MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS Edited by Charles A. Bennett, Professor of Manual Arts, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois COPING SAW WORK By Ben W. Johnson Supervisor of Manual Training, Seattle, Washington FOURTH EDITION THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS PEORIA, ILLINOIS 1916 « COPYRIGHT Ben W. Johnson 1908 The Manual Arts Press 1909 & //•a i; 37 /. 7 £ ~ b H ring from home patterr Puzzle Maps or Pic¬ tures. is or pictures of others made using scraps of wood. See who can de- Cottonwood. Where does it grow. Large drawing —pupils to copy by dictation on pa¬ per, then on the board. — * ♦ '• 6a. Pulleys. Weather- vanes (optional). Cottonwood. Brads, Y%" No. 20. Iron Wire, No. 16. Small stone. Large drawing to show the “lay out.’’ Patterns used. Wind-wheels. Conveyor. Light House. Cottonwood. Brass Tacks. Large drawing of cart. Pupils work from it by directions. Show how to “lay out.’’ | cigar boxes make good material for home work, i work.) Cottonwood or Cigar Box Wood (red cedar.) Large drawing of sup¬ ports. Patterns for fig¬ ures. Scales. Cottonwood. Large drawing of parts— patterns as indicated. h Cottonwood or Cedar or Spruce. Large drawing. Pupils copy. i ^portions of real furniture and reduce in size. 'Ferent children.) -w—----- Cottonwood or Cedar or Spruce. Large drawing. Pupils copy. MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS . means (given in the next column) used to convey this knowledge is a class model which all the children make under the careful supervision of the teacher to see that every child is forming the right habit in the use of the tools, and understands what he is doing and why he does it. The next step and a very important one, and the basis, I believe, of any successful method of education, is to give the child an opportunity to work out individually his newly acquired ideas in a field of choice as free as conditions will permit. He now faces a new situation. He must determine how to meet it. It is this repeated experience in the course that will aid in developing his power of initiative, and begin to form a habit of successful attack. Such a habit may even have a moral significance in the other experiences of life, though seemingly not re¬ lated to this one technical experience. To accomplish this, problems for individual selection are given as shown in the diagram. To aid the teacher and pupil, these problems are divided or grouped according to their dominant interest as well as according to their mechanical and technical difficulty. No attempt is made to “split hairs” in this analysis, but such problems are selected as will emphasize what the child should know and also tax his ability in applying it as far as he has been taught in the process. That we may not forget the child, the four dominant interests—play, home, school and industry interests, that actuate us all in anything we do, are given and the problems arranged under each according to which one it seems to serve best. Naturally in the fourth grade the play interest is dominant. But we must see to it that the others are not forgotten for the sake of the man and woman of tomorrow. The remaining two columns, as indicated, help the teacher in the choice of material and its use, and to know what drawing should be presented and executed. These problems for individual selection may be changed, or others added or substituted by both teacher and pupil, provided they are suit¬ able to the group in which they are placed. Thus the teacher is free to make the course meet local conditions and carry out her own initia¬ tive, untrammeled by a series of set models. Her only limitations are those imposed by her lack of skill, the requirements of the material and the best accepted processes used to embody the idea in that material. This plan also permits the bright pupil to work to full capacity unchecked by the dullest pupil and gives the slow pupil as much oppor- 14 COPING SAW WORK. IS MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. tunity as he can use; for as soon as the pupil finishes the class piece he goes to work at once upon the problem of his choice. If he is bright and capable, wise advice will lead him to select a problem well worth his ability. In fact, he may make several pieces before the class as a whole is ready to take up the next step together in the next class exer¬ cise. The sequence followed is indicated by the figures. This sequence is not one of technique solely, but of a constructive idea that passes from simple forms to more complicated expressions and the process is a means to this end. 16 COPING SAW WORK. The writer fully appreciates the difficulties of this plan of pre¬ senting many models that may be made compared with giving a sequence , of eight, ten or twelve models to be carefully followed. The limits of this paper do not permit of further detail concerning the way the point of view and methods of work are given to the teachers. The few of » the teachers who do not for one reason or another get hold of this plan do no worse than under the old formal lock-step method, and many who do not succeed with it are able to accomplish much more than for- 17 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. Conveyor Cof/no v3 '7b/Tern 3 merly, both in the amount and quality of the work, as well as in devel¬ oping a greater interest and power on the part of the pupil. This diagram course is the “chart” for the teacher “to steer by.” The necessary direction for making these models is given by means of hectograph sketches, some of which are here illustrated, and by monthly meetings with the teachers. The amount of interest a child may take in any activity is not al- 18 COPING SAW WORK. ways a sure indication of its success, as an educational means. But interest is the key that unlocks the world, and the line of greatest effort is that of deeper interest. The touchstone of life comes when the self- conscious mind perceives that interest awakened in one line, in the last analysis, touches all others, and that we may interest ourselves in any good thing we wish to. That the children, girls and boys alike, are interested one or two 19 MANUAL TRAINING REPRINTS. The TyyzAl ey 25 /r/ 'Ter'c.h. ~72> /77e/Y A ?YY/pj£ e/je, &/7/Y <^vy Y>/7Y~ aampajj. 6'x6 f - ~7a gerf YAez. J777/ra ?7. zfe. -a ^ /Tan a /a77'£.//77ar// Yr.7ryv 7b £ .4y7aY] 77b£ ^Y7Z/7-e- /77 c/jX /?£ /r£0\ry <£>/r0esaA 77 Yn/e?C A ~7%*L Y? £4/7 47 / 7 // 77?// ^JY/y/pa Y77~(L \77a/7'£, a/?/777r'e. /7£ae/ J> a7/7e/7as/ /'/a--<^ 77r Y*oYt for- ryasa/jY/r Ya/a? YYa /;/// oran zYe £c?jx- ef /oY/a *7y~a/7£. 7fci a/>-/ry> so 6/f*/r * instances will illustrate: In the mid-year a room lost its regular teacher and a substitute took her place for the balance of the term. The cop¬ ing saw lesson came a day or so later, before she could find out what and how to carry on the work of her predecessor, so she frankly told the children they would omit the lesson for that week. They protested, assuring her they could manage it all right and show her what to do. She was wise and anxious to learn from any source, so the hour went off with everyone very busy—profitable to all concerned. 20 COPING SAW WORK. In another school meritorious conduct and attendance is rewarded % by stars conspicuously placed, and when thirteen unbroken spots are covered they get a half holiday Friday. It happened the particular Fri¬ day was particular in other ways, and they would miss their coping saw * hour, so they voted to spend the holiday in school sawing wood. The soul-satisfying cry, “it works,” the cry that opens the way to still greater accomplishment, startled a principal in her office, the other morning, as a small boy rushed in, face and eyes shining and held to¬ wards her his “athlete” that would “perform” as he had made it to do. There is great value in some of our school work having a standard of excellence that even a small boy can appreciate. In conclusion the writer claims no originality for this work other than its adaptation to this situation. Most of the models used and the methods of the course and its analysis are the result of observations made of what others have done along similar lines. It is not the end, but only the beginning. 4 21 Books on the Manual Arts Design and Construction in Wood. By William Noyes. A book full of charm and distinction and the first to give due consideration to the esthetic side of wood-working. It is intended to give to beginners practice in designing simple projects in wood and an opportunity to acquire skill in handling tools. The book illustrates a series of projects and gives suggestions for bther similar projects together with information regarding tools and processes for making. A pleasing volume abundantly and beautifully illustrated. Price, $1.50. Handwork in Wood. By William Noyes. A handbook for teachers and a textbook for normal school and college students. The best reference book available for teachers of woodworking. A comprehensive and scholarly treatise, covering logging, sawmilling, seasoning and measuring, hand tools, wood fastenings, equipment and care of the shop, the common joints, types of wood structures, principles of joinery, and wood finishing. 304 illustrations—excellent pen drawings and many photographs. Price, $2.00. Wood and Forest. By William Noyes. A companion volume to “Handwork in Wood” by the same author. Especially adapted as a reference book for teachers of woodworking. Not too difficult for use as a textbook for normal school and college students. Treats of wood, distribution of American forests, life of the forest, enemies of the forests, destruction, conservation and uses of the forest, with a key to the common woods by Filibert Roth. Describes 67 principal species of wood with maps of the habitat, leaf drawings, life size photographs and microphotographs of sections. Contains a general bibliography of books and articles on wood and forest. Pro¬ fusely illustrated with photographs from the United States forest service and with pen and ink drawings by Anna Gausmann Noyes and photographs by the author. 309 pages. Price, $3.00. Manual Arts for Vocational Ends. By Fred D. Crawshaw. A valuable addition to the present day literature on the problem of industrial education. It is a strong and convincing plea for the development of the present school machinery to serve the ends of vocational education. It treats the problem in a practical way giving concrete working helps and is a source of inspiration to manual arts teachers. and others interested in the problem. Price, 85 cents. Handwork Instruction for Boys. By Dr. Alwin Pabst. A philosophical and historical review of manual training for boys and a discussion of the systems in vogue in the several European countries and in America by the director of the normal school for teachers of manual training at Leipsic. With plates showing typical manual training workshops. Price, $1.00. Handcraft in Wood and Metal. By J. Hooper and A. J. Shirley. A valuable reference book on craftwork in wood and metal. It treats of historic craftwork, materials used in handcrafts, designing, decorative processes, the historic development of tools, the theory of the cutting action of tools, and the equipment of the school workshop. It is notable because of its application of design to handwork. Beautifully bound and abundantly illustrated. Price, $3.00. Wood Pattern-Making. By Horace T. Purfield. A clear, concise treatise on the fundamental principles of pattern-making. It presents the best methods of construction and those most easily understood by the student. It is not arranged about a course of problems but may be used with any course. A practical text for high school, trade school, technical school and engineering college students. Written by an experienced pattern-maker and teacher of pattern-making and kindred subjects. Price, $1.00. Essentials of Woodworking. By Ira S. Griffith. A textbook written especially for grammar and high school students. The standard textbook on elementary woodworking. A clear and comprehensive treatment of wood¬ working tools, materials, and processes, to supplement, but not to take the place of the instructions given by the teacher. The book does not contain a course of models; it may be used with any course. It is illustrated with photographs and numerous pen drawings. Price, 75 cents. Beginning Woodwork, At Home and in School. By Clinton S. Van Deusen. A valuable textbook for rural schools, by one who has made a special study of the manual training problems in the country school. A full and clear description in detail of the fundamental processes of elementary benchwork in wood. This description is given through directions for making a few simple, useful articles, suitable either for school or home problems. The book contains more than one hundred original sketches and ten working drawings. Price, $1.00. Projects for Beginning Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing. By Ira S. Griffith. A work book for the use of students in grammar grade classes. It consists of working drawings and working directions. The projects are such as have proven of exceptional service where woodworking and mechanical drawing are taught in a thoro, systematic man¬ ner in the seventh and eighth grades. The aim has been to provide successful rather than unique problems. The 50 projects in the book have been selected and organized with the constant aim of securing the highest educational results. The book is especially suited for use in connection with “Essentials of Woodworking” by the same author. Price, 75 cents. Advanced Projects in WoodAvork —Furniture Making. By Ira S. Griffith. This book is similar to “Projects for Beginning Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing,” but is suited to high school needs. It consists of fifty plates of problems and accompanying notes. It is essentially a collection of problems in furniture making selected and designed with reference to school use. On the plate with each working drawing is a good perspective sketch of the completed object. In draftsmanship and refinement of design these problems are of superior quality. It is in every respect an excellent collection. Price, 75 cents. Furniture Design for Schools and Shops. By Fred D. Crawshaw. A manual on furniture design. A book that will stimulate and encourage. designing and initiation on the part of the student. It contains a collection of plates showing perspective drawings of typical designs, representing particular types of furniture. Each perspective is accompanied by suggestions for rearrangements and the modeling of parts.. The text dis¬ cusses and illustrates principles of design as applied to furniture.. A practical and helpful book that should be in the hands of every teacher of cabinet making and designing. Price, $1.00. Problems in Furniture Making. By Fred D. Crawshaw. The revised and enlarged edition of this well-known book, contains 43 full-page working drawings of articles of furniture. Every piece shown is suitable for construction in high school classes, and is appropriate and serviceable in. the home. In addition to the working drawings, there is a perspective sketch of each article completed. There are 36 pages of text giving notes on the construction of each project, chapters on the “Design, and “Construction” of furniture, and one on “Finishes.”. The last chapter describes 15 methods of wood finishing, all adapted for use on furniture. Price, $1.00. Problems in Woodworking. By M. W. Murray. A convenient collection of good problems consisting of forty plates of working drawings of problems in bench work that have been successfully worked out by boys in one of the grades from seven to nine, inclusive. Price, 75 cents. Problems in Wood-Turning. By Fred D. Crawshaw. A textbook on the science and art of wood-turning. Contains 25 full-page plates of working drawings covering spindle, faceplate, and chuck turning. It gives the mathematical basis for the cuts used in turning. A helpful discussion of the principles of design as applied to objects turned in wood. It is a clear, practical and suggestive book on wood¬ turning, and a valuable textbook for students’ use. Price, 80 cents. Workshop Note-Book—WoodAvorking. By George G. Greene. A small-size textbook and note-book combined. It furnishes a few general and extremely important directions about tools and processes; and provides space for additional notes and working drawings of exercises and articles which the pupil is to construct. . It is essentially a collection of helps, ideas, hints, suggestions, questions, facts, illustrations, etc., which have been prepared by a practical teacher to meet a real need in his own shop.. The note¬ book is full of suggestions; shows a keen insight into subject matter and teaching methods and is an effective teaching tool. Price, 15 cents. Manual Training Toys for the Boys’ Workshop. By H. W. Moore. A popular boys’ book that is truly educational. The book contains in pages, 35 of which are full-page plates of working drawings illustrating 42 projects. All the projects are overflowing with “boy” interest, are well adapted to the upper grades of the elementary school and are new in the manual training shop. The text treats of tools and tool pro¬ cesses and gives instructions for making each project. Price, $1.00. Kitecraft and Kite Tournaments. By Charles M. Miller. An authoritative and comprehensive treatment of kitecraft. The book deals with the construction and flying of all kinds of kites, and the making and using of kite accessories. Also aeroplanes, gliders, propellers, motors, etc. Four chapters are devoted to presenting a detailed description of kite flying tournaments. Abundantly illustrated and attractively bound. Price, $1.00. The Construction and Flying of Kites. By Charles M. Miller. . This contains twenty-two illustrations, including seven full-page plates of drawings of kites—over forty kites shown. Details of construction given, a kite tournament is described. Full of interesting suggestions. Price, 25c. Selected Shop Problems. By George A. Seaton. A collection of sixteen problems in woodworking. Each problem has been put to the test and has proven satisfactory to the teacher who designed it and to the pupil who made it. Price, 20 cents. Coping Saw Work. By Ben W. Johnson. Contains working drawings and suggestions for teaching a course of work in thin wood that is full of fun for the children, and affords ample means for training in form study, construction, invention and careful work. Has been called “applied mechanics for the fourth grade.” Price, 20 cents. Problems in Mechanical Drawing. By Charles A. Bennett. A students’ textbook consisting of 80 plates, classified into groups according to principle and arranged according to difficulty of solution. It furnishes teachers of classes beginning mechanical drawing with a large number of simple, practical problems which have been selected with reference to the formation of good habits in technique, the interest of the pupils and the subjects generally included in a grammar and first-year high school course. Each problem is given unsolved and therefore in proper form to hand to the pupil for solution. Price, 75 cents. Effective Methods in Mechanical Drawing. By F. H. Evans. A practical textbook of drafting methods. The methods presented are those which meet the requirements of speed and practical effectiveness as sought in commercial drafting. The book deals with “The Geometry of Drafting” and “Kinks and Short Cuts,” including a simple and practical method of making working drawings of bevel gears. The book is essentially a reprint of selected sections of “The Drafting Room Series,” a larger work by the same author. Cloth bound, price, 50 cents. The Drafting Room Series. By F. H. Evans. A modern and successful textbook, rich in content, practical in methods and extremely adaptable in form. The result of a new analysis of the processes of practical drafting by an experienced draftsman, engineer and teacher. PART I. Reading Machine Drawings. Is of special value to beginners and those who wish to learn to read drawings. PART II. Machine Drafting. Treats of drafting room methods, including detailing, checking and tracing, and the best use of drawing instruments and materials to obtain practical results. PART III. Interference of Moving Parts and Tooth Gears. Contains an entirely new presentation of gears, avoiding technical language and difficult formulae, yet going to the bottom of the matter with perfect clearness. It consists of 54 cards and 3 pamphlets of standard filing card size, 5x8 inches, in a filing box. The form is convenient, practical and capable of unlimited expansion. Price, complete, $2.00. Mechanical Drafting. By H. W. Miller. A textbook on mechanical drawing, for first year engineering and advanced high school students. It supplements the work of the instructor in such a way as to reduce lecture work to a minimum. It is written about a flexible course, but may be used equally well with any course. The book abounds in illustrations, both line drawings and half-tones. It shows a wise selection of material, a keen insight into the work of the draftsman, and a thoro knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching. Above all it is a practical treatment of subject matter and a students’ text easily adaptable to varied schools and conditions. Contains 2x9 pages and 225 illustrations, and is bound in black flexible leather, pocket book size. Price, $1.50. Simplified Mechanical Perspective. By F. F. Frederick. A textbook of simple problems covering the essentials of mechanical perspective. It is planned for pupils of high school age who have already received some elementary training in mechanical drawing. It is simple, direct and practical. Price, 75 cents. Practical Typography. By George E. McClellan. A remarkable textbook for students of printing. It contains a course of exercises ready to place in the hands of pupils, and explains and illustrates the most approved methods used in correct composition. A valuable feature of the book lies in the fact that in the early stages of the course the pupil sets up in type a description of what he is doing with his hands. It contains 63 exercises, treating of composition from “Correct Spacing” to the “Making up of a Book,” and the “Composition of Tables.” Price, $1.50. Art Metal Work. By Arthur F. Payne. A textbook written by an expert craftsman and experienced teacher. It treats of the various materials and their production, ores, alloys, commercial forms, etc.; of tools and equipments suitable for the work, the inexpensive equipment of the practical craftsman; and of the correlation of art metalwork with design and other school subjects. It describes in detail all the processes involved in making articles ranging from a watch fob to a silver loving-cup. It gives new methods of construction, new finishes, new problems. It is abundantly and beautifully illustrated, showing work done by students under ordinary school conditions in a manual training shop. The standard book on the subject. Price, $1.50. The Wash Method of Handling Water-Colour. By F. F. Frederick. A brief, clear, comprehensive text printed in sepia and illustrated with wash draw ings and a water-color painting by the author. Price, 50 cents. Classroom Practice in Design. By James Parton Haney. A concise, up-to-date, richly illustrated brochure on the teaching of applied design. Price, 50 cents. Inexpensive Basketry. By William S. Marten. A teachers’ manual presenting in detail the processes of coiled basket construction. The book gives a complete treatment of the necessary equipment, and the preparation of raw materials, and outlines a course for grades three to six. In addition it contains a bibliography of books and magazine articles treating of basketry. It is unique among books on basketry, as it shows by a series of excellent photographs every step in the construction of coiled baskets. The illustrations “really illustrate” and show the hand full-size in the different positions assumed in making a complete basket. Price, 25 cents. Paper and Cardboard Construction. By G. P. Buxton and F. L. Curran. A book of special value because of the fund of information, and the excellent selection and classification of material. It is a handbook for teachers covering book problems, box problems, card problems and envelope problems for the first four grades. It outlines courses, gives detailed working directions, and suggestions concerning equipment, supplies and methods of teaching. Illustrated with photographs and complete working drawings of each problem. Price, $1.50. Leather Work. By Adelaide Mickel. A manual on art leather work for students, teachers and craft workers. It gives detailed descriptions of the various processes of working, treating of flat modeling, embossing or repousse, carved leather and cut work. It is well illustrated with photographs of finished work and working drawings of twent}' useful and beautiful articles suitable for school and home work. Price, 75 cents. Olay Work. By Katherine Morris Lester. This book was written by a grade teacher and art worker to help teachers in acquiring the technique of clay working, and to give them suggestions concerning the teaching of the several types of clay work suited to pupils in the elementary schools. It covers the study of natural forms, the human figure in relief, and the round, animal forms, story illustration, architectural ornament, tiles, hand-built potter}', and pottery decoration. The book is richly illustrated with more than fifty half-tone and line cuts showing processes, designs, and the work of children from ten to twelve years of age. Price, $1.00. Handicraft for Girls. By Idabelle McGlauflin. A handbook for teachers, detailing a five-years’ course in sewing for girls in the public schools. Chapters on stitches, fibers and fabrics, cloth and cardboard construction, basketry, dress in its relation to art, and home furnishing. It is definite enough to be thoroljr practical and elastic enough to suit the varied conditions in rural, village or city schools. Price, $1.00. Manual Training and Vocational Education. A magazine of “quality.” The professional journal of the teachers of manual, voca¬ tional and industrial education. It publishes practical articles on the ways and means of “doing things.” It discusses vital problems in teaching the manual arts and presents the best current thought on the development of manual training and vocational education. To the inexperienced teacher, it is valuable in solving numerous problems, and to the experienced teacher, it is a means of keeping abreast of the times. It is ably edited, attractively printed, and well illustrated with photographs and drawings made especially for its pages. Published monthly except July and August. $2.00 a year; Canada $2.25; Foreign $2.50. Problems in Farm Woodwork. By Samuel A. Blackburn. A collection of 100 practical problems relating to agriculture and farm life. Ac¬ companying each of the full-page plates of working drawings is a page or more of text treating of “Purpose,” “Material, “Bill of Stock,” “Tools,” “Directions” and “As¬ sembling.” A valuable book for students and teachers of manual arts and agriculture and for the boy on the farm. Price, $1.00. Books on the Manual Arts. A bibliography listing and describing all the standard books, and the best of the recent publications, free on request. Published by THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS, PEORIA, ILLINOIS