/«». ^^'^<2W,^r:i^ 977.366 R549 iiii Robeson's Honors the Very Important People of Champaign-Urbana . (1962) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILL. HIST SURVEY HONORS the Very Important People Of Our Own CHAMPAIGN-URBANA We believe the prominence achieved by so many of our sons and daugh- ters is symbolic of the wonderful people we have known in our more than four score years of serving Central Illinois. We believe they are deserving of more recognition and dedicate this effort to our V.i.P.'s . . . September 21 through October 8, 1962. JOURNALISM WILLARD S. HANSEN . . . editor of News-Ga- zette . . . past president of United Press International Illinois Newspaper Editors Association . . . delegate to Midwestern Citizens Leadership Conference held by President's Committee for Traffic Safety. HAROLD HOLMES . . . appointed Executive Edi- tor of News-Gazette in 1960 . . . member of staff since 1929 . . .City Editor for 17 years . . . past president of Illinois Associated Press Wire Editors Association. JAY W. JENSEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Journalism at U. of I. . . . joined fa- culty in 1950 . . . experienced newspaper- man . . . author of articles on communica- tion and history of the press . . . member of numerous honorary organizations. FRANK W. SCOTT , . . called "Father of the School of Journalism" at U of I . . . former head of English department founded pro- fessional curriculum in journalism at U of I . . . established Alumni Association in 1904 . . . first editor of Alumni Quarterly in 1907 . . . editor-in-chief of D.C. Heath and Com- pany . . . organized lllini Publishing Com- pany . . . retired in 1946. DAVID W. STEVICK . . . owner of Champaign Daily News in 1915 . . . purchased Gazette and founded Champaign News-Gazette in 1919 . . . published Texarkana Arkansas Gazette News and operated radio station in Texarkana . . . local radio station WDWS bears his initials . . . gained reputation as a vigorous journalist . . . charter member of C-U Kiwanis Club . . . 32nd Degree Mason. THEODORE B. PETERSON JR., Ph. D , Dean of U. of I. College of Journalism and Com- munications . . . consultant to and honorary member of American Medical Writer's As- sociation . . . member of council of re- search of Association for Education in Journalism . . . editorial board of "Jour- nalism Quarterly . . . advisory council for Benjamin Franklin Awards. STUART P. SHERMAN, Professor of English and head of department at U. of I. . . . editor of Sunday Book Review in New York Herald Tribune . . . wrote "On Contempor- ary Literature", and "Americans". WILBUR SCHRAMM, Ph.D. Research Professor of Journalism and Communications . . . first Dean of Division of Communications in the nation . . . chief investigator of de- fense research contracts and consultant on psychological warfare and communications for government . . . edited "Public Opinion Quarterly", "Journalism Quarterly" and "Communications Review" . . . noted author of fiction and non-fiction works. ROBERT W. SINK . . . editor of the Cham- paign-Urbana Courier since 1934 . . . was a lecturer at Northwestern University for a course on reporting in 1960 . . . par- ticipating in Midwest Seminar on U.S. For- eign Policy at Racine, Wisconsin in 1962 ... on adult advisory committee to Cham- paign Youth Council. BYRON C. VEDDER. . . . publisher of the Champaign-Urbana Courier . . . past presi- dent of Inland Daily Press Association . . . member of White House Committee of Traffic Safety . . . president of Arrowhead Council, Boy Scouts of America . . . mem- ber of American Council of Education in Journalism. POLITICS JUDGE WILLIAM ALONZO DAY . . . member of State Legislature . . . mayor of Cham- paign . . . "Trust Buster" under Theodore Roosevelt . . . negotiator for financing the Panama Canal . . . president and chairman of the board of Equitable Insurance. CHARLES W. CLABAUGH . . . veteran GOP legislator . . . chairman of School Problems Commiss.ion . . . commended by Illinois Taxpayers Federation . . . endorsed by Illi- nois Agricultural Association . . . member of Midwest Program of Airborne Television Instruction. CAPTAIN NATHAN M. CLA-'K . . . great lead- er in the Civil War . . . one of two con- struction engineers of Illinois Central Rail- road. ORA DILLAVOU . . member of House of Representatives 1940-58 ... U. of I. trus- tee . . . Deputy Director of State Depart- ment of Financial Institutions . . . Direc- tor of Illinois Bankers Association. CLARK ROBINSON GRIGGS . . . member of the State Legislature instrumental in loca- tion of U. of I at Champaign-Urbana . . . first president of railroad from Danville to Peoria . . . served on U. of I. board of trustees . . . former mayor of Urbana. WILLIAM B. McKINLEY . . . United States Senator . . . presided over Illinois Traction System in 1903 . . . donated toward erec- tion of student hospital on campus . . . headed subscription list for Y.M.C.A . . . Y.W.C.A. building erected as memorial to his mother Hannah McKinley. WILLIAM L. SPRINGER . . . United States Con- gressman from Illinois since 1950 . . . State's Attorney in 1940 . . . County Judge in 1946 . . . presented Doctor of Laws de- gree by Milliken University . . . furthered educational programs for Veterans. ^H^ EDWIN E. DALE . . member of State Legis- lature since 1948 . . . member of first father-son combination in State Legislature . . . president of Illinois District Dental So- ciety . . . member of Federal Health Legis- lation Committee. MATHEMATICS ARTHUR BYRON COBLE, Ph.D., LL.D., Profes- sor of Mathematics, Emeritus . . . headed department at U. of I. 1933-47 . . . written numerous technical articles . . . authored book published by American Mathematics Society. JOSEPH LEO DOOB, Ph.D., Professor of Math- ematics . . . member of Center for Advanced Study . . . elected to National Academy of Sciences . . . author of "Stochastic Pro- cesses". MAURICE H. HEINS, Ph.D., Professor of Math- ematics . . . member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences . . . Fulbright Scholar in Paris, 1952-53 . . . taught at Harvard, Princeton and Brown University. GEORGE A. MILLER, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Mathematics ... U. of I. faculty 1906-32 . . . member National Academy of Sciences . . . Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences . . . author of more than 800 ar- ticles and papers . . . President of Mathe- matics Association of America. LT. COL. SAMUEL WALKER SHATTUCK, Pro- fessor of Mathematics and Instructor in Military Tactics, Emeritus . . . member of original U. of I. faculty from 1868 to 1912 . . . received special medal from U. of I. Senate in 1912 especially designed in his honor . . . contributed greatly to growth of U. of I. EDGAR J. TOWNSEND, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus ... U. of I. faculty 1893 to 1929 . . . member of American Association for Advancement of Science and American Mathematical Society . . . Listed in "American Men of Science" . . . author of numerous scientific articles . . . after re- tirement published "A Layman's View of the Bible". GEOLOGY WILLIAM S. BAYLEY, Professor of Mineralogy . . . internationally known as a leader in his field . . . U.S. Geological Survey named a new mineral of the uranium group "Bay- leyite" after him . . . author of numerous articles and member of many geological societies. JOHN C. FRYE, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chief of State Geological Survey 1954-62 . . . member of National Research Council Committee . . . advisor to the Federal Atomic Energy Com- mission . . . member of Secretary of In- terior's committee of U.S. Geological Survey . . . author of numerous geological reports and articles. RALPH EARLY GRIM, Ph.D., Research Professor of Geology since 1948 . . . first chairman of National Research Council . . . former chairman of International Committee for study of Clays . . . past president of Min- eralogical Society of America . . . delegate to several overseas congresses . . . pub- lisher of many books and articles on geo- logic subjects. MORRIS MORGAN LEIGHTON, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chief of State Geological Survey, Emeritus ... U. of I. faculty 1919-54 . . . under his direction Illinois State Geological Survey became internationally known for research of mineral resources president of American Association of State Geologists 1931-43 . . . delegate representing U.S. officially at many scientific congresses abroad. J. W. POWELL, Professor of Natural History and Geology . . . joined U. of I. faculty in 1868 . . . famed Major Powell who explored the Rocky Mountains and Grand Canyon . . . was Director of the U.S. Geological Survey. CHARLES WESLEY ROLFE, Professor of Geo- logy, Emeritus . . . responsible for establish- ment of Department of Ceramic Engineer- ing. HAROLD WILLIAM SCOTT, Ph.D., Professor of Geology ... U of I. faculty since 1937 . . . chairman of Society of Economic Paleontolo- gists'and Mineralogists research committee chrmn of group of specialists for preparation of "International Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology" . . . now on leave studying in Asia. FRANK W. DElWOLF, Professor of Geology . received world-wide acclaim for advanced geological and geophysical methods, spec- ializing in petroleum geology and geo- physical exploration for oil. PHYSICS CHARLES TOBIAS KNiPP, Ph.D. . . . professor of experimental electricity . . . U. of I. fa- culty 1903-37 . . . co-inventor with Hugh A. Brown of alkali-vapor radio tube . . . na- tionally known for spectacular demonstra- tions and designer of demonstration ap- paratus . . . member of numerous honorary and professional societies . . . author of many monographs and scientific articles. F. WHEELER LOOMIS, Ph.D member of National Academy of Sciences . . . member board of governors, Argonne National Laboratory . . . member board of gov- ernors, American Institute of Physics . . . president American Physical Society 1949 . . . encouraged programs associated with cyclotron and betatron . . . Professor of Physics, Emeritus, former head of U. of I. Physics Department. LOUIS N. RIDENOUR, Ph.D., . . . former dean of U. of I. Graduate College . . . special assistant to Secretary of Air Force 1950-51 . . . chief of Lockheed Missile Research Laboratories . . . internationally known for work in nuclear physics and electronics . . . first chief scientist of Air Force . . . "Ride- nour Report" led to establishment of Air Research and Development Command . . . received President's Medal of Merit for work in radar development . . . author of best-seller "One World or None". WORTH H. RODEBUSH, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Physical Chemistry at U. of I., faculty 1921-55 . . . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . most significant contribu- tions dealt with hydrogen bomb and struc- ture of molecules . . . was atomic test ob- server in 1951 . . . author of numerous textbooks and scientific articles. FREDERICK SEITZ, Ph.D., D.Sc. . . . President of National Academy of Sciences in 1962 . . . director of training program in atomic energy at Oak Ridge National Laboratory . . . President of American Physical Society 1961 . . . Science Advisor to Secretary Gen- eral of N. A. T. O. in Paris 1959 . . . mem- ber of American Academy of Arts and Sciences . . . director of Naval research ad- visory board . . . Vice Chairman of U.S. Defense Science Board . . . Professor of Physics and head of department. FLOYD R. WATSON, PhD Professor of Experimental Physics, Emeritus ... U. of I. faculty 1902-40 . . . pioneer in acoustical science . . . founder of Acoustical Society of America . . . 1960 recipient of Wallace Clement Sabine Award of the ASA . . . acoustical consultant during construction of many famous structures. JOHN BARDEEN, Ph.D. . . . Professor of En- gineering and Physics . . . member of Cen- ter for Advanced Study . . . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . co- inventor of transistor . . . won Nobel Prize in 1956 . . . member of president's Science Advisory Committee in 1960 . . . member of International Conference on Semicon- ductors in 1958. ROBERT C. BLAIR . . . manager of Savannah River Operations OfFice of U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in South Carolina . . . awarded Legion of Merit for WWII service. JAMES COLLINS BRESEE . . . Development En- gineer and Section Chief, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1954-62 . . . author of important papers on nuclear and chemical processing, research and development sup- ervision. DONALD W. KERST, Ph.D. ... U. of I. faculty 1938-57 . . . member National Academy of Sciences . . . invented the betatron 1940 for physics research . . . one of scientists called to work on atom bomb project at Los Alamos during WWII . . . director of thermonuclear work at John Jay Hopkins Laboratory . . . 1962 named Earl M. Terry professor in physics at U. of Wisconsin to work in plasma physics. ENGINEERING IRA OSBORN BAKER . . . professor of civil engineering . . . early graduate of U. of I. when certificates instead of diplomas were awarded . . . specialized in roads and pave- ments . . . published early textbook on subject . . . served U. of i. 1875 to 1923. JAMES G. CLARK . . . professor at U. of I. 1936-56, civil engineering . . . designer of $1,500,000 Magnavox plant in Urbana . . . consulting engineer at Clark, Daily and Dietz . . . former president of Central Illi- nois chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers . . . author of numerous en- gineering publications including "Welded Highway Bridge Design". MELVIN ENGER . . . Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ... U. of I. faculty 1907-49 . . . acting director of the Institute of Aeronatics . . . active in the planning of U. of I. airport . . . former dean of col- lege of engineering. WILLIAM L. EVERITT, E.E., Ph.D., D.Eng. . . . Professor of Electrical Engineering . . . presented Exceptional Civilian Service Award for WWII service . . . improved electronic radar identification system . . . developed method of measuring velocity and drag of rockets with radar . . . inventor of numerous electronic devices and equip- ment. JESS C. DIETZ, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Sani- tary Engineering . . . Lt. Col. engineering corps and commander of aviation engineer- ing battalion in WWII . . . built airfields and installations in Europe . . . member of U. of I. faculty since 1947 . . . member of Clark, Daily and Dietz, Urbana. JULIAN ROBERT FELLOWS . . . Professor of Mechanical Engineering, U. of I. faculty since 1930 . . . presently assigned to In- stitute of Technology, Kharapur, India . . . inventor of smokeless furnace which burns any solid fuel and reduces smoke 90%. JAKOB KUNZ, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Elec- trical Engineering . . . pioneer in his field at U. of I. . . . 1913 made the first modern sensitive photoelectric cell. SELIM HOBART PEABODY . . . Professor of Mechanical Engineering . faculty 1878-80 . . . during his regime as isecond Regent name was changed from Illinois Industrial University to the University of Illinois, 1885. STILLMAN W. ROBINSON . . . Professor of Mechanical Engineering . . . joined faculty in 1872 . . . responsible for first shop course in America . . . supervised engi- neering of the Lick Telescope in California. CHESTER PAUL SIESS, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Engineering . . . member of board of American Concrete Institute . . . recipient of many awards . . . delivered several papers recently at conferences abroad. A. N. TALBOT, C.E., D.S., D.Eng., LL.D. . . . Professor of Applied and Theoretical Me- chanics . . . charge of U. of I department 1890-1926 . . . conducted investigations in early reinforced concrete structures . . . significant contribution to railroads through investigation of stresess on tracks . . . de- veloped engineering experiment station on campus. JOSEPH T. TYKOCINER . . . Research Profes- sor of Electrical Engineering, Emeritus . . . invented sound track movies in 1922 . . . pioneered in wireless, sound movies and short wave radio . . . after 40 years with U. of I is still lactive in research and study. LAW WILLIAM EVERETT BRITTON, A.M., J.D., LL.D. . . . Professor of Law, Emeritus ... U. of I. faculty 1916-55 ... U. of I. legal counsel for many years . . . served on numerous committees at U. of I. . . . after retirement became member of law faculty of Nesting's College of Law in San Francisco. ALBERT C. BURNHAM . . . early Champaign- Urbana lawyer . . . served in Civil War . . . established what has since become Trevitt & Mattis Bank . . . began the Julia F. Burn- ham Memorial Hospital . . . donated land and money for the Champaign Public Library. LOUIS ARTHUR BUSCH . . . early Champaign lawyer . . . elected States Attorney, 1912 . . . appointed by the governor to the House of Representatives for two terms. RUBIN GOODMAN COHN, AS., LL.B. . . . Professor of Law ... on governor's com- mittee to study public employee pension laws, 1953 ... on pension law committee again in 1961 . . . worked in different capacities with Illinois governors since Henry Horner. COLONEL WILLIAM N. COLER . . . second lawyer to locate in Champaign County, came in 1852 . . . helped found the "Ur- bana Union", a pioneer newspaper . . . commissioned by President Lincoln to or- ganize regiment in Champaign County . . . earned title during Civil War . . . started first bank in the county. Grand Prairie Bank. JUDGE JOSEPH OSCAR CUNNINGHAM . . came to Urbana in 1853 . . . admitted to bar in 1855, continued active practice to 1905 . . . one-time editor of "Urbana Union", also of "Central Illinois Gazette" at Champaign, then known as West Urbana . . . admitted to the Supreme Court of U.S. in 1880 . . . elected judge of Champaign courts in 1861 . . . member of original Board of Trustees of the U. of I. . . . do- nator of land for city parks and Cunning- ham Home . . . author of "History of Champaign." MRS. BERNITA JEWEL DAVIES, A.B., LL.M Professor of Library Administration, Law Librarian since 1931 . . . past president of American Association of Law Libraries . . . editor and business manager of the associa- tion Journal . . . member of numerous law associations including Illinois and American Bar Associations. JUDGE FREDERICK GREEN, AM, LL.B. . . . Professor of Law, Emeritus . . . came to the U. of I. in 1904 . . . nationally known authority on constitutional law . . . wrote many important articles and was author of law textbook. HENRY r. GREEN , . . Champaign-Urbana law- yer 1897-1954 . . . practiced in local, state and federal courts . . . was delegate to state and national Republican conventions . . . managed several campaigns of Senator William B. McKinley . . . member of num- erous clubs and legal associations . . . Dean of the Bar of Champaign County. GEORGE W. GOBLE, LL.B., LL.D Pro- fessor of Law, Emeritus ... U. of I. fa- culty 1921-56 . . . author of two casebooks used in colleges of law . . . American dele- gate to the International Congress of Com- parative Law at the Hague, Holland . . . mentioned in many Who's Who listings . . . very active in Student Affairs and Student Union operations at U. of I. MAJOR GENERAL REGINALD CARL HARMON (USA, Retired) . . . president of the United Services Security Corporation . . . first and only Judge Advocate of the Air Force . . . Legal Advisor to the Chief of Staff, USAF and staff . . . holds numerous decorations, including Legion of Merit and Distinguished Service Medal. ALBERT JAMES HARNO, LL.B., LL.D., Litt.D. Professor of Law, Emeritus . . . Dean of the U. of I. College of Law 1922-57 . . . Provost 1931-44 . . . top honors for out- standing research by Fellows of the Ameri- can Bar Association . . . author of numerous legal reports . . . appointed state court ad- ministrator for state of Illinois, 1960. COLONEL JAMES W. LANGLEY . . . early Champaign lawyer . . . succeeded to the command of Colonel Harmon in the Civil War . . . judge on the County Bench 1877-90. ALBERT DANFORTH MULLIKEN SR. ... Champaign lawyer since 1900 . . . won Golden Circle Award from ATO fraternity . . . senior Counselor and privileged mem- ber of Illinois Bar Association . . . member American Bar Association. JAMES W. GARNER, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Political Science . . . former U. of I. fa- culty member . . . recognized as world's outstanding authority on international law . . . degrees from all over the world . . . editor-in-chief of American Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology ... as- sociate editor of American Journal of In- ternational Law . . . president of Inter- national Institute of Public Law ... co- author with Senator H. Cabot Lodge of "History of the U.S." . . . awarded the French Legion of Honor . . . prolific author and noted lecturer here and abroad. CAPTAIN THOMAS JEFFERSON SMITH . . . began practice in Champaign in 1959 . . . earned title during Civil War . . . donated a fund of $215,000 in 1915 for the erec- tion of Tina Weedon Smith Music Hall at U. of I. COLONEL GEORGE SCROGGS . . . early Champaign lawyer . . . publisher and edi- tor of Central Illinois Gazette . . . elected to the state legislature in 1878 . . . earned title during Civil War. JUDGE WILLIAM D. SOMERS . . . came to Champaign 1840 . . . studied law while he practiced medicine . . . one of Cham- paign's most successful attorneys, in many Abraham Lincoln cases . . . local attorney for Illinois Central Railroad ... on the board of supervisors at Springfield meet- ing that decided U. of I. should be located in Champaign County. RUSSELL NEIL SULLIVAN, A.B., LL.M. . . . Professor of Law . . . member of 1957 Na- tional Conference of Commissioners on Uni- form State Laws . . . elected to the Su- preme Judicial District Post of the Illinois State Bar Association, 1962 . . . advisor, chairman and member of numerous aca- demic and non-academic organizations . . . author of many articles on law and educa- tion. JAMES GLADWYN THOMAS, A.B., J.D. . . . Professor of Law . . . member U. of I. faculty since 1923 . . . won Civil Service Award and Scroll for many civic activities . . . president Champaign County Bar As- sociation . . . governor Illinois State Bar Association ... as Champaign Rotary Club president attended international conven- tion . . . president of U. of I. Foundation. JAMES H. WHEAT . . . attorney started in H. I. Green law ofFices . . . president Champaign County Bar Association . . . state director of public information pro- gram for American Bar Association . . . Illinois Chairman of Junior Bar Conference . . . member and officer of numerous civic and professional organizations. ROY R. CLINE . . . started local practice in 1913 . . . leader in Republican politics . . . state's attorney for three terms in Cham- paign County, 1920-32 . . . assistant at- torney general . . . master-in-chancery . . . twice president State's Attorney's Associa- tion of Illinois . . . participated in several of county's sensational criminal cases. COLONEL JOHN S. WOLFE . . . Champaign lawyer from 1860 to 1904 . . . headed volunteer list from Champaign to enter military service during Civil War . . . local attorney for Illinois Central Railroad for 30 years. CHANCY L. FINFROCK . . . Urbana attorney since 1914 . . . city attorney, 1921-25 . . . legal counsel of Urbana Park District . . . public administrator for Champaign County 1928-33 . . . president of Champaign Coun- ty Bar Association 1951 ... Republican campaign manager . . . director of Outlook Sanitorium . . . expert on American Indian remains and history of Champaign County. JUDGE FRANCIS M. WRIGHT . . . attorney in Urbana from 1868 . . . served and was wounded during Civil War . . . city at- torney 1870 ... on Bench of Sixth Judicial District . . . Appellate Court of Third Dis- trict . . . had marked prestige in adminis- tration of law . . . original stockholder and director of First National Bank. CHEMISTRY ROGER ADAMS, Ph.D., D.Sc Research Professor of Organic Chemistry, Emeritus . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . under his guidance U. of I. chemistry department helped develop syn- thetic rubber for government during WWII ... U. of I. faculty member 1916-57 . . . listed in book "The 100 Most Important People In the World Today" . . . one of the World's foremost chemists . . . has received num- erous awards for his outstanding contribu- tions to science. LUDWIG FREDERICK AUDRIETH, Ph.D. . . Professor of Organic Chemistry, Emeritus . . . one of seven top scientists appointed by State Department to serve as science officers with U.S. Embassies abroad . . . assigned Science Chief to Bonn, Germany . . . Chief of rocket and explosive research for Army Ordnance Corps at Picatinny Arsenal during WWII . . . co-discoverer of sweetening substance sold as "Sucaryl" . . . author of first English language book about chemistry of solvents other than water. VIRGINIA BARTOW, Ph.D. . . . Associate Professor of Chemistry . . . member of U. of I. faculty since 1925 . . . listed in Who's Who of American Women . . . treas- urer of division of chemical education of American Chemical Society, 1930-40 . . . member of numerous honorary societies. ARTHUR M. BUSWELL, Ph.D. . . . Research Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus . . . form- er Chief of Illinois State Water Survey . . . granted U.S. Patent for development of chemical to remove salt from sea water . . . Vice-President International Congress for Microbiology, 1950 . . . member of Royal Society for Promotion of Health, 1956 . . . member of numerous professional or- ganizations and author of many technical papers. HERBERT EDMUND CARTER, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Biochemistry . . . head of de- partment of Chemistry and Chemical En- gineering . . . one of three Illinois scien- tists to discover that vitamin B-T and carni- tine are identical . . . one of six U.S. dele- gates to 17th Conference of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry . . . leader of five American scientists to visit Russia on tri parranged by Public Health Service under US-USSR exchange program, 1959 . . . member of National Academy of Sciences. GEORGE LINDENBERG CLARK, Ph.D., D.Sc, . . . Research Professor of Analytical Chem- istry, Emeritus ... on U. of I. faculty 1927-60 . . . founder and first chairman of Electron Microscope Society . . . chairman of two divisions of American Chemical So- ciety . . . Editor-in-Chief of "Encyclopedia of Chemistry", "Encyclopedia of Micro- scopy" and the "Encyclopedia of Spectro- scopy". EDWARD A. DOISY, Ph.D., shared Nobel Prize in 1943 with Dr. Henrik Dam for work in study of hormones . . . with co-workers at St. Louis University announced isolation of follicular ovarian hormone, 1929 . . . isola- tion of estrone stimulated research in field of endocrinology and opened way to new field of organic chemical compounds. HARRY GEORGE DRICKAMER, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Chemical Engineering and Phy- sical Chemistry . . . research experience with Pan American Refinery Corp. ... re- ceived award from American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1947 . . . won largest prize awarded by American Chemical Co., 1956 . . . internationally known for work on properties of matter at high pressure . . granted $50,000 for research from Petroleum Fund. DUANE TAYLOR ENGLIS, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Analytical Chemistry . . . member of U. of I. faculty 1918-59 . . . author of over 50 publications . . . devised process to reduce stream pollution by canning fac- tories . . . member of American Chemistry Society since 1913 . . . charter member of Food Technologists . . . member of As- sociation of Official Agriculture Chemists. REYNOLD CLAYTON FUSON, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Organic Chemistry . . . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . au- thority on chemistry of mustard gas and synthesis of anti-malarial drugs on which he conducted studies during WWII for Office of Scientific Research and Development . . . internationally known for clarifying re- search on abnormal chemical reactions. IRWIN CLYDE GUNSALUS, Ph.D. . . . Head of division of biochemistry in chemistry de- partment . . . won award for work on function of "B" vitamin . . . pioneering contributions include discovery of new growth factor, new information about amino acid metabolism, production and re- lease of energy from citric acid ... re- ceived two Guggenheim Fellowships . . . member of U. of I. faculty since 1950. HERBERT S. GUTOWSKY, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Physical Chemistry . . . member of Na- tional Academy of Sciences . . . received grants from Office of Naval Research and the Research Corporation . . . former edi- tor of Journal of Chemical Physics . . . pre- sented introductory paper at Faraday So- ciety in England, 1955 . . . received from American Chemical Society in 1957 a $30,000 grant to support fundamental re- search of potential value to petroleum field. B. SMITH HOPKINS, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Inorganic Chemistry . . . member of U. of I. faculty 1912-41 . . . known for outstand- ing research on separation characteristics and determination of physical and chemical properties of rare earths and rare metals . . . member of numerous scientific socie- ties . . . author of many textbooks and articles. TRUMAN P. KOHMAN, Ph.D. . . . Professor at Carnegie Institute of Technology . . . worked on atom bomb project during WWII . . . known for studies on radio activity in meteorites . . . since 1948 research sup- ported by Atomic Energy Commission . . . member of National Research Council Com- mittee on Nuclear Science . . . director of Nuclear Science and Engineering Corpora- tion. HERBERT AUGUST LAITINEN, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Analytical Chemistry . . . one of six U.S. delegates appointed by Secretary of State to attend Congress of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry in Paris, 1957 . . . named to new Academy of Achievement, 1961 . . . won Fisher Award given by American Chemical So- ciety for outstanding contributions to science of analytical chemistry. NELSON JORDAN LEONARD, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Organic Chemistry . . . Rhodes Scholar, 1940 . . . member of National Academy of Sciences ... on government committee of Medical Research, 1944 . . . civilian specialist with army intelligence, 1945-46 . . . won $10,000 award for chem- ical research . . . guest lecturer in chemis- try in Switzerland, 1953 . . . Fellow in American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1961 . . . visiting professor at California Research Corporation, 1962 . . . has sung with Bach Choir in Pennsylvania, at Or- chestra Hall in Chicago and with Chicago Symphony Orchestra. EZRA LEVIN . . . former professor of soils at Michigan State . . . patented process for extracting wheat germ oil from the non- oily portion of the germ, 1933 . . . or- ganized VioBin Corporation, 1/36 . . . de- veloped and patented methods for remov- ing water and fat from meats and fish with- out impairing nutritional values of food, 1947 . . . has business plants in Monti- cello, Illinois and New Bedford, Mass. CARL SHIPP MARVEL, Ph.D. . . . Research Professor of Organic Chemistry, Emeritus . . . joined U. of I. faculty in 1920 . . . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . after retirement from U. of I. after 40 years' service moved to U. of Arizona to direct government contracted research . . . holds many U.S. patents . . . member of numerous professional organizations and author of many scientific articles. WILLIAM ALBERT NOYES, Ph.D., LL.D. . . . Professor of Chemistry . . . joined U. of I. faculty in 1907 ... in 1921 named to Na- tional Academy of Sciences . . . Noyes Laboratory at U. of I. named for him . WILLIAM GUMMING ROSE, Ph.D., D.Sc. . . . Research Professor of Biochemistry, Emeri- tus .. . U. of I. faculty 1922-55 . . . leader in field of biochemistry . . . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . dis- covered essential amino acid threonine . . . won numerous honors and awards for con- tributions to study of nutrition. G. FREDERICK SMITH, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Emeritus ... U. of I. faculty 1921-55 . . . won Fisher Award 1954 . . . president of Aeration Process Co., one product of which is Instant Whip . . . won Anachem Award for outstanding con- tributions to the field of analytical chemis- try, 1959. CARL SWENSSON VESTLING, PhD . . . Pro- fessor of Biochemistry . . . did research at Medical Nobel Institute in Stockholm on Guggenheim Fellowship, 1954 . . . edited Volume Six of series "Biochemical Prepara- tions", 1958 . . . sent by U.S. State De- partment to Afghanistan on team of tech- nical advisors, 1959. FREDERICK THEODORE WALL, Ph D. . .. Dean of the Graduate College, Research Profes- sor of Physical Chemistry . . . member Na- tional Academy of Sciences . . . won Ameri- can Chemical Society Award, 1945 . . . U. of Minnesota (alma mater) awarded him Outstanding Achievement Award, 1959 . . . president of Association Graduate Schools . . . director of 5th district, American Chem- ical Society, 1962. EDWARD W. WASHBURN, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Ceramics Chemistry . . . joined U. of 1. faculty in 1908 . . . early pioneer in his field . . . discovered adaptability of LaSalle County's rich deposits of sand for optical glass. JAMES WILLIAM WESTWATER, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Chemical Engineering ... in 1946 received DuPont Fellowship to study plas- tics . . . 1948 earned first doctor of phil- osophy ever awarded at U. of Delaware . . . international recognition for research on process of boiling through use of high speed photography . . . member executive committee American Institute of Chemical Engineers . . . organized symposium held in London, 1961 . . . since 1960 editor of Chemical Engineering Series published by Academic Press, Inc. TRYGVE D. YENSEN, Ph.D. . . . 1907 graduate and former professor at U. of I . . . early pioneer in field and perfected methods of preparing iron and iron alloys with mag- netic properties ... in 1930 became man- ager of Magnetic Department of Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Co. LITERATURE MRS. JAMES S. AVARS (REBECCA CAUDILL) . . . noted author, particularly of children's literature . . . winner of N. Y. Herald Tribune Honor Book Award twice . . . Won Nancy Block Memorial Award for best juvenile book dealing with Intercultural re- lations ("Susan Cornish") . . . co-founder of C-U Peace Council . . . appeared on radio and television . . . active in community affairs. NATALIA MAREE BELTING, Ph.D. . . . Assistant Professor of History . . . author specializing in Early American History . . . written numerous books, articles and short stories telling of pioneers and American Indians . . . was University Chairman of C-U Peace Council. CARY C. BURFORD . . . historian and author specializing in our regional history . . . editor of Journal of Illinois Archeological Society . . . student of life of Lincoln, and of railroads of Central Illinois . . . author of many books of Central Illinois history. GARRETA H. BUSEY, Ph.D. . . . Assistant Pro- fessor of English, Emeritus . . . well-known lecturer, author and teacher . . . former member of editorial staff of Herald Tribune (NY) . . . published novel "Windbreak" . . . written and lectured extensively on Baha'i faith. D.ALEXANDER BROWN . . . Agriculture Li- brarian, Associate Professor of Library Ad- ministration . . . editor of the "Agricultural History" quarterly . . . author of numerous books of American history and west, fiction and non-fiction . . . "Grierson's Raid", "The Gentle Tamers", "Cavalry Scout", "Fort Phil Kearny". OSCAR LEWIS, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Anthro- pology . . . former field representative in Latin America for U.S. National Indian In- stitute . . . consulting anthropologist for Ford Foundation in India . . . author of "Life in a Mexican Village", "Five Fami- lies" and best-seller, "The Children of Sanchez", for which he received the av/ard of Child Study Association of America and which is now being made into film by an international film production team. WILLIAM ABBOTT OlDFATHER, Ph.D., LL.D. Professor of Classics . . . curator of U. of I. Classical Museum . . . joined U. of I. faculty 1909 . . . chairman of editorial studies of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature . . . very influential in U. of I. government organizations, labored to secure and extend dignity to teaching and research . . . author of "Lourika", "The Defeat of Varus" . . . paid tribute by U. of I. in honorary volume of classical studies. LARRY D. KETTELKAMP . . . author and illus- trator of children's books . . . "The Magic of Sound", "Magic Made Easy", "Spooky Magic" and "Singing Strings" . . . member of Society of Illustrators . . . talented ma- gician. SONIA BLEEKER . . . author of children's books, particularly about American Indians . . . "Indians of the Long-House", "Seminole Indians", "The Apache Indians — Raiders of the Southwest", for the latter she re- ceived the Junior Book Award from the Boys' Clubs of America . . . written short stories, and an introductory Russian lan- guage text. HERBERT SPENCER ZIM . . . former U. of I. Professor of Education . . . author and pub- lisher of science books for children . . . member of American Association of Scientific Workers, Academy of Sciences . . . educational consultant for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service . . . editor of series of nature guides sponsored by Wildlife Management Institute . . . editor in chief of "Our Wonderful World", a children's encylopedia . . . author of numerous chil- dren's and adult's educational books. LOIS S. MONTROSS (MRS. STAFFORD FORD) . . . novelist, poet, playwright . . . winner of many awards and prizes . . . wrote short stories for many popular magazines . . . co-authored "Town and Gown", a best- seller with the U. of I. campus for its back- ground. MRS. OLIVE R. GOLDMAN . . . author and lecturer, particularly on the Marshall Plan, the United Nations, and the status of wom- en .. . collaborated with her husband on book "St. Anne and the Gouty Rector" . . . consultant to Department of Interior . . . chief of public education of Illinois Division of Vocational Rehabilitation . . . assistant to executive director of committee for Marshall Plan . . . member of commission on the status of women of the United Na- tions Economic and Social Council. JAMES GARFIELD RAf^DALL, PhD . Pro- fessor of History . . . foremost Lincoln scholar . . . president of American His- torical Association in 1952, the highest professional honor bestowed upon his- torian in the U.S. . . . wrote four-volume study "Lincoln the President" plus many other important publications . . . "Lincoln the Liberal Statesman" was selected in 1947 as one of 10 best books. MRS. RUTH PAINTER RANDALL, LL D. . . . author and historian . . . outstanding Lin- coln historian . . . many important articles and books on life of Lincoln and his fam- ily received D.A.R. Distinguished Service Award for valuable research on Lincoln's family . . . 1953 pub- lished biography "Mary Lincoln . . . has collaborated with husband on many books. SAMSON M. RAPHALESON . . . author and playwright . . . wrote and directed "Sky Lark" and "Accent on Youth" . . . wrote many plays and scripts for motion pictures, including "The Jazz Singer" and "A Rose Is Not a Rose" . . . served as screenwriter for every major Hollywood studio . . . director ot New York and summer stock theatre . . . wrote textbook "Human Nature of Play- writing". ALMA ROUTSONG (MRS. BRUCE BRODIE) . novelist . . . wrote "A Gradual Joy", and "Round Shape" . . . wife of U. of I. faculty member and mother of four children. LEW SARRETT . former U. of I. faculty member . . . poet . . . wrote "The Box of God", "Slow Smoke" and "Many, Many Moons". THEIMA STRABEl (MRS. D. GODWIN) novelist . . . stories appeared regularly in popular, nationally rirculafed magazinPS . author of "Reap the Wild Wind" and "You Can't Escape Forever", both were made into motion pictures. CARL CLINTON VAN DOREN . . . author and historian . . . literary editor of "The Na- tion" . . . editor of "The Century Maga- zine" . . . founding editor of the Literary Guild, one of the first book clubs . . . wrote several books on American novels, novelists and American History . . won Pulitzer Prize for biography 'Benjamin Franklin". MARK VAN DOREN, Ph.D., LL.D. . . . inter- nationally known poet and literary critic . Pulitzer Prize winner in Poetry . . . now professor at Columbia University . . . received honorary Doctor of Literature de- gree from U. of I. presented by President David D. Henry. MR. AND MRS. EDWARD H. DOLCH . . authors who have invented games primarily used for teaching aids for children, as well as instruction for teachers . . . Pleasure Reading Series . . . numerous books on folklore . . . several books on psychology and teaching of reading, remedial reading and primary reading. ART JAMES R. SHIPLEY . . . Professor of Art, head of clepartment, specializing in Industrial Design . . . formerly with General Motors Corp. . . . member of education committee of American Society of Industrial Design . . Vice-President of Industrial Design Education Association . . . President of Na- tional Association of Schools of Art. MARK A. SPRAGUE, M.F.A. . . Associate Professor of Art . . . one man show of paintings in Chicago . . . work exhibited widely throughout U.S. . . . methods, pro- cesses and formulas presented in book "Encaustic". LOUISE M. WOODROOFE . . Professor of Art, U. of I. . . . nationally known for paintings of circus life and people ... re- cipient of Janeffe G. McKean Prize for oil painting by National Academy Gallery . . . member National Association of Women Artists. ROBERT VON NEUMANN . . . Associate Pro- fessor of Art . . . silversmith and painter . . auihor of "The Design and Creation of Jewelry" . . . work represented American Jewelry at Brussels World's Fair, 1958 . . . winner of numerous awards in national and international competitions. JAMES DENTON HOGAN . . . Professor of Art . . . loined U. of I. faculty 1929 . . . on jury of selection for Festival of Con- temporary American Art . . . winner of numerous awards . . . work represented in many private collections locally and through- out the country. BILLY MORROW JACKSON, M F A. ... As- sistant Professor of Art . . . winner of "Cannon Prize" from National Academy of Design, Paul J. Sachs prize in Boston, W. A. Erickson award and many others . . . "Birth of La Ventosa" on display in U.S. Library of Congress. JOHN WILLIAM KENNEDY, M.F.A. . . . Pro- fessor of Art . . . paintings exhibited na- tionally in private and public collections . . lectures on painting the crucifixion and Modern American art . . . heads summer school of painting at Wellfleet, Mass. ARTHUR R. SINSABAUGH . . . Assistant Pro- fessor of Art, specializing in photography . . . member of Society of Typographic Art, Society of Photographic Engineers . . . illustrator for Chicago Art Director's Bulle- tin, Photography (LoncJon), Architectural Re- view and numerous other publications. HAROLD A. SCHULTZ . . . Professor of Art and Art Education . . . member of Illinois and National Art Education Associations, Western Art Association, international So- ciety for Education Through Art (UNESCO) . . . co-author of "Art in the Elementary School". EDWARD HOWARD BETTS, M.F.A. . . . Pro- fessor of Art . . . Associate of National Academy of Design . . . member of Artists Equity Association, American Watercolor Society, Audubon Arts, College Art As- sociation . . . winner of many awards and prizes. LEE ROY CHESNEY, JR., M FA. . . . Professor of Art . . . painter and graphic printmaker . . . studies here and abroad . . . member of many art associations . . . recipient of awards from Library of Congress, and John Taylor Arms award . . . work exhibited in- ternationally. CHARLES EARL BRADBURY, B.P., M.F.A. . . . Professor of Art, Emeritus . . . member of U. of I. faculty 1913-55 . . . nationally re- nowned portrait painter . . . executed ap- proximately 350 commissioned portraits . . . was set designer for early motion pic- tures. EDWARD JOHN LAKE . . . Professor of De- sign, Emeritus . . . head of department 1910-38 . . . well-known critic of art and authority on designing and architecture . . . editor and contributor to several publica- tions . . . president of Western Arts As- sociation, 1917 . . . member of numerous art organizations. LORADO TAFT . . , distinguished sculptor of Champaign-Urbana . . . among well-known works . . . "Blackhawk" overlooking Illi- nois River at Starved Rock, "Thp Fro.i:..iii of the Great Lakes", "The Solitude of the Soul" at the Art Institute of Chicago . . . "Fountain of Time" at the University of Chicago Midway . . . "Lincoln, the Young Lawyer" in Urbana. ALLEN STUART WELLER, Ph.D. . . . Dean of College of Fine and Applied Arts . . . Professor of Art . . . recipient of numerous awards . . . executive of several art as- sociations . . . recently presented paper on developments in the fine arts at the 17th National Conference . . . reviewer for Col- lege Art Journal. CECIL VINCENT DONOVAN, M.F A. . . Pro- fessor of Art . . . first director of Krannert Art Museum . . . member national com- mittee of Institute of International Educa- tion to select students for research grants for art study abroad . . . especially known for his work from Southwestern U.S. and Mexico ... on jury of selection for Festival of Contemporary American Arts. LA. FORCE BAILEY ... U. of I. Professor of Art, Emeritus . . . known for watercolors throughout the country . . . has done six murals for the U. of I . . . won first prize from American Water Color Society. WARREN F. DOOLITTLE, JR., M.F.A. . . . Pro- fessor of Art, Director of Option and Chair- man of Graduate Programs in Art ... on jury of selection for Festival of Contempor- ary Arnerican Arts . . . member of art and educational organizations . . . work ex- hibited nationally . . . winner of prizes and awards. NICHOLAS BRITSKY . . . Professor of Art . , . on jury of selection for Festival of Contemp- orary American Arts . . . paintings ex- hibited nationally . . . recipient of many prizes and awards . . . member of art as- sociations. CHARLES A. DIETEMANN . . . Professor of Art ... on jury of selection for Festival of Contemporary American Arts . . . member of art associations . . . work exhibited na- tionally in museums and private Collec- tions. COMMERCE DAVID BAILEY . . . started small country store In 1856 on site now occupied by Robeson's . . . one of founders of First National Bank . . . 1882 one of founders of Champaign National Bank. MARK CARLEY ... one of the founders of the city of Champaign . . . erected first house in Champaign . . . constructed first grain warehouse . . . introduced steam engine for operation of his business. H. I. GELVIN . . . president of the Collegiate Cap & Gown Company . . . supplied robes for United States Supreme Court . . . over- seas business with Air Force schools . . . offices in New York, Chicago and California . . . company founded in 1926, largest of its kind in the world . . . extremely active in civic affairs . . . supported Lake-of-the-Woods project and Champaign County Sportsman Club. THOMAS A. HAGAN . . . president of Cham- paign Commercial Bank . . . under his guidance deposits have risen from $200,000 to $8,000,000 . . . member of council of administration of Illinois Banker's Associa- tion . . . very active in community affairs. m; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HARRIS . . . started cattle business 1834, driving herds from Central Illinois to Pennsylvania . . . brought to Champaign the first sawmill, reaper, carriage, organ, brick, stove . . . established the First National Bank of Champaign . . . close friend of Abraham Lincoln. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HARRIS JR. . . . as- sisted in management and enterprises of fami, . . . . developed and consolidated all elect.i.. railway, lighting, power and gas plants in twin cities . . . president of Illi- nois Banker's Association . . . inaugurated Banker-Farmer movement in 1908 ... or- ganizer and editor of nationally circulated Banker-Farmer magazine. WAYNE JOHNSTON . . . former local resident and U. of I. student . . . president of Illi- nois Central Railroad . . . member of U. of I. board of trustees . . . president and member of board of directors of numerous corporations. C. A. KILER ... U. of I. graduate 1892 .. . engaged in furniture business . . . director of Illinois State Chamber of Commerce for 22 years . . . president of First Federal Sav- ings and Loan Association . . . author of book "On the Banks of the Boneyard". FRANK KERN ROBESON . . . started Farmer's Store in 1874 on Neil and Church streets with only $800 . . . through service to the community and astute management in- creased business . . . built new five-story building at corner of Church and Randolph streets in 1923 . . . served in numerous capacities in city government . . . member of State Board of Equalization. THOMAS E. SMITH . . . started as pioneer in the Dakotas . . . became proprietor of meat business in Champaign . . . installed first modern cold storage plant in area . . . active in civic affairs. J. M. KAUFMAN . . . early Champaign mer- chant . . . founded Kaufman's store in 1879 . . . early president of Chamber of Com- merce. JOSEPH KUHN . . . left Germany because of autocratic military system . . . came to U.S. served in Civil War ... in 1865 started Star Clothing Store in Urbana . . . grew to largest male apparel store in Champaign. WOLF LEWIS . . . founded W. Lewis & Co. in 1879 . . . active in Chamber of Com- merce and civic affairs . . . farseeing in the welfarp of the community. HOWARD WALTON . . . former resident of Champaign . . . joined Hiram Walker in 1934, became president in 1946. GODFREY C. WILLIS . . . born in England . . . came to Champaign from Philadelphia in 1872 . . . opened dry goods store origin- ally called Willis' Philadelphia Store . . . one of the leading retail establishments for almost 90 years . . . presently the site of J. C. Penney Department Store. MUSIC and ENTERTAINMENT DUANE ADAMS BRANIGAN, M.Mus. ... Di- rector of School of Music . . . member of U. of I. faculty since 1936 . ;.. well-known pianist has worked as soloist with many symphony orchestras . . . given concerts throughout the country . . . member of numerous professional and honorary so- cieties. JULIUS COHEN . . . Urbana voice teacher and musician . . . recipient of the Golden Deeds Award which read "... (he has) probably contributed to the community musically more than any other persons or groups ..." SOL B. COHEN . . .Urbana composer, violinist . . . musical director for Ruth St. Denis, American dancer, 1929-30 . . . composer and director for motion picture company . . . Director of Orchestras of Champaign Public Schools, 1934-39 . . . Conductor of C-U Civic Symphony, 1940-42, Peoria sym- phony Orchestra 1941. BRUCE RUTLEDGE FOOTE . . . Professor of Music . . . joined U. of I. faculty 1933 . . . sung professionally with many film com- panies . . . leading b'^itone of the Chicago Theatre of the Air for 15 years . . . fea- ture soloist for WTMJ, Milwaukee for 10 years . . . featured baritone on DuMont Television program for 78 weeks . . . ex- tensive concert tours throughout the coun- try. AUSTIN A. HARDING . . . Head of Band Activi- ties at U. of I. from 1905-48 . . . pioneer and leader of Football and Marching Bands . . made U. of I. Concert Band world famous . . . honorary lifetime president of the American Bandmasters Association . . . "Father of the school band movement". ARTHUR LEJAREN HILLER, JR., Ph.D. ... As- sistant Professor of Music . . . specializing in experimental music . . . lectured ex- tensively on electronics in music . . . com- poser of piano, orchestral, chamber, choral and theatre music . . . wrote score for Strindberg's "Dream Play" and author of "llliac Suite" and a book on experimental music centered around computer experi- ments. KENNETH GABURO, M.Mus. . . . recipient of many awards and commissions . . . made numerous performances, radio broadcasts and recordings . . .composed "On a Quiet Theme" which won 1954 Greshwin Award . . . also "Elegy" and "Stray Birds". HUBERT KESSLER, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Music Theory and Composition . . . mem- ber of U. of I. faculty since 1930 . . . author of manuals and articles on music 11 . . . composed much for piano and violin, including fwo sonatas, "Variations" and "Short Pieces". EDWARD JOHN KROIICK, M.AAus. ... As- sistant Professor of Music, specializing in stringed instruments and double bass . . . worked with several sympliony orchestras . . . given lectures and concerts . . . sev- eral publications on principles of double bass . . . member of numerous professional societies. RUSSELL HANCOCK MILES, M.AAus. . . . Pro- fessor of Music . . . member of U. of I. faculty since 1922 . . . specializes in organ . . . given recitals in major cities . . . radio broadcasts and lectures on Bach . . . composed over 50 w/orks for organ, chorus and solos . . . recent publication, "Four Chorale Preludes" and a book, "An In- troduction to Bach". JANE MORROW . . . former pupil of Julius Cohen . . . member of Radio Ciiy Chorus in New York . . . leading roles v^ith Charles Wagner Opera Company. HARRY PARTCH . . . Research Associate in Speech and Theatre . . . modern and con- troversial composer of unorthodox music . . . constructed own unusual musical in- struments . . . written for artistic and ex- perimental movies . . . among his com- positions, "Bewitched" and "Water, Water". BURRIL PHILLIPS, M.Mus. . . . Professor of Music Theory and Composition, head of department . . . recipient of numerous awards for creative composition including the ASCAP Award in 1960 . . . composer of American Contemporary Music including "Tom Paine's Overture". DRAGAN PLAMENAC, Ph.D., LL.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Music . . . learned scholar known here and abroad . . . particularly able in establishing unsuspected unity of fragments of early manuscripts . . . edited collected works of Ockeghem . . . published modern editions of early composers of Yugoslavia . . . now working on comprehensive report of investigations conducted in music li- braries behind the Iron Curtain. JOSEPH REZITS . . . well-known Champaign pianist . . . played on coats-to-coast net- work at age of 10 . . . played with sym- phonies on many network broadcasts since then . . . toured U.S. and Canada . . . taught for many years here . . . now pro- fessor of music at New Jersey State Teach- ers College. CHARLES "CHIC" SALE . . . character actor and author ... his "tall tales" and earthy impersonations made him one of the na- tion's foremost comedians . . . vaudeville headliner . . . starred on stage and motion pictures . . . author of booklet "The Spec- ialist". VIRGINIA SALE . . . monologist and character actress . . . did one of the frrst family shows for television . . . writes her own sketches . . . acted in legitimate theatre, more than 300 motion pictures, on radio, vaudeville and night clubs . . . her charac- ter sketches in "Americana" are famous. F. B. STIVEN . . . Professor- of AAusic, Emeri- tus . . . Director of School of h'*'"'" 1921-47 . . . U.S. representative to Ini;. national Music Congress in Prague, 1936 . . . member of graduate commission of National Association of Schools of Music . . . author of "The Organ Lofts of Paris". CHARLES FRANCISCO . . . organized summer stock company, 1946 . . . combat corres- pondent on Korean front . . . co-authored official Seventh Division song, "The Fight- ing Hourglass" . . . appeared in several Drury Lane productions . . . disc jockey in Chicago. JOHN WESLEY SWANSON Professor of Speech . . . joined U. of I. faculty 1927 supervised organization of Wisconsin-Illi- nois Theatre Assembly in Illinois . . . named to Board of American National Theatre and Academy, 1953 . . .numerous awards and member of many professional organizations. THE WALDEN STRING QUARTET ... U. of I. one of four state universities with string quartets in residence, and the first with full academic status for its members . . . performed extensively throughout the U.S. and abroad . . . members are . . . ROBERT HAMMOND SWENSON . . . Pro- fessor of Music. BERNARD GOODMAN Music. Profe 5f JOHN GARVEY . Professor of Music. HOMER SCHMITT . . . Professor of Music. . . . each of these gentlemen have individually been the recipients of many awards and are members of numerous professional organizations. LUDWIG ERNEST ZIRNER, M Mus. . . . Pro- fessor of Music . . . studied in Vienna . . . author of book on American Piano Music . . . head of the department for the Tangle- wood Study Group . . . has been inter- nationally noted for his operatic produc- tions at Tanglewood and the U. of I. Opera Group. SOULIMA STRAVINSKY . . . Professor of Music at U. of I. since 1950 . . . inter- nationally known concert pianist . . . con- cert tours and appearances with symphonies all over the world . . . composer of music for piano and songs for children . . . out- standing arrangement and orchestration of Scarlatti's "The Muted Wife". 12 THOMAS JOSEPH TYRRELL . . . now Associate Professor Drama at San Francisco State College . . . prominent in lllini Theatre Guild . . . played in summer stock in U.S. and abroad . . . has appeared on television ... in legitimate theatre in "Bad Seed" and "Auntie Mame". PAUL UNALOWSKY . . . Professor of Music . . . studied at the University of Vienna In- stitute of Musicology . . . professional pianist . . . pianist in Bach Aria Group . . . coached opera reperatory at Berkshire Music Center, Tanglewood, 1950-56. ARCHITECTURE ARTHUR FRANCIS DEAM, B.Arch. . . . Pro- fessor of Architecture . . . former head of Department of Design . . . specialized in school buildings . . . holds patents on con- struction and design of classrooms used in structures throughout the country. KARL B. LOHMANN, M.L.A. . . . Professor of City and Regional Planning . . . member of U. of I, faculty 1921-55 . . . member of Ex- ecutive Committee of Illinois Association of Park Districts . . . spearheaded establish- ment of Champaign County Forest Preserve . . . member of numerous architectural so- cieties . . . author of textbooks, articles and booklets. LORING HARVEY PROVINE, A.E. . . . Profes sor of Architectural Engineering, Emeritus . . . headed department 1913-47 ... in- itiated the nation's first fire college . . . rewrote National Building Code, 1943, keeps Code up to date for National Board of Fire Underwriters . . . state president of national board of directors of American In- stitute of Architects. NATHAN CLIFFORD RICKER . . . Professor of Architecture ... in 1872 was America's first architectural graduate . . . Dean of College of Engineering 1878-1905 . . . Ricker Architecture Library named for him. RALPH L. KELLEY . . . member of American Institute of Architects . . . WWI was officer in charge of constructing air fields in Texas and Louisiana . . . member of Planning StafF of State Superintendent of Public In- struction . . . designed high schools in Morris, DeKalb, Charleston and Decatur. CLINTON PAUL ATKINS . . . designed Atomic Energy Commission Administration Building in Amariilo, Texas . . . Community Hospital in Gibson City . . . Holy Cross School in Champaign . . . Moose Lodge in Cham- paign . . . taught building construction at U. of I. in 1947 . . . member of many pro- fessional societies. CYRUS E. PALMER . . . Professor of Architec- tural Engineering ... U. of I. faculty 1916-57 . . . taught about 63''^ of 4600 students granted architectural degrees since 1872 . . . authority on steamboats, helped Cornone? magazine with film on steamboats . . . was consulted by Walt Disney staff for steamboat replica now in Disneyland. WALTER LITTIEFIELD CREESE, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Architecture ... on the planning and zoning committee of several cities . . . editor of Journal of the Society of Archi- tectural History and president of the so- ciety. • RUDARD A. JONES, M.S. . . . Research Pro- fessor of Architecture, Director of Small Homes Council . . . consulting architect for Monsanto Chemical Company in 1955 . . . author of numerous books and articles . . . member of American Institute of Architects. ALAN K. LAING, A.M. . . . Professor of Archi- tecture . . . joined U. of I. faculty 1940 . . . president of American Institute of Archi- tects 1945 . . . director of Educational Ac- tivities of Archeological Institute of Amer- ica .. . author of numerous articles. GRANVILLE S. KEITH, M.S. . . . Professor of Architecture . . . received Piym Fellowship In Architecture . . . supervising architect for Hillel Foundation in Champaign . . . design and color consultant for new air- port in Springfield . . . member of Ameri- can Institute of Architects. OTTO G. SCHAFFER . . . Professor of Land- scape Architecture, Emeritus ... U. of I. faculty 1920-54 . . . president of Chicago American Society of Landscape Architects . . . president of National Conference on Instruction in Landscape Architecture. JAMES G. VAN DER POOL . . . Professor of History of Architecture . . . past national president of Society of Architectural His- torians . . . advisor to the U.S. Department of Interior as National Chairman of the His- toric American Building Survey . . . trustee of American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. AMBROSE M. RICHARDSON . . . member of board of directors of Central Illinois Chap- ter of American Institute of Architects . . . consultant to U. of I. for expansion of both Champaign-Urbana and Chicago profes- sional campuses . . . works include plant for Sawyer Biscuit Company, Chicago Grey- hound Bus Terminal . . . inventor of pneu- matic structure and consultant on projects for Armour Research Foundation . . . de- signer of numerous U. of I. campus build- ings including Krannert Art Museum. 13 ATHLETICS STUART COHN . . . captain of U. of I. fencing team 1961-62 . . . Big Ten fencing Cham- pion . . . awarded Marshall Scholarship, one of 24 in U.S. THOMAS KIRK CURETON, Ph D. . . . Professor of Physical Education . . . been testing Olympic Athletes since 1932 . . . consultant to President Eisenhower's Youth Fitness Council . . . member of President Ken- nedy's Committee on Fitness. HARRY GIIL ... U. of I. track coach for 29 years . . . his teams won numerous titles and championships . . . held world record in discus himself. HAL HOLMES . . U. of I. junior from Urbana . . . Pan American and National AAU Tumbling Champion . . called "World's Greatest Tumbler" . . . 1962 Big Ten Tumbling Champion . GEORGE HUFF . . . sometimes called "Father of Illinois Athletics" . . . responsible for Illinois strong coaching staff reputation . . . instrumental in building Memorial Stadium . . . Gymnasium named for him. DICK HYDE . . . pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles . . . twelfth in American league valuable players and second among pitch- ers in 1958. BILL MULLIKEN . . . Olympic swimming champion . . . won Gold Medal for breast- stroke in 1960 Olympics . . . established NCAA and American records for 200 yard breast-stroke in 1959. FRANK MURPHY . . . member of U.S. Olympic team in 1912 . . . first man at Illinois to use bamboo pole for vaulting . . . con- ference champion for 3 years. DR. HAROLD M. OSBORN . . . named "Olym- pian of the Year . . . Olympic high jump champion 1924 and 1928 . . . perfected famous "Osborn roll" used by high jump- ers . . . held six world's records. JAMES REEDER . player in 1939. All-American football REVEREND ROBERT RICHARDS . . . Olympic pole vault champion, won gold medals in 1952 and 1956 . . . decathlon winner in AAU National championships . . . member of CBS news team covering 1960 Olympics in Rome . . . author of "Heart of a Cham- pion". WALTER HENRY ROETTGER . . . associate pro- fessor of Physical Education . . . major league baseball player with Cardinals, Giants, Reds and Pirates . . . regarded as shrewdest scout in Big Ten. SEWARD STALEY, Ph.D., D.Sc. . . . Dean of College of Physical Education and Professor of Physical Education for Men, Emeritus . . . member and president of several Phy- sical Education organizations, founder of four of them . . . instrumental in develop- ing Kickapoo State Park and Women's Phy- sical Education Department. PAUL TANGORA . . . All-American football player at Northwestern University . . . Champaign City Councilman . . . Commis- sioner of Public Health and Safety. KENNETH L. (TUG) WILSON . . . member of U.S. Olympic squad in javelin and discus . . . coached at U. of I. . . . Athletic Di- rector at Northwestern U. . . . Athletic Commissioner of Intercollegiate Western Conference . . . secretary-treasurer of Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Association . . . past chairman of NCAA Track and Field Rules Committee. ROBERT ZUPPKE . . . head football coach at U. of I. for 29 years . . . named ail-*ime coach for the all-time All American team in 1946 . . . invented the huddle in 1921 . . . Red Grange one of his most famous stars . . . one of nation's top coaches . . . well-know artist, too. RAYMOND ELLIOTT ... U. of I. football coach 1937-60 . . . named to Helms Founda- tion Football Hall of Fame . . . recipient of Alonzo Stagg Award by American Football Coaches Conference . . . past president of American Football Coaches Association . . . member of NCAA Football Rules Commis- sion . . . associate professor of Physical Education for Men, Assistant Director of Athletics. LEO THOMAS JOHNSON . . . head U. of I. track coach since 1937 . . . named to Helms Foundation Athletic Hall of Fame . . . selected ai Pan American Coach of U.S. Track Team in 1955 . . . Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men, Emeritus. DOUGLAS RAYMOND MILLS . . Director of Intercollegiate Activities at U. of I. . . . was basketball coach until 1947 . . . served on National Basketball Rules Committee . . . Big Ten Rose Bowl Commission . . .Dean of Big Ten Athletic Directors . . . named to NCAA Television Commission. BURTON A. INGWERSEN . . . Associate Pro- fessor of Physical Education ... U. of fa- culty since 1945 . . . won nine letters as student ... All American in 1919 . . . dur- ing WWII at Lt. Commander and Athletic Director and football coach at pre-flight school at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 14 EDUCATION DAVID DODDS HENRY, Ph D. . twelfth president of U. of 1. . . . formerly presi- dent of Wayne University . . . chairman of joint committee on Educational Television . past president of Association of Urban Universities . . . editorial consultant to "The Nation's Schools" . . . v^/ritten and spoken widely on educational subjects. LULU S. BLACK . . . Professor of Home Eco- nomics . . . member of U. of I. faculty for 30 years . . . state leader of Home Ad- visors 1956 . . . member of numerous edu- cation and home economic groups. HARRY WOODBURN CHASE . . . president of U. of I. 1930-33 . professor of Psychology . . member of faculty 1901-40 . . . Col- lege of Fine and Applied Arts estab- lished during his regime. THOMAS ARKLE CLARK . . . Dean of Men at U. of I. 1901-31 . . . first in the world to hold title of Dean of Men . . . leading figure in higher education. ARTHUR FAREWELL DODGE, Ph.D. . Pro- fessor of Industrial Education . . . during WWII organized instructor-training pro- grams for Air Corps Technical Schools at Chanute and Scott Fields. LOWELL BURDETTE FISHER, Ed.M., LL.D., Litt.D., Ped.D. . . . State Chairman of North Cen- tral Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools . . . associate professor of Edu- cation . . . co-ordinator of School and Uni- versity Articulation. ANDREW DRAPER . . third president of the U. of I. . . . frst to be called by that title, 1894-1904 . . . started Pharmacy School, School of Law, School of Music, College of Medicine . . . plus many other schools and buildings . . . member of New York legis- lature . . . judge of U.S. Court . . . com- missioner of education for New York in 1904. JOHN MILTON GREGORY ... the frst Regent (President) of the U. of I. 1868-80 ... in- strumental in founding of university . . . Gregory Hall and Gregory Drive named for him . . . buried on U. of I. campus. MRS. MARGARET HENDERSON GREENMAN . . . Director of Elementary Education of Unit 4 . . . secretary of Illinois Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop- ment . . . first woman president of Illinois Guidance and Personnel Association . . . member of numerous honorary and pro- fessional organizations . . . author of many children's fiction and textbooks. COLEMAN ROBERTS GRIFFITH, Ph.d., LL.D. . . . Professor of Education and Psychology, Emeritus . . . consultant to War Manpovi/er Commission . . . coordinator of Army, Navy and Civilian Training programs . . . direc- tor of Office of Statistical Information and Research for American Council on Educa- tion . . . former Provost and Vice-President of U. of I. HELEN E. McCULLOUGH . . . Associate Professor of Home Economics, Emerita . . . developed wheel-chair kitchen . . . expert in space design in housing . . . consultant on hous- ing for Farm Security Administration . . . author of numerous books and articles. LLOYD MOREY, Ph. D. . . . former U. of I. President and Comptroller . . . Illinois State Auditor of Public Accounts . . . mem- ber Budgetary Commission of Illinois Gen- eral Assembly . . . received citation for Distinguished Public Service . . . author and musician. TIMOTHY JOSEPH NUGENT . . . Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men Director of Student Rehabilitation Cen- ter .. . founder of National Wheelchair Basketball Association . . . Director of American Standards Association project for facilities for handicapped . . . recipient of Presidential Citation and awards for meri- torious service. EDMUND JANES JAMES, Ph.D. . . . President U. of I. 1905-19 . . . first to propose train- ing men in the fundamental principles of business . . . helped organize American Academy of Political and Social Science . . author of educational essays. SAMUEL ALEXANDER KIRK, Ph. D . . . Pro fessor of Education and Psychology . . . Director of Institute for Research on Ex- ceptional Children . . . received citation and grants from United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation . . . sent to Europe by State Department in 1950 . . . author of numerous articles on mentally retarded children. THEODORE CALVIN PEASE, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of History, former head of depart- ment . . . director of Illinois Historical Sur- vey 1939-48 . . . founding member of So- ciety of American Archivists . . . chairman of Historical manuscripts commission of American Historical Society. GORDON RAY, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Eng- lish, former head of department . . . mem- ber of U.S. Educational Commission in the United Kingdom which established the Fulbright Program . . . now Secretary Gen- eral of Guggenheim Foundation ... in- ternationally ltno>A/n for research and books about William Makepeace Thackery. 15 GEORGE DINSMORE STODDARD, Ph. D. . . . tenth President of U. of I. 1946-54 . . . established 20 new curricula . . . started largest building program in U. of I. history . . . first Festival of Contemporary Arts held during his term. FRED HAROLD TURNER, Ph.D. . . . Dean of Students U. of I. . . . president of National Associaticn of Student Personnel Adminis- trators in 1958 . . . recipient of Gold Medal from National Intrafraternity Conference in 1956 . . . secretary-treasurer of National Associaiton of Deans and Advisors of ^^en. AGRICULTURE WILLIAM Z. BLACK . . . organizer and director of Champaign County Farm Bureau, 1934-40 active in the Bureau for 25 years . . . under his leadership the local Bureau was awarded the American Farm Bureau Federation trophy for having largest membership of any county farm bureau in the country . . . representative from 24th senatorial district for six years . . . introduced semi-annual payment of taxes bill . . . influential in drafting bill providing federal aid to forest preserves in Southern Illinois. JOSEPH CULLEN BLAIR, D.Sc . . . Dean of U. of I. College of Agriculture . . .came to U. of I. in 1896, retired 1939 . . . developed Urbana park systems . . . founder and first president of Illinois Association of Park Districts . . . responsible for lake and swimming pool at Crystal Lake Park . . . Blair Park named for him . . . landscaped U. of I. . . . developed best four-year course in nation in landscape architecture. LLOYD EDWIN BOLEY, D.V.M. . . . Professor of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and head of department . . . joined U. of I. faculty in 1936 . . . first veterinarian to receive M.S. degree in veterinary, pathology and hygiene at the U. of I. . . . during WWII assigned to Generdl Patton's Third Army with 7th Med- ical Laboratory. SLEETER BULL . . . Professor of Meats, Animal Science Department, Emeritus . . . chief of the meat products training and research in the College of Agriculture since 1939 . . . during 44 years at the U. of I. had some 10,000 students . . . author of two books and numerous Experiment Station publica- tions. WILLIAM L. BURLISON, Ph.D., D.Agr. . . . Professor of Crop Production and head of department of Agronomy 1920-51 . . . pio- neer in development of soybeans as major crop . . . president of American Society of Agronomy, 1927 . . . Head of American Soybean Association . . . writings include College of Agriculture's "best-seller", "Pas- tures for Illinois". THOMAS J. BURRILL . . . Professor of Botany . . . one of U. of I. original faculty, 1868- 1912 . . . in 1877 introduced world's first general bacteriology course ... in 1881 gave world's first evidence that bacteria was the cause of disease in his discovery of the cause of pear blight . . . founded the science of bacterial plant pathology . . . Burrill Hall and Burrill Avenue named for him. LEIGH EDWARD CHADWICK, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Entomology, head of the depart- ment . . . an authority on enzymes of the nervous system, specializing in insect physiology, background basis is study of human physiology . . . American repre- sentative of United Nations to the World Health Organization. EUGENE DAVENPORT, M.Agr., LL.D., D.Sc. Professor of Thremmatology . . .be- came Dean of College of Agriculture in 1895 . . . responsible for growth of this department at U. of I. . . . helped found the Illinois Farmer's Institute . . . inaugur- ated Farm and Home Week. STEPHEN A. FORBES . . . came to U. of I. in 1884 to teach zoology and entomology, bringing with him the Office of State Ento- mologist . . . director of State Laboratory of Natural History ... his were first studies to be worked out by statistical methods, now have become standard, international reputation for scientific studies . . . mem- ber of many professional societies . . . author of numerous publications to aid farmers and fruit growers. H. ORIN HALVORSON, Ch.E., Ph.D., D.Sc . . . Professor of Microbiology . . . joined U of I. faculty in 1949 . . . published a book and many papers on bacteriology ... re- cipient of many awards, among them the Pasteur Award of the Society of Illinois Becteriologists, 1960. TOM SHERMAN HAMILTON, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Animal Nutrition . . . joined U. of I. faculty in 1920 . . . member of joint committee on American-German coopera- tion in agriculture research, 1957 . . . named to sub-committee on animal health by Di- rector-General of United Nations, 1947 . . . one of five chemists on committee to re- evaluate scientific evidence of widespread vitamin and mineral deficiences in U.S. and Canada. CARL G. HARTMAN, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Zoology and Physiology, Emeritus . . . mem- ber of National Academy of Sciences . . . internationally known for research in em- bryology and reproduction, endocrinology 16 . . .member and executive of numerous scientific societies . . . delegate to many international conferences . . . consultant to U.S. Department of Agriculture . . . after retirement from U. of I., director of phy- siology at Ortho Research Foundation, New Jersey. CYRIL G. HOPKINS . . . joined U. of I. faculty 1895 . . . pioneered soil conservation through development of Illinois System of Permanent Soil Fertility ... his "Story of the Soil" won international recognition . . . sent by university to Greece to help war- stricken people rehabilitate their soil. tOUIS BRADLEY HOWARD, Ph.D., D.Sc. . . . Dean of College of Agriculture, Professor of Food Technology . . . specialist in chem- ical aspects of agriculture . . . member of numerous professional and honorary so- cieties . . . specialist with U.S. Department of Agriculture . . . author of many scientific and technical articles. ROBERT R. HUDELSON, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Agricultural Economics, Emeritus, U. of I. faculty 1925-54 . . . assisted Office of Mili- tary Government with agricultural and food program in Germany, 1949 . ... recipient of Doane Award, 1953. SALVADOR E. LURIA, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Microbiology . . . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . investigator for Office of Scientific Research and Develop- ment on resistance to antibiotics ... re- search supported by American Cancer So- ciety . . . uncovered one of the vital steps in virus reproduction within living cell .■ . . author of many research articles ... re- cipient of numerous awards. GEORGE MORROW . . . Professor of Agricul- ture . . . first Dean of the College of Ag- riculture, 1877 . . . started Morrow Plots (named after him), the oldest soil experi- ment plots in America, second oldest in the world . . . results have been basis for soil fertility programs in agriculture. HERBERT W. MUMFORD, D.Agr. . .. ; Professor of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry . . . studied livestock conditions here and abroad . . . member of American Study Commission for German Agriculture . . . member of a number of state and federal commissions and boards . . . contributor to many en- cyclopedias . . . inaugurated feeding of a carload of test steers instead of individu- ally. JONATHAN PERIAN . . . member of the ori- ginal staff of the U. of I . . . first Head Farmer of the U. of I. . . . later was head of the Prairie Farmer . . . became leading agricultural editor of the middlewest. C. LADD PROSSER, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Physiology and Zoology . . . member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences .... president of American Society of Zoologists, 1961 . . . editor of Comparative Animal Physiology, 1950 . . . chosen for assignment to atom bomb trial "Test Able" and other tests, to observe effects of radia- tion on animals and radiation in air. EUGENE I. RABINOWITCH, Ph.D. . . . Research Professor of Botany . . . fellow of Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Sciences . . . editor of Bulletin of Atomic Scientists . . . internationally known expert in photo- synthesis . . . associated with Manhattan Project, the first atom bomb . . . author and co-author of many books and publica- tions, both as physicist and botanist. MARCUS RHOADES, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Botany . . . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . specializing in genetics . . . president of American Genetic As- sociation . . . member of numerous pro- fessional organizations . . . has published over 50 research papers chiefly on cyto- genetics of corn-raising and cytoplasmic inheritance in corn. HENRY PERLY RUSK, Ph.D., D.Sc. . . . Professor of Cattle Husbandry, Emeritus . . . member of U. of I. faculty 1910-51 . . . nationally recognized for effort to improve living standard of American farm family, as well as for outstanding livestock research . . . chairman of Agricultural Task Force to study conservation and farm income, 1948 . . . member Advisory Committee for Illinois State Fair . . . recipient of numerous awards. VICTOR ERNEST SHELFORD, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Zoology, Emeritus . . . member U. of I. faculty 1914-46 . . . honored as "father of modern animal bioecology," . . . one of the founders and first president of Ecological Society . . . one of founders of Grassland Research Foundation, and Eco- logist Union . . . recipient of Nash Motors Award for work in furthering conservation, 1953. CHARLES L. STEWART, Ph.D., D.Sc. . . . Pro- fessor of Agricultural Economics, Emeritus . . . member of U. of I. faculty 1924-59 . . . specializing in farm tenture, taxation and land economics . . . taught first U. of I. course in marketing of farm products and rural credits . . . worked with U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, recipient of numerous awards for service to agriculture . . . went on special assignment to Afghanistan, 1961. WILLIAM TRELEASE, D.Sc, LL.D. . . . Professor of Sontany, Emeritus . . . member of Na- tional Academy of Sciences . . . president of Botanical Society of America 1895 and 1918 . . . work on Piperaceae (family of plants containing peppers) declared most valuable in its field . . . published several hundred research papers in field of system- atic botany. 17 ARTHUR GIP30N VESTAL, Ph.D., . . . Professor of Br:any, Emeritus . . . specializing in fie'j of ecology and plant geography, veg- etation of the prairie region. Rocky Moun- tains and California . . . spent much time in biological stations of the Universities of Montana, Wyoming and Colorado . . . author of numerous books. MEDICINE DR. MAX APPEL . . . Pathologist, Burnham City Hospital since 1942 . . . surgeon in Navy Medical Corps . . . commissioned Surgeon U. S. Public Health Service, 1945 served in Central Europe vi/ith United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Admisis- tration . . . President of Illinois Association of Blood Banks . . . advisory committee Illinois Civil Defense Agency . . . co-direc- tor of C-U Civil Defense Agency . . . con- sulting pathologist to the Air Force . . . coroner's pathologist to following coun- ties: Champaign, Ford, Coles, Douglas, DeWitt and Crawford. DR. V. THOMAS AUSTIN . . . specialist in diagnosis and internal medicine . . . one of founders of Carle Hospital Clinic and Carle Memorial Hospital . . . president of Illinois Heart Association . . . founder- member of Scientific Council of American Heart Association . . . Diplomate American Board of Internal Medicine and Cardio- vascular Disease. DR. CLARENCE S. BUCHER . . . famous aller- gist . . . founder of Champaign's first medical clinic . . .• author of numerous medical articles including book "Nutrition and Diet in Allergy" . . . member of Ameri- can Medical Association . . . Radiological Society of North America . . . American College and International Society of Aller- gists . . . member of numerous local and professional organizations. DR. JOHN CHRISTIAN DALLENBACH . . . Urbana's oldest general physician and sur- geon . . . maintained ofFice for 55 years . . . honored for long service on Burnham Hospital Medical staff . . . past president Champaign County Medical Society . . . president of Champaign School Board . . . member of Salvation Army advisory board for more than 20 years. DR. CHARLES H. DRENCKHAHN . . . specialist in diagnosis and internal medicine . . . one of founders of Carle Hospital Clinic and Carle Memorial Hospital . . . Governor of American College of Physicians for Southern District . . . third vice-president of the College . . . member of medical and scien- tific committee of Illinois division of Ameri- can Cancer Society. DR. JOHN H. GERNON . . . surgeon and gynecologist . . . one of 77 doctors from U.S. and Canada to receive special award at 40th meeting of the Interstate Post- Graduate Medical Association . . . active in numerous professional societies. DR. CESARE GIANTURCO . . . specialist in X-ray diagnosis and treatment . . . one of founders of Carle Clinic and Carle Hospital Foundation . . . co-discoverer of fact that ulcers can be discovered more accurately while stomach is digesting food . . . presi- dent of Illinois Radiological Society, 1938 received honors for scientific exhibit.. DR. JAMES B. GILLESPIE . . . specialist in diseases of infants and children . . . one of founders of Carle Clinic and Carle Hos- pital Foundation . . . president of Central Illinois Pediatrics Society . . . member of board of Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society for Crippled Children . . . executive of Illinois Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics . . . member of board of ad- visors of Mayo Foundation . . . member numerous professional and local organiza- tions. DR. HARTWELL C. HOWARD ... one of Champaign's earlist general practitioners . . . helped organize Champaign County Medical Society . . . began practice in Champaign in 1855 ... Dr. Howard grade school named for him . . . father of Dr. Charles P. Howard, Champaign dentist and Hartwell C. Howard, successful contractor. DR. CHARLES B. JOHNSON . . . practitioner in Champaign County since 1871 . . . mem- ber of Illinois State Board of Health 1899- 1902, also was its president . . . author of books on early practice of medicine, among them "Medicine in Champaign County", only available reference and record of early Champaign doctors. DR. J. C. THOMAS ROGERS . . . general sur- geon . . . one of founders of Carle Clinic and Carle Hospital . . . president of Ameri- can Association of Medical Clinics . . . member of board of Illinois Surgical So- ciety . . . author and co-author of num- erous medical articles and publications . . . member of many local and professional as- sociations. DR. W. E. SCHOWENGERT . . . practitioner, principally responsible for establishment of school of nursing at Burnham Hospital . . . member of Champaign County Medical So- ciety for 50 years . . . Champaign Board of Education for 32 years . . . Public Health Officer for 30 years . . . recipient of Golden Deeds Award. 18 DR. lElAND M. T. STILLWELL . . . physician to the U. of I. Athletic Association since 1933 . . . former member of Chicago re- gional committee of trauma, American Col- lege of Surgeons. DR. HUGH L. DAVISON . . . fellow in sur- gery at Mayo Clinic . . . original partner of Rogers-Davison Clinic which eventually evolved into the Carle Hospital Clinic. DR. J. M. CHRISTIE . . . opened offices in Robeson Building in 1921 . . . organized Christie Clinic, 1927 . . . built Christie Clinic Building in 1937 with his brother Dr. C. W. Christie . . . member American College of Surgeons . . . member Cancer Control Board of State of Illinois . . . author of numerous national and international sur- gical articles . . . member of many pro- fessional and local organizations. DR. JOHN B. CHRISTIE . . . surgeon and gyne- cologist . . . director of Christie Clinic . . . president of Champaign County Medical Society . . . member Advisory Board to Bureau of Cancer Control in state Health Department . . . member of several medi- cal associations. DR. CHARLES W. CHRISTIE . . . surgeon . . . member of Christie Clinic since 1925 . . . member of numerous medical associations . . . member military draft board medical staff . . . author of several articles pub- lished in leading medical journals. "»*. \ 4&f L^^l^ ,*■- * VI* Champaign-Urbana's newest landmark - the multi-million dollar U. of I. Assembly Hall. 19 Our Sons and Daughters Have Been Very Importanf People in Many Different and ^evy Important Positions . . . LOUISE ALLEN . . . inaugurated the first col- lege course of high grade in domestic science in the country . . . joined the U. of I. faculty in 1874 . . . opened a food mu- seum . . . has a women's gymnasium established . . . founder of first program of practical education for women at the U. of I. ERNEST LUDLOW BOGART, Ph.D. . Pro- fessor of Economics at U. of I. from 1909-38 . . . president of American Economic As- sociation . . . economic advisor to U.S. State Department during WWI . . . finan- cial advisor to the government of Iran 1923-24 . . . author of 28 books and text- books on economics. ISAAC BUSEY . . . settled in Urbana with family in 1830 . . . first Urbana Commis- sioner . . . first sessions of Board of County Commissioners held in his cabin, as well as first circuit court of the county . . . had great influence in location of the Cham- paign County Seat. GENERAL SAMUEL T. BUSEY ... log cabin pioneer who fought Indians at the age of 12 . . . began merchandising in Urbana in 1857 . . . founded Busey Brothers and Company Banking Company ... a strong supporter of Abraham Lincoln . . . had brilliant army career during Civil War . . . elected mayor of Urbana five times . . . elected to 52nd Congress in 1890 ... ac- tive in the Grand Army of the Republic. SIMON HARRISON BUSEY . . . brother of General S. T. Busey . . . one of the organ- izers of First National Bank of Champaign, and Busey Brothers Bank in Urbana . . . director of Banker's National Bank of Chi- cago and railroad from Peoria to Indian- apolis . . . served as member of Illinois State Legislature. COLONEL MATTHEW WALES BUSEY . . . father of S. T. and S. H. Busey . . . early pioneer in Champaign County . . . became contractor and builder ... in 1831 entered his name 160 acres of land upon which is now built a considerable portion of the City of Urbana . . . also owner of most of the land on which is built the western portion of Urbana and eastern portion of Champaign. BISHOP JAMES CHAMBERLAIN BAKER, D.D. LL.D . . . Director of Wesley Foundation . . . came to Urbana in 1907 as minister of Trinity Methodist Church . . . organized Wesley Foundation . . . First church foun- dation at any state university ... at the request of his church governing body he wrote, "The Wesley Foundation — An Ad- venture in Christian Higher Education". ROBERT BINGHAM DOWNS, Lift.D., LL.D. D.L.S . . . Professor of Library Science, Dean of Library Administration and Direc- tor of Graduate School of Library Science . . . advisor to Library of Congress on fu- ture developments of National Union Cata- logue . . . went to Japan on request of National Library Association and Gen. Douglas MacArthur to set up National Library of Japan . . . has done the same for the governments of Mexico and Turkey. HENRY M. DUNLAP . . . was student leader of the U. of I. Band in 1880's . . . became State Senator in Illinois General Assembly where he "fathered" university appropriations. MARTIN WAGNER . . . Professor of Labor and Industrial Relations . . . was Rhodes Scholar . . . director of Louisville Labor- Management Committee . . . with Nation- al Labor Relations Board, 1937-47. THOMAS R. WEBBER . . . came to Urbana in 1832 . . . long time friend of Abraham Lincoln . . . first Postmaster in Champaign County . . . served as county clerk for 22 years, circuit clerk for 27 years, and Master of Chancery for 40 years . . . represented several counties in this area at Constitution- al Conventions in 1847 and 1863. FLORIAN W. ZNANIECKI, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Sociology . . . member of faculties of University of Poland and Prague Uni- versity ... U. of I. faculty member 1940- 50 . . . recipient of many awards for con- tributions to science . . . president of American Sociological Society . . . vice- president of London Sociological Society . . . author of numerous books and articles on sociology. 20 RICHARD CALEB ENGLISH and EDWARD CAREY ENGLISH . . . general contractors and structural engineers in Champaign-Urbana since 1902 . . . one of the most important works was construction of Aviation Field, Rantoul, Illinois, completed in six weeks at total expenditure of $750,000 in 1917 . . . among U. of I. buildings constructed include Memorial Stadium, Union Building, Huff Gymnasium, Library, plus many others . . . buildings erected in Champaign- Urbana include Robeson Building, Lincoln Building, Methodist Church, Holy Cross Church, Christie Clinic, to name just a few. MRS. RUTH CRAWFORD FREEMAN ... As- sociate Professor of Family Economics, Home Economics Department, Emerita . . . pioneer in field of family economics . . . U. of 1. faculty 1929-58 . . . worked with Bureau of Home Economics in Wash- ington, D. C. . . . published more than 80 bulletins, circulars and articles. CHARLES M. KNEIER, Ph.D., J.D. . . . Professor of Political Science . . . first director of research of Illinois State Legislative Council . . . consultant to Tennessee Valley Author- ity .. . consultant to War Relocation Au- thortiy, 1943 . . . president of Midwest Conference of Political Scientists . Vice-President of American Political Science Association . . . author of widely used textbooks and numerous professional ar- ticles. JOEL STEBBINS, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Astronomy . . . member of National Aca- demy of Sciences . . . member of U. of I. faculty 1903-22 . . . received gold medal from Royal Astronomical Society of Lon- don in 1950 . . . research associate at Mount Lick Observatory in California. MARIETTA STEVENSON {MRS. LOUIS STEVEN- SON), Ph.D. . . . Director of Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work . . . Pro- fessor of Social Work . . . member of Illi- nois Public Aid Commission . . . served on Resources Planning Board and the Amer- ican Public Welfare Commission . . . presi- dent of Illinois Welfare Association. JULIAN H. STEWARD, Ph.D. . . . Research Pro- fessor of Anthropology . . . member of National Academy of Sciences . . . received Viking Fund medal from American Anthro- pological Society . . . served as senior anthropologist for Bureau of American Ethnology . . . director of Institute of Social Anthropology at Smithsonian In- stitute . . . served as curator of anthro- pological museums in many parts of the country. CHARLES MANFRED THOMPSON, Ph.D., LL D , Litt.D. . . . Professor of Economics . . . member of U. of i. faculty 1912-42 . . . first Dean of College of Commerce . . . served in Spanish-American War . . . chair- man for 8 years of Veterans Education Ap- peals Board, Washington, D.C. . . . member and executive of numerous local, state and national organizations . . . author of textbooks on history and economics. SIMON LITMAN, Dr.Jur.Pub et Rer. Cam. . . . Professor of Economics, Emeritus . . . mem- ber U. of I. faculty from 1908 . . . pioneer in development of Hillel Foundation . . . first established on U. of I. campus . . . well-knovyn authority on foreign trade and commerce . . . author of several books on subject . . . member of numerous organ- < izations. D. PHILLIP LOCKLIN, Ph.D. . . . Profesor of Public Utilities . . . joined U. of I. faculty in 1922 . . . former transportation advisor to U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission . . . was transportation consultant for Aus- tralia, New Zealand and Argentina . . . author of several books on economics. HIRAM THOMPSON SCOVILL, C.P.A., LL.D. Professor of Accountancy, Emeritus . . . joined U. of I. faculty 1913 . . . elected to Accounting Hall of Fame . . . founded and was president of honorary accounting fra- ternity . . . president of national honorary commerce fraternity . . . editor and author of many books and textbooks ... re- ceived many honors for proficiency and service. ERNEST HUGH SHIDLER, Ph.D. . . . Associate Professor of Sociology, Emeritus . . . former State Director of Federal Farm Security Ad- ministration . . . president and board mem- ber of United Health and Welfare Associa- tion . . . Fellow of American Social Society . . . national chairman of Society for Study of Social Problems . . . author of several re- search articles. JAMES TOBIN, Ph.D. . . . former local resident . . . Professor of Economics at Yale Univer- sity . . . served in organization of Depart- ment of Economics in Puerto Rico . . . di- rector of Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics . . . awarded silver medal by American Economics Association . . . chosen by President Kennedy to serve on his Council of Economic Advisors. JOHN VAN HORNE, Ph.D. . . . Professor of Spanish and Italian . . . joined U. of I. fa- culty in 1917 . . . received diploma of honor from Mexican Academy . . . Cavalier of the Order of the Crown from Italy award . . . President of American Associa- tion of Teachers of Italian . . . editor of Italica . . . Cultural Relations attache with Embassy to Madrid . . . did research and lectured in South America. PAUL MARION VAN ARSDELL, Ph.D. . . . Pro- fessor of Finance, head of department . . . joined U. of I. faculty 1927 . . . president of American Finance Association, 1960 . . . member of advisory board of its publica- tion. Journal of Finance. 21 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE COMMANDERS We realize Chanute Air Force Base is not a physical part of Champaign-Urbana. However, it has a very real part in the growth of this community. It would be virtually impossible to list all the Very Important People who have been at Chanute, since in a sense, the members of the armed forces are each and every one Very Important People. Therefore, we have provided here a roster of all the commanders, under whose guidance Chanute Air Force Base has risen to such a prominent place in the total Air Force Picture. COLONEL FREDERICK M. JONES .. 1917 .. . born in England, entered service in 1886 . . . graduate of the Mounted Service School in 1907. CAPT. JAMES L. DUNSWORTH . . . 1917 . . . member of the 1st Aero Squadron . . . served with Gen. Pershing's Punitive Ex- pedition to Mexico . . . commanded 90th Attack Sq. in 1918 . MAJOR MAXWELL KIRBY ... 1918 ... entered service in 1904 ... graduated from Com- mand and General StaflF School in 1924. MAJOR ADLAI H. GILKESON ... 1918 . . graduate of U.S. Military Academy, Air Corps Tac School, Motor Transport School, Chemical Warfare School and the Air Corps Enqineerinq School. COLONEL IRA LONGANECKER . . 1919 . . . volunteered for duty with the newly created Air Section of the Army Signal Corps in 1917 ... received pilot's wings at Gerstner Field. La. FIRST LT GEORGE M. LEONARD ... 1920 .. . commanding officer of Chanute during 1920 . . Chanute's sixth commander. MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE E. STRATEMEYER . . . 1921 . . . organized and commanded the School of Military Aeronautics at Ohio State University in 1917. MAJOR GENERAL FREDERICK L. MARTIN . . . 1921-23 . . . holder of Distinguished Service Medal . . . also commanded Boiling Field, Kelly Field, Wright Field, Barksdale and Randolph Field . MAJOR WILLIAM G. McCHORD . . . 1924-27 . . . commanded Chanute Field and Air Corps Technical School at Chanute until early 1928. MAJOR SETH W. COOK . . . 1928-29 . . . veteran of Spanish-American War . . . entered service in Cavalry in 1 898 ... re- ceived commission from the ranks in 1901 . . . after service with Pershing in Mexico he entered Aviation School and rated a Junior Military Aviator in 1917. MAJOR LEO G. HEFFERNAM . . . 1929-30 . . . graduated from U.S. Military Academy in 1911 . LT. COL. JACOB W. S. WUEST . . . 1930-31 . . . attended University of Berlin in 1931 . . . on duty with American Embassy in Berlin as Military Attache, and in Netherlands, Den- mark, Sweden, Norvi/ay, Switzerland, Cze- choslovakia and Austria from 1931-35. LT. COL. JAMES A. MARS ... 1931 -34 .. . born in Illinois in 1 878 ... graduate of several military schools . . . assigned 2nd Cavalry in 1903 ... transferred to Air Service in 1920. COL. JUNIUS W. JONES . . . 1934-38 . . . served as Chief of the Inspection Division, Office of the Chief of the Air Corps . . . BRIG. GEN. DAVENPORT E. JOHNSON . . . 1938-40 ... cited by General Pershing for Meritorious Services . . . assumed command of the 11th Air Force during last months of operations against Kuril Islands . BRIG. GEN. RAYMOND E. O'NEILL . . . 1940-44 . . . commissioned the year Chanute was founded, 1917 .. . veteran fiver . . . under his guidance Chanute grew to be one of the key bases of the Air Force and turned out thousands of skilled technicians every month during his command. COL. JOSEPH H. DAVIDSON . . . 1944-46 . . . member of Future Plans Section . . . member of Staff of Commander-in-Chief in Pacific with additional duty as Air Force Member, Joint Secretariat, Joint Pacific Chiefs of Staff. BRIG. GEN. FAY R. UPTHEGROVE ... 1946-48 . . . graduate of U.S. Military Academy . . . won his wings in 1928... holds aeronau- tical ratings as Command Pilot, Aircraft Observer and Combat Observer. BRIG. GEN. AUBRY LEE MOORE ... 1948-49 commissioned a second lieutenant in Air Corps, 1929. After command of Chanute was transferred to Washington, D. C. MAJ. GEN. BYRON E. GATES . . . 1949-55 . . Chief of Staff of the Flying Division at Randolph Field in 1947 ... in 1949 assumed command of the pioneer Technical Training School of the Air Training Command at Chanute ... retired in 1955, presently re- sides in Rantoul. BRIG. GEN. AUGUSTUS M. MINTON . . 1955-57 University of Illinois 1933 . . . master's degree in Business Administration from Harvard University 1949. BRIG. GEN. ANDREW J. KINNEY ... 1957-59 ...graduated from Air War College 1953 . . . returned to Air Force Headquarters as Director of Information Services, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, 1956. MAJ. GEN. WILEY D. GANEY . . . 1959-60 . . . was at Chanute 1935-37 as a student and later as instructor in the Maintenance Eng- ineering Armament Course of the Air Corps Technical School at Chanute. MAJ. GEN. LLOYD P. HOPWOOD . . . 1960- . . charter member of the Air Force Asso- ciation . . . member of the Order of Dadae- lians . . . the Air Force Academy Athletic Association . . Rotary International . . . co- thairman of the Base Community Council, Chanute Area. 22 11 ROBESON & BRO ROBESON'S A Very Important Place The sketch at the left shows the original Robeson's at the corner of Church and Neil streets. Since its beginning in 1874 . . . two years be- fore Custer's Last Stand at the Little Big Horn . . . Robeson's has grown with Champaign-Urbane. Today its modern five-story building stands at the corner of Church and Randolph streets. Its recently completed interior and exterior remodeling program provides Champaign-Urbana with its "Most Beautiful" showcase of fashions for the family and the home. We like to feel Robeson's has a Very Important Place in the com- munity and the hearts of its people. We know the people of Champaign- Urbana are Very Important People to Robeson's. We are Grateful . . . to the local Historical Societies, to the University of Illinois Library, the News-Gazette, the Champaign-Urbana Courier, and Mrs. James D. Hogan for the data on our V.I.P.'s. To our knowledge no compilation of this kind has been previously made and many, many months of in- tensive research went into this eflFort. We assure you any omissions or errors were unintentional. Any suggestions or informaton you have for corrections or additions will be gratefully received for future reference. Sincerely, MBESOItrS Champaign's Largest . . . Friendliest Store