4 1 - - . 1 Merioneth . 663 34 34 38 1 19 7 7 - - - 1 k Radnor . . 426 52 52 75 1 13 14 11 1 2 - ' f 1'7«> 52 3 ) ( 6 ) ^6 23 1 202 107 _ 6 \ 214 300 n-- > 1100 r Brecon .... 754 67 75 118 27 15 23 1 1 — _. ! Cardigan . 675 65 70 109 12 18 28 - 3 - J Carmarthen 974 76 80 121 12 31 28 2 4 1 1 Glamorgan 792 127 123 183 1 43 36 30 6 2 - j Montgmery 839 54 53 78 1 18 10 - 2 - kFembroke 610 145 140 159 59 39 31 25 11 7 J Total WALES 7,42.5 844 85.5 1,212 290 1 21,5 253 41 26 « 1 r, 23 374 1.59 — 9 214 300 15 — l.KM) ;\r;L.4iVD and WALKS 1 57,805 10,098 41,301 45,009 II 4,978 1 3,490 ,1,759 1 435 363 77 ! 388 258 1,663 940 107 396 2,807 42.1 610 241 7,864 Province of YORK- Province of CANTERBURY, 215 STATEINIENT of the 2(> Diocesan Jurisdictions of ENGLAND and WALES, showing, first, the Number of Parishes, and Number of Cliurches and Chapels within each Diocese, and the proportion iu each of tlie Counties into which the several Dioceses extend; secondly, the rated value of each See in the Liber Regis of 20 Hen. VIII.; Total Number of Parishes, and Number of Churches and Chapels within each Diocese, and the proportion in the Patronage of the Diocesan and Dignitaries, distinguishing the proportion of Rectories, Vicarages, and Clmpelries; and also the Number of Benefices in the Patronage of the KlN(i, the Lord Chancellor, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in the Colleges and Halls of the Two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and the Dignitaries of sundry Collegiate Churche.s. I)IOCKSB,V. JURISDICTIONS. rKent 1 Surrey 1 CaflClSKISJMKSJN Sussex i Middlesex [& Oxoii V Essex Suffolk Bucks 3 Kocfirstcc I Rent r Middlesex Essex C Herts t Hants Surrey s Eonhon (SiBintlirsUr ©ticfiretei; . SaliBliuru . 7 8 CSIoucestec .. 9 IBatfi&ilierlls 10 iSieter i 3 h3 I Sussex S Wilts .... j Berks .... { Dorset.... Gloucester I do. . . I Somerset.. ! Devon .... Cornwall ©iforh I Oxford .. C Hereford 19 l^ereforb Worcester [Radnoi C Salop, Moutg., and C Worcester J Warwick C Salop and Stafford r Stafford j Salop r‘> 13 MIomsUr 11 Eitc^firnJ fe Cobenlrg '^Warwick. 1^ Derby .... f f Norfolk ... ~ . . • .L 1 gyggijj, Cambridge . . I do. . . . < I a I 15 ^ortotc5 16 iSIg ... 17 i3ettrt0Tou05 j f Herts 18 Etncolu Bedford I Bucks J Hunts ) Lincoln { Leicester I Northampton, Oxon, 1^ Rutland, & W arwick r r 19 Cfifstei- 20 21 IBur^am 22 Carlisle a. s :£2; '>3 ^ li! 'I ■J O t.. 23 ^t. asapS 24 Bangor. 25 aianbaff .. 26 ^t. Dabiltg ..<| f Chester Lancaster I York, West Riding do.. North do. . Westmoreland ... Cumberland ^Flint and Denbigh ^Nottingham .. .. 1 York, West Riding < do;, East do. .. t do., North do. . U do.. North do. .. i Durham ^ Northumberland . f Cumberland ( do } Westmoreland . . . Flint Denbigh Montgomery Merioneth Carnarvon Si Salop Anglesea Denbigh Carnarvon Montgomery Merioneth i Glamorgan f Monmonth (" Pembroke I Cardigan Carmarthen Radnor Brecon j Glamorgan I Hereford Monmouth 1^ Montgomery 4 230 104 142 174 684 483 11 158 2R9 46 75 127 205 97 604 852 \ 10 138 231 22 55 34 41 9 210 l73 228 126 4 72 67 1 78 22 19 58 39 11 12 72 16 63 7 31 9B 123 143 68 98 46 135 23 Jt2 4 2^3 104 143 176 698 493 14 160 89t 47 75 127 206 97 607 254 11 142 292 32 73 36 45 11 216 255 348 152 5 112 100 8 98 31 19 62 39 11 12 76 17 69 8 22 100 128 149 72 115 46 143 23 13 5 C 5; V PWCKSE.V In Alphabetical Order, 1 ’C 0.*^ •» U •V 3 i •? •v •) *2 *2 Jn the Patronage of I'S. I* ^ •O c I'S- C S’ IHocetons, DUnitarieg. a S wish Number of reference to the yrecteding Column, w a. a; c a* — f_ 2,683 V a. c Q,Cq <2 c ^ u V C K V C 306 311 2,134 1 8 6 156 158 160 32 48 9 5 8 8 107 111 iSieter 10 500 4 15 13 607 681 711 18 26 6 7 39 13 192 231 ©loucester 8 315 1 6 8 283 296 330 — 12 16 7 12 7 398 398 oq ?l?ereforli 12 768 2 23 17 326 346 360 16 11 8 3 22 )2 60 60 as EttrfifieHr & ©obentrg 14 705 4 18 8 62.3 650 6.55 3 11 6 3 17 32 269 310 0] Etncoln 18 1,247 6 46 4 1,273 1,370 1,377 22 38 8 95 47 39 139 144 Eo niton 3 1,000 5 26 17 577 650 689 50 34 7 25 25 6 289 303 ^orlDtcJ 15 834 4 6 11 1,076 1,178 1,210 26 23 3 8 21 19 299 313 ©iforb 11 381 1 — 15 208 207 237 — 10 6 16 47 50 152 161 Ijleterltoroug^ 17 414 1 6 4 305 335 338 6 4 2 4 3 1 259 263 o' iJofliestcr 2 358 1 6 8 93 107 111 13 5 2 1 28 4 39 43 o ^altfiburs 6 1,421 3 38 10 408 451 474 15 19 4 12 45 49 296 S30 b affilincbestcr 4 3,193 3 12 41 389 408 464 56 3 16 1 12 11 479 493 91i!Slortester 13 1,032 1 10 13 222 230 260 16 6 8 14 16 17 470 490 c. r Uangor 24 134 1 3 5 131 179 192 61 10 46 — 6 211 221 WALES^^ St. asapK 25 153 I 9 10 194 221 228 3 5 4 2 17 10 207 237 23 187 - 3 160 135 143 68 40 12 1 .*5 211 219 UStt. JUabtbB 26 463 4 11 U 451 625 561 27 63 39 2 10 21 106 110 17 18 ^©i£ia 20 1,610 4 24 10 828 741 676 12 31 29 7 60 27 12 13 YORK. .... 22 420 1 4 5 128 100 129 12 19 10 3 8 19 155 183 19 531 2 6 616 530 631 8 15 16 6 3 .3 71 73 21 1,821 3 12 8 175 140 214 21 14 15 4 17 13 iFHgnsrc©. Prio. to the Revolution in 1789, the Ecclesiastical, and Reli- gious Establishments of France consisted of 136 Archbishps & Bishops 11,850 Canons, Prebends and other Dignitaries 13.000 Bishops Chaplains 40.000 Parocliidl Clergy 50.000 Vicars 27.000 Curates CO, 300 Inferior Clergy 100,000 without Benefices , / 1,120 Heads of Orders ; y 6,740 Domiciled io Abbeys ' 4 23,650 in other Establishnmts ! C. 46,500 Mendicants S 600 Canonesses 2,560 Prioresses 10,120 in Abbeys 64,000 in other Establishmnts 2,690 without Establishmnts making a total of about 460,000 Persons, who where subsisted at the expence of the productive labour of the Country, the mo- ney value of which amounted to about 180,000,000 of Jrancs, or £7,000,000 iSlrrling, equal to about £10,000,000 of money at the present time [1S35] in addition to which the Mendicant Monks and inferior orders of Clergy levied considerable sums in alms and by other indirect means. Under the reign of Napoleon, the Clergy of all ranks in France did not exceed 36,000 in number, maintained at an annu- al charge of about 24,000,000 francs, less than £1,000,000 Sterling paid cut of the general Revenue. On the reinstation of the Bourbons in 1815, the Church Estab- lishment was continued without augmentation, and at present [1835] consists of 14 Archbishopricks, and 66 Bishopricks, with little, if any, increase iu the number of the Beneficed Clergy, the pemiauent income not exceeding 26,000,000 francs. During the entirety of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the annual charge for the Maintenance of the Clergy of all Denom- inations, as fixed by the Deci-annual Budget of 1820, amounted to 3,365,000 florins, or about £300,000 Sterling, in the proportion of 1,928,000 florins for the Catholic, and 1,337,000 for all other professions. — Vide Digest of Par. Papers, Pages 188-9, Session 1833. The Ecclesiastical, & Religious Establishments of SPAIN, at the present time consist of about 186,000 members, in proportions annexed, with a Property in Lands, equal to £ 4,400,000 Houses, &c. 1,600,000 Tithes 3,400,000 Casualties 1,300,000 61 Archbishops & Bish- 2,363 Canous [ops 1,869 Prebends 16,481 Parochial Priests 17,411 Superior Incumbnts 9,410 Interior do. 11,300 Hermits 61,320 Monks 31,400 Nuns 15,015 Sacristans 3,225 Servitors of Churchs 20,346 Laymen 10,900 Miscellaneous Ordrs The following is the estimated present annual money amount of Income of the Church Establishment of ©NffiEaNB ansria saaECS. Gross Nett 2 Archbishops and 21 Bishops £180,462 160,114 Deans, and Chapters of Cathedrals 350,861 272,828 10,701 Benefices, averaging £ 300 each. .. . 3,253,602 3,058,248 making a Total of £ 10,700,000 Total Deans & Chapters do. Diocesans The KING do. as Piince of Wales The Lord Ciiancelloh Chancellor of the Duchy ) of Lancaster S fThe University University College Raiiol Merton Exeter Oriel Queens New Lincoln AH Souls do. do. do. do. do.- do. do. do. do- 's. Cj ca fe, Magdalen Brazennose do. Corpus Christ! Deans Sc Canons of Christ Church Trinity College St. Johns do. Jesus do* Pembroke do. Wadham do. l. Worcester do. f The Uninersity Peter House Pembroke Hall Clare do. Trinity do. Caius College Corpus Chiisti do. Kings do. ^ <( Queens do. I Jesus do. Catharine Hall Christ College St. Johns do, Magdalen do. Trinity do. Emanuel do. l^Sidney Sussex Downing Eton College Winchester do St. Davids do Dean & Can. ofWindsor w 'o> ^ B lecon ....... . •2 12 1 Manchester .... Southwell .... g J jRippon ^ U Westminster . . 181 584 6.5 22 440 35 3 7 12 6 6 8 15 27 6 8 21 72 20 see abjove. 5 2 .573 |.3T7 544 1316 27 9 356 13 2 1 5 6 4 4 10 8 8 13 2 1 Oxf 7 3 1 S 1 1 3 5 5 7 4 1 12 1 9 1 6 11 2 50 7 1 1 22 6 28 22 I 1 « 4 ,s t 3 7 1 ord 2 3 5 4 3 4 15 9 10 7 2IG SI ATIS'J'ICAL DISPLAY^ of Uu; 91 Parochial Bencfrccs in the Comity of CnPSl'RR, distinguishing tlie Rectories, Vicarages, and Paro- Benefice is vested. **,“ In addition to the ordinary Revenues of the Benefices, each of the 35 noted with a t have a fixed money endowment, as shown on the following page, and 41 Chapelries have also endowments to the amount in the aggregate of £58,000, the figures in ( ) in the Col. of Benefices denote the Number and Parish in which the Chapelries are situate, and the Col. of figure 16, 6cc., denote the Number of Townships, or Sub-divisions maintaining their own Poor within each Parish, See following page. MtlMHi.S at raufted in Atphahetical Order. teH/i No. oj reference to next Col. Acton 1 Aldcrley 3 Aldforil 4 AstbuKy 10 Ashlon 11 Audlem .... .12 Backford .... 13 Haddiley 28 Barrow 29 Barthoinley. ... 33 Bebliington. ... 30 Bidstone 14 Bowdon 15 Brereton 37 Bromborrow 38 Budworth ....49 do. Little 16 Bunbury Burton 53 (.iheadle 54 'St. Bridget 17 St. John 5 St. Martin 18 c St. Michael 19 St. Mary 6 St. (Have 20 -C .St. Oswald 39 St. Peter 21 Holy Trinty55 Christleton. .. . 56 (Church Lawton 60 Coddington. .. . 40 Coppenhall. .. . 57 Davenham . . . . 61 De-la-mere . . . . 62 Doddleston. .. 41 Eastham 42 Eccleston 7 Farndon 8 Fiodsham .50 Gawsworth . . . . 62 Grappenhall 64 Guilden Sutton 65 Handley 43 Harthill 30 Heswall 66 Ince 67 Kingsmarsh Ex.P. Knutsford . . . . 68 Lymm 69 Macclesfield 70 Malpas 32 Marbury 71 Middlewich. .. 72 Minshull Chur. 73 Mobberley . . . . 74 Mottram-in Lon.22 Nantwich .... 34 Neston 44 Northenden.... 45 Over 23 O verch. orUpton 86 Plemonstall. . . 75 Prestbury 76 Pulford 9 Rostherne..... 77 Runcorn 51 Sandbach 78 Shochlach .79 Shotwick 46 Stockport 80 Stoke 81 Swettenham 82 Tarporlev 83 Tarvin Tattenhall ... 24 Taxal 1 84 Thornton 85 Thnrstaston. . . 47 Tilston Upton, or Overc.86 M allazey . 25 Warbhrton ... . 87 Warmingham . . 35 Waverton ..... W eaverliam . . . . 27 West Kirbv . . . . 48 Whitegate . 88 Wilmslow.... .89 W istaston Woodchurch . .•91 Wrenburv . . . . .. 2 w vbunbury. . . . 59 l^arockial Benefice.^ arranged in reference to PATRONAGE. 1 Acton 10 2 W renbury, C. t 5 3 Alderley, R 3 4 Aldford, R. (1) 5 6 Cliester S ^t. John.V. t 0 City ( St. Mary, R. 5 7 F.cclestoii, R 2 8 Farndon, 1'. C. t 5 OPulford, R 2 10 Astbury, R. (1) 10 11 Ashton, R. 2 12 Audlem, V 5 6 4 9 13 Backfonl, dis. V. t 14 Bidstone, P.C. t (1) .. 15 Bowdon, V. t (3) .... 10 Budworth, Little, C... 17 St. Bridget, R. t 1 18 It Martin, R.+ - , 19 0 Michael, C. t J 20 e 01ave,C. t O 2 I ' Peter, R. t 22 Mottrani,V., R. t (1) .. 8 23 Over, V. + 3 24 Tattenhall, R 3 25 VVallazey, R 3 20 Waverton, R 3 27 Weaverham, V 7 28 Baddiley R 29 Barrow, R. ... ....... 2 30 Harthill. P. C, t 31 Tilston, R 5 32 Malpas, | ^ ^ (1) ., 24 33 Barthomley, R. (2) .... 2 34 Nantwicli, R. t 5 35 Warmingham, R 4 30 Bebbington, R 5 37 Brereton, R 2 8 3 2 8 2 8 2 7 38 Brombon'ow, D. C.t. 39 St. Oswald, V 40 Coddington, R. t... 41 Doddleston,R 42 Eastham, V 43 Handley, 44 Neston, V 45 Northenden, R. ... 40 Shotwick, P. C. t . 47 Thiirstaston, R. t . 48 West Kirby, R 49 Budworth, Great V.f (4) .50 Frodshain, V. (1) .... 51 Runcorn, V. (3) 52 Bunbury, P. C. t (1) ■ 53 Burton, P. C. t 54 Cheadle, R. 55 Chester, Holy Trinity, R. 56 Christleton, R 57 Cqppenhall,R 58 Tarvin, V. (1) 59 Wybunbury, V 00 Church Lawton, dis. R. 01 Davenham, R 02 De-Ia-mere, P. C 03 Gawsworth, R 04 Grappenhall, R. (1) ... 05 Guilden Sutton, C 06 Heswall, R 07 Ince, C.t 08 KnutsfordjV. t 09 Lymm ^ 70 Macclesfield, C.t 71 Marbury, C 72 Middlewich, V. t 73 Minshull, Church, C. t 74 Mobberley, R 75 Plemonstall, C 76 Prestbury, V. (13) 77 Rostherne, V. (2) t 78 Sandbach, V. (2) 79 Shochlach, C. t 80 Stockport, R. (2) t 81 Stoke, P. C. t 82 .Swettenham, R 83Tarporley, R 84 Taxal, R 85 Thornton, R 80 Upton or Overchurch, C. 87 Vvarburton. V 88 Whitegate, V. t 89 Wilmslow, R 90 Wistaston, R 91 Woodchurch, R Vulut of Benefice. Hope Nicholas 1291. -£■ — s — d- 48 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 20 13 4 10 13 4 6 0 8 33 0 8 5 6 8 5 6 8 11 6 8 10 0 0 6 13 4 12 0 6 9 6 8 6 13 4 13 6 8 5 6 8 6 13 4 26 13 4 10 0 0 6 13 4 8 13 4 10 0 0 6 13 4 6 13 4 6 6 8 13 6 6 7 6 8 8 0 0 10 13 4 24 13 4 21 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 6 13 4 12 0 0 Temp. Hen. Vin. -£■ — S — d- 26 13 4 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 M 13 4 : Prestbury 5 0 0 53 0 8 12 0 0 20 13 4 13 0 8 22 13 4 18 13 4 6 13 4 5 0 0 10 13 4 8 0 0 19 9 7 t30 0 0 14 10 10 16 17 8J t31 6 0 52 0 0 15 13 Hi t33 0 0 6 15 10 68 0 0 13 4 7 5 16 8 •5 0 6 +21 0 0 24 0 0 +2 0 0 + 18 14 0 +1 16 0 + 15 0 0 + 1 0 0 *6 13 4 +20 0 0 *7 4 0 13 17 6 •11 0 2^ 23 6 8 12 11 lOi *24 3 6 19 6 + 18 0 0 12 2 11 44 19 2 48 8 4 25 7 1 +27 3 4 12 4 7 30 3 4 7 0 5 +5 8 11 *8 18 4 ^5 4 2 7 0 2^ *12 13 0 *6 5 0 H 5 0 10 7 6 +23 15 0 *6 13 4 *28 13 4 6 9 4 23 13 Hi 10 4 2 13 0 7'^- *8 15 5 39 5 0 6 10 0 19 11 0.) 13 11 1 *0 2 7 23 13 4 7 4 da 6 11 10.) + 12 0 0 18 8 4 8 3 3 +26 16 2 11 0 5 11 0 7J +50 0 « *11 0 0 +23 12 6 23 3 4 6 13 4 *10 0 0 10 0 0 15 10 2-5 +26 0 0 70 6 8 5 1 3 20 8 4 •9 2 6 24 7 8) 4 0 0 10 9 6 8 t2 10 32 15 *4 0 25 9 Superfleiai is i.Sututtt Aaomal Valo* of Property, eieeiMd to IhePropartr Tax Id 1815. A mount • xpeodo() fur Meio. tenenee of POOR. isa>— 39. Popu- lation in 1831. 5 1, twj 2 r 0. C'-iq Male Agfieu/turalittt. 20 Veart uf Age, and upvmrde. Employ- 1 Col. Ugeri, TOTAL. 19,800 25,2!i8 2,451 3,928 952 120 90 392 008 4,610 5,259 631 +103 227 28 12 102 142 6,240 8,826 904 1,338 361 66 17 168 251 3,760 8,371 621 1,710 398 37 30 171 238 — 12,343 1,201 6,035 1,348 3 — 97 100 3,020 16,033 779 3,545 924 51 9 379 439 2,330 3,986 215 361 97 9 2 57 08 3,050 4,859 329 861 236 27 32 86 145 2,570 3,105 124 289 78 12 5 44 61 J 18,070 37,232 3,576 14,673 3,255 137 109 359 605 3,690 9,126 846 2,078 508 55 93 138 286 11,780 15,-240 1,915 2,978 694 71 26 423 520 3,320 4, 5,160 7,145 226 3,434 661 43 33 86 162 18,870 33,836 2,532 8,313 2,016 207 194 619 1,020 2,630 2,627 231 621 123 14 24 37 75 r 3,760 266 766 146 2 1 1 4 1,546 218 528 107 — 1 2 3 )>3,010 3,318 236 643 149 — — 4 4 885 83 4.56 97 — — 12 12 L 4,517 306 863 198 — — — — 26,260 17,170 1,651 15,536 3,545 53 210 134 397 3,920 4,721 1,320 2,924 711 24 47 94 165 4,080 6,047 579 1,080 331 34 14 85 133 3,240 2,902 273 3,247 768 27 22 184 233 3,890 6,039 523 720 180 23 10 79 118 7,340 12,642 1,208 2,321 065 85 195 184 464 ^ 2,080 2,634 132 267 75 10 7 33 50 2,620 4,504 440 678 162 9 28 104 141 500 739 25 166 37 4 8 13 25 3,570 5,590 390 873 223 23 11 102 136 25,040 30,474 3,157 5,127 1,270 136 74 682 892 " 11,600 13,132 1,641 2,523 511 53 63 206 322 ' 3,490 9,153 1,868 5,3.57 1,271 24 12 75 111 4,240 6,524 538 1,107 293 35 15 111 161 5,250 8,249 269 2,193 495 44 25 98 Ki7 4,240 5,584 501 661 186 14 43 88 145 1,200 3,321 106 449 123 15 11 55 81 ^ 5,280 20,923 1,805 6,011 1,369 28 31 195 254 2,610 4,528 219 345 90 14 1 44 59 2,420 3..590 207 356 90 10 10 59 79 7,170 13,390 539 1,580 425 34 17 192 213 1,890 2,785 258 389 86 11 2 55 68 10,260 14,344 1,121 3,518 802 45 35 229 309 5,390 10,441 624 2,121 505 73 47 168 288 3,560 5,062 335 744 227 51 39 99 189 860 1,064 10 92 24 4 1 13 18 5,260 6,439 183 1,289 321 29 02 102 193 36,450 68,304 6,042 15,955 3,867 340 248 861 1,«9 1 14,100 19,423 2,918 5,547 1,308 KMj 141 372 019 ' 21,390 36,399 2,390 10,326 2,570 138 42 411 591 j 17,600 18,9.59 2,397 4,373 1,037 110 63 417 590 2,920 3,443 458 115 ■ 21 — 52 73 6,470 18,248 1,626 8,154 1,937 52 50 237 339 1,170 10,185 604 3,298 735 5 — 50 65 3,070 7,484 201 893 195 22 21 89 132 3,050 3,695 222 498 121 14 54 32 100 ■] 11,490 17,102 1 ,856 3,415 773 81 ■ 45 326 452 20,3(i0 24,756 2,301 4,193 957 140 102 430 672 1,540 2,754 238 516 128 11 2 33 46 <),440 19,429 1,488 4,515 1,003 62 38 168 268 8,670 — — 7,452 1()9 12 15 100 127 5,480 4,825 342 847 195 30 28 57 115 2,550 (i,011 495 2,607 6!)9 72 59 118 219 1,130 2,111 58 132 32 2 8 16 26 2,070 2,230 75 40ii 98 12 9 43 61 1,.560 3,600 257 487 122 13 — 34 47 4,300 11,222 1,478 3,599 975 38 33 91 162 4,8-10 10,218 652 2,305 5!)4 31 40 139 210 2,410 30,305 4,861 23,129 6,450 15 30 200 245 3,090 3,939 5ii9 811 205 27 14 101 142 13, .330 24,007 2,057 4,785 1,247 87 55 274 416 2,250 3,500 308 468 124 10 4 51 65 4,680 8,373 508 1,271 312 47 22 127 196 3,090 6,!)30 404 737 170 18 11 80 109 (i0,330 S7,127 5,934 24,128 6,785 407 428 972 1,807 20,430 26,746 2,151 3,730 925 87 95 371 5.53 16,030 30,315 2,551 7,214 1,702 118 70 412 006 3,lb0 4,235 417 431 115 21 3 69 93 24,810 93,388 8,407 66,610 14,683 121 299 58(1 1 ,006 2.+120 3,440 142 398 104 12 10 (■>7 89 2,110 3,513 228 421 90 18 11 54 83 5,940 9,662 1,678 2,391 (>02 42 2+) 205 276 5,400 3,153 180 587 147 7 42 17 66 6,030 6,361 455 914 211 41 <) 91 141 760 1,‘250 43 191 45 6 3 20 2+) 3,1.50 3,103 230 510 110 14 22 03 99 7,090 4,143 344 909 235 29 45 88 162 7,200 11,730 993 4,29(i 1,003 47 54 238 339 1,690 2,719 158 350 !)2 14 — 3(i 60 6,030 6,968 236 929 217 27 41 107 175 Presentation ef BENEFICES Vested in Earl of Dysnrt Vicar of Acton Sir J. T. Stanley, Bart. The Marquis of Westminster P. Brooke, Esq, W. Johnson, Esq., et al. Sir R. S. Cotton, Bart. The Diocesan, who also Presents to Seven Benefices in Lancashire, set No, 5 0 / the hcclesiastical Display of >lhat County; Three othtrs in Wales; and 7 in Yorkshire; Arlecdon, Cum- berland, Casthton, Derbyshire, and two of the Churches in the Township of Manchester. I Sir H. Mainivaring, Bart. ^ The Marquis of Cholmo del ' a«d T. T. Drake, Esq. I Mrs. Egerton |. Lord Crewe I — Fielding, Esq., et ul. Jos. Royds, Esq. Dean and Chapter,— see No. 63 ; Ihis is the whole of the Patro- >nage of the Dean and Chapter of this Diocese. The Haberdashers Company R. Congreve, Esq. Sir J. D. Broughton, Burt. Earl of Derby Lord Mostyn . Bishop of JAtchfield S; Coventry — iMwton, Esq. R. IF. Tomkinson, Esq. The KING Earl of Harringtmi Rev. J. B. Stewart .kir J. T. Stanley, Bart. D. Davenport, Es'^. Edmund Yates, Esq. Lord of the Manor Mayor and Corjmration With Whitchurch, Salop Rev. ,J. Wood J. Brook, Esq. Rev. J. II. Mallory Earl of Bra<{ford Thomas lagh. Esq. Wilbrnham Egerton, Esq. Rf.v. — Arminstead ,Sir R. Pnteston, Hart. Hon, /'. M. Warren Sir H. E. Bunbury Rev. J. D’Arcy Dean and Chapter of Diocese, cl al. Rev. J. Swian Lord Berwick J. Eiclden, E.sq. With Lymm ‘And. H, Lord Delamere ,1. Clowes, Esq. P. Walthall, Esq. Mrs. Ring 217 STA'r liM I'^NT showina; fh« Number of Clia|>eliieK in Hyde i Marple t Chadkirk 5 St. Chad I Whitwell j W oodhead . . . 1 Hargreave . . . 1 Sup«rflei«* ie SUIaU Aanuti «r *";r;.T.r lb« Fr«B»rl7 Tam Is lllb. 1 Aoioaai •apanJatf hr Mala* (aaaaan of POUR, Popu- lutiuu in 1831. Private 1 Benefac- | lien. j Royal Bounty. — £- — 400 1,000 3,510 1,973 6 41 — — 2,510 11,189 1,564 9,352 200 200 2,360 2,792 192 446 ■ ■ 3,790 3,il90 007 1,028 200 200 900 1,732 60 2,569 1,000 800 520 4,547 949 2,708 — 2,070 with 2,604 145 552 1,000 1,000 Parish 800 1,000 2,830 4,073 443 400 200 200 1,030 3,245 260 863 — — 1,280 2,167 471 381 200 800 1,030 1,469 149 226 — — 1,480 1,971 103 324 New — ambrk. 5,316 1,187 2,912 400 400 1,400 1,171 104 394 — 1,000 1,460 1,146 III 346 — — 1,010 3,143 260 2,166 400 1,000 1,790 2,019 179 272 200 800 210 1,097 55 268 New — 290 2,129 79 191 600 600 2,490 9,018 91 747 200 800 1,780 2,158 56 334 1,200 600 3,180 2,541 244 547 — 800 1,980 2,585 137 453 400 600 5,750 5,989 618 1,807 200 800 — — — 200 800 4,460 7,036 795 5,856 — — 960 972 61 72 400 600 1,990 3,064 151 354 200 400 1,920 2,830 291 479 400 400 2,410 30,305 4,861 23,120 800 4,000 1,768 144 279 200 800 5,010 6,956 416 983 1,000 — 2,850 4,291 296 661 — — 530 1,223 36 143 1,000 400 1,930 3,422 257 1,322 600 600 1,190 2,928 121 332 400 1,000 760 1,611 203 406 200 200 1,230 2,605 174 292 600 600 2,700 4,754 294 2,037 400 660 5,122 458 7,144 New — 3,210 10,912 545 2,678 400 600 — — — 400 600 200 600 — — 800 ■ — — — ii? R ? ^ ^ k It. EU 400 1,100 1,200 PATRONAGE vested in Viscount Combermere Vicar of St. Oswald Mayor and Corporation Lord of the Manor Sir J. liroughton, linrt. F. It. Price, Eso 1,000 i Earl of Stamford 300 COO 1,000 400 1,400 1,400 1,200 1,000 1,300 1,800 1,200 3,300 900 300 1,200 1,200 200 2,900 and Warrington Wilbraham Egerton, Esq II. Aston, Esq. Trustees Vicar of Budworth Lord De Tabley Vicar of Budworth Edward Greenull, Esq. Trustees Rector of Grappenhall With Over Vicarage Vicar of Prestbury Mr. Parker Sir G. it arren, Bart. William Turner, Esq. Vicar of Prestbury U. Davenport, Esq. Mayor and Corporation Earl of Derby Egerton Leigh, Esq. Sir H. Mainwaring D.lf C.of Christ College, Oxon. Sir R. Brooke, Bart. T. A. Pickering, Esq Vicar of Sandbach Thomas Legh, Esq. ■ Rector of Stockport Rector of Malpas The Diocesan Wilbraham Egerton, Esq. RENFFICES in England and Wales with Annual incomes Under £.50 £'.50 ■) 100 150 200 300 400 500 y (iOO 700 800 900 1000 1500 J 100 150 200 300 400 500 GOO 7G0 800 900 1000 1.500 12000 2000 & upwards 2!I4 1,021 1,691 1,355 1,904 1,317 830 504 000 217 129 91 137 38 18 CURATES in England and Wales with Salaries of PAUPERISM & CRIME. flO'i 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 f£20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 100 110 110 120 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 210 220 J 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 210 220 L230 310 380 750 41 224 453 817 840 400 423 349 168 298 74 87 30 14 39 10 7 2 9 4 2 1 1 1 E P3 >* Amoiiiit expcmlpd for ihe Mainie- nance of ihe POOH. Annual Average price of Wheat. Number of Committals for rpixfi? .1750 14^41 27/11 1776 28,922 48/4 1785 37,3(il 49/9 1803 66,627 63/2 13 114,370 128/8 146 14 110,983 98/ 136 15 100,(i89 70/6 160 16 98,578 61/10 187 17 119,585 87/4 285 18 127,460 90/7 2(>S 19 117,959 82/9 310 1820 121,169 69/5 332 1 113,239 62/5 312 2 104,181 53/0 303 3 91,790 41/11 249 4 86,821 56/8 361 5 85,082 62/9 306 6 87,513 64/8 413 7 108,753 56/0 497 8 100,602 54/2 466 9 98,106 63/3 542 1830 106,238 64/3 534 1 103,572 66/4 513 2 105,139 58/8 572 3 52/11 689 Parishes in the Arch- deaconry of Chester, enu- merated in the Taxatio Ecclesiastica of 1291, not specified in the Valor Ec~ clesiasticus of Hen. VIII, nor cognizabie at the pre- sent time. Barwe £6 13 4 Crombrow.... 16 0 0 Hameme 10 0 0 Haworthen . . 13 6 8 Sheddeieye ..800 Wyrwin 4 0 0 X Parochial BENEFICES hating ENDOWMENTS, Backford Bidstone £35 annually Bowdon Broraborrow Budworth £\0 annually Bunbury Burton >, f St. Bridget ^ St. John ^ 1 do. Cathedral St. Martin S I St. Michael ja I St. Olave ^ tSt. Peter CoddingtoD Famdon Harthill Ince , Knutsford £16 annually Macclesfield Middlewich Minshull Church . , Mottram Nantwich Over Rosthern Shoclach Shotwick £\8 annually Stockport do., St. Andrew . Stoke Thurstaston Upton IV hitegate Wrenbury • H,CQ -£- 400 200 600 200 S3 CC <3 “=CC| — £•- 400 200 200 200 30 an. 100 200 200 200 GOO 200 600 200 200 200 200 1,000 200 240 200 200 200 200 500 600 1,200 400 200 600 200 200 1,200 800 600 200 400 200 200 400 400 400 800 200 200 200 200 600 200 600 200 200 200 600 1,000 200 *) i: ~ 1. s ? -£- 1,300 800 1,400 200 2,000 600 600 1,200 1,400 400 1,200 1,000 400 300 200 200 1 2,200 STATEMENT of the Area, Annual Value of Property, Population, Occupations, &c. &c., of each of the principal Towns and Hundreds of the County of CHESTER, the North East part of which participates largely in the Manufacturing operations of which Manchester is the centre, while the South West division, with the exception of the City of Chester, is exclusively Agricultural. The District of Northwich produces annually upwards of 550,000 Tons of Salt from Springs of Salt Water, and 12.000 Tons of rich Cheese, the produce of about 32,000 Cows. The Township of Tintwistle in the parish of Mottram in Longdon Dale is an unproductive District which includes a part of Feather-Bed Moss, bounded on the North by Saddleworth in the West Riding of York, ami South by Glossop in Derbyshire. The Township of Duckinfield in the parish of Stockport is separated from the Town of Ashton-untler-Line by the little river Tamar and the Huddersfield Canal, its productive Iron and Coal Mines and Quarries will suffice to account for a large number of Labourers umler the head of other than in Agriculture, but there is a palpable error in the numbers stated below, inasmuch, as there are within the township. Cotton Factories working upwards of 150.000 Spindles and 1500 Power Looms, Wirrall Hundred is a promontory extending about 20 miles N. by W. of Chester between the rivers Dee and Mersey, the Lower Division is an unproductive District, but being opposite the Town of Liverpool its increase of Population is readily accounted for. ■s-< CS Towns, Parishes, and Hundreds. ("Tintwistle or Mottram S J Stockport = j Duckinfield .... ^ Hyde L Macclesfield .... MacclesfieldHuudred Bucklow Hundred Congleton l^NorthwichHuud Nantwich | Eddisbury ( 1st. Div. Hundred ( 2nd. do. Broxton (Higher .. Hundred < Lower. . . . Chester City Wirrall (Higher .. , Hundred < Lower. . . • TOTALS AoDoal AmoDot Proportion of Male Pr pulation in 1831, 20 Years of Age, & upwards. Snperflciea StalDla Acre*. PropcHy, a» Aitetsed to theProperty for Maiu- of the Persons. Total Agriculturalists. Laborer* other Reiailrs. &Hand>- Manu* Tax in 1815. 1825—39. 1801. 1831. V...... Cottagrs Laborer* Tola! A^icuiiore. craft-min facturers 17,050 3,786 141 1,021 1,820 458 10 25 33 68 56 94 211 9,210 13,384 1,510 4,928 13,716 3,087 43 185 101 329 527 708 1,379 1,740 35,865 3,680 14,830 25,469 5,998 2 16 91 109 547 2,240 2,596 1,690 9,859 554 1,737 14,681 3,078 10 78 17 105 1,873 745 117 660 5,122 458 1,063 7,144 1,494 6 3 47 56 151 468 717 2,410 30,305 4,861 8,743 23,129 5,450 15 30 200 245 496 2,177 2,190 117,680 188,885 14,751 32,858 60,519 14,1,57 800 884 2,338 4,022 2,219 2,698 4,347 107,710 191,444 15,451 28,768 42 942 10,718 929 781 2,625 4,335 2,440 2,503 371 2,500 11,189 1,564 3,861 9,352 2,017 11 9 49 69 405 673 672 66,960 124,486 11,789 19,594 28,797 7,027 508 376 1,584 2,468 1,522 1,965 419 780 6,484 1,513 3,463 4,886 1,164 6 9 18 33 167 816 24 86,860 107,938 11,086 14,174 18,186 4,346 548 396 1,933 2,877 253 875 4 46,180 41,060 5,939 7,105 11,790 2.856 228 213 940 1,381 25? 722 193 43,820 69,720 6,777 10,746 15,101 3,636 353 430 1,208 1,991 443 848 — 43,310 68,268 5,173 7,488 9,305 2,309 260 156 1,181 1,597 34 467 — 34,160 60,854 3,786 5,576 7,110 1,778 201 118 774 1,093 41 293 2 3,010 55,966 4,950 15,052 21,344 4,797 45 37 524 606 609 2,641 60 33,640 49,286 2,873 6,081 7,693 1,905 200 112 765 1,077 211 415 29,680 19,166 1,344 4,663 11,407 2,665 199 201 666 1,066 476 786 3 649,050 1,083,084 98,106 191,771 334,391 78,940 14,374 4,059 15,094 23,527 12,723 22,131 13,305 Arcliilcacoiii'y of ItJCJIlAJO^J), Diocese of CIlESTEIt, Atchdcaconry of CHESTED. 248 t STATEMENT of the Extent, Value, &c., of each of the 68 Parochial Benefices, in the County of LANCASTER. In aAdition to the Chapelries on the following page, there are iO others in the Town of lAverpool, and IS in Manchester, and 10 or 12 others are now 0835 ) Building in different parts of the County. Previous to IrtHO lAverpool formed part of the Pat ish of Walton, No. 39 ; of the 20 Benefices existing in Liverpool in 1»35, Six are in the Presentation of the Corporation ; one, and Toxteth Park in the Hector of Walton; and the remainder in sundry Individuals : of the 15 in Manchester, 2 are in the PresetUation of the Bishop of Chester ; 2 in the Dignitaries of the Collegiate Church ; and the remainder in sundry Individuals. PAROCHIAL BENEFICRS, with Number of reference to their place in the District Arratiffement. Those noted with a t hare Endowments, (see pane ‘252. J r 1 Altcar, P. C.f .. near 1665 2 Ashton, U 1041 8 Aiiglitoii, R near 1251 4 Rispham, C. f 1668 I 5 Bolton, V 1174 6 Childwall, V, includes 1820 I 7 Seftoii, R near 1828 8 Brindle, R 1221 J) Bury, R 1070 10 Iluyton, V. .. near 1250 11 Oriuskirk, V. f .... 1254 12 W inwick, R 904 13 Chorley, R 1207 14 Croston, R 1192 15 Ruft'ord, C 1222 lODean, V.t 1079-88 17 Eccles, V 1166-70 18 Eccleston, R 1208 19 Flixton, C.f 1090 20 Halsall, R near 1254 i 21 Hoole, R 1223 22 Leinh, V. f 1241-6 23 Warriiiptton, R. f . . 991 24 Leyland, V 1213 25 Liverpool, C 1316 26 Toxteth Park, Ex. Pa. 1317 27 Manchester, C. C. .... 1016 28 do.. Out Parish, C. 29 Middleton, R 1062-9 30 North Meols, R. near 1661 31 Prestwich, R 1045-53 32 Penworthan, C.f.. 1225-9 33 Prescott, V 1250 34 Radcliffe, R. f 1171 35 Rochdale, V 1054-61 36 Blackburn, V 1091 37 Whalley, V 1121—65 38 Standish, R 1202 39 Walton, | y‘ | 1322 ^40 Wigan, R. f 1004-15 '"41 Aldingham, R 4340 42 Bolton-le-Sands, V. . . 1671 43 Chipping, V 1115 44 Claughton, R. near 4331 45 Ribchester, V 1117 46 Cartmell, C, t 1673 47 Cockerhara, V 4322 48 Coulton, P. C. t .... 1260 49 Dalton, V. f 4335 50 Elawkeshead, P. C. 4343 51 Pennington, C.f . . 4341 52 Garstang, V 1239 53 Elalton, R 4328 54 Eleysham, R 55 Kirkby-Ireleth, V. f . . 56 Kirkhain, V 57 Lancast r, V 58 Lythani, C. f 59 Melllng, V. f 60 Michael, St., V 61 Poulton, V. f 62 Preston, V 63 Tathani, R 64 1’uiistall, V. f 65 IJ I version, P. C. f . . . . 66 Urswick, V.'f 67 IVarton, V. f ,68 Whittington, R 4327 4342 1231 12.55 1236 4332 4310 1237 1230 4330 4333 1674 433‘) 4329 4334 Value of Benefice. Estimxited Amount Superfi- cies in Annual Value of Expended for the Population '!U -ll Pope Presentation of BENEFICE, I 2 s § Nicolas, 1201. 20 Hen. VIII. Statute Acres. Propel ty in 1815. POOR, 1828-9. in 1831. Vested in £ -d.- -£- til -s.- 10 -d.- 0 £- £ 3,580 3,983 112 505 Earl of Sefton — 4 10 0 0 26 13 4 9,300 33,736 2,606 33,597 Earl of Stamford and Warrington 14 15 4,410 8,730 2.56 1,462 'Thomas Plurnbe, Esq. 1 0 t8 0 3,490 7,616 383 1,256 B. Hesketli, Esq., — see No. 61. 6 11 *10 3 n 31,390 77,097 13,434 63,034 Bishop of Chester , — 3 5 40 0 0 5 11 8 14,580 42,920 1,624 7,706 ■ see also Bolton-le-Sands, No. 42, 4rc., 1 9 26 13 4 30 1 8 11,040 18,620 737 4,485 ' in the Archdeaconry of Richmond 12 8 d 2,940 4, mi 769 1,558 Duke of Devonshire 3 5 13 6 8 29 11 5| 22,600 52,047 4,617 47,829 1 4 6 10 13 0 6 0 8 *6 *10 9 0 0 0 9,720 31,150 19,916 52,445 759 2,087 3,412 14,051 > Earl of Derby 2 8 26 13 4 102 9 91 24,660 55,242 4,350 17,961.. — — > f33 6 0 3,110 16,771 1,637 9,282 Mrs. Master P. Starkie, Esq. 2 4 A 33 6 i 31 f22 11 13 0| 0 17,840 2,840 30,997 4,401 2,015 275 6,278 869 4 6 *4 0 0 19,340 33,720 4,932 22,944 i The Lord Chancellor , — see ah — 5 20 0 0 *6 8 0 20,240 55,250 4,311 28,083 : Melling, No. 59. — 4 12 0 0 28 16 OJ 8,090 17,064 1,101 3,068 William Yates, Esq. — 1 4 13 4 f34 0 0 2,710 7,060 818 2,099 Prebend of Flixton, in Litchfield 2 2 10 0 0 24 11 51 15,540 24,378 864 4,159 The IMisses Blundell 2 *6 14 0 2,500 4,610 550 934 Rev. M. Barton 2 4 8 0 0 *9 0 0 11,820 35,577 4,686 20,083 Lord Lilford 1 4 13 6 8 40 0 0 12,260 45,694 5,172 19,155 2 7 10 0 0 11 0 0 17,950 38,496 2,901 13,951 T. J. Baldwin, Esq. 19 15 — 1 see Note a Q above. < 1,560 2,400 1,480 589,140 27,433 308,634 27,201 1,004 29,501 165,175' 24,067 1 142,026 ) '■ See Note aoove 10 19 r 32,780 176,582 15,227 148,035 J 1 7 13 6 8 *36 3 lU 11,510 20, 1 90 2,574 14,379 Lady Siijfield 8 4 8,4.50 7,219 708 5,132 — Ford, M. D., P. Hesheth, Esq. 1 9 18 13 4 46 4 H 21,160 78,045 8,483 67,579 Marquis of Westminster 1 4 20 0 0 9,580 20,155 1,797 4,679 L. Rawstone, Esq. 2 13 40 0 0 24 10 0 34,920 93,979 6,933 28,084 Kings College, Cambridge 21 0 2,880 4,382 820 3,904 Earl of Wilton 2 8 23 6 8 11 4 58,620 93,252 7,191 74,427 The Archbishop of Canterbury ■ Rochdale Par. includes Saddleworih 7 14 33 6 8 8 1 8 45,620 107,639 12,656 59,791 3 30 66 13 4 6 3 9 ! 108,140 141,236 21,730 97,785 ' -cum-Quick in the W. R.of York 1 9 13 6 8 45 16 8 15,190 32,990 2,262 7,719 Sir R. Perryn, Knight 4 5 44 0 0 |69 i 8 80 16 3 10 [ 4 1 22,250 79,641 2,706 22,575 J. S. Leigh, Esq. 3 9 33 6 8 13 4 27,610 95,506 8,302 44,486 Earl of Bradford — — 53 6 8 39 19 2 4,680 4,800 402 884 The KING 1 o 15 13 0 4 7,630 8,990 13,841 6,885 1,230 456 1,781' 1,850 Bishop of Chester — sec also Bolton, Sfc., Nos. 5—7, 1 10 13 4 *36 4 6 22 13 0 4 0 *9 39 13 9 10 9 1,530 7,560 1,551 12,887 71 1,570 110 4,203^ in the Archdeaconry of Chester 2 4 46 13 4 18 10 2 22,960 20,118 2,328 4,802 Earl of Burlington 1 — 22 6 8 *10 16 8 10,420 16,619 1,308 2,794 Lord of the Manor 18 6 8 13,330 1,726 888 1,786 Land Owners — 3 j.» 0 “{ *17 6 8 16,210 4,577 1,137 2,697 1 2 142 0 0 22,220 ft,338 949 2, otto Chancellor o f the Duchy of Lancaster — — 5 6 8 110 0 0 2,840 2,227 112 355 1 12 40 0 0 14 3 4 26,580 37,348 3,191 9,927 Ilev. .lohn Pedder 1 — 12 0 0 20 0 3,830 6,981 442 834 R. L^. Bradshaw, Esq. — — 10 0 0 8 9 2 1,620 3,851 335 582 Rev. T. Y. Ridley 2 4 6 13 4 *5 6 ft 26,150 15,323 ft44 3,231 Dean and Chapter of York 5 12 183 6 8 21 0 n 41,850 72,089 4,817 1 1 ,630 Christ Church College, Oxon. 7 12 tU) 0 0 41 0 0 66,100 98,826 9,002 22,294 0. Martin, Esq. — 4 0 0 122 0 0 5,2 10 (5,914 25!t 1,523 ,J. Clayton, Esq. 1 40 0 0 1 10.1 21,701 18,392 97!) 1,962 The Lord Chancellor, see Nos. 15-16 1 5 66 13 4 *10 17 o' 18,330 24,283 1,613 4,708 J. Hornby, Esq. — 5 66 13 4 *7 16 ft 15,400 30,025 1,640 4,082 /*. Hesheth, Esq. 1 7 66 13 4 15 3 11^ 14,230 5!»,74l 10,654 3(!,33() Sir H. Hoyhton, Bart. — 1 6 13 4 *12 5 0 7,820 6,349 553 ft53 J. Alarsden, Esq. — 4 34 13 4 *6 13 llA. 8,970 7,676 49(> (i62 M. lEn’.swi, Esq. 6 4 12 0 0 128 18 0 ; 29,100 22,291 3,220 7,741 — Braddyl, Esq. — — 10 <5 8 *7 17 (> 4,100 3,130 414 752 The. Parishuners 1 66 13 4 178 15 0 10,470 12,720 1,419 2,151 Dean and Chapter of Worcestet -- — 10 13 4 *13 9 9^1 4, 360 5,203 313 542 W. W. C. Wilson, Esq. 249 1(H> Perpetual Curacies and Chapelries in the County of LANCASTER, with the Amount of their Endowments, and Patronage. lUO FKHl'KTUM. CUKinf'S arrunj/fii AiphaficticuUj/t as an JnJeJC to Iht follou'lni/ Columns, Accrinpton .. 71 Adinursh .... 15(i Altlium 83 Arklioliiu’.... 1<>9 Asliton *Jl Ashwortli. . • • 23 Aspull ^*8 Asiloy Atherton ... Art! wick ... AuRhton . . • Bacup Balderstouc . Becconsitl 135 Billiutre .... Billinston <>5 Birch 103 Bisphani .... Blackbuun.... C3 Blackley .... 2 Blackpool 195 Blackrod .... 64 Blatchiuworlh 47 Blawith .... 180 Bleasdalo . .. 1.37 Bolton 67 Bootle 118 Borwick .... 173 Bradshaw 55 Brou'.;htou 142 do. 177 & 180 Burnley ... 89 Burton Wood 104 Bury 30 Cartmellfell ... 187 Caton 158 Chadderton .. 18 Cheetham. . . (9iorley trhorlton (diurchtown Clifton Clitheroe ... Cliviger . . . Cockey 20 Colne 77 Cop ........ 138 Coppull .... 129 Ircleth 95 Kollct .... 175 Kirkby 121 Lancaster.... 100 Lango 08 Leatliwaite .. 178 Leek 172 Lees 15 Lever 50 Lindale 189 Littleborough 41 Littledale.... 101 Longridge .. Ml Longton .... 130 Lowick 183 Low ton 93 Lund 149 Lydgate 42 Lydiat 113 IVIaghull ... 114 IMarsden, Great 80 IMarton 194 Melling 115 Mellor 09! Milnrow . . Moseley .... Newchurch Newchurch .. Newton ..... do Northchurch Oldham .... Over-Kellet. . Over-Darwen Overton .... Padiham .... Pemberton Peel Pendleton 81 & 29 Pilling 155 Poulton .... 103 Preston 143 Rainford .... 109 Rampside .... 96 Ratcliffe .... Ribby 150 Ilingley 20 Rivington. .. . 02 17 175 06 102 90 101 53 Conistone. . . . 181 Royton 21 Crosby 116 Rusland .... 192 — 44 110 8 73 70 111 Darwen 06 Pendron .... 176 Denton 12 Didsbury.... 4 Dobeross .... 37 Douglas 130 Downham 86 Dunnerdale .. I'Menfield .... 31 Edgehill .... 12-1 Egton 182 Ellel 166 Ellenbrook .. 27 Euxton 131 Everton 119 Farnworth50& 1C8 Finsthwaite.. 191 Formby 120 Flookborough 188 Friermere. ... 39 Garstang.... 154 Garston 125 Goldshaw . . 78 Goosnargh .. 147 Gorton Gressingham Grimsargh... Hale Hambleton .. Harwood .... Haslingden .. Haverthwaite 193 Heap 32 Heapy 133 Heaton-N orris 0 Heindley .... 100 Hesketh 135 Hey Heywood . . . Helen, St. . Holcombe . Hollinwood Horwich . .. Hulton 53 Hollingfare'. . 105 Holme 88 Hornby 170 Houghton 132 Hulme 10 Huudersfield 40 112 45 16 164 3 159 , 145 126 148 67 79 13 33 109 34 19 51 PKItFETUA L CURACIES having E:\DOiyMENTS. ■f; S Saddleworth St. Helen. . . Salford Salesbury . . . Samlesbury .. Sankey Satterthwaite 185 Seaforth .... 117 Seathwaite 178 Shaw 22 Shireshead 167 Silverdale 174 Singleton .... 153 Skelmersdale Spotland . . . Staleybridge Stalniine .... Stand 23 Stavely 190 Stidd 140 Stretford .... 9 Swinton .... 28 Tarleton 137 Tathamfell .... 171 Tockholes 71 ! Tong 59 Todmorden 40 Torver 184 Tottington 35 j Turton 61 Tyldesley . . . 123 Unsworth .... 24 Up-Holland... 102 H’alinslev.... 60 Walneylsle.. 97 Walton-le dale 72 Ward I e worth 48 Warton 151 Wavertree 127 West Derby.... 122 West Houghton 52 Whitechurch 1.52 AThittle-le-Wo 13t Whitewell .. 82 Whitworth 38 Woodland.... 179 Woodplumptonl39 Woolton .... 128 Wuerdale 49 Wyersdale 165 f 1 Ardwick 2 Blackley 3 Chorltou 4 Didsbury 5 Gorton 6 Heaton 7 Newton 8 Salford 9 Stretford 10 Hulme 11 Cheetham i. 12 Denton AnhionO'i under > J Eine. ^ ijrijge . '17 Oldham • do., St. Peter... 18 Chadderton 19 Hollinwood ~ 20 Ringley 21 Royton 22 Shaw 23 Stand ,24 Unsworth '’“w-SicSKr"..: » (27 Ellenbrook......... < 28 Swinton » 29 Pendleton f 30 St. John 31 Edentield I 32 Heap a 33 Heywood 03 34 Holcombe ! 35 Tottington, Lower . L 36 do f 37 Dobeross 38 AThitworth 39 Friermere 40 Hundersfield 41 Littleborough 42 Lydgate 43 Milnrow 44 Saddleworth 45 Spotland 46 Todmorden 17 Blatchinworth . . . . . 1,48 AA^ardleworth .... I 49 Wuerdale (50 Farnworth 7 51 Horwich « 152 AA’esthoughton ^ V 53 -1;- 33 400 too 400 800 500 230 400 200 400 200 200 400 BQ 200 600 tiOO 400 400 200 600 800 200 1,000 800 400 800 200 400 400 200 600 800 1,000 200 600 400 400 200 200 200 Peel or Little Hulton 54 Blackrod 55 Bradshaw 56 Lever . . . 57 Bolton, All Saints ^ 58 do., St. George . . 59 Tong 60 Walmsley 61 Turton (.62 Rivington '63 Blackburn 04 Balderstone 65 Billington 66 Darwen, Over 67 Harwood, Great .... a 68 Lango 69 Mellor 70 Samlesbury 71 Tockholes 72 Walton-le- Dale (,73 Salesbury '74 Accrington 75 Bacup 76 Cliviger 77 Colne 78 Goldshaw-Booth . . . 79 Haslingden 80 Great Marsden 81 Pendleton .H 82 AA'hitewell 83 Altham £10 annually 84 Churchtown do. 85 Clitheroe.. d... 86 Downham .. dr. 87 Newchurch . do. 88 Holme 89 Burnley 1^90 Padiham (91 Ashton ,7 92 Newchurch Winwiik \ Lowton ... 200 600 400 200 600 400 400 800 200 200 200 200 600 800 800 ,000 600 800 200 800 1,000 600 200 800 200 300 400 200 620 400 200 600 200 1,400 400 1,000 200 94 Newton . Dalton (95 Ireleth . in < 96 Rampside Earness C97 AValney . 600 200 400 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 200 600 200 400 600 400 600 400 200 800 800 200 800 200 400 ^ § •20 9. 2 -£- 600 1,400 1,000 800 Presentation of lIBNEKiCB, Vested In Fellows Sf Wardens . of the Collegiate Church see Note, preceding page. 400 800 1,000 ^ 1,600 I 1.200 A 2.200 1,900 1,400 1,000 Rev. W. Kthelston Earl of Wilton Rector of Ashton Earl of Ntawford W arrington Rector of Prestwick 1,000 ) 300 600 l 1,800 5 1,.500 1 500 1 IF. Egerton, Esq. Rector of Middleton Vicar of Eccles 1,200 Rector of Bury 1,000 I 1,600 I J 2,000 200 1,600 Trustees — Starkie, Esq. 400 600 600 400 600 400 800 800 600 1,000 1,100 1,000 400 800 400 400 200 200 400 800 400 200 200 400 400 800 800 600 1,300 2,000 1,200 1,200 yVicar of Rochdale 2,000 Vicar of Dean 200 2,100 1 Lord Kenyon — A 400 1,300 I 2,200 y Vicar of Bolton 200 i Lord of the Manor 200 I Inhabitants A 600 600 700 > Vicar of Blackburn 1,300 , 600 j R. 1,000 ' 1,000 Bulkeley, Esq. 1,400 y Vicar of Whalley 1,600 I 1,500 200 J 800 A 700 / 1,900 'fEarl Howe 1,200 I — Whittaker, Esq. ■ I R. T. Parker, Esq. 900 j L. P. Starkie, Esq. 1,600 Rector of IF inwick 600 I Thos. Legh, Esq. 1*^ ^ J ( Dalton in Furness TFi gan PERPETUAL CURACIE.S having ENDUtVMENTS, ( 98 Aspull ... • \ 99 Billinge... 't^lOO Heindley .. A I Peiiibertori IFar- V rington f Leigh 5 •cf -£- 200 400 2 Up-holland !^00 3 Birch 400 cm 400 4 Burtonw'ood 5 Hollingfare 6 Atherton .. 7 Astley . . . . 8 Farnworth 9 Rainford .. ^'■**^‘>‘>10.81. Helen f 11 Gt. Sankey 112 Skelmersdale (113 Lydiat. . . . Ualsall 7 14 Maghull .. C 15 Melling .. S 15 SS’. f 118 Bootle I 19 Everton I I 120 Formby 1 Kirkby 2 AA'est Derby . . . 3 Tyldesley 4 tidgehill 5 Garston C/hW- 5’^7 w ; wall 1 ^ AFavertree.. teall. I 8 Woolton.... 129 Coppull 130 Douglas •2(1 Euxton 7 2 Hoghton g. » 3 Heapey C 4 AVhittle-le-W o. 5 Hesketh & B. .. 6 Longton 7 Tarleton 5 8 Cop ^9 AFoodplumpton 1 140 Stidd ( 1 Longridge ( 2 Broughton .... V. 145 Grimsargh . . . , r 200 200 400 600 1,000 200 600 400 200 400 200 800 600 730 600 6 Clifton ~ . . . . 7 Goosnargh . 8 Hambleton . .3 , 9 Lund 150 Ribby 1 AFarton 2 VVhitechurch 3 Singleton ... 5 4 Garstang ... ( 5 Pilling 6 Admarsh . . . 7 Bleasdale... 8 Caton 9 Gressingham 160 Lancaster . . . 1 Littledale , . . 2 Overton 3 Poulton 4 Stalmine . . . 5 Wyersdale . 5 6 Ellel ( 7 Shireshead . 8 Aughton . . . 171 Tatham-fell 2 Leek 3 Borwick 4 Silverdale 5 Over Kellet .... 6 Dendron 7 Broughton Kirkby - 1 8 Seathwaite . . Ireleth. } 9 AFoodland .. 180 Blawith 1 Conistone ...... 2 Egton 3 Lowick 4 Torver 5 Satterthwaite .. 6 Broughton .... 7 Cartmell-fell . . 8 Flookborough.. 9 Lindale 190 Staveley 191 Finsthwaite 2 Rusland. .. . 3 Haverthwte. 194 Marton . . 5 Blackpool 400 400 400 400 400 850 660 400 COO 800 800 400 200 400 200 1,200 600 400 400 1,000 400 400 I: IV k S ' O f 1 Coul- ton {' £- 200 200 400 000 800 400 400 200 400 400 600 600 400 400 200 400 400 200 600 200 200 200 400 200 200 400 200 400 400 200 200 400 200 200 200 400 400 600 40i) 800 25 •S« a.2 -£- 1,000 300 1,400 ) Pr srntallon 0* BENEPICK, Vested in Rector of Wigan 200 200 1,000 600 600 200 1,600 COO 400 400 COO 400 400 600 400 600 000 COO 200 800 400 400 200 800 800 600 1,200 COO 400 1,000 COO 800 400 COO 400 200 200 600 COO 800 200 000 800 800 COO COO 400 COO 400 COO COO 800 400 400 600 600 400 400 800 400 400 800 600 400 1,400 COO 000 400 COO COO 1,.500 2,100 1,400 200 > 1,000 ) I J. Dickenson Esq. } Rector of Warrington I R. Atherlnn, Esq. I Vicar of Leigh ^ Vicar of Prescott Trustees R. (iwillim, Esq. Vicar of Ormskiik Rector of Ualsall Earl of Lonsdale Rector of Sephton J. Gladstone, Esq Rector of Walton- on-the-Hill 600 300 200 400 Lord Lilford E. Mason, Esq. R. Watt, Esq. J. Blackburne, Esq Trustees Rector of Standish Rector of Eccleston Rev.J .Armetriding 1,600 S 600 k Vicar of Leyland gQQ ^ Rector of Croston I Rev. S. Master i Vicar of — J St. Michael I with Ribchester 800 I ^^°S^iVjn 1,300 ■) 2,200 g Vicar of Preston 500 3 ^ 200 i 1,500 yVicar of Kirkham 300 I 300 I f — Shaw, Esq. 500 Fitar of Garstang 1,100 I G. Hornby, Esq. 200 'I 800 yVicar of Lancaster COO ^ Fieor of Cockerham 400 COO 800 300 Rector of Halton Vicar o>' Melling J. Marsden, Esq. Rector of Tathani Vicar of Tunslall ^ Fi'car of IF arton I Ficar of Bolton Rector of Aldinghm J. G. Saurey, Esg. IF. Penny, Esq. The Vi ar ^ IF. Braddyl, Esq. Mr.&- Mrs. Machell. IF. F. Blencowe Inhabitants Landowners 200 > Earl of Burlington 800 1,200 600 200 2,200 1,700 Landowners Trustees J. Clifton, Esj. P. Hesketh, Esq. 250 STATISTICAL DISPLAY of ench of the 70 Parochial Beneficies in the County of DURHAM, distinguishing the Rectories, Vicarages, and Perpetual Curacies, sliowing the Valuation of each Benefice in 1291, 1318. and in the 20th. of Hen. VIII., in comparison with the Extent, Value, Population, Condition, and Agricultural Force of each Parish in 1831. In the Year 1288, Pope Nicholas IV. granted to King Edward I. a tenth of the Ecclesiastical Revenues for 6 Years towards defraying the expence of an expedition to the Holy Land ! ! ! which led to the Valuation under the head of 1291, which Valuation is considered to have been made with great regard to equality and fairness ; although the Tax thus instituted was proposed as temporary, it appears to have been continued, for it is stated that in consequence of the eruption and spoliation of the Scots, the Clergy in 1317 became unable to pay the Tax ; Edward II. in consequence, in 1318, directed a Mandate to the Bishop of Carlisle for a new Valuation. The circumstances attending the Valuation of Hen. Vlll. will be found dilated on, in another place. The Counties of Durham and Northumberland in 12!)l, appear to have held a relatively higher importance to some of the other Counties than at the present time,— see page 252 for the Valuation of the Temporalities of the See ot Ilurham, and several Religious Establishments. %• The last column of fmures to Nos. 51-76 imply the total number employed in Agriculture, the space not admitting of the details. The figures in ( ) and notations, imply the same as for Northumberland on the following page. PARISHES arranged in Alphabetical Order t with Number of reference to the next Column. Ancroft 27 Auckland I Ayclitl'e 32 Bedlington 33 Billiugham 34 Bishop's Middleham 46 Bishopton 56 Bishop’s Wearmouth 3 Boldon 4 Brancepeth 60 Castle-Eden 61 Chester-le-Street .... 62 Cocktield 51 Conisclitl'e 5 Craike 6 Dalton-le-Dale 35 Darlington 52 Dinsdale, Lower .... 36 ». C St. Giles .. 54 a \ St. Mary .. 64 ■£■ < do.. Little 47 5 J St. Nicholas 55 *3 L St! Oswald 37 Eaglescliffe 7 Easington 65 Edmondbyers 38 Elton 66 Elwick-Hall 8 Escombe 2 Gainford 67 Gateshead 9 Greatham 59 Grindon 57 Hart 48 Hartlepool 49 Haughton-le-Skeme . 10 Heigliington 40 Holy Island 28 Houghton-le-Spring . 11 Hurworth 68 J arrow 69 Kelloe 12 Kimbleworth, ex. Pa. Kyloe 31 Lamesley 63 Lanchester 13 Merrington 41 Middleton t St. George 70 in ( Teesdale 71 Monk-Hesleton 42 Monk-VYearmouth .. 72 Muggleswick 39 Newton, Long 14 Norhain 29 Norton 15 Pittington 43 Redmarshall 16 Ryton 17 Seaham 74 Sedgefield 18 Sherhurn Hojse, ex.Pa. Sockburn .58 Staindrop .53 Stainton 50 Stanhope 19 Stockton 20 Stranton 73 Sunderland 21 Trimdon 75 | Tweedmouth 30 Washington 22 Whickham 23 Whitburn 24 Whitwell House, ex.Pa. Whitworth 44 Winston 25 Witton-Gilbert ...... 45 Witton-le-Wcar .... 76 Wclsingham 26 Parochial Renejtcex arranged in reference Co PATRONAGE, with No. ef referejice to their place in the District Arrangement. 1 Auckland,St. And.,P.C.(27) 625 do., St. Helens » 2 Escombe , P. C “ 3 Bishop's Wearmouth, R 35 4 Boldon, R 29 5 Conisclilfe, V near 611 6 Craike, R., York 4471 7 Eaglescliffe, R. (3) 4456 8 Elwick Hall, R next 4465 9 Gateshead, R 19 10 Haughton-le-Skerne, R 611 11 Houghton-le-Spring, R. (18) 52 12 Kelloe, V. (6J 4489 13 Lanchester, C. t (18) 4482 14 Newton, Long, R 4458 15 Norton, V 4459 16 Redmarshall, R. (3).... near 1679 17 Ryton, R. (6) 37 18 Sedgefield, R. (7) 4466 19 Stanhope, R 637 20 Stockton, V 1679 21 Sunderland, R 34 22 Washington, R 42 23 Whickham, R. (4) 39 24 Whitburn, R 30 25 Winston, R near 618 27 Ancroft, P. C, t 4489 28 Holy Island, P, C. t 4490 29 Norham, V. (12) 4490 ^ 30 Tweedmouth, C. t 1676 31 Kyloe, C. t 4487 32 Ayclitfe, V. (4) 614 33 Bedlington, V 1 34 Billingham, V. (4) 4460 ^ 35 Dalton-le-Dale, V. t (4) next 52 36 Dinsdale, Low, R. t . .. . do. 4454 37 Durham, St. Oswald, V. t .. 4475 .38 Edmondbyers, R. t 637 39 Muggleswick, P. C. t near 4475 40 Heigliington, V. (7) 615 41 Merrington, V, (4) 4473 j 42 Monk-Hesleton, V. (6) 4481 | 43 Pittington, V. t (3) 4477 ^ 44 Whitworth 4474 > 45 Witton-Gilbert near 4475 ( 46 Bishop’s Middleham, V. (5 ) 4468 ^ 47 Durham, Little St. Mary t .. 4475 48 Hart, V., with 4165 49 Hartlepool. V. t 57 50 Stainton, R. (5) 616 51 Cocktield, R 619 52 Darlington, P. C 611 | 53 Staindrop, R. t (6) 618 .54 Durham, St. Giles, P. C. t . 4475 55 do., St. Nicholas t .... » 56 Bishopton, R. t (4) 4470 57 Grendon, V. t near 4466 58 Sockburn, V near 602 59 Greatham, V. t 4462 60 Brancepeth, R. (7) 634 61 Castle-Eden, P. C. t 4478 62 Chester-le-Street, P. t;. (18) 44-8 63 Lamesley 41 64 Durham, ST. Mary t 4475 65 Easington, R. (4) 4479 66 Elton, R next 4458 67 Gainford, V. (16) 647 > 68 Hurworth, R 4453 69 Jarrow, C. t (5) 25-8 70 Middleton, St, George, R. .. 4455 71 do. in Teesdale, R... 021 72 Monk-Wearmouth (5) 32 73 Stranton, V 4164 74 Seaham, R near .52 75 Trimdon, P. ( 3 . t » 4480 76 Witton-le-Wear, C. t .. ' 628 Value of Benefice, iaparflola* Slalola Aoit». Propeflj, ai Ibe ProparD Tax ID 1815 Pope Nicholas 1291. Nova Taxatio 1317. — p .A . Temp. Hen. VIII. ISSS. —£~-s.—d.- 1 50 0 0 f 13 9 4 ^ 2^ 13 ~i 1 40 0 0 ( 100 4 5 45,470 46,382 100 0 0 40 0 0 26 13 4 10 0 0 40 0 0 26 13 4 13 6 8 113 6 8 86 13 4 5 0 0 67 6 8 20 0 0 48 0 0 26 13 4 40 0 0 113 6 8 40 0 0 33 0 8 20 0 0 40 0 0 16 0 0 40 0 0 230 15 0 133 6 8 13 6 8 43 6 8 40 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 22 13 4 120 0 0 53 0 20 0 0 14 13 5 0 0 0 18 20 0 0 14 0 26 13 4 16 13 6 13 4 1 0 8 0 0 4 10 36 13 4 18 13 6 0 0 0 13 40 0 0 26 13 4 5 0 0 66 13 4 6 13 4 93 6 8 13 6 1 46 13 4 4 6 8 100 0 0 10 0 0 54 0 0 40 0 0 9 6 8 20 0 0 23 6 8 30 0 0 12 0 0 .52 13 4 16 13 4 21 5 0 20 15 0 16 13 4 6 13 4 54 1 8 50 0 0 I 6 8 3 2 0 14 0 0 34 0 0 13 6 8 1 10 0 51 0 0 2 0 0 22 10 0 1 0 0 26 13 4 10 13 4 2 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 26 13 4 3 3 4 27 0 0 60 10 4 5 10 0 2 15 4 12 6 8 4) 13 4 55 19 4 10 6 8 26 17 4 2 0 0 40 0 0 1 0 0 30 (i 8 26 13 4 4 13 0 3 6 8 13 6 8 16 0 0 6 13 4 Til 10 0 89 18 24 13 4 7 18 I3 10 0 0 28 17 1 20 18 I3 27 13 4 53 6 3 124 0 0 20 0 0 tl4 8 4 20 0 0 31 11 65 17 18 U 42 10 10 73 18 *s 67 6 8 18 0 0 20 18 39 19 9 18 n 31 13 4 +36 0 0 15 16 8 +15 0 0 13 0 0 20 0 0 13 6 8 3 *6 0 7 •4 11 51 17 0 *6 11 4 15 18 8 12 14 9^ \u 4 9) 7 12 6 ^*14 14 2 J +55 11 0 \ 19 6 +3 2 8 11 17 1 11 17 1 12 13 4 *9 18 0 >20 0 0 +4 5 0 +20 0 0 + 13 14 4 *4 5 10 *4 ^ a *7 11 5J 18 1) 1 8 60 10 5 + 11 4 0 + 15 0 0 •7 1 5J i 39 6 Oh 27 5 5 +46 1 0 4 0 0 12 16 0.J *17 6 Oj' 5 0 5 +21 5 0 *5 6 8 840 8,880 4,760 2,950 3,300 3,970 4.150 3,320 11,340 14,560 10.970 41,890 4,380 4,890 4,260 12,420 17.480 55,030 4,190 120 5,130 5,730 4,350 3.150 24,780 9,570 3,320 18,810 4,520 7,750 10,490 8,910 8.970 4,770 1,340 10,260 2,690 15,260 11.480 8.630 8,420 7,090 6,330 3.250 3,150 5,940 No. 37 7.250 840 2,160 1,720 3,470 4,160 14,990 see No. 37 5.100 3,900 2,640 2,430 21,8.50 1.630 24,740 3,390 12.410 1,060 24,370 3,920 12,330 3.100 38.410 .5,120 (),430 2,880 2,870 3,170 834 37,518 5,017 4,079 4,880 6.791 2,802 25,205 12,912 27,569 6,601 34.786 0,067 7.012 3,009 22,364 13,225 16,339 15,795 13,306 14,983 12,109 7,225 3,087 9,551 11.786 5,152 30,512 16,574 9,802 10,437 11,951 3,634 1,545 18,932 4.013 2.163 1,745 10,726 7,374 5.315 6,043 3,380 2,648 6.900 6.852 738 8.164 1,770 13,843 7,736 10,167 3,368 3,776 2,!)78 3,939 3,809 3,154 19,198 l,.52l 41,986 12,212 8,377 1,485 30,393 5.901 36,675 2,626 5,441 14,119 3,073 2.315 1.853 3,852 Amnanl •xpradod for M«ia- Pop OLATioN in 174 2,164 5.50 1,117 3,227 1.52 225 97 1.58 1,021 88 3,839 970 504 64 3,016 719 7,41)8 162 841 2,055 357 121 95 172 461 4,670 679 1,772 1 940 ( 1 754 450 363 165 484 1,.508 362 9,91)0 1,705 477 944 78 6,363 867 15,627 215 1,383 6,293 610 211 278 450 790 8,574 843 2,395 1,277 2,265 512 384 191 551 1,449 260 13,468 1,910 501 1,390 103 7,430 1 ,348 27, <195 299 3,714 9,428 736 261 276 502 pooV, 1838- 39. £— TOTAL ISOI. 1831. Far- Cotta. gota. La- rOTA 4,943 7,090 11,137 2,992 175 149 449 773 112 162 282 66 7 11 5 23 3,445 7,806 16,590 3,517 87 27 220 334 134 619 855 214 15 7 49 71 205 351 374 103 13 5 32 50 157 404 607 158 20 15 62 97 292 420 625 160 19 5 84 108 151 129 169 38 10 4 22 36 2,757 8,597 15,186 3,544 16 13 1.35 164 456 1,152 1,603 383 34 22 136 1 52 ) The Marquis of 8 ( Londonderry 74 f 40 93 27<) 31 713 — (• 200 ( 16 I 543 I 103 I 300 88 I 130 88 115 60 53 36 Sherhurn Uo.tpilal Greatham do. — Sha/toe, Esq. li. liiirdon, Esq. Earl of Durham The .4 rehdeacon — Shaftor, Esq. Trinity College, Cambridge IF. Hogg, Esq. Ciilhhei t Ellison, Esq IF, PcmhiTlon, Esq. The KING Sir II, M'illiowson Sir M. IF. Kidley. lit II'. nerkirilh Esq. IF. Chaytor, Esq. 251 STATISTICAL DISPLAY of the flO Parochial licneficcs in the County of NORTH UMIi ERL AND, (listingiii»iiing tlie Rcr.torict, Vicar- age* anil Perjietual Ciiraciei, showing lliu Killed Value of each |{enelicu in laid, and in llio 20Ui. Hen. VIII, in contimriBon with the Kxtent, Annual Value, I'upulatiou, mtion, and Agrirnltural force of each 1‘ariBh in IH3I ; ahowinc also in whom the l'atronai?e of each Henetiee i» vested. The liKures in ( ) denote the Nuniher of Siihdivis of the 'several I’liriahea, which separately maintain their ownl’oor and made a Heparate return of Population in 1H3I. The Henellees noted with an * in the time of Hen. ' have been discharnod from payment of lirst-fruits, and thoso with a t have certilied for the purpose of obtaining relief under the Augmentation Acts, seo following page. isiuos, VIII P.iltJSHKS- orrtfOjirrf In Alyhabi'ticiil Ordir, ivilft i\uml>er of rejtrence to the neil Column. Allendale T1 Allenton, or Alwhinton t Alnham S3 Alnwick Ilambovough CO Belford 70 Itellingham BO Berwick •• Birtley 5,') Bolara 35 Bothal M Branxton 15 Bywell, St. Peter.... IG do., St. Andrew 45 Carham 71 Chattou 50 Chillin(>bam 3 Chollertou 47 Corbrid^e 30 Corsenside 72 Doddington 57 Earsdon 73 Edlingbam 17 Eglinghaiu 4 Ellin^am IB Elsdon 58 Embletou 33 Falstone 81 Felton 36 Ford 68 Gaystead 82 Gosforth 26 Hallystone 2 Haltwhistle 5 Hartburn 6 Hebburn 65 Heddon on the Wall 38 Hexham 48 Horton 12 Hovrick 62 Ilderton 59 Ingram 74 John Lee, St 49 Kedland, Ex. Pa Kirkharle 75 Kirkhaugh 76 Kirknewton 77 Kirk-Whelpington .. 8 Knairesdale 39 Lambley 78 Lesbury 40 Longbenton 32 Longfraralington .... 37 Longhorseley 41 Longhoughton 60 Lowick 19 Meldon 20 Mitford 9 Morpeth 66 Nether-Whitton .... 7 Newborough 52 Newburu 22 St. Nichols Newcastle-' rat. >St. Andrew ■' A All Saints CSt. John Ovingham 85 Ponteland 34 Ramshope, Ex. Pa. . . Rivergreen do Rothbury 23 Shilbottle 43 Shotley 46 Simonburn 79 Slaley 50 Stamfordham 42 Stannington 10 Thockrington 63 Thorneyburn 83 Tynemouth 61 Ulgham 67 Wallsend 21 Warden 51 Wark 84 Wark worth 24 Whalton 86 Whitfield 87 Whittingham 31 Widdrington 88 Woodhorn 11 Wooler 13 Parochial Ptnrjiccs arranged in reference to PATKONAGK, with Number of reference to their Place In the Dirtrict Arrangement. 4552 4995 4.575 4562 4495 4534 4543 4532 4540 4537 4545 2—3 4571 1 Allenton, P. C. t (11) 9lV.o/ 2 Hallystone, (). (5) 3 ('hillingbam, V. (3) 4 Eglingham, V.(I4} 5 Haltwhistle, V.(13) 6 Hartburn, V. (24) 7 Nether-M hitton, C. (7) .... 8 Kirkwhelpington,V. (10) .... 9 Mitford, V.t ( 11 ) 10 Stannington, V. (3) It VI oodhorn, K. (8) 12 Horton, C. t (5) 13 Wooler, V 14 Berwick, V 1675 15 Branxton, V.t near 4571 16 Bywcll, St. Peter, V.t (12).. 4503 17 ICdlingham, V. (6) 4567 18 I'illingham, V. (8) 4567 19 Low ick, C 4567 20 Meldon, V.t near 4567 21 W allsend, P. C 20 22 Newburn, V. (15) 10 1 — 23 Rothbury, R. (24) 4552 133 24 M'arkworth, V. (18) 4548 f 25 St. Nicholas, V 18 5, j 26 Gosforth t (7) 6 — 8 « 27 All Saints, V Borough .. 18 3 ] C. t ? Gut Part Value of Ht'.NKFWE. Pope NU'holaSt 12DI. -£—s. — d.- 6<) 13 4 - 20 0 0 t8 0 0 13 6 8 4 0 0 74 6 8 23 3 61 6 8 12 0 n 67 18 8 20 0 10 45 18 10 7 3 4 42 1 8 10 6 8 53 2 4i 5 13 4 75 1 8 21 15 7i 20 13 4 tl6 0 0 20 0 0 6 8 D 20 0 0 10 13 4 3 6 8 42 15 4 9 18 n 30 0 0 •6 14 4 50 0 0 6 5 6 til 10 0 6 0 9 *4 7 11 02 0 0 16 0 0 133 6 8 58 6 8 80 0 0 18 5 38 13 4 50 0 0 28 St. Andrew V Borough I C. t f Out Part... 1 29 St. John, 5 thorough .. 1. C. t f Out Part... 30 Corbridge, V. (10) 4508 31 VV'hittiugham, V. (7) 4559 32 Longbenton, V. (15) 15 33 Embleton, V. t (10),..... ... 4566 34 Ponteland, V. (15) 4535 35 Bolara, V. (I8) 4528 36 Felton, V. (10) 4549 37 Longfraralington, C 4556 38 Heddon, V. (17) 4519 39 Knaresdale, R. t 4492 40 Lesbury, V. (2) 1678 41 Longhorsley, V. (8) 4544 42 Stamfordham, V. (14) 4527 43 Shilbottle, V. (6) 4557 41 Allendale, P. C. t 316 45 By well, St. Andrew t (5) •••• 4502 46 Shotley, C. t (3) 4498 47 Chollerton, V. (6) 4529 48 Hexham, C. t (5) 4511 49 St. John Lee, C. (10) 4514 50 Slaley, V.t 4500 51 Warden, V. (6) 4515 52 Newborough, P. C 4517 53 Alnham, R. t (4) near 4559 54 Alnwick, P. C 1677 55 Birtley, C. t 4530 56 Chatton, V 4574 57 Doddington, C. (5) 4573 58 Elsdon, R. (6). 4.551 59 Ilderton, R.t (6) 4563 60 Longhoughton, V. (4) 4564 61 Tynemouth, V. (8) 23 62 Howick, R 4565 63 Thockrington, P.C. t (4) . .. . 4532 64 Bothal, R. (5) near 4538 65 Hebburn, C. (7) 4541 66 Morpeth, R, (8) 4538 67 Ulgham, C 4542 68 Ford, R 4577 69 Bamborough, C. t (24) 4569 70 Belford, P.C. t (6) 4570 71 Carham, P. C 4579 72 Corsenside, V.t 4533 73 Earsdon, P. C. t (8) 3 & 5 74 Ingram, R. (3) next 4559 75 Kirkharle, V. (3) 4531 76 Kirkhaugh, R.t 4401 77 Kirknewton, V. (15) 4578 78 Lambley next 4492 79 Simonburn, R 4520 see Note Cs? ^81 Falstone 4523 preceding<®2 Gaystead 4524 Daop ^ Thorneyburn # page, f 84 Wark.. 4.521 85 Ovingham, C.t (17) 4505 86 Whalton, R. (4) 4538 87 Whitfield, R 4518 88 Widdrington, C.t 4.540 25 0 10 0 70 0 33 6 89 8 12 2 27 14 0 7 7 8 54 2 5 31 0 0 Lesbury 100 0 0 90 16 5 20 0 0 71 12 10 16 0 0 10 4 2 37 0 0 67 18 8 44 14 11 86 13 4 230 0 0 63 0 0 16 17 8 53 6 8 10 14 0 4 16 10 90 0 6 136 4 2 96 4 lOi 28 9 0 9 6 8 Temp. Hen. Yin. •£r—S. (/.- 11 n 8 12 11 3 *3 1 3 11 3 4 13 6 8 6 13 4 3 13 4 ^35 0 0 •4 18 9 8 2 10 7 13 4 14 8 1 •4 14 8 26 6 8 *3 9 2 tl 15 0 6 14 4i 13 6 8 t6 13 4 IS 0 0 8 16 3 *3 17 1 12 0 0 12 16 Oj 20 0 0 *4 0 0 *9 9 4 24 19 4 36 13 4 10 0 0 25 0 0 32 16 8 24 0 0 t2 0 0 3 1 3 11 0 0 24 16 8 3 8 4 *4 7 8i 3 13 4 34 6 3 5 8 4 13 8 li •8 0 0 f ■parfleUi lu Aaiai. Ano«a< Valua of Pruparlv, a aiiattaa (n (ha Prapvrl Tas lo Itllft Aaiotint aapandad lor Malo- laaaaca al tha POOH. IS'JS— W £ Poroi,*TiON ill Propt. rfi»n a/ UaUa, 30 l'*ar» •/ Ag*, amii Mpu’nrtfa. AGRtaVi.TVRALt»TM 1801. 1831. TOTAI Par- Catia . Kara Labjra 1 TOTAL 31,940 V 699 838 822 200 38 (J 123 107 1 19,900 ( 2^12 .391 4(i2 114 13 12 44 69 4,!)80 4,918 222 451 477 102 6 55 61 17,6.50 19,920 1,268 1,341 1,033 3H3 27 10 233 270 52,930 23,709 1,194 2,930 4,119 1,032 100 142 258 500 23,830 20,137 684 1,340 1,440 374 60 20 174 254 6,850 4,034 352 494 620 139 16 — 81 97 12,420 9,184 276 714 789 230 31 4 79 117 9,790 11,034 232 676 701 180 28 6 94 128 9,650 14,091 598 1,021 244 33 1 81 115 7,600 11,734 447 1,208 1,416 373 23 24 127 174 5,360 8,753 457 1,197 2,631 612 21 1 71 93 4,620 7,212 885 1,679 1,920 450 8 6 55 09 J 5,120 30,811 3,803 7,187 8,920 1,897 16 53 86 155 '1 1.120 2,395 97 209 249 64 4 1 34 39 21,780 13,627 617 1,303 1,478 412 50 12 190 258 11,570 9,693 406 638 568 104 24 1 !)4 119 13,970 8,194 395 944 1,125 270 21 1 139 161 f 12,740 11,030 597 1,382 1,864 408 27 6 180 213 1 1,040 2,194 26 54 114 20 2 — 20 22 1 2,560 54,576 1,051 3,120 6,510 1,311 6 3 34 43 J 11,000 21,596 1,793 4,199 4,639 1,118 36 7 171 214 -X 33,170 20,318 3,231 2,236 2,86!) 700 79 44 277 400 f 1.5,110 25,648 842 2,033 2,478 604 36 9 246 291 / 2,000 21,281 2,157 4,803 6,120 l,.554 — — 4 4 ) 6,010 19,676 785 1,385 3,540 986 25 5 130 160 A 34,230 5,453 14,396 17,063 3,978 — 1 8 9 1 19,786 3,437 5,677 1,350 8 2 37 47 1 17,287 2,879 1 4,460 11,436 2,602 2 4 38 44 y 8,254 639 2,424 568 16 6 96 114 1 15,842 ( 4,709 8,135 2,233 — — 24 24 ! 20,698 1,921 5,001 1,025 27 6 49 82 J 13,130 19,151 814 1,744 2,101 545 39 31 168 238 > 16,120 18,765 1,426 1,465 1,790 471 38 1 235 274 V 8,760 40,176 1,312 3,355 6,613 1,726 27 5 ■ 38 170 I 12,810 18,698 1,018 1,515 1,923 482 38 7 222 267 t 15,490 25,223 686 1,439 1,796 502 66 7 215 288 i 8,260 7,505 234 434 608 171 24 3 48 75') 14,750 17,157 681 1,418 1,619 444 51 28 188 267 5,730 6,407 308 671 735 216 30 1 101 132 4,590 5,765 338 473 774 204 21 2 96 119 1 8,940 1,991 269 481 566 161 6 48 48 102 > 4,540 7,814 337 874 976 205 13 4 86 103 1 13,240 11,346 438 844 952 273 36 5 136 177 17,430 23,170 801 1,652 1,736 457 56 14 226 996 1 7,310 7,454 484 1,031 1,195 340 22 13 91 126 J 45,810 12,184 1,462 3,519 5,540 1,301 29 90 75 194 'I 3,680 4,368 121 402 436 119 15 3 49 67 12,600 6,804 405 434 1,104 293 28 15 55 98 16,020 13,873 597 1,085 1,252 302 33 7 125 165 28,370 29,223 2,292 4,665 6,042 1,459 59 99 211 369 15,090 21,380 652 1,802 1,962 536 63 5 215 313 7,430 4,629 192 359 616 160 21 31 44 96 16,520 20,649 216 1.433 2,286 574 57 11 175 243 7,270 5,495 150 429 494 112 9 — 50 59 J 10,360 4,424 139 233 278 69 6 42 48 ') 16,250 22,909 2,997 4,719 6,7fc8 1,572 39 10 251 300 2,290 4,398 172 351 447 123 16 47 18 81 16,300 14,910 ()30 1,135 1,632 390 26 9 239 274 9,110 9,893 286 73 1 903 i2l3 12 9 118 139 y 62,470 19,508 1,012 1,694 1,724 445 74 58 173 305 9,670 8,443 243 475 602 152 8 1 109 118 3,990 5,230 232 554 690 183 17 — 123 140 6,570 52,132 6,125 14,345 24,788 4,561 43 35 179 257 J 1,520 2,151 199 184 208 1,520 58 1 36 95 J 5,740 4,115 170 182 203 53 7 1 29 37 i 8,200 10,124 259 622 755 208 21 1 121 143 J 6,930 7,912 257 53’9 564 162 29 2 87 ns J 7,600 7,616 1,394 3,707 4,797 1,273 29 26 152 207 3,ti20 4,146 119 320 359 101 14 2 60 76 1 12,220 17,701 777 1,903 2,110 522 28 5 132 105 il 25,100 30,356 1,471 2,935 3,919 947 55 14 456 525 1 9,380 16,948 627 . 1,324 1,965 475 29 18 109 156 I 11,470 16,751 448 1.192 1,198 266 14 — 196 210 A 9,710 4,357 124 375 524 146 14 17 89 120 J 11,060 23,301 1,855 3,641 6,400 1,424 51 12 129 192 1 14,890 4,290 74 1 171 205 62 3 2 43 48 J 5,010 2,449 203 ! 338 367 93 10 — 08 78 & 5,940 1,459 158 ! 275 309 72 8 7 15 30 il 34,010 19,462 572 1 1,406 1,674 387 26 5 2(il 292 - 2,310 1,218 84 i 209 252 79 9 13 18 40 i 16.050 10,933 370 1 900 1,135 255 30 15 126 171 ' 15,440 11.383 816 1,416 1,924 347 26 25 92 143 ( 57,700 6,673 203 ' 437 521 145 12 6 91 109 2.5,980 1,989 115 199 247 73 8 5 38 51 18,100 213 322 334 71 6 19 20 45 1 26,090 6,793 412 960 801 237 20 29 89 138 j_ 15,740 19,475 1,111 2,628 3,028 850 61 36 189 286 1 6,160 9,985 256 470 548 153 24 2 73 99 2 8,180 4,789 153 393 3h8 106 12 5 52 69 1 4,510 5,181 243 446 1 395 611 9 12 2 66 1 SO - Prenentalum 0 / HliNI.IICf, Vented in Bishop ■ 8 4 3:.^ CS AV^)lviston 3 Auckland, St. He- Q len, W. Auckland, Barony & Fven wd. Hamsterley. . . . Barnard-Castle . . Cornhill Croxdale Ebchestcr Esh, or Ash .... Esk orEsp Green Medonisley .... Satley Egglestone Huiistonworth .. St. John I Tanlield I Weardale,St. Jno. l^Westoe Bishop.s Wearmouth Maughton-le-Skerne Stranton St. Oswald Monk -Wearmouth . By ton Billinghara Auckland, St. Andr. do. Gainford Norhatu St. Oswald 13 9 4 18 6 0 30 <) 0 11 1 0 ■ Lanchester 10 Middleton Edmondsbury .... Sunderland Ghester-le-Street Stanhope Jarrow R Z J cs u K b c z j St. John Lee \ S Elsdon St. Andrew Shotley I Embleton | 1 By well, St. Peter .. | I Allendale j Lesbury Earsdon Chollerton Corbridge Simon burn Ovingham Woodhorn Bothall 11 4 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 Byrness Cramlington .... High Blanchland Uenington Bock Whittonstall Nine-banks Allenhead Alemouth Blyth Chipchase Halton Shiels. . . . Humshaugh .... Mickley Newbiggen tSheepwash COO 4 8 11 3 17 1 1 KNnOWMKNTS ' Sup«rAol*» AiBonni •ipiodod ot tho POOR, 183^79. Popu- 1 ii .51 • 1 k ^ V. 1 1 ~ 5 K s « 2 In Sl«lut« Acr«». Prnpflrt*, « AuMted lo • bo Proport Tiki In 1(116 latiuD in 1831. a.cq 1 test) a, EU -£~ -£- --£- 1,030 1,418 56 183 1 1,C70 754 10 90 I 800 1,985 72 144 1 1,700 1,723 100 311 1 2,480 2,018 207 .591 with ^ dtes head with Stun hope — 2,190 9,115 1,355 5,424 170 12,227 3,978 9,091 1,730 8,922 423 2,301 400 000 — 1,310 j 5,135 753 2,539 1,270 1 ,380 309 1,184 1,.570 2,918 145 305 4,880 3,487 148 403 2,030 1,1.58 117 333 1,240 2,073 112 302 2,070 3,110 182 420 4,540 7,019 2,702 3,951 800 400 600 2,399 1.813 284 582 1,780 1 ,828 1.55 410 400 400 1,100 3,720 4,923 041 l,.529 C 5,110 4,880 818 1,019 200 200 1,000 2,820 2,309 284 503 000 200 1,100 3,810 7,310 i;o94 4,430 400 400 4,430 8,210 371 705 200 200 with St. Os wald 200 200 — 550 1,221 104 255 — 800 — 2,910 2,418 88 486 200 000 200 5,890 4,376 204 406 — 1,000 860 2,510 57 112 — 800 7,700 2,014 149 623 200 600 10,380 1,359 63 511 500 1,000 1,300 — 200 200 with Beam ish — 400 1,800 with Stauh ope — 200 1,700 1,590 12,194 2,000 9,082 200 COO 47 98 — 800 600 — — 100 495 400 800 200 — 143 251 400 000 — — 155 206 200 400 300 — — — 200 000 200 720 4,858 130 931 400 090 300 — 92 454 400 800 1,005 109 273 400 800 — — 2,627 94 200 000 800 — — 3,081 192 330 400 1,000 COO — — — 200 127 415 4,909 450 1,709 — 422 — — 19 56 — — 129 381 — — 72 211 — — 104 519 — 404 — 57 PATRONAGE, vested in Vicar of Red Marshall ^ Vicar of Gaiiford Rector of Gateshead do. Stanhope IF ith Jarrow Peon and Chapter With Vhestcr-le-St. ) Rector if ( iIoup;hlon-le-Spring } Rector of ^ Bishops Wearmouth Vicar (f Stranton do. St. Oswald T. ./. Muling, Esq. With Rytoii, B. D. ^ C. (f Diocese Diocesan W. Chaytor, Esq. Vicar Ilf Gainford do. Sorham do. St. Oswald do. Lanchester Rector of Middleton J. Ord, Esq. Diocesan Lord Ravensworth Rector of Stanhope Vicar of St h. Shields ? ^ The Beaumont Family ~ S S Perpetual Curate of Bamborotigh Rector of Elsdon Sir M. W. Ridli y. bt. Diocesan i,- Ld. Crewe Vicar of Embleton Dean and Chapter The Lord Chancellor With Lesbury Sir M. W. Ridley, bt. With Chollerton, V. With Corbridge, V. Vicar of Simonhurn With Ovingham With Woodhorn, V. With Bothat, B. Parochial BENUFJCES having ENDon DURll.\M. a;cq Ancroft 27 200 Bishopton .50 200 Castle Flden 00 20o Dalton-le-l)ale .... 35 200 Dinsdale, Low .... 30 200 - / St. Giles 54 ' 40o «\St. Mary 03 j 400 •£ do. the Less 47 20o 5 y.St. Nicholas .. 55 400 ^ f St. Oswald 37 Uo an. Edmondbyers .... 38 — Greatham 58 200 Grindon 57 200 Hartlepool 49 OOO Holy Island 28 400 Jarrow ’ 08 400 Kyloe 31 200 Lanchester 13 1,0-10 Muggleswick 39 200 Pittington 43 200 Staindrop 53 — Trimdon 74 200 Tweedmouth 30 200 tVitton-le-Wear .. 75 400 NORTH- UMBERLAND. Allendale 44 200 Allenton 1 400 Alnham 53 — Bamborotigh 09 200 Bel ford 70 j 800 Birtley 55 j 400 Branxton 15 400 Byw'ell, St. Peter . 10 do., St. Andrew 45 200 (^orsenside 72 250 Earsdon 73 Embleton 33 Hexham 4.S 420 Horton 12 200 llderton 59 Kirkhaugh 70 200 Knaresdale 39 Meldon 20 400 Mitford 9 400 Newcastle St. Andrew ... . 28 All Saints .... 27 St. John 29 Ovingham 85 200 Shotley ±T0 ann««% 40 200 Slaley 50 200 Thockrington .... 03 200 W'iddringtou 88 200 endowments -£- 400 200 200 200 200 400 200 COO 400 400 200 200 200 200 400 400 200 200 200 400 200 400 400 200 000 400 000 800 400 200 000 800 000 400 000 200 300 200 200 -£- 800 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,000 1,000 200 900 200 400 400 200 500 1,100 000 1,200 200 800 000 COO 300 1,100 600 12,200 600 j 1,000 000 400 400 200 400 800 1,800 1,200 1,200 8 0 0 13 4 1 0 0 4 18 3 0 0 Prior of Tynemouth } in Newcastle ^ « W halton e Bothall « Woodhorn n H art!) urn n Ovingham 3 10 0 n Wooler 4 00 Prior of Carlisle in Newcastle... do. in Hartburn, jointly w'ith Bishop of Durham j _in Whittingliam 40 0 0 rThe Bishop 2600 13 4 Prior of Durham 020 0 0 Tynemouth .... 200 0 0 Hexham 104 0 0 BT’inkburn .... 31 5 7 38 13 4 WO 0 0 Lepsor deBoolt 20 0 0 A.bbot Novi Monast .... 220 0 0 Alnwick 30 0 0 Jedeworth 16 0 0 Albalanda ...... 9 0 0 Melrose 8 19 0 Kelso 7 14 ■\ do. in Bamboro’ 7 8 0 Prioress of Nesham .... 19 00 Novo (Castro 17 10 7 Hallyston .... 24 0 0 Lambeleye 8 10 0 Gyesnes 3 14 4 Caldestren.... 2 0 8 Hospital of Sherburn .... 67 0 8 Gateshead 18 0 0 Tweedmouth 10 0 0 Greatham .... 6 13 4 Magr. de Karhm 13 0 0 ^ Epatu. Lincoln in Strox.l7 0 8 32 PA IU.SIIE.S in the County of Norttnimbfrland, the Vicar of which in 1291 was Assessed as below, in addition to the Amounts on the preceding page. ^7 Parochial Benefices in the County of LANCASTER, having Endowments. Alnham 0 13 Byw'ell, St. Pet. 9 1 1 do., St. And. 0 0 Chatton 50 0 Chillingham 0 13 Corbridge 9 10 Edlingham .... 20 13 FJlingham .... 613 Felton 0 13 Haltwdiistle. . . . 21 1 Hartburn 37 4 Heddon 0 5 llderton 10 0 Kirkharle 5 9 Kirkiiewton 20 0 Lesbury 0 13 Longhorsley 7 5 Newburn 11 I Newcastle .... 20 5 Shilhottle 5 0 Tynemouth .... 0 I Warden 0 2 Warkworth . . . . 20 0 Woodhorn .... .50 0 Whittingliam .... 10 0 . fBedlington 12 14 Pi I Chester-le-st.33 0 ^ I Easington.. 5 0 * Lanchester 23 0 § I Midchester 0 0 Q 1 Norton 20 0 f.Staurton .. 0 13 4 4 0 BENEFICES "i • a ^ K r .2 "a ^ arl'ia- ntary rant. U see page 248. k ^ ^ 50 4 — £- -— £- — £- 0 Altcar 1 600 1,200 4 Bispham 4 400 41)0 4 Boltiin-le-moors 5 200 200 4 do. le-Sands 42 200 200 0 Cartmell 40 200 0 Chipping 43 400 400 200 8 Coulton 48 400 400 GOO 0 Dalton 49 COO 400 1,500 0 Dean 10 527 200 COO 0 Flixton 19 000 200 1,400 4 Huvton 10 200 1,200 OJ Kirkhy-lreleth 55 200 400 1,700 2 Leigh 22 200 200 0 Lytham £7 an. 58 800 000 COO 0 Melling 5!) 409 200 1,400 2 Ormskirk .... 11 200 200 0 Pennington .... 51 200 000 0 Penworthain 32 1,000 0 I’oiilton 01 400 coo 0 Badcliffe 34 200 — 1,099 0 Tunstall 04 41)0 400 — H Illverstone .... 05 200 200 0 i Urswick 00 — 200 1 ,200 '8 ! Warrington .... 23 400 000 1 ,200 0 1 Warton £30 an. 07 1 ,400 0 1 Whalley 37 200 .300 000 4 » Wigan 40 000 2,299 STATEMENT shorving the variation in tlie intrinsic and current value" of tlieSiLvKR Coinage of England from 1290, down to the present time. The SiaiKtar i nf ■)3 Elir. as w. II in regard to Current Value as to purity, contimacl down to 1S16, at wddclt time tile C(dus tlieu in cireulatiou liad Inst nuicli tty altrasioii, m consequence of wliich. all were exclianged at tlieir lull Cur- rent Value for an eiilire new Coinage of Clowns (5 shillings) Half-Crowns, Shillings, and Sixpences of the same degree of purity, hut at the rate of tld stiillings to ttie lb Troy. The extreme variation will he seen to iiave been between 1535 atni 1552, at llie iaiicr dale the ditterence was as 15 lo I compared with 1290, and 4 lo 1 in ciuiiparison with the present time ( 1835.) Tiie cost of exehaneing New for tlie Old worn Coins at their full Current Value in 1SI6, inclu- ding Ihose for Ireland was £749,780. Yeftri Rcigoi. Pore 5ii 'Vrigbt Ilf Alloy Shininjta lulo wblcb tha £T...y hat bf»n ('ulo«d. 0 . .1 01 . dwta. 1200 18 Edw. 1 11 2 18 20 3 1337 10 a III. .. # 22 0 1354 27 • " /; 0 25 0 1422 9 Hen. « 0 30 0 1422 1 « VI. .. /. a 37 0 1425 4 » St 00 . . at 31) 0 1401 39 a « « • 0 0 0 0 0 1.537 37 a a . . 4 0 8 0 0 1547 1 F.dw. \ I. .. at 0 1549 3 a a .... (i 0 0 0 72 0 1,551 6 a a .... 3 0 9 0 0 1.552 0 a 11 1 lit 00 0 15.53 IMarv n 0 1 0 0 1.5.59 2 Eli/,ahcth .. 11 2 18 0 1001 43 a M 18 02 0 1810 50 Get). III. . . . 0 00 U 253 S'l'ATIS'riCAL DISPLAY of oiicli of tlie 32 Parochial Bcnejicies in Uie County of WESTMORELAND, (listin(rniHliint( the Rectoricn, Vicnraiies, anti l‘ Ottbi(s. The sum Total of the - — — ... — , j, . .. ■ ^ ^ . • » lioivever, the following Places were then enumerated which have no analogous name at the pro.sent time, Viz. J'.stoii, valued at x4 0 b, Camook at 18, Ayiistapelith at 110 0 5, Bricekirk at KiO and the \'icar thereof at 113 0 8, and Crosseliv at 115, Uie two latter appear to have sufl'ered greatly by the spoliation of the Scots; Bricekirk in 1317 being reduced to 13 0 8, and the Vicar to 15s., and Crosseby to 13. fhe Total in 1201 also includes 112fi 7 7 at w hich the Bishop was assesed ; the Prior of Carlisle at 1% 10 do. in .Stanwix 110 8, the Abbot of Ihmte ? Shap at 14(> 13 1, the Prioress of Krmithwayt at 110, and the Prior of Wetheral at 1.52 17 0, a School in Carlisle appears to have enjoyed the Value of tiie llenelice of Dalston and part of Stanwix. q; u; CO w 3: o O. 2; o g a: o K Parochial Hnicfices arrangcft in reference to PArHt)\’AGh:, tvith dumber of reference to their Place in the Dhtrict Arrangement. ■ 1 Clibuni, 11 next 42fi0 2 Clifton, K 4273 3 Musgrave, K.t 4251 4 Orniside, K. (Ermishevid ) 4255 5 Appleby, St. Michael • or Bongate, V. (4) » 0 St. Lawrance, V. (6) 4256 7 Morland, V. (8) . 4268 8 Brougham, R 4274 9 Kaveustonedale, C. t 4261 10 Barton, V. (6) 4272 11 Lowther, R 4270 12 Shap, V. + ( Heppe ) 4265 13 Duftoii, R 4257 14 Kirkbythore, R. (3) 4259 15 Long Rlai'ton, R 4258 16 Asby, R 4263 17 Askham, V. (2) 4271 18 Bampton, V. t 4266 19 Brough, V.tf Burs^h sub Mora J4251 20 Crosby-Garrett, II. t (2) .... 21 do. -Ravensworth, V. t 4264 22 Kirkby -Stephen, V. (10) .... 4253 23 Newbiggen, R. * 24 Orton, V. ( Evirton ) 4262 25 Warcop, R. (4) 4254 '26 Beetham, V. t (6) 4281 27 Burton in Kendal, V. t (3) 4279 28 Grasmere, R. (4) 4296 29 Windermere, K. (3) 4291 30 Heversham, V. (7) 4284 31 Kendal, V. J ^“^“ 27 ^ 32 Kirkby-Lonsdale, V. + (9) 4275 PERPETUAL CURACIES with the Amomit of their Endowments, and Number of reference to their respective Parishes. 26 IVitherslack, in No. 26 .... 27 Preston-Patrick C Ambleside 28 ? Langdale ( Rydal and Loughbrig .... 29 Troutbeck 30 Crosstliwaite and Lyth .... r Crook I Grayrigg Hugill Kentmere [field Underbarrow and Bradley I Winster Helsington t’9 15s. ann. Hutton, New do.. Old & Holmescales Natland St. George Selside, with W'hitwell •< Sleddale, Long . Stavely Over 'Barbon Firbank OC.J Hutton Roof j Mansergh ! Middleton [Killington ZU td a C Bolton 7 J Morland C Thrimby .f, ) Kaitoop & Patterdale t Martindale j j j Milburn / Temple Sowerby .... 19 Stainraore ^18 Mardale Eutue of HEMEFlCf. Eojie Nicholas, I-.2UI. -£- rf. 13 6 8 10 0 0 13 6 8 13 6 8 t 30 0 0 M3 6 8 il5 0 0 MO 0 0 80 0 0 26 13 4 13 6 8 6 [0 6 40 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 13 6 8 40 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 17 3 10 13 6 8 30 0 0 24 0 0 j 40 0 0 > 5 0 0 (90 0 0 ( 26 13 4 (20 0 0 MO 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 16 0 0 10 0 0 66 t3 4 133 6 8 ( 86 13 4 M6 0 0 Temp. Hen. nil. 1533. -£—S.—d.- 31 1 8 4 3 4 10 0 0 5 15 6 10 0 0 13 0 0 7 5 0 6 13 4 6 10 0 8 6 0 9 16 5 10 9 17 10 15 0 8 5 0 9 5 0 7 3 4 3 1 6 4 8 4 2 10 0 8 0 0 8 10 0 5 0 0 Nona Taxalie 1317. 3 8 8 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 non suf 13 6 8 4 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 2 13 4 2 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 16 8 5 0 0 no' suff 5 0 0 no’ suff 3 6 8 10 0 0 13 6 8 .3 6 8 2 13 4 20 0 0 13 6 8 13 6 8 3 6 8 Temp. Hen. nil. 1535. -£ — S. — d.- •9 1 5J 8 3 4 *16 1 11' 17 17 3J ! *20 13 9 • 952 ; j *11 18 0 16 10 7J 18 0 0 14 1 1} 25 7 3i •8 15 7i *10 2 61 37 12 11 21 15 7J 23 13 4 6 0 0 *7 5 0 8 8 9 •19 4 4i 1*7 13 4 ■ 48 19 2 *4 14 2 1 16 17 3J 9 5 1 13 7 4 15 17 0 28 11 6^ 24 6 8 36 13 4 92 5 0 *20 15 2 Amount of ENDOWMENTS. Private Benefaction 400 400 200 200 630 200 400 200 200 400 400 400 200 200 400 400 400 200 200 200 400 200 400 400 10 0 0 9 0 0 10 15 7J 8 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 26 0 0 200 500 500 400 600 200 600 800 *1,100 g * 1,000 400 400 400 600 200 800 Sup«rS«Ua Ir SiRlSit ARtlRRl Vaiua of Proparif, a* aiiesiail tn (ha Fropartr Tax to 1816. AmouDt axpendad Iwr Maia- laDaoo# Iff lha POOR. IS38— 29. £ Population in Malt Agricultyraliatt. )0 Ytara «/ Ag», amd uptaardt. TOTAL. Bapluy* l‘JI Col. tatara. La borara TOTAL 1801. 1831. 1,360 2 , 1 17 ii 157 229 59 4 6 30 40 1,520 2,672 163 219 288 76 7 13 28 48 2,940 1,.547 118 1.59 179 50 9 11 20 40 2,430 1,999 99 171 190 55 9 16 19 44 14,550 6,859 339 908 1,264 347 37 15 89 141 6,350 7,373 657 711 1,459 359 40 16 93 149 15,260 15,465 906 1,511 1,940 529 62 132 187 381 6,580 3,235 22 167 171 56 16 36 52 18,540 6,225 678 1,138 1,036 284 15 96 100 211 33,690 10, .565 577 1,060 1,537 455 78 60 146 274 3,090 4,474 324 373 494 135 8 16 41 65 27,770 5,677 405 828 1,084 269 33 66 87 186 20, .560 2,311 180 392 554 148 11 16 13 40 11,030 6,942 390 783 1,231 318 38 21 101 160 3,200 4,307 308 432 819 213 29 27 62 118 8,880 2,994 199 357 436 114 15 50 13 78 3,000 3,183 222 418 587 144 17 17 45 79 10,390 4,237 363 600 636 180 81 23 42 146 22,650 10,056 708 1,437 1,882 482 34 111 84 229 4,580 1,795 79 245 286 84 13 15 36 64 15,460 7,313 450 789 928 257 50 36 111 197 31,870 15,487 1,139 2,515 2,798 713 74 100 137 211 1,140 946 73 126 140 43 4 4 16 24 21,430 8,963 657 1,230 1,.501 398 43 120 131 294 10,020 5,3il7 354 707 680 192 36 40 70 146 12,850 9,750 957 1,248 1,639 435 40 63 197 300 9,170 11,826 1,171 1,182 1,930 443 28 34 80 142 24.550 7,333 1,006 1,338 2,083 569 84 41 181 306 19,980 6,887 602 1,153 1,632 423 36 48 102 186 19,350 24,083 2,123 2,863 4,162 1,026 103 95 322 520 21,202 3,014 6,892 10,015 2,264 4 2 74 80 48,265 1,097 5,666 7,412 1,875 287 270 448 1,008 33,760 29,952 2,376 3,061 3,949 1,025 90 109 343 542 4,430 210 306 488 140 14 21 56 91 3,500 3,719 351 335 418 112 16 17 29 62 — 2,842 380 538 1,095 278 19 ■ 95 114 1,479 217 300 314 116 13 22 31 66 — 1,445 211 230 315 86 34 4 24 62. ■ 1,628 111 310 349 98 14 20 18 52 7,880 5,218 464 509 721 198 36 23 40 99 1,109 137 179 246 74 9 17 21 47' 1,998 176 199 212 60 3 23 11 37 s 1,449 67 237 367 101 10 10 15 35 s 1,409 102 166 191 54 12 12 21 4.5 3,346 405 376 526 130 34 12 51 97 3,556 198 230 296 81 18 3 52 73 “^ 1,490 132 125 172 46 11 3 14 28^ 3,244 326 368 429 99 9 14 37 00 ; !• 1,959 107 205 236 60 6 6 19 31 i 1,873 145 192 263 .55 9 27 10 461 1,892 140 187 199 49 16 17 7 40 2,874 253 455 602 101 6 9 14 291 4,690 2,626 126 242 318 82 5 9 32 46'| 2,080 2,062 174 179 351 54 4 25 20 49 2,410 1,485 117 163 289 83 10 7 30 47 1,450 2,811 147 134 232 65 16 — 34 50 5,180 4,139 207 303 286 90 12 15 42 69 6,680 2,996 270 314 302 74 6 17 35 58 J 3,019 185 324 391 100 14 19 21 54-j — — — 415 102 6 14 30 50 — 1,270 17 60 81 18 6 3 9 181 — 1,842 193 261 400 130 16 15 26 57 — 1,455 55 165 182 54 5 11 25 41 — 1,707 127 237 325 91 22 10 36 68- — 2,604 124 299 438 104 6 — 22 28 ( 4,924 283 630 707 173 13 52 41 106 ( 1,453 156 ' 314 256 76 12 24 12 48 — 1,354 94 i 237 256 76 14 18 19 51 — — — — 49 15 4 5 5 14 Presentation of BEN 1. 1 ICE, Vetted in / Bishop of Carlisle \see No. 22, pa'^e 251, and Dean and Chaptei of Carlisle - Earl of Lonsdale Earl of Thanet Marquis of Londonderry E. Bolton, Esq. The Lord Chancellor Queens College, Oxon. Dr. Burn, et. id. R. Howard, Esq. Rev. T. P. Williamson W. Crackenthorpe, Esq. J. Teasdale, et al. W. S. Preston, Esq, Duchy of Lancaster Miss Hutton ?86 ( Lady Fleming The Vicar Inhabitants ' Sir R. Fleming, Bart., ^ as Rector of Grasmere With Rectory Inhabitants and Vicar - The Vicar of Kendal ^ Vicar of Morland Earl of ! onsdale \ J. de Whelpdale ^ Earl of Thanet t .Sir J. C. Mu.sgrare i'icar of Shap 254 STA'l'l STIC A li DISPLAY of each of the 102 Parochial Benefices in the County of CUM tmd Frrpchml Curacies, showing tlie Valuation of each Benelice in 1291, in 1317, and in 1535, compared witli the E force of each Parish in 1H3I ; see Note at head of pate 250 for the oritiu of the several Valuations; the Parishes, No. 4, &c, 11 / i.iMi V. I .. iA RISHES arranged in Alphabetical Order. U'Uh No. 0/ reference to next Col. Afidingliam .... 23 Aikloii dl Aiustable 72 AMsione 73 AllhallowB I ArD/ctlon •••••• 57 Arliiiirtit 74 Aspatria 2 Ba'isentb waite . . 24 Bx'anmont 42 Heckermet .... 07 Uees, Si 52 Rpwcasilp 21 lln khy& Muncastr G5 44 Booule 47 llowness ........ 45 JBraniptou 84 Bridekirk 78 Brigbain 53 Bromlield •••. • 3 BiirgU 77 Calbeck 16 Caiiimertoii .... 25 Carlattou 13 Carlisle 26 Cuthbert, St 26 Castle Carrock .. 15 Castle Sowerby.. 28 Cieator 58 ClolTock, Ex.Pa. nr.83 Corney 48 Croglin 80 Crosby 4 Cross-CannoDby .. 27 Cro&stbwaite .... 5 Cninrew 29 CumwhiUon .... 30 Dacre 78 Balston 6 Dean 59 Dearhain 8 1 Denton N. 17 do. , 85 Distington 49 Dregg 60 Edenhall 31 Egremont * 61 Varlam 87 Flimby 89 Gilcnix 7 Gosforth 62 Greystock 90 Grinsdale 91 Hale with Wilton 54 Harringloi] 63 Hayron 32 Hesketin the Forest 33 Holmecultram .. 95 Hutton in the Forest 18 Ireby 34 IrtbingloD 92 IrtoH 64 Issall 96 Kingmoor Ex.P. nr. 26 Kirk An ( on Esk 75 -drews* ^ on Eden 43 do. Brampton .. 46 do. bride .... 97 do. land 35 do. Linton .... 93 do. Oswald .. 79 Lamplugb 68 Lanercost Abbey 86 Lazonby 8 Lorton 55 Loweswater .... 56 Melmcrby 98 Millom 69 Moresby 50 Muncasir& Rirkby 65 Newion-Rigny .. 9 Orton 99 Ousby 19 Penrith lO Pluinbland S2 Ponsonby & New. 70 Kenwick H Rocklltfe 36 Salkeld, Great . . lOO Sailer, Ex. Pa. near 52 8caleby 20 Seberghain .... 22 Skelton lot Sranwix 12 Stapleton 88 Tbiirsby 37 Torpenbow .... 13 Ublale 102 Wabertbwaiie ... 66 Walton 94 Warwick ... .. 38 Wefctwarr) 39 Wetherall 40 Whicharn 51 Wliitbeck 71 Wigiotl 14 Workington .... 83 a ’ i'aruclnul lienvfives arrutified in reference to PArno\AG/c, U'ith Numbers of reference to DisTiuCT Aukangbmsnt. f I Allhallows t next 2 Aspatria 3 Broomfield 4 C’rosby-upon-Eden t 5 Cross- ^ Keswick ) tliwaite + t rem. of I’ar. ^ ti Dalstou 7 Gilcrux 8 Lazonby 9 Newton-Rigny t • . • ■ 10 Penrith 11 Kenwick f 12 Stanvvix ^ 13 Torpenhow Carlattou near .4wig,.n, j;;-™ j 15 Castle Carrock .... 16 Caldbeck 17 Denton-Nether t •{ 18 Hutton-in-the-Forest 19 Ousby near 20 Scaleby t the 4374 4381 4382 4452 4361 1264 4378; 4398 ; 4407 4390 ; 4109 4429 4375 ; 4444 1267 4440 4396 1266 4405 4399 4430 Value of Benefice. Pope Nicholas Carlisle q; a: o Cl o a o I*, « 21 Bewcastle t 4437 ,22 Seberghain t 4411 '23 Addingham 4400 24 Bassenthwaite 4371 25 Cammerton t 4308 f f City 1262 \St.Mary J within < ft without J St. t 5 within V Cuthbert f withot. 27 Cross-Canonby t near 58 28 Castle-Sowerby .... 4404 29 Cumrew t 4415 30 Cumwhitton + 4441 31 Edenhall 4401 32 Hay tout 4447 33 lleskett-in-the-For. t 4395 34 Ireby t 4373 35 Kirkland 4399 36 Rockclilfe t 4419 37 Tliursby t 4117 38 Warwick 4415 39 Westward t 4384 ,40 Wetherall t 4414 41 Aikton, R 4425 42 Beaumont, R. t .... 4418 43 Kirk Andrws. R.tnr. 1202 44 Bolton, P. C 4374 45 Howness, R 4122 40 Kirk-Bampton, R. t 4428 "47 Bootle, R 4350 48 Comey, R. t 4360 49 Distington, R 03 60 Moresby, R. t 65 51 Whicham, R 4348 (Whitehaven 64 52 St. Bees< Preston Qr. 67 C. t f Remainder 53 Brig- J Cockermouth 4300 ham,V. ( Remainder 54 Hale, C. t • •• • near 69 55 Lorton, C. t 4365 50 Loweswater, C. t 4359 ^ 57 Arlecdon, C. t 4350 ' 58 Cieator, C. t 4355 59 Dean, R 4358 60 Dreg, C. t 4353 61 Egremont, R 69 62 Gosforth, R. t 4354 63 Harrington, R 62 04 Irton, C. t 4351 65 Miiiicaster, C. t . . 4351 66 Waberthwaite,IL t nr. 4351 67 Becker- J St. Bridget met, C. ( St. John nr. 09 68 Lamplugb, R 4357 69 Millom, V. t 4347 70 Ponsonby, C. t . . . 09 71 Wliitbeck, C. t .... 4934 -£- 1281. -s—d- 30 0 0 6 13 4 53 6 8 14 0 0 4 5 0 30 13 0 20 0 0 16 0 0 12 16 0 2 6 8 4 13 4 6 13 4 7 6 8 40 11 0 9 6 8 9 11 4 10 8 0 30 0 0 16 0 0 6 13 4 36 0 0 6 10 0 30 0 0 4 2 4 11 19 0 10 0 0 19 0 0 5 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 29 9 0 17 1 4 49 11 8 4 10 0 8 14 0 24 1 4 14 10 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 10 13 4 20 0 0 Nova Tax a Ho, 1317. -£ — s-d- 5 0 0 / 16 8$ 4 6 1 0 10 0 0 4 0 32 0 0 19 4 0 10 0 0 18 0 0 30 0 0 18 10 0 20 0 0 6 13 4 4 13 4 ^66 13 4 80 0 0 6 13 4 4 13 4 22 13 4 12 0 0 20 0 0 6 13 4 4 13 4 10 0 0 0 0 23 6 8 8 0 0 4 »3». 1801. 1831. Parmeri Cot- ta^era bLa- 1,860 Ijfol 68 173 205 58 10 4 18 8,610 7,856 311 770 1,395 359 43 27 148 12,850 17,203 761 1,566 2,342 608 88 44 227 3,590 2,163 91 359 497 146 21 7 63 3,229 286 1,350 2,159 474 4 1 66 12,592 654 1,713 2,185 564 64 90 167 10,890 15,129 523 2,120 3,023 763 44 63 222 1,750 1,643 187 249 382 94 21 1 22 11,510 3,900 280 526 841 231 36 22 103 2,560 2,273 49 220 276 75 14 9 11 6,640 17,592 1,710 3,801 6,059 1,464 37 21 151 4,500 1,007 . 105 201 375 101 7 22 16 6,340 1,779 445 1,274 1,788 446 46 45 150 9,670 7,982 383 782 1,032 264 51 25 112 1,810 Ex. Pa. 50 70 24 3 3 16 $ 8,745 563 2,450 4,885 1,158 24 14 109 / 8,168 359 907 1,616 360 73 20 120 3,640 2,208 114 252 383 lOl 8 35 11 24,280 6,902 429 1,171 1,578 406 69 37 104 4,530 2,602 93 245 290 87 10 12 27 2,370 2,439 170 200 273 73 13 13 30 5,1.90 2,424 51 253 291 76 19 11 23 3,590 1,691 78 468 560 151 12 61 41 26,640 2,994 516 917 1,336 319 50 39 142 5,890 5,380 300 742 840 220 31 48 54 9,520 5,380 303 602 719 192 40 26 51 6,930 3,453 243 450 549 151 19 7 79 2,880 3,228 198 633 846 202 23 13 87 100 10,348 1,138 3,387 4,583 994 1 1 9 3,980 13,930 1,273 3,173 7,040 1,788 17 21 96 3,570 2,819 294 361 195 12 24 41 2,660 7,460 887 3,661 8,383 2,098 29 5 149 6,080 17,764 1,108 721 1,066 302 18 13 126 2,400 6,362 1,029 3,252 4,243 803 21 8 74 7,940 7,254 535 938 961 252 57 42 77 2,760 2,118 26 181 216 55 15 3 27 5,670 2,917 167 446 579 155 51 38 42 6,110 5,063 146 374 544 161 28 20 65 7,650 3,686 352 915 1,291 359 33 38 99 16,580 15,430 430 1,275 2,107 685 76 05 225 4,320 3,004 207 358 499 121 21 15 52 12,150 6,887 278 631 765 213 31 26 74 3,880 2,671 326 518 885 207 15 23 87 3,190 5,363 171 409 564 151 24 13 65 2,070 2,894 149 4.53 685 164 23 3 69 13,120 432 918 1,253 353 60 41 123 10,560 9,966 427 1,577 4,149 728 61 51 257 5,270 6,173 253 582 755 197 44 37 53 1,470 1,816 31 219 276 73 9 7 14 1,050 627 19 98 107 31 2 6 8 8,760 7,157 407 695 1,245 307 41 16 105 10,830 5,957 204 825 1,196 300 68 34 102 3,580 3,026 186 456 623 143 27 23 47 6,570 3,965 227 547 737 203 30 6 101 3,890 3,196 97 222 292 77 19 9 25 2,910 3,535 138 724 960 251 2 19 18 2,310 2,872 224 731 983 223 14 2 30 5,660 2,464 174 235 285 88 20 6 47 •42,898 2,285 8,712 11,393 2,136 — — 40 69,260 6,181 687 1,886 4,323 843 13 9 63 16,400 762 2,220 3,487 756 100 77 226 22,580 ■ 5,454 800 2,865 4,536 1,050 10 24 124 I4j»73 684 1 ,954 3,007 672 102 73 102 3,220 1,858 17 229 272 7:i 16 10 42 13,960 3,561 356 671 639 161 27 14 61 4,360 1,910 194 294 454 103 20 21 28 5,700 3,211 174 131 475 128 32 10 50 3,000 2,246 1.35 362 487 118 15 6 35 6,360 6,783 387 678 866 217 35 26 !»2 3,610 2,162 170 367 4.32 119 16 16 66 2,850 (i,807 588 1,515 1,741 378 :i8 13 47 8,400 2,485 212 052 935 236 :i6 26 73 2,380 4,677 356 1,357 1,758 321 11 9 25 5;270 3,869 155 466 531 132 14 2!» 43^ 6,570 2,576 200 342 657 163 20 10 67 [ 2,320 674 42 122 139 40 4 17 5) 4,640 3,554 118 420 671 139 31 8 64/ 3,030 1,960 117 328 3!)7 90 20 8 27$ 7,140 5,708 208 635 624 148 79 2 31 32,780 8,669 1,033 1 ,497 2,037 618 78 76 175 2,440 2,058 29 78 IHO 51 11 28 3,910 1,8.18 108 180 2:14 72 12 1 6 1 47 Presentation of BENEFICE, Vested in •..3 CO tt: Oi "5 8 s t 5 ^ ^ tr o .2 £ ^ .S ^ I 'S' 32 218 369 91 61 321 329 44 161 34 209 45 241 189 22 147 213 64 200 44 56 53 114 J 231 -N 133 I 120 105 123 11 134 77 183 157 103 176 45 121 113 175 366 88 131 125 102 95 221 369 J m 30 16 162 202 97 137 53 39 46 72 40 75 402 158 367 68 92 6!) J Rishap of Chester — Rraddi/l, Esq. Rev. U. iiill Pennington, Esq. Earl ql' Egremont IHr.s, IF. Senhousc J. C, Ciirwcn, esq ■Lord Muncasler U. Todd Trustees of E. Copdey Vuchy qf Lancaster E. Stanley, Esq. ^ -a lO s ^ -a CO E £ “3 "S' “ os a ® tsj 2; statistical diplay of eacli of the 102 Parochial Benefices and 31 Perpetual Curacies in CUMBERLAND,-- Continued from preceding page, and concluded. Statistical Display of each of the 102 Parochial Benefees in the County of CU M B ERLAND, — Continued from the preceding page. “ S5 ^ ^ -5 « ca •iUIUf) fljuj •/ijunoff fusuir 18821 ) Tf ^ < 188881 > 'O O :.a'“ ; § g.l • a OiffS • O c2 ~ © ^■aa o c'-S B ='r b) 5A <- ii^-1 S*^ .•2 b. o © ©» ©- 05 ,-» tiltil « *5^1 ^ .X 25 sl J cast; C«.£' X .'"S •3 S' rJ. 3 X s: ^5 St'Ss B S.) 'S. K © © ©-< B pfi: b. 7 «» c v> E s| M x5 © ^~« ■— © B © .'XOt>.*R''Xi©(N'X — XOO Ct^ iM t-i !N^ »*-( (N ! (N ^ X FF 1 ? I ©. e^'Nt'-irs — TP ■Ff o X 4B Tf 5^ o •H' FH ?c OCi too cs* OB O "N "M OM b- (N^ft,. 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X FF «o © © O — — FF N FF CO FF ’>2 B u i. “ttr X © Ff b-N X ff ©ff (M ©CO -t C0©C0>0©-F© CO f-f-© © ©b-©©FF© ©©X©©TpO©b-CO oL* ' © © © b-CO b- N TP© X ©© © X — N b* © W N © ©b-© X © — b-©TP© ©CO©©©©TpTpNTp i ^ M 1 CO t^T <^ ^ ©" ©■ o' bT fT (^T F^ ocT tcT od' ©^ — *'b^ ^-T ©*' cd' o © ff*' co** ff'' in' n f-'' co" © n f-*' ©' S|j2 [Nffffff N ff fF f-N 4,075 863 F-FF© X * a UI 5 < ©©©©©© ©©©©©© 00 ©©© 0 © 000 ©©©©©©©©© II' © © FF©q5cob.x co©xb-b-cob-© — xxNTp©o©©(M©©NTO — ©— i iix ififl ;ni'i'>;i/f "'■«"; K. 'flj -? *F, . » S ^ TO *P c!?: e 2 ‘ N © ff O FJ O X CO N F- CO fF ^ o X b- CO O © » © © © © X X TP o © CO TP O Ft © CO X r - ©© — ©X© O ©©^ © ©0©©©-F OOXrtl>© F- ffOCO CO © — ©©COX TpFtF-N©^ © ffO© X O-NONCOt- a o — • :> ^2 ? 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SQ RaPpKasfaOO X ©© FF N CO ^ tO©b-X©©-H U- tF X X XX X xxxxx©© a c 'JZ o i S .= ® O 3 23 ^sSSJffi 2S 3 2; ,cs cs •-•£«•« a- - o o -S o C 3 o -ij S e? s» FF B Siclls 8 W X © © ff N 3) 3» O) C« PS u -s! PS u o aP f do. Ward ' S. West tN.M^est t South Easington ^ Chester Ward Durham City Sunderland TOTAL fN I Castle Ward Tynedale Ward I Coquetdale do Morpeth do Glendale do Baraborough do Berwick-upon-Tw'eed TOTAL 4 Northern Counties ..... York, North Hiding . . ! . . g' _ f York, West Hiding. il i ] Lancashire.. 2 ~ J Macclesfield Hundred ^5■5 t Notts, and Leicester I Derby County ^ (Norwich < Yarmouth and Lynn . fStalford County ... 1 Salop do. .2 ? J Worcester do. 2^ j Monmouth do. Cornwall do. (Birmingham &Co Middlesex and .Surrey V.- l VI 22 Agricultural Counties . Total EXGLAAD WAI.ES IRLTANU Soptrflviet Su"uie ACFM. Aooukl Value of Properly, a» tbeProperty Tax la 1815. t‘ AmnanC lor Maia- of 1 lie POOH, 39. Total Number of 1 Persons. | PropoftioM 0 Total Acricult 1801. 1831. K.rm.,. Jollagefs 2,700 212,170 228,000 2,170 3,9li0 79,990 175,590 1,960 143,150 1,240 128,240 137,490 357,412 573,310 548,508 33,320 010,573 171,000 271,371 35,136 223,082 34,117 1 223,894 - • 35,7.54 58,199 30,954 3,078 28,205 13,311 37,390 9,354 14,111 3,409 22,049 84,020 197,384 98,967 10,989 79,722 30,401 88,.503 11,887 27,731 9,030 34,037 182,812 429,602 170,002 20,774 189,242 48,338 168,0.57 33,112 30,8i5 ! 12,613 i t 19,802 f 24,311 45,847 100,023 39,850 4,775 44,726 11,013 37,200 7,202 8,9S1 2,707 1 4,091 1 5,800 6 1,220 2,078 3 39 582 584 14 968 13 5.59 592 4 2,434 1,870 17 165 890 2,271 11 1,051 18 505 478 1,117,200 38,350 ^ 147,440 182,080 118,120 3,087,773 35,897 t 21,202 t 100,065 82 089 58,940 200,801 2,377 3,014 9,134 5,979 3,470 072,731 3,924 0,892 13,4. '7 11,223 6,1.52 1,330,854 1 5,450 1 10,015 j 17,237 1 14,455 1 7,894 I 312,287 1,383 2,261 4,414 3,803 2,160 0,6.58 110 4 558 407 356 9,714 135 2 520 058 364 485,990 1 275,970 170,400 94,830 0,740 217,430 204,120 298,199 t 42 898 ^ 155,619 121 935 90,V75 49,525 140,590 98,022 24,793 2,253 12,417 1 7,204 1 4,140 3,208 9,498 0,045 41,017 8,752 29,009 18,103 13,072 10,22! 19,570 17,431 65,041 1 11,393 39,918 20,396 20,604 20,006 27,373 23,991 14,020 2,136 9,053 6,308 j 5,225 4,890 3 6,937 1 6,005 1 1,435 890 800 615 47 601 593 1,685 611 397 438 27 593 773 909,490 705,410 45,875 117,250 169,681 4U,014 j 3,017 2,839 2,010 12,783 2.273 4,009 7,703 1,797 15 20 43,700 5!,213 2.840 4 418 (),C53 1,670 165 74 69,550 59,861 3,310 0,030 8,269 2,243 241 95 45,030 71,5.59 4,312 9,5.52 11,927 2,.596 108 35 3,470 13,843 2,104 1 4,670 8,574 2,164 19 12 52,980 64,179 4,678 0,446 8,731 2,240 215 155 80,600 49,276 5,532 9,503 14,382 3,418 ICO 203 145,430 87,315 8,970 15,701 24,217 6,255 371 330 43,730 34,355 2,235 3,585 5,(i88 1,552 172 88 33,390 80,938 9,210 15,827 41,633 9,713 180 76 158,060 257,021 30,370 00,039 88,878 19,779 538 417 10,260 2(i,070 3,227 7,.530 10,135 2,375 45 39 120 13,300 4,551 12,112 17,000 3,237 — — 079,530 825,385 80,770 160,301 253,910 59,045 2,229 1,544 2,000 91,040 12,178 28,366 42,760 10,307 2 6 45,990 200,984 12,191 30,119 54,535 11,751 161 72 57,690 117,825 5,112 1 11,208 16,998 4,110 231 31 . 514,600 307,414 15,617 33,250 42,415 10,832 902 752 . 209,590 176,791 10,950 17,122 21,121 5,286 439 183 93,530 115,090 4,954 11,422 13,312 3,509 281 87 . 107,200 104,325 4,402 10,091 12,009 2,852 151 41 09,050 89,095 4,080 8,330 10,842 2,600 173 44 5,120 30,811 3,803 7,187 8,920 1,897 10 53 1,105,430 1,240,594 72,375 157,101 222,912 51,210 2,376 1,208 . 3,300,440 3,009,024 223,713 1 487.314 701 ,.544 160,899 9.6.57 7,336 .! 1,275,820 1,100,948 80,322 158,225 190,756 47,390 4,9.50 4,334 . 1,029,890 2,300,222 203,302 1 505,282 970,350 231,660 7,096 1 0,6313 . 1,117,200 3,087,773 200.861 1 072,731 1,336,8.54 383,097 6,658 9,714 151,440 317,511 33,722 05,180 146,478 33,722 886 1,221 1,037,140 1,026,059 175,999 270,431 422,330 1 106,394 1 5,299 4,559 603,180 887,055 74,800 161,142 237,170 I 58,178 1 3,320 4,2.57 5,920 72,481 17,347 36,832 61,116 1 14,218 1 43 3,890 49,563 18,060 24,941 31,485 1 6,951 1 6 10 . 730,290 1,150,285 119,978 239,153 410,512 1 101,632 |_3,781 3,64!) 861,360 1,037,988 79,013 I 167,639 222,938 5(i,474 03,832 2,130 459,710 799,005 75,803 j 139,333 211,365 52,796 5 2,636 1,260 , 324,310 295,097 22,970 ! 45,582 98,130 26,910 1,648 1,113 854,770 910,0.54 98,520 188,369 3110,938 09,737 4,608 3,613 y 33,8.50 304,837 52,745 112,8.56 184,836 44, ,572 182 74 654,070 7,174,710 903,377 l,0fi7,I72 1,844,064 478,086 2,923 1,217 n. 1,287,490 1,418,908 210,441 211,608 294,453 72,299 5,181 2,005 ;s 2,088,180 4,519,370 475, .581 709,666 1,031,375 247,829 13,094 6,810 . 14,082,005 19,455,474 3, 115, 721 •2,676,62: 4,384,711 1.0UI.09H 65,001 30,197 3l,770,6ir 4t),74.'i,621 6,332,11 8,3.11,161 13,061,005 3,160,631 Ml,16f 61,983 •i, 752. ^00 2,152,801 261,1 1 80f),l9•^ 191,7116 16,728 16.9(10 Q) 19,243,383 6,427,210 — l,56ff,00f 2,365,1 11 fll6,8‘iJ 25,887 53,600 Vij\ 55,700.103 58. m, 031 — in.lUl.Trs' 10,539,318 3 611, .51 187,07 5 103,81.5 1 17,182,703 — — 6 5,ooo,ooc ! 7,767,101 1,367,76: 95,33 ) 501,271 40 2,045 1,821 1,544 254 1,.524 1,782 033 C39 780 395 824 1,895 183 10 17,931 19,100 10,481 1,478 21,208 1,731 0,745 2,397 1,084 1,070 850 1,383 20,949 37,321 • 00,540 80,079 398 74 1,205 984 753 3,474 0,594 1,195 3,021 40 3,640 3,024 2,497 328 2,778 3,153 9,010 15,400 0 0,077 11,180 114 [ 729 1.079 947 100 1 ,003 1 ,002 1,481 055 1.080 2,850 207 I 10 1,143 2,429 1,033 1,190 1,733 1,733 1,325 935 340 555 489 1,130 500 806 1,408 301 2,979 6,050 1,161 1,019 7,556 11,329 19,473 19,035 81 1,022 1,071 4,740 I 2,600 1,507 I 1 ,402 I 1,375 155 0,033 3,173 855 2,491 1,406 1,009 018 503 941 10,441 14,085 0 13,939 17,149 30,481 14,040 24,502 20,919 2,827 22,311 10,.593 621 59 10,812 17,290 14,590 4,845 16,243 1,831 28,137 30,783 73,742 407,106 47,474 23,930 42,234 37,321 4,921 32,199 18,170 709 75 21,242 23,207 18,480 7,630 24,464 2,087 32,277 44,029 93,052 502,974 744, 1U7 (W0,7!>0 ,4(W tl.I.Kri »7,vir2 107,14.5 501,27 1 507,441 d,?27,0.51 t<9,S70 2flS,S38 40,684 4,391 33,085 00,546 5,909 9,329 10,897 1,083 1,032 22,690 II, .585 0.554 7,173 22,700 0,531 104,013 3,202 35,333 III, 087 008,712 of Age, & upward^. 1 Male Servants under *20. w - 5 ^ i I? £ > “ C Manu-‘ .iclureni CapilalUti aii4 PrufeMinaati «'“■ i All olher t xcept ScrvaiKs Ser- vants. 15,342 2,821 1,695 278 120 3,985 44,843 4,117 2,665 704 259 6,598 6,382 2,356 1,608 722 , 270 6,.575 2,578 1.57 220 61 [ 37 362 359 5,201 1,214 313 [ .50 9,033 4,480 250 481 127 54 709 18,645 1,051 1,185 2.59 105 1,530 2,977 470 375 34 10 814 1,288 248 402 98 32 1,328 162 208 7.54 35! 5 613 248 172 220 70 22 843 207 251 410 90 i 64 1,128 97,517 17,614 11,229 2,791 1,034 33,509 81 93 60 21 4 250 563 110 170 22 6 423 304 174 215 54 20 893 44 161 251 79 30 017 19 58 50 9 403 1,074 002 740 188 66 2,586 97 162 249 15 3 444 309 489 599 133 65 1,689 215 224 432 37 45 1,079 584 171 274 11 4 805 1,448 204 218 46 11 657 115 307 376 82 46 1,112 447 185 352 15 7 943 3,214 1,802 2,.530 339 181 6,789 105 132 158 25 15 413 103 103 98 36 21 344 3 GO 125 27 8 373 26 81 117 32 33 499 330 131 98 21 51 3>fi 135 66 140 26 31 384 480 137 104 73 68 634 42 172 219 65 65 706 1 31 48 It 16 235 218 533 495 55 16 1,271 971 1,082 1,176 148 84 2,429 111 249 127 62 13 068 16 88 299 2 G 256 2,547 2,87! 3,204 580 427 8,138 410 954 765 139 21 2,215 380 051 710 135 46 1,421 121 190 132 64 12 774 157 333 602 122 37 1.991 43 220 286 70 52 1,224 39 106 195 38 10 720 15 87 1.57 75 59 919 37 78 137 52 16 587 41 178 244 15 5 412 1 ,252 2,8,57 3,228 701) 261 10,2; 3 8,087 8,132 9,408 1,813 935 28,074 1 ,005 1,870 2,836 615 229 9,261 74,669 8,3.54 10,366 2,249 I ,(125 22,167 97,517 17,614 1 1 ,229 2,791 1,034 33,509 11,5.53 780 1 ,208 214 131 2,116 20,500 3,514 4,848 1 ,549 747 13,830 8,863 1,829 2 863 769 349 7,231 3,752 881) 782 210 85 2,4.50 39 5(>8 684 134 82 1,437 20,755 3,56>» 4,245 1 ,305 f,<)4 12,73!) 1,353 1,918 2,800 1,060 500 11,371 8,024 2,085 2,885 1,()7<) 416 8,162 3,293 805 1,011 343 122 3,741 107 2,508 4,014 (i84 3(>4 9,201 8,783 2,723,6;»2 33,305 23,711 8,624 112,094 959 1 ,6(>2 4,20i) 1 ,090 421 I0,(i03 13,839 12,115 17,108 (>,15.5 2,52i) 43,267 1 1 .879 45,32.5 73,736 21,03.5 *12,69,5 181,289 3M.100 I76,9'13 7(>.()*26 J:i(>,777 5H,705 0,218 A ,‘201 n,iH0 •2 1 15 1 1»179 12, *171 83,963 26, *203 3t.63< 5,s65 I 109,512 r 4(n,;m ‘2M,36( •235,161 78,(50! 1 31/1 55 070.191 2.5,7 10 01,51 1 1 10,595 1 51,112 1 11, 099 255,155 '2o7 S r ATlS'l'lC A li \ I of (lu; Sujurjicirs, and Popvliilion, and of tlu; Occvfxilioiis of the Mules, *20 Y tara of ago ami ri|)\vai(la, in oacli of tlic *d*2 Counties and tO of tlio luineipal C'ilics and I’owns of 1 K I'iiiA N I) in 1001. Tlic Nolo at tlio head ot the |Mcceding page, renders it licre unnocessarv to oiler any Ini ther ohservalion, in regard to llie |)re|ionderanco of the A(JRiCUi;riJ KAi. over every other interest of the Ihnpire. • * Till' ri'iirlish I’civh or I’ole is .ti Jtinls, tin' Irisli 7 vards ; Tha l'.ii;;li.sli and Irish mile licing both divided into H l'’nt'l<)ng», and ihe Furlong into 10 poles, in-ikes 1 1 Irish imles eciual t») 1 1 F.nt'hsh, and :tOi Irish Acres e(inal to 10 F.n^lish ; see however page M /M.ste for a |>alpahlu incongruity in regard to the Area, which the Trignometrical .Survey now in progress [tsM] w ill elfectually rectify. The S1 231 j.5 lO 370,053 209 134,150 1 228,358 369 23li,750 381,817 ! 410 282,200 1 4.)6,9li0 367 253,300 ■176,181 214 137,050 211,-140 j469 300,3.50 409,174 * 1 486 311,600 388,096 ' 535 342,900 ■101,413 4,356 2,792,550 4,270,213 ^410 262,800 395,690 . ^ 667 554,950 831,909 ' 1,638 1,048,800 1,701,585 ^ i 1,012 647,650 1,069,480 ^GOl 368,750 479,581 1 .1 744 1 476,200 730,227 5,275 3,377,150 5,210,472 348,500 416,900 1 005 387,200 492,000 1 . 470 S9i,ono 381,181 . 283 181,450 212,755 : . 280 179,600 277,472 . 448 283,450 340,078 . 724 463,000 590,287 .! 1,061 679,550 82 6,24'J 4,222 26 84 431 ,541 653 1 ,431 946 336 235 80 43 ' 723 26,171 853 6,01 3 8,60.5 15..52I 1,970 4yb2r> 157 876 1,K33 983 807 3,MH 44,204 2,102 6,894 23.045 32,011 1,4 .8 0,4!)7 131 1,017 1,710 1,370 1,221 0,56'i 32,815 1,222 7,142 ' 14.766 23,130 882 4,637 285 841 1,830 1,204 806 4,936 25,459 888 8,*228 11,309 ‘20,425 286 3,100 6 309 1,0'J2 181 123 3.516 27,625 1,632 3,208 14,107 18,947 900 4,311 239 1 ,245 888 l,t)95 1,180 i .1,851 34,603 1,554 11,535 11,727 24,816 1,068 5.047 202 1,019 1,427 1,084 872 4,326 3.5,717 1,837 9,594 13,112 24,843 1,203 0,201 96 990 1,387 191 1,233 4,778 19,845 1,010 5,694 6,613 13,317 797 3.449 50 510 1,175 541 493 3,216 5,516 195 288 1,394 1,877 425 2,174 147 353 344 196 80 1,058 41,053 3,071 10,372 1 16,893 30,336 2,078 5,6.;8 124 1,006 1,440 1.011 912 6,245 29,295 1,517 6,072 11,319 18,908 1,883 4,385 190 785 1,828 1,316 1,316 4,.565 45,414 3,878 10,683 15,321 29,882 2,176 7,994 169 1,306 3,191 693 638 7,347 465,953 20,789 87,819 162,417 271,025 31,440 93,889 3,212 24,891 24,934 10,571 11,416 70,785 0,420 96 63 306 4.55 1,747 2,538 32 715 692 231 102 1,709 36,988 2,812 6,498 16,264 2.5,.574 3,357 4,941 12 832 1,843 .529 636 6,112 98,243 7,286 23,181 36,440 66,907 6,826 13,673 29 2,900 3,766 4,136 2,369 14,803 24,733 341 668 2,436 3^445 6„570 9,701 53 2,273 1,840 845 2.56 5,286 171,873 14,862 35.613 75,251 125,726 8,708 21,614 534 4,617 6,130 4,514 4,616 24,652 63,545 2,381 15,719 26,116 44,216 914 0,349 3 1,373 I 9,146 1,544 1,663 7,183 15,663 384 i 1,289 2,561 1,934 3,(d8 5,100 23 1,323 742 1 017 138 3,131 01,658 3,688 12,843 30,765 47,296 559 7,041 355 1.4.9 2,795 j 2,173 1,068 10,436 63,077 1,593 24,394 22,208 118,152 2,302 6,317 7 1,317 2,042 2,897 1,428 7,977 542,200 33,343 120,268 212,347 435,058 34,507 77,280 1,048 16,825 28,996 17,486 12,276 31,319 82,999 4,568 20,483 19,048 44,099 3,387 18,252 5,787 2,250 7,476 1,742 2,874 11,028 12,234 2 2 122 126 3,067 6,654 808 1,308 938 283 107 2,420 1,910 49 331 346 726 190 3 112 145 41 72 37!) 61,352 3,758 18,096 13,030 34,885 2,539 14,870 2,663 1,528 3,463 1,392 1,668 7,67!) 53,580 3,348 21,186 13,913 38,747 473 6,270 89 916 5,799 1,286 1,572 7,075 52,392 2,025 15,728 14,730 32,483 1,504 11,795 1 ,683 1,180 3,1(;5 582 777 6,116 45,009 1,984 17,232 10,631 29,847 416 5,071 1,023 807 7,414 491 537 5.949 35,508 2,253 16,984 7,881 27,118 720 4,372 4 697 2,353 304 128 4,199 1 73,557 4,729 28,379 13,047 40,155 1,107 11,130 4,575 1,472 6,002 1 2,510 3,609 8,315 1 68,851 4,055 34,836 13,330 52,221 1 i,423 8,700 910 1,270 3,404 923 2,226 5,308 1 2,201 — 48 4S 295 1,281 4 300 90 75 81 051 1 50,106 2,530 15,530 14,669 32,729 1,136 7,988 2,770 l,3G.i 2,568 1,312 1,973 5,327 1 540,479 29,301 189,087 120,795 339,183 10,051 06,088 20,919 13,277 43,423 10,938 15,624 64,456 1 57,406 1,243 25,848 17,925 45,016 410 0,229 10 1,0.58 2,790 1,887 1,097 5,175 1 32,017 1,240 18,639 6,203 26,082 43 2,743 181 5.54 1 329 1,085 746 3,3S0 J 3,504 20 66 46 132 863 1,.567 3 322 492 145 51 819 37.345 724 20,823 7,718 30,205 1,287 3,564 533 1,512 1,264 723 3,377 fc0,782 3,660 50,219 17,238 71,317 1,210 6,896 4 1,483 3,009 2,203 1,449 6,836 7,983 217 1,622 1,709 3,548 1,883 1,563 72 477 170 204 115 1,333 94,096 4,502 19,883 21,043 75,428 1,576 9,128 297 2,094 3,334 2 239 1,373 j 9,755 319,133 11,800 167,100 71,882 250,788 7,278 31,590 507 6,521 13,242 9,147 5,554 j 30,675 '1 2,272 1 7 226 234 214 1,165 1 1 1 1 200 323 126 64 ! 529 2,438 10 282 391 683 255 905 — I 151 , 425 119 53 437 1 1,287 12 14 544 570 7 493 — 104 05 48 16 235 2,l97 20 36 287 349 246 1,262 16 168 ! 217 ! 39 21 300 ■ 2,086 5 84 36 125 409 1,010 2 143 ' 277 111 41 469 2,214 11 29 183 223 847 895 3 149 59 23 8 292 1,073 4 21 517 542 45 745 2 144 80 109 29 300 i 1,314 14 24 143 171 219 05 1 — 92 140 01 34 336 3,908 62 228 345 035 1,320 1,443 — 298 182 84 30 854 1,318 1 48 49 98 408 456 — 250 37 58 13 386 1,024 12 25 37 410 313 3 25 193 43 19 1.54 1 2,326 14 29 241 294 453 1,122 6 254 109 99 51 567 g 1.903 4 2 548 554 354 743 — 165 52 95 16 459 1 1,429 7 14 115 130 391 009 — 108 130 55 17 206 1,747 5 490 495 04 787 — 141 180 74 30 379 1,502 4 15 3 22 080 547 — 113 88 72 37 413 2,201 — 48 48 395 1,281 306 96 75 81 651 1,234 5 13 127 145 193 632 143 04 57 17 312 2,001 14 35 678 727 44 936 1 169 70 64 17 172 3,154 14 41 38 93 62! 1,649 94 355 194 148 88 710 1,119 10 22 352 384 33 477 65 119 41 11 170 ! 1,214 1 9 212 222 131 054 1 123 89 24 31 200 1,083 9 7 7 26 298 591 13 109 28 21 13 304 ! I, Old 5 10 1-44 159 44 523 1 67 118 32 17 216 1 1,.501 15 111 469 595 47 644 — - 107 67 41 37 259 i l,ti47 6 3 472 481 73 883 77 52 81 15 238 2,091 1 ^ 8 513 624 88 991 214 188 86 30 578 913 15 219 234 4 479 1 115 10 70 22 277 2,046 1 13 14 56 83 659 929 5 189 118 63 14 486 • 258 STATISTICAL DISPLAY of tlie OCCUPA'ITONS, &c., of the Male Population, 20 Years of age and upwards, in each of 12 of the principal Cities and Towns, and in each of the 4 Provinces of IRELAND in 1881, — see preceding page for Totals of the several Counties, Sfc. OCCUPATIONS, &c,, &c. CITIES and TOWNS. PROVINCES. Duhlin, Cork. If'ottr- ford. Lime. rick Kit kenny Clonmel Drag heaa Ii>ltast Galway Sligo Newry Wex- ford Leinster Munster Ulster Conau^tit . . . femulov. I,ii1)or. 161 311 IKi 384 195 13 26 2 217 20 14 2 20,789 33,443 29,301 1 1 ,806 >not ,lo. do. 241 668 ti'.i 1,289 288 85 84 1 1,622 66 41 12 87,819 120,268 189,087 167,100 C Laborers .... 2,612 2,436 30(i 2,561 1,3'J4 248 431 122 1.709 46 31 39 162,417 212,3-17 120,795 71,882 Total Agriciii.tiirai.ists. 3,021 3,445 465 4,234 1,877 346 541 125 3,548 132 93 53 271,025 366,058 339,183 250,788 11,170 6,576 1,747 3,618 425 1,274 653 3,067 1,833 863 621 615 31,440 34,507 16,(i51 7,278 3'»,()<)0 9,701 2,538 5,106 2,174 1,410 1,431 5,654 1,563 1,567 1,649 1,136 93,880 77,280 96,088 31, .590 Manufacturers 325 53 32 23 147 — 94li 808 72 3 94 2 3,212 1,048 20,919 667 Cxpilaliats 6c ProffSi'ional Men 12,898 2,273 715 1,323 353 296 336 1,368 477 322 355 212 24,891 16.825 13,227 6,521 Anouilaoti, tnd olh«>r Uiiprodactirc* .... 5..522 1,840 692 742 344 125 235 932 176 492 194 204 24,934 28,9!Mi 43,423 53,242 Servants 4,777 815 231 617 196 83 80 280 264 145 148 65 16,571 17,486 10,938 9,147 TOTAL, 20 Y«»r» of age, and ujiwordi 71,403 24,733 6,420 15,663 5,516 3,530 4,222 12,234 7,983 3,524 3,154 2,287 465,953 542,200 540,479 319,133 Male Servants under 20 937 256 102 138 80 19 43 107 115 51 88 24 11,146 12.276 15,624 5,554 Female do. of all ages 16,562 5,286 1,709 3,131 1,058 797 723 2,420 1,333 819 710 525 76,785 81,349 64,346 30,675 Total <1821 276,384 100,653 28,679 59,045 23,220 15,590 18,116 37,277 27,775 9,283 10,013 11,232 1,757,492 1,998,494 1,110,229 Population \ 1831 294,658 107,016 28,821 66,554 23,741 17,331 17,365 53,287 33,120 15,152 13,065 10,673 1,909,713 2,227,152 2,286,622 1,343,914 1 Q 01 i Males 125,607 46,787 13,009 28,117 18,833 7,872 8,701 17,370 13,346 4,363 4,663 5,240 859,798 960,119 968,061 553,918 1821 ^ F'emales .. 1.50,781 58,871 15,670 30,928 12,397 8,318 9,416 19,207 14,429 4,920 5,350 5,992 897,694 975,493 1,030.433 556,281 (Males .,.. 131,078 48,312 12,570 30,414 10,887 6,873 8,178 24,548 15,487 7,0.54 6,058 8,637 927,877 1,093,411 1,103,094 660,498 1831 ^^Female.s .. 163,580 58,704 16,251 36,140 12,8.54 8,746 9,187 28,739 17,633 8,098 7,007 6,036 981,836 1,133,741 1,173..528 683,416 Of Families 57,298 19,951 5,827 19,953 4,785 2,818 3,784 11,033 6,258 2,941 2,566 2,192 344,314 376,051 425,314 239,387 f Inhabited .... 2(i,289 11,986 3,614 7,820 3,759 1,870 3,206 7,750 4,606 2,301 1,9S8 1,713 292,729 330,444 402,005 224,638 Houses ■? Uninhabited .. 1,461 735 245 427 273 68 131 776 92 249 244 68 7,967 9,553 16,607 6,527 (.Building .... 452 146 31 138 84 6 34 174 46 57 21 38 3,715 2,796 3,997 3,800 Bakers 527 214 72 118 64 43 34 149 40 40 34 33 1,675 1,246 1,230 414 Butchers 533 382 70 185 100 35 30 146 56 119 22 73 ' 2,292 2,439 1,800 831 Fish-dealers .... 87 15 1 6 — 4 12 9 26 12 11 2 1 201 172 115 117 Milkmen 479 11 — 41 7 5 17 24 3 — — 4 844 196 106 42 Brewers 58 6 22 9 7 1 3 5 5 3 2 10 1 169 69 48 31 Publicans 521 217 93 129 51 54 62 190 76 35 70 9 3,658 2,839 3,6-57 978 Spirit-dealers .... 101 123 16 95 8 70 14 220 4 38 27 28 705 802 2,038 41(5 Grocers 551 90 20 100 30 28 31 128 45 44 34 25 1,0-55 506 1,783 250 Shopkeepers .... 211 54 57 58 5 71 30 106 15 30 47 5 1 ,753 2,285 1 ,923 982 H ucksters 724 117 57 41 29 66 66 311 49 71 33 17 I 2,917 1,460 2,203 989 Builders 112 45 7 15 4 10 1 9 1 6 4 12 I 232 115 344 45 Liraeburners , , . . 3 15 10 8 10 2 1 7 2 — — 3 331 212 162 49 Brick-makers . . . 1 10 4 2 2 4 39 — — 8 1 111 67 308 30 Bricklayers 487 20 11 9 & 6 227 8 — 11 — 839 111 551 36 M asons 118 329 48 177 68 154 27 16 68 65 71 G5 3,822 4,076 4,223 1,586 Plasterers 198 37 1 13 43 4 4 47 12 13 6 7 462 242 2(58 123 Slaters 354 229 53 108 47 21 17 ■ 14 24 14 24 5 1,140 1,064 395 219 H ouse-Painters 694 159 56 104 61 30 15 101 13 13 20 19 1 ,392 677 5(55 185 Glaziers 222 28 12 34 8 9 4 36 21 7 12 — 411 294 463 143 Carpenters 1,369 597 139 311 153 54 80 474 111 89 95 50 8,602 7,033 6,509 2,260 Sawyers 347 209 46 92 51 13 28 188 30 37 31 15 922 1,021 1,100 313 Blacksmiths 579 379 61 218 33 109 42 150 71 36 35 29 5,806 5,610 4,442 2,138 Whitesmiths 373 115 29 37 25 4 15 175 — 8 29 27 792 401 641 135 Wheelwrights 60 66 14 16 22 14 4 4 10 8 16 1 397 627 1,047 408 Coopers 253 692 100 248 76 Go 21 205 30 105 45 29 1 ,946 2,659 1,854 893 Harness-makers . . . . 86 69 8 30 25 4 5 9 6 2 25 1 483 347 129 50 Corn-dealers 84 24 52 35 15 2 19 13 41 8 11 30 383 205 135 82 3Iarble-cutters . . . 132 84 25 40 1 3 7 75 7 2 7 — 443 273 350 88 Stone- do 89 2 64 32 4 600 307 452 no Weavers 414 463 87 198 142 — — 112 81 73 — 16 9,047 8,739 26,11(5 6,548 Paper-makers, . . . 69 22 1 18 2 — — 8 8 — 7 — 310 123 151 1(5 I'anners 110 111 16 22 8 2 54 31 2 3 33 16 540 283 265 42 Tallow-chandlers 223 92 30 51 29 2 10 85 28 16 35 13 516 254 441 131 Tailors 1 DIG 514 138 40G 79 36 65 276 115 90 38 64 6,922 7,038 5,242 2,734 Shoe-makers 2,639 1,079 290 587 139 110 237 581 156 208 107 130 10/227 8,641 8,408 2,998 H alters 504 62 26 57 50 4 27 82 32 21 15 19 1,247 578 8(54 447 Brogue-makers . , . , 45 41 6 49 20 ■ 63 18 463 40(5 355 1(5(5 Clothiers 15B G9 7 161 20 13 22 1 1 96 14 532 489 287 107 Drapers 310 81 31 78 52 10 11 27 16 12 13 9 ' 694 422 480 125 Glovers 110 38 4 6 12 2 1 5 6 5 6 169 97 21 1(5 Old Clothes-dealers 207 37 12 32 37 4 11 20 3 5 21 5 ! 405 183 344 98 Iron-founders 69 55 26 1!) 8 — 5 24 1 — 13 — 1 148 108 127 15 Ironmongers . . . . 103 17 4 23 12 1 7 30 c; 12 12 3 185 94 159 30 iSailers 54 80 49 34 40 30 22 129 31 37 44 22 1.116 1,257 1 ,5(54 (5.58 Brass-workers 270 70 13 33 32 21 2 39 11 8 12 14 627 3(53 389 21(5 Tinmen 132 63 17 27 5 2 13 31 11 10 14 — 280 271 253 (50 Coach-makers 368 65 10 48 4 8 13 15 18 — 9 (>69 1(51 (51 10(5 do. -owners 370 42 43 28 5 1 22 22 30 4 10 24 26 781 371 3(51 127 Carriers 106 133 58 50 26 60 56 146 30 13 37 38 1,306 1,043 1,39(5 445 Horse-dealers 95 44 16 9 - 4 3 31 14 1 18 2 399 148 380 6(5 Saddlers 256 45 24 24 5 12 6 24 1 16 5 7 5(59 371 412 133 Flax dressers 4 — 3 3 1 16 — 23 — 1 37 5 1 10 11(5 1,921 1(55 All IRELAND 95,33'J 564,274 507,411 1,227,054 89,876 298,838 25,746 61,514 1 10,595 54,142 1,867,765 44,600 253,155 8,801,827 7,767,401 3,341,926 3,459,901 3,794,880 3,972,521 1,385,066 I, 219,816 40,654 15,208 4,565 7,362 605 1,188 317 II, 132 3,964 3.594 6,943 7,569 736 754 516 1,537 13,707 1,095 2,818 2,819 1,311 24,404 3,356 17,996 2.029 2,474 7,352 1 ,009 865 1,154 1 ,469 50,468 600 1,100 1,342 21,936 30,274 3,136 1 ^390 1,415 1,721 303 1.030 398 468 4.595 1.595 864 997 1,640 4,190 993 1,515 2,319 CONCLUSIONS, EXPOSITORY AND DEMONSTRATIVE OF THE CAUSES WHICH HAVE DERANGED THE SOCIAL RELATIONS OF THE AND ENDANGERED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INTEGRITY. OR ENTIRENESS OF THE EMPIRE; DEDUCED FROM THE PRECEDING AND FOLLOWING SERIES OF STATISTICAL DETAILS. ( The terms ante and post, instead of preceding and following, are used in the following exposition, when referring to the Pages of either of the series of Statistical Details.) The commencement of the fourth decennial period of the nineteenth century may be regarded as an epoch in the history of the United Kingdom. The emancipation of the Catholic portion of its population from the thraldom which, for ages, had pre- cluded it from the exercise of all patriotism ; — the change in its parliamentary constitution, which converted a preponderating, self-elected, and dominative body of legislators into one more amenable to public opinion ; — the extinction of one great trading corporation, which for ages had precluded aU individual enterprize with the most fertile and interesting portion of the globe ; — the modification of the power and monopoly of another great trading corporation, exercising periodically (mistakenly perhaps) a baneful influence over the productive energies and social interests of the community; — the great change of relation in the colonial population ; the developement of the course of the great rivers of Africa, and of their union with the ocean, now opening a new world to social enterprize ; — the threatened and now inevitable change, if not entire subversion, of the long-established ecclesiastical institutions of the country, are all events that will constitute interesting and important features in the history of the period ; but, when aU the passions, and all the excitements which they have produced, shall have subsided, and when, in the lapse of time consequent on the changes which the inherently conflicting interests of society are constantly occasioning, their origin shall have become mere matter of record, the census or population returns of 1831, which constitute the basis of the accompanying Statistical Display, will remain a prominent beacon to guide the statesmen and patriots of future ages towards the goal of an equal degree of perfection in Legislation, and social arrangement, to that which has already been attained in Me- chanics, in Astronomy, in Navigation, or any other of the abstract sciences, dependent on numbers and proportion for their exactitude, and the interest and importance of their effects and results ; and obtain the regard and admiration of the enquirers of distant ages, when the most popular topics and ephemera of the present time will be forgotten. 2. To arrive at any thing like an accurate conclusion in regard to the physical, moral, and social condition of any com- munity, analysis and proportion must be availed of. Not only is it required to ascertain the proportion of any given community employed, or engaged in each great branch of production or occupation, for obtaining their means of support, but also the source and extent of supply, and the proportion which each class and order of Society, respectively, obtain for subsistence and redistri- bution. AU these points, in conjunction with those set forth in the foUowing Sections, being obtained, the just principles of legislation may then be defined with the same degree of precision, as the contents of a solid may be determined by the extent of its sides, or the distances of the several planets of the universe, from ourselves, and from each other by their reciprocal magnitude and motion ; while, without such data as the guide, aU attempts at legislation must continue to involve the same hurly-burly, the same equivocal schemes of petty expediency, as have hitherto so unhappUy prevailed, and the same fearfvd uncertainty as that in which a mariner would find himself involved in attempting to steer a ship from Europe to any given point in America destitute of aU knowledge of the principles and practice of astronomy and logarithms, or, conversant with both of these, if he were to attempt it without the aid of a magnet. 3. It is the predominance of an abstract or partial knowledge of the complicated combination of Society, and the consequent partial or unequal appUcation of the laws, such as they are, upon the several parts of the combination, that occasion the extreme of privation, amid superabundance, to prevail in the United Kingdom : hence the continuity of anomalies, which from day to day presents itself to the eye of the impartial observer. While millions are pining in want and misery, tens of thousands of pro- B ii Origin and Progress of Statistical Enquiry. — Moses a great Statist. — Domesday-Book. ducers and purveyors of supplies of every kind are sinking under the aljsenee of demand, and others are indulging in the highest degree of refinement and luxury. The varied character of the multiplied anomalies which such extremes involve, their causes and ell’ccts, will successively appear as the present exposition is proceeded in. 4. It is recorded by Siii John Malcolm, in his Memoir of Central India, that, on his being appointed to the command of that district, in 181 8, one of his first measures was to cause an enumeration of the Population of the several provinces of the dominions of Ilolkar, Scindia and the Puars, to be taken, and that the utility of the information was so obvious to Tantia Jogh, the Prime Minister of Ilolkar, as to induce him to declare, that it had imparted to him a knowledge which he could only describe, l)y saying, that he felt like a man who had been couched for a cataract in his eye; it seemed to him as “light after darkness.’’ If the enumeration of a Population (comparatively speaking) limited, primitive, and rude, could be deemed a desirable proceed- ing, and in its results be viewed as a measure of importance, of how much greater interest must it be when applied to a com- munity like that of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, more artificial and more highly involved, not only as regards its internal relations, but in reference to the several nations of the world, severally and collectively, than any which has ever existed. . 5 . Interesting as the enumeration of the Population of Central India might seem to Tantia Johg, the only practical or available point of view in which it would probably present itself to his mind would be that of showing him the numerical force which he could bring to bear on any offensive operation against his foes, or in defending himself against their aggressions ; nor does the bare enumeration of a community lead to any very satisfactory or positive conclusions. A series of returns made with uniformity at certain given periods, through a series of consecutive ages, will contribute greatly to the developement of the law of increase of Population ; but even these would lead to only partial conclusions. An accurate return of sex and age, of immigration to, and of emigration from, and of the respective ages at which such changes take place in any given community, is an indispensable requisite to enable any thing like an accurate conclusion to be arrived at, in regard to the law of increase ; and, for the means to be complete, there must be had the most accurate account of the proportion of each sex born, and of the duration of their lives by an equally accurate account of the age at which they die (for further elucidation in regard to the law of increase of Popu- lation, see iKiges 98 — 103, post, and notes thereto.) These, however interesting, apply only to numbers, while the physical and moral condition and social relations of communities constitute the great and desirable object to be informed of by statistical enquiry and developement. 6. Statistical or arithmetical developements of the resources and relations of Society and nations appear to have been partially resorted to in aU periods of history. They seem to have been favorite objects with Moses during the Theocracy of the Jews ; but whether he adopted the practice from the Egyptians, or, like Sir John Malcolm in Central India, originated it, does not distinctly appear. The first example of the practice in England was the result of the Survey ordered by the Norman Conqueror in 1066, the details of which Survey were collated and engrossed under the title of “Domesday Book.” The original, with a duplicate engrossed at a later period, is deposited in the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey. This M'as followed by the Rotuli Hutidredorum of Hen. III. & Edw. I., between 1270 and 1275. This survey very far exceeds in interest the original one of William, surnamed the Conqueror. In 1290 the Pope [Nicholas IV.] authorised Edward I. to levy' a Tax of 10 per cent, on the Revenues of the Clergy of England and Wales, called the Taxatio Ecclesiastica, Vide Section 17 of Introduction. The dissolution of the Monastic Establishments of England, in the 4th decennary of the 16th century, led to the Valor Ecclesiasticus of 1535 — 7. These are all Statistical developements of the resources and condition of the Country at their respective periods, abstractedly considered, of very great interest, and have all been printed, with numerous others of less value, at the pubhc expense, since the commencement of the present century. In 1750, in \TJG, and in 1785, returns were made, by order of Parliament, from every Parish in England and Wales, of the amount of the Parochial Assessments, and of the proportion expended for the maintenance of the Poor ; ljut no authentic account of the Population of Great Britain appears to have existed prior to 1801. 7. Since 1691 a detailed Account has been kept at the Custom House of the Nature and Value of the Annual Imports and Ex- ports into and from Great Britain, and of the Number and Tonnage of Shipping built and employed ; but displays of quantity and value without reference to the number of persons by whom the quantity and value have been created, and among whom they are to be distriljuted and consumed ; or of the number of persons, without reference to the nature and extent of supplies, lead to no just conclusions, and involve absurdities like those w’hich would attach to a Commander-in-chief giving orders for the supply of materiel and provision for an army without stating its numerical force and object of movement ; or of making a parade of his numbers without regard to the means of sustaining them. It was aljout the middle of the last century that the inconsiderable state of Sw'eden revived, on national grounds, the principle of Statistical Developement ; but little effect, however, resulted from Revival of Statistical Enquiry by Sweden in 1750, and by the United States of North America in 1790. iii that example, until the Congress of the United States of North America enacted a law, in 1790, for taking a Census of the Popukition of their extensive territory in that year, and in continuity at periods of every ten succeeding years. This, in 1 792-3, excited an individual in Scotland, the amiable and indefatigable Sir John Sinclair, Bart., (then in the prime of life, being about forty years of age, and still living [183.5] to witness the progress of his honourable example,) to undertake, on his own responsi- bility, a Statistical Developement of every Parish in that Section of Great Britain, a task which the aid of the Clergy of the resi>cctive Parishes, and such other means as his reputation and inlluence in Society enabled him to command, he accomplished in about five years, he having completed it in 1798. The results of his enquiries were published in four or five and twenty Volumes 8vo., and up to that time they might be regarded as the most perfect display of the numbers, resource, and condition of a community ever produced. The Population merely of the several Parishes appears to have been ascertained in 1755. 8. In 1801, the Parliament of England enacted a law for ascertaining tlie Population in every Parish of Great Britain, and of the number of Marriages, and of registered Christenings and Burials, in the preceding ten years, in every Parish of England and Wales. From this period a new era may be said to have commenced; for, since the beginning of the present century, continuous developements have progressively been made of the numbers of the Population, their resources, and condition in Sweden, Den- mark, Russia, Prussia, Germany, France, and the Netherlands, as well as in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of North America. Of all the Nations here enumerated, Sweden appears to have carried the science of Statistical Developement, not only to a higher degree of perfection than any of her compeers, but almost to the highest degree of which it is susceptible, see pages 67 to 77? post. The note, however, at the head of page 75, will show that she has so far failed in deducing from the statistical results the means of improving the social and moral condition of her people. The progress made in Statistical Developement in the other States of Continental Europe may, in some measure, be inferred from the displays at pages 54 — 66, and 79 — 84, jjost ; while pages 51 — 3 exhibit a more complete ^^ew of the extent and resources of each Province of China than is elsewhere to be found, and pages 51, and 86-7, contain interesting views of the progressive increase of the Population in each of the several States of North America; the alphabetical display of the 946 Parishes of Scotland, at pages 231 — 8, ante, contain the Population of each Parish in 1755 and in 1798, as given by Sir John Sinclair, and pages 16 and 88, post, contain other results deduced from the same authority. 9. In addition to the Statistical Developements that have been made since 1801, by the Governments of the several Countries enumerated in the preceding Section, much has been done by individuals. In 1814, Doctor Colquhoun, a gentleman who had acquired much practical experience as a stipendiary magistrate of the British metropolis, published a work of consider- able interest in royal 4to., “On the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire in every Quarter of the World.” Since that date, Doctor Seybert, of Philadelphia, collated aU the ofiicial accounts of the United States of North America, relating to the Finances, and the external intercourse of the Union with the several Nations of the World. But of all the claimants of distinction for individual exertion, devotion, and liberahty in Statistical Developement, the palm is due to M. Cesar Moreau. This gentleman, in the ten years 1820 — 29, during which time he resided in London, published a succession of Statistical Works relating to the Commerce of Great Britain; the Rise and Progress of the Navy; the Silk and Woollen Manufactures'; Ireland, France, &c., which for extent of detail, and elaboration of arrangement, have no parallel, but, being aU in Lithograph, they are very inconvenient for reference. In 1829, M. Moreau removed to Paris, since when he has founded a Statistical Society, numbering several hundred members', among whom are included some distinguished persons of all countries. 10. It was in 1819, after twenty years of more varied and extended experience in Commerce and Finance, in connection with every part of the world, than has fallen to the lot of many individuals, that my attention was first directed to Statistical enquiry and investigation. From a period antecedent to the general embargo scheme of President Jefferson in the United States of North America in 1807-8, down to the second great commercial revulsion which followed the general peace of 1815, I had been successively involved in the consequences resulting from the destruction of twenty princely fortunes under the influence of Political circumstances which rendered judgment, discretion, exertion, and integrity of purpose of no avail, and, finding the results of mercantile activity at variance with aU acknowledged and previously recognized principles, I was induced to ask myself, what could be the causes in operation which were producing results so diametrically opposed to all previous experience. I had asked myself a similar question, pending the enquiry into the high price of Bullion in 1 8 1 0, at which period the country was inundated with conceits and opinions, in newspaper articles and pamphlets, each assigning the then high price of BuUion, and the consequences which it threatened to involve, to different causes. I at the time considered the varied opinions which that enquiry engendered to be as ridiculous as time has since verified them to have been ; and concluded, in my own mind, that all which concerned the several interests of a nation, as well in regard to its external as its internal relations, re- solved themselves into a highly involved Arithmetical problem, and that correct data being obtained, and fully and fairly worked out, the necessary accurate conclusions might be arrived at for determining, uuth unerring precision, the cause and effect of iv Results of Statistical Enquiry , first reduced to Demonstration in 1819. — Mode of Proceeding. all the operations of Soeiety, however artificial and extended ; and I then laid down a formula, which multiphed and urgent engagements at the time precluded me from working out, but which afterwards proved to be the one required for the purpose. 11. The conclusions arrived at in my own mind at that time [1810] were, that a eommunity, whatever might be its number, whether 500,000 or 50,000,000, or any intermediate number, or however varied and multiplied its interests, resolved itself into classes, or circles, moving in, and subsisting upon eaeh other, in some degree of mutual or reciprocal relation ; that the sums expended or disbursed by the several classes among each other, whether they be little or whether they be much, of necessity govern the sum which each class respectively has to expend or disburse; or, in other words, the sum of the distribu- tions, under the head of each respective class, of necessity constitutes the sum which each class respectively has to distribute. A purely mathematical, or intuitive mind, will at once perceive that this is a proposition as much reducible to certainty, as that the squares of the hypothenuse of all right-angled triangles are in exact proportion to the squares of the perpendicular and base, whatever may be their respective extent; and that no precise data are required for determining the truth of either proposition — that is, as far as determining the truth of the principle is concerned, any assumed data suffice as weU as any actual data ; but, on applying the principle of either proposition to purposes in practical life, some certain or actual data then become necessary. 12. To determine the superficies of the squares of the sides of a triangle of any given extent, the actual data required would be the extent of either two out of its three sides ; all the rest would be deducible : in like manner, to determine the actual condition of the several classes of any given community, the total number of which being known, and supposing it to have resolved itself into some given number of classes, say 75, actual data for about two-thirds only would be requisite; the circum- stances and condition of the remainder would be deducible with as near an approximation to accuracy as the necessity of the case would require for all the purposes of legislation, and for all useful purposes in practical life. Such were the conclusions which my mind had arrived at, on laying down mj formula in 1810, which less urgent engagements in 1819 enabled me to work out to demonstration with singular success and gratification. The course of proceeding which I followed was this: — I obtained as many actual data as the Official Documents which had been published up to that time afforded, and having from these arrived at tolerably just conclusions in regard to the number of the various orders of Proprietors, of the number of Occupiers of the soil, and of Labourers, and of the number of the various orders of Manufacturers, and Dealers, while the accounts of the several departments of revenue, in conjunction with the average prices of corn, and well-authenticated prices of many other articles, did much in enabling me to arrive at equally just conclusions in regard to value. 1 3. Having thus obtained as many actual data as the necessity of the proposed investigation seemed to require, I proceeded to analyze and arrange the numbers into classes, unde-r the several heads of Proprietors, Occupiers, and Labourers on the soil ; various orders of Dealers, Handicraftsmen, and Manufacturers; Merchants, and all those connected with Shipping and Com- merce; and all the various degrees of service, professional or otherwise. Tliese, about 75 in number, being placed in column, with the number of persons in each, and the aggregate sum passing through the hands of each class for expenditure or dis- bursement, the next proceeding was to show the mode of distribution in lines under heads corresponding with those in column. In doing this, I had to consider the peculiarity of habit, under the various modes of artificial life which British society now displays, and the various circumstances which influence the expenditure or disbursement of all the several classes and orders of the community ; and, as each of the 75 aggregate amounts had to be disposed of under as many several heads, the analyses of distribution will be seen to have claimed of me upwards of 5600 conclusions, the greater portion of which involved all the considerations previously enumerated. 14. Having shown by analysis the various modes of expenditure and disbursement of each separate class and order of society, the next proceeding was, to test the accuracy of the distributions by synthesis. In the analysis of distribution, two errors were liable to be fallen into, one of misconception, the other of account merely ; the last only susceptible of being detected by synthesis. Supposing the whole of the distributions to be made from actual data, and accurately stated, their several sums would then exactly correspond with the several sums distributed ; but, when a portion of the results are algebraically or hypothetically obtained, then the sums of the Distributions will only l)e approximations to the sums distributed — that is, there will be a certain portion and the remainder minus ; then, if by synthesis the sum of all the plus be found to correspond with the total of all the 7 ninus, that proves the accuracy of the arithmetical part of the operation ; and two things, then, only remain to be determined, viz. whether the inequalities which present themselves are the result of a misconception of the habits and modes of life which govern expenditure and distribution ; or whether they are the result of such a derangement in society as to tend to accumulation or excess on one side, at the expense of privation on the other. 15. It is stated in Section 12 that it was in 1819 that I was first enabled to devote the necessary time to work out the Causes of Social Derangement discovered. — Progress of Developement. V results, according to the formula laid down in 1810, the data acted upon having been deduced from Official Documents of the years 18J-I — 1818. In these five years I found the Excess of the Value of the Exports from, over the Imports into. Great Britain to have been as follows, viz. — 1814 To Europe. £31,643,278 To America. £ 3,176,182- -£5,788,174 15 26,636,472 15,094,007 and an Excess in the Value of the Imports 6,210,786 16 25,986,801 11,071,959 >• over the Exports to the East and West < 8,071,882 17 19,894,822 7,415,004 Indies, and China, to have been 6,062,611 18 15,524,282 10,658,645J . 7,739,717 and an Excess of from £3,000,000 to £5,000,000 annually from Ireland into Great Britain. This part of the Developement constituted a difficulty which for a time seemed inexplicable. So long as I indulged in the common-place notion, that on an average of years the Values of the Imports and of Exports are of necessity equal to each other, I could not arrive at any con- clusion commensurate to the labour and time which I had bestowed on the subject ; but, on bringing the results of my practical experience in Commerce and Finance to bear on my enquiry, and reflecting on the nature and extent of the transactions with each of the several parts of the World, then it was that I found a solution for all the effects that had been produced in the relations of the community since the commencement of the War in 1793. 16. The excess of Value exported, as stated in the preceding Section, I found to have been in part equalised by the Financial Operations of the Government, the Bills externally circulated on Account of the Commissariat, Subsidies, &c., in the five years in question, having been as follows: viz. in 1814, £26,495,028 ; in 1815, £20,128,118; in 1816, £7,802,357; in 1817, £3,404,071 ; and, 1818, £2,387,658. The sudden diminution of this species of circulating medium sufficed to account for the mercantile devastation of 1 816, and all the derangements of Society that then prevailed, and for the progressive diminution in value of all the products of industry, and consequent diminution of reward for labour, which have followed. (Vide Col. 8 of Statement, page 122, and sections 3, 4, 5, of notes on the following page 120, a). I further found the mechanical power in operation equal in ratio to a production of 1 20, and its consuming power not exceeding ten. Having by these means traced to their source aU the causes of existing derangement, my attention was next directed to the task of ascertaining how far there was any inherent tendency in the combination of society to duly equalise the disproportions which the results of my Analysis exhibited ; or whether the interposition of the Legislature was necessary for that purpose ; and, if so, to what extent, and in what way legislation could be best applied. Having arrived at conclusions on all these points, which subsequent events have proved to be true, to the letter or the unit, I submitted, in October, to the then Minister of Finance, or rather offered to submit, the results of my investigation; but he evaded the subject and did not look at it, although my offer was made without any of the stipulations for consideration which usually accompany schemes of assumed advantage or importance. I neither then, nor at any subsequent time, either directly or indirectly, in any of the attempts which I have made to fix attention on the only means which will suffice to set legislation in a right direction, ever accompanied my proposals with any question of consideration. 17 . Although I availed myself of every opportunity which offered in endeavouring to fix the attention of all those persons upon the results of my developement whose conclusions upon it promised to have any weight, I failed in obtaining the necessary degree of time and attention to bear upon it requisite for warranting them to come to any decision upon it, in the aggregate, satis- factory to themselves. While the various features and results in detail which the display exhibits have never failed to interest in a very high degree, the mind generally wearied ere it could become informed of the nature and bearing of all the combina- tions, and the influence and effect of the relation of all the several parts with each other. Apprehensive that such would be the case, I commenced, in 1821-2, exhibiting in detail such parts of the system as I had found most baneful in their operation ; and my attention was, in the first instance, directed to a developement of the nature, extent, and effects of the account called the National Debt (it would be much more in keeping to call it either the National Lottery or the Bank of National Credit), and of the Sinking Fund ; an exposition of these operations I caused to be urged on the attention of Parliament on the 22d July, 1822, Vide Journals and Votes of the House of Commons, as well as the Times and Morning Chronicle Newspapers of that date. This proceeding I had intended to follow up, in the ensuing Session, by showing the relative effects of direct and indirect Taxation, and urging the entire repeal of the Land and Assessed Taxes as incompatible with the condition which the involved relations of the Country had attained ; but during the recess a covert compromise was entered into between the administration of the time and the county and nomination members of the House of Commons, for a remission of about half of the Assessed Taxes, which in 1823 were accordingly repealed ; under which circumstance I ceased to interfere further in reference to that part of the subject. 18. The Sinking Fund, which for thirty previous Sessions of Parliament haffbeen a subject of standing and grave discussion. VI Plagiarism of the Edinburgh Review. — Repugnance of London Booksellers to Statistics. and after l)cing held up by several of the most influential men of the age as the climax of genius in political finance, and the sal- vation point of all the interests of the country, since 1822 has ceased to he a subject of debate in Parliament, and is now never thought of by men of common sense, hut to he laughed at for the fallacies which in principle it involves, and despised for the chicane which it engenders in jiractice; for a complete tnew of the rise and progress of the National Debt and operation of the Sinking Fund (National Annuity Account, and Account of Liquidation, are more appropriate terms), .see ]}ages 210 — 21C, of my Digest of Papers presented to Parliament in the Session q/‘1833. As an accurate investigation of the nature and effects of the accounts here mentioned of necessity involved an equally accurate investigation of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Govern- ment, it led to my producing what probably would never otherwise have appeared, viz. a complete History of the Financial Operations of the Government from the commencement of the war in 1793, down to the present time : see the same arranged as frontispieces to my Digest of Papers before mentioned, the notes to which will show that until 1822 no account of the Revenue and Expenditure prior to 1800 had been made public; the notes will also be found to contain some very curious and important developements. 1!). During the years 1823-4, I devoted my time exclusively to continuous developements in detail through the Daily Papers or other channels of publicity, wherever I could obtain insertion. Mr. Valpy’s Pamphleteer and the Monthly Magazine of this jieriod contain several evidences of my progress in this species of elucidation, during which time I was constantly watching for a favourable oj^portunity to fix suitable attention on my display of aU the combinations of the interests of the nation, as set forth in Sections 13, 11. In 1823 I furnished gratuitously all the Statistical data for Art. 1 of No. LXXVII. of the Edinburgh Review, [Oct. 1823,] for which I was rewarded with a gross violation of propriety; but, as the \fiolation involved only propriety or courtesy, I should never have thought it worthy of a moment’s consideration had not the same Journal at two sub- sequent periods rendered itself amenable to my denunciation of dishonour, and to the consequences of a legal process, by the insertion of two Statements which had cost me much time and labour in arranging — one relating to the Colonies, and the other to Wove Fabrics — not only without my authority and without acknowledgment, but assuming them as its own. In 1824, 1 collected together the several statements which I had interspersed through various Periodical Journals, and published them in an 8vo. form, as emanating from a Society called the “ London Statistical Society,” a title which in 1834 was as improperly assumed by a party of Pseudo-Statists, as the Edinburgh Re^aew had assumed as its own what belonged exclusively to me. In 1827 I published an enlarged edition of 500 copies, in the same form, and under the same title, at the price of 1 5s., and from this period Statistical Developement may be said to have taken firm root in England. This edition, relatively speaking, was eagerly demanded, and within 1 8 months, 1, 2, and 3 guineas were paid for a single copy, and in one instance which came to my knowledge 5 guineas were offered and refused for a copy, a result without a parallel in the history of modern bookselling. 20. Notwithstanding the seemingly favourable result of the edition of 1827, the 500 copies did not produce to me more than a copy, while the charge of printing and paper had cost three times that sum ; and as this part of my exposition may be regarded as a History of the progress of Statistical Developement, which must of necessity at no very distant period constitute the basis of legislation, when reduced to a science, it may not be deemed uninteresting for me to state that such up to this time [1827] was the repugnance or indifference of the public generally to statistical representations, that not one of the thousand Book- sellers of the British metropolis could be found to purchase a single copy ; and, with the view of showing what trifling incidents may sometimes govern or influence the progress of the most important proceedings, it is a fact, which I shall offer no apology for recording, that when my first edition was offered, in the usual course of trading, to the most extensive Bookselling Establish- ment in Europe, under the expectation that they would have taken 25 or 50 copies, they declined interfering on account of its being too thin!! Tliis would I think have terminated my career as a bookmaker for sale, but for another circumstance, as honourable to the character of a rising empire as the previous one may be deemed derogatory. One of tbe Partners of tbe largest Bookselling Establishment in the United States of North America, Messrs. Carey and Lea, of Philadelphia, being at the time in London, purchased of me 100 copies at my own price, without a second word to the bargain ; the confidence and respect inspired by such conduct more than counterbalanced tbe contempt which I had been momentarily induced to feci for the other. This incident is now recorded as a point in the history of the subject both curious and amusing, and not for the sake of indulging in any expression of unkind feeling. 21. The high appreciation which my 8vo. Edition of Statistical Developement had attained in 1828-9 occasioned numerous applications to be made to me for another Edition ; Imt I had found the cost of production too great to justify me in further incurring the expense of printing and paper. It was then suggested to me, whether it might not be desirable to enlarge the size and extend the information to a degree to justify such a price being demanded as would secure an indemnity for the cost of production, several personal friends urging me to adopt this suggestion, with an assurance that they would not only contribute their fifteen, twenty, or thirty guineas each, but use their influence with their friends to induce them to act in Connection of Compiler with the Government. — Committee of Parliament on Public Documents. vii like manner ; and, before I had time to consider the extent of tlie lialiilities in which the undertaking would involve me, I had handed to me a list of some thirty or forty Meml)ers of the House of Commons who had concurred in the proposal, and, among the numl)cr, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, for fifty copies, at three guineas a copy. This proceeding had been taken, not only without my being consulted upon it, but without its intention ever having l)een mentioned to me ; but, on being informed that the proposition had been promptly and cordially acceded to, it induced me to call on a Mem1)er of the Cabinet, with whom I was on terms of frank and easy intercourse, who had taken a part with the Chancellor of the Exchequer in acceding to the proposal, to express my acknowledgments for his friendly interference, observing at the same time that I was not without an apprehension that it might probably involve me in considerable pecuniary embarrassment. '12. A lengthened eonversation having ensued, in reference to the heavy expense attending the printing of such a work as I M-as then proposing to myself to produce, while the taste and inclination of the public to purchase it seemed to be in an inverse ratio to the cost of production, I urged attention to the general analysis and display of the combined interests of the Country as set forth in sections 13, 14, expressing my confidence that, if the necessary time and attention were bestowed upon it, it could not fail in guiding the Government to the adoption of such measures as would tend to the advancement and permanent prosperity of the various classes of the Community, and that without any sacrifice of existing interests j and I explained verbally, from the original and only copy of 1819 that I had then drawn out, the principle on which it was based, and on which the various results were arrived at, and I proceeded to express my regret that, in the course of ten years, I had met with no inducement to draw out a second copy based on the data of the Time, while the intensity of appheation, and absence of every other consideration pending the task, had precluded me from attempting it as a matter of gratification. All this was offered in the way of passing conversation, without either the tone or even thought of proposal on my part. The interest, however, w'hich my elucidation of the subject produced at the moment, led to a spontaneous proposition for drawing out another copy Ijased on the data of the Time, and that for doing so I should receive 200 or 300 guineas, in addition to the 150 guineas for the fifty copies of the book. 23. The evident sincerity with which the preceding proposition was made I expressed to be as gratifying to my feelings, as I hoped the circumstances to which it would lead would prove beneficial to the Country, and I immediately acted upon the faith of a proposition so freely and voluntarily offered, by entering into heavy liabilities for enabling me to work out a new transcript of the general Analysis and Developement of all the varied interests of the nation, based on the data of the Time, and for accomplishing the printing and publication of the book. After about ten or twelve weeks of intense application, with the aid of one of the most efficient arithmeticians of the metropolis, the Analysis was completed ; but, although the proposition was for me to receive the 200 or 300 guineas before I sat down to the task, it never was paid to me at all. However, eighteen months after, on my representing to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Lords of the Treasury, in January, 1831, the embarrassment in which this disappointment had involved me, I was led to expect the immediate payment of £500, and I again entered into additional liabilities on account of the printing of the book, upon the faith of receiving that amount ; but, after three weeks or a month of painful suspense, I received a Copy of a Treasury Minute, dated 4th of February, 1831, ordering me the payment of £200 only, but four months after, by the friendly interference of a Member of the then Cabinet, I received a further sum of £300, pursuant to a Treasury Minute of the 24th of June of the same year. 24. Gratuitous, on the part of the Government, as the payment of the £500 may be deemed, it was not equal to the losses which I had sustained, consequent on the former disappointment in 1829. It nevertheless enabled me to proceed in the printing of the Work which I had undertaken, the expense of which, however, eighteen months after, had accumulated to an amount so far exceeding the prospect of reimbursement, that I had resolved to abandon what I was compelled to suspend, when, on mentioning, in January 1833, the embarrassment in which it had involved me to a Member of the then Cabinet, he intimated to me that he would propose to his Colleagues moving for a Committee of the House of Commons to enquire into the best mode of affording information to the Members of the House by Public Documents, when the Committee might probably be disposed to recommend for adoption those which I had prepared. The Committee, as proposed, was appointed on the 18th of February 1833, and, after having requested my attendance three several times, the Committee reported to the House that my Digest “ had been prepared with great labour, and contained information which could not be obtained from any existing work, nor from the compilation then making under the direction of the Board of Trade; and recommended the attention of the House to my evidence before the Committee; and that 1250 copies of the work, when completed, should be placed at the disposal of Parliament.” 25. The above recommendation of the Committee was pertinaciously and inveterately opposed by one of its members whom accident had very unexpectedly placed, not only as a Member of Parliament, but in an influential position in the Govern- viii Continued Opposition of Government Officials. — Appreciation of Statistical Society in Paris. incnt. Tills individual, with one or two others equally determined, united to oppose the recommendation of the Committee when it should be brought under the consideration of the House, and availed themselves of the position into which accident had placed them, both as Members of Parliament and of the Government, to influence all such Members as were not in the habit of thinking and judging for themselves to oppose it, on the ground of its being a job of the honourable and indefatigable Member for Middlesex, and every other species of wanton and wilful misrepresentation deemed hkely to answer the purpose was anxiously resorted to. However, the Recommendation of the Committee came under the consideration of the House in a Committee of Supply on the 29th of April, when, after one of the most animated discussions ever witnessed in Parhament, in opposition to all the force which the influential position of the parties above mentioned could bring to bear upon it, I was most triumphantly honoured with a vote of 2500 guineas for the 1250 copies recommended by the Committee to be placed at the disposal of Parliament. Embarrassing as a negative to the proposition would have been to me, I considered it unbecoming as well as derogatory to myself to use any endeavour to influence the feelings of Members on the ground of personal consideration ; and as such I did not speak to half a dozen Members on the subject, nor to one in the way of solicitation; and I was gratified on being informed that Members whom up to this time I do not even know in person, and others to whom I have never spoken, were among the warmest advocates in support of the proposition. To these Honourable Gentlemen, as well as to those with whom I had long been on terms of free and friendly intercourse, I cannot sufficiently express my sense of gratification for the sincerity of regard which they manifested in my behalf on the occasion. 26. Notwithstanding the strongly-marked feehngs of the House in favour of the proposition, and the majority by which it was confirmed, on the Report of the Committee being brought up on the following evening I was not only exposed to further oppo- sition, but, to speak figuratively, placed between two fires, by an opposition from a new quarter, induced, as far as I could judge, in despite to the Honourable Member for Middlesex, under the erroneous impression that it was an affair to which he was a party, and that the consequences of a negative to the proposition would, in some way or other, affect him ; and notice w'as given by an Hon. Member that the confirmation of the vote would be opposed on public grounds on bringing in the Appro- priation Bill at the close of the Session, and thus from January to August were aU my operations further suspended, under the circumstances of penalties of £20 per month for non-fulfilment of agreements which I had entered into, and interest on a large expenditure and liabilities then incurred. At length the Appropriation Bill was brought in, and passed without a question being raised, and the Session of 1833 closed, when I considered myself at liberty to proceed in preparing for the delivery of the 1250 copies of the Papers, as recommended by the Committee, and referred to in Section 24. In December following the 1250 copies were dehvered, and, on my applying at the Treasury for the payment of the £2625, I was informed that the £500 received in 1831 would be deducted, unless I delivered an additional number of copies equal to that amount. I, in consequence, received in December £2000 on account, less £60 for fees, and the remainder, less a further deduction of £30 for fees, in April following, on dehvery to the Treasury of 240 additional copies ; although, independently of the unexpected deduction of £90 for fees, it was the intention of the Committee, and of the House on approving of that recommendation, that I should receive a clear £2625 on delivery of the 1250 copies, the payment of £500 in 1831 having been approved of at that time for aiding me in the progress of the work, 27 . Pending the progress of my expenditure on account of the printing of the 1250 Copies of the Papers delivered in December 1833, the individual previously alluded to who had so earnestly opposed the recommendation of the Committee, in the preceding February, availed himself of his position with the Government to obtain on the 10th of April, 1832, the Lords of the Treasury to authorise £1500 per annum to be placed at his disposal, without obtaining the sanction of Parliament, to enable him to attempt to do the very same thing which he knew I had already incurred the expense of, so rendered myself liable for doino- ; consequently, so far as I was justified in calculating on the public for indemnity by the sale of my Copies, that act of the Government inflicted upon me a serious injury, without saying any thing about its propriety on the ground of economy. How far the effects produced by the £1500 per annum so appropriated, in injurious opposition to my interest, have justified the act, may in some degree be estimated by a comparison of the two productions. Both are before the public ; let the public there- fore decide. The Statistical Society of Paris so far appreciated the production of the Board of Trade as to vote the official of that establishment an honorary medal of bronze, while they honoured me with one of gold of the same weight; and, as the relative merit of the two performances may be regarded as concerning the Public, it may not be out of place or deemed presumptuous in me to state, that, where the same subjects arc illustrated under my arrangement, the information is more intelligibly given in one- tenth of the space (vide jyayes 219 — 221 of my Digest), so that the Parisians appear to have very fairly estimated their respective values : being of about equal bulk, they rewarded one with bronze, and the other with gold of equal weight. 28. I have thus far shown the nature and extent of my connection with the Government, which has never had any Erroneous notiojis respecting the nature of the connexion of the Compiler with the lion. Member for Middlesex, ix reference to administrations, with one trifling exception, when I was asked, I)y a Member of the late Cal)inet, if I would under- take a temporary service, the nature of whicli on its being proposed to me (abstracted from all pecuniary consideration) offering a high gratification, I joyfully acceded to it. For the manner in which I performed that service, I received, in writing, the strongest expression of appreciation on the part of the Premier ; and, for about twenty-one days’ time, a pecuniary consideration of twenty-five guineas beyond the expenses incurred. Had my circumstances admitted of it, it was a service which I should have been delighted to perform gratuitously. Independent of the labour and time bestowed on the developcment of the fallacy of the Sinking Fund, recorded on the journals of Parliament in July 1822, as stated in Section 17 . I might with pro- priety refer to twenty other great questions of public importance which, since 1822, I have been either wholly instrumental or greatly aided in bringing under the consideration of Parliament; among which the Developcment of the State of the Nation, on the 4th May, 1826‘, and of the Operation for the Redemption of the Land Tax in 1823, deserve to be noticed (Vide Journals of Parliament of those dates respectively; and for a very interesting display of the progress of the Redemption of the Land Tax, referred to in § 18, see page 24 of my Digest of the Paj)ers on the Finances and Commerce of the Kingdom). 29 . Much as the nineteen preceding Sections may seem to partake of personal narrative, and occasionally savour of egotism, I have considered it a duty which I owe to myself to state the facts of the case, in refutation of the groundless mis- apprehensions and mistakes which have been extensively indulged in, as if in conjunction with, or under the auspices of the Honourable Member for Middlesex, I was merely an aspirant for place or emolument; while, on the contrary, in all the inter- course I have ever had, either directly or indirectly, with the Government, or in connexion with Parliamentary proceedings, I not only avoided connecting my propositions with any question of consideration, pecuniary or otherwise, but in more than one instance, when influential friends have thought it right that I should do so, I have strenuously insisted against such consideration being mixed up with any proposition of a public nature upon which, at any time, I might feel desirous to fix the attention of the Government; and, so far from my having derived any pecuniary advantage from my interference in public affairs, the £3192 which I have at different times received from the Government is not half equal to the cost of production of what I have given for it, independent of fifteen years of the best ]:)eriod of my life having been exclusively devoted to enquiry and investigation, and watchfulness for an opportunity to render the results of my enquiry beneficial to the country. 30. On the occasion of the recommendation of the Committee on Public Documents, to pay me 2500 guineas for 1250 copies of the Papers which I had arranged, being brought under the consideration of Parliament, the means of opposition resorted to on the part of two or three subordinate members of the Government were to accuse the Honourable Member for Middlesex with its being a job of his, in seeking to remunerate me, at the public expense, for services rendered to him personally; thereby implying that J had been a hired employe of the Honourable Member. I am aware that this impression is very general ; but on a previous occasion I have stated it to be entirely without foundation : and I again repeat, that at no time during the fourteen years’ acquaintance which I have agreeably maintained with that Gentleman, has the acquaintance ever involved a pecuniary claim or consideration on my part to the value of a shilling. All the great questions which the Honourable Gentleman has brought under the consideration of Parliament, to which I have been a party, have originated with myself, and have been urged by me on his attention, as a means to forw'ard the general developement adverted to in § 12, 13, and I am happy in having an opportunity to place on record the high sense which I entertain of the sincerity of purpose which the Honourable Gentleman has brought to bear upon every proposition which I have sulimitted to him, as weU as on every other occasion, when the interest of the nation was the object. So far from the Honourable Member having been a party to the transaction more immediately referred to, the Committee was proposed certainly without a word having ever passed between him and me on the subject, and I believe without his knowing that any such proceeding was intended by any other means. The part he took in the affair, after the Committee was formed, was his own voluntary act, little or no intercourse having taken place between us, at this junc- ture. And I believe the Honourable Member’s taking the lead in bringing the question before the House was a matter of arrangement between him and the Noble Lord who was Chairman of the Committee, rather than one of reference to me personally ; but so little did I know of the proceedings, that the decision was come to on a day without my having been informed by any one, that such would be the case. I was at the House, pending the discussion, purely by accident; and the cordial greeting mth which I was met by several Members, who withdrew immediately after the discussion was over, is duly appreciated by me, and its recollection compensates me for much of the vexation and injury wantonly and maliciously inflicted upon me by others. 31. Having in § 8, 9, brought the History of National Statistical Developement down to the commencement of the present century, and in the subsequent Sections, stated the origin and progress of my own career in that species of enquiry, as well in refutation of the unfounded imputations and embarrassment in which it has involved me as in continuation of the History of the c X Annihilation of Domestic Manufacture, by the uncontrolled application of Mechanical Power. — Baneful Effects. subject, I will now proceed to the Dcvelopcment of the causes which have deranged all the social relations of the British com- munity as set forth in the Title to this part of the present Volume. On the reconstruction in 1829 of the general Display of tlie aggregate combination of all the interests of the Nation, first developed in 1819, as stated in section 12; I discovered that the two main causes of the inordinate inequalities which I found to prevail were the uncontrolled application of scientific and me- chanical power to the purposes of manufacturing production, and the extended involution of F oreign Loan transactions with our external commerce. The developement of the first of these causes led me to discover the fallacy involved in the three Population Returns of 1801, 1811, and 1821, and their entire inefficiency for any useful purposes of legislation. The result of the three Returns will be found exhibited at page 8 post, which page shows that at those three periods the occupation of the Population was returned under three heads oidy, in the proportion of about a half under the head of “ Trade, Manufactures, or Handi- craft,” and less than a third under the head of “ Agriculture,” the remainder being returned under the head of “ all others, not included under either of the two preceding classes hence the delusion which for five and thirty years has so fatally prevailed in regard to the supposed preponderance of the manufacturing over every other interest of the kingdom. It was the desire to dispel this delusion which led to the district arrangement of England and Wales, as exhibited at pages 8 — 90, ante, of the present Volume, and as stated in the first five sections of the Introduction. 32. The analysis of the Country, which I have divided into districts according to their prevailing productions or occupations, is exhibited as a frontispiece to the District Arrangement, by which it will be seen that, instead of a half, the Manufacturers, after allowing for an excess of females and children employed therein, do not amount to a seventh part of the Total Population; and it will be seen by the note at the head of the page of results, that it is mechanism, and not manual labour, which contributes with such facility and so largely to the increased supply of manufactured productions ; and that, so far from the number deriving sub- sistence from manufacturing operations preponderating over the agriculturists, or having increased, the number is actually less in 1835 than it was half a century ago, notwithstanding the great increase in the aggregate of the Population. Startling and. strange as this declaration may seem to the syllogists and charlatans who declaim against the Corn Laws, and talk about free trade, it is a fact which, on full and fair enquiry, will prove no more strange than true. It will be in the recollection of every man of forty years’ experience in the domestic affairs of the British PojDulation, that, at the commencement of this experience, not only every Farm House, and every Labourer’s Cottage, but the habitations of the greater portion of the Handicraftsmen, over the whole of Great Britain, were so many manufacturing establishments. 33, Half a century ago, the three Counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk, constituted a great Manufacturing District, bearing a similar relation to the metropolis as Lancashire and the West Riding of York do at the present time; while Hamp- shire, Wilts, Gloucester, Somerset, and Devon, were wont to afford large supplies of manufactured in exchange for foreign pro- ductions, The uncontrolled aj^plication of Scientific and Mechanical Power to manufacturing purposes has not merely deranged the domestic operations of combing, carding, spinning, knitting, bleaching, &c.: it has annihilated them in 1,200,000 family estab- lishments, and concentrated, with imposing effect, the whole operation in one great District. Nor is it the transfer of operation merely, which the introduction of mechanical power has effected; it has entirely changed the relations of Society; farming estab- lishments that were wont to domicile two or three female domestics, filling up their time, from the duties of the dairy and household affairs, in spinning or other domestic manufacture, now domicile only one : an equal reduction in the male part of the farming establishments has also taken place ; where three male servants w^ere wont to be domiciled, one or two only, at most, are now kept. Had wool-combing, carding, spinning, knitting, and weaving, continued domestic operations, the change in the domestic habits of the occupiers of the soil would have been of little importance ; but, in proportion as the spinning-wheel was abandoned by the matrons of the farmers, employment diminished in the cottages, and all the means of domestic comfort which the produce of the spinning-wheel was wont to sujoply became entirely subverted ; hence the tendency to concentration of numbers in the metropolis and towns, and foci of manufacturing operations. 34. The pecuniary privation, which the subversion of domestic manufactures has oceasioned, is tlie least part of the baneful effects which have resulted from it. A moody melancholy and recklessness of purpose now unhap|)ily prevail, where, forty years ago, the hum of the spinning wheel, accompanied by the tale or the song, was wont, on a winter’s evening, to greet the husbandman on his return from his daily toil, diffusing social enjoyment around the hearths of 800,000 cottages: nor, is the absence of employment, the only grievance of which the population of the rural districts has to comjfiain, the accumulated wealth derived from mechanical power in its concentrated districts of action, in conjunction with the increased taxation, which it has so materially aided in establishing, has tended to increase the cost of all the articles of subsistence and comfort, while the means of a million of families, for obtaining subsistence, have tended to decrease ; let it not, however, be inferred from this that scientific and mechanical power are evils. It is not scientific and mechanical power in themselves which occasion those inordinate dispro- portions which now so unfortunately jjrevail ; but the absence of all due control. Fallacious principle of the Population Returns of 1801, 1811, and 1821, in regard to Occupations. xi 35. If, on the first application of scientific and mechanical aj^cncy to the general i)urposes of manufacturing, their power, tendency, and eficcts, had been accurately estimated, and regulated accordingly, they might long ere this have justified the delightful impression which they appear to have nuide on the mind of the amiable French philosopher Biot, when, on his return from assisting Col. Madge in measuring a degree of the Meridian on the Shetland Isles, in the summer of 181/, he viewed the manufacturing operations of Lancashire, and said that he “ here saw the powers of nature employed in every imaginable form in the service of man, and man himself reserved, as a more precious and delicate piece of mechanism, for the intermitting or acci- dental operations alone, which his divine reason renders him best qualified to execute.” But delightful as the display of scientific and mechanical agency appears to have been to M. Biot, and as it invariably is to all perceptive minds, his agreeable sensations appear to have been countervailed by the impressions arising from the moral degradation with which he saw it accompanied ; for he further states, that whether it was that the contemplation of the moral state of Society, which had so much engaged his attention, had left impressions too deep on his mind ; or that the value of a manufacturing system, on an extensive scale, ought rather to be estimated in its natural, or aggregate, results, than in its local and individual influence, he certainly admired that display of manufacturing operations more than he wished it for his country. 3G. Such were the conclusions (as stated in the four preceding sections) to which I had been led by my arrangement of the most populous Parishes and Towns into districts, and my analysis of the three Population Returns of 1801, 1811, and 1821, when the results of the Census, or population enquiry, of 1831, came officially before the Public, not merely to confirm the conclusions to which I had hypothetically been led, but to prove the extremes to prevail in a much higher degree than I had ventured to state. I have said in my proem to this part of the present volume that the Population Returns of 1831 will constitute an epoch in the history of the United Kingdom ; it will, therefore, be next in place for me to show in what respect they are entitled to so much higher consideration than the three preceding returns of 1801, 1811, and 1821. In addition to the Return of Occupations, under three heads, as stated in section 32, and exhibited at page 8 post, and the other usual details, the Returns of 1831 exhibit the Male Population of the kingdom, twenty years of age and upwards, under nine several heads of occupation ; they also exhibit the Number of Male Servants under twenty years of age, and Female Servants '^of all ages, in every Parish, Town, and place in the Kingdom. Analyses of these results in each County of England, transposed in various ways, will be found at pages 9 — 11 ; and for Wales and Scotland, at page 76 post ; but, for a more interesting display at one point of view, see pages 256 — 7 ante. 37 . It will be seen, on reference to page 256, that the actual manual force of Great Britain, as indicated by the number of its Male Population twenty years of age and upwards, in 1831, was 3,975,514, and the proportion thereof wholly and exclu- sively employed in Agriculture was 1,243,057, being nearly one-third of the whole ; while the proportion employed in the making of Machinery and Manufactures, was only 404,317) being little more than one-tenth of the whole; and that nearly three-fourths of the Total Population of Ireland are exclusively agricultural, and less than a seventieth part employed in inanufactures. In addition to the very interesting results deduced from the Official Returns of 1831, as exhibited at pages 156-7, they further contain, at the end of each County, a detailed account of the various occupations of the 1,159,867 Male Persons, twenty years of age and upwards, returned under the head of Retailers and Handicraftsmen. These very interesting details I have classed, arranged, and exhibited at one point of view, under upwards of 600 several heads, following pages 91-2, post, which pages exhibit 125 of the leading occupations, arranged in alphabetical order, as an Index to the classified display which they precede ; and pages 93 — 5 will be found to contain a detailed display of the nature and extent of the manufacturing opera- tions carried on in every Town in the Kingdom. The next most interesting feature of the Official Returns of 1831 is the large number returned under the head of Labourers other than in Agriculture, amounting, out of 3,974,541, to 608,712 ; this number contains all those employed in Quarries and in Mining operations, in the Fisheries, on Roads and Canals, and in conveying thereon by coach, waggon, barge, &c., and in casual employment ; while those returned under the head of Capitalists and Professional Men will include Dramatists and Artists of all kinds, as well as Merchants, Bankers, Teachers, and members of the Clerical, Medical, and Legal^Professions ; and those under the head of Other Males, twentg years of age and upwards, except Servants, may be considered as including disabled Paupers, and Almsmen, of all kinds. Swindlers, and all others subsisting by casual means, as well as Proprietors, Annuitants, Mortgagees, and others subsisting on fixed money incomes. 38. Notwithstanding the insignificance, relatively speaking, of the numbers employed in manufacturing operations, more especially so when viewed in reference to the United Kingdom at large, instead of Great Britain separately, and the preponder- ance of the Agricultural over every other class of interests; the Returns, under the three usual heads, which were made in 1831 for the sake of comparison with the previous Returns of 1 81 1 and 1821, will be seen on reference to either page 8, or 90, jJost, to indicate a decrease of Agriculturists in 1831 as compared with 182 1, an increase under the head of Trade, Manufactures, and Handicraft, and a very great preponderance under the third head ; the cause of the variation will be found explained in the .xii Gross mis-statements of a Member of the Government in his place in Parliament in 1833 and 1834. note to page 1 1, jwsl ; l)ut wliat can be said in vindication of those who, in spite of all the evidence adduced, as exhibited in the preceding section, in exposure of the fallacies involved in the Returns of 1811 and 1821, still persist in contending for a preponderance of numbers employed in manufactures compared with those employed in Agriculture ? yet, palpable as is the fallacy, a member of the House of Commons, whom I have previously had occasion to refer to in section 15, then holding a prominent situation in the Government, in his place in Parliament, on the 7th March, 1834, after a diffusive species of advocacy of the importance of Foreign Trade, and especially of an unrestrained admission of Foreign Corn into Great Britain, thus endeavoured to sustain his argument: — “I will not,” said he, ‘^go into the comparative state of the Population — I will not ask whether, if there be in Great Britain 9G0,()00 families dependent upon Agriculture, and 1,400,000 families dependent uf^on Manufactures and Commerce, which is the class that most immediately demands the consideration of the Legislature.” 39. It is difficult to imagine how any one, much more a member of the Government, should have presumed, after the evidence of the Population Returns of 1831 had been made public, to utter such an inuendo, as that, for every ninety-six persons employed in Agriculture, there were 140 employed in Manufactures and Commerce, Avhen in reality the proportions are, in Great Britain, as 120 in Agriculture to only forty in Manufactures and Commerce; and, if the same rule of proportion be applied to the United Kingdom at large, the ratio will be as 240 in Agriculture to less than twenty in Manufactures and Commerce ; and, as far as the question applies to the external relations of the Country, the proportion of the Population of the United Kingdom dependent on Manufactures and Commerce does not amount to a 140th part of the whole. Additional con- firmation of this will appear hereafter, when I have shown that it is not in reference to the question of employment of the Population merely that truth has been grossly violated in Parliament. On the occasion of the Hon. member for White- haven calling the attention of the House to the deranged state of the Nation, on the 22d April, 1833, the same official functionary just previously adverted to presumptuously ventured to deny the premises of derangement on which the Hon. member for Whitehaven had based his argument, and endeavoured to impose on the unsuspecting confidence of the House, by asserting that, as far as the condition of the Country could be measured by the rule of consumption, the increased consumption of all the great articles of enjoyment and luxury indicated the highest degree of prosjierity ; continuing in detail to assert that, since a given period, the consumption of Sugar had increased 83 per cent., of Tea 65 per cent., of Tobacco 31 per cent., and several other articles in like proportion, and exceeding in ratio the increase of Population. 40. The years of comparison in respect to sugar were 1832 with 1818, and on a i>ritna facie view of the official accounts the assertion of increase in 1832, as compared with 1818, appears to be true; but it ought to have been stated that, on the 5 th January, 1818, the duty was raised from 27s. to 30s. per cwt., and as the increase of duty had l)een antecedently known it caused the duty to be paid in anticipation of 1818, on three or four months’ consumption of sugar at the close of the year 1817, and as the duty w’as lowered again at the commencement of 1819, it caused an unusual diminution of Stock in the hands of all the dealers at the close of 1818; these circumstances caused the quantity of sugar charged with duty in 1818 to be unusually small, the receipt at 30s. per cwt. having been only £2,331,472, while at 27s. per cwt. in the preceding year it had been £3,967,154, and in 1808, ten years preceding, £4,074,531 ; and at 24s. per cwt. in 1832, it was only £3,986,519; independent also of the seeming increase of consumption which the special circumstances here disclosed sufficiently explain, the price of sugar in the year 1818 averaged, exclusive of duty, 50s. per cwt., (in 1814 it averaged 73s. 4|d.) making the year’s Importation in 1818 equal to a value of £9,163,800., while at the commencement of the year 1832 the price was only 23s. 5|d. per cwt., and the average of the year not more than 26s. per cwt., or a total value of less than £5,000,000 : hence, admitting the fact of an actual increase of consumption to have taken place in the ratio asserted on the occasion in question, it may be asked. What consequences have re- sulted to the producer consequent on the prostration of interest which the difference in value here exhibited must have occasioned? 41. In respect to Tobacco, the comparison of the consumption of the year 1832 was made with that of 1811, and again the prima facie evidence of official accounts warranted the assertion ; but it is shown at page 203 of my Digest of all the Official Accounts relating to Commerce and Finance during the last half century, that the importation of ’fobacco into Great Britain, which in the four years 1788 — 1791 had averaged upwards of 54, ()0(),()()() of ll)s. per annum, and which in 1810 amounted to 52,641,800 lbs., in 1813, consequent on the war then waging between Great Britain and the United States of North America, amounted to only 2,5 10,5 1 1 lbs. This suspension of supply caused the price of the article to be enhanced, not in any rate per cent, merely, but five or six fold, which inordinate increase of value caused only 10,503,917 lbs. to be charged with duty in 1814, against 15, 043, .53.3 lbs. in 1811 ; and so far from any increase of consumption having taken place, the total quantity consumed in the five years, ending with 1831, was very considerably less than in the five years ending with 1811, notwithstanding an increase in the total population exceeding 30 per cent. In respect to Tea, the assertion was actually founded upon the consumption of Great Britain at one period against the consumption of the whole of the United Kingdom at another period! ! Several other comparisons were ventured upon, all equally fallacious and reprehensible. Fallacious notions of the Declaimers against the Corn Laws. — Annual Value of the Produce of the Soil. xiii 42. The main point to which the erroneous suppositions, and false assertions of a preponderance of tlie Population being dependent on Alanufacturcs and Commerce, hav'e been directed, is the advocacy of an unrestrained Importation of Foreign Corn ; and having shown, in section 39, by reference to jiage 25G, ante, as well as to the frontisi)iccc to the District Arrangement, the proportion of the Population dependent on each great branch of production or occupation for subsistence, I will in the next place proceed to show the effect which an unrestrai:icd Importation of Foreign Corn would have on each of the several classes and orders of the Community. During the three years, 1832 — I, the supply of grain, of the growth of the United Kingdom, has proved equal to the consumption ; and, notwithstanding the conceited and hateful theories, some time since extensively, and still, in some degree, indulged in, that all the most productive soils of the United Kingdom have been forced to their utmost extent, and that the Population was increasing in a ratio greatly exceeding the means of subsistence from internal supply, it will hereafter be shown that the power of the soil of the United Kingdom is equal to the production of a much greater supply than any extent of consumption which can at present be anticipated. This conclusion being admitted, and con- lirmed, it must then be admitted that any induction of external supjdy for internal consumption, be it much or be it little^ must of necessity lead to a corresponding diminution of demand for the internal supply. 43. There is, however, another point of view in which the subject of the Corn Laws may be regarded, viz. that of assuming the internal supply of corn ?iot to be equal to the demand, but that some rate of Import duty may be deemed politic to sustain some given, or required, scale of price ; in either instance the inevitable tendency of any induction of F oreign Supply will be to cause a lower price to prevail than would otherwise be the case ; the question, therefore, of advantage or disadvantage, arising from a free importation of Foreign Corn, resolves itself into one of proportion, as to the number likely to be benefited by a lowness of price and the converse, or by Importation or Non-importation : for it will be seen to be not exclusively a question of price. One portion of the community that would be directly benefited by lowering the price of corn is, that which subsists exclusively on fixed money incomes. This portion may be estimated at about a fortieth part of the whole community ; and, estimating the money value of their present annual consumption of corn at £2,500,000 per annum, in the event of such a reduction in price taking place as w’ould give them the same quantity of corn for £2,000,000 of money, instead of £2,500,000, other parties may be indirectly benefited by an enlarged expenditure among them, wdiich the £500,000 would afford, but the question of this benefit wfill be more particularly explamed hereafter. 44. Another party that would be directly benefited by the free importation of corn, or by its importation under a modified rate of duty, is the exporting merchant, and that portion of the manufacturing interest which depends more immediately on external consumption for their productions. It is not lowness of price, however, that will constitute the source of benefit to these parties, but aggregate amount, and the higher the price, the better for them. If any additional quantity of corn be imported, say to the extent of £2,000,000 or £5,000,000 value per ann., so much additional means are created for payment of British productions ex- ported, affording a chance for an enlarged exportation, increased facility of payment, and greater profits ; but the numbers directly benefited under such operations wiU not exceed the 1000th part of the whole community, including shipowners, corn- factors, &c., while, for every million of advantage on one side, five millions of disadvantage wmuld be inflicted on the 1,243,057 agriculturists of Great Britain, an equal number in Ireland, and on all in addition, more immediately dependent on the farmer for emjfloyment and subsistence. A common-place opinion universally prevails, that the great mass of the labouring population of the Kingdom wmuld, indiscriminately, be benefited by lowering the price of corn ; but no opinion can possibly be more fallacious. For the labourer to be benefited by a lowering of prices, it is necessary to guarantee him a continuance of his pre-existing rate of wages ; w^hile, on the contrary, he is not merely subject to an equal, but frequently to a greater reduction in the rate of his wages, than is afforded him by the reduction in the price of commodities. Another fallacious opinion is, that the manufacturing and shopkeeping interests of the country, generally, would also be benefited ; and some are so obtuse and perverse as to assert that even the producers themselves will not be precluded from enjoying the blessings of advantage in selling their corn at 35s. per quarter, instead of 60s. The latter assumption appears to be founded on the supposition of a liberal importation of foreign corn forcing down the rate of rental. 45. The aggregate money value of the saleable produce of the soil of Great Britain, at the j^resent scale of prices, [1834-5] may be estimated at £160,000,000, in the proportions of about £60,000,000 for grain of all kinds ; an equal amount for animal food ; and about £40,000,000 for Forage, Butter, Cheese, Wool, &c., &c. Out of this, about £40,000,000 are payable for rent, and the proceeds of the whole constitute the means of mutual exchange for an equal value of the various imported and manu- factured productions of the kingdom for internal consumption. Now, mark the effect that will be produced upon the various internal interests of the country, by any material change either in the mode of supply, or alteration in the value of grain. The largest importation of foreign corn into Great Britain ever known was in the year 1831, in which year the wheat amounted to 2,311,362 qrs., and that of all other grain to 1,230,445 qrs., exclusive of 2,430,529 qrs. (557,219 of which w’as wheat) from xiv Injluence and Effects of Corn Law Regulations, under various circumstances. — Annual Supply of Corn. Ireland ; in that year the price of wheat averaged 6Gs. 4d. per qr. This large importation rendered the supply greater than th® consumption; and the price consequently declined to an average of 58s. 8d. in 1832; in 1833 to about 52s., in 1834 to about 1 1s., the minimum at the close of the year being only 40s. Id. The reduction in pr ce having carried the import duty up to a prohibitory rate for consumption, the quantity of grain imported from foreign parts in 1832, amounted to only G41,125 qrs., still less in 1833-4 ; yet, notwithstanding this inconsiderable importation, it is a lamentable fact, that the present scale of prices, not- withstanding the fairness of the crops, and the favourableness of harvesting during the three last seasons, does not, on the hard- working lands, such as the alkaline clays of Essex, and most of the Districts exhibited in the right hand column of pages 239-40 ante, produce an amount equal to the cost of labour and wear and tear of the implements of production, even where no rent is paid. What then must have been the condition of this large portion of the community, had the importation of foreign corn been unrestrained? An importation like that of 1831, with a duty of 10s. per quarter for wheat, would have sent the average price down to 35s., if not to 30s. per quarter, possibly 25s. 46. The aggregate annual production of grain (in quantity), in all Great Britain, may be stated at about 16,000,000 quarters of wheat, and 20,000,000 quarters of all other sorts ; now it is the disproportionate effect which the imported, being the less quantity, has upon the greater quantity of internal growth, that constitutes the most important point for consideration. If, by the importation of 3,500,000 quarters of foreign corn, as was the case in 1831, the average price should be reduced 5s. per quarter only, although it would add about £5,000,000 of amount to the means of payment for British products exported (except so far as it did not increase the export of bullion), it would diminish the aggregate value of the corn of British growth double that amount, and probably diminish the value of animal food and all the other products of the soil in an equal degree, whereby the money means of internal exchange would be diminished in the ratio of four to one of increase by the importation ; and suppose the importation of foreign corn should lead to an increased demand for bullion, instead of the products of British skill and labour, which it doubtless would, to a very great, if not to the full extent of the value of the import, mark the derangement that would ensue, so long as gold is, as ridiculously as it is unphilosophically, left to be demanded at (relatively speaking) a fixed low rate of value ; but the sciolists will doubtless contend that, if bread and all the other articles of subsistence are made cheap), it will lead to all other articles becoming cheap, and all will be equally benefited ; even the landholders or rent receivers, by the reduced price of all commodities, supposing their rents to be reduced one half, will have no cause to complain, inasmuch as they will be able to com- mand as many comforts with half the amount, as they were with the larger sum. But to render the lowering of prices a benefit to those to whom high prices are at present a grievance, it is, as before stated, necessary to ensure the aggrieved party a continuance of their present means of purchase, while it is conclusive, that if the aggregate saleable amount of agricultural produce be reduced from £160,000,000 to £140,000,000 or to £120,000,000 per annum, whether that difference be the defalcation of the rent payer or the rent receiver, the whole trading, handicraft, and manufacturing classes, of necessity, become subject to a corresponding diminution of receipt, and, whether the diminution fall upon wages or jorofits, a general increased derangement is an inevitable result. 47 . One of the assumptions of the sciolists is, “ that every shilling added to the price of corn by the Corn Laws is equiva- lent to a tax on the corn of the United Kingdom]of £2,600,000 ; a duty, therefore, of 10s. per quarter,” say they, “ would be equal to a tax of £ 26 , 000 , 000 ;” but mark the senselessness of this assumption, in the first place, in regard to including Ireland, the pro- duction of which is estimated at 16,000,000 qrs., 3,000,000 of which are annually imported into Great Britain, exempt from all duty ; the duty, therefore, imposed on corn of foreign growth, is a premium and not a tax, to the amount of whatever the rate of duty may be, on all corn of Irish growth ; and, next, as regards the assumption generally ; instead of a tax, every shilling per quarter, added to the selling price of grain of British growth, either as the result of a duty on that of foreign growth imported, or as a natural consequence of increasing demand and consumption, is so much added to the means of increasing the demand and enhancing the value of all the productions of handicraft and manufactures. It is true a case may be assumed, where a duty on foreign corn imported, might seem to operate as an unjust tax on the consumers and the great body of the community ; take, for example, any place containing 1 00,000 persons deriving subsistence by their manufacturing labour, and only fifty persons deriving subsistence from the produce of agriculture, and then suppose a tax of IO5. per quarter imposed on foreign corn im- ported, on the plea of protecting the interest or encouraging the industry of the fifty agriculturists ; such a proceeding as that, might seem absurd and unjust to the 100,000 manufacturers; but, even here, such a tax being absurd and unjust would depend on other circumstances. If the tax were levied in a way to lead to a concentration of money means in the hands of two, or three, or a few individuals who would give it an external application like that of vesting it in foreign funds, or of hoarding it in vaults, as is done at the present time by some of the inhabitants of Amsterdam, and as was the habit of the Dcy of Algiers, and other eastern Satraps ; then indeed it would be an injustice and operate as an oppression as completely as though an invading force had levied black-mail or contribution to the like extent ; but, supposing the sum levied to have an internal application for the Ridiculous Notions in respect to Cheapness ; and of Manufacturing for all the World. XV mutual protection, or for promoting the convenience anti comfort of the whole community, it is just as well levied on corn as on any other commodity, or by any other means. •18. Another assumption of the Declaimcrs against the existing Corn Laws, is, that by lowering the price of corn, and thereby cheapening the means of subsistence, we shall he enalded to successfully “ compete with foreigners,” and to become “ manufacturers for all the world.” This assumption may be pronounced as involving every species of absurdity. First as to cheapness. What is cheap ? the term is relative; bread may be cheap at Is. per lb., or it may be dear at \d. per lb., it being in relation to other things and circumstances that it is either the one or the other ; next, as to foreign compet ition, this implies that other nations have their speculatists who indulge in the foolish notion of manufacturing for all the world, as well as Great Britain ; and therefore, however low England might be disposed to sink, there is no guarantee against other nations sinking still lower. But the absurdity of the notion of “ manufacturing for all the world” will be, perhaps, the most effectually exposed by assuming, for the sake of illustration, that such was the case, and by showing the effects that would follow, admitting it to be so. Assume, therefore, that no such thing as foreign competition exists, and that the demand for the products of British industry, is entirely unopposed. AVhat is the equivalent which the nation, in its aggregate capacity, is to receive, for the increase of quantity proposed to be given ? 49. Suppose that, in 1835, the manufactured productions exported exceed by some given quantity, say one-half, the quantity exported in any previous year; and suppose, further, that they meet with a ready sale in the several countries to which exported. The beneficial effect of all mercantile or trading operations is determined by their ulterior result ; the advantage or disadvantage, therefore, that would arise to Great Britain from becoming “ manufacturers for all the world” would depend, not upon the demand, however urgent, which the products exported might meet with ; but upon the value which the products received in exchange (be those products corn, wine, oil, or what they may) can be made to realize, and that value will be governed, not by the induction of the products, but by the power and means of consumption ; while the extent of consumption will be governed as well by the number of consumers as by their several means, and the extent of their means by the mode of distribution in the rate of remuneration for labour and otherwise, and sometimes it would depend upon the nature of the articles received ; the consumption of wine and of od, of tea and coffee and sugar, may be enlarged, and that to a degree somewhat difficult to defne, while the consumption of corn has its limit ; for although bread may be deemed, as it is, an article of the first necessity, no person AviU consume bread beyond a given quantity, any more than he will consume Adnegar, mustard, or pepper beyond a given quantity. Man eats bread to satisfy his hunger; he drinks wine for enjoyment. 50. It is stated in § 16, that on my working out in 1819, the Arithmetical Display of all the highly involved relations of British Society I found the mechanical power then in operation equal in production to 1 20, and in consumption only to ten ; that is, machinery, in all the various processes of its construction and reparation, in which ten persons only are employed, when put in operation, either displaces or produces equal to the labour of 120 persons. The disproportion between mechanical and manual power has greatly increased since 1819, and i« still increasing : indeed the one may be regarded as advancing in a con- stantly-increasing ratio, while the other, under existing circumstances, is exposed to continuous depression j hence, suppose in Great Britain the career of “manufacturing for all the world” and an unrestrained importation of foreign corn to have com- menced, the immediate consequences would be (supposing the career not to be counteracted by external causes), the creation of new fortunes and increase of existing ones ; while others to a greater extent, and ffitimately all engaged in agricultural pur- suits, would be annihilated ; and although the increasing application of machinery would call for an increase of manual attention to those intermitting or accidental operations, which, as M. Biot has expressed' it, man’s divine reason renders him best qualified to execute ; still pursue the career of “ manufacturing for aU the world,” and receive corn in common with every other article in exchange, to the utmost extent to which the operation can be carried, the ultimate result would be an increase of inequality in proportion to the increased magnitude of the operation. 5 1 . Besides, Why manufacture for aU the world, any more than grow corn for all the world ? The latter proposition is quite as rational as the former, admitting even the doctrine of the pedantic disciples of the Theory of Rent, who by a train of rea- soning as ridiculous as that of their Geometrical ratio of increase in population, against an Arithmetical law of increase of sub- sistence, lead themselves to the conclusion that all the productive soils of Great Britain are exhausted ; while the v^ery converse is the fact, as Avill be shown to demonstration hereafter. But admitting it to be so, her colonial possessions would amply justify the proposition, that is, as a counterpart or set off to the proposition for manufacturing for all the world. Both are ridiculous ; but, if one is less so than the other, it is that of proposing to grow corn, rather than to manufacture for all the world. If it should be thought, that by having confined my example of the effect of manufacturing for all the world to an operation of exchange of manufactured productions for agricultural productions, Avithout reference to the accession of money-wealth to AA’hich it might xvi Causes of Existing Derangement developed. — Legislation always favouring the strong at the expense of the weak. lead, the answer is, follow up the investigation as far as you please ; so long as the energy of a community is directed to the ol)ject of forcing any one interest to preponderate over another, the consequences inevitably to follow must be increasing dispro- portions to such a degree as cither to destroy themselves, or to endanger, if not destroy, the entireness of interest of the whole. 52. As the observ-ations, contained in the preceding sections, imply an objection to the Importation of Foreign Corn, as Avell as to the uncontrolled extension of manufacturing operations, and as those two questions involve all the great prin- ciples of human action, it may very justly be asked. What is the course to be pursued? Such a question, put in reference to any nation, to be properly answered, requires to l)e considered, not on general principles alone, but in reference to any peculiar circumstances under which a nation may be placed, in regard to locality, relation, climate, numbers, condition, &c. The rule of action applical)le to one community may be totally inapplicable to another ; and not only so, but a rule of action may be applicable to a nation at one period, and totally inapplicable to the same nation at another period. It is under considerations like these, that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland presents herself as a phenomenon in the History of Nations ; limited (comparatively speaking) in her central dominion, and relatively inconsiderable in number, she reigns (bung- ling! y, rather than either majestically or gracefully, it is true) arbitress of the world ; and although she has not attained in luxury all that existing evidences of Egyptian and Roman taste, and munificence, as well as History, make us familiar with, yet in refinement, in elegance, in abundance of all the means calculated to render her whole population happy, and an earthly exist- ence delightful, she has not only never been surpassed, but never equalled. 53. Notwithstanding the high and palmy state in which the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland presents herself to the nations of the earth, containing within herself, or commanding all the means of human enjoyment in a much higher degree than ever before existed, and with all the powers of nature, as M. Biot has expressed it, subservient to her will ; she also contains within herself all the elements of disorder, and presents also an extent of privation and misery as appalling and deplorable to contemplate, as the means of relieving them are cheering and delightful ; for the existence of anomalies so discordant there must be some special and peculiar causes ; the causes are, 1 st, the uncontrolled application of mechanical power ; 2nd, the unparalleled extent of fixed money obligations ; 3d, the ascendant influence of a monied interest ; 4 th, the inducement for, and facility to transfer the value of the products of British labour into foreign security and capital, which the three preceding causes, aided by a standard of value inapplicable to the combination, affords ; 5 th, speculative and inappli- cable legislation ; and, Cth, the ascendancy of opinionism. 54. The evil effects which flow from the first four of the previously defined causes, do not arise either as a consequence of their existence or extent, but as a consequence of the absence of due control and regulation. I have shown, in my Introduction to the Display of the Financial Operations of the United Kingdom, in each year since 179-? that it was the progressive exten- sion of mechanical power to manufacturing purposes that supplied the means which sustained the war expenditure, out of whicli the other three causes expanded ; consequently, in proportion as the mechanical power tended to that expansion, if properly directed and controlled, it will prove more than equal to sustain them. It is, therefore, not the extinction or diminution of those causes that is required, but their due regulation and control ; nor, as it will be seen as I proceed, will their due control and regulation tend in the slightest degree to diminish either their sphere of action or their several respective interests ; but, as the required regulation and control must be given by the Legislature, all the evils, resulting from social derangement, which have so far prevailed, and all the difficulty of effectual removal, appear to have emanated from, and to rest with, the fifth previously defined cause, viz. inapplicable legislation ; for, although the sixth may be regarded as the most obnoxious in its influence, as it predominates only as a consequence of inapplicable legislation, if legislation can but be correctly guided, it would of necessity lead to the subversion of opinionism. 55. There is an inherent tendency in Society for some one class or portion to be constantly aiming at obtaining and maintaining an ascendancy ; while accidental circumstances occasionally contribute greatly towards the obtaining of an ascendant influence, and the great mistake of legislation has invariably been to cherish those ascendant influences, and to favour the stronger party at the increasing expense of the weaker, instead of constantly endeavouring, as it is its duty to do, to maintain an equilibrium. It is to this mistake in legislation that we are to traee the origin of the Excise laws, as stated in section 52 of the Introduction ; the perversion of the funds intended for the augmentation of the smaller Benefices, as stated in section I (> ; the profligate system of money dealing, which has jirevailed since the commencement of the war in which led in 1811) to £'500,000,000 of nominal capital, created between 1793 and 1815, for a great part of which lOj ounces of gold only were received for every £l()0 of capital created, being, in 1819, rendered convertible into gold at the rate of from twenty-one to twenty- three ounces for every £100. It was this mistake also which occasioned in 1832 forty members to be returned to Parliament from the manufacturing district of Lancashire and the West Riding of York, as exhibited at pages 1 48 and 1 52 of the Aliihahctical Preponderance of Representatives in Parliament from the Manufacturimj Districts. xvii Arrangement of the Parishes and Towns of England, against only twenty mcndjcrs from the metroj)olis and surrounding clistricts, although the latter preponderate in Population, and are as two to one in Value of Property, as shown at page HO of the same Alphabetical Display : and which, among numerous other oases that might be mentioned, led in 1 8.‘M to the funds levied in upwards of 15,000 j)rovincial districts in England and AValcs, for the relief of their own poor, being placed at the control of an arbitrary authority in the metropolis. 5(). It is shown in Sections 33-4 that the effect of the extended application of Scientific and Mechanical Power to manu- facturing purposes has been to annihilate household industry in the rural districts, and deprive 800,000 to 1,000,000 of families in Great Britain, of the means of supplying themselves with those domestic comforts which, forty years ago, the produce of the spinning wheel, and other occupations connected therewith, was wont to afford ; it is the privation thus produced which has led to the inordinate disproportions exhibited at pages 230-40, ante. It will be seen, on reference to those pages, that while numerous Parishes and extensive Districts, limited in Population, yield great rentals, other Parishes and Districts, productive only at a great expense of labour, and risk of season, yield comparatively but little rental, and are yet oppressed with local burdens in the proportion of three and four, and in some cases of ten, fifteen, or twenty to one. In tracing the cause of these disproportions to their source, the greatest pressure will be found to prevail in Parishes and Districts in which formerly do- mestic manufactures more generally prevailed. Were this species of analysis carried through the whole of Great Britain, it would exhibit about 4,000,000 of acres, yielding about £10,000,000 of rental, not contributing more than £750,000 in local taxation for the support of the Poor and the Church establishment ; while another 4,000,000 acres might be selected, not yielding more than £3,000,000 of rental, yet oppressed with a demand of £1,500,000 for the relief of the Poor and for Tithes. 57 . I first called the attention of the public to the inequalities of Local Taxation in the Introduction to a Statistical Display of the County of Berks, which I published in 1830, in which County I found the extremes to be as fifty to five, or ten to 1 ; and I then submitted to the consideration of the public an equitable assessment for the whole of the County, if not for the whole of England and Wales, the desirableness of which presented itself more strongly to my mind on the occasion of the official service which I performed in 1832, adverted to in section 28, when, in one instance, it was represented to me that the Parochial Assessments alone, in an extensive parish in Sussex, amounted to fifteen or sixteen shillings in the pound, whereas, on investigation, I found them not to exceed two shillings and sixpence, the mode of Assessment occasioning the misrepresentation. Statistical precision alone would justify the adoption of an equitable rate, in respect to Ecclesiastical as well as Parochial Assess- ment ; but the effects which the uncontrolled application of Mechanical Power have produced in the rural Districts render much greater relief necessary than an equitable rate would afford. Since therefore Mechanical Power has been the cause of the privation and derangement so oppressively felt in all the hard-working Districts of the Kingdom, that is, in all those Dis- tricts where the soil is productive only at the expense of great labour and risk of season, it will be as equitable as politic to render Mechanical Power amenable to assessment for their relief. 58. Independent of the privation and derangement which I have shown Mechanical Power to have occasioned in the Rural Districts, on my arriving, in 1819, at the conclusion of the vast disproportion between its producing and consuming power, I saw the necessity of bringing it within the pale of Taxation, not as a measure of Finance, but as one of regulation ; the proposition, however, involved so many considerations, that I have never before ventured pubhely to declare that necessity ; but having now shown so clearly the desolating effects which it has inflicted, and still continues to inflict, on so large a portion of the community, I should deem it a dereliction of duty longer to refrain from the endeavour of awakening the attention of the public and the legislature to the subject. Involving however, as it does, a consideration of the whole of the external relations of the Country, as well as of its internal interests, it is still, in respect to detail, more a matter for state or closet arrangement than for public developement. 59. I have stated in the fourth defined cause of existing derangements (see section 53) that one of the evils resulting from the uncontrolled sway of Mechanical Power, aided by an inapplicable Standard of Value, and an absence of commensurate legislation, has been that of facilitating the transfer of the Value of British Labour into Foreign Security and Capital; this is an evil, both in nature and magnitude, which no control or regulation of the Mechanical Power, as an abstract measure, wiU now remedy ; therefore, inasmuch as it is a combination of causes that are operating to increase those disproportions which, as set forth in the Title to the present Exposition, endanger the existence of the integrity of the Empire, it is not an abstract measure, but a combination of measures, in due reference to each other, that are required to produce the necessary equiUbrium. In sec- tion 16, 1 have adverted to the Notes which precede the General Display of the extent of the external transactions of Great Britain with each of thirty-two different parts of the world, in each year since 1813 ; those notes show that it was the product of Mechanical Power which sustained the war, and which, since the termination of the war, has caused upwards of £100,000,000 value D xviii Coinage of France, and Liquidation of American National Debt, at the Expense of England. of die products of British skill and labour to be exported for conversion into Foreign Capital ; nor is this the whole of the effect which has resulted from an absence of due legislation, as will be rendered apparent by the following illustration, do. Since the termination of the Avar in 181 5, it has been the boast of France that she has coined upwards of 2,000,000,000 of francs, equal to i:,'80,000,0{)0 in sterling value; and of the United States of North America, that they have liquidated a debt of 127,000,000 of dollars, equal to al^out £30,000,000 in sterling value. I pause here, under mingled feelings of sympathy for the privation which these tAVO acts have produced among the people of Great Britain ; of reproach to those whose duty it was to prevent that privation ; and of regret for the general apathy Avhich prevails in regard to the nature and interest of the relations of Society, before stating that both have been effected at the exclusive expense of British skill and labour. Startling and strange, nay prc])osterous, as this declaration Avill doubtless appear to all abstract thinkers, it aauII, like that in section 42, of there being noAV fcAver persons in the United Kingdom deriving subsistence from manufacturing operations than there W'ere forty years ago, prove, on full and fair investigation, to be no more strange than true. It belongs rather to a developement of the nature and extent of the external commerce of the Country than to this exposition, to show the circuitous or involved way in which com- mercial transactions work to lead to such results. I Avill, hoAvever, here give one or two examples. (U. In addition to the 127,000,000 dollars of debt purported to haA^e been liquidated by the United States of North America, it is a fact that Avill be fresh in the mind of every observer of passing events, that the said United States, in the year just ended, have draAvn Avithin their territory upAvards of 20,000,000 dollars in specie ; and this I shall now show is also wholly at the expense of British skill and labour. During the same year. Great Britain has received from the said United States 731,800 bags and bales of Cotton Wool, in Aveight about 240,000,000 of lbs., realising about dd. per lb. on an average; this, Avith rice, tobacco, and other articles exported from the said United States, gave rise to the creation of Bills of Exchange therein on England to the amount of upAvards of £ 10 , 000 , 000 , vAdiich Bills, had no extraneous interference taken place, Avould have constituted the means of payment for an equal A'alue of the products of British industry ; but, unfortunately, the United States’ Government interpose, and absorb half the amount of those Bills to remit to money dealers in Europe for bullion : hence the paralysis Avhich, in J 834, has pervaded all those engaged in trading transactions from Great Britain to the United States ; that act of the American Government left no alternatfre to the ExjAorters from Great Britain but to diminish their transactions to an equal extent, or submit to a reduction in value in proportion to any excess which they might export beyond the residue of Bills of Exchange which remained as commercial equivalents after the United States’ Government had ceased to interfere. — n 6’2. However obAuously injurious to the interests of Great Britain the act just stated may appear, it Avill probably be asked, Hoav could the injury have been avoided ? The question is reasonable, and may be thus ansAV’ered : The eAul or cause of the injury clearly lies in the exclusively fixed price of gold in Great Britain ; had, therefore, such a species of circu- lating medium been adopted, as is proposed in my History of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of Banking in all parts of the World; based on the capital of the twenty-eight millions per annum of Annuities, first consolidating the seA'eral denomina- tions of that capital under one head at an invariable rate of interest, gold, as a circulating medium or token of exchange, might then haA^e been dispensed with, and left, as it was from 1810 to 1815, like any other metal to find its OAvn commercial value ; under such a scheme of arrangements as I have there laid down, the injury inflicted on the productive industry of Great Britain by the act of the American Government just previously mentioned, as Avell as the multiplied injuries which have been inflicted by foreign loan transactions, Avould haA'e been defeated in their embryo, instead of being left unmolested to work out the fearful de- preciations which the displays of comparative A'alues in my work on the Finances and Commerce of the Country exhibit, and the AA'ide- spread privation u^hich has followed as a necessary consequence of those depreciations. 63. If any thing can add to the humiliation Avhich every perceptive mind must feel for the injuries to Avhich the productive industry of Great Britain is exposed Ijy the transaction just previously elucidated, the folloAving additional facts are highly calculated to embitter the feeling. The cotton wool imported from the United States in 1831, aA'craged only about 5^fZ. per lb., Avhile that imported in 1834, averaged aljout dd, per lb.; and thus, while the manufacturing interest were impor- tuning the Government for a modification of the duty from 6 per cent, on the A'alue to five-eighths of a penny per lb., and afterAvards to five-sixteenths of a penny per lb., they ha\'e, by an unnatural internal connAetition, enhanced its A'.alue to the American groAver 3^J. or id. per lb.; or to an aggregate annual value approximating to £4,000,000 in amount; and further, not only in reference to the tAventy millions of dollars of contribution Avhich the transaction of 1 834 resolves itself into, but also the 127 millions of dollars of debt purported to have been liquidated since 1815, the amount has, in the first instance, been Wied on duties on the products of British industry imported into the United States, thereby first enhancing the liability of realizing the proceeds of sale, and ultimately depreciating the value in proportion to the extent of the impost, AA’hich on some of the most staple productions, such as iron and wove fabrics, amounted to 50, 60, and 70 per cent. Nor is this all ; for as the United States’ Means for obtaining the required Equilibrium developed; — Order of Proceeding. xix Government continued progressively to liquidate the 127 000,000 dollars of debt, a great j)ortion of the amount was as progressively appropriated to the formation of joint-stock manufacturing establishments ; to encourage the products of wliich the United States’ Government still continues to levy duties varying from five to fifty per cent, on the like productions im- ported into their territory from Great Britain, while she has cither totally repealed, or reduced to nominal rates, the duty on the wines of France and of all other countries, on tea and all tropical productions, and withal, on all commodities which minister to the comfort and ctijoyment of life, while in Great Britain the same articles continue subject either to prohibitory rates of duty or rates varying from 50 to 200, and on some articles, such as brandy, 1000 per cent, on their importing value. What a contrast! 01. Injurious and appalling as I have made the transactions adverted to in the preceding sections appear; the captious and self-sufficient declaimers on behalf of Free Trade, and repeal of Corn Law regulations, will, I doubt not, indulge in the notion, that I have overlooked, nay, I expect they will say, that I arn ignorant of “ thu balance of trade and exchanges,’’ in refutation of which I refer again to the Notes adverted to in § 16, which precede my Display of the Nature and Extent of the External Transactions of Great Britain, with each of thirty-two different parts of the World in each year since 1813. It is there shown how far the balance of the transactions between Great Britain and the United States of North America, are involved in their respective transactions with the world at large; it is because they are less involved than the transactions between Great Britain and France, that I selected the operations with the United States in preference to those with France ; yet, although the transactions between Great Britain and France are more complicated, involving themselves as they do, not only with the commercial transactions of the whole of Europe and the Americas, but with all the great money transactions in bills of exchange and bullion, which the transfer of capital, absentee expenditure, and other causes extraneous to commerce give rise to, the fact is not the less certain of its having been the products of British skill and labour which supplied the entire amount of the 2000 millions of francs in specie which France has coined since 1815. 65. Enough, I think, has now been said to demonstrate, on one side, the unbounded means and power of Great Britain to maintain her supremacy, and dispense with an unsparing hand the blessings of increasing comfort, not only among her own people, but among all the nations of the earth ; and, on the other side, the fearful prostration to which the unparalleled com- bination of powder and means is exposed, by the privation and suffering which the inordinate disproportions which, at present, so unhappily prevail, occasion. To remedy the evils which result from the prevailing disproportions, the attention of the legisla- ture is imperatively demanded to a consideration of the effects produced, or which result from the seven following systems or principles of action, viz., 1st. Mechanical Power; 2d. The Circulating Medium ; 3d. Ecclesiastical Revenue; 4th. Parochial Assessments; 5th. Corn Laws ; 6th. Foreign Loans and transfer of Capital ; and 7 th. External Commerce generally. On tracing the effect of the working of these seven great principles of action upon the aggregate combination of society, as exhibited in my General Developement of its involved relations, each and all of them will be seen to be operating in a way to greatly increase the inequalities which at present so unhappily prevail ; and so far from there being any tendency in the combination to adjust itself, without the intervention of the Legislature, the inequalities will be seen to tend to progressive increase, and to portend the no very distant approach of a crisis of irremediable disorder. 66. On the attention of the Legislature being sincerely and determinately directed to arrive at a correct knowledge of the actual condition of the country, it wiU be seen that all the great principles of action, enumerated in the preceding section, demand simultaneous regard, and that no abstract or specific measure, in reference to either of them, or any other separately, will prove of the slightest avail towards obtaining the desired equilibrium ; their intimate relation not only to each other, but to the aggre- gate combination of interests of the community at large, renders it indispensable for a series of measures to be simultaneously adopted ; but as aU proceedings must have a beginning, while their progress may be greatly facilitated by a consecutiveness of design, I will show the order in which the necessary series of measures will require to be proceeded in. The first in order will be the circulating medium ; this is required to be based on some invariable standard of value, and to possess some such self-regulating principle as I have laid down in my History of the Origin, Progress, and Present State of Banking, adverted to in § 62 : this will be found susceptible of such regulations as will so effectually check the transfer of capital and foreign loan transactions as to render unnecessary any specific legislative measure respecting them. The next step will be, to establish such arrangements with the several nations of the world, as shall tend to greatly enlarge the external intercourse of the country, upon purely reciprocal terms, and such as to afford the opportunity of importing corn from all countries on terms as satisfactory to the growers of corn in the United Kingdom as to the consumers, and such as to justify mechanical power, being brought under the immediate cognizance and control of revenue, in mitigation of local taxation for the support of the poor and the clergy, to such an extent as shall compensate for the privation which it has occasioned by its annihilation of all domestic industry in the agricultural districts. XX Taxation indispensable as a Means of Regulation. — The National Debt a Bank of Deposit. G'] . It will, I doubt not, by some be thought strange that, among the causes of existing derangement I should not have assigned some portion at least of the derangement to the pressure of Taxation and to the National Debt. In reference to both these great and important subjects, I have repeatedly shown, in the Notes interspersed through my volume of Papers on the Finances and Commerce of the Kingdom, that the value of the mechanical power now in operation, if duly regulated, is more tlian equal to the money obligation which the events of the last forty-three years have imposed on the country. I have pre- viously shown in § 5 t, that it was the produce of mechanical power which mainly sustained the war from 1793 to 1816, and that the augmentation of the National Debt followed as a consequence of the enlarged circulation of Bills of Exchange which the combined operations of tbe Commissariat and of Commerce gave rise to. The present amount of Taxation and of the Na- tional Debt, therefore, arc not causes of the existing derangements, but effects of the extended application of mechanical power, which power being du/g adjusted, in reference to all the subjects specified in the preceding section. Taxation will not only cease to be felt as an opjircssion, but present itself as an indispensable means of regulation, while the account, miscalled the National Delit, will present itself as a Bank of National Deposit, and as an indispensable counterpoise in the grand combination of interests winch the extended application of mechanical power has so materially tended to create. 68. It is one of the prevailing errors of mankind to ascribe all the embarrassments into which nations become involved, to the influence of Taxation ; and it must be admitted that it is too often oppressive. The notions entertained respecting it are, however, frequently erroneous. Taxation may frequently be felt as an oppression by one portion of a community, while, by its MODE of distribution, it may excite new modes of industry, and, in the aggregate, operate advantageously; and in no case is it the amount of Taxation which constitutes an evil, but the inapplicability of the source from which it may be derived, and its undue mode of redistribution. As the question applies to the United Kingdom at the present time, however severely in many cases it may be felt, there is no remission of Taxation, either general or local, nor any consequent diminution of expen- diture, no commutation or extinction of Tithes, that will compensate for the evil effects that result from the inordinate dispro- portions which the uncontrolled operation of mechanical power, and ascendancy of the monied interest, are tending constantly to increase. It is an applicable control and regulation of existing means, and not their extinction or diminution, that is required ; nor is it the looseness or laxity of existing laws and regulations that will suffice to tranquillize the public mind ; but laws and regulations precise and intelligible, rendered equal and impartial in their application to all classes of the community. Tlie seven great systems of action which I have specified in § 65, being regulated and directed on such principles, without calling for any sacrifice of existing interests, will lead to the exciting of such degrees of industry and exertion, as to increase private happi- ness, public prosperity, and national glory, and enable Great Britain to retain her supremacy among the nations of the earth, as the universal arbitress and benefactress of mankind. That such may be her destiny is my most earnest wish, my anxious and fervent prayer. J. MARSHALL. London, Feb. 1835. A GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DISPLAY OF THL LOCALITY, RELATION, SUPERFICIES, AND POPULATION OF EACH COUNTY, SECTION, DISTRICT, AND COEONY or THE BRITISH EMPIRE; THE NATURAL INFLUENCE OF EACH, AS INDICATED BY THE Jlumtjcr of anti In each Year, through a Period of more than Half a Century, and the Resources and Condition of each, as exemplified in its PRODUCTION, RENTAL, TAXATION, PAUPERISM, AND CRIME, WITH A LIKE DISPLAY OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION AND RELATION, SUPERFICIES, POPULATION, AND REVENUES OF THE SEVERAL PROVINCES AND DISTRICTS CPF RUSSIA, PRUSSIA, FRANCE, THE NETHERLANDS, GERMANY, AND THE PENINSULA OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, AND THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA, AND CHINA. Every line a lesson — every page a historv. “ Statesmen and legislators should be men of superior intellectual attainment, and sound education ; they should be profoundly versed in history, especially the history of their own country, and more especially that portion of it to which the least attention has hitherto been paid, viz. the condition of the great mass of the Population at different periods; and of the influence of existing laws and institutions in improving or deteriorating that condition : they should be conversant with Statistics, familiar with the details of numbers, extent, occupation, &c., of the different Provinces of the British Empire, and of the countries with which she has intercourse, whether commercially or politically : they should be able to select, combine, and arrange all these materials with the master-hand of true philosophers.” * Vf.”" f • J- ’> ■ 4., •.. S'.. - r ■ ■ ,•,* !. •*! . . -, J; 7.'.^ :’’ •' . :• -fc. 5;V# ■ . I#- / ,' l*!l ■"'" ‘■■*^ ' ^ ■ , =■- y k(D!^ ■ . ^ ' ^3^ ■' ‘'''-yti^Mlii 'S_* * I* ■'•'•. ♦ , N - : .,/r. , ■ ,,.4 ‘,^v„ >K>* *.* t ■ >. ♦ '. . > # ^" f ■-* ^ f*: )nif- . , - f'J : f'*; )nif- .-*• i S - ’*.' .* /'■ *■-' -X. '■ fr' , '•.‘'►T' '«<<*.r- •’t •■ . ■•' V Ta iV '■ fr' .1*?' 't<**.r -^t . .. . .-^ .' J> ^ \.Si^ »’:-‘i: u/:'/’;' .v- m 'iA ' .' i / ■■ '■■ V-i! tl ^g^rVv'r^v t ; , • '>’ • , * _;.;.4 • • f ' ^ AT ' >*, . 5 "2 f ^ m. ) awi? 4 f >'Mui4A ifrci^'iS • laf; «>y ’iv I. '-■. I '••,7 y , 'k 'i •Jf •'4' 'liPm'' ' " \ "^' " ■■ .r ) ® >'tL"* '^ •*' ■ * t!- i >’• •*! ^ i ■ - ,4*Jij. .*M M'uITj ^ /-' ■<» ^ )'l"-..-.- ‘ I- . ^ - .J^i. • -i!^ 4--t^ .l‘.*ISr '-.i-— ■ t - A » 1 fc -- .■ • .- • ^ ^f*''l'. r* M- > I 4 .\ 4 »V . ^ L*s« . '•- • . ijfl iH-^r'+ ' ;.♦ 'iT)i/ .V •■».'.* j .; A i ‘. - ,4*4ij' 'M ’’’■^ ''C y.> I,' . i, ^•ig#'■(W4 ifrjiliv, '• >:' St;,/ . 'i,,. \!) '^■'Ji'mlli^^ '«». viw< ,-»^ >i^‘' -iMJi •'»< »i*’,(<.'i^f ,'t^^ ‘f‘#.-’B « * ' . '^W: .' ■ ■ ' ? ...J /. 4 .^' . »■ . ,- 'isf . w A jrc^w.7^ 3».r ’ V, k.‘ /‘ " )54‘ ■; ,*»;' . \ . ' “» i ■' ' i'*". , < .; . ' . -Iv? , 4‘''jfy> . r >*to’ i 3 SUMMAUV of tlic ()‘2 I’a^cs 9-00, ahevvini^ the proportion of (lio Popui.ation of (»UKAT JJIH'I’AIN ; engaged in, and dependant on, eacli great branch of Puodi'ctkjn and Occupation. Thu flrst lionl KltuiiboroiiKh in his |>larc In ptirliamcnt once stntoti tlint (here were upwards of 3,000,00i) Pursoiis in <>ruat lirUaiii, unKai^ul lii. arnl dupund.inl on lliu Wuoieii Mariuficture ; (he EtlinburKh Uuview nioru recunily NS»vrlutl« thal upwards of l,UOO»UOp Pursous wuiu so occupied and dupt nilant; fruin the Siateinuiit huiow, it vtih be seen to lie tiouhtful. whether in all its varied operations, more than *2SU»U00 ( certainly not 3U0,0UU ) Persons, are enk^aiiud In, or dependant on that branch of industry slrnilurly niislakeii notions almoBl iiiiiversally prevail, in regard the greater or lesser extent and in)|iort.mcv of each great htaiich of Production and occupation ; in >i work entitled '* HvsuUt of Machinery,” published In 1B31, tinder the superinieodance of the Society for the J)lrt'u3ion of Vsf/ui h.nou'ltdf’t't it la stated that In consequence of Muclilnerv having rendered productions of all sorts cheaper, and therefore causing them to be more iiDlversally purchased, It haa icaiiy increased the demand for manual Inhoiir, and in support of this assumption, at paifo 03, it is asserted liint ** Kichard Arkwright, a barber of Preston, invented in 1700, the principal part of the Machinery lor spinning Colton, and by so doing, he gave brea<1 to about two iniilionsf of People, itrsitad of fifty thousand; '* and at page 100, in adverting to the Silk Manufacture, it is further asserted that ** the higher pride of the present day, is, that we buy three millions and a half pounds of Raw Silk trom the Stranger, employ half a million t of our own people in the Manufacture of It, hy the aid of Machinery, and sell It to the Stranger, and our own people at a price as low as that of the Calico of half a Century ago. In rtfutatlon of the false assvmpfion and equally false auertion here set fortht the attention of the advocates and friends of truth is directed to the Analysis of occupations below; at the period of 1769, and for 20 Years subsequent theretot the habUa- tions if JVos. 1-2 and -1-3, noted with an* were so many AIant{facturl/ig Establishments, earning on an average from 2/ to 0/ Week, whUh earnings supplied the means of domestic comfort and tended to social and moral order ;^the introduction of Machinery has concentrated the operation of Spinning with an imposing effect upon the minds of superficial thinkers, hut it has annihilated the domestic operation, and deprived from 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 Fatnltles of the means of comfort, and substituted in the habitations of the Farmtrs, mawkish pretensions for appropriateness of manner ; and in the cottages of' the Labourer, recklessness of purpose for the social order which heretofore prevailed. — For the immoral effects which have fol lotted the introduction of Machinery and destruction of domestic ijidustry,^see the Statement relating to Crime, which shews a progressive increase from 4,263 in IHOO, to 19,047, in 1H3I. Districts of Production \>k\ Occupation. Numbers of Number of F AM ILl RS, as returned in 1821, reference to the chiefly employed in is * Nos. 4 and C, include a considerable Number of Distkicts, nianuj'aclurers ; hut Nos. 13 und 17, on the other in the Trade, FhnoOIyif^ in hand include ‘probably a greater Number engaged Topographical Agriculture tin ifnc 1 m all others TOTAL - .'I s tn lUiuing, than Nos. 4 and C do in hlanyfacturing. Arrangement. or Handicryft J821. 1831. G (1 Coal District of the North 1 ~ 69 3,318 30,076 20,441 53,8.35 235,525 277,662 18 2 Do Gloucester and Somerset 142 — 156 1,254 1,966 1,394 4,614 22,232 26,033 17 VI 3 Do Derby, Nottingham, (§rc. 339 — 350 1,606 2,639 819 5,064 25,756 30,761 20 w 4 Coal and Iron . . Warwick and Stafford 70 — 106 3,595 * 54,859 4,702 63,156 287,482 389,852 35 5 Do Leicester and Salop 113 — 126 1,318 6,591 1,302 9,211 43,200 47,106 9 e* 6 Do. . . Sltejfficld, Rotherham, Sfc. 127 — 141 2,260 * 13,997 2,835 19,092 91,139 120,007 3U 7 Do Monmouth and Brecon 157 — 206 2,203 9,745 2,213 14,161 74,684 108,488 454 8 Tin, Copper, &C Cornwall 207 — 293 9,963 11,287 13,492 34,742 164,419 240,006 46 9 Copper, Lead, Slate, &c Diverse 294 — 338 3,837 6,215 7,130 17,182 83,641 99,881 20 Total AIINING DISTRICTS. 29,354 137,375 54,328 221,057 1,028,078 1,339,856 30 i ' 10 The Pottery 107— 112 296 6,696 1,023 8,015 39,107 49,643 27 11 Woollen District . . West of England S51 — 406 6,452 20,851 5,115 32,418 155,875 171,483 10 .5 12 Worsted, & Mixed Stuft's Norwich, Kemtal 407 — 416 2,416 17,570 3,374 23,360 102,353 o 125,853 23 13 Woollen, Linen, &c. West R. of York 417 — 640 13,071 * 85,096 14,932 113,099 560,068 712,151 27 S'! 14 Hosiery Leicester, Notts., Derby, ^ c. 641 — 790 11,922 41,918 6,691 60,531 280,232 „ 339,264 21 S 15 Silk Coventry, Congleton, if c. 791 — 835 3,176 15,876 1,176 20,228 95,328 U +123,783 30 16 Salt Spring District Cheshire 836 — 859 1,115 2,670 1,178 4,963 23,956 31,649 32 17 Cotton Lancashire, ^c. 860 — 1270 21,701 * 163,046 18,696 203,443 1,012,125 fl, 337, 127 28J 18 Linen, Gloves, Silk, &c. W. oj England 1271 — 1315 6,154 7,566 2,422 16,142 79,319 93,148 17i Total MANUFACTURING Districts. 66,303 361,289 54,607 482,199 2,378,363 2,984,101 25i The AlETROPOLIS,—see Page 15,455 208,234 122,885 346,574 1,528,301 1,805,.587 18 20 iSea Ports & Gt. Naval Stations Liverpool, /ic. 1316 — 1375 7,489 55,528 48,331 111,348 504,816 630,770 25 21 Places of Fashionable Resort Bath, Brighton 1376 — 1360 2,701 15,508 8,981 27,190 129,914 179,666 38^ 22 Minor Sea Ports, and Fishing Towns . . 1361 — 1781 42,538 65,083 69,548 177,169 741,235 847,265 TOTAL 68,183 344,353 249,715 662,281 i 2,904,266 3,463,288 19 23 Inland Towns 1782 — 4900 61,034 145,101 63,222 269,357 1,268,034'! The farther Analjiit TisioD, will shew that of tbi» di» ha whole 24 Populous Parishes [ specified 298,392 112,139 57,930 468,461 £\ fyi'tn L 01 the 7 tbrea-qparler* per ecBt. ^•Ot*U»000 ®' iDcresee ii coDceotraUd io 25 Villages, exclusively Agricultural, not 324,691 59,721 5,659 390,071 2,099,268 J millloo* r)f Rural f without aoy iocraase. opalatiOD, TOTAL 684,117 316,961 126,81 1 1,127,889 5,668,168 6,102,430 Total ENGLAND and WALES. 847,957 1,159,975 485,491 2,493,423 ; 11,978,875 13,889,675 16 do. SCOTLAND. 130,699 1 190,264 126,997 447,960 j 2,093,456 2,365,930 13 Total GREAT BRITAIN, in 1821. Exclusive of 1 978,656 1,350,239 612,488 2,911,383 14,072,331 16,255,605 15| do. do. 1831. Army ^ Navy. The following STATEMENT shews the progressive increase of the Population in England, Analysis of U^aZt's, ««d Scotland, at each of ihe Six Ten YeaHy Periods, since 1780; and the annexed State- ’ OCCUPATIONS. ment shews the estimated proportion of the Population in 12 Classes, instead of under three heads only, as exhibited in the return made to Parliament. Notwithstanding, the prevailing notion of —»►•••««— Manufacturing, being the predominating interest of Great Britain; by these Analyses of the 1 Agricultural Occupiers Population, it is seen, that Jive-sixths of the Number are dependant on Agriculture for subsistence. g Laborers Nutn FAMIX 1821. ber of .IBS, in 1831. Total Number of PERSONS 183U * 2.i0,000 * 728,9.56 110,000 * 160,000 * 200,000 340.000 1.50.000 310,239 3 1 9,S00 00,000 100.000 192,888 250.000 800.000 120,000 180,000 230.000 400.000 180.000 350.000 ' 277,017 90,000 1 10.000 31 6,48 Z 1 .500.000 4.800.000 600,000 900.000 650.000 2.400.000 1.080.000 2,100,000 831.000 450.000 1 10.000 1,116,398 Years Army If Ny. England Wales Scotland Great Britain 3 iviinmg ao Ireland 4 Millers, Bakers, Butch. 1781 91 1801 11 21 31 250.000 200.000 470,958 640,500 319,300 277,017 7.473.000 8.175.000 8,331,430 9,538,830 1 1,261,437 13,089,338 480.000 500.000 541,540 611,785 717,438 005,236 1.470.000 1.500.000 1,599,208 1,805,688 2,013,459 2,3C5,807 9,673,000 10,165,000 10,942,646 12,596,803 14,391,631 16,537,398 ^ 1 LlOvd S| 13 IIlldOLS^ V'« 6 Manufaclurers No accurate 7 Tailors, Shoenia.,& Hat. Return, 8 Shopkeepers prior Zo 1821. 9 Seamen and Soldiers .. 10 Clerical, Legal, Sc Medl. 6 802 093 ^ * Disabled Paupers .... 7"'’34'3f‘^ 12 Propiietois, Annuitants TOTALS. 2.941,383 3,.303,501 16, .537. .398 4 STATEMENT shewing- the Geographical Position of each County of ENGLAND and WALES, with Numbers of reference to the I’l incipal Towns and Parishes in each County as exhibited in the Population, Sfc. Sfc., of 5000 of the I’rinci|)al Towns and I’arishes in the Kingdom; together with the distance in Statute miles, and bearing of the Chief Town of cacli County from tlie Metropolis, and also the Superficies of each County in Statute Acres. *,* The places printed in ®1J) Itoiuatt are Cities and Ecclesiastical Sees, and those noted u'itha || are Sea Ports ;for the other notations, see Sole to the Midland Counties. The distances imply by the Mail lines of road, some of which make considerable detours : the mean distances respectively of York, Newcastle, and Carlisle being only 174, :^47, and 261 miles, instead of 195, 270, and 303. COUNTIES arranged in GeograjMcal order, with Nos. of reference to the principal Towns and Parishes in each. 1 South oftho METROPOLIS I Surrey, li dirided from Middluiex, 00 tVe Nortli, liy tlie T Thainci • »nU Kent ami Sunex, ar» hrunded oo tlia South by th« Eoglith Cl ropographical arrangamenl ol Iheia 1 Coun' ' ' ‘ ' I Coal l)i»irlcu at I’aga 1331 - 1133 , o/tho atnirol Tiia )Dt ui the I For lli8 rra»g*tiierit. Maritia precedes n-est of the METROPOLIS : Soiitlwmptou, is boiiiKled oil the S. tiv tlie English Channel ; Wilts, is an Interior Co., and Gloucester is only Maritime, as far as the River Sevc rii gives it that character ; Nos. 8 to 1 1, form a Promontory projec ting Into the Atlantic Ocean, boun- ded on the South by the English, and North bj tlie Bristol Channel. North East to North of the METROPOLIS: and all bounded on the E. by ihe North Sea, except Cambridge, which partakes more of an interior, than a maritime dis- trict, it lias however a Seaporl.— see No. 1730. Middlesex, the Metropolitan County f 2 Surrey . . cedua 3 ICcUt a . * * ( 4 Sussex . . 5 Southampton . , . . 3421 — 3525 (5 Wilts t 385, 3304-3420 7 Gloucester * . . 351, 3121-3230 8 Dorset 3526 — 3505 9 Somerset * f • • 375, 3596 - 3743 10 Devon 3744-3918 11 CornwalU . . 207, 3919-4626 12 Essex 1766-1864 13 Suffolk 1865 - 1961 14 Norfolk! 1962-2084 15 Cambridge 2085-2140 , 16 Lincoln 2172-2305 fl7 Hertford 2366-2422 18 Bedford t 2423-2457 19 Huntingdon 2141-2171 20 Rutland 2306 - 2323 21 Buckingham f .... 2458 - 2528 22 Berks 3231 - 3293 23 Oxford f 2666 - 2740 24 ATorcesterf 2816-2890 25 Northampton! • • • • 25251-2033 20 Warwick*: 70, 791, 2741 27 Leicester! 685, 2634 28 Nottingham*!.. 641-84, 2324 29 Derby*! 756- 856 ^30 Stafford 3; ! 73, 2891 -2950 er31 Monmouth*.. 157, 3109-3120 Dee. opens inlo the Irish sea; amlj 32 Hereford ,3046-3108 .Salop, Hereford, and Monmoiitli, \ 33 Salop * 2966 — 3045 “"(.34 Chester! 921-990, 2951 The chief Seat of the corron ^ 35 Lancaster S !. . 991-1261, 4298 and WOOLLEN Manufacture. J 36 York, W. R.l ! 417-610, 3946 .. f37 do., East Riding 4021-4095 Northern COUNTIES : M ex- I , TVr .1 1 ” Annr- .softi-y cept Westmoreland, participating i 38 (lo., JN Ortll tlo. 4096 — 4250 largely in maritime affairs, and | on Durham f 2.5 — .57 4453 with the exception of tlie East Ri- J * * * * * * * t ding of York, interspersed with ] 40 Northumberland* 1-24, 4491 Moumains, in altitude from 2,1100 .. ACtr.h i.yoT to 3,500 feet above the level of the I 4l VV Cotmorelaud . • • • 42ol 4«97 fcea. i 42 Cumberland S 58,4347-4452 a 7S.‘Z o ^ ^ c-S 2-0 c =-S 'S'C Ki-d.S s O 3 -O .- 41 S bf o . g S s * « S 4j o sa'b, ecti ^ o"“5’S X. fC *» 5 -2 o - S's 2 „bto.s o = S = ® u 2 s ^ a H ‘s The Marches^ beumled on the W. by Wales: Chester, by the River Dee, opens into the Irish Sea; and • fv ^ § CO r® ^ -2 ® 22 t- S -a o ^ r Total ENGLAND f Anglesea, * Isle of 1616 — 1635 Carnarvon*.. 304, 1606, 4706 Flint*! 349, 869, 4655 Denbigh 4651 — 4705 Merioneth 4765-4788 ^Montgomery! ..4726-4764 'Radnor 4784-4794 Brecknock; 182,4795-4819 Cardigan 4820 — 4853 1 Carmarthen* .... 4854-4916 Glamorgan* 198,295,4876 Pembroke.. 1341, 1570, 4604 Total ENGLAND and WALES CHIEF TO WNS, with reference, to their Topographical s\vmber. Kingston * 160 Maidstone * 385 Horsham * 838 SiefiKClfjiSS'ClSR 3,503 3,393 3,165 Dorchester 3,578 Taunton 1,305 iSXlECEK 11 1,489 Bodmin 3,942 Chelmsford 1,814 Bury St. Edm. 1,888 407 Cambridge 2,120 2,269 Hertford 2,371 Bedford 2,446 Huntingdon 2,149 Oakham 2,313 Aylesbury 2,492 Reading 3,271 ©Xdf©RO 2,697 2,831 Northampton 2,566 VVarmmck 2,754 Leicester 685 Nottingham 641 Derby 756 Stafford 2,939 Monmouth 3,109 3,067 Shrewsbury 3,013 11 1,654 Lancaster 1 | 1,255 Leeds 496 ©©Ria 4,036 Northallerton 409 D0RP?3lilfl 4,475 Newcastle H 18 Appleby 4,255 ©aKiii5ais 11 1,262 Beaumaris!! 1,632 Carnarvon H 304 Mold 861 Ruthin 4,672 Dolgelli 4,776 Montgomery 4,726 Presteigne 4,784 Brecon 4,809 Cardigan H 1 ,579 Carmarthen 1,561 Cardiff 11 1 ,542 Pembroke 1,341 Distance in Statute Miles, and bearing from LON U ON. Superficies in Statute Acres N. Lat. 51 31 180,486 11 W. S. AY. 485,120 34 S. E. 983,680 36 S. S. 936,330 62 S. W. 1,041,920 80 w. s. w. 882.560 102 W. N. 803,840 119 AY. by S. 643,200 144 AY. S. AA . 1,050,080 166 do. 1,650,560 231 do. 849,280 28 E. N. E. 980,480 70 N. N. E. 979,200 109 do. 1,338,880 51 N . by E. 549,120 129 N. by AY. 1,758,720 21 N. by E. 337,920 50 N. by AY. 296,320 58 N. 236,800 95 N. by AY. 95,360 39 due AY. 473,600 38 do. 483,840 54 AY. N. AY. 485,280 111 do. 460,560 66 N. N. AY. 048,880 92 N. AY. by AY, 577,280 98 N. N. AY. 514,500 124 do. 535,680 126 do. 650,640 136 N. AY. 734,720 128 AY. by N. 318,720 135 AY. N. AY. 550,400 154 N. AY. by AY. 858,240 181 N. AY. 673,280 240 N. AY. by N. 1,171,840 193 N. N. AY. 1,508,000 195 N. by AY. 819,200 220 do. 1,311,187 255 do. 679,040 270 do. 1,197,440 270 N. N. AY. 488,320 303 do. 945,920 32,3312,000 249 N. AY. 173,400 247 do. 348,160 201 do. 156,100 210 do. 405,120 208 do. 424,320 169 do. 536, 96f 151 AY. N. AY. 272,640 166 do. 482,560 231 do. 432,000 216 AY. by N. 023,360 158 AY. 506,880 248 AY. by N. 3!)0,400 37,0'3't,400 STATEMENT of the Counties of ENGLAi^O and WALES, arranged in Aljdiabctical order as an Index to the Topograjdiical arrangement of the (5,000 Towns and Parishes : shewing also the annual Value ot Property, assessed to the Property Tax in 1014 ; the amount of the PAKOOillAli Asskssmknt and lix rEVDiTO i;e ; and Number of Select Vestries, and Assistant Overseers, in each County, in the Year ending tlie ‘25th. of March lOOO. — Vide. ParUamentanj Paper, No. 210, Sessioji 10:51. I COUNTIES, arranged in Alphabetical Order, Number qf reference to the Topographical arrangement. — Page Number Bedford 41 2423-2457 Berks 52 3‘231 -3-203 Buckingham 42 2458 - 2528 Cambridge .... 37 2085-2140 Chester 20, 21 021 - 990, 2951 Cornwall 12, 61 207, 3019-4626 Cumberland .... 0, 67 58, 4347 - 1452 Derby 10, 21 756, 866 - 020 Devon 20, 50 1475, 3744-3018 Dorset 26, 56 1-271, 35-26-3505 Durham 17, 68 25-57, 611, 4453 Essex 33 1766-1864 Gloucester .... 14, 51 351, 3121-3230 Hereford 50 3046-3108 Hertford 41 2366 - 2422 Huntingdon .... 38 2141-2171 Kent 28, 80 1391, *291-693 Lancaster 22, 66 991-1261, 4-298 Leicester 18, 44 685-745, 2634 Lincoln 32, 38 1717, 2172-2305 Middlesex .... 76 *1 - 144 Monmouth .... 11, 50 157, 3109-3120 Norfolk 32, 35 1733, 1962-2084 Northampton . . 43 2529 - 2633 Northumberland 9, 69 1-24, 4491 Nottingham .... 18, 40 611-684, 2324 Oxford 45 2666 - 2740 Rutland 40 2306 - 2323 Salop 10, 49 118, 2966-3045 Somerset 26, 57 375, 1290, 3596 Southampton . . ‘28, 55 1436, 3421-35-25 Stafford 10, 48 73, 2891 - 2950 Suffolk 32, 34 1753, 1865-1961 Surrey 78 *145-290 Sussex 28, 86 1421, *694-994 ^Varwick ‘20, 46 70, 791, -2741 "Westmoreland . . 66 4-251-4297 AVilts 14, 53 385, 3294-34-20 Worcester . . . . 10, 47 89, 2816-2890 Y ork, West Ri. 15, 62 417-610, 3946 do., East do. 32, 63 1698, 4021-4104 Qo., North do. 31, 64 1681, 4105-4250 Total ENGLAND I'Anglesea . . 31 Brecon .... 11, 73 Cardigan . . 30, 73 Carmarthen 30, 73 Carnarvon 30, 71 Denbigh . . 71 Flint 71 Glamorgan 11, 74 Merioneth . . 30, 72 Montgomery 72 Pembroke . . 30, 70 .^Radnor . 72 1616-1635 182, 4795-4819 1570, 4820-4853 1558, 4854-4016 304, 1606, 4706 4651-4705 319, 869, 4655 198, 295, 4876 1597, 4765-4788 1595, 4726-4764 1341, 1570, 4580 4784 - 4794 Total ENGLAND and WALES An Account of the Annual Value Amount of Proportion Expended 1 ® Assessed to the PIWPEPTY TAX, in the Year 1014, ending the bth. of Parochial Assessment in the Year ending the of March 1830. •5 April 1015, under each of the Schedules in the Year For other k. ^ ^ -fc* ^ S c A . D. and E. ending For purposes, •o ( Vide Par, Pa. 337, Session 1031.^ 'ibth. Mar. the Kelief of the than Relief of the V) s ' r (A) (IJ) ( li) 1830. POOR. POOR. Co £ £ £ 364,277 04,707 1,481 06,094 84,514 9,818 18 — X — 31 134 719,800 209,704 3,218 120,533 111,643 16,309 21 45 17(. 662,872 22-2,981 1,098 158,484 135,230 10,757 44 53 151 705,372 239,687 5,110 115,164 101,147 12,6-22 j 10 43 117 1,114,928 280,300 4,207 144,102 106,238 39,637 135 103 531 0-22,250 2:30,112 3,233 121,203 103,:169 15,482 47 31 1 03 179,753 3,447 58,856 46,081 12,027 1 80 69 74 883,370 210,583 2,008 108,303 80,060 30,002 ' 60 82 194 1,924,912 757,444 9,471 250,713 2-2-2,381 25,675 90 102 404 7-26,264 -241,634 4,003 104,8-23 00,949 11,321 , 34 48 205 885,580 253,631 3,771 100,647 81,209 16,646 85 63 103 j 1,584,108 603,935 8,631 3-20,541 281,133 40,082 39 81 401 1,315,726 367,243 2,898 201,402 165,102 29,584 50 81 700 6-29,156 61,851 2,790 70,001 50,711 10,()45 40 53 145 583,657 262,989 4,310 115,093 99,680 15,193 16 '37 274 325,964 108,401 4,156 50,092 42,1-28 6,7:37 12 2-2 36 1,687,443 1,6-26,229 19,,343 399,687 358,461 57,122 52 181 6^0 3,139,043 2,-292,080 30,020 413,530 •297,674 113,210 202 231 2,028 951,908 319,608 5,829 15-2,594 130,026 23,845 68 49 196 2,096,611 373,672 6,551 -2-28,053 179,204 40,211 148 119 258 5,765,374 15,255,-246 1,174,865 779,1-26 675,285 161,075 13 55 3,390 298,981 102,571 437 32,090 24,628 7,119 15 2-2 1-26 1,516,651 523,011 16,506 338,868 299,211 35,541 69 94 420 i 947,578 185,204 1,421 173,018 153,031 20,181 71 68 15-2 1,291,413 436,404 5,763 88,036 74, -288 13,346 50 37 8-2 751,6-26 314,501 2,073 106,707 78,242 27,283 40 56 300 790,867 312,809 4,815 151,-235 130,597 17,975 62 45 193 138,216 30,939 800 12,873 9,644 2,919 33 12 15 1,083,702 279,933 4,862 99,666 83,989 14,783 42 71 -225 ! 2,308,723 1,3-20,-265 13,8-27 200,566 174,424 32,533 82 104 613 i 1,240,547 923,714 10,752 239,123 212,:380 24,993 45 67 424 1,200,3-25 516,721 10,826 171,578 133,670 40,351 63 84 563 1,151,305 453,485 11,973 299,685 268,623 30,617 ^ 63 127 362 ; 1,589,702 1,564,533 21,023 321,305 265,499 58,581 i 15 37 708 j 919,350 372,059 4,611 289,051 256,142 33,4-27 50 88 360 1,269,757 669,370 12,967 192,304 170,180 34,506 43 56 601 299,582 52,575 1,184 32,044 25,512 5,604 1 57 27 2-2 1,215,619 376,071 6,981 j 220,932 198,008 -21,734 i 25 56 418 820,021 273,303 1,137 97,178 80,014 16,060 ; 45 63 264 ) 358,461 281,158 79,882 161 160 ] V 4,760,425 1,719,887 •24,417 ^ 124,969 99,500 25,5-26 98 29 1 ,20'*' } [ 102,696 82,:367 18,746 116 43. 51,320,544 34,727,245 1,467,627 7,781,228 0,553,443 1,278,127 2,518 2,925 17,759 94,767 3,998 • 19,196 16,007 3,203 23 14 14 161,990 2-2,783 560 20,928 17,450 3,201 15 11 20 I 146,817 13,727 282 20,685 17,214 3,361 15 8 12 ' 28-2,091 30,320 5,361 37,957 30,864 7,115 31 9 42 131,213 ‘20,641 2-20 23,440 19,608 3,397 15 16 19 312,577 19,678 305 41,140 34, -273 7,038 13 26 28 175,115 11,666 795 25,513 20,990 4,438 12 18 31 i 372,603 103,204 3,140 42,301 36,154 6,970 33 46 80 112,517 7,262 68 16,761 14,543 1,849 2 11 12 212,084 18,749 794 38,665 31,743 6,899 19 18 40 1 220,241 45,349 1,531 28,309 24,005 3,970 20 10 24 101,956 3,430 40 15,298 12,688 2,679 6 7 17 53,641,515 35,028,052 1,480,732 8,111,422 6,829,042 1,332,239 2,725 3,119 18,107 G STATEMENT of ilic Superficies, in Statute Acres, of each County of England and Walks, shewing the proportion of eacii County, ill a state of Tillage, in Pasture, and in Wood, Unproductive, 6fc. . The Rental of each County, according to the Property 'I’ax Returns of Ittlo, togetlier with tlie average Rate Acre of the entire Superficies, the amount of the Parochial Assessments, and of the liand and Assessed d’axes, in each County, in 1821). The proportions in a state of Tillage, Pasture, Sfc., does not profess to be founded on uny eery ueeurute duta. The Total Superjieics of York is 3,815,0-10 Aeres, but the subdivision of the three Ridings is probably not accurate CUUNTHiS Superficie.^ i?i Statute A creSf deduced from the W T* Parochial JLand and arranged in Ordtr of their Irignomitical Survey, Rentals 5'S. . Assessments Asscised TOTAL SUPF.ItFICIES, Ifp iWopnrtioux in a state of according to for the Year TAXES, with Numlxr of reference to their VVood,unpro TOTAL Property Tax ending the 25th. in the Year Topograyfilcal PosUlyn, Tilloge Pasture ductive, SjV. Superficies Return of 1815 £ of March 1829. 4' 182d. £ 1 Li ncoln IG 400,000 1,100,000 258,720 1,758,720 1,581,940 18/0 228,976 118,904 2 Devon 10 400,000 800,000 450,560 1,650,560 1,217,547 14/9 245,045 137,941 3 V ork. West Riding 3G 350,000 700,000 518,000 1,658,000 1,555,608 18/9 345,370 *109,576 4 Norfolk 14 730,000 203,000 345,880 1,338,880 931,842 13/11 308,565 141,623 3 Y ork. North Riding .... 38 273,000 590,000 442,180 1,337,820 1,0.53,010 15/9J 103,513 65,498 G N orthumberland 40 150,000 650,000 397,440 1,197,440 906,789 15/1 j 84,884 82,515 7 liancaster 35 450,000 350,000 371,840 1,171,840 1,270,344 21/8 398,743 184,583 8 Somerset 9 330,000 .524,000 196,080 1,050,080 1,335,108 25/5 190,202 202,860 ^ Carmarthen I ^ Glamonran 201 ,880 90,400 37,640 40,299 27,087 14,468^ with MoiiiUOut)' Pembroke 168,665 88,617 Radnor ... TO TAL England and Wales 10,GG 1,000 15,809,120 IO,lSij,080 37,084,400 29,476,856 15/103 7,642,171 4,950,110 7 8TATEMKNT showing the Population of each County of England and Wales in 1700 , compared with the Number in 1001 ; and the Number of Houses Assessed to the House 'I’ax iu each County, at (fdch of tlic r > Periods KiOO , 1700 , 1701 , 1020 , and 1030 . A lleturn made to Parliainent iu the Session of 1022 , represented 402,202 Houses only in all Creat Britain, charged with duly on tlie Assessed Taxes in the year 1021 ; but in the Session of 1025 , the Chancellor of the Exchequer statcsl that there were 527,040 persons chargeable to the tax, 171,700 of whom were assessed at Rentals under £ 10 ^ annum, which he then proposed to exempt : supposing the Chancellor of the Excheipier’s Statement and the Return of 1020 both to be correct, it left 107,001 Houses ( including the total number assessed in Scotland) chargeable to the Tax assessed at Rentals of £ 10 to £20^ annum. According to the Return of 1000 , the Number assessed in England and >Vales at Rentals of £ 10 to £20 was 102,424 ; and 17,015 in Scotland in addition to 17,707 in Scotland at above £ 20 , and 130 , 00 (> Farm Houses in all Great Britain occupied by '1 enants (exempt.) COUNTIES, ill Order of tlieir Total POPULATION, in 1700 Middlesex Devon 1 2 3 York, West Rit 4 Norfolk 6 Somerset 6 Lincoln 7 Lancaster 8 Essex 0 Gloucester ... 10 Surrey ...» ... 11 Kent 12 Wilts 13 Suft'olk 14 Northampton . 15 Southampton IG Northumberland 17 Stafford 18 Chester 19 Cornwall 20 Salop 21 York, North Riding 22 do., East do 23 Warwick 24 Durham 25 Derby 26 Sussex 27 Dorset 28 W orcester 29 Hereford 30 Buckingham .... 31 Leicester 32 Oxford 33 Cambridge .... 34 Berks 35 Hertford 36 Nottingham .... 37 Cumberland .... 38 Bedford .... .... 39 Monmouth .... 40 Huntingdon .... 41 W estmoreland . , 42 Rutland cc < 'Total ENGLAND, f Denbigh . . . Montgomery Carnarvon . Merioneth . Anglesea . . . Lriint Glamorgan . Carmarthen . Pembroke . Brecon . . . Cardigan . . . Radnor . . . o o CZ2 Total England and W ales. Houses Assessed Houses at £20 Annum, ana upwards. Houses Assessed to Dulu in W iudow Total Population in to Hearth Tax, \Chargcd S^Cliargeable ' in No. Assessed Rentals. 1823. 1830. 1830. 1700. 1851. in 1690. 1 1708. 1 1781. 1 1823. 1830. 1823. £- 1830. - £ 10 ^ upw. 1 1 If upw. 8 to lU. 624,200 1 , 358,330 111,215 47,031 74,704 75,702 87,263 4 , 122,884 4 , 739,148 69,333 67,552 22,250 218,200 494,478 56,202 16,686 28,612 3,518 3,977 110,963 122, .533 5,165 4,360 4,912 236,700 976,350 121,052 44,779 76,224 5,888 7,378 192,929 248,570 1 0,908 9,808 10,274 210,200 390,054 56,579 12,097 20,056 1,160 1,549 34,343 49,076 4,890 4,258 3,469 195,900 404,200 45,900 19,043 26,407 8,186 9,105 388,567 411,819 9,169 8,126 5,189 180,000 317,465 45,019 17,571 24,951 1,206 1 ,505 35,568 46,565 3,597 3,104 2,877 166,200 1 , 336,854 46,961 22,588 30,956 11,469 15,372 428,985 621,531 9,487 10,233 8,903 159,200 317,507 40,545 16,250 18,389 2,380 2,469 88,513 91,290 6,038 4,852 3,378 155,200 387,019 28,557 14,331 15,820 3,597 4,291 151,052 190,342 5,463 5,303 3,567 154,900 486,334 40,610 14,071 19,381 16,325 19,687 648,734 768,483 15,057 13,982 8,240 153,800 479,155 46,674 21,871 30,975 5,710 5,983 142,862 213,178 10,894 9,193 6,217 153,900 240,156 27,418 11,373 12,856 1,331 1,242 35,992 37,518 3,289 2,706 2,216 152,700 296,317 47,537 15,301 19,584 973 997 27,888 28,989 4,259 3,444 3,053 119,500 179,336 26,904 9,218 10,350 674 698 20,288 20,994 2,706 2,149 2,070 118,700 314,280 28,557 14,331 15,820 3,355 3,508 114,767 122,153 6,256 5,183 3,740 118,000 222,912 Durham . 6,787 12,431 1,821 1,947 61,822 65,672 2,221 1,823 1 ,942 117,200 410,512 26,278 10,812 16,483 1,474 1,840 44,581 55,178 3,386 2,858 2,986 107,000 334,391 25,592 1 1 ,656 17,201 1,195 1,672 43,844 53,223 2,618 2,182 2,697 105,800 . 300,938 26,613 9,052 15,274 737 696 20,646 19,849 1,794 1,439 1,936 101,600 222,938 27,471 1 1 ,452 12,895 982 1,139 29,121 33,270 2,987 2,502 2,214 98,600 96,200 190,756 204,253 > All included in the West Riding. 96,600 336,610 22,400 9,461 13,276 2,545 3,326 83,889 110,718 4,844 4,419 3,577 95,500 253,910 53,345 6,298 10,475 881 1,028 24,418 28,572 1,549 1,233 1,711 93,800 237,170 24,944 8,260 14,046 705 760 24,286 25,783 1,744 1,569 1,732 91,400 272,340 23,451 9,429 10,574 2,497 3,598 103,<92 160,672 5,828 5,698 3,264 90,000 159,252 17,859 4,133 11,132 928 1,049 28,29 ^ 31,961 2,048 1,858 1,381 88,200 211,365 24,440 9,178 8,791 1,676 1,873 53,707 61,010 3,334 2,809 2,226 80,900 111,211 16,744 6,913 8,092 550 661 14,649 17,668 1,495 1,219 1,188 80,500 146,529 18,688 8,604 8,670 527 545 18,027 18,814 2,263 1,811 1,587 80,000 197,003 20,448 8,584 12,545 971 1,117 30 , 3 o 0 33,691 2,605 2,212 2,313 79,000 152,156 19,627 8,502 8,698 840 878 27,230 28,174 2,356 3,153 1,813 76,000 143,955 18,629 7,220 9,088 796 892 25,443 27,845 1,816 2,628 1 ,426 74,700 145,389 16,996 7,558 8,277 1,505 1,706 48,790 57,539 3,053 2,639 1,706 70,500 143,341 17,488 7,447 8,628 1,301 1,394 42,422 44,226 2,874 2,562 1,784 65,200 225,327 17,818 7,755 10,872 964 1,267 31,392 41,404 2,386 2,180 2,093 62,300 169,681 15,279 2,209 13,419 579 645 18,244 19,374 904 796 1,216 48,500 95,483 12,170 5,479 5,360 158 183 5,228 5,853 1,107 942 938 39,700 98,130 Wales 3,289 4,454 442 709 12,057 19,012 667 530 641 34,700 53,192 8,713 3,992 3,848 273 263 8,129 7,857 764 607 504 28,600 55,041 6,691 1,904 6,144 321 365 10,200 12,404 470 533 616 16,600 19,385 3,661 1,498 1,445 75 79 2,421 2,526 332 291 264 5,108,500 13,091,005 l,241,29i 473.267 677,928 166,417 194,687 7,357,108 8,694,814 222,056 201,746 134,122 39,700 82 , 800 '] '■ 4,753 5,678 236 245 6,533 6,609 487 419 325 27,400 65,700 4,047 5,421 14 56 363 1,380 291 298 447 24,800 66,500 1,583 2,675 89 97 2,275 2,686 193 159 262 23,800 34,500 1,900 2,972 40 61 1,335 1,739 147 156 208 22,800 48,300 1,040 2,264 61 65 2,103 2,125 144 121 124 19,500 49,700 60,100 126,200 =- 77,291 t 2,653 5,020 2,990 5,146 59 488 21 650 1,950 10,808 2,049 17,961 234 557 158 466 163 574 49,700 100,800 3,985 5,126 124 104 3,153 2,692 281 247 259 41,300 80,900 2,764 3,229 153 226 4,061 6,301 350 323 282 27,200 47,800 3,370 3,407 100 133 2,811 3,503 200 151 144 25,300 64,700 2,042 2,444 34 9 794 210 189 66 65 15,300 24 , 700 j 1 ^ 2,092 2,076 14 8 282 175 84 79 131 5,475,000 13,894,005 1,319,215 508,516 721,351 167, R29 196,362 7,357,108 8,742,244 225,213 207,389 137,106 15 Sntiuiinri/ of the Pojmlalion Returns of 1B03, distinguishing the Houses and Rental thereof, Assessed to the House Tux, SjC. “ .t: = .a s I *» ^ c h S ® « ■< " .5 c £ c H * I -S I ® 5r P S hi = 2 .2 j; = S 2 _ OS- 'S _ o ? c O 2 0> X c ^ 2 «- ci -z: 7^ a; 'S .= > ^ « G<^ « fci 75 dj •^ o V5 ■ 0) H »- oj 0) 2. ^ f*' -c Ss Cl a; u. 5?" 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Cl j br : : : • ; ; . S j bf) • : • . 0 -H J s COUNTIES arranged in order of Extent of Sttperf Lincoln Devon I ork, West II id ^ ortolk Vork, ^orth Ri Northiiniberland l.ancaster 05 X ;p 05 0 v: 0 a- 2 rt 0 X Kent Essex iMirtolk «b 3 -O X 05 75 73 X Wilts ^^alop C ornwall York, East Rid City and Ains S 75 05 0 _c c q 0 tC fb 5 Chester Derby Northampton . Dorset 1 | 5 a S 05 § *=D 2 ■Sfl 5 H — 1,0 U C 5 75 05 C 5 XJ c rt "S Ui 0 2 •H 75 05 ? Oxford Berks Surrey Buckingham . . , bp s 7 ) 05 C 5 0 -d Ih 0 H <15 5 3 0 a c 0 Dedtord Huntingdon ... Middlesex Rutland r !5 'O 0? bs « S Cl *c 0 •M tM pp -P^ pi pp 0 pp -p 3 H; pH Cl X ‘C X fM X 3 0 fH Cl X -r »0 CO CM X CD 3 hH Cl -H P- PH P- PH P-* Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl OD X rD X X X X X CO X *r -r -r II ('ouiparatitw 1 tew of the Population Ilctunis oj Ht'il 4" and of the Oveupatiouh of the. I^tipnlation at the latter date. o 71 w s*o o Xi •— ?3 ^ — P y a .2 s s V c ^ a —1 ^ ‘ X — o - "£-.2 i "2 C, o tr> C 2 c 9 3 3 0 4 ) y^a 5 = " 5 = w — o|^_: ‘5 O U o A -3 ^ 4 ) 4 , ^ “5 i S o o S - 5^-2 « O 5 C £ S ® 3 2 « Ou. = ,s ^ S £ 2 c /2 S 3 53 <«-> a; c 3 S: rt J O - J£ ,. rt 3 O O "3 1-1 r O cs a - ¥ c ” 3 X 3 - t£ 3 - I j 1 1 ; C ” u S y ■- J . QO 3 c ■d ^ o» C 5 4 m U -3 O < 1 ^ o I— r/^ ® fM a) ^ 5 ^ S- -3 S -5 O - 4 ) C 3 j C ._ y 2 a X «2 33 .3 — y s cC -3 o r 5 ^ " O O s ,___ = ':: o O tf. c = ~ _ 3 «1 S ^ o s B Cj J -= o o _ rt 0 ) _ >s _ ^ c« rt •- V 2 ^ rti * ^ — £: « 3 "3 y = " y 2 y =1 S . “ 2 rt = X -•« ?J{ - O w < 2 - - o ffi ■3 4 ) X L. X X 3 : 3 . -C ® 3 a w ^ -. ca JO «— ■ _ Mt A> 5 w - - 4 ) X > C i:*^' C 5 ■ £ O 3 c 3 ^**3 — 3 - 0 ) O 3 9 3 *2 c 5 3 3 c: — 4 ) «/i X o ♦-* c - « - 3 - C /3 -3 . 3 O X ' s'" o gS'i X O w a, •“ .i ^ .2 "2 = S B I"? 5 'i p ^ W o o > o <« X -g- ^ 3 X "" o S 5 ’a; i" «3 - :3 J 2 3 — ^ ^ T. ’*■» ^ y o X ^ «- C'C c « 55^'*^ 2 3 *o >* t : - o 2 « £ c - 2 : “* V, •*• R >. - 2 =3 ^ a 2 ^ x - X R cf ^ li ^5 5 '*' a a 2 , 0 ^ * " ft . ^ I a •? i'S e c 3 '-r I’* CO X - c X X 1 * CO 0 01 X X .. !'• c. 0 -t- "t X •0 X 01 X X 1 ^ lA 4 "* X. p- p- I'* 01 — «> 01 X 01 •.0 -r 4 - 4 ^ »-^ 'T X 0 X T 01 X 05 X 01 X X X X c I 1 ^ X X X PM 4 ^ •P« M X. 01 •A ^ 01 X a -r X a 01 X -r X 01 X X ‘O X X X X 01 X X X X X. X 4 '- 01 •0 X CO CO X 01 4 ^ — • X X •0 X 4 >» •0 X c; ‘0 X — • Xi X 4 ^ X -r X •T 01 X 4 ^ ^1 »o X 22 0 PM i ■» 4 ^ pp' •PiT ppT pp' ppT X 4 "* *' i *»t 01 i-H X ’-r 01 01 01 01 01 01 -O' •rr 01 X 01 ^ — — — — " 1 ^ c; •O' C 0 X 0 - 01 4 ^ 1.0 •0 •0 t CO 4 ^ 01 t 4 ^ -r • 0 CO 4^ PM 01 CO - 01 0 01 * P- M X 0. X 0 X •r X •sO r?i •0 1 ^ 01 d •0 0 I'* 0 X •#* 01 t'- w 1 -- 4 ^ 0 X I'* M 01 pp. 0 1 p— CO 1 PP X X Ct 01 X X 1- c; T 01 0 1 ^ X 0 01 X •0 01 X c 0 01 t A 1 X 01 X 1.0 f-i 01 t'* X 4 ^ 01 -r X -r 01 eo V* •0 X 00 0 X X 01 PM p., _ 01 pp' w.* 4 >» 01 f- : i ^ J ■" to ^ -2 .2 2^2 I - , bn . I V. •-I nj : o S. I c-t cc •/i., • • • • -3 C-I • • ^ J = • • 1 _ • E . i ! 4 > tf • « ‘ E ; J 2 •> TS o 1 « c " - T , tf 5 x:x O ^ _ y (U o .5 ' 0 , « ^ ■£ Jo = « o = A a. • s ^ j / uno'y /) inav 9 [[ -\^- c ® 4 ^ •I3 -r ‘.^ -ri -M c 1^ 04 01 X 5 -Jr* eft ^ -S -u: X -j: ^ c o "" c - X JrC C-i ?C C rH 01 X -t *.0 X X X X X X 'Oi I' '-^ 5 ^ K 4, '!«' 55 A»^ r** W — — >V X r* X c; •sdifuno^ 6unn]{[ • s,)? ; M /lo pun^jHDi.if)\r ca OTp* ^ 4 ) — O 4 J s , 3 r " 4 --£ 3 o 52 : ^ cft -3 — >, :a^, J- O 3 M * I ^ ^ ^ i 2 o S .*1 PI ^ y ,S i S ' fc 3 = ^"g- ■*s -si . 5 i 5 ■= 3 ? V I ^<5 S E S'^ |Jo ^ 2 s. a 5 >w k. 4 . % a ®' 0 5 t S' ej ft c 2 - s 4 a : E-«-a >■ 23^8 ^ ~ a 3HI.2 C'c « 2 S : S.«a a • a - 2 » ^ • 2 E ■** ^ ^ 3 ^ :§ S 1^5 jj g ft V. 0 X »o X 4 ^ •0 X 4 ^ 0 01 03 •0 |A X X C .0 PM X •0 fA X PH X 01 fA 3 eo .... fA PH •0 MS •c k CO CO c^ 0 'Hf X 4 -- X 04 •0 »o 01 01 -T b 4 A oi •0 05 X 4 oi 0 X p— X »-• 4 ^ lO r— 4 0 0 0 pH |A t*A fA X X a k *- •? 01 ^ CO X 01 AM *0 X X X X lA lA X X lA Tf pH X c. •0 X 4 A X X X 01 0 01 c |A rH 0 -f f A- c. rH 01 a K ft t ■•* ,ft p- ' 0 0 CO -r '•T i-0 OI X OI X 0 0 eo' 01 0 •0 OI X ~T X ph' C X X lO X 4 01 -r PM X Tp eo X X X 01 rH tA pH 0 a ft l^ X X 01 AM AM 0'< rH pH hh 01 PH AM •a a 0 Cl C 5 05 TP OI X X CO 05 X tP fA •0 0 05 X fA X X X OI X 4A c: X X ^ 0 X 01 -M 01 X X X •' 1 a ^ ^ 1 01 4 ^ 0 X X »o X Ap CO pH tA X •0 X X X H* X 0 X X n* 05 X fA 4 ■n* AH X X X 0 •0 01 X fA -M 4 01 |A 1 fe> Os a 5 ^ 01 0 r-< I— ^ 0 01 l>- •0 l'^ 1- •0 Af X rH pH 01 b 0 01 fA pH X X lA |A X 05 0 T- 0 X A- lA -p tA •0 »o X -r X X _r •a a ■> c ^ ' CO CO c -f •o ’*0 X X -T 05 01 0 X 01 X x' o' x' X X rj* Tp |A X t X OI X 01 Tt -.' b X c X X fA o X X CO pM 'S ■S' a' a BC i s 1 CO eo cs T? X X OI 01 O) 01 CO 01 ah 01 01 AM •H PH AM PH “ AM a ii C C CO CO X 0 »o • 0 X 05 CO 0 05 fA 0 00 TP 0 X X 0 X CO Tf c^ 0 0 -PS ^ fA -t X 04 .H fA _H a, >i &p k 'C 5 X 01 X 0 r* 4 "^ 1^ •-0 01 X •0 Tp pM -p 0 X 0 X 01 X 0 (A OI »o X 4 A 7 , 01 X X 01 X pA A7 01 ft i lo 01 X t' 0 0 0 X 01 t-A Ca X C •o 05 0 01 X 0 X X 01 X X X X X CO CO ‘O ^ X *0 01 X X i.O 0 0 X fA 01 ft < ■^.5 oi X 0 X I> *.o TP 0 X X Tp CO x' Tp ■^' X Tp Tp 01 01 X 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 -i 01 01 PH PM .M AM CO R ft fee $5 1 71 — P-, PM i _- •» a . 4^ -X •0 r* C 5 PM X X tA 01 -T c X TP X X pH OI Mfl X X fA •0 PH X X 01 X Tf. fA ~ f pH {A •0 PM 01 _ •.c ^ 00 •W I.O *o X 0 0 4 ^ PM X X hh C 7 :o 01 X 01 0 Ca a X ’T OI '0 C 3 X 01 fA X X OI lA l,A 01 X PM l-A 0 X •0 "" "ft ~ X X X 01 X 0 X pA 0 X c tA 05 X lA 01 0 X 4 .A 0 X X 0 X 01 X »o X X 01 n* Tf CA ft# 1^:2 X Tf X rH oT _a * 1 C l> 00 ■'S* 0 0 X X 0 Tt OI 01 01 eo 01 01 01 pH X »H AM 01 01 OI PM AA tH 01 i-i AM PH 01 AM AM Ct» "R .a* C" 1 'n' rH ^ TS 1 >0 CO •■•? 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'ja X X X X 5 X X X X X X X x' 0 eo X X ‘O tA CO ,3 *r X oi 4 ' 01 75 PH HI 55 X 05 X eo X X 0 X 01 ’O PH « i> PH -T X 01 01 01 X hh CO 04 |H Hi rH 04 0*1 01 rH -A 55 a 5 1 6ft ^ ^ •— — » •0 0 01 •M •.0 tA X lO 0 •jO 0 X X 01 01 X •0 0 •0 X 01 fA 0 0 fr CO A- X rH X '•0 AT |A fA tA rx H* .fi 52 a lO T 1— 1 X X X 0 X 0 X TP X w AH PM TP rM X X X 0 CO •,7 X X fA X -r PH PM fA lA X X 02 0! H< CO 0 X •■N, p ^ i CO 5 X 01 X X X pM •-H 01 Tp 05 AM X PH X Tp 0 OI 05 Tp •0 0 01 0 X X A- X « X 4 > 05 ft* X aH ft# q X DC a ^ oi X X X 0 4 >* X 01 0 X 0 fA Ca 05 fA *0 0 X 0 CA 1 ^. 0 AM X X b X X X lA c b -t X 01 X pH -t X 0 0 X « 01 01 ‘’O X X pH hh 01 ah rH p— 04 PA pM 01 01 01 Of r-A r-P rH PA rA PM . ' ^ ... ft 01 X X 4 > 0 t'A 01 0 X 1/5 CO X 4 A PM hH .M CO ‘0 0 r- fA AH 01 -t X* •0 X 0 — X fA X PH -f 'T X cc ft X X. X ^ 0 X 0 •0> X X “Hf X X X X •0 0 "-r »o X 01 01 0 •0 0 PH 01 OI X 0 X 0 X X X 'X • 0 X CT V> fi X CO CO •O' X rr X aH pH X JA 0 eo CA Tp X "T Tp 0 X PH X X X 05 X X X X 0 OI Q X X X 01 Tf 01 *■ 01 C X C T — •^ feO PM 0 4 ^ 55 •H •0 ‘O -p CO OI MA X X iO 01 fA X ■T X 01 fA X X A- 0 Af ^ 0 Tf X X 01 — • »o X T 01 ft k 01 X t-H X X X X AM 01 AM X X 01 X AM OI 01 PM AM aa AM IH AP pH aH rH AM PM AM *— AP AM pH pH a. ft w X X X 4 ^ X X X ‘0 0 X 0 X 0 X lO 01 fA OI 0 01 4 A X fA fA Tf 0 fA AM 0 >0 X l-M CO X Tf 0 X 0 fee X OI 1-H ■-?* X CO •T X X Ca 4 A 0 0 01 0 05 0 01 fA 01 M X CO oi 01 X fA X X OI '25 X X •o •0 01 X ft# rH (t* ■» A ^ X X c 0 X -r X 01 AM lA 05 OI X Ca X Tp X X •T 0 ‘O X X 0 lA X 01 X X X CA "*0 lO 0 lA q *q_ — Tf 3 C ^ paJ PM -t- 4 >* 0 PH X X X CO X X 0 05 X X -t PA X X CO X ..0 AM Tf X •0 -t X 0 X d X •-b 0 of 1 01 CO -H M X X X 04 pH X X 01 CO Hi 01 01 mH PH PA rH -A r— pH pH c ‘0 CO r^ OI mH 01 X X fA X 0!5 lO OI X CO X 05 CO fA 0 ~ 01 fA 01 X 0 *r 0 X 0 0 ~ •0) X -M cc -f _ 'S X 01 4 ^^ 1— < 1- X X X •0 X •0 rH AM X •0 PA OI OI cr; PM pH PM PM X c 01 pH tA X AM »0 X pH rH |A s.ft X C 7 a J. A , c 0 X X X »o 01 X X X X CO iO X CA X 4 > aM X X — lA PM X fA X X X lA 0 01 OI q q ft# rH • r. s X CO X c mH X X 01 •0 0 •0 •t AM X 01 X X X •sO fA 01 X X X c* X A-i M. pM 0 X X b X A- X X* rA :c X 0 0 X X X X X Ca X X X CO 0 0 0 0 TP Tp Tp ”f rr 4 X X X X X X X X 01 01 01 (H PH PS X 01 AH rH AM ' JL X X X X 4 ^ r- 0 X X 0 X 01 01 0 •O X V* X •H X •A r i 01 a Tp 01 4A aA 0 0 X fA X 01 fA X X 4 ^ 4 > X 0 p-H X X X 01 OI OI X 0 •y X X 0 01 0 0 b X *0 X X AM X X lA 0 ■— fA 01 X X c*» S “ P ^ CO rr CO CO 0 ■o< C» >-i — Ca p q X 0 01 X X iq X q X q q fA 0 X X X x^ 4 > X '•'v '•'i ' V •c T) -« X AM CO 0 lO X X OI 0 X X oi ‘O aM 0' X pH oi X 05 X X X* 0 0“ — o' x" X*' C^ X ‘O p— fA "t X >— r X C 3 X 0 X X 01 01 HA X X 4 > t'- X tA 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tp Tp Tp X X X X X Tf X X 01 OI 01 01 01 01 I® a ’ ^ a 5 I ' fe ® fc 5 •" I > “3 a ^ ?e^< ~ S ^ i O ^ r-p eft _ 01 X c 2 0) o ^ 5 rt , ._r: O a ^ o - i- c< X 3 -i ^ eft "X . ^ 3 i X c o ^ 01 X ' 7 . u:? *c t^ CO d; : “ __ £2 - Z ^ = 3 - ^'-= O •- eft O 5: u 2 22 - dyC ^ O-Eyyy - 3 o — ' Ol ' tO -^ iOXt ^ XCOf - Ol 04 01 04 01 01 01 01 01 01 X X -Ts .P — "5 X 4; — y X X XXX =/j 3 -3 •= = i , 5 j .- 5 y :^ yajOy ^-3 ;ccP 5 — Ci o X — 01 X t ^ 12 SPATEMl^N'r shewing (he Total, I’opui.ation of each County of Dngi.and, at each of the six Periods 1700, 1750, IHOl, lull, IU21, and 1U3I, arranged in regard to their ratio of increase since 1700 ; and exl»il)iting the ratio of l*o|)idation in cacli ('onnty troin lUOl to lUll ; troin lUll to 1U21 ; from 1U21 to 1U31 ; and from 1700 to 1031. COUNTIES, arranged in Older of their Ratio of Increase, since 1700. Total Pofiulation at each of the 0 Periods Ratio 1801 to 1811. of Inci 1811 to 1821. ease <} 1821 to 1831. ,’Cent 1700 to 1831 1700. 1750. 1801. 1811, 1821. 1831, 2 i r 1 Lancaster 100,200 297,400 072,731 828,309 1 ,052,859 1,335,800 23 27 27 800 ■5 ^ te 2 'N'ork, W. Riding 230,700 301,500 503,953 053,315 799,359 970,400 10 22 22 41~ 3 Warwick 90,000 140,000 208,190 228,735 274,392 337,000 10 20 23 251 s 4 Staiford 117,200 100,000 239,153 295,153 341,040 410,400 21 15 20 250 V -2 ^ 5 Xottingham 05,200 77,000 140,350 102,900 180,873 225,400 10 15 20 240 0 Clicster 107,000 131,000 191,751 227,031 270,098 334,314 18 19 21 212 2 ^ 7 Dll I'll am 95,500 135,000 100,301 177,025 207,073 2.53.700 1 17 22 100 ^ 2 8 Monmoutli 39,700 40,000 45,582 02,127 71,833 98,200 36 15 3G 147 S) W'orcester 88,200 108,000 139,333 100,540 184,424 211,400 15 15 15 140 ^10 Salop 101,000 130,300 167,039 194,298 206,153 222,800 10 6 8 119 Total Manvfactnrg. Sp Mining Districts 1,113,900 1,582,000 2,528,773 2,990,039 3,594,704 4,406,014 m 20J 22i 29i *3 ^ ' 1 1 Surrey 154,900 207,100 269,043 323,851 398,658 485,700 20 23 22 214 Si! ^ 12 Kent 153,800 190,000 307,024 373,095 420,016 478,400 21 14 12 211 13 Sussex 91.400 107,400 159,311 190,083 233,019 272,300 20 23 22 200 c - 14 Cornwall 105,800 135,000 188,269 216,007 257,447 301,000 15 19 17 184 7 2 15 Cumberland 02,300 80,900 117,230 133,714 150,124 171,700 14 17 10 175 10 Southamjiton 118,700 137,590 219,050 245,080 283,298 314,700 12 15 11 105 ''I 17 Gloucester 155,200 207,800 250,809 285,514 335,843 386,700 12 18 15 150 C 'Iv ^ ^ 18 Derby 93,800 109,500 101,142 185,487 213,333 236,900 15 15 11 153 19 Leicester 80,000 95,000 130,081 150,419 174,571 197,000 10 16 13 140 20 Middlesex 024,200 641,500 818,129 953,276 1,144,531 1,358,200 17 20 19 117 21 York, East Hiding .... 96,200 85,500 139,433 107,353 190,449 204,201 10 14 10 107 ^ 5 -2 -2 22 Somerset 195,900 224,500 273,750 303,180 355,314 402,500 12 17 13 105 1.5 s , 23 Hertford 70,500 86,500 97,577 111,054 129,714 143,300 14 16 ,10 103 Total Metrojiolitan 4'c. Districts. 2,002,700 2,314,200 3,130,054 3,639,403 4,298,317 4,952,661 161 in 117 '24 Devon 248,200 272,200 343,001 383,308 439.040 494,400 12 15 13 99 0 25 Essex 159,200 167,800 226,437 252,473 289,424 317,200 11 15 10 99 0 20 York, North Riding .. 98,600 117,200 155,506 165,500 183,381 190,800 7 11 2 98 27 Bedford 48,500 53,900 03,393 70,213 83,716 95,400 11 19 14 97 C CO 28 Suffolk 152,700 150,800 210,431 234,211 270,542 290,300 11 15 9 94 § a •red 3 W 29 Berks 74,700 92,700 109,215 118,277 131,977 145,200 8 11 10 94 30 Oxford 79,000 92,400 109,620 119,191 130,971 152,100 9 15 11 93 - 3 . ^ 31 Westmoreland 28,000 30,300 41,617 45,922 51,359 55,000 10 12 7 92 ■ 5 ' i ~ 7, 32 Northumberland 118,000 141,700 157,101 172,161 198,965 223,000 7 15 10 90 ■» « 3 .5 33 Cambridge f... 70,000 72,000 89,346 101,109 121,909 143,200 13 20 18 H 77 ” ^ h S 34 Norfolk 210,200 215,100 273,371 291,999 344,308 390,000 7 18 13 86 35 Buckingham 80,500 90,700 107,444 117,050 134,008 146,400 «) 14 9 80 2 -2 1 ^ 30 Lincoln 180,000 100,200 208,557 237,891 283,058 317,400 14 19 12 76 § -2 a 37 Dorset 90,000 90,400 115,319 124,693 144,499 159,400 8 16 10 // ^ -« 38 IVilts 153,900 108,400 185,107 193,828 222,157 240,100 5 15 8 56 39 Huntingdon 34,700 32,500 37,568 42,208 48,771 53,100 12 15 9 51 40 Northampton 119,500 123,300 131,757 141,353 162,483 179,300 7 15 10 50 3 41 Hereford 00,900 74,100 89,191 94,073 103,243 110,300 5 10 7 30 •c«* ,_42 Rutland 10,000 13,800 10,350 10,380 18,487 19,400 — 13 5 17 Total Agricultural Counties. 2,(M9,800 2,177,500 2,670,337 2,922,446 3,368,418 3,728,000 H lOf 81 do. Manufacturing do. 1,1 13,900 1,682,000 2,528,773 2,990,039 .3,594,7 04 4,406,014 18i Wi 295 do. Metropolitan do. 2,00:^,700 2,314,200 .3,130,054 3,639,043 4,298,317 4,962,66 1 U>i iH i-n 147 TOTAL ENGLAND 5,146,400 6,073,700 8,331,164 9,551,523 11,261,439 15,086,675 in ■n 16 134 do. WALES 366,500 450,200 541,546 611,788 717,438 803,000 13 12 117 do. SCOTLAND 1,265,380 1,599,068 1,805,688 2,093,456 2,365,930 13 15 13 87 Total GREAT BRITAIN 7,789,280 10,471,778 11,969,004 14,072,3.33 16,255,605 in 17J 15J 111 Army and Navy 470,000 640,500 3)9,300 320,000 The above Slatemenl shews the change that has taken })lace in the relative importance of the English Counties since 1700, m a more perspicuous vuinl of view, than any in which it has heretofore been exhibited ; the increase is seen to preponderate f>reatly in the ItJanyfacluring and Mining Districts, while the Statement of the Population of the Principal Towns of Enp,land and Wales, shews that the increase oj the Agricultural Counties is principally in the Towns ; so, that the Rural Population of England, as, in the Agricultural Counties of Scotland, appears not mate- rially, if at all, to have increased since 1700. The ratio of increase in the aggregate of the liiugdom in the 10 Years ending with Easter 1831, is less than in Ihe preceding 10 Years, which may be accounted for by the large Number of Soldiers and Seamen, dispersed over the Countrij be- tween 1815 and 1821, making due allowance for that extraneous excess, during that period, the ratio of increase from 1821 to 1831 is remarkable fur its uniformity. Counties of England, arranged in Order of Ratio of Increase, since 1700 ; toith the Ratio Ct. of Increase, in each Co. at each of the 4 Ten Yearly Periods 1801 to 1831 13 ST A'l’l'iM KN 1' showiiin (lie pro^joitioii ami parts of .S'CY>7'/,/l A'/>, eiif^apfcd in A/anj//«c, 20, 22, 25, and 27. 58,200 l.> S rATI'^M I’N'r oxhiliiliii''' (lie Comities ol' IIUILAND, arr!inc,C(i in A l|)liahot,ical Order, willi Xuiiilier of reference to tlieir Ocograpliical Position, sliewiii"- tlieir Numerical Order of Siipeidicies ; Total, and Density of Po|)ulation in l(i2l , with the Total Population of each County, at each of the four Periods ltU3, ltl2:5, and ItCJl ; and also of the Counties arranged in Order of their Total Population in J flUl , with the Superlie.ies and llatio thereof to each Indiviilual in (hat \ ear. vovyrns, in AlyhnhttU'til Ordfr^ u'lth \umbi'r of reft'r^iue to their Oeoi^rupKical Position. Antrim *20 Carrickfergus Armagh ‘2*2 Carlow 1) Cavan 21 Clare 1» Cork, ilast .... 16 ilo., West .... » do. City .... K Donegal 20 Down 19 Dublin 1 do. City .... Fermanagh .... 24 Galway 32 do. Town . . Kerry 10 Kildare 0 Kilkenny 10 do. City . . King’s County . . 7 Leitrim 29 Limerick 17 do. City . . Londonderry . . 27 Longford 6 Louth 2 Drogheda .... Mayo 31 JNIeath 3 Monaghan .... 23 Queen’s County 0 Roscommon .... 28 Sligo 30 Tipperary 14 Tyrone 25 Waterford .... 13 do. City, M’estmeath .... 4 Athlor.e .... ATexford 12 Wicklow 11 TOTALS. SUMMA II Y. Order of Super’ fit ies. r fill t*OpU’ latum. 1821. I).;,- eUy 0/ /'«)<(.- tntion. TOTAfx POPVLATiOS, at each of the four Periods. Hate of Inrrras. ^ cent. 1821-31. 18U. 1821. 1331. !) n tf ‘231,518 261,601 •262,860 314,608 20 6,136 8,255 0,023 8,698 27 1 1 1 121,449 19(1,577 197,427 *220,651 ll.i 30 32 17 69, 506 81,287 70,952 81,576 3 17 15 10 . . - lJt4,330 195,076 228,050 17 7 13 26 160,603 209,595 208,08!) 258,262 24 1 1 9 • 5‘23,936 702,000 G29,70(> 407,935 292,4*24 |.o 64,394 100,535 100,658 107,007 4 10 29 249,483 248,270 *298,104 20 11 3 4 287,290 329,348 325,410 35-2,571 H 29 4 5 1 10,437 160,274 150,011 183,042 22 — 176,610 186,276 185,881 203,652 n 19 25 25 111,250 130,399 130,997 149,555 14 2 3 31 140,995 286,9-21 309,599 394,287 27J — 24,684 27,827 27,775 33,1-20 19 5 11 32 178,622 205,037 216,185* 219,989 H 24 31 27 85,133 101,717 99,065 108,401 9i 18 17 13 134,664 157,097 158,716 169,283 H - . 23,2.30 23,230 23,741 20 24 •24 113,226 132,319 131,088 144,029 9| 22 27 22 94,095 105,976 1-24,785 141,303 13 10 7 7 103,865 214,286 218,432 233,505 7 66,042 59,045 66,575 13 13 16 11 186,181 194,099 193,869 222,416 15 31 30 () 95,917 107,702 107,570 112,391 n 32 28 2 - 101,070 101,011 108,160 7 i 16,123 18,1 18 18,118 17,865 — 3 6 28 237,371 297,538 293,112 367,956 251 14 20 23 142,479 174,716 159,183 177,023 11 28 18 3 140,433 178,183 174,697 195,532 12 25 23 18 113,857 129,391 134 ,-275 145,843 1*2 12 14 158,110 207,777 208,7*29 239,903 15 23 2*2 16 127,079 146, -229 171,508 18 6 2 12 290,531 353,402 346,096 402,598 16 8 9 19 250,746 259,691 261,865 302,493 21 21 15 119,457 1-27,679 1-27,842 148,077 16 25,467 •26,787 28,679 28,821 — 1 2G 26 20 128,042 128,819 136,799 H — _ see Note precedirui page. 1 1 ,362 13 19 21 169,305 170,806 182,991 7 16 29 30 83,109 115,165 111,767 122,301 9 6,801,827 7,734,365 PROVINCES of rouNTIKS. arranged in Ordtr nf f/icir TOTAI. POPCLATIUN in 1831. Total Population, in 1H3I. Super ftries in hisk Pl.tnf atlon Acres. Hat to of .Superftc. to each inhabitnt 1 Cork 007,366 1,048,800 1 .30 2 Galway 427,407 989,960 2 .31 3 'Tipperary 402,598 551,950 1 .32 4 Dublin 386,694 142,050 .37 5 Mayo 367,956 790,600 2 .15 6 Down 352,571 348,550 .99 7 Antrim 323,306 387,200 1 .20 8 ’Tyrone 302,913 463,700 1 .53 !) Limerick 300.000 386,750 1 .29 10 Donegal 298,104 679,550 2 • 2tf 11 Clare 258,262 476,200 1 .84 12 Roscommon .... 23!),903 346,650 1 .44 13 Cavan 228,050 301,000 1 .32 14 Londonderry .... 2-22,416 318,500 1 .43 1 5 Armagh 220,65 1 181.450 .84 16 Kerry 219,989 647,650 2 .94 17 Monaghan 197,532 179,600 .91 18 Kilkenny 193,024 •300,350 1 .55 19 IVexford 182,991 342,900 1 .87 20 Meath 177,023 327,900 1 .85 21 \Faterford 176,098 262,800 1 .50 22 Sligo 171,508 247,150 1 .44 23 Fermanagh .... 149,555 283,450 1 .90 24 IVestmoath .... 148,161 231,550 1 .56 25 Queen’s County 145,843 235,300 1 .61 26 King’s County . . 144,029 282, ‘200 1 .95 27 Leitrim 141,303 255,950 1 .80 28 IVicklow 122,201 311,600 2 .55 29 Longford 112,391 134,150 1 .19 30 Kildare 108,401 236,750 2 .18 31 Louth 108,168 110,750 1 .02 32 Carlow 81,576 137,050 1 .69 TOTALS. 7,7,34,365 11,943.000 1 .54 The annexed Statement ( shews the Po\mlntion of Ire- land at different periods, since 1792 ; with the Autho- rities for the results, at each respective period ; admitting the Numher in 169.i to he^ Correct, the increase of Pop- UMtion since that dale, may he regarded as one of the most remarkable features in the History of European ad- vancement during the same period. k Years Total No. of PERSONS. 1072 I,3'10,000 95 1,031,102 1712 2,099,094 18 2,169,048 23 2,317,374 25 2,309,100 31 2,010,221 54 2,372,634 C7 2,54 1,276 77 2,690,556 85 2,845,932 88 4,040,000 01 4,206,614 92 4,0S8,226 1805 5,395,456 Autnorities. Sir William Petty Captain Sooth Tliomas Dobbe do. do. do. Established Clergy Tax Collectors do. do. do. G. P. Boshe Tax Collectors Doctor Beaufort Thomas Newenham Ratio of Ages to every 10,000 of the Total Population in 1821. of Families, Houses, Ifc, in 18-iI. N umber of F A M I LT ES Number I Inhabited of \ Un- 1 a habited Houses, f. Building Proportion j Males cf each Sex. { Females ^ T Agriculture g- * Trade, Manu., &c. g • 2 ) all other Occiipat. O ( 'Total Occupied Kumher of each Sex under Education. Males Females TOTAL Sunday Schools. Ulster. Leinster. Munster. Connaugt TOTAL. 390,709 352,320 357,366 211,637 1,312,032 359,801 278,398 306,996 197,408 1,142,602 9,801 9,080 10,972 5,393 35,251 239 479 398 234 1,350 988,061 859,798 960,119 553,948 3,341,9-26 1,030,433 897,693 975,492 556,281 3,559,901 328,793 252,608 320,069 236,605 1,138,069 584,1-27 215,835 145,917 224,165 1,170,044 143,818 173,215 150,079 61,519 5-28,702 1,0.56,738 641,658 616,054 522,361 2,036,815 69,490 75,5 16 89,225 31,380 265,606 35, -244 38,788 40,070 15,105 129,207 104,734 114,298 121,295 46,486 394,813 125,272 20,790 5,663 5,459 157,184 PROVINCES nf Con- All Lun- Great Ages. Ulster. Leinster. Munster naught. Ireland. cashire. Britain. Under 5 1480. 1507. 1560. 1614. 1532. 1472, 1647. 5 to 10 1319. 1300. 1407. 1419. 1355. 1 300. 1385, 10 // 15 1248. 1189. 1216. 1218. 1218. 1119. 1 209. 15 II 20 1253. 1144. 1-234. 1250. 1219. 1000. 1046. 20 " 30 1719. 1863. 1735. 1711. 1760. 1583. 1558. 30 « 40 1080. 1176. 1197. 1159. 1150. 1176. 1180. 40 u 50 798. 814. TAG.3 720. 771. 931, 878. 50 a 60 616. 609. 583. 593. 600. 663. 545. 60 a 70 330. •278. 235. 2-28. 273. 460. 348. 70 // 80 123. 94.5 78.7 77. S6. 226.7 160.5 80 -/ 90 29. 20.6 14. 9.6 23. 62.4 40. 90 //lOO 3. 3.4 2.3 2.8 3. 5.5 3. 4 ab. 100 .5 .3 .5 .9 .5 .3 .1 Radix 10000. 10000. 10000. 10000. 10000. 10000, 10000. Geographical Position of each Comity of Scotland, shewing the Superfeies, Live Stock, Annual Valve of Property, and Rental of each, ^c. IG Geographical Position of each Co. of Scotland, shewing the Superficies, Live Stock, Annual Value of Property, Rental of each, Sfc ml tr^ pH Ci O O CO pH O 4 -^ CO O •‘S CO CO CO OI CO o » 1-1 CO OI a CO oi CO ‘O CD 4 ^^ CD^ o" Ci CO CO oi 01 CO X !>• CO Ci CO OI X 01 01 4 ** — X o *o of x" X 1 -^ X X X PH 1 ^ X X 01 X --f 'f X X Di 0 0 01 Ci l-p OI •-t 0^ 4 ^ t 01 cc CO x^ CO 1 '^ CO of o' x" ‘o' 0*' cT x" cT or PH*' 1.0 X X X X X 0 X 4 - X pH 0 X * X 01 FH 01 c; ^ X •O OI --r Di cc o 01 X 1.0 ^ a -r 4^ — .We" I - i£|g-.£ i X Di O Di 4 ^ X 4^ ‘O 01 O »0 CD or »0 l"* CO cf ‘O I'* Ci X c: D 5 04 ^ X OI X X -H OI X CO x" X OI *o OI OI ^ X X*' cT *0 X 01 OI 01 X X rH X X pH 4 "^ Ol^ 01^ ^ x" X C5 ^ *o Ci o 4^ -t X^ o of 01 -t* X ^ X '-r ^ lO X *o Ci ’^ t ^ X * OXCiOX '^ ox -^ d : 4 > xd ; x 4 ^x p -1 Di o X OI ^ 4 '* o d; -1 I ^ OI X X 4 ^ Cr ^ O X fh -r O ^ ^ O OI Ci *- lO lO 01 CO 'O OI 4 '^ Di tO> X 01 O l> X rH 01 •O X 01 01 p^ PH 0 »o 01 OI FP *0 ‘ o' X O X 4 ^ X lO x" * 0 " X X X 0 *0 01 01 X X a 01 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 X OI X 1 - X 0 0 c X 0 0 X 0 0 « A 0 X ».o 0 0 4 ^ 0 0 X 0 X X X 4 ^ X X X 0 ‘O — 0 X d 0 0 X pp ‘O 0 ( V 0 01 OI 0^ 0 X 0 X 01 OI X 0 D'’ X X X X 0 X 0 01 X 0 X OI X pH 4 ”^ ’T C 1 *^r. fic d X 01 d ® OI OI X PH OI CO X r^ X 01 X •0 X -t X 4 »P oi 4 ^ -f d 0 ot X ub 0 0 pH OI PH X X Tf r* 01 X OI 01 CO OI 5 •0 X d 0 4 ^ 0 1 s s OI 01 X OI 01 pH 01 OI 5 01 0 0 0 X 0 0 X 0 X X 0 *0 0 X X 0 •0 0 0 0 X X l> o» 01 c .«i •0 0 X 0 0 X X —1 OI OI 0 OI 01 X X X X 01 X 0 *0 I> OI X X FT 53 £S OI 0 X 0 0 •a< X X l> X lO OI X X X Tf X X 4 > 05 pp 0 X X X *0 X- «c c «3 OI <0 X o' pH *XJ 0 05 cd » 4 C 5 X PH X 0 X •0 --t' d' CD CD or d’ cd' Sb-t •d -r' Sv -f •M X X 0 CO pH ■* 5 S pp 4 ^ CO f 01 pp OI pH OI «a 5 OI X -f .C 3 s 0 »o X 0 CO X -t CC X 0 0 X •*s 0 lO •0 •.0 X X X t^ X X 0 X X 1 — X CO fCS 01 05 pf X 0 X •0 OI OI 0 0 X X X OI X I— - X -f X M -t •0 X L *1 X • -C X X ."!j; 0 k 0 X X iO X cs *0 X X X ja IC 0 pp X X X X 0 ■T 'I' X 0 X 4 ^ 4 > OI -r X 15 X cT C 5 of CO •a< pH CO 0 Cl x" lO 01 05 cd’ •Z X *0 p^ — 0 X PH 4 '' 0 X X -T pH 01 01 pH X t" -f 0 -t X 0 0 X X pH X X X X X X OI f 01 pH X 0 01 0 »o X 01 X 0 — 0 -f 01 b- X pH OI X X 0 X 01 X X CO X 0 X X X X X X pH CO X X OI X X X pp -r X •r 01 FH Ifi pp 05 X l> l> X X 05 x' o' OI X r* 05 X X X X X 4 ^ pp lO 0 CD >0 CO X X 4 ^^ lO tO 4 ^^ -0 X X r^ tH 05 pH 01 pH CO X lO 0 X X X 0 c OI *0 ■c* X -H 01 "^U *0 CO -4 X X (M pH pH fH HH PH -H X 01 4 ^ c 01 X — 1 X 01 X* 01 ‘0 '! 2 pp — • *« 4 ^ X X 0 X 0 0 0 X r^ pH 05 0 0 X X 01 X CO X 0 X X X X X X 0 0 X - — C X -- "rE < X -r X X 0 0 01 — ■ X X X 0 f 05 0 "-T 01 -f X X T X X X X pp 'T X I'F 01 X X 5s 0 OI -H X 01 05 rH d pH 01 05 X Tt Dj X X X ■0 01 X X X X X -H pH 0 X X c -r 01 A. ■~ oi •0 of *0 0 05 r- X X 0 Pp X r* X X OI X rp X ‘O X X — X 01 X 4 ^ -f ^ •T >s — 01 4 ^ r^ 0 01 oc* X pH 0 OI ‘O 05 di X 01 0 05 •0 OI 01 X -r X OI 01 X X X X X 01 01 p 0 !^'i X OI 01 r^ t— 0 OI X ‘‘ 1 ' PH pH pp pp X pp -H 0 OJ 0 iO X X 01 01 - 1 * 0 pp X 05 X cc 01 X c tOi X *0 "-t 0 X X 0 0 X 0 >0 e * 5 » lO OI ‘O X OI p^ X •H X lO 01 X 01 X X X X X X •n" 4 >* X X 0 CD iO X *0 X X OI -r *0 01 X C 5 Cl 0 01 X 't OI X pF pp 01 •0 'CT X X X X ’ 1 ' pH X p- X 01 1.0 X 01 ^ X -r =6 1 .; or - or "■ or or 3 . ff "«•* 2 .5 » « •w''~ k « g-ofe-.sS 8.t; 2 .2 11 ^ f . Ci s 's 5 S "IS s '' s ® . £.5 ::>|. -c «w . ^ 2 l-^-® tr « "s ® e*. ^ ^ /5; s- *j ^ 5C’«-*S 5 _ a ^ w c s a £ w ^ § • 2 S •5 ^*§ 5 Co ? 5 = i . 2 1 • c3 • 5 ^ O >■■ c i § Z3 O “ 2 jn " 3 <’ O ® t . fe ' ^ m fc/) O t. is .s ? tfj y'Y:) q; O .2 D — i a . ST -’ S ifi # - t-f ■ l -^ 4-4 I iM CC rf 0 «0 ■2 jO .i 3 •> 2 . c X .a rr, r'O = o o c « X (tj &. p; S N oift , d"r £ oj ,®*^"0 ^ Ci^j 4 — f c . % s • h « c 'S 2 X O C PH 01 I M M pH uoixd ) it [ ^iPOQ 2 SP 3 -S 2 O 00 J S fci^ -Q 2 S — pT c 3 pj_ w a 1 o = z 2 & 4 = >4 § ^ OQ o .. — a QJ % ~ 3 " ^ r 4 T 4 .= rf} C 3 • - ^ = ® L. O a: ^ o — o d .0) eaocfc '’t - -S ® = _^ O -5 .— !p XJ 2 2 H ^ 2 Q c/i 0) 4 - (/> 4—0 c c« r?0. <1^ i ■= i i; - rt u u C V: • Ph - ^ ^ 2 ^ — O; 2 C X o OI OI c X ^ ' oj c ^ !rt ^ .' ^ I ^ ® -2 o D ® X « 2 ,— <1^ . 2 — 1 - c^||'=^5§=c2|^|^J|£Z': I o-a ,'ga®c2.5 ..s s'o- •sj ^ «-= ? S.S "I 5 .= C 2 04 = o.S o ^ SJ-B 2 £: 3 | 5 o-K o '5 o CS rw- 2 *'*a;r!2^c*r o ^ c /5 ^ ^ ^ — flj 21 Pv i.. .i ■a =^t: =2 4 - £-U ^ '- .P c ■: "'.4=^ S cC ,rr =0 S ~ 4) - O' .0 °_— a ; 0> ? ^ y CC - c . s:.2.s;5):: co^- 3 ^ 5i£.2 — rS S:^- g ^ "c ipp 2 ^ Oi _ C ^ 4 ^ P * .— Co ••»> « 2 S g|:5 „ n - «K-£x4 £ olCt /5 Sv^-a ;- g .^ a 5 = 3-3 - .c: 2 c ^ • • K-|J “ ° o = « p -.— _o Ca ,— - < o .BE = g 2i”^ 4^K3SSa = S»>« §§05 = 0 = 2 ;?° WO-C 5C 2.i« §."'-3 „.-3J "d F ^ -3 '-’ ; tc^ 0> CS ■ H ct (fl i ^ « a o = O ^■=Q.= £ SS ° g ® ® ^..-g-iG-SaS ^•o^rs lit X 3 J - 44-3 !■ 2 35 5 = . - tzi ' SJJ ' J - ^>o; = .o3= x'S.S o 44 4 , £3 ~- 5 bs 2 S^a §.— c 5 o ^ = •■3 § ° a C S c = 'o ° ? 5 * ■£= a--- os ^ fO - tp ' CeCCHH^i 6- a)”"(-- ='—•5 o « o_ pK .2 ° "oS °4? y-« s |?£^ 2 . 53 :°^>.£^. ri ^’ 2 u 55 H '=|_^; Ja -= a £ a ,| g ^ Ho|S cc -D C . cOXhh fl Ci *^ ift_ C •- tfr' H bf. 05 «J X X' t /5 «5 O.X •“■ .5 U 4-4 C .^.3 . 7 = . U o 4) D •-■ "* •— S 5 J.iX'Ezz 4 > — ^ P-i: C/“ fee bt^r‘ ■~ s,°.x-5'^ o o i?" -3 = -h L§.§^|§”i cs a ^.S 2 ^4 -a gw's c § p o^o-z; s c . C C pH . ,. 0 ; Wa_g = c«”' ’■„■« E- " i-. = 3 s •a •= -r §5f G 5l? E U U. 44 2 >2 S .-.2 ° c .2 B l-I “ 0.5 s o - c ^ r ^- S '-" § E ^-'o 3 i* ti|£is®|'s||.='gB-£ ■*’ O pH-rt^ c-P V c*5 cX 5 P - § “-§ “.s /, 3 « 3 .a ^r. c c Z - 4 re X W 5 31 5 4 <^ ‘>d (i •P .P Cti O I ^ O - ^ C f ■x C- -C X X 5= "' ffi X .iT 0 rc - .H 2 C ® .9 ^ bC £ .S TJ C-P> — ^X Z'.S ® F C bC XSc;'^c ^ Oa > X ' 2 - 2 S '®*^ = 2v24-Of3X*-.£r^t/54)-jCOsC.^'^ i;.2o^Q^„^^ ,fc-Xi— vJS ^ |t;5§=SrJ,'S-g55°.C'^^'^ c X (f3 o ® .;2 — o o =« <=5" Pz. §-i‘g a-d - o o5 . SJ . Oao . B . GP . Ic - EUy ’.:: ST A'l' I'^M l-lN'i' oxhil)iliiif; ii View of LIFE and MOIt l'A L/TY, in caeli of ID of tlie |)riiici|)ul 'I’owiis of J''ngi,ani), in compa- rison with tlie ('ounlits of l!ssi;x and Rutland, and the IM i'/rHOi>oi,is, during the 1» Years J1U2 — IhDO. At; ES. fc) R R a fs; Chester. (J ‘5 W c3 Bolton. ? 3 6? Preston k. !■ a k. CQ O A. W vj •>« > •5 IS >«i S •C Q a; 1 V % ^ Total of all Iges. y3,333 5,955 453,146 13,186 20,947 7,165 17,345 10,136 9,498 8,025 6,525 10,749 9,480 18,366 2,122 978 o u ^ f aliovi 9 63.850 4,248 280,737 8,806 12,109 3,770 8,782 5,206 4,799 4,181 3,467 6,017 5,2.50 8,658 1,042 596 .7^ Si $ 1 1 59.797 4,059 262,701 0,291 11,389 3,448 7,923 4,752 4,301 3,805 5,162 5,486 4,787 7,894 956 542 I « 19 57,0o4 3,901 2o5,39l 7,954 11,033 3,284 7,101 4,-129 4.027 3, .581 2,927 5,133 4,351 7,474 877 515 S CO 1 « 29 53*483 3,7 1 9 245,718 7,494 10,554 3,103 6,7 45 4,037 3,719 3,282 2,678 4,693 3,898 6,957 810 471 7* *5! ss 1 U 39 45,528 3,295 213,870 6,459 9,398 2,630 5,491 3,295 3,025 2,765 2,264 3,838 3,18.5 6,783 68.3 397 ^ U *3 O J 0 49 39,232 2,959 176,297 5,198 8,278 2,201 4,109 2,717 2,410 2,.'314 1,918 .3,093 2,560 4,702 565 339 l^.sl 1 0 59 .32,991 2,638 134,376 4,564 7,080 1,782 3,467 2,091 1,885 1,826 1..57 8 2,358 1,974 3,602 442 285 1 0 69 26,061 2,185 93,417 3,656 5,801 1,689 2, .536 1,645 1,352 1,428 1,211 1,6.53 1,422 2, .501 324 221 - o ( 0 79 17,057 1,477 50,165 2,487 3,966 904 1,4.57 994 827 900 718 926 804 1,412 202 119 0 89 6,611 627 15,428 1,057 1,661 383 498 313 322 363 260 284 294 471 74 45 1 0 99 735 68 1,684 107 203 59 55 24 39 43 42 34 5 57 5 Lioo & up wds. 28 2 102 11 8 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 — 3 1 — ' r Uiuici 5 29,483 1,707 172,409 4,385 8,838 3,395 8,563 4,930 4,699 3,844 3,058 3,7.32 4,230 9,708 1,080 377 0 to 9 4,053 189 18,036 510 720 322 859 454 498 376 305 .531 463 764 86 54 2 1 10 0 14 2,733 155 7,310 337 356 164 522 323 274 224 235 353 433 420 79 27 c ^ 3 1 -'5 0 19 3,581 185 9,673 460 479 181 656 392 308 299 249 440 456 517 67 44 “^1 2; =,• 1 !20 . , 29 7,955 424 31,848 1,035 1,156 473 1,254 742 694 517 414 855 713 1,172 127 74 Ss 3 1 30 39 6,296 336 37,573 961 1,120 429 1,082 .578 615 451 346 745 625 1,083 118 58 fc. w ^ 40 49 6,241 321 41,921 93 1 1,198 419 942 526 525 488 340 735 586 1,100 123 54 5^5 •*»> 1 50 J 59 6,927 453 40,959 908 1,279 393 931 546 533 398 367 705 5.52 1.101 !18 64 1 ^ 60 0 69 9,007 708 43,252 1,169 1,835 485 1,07 9 651 525 .528 493 727 6 IB l.l'/o9 102 70 0 79 10,410 850 34,737 1,430 2,305 521 959 681 50.5 537 458 o42 510 941 128 74 a ^-o 80 0 89 5,87 6 559 13,744 “50 1,458 324 443 289 283 320 218 230 289 414 69 45 tS-S 90 s 99 707 66 1,582 96 195 58 53 23 ^26 42 40 29 0 54 4 Lloo & npwds. 28 2 102 11 8 1 2 1 3 1 2 5 — 3 1 — TOT A L 93,333 5,955 453,1 46 13,186 20,917 7,165 17,345 10,136 9,488 8,025 6,525 11,749 9,480 18,366 2,122 973 •2 r Under 5 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 *3 S g , 5 to 9 6,841 7,135 6,1 95 6,675 5,761 6,262 5,061 5,136 5,0.53 5,210 5,313 5,121 5,538 4.714 4,910 6,125 s £ o ?i 10 0 14 6,407 6,814 .5,796 6,288 5,457 4,812 4,566 4,688 4,529 4,741 4,846 4,669 5,049 4,298 4,505 5,570 •S s='^ 15 0 19 6,114 6,554 5,634 6,032 5,267 4,. 584 4,265 4,370 4,241 4,462 4,486 4,369 4,592 4,069 4, 1 33 5,292 bxD*^ 20 ff 29 5,731 6,244 .5,420 .5,683 5,038 4,332 3,887 3,983 3,917 4,089 4,104 3,995 4,111 3,787 3,817 4,840 •S ^ 30 39 4,880 5,532 4,717 4,898 4,486 3,671 3,165 3,251 3,186 3,445 3,469 3,267 3,359 3,149 3,219 4,079 40 49 4,205 4,969 3,889 4,169 3.951 3,071 2, .541 2,681 2,538 2,883 2,939 2,633 2,700 2,559 2,663 3,483 1 50 59 3,533 4,432 2,963 3,461 3,379 2,485 1,998 2,162 1,985 2,275 2,418 2,007 2,082 1,960 2,083 2,928 <,-'0 60 0 69 2,792 3,670 2,059 2,772- 2,769 1,937 1,462 1,623 1,424 1,779 1,856 1,407 1,500 J ,361 1,527 2,270 70 0 79 1,829 2,481 1,104 1,888 1,893 1,260 840 981 871 1,121 1,100 788 848 768 952 1,222 Is 80 M 89 710 1,053 338 801 793 533 287 309 339 452 398 242 310 256 349 462 90 » 99 80 115 36 81 97 81 32 24 41 53 64 29 5 31 24 — « LlOO 8i upwds. 3 3 2 8 4 1 1 1 3 3 4 — 2 5 — Under 5 3,159 2,866 3,805 3,325 4,219 4,738 4,939 4,864 4,947 4,790 4,687 4,879 4,462 5,286 5,090 3,875 5 to 9 434 321 399 387 344 450 495 448 524 469 467 452 489 416 405 555 ^ 6C* 10 0 14 293 260 162 2.56 170 228 301 318 298 279 360 300 457 229 372 278 ■2 « S, 15 0 19 383 310 214 349 229 252 378 387 314 373 382 374 481 282 3l6 45^ ■2 -7 20 0 29 851 712 703 785 552 661 722 732 731 644 635 728 732 638 598 761 •S o ~ ^ 30 a 39 675 563 828 729 535 600 624 570 648 562 530 634 659 590 556 596 2 ^ 1 40 0 49 670 537 926 708 572 586 543 519 5.53 608 521 626 618 599 580 55.5 ~S-S| 1 50 u 59 743 762 904 689 610 5-18 536 539 561 496 562 600 582 599 556 658 g 2| 1 60 0 69 963 1,189 955 887 876 677 622 642 5.53 658 756 619 632 593 575 1,048 '■c: .ff ^ 1 70 g 79 1,119 1,428 766 1,084 1,100 727 553 672 532 669 702 546 538 512 603 760 1 1 80 0 89 630 938 302 720 696 452 255 285 298 399 334 213 305 225 325 462 90 0 99 77 112 34 73 93 80 31 23 38 52 61 25 5 29 19 ■ .ICO & upwds. 3 3 2 8 4 1 1 1 3 1 3 4 — 2 5 * RAni: f 10,000 10*000 10,000 1U,0U0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 io,oou Under 5 32 29 38 33 42 47 49 49 49 48 47 49 45 53 51 39 ^ 1 5 to 9 6 4 6 6 6 9 10 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 8 10 10 0 14 5 4 3 4 3 5 7 7 6 6 7 6 9 5 8 5 «5J ^ Q ^ iix) 15 0 19 6 5 4 6 4 6 9 9 8 8 9 9 10 7 8 9 20 0 29 15 11 13 14 11 15 19 18 19 16 15 18 18 17 16 16 30 0 39 11 10 18 15 12 16 20 18 20 16 15 19 20 19 17 15 §■€ 2 ■< 40 0 49 16 9 24 17 14 19 21 19 2S 21 18 24 23 23 22 16 '-J S'S 50 0 59 21 17 31 20 18 22 27 25 28 22 23 30 28 31 27 22 ^•S o 60 0 69 34 32 46 32 32 35 43 40 39 37 41 44 43 44 37 46 •s „ 70 0 79 55 58 69 58 58 58 66 69 61 I 60 64 69 63 67 63 62 80 0 89 81 89 89 90 88 85 59 92 88 88 84 88 98 88 93 100 90 0 99 96 97 94 90 96 99 97 96 93 99 95 86 100 94 79 — ^100 & upwds. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ■ 100 100 1 100 100 100 — 100 100 — c 10 Sl'A'I’RlM liXT sliewiii”' tlie I’oi’Ui.ATioN of each County of ENGLAND and WALES in 1001, and the Number of Marriages, IIai'I’ISMS, and Hukiaes, in each of tlie same, in the 'I’en Years 1001 - 10 ; distinguisliing the jiroportion of Males and Females in each County; tlie Counties being arranged in Order of their Total Copulation, in 1001. COUNTIES I ’OPULATION arramjea in order oj e» Ss'** as enumerated in 1001. Total Copulation S K W 5 _ _ , in 1001. Alales 1 Females TOTAL 1 M iddlcsex . . 1 373,(555 444,474 018,129 2 la incaster . . 35 322,3.5(5 350,375 672,731 0 Y ork. West Riding . . . . 3(5 27(5,005 207,940 563,953 4 Devon . . 0 157,240 105,761 343,001 5 Kent . . 3 151,374 15(5,250 307,624 (! Somerset . . 10 12(5,927 146,023 273,750 7 N jrfolk 129,042 143,. 529 273,371 0 Surrey o 127,130 141,905 269,043 1) C« loucester . . 11 117,100 133,629 2-50,809 10 Start’ord 110,(590 120,455 239,153 1 1 Essex • - . . 12 !11,35G 115,001 226,437 12 Southampton . . 5 105,(567 113,909 219,(556 10 SuH'olk . 13 101,091 109,340 210,431 14 Lincoln . 34 102,445 106,112 200,557 lo YV arwick . . 20 99,942 100,240 200,190 1(5 Chester . 32 92,759 90,992 191,751 17 Cornwall . 0 09,0G0 90,401 188,269 10 ilts . G 07,300 97,727 185,107 10 Salop . 31 02,563 05,076 167,639 20 Derby . . 27 79,401 01,741 161,142 21 JYurham . 41 74,770 05,591 160,361 22 Sussex . 4 70,797 00,514 159,311 23 Northumberland .... . . 42 73,357 83,744 157,101 24 York, North Riding . 30 74,904 80,602 155,506 25 Nottingham 60,550 71,792 140,350 2(5 York, East Riding . . . . 37 67,45? 71,976 1 . 39,433 27 M'orcester . . 19 67,631 71,702 139,333 20 Northampton 0*2 63,417 68,340 131,757 29 Leicester . 25 63,943 66,138 130,001 30 Cumberland 54,377 62,853 117,230 31 ])orset . 7 53,667 61,652 115,319 32 Oxford . 10 53,706 55,834 109,620 33 Berks . 17 52,021 56,394 109,215 34 Buckingham . 16 52,094 55,350 107,444 35 Hertford . 15 40,063 49,514 97,577 3(5 Cambridge . 33 44,001 45,265 89,346 :i7 Hereford . 30 43,955 45,236 89,191 30 Bedford . 21 30,523 32,870 63,393 30 Monmouth . . 22,173 23,409 45,582 40 YVestmoreland . 39 20,175 2 1 ,442 41,617 41 Huntingdon . 23 10, .521 19,047 37,568 “12 Rutland 7,970 8,378 16,356 Total ENGLAND 3,987,935 1,343,499 Sj.sai.isi '"Denbigh . 4 29,247 31,105 60,352 Montgomery .... . G 22,914 25,0(54 47,978 *:;2 ^ j Carnarvon o 19,.506 21,935 41,521 < Flint . 3 19,577 20,045 39,(522 Anglesea . 1 15,775 18,031 33,80(5 S i^Merioneth . 5 13,096 15,610 29,-506 f Glamorgan . 10 34,190 37 , 3:35 71,525 Carmarthen .... . 11 31,439 35,870 (57,317 Cembroke . 12 25,406 30,074 .5(5,200 Cardigan . 7 20,400 22,540 42,957 Brecon . 9 15,:i93 16,240 31 ,633 Radnor . 0 9,347 9,703 19,050 Toti 1 ENGLAND and WALES 4,245,tl3 4,6?7,867 8,872,980 Murriuge.^, /lajitisms, and Buriats, in the Ten YEARS 18U1-181U. REGISTERED | UNENTERED. Alar- BAPl ISMS. BURIALS. Mar- ' riages Males 1 Females Mi.les j females riages Baptism Burials 100,774 115 , 2:17 114,174 105,195 101,609 340 11,470 54,570 76,172 132,603 127,405 01,747 03,727 70 21,1.50 5,390 52,745 96,546 92,369 59,071 (50,424 230 17,007 7,470 33,000 57,392 54,209 3(5,141 36,992 10 3,5(50 600 31,559 62,249 59,194 51,(500 39,035 30 3,500 000 23,523 41,494 40,137 27,041 20,117 10 3,630 2,180 22,702 48,063 45,663 20,(515 20,014 10 930 360 24,749 42,721 41,919 34,906 32,833 90 4,900 3,460 23,540 :18,303 36,802 21,910 22 , 2:33 00 4,100 2,580 24,292 45,325 43,037 28,20(5 27,756 — 1,990 240 19,675 36,219 34,994 29,559 26,208 20 5,030 2,010 23,229 :i9,-551 25,T21 23,977 — 1,020 300 18,135 36,098 34,351 21,(510 21,634 30 3,910 830 18,888 30,175 36,649 23,177 23,019 10 780 500 19,663 32,^35 31,182 25,314 26,176 10 1,480 2,710 17,;375 32,569 30,858 21,931 22,233 — 4,930 1,460 15,455 33,647 32,295 17,626 17,024 10 970 180 14,190 26,980 26,118 16,346 18,281 10 2,700 700 13,536 27,608 26,188 16,977 16,669 30 740 190 13,749 27,108 26,193 15,407 15,926 10 2,880 1,480 13,782 25,932 24.091 18,204 18,570 120 2,900 ■590 14,611 31,209 30,058 18,259 16,000 20 2,100 500 11,909 19,499 10,734 15,959 16,275 600 0,440 530 12,088 24,635 23,305 14,:367 15,132 40 1,290 520 13,721 25,005 24,198 14,965 15,4-39 — 1,420 500 15,845 27,442 25,779 17,726 17,313 30 1,860 220 12,1(55 23,865 23,175 15,004 15,298 — 1,710 540 10,555 19,217 18,323 12,664 13,001 10 2,450 690 11,-544 19,811 19,148 12,758 13,094 — 2,320 (560 9,666 18,648 17,602 11,(515 11,850 30 1,450 (500 9,251 17,686 16,945 10,306 11,303 10 1,400 240 8,649 17,682 16,717 10,672 10,971 20 750 170 8,223 17,573 16,890 11,221 11,095 — 270 180 9,140 17,313 16,685 11,165 12,145 10 1,530 690 6,844 15,831 15,728 9,816 9,991 — 1,190 410 7,953 16,625 15,792 11,182 10,942 — 850 350 6,315 13,086 12,424 7,090 7,751 — 420 390 5,-560 1 0,346 10,025 6,440 6,970 30 1 ,2(50 000 4,050 6,215 5,619 4,(507 4,225 — 1,350 030 3,373 7,192 7,011 3,921 4,346 20 320 240 3,257 6,117 6,016 4,350 4,020 10 940 320 1,110 2,545 2,409 1,456 1,575 — 120 30 787, 071 1,391,977 1,338,998 ; 3,397 920,707 1,960 133,860 97,900 4,581 9,444 9,049 (5,036 6,011 — 970 270 3,4-59 6,939 6,520 4,070 4,105 — 900 30 3,607 6,966 (5,457 3,(573 3,509 — 570 (50 3,010 7,406 7,20(5 4,471 4,19(5 130 30 2,(567 4,712 4,467 2,465 2,616 — 570 30 2,:i91 3,797 3,640 2,450 2,504 — 210 20 7,00(5 10,077 9,098 7,076 6,531 — 3,700 2,100 5,094 0,062 7,311 5,355 5,-597 — 2,(590 1, :}()() 4,471 6,249 5,05(5 4,:105 4,599 — 1 ,0(50 640 3,5.55 5,776 5,119 3,309 3,271 — 1 ,2(50 140 2,927 4,:i06 3,083 3,109 I 3,051 — 1,-590 720 1,459 2,9(56 2,(529 1,793 1,743 — 210 100 832,101 1,468,677 1,410,^19 981,689 1 908, 000 1 ,9.60 1 18,600 103,660 Ropulution in 1001, Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in the 10 Years 1001 - 10, in each County, of England and Wales. I 10 h(> STATr.MKNT below, w hich is a Continuation of tluit on the piecetlint; I’a^e, sliews the Itatio of iMAtlRlAors, in the 10 Years IhOI - 10, to every too of the I’oeiu.ATioN in’ 1801, in each County of and M «/ca, ami of Uai’tis.vs ami Iti'UiAi.s, to a iMAiiaiAor., diirinn the Kaiiie |ierioiI, also the excess of Hai'iisms over Hurials, ami the increase or tlocreasc of Population in 1811, over ami above, or under and bidow, the excess of Uap- TisMs over IlintiAi.s. TOTAL Increase exceeding the Kxcess of Baptisms over Biiiiials. COUNTlIiS arranged in order oj 'rOTAI. Poi’Dl.ATION in 1801 Xumber oJ Tfjerence to Geographical Position. Ratio of Mar- riages to every 100 of the Pop- ulation, as in Col. No. 3. o . V. ^ « X *2 Q S k •C.5 “5 a Ratio of Burials, to a Marriage, r.xcess in the 10 Yeiirs 1801 - 1810. of Baptisms over Burials. TOTAL Increase in the 10 Years 1801 - 1810. Males Females Males Females 1 JMidillesex 1 12 .36 2 .38 2 .58 — 11,608 — 8,985 60,978 74,169 2 Lancastor . 35 11 .25 3 .60 ‘2 .24 58,736 51,5.58 71,748 83,830 3 Volk, West Riding . . . 36 f) .4 ! 3 .90 2 .43 41,820 37,090 45,832 43,530 4 Devon . 8 9 .9 3 .37 2 .25 22,691 18,657 22,313 17,994 5 Kent . 3 10 .27 ' 3 .96 2 .90 12,031 21 ,549 32,126 33,345 6 Somerset . 10 8 .6 ^ 3 .61 2 .43 15,178 12,745 14, .522 14,908 7 Norfolk ... . 14 8 .3 j 4 .17 2 .54 19,733 17,134 8,247 10,381 8 Siir rev 2 9 .24 1 3 .60 2 .87 8,535 9,806 24,673 30,135 9 (lloncester • H 9 .4 3 .36 1 .98 17,145 15,409 16,012 18,693 10 Stafford . 28 10 .15 3 .72 2 .31 17,994 10,156 29,375 26,625 8 .7 3 .87 2 .93 8,170 10,290 13,483 12,553 12 Southampton . 5 10 .6 3 .30 2 .25 14,184 13,890 13,188 12,230 13 Suffolk . 13 1 8 .6 4 .09 2 .43 10,028 14,207 10,897 12,883 14 Lincoln . 34 9 . 4 . 2 .47 15,138 13,770 14,577 14,757 15 Wanviek . 20 j 9 .45 3 .31 2 .70 0,006 4,391 9,597 10,948 16 Chester 32 ' 9 . 3 .93 2 .63 12,373 10,360 18,082 17,998 17 Cornwall . 9 8 .2 4 .33 2 .25 16,416 15,606 13,442 14,956 18 Wilts . 6 7 .7 3 .93 2 .48 11,634 8,837 4,180 4,541 19 Sal op . 31 8 . 4 .03 2 .50 10,986 9,794 13,279 13,380 20 Derby . 27 8 .5 4 .17 2 .43 12,401 10,967 12,003 12,252 21 Durham 41 8 .7 3 .89 2 .69 8,881 7,470 8,901 8,363 22 Sussex 9 . 4 .33 2 .37 13,750 14,8.58 15,391 15,381 23 Northumberland .... 8 . 3 .71 2 .60 7,495 6,414 7,028 8,032 24 York, North Riding . 38 8 . 4 .00 2 .45 10,788 8,093 0,172 4,828 25 Nottingham 9 .8 3 .69 2 .26 10,460 9,179 10,499 12,051 26 York, East Riding . . . . 37 1 1 .5 3 .47 2 .22 10,.536 9,280 13,748 14,172 27 Worcester . . 19 8 .7 4 .01 2 .53 9,446 8,402 10,402 10,811 28 Northampton . 22 8 . 3 .78 2 .57 7,433 5,402 4,862 4,734 29 Leicester . . 25 8 .87 3 .57 2 .29 7,883 6,884 9,423 10,915 30 Cumberland . . 40 8 .27 3 .89 2 .48 7,458 6,177 9,056 7,458 31 Dorset .. 7 8 . 3 .90 2 .37 7,880 0,222 4,050 5,324 32 Oxford . 18 7 .9 4 .05 2 .52 7,300 6,036 5,346 4,225 33 Berks . . 17 7 .5 4 .22 2 .73 0,.397 5,840 4,539 4,523 34 Buckingham . 16 8 .5 3 .88 2 .62 0,.508 4,960 4,114 0,092 35 Hertford 7 . 4 .78 2 .99 6,405 6,127 6,900 7,117 36 Cambridge . . 33 8 .9 4 .18 2 .82 5,693 5,100 6,675 5,088 37 H ereford 7 .08 4 .11 2 .54 5,211 4,688 2,449 2,433 38 Bedford 8 .8 3 .87 2 .54 4,128 3,285 2,648 4,172 39 Monmouth . . 29 8 .9 3 .25 2 .41 1,868 1,654 8,814 7,731 40 M estmoreland . . 39 8 .15 4 28 2 .51 3,311 2,705 2,063 1,642 41 Huntingdon 8 .7 4 . 2 .66 2,077 2,300 1,881 2,759 42 Rutland . . . 24 6 .8 4 .57 2 .75 1,134 87fl - - 47 61 Total ENGLAND 9 .47 3 .64 2 .48 478,393 4,35,930 594,128 628,026 f Denbigh 7 .6 4 .03 2 .68 3,858 3,388 1,882 2,006 IMoiitgomery . . . . . . 6 7 .23 4 .15 2 .39 3,304 2,778 2,459 1,494 'S 1 J Carnarvon . . 2 8 .6 3 .88 2 .03 3,548 3,808 3,793 4,022 yP ‘ Flint 7 .6 4 .9 2 . 9 2,985 3,060 3,155 3,755 Anglesea . . 1 7 .9 3 .65 1 .91 2,527 2,121 1,669 1,570 1*5 Merioneth . . 5 8 .1 3 .2 2 .08 1,442 1,239 412 1,006 (^Glamorgan 9 .8 ! 3 .27 2 .24 3,801 3,367 7,175 6,367 Carmarthen .. 11 8 .76 3 .06 2 .09 3,372 2,379 4,641 5,259 . "s J Pembroke . . 12 8 . 1 3 .12 1 2 .13 2,554 1,867 2,047 2,288 Cardigan . . 7 8 .27 i 3 .10 1 .89 2,947 2,408 3,351 3,953 Brecon . . 9 9 . i 3 .34 i 2 .35 1,632 j 1,267 3,114 2,988 Radnor 7 .06 ! 4 • 1 2 .55 1,268 901 777 1,073 Total ENGLAND and WALES 9 .4 { 3 .63 2 .46 511,631 1 464,513 628,603 663,807 Males T2,m> 13,012 4,012 20,095 10,138 11,381 5,313 2,991 5,709 2,293 20 1,641 39 3,212 956 1,540 1,598 555 982 6,946 170,919 245 170 3,374 1,269 404 1,482 Females Kxceno cf Hai'tisms over 11 e III A I. V cxcvilill;; Itie TOTAL liicrcace. Males I Females 83,151 32,272 ^ 6,440 378 11,796 2,163 ' 656 11,486 20,329 3,284 10,469 2,257 987 0,557 7,038 3,586 1,285 887 523 1,618 2,872 4,886 2,349 4,031 1,281 887 6,077 453 220,203 214 695 177,863 I 230,851 2,571 55,184 1,976 845 858 : 1,030 3,000 2,880 421 1,545 1,721 172 507 491 1,133 996 5,131 561 2,974 7,454 398 407 4,610 3,830 1,954 1,858 2,454 2,762 1,480 048 196 1,181 60,891 603 6,753 1,654 1,324 710 4,290 3,865 668 898 1,811 1,317 12 2,255 1,063 818 28,107 1,382 1,284 551 233 31,557 Ratio of Marriages, to Total Population, and of Baptisms, and Burials, to a Marriage, and Total increase of Population, <§'c. &fc., in the 10 Years 1801 - 10. 20 STATEMENT shewing the Population of each County of ENGLAND and WALES in 1811, and the Number of Marriages, Hapitsms, and IJuriaus, in eacli of tlie same, in the Ten Years 1811 -20; distinguishing the proportion of Males and Females in eaeli County; the Counties being arranged in Order of their 'I’oTAL Population, in 1811 COUNTIES -Si Murriages, ISuytisms, and Burials, in the Ten YEARS 1811-1820. arranged in order of U ^ < o -a w I’OPULATION US enumerated in 1811. REGISTEREJ). UNENTERED. Total I’opulation 5 u V. — — Alar- BAPTLSMS BURIALS. Mar- i in 1811. ■ ‘-ej Males Ecmalcs TOTAL riages Males Ftmalcs Males ( Females riages Baptisms'^ Burials 1 Middlesex . . 1 434,833 518,843 953,278 109,475 135,803 133,982 110,597 108,070 170 37,190 31,750 2 Lancaster . . 35 5194,104 434,205 828,309 85,318 140,478 134,072 89,083 89,784 10 58,100 15,420 8 York, IVcst Hiding .. . . 3(5 321,837 331,478 853,315 82,082 110,318 104,743 82,213 00,788 60 !20,840 9,840 1 Devon . . 8 179,553 203,755 383,308 35,284 87,055 83.103 35,988 36,189 10 7,830 1,170 o Kent . . 3 183,500 189,595 373,095 33,,502 88,707 00,293 45,545 39,028 — 7,020 1,0.30 (i Surrey o 151,811 172,040 323,851 27,450 49,807 48,985 38,263 38,002 — 2,8.50 3,180 7 Somerset . . 10 141,449 181,731 303,180 24,388 48,777 47,025 27,807 28,944 10 1,680 530 }{ Stafford . . 28 148,073 147,080 295,153 27,093 .54,283 51,374 32,041 30,218 10 2,510 380 1) Norfolk 138,089 153,910 291,999 25,752 52,323 49,930 27,994 28,648 30 4,210 490 10 (iloucester . . 11 133,192 152,322 285,514 28,884 40,064 44,807 25,003 25,790 10 2,770 2,090 1 1 Essex . . 12 124,839 127,834 252.473 19,720 40,824 39,108 24,559 23,508 10 4,100 1,020 12 Southampton . . 5 118,855 128,225 245,080 24,581 45,197 42,973 25,421 23,697 90 2,100 310 13 Lincoln . . 34 117,022 120,889 237,891 20,892 44,909 42,711 23,410 22,983 — 1,370 350 14 Suffolk . . 13 111,988 122,223 234,211 19,885 38,855 ‘A1,GT2 19,585 20,949 — 2,810 800 lo IVarwick . . 20 109,539 119,198 228,735 22,780 38,308 36,044 28,599 28,152 30 2,020 820 1(5 Chester . . 32 110,841 118,190 227,031 20,305 38,288 36,724 24,831 24,993 1,780 590 17 Cornwall . . 9 103,310 113,357 210,667 17,383 38,383 .38,228 18,898 18,279 20 1,990 200 18 Salop . . 31 95,842 98,458 194,298 13,013 •-’9,743 28,799 18,216 17,707 — 1,140 370 If) M'llts 91,580 102,288 193,828 15,654 29,841 29,004 10,283 17,726 — 2,040 550 20 Derby . . 27 91,494 93,993 185,487 14,226 30,084 28,720 17,005 10,481 10 2,930 840 21 Sussex 94,188 95,895 190,083 15,779 35, 189 33,539 18,846 15,959 10 2,430 300 22 Durham 8.3,871 93,954 177,025 14,787 29,839 28,383 18,834 18,911 50 4,480 830 23 Northumberland .... . 42 80,385 91,778 172,181 12,997 23,554 22,317 15,157 15,223 030 800 4,070 24 York, East Hiding . . . . 37 81,205 88,148 107,353 15,313 28,970 28,838 17,162 18,482 40 870 430 25 York, North Hiding . 38 81,078 85,430 165,506 12,422 20,401 25,145 14,463 14,969 10 1,030 100 2(5 Nottingham . . 28 79,057 83,843 102,900 14,296 28,502 27,015 10,033 18,385 1 ,850 880 27 IVorcester . 19 78,033 82,513 100,540 13,178 27,457 26,381 10,819 10,722 10 750 190 28 Leicester 73,388 77,053 150,419 13,360 24,075 22,938 14,504 14,217 30 3,100 1,520 29 Northampton oo 88,279 73,074 141,353 12,340 21,615 20,721 13,459 14,388 10 3,270 940 30 Cumberland 83,433 70,311 133,744 10,299 23,154 21,931 13,430 13,731 70 2,180 380 oT Dorset . 7 57,717 68,978 124,093 9,554 19,996 19,084 10,421 11,448 10 1,910 380 32 Oxford . 18 59,132 80,059 119,191 9,131 20,373 19,280 11,588 11,404 — 880 30 33 Berks . . 17 57,380 80,917 118,277 9,301 19,989 18,872 11,585 11,493 — 810 250 34 Buckingham . 18 58,208 81,442 117,8.50 9,. 505 18,987 18,531 11,231 12,155 20 1,920 1,950 35 Hertford . 15 55,023 58,631 111,8.54 7,388 18,163 17,578 10,870 10,514 20 2,090 1,800 3(5 Cambridge . 33 50,758 50,353 101,109 9,894 18,884 18,807 10,715 10,480 — 1,180 370 37 Hereford . . 30 48,404 47,809 94,073 8,202 14,159 13,750 8,408 8,340 10 170 70 38 Bedford . 21 33,171 37,042 70,213 6,538 11,801 11,270 0,324 7,027 10 1,180 530 39 Monmouth 30,987 31,140 82,127 4,588 7,012 8,399 4,803 4,577 110 2,030 900 40 Westmoreland . 39 22,838 23,084 45,922 3,385 7,804 7,284 4,345 4,713 — 80 20 41 Huntingdon . 23 20,402 21,808 42,208 3,776 8,895 8,738 3,898 3,803 — 840 220 42 Hutland 7,931 8,449 18,380 1,280 2,824 2,501 1,473 1,518 — 190 50 Total ENGLAND *^,582, 153 4,969,735 9,551,888 863,502 1,583,148 1,517,113 961,703 949,271 1,910 206,960 «7,700 f Denbigh . . 4 31,129 33,111 84,240 5,071 9,797 9,298 8,172 8,013 — 1,740 330 ' Montgomery .... . . 8 25,373 28,558 51,931 3,832 7,871 8,908 4,598 4,888 — 1,()00 70 > J Carnarvon 2 23,379 25,957 49,330 3,980 7,183 6,505 4,194 3,8f!9 — 2,080 380 5^ 1 . 3 22,712 23,800 48,518 2,893 7,989 7,423 4,325 4,194 — 870 20 cc 1 Anglesea . . 1 17,444 19,801 37,045 3,185 5,122 4,578 2,092 2,720 — 1,.520 KiO ^ LMerioneth . . 5 14, 5308 18,818 30,924 2,154 3,847 3,388 2,488 2,700 — 1,210 50 f Glamorgan . . 10 41,385 43,702 85,087 8,.584 10,131 8,929 0,084 8,450 — 4,850 1,900 “■ 1 Carmarthen .... . . 11 38,0}$0 41,137 77,217 8,481 8,374 7,2.58 5,427 5,385 — 5,040 2,!)80 ~ J Pembroke 27,453 33,182 80,815 4,788 7,387 8,740 4,128 4,381 — 1,)!80 570 ^ 1 Cardigan . . 7 23,759 28,501 50,280 3,729 8,811 5,927 4,151 4,208 — 2,010 100 1 Brecon 18,507 19,228 37,735 2,820 4,053 3,547 3,109 3,013 — 780 550 L_Badnor 10,124 10,778 20,900 1,487 3,244 2,944 1,784 1,1 US — 340 240 Total ENGLAND and WALES ■I,B73,786 5,289,884 10,103,676 910,426 1,664,557 1,690,510 1,011,4)7 998, .681 1,910 9.i,0;>0 Population in 1811, Alarriagcs, Baptisms, and Burials, in the 10 Years 1811 - 20 in each County, of England and Wales. 21 The STATKMKNT l)clo\v, wliidi is ii t'ontinuation of tliat on the precedinp I’aftc, sliews tlie Ratio of MAiiniAcrs, in tlie 10 Years lHll-20, to every too of the -I’opoi. AVION in 1811, in caeli (hinnty of luijfluml und II and of IIai'TIsms and IIouiai.b, to a Maiiuiage, during tlie same period, also tlie excess of IIai'tisms over IIoiuai.s, ami the increase or decrease of 1’oi'1)lation in 1811, over and above, or under and below, the excess of Uap- TisMs over Houials. COUNTI KS arranged in. order of 1’OTAI, PoPUl.ATlON in 1811. Xumber of rtference to Geographical Position. Ratio of 3far- riages to every 100 of the Pop- ulation, as in Cot. No. 3. Butio of Baptisms, to a Marriage. e •2 4S'»: ^ « 1. cq F.xcoss ill the 10 Years IHII 1H20. of Baptisms over BiiaiAi.s. TOTAL Increase in the 10 Years 1811-1820. Males Females Males Females 1 IMiddlesex 11 .5 2 .8 2 .26 27,926 30,612 98,940 92,315 2 Lancaster .. 35 10 .3 3 .87 2 .27 71,735 64,648 118,372 106,178 3 York, West Hiding . . .. 36 9 .5 3 .8 2 .13 53,705 49,575 75,705 70,337 4 Devon . . 8 9 .2 3 .93 2 .07 34,917 30,164 28,676 27,056 5 Kent . . 3 9 . 4 .24 2 .58 26,207 29,650 26,333 26,588 (5 Surrey 2 8 .47 3 .69 2 .82 1 1 ,079 12,658 38,060 36,747 7 Somerset . . 10 8 .03 4 . 2 .35 21,485 18,656 28,750 23,384 8 Start'ord . . 28 9 .18 4 . 2 .31 23,307 22,223 23,595 22,292 9 Norfolk . . 14 8 .83 4 .13 2 .22 26,189 23,148 28,803 23,566 10 Gloucester . . 11 10 .01 3 .23 1 .81 20,801 19,157 27,259 23,070 1 1 Hssex . . 12 7 .82 4 .25 2 .52 17,305 16,900 20,070 16,881 12 Soutlianniton . 5 10 .05 3 .25 2 20,671 20,171 19,518 18,700 13 Lincoln 8 .78 4 .26 2 .24 22,009 20,258 24,548 20,619 14 Suffolk 8 .5 3 .98 2 .09 20,075 1 7,728 20,442 15,909 15 Warwick . . 20 10 . 3 .35 2 .34 12,409 10,592 24,288 21,369 16 Chester 9 . 3 .78 2 .47 14,252 12,326 22,111 20,956 17 Cornwall . 9 8 . 4 .95 2 .14 20,580 18,844 21,507 19,273 18 Salop 7 . 4 .38 2 .66 11,912 11,477 6,214 5,641 19 W ilts . 6 8 . 3 .89 2 .21 14,323 12,023 16,653 11,676 20 Derby . . 27 7 .67 4 .34 2 .28 14,124 12,924 14,379 13,467 21 Sussex 4 8 .3 4 .5 2 .1 19,358 18,615 22,517 20,419 22 Du rhain 8 .35 4 .36 2 .6 12,830 11,297 15,429 14,619 23 Northumberland .... . . 42 8 .15 3 .76 2 .5 9,492 8,189 14,969 11,835 24 York, East Riding . . . . 37 9 .1 3 .79 2 .22 12,928 11,274 11,556 11,540 25 York, North Riding . 38 7 .51 4 .23 2 .37 12,403 10,641 9,077 8,798 26 Nottingham 8 77 4 . 2 .31 13,054 11,235 12,434 11,539 27 Worcester 8 .21 4 .14 2 .56 10,918 9,939 12,226 11,652 28 Leicester 8 .9 3 .73 2 .25 10,361 9,511 13,024 11.128 29 Northampton 8 .74 3 .69 2 .34 9,321 7,518 11,296 9,834 30 Cu mberland . 40 7 .75 4 .56 2 .66 10,624 9,100 12,167 10,213 31 Dorset 7 .67 4 .28 2 .32 10,350 8,393 11,217 8,589 32 Oxford 7 .5 4 .43 2 .52 9,200 8,271 9,685 8,095 33 Berks . . 17 7 .86 4 .24 2 .5 8,584 7,559 8,186 5,514 34 Buckingham 8 .1 4 .14 2 .56 8,191 6,811 8,659 7,759 35 Hertford 6 .63 5 .19 3 .24 7,938 7,509 9,098 8,962 36 Cambridge 9 .78 3 .91 2 .18 8,574 8,552 9,545 11,255 37 H ereford 6 .6 4 .19 2 .71 5,801 5,460 5,148 4,022 38 Bedford 9 .33 3 .68 2 .12 5,602 4,568 7,214 6,289 39 Monmouth 7 .56 3 .29 2 .19 2,774 2,387 6,291 3,415 40 W estmoreland . . 39 7 .37 4 '.42 2 .68 3,289 2,601 2,675 2,762 41 Huntingdon . 23 8 .94 3 .78 2 .15 3,207 3,145 3,618 2,945 42 Rutland 7 .8 4 .13 2 .37 1,221 1,053 1,292 815 Total ENGLAND 9 .06 3 .82 2 .3 681,031 627,362 901,526 808,023 f Denbigh 8 . 4 .1 2 .47 3,625 3,283 6,656 5,615 Montgomery .... 7 .38 4 .22 2 .44 3,073 2,222 4,370 3,598 '5 i s . J Carnarvon . . 2 8 . 3 .98 2 .14 2,989 2,616 5,033 3,589 Flint 6 .22 5 .6 3 . 3,664 3,229 4,021 3,251 Anglesea 8 .54 3 .55 1 .75 2,430 1,856 4,340 3,678 3 ..Merioneth . . 5 7 . 3 .81 2 .43 1,159 666 2,171 1,287- s ['Glamorgan .. 10 7 .7 3 .64 2 .3 3,467 2,479 9,062 7,608 K Carmarthen 8 .4 3 .19 2 .13 2,947 1,851 7,497 5,525 Pembroke . . 12 7 .87 3 .31 1 .9 3,259 2,379 7,077 6,317 Cardigan 7 .41 4 . 2 .27 2,660 1,721 4,139 3,385 Brecon 7 .47 3 . 2 .36 944 534 3,346 2,532 Radnor 7 .11 4 .39 2 .49 1,480 1,251 1,142 417 Tola! ENGLAND and WALES 7 .67 3 .8 , 2 .27 712,728 651,449 960,380 854,915 TOTAL Increase | exceeding the KxcessI of Baptisms over I illlillAl.S. I Males Femali s 71,014 61,703 46,637 41,530 22,000 20,762 126 26,981 24,089 7,265 4,7-28 288 69 2,614 418 6,458 3,913 2,765 — 2,539 361 347 11,879 10,777 7,859 8,630 927 429 2,3.30 255 543 3,159 1,804 2,599 3,322 5,477 3,646 266 Excco or Kavtiimi over licitiAi.s exccilill;; lliC 1‘OTAb Increase. Mates , females (5,241 B,0(>2 1,153 19 1,471 1,819 5,G98 5,836 347 1,372 3,326 1,843 1,308 2,663 1,975 1,543 867 485 468 1,160 971 1,612 3,517 411 71 240,570 3,031 1,297 2,044 357 1,910 1,012 5,595 4,550 3,818 1,479 2,402 268,063 304 1,713 1,617 2,316 1,113 196 948 1,453 2,703 1,721 1,028 161 202,063 2,332 1,376 973 22 1,822 621 5,129 3,674 3,938 1,664 1,998 225,812 620 398 653 614 20,075 338 20,413 176 2,045 1,438 200 238 21,602 834 22,436 Ratio of Marriages, to Total Population, and of Baptisms, and Burials, to a Marriage, and Total increase of Population, ^c.,Sfc., in the 10 Years 1811 — 1820 22 STA 1’ImM KN'P of the Totai. I’opulation of each County of ENGLAND and WALES, at each of the 5 Periods, Viz. 1700, li-OO, 1801 , 1811, ami 1821 ; slievving the Total increase, and Rale of increase Cent, in each County, since 1700, as well as the Total Number of liuptisnis, and of Hiirials, in the It) ^■ears 1780 - 1820 ; and the excess of liitplisms over Unrials in each County, during that Period. *,* The Total increase oj Population in the 120 i'ears beinp; (i,7 11,200, and the excess of liaptisnis over Hartals in the last 40 I'enr.s- having been S,45li,489, and there having been an increase in the last 20 Years, oJ 031 ,207 btf inimipralionfrom Ireland, and other parts ; it leaves onlp 2,3.')C,.552, as the increase in the 80 Years 17t*l - 1780. The Counties most deserving of attention for extremes in the Statement below, are Lancashire ( No. 2. J/«r ds vast increase, and Northamptonshire ( No. 'IS.) for its inconsiderable increase, and for its relative Numerkai importance in 1700, compared icilh its relative Number at the present lime. COUNTIES eirraiiifcd in Order of their Total Population, in 1821. 1 Middlesex 2 Lancaster 8 York, West Kiding 4 Devon f> Kent (i Surrey 7 Somerset 8 iSorfolk . . . . 9 StalFord 10 Gloucester 1 1 Essex 12 Southampton 13 Lincoln 14 Warwick 15 Sutt'olk 10 Chester 17 Cornwall 18 Sussex 19 Wilts 20 Derby 21 Durham 22 Salop 23 Northumberland 24 York, East Riding .25 Nottingham 26 Worcester 27 York, North Riding 28 Leicester 29 Northampton 30 Ciwnberland 31 Dorset 32 Oxford 33 Ruckingham 34 Berks 85 Hertford 30 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford 39 Monmouth 40 Westmoreland 41 Huntingdon 42 Rutland Total ENGLAND fDenbigh Montgomery j Carnarvon ] Flint I Anglesea L Merioneth f Glamorgan I Carmarthen j Pembroke ] Cardigan I Brecon LRadnor Total ENGLAND and WALES TOTAL POPULATION, ! TOTAL 1 TOTAL TO TA L Excess of in caeh of the undermentioned Years , Viz. increase Vtl umber of Number of Baptisms 1 ! since '*5 h ^ Baptisms, Buri«ls, over Burials, in the 40 Yrs. in the 40 Yrs. in the 40 Yrs. 1700. 1750. 1801. 1811. 1821. 1700. 1731 - 1820. 1781-1820. 1781 - 1S20. 024,200 041,500 845,400 985,100 1,167,500 543,300 87 961,100 951,945 9,152 160,200 297,400 695,100 850,000 1,074,000 907,800 540 972,513 023,809 348,044 230,700 301,500 582,700 075,100 815,400 578,700 244 754,314 481,171 273,143 248,200 272,200 3.54,400 390,100 447,900 ; 199,700 80 438,307 282,229 150,073 153,800 190,000 317,800 385,000 434,000 ' 280,800 180 445,703 318,937 120,820 154,900 207,100 278,000 334,700 400,700 i 251,800 100 324,406 273,905 50,441 195,900 224,500 282,800 313,.300 302,500 106,000 85 319,208 215,809 103,459 210,200 215,100 282,400 301,800 351,300 141,100 07 303,315 233,520 129,789 117,200 100,000 247,100 304,000 347,900 ; 230,700 197 3.35,194 212,341 122,853 155,200 207,800 2.59,100 295,100 342,000 i 187,400 121 304,581 190,492 108,089 159,200 107,800 234,000 200,900 295,300 1 136,100 85 281,915 211,517 70,398 118,700 137,500 220,900 2.53,300 289,000 ; 170,300 143 285,809 ! 180,001 99,808 180,000 100,200 215,500 245,900 288,800 1 108,800 00 287,097 183,885 103,212 90,000 140,000 215,100 230,400 280,000 1 183,400 190 ' 200,389 194,441 05,948 152,700 156,800 217,400 242,900 270,000 123,300 81 272,482 105,195 107,287 107,000 131,000 198,100 234,000 275,500 ' 168,500 157 240,983 107,4.54 73,529 105,800 135,000 194,500 223,900 202,600 1 150,800 148 251,711 1 139,210 112,501 91,400 107,400 104,000 190,.500 237,700 140,300 160 220,837 121,439 105,398 153,900 108,400 191,200 200,300 220,000 72,700 47 205,513 134,782 1 70,731 93,800 109,500 100,500 191,700 217,000 123,800 132 200,520 125,620 80,894 95,500 135,000 105,700 183,000 211,900 ; 116,400 122 197,940 150,074 47,206 101,000 130,300 172,200 200,800 210,300 108,700 107 208,5.30 131,900 70,030 118,000 141,700 102,300 177,900 203,000 1 85,000 72 103,489 124,905 38,524 90,200 85,500 144,000 173,000 194,300 98,100 102 177,443 119,811 5 / ,G3 d 05,200 77,000 145,000 108,400 190,700 i 125,500 192 187,989 118,544 09,442 88,200 108,000 143,900 105,900 188,200 100,000 113 182,852 123,875 58,977 98,000 117,200 100,500 171,100 187,400 88,800 90 187,706 117,089 70,077 80,000 95,000 134,400 155,100 178,100 1 98,100 123 158,974 108,398 50,576 119,500 123,300 130,100 140,100 105,800 40,300 39 151,494 112,()44 38,850 62,300 80,900 121,100 138,300 159,300 97,000 150 144,785 93,360 51,419 90,000 90,400 119,100 128,900 147,400 57,400 04 133,323 84,833 48,490 79,000 92,400 113,200 123,200 139,800 ! 00,800 77 137,117 87,354 49,763 80,500 90,700 111,000 121,000 130,800 50,300 70 132,584 93,811 38,773 74,700 92,700 112,800 122,300 134,700 00,000 80 137,949 90,818 47,131 70,500 80,500 100,800 115,400 132,400 01,900 88 121,824 81,903 39,841 70,000 72,000 92,300 104,. 500 124,400 48,400 63 123,239 87,079 30,100 00,900 74,100 92,100 97,300 105,300 44,400 73 97,327 00,730 30,591 48,500 53,900 05,500 72,000 85,400 30,800 70 80,010 50,047 23,909 39,700 40,(500 47,100 04,200 72,300 32,000 82 44,045 32,023 12,022 28,000 30,300 43,000 47,500 52,400 23,800 83 53,234 34,309 18,925 34,700 32,500 38,800 43,700 49,800 15,100 41 43,933 35,013 13,320 10,000 13,800 10,900 17,000 18,900 2,300 14 19,721 12,772 0,949 5,108,600 6,017,700 8,609,000 9,870,300 11,486,700 6,378,200 12.6 1().629,2:»7 7,379,667 3,249,570 39,700 40,900 02,400 (50,4 00 78,000 38,300 90 74,028 47,535 20,493 27,400 37,000 49,300 53,700 01,100 33,700 123 54,049 32,390 22,259 24,800 30,200 43,000 51,000 59,100 34,300 139 52,103 28,500 23,597 19,500 29,700 41,300 48,100 54,900 35,400 180 54,704 33,453 21,251 22,800 20,900 35,000 38.300 40,000 23,200 102 39,410 21,902 17,514 23,800 30,900 30,500 32,000 35,100 j 11,300 47 30,278 19,900 10,312 49,700 55,200 74,000 88,000 103,800 54,100 109 71,782 50,915 14,807 49,700 02,000 09,000 79,800 92,000 42,300 85 00,242 40,707 19,475 41,300 44,800 58,200 02,700 75,500 34,200 83 51,874 34,089 17,785 25,300 32,000 44,100 52,000 59,000 ' 33,700 133 44,(i08 27,204 17,404 27,200 29,400 32,700 39,000 44,500 17,300 03 32,780 24,098 8,088 15,300 19,200 19,700 21,000 23,500 8,200 54 22,170 14,302 7,874 5,475,000 6,467,000 9,168,000 10, .602. .600 i2, 219, 200 6,744,200 12.6 2 a* 1 ^ 7,767,464 3,456,189 23 S'l'ATKMKN'P shewing the Total I'fumhor of Baptisms and BuRiAl.s, in eacli County of ENdLAN 1) and WALES, in eacli oi tlie 7 Years 175)»-1H01. 7Vie Baptisms and Burials for these Years, hare been distinetli/ exkihited in consef/nence of its appeurimj to have hern one of the mo\t > emarkable veriotls In the llistori/ of the Country ; a pi t Iml in nhlrh the u hote U'orlil, t ither openly nr liistillnuxty were hi hoslUe array ugainnt Great Hi itahi. ) ft, in appears by the General statement of the I>ap>ltms anil tiiirluls, in all England and H'ales, ajitr the Jirsl ejects of the li ar had subsided, contrary to all receliied opinion, of to the effects o/'il'ar upon the progress of Poputation ; England and iVales exhibits an unprecedented increase; the excess of llapHsms over Hurluls in 179S, considerably exceeding the like excess in any Jvrmer Year, which progress o! Increase howiver was very sensibly checked, by the unprecedented high money price of subsistence in the Years \Hiiu and ISOI : but, the Increase since that period Is still wore remarkable, and the Inequalities oj the ejfccl of the priuc «/ subsistence in those two Years is a feature of the account that deserves particular attention ; some of the Counties appear to have felt the effects in ISOO, and others not till ISOi and 18(13. IVt The Itelurns up to 1800, were incomplete, the Numbers Ullixed to some of the Counties, imply the Number of Parishes, or Citapelries, whose returns were deficient: from those noted with an • they were considered complete see Note to General Statement of all England and H ales BAPTISMS BURIALS. CO UN TIES 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. r7f)8. 1799. IffOO. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. f 1 Lancaster .... 74 19,975 20,522 19,(U1 18,877 24,710 27,930 27,252 14,749 13,981 15,905 19,303 10,570 17,371 11,070 2 York, W. 11. 11 17,0f)J 10,805 15,334 14,970 17,9.54 19,518 19,430 11,330 11,091 11,731 13,200 12,271 12,408 1 1 ,200 -2* 3 Devon 33 9,601$ 9,942 9,582 8,903 10,053 11,9.58 10,7.51 6,708 6,902 7,232 7,623 7,2-25 7,110 7,019 9 4 Somerset .... * 7,230 7,074 6,924 6,340 7,924 8,436 8,077 4,783 5,060 5,228 5,699 5,397 5,918 5,009 5 Stafford 22 7,418 7,202 6,708 6,611 8,192 8,883 8,913 4,492 4,618 5,.586 6,592 5,318 5,696 5,112 <*> S (5 Gloucester. . . . 7,090 6,761 6,532 5,718 7,226 7,614 7,749 4,460 4,355 4,944 5,301 4,587 4,352 3,829 7 Lincoln 33 6,818 6,535 6,476 6,578 6,9($5 7,334 7,616 4,028 3,979 3,988 4,387 4,938 4,832 4,161 w 8 Warwick .... 39 5,960 5,980 5,(560 5,187 5,981 6,909 6,547 3,787 3,862 4,347 5,672 5,2.56 5,253 4,8-20 o_® 9 Suffolk 17 6,339 6,094 6,0.59 6,417 6,534 7,322 7,181 3,743 3,734 3,801 4,578 4,389 4,987 4,382 10 Chester 32 5,034 4,898 4,920 5,195 6,021 6,491 6,424 3,494 3,860 4,147 4,680 4,701 4,. 595 3,832 "■'S> 11 Wilts 48 4,601 4,472 4,184 4,244 5,008 5,725 5,497 2,796 3,051 3,239 3,881 3,855 3,689 3,261 5^ 12 Salop * 4,994 5,071 4,594 4,400 5,171 5,540 5,490 2,889 2,971 3,465 4,168 3,157 3,771 3,071 a ~ • 13 Xorthumberland 24 3,470 3,287 3,213 3,198 3,459 3,666 3,979 2,550 2,817 2,807 3,152 3,549 3,711 •2,902 o 14 York, E. R. .. 47 3,588 3,620 3,513 4,382 4,863 5,187 5,466 2,468 2,408 2,561 3,5.53 3, .527 3,512 3,663 " ^ 15 Nottingham . . 30 4,462 4,408 4,444 4,371 4,932 5,174 5,125 2,687 2,874 2,.555 3,569 3,120 3,043 2,916 1(5 Worcester .... 17 4,237 4,193 3,964 3,408 4,397 4,815 4,741 2,655 3,327 3,163 3,689 2,960 2,888 2,467 ii 17 Northampton * 3,407 3,393 3,085 3,321 3,680 4,011 3,887 2,444 2,592 •2,484 2,817 3,081 •2,901 2,455 18 Oxford 3,168 3,262 3,021 2,981 3,244 3,4.58 3,624 2,115 2,179 2,177 2,385 2,412 2,342 2,032 19 Buckingham . . * 3,031 2,928 2,902 2,966 3,222 3,281 3,550 2,203 2,332 2,233 2,560 2,-265 2,. 523 2,241 20 Cambridge .... « 2,857 2,599 2,665 2,911 3,132 3,390 3,341 1,992 1,924 1,933 2,142 2,417 2,239 2,044 21 Hereford .... 51 2,199 2,281 2.200 2,128 2,464 2,570 2,503 1,296 1,392 1 ,299 1,703 1,7-23 1,666 1,427 22 Bedford *■ 1,870 1,825 1,731 1,878 1,936 2,164 2,071 1,214 1 183 1,182 1,2-26 1,556 1,407 1,269 23 3Ionmouth .... 33 816 837 817 878 1,108 1,176 1,250 648 578 691 811 830 983 867 l_24 Huntingdon . . * 1,225 1,191 1,083 1,120 1,196 1,291 1,260 815 792 801 899 975 882 759 f 25 The Metropolis 7 22,381 22,343 24,770 20,774 23,358 24.438 24,707 23,583 22,993 29,301 22 373 23,105 23,043 19,051 20 Kent 10,537 10,309 10,145 10,519 11,023 11,521 12,107 7,064 7,487 8,798 8,460 8,246 8,. 5-25 8,580 1 27 Surrey 19 7,323 7,182 6,838 7,301 7,975 8,162 8,517 6,187 6,701 7,3-27 6,530 7,013 6,956 6,103 a 28 Norfolk 111 9,026 8,079 8,525 8,562 9,373 9,754 9,776 5,464 5,547 6,060 5,708 6,020 6,139 5, .531 29 Essex 15 6,678 6,391 6,311 5,938 6,536 7,172 7,408 5,125 5,242 4,979 5,234 6,716 6,204 5,623 30 Southampton 44 0,507 6,912 6,594 6,854 7,338 7,340 7,685 4,611 4,405 5,015 4,853 4,719 4,652 4,5.34 31 Cornwall .... 7 5,819 5,893 5,788 5,300 6,335 6,723 6,627 3,217 3,402 3,025 3,074 3,615 3,615 3,419 32 Sussex * 5,594 5,160 5,152 4,993 5,465 5,617 6,283 2,871 2,986 3,025 2,776 3,056 3,659 3,636 33 Derby ...... 28 4,605 4,716 4,401 4,326 5,133 5,523 5,547 2,891 3,088 3,177 3,290 3,105 3,814 2,916 34 Durham 4,525 4,243 4,223 4,124 4,764 5,209 5,229 3,413 3,902 3,941 3,9-26 3,755 4,005 3,613 35 York, N. Riding * 4,565 4,463 4,074 4,205 4,739 4,772 4,999 2,709 2,558 2,846 2,974 2,838 3,185 •2,941 36 Leicester .... 30 3,800 3,677 3,612 3,275 3,720 3,999 4,135 2,583 2,532 2,705 2,889 3,088 2,685 2,154 ^ 3 37 Cumberland . . 4 3,179 3,038 2,849 3,084 3,432 3,505 3,590 ! 2,113 2,066 2,419 2,170 2,159 2,379 •2,151 38 Dorset 78 2,842 2,865 2,712 2,923 3,229 3,624 3,542 1,832 1,959 1,922 2,083 2,277 2,236 1,994 '42 39 Berks 3,289 3,241 3,154 2,964 3,266 3,462 3,540 2,262 2,091 2,327 2,318 2,370 2,390 2,095 s 40 Hertford .... 17 2,707 2,708 2,525 2,600 3,020 3,218 3,241 1 1,796 1,788 1,947 1,996 2,277 2,-230 1,838 o 41 \Yestmoreland 19 1,236 1,211 1,100 1,178 1,379 1,444 1,.531 796 803 850 786 792 957 719 42 Rutland 2 512 484 477 462 502 546 502 345 327 301 299 363 314 285 Total ENGLAND 202,213 230,857 227,093 225,199 259,000 278,787 279,588 107,749 109,822 185,970 193,850 190,099 193,959 172,000 'Anglesea 18 986 898 821 896 783 872 845 457 160 435 560 574 458 443 Brecon 46 747 739 701 657 789 930 792 502 535 752 740 648 655 596 Cardigan 27 977 938 896 861 1,073 1,116 1,022 676 599 707 786 599 690 612 Carmarthen 3 1,514 1,349 1,189 1,088 1,466 1,692 1,642 984 913 1,0.39 1,011 1,019 1,259 1,175 Carnarvon 10 1,190 1,191 1,036 1,068 1,295 1,294 1,434 578 590 605 773 807 805 696 ^ - Denbigh 34 1,709 1,707 1,495 1,544 1,763 1,976 1,854 1,073 1,069 1,163 1 363 1,257 1,145 1,084 s ^ Flint 5 1,303 1,245 1,178 1,162 1,373 1,502 1,517 695 667 732 1,058 1,0.34 845 804 Glamorgan 13 1,.352 1,374 1,136 1,498 1,884 1,884 2,004 972 965 971 1,260 1,3.37 1,-365 1,372 Merioneth 8 741 720 603 620 719 749 727 438 466 473 536 521 485 463 Montgomery . . . . 1,232 1,332 1,184 1,065 1,284 1,428 1,383 637 737 918 l,2i)8 741 747 7-23 Pembroke 16 1,213 1,260 1,117 948 1,192 1,309 1 ,235 675 763 862 913 853 955 831 -Radnor 514 507 486 421 550 569 549 284 332 497 376 401 360 318 Total E^ GLA ND and WA LES 202,337 258,685 247,147 237,029 273,8.37 294,108 294,592 181,313 183,207 201,128 ‘204,434 199,889 203,728 181,177 24 STA'I’EMENT sliewing the Total Population in each County of Enijland and Wales, as enumerated at each of the Three Periods 1»()1, l»l 1, and 1821. 'I’lie Counties arranf>ed in Order of their Total Population in the latterYear. The Total Num- ber of 3lania 124,893 144,499 7,535 8,075 9,281 9,-584 , 27,931 28,391 38,031 40,970 32 Oxford 109,820 119,191 138,971 7,323 7,833 8,889 9,131 j 30,292 31,183 35,149 40,493 33 Rnckingham 107,444 117,650 134,068 7,801 8,081 9,150 9,525 28,028 29,592 35,528 39,438 31 Berks 109,215 118,277 131,977 7,401 7,553 8,223 9,301 31,218 32,549 34,733 39,451 35 Hertford 97,577 111,854 129,714 5,784 5,981 8,844 7,408 24,891 25,933 32,749 38,431 3G Cambridge 89,346 101,109 121,909 7,261 7,428 7,953 9,894 24,283 27,018 33,287 38,871 S7 Hereford 89,191 94,073 103,243 5,240 5,138 6,315 8,212 20,851 22,487 25,930 28,079 38 Bedford 83,393 70,213 83,718 4,9.36 5,344 5,.590 G,.540 10,473 17,881 21,()31 24,051 39 Monmouth .... 45,582 82,127 71,833 2,827 2,738 4,058 4,8!)8 7,851 8,189 13,184 15,441 40 Westmoreland 41,817 45,922 51,3.59 2,881 2,975 3,393 3,385 11,845 11,898 14,523 14,9()8 41 Huntingdon ........ 37,568 42,208 48,771 3,366 3,407 3,257 3,778 1 10,331 11,258 13,073 14,273 42 Rutland 18,356 18,380 18,487 1,118 1,213 1,110 1,288 i 4,509 4,823 5,074 5,315 Total ENGLAND 8, 331, 434- 9,5.i 1,888 11,261,437 1 787,074 863,502 2,730,975 .3,100,261 f Denbigh 80,352 64,240 78,511 i 3,933 3,890 4,-581 5,071 18,842 18,890 19,483 20,833 Montgomery .... 47,978 51,931 59,899 i 2,861 2,794 3,459 3,832 12,538 12,585 14,387 15,179 *5 j Carnarvon 41,521 49,338 57,958 I 2,902 2,848 3,807 3,890 11,149 1 1,213 13,993 15,748 .O ■■'1 < Flint 39,822 48,518 53,784 i 2,810 2,49!) 3,010 2,893 11,173 12,513 14,73(i 18,282 Anglesea 33,808 37,045 45,083 1 2,338 2,511 2,887 3,185 9,178 9,271 9,749 11,218 ty Merioneth 29,508 30,924 34.382 1 1,904 1,848 2,391 2,154 7,428 8,!)74 7,855 8,223 fdlamorgan 71,525 ! 85,887 ; 101,737 3,999 4,025 7,008 8,584 12,078 12,841 22,955 23,910 Carmarthen 87,317 77,217 90,239 4,997 4,885 5,8!)4 8,481 13,539 13,!)70 ltb0(>3 20,870 Pembroke 58,280 1 80,815 74,009 3,863 3,827 4,471 4,788 10,541 11, .581 13,985 15,807 d Cardigan 42,957 50,280 57,784 2,81 1 2,887 3,555 3,729 * 8,437 9,328 12,155 14,748 1 Brecon 31,833 37,735 43,(il3 2,229 2,278 2,927 2,820 7,257 7,370 9,779 8,380 [, Radnor 19,0.50 20,900 22,459 1 ,278 1 ,284 1 ,4.59 1,487 4,852 4,991 5,805 8,528 TOTAL Englatid and Wales 8,872,981 10,1 6.8,67 6 11,97 8,873 ! 672,536 722,583 ; 032,091 910,426 , 2,324,498 2,536,434 3,027,526 .3,. 505^7 27 Population in each County of England and Wales, at each of the Three Periods 1801, 1811, and 1821, ana inarnuyes, uapasms, Ajuriais, ifc.. 25 Tlif Sdilcmcnt liflow will be teen to be a contliiiialioii of that on the precciliiig I'nge, and to eontiiin an exhibition of the progrettive change In the piocreatlve and d«- rrrinenlal tiale of the I’opnlatlon of h'.tinlmid and ll'alei. In the Forty Veari endliiR with IHW. Thu I’arlth Kegitter lleliiriit up to ISOO, were more or leti defective, thoie from the Connlies only nolvil with an • In the ilril Column of the llutio of Marriaget hi lng contidereil complete. Tliu Totali for each of the Ten Yean ending with 17U0, and IKOO, contain Kl'f.yts naplitint, and 1 1 3, 13 1 nnriah, more than the delallt, a Sninmary of aildlllonal Kelurni to that amount being iiichiiled in the Tolalt, thii deteet In the Ueturnt will he teen to altect the fair comp. niton of the Niimheis in the Couiiliea with one another, but not the Hatlo.r, which it the more and inotl important fealnre of the account, and one which will be teen to ileteive In a very high degree the alteiilion equally of the Sialesinen, Phytiologittr, anil Moralitit, of all Coiintriei. It h.ii been a general^ received u|,iniuii that Marihy Cuuntrlei or ditirlelt are unfavoi able to an inereaie of I’opnlaiion, at well from their tendency to retard or check fecttndlty, at acceleialittg Mottality. The Couittiea of F'nglattd which wholly or par- tially come’ itttiler the denoniinatinn of low Contitrict arc Nttitiberi 8, 1 1, I'f, 31), and 41, which Cottttlies will he leeti to exhibit the grealcat changes both in the itirrease of Births and decteate of 3lortalitv, hut it is a tact wottliy of being ktion n to the patriotic and plilloiophical en(|tiirers of all Countries, that during the period of the itiip.rriant changes which the account below exhibits, the Marshes in the Cnunties in qneslion have been converted by drainage from dreary and pestilential Wastes, to the most productive tracts in Eiirop Counties arranged in order of their Totai. Popi) i.ation Total Number of Burials ill each of the Ten Years ending with 1 Ratio ^ MARRunc*, to ei ery l ,000 of the \ POPULATION, in eai'h of the 10 I'rj. Ratio of BAPTISMS, to every J 00 Marriages, in each of the 10 Years ending with Ratio of BURIALS, to every 100 Marriages, in eaci of the 10 Years ending with kVi in 18‘fl. 17.00. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1800. 1810. : 1820. 1 1790. 1800. 1810. 1 820. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1 820. 4:-- «:.>*• 1 Mitltllescx 210,771 22.5,;»<)a 201,374 248,417 106 106 !)6 255 244 238 280 274 260 258 226 39 2 Lancaster 1I3,:)<)2 14.>,34G 170,80-1 194,207 83 92 81 355 350 368 387 243 259 224 227 56 3 York.AVest Kidiiig- 104,384 110,101 127,705 132,021 80 81 78 366 361 390 380 258 257 243 213 42 4 Devon (56,009 (59,095 73,818 73,307 80 88 ISO 332 344 337 393 243 252 225 207 28 5 Kent (56, ($57 74,414 91,443 86,223 *81 79 79 388 389 396 424 317 300 290 258 38 (5 Sill rey 59,761 (15,500 71,199 77,505 74 85 69 364 356 360 369 347 329 287 282 48 7 Somerset 50,534 50,596 57,338 57,341 *75 77 69 333 347 361 400 257 246 243 235 30 B Norfolk 61,406 57,199 57,789 57,132 78 78 73 378 400 417 413 301 269 254 222 26 9 Stafford 45,318 48,184 56,202 62,637 80 78 79 357 371 372 400 247 251 231 231 43 10 Gloucester 49,723 4(5,555 46,731 53,483 *81 82 86 325 340 336 323 256 230 198 181 34 1 1 L^ssex 52,638 51,415 57,777 49,687 77 78 69 351 362 387 425 317 293 293 252 28 12 Lincoln 48,490 41,976 46,696 46,723 85 79 74 348 365 400 426 291 231 247 224 36 13 Southampton .... 40,027 4(5,542 50,004 49,428 85 95 87 1 338 .331 336 325 243 249 225 200 29 14 AVarwick 43,911 42,959 54,200 53,371 88 86 83 316 339 331 335 248 236 270 234 32 15 Snfi’olk 41,2(58 38,469 44,124 41,334 76 77 73 388 390 409 398 280 242 243 209 29 1(5 Chester 33,442 38,174 45,624 50,214 76 77 75 335 339 393 378 240 263 263 247 41 17 Cornwall 33,768 33,435 34,830 37,177 79 71 67 391 384 433 495 258 225 225 214 36 18 Sussex 25,291 28,224 34,759 33,165 *76 77 68 410 402 433 450 238 231 237 210 46 19 AA'ilts 32,808 32,108 35,327 34,539 69 73 70 330 354 393 389 251 249 248 221 20 20 Derby 27,469 .10,658 32,813 34,686 71 73 67 410 399 417 434 263 266 243 228 32 21 Durham 3(5,445 38,290 37,364 38,575 *81 78 71 326 321 389 436 300 292 269 260 30 22 Salop 30,347 31,424 33,836 36,293 *70 70 66 410 418 403 438 275 268 250 266 23 23 Northumberland . . 28, 403 28,748 32,764 35,050 69 73 70 304 301 371 376 275 265 260 250 26 24 York, East Riding 25,127 25,351 35,259 34,074 74 95 80 347 333 347 379 291 247 222 222 36 25 Nottingham 2(5,537 27,945 30,984 33,078 84 84 75 366 372 369 400 266 238 226 231 33 26 AA orcester ........ 29,(599 29,603 30,842 33,731 75 76 70 382 400 401 414 299 282 253 256 33 27 York, NorthRiding 29,482 28,926 29,749 29,532 *69 73 67 385 400 406 423 266 266 245 237 18 28 Leicester 24,957 26,688 26,512 30,241 *75 77 77 334 380 357 373 274 274 229 225 34 29 Northampton .... 30,062 26,660 27,155 28,767 76 75 76 340 332 378 369 311 268 257 234 23 30 Cumberland 19,964 21,796 24,065 27,541 68 72 66 364 386 389 456 253 270 248 266 33 31 Dorset 21,156 19,521 21 929 22,227 70 74 66 371 351 390 428 281 237 232 25 32 Oxford 21/225 21,294 21,813 23,022 *71 73 6() 414 400 405 443 290 272 252 252 25 33 Buckingham 23,233 22,142 24,000 24,436 75 78 71 369 366 388 414 305 274 262 2-56 25 34 Berks 22,428 22,586 22 496 23 308 *69 69 71 422 431 422 424 303 300 97-T 250 21 35 Hertford 19,862 18,900 20,217 22,984 61 61 57 427 435 478 519 343 317 299 324 33 36 Cambridge 23,217 19,843 22,474 21,545 *83 79 81 334 364 418 391 320 267 282 218 37 37 Hereford 13,981 13,906 16,031 16,818 58 67 60 400 439 411 419 266 270 254 271 16 38 Bedford 15,046 12,902 14,218 13,881 *84 79 78 334 334 387 368 305 241 254 212 32 39 Monmouth ... 6,344 6,337 9,662 10.280 60 65 65 300 300 325 329 240 231 241 219 58 40 VA' estmoreland .... 8,21(5 8,508 8,507 9,078 71 72 66 411 400 428 442 285 286 251 268 23 41 Huntingdon 10,773 8,229 8,690 7,921 *90 77 77 .307 330 400 378 320 241 266 215 30 42 Rutland 3,531 3,139 3,061 3,041 1 67 69 404 400 457 413 305 236 275 237 13 Total ENGLAND 1,854,104 1,910,970 82 77 _ 304 382 . _ 248 2.10 35 f Denbigh 11,764 10,939 12,317 12,515 64 71 66 428 434 403 410 300 281 268 247 27 Montgomery . . 7,340 7,411 8,285 9,354 58 66 64 439 449 415 422 256 265 239 244 25 Carnarvon . . . . 6,856 5,8(55 7,322 8,463 68 73 68 384 394 388 398 236 206 203 214 39 Elint 8,591 7,626 8,697 8,539 63 65 55 400 500 490 560 306 305 209 300 35 Anglesea 5,894 5,325 5,111 5,572 74 72 70 393 370 365 355 252 212 191 175 33 s ^Merioneth . . . . 4,952 4,807 4,974 5,233 62 77 63 390 377 320 381 260 260 208 243 16 "Glamorgan . . . . 16,384 9,730 15,787 15,014 56 82 64 302 317 327 364 410 252 224 230 42 Carmarthen . . . . 10,707 9,976 12,312 13,772 72 76 70 271 287 306 319 214 205 209 213 34 » - Pembroke . . . . 7,518 7,968 9,544 9,059 68 73 64 288 302 312 331 205 208 213 190 31 CO Cardigan 5,929 6,078 6,800 8,457 67 71 65 300 323 310 400 211 210 189 227 34 Brecon 5,436 5,710 6,880 6,672 71 77 65 326 323 334 300 244 250 2.35 236 38 _Radnor 3,307 3,582 3,716 3,697 66 70 66 380 [ 400 400 439 259 283 255 249 18 Total En'^land and IKufcs l,8-22,9('li 1,889,574 2,0.53,749 2, 1 0.5, 0'R 81 92 76 346 1 351 363 380 £71 261 £ 16 2£* 36 D Ratio oj Marriages, to ecerg 1,000 of the Population, and of Baptisms, and , Burials, to every 100 Marriages, in each County of England and Wales. 2G STATEMENT ahewitif^ tlie Total Number of Baptisms, and of Burials, in each County of ENGLAND and WALEli, in each of 14 (lirt'ercnt Tears from 1700, to 1020. 'I’he Counties arranged in Order of their Total Population in 1021. *** The Years selected for exhibition liave been as follows, Viz. 1700, as the first Year of the Period, and in which the Baptisms exceeded the Burials by nearly 20,000, whilst in 1710, 1720, and 1730, the Biirials exceeded the Baptisms in the latter Year by upwards of 1.0,000. In 1740, the Baptisms exceeded the Burials l)y only 1,004; In 1750, by 25,490 ; In 1760, by 31,431 ; In 1770, by 32,577; In 1700, by 29,026; the four following Years exhibit an increase of 3 to 7,000; and in 1705, the Year of Peace after the American IVar the excess of Baptisms and Burials amounted to 51,759. — see Continuation of Note on following Page. coumiEs arranged in Order of Total Population, in 1821 . 1700. 1710. 1720- 1730. 1792. 1795. 1798. Baplisins Burials Baptisms Burials Baptisms Burials Baptisms Burials Baplisnie Burials Bapt:sins Bill ials Baptisms Burials 1 M iddlescx 7,325 9,057 6,372 10,5.12 7,931 12,073 3,324 12,779 13,014 13,890 12,933 14,811 13,423 1 14,304 2 T.ancaster 4,743 4,522 4,573 4,265 5,867 4,903 6,025 6,754 20,979 14,709 18,000 15,974 19,975 1 14,749 3 Y ork. West Riding . . 6,620 6,342 6,286 6,310 7,160 6,265 8,339 6,979 17,041 11,777 10,209 11,589 17,004 j 11,330 4 Devon 6,710 5,772 5,562 6,126 6,223 5,862 6,411 6,617 9,724 5,775 9,370 0,753 9,668 6,708 5 Kent 4,097 4,070 4,958 5,231 4,719 6,020 5,2-51 5,492 9,355 6,220 9,308 8,127 10,537 7,064 6 Surrey 4,016 4,400 4,054 5,344 4,748 5,675 4,544 6,074 7,027 6,496 7,100 6,745 7,323 6,187 7 Somerset 4,905 3,906 4,225 4,163 4,916 4,487 4,880 5,879 7,500 4,792 6,674 5,225 7,230 4,783 0 N arfolk 6,411 5,206 5,570 6,6-56 5,870 6,469 6,250 6,242 8,829 5,673 8,243 5.864 9,026 5,464 9 Stafford 3,301 2,637 3,015 2,458 3,657 2,837 3,704 3,595 7,486 4,743 6,920 5,087 7,418 4.492 10 Gloucester 4,102 3,341 3,969 3,768 4,708 4,492 4,931 4,542 7,328 4,631 6,615 4,919 7,090 4,460 11 Essex 4,3.53 3,666 3,867 4,291 3,781 5,-553 4,495 5,217 6,411 4,600 6,115 5,813 6,678 5,125 12 Lincoln 5,451 4,189 4,760 4,131 4,195 7,193 5,260 5,912 6,523 3,999 6,161 4,361 6,818 4,028 13 Southampton 3,376 2,252 3,223 2,677 3,109 2,902 3,224 3,093 5,798 3,299 5,964 5,501 6,507 4,611 14 Warwick 2,670 2,004 2,461 2,566 2,820 2,372 2,782 3,226 6,681 4,3.30 0,140 4,291 5,960 3,787 15 Suffolk 4,337 3,240 3,816 3,798 3,915 4,813 4,205 4,568 6,453 3,698 5,830 4,098 6,339 3,743 16 Chester 2,690 2,571 2,513 2,201 2,734 2,565 2,688 3,400 5,053 4,351 4,863 3,880 5,034 3,494 17 Cornwall 3,140 2,316 2,748 2,503 3,1.59 2,683 3,523 4,033 5,618 3,177 5,822 3,814 5,819 3,217 10 Snssejt .... 2,045 1,999 2,494 1,978 2,677 2,819 2,906 2,710 4,772 2,354 4,759 3,156 5,594 2,871 19 Wilts 3,614 2,039 3,015 2,616 3,375 2,970 3,504 3,683 4,965 3,162 4,356 3,769 4,601 2,796 20 Derby 2,614 2,350 2,377 1,898 2,627 2,031 2,714 2,563 4,463 2,927 4,533 3,267 4,665 2,891 21 Durham 2*462 2,215 2,489 2,471 3,197 2,475 3*054 3,300 4,272 3,947 4,219 4,019 4,525 .3,413 22 Salop 2,069 2,-509 2,586 2,349 3,231 2,542 3,167 3,509 5,159 3,113 4,724 3,594 4,994 2,889 23 Northumberland . . . . 2,423 2,050 2,249 2,392 2,742 2,224 2,571 2,261 3,369 2,794 3,182 3,109 3,470 2,550 24 York, East Riding . . 2,376 1,811 2,025 1,808 1,850 2,936 2,277 2,366 3,173 2,570 3,239 2,638 3,588 2,468 25 Nottingham 1,909 1,530 1,817 1,431 1,826 2,031 2,158 2,415 4,320 2,592 4,320 3,150 4,461 2,687 26 Worcester 2,521 2,135 2,248 2,132 2,629 2,363 2,346 2,720 4,403 2,661 4,021 3,031 4,237 2,6,55 27 York, North Riding 2,603 2,212 2,-504 2,056 2,603 2,451 2,763 2,572 4,404 2,783 4,277 3,070 4,565 2,709 20 Leicester 2,215 1,537 1,819 1,430 2,057 1,919 1,962 2,068 3,874 2,617 3,632 2,833 3,800 2,583 29 Northampton 2’922 2,376 2,518 2*233 2^722 2,888 2,887 3,136 3,635 2,780 3,243 2,792 3,409 2,444 30 Cumberland 1,501 1,478 1,626 1,147 1,061 1,484 2,008 1,629 2,991 2,097 2,957 2,312 3,179 2,113 31 Dorset 2,216 1,912 1,926 1,805 2,236 1.928 2,226 2,499 2,873 1,816 2,844 2,525 2.842 1,832 32 Oxford 2,205 1^790 1,918 1,966 2/253 1,809 2,177 2*281 3,109 2,072 2,962 2,326 3,168 2,125 33 Buckingham 2J20 1*811 1,968 2,017 2,005 2,091 2,07-5 2*569 2,979 2,105 2,709 2,219 3,031 2,203 34 Berks 2,147 1,-503 1,852 1,865 2,199 1,974 2,163 2,226 3,390 2,167 3,106 2,695 3,289 2,262 35 Hertford 1*809 1,648 1*748 1,720 2,007 1*753 1*860 2*345 2,713 1,902 2,576 2,099 2,707 1,796 36 Cambrido'e 2,200 1,679 1,995 1,199 1,973 2,702 2,090 2,226 2,729 2,091 2,658 1,955 2,057 1,992 37 Hereford 1*474 1*143 1*256 1,176 1 ,621 1,306 1,469 1,552 2,348 1,354 2,198 1,507 2,199 1,296 30 Bedford 1,340 1,156 1,186 1,281 1 ,265 1,528 1,204 1,758 1,767 1,251 1,600 1,330 1 ,070 1,214 39 Monmouth 680 513 6-57 562 706 643 685 629 811 563 797 669 816 648 40 Westmoreland 786 843 759 663 055 622 903 932 1,314 880 1,227 916 1.236 796 41 Huntingdon ........ 1,031 758 847 875 041 1,259 942 1,213 1,103 794 1,020 833 1,225 015 42 Rutland 486 277 378 234 373 395 387 359 485 282 465 324 512 315 Total ENGLAND 138,979 121,299 120,318 129,197 140,986 148,400 140,743 102,111 239,370 108,2.11 220,380 188,232 240,243 107,749 fDeidjigh 1,071 1,002 954 929 1,098 1,121 1,205 1,139 1,744 1,. 21 1,613 ,214 1 ,709 1,073 Montgomery .... 700 812 653 631 808 529 840 855 1,340 764 1 ,250 743 1 ,232 637 > Carnarvon 664 571 73-5 517 806 507 874 709 1,123 510 1,101 636 1,190 570 Flint 603 477 601 576 567 7(J7 715 759 1 266 820 1 ,227 911 1,303 695 .c Anglesea 600 435 612 430 665 463 617 609 949 570 935 491 90S) 457 L Merioneth 539 526 502 411 580 416 542 544 753 494 646 460 741 430 f Glamorgan 803 725 892 779 905 745 809 976 1,259 976 1 ,207 962 1,352 972 Carmarthen 1,001 919 919 787 998 704 1,101 970 1,421 1,012 1 ,396 918 1,514 904 . a Pembroke 051 671 974 747 977 673 i)09 650 1,175 1,154 1,095 720 1,213 ' ()75 cc Cardigan 5(!0 504 -574 513 603 466 (!65 460 920 520 003 507 977 676 Rrecon 610 459 617 420 579 443 592 547 765 617 757 529 747 502 ^Radnor 396 383 372 353 418 341 443 468 539 319 455 392 514 284 TOTAL England and Wales 1 52, .'-.40 132,728 139,379 110,308 155,000 100,424 101,408 170,493 201,202 182,089 217,218 203,328 202,337 181,313 27 From 178 .^, ID I 70 ' 2 » tlie liicuMsc \vn* proKrcH^ivc, the CXCC5S of H.iplisms ovci Hurials In llie liiUcr Yiar having tirc-ii 78,(}5'l. The War dcrlared in Frliiiiary 1703, appeam to bAV- excei ded ihi' Uaplisinn, wh||*t on the oiher hand th ; AsrienlhiiMl Conniivs ol Noifolk, liiiicoln, Sultolk, Canihrhljie, and Sunnex, appear not to have been at alt atfecled hy the rhante, an exception which deReives p.iilieiiUr attenln n, inaMniich at «t a later perlotl they appear to be Oountien in which tiie picBBiire of Faroehial hnithens have tieen tl>e mos! siveiely lelt. 'Ihe Feace of vXitiielis in Ik 02 -3, appeaiH lo Inve prodiieed llie ii^n. 1 eltecls of a eoniideiahle increase of HaptisiiiM, ami I8ti I exhibits a sensible deciease of Uni ials, no that lh<‘ < xrens oi Uapii>ms over Uiii iais in that Year ainoniited to 1 13,3|.'>. Din ii g tl e Six following Ye.iis Ihe Nnmbtr of UnrhiU |>raf Waj'es, and p Snney 7 Somerset B Norfolk 9 Staft'ord . . 10 Gloucester 11 Essex 12 Lincoln 13 Southampton .... 14 ll'arvvick lo Surt’olk 10 Chester 17 Cornwall 18 Sussex 19 M ilts 20 Derby 21 Durham 22 Salop 23 Northumberland . . 24 York, East Riding 2o Nottingham 26 M'^orcester 27 York, North Riding 28 Leicester 29 Northampton . . . . 30 Cumberland 31 Dorset 32 Oxford 1801. 1804. 1810. 1814. 1815. 1818. 1 820. Baptisms liurlnls BaplUins Bin iuls Baptisms Baptisins Burials Ba ptisms Burials Baptihins Burials Baptisms 1 Burials li),(i03 18,877 14,970 8,903 10,.'»I9 7,301 6,340 8,562 6,611 5,718 5,938 6,578 6,854 5,187 6,417 5,195 5,300 4,993 4,244 4,326 4,124 4,400 3,198 4,382 4,371 3,408 4,205 3,275 3,321 3,084 2,923 2,981 21,133 19,303 13,200 7,623 8,460 6,530 5,699 5,708 6,592 5,301 5,234 4,387 4,853 5,672 4,578 4,680 3,074 2,776 3,881 3,290 3,926 4,168 3,152 3,553 3,569 3,689 2,974 2,889 2,817 2,170 2,083 2,385 2,560 2,318 1,996 2,142 1,703 1,226 812 786 899 299 23,512 27,2.52 19,430 10,754 12,107 8,517 8,077 9,776 8,913 7,749 7,408 7,616 7,685 6.547 7,181 6,424 6,627 6,283 5,497 5.547 5,229 5,490 3,979 5,466 5,125 4,741 4,999 4,135 3,887 3,590 3,542 3,624.J 3,550 3,540 3,241 3,341 2,503 2,071 1,250 1,531 1,260 502 18,430 14,070 11,200 7,019 8,580 6,103 5,009 5,531 5,112 3,829 5,623 4,161 4,534 4,820 4,382 3,832 3,419 3,636 3,261 2,916 3,613 3,071 2,902 3,663 2,946 2,467 2,941 2,154 2,455 2,151 1,994 2,032 2,241 2,095 1 ,838 2,044 1,427 1,269 867 719 759 285 23,500 20,955 19,710 11,810 12,833 8,858 8,321 9,412 9,604 7,628 7,470 7,820 8,129 6,518 7,039 6,046 6,825 6.587 5,294 5,381 5,395 5,552 4,158 5,621 4,793 5.020 4,797 4,058 3,869 3,966 3,453 3,557 3,520 3,569 3,239 3,312 2,6.56 1,987 1,324 1,505 1.20 4 469 22,390 17,743 13,211 7,535 9,827 7,683 5,750 5,720 6,591 4,483 5,338 5,520 5,015 6,004 4,318 5,001 3,600 3,847 3,446 3,646 3,695 3,439 3,103 3,407 3,578 3,7 35 2,875 2,730 2,599 2,459 2,195 2,347 2,512 2,349 2,012 2,171 1,085 1,295 958 835 850 298 25,317 27,407 20,570 13,088 13,083 9,242 9,321 9,820 10,569 8,. 552 7,970 8,026 8,876 7,406 7,014 7,458 7,434 6,607 5,491 5,775 5,080 5,819 4,493 5,016 5,410 5,222 5,101 4,573 4,122 4,519 3,796 3,846 3,626 3,828 3,416 3,609 2,679 2,158 1,412 1,437 1,300 472 23,553 18,128 11,590 7,668 8,928 7,681 5,537 5,779 6,041 5,105 5,018 4,732 5,587 5,209 4,163 5,127 3,964 3,430 3,471 3,009 3,826 3,769 3,094 3,200 3,358 3,589 3,026 2,885 3,015 2,766 2,152 2,481 2,457 2,299 2,066 1,990 1,789 1 ,295 925 883 829 320 28,002 29,760 23,035 1 1,078 14.382 10,273 9,868 10,471 11,726 9,643 8,182 9,056 9,653 7,998 7,758 7,813 7,988 7,018 0,294 0,461 6,174 6,356 4,749 5,712 6,014 5,827 5,397 5,178 4,309 4,807 4,087 4,072 3,947 4,152 3,878 3,966 2,908 2,405 1,394 1,551 1,468 551 21,648 17,-176 12,149 6,705 9.206 7,124 5,469 5,477 6,943 4,772 4,639 4,381 5,019 5,332 4,050 5,027 3,578 3,135 3,283 3.207 3,854 3.218 3.190 3,516 3,195 3.191 2,893 2,808 2,704 2,742 2, 1 80 2.218 2,235 2,152 2,042 2,321 1,570 1,401 843 785 717 295 28,308 27,571 22,128 12,768 13,445 10,373 9,896 10,938 10,435 9,425 8,265 9,082 8,746 7,639 8,059 7,470 7,570 0,976 0,182 5,756 5,923 5,700 4,748 5,054 5.911 5,352 5,294 4,885 4,527 4,442 4,062 4,178 3,889 3,963 3,613 3,973 2 7‘>2 2’441 1,293 1,475 1,454 534 22,622 21,015 13,375 7,693 8,817 8, 1 ! 3 5,562 5,505 6,838 5,414 5,072 4,720 4,039 5,834 4,068 5,305 3,618 3,380 3,329 3,583 4,024 3,659 3,106 3,547 3,900 3,454 3,027 2,919 2,809 2,098 2,114 2,. 398 2,3.57 2,465 2,285 2,372 1,759 1,483 1,091 944 849 322 28,905 29,318 22,463 13,455 13,757 10,596 10,502 11,224 11,210 9,743 8,157 9,318 8,752 7,539 8,109 8,132 8,250- 7,469 6,478 6,081 0,317 5,924 4,991 5,599 5,758 5,791 5,394 4,705 4,581 4,687 4,304 4,312 4,015 4,031 3,787 4,141 2,832 2,403 1,490 1,003 1,459 512 22,698 18,279 12,822 7,547 8,265 7,990 6,616 5,949 6,277 5,751 5,043 4,902 4,704 5,279 4,164 5,357 3,915 3.481 3,021 3,519 3.740 3,598 2,981 3,287 3,240 3,503 2,984 2,863 2,877 2,911 2,505 2,391 2.481 2,427 2,291 2,199 1.741 1 ,426 938 1,069 786 291 33 Buckingham 34 Berks 35 Hertford 36 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford 39 Monmouth 40 AV estmoreland .... 41 Huntingdon 42 Rutland 2,966 2,964 2,600 2,911 2,128 1,878 878 1,178 1,120 462 Total ENGLAND 225,199 193,850 279,588 172,000 283,-130 108,418 302,480 196,460 328,421 188,186 317,171 202,180 328,230 198,634 f Denbigh 1,544 1,363 1,854 1,084 1,951 1,359 2,036 1,124 2,042 1,266 1,823 1,355 1,997 1,261 1 Montgomerv . . 1,065 1,208 1,383 723 1,423 971 1 ,595 810 1,530 816 1,235 1,119 1 ,424 871 > J Carnarvon .... 1,068 773 1,434 696 1,369 724 1,453 794 1,442 072 1 ,264 944 1,253 791 1 Flint 1,164 1,058 1,517 804 1,551 920 1.467 834 1,007 894 1,460 896 1,976 1 ,393 c/; , Anglesea 896 560 845 443 980 397 1,007 566 1,001 526 900 653 1,008 561 ^ LMerioneth .... 620 536 727 463 761 508 778 485 759 444 616 624 629 484 •5 r Glamorgan . . . . 1,498 1,260 2,004 1,372 1 ,932 1,450 1,970 1,393 1,955 1,217 1,837 1,338 1,924 1,323 “■ I Carmarthen .... 1,088 1,011 1,642 1,175 1,542 1,008 1,708 1,048 1,673 992 1,340 1,272 1,511 959 ^ J Fem broke . . . . 948 913 1,235 831 1,265 745 1,504 962 1,506 795 1,391 950 1,447 902 'j Cardigan 861 786 1,022 612 1,241 530 1 , 355 897 1,409 708 1,102 1,248 1,274 703 Brecon 657 740 792 596 827 706 800 026 826 543 645 684 714 552 (.Radnor 421 376 549 318 001 382 041 338 700 289 600 361 672 358 TOTAL England and Walo 237,029 201,434 294,592 181,177 298,8.>3 208,184 318,806 200,-403 344,931 197,408 331,384 213,624 343,660 208,439 20 STATEMENT of the Total Number of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in each of the Five Divisions of the METROPOLIS of GREA T BRITAIN, in eacli of Nine Years from 1700 to 1700, and in each of the Forty Years 1701 — 1020 *,* The Toiio^raiihical exhihilimi of the Parishes which compose the lirUish hhlropolis, will shew the extent of its Population at different Periods, and the direc- tion in which it more particularly inclines to extend, the Numhers in the City of London within the \Palls, appear to have sensibly diminished, to which diminution, various causes have contributed. The Scite oj the I^’ew Post Office completed in IH2D, occupied a space which in contained more than 1,000 Inhabitants. The Hank of England, and other Pubtic lluildinns, at earlier Periods displaced proportionate Numbirs, but the main cause of the scemini’ diminution of ts'umbers in this division of the Metropolis ari.scs, from the tendency which has prevailed for mtviy 1 ears past, to desert it as a per mam nt residence, by which most 23,1.59 1 9,348 J 3,81 Ij 30 S'l A'I'lilVI EN'r slievvilig llie Nmulier oi JSIurrkKjes, Baptisms, and Burials, in the Counties of LANCASTER, and in the West RidvKj of YORKSHIRE, at l*eiiods of 10 Years from 1700 to 1730, and in each of the 40 Years 1781-1820; distinguishing in the Baptisms and Burials the proportion of Males and I’emales, and the excess of Baptisms over Burials. The Population of these 2 Districts in 1820, was as lO.J, in Lancashire to tl in the West Ridintj, whilst the Deaths as indicated by the Burials in the 10 Years 1811 -20, will he seen to have been in the pro|)ortion of 18 in Lancashire to little more than 12 in the ITesi Riding. This is an additional confirmation to the nnmerons others shewn in various parts of this Work, of the deleterious effects upon Human life of the Manufacturing operations of notwithstanding which, numbers seem to press towards the vortex with accellerating force ; and the ditference of the Mortality of these 2 Districts from the similarity of their pursuits is remarkable and merits investi- gation. d'he results exhibited of the Baptisms and Burials of Lancashire prior to 1780, imjily its being naturally favorable to health and longevity. The effects of the high IVIoney price of Subsistence in 1800-1, appear to have effected Lancashire in a far greater degree than any other part of the Kingdom, the result together with the great reaction in the 3 following Years deserves attention. — sec Notes to the other Statements relating to this same subject. LANCASHIRE. WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. 1 ears IMar- I'iages Baptisms Bukials Excess of Baptisnu over Buria's Mar- riages Baptisiv s Burials Excess of Baptitm* OTcr Burials Males Females TOTAL TOTAL Males Females Males Females TOTAL TOTAL Males Females 1700 2,427 2,316 4,743 4,522 2,270 2,252 221 3,210 3,418 6,628 6,342 3,156 3,186 286 1710 2,33G 2,237 4,573 4,265 2,197 2,068 308 3,225 3,061 6,286 5,310 2,734 2,576 976 1720 3,019 2,848 5,867 4,903 2,481 2,422 964 3,716 3,444 7,160 6,265 3,312 2,953 895 1730 3,085 2,940 6,025 6,754 3,530 3,224 — 4,301 4,0.38 8,339 6,979 3,586 3,393 1,360 1740 3,814 3,521 7,335 6,910 3,528 3,382 425 4,583 4,342 8,925 6,630 3,293 3,337 2,295 1750 4,293 4,192 8,485 6,666 3,341 3,325 1,819 5,187 4,933 10,120 6,741 3,395 3,346 3,379 1760 3,055 5,00G 4,655 9,661 6,629 3,322 3,307 3,032 2,986 5,446 5,266 10,712 6,926 3,448 ! 3,478 3,786 1770 3,415 5,937 5,678 11,()15 10,110 4,963 5,147 1,505 3,438 6,065 5,836 11,901 8,231 4,016 4,215 3,670 1780 3,827 7,280 6,889 14,169 9,219 4,781 4,438 4,950 3,606 7,131 6,845 13,976 8,998 4,468 4,530 4,978 1 4,020 7,4G4 7,121 14,585 10,344 5,037 5,307 4,241 3,430 7,146 6,610 13,756 9,331 4,742 4,589 4,426 2 3,7G6 7,42G 7,239 14,665 9,939 4,840 5,099 4,726 3,.591 6,845 6,910 13,755 10,351 5,126 5,225 3,404 3 4,380 7,2.02 6,925 14,217 10,663 5,162 5,501 3,5.54 3,820 7,028 6,772 13,800 10,182 5,051 5,131 3,618 4 5,030 8,29G 7,789 16,085 10,412 4,971 5,441 5,673 4,244 7,316 7,121 14,437 9,417 4,558 4,859 5,020 5 5,0GG 8,482 8,472 16,954 11,550 5,640 5,910 5,404 4,3(50 7,669 7,375 15,044 10,369 5,045 5,324 4,C>'75 G 4,887 8,641 8,088 16,729 10,639 5,145 5,194 6,090 4,130 8,002 7,620 15,622 10,390 5,022 5,368 5,232 7 4,77G 8,972 8,672 17,644 12,052 5,8.52 6,200 5,592 4,106 7,(543 7,431 15,074 11,422 6,098 5,324 3,652 8 4,773 9,315 8,976 18,321 12,434 5,878 6,. 556 5,887 4,168 7,812 7,418 15,230 10,959 5,335 5,624 4,271 9 4,75G 9,101 8,799 17,900 12,719 6,163 6,556 5,181 4,311 7,983 7,713 15,696 10,391 5,244 5,147 5,305 1700 5,131 9,434 9,015 18,449 12,640 6,028 6,612 5,809 4,329 8,073 7,863 15,936 11,572 5,556 6,016 4,364 1 5,7G-5 9,734 9,376 19,110 13,831 6,821 7,010 5,279 4, . 5.53 8,087 7,905 15,992 10,746 5,3(36 5,390 5,246 2 G,160 10.781 10,198 20,979 14,769 7,397 7,372 6,210 4,916 8,821 8,220 17,041 11,777 5,900 5,877 5,264 3 5,319 9,059 10,079 19,138 14,647 7,270 7,377 4,491 4,469 8 , 4.30 8,345 16,795 12,324 6,074 6,250 4,471 4 4,855 9,701 *8,471 18,172 15,074 7,516 7,558 3,098 4,421 8,015 7,780 15,795 12,659 6,152 6,507 3,136 5 4,800 9,481 9,125 18,606 15,974 7,616 8,358 2,6.32 4,157 8,164 8,015 16,209 11,589 5,531) (5,050 4,620 G 5,751 9,703 9,059 18,762 13,632 6,732 6,900 5,130 4,509 7,967 7,670 15,637 11,294 5,564 5,730 4,343 7 5,942 10,338 9,910 20,248 12,824 6,453 6,271 7,524 4,803 8,484 8,232 16,716 11,854 5,860 5,994 4,862 8 5,921 10,172 9,803 19,975 14,749 7,592 7,157 5,226 4,828 8,646 8,418 17,(t64 J 1,336 5,618 5,718 5,628 9 G,21G 10,491 10,031 20,522 13,981 6,893 7,088 6,541 4,728 8,621 8,184 16,805 11,091 5,489 5,602 5,714 1800 5,5G0 9,921 9,723 19,644 15,965 8,150 7,815 3,679 3,909 7,871 7,463 15,334 11,731 5,913 5,818 3,603 1 6,119 9,543 9,334 18,877 19,363 9,335 10,028 4,059 7,581 7,395 14,976 13,200 6,519 6,681 1,776 2 9,6G0 12,588 12,122 24,710 16,. 570 8,301 8,269 8,140 5,619 9,096 8,858 17,954 12,271 6,157 6,114 5,683 3 9,7GG 14,258 13,678 27,936 17,371 8,632 8,739 10,505 6,108 9,993 9,525 19,518 12,468 6,224 6,244 7,050 4 7,597 13,963 13,289 27,252 14,670 7,254 7,416 12,582 5,233 9,948 9,482 19,430 11,2(50 5,570 5,690 8,170 5 7,01G 13,843 13,279 27,122 15,743 7,701 8,042 11,370 5,214 9,980 9,414 19,3f)4 10,715 5,293 5,122 8,679 G 7,24G 13,828 13,527 27,355 15,236 7,601 7,635 12,119 5,240 9,809 9,473 19,282 1 1 ,622 5,840 5,782 7,()60 7 7,491 13,937 13,427 27,364 15,955 7,911 8,044 11,409 5,639 10,320 9,709 20,035 11,796 5,814 5,982 8,239 8 G,G5G 13,559 13,092 26,651 15,691 7,791 7,900 10,900 4,893 9,881 9,599 19,480 10,754 5,374 5,380 8,72(5 9 G,812 13,316 12,470 25,786 17,132 8,473 8,659 8,65 1 5,030 9,716 9,414 19,130 12,998 6,475 6,523 6,132 1810 7,809 13,768 13,187 26,955 17,743 8,748 8,995 9,212 5,710 10,210 9,500 19,716 13,211 6,()05 6,()06 (5,505 11 7,299 13,361 12,942 26,303 15,506 7,691 7,815 10,797 5,671 10,298 9,573 19,871 11,433 5,706 5,727 8,438 12 G,G1 1 12,414 12,199 24,613 1.5,995 8,033 7,962 8,61i$ 5,381 10,174 9,588 19,7(52 11,089 5,51 1 5,578 8,(573 13 7,1G8 12,654 12,184 24,838 16,779 8,187 8,592 8,059 5,672 10,030 9,705 19,741 11,005 5,571 5,434 8,73(5 14 9,104 13,998 13,409 27,407 18,128 9,074 f),054 9,279 6,247 10,.'>00 10,001 20,570 11,59(5 5,838 5,7.58 8,!*74 15 9,800 15,273 14,487 29,760 17,476 8,703 8,773 12,284 6,8(52 11,833 11,202 23,035 12,149 6,123 (5, 02(5 10,880 fG !>,094 14,642 13,808 28,450 19,117 9,525 9,592 !),333 (5,554 1 I 11,010 22, ,575 12,80(5 6,499 6,307 9,769 17 8,013 14,0i$2 13,573 27,655 18,187 9, 1 31 J),053 9,468 (5,049 11, .'>00 11,034 1 22,594 13,431 6,9(>6 6,465 9,1(53 18 9.1 10 J 4,008 13,563 27,571 21,045 10, in I0,.57(i 6,42() (5,(518 11,303 10,825 22,128 13,375 (i,77(! 6,599 8,753 19 9,G02 15,070 13,535 28,605 18,335 9,199 9,i;i6 10,270 (5,492 11,518 0,801 22,322 13,275 6,(569 (),(!06 9,047 1820 9,517 14,976 14,372 29,348 18,279 9,0(56 9,213 11,009 6,51(5 11,525 10,938 22,463 12,822 6.554 6,268 9,(541 31 STATEMENT of the Total Number oi Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, in all ENGLAND and WALES, at each of nine Ten Yearly Periods from 1700 to 1700, and in each of the Eorty Years 1701 - 1020 ; shewing the excess of Ilaptisms over liurials in each Year. *„* In the first Return of Abstracts from the Parish Registers of the Kingdom made to Parliament in IttOl, much difficulty mis exjierienced in obhtinvv^ Returns from several Parishes, hut yfter repeated applications 280 Places only remained from whence Returns could not he procurul. ( Vide Polio 449, if the Abstract printed in 1801 and those on enijuiry jirored to he principally Clia|>elrie8, whose accounts were prohahty included in the Returns made from the Registers of their respective Parent Churches, and the Totals of the 20 Vears 1801-20, include the unentered Marriaf;es, Haptisms, and Burials, as well the Registered, so that the account below may be considered as exhibiting a tolerably near approximation to a correct view oj the progressive increase of Numbers since 1740. The Years most remarkable for change arc noted with + plus, or — minus. The period 1710-40, ( comprising the 27 Years oJ Peace which followed the War in the Reign of Anne ) seems to have been a period of depopulation. The decrement however appears not to have been general nvet the whole Country ; in Yorkshire and the Four Northern Counties, us well as in the Counlies of Derby, Stafford, Gloucester, Hants, and Sussex, the Baptisms exceeded the Burials ; the parts of the Country in which the Burials more particularly exceeded the Baptisms, were the Metropolis, Wales, and the Counties of Lancaster, Lincoln, Chester, Beiford, Berks, and Somerset, Y'ears Alarriagcs BAPTISMS BURIALS Excess of Baptisms over j Burials. Males Females I TOTAL TOTAL Males Females 1700 77,786 74,754 152,540 132,728 0r3j7O^ 66,976 19,812 1710 70,921 68,458 139,379 140,308 70,606 69,702 929 — 1720 79,322 75,738 155,060 160,424 81,156 79,268 5,364 — 1730 82,475 78,993 161,468 + 1 76,493 89,085 87,408 , 15,025 — 1740 06,783 82,174 168,957 166,973 83,706 83,267 1,984 1750 91,962 88,222 180,184 154,686 77,149 77,537 25,498 1760 56,714 95,229 91,839 187,068 155,637 77,750 77,887 ; 31,431 1770 60,159 105,163 101,797 206,960 174,383 85,952 88,431 32,577 1780 61,760 112,509 109,053 221,562 191,736 95,845 95,891 29,826 1 61,146 114,928 109,195 224,123 189,372 94,505 94,867 34,751 2 61,834 111,280 106,742 218,022 180,914 90,189 90,725 37,108 3 64,988 109,789 104,790 214,579 181,989 90,606 91,383 32,590 4 67,583 113,691 109,018 222,709 187,921 92,851 95,070 34,788 5 + 70,146 121,424 115,805 237,229 185,470 91,548 93,922 51,759 6 67,639 120,193 115,130 235,323 179,058 88,330 90,728 56,265 7 69,067 121,164 116,489 237,653 178,718 88,123 90,595 58,935 0 67,559 123,979 119,106 243,085 181,345 89,227 92,118 61,740 9 69,310 124,198 118,803 243,001 179,384 88,411 90,973 63,617 1790 73,263 127,123 121,651 248,774 178,731 87,954 90,777 70,043 1 71,167 126,610 121,155 247,765 180,452 90,895 89,557 67,313 2 74,450 133,840 127,422 261,262 182,609 90,963 91.646 78,653 3 71,451 129,726 126,301 — 256,027 + 196,865 98,560 98,305 — 59,162 4 70,390 127,849 121,180 249,029 191,149 95,511 95,638 57,880 5 67,489 125,843 121,375 247,218 203,328 102,086 101,242 43,890 6 71,674 127,831 121,169 249,000 184,534 92,289 92,245 64,466 7 73,526 132,771 127,193 259,964 184,929 92,292 92,637 75,035 8 77,919 133,962 128,375 + 262,337 — 181,313 90,657 90,656 + 81,024 9 76,036 131,477 127,208 258,685 183,267 92,078 91,189 75,418 1000 68,481 125,360 121,787 247,147 201,128 101,686 99,442 46,019 1 67,228 120,521 116,508 — 237,029 + 204,434 101,352 103,082 — 32,595 2 + 90,396 139,889 133,948 273,837 199,889 99,504 100,385 73,948 3 + 94,379 150,220 143,888 294,108 203,728 102,459 101,269 90,380 4 85,738 150,583 144,009 294,592 — 181,177 91,538 89,639 + 113,415 5 79,586 149,. 333 142,868 292,201 181,240 91,086 90,154 110,961 6 80,754 147,376 144,553 291,929 183,452 92,289 91,163 108,477 7 83,923 153,787 146,507 300,294 195,851 97,996 97,855 104,443 8 82,248 151,565 144,509 296,074 200,763 102,614 98,149 9.5,311 9 83,369 152,812 147,177 299,989 191,471 97,894 93,577 108,518 1810 84,470 152,591 146,262 298,853 208,184 104,907 103,277 90,669 11 86,389 155,671 149,186 304,857 188,543 94,971 93,572 116,314 12 82,066 153,949 148,005 301,954 190,402 95,957 94,445 111,552 13 83,860 160,685 153,747 314,432 186,477 93,726 92,751 127,955 14 92,804 163,282 155,524 318,806 206,403 j 103,525 102,878 112,403 15 + 99,944 176,233 168,698 + 344,931 — 197,408 I 99,442 97,966 + 147,523 16 91,946 168,801 161,398 330,199 205,9.59 103,954 102,005 124,240 17 88,234 169,337 162,246 331,583 199,269 101,040 98,229 132,314 18 92,779 169,181 162,203 331,384 + 213,624 107,724 105,900 —117,760 19 95,571 171,107 162,154 333,261 213,564 106,749 106,815 119,697 1820 96,833 176,311 167,349 343,660 208,349 1 104,329 104,020 135,311 »2 ST ATEM ENT bhewiiig the amount of the PAROCHIAL ASSESSMENTS in each County of England & Wales, in tlie Year ending Easter IHOlt ; and the Expenditure thereof, distinguishing the proportion expended for the Maintenance of the Poor, from the j)roportion expended for all other Parochial |)urposes ; shewing also the proceeds of the Labor of Paupers in each County. *** The Counties arranged in order of their Total Population in 1801, by which arrangement , the ine- quality of the Parochial Assessments and Expenditure is more immediately discernable. COUNTIES, e,rtit}igcd in order of their Total Uopllation, ill 1801. 1 Middlesex 2 Lancaster 8 York, M'est Hiding 4 Devon 5 Kent f) Somerset 7 Norfolk 8 Surrey 9 Gloucester 10 Staft’ord 1 1 Essex 12 Southampton 13 Suffolk 14 Lincoln 15 Warwick 16 Chester 17 Cornwall 18 Wilts 19 Salop 20 Derby 21 Durham . . 22 Sussex 23 Northumberland . . 24 York, North llidg. 25 Nottingham 26 Y ork. East Riding 27 Worcester 28 Northampton 29 Leicester ........ 30 Cumberland 31 Dorset 32 Oxford 33 Berks 34 Buckingham 35 Hertford 36 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford 39 Monmouth 40 Westmoreland . . . . 41 Huntingdon 42 Rutland Total ENGLAND. Ed I I f Denbigh .... I Montgomery ~ J Carnarvon . . I 'j Flint I Anglesea. . . . I Merioneth . . ('Glamorgan .. I Carmarthe i . "5 J Pembroke . . 1 Cardigan . . . . I Brecon [ Radnor . . . . Parochial EAROdUAL EXPENDITURE. TOTAL Population AsscssmentSi in the Year Rate in (he £ For Maintenance of POOR. Paw Charges^ cll other TOTAL. -£- an Mateiinls- for Labour. Proceids of Labour, in 1801. ending Easter 1303. — £ at which levied. In Workhousi £- Out of Workhouse. Hemovals, Sfc. purposes. -£- In Workhse. £ Out of fl'khse. In Workhse. jy Out of Workhse, 1 j : 818,129 490,144 3/5i 224,048 125,152 18,084 111,691 478,976 3,281 ■ ^ “ 24 • dt' — 11,302 \ 2,017 672,731 230.765 5/4i 34,290 113,992 12,743 70,652 231,677 2,881 269 3,852 3 41 563,953 277,051 e/n 25,727 160,742 11,528 81,234 210 , Til 494 305 1,974 448 343,001 179,359 4/8| 22,377 121,646 4,542 28,241 176,806 382 373 1,497 135 307,624 255,453 5/2| 88,269 1 18,239 8,889 42,070 257,467 8,191 4OI 5,990 2,601 273,750 151,238 4/2 18,926 102,865 5,073 21,984 148,847 42 45 1,371 63 273,371 204,532 5/2 44,967 124,766 6,032 29,854 205,619 1,270 190 4,159 582 269,043 179,006 5/8 1 75,106 58,769 8,536 37,178 179,589 1 1,601 10 3,451 863 2.50,809 144,506 3/5 16,318 92,727 4,370 29,036 142,452 ! 379 325 1,772 586 239,153 1 10,624 4/2| 15,225 68,186 5,.390 20,795 109,596 453 25 1,059 451 226,437 218,688 5/11^ 40,681 136,460 7,288 32,965 217,394 2,353 57 1,919 432 219,656 183,429 4/11 39,558 84,461 5,102 21,339 150,460 2,410 51 3,642 1,567 210,431 149,647 4/lOi 51,673 68,291 4,695 27,890 152,548 1 2,712 90 5,254 1,187 208,557 145,849 3/7 14,937 80,638 5,320 46,695 147,590 699 249 405 218 208,190 165,205 4/8 19.822 97,531 5,599 30,130 153,082 1,811 169 1,715 452 191,751 84,991 3/51 3.235 63,394 3,171 16,766 86,566 10 60 233 102 188,269 72,446 4/6| 3,212 51,438 3,047 13,900 71,596 10 26 81 7 185,107 148,602 4/7| 14.747 113,889 3,683 18,080 150,399 254 596 1,158 1,799 167,639 83.447 3/1 ]| 20,806 45,941 3,136 14,511 84,395 1,398 408 966 54 161,142 77,311 4/4 5,389 49,071 4,205 19,554 78,219 37 182 468 218 100,361 71,365 2/4i 7,125 44,841 2,720 13,262 67,949 2,353 57 1,919 432 158.311 206,592 8/7i 47,559 132,299 5,747 21,175 206,780 j 2,436 968 2,882 1,682 157,101 06,106 1/«| 5,548 46,869 2,150 12,328 66,895 3 — 150 8 155,506 70,061 2/6| 5,411 43,291 2,509 25,428 76,639 152 5 263 20 140,350 63,210 3/10 9,315 34,908 3,231 16,519 63,972 ' 15 349 737 557 139,433 68,325 2/7| 7,667 33,721 2,947 23,4.03 67,828 189 7 179 4 139,333 87,307 5/01 11,060 60,175 3,544 13,104 87,883 247 27 1,064 308 131,757 120,592 4/7 12,812 81,795 3,287 20,921 118,815 1 f)88 357 1,245 339 130,081 107,568 5/2| 10,775 69,136 3,895 24,138 107,944 1 137 172 679 591 117,230 34,896 2/8 4,935 22,669 2,064 5,512 35,181 44 — 127 ‘219 115,319 78,358 4/2| 12,487 52,285 2,209 11,028 78,010 120 24 4,009 465 109,620 103,560 4/8 12,124 76,565 2,615 11,837 103,141 838 559 1,271 1,221 109,215 96,801 4/11 14,405 67,589 3,610 10,863 96,468 669 222 1,045 1 ,200 107,444 105,379 4/3^ 17,201 68,950 2,623 15,233 104,008 267 61 1,895 1,‘294 97,577 71,291 4/2| 21,082 35,298 2,258 11,768 70,406 708 46 2,073 312 89,346 69,01 1 5/01 9,974 44,510 1 ,589 13,093 69,166 * 16 6 759 150 89,191 60,834 5/8| 4,135 42,336 1,596 12,663 60,730 72 163 55 123 63,393 47,484 3/9| 8,440 28,455 1,175 8,430 46.450 j 459 11 802 177 45,582 25.049 7/1 1| 5/21 1,164 17,120 1,478 4,993 24,755 i 184 8/8 260 12 41,617 17,593 1 ,224 12,613 460 3,353 17.649 1,172 — 401 11/ 37,568 30,953 4/04 3,540 20,327 1,098 5,993 30,958 11/2 , 1.9/8 222 14 16,356 1 2,674 3/5 2,061 6,215 399 4,180 12,855 9 18 103 40 8,331,434 \161,8U 4^ I 1 1 ,009,360 ■2,920,165 18.S,639 1,003,881 •i,l 17.04.T 39,538 7,. 560 70,971 22,227 60,352 21,480 W7| 1,194 18,285 474 4,277 24,230 — — 32 32 47,978 22,989 5/111 2,601 17,680 577 2,186 23,044 387 — 76 41,521 9,138 4/0| 360 6.469 328 1,834 8,992 — 14 — 12 39,622 16,130 5/4| 262 12,522 658 2,713 16,155 — 2 — 33,806 7,786 5/6J 6,767 365 1,067 7,599 — — 29,500 9,449 6/4 — 7,776 168 1,405 9,349 — — 71,525 27,780 7/3 1,569 20,399 1,169 4,866 28,003 8 — 10 67,317 17,047 12/9 362 12,397 692 2,823 16,276 — — 56,280 18,213 11/81 303 13,975 741 2,988 18,007 — 6/ 84/ 42,956 10,197 9/1 30 7,088 512 2,579 10,210 — — 31,633 12,200 6/1.? — 10,170 287 2,002 12,458 14 — 19,050 10.983 5/81 405 8,352 462 1,484 10,704 — 8.872,900 3,348,205 4/-H 1,016,446 3,061.447 1-90,073 1,0)1,106 i.302,071 39,925 7.59H 71,079 22,2.=)4 Tria ' Ekglasd Si Wales. 33 STA'I'HIM !•', XT shewing the Number of Persons llelieved out of the PAROCHIAL Rates, in eacli County of Pnoi^and and Wai.es, distinguishing (he |>roi)ortion Uclieved permanently, from those Itclieved occasionally; and also the proportion in Workhouse; the Number of Friendly Societies, and Numl)cr of Members therein ; the Kate head, at which (he Number in Workhouse were maintained ; and the amount of Charitable Donations for tlie benefit of the I’oor, in each County. COUNTIES, arruiigfd in order qf Iht ir Totai. Population, in 1801 , 1 Middlesex .... 2 Lancaster .... 3 York. \Vest Riding 4 Devon 5 Kent (> Somerset 7 Norfolk 8 Surrey y Gloucester 10 Stafford 11 Essex 12 Southampton , ... 13 Suffolk 14 Lincoln 15 M arwick 16 Chester 17 Cornwall 18 M ilts 19 Salop 20 Derby 21 Durham 22 Sussex 23 Northumberland . 24 York, North Ridg 25 Nottingham ..... 26 York, East Riding- 27 M '^orcpster 28 Northampton 29 Leicester 30 Cumberland 31 Dorset 32 Oxford 33 Berks 34 Buckingham 35 Hertford 36 Cambridge 37 Hereford 38 Bedford 39 Monmouth 40 M'estmoreland . . . 41 Huntingdon 42 Rutland Total ENGLAND. r rDenbigh ... I Montgomery ^ ! Flint Anglesea . . . . L Merioneth , . (^Glamorgan .. I Carmarthen.. J Pembroke . . I Cardigan . . . . Brecon ^.Radnor Total England and (Vales Numbn of PtCRSONS HeUtviil J 1 Children of those Proportn • 1 K "Sr .V ••• 1 R ite V head (Jiarltahle Donations Permanently out of ii orkhouse TOTA r, disabled ^ t y h C . fc 5^ $ for the benefit of r Relieved occasion^ ally. by perma nenf ill- ?iess. Non- s 5 5 In Work house Out of Workhouse Under a Yrs, old. j Prom 5 to N . prnedliHj Columns* I E I maintained 1 Relieved. < ^ < Ss in iVorkhonse .a Money ■ -£ Lands y £ 15,186 12,185 4.347 1 6,690 38,408 24,765 0,407 32,506 1,132 72,711 2,613 \ 11 15 0 1 4,785 16,467 2,719 14,448 6,151 9,707 33,025 13,175 6,928 10,731 1,053 101,776 1,704 ' 12 12 3 2,522 6,723 2,634 20,149 7,119 1 0,602 40,404 13,961 9,867 7,343 492 1 59,658 795 10 3 to 1 1,953 13,631 2,713 18,237 5,449 7,504 33,903 9,776 10,100 3,120 412 31,792 989 ! » 4 0 3 2,329 6,105 6,337 9,227 1,103 6,836 26.503 15,129 4,567 14,075 198 12,633 1,062 13 18 7 1 1,816 9,395 1,902 12,914 3,973 7,016 25,835 8,144 7,079 4,823 285 19,048 670 9 19 0 j 1,590 8,802 3,996 13,668 3,827 7, f 77 28,668 14,114 7,366 4,035 401 14,821 381 11 5 0 592 5,671 5,268 5,173 3,303 5,229 1.9,971 17,167 3,720 6,895 241 19,199 860 ' 14 5 1 2,814 7,424 1,857 11,851 4,750 7,549 26,007 10,893 5,094 5,840 263 19,606 1,518 8 16 0 2,232 5,145 1,828 6,829 2,949 4,296 15,802 6,608 3,863 9,419 372 32,853 359 ! 8 6 6 1,084 5,058 2,969 11,219 3,576 7,161 24,925 13,412 4,850 6,780 353 14,090 846 13 14 0 915 5,659 3,537 7,959 3,691 6,016 21.203 11,378 3,756 13,846 62 . 4,733 614 n 3 8 2,428 3,502 4,098 8,066 2,745 5,351 20,260 15,850 4,115 1,999 325 11,410 635 12 12 1 387 12,037 1,112 6,609 1,830 3,473 13,024 5,821 3,294 3,091 112 7,530 177 13 8 9 588 7,279 1,981 10,624 3,673 5,871 22,149 6,416 3,922 3,605 417 17,000 1,064 10 0 0 855 10,205 273 7,504 2,549 4,428 14,754 7,398 3,392 4,078 166 14,828 74 11 17 0 1,446 2,647 399 6,415 1,097 1,363 9,274 3,581 3,988 1,962 201 16,736 298 8 0 ] 696 1,050 1,617 12,500 6,371 10,529 31,017 11,111 5,219 4,536 186 11,330 372 !) 2 4 1,888 5,442 1,586 5,644 1,628 2,681 11,539 5,767 2,936 2,826 206 19,144 802 13 2 4 838 2,744 462 4,699 1,736 2,240 9,137 4,030 2,588 1,513 267 22,681 267 11 13 2 1,068 3,865 746 7,099 1,844 3,022 12,711 2,596 3,494 3,756 178 11,5.56 271 9 1 1 0 381 1 ,076 3,823 9,415 6,798 10,149 30.185 6,891 3,231 2,619 41 4,418 499 12 8 10 1,247 2,318 600 7,801 1,139 2,146 1 1,686 2,618 4,613 1,676 160 1 1 ,606 205 !) 4 11 723 749 506 5,643 1,702 2,781 10,632 3,183 2,829 1,348 69 9,719 14!) 10 11 0 I 725 3,520 965 3,467 1,234 1,690 7,356 2,450 1,692 2,692 247 15,202 131 9 13 0 1 374 3,070 614 3,991 1,129 1,673 7,407 2,074 1,759 1,869 93 11,248 240 12 9 ] 1 1 1,331 5,025 1,136 6,236 2,499 3,970 13,841 5,055 2,720 2,963 220 12,845 457 9 14 6 820 6,060 1,3.94 7,314 2,502 4,597 15,807 4,800 2,902 1,561 169 8,062 230 9 2 10 1 692 6,444 954 6,446 3,278 4,557 15,235 3,919 2,617 2,268 172 10,889 133 11 6 0 I 1 ,024 4,878 602 3,170 1 ,225 1 ,525 6,522 1,923 1,686 1 ,596 83 7.788 26 8 4 0 “ 252 457 930 5,734 1,694 2,935 11,293 4,490 3,179 3,043 37 3,795 409 13 8 7 8 386 4,475 1,243 6,539 3,214 4,841 15,837 6,148 2,912 2,800 69 5,010 290 9 1 5 707 3,347 1,169 5,620 2,740 4,793 14,322 8,266 2,872 2,749 47 2,843 305 12 6 3 905 6,576 1,260 6,505 2,502 3,991 14,258 5,392 2,529 1,090 74 4,079' 331 13 13 0 663 4,307 1,754 4,197 1,014 1,735 8,700 4,619 1,890 8,190 201 8,622 391 12 0 0 1 899 3,360 892 3,870 1,151 2,013 7,926 3,368 1,579 834 78 3,173 142 11 3 8 481 5,164 303 4,515 1,369 2,050 7,937 3,542 2,083 1,703 41 2,811 188 13 13 0 506 1,792 674 2,516 693 1,321 5,204 2,072 1,172 761 75 2,730 196 12 10 5 196 2,187 133 1,943 350 699 3,125 1,354 996 1,226 54 3,7.99 79 8 15 .0 230 1,357 152 1,934 637 991 3,714 9 :i 906 1,177 27 2,435 1 18 8 1 2 198 1 837 353 1,588 472 1,011 3,424 1.322 611 143 46 1,740 1 1 1 10 0 6 339 1 951 169 498 99 201 967 393 268 22 C 23 1,704 83 12 4 10 268 ! 500 82,746 311,991 11-1,142 184,410 69.8,289 295,912 153,571 190,10'’ 9,347 674,220 21, OB 7 12 4 8 46,173 1 206,301 98 3,083 894 1,611 5,686 1,982 1,409 63 18 2,221 57 12 3 8 438 1 931 188 3,233 1,223 1,992 6,636 1 ,227 1,681 66 13 1,139 35 13 16 7 221 1 337 71 1.279 319 627 2,296 395 573 57 7 715 96 5 1 6 160 393 25 1,572 443 878 2,918 781 925 118 18 3,307 62 14 16 0 309 346 1,145 239 552 1,936 387 593 82 2 161 25 1 149 175 1,775 452 905 3,132 245 1,010 63 A 145 38 184 166 151 2,000 454 572 3,177 1,852 1,435 607 123 12,178 53 13 18 2 152 338 66 2,826 458 667 4,017 1,373 1,425 1,058 77 5,676 12 5 9 10 92 164 71 2,851 585 918 4,425 743 1,630 508 21 J ,628 60 4 9 4 138 38) 7 1,720 333 628 2,688 456 967 365 11 800 12 4 5 11 16 46 1,503 241 417 2,161 677 997 750 22 1,555 52 151 579 45 - 1,221 413 737 2,416 369 613 208 9 605 — 9 0 0 59 310 83,468 336,199 120,236 194,914 734,817 305,899 166,829 194,052 9,672 704,3.50 21,589 12 3 48,244 210,467 V Assuming, t/ttit those Relieved occasionally t to be the heads of FatnilieSf arid on an average of Z Children to eaebt and including the Non-ParishonerSf it makes the proyortion of Paupers to the Total Populationj about 23 Cent, £ STATEMENT shewing tlie Amount of the Parochial Assessments in each County of England ami Walks, in each of the three Vears endinsj Easter 1013, 1011, and lOlf) ; the Kate <|f’ £ at wliich levied ; and tlie Number of i’ersons relieved out of the Pours Kate, distinouishin.- the pro- portion relieved permanently, from those relieved occasionally; and tlie proportion of tliose relieved permanently, in Workhouse, from those out of H^orkhouse in each County; — the Counties arranged in order of their Total Poplulation in 10)1, whereby the inctjuality of the Assessment and Kelief is rendered the more readily discernable. COUNTIES. ttrnwgeil in order of Iheir TOTAL Population Total Amount of Parochial Assessments, in the Years ending Easter Rate in the £ Number of PERSONS Relieved. Permanently. O ■casiona/ly. In W vrkhouse. Out of Workhouse, •in 1811. 1811. 1813. 1814. 181.5. levied. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1813. 1811. 181.i. 1813. 1811. Iblo. £- £- £- 1 M.ddlcsex 953,270 027,853 080,291 075,107 10,098 16,115 10,020 17,290 18,333 18,241 75,541 84,774 83,988 2 Lancaster 020,309 400,420 450,591 389,248 2/lOi 5,138 4,445 3,055 25,.553 23,923 19,81 1 2->,017 18,517 15,120 3 York, West Hiding 053,315 403,500 444,750 395,935 3/7| 4,021 2,909 2,548 24,088 23,274 22,120 20,939 18,419 15,805 4 Devon 303,300 305,108 284,831 200,207 3/0 3,045 2,990 2,980 19,142 19,283 18,000 11,510 1 1,273 10,573 it Kent 373,095 402,229 425,417 394,754 4/1 U i),on 8,185 8,275 14,100 14,579 1 1,414 18,317 19,472 20,295 (! Surrey 323,051 280,327 287,110 204,517 3/Oi 0,382 0,491 0,224 8,138 8,005 8,003 7,778 8,275 8,207 7 Somerset 303,100 254,909 240,139 203,870 2/5^ 2,052 2,170 1,8.55 15,71 1 15,801 1 5,205 12,344 11,809 9,082 0 Stalford 295,153 109,810 105,714 1.53,280 2/10 1,900 1,833 1,502 10,310 10,479 10,452 13,305 11,179 11,045 9 Norfolk 291,999 301,033 308,254 240,243 3/11 3,490 3,489 3,231 18,019 10,923 15,927 15,702 14,548 12,182 1 0 G loucester 205,514 212,954 219,330 202,009 2/10£ 1,871 1,780 1,576 13,258 13,259 12,010 14,173 10,817 10,715 1 1 Essex 252,473 307,237 332,800 283,990 4/2| 3,233 3,228 3,065 14,595 14,143 13,010 17,708 17,589 10,040 12 Southampton 245,000 200,335 233,474 193,307 4/0| 3,717 3,747 3,089 10,934 1 »,357 9,402 9,028 9,738 9,822 13 Lincoln 237,891 227,081 234,391 228,502 2/2^ 1 ,354 1,385 1,400 7,603 7,790 7,925 8,841 0,194 0,829 14 Sutl'olk 234,211 279,925 255,503 209,020 4/4| 3,888 3,852 3,624 12,305 11,891 10,932 13,918 13,004 11 ,059 15 AVarwick 228,735 220,575 210,397 190,537 3/ 4J 2,255 2,078 1,718 12,830 12,045 12,148 7,397 7,289 0,334 IG Chester 227,031 159,510 150,500 142,409 2/h| 589 580 009 8,901 8,915 8,422 10,939 9,8fl0 8,924 17 Cornwall 21G,GG7 133,889 121,999 105,820 2/7| 500 584 578 7,501 7,538 7,430 5,850 4,720 4,321 10 Salop 194,298 137,895 130,185 119,783 2/0| 4,393 4,057 2,701 7,870 8,010 7,917 it, 448 8,439 7,821 19 Wilts 193,828 272,493 229,040 172,090 3/10| 1,331 1,155 1,090 16,009 15,144 13,355 14,!»47 13,335 11,40a 20 Sussex 190,083 350,010 327,939 274,402 0/ll| 4,508 4,431 4,103 1 4,472 14,099 13,058 8,077 8,189 7,92H 21 Derby 185,487 120,892 120,009 107,802 705 050 525 6,653 0,783 0,415 7,858 8,128 7,104 22 Durham 177,025 104,475 108,904 105,220 2/8i 788 744 091 8,737 8,818 8,727 4,097 4,227 4,058 23 Northumberland . . 172,101 99,519 102,302 91,813 1/7 755 791 748 8,925 9,040 8,874 3,0/3 3, .584 3,204 24 York, East Kiding 107,353 130,303 138,071 124,787 2/2i 800 830 817 5,631 5,044 5,449 4,714 4,738 4,44. 25 York, North Ridg. 105,500 113,834 117,052 113,894 2/0 067 655 611 0,298 0,274 0,123 3,038 3,603 3,3 41 2G Nottingham 102,900 127,502 123,209 113,015 3/31 1,202 1,167 1,C24 5,075 5,083 4,844 7,208 5,481 5,478 27 AA^orccster 100,540 124,950 121,859 105,091 2/ 111 1,008 1,098 1,049 6,771 0.856 0,428 5,448 5,592 4,805 20 Leicester 150,419 154.410 159,159 139,430 3/4| 1,310 1,244 997 7,790 7,938 7, 105 7,082 0,092 29 Northampton 141.353 173,317 108,225 150,50? 3/6.1 960 981 954 8,699 8,591 8,305 0,080 0,524 0,373 30 Cumberland 133,744 07,390 00,241 0 1 ,750 1/10| 658 076 057 4,240 4,191 4,039 1,805 1,874 1,748 31 Dorset 124,093 130,040 114,314 95,309 3/3 983 994 1 ,053 8,485 8,220 7,278 7,084 6,773 5,579 32 Oxford 119,191 170,014 102,222 130,258 4/4| 851 820 841 7,792 7,035 7,134 7,215 7,380 7,050 33 Berks 11 8,277 188,418 150,335 122,3.53 4/9 1,433 1,394 1,322 9,453 9,079 7,175 10,128 9,010 8,04tl 34 Buckingham 117,050 102,370 151,900 129.948 4/1 1,191 1,331 1 ,292 0,900 7,200 6,580 0,783 0,,525 0,910 35 Hertford 111,054 113,022 109,924 95,900 3/8g 1,559 1,511 1,416 5,471 4,078 4,321 1 5,941 0,207 5,058 3G Cambridge 101,109 100,001 99,925 80,519 2/ 111 777 740 729 4,973 4,801 4,579 1 5,898 5,018 5,359 37 H ereford 94,073 103,507 97,480 85,437 3/l| 280 305 330 5,810 5,721 5,560 1 4,000 4,570 4,001 30 Bedford 70,213 80,788 75,128 08,432 4/4| 923 807 849 3,040 3,024 2,875 3,459 3,103 2,!)53 39 Monmouth 02,127 37,939 30.950 38,050 2/G| 121 90 87 2,290 2,310 2,314 1 ,009 1,857 1,587 10 Westmoreland .... 45,922 28,940 29,090 27,392 l/ll 303 208 230 2,07 1 2,109 2,105 1,002 1 ,002 800 41 Huntingdon 42,208 48,634 45,952 41,302 2/10 374 383 310 1,901 l,tU!) 1,838 3,280 3,197 2,730 42 Rutland 10,300 18,241 20,349 18.079 2/10 134 127 125 593 018 019 298 301 311 Total ENGLAND. 9,0.51, 8B8 8, Si's;, 570 8,082,779 7,173,389 .-ft 96,41(1 106,110 10 1,7 .=>8 378,709 12 1,870 111,6.=:3 387,113 r f Denbigh .... 04,240 40,000 40,281 30,379 ] r 294 295 2ti2 2,750 2,902 2,92t$ 2,327 2,414 2,135 1 Montgomery 51,931 30,443 30,020 33,488 103 179 181 3,923 3,91tl 3,887 1,409 1,4:18 1,319 > j Carnarvon . . 49,330 10,308 10,705 15,197 47 48 40 1,547 1,575 1,590 904 959 971 ■] Flint 40,518 20,578 25,897 25,313 77 91 104 1,903 2,023 2,021 1,812 1,844 1 ,570 y: 1 Anglesea. . . . 37,045 12,523 11,4 41 10,201 1 — — 1 ,279 1,340 1,290 512 480 470 : ( Merioneth . . 30,924 14,530 15,512 14,254 y 2/0\< — — 2,108 2,234 2,213 419 387 380 ("Glamorgan .. 85,007 43,258 43,007 40,300 110 102 87 3,339 3,400 3,380 2,248 2,31.1 1 .989 — 1 Carmarthen . . 77,217 34,195 35,088 32,809 42 52 08 3,224 3,207 3,201 1 ,033 1 ,575 I,:i88 ^ ) Pembroke . . 00,015 20,784 27,370 25,780 25 27 28 3,222 3,129 3,123 1,020 87 4 832 c| Cardigan 50,200 18,154 17,118 15,882 1 — — 1,785 1,770 1,092 1 ,003 937 888 1 Brecon 37,735 20,182 20,041 19,114 6 7 0 1 ,508 1,505 1 ,527 800 798 7 42 I, LRadnor . . . . 20,900 15,311 15,784 15,503^ [ 30 41 30 1,139 1,129 1,115 040 00.5 070 Total England and Wales 10,163,676 1 8,616,811 8,388,97 1. 7,137,676 9'.m 94,084 88, 1 1 :> ! 131,!293 1 129,992 106,718 139,T.')5 129,267 1 100.173 SI A I liMI'jN I lit llio procL'diiijj jiu^r, C/iiiiliiiitcil, — sht*\viiij^ the l)J I (fitlii of tlip AbschsiiKiil.s tiiPreoii cxliibitc'il, distitiguisliiiip^ the •oportioii cxpi'iidod, 1st., for IM aiiituiaiico of l‘oor; •iiid., for the siiiiport of the Wives and Chiltiron of IVIilitia IVlcii ; :trd., for all other Militia |iro|)ortioii |)ur|ioses : Ith., for laiw r,xieiiditure in each Y'car, see l’a»c . This aevount in coniparisou with the prreediny for the. Year l(l()2-:J, is dif retire in not shewing the Number of ('hildren of those riliercit out of Worhhousr, ami the iiriii'Oiliiiii 1 x 1)1 mted for the hlniateuancc of loose in Worldiousi ; and holh are ih/ectire ' ' to those relieved occasionnlly, and also the la-oyorlion expended for occasional retiefs. di feet ire in not shewing the Nuniber of Children belonging (’OUNTIES, arranged in order if Iht ir r A no C II I A L E X P E A D I T U It E , in the. Three Years endinrj Easier For maintenance of the POOH. /'am. of Militia Me Hi .1/1 other Militia Charges. Law Expences, ICemvls., tfe . Church, liye Itighu Hale, Ifc. itt 1H11. 1B13. 1814. 181.S. 1 8 1 1 1814. 181.5. 181,3. 1811. 1816. 1813. 1814. 1 1815. 1813. 1 1814. 181.5. £ ^ -£ £ -£ -£ £ 1 £ £ 1 Middlesex • 502,967 543,:533 505,601 22,472 23,726 24,100 1.5,991 17,83 4 9,874 ‘far 1,160 466 ' 385 1 35, 1 45 1 154,949 1 . 53 , .390 2 Lancaster 30(!,7‘>7 265,:547 213,017 29,914 29,44 4 27.047 10,329 8,:i60 6,8:12 112,. >6 4 3,885 1,710 117,429 1 135,908 136,380 York, YVest Kidino- 328,113 302,526 257,624 20,637 22,027 1 19,605 13,838 12,109 6,106 5,4 16 2,675 1 826 102,418 109,006 115,019 4 Devon ... 217,757 203,481 183,646 8,121 8,495 10,. 565 9,314 9,138 1 .5,066 2,-537 842 403 69,807 1 63,073 58,127 r> Kent 317,990 329,319 295,280 17,210 16,980 |17,151 3,071 3,417 ! 1,308 1,647 3,868 ! 570 78,805 84,783 83,442 515 1,392 884 822 894 787 20,094 25,615 22,495 33 Berks 160,872 1 29,668 100,297 4,234 4,170 4,213 1,617 1.456 950 1 ,206 400 163 17,943 15,713 14,414 34 Buckingham 133,949 122,347 101,814 5,672 6,228 5,56 1 3 , 0.51 2,872 2,1 11 2,7 1 1 605 2.56 19,939 18,914 19,359 35 Hertford 76,701 92,165 77,991 3,243 4,0:36 3,341 1.732 1,288 612 1,465 220 45 12,789 14,006 13,162 36 Cambridge 85,884 77,111 65,951 1 3,677 3,610 3,305 1,804 1,800 1,390 1,142 500 112 16,969 19,043 16,946 37 Hereford 82,981 79,1 17 67,063 3,738 4,018 3,237 865 721 281 1,401 363 27 18,705 16,041 15,876 38 Bedford 61,273 57,360 50,371 1,906 : 1,714 1,795 1 ,:383 1,076 821 467 220 94 15,609 16,236 16,052 39 Monmouth 28,247 28,508 27,050 1,893 i 2,1 18 1,878 471 480 503 1,808 81 11 8,609 7,100 11,210 40 YY^estnioreland .... 22,338 22,331 1 20,320 1,040 823 868 788 639 383 247 82 20 5,394 6,070 5,:i96 41 Huntingdon 35,413 1 3 4,997 j 31,470 1,030 1,211 j 1,166 991 984 449 583 99 35 8,594 8,702 8,236 42 Rutland 11,168 ' 12,374 10,843 382 ' j 507 j 534 449 323 205 3 10 9 6,092 7,128 6,956 f'otal ENGLAND. 6. 44], 225 j 6,058,906 ; 5,20"2,93l 311,743 318,960 ; 0 10,683 1 161,601 110,699 88,836 8 4.. 537 40,836 13,893 1,564,534 1,639,695 l,60t,t47 ("Denbigh .... 32,427 i 32,660 1 29,768 i,;i:i3 1,591 j 1,719 737 556 229 532 221 10/2 6,192 5,861 5,005 j Montgomery 32,297 f 31,521 I 28,831 1,518 ! 2.014 ! 1..958 269 226 69 159 60 14 2,480 3,394 2,927 ~ J Carnarvon . . 12,493 ' 12,370 12,041 840 912 . 75<) 297 223 ! 51 111 1 29 23 2,272 3,169 2,442 '] Flint 19,454 19,454 1 18,589 1,151 978 i 1,039 395 304 ! 168 13 1 6 — 5,982 5,230 5,625 1 Anglesea .... 9,278 ' 9,390 ! 8,447 899 ■ 800 i 849 224 153 i 47 106 53 50/0 2,106 1,042 820 C Merioneth ..| 12,280 12,528 j 12,096 398 401 1 424 149 138 1 45 6 — 5 1 ,781 2,422 1,713 t |"'Glamorgan ..j 33,287 ■ 33,854 i 30,022 2,032 2,167 1 2,243 740 565 i 186 184 131 ! 21 7,928 7,267 7,850 j Carmarthen. . 23,548 1 24,178 j 22,204 1,307 1 1,459 1,572 874 1,086 823 2,388 540 i 79 6,225 9,132 8,193 ~ J Pembroke . . 20,390 20,060 18,024 1,530 1,419 1 1,345 548 641 242 93 241 13 4,831 5,100 6,470 I Cardigan .... 12,386 i 11,621 i 11,293 956 645 1 847 458 308 55 607 870 i 58 3,706 3,. 570 3,318 ^ 1 Brecon 14,976 1 15,480 1 13,840 685 642 ! ()56 328 280 ! 263 ] 246 149 i 115 3,816 4,21 1 4,104 Rad nor .... 12,065 1 12,560 j I 10,759 56.5 1 G7a i j 501 278 206 j 87 j 114 35 1 36/4 2,472 2,254 4,166 Total Engl Old and iV'ales ' 6,676,105 6,294,584 j 5,418,845 324,9.57 ' 332,66-t ! 324,596 56,898 146,286 1 9i,101 1 89,095 j 43,166 i 14 225 ,614,355 1,692,367 1,657,080 3G An ACCOUNT of the amount of Money Expended for the Relief of the Poor, in each County of ENGLAND Sf WALES, in eacli of a series of V ears between 17-1!) and 1303 ; and in each of the 10 Tears ending Easter 1313 — 1328. The Counties beuKj arrani/ed in Order of their 'I’o rAl. 1*0PULATI0N in 1321, with Number of referenee to their order of Geographical Position. COUNHKS arranged in Order of their Total Population in 1801 . 1 Middlesex 2 lAincaster 3 York, West Riding ... 4 Devon 5 Kent (5 Surrey 7 Somerset 3 Norfolk . . . 9 Stalford 10 (iloucester 11 Essex . . 12 Southampton 13 Lincoln 14 lYarwick 15 Suffolk ]() Chester 17 Cornwall 18 Sussex 19 Wilts 20 Derby 21 Durham 22 Salop 23 Northumberland 24 York, East Riding . . . 25 Nottingham 26 Worcester 27 York, North Riding . 28 Leicester 29 Northampton 30 Cumberland 31 Dorset 32 Oxford 33 Buckingham 34 Berks 35 Hertford 30 Cambridge 37 Hereford 33 Bedford 39 Monmouth . „ 40 ll'estmoreland 41 Huntingdon 42 Rutland . 1 . 35 • iiG , 8 2 . 10 . 14 . 23 . 11 . 12 . 5 . 34 . 20 . 32 . 9 . 4 . 6 . 27 . 41 . 31 , 42 . 37 . 19 . 38 . 25 . 22 . 40 . 7 . 18 . 16 . 17 . 33 . 30 . 21 . 39 . 24 3 Years eadiitf' haster I7n0. Years f ending ( 3 Years ending Years ending Easter - Ibasfcr 1 1776. 1 ■C iiashr 178.6. £ - 1803. 1813. £ - 1314. £ - 1815. .p 1816. £ 1817. £ - - 1818. ! £ 81,030 21 ,230 20,218 34,953 41,997 20,593 25,590 30,404 9,312 25,087 33,233 20,521 14,790 10,445 23,003 14,741 9,000 24,343 22,933 7,077 7,143 7,925 3,790 4,110 4,375 9,134 5,581 7,549 12,367 2,450 12,220 12,831 17,139 15,971 10,452 9,171 5,050 8,276 2,898 1,802 3,306 302 174,274 50,935 48,749 01,027 73,330 43,510 49.131 03,171 31 ,089 52,373 72,.508 48,598 31,267 42,586 55,839 28,922 21,997 53,499 52,714 10,771 14,057 21,549 14,085 10,804 11 ,005 26,1.50 12,1.55 23,581 34,032 7,402 24,045 28.131 31,130 35,989 25,241 17,729 9,921 16,310 5,433 2,707 7,514 2,041 195,527 09,113 03,207 70,302 102,64.6 02,945 02,248 91,776 38,535 02,005 90,611 55,400 40,856 -50,077 07,294 37,361 27,027 70.130 00,392 20,978 18,478 32,313 19,922 14,. 569 16,420 33,009 17,993 29,209 44,271 10,812 29,820 34,613 43,598 45,384 35,512 25.130 15,609 20,320 7,341 5,320 11,729 3,443 349,200 148,282 130,467 124,022 200,508 133,874 121,790 109,733 83,411 109,045 137,140 124,019 95,575 117,353 119,963 00,027 54,048 179,858 128,035 54,459 51,960 00,747 52,410 41,388 44,222 71,235 48,702 79,911 94,607 27,003 04,771 88,689 80,151 81,994 50,380 54,484 40,471 30,894 18,283 13,830 23,807 8,270 502,907 300,797 328,113 217,757 317,990 217,757 185,407 291,501 124,705 105,.575 312,230 225,001 129,343 157,932 225,714 114,370 103,736 314,270 234,352 93,903 81.752 100,318 72,821 83.752 88,013 101,109 70,861 110,500 139,675 44,935 109,304 143,108 133,949 100,872 70,701 85,884 82,981 61,273 28,247 22,338 35,413 11,108 543,333 265.347 302,526 203,481 329,319 225,733 180,188 247,427 122,101 159,974 270,040 198,135 130,134 147,700 197,415 110,933 83,970 282,152 189,005 89,036 84,820 106,742 74,229 83,539 81,354 97,595 71,489 113,521 134,924 43,010 93,770 128,199 122.347 129,668 92,105 77,111 79,117 57,300 28,508 22,331 34,997 12,374 505,60 1 213,047 183,040 295,280 201,640 150,258 199,192 111,042 135,530 226,2.52 163,1.50 128,360 127,634 155,289 100,089 78,090 230,800 137,020 72,179 78,720 90,839 69,230 75,438 71,419 83,540 65,536 95,200 123,038 40,910 75,078 100,495 101,814 100,297 77,991 65,951 67,003 50,370 27,0.50 20,320 31,470 10,843 519,104 222,115 259.173 198,003 309,232 216,709 159,. 544 214,211 116,758 141,879 252.174 171,272 144,943 124,483 170,090 98,578 85,210 236,058 143,304 70,981 83,000 92,524 77,994 81 ,035 77,991 85.091 70,532 103,198 133,110 44,148 79,090 117,802 109,770 105,814 81,058 73,870 07,904 .53,678 27,943 21,500 33.092 11,505 540,235 336,485 330,860 215,173 345,176 247,717 180.987 291,212 148,520 102,493 312,6.35 221,446 157,701 169,831 257,719 11 9, .585 103,149 281,069 202,508 97,742 90,670 120.988 83,777 89,786 108,302 110,523 79,478 143,572 147,151 48,383 90,009 138,905 129,805 141,870 90,583 94,085 79,031 63,521 31,035 26,402 37,242 12,753 034,703 ! 372,904 i 337,395 247.910 398,886 271,007 200,323 327,665 170,778 ! 189,119 j 318,415 ! 281,637 169,671 194,4.58 29 1 ,262 127,460 127,254 331,070 234,134 1 108.. 540 1 101,790 ! 135,700 ! 94,437 1 111,834 101.. 522 123,639 91,870 1 154.104 102,357 57,028 119,044 1 150,410 ; 147.911 i 157,959 101,190 102,972 ' 94,579 : 74,102 i 35,501 29,000 40,473 ' 13,077 Total ENGLAND 679,46iJ [l, 489, 228 1,85.6 081 3,929,521 6,441,225 6,058,906 6,202,931 6,19r,788 6,666,982 7,552,089 \ 'Denbigh . 4 1,139 5,3().5 9,762 19,480 32,427 32,000 29,768 32,539 33,040 41,. 529 Montgomery . 6 1,383 5,509 8.971 20,231 32,297 31,. 521 28,831 29,493 30,584 41,057 ■s ^ J Carnarvon . 2 472 1,579 0,830 12,493 12,370 12,041 13,277 13,900 13,003 Flint . 3 873 4,044 7,070 12,784 19,4.54 19,4.54 18,589 19,332 21,402 23,000 Anglesea 1 09 930 0,107 9,278 9,390 3,447 11,324 12,709 15,019 ^ L^Ierioneth . 5 311 1 ,037 2,256 7,770 12 280 12,-528 12,096 11,419 11,947 16,335 ^ f Glamorgan . 10 2,224 1 5,301 8,813 21,908 33,237 33,854 30,022 34,725 43,287 51,314 Carmarthen . 11 1,279 2,943 5,071 12,760 23,543 24,178 22,204 23,538 25,135 34,414 Pembroke . 12 1,009 3,049 5,151 14,278 20,390 20,000 13,024 13,020 19,100 23,895 O Cardigan . 7 302 1,035 2,248 7,118 12,330 1 1 ,021 11,293 11,209 13,238 18,044 Brecon . 9 1,032 2,403 4,233 10,170 14,970 15,430 13,840 15,304 18,104 22,702 Radnor . 8 957 2,254 3,889 8,757 12,005 12,. 500 10,759 10,811 12,210 15,792 Total ENGLAND and WALES 689,971 I, .52 1,7 32 1,912,241 4,077,891 6,676,10.6 6, ‘294,684 5,418,846 6,7S!1,.607 6, 918, ‘217 7,890, U8 Total Parochial Assesment in do. 7.80,13.5 1,721,316 2,167,748 5,318,204 8,646,841 8,388,974 7,4.67,67 6 6,937,1*^6 8,128,418 9,320, 4-10 Annual Average Price of Wheat 27/11 43/4 49/9 03/2 123/3 93/0 70; 0 01/10 87/4 90/7 Years 1750. 1770. 1785. 1803. 1313. 1814. 1 1815. 1810. 1817. 1 1318. 37 This account up to 1S21, has been compiled from the Appendix to the Report of the .Select Committee on the Poor Lairs , — V'ide I'olio 517. Vol. r>. of 1‘apers, .See- sioH IHi'i, and the remainder from accounts laid be/'ore Parliament itnnuall!i since that time, the averaffe Price of Wheat in this Slalement, will be seen to dij/'ir from those in the accounts retatiiif!; to drain, the reason is that these are made up from the 2bth. of March, to the 2.tlh. of March, irhilst the otic rs are made up from the U/. of January, to the Sl.vi. of December, seejurther , — Summary of Parochial accounts. Years ending Jf aster ^ 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1 827. 1828. 1829. 1 1830. 1 1831. 1 £ -g £ .V £ £ £ £ ' I * 1 1 634,746 625, ( i 05 615,494 582,055 527,(525 523,387 541,402 555,797 612,148 (559,484 659,925 675,285 681,567 1 2 322,059 317,0.')7 288,688 249,585 219,411 203,399 213,838 236,173 347,912 289,335 260,981 297,674 293,226 j 3 311,214 346,814 330,510 273,301 232,228 226,866 221,240 228,653 298,483 270,890 />63,362 281,1.58 274,586 j 4 260,191 249,968 234,096 207,686 201,887 200,735 199,590 208,388 213,539 207,781 207,500 222,381 223,074 1 5 396,515 394,619 392,059 370,711 349,878 345,778 337,840 329,342 337,833 330,030 340,525 3.58,461 345,512 1 0 287,523 277,271 277,602 242,921 219,177 21(5,194 214,221 215,(535 241,. 582 236,003 243,452 265,499 265,389 7 196,718 191,887 176,773 153,906 147,430 145,557 146,788 151,422 163,225 159,81 1 155,206 j 174,425 178,047 3 278,715 272,932 267,869 256,044 250,634 262,393 262,854 26(5,(535 297,156 281,122 275,869 299,211 299,357 0 155,209 153,132 151,177 133,702 111,948 109,944 107,635 108,259 124,959 128,467 1 19,978 133,670 132,887 10 189,901 182,791 164,913 152,994 138,247 130,061 130,838 137,627 152,238 149,856 146,895 165,192 168,288 11 318,774 312,037 288,921 254,837 238,485 247,290 251,144 25-5,012 261,278 247,387 262,215 282,133 272,593 12 252,480 229,566 210,523 193,294 174,0(57 184,062 189,721 194,034 184,929 186,456 193,371 212,380 215,229 13 172,427 172,971 172,879 168,786 1.56,184 156,553 156,618 157,915 167,988 169,890 171,565 179,201 174,055 14 175,079 181,984 164,799 146,185 125,788 127,450 126,467 132,575 144,582 140,354 141,579 170, !89 161,212 15 248,460 245,076 244,807 240,384 231 ,052 246,830 238,651 233,522 223,037 216,056 242,056 268,623 270,651 16 117,959 121,169 113,239 104,081 91,790 86,821 85,082 87,513 108,753 100,602 98,106 106,238 103,572 17 122,218 115,254 111,779 104,178 97,165 95,152 95,437 92,930 99,109 101,538 98,520 103,369 102,151 ! 18 315,163 286,066 276,469 262,246 246,827 241,073 236,605 240,139 239,779 228,938 235,745 2,56,1 12 263,908 19 200,600 188,808 172,409 163,168 139,852 150,892 163,257 160,724 165,443 158,110 173,480 198,008 198,194 i 20 103,579 103,764 97,374 86,756 73,785 70,145 69,165 68,878 75,569 70,035 74,800 80,060 78,717 ; 21 101,066 101,756 97,618 91,182 80,073 76,702 74,692 75,742 76,703 78,966 80,770 81,209 81,862 ' 22 117,543 111,617 101,656 92,907 80,089 77,569 77,611 76,826 80,754 80,196 80,063 83,989 87,111 i 23 92,743 82,030 84,186 77,505 72,371 69,467 67,218 67,049 69,290 70,639 72,275 74,288 74,092 ; 24 114,313 105,867 100,870 97,522 93,435 89,486 87,473 87,832 95,029 95,420 98,011 99,500 100,976 25 94,847 105,348 87,573 73,315 60,522 58,694 57,048 60,292 71,936 71,535 69,137 78,242 72,717 26 111,343 107,260 98,172 83,761 70,530 68,146 68,929 72,766 70,954 74,029 75,863 80,014 83,513 27 93,222 91,733 89,429 82,638 75,871 73,651 72,447 72,409 76,506 77,602 80,322 82,367 83,931 28 146,369 159,678 143,535 124,244 96,398 85,481 87,267 98,628 117,962 110,502 106,862 130,026 113,951 29 165,480 162,546 156,021 145,093 130,136 121,586 124,477 132,603 148,176 140,.585 140,926 153,031 150,816 30 58,169 59,064 56,637 52,352 45,709 43,610 44,679 42,036 45,719 45,971 43,784 46,081 46,166 31 108,749 104,825 95,857 85,647 78,124 78,677 79,908 81,984 82,795 80,492 82,462 90,949 90,667 32 150,801 143,230 131,846 115,647 105,198 106,390 107,045 115,961 119,739 122,074 123,399 130,597 130,042 33 144,547 133,165 129,107 117,477 105,782 104.921 113,848 125,697 132,077 124,199 124,498 135,239 137,356 34 143,242 123,280 112,669 104,388 84,918 91,110 95,189 101,279 99,527 96,258 105,624 1 1 1 ,653 115 070 35 101,115 100,667 98,002 89,129 83,835 82,313 84,823 87,804 93,005 89,909 91,796 99,680 94,366 36 97,418 91,163 89,924 87,872 83,599 83,888 87,948 90,291 90,007 91,308 94,369 101,147 98,-522 37 88,803 81,108 72,224 62,729 55,327 54,403 55,731 56,547 57,423 57,501 57,060 59,711 62,622 38 77,094 73,465 69,236 68,826 63,219 64,937 67,374 74,989 81,900 77,967 77,554 84,514 81,016 39 34,848 33,022 29,261 26,040 24,2(52 23,237 22,5.58 22,612 23,734 23,338 22,976 24,628 26,612 40 29,679 29,412 28,288 27,207 24,387 23,141 23,117 22,854 27,114 27,365 24,793 25,512 26,586 41 41,693 38,798 39,192 39,427 37,720 37,655 39,290 40,391 42,127 38,841 41,557 42,128 40,471 42 13,884 12,425 11,295 10,575 9,591 8,824 8,120 8,563 9,480 9,292 9,139 9,644 8,809 r, 186,613 7,020,365 6,67 4,938 6,102,253 5,534,554 5,494,467 5,535,191 0,676,327 6,179,878 6,031,200 6,332,411 6,553,413 0,. 509, 466 41,491 39,921 36,362 32,658 29,556 30,21 3 32,104 30,537 32,30(5 32,634 32,307 i 34,273 35,126 42,388 38,403 36,878 33,273 27,419 26,325 27,733 29,555 29,998 32,006 30,994 31,743 34,815 20,514 18,030 17,370 16,225 15,029 15,365 17,349 17,988 19,331 20,038 19,868 19,608 21,205 23,563 23,182 22,186 19,470 17,328 17,605 17,895 18,343 19,037 19,911 20,216 20,990 20,559 16,340 14,837 14,245 13,332 13,415 13,304 14,200 14,625 15,285 15,684 15,831 16,007 16,247 ' 17,150 16,291 15,385 14,559 13,100 13,265 14,031 14,282 14,477 14,747 14,220 14,543 14,865 49,015 43,558 39,487 36,179 34,222 33,984 33,419 32,973 82,972 33,392 32,871 36,154 38,751 38,124 35,942 30,184 27,283 26,442 27,368 29,119 28,435 30,353 30,228 29,992 30,864 33,598 26,688 25,467 22,716 20,245 19,976 20,197 21,688 21,982 22,506 23,371 22,897 24,065 2 4,. 552 20,416 18,214 16,327 14,885 14,419 14,577 16,109 15,571 15,905 16,450 16,517 17,214 17,591 22,289 20,270 18,665 16,366 16,376 16,249 16,461 16,404 17,019 10,172 16,265 17,450 18,542 1 I 16,185 15,180 13,701 11,974 1 11,092 11,275 11,696 11,482 12,021 12,167 12,163 12,688 13,571 1 1 7,631 ,651 7,329,594 6,958,445 6,358,702 1 5,772,9.58 5,734,216 5,786,989 5,928,504 6,441,088 6,^98,000 6,332,411 6,829,C5"2 6,798,889 8,932,185 8,7 19,655 8,411,893 7,761,441 6,898,153 6,833,0.30 6,97i,o‘iS 6,965,051 7,784.362 7,715,055 ?, 642, 171 8,161,281 8,279,218 j 82/9 69/5 62/5 53^ 41/11 56/8 62/9 64/8 56/ 54/2 63/3 64/3 66/4 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. ; 1829. 1830. 1831. 1 1832. ParocliidI Expenditure for Law Chnrnes 4 " Ucmovals, Church, County, Bye Highway Rales ^c.; and No. of Persons relieved 1776 — 1815. rs »T »o l>- 1^ •c 4 ^ X •c CO •0 X 0 X 0 Cl X Cl vC X •0 HH X - ‘O Cl Cl X lA fA T -t |A -to X X CA 1 rt ^ > -0 0 0 X X 0 X Cl PH X *0 X Cl Ci O' X PH PH X X X pH 1^ •c •0 Cl •0 Cl IC PH fA Cl ‘O AT Cl 4 A tA X 05 ^ q; s: 5 :r M 5 . ‘O 0 X X X *c X »o Cl -T W X X X X X X X X PH X AN -r X X X •c X T »o X X X Cl Af X d: S c ST -f X *c X X pH PH ■-r PH X X X Ci «c X Cl X -r Cl X X X ‘C X lC ,A X >c -t Cl X !A hH Cl HH 0 cj C- d " ^1 _’f. 0 Cl pH Cl Cl -f X PH PH Cl PH Cl Cl Cl PH hH PH pH PH HP HP HM AT zo W -2 = ^ « -A c; 0 ^ 0; '.r ,v p s (M 0 05 Ci -f X 05 Cl -r PH l» 4 '' so PH X Cl PH rr H. 05 ‘O •H Cl X 0 l-A X »o Cl *T X X c» Cl X Cl rH HP 0 _ C C « = t-, JS OJ *" •0 X "" "• p. 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Middlesex . . Lancaster . . York, R. Devon ... Kent © (A 0 E c a. Norfolk .... Surrey .... Gloucester . . h- ,0 t: oS X O) V 3 7 D u Southampton' -E 'o 0 © .- :rj hJ rlii 0 C 3 •*• © tA © u Cornwall .. (A p^ p-** C 3 X >. x: 1 .. "C 0 C A<^ feW C p X pi^J H*> Ih 0 0 Z>1 u © (/; 0 * © 0 ipH -A 0 < 4 H Qp a cd 0 . • c • u J 2 * fis 0 c U 0 ; 3 0 -J!jO c ■ a • cd • -c • btj • c ■£ 0 CD 2 :q pq "X bp -S >H © © br "O 'u -X a «3 0^ I ■-3 -.5 s S-g 0 5 m io 0 s 7 ) Qi c p 2 Sd c e 3 35 3 cd 3 M ALES .. TOTAL. c u s..r s n S'! X T • "T •• TT X Hh Cl P|H «H |H pp 4 h X X 0 Cl PA 0 X X X pN Cl X -f •c X |A X X X pH Cl — PH — — — — * 1 — Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl X X X X X X X X T A? AT S I’AT I'iMF'^N'r shewing: the Ainount of tlio Parochial Assesstncnis in all l^Noi.AND and Walks, and the proportion thereof ex|)en(.ed for other purposes lhan the Relief of the I’oor, annually on an averago of the three Years ending Raster 1750; in the Year ending Raster 177t! ; annually on an average of the three Years ending Jhister 17H5; in the Year ending liaster IttOO; and in each ef the IH Years IIU‘2 — ‘i!>, ending I'iaster 1030; shewing also the Amount expended for the Maintenance of the Poor, distinguishing the pro- portion thereof, so expended in the County of MIDULRSRX, in each of those Periods and Years, together with the Number of Committals for Chime in the County of Middlesex, in each of the *25 Years 1005-30, the annual average price of Wheat, with the amount of Money expended in each Year, for the Maintenance of the I’oor, converted into Quarters of Wheat. Proportion Proportion 1 ^ I «>> •5v.. - TOT A h E-vyendvA for Expended for Re lief Year.s Amount of other purposes of the Poor. 1- *5 c 2 « STATEMENT of the Number of Quarters of Parochial than tulif'f Enyhtnd Co until of •sIS 5 S Oats ; Heans and Peas ; and of Malt ; and of Asst'S^mentSe of the Poor. £ and iVales. AUddlesex. £- c Sacks of Flour, brought to Mark Lane Market ^ ^ 111 Lionaon, iii each 01 the 19 Years 1812-1930. 1750 730,135 40,104 009,971 01,030 27/11 58,051 _ 1770 1,720,310 17*2,720 1 ,530,800 174, *274 45/0 77,455 Ouaiters of 1705 *2,107,719 *255,509 2,004,239 195,527 46/6^ ti4,02*2 t Sacks of 100*2— 3 5,340,205 1, *2*2 1,177 4,077,891 349,200 5! be 64/8 108,000 Oats and Peas Malt Flour 101*2 — 13 8,040,041 *2,105,304 0,050,100 502,907 1 ,602 125/5 80,205 597,028 118,183 134,3*24 289,902 1013 — 14 0,300,974 2,213,480 0, *294, 581 543,333 1,707 108/9 99,99*2 755,630 123,370 164,840 388,955 1014 — 15 7,457,070 *2,087,002 5,418,840 505,001 1,646 73/11 130,803 725,009 135,773 171,987 399,502 1015 — 10 0,937,4*25 1,214,071 5,7*24,839 519,164 2,005 64/4 161,000 842,572 158,632 177,804 362,828 1010 — 17 0,1*28,418 1,210,720 0,910,9*25 540,*235 2,2*26 75/10 142,480 838,133 157,349 146,115 338,049 1017 — 10 9,320,440 1,43*2,332 7,870,801 034,703 2,686 94/9 134,000 716,689 154,690 151,123 319,480 1010 — 19 0,93*2,105 1,408,905 7:510,704 634,746 *2,665 84/1 150,982 1,232,767 219,735 183,964 369,733 1019 — 20 8,719,055 1,34*2,058 7,330,254 025,605 *2,091 73/0 171,045 887,705 207,490 162,402 381,986 1020 — 21 8,411,893 1,375,808 0,959,*251 615,494 2,773 65/7 187,8*25 1,150,833 124,856 193,966 406,849 1021 22 7,701,441 1,330,533 0,358,704 58*2,055 2,480 54/5 213,9*25 748,045 159,241 216,220 447,759 1022 — - *23 0,898,153 1,148,230 5,772,902 5*27,0*25 2,539 43/3 *246,300 801,079 160,021 241,393 440,991 10*23 — *21 0,830.505 1,137,598 5,730,900 5*23,387 2,503 51/9 *202, *275 856,809 1*29,885 212,239 489,973 1 024 — 25 0,972,3*23 1,212,199 5,780,980 541,40*2 2,6*21 6*2/0 174,645 964,827 144,182 243,208 486,493 1825 ~ *20 0,905,051 1,240,145 5,928,505 555,797 2,90*2 66/6 167,157 1,143,817 159,874 266,885 5*21,365 1020 — 27 7,784,351 1,302,377 0,441 ,089 61*2,148 3,457 57/0 214, .500 1 1,244,056 180,397 268,534 466,715 10*27 -- - *28 7,715,055 1,372,433 0,298,003 659,484 3,381 55/0 235,000 J 1, *2*25, 01*2 162,642 215,288 419,789 1028 — 29 7,042,171 1 ,280,3*28 6,33*2,411 659,9*25 3,516 58/8 2*24,975 1 1,530,4*25 164,448 246,905 5*23,106 1829 — 30 8,111,4*22 1,3*22,239 6,829,042 675,825 3,667 64/3 210 373 I 1,145.754 147,401 219,478 308,888 1030 — 31 1 901 ,440 131,637 234,137 412,876 1 1$31 — 32 1 1832 — 33 1 1 1833 — 34 ’1 1 1 Summary of Parochial Assessments and Expenditure, and of the Number of Persons relei ved out of the Poor Rates, in the County County of MIDDLESEX. City of LONDON, of MIDDLESEX, distinguishing the pronortion for the 97 Parishes within the Walls of the City of London, in each of the four Years 1 803. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1803. 1813. 1814. 1815. ending Easter £ £ -£- -£ £ £ £ TOTAL Amount of Money raised by Parochial Rates 490,144 627,853 686,291 675,167 59,741 72,172 79,444 £ 73,781 Being in proportion to the Real Property Cent .... — 11 4 5 12 5 1 12 1 4 Or, in the £. ( on £ 5,595,537, in 1815.) 3/5| *2/3 l 2/5 3/2 — — Proportion Expended for Relief of the Poor 249,200 502,967 543,333 505,601 48,789 56,643 59,829 55,186 In Suits of Law, Removals, and Overseers Expences. . 18,084 22,472 23,726 ‘24,100 2,417 3, *259 3,596 3,588 Maintenance of the Wives & Children of Militia Men 1 15,991 17,835 9,8741 ( 1,846 2,43*2 178 All other Militia Charges > 111,692^ 1,160 466 385 ^14,449^ 14 Church, County, Bye Highway Rates, &c ) , 135,145 154,949 153,396 ' 1 ,23,889 30,263 25,911 TOTAL PAROCHIAL EXPENDITURE £ 478,976 677,735 740,309 693,356 ! 65,656 83,637 96,121 84,880 Number of Persons S Workh., including Children 15,186 16,698 16,115 16,0*26 1,888 1,451 1,458 1,412 permanently relieved ^ Out of do,, exclusive of do. 12,185 17,296 18,3.33 18, *241 2,582 2,734 2,807 2,703 Relieved Occasionally 24,765 75,511 84,770 83,988 1 1,512 1,847 1,936 1,721 32,506 ' Af\‘\ TOTAL Number relieved 84,642 109,535 119,218 118, *255 9,385 6,032 6', 201 5,836 Number of Persons in Friendly Societies 72,741 57,340 57,213 67,186 1 4,047 3,753 3,944 4,535 The Number of Children in the County of Middlesex belonging to those permanently relieved out of Workhouse in 180^-3, icas 4,347 under 5 Years of Age ; ana 6,690 from 6 to 14, and out of the Total Number relieved 8,407 were above 60 Years of Age, or disabled from labor by permanent illness or other infirmity : of the amount expended for maintenance of the Pooi in the same Year, £ 224,048 was the proportion for those maintained in Workhouse, being at the rate of £ 14 14 10 head. On r^erring to the Statement of the Assessment and Expenditure of the several out Parishes of the Metropolis, the rate head for maintenance of the Poor in Work- house, in the Year ending Easter 1803, will be seen to vary from £6 18 0 in St. John Wapping, to £41 13 9 in St. Mary Islington ; this disparity ('admitting the accounts to be correct ) bespeaks extreme insufficiency on one side, or great profusion on the other ; but, the probability is, that the disparity arises more from the want oj method and competency in making up the accounts than from any actual difference in the scale or cost of subsistence ; items which in one case will be charged under one head, will in another case be charged under other heads, precluding all fair comparison, and thereby shewing the desirableness fur some uniform mode of account being adopted and enforced into practice, in all the parishes of the Kingdom. 40 STATEMENT shewing the amount of Money Expended for the Relief of the POOR, in the Cities of London and Westminster and in each of the principal Parishes and Districts, within the County of Middlesex, in the Year ending Easter 177G; annually! on an average of the three ^"ears ending Easter 1705 ; in the Y ear ending Easter 1803 ; and annually, in each of the 17 Years ending Easter, or the ‘iOth. of March 1829. Years City of A V'ithin ONPON. ivithouf. City of Si. Mary- .vv. Pamras £ Sf. GileSf Sf St. George St. Andrew, llvlborn, Si Saffron Hill and Sf. Mary, .Sf. I.iike, .St. I.uke, St. Mary, St. James, St. Mary Mntfelom W hitechay (he Walls ■€- (he Walls £ If estminster £ le-Oonne £ — liloomsbury £ St. George — £ — 4,551 Kltf Hents **£ Kinsington .-£. Chelsea £- Old Street £- Islinfiton £ Clerkinwell £ 1775-7G 30,582 18,791 44,9G9 4,914 1,296 5,156 1,455 1,807 1,310 5,130 1,126 2,863 4,060 1785 32,492 20,1 GG 48,856 8,724 1,568 4,559 5,131 1,466 2,351 1,936 4,217 1,937 4,174 4,116 1802- 3 5I.20G 30,739 75,982 29,954 9,192 14,034 9,086 2,965 3,903 4,675 11,106 6,226 8,779 6,566 1812-13 5G,G43 40,095 98,014 38,251 16,124 22,911 11,628 4,793 4,758 8,526 13,938 7,627 9,640 9,116 1813- 1 1 59,829 41,450 103,038 45,036 19,191 24,514 12,210 4,235 4,847 9,188 13,734 9,401 11,735 9,920 1814-15 55, 18G 39,3G7 98,498 40,016 18,673 23,326 10,788 4,023 4,545 8,888 14,072 9,235 11,871 8,320 1815- IG 31,153 105,GG9 46,062 16,295 25,375 15,759 3,417 4.619 7,393 13,740 10,903 14,653 7,891 181G - 17 58,909 37,707 99,21G 50,648 16,489 25,278 14,242 4,651 4,274 7,646 13,552 9,006 15,390 8,602 1817 - 18 GO, 251 42,329 108,882 67,713 18,259 39,116 16,086 4,796 7,200 9,773 16,032 11,094 16,020 10,962 1818 - 19 G2,9G4 39,10G 125,971 45,328 21,042 41,151 18,542 4,872 6,122 9,912 14,704 11,826 17,054 14,016 1819-20 G9,857 40,375 117,146 41,344 24,880 39,594 14,467 4,940 6,495 10,688 15,272 10,056 13,283 10,530 1820- 1 G2,500 39,403 121,172 43,218 24,538 36,303 14,996 4,841 9,313 1 1,909 14,971 9,905 12,581 9,747 1821 - 2 G2,890 39,040 118,028 41,182 23,560 34,677 11,870 4,364 5,907 11,257 14,383 10,057 14,000 9,036 1822- 3 58,248 33,338 106,993 34,153 24,686 32,042 12,809 4,171 5,075 11,380 13,632 9,216 12,376 8,830 1823- 4 57,G47 33,309 105,370 38,104 21,882 34,840 11,814 3,240 4,893 8,317 13,643 7,555 13,991 8,213 1824 - 5 54,27G 32,01G 107,086 37,316 23,520 37,000 12,679 3,384 5,067 11,540 14,388 10,070 14,146 9,270 1825- G 58,5G1 37,151 105,511 41,258 24,743 31,500 11,707 4,282 6,266 10,608 13,214 9,812 14,731 9,948 182G - 7 G 1,428 43,898 105,911 51,043 27,823 30,844 12,973 4,598 6,331 13,352 18,562 11,212 16,079 10,192 1827- 8 G4,Gll 42,751 114,473 58,395 29,983 36,067 12,728 4,304 7,t>65 14,437 20,344 14,763 17,225 11,491 1828- 9 1829 - 30 1830 - 1 1831 - 2 G4,555 37,348 111,807 58,773 35,786 36,093 15,009 4,684 7,799 1 1 ,289 20,481 14,338 16,289 10,638 1 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS 1 SILK 3IANUFACTURI\G DISTRICT MA R I TIME PA R / SUES TOTAL V 1 ears Hundreds of j Christ Cuiirch •SV. Leonard St. Matthv' Hethnall Mile end St. John, .St. George, .St. Ann, Po%)lar County of Edinonton Gore Isleworth Eithorne Spelthorne j Sj tlfelds -£ Shoreditch Green old Tonn JIatknty in the East Lwiehouse Blackwall Middlesex 1 - -£- -£ .£ £ — 2,966 £- “£ £- £- £ -£- ..£ £- - £ 1775-70 ' 2,505 1,802 2,313 1,776 2,595 3,738 2,826 885 1,726 2,710 1,080 631 174,274 1785 3,451 S,37o 2,527 4,077 3,069 2,674 4,777 2,688 1,076 2,376 1,860 1,068 845 195,537 1802- 3 8,146 3,091 5,710 8,015 5,702 5,322 7,928 3,484 2,945 5,158 4,210 1,7V,' - 1,387 349,200 1812 - 13 9,374 4,761 9,303 11,528 7,569 9,030 12,073 (i,675 4,057 12,157 9,847 3,9* 1 ' 5,888 502,967 1813- 14 9,815 5,164 8,-553 12,150 8,563 9,441 12,968 9,288 4,817 13,383 11,265 4,71o 7,741 513,333 1814-15 9,204 3,889 8,741 11,418 8,192 8,105 12,212 5,427 4,051 11,002 9,858 4,184 7,367 505,601 1815-16 9,127 3,904 7,520 11,169 8,120 5,710 14,407 5,278 3,649 12,353 10,804 3.217 9,709 1 519,165 1816- 17 9,924 4,538 9,053 1 1 ,956 8,776 6,673 18,601 9,363 3,964 9,405 11,535 5,110 8,732 1 540,236 1817-18 10,753 5,385 7,867 13,446 9,321 ! 7,231 18,291 10,552 6,653 10,297 20,720 5,542 10,156 634,703 1818-19 11,005 5,130 9,172 13,843 9,928 7,468 18,597 9,212 5,797 12,578 15,851 5,388 11.140 634,717 1819-20 12,234 5,480 8,250 13,605 10,594 7,901 19,205 9,212 7,492 1 1,844 14,052 7,529 10,584 625,665 1820 - 21 12,604 5,613 7,633 12,413 9,553 , ; 6,695 18,4! 7 8,439 7,626 13,171 13,502 6,400 10,763 , 615,495 1821 -22 11,083 6,191 7,060 12,129 8,487 : 5,239 17,469 8,122 6,823 12,01.5 11,612 4,385 10,322 ' 582,055 1 822 - 23 10,640 5,405 8,404 9,557 8,179 i 3,095 16,026 9,21 1 6,153 10,338 9,748 4,060 9,213 : 527,625 1823 - 24 10,834 5,227 5,595 8,989 7,504 4,094 15,753 9,0ii5 5,749 10,656 10,658 4,933 9,028 1 523,387 1824 - 25 11,432 5,565 5,904 8,794 8,148 ! 4,841 17,991 10,174 6,il39 10,225 11.151 5,302 8,611 ' 541,402 1825 - 26 12,053 5,548 5,540 9,439 7,699 , 4,236 19.539 9,023 8,315 10,510 16,227 5,707 8,502 554.797 1826 - 27 1 3,432 5,916 6,021 10,051 8,191 5,681 24,486 14,247 10,0f;2 12,459 12,788 5,700 9,338 612,148 1 827 - 28 12,937 6,142 5,920 1 1 ,436 7,866 5,787 25,514 15,767 11,459 10,647 16,913 7,152 9,353 609,484 1828 - 29 1829-30 18.30-31 1831 - 32 13,598 6,136 5,970 10,712 7,578 ! 1 i 5,541 i 1 28,934 17,103 11, ‘220 12,388 14,948 4,921 10,024 609,980 The feature first deserving of attention in the above Statement, is the large amount expended for the relief of the Poor within the IV alls of the City of London ; which relatively, very considerably exceeds, the amount expended for the like purpose in any other place in England ; the (diurch, Hye Highway Rates, Law Charges, and other local Rates, also exceed in the like proportion, tlie similar charges in any other place; it is deserving of attention, how fur so many small Parishes, miglft be formed into five, or fewer Divisions for Parochial puiposes ; Kristid, Norwich, and other places all'ord precedents, and reference, for the con- sideration of adopting such a measure : most of the out Parishes exhibit extraoidinary increases since 177() ; l)ul, the I’opulation ot those Parishes, has, since that date increased in corresponding proportions, whilst the City of London within the W alls, has progressively decreased in Popvilation, ( sec ?\'vte to Sliitcmcnt of the Population of each oj the ‘SJ Parishes. ) The operative part of the Silk Manufacture, prevails more ])articularly in the Parish ofSt. Matthew, Ilethnall Green ; and Mile End, Old Town ; partially in St. Leonard, Shoreditch ; and very partially in (he Parish of Hackney : Christ (duirch, Si)itallields, is the original seat of the Maniifacture, and in whii h many of the principal employers still reside, hut the I’arish being circuinscribed, it jrrecludes any extension of Population, within its limits, and occasions the spreading of the operatives over Iho adjoining Parishes. Eor 00 Years previous to 1H23, the Rate of M ages for M enving of Silks in this District had been regulated by legislative enactments, and during the whole of that period, the District exhibited, relatively, less poverty and I’a- rochiai burtlien, than any other Manufacturing District in the Kingdom ; in the Session of Parliament Itt’iS all those enactmens were repealed, wlureby tho employees became more directly subjected to the will of the employers, — see the ellect, as exemplilieu above, in the diil'ercnce of Paioi hial Expenditure. I or the I ooidatiun of each (f the out Parishes, see Statement of the Topographical Position thereof. 11 !e AmounI of Money expeiit.ec. for tlic Relief of (he I’oor, in eacli of the 14 I’arislies and Districts, forming- part of the IME'ntot’Oi.is ; and the 4'otal tlieri'of: and also of tlie amount in tlie like manner expended for tlie same purpose, in each of 15 c t’ tlic |)riiici|iiil Cities ami Towns in iliH'erent parts otThe Kingdom, in the V'eai- ending Kastcr 1776 ; annually, on an avciage offhe three Years ending Kasten 178d ; in the ''ear ending K.aster 1H03 ; and annually, in each of the 1? Years ending Kaster, or the !2.ith. March 1829 : stiewing also the Estimated Value of the Heal Pro- perty according to the Properly Tax Itetnrns ot 1813; and the Popnlation of each Parish, District, City, and Town, at each of the 3 Periods 180l, 1811, anil 1821. The following features of this account deserve attention, Viz.; 1st., the inconsiderable amount in Liverpool, being only in the proportion of 1 to 6, as compared with the City of l.ondon within the Walls; 2nd. the sudden diminution of Amount in the Town of Sheffield since 1821-2; 3rd. the great fluctuations in Nottingham and f.ciccstcr, between 181.3 and 1823; -1th. the large amount of Birmingham, as compared either with Sheffield or Manchester; 5th. the Panics of 1816 and 1825 arc strongly manifested in Manchester. County of SURREY. Four Parishes in REST. Koroligh of 1 Christ St. M.iry, 1 St. Mary, St. Mary, St. Mary Cam- Weei niftiioD nocoiilree Hundredi TOTAJ, Ycar» SoutliNvarU Chrrcii Latiilieth Newinglon ftermoiids«> ilolhcrhit bcrwell Haudred. Croydon Essex Deptford Greenwich Woolwich Lewisham -£ -£ £- -■€ - £ £ X* X* 1775 - (J 9,154 1 ^ 1,015 2,252 894 2,294 1,701 1,266 3,297 900 0,322 2,062 2,080 1,299 076 34,213 1785 10,393 1,379 3,146 1,839 2,244 1,858 1,872 5,227 1,142 7,006 2,424 3,011 1,568 784 13,893 1802 — 3 22,019 2,949 10,436 6,684 6,140 3,268 3,890 9,600 2,916 11,237 4,952 •5,177 2,100 2,543 83,8.02 1312 — 13 31,550 3,707 19,179 14,244 8,380 7,242 5,673 13,451 4,118 17,020 7,970 9,314 7,320 4,000 153,169 1813 — 14 34,181 3,631 21,047 13,648 9,484 8,948 5,711 14,080 5,707 17,838 9,807 9,220 7,077 f »,100 165.480 1814 — 15 30,269 3,599 21,572 10,942 9,064 9,266 6,298 12,946 4,631 17,529 7,942 9,726 0,396 e ti »,494 1 55,872 1815 — 16 30,229 5,666 27,821 13,297 11,186 6,363 6,102 11,572 4,941 19,254 7,062 6,124 3,458 0,036 159,712 1816 — 17 33,974 6,272 41,726 16,338 10,744 6,321 6,527 13,317 3,828 22,255 8,029 7,041 5,274 0,803 188,450 1817 — 18 39,072 7,081 35,348 16,901 12,264 7,494 6,400 14,927 5,768 22,741 10,364 13,149 7,179 6,891 205,580 1818 — 19 36,002 6,247 42,553 18,232 17,317 9,193 8,183 16,584 6,444 26,087 8,363 10,293 6,838 6,836 209,172 1819 — 20 37,277 6,464 40,374 17,498 14,850 6,176 6,805 19,069 6,903 25,464 8,411 12,331 0,593 3,804 212,084 1320 — 21 41,109 7,502 39,614 19,120 15,954 6,906 7,952 16,163 5,747 20,291 8,231 11,318 6,401 3,734 210,042 1821 — 22 37,979 6,052 28,888 15,530 *17,302 7,140 7,160 14,605 4,622 17,039 7,276 9,311 5,144 3,195 181,243 1822 — 23 35,238 4,864 25,206 13,457 13,669 6,874 10,953 12,201 4,229 16,481 7,304 10,114 5,480 3,068 168,228 l823 - 24 30,724 4,670 31,538 13,543 13,743 5,515 7,472 12,303 4,219 J 5,804 7,966 10,322 6,068 3,154 1 165,043 1824 — 25 30,550 5,333 28,112 12,240 15,572 5,301 9,153 12,259 4,129 15,544 6,810 8,494 5,691 1,110 162,306 1825 — 26 31,031 5,214 23,913 12,267 16,511 5,3e>8 8,752 12,016 4,513 15,638 7,548 7,684 5,711 3,338 159,494 1826 — 27 37,290 5,507 32,600 14,283 18,271 5,629 8,012 15,598 5,354 17,928 7,813 7,701 5,963 3,567 185,516 1827 — 28 36,420 5,832 30,844 13,584 17,039 6,054 8,151 14,548 6,130 18,269 9,218 8.554 7,029 3,082 185,350 1828 - 29 37,600 5,754 31,828 15,184 17,438 5,807 8,743 15,400 6,536 18,893 9,283 8,444 7,070 3,462 181,450 1 829 — 30 1830 — 31 1831 -- 32 Kstimated Ttltie of Real Property. £ 227,408 56,960 220,618 84,223 65,131 51,261 84.392 133,734 47,012 149,185 36,450 46,738 31, .500 27,007 1,261,619 i 1801 67,515 9,933 27,985 14,847 17,169 10,296 7,059 16,429 5,743 20,886 18,282 14,339 9,826 4,007 231,316 Popu- }l811 61,009 11,050 41,644 23,853 19,530 12,114 13,369 20,394 7,801 26,675 19,833 16,917 17,054 6,625 297,958 lation. } 1821 72,566 13,339 57,638 33,047 25,235 12,.523 17,876 23,819 9,2,54 1 31,233 20,818 20,712 17,008 8,1.85 363,253 f 1831 77,796 13,705 87,856 44,526 29,741 12,875 28,231 25,821 12,477 1 3-1,809 21,350 21,553 17,661 9,659 441,060 Tou n of Totrn of Toten of Tou n of 1 Town of City of Out Parks. Town of City of Tov'n of Town oJ City of Plymouth Years JAverfool Munchestr Salford Leeds Birminghni Aston She^^eld BristoU oj Bristol Hull T^oru'ich Nottinghm Leicester Coventry IfDavenp. £ J? jO £ -£ £ — T- ~£ 1775 — 6 3,044 dv 3,323 393 3,693 5,894 1,453 2,007 10,135 3,287 1,144 10,949 2,152 2,510 4,256 1,971 1785 6,118 4,770 557 4,397 11,384 1,891 2,825 13,627 2,429 1,872 13,397 3,313 3,052 5,596 2,494 1802 — 3 25,419 15,999 1,490 19,274 18,681 3,614 i),T2i 11,402 4,366 b,b'lA 17,048 9,939 7,477 9,764 8,194 1812 — 13 30,320 38,533 6,413 29,281 33,298 6,622 21,610 15,013 7,952 14,708 19,989 23,113 11,748 9,125 13,957 1813 — 14 26,204 27,684 5,059 27,229 30,214 6,935 16,714 14,096 9,506 14,906 18,456 16,782 14,315 8,829 15,219 1814 — 15 24,344 16,636 4,037 21,397 30,139 5,822 13,104 14, 468 7,508 12,710 16,543 15,616 11,803 7,202 16,220 1816 — 16 25,952 20,176 3,804 18,174 23,873 5,210 14,823 15,500 9,873 13,289 17,296 16,513 12,747 7,642 10,708 1816 — 17 34,932 48,846 7,783 20,963 37,523 6,699 22,062 15,500 10,547 14,187 23,043 22,089 18,693 14,415 17,411 1817 — 18 46,862 39,947 7,813 21,641 47,958 8,587 28,414 20,500 12,158 22,209 25,158 15,895 19,347 17,572 22,156 1818 — 19 42,328 27,436 7,110 20,677 38,222 5,830 19,967 27,500 12,666 23,992 17,874 15,240 17,155 12,952 24,048 1819 — 20 38,314 25,614 6,794 29.884 47,651 7,444 32,067 27,500 11,906 15,618 17,540 22,966 10,882 14,084 23,032 1820 — 21 33,732 23,421 5,149 28,147 40,521 6,416 32,386 24,621 11,739 15,369 16,608 14,943 9,230 13,856 23,978 1821 — 22 36,754 23,252 3,668 22,682 33,854 5,523 16,787 25,567 10,556 14,659 16,432 9,862 17,155 12,494 18,991 1822 — 23 29,492 19,754 4,651 20,824 27,549 4,491 11,750 25,669 9,788 14,306 17,336 7,143 10,822 10,782 58,778 1 823 — 24 26,937 18,848 3,619 21,813 33,848 3,926 11,918 21,882 9,710 13,296 16,863 7,535 9,230 10,725 21,783 1824 — 25 28,028 21,371 3,529 20,308 32,820 4,871 10,369 22,165 9,868 13,996 17,118 7,818 9,182 9,259 20,728 1825 — 26 27,352 25,134 3,949 21,739 37,153 5,444 9,846 23,851 10,241 14,763 22,482 10,014 9,393 9.917 23.293 1826 — 27 29,760 42,166 7,140 26,547 38,607 7,620 10,887 25,504 10,778 15,429 39,284 12,874 18,108 12,257 22,046 1827 — 28 29,256 32,054 6,766 27,136 45,884 6,073 12,071 22,683 11,573 15,048 36,240 14,503 14,673 10,888 21,583 1828 — • 29 27,201 29,501 6,253 27,717 41,111 5,699 12,621 20,151 11,100 15,210 17,347 13,604 13,164 11,024 21,090 1829 — 30 1830 31 1831 - - 32 Estimated Yelne of 589,140 308,634 49,048 166,231 247,088 53,142 75,217 209,488 103,772 77,903 72,481 42,336 57,390 57,779 192,547 ^ LSOI 77^653 70^400 13,611 53,162 60,822 11,69-4 31,319 40,814 22,831 22,161 36,832 28,861 16,953 16,034 45,194 Pop'i- } 1811 94;376 79’459 19,114 62,534 70,207 14,366 35,840 46,592 28,911 21,299 37,256 34,253 23,146 17,9-23 56.066 lation. 4 1821 11 8^972 108,016 25,772 83,796 85,716 19,189 4-2,1.57 62,889 34,890 28,.591 50,288 40,417 30,1-25 21,24-2 61,21-2 Cl831 16),lia 1)2,126 40,786 123,393 114,868 32,118 59,011 59,074 41,812 32,958 61,110 50,680 39,306 27,070 1 66,173 42 STATEMENT aUewing the Number of Houses, assessed to the House and Window Duty, with the Rental at which the Houses were assessed, in each of 10 Classes, from 1. 10 to 1. 400 annum, and upwards; and the Houses in 10 Classes, having 0 to 100 Windows, and upwards, in each of the Eight Great Metropolitan Divisions, within the County of Middlesex, and the Total of the County, in the Year ending the 5th. of April 1830 ; shewing also the Total Number assessed in the County of Middlesex, at Rentals of 1. 20 annum, and upwards, and having 10 Windows, and upwards, in the Year ending the 5th. of April 1823, and the Rate at whicli assessed for the llouso Duty. *,* According to this Statement, the N umber of Houses in Uie County of Middlesex, assessed to the House Tax at Rentals of L20 ^ annum, and upwards, have increased 12,.501, since 1823. In 1821, the Total Number of Houses Inhabited in the County of Middlesex, was returned at l.V2,'JG9, which in 1831, will probably have increased to 180,000; 495 of which being Farm Houses occupied by Tenants, are leaving upwards of 03,000 Houses below L10<{P an- num Rental : The Return of Houses assessed to Window Duty in 1823, was in Six Classes only, as follows. Viz. having from 10 to 14 Windows ; 15 to 19; 20 to 29 ; 30 to 39 ; 40 to 49 ; and 50. and upwards ; this Classification precludes a fair c mparison being made with the Return of 1830 ; but, as far as inference serves, the Number appears not to liave increased.— see following Rage, and Note thereto. |>: 5 » The Fif;itres at the head of the Columns refer to the Number oj the Parishes in the Topographical Arrangement of the Metropolis ;—see the same, fur Value of Property, Population, Hfc. of each. At Rentals of Crj O I'^IO 'I 15 20 30 40 50 GO 70 80 90 100 110 150 200 300 J f^l5 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 no 150 200 300 400 1^400 lij’ upicards Total No. of Houses Assessed. s ty fc; r^ioi I 1 20 ! 30 40 50 GO 70 80 90 100 110 150 200 300 L400 4- •^1.5 20 30 40 50 GO 70 r s i 80 "3 90 100 no 150 200 300 L400 upwards Total Rental Assessed £ r «n s r s X 1 11 16 21 26 31 40 50 75 Lloo Lioo tolQO^up. tal of Houses assess t‘) Window Duty. 11 1 ! 1(5 .21 1 126 ?- = ^ 31 40 50 75J - Cities of Holliorn Division. 1 St. Giles, 4: 1 St. George. 1 ItLouiiisbu)'} Finsbury Division. Tower Division. Kensington and Cheised Divisions. St. Mary- le-honne. Division,^. Nos. 26,72 |73, and lOG Nos. '15, 34, 3t 39, 107*9, 114 13, 35,40 fo 60, 134-5. London jWebtniinster j No. 28. Nos. 74 - 5. No. 7 1 . 940 1 ,239 1 [ 1,059 230 2,351 7,920 55 265 948 1 ,279 1,835 303 1 ,656 4,868 357 522 2,264 2,271 3,094 648 4,939 7,029 1,012 1,011 2,026 2,762 3,045 782 3,090 3,169 883 1,789 1,759 2,378 2.238 496 2,040 1,690 522 1 ,728 1,289 1,653 1,380 372 777 617 375 1,127 1,012 1,247 999 259 501 391 260 859 561 743 654 174 214 204 100 428 513 643 365 228 174 115 118 452 185 261 200 116 57 60 26 136 605 692 239 126 118 no 51 454 598 849 376 261 107 61 89 444 430 565 163 156 45 28 31 458 312 002 47 112 15 18 22 507 75 220 11 G . — 1 5 164 53 277 6 3 1 1 77 13,600 17,681 15,711 4,272 16,084 26,282 3,907 10,-421 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 10,762 14,539 12,823 2,686 27,813 92,613 723 3,046 15,789 21,259 29,053 6,007 28,153 81,729 6,518 8,871 50,969 51,058 67,814 15,175 121,536 154,249 25,745 23,426 65,167 90,292 99,078 25,629 103,034 101,158 31,250 57,823 73,230 99,652 93,908 21,114 84,406 69,688 23,376 71,778 65,741 84,857 70,442 19,332 39,672 31,341 19,668 57,349 61,649 70,757 61,288 15,957 30,725 23,741 16,v584 52,218 39,922 52,955 46,768 12,551 15,220 14,541 7,439 30,332 43,807 52,397 29,519 18,585 14,065 9,235 9,581 36,611 16,794 24,047 18,221 10,614 5,196 5,415 2,458 12,333 60,758 70.613 24,217 12,734 11,0(53 11,060 5,100 i 45,580 74,173 105,335 46,290 31,958 13,222 7,746 11,114 55,718 68,529 92,483 26,705 25,954 7,055 4,420 4,987 76,282 68,813 133,750 10,667 24,983 3,200 3,790 4,934 111,201 24,019 71,186 5,370 1,906 350 1,673 52,834 31,493 159,797 880 1.798 600 400 36,390 771,611 1,200,977 643,073 245,983 505,160 611,676 171,5.50 731,752 2,231 2,119 2,879 464 3,564 7,035 1,031 1 1,025 3,803 4,327 4,505 1,188 5,292 5,407 1,123 ! 2,481 2,602 3,027 2,644 819 1,605 1,635 762 1 2,359 1,410 2,147 1,252 516 552 519 367 ' 1,276 890 1 ,204 747 394 248 222 177 780 604 809 400 262 175 138 74 763 260 450 99 82 61 80 29 340 160 349 52 19 41 23 20 202 39 103 5 4 6 6 5 12 27 59 j 1 1 — 3 3 3 1^ 12,086 15,254 1 12,. 584 1 3,739 11,543 15,068 3,591 9,241 No. ‘1. 117 109 260 348 272 192 150 62 81 24 55 34 6 1,710 £ 1,339 1,826 6,027 11,497 11,411 9,792 9,118 4,400 6,624 2,177 5,569 4,063 966 Remainder of COUNTY. 1,747 1,216 1,510 840 426 254 191 87 131 19 97 44 35 8 6 1 TOTAL County of Aiiaaltsex, in llie Years ending tbe 5tt). of April 74,739 309 92 14 11 2 3 1 1 ,774 6,611 £ 1 9,652 19,991 33,282 26,755 17,564 12,838 11,574 6,055 10,561 1,723 9,715 5,496 5,500 3,920 1,040 450 186,816 1 ,599 1,352 729 406 242 263 144 123 29 24 1830. 15,923 13,093 24,038 18,734 13,549 8,036 5,869 3,227 2,850 1,084 2,547 2,863 1,917 1,643 487 419 116.279 £ 185,996 218,196 549.280 611,683 566,157') 411,032 I 359,611 ] 230,283 230,815 98,978 257,209 355,115 312,881 365,318 158,978 231,808 1823. 20,829 15,777 11,491 20,193 *3,371 * Prom 110 to IdO. 3,041 74,702 1/6 2/3 5,143,340 22,256 29,630 16,796 8,456 4,966 3,481 1,5(53 989 208 121 . 2/10 i Q 1,911 89,808 27,083 18,882 15,948 4,479 1 ,635 1 ,30() (59,333 The difftreuce of 1,342 in the Number of Windows, under the head of Inns of Court and Chaucci y is so many Chambers Assessed in those Instini'.ions 43 STATEMENT of the Number of Houses, assessed to the Hou»c and Window Duly, in each of the four remaiimur Divisions of Uio MKi'iiorous, in the Counties of Sukrky, Kkni’, and IvssKX, and tiie Total of the Metropolis; shewiiiff also tlie Number asses- sed to the like Duties in each of the Counties of I.aucnster, Somerset, Cloucester, and Sussex, as containing the greatest proportion of Houses assessed at liigli Ueiitals; the 'I’otals exiiihited in comparison witli the 'I’otal in eacli Class of assessment, in all Lnylund and M a/es, arranged to correspond with the Statement on the preceding l*age. •»* The Total Gross lieevipt of the House Duty in all Euyland and Wales, in the Year ending the bth. of January 1(530, as credited in the Finance Accounts for that Year, was 1. 1, ‘211,701 ; the proportion of the AJetrojwlis as exhibited below, being 1. 770,l(i(i, exceeds of the whole ; it is proper, however, to observe, in regard to this comparison, that the Duty on 1. 1 1 ,104,100 of Rental, in all Fnglo.nd and n fl/es, at the Rates of Duty, as exhibited on the preceding Rage amounts to 1. 1 ,327, 040; whether the difference of 1. HO, 1 10 arises from arrears, aivards on appeals, or from some other cause, cannot here be determined ; the difference deserves consideration, in forming an esti- mate of the proportion between the Metropolis, and all Fngland and Wales: the Rate of Duty on Windows, varies in a way to preclude the forming an estimate of the proceeds oj the Duty from the Statement below, but the fair inference is, that the proportion of Amount which the Windoxo Duty in the Metropolis, bears to the Duly in the whole oJ England and Wales, is about one-third. Brixloii Blackheath Bocoiitrec Total Counties of Total of tkt' j TurAL Connty of Borough of HiindretL Hundredj Hundred Lancaster Somerset 3 preveding 1 E.nc lamj and At Iten/nls of Midulbsbx Southwark Surrey Kent Jbssex Mb tropul.18 Gloucbst Sussex Columns i Wales. r^io' '^15 15,923 1,‘227 5,018 2,176 397 24,741 8,268 4,410 3,145 2,0‘20 42,584 116,030 15 20 13,093 802 3,841 1,061 307 19,104 4,766 3,052 1,644 1 ,‘200 29,766 66,394 ‘20 30 24,038 1,023 5,703 914 400 32,078 6,030 3, ‘226 1,619 1,312 44, ‘265 74,499 30 40 18,734 738 1 3,119 572 201 23,361 3,734 2,192 929 f97 30,916 44,909 Cq 40 50 1 13,519 453 1,841 299 125 16,267 1,966 1,007 483 418 ‘20,141 ‘26,027 Cc 50 V. GO 8,036 139 995 169 86 9,425 1,133 629 286 395 11,868 14,723 Ci GO 70 5,869 90 638 134 63 6,784 848 467 238 191 8,528 i 10,264 ^ ■< 70 80 3,227 66 388 73 29 3,783 467 330 169 147 4,896 5,640 00 90 2,850 51 267 81 34 3,283 353 333 157 98 4,224 4,817 90 100 1 ,084 18 110 25 12 1,258 176 156 85 36 1,711 1,891 100 no 2,547 25 177 66 55 2,870 240 280 126 148 3,664 4,093 g 110 150 2,863 21 140 24 30 3,078 281 289 132 94 3,874 4,091 150 200 1,917 3 82 16 22 2,040 95 141 43 34 2,353 2,494 ‘200 300 1,643 1 23 10 11 1,688 38 49 13 21 1,809 1,925 300 J ^400 487 1 6 3 3 500 8 2 6 5 521 551 ^400^ ' uptvards 419 — — — 419 3 5 5 2 434 438 Total JYo. of Houses ] Assessed. i 116,279 4,658 22,357 5,623 1,765 150,682 28,406 16,568 9,080 6,818 211,554 378,786 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ^«10^ '^15 185,996 14,724 59,163 24,958 4,600 289,341 94,863 50,536 34,703 22,861 492,304 1,316,738 15 20 218,196 14,363 64,745 17,653 4,951 319,908 79,438 50,554 26,929 19,304 496,133 1,095,127 20 30 549,280 24,201 127,066 20,165 8,718 730,030 139,229 71,937 35,947 28,857 1,000,000 1,679,082 30 40 611,683 25,117 100,2-17 18,088 6,323 761,458 122,414 70,696 29,861 22,249 1,000,078 1,455,113 40 50 566,157 19,553 77,011 12,335 5,140 680,196 83,151 41,758 20,086 17,239 842,430 1,087,064 50 60 411,032 7,259 50,793 8,517 4,342 481,943 58,836 32,129 14,557 19,977 607,442 753,346 Vs GO 70 359,611 5,636 38,992 8,193 3,210 415,642 52,442 28,662 14,506 11,691 522,943 628,804 70 y i -{ 80 230,283 4,757 27,684 5,200 2,075 269,999 33,683 23,571 12,061 10,364 349,678 402,789 80 ■s 90 230,815 4,191 21,558 6,536 2,731 265,831 28,837 27,003 12,672 7,894 342,237 390,076 90 100 98,978 1,723 10,778 2,270 1,091 114,840 16,148 14,171 7,665 3,246 156,070 172,464 0^ 100 110 257,209 2,524 17,770 6,605 5,505 289,613 24,304 28,334 12,624 14,860 369,735 ! 412,788 110 150 355,115 2,552 17,095 3,012 3,745 381,519 34,341 35,577 16,045 11,290 478,772 1 505,293 150 200 312,881 490 13,087 2,520 3,430 332,408 15,327 23,347 6,888 5,504 383,474 1 405,991 200 300 365,318 240 5,100 2,190 2,340 375,188 8,439 10,320 2,690 4,626 401,263 426,667 300 , L400 158,978 300 1,920 1,040 960 163,198 2,580 600 2,045 1,625 170,048 179,684 ^,400 4r upwards 231,808 — 231,808 1,800 3,714 2,695 1,250 241,267 243,083 Total Rental Assessed £ 5,143,340 127,630 633,609 139,282 59,061 6,102,922 795,832 512,909 251,974 202,837 7,866,474 j 11,154,109 - 8-1 11 22,256 1,306 4,828 1,232 448 30,070 8,903 5,189 3,567 3,264 50,993 ! 137,106 11 16 20,630 1,150 4,515 940 391 36,626 6,249 3,749 2,572 2,956 52,152 j 107,925 s 16 s 21 16,796 381 2,013 447 211 19,848 2,171 1,807 1,134 1,333 26,293 1 45,386 “i .21 26 8,456 120 749 203 119 9,647 825 1,019 654 685 12,830 1 20,674 126 31 4,966 47 346 134 76 5,669 427 793 430 296 7,515 1 11,796 31 40 3,481 28 221 104 97 3,931 295 464 253 222 5,165 8,445 C 40 "§ 50 1,563 7 87 71 51 1,779 139 156 122 92 2,288 4,250 60 75 989 4 bO 41 56 1,150 83 94 84 68 1,479 3,363 75. Lloo 208 1 5 10 13 237 29 25 26 27 344 1,044 SE3 _100 to 180 ^ up. 121 1 6 1 129 15 19 28 19 210 *856 Total of Houses assessed to Window Duty. CO p CO o CO 3,044 12,825 3,188 1,463 108,986 19,136 13,315 8,870 8,962 159,269 344,495 The difference between the details and Total of Houses assessed to Window Duty ia all England and Wales, is, 1342 Chambers in Inns of Court in London j 1243 do., in tbe UDivc»uity of Oxfoid ; and 10G5 In that of Cambridge.— Vide Pa». Papers, No?, 123-4, Session 1831. 44 Assessments to Income and Properly Tax, 1001 ; 1003; 1012; and 1015. Local Assessments, <§rc., 4'c. CO o CO X < t-i >- f- co w Cu o as P- 2 T3 A o Q «-2 ■g ^ oM e . ni 2; « ■r: cj c § J .«’o _ CA2 ec ^ "h o 5 00 rH -5 g; O s +-» c; V3 w = S 2 S C/2 ^ W J c« c/i ^ o •;: ^ d c .2 3 ."S o o S 2. .f '» i;S s ^ S “■ 3 I “2 ’fe "« 5 cc