Si'. ,a,NO.S HISTORlCAt SURVEY STORIES OF HISTORICAL DAYS In Vermilion County, Illinois By GRAMMAR GRADE PUPILS of Villages and Rural Schools Vermilion County, Illinois 1934-1935 Compiled for the School Libraries By L. A. TOGGLE County Superintendent of Schools iLLiWOlS HISTORICAL SllRVEV L. A. TUGGLE Qounty e)?<'perJHtenc/en^ of S^^-^^ools Since August 3rd, 1925 PREFACE The historical notes written by pupils of the 7th and 8th grades of the Vermilion County, Illinois, schools in 1932-1933 were so successful that scores and scores of the same type of com- positions were written in 1934-1935 and submitted to our office. They were not published because of the lack of the necessary money. However, we believe that they are so valuable for future reference that the publication of these notes is for your perusal. Although these stories have been gathered by pupils from the dimmed memories of older people, we have faith that they are reasonably authentic. The formation of Vermilion County, the extinct towns, the duties of County Officers and how towns got their names will be valuable information one hundred years hence. L. A. TUGGLE County Superintendent of Schools Danville, Illinois December 21, 1940. VERMILION COUNTY, ILLINOIS By Larkin a. Tuggle (1940) Vermilion County was originally a part of New France from 1682 to 1763. New France was divided into two immense dis- tricts— CANADA and LOUISIANA. Prior to 1745 the division line of the "Illinois country" began on the Wabash River at the mouth of the Big Vermilion River, thence northwest to a few miles above Ottawa. North of this line was CANADA. South of it and west of the Wabash River was LOUISIANA. The County Seat for Vermilion County south of that line was Fort Chartes and north of that line was "Post of Detroit." If a French trader living on the Big Vermilion River wished to get married to an Indian girl legally (in the absence of a parish priest) he would have to go either to Detroit or Fort Chartes. He seldom went to this trouble, however. In 1763, the country between the Mississippi and the Al- leghenies was ceded to Great Britain. Through the conquest of Gen. George Rogers Clark in 1778, Vermilion County became a part of "Illinois County" in the State of Virginia. In 1787, it became known as: "The territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio." In 1800, this territory was divided and Ver- milion County became part of "The Indiana Territory." In 1801, counties were formed and part of Vermilion county lay in the county of Knox, and the other part in St. Clair county. In 1809, the "Illinois Territory" was formed off the "Indiana Territory" by a line running from the mouth of the Ohio River up the Wabash River to Vincennes; thence north to the British Possessions. By proclamation of the acting governor on April 28th, 1809, Vermilion County fell wholly in St. Clair county. The county seat was at Cahokia opposite St. Louis. Then in 1816, Crawford county was formed and Vermilion county became a part of that county with the county seat at Palestine on the banks of the Wabash River. Clark county was formed off the northern part of Crawford in 1819 with the County seat many miles up the Wabash River at a place called AURORA. About this time several Indian treaties were made which appar- ently gave clear title to lands drained by the Vermilion River and its tributaries. Clark county was soon thereafter explored and settlements began on the Big Vermilion River near old "Kickapoo town" (Danville) and the "Vermilion Salines." Edgar county was formed off Clark county January 3rd, 1823, and the "seat of justice" was established at Paris, April 21, 1823. The northern boundary line of Edgar county was a line running East and West between Townships 16 and 17 (about one mile south of Ridgefarm). [3] VERMILION COUNTY WAS MADE A SEPARATE COUNTY JANUARY 18TH, 1826, DESCRIBED AS FOL- LOWS: "Beginning on the state line between Illinois and Indiana, at the northeast corner of Edgar county, thence West with line dividing Townships 16 and 17 to the southwest corner of Township 17 North, of Range 10 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian; thence North to the northwest corner of Township 22 North : thence East to the Indiana state line; thence south with the state line to the place of beginning." This original territory did not include six miles of the north end of the present county, but extended about 10 miles into the present Champaign county. For judicial purposes, many present counties were attached to Vermilion county in 1826 which embraced Champaign, Iro- quois, and Ford counties, 2 tiers of Townships on the East side of Livingston, 2/3 of the width of Grundy county south of the Kankakee River, and nearly 1-1/2 congressional Townships in the southwest corner of Will county. Iroquois county was formed in 1833, and by the terms of the Act of the Legislature, VERMILION COUNTY WAS EX- TENDED 6 miles farther North; making the line where it NOW is— making Hoopeston, East Lynn and Rankin in Vermilion county. Champaign county was also formed by an ACT in February, 1833, by the terms of which VERMILION COUNTY LOST half of Range 14 West of the 2nd Principal Meridian, fractional Range 11 East and all of Range 10 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian; thus reducing the Western limits of Vermilion county by 10 miles in its entire length. Thus Allerton is on the western border line of the county in the southwest corner. Livingston county was organized in 1837 by which 10 full Townships and a half of two others were taken from Vermilion county of the attached judicial territory. Grundy county was established in 1841 and Vermilion county lost that attached territory south of the Kankakee River. Will county was formed in January, 1836, and Vermilion county lost the attached judicial territory. Ford county took what was left of the attached judicial territory in 1859. CIVIL TOWNSHIPS were adopted in 1851 in Vermilion county as follows: DANVILLE, GEORGETOWN, ELWOOD, CARROLL, ROSS, MIDDLEFORK, NEWELL (first called Richland) and PILOT; BLOUNT in 1856; CATLIN in 1858; GRANT in 1862; BUTLER in 1864; VANCE in 1866; SIDELL in 1867; OAK WOOD in 1868; JAMAICA July 10, 1899; LOVE June 10, 1902; McKENDREE Dec. 10, 1912; and SOUTH ROSS June 13, 1927. At the second meeting of the County Com- missioners' court ever held in the county, on the 18th of March, 1826, the county was divided into two civil townships. All ter- [4] ritory south of the center of Township 18 was called CARROLL and all north of that line, RIPLEY. This was 25 years before civil townships were adopted. Why these names no one knows. Since 1833, Vermilion county has remained unchanged in area. It has 28 Congressional Townships six miles square, com- monly known as School Townships. These 28 Congressional Townships are divided into 19 Civil Townships. It operates under the Civil Township form of government instead of the commission plan still followed by 17 of the counties in Illinois. Its business is conducted by a Board of Supervisors instead of by 3 commissioners elected "at large." VERMILION COUNTY, ILLINOIS, SUPERIN TENDENT OF SCHOOLS By L. A. TUGGLE (1940) The first law providing for a free school in Illinois was passed January 15th, 1825. The first school taught in Illinois was a subscription school established in 1783 in Monroe county taught by Samuel J. Seeley. In 1829, the Duncan Free School Law was repealed and a new one passed which provided for the sale of lands which had been donated by Congress for the benefit of the public schools. School Commissioners were elected to take charge of the sale of this land and keep the funds for use of the schools. In 1855, a law was passed which is the basis of our present school system. In 1857, a law was passed which permitted the people of any school district to vote a tax for school purposes not to exceed two per cent, in addition to the tax authorized by the law of 1855. Vermilion county elected Daniel W. Beckwith as its "FIRST" School Commissioner in 1832. Thereafter, these School Commis- sioners were "Ex-Officio Superintendents of Common Schools." They were as follows: Daniel W. Beckwith 1832-1834 John H. Murphy 1834-1843 N. D. Palmer 1843 1850 William Allin 1850-1852 W. A. Murphy 1852-1854 Norman D. Palmer 1854-1858 Levi W. Sanders 1858-1862 Ebon H. Palmer 1862-1863 M. D. Hawes 1863-1864 The title of "School Commissioner" was changed to that of County Superintendent of Schools" in 1864. They were as follows: M. D. Hawes 1864-1865 P. D. Hammond 1865-1869 John W. Parker 1869 1873 Charles Victor Guy (Died Feb. 23, 1904) .. 1873-1881 ti [5] John D. Benedict (In 1940 Muskogee, Okla.). 1881-1889 Lin H. Griffith, Danville, 111 1889-1899 Ralph B. Holmes, Indianapolis, Ind 1899-1906 Wm. Y. Ludwig (Died Feb. 18, 1936) 1906-1910 Otis P. Haworth (Died Oct. 26, 1928) 1910-1923 Larkin A. Tuggle, Danville, 111 1923- COUNTY GOVERNMENT IN ILLINOIS IN 1940 By L. A. Tuggle Part of the work of the county is done by the "Board of Supervisors," but the greater portion of it is done by elective officers all of whom serve FOUR YEARS. COUNTY CLERK.— Naturally the first officer needed in a county is the County Clerk. He is the Clerk to the "Board of Supervisors." He keeps a record of all their proceedings. He is Clerk of the County Court, has charge of all county records and issues marriage licenses. He canvasses the votes of every general election, computes the amount of taxes to be paid by every person, and must keep a complete record of all orders drawn upon the County Treasurer. He keeps record of all births and deaths. Dan Miller of Hoopeston is the present County Clerk. (1940) COUNTY TREASURER.— He has charge of all the county's money from whatever source. The office of township collector was abolished in 1917 in counties having less than 100,000 in- habitants, and the County Treasurer was made Tax Collector. He must give a large bond guaranteeing the safe-keeping of county funds, and properly paying out same according to law. In coun- ties having less than 125,000 inhabitants, he is ex-officio Super- visor of Assessments. An amendment to the State Constitution was adopted in 1880, providing that the Treasurer cannot serve two consecutive terms; he is ineligible to re-election till four years after his term expires. Wm. E. Wayland of Danville is the present County Treasurer. (1940) COUNTY SHERIFF.— The Sheriff must attend all sessions of the County and Circuit Courts and obey their lawful orders. He is the chief police officer of the county and has several deputy sheriffs to assist him. He serves all writs and other legal papers of the court, makes arrests and enforces the laws. He has charge of the court house and the jail. The Sheriff is not eligible for re-election till four years after his term expires. F. W. Ward of Indianola is the present Sheriff. (1940) COUNTY JUDGE.— He presides over the County Court and has exclusive jurisdiction in many cases of tax matters, special assessments, elections, etc. He has charge of criminal cases where the punishment is not imprisonment in the peni- tentiary or death, and all juvenile cases. Harlin M. Steely, Jr. of Danville is the present County Judge. (1940) [6] PROBATE JUDCxE.^In counties having over 70,000 in- habitants, a Probate Judge must be elected. He settles all mat- ters relating to estates of deceased persons, appointment of guardians of minors, and conservators of the insane and feeble- minded and settlement of their accounts. The first Probate Judge of Vermilion county was Clinton Abernathy of Danville, elected in 1910, who served one term. He was followed by Walter J. Bookwalter of Danville who served for 16 j^ears, or until December, 1930. Ralph M. Jinkins of Dan\alle was elected Probate Judge in 1930 and served till Decem- ber, 1938. Arthur Hall of Danville was elected in 1938 for a 4-year term. PROBATE CLERK.^The Probate Clerk looks after the clerical duties pertaining to the Probate Court. Miss Mabel Redden, whose term expired in 1934, from Danville, has the dis- tinction of being the first woman in Vermilion County elected to a county office. Robert Edwards is the present Probate Clerk. (1940) COUNTY RECORDER.— His duties are to keep a record of all deeds, mortgages and other papers pertaining to the title of lands. Chattel mortgages on personal property are recorded by him. William H. Carter from Indianola was the Recorder since its separation from the Circuit Clerk's office in 1900. His term expired in 1932. Josephine Ray from Rossville is the pres- ent Recorder. She was re-elected in November, 1940, for a third term of 4 years. COUNTY SURVEYOR.^He makes surveys within the county and must keep a record of all such surveys. Such surveys are very important in case of disputes concerning property lines, boundaries for streets, alleys, and roads and in laying out new roads. Counties maintaining "state aid" roads have a "County Superintendent of Highways" appointed by the "Board of Super- visors." He serves for a term of six years and his salary is fixed by the County Board. He acts for the county in all matters re- lating to the supervision of the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges in which the county is financially interested, either alone or in conjunction with the state or with any town or road district of Vermilion county. William S. Dillon of Danville was "County Superintendent of Highways" from 1913 till 1932. Walter C. Dye of Danville was appointed County Superintendent of Highways in 1932 and has been repeatedly reappointed. (1940) COUNTY CORONER.— He must investigate the causes of all accidental deaths, or any unusual cases other than natural causes. He selects to aid him a Coroner's Jury and their investi- gation is known as the Coroner's inquest. He makes a report of his findings to the County Clerk. He often causes the arrest of persons suspected of violence or carelessness leading to such death. He has the power to make arrests. He is the only person who can arrest a Sheriff. John D. Cole of Danville is the present Coroner. (1940) [7] CIRCUIT CLERK.— Although elected by the county, and termed a county officer, the Circuit Clerk is really an office of the Circuit Court. He must attend all sessions of the Circuit Court and keep a record of its proceedings. He keeps accounts of the costs of all suits of the court. These costs are made up of the fees of the Sheriff, Jury, Clerk, Witnesses, and others. He issues subpoenas, executions, and other processes of the Court. Albert D. Alkire of Danville is the present Circuit Clerk. (1940) STATE'S ATTORNEY.— He sees that offenders against the law are indicted, arrested and brought into court for trial. He is the legal adviser of the County Officers and Justices of the Peace. He represents the county in any law suit brought against it, or against any County Officers as such. Judge William T. Henderson of Danville is the present State's Attorney. (1940) COUNTY AUDITOR.— The office of the County Auditor was established in Illinois in 1911 in all counties (not including Cook county) having a population of 75,000 or more. Vermilion county is one of the 14 counties coming under this law. The first County Auditor was Chauncey E, Lewis who served from Decem- ber 1st, 1912 till his death March 19, 1918. L. H. Griffith who was serving as assistant under Auditor Lewis was then appointed by the "Board of Supervisors" to fill the vacancy and continued by re-elections each four years to serve as County Auditor. His term expired in 1932. Ray C. Wait of Danville succeeded Mr. Griffith in 1932 and he served till December 2, 1940. Briefly stated, the powers and duties of the office are: To preserve statistical information with respect to the cost of main- tenance of the county institutions; to audit all claims of whatso- ever character against the county, recommending to the County Board their payment or rejection; to approve all orders for sup- plies issued by the various County Officers before the orders are placed with the parties to whom the same are to be given; to keep a record of all contracts entered into by the County Board and all authorized County Officers for or on behalf of the county; to make reports of the financial condition of the county at cer- tain periods. Lawrence E. Newtson of Danville was elected Auditor in 1940 for a 4-year term. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS.— He supervises the schools of the county, confining himself largely to the rural schools and village or town schools who elect to come under his Course of Study. He is the adviser for the local school officers, passes upon the bonds of township treasurers and audits their books once a year. Every "Order" issued by any school official of the county is audited through his office. He holds examinations for teachers' certificates under the State Examin- ing Board, but he does not make the questions, neither does he grade the papers. He holds an Annual County Institute for the instruction of teachers in methods of instruction. He supervises the Period and Final Examinations for the 7th and 8th grade [8] pupils. He issues all certificates of promotion to the 7th grade, and all 8th grade Diplomas of Graduation. He supervises the work of the County Truant Officer. He has charge of the State School Fund and distributes it according to law to the schools of each Township in the county. This is done by "Claims for State Aid" based upon Average Daily Attendance of each pupil. The District gets $11.00 from the State Fund for each pupil's perfect attendance for the year. He makes a financial and statistical report of each District and Township each year to the State Superintendent of Public In- struction. This report alone in Vermilion county requires the work of one person continuously for three months. He has charge of signing all State Limited Certificates and their Registration each year. He must visit each school at least once each year, and one-half of his visiting period must be given to rural schools. In 1939-1940 there were 782 rooms in Vermilion county and about 100 days in which to visit schools. Can you figure the number of rooms which must be visited each day to comply with his duties? He furnishes a bond fixed by law. He is the official clerk to the Non-High School Board of Education and must take care of all their clerical duties, such as keeping records of non-high school pupils, paying their tuition, and other duties. He is supposed to attend all state and national educa- tional meetings and bring to his county the best modern system and thought of the leading educators of the nation. Each session of the Legislature adds many more clerical duties, and he is not given any additional help for these new duties. The recent "MUNICIPAL BUDGET" law and the "TRANSPORTATION of PUPILS" law add weeks and weeks of new clerical duties (and no money to pay for them). The office of County Superintendent of Schools has become a "clearing house" for clerical and statistical duties for the Township Treas- urers and to the Superintendent of Public Instruction instead of being permitted to be an educational leader. The present County Superintendent of Schools is L. A. Tuggle of Danville, who took office in August 1923. His term will expire in August, 1943. Miss Hazel Dodd, Sidell, is Assistant County Superintendent of Schools; and Miss Ruth Tuggle, Danville, niece of L. A. Tuggle, is Secretary to the County Superintendent of Schools. SALARIES OF COUNTY OFFICERS Each County Officer in Vermilion county is allowed deputies or assistants to help perform the duties of the office by the "Board of Supervisors." The Salaries of the County Judge, Probate Judge, State's Attorney and County Superintendent of Schools are fixed by law. The County Superintendent of Schools receives his salary from State Funds. The salaries of the other County Officers are paid out of the County Funds. The salaries of County Officers not named above are fixed by the "Board of Supervisors." [9] HOW TOWNS AND CITIES IN VERMILION COUNTY, ILLINOIS, GOT THEIR NAMES By L. A. TUGGLE, Co. Supt. of Schools— 1940 ALLERTON received its name from a large land owner, Samuel W. Allerton. The town was planned by Mr. Allerton. Every deed contained this clause: "It is understood that no gambling house, pool room, or saloon should be permitted for the sale of wine, beer or any intoxicating liquor, unless with the consent of the owner." ALVIN was first called Gilbert for Hon. Alvan Gilbert, an early settler and prominent in Township affairs. Later it was changed to Mr. Gilbert's given name Alvan. The spelling was changed when the name of the town was recorded. In 1903 momentary oil boom was started at Alvin. ARMSTRONG was named for Thomas and Henry Arm- strong. This town was started in 1877. BELGIUM is east of Kellyville and was named Belgium because most of the early residents came from Belgium. BISMARK was built in 1872 and evidently must have been given its name by the C. & E. I. Railroad. CATLIN was first called "Butler's Point" in 1920 for James Butler who was the first settler. It was so called until the railroad officials called the name of their station Catlin after one of their men in 1856 at which time Guy Merrill and Josiah Hunt laid out the village of Catlin. CHENEYVILLE was laid out by Jake McFerren in 1878. It was named after J. H. Cheney, Vice-President of the Lake Erie and Western Railroad. It is said that the land was donated by Abe Swisher, J. L. Starr and John Dunkalbarger. DANVILLE was first settled by Dan Beckwith in 1824. At that time the site was occupied by a village of Piankeshaw Indians whose trading post was situated within the limits of the present Ellsworth Park. The Legislature passed an act on Decem- ber 26, 1826, to appoint a new set of three Commissioners, Wm. Morgan, Zachariah Peter and John Kirkpatrick of Sangamon county, to select a "County Seat" for Vermilion county. These three men selected the lands donated by Guy W. Smith and Dan W. Beckwith. This land was near the mouth of the North Fork of the Vermilion River. The Board of County Commissioners, Asa Elliott, Achilles Morgan (Mrs. L. A. Tuggle's great-great-grandfather) and James McClewer, accepted the report of the Sangamon County Com- missioners. Dan W. Beckwith surveyed the land into 100 lots. The above Board of County Commissioners decided to honor Dan W. Beckwith as the earliest settler on the site and named the County Seat "DANVILLE." Danville has an impressive group of civic buildings: Elk's Club, Carnegie Library, Federal Court and Post Office, Young Men's Christian Association, Wolford Hotel, Young Women's Christian Association and a large State Armory in one compact [10] center. Other noted places are "Uncle Joe" Cannon's Home, Court House, Masonic Temple, Chamber of Commerce, City- Hall, Salvation Army Barracks, Danville Township Hall, and a Veterans Facility consisting of 27 buildings built in 1897 (and recently remodeled) for housing 1800 ex-service men who need domiciliary care. EAST LYNN was laid out in 1872 and was named after the charming novel of Mrs. Anna S. Stephens. ELLIS. Ellis was established in 1902. Ellis was named after Albert Ellis of Penfield, Illinois. The Post Office was estab- lished at Ellis in 1908. The Post Office was discontinued in 1935, and this promising village will soon be classed as one of the "extinct" towns. FAIRMOUNT was first spoken of as the "Queen of the Prairies" of Vermilion county, being known as a noted grain market in an early day, shipping in larger quantities of corn, wheat, and oats than other towns in Vermilion county. Fair- mount was first called Salina. It was changed to Fairmount in 1863, by the suggestion of an early settler, Francis Dougherty. It was here that one of the first churches in the county was organ- ized, the Goshen Baptist, in 1832. FITHIAN was named after Dr. William Fithian who owned vast acres of land in this part of the county. GEORGETOWN village was named after the township of that name. It was established in the year 1827, two months after Danville was laid out. The naming seems to be in doubt. Some say Mr. Haworth named it for his son George who was a cripple. Others say that Danville having been named for Dan W. Beckwith, that Mr. Haworth believed it was a good stroke of policy to try to divide the sympathies of the Beckwith family for the two towns by naming his place in honor of George Beck- with. The probability is that both statements are true. This son, George, died of Cholera in 1854. In making the survey of lots in Georgetown, it is told that for want of more convenient implements the North Star was used for a compass and a grape vine for a chain. GRAPE CREEK began its existence with the opening up of the coal mine in 1866. It was named after a small creek named "Grape Creek" which flows through the village. HENNING. When the H. R. & E. railroad, now the Illinois Central, was built in 1878, a gentleman from Pontiac, Illinois bought ten acres of land from the E. S. Pope estate for the town- site and named it Henning, in honor of his wife's maiden name, which was Henning. The town was incorporated in 1905 and the first Mayor was Charles Mason. J. W. White was the first Clerk and J. M. Dusenberry was the first Treasurer. HOOPESTON was started in 1871 and was named for Thomas Hoopes, who owned a farm, which the railroad forced its way through, and hence a city was built. INDIANOLA is one of the oldest towns in the county. It was first known as old Chillicothe, which was recorded Sept. 6, [11] 1836. When Chillicothe demanded a post office it was found there was a town on the IlHnois River by the same name, so it was changed to Dallas in 1844. It was soon discovered that another post office in Illinois was named Dallas City. The postmaster asked the post office department to change the name to Indianola which was done. For a long time the people of the village would not accept the name "Indianola" which caused much confusion in sending of mail, but finally the name became a fixture. JAMAICA was first platted as "Kingsley" because a village had grown "up around" the church by that name which had been erected in 1873. The people petitioned the government to name the village and post office "Kingsley," but it was refused because there was another post office by that name in Illinois. It was finally called "Jamaica." JAMESBURG— In 1894, the C. & E. I. railroad was built from Rossville to Sidell. A station and depot was established a few miles west of Henning. Several of the people living at Hig- ginsville left that community and moved to this new station. A name had to be chosen, therefore the station was named "James- burg" in honor of James Goodwin. MUNCIE was platted and recorded in 1875, and evidently named by the surveyors, Alexander Bowman and Edward Corbley. OAKWOOD was established in 1870 and naturally named after Henry Oakwood because the township had previously been named after him. OLIVET was named after Olivet University which was located in that village. The beginning of this village was in 1908, three miles south of Georgetown. POTOMAC (Marysville) was first settled as a farm by John Smith (plain) in 1845. Isaac Meneley and others soon came to help Smith make a town. Both Smith and Meneley had wives named Mary, so they hit upon the plan of calling the town Marysville, after the two best Marys then living in town. The post office of Marysville was suspended for awhile, and when it was reinstated, the postoffice department changed the name to Potomac because of the near proximity to Myersville which seemed to confuse the mail carriers with the name Marysville. Marysville was incor- porated into a village in 1876 but soon lost its identity as a name and is known as Potomac. The artesian wells have made Potomac famous in the county. RANKIN was laid out in June, 1872 and named after Hon. David Rankin, the proprietor of a portion of the town and of a large amount of land in their neighborhood. RIDGEFARM was platted for record in 1853 and was named for the name given to the farm of Abraham Smith. In 1849, when he commenced to bring his farm under cultivation he named it Ridgefarm. ROSSVILLE was first known as "Liggett's Grove" in 1829. Later on it was called "Bicknell's Point" and then it became known far and wide as "Henpeck." Just why it was called "Henpeck" no one seems to know. The original town of Rossville [12] was laid out about 1857 and was incorporated in July, 1872. Alvan Gilbert was the "father" of Rossville. SI DELL was named in honor of John Sidell at the suggestion of John C. Short. John Sidell owned 3000 acres along both sides of the Little Vermilion River. It was incorporated in 1886. TILTON. Tilton was originally laid out in 1854 and was called "Bryant." It was named "Bryant" after the Assistant Surveyor Bryant, working under Mr. Catlin, who surveyed the Northern Cross Railroad. Mr. L. Tilton of New York was Manager of the Northern Cross Railroad from 1861 until the name was changed to that of the Wabash Railroad about 1875. The name of the town "Bryant" was then changed to that of Tilton in honor of L. Tilton. VERMILION GROVE history dates back to 1820. It is here where stands the "successor" of the first church built in Vermilion county. Also the first school established. The first plat was made by Elvin Haworth in 1876, and he called it "Ver- milion" which name continued until the railroad was built through the village. When the post office was established in 1873, it was found necessary to change the name to "Vermilion Grove" because of another post office named "Vermilion" in Illinois. Peanuts were kept in stores instead of tobacco, and hence men who couldn't purchase "tobacco" in Vermilion Grove nick- named the village "Peanut." This nickname is still known to the older generation. WESTVILLE was laid out by William P. West and E. A. West in May, 1873. "Brook's Point" near Westville was one of the first settlements in Vermilion county and the first white boy, James O'Neal, was born there in 1822. EXTINCT VILLAGES OF VERMILION COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN 1940 B}j L. A. TUGGLE, Co. Supt. of Schools ARCHIE. Once upon a time Archie, located one mile south of Sidell, was an interesting little village. Today only nine or ten small residences remain, and the old school house is used as a barn. The railroad was abandoned about 1936. BLUE GRASS CITY. A post office was established at Blue Grass in 1843. A town was platted in 1859. A large general store and Masonic hall were built. A flax warehouse was oper- ated and did a thriving business for several years. "Killed by railroads" is the epitaph that might be written over Blue Grass because not a single landmark remains today except the Blue Grass school. It was northwest of Potomac about five miles. BRONSON two miles west of Oakwood was one time "looked upon" as a promising village. A lot of money was in- vested in buildings. Modern roads put it out of business and business is silent as the grave at that place. BROOKVILLE was a thriving little incorporated village [13] just west of Grape Creek during the heighth of the mining in- dustry in that coal field. All that remains today to locate the place are a few houses and the dilapidated Town Hall. BUSEY was a little village one mile north of the McKendree church about 6 miles northeast of Georgetown. It was the center of politics for several years. When the writer (L. A. Tuggle) was a green young neophyte, he was a candidate for Township Collector of Georgetown Township. Busey was a voting precinct. He canvassed every farmer in their own homes. His wife had two uncles living in the Busey precinct — a total of 4 votes amongst the relatives. Every farmer and all 4 relatives promised to vote for him. He was gullible enough to believe every one of them in their fine (?) promises. When the votes were counted, he (L. A. Tuggle) got exactly "TWO" (2) votes. Right then, he made a solemn oath never to be so "GUL- LIBLE" again in politics. He waited and learned "human nature" for 20 years before regaining confidence in promises. Busey has all disappeared and all the promises "Have Gone With The Wind." CHARITY. Charity was located at the crossroads % mile west of the present (1940) Craig school. The fine rolling prairie and the establishment of a Post Oflfice at Charity indicated a future city. Only beautiful farm houses remain of a once promis- ing town. CONKEYTOWN 75 years ago was quite a cluster of houses and a lively business was done. It was established in 1851. It had a postoffice. Today the town site is grown up in weeds. It was about one mile south of the Cass school house, or two miles south of Muncie. DENMARK. This ancient town was settled in 1826 by Seymour Treat. Denmark was located at the foot of the hill on the road that now goes across Lake Vermilion northwest of Dan- ville. By 1835, Denmark was important enough to have an in- dependent rifle team. Its greatest prosperity was from 1835 to 1842. Denmark became a noted place. It had a bad name and whisky is alleged to have brought about its ruin. Brawls and street fights were alleged to be an everyday occurrence. Anyway, Denmark received a wet and watery grave because today nearly all the village lies at the bottom of Lake Vermilion. ELLIS. Ellis was started in 1902 and was named in honor of Albert Ellis who owned the land on which the village was located. The Post Office was established in June, 1908, and was discontinued in May, 1935. Mr. E. R. Philabaum was the Post- master during the entire operation of the Ellis Post Office. One of the first real rural Township High Schools established in Illinois was started at EUis in 1914. The first year of this high school was held in the Ellis rural school house. One teacher, Hattie Diemer, was employed with 10 pupils in attendance. The second year (1915) of school was held in a vacant store building which was torn down about 1938. One teacher only, Hattie Diemer Monson, was employed. [14] In 1916, H. W. Wierman and Esther Johnson, were the teachers. In 1917, Principal Wm. Birdzell, Jennie Freeman and Marguerite Funk were the teachers. Principal Wm. Birdzell, Clara Stiegemeyer and Ruth Patton were employed for 1918-1919, but plans for a new school building failed to materialize and school was discontinued. Clark Morris, Guy Judy and Ephriam Driskell were called to the ''World War" from the Ellis high school in 1917. The "FIRST" and "ONLY" graduating class were Lucile Duncan, Jack Morris, Rose Auth, Gertrude Weimken and Leone Goetchius in May, 1918. The district was divided in December, 1918, and pupils went to other high schools. The Board of Education refused to order an election for Board members in April, 1919, and by February 21st, 1920, the Ellis Township High School District No. 224 passed into oblivion. Thus began and ended a great rural city and a gallant high school. FRANKLIN was once a thriving village located just north of North Fork river near Seaton Hill on the old Dixie highway. It was laid out in 1837 for Jacob Fisher and Hezekiah Rogers. Only a filling station is left near the site. GERMANTOWN was organized July 6, 1874. The residents at that time were principally Germans so the village was called "Germantown." It remained a thriving and expanding village for many years, and became a part of the City of Danville Sep- tember 28, 1905. GILBERT was named after Alvan Gilbert, a pioneer resident of Rossville and who was a prominent member of the Board of Supervisors for many years. Gilbert was just west of the C. & E. I. Railroad halfway between Alvin and Bismarck. When the Illinois Central narrow gauge railroad was built from West Lebanon, Indiana, to Leroy, Illinois, Gilbert began to die, and Alvin started on its journey to grow into a fine village. GLENBURN was platted a long time ago in 1885 but no important village seemed to be very promising. It was named after a town in Pennsylvania. It is one-half mile north of the Webster school northeast of Oakwood. There are several fine farm houses clustered together today at Glenburn. GREENVILLE was platted in 1836. It was in Pilot Town- ship southwest of Charity. Do you know where it was located? I don't. GRIFFITH was in the extreme northwest corner of Pilot Township. There were 5 streets — Main, Vermilion, Griffith, Miller and Strickland. There was a post office but long since re- called. It was later named Gerald when the C. & E. I. Railroad passed through it. HIGGINSVILLE. In January, 1837, Amando D. Higgins laid out some town lots on both sides of the Middlefork river on section 36, Twp. 21 N. Range 13 W. and called it "Vermilion Rapids." This town was beautifully platted and taken to New York to find purchasers. It was too late. The panic of 1837 had [15] struck the East. The village had a store, post office, blacksmith shop, and a doctor in 1851 and was called Higginsville. For a long time Higginsville was a center of considerable population, but today only the school house by that name is left and the usual farm houses. HIMROD. Several years ago Himrod was a thriving mmmg village of 300 people. The village was one of the first mining towns, out on the prairie, in the county. All kinds of stores were flourishing, but today only the dilapidated brick village hall which was built in 1904 remains. Also the cemetery is a silent monu- ment. Himrod was two miles east and one-half mile south of Westville. . i , , HOPE. Hope was not a regular village but it had the usual country stores and the village blacksmith shop. The post office was established in 1873. Hope will aways be renowned as the birthplace of Carl Van Doren who wrote an American classic of biography, "Benjamin Franklin," which was a Pulitzer prize win- ner. Mark Van Doren, a brother of Carl's was also born at Hope. Mark Van Doren is a great writer and his poems are excellent. Carl Van Doren's book, "AN ILLINOIS BOYHOOD," is a classic story of rural life at HOPE, VERMILION COUNTY, ILLINOIS. All that remains of Hope in 1940 is a church, school house, filling station, a village hall, a few farm houses, and a long line of majestic maple trees on each side of route No. 49 in Pilot Township. LICKSKILLET. Dr. A. M. Hawes came to Georgetown m 1836 and built up a very successful practice throughout the southern part of the county. In an early day, a store was estab- lished 2 miles northeast of Georgetown. Dr. Hawes, m making his rounds, saw how poor the land was around this store and told the folks in Georgetown that the soil was so poor that not enough food could be raised to "lick a skillet." Thereafter, whenever Dr. Hawes was called to that territory, he would leave word that he was going out to "Lickskillet." That name has "stuck" to this day (1940), although the village has disappeared. MUNROE. Munroe was laid out in 1836 by Mayfield and J. C. Haworth on section 36 in the southeast corner of the county. They made a sale of lots and sold a few. Isaac T. Hunt opened up a store there in April, 1879, and did a fine business for a long time. He was deputy postmaster and the post office was called "LONG." Today, Bethel school and a church across the road are all that are left of MUNROE. MYERSVILLE. This thriving village had first for its start the Chrisman mill. People came as far as 70 miles away to Myers- ville to trade and get milling done. Myersville lost the post office to Bismarck in 1872. The last earmarks of Myersville— that of an old grist mill— were removed in 1929. It was located 2 miles west of Bismarck. NEW TOWN. This village was platted in 1838 and was once a thriving little town, one time having a post office and a flourishing Masonic lodge and building. Only a store, blacksmith [16] shop, filling station, school and church remain today. It is about four miles north of Oakwood. O'CONNELLSVILLE was established by O'Connell Brothers when they had a flourishing coal mine in the valley near Lafferty Hill. Lafferty Hill is due east of the Big Four Lyons railroad yards. Only a few homes remain, PELLSVILLE. This village was platted in 1872. A post office, stores, Odd Fellows lodge, church and school all prospered. They even had a depot. Spirited rivalry existed between Rankin and Pellsville for over ten years, but at last Pellsville succumbed to Rankin and only the school house, one residence and a ceme- tery remain today. Pellsville was one and one-half miles west of Rankin. PROSPECT CITY gave early promise of a good town. It was east of Hoopeston. It was laid out for Jane Taft in 1857 by A. D. Southworth, surveyor. When Hoopeston came into ex- istence Prospect City passed on to an unknown grave. RIOLA. Riola was first called Sandusky Station. Levi L. Dunnihoo built a store at Sandusky Station in 1888 and a post office was added in the spring of 1889. The post office was called Riola and hence, Sandusky Station became known as Riola. An ice house was built in 1888 which furnished ice to the farmers of the surrounding country. In 1889 a picture gallery was set up in a tent, which attracted many people to this little community. M. L. Hill purchased the store and secured the post office in 1891. Mr. Hill also had a grain elevator built. For many, many years, Riola was the center of community attractions, but like many other small communities faded out of the picture when Mr. M. L. Hill moved to Danville. Today, Riola is only a memory. SALEM. Salem was laid out in 1840 one mile east of Hig- ginsville. A store had been kept there as early as 1837. It is all gone. SOUTH DANVILLE was incorporated as a village in 1874. The territory being immediately across the river south of Dan- ville it was named "South Danville." The oflicials of this village carried on a good government for many, many years till it was annexed to the City of Danville September 28, 1905. As one passes through South Danville today, the old "Public Square" is easily recognized. STEELTON. When a new coal shaft was opened up out on the prairie on the C. & E. I. R. R. about five miles southwest of Westville a depot was built and a thriving village soon dotted the prairie. A two-room school was built. Stores and a post office were established. For years this mining village prospered but just as soon as the coal was gone, the village fell into decay. Today only one house remains, but no depot; no stores; no post office and only a one-room district school is maintained in the two-room building. (1940) WATKINS GLEN west of Woodbury Hill on both sides of Happy Branch. It was platted by W. J. Watkins. Stores and [17] mines were the sources of a livelihood. The new "Hungry Hol- low" pavement runs through the once happy village. All gone now. WEAVER CITY was laid out and platted for George Weaver on his own farm in 1872. It laid on both sides of the "Nickel Plate" railroad, east of Cheney ville near the Illinois-Indiana state line. Nothing marks its grave today. THE HARRISON PURCHASE By L. A. TUGGLE Any map of Vermilion county shows a small triangular piece of land on the south side very near the Indiana State line, which seems as though it had been driven, like a wedge, up into the county, and because of its apparent bluntness could not be forced in with the amount of power applied. This irregular piece of land is called "Harrison's Purchase." The lines of the point of the wedge are found to meet a short distance east of Ridgefarm. The Superintendent of Indian affairs of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison, concluded a treaty with the Kickapoos, Delawares, Pottowatomies, Miamis and the Eel River Indians at Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 30, 1809. He came to locate the new possession and met the selected Indians at a certain rock in a grove east of Ridgefarm. The Indians did not know how to use a compass, so they stipulated that the line bounding the east side of the land should run in the direction of the sun at 10 o'clock in the morning, and that the boundary of the western line should run in the direction of the sun at one o'clock in the afternoon. It was agreed between General Harrison and the Indians that all of the land which fell within the boundary of the extent of a man riding horseback for two and one-half days would be included in this purchase. The grove from which the riders started was used as a pilot on their return trip. It was the only grove of trees in that part of the country and it safely piloted them back and for that reason was called Pilot Grove. The west line of "Harrison's Purchase" extends south and west, passing through Marshall, Illinois. The east line crosses the Wabash River at the mouth of Raccoon Creek, below New- port, Indiana, and continues south and east of Terre Haute, Indiana. The easterly line of this survey has always been called the "ten o'clock line" by early settlers and surveyors. On ac- count of the difference in the later United States survey and in the "Harrison Purchase survey" of three-quarters of a mile, the boundary lines of Edgar and Vermilion counties on the south, and Edgar and Clark counties on the north, have always been irregular. The small part (about two sections) of "Harrison's Purchase" in Vermilion county was the only part of this territory which was surveyed up to 1821. [18] A HUNDRED TWELVE YEAR OLD LOG HOUSE IN 1940 Michael Weaver came from Brown county, Ohio in 1828 and built a log house near Indianola close by the Weaver cemetery. He died in 1875 at the age of one hundred years. He had nine children seven of whom were daughters. Three became Baums by marriage, two Fishers, one the wife of James Gains, and one the wife of John Cole. Al. J. McMillan who was born in 1855 at Indianola and who was school township treasurer for over 40 years and was Carroll Township Supervisor for 40 years "off and on," came into posses- sion of the old Weaver log cabin several years ago. He concluded to preserve it as a historical relic of Vermilion county. Have you ever noticed a nicely painted lonely barn all by itself on the north side of the road (on Indianola- Vermilion Grove road) about two and one-half miles northeast of Indianola? This is not a barn. Mr. McMillan put a shed and roof all around this 112 year old log house in order to protect the logs from the elements and weather. The logs are 24 feet long and were hewed smooth by Adz. Certainly this is mighty grand of Mr. McMillan to preserve this pioneer relic. ONLY ONE WOODEN COVERED BRIDGE LEFT IN VERMILION COUNTY IN 1940 One half mile east of Conkeytown is the only wooden covered bridge left in Vermilion county. It is across the Salt Fork river. It was built before the Civil War and crosses the river immediately north of one of the first mills built in the county in 1826. Aaron Dalbey built a new mill here in 1837. CM. Berkley bought this mill in 1873 and ran it for many years. Only the runway is in evidence in 1940. Some Sunday afternoon pupils should take their parents directly south of Munice two miles and see this old land- mark and beautiful scenery surrounding it. ANOTHER HISTORICAL NOTE The following citizens have served as Postmasters of the City of Danville since it was organized: POSTMASTER DATE APPOINTED Amos Williams May 3, 1827 (Estab.) James C. Cravens May 22, 1840 Amos Williams June 25, 1841 Isaac R. Moores July 31, 1845 Othniel Gilbert June 8, 1849 Samuel Frazier June 10, 1850 Alexander P. Chesley December 12, 1850 Charles G. Draper July 14, 1853 [19] Josiah Alexander December 7, 1853 John M. Lesley March 28, 1856 Henry G. Boyce June 23, 1856 Enoch Kingsbury March 16, 1861 William Morgan September 28, 1866 Thomas McKibben April 6, 1869 Samuel H. Fairchild January 17, 1871 Charles W. Gregory January 22, 1875 William R. Jewell February 5, 1883 John P. Norvell July 20, 1885 William R. Jewell April 16, 1889 John Beard October 27, 1894 William R. Jewell March 10, 1897 Clint C. Tilton October 30, 1913 George R. Tilton January 18, 1915 Lawrence M. Birch (Acting) October 1, 1923 Lawrence M. Birch January 7, 1924 William C. Lewman (Acting) June 15, 1927 William C. Lewman December 15, 1927 Charles W. Collings (Acting) December 7, 1934 James H. Elliott July 26, 1935 OLD CEMETERIES IN VERMILION COUNTY By L. A. TUGGLE "GOD'S ACRE" was the first cemetery in Vermilion county. It was known, aside from its title of *'God's Acre," as the Butler Burying Ground. Its title was vested by the donor, James D. Butler, in the "bones of those who may find rest here," and especially he wanted to make sure that his bones, and those of his good wife, and those of his good friend, Major John Vance and his helpmate, and others whom he loved, might forever rest undisturbed. . "God's Acre" was set aside for a burymg ground m 1822 and is located south of the Wabash railroad about a half mile west of Catlin. Today the title to this acre is vested in the Ver- milion county board of supervisors by virtue of a deed made and recorded some 70 years ago by Josiah and Elizabeth Sandusky. James D. Butler and wife, John W. Vance and wife, Noah Guymon and "Grandma" Guymon are buried in the northeast quarter of "God's Acre." Marcus Snow and Annis Douglas are sleeping side by side in the west half of God's Acre." Every person in Vermilion county should make a visit to this sacred spot where these hardy men and women who lived and died as we live and die. who labored and loved, who sacrificed and suffered, whose hearts beat to the same rhythm of hope and ambition that human hearts beat to in this modern age yet who lie unfrequently visited in "God's Acre." , ^ The board of supervisors three years ago repaired God s Acre" and rededicated it to the sacred memory of these noble patriots. [20] MT. PISGAH three miles west of Georgetown was one of the early cemeteries plotted. It lies on a gentle sloping hill back of which is a creek which makes good drainage. Jotham Lyons first wife was buried here on Christmas Day, 1827. He was buried August 2, 1843. Absalom Starr was buried in this cemetery on October 14, 1829. Many of the early settlers were buried at Mt. Pisgah. The writer went to church and Sunday school sev- eral years at Mt. Pisgah church and many Sunday afternoons were spent in contemplating the past activities of the Longs, Jones, Hewitts, Gepharts, Swanks and other pioneers who lie buried in this beautiful cemetery. The beautiful and well kept CEMETERY AT VERMILION GROVE speaks the story of unselfish devotion of home ties of the early settlers in that part of the county. The first person buried in the Vermilion Grove cemetery was Hannah Mills who died in the summer of 1823. The Haworths, the Mills, the Hesters, and Holadays, the Mendenhalls, the Rees, the Elliotts, the Cana- days, the Judds, the Smiths and many others are buried in the Vermilion Grove cemetery. The AMOS WILLIAMS BURYING GROUND of Danville has long since answered the call of modern progress and where once lay the bones of many pioneers on Washington Avenue between east Madison and Seminary streets, are modern cottages and industrial plants. Dan Beckwith was buried in the Williams cemetery in December, 1835, but his body was later removed to Springhill cemetery. THE LAMB CEMETERY is located on a beautiful knoll five miles northeast of Danville near the Lamb schoolhouse. The oldest marked grave is that of James Duncan who died October 1, 1819. The next is that of Mary Lamb, daughter of John and Phebe Lamb, who died September 26, 1826. There are about 75 graves in the Lamb cemetery and are arranged in family groups. This family burying ground contains the families of the Lambs, Brewers, Campbells, Makemsons, Elders, Martins, Delays, Woods, and many others. The Makem- son family first used this cemetery in 1881, the Campbell family in 1835, the Brewer family in 1851, the Martin family in 1860, etc. The Lamb cemetery continued being used as a neighborhood burying place until in the eighties. The last person buried there was an infant of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henson in 1914. THE OLD KICKAPOO BURYING GROUND near the mouth of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River four miles west of Danville bears the appearance of having been used by the Indians for many years prior to the time of the cession of the territory along the Vermilion by the Pottawatomies and Kicka- poos. It is a level plateau of several acres, at an elevation that commands a fine view of both streams, and overlooking the bluffs beyond. The plateau is terminated at the westward by a preci- pitous cliff, the foot of which, nearly a hundred feet below, is washed by the Middle Fork. The stream has gradually en- [21] crouched upon the bluff at the water-hne causing the earth to slide down from above. Two young men, John Ecard and Hiram Chester, living upon a farm nearby, were passing along the water's edge in April, 1855, and found a skull and some other parts of a human skeleton that had fallen out of a grave above and rolled down the hill. The skull was well preserved and had clinging to it the remains of a rotted band filled with plain brooches. The young men being curious proceeded to the top of the hill to the grave out of which the remains had fallen and found a part of the grave still intact. Ecard took a stick and digging around in that portion of the grave that yet remained unearthed, two medals were found which are believed to be none other than the silver medals attached to the "two large white wampum belts of peace, with a silver medal suspended to each bearing the arms of the United States" and which were given to the Wabash Indian tribes at their signing of the peace treaty with General Putnam September 27, 1792. Ecard sold these historic medals to Samuel Chester and the latter disposed of them to Josephus Collett of Terre Haute, Indiana. THE GUNDY CEMETERY is one of the prettiest places in Vermilion county and was the burying ground for the pioneers of Myersville. It is located north of the bridge on the Bismarck- " Moore's Corner" road. Joseph Gundy settled that part of the county about 1827. As years rolled along, new parts were added to this cemetery and today the utmost care is taken with this "city of the dead." A Revolutionary War soldier, Jacob Gundy, is buried here. He died in September, 1845. Ruth Davison was buried in Gundy cemetery in 1835, Andrew Davison is 1842 and Elizabeth Davison in 1845. Many Davisons, Gundys, Keers, Carters, Woods and Wiles of early days are buried here. THE DALBEY CEMETERY is east of the main highway between Muncie and Salt Fork River about two miles south of Muncie. This cemetery was laid out in 1838. It was on the property of Aaron Dalbey and James Cass. Because it was such a dreary spot when it was donated for common burial ground, Richard Cass, Jr. exclaimed, "I would not be buried in such a place," but he was the first to be buried there. The second grave was for Elizabeth Cass, mother of Richard, Jr. Richard Cass, Sr. was buried in 1843 and Aaron Dalbey in 1855. The Casses Radcliffs, Dalbeys, Meades, Boyles, McFarlands, Drapers, and many other families were buried in the Dalbey cemetery in the forties, fifties and sixties. This place was used extensively up to the sixties but today it is a tract of weeds and grass. Grave stones and markers are no longer reliable. THE SHARON CEMETERY is a small pioneer burying ground about a quarter of a mile northeast of the Sharon school near Olivet. The writer (January, 1931) saw markers of Smiths buried there in 1815 and 1819. His eyes could scarcely believe the dates, but there they were. A great many of the Smith family were buried here between 1840 and 1849, and different Smiths [22] have been buried in the Sharon cemetery each decade down to the present time. THE LEBANON CEMETERY two miles southwest of Indianola was started in 1829. David Beard, age 70, was buried there in February, 1837 and David Beard, age 40, was buried in September, 1838. John N. McDonald was buried in August, 1837, William B. Dickson in September, 1839, the Dormans in 1838, the Willisons in 1849. This cemetery was the last resting places for a great many early pioneer families: Barnetts, Beards, Williams, Gaines, Pattisons, Swanks, Hiestands and Reeds. THE WEAVER CEMETERY near the Snyder school near Indianola was laid out in 1836. This pioneer cemetery has a great many graves in family groups such as the Weavers, Gaines, Baums, Alexanders, Bairds, Coles, Donovans and Gilkeys. The last person buried in the Weaver cemetery was 25 years ago. Some of the writer's relatives are buried in this cemetery. For several years this cemetery was neglected and allowed to grow up in wood. In 1924, one of the trustees, Al J. McMillan of Indianola, took up a subscription of a thousand dollars and put every marker and monument in concrete and otherwise beauti- fied the grounds. Trees were planted and the grass has been kept cut each year since 1924 so that today the old Weaver bury- ing ground is good to look at. There is only one granite marker in this cemetery. All of the other markers and monuments are marble. There are a lot of private cemeteries in the County. The early pioneers had not laid out burying grounds close enough to their homes on account of lack of transportation, so they were compelled to bury their loved ones, when they died, on the family lot. A splendid example of this is Sandusky family cemetery on the William (his father was Josiah) Sandusky farm, northeast of Indianola. THE HISTORY OF CHENEYVH^LE By Mary Elizabeth Young. Dist. 2 Teacher, Rosaline Guingrich Vermilion County History would be incomplete without the story of Cheneyville. Years and years ago when Cheneyville was an unsettled prairie, the "Burr Oak Grove," where William Regan now lives, was an old Indian trail mark. Indians used to camp under these very trees. Travelers on the Williamsport and Chicago road could see these trees as they came over the prairie and knew they were going in the right direction. From Mr. M. A. Harbart, freight agent for the Nickel Plate Railroad at Hoopeston, Illinois, I learned that the LaFayette, Bloomington and Western Railroad, later called the Lake Erie and Western and which is now the Nickel Plate Railroad, was built between 1872-73. [23] Wood-burning engines were in vogue. The locomotives had funnel-shaped stacks which made a great roar and the insides were painted red. The hand rail was of brass. The steam pipes were copper. The bands around the cylinder head and the boilers were of brass. The fireman was required to keep these shiny. The farmers were so anxious to have the railroad put through that they donated their labor. Mr. James F. Swarner told me he helped haul ties. Mr. Tade Layden said he donated two days' labor and graded off the land where the depot now stands. Of course all the farmers helped but I do not know their names. Some children born along this right-of-way and still living in Cheney ville are Charles Reed, A. A. Carl and Jennie Odle (Mrs. William Regan). The latter two are grandparents. There are three generations of Carl's and Regan's living in the village at the present time. After reading the following item, (in an old Hoopeston Chron- icle) I found that the boys of long ago differ very little from the boys of today. "March 25, 1884. One day last week as the after- noon freight train was running through the place, three boys from Hoopeston were seen to jump from the train and two of them got tumbled, but fortunately without injury. They were taking their daily ride to the Hoopeston hill and the train gamed too much speed for them to get off. This should be stopped." Mr. Harlin M. Steely, now an attorney of Danville, Illinois, taught the Ziegler School in 1876-77 which stood in the south- east corner of the farm now owned by Mr. Steely and where I have always lived. He said that at that time there was a string of grain cribs along the railroad where Cheneyville is now. I supposed these cribs belonged to William Moore and he bought and stored grain, for I read in an old newspaper a notice to the farmers that a car of seed flax was on the track. The flax was sowed on virgin soil. It was customary to do this in order to prepare a good seed-bed for the next crop. Benjamin Ziegler, though not a resident of Cheneyville, was a pioneer of the community. His home was one half mile south of the village. He had purchased his land from the government at $1.25 an acre. The deed recorded on buckskin is still in posses- sion of his heirs. Not long after the railroad was built, Jake McFerren and William Moore built an elevator. When it was completed a big dance was given. Some of the men got drunk and it ended in a fight. Shelba Starr was hired by Moore and McFerren to operate this elevator. The elevator was run by horse power, for I read the following in an old Hoopeston Chronicle: "William Moore is building a fence around his property which is to be used as a pasture for his elevator horse." This elevator was later purchased by the farmers of this community and operated by Miles Odle assisted by his daughter, Hattie (now Mrs. Reason Alkire). The village of Cheneyville was laid out by Jake McFerren in 1878. Mr. Tade Layden said that the land was donated by [24] the following: Abe Swisher, 2}4, acres; J. L. Starr, 5 acres; and John Dunkalbarger, 10 acres. It was named after J. H. Cheney, vice-president of the Lake Erie and Western Railroad. At first the village was named Cheneyville, but the post office was called Cheneysville. Later this was changed to Cheneyville. There is only one other Cheneyville in the United States. It is in Louisiana. The first station agent was Jessie E. Marvin. His wife, Ollie Marvin, told me she remembered well when they came to Cheneyville. Their oldest child, Ida (now Mrs. Chad Smith), was one year old. They lived in the first house built in Cheney- ville. It was built by a man by the name of Youngblood. It had three rooms. It was later bought and enlarged by Miles Odle before he with his family moved into Cheneyville from the farm. This house is still known as the Odle House. Marvins built a cottage where John Gregory's house now stands. Mrs. Marvin also showed me the original platt of Cheneyville and I noticed the town had changed very little. From an old news- paper I quote the following: "March 27, 1883. Our general operator, J. E. Marvin, felt very well remunerated for his services when he found he was over paid $20. But like the honest boy he is, he made it all right on the return of the pay car." Mr. Ben Guest kept a boarding house which is now the parsonage. He also sold tile to the farmers for draining purposes. When I interviewed Mr. Ben Guest he laughingly told me about Zachariah Fetters, the first blacksmith. His shop stood where A. A. Carl's garage now stands. He also had a hotel. A. A. Carl's house is part of this hotel. To get to bedrooms a ladder was used instead of a stairway. The young men who boarded there had good times, but when the pillow fights became too noisy, Zachariah Fetters called the noisy ones to come down the ladder until the others had gone to sleep. There was no argu- ment for they all feared Zachariah's brawny muscles. But they liked him I know, for while looking through an old scrap book made by Elta Swarner, now Mrs. John Parson, I found this little verse: There's Zachariah Fetters, A man of great renown Who runs a little blacksmith shop In the northern part of town. He also keeps a boarding house And his meals are all in style, And while he has his troubles He greets you with a smile. The young men had other good times, too, as I found in an old Hoopeston Chronicle; "April 19, 1883. The Cheneyville Band consisting of a fife and drum are preparing for the 4th of July." Mrs. Reason Alkire (Hattie Odle) said she would never forget when her father (Miles Odle) came home one day from the ele- vator and said there was going to be a post office in Cheneyville. He could now get daily market reports and a daily newspaper. [25] He told the children they could go for the mail each day. They lived a mile and one half from Cheneyville. The first postmaster was John Beaver. The next was J. W. Underwood. He lived in the property now owned by Charles Reed. The next was John Leach. Mrs. Leach said they moved to Cheneyville from Talbot, Indiana in April, 1888. Mr. Leach had a drug, paint and hardware store in Cheneyville. Mr. Leach was postmaster from 1892 until his death in May, 1923, when his wife, Tillie Leach, who had served as assistant to her husband, became postmistress. She has served eleven years. Mrs. Leach is 78 years old and is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, postmistress in the United States. The Cheneyville post office is fourth class and Mrs. Leach is under civil service, so she will serve indefinitely. Besides operating the elevator, Shelba Starr and his brother, Leece, owned and kept the first general store. Mr. Flowers bought them out. Miles Odle later bought the general store from Mr. Flowers and his daughter, Hattie, clerked for him. As I read the old newspapers furnished by the Hoopeston Library, I found that the old town pump was mentioned quite often. It seemed that water was scarce in Cheneyville. "February 19, 1883. Our town pump is laid out for repairs and our citizens are compelled to use rain water." Another time, "The old town pump is out of whack again," and still again, "The old town pump is taking a rest and a new one has taken its place." Perhaps this scarcity of water was why a man by the name of John Bridges thought a saloon would be profitable in Cheney- ville. His saloon was located where John Prickett's garage now stands. He later sold it to two brothers, Joe and Douglas Cooper. As they had no license the good people reported them and they landed in the Danville jail. Some other items of interest are: "March 6, 1884. Cheneyville voted at home and don't you forget it." Mr. William Cooper said the first election was held in the elevator grain office. "May 29, 1884. An umbrella repairer, a scissors grinder and a jewelry peddler were among our visitors this week." I laughed when I read this item, but after talking to some of the old settlers I felt ashamed of myself. These peddlers were very welcome. They brought the news and gossip from other localities, which they related while they were selling their ware. A tile factory was operated by Mr. Flowers. It stood where John Prickett's house now stands. It didn't last very long ac- cording to an old newspaper item. "February 27, 1884. The tile factory is defunct. Parties from Bismarck have bought the mill and will take it to that place." The first child born in Cheneyville belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Flowers. In 1885 a schoolhouse was built on the same lot where our schoolhouse now stands. William Moore dug a well and donated the land for school purposes. The objectors were Ziegler and Dixon. Of course the Ziegler School was more convenient for [26] them. Jessie E. Marvin and James Smiley were two of the first directors. Carrie Owen of Hoopeston was the first teacher. This schoolhouse burned in 1900. Our present schoolhouse was built in 1901. Church was held in the schoolhouse but the people of Cheney- ville felt they needed a church in their little village. Carrie Starr, wife of Shelba Starr, and Mollie Butt, wife of John Butt, circulated a subscription paper to raise money to build a church. The Christian Church was built in 1891. Mrs. William Gamble said that the land was purchased from Mrs. Emma Harris (now Mrs. Tomamichael of Chicago) for $50. The first deacons were James F. Swarner, Holmes Duffin and George Hoof. There were 100 members and most all of them married. The first minister was James N. Lester. He helped organize the church. He was well acquainted as he had held church services many times at the Ziegler School House. Mrs. Tillie Leach and Ina Duley Ogden at one time were getting up a Children's Day Program and they lacked songs. Mrs. Ina Duley Ogden said they must have some. So she wrote some. Later she wrote, "Brighten The Corner Where You Are," which has been sung in Sunday Schools all over the United States. The Odd Fellow Lodge of Cheneyville was organized in 1891. William Cooper, W. E. Alkire and David Stevens are the only living charter members. They are not living in Cheneyville. The first and only doctor in Cheneyville was O. P. Klotz. He also had the first automobile in Cheneyville. It was a two- cylinder chain drive. Dr. Klotz is not living in Cheneyville. I wish I could tell all the interesting things that have been told to me and all the news items from the old Hoopeston Chron- icle I read. There surely was not a more interesting community in Vermilion county. THE HISTORY OF HOOPESTON B7J Mary Martin, Dist. 2 Teacher, Rosaline Guingrich Hoopeston had its beginning with the building of the two railroads which intersect at that point. The LaFayette, Bloom- ington and Western (now the Nickel Plate) reached the point first in 1871 and in May, 1872, the Chicago, Danville and Vin- cennes (now the Chicago and Eastern Illinois) was built to what is now Hoopeston. Adjacent to the railroads were forty acres of land known as "The Lost Forty," because of the difficulty in finding the previous owner. It was then owned by Joseph M. Satterwhaite, who with Thomas Hoopes, in 1871 laid out a part of this tract and on land owned by the latter; the original town of Hoopeston, This con- sisted of only lots facing West Main Street and a section facing what is now Penn Street. [27] At this time land was selling for six dollars or less an acre. Mr. Alba Honeywell, an agent for the Hoopes land, had at- tempted to buy forty acres at twenty-five dollars an acre, but a misunderstanding arose which prevented this. Mr. Honeywell then secured an interest in the Thompson land, adjoining the above mentioned tracts, and proceeded to survey and plat north Hoopeston. Adjoining the tract on the east at about this time, William Moore and Noah Brown laid out Moore and Brown's addition to the city of Hoopeston. Snell, Taylor and Mix of Chicago Railway Construction Company bought 1000 acres of land on the west side of the Chicago Railway and in November, 1871, laid out the lots and called their town, Leeds. Strife broke out between the two rival sections of the city, in an effort to name the entire city. Leeds scored the first victory in this battle when they obtained the Post Office and named it Leeds. The first post office was established in 1871, and Mr. Spin- ning was appointed postmaster. He held that office until 1878. The first store building was built and occupied on lot sixty- nine, Main Street, by David Bedell, who stocked it with mer- chandise in 1871. This soon was followed by the first hardware store of Moore and Brillhart. In October, 1871, religious services were first held in Hoopes- ton in the store of Mr. McCracken. The Methodist Society was organized in 1872 by Reverend Hyde of Rossville and presiding Elder, Reverend Preston Wood. The United Presbyterian and the First Presbyterian Church were established in May, 1872. The Baptist Church was established in 1873. The First Church Of Christ was established in 1873 by Elder Rawley Martin and 12 members. In 1874, Hoopeston had a population of one thousand in- habitants. Some of the early pioneers were: Alba Honeywell; William Moore; Dale Wallace; Peter Levin and James A. Cunningham. The first newspaper was issued November 11th, 1872, by Dale Wallace and Gideon W. Seavey. The paper was called "The North Vermilion Chronicle." It was published under this name for a year and then changed to "Hoopeston Chronicle." Hoopeston was incorporated as a village in 1874 and as a city in 1877. In the summer of 1880, Stephen McCall, an experienced canner from the State of New York, came west to find a place where sweet corn would grow sufficiently. A factory known as "Illinois Canning Co." was estabhshed. Influenced by the success of the canning factory established by Mr. McCall, in 1882 J. S. McFerren, A. H. Trego and A. T. Catherwood incorporated Hoopeston Canning Company. Attracted by the large quantities of tin cans needed by the two factories, the Union Can Manufacturing Company was es- tablished and later became a branch of the American Can Com- pany. [28] The First National Bank was incorporated in 1882 by Mr. McFerren, a pioneer who had come to Hoopeston as a settler. It was the city's first financial institution. In 1905, Mr. Wakeman was granted the privilege to manu- facture and furnish the city with illuminating gas. Then, the McFerren Park was laid out. Mary Hartwell Catherwood Club, Masonic Lodge, Ira Owen Kreager Post of American Legion, also Hoopeston Business Men's Association, were organized. Later, schools, library, stores, churches, and residences were added to Hoopeston. THE ORIGIN OF THE CHENEYVILLE TELE- PHONE COMPANY By Lyle Pricket, District No. 2 Teacher, Rosaline Gingrich J. E. Leach moved from Talbot, Indiana where he had been Railroad Station Agent for six years, to Cheneyville, Illinois in April, 1888. He put a small stock of hardware and drugs in a small building at the site of the present Post Office. During his residence in Talbot, he had a short telegraph line from his house to the Depot, and brought the wire and in- struments with him to Cheneyville to connect his store and resi- dence. J. E. Marvin was Station Agent at that time, and soon decided he would like telegraph instruments at his home and the depot. Later other residents of the town and a few farmers caught the telegraph fever and there were eight or nine instruments in use here. There was no Doctor in Cheneyville and no way of getting one quickly at night, as the Western Union office at Hoopeston did not keep open nights. The two banks. First National and Hoopeston National, each had a former telegraph operator among their employees as did also the two newspapers. The banks offered if the Cheneyville people would secure a franchise to run their wires into Hoopeston and put a telegraph instrument into each bank, they would de- liver calls for Doctors during the daytime and the newspaper offices made the same offer for night calls. The offers were thankfully accepted, the instruments in- stalled, and Cheneyville people were able to get a Doctor with- out driving to Hoopeston over muddy roads. That was before we had any knowledge of telephones. The first telephones we had were installed by J. E. Leach to connect his residence with that of John Baker several years later. Those phones were not much like the ones we now have. We talked through the receivers and did not find it very con- venient. A few years later there had been improvements in phones, and a telephone system was established in Hoopeston, so it was [29] decided to substitute them for our telegraph instruments. Mr. Leach made a switch board and connected the hnes. Josiah Rusk of Hoopeston, had several farms near Cheney- ville, each one occupied by one of his children. He offered to pay for phones and wire to connect with Cheneyville. Next, J. D. Brown, E. A. Strader, N. E. Ross, and some others bought phones and wire to connect their farm with Cheneyville, finally extending a line to Rossville. Others followed at intervals of a year or more until after awhile a Company was formed and stock sold. J. E. Leach was Manager until his death in May, 1923. After that the switch board was moved to its present location and other arrangements made. EARLY HISTORY OF DISTRICT NO. 22 By George Myers, Dist. 22 Teacher, Minnie Burt Foster As early as 1852 some of the land near the present site of Bristle Ridge School was purchased from the government for only one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre. This land had never been cultivated. There was not a tree or shrub upon the whole area. Wild game was plentiful. Deer, elk, and wolves roamed the district. The only wagon road through these parts was the Chicago Road, now known as the Dixie Highway. By 1862, there was a field here and there enclosed by a hedge or Sometime before 1860, a subscription school was started in a lean-to of the farmhouse on the farm which is now the McFar- land farm. This school house was one-fourth mile north of the present site of Bristle Ridge. One of the first teachers was Lizzie Brazier, who was a New York orphan girl. She could read and write and do a few sums in arithmetic. The school benches were made of boards with four or five bricks under each end, to hold them up. The furniture was com- pleted by a rude home-made desk for the teacher. The walls were roughly plastered, not having the finish coat. No grades were organized, and the books generally used were McGuffey's Reader and Speller. School terms were very short in those days. They were only about two to three month terms. The school was moved to its second site in about 1862. This was about one-fourth mile north of the subscription school and on the opposite side of the road. Here it was called the Tilton School. The first blackboard in this school was made of floor boards nailed over the plaster. This was painted with black paint. In writing on these crude boards the writer had to be careful to keep the chalk from sliding down a groove between the boards. They used dampened woolen rags for erasers. One teacher had the plaster coated with paint, making [30] blackboards all around the room. This was thought to be a modern improvement. In this school the benches or desks were not fastened to the floor and so could be moved about. The main recreation for the community, it seems, was dancing. The desks would be pushed up against the wall to make room. Music was usually furnished by a violin — better known as the fiddle. In about 1884, many disagreements arose over a proposed plan of moving the school house one-half mile south to the center of the district at the cross roads. People living at the north side of the district objected. Many heated arguments commenced and grew to hostility. They decided to vote to settle the dis- pute. The "Southsiders" had the most votes and so won. The election was declared illegal, but the "Northsiders" finally gave in and the building was built on the present site. One dark night, before much progress was made on the building, some boys spiked two twenty-five foot floor sills to- gether, and a barrel painted to resemble a beer keg was nailed to one end. This was raised to a standing position and then stones were piled around its base to make it solid. The next morning the country folks came to see the insult to civic pride. The keg, high in the air, had written on it, "Beer Corner," "Beer will buy votes," etc. No one at that time sus- pected the culprits. The insult was torn down but "Beer Corner" threatened to be the permanent name of School District No. 22. Tradition says that the school got its name from William Shively, an early settler, known as "Bill Bristle." He was called that because of his shock of black bristly hair. HISTORY OF SCHWARTZ SCHOOL Bij Lillian Word, Dist. 25 Teacher, ViVA Vaught Schwartz School was built in 1861 on the farm where Mr H. N. Seymour now lives — northeast quarter (14) of section 29 in township 23 North, range 13 West of 2nd Prime Meridian. The school house was 23 feet long and 17 feet wide. The water was obtained for the school out of a dug well seventy feet deep. It was lined with those big round stones called "Nigger Heads." The well has been filled up recently. Some of the early directors of Schwartz School in 1862 were James H. Meharry, 0. S. Height, and Mr. Rigles. 0. E. Gilbert started teaching school October 16, 1861. He had seven pupils to teach. He also taught school three months for $45. It was then in district No. 1, but in 1875 they changed it to district No. 9. April 17, 1875, three women were elected directors, but one refused to serve her term. The books that they used were Wilson's Reader and Spellers, Ray's Arith- metic, Pinnco's Grammar, Electer's Geography and Harper's history of the United States of America. March 19, 1877, an order was signed to H. Frankeberger [31] for $60 for moving the school house where it now stands. The school house was moved in 1877 to where it now stands in the northeast quarter of section 32. The ground that the school house stands on was given to the school for school purposes. As long as the school house is left where it is the ground will be for the school. But if it is torn down or moved away, it will go back to the owner. The land was managed by John Campbell. "He was the first man to act as land agent in this neighborhood." The people that owned the place did not live here at that time. Mollie Wright was hired to teach in the new location at $30 a month. In 1880 Emma Allen taught for $25 a month. She had 54 pupils, and 3 pupils had to sit in each seat. July 1, 1901, from district No. 9 it was changed to district No. 25. January, 1911, the district paid $25 for a stove. The following year, January, 1912, a No. One furnace was bought for $117.00. Later, after the school house was moved over where it now stands, there were 10 feet added on the west end of the school house. The reason that the school house was named Schwartz was because Mr. Schwartz was the first settler in this neighborhood. His son, Mr. Danny Schwartz, was one of the early teachers. Some other early teachers were Lorinday McCune, Lodema A. Brown, Mary Burch, Lizzie Jones, Mary Anne Jones, and John S. Hewins. The children used slate and pencil then, and the black- board also. The subjects that they taught were reading, spelling, arith- metic, geography and history. The games that the children played were Tom Ball, Ante Over, and Blackman. At the end of the term of 1934, there were 19 pupils enrolled in the Schwartz School. The directors now are Mr. Joe Schaeffer, Mr. Clarence Eighner, and Mr. H. N. Seymour. (1934) HISTORY OF SQUANKUM Bij Lloyd Smith, Dist. 31 Teacher, EvA Mansfield When Squankum School was first built in 1850, the land was open prairie, treeless and fenceless. The first building was made of logs with a fireplace. For desks they had benches to sit on and do their work. The first building was built a quarter of a mile south of where it now stands. It was built on Mr. Bloomfield's land. It went by the name of Bloomfield School. There were about sixty pupils enrolled when it was first built. Church and Sunday School services were held in the school house before the building of Prairie Chapel in 1862. In 1858 the present school building was built. The old [32] school was sold for a granary and the new school house was built a quarter of a mile farther north. In 1875 Mr. Jimmy Sharp taught one year at Squankum school. He received sixty-seven dollars for teaching one term. He received twenty-seven dollars for teaching the first two months of school. For the last six months of school, he received forty dollars. Squankum school had a Literary and Debating Club. The club had very good debators. John Donning Benedict, one of Squankum's best debators, became County Superintendent of Schools. The club would meet in the evenings. They would hold their Literary meeting first, and then they held their debates. They were very important events. Squankum is an Indian name. Mr. Sharp said that he was told that the school got its name from one of its debators. A debator's voice was changing; it was squeaky and squaw ky. The people called him "Squawkum," and then changed it to "Squankum," which came to be known as the name of the school. THE EARLY HISTORY OF ROSS TOWNSHIP Bij Mary Mackenzie, Dist. 32 Principal, Helen Burgess This township got its name from Jacob Ross who once owned a water mill on East Fork, which was a kind of center where the people met on business errands and for an interchange of ideas. Thus "Ross's Mill" became the prominent locality in the surrounding communities, and when the township was or- ganized, Jacob Ross's name was given it. About 1829, Andrew Davidson, James Davidson, Joseph and Thomas Gundy, Joseph Kerr, Daniel Liggitt, John Bean, John Demorist and Thomas McKibbean, his father and family, arrived from Ohio, and took locations within the limits of this township. Most of these set- tled a little north of Myersville, Liggitt and Bean within the present town limits of Rossville, and the McKibbean family about 3 miles east of Mann's Chapel, Robert Horr lived near where this chapel was afterward built in 1830. John Ray, Abram Woods, and a man by the name of Wills, an old bachelor, settled southeast of Rossville about 2 miles in 1831. Wills boarded with Woods, opened a farm, and for a year or two pretended to be a cripple from frozen feet and hobbled around, creating for him- self a large amount of sympathy. He had James Newell and James Cunningham be his securities for $1500 which he borrowed. The way he got out of Vermilion county was a wonder. He proved himself to be one of the most limber-jointed and sure- footed men of his age. Supposing him to have been murdered for his money, which seemed to be confirmed by his horse re- turning riderless, and the discovery of the saddle hidden away under a log, nearly all of the entire male population of the coun- ty turned out and spent about a week in search, dragging the [33] mill pounds and "deep holes" in the creeks. He was never dis- covered until after the Civil War when a settler found him in In 1832, Alvin Gilbert bought out Robert Horr, where he made a settlement which was named Henpeck and later changed to Rossville. In 1834, George and William Bicknell, of Massachusetts, settled 2 miles north of this town. Abram Mann, from England, settled in 1835 near Mann's Chapel, after whom it received its name and who was largely instrumental in its erection. Dr. Richard Brickwell come to Rossville in 1836 and practiced medi- cine here. Clark Grean, who resided near Mann's Chapel, came in 1835, and Albert Comstock came about 1837. Lyman Kings- bury, Lewis Thompson, Matthew Bailey, Henry Kite, John Windsor, Joel Helmick, and Noah Messic were all in this town- ship before 1840. The Methodists had "circuit preaching" as early as 1831, and they erected Mann's Chapel in 1858. Rev. Enoch Kingsbury organized the first Presbyterian Church at Rossville, at the residence of Alvin Gilbert about 1840 and preached until about 1869. The first school house was erected near Mann's Chapel about 1856, and Mr. Lyman Kingsbury was the first school teacher. He was succeeded by Lewis Thompson. Samuel Gilbert, the father of Alvin Gilbert, was the first post- master and also the first Justice of the Peace. This township is principally prairie. It has a sufficient amount of timber. In the opinion of the state geologist, coal underlies the surface everywhere at a depth of from 150 to 200 feet. There were plenty of good schools, and three Methodist and one Presbyterian Churches in this township in 1875. The soil of the township is rich and deep, with good drainage. Here is an abundance of stock, water, and many large farms. This township was originally called North Fork, and was changed to Ross in 1857. EARLY HISTORY OF ROSSVILLE By Ora Lee Borders, Dist. 32 Princvpal, Helen Burgess In 1824, Colonel Hubbard came west from Montreal to en- gage in business for the American Fur Company. He abandoned the water route, and by following an Indian trail leading from Chicago to Vincennes, Indiana, established what was known as Hubbard's Trace. He introduced pack horses instead of boats for transportation of goods. This trail passes through Rossville and was used mostly by the pioneer settlers. It has been marked by a stone monument which now stands in the yard of Mr. Harve Brackin. This trail gave place to the old Chicago road or the present Dixie Highway. Along the timber that skirts the North Fork and its branches, and near the state road, the settle- ments were made. Very soon after the organization of Vermilion [34] county, the village of Rossville sprang into existence. The corporation limits include what was known as Liggitt's Grove on the south and Bicknell's Point on the north. The North Fork ran through its western border and the beautiful rolling lands were unusually attractive. For awhile the place was called Bicknell's Point, then it was changed to Henpeck. In 1829, John Liggitt came to this vicinity, entered land, and lived and died on the place where Mr. Harve Brackin now lives. His place was on the Chicago road and was a place for the travelers to stop, although he did not call it a hotel. Alvin Gilbert had moved from near Mann's Chapel to a farm with- in the northern limits of the town, and which is now the home of Galyens on Chicago Street. Upon the death of Mr. Liggitt in 1838 he bought his farm in the southern limits of the town. The post office was called North Fork and was established near Gilbert's in 1839. Once, the mail, which was brought by stage coach from Danville, was delayed for six weeks on account of high water. The post master, Mr. Gilbert, called in some men to help him sort and distribute the mail which proved to be one letter. In 1853. the post office was moved to the village and was located in a north room adjoining the home of Joseph Sat- terthwait, who was the third post master. He lived on the farm he had bought of Mr. Gilbert in the northern limits of town. This farm was sold to Dr. Michail T. Livingood in 1866. About 1857, Alvin Gilbert and Joseph Satterthwait laid out the town of Rossville, and the name of the post office was then changed. They named the town after Jacob T. Ross, who owned a tract of land from which the timbers for the old mill were cut and hewn. He afterward became owner of the mill. For a long time it was known as Ross Mill. The original town contained two blocks at the crossing of Chicago and Attica roads. The two streets were named from this fact. In 1872 W. J. Henderson came to Rossville and immediately became identified with its business interests, being engaged in the mercantile and grain business. He also farmed a large place partly within the northern limits of the town, which had been the home of James R. Stewart, It was known as the Townsend House and had been built in 1847. This house is the home of Mrs. Susie Smith. The building of the railroad in 1851 and 1855 filled the prairies around the groves with hardy settlers. It became evi- dent that someone must keep a store at Henpeck; and so, Samuel Frazier of Danville put in a stock of goods in 1856, and continued in business for four years. In 1857 the two-story frame build- ing, which stood on the southeast corner of the crossroads, be- fore the fire of 1866, which destroyed all that part of the village, was built. The lower floor was used as a storeroom, and the upper floor was used by the I. 0. 0. F. and Masonic lodges as a lodge room, and also a public hall. Here, for years, church serv- ices were held. In 1859 Gidern Davis built the south part of the old hotel [35] property that stood on the northeast corner of the crossroads. It was destroyed by fire in 1910. Alva Cronkite's residence is on the spot now. In 1872, Garret J. Pendergrast and his brother, Patrick, the husband of Mrs. Laura Pendergrast who now fives with Mrs. Susie Smith, built all the brick business houses in Rossville at that time. They were Deamude's, Henderson's, Putnam's and Albright's. The Putnam and Albright building which was bufit m 1873 was on the northeast corner of Attica and Chicago Streets. This building was replaced by the new bank in 1920. In 1875, W. J. Henderson had the brick buildmg built where the A. & P. and Bailey's Meat Market are located. The lower floor was a storeroom and the upper an opera house or public hall. . . In 1876, Mr. Deamude had the building adjoining the Henderson block on the south. It is now occupied by C. E. Ross. The first school house was on the site where Postmaster Young now lives. I think Miss Campbell, who was later Mrs. Wolvertine, was one of the first teachers. Phillip Reynolds at- tended his first school days there. The building was one large room. In 1868, a two-story brick school building was built on the east side of North Chicago Street, the place where the present Grade Building now stands. In 1874, the building was too small, so a two-story addition was built. The land had been given for the school by Dr. Livingood, one of Rossville's first physicians. In 1879, this building burned and v/as replaced in 1889. In 1889, it was again burned to the ground. The building we now have was built in 1889. In 1898, the need for more room called for another building which was built on the eastern part of the ground, and which is now used for the High School. Rev. Enoch Kingsbury was the pioneer Presbyterian preacher in Vermilion county. They had church once or twice every two or three months. He preached at Rossville from the time of its settlement until he died. When Mr. Gilbert left Danville, he carried the devotion of the Presbyterian Church. The Presby- terian Church was organized at his house in 1850 by Rev. Kings- bury. There were six members who united to form the church. Church services were held in Mr. Gilbert's house until the Odd Fellows built their hall. The building was neat. This ground was given by Mr. Gilbert and cannot be used for any other purpose except religion. The Methodist Church was built in 1869. It was made of brick and was dedicated in July, 1870, by Elder Moody, the fighting parson who got his name by praying by night and fight- ing by day with the same spirit and faith. This church and the Presbyterian have been replaced by modern buildings. The Christians built a church which they afterward sold to the U. B. people. This building was just north of the beautiful church the United Brethren have now. [36] The building of the Chicago, Danville and Vincennes rail- road boomed Rossville. It ran through the eastern part of the town and is called the Chicago and Eastern Illinois. The old depot stood at the foot of Gilbert Street for a number of years. Then a new brick building was built where the depot now stands. In 1873, the first newspaper was published in the town. It was a six-column folio which was published once a week. Mr. J. H. Moore established the Rossville Observer. John C. Cromer, almost immediately after Mr. Moore left in 1876, started the Enterprise. For three years he published this paper, then moved to Homer. In 1879 the Rossville Press was established. It is still pub- lished for the town's demand, a home paper and one of the best. It is now published by Mr. Reinhardt. The land where I live and all west of the Presbyterian Church was all fenced in and fixed as feeding pens. At one time Mr. Henderson had 1000 hogs in the pens to take to market. The trees which have been cut down in this vicinity had many nails in them where the early settlers had nailed the pens and feed boxes to them. The hogs were kept until they were fat enough not to run away, but not fat enough to butcher because they could not stand the trip to Chicago and elsewhere. Turkeys were also driven to market. The turkeys would go to roost in the trees at night and the men would have to wait until morning so as they could go on their way. Here are a few of the hardships of the settlers. Mr. Alvin Gilbert with his men were crossing the prairie from Bicknell's Point to Sugar Creek with a large drove of hogs. Before the storm arrived, the hogs and horses were uneasy. The hogs, at last, refused to go farther. They piled themselves up in one heap in order to protect themselves from the storm. During the night six of them died and the outside ones were so frozen they had to be cut loose. Mr. Gilbert and his men rode five miles farther. All had their fingers, toes and ears frozen and the harness was so frozen that they could scarcely be taken from the horses. Two men were coming from Chicago during the same storm. They tried every way to keep warm but could not, so they killed one horse, removed the entrials, rolled his back to the wind and put their hands and feet inside while they lay on the warm body. Before morning one man was frozen to death. The oiher, although badly frozen, rode the other horse to the nearest house five miles away. There is an odd legend which tells the death of an Indian woman, near the Indian settlement north of Barlow Mill. The woman had come frcm the place which is now Rossville to visit the members of the tribe. She had a little baby with her, and a horse in switching flies accidentally kicked and killed the baby. It's cries excited the Indians and one struck the woman and [37] killed her. He ran away but the Indians found him and said they made a real Indian out of him. Many, many a hardship and many a trial was endured in order to give us our beautiful little city of Rossville. ROSSVILLE Y.M.C.A. By WiLMA Foster, Dist. 32 Principal, HELEN BURGESS In March, 1913, the E. J. E. Railroad Company moved their terminal from the intersection of Railroad and McKibben Street at the south edge of Rossville to the new terminal, one and one-half miles south, near Rossville junction. At that time, there were about 135 men employed in all departments who were permanently located here, and about 100 men in trains and engineers who came into the terminal from Joliet and Gary and laid over for a rest period. On account of the terminal being so far from town, it was decided to build a building so the men could be fed, and a place to sleep. In the spring of 1914, one year after the opening of the terminal, the E.J. E. railroad decided to build a Y. M. C. A. Three acres of ground was purchased from the Thompson real estate and the building was erected thereon, at a cost of approximately $40,000. It was opened for business in December , 1914. The first secretary was Mr. Harold Stevens who was a trained secretary in Y. M. C. A. work, and he served in that capacity about two years. During the period from 1914 to 1931 there was a number of secretaries in charge of the build- ing, the last of whom was J. W. White and wife, who served the longest in this capacity. During the spring of 1931, business fell off and on account of so few men using the building and the excess cost of hold- ing it open, the Railroad Company decided to close it indefinitely. On July 11, 1931, it was closed and all furnishings removed. The building was owned by the E. J. E. Railroad Cornpany and was operated under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, the general secretary being located at Gary where the E. J. E. Railroad Company own and operate another Y. M. C. A. THE HISTORY OF DISTRICT THIRTY-EIGHT By Bessie Hanson, Dist. 38 Teacher, Louie Jimerson Albright School was named for the Albright family headed by Alanson and Samuel, brothers, who came here from Ohio in 1844 to herd cattle on the eight mile prairie. They both entered homesteads in 1852. The school house was built in 1858, but burned in 1888. Then the present building was built. [38] All of the Homesteaders' children went to this school. Among them were Albright's, Coon's, Cork's, Haas's, Smith's and Chamber's. Two families have sent three generations: Mrs. Sue Albright, her daughters, Edna and Jennie Braden, and grand- daughters, Margaret and Bonnie Braden; also Mrs. Ella Coon Hillard, her daughter, Florence Hillard Reynolds, and the three Reynolds children, Helen, Leona and Raymond, who are attend- ing the school at the present time. Many years ago, Mrs. David Albright taught the school. Then her daughter, now Mrs. Orrie Cunningham, taught this same school twenty years later. Tom Campbell and his sister Lizzie taught the school for four years. She taught the time he had to work on the farm. One year on account of sickness, we had three different teachers, Blanche Borders, Helen Bennett and Boyce Borders. As there was but one pupil of school age living in the district in 1920, there wasn't any school and this one pupil attended Bean Creek School. There are nine children attending school this year. Some of the teachers besides the ones I have already men- tioned were Elmer Moreland, Sherman Littler, Carrier Littler, Nellie Stepp, Carrie Foster, Georgia Stepp, Ada Runyon, Etta Smith, Sarah Galloway, Celesta Barr, Ira Evans,?and Margaret Linfoot Lane. Our present teacher, Mrs. Louie Jimerson, has taught here eleven years. EARLY SCHOOLS OF VERMILION COUNTY By Geneva Goodwin, Dist. 52 Teacher, ROBERTA LANE The early schools of Vermilion county were much different than they are now. But the schools we have now are much better than they were then. The first school built in Vermilion county was in Elmwood Township in the year of 1824 and 1825. It was a Log school house one mile west of Vermilion Station. Reuden Black, eighteen years old, came from Ohio and secured enough subscriptions to make it worth while to open a school. John Mills sent four chil- dren, Joseph Jackson sent two children, Ezekial Hollingsworth sent four children, Henry Canaday sent one, and John Haworth sent three; making fourteen in all. They were taught reading, writing, spelling, and some were taught arithmetic. Few more schools were built until 1827 when one was begun at Butler's Point. It was south of the well-known Thonias Keeney home. Then, a school was built in Newell Township. The schools of 1824 and '25 were made of round logs. The floors were covered with sawed puncheons. Their windows were made of logs sawed out over which the piece of greased paper was put, through which the light had a hard time to come. For [39] their desks they used slabs, and they had no seats. A rude fire- place at one end reached from one corner to the opposite one. In the other end of the room an opening had been made by leav- ing out a log, and in this, upright pieces were placed at intervals, and on these, oiled paper was pasted to admit the light. Under this improvised window, a long board was put up with proper pitch, and along it a long bench was put. Here in this "flood of light" the children practiced their copies, using a quill pen which the teacher made. The lessons they had were ''Readin', Ritin', and Rithmetic." Later they took up Grammar, History, Geography and Physio- logy. The first school house was destroyed by fire. Mr. Henry Hunt had collected some two hundred venison hams and stored them in Haworth's smokehouse where he was smoking and drying them to ship to New Orleans by a flat boat. For a joke (a sorry joke it appears) some men attracted the attention of Mr. Hunt while others fired the building. The market was gutted with venison partially cooked, since the fire was discovered too late to save the meat. The High Schools of Danville were not legally incorporated into the system of schools until 1887. The schools now-a-days have stoves or furnaces. The windows they now have are much better. We also have a good system of ventilation. SOUTH ROSS TOWNSHIP By Robert Gore, Dist. 52 Teacher, Roberta Lane At first there was only Ross Township. The North Fork of the Vermilion River runs through the center of it. There are the Jordan and Bean Creeks, making Ross a well-watered region. Most of the timber is cut off. The first people were Gundy's, Green's, Dorison's and Mann's. The first man to enter Bicknell's Point was Joseph Lockart, about 1874. Ross was named after Jacob T. Ross, who owned a tract of land and also a timber mill. The early people kept close to the timber line and had plenty of wild game. Wild deer and prairie chickens were plenty. The hogs were kept in the timber till time to market them, then they were driven out, and then to market. They were very wild. Rossville was on the dividing line of Ross and Grant. The village was at a point on the state road from Danville to Chicago. The hmits of Rossville were Liggitt's Grove, Bicknell's Point. It is eighteen miles from Danville and six from Hoopeston. The North Fork runs about 1 mile west of it. It is on rolling land and makes the village unusually attractive. Another town, Alvan, sprang up from the village of Gilbert. [40] Later, it was spelled Alvin by the post office department, but it is named in honor of Alvan Gilbert, an early settler. Henning was built later due to the putting through of two railroads, the I. C. and C. & E. I. branch lines. In 1927, due to continual opposition between the towns of Henning and Alvin on one side, and Rossville on the other, the township was divided. The south half containing Henning and Alvin became South Ross, while the northern part remained Ross. THE HISTORY OF THE MIDDLEFORK SCHOOL By Junior Brown, Dist. 58 Teacher, Freeman McConnell In 1882 the Middlefork School, District 58, was built in Middlefork Township, near Potomac, Illinois. There was no porch in front then, but there were two steps in front of the door. The school house was used as a Baptist Church two years. Meetings were held every Sunday with people attending from several miles around. The building was small, and people found conditions very crowded. They had five oil lamps in the build- ing, and two still are in the school house. In the front there was one big seat that reached across the room and several smaller ones behind it. Mrs. William Nixon, who still resides in the district, was Secretary and had one class. Some of the early ministers were: Mr. Silas Rayls, Mr. William Dodson, Mr. Bucklew, Mr. Finer, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Snyder, and Mr. Beedles. This school was formerly spoken of as "Hawbuck" and still is referred to by that name. During early years of the school's existence, the enrollment was quite large, but attendance was irregular because the older boys would stay out to help at home during corn husking time and when the spring work began. Two of the early teachers were Shelby Starr (1899-1900) and Charles Wyman (1900-1901). The school board in 1899-1900 was as follows: Mr. M. W. Haskett, Mr. William Simpson, and C. B. Alexander. Mr. Alexander was clerk. The scholars enrolled in 1899 were: Algie, Harley, Jess, NelHe, Flora, Sam, Homer, and Lemuel Alexander; Grace, Everett, and Harrison Chapman; Blanche and Clifford Simpson; Anna and Mattie Haskett; Dora, Nellie, and Ethel Wallace; and Jess, John, Gertie, Edna, and David Nixon. The school board of today consists of Jess Alexander, Wil Ham Nixon, and Bert Perry. A porch has been added to the school since its early days and a good ventilating system ; a garage has been built adjacent to the coal house and cob house. The present teacher is Freeman McConnell, and thirteen pupils at- tend the school. Middlefork School, or "Hawbuck," though small and un- pretentious in its picturesque setting on a hill among the woods, still holds a warm place in the hearts of many. [41 ] PIONEER DAYS OF CENTRAL SCHOOL By Thelma Elliot, Dist. 67 Teacher, Daisy Tillotson The first schoolhouse was built on the east side of the road. It was called the Stipp schoolhouse because it was on Stipp's land. It was later moved to the west side of the road, but closer to the south fence than the one standing now. In this schoolhouse there were long seats, and a hand-made recitation bench with no back. Sometimes the pupils would often take a tumble. It burned January 3rd, 1882, because of bad flue. Alford Holoway was teaching then. He wore his boots to school because of muddy roads, and then put on his shoes. His boots burned in the schoolhouse. It was later named the Central school because it was in the central part of the congressional district. Some who attended this school are: Billy Wyman Riley Hoskins Billy Baber Linda Fairchild Christopher Baber Pheba Fairchild Malissa Baber Nellie Fairchild David Clem Ed Fairchild George Albert Emely Cosatt Maggie Albert Martin Cosatt Alice Albert Dora Cosatt Theodore Stipp Julie Cosatt Union Stipp Nellie Cosatt Annie Stipp Don Stipp Rell Stipp Sarn Stipp Sarah Hoskins , Lillie Wyman Harriet Hoskins Austin Wyman Some who attended and are living near the schoolhouse now are: Riley Hoskins, Austin Wyman, Julie Cosatt, Emely Cosatt and Dora Cosatt. They held Church in the old schoolhouse before it burned. The preacher was Rev. Stipp. THE PUMPKIN VINE RAILROAD By Howard Leland Smith, Dist. 73 Teacher, Kenneth Wilson In the year of 1869 when the Chicago, Evansville and Terre Haute (now the C. «& E. I.) railroad was running full force, there was a cut off on the railroad. It ran from Bismarck southeast to Covington, then south to what is now Stringtown, Indiana, and north to a coal mine along Coke Creek. Here coal was loaded into the little cars, which were about ten feet long and four feet wide. The coal was hauled to Bismarck and put on the Chicago, Evansville and Terre Haute railway and hauled on to Chicago. When the railroad was being built, my Grandmother lived [42] one-fourth mile east of where the Price school house now stands. At the time the railroad was being built, Grandmother's folks kept eight of the men. The men were Swedes. Grandmother said the Swedes had wooden spoons for their silverware. One night Grandmother's folks had rice for supper. The folks passed the rice to the Swedes, but they did not want any, so they passed it on. Grandmother took some rice and put sugar on it. The Swedes wanted to do like the rest. One of them had an onion and a potato on his plate, so he covered it with sugar because he thought Grandmother did this. But he got fooled. On Saturday afternoons and on Sundays, other men who were boarding in the neighborhood came to my Grandmother's home, and waltzed in the yard to music made by an accordion which one of the men played. Sunday morning, they held religious services in their rooms upstairs in Grandmother's home. My Grandmother, who was at that time just a little girl, now lives in Bismarck, Illinois. It is very interesting to hear her tell of this old railroad. The old road bed can still be traced clear across the country. A deep cut, which is near the school house of District 73, furnishes a skating place for the school children during the winter months. THE HISTORY OF SANDBAR SCHOOL Bij IRMA Bloomer, Dist. 88 Teacher, DoRis Howell Sandbar school, district 88, was built in about 1865. It was named Sandbar because it had a roof of sand and tar. It was about the only schoolhouse in the country. Children for several miles around came there for a few months in the winter. They walked through the cold. After several years the first schoolhouse was torn down. Another was built in its place. This one stands where ours does now. It faced the east and had a large porch on that side. Some of the most common residents were the Scott, Kirkpatrick, Rice, Vinson, and the Ludwig families. Of these, Kirkpatricks, Vinsons and Ludwigs still live near here. They would have old fashioned spelling matches at the schoolhouse. Many people would come there to the spelling matches. They would have literary debates. They would debate with other schools such as No. 9 (Fowler School) and among themselves. The young men liked these debates very well. The old school building was torn down in the eighteen nineties. It was again rebuilt. The schoolhouse built then still stands, although the country around it is changed. It stands about one- half mile east of where the old town of Charity stood, on Charity corner. [43] SYDNEY ROUTE CORNER By Curtis Montgomery, Dist. 90 Teacher, Maude Juvinall One mile and a quarter south of Red Oak School, where I now attend, is one of the early landmarks in the eastern part of Pilot Township. This corner has been known as the Sidney Route Corner for over a half a century. The old house on this corner was built about eighty years ago. The frame was built of walnut timber hewed and cut to the proper size with an adz. It was put together with wooden pins and braces of the same material, and even the weather- boarding was made of walnut also. Mrs. Sarah Rout, pioneer settler of this part of Pilot town- ship from whom the corner was named, came to Vermilion county when she was about ten years old with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zacharia Connell. About 58 years ago, Mr. Rout left with a neighbor m a covered wagon to go to Kansas to take up claims. Mr. Rout owned the team and wagon that they took. He also had two hundred dollars in cash with him. He left his wife and two baby daughters, intending to stake a claim in Kansas and return for l^fipin 1/^I^PT* Months after months passed and Mrs. Rout failed to hear from him. Finally the man with whom he had gone came back telling Mrs. Rout many stories which later proved untrue. For, not long after his return, authorities in Kansas sent part of the clothing from the body of an unknown murdered man. Mrs. Rout identified the clothing from the patches she had put on it, and from the wrist bands that she had knitted. People became suspicious, and finally the man that had gone with Mr. Rout was arrested for his murder. On the way to town with the officers, he took his own life by taking poison. Mrs. Rout lived on in this house until her daughters were married. Her struggles living alone and keeping the place were known for miles around. During all these years the corner on which her house stood was known as the Sydney Route Corner. HISTORY OF RED OAK SCHOOL By John Chesnut, Dist. 90 Teacher, Maude Juvinall Years ago. Red Oak School was known as the Brush School. This school house stood across the road and south about a mile from the present site. The Brush School was typical old-fashioned school building, with benches which were made by boring holes in the floor, stakes were driven into the holes, and planks were fastened to the stakes. [44] A wide shelf built around the sides of the room held books, papers, slates, etc. A fireplace furnished the heat. This school was built in 1852, and the first teacher was Miss Cooper. There were between 50 and 65 pupils attending all the time. In 1884 a new school house was built where the present school building stands. This new school was named Red Oak because of the numerous red oak trees growing near. A few of the teachers during this time were as follows: J. C. Trout, Lester D. Harrison, Mabel Bailey, Willie Steinbough, Sam Richardson and J. F. Dodson, In December, 1914, while Mr. J. F. Dodson was teaching, the building caught fire from a defective chimney and burned. A new building was built by Brown Bros, of Bismarck as soon as possible. This is the present building of Red Oak School, District No. 90, where I have attended school for the past eight years. HISTORY OF DANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL By Jimmy Drollinger, Dist. 101 Teacher, B. C. Beck Before Danville had a High School they had two Seminaries, one located where Washington School is now, and the other on the corner of Vermilion and Seminary. Then after a few years, the first High School was started in the space above Yeoman Shedd's Hardware on Main Street, in 1869. After two years the High School was moved to the third floor of Washington school. In 1872 the school used but four teachers and the principal of Washington. Before 1890 they had only six teachers. The High School was not legal till after the people had a special election in 1880. After the election, the school expenses were paid by taxes. The school library at this time had obtained about 1000 books, and when they moved into the new building they had no library and the books were partly lost. When the new school was entered in 1890, athletics were not neglected. The first football team was organized in 1890, and the first game was played at Terre Haute. Baseball and cross country was also a part of the activity. In 1895 Adarian and Athenaeum literane societies were organized which gave other students active work. When the new school was rebuilt in 1899 more room was added to the Washington school. Then in 1921 the annex was built to the Washington building. The demand for High school education by the boys and girls became so great that the old building was not large enough to accommodate the demand. A new building was completed in 1924. [45] In 1890 there were six teachers, and in 1910 there were 14. In 1920 there were 30, then in the present High School there are 69 teachers and 1700 students enrolled. HISTORY OF BURR OAK SCHOOL By Annabelle Johnson, Dist. 100 Teacher, Margaret Beck According to an old-time resident and one-time pupil of Burr Oak School, the first school building was and still is located about one-half mile north of the present site. Later this building proved to be too small for the number of pupils, so another building was built on the present school grounds. For several years, the first school building was used as a residence. However, it has been vacant in recent years. The second building was also a wood building. It too was small but larger then the first one. It was later enlarged. At this time the district was called District No. 3. Even then there were too many pupils for the size of the building. They divided the southern part of the District into another school District. The number of the District was changed from District 3 to District 100. The new District was called District 101. This new school was called Liberty School. It is located on the S curve of the Dixie Highway about one-half mile south of the Poland Road. This last year, the Liberty school building was enlarged, hav- ing at present a larger enrollment than Burr Oak. It now is brick and has two rooms. It is all modern. In this second Burr Oak school the ages ranged from 6 to 18. In some of the remarks of the teachers, they said that the pupils didn't all have the same kind of books. Others mentioned that the directors didn't visit School very often to see if school was being kept. This implies that teachers might not show up at school at all times. In 1918, a modern brick building was erected on the same site as the second building. The second building was moved across the road. This third school had more modern equipment than the other two. Some of the first pupils that have sent children to the same school and still remain in the district are: Mae Campbell, Lloyd Olmstead, Ruth Blair, Clara Scieter, Orville Prather and Pauline Zorns. THE HISTORY OF LIBERTY SCHOOL By Forrest Sloan, Dist. 101 Teacher, B. C. Beck In 1886 Liberty School District belonged to Burr Oak. But the people thought that they should have a school district of their own. So in 1886, W. Story and W. Bowman, who was [46] then Justice of Peace, went out at night with a lantern to get the people to sign a petition that they would have a school dis- trict of their own. After they had everyone's name on the peti- tion they filed it. After the petition was filed, Mr. Bowman offered a site for the school which is now the Belle property. Mr. Story offered the original site. They then called a meeting and voted on which site they wished to choose. The Story site was chosen by the most votes. In 1887 they started to build the school. It was built where the Chicago Trail and the Salt Works to Lafayette Trail crossed. After the school was built, they could not decide what they were going to name the school. After several names had been suggested they decided to call the new school, Liberty. They wanted to call it this because it had received its liberty from Burr Oak District. They then called it Liberty and it still bears that name. About three-quarters of a mile south on the Hubbard Trail from where the school was being erected, there was a village which was known as String Town. The closest school at that time was the old Tincher Town School. The people now had a new school to send their children to where they would not have so far to go. The Liberty School District then extended as far south as the Willow Tree on the Kimbrow property, east to the C. & E. I. railroad, north to the Boiling Spring Road, west to the North Fork River. The children coming from the west to school had to cross the river on a little foot bridge. There are three very interesting land marks in the Liberty School District. One is a Hitching Barn owned by Mr. Meyers. It was located north of where Hegeler's Barn is now located. Mr. Meyers charged the people twenty-five cents to leave their horses and wagons in his care while they went to the city to shop. They would leave their horse and wagons in his care be- cause they were afraid that the horse would become afraid of the street cars and run away with them. The second land mark was the Pinkeshaw Indians' camp, which was located west of the school on the property now owned by Mr. Jake Miller. The Indians had a camp here because there was an abundance of water coming from a spring for their horses. The land was very fertile for them to grow their crops. The white settlers also stopped on the Miller property to water and feed their live stock. This stop was on the Chicago Trail which went north to Chicago. The settlers sometimes camped here many weeks and months. Here the settlers had a burial ground. Many skeletons have been dug up by Mr. Miller in his gravel pit. Each time he reburies the skeletons. The Indians also had a grave yard on the Miller property. Many of their belongings have been found including arrows, a tomahawk and a war club. The first teacher that taught at Liberty School was Miss Ada Cunningham. There have been sixteen teachers who have [47] taught at Liberty School. Mr. Charles Keesler, who is now Secretary of the School Board, taught at Liberty School forty- two years ago. One of the amusements they had m those days was the forming of Debating Societies. These Societies would go to different schools to debate. The Liberty School Debating Society won many honors. These Societies were made up of the students and people of the community. They also had the old-fashioned spelling bee contests. They would meet two or three times a year and have the contests. Other times they would go to a different school to have the contests. There have been three buildings built on the original site. The third building was built in 1933. It has two rooms. The teachers are Mr. B. C. Beck and Miss Alta Tyler. The Liberty School today is considered one of the most beautiful and modern schools of Vermilion County. OLD TIME GRADUATION By Leone Liggett, Dist. 107 Teacher, Maxine Payne In May, 1908 the graduation of the eighth grade pupils of Newtown School was held in the Newtown M.E. Church. This school is a little white school building situated a few miles north of Oakwood and almost in the noted old village of Newtown, which I think everyone has heard of, for though very small, it is over a century old. In these days many schools did not have graduating exer- cises, but this teacher, having a large class and being very good, arranged for her pupils to graduate. The seven members of the class were: Bertha Joiner, Nellie Burton, Marie Clem, Julia Corbin, Birdie Osborne, Nellie Graham and Glen Doney. Special music was furnished by the Muncie orchestra. During the exercises the graduates presented their teacher with a gold locket and chain to remember them by. After the diplomas were distributed and the exercises were over, the class adjourned to the teacher's home where delicious refreshments were served. They were entertained here also by the orchestra. The teacher, Miss Bertha Michaels, was enter- taining her pupils for the last time. BARLOW MILL By Vivian Frederickson, Dist. 116 Teacher, Zola Dye The mill at Barlow Park is the oldest mill in Vermilion county. It is located on the North Fork River west of Alvin. It is a two-story mill and was first built in 1832 by Mr. Clawson, as a saw mill. Later it was turned into a grist mill. [48] It was first run by a time wheel and later by the old water wheel. It is over 100 years old and the only water power mill left in this part of the country still in use. Farmers still take their corn there to be ground and some of this is sold to local and Danville stores. This mill was used to grind flour, corn meal and buckwheat flour. The burrs used in it came from France, and were brought down the Wabash River to Attica, Indiana, and hence over land. These burrs are still used. Around this mill has been placed a park with cabins along the river. This land is now owned by the Barlow Estate, and some of the family still live in the home by the mill. This mill with the water wheel turning and the trees around it in their hues of autumn would make a beautiful picture. THE HISTORY OF PLEASANT GROVE HALL By Mary Foley, Dist. 122 Teacher, Jessie Gossett Nearly fifty-five years ago, about 1878, the Pleasant Grove Hall was built. It was at a funeral in the cemetery nearby that the people first got the idea of building it. A burial was in progress when rain started to fall. When the people tried to get inside the old Baptist church that is still standing, they found all the doors locked. After investigating they found one window unlocked. A man from the crowd then opened the window, climbed in and opened the door for the rest. This made the Baptist people of the crowd angry, and the others decided to build what is now the Pleasant Grove Hall. Before this, people had held their meetings in the Pleasant Grove School close by, but now that the Hall was built they held them there. Gradually its members decreased in number, some joining the churches at Oakwood, south of it, and others joined the one at Newtown, north of it. Now it has few members left. The Hall is a public one and stands open to every kind of meeting except dances. I obtained the material for this story from Mr. George P. Vinson, north of Oakwood. THE STORY OF GLENBURN By Marion R. Van Allen, Dist. 122 Teacher, Jessie Gossett Little would one guess that the small, sparsely settled district commonly referred to as Glenburn was once a flourishing village. The region first came into existence as a milling town. A large grist mill, owned by John Swift, was operated by power. Then Samual Swisher opened a mine near Glenburn. The air com- pressor was run by steam. Later, the mine was purchased by [49] C. M. Swallow, who also was the proprietor of a creamery nearby. An amusing story is linked with the buttermilk well in which buttermilk was kept. An ordinary pump was placed above the well, and it was a tired stranger who stopped to quench his thirst with the supposedly cool and tempting water. Imagine his surprise and chagrin when a gushing stream of buttermilk came forth! In the meantime, Glenburn had grown in size and popula- tion that extended east of the rock cut, a passage cut through solid stone through which passed a railroad to the mine. There were in all one hundred twenty-three houses within its limits. The post office was owned and managed by R. M. Rogers. The St. James Hotel, a two-story building owned by the coal com- pany, was located just across the road from the post office. An unsuccessful attempt was made in drilling for oil, but salt water was discovered, and salt wells were sunk in 1911. There are many streams nearby, also an artesian well, probably supplied by the underground stream supposed to run between Danville and Potomac. In 1898 a flood occurred, during which three houses were washed away. A cyclone about thirty-three years ago did con- siderable damage. O. M. Van Allen runs the only business establishment in Glenburn now. A few houses remain, but the mine has long ceased operation. Only a mere skeleton of its former self, Glen- burn stands a monument of its former prosperity. GLENBURN IN OAKWOOD TOWNSHIP By Maudeane DeMoss, Dist. 132 Principal, C. F. Huddelson C. M. Swallow started what is known as Glenburn in 1885. Mr. Swallow named the village Glenburn from a small town in Pennsylvania. Mr. Swallow first started a creamery, but as this was not a paying proposition, Mr. Swallow converted it into a feed mill. While Mr. Swallow was still in mill business he bought and operated a coal mine which employed several men. Both C. & E. I. and Big Four railroads had tracks leading to the mine. This was a successful mine until the tipple burned down in 1896. Mr. Swallow later moved to Mississippi and died there. Mr. 0. M. Van Allen carries on Mr. Swallow's work, having a general store patronized by neighbors. The rural route has also dispensed with the post office. The scenery around Glenburn is very grand. The stone cut is a very picturesque place. Also there are flowing springs which are very unique, one furnishing salt water and another pure, fresh spring water. There are two churches very close to Glenburn, also the old hall known as Pleasant Grove Hall, which is located on a [50] beautiful spot. In the yard of the cemetery is what is known as the old Primitive Baptist Church. Later, a stucco church was built below the hill. There is also a little red schoolhouse near Glenburn con- taining one room and an ante-room. This schoolhouse has been attended by quite a few pupils in the past; however, there are only a few pupils attending there now. There is only one teacher teaching there. Glenburn is situated between the villages of Newtown and Oakwood. Glenburn and Newtown are not quite as large as the village of Oakwood. THE OLD GLENBURN MINE By Dorothea Arthelene Lomax, Dist. 122 Teacher, ARIZONA MONTGOMERY Mr. C. M. Swallow started this mine about 1885. His son» Howard Swallow, is now living in Danville. It was located about three miles northeast of Oakwood. Mr. Swallow intended to make a local mine and sell coal to the farmers, who would haul it with teams for miles, even as far as Armstrong and Potomac. The coal was hoisted with a gin. This is a drum with a long sweep and a horse hitched to the end of the sweep, pulling it round and round. The coal was dumped in large sheds where thousands of tons were stored, then sold to the farmers in the fall. The coal was shot or blasted out, dug by the miners and loaded in small cars drawn by mules. Mr. Swallow later converted it into a railroad mine. He had a track laid to his mine by means of a switch connecting with the Big Four at Oakwood. In order to do this they had to cut a road for the track through solid rock for a distance of about one hundred feet and to a height of about thirty-five feet. He shipped coal to markets for a short period. Finally they had a disagreement with the Big Four, dis- connected the switch and connected with the C. & E. I. at Brothers Station, a distance of five miles from the mine. During a keen competition in the 90's, Mr. Swallow was furnishing the Illinois Steel Mill in Chicago its coal. In 1898, he put in his bid to the Steel Company at fifty-three cents a ton and the Mike Kelly Coal Company bid fifty-one cents and got the contract. Soon afterward, Mr. Swallow abandoned the mine, took up the tracks and quit business. If he had continued for two months longer, coal would have been a better price, as it went up to two dollars a ton. Most of the miners lived in the houses built by Mr. Swallow. Many of them were near the mine. Nothing much remains now of the mine. One would hardly think such a large and flourishing mine ever existed there. [51] THE HISTORY OF UNION CORNER SCHOOL By Lois Marjorie Langley, Dist. 140 Teacher, Pauline Meade Over one hundred years ago, there was a schoolhouse in the woods about one-half mile east of the present school. A log schoolhouse was built in 1848 on the present lot. It had a clap- board roof. In 1865, a one-room schoolhouse was built just south of the present one. Church and Sunday school were held in this building. The name of the school was Union. About 1890, the en- rollment being eighty-two, another room was built on the east side with double doors between the two rooms. Daniel Stipp was the first principal, and Miss Leona Langley the first primary teacher. In 1891, a church was built across the road. As there was a church by the name of Union between here and Danville on the Rileysburg road, the new church was named Union Corner, and the name of the school was changed to Union Corner. In 1911, the building was sold. The west room is now used as a barn on the Peare Dye farm, and the east room stands across the road from Butternut School. Mr. Joiner of Newtown and Miss Lida Fairchild of near Snider were the last teachers. The present school was built in the summer of 1911. Mrs. Minnie Kemma Martin and Miss Lida Fairchild were the first teachers. The directors at that time were J. M. Kerby, W. W. Raine, and J. A. Jones. Some of the pupils who became teachers are Frank Hauser, Charles Evans, Oscar Wilcoxen, Tilman Breezley, the Misses Sadie Houser, Margaret Laura, Nora and Leona Langley, Min- nia and Alice Kemma, Matilda Breezley, Claudia Ashcraft, Edith Lindley and Emelyn Martin, Some of the other teachers were Rev. Mathix Coleman, William Neal, J. F. Geddles, Augusta Atherton, Mr. Campbell, Arthur Allison, Minnie Kiyger, Gertrude Lyman, Alice Rigdon, Ida Hay, Northcatt Thomas, Wilber Swem, Bessie Swank, Elsie Elder Breezely, Joseph Sailor, Sam Richardson, J. D. Dove, Mr. Robert Henry Brown, Alice Dukes, Helen Wait, Mr. Myers, John Shank. The present teachers are Miss Pauline Meade and Miss Emelyn Martin. GOD'S ACRE By Frances Ellen Rohour, Dist. 144 Teacher, Dorothy Gilkison One hundred and twenty-eight years ago, the first prairie land in what is now Vermilion county was cleared and planted. This work was done by a pioneer farmer, James D. Butler, native of Vermont. He came here in 1820. [52] In the fall of 1822, James Butler's oldest daughter died and she was buried at God's Acre, the first cemetery in the county. The land then passed into the hands of Josiah and Elizabeth Sandusky. On August 6, 1850, they deeded it to the Vermilion County Board of Supervisors. This was not recorded, however, until November 24, 1855. It is now owned by Mr. C. W. Wherry of Cathn. After a time, the old cemetery was forgotten and became a tangle of weeds and vines. Tombstones were overturned and some were broken by livestock. During the year of 1926, when Vermilion county was cele- brating her centennial, the cemetery was repaired. Mr. Frank Carrigan, Walter Dysert and W. F. Baum were responsible for much of this work. After the work was finished, services were held and a public road built to the cemetery. Tombstones have been ordered for these old graves such as: Lura Guyman; Major John W. Vance and his wife; Asa Elliot and his wife; Noah Guyman; and several others. EARLY HISTORY OF WESTVILLE By Margaret Petrus, Dist. No. 154 Teacher, Donald J. Williams The first settlers named the present town of Westville, Brook's Point, after John Brooks, the second white baby born here. James O'Neil was the first baby born. When the first settlers came here there were many Indian tribes, the chief one being the Kickapoo Indians. These Indians sometimes went on the warpath and to keep them in good humor the settlers used to give them little things. One day one of the early pioneer women had baked some fresh bread and placed it on the side board. Some had raisins and some was plain. One of the numerous tribes soon came, and the chief said he wanted some bread. She asked which kind he wanted. He replied, "The one with the flies in it." This shows that the Indians knew very little about the white man's ways. The early settlers found only mud roads and the Dixie highway was no exception to the rule. Where the C. & E. I. tracks are now was once a large stream crossed by a log bridge. Where the square is now was then called Scott's Corners. Here the girls and boys ran races. Scott's Corners was named after a man named Scott, who came from Ohio in a home made wagon pulled by an ox team. Scott built the first building. It was on the southwest corner of the square. This was a long, low rambling structure with a large veranda. The house was a frame building. On the northwest corner of the square was a blacksmith shop. It was run by a negro named Wright. On the southeast corner was another long rambling frame building built by Harry Cotton. On the northeast corner was a large pair of scales set [53] up by a man named Dukes. These were called Dukes' Scales. The farmers weighed hogs before hauling them to Chicago or Newport. Other early settlers were the Brooks, O'Neil, Dukes, Scott, Graves, Sconce, Blakney, Ellsworth, Black, and Stevens families. Isaac Taber was the first man to build a home east of West- ville. James Ashbey was the first home maker south of Westville. West of Westville, William Stevens built the first home. The first home in North Westville was built by George Watson about 51 years ago. This building still stands today. It is west of the Central school. Some of the early settlers started the early stores and places of business. Where the C. & E. I. depot is now, a brick and tile factory was run by John Dukes. Elliot Wade had a shoe cobbling shop near the Big Four depot. Mike Kelley ran a Company store on the southeast corner of the Kellyville Square. This was the first store in that vicinity. Some of the other early storekeepers were Scott, Rabern, John Lockes, Jim Scottin, and George Watson. The first mine. No. 1, was sunk 60 years ago, the second. No. 2, around 50 years ago, and 40 years past. No. 3. About 1889 there was a mine strike. The State Militia was called out. In the fighting Mrs. Glennan and a daughter of Jack James were killed accidentally by the militia. This strike occurred in Grape Creek. Around 60 years ago, the Big Four Railroad came to West- ville, and nearly 8 years later the C. & E. I. was put in. More recently — 35 years ago — the street cars came. The earliest Doctor was Dr. Balch, followed by his son, Samuel Balch. Then came Dr. Taylor and Dr. Hickman. Nearly forty five years ago, the first saloon came. It was combined with the first hotel. Mrs. Haggardy ran this saloon. Soon Riggles, Tuvuada, Highnol, Warnakey, Minnecoes, and Boswell came. In Kellyville came Raye and Moyer. These are only a few because there were nearly 67 saloons in Westville. The first school was a log cabin east of Westville. John Myers was the teacher. In this schoolhouse, Rawley Martin preached many sermons. The second school, a brick building, was built in 1870. Billy Brinkley was the first teacher, followed by Eva Wells. The first school in town was a building rented from Isaac Taber. Neb Hartley was the teacher. Where Central school now stands was a frame school taught by Charley Morlin. John Olmstead was the second teacher. Some of the early churches. The Christian was where the frame building in Edison school yard. This was built in 1874. In 1875, a Presbyterian Church was built where the St. Procopius church is now. The old Lodges were the Temperence — a lodge for young people, and the Odd Fellows for men. This story was given through the courtesy of Mrs. Neis of South Westville. [54] HISTORY OF WILLOW SPRINGS SCHOOL By Marguerite Reffett, Dist. 157 Teacher, Merle Houston A school, among the first things of real importance in the early settlements, always has been given about first considera- tion. Many have interesting and unique histories in the beginning. After many conferences and a careful survey of the general situation, a location for a schoolhouse was finally decided upon in the valley, a place rather ideal, having plenty of good water, shade and play grounds. A small tract of land was purchased from Lewis Stevens and the school grounds cut off from the Stevens estate. The school- house was erected in the summer of 1877. A man by the name of Bishop built it by contract. A big willow tree, at the time and for many years after, stood near the present home of Erie Huffman, and there was a very fine spring of water near the tree. After many ideas were advanced, it was finally decided to name the place "Willow Springs," in honor of the big willow tree and a number of fine springs in the vicinity. The school got drinking water at the spring for many years. A school district was marked out and it was known for a number of years as No. 10. After several years, the districts were renumbered and district No. 10 given No. 157. W. J. Boone, Hugh Blakeney and Uriah McArdle were the first school directors, elected in district No. 10. They were re- elected from time to time, and served in that capacity for many years, as the School Board. David Smith taught the first term of school and gave general satisfaction. Some of the pupils that went the first year were— Mary Boone, Lily Trosper, Janey Bishop, Dill Bishop, Sarah Ellen Shoman, Nancy Reffett, Lettie Reflfett, Haile Bishop, Lisa Trosper, Hattie Galbreth, Mollie Galbreth, Clara Boone, Cora Boone, Mary Bishop, Nancy Ellen Stevens, Elva Nier, Ed Trosper, Jeneral Trosper, Joe Snyder, Bob Snyder, Lee Stevens, Harve Blakney, and Frank Collins. The schoolhouse for about twenty-five years was used for various educational purposes, the headquarters and meeting place for the community, and a civic center. The house served for school, church, elections, literary meet- ings, spelling bees, shows, exhibitions, Christmas programs, box socials, ice cream festivals, political and temperance meetings. It was a public place for all. Many terms of school have been taught there, and they have always graded fairly well in efficiency. John H. Martin, a resident preacher, conducted many stir- ring revival meetings in the original edifice. Several National Elections were held there, one in Fall of 1888 a very memorable event. A number of old-time literaries have been organized there. Various questions were argued at length, and many hot debates have been staged. [55] Occasionally, a magic lantern show of the old-time pattern would drop in. They were very wonderful a few years ago, and always showed to a full house. Many good exhibitions of home talent have been staged in the old schoolhouse. A number of Christmas celebrations have taken place there with a big Christ- mas tree and program. Box socials and ice cream festivals were always well attended. Several political and temperance meetings, of varied significance however, have been held there. Some celebrated orators of the day made speeches, all usually very interesting. After a time, population increased and it became necessary to build an addition to the old schoolhouse. Two rooms were needed and two teachers. In due time, two rooms were provided and two teachers employed. The whole structure, old and new, was overhauled in the summer of 1931. The building was placed on a good concrete foundation, cleaned up and re-painted. The grounds were given a good going over, and the trees trimmed. It all helped wonderfully and the place presented an up-to-date appearance in general. There are about forty pupils going there now. CENTER POINT CHURCH By WiLINORE MOREMAN, Dist. 170 Teacher, Edna White I have chosen this subject because I am one of the fourth generation of my family to attend the Center Point Church. This church is located about six miles southwest of Fair- mount and three miles of Jamaica. In the year of 1891 this church was dedicated by Reverend Brooks of Paris, Illinois. Prior to this time, the people worshipped in the Center Pomt schoolhouse. It was in the year of 1891, while a revival meeting was being held, that a young lady. Miss Ada Hedges, now Mrs. Ada Smith of Homer, Illinois, desired to enlist in the services and work of her Lord. Her parents, being members of the Church of Christ, sought to start their daughter in the Gospel training and their own faith. A preacher of the New Testament was then called. This minister was the Reverend B. N. Anderson, who held a three weeks' meeting in the Center Point Schoolhouse, and in which building Sunday School and Church were held until February 14, 1891. Sunday School and Church had been held in the schoolhouse in former years oc- casionally, but there was no organization until 1891. Then the disciples named below met and organized them- selves into a congregation of the New Testament teaching: Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hedges, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee, Mr. and Mrs. David Sconce, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greer, Mrs. Matilda Hitchcock, Mrs. Jennie Hopper, Mrs. Lucy Hedges, Mrs. Anna Elliott Sul- livan all now deceased. [56] Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ellis of Macy, Indiana Mrs. Emma Elliott Carrington of Georgetown Mrs. Ada Hedges Smith of Homer Mr. Harvey Elliott of Sidell, Illinois. Elders of the church chosen at the time the church was organized were: Richard Elliott, James A. Hedges. Deacons of the Church when organized: Ed. Ellis, Harvey Elliott. Thirty-two members were received in the first revival meet- ing, many of whom have "crossed the bar" but whose children and grandchildren are still carrying on the work. The Sunday School attendance on each Sunday is from 35 to 50. There is one man attending who has not missed Sunday School in five years. This man is George Hedges of Fairmount, Illinois. Many have a one year record. Reverend I. L. Cummins of Danville has been the minister of the Church the last five years, and it is thought that his good work has kept the Church thriving and growing. THE OLD UNDERWOOD SCHOOL By IMOGENE Onley, Dist. 180 Teacher, Dale Robinett In the year 1850, there was built an old school about a mile and a half east of Meeks named the Underwood schoolhouse. It was made of thick logs and wasn't very big. All of the floor was made of hand hewed timber. It didn't have very many windows, and had old-fashioned seats in it. It was heated by a fireplace. Martha Sigler was teacher during the Civil War. She was the mother of 0. C. Robinett, superintendent of the George- town schools. About 1875, Doc Richardson was the teacher. Some of the children who went to school during this time are: T. J. Smith (Deceased), Phillip Dickerson, Silas Underwood (Deceased), Alfred Calhoun, Mrs. T. J. Smith. When Silas Underwood went to school he wore a beard and always chewed tobacco. Doc Richardson would not let him chew tobacco on the school ground. Every evening after school, he would chew his tobacco after he got ofi" of the school ground. All of them lived around here at this time. In 1915, this schoolhouse was rebuilt and made into a nice big one. This one had a coal house in it, and had a nice library in it which contained about 450 books. It was a modern school- house. In 1934, this schoolhouse burned down. Mr. Sanks was the teacher at this time. Some of the children that went to this school when it burned are: Mary DeLattre, Celestine DeLattre, Alberta Hartman. After this schoolhouse burned down, they built a small shed, and had school in it. At the present time, they are building a [57] new one. It is going to look like the other one only it is not go- ing to have a coal house in it. They have the frame and all but one side finished. THE "OLD LINCOLN HOUSE" Bij Stephen W. Coate, Dist. 183 Principal, Bessie Grose The house that bears this name is located in the small town of Olivet, which is on the Dixie Highway about fourteen miles south of Danville. This house was built in 1870. It stood where Mr. Luther Allen has his house and where the Olivet College Inn is located. It was a one-room house, and was moved to where Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson live at the present time. Some people moved in this room and built more rooms around it. It is situated between the kitchen and the dining room. The log floor that was in the house was not removed when the one-room house was moved, but a better floor was laid over it. At the time this one room was moved, Abraham Lincoln was holding court in Danville and Paris. He walked or rode horse- back from one city to the other. In making this circuit, he would nearly always stop over night at this house. This is why they named it the "Old Lincoln House." And to the people of Olivet and near vicinity, it still goes by this name. And, as I have stated above, it is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson. HISTORY OF CONKEY TOWN By Ransom Beers. Dist. 187 Teacher, HELEN H. BENNETT My great-great-grandfather (John Shephard) built the first grist mill at Conkey Town about 1826, bringing the burrs by ox team from Ohio. He died soon after the building of the mill, and the place of his burial is unknown. The mill was located about two hundred feet south of the covered bridge. A large cut was made through the solid rock, a large well inserted in the cut, and a dam farther north forced the water that ran the mill. The mill changed hands several times, but was last owned by the Berkley Brothers. The mill was torn down about 1900. The village, at one time, consisted of several dwelling houses, one distillery, a blacksmith shop. Doctor's office, one saw mill, and a store, all of which moved to Ogden when the Big Four Railroad came through. My Grandfather Beers lived near Conkey Town, living when a child in the village. He helped build the covered bridge about 1867, and is probably the only man living who helped build the bridge. [58] THE ALLERTON RANCH Bij Melba Craddock, Dist. 192 Teacher, Oma Patterson In the extreme southwest part of Vermilion county lies a large tract of land known as the "Allerton Ranch." This unusual name in the heart of Illinois corn belt applies to almost 3800 acres of highly cultivated land belonging to the Samuel W. Allerton heirs. Mr. Allerton purchased this land in 1880 from J. H. Clark of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, who fore- closed the mortgage on the celebrated Joseph Sullivan farm. In earlier days this was called by settlers, "Twin Grove Farm," because of two groves of about one hundred acres each on this tract of land, that looked so much alike. Mr. Michael Sullivan was appointed a trustee of a large estate in Kentucky and Ohio since his son was an heir. He invested this inheritance in lands purchased from Robert H. Ives, who emigrated to this country in 1853. Mr. Ives purchased this land at government prices, later giving a quit claim to Michael Sullivan. In 1881 Mr. Allerton placed Mr. W. G. Herron in the en- tire management of this farm. The firm of Allerton and Herron was a successful business venture. They induced the Chicago and Eastern Railroad to forward its work, and Mr. Allerton donated the right-of-way through his land and laid out the town of Allerton. Because of its location Allerton became a good point for shipping grain, cattle and horses. Later, Mr. Allerton caused a large steam elevator to be erected which was operated by Mr. John Herron. He built all of the business buildings. He gave ten lots and $5000 besides for a school to be built. After the school was built, Mrs. Allerton gave a library, carefully chosen, to meet the school needs. She also gave a Domestic Science room to the school, and bought all the equip- ment that was needed, and paid the teacher's salary. In January, 1892, the Allertons dedicated the M. E. Church to Allerton, Illinois. Mrs. Allerton purchased many song books for the church. Mr. Allerton established the bank at Allerton, Illinois, which was known as Allerton State Bank. Mr. John Herron was the first cashier. The Allerton Estate also donated a park to Allerton. The people paid a park tax each year for the upkeep of it. Mr. Allerton put in the water system of Allerton, mainly to give fire protection to his buildings. He made it possible to have gravel placed on the main street in Allerton. Mr. Herron, who was the first manager, was an outstanding cattle man and farmer. He managed the farm from 1880 to 1897. In 1897 Mr. John Phalen became manager. In 1898, Mr. Michael Phalen became manager. Under his management it became one of the finest farms for fertility, and well kept improvements, well fenced and well drained. It is rented in large tracts and is farmed with a rotation of wheat, beans, corn and clover. After the death of Michael Phalen, in 1927, his son, Joseph Phalen, became manager. [59] THE PIONEERS OF GERLAUGH DISTRICT NO. 192 By Billy Walters, Dist. 192 Teacher, Oma Patterson The Gerlaugh District is located in the southwestern part of Vermilion county, half-way between Sidell and Allerton. It is one of the best cultivated and improved sections of the county. This region was not always so highly productive or well drained as it is today. It was a raw prairie without trees or shrubs. The early pioneers journeying west were often dis- couraged at the bleakness, and not being favorably impressed, passed on. Many cattle men who had traveled on horseback over this land, expressed their opinion that this land "would never be worth a dime." But other men, being far-sighted and thrifty, settled here, buying up large tracts of land for only a few dollars an acre. Among these far-sighted men was Mr. John Sidell, who became owner of almost 7000 acres. This tract was admirably suited to stock raising, and many horses were raised. Later about 1872, Mr. Sidell decided to open up a portion of this land to settlers who would come and take up homes. He chartered a train from Columbus, Ohio, for the benefit of those deciding to make homes in the west. This offer attracted Mr. Jacob Gerlaugh of Dayton, Ohio. He purchased about 1100 acres of land. In the same year, 1873, Mr. Jacob Black came also to make his home. Mr. Lyman Terry of Chicago, catching a vision of the future, decided to trade his holdings in valuable city lots for a homestead. Later he invested in more land. Another pioneer, who saw possibilities in this land, was Mr. Isaac Rowand. Believing that proper draining would reclaim it into valuable corn land, he purchased an extensive tract known as the "Rowand Homestead." These men have labored early and late in the improvement of their homes. They watched the development and aided the growth of this section. There was abundance of wild game, a great many snakes, and in the spring- time the horizon was darkened by smoke of prairie fires. The Gerlaugh farm was operated in two divisions by Mr. Hanes Gerlaugh and Mr. Taylor Gerlaugh, sons of Mr. Jacob Gerlaugh. They made many improvements, built comfortable homes and commodious barns and sheds. Mr. Hanes Gerlaugh was the first farmer to install a windmill. Mr. Jacob Black was the first person in the community to possess a spring wagon, and it was often pressed into service as a hearse. The children of these early settlers were compelled to walk almost three miles to attend the Highland School. In 1888, Mr. Hanes Gerlaugh gave a site for a school called Gerlaugh District No. 192. A neat schoolhouse was erected, and Miss Ida Ames of Sidell was secured as teacher. At that time there were about 25 pupils. Some other teachers who have taught [60] were Mr. Asa Gulp, Catlin; Mr. J. A. Heaton, Hoopeston; Dr. A. G. Gillogly, Newman; and Mr. A. B. Quick, Danville. The roads were made of dirt and in the winter were very hard to travel; yet, Dr. Martinie of Palermo always managed to reach his patients. Mail was obtained either at Homer or Hume, whenever the people happened to visit either town. These public spirited men and women have made it possible that I might travel with ease and comfort, receiving benefits from well drained, highly cultivated lands, and to obtain an education that will enable me to carry on the task they have set before me. A PIONEER PHYSICIAN (DR. HENRY C. HOLTON) By AiLEEN Erickson, Dist. 194 Superintendent, B. H. Spicer As we look over the annals of Vermilion county and look over all the professions, there is none which surpasses the medical profession. No profession comes more into contact with the daily lives of the country's people and no greater good can be accomplished than by the medical profession. In the early days of our country, physicians suffered great hardships. Their work was not commercialized and all people rich and poor alike were served by our early physicians. In our own community we find the life of a physician who filled the needs of the community. Dr. Henry G. Holton. Dr. Henry G. Holton was a son of Leonard G. Holton and Helen Dudley. He was born on October 23, 1853, at Indianola, Illinois, in a house that stood just west of where the Baptist Ghurch now stands. When he was eight years old an attack of infantile paralysis left him a cripple for life. This affliction caused him to be often left alone by his companions in games and sports. Dr. Holton was reared at home, acquiring his education in the public schools of Indianola. At the age of eighteen he entered the University of Illinois, but for lack of funds he attended but one year. He then took up the profession of teaching which he fol- lowed ten years. In 1881 he entered the JelTerson Medical Gol- lege of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1883. He first opened an office at Homer, Illinois, practicing medicine there for a short time, but not finding the practice he wanted, he later came to Archie which was a thriving \illage at that time, remaining there about four years. In August 1887 he opened an office in Sidell where he practiced medicine 44 years. In 1883 Dr. Holton was united in marriage with Miss Ura Ames of Palermo, Illinois. They had six children. Three died in infancy, and three are living, Max C, Wade A., and Garyl A. They reared three adopted daughters, Frankie L. Holton, Garnet L. Dickinson, and Ruth M. Dickinson. [61] Dr. Holton was affiliated with several fraternal organiza- tions: I. 0. 0. F. lodge, I. 0. O. F. encampment. Patriarch Mili- tant, Rebekah Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen, Elks, Illinois Society, and Sons of the American Revolution. Dr. Holton passed away Thursday, March 5, 1931, in St. Louis, Missouri. His funeral services were held on Sunday after- noon, March 8, 1931, at the Christian Church of Sidell. He was laid to rest in Woodlawn Cemetery near Indianola. THE HISTORY OF THE SIDELL JOURNAL By Helen Jane Hooker, Dist. 194 Superintendent, B. H. Spicer No doubt the early settlers thought the building of a rail- road from Danville to Villa Grove would be inevitable, and that what is now Sidell, a point on the old Danville, Olney, and Ohio River Railroad, would be a logical point for the extension of such a road westward. This doubtless was one of the factors which caused John Sidell to lay out the town in 1884. The rail- road mentioned was built some four or five years later, and in 1888 a man by the name of Thomas Morgan, a school teacher, started a publication which was known as the "Sidell Reporter." Sidell at the time of the first issue was a town of two or three hundred people. At this time there were few publications in this section. Fairmount no doubt had one and so did George- town. But there was no paper in either Indianola or Allerton. The "Reporter" therefore served southeastern Vermilion county as a source of news. The print shop was first housed in a frame building located across from the C. & E. I. depot. The building, owned by G. W. Gulp, has been torn down in recent years. After a period of about fourteen weeks under the first management the publication was bought by Charles Allen Wright. Charles A. Wright was born at the old homestead one mile north of this place, April 15, 1860. In 1888 he took over the management and published the paper for seven years. A hand- some residence on North Gray Street and a new business building now occupied by the Sidell Hatchery were but a part of the material improvements which he added to our city. The "Re- porter" flourished under his care from an uncertain venture in a very small village to a successful local paper on a paying basis. Wright was a stalwart Democrat. He was recognized as one of the leaders of his party and had the confidence of a large number of politicians of his party throughout this section of the state. Charles Wright died in 1895 and following his death his wife, the present Carrie E. Jenkins of Sidell, edited the paper for a short time and then it was given over to H. R. Rogers. At the time of Charles Wright's death, the building now occupied by the Sidell Hatchery was being built by him but was [62] unfinished. Pending its completion his presses and office equip- ment had been moved to temporary quarters above J. M. Miller's implement store. (Now F. M. McCauley's undertaking parlors). In 1898 the paper, still the Sidell Reporter, was edited for one year by Fielding and Lester Coggeshell. The print shop during this time was located in the brick building in what is now the M. W. A. hall. In 1899 it was sold to Al Smith who gave a chattel mortgage on it to John Herron and Nick Keller. They closed the mortgage and stored the presses and other equip- ment in the building where Frank Gilroy now has his blacksmith shop. ^ „ „ In 1900 T. B. Williams bought the equipment from Keller and Herron and moved it to what is now the Woodmen's Hall. It was here that Williams published the first issue of what has since been known as the Sidell Journal, December 8, 1900. He maintained his print shop in this location until the summer of 1909. At this time Williams became postmaster. The post office was then where Lowell Myers now has his poultry and feed store. Early 1910 the pest office and "Journal" were moved to the pres- ent post office building on Gray street just south of the C. & E. I. Railroad. Here Williams published his last issue September 1, 1932. When Williams took over the paper in 1900, there was a great deal of competition in this and surrounding towns. The greatest circulation during his management was about nme hun- dred. The circulation area was some two hundred square miles. Early in 1932 Williams sold the newspaper to Charles Lane, an experienced newspaper man, wlo came from French Lick, Indiana. The paper is now flourishing under his care and the present circulation is about five hundred. The shop is now housed in the Sawyer building just north of the C. & E. I. Rail- road. Some new equipment, including a linotype machine, has been added. These additions make it an entirely modern news- paper plant. THE STUNKARD GRAVEYARD By Janice Weaver. District No. 194 Superintendent, B. H. Spicer The Stunkard Grave yard, which lies about two miles east of Sidell on the east bank of the Vermilion river, was started over one hundred years ago. The only reason that can be found why this cemetery was called the Stunkard Cemetery is because a large family by the name of Stunkard lived near there when it was laid out. One half of the land occupied at the present by the Cemetery belonged to Mr. James Spicer, and the other half was owned by Mr. Koonrod Zeltener. Mr. Zeltener came from Germany to the United States in a sailboat. He settled down in a little log cabin just a short distance west of the present Cemetery, [63] and when the cemetery was to be laid out he gave one half an acre of land for this purpose. Mr. Zeltener was the grandfather of Mr. Fred Lucas, one of the rural mail carriers of Sidell, Illinois. One of the oldest graves that can be found in this cemetery- is the grave of Miss Mildria Hutt, who died July 12, 1842. Corbin Hutt, a veteran of the War of 1812, was buried here in 1846. The latest inscribed monument that can be found there is the one of James Pendred who died May 26, 1917. There are many other monuments in this cemetery. Some were inscribed in 1846, 1847, 1849, 1851, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1895, 1896, 1904, 1910, 1914, and 1917. There are many other graves in this cemetery that are not marked by monuments. Some of the people who were buried here have since been removed to other cemeteries. This cemetery has not been properly cared for the past several years, and many of the monuments have been broken or have fallen over from lack of care. AN OLD VERMILION COUNTY HOMESTEAD Bij Charles Carter, Dist. 194 Superiyitendent , B. H. Spicer Mr. John Sidell was born in Washington county, Maryland, on the 27th of June, 1816. His father died when he was eighteen years old. He remained in his native county until he was nine- teen years old. He worked on a farm for twelve dollars a month, and as soon as he had saved enough money he came west on horseback, passing through Illinois and on into Iowa. Not find- ing a location at that time he went to Ohio, this time taking a contract to cut cord wood for thirty three and one-third cents per cord. This was his starting point of success. He came to Illinois and bought a farm in Vermilion county in 1860. The farm contained three thousand acres on both sides of the Little Vermilion River. He added to this about six thousand acres more, buying some of this land from the government. He first built a log cabin which burned while he was away. It stood in the orchard just south of the brick house that he built after the log cabin burned. The bricks used to build his new house were made north- east of the house in the little grove called "The Towhead" on the south bank of the creek bottom. The house has a basement with eight rooms and one hall in it. The first floor has six rooms and three halls. The second floor has seven rooms and two halls. It has a large attic and an observation tower. The house had nine fireplaces. The house is still standing about one mile north- west of Sidell. The southeast room of the first floor was the post office and Mr. Sidell's office. The house was surrounded by a large [64] grassy yard which had a high fence around it. All around the fence were tall poplar trees at an equal distance apart. There was a cow barn, horse barn, a machine shed, a corn crib, and other buildings on the farm. The land was very fertile. Mr. Sidell raised wheat, corn, rye, barley, oats, tobacco, broom corn, flax, and hemp in great abundance. For clover, timothy, and all the hays the land was unsurpassed, and produced blue grass equal to that of Bourbon county, Kentucky. Mr. Sidell also had many cattle. One time he bought some Texas longhorn cattle. The cattle had some disease but they did not get sick and die. When any other cat- tle came near them or walked over the ground that the Texas longhorn cattle had walked over they would take the disease and die. There were not very many fences and everyone's cattle roamed together. Cattle belonging to many different people took the disease and died. The owners of the cattle that had died sent bills to Mr. Sidell for the damage his cattle had done. Mr. Sidell always paid these bills. The land was a rolling prairie with many groves, the soil being a deep, rich black alluvium. Mr. Sidell decided to sell off a portion of his land. The sale began at 10 o'clock, August 21, 1873. John Loucke and D. B. Stockton were the auctioneers. A free lunch was served for all. Mr. Sidell was a Whig in politics until that party died out. Then he became an ardent Republican, standing firmly with Lincoln during the Civil War, and being elected a member of the Lower House of Illinois for one term, 1874 to 1876. He remained a steadfast Republican, but took little part in later demonstrations. He was a shrewd business man, careful in mak- ing contracts. When once made, however, he took pride in promptly fulfilling them. Mr. Sidell was a busy man. So many people came to go with him over his farm that he built a carriage with a seat just large enough for himself to sit in, so he would not have anyone bothering him. He had a favorite riding horse that he would not let anyone else ride. The sire of this horse was a wild horse that Mr. Sidell had caught and tamed on the prairies. Mr. Sidell laid out the town of Sidell. He planned the town to be built around the park, but it was not. Mr. Sidell gave the C. & E. I. Railroad the right to come through his land. In return the railroad company offered him passes for himself and his family. He would not accept passes for his children because he thought they would travel too much. Mr. Sidell gave the land for the Methodist Church, and he also gave $500 for the church building fund. Mr. Sidell died January 29, 1888 after a few months of illness due to Bright's disease. He was taken to Danville to be buried in Springhill Cemetery by the C. «& E. I. railway train free of charge. The remaining one thousand five hundred acres of land was divided among his children. Some of the children sold part or all of their land and it is in the hands of other people today. [65] TRAILS AND EARLY ROADS OF VERMILION COUNTY By Marjorie Mills, Dist. 198 Teacher, Hazel Dodd The modern road, which leads from place to place, is an evolution of the trail of an Indian which, in turn, was the evolu- tion of the track made by some wild animal. The instinct of all animals is to go from one good feeding spot to another and to the nearest and best drinking places. The buffalo made the first roads, and they left these paths as a guide to their almost equally untamed successor — the American Indian. The Danville and Fort Clark road was surveyed and laid out as a legal road in 1834. In 1828 Runnel Feilder had been made supervisor of the construction work. This road is referred to in the following description written by a traveler, "After safely crossing the state of Indiana which was then a wilderness, I entered Illinois where Danville now is, here I found a settle- ment of friends. I made a short stay here, then I continued my journey, with only a map and compass for my guide. I usually put up where night found me. Striking a light with my flint and steel, I wrapped myself in my blanket and slept soundly. My horse became very cowardly, so that he would scarcely eat the grass; he would keep close to me, following wherever I went and sleeping by my side at night. With no well defined trail; only a faint Indian trail through high grass and bushes and over the limitless prairie, it is not surprising that a lone horse and rider should be lonely, suspicious, and fearful." Later the "Ottawa Road" was built through Vermilion county. It ran north of the present site of Danville. The "Hub- bard Trace," a pack horse trail ran a short distance west of Danville. These three roads, the Fort Clark road, Ottawa road, and Hubbard Trace, filled all the requirements of travel in those early days. PILOT TOWNSHIP By Geoege Gose, Dist. 200 Teacher, Helen Coggeskall No section of the country in this part of Illinois presents. more attractive view than that occupied by Pilot Township. Pilot is bounded on the north by Middle Fork township, on the east by Blount, on the south by Oakwood, and on the west by Champaign county. It occupies the middle of the western side of Vermilion county. The surface of this land is gently rolling in the central [66] part. In the south and southwest portions the tendency is to flatten out and become too level. Along the eastern side there is a high portion of the township which is known as California Ridge. It is the water shed between the waters of the Salt and Middle Forks. It is high ground for this country, and has on it some of the most desirable farms in the state of Illinois. Nearly all of the land is prairie. There is some timber on the eastern side along the Middle Fork, though not much of the Middle Fork timber extends into Pilot township, and there is a small grove near the center of the township known as Pilot Grove. This point of timber away out in the prairie, away from any stream, and on the highest portions of land in the country, attracted the attention of early settlers. It was called Pilot on account of its peculiar situation, making it a kind of guide as a beacon-light to explorers of the prairie. The town- ship got its name from this grove. There is no village within the borders of Pilot. It has one post office and store, but a village has not been laid out. The soil is black, deep and fertile. Corn, wheat, oats, flax and grass are the principal products. Cattle and hogs are grown in large numbers. There is an unusual amount of grazing and cattle- growing. Sheep are kept quite extensively by some farmers. It is said to be the best paying business that can be followed in this country. Very little of the vast acres of corn are shipped. It is generally bought up by cattle-feeders in the neighborhood. A good thing in Pilot is the herd law. People fence in their stock instead of their grain. This they found easier and less expensive. Vast areas of corn and other grain may be seen growing by the roadside, with nothing in the shape of a fence anywhere in sight. Pilot, like some other portions of west Vermilion, suffers socially from a number of large land- owners. When this country began to be settled, men who realized the importance of the movement strove to get posses- sion of large areas, that they might have the advantage of rise in value. The prairies of Pilot offered as attractive farms as any in the country, and accordingly we find here a number of farms, each of which includes vast areas. These would not have been as detrimental to the best interest of the community, had the owners been able, in every case, to improve them and keep them up with the progress of the times. THE RIDGEFARM CHRISTIAN CHURCH By Oma Lucille Smith, Dist. 207 Principal, Clyde Williams The Christian Church was organized by Rev. Evans and Hev. S. S. Jones in 1897 in the old armory hall. It was moved [67] from the armory to the Interurban Station while the church was being built, which was completed in 1900 and dedicated in November of the same year. The first Trustees were Charles Clayton, J. J. Smith, Charles Hathaway. The first Elders were Robert Bratton, Charles Clayton and J. J. Smith. In 1900 after the church was completed, Rev. Hale was the first min- ister. The debt was paid off and the mortgage was burned by S. S. Jones, who was always considered as the father of the church, and during his life often came down to Ridgefarm to give advice and encouragement. THE FIRST AUTOMOBILE OF RIDGEFARM By Bluford Edmiston, District No. 207 Teacher, Clyde Williams The first automobile of Ridgefarm was owned by Grand- father Bines. It was a Ford made in 1901. He kept the car for twenty-seven years. It was a curiosity of the countryside to see Mr. Bines rid- ing down the road in the car sitting under the steering wheel as straight as a pin. The car had a square back, a square radi- ator, and the hood which covered the engine was square. It was a two-seated car. When the people of Ridgefarm first saw the car they flocked out like sheep to take a ride in the car. In 1928 his son, Robert Bines, of Ridgefarm, sold the auto- mobile. RIDGEFARM CARNEGIE LIBRARY By Betty Ann Newby, Dist. 207 Principal, CLYDE Williams The original library was founded early in the century by the Chautauqua Circle, composed of Mrs. H. J. Cole, Mrs. J. B. Morton, Mrs. W. R. Julian and Mrs. Joseph Burgan. It was located in the rear of W. R. Julian store, and later it was moved to the rear of Monroe's jewelry store. At first there were only a few volumes, assembled by donation, but the collection grew as money for an expense fund was raised through entertain- ments and socials. Finally Mrs. Cole suggested that Mr. Carnegie be asked for a $6,000 donation. To the request, Mr. Carnegie's secre- tary replied that it would be necessary for provision to be made through taxation for the support of the library. A cam- paign was started and that same year a two-mill tax was voted [68] by Elwood township, resulting in a revenue of about nine hun- dred dollars a year. Mr. Carnegie was notified, and he replied that his donation would be $9,000 instead of $6,000. There were 1,400 books on the shelves of the beautiful new library that was dedicated January 14, 1911. The first libra- rian was Mrs. Florence Newlin Carmack. She served until April, 1934, when Mrs. Esther Ensor succeeded her and is now serving. The library is supported by the tax rate of 1.9 mills. There are now 7,083 books in the hbrary. The members of the library board are: President, Mrs. Rosa Woodyard; vice-president. Miss Aurilena Ellis (de- ceased) ; secretary, Mrs. Florence Rees; Miss Clyde Williams, Mrs. Ola Pierce, and J. W. Foster. A PIONEER SETTLER OF RIDGEFARM By Martha Mae Larrance, District No. 207 Teacher, Clyde Williams Miss Mary Jane Baker was born in 1844. When sixteen years of age she came from Pennsylvania to ChilHcothe, Illi- nois, later called Dallas and now Indianola, in a covered wagon pulled by oxen. At Indianola she went to school and they only had benches to sit on with no backs or desks. They also wrote on slates. Later her parents bought a farm south of Indianola and lived there until 1875, when they came to Ridgefarm. When she was eighteen, she was married to Perez Barker. They had four children. Mr. Barker died and she married Mr. Smith, this family consisting of two children. Of Mrs. Smith's seven children, five still survive, three of whom live in Ridge- farm. Mrs. Smith died in 1932. She was 80 years old. THE ADVANTAGES OF RIDGEFARM'S LOCATION By Virginia Banta, District No. 207 Teacher, Clyde W^illiams Ridgefarm has a good location. She has a bus line run- ning north and south. This line is a branch of the Greyhound bus line, which is one of the best bus lines in the United States. This branch of the line runs from Chicago to Louisville, Ken- tucky. It furnishes a means of transportation for the people at a low fare. There are two railroad lines on the outskirts of Ridge- farm. The Nickel Plate runs east and west, and the Big Four [69] runs north and south. They are both well equipped and exten- sively traveled. They both furnish ways for the transportation of goods and raw products. The city of Ridgefarm is located along the Dixie Highway in Illinois, the most extensively traveled highway in Illinois. She also has a county highway which is used quite a lot. Ridgefarm draws the attention and trade from quite a number of tourists who travel these roads. Ridgefarm is situated about midway between two good- sized cities. They are Danville and Paris. She gets all the trade of people traveling between these two cities because of being midway between them. Ridgefarm is also on the direct route to Chicago. The city of Ridgefarm is located close to the corn belts, the greatest corn producing section in the world. The land around Ridgefarm is very rich and with favorable seasons she produces very rich crops. Her principal occupa- tion is agriculture, in which she thrives very well. HISTORY OF JAMAICA By Cecil Burton, Dist. 211 Principal, J. W. NiswONGER The fifteen divisions of Vermilion county remained the same until in 1893 when Jamaica township was formed. This new township was laid out from the corners of Catlin, Sidell, Carroll, and Vance townships where the corners came together. Some of the early settlers were James A. Dickson, Richard Miller, Thomas Hughs, the Stockers and others. The first church was in a small log schoolhouse somewhere close to where the Ross school now stands. They decided they wanted a real place to worship so they built a frame church. They used it for several years. The church that now stands is a large brick structure called Kingsley Chapel. The two-room schoolhouse is a fine frame building. It is about twenty-five years old. The C. & E. I. railroad was built through Jamaica. The first telegraph operator was W. I. Baird, who still resides in Jamaica. Carter and Lucas ran the first store in Jamaica. Jamaica was a thriving village until the Fairmount rock quarry shut down. Some of the most prominent people at present are the Bairds, Darrs, Carters, Moodys, Williams, and Dicksons. [70] ALLERTON FIFTY YEARS AGO Bu Kathleen Purdum, Dist. 213 Superintendent, James Talbott S. W. Allerton owned thousands of acres of fertile land in Illinois. There was no town convenient to his farm from which his produce might be shipped. Mr. Allerton, thinking the situ- ation over, decided to build a town of his own. He chose for the spot an area located southwest of his ranch between Danville and Tuscola. Mr. Allerton encouraged settlers to come in. They came till the town had a population of five hundred. The town was carefully planned by Mr. Al- lerton. Mr. Allerton, having in mind the creation of an ideal town, had this clause put in every deed : "It is understood that no gambling house, pool room, or saloon shall be permitted for the sale of wine, beer or any intoxicating liquor, unless with the consent of the owner." Buildings began to appear on Main street. These build- ings consist of the bank, general and hardware and the drug store. All of these were situated along a street of crushed rock which cost Mr. Allerton $5,000. Mr. Allerton, to protect his properties from fire, installed a private water system. Some of the people were Methodists and others were Pres- byterians. They were united until 1891. Mr. Allerton donated several lots for building of each church. Mr. Allerton prepared for the education of the children. School was held in a building moved from one mile north of town until a new brick building could be erected. That build- ing burned in 1921. Mr. Allerton wanted his town to be beautiful. A land- scape gardener was brought in from Chicago. Mr. Allerton added to the beauty of the town by giving a little park in the northern part. I think everyone in Allerton appreciates Mr. Allerton very much and tries to keep the little town as he would have liked it to be kept, were he living now. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Bi) Eleanor Mae Ervin, Trinity Lutheran School Principal W. C. Poll Trinity Lutheran congregation was founded on February 15, 1863. A constitution was drawn up and signed by fourteen members. The official name adopted by them was "The Evan- gelical Lutheran Trinity Congregation U. A. C. at Danville, [71 ] Illinois." Soon after the founding, a lot was bought on Jack- son street near Harrison for $125.00. At the same time, a Bap- tist congregation offered its church building for sale and the Lutherans bought it for $185.00. The building was moved and they dedicated it to the service of the Triune God. Rev. H. Schoeneberg of Lafayette, Indiana, preached once a month. Gottfried Markworth accepted a call on April 3, 1864. The number of members had by this time increased to forty. Owing to the rapid growth of the congregation, the build- ing soon proved too small. A new church was erected on the corner of Jackson and Harrison streets. The old building was utilized for parochial school purposes. Mr. G. Bernthal was called to take charge of the school. The following year, the pastor broke down and the congre- gation accepted his resignation. Rev. R. Biedermann was called as his successor. He resigned from office on October 6, 1872. Rev. G. Reinsinger was then installed. The old church building was sold and a new two-story school building was erected at a cost of $3,000.00 ; likewise a parsonage for $1600.00. Mr. Zachow was now called to assist Teacher Bern- thai. Rev. Ernest Martens was now called. He took charge on October 20th, 1878. G. Albers and A. Theiss were called as teachers. In the early eighties a large number of immigrants from Pommerania, Germany, were gathered in by Lutheran Church. On the 3rd of September, 1893, Trinity Congregation celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the dedication of the church. The congregation had by this time grown wonderfully. It was deemed advisable to divide the charge and to erect a new church building at Germantown. In the meanwhile, the health of the Rev. Ernest Martens began to fail. He resigned in June, 1912. Rev. J. E. Elbert was called as his successor. The 18th of May, 1913, was a red letter day in the history of the Lutheran church at Danville. All the Lutherans of this city and a large concourse of visiting Lutherans from neigh- boring congregations joined hands to fittingly celebrate the golden jubilee of the Lutheran church at Danville. A week later Trinity congregation resolved to purchase the so-called Mayers property on East Main street as a building site for the new church and school. On the first day of April, 1914, ground was broken for the new school. The laying of the cornerstone of the church oc- curred August 2nd, 1914. August 30th, the new school was dedicated, and April 25th, 1915, the church. [72] In 1924, Rev. Elbert accepted a call to Oshkosh, Wiscon- sin, and Rev. T. J. Mehl was called. Rev. Mehl served the con- gregation until 1930, when he resigned on account of illness. Rev. A. C. Bernthal was called as his successor and is now serving the congregation. At the present time, the three up- per grades of Trinity school are taught by Mr. W. C. Poll, the three intermediate grades by Mr. H. G. Schroeder, and the two lower grades by Miss Renate Martens. THE DANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY By LaVerne Dobels, Trinity Lutheran School Teacher, W. C. Poll The first location of the public library was on the second floor of the McDonald building on West Main street, adjoin- ing the First National Bank building. In 1883, this organiza- tion became known as the Danville Public Library, which title it still holds. More room being needed, the library moved to what is now known as the Tobin building, at 132-34 Vermilion street, occupying the entire second floor. It remained in this location 16 years, when it was moved to the Fera building, on the northeast corner of Walnut and North streets. The next move was in 1904 to the present build- ing, the money for which was given by Andrew Carnegie, the lot being purchased by the city. The first floor of the building contains reading, reference, stock rooms, off"ice and catalog room, also a small room hous- ing the historical collections of the Daughters of the American Revolution. A large addition to the stock room has recently been com- pleted through the generosity of the late A. L. Webster, who left a sum of money for this purpose. The children's room has a large south room in the base- ment, across from which is a lecture or assembly room. This is used by various clubs, High School students, etc. The librarian's report for 1929 gives the total number of volumes in the library as 48,769, 11,190 of which are in the children's room. The library does a great deal of reference work for clubs and organizations of various kinds, the most, however, being with high school pupils. In the past ten years, the circulation has more than dou- bled, and nine are on the staff" in place of four in 1930. [78] VERMILION COUNTY By Harvey Dettman, Trinity Lutheran School Principal, W. C. Poll That part of Illinois now known as Vermilion County was orig-inally a portion of New France. It, together with all the immense territory lying west of the Alleghanies and north of the Ohio, belonged by right of discovery and occupation to the king of France. New France was divided into two immense districts, the one known as Canada and the other as Louisiana. In 1819, the year after Illinois was made a state, the county of Clark was formed off the northern part of Crawford, with the county seat established some miles higher up the Wabash at a place called Aurora, which in turn became the county seat of all that region bordering on the Indiana line, and extending north as far as the Illinois and Kankakee Rivers. When Vermilion county was a part of Clark and while Aurora was a county seat, the first permanent settlem'snt was begun within the present limits of Vermilion County. In less than a month after the treaty at Fort Harrison, August, 1819, the Vermilion River was explored. The inducement was the hope of discovering salt. Captain Blackman set two or three men to work with spades, and by digging two or three feet into the saturated soil, saline water was procured. This was boiled down in a kettle brought along for that purpose. About two gallons of water yielded four ounces of good, clear salt. An experimental well was dug a few rods from the former where the brine was much stronger. It was agreed by Captain Blackman that Treat, Whitcomb, and Beckwith should be partners in the discovery of the salt water and each pay his portion of the expenses. In the latter part of November, 1819, Treat returned, coming up the Wabash and Vermilion Rivers in a pirogue with tools, provisions, his wife and children. With the assistance of Beckwith and Whitcomb, both good axemen, a cabin was quickly erected and Treat's family took immediate possession. In this way and at this place began the first per- manent settlement within the present limits of Vermilion County. THE INFLUENCE OF THE RAILROADS ON THE EARLY GROWTH OF VERMILION COUNTY By Kenneth H. Davis, Dist. 9 Teacher, Jewel Perry Some of the fairest, most productive countries of the great Prairie State lie upon its eastern border, and among the chief- €st of these is Vermilion county. Although settlers came in [74] here at an early day, yet the commencement of its rapid growth was not until many years later. It was the railroad that did so much toward the encouragement of sturdy tillers of the soil to come to the fair and fertile prairies. Since then the county has enjoyed a steady growth ; and today it stands among the foremost counties of the great North- west. In the growth and development of her vast resources in her agriculture and stock-raising, in all departments of labor, in her churches and schools, in civilization and culture, Vermilion county has taken first rank. Within a half century a wilderness has been converted into beautiful farms and thriv- ing, populous cities, and a community estabhshed, commanding the admiration of the country. The Wabash Railway was the pioneer road of Vermilion County and contributed most to the development in the early days of Danville and the extensivz coal and agricultural in- terest of the county. At Danville, connection is made with all the main roads. Centering there, it has about fifty miles of road, including side tracks, in the county. The Ohio, Indiana and Western, including side tracks, has about twenty-eight miles of road in Vermilion county. The Chicago and Eastern Illinois road has more miles of track than any other line in the county, and extends through the county on the east side from north to south. This is the great coal road of the county, and has exercised a large influ- ence in the development of that industry in eastern Illinois. The most important station is Danville, where connection is made with several roads centering there. The Toledo, Cincinnati and St. Louis railroad has about eleven miles of road in the extreme southeast corner of the county, the most important station being Ridgefarm. The Lake Erie and Western traverses the extreme north- ern part of the county from east to west and has contributed in a large measure to the building up of the thriving town of Hoopeston, the second town in the county. At that point it crosses the line of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad. DAN BECKWITH By Dorothy Maxine Liggett, Dist. 132 Principal, C. F. HUDDELSON Dan Beckwith was one of the first settlers of Vermilion county. Dan was a native of Bedford county, Pennsylvania. He was born there in 1795. He had six brothers and two sis- ters who went with their parents into New York State, while Dan was yet a lad. Three brothers came west and settled in Vermilion county for a time. [75] George Beckwith and Dan Beckwith left New York State together and came to Fort Harrison in 1816, the year Dan was twenty-one years old. Two years later, they went to North Arm Prairie and lived with Jonatha Mayo's family. They stayed here until 1819, and then they went to the Vermilion Salines. Dan Beckwith was a man of pleasing appearance. He was six feet, two inches tall. He was broad shouldered, was straight, and when in good health weighed 190 lbs. He was an expert axe man and a shrewd Indian trader. After two years, he had everything an Indian would want. He had a cabin built on a hill at Denmark, to trade with the Indians. Later, Danville was selected county seat. Danville was named after Dan Beckwith. He built a cabin near the end of West Main street and continued to trade with the Indians. Later, he built a cabin farther west on West Main street and formed a partnership with James Clymer. ■ Dan Beckwith died while still a young man. He did not live beyond pioneer days of Vermilion county. He died in Dan- ville in December, 1835. He was buried in the old Williams burying grounds. The city bought the privilege of opening a street through this cemetery of the heirs of Amos Williams, and Dan Beckwith's remains were moved to Springhill. Both children of Dan Beckwith are dead now. THE THOMPSON FARM By Lowell Macy, Dist. 128 Teacher, Gladyne Boggess The John R. Thompson farm was owned and improved by the late J. R. Thompson, founder of the famous restaurants which bear his name. He was born and lived to manhood on this farm, going to Chicago during the World Fair in 1893 and operating a small grocery store and restaurant which was the beginning of his career. In the early days when his father owned this farm, it was tended by oxen. The road past this farm was the way Abra- ham Lincoln traveled when he served on the circuit of the Eighth Judicial District, 1847-1857. He was a friend of Mr. Thompson, and spent many nights with him. How dear their friendship was is shown by the erection of a statue at the en- trance of the Thompson farm. At the death of his father, Mr. J. R. Thompson purchased the shares in the farm owned by the other heirs, which gave him possession of the entire farm, which was at that time three hundred fifty acres. Later, he bought other land adjoining the old homestead and there is now seven hundred and fifty [76] acres in the farm. When he first possessed this farm, there was a pleasure resort having a deer park and race track. Later, he built a large cattle barn and began raising pure breed cattle. In 1926, the noted Shorthorn Show herd was started which became famous over the United States and Canada. After death of Mr. Thompson, the show herd was sold in 1930. In the summer of the same year, a fire destroyed all the buildings except the house. During the next few months the buildings were replaced. Since that time the farm has been used for the production of grain and livestock. The Thompson farm is in the Biddle district southeast of Fithian. THE LONE TREE PRAIRIE Bij Robert Howard, Dist. 51 Teacher, BURL Foote The country I am writing about is the lone tree prairie, and happenings on the lone tree prairie. The lone tree prairie is and was a country within a radius of ten miles of the village of Alvin, Illinois. It was called Lone Tree Prairie because there weren't any trees, only this one. It was an enormous hackberry tree, about four feet in diameter and about sixty feet tall. There were names carved on it as high as a man could reach on horseback, and completely around it. Everyone that came along that way would carve his name upon the tree. The tree was located about four and one-half miles southeast of the village of Alvin, Illinois. The children of the early settlers of this neighborhood had few toys, and they would gather the tumbleweed. It was a weed that grew everywhere. On a windy day they would take the weeds out and they would start rolling, and roll till they could not be seen, for in those days there were no fences on the prairie. In those days, the snakes were very thick on the prairie for it was in the 1860's and 70's. The snakes of that time weren't the common garter snakes as we see now. They were poisonous snakes, practically all of them. The country of the Lone Tree Prairie was full of swamps and marshes, and people going any place would have to wan- der around on the high places so they would keep out of the lowlands. The people would turn their cattle and horses out on the prairie. Many times the horses or cattle would get in the swamps and marshes and couldn't get out. Everyone in the country would come and help them out. There were high knolls in the prairie in those days and in these knolls were dens of wolves and foxes. The country was [77] full of wolves but not so many foxes. Another occurrence of the Lone Tree Prairie was in the 70's. A g-roup of men brought out a lot of Texas longhorn cat- tle. The cattle had some kind of a disease. It didn't hurt or affect the western cattle. The native cattle took the disease and died. Almost all of the cattle died from this disease. The men were ordered to take the cattle away, then the disease faded out. MY GRANDFATHER'S LIFE By Allen Larry Fox, Dist. 5 Teacher, Elsie Cox My grandfather, George W. Fox, was born in Shoals, In- diana, in 1846. He had very little education. In 1860 he sold a load of his father's wheat and enlisted in the army. His father, who had already enlisted in the Civil War, was going to make him go home. But the other soldiers begged him not to, so my grandfather stayed in the army. His father was killed in a battle. He was wrapped in a red blanket and buried in a pine box. In 1893 my grandfather moved to Davis county, Indiana. In his early life he used to cut logs and dump them into the river, where they were chained together. Sometimes many hundreds of logs were floated down the river at a time. They were floated down White River and out into the Wabash river, down to Grayville, where they were sold. My grandfather and his friends used to get powerful flash- lights and go out coon hunting. When they had spotted a coon, one would hold the flashlight, and grandfather would go up the tree after it. Grandfather was married in 1867 to Emiline Zollars. He was the father of sight children, five boys and three girls. In 1910 he moved to Dexter, Missouri, where he is still living at the age of eighty-eight. He was engaged in farming until recent years. My grandmother died February 20, 1930, at the age of eighty-one. THE STORY OF MY GREAT-GREAT GRAND FATHER By Josephine Hughes, District No. 52 Teacher, Roberta Lane My great-great grandfather was born in Russellville, Ken- tucky on a southern plantation, which he owned that consisted of a thousand acres. He ov^oied at one time a hundred slaves [78] and was considered a wealthy man, but after the Civil War he lost his wealth because his money, the Confederate, was put off the trade. The family consisted of him, his wife, two sons and a daughter. My great-grandfather, of whom I'm writing, was youngest of the three children. Richard was his name. The southern people were very cruel to the slaves. My great-grandfather did not believe in such treatment to the slaves. One day he was asked to whip a woman slave, which he steadfastly refused to do. This angered his father, who then disinherited him, and ordered him to leave his family home. He came north to Vermilion county to a village named Denmark, before Danville was a city. In 1830 he married a northern girl by the name of Eliza- beth Thrasher. He became the father of eleven children, of whom there are now four living, the oldest being 91 years. My grandmother is the youngest at 62. At his request, he was buried at Gordon Cemetery, in 1879, on the banks of what is now Lake Vermilion, near his old home. MY FATHER'S LIFE Bij Lorraine Moore, Dist. 65 Teacher, Irma Dodson My father, Albert Moore, was born in Waverly, Ohio, in 1893. He lived there among the hills of southern Ohio with his father, mother, and two younger sisters, for several years. He did not get to go to school very much, as the schools in those days were not like they are now. Many interesting things happened while my father lived there. One of them happened one time when my father was taking a wagon and team of horses with a load of oats to the elevator. He was going down one of the steep hills when some of the harness broke. The tongue came down. The horses were running away and, as my father feared his life was in great danger, he leaped to safety. No serious damage was caused by the runaway. Another time, my father and a friend were hunting. The other man was out hunting ahead of my father, when my father shot at a rabbit. Instead of hitting the habbit, he hit the other man in the shoulder. He had to be taken to a doctor, but he recovered from the wound that was made. When my father was eighteen years old, he decided he would leave Ohio and come to Illinois. He and a friend, Mr. Triggs, came to Illinois together. My father did not return to his home again until five years later. After he returned to [79] Illinois this time, he went back only once, when his father died. He was married after he returned to Illinois, and began farm- ing. A few years later, the United States entered the World War. My father enlisted in the army and was sent to work at the Rantoul airport. He was there when the first airplane landed on the field. An American flag was set up on the field and the pilot tried to see how close he could land to it. He landed within twenty feet of it. While he was working here, there was a cyclone that swept over the country, destroying buildings and tearing up trees by the roots. After a storm such as this, or when it was rainy, the men had to stand in deep water to do their work. When they ate, they stood up around tables to eat what food was given them. At night, many times he had to sleep on wet ground. I know it was not only my father that had to endure S'lch ex- posures, nor the men at Rantoul during such times of war. The war ended before my father was sent to any other place. Since that time, my father has been a farmer living near Potomac or Armstrong, Illinois. Now, my father, one sister, three brothers and my mother are living on the Tillotson farm, which is located southeast of Potomac. MY GRANDFATHER'S LIFE By Dorothy Strong, District No. 73 Teacher, Kenneth Wilson My grandfather's name was John N. Badewitz. He was born in Germany in the year of 1854. He crossed the ocean in 1870 and came to the United States when he was sixteen years of age. When he came to the United States he could not speak English. It took him five weeks to get across the Atlantic Ocean and he landed at New York. He took the train and went from New York to Chicago in 1871. When he first came over here he took out his naturalization papers and that made him an American citizen. During the time he was in Chicago the fire broke out, burned all of his clothes, and then he came to the northern part of Illinois. When he came to Illinois he stayed at the home of Mr. Alph Duncan. It was while he was there that he learned to speak English. He made that place his home for about three years. During this time he worked on the farm. Then he got a job in the tile factory and worked there for about two years. He boarded at the home of Lester Leonard, who at that time lived in State Line, Indiana. Before he worked in the tile fac- tory he stayed with Frank Cunningham. [80] In 1885 he went back to Germany to see his mother. He was gone about one year. Then he returned to the United States in 1886. When he came back he started farming. On March 9, 1887, he was married to Miss Clara J. Andrews. After they were married they went to housekeeping on the farm of her mother. After her mother's death they bought the home place. There were four children in the family. In 1893 he was elected road commissioner. He held this office for three years. He was school director of Price school for fifteen years. He held this office until his death. In the year of 1905 he built a new home. After that his health began to fail and he was not able to carry on with active work. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge and he was a member of the German Lutheran church. My grandfather died on September 25, 1908. He was buried in Walnut Corner cemetery. MY GRANDMOTHER'S LIFE By Sarah Jane Jackson, Dist. 114 Teacher, Pearl Rubottom About 63 years ago my great-grandfather and his family lived in England. He wanted to come to America but his wife and children did not want to leave England. Without their knowledge he boarded a ship and came to America. He got work in a granite mine where he earned more money than could be earned in England. After he was here a month or two, he sent his family enough money to come to him in New York State. They came as soon as possible in a sailing vessel on a steerage ticket. It took three weeks for them to come. They brought all they had to eat in a carpet bag. After they wiere here about a month, a slab of granite fell on him and killed him. This left his wife and children without anything except a small sum of money, which did not last long. She then went to her dead husband's brother's home in Fowlerton, Indiana, but he was too poor to keep them. The mother was then forced to turn her children out. Her only daughter, Jane, was only ten years old when she went to work for an old blacksmith, where she remained for eight years. She later went to work in a hotel in Tilton. She still corresponds with her relatives in England, but none of them ever came to her except a cousin and his two boys. They came in a steamship, making the journey in three days. Jane later married. She has five children, one of whom is my father. [811 MY GREAT GREAT-GRANDMOTHER By Lucille Mendenhall, Dist. 122 Teacher, Arizona Montgomery One of the most noteworthy women of her day was Lura Guymon, who is better known as "Grandma" Guymon. Many people will remember her for the work she did while on earth. She was a woman doctor, or midwife, as they were more com- monly called. She spent the greater part of her life in the vicinity of Catlin. Her ashes are now at rest in "God's Acre'* burial ground, the pioneer cemetery west of Catlin, "Grandma" Guymon was a Connecticut Yankee, being born in Connecticut in 1794 and came to Ohio about 1812, where she was married to Noah Guymon. Believing there was a future for them in Illinois, she and her husband came to Vermilion county about 1830. He came on foot, bringing his wife, "Grandma" Guymon, on horseback, which conveyance also served to pack what earthly possessions the two owned. He took a claim on Section 29, which is north- west of Catlin. They built a little cabin, which served the double purpose of residence and a place of shelter for the faith- ful old mare, which had transported his plunder from Ohio. Butler's Point was the end of their destination. In the place of the old log cabin, a tidy house of brick was built, which for nearly half a century stood as one of the show places of Catlin township. This house was destroyed by fire in 1928. It was and still is owned by a grandson, Milton Payne, who is my grandfather, residing in Catlin. My parents, Carlos and Gertrude Payne Mendenhall, lived in this house 15 years. Five of their seven children were born there. There were several hundred Indians in this county when the Guymons came here. The white woman, with her knowl- edge of medicine and herbs and their uses, appealed to the redskins and she soon became their friend. She had studied medicine in Ohio, and while there were no licensed physicians at that time, her knowledge of medicine placed her on equal ranking with the men doctors of that day. The day or night was never too bad or stormy for the "white medicine woman" to answer the call for help. She would ride horseback over the trackless prairie or thr^u^h the forests to bring a new babe into the world. It is said that she officiated at approximately 1,000 such events. She was not a home woman in the sense understood by the pioneers, and even today she would no doubt have been termed a modern woman. She was much criticized by her neighbors for going out and doing a work which was generally conceded to be a man's work. "Grandma" Guymon came from a fighting family, her father having been a lieutenant in the American army under [82] General Washington. Washington once spent the night in the home of her parents in Connecticut. She died in 1884 at the age of 90 years. OUR COUNTRY IN MY GRANDMOTHER'S TIME By Doris V. Coffman, District No. 213 Teacher, Minnie Davenport My grandmother was born in Ohio. When she was a young girl, her father bought a piece of land in Illinois. He had it for several years before they got ready to move. They traveled on a train to near Homer, where they were met by a wagon to take them to their new home. They traveled a long way, and finally reached their farm, only about four miles southeast of what is now Allerton. They then moved out into a log cabin which had already been built. They soon set out to make a real home in Illinois. It was time to plant crops so they set about doing it. There were no trees or fences as far as you could see. They had to cut the hedge balls off the hedge trees and plant the seeds. In a few years they had a good hedge fence. There were no shade trees so a few trees had to be planted. In the summer it was extremely hot, and in the winter it was bitterly cold. My grandmother's father taught school in the winter for a few months. On the way to school, the children would see strange animals. The prairie chickens would get under the house ; and, if at night you heard a strange bumping sound, it was the prairie chickens bumping their heads on the bottom of the house. The roads were extremely bad. In winter they were knee deep in mud and about that bad in dust in summer. If you wanted to make a long trip, you went to Newman or Homer. The whole family would start out early in the morning. You would eat your lunch in a grove. You got to town finally and spent about an hour ; then you would start home. There was plenty of excitement about this time. The world's champion heavyweight boxer lived in Newman. If you wanted to move to Illinois you usually bought the land a couple of years before. It took brave people to make homes in this new land. MY GRANDFATHER'S SCHOOL DAYS By Annabel Miller, Dist. 158 Teacher, Matilda Breezely My grandfather, George W. Miller, came to Vermilion county from Indiana with his parents in 1846. He was five [ 83 ] years of age. The family settled on the banks of the East Fork of the Vermilion river, three miles east of Rossville. They lived in an old house for a time, but a few years later built a new home, hauling the lumber for it from Attica with ox teams. This house still stands in good condition, although it has been built for more than 80 years. The first school which grandfather attended was con- ducted in the various homes of the community, taking turns. Later, a log school was built, such as was used in most parts of the state. For the first school, the settlers met with a yoke or two of oxen, with axes, saws and an auger. Trees were cut, rough- trimmed and unhewn, and they were put together to make a log house about 16 ft. square. A hole was cut on one side for a door and a larger hole on the other side for an outdoor chim- ney. The roof was made of clapboards, held in place by weight poles laid on the ends of the clapboards and secured by pins. The next step was "chinking" and "daubing" to fill the cracks. On one side the space between two logs was left open to admit light, but covered by greased paper to exclude the rain and snow. The door was made of clapboards, put together with wooden pins and hung on wooden hinges which creaked distressingly. A floor of puncheon was laid. A ceiling was laid under the roof, clapboards stretched from joist to joist, and earth spread on these to keep out the cold. The chimney was 6 feet in width. It was built of small poles and topped with sticks split to the size of two inches square laid up in log house fashion ; then its chinks were filled with mud. The fire was kindled by the aid of flint, steel and tinder or coals must be brought from the nearest house. Fire- wood was cut four feet in length, green and fresh from the woods. The seats were made of puncheon with 4 legs set into auger holes. There were no desks except for the older pupils who took writing lessons. Stout pegs were driven into the wall to slope downward. On these supports was fastened the smoothed puncheon. Thus the writing pupils sat or stood facing the wall. A pail of water with a gourd was part of the furniture. It was a reward of merit to be allowed to go to the spring or well to fill the bucket or piggin. Grandfather received no other education except that pro- vided by the primitive country school of his time, but was a great reader all of his life. He lived the rest of his life within a distance of three miles from his childhood home. He passed away at his home in Rossville on October 18, 1927, at the age of 86 years. [84] THE FIRST BRICK HOUSE IN VERMILION COUNTY By Beulah Lingley, District 2, Cheneyville Teacher, Rosaline Gingrich The First Brick House in Vermilion county is located on my great-grandfather, Isaac Knox's farm. It was built to replace a log cabin in the year of 1853. The farm, on which the house is placed, is located 6 3/^ miles northeast of Danville or 1 mile east of West Newell. The bricks which were used were being prepared for the State House at Springfield, Illinois, but because they were soft, they were used to build houses in Vermilion county and for other building purposes. The brick yard was known as the Fairchild Brick Yard on North Oak Street in Danville, Illinois. The house was a two-story structure and was not as strong as it might have been if solid bricks had been used. During the years past, the farm was inherited by my grand- father from my great-grandfather. Because of the soft bricks the house met its destruction in a windstorm in the year 1927, having stood for seventy-five years. THE COAL INDUSTRY By Herbert L. Frederickson, District No. 116 Teacher, Zola Dye The coal industry is also called "The Black Diamond In- dustry." Coal is of a plant origin. It has been formed by slow changes of vegetation which grew in ancient swamps and bogs changed into coal. The first stage is a spongy material called peat. . 1 1 • By continual pressing of accumulated material, this peat was slowly changed to lignite, a woody coal. The pressing out of some of the gas and moisture caused a harder material called bituminous coal. . Coal was first seen, it is believed, by Father Hennepin along the Illinois river near the present site of Ottawa, Illinois. The use of coal was discovered by accident by an iron com- pany who was determined to make it burn. They bought a load, and put some in a furnace, and kept poking it, and wasted a whole load without results. They bought another load to try again, and worked all night without making it burn. The work- men left it in the furnace with some burning wood under it. After breakfast they came back and were astonished to find an intense fire in the furnace. This proved that it would burn. Before railroads came, transportation was the biggest prob- lem in the coal industry. Although coal is mostly mined with shafts, there are three other popular ways in use in this country. [85] One way is an open pit called a strip mine. The surface dirt is removed by small team scrapers or by steam shovels, thus exposing the coal bed. This is the simplest type of mine. Another way is by drift mining. This is done by digging one or two sloping tunnels until the coal is reached, and the coal being hauled out through these tunnels. Slope mining is similar to this method. Still another, which is used mostly, is a process called, "shaft mining." This shaft mining is done by digging a large hole straight down into the earth from the surface till the seams are located. Sometimes three or four seams are mined at the same time. When miners are below the surface of the ground, they niust be supplied with plenty of good air. This is done by dig- ging another hole or shaft some distance away from the hoisting shaft, this one being called an, "air shaft," which is also dug down to the lowest seam being mined. At the bottom of this shaft is located a fan, either drawing bad air out or forcing good air into the mine. The fan is run generally by an electric engine. The opening used for forcing the fresh air into the mine is called the "downcast." The opening drawing the bad air out is called "up cast." A tunnel must be first made to connect these two shafts to make a circulation of air possible. The hoisting shaft might be used for either the "upcast" or "downcast." The other mines are "slope" and "drift" mines have this same system of ventilation. After the shafts are completed and properly lined to prevent entrance of water, the actual mining is started mostly in "room" and "pillar" method. One or more tunnels or so called, "en- tries," about six or seven feet wide are first made from the bot- tom of the shaft, used for hoisting the coal. These are the main streets of a mine and along these are laid steel tracks over which the coal cars travel. Other entries branch off and gradually there is built an underground town with it's blocks and streets. Pipe lines are also layed to remove any water which naturally accumulates in a mine. These lines lead to a hole in form of a reservoir, which is called a "sump." Pumps are used to remove the water from here and it is pumped to the surface of the ground. Fi'om the entries other tunnels branch off, and places are opened called "rooms" where the coal is mined in a space from eighteen feet to thirty feet wide, and the rooms are sometimes worked from one hundred feet to two hundred feet long. Be- tween each room there is a pillar of coal from seven to ten feet in thickness left to help support the rock and other overhead ground. Timber is also used for this purpose in the room to support the overhead earth. The track is then made into the room so that the "loader machine" or the miners can load the coal into cars holding from one to five tons of coal. The coal is then "shot from the solid," that is to say, with- out being cut to the side or bottom of the seam. Cutting under- [86] neath before blasting is popular among small mines to get bigger coal. The cutting is often done with machines and sometimes by hand "picks." The "cutting of the coal" is making a groove in the coal so as to allow the coal to crowd out when blasted. To blast a small hole about 1^ inches in diameter, is drilled above or to the side of the groove with a machine, and this hole is charged with powder, and then the hole is plugged up with fire clay or the drill dust. The charge is set off by lighting a fuse inserted into the powder which is wrapped with tape. The fuse burns about two feet a minute allowing about three minutes for the miner to get to safety after lighting the fuse. This blast- ing is usually done at night just before quitting time, so that the powder smoke can be drawn out before morning. In the morn- ing, miners are loaded in the cages and let down into the miners' working places. These cages are elevators used to hoist coal, and let men up and down to work. The miner and his helper, or "buddy," load the coal into cars, and they are drawn away by electric engines and about ten cars already loaded form a trip when linked together. These are drawn to the bottom of the hoisting shaft and then separated. The loaded cars are then elevated to big tipples or enclines which are a net work of screens. It is there weighed and the screen called "shaker" screens, shake the coal through the screens is either loaded on railroad cars or sold to men operating trucks which haul the coal to its destination. After the coal cars are emptied, they are let down the shafts and drawn to the miners to reload. Besides using coal for heat and power, many more things can be made or partly made from coal. From the tar in coal comes baking powder, flavoring for cakes, picric acid explosive, radio parts, cresoles, photodeveloper, paraffin, T.N.T. explosive, ink solvent, rubber solvent, naptha, perfumes, aniline dye, artificial silk, benzol, heavy oil for wood preservations, pitch. From the coke comes graphite lubricant, i)riquets, carbon electrodes, lamp black, and black paint. From the gas we get heat, illumination and anesthetic. From the gas liquor comes ammonium, sulphate fertilizer, nitrate explosives and salammoniac for batteries, soldering, etc. SORGHUM By Gail Green, Dist. 122 Teacher, Stella Brothers In order to make Sorghum you have to have seed and plant it about the same time that you do corn. It has to be hoed about two times. In September, the cane is ready to be made into Sorghum. Some people say, "Only clay ground makes good Sorghum." [87] But we have disproved it at R. E. Green's, i-i of a mile west and ^ of a mile north of Bronson, on black ground. The cane is stripped which means taking the leaves or blades off the stock. The top or head which has the seed in it is cut off about 12 inches from the top. It is cut at the bottom and the cane is put on the wagon to be hauled to the mill. At the mill it is crushed between three big rollers driven by an engine. The stock, after the juice is squeezed out it, goes out into a pile to be hauled away. The juice runs into a tank and runs over into the evaporator after it is settled, then it is cooked and skimmed constantly. It runs between fins to the other end where it is taken off and put into the finishing pan, where it later is sorghum. This year, we made 464 gallons of sorghum, and it takes about 3 hours to make a 15 gallon batch. MY OLD HOME IN ALABAMA By Deola Clark, Dist. No. 90 Teacher, Maude Juvinall Before moving to Illinois in 1929, I lived in the Sunny South in the state of Alabama. My home was in the northern part of the state about one hundred miles from Birmingham. In the section of the country in which we lived most people were engaged in farming. Near our home was some timber land the most of which was pine and oak. So my father's work con- sisted of farming and running a saw mill. My father's lumber camp was situated about a half of mile from our home. The logs were hauled to the saw mill on log wagons which were pulled by teams. My father used a seventy- five horse power steam engine. There were about eight men employed in cutting the timber into lumber and ties. And about eight or ten men employed in cutting and hauling the logs to the saw mill. The ties and lumber were hauled in trucks to the nearest railroad at Decatur. Some were sold for use in this city and some were shipped by railway to other towns. Some of the best lumber after being sent to Decatur to the planing mill was used in the building of houses. On the farm we raised cotton, corn and vegetables. We planted cotton about the last of April or the first of May. When the cotton plants were well started, Negroes were hired who went into the fields and thinned the plants so as to make them grow better. When that was over the cotton was left for about a week, then Negroes went into the fields with hoes to destroy the grass and weeds. After it had been gone over two or three times it was left until picking time. By July 4th almost every one had gone over their cotton the third time. About October the first the cotton was ready to pick. Then more Negroes were hired who went into the fields with long sacks and picked the cotton. From October to Novem- [88] ber the twentieth is the busiest time of the year. By Christmas almost every one has their cotton out of the fields. After the cotton was picked it was loaded on wagons and trucks and taken to the cotton gin where the seed was separated from the cotton. The cotton was then pressed into bales usually weighing about five hundred pounds. After it was made mto bales we could sell it there or take it home and wait awhile be- fore we sold it. Some people took their cotton home and held it for some time hoping to get a better price for it. The seeds could be taken home for seed the next year or sold to be fed to cows or made into cotton seed oil. HOW I HAVE LIKED THE DRAWING THIS YEAR By Donald Harry Hosch, Dist. 113 Teacher, Cecil Lafferty I have liked the drawing very much and I have drawn some nice pictures. We traced some pictures and then we colored them and we put them on the wall, and they look very pretty. We colored the pictures with crayons and made them look very nice. We traced little boys and girls from foreign countries and a good many birds, and we colored them different colors and made them very pretty. Some of the pupils drew their favorite pictures yesterday, and they all looked very nice. The pictures were colored different colors and they were so pretty I could hardly stay away from them. Some were pictures of rivers and some were of houses. When we were in the other school we drew some awfully pretty pictures and they all burned up. Before the other school burned down, we were going to have an exhibit and invite all our school patrons and show them all of our pictures, and when the school house burned down all of our pictures burned up. HOW I HAVE LIKED THE MUSIC THIS YEAR I have liked the music very much. I have liked the way we studied different kinds of keys. We have sung many different kinds of songs. The songs we sang were very pretty. We have learned the syllables and we like it very much that we learned them. We have a lot of good singing and it sounds very pretty. Our teacher taught us the music and we think she is a good music teacher. The little folks are doing better in music than some of the bigger folks. PIONEER DAYS By Mildred Irvin, Dist. 11 Teacher, DOROTHY Griswold In 1859 John S. Hewins started to break prairie in Iroquois county. Before he had accomplished much he enlisted in Com- [89] pany E, 76th Regt. Illinois Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War, and was mustered into the service the 22nd of August, 1862, at Kankakee, Illinois. He was made a lieutenant after several months of service. He was mustered out July 22, 1865 at Gal- veston, Texas. Then, he was brought back to Chicago where he got his pay and final discharge. After coming out of the army, he taught school, in the win- ters, in Vermilion county, and broke prairie with oxen during the summers for about five years. He had twelve yoke of oxen, and used six yoke on a twenty-four inch braking plow. He hired a man to run the other six yoke to another plow. He broke prairie in Vermilion, Iroquois and Ford counties. A nephew of John S. Hewins, J. H. Irvin, used to enjoy very much seeing those cattle yoked. They would put the yoke on one ox and hold the other end up and call his mate to come under. They usually didn't want to but would do it. At that time, there were great sections of land that were in wild prairie and large herds of cattle were herded on them each summer. There were deer and plenty of wolves in this part of Illinois. Almost any night you could hear the wolves howling. Ducks, geese, brant, crane and prairie chickens were very numerous. The farm implements were very crude. At that time the sod plow, the walking plow, the walking cultivator and the two horse harrow were practically all the implements used. The sod corn planter was used with four horses. A boy sat on it and dropped the corn. All the oats and wheat were sowed by hand. A few years later, the mower and reaper combined were used. The reaper raked off the bundles and they were bound by hand. The flax was done the same way, only not bound. My Grandfather, a nephew of Mr. Hewins, has stood on the back part of the reaper and raked flax and oats off the reaper. The schools were not very well equipped. Any child, who had a book, brought it and used it, regardless of the name. They seldom used two books alike. A few years later, there was a uniform set of books for the children to use. The grammar and history were not used until the children were about 13 or 14 years of age. Every child used a slate and slate pencil instead of a tablet and pencil. The Bratton School is the oldest in Butler Township. The Schwartz School is the second oldest, and Murphy the third oldest. THE STORY OF THE BOY SCOUTS By Thomas White, Dist. 76 Teacher, Oleeta French Scout is a word which means watch. Many years ago they liad scouts to watch in war and to watch against Indians. In late years the meaning has been widened. [90] In 1905, Daniel Carter Beard founded a society. It was called Sons of Daniel Boone. About the same time Ernest Thomp- son Seton, a great naturalist, formed an organization called the Woodcraft Indians. In 1910, the Woodcraft Indians decided to unite with the Sons of Daniel Boone and form a larger organiza- tion called the Boy Scouts of America. Meanwhile, Sir Robert Baden-Powell had founded the Boy Scouts of England. The Boy Scout society began to spread and it is now in the United States, England, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, China, and in several more countries. In the United States alone there are 550,000, and in other countries there are 800,000 or more. The method has been summed up in the term scoutcraft. Scoutcraft includes first aid, life-saving, tracking, signaling, cycling, nature study, swimming, rowing, and many other ac- complishments. All these things give great physical exercise. Many of the organizations have summer camps in which they have drills in tent pitching, fire making, and cooking. They teach boys how to be comfortable in woods without the luxuries of home. In Vermilion county, there is a summer camp for boys near Potomac. I have often seen boys on bicycles on roads of Vermilion county who were Scouts. Anyone between the ages of twelve and eighteen can be- come a Scout. Before you become a tenderfoot or a Scout of the lowest rank, you must take the Scouts' oath. The Scout law includes honor, loyalty, helpfulness, friendliness, kindness to animals, and obedience. In order to become a second class Scout, a first class Scout, a star Scout, an Eagle Scout, and a life Scout, you must pass certain requirements. In form, the organization is semi-military. It does not have gun drills. Eight boys form a patrol and three patrols are a troop. A troop has a Scoutmaster and a patrol has one of its own boys to be a patrol leader. They have simple uniforms. The Scouts have a motto which is Be Prepared. A TRUE PIONEER STORY By Marie Miller, Dist. 145 Teacher, Daphne Cromwell Back in the year of 1872, my grandmother's father, John Dobson, went to Minnesota and took up a claim near Wadena, Minnesota. Several months later, he went back to Janesville, Wiscon- sin, for his family, where preparations were made for the trip back to the claim. The ten-day trip in covered wagon was made without seeing anyone. At night, the women and chil- dren slept in the wagon while the men and older boys took their blankets and slept under the wagon. To the wheel was tied a [91] larg-e deer hound which was to guard against Indian or wild animal attacks at night. They lived in the covered wagon until enough trees were cut down to build a one-room log cabin, in- cluding a loft and a large fireplace at one end of the room. In the loft the men and boys slept. To get to the loft, a ladder was nailed to the side of the room. Soon the land was cleared of stumps and undergrowth and crops were planted. Many a wintry morning they awakened to find snow had sifted in on the beds through the chinks between the logs. Game in the woods and fish in the streams were plentiful. They had many a visit from the Indians, who were friendly with the white people at that time. When they came to a house, they never knocked but walked right in. If it was near meal- time, they would walk up to the table and sit down without an invitation. One winter morning an Indian chief and two squaws walked into the house while grandmother's mother was baking pancakes. The old chief wanted sugar to eat on his cakes but was refused because of the scarcity of white sugar. One old squaw reached over and took a piece of fat side meat in her fingers and handed it over her shoulder to a papoose tied on her back. The smaller children were frightened and hid behind the stove until they left. When the Indians wanted their dogs to come to them, instead of whistling they called, ^'Kittie-koo, Kittie-koo." My grandmother, Mrs. Catharine Elliott, was a resident of Danville for twenty-three years until her death two years ago. THE BIRTH OF THE CHURN Bij Louise Johnson, District No. 101 Teacher, B. C. Beck It is a known fact that the churn was first founded in Ver- milion county. Few people know of this, as there are few markers in Dan- ville. Many historical events which have occurred in Danville have been forgotten. In 1837, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Pottle came from Ohio early in the spring. They made a settlement in the prairie where the vacant lot at the corner of Harrison and Pine streets now stands. Mr. and Mrs. Pottle had a cow for their own use. One summer morning as Mrs. Pottle was milking their family cow, a very funny incident happened. As the flies bothered her cow very much, the cow kicked at a fly. The cow got its foot wedged in the milk pail. Mrs. Pottle began to kick at the cow's leg to make it change its po- [92] sition. Her leg then became wedged in the pail with the cow's leg. The cow began to run, and Mrs. Pottle had to run, too. This five-legged race lasted for fifteen minutes. Mrs. Pottle's screams finally reached the ears of her hus- band at the public square, where he was peacefully whittling. When Mrs. Pottle's leg was removed, a half pound of but- ter was found in the bottom of the pail. Mr. Pottle wanted his wife to make butter every week by this method, but she rebelled. Mrs. Pottle then made her hus- band whittle out a crude churn from a log. The milk churn has been adopted by all foreign countries but yet no marker or monument has been placed on this lot to show where the churn was first discovered. OLD TIME CANDLE MAKING By LaVerne Ruth Miller, Dist. 145 Teacher, Daphne Cromwell In olden times, about the time of the Revolutionary War, this is how they would make their candles. The women would put on a great pot of tallow to melt. They had been saving this tallow a whole year to make candles. While the tallow was melting, they would cut strings about thirty-two inches in length, then they would double the string and tie them to a long pole. When the tallow was melted, they would take the pole and dip the strings into the tallow. They then would hang the pole over the back of two chairs to dry. They would repeat this process until the candles were the size required. They would cut the candles off of the pole, and put them up in a cool place to keep them hard. These candles would last the whole year. In later years, about the time when my grandmother made candles, they had candle wicks instead of string, and later still they had candle molds. These molds would make about six candles at one time. They would cut the wick, and thread it through a hole in the bottom of the mold. They would pour the mold full of tallow. When the tallow was hard, they would cut the knot, tap the mold, and the candles would fall out of the molds. They would put the candles away in a cool place so the candles would keep hard. Now, candles are made in factories, and people use electric lights. [93] LIFE IN THE WORLD WAR By Robert Martin, Dist. 140 Teacher, Pauline Meade A Vermilion county soldier told me this story. Shortly before the United States entered the World War, men were as- sembled into temporary camps to do guard duty at ammuni- tion factories and important bridges. Later on, they were assembled in several camps in different parts of the country. All kinds of buildings were being built. After this was completed, a period of intensive training had to be gone through with, to get every man thoroughly acquainted with the different weapons of war, and how to use them. After this training was over, men and equipment were loaded on trains and started for the east, where they were held in quarantine and examined to be sent to France, where the major part of the war was going on. Men were all loaded on giant ocean liners and secretly set sail. No lights were allowed on the ships. When out, they were met by small ships which were known as submarine chasers. After a week on the ocean, land was sighted. After land- ing in the harbor, the men were loaded in smaller boats manned by English and French. They were taken to the shore, where camp was made by using the shelter half, sometimes called pup tents. Francs is sometimes called sunny France, but to the average doughboy this is not true, for some rain seemed to be falling every day. After a short period in these camps, the men were loaded in funny little box-cars. After four days and nights riding in these cars, they arrived at their destination and unloaded. After a greeting by a Scotch band, they were given tea and small cakes by the English. After this, most of the traveling was done by foot. Each move brought the men closer to the war zone. First, it sounded like a distant thunder, which was the long range guns firing. The men were so anxious to go in the lines that sometimes at night they would steal out and go up to see what it was like. In a short time, order came to go in the lines and take their part in the war. The trenches were full of mud and water, which came about knee deep. No firing was done in the day time and the men used the time to sleep. At night, under cover of darkness, patrols were sent out to get information from their enemy. Often, they met one another and a short battle resulted. The victor took the prisoners for information. After a time in this sector, these men were moved and others took their place. After a big battle, one could see men lying on the ground dead. Some- [34] times, these were gathered up and buried, but if the firing was too much, men were allowed to lie until there was nothing left but the bones. The last big drive was at Verdun, a city built mostly under ground. It was centered on a hill named Dead Man's hill, as this hill had been in no man's land for two years. So many men had been killed on this hill that a pick could not be put in the ground without striking bones. This proved to be the deciding battle of the war. It was a complete success for the allied armies. On November 11, 1918, an armistice was signed which ceased all hostilities. Everybody was happy to know that soon they could come home. Some divisions were called to the army of occupation. Soon the order came to prepare to start home. Back to see the camp from which they first came about a year before. They started home in a storm and were seasick about half way home. The rest of the ocean journey was good. The men were all sent to the camps from which they came, to be discharged and take their place in civilized life again. Some returned well and healthy, and others are crippled who are still fighting the world war but not noticed by the masses. THE LIFE OF THE CO. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS, MR. L. A. TUGGLE By Jackie Crist, Dist. 101 Teacher, B. C. Beck Larkin A. Tuggle, with whom all school children arc fa- miliar, was born in a log cabin about fifty-nine years ago, July 29, 1875, in Indianola, Illinois. Until the time when he started to school young Tuggle's life, like most boys and girls of his dav, merely consisted of the usual routine, of seeing that the special chores assigned him were done, and a short period daily for recreation which was not nearly as long as the children of today enjoy. Following the passing of his seventh birthday, young Lar- kin Tuggle was marched off daily to Snyder school. The boy was so bashful that more often than once his mother found it necessary to use a stick on the young fellow in order to per- suade him to hurry off to school. The boy was always bright at school, for his keen and alert mind soon realized the neces- sity of a good education. It might interest the boys and girls of today to know that Mr. Tuggle had as a boy a licking at school in his early days. In those early days after the small children had stumbled through a lesson of A B C's, the teacher [95] would pass on to another class, leaving the small youngsters with empty hands, ideal for mischief. The story goes that dur- ing such a period of the day, young Tuggle produced his slate, and with chalk drew a truly queer animal. Unfortunately his school teacher caught him in the act, and there ensued a pain- ful moment, while Tuggle received his first, and last, school licking, and learned the evils of wasting school hours in idle amusement. After graduating from grade school at the age of fourteen years, there followed a four year course of schooling at various high schools. Finishing this course of learning, he entered Westfield College, in Westfield, Illinois. The college is a United Brethren College, and but for this fact Mr. Tuggle's schooling might not have been sufficient for his later undertakings. As Mr. Tug- gle's father was a United Brethren clergyman, the off'icials of the school helped him, Larkin Tuggle, financially. He gradu- ated in 1895. Throughout his college years Mr. Tuggle showed a fine personality and splendid dependability, as well as an in- telligence rarely surpassed. His amusements during his younger years were of the sort that did good rather than destroyed the property of others. From fourteen to twenty-one years of age, Mr. Tuggle dur- ing intervals between school terms, hired out as a workman to the rich. They all would hire him because his dependability and sound determination to work thoroughly were known facts. In after years Mr. Tuggle always says that these years were the years in which his life's ambition became that of a school teacher, for he hoped in the future to oversee others, rather than be overseen by others. Why he, with such intelligence, should choose to be a school teacher is easily answered. Of course it might seem that he would have followed in his fa- ther's footsteps and been a clergyman, but when he was young the hardship and hard work of a minister's life became appar- ent to Mr. Tuggle. Later in life Mr. Tuggle did feel a desire to become a lawyer, but financial conditions prevented any such desires happening. In 1897 Mr. Tuggle procured his first position as teacher of the Snyder school, the same one that he first attended. This was followed by two years at Pleasant Grove as teacher. In short, we might say six years were spent in teaching country schools. We need not think that Mr. Tuggle was fickle in keep- ing a position, for he wasn't. He actually resigned from each position, contrary to the various school boards' wishes, in order that he might procure a bigger and better position. For some years Mr. Tuggle had been trying for a teaching position in Danville. At last he obtained such a position at Collett school. He followed this up with a position as principal at Batestown. [96] This position he kept for two years, when he resigned in favor of being principal at Lincoln school. Seven years here brought him the popularity necessary to obtain a position as superin- tendent of manual training in the Danville city schools. After eleven years in this position Mr. Tuggle was elected to the of- fice of County Superintendent of Schools. This position he has kept for eleven years and has shown himself an efficient and reliable superintendent. Mr. Tuggle hopes to serve one more term as County Su- perintendent. If he does, he will hold the record of having held the position longer than any one man ever has in the history of the superintendent position. The boys and girls of Vermilion county all hope he will win the next election, as Mr. Tuggle's splendid personality has made him popular among the students of the county. They all feel that no one else is, and ever could be as efficient for the position as Mr. Tuggle. Mr. Tuggle is a World War veteran, having served two years and four months in the war. Few people realize, how- ever, that Mr. Tuggle was a captain in the army. He was in the Houston, Texas, camps when the negro soldiers of Uncle Sam's army caused the great riot. Under the captainship of Mr. Tuggle, his men succeeded in quieting the riot. After this riot, his company was sent to Europe, where they landed at Brest, France. Following their arrival he was put in the Amiens trench. He hadn't been there one hour before a ter- rific battle began. This was on July 4, 1918. This battle, as all World War battles were, was dangerous yet thrilling to the utmost extent. He was in several more battles before he re- turned in July, 1919. This was several months after the re- turn of the rest of his company. He landed in New York, where his wife and family joyously met him. You can well imagine how he felt to be home from foreign lands. When asked what he intended to do in the future, Mr. Tuggle replied that he intended to devote his time serving, if possible, another term as superintendent of the county. He likes school students, and therefore to his utmost skill intends to do everything possible to forward an excellent educational system for the students of the county. Mr. Tuggle is easily pleased when it comes to food. He .eats almost everything. However, if he should ever eat where some of you readers plan the menu, see, if it's possible, that some good green lettuce is included in the menu, especially if it's spring or summer time. Mr. Tuggle hopes, and expects, to live another score of years. As I feel sure all the county students hope he will live that long, let's drink to his health ! And so, "Long life to Mr. Tuggle, may he live long and happily!" [97] WHY I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MR. TUGGLE FOR OUR SUPERINTENDENT FOUR MORE YEARS By Charles Perry, Dist. 9 Teacher, Jewel Perry I would like to have Mr. Tuggle for our superintendent for four more years because when he walks in our school I always feel just like I do when I am at the circus waiting for the show to begin. He always says, "Hello, boys and girls", as if he is so glad to see us. He always looks so nice and says nice things about us, and he always tells us good-bye. He always has something funny to tell us, and he tells us about his trips and what he saw. I think Mr. Tuggle has done more for the schools of Ver- milion county than any other superintendent we have ever had. He has sent out so many things to help the boys and girls. I think the questions he sends out for each pupil make it easier for us. The questions are always just what we have studied because we have followed his state course. About every time I read the Danville Commercial-News I see where our superintendent is going to speak at some meet- ing, so I think he must be a busy man. He always says how much he likes to come to this school and how nice our school looks, that I always am sorry after he has been to our school for the year. So I hope that Mr. Tuggle gets to be superintendent of Vermilion county for four more years. THE SNYDER SCHOOL By Lucy Tuggle (1934) The Snyder school is located two miles northeast of In- dianola, Illinois. The land on which the schoolhouse sets was deeded by Josiah Sandusky on August 6, 1873 and filed Octo- ber 11, 1873. The land was to be returned to Mr. Sandusky if at any time it was no longer used for a schoolhouse site. The schoolhouse was built near the home of Emanuel Snyder, and he helped to build it. This is the reason why the school is called Snyder school. The first directors of the school were Emanuel Snyder, Abraham Sandusky, and James Branam. For several years there were two school terms, one winter term and one summer term. In those days the teacher received from $25 to $50 per month salary. Mr. Alonzo Hunt was the first teacher of Sny- der school. Some of the other early teachers in Snyder school [98] were J. T. McMillan, J. A. McMillan, Louie Adams Glick, Anna Knipe McClellan, Simon Gibson, Alice Clinkenbaird Spicer, Mrs. Laura Gray Baird, Malen Sanders, Grace Downey, L. A. Tuggle, Bert Sheppard, Charles Lenhart, Daisy Spry, and Winter Davis. In the spring of 1874, Emanuel Snyder wanted Mrs. Louie Adams Glick to teach school in the summer term, but her fa- ther refused to let her teach because she was only 14 years of age. However, the following spring of 1875, she went to Dan- ville, Illinois, and took an examination for a second grade cer- tificate. She then taught the summer term of 1875 as she was 16 years of age then. She only taught in the summer terms as the larger pupils, who had to work in the summer months, went to school in the winter and were very hard to manage. Teachers had to have either a first grade teaching certifi- cate or a second grade teaching certificate in that tinie. For a second grade teaching certificate, they took an examination in reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, grammar, spelling and United States history ; and for a first grade teaching certificate they added physiology, botany, philosophy, and zoology. Ray's arithmetic, Pinneo grammar, and McGuffey's reader and speller were the books used then. The McGuffey readers are the most wonderful series of readers that have ever been published, and a few years ago Henry Ford had several books of this series published and gave them out to his friends. Soon after J. T. McMillan was hired as teacher of the school, he took sick and his brother, J. A. McMillan, substituted for him. While he was sick, J. T. McMillan secured a position in Mr. Grace's store. J. A. McMillan was then hired as teacher for the rest of that term, and taught the following summer and winter terms. J. A. McMillan has been and still is treasurer of Township 17 North, Range 12 West of the second principal meridian since 1894. Some of the people who used to go to Snyder school are well known and still living today. Some of them are Collie Billings Jackson, Rosie Billings Wilcox, Matilda Homes Thompson, Cornelia Homes Jordan, Philip Homes, Nerve Ref- fitt Demond, Mollie Reffitt Seekers, John Snyder, William Sny- der, Urma Snyder Shultz, Perry Snyder, Susan Branam Jor- dan, Bell Branam, Charlie Branam, Josephine Jordan, Charlie Jordan, William Gilman, Pitsie Smith Kincaid. Frank and Grant Ward attended school there one term. Larkin Tuggle and Carrie Tuggle Ward, and Addie Moser Tuggle went there for one term also. Some of the younger generation who went to the Snyder school where their parents attended school are Mrs. Addie Mosier Tuggle's children, Elvin, Emery, George, Collie, and Laura; and George Tuggle's children, Ivan, Mary, Imogene, [99] Ruby, Joy Love, Mae, and James Robert. This makes three generations of Tuggles all going to the same little country school for their education. Some of the children going to Snyder school at the present are Robert Knight, Franklin Knight, Thelma Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Stanley Allison, Otis Allison, Louis High, Merle Ste- vens, Lester Hugg, Robert Almy, Ruby Tuggle, Joy Love Tug- gle, and Mae Tuggle. County Superintendent of Schools L. A. Tuggle attended and taught the Snyder school, and he is now superintendent over all the schools in Vermilion county. In the early days, church and Sunday school was also held in the school building. Some of the preachers were Rev. Mer- ril, a faith healer, Rev. Phettiplace, Robert Ellis, James Tug- gle, father of Co. Supt. L. A. Tuggle, and B. F. Duncan. Mr. Duncan held a writing school there during its early days. In the year of 1883, B. F. Duncan married Mr. and Mrs. Glick. Mrs. Click was formerly Louie Adams, one of the first teachers. Mr. Asa Butler, grandfather of Louie Adams, met B. F. Thomas at a Baptist Association meeting. He was a poor, Kentucky boy who wanted an education and to learn how to preach. John Lawler and Egbert Willison, Benson Willison's father, agreed with Asa Butler to help board Mr. Thomas and let him go to school at Indianola. Later, Mrs. Abe Sandusky took an interest in Mr. Thomas, and as they had no children, they took him into their home and treated him as their own son. Mr. Thomas went to school and later made a very fine preacher. John Frainer made the first course of study for schools in 1881, which was used in many counties of the state. There have been seven revisions of the State Course of Study of 1903, and Mr. L. A. Tuggle, our present county superintendent, uses a course of study made by himself in this county. Some of the men who have been county superintendents, in Vermilion county are John Parker, Vic Guy, son of Asa Guy, who v/as county surveyor for many years, John Benedict, L. H. Griffith, R. B. Holmes, W. Y. Ludwig, 0. P. Haworth, and L. A. Tuggle. In the early days, schedules were used and were turned in by the teacher to the school township treasurer to receive their salary. Michel Fisher was then treasurer of Carroll town- ship. Nothing was known about grades or examinations in that day, but a few of the leaders were trying to introduce it at the institutes, which were held for about six weeks each sum- mer at the county seat. Old wooden buckets were used for water buckets, and [ 100 ] long-handled dippers used to drink out of. The teacher would take turns in dismissing two pupils to let them carry the water from Emanuel Snyder's home, and when they returned the water was passed around to all of the pupils to give them a drink. The boys and girls thought it was a great treat to carry the water from Mr. Snyder's to the schoolhouse. Later heavy- glazed, paper buckets were used in which to carry the water. In a few years, Charlie Parker dug a well at the schoolhouse. Mr. A. P. Jackson, John Tuggle, and Emanuel Snyder, who were directors at that time, let the bricks down to Mr. Parker to build the well. In the center of the schoolroom stood an old cast iron stove with the chimney in the center of the building. In 1913, a new heater and ventilator costing $128 was bought. Orvill Cundiff built a new chimney at the right side of the door, and this cost $42.85. The old stove was sold to Claude Williams for $2. A new floor was put down in August, 1916. In 1909 Ed Miller put down a cement walk, which cost $54. Double seats were used in the early days. The pupils had to march orderly to the front to recite their lessons on a long recitation bench. New seats have been bought for the past several years, and now all of the seats are modern style seats. A recitation bench is still used, but it has a back rest on it, and the one used in the olden days did not have a back rest. New blackboards have replaced the old blackboards. Dou- ble and single slates were used in the olden days instead of the writing tablets used today. A cloth or sponge was used to wash the writing off of the slates. The school girls wore long-sleeved dresses with high col- lars, and lots of ruffles, ribbons and lace. The dresses were also full and long. They wore copper toe shoes, and the boys wore leather boots with copper toe shoes. Some of the pupils wore yarn mittens made by their mother or grandmother. Some of the girls wore apron dresses which were buttoned down the back. In 1893, a small porch was built on the schoolhouse, so that the pupils could clean their shoes before going into the school- house in stormy weather. A new bookcase was bought in February, 1920, and the old one was sold to Opal Jordan for $5 on March 8th, 1920. Some of the more recent teachers of the Snyder school are Samuel Lanover, George Sanders, Nellie Pollitt, Marie Lough, C. A. Bradfield, Flora Mosier, Kate McKee, Gwen Coggeshall, Forest D. Gibson, Violet Larrance, Etta Donley Kraft, Amy Ruth Jordan, and Dora Sanders. Some of these teachers' pupils were Opal Knight, Dale [101] INTERSTATE PRINTING CO., DANVILLE, ILL. 1^ ;