University of Illinois Library. Reference department. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE RECALL OF JUDGES Prepared November, 1912. I University of Ill ir: is Library. )*' Reference department. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE RECALL OF JUDGES. Prepared November, 1912, Question:- Resolved* That the recall cf state and local judges by popular vote is desirable, NOTE:- This bibliography is limited to material not in eluded in -the U. S. Library of Congress list. Bibliegraphies. 321.4 qC33r Central debating league. The recall (excluding judges). 1912. p,04-38, 301.4 1192 i Pol,sci. Munro, William Bennett, ed. The'initiative, referendum and recall, p.342-48. 1912. ©lo,5 Reeder, Charles Welle. BU The reca’1 of public officials, A select list of April, 1912. references. (Bulletin of bibliography. April, 1912, 7:5-2). 345 W7 5 v. 12 Schaffner, Margaret Anna, The recall. 19c?. (Wisconsin free library ccmmission. Comj>arative leg!s1ation bulletin, no.12). ol6.3214 U. S. Library of Congress, qUn3a Select list of references on the initiative, referendum and recall. 1912. • ■ - • ; a - t, Note:- The current numbers of the American political science review, Equity series, the National municipal review, and the Public should be consulted for information concerning the spread of the recall movement, GENERAL, 342.73 Ae3a Pc 1.sci. 3-42.72 G62e Pol.soi. Ashley, Roscoe Lewie. The recall, 191o, p. 3o). BOOKS. (see his American government. Gcodnovv, Frank J. Constitutionality of political reform. (see hio Social reform and the Constitution. 1911. p.224, 226-28). • .... ; . /• • V .''- 1 ;• •• s r 1 ! t .faz&rti, ■ -it "T'> y>t£& . vinXJ Gn ••I . m t , ■» "i t Y&Ym t / • - K ; :ti2 \o tins*.* eiJ ’ . -yl • a.;I -: r>. ■> i j.-,uG o i'M j h * x $ frc v ■ i’s* I y\ * ,*> .'*■ '•* *4> ° t, - . ' ' ■ - - ; », * *> ... . __ ' -■ *ws*3a' j y io y- i.?J 11 /J fit I:3iH rl< ■< M ■•‘M , •-. • : , • -y; o■ .■■: :>• "'i* v. < 4 AX . J .3 j Ac eel £*ri£ir?<3 ■ X , ! t ■ 03 i i £X [: ,;• I f 0 X y ) f .a. : 5X ."j £i? 1- .1 V# c- Iv.* Ov fc* sV- _,r* .SJS«I ' ' £ J . i S5J % " Af ?• % fr >Jt ’'I ' V. v • li • >*i. ‘v ' AtfW'Ai •» r • V * i i i. .... - -jv. i J.A>rxy • 1 Jilts*n tU'iqk ,vrfYo ni1-,lf?ra) ' o r> u r.T 7 - . " , .s *««'•.>*f ts>* .SX£I , Xx-r xA ■S £:» f * ' i ?$ ;-Ar> fcjii * V * S1 * $ ■ lilt : f .i I: ■ 3 0 l ev £■'■ ■ z r i.Xj 0 t ■' ' 13 ■::, ZXy'iO 0 X7- '■ t Of i *. Y 0 t% £T i 3 np s 0 XW ) .:■ ' .T ...A . ‘ .XI ':'T .' riT a^s •Y# d ‘yW ^ .v ■+ < • -■ . *; ?~ r~ t , -- »• '' -0 V < x. -xnj ,• 4»X,;€/j£o i-j in YYrvuAs-'-v? i 0 t £ > { 5-^ a x^r r ^ r - .siex p f i " ■ ■ ” —.... xfl j* A'/^D ;y T £ihb tY.i/ba«.Y/al ft*x -•: . ? * * V ^ X if i; ' 1 ^ ^I J&nO i *t .SE ft , r £j t i». t i T Y.3 V V • i ;..S >9 ,’ 7 s^ Y r ? • £Jl^OACXi IT;" Xii‘ tol hB^IuUfiOO oY bXu-oYu OiX.-.Y.YT . J . •■ 0filX-v ■ I i ,■ • Y'■■•• ■ •. x Y > r,;.f! y q:,• YdX / '9 . T '• vxo . a ? ‘i :;. vea ;;• » XT - • A Jt ;> Y A J *& ■ ■■ jJ -■ A'X '• x V -. £Y « «X ’ ,:, 7 X. « fT . ■ -.1 jS6!2?. YY . I O' > 8 ) XGj. I /?! t c • f. Vo t*l 1 • - - ’ •', . . ": • * Cl * ' -• ;/-% ■•. ■• ^ ^ ^ Y* » »•- ^ ,• o.aXooG * ^ ■ al.f *ii£ ■.: . i. I 347.o6 IL 1912 Illinois state bar association. Result of vote on the recall, (see its Pro¬ ceedings, 1912. v. 36 , p.375). 352,o7731 Lissner, Meyer. C493 The recall in operation.(in Los Angeles). v.4 (Chicago city club bulletin. 25 April, 1911. Pol.sci. 4:7o). 32o Lcs Angeles, Cal. Charter. KISr Section of the charter of Los Angeles providing for the recall. (Kaye, P.L. Readings in civil government 191o. p.526-27). 342.73 Ohio. State library, Columbus. 0h3d Digest of state constitutions. 1912. p.127- 128, 145-51). The recall, (American year book, 191o. 1911. p,151 152). (American yearbook, 1911. 1912, p.167-68, 184). (New international yearbook, 1911. 1912. p.72-7 3, 236, 785-86). 342 . 73 Sm6 Pol.sci. Smith, J, Allen, The recall, ment. 19o7. (see his Spirit of American govern- p,351). 328,7 31 IT. Uii34 v.48, Pt.2 S, Congress, H.J. Resolution 227, Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States making the federal judiciary elective and subject to recall. (Congres¬ sional record. 62d Cong. 2d seas, 24 January, 1912. v.48, Pt.2, p.1361). 328.731 - Un34 S.J. Resolution 13o proposing an amendment to the 5 Aug.1912 Constitution providing that judges of the inferior courts shall be subject to recall. (Congressional record. 62d Cong. 2d sess. 5 August, 1912, 48:lo962. Unbound edition). 3 -0 'I*! ■ (bn) r f i L t i . *. V * / J r> v . .. r. £ V , • - • . d *. - • v ClQi$B£00&&& a ,-; .J. ' «r ~ £.-> ■* A TT *t / • 't t • f a * ->r J.'*d3 3 ,£ fjl ^ saaita >ai I11 V . 'K JI ( 3$, f-aS ac J r r) I E X t I.;-i:i& - # %SV#M . XOil , ig| t.t'i'•■ ill ix^oa XtsIIirdJf dvlb yrHc y:> X xy x o rt i s>- i i - : b t>n , ? X 1 « - J? : ~-3Sc.q sClr.l v&r \ t> I . cf . >1QL :- f -7 r ..0 ,.Y r .a -X. ill ad£d3 »aaox^J.ti.tBaoo ».d , l i.*'• ’i j X .10 ?. ,v-a r,£dO -iai.q . ax ,ti i 0 Q d T£> o v n X: 0 IT •:■» «A) ,1Ifdot aiT .{aai . -a X if [ .ioocSdLF&Y n^^xio^A) .{a,I t ae-d la; riex t Sxnottearatai *»K) ■ . , ■ ■ ■ •xzievog • ii ) . { Xdd ,q , a e 1 1 - k . 11 x 091 ©XT ,do€I t d t i ff'3 , da&«i , & idC ,io© .Jo *3 buf dxxiJ aniJbc v o t ■•, :ioIdr ■ x-1 ^no' fi J"T Cfv X od dosr->'i.' i ad Il/de [jfB !,x' J .;tn ;0 5•'••£;a .t^ooe'! : L c . 3SE 3 * 311,4 Wilcox, Delos F. W64g Majority rule- The initiative, the referendum and the i Pol,sci. recall combined, (see his Government bv all the people. - 1913, p,131-313), a •ml *321.4 ' --- *64g The reoi'll. (see his Government by all the people. Pol,ci, 1912. -.199-' 27). • pal * * i.n&„ I'tily 12 ; 2 -.a- < -i 1 PER TOPICALS, 3c5 PU 14 June,1912 Pol. sci. Aivi »cry recall for federal judges. (Public. 14 ^une, 1:.L . l-:5 r '3-54). ' ® v ' ' *5* MO% hfe t ,* ib‘ 12. X ! 9L»9~c‘ 11 - 352.05 Defects in the recall. (Pacific municipalitiee. 5o March, PA 1212. 36:139). 3o March,1312 Delaying statehood and the veto of judges. (Review of reviews Sept amber, 1311. 44;264-66). •1 l . , , V . ji . ^ i. « ‘ ’ • • - _ ’ ' • •- ' > A-'r ' \y{ f i- 3o5 Direct legislation in Texas. (Public. 23 Fobruarjr, 1312. PU ' 1:1 o-Sl). 23 Feb, 1812 Pol,sci. Law Eddy, Arthur. The recall of Juigse. (Ghicago Segal news, 6 April, 1912. 44:274-76). 3o5 Flection re ts-Jinicial recall, (Public, 15 November, PU 1912. 15: lo6c). 15 Nov,1918 Pol,sci. 320.5 Extension of the recall in Arizona, (Equity series, v, E October, 1913. 14:153-58). ' Oct.1812 Pol.eci. 3o5 Initiit.ive, referendum and recall in Taras. (Pi c, PU 29 March, 1912. 15:299). . 29 Mirch, 1912 Pci.sci, * 3o5 The judicial recall in Arizona. (Public. 3 May, 1912. PU “ 15:419). 3U2ay, 1912 Pol.sci. 32o.5 E « . ■ . < J. - " t / DC nr 9rfJ ibiijii mbn^ts'i t\y cm Li ,o-/l arff -a ten fl'■■•'). o£*M‘ • is i qo •■•• q * i * X ; ♦. v d #n n •" >; t-■.* ■ a : - n s) ' . .-.'V; ifr-J ; / '; i t ** ■ or . is • r b 3H,3? ' C'' ,r .■* : .i .? it • ! r x. ; .v »T'v;> r ’ a in £i>Dtt i1Sf¥ .-v ; -■••■!.- .aiLi »» . : or. , . ’, r a d J' , t ■" q I v/ * ft? v * « **f * .L .* I? ; J t& a'- 'rc ? ££#op? •vyo-ilvt-A A - X: ■/ ». . I uq *1 . o . f > t T at .axi / L . : n * -a .- fr’M -: c l) , Vli-sea. ' ! .' hi * ,* n;• '*cCl i'o-,: dS A n . :.'•{; ;rx •'fgi ...- w * „ •rf - j, ^ A f -»• w © % 9 i* V9 r X ^ 0 W *' l V 3 ft} fc, x& : i ■ .< - . <• >t< . )S;># USX *T^rfsnaT- td f X ^ fiXoC? » ••’ , l': Line.: :>% C-4 , a C .oT) . 5 »* 3? n r. no i .f * f : :> a i j a ©i M , ? X - -o X: r SiCX.idt L. '♦ ; ' . ■:' ' c ' .W D(l i'%&■'■' K vi' ' t0 £ C/.ost tffiT ,sxer t lLiqA D t 'ixc'inw^I 01 , • . ♦XX.foor L' iviiuX f -Qj'y&&i noiiC’5/3 , (o9ol:$1 ... ro f 4 -''j .C • ■ v , v tf trq 'SJQ£,V0« d£ , i Of , .’ . 7 y.tia , } ,rn i?.rti. -:i f T? no 7 e !.t a noi xv$> ~. C • (- / . - •'. ■<■ X t 'V, ;• *5 4 oC X CU t, da: .art au'0; sit } »> «U - < * «• do 6 trq * H t- th ■ f .%,a -v > J l • * A i .0.0 *c 4 32o.5 King, George Judson. E Arizona replies to President Tift, (Equity April, 1912 series. April, 1212. 14:54-55). Poltsci. 352.05 Locke, William J. PA . A review of the city charters adopted in California 31 July, 1912 during the past two years, with com/pen to. (Pacific municipalities. 31 July, 1912. 20:337, 339-41). 352,o5 Mason, Edward F. NA Learning tc use the recall, (National municipal Oct.1912 review. October, 1912. 1:659-61), Pol. aci. 32o.5 E Oct.1912 Pol.sci. Present status of the state wide recall in the United States, (Equity series, October, 1912, 14:15o-53). ■ davvjb bar s. s ood x oij . 0 uly a*.', 11. t, is*, Happard, William E, The initiative, referendum and recall in Switzer¬ land. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science. September, 1912. 43:126-27, 129, 134-35). i : : ■ . ■ 3; •. ' ic r i '' ' *. Law Sohroeder, Theodore. Social justice and the courts. (Yale law journal. November, 1912. 22:25-29). 3o5 Smith, Joe, PU The recall in Seattle. (Public. 17 Febru- v, 14 ary, 1911. 14:151-53). Pol.sci. 3o5 - PIT The recall in Tacoma, (Public. 26 May, v. 14 ’-1911. 14:4 3d— 89), Pol.sci. Still bombarding the judiciary. (Current literature. March, 1913. 52:355-58). ?iiup3) ,nc aJiu'C ©£ r *■■ •* ; f ’ i£ r JL m r-fto erf# to- KiW't ‘ . „ rnf , -.., V jin «Vfat ?^- ^ 0 rfjt* or# #«q *•'# ai3X *' tm >%* onto&V • ” .,K,T fi - £8 ■ ,x Li; l"' « 1 ‘ 5B U c » *. _,’,r \ f f £.;«- s «i*r <•» -f f' ‘QTr. tj 0'$ SttlJtn*? . • : ' • ' .v 0 l^d’X ES , rJ „ ^i.,0 s -. «i I If,os? efel* •#*#• erf# *•«$»*• * n6BSiq < m Is L.toO * .: , r. :.q t '■> r' • i»C 't .UCI :«C , I OJ , i. ’ .••X ,forc'?q»a -«.t*r8 ni X£*®** b«* mt****t*r f *ri >*»*"* ««* f t , t s. ~ v yr-M•) }" ft &0 L%&Wh 0U# A0 <> A '••■ iA.&J *’ . ;V -- '■•{• -'■' ••*. VJ ‘ « • ■-■ i ,9 9 it .e-.ot-ifdT ,T&i jorrfeE ■ ' '' -3..: ;, . .lex t v>- «voH w/-JC > i . o if. £ jj*5 } ,eo!. , K *a rci ilBbteZ- ®r- T f—>_r a: ; I .ii5i , a? -• So .■ th £ I* v i: o e .: a-i ■> «v t *i A '* :£s . c i i ■ .JMlOOiST .1 o??x odT .(es- 4a X r -• \ v • . TTH ?v f . •' , I r . •: . • -; (X ^n®nu^) \ 1 "*■ .-liUitHJt 9(11 ili#3 . . . •X .rforeM 3 " 32o, 6 AM v. 8 Pol.sci. FAVORABLE. BOOKS. Croly, Herbert. State political reorganisation. (American political science association. Proceedings, 1911, v. 8 , p, 133). AM Feb.1912 Supplement Pol.sci. Same in American political science review. February, 1912. Supplement, p.133. 34?. 06 IL 1912 Goodwin, Clarence N. The recall of judges, sociation. Proceedings, 1912. (Illinois state bar as- v.36, p.243-45). Ref,desk Manahan, James. The recall of judges. Address before the Minnesota state bar association, July 19, 1911, (U. S. 62d Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc.941). 32o,6 AM v.e Pol.sci, 32o, 5 AM Feb, 1912 Supplement Pol.sci. Ref,desk Taylor, C. F. A glaring error in certain Senate documents oppo sing popular government, (U. S. 62d Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc.651). Rowell, Chester H. ’ Remarks on Mr. Herbert Croly*s paper on State poli¬ tical reorganization. (American political science association. Proceedings, 1911, v. 8 , p,148-5o). Saije article in American political science review. February, 1912, Supplement. p,148-5o. 347,o6 IL v.36 Law Wanamaker, R. M. Addresses on the recall of judges. (Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1912. v.36, p.174- 189, 251-58). Part of same in Chicago legal news, 18 May^ 1912. 44:321-24. Law Part of same in Central law journal. 75:28-33. 12 July, # 3J5TAHOVAt .8X003 3 ,oS£ MA 8.t .ios .103 3 ,o££ alk siex.cf83 InefnaXqqnS .xas ,Xo3 M 90H8TBXO t nxwbooX) 3o.?££ -Ofi tjscT slBls aioniXXl) .assbuQ lo XXbost ed? JI .\cM>~££S t q ,3£.v .oX0X , agrtx baa oortS .no i .lexooo 3X01 ,a9flUBt» t xi£rfj6aBM d89b,lofi x.loasnniM aril snored aaaxbbA .asg&ut 1o IIsoqt sxlT .3) ,IX9X , 8X YIxjL ,noi\+6iooas£ x£d aljsls . CXAO.ocCI ,9d£n9'3 .8898 bS .gnoO bS6 .JlSdlsH 4 yXO‘i0 aBoxx9mA) .noil; si'a^Toes -ffioxliXoq al&J8 ..vXOI t s§nib99ooi3 ,aoxl£i:cos8.8 eonaioa Xjeoilxloq . (££ X . q < 8. v .V79XVST sonsioa XBoxliXoq aBoxTemA ai • £SX.q .Jtnome Cqqxf3 .SX9X , y^ 6 ^^ 9 ^ •H 13^89(10 , XXswoH 3 ,oS£ *i!oq .18 ao X9q£q e 1 yXonD l-xoa'ieH ,tM no * 1U son9xoe Xb oi 1 xXoq aBoxx&mA) .aoilBsx nB^xosi Xsoxl 8.v * (oS-SAI ,q ,8.v ,XXGX ,agflibaaooxq .nox IsiooaBB .xos.Xo^ ©cnoxoa XBoxliXoq nfioixemA nx eXoilxB 9 $.cS c ,o3 £ .□3-8AX .q .InsmsXqqtxS ,SX0X t yxELfXde^ .w sivez MA sxex .cf9 r ii JaemeXqqi/S .i: os .X08 .0 t xoXyBT desb.leH -oqqo alnamnoob elBnoS niBliso nx ioxts gfiixeXg A »8.".98 bS ,§ao0 bS3 ,8 .IT) .Inoamnavos xeXt/qoq gnxe .(XS3.ooG .slnnefi ,M .H t i95fBSL£n£W 3o, ?A£ vionilllj , 33 gbufc lo XIboot sal no aasasxbbA JI t 85.v .3X6X t asnxb9900Tq .no xlBxooaaB xbo alBle 3£.v ,(85-ias , 08 X ,8X01 81 ,awan Xb^oX ogjsox;f0 nx 9 itubs 1o 1xb8 wbJ ,*S-XS5:^ ,XBnxxro(; tcjsI XBilnsO nx smxsa lo ,lx£q ;?£,J .££-32:5? .310X ,yX^ SX 6 3q 5 Quotations from Aante in Public. PU 15:^11. 3 May, 1913 . Pol. ec i, PERIODICALS, 3o5 Another reason for the recall of judges. PU 9 February, 1912. 15:124). 9 Feb. 1912 Pci - sol. 3 May, 1912. (Public. 3o5 PU v. 14 Pol.3Ci, Barkley, R. W, A significant parallel, b r, 1911. Ii:lc69-7c). (Public. c o Qcto- 3o5 PU 3 April, 1912 j P ol,eci. Behcl 1 the bench. (Pub;io. 5 April, 1912. lb: 316 > # • u Bourne, Jonathan. Functions of the initiative, referendum and recall, (Annals of the American academy of political and social science. September, 1912, 43:3-16). 3c5 Bryan before PU 131 22 March, 1912 15: Pol.oci. Catlett, Frol (Public, 22 March, 1912. f YViV-1 i a arch. Working of the recall in Seattle. (Annals of the American academy of ucliticul and social science. September, ISIS. 43:327*36). Checks an', balances. ' (Independent, ? o: 1 c? 5-7 C). 18 May, 1911. i V 3c 5 ptr V, 14 Pol,sc i. Dutton, J. W. American origin of the recall, r. August, 1911, 14:826-27 ). Experiments in democracy. 3:831-32). (Outlook. (Public, 15 August, 19o8. Part oi eame in Larne-d, J. N. History for ready reference. 191c. y.7, p.559-6o. 3 ...18' t y• -■* s . , ft? o aoc uq s , £ *Jii , I J*t *■' f Id ir f I 5 1 : c * ♦ do?, 0t ,:i 'M .cf>s 8 , )" j; r ‘- -d toQ od .oiXv^) aj ; ,*? ,s ^^liijisC , X s? i I**&g -tn arc r 1’ AS ‘ 4 A at ?*T IH 30- : si -.‘a <0 ..CISC ,1 s ,XiT:qA ;.: # j . i o<7 10L ,^'r-TUOa J I « , X • !■ H i X 3 - V ' . ;, /'■ - * V '" Z . „{ -I~C i • -> '• * ■ .1 8 X . 1 «dl‘-i , v-».. . ^ -•' •* v - s -ric'i i'd 5»X t rn aco I*?r XtoU^nod o # £i. !-li , r; • 3 1 „ •>.': fed .'' - M *./ r l ) aryi?- r- f <* i- JL * . *• ' f f * A- sxer ,i tsIti-O •t-, ..iwtaA) .s.£*S;a»e X XX«'-9" »•« " 5 <> . ,, , WJ i M iitinoe bn* tJiSimr.? -:a i»l «i f< U*«* a:.f V- * . . • -j . • dOC Tfl f(OTt-.I? ^ ci « v,'i ?*X J n-> t-asqcbrl) .». £-1 x.' X to * s £'' *rfO ( .v/lio-’ .?>? f^in) , ' vdl : " v ,T ,T* ti (0.d£ii.^T n : • . “ ^ v o0—8$- '* q W , ■ IUX .oojii 1 ifufli 7 352.05 * HA April, 1012 Pol. sci. A l Gilbertscn,H. 8, Conservative -lapecte of the recall. (Kat ion- i 1 mu t- i u i ? 1 1 re v i ca. April, 1912* is: o4-li). Tbs recall - it.-, provisions and significance. (Annals of the American academy of political and social soiene*.. Sept nber, 1312, 43:216- 326). Gu t h r i, ©, Ge or ge W, Tie initiative, reforen&um and recall. (Annals • pf the American academy of political and social science September, 131,, ' 43:17-31). 352.00 M Oct.1912 Pol.sci. Haynes, John R, The actual workings of the initiative, referendum and recall. (National municipal review. October 1912. 1:586-6 oh). The houte-cloaning in Loa Angeles, I960. ' 31:757-58), (Ou11ock. 3 Ap r11, 3o5 Johns n, H. W. PU Speech before the Ohio Constitutioral convention, 9 March, 1312 February 29 , 1912. Quot’d lens. (Public. Pol * eel. . $ March, 1912. 15:22 5 - 26 ). 3o5 The judicial recall and Mr. Roosevelt, (Public, PU ' 15 March, 1912. 15:243*44). 15 March, 1912 Pol,sci. JUD. The recall of judges, (Outlook. 16 March, 1913. Ioo;6o6-c7). Lav Morrill, Donald L. The recall of judges and judicial decisions. y (Chicago legal neva. 6 April, 1912. 44:376). 32o. 5 The recall in national poZM.ioss. (Equity series, r 191o. 12:132-33). v. 12 Pol,sci. ,3 JB 4 M» *•*- »• < .aofltfo>; iwii® - v " "' ** ~ 1 [ Ai x r - t ., x I,U :■: ■-.. ■ . V.. lato*•*•«* V !•> P#****# •a I&tS * . -- t 1 toSn * 3 q •-■£ .&rn$10-- I ^ loo a »v < ’ •* -* ‘ O • * Ovj Aii £1CI «1 i:i ;A. . iot: , •' v i JF 4;tort) t #I:rrffr*j6 vZmiik) '*' , * , * . xuiai’ioisx 1 sviJoJ ‘ i ii o<-f f ^ u ' : * ' ! f ““ h . * { ...••( .1 .-0 J 1 .It"-... k C > 1 4 *►« _ ft '"f ¥' r «•'<.> 4 i ' jt -*v A'a *\ .. X . * 'oO * £o.: . lo'1 , C \ ,.je C^vcA •■■ ■•■i fi£ * *.< •:» •• - - o;c 4 oriT ( -■ /-' 3 I . If TT r • ■ ■ •»* t i to Vrf* :-;I , ; ♦• * • * . '•:;. 0X « Z*t ij* s-u ■+t , Ion «i* siL qh* 1) .ttavana&n .iM tz* llsot-x * trT '££ " ‘ ^ ■■■ ■ ’1 t io: .lo^ ♦ coa ML te ,sjilT ' S' : >; 0 0 l . '" X dcmtf '.'< I . Iqo^irO) f tvf* , v .(.'• : . . »••'»* 3 lo crIV . , 6vJ. '*$>i o- coX .0) '■Mi. I . s04tIXoq X/ -\Q ■ /-M fl t t XJi6c t tt^T .0 ' • 4 •* *‘ r. L , / . .*: o * The recall of judges. 1cc:522-25), (Outlook. 9 March, 1912. 3o5 PU v, 14 Pollsci. 14:146-47). {Public. 17 February, 1913. 3o5 PU v. 14 14:817-18). (Public. 11 August, 1911. Pol.sci. Roosevelt, Theodore. The right of the people tc rule. (Outlook. 23 Mrch, 1913. loo:633). Snow, A3pheus Henry. The position of the judiciary in the United States. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science. September, 1' 12. 43:286-31o). 3o5 Stockton, Lewis. PU Direct legislation and the recall. (Public, 8 March, 1913 8 March, 1913. 15:231-33). Pol.sci, 32o.5 Taylcr, C, F. E Direct legislation record. (Equity series. April, 1912 April, 1912. 14:56-7 3). Pol,sci. Law Wilkins, F. B. Recall of the Judges. (Chicago legal news. 11 November, 1911, 44 :1 c6-o8). OPPOSED. BOOKS. 347.cS AM v. 36 American bar association. Resolution concerning the recall of fudges, (aee its Proceedings, 1911. v,36, p.51). Ref,desk Brown, Rome G. ' * The judicial recall a fatiicy repugnant to courti tutional government, (U. S. 62 Ceng. 2d sesa. Senate. Doc.892). Same in Annals of the American academy of politi¬ cal and social science. September, 1912. 43:239-77. . .119X * oo - : M O . ;to IJVr-'X 0 f ,(0—OddJooX • USX «T*i' 7£ six.: jO{ .fVv-MAU M ro£ IN M .V ♦ irih ilcN . - i t i t ic ii^ .A ; i , 0i* I :} rOC M Oi ,v . i:»S . lO'i iooi'jhuG} # -‘W , •> it .to »d? , :t X e- to e oo ft o.f tj fqovq ;,o erf'f .(£ 200 Jt . x ix t ;ti, : iu y' :' < H - £f«%li f r # J.i ri r* ;> ■ tUE. ifcxnioq to e&vir&ttLA odi io b trank) • o~ v d: c • , i* [ , *vd s ’ f'-.i.r ,- ♦ Of f i dot rt .d; *■? Jf t r:ot:l vO; ! '' • 0- - ay .i ^ .!; ;l b IT • 1 j ?: ( Ji ■ C tfC91 : a -JiJO) ,e© 3 bif| »d.t to xxioaH * v • k 5 -• f o X :; •> , L 10 [ t :, odm ovoM I £ .0 .81008 . _ . » ,r ' 1 Xv r .. 0-.. 0 \£ ‘Xx.d fXJSQ/ TO *11A : , •,, 7 . 1 it! . ... rt; ? 2teo~0 :. 1 i to,.) : ;c; , r ». ; m OS ,v .. . : . ■ - )Jo , .»«*e •• .dr 0 :-a ,3 ,U) it or. , ;sk * ■, .- ■f ' . Oi'v*; , ; ; j i ;d r^J 1 ^ 10 atfj 'to eXmirA at o^a — . • >. x. . tor k H.V o .1 _ . ... 347. o6 AM v. 36 Ref,desk 347.06 IL 1912 Ref,desk Ref.desk §§§4 731 v, 48, Pt.3 Ref.desk. Ref,desk Ref, desk Farrar, Edgar H, Address before the American bar association, (see its Proceedings, 1911. v.36, p.231-32). Same in Chicago legal news. 44:61). 3o September, 1911. Haze It on, John H. The recall of judges. (U, S. 62d Cong, 2d sess. Senate. Doc.723). Illinois state bar association. Discussion on the recall of judges. (see its Proceedings, 1912. v.36, p,234-42, 245-48). Lodge, Henry Caoot. The compulsory initiative and referendum and the recall of judges. An address delivered at Princeton university^ March 8,'1912, (U, S. 62d Cong, 2d sess. Senate. Doc, 4c6). Staffer!, Wendell Phillips. The new despotism. Address before the New York county lawyers 1 association, February 17, 1912, (U£ S. 62d Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc.344). Part of same in Congressional reeofid. G2d Congress 2a sess. 26 February, 1912. v.48, Pt .3 p.2595-96. Taft, William H. Address at Concord, N.H. March IS, 1912. p.9-11 (U. 8. 62d Cong. 3d sess. Senate. Doc.522), Address to the General court of the Legislature of Massachusetts, March, 18, 1913. p.6-7. (U. S. 62d Cong, 2d sess. Senate. Doc,451). The judiciary and progress. Address at Toledo, Ohio March 8, 1912. (U. S. 62d Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 4o8). Quotations from above in Outlook. 23 March, 1912. loc:6o4*. e . ao s 1 jb i oo sen usd a bq i ivir.A s a ;f i. •'. t .. ’ jb“ i t;>: ie; ti A , \ ±&~l£ J.q t .'-o ,v .IIGI * . 4 i, saoo'i : c-ivtx o&s) r> r > T* MA 3c . v . IXUX < I- • ‘•■• * _ si>3 0G * . (X3: ;■-•> f t■; • ^ ‘:o~ v!■ , ^ tt , ■ ->C! „ v -x-, ' .. iyoi .IsH . ag i IX t d3 i X e l f * t i t ' '•; 1 £ &S Ayo'i * ©£ $ 'it 07 0 loci’ eaeT.Jb.bA ,m?.i to Ljaeb «-;ea or IT i J . .. 1 " • (£: .: .C‘0'1. ,etx ioO . ^0 i . ,8 1U) ^f;S£ . "ioG aaeT^xxoO fca . . b,iio o s % £ 1-470 i a *, 313 ao ^ ri ' n ' J: s ' ^ + ty r*Cf . . r i a a a o-S c>3811.0 i G Y * i?S V C. • 1 t XI- r> r •»V *A. . {:.:', 5. 00(1 rfcrx.J »HJi t . f --iootfaoD fc-aopibA # e*aa<-8 .4 : 0 c l.. , act.- b;c .3 *U) .H Xlixnv .r:xT J8S. .loH .Jl^XaxgsJ ad* to *.a;oo X jBien#£ oj sfeoibbA • 3 .c; ,c i.SI j-I £ n0 fid t i**a4i/l?«ta bM 1 o . .31100 b>:0 .8 .V) -- it . j ,1c H .ic ' .0; CT .e*»-no2 . a... t oJbaXoT tt- .aoaa b;l saexbi A .eeoT^QTCj bru: y r x sdT • ' - SJ . _ . , ■ > .OcG . 3 - 1 .: r- ■.. 8 - -- ©j . 1 ^- d ot.«M Vj-14 . • : • > -j? X * 0 0 n i 0 v > .J :, .uucO S5 , 1 © R , r + X -Si X r~^./!? ®«*Jii*ai©0 i?; o,* ..-I to eotfdH .8 © t .tTO Sf* ; jg) ^ V* V/ fi *J*i* A tais odJxoM *efc to noiBcXf^A ' Xj - ~ V i JaitHsA t dZI.AeP[ J..JT Yte: ^ 0Cj: ,. . \ h:; i . : 10 ; 9h t e -j H ,t£.f • oO .tr . ~ J .t xoxrh .i'.TDSi'iit fc.rt; ooix.eM to . -o ■),,+/ 1 Lr .~ * ™>v » ^ \ .. . ... ^ ' 'Mdi liAii./j . ioO : ,d) * Air r t *x v— « f .o ur., ., X iU-'lffiOOOx ’ ’ *• r v * , '■■ , o • * r 0* i ’ Uei .aoitets'o*** w s -,i 8 *; „ - ~ £.■«.< ,v a i for ,.u.u 3:ir n;rq r io so iia-iig . K 1 to o r^.raA) i': i - u “0 8 ,• ,. *••- ro;.j X;7 ? ri , i ;0 -' t * *0.«xia ?3j.° n:oX-it.^A on J 1 • #••,• i. I3H •«»••«« X-eseX ojt o i.':0} . (B ■’• ♦ * -iOt trtOr'i • i Cjfp;;-i U itii.ifT, . ."• r" ■ , *, a * . .. ’ ,IU * ■ i • • ■ X i i isqn _ i4 u. / k? J;' • ' * • -■ : ‘ T • ^ ■ • * j • ’ . xO tXXJUjfctxa. si? off/ < - ©Qf^ovoll . t t,X Di ) .€ .suriillW t xe^olonToH to oooeoao^o^ol • » ^ 0 j f f i $ t $ c y i © 11 . 4 0 i ( ’j — J * ■ ;■ » \ ' - • v'i Vf.i 11 Improving the judiciary. a/ . n. r : n \ ~r .e • i ; , ' (Nation, 7 March, 1913, Law Judicial deauotis© and the recall. (Chicago legal news, 31 October, 1911. 44:87-88). Law Lewis, J. G. W. Recall of the judges, (Chicago legal nawa, 11 November, 1911, 44:lc8-ll). MeCay, Bruce B. The judicial recall. 84:15-21). (Century. May, 1912. Maxey, Edwin. The recall of the judges. September, 1912. 48:2S4-3o8), (Forum, Metcalf, James A. Dangers that kurk in the recall of the judiciary. (Annals of the American academy cf political and social science, September, 1913, 43:278-85), Lac Recall of judges. (Green bag. April, 1911. 23:214). Referendum; not recall. (Independent. 83 May, 1818, 72:1186—87). Law Seymour, C, B. The'recall from the standpoint of Kentucky legal historv. (Yale law journal, March, 1912. 21:373-82). What of the recall? ' (Review of reviews. April, 1912 45:395-96). V. L t ’ SjXX ? . • i j/lf) i . 7 r '• ; v f C "i’ ' • r v vi •■ r V / <*•! _ k ,* ..•“*■ ** • . i . 1 i * t« X - : ,h a I a# £■ oilO) rr*,. .{ ~ ; a : ■ v ■«»£ *il o i i.r'G ■ t'rza vo JtrfO} .(a. • C4 '8*®t )0 • . txj»09#r • .. 7 Jrt 5^<51* Xi . t Y&a’ ,T?,/*aaO) . £ Xkjoo r r ,- >K •‘ 5 ®» wf 2 ,Y«OoM XY£Mb;j^ oift •» ■ i. r £ v „ ! „ A >C .04 • & < * ♦ ■v v >; r ■ ' y r ♦ « ’ZSiiwr ft •; V • i’ • 3ds lo XX*0*1 . v , . V. . , teottuoq *0 * &d * ^nr,Q £;.w ' .;.: , •*'***• M , !* <\ /t-~ nl \ • . nrlw r? t v., 4 j» . •• * ~-nnA/ -' .00:'.' : ' •",: - **•* X.. JL *' • XX C: X . £ l t t '• 4 . . 1 fr***0) , • -A r • * jr • *' ’X < ?.• 11 £ j •■*<’-s :•■ .slnrj r,-. ,.., ' 7»^' ' -?r i^SISUfl ' •: f.T • • •“,■• -, C • V ,.. . c f J v , - T| ' 5 -J-l-UiX. .f. !>■■<•( ~ . , , v •». r r » i .^YS 1 ... • v 5 ' 171 IIr.003 u ^yrosalfi * ( S’.' - x V "; i <: i ex 4 XXiqi '1 '• V - J a) Slf ' + ^rtt * • :r;-'