6pw*^j LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume 1: 1960-1976 Nancy Peterson Holm and Beth McArdle Morgan 1989 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY NOTES 131 Department of Energy and Natural Resources ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Cover photo: Shoreline erosion along Illinois Beach State Park near Zion, Illinois (1981). Photo by Ardith Hansel, ISGS. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois/ 1989/600 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY lllll 3 3051 00005 4399 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume 1: 1960-1976 Nancy Peterson Holm and Beth McArdle Morgan #0 1989 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY NOTES 131 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Morris W. Leighton, Chief Natural Resources Building 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/lakemichiganbibl131holm TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments ii Introduction iii References 1 Guide to the Indexes 201 Author Index 203 Subject Index 251 Area Index 423 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for this project was provided by The Joyce Foundation, the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Publication costs were funded by the Illinois State Geological Survey and a new initiatives grant from the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program. Funding for the Illinois- Indiana Sea Grant Program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, under Grant COMM- NA85AADSG 0830N. We thank Steve Jann, Kim Kase Atkins, Joanne Klitzing, Cindy Shroba, and Steve Adams for their assistance on this project. We also thank all those who provided information for the bibliography, especially staff members of the Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, Michigan Sea Grant College Program, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program, and the International Joint Commission, and librarians at the Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois Natural History Survey, and Illinois State Water Survey. We appreciate the contributions of Charles Collinson (ISGS), Robert Gorden (INHS), Donald Gatz (ISWS), and Peter Lamb (ISWS) to the initial three-survey Lake Michigan Scoping Study, sponsored by the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Board of Natural Resources and Conservation. This bibliography is a continuation of the research inventory begun in 1984 as part of that scoping study. INTRODUCTION This bibliography was begun in 1984 as part of the Lake Michigan Scoping Study jointly undertaken by the three Illinois Scientific Surveys and sponsored by the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Board of Natural Resources and Conservation. The purpose of the scoping study was to provide a basis for developing prioritized, coordinated programs and a long-term research agenda for the Illinois Scientific Surveys and other state agencies. An essential part of that study was to determine what research had been conducted previously on the lake; therefore, a bibliography was compiled of all research literature on Lake Michigan covering the subjects of biology, chemistry, geology, physical limnology, meteorology, hydrology, management, socio-economics, and recreation. Because of the enormity of the task and time constraints of the study, the literature search extended back only to 1960. Funding provided by The Joyce Foundation after the scoping study had ended allowed completion of the bibliography covering the time period 1960-86. The bibliography, which contains approximately 5,000 entries, is divided into two volumes, Volume 1: 1960-76 and Volume 2: 1977-86, each with its own indexes. The references are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the principal author (except for a few late additions at the end of each volume). Indexes are given for author, subject, and area of the lake studied. For more discussion of the indexes, see Guide to the Indexes. References for the bibliography were compiled from searches of online computer databases (Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Dissertation Abstracts, Enviroline, GEOREF, NTIS, Pollution Abstracts, Selected Water Resources Abstracts, and University of Michigan DATRIX), Sea Grant publication listings, publication listings from the Department of Natural Resources of each surrounding state, International Joint Commission bibliographies, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory reports, listings of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service publications, and State Survey publication listings. Separate searches were also made of journals not covered adequately in the previous searches and many of the publications were checked for additional references. [The term publications, as used in this bibliography, includes journal articles, reports, and books.] The references were entered into a computerized database (using a database management program on a PRIME 9955 computer system) allowing searching and sorting by author, title, date, keywords, and other terms. The database was divided into two sections (1960-76 and 1977-86) because of size limitations of the program. In order to identify more keywords than we could from just indexing the titles of the publications, we acquired copies or abstracts of as many publications as possible. To date, 67 percent of the publications listed in the bibliography have been collected. Keywords were entered by examining the actual publication when available, otherwise from the title; other important keywords were added to maintain uniformity for indexing. All publications were classified by one or more major subjects-biology, chemistry, geology, physical limnology, meteorology, hydrology, management, socio- economics/economics, or recreation-and then further subclassified. An examination of the distribution of publications in the various classifications reveals some interesting shifts in research over the past 25 years (table 1). In this table, the specific subjects are organized roughly into four categories: biological, chemical, geological, and physical limnology. Because many of the publications cited cover more than one subject, the total percentages in table 1 for major subjects and for specific subjects exceed 100 percent. in Table 1 . References on specific subjects as percentages of the total number of references in the bibliography. Major Subjects 1960-76 (%) 1977-86 (%) Biology 47 53 Chemistry 32 45 Geology 22 20 Physical Limnology 26 20 Management 17 22 Meteorology 12 10 Socio-economics/Economics 8 11 Hydrology 7 7 Recreation 5 5 Specific Subjects Fisheries 25 30 Phytoplankton 11 11 Zooplankton 7 9 Benthic Invertebrates 7 7 Bacteria 5 4 Wetlands 1 4 Human Health 3 5 Power Plants 18 8 Thermal Pollution 11 3 Water Quality/Pollution 26 30 Inorganics 23 30 Metals 11 15 Nutrients 11 17 Phosphorus 8 12 Eutrophication 8 7 Organics 8 20 Toxic Substances 7 21 Sediments 16 22 Erosion 10 10 Lake Levels 10 8 Geophysics 1 1 Glacial 3 2 Groundwater 2 4 Atmospheric Studies 3 8 (excluding Meteorology) Loading/Deposition 10 15 Transport 6 9 Precipitation 6 5 Currents/Circulation 12 7 Waves 6 6 Ice 4 4 Evaporation 2 1 Climate 3 4 Water Use 4 4 Diversion 2 3 Resuspension 1 3 Nepheloid Layer 1 IV Our review of the literature showed that about 50 percent of the publications included in the bibliography deal with biological aspects of the Lake Michigan ecosystem. The most widely researched biological subject is fisheries, which constitutes 25 to 30 percent of the total publications. This percentage indicates the importance of fisheries to Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes states, and the extent of research by universities and state and federal fisheries agencies to restore fish populations, understand the effects of toxic substances on fish, and monitor changes in the abundance of fish populations. The percentage of publications on chemistry increased from 32 percent of the total in the 1960-76 period to 45 percent in the 1977-86 period as interest increased in water quality, loading and cycling of inorganics and organics, and the effects of toxic substances on biota. Also, part of the increase in the percentage of publications on chemistry may have occurred because analytical techniques became sufficiently sensitive to detect more chemicals in the lake. It is of interest to note that although eutrophication has been less a topic in the news in recent years than in the 1960s and 1970s and toxic substances have become a main concern, the percentage of references on eutrophication has remained fairly constant while the percentages of references on nutrients and phosphorus have actually increased slightly. The percentage of publications on water quality as a general subject has increased just slightly from 26 to 30 percent of the papers. However, the percentage of publications on organics has increased from 8 to 20 percent and the percentage on toxic substances (encompassing some organics as well as toxic metals) increased from 7 to 21 percent. These percentages include references on organics and toxics related to water quality as well as references on organics or toxics and biota. Many new organic compounds now studied (e.g., dioxin) were not mentioned in earlier papers. The percentage of references on inorganic substances, which include both metals and nutrients, has also increased; most of this increase has been in the area of sediment chemistry. The percentage of publications on geology (excluding the increase in sediment studies) remained relatively constant over the past 25 years. And although the percentage of references on meteorology also remained fairly constant, there was an increase in other atmospheric studies as the role of atmospheric loading of toxics and nutrients to Lake Michigan became better understood and interest in the air- water interface increased. Fewer publications on power plants and thermal pollution are listed for the 1977-86 period than for the 1960-76 period. Many of the earlier publications were the result of preoperational and postoperational monitoring needed for environmental impact assessments of power plants. The percentage of publications on lake currents/circulation also has decreased, but interest in resuspension and the nepheloid layer has increased during the past 10 years. In addition to indicating shifts in research interests over the years, our compilation of references also revealed changes in the total number of publications each year over time (figure 1). The graph shows a steady increase in the number of publications until the mid-1970s, then a plateau with a slight decrease in the last few years. However, the number of publications for 1987 (not shown in figure 1) increased to more than 250, so there is some year-to-year variation. The average now is about 200 to 300 publications per year. The number of publications in the early 1960s may actually be slightly higher than indicated in this figure because it was more difficult to compile papers from that time period. But the graph does show the surge in research on Lake Michigan that has occurred over the last 25 years. 35Q 300 -J c 2 250 Figure 1. Number of research publications on Lake Michigan per year from 1 960-86. We hope that this bibliography will be useful to researchers and planners assessing past work and identifying research needs for future lake studies. The ISGS Lake Michigan Coast and Basin Studies Section would appreciate knowing about any errors that may have occurred in the references and any research publications that should have been in- cluded. VI REFERENCES 1. Abu-Shumays, I. K. 1971. Waukegan Station Plume. Argonne National Laboratory, Appl. Mat. Div. Tech. Memo. TM-226. Argonne, Illinois. 2. Abu-Shumays, I. K.; Phillips, D. L; Prastein, S. M. 1971. Thermal Plume Data Acquisition, Documentation and Initial Analysis. In: Proceedings 14th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 495-506. Intemat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 3. Achrem, T. J. 1973. Water Quality Monitoring in the Chicago Case Study Area; A Report Prepared tor the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Interstate Electronics Corp. Rep. No. 445-B7. 4. Ackermann, W. C. 1968. Implications of the Maris Report. In: Proceedings Great Lakes Water Resources Conf., June 24-26, 1968, Toronto, Ontario, pp. 343-360. Engin. Institute of Canada and Am. Soc. Civil Engin. 5. Ackermann, W. C. 1972. Water Transfers - Possible De-Eutrophication of the Great Lakes. In: A Symposium on the Beneficial Modifications of the Marine Environment, March 11, 1968, Washington, D.C., pp. 85-100. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. 6. Ackermann, W. C. 1975. The Future of Water Resources in Northeastern Illinois. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 67(12): 691-693. 7. Ackermann, W. C; Harmeson, R. H.; Sinclair, R. A. 1970. Some Long-Term Trends in Water Quality of Rivers and Lakes. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 51(6): 516-522. 8. Adams, C. E., Jr.; Smith, L. B., Jr. 1973. Petrographic and Chemical Properties of Great Lakes Ice. In: Proceedings 16th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 626-639. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 9. Adams, M. S.; Stone, W. 1973. Field Studies on Photosynthesis of Cladophora glomerata (Chlorophyta) in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Ecology 54(4): 853-862. 10. Addison, W. D.; Ryder, R. A. 1970. An Indexed Bibliography of North American Stizostedion (Pisces, Percidae) Species. Ontario Dept. Lands Forest Resour. Info. Paper (Fish.) No. 38. 11. Ahrnsbrak, W. F. 1971. A Diffusion Model for Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Ph.D. thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 81 pp.; and Wisconsin Sea Grant Tech. Rep. No. WIS-SG-71-207. Madison, Wisconsin. 12. Ahrnsbrak, W. F.; Ragotzkie, R. A. 1970. Mixing Processes in Green Bay. In: Proceedings 13th Conference Great Lakes Research, Part 2, pp. 880-890. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 13. Alberts, J. J.; Jehn, P. J.; Nelson, D. M.; Marshall, J. S.; Wahlgren, M. A. 1975. Effect of Municipal Treatment Processes on Plutonium-239,240 and Cesium-137. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report No. ANL-75-3, Part III, pp. 97-102. Argonne, Illinois. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 14. Alberts, J. J.; Wahlgren, M. A.; Jehn, P. J.; Nelson, D. M.; Orlandini, K. A. 1975. The Chemical Speciation of Plutonium-239,240 and Cesium-137 in Lake Michigan Waters. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report No. ANL-75-3, Part III, pp. 89-96. Argonne, Illinois. 15. Alberts, J. J.; Wahlgren, M. A.; Muller, R. N.; Orlandini, K. A. 1975. The Association of Transuranic Elements with Lacustrine Sediments. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1975. ANL-75-60, Part III, pp. 36-40. Argonne, Illinois. 16. Alberts, J. J.; Wahlgren, M. A.; Nelson, D. M. 1975. Preliminary Investigations of the Chemical Speciation of Plutonium in Natural Waters of the Northeastern and Southeastern United States. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.- Dec, 1975. ANL-75-60, Part III, pp. 32-35. Argonne, Illinois. 17. Alberts, J. J.; Wahlgren, M. A.; Nelson, D. M. 1976. Distribution of Fallout Plutonium in the Waters of the Lower Great Lakes. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1976. ANL-76-88, Part III, pp. 50-52. Argonne, Illinois. 18. Alberts, J. J.; Wahlgren, M. A.; Reeve, C. A.; Jehn, P. J. 1975. Sedimentary Plutonium-239,240 Phase Distribution in Lake Michigan Sediments. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report No. ANL-75-3, Part III. pp. 103-112. Argonne, Illinois. 19. Albery, A. C. R. 1966. Stabilization of the Great Lakes Combined with a Continental Water Service. ASME-EIC Fluids Engineering Conference, Denver, Colorado, 25-27 April, 1966. Engin. Institute of Canada. Montreal, Quebec. 20. Allen, H. E. 1973. Seasonal Variation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Chlorophyll-a in Lake Michigan and Green Bay. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Bureau Sport Fish. Wildl. Tech. Pap. No. 70. 21. Allender, J. H. 1976. Review and Appraisal of Numerical Circulation Models of Lake Michigan. Argonne National Laboratory Rep. No. ANL/WR-76-6. Argonne, Illinois. 22. Alley, W. P. 1968. Ecology of the Burrowing Amphipod Pontoporeia affinis in Lake Michigan. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 36. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 131 pp.; and Ph.D. thesis. University of Michigan. 146 pp. 23. Alley, W. P.; Anderson, R. F. 1968. Small-Scale Patterns of Spatial Distribution of the Lake Michigan Macrobenthos. In: Proceedings 11th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 1-10. Intemat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 24. Alley, W. P.; Mozley, S. C. 1975. Seasonal Abundance and Spatial Distribution of Lake Michigan Macrobenthos, 1964-1967. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 54. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 103 pp.; and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Rep. No. EPA-905/9-75-004. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 25. Alley, W. P.; Powers, C. F. 1970. Dry Weight of the Macrobenthos as an Indicator of Eutrophication of the Great Lakes. In: Proceedings 13th Conference Great Lakes Research, Part 2, pp. 595-600. Internal Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 26. Alstaetter, C. 1974. Periphyton Study. In: Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Operational Environmental Monitoring in Lake Michigan Near Zion Station, July 1973 through June 1974, Volume II, pp. 1-74. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories Annual Report to Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 27. Amsterburg, R. J., Jr. 1973. Sand, Wind, and Grass: The Healing of a Dune. In: Geology and the Environment: Man, Earth, and Nature in Northwestern Lower Michigan, Michigan Basin Geological Society Annual Excursion, Background Papers, Man and Nature, pp. 69-70. Mich. Basin Geol. Soc, Lansing, Michigan. 28. Anchor, C. K.; Berg, R. C. 1976. Catalog of Aerial Photographs, Color Slides and Maps: The Lake Michigan Shore in Illinois. III. State Geol. Surv. Prepared for the Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. Champaign, Illinois. 8 pp. 29. Anchor, C. K.; Berg, R. C; Drake, P. L.; Collinson, C. 1976. Catalog of 35 mm Colored Slides. The Lake Michigan Shore in Illinois. III. State Geol. Surv. Prepared for the Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. Champaign, Illinois. 50 pp. 30. Anderson, D. V. 1961. A Note on the Morphology of the Basins of the Great Lakes. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 18(2): 273-277. 31. Anderson, D. W.; Hickey, J. J. 1976. Dynamics of Storage of Organochlorine Pollutants in Herring Gulls. Environ. Pollut. 10(3): 183-200. 32. Anderson, R. F. 1967. Preliminary Report on Biological Observations in Northern Lake Michigan Utilizing SCUBA. In: Ayers, J. C, and Chandler, D. C. (eds.). Studies on the Environment and Eutrophication of Lake Michigan, pp. 136-137. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 30. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 33. Andren, A. W.; Elzerman, A. W.; Armstrong, D. E. 1976. Chemical and Physical Aspects of Surface Organic Microlayers in Freshwater Lakes. J. Great Lakes Res. 2(Suppl. 1): 101-110. 34. Andrew, R. W.; Hodson, P. V.; Konasewich, D. E. (eds.). 1976. Toxicity to Biota of Metal Forms in Natural Water. Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Duluth, Minnesota, Oct. 7-8, 1975. International Joint Commission. Windsor, Ontario. 329 pp. 35. Anonymous. 1966. Report of Water Quality Criteria. Calumet Area-Lower Lake Michigan. NTIS Rep. No. PB-227 491/8. 38 pp. 36. Anonymous. 1967. Lake Michigan NAVOCEANO Flight, 17-21 October 1966. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 31. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 17 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 37. Anonymous. 1968. Report on Insecticides in Lake Michigan. NTIS Rep. No. PB-230 354/3. 47 pp. 38. Anonymous. 1968. Research Sub Dives in Lake Michigan. Limnos 1(1): 2-5. 39. Anonymous. 1971. Detailed Statement on the Environmental Considerations Related to the Proposed Issuance of an Operating License to the Consumers Power Company for the Palisades Plant. NTIS Rep. No. PB-198 991 -F. 192 pp. 40. Anonymous. 1971. Alternate Disposal Area for Grand Haven Harbor, Michigan. NTIS Rep. No. PB-202 183-D. 16 pp. 41. Anonymous. 1971. Selenium in Plankton. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2(5): 69. 42. Anonymous. 1971. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2. Lake Michigan Environmental Survey. NTIS Rep. No. DOCKET-50315-40. 119 pp. 43. Anonymous. 1971. Wastewater Treatment Project, Muskegon County, Michigan. NTIS Rep. No. PB-200 348-F. 61 pp. 44. Anonymous. 1971. Detailed Statement on Environmental Considerations. Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2. Wisconsin. NTIS Rep. No. PB-199 157-F. 457 pp. 45. Anonymous. 1972. Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, NTIS Rep. No. DOCKET 50-305. 358 pp. 46. Anonymous. 1972. Milwaukee Diked Disposal Area, Wisconsin. NTIS Rep. No. PB-208 655/D. 25 pp. 47. Anonymous. 1972. Proposed Illinois Beach Acquisition, Lake County, Illinois. NTIS Rep. No. EIS-IL-72-4658-D. ELR-4658, DES-72-63. 16 pp. 48. Anonymous. 1972. The Situation Lake by Lake - Part II. Limnos 5(2): 19-21. 49. Anonymous. 1972. The Situation Lake by Lake. Limnos 5(1): 19-23. 50. Anonymous. 1972. Lake Bluff Beach Erosion Control, Illinois. NTIS Rep. No. EIS-IL-0709-F. 113 pp. 51. Anonymous. 1972. Sample Complaint on Thermal Pollution Case. In: Papers of a Seminar on Legal Control of the Environment, Held Aug.-Sept., 1972. Practicing Law Inst., Criminal Law and Urban Problems Course. Handbook Series No. 42, Order No. C4-3154, New York. 52. Anonymous. 1973. Flood Control and Recreation on the Little Calumet River, Indiana. NTIS Rep. No. EIS-IN-73-1880-D. ELR-73-1880. 61 pp. 53. Anonymous. 1973. Proposed Illinois Beach Acquisition, Lake County, Illinois. Land and Water Conservation Fund Project No. 17-00178. NTIS Rep. No. EIS-IL-73-0146-F. ELR-0146, FES-73-3. 120 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 54. Anonymous. 1973. Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant. Preoperational Thermal Monitoring Program of Lake Michigan, Second Annual Report, January-December 1972. NTIS Rep. No. DOCKET-50305-119. 574 pp. 55. Anonymous. 1973. Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Unit 2. Alternate Techniques to Reduce Discharges of Demineralizer Regenerant Waste to Lake Michigan. NTIS Rep. No. DOCKET-50301-100. 37 pp. 56. Anonymous. 1974. Confined Disposal Facility, Grand Haven Harbor, Ottawa County. Michigan. NTIS Rep. No. EIS-MI-74-0041-F. ELR-74-0041. 149 pp. 57. Anonymous. 1976. Seafarer Site Survey, Upper Michigan Region. Book 14. Surface Water Data. NTIS Rep. No. AD-A036 422/4SL. Contract No. NOOO39-75-C-0309. 64 pp. 58. Anonymous. 1976. Living with the Lake: A Guide to Illinois Lakeshore Management. NOAA Rep. No. NOAA-77071401; and Illinois Dept. of Transportation. Chicago, Illinois. 24 pp. 59. Applegate, V. C; Howell, J. H.; Moffett, J. W.; Johnson, B. G. H.; Smith, M. A. 1961. Use of 3-trifluormethyl-4-nitrophenol as a Selective Sea Lamprey Larvicide. Great Lakes Fishery Comm. Tech. Rep. No. 1. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 35 pp. 60. Applegate, V. C; Johnson, B. G. H.; Smith, M. A. 1966. The Relation Between Molecular Structure and Biological Activity Among Mononitrophenols Containing Halogens. In: Great Lakes Fishery Comm. Tech. Rep. No. 11, pp. 1-19. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 61. Arctic Institute of N. Am.; NOAA National Ocean Surv., Lake Surv. Center. 1971. Annotated Bibliography on Freshwater Ice. NOAA National Ocean Surv., Lake Surv. Center, NOAA Tech. Memo. No. NOS LSCR 2. Detroit, Michigan. 425 pp. 62. Argonne National Laboratory. 1969. Great Lakes Research Program. Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne, Illinois. 56 pp. 63. Argonne National Laboratory. 1970. Radiological Physics Division Annual Report. Argonne National Laboratory Rep. No. ANL-7760, Part III. Argonne, Illinois. 269 pp. 64. Argonne National Laboratory. 1972. Summary of Recent Technical Information Concerning Thermal Discharges into Lake Michigan. Argonne National Laboratory, Center for Environ. Studies and Environmental Statement Project. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V Contract Rep. No. 72-1. Chicago, Illinois. 125 pp. 65. Argonne National Laboratory. 1974. Radiological and Environmental Research Division Annual Report. Ecology. January-December 1974. Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Rep. No. ANL-75-3, Part III. Argonne, Illinois. 185 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 66. Arihood, L. D. 1975. Water Quality Assessment of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 1973-74. U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Resour. Invest. WRI 14-75. 56 pp. 67. Armour, J. A.; Burke, J. A. 1970. Method for Separating Polychlorinated Biphenyls from DDT and Its Analogs. J. Assoc. Official Analytical Chemists 53(4): 761-768. 68. Armstrong, D. E.; Lee, K. W.; Uttormark, P. D.; Keeney, D. R.; Harris, R. F. 1974. Pollution of the Great Lakes by Nutrients from Agricultural Land. Great Lakes Basin Commission. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 108 pp. 69. Armstrong, D. E.; Spyridakis, D. E.; Lee, G. F. 1969. Cycling of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Great Lakes. Amer. Chem. Soc. Div. Water, Air Waste Chem., Gen. Pap. 1969: 155-160. 70. Armstrong, J. M. 1971. Ecological Analysis for Management and Development of the Great Lakes of North America. In: Amenagement Industriel du Littoral, Collog. Int. Exploit. Oceans, Vol. 1(1), pp. G304.1-28. 71. Armstrong, J. M. 1972. Michigan Sea Grant Program and Coastal Zone Management in Michigan. In: Weimer, L., Burroughs, T., and Katzel, J. (eds.). Proceedings 4th National Sea Grant Conf., pp. 175-183. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Program Public Info. Rep. No. WIS-SG-72-112. Madison, Wisconsin. 72. Armstrong, J. M. 1973. Model Zoning Ordinance for Michigan Shorelands. Michigan Sea Grant Program Rep. No. MICHU-SG-73-602. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 73. Armstrong, J. M. 1976. Low-Cost Shore Protection on the Great Lakes: A Demonstration/Research Project. In: Proceedings 15th Coastal Engineering Conf., July, 1976, pp. 2858-2887. Michigan Sea Grant Program Rep. No. MICHU-SG-78-300. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 74. Armstrong, J. M.; McFadden, J. T. 1970. Michigan Sea Grant. Limnos 3(2): 5-8. 75. Armstrong, J. M.; McGill, M. R.; Kubeck, A. M.; Barber, C. K.; Gillette, J. F. 1976. Great Lakes Shoreline Damage Survey, Appendix III: Muskegon, Manistee, Schoolcraft, Chippewa, Alcona, and Huron Counties, Michigan. University of Michigan, Coastal Zone Laboratory, DACW 23-75-C-0027. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 306 pp. 76. Arnold, D. E. 1970. Thermal Pollution, Nuclear Power, and the Great Lakes. Limnos 3(1): 3-12. 77. Arnold, V. L. 1970. The Economics of Quantity vs. Quality in Green Bay. In: Proceedings 13th Conference Great Lakes Research, Part 1, pp. 141-144. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 78. Arrizabalaga, F. 1974. A Finite Element Lake Model with Variable Eddy Viscosity Coefficient. Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 79. Asbury, J. G. 1970. Effects of Thermal Discharges on the Mass/Energy Balance of Lake Michigan. Argonne National Laboratory, Center for Environ. Studies Rep. No. ANL/ES-1. Argonne, Illinois. 24 pp. 80. Asbury, J. G.; Frigo, A. A. 1971. A Phenomenological Relationship for Predicting the Surface Areas of Thermal Plumes in Lakes. Argonne National Laboratory Rep. No. ANL/ES-5. Argonne, Illinois. 81. Asbury, J. G.; Grench, R. E.; Nelson, D. M.; Prepejchal, W.; Romberg, G. P.; Siebold, P. 1971. A Photographic Method for Determining Velocity Distributions within Thermal Plumes. Argonne National Laboratory Rep. No. ANL/ES-4. Argonne, Illinois. 82. Assel, R. A. 1972. Great Lakes Ice Cover, Winter 1971-72. NOAA Tech. Memo. NOS-LSC-D-6. 11 pp. 83. Assel, R. A. 1972. Great Lakes Ice Cover, Winter 1970-71. NOAA Tech. Memo. NOS-LSC-D-4. 9 pp. 84. Assel, R. A. 1974. Great Lakes Ice Cover, Winter 1973-74. NOAA Tech. Rep. ERL 325-GLERL-1 . Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 52 pp. 85. Assel, R. A. 1974. Great Lakes Ice Cover, Winter 1972-73. NOAA Tech Memo. NOS-LSC-D-7. NOAA National Oceanic Surv., Lake Surv. Center. Detroit, Michigan. 14 pp. 86. Assel, R. A. 1976. Great Lakes Ice Thickness Prediction. J. Great Lakes Res. 2(2): 248-255. 87. Aubert, E. J. 1975. The Energy-Related Great Lakes Research Program of the Department of Commerce. In: Marshall, J. S. (ed.). Proceedings 2nd Federal Conf. on the Great Lakes, March 25-27, 1975, pp. 480-492. Federal Council for Sci. and Technol., Interagency Committee on Marine Sci. and Engin. Great Lakes Basin Commission. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 88. Aubert, E. J. 1975. Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab Annual Report Fiscal Year 1975. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 89. Aubert, E. J. 1976. Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab Annual Report Fiscal Year 1976. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 90. Aubert, E. J.; Allen, H. E.; Roseborough, J. D.; Watson, A. E. P. 1976. Great Lakes Water Quality Research Needs, 1976. International Joint Commission. Windsor, Ontario. 121 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 91. Auer, M. T.; Canale, R. P.; Freedman, P. L. 1976. Grand Traverse Bay Limnological Data. Michigan Sea Grant Program Rep. No. MICHU-SG-76-201. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 87 pp. 92. Auer, M. T.; Canale, R. P.; Freedman, P. L. 1976. The Limnology of Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. Michigan Sea Grant Program Rep. No. MICHU-SG-076-200. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 244 pp. 93. Aulerich, R. J.; Ringer, R. K.; Youatt, W. G. 1971. Effects 6f Feeding Coho Salmon and Other Great Lakes Fish on Mink Reproduction. Can. J. Zool. 49: 611-616. 94. Avery, E. L. 1974. Reproduction and Recruitment of Anadromous Salmonids in Wisconsin Tributaries of Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Dept. Nat. Resour., Dingell-Johnson Project F-83-R, Final Report, Study No. 108. 32 pp. 95. Ayer, F. A. (compiler). 1976. National Conference on Polychlorinated Biphenyls, November 19-21, 1975, Chicago, Illinois. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Rep. No. EPA-560/6-75-004. Washington, D.C. 487 pp. 96. Ayers, J. C. 1960. Status and Programs-University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Institute. In: Proceedings 3rd Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 61-74. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 4. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 97. Ayers, J. C. 1962. Great Lakes Waters, Their Circulation and Physical and Chemical Characteristics. In: Pincus, H. J. (ed.). Great Lakes Basin, pp. 71-89. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Pub. No. 71. Washington, D.C. 98. Ayers, J. C. 1963. Studies on Water Movements and Sediments in Southern Lake Michigan, Part 1. 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Ann Arbor, Michigan. 55 pp. 106. Ayers, J. C. (ed.). 1970. Lake Michigan Environmental Survey. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 49. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 97 pp. 107. Ayers, J. C; Anderson, R. F.; O'Hara, N. W.; Kidd, C. C. 1970. Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies, Part IV. Cook Plant Preoperational Studies 1969. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 44. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 92 pp. 108. Ayers, J. C; Arnold, D. E.; Anderson, R. F.; Soo, H. K. 1971. Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies, Part VII. Cook Plant Preoperational Studies 1970. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 44. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 85 pp. 109. Ayers, J. C; Bellaire, F. R. 1964. Studies on Water Movements and Sediments in Southern Lake Michigan, Part 3. Current Studies and Supplemental Sediment Studies. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 19. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 47 pp. 110. Ayers, J. C; Chandler, D. 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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Air Pollut. Analysis Laboratory Rep. No. 18. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 119 PP 44 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 551. Dorr, J. A., III. 1974. Underwater Operations in Southeastern Lake Michigan near the Donald C. Cook Power Plant During 1973. In: Seibel, E., and Ayers, J. C. (eds.). The Biological, Chemical, and Physical Character of Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, pp. 465-475. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 51. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 552. Dorr, J. A., III. 1976. Visual Observations of the Intake and Discharge Structures and Control Areas. In: Environmental Operating Report, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1, July 1, 1975 through Dec. 31, 1975, Appendix A-1. Indiana and Michigan Power Co. 553. Dorr, J. A., Ill; Jude, D. J.; Tesar, F. J.; Thurber, N. J. 1976. 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Map Atlas: Maps of Shore and Nearshore Structures, Shore and Bluffline Positions, the 100-Year Anticipated Recession Line and Shore Ownership. III. State Geol. Surv. Prepared for the Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. Champaign, Illinois. 56 pp. 558. Drake, P. L; Norby, R. D.; Schram, J. M.; Poyner, P. L.; Larimore, M. S. 1976. Map Appendix: Hydrography of the Lake Michigan Nearshore Between Evanston and Jackson Park, Chicago. III. State Geol. Surv. Prepared for the Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. Champaign, Illinois. 28 pp. r 559. Drake, P. L.; Schram, J. M.; Norby, R. D.; Collinson, C. 1976. Special Maps of Waukegan Harbor, Wilmette Harbor, and Chicago-Burnham Harbors. Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog., Second Year Work Product, Map Appendix, 3 maps. 560. Dreimanis, A.; Karrow, P. F. 1972. Glacial History of the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Region, The Classification of the Wisconsin(an) Stage, and Its Correlatives. In: Proceedings 24th Intemat. Geol. Congress, pp. 5-15. Montreal, Quebec. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 45 561. Drongowski, R. A. 1972. Thyroid and LDH Activity in Coho Salmon from West Coast and Lake Michigan Regions. Master's thesis. Western Michigan University. 39 pp. 562. Drongowski, R. A.; Wood, J. S.; Bouck, G. R. 1975. Thyroid Activity in Coho Salmon from Oregon and Lake Michigan. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 104(2): 349-352. 563. DuBois, R. N. 1972. Inverse Relation Between Foreshore Slope and Mean Grain Size as a Function of the Heavy Mineral Content. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 83(3): 871-875. (See also 572., 573.) 564. DuBois, R. N. 1973. Seasonal Variation of a Limnic Beach. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 84(5): 1817-1824. (See also 572., 573.) 565 DuBois, R. N. 1974. Seasonal Variation of a Limnic Beach: Reply. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 85(1): 158. (See also 572., 573.) 566. DuMontelle, P. B. 1974. Engineering Geology of the Lake Michigan Bluffs from Wilmette to Waukegan, Illinois. In: Collinson, C, Lineback, J. A., DuMontelle, P. B., Brown, D. C, Davis, R. A., Jr., and Larsen, C. E. Coastal Geology, Sedimentology, and Management: Chicago and the Northshore, pp. 35-36. III. State Geol. Surv. Guideb. 12. Champaign, Illinois. 567. DuMontelle, P. B.; Stoffel, K. L.; Brossman, J. J. 1975. Foundation and Earth Materials of the Lake Michigan Till Bluffs. In: First Year Work Product, Vol. II: Coastal Geological Studies. III. Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. 20 pp. 568. DuMontelle, P. B.; Stoffel, K. L.; Brossman, J. J. 1976. Hydrogeologic, Geologic and Engineering Aspects of Surficial Materials on the Lake Michigan Shore in Illinois. Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog., Second Year Work Product, Vol. II. Coastal Geological Studies. 33 pp. + Appendices. Champaign, Illinois. 98 pp. 569. DuMontelle, P. B.; Stoffel, K. L.; Brossman, J. J. 1976. Correlation of Geologic Materials and Bluff Stability Along the Lake Michigan Shoreline from Winnetka to North Chicago. Assoc. Engin. Geol., 19th Annual Meeting. Oct. 4-7, 1976. Cherry Hill, New Jersey. 14 pp. 570. Duane, D. B.; Saylor, J. H. 1966. Portable Great Lakes Research Towers. In: Proceedings 9th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 295-300. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 15. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 571. Dube, D. J. 1972. Distribution of PCB's in Sewage Treatment Plants in Southeastern Wisconsin. Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 44 pp. 572. DuBois, R. N. 1972. Seasonal Variations in Beach and Nearshore Morphology and Sedimentology Along a Profile of Lake Michigan, Wisconsin. Ph.D. thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 165 pp (See also 563., 564., 565.) 46 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 573. DuBois, R. N. 1975. Support and Refinement of the Bruun Rule on Beach Erosion. J. Geol. 83(5): 651-657. (See also 563., 564., 565.) 574. Dugas, W. A.; Mecum, K. P. 1975. General Climate and Storm Episodes Related to Erosion on the Southwestern Shore of Lake Michigan. 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Great Lakes Res. 74 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 930. Howmiller, R. P. 1974. A Review of Selected Research on the Biology and Sediments of Southern Lake Michigan with Particular Reference to the Calumet Area. In: Snow, R. H. (ed.). Water Pollution Investigation: Calumet Area of Lake Michigan, Vol. 2, Appendix A, pp. 1 -A/1 -A/77. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V., Rep. No. EPA 905/9-74-011 -A. Chicago, Illinois. 931. Howmiller, R. P.; Beeton, A. M. 1966. Bottom Fauna Investigation in Lower Green Bay. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Great Lakes Studies, SPC-TD. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 932. Howmiller, R. P.; Beeton, A. M. 1970. The Oligochaete Fauna of Green Bay, Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 13th Conference Great Lakes Research, Part 1, pp. 15-46. Intemat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 933. Howmiller, R. P.; Beeton, A. M. 1971. Biological Evaluation of Environmental Quality, Green Bay, Lake Michigan. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 43(1): 123-133. 934. Howmiller, R. P.; Beeton, A. M. 1972. Report on a Cruise of the R/V Neeskay in Central Lake Michigan and Green Bay, 8-14 July 1971. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Great Lakes Studies, Spec. Rep. No. 13. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 71 pp. 935. Huang, J. C. K. 1969. The Thermal Current Structure in Lake Michigan-A Theoretical and Observational Model Study. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 43. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 169 pp.; and Ph.D. thesis. University of Michigan. 936. Huang, J. C. K. 1971. The Thermal Current in Lake Michigan. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 1(2): 105-122. 937. Huang, J. C. K. 1971. Eddy Diffusivity in Lake Michigan. J. Geophys. Res. 76: 8147-8152. 938. Huang, J. C. K. 1972. The Thermal Bar. Geophys. Fluid Dynamics 3: 1-25. 939. Hubbs, C. L.; Lagler, K. F. 1964. Fishes of the Great Lakes Region. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 213 pp. 940. Huddleston, J. 1975. Economic Impact of Recreation in the Coastal Zone. Wisconsin Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. 116 pp. 941. Huff, F. A.; Beebe, R. C; Jones, D. M. A.; Morgan, G. M., Jr.; Semonin, R. G. 1971. Effect of Cooling Tower Effluents on Atmospheric Conditions in Northeastern Illinois. NTIS Rep. No. PB-197 562. CIRC- 100. 43 pp. 942. Hughes, L. A. 1965. The Prediction of Surges in the Southern Basin of Lake Michigan, Part III. The Operational Basis for Prediction. Mon. Weather Rev. 93(5): 292-296. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 75 943. Hughes, L. A. 1968. Wind Waves on the Great Lakes. ESSA Tech. Memo. WBTM CR-21. U.S. Dept. Commerce, Environ. Sci. Services Admin., Weather Bureau, Central Region. Kansas City, Kansas. 46 pp. (unpublished report). 944. Hughes, L. A. 1971. The Temperature Cycle of Lake Michigan: 2. Fall and Winter. NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS CR-46. National Weather Service, Central Region. Kansas City, Kansas. 4 pp. (unpublished report). 945. Hughes, L. A. 1971. The Temperature Cycle of Lake Michigan: 1. Spring and Summer. NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS CR-41. National Weather Service, Central Region. Kansas City, Kansas. 16 pp. (unpublished report). 946. Hughes, T. H.; Birchfield, G. E.; Matthies, M. T. 1972. A Compilation of the Average Depths of Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario on a Two-Minute Grid. Argonne National Laboratory Rep. No. ANL/ES-10. Argonne, Illinois. 94 pp. 947. Huh, H. T. 1969. Characteristics of Inshore and Offshore Waters of Lake Michigan at Milwaukee, Wisconsin-with Reference to Long-Term Monitoring of Eutrophication. Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 948. Huh, H. T.; Everhart, J. D.; Kondrat, C. V.; Lingle, J. W.; Urry, J. M. 1972. Field Study Program of Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Waukegan and Zion Generating Stations, Project X. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Northbrook, Illinois. 107 pp. 949. See 950. 950. Hulsey, J. D. 1962. Beach Sediments of Eastern Lake Michigan. Ph.D. thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 165 pp. 951. Humphrey, H. E. B. 1976. Evaluation of Changes of the Level of PCB in Human Tissue. Michigan Dept. of Public Health. FDA Contract 223-73-2209. 952. Hunt, G. S. 1965. The Direct Effects on Some Plants and Animals of Pollution in the Great Lakes. BioScience 15: 181-186. 953. Hurtado, P. S. 1973. Regional Development: A Functional Classification of the Great Lakes Commercial Ports. Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 954. Hutchinson, R. D. 1970. Water Resources of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Southeastern Wisconsin. U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply Paper 1878. 63 PP 955. Hutchinson, T. C; Fitchko, J. 1974. Heavy Metal Concentrations and Distributions in River Mouth Sediments Around the Great Lakes. In: Proceedings Intemat. Conf. on Transport of Persistant Chemicals in Aquatic Ecosystems, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 69-78. 76 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 956. Hydrocon, Inc. 1974. The Distribution of Excess Temperature from Zion Generating Station on Lake Michigan, Fall Study Period (Dec. 1973). Hydrocon, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland. Report prepared for Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 957. Hydrocon, Inc. 1975. Lake Currents in the Nearshore Zone of Lake Michigan near the Zion Nuclear Generating Station. Hydrocon, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland. Report prepared for Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 38 pp. 958. Hydroscience, Inc. 1973. Limnological Systems Analysis for the Great Lakes. Phase I -- Preliminary Model Design. DACW-35-71 -30030. Great Lakes Basin Commission. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 473 pp. 959. Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. 1976. Techniques for Management in the Illinois Coastal Zone Through a State-Local Partnership. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Water Resour. Chicago, Illinois. 32 PP- 960. Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. 1976. Second Year Work Product, Volume V: Coastal Use Needs and Capacities. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, III. Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. 961. Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. 1976. Second Year Work Product, Volume I: Legal Analysis. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, III. Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. 962a. Illinois Committee on Lake Michigan. 1975. Special Committee on Lake Michigan: Report to the House of Representatives and the 78th General Assembly of the State of Illinois. Illinois Committee on Lake Michigan. Springfield, Illinois. 245 pp. 962b. Illinois Dept. Conserv., Div. Natural Areas. 1976. Illinois Beach Natural Areas Inventory and Rating North of Shiloh Boulevard (1976) and Inventory Data for Areas #1066 and #1083. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. Chicago, Illinois. 963. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Water Resour. 1976. Illinois Coastal Zone Management Program. Preliminary Draft. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Water Resour. 162 pp. + appendices. 964. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Water Resour. 1976. Selection of the Boundaries of the Coastal Zone in Illinois. Illinois Coastal Zone Management Program Staff Technical Paper. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Water Resour. 14 pp. 965. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Water Resour.; Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 1975. The Illinois Coastal Zone Management Program. A Work Program for the Three Year Planning Period. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Water Resour.; and Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 201 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 77 966a. Illinois Div. of Waterways. 1970. Chicago Waterways Plan: A Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan for the Chicago Waterways and Lake Michigan Shorewaters. Illinois Div. of Waterways. Springfield, Illinois. 966b. Illinois Div. of Waterways. 1974. Interim Report for Erosion Control, Illinois Shore of Lake Michigan. Illinois Div. of Waterways. Springfield, Illinois. 967. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Div. Water Pollut. Control, Planning Standards Section. 1976. Phase I of the Water Quality Management Basin Plan for the Des Plaines River/Lake Michigan Basin, Vol. 1 : Existing Water Quality. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Div. of Water Pollution Control, Planning and Standards Section. Springfield, Illinois. 968. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1970. Lake Michigan Shore Water Quality Survey, 1970. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Springfield, Illinois. 31 pp. 969. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1970. Lake Michigan Open Water and Lake Bed Survey, 1969. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Chicago, Illinois. 39 pp. 970. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1970. Lake Michigan Shore Water Survey, 1969. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Chicago, Illinois. 32 pp. 971. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1971. Lake Michigan Shore Water Survey, 1971. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Springfield, Illinois. 25 pp. 972. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1971. Lake Michigan Open Water and Lake Bed Survey, 1970. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Springfield, Illinois. 973. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1971. 1970 Shore Water Survey. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Report to the Governor and 77th General Assembly. 974. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1972. Lake Michigan Open Water and Lake Bed Survey 1971. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Springfield, Illinois. 975. Illinois Institute for Environ. Qual. 1973. Lake Michigan Discharge Studies. Illinois Institute Environ. Qual. Doc. No. 73-4. 141 pp. 976. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. 1976. Illinois Coastal Zone Management Program: Component Study of Biological Communities. III. Nat. Hist. Surv. Prepared for the Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. Champaign, Illinois. 106 pp. 78 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 977. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. 1976. Illinois Coastal Zone Management Program, Second Year Work Product, Vol. IV. Coastal Biological Studies. Appendix: Biological Inventory. III. Nat. Hist. Surv. Prepared for the Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. Champaign, Illinois. 186 pp. 978. Illinois Sanitary Water Board. 1968. Water Quality Standards (Interstate Waters, Lake Michigan, and Little Calumet River, Grand Calumet River and Wolf Lake). Illinois Sanitary Water Board. Rules and Reg. SWB-7. Springfield, Illinois. 22 pp. 979. Illinois Sanitary Water Board. 1969. Lake Michigan Beach Survey 1968. Illinois Sanitary Water Board. Springfield, Illinois. 980. Illinois Sanitary Water Board. 1969. Lake Michigan Open Water and Lake Bed Survey, 1968. Illinois Sanitary Water Board. Springfield, Illinois. 35 pp. 981. Illinois State Geol. Surv. 1961. Guide to the Geologic Map of Illinois. III. State Geol. Surv. Educational Ser. No. 7. 24 pp. 982. Illinois State Geol. Surv. 1975. Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. First Year Work Product. Volume II. Coastal Geological Studies. Map Appendix: Hydrographic Maps of the Illinois Shore Between Wisconsin and Wilmette. Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog. Champaign, Illinois. 34 pp. 983. Illinois State Geol. Surv. 1975. First Year Work Product, Vol.ll. Coastal Geological Studies. Illinois Coastal Zone Manag. Prog.; NOAA Rep. No. NOAA-76013009; and NTIS Rep. No. PB-250 136/9SL. 276 pp. 984. Illinois Water Pollut. and Water Resour. Commission. 1968. Report on Lake Michigan Water Pollution. Illinois Water Pollut. and Water Resour. Commission. Chicago, Illinois. 985. Illinois Water Resour. Center; Indiana Water Resour. Center; Kentucky Water Resour. Center; Michigan Water Resour. Center; Minnesota Water Resour. Center; Ohio Water Resour. Center; Wisconsin Water Resour. Center. 1975. Water Resources Problems, Research Needs and Budget Projections, FY 1978. National Association of Water Institute Directors. 100 pp. 986. Illinois Water Resour. Commission. 1976. Investigation of Options for Increasing Use Efficiency of Lake Michigan Diversion Water. Illinois Water Resour. Commission, Ad Hoc Committee. Chicago, Illinois. 987. Indiana Dept. Nat. Resour., Div. Water. 1968. Geohydrology and Groundwater Potential of Porter and LaPorte Counties, Indiana. Indiana Dept. Nat. Resour., Div. Water Bull. No. 32. 22 pp. 988. Indiana Dept. Nat. Resour., Div. Water. 1968. Geohydrology and Groundwater Potential of St. Joseph County, Indiana. Indiana Dept. Nat. Resour., Div. Water Bull. No. 33. 20 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 79 989. Indiana Michigan Power Co. 1973. Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of the of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant. Units 1 and 2. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission DOCKnT No. 50-315, and 50-316. 990. Indiana Michigan Power Co. 1975. Plan of Study and Demonstration Concerning Thermal Discharges at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour., Michigan Water Resour. Commission. Lansing, Michigan. 991. Indiana Stream Pollut. Control Board. 1967. Report on Water Quality Criteria and Plan for Implementation, Lake Michigan Basin, Indiana. Indiana Stream Pollut. Control Board. 72 pp. 992. Indiana Stream Pollut. Control Board. 1973. Water Quality Standards: Regulation SPC 4-R: Lake Michigan and Contiguous Harbor Areas. Indiana Stream Pollut. Control Board. 5 pp. 993. Indiana and Michigan Electric Co. 1976. Report of the Performance of Thermal Plume Areal Measurements. Volumes 1 and 2. Indiana and Michigan Electric Co. 994. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1969. Preoperational Environmental Monitoring (Thermal) of Lake Michigan near Zion Station, July 1969 - December 1969. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories Rep. Nos. W7658 & W8096. Prepared for Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 64 pp. 995. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1970. Bailly Generating Station, Nuclear 1: Section 3.0, January 1967 to December 1969. Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Hammond, Indiana. 110 pp. 996. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. 1970 Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring at Waukegan (IBT W8954), January 1970 to February 1971. Commonwealth Edison Co. Chicago, Illinois. 80 pp. 997. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Buoyant Plume Study (IBT No. W8960), April 1970 to June 1971. Commonwealth Edison Co. Chicago, Illinois. 998. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Field Study on Benthos (IBT No. 8960), May 1970 to March 1971. Commonwealth Edison Co. Chicago, Illinois. 50 pp. 999. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Bailly Nuclear 1: Section 5.0 Environs Ecology, September 1970 to October 1970. Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Hammond, Indiana. 55 pp. 1000. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. 1970-71 Physiological Effects of Fish (IBT W8957), April 1970 to February 1971. Commonwealth Edison Co. Chicago, Illinois. 30 pp. 80 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 1001. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Phytoplankton Study, Project III (IBT No. W8956). In: Evaluation of Thermal Effects in Southwestern Lake Michigan. Waukegan and Zion Generating Stations, May 1970-March 1971. Prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. for Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1002. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Lake Michigan Thermal Studies near Waukegan and Zion Stations, Project VII, First Report, Sept. 1970-Feb. 1971. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1003. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Lake Michigan Thermal Studies near Waukegan and Zion Stations, Project VII, Final Report, Mar.-June, 1971. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1004. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Fish Field Study for Lake Michigan, Project VII, Final Report, March through October, 1970. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1005. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Field Studies on Periphyton Growth near Zion and Waukegan Stations, Project V, April 1970-March 1971 (IBT No. W8958). Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1006. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. Zooplankton Study, Project VIII (IBT No. W8961). In: Evaluation of Thermal Effects in Southwestern Lake Michigan, Waukegan and Zion Generating Stations, May 1970-March 1971. Prepared by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. for Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1007. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1971. On the Tritium Concentration of Lake Michigan Water near the Zion Station, Zion, Illinois, for the Period January-December 1970. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Rep. No. W9023. Final Report to Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1008. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1972. Preoperational Thermal Monitoring Program of Lake Michigan near the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, January 1971 -December 1971. Wisconsin Public Service Corp. Green Bay, Wisconsin. 1009. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1972. Preoperational Thermal Monitoring Program of Lake Michigan (1971-1972). Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Water Quality Section. Project XI, May 1971 -April 1972, Rep. No. W9861. Northbrook, Illinois. 222 pp. 1010. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1972. Evaluation of Thermal Effects in Southwestern Lake Michigan (January 1970-April 1971). Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Inshore Water Quality Evaluation, Jan. 1970-April 1971. Project II, Rep. No. W8955, Part A-Chemistry. Report to Commonwealth Edison, Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1011. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1972. 1972 Spring Thermal Bar in the Waukegan - Zion Area. Commonwealth Edison Co. Chicago, Illinois. 35 PP- LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 81 1012. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1972. 1972 Effects of Gas Supersaturation on Fish: Field and Laboratory Studies Commonwealth Edison Co. Chicago, Illinois. 50 pp. 1013. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1972. Field Study Program of Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Waukegan and Zion Generating Station, April-December, 1971. Commonwealth Edison, Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1014. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1972. Intake-Discharge Experiments at Waukegan Generating Station, Project XI, April-December, 1971. Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1015. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1973. Benthos Study. In: Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Environmental Monitoring in Lake Michigan Near Zion and Waukegan Generating Stations, January 1972-December 1972, Vol. II, pp. 227-305. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Northbrook, Illinois. 1016. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1973. 1971-72 Fish Population and Life History Program, April 1971 to October 1972. Commonwealth Edison Co. Chicago, Illinois. 70 pp. 1017. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1973. 1970-72 Meteorological and Hydrological Monitoring (IBT No. W1282). Commonwealth Edison Co. Chicago, Illinois. 1018. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1974. Thermal Tolerance Limit Determinations for Lake Michigan Zooplankton. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Project XVI l-B, July 1972-March 1973, Rep. No. 643-01862. Northbrook, Illinois. 1019. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1974. Operational Environmental Monitoring in Lake Michigan Near Zion Station, July 1973 through June 1974, Vol. II. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories Annual Report to Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1020. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1974. Operational Environmental Monitoring in Lake Michigan, Zion Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, July 1973-December 1973. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Semi-Annual Report to Commonwealth Edison Co., July 1973-December 1973, Vol. 1-3. 1277 pp. 1021. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1975. Operational Environmental Monitoring Program of Lake Michigan near Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, Chemical and Biological Studies, January-December 1974. Industrial Bio-test Laboratories, Fourth Annual Report to Wisconsin Public Service Corp. 1022. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1975. Operational Environmental Monitoring in Lake Michigan near Zion Station, July 1974 through December 1974, Vol. II. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Semi-Annual Report to Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 82 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 1023. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1975. Operational Environmental Monitoring in Lake Michigan near Zion Station, July 1974 through December 1974, Vol. I. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Semi-Annual Report to Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1024. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. 1975. Compilation of Special Reports on the Effects of Zion Station Operation on the Biota in Southwestern Lake Michigan. Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories. Report to Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 1025. Industrial Bio-test Laboratories. 1972. Evaluation of Thermal Effects in Southwestern Lake Michigan (January 1970-April 1971). Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Field Sampling Program, Project VII, IBT No. W8960, Part D. Offshore Water Quality, Feb. 1970-April 1971. Report to Commonwealth Edison Co., Chicago, Illinois. 140 pp. 1026. Inglis, A.; Henderson, C; Johnson, W. L. 1971. Expanded Program for Pesticide Monitoring of Fish. Pestic. Monit. J. 5(1): 47-49. 1027. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Research Advisory Board. 1975. 1975 Directory of Great Lakes Research Activities. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Research Advisory Board. Windsor, Ontario. 747 pp. 1029. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Science Advisory Board. 1973. Research Needs: Great Lakes Water Quality. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, Semi-Annual Report. Windsor, Ontario. 23 pp. 1030. International Joint Commission. 1975. Annual Report 1974. International Joint Commission. Washington, D.C. and Ottawa, Ontario. 31 pp. 1031. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Surveillance Subcommittee. 1975. Great Lakes Water Quality 1974, Appendix B: Annual Report of the Surveillance Subcommittee. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. 212 pp. 1032. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Surveillance Subcommittee. 1976. Great Lakes Water Quality 1975, Appendix B: Annual Report of the Surveillance Subcommittee to the Implementation Committee. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. 272 pp. 1033. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Remedial Programs Subcommittee. 1976. Great Lakes Water Quality 1975, Appendix C: Annual Report of the Remedial Programs Subcommittee. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. 149 pp. and Appendices l-IV. 1034. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Water Quality Objectives Subcommittee. 1976. Great Lakes Water Quality 1975, Appendix A: Annual Report of the Water Quality Objectives Subcommittee. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 83 1035. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Water Quality Objectives Subcommittee. 1975. Great Lakes Water Quality 1974, Appendix A: Annual Report of the Water Quality Objectives Subcommittee. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. 1036. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. 1973. Great Lakes Water Quality, Annual Report to the International Joint Commission. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. 315 pp. 1037. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. 1974. Great Lakes Water Quality, Second Annual Report to the International Joint Commission. International Joint Commisssion, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. 115 pp. and 3 Appendices. 1038. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. 1975. Great Lakes Water Quality, Third Annual Report to the International Joint Commission. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. 170 pp. 1039. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. 1976. Great Lakes Water Quality 1975, Fourth Annual Report to the International Joint Commission. International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board. Windsor, Ontario. 162 pp. 1040. International Joint Commission. 1976. Annual Report 1975. International Joint Commission. Washington, D.C. and Ottawa, Ontario. 51 pp. 1041. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, Appendix B, Vol. 2 and 3: Lake Regulation. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. Windsor, Ontario. 1042. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, Appendix C: Shore Property. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 188 pp. 1043. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1968. Interim Report to the International Joint Commission on the Regulation of the Great Lakes Levels. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. Windsor, Ontario. 1044. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, Appendix G: Regulatory Works. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1045. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, Appendix D: Fish, Wildlife, and Recreation. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 185 pp. 84 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 1046. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, Appendix B, Vol. 1: Lake Regulation. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 294 pp. 1047. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, Appendix F: Power. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 122 pp. 1048. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, Appendix E: Commercial Navigation. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 150 pp. 1049. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, Appendix A: Hydrology and Hydraulics. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 59 pp. 1050. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1973. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels-Main Report. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. Windsor, Ontario. 294 pp. 1051. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1974. Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels, A Summary Report/1974. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. Ottawa, Ontario and Washington, D.C. 39 pp. 1052. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. 1976. Further Regulation of the Great Lakes. International Joint Commission, International Great Lakes Levels Board. Windsor, Ontario. 96 pp. 1053. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities. 1974. Management Programs, Research and Effects of Present Land Use Activities on Water Quality of the Great Lakes. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities, Vol. 1 and 2. 1052 pp. 1054. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities. 1976. Summary Review of Pollution from Land Use Activities. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities. Windsor, Ontario. 66 pp. 1055. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities. 1976. Supplement to the Detailed Study Plan to Assess Great Lakes Pollution From Land Use Activities. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group On Great Lakes Pollution From Land Use Activities. 119 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 85 1056. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities. 1974. Detailed Study Plan to Assess Great Lakes Pollution From Land Use Activities. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group On Great Lakes Pollution From Land Use Activites. PLUARG Summary. 148 PP- 1057. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities. 1976. Annual Progress Report to the International Joint Commission. International Joint Commission, International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities. Windsor, Ontario. 64 pp. 1058. International Joint Commission. 1974. Second Annual Report on Great Lakes Water Quality. International Joint Commission. Washington, D.C. and Ottawa, Ontario. 18 pp. 1059. International Joint Commission. 1975. Third Annual Report 1974, Great Lakes Water Quality. International Joint Commission. Washington, D.C. and Ottawa, Ontario. 24 pp. 1060. Irish, S. M. 1965. The Prediction of Surges in the Southern Basin of Lake Michigan, Part II. A Case Study of the Surge of August 30, 1960. Mon. Weather Rev. 93: 282-291. 1061. Isleib, D. R. 1975. PCB Residues in Lake Michigan Fish. Q. Bull. Assoc. Food Drug Off. 39: 185-189. 1062. Jacko, R. B.; Yost, K. J.; Clikeman, F. M.; Christian, J. E.; Bruns, W. 1973. The Environmental Flow of Cadmium and Other Trace Metals, Volume 1 . NTIS Rep. PB-229 478/3WP. 440 pp. 1063. Jackson, W. L. 1972. The Evolving Role of the Federal Government in the Management of Lake Michigan. Michigan Sea Grant Program Tech. Rep. No. 24. MICHU-SG-72-209. Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Master's thesis. University of Michigan. 129 pp. 1064. Jackson, W. L. 1973. Water Resource Management: The Dynamic Element. In: Proceedings 16th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 1029-1033. Internal Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1065. Jacoby, C. 1961. Relative Growth of Fins in the Fourhorn Sculpin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis, From the Upper Great Lakes. Copeia 1961(4): 473-475. 1066. Jaiyen, K. 1975. The History and Importance of the Rainbow Smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchell), in the Lake Michigan Fish Community, with Special Reference to Its Management as a Resource. Ph.D. thesis. University of Michigan. 166 pp. 1067. Jamsen, G. C. 1972. 1972 Michigan Sport Fishery Survey: All Fishing. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour. Surveys and Statistics Div. Rep. No. 122, Appendix A. Lansing, Michigan. 51 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 1068. Jamsen, G. C. 1973. Assessment of the 1971 Sport Fishery. In: Michigan's Great Lakes Trout and Salmon Fishery, 1969-1972, pp. 20-32. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour., Fish Manag. Rep. No. 5. Lansing, Michigan. 1069. See 1068. 1070. Jamsen, G. C; Ellefson, P. V. 1971. Economic Evaluation of Michigan's Salmon-Trout Fishery. Trans. N. Am. Wildl. and Nat. Resour. Conf. 36: 397-405. 1071. Jamsen, G. C; Ryckman, J. R.; Jamsen, F. W. 1970. Salmon, Steelhead and Lake Trout Sport Fishing in Michigan from January 1-June 3, 1969. Michigan and Dept. Nat. Resour., Res. Develop. Rep. 198. Lansing, Michigan. 8 pp. 1072. Janssen, J. 1976. Feeding Modes and Prey Size Selection in the Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33: 1972-1975. 1073. Jarvis, W. L; Southern, W. E. 1976. Food Habits of Ring-Billed Gulls Breeding in the Great Lakes Region. Wilson Bull. 88(4): 621-631. 1074. Jaworski, E.; Raphael, C. N. 1976. The Confined Disposal Program for Polluted Dredge Spoil in the Great Lakes. J. Coastal Zone Manag. 3(1): 91-96. 1075. Jenkins, Merchant, Nankivil, Consulting Engineers. 1975. Illinois Beach State Park Reduction of Beach and Shore Erosion. Illinois Capital Development Board. 1076. Jensen, A. L. 1976. Assessment of the United States Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Fisheries of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and Lake Huron. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33(4): 747-759; and Michigan Sea Grant Program Reprint No. MICHU-SG-76-305. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1077. Jensen, A. L.; Buettner, H. J. 1976. Lake Trout, Whitefish, Chubs, and Lake Herring Yield and Effort Data for State of Michigan Waters of the Upper Great Lakes: 1929-1973. Michigan Sea Grant Program Rep. No. MICHU-SG-76-205. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 85 pp. 1078. Joeres, E. F. 1976. Analysis of Phosphorus Loading Strategy. Wasser Abwasser Forsch. Prax. 14: 227-295. 1079. Joeres, E. F.; Litwin, Y. J. 1973. Reliability and Accuracy of Data Measurement: The Water Quality Monitoring Network on the Lower Fox River in Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Program Spec. Rep. No. WIS-SG-73-501 . Madison, Wisconsin. 1080. Joeres, E. F.; Litwin, Y. J. 1974. Preliminary Analyses of Existing Data Collected by the Monitoring Network on the Lower Fox River in Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Program Spec. Rep. No. WIS-SG-74-502. Madison, Wisconsin. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 87 1081. Joeres, E. F.; Litwin, Y. J. 1974. A Guide to Water and Related Land Use in the Lower Fox River Watershed. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Program Spec. Rep. No. WIS-SG-74-503. Madison, Wisconsin. 1082. Joeris, L. S.; Karvelis, E. G. 1962. The Present Status of Our Knowledge of the Biology of the Alewife in Northwestern Lake Michigan and Green Bay. U.S. Fish Wild). Serv., Great Lakes Fish. Lab. 9 pp. 1083. Johnson, H. E.; Pecor, C. 1969. Coho Salmon Mortality and DDT in Lake Michigan. Trans. 34th N. Am. Wildl. Conf., pp. 159-166. 1084. Johnson, J. H. 1960. Surface Currents in Lake Michigan, 1954 and 1955. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 338. 120 pp. 1085. Johnson, Johnson, and Roy, Inc. 1968. A Progress Report on the Future of Chicago's Lakefront. Johnson, Johnson, and Roy, Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 52 pp. 1086. Johnson, R. G.; Monahan, E. C. 1971. Current Meter Observations of the Circulation in Grand Traverse Bay of Lake Michigan: Mooring Methods and Initial Results. Michigan Sea Grant Program Tech. Rep. No. 18. MICHU-SG-71-214. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 58 pp. 1087. Johnson, R. L. 1962. Factors Affecting Winter Quality of Lake Water. In: Proceedings 5th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 150-158. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 9. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1088. Johnson, R. L. 1963. Tides and Seiches in Green Bay. In: Proceedings 6th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 51-54. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 10. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1089. Johnson, W. D.; Fuller, F. D.; Scarce, L. E. 1967 Pesticides in the Green Bay Area. In: Proceedings 10th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 363-374. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1090. Johnson, W. D.; Kawahara, F. K.; Scarce, L. E.; Fuller, F. D.; Risley, C, Jr. 1968. Identification of Residual Oil Pollutants in Surface Waters of the Southern End of Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 11th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 550-564. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1091. Johnston, E. M. 1973. Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies, Part XVIII. Effect of a Thermal Discharge on Benthos Populations: Statistical Methods for Assessing the Impact of the Cook Nuclear Plant. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 44. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 20 pp. 1092. Johnston, E. M. 1974. Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies, Part XX. Statistical Power of a Proposed Method for Detecting the Effect of Waste Heat on Benthos Populations. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 44. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 29 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 1093. Jones, D. L; Bellaire, F. R. 1962. A Numerical Procedure for Computing Wind-Driven Currents on the Great Lakes. In: Proceedings 5th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 93-102. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 9. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1094. Jones, D. M. A.; Meredith, D. D. 1972. Great Lakes Hydrology by Months, 1946-1965. In: Proceedings 15th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 477-506. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res.; and University of Illinois, Water Resour. Center Res. Rep. No. 53. Urbana, Illinois. 59 PP- 1095. Jude, D. J. 1976. Fish. Indiana and Michigan Power Co. Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1. Environmental Operation Report, July 1, 1975 through December 31, 1975, Appx. B-4. 1096. Jude, D. J. 1976. Entrainment of Fish Larvae and Eggs on the Great Lakes, with Special Reference to the D. C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Southeastern Lake Michigan. In: Jensen, L. D. (ed.). Third National Workshop on Entrainment and Impingement, Section 316(b)-Research and Compliance, pp. 177-199. Ecological Analysts, Inc. 1097. Jude, D. J.; Bottrell, T. W.; Dorr, J. A., Ill; Miller, T. J. 1973. Benton Harbor Power Plant Limnological Studies. Part XII. Studies of the Fish Populations near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant. 1972. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 44. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 115 pp. 1098. Jude, D. J.; Tesar, F. J.; Dorr, J. A., Ill; Miller, T. J.; Rago, P. J.; Stewart, D. J. 1975. Inshore Lake Michigan Fish Populations near the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant, 1973. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 52. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 267 pp. 1099. Kanayama, R. K. 1963. The Use of Alkalinity and Conductivity Measurements to Estimate Concentrations of 3-trifluormethyl-4-nitrophenol Required for Treating Lamprey Streams. Great Lakes Fishery Comm. Tech. Rep. No. 7. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 10 PP- 1100. Kapetsky, J. M.; Ryckman, J. R. 1973. The Grand Traverse Bay Sport Fishery: Angler, Activity, Revenue, and Economic Impact. Michigan Sea Grant Program Rep. No. MICHU-SG-73-201 . 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Moroz, W. J. 1965. The Lake Breeze Circulation Along the Shoreline of a Large Lake. University of Michigan, Dept. of Meteorol. and Oceanogr. Tech. Rep. No. 071 43-1 -T; and Ph.D. thesis. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 120 pp. 1423. Moroz, W. J. 1967. A Lake Breeze on the Eastern Shore of Lake Michigan: Observations and Model. J. Atmos. Soc. 24: 337-355. 1424. Moroz, W. J.; Hewson, E. W. 1966. The Mesoscale Interaction of a Lake Breeze and Low Level Outflow from a Thunderstorm. J. Appl. Meteorol. 5: 148-155. 1425. Moroz, W. J.; Hewson, E. W.; Gill, G. C. 1967. Variation of a Lake Breeze Wind with Time Near the Lakeshore. In: Proceedings 10th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 221-230. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1427. Morsell, J. W.; Norden, C. R. 1968. Food Habits of the Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson), in Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 11th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 96-102. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res.; Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 50 PP- 1428. Mortimer, C. H. 1963. Frontiers in Physical Limnology with Particular Reference to Long Waves in Rotating Basins. In: Proceedings 6th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 9-42. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 10. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1429. Mortimer, C. H. 1965. Spectra of Long Surface Waves and Tides in Lake Michigan and at Green Bay, Wisconsin. In: Proceedings 8th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 304-324. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 13. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1430. Mortimer, C. H. 1968. Internal Waves and Associated Currents Observed in Lake Michigan During the Summer of 1963. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Great Lakes Studies, Spec. Rep. No. 1. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 24 pp. 1431. Mortimer, C. H. 1969. Physical Factors with Bearing on Eutrophication in Lakes in General and in Large Lakes in Particular. In: Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences, Correctives, Proceedings of a Symposium, pp 340-368. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, D.C. 1432. Mortimer, C. H. 1969. Factors Likely to be Important in Regulating Chemical Exchange Between Sediment and Water in the Great Lakes. Amer. Chem. Soc. Div. Water, Air Waste Chem., Gen. Pap. 1969: 161-163. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 1 15 1433. Mortimer, C. H. 1969. Exploration and Theoretical Study of Circulation in Large Basins, Gulfs, and Estuaries with Particular Reference to Green Bay. In: Second Annual Wisconsin Sea Grant Conference for Industrial Executives, pp. 27-37. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Progam Public Info. Rep. No. WIS-SG-70-102. Madison, Wisconsin. 1434. Mortimer, C. H. 1971. Large Scale Oscillatory Motions and Seasonal Temperature Changes in Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario, Part I. and Part II. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Great Lakes Studies, Spec. Rep. No. 12. 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Conf., June 24-26, 1968, Toronto, Ontario, pp. 201-228. Engin. Institute of Canada and Am. Soc. Civil Engin. 1582. Paul, J. F.; Lick, W. J. 1974. A Numerical Model for Thermal Plumes and River Discharges. In: Proceedings 17th Conference Great Lakes Research, Part 1, pp. 445-455. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1583. Pavia, R. A. 1973. Water Supply and Sewer System for the City of Chicago. In: Chow, V. T., Csallany, S. C, Krizek, R. J., and Preul, H. C. (eds.). Water for the Human Environment, Proceedings of the First World Congress on Water Resources, Vol. 3, Technical Sessions, pp. 360-367. Int. Water Resour. Assoc, Champaign, Illinois. 1584. Payne, A. G. 1973. Environmental Testing of Citrate: Bioassays for Algal Stimulation. In: Proceedings 16th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 100-115. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1585. Peck, J. W. 1971. Migration, Food Habits, and Predators of Yearling Coho Salmon in Whitefish River and Little Bay de Noc. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour., Fish. Res. Rep. No. 1778; and Res. and Develop. Rep. No. 238. 18 pp. 1586. Peck, J. W. 1974. Location of Lake Trout Spawning in Lakes Michigan and Superior. In: Dingell-Johnson Annual Report F-31-R-8, pp. 255-262. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour., Fish. Div. Lansing, Michigan. 1587. Peck, J. W. 1974. Find Areas of Lake Trout Spawning in Lake Michigan and Lake Superior and Assess Homing. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour. Annual Progress Report, Dingell-Johnson Proj. No. F-31-R-8, Study No. V, Job. No. 1, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974. 1588. Peck, J. W. 1974. Migration, Food Habits, and Predation on Yearling Coho Salmon in a Lake Michigan Tributary and Bay. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 103(1): 10-14. 1589. Peck, J. W. 1975. Location of Lake Trout Spawning in Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour. Annual Progress Report, Dingell-Johnson Proj. No. F-35-R-1, Study No. V, July 1, 1974-June 30, 1975. 128 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 1590. Peck, J. W. 1976. 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A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Operation of the Great Lakes. Canada Dept. of Energy, Mines, and Resour., Inland Waters Branch, Reprint Ser. No. 53. 1597. Perkins, J. P. 1964. A Ship's Officer Finds 17 Flyways Over the Great Lakes. Audubon Magazine 66(5): 294-299. 1598. Perkins, J. P. 1965. 17 Flyways Over the Great Lakes-Part II. Audubon Magazine 67: 42-45. 1599. Perlow, G. J.; Potzel, W.; Edgington, D. N. 1974. Serial Study of Lake Michigan Sediments by Fe-57 Mossbauer Spectroscopy. J. Phys. (Paris). Colloq. C6 Suppl. 12. Tome 35: 547-548. 1600. Petersen, M. L. 1963. Weekend for the Gulls. Iowa Bird Life 33(3): 70-71 . 1601. Peterson, M. L.; Clay, C. S.; Brandt, S. B. 1976. Acoustic Estimates of Fish Density and Scattering Function. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 60(3): 618-622. 1602. Peterson, S. R. 1976. Variation in Oldsquaw rectrix Numbers. Auk 93(1): 190-192. 1603. Peterson, S. R.; Ellarson, R. S. 1975. Incidence of Body Shot in Lake Michigan Oldsquaws. J. Wildl. 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Michigan State University. 104 pp. 1681. Rastonis, S. V. 1976. A Methodology for the Design of a Comprehensive Coordinated Monitoring Program for the Great Lakes. Master's thesis. Illinois Institute of Technology. 1683. Regier, H. A. 1966. A Perspective on Research on the Dynamics of Fish Populations in the Great Lakes. Prog. Fish-Cult. 28:3-18. 1684. Regier, H. A. 1968. Concepts of Species Segregation and Desegregation Related to Great Lakes Fishery Management. In: Proceedings 11th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 124-129. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1685. Reigle, N. J., Jr. 1967. The Occurrence of Necturus in the Deeper Water of Green Bay. Herpetologia 23(3): 232-233. 1686. Reigle, N. J., Jr. 1967. An Occurrence of Anodota (Mollusca, Pelecypoda) in Deepwater. Am. Midi Nat. 78(2): 530-533. 1687. Reigle, N. J., Jr. 1969. Bottom Trawl Explorations in Northern Lake Michigan, 1963-1965. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Circ. 318. 21 pp. 1688. Reigle, N. J., Jr. 1969. 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Radioactivity in Lake Michigan and Its Tributaries. In: Proceedings 8th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 160-167. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 13. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1705. Risley, C, Jr.; Fuller, F. D. 1965. Chemical Characteristics of Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 8th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 168-174. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 13. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1706. Risley, C, Jr.; Fuller, F. D. 1966. Chemical Findings from Pollution Studies in the Calumet Area of Indiana and Illinois and the Adjacent Waters of Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 9th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 423-429. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 15. Ann Arbor, Michigan. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 137 1707. Rizzo, K. R. 1975. Determining the Mixing Depth Climatology Using an Acoustic Sounder in a Lakeshore Environment. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Center for Great Lakes Studies, Spec. Rep. No. 28. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 78 pp.; and Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 77 pp. 1708. Robbins, J. A. 1976. Patterns of Deposition of Radionuclides in Sediments. In: Nonbiological Transport and Transformation of Pollutants on Land and Water: Processes and Critical Data Required for Predictive Description. 13 pp. 1709. Robbins, J. A.; Callender, E. 1975. Diagenesis of Manganese in Lake Michigan Sediments. Am. J. Sci. 275: 512-533. 1710. Robbins, J. A.; Callender, E.; Wahlgren, M. A.; Edgington, D. N. 1972. Environmental Chemistry: Grand River Studies. In: Argonne National Laboratory Radiol. Physics Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1971. ANL-7860, Part III, pp. 80-100. Argonne, Illinois. 1711. Robbins, J. A.; Edgington, D. N. 1972. The Use of Natural and Fallout Radionuclides to Measure Recent Sedimentation Rates in Southern Lake Michigan. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1972. ANL-7960, Part III, pp. 31-53. Argonne, Illinois. 1712. Robbins, J. A.; Edgington, D. N. 1974. The Distribution of Trace Elements in the Clay-Silt Sediments Off Grand Haven. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1973. ANL-8060, Part III, pp. 77-84. Argonne, Illinois. 1713. Robbins, J. A.; Edgington, D. N. 1975. Stable Lead Geochronology of Fine-Grained Sediments in Southern Lake Michigan. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report No. ANL-75-3, Part III, pp. 32-39. Argonne, Illinois. 1714. Robbins, J. A.; Edgington, D. N. 1975. Depositional Processes and the Determination of Recent Sedimentation Rates in Lake Michigan. In: Marshall, J. S. (ed.). Proceedings 2nd Federal Conf. on the Great Lakes, March 25-27, 1975, pp. 378-390. Federal Council for Sci. and Technol., Interagency Committee on Marine Sci. and Engin. Great Lakes Basin Commission. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1715. Robbins, J. A.; Edgington, D. N. 1975. Determination of Recent Sedimetation Rates in Lake Michigan Using Lead-210 and Cesium-137. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 39(3): 285-304. 1716. Robbins, J. A.; Edgington, D. N.; Gustinis, J.; Karttunen, J. O. 1975. Geochronology of Lake Michigan Sediments: Anomalies in Lead-210 Distribution. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report No. ANL-75-3, Part III, pp. 40-50. Argonne, Illinois. 1717. Robbins, J. A.; Edgington, D. N.; Parker, J. I. 1975. Distribution of Amorphous, Diatom Frustule, and Dissolved Silica In a Lead-210 Dated Core from Southern Lake Michigan. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report No. ANL-75-3, Part III, pp. 19-31. Argonne, Illinois. 138 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 1718. Robbins, J. A.; Landstrom, E.; Wahlgren, M. A. 1972. Tributary Inputs of Soluble Trace Metals to Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 15th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 270-290. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1719. Robbins, J. A.; Remmert, K.; Edgington, D. N. 1976. Regeneration of Silicon from Sediments of the Great Lakes. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan. -Dec, 1976. ANL-76-88, Part III, pp. 82-86. Argonne, Illinois. 1720. Robbins, S. G.; Hohn, M. H. 1972. Effects of Post-Glacial Lakes on Fox Lake, Beaver Island, Michigan, Based on Analysis of the Fossil Diatom Flora. Mich. Acad. 4(3): 349-358. 1721. Robert B. Teska Associates. 1976. A Work Program for the Allocation of Water From Lake Michigan. Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Water Resour. Prepared by Robert B. Teska Associates. 90 pp. 1722. Robertson, A. 1966. The Distribution of Calanoid Copepods in the Great Lakes. In: Proceedings 9th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 129-139. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 15. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1723. Robertson, A. 1967. A Note on the Sphaeriidae of Lake Michigan. In: Ayers, J. C, and Chandler, D. C. (eds.). Studies on the Environment and Eutrophication of Lake Michigan, pp. 132-135. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 30. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1724. Robertson, A. 1968. Abundance, Distribution, and Biology of Plankton in Lake Michigan, with the Addition of a Research Ships of Opportunity Project. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 35. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 43 pp. 1725. Robertson, A. 1975. Plankton-Mediated Transport of Energy-Related Pollutants. In: Marshall, J. S. (ed.). Proceedings 2nd Federal Conf. on the Great Lakes, March 25-27, 1975, pp. 351-360. Federal Council for Sci. and Technol., Interagency Committee on Marine Sci. and Engin. Great Lakes Basin Commission. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1726. Robertson, A. 1976. IFYGL Chemical Intercomparison. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab., Final Rep. on Task 6.4. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1727. Robertson, A.; Alley, W. P. 1966. A Comparative Study of Lake Michigan Macrobenthos. Limnol. Oceanogr. 11(4): 576-583. 1728. Robertson, A.; Powers, C. F. 1965. Particulate Organic Matter in Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 8th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 175-181. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 13. Ann Arbor, Michigan. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 139 1729. Robertson, A.; Powers, C. F. 1967. Comparison of the Distribution of Organic Matter in the Five Great Lakes. In: Ayers, J. C, and Chandler, D. C. (eds.). Studies on the Environment and Eutrophication of Lake Michigan, pp. 1-18. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 30. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1730. Robertson, A.; Powers, C. F. 1968. The Distribution of Organic Nitrogen in Lake Michigan. Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 53: 137-151. 1731. Robertson, A.; Powers, C. F.; Anderson, R. F. 1968. Direct Observations on Mysis relicta from a Submarine. Limnol. Oceanogr. 13(4): 700-702. 1732. Robertson, A.; Powers, C. F.; Rose, J. 1971. Distribution of Chlorophyll and Its Relation to Particulate Organic Matter in the Offshore Waters of Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 14th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 90-101. Intemat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1733. Robinson, D. G. 1974. A Qualitative Survey of Periphytic Diatoms in the Vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant. In: Seibel, E., and Ayers, J. C. (eds.). The Biological, Chemical, and Physical Character of Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, pp. 179-206. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 51. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1734. Robinson, R. D. 1973. Age, Growth, and Sex Composition of the American Smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchell), from along the Western Shore of Lake Michigan. Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 50 PP- 1735. Robinson, R. D.; Norden, C. R. 1973. Age, Growth, and Sex Composition of the American Smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchell), from Along the Western Shore of Lake Michigan. NOAA Rep. No. NOAA-75013101; and NTIS Rep. No. COM-75-1029/7SL 73 pp. 1736. Robohm, R. A.; Graikoski, J. T. 1966. 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Rofrltz, D. J. 1972. Ecological Investigations on Waterfowl Wintering in the Milwaukee Embayment. Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 61 pp. 1741. Rogers, J. C. 1976. Evaluation of Techniques for Long Range Forecasting of Air Temperature and Ice Formation. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL GLERL-8. Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1742. Rogers, J. C. 1976. Long Range Forecasting of Maximum Ice Extent on the Great Lakes. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL GLERL-7. Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1743. Rolan, R. G.; Skoch, E. J. 1972. Biological Characteristics. In: Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, Appendix 4. Limnology of Lakes and Embayments, pp. 239-322. Great Lakes Basin Commission. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1744. Romberg, G. P.; Prepejchal, W. 1971. Observations of Fish at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant. In: Argonne National Laboratory, Radiol. Physics Div. Annual Report Jan.-Dec, 1971, ANL-7860, Part III, pp. 118-120. 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Thermal Ecology, Proceedings Symposium, May 3-5, 1973, Augusta, Georgia, pp. 296-312. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 1753. Romberg, G. P.; Spigarelli, S. A.; Prepejchal, W.; Thommes, M. M. 1974. Migratory Behavior of Fish Tagged at a Nuclear Power Plant Discharge Into Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings 17th Conference Great Lakes Research, Part i , pp. 68-77. Intemat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 1754. Romberg, G. P.; Thommes, M. M. 1975. Comparison of the Movement and Recapture of Salmonid Fishes Tagged at Two Nuclear Plants. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report No. ANL-75-3, Part III, pp. 132-142. Argonne, Illinois. 1755. Romberg, G. P.; Thommes, M. M.; Spigarelli, S. A. 1975. Origin of Fin-Clipped Salmonids Collected at Two Thermal Discharges on Lake Michigan. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report No. ANL-75-3, Part III, pp. 143-149. Argonne, Illinois. 1756. Rondy, D. R. 1966. Great Lakes Ice Cover, Winter 1965-66. 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Chicago, Illinois. 23 pp. (multiple years). 2116. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Central Div. 1971. State of Illinois. In: National Shoreline Study, Vol. 8: Great Lakes Region Inventory Report, Section 5, pp. 65-72. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Central District. Chicago, Illinois. 2117. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Central Div. 1971. National Shoreline Inventory, Vol. 8: Great Lakes Region Inventory Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Central Div. Chicago, Illinois. 221 pp. 2118. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1965. City of Evanston, Illinois, Beach Erosion Control Study. 89th Congress, 1st Session, House Doc. No. 159. Washington, D.C. 68 pp. 2119. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1967. New Buffalo Harbor, Michigan. U.S. Congress, 87th, 2nd Session. House Document 48. 2120. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1970. Draft Environmental Statement: Indiana Harbor, Indiana, Maintenance Dredging and Disposal. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. Chicago, Illinois. 50 pp. 2121. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1971. Shore Protection Guidelines. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Washington, D.C. 59 pp. 2122. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1971. National Shoreline Study: Shore Management Guidelines. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Washington, D.C. Report prepared by the Center for the Environment and Man, Inc. Contract No. DAWC 73-71 -C-0037. Hartford, Connecticut. 56 pp. 2123. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1972. Alternatives for Managing Wastewater in Chicago-South End Lake Michigan Area, Summary Report, Vol. 1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Chicago, Illinois. 100 pp. 2124. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1972. Section 107, Reconnaissance Report: Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Chicago, Illinois. 15 pp. 2125. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1972. Final Environmental Statement: Lake Bluff Beach Erosion Control, Illinois. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. Chicago, Illinois. 87 pp. 2126. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1973. Wastewater Management Study For Chicago-South End of Lake Michigan Area, Appendix C. Plan Formulation. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 174 pp. 2127. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1973. Wastewater Management Study For Chicago-South End of Lake Michigan Area, Appendix G. Valuation. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 229 pp. 172 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 2128. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1973. Wastewater Management Study For Chicago-South End of Lake Michigan Area, Appendix H. Public Involvement/Participation Program. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 556 pp. 2129. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1973. Wastewater Management Study For Chicago-South End of Lake Michigan Area, Appendix F. Institutional Considerations. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 81 pp. 2130. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1973. 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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1973. Maintenance Dredging Operations and Combined Diked Disposal Area for Kenosha Harbor and Racine Harbor, Wisconsin. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. Chicago, Illinois. NTIS Rep. No. EIS-WI-73-0885-D. ELR-0885. 74 pp. 2136. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1974. Wastewater Management Study For Chicago-South End of Lake Michigan Area. Summary Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 166 pp. 2137. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1974. Wastewater Management Study For Chicago-South End of Lake Michigan Area, Appendix I. Comments. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 198 pp. 2138. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. 1974. Beach Erosion Control at South Boulevard Beach, Evanston, Illinois. Environmental Statement. Draft. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. Chicago, Illinois. 56 pp. 2139a. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1974. Reconnaissance Report on Shore Erosion - Racine, Wisconsin. 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Channel Operation and Maintenance. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District. 2144. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1975. Section 103, Reconnaissance Report: Shore Erosion Control Study, Racine County, Wisconsin. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Chicago, Illinois. 2145. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1975. Section 103, Reconnaissance Report: Shore Erosion Control Study, Lake Forest, Illinois. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Chicago, Illinois. 2146. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1975. Lake Michigan Shoreline, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, Preliminary Feasibility Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2147. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1976. Help Yourself: A Discussion of Erosion Problems on the Great Lakes and Alternative Methods of Shore Protection. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Central Division, Chicago, Illinois. 2149. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1972. Final Environmental Statement Related to Operation of Palisades Nuclear Generating Plant, Consumers Power Co. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. NTIS Rep. No. DOCKET 50-255-92. 2150. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1972. Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Bailly Generating Station Nuclear-1 of Northern Indiana Public Service Co. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. NTIS Rep. No. DOCKET 50-367-28. 2151. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1972. Final Environmental Statement Related to Operation of Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2. Wisconsin Electric Power Co. and Wisconsin-Michigan Power Co. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. NTIS Rep. Nos. DOCKET 50-266-67 and 50-301-56. 174 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 2152. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1972. Final Environmental Statement Related to Operation of Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, Commonwealth Edison Company. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. NTIS Rep. Nos. DOCKET 50-295 and 50-304-55. 2153. U.S. Bureau Commercial Fish. 1965. Report on Commercial Fisheries Resources of the Lake Michigan Basin. U.S. Bureau Commer. Fish. 2154a. U.S. Coast Guard. 1970. Light List, Volume IV. Great Lakes, United States and Canada. U.S. Coast Guard. Washington, D.C. 218 pp. 2154b. U.S. Comptroller General. 1971. Environmental and Economic Problems associated with the Development of the Burns Waterway Harbor, Indiana. U.S. Comptroller General. NTIS Rep. No. PB-257 325. Wahington, D.C. 44 pp. 2155. U.S. Comptroller General. 1975. Cleaning Up The Great Lakes: United States and Canada Are Making Progress In Controlling Pollution From Cities and Towns. U.S. Comptroller General. Washington, D.C. 36 pp. 2156. U.S. Congress, 89th. House Committee on Government Operations. 1964. Water Pollution Control and Abatement, Part 3, Chicago Area and Lower Lake Michigan. U.S. Congress, 89th, 1st Session. House Committee on Government Operations. Washington, D.C. pp. 2083-2379. 2157. U.S. Congress, 93rd. 1973. Status Report on the Water Levels of the Great Lakes. U.S. Congress, 93rd. 1st Session House Committee on Public Works. Subcommittee on Water Resources. Washington, D.C. 44 PP 2158. U.S. Congress, 93rd. 1973. The Great Lakes-Part I: The 1973 Floods and Activities of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada. U.S. Congress, 93rd. 1st Session House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Inter- American Affairs. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 713 pp. 2159. U.S. Congress, 93rd. 1974. Diversion and Withdraw! of Additional Water From Lake Michigan into the Illinois Waterway. U.S. Congress, 93rd. 2nd Session House Committee on Public Works. Subcommittee on Water Resources. Washington, D.C. 77 pp. 2160. U.S. Dept. of Hearth, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 1. Trends in Water Quality - Southern Basin. U.S. Public Health Serv., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 16 pp. 2161. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 1 1 . Currents at Fixed Stations Near Chicago. U.S. Public Health Serv., Region V., Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 37 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 175 2162. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 5. Microbiological Investigations. U.S. Public Health Sen/., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 108 pp. 2163. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 9. Lake Currents at a Single Station. U.S. Public Health Sen/., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 15 pp. 2164. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 7. Introduction to Lake Current Studies. U.S. Public Health Sen/., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 14 pp. 2165. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Spec. Rep. Number LM 3. Physical and Chemical Investigations. U.S. Public Health Sen/., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 31 pp. 2166. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Spec. Rep. Number LM 8. Lake Temperatures. U.S. Public Health Serv., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 12 pp. 2167. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 4. Biological Investigations. U.S. Public Health Serv., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 20 pp. 2168. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 10. Drogue Surveys of Lake Currents Near Chicago. U.S. Public Health Serv., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 16 pp. 2169. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 6. Radiochemical Investigations. U.S. Public Health Sen/., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 59 pp. 2170. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1963. Lake Michigan Studies. Special Report Number LM 2. Sampling Surveys. U.S. Public Health Serv., Region V, Div. of Water Supply and Pollut. Control. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project, Parts 1 and 2. Chicago, Illinois. 176 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 2171. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1965. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Lake Michigan, Wolf Lake and Their Tributaries (Indiana-Illinois), March 2-9, 1965. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. Vols. 1-5. Chicago, Illinois. 1606 PP- 2172. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Great Lakes Region. 1967. Lake Currents. Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Great Lakes Region. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 364 pp. 2173. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1966. Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Lake Michigan Basin - Milwaukee Area, Wisconsin. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Region V. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project, Vol. 1. Chicago, Illinois. 70 pp. 2174. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1966. Report on the Water Quality of Lower Lake Michigan, Calumet River, Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River and Wolf Lake By Department of the Interior for the Period January 1966 Through June 1966. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. Chicago, Illinois. 74 pp. 2175. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1966. Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Lake Michigan Basin - Green Bay Area, Michigan and Wisconsin. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin, Region V. Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project, Vol. 1. Chicago, Illinois. 103 pp. 2176. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1966. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries, Technical Session, Jan. 4-5, 1966, Chicago, Illinois. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. Vol. 1-3. 582 pp. 2177. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1966. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries, Conclusions of the Technical Session, Feb. 2, 1966, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 86 pp. 2178. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1967. Report on the Water Quality of Lower Lake Michigan, Calumet River, Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet, and Wolf Lake By Department of the Interior for the Period July 1966 Through December 1966, Illinois-Indiana. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. Chicago, Illinois. 79 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 177 2179. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1967. Water Pollution Problems of the Great Lakes Area - Revised from 1966 Report. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Great Lakes-Illinois River Basins Project. Chicago, Illinois. 31 pp. 2180. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1967. Water-Oriented Outdoor Recreation in the Lake Michigan Basin, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin.; and NTIS Rep. No. PB-230 574/6. 150 pp. 2181. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1967. Progress Evaluation Meeting: In the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries, Wed., March 15, 1967, Vol. 1-3. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 852 pp. + Graphs. 2182. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1967. Population and Economy, A Technical Report Containing Background Data for a Water Pollution Control Program. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. Chicago, Illinois. 21 pp. 2183. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1967. Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan, and their Tributaries, Proceedings of Conference, 2nd Session, Held at Chicago, Illinois on Sept. 11, 1967, Vol. 1. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 641 pp. 2184. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1967. Report on the Water Quality of Lower Lake Michigan, Calumet River, Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, and Wolf Lake by the Dept. of the Interior for the Period Jan. 1967 thru June 1967, Illinois-Indiana. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 87 pp. + Illustrations. 2185. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1968 Water Quality Investigations, Lake Michigan Basin: A Technical Report Containing Background Data for a Water Pollution Control Program. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Great Lakes Region. Chicago, Illinois. 81 pp. 2186. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1968. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin, Vol. 1-7. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. Washington, D.C. 3996 pp. 2187. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1968. Water Quality Investigations, Lake Michigan Basin: Physical and Chemical Quality Conditions. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Great Lakes Region, Tech. Rep. Chicago, Illinois. 81 pp. 178 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 2188. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1968. Water Pollution Problems of Lake Michigan and Tributaries. Actions For Clean Water. NTIS Rep. No. PB-260 339/7SL. 79 pp. 2189. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1968. Water Quality Investigations, Lake Michigan Basin: Biology. Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Great Lakes Region, Tech. Rep. Chicago, Illinois. 41 pp. 2190. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1968. Water Pollution Problems of Lake Michigan and Its Tributaries. Actions for Clean Water. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. Chicago, Illinois. 74 pp. 2191. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1968. Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries, Illinois-Indiana. Proceedings of Conference, 2nd Session, Dec. 11-12, 1968, Vol. 1. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 590 pp. 2192. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1969. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin in the States of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan, Vol. 1 and 2. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. Washington, D.C. 964 pp. 2193. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1969. Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries, Indiana-Illinois. Proceedings of Conference. Second Session Reconvened, Aug. 26, 1969. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 293 pp. 2194. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 1969. Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries, Proceedings of Conference, 2nd Session, January 29, 1969, Vol. 2. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 244 pp. 2195. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Technical Committee on Water Quality. 1970. Water Quality in the Calumet Area: Conference on Pollution of Lower Lake Michigan, Calumet River, Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, and Wolf Lake, Illinois and Indiana. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin. 131 pp. 2196. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Board. 1966. Report of Water Quality Criteria, Calumet Area - Lower Lake Michigan. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Pollut. Control Board. 20 pp. + Maps. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 179 2197. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Quality Admin. 1970. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin. Third Session, Reconvened, Vol. 1-5. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Quality Admin. Washington, D.C. 2126 pp. 2198. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Quality Admin. 1970. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin. Third Session and Executive Session, Vol. 1-3. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fed. Water Quality Admin. Washington, D.C. 1099 pp. 2199. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of Water Resour. Res. 1968. Analysis of Water and Water-Related Research Requirements in the Great Lakes Region. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of Water Resour. Res. Washington, D.C. 104 pp. 2200. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. 1970. Feasibility of Alternative Means of Cooling for Thermal Power Plants Near Lake Michigan. Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Region V. Prepared by National Thermal Pollut. Res. Prog., Pacific Northwest Water Laboratory, and Fed. Water Pollut. Control Admin., Great Lakes Regional Office. 112 pp. 2201. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. 1972. Water Quality Standards in the Lake Michigan Basin. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. 28 pp. 2202. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. 1972. Lake Michigan, A Bibliography. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office Water Resour. Res. Rep. No. WRSIC 72-21 1 . 268 pp. 2203. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Field Investigation Center-Denver; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V. 1972. Remote Sensing Study of Thermal Discharges to Lake Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Field Investigation Center. Denver, Colorado. 50 pp. 2204. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Programs. 1972. Radioactivity of Lake Michigan, August-September 1970. Radiat. Data Rep. 13(10): 559-564. 2205. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Water Quality Office. 1971. Agricultural Pollution of the Great Lakes Basin. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Water Quality Office. 94 pp. 2206. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1972. Report to the Lake Michigan Enforcement Conference on Chloride. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V. Chicago, Illinois. 2207. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1972. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin in the States of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Fourth Session, Vol. V. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Chicago, Illinois. 297 pp. 180 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 2208. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1972. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin in the States of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Fourth Session, Vol. IV. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Chicago, Illinois. 381 pp. 2209. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1972. Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin in the States of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Fourth Session, Vol. III. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Chicago, Illinois. 394 pp. 2210. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1972. 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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1975. Statement of Concerns and Suggested Environmental Research: Rep. No. 1 of the Lake Michigan Cooling Water Studies Panel. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Lake Michigan Cooling Water Studies Panel. Chicago, Illinois. 382 pp. 2215. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1976. PCBs in the United States: Industrial Use and Environmental Distribution. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Rep. No. EPA-560/6-76-005. 2216. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. 1963. Commercial Fisheries: Research and Development in the Great Lakes and Central Region. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Circ. 147. 38 pp. 2217. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. 1963. Water Levels of the Great Lakes. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. 56 pp. + Illustrations. 2218. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. 1966. Fish and Wildlife as Related to Water Quality of the Lake Michigan Basin. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 227 pp. 2219. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory; Fed. Water Quality Admin., Bureau of Sports Fish. Wildl. 1970. Physical and Ecological Effects of Waste Heat on Lake Michigan. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. 101 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 181 2220. U.S. Geol. Surv. 1971. Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1961-65: Part 4. St. Lawrence River Basin, Vol. 1. Basins of Streams Tributary to Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron. U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply Paper 1911. 651 pp. 2221. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 1971. Chemistry and Biology of Trace Metals in the Environment. University of Illinois School of Chem. Sci. and School of Life Sci. Seminar Series, Spring, 1971. Urbana, Illinois. 240 pp. 2222. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. 1967. Collected Reprints, Volume 1 . University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2223. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. 1968. Project Submich. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 33. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 33 pp. 2224. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. 1969. Collected Reprints, Volume 2. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2225. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. 1971. Collected Reprints, Volume 3. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2226. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. 1973. Collected Reprints, Volume 4. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2227. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. 1976. Collected Reprints, Volume 5. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2228. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Resour. Manag. Prog. 1973. The Development and Enhancement of the Urban Coastal Zone: The Research Requirements for Design, Engineering, and Management. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Resour. Manag. Prog. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 81 PP 2229. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Program. 1969. 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Symposium on Transuranium Nuclides in the Environment, Nov. 17-21, 1975, San Francisco, California, pp. 9-24. Internat. Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, Austria. 2287. Wahlgren, M. A.; Edgington, D. N.; Rawlings, F. F.; Rawls, J. L. 1972. Trace Element Determinations on Lake Michigan Tributary Water Samples Using Spark Source Mass Spectrometry. In: Proceedings 15th Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 298-305. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 2288. Wahlgren, M. A.; Marshall, J. S. 1974. Distribution Studies of Plutonium in the Great Lakes. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Internat. Conf. on Nuclear Methods in Environmental Research, pp. 267-275. University of Missouri. Columbia, Missouri. 2289. Wahlgren, M. A.; Marshall, J. S. 1975. The Behavior of Plutonium and Other Long-Lived Radionuclides in Lake Michigan. I. Biological Transport, Seasonal Cycling and Residence Time in the Water Column. 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In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1976. ANL-76-88, Part III, pp. 107-110. Argonne, Illinois. 2298. Wahlgren, M. A.; Nelson, D. M. 1976. Seasonal Cycling of Plutonium in Lake Michigan. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1976. ANL-76-88, Part III, pp. 53-55. Argonne, Illinois. 2299. Wahlgren, M. A.; Yaguchi, E. M.; Nelson, D. M.; Marshall, J. S. 1974. Spatial Distribution of Radionuclides in Lake Michigan Biota Near the Big Rock Point Nuclear Plant. W-31-109-ENG-38. NTIS Rep. No. CONF-750503-17. 2300. Walburg, C. H. 1973. Biota of the Nearshore Waters of Lake Michigan and Mortality of Organisms Caused by Water Intake Structures. In: Lake Michigan Intakes: Report on the Best Available Technology, Appendix C, pp. C-1 to C-38. Lake Michigan Cooling Water Tech. Committee. 2301. Waller, B. J.; Nelson, D. M.; Marshall, J. S. 1974. Plutonium in Lake Michigan Fish. 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Transformations of Breaking Wave Characteristics Over a Submarine Bar. NTIS Rep. No. AD-71 8-904. 116 pp. 2407. Wood, W. L. 1976. Coastal Sedimentation and Stability in Southern Lake Michigan. In: Wood, W. L., Gutschick, R. C, Gonsiewski, J., Davis, R. A., Jr., Fox, W. T., Brater, E. F., Armstrong, J. M., and McGill, M. Field Trip Guidebook of the Coastal and Environmental Geology of Southeastern Lake Michigan, pp. 1-37. Western Michigan University, Dept. Geol. Geol. Soc. Am., North Central Sect. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 2408. Wood, W. L; Davis, S. E.; Gavin, J.; Hoover, J. (n.d.). Mt. Baldy Pre-Nourishment Assessment and Recommended Monitoring Plan, Final Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 59 pp. 2409. Wood, W. L.; Gutschick, R. C; Gonsiewski, J.; Davis, R. A., Jr.; Fox, W. T.; Brater, E. F.; Armstrong, J. M.; McGill, M. R. 1976. Field Trip Guidebook of the Coastal and Environmental Geology of Southeastern Lake Michigan. Western Michigan University. Guidebook to the 10th Annual Meeting, Geol. Soc. Am., North Central Sect. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 117 pp. 2410. Wood, W. L; Magnus, K. R.; Thacker, P. A.; Davis, S. E.; Meadows, G. A.; Price, C. 1976. Performance of Beach Nourishment at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Interim Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 71 PP- 2411. Wood, W. L; Meadows, G. A.; Cox, J. 1974. The Feasibility of the Coastal Installations Proposed for the West Park and Marina Development at Michigan City, Indiana. Indiana Dept. of Commerce, Final Report. 2412. Wosje, D. C. 1966. Brine Salting and Smoking Lake Michigan Chub (Leucichthys hoyi). Ph.D. thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 183 pp. 2413. Wright, H. E., Jr. 1964. The Classification of the Wisconsin Glacial Stage. J. Geol. 72(5): 628-637. 2414. Wright, H. E., Jr. 1964. Aspects of the Early Postglacial Forest Succession in the Great Lakes Region. Ecology 55(3): 439-448. 2415. Wright, K. J. 1968. Feeding Habits of Immature Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the Michigan Waters of Lake Michigan. Master's thesis. Michigan State University. 42 pp. 2416. Wu, C. J. 1974. Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Lake Trout Taken from Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Marquette Fish Hatchery. Master's thesis. Northern Michigan University. Marquette, Michigan. 64 pp. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 197 2417. Wu, D. S.; Gallagher, B. J. 1973. Development of a Complete Mathematical Model For Describing the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Thermal Plume. In: Chow, V. T., Csallany, S. C, Krizek, R. J., and Preul, H. C. (eds.). Water for the Human Environment, Proceedings of the First World Congress on Water Resources, Vol. 4, Special Sessions: Systems Analysis, pp. 319-336. Int. Water Resour. Assoc, Champaign, Illinois. 2418. Wu, P. K. 1975. Numerical Simulation of Wind-Driven Motions in a Two-Layered Lake. University of Wisconsin, Center for Great Lakes Studies, Spec. Rep. No. 21 . Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 59 pp. 2419. Yager, R. O.; McComish, T. S. 1976. Spottail Shiner Food Habits with Notes on Competition for Food in Indiana Waters of Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Am. Fish. Soc. and Wildl. Soc, pp. 66-69. 2420. Yager, R. O.; McComish, T. S. 1976. Food Habits of the Spottail Shiner in Indiana Waters of Lake Michigan in 1973. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 86: 203-208. 2421. Yaguchi, E. M. 1975. Phytoplankton and Nutrients near the Zion Nuclear Plant during Upwelling. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1975, ANL-75-60, Part III, pp. 94-95. Argonne, Illinois. 2422. Yaguchi, E. M. 1976. Upwelling and Thermal Effluent Effects on Nutrients and Phytoplankton in Lake Michigan. Master's thesis. Illinois Institute of Technology. 2423. Yaguchi, E. M.; Marshall, J. S.; Wahlgren, M. A.; Nickles, S. E. 1972. Studies on the Opossum Shrimp (Mysis relicta) in Lake Michigan. In: Argonne National Laboratory, RER Div. Annual Report, Jan.-Dec, 1972. ANL-7960, Part III, pp. 15-18. Argonne, Illinois. 2424. Yaguchi, E. M.; Waller, B. J.; Marshall, J. S. 1974. Plutonium Distribution in Lake Michigan Biota. In: Proceedings 17th Conference Great Lakes Research, Part 1, pp. 150-157. Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res. 2425. Yamaoto, T.; Wiggins, G. B. 1964. A Comparative Study of North American Species of the Caddisfly Genus Mystacides (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae). Can. J. Zool. 42: 1105-1126. 2426. Yevjevich, V. 1975. Generation of Hydrologic Samples, Case Study of the Great Lakes. Colorado State University, Hydrology Paper No. 72. Fort Collins, Colorado. 39 pp. 2427. Yocom, T. G.; Tait, H. D. 1975. Energy-Related Research of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the Great Lakes. In: Marshall, J. S. (ed.). Proceedings 2nd Federal Conf. on the Great Lakes, March 25-27, 1975, pp. 513-518. Federal Council for Sci. and Technol., Interagency Committee on Marine Sci. and Engin. Great Lakes Basin Commission. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 198 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 2428. Yocum, W. L. 1974. Coliform Bacteria of the Cook Plant Area, 1973. In: Seibel, E. and Ayers J. C. (eds.). The Biological, Chemical, and Physical Character of Lake Michigan in the Vicinity of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, pp. 175-178. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rep. No. 51. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2429. Yost, K. J.; Anderson, V. L.; Christian, J. E.; Davis, W. J.; Kessler, W. V. 1973. The Environmental Flow of Cadmium and Other Trace Metals: Volume II. NTIS Rep. No. PB-229 479/1. National Science Foundation Rep. No. NSF-RA/E-73-016(B), and NSF-GI-35106. 189 pp. 2430. Zanoni, A. E. 1970. Eutrophic Evaluation of a Small Multi-Used Watershed. NTIS Pub. No. PB-1 94-755. 77 pp.; and Office of Water Resour. Res. Proj. No. A-014-WIS(1). Madison, Wisconsin. 2431. Zar, H. 1974. Report of the Phosphorus Technical Committee to the Lake Michigan Enforcement Conference. In: Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin in the States of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan, Fourth Session, Vol. I, Sept. 19-21, 1972, pp. 209-216. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Chicago, Illinois. 2432. Zepezauer, K. J. 1974. The Development of the Pituitary Gland of the Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson). Master's thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 60 pp. 2433. Zimmerman, J. W. 1968. Water Quality of Streams Tributary to Lakes Superior and Michigan. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 559. 36 pp. 2434. Zivi, S. M.; Frye, D. E.; Buell, R. E.; Van Loon, L. S. 1975. Measurements of Eddy Diffusivities in Nearshore Regions of Lake Michigan. In: Tokar, J. V., Zivi, S. M., Frigo, A. A., Van Loon, S., Frye, D. E., and Tome, C. Measurements of Physical Phenomena Related to Power Plant Waste Heat Discharges: Lake Michigan, 1973 and 1974, pp. 164-210. Argonne National Laboratory, ANL/WR-75-1. Argonne, Illinois. 2435. Zumberge, J. H. 1960. Bibliography of Published Geologic Papers and Unpublished Theses of the Great Lakes and Their Drainage Basins, 1950 through 1958. In: Proceedings 3rd Conference Great Lakes Research, pp. 51-59. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Pub. No. 4. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2436. Zuraw, E. A. 1969. Culture and Physiological Requirements of a Bacterized Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kutz from Lake Michigan. J. Phycol. 5(1): 83-85. 2437. Anonymous. 1976. Assimilating Human Activity into the Shoreland Environment: The Michigan Shoreland Protection and Management Act of 1970. Iowa Law Review 62(1): 149-191. LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 199 2438. Bro, K.; Hobbs, E.; Neumann, P.; et al. 1976. An Analysis of the International Great Lakes Levels Board Report on Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels: Institutions. University of Wisconsin, Institute for Environmental Studies, Working Paper No. 31. Madison, Wisconsin. 2439. Davenport, R. 1976. Coastal Zone Management, the Process of Program Development: Bibliographic Supplement. Coastal Zone Management Institute, Chicago, Illinois. 2440. Knox, J.; Falkner, C; Neumann, P.; et al. 1976. An Analysis of the International Great Lakes Levels Board Report on Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels: Hydrology. University of Wisconsin, Institute for Environmental Studies, Working Paper No. 27. Madison, Wisconsin. 2441. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour. 1975. Planning Guidelines for Residential and Path Development in Michigan's Sand Dunes and Wetlands: Michigan's Coastal Zone Management Program. Michigan Dept. Nat. Resour. Lansing, Michigan. 2442. Somers, L. H. 1965. Small Scale Variation in Nearshore Sediments, Vicinity of Sleeping Bear Point, Lake Michigan. Master's thesis. University of Illinois. 2443. University of Wisconsin, Institute for Environmental Studies. 1976. An Analysis of the International Great Lakes Levels Board Report on Regulation of Great Lakes Water Levels: Summary. University of Wisconsin, Institute for Environmental Studies, Working Paper No. 32. 2444. West Michigan Regional Planning Commission. 1976. Land Capability and Coastal Resources. West Michigan Regional Planning Commission. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 200 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 GUIDE TO THE INDEXES Publications in this bibliography are indexed by author, subject, and area of the lake studied. The author index lists all authors (principal and joint). Publications by the various boards of the International Joint Commission (e.g., Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Science Advisory Board) are all listed under International Joint Commission. The subject indexes for Volumes 1 and 2 are not identical. Because of the size of the bibliography, not all species names and subjects could be included in the indexes. If a subject is not listed, there may be no references on that subject or the word may be classified under a broader term. Most individual species of invertebrates, phytoplankton, and zooplankton, for instance, are not included separately but rather grouped under broader classifications. Because the references listed under any one keyword are not inclusive, related and broader subjects should be examined. Common names of fish are used in the indexes; the names follow those in "A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from United States and Canada," Special Publication No. 12 of the American Fisheries Society (1980). The keyword INVERTEBRATES includes all zooplankton and benthic invertebrates as well as other invertebrates such as Mysis. There are also separate listings for ZOOPLANKTON and BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES. The term METALS includes major metals (e.g., Ca) and trace metals; there is also a separate listing for TRACE METALS. The term HYDROLOGY covers river or tributary flow, groundwater, and water budget references. POLLUTION and WATER QUALITY are both listed as subjects, though there can be a great deal of overlap in the references indexed under each. Chlorinated hydrocarbons may be listed as specific compounds or included under ORGANICS; usually publications on nonchlorinated hydrocarbons are indexed under HYDROCARBONS. TOXICS is used as a broad term for organics and metals and other compounds that are toxic to biota. The keyword ATMOSPHERIC refers to atmospheric studies of physical and chemical processes such as atmospheric deposition, loading, or transport. Meteorological studies, although atmospheric in nature, are usually better identified under a more specific term (e.g., STORMS, PRECIPITATION, LAKE EFFECT). A list of additional specific terms is given under METEOROLOGY in the subject index. HISTORY, REVIEW, and SUMMARY are used as keywords to help users identify publications that may provide background information or summarize a topic. Subjects having many references are often divided when possible into appropriate subdivisions. The term "general" may be used as a subdivision when some of the references do not fit into the other designated subdivisions. In the subject index, two words joined by an underscore (e.g., LAKE LEVELSJHISTORY) indicate that both words are listed in the keywords for a publication but are not necessarily listed next to each other. The two words are associated in the index to define the subject more specifically and are used as subheadings. For example, LAKE LEVELS_HISTORY gives the numbers for references on history of lake levels, whereas LAKE LEVELS_MANAGEMENT gives the numbers of references on management of lake levels. If only a few references are given for a specific subject, more information can be found by looking under a broader subject that includes it. To direct the user to LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 201 other appropriate words, certain subjects are cross-referenced with the symbol SA: (meaning "see also"). SA: refers to another access point, and can be used in three ways: • SA: can mean that additional references can be found under another related word, e.g., BIOACCUMULATION (SA: uptake). • SA: can mean that the subject is also included under a broader category, e.g., BULKHEADS (SA: coastal structures), in which additional references are found as well as the present ones. This use of SA: is helpful when some references did not give specifics; it is meant to show that the index word is not inclusive. This is especially true for many of the biological papers where it is usually necessary to look at broader classifications such as DIATOMS or CLADOCERA in addition to the individual species, if listed. • SA: can be used to indicate that a more specific topic is listed elsewhere for that word, such as DIVERSION (SA: history_diversion), if a further breakdown of the subject is desired. The symbol S: (meaning "see") is used to refer the user to a different word in the index that has been used in place of another word, e.g., MARSHES (S: wetlands). The area index lists references by area, if known more specifically than just Lake Michigan. Although all of the references are concerned with Lake Michigan, some may discuss the Great Lakes in general, not specifying a particular Great Lake, or may discuss one or more of the other Great Lakes in addition to Lake Michigan. Included in the area index are the other Great Lakes, large rivers in the region, and cities, states, bays, harbors, tributaries, and power plants around Lake Michigan. Because not all of the references could be examined to find the specific area studied, references listed under any one area do not necessarily cover all of the publications on that area. 202 LAKE MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-76 / EGN 131 AUTHOR INDEX ABU-SHUMAYS, I. K 1, 2 ACHREM, T. J 3 ACKERMANN, W. C 4-7, 2022 ADAMS, C. E., Jr 8 ADAMS, J. R 1855 ADAMS, M. S 9 ADDISON, W. D 10 AHRNSBRAK, W. F 11, 12 ALBERTS, J. J 13-18, 583, 2286 ALBERY, A. C. R 19 ALEXANDER, C. L 1876 ALLEN, H. E 20, 90, 335, 336, 1344, 2275 ALLEN, W. B 2302 ALLENDER, J. H 21 ALLEY, W. P 22-25, 1450, 1648, 1655, 1727 ALSTAETTER, C 26 AM. SOC. CIVIL ENGIN 614 AMBROSINI, R 858 AMSTERBURG, R. J., Jr 27 ANCHOR, C. K 28, 29, 402, 557 ANDERSON, D. V 30 ANDERSON, D. W 31 ANDERSON, R. F 23, 32, 107, 108, 1509, 1528, 1731, 1946, 1948 ANDERSON, T. W 1227a ANDERSON, V. L 2429 ANDREN, A. W 33 ANDREW, R. W 34 ANONYMOUS 35-58, 2437 APPLEGATE, V. C 59, 60 ARCTIC INSTITUTE OF N. AMERICA 61 ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY 62-65 ARIHOOD, L. D 66 ARMOUR, J. A 67 ARMSTRONG, D. E 33, 68, 69 203 ARMSTRONG, J. M 70-75, 249, 253-256, 1355, 1876, 2409 ARNOLD, D. E 76, 108 ARNOLD, V. L 77 ARRIZABALAGA, F 78 ASBURY, J. G 79-81 ASSEL, R. A 82-86 AUBERT, E. J 87-90 AUER, M. T 91, 92 AULERICH, R. J 93 AVERY, E. L 94 AYER, F. A 95 AYER, N. J 799, 1240 AYERS, J. C 96-128, 194, 427, 1195, 1528, 1529, 1646-1648, 1877, 1878 BACHMANN, R. W 1807 BAILS, J 129 BAJORUNAS, L 130, 131 BAKER, D. G 132-136, 1792, 1931 BAKER, J. L 137, 358 BAKER-BLOCKER, A 133, 138 BALCH, L 139 BALDWIN, N. S 140-142 BALFE, M 143 BALLERT, A. G 144 BARBALAS, L. X. : 145 BARBER, C. K 75 BARBOUR, M. T 2008 BARDACK, D 220, 2057 BARKER, J. M 146, 147, 181 BARKO, J. W 148 BARRIENTOS, C. S 1638 BARRON, M. A 149 BARROW, J. H., Jr 150 BARTON, C. D 151 BARTON-ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC 965 BARTSCH, A. F 152-154 204 BASCH, R. E 155 BATES, F. W 156 BATHA, J. V 157 BAUER ENGINEERING, INC 158 BAUER, W. M 159 BAUMGART, J 160 BAY-LAKE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION .. 161 BAYER, K 162 BEAK CONSULTANTS, INC 163, 164 BEANE, M 165 BEAULIEU, A 1216 BECKER, G. C 166 BEEBE, R. C 941 BEER, L. P 167-170 BEETHE, R. H 428 BEETON, A. M 171-190, 211, 471, 472, 702, 703, 912, 931-934, 1335, 1401, 1779, 2320 BEITINGER, T. L 1973 BELLAIRE, F. R 109, 191-194, 1093, 2033 BELONGER, B 463 BENDA, R. S 195-197 BENEDICT, B. A 198 BENNETT, J. R 199-202 BENSON, C. R 1801 BERG, R. C 28-29, 203, 557 BERGMAN, H. L 1692 BERGSTROM, R. E 204 BERKSON, J. M 205 BERRY, A. E 206 BERTRAND, G 207, 208 BEYERLE, G. B 209 BIEBER, G. F 1250 BILDER, R. B 210 BILLINGS, N 257 BILLY, T. J 211, 471 BINKOWSKI, F. P 212 205 BIRCHFIELD, G. E 213-216, 475, 946 BLACK, D. B 1592 BLACK, R. F 217 BLAKKAN, B. D 218, 219 BLAND, J. K 220 BLANTON-HAGMAN, B 221, 222a BLECK ENGINEERING CO., INC 222b BLIGH, E. G 223 BLUM, F 224 BLUM, J. L 1236 BLUST, F 225, 1163 BOLSENGA, S. J 226-231 BOOKE, H. E 232, 896 BOOTHROYD, J. C 506, 507 BOREMAN, J 233 BORGESON, D. P 234, 235 BORMAN, R. G 1902 BORN, S. M 577 BOSLEY, T. R 236 BOTHWELL, M. L 237 BOTT, T. L 238-240, 2040, 2041 BOTTRELL, T. W 128, 1097 BOUCK, G. R 562 BOUSH, G. M 1345, 1346 BOWDEN, R. J. 241 BOWERS, J. A 190 BOWMAN, D. F 242 BOWSER, C. J 1773 BOYCE, F. M 243 BOYD, L. W 244 BRAASCH, D. A 245, 246, 474 BRADDOCK, R. J 247,248 BRADLEY, E. H., Jr 249 BRAEM, R. A 250, 251, 1912 BRANDT, S. B 1601 BRATER, E. F 252-259, 2409 BRATZLER, L. J 260 206 BRAZO, D. C 261, 262 BREMER, K. E 263, 1383 BRETZ, J. H 264, 265 BRIARS, R. P 266 BRICE, J. R 2007, 2008 BRICKER, K. S 704 BRILL, E. D 267 BRINKHURST, R. 268 BRO, K 2438 BROECKER, W. S 269 BROOK, A. J 431 BROOKS, A. S 185, 190 BROOKS, J. L 270 BROSE, D. S 271 BROSSMAN, J. J 567-569 BROUILLARD, K. D 272, 273 BROWN, B. P 274 BROWN, D. C 403 BROWN, D. F 1250 BROWN, E. H., Jr 275-282, 422, 603 BROWN, R. J 283 BROWN, W. L 1633, 2004 BROWZIN, B. S 284-286 BRUCE, J. P 287, 288 BRUCE, W. N 1219 BRUNETTI, R. G 817 BRUNK, I. W 289-293 BRUNO, R. 294a BRUNS, W 1062 BRYAN, M. L 294b, 2067 BRYANS, M 616 BUCKLER, W. R 295 BUCKLEY, S. B 296 BUELL, R. E 2434 BUETIKOFER, L. B 297 BUETTNER, H. J 1077, 1929 BULKLEY, J. W 298-302 207 BUNAMO, M 1852 BUNKER, R. M 830 BURDICK, M 874 BURGER, J. A 303 BURKE, J. A 67 BURRIS, R. H 1316, 2005, 2251 BUSHOUSE, S 304, 1102 BUSINESSMEN FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST 305 BUSS, D. F 306, 307 BUSSE, W 1200 BUTCHER, D. K 308 BUTLER, K. S 309 BUTRICO, F. A 310 BUTTNER, J. K 311, 817 CABELLI, V. J 319 CABLE, L. E 320 CAIN, L. P 321 CAIN, S. A 322, 323 CALLENDER, E 138, 324-327, 584, 594, 1709, 1710, 1771-1773, 1835 CANALE, R. P 91, 92, 328-337, 1657, 2274, 2275 CARLSON, C. T 1879-1881 CARLSON, G. T 338 CARLSON, R. E 339 CARR, J. F ' 340 CARROL, E. W 341 CARSON, J. E 342 CATALDO, J. C 343 CAVADIAS, G. S 377 CDM LIMNETICS, INC 312-318 CESAROTTI, D. J 1464 CHAMBERLAIN, S. G 344 CHAMBERS, R. L 345 CHANDIK, J. F 346 CHANDLER, D. C 110, 182, 347, 348, 1195, 1335 CHANGNON, S. A., Jr 349-357, 710 208 CHASE, P. E 358 CHASE, R. R. P 359 CHATHAM, C. E., Jr 437 CHAU, Y. K 360 CHAWLA, V. K 2309 CHEETHAM, R. N., Jr 361, 1339 CHESTERS, G 362 CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT 363 CHICAGO SANITARY DISTRICT 364 CHIOTTI, T. L 365 CHOROWICKI, D 241 CHRISTIAN, J. E 1062, 2429 CHRISTIE, W. J 366, 367 CHURCHILL, D. H 368 CHURCHILL, W 1501 CIMA, G. P 369, 370, 384 CIRILLO, R. R 371 CITY OF CHICAGO, DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 363, 372, 373 CITY OF EVANSTON 374 CLAFLIN, L. W 375, 913 CLARK, A. H 376 CLARK, R. H 377, 378 CLARKE, W. D 183 CLAY, C. S 1601 CLEARY, F. L 520 CLEVENGER, R. F 1304 CLIKEMAN, F. M 1062 CLINTON, F. A 1328 CLOERN, J. E 379, 380 CLOKE, P. L 381 COCHRAN, M. C 369, 370, 382-385, 1545 COGLEY, A. C 386 COHEE, G. V 387 COHN, B. P 388, 389 COLBY, L 390 COLBY, P. J 391, 392, 1269, 1979 209 COLE, A. L 393-397, 1541, 1542, 1996 COLE, H. S 398, 1286-1288 COLEMAN, D. E 399 COLLINS, C. T 400 COLLINSON, C 29, 203, 401-403, 557, 559, 799, 1241, 1515 COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO 404 COMNINELLIS, E 405 CONNER, I. E 1919 CONSUMERS POWER CO 406-416 CONWAY, H. L 417, 1559, 1560 COOK, D. G 418 COOK, G. W 419-421 COON, F. B 886, 887 COOPER, D. W 1854 COOPER, G. P 422 COOPER, J. C 423, 424, 1859-1861 COPELAND, R. A 425-428 COREY, J. B 429 CORTRIGHT, M 258 COTE, W. E 430 COUTANT, C. C 431 COX, J 2411 CRAIG, L. S 432 CREER, K. M 433 CREVENSTEN, D 434 CROCHETT, D 522 CROOK, L. T 435, 436, 1951 CROSBY, L. G 437 CROSSMAN, E. J 438 CROWE, W. R 439-441 CSANADY, G. T 442-449 CUNNINGHAM, J. D., Ill 450 CUTLER, R. M 595 CZAIKA, S. C 451, 1655 D'ALBA, L 452 D'lTRI, F. M 453, 1312 210 DACK, G. M 454 DACONE, J. V 455 DAHL, A. H 456 DAHL, F. H 1414 DAI, Y. B 457 DALY, R. 1 458-464, 1860 DAMANN, K. E 465-467 DAMBACH, C. A 468 DAMS, R 838 DANA, B 2251 DANARD, M. B 469, 470, 1499 DANIELS, E. W 1460, 1461 DANIELS, S. L 211, 471, 472 DAUBERT, A 473 DAUBERT, J. P 1237 DAVENPORT, R 2439 DAVID, M. H 474 DAVIDSON, D. R 214, 475 DAVIDSON, K. L 476, 477 DAVIDSON, K. T 478 DAVIES, T. T 479, 480 DAVIS, C. C 481 DAVIS, C. 1836 DAVIS, M. B 482 DAVIS, R. A., Jr 403, 509, 659, 666, 2409 DAVIS, S. E 510, 2408, 2410 DAVIS, W. J 2429 DAY, H. J 511 DEAN, J 520 DECOOKE, B. G 225, 512-517 DEEVEY, E. S 521 DEEVEY, G. B 521 DEFFNER, J. S 238, 239 DEGRAEVE, G. M 518, 1696, 1697 DEGURSE, P. E 522, 1140-1143, 1630 DEININGER, R. A 523 DEKKER, C. L 1313 211 DELFINO, J. J 524, 525 DELINCK, H. J 526 DELLER, H. A 527 DEMUTH, P. R 519 DENISON, P. J 528, 652 DENNIS, J. V. 529 DEPALMA, L. M 331, 332 DERECKI, J. A 530a, 530b DEUTSCHER, P 531 DEWEY, K. F 532 DEWITT, B. H 133 DIETZ, A. L 533 DINGELL, J. D 534 DITMARS, J. D 682 DITTON, R. B 535-544, 724, 2025 DIXON, D. W 133 DIZON, A. E 1859 DOBSON, W. D 545 DODGE, K. E 546 DOHLER, G. C 547 DONETH, J 548 DONNAN, B. C 549 DOOLEY, J. C, Jr 550, 1289 DORR, J. A., Ill 551-554, 1097, 1098 DOSKEY, P. V. ..' 1465, 1466 DOWNS, W 555, 2310 DRAKE, P. L 29, 402, 556-559 DREHER, F. C 1146 DREIMANIS, A 560 DRESSMAN, R. C 1230, 1231 DRONGOWSKI, R. A 561, 562 DUANE, D. B 570 DUBE, D. J 571 DUBOIS, R. N 563-565, 572, 573 DUGAN, L. R., Jr 247, 248 DUGAS, W. A 574 DUMONTELLE, P. B 403, 566-569 212 DUNN, W. E 575, 576 DUNNING, C. P 2328 DUNST, R. C 577 DUPONT, R 858 DVORAK, D 1358 DWORSKY, L. B 578 DYMOND, J. R 579 DZURISIN, G. L 1801 EADIE, B. J 1824 EBBESMEYER, C. C 1533 EBEL, W. J 581 ECKERMAN, K. F 1749 EDGE, B. L 582 EDGINGTON, D. N 381, 583-596, 1103, 1269, 1336, 1561, 1562, 1599, 1710-1717, 1719, 2065, 2086, 2287, 2324 EDIL, T. B 597 EDMONDSON, W. T 184 EDSALL, T. A 598-604 EDWARDS, J 1958 EFFER, W. R 605 EICHELBERGER, J. U 1230, 1231 EICHENLAUB, V. L 606 ELDER, F. C 528, 607-609, 652, 1640 ELLARSON, R. S 1603, 1604 ELLEFSON, P. V 1070 ELLIS, H 1324 ELZERMAN, A. W 33, 610 EMERICK, D 2251 EMERY, L 611 EMMLING, P. J 612 ENCOTEC 580 ENGIN. INSTITUTE OF CANADA 613, 614 ENVIREX, INC 615 EPSTEIN, E 616, 1580 ERYUZLER, N. E 1596 ESCHMAN, D. F 623-625 213 ESCHMEYER, P. H 617, 835-837 ETHINGTON, R. L 494 EVANS, E 618 EVANS, E. D 879 EVANS, M. S 619, 620 EVANS, R. L 1158 EVENSON, E. B 621-625, 1397 EVERHART, J. D 948 EVERS, R. A 626 EWING, B. B 1379 EWING, K. J 1510, 1511 FABER, R. A 627 FAIT, R. G 628 FALKNER, C 2440 FANCHER, H. L 629 FARLOW, J. S 630, 1534 FARRAND, W. R 623-625 FASSBENDER, R. L 1497 FAST, M 632 FAY, L. D 633 FED. WATER QUALITY ADMIN., BUREAU OF SPORTS FISH. WILDL 2219 FEDERAL COUNCIL FOR SCI. AND TECHNOL. .. 634, 635 FEE, E. J 636-640, 1439 FELDMAN, H 1694 FELDT, L. E 1839, 1843, 2017, 2018 FENTERS, J 1781 FERRANTE, J. G 641, 1460, 1461, 1563 FETTEROLF, C. M. , Jr 642-644 FINFER, P 645 FINGLETON, D. J 646 FINGLETON, W. G 495, 496, 647 FITCHKO, J 648, 649, 955 FITZGERALD, G. P 650, 2005 FLAYTER, R. L 651 FLEMING, R. A 652 214 FOCHTMAN, E. G 653, 2402 FOGLE, N. E 654 FOLSOM, T. R 655 FOLTZ, J. W 656, 657 FOSTER, B 1102 FOSTER, E. M 238-240, 2040 FOWLER, G. A 1192 FOX, A. J 658 FOX, W. T 497-507, 509, 659-668, 2409 FRANK, C. L 153 FRANKOVIC, E. A 669 FRASER, G. S 670-672, 881, 882 FREEDMAN, P. L 91, 92 FREEMAN, N. G 673 FREEMAN, R. F., Ill 1886 FRENCH, W. E 118, 674, 675 FRENZEN, P 676 FREY, D 677 FRIGO, A. A 80, 678-684, 1555, 1556, 2078 FRISCH, J. V 1525 FROOM, C. P 685 FRYE, D. E 679-681, 1556, 2078, 2434 FRYE, J. C 686-688, 2346 FUESSLE, R. W 267 FULLER, F. D 1089, 1090, 1705, 1706 FUNK, K 1930 GADZIKOWSKI, G. R 689 GALBRAITH, M. G., Jr 691 GALLAGHER, B. J 692, 2417 GALLOWAY, J. E 693 GAMET, M. B 694, 695 GANNON, J. E 340, 696-704, 1402, 1844 GANNON, J. J 337, 705 GARA, M. J 706 GARCIA, L. C 128, 1451 GASSMAN, A. F 595 GATES, W. A 309 215 GATZ, D. F 707-710 GAVIN, J 2408 GEDNEY, R. T 1854 GEIN0P0L0S, A 711 GELSKEY, D. E 1623 GERLOFF, G. C 650, 713 GERSTEIN, H. H 714 GERVAIS, J. G 1458 GHOSH, S. K 715 GIBBONS, J. W 605 GILBERTSON, M 716 GILL, G. C 883, 1425 GILLETT, J. M 717 GILLETTE, D. A 718 GILLETTE, J.' F 75 GLOOSCHENKO, V 719 GLOOSCHENKO, W. A 719-721 GOLDMAN, G. C 722, 1624 GOLDSBY, A. 1 1870 GOLDTHWAIT, J. W 723 GONSIEWSKI, J 809, 2409 GOODALE, T. L 536-540, 724 GOODMAN, A. S 343 GOODNIGHT, C. J 725 GORDON, W. G. 726, 727, 1167 GOTS, B. L 1302 GOULDEN, P. 1 2088 GOVE ENGINEERS 728 GRAF, J. B 729-731 GRAHAM, E. S 472 GRAIKOSKI, J. T 1736 GRANGER, D. W 257 GRAVES, E 732 GREAT LAKES BASIN COMMISSION 733-769 GREAT LAKES COMMISSION 770-775 GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS SURVEY 776 216 GREAT LAKES FISHERY COMMISSION 777-792 GREEN, A. W., Jr 333 GREEN, T 793, 1821, 1822, 1823, 2058 GREENE, J. C 1400 GREIJ, E 794 GRENCH, R. E 81 GRIFFIN, J. B 795, 796 GRITTINGER, T. F 797 GROSS, D. L 205, 433, 798, 799, 1130, 1240-1245 GROUNDS, H. C 800 GRUBER, D. A 801 GRUMBLATT, J. L 802 GUILFORD, H. G 803, 804 GULO, J. E 805 GULVAS, J. A 195-197 GUSTAFSON, P. F 806-808, 1490 GUSTINIS, J 1716 GUTSCHICK, R. C 809, 2409 HACIA, H 810 HACKER, V. A 461 HADLEY, D. W 811 HAEGER, J. D 812 HAGMAN, B. B 813, 814 HALL, C. A 815 HALL, C. A. S 1325 HALL, J. B 830 HALL, L. C 1143 HALL, V. L 816 HAMBLIN, P. F 673 HAMILTON, A. L 268 HAMILTON, R. W 311, 817 HAMPTON, G. R 818 HAN, C 819 HANDS, E. B 820, 821, 1818 HANNA, J 822-824a HANSEN, M. J 824b, 825 217 HANSEN, N 655 HANSEN, R. S 826 HANSON, G. F 204 HANSON, L. H 924 HARDY, E. P 827, 828 HARKIN, J. M 829 HARLEMAN, D. R. F 830-832 HARMAN, 0. R 833a, 833b HARMESON, R. H 7 HARMON, G 1558 HARNEY, M. A 834 HARRIS, D. L 1311 HARRIS, R. F 68 HARRIS, V. T 836, 837 HARRISON, P. R 838 HARRISON, W 1354, 1811 HART, J. L 2036 HART, R. L 676 HARTFORD, S. B 839 HARTKE, E. J 840 HARTWELL, K 2064 HARVEY, E 585 HARZA ENGINEERING CO 841 HARZA, R. D 842 HASLER, A. D. . . .• 423, 424, 1368, 1859-1861 HASSINGER, R 129 HAUGEN, R. K 843, 844 HAUMANN, J 1658 HAUSMANN, P. S 845 HAVERKAMPF, P. T 846 HAVLICK, S. W 847 HAWES, F. B 605 HAWKINS, B. E 620 HAWLEY, E. F 848 HAWLEY, J. E 706 HAYES, M. 506, 507 HAYNE, D. W 824b 218 HEAP, J. A 849-851 HEAPS, N. S 852 HEARD, W. H 853 HECK, D. B 1892 HEDRICK, L. R 854-859 HEHR, J. G 860 HEIGHWAY, J. E 1854 HEILMANN, R. L 143 HELM, J. M 861 HELSETH, J. M 1533 HEMPFLING, T 452 HENDERSON, C 862, 863, 1026 HENNIGAN, R. D 864 HENSON, E. B 865-867, 1195 HENTZ, S 868 HERBERT, T. A 869 HERBST, R. P 870, 871 HERDENDORF, C. E 1227b HERKOFF, D 872 HERMAN, C. M 873 HERMAN, E 874 HERRINGTON, H. B 268, 867 HESS, G. D 875 HESSE, J. L 876-879 HESSELBURG, R. J 2337 HESTER, F. E 880 HESTER, N. C 670-672, 881, 882 HEWSON, E. W 883, 884, 1424, 1425, 1541, 1542, 2349 HICKEY, J. J 31, 627, 885-887, 1487 HICKS, B. B 875 HIIPAKKA, L. W 294a HILE, R 888, 889, 1929 HILFIKER, R. C 397 HILL, J. D 890 HILL, J. R 840, 891, 892 HILSENHOFF, W. L 1263 219 HILTUNEN, J. K 893, 894 HINEMAN, D. J 334-336 HINEY, R. A 895 HINRICHS, M. A 896 HINZE, W. J 1530, 1531 HLAVEK, R. R 897 HOAGMAN, W. J. (SA: HOGMAN , W. J.) .... 898-902, 2303 HOCKINGS, W. A 903 HODGE, V. F 655 HODGES, J. W 904 HODSON 5 P. V 34 HOGLUND, B 905 HOGLUND, M. B 906 HOGMAN, W. J. (SA: HOAGMAN, W. J.) 907-909, 2304 HOHN, M. H 1720 HOLE, F. D 1997 HOLLAND, R. E 910-913 HOLLEY, E. R., Jr 831, 832 HOLLEYMAN, J. B 914, 915 HOLMES, A. D 1854 HOLPUCH, R 1959 HOLZER, J. A 916 HOOPES, J. A 831, 832 HOOVER, J 2408 HOPPS, E 2438 HORRALL, R. M 424, 1859-1861 HORST, T. J 1250 HOUGH, J. L Ill, 917-921 HOUSE, R 922, 2321 HOUSLEY, J. G 1256 HOWE, P 2008 HOWELL, G. S., Jr 923 HOWELL, J. H 59, 924, 1612, 1906, 1981 HOWLETT, G. F 925 HOWMILLER, R. P 926-934 HSU, S. C 2068 HUANG, C. Y 2252 220 HUANG, J. C. K 112, 113, 935-938, 1512 HUBBS, C. L 939 HUDDLESTON, J 940 HUFF, F. A 356, 941 HUGHES, L. A 942-945 HUGHES, T. H 946 HUH, H. T 947, 948 HULSEY, J. D 949, 950 HUMPHREY, H. E. B 951 HUNDT, K. W 520 HUNN, J. D 1767, 1768 HUNT, G. S 952 HURLEY, D. A 392 HURTADO, P. S 953 HUTCHINSON, R. D 954 HUTCHINSON, T. C 649, 955 HYDROCON, INC 956, 957 HYDROSCIENCE, INC 958 ILLINOIS COASTAL ZONE MANAG. PROG 959-961 ILLINOIS COMMITTEE ON LAKE MICHIGAN 962a ILLINOIS DEPT. OF CONSERVATION 962b ILLINOIS DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION, DIV. OF WATER RESOUR 963-965 ILLINOIS DIV. OF WATERWAYS 966a, 966b ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 967-974 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRON. QUAL. .. 975 ILLINOIS NAT. HIST. SURV 976, 977 ILLINOIS SANITARY WATER BOARD 978-980 ILLINOIS STATE GEOL. SURV 981-983 ILLINOIS WATER POLLUT. AND WATER RESOUR. COMMISSION 967, 984 ILLINOIS WATER RESOUR. CENTER 985 ILLINOIS WATER RESOUR. COMMISSION 986 INDIANA AND MICHIGAN ELECTRIC CO 993 INDIANA DEPT. NAT. RESOUR., DIV. OF WATER 987 , 988 INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER CO 989, 990 221 INDIANA STREAM POLLUT. CONTROL BOARD 991, 992 INDIANA WATER RESOUR. CENTER 985 INDUSTRIAL BIO-TEST LABORATORIES 994-1025 INGLIS, A 862-863, 1026 INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION 1027-1059 IRISH, S. M 1060 ISKANDAR, I. K 1609, 2333 ISLEIB, D. R 1061 JACKO, R. B 1062 JACKSON, W. L 1063, 1064 JACOBSON, A. P 1625 JACOBY, C 1065 JAIN, S. C 2056 JAIYEN, K 1066 JAMSEN, F. W 1071 JAMSEN, G. C 1067-1071 JANSSEN, J 1072 JARVIS, W. L 1073 JAWORSKI, E 1074, 1679 JEHN, P. J 13, 14, 18 JENKINS, MERCHANT, & NANKIVIL, CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1075 JENSEN, A. L 1076, 1077 JENSEN, R 1881 JIRBERG, R. J. : 1854 JOERES, E. F 245, 246, 474, 511, 1078-1081 JOERIS, L. S 441, 1082 JOHN, M 197 JOHNSEN, P. K 541-543 JOHNSON, B. G. H 59, 60 JOHNSON, H. E 1083 JOHNSON, J. H 1084 JOHNSON, J., Jr 240 JOHNSON, JOHNSON, & ROY, INC 1085 JOHNSON, M. G 418, 419 JOHNSON, R. G 1086 222 JOHNSON, R. L 1087, 1088 JOHNSON, W. D 1089, 1090 JOHNSON, W. L 862, 863, 1026 JOHNSTON, E. M 1091, 1092 JONES, D. L 1093 JONES, D. M. A 357, 941, 1094 JOSEPHSON, P. D 138, 1947 JUDE, D. J 553, 1095-1098 JUDGE, C. W 848 KAHLBAUM, D. F 1931 KAMATH, P. R 473 KANAYAMA, R. K 1099 KAPETSKY, J. M 1100 KAPLAN, M. S 1101 KAPP, R. 1102 KARADI, G. M 1165 KARL, G 1864 KARROW, P. F 560, 2330 KARSHEN, S. P 1365 KARTTUNEN, J. 583, 593, 1103, 1716 KARVELIS, E. G 441, 1082 KATNIK, K 1104 KATZ, P. L 1105, 1106, 1135, 1136, 1868 KAUFMANN, 0. W 633 KAWAHARA, F. K 1090, 1107 KAYE, G. T 1407 KEARNEY CO., INC 1108 KEATING, T. J 793, 2404 KECKELER, C. A 1694 KEEN, C. S 1109, 1289-1291 KEENER, R. B 1110 KEENEY, D. R 68 KEHR, W. Q 1111 KEIFER AND ASSOCIATES, INC 1112, 1113 KEITH, J. A 885-887, 1114, 1115 KELLER, C. J 1116 KELLER, M 1117, 1118, 1786, 1787 223 KELLEY, R. W 1119, 1120 KELLY, T. M 1661, 2275 KELNHOFER, G. T 1121 KEMPE, L. L 211, 471, 472, 1122 KENNEDY, E. J 1123, 1782 KENNEDY, H 319 KENNEDY, J. F 2056 KENNEDY, W. E 1638 KENTUCKY WATER RESOUR. CENTER 985 KERHIN, R. T 667 KERNEN, L. T 1124, 1125 KERNS, C. L 1126 KERRIGAN, J. E 114 KESSLER, R 1931 KESSLER, W. V 2429 KEVERN, N. R 693 KHALANSKI, M 605 KIDD, C. C 107, 1127, 1128 KIEFER, U 1694 KILHAM, P 1129 KING, E. L., Jr 250, 924, 1913, 1914 KING, G 462, 463 KING, J. E 1130 KING, R. F 684 KIRSHNER, L. D 1131, 1132 KITCHEL, M. A 370, 385, 1133, 1552 KITE, G. W 1134 KIZLAUSKAS, A. G 1135, 1136 KLEIN, D. H 1137 KLEINERT, S. J 1138-1143 KLOPATEK, J 1997 KNAUOR, D. R 577 KNIGHT, A. W 1144 KNIGHT, H. T 1145 KNOWLES, D. B 1146 KNOX, J 2440 KOBRIGER, N 1998 224 KOCH, R. A 1147, 1148 KOHLER, M 1149-1152 KOLCZAK, L 1826, 1827 KOLEHMAINEN, S 605 KONASEWICH, D. E 34, 1153, 1889 KONDRAT, C. V 948 KOPCZYNSKA, E. E 115, 1154, 2015 KOPEC, R. J 1155-1157 KORN, S 1308 KOSSOY, M 856 KOTHANDARAMAN, V 1158 KOVACIC, P. K 185 KRAMER, J. R 1159-1161 KRAUSZ, N. G. P 1324 KREISMAN, J 1162 KRESGE, R. F 1163, 2311 KREY, P. W 828 KREZOSKI, J. R 1164 KRIZEK, R. J 1165 KU, L. F 1166 KUBECK, A. M 75 KUHN, J. K 1857 KUPFER, G. A 1167 KUPKE, J. E 1168 KYSER, J. M 473, 1169 LAARMAN, J. P 1171 LAARMAN, P. U 1172 LADD, J. W 668 LADEWSKI, T. B 704, 1173, 2016 LAGLER, K. F 939 LAIDLY, W. T 1174 LAJEONE, L. J 1170 LAKE MICHIGAN AND ADJOINING LANDS STUDY COMMISSION, STATE OF ILLINOIS 1175, 1982 LAKE MICHIGAN COOLING WATER INTAKE TECH. COMMITTEE 1176 LAKE MICHIGAN ENFORCEMENT CONFERENCE, PESTIC. TECH. COMMITTEE 1177-1179 225 LAKE MICHIGAN FEDERATION 1180 LAMBLE, M. 526, 805, 1611 LAMSA, A. K 1414 LANDSTROM, E 1718 LANE, P. A 1181 LANE, R. K 287 LANG, J 207, 208 LANTZ, C. H 1182 LANZ, R. W 1183, 2333 LARIMORE, M. S 558 LARROWE, B. T 1184 LARSEN, C. E 403, 672, 1185-1190 LARSEN, J. 1 1191 LARSEN, L 859 LASCA, N. P 1192 LATTA, W. C 1193 LAUER, T. E 1194 LAUFF, G. H 1144, 1195 LAURENT, J. K 1196 LAWHEAD, H. F 1197, 1198, 1307, 1581 LAWRIE, A. H 1199 LAWTON, G. W 1200 LAZARO, M. A 1201 LEACOCK, J. R 2088 LEAGUE OF WOMEN .VOTERS 1202-1206 LEARY, R. D 1207 LEE, C. A 1208 LEE, C. E 1209 LEE, G. F 69, 1210-1212, 1952, 1977, 2264, 2265 LEE, K. K 1213-1215 LEE, K. W 68 LEE, T. R 1216 LEELING, N. C 1217 LELAND, H. V 799, 1218-1222, 1891, 1892 LERMAN, A 1223, 1224 LESHKEVICH, G. A 1225 226 LETTERMAN, R. D 1226 LEVIN, M. A 319 LEVINSON, E. D 684 LEWIS, C. F. M 1227a, 1227b LEWIS, E. W 358 LEYNAUD, G 605 LI, A. H. H 1228 LI, T. Y 1229 LICHTENBERG, J. J 1230, 1231 LICK, W. J 1232, 1233, 1582 LIN, C.-K 1234-1236 LINDSAY, R. C 1237 LINEBACK, J. A 205, 403, 433, 798, 799, 1130, 1238-1245, 1899 LINGLE, J. W 948 LINK, L. E 1246 LINKLATER, G. D 1934 LINTON, MIELDS, AND COSTON, INC 1247 LISAUSKAS, R. A 1182 LISSACK, J 1864 LISTON, C. R 262, 1248, 1249 LITTLE, F. J., Jr 1250 LITWIN, Y. J 1079-1081 LIU, P. C 1251-1257 LLOYD, C. N 1258 LOFTUS, K. H 1259, 1702 LOGSDON, J. E 685 LONG, C. A 1260, 1261 LONG, D. T 1262 LONG, M. T 1865b LONGBOTTOM, J. E 1230, 1231 LONGRIDGE, J. L 1263 LOONIER, S. A 1264 LOPICCOLO, R. D 1265 LOPINOT, A. C 1266, 1267 LOUCKS, R. H 2069, 2070 LUBNER, J. F 1268 227 LUCAS, H. F., Jr 586, 1269, 2065 LUDWIG, C. E 1276 LUDWIG, J. D 816 LUDWIG, J. P 1270-1277 LUESCHOW, L. A 1864 LUNDY, D. T 1207 LYONS, W. A 346, 398, 1278-1301 MACCRIMMON, H. R 1302 MACEK, K. J 1308 MACHNIAK, K 1309, 1310 MACHTA, L 1311 MACK, W. N 1312, 1313 MACKAY, W. R 1303 MACKENZIE, R. J. D 547 MACKENZIE, S 793 MACLAREN, J. W 1304 MACLEAN, W. F 1305, 1306 MACNISH, C. F 1307 MADDING, R. P 473, 1314, 1329, 1823 MADISON, D. M 424, 1859, 1860 MAGNUS, K. R 2410 MAGUE, T. H 1315, 1316, 2005 MAHER, L. J 625 MALETSKOS, C 1317 MALILA, W. A. 2067 MALONE, F. D 1318, 1319 MALONEY, T. E 1400 MANION, P. J 1320-1323 MANN, F 1324 MANNY, B. A 1325 MANSON, C 2310 MARCINIAK, P. L 420 MARCUS, M. G 294b MARESCA, J. W., Jr 1326, 1879, 1880, 1882 MARIE, J. R 1327 MARK, H 1854 MARKS, W. D 1328 228 MARLAR, T. L 843, 844 MARMER, G. J 1314, 1329, 1461 MARSH, J 1330 MARSHALL, E. W 1331, 1332 MARSHALL, J. S 13, 596, 641, 1333-1338, 2288-2301, 2423, 2424 MARTER, J. H 1339 MARTIN, E. J 1340 MARTIN, M. K 668 MARZOLF, G. R 1341, 1342 MASLOWSKI, J 1343 MATHEWS, A. P 298-302 MATSON, W. R 1344 MATSUMURA, F 1345, 1346 MATSUNAGA, W. 1826-1829 MATTHIES, M. T 946 MAYER, H. M 1347, 1348 MAYHEW, E. A 1349 MAYHEW, M. C 1350 MCCAULL, J 1351 MCCAY, E 239 MCCLELLAND, J. M 1638 MCCOMBIE, A. M 392 MCCOMISH, T. S 1352, 1353, 1699, 1700, 2307, 2419, 2420 MCCOWN, B. H 309 MCCOWN, D. L 683, 1354 MCCOY, E 238 MCCULLOCH, J. A. W 1610 MCDONALD, J 1162 MCEVOY, J 1580 MCFADDEN, J. T 74, 1355, 1356 MCGEARY, D 508, 1357 MCGILL, M. R 75, 253-256, 2409 MCGINNIS, D 1366 MCGRATH, M 1358 MCKEE, E. M 1359-1361 229 MCKERSIE, J. R 1864 MCKIM, H. L 843, 844 MCLAIN, A. L 129, 1915, 2322, 2323 MCLAIN, D. R 1362 MCLEOD, K. W 1363 MCMILLAN, A. C 469 MCMILLAN, H 1364 MCMILLAN, L. M 1365 MCMILLAN, M 1366 MCNAUGHT, D. C 1181, 1367-1369, 1440 MCWILLIAM, P 124 MCWILLIAM, P. S 1370 MEADOWS, G. A 2410, 2411 MECUM, K. P 574 MEGERIAN, E 517, 1371, 1372 MEIRI, D 1373 MELLINGER, D. L 1374 MEREDITH, D. D 297, 1094, 1375-1379 MERK, G. P 2074 MERMIN, S 1380 MERNA, J. W 1381 MESAROVIC, M. M 473 MEYER, R 856 MEYER, R. P 1243-1245, 1382, 1418, 1419 MEYERS, C. D 1383 MEZEI, D 616 MICHAELIS, A 1513 MICHALSKI, M. F. S 1384 MICHELENA, E. D 1407 MICHIGAN BASIN GEOL. SOCIETY 1385 MICHIGAN DEPT. NAT. RESOUR 1386-1388, 2441 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 1389 MICHIGAN WATER RESOUR. CENTER 985 MICHIGAN WATER RESOUR. COMMISSION 1390-1396 MICKELSON, D. M 625, 1397 MILLER, G. S 1257 MILLER, H. J 1398 230 MILLER, R. R 1399 MILLER, T. J 554, 1097, 1098 MILLER, W 2064 MILLER, W. E 1400 MILLER, W. G 1353 MINNESOTA WATER RESOUR. CENTER 985 MODLIN, R. F 1401, 1402 MOENCH, A. F 1403, 1856 MOFFETT, J. W 59, 186, 340, 1404, 1405 MOFFIT, L. 422, 1787 MOLL, R. A 1406 MOLLAY, E 1781 MONAHAN, E. C 1086, 1407, 1408 MONHEIMER, R. H 1409 MONTEITH, T. J 1410 MONTIE, L. A 1864 MOORE, C. A 1411, 1900 MOORE, F. R 1412 MOORE, H 1413 MOORE, H. H 1414 MOORE, J 463, 464 MOORE, J. E 1415, 1416 MOORE, J. R 1150-1152, 1417-1419, 1917 MOORE, R. J 1420 MORGAN, C. L 1419 MORGAN, G. M., Jr 941 MORGAN, M. D 1421 MOROZ, W. J 1422-1425 MORSELL, J. W 1427 MORTIMER, C. H 1428-1443, 1677, 1804 MOSES, H 1792 MOTZ, L. H 198 MOZLEY, S. C 24, 116, 117, 128, 1444-1452 MRAZ, D 1453, 1454 MRAZ, D. F 187 MUELLER, J. A 1524 MUELLER, R. A 1854 231 MUENCH, B. 1 1455 MUHLENBRUCH, C. W 1456 MUIR, T 1457 MULLER, F. B 1458 MULLER, R. N 15 MUNAWAR, I. F 1459 MUNAWAR, M 1459, 2276 MURARKA, I. P 1460, 1461 MURPHY, T. J 1462-1466 MURTY, T. S 215, 673, 1467, 1468 MUSIL, R 2252 MYRDAL, G. R 1237 NACHIAPPAN, S 334-336 NALCO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 1469-1472 NAPOLI, J 1484-1486 NASS, A. T 829 NATIONAL COUNCIL ON MARINE RESOUR. AND ENGIN. DEVELOPMENT 769 NEAL, T 196 NEIDERMYER, W. J 1487 NEIL, J. H 1488, 1489 NELSON, D. M 13-17, 81, 1490-1494, 1748, 1960, 2286, 2290-2299, 2301 NELSON, E. W 1495 NELSON, K. G 1496 NELSON, L. M 1497 NERALLA, V. R 1498, 1499 NEUMAN, M 1950 NEUMANN, P 2438, 2440 NEUSCHAFER, G. F 1500 NEWSOM, M. D 2327 NICHOLS, S. A 577 NICHOLSON, L. W 2337 NICKLES, S. E 2423 NIELSON, H. R 522 NIEMUTH, W 1501 NIFONG, G. D 2356 232 NOAA NATIONAL CLIMATIC CENTER 1473 NOAA NATIONAL OCEAN SURV., LAKE SURV. CENTER 61, 1474-1483 NOBLE, V. E 118, 216, 851, 1502-1514 NORBY, R. D 558, 559, 1515 NORDEN, C. R 280, 834, 1427, 1516-1519, 1735 NORMAN, J. C 1520 NORTHOUSE, R. A 1292 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 1521 NRIAGU, J. 1522 O'CONNOR, D. J 1523, 1524 O'DELL, J. E 1525 O'GORMAN, R 1526 O'HARA, N. W 107, 119, 1527-1531 ODLAUG, T. 1564, 2043, 2044 OFFICER, E. R 376 OGDEN, J. G 1532 OHIO WATER RESOUR. CENTER 985 OJALA, C. F 1679 OKUBO, A 1533-1535 OLDS, N. V 1536 OLSON, E. W 1774 OLSON, G. R 1537 OLSON, L. J 1145, 1538 OLSON, T. A 1539, 1564, 2043, 2044 OLSSON, L. E 884, 1293, 1294, 1540-1542 OLTMAN, B. G 1749 OPEN LANDS PROJECT 1543, 1544 ORBACH, H 1781 ORLANDINI, K. A 14, 15, 2286 ORPET, R. A 1545 ORVOSH, W 1354 OSTERBERG, C. L 1546 OSTERBERG, J. 1547 OSTROM, E 1548 OSTROM, W. A 1548 OTTO, R. G 1133, 1549-1552 233 OWEN, G. E 1489 OWNBEY, C. R 1111, 1553, 1645 PACIFIC NORTHWEST LABORATORY, BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 1554 PADDOCK, R. A 575, 576, 682, 683, 1169, 1555, 1556 PAINTER, W. T 1557 PAPKE, G 1558 PARDIECK, S 241 PARKER, C 129 PARKER, J. I 641, 1559-1563, 1717 PARKOS, W. G 1564 PARSONS, J. W 1565-1567 PATALAS, K 1568, 1569 PATIL, K. C 1345, 1346 PATRIARCHE, M. H 422, 1570-1579 PATTERSON, D. J 616, 1580 PATTERSON, R. L 337 PATTERSON, T. M 1581 PAUL, J. F 1582 PAVIA, R. A 1583 PAYNE, A. G 1584 PEASE, S. R 1295-1298 PECK, J. W 422, 1585-1590, 1993 PECOR, C 1083, 1591 PEEBLES, C. S. ., 1592 PEIRCE, J. J 474 PELL, J 473 PENA, J. M 2056 PENTECOST, E. D 1593 PENTLAND, R. L 1372, 1594-1596 PERKINS, J. P 1597, 1598 PERLOW, G. J 1599 PERSOAGE, N. P 338, 378 PETERSEN, M. L 1600 PETERSON, J. 577 PETERSON, M. L 1601, 1820 234 PETERSON, S 153 PETERSON, S. R 1602-1604 PETTERSSEN, S 1605 PEYTON, T. 1606 PEZZETTA, J. M 1607-1609 PHILLIPS, D. L 2 PHILLIPS, D. W 1610 PIALA, J. M 1611 PIAVIS, G. W 1612, 1906 PICCOLO, R. A 667 PIEHLER, G. R 1613 PILGRIM, P. C 1408, 1614 PINCUS, H. J 1615, 1616 PINSAK, A. P 1617-1619 PIPER, R. J 1620 PIPES, W. 169, 170 PIRIE, R. G 1192 PLATO, P. A 1621-1625 PLATZMAN, G. W 1626-1628 POFF, R. J 129, 462, 1629-1631, 1859, 1860 POLAKOWSKI, K. J 1632 POLAVARAPU, R. J 1467 POLCYN, F. C 1633, 2004, 2067 POLICASTRO, A. J 575, 576, 1169, 1460, 1461, 1556, 1634-1637 PORE, N. A 1638 PORTEOUS, R. C 1639 PORTMAN, D. J 476, 1640 POSTON, H. W 1641-1645 POTZEL, W 1599 POWERS, C. F 25, 118, 125, 154, 1195, 1646-1655, 1728-1732 POWERS, R 2068 POWERS, R. E 421 POWERS, W. E 1656 POWERS, W. F 337, 1657 POYNER, P. L 558 235 PRASTEIN, S. M 2 PRATER, W. W 428 PREPEJCHAL, W 81, 1491-1493, 1658-1660, 1744-1749, 1752-1753, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1974 PRICE, B 1661 PRICE, C 2410 PRITCHARD, J. A 2036 PRITCHETT, P. C 496 PURVIS, H. A 1322 PYCHA, R. L 1662 QUIGLEY, J. T 2037 QUIGLEY, R. M 1663 QUINLAN, D. W 1664 QUINN, F. H 1665-1670 RAE, J. D 1671 RAGO, P. J 1098 RAGOTZKIE, R. A 12, 1356, 1672, 1673 RAHN, K. A 838 RAINEY, R. H 1674 RAINS, J. H 1675 RANEY, E. C 1676, 2091 RAO, D. B 1441, 1468, 1677, 1678 RAO, G. V 470 RAPHAEL, C. N 1074, 1679 RASMUSSEN, G. A. 1680 RASTONIS, S. V 1681 RAWLINGS, F. F 2287 RAWLS, J. L 2287 REDMOND, D 1104 REED, J 1781 REED, P. A 2258a, 2258b REED, R. W 436 REEVE, C. A 18, 583 REGIER, H. A 1259, 1683, 1684 REIGLE, N. J., Jr 1685-1689 REINERT, R. E 1690-1693 236 REKSHAN, P 1344 REMMERT, K 1719 RESHKIN, M 840, 1694 RESIO, D. T 1695 REYNOLDS, J. B 518, 1696, 1697 RHODES, R. J 1698-1700 RICE, J. 1552 RICHTER, M. A 1701 RICKER, W. E 1702 RIES, S. K 923 RINGER, R. K 93 RISK, N. E 1801 RISLEY, C, Jr 1090, 1703-1706 RITCHIE, J. C 587 RIZZO, K. R 1289, 1707 ROBB, D. C 2242 ROBBINS, A. S 1533 ROBBINS, J. A 587-593, 838, 1708-1719 ROBBINS, S. G 1720 ROBERT B. TESKA ASSOCIATES 1721 ROBERTS, J 1496 ROBERTSON, A 451, 1649-1655, 1722-1732, 1824 ROBINSON, D. G 1733 ROBINSON, J. E 389 ROBINSON, M. 260 ROBINSON, R. D 1734, 1735 ROBOHM, R. A 1736 ROCKWELL, D. C 1737 RODGERS, G. K 288, 1738, 1739 ROFFLER, S 793 ROFRITZ, D. J 1740 ROGERS, J. C 1741, 1742 ROLAN, R. G 1743 ROMBERG, G. P 81, 1491-1493, 1659, 1660, 1744-1755, 1962-1966, 2066 RONDY, D. R 1756-1763, 2348 ROPEK, J. F 2334 237 ROPES, G. E 1163, 1764 ROSE, D. H 903 ROSE, F. T 1765 ROSE, J 1732 ROSEBOROUGH, J. D 90 ROSENBAUM, G 1162 ROSENBERG, H. B 188 ROSENSHEIN, J. S 1767, 1768 ROSS, J. E 165, 207, 208 ROSSMANN, R 120, 125, 1769-1774 ROTH, J. C 116, 1775, 1776, 1837, 1883 ROTHMAN, E. D 1838, 2275 ROUSAR, D. C 1777-1779 ROWE, R. R 1780 RUBENSTEIN, S. H 1781 RUBIN, E. M 1299 RUCH, R. R 1123, 1782, 1892 RUGEN, P. C 251 RUKAVINA, N. A 1783 RUMER, R. R., Jr 831, 832 RUMMEL, L. H 420 RUSSELL, R. P., Jr 1784 RYBICKI, R. W 422, 1785-1787 RYCKMAN, J. R 1071, 1100 RYCKMAN, R. G 1788 RYCZEK, R. A 1789 RYDER, R. A 10, 1790 RYEL, L. A 633 RYNER, P. C 1791 RYZNAR, E 134-136, 1640, 1792 SAALFELD, R. W 141, 142 SABATINI, R. R 1793 SAFLEY, G. W 477 SAGER, P. E 1520, 1794-1796 SAITOH, H 360 SALVESON, A 1797 bAMr jUN , K. L. J 721 238 SANDER, P 1798 SANTIAGO, M. A 1838, 2018 SASMAN, R. T 1799-1801 SATHER, J. H 1802 SATO, G. K 1442, 1803, 1804 SATTINGER, I. J 1633, 2067 SAUNDERS, G. W 1805, 1807 SAUNDERS, G. W., Jr 1806 SAUNDERS, K. D 1808-1811 SAXON, M. 1 604 SAYLOR, J. H 570, 1257, 1512, 1812-1818 SCARCE, L. E 1089, 1090, 1819, 1820 SCARPACE, F. L 793, 1821-1823 SCAVIA, D 1369, 1824 SCHACHT, R. A 1825-1829 SCHAEFER, W. F 1830 SCHARF, W. C 1831, 1832 SCHELSKE, C. L 1406, 1833, 1844, 2017, 2018 SCHENKER, E 1845-1853 SCHERTLER, R. J 1854 SCHICHT, R. J 1855, 1856 SCHLEICHER, J. A 1857, 1892 SCHOLTZHAUER, G. K 1858 SCHOLZ, A. T 424, 1859-1861 SCHRAM, J. M 558, 559 SCHRAUFNAGEL, F. H 1862-1864 SCHROEDER, D 1865a SCHROEDER, F. J 474 SCHUELER, R. L 1865b SCHUH, J. A 1289, 1300 SCHULTZ, P. T 160, 464 SCHUMACHER, M 1866 SCHUMANN, C. E 1867 SCHWAB, D. J 1441, 1677, 1678 SCHWAB, G. M 1105, 1106, 1868 SCHWARTZ, L. J 1869, 1870, 2333 SCHWARTZ, M. L 1871 239 SCOTT, C 2344 SEAGRAN, H. L 1693, 1872 SEDLET, J 1490 SEEBURGER, D. J 644 SEEGERT, G. L 1873 SEIBEL, E 121, 122, 127, 259, 509, 1874-1883 SEILS, C. A 303 SEMONIN, R. G 941 SENN, H. A 717 SERNS, S. L 577 SEYDEL, I. S 1884 SEYLER, H. L 1885 SHAFER, C. A 1951 SHAHEEN H. Y 1300 SHARMA, R. K 1886, 1967 SHAW, R 1458 SHEA, J. H 1887 SHEAFFER, J. R 1888 SHEAR, H 1889 SHEIKH, Y. M 2088 SHERRILL, M. G 1890 SHIMP, N. F 686, 798, 1123, 1219-1222, 1782, 1891, 1892 SHUBER, N 1781 SHUGART, G. W 1893 SHUKLA, S. S. . .. 1222 SIEBOLD, P 81, 680 SIEVERING, H 1894-1896 SIKES, C. S 1897 SILBERMAN, E 1898 SILLS, J. B 2338 SILVER, M. L 1411, 1899, 1900 SIMMONS, M. S 1406, 1839, 1844 SIMSIMAN, G. V 362 SINCLAIR, R. A 7 SKIBIN, D. 1901 SKINNER, E. L 1902 240 SKOCH, E. J 1743 J i_ i Nli j W • 13 • 1 1 • •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 jUO SLOSS, P. W 1817 SLOVICK, J. V 241 SLY, P. 6 1904, 1905 SMITH, A. J 924, 1612, 1906 SMITH, B. R 1907-1915 SMITH, D 1853 SMITH, D. W 1968, 1969 SMITH, H. A 1916 SMITH, L. B., Jr 8 SMITH, M. A 59, 60 SMITH, P 2310 SMITH, P. A 1917 SMITH, R. H 1918, 1919 SMITH, S. A 577 SMITH, S. H 1920-1929 SMITH, W. E 1930 SNELGROVE, A. K 903 SNELL, W. 6. 1931 SNIDER, C. R 1932-1934 SNOW, R. H 1935-1938 SNYDER, F. F 1939 SNYDER, J 1162 SOMERS, L. H 1940-1948, 2442 SOMERSAN, A 1949, 1950 SONZOGNI, W. C 436, 1410, 1951, 1952 SOO, H. K 108, 123, 128, 609 SOUCHEK, J. A 2041 SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION 1953, 2368 SOUTHERN, W. E 1073 SOYUGENC, M 857-859 SPANGLER, G. R 392 SPIGARELLI, S. A 905, 1336, 1493, 1658-1660, 1750-1753, 1755, 1886, 1954-1975, 2324 SPURR, G 473 241 SPYRIDAKIS, D. E 69 SRIDHARAN, N 1976, 1977 STADELMANN, P 2276 STALEY, R. C 1901 STALL, J. B 1855 STANDING, L. J 667 STANLEY, J. G 1978, 1979 STARK, J 1980 STARKEY, R. J 1981 STATE OF ILLINOIS, LAKE MICHIGAN AND ADJOINING LANDS STUDY COMMISSION 1175, 1982 STAUFFER, T. M 825, 1323, 1983-1995, 2285 STAVER, A. E 1996 STEARNS, F 1997, 1998 STEFAN, H 1898 STEMBERGER, R. S 1999-2001 STENSBY, D. G 829 STEPHENSON, M. E 2002 STEWART, D. J 1098, 1693 STEWART, J. A 117, 1098, 1776, 1883, 2003 STEWART, K. M 1440 STEWART, S. R 2004 STEWART, W. D. P 2005 STIEGLITZ, R. D 2006 STIMPSON, K. S 2007, 2008 STOCKWELL, G. A. .• 2009 STODDARD, A 434 STOERMER, E. F 124, 1173, 1838, 1840-1844, 2010-2021, 2055 STOFFEL, K. L 567-569 STONE, W 9 STOUT, G. E 2022, 2023 STRACHAN, W. M. J 721 STRAND, J. W 189 STRANG, W. A 544, 2024, 2025 STRATTON, C 1211 STROMMEN, N. D 2026 242 STRONG, A. E 125, 2027-2036, 2038 STUART, R. C 1456 STUIBER, D. A 2037 STUMPF, H. G 2034, 2035, 2036, 2038 SUGIYAMA, H 240, 2039-2041 SULLIVAN, W. T 2305 SUNDARAM, T. R 2042 SUNDBY, C 793 SWAIN, W. R 2043, 2044 SWAN, C. H 2045 SWANSON ENVIRONMENTAL, INC 2046 SWANSON, B. L 463 SWEZEY, C. F 578 SYGO, J. J 2275 TACK, P. 1 262, 1248, 1249 TAFT, C. E 2047 TAIT, H. D 2048-2051, 2427 TALHELM, D. R 2052 TAMER, R 2053 TANIGUCHI, H 1224 TANNER, H. A 2076 TANNER, W. F 2054 TARAPCHAK, S. J 2055 TATINCLAUX, J. C 2056 TELEGADAS, K 1311 TELLER, S 2057 TERRELL, R. W 2058 TESAR, F. J 553, 1098 TETZLOFF, C 1948 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC 2059 THACKER, P. A 2410 THOMAS, M. K 2060 THOMAS, M. L. H 2061 THOMAS, N. A 2062-2064 THOMAS, R. L 1905 THOMMES, M. M 594, 595, 1660, 1752-1755, 1964, 1965, 1970-1974, 2065, 2066 243 THOMSON, F. J 2067 THORNE, R. E 1966 THREINEN, C. U 1631 THURBER, N. J 553 TIERNEY, D. P 2068 TIFFANY, M. A 2069, 2070 TIFFANY, 0. L 137 TILLINGHAST, J 2071 TINGLE, A. G 2072, 2073 TISUE, G. T 303, 359, 2074 TITMAN, D. G 1129 TODY, W. H 235, 2075, 2076 TOKAR, J. V 681, 1314, 1329, 1556, 1637, 2077, 2078 TOME, C 1811, 2078 TOMOFF, C. S 1277 TORBLAA, R. L 2079 TORKE, B. G 190, 2080-2084 TORREY, M. S 381, 585, 650, 2085, 2086 TOUHILL, C. J 310 TOWER, K. G 2087 TRAMA, F. B 1807 TRAVERSY, W. J 2088 TRAVIS, D. R 2089 TRUCHAN, J. G 2090 TRUMAN, D. A. ..] 1774 TSAI, C. F 2091 TURNER, D. H 2092 TURNER, D. S 1679 TYCHSEN, P. C 1192 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2093-2147 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION 2149-2152 U.S. BUREAU COMMERCIAL FISH 2153 U.S. COAST GUARD 2154a U.S. COMPTROLLER GENERAL 2154b, 2155 U.S. CONGRESS, 89TH 2156 244 U.S. CONGRESS, 93RD 2157-2159 U.S. DEPT. OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE 2160-2171 U.S. DEPT. OF THE INTERIOR, FED. WATER POLLUT. CONTROL ADMIN 2172-2195 U.S. DEPT. OF THE INTERIOR, FED. WATER POLLUT. CONTROL BOARD 2196 U.S. DEPT. OF THE INTERIOR, FED. WATER QUALITY ADMIN 2197, 2198, 2219 U.S. DEPT. OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE OF WATER RESOUR. RES 2199 U.S. DEPT. OF THE INTERIOR 2200-2202 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ... 2203-2215 U.S. FISH WILDL. SERV 2216-2219 U.S. FISH WILDL. SERV., GREAT LAKES FISHERY LABORATORY 2219 U.S. GEOL. SURV 2220 UNGER, W. L 1245 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 2221 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, GREAT LAKES RES. DIV 2222-2227 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, GREAT LAKES RESOUR. MANAG. PROG 2228 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SEA GRANT PROGRAM 2229-2230, 2232-2236 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-GREEN BAY 2231 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 2443 UPCHURCH, S. B 2237-2242 URIE, D. H 2243 URRY, J. M 948 UTTORMARK, P. D 68, 577, 1952 VAILLANCOURT, G 605 VALLEJO, L. E 597 VAN ASDALL, W 2244 VAN DER SCHALIE, H 2248 VAN LOON, L. S 1555, 1809-1811, 2078, 2434 VAN OOSTEN, J 2245-2247 VAN REKEN, R 1337 245 VANDERHOEF, L. N 2251, 2252 VANLANDINGHAM, S. L 2249, 2250 VARAKSON, S 1547 VASLOW, F 1460 VAUGHN, J. C 1682, 2253-2257, 2258a, 2258b VEITH, G. D 1212, 2259-2265 VELIOGLU, S. G 267 VERBER, J. L 1443, 1535, 2266-2270 VIGNEAU, D 1975 VILEN, F. 1 711 VILLAGE OF ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 2271 VINCENT, C. L 1695 VISOCKY, A. P 1403, 2272 VITORELLO, 1 2273 VOGEL, A. H 331, 332, 2274, 2275 VOGT, R. C 1593 VOLCHOK, H. L 828 VOLLENWEIDER, R. A 2276 WADSWORTH, J. R 2277 WAGNER, W. C 1993-1995, 2278-2285 WAHLGREN, M. A 13-18, 583, 596, 1336, 1494, 1710, 1718, 2286-2299, 2423 WALBURG, C. H 2300 WALKE, G. J 883 WALLER, B. J 1338, 1494, 2301, 2424 WALLER, R. M. ..., 2302 WALTER, G 2303, 2304 WANG, W. C 2305 WARNER, E. D 307, 1228 WATSON, A. E. P 90 WATSON, N. H. F 2306 WAYBRANT, J. R 2002 WEBB, D. A 1700, 2307 WEBER, C. C 2333 WEBER, M. R 1931 WEICKMANN, H 2308 WEILER, H. S 287 246 WEILER, R. R 2309 WEIMER, L 2310 WEINBERGER, L. W 1340 WEISS, L. W 2311 WELLS, L 281, 282, 922, 2312-2323 WENDLING, W. R 143 WESCHLER, M. C 2324 WESTENHOFF AND NOVICK CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2325 WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION 2444 WEXLER, R. L 2326, 2327 WHEALDON, E. W 2338 WHEELER, R 2328 WHELPDALE, D. M 2329 WHETSTONE, G. W 1146 WHITE, 0. W 2330 WHITE, W. A 798, 799, 1891 WHITLEY, L. S 725 WHITMAN, I. L 310, 1548 WIEBE, J. D 2331 WIEDER, S 685 WIEGERT, L 461, 874 WIERSMA, J. H 1795, 1796, 1870, 2332, 2333 WIGGINS, G. B 2425 WILK, K. E 2023 WILKE, R. F 361 WILKERSON, J. C 1514, 2334 WILLEKE, G. E 1553 WILLEY, B. F 1365 WILLFORD, W. A 2335-2338 WILLIAMS, C 1895, 1896 WILLIAMS, G. C 2339, 2340 WILLIAMS, J 2252 WILLIAMS, L. G 2341-2344 WILLIAMS, S. L 1883 WILLIAMS, T 2068 247 WILLMAN, H. B 687, 688, 2345, 2346 WILLSON, R. B 2347 WILSHAW, R. E 2348 WILSON, H. B 457 WILSON, J. W 1301, 2349 WILSON, L. F 2350 WILSON, W. E 2349, 2351 WINCHESTER, J. W 718, 838, 1901, 2069, 2070, 2352-2356 WINKLER, E. M 2357 WINNELL, M. H 1452 WINTER, D. R 577 WINTERS, H. A 295 WIRTH, T. L 577, 1142, 1143, 1501 WISCONSIN ALUMNI RES. FOUNDATION 2358 WISCONSIN COMMITTEE ON WATER POLLUTION 2359 WISCONSIN DEPT. NAT. RESOUR 2360-2380 WISCONSIN DEPT. OF ADMIN 2381 WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER CO 2382-2395 WISCONSIN MICHIGAN POWER CO 2386-2395 WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP 2396-2400 WISCONSIN WATER RESOUR. CENTER 985, 2368 WISHY, W 874 WITHERSPOON, D. F 2401 WNEK, W. J » 2402 WOLCOTT, R 603 WOLD, R. J 1531, 2403 WOLF, P. R 1264, 2404 WOLOSIN, C. A 2405 WONG, K. M 655 WOOD, J. S 562 WOOD, W. L 2406-2411 WOSJE, D. C 2412 WRIGHT, H. E., Jr 2413, 2414 WRIGHT, K. J 2415 WU, C. J 2416 248 WU, D. S 2417 WU, P. K 2418 YAGER, R. 2419, 2420 YAGUCHI, E. M 417, 1338, 1494, 1559, 1560, 2299, 2421-2424 YAMA0T0, T 2425 YANDELL, E. L., Jr 198 YANG, J. J 2019-2021 YEVJEVICH, V 2426 YOCOM, T. G 2427 YOCUM, T 603 YOCUM, W. L 119, 123, 126-128, 1528, 2428 YOST, K. J 1062, 2429 YOUATT, W. G 93 ZABIK, M. E 1930 ZANONI, A. E 2430 ZAR, H 2431 ZAVESKY, R. R 343 ZEPEZAUER, K. J 2432 ZIMMERMAN, J. W 2433 ZIVI, S. M 684, 2078, 2434 ZUMBERGE, J. H 2435 ZURAW, E. A 2436 249 I I I I I SUBJECT INDEX ABSORPTION (S: sorption) ACANTHOCEPHALA 1538 ACARI 696, 972, 980, 1350, 1402 ACIDITY (S: pH) ADSORPTION (SA: sorption) AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY ... (SA: remote sensing) AEROSOLS AGRICULTURE 69, 149, 472, 587, 1558, 1769, , 1773 28. 29 36. , 81, 85, 88, , 89, 161, 236, 254, 259, 287, 491, 557, 630, 669, 820, 844. , 850. , 883, 983, 1057. 1090, 1106, 1239, 1295. , 1314, 1326, 1332. 1339 , 1356. , 1506, 1529. , 1535. , 1756. , 1758, 1760. , 1761 , 1821 , 1823, 1879. , 1882 , 1932. , 1934, 2038 , 2058 , 2078 , 2108, 2334 , 2348 , 2371 , 2404, 386 , 608 , 609 , 707, 718 , 838 , 1137 , 1285, 1293 , 1294 , 1334 ■ 1894, 1901 , 1903 , 2355 , 2356 48. , 68 , 95. , H4, 362, , 399 , 480 , 531, 738. , 739. , 746 , 749, 763 , 923 , 1027 , 1042, 1053 , 1081 , 1089 , H79, 1216 , 1664 , 1846 , 1953, 1998 , 2002 , 2205 , 2238, 2368 , 2430 AIR POLLUTION (S: atmospheric_pollution) AIR POLLUTION PLUME AIR QUALITY (SA: atmospheric pollution) AIR TEMPERATURE 550 1287 1299 398 1201 1300 : 99, 136 398 607 872 1109 1285 1498 1640 , 883 , 1292 , 1300 , 710 , 1283 , 1540 132 193 469 646 914 1155 1287 1499 1707 82, 203, 402, 793, 982, 1238, 1331, 1508, 1759, 1875, 1936, 2203, 2434 708, 1291, 1895, 207, 548, 755, 1052, 1210, 1997, 2331, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1294, 1297, 1298, 1792 752, 877, 884, 1287, 1294, 1298, 1707 133, 351, 470, 672, 983, 1156, 1294, 1540, 1741, 134, 355, 477, 676, 1049, 1157, 1296, 1605, 1792, 135, 357, 530b, 710, 1093, 1158, 1424, 1610, 1931, 251 AIR TEMPERATURE (continued) AIR-WATER INTERFACE ALDRIN (SA: organochlorine pesticides) ALEWIFE 1932, 1934, 1939, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2031, 2033, 2045, 2349 33, , 62, 193, 198, 287, 477, 480, 593, 608. 609, 610, 708. 875. 1027, 1229, 1325. , 1334. , 1350. , 1619 , 1896, 1903, 2028, 2042 67. 967. 974. 1026. , 1027, 1089. , 1230, 1231, 1641, 1825 31. , 32. , 102. 155. , 166, 178. , 197. , 211. , 212 , 223, 272. , 275. , 276. , 277. , 279, 280 , 306. , 307 , 332 , 341, 365. , 366. , 367. , 382 , 391, 422 , 428 , 468 , 545 , 551, 553 , 555 , 598 , 600 , 603, 604 , 619 , 651. , 656 , 699, 726. , 774. , 775 , 834 , 835, 836 , 837. , 887. , 897 ■ 899, 902. , 909. , 916. , 968 , 973, 974 , 979. , 994 , 1072. , 1082, 1098 , 1116 , 1125. , 1133. , 1167, 1228 , 1269 , 1272. , 1274 , 1275, 1308 , 1353. , 1369. , 1404 , 1409, 1427 , 1487 , 1492. , 1516 , 1517, 1519. , 1526. , 1552. 1578 , 1601, 1650 , 1653 , 1680 , 1687 , 1688, 1689 , 1691 , 1698. , 1699 , 1700, 1752 , 1825 , 1830 , 1873 , 1886, 1921 , 1922 , 1923 , 1924 , 1925, 1926 , 1927 , 1928 , 1960 , 1963, 1964 , 1973 , 1974 , 1978 , 1979, 2037 , 2050 , 2065 , 2080 , 2089, 2190 , 2219 , 2231. , 2257 , 2262, 2279 , 2280 , 2281 , 2283 , 2289, 2301 , 2304 , 23C7. , 2314 , 2316, 2322 , 2323 , 2366 , 2415 , 2420, 2424. , 2432 ALGAE (S: phytopl ankton, or blue-green algae, diatoms, green algae, red algae, or specific species) ALKALINITY ALKYL BENZENE SULFONATE ALUMINUM 9, 91, 180, 189, 971, 1025, 1099, 1159, 1161, 1335, 1400, 1558, 1584, 1705, 1706, 1777, 1827, 1829, 2095, 2187, 2272, 2275, 2309, 2341, 2364, 2433 472, 952, 1705, 1706, 2165 381, 686, 1137, 1222, 1419, 1725, 1976, 1977, 2085, 2287, 2433 252 AMERICAN SMELT (S: rainbow smelt) AMERICIUM 15 AMMOCOETES 1320 (SA: sea lamprey_larval ) AMMONIA 66 237 968 973 1106 1705 1828 2093 2231 2333 AMPHIBIANS 223 1685 AMPHIBOLE 799 AMPHIPODA (SA: specific species) 22 113 703 933 994 1149 1341 1448 1585 1653 1826 2167 2286 2415 ANABAENA (SA: blue-green algae) ANALYTICAL METH0DS_GE0L0GY .. ANAYLTICAL METHODS INORGANICS ANALYTICAL METHODSJIICROBIOLOGY ANALYTICAL METHODS ORGANICS ... 1315 1833 2231 2006 62 2249 1736 62 583, 2286, 2289 1915, 1983, 2061 68, 91, 167, 189, 335, 336, 702, 967, 969, 970, 971, 972, 979, 980, 1025, 1104, 1175, 1211, 1558, 1682, 1706, 1795, 1826, 1827, 1835, 1837, 1936, 2085, 2135, 2165, 2187, 2189, 2250, 2254, 2258a, 2258b, 2364, 2421 976, 977, 1261, 1593, 1832 1891 23 120 704 967 1019 1151 1342 1449 1588 1655 1837 2189 2289 1316 1837 2250 2074 24, 418, 866, 972, 1024, 1220, 1368, 1450, 1648, 1699, 1948, 2223, 2312, 25 421 887 974 1127 1268 1381 1451 1649 1727 2007 2231 2315 1325, 1340 2005, 2016 2251 107, 702, 905, 980, 1128, 1336, 1427, 1452, 1651, 1743, 2044, 2270, 2320, 1350, 2017, 586, 718, 1344, 1494, , 2287, 2355 1781 67, 471, 472, 1179 ANALYTICAL METHODS_WATER QUALITY (S: water quali ty_analytical methods) ANNELIDA (S: Hirudinea; S: Oligochaeta) ANTIMONY APHANIZOMENON (SA: blue-green algae) .. AQUACULTURE 584, 585, 594, 838, 1030, 1269, 2086, 2287, 2292, 2294 1315, 1316, 1833, 2005, 2231, 2251, 2252 545, 635, 1126, 2234, 2236 253 AQUIFER 6, 987, 1767, 1856, ARCHAEOLOGY 271 , 812, ARSENIC 326, (Note: arsenic is not indexed with 594, the metals or trace metals as it 836, is a nonmetal ) 1025 , 1222, 1827, 2085, 2335 ARTHROPODA (S: insects; S: specific species or taxa) ASBESTOS 762 ASELLUS 967 ASTERIONELLA (SA: diatoms) 694 1837 2231 ATLANTIC SALMON 691 (SA: salmon; SA: salmonid) ATMOSPHERIC (general) 33 (SA: air quality) 355 (SA: meteorology) 478 (SA: precipitation) 942 (SA: review_atmospheric) 1281 (SA: specific compound_atmospheric) 1498 (SA: summary_atmospheric) 1626 2027 2072 ATMOSPHERIC_DEPOSITION (SA: atmospheric_loading) (SA: dry deposition) (SA: wet deposition) ATMOSPHERICJ.OADING (SA: atmospheric_deposition) 16 425 592 646 827 1029 1222 1297 1465 1704 1884 1903 2290 2354 180 587 885 1129 204, 746, 954, 967, 988, 1262, 1327, 1403, 1768, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1890, 2271, 2272, 2302 520, 751, 795, 796, 1592 371, 428, 584, 585, 648, 686, 798, 815, 879, 962a, 967, 971, 1026, 1175, 1220, 1221, 1242, 1269, 1330, 1782, 1828, 1829, 1857, 1884, 2086, 2088, 2187, 2221, , 913, 994, , 2016. 2020, , 2251, 2257, , 775, 1565, , 145. , 162, , 396. 469, , 608. , 609, , 1060. , 1278, , 1296. , 1301, , 1499. ■ 1541, , 1627. , 1640, , 2028. , 2030, , 2073, , 2095, 33. ■ 63, , 532. , 583, , 593 , 596, , 707 , 708, , 828 ■ 875, , 1103 , H09, , 1223 • 1290, , 1311 , 1334, , 1466 , 1490, , 1711 • 1713, , 1894 , 1895, , 1996 , 2013, , 2296 , 2298, , 2355 , 2356 , 287 , 386, , 593 , 707, , 886 , 1029, , 1137 . H39, 1315, 1316, 2167, 2189, 2270, 2341 2066 193. 228, 470. 476, 676. 914, 1279, 1280, 1423. ■ 1424, 1542. 1605, 1707. , 1939, 2031. , 2033, 2107 180. 386, 587. ■ 590, 635. 644, 709. ■ 710, 877. , 1027, 1137. , 1210, 1293. , 1294, 1462 , 1464, 1606 , 1703, 1714 , 1789, 1896 , 1901, 2045 , 2289, 2329. , 2352, 524. . 525, 708 , 743, 1036 , 1040, 1210 , 1223, 254 ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING (continued) 1311 1466 1884 2329 ATMOSPHERIC_POLLUTION (SA: dispersion_atmospheric_pollution) (SA: model_atmospheric_pollution) (SA: power plants_atmospheric_ pollution) ATMOSPHERIC TRANSPORT 63 342 524 635 710 877 941 1103 1282 1287 1292 1299 1464 1606 1713 1901 2154b 95 524 875 1222 1290 1334 1894 1996 1462 1599 1894 2354 95 371 532 646 743 883 1027 1109 1283 1288 1293 1300 1465 1619 1792 1903 , 2352 303 532 877 1283 1293 1490 1895 2289 1463 1711 1895 2355 180 386 550 652 752 884 1029 1201 1284 1289 1294 1334 1466 1674 1806 1996 , 2354 386 646 1027 1285 1294 1674 1896 1464 1713 1896 2356 210 398 587 707 838 885 1036 1210 1285 1290 1297 1462 1540 1703 1895 2013 , 2355 398 708 1029 1287 1300 1806 1901 1465, 1789, 1901, 287, 425, 592, 708, 875, 886, 1040, 1222, 1286, 1291, 1298, 1463, 1558, 1704, 1896, 2045, , 2356 425, 718, 1109, 1288, 1311, 1884, 1903, ATRAZINE (SA: pesticides) 1672 BACILLAROPHYCEAE (S: diatoms) BACTERIA (general) 148 BACTERIA_BIOTRANSFORMATION 1345, BACTERIA_CLOSTRIDIUM_BOTULINUM 238 873 2039 BACTERIA_COLIFORM 66 329 465 967 973 1025 1558 1819 1870 2175 2255 BACTERIA_DE6RADATI0N BACTERIA DISTRIBUTION 641 92 765 239, 240, 454, 633, 952, 1272, 1409, 1743, 2040, 2041, 2219, 2412 92, 330, 714, 968, 974, 1029, 1639, 1826, 1878, 2195, 2258a 189, 333, 856, 969, 979, 1104, 1641, 1827, 1936, 2201, , 2270 244, 337, 915, 971, 980, 1106, 1657, 1828, 2162, 2205, , 2428 319, 453, 962a, 972, 994, 1313, 1743, 1829, 2170, 2231, 1122, 1345 104, 239, 240, 333, 835, 994, 1272, 1743, 255 BACTERIAJHSTRIBUTION (continued) 1766, 1819, 1827, 1936, 2040, 2041, 2219, 2428 BACTERIA_ESCHERICHIA COLI 854, 855 BACTERIA FOOD CHAIN 148, 238, 958, 1027, 1272, 1743, 2189 BACTERIA_GROUNDWATER 66, 765, 967, 1890 BACTERIA_HUMAN HEALTH 319, 714, 962a, 967, 968, 972, 974, 979, 980, 1029, 1312, 1313, 1644, 1657, 1820, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1869, 1870, 1982, 2162, 2201, 2258a, 2412 BACTERIAJ.EPTOSPIROSIS 2205 BACTERIA_MONITORING 66, 104, 189, 465, 835, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 979, 980, 994, 995, 1014, 1029, 1104, 1558, 1639, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 2170, 2174, 2178, 2255, 2258a, 2364, 2400 BACTERIA_PHYSI0L0GY 1346, 1409, 1826, 1827, 1828, 2190, 2219 BACTERIA_POLLUTION (S: pollution_bacteria) BACTERIA_POWER PLANTS (S: power plants, effects on bacteria) BACTERIA_PSEUDOMONAS 319, 1819 BACTERIA_SALMONELLA 189, 854, 856, 1743, 1820, 2205 BACTERIA_SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION 2428 BACTERIA_SEASONAL VARIATION 92, 104, 337, 967, 979, 980, 1743, 1795 BACTERIA_SEDIMENTS 92, 238, 240, 765, 958, 1342, 1345, 1346, 1736, 1870, 1878, 1936, 2041, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2120, 2170, 2189, 2231, 2400 BACTERIA_SHIGELLA 854, 855, 856, 1743 BACTERIA_STREPT0C0CCI 66, 189, 971, 972, 974, 979, 980, 1104, 1175, 1819, 1826, 1936, 2195, 2205, 2231, 2270 BACTERIA_WATER QUALITY 66, 92, 175, 189, 244, (SA: pollution_bacteria) 319, 329, 330, 333, 337, 453, 465, 706, 714, 724, 765, 800, 854, 855, 856, 915, 952, 958, 962a, 967, 256 BACTERIA WATER QUALITY 968, 969, 974, 970, 979, 971, 980, 972, (continued) 973, 994, 995, 1014, 1025, 1027, 1029, 1030, 1058, 1104, 1106, 1175, 1183, 1312, 1313, 1558, 1639, 1641, 1644, 1657, 1743, 1795, 1819, 1820, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1869, 1870, 1890, 1936, 1982, 2039, 2040, 2041, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2120, 2162, 2170, 2174, 2175, 2178, , 2189, 2190, 2195, 2201, 2205. 2231, 2250, 2254, 2255, 2258c i, 2258b, 2270, 2333, 2364, 2377, , 2400 BACTERIA WATER SUPPLY 465, 714, 974, 765. 979 ■ 967, , 980, 968, 972, 1106, 1641, 1827, 1828 , 1829, 1982, 2190, 2255, 2257. , 2258a BARIUM 138, 326, 1030. 584 1175 , 594, , 1220, 967, 968, 1419, 1718, 1725, 1773 , 1827, 1828, 1829, 2086, , 2187 , 2287 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE , 189. 294. , 394 ► 497, 498, 499, 502. , 503 , 574, 636, 646, 660. , 661 , 662, 663, 664. , 665. , 830 , 831, 832, 942. 983. , 1051 , 1052, 1060, 1174. , 1282 , 1467 , 1605, 1610, 1626. , 1627 , 1817 , 2028, 2029, 2030 , 2033 , 2072 , 2073, 2092, 2095 BASEMENT ROCKS 1527. , 1530 , 12271 , 1531 ), 137: 3, 2241 BASIN MORPHOLOGY (SA: bathymetry) ... 30 b (SA: hydrography) . . , 166 , 223 , 382 , 428, 468, 555 , 754 , 774 , 775, 967, 1000 , 1098 , 1125 , 1193, 1269, 1390 , 1492 , 1566 , 1585, 1683, 1752 , 1828 , 1970 , 2050, 2065, 2265 , 2279 , 2281 BATHYMETRY (SA: hydrography) , 107 , 111 , 208 , 673, 674, (SA: mapping) 675 , 729 , 730 , 731, 848, 946 , 1149 , 1151 , 1171, 1195, 1244 , 1245 , 1359 , 1360, 1382, 1415 , 1416 , 1418 , 1419, 1507, 1514 , 1555 , 1608 , 1905, 1944, 2166 , 2170 , 2172 , 2375 BEACH NOURISHMENT 816 , 1328 , 2138 , 2100 , 2408 , 2117, , 2410 2118, 2125 BEACHES (general) 294 , 448 , 661 , 1214, 1227 257 BEACHES BIOLOGY BEACHES EROSION BEACHES GEOMORPHOLOGY 103 979 1398 2152 28 256 403 489 497 504 557 663 809 892 1042 1151 1238 1515 2097 2103 2125 2272 2410 488 498 527 573 723 881 1149 1871 2408 BEACHES_GRAIN SIZE 484 882 1151 BEACHES_MONITORING 973 2178 BEACHES_RECREATION 322 965 2101 BEACHES_WATER QUALITY 456 966 2138 BEDROCK 204 1243 1531 2223 BENTHIC ALGAE (S: periphyton or specific species) , 159, 480, 973, , 1045, 1149, 1151, , 1639, 1883, 2099, , 2174, 2178, 2350 29, 50, 253, , 257, 258, 339, , 404, 480, 486, , 491, 494, 495, , 498, 501, 502, , 505, 509. , 510, , 558. 573. , 660, , 664. , 670. ■ 672, , 816. , 869. , 881, , 963. , 965. , 966b , 1045. , 1075. , 1149, , 1152. , 1186. , 1205, , 1241. , 1326. , 1328, , 1529. , 1876. , 1880, , 2099, 2100. , 2101, , 2117. , 2118. , 2121, , 2138. 2152. , 2235, , 2277, , 2325. , 2406, , 491. , 495 ► 496, , 499 , 501. , 502, , 563. , 564 , 565, , 660 , 662 , 663, , 728 , 809 , 820, , 882 , 891 , 892, , 1188 , 1190 , 1326, , 2103 , 2117 . 2118, , 563 , 572 , 668, , 949 , 950 , 1149, , 1152 , 1238 , 2099, , 979 , 1639 , 1883, , 2272 , 2408 , 480 , 537 , 751, , 979 , 1042 , 1045, , 2111 , 2152 , 480 , 537 , 963, a, 973 , 979 , 1395, , 2152 , 2174 , 2178, , 740 , 917 , 921, , 1245 , 1262 , 1527, , 1940 , 1944 , 1948, , 2302 , 2345 , 2346, 977, 1395, 2138, 255, 402, 487, 496, 503, 556, 662, 728, 882, , 983, 1150, 1227a, 1395, 2054, 2102, 2122, 2237, 2408, 497, 509, 572, 664, 869, 1120, 1818, 2277, 670, 1150, 2237 2174, 963, 1075, 965, 1639, 2272 981, 1530, 1997, 2435 258 BENTHICJNVERTEBRATES (SA: invertebrates) (SA: specific species or taxa) BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES ABUNDANCE BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES BEHAVIOR BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_BIOACCUMULATION (SA: benthic_invertebrates_uptake) BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_BIOMASS BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_DEPTH BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_DI ET BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES DISTRIBUTION BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_GROWTH , BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_HABITAT BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_LIFE HISTORY BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_METABOLISM . BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES METALS 22, 23, 24, 128, 152, 174, 347, 392, 418, 420, 421, 427, 704, 837, 845, 866, 867, 893, 927, 932, 933, 934, 994, 998, 1019, 1092, 1268, 1381, 1402, 1444, 1447, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1578, 1649, 1651, 1653, 1675, 1687, 1723, 1727, 1740, 1827, 1837, 2008, 2079, 2083, 2189, 2312, 2315, 2323 1402, 1585, 1588, 1740, 2286, 2289 106, 427, 685, 885, 886, 887, 1127, 1128, 1445, 1492, 1604, 1826, 1827, 2286, 2289, 2299, , 2424 24, 25, 928, 1268, 1648, 1649. , 1729 1648, 1649, 1743, 2314 685. , 887, 967, 1342, 1427, 1449. , 1585, 1588, 1604, 1699, 1740, 1878, 2083, 2274, 2307, 2320, 2415, 2424 22, 23, 24, 92, 110, 116, 117, 128, 163, 174, 418, 419, 420, 421, 427, 612, 704, 765, 837, 845, 866. , 867, 893, 931, 932, 933, ■ 934, 994, 998, 1019, 1149. , 1368, 1381, 1401, 1402, 1444. , 1447, 1448, 1450, 1578, 1648. ■ 1649, 1651, 1675, 1687, 1723 , 1727, 1729, 1740, 1743, 1827 , 1837, 1884, 1936, 1944, 1948 , 1961, 2007, 2008, 2044, 2083. , 2223, 2286, 2289, 2299, 2312. , 2314, 2315, 2323, 2424 392, , 1578, 2083 421 , 612, 893, 927, 976, 998 , 1368, 1381, 1402, 1448, 1452 , 2323 22 , 2083 151 , 1030, 1604, 1961 64 . 92, 106, 174, 176, 208 , 426, 427, 685, 765, 259 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_METALS (continued) 967, 969, 972, 974, 980, 994, 1027, 1030, 1127, 1128, 1220, 1336, 1445, 1493, 1604, 1826, 1827, 1884, 1936, 2231, 2270, 2286, 2289, 2385, 2400, 2424 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_MODEL (S: model benthic invertebrates) BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES MONITORING BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES MORTALITY BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES NUTRIENTS 62, 91, 106, 116, 117, 128, 163, 315, 685, 722, 837, 967, 969, 972, 980, 994, 995, 999, 1015, 1019, 1020, 1092, 1336, 1445, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1469, 1528, 1551, 1580, 1585, 1687, 1688, 1766, 1826, 1827, 2007, 2090, 2385, 2400 185, 1024, 1578, 2079, 2083, 2366 91, 92, 110, 113, 152, 172, 174, 176, 182, 208, 310, 347, 392, 418, 677, 702, 765, 931, 934, 1027, 1580, 1719, 1827, 1837, 1936, 1956, 2167, 2189, 2270, 2385, 2400 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_ORGANICS 62, 106, 208, 310, 765, 837, 885, 886, 887, 967, 972, 974, 980, 1027, 1030, 1826, 1827, 1935, 1936, 2189, 2323 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_PHYSIOLOGY 427, 837, 1578, 1585, 1604, 1826, 1827, 1961 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_POLLUTION (S : poll ution_benthic_invertebrates) BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_POPULATIONS 23, 24, 116, 117, 128, 418, 420, 421, 427, 612, 845, 867, 932, 1091, 1092, 1268, 1341, 1450, 1469, 1649, 1675, 1740, 1743, 2312 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_POWER PLANTS (S: power plants, effects on benthic_in vertebrates) BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES SEASONAL VARIATION 7 24, 92, 117, 967, 980, 1452, 1727, 1743, 2289 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_TAXONOMY 418, 893, 894 260 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_TEMPERATURE . . (SA: power plants, effects on benthic_invertebrates) (SA: thermal pollution, effects on benthic invertebrates) BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES TOXICS BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_UPTAKE , (SA: benthic_invertebrates_ bioaccumulation) BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_WATER QUALITY (S: water qua! ity_benthic_ invertebrates) 62. ■ 91, 120. , 182, 765. , 905, 974. 980, 999. , 1091, 1452. , 1528, 1826. ■ 1827, 2090. , 2270, 2366 . , 2379, 92. , 208, 837. , 885, 967. ■ 972, 1220 , 1604, 1936. ■ 2079, 427. , 685, 1956 , 2286, 92, 107, 110, 310, 315, 347, 967, 969, 972, 994, 995, 998, 1151, 1341, 1368, 1551, 1580, 1743, 1837, 1878, 2083, 2312, 2314, 2315, 2385 310, 427, 702, 886, 887, 930, 974, 1027, 1030, 1827, 1884, 1935, 2189, 2323, 2424 1492, 1493, 1884, 2289 BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES_WEIGHT BENTHIC_TOPOGRAPHY (S: topography_benthic) BENZENE , BERYLLIUM BHC (SA: lindane; SA: organochlorine pesticides) BIBLIOGRAPHY BICARBONATE 25, 928 472, 952, 1705, 1706, 2165 371, 686, 798, 1222, 1242, 1891, 1892 1027 10, 61, 183, 297, 316, 481, 696, 810, 865, 889, 976, 1309, 1310, 1765, 1980, 2096, 2202, 2213, 2369, 2374, 2435, 2439 66, 954, 987, 988, 1767 BIOACCUMULATION (SA: uptake) (SA: benthic_invertebrates_ bioaccumulation) (SA: birds_bioaccumulation) (SA: fish_bioaccumulation) (SA: invertebrates_bioaccumulation) (SA: phytoplankton_bioaccumulation) (SA: zoopl ankton_bioaccumul ation) BIOACCUMULATION INORGANICS 41, 106, 425, 427, 428, 586, 596, 627, 685, 835, 862, 879, 1029, 1039, 1040, 1127, 1128, 1140, 1141, 1178, 1269, 1334, 1338, 1445, 1491, 1492, 1558, 1604, 1706, 1725, 1826, 1827, 1957, 1958, 1959, 261 BIOACCUMULATION_INORGANICS (continued) BIOACCUMULATION_METALS (S: metal s_bioaccumulation) BIOACCUMULATION_ORGANICS (SA: toxics; SA: toxicity) 1960, 1968, 2065, 2190, 2205, 2286, 2289, 2299, 2301, 2335, 2424 BIOACCUMULATION RADIOACTIVITY BIOACCUMULATION RADIONUCLIDES BIOACCUMULATION TOXICS BIOASSAY (SA: toxicity) BIOAVAILABILITY BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND 31 627 885 1039 1115 1277 1591 1706 2190 2310 106 1351 106 1039 1445 1957 2286 31 425 835 886 1040 1140 1179 1487 1692 1831 2205 2335 34 650 854 1030 1333 1833 1908 1235 434 995 1340 1936 2095 2195 2379 , 37, 93, 95, , 643, 786, 835, , 886, 887, 951, , 1040, 1083, 1089, , 1142, 1143, 1179, , 1308, 1351, 1487, , 1630, 1690, , 1691, , 1825. , 1826. , 1827, , 2205. , 2259, , 2262, , 2338 , 685. , 1029. , 1040, , 1558 , 2190. , 2299 , 427. , 428. ■ 596, , 1127. ■ 1128, , 1334, , 1491. , 1492. , 1725, , 1958 , 1959 , 1960, , 2289 , 2299 , 2301, , 37 , 41 , 93, , 427, , 428 , 596, , 862. , 863 , 879, , 887. , 951. , 1029, , 1083 , 1089 , 1114, , 1141 , 1142 , 1143, , 1217. , 1269 , 1277, , 1591 , 1604 , 1630, , 1706 , 1725 , 1825, , 1959 , 1968 , 2065, , 2259 , 2262 , 2265, , 2338 , 2424 , 59 , 60 • 93, , 702, ■ 703, , 719, , 855. , 924. , 1000, , 1099. , H22, , 1142, , 1337, 1400, 1409, , 1838. , 1839, , 1859, , 2305 , 1465, , 1466, 1796, , 474. , 800. , 952, , 1025. , 1104. , 1175, , 1705. , 1706. • 1795, , 1977. , 1982. , 2037, , 2120. , 2165. ■ 2187, , 2250. , 2364, , 2376, 106, 863, 1029, 1114, 1217, 1558, 1692, 1831, 2265, 1127, 685, 1338, 1827, 1968, 2424 95, 727, 885, 1039, 1115, 1178, 1308, 1690, 1827, 2190, 2310, 185, 817, 1018, 1235, 1584, 1907, 2205 967, 1183, 1827, 2085, 2189, 2377, 262 BIOCHEMISTRY 247 , 1315, 1981, BIOENERGETICS (S: f ish_bioenergetics) BIOTRANSFORMATION (SA: organics_degradation) BIOTURBATION 1222, 1719, 1936, 1944, 2289 BIRDS (SA: specific species; SA: ducks; SA: gulls; SA: terns) 248, 585, 839, 1172, 1316, 1584, 1978, 1979, 2089, 2252 69, 1345, 1346, 1432 BIRDS_ABUNDANCE 1272 BIRDS_BACTERIA (infected with 238 Clostridium botulinum) 1743 BIRDS BEHAVIOR 627 BIRDS BIOACCUMULATION BIRDS DIET BIRDS DISTRIBUTION 31 887 1827 31 1073 1409 95 1412 1784 BIRDS_EGGS 627 BIRDS_FOSSILS 2057 BIRDSJGROWTH 1272 BIRDS_HABITAT 747 1893 BIRDS_HISTORY 1271 BIRDS_MIGRATION 274 BIRDS_MONITORING 1270 BIRDS_MORPHOLOGY 1602 BIRDS_MORTALITY 238 1271 1277 BIRDS ORGANICS 31 887 1276 BIRDS_PHYSIOLOGY 627 BIRDS_POPULATIONS 747 1272 1412 1740 1740, 1827, 1831 633, 873, 1272, 1409, 1271, 1740 95, 1114, 1831 103, 1272, 1604, 139, 1597, 1827, 1604 627, 1115, 238, 1274, 1740, 274, 1598, 1832 885, 886, 1277, 1604, 633, 887, 1275, 1276, 1743, 1878 977, 1272, 1740, 1743, 2221 977, 1138, 1743, 1832, 2221 1390, 1743 1597, 1598, 1784 1273, 1412, 1827 400, 633, 873, 1115, 1272, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1409, 1831, 1893 95, 627, 885, 886, 952, 1114, 1115, 1272, 1277, 1484, 1827, 1831 1271, 1409, 1604, 1827 873, 1073, 1270, 1271, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1277, 1598, 1600, 1602, 1603, 1831, 1832 263 BIRDS REPRODUCTION BIRDS_SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION BIRDS_SUMMARY (S: summary_birds) BIRDS_SURVIVAL BIRDS_TOXICS (S: toxics_birds) BISMUTH BLOATER (SA: chub) 627, 1073, 1114, 1115, 1271, 1274, 1277, 1604, 1827, 1893 274, 1412 1114, 1115, 1273, 1274, 1277 2287 BLUE PIKE BLUE-GREEN ALGAE BLUEGILL (SA: sunfish) BLUFF RECESSION (SA: bluffs erosion) BLUFF SLUMPING (SA: bluffs_erosion) BLUFFS (general) BLUFFS_EROSION (SA: bluff recession) (SA: bluff slumping) 93, 166, 178, 223, 277, 278 , 366, 382, 391, 422, 545, 555, 599, 835, 836, 916. 967. ■ 974, 994, 1269, 1487. 1538. , 1680, 1687, 1691, 1693. , 1826. , 1829, 1922, 2050, 2065. , 2289. , 2301, 2313, 2314, 2320. , 2337 , 2424 10. , 178. , 223, 273, 468, 545, , 1683 92. , 105. ■ 431, 468, 629, 696, , 974 , 994, 1315, 1316, 1325. , 1340. , 1350, 1390, 1459, 1584. , 1743 , 1826, 1833, 1834, 1837. , 1838 , 1843, 1936, 2005, 2012 , 2015 , 2016, 2017, 2138, 2189. , 2219 , 2231, 2250, 2251, 2252 , 2276 1000 , 1098 , 1492, 1584 73 , 203 , 258, 259, 295, 403 , 510 . 557, 597, 660, 761 , 869 , 983, 1027, 1151, 1185 , 1186 , 1215, 1238, 1326, 1328 , 1410 , 1617, 1783, 1875, 1880 , 1882 , 2100, 2102, 2116 28 75 ► 203, 253, 254, 255 , 402 , 452, 504, 510, 557. , 568. , 569, 728, 811, 869 , 890 , 1192, 1395, 1557, 1663 820, , 1191 28 , 29 , 50, 73, 75, 203 , 2221 ), 253, 254, 255, 257 , 258 . 259, 295, 339, 401 , 402 , 403, 486, 490, 491 , 492 , 495, 504, 509, 510 , 557 , 566, 567, 568, 569 , 597 , 660, 670, 728, 745 , 761 ■ 811, 890, 963, 965 , 983 , 1185, 1186, 1192, 1215 , 1227< i, 1238 , 1241 , 1326, 264 BLUFFS_EROSION (continued) 1395 1663 2102 2272 BOATING 52 536 724 1045 2025 2232 BOGS (S: wetlands) BORON 686 1104 1828 2287 BOSMINA 107 1367 2044 2312 BOWFIN 166 BREAKWATERS (SA: coastal structures) ... 73 457 2103 2407 BROMINE 428 740 1242 2070 BROOK LAMPREY 555 1922 BROOK TROUT (SA: trout) 382 1922 BROWN TROUT (SA: trout) 67 1098 1752 1954 1965 2065 1410, 1557, 1615, 1617, 1783, 1874, 1876, 1882, 2103, 2115, 2116, 2147, 2408 322, 386, 533, 535, 537, 539, 541, 543, 750, 756, 819, 829, 1436, 1949, 1950, 2024, 2124, 2139b, 2180, 2190, 2375 1030, 1827, 2085, 798, 967, 1025, 1211, 1222, 1242, 1829, 1891, 1892, 152, 270, 701, 1369, 1519, 1776, 2080, 2083, 2231, 2316 1399, 1585, 2279, 253, 254, 255, 1075, 1328, 1395, 2105, 2115, 2117, 584, 585, 594, 798, 1220, 1221, 1269, 1891, 1892, 2086 1321, 1322, 1906, 2061 555, 1308, 1690, 1954, 1965, 1970, 382, 428, 555, 1550, 1585, 1660, 1753, 1755, 1825, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1969, 1970, 1974, 2066, 2262 1325, 1837, 2307, 2281 437, 2100, 2118, 686, 1222, 2069, 1915, 1752, 2066 994, 1746, 1828, 1964, 2050, BRYOZOA 972 BULKHEADS (SA: coastal structures) 402, 983, 2103, 2115, 2116, 2117 BULLHEAD 222b, 1098, 1125, 1140, 1752, 1970, 2065, 2231, 2265 BURBOT 32, 166, 367, 382, 555, 1098, 1125, 1585, 1790, 1922, 1926, 2050, 2065, 2279, 2281, 2322, 2323 265 CADDISFLY (S: Trichoptera) CADMIUM 33, 66, 149, 371, 584, 585, 594, 610, 648, 649, 686, 955, 958, 962a , 967, 968, 971, 1027, 1062, 1175, 1178, 1211, 1220, 1269, 1333, 1337, 1344, 1609, 1705, 1706, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1891, 2085, 2086, 2093, 2135, 2165, 2187, 2221, 2287, 2354, 2429 CALCITE CALCITE WHITINGS (S: calcium carbonate) CALCIUM 325, 798, 1160, 1262, 1609, 1835, 1905, 1917, 2074 89, 174, 186, 474, 839, 1159, 1262, 1710, 1769, 1837, 2032, 2231, CALCIUM CARBONATE , CALUMET STAGE (SA: lake stages) , CARBON DIOXIDE , CARBON-14 (SA: carbon uptake) , (SA: dating) 1227a, 1532, 1564, 2346, 2357, 2413 CARBON_INORGANIC (S: inorganic carbon) CARB0N_0RGANIC (S: organic carbon) CARBON UPTAKE , 8, 9. , 66, , 88, 92. 102. 124, 138, 175, 176, 178, 180, 189. 325. , 326, 381, 686. 765. , 818, 838, 954. 987. 988, 1104, 1160. 1161. , 1222. 1250, 1335. , 1400. , 1647. 1705, 1712. , 1718. , 1725. , 1767, 1771. , 1772. , 1788. , 1826, 1857. , 1897. , 1977. 1978, 2034. , 2085. , 2095. ■ 2187, 2238 , , 2253. , 2309, , 2433 66. , 88 , 89. , 102, 189. , 954 , 987 . 988, 1262 , 1767. , 1826. , 2032, 2085 , 2231. , 2238. , 2253, 264 , 265 , 621. , 622, 686 , 875 , 1160, , 1262, 106 , 433 , 672 , 1102, 124, 1160, 2034, 2309 623 1743 1187, CARBONATE 181, 196, 237, 639, 640, 702, 1001, 1539, 1564, 1777, 1805, 1807, 1841, 2275 66, 88, 89, 102, 124, 189, 327, 715, 799, 954, 987, 988, 1160, 1262, 1397, 1415, 1416, 1767, 1774, 1826, 1887, 1891, 1917, 2032, 2034, 2085, 2231, 2238, 2253, 2302, 2309 CARCINOGENS (S: organics; S: toxics) 266 CAROTENOIDS (SA: plant pigments) 375, 1777, 2421 CARP 166, 178, 223, 273, 382, 428, 468, 545, 555, 754, 774, 775, 974, 994, 1098, 1125, 1578, 1688, 1752, 1825, 1828, 1922, 1954, 1964, 1970, 1973, 1974, 2065, 2219, 2231, 2262, 2265, 2322, 2323 CASPIAN TERNS (SA: birds) 1271, 1273, 1274 CATFISH 166, 223, 431, 754, 774, 1098, 1399, 2219, 2366 CATOSTOMIDS (SA: sucker) 1684 CAVEFISH 1399 CERIODAPHNIA 1367, 2080, 2316 CERIUM 584, 594, 1490, 1725, 2086 CESIUM 13, 14, 106, 583, 585, 587, 588, 590, 685, 1103, 1224, 1336, 1338, 1492, 1493, 1606, 1621, 1622, 1624, 1625, 1711, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1968, 2086, 2289, 2290, 2292, 2293, 2294, 2296, 2424 CESTODA 1538 CHARA 32, 1492, 2286 CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND 702, 1104, 1165, 2093, 2135, 2195 CHEMISTRY (S: geochemistry, inorganics, metals, nutrients, organics, sediments, or water quality) CHESTNUT LAMPREY 1906 CHICAGO OUTLET (SA: lake outlets) 264, 2345 CHINOOK SALMON (SA: salmon) 311, 382, 428, 555, 774, (SA: salmonid) 775, 1070, 1071, 1098, 1267, 1353, 1390, 1399, 1565, 1660, 1702, 1746, 1752, 1753, 1828, 1922, 1930, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1965, 1969, 1970, 2066, 2262, 2289, 2301, 2424 CHIPPEWA STAGE (SA: lake stages) 220, 296, 1415, 1416, 1944, 1947, 2057 CHIRONOMIDS (SA: Diptera) 23, 24, 25, 107, 113, 418, 468, 702, 817, 865, 905, 926, 927, 928, 933, 967, 972, 974, 976, 977, 1019, 1448, 1449, 1452, 1648, 267 CHIRONOMIDS (continued) 1649, 1655, 2007, 2189, 2231, 2307, 2415, 2420 CHLORDANE (SA: organochlorine 863, 967, 1026 pesticides) CHLORIDE 7, 11, 12, 66, 91, 92, 152, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 186, 189, 309, 325, 427, 531, 765, 817, 954, 958, 962a, 967, 969, 971, 972, 980, 987, 988, 1011, 1014, 1025, 1030, 1104, 1105, 1159, 1160, 1175, 1211, 1262, 1411, 1524, 1553, 1558, 1705, 1706, 1733, 1767, 1788, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1833, 1837, 1862, 1868, 1870, 1936, 1977, 2012, 2070, 2085, 2095, 2120, 2160, 2187, 2195, 2201, 2206, 2231, 2238, 2241c, 2254, 2255, 2258a, 2258b, 2270, 2333, 2352, 2364, 2433 CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS (S: specific compounds; S: organics) CHLORINE (SA: chloride) 185, 428, 1250, 1449, 1725, 2069, 2070, 2309 CHLORITE 798, 799, 1415, 1416, 1891, 1905, 1917 CHLOROBENZENES (S: specific compounds) CHLOROPHYLL (SA: plant pigments) 20, 26, 88, 89, 91, 92, 237, 335, 336, 375, 610, 650, 911, 934, 962a, 1001, 1005, 1057, 1173, 1183, 1406, 1560, 1568, 1580, 1732, 1777, 1779, 1795, 1796, 1805, 1807, 1833, 1834, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1844, 1936, 1975, 2034, 2055, 2083, 2170, 2205, 2275, 2276, 2421, 2422 CHLOROPHYLL_SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION CHLOROPHYTA (S: green algae) CHROMIUM 1732, 2276 92, 381, 585, 594, 648, 649, 686, 798, 836, 838, 955, 967, 968, 971, 974, 1025, 1057, 1175, 1178, 1211, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1242, 1269, 1609, 1625, 1705, 1706, 1712, 1718, 1725, 1773, 1827, 1828, 1891, 1892, 2085, 2086, 2093, 2135, 2165, 2187, 2231, 2287, 2309, 2354 268 CHRYSOPHYCEAE 375, 629, 1315, 1325, 1459, 1837, 1843, 2016, 2017, 2254, 2257 CHRYSOPHYTA (S: Chrysophyceae; S: diatoms) CHUB (SA: bloater) 93 272 545 887 1077 1691 1922 2065 2424 CIRCULATION AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY CIRCULATION DISCHARGE 81 2038 11 683 1149 1401 1637 CIRCULATION_HARBORS 113 1509 CIRCULATIONJ.AKE BREEZE 1291 2031 CIRCULATION MODEL 11 200 309 448 682 875 1105 1169 1319 1468 1635 2031 2418 CIRCULATION_POLLUTION (SA: circulation_water quality) CIRCULATION POWER PLANTS 11 113 449 684 958 1149 1285 1354 1634 1810 2164 81 683 , 160, 178, , 273, 366, , 726, 774, , 916. , 967, , 1269. , 1487, , 1693, 1743, , 1964, 1970, , 2262, 2265, , 630, 1106, , 2078, 2334, 12, 113, , 684, , 692, , 1210. ■ 1329, , 1442. , 1608, , 1659, , 1804 , 673. , 1105, , 1812 , 1813 , 1294 , 1422, , 2072 , 2073, 12. , 21, , 201, 202, , 442. , 443, , 449. ■ 532, , 683. , 830, , 935. , 936, , 1106. , 1109, , 1213. . 1232, , 1354 , 1373, , 1505. • 1512, , 1637. , 1811, , 2042 ► 2072, , 2434 12 21, , 181 , 182, , 532. , 680, , 692. , 765, , 990. , 1105, , 1169 ► 1210, , 1291. , 1294, , 1401 ► 1442, , 1635 , 1637, , 1811 , 1898, , 2172 • 2269, , 125 i 181, , 684 , 692, 223, 260, 422, 428, 775, 836, 974, 994, 1687, 1689, 1825, 1826, 1974, 2050, 2314, 2412, 1506, 1508, 2434 181, 309, 990, 1106, 1349, 1354, 1634, 1635, 1106, 1373, 2029, 2030, 2172 78, 92, 213, 215, 444, 445, 636, 673, 831, 832, 957, 958, 1135, 1136, 1233, 1285, 1433, 1438, 1628, 1634, 1898, 2030, 2073, 2334, 81, 92, 309, 446, 682, 683, 875, 957, 1106, 1109, 1232, 1233, 1329, 1349, 1616, 1619, 1659, 1804, 2078, 2085, 2422, 2434 680, 682, 765, 957, 269 CIRCULATION POWER PLANTS (continued) 990, 1149, 1169, 1233, 1329, 1442, 1616, 1634, 1635, 1637, 1659, 1804, 1811, 1877, 1898, 2078, 2422, 2434 CIRCULATION_REMOTE SENSING 1109, 1241, 1264, 1285, 1329, 2034, 2036, 2038, 2078 CIRCULATION_RESEARCH NEEDS 243, 765, 1428, 1619, 1634, 2229 CIRCULATION_SEASONAL VARIATION 11, 92, 199, 875, 935, 936, 957, 1105, 1109, 1241, 1294, 1318, 1438, 1468, 1505, 1506, 1512, 1608, 1634, 1659, 1738, 1809, 1811, 1817, 2042, 2085, 2172, 2268, 2269 CIRCULATION SEDIMENTS CIRCULATION_SUMMARY (S: summary_circulation) CIRCULATION TEMPERATURE .. CIRCULATION TRANSPORT 78, 574, 1149, 1884, 2407 92, 98, 109, 113, 667, 765, 875, 958, 1241, 1401, 1608, 1654, 1904, 1905, 2085, 2092, CIRCULATION_WATER QUALITY ... (SA: circulation_pollution) 11, , 21 ■ 78 , 81, 97 , 181 , 182 , 191, 194 , 199 , 200 , 201, 213 , 243 , 442 . 443, 445 , 448 , 574 , 630, 684 , 692 , 765 , 830, 832 , 875 , 935 , 936, 958 , 990 , 1106 ► 1109, 1169 , 1213 , 1232 , 1233, 1285 , 1294 , 1318 , 1329, 1390 , 1408 , 1422 , 1428, 1438 , 1442 , 1505 , 1506, 1509 , 1512 , 1619 , 1634, 1637. , 1659. , 1673. , 1707, 1739. , 1788. , 1804. , 1809, 1812. 1815, 1843, 1877, 2029. 2030. , 2031, 2034, 2042. 2072, 2073, , 2085, 2172. , 2267, , 2270, , 2334, 2434 11. 12. 21, 78, 449, , 500, 532, 574, 666, 667, 875, 1105, 1109, 1149, 1232, 1241, 1294, 1318, 1354, 1490, 1646, 1695, 1738, 1810, 1884, 2078, 2085, 2092, 11, 92, 97, 181, 309, 449, 765, 875, 92, 192, 202, 444, 680, 831, 957, 1135, 1279, 1354, 1437, 1508, 1635, 1738, 1810, 1898, 2036, 2164, 2422, 446, 630, 1106, 1285, 1608, 1817, 2407 182, 958, 270 CIRCULATION WATER QUALITY (continued) CIRCULATION WAVES CISCO CLADOCERA (SA: specific species) CLADOPHORA (SA: green algae) (SA: periphyton) CLAMS CLAY 1105, 1106. , 1210, 1349. , 1390, 1401, 1619, 1680, 2085, 2270 21, 200, 213, 442. 443, 448, 500, 558, 574, 636, 673, 765. , 831. , 832. 875, 1084, 1233. 1257, 1264, 1373, 1408. , 1428. , 1628. , 1695. , 1812, 1813, , 1814. , 1815. , 1904. , 1905, 2029. , 2042. , 2092. , 2161. , 2163, 2168 , 2267 , 2334. , 2407. , 2418 178. , 232 , 367 , 392. , 428, 468. , 908 , 1250. , 1399 , 1683, 1920. , 1925 , 1926. , 2065. , 2265, 2320 , 2322 , 2323 92. , 107 , 152 , 155. , 190, 521. , 696 , 698 , 699 , 701, 704. , 801 , 972 , 977 , 980, 1181 , 1325 , 1333 , 1335 , 1337, 1367. , 1368 , 1369 , 1374. , 1401, 1519 , 1568 , 1569 , 1585 , 1699, 1776 , 1837 , 1844 , 2043 , 2044, 2050 , 2080 , 2082 , 2083 , 2138, 2231 , 2306 , 2307 , 2312 , 2316, 2420 9 32 , 152 , 551 , 650, 702 , 713 , 714 , 870 , 871, 994. , 1234. , 1235. , 1236. , 1488, 1489 , 1492 , 1743. , 1889. , 2897, 1935. , 1936. , 2047. , 2063. , 2189, 2190. , 2231. , 2254. , 2257, , 2286, 2289, , 2424. , 2436 23 , 24 25. , 110. , H3, 418. , 468 , 551, , 612, , 644, 853 , 865 , 867 , 933. , 967, 972 , 974 , 980 , 994 , 1019, 1149 , 1151 , 1179. , 1381 , 1448, 1449 , 1451 , 1452 , 1648 . 1649, 1651 , 1655 , 1686 , 1723. , 1727, 1740 , 1826 , 1837 , 2007 , 2189, 2248 15 , 66 96 , 101. . Ill, 205 , 241. , 325, , 430. , 433, 567 , 568. , 587. , 612. , 740, 798 , 799 , 882. , 917. , 954, 983. , 1123 , 1149. , 1151, 1188, 1219 , 12271 ), 123E 5, 124( ), 1241 1242 , 1244 , 1415 , 1416. ■ 1418, 1419 , 1608 , 1654 , 1717. , 1774, 1782 , 1857 , 1887 , 1891. ■ 1892, 1905 , 1917 , 1944 , 1947 , 1948, 1997 , 2074 , 2170 , 2223 , 2297, 2357 271 CLIMATE (SA: history_cl imate) (SA: review cl imate) CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM (S: bacteria) CLOUDS COAL COASTAL MANAGEMENT COASTAL_MAPPING (S: mapping_coastal ) COASTAL STRUCTURES (SA: specific types of structures) 61, 99, 133, 134, 135, 136, 162, 284, 342, 346, 351, 353, 355, 356, 357, 482, 532, 574, 671, 672, 688, 710, 765, 797, 810, 833, 850, 1049, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1188, 1189. 1282, 1285, 1339, 1390, 1422, 1423, 1467, 1473, 1513, 1525, 1529, 1532, 1605, 1610, 1616, 1656, 1741, 1742, 1790, 1931, 1980, 1998, 2023, 2026, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2060, 2103, 2241c i, 2242 !, 2339, 2340, 2413, 2414, 2440, 2443 99, 134, 135, ■ 136, 357, 469, 478, 710. , 860, 1279, 1284. 1292, 1295. 1296, 1298, 1301, 1473, 1499. 1610, 1656, 1931, 2030, 2031 740, 1846, 2221, 2354 28, , 29, 47, , 50, 53, 58. , 71, 72. 73, , 75, 222t >, 249, 256. , 257, 339, 374, 401, 403. , 404. 436, 490. ■ 493, 535. , 556. ■ 601, 737. , 745, 751. , 761. , 811, 816. , 819, 822 , 823. ■ 846, 869 , 881, 882 , 959 , 960, 961. , 962a , 963 , 964 , 965, 966c I, 966b , 976 . 977 , 983, 1085 , 1180, 1189 , 1191 , 1192, 1205 . 1209, 1313 , 1328 , 1361, 1394 , 1395, 1398 , 1436 , 1485, 1486 , 1521, 1557 , 1620 , 1632, 1783 ■ 2097, 2098 , 2099 , 2100, 2101. , 2102, 2103 , 2105. , 2111, 2115 , 2117, 2118 , 2119 , 2122, 2125. , 2134, 2138 , 2146. , 2228, 2234 , 2235, 2239 , 2326. , 2327, 2371. , 2380, 2381 , 2406. , 2407, 2409 , 2410, 2439 , 2441 58 • 73, 203 , 2221 ), 253, 254 , 255, 256 , 257 , 374, 402 , 403, 404 , 405 , 406, 437 , 457, 509 , 551 , 556, 557 , 558, 670 , 745 , 811, 816 , 823, 824 , 869 , 982, 983 , 1075, 1180 , 1186 , 1209, 1328 , 1361, 1394 , 1395 , 1436, 272 COASTAL STRUCTURES (continued) COBALT 1557, 1615, 1813, 1880, 2099, 2100, 2102, 2103, 2105, 2115, 2116, 2117, 2118, 2121, 2122, 2125, 2138, 2141, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2147, 2228, 2235, 2325, 2326, 2381, 2407 326, 381, 584, 585, 594, 648, 649, 686, 798, 838, 955, 1030, 1220, 1222, 1242, 1269, 1419, 1492, 1493, 1725, 1772, 1773, 1891, 1892, 2085, 2086 COD 166 COELENTERATA (S: Hydrozoa) COHO SALMON (SA: salmon) . (SA: salmonid) COLEOPTERA (SA: insects) 67, 76, 93, 223, 234, 247, 248, 311, 379, 380, 382, 423, 424, 428, 468, 522, 555, 561, 562, 603, 774, 775, 834, 836, 967, 974, 994, 1070, 1071, 1083, 1098, 1217, 1267, 1353, 1386, 1390, 1399, 1550, 1565, 1585, 1588, 1591, 1690, 1692, 1693, 1702, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1825, 1829, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1922, 1930, 1955, 1965, 1970, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 2066, 2075, 2076, 2219, 2262, 2265, 2286, 2289, 2301, 2337, 2338, 2366, 2424 103, 887, 967, 1585, 1588, 2350 COLIFORM_BACTERIA (S: bacteria) COMMERCE 87, 143, 144, 755, 953, 1196, 1536, 1617, 1851, 1858 COMMERCIAL FISHING 95, 140, 141, 142, 160, 176, 178, 182, 233, 272, 273, 279, 320, 366, 438, 441, 461, 468, 544, 545, 611, 654, 677, 726, 727, 754, 773, 774, 775, 790, 876, 888, 1045, 1066, 1076, 1077, 1216, 1258, 1267, 1312, 1379, 1388, 1390, 1454, 1579, 1629, 1631, 1662, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1787, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1963, 2009, 2048, 2049, 2075, 2076, 2153, 2216, 2303, 2304, 2322, 2323, 2415 273 CONDUCTIVITY CONNECTING CHANNELS (SA: waterways) CONSUMPTIVE USE (S: water use) COPEPODA (SA: specific species) COPPER COREGONINES (SA: specific species) CORING (S: sediment cores) CORIOLIS FORCE 9 113 610 1011 1159 1406 1718 1837 2187 2400 82 290 774 1131 1581 1679 1760 1853 2110 2426 89 175 451 701 934 1325 1519 1699 1935 2082 2231 2316 33 326 610 798 967 1175 1221 1418 1706 1773 2085 2187 2354 197 1684 , 11, 66, , 120, 186, , 913, 934, , 1014, 1025, , 1335, 1362, , 1618, 1705, , 1777, 1779, , 1844, 1936, , 2195, 2270, , 2433 , 83, 84, , 293, 744, , 775, 895, , 1389, 1456, , 1619, 1665, , 1756, 1757, , 1761, 1762, , 1919, 2069, , 2114, 2142, 91, 189, 947, 1099, 1400, 1706, 1788, 1977, 2275, 85, 748, 1049, 1495, 1666, 1758, 1763a 2070, 2241b 92, 107, 152, , 185, 190, 311, , 641, 696, 698, , 704, 801, 900, , 972, 977, 980, , 1337, 1369, 1374, , 1568, 1569. 1585, , 1722, 1776. 1837, , 1936. 1948. , 2043, , 2083. 2084. 2138, , 2283, 2306, , 2307, , 66. , 92. , 138, , 381. , 584. , 585, , 648 , 649 , 686, , 815 , 836 , 838, , 968 , 971 , 1027, , 1178 , 1211 , 1218, , 1222 , 1242 , 1269, , 1419 , 1609 , 1625, , 1712 , 1718 , 1725, , 1827 , 1829 , 1891, , 2086 , 2093 , 2135, , 2231 , 2287 , 2309, , 2356 , 2433 , 232 , 553 , 899, 100, 237, 996, 1104, 1401, 1710, 1790, 2095, 2333, 222a, 755, 1059, 1525, 1667, 1759, , 1764, 2087, , 2348, 174, 431, 699, 909, 1181, 1427, 1653, 1844, 2044, 2223, 2312, 149, 594, 740, 955, 1137, 1220, 1344, 1705, 1772, 1892, 2165, 2329, 78, 97, 200, 215, 243, 394, 444, 830, 831, 832, 274 CORIOLIS FORCE (continued) , 875, 914, 957, 1084, 1093, 1135, 1136, 1233, 1425, 1431, 1438, 1439, 1468, 1506, 1512, 1677, 1678, 1803, 1904, 1905, 2033, 2269 CORISPERMUM 2244 CORMORANTS (SA: birds) . 627 CORYDALIDAE (S: Megaloptera) COTTIDS (SA: sculpin) . 32, 1684 CRAPPI ES 382, . 32, 1492, 1140 195, 1493, 197, 1653, 644, 2289 CRAYFISH 685, CREEL CENSUS (SA: f ish_moni toring) . 825, 1148, 1266, 1970 CRUSTACEA (S: specific species or taxa) CRUSTAL MOVEMENTS 290, 292, 378, 530a , 1049, (SA: isostatic rebound) 1110, 1131, 1134, 1764 CRYPTOPHYTA 629, 974, 1459, 1826, 2015 CURRENTS_DISPERSION (S: dispersion_currents) CURRENTS EFFLUENT 64, 979, 446, 984, 679, 1106, 680, 1169, 967, 1349, 1354, 1558, 1635, 1636, 1828, 1936, 1937, 2078, 2190, 2402, 2422, , 2434 CURRENTS HISTORY 182. 674 . 310, , 675, 430. 765. 494, 892, 672, 967, 1390, , 1558, 1614, , 2100, 2103 CURRENTS MODEL 12 , 21, 64. ■ 78, 114, 198, , 200, 201. , 202, 213, 215 , 310, 337 , 443, 444, 445 , 448, 449 , 457, 497, 498 , 505, 636 , 661, 662, 664 , 665, 673 , 679, 682, 730 , 731, 831 , 832, 852, 875 , 935, 936 , 937, 938, 957 , 958, 1093 , 1105, 1106, 1169 , 1213, 1232 , 1233, 1253, 1319 , 1354, 1373 , 1423, 1433, 1434 , 1438, 1443 , 1468, 1512, 1555 , 1614, 1635 , 1811, 1868, 1936 , 1937, 2219 , 2402, 2418, 2434 CURRENTS_POLLUTION (S: pol lution_curren ts) CURRENTS RESEARCH NEEDS ,. 243 , 765, 1428 CURRENTS SEASONAL VARIATION . 199 935 , 294, , 936, 337 957 , 494, , 967, 875, 979, 275 CURRENTS_SEASONAL VARIATION (continued) CURRENTS TRANSPORT CURRENTS_WATER QUALITY ... (SA: pollution_currents) 1105, 1241, 1318, 1430, 1438, 1468, 1473, 1506, 1608, 1748, 1808, 1809, 1817, 2085, 2172, 2268, 12, 21, 78, 130, 446, 449, 494, 497, 500, 501, 502, 503, 509, 574, 660, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 675, , 729, 730, 731, 892. , 967. , 979. ■ 984, 1106. , 1149. , 1151, , H52, 1214. , 1221. , 1232. , 1241, 1354 , 1410. , 1515. , 1608, 1695 , 1808 , 1810. , 1817, 1947 , 2078 , 2085. , 2092, 2100. , 2173. , 2189, , 2277, 64 . 97 ■ H4 , 167, 189 , 310 , 337 , 449, 714 , 765 , 871 , 875, 958 , 967 , 979 , 984, 1106 , 1309 , 1349 , 1390, 1410 , 1558 , 1639 , 1828, 1936 , 1937 , 2085 , 2138, 2190 , 2270 , 2376 , 2400 1434, 1512, 1811, 2269 294, 499, 505, 663, 674, 875, 1105, 1195, 1318, 1615, 1936, 2097, 2402 182, 677, 927, 1105, 1406, 1870, 2189, CUTTHROATJROUT (SA: trout) CYANIDE 1399 189, 800, 967, 968, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 980, 1025, 1175, 1411, 1558, 1706, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1936, 2085, 2135, 2195, 2258b CYANOPHYTA (S: blue-green algae) CYCLOPS 89, 701, 704, 801, 900, 909, 1325, 1427, 1519, 1776, 1837, 2044, 2231, 2307, 2312 CYCLOTELLA (SA: diatoms) 913, 1350, 1839, 1843, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2167, 2189, 2250, 2270 CYPRINIDS (SA: minnows or 166, 727, 1399, 1684 specific species) DACE 1098 DAPHNIA 698, 699, 701, 704, 801, 1072, 1181, 1325, 1333, 1335, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1401, 1584, 1776, 2044, 2080, 2083, 2312, 2316 DARTER 551, 553, 1098, 2091 DATING (SA: carbon-14; SA: lead-210) 65, 296, 433, 702, 799, 921, 588, 672, 1102, 1187, 276 DATING (continued) DDD (SA: organochlorine pesticides) . DDE (SA: organochlorine pesticides) . DDT (SA: organochlorine pesticides) . 1188, 1189, 1190, 1227a , 1532, 1709, 1711, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1944, 2346, 2357, 2413 93, 1219, 1630, 1828 31, 67, 93, 627, 887, 1057, 1219, 1630, 1828 31, 66, 67, 93, 223, 522, 524, 610, 635, 786, 835, 836, 837, 863, 885, 886, 887, 967, 968, 971, 972, 973, 974, 1026, 1027, 1037, 1039, 1057, 1083, 1089, 1114, 1115, 1142, 1143, 1179, 1219, 1230, 1231, 1272, 1276, 1277, 1308, 1346, 1351, 1484, 1487, 1523, 1558, 1591, 1625, 1630, 1641, 1672, 1673, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1930, 2050, 2085, 2261, 2262, 2337, 2338 DECAPODA (SA: crayfish and other 967 specific species) DEGRADATI0NJ3ACTERIAL (S: bacteria_degradation) DELTAIC FACIES 1624 DEMOGRAPHICS (SA: sociology) 114, 535, 1250, 2024 165, 188, 322, 376, 537, 635, 749, 812, 1375, 1819, 1846, 1849, DEP0SITI0N_ATM0SPHERIC (S: atmospheric_deposi tion) DEP0SITI0N_HIST0RY (S: history_deposi DEPOSITION INORGANICS tion) 16, 33, 63, 69, 149, 180, 360, 386, 425, 583, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 596, 635, 644, 646, 707, 708, 709, 710, 798, 815, 827, 828, 875, 877, 903, 967, 1027, 1029, 1103, 1137, 1210, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1242, 1290, 1311, 1334, 1336, 1418, 1426, 1431, 1462, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1490, 1500, 1559, 1562, 1606, 1621, 1622, 1624, 1625, 1703, 1704, 1708, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1718, 1789, 1796, 1884, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1901, 2013, 277 DEPOSITION INORGANICS (continued) DEPOSITION_METALS (includes trace metals) 2238, 2289, 2290, 2296, 2298, 2329, 2352, 2354, 2355, 2356 16, 33, 69, 149, 180, 360. , 386, 425, 583, 587, 588. ■ 589, 590, 591, 592, 593. ■ 596, 644, 646, 707, 708. , 709, 710, 798, 815, 827. , 828, 877, 903, 967, 1027. , 1103, 1137, 1221, 1222, 1223 , 1242, 1290, 1334, 1336, 1418 , 1490, 1500, 1606, 1621, 1624 , 1625, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715. ■ 1716, 1718, 1789, 1884, 1894 , 1895, 1896, 1901, 2013, 2238 , 2289, 2290, 2296, 2298, 2329 , 2354, 2355, 2356 DEP0SITI0N_M0DEL (S: model_deposition) DEPOSITION_NUTRIENTS 63, 180, 710, 1027, 1029, 1210, 1426, 1431, 1462, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1562, 1796, 2013 DEP0SITI0N_0RGANIC CARBON 798, 1027, 1221, 1654 DEPOSITIONJDRGANICS 635, 710, 967, 1027, 1029, 1222, 1426, 1625, 2352 DEP0SITI0N_PCBS (S: PCBs_ deposition) DEP0SITI0N_PH0SPH0RUS (S: phosphorus_deposition) DEPOSITION RADIONUCLIDES 16, 63, 583, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 593, 596, 644, 827, 828, 1103, 1223, 1311, 1334, 1336, 1490, 1621, 1622, 1624, 1625, 1703, 1708, 1711, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 2289, 2290, 2296, 2298 DEPOSITION_SEDIMENTS (S: sediments_deposition) DETRITUS (SA: organic matter) 1342, 1655, 1729, 1732, 1824, (SA: particles) 2286, 2289 DIACYCLOPS 2083 DIAGENESIS (SA: geochemistry) 588, 1027, 1709, 1773 (SA: sediments) DIAPHANOSOMA 2283, 2312 DIAPTOMUS 89, 107, 152, 451, 701, 704, 801, 900, 909, 1325, 1369, 1427, 1722, 1776, 1837, 2044, 2231, 2312 278 DIATOMS (SA: specific species) DIELDRIN (SA: organochlorine pesticides) DIFFUSION (SA: model diffusion) DIFFUSIVITY DINOFLAGELLATES (SA: flagellates) (SA: phytoflagellates) DIPTERA (SA: chironomids and other species) DIRECTORY DISCHARGE (SA: effluent) DISCHARGE GROUNDWATER .. DISCHARGE HARBORS DISCHARGE_HYDROCARBONS (not chlorinated) 65, 92, 105, 115, 124, 174, 184, 196, 308, 332, 375, 417, 431, 465, 467, 468, 629, 641, 694, 714, 719, 871, 910, 911, 912, 913, 947, 974, 994, 1315, 1316, 1320, 1325, 1340, 1350, 1390, 1401, 1459, 1559, 1560, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1584, 1672, 1717, 1720, 1733, 1743, 1826, 1833, 1834, 1837, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1844, 1878, 1936, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2043, 2055, 2167, 2189, 2219, 2231, 2250, 2251, 2252, 2253, 2257, 2270, 2276, 2341, 2343, 2344, 2424 66, , 67, 93, 627, 635, 837, 863, 967, 972, 974, 1026. , 1027, 1039, 1057, 1089, 1142. , 1143, 1179, 1219, 1276, 1277. , 1345, 1351, 1484, 1487, 1625 , 1630, 1672, 1691, 1825, 1826 , 1828, 1829, 2205, 2262, 2337 , 2338 11. , 12, 447, 449, 630, 678. , 722, 831, 832, 936, 937. , 1285, 1287, 1432, 1433, 1502 , 1533, 1534, 1535, 1555, 1936. , 2164, 2172 11 , 12, 78, 935, 937, 1233 , 1502, 1512, 1533, 1534, 1535 , 1582, 1635, 1811, 2402, 2434 375 , 629, 974, 1459, 2015, 2016 24 , 967, 974, 977, 980, 1350 , 1381, 1449, 1452, 1585, 1588 , 1826, 2189, 2307, 2420 145 , 249, 1027, 1153 69 , 204, 517, 967, 1050, 1372 , 1800 110, 113, 972, 1106, 1827, 1936, 2154b, 2187, 2190 800, 968, 972, 974, 979, 984, 1108, 1211, 1354, 1558, 1936, 2189, 2190, 2354 279 DISCHARGEJNORGANICS (SA: inorganics_loading) DISCHARGE_LAKE OUTLETS DISCHARGE_METALS (S: metal s_d is charge) DISCHARGE NUTRIENTS 11, 12 113, 114 309, 312 431, 434 807, 931 973, 974 1014, 1037 1106, 1108 1210, 1211 1449, 1462 1546, 1558 1704, 1774 1826, 1827 1866, 1867 2155, 2160 2189, 2190 2198, 2207 2211, 2212 2289, 2333 2400, 2421 290, 293 DISCHARGE_ORGANICS {SA: organics_loading) DISCHARGE_PCBS (SA: PCBs_loading) DISCHARGE_PHOSPHORUS (S: phosphorus_discharge) DISCHARGE_POLLUTION (SA: discharge_water quality) 110 431 973 1037 1210 1558 1826 1936 2175 2197 2210 2385 114 972 1040 1558 2160 2190 2207 2212 967 1558 2264 , 64, 69, , 138, 181, , 315, 386, , 577, 711, , 967, 968, , 979, 984, , 1040, 1057, , 1127, 1128, , 1236, 1401, , 1492, 1493, , 1580, 1622, , 1795, 1796, , 1828, 1833, , 1936, 1956, , 2175, 2186, , 2192, 2195, , 2208, 2209, , 2231, 2238, , 2352, 2354, , 113, 181, 245, , 434, 577, 711, , 974. , 979. , 984, , 1040. , 1057. , 1059, , 1211. , 1236. , 1462, , 1580. , 1795. , 1796, , 1827 , 1828 , 1833, , 1956 , 1977 , 2155, , 2186. , 2187. ■ 2189, , 2198 , 2207. , 2208, , 2211. , 2212. , 2254, , 2400 , 2421 , 577. , 800. , 967, , 973 , 974 , 979, , 1057. , 1059. , 1108, , 1826. , 1827. , 1828, , 2175. , 2186. , 2187, , 2192. , 2195 , 2197, , 2208 , 2209. • 2210, , 2260 , 2264 , 2352 , 974. , 1037. , 1040, , 1826 , 1827 , 1828, 110, 245, 407, 800, 972, 1007, 1059, 1183, 1445, 1524, 1624, 1797, 1839, 1977, 2187, 2197, 2210, 2254, 2385, 312, 931, 1014, 1183, 1524, 1797, 1839, 2160, 2192, 2209, 2333, 968, 1037, 1211, 1936, 2189, 2198, 2211, 1057, 2260, 11, 12, 48, 49, 51, 64, 79, 80, 110, 113, 114, 118, 134, 135, 136, 164, 167, 168, 169, 181, 280 DISCHARGE POLLUTION (continued) DISCHARGE_POWER PLANTS (S: power pi an ts_d is charge) DISCHARGE_RADIOACTIVITY DISCHARGE_RADIONUCLIDES DISCHARGE SEWAGE 195, 245, 266, 305, 309, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318. 337, 342, 384, 386, 406, 407, 408, 411, 431, 434, 455. 528, 575. 576, 577, 602, 605, 652, 678, 681. 683, 684, 692, 711, 800. 807, 905, 906. ■ 931, 967. 968, 972, 973, 974, 975. , 979, 984, 989. 990, 1000. , 1007. , 1008. , 1009. ■ 1014, 1020. , 1021. , 1022. 1023. , 1037, 1040. , 1057. , 1059. , 1080, . 1091, 1106. , 1108. 1149, 1152. ■ 1164, 1182. , 1183. , 1210, , 1211, , 1216, 1246. , 1248. , 1249, 1329. , 1349, 1354. , 1391. , 1401. , 1442. , 1445, 1449. 1462. 1493, 1524. 1544, 1555 , 1556. , 1558. , 1570. ■ 1571, 1578. , 1580. , 1582, 1634. , 1635, 1636 , 1637. , 1658. , 1659 , 1660, 1674 , 1676 , 1704. , 1746 , 1747, 1749 , 1752 , 1753 , 1754 , 1755, 1795 , 1796 , 1797 , 1804 , 1827, 1828 , 1866 , 1867 , 1869 , 1870, 1931 , 1936 , 1937 , 1938 , 1955, 1956 , 1961 , 1964 , 1965 , 1967, 1971 , 1972 , 1974. , 1975 , 2037, 2056 , 2066 , 2077 , 2090 , 2123, 2126 , 2127 , 2128 , 2129 , 2130, 2131 , 2133 , 2136 , 2137 , 2154, 2155 , 2160 , 2175. , 2186 , 2187, 2189 , 2190 , 2192 , 2195 , 2197, 2198 , 2200 , 2203 , 2207 , 2208, 2209 , 2210 , 2211 , 2212 , 2231, 2238 , 2254 , 2260 , 2264 , 2333, 2352 , 2354 , 2379 , 2383 , 2384, 2385 , 2394 , 2395 , 2400 , 2417, 2421 51 , 408 , 972 , 989 , 1007, 1020 , 1037 , 1040 , 1127 , 1149, 1544 , 1546 , 1558 , 1704 , 2190 64 , 407 , 807 , 972 , 974, 1127 , 1128 , 1445 , 1449 , 1492, 1493 , 1546 , 1622 , 1624 , 1827, 1828 , 1866 , 1867 , 1956 , 2289 48 , 49 , 973 , 984 , 1210, 1462 , 1558 , 1869 , 1870 , 1936, 1938 , 2123 , 2126 , 2127. , 2195 281 DISCHARGE_THERMAL_POLLUTION (SA: temperature) (SA: thermal_plume) (SA: thermal_pollution) DISCHARGE_TRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_discharge) DISCHARGE WASTE 51, 64, 79, 80, 118, 119, 126, 127, 135, 136, 164, 167, 169, 181, 195, 266, 313, 314, 315, 317, 342, 384, 406, 407, 411. ■ 431, 455, , 528, 576. ■ 602, 605. 652, 681. , 683, 684. . 692, 905. , 906. , 984. ■ 989, 1000 , 1008. , 1009. , 1014, 1021 , 1022. , 1023. , 1037, 1149 , 1150. , 1152. ■ H64, 1211 , 1216 , 1246 , 1248, 1329 , 1442 , 1449 ► 1544, 1556 , 1558 , 1570 , 1571, 1582 , 1634 , 1635 , 1636, 1658 , 1659 , 1660 , 1676, 1747 , 1749 , 1752 , 1753, 1755 , 1804 , 1827 , 1931, 1955 , 1956 , 1961 ► 1964, 1967 , 1971 , 1972 , 1974, 2056 , 2066 , 2077 , 2090, 2190 , 2192 , 2197 , 2198, 2203 , 2207 , 2208 , 2209, 2211 , 2212 , 2231 , 2333, 2394 , 2395 , 2400 , 2417, 48, 342, 800, 1059, 1391, 1870, 2126, 2192, 2209, 2379 69, 528, 807, 1164, 1462, 1938, 2160, 2197, 2210 245, 652, 972, 1210, 1558, 1975, 2175, 2198, , 2211 305, 692, 975, 1216, 1866, 2037, 2186, 2207, , 2212 110, 134, 168, 312, 318, 408, 575, 678, 807, 990, 1020, 1091, 1182, 1249, 1555, 1578, 1637, 1746, 1754, 1936, 1965, 1975, 2186, 2200, 2210, 2385, 2421 337, 711, 1037, 1236, 1867, 2123, 2190, 2208, , 2264 DISCHARGE WASTEWATER 386, 1040, 1449, 1869, 2037 2123, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129 2130, 2131, 2133, 2136, 2137 2154 DISCHARGE_WATER BUDGET (S: water budget) DISCHARGE_WATER QUALITY (SA: discharge_pollution) 11, 48, 69, 110, 49, 114, 51, 118, 64 119 126, 127, 163, 164, 167 181, 245, 266, 305, 309 313, 315, 337, 386, 407 408, 434, 455, 528, 711 800, 931, 967, 968, 972 973, 974, 975, 979, 984 282 DISCHARGEJJATER QUALITY (continued) 1000 1022 1059 1183 1349 1558 1826 1869 1977 2128 2136 2175 2192 2208 2231 2333 2385 DISCHARGE_WATER SUPPLY 204 972 1106 1828 DISPERSION ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION 342 1290 DISPERSION_CIRCULATION 11 680 1169 1401 1637 2172 DISPERSION CURRENTS 21 680 993 1169 1635 1868 2219 , 1009, 1014, 1020 , 1023, 1037, 1040, , 1080, 1087, 1106, , 1210, 1211, 1216, , 1391, 1401, 1524, , 1580, 1795, 1796, , 1827, 1828, , 1833, , 1870, 1936, , 1937, , 2037. , 2123. , 2126, , 2129, , 2130, ■ 2131, , 2137. , 2154. , 2155, , 2186. , 2187. , 2189, , 2195. , 2197. , 2198, , 2209. , 2210. , 2211, , 2238 , 2254. , 2260, , 2352. , 2379. , 2383, , 2400 , 513. , 523. , 967, , 974, , 979. , 984, , 1216. , 1372. , 1766, , 2133. , 2190. , 2220 , 884 , 1201 , 1286, , 1294 , 1540 , 21 , 78 , 81, , 682 , 1105 , 1106, , 1232 , 1294 , 1329, , 1533 , 1534 , 1634, , 1804 , 1811 , 1898, , 2269 , 2434 , 78 , 167 , 198, , 682 , 906 ■ 909, , 1105 , 1106 , 1149, , 1232 , 1314 , 1354, , 1636 , 1748 , 1804, , 1936 , 1937 , 2078, , 2269 , 2402 , 2434 , 1021, 1057, 1108, 1236, 1544, 1797, 1867, 1938, 2127, 2133, 2160, 2190, 2207, 2212, 2264, 2384, 968, 1087, 1827, 1287, 449, 1149, 1354, 1635, 2078, 449, 937, 1152, 1535, 1811, 2172, DISPERSION_EFFLUENT (S: effluent_dispersion) DISPERSION_FISH 62, 167, 905, 909, 1493, 2219 DISPERSION_HYDROCARBONS 1354, 1936 (not chlorinated) DISPERSION_INORGANICS 11, 62, 1105, 1106, 1201, 1286, 1290, 1401, 1493, 1868, 1894, 1936, 2219, 2296 DISPERSION_MODEL (S: model_dispersion) DISPERSION ORGANICS 62, 1936 DISPERSION_POLLUTION (S: pollution_dispersion) 283 DISPERSION_RADIONUCLIDES 62, 1493, DISPERSION SEDIMENTS 78, 1149 1936, 2296 DISPERSION THERMAL POLLUTION 62, 80 ~ 575, 576 906, 956 1169, 1314 1635, 1636 1811, 1821 2056, 2077 2417, 2434 DISSOLVED OXYGEN (SA: oxygen) DISSOLVED SOLIDS DIVERSION (SA: history_di version) 66 124 175 431 650 933 974 1011 1038 1144 1401 1706 1833 2085 2187 2231 2376 7 124 176 826 971 999 1175 1553 1647 1767 1829 2135 2195 2272 4 288 513 613 744 1041 1052 1174 1364 91 152 189 434 702 934 994 1012 1039 1175 1558 1795 1834 2095 2189 2258a 2377 97 152 178 954 974 1039 1250 1558 1705 1795 1936 2160 2204 2309 5 321 514 614 758 1046 1112 1198 1413 1150, 1152, 1401, 81 680 993 1329 1637 1823 2078 92 167 208 468 724 958 995 1014 1057 1183 1580 1826 1837 2135 2190 , 2275 2379 100 154 189 958 987 1057 1362 1569 1706 1826 1982 2165 2231 2364 6 338 515 632 767 1049 1113 1216 1583 167, 342, 682, 905, 1149, , 1152, 1556. , 1634, 1748. 1804, 1898. , 1936, 2203, , 2219, 113. , 120, 172, , 174, 310. ■ 427, 616. , 631, 765. , 835, 967. , 972, 996. , 999, 1030. , 1037, 1058. , 1104, 1212. , 1325, 1645. , 1705, 1827. , 1828, 1936. , 1982, 2165. , 2175, 2195. , 2201, , 2333, 2364, 2400 102 , 120, 174 , 175, 309 , 765, 967 , 969, 988 , 995, 1104 ■ 111U 1411 . 1426, 1580 , 1618, 1718 , 1729, 1827 , 1828, 2085 , 2095, 2170 , 2187, 2238 , 2258a, 2366 131. , 188, 364 , 368, 523 , 577, 645 , 689, 841 , 986, 1050 , 1051, 1131 ► 1132, 1324 , 1351, 1666 , 1721, 284 DIVERSION (continued) 1800 2159 DOLOMITE 204 1191 2074 DOWNWELLING 1213 DRAINAGE (SA: runoff) 11 672 1953 DRAINAGE BASIN (SA: watershed) 166 710 765 1371 1595 2238 DREDGING DRY DEPOSITION DUCKS (SA: birds) 40 293 703 974 1039 1052 1174 1558 2093 2135 2175 69 710 1714 2329 627 1604 DUNES (S: sand dunes) ECONOMICS (SA: socio-economics) (SA: management_economics) (SA: research needs economics) 1801 2190 325 1244 1443 208 987 2361 252 739 1110 1372 1656 2241 48 551 744 984 1045 1058 1347 1679 2094 2140 2189 386 1290 1894 2355 633 1740 1918, 2123, 2157, 2271, 2327, 2440 798, 967, 1160, 1262, 1890, 1917, 1803, 1810 523, 568, 645, 988, 1497, 1767, 2368, 2435 291, 361, 531, 746, 753, 759, 1260, 1330, 1339, 1393, 1458, 1593, 1718, 1997, 1998, , 2241b, 2302, 2360 56, 78, 208, 577, 635, 702, 748, 826, 972, 1027, 1037, 1038, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1074, 1122, 1165, 1389, 1391, 1436, 1695, 1865b , 1936, 2095, 2096, 2120, 2142, 2143, 2170, 2190 635, 707, 708, 1294, 1297, 1334, 1895, 1896, 1903, 2356 1484, 1602, 1603, 77, 140, 143, 144, 160, 187, 188, 224, 235, 242, 253, 254, 255, 272, 273, 310, 322, 323, 326, 347, 440, 461, 468, 511, 513, 514, 516, 534, 535, 536, 537, 544, 545, 549, 635, 654, 689, 727, 732, 736, 740, 743, 749, 750, 754, 755, 763, 764, 766, 767, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 790, 826, 842, 846, 847, 895, 903, 917, 940, 963, 965, 985, 1027, 1041, 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1063, 1066, 1070, 1100, 1113, 1132, 285 ECONOMICS (continued) 1151 1302 1347 1403 1495 1620 1688 1848 1855 1908 1916 1950 2024 2051 2112 2127 2153 2216 2234 2443 EFFLUENT (SA: discharge) EFFLUENT CURRENTS 64 979 1354 1936 2422 EFFLUENT DISPERSION 62 1354 1637 2078 EFFLUENT_HYDROCARBONS 968 (not chlorinated) 1090 1936 EFFLUENT_INORGANICS 9 245 644 967 1038 1183 1558 1828 1956 2250 EFFLUENT ORGANICS 62 974 1175 1936 EFFLUENT_POWER PLANTS (S: power pi an ts_ef fluent) EFFLUENT RADIOACTIVITY 1165, 1303, 1348, 1418, 1501, 1629, 1689, 1849, 1858, 1909, 1919, 1972, 2025, 2052, 2116, 2129, 2154b 2228, 2236, 1196 1324 1375 1419 1525 1631 1845 1850 1885 1910 1928 1982 2047 2100 2117 2130 , 2157 2230 2304 1216 1328 1379 1457 1548 1671 1846 1852 1889 1913 1929 1998 2048 2110 2118 2131 , 2180 2232 2326 , 446, 679, , 984, 1106, , 1558, 1635, , 1937, 2078, , 2434 , 680, 905, , 1556, 1634, , 1821, 1936, , 2203, 2402, , 974, 979, , 1108, 1175, , 2190 , 62, 64, , 312, 407, , 685, 711, , 968, 974, , 1040, 1106, , 1235, 1334, , 1645, 1718, , 1866, 1867, , 1957, 2155, , 2333, 2421, , 878, 962a , 979, 1038, , 1558, 1825, , 2190, 2263 1247, 1332, 1380, 1488, 1583, 1687, 1847, 1853, 1907, 1914, 1949, 2022, 2049, 2111, 2124, 2139b, , 2199, 2233, 2411, 680, 967, 1169, 1349, 1636, 1828, 2190, 2402, 1106, 1169, 1635, 1636, 1937, 2056, 2434 984, 1038, 1354, 1558, 113, 434, 931, 979, 1108, 1340, 1796, 1935, 2190, 2422 185, 474, 962a, 984, 1175, 1449, 1797, 1936, 2221, 962a, 967, 968, 1040, 1108, 1828, 1935, 408, 644, 685, 989, 1040, 1175, 1558, 2190 286 EFFLUENT_RADIONUCLIDES (S: radionuclides_ef fluent) EFFLUENT WASTE 185, 245, 305, 528, 692a, 711, 737, 1164, 1175, 1235, 1340, 1558, 1866, 1867, 1935, 1938, 1975, 2037, 2078, 2126, 2190, 2379 EFFLUENT WASTEWATER 474, 878, 1040, 1449, 1821, 2037, 2126, 2128, 2129, 2130, 2136, 2137 EGRETS 627 EH (S: redox) EMERALD SHINER (SA: shiner) 155, 598, 727, 916, 1098, 2323 ENDRIN (SA: organochlorine pesticides) ENGINEERING ENTRAPMENT (SA: impingement) ENTRAPMENT BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES 1179, 1825 76, 253, 374, 413, 437, 496, 554, 570, 670, 842, 1101, 1180, 1391, 1461, 1583, 2099, 2122, 2128, 2133, 2141, 2232, 2409, 1024, 1383, 1447, 1448, 1537, 1956 67, 967, ■ 974, 1026, 1089, 1230, 1231, 1484, 45, 52. , 61. ■ 64, 158, , 165, , 203, , 224, 254. , 255. , 256. , 259, 378 , 403 , 405 , 406, 414 , 415 , 416. , 429, 457 , 480 , 493. , 494, 510. , 516 , 551. , 552, 566. , 567 , 568 , 569, 582. , 614. , 647. . 669, 711. , 728. , 734. ■ 816, 869. , 903. , 1044. , 1075, 1134. , 1152. , 1165. , 1171, 1191. , 1328 , 1355 , 1364, 1395. , 1413. , 1436. , 1460, 1495. , 1521 , 1525. , 1547, 1701. , 1783 , 1818 , 2059, 2100 , 2102 , 2105 , 2118, 2123 , 2125 , 2126 , 2127, 2129. , 2130 , 2131. , 2132, 2135 , 2136 , 2137. , 2138, 2143. , 2190 , 2228 , 2229, 2325 , 2380 , 2381 , 2408, 2411 , 2441 , 2444 ENTRAPMENT FISH 369, 370, 415, 416, 602, 1024, 1133, 1170, 1309, 1310, 1470, 1471, 2051, 2062, 385, 413, 414, 431, 545, 553, 1095, 1096, 1098, 1176, 1248, 1249, 1383, 1396, 1455, 1472, 1549, 1956, 2152, 2219, 2300 287 ENTRAPMENT PHYTOPLANKTON 181, 431, 1024, 1383, 1956, 2219 ENTRAPMENT ZOOPLANKTON EPHEMEROPTERA EPILIMNION (SA: stratification) EPISCHURA EQUALITY FORMATION ERGASILUS EROSION (SA: beaches_erosion) (SA: bluffs_erosion) (SA: history_erosion) (SA: lake levels_erosion) (SA: mode l_eros ion) (SA: monitoring_erosion) (SA: shoreline erosion) 181, 431, 801, 1024, 1383, 1956, 2003 155, 178, 468, 967, 980, 1401, 1585, 1588, 2189 16, 17, 445 107, 704, 1722, 2312 798, 1243, 1245 311 28, 29, 50, 58, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 130, 203, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 292, 295, 339, 363, 372, 373, 374, 399, 401, 402, 403, 404, 436, 452, 457, 480, 486, 487. 489, 490. 491, 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497, 498. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. , 515. 523. , 556. , 557. 558. 566. 567. 568. 569. 573. , 574. , 587. , 597. , 635. 647. 660. 662. 663. , 664. 665. , 669. , 670. , 672. , 728. 734. , 736. , 737. , 742. , 744. 745. , 748. , 753. , 755. , 761. 762. , 763. , 766. , 774. , 775. 809. , 811. , 816. , 821. , 822 823. , 824. , 843. , 844. , 848 869. , 881. , 882 , 890 , 892 895 , 917 , 920. , 958. , 959 960 , 962c i, 963 , 965 , 966t >, 967 , 968. , 982. , 983 , 985 1027 , 1039 , 1040 , 1042 , 1045 1050 , 1053 , 1054 , 1055 , 1056 1057 , 1075 , 1149 , 1150 , 1151 1152 , 1180 , 1185 , 1186 , 1192 1205 , 1209 , 1215 , 1227c I, 123? i. 1241 , 1326 , 1328 ; 1361 , 1394 1395 , 1410 , 1436 , 1485 , 1486 1515 , 1529 , 1557 , 1558 , 1608 1609 , 1615 , 1616 , 1617 , 1619 1632 , 1656 , 1663 , 1716 , 1783 1816 , 1827 , 1874 , 1875 , 1876 1880 , 1882 , 1917 , 1936 , 1940 1947 , 2054 , 2097 , 2098 , 2099 2100 , 2101 , 2102 , 2103 , 2104 2105 , 2115 , 2116 , 2117 , 2118 2121 , 2122 , 2125 , 2134 , 2138 288 EROSION (continued) 2139a, 2141, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2147, 2152, 2205, 2235, 2237, 2239, 2240, 2272, 2277, 2325, 2326, 2371, 2374, 2380, 2381, 2406, 2407, 2408, 2409, 2410, 2441, 2443, 2444 ESCHERICHIA COLI (S: bacteria) ESTUARY (S: wetlands) EUBOSMINA 521 EUGLENOPHYTA 974 EUROPIUM 584 EURYCERCUS 2080 EURYTEMORA 701 EUTROPHIC 20 (SA: trophic conditions) 1038 2189 EUTROPHICATION 5 (SA: trophic conditions) 64 (SA: hi story_eutrophi cation) 110 (SA: pollution_eutrophi cation) 174 (SA: rev iew_eutro phi cation) 180 (SA: summary_eutrophication) 270 336 534 698 724 893 931 985 1210 1334 1419 1539 1562 1645 1717 1827 1839 1927 1982 2010 2018 2096 2176 2184 2214 2322 2430 EVAPORATION (SA: water budget) 5 188 701, 704, 1776, 2083 1826, 2015 594, 2086 2307, 2420 1722 100, 124. 577. , 871, 1039, 1236, 1729. , 2017, 2190, 2205, 2219, , 2430 9, 25. , 48. ■ 49, 87. , 97. , 100. , 102, 111. , 145 , 152 ■ 172, 175. , 176 , 178 , 179, 182. , 184. , 207 , 208, 310. , 312. , 332. , 335, 347. , 392. , 468. , 474, 616, , 650. , 653. ■ 677, 699, 700. , 702. , 720, 753, 765. , 835. , 870, 910. , 911. , 912. , 913, 932, , 933. , 947. , 958, 1027. , 1037. , 1058. ■ 1159, 1212, , 1250. , 1259 , 1307, 1340. , 1383. , 1411 . 1418, 1431. , 1449 , 1488 . 1489, 1543. , 1554 , 1558 , 1561, 1568 , 1584 , 1619 , 1644, 1647. , 1650 , 1657 , 1673, 1794. , 1795 , 1796 , 1824, 1833 , 1834 , 1835 , 1836, 1840 , 1841 , 1889 , 1926, 1935. , 1936. , 1952. , 1977, 1999. , 2000. , 2002. , 2005, 2012. , 2013. , 2014. , 2015, 2019. , 2020. , 2047. , 2094, 2160. , 2167. , 2171. ■ 2174, 2177. , 2178 , 2181. , 2183, 2186. , 2196 , 2200 , 2201, 2249 , 2250 , 2254 , 2305, 2323. , 2324 , 2341 , 2343, 2431 11 12 , 79. , 162, 229 , 252. , 284 . 288, 289 EVAPORATION (continued) EXOTICS (SA: specific fish species, e.g., alewife, sea lamprey, etc.) FATHEAD MINNOWS FATTY ACIDS 247 FECAL PELLETS 65 FECUNDITY_FISH 261 (SA: fish_reproduction) 657 1990 FELDSPAR 799 FERROMANGANESE NODULES 324 815 1500 1904 FERTILIZER (SA: agriculture) 13 1027 FIELD EQUIPMENT 38 570 927 1658 1811 297, 309, 512. 516, 652, 672, 762, 765, 1050. , 1051, 1372. , 1376, 1594. , 1610, 2022, , 2107, 102. , 172, 699 , 777, 782 • 783, 787 , 788, 924 , 1099, 1369 , 1565, 1910 , 1911, 1923 ► 1924, 1928 ► 2190, 392 , 1098 FISH (SA: specific species) FISH ABUNDANCE 32, 233, 365, 462, 555, 699, 876, 904, 1004, 1098, 1199, 1388, 1567, 342, 355, 357, 517, 523, 530b, 676, 710, 744, 831, 832, 1049, 1094, 1174, 1362, 1377, 1378, 1524, 1666, 1674, 1939, 2241a, 2401, 2426 367, 581, 616, 779, 780, 781, 784, 785, 786, 789, 791, 792, 1199, 1259, 1267, 1650, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1925, 1926, 1927, 2322, 2323 417, 641, 1338, 2289 262, 897, 1992 365, 561, 562, 922, 1516, 1984, 1160, 1891, 1905, 1917 326, 903, 1769, 1905, 68, 2331, 156, 581, 1295, 1688, 1940, 102, 278, 367, 463, 611, 754, 888, 907, 1066, 1117, 1259, 1449, 1573, 327, 1418, 1771, 1946, 531, 2430 216, 726, 1623, 1745, 1945, 166, 279, 392, 468, 619, 835, 898, 909, 1076, 1118, 1266, 1501, 1574, 584, 594, 1419, 1420, 1772, 1773, 2086 548, 763, 218, 219, 899, 926, 1651, 1653, 1747, 1810, 1946, 2295 174, 283, 422, 522, 693, 837, 899, 939, 1077, 1148, 1309, 1565, 1575, 197, 347, 427, 551, 698, 874, 900, 994, 1097, 1193, 1369, 1566, 1577, 290 FISH ABUNDANCE (continued) FISH AGE FISH BEHAVIOR FISH_BIOACCUMULATION (SA: fish uptake) FISH_BIOENERGETICS FISH_BIOMASS FISH_DEPTH FISH DIET 1578, , 1579. , 1613. , 1653. , 1661, 1662, 1687, 1689. , 1751. , 1752, 1755, 1786, , 1827. , 1911. , 1915, 1920, 1921, 1923. , 1925. , 1926, 1929, 1955, 1972, , 1984. , 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990. , 1991. , 2050, 2079. , 2080. , 2091. , 2189 ■ 2246, 2283, 2285, , 2303. , 2304 , 2313, 2316, ■ 2319, , 2322. , 2323 155. , 262. , 382. , 383 , 422, 922, , 1004, , 1016. , 1453 , 1454, 1516. 1538. , 1573. , 1575. , 1577, 1613, , 1734. , 1735. , 1988 , 2246 166, 391, 631, , 693. , 754, 836, 1147, 1352, , 1552, , 1585, 1588. 1613, 1658. , 1659. , 1660, 1661, 1698. , 1751. , 1752. , 1753, 1754, 1755, 1861. 1911. , 1921, 1923, 1925, 1926. 1955. , 1964, 1971, 1986, 2048, , 2279, , 2286, 2289 93, 95. , 106. , 427. , 428, 586. , 643. , 685 , 786 , 835, 862. , 863 , 879 , 885 , 886, 887. , 951. , 1039. , 1083 , 1089, 1140. , 1141. , 1142. , 1143. , 1178, 1179. , 1217. , 1269. , 1308 , 1338, 1351, , 1487. , 1491. , 1492 , 1591, 1630. , 1690. , 1691. , 1692 , 1825, 1826. , 1827. , 1957 , 1958 , 1959, 1960. , 1968 , 2065 , 2190 , 2205, 2259. , 2262. , 2265 , 2286 , 2289, 2301. , 2310. , 2338 , 2424 212 , 656 422 , 1369 , 1576 , 1579 , 1833, 1921 , 1926 , 1963 32 , 631 , 1309 , 1680 , 1689, 1743 , 1830 , 2313 , 2314 93 , 155 , 209 , 223 , 238, 261 , 331 , 332 , 365 , 382, 383 , 391 , 461 , 546 , 598, 603 , 617 , 656 , 685 , 834, 887 , 896 , 900 , 902 , 909, 967 , 1004 , 1026 , 1039 , 1072, 1073 , 1089 , 1141 , 1237 , 1272, 1275 , 1308 , 1309 , 1310 , 1320, 1353 , 1409 , 1427 , 1449 , 1455, 1519 , 1526 , 1585 , 1588 , 1661, 1680 , 1692 , 1698 , 1699 , 1700, 1743 , 1830 , 1930 , 1957 , 1971, 2050 , 2061 , 2065 , 2219 , 2261, 291 FISH DIET (continued) FISH_DISEASE FISH_DISPERSION (S: dispersion_fish) FISH DISTRIBUTION FISH EGGS FISH_ENTRAINMENT (S: entrainment_fish) FISH FOOD CHAIN 2274, 2279, 2281, 2283, 2307, 2316, 2320, 2415, 2419, 2420, 2424 280, 916, 1012, 1550, 2050 117, 250, 365, 422, 463, 619, 699, 825, 876, 909, 1016, 1117, 1219, 1369, 1501, 1658, 1687, 1751, 1830, 1925, 1954, 1965, 1984, 2066, 2246, 2285, 2313, 2322, 380, 835, 1096, 1906, 1995, 331, 431, 1308, 1661, 1956, 2424 32, 65, 95, 116, 163, 166, 174, 239, 279, 281, 282, 283, 367, 382, 383, 391, 427, 428, 461, 462, 522, 555. , 611, 617, 631, , 691, 693, 698, 726, , 754. , 765, 824, 835. , 836. , 837. , 874, 888 , 899 , 900. , 904, 939. , 977 , 994. , 1004, 1076 , 1077. , 1097. , 1098, 1118. , 1145. , 1148. , 1199, 1259 , 1266. , 1310, , 1322, 1386. , 1399. , 1405. , 1414, 1565. , 1566. , 1578. ■ 1579, 1659. , 1661. , 1680. , 1684, 1689 , 1743. , 1746. , 1750, 1752. , 1754 , 1755. , 1827, 1911 , 1915 , 1920. , 1921, 1926 , 1929 , 1944. , 1948, 1955 , 1959 , 1961. , 1962, 1966 , 1967 , 1972. , 1983, 1985 , 1990 , 2041 , 2050, 2080 , 2091 , 2219 , 2223, 2279 , 2280 , 2283 , 2284, 2286 , 2289 , 2303 , 2304, 2314 , 2317 , 2318 , 2319, 2323 , 2347 , 2373 , 2424 233 , 369 , 370 , 379, 382 , 431 , 598 , 600, 836 , 837 , 896 , 1024, 1098 , 1309 , 1310. , 1549, 1984. , 1990. , 1992. , 1994, 2219 , 2282. , 2420 70, 332, 958, 1320, 1698, 2189, 93, 334, 1027, 1338, 1743, 2274, 223, 427, 1179, 1352, 1921, 2289, 238, 428, 1272, 1369, 1923, 2415, FISH_GENETICS FISH GROWTH . 232, 1172, 1612, 1684, 1969 76, 279, 392, 155, 283, 461, 261, 331, 519, 262, 332, 600, 278, 382, 617, 292 FISH GROWTH (continued) FISH HABITAT FISH_HARVEST (SA: commercial fishing) FISH_HISTORY (S: history_fisheries) FISH_HOMING FISH_IMPRINTING FISH LARVAL FISHJ.IFE HISTORY (SA: fish_reproduction) FISH MANAGEMENT 754 , 825. , 835, 836, 876, 896. , 900. , 904. 908, 909, 922, 1000. , 1065, 1083, 1170, 1193, 1309. , 1310, 1353, 1453, 1454. , 1516. , 1517, , 1565. , 1573, 1575, 1577. , 1578, 1584, 1613, 1692. , 1734 , 1735, , 1830, 1913, 1914, , 1921. , 1926, 1959, 1968, 1969. , 1984. , 1988, ■ 1990, 1994, 1995, , 2075. , 2219, 2221, , 2246, 2283, , 2321. , 2338 32, 166. , 188, 431, 440, 461, 555, ■ 631, 693, 754, 874. , 909. , 976, 977, 1042, 1045, 1138. , 1586, 1587, 1589, 1590, 1658. , 1661, 1743, 1751, 1753. , 1907. , 1908, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1914. ■ 1972, 1985, 2138, 2221, , 2283, , 2323, 2370 693, 1388, , 1787 424, , 1587, , 1860, 1861 423, , 424 , 1859, , I860, , 1861 209, , 211. , 233, 279, 369, 370, , 382, , 384, 553, 600, 824. , 876. , 896. , 900. , 901, 902. , 905. , 909. , 924. , 1096, 1098. , 1122. , 1309. , 1310. 1320, 1321. , 1517. , 1519, , 1526, 1549, 1700. , 1861. , 1906. , 1915. , 1983, 1993. , 1994 , 1995. , 2061. , 2219, 2282. , 2283 , 2307, , 2313, , 2317, 2318 , 2338 279 , 369 , 382 , 461. ■ 693, 874 , 896 , 897. , 900. , 901, 909 , 922 , 1016. , 1170. ■ 1193, 1323 , 1404 , 1405 , 1414 , 1501, 1517 , 1612 , 1683 , 1692 , 1906, 1988 , 1994 , 1995 , 2061. , 2321 59 60 70. , 129. , 140, 178 , 188 , 208. , 235. , 251, 310 , 332 , 366. , 367. • 392, 440 , 458 , 459 , 460. , 461, 480. , 577 , 601. , 635. , 734, 754 , 765 , 766. , 774. ■ 775, 777 , 778 , 779. , 780. , 781, 782 , 783 , 784. , 785. , 786, 787. , 788. , 789. 790, 791, 792. , 825 , 835. , 836, 837, 874. , 876 , 880. , 888, 889, 904. , 924. , 958. , 962c i. 967, 293 FISH MANAGEMENT (continued) 976, 977, 1052, 1058, 1059, 1066, 1070, 1071, 1076, 1077, 1124, 1126, 1167, 1199, 1202, 1206, 1259, 1302, 1383, 1388, 1405, 1497, 1501, 1579, 1673, 1684, 1785, 1787, 1833, 1860, 1865b , 1907 , 1908 , 1909 , 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1990, 2037, 2050, 2075, 2076, 2079, 2099, 2133, 2138, 2205, 2216, 2230, 2234, 2303, 2304, 2367, 2370 FISH_MAPPING (S: mapping_fish) FISH METABOLISM ... FISH METALS FISH MIGRATION 212, , 248. , 561, 562, 656. , 835. , 839, 916, 1269. , 1873. ■ 1957, 1961, 1972. , 1973. , 1974, 1978, 2219 , 2338 , 2353 64. , 65. , 106, 174, 176 , 178 . 189, 208, 427 , 428 , 524, 586, 644 , 685 , 765, 836, 879. , 952. , 958, 962, 968. , 972. , 973, 974, 1026. , 1027. , 1030, 1034, 1038. , 1058. ■ H40, 1141, 1178. , 1250. , 1269, 1336, 1491. , 1493. , 1584, 1826, 1828. , 1829 , 1833, 1872, 1958 , 1959 , 1968, 1979, 2221. , 2231. , 2286, 2289, 2385 , 2400 , 2424 307. , 382. , 561, 562, 1167, , 1585. , 1588, 1658, 1660. , 1743. ■ 1744, 1749, 1753. , 1754. , 1755, 1860, 1955, 1988, , 2219, 2281 FISH_MODEL (S: model_fish) FISH_MONITORING (SA: creel census) 62, 189, 370, 462, 644, 862, 972, 1004, 1067, 1125, 1386, 106, 277, 382, 463, 685, 863, 973, 1016, 1097, 1133, 1414, 116, 313, 383, 464, 835, 947, 979, 1026, 1098, 1142, 1455, 117, 315, 384, 524, 836, 967, 994, 1038, 1117, 1179, 1469, 600, 1030, 1964, 1979, 175, 223, 595, 862, 967, 994, 1037, 1145, 1338, 1827, 1957, 2065, 2301, 904, 1659, 1750, 1954, 163, 369, 441, 581, 837, 968, 999, 1039, 1118, 1336, 1471, 294 FISH MONITORING (continued) FISH MORPHOLOGY FISH_MORTALITY (SA: fish survival ) FISH MOVEMENT FISH_ORGANICS (SA: toxics fish) FISH_PARASITES (SA: sea lamprey which are not included here) FISH PHYSIOLOGY , 1528, 1549, 1551, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1577, 1585, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1744, 1750, 1754, 1826, 1827, 1829, 1886, 1954, 1960, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1973, 2050, 2066, 2090, 2234, 2400 232, 908, 1321, 1322, 1519, 1968, 2091 76, 93, 195, 238, 279, 306, 341, 365, 379, 380, 391, 422, 461, 522, 600, 602, 631. , 651. , 835, 897, 924. 1000, 1012, 1024, 1089, , 1099, 1133, 1142, 1193. , 1228. , 1272, 1275, 1309. , 1310. , 1409, 1471, 1552. , 1578. , 1591, 1662, 1873 , 1886. ■ 1907, 1908, 1910 , 1911. , 1921, 1963, 1978 , 1990 , 1993, 1994, 2051 , 2079 ► 2219, 2265, 2300 , 2321 , 2366 441 , 581 , 825, 909, 1167 , 1193. , 1414, 1689, 1749 , 1750 , 1754, 1954, 2189 , 2313 59 , 60 62, 67, 95 , 106 , 189, 208, 310 . 471 ► 522, 524, 635 , 643 , 754, 765, 835 , 836 , 837, 863, 886 , 887 , 924, 951, 958 , 962 , 967, 968, 973 , 974 , 979, 1026, 1030 , 1037 , 1038, 1039, 1059 , 1061 , 1083, 1089, 1122 , 1139 , 1142, 1143, 1217 , 1219 , 1237, 1272, 1351 , 1487 , 1591, 1630, 1673 , 1690 , 1691, 1692, 1825 , 1826 , 1827, 1828, 1930 , 2050 , 2189, 2190, 2259 , 2261 , 2262, 2265, 2323 , 2336 , 2337, 2338, 311 , 392 , 461, 803, 1309 , 1310 , 1538 60 65 93, 166, 212 , 232 , 248, 276, 283 , 306 , 307, 391, 1573, 1658, 1749, 1828, 1962, 1974, 2385, 1405, 276, 366, 431, 619, 916, 1083, 1179, 1308, 1526, 1690, 1909, 1972, 1995, 2282, 979, 1744, 1955, 93, 223, 577, 786, 885, 952, 972, 1027, 1058, 1099, 1179, 1308, 1672, 1693, 1829, 2205, 2310, 2416 804, 209, 280, 423, 295 FISH PHYSIOLOGY (continued) FISH POPULATIONS (SA: fisheries) 424 599 836 908 1061 1142 1323 1578 1690 1826 1873 1910 1964 1973 1992 2190 2432 65 277 283 427 460 522 726 835 904 1069 1098 1148 1275 1417 1545 1572 1662 1734 1754 1911 1923 1984 2282 2367 , 427, 519, 561, 562, , 600, 604, 651, 804, , 837, 839, 863, 901, , 916, 1012, 1026, 1039, , 1065. 1116, 1140. 1141, , 1228. , 1237, 1269. 1308, , 1409. , 1414. 1517. , 1552, , 1585. , 1613. 1658. , 1659, , 1693. , 1745. , 1747. , 1753, , 1827. , 1828. , 1859. , 1860, , 1906. , 1907. , 1908 , 1909, , 1913 , 1914. , 1957. , 1961, , 1968 , 1969. , 1970. , 1971, , 1978. , 1979. , 1981. , 1986, , 2048 , 2065. , 2069 , 2070, , 2219 , 2236. , 2261 ► 2262, , 116 , 117. , 184 , 273, , 278 , 279 , 281. . 282, , 365 , 382. , 383 , 385, , 438 , 441. , 458 , 459, , 461 , 462. , 463 , 464, , 601 , 611 , 616 , 619, , 777 , 778 , 824 , 825, , 836 , 874 , 898 , 899, , 907 , 1016 , 1066 , 1068, , 1073 , 1076 , 1096 ■ 1097, , 1117 , 1118. , 1124 , 1125, , 1170 , 1199 , 1258 , 1266, , 1352 , 1369 , 1386 , 1399, , 1454 , 1469 , 1471 , 1501, , 1566 , 1567 , 1570 , 1571, , 1573 , 1576 , 1601 , 1613, , 1676 , 1683 , 1689 , 1702, , 1735 , 1743 , 1744 , 1750, , 1786 , 1787 , 1790 , 1886, , 1912 , 1915 , 1920 , 1922, , 1926 , 1954 , 1963 , 1970, , 2051 , 2052 , 2080 , 2216, , 2303 , 2304 , 2316 , 2347, FISH_POWER PLANT EFFECTS (S: power plants, effects on fish) (S: fish_thermal_pollution) (S: entrainment fish) (S: impingementT FISH PREDATION (SJ: sea lamprey) (Some sea lamprey ones are included here) 331, 332, 365, 367, 431, 461, 577, 598, 617, 619, 698, 699, 700, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 791, 792, 902, 909, 916, 1072, 1076, 1147, 1199, 1308, 296 FISH PREDATION (continued) 1309, 1320, 1526, 1565, 1680, 1700, 1909, 1910, 1920, 1922, 1963, 2050, 2279, 2281, 1353, 1369, 1414, 1585, 1588, 1650, 1743, 1907, 1908, 1911, 1913, 1914, 1926, 1927, 1928, 2080, 2083, 2219, 2316, 2322 FISH_PRODUCTIVITY 1454 FISH_RECRUITMENT 94 FISH_REHABILITATION 577 (SA: lake trout_rehabil itation) 1925 FISH_REPRODUCTION 59 (SA: fecundity_fish) 306 (SA: fish spawning) 379 461 599 657 905 1142 1323 1565 1588 1827 1983 1989 2219 2366 FISH_REVIEW (S: revi ew_fish/ fisheries) FISH_SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION 726 FISH_SEASONAL VARIATION 117 1538 1754 FISH_SIZE 1027 2246 FISH_SPAWNING (SA: fish_reproduction) , FISH STOCKING 279 779, 835, 1922, 1924, 1927, 1928 93, 94, 261, 262, 307, 365, 369, 370, 380, 382, 423, 424, 522, 561, 562, 598, 600, 604, 617, 656, 754, 835, 896, 897, 922, 1073, 1083, 1096, 1170, 1193, 1309, 1310, 1405, 1516, 1517, 1549, 1566, 1585, 1586, 1587, 1589, 1590, 1661, 1690, 1860, 1861, 1906, 1921, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 2061, 2265, 2282, 2303, 2321, 2370, 2373 1659, 1689, 2313 307, 382, 967, 979, 1659, 1689, 1743, 1751, 1755, 1955, 1978 1072, 1984, 1990, 2099, FISH_STRAINS .. FISH SUCCESSION 59 , 94, 279, 306, 307, 365 , 379, 380, 382, 423, 424 , 441, 555, 598, 656, 754 , 897, 909, 922, 1045, 1309 , 1310, 1585, 1586, 1587, 1588 , 1589, 1590, 1860, 1861, 1921 , 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989 , 1990, 1991, 2219, 2279, 2281. , 2303, 2321, 2370, 2373 635 , 754, 774, 775, 786, 787 , 825, 1124, 1126, 1267, 1565 ► 1702, 1922, 1928, 1984, 2048 , 2075, 2076 1172 392 , 1922, 1926 297 FISH_SUMMARY (S: summary_fish) FISH_SURVIVAL 379 (SA: fish mortality) 836 1994 FISH_TAX0N0MY 232 FISH_TEMPERATURE 62 (SA: fish_thermal pollution) 102 (This includes some of those) 310 341 391 765 905 967 979 1309 1550 1572 1743 1826 1963 1969 1974 2190 2366 FISH THERMAL POLLUTION 62 167 313 384 545 905 1037 1309 1455 1571 1659 1746 1752 1873 1959 1965 1971 2051 2151 2322 2427 FISH_TOXICS (S: toxics_fish) FISH_TRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_fish) FISHJJPTAKE 427, 644, 685, 1142, 1308, (SA: fish_bioaccumulation) 1492, 1493, 1691, 1956, 1957, 1960, 1968, 2261, 2286, 2289 FISH_WATER QUALITY (S: water qual ity_f ish) , 380, 391, , 1309, 1310, , 1995, 2219, , 233, 1065, , 65, 76, , 182, 188, , 312, 313, , 347, 365, , 431, 600, , 808, , 835, , 909, , 916, , 968. , 972, , 994. , 999, , 1390. , 1396, , 1551. , 1552, , 1574. , 1659, , 1745. ■ 1749, , 1827. , 1828, , 1964. , 1965, , 1970. ■ 1971, , 1979. , 2051, , 2257. , 2313, , 2379 , 2385, , 64 , 65, , 169 . 170, , 315 , 317, , 405 , 406, , 602 ► 754, , 952 , 1000, , 1058 , 1170, , 1351 , 1383, , 1528 , 1550, , 1572 , 1574, , 1660 , 1676, , 1747 , 1749, , 1753 , 1754, , 1955 , 1956, , 1961 , 1962, , 1966 , 1967, , 1972 , 1973, , 2066 , 2090, , 2152 , 2190, , 2323 , 2366, 600, 835, 1906, 1993, 2282 2091 88, 89, 189, 212, 315, 317, 379, 380, 631, 656, 897, 900, 952, 958, 973. , 974, 1098. ■ H70, 1455. , 1528, 1570, 1571, 1660, 1673, 1755, 1790, 1833, 1955, 1966, 1967, 1972, 1973, 2083, , 2090, 2314. , 2321, 2427 76. ■ 166, 195. ■ 312, 382. , 383, 411. , 431, 765 , 808, 1024 , 1027, 1248 , 1249, 1396 , 1449, 1552 , 1570, 1578 , 1658, 1744 , 1745, 1750 ► 1751, 1755 , 1827, 1957 , 1958, 1963 , 1964, 1968 , 1969, 1974 , 1979, 2149 , 2150, 2219 . 2231, 2385 , 2400, 298 FISH_WEIGHT 279, 1004, 1454, 1973, 2246 FISH_YEAR-CLASS STRENGTH 279, 1454, 1662, 2303 FISH_YIELD 141, 142, 273, 422, 1076, (SA: commercial fishing) 1077, 1267 (SA: fish_harvest) FISHERIES 140, 160, 207, 235, 273, (SA: fishjnanagement) 320, 366, 367, 460, 463, (SA: fish_populations) 464, 579, 614, 617, 643, (SA: historyJMsheries) 754, 774, 775, 777, 778, (SA: review_fish/ fisheries) 779, 780, 781, 782, 785, (SA: summary_fisheries) 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 836, 837, 880, 889, 898, 1076, 1126, 1267, 1399, 1629, 1684, 1785, 2153, 2216, 2323 FISHING (S: commercial fishing) (S: sport fishing) FLAGELLATES (SA: di no flagellates) (SA: phytoflagellates) (SA: Protozoa) FLATWORMS (S: Turbellaria) FLOODING 994, 1340, 1584, 1843, 2250 FL0W_GR0UNDWATER FLOW TRIBUTARIES FLUORIDE FLY ASH .. FOOD CHAIN FORAGE BASE (SA: fish_predation) 52, 131, 284, 368, 733, 745, , 759, 774, 775, 954, 959. , 1045, 1202, 1204, 1206, 1395, 2116, 2117, 2127, 2133, 2158, , 2272 252, 288, 733, 744, 1631 252, 284, 285, 288, 434, 650. , 722, 733, 744, 759, 1052, , 1631, 1666, 1905, 2220 189 , 954, 967, 969, 971, 972, , 974, 980, 1025, 1159, 1161. , 1175, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829 , 1936, 2085, 2287, 2309 33 , 303 70. , 93, 148, 223, 238, 270. , 331, 332, 334, 425, 427. , 428, 431, 526, 596, 639. , 640, 958, 1027, 1179, 1272. , 1308, 1320, 1338, 1340, 1352. , 1369, 1661, 1698, 1743, 1794 , 1824, 1921, 1923, 1935, 1956 , 2044, 2189, 2274, 2289, 2415 , 2424 233 , 611, 836, 1310, 2281 299 FORESTS 207, 304, 339, 738, 745, (SA: history forests) 747, 749, 795, 796, 797, 833, 1102, 1998, 2414 FOSSIL FUEL (SA: coal) 2333 FOSSILS 110, 220, 296, 308, 623, 688, 1399, 1496, 1532, 1720, 2057, 2345 FRAGILARIA (SA: diatoms) 105, 115, 913, 994, 1315, 1316, 1320, 1325, 1350, 1837, 1843, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2257, 2270, 2341 FRESHWATER DRUM 166, 468, 1399, 1970, 2065 FROGS (SA: amphibians) 976, 1261, 1593 FUNGI 159, 275, 696, 765, 1365, 1743, 2068 GABIONS (SA: coastal structures) 2115 GALLIUM 381, 584, 594, 2086 GAMMARUS 1381 GAR 166, 1399 GASTROPODA (S: snails) GEOCHEMISTRY 149, 324, 325, 327, 491, (SA: inorganics; SA: metals) 580, 584, 588, 596, 648, (SA: sediments_chemistry) 765, 798, 903, 955, 962a, (SA: trace metals) 1027, 1168, 1222, 1227b, 1262, 1418, 1419, 1609, 1709, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1715, 1716, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1789, 1904, 2094, 2096, 2287, 2288, 2328 GEOGRAPHY (S: mapping) GEOLOGY (S: history_geology) (S: mapping_geology) (S: rev iew_geo logy) (S: summary_geology) (S: specific geologic terms) GEOMAGNETISM (SA: magnetic data) 433 GEOMORPHOLOGY 27, 203, 205, 259, 294, (SA: beaches_geomorphology) 488, 491, 492, 493, 495, (SA: lake level s_geomorphology) 496, 497, 498, 499, 501, 502, 506, 508, 509, 527, 563, 564, 565, 572, 573, 621, 622, 647, 660, 662, 663, 664, 665, 669, 723, 728, 731, 809, 811, 820, 821, 840, 848, 869, 881, 882, 891, 892, 958, 1120, 1149, 1188, 1190, 1265, 1326, 300 GEOMORPHOLOGY (continued) 1361, 1438 1790, 1791 1871, 1882 2118, 2147 2345, 2408 GEOMORPHOLOGY SEASONAL VARIATION 495, 564 1871 GEOPHYSICS 205, 218 (SA: seismic) 1208, 1243 1530, 1531 1900, 2032 GIZZARD SHAD (SA: shad) 166, 382 2219 GLACIAL 66, 204 (SA: sediments_glacial) 265, 269 560, 597 624, 625 687, 715 811, 917 967, 981 1119, 1120 1190, 1227a 1305, 1306 1416, 1616 1790, 1905 2330, 2345 2414 GLENWOOD STAGE (SA: lake stages) 264, 265, 621, 622, 623, 1397 GOETHITE 715 GOLD 594, 1269, 1419 GOLDEN REDHORSE 693 GRAIN SIZE_BEACHES (S: beaches_grain size) GRAIN SIZE_PARTICLES 138, 667, 718, 1342, 1608, 1894, 1904, 2095, 2297 GRAIN SIZE_SAND 96, 241, 325, 430, 484, 508, 563, 612, 667, 668, 670, 731, 882, 950, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1238, 1242, 1608, 1917, 1947, 2007, 2099, 2346 , 1486, 1663, 1783, , 1798, 1816, 1818, , 2092, 2103, 2117, , 2239, 2240, 2277, , 2435 , 565, 572, 1438, , 219, 831, 832, , 1244, 1418, 1527, , 1701, 1715, 1899, , 2403, 2405, 2435 , 468, 1098, 2065, , 205, 217, 264, , 378, 387, 482, , 621, 622, 623, , 626, 672, 686, , 723, 799, 809, , 918, 919, 920, , 1027, 1075, 1102, , 1130, 1188, 1189, a, 1240 , 1242 , 1244, , 1360, 1397, 1415, , 1656, 1720, 1780, , 1917, 2103, 2273, , 2346, 2357, 2413, GRAIN SIZE SEDIMENTS 92, 96, 138, 241, 325, 345, 430, 508, 563, 572, 612, 667, 668, 670, 674, 675, 729, 730, 731, 798, 799, 848, 882, 949, 950, 1027, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1195, 1238, 1242, 1342, 1357, 301 GRAIN SIZE SEDIMENTS (continued) 1415 1917 2297 GRAVEL 205 917 1240 2170 GREBES (SA: birds) 627 GREEN ALGAE 9 (SA: specific species) 551 713 974 1340 1489 1843 2015 2190 2276 GROINS (SA: coastal structures) GROUNDWATER , (SA: aquifer) (SA: recharge) (SA: hydro! ogy_groundwater) (SA: model_groundwater) (SA: monitoring_groundwater) (SA: pollution_groundwater) (SA: research needs_groundwater) (SA: water qual ity_groundwater) GULLS (SA: birds) 73 255 558 1328 2103 2118 6 208 568 744 811 988 1191 1403 1631 1801 2092 2302 31 886 1270 1276 1893 1416, 1608, 1881, 1904, 1947, 2007, 2095, 2237, 430, 567, 740, 882, 954, 983, 1191, 1227b, 1382, 1801, 1917, 1947, 633 32, 92, 152, 629, 650, 696, 714, 719, 870, 994, 1234, 1235, 1390, 1400, 1459, 1492, 1584, 1743, 1889, 1897. , 1935, 2016, 2047. , 2063, 2231, 2250. , 2254, 2286, 2289, , 2424, 203. , 2221 ), 253, 256. 402. , 509, 670. , 983 , 1075, 1361. , 1395 , 2099, 2105. , 2115 , 2116, 2121, , 2125 , 2138, 66. 69 . 203, 252 , 288 , 512, 618 , 663 , 733, 746 , 758 , 763, 954 , 967 , 985, 1049 , 1050 , 1113, 1215 , 1262 , 1327, 1418 , 1497 , 1547, 1767 , 1768 , 1799, 1855 , 1856 , 1890, 2102 , 2115 , 2271, 2331 , 2435 627 , 633 , 873, 887 , 1073 , 1114, 1272 , 1273 , 1274, 1277 , 1412 , 1600, 468, 702, 871, 1236, 1488, 1826, 1936, 2189, 2257, 2436 254, 556, 1209, 2100, 2117, 2407 204, 517, 739, 765, 987, 1174, 1372, 1616, 1800, 1902, 2272, 885, 1115, 1275, 1831, GYPSUM 740 HAFNIUM 594 HARBORS 40, 46, 56, 86, 110, (SA: dischargejiarbors) 113, 143, 241, 244, 437, (SA: pollutionjiarbors) 559, 580, 635, 648, 649, (SA: sedimentsjiarbors) 673, 702, 703, 748, 750, (SA: water qual ityjwbors) 755, 756, 768, 819, 845, 861, 915, 953, 955, 972, 992, 1074, 1105, 1106, 1165, 302 HARBORS (continued) HARDNESS (SA: water qualityjnonitoring) HEAT (SA: temperature) (SA: thermal_pollution) (SA: waste heat) 1196 1495 1763b 1935 2096 2135 2167 1104 76 340 477 807 1383 1511 1898 2219 HEAT BUDGET 79 (SA: temperature) 342 765 1510, 1640 HEMATITE 715 HEMIPTERA 1585 HEPTACHLOR 67 (SA: organochlorine pesticides) 1026 1825 HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE 863 (SA: organochlorine pesticides) 1230 1828 HERBICIDES (S: pesticides) HERRING (S: lake herring) HERRING GULLS (SA: birds) 31, 627, 887, 1114, 1115, 1272, 1276, 1277, 1412, 1600, 1831 1220, 1347, 1373, 1389, 1509, 1518, 1703, 1706, , 1812, 1813, 1827, 1850, 1936, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2108, 2113, 2119, 2124, 2139b, 2140, 2154a, 2154b, 2170, 2187, 2190, 2375 2272, 2433 79, 193, 342, 447, 652, 676, 958, 1092, 1434, 1438, 1618, 1634, 1939, 1975, 231, 287, 470, 473, 692, 765, 1164, 1213, 1503, 1510, 1635, 1640, 2042, 2078, 193, 231, 287, 340, 530b, 652, 676, 692, 958, 1434, 1438, 1503, 1511, 1618, 1634, 1635, 1939, 2042 1588 863, 967, 972, 974, 1089, 1230, 1231, 1484, 1826, 1828, 1829 967, 972, 974, 1026, 1231, 1484, 1825, 1826, 1829 HIRUDINEA 468, 644, 933, 967, 972, 974, 980, 994, 1381, 1452, 1826 HISTORY (SA: glacial; SA: paleoecology) HIST0RY_ARCHAE0L0GY (S: archaeology) HISTORY_BIRDS (S: birdsjii story) HISTORY CLIMATE HISTORY_COASTAL (SA: history shoreline) 99, 482, 671, 672, 688, 710, 765, 1188, 1189, 1339, 1390, 1656, 1790, 2060, 2103, 2413, 2414 236, 258, 430, 491, 621, 622, 751, 869, 882, 892, 303 HISTORY COASTAL (continued) HISTORY CONTAMINANTS HISTORY_CURRENTS (S: currentsjii story) HISTORY DEPOSITION HISTORY DIVERSION HISTORY EROSION HISTORY EUTROPHICATION HISTORY FISHERIES HISTORY_FORESTS HISTORY GEOLOGY 925, 976, 1186, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1227a, 1395, 1486, 1592, 1875, 2100, 2103, 2117, 2345 714, 754, 967, 1487, 1642, 1673 675, 1713, 1351, 373, 869, 967, , 1486, 2103, 178, 765, 1558, 1927, 2323 176, 273, 440, 754, 967, 1070, 1351, 1629, 1684, 1924, 2414 264, 296, 387, 482, 614, 671, 723, 869, 918, 981, 1186, 1227, 1364, 1486, 1656, 1875, 430, 494, 592, 674, 710, 798, 967, 1027, 2238 614, 744, 1052, 1132, 1364, 1583, 2271 258. 292, 363, 372, 491, , 494, 672, 744, 882. , 892. ■ 917, 920, 1027. , 1186. , 1227a , 1395 1558. , 1656, 1875, 2100, 2117 87. , 110. ■ 174, 176, 182, , 208. , 310, 616, 933. , 1027. , 1250, 1307, 1647. , 1650. , 1673, 1926, 2010 , 2014 , 2047, 2254, 141 , 142. ► 166, 174, 178 , 182. , 208, 220, 310. , 366. , 367, 438, 555. , 614. , 616, 617, 765 , 889 , 898, 939, 976 , 1027. , 1052, 1066, 1076 , 1199 , 1250, 1267, 1390 , 1399 , 1487, 1565, 1650 , 1662 , 1673, 1683, 1743 , 1790 , 1920, 1922, 1926 , 1927 ► 1944, 2323 304 , 795 . 796, 1102, 110, , 217. , 220, 258, 265. , 269. ■ 290, 292, 308 , 363. ■ 372, 373, 388. , 389. ■ 430, 433, 491. ■ 494, , 560, 592, 621. , 622, 624, 625, 672. , 674, ■ 675, 688, 744. ■ 751, 765, 798, 882. , 889. , 892, 917, 919. , 920. , 927, 967, 1027. , 1102, , mo, 1119, 1187 , 1188 , 1189, 1190, 1240 , 1244. , 1339, 1360, 1390. , 1395. i 1415, 1416, 1496 , 1558 , 1583, 1650, 1673 , 1713. , 1780, 1855, 304 HISTORY_GEOLOGY (continued) 1905, 1944, 2100, 2103, 2117, 2238, 2273, 2330, 2345, 2346, 2413 HISTORY_INVERTEBRATES 110, 174, 176, 182, 208 296, 310, 328, 418, 765, 865, 927, 933, 967, 976, 1743, 1790, 2323 HIST0RY_LAKE LEVELS (S: lake level s hi story) HIST0RY_LAND USE 363, 372, 373, 376, 390, 614, 751, 882, 925, 967, 1186, 1267, 1395, 1766, 1927, 2100, 2117 HIST0RY_PHYT0PLANKT0N 110, 174, 176, 178, 182, 208, 308, 310, 328, 714, 765, 967, 976, 1390, 1720, 1743, 2010, 2014, 2047, 2055, 2254, 2323 HIST0RY_P0LLUTI0N (S: pollutionjiistory) HISTORY PRECIPITATION 99, 158, 292, 293, 512, 672, 710, 744, 765, 1052, 1094, 1197, 1524, 1656, 1855, 2060 HIST0RY_SEDIMENTS 110, 208, 296, 418, 430, 433, 491, 494, 592, 671, 672, 674, 675, 765, 798, 869, 882, 892, 917, 927, 933, 967, 981, 1027, 1102, 1186, 1188, 1227a, 1240, 1244, 1360, 1415, 1416, 1713, 1766, 1905, 1944, 2014, 2100, 2273, 2345, 2414 HIST0RY_SHIPPING 1196, 1456, 1486, 1495, 1671, 1849, 1885 HIST0RY_SH0RELINE (S: shorel ine_hi story) HISTORY_TEMPERATURE 99, 110, 182, 310, 512, 671, 672, 710, 765, 897, 900, 909, 967, 1170, 1390, 1558, 1673, 1766, 1790, 2083, 2321 HISTORYJJRBAN 363, 372, 373, 376, 390, 812, 1186, 1307, 1364, 1456, 1583 HISTORY_WATER QUALITY (S: water qual ity__hi story) HISTORY_WETLANDS 208, 236, 672, 892, 925, 976, 1052, 1102, 1188, 1190, 1395 305 HOLOCENE (SA: glacial) 296, 403, 433, 671, 833, 983, 1130, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1227a, 1242, 2273 HOLOPEDIUM 704, 1181, 1367, 1776, 2312, 2316 HORMONES 306, 307, 651, 839, 1116, 1228 HUMAN HEALTH 13, 43, 95, 159, 223, (SA: toxicsjiuman health) 319, 425, 456, 468, 685, (SA: water quality human health) 705, 714, 752, 758, 951, 962a, 967, 968, 972, 974, 978, 979, 980, 984, 985, 1026, 1029, 1039, 1040, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1237, 1312, 1313, 1351, 1644, 1657, 1690, 1693, 1781, 1820, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1855, 1869, 1870, 1930, 1982, 2037, 2160, 2162, 2201, 2221, 2228, 2258a, 2261, 2310, 2335, 2412 HYDRA (S: Hydrozoa) HYDRACARINA (S: Acari) HYDRAULICS HYDROCARBONS (not chlorinated) (general ) (SA: oil; SA: petroleum) (For chlorinated hydrocarbons, S: organics or specific compounds) HYDROCARBONS_DISCHARGE (S: discharge_hydrocarbons) HYDROCARBONS_DISPERSION HYDROCARBONS_EFFLUENT (S: effluent_hydrocarbons) HYDR0CARB0NS_P0LLUTI0N (SA: water quality hydrocarbons) 377, 513, 515, 516, 732, 744, 755, 823, 824, 1041, 1044, 1046, 1049, 1131, 1198, 1389, 1495, 1581, 2109, 2110, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2143, 2157 549 HYDROCARBONS SEDIMENTS 1354, 1936 371, 400, 453, 529, 635, 740, 753, 754, 765, 800, 861, 952, 968, 972, 974, 979, 980, 984, 1038, 1090, 1107, 1108, 1165, 1175, 1211, 1354, 1392, 1558, 1706, 1713, 1936, 2085, 2120, 2135, 2189, 2190, 2201, 2354, 2356 740, 765, 972, 974, 980, 1165, 1392, 1415, 1416, 1558, 1713, 1887, 1936, 2085, 2095, 2120, 2135, 2189, 2405 306 HYDROCARBONS TRANSPORT 979, 984, 1090, 1354, 1936, 2085, 2189 HYDROCARBONS_WATER QUALITY (S: water quality_hydrocarbons) HYDRODYNAMICS (S: circulation) HYDROELECTRIC (S: power plants_hydroelectric) HYDROGRAPHY (SA: bathymetry) HYDROLOGY GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY LAKE LEVELS HYDROLOGY_MODEL (S: modeljiydrology) HYDROLOGY PRECIPITATION 28 448 921 1243 1628 6 288 739 954 1049 1403 1801 2115 19 188 291 377 514 530a 689 895 1049 1131 1198 1596 1817 2110 2115 2440 66, 252, 291, 512, 733, 832, 1051, 1197, 1389, 1666, 2272, , 30, 188, 284, , 557, 558, 559, , 946, 982, 1088, , 1373, 1428, 1434, , 1633, 1678, 1737 66, 204, 208, , 512, 517, 568, , 744, 746, 758, , 967, 985. 987, , 1050, 1174, 1262, , 1767, 1768. , 1799, , 1855, 1856. , 1890, , 2271, 2272, , 2302, , 88, 89. ■ 131, , 208, 252, ■ 288, , 292, 293. ■ 297, , 388, 389. ■ 512, , 515, 516. , 517, a, 530b , 547. , 667, , 737, 744. ■ 762, , 958, 1041. , 1043, , 1050, 1051 , 1052, , 1132, 1166 , H74, , 1389, 1433 , 1525, , 1656, 1665 , 1666, , 1919, 2022 , 2106, , 2111, 2112 , 2113, , 2159, 2199 , 2272, , 2443 88, 284, 292, 516, 744, 968, 1052, 1372, 1524, 1674, 2401, 89, 285, 293, 517, 762, 1046, 1094, 1376, 1594, 1855, 2426 131, 286, 297, 523, 765, 1049, 1131, 1377, 1595, 2022, 443, 848, 1131, 1438, 252, 733, 765, 988, 1372, 1800, 1902, 2331 158, 290, 338, 513, 523, 673, 765, 1046, 1094, 1197, 1581, 1669, 2109, 2114, 2401, 158, 288, 355, 530b, 831, 1050, 1174, 1378, 1656, 2107, HYDROLOGY_SUMMARY (S: summary_hydrology) 307 HYDROLOGY_TRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_hydrology) HYDROLOGY_WATER BUDGET (S: water budget) HYDROLOGY WATER SUPPLY 6. , 188 523. 733 764. , 765 984. , 985 1146. , 1202 1403. , 1581 1767. , 1768 1855. , 1856 2220. , 2271 HYDROZOA 32 HYPOLIMNION (SA: stratification) 445 ICE 8 (SA: mapping_ice) 83 (SA: model_ice) 89 132 221 292 482 744 814 920 1052 1298 1510 1608 1740 1758 1763a 1932 2115 2426 ILLITE IMPINGEMENT (SA: entrainment) INDUSTRY (SA: power plants) 798 1905 64 405 416 1133 1470 1570 1963 2152 48 180 323 549 157 631 11 84 99 133 222a, 294 486 755 818 958 1151 1309 1511 1610 1741 1759 1763b 1933 2118 799 195 406 545 1248 1471 1571 1965 2214 49 207 355 618 204, 480, 513, 739, 758, 762, 954, 967, 968, 987, 988, 1049, 1203, 1372, 1389, 1594, 1642, 1721, 1799, 1801, 1827, 1902, 2022, 2190, 972 2268 12, 61, 82, 85, 86, 88, 119, 126, 127, 137, 162, 189, 230, 231, 290, 297, 358, 480, 488, 625, 635, 765, 811, 813, 849, 850, 851, 1046, 1048, 1049, 1184, 1225, 1232, 1331, 1332, 1503, 1513, 1525, 1529, 1666, 1667, 1701, 1742, 1756, 1757, 1760, 1761, 1762, , 1854, 1879, 1880, 1934, 2034, 2102, 2257, 2267, 2348, 1415, 1416, 1891, 197, 370, 385, 413, 414, 415, 602, 1095, 1098, 1249, 1396, 1455, 1472, 1545, 1549, 1659, 1676, 1886, 1967, 2046, 2051, 2300 55, 79, 114, 210, 260, 305, 390, 528, 544, 652, 695, 727, 308 INDUSTRY (continued) INORGANIC CARBON INORGANICS (SA: specific inorganic elements) (SA: metals, nutrients, radionuclides, or trace metals) INORGANICS_ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION/TRANSPORT" INORGANICS_BIOACCUMULATION (S: bioaccumulation_inorganics) INORGANICS CYCLING INORGANICS_DEPOSITION (S: deposition_inorganics) INORGANICS_DISCHARGE (S: discharge_inorganics) 738, 743, 749, 755, 800, 838, 962a , 972, 984, 1042, 1048, 1081, 1139, 1175, 1179, 1201, 1204, 1206, 1216, 1284, 1287, 1289, 1375, 1389, 1457, 1462, 1486, 1524, 1543, 1544, 1558, 1599, 1607, 1639, 1664, 1819, 1846, 1849, 1850, 1916, 1935, 1982, 2025, 2051, 2154b, 2195, 2201, 2215, 2219, 2264, 2310, 2354, 2356 88, 89, 325, 381, 1419, 1584, 1771, 1772, 1824, 1905 16, 33, 63, 145, 180, 287, 371, 386, 425, 524, 525, 583, 587, 590, 592, 593, 596, 635, 644, 646, 707, 708, 709, 710, 718, 743, 827, 828, 838, 875, 877, 1027, 1029, 1036, 1040, 1103, 1129, 1137, 1201, 1210, 1222, 1223, 1286, 1290, 1300, 1311, 1334, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1490, 1558, 1599, 1606, 1619, 1703, 1704, 1711, 1713, 1714, 1789, 1806, 1884, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1901, 2013, 2095, 2289, 2290, 2296, 2298, 2329, 2352, 2354, 2355, 2356 17, 18, 65, 69, 110, 113, 310, 332, 417, 583, 585, 596, 641, 958, 1027, 1062, 1224, 1235, 1335, 1336, 1344, 1520, 1559, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1709, 1717, 1719, 1778, 1884, 1952, 1960, 2020, 2085, 2221, 2286, 2289, 2290, 2291, 2293, 2294, 2296, 2298, 2352, 2353, 2423, 2429 309 INORGANICSJHSPERSION (S: dispersion_inorganics) INORGANICS DISTRIBUTION INORGANICS_EFFLUENT (S: effluent_inorganics) INORGANICS_FLUX (SA: inorganics_cycling) (SA: resuspension) INORGANICS LOADING 14 , 16, 17, 18, 92, 100, 110, 138, 174, 177, 237, 324, 417, 418, , 421, 427, 583. 585. , 589, 590, 593, 629, 698, 699, 754. 765, 798, 815, 835. , 836. , 838, 870, 910. , 911. , 912, 913, 934. , 994. , 1103, 1123, 1154 , 1218 , 1221, 1222, 1259 , 1317 , 1330, 1401, 1418 , 1419 ► 1462, 1488, 1500 , 1522 , 1559, 1560, 1563 , 1568 , 1606, 1621, 1706 , 1708 . 1709, 1712, 1714 , 1716 , 1717, 1733, 1779 , 1782 , 1797, 1827, 1837 , 1842 , 1844, 1884, 1891 , 1905 . 1926, 1936, 2013 , 2015 , 2018, 2020, 2050 , 2055 , 2088, 2219, 2251 , 2276 , 2286, 2288, 2296 , 2298 , 2299, 2309, 2335 , 2424 33, 583, 589, 593, 875, 1137, 1431, 1432, 1559, 1619, 1713, 1714, 1719, 1796, 1844, 1952, 12, 92, 106. ■ 113, 177, 180, 184, , 208, 328, 335, 336. , 386, 434, 524, 525. , 531, 588, 593, 616. , 648, 650, 701, 707. , 708, 753, 765, 768 , 800, 955, 1029, 1036 , 1037, 1040, 1057, 1058 , 1078, 1129, 1137, 1159 ► 1210, 1235, 1236, 1311 , 1410, 1463, 1464, 1465 , 1466, 1500, 1524, 1553 , 1568, 1599, 1650, 1706 , 1711, 1779, 1789, 1795 , 1796, 1828, 1833, 1862 , 1884, 1895, 1896, 1901 , 1936, 1956, 1976, 1977 , 2002, 2055, 2132, 2155 , 2160, 2187, 2189, 2192 ■ 2197, 65, 149, 375, 428, 592, 701, 828, 871, 931, 1145, 1227b, 1406, 1489, 1561, 1625, 1713, 1743, 1834, 1889, 1959, 2047, 2249, 2289, 2322, 596, 1435, 1716, 2298 138, 287, 392, 587, 649, 743, 947, 1038, 1105, 1223, 1462, 1493, 1580, 1713, 1827, 1894, 1953, 2018, 2186, 2198, 310 INORGANICS LOADING (continued) 2205, 2206, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2238, 2254, 2276, 2329, 2354, 2355, 2356, 2368, 2431, 2433 INORGANICS_MASS BALANCE (S: mass balance) INORGANICS_METALS (S: metals) (S: trace metals) INORGANIC_MODEL (S: model_inorganics) INORGANICS_MONITORING (S: monitoring_inorganics) (S: nutrients_monitoring) (S: radionucl ides_monitoring) IN0RGANICS_NUTRIENTS (S: nutrients) IN0RGANICS_P0WER PLANTS (S: power plants_inorganics) INORGANICS_RADIONUCLIDES (S: radionuclides) IN0RGANICS_SEDIMENTS (general; no specific inorganics named) (For specific inorganics_sediments , S: metal s_sediments or nutrients_sediments or radionucl ides_sediments or trace metal s_sediments) IN0RGANICS_SUMMARY (S: summary_inorganics) INORGANICS TRANSPORT 421, 525, 875, 1392, 1401, 1410, 1432, 1888, 1935 INORGANICSJJPTAKE (SA: bioaccumulation_inorganics) 11 88 591 875 1027 1218 1311 1490 1806 1901 2289 63 640 1236 1725 1956 2275 12, 386, 641, 877, 1029, 1221, 1334, 1500, 1884, 1936, 2429 15, 425, 646, 967, 1062, 1222, 1410, 1563, 1894, 2085, 18, 524, 708, 979, 1105, 1290, 1411, 1624, 1895, 2189, 65, 588, 718, 984, 1106, 1300, 1432, 1725, 1896, 2221, 425, 427, 585, 639, 644, 685, 702, 1235, 1335, 1492, 1493, 1520, 1777, 1841, 1884, 1897, 1957, 1959, 1960, 1957, 2286, 2289, 2421 INORGANICS_WATER QUALITY (S: water quali ty_inorganics) INSECTICIDES (S: pesticides) 311 INSECTS (SA: specific species or taxa) INSTITUTIONS (SA: management^ institutions) (SA: research needs_institutions) (SA: water quality_institutions) INVENTORY INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (SA: policy) 103 972 1073 1448 1699 5 206 301 436 578 760 880 1058 1380 1548 1951 2158 2351 222 763 2117 210 775 1641 2351 , 468, ■ 623, 696, , 976, 977, 980, , 1263, 1350, 1381, , 1449, 1452, 1585, , 2350, , 2420, 2425 , 87, ■ 165, 182, , 249. . 298, 299, , 302. , 310, 347, , 440. , 479, 480, , 643. , 736, 741, , 764. , 769, 847, , 964. , 985, 1037, , 1063. , 1064, 1247, , 1391 , 1392, 1395, , 1617 , 1645, 1683, , 1982 , 2123, 2126, , 2179 , 2199, 2205, , 2427 , 2438, 2443 b, 249 , 305, 402, , 828 , 847, 977, , 2139b, 2371 , 578 , 632, 769, , 1030 , 1040, 1052, , 2155 , 2157, 2158, , 2440 , 2444 INVERTEBRATES (This includes benthic invertebrates and zooplankton and any other invertebrates. For narrower terms, SA: specific species or taxa; SA: benthic invertebrates; SA: zooplankton) INVERTEBRATES ABUNDANCE 22. , 23. , 24. , 32, 128. , 152. , 157, . 174, 197. , 347. , 392. ■ 418, 421. , 427. , 468. ■ 481, 619. , 620. , 697. , 698, 700. , 701, 704. , 837, 853. , 866, 867. ■ 893, 909, 927, , 932. ■ 933, 994. , 998. , 1006. , 1018, 1092. , 1268, 1358, , 1369, 1374. , 1381. , 1402. , 1444, 1448. , 1449. , 1450. , 1451, 1563. , 1564. , 1568 , 1569, 1649. , 1651. , 1653. , 1675, 1696 , 1697. , 1722. , 1723, 1727. , 1731. , 1740. , 1775, 1837 , 1844 , 1999 , 2000, 2003 , 2008. , 2043 , 2050, 2080 , 2081. , 2083. , 2189, 2306 , 2312. , 2315. , 2316, 2323 , 2342. , 2350 967, 994, 1402, 1588, 187, 300, 435, 511, 757, 864, 1038, 1355, 1536, 1806, 2129, 2327, 520, 1802, 774, 1324, 2199, 102, 190, 420, 551, 699, 845, 900, 934, 1019, 1370, 1447, 1539, 1578, 1687, 1724, 1827, 2001, 2079, 2283, 2322, 312 INVERTEBRATES BEHAVIOR INVERTEBRATES_BENTHIC (S: benthic_invertebrates) INVERTEBRATES_BIOACCUMULATION (SA: invertebrates uptake) INVERTEBRATES DISTRIBUTION 171, 518, 1402, 1585, 1588, 1740, 2279, 2286, 2289 41 685 1127 1604 2286 INVERTEBRATES BIOMASS 24 1369 1649 INVERTEBRATES DEPTH 32 1680 INVERTEBRATES_DIET 155 585 909 1421 1588 1743 2274 2320 INVERTEBRATES GROWTH 22 92 157 417 427 619 704 866 931 994 1149 1368 1401 1450 1578 1680 1706 1729 1827 1944 2001 2044 2084 2283 2312 2342 155 909 1697 > 106, 425, 427, 428, , 835. , 885. , 886, 887, , 1128, , 1338, , 1445, 1492, , 1706. , 1725. , 1826, 1827, , 2289 , 2299. , 2424 25. , 928. , 1268, 1333, , 1374, , 1421, , 1569, 1648, , 1729 , 1367. , 1569 , 1648, 1649, , 1743. , 1824. , 2314 , 190. 331, , 332, 518, , 656, , 685, , 887, 900, , 967. , 1072. , 1342, 1374, , 1427. 1449. , 1519, 1585, , 1604. , 1680. ■ 1699, 1740, , 1878 , 2050. , 2083, 2219, , 2279 , 2283 , 2307, 2316, , 2415 , 2420 , 2423, 2424 23 , 24 . 32, 65, , 110 , 116 ► 117, 128, , 163 , 174 , 190, 296, , 418 , 419 ► 420, 421, , 428. , 481 , 585, 612, , 620. , 698 , 699, 701, , 765 , 837 , 845, 863, , 867. , 893. ■ 900, 909, , 932 , 933 , 934, 977, , 998 , 1006 , 1018, 1019, , 1263 , 1350 , 1358, 1367, , 1369 , 1370 , 1374, 1381, , 1402 , 1444 , 1447, 1448, , 1539 , 1563 , 1568, 1569, , 1648 , 1649 , 1651, 1675, , 1686 , 1687 , 1696, 1697, , 1722 , 1723 , 1724, 1727, , 1740 , 1743 ■ 1775, 1776, , 1837. , 1844 , 1884, 1936, , 1948. , 1961. , 1999, 2000, , 2003 , 2007 , 2008, 2043, , 2050 , 2080. , 2081, 2083, , 2219 , 2223 , 2248, 2279, , 2286 , 2289 , 2299, 2306, , 2314 , 2315 , 2322, 2323, , 2350 , 2424 , 2425 , 331 , 332 ■ 392, 900, , 1421 , 1578 , 1584, 1696, , 2083 , 2219 , 2283 313 INVERTEBRATES HABITAT INVERTEBRATES_HISTORY (S: history_invertebrates) INVERTEBRATES LIFE HISTORY . INVERTEBRATES_MAPPING (S: mapping_i invertebrates) INVERTEBRATES METABOLISM ... INVERTEBRATESJIETALS (includes trace metals) INVERTEBRATES MONITORING 32, 421, 431, 612, 893, 909, 927, 976, 977, 998, 1181, 1368, 1381, 1398, 1402, 1448, 1452, 1743, 2138, 2283, 2323 22, 900, 909, 1421, 2003, 2082, 2083 835, 2219 106, 208, 644, 969, 994, 1220, 1445, 1725, 1936, 2385, 117, 644, 969, 995, 1020, 1446, 1551, 1775, 2007, 2400 INVERTEBRATES_MORPHOLOGY INVERTEBRATES MORTALITY 146, 147, 916, 1030, 41, 64, 174, 175, 425, 426, 685, 765, 972. 973, 1027, 1030, 1333, 1336, 1493, 1584, 1826, 1827, 2231, , 2270, 2400, , 2424 62. 91, 128. , 163, 685. , 722, 972. , 973, 999. , 1006, 1092. , 1336, 1447 , 1448, 1580 , 1585, 1826 , 1827, 2050 , 2090, 157 , 1519, 124 , 185, 619 , 801, 1018 ■ 1024, 2219 , 2366 INVERTEBRATES_NUTRI ENTS (S: benthic_invertebrates nutrients) (S: zooplankton_nutrientsT INVERTEBRATES_ORGANICS (SA: toxics_invertebrates) INVERTEBRATES PHYSIOLOGY 151, 656, 1604, 1961, 65, 92, 176. 189, 427. 585, 958. , 967, 974. , 980, 1127. , H28, 1337. , 1338, 1604. , 1706, 1828. , 1884, 2286, , 2289, 106. , 116, 189 , 315, 837 , 967, 980 . 994, 1015 , 1019, 1358 , 1445, 1469 , 1528, 1687 , 1688, 1828 , 1883, 2170 , 2385, 2248 195, 431, 518, 817, 835, 916, 1578, 2079, 2083, 208, 885, 886, 887, 958, 1030, 1706, 1935, 1936, 2323 65, 146, 147, 425, 427, 837, 916, 1335, 1578, 1585, 1604, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1961, 2219 314 INVERTEBRATES_POPULATIONS 23, 24, 65, 116, 117, 128, 418, 420, 421, 427, 612, 619, 845, 867, 932, 1006, 1091, 1092, 1268, 1333, 1341, 1369, 1421, 1450, 1469, 1649, 1675, 1696, 1697, 1724, 1740, 1743, 1775, 1776, 1790, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2080, 2306, 2312, 2316, 2342 INVERTEBRATES_POWER PLANTS (S: power plants, effects on invertebrates) INVERTEBRATES_REVIEW (S: review_invertebrates) INVERTEBRATES_SEASONAL VARIATION 24, 92, 117, 171, 190, 328, 967, 980, 1006, 1370, 1452, 1538, 1564, 1696, 1697, 1727, 1743 INVERTEBRATES_SURVIVAL 518, 835, 2083, 2219 (SA: invertebrates_mortality) INVERTEBRATESJTAXONOMY 157, 418, 451, 481, 521, 697, 893, 894, 2001, 2082, 2084 INVERTEBRATESJTEMPERATURE 62, 65, 88, 89, 91, (SA: thermal_po11ution, 92, 102, 107, 110, 120, effects on invertebrates) 181, 182, 189, 310, 315, 347, 431, 518, 620, 656, 765, 900, 905, 909, 916, 958, 967, 969, 972, 973, 974, 980, 994, 995, 998, 999, 1006, 1018, 1091, 1151, 1341, 1368, 1374, 1452, 1528, 1551, 1569, 1580, 1743, 1790, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1837, 1844, 1878, 1999, 2083, 2090, 2170, 2270, 2275, 2312, 2314, 2315, 2366, 2379, 2385 INVERTEBRATES_TOXICS (S: toxics_invertebrates) INVERTEBRATESJJPTAKE 425, 427, 585, 644, 685, (SA: invertebrates_bioaccumulation) 1335, 1492, 1493, 1725, 1884, 1956, 2286, 2289 INVERTEBRATES_WATER QUALITY (S: water quali ty_invertebrates) INVERTEBRATES_WEIGHT 25, 928 IODINE 428, 561, 562, 740, 2069, 2070, 2085, 2287, 2353 IRON 15, 92, 138, 189, 325, 326, 327, 381, 474, 584, 315 IRON (continued) ISOPODA (SA: specific species) ISOSTATIC REBOUND (SA: crustal movements) JETTIES (SA: coastal structures) KAOLINITE KILLIFISH KIYI KOKANEE SALMON (SA: salmon; SA: salmon id) LAKE ALGONQUIN (SA: lake stages) LAKE BREEZE LAKE CHICAGO (SA: lake stages) .. LAKE CHIPPEWA (SA: lake stages) . (SA: Chippewa Stage) LAKE EFFECT (SA: model_lake effect) (SA: precipitation lake effect) LAKE HERRING 585, 594, 610, 686, 707, 715, 740, 765, 815, 818, 838, 954, 969. , 971, 972, 980, 987, 988. , 1058, 1175, 1211, 1218, 1220. ■ 1221, 1222, 1400, 1418, 1419. , 1435, 1500, 1558, 1584, 1599. , 1712, 1718, 1725, 1767, 1769. ■ 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1778. , 1826, 1827, 1829, 1846, 1857. ■ 1892, 1904, 1936. 1976, 1977. , 2085, 2086, 2093, 2135, 2195. , 2221, 2231, 2302, 2309, 2329. , 2333, 2433 972, , 1381, 1585. , 1588, 2231 269. , 723, 1189 , 1227a , 1305, 1306, , 1415, 1416 , 1780, 2346 437, , 983, 1361 , 2103, 2121 325, , 799, 1160 , 1891, 1917 166. , 1399 908, , 2065 774. , 1565, 1922 918. , H19, 1415 , 1416 134 ► 135, 136 , 860, 945, 1282. , 1283, 1288 , 1291, 1293, 1294. , 1298, 1301 , 1422, 1423, 1424 . 1425, 1540 , 1541, 1542, 1792 , 1895, 1901 , 1931, 2027, 2029 , 2030, 2031 , 2072, 2073, 2172. , 2349 264 ► 265, 269 , 621, 622, 892 , 918, 1119 , 2345 859 , 1102 346 , 350, 351 , 353, 354, 355 , 356, 357 , 398, 469, 470 , 530b , 532 , 606, 710, 765 , 810, 860 , 872, 884, 944 ► 945, 1155 , 1156, 1157, 1288 , 1291, 1298 , 1300, 1366, 1423 , 1498, 1499 , 1542, 1605, 1707 , 2023, 2026 , 2029, 2030, 2031 , 2045, 2060 , 2241a , 2243, 2339 , 2340, 2349 166 ► 178, 223 , 272, 273, 366 ■ 367, 382 , 422, 431, 555 , 754, 774 , 775, 836, 316 LAKE HERRING (continued) LAKE LEVELS (general) LAKE LEVELS_CURRENTS LAKE LEVELS EROSION LAKE LEVELS GEOMORPHOLOGY LAKE LEVELS HISTORY LAKE LEVELS MANAGEMENT 837, 896, 898, 905, 908, 916, 1077, 1098, 1269, 1683, 1689. , 1922, 1926, 2009, 2050, 2065, 2219, 2303, 2304, 2322, 2323 732, , 851, , 921, 1048, 1134, 1176, 1310, 1478, , 1479, 1480, 1481. , 1482. 1483, 1525, 1631, 1670. , 1678. , 1679, , 1818, , 1879, 1887. , 1943, 2157, 2241b 191, , 1433 58. , 203, , 258. ■ 292, , 402, 403. , 491, , 492. , 495, ■ 496, 509 , 515, 523, 557, 558, 573 , 574. , 597. , 672, , 736, 737. , 742, 744, 755, 762, 774. , 775. , 809, 811. 821, 822. , 823, 824, 892, 895, 920 , 958. , 966t ), 983, 1027, 1042. , 1045. , 1050, 1075, 1149, 1151 , 1180. , 1185. , 1215. , 1227a, 1326 , 1394. , 1436. , 1558. , 1615, 1616 , 1619. , 1656. , 1663. , 1783, 1816 , 1875. , 1876. , 1882. ■ 1947, 2054 , 2102. , 2105. , 2115. , 2118, 2272. , 2325, , 2381, , 2407, , 2444 203. , 491. , 492. , 495. 496, 509 , 564, 565, 572, 573, 723. , 731. , 809. , 811. ■ 821, 892. , 958. , 1149. , 1188. , U90, 1326 , 1438. , 1663. , 1783. , 1816, 1818 . 1871, , 1882, , 2092, , 2118 158 , 208. , 236. , 258. , 264, 265 , 269 , 290. , 292. , 293, 296 , 310 , 388. , 389. ■ 491, 512 , 614. , 671. , 672. , 723, 744 , 754 , 765 , 892 , 918, 920 , 1027 , 1052 , 1094 • 1102, 1119 , 1132 , 1187 , 1188 , H89, 1190 , 1197 , 1227c I, 139( ). 1477, 1496 , 1558 , 1581. , 1656. , 1667, 1764 , 1780 , 1875. , 1905. , 1944, 2440 19 58 , 131 , 158 , 188, 208 , 310 , 377. , 378 , 403, 513 , 514 , 515 , 516 , 523, 577 , 689 , 736 , 737 , 742, 754 , 765 , 773 , 774 , 775, 811 , 822 , 823 , 895 , 958, 9661 ), 983 , 1041 , 1043. , 1044, 1046 , 1047 , 1050 , 1051. , 1052, 1174 , 1180 , 1189 , 1198. , 1274, 317 LAKE LEVELS MANAGEMENT (continued) LAKE LEVELS MODEL LAKE LEVELS MONITORING 1389, 1394, 1764, 1783, 2022, 2102, 2111, 2112, 2118, 2158, 2407, 2438, 88, 89, 288, 310, 512, 517, 637, 661, 895, 958, 1433, 1438, 1627, 1665, 1677, 1737, 189, 338, 1166, 1197, 1558, 1668, 1436, 1581, 1619, 1865b, 1918, 1919, 2105, 2109, 2110, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2159, 2199, 2381, 2440, 2443 131, 252, 269, 388, 389, 450, 523, 597, 636, 673, 731, 852, 1174, 1254, 1371, 1468, 1596, 1626, 1666, 1668, 1669, 2022, 2054, 2199 530a, 547, 1051, 1474, 1475, 1476, 2105, 2106, 2217, 2272 LAKE LEVELS_PRECIPITATION (S: precipitation_lake levels) LAKE LEVELS_REVIEW 258, 765, 1581, LAKE LEVELS_SEASONAL VARIATION 288, 572, 1371, LAKE LEVELS_SEICHE 97, (SA: seiche) 942, 1084, 1394, 1467, 1817, LAKE LEVELS_SUMMARY (S: summary_lake levels) LAKE LEVELS WIND LAKE MICHIGAN FORMATION LAKE OUTLETS 97, 297, 636, 1049, 1084, 1433, 1626, 2102, 296, 1245 131, 377, 920, 1132, 2345 403, 918, 1656, 495, 1046, 1438, 450, 1050, 1088, 1429, 1626, 1905 189, 509, 661, 1051, 1088, 1438, 1627, 2407 515, 1052, 1865, 512, 1051, 1468, 636, 1051, 1131, 1433, 1627, 744, 1132, 1905 564, 1052, 1817, 765, 1052, 1174, 1438, 1677, 755, 1197, 565, 1174, 1871 852, 1060, 1257, 1439, 1812, 191, 192, 288, 530b, 572, 574, 765, 942, 983, 1052, 1060, 1075, 1174, 1180, 1394, 1467, 1468, 1615, 1656, 1812, 2092, 798, 1130, 1242, 1243, 264, 290, 292, 293, 378, 516, 744, 918, 1043, 1044, 1046, 1119, 1174, 1189, 1581, 1596, 318 LAKE STAGES 264, 265, 269, 296, 560, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 672, 687, 688, 710, 795, 796, 918, 919, 920, 983, 1102, 1119, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1227a, 1397, 1415, 1416, 1720, 1905, 1943, 1944, 1947, 2345, 2346, 2413 LAKE STURGEON (S: sturgeon) LAKE TROUT (SA: salmon id) (SA: trout) LAKE TROUT REHABILITATION 140. 166, 178, 223, 273, 365, , 366, 367, 382, 392, 422, 428, 461, 462, 463, 468, 545, 553, 555, 617, 654, 754, 774, 775, 779, 780. 781, 835, 836, 837, 876, , 967, 968, 994, 1068, 1069. , 1070, 1071, 1077, 1098, 1117. 1118, 1179, 1199, 1250, 1266. , 1267, 1269, 1310, 1353, 1399. , 1567, 1586, 1587, 1589, 1590. , 1683, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693. , 1752, 1753, 1755, 1785, 1790. , 1828, 1829, 1907, 1908, 1909 , 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, 1922. , 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928. , 1954, 1955, 1965, 1970, 1993. ■ 1994, 1995, 2050, 2065, 2066. , 2219, 2262, 2265, 2282, 2286. , 2289, 2301, 2304, 2319, 2322. , 2323, 2337, 2370, 2415, 2416. , 2424 779 , 835, 1922, 1924, 1925, 1927 , 1928 LAKE WHITEFISH (S: whitefish) LAMPREY (S: sea lamprey) (S: specific species) LAMPRICIDES (S: sea lamprey_lampricides) LAND USE (SA: history_land use) (SA: mapping_land use) (SA: review_land use) (SA: summary_land use) (SA: water quality land use) 47, 53, 58, 62, 72, 207, 249, 322, 323, 339, 361, 363, 372, 373, 376, 390, 399, 480, 535, 548, 614, 734, 735, 738, 740, 745, 749, 750, 751, 757, 758, 760, 763, 764, 766, 767, 829, 843, 844, 846, 881, 882, 925, 940, 959, 960, 964, 967, 1042, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1081, 1085, 1138, 1175, 1186, 1216, 1267, 1395, 1457, 1497, 1554, 1620, 1632, 1664, 1791, 1865a, 319 LAND USE (continued) 1927, 1953, 1982, 2099, 2100, 2102, 2116, 2117, 2122, 2123, 2125, 2126, 2133, 2138, 2152, 2180, 2239, 2240, 2326, 2331, 2368, 2444 LANDFILL (S: waste) LANTHANUM 381, 584, 585, 594, 798, 815, 1242, 1269, 1418, 1891, 1892, 2086 LARGEMOUTH BASS 382, 967, 1000, 1098, 1390, 1828 LARVAL FISH (S: fishjarval) LEAD 33, 66, 149, 386, 592, 593, 648, 649, 686, 707, 718, 740, 798, 879, 955, 962a, 967, 971, 972, 974, 1026, 1027, 1057, 1103, 1165, 1175, 1178, 1218, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1242, 1330, 1344, 1606, 1625, 1705, 1706, 1713, 1716, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1891, 1892, 2085, 2093, 2120, 2135, 2165, 2187, 2221, 2231, 2287, 2309, 2329, 2335, 2354 LEAD-210 (SA: dating; SA: radionuclides) LEECHES (S: Hirudinea) LEGAL ASPECTS 65, 588, 593, 1709, 1711, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1717 4, 51, 71, 72, 165, 210, 339, 399, 435, 511, 614, 736, 752, 757, 760, 846, 869, 961, 978, 1027, 1063, 1074, 1179, 1180, 1206, 1324, 1343, 1347, 1380, 1391, 1395, 1485, 1536, 1544, 1546, 1645, 2071, 2199, 2234, 2263, 2327, 2437 LEPTODIAPTOMUS 2083 LEPTODORA 1367, 2312, 2316 LEPTOSPIROSIS (S: bacteria) LIGHT 9, 11, 12, 171, 173, (SA: radiation) 229, 230, 518, 638, 897, 934, 1116, 1236, 1295, 1367, 1368, 1518, 2046, 2063, 2154, 2275, 2334 LIMESTONE 763, 917, 1948, 2223 LIMNOCALANUS 1325, 1368, 1427, 1722, 2044, 2083, 2312 320 LINDANE 67, 967, 974, 1089, 1230, (SA: organochlorine pesticides) 1231, 1825 LIPIDS 247, 248, 1026, 1396, 1693, 1930, 1959, 2089, 2338 LITTORAL DRIFT 130, 203, 253, 254, 255, (SA: sediments_transport) 294, 494, 495, 502, 503, 504, 510, 556, 568, 660, 665, 670, 728, 761, 811, 820, 848, 869, 963, 965, 983, 1075, 1131, 1150, 1151, 1215, 1241, 1361, 1394, 1395, 1816, 2054, 2099, 2100, 2102, 2103, 2118, 2138, 2173, 2237 LIZARDS 1593 LOADING_ATMOSPHERIC (S: atmospheric_loading) LOADING_POLLUTION (S: pollution_loading) (S: specific compound_loading) LOADING_TOXICS (S: toxicsjoading) LOADING_TRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_loading) LOAM 325, 1997 LOCKS (S: hydraulics) LOONS (SA: birds) 633, 873, 1598 LYNGBYA (SA: blue-green algae) 1315, 1316, 2189 MACROINVERTEBRATES (S: invertebrates) MACROPHYTES 468, 577, 685, 925, 976, 977, 1027, 1492, 1956, 2041, 2289, 2426 MADTOM 804 MAGNESIUM 8, 66, 92, 138, 180, 186, 189, 325, 326, 610, 686, 740, 765, 818, 954, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1222, 1262, 1335, 1400, 1419, 1647, 1705, 1706, 1712, 1718, 1725, 1767, 1769, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1977, 2095, 2187, 2231, 2309, 2433 MAGNETIC DATA (SA: geomagnetism) MAMMALS (SA: wildlife) 218, 219, 433, 1527, 1530, 1531, 2273 93, 95, 747, 976, 977, 1027, 1260, 1398, 1832 MANAGEMENT_COASTAL (S: coastal management) 321 MANAGEMENT ECONOMICS MANAGEMENT_FISH (S: fishjnanagement) MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONS 77, 140, 188, 235, 310, 322, 323, 440, 461, 511, 513, 514, 516, 535, 635, 689, 736, 750, 754, 764, 766, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 790, 846, 847, 895, 963, 965, 985, 1041, 1044, 1046, 1047, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1063, 1066, 1070, 1113, 1302, 1328, 1375, 1403, 1488, 1501, 1548, 1620, 1848, 1889, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1919, 1928, 1929, 1982, 2022, 2100, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2117, 2118, 2127, 2129, 2130, 2131, 2199, 2216, 2228, 2230, 2232, 2234, 2304, 2326 165, 249, 298, 299, 300, 302, 310, 435, 436, 440, 479, 480, 511, 578, 736, 741, 757, 760, 764, 769, 847, 864, 880, 964, 985, 1058, 1063, 1064, 1355, 1392, 1395, 1548, 1645, 1982, 2123, 2126, 2129, 2158, 2179, 2199, 2205, 2327, 2351, 2438 MANAGEMENT_LAKE LEVELS (S: lake level s_management) MANAGEMENT_POLLUTION (S: pollution_management) MANAGEMENT_POWER PLANTS (S: power plants_management) MANAGEMENT_RECREATION MANAGEMENT_WASTE (S: wastejiianagement) MANAGEMENT_WATER QUALITY (S: water qual i tyjnanagement) MANAGEMENT WATER SUPPLY 322, 323, 750, 2230, 2232 188, 480, 513, 714, 736, 752, 765, 766, 954, 967, 985, 1113, 1204, 1206, 1307, 1403, 1521, 1581, 1982, 2022, 2133, 2255 523, 695, 758, 764, 963, 965, 1202, 1203, 1375, 1389, 1642, 1766, 2182, 2230, MANAGEMENT WATER USE 4, 74, 77, 114, 207, 267, 322, 323, 632, 689, 695, 734, 735, 753, 757, 758, 760, 764, 765, 766, 322 MANAGEMENT WATER USE (continued) 864, 954, 958, 959, 960, 986, 1050, 1052, 1112, 1113, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1304, 1307, 1389, 1393, 1403, 1766, 1800, 2133, 2159, 2199, 2230, 2242 MANGANESE (SA: ferromanganese nodules) MAPPING (SA: bathymetry) (SA: hydrography) MAPPING_CL0UDS , MAPPING COASTAL MAPPING_FISH .. MAPPING GEOLOGY MAPPING_HYDROGRAPHY . (SA: hydrography) MAPPING_ICE MAPPING_INVERTEBRATES MAPPINGJ.AND USE MAPPING_NAVIGATION .. MAPPING PHYTOPLANKTON 15, 92, 138, 189, 324, 325, 326, 327, 371, 381, 584, 594, 648, 649, 686, 765, 798, 815, 838, 903, 954, 955, 967, 971, 974, 1030, 1175, 1218, 1220, 1222, 1382, 1418, 1419, 1420, 1435, 1500, 1709, 1712, 1714, 1718, 1769, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1892, 1904, 1905, 2085, 2086, 2229, 2287, 2309 1295 236, 254, 339, 402, 403, 497, 498, 499, 557, 558, 559, 567, 730, 809, 820, 843, 844, 962a , 963, 965, 982, 983, 1109, 1881, 1882, 2092, 2117, 2147, 2345, 2371 480, 962, 967, 1944, 1966 101, 111. 254, 361, 402, 403, 480, 497, 498, 499, 557, 558, 559, 567, 669, 674, 675, 730, 746, 809, 820, 921, 946, 962a , 963, 965, 967, 981, 982, 983, 1239, 1339, 1359, 1360, 1418, 1419, 1530, 1769, 1771, 1881, 1882, 1944, 2092, 2117, 2147, 2345, 2346, 2371, 2403, 2444 557, 558, 559, 921, 946, 982, 1131, 1633 84, 480, 813, 814, 1331, 1760, 1761, 1932, 1934, 2034 967, 1944 339, 361, 480, 843, 844, 967, 1216, 1457, 1766, 2117, 2444 480, 813, 1131, 1760, 1761, 2154a 375, 962a > 967, 2034 323 MAPPING_REEFS 1944 MAPPING REMOTE SENSING 84 983 1633 2067 MAPPING SEDIMENTS 101 567 820 967 1419 2092 MAPPING_SEISMIC 1418 MAPPINGJHORELINE 254 497 669 833 983 MAPPING STRATIGRAPHY 567 MAPPINGJTEMPERATURE (SA: mapping_thermal_pollution) 84 1109 1508 1761 2034 MAPPING_THERMAL_POLLUTION 684 (SA: mapping_temperature) MAPPING_WATER QUALITY 480 965 MAPPING_WATER USE 480 MAPPINGJJATERSHED 361 1216 480, 1109, 1793, 2371 111, 674, 921, 981, 1769, 2345 2403 339, 498, 674, 844, 1109, 813, 814, 844, 1239, 1314, 1514, 1932, 1934, 2034, 497, 498, 499, 675, 730, 809, 962a, 963, 965, 983, 1360, 1418, 1771, 1881, 1944, 402, 403, 480, 499, 557, 567, 675, 809, 820, 868, 962a, 962b, 1216, 2117 981, 2345, 2346 375, 1155, 1514, 1793, 2172 684, 967, 983, 1157, 1314, 1356, 1555, 1594, 1760, 1932, 1934, 1966, 1216, 1314, 1555, 1966 843, 844, 962, 963, 967, 1216 843, 844, 967, 1216 746, 844, 967, 1131, 1339, 1457, 1594 1312, 2232, 2411 MARINAS 453 MARSHES (S: wetlands) MASS BALANCE_INORGANICS 386, 1463, 1524, 2085 MASS BALANCE_ORGANICS 2085 MAYFLY (S: Ephemeroptera ) MEGALOPTERA 967 MELOSIRA (SA: diatoms) 115, 375, 1843, 2016, 2167, 2231, MERCURY 189, 223, 428, 594, 649, 686, 836, 838, 967, 968, 1026, 1027, 1058, 1123, 910, 913, 1837, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2250, 2257, 2270 360, 371, 595, 627, 754, 798, 835, 862, 879, 955, 972, 973, 974, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1137, 1140, 1141, 426, 648, 324 MERCURY (continued) MERGANSERS (SA: ducks; SA: birds) MESOCYCLOPS 1145, 1165, 1178, 1211, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1242, 1269, 1558, 1604, 1609, 1714, 1725, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1872, 1905, 2050, 2065, 2085, 2221, 2231, 2258b, 2335, 2365 627, 633 2044, 2312 METALS (These subdivisions include both metals and trace metals. For narrow terms, SA: specific elements or SA: trace metals) METALS_ATMOSPHERIC_DEPOSITION/ LOADING/POLLUTION METALS_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES (S: benthic_invertebrates_metals) METALS_BIOACCUMULATION (SA: metal s_uptake) METALS CYCLING METALS_DEPOSITION (S: depositionjnetals) METALS DISCHARGE 16, 33, 180, 371, 386, 425, 524, 583, 587, 590, 592, 593, 596, 644, 646, 707, 708, 709, 710, 718, 743, 827, 828, 838, 877, 1027, 1103, 1137, 1222, 1223, 1290, 1334, 1490, 1558, 1599, 1606, 1713, 1714, 1789, 1884, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1901, 2013, 2289, 2290, 2296, 2298, 2329, 2354, 2355, 2356 41, 106, 425, 427, 428, 586, 596, 627, 685, 862, 879, 1127, 1128, 1140, 1141, 1178, 1269, 1334, 1338, 1445, 1491, 1558, 1604, 1706, 1725, 1826, 1827, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1968, 2065, 2286, 2289, 2301, 2335, 2424 17, 18, 65, 69, 583, 585, 596, 958, 1027, 1062, 1224, 1336, 1344, 1709, 1884, 2085, 2221, 2286, 2289, 2290, 2291, 2293, 2294, 2296, 2298, 2429 64, 69, 138, 386, 800, 967, 968, 972, 973, 974, 1007, 1014, 1037, 1057, 1127, 1128, 1211, 1445, 1493, 1524, 1558, 1624, 1774, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1936, 1977, 2160, 2187, 2195, 2231, 2238, 2254, 2289, 2333, 2354, 2385, 2400 325 METALS_FISH (S: fishjnetals) METALS_INVERTEBRATES (S: invertebratesjnetals) METALS LOADING 92, 106, 138, 177, 180, 208, 386, 524, 587, 588, 593, 648, 649, 707, 708, 743, 765, 768, 800, 955, 1037, 1038, 1057, 1058, 1137, 1159, 1223, 1493, 1500, 1524, 1553, 1599, 1706, 1713, 1789, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1862, 1884, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1901, 1904, 1936, 1976, 1977, 2160, 2187, 2238, 2254, 2329, 2354, 2355, 2356, 2433 METALSJIASS BALANCE METALS_M0DEL (S: modeljnetals) METALS_PHYTOPLANKTON (S: phytoplanktonjnetals) METALS_POLLUTION (SA: metals water quality) 386, 1524, 2085 64, 65, 175. , 178, 371, 386, 587. , 591, 648. , 649, 708, 710, 768. , 800, 955. ■ 958, 969. , 971, 980, 1007, 1034. , 1037, 1062. , 1103, 1175. , 1178, 1221. , 1222, 1334 , 1337, 1524. , 1558, 1706. , 1713, 1828. , 1829, 1892. , 1895, 1957. , 1958, 1979 , 2013, 2094. , 2096, 2187. , 2195, 2254, , 2258b 2355. , 2356, 66, 92, 174, 180, 208, 360, 425, 474, 524, 592, 594, 646, 685, 686, 707, 740, 743, 765, 838, 877, 952, 962a , 967, 968, 972, 973, 974, 1014, 1027, 1030, 1038, 1057, 1058, 1140, 1141, 1165, 1211, 1218, 1220, 1290, 1330, 1333, 1419, 1445, 1493, 1606, 1625, 1647, 1718, 1725, 1827, 1857, 1862, 1872, 1896, 1901, 1936, 1959, 1968, 1976, 2065, 2085, 2088, 2120, 2135, 2160, 2201, 2231, 2238, , 2333 , 2335 , 2354, 2385, 2400, 2429 METALS_RADIONUCLIDES (S: radionuclides) METALS RESIDENCE TIME METALS SEDIMENTS 590, 1137, 1159, 1222, 2289, 2354 15, 18, 65, 66, 69, 92, 106, 138, 149, 208, 326 METALS SEDIMENTS (continued) 325, 327, 360, 381, 426, 427, 524, 583, 587, 588, 589, 590, 592, 593, 594, 596, 649, 685, 686, 707, 740, 765, 768, 798, 818, 879, 903, 955, 962a , 967, 972, 974, 1027, 1057, 1103, 1123, 1165, 1168, 1178, 1220, 1222, 1224, 1242, 1334, 1382, 1418, 1419, 1435, 1500, 1522, 1558, 1599, 1621, 1624, 1625, 1709, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, 1774, 1782, 1789, 1826, 1828, 1833, 1857, 1884, 1892, 1904, 1905, 1936, 1958, 1976, 1977, 2085, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2135, 2221, 2231, 2286, 2289, 2293, 2296, 2298, 2400, 2424 386, 585, 591, 648, 715, 815, 958, 980, 1159, 1221, 1336, 1445, 1609, 1712, 1718, 1773, 1827, 1891, 1946, 2086, 2120, 2288, 2365, METALS_TOXICS (S: toxics_metals) METALS TRANSPORT ... 15, 18, 524, 588, 718, 877, 1218, 1221, 1490, 1500, 1894, 1895, 1936, 2085, 65, 386, 425, 591, 646, 708, 967, 1027, 1062, 1222, 1290, 1334, 1624, 1725, 1884, 1896, 1901, 1904, 2221, 2289, 2429 METALS_TRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_metals) METALSJJPTAKE (SA: metals bioaccumul ation) 425, 427, 585, 644, 685, 1493, 1725, 1884, 1897, 1957, 1959, 1968, 2286, 2289 METALS_WATER QUALITY ... (SA: metals pollution) 9, 13, 41, 64, 66, 69, 92, 97, 106, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 186, 189, 208, 386, 426, 474, 644, 706, 765, 768, 800, 879, 952, 954, 958, 962a , 967, 968, 969, 971, 972, 973, 974, 980, 987, 988, 994, 1014, 1027, 1030, 1034, 1037, 1038, 1057, 1058, 1062, 1104, 1159, 1161, 1175, 1200, 1211, 1220, 1250, 1330, 1333, 1419, 1524, 1553, 1558, 1584, 1606, 1647, 1705, 1706, 327 METALS WATER QUALITY (continued) 1767, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1833, 1862, 1936, 1976, 1977, 2013, 2085, 2088, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2120, 2160, 2165, 2187, 2195, 2201, 2221, 2231, 2238, 2241c, 2254, 2258b, 2270, 2287, 2309, 2333, 2365, 2385, 2400, 2429, 2433 METALS_Z00PLANKT0N (S: zooplanktonjnetals) METEOROLOGY (S: air_temperature, climate, clouds, evaporation, ice, lake breeze, lake effect, power plants_meteorology s precipitation, research needs, summaryjneteorology, storms, or wind) METH0XYCHL0R MINERALS (SA: review minerals) MINING MINNOWS (SA: cyprinids or specific species) MIREX MIXING 967, 974, 208. , 241, 327. , 359, 635. , 715, 798. , 799, 1151. , 1160, 1382. , 1415, 1420. , 1717, 1773. , 1774, 1917 , 2074, 2309 , 2345, 326 , 635, 1420 , 2229, 392 , 1098, 1030 , 1039, 11 . 12, 110 , 162, 199 . 215, 583 . 590, 683 ► 692, 831 , 832, 945 ► 958, 1106 , 1222, 1325 , 1329, 1440 , 1490, 1509 , 1533, 1618 , 1634, 1680 , 1707, 1715 ► 1716, 1828 , 1844, 1944 , 2011, 2056 , 2164, 2219 , 2268, 2294 , 2298, 1825, 1826 324, 325, 563, 567, 740, 749, 903, 950, 1191, 1227b, 1416, 1418, 1769, 1771, 1887, 1891, 2221, 2229, 2346 326, 568, 763, 1149, 1244, 1419, 1772, 1905, 2233, 740, 755, 1419, 2233 1399, 1684 1040 15. , 98, 168. , 192, 342. , 417, 593. 610, 793. ■ 801, 870. , 924, 967. ■ 972, 1229. , 1251, 1354. , 1431, 1503. , 1504, 1534. , 1556, 1635. 1637, 1711 , 1713, 1719. , 1738, 1877. , 1936, 2029. , 2036, 2166. , 2172, 2275. , 2286, 2404. , 2434 102, 198, 449, 630, 830, 944, 979, 1290, 1438, 1505, 1608, 1674, 1714, 1812, 1937, 2042, 2190, 2289, 328 MODEL ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION MODEL_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES MODEL_CIRCULATION (S: circulationjnodel ) MODEL_CURRENTS (S: currents_model ) M0DEL_DEP0SITI0N 386 710 1711 1895 MODEL_DIFFUSION 11 831 1287 MODELJHSPERSION 11 198 937 1232 1635 1898 2219 287, 386, 532, 550, 652, 710, 875, 1109, 1201, 1285, 1287, 1300, 1674, 1713, 1895, 1901, 1996, 2354, 2355 62, 64, 92, 310, 1580, 1936, 2274, 2286 MODEL EROSION MODEL FISH MODEL_GROUNDWATER MODEL HYDROLOGY . MODEL ICE MODEL INORGANICS 72 497 662 895 2054 62 310 907 1601 2304 252 1174 74 131 388 673 958 1433 1665 2199 11 358 1741 11 89 , 498. , 505, 532, 665, , 731. ■ 875, 1109, 1223, , 1713. , 1715, 1716, 1894, , 1901, ■ 1996, 2354, 2355 12. ■ 447, 449, 678, , 832. , 936, 937, 1285, , 1433, , 1502, 1555, 1936 21. , 62, 78, 80, , 449. , 575, 576, 682, , 1105. , 1106, 1169, 1201, , 1287. , 1354, 1556, 1634, , 1637. , 1811, 1868, 1894, , 1936. i 1937, 2056, 2077, , 2349. , 2402, 2417, 2434 , 74. , 399, 457, 490, , 498. , 505, 523, 597, , 664 , 665, 669, 761, , 958. , 1632, 1716, 1936, , 64. 70, 88, 89, , 331. , 332, 334, 616, , 958 , 1076, 1250, 1369, , 2219. ■ 2274, 2286, 2303, , 288 ■ 512, 517, 1113, , 1327 , 1372 , 88 , 89, 92, 114, , 252 , 267, 288, 368, , 389 . 512, 517, 523, , 830 , 831, 832, 895, , 1174 • 1372, 1376, 1377, , 1524 , 1582, 1595, 1596, , 1666 , 1669, 1574, 2022, , 2363 , 2426 12 • 86, 88, 89, , 958 ► 1232, 1510, 1666, , 1742 , 2426 12 i 62, 64, 88, 92 , 114, 245, 287, 329 MODEL INORGANICS (continued) 309, 310, 328, 331, 332, 335, 336, 386, 434, 616, 639, 640, 710, 875, 958, 1105, 1106, 1159, 1160, 1183, 1201, 1223, 1250, 1300, 1524, 1568, 1580, 1709, 1711, 1713, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1824, 1834, 1868, 1894, 1895, 1901, 1936, 1952, 2219, 2286, 2354, 2355 MODEL_INSTITUTIONS 310, 511, 864, 1355, 2199 MODEL_LAKE EFFECT 470, 532, 710, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1300, 1423, 1498, 2030, 2031, 2349 M0DEL_LAKE LEVELS (S: lake level s_model ) MODEL_METALS 64, 92, 386, 710, 958, 1159, 1160, 1223, 1250, 1524, 1709, 1713, 1715, 1716, 1894, 1895, 1901, 1936, 2286, 2354, 2355 MODEL_NUTRIENTS 88, 89, 92, 245, 287, 310, 328, 331, 332, 335, 336, 434, 616, 639, 640, 710, 958, 1159, 1183, 1524, 1568, 1580, 1717, 1824, 1834, 1936, 1952, 2219 MODEL ORGANICS MODEL_PHOSPHORUS (S: phosphorusjnodel ) MODEL PHYTOPLANKTON MODEL_POLLUTION (S: poll utionjnodel ) MODEL PRECIPITATION MODEL_RECREATION MODEL RUNOFF ... 62, 74, 114, 310, 710, 958, 1936 62, 64, 70, 88, 89, 92, 310, 328, 331, 332, 334, 335, 336, 434, 638, 639, 640, 958, 1183, 1369, 1580, 1657, 1717, 1824, 1834, 1936, 2219, 2274, 2286 11, 12, 88, 89, 131, 225, 227, 252, 287, 288, 309, 386, 450, 470, 512, 517, 523, 710, 831, 832, 1174, 1223, 1372, 1376, 1377, 1498, 1524, 1595, 1666, 1674, 2022, 2426 533, 1379, 2024 252, 288, 309, 399, 512, 517, 523, 697, 831, 832, 1174, 1371, 1372, 1376, 1377, 1524, 1595, 1666, 1674, 2426 330 MODEL TEMPERATURE MODEL THERMAL POLLUTION MODEL TRANSPORT MODEL WATER BUDGET MODEL_WATER QUALITY ... (SA: pollutionjnodel ) MODEL WATER SUPPLY 1, 2, 11, 21, 62, 78, 79, 80, 86, 88, 89, , 92, 198, 200, 201, 202, 213, 287, 288, 310, 343, 434, 442, 443, 444, 445, 447, 448. , 470. 512, 517, , 575. 576, 652. , 661, 678. , 679. , 710. , 830. , 831, 832. , 875. , 935. , 936. , 938, 957. , 958. , 1093. , 1106. . 1109, 1135. , 1155. , 1156. , 1157. , 1158, 1160. , 1169. , 1182. , 1183. , 1213, 1223. , 1232. , 1233. , 1280. , 1285, 1287. , 1354. , 1377. , 1423, , 1434, 1438. , 1443. , 1498. , 1505. 1507, 1510. , 1512. , 1555. , 1556. , 1580, 1582. 1634. 1635. 1637, 1640, 1741, 1742, 1898, 1939, 2030, 2031, 2042, 2056, 2072. 2073, 2077, 2334, 2349, 2434 1. 2. 62. , 64. , 79, 80, , 287, , 447, , 575, 576, 652. , 678. , 679. , 681. , 682, 683. , 957. , 1169. , 1182. , 1233, 1555. , 1556. , 1582. , 1634. , 1635, 1637. , 1811. , 1898. , 1936. , 2056, 2077, 2219, 2417, 2434 11, 12, , 21. , 78, , 88, 386, 449, 497, 505, 532, 662. , 664. 665. , 730. , 731, 761. , 875. , 1105. , 1106. , H09, 1232. , 1285. , 1287. , 1300. , 1354, 1674. , 1894. , 1895. , 1901, , 1936, 1996. , 2054, , 2402 131 , 252 , 288 , 512. , 517, 523 , 652 , 831 , 832 , 958, 1174 , 1372 , 1376 , 1377 , 1666, 1668 , 2022 , 2426 11 62 64 74 ► 88, 89 92 , H4 , 245 , 287, 309 , 310 , 328 , 329 , 330, 332 , 333 , 334 , 335 , 336, 337 , 344 , 368 , 386 . 399, 434 , 449 , 511. , 616 , 864, 875 , 958 , 1105 , 1106 , 1159, 1183 , 1250 , 1379 , 1524 , 1568, 1580 , 1657 , 1834 , 1936 , 1937, 2024 , 2199 , 2242 , 2304 , 2363 523 , 1106 , 1113 , 1372 , 1375, 1379 , 1668 , 2022 331 MODEL WATER USE MODEL WAVES MODEL ZOOPLANKTON 62, 864, 2242 21, 395, 448, 582, 662, 731, 875, 1373, 1677, 2418 64, 310, 335, 1824, 74, 114, 267, 399, 958, 1113, 1158, 2199, 88, 397, 457, 597, 664, 761, 1233, 1434, 1737, 89, 437, 497, 636, 665, 831, 1252, 1443, 2042, 200, 442, 498, 659, 673, 832, 1253, 1627, 2054, 213, 443, 505, 661, 730, 852, 1255, 1628, 2334, 70, 88, 89, 92, 328, 331, 332, 334, 336, 958, 1369, 1568, 1936, 2274, 2286 MODELING (S: model) MOLLUSCA (S: clams; S: snails) MOLYBDENUM MONITORING_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES (S: benthic_invertebrates_monitoring) MONITORING_BIRDS (S: birdsjnonitoring) MONITORING EROSION 1030, 1220, 1718, 1773, 2085 844, 967, 2104, 2105, 2139a, 2144, 2145, 2408 MONITORING_FISH (S: f ishjnoni toring) MONITORING_GROUNDWATER MONITORING INORGANICS 62, 66, 91. 106, 189, 315, 524, 525, 644, 685, 835, 836, 844, 862, 947, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 979, 980, 994, 999, 1007, 1014, 1026, 1029, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1079, 1104, 1336, 1445, 1551, 1558, 1580, 1639, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1960, 2032, 2050, 2170, 2174, 2178, 2204, 2255, 2258a , 2309, 2359, 2364, 2385, 2400 MONITORING_INVERTEBRATES (S: invertebrates_monitoring) MONITORINGJ.AKE LEVELS (S: lake levels_moni toring) MONITORING_NUTRIENTS (S: nutrients_monitoring) MONITORING_ORGANICS (S: organicsjnonitoring) 332 MONITORING_PHOSPHORUS (S: phosphorus_monitoring) M0NIT0RING_PHYT0PLANKT0N (S: phytoplankton_monitoring) M0NIT0RING_P0LLUTI0N (S: pollutionjnonitoring) (S: water qual ity_monitoring) MONITORING RADIOACTIVITY 106, 108, 112, 121, 122, 123, 189, 644, 685, 972, 989, 1007, 1020, 1029, 1040, 1558, 1623, 2204 M0NIT0RING_RADI0NUCLIDES (S: radionucl idesjnonitoring) M0NIT0RING_SEA LAMPREY (S : sea lamprey_monitoring) M0NIT0RING_TEMPERATURE (SA: moni toring_thermal_pollution) M0NIT0RING_JHERMAL_P0LLUTI0N . (SA: monitoring temperature) MONITORING TOXICS 54 189 679 967 972 994 1003 1017 1513 1574 1749 1828 1974 2309 54 164 383 948 1003 1013 1022 1455 1636 1754 1967 2385 524 863 1029 1142 1829 , 62, 81, 91, , 222a , 313, 315, , 802, 835, 914, , 968, 969. ■ 970, , 973, 979, ■ 980, , 995, 996. ■ 999, , 1006. , 1008. , 1013, , 1098. , 1318. ■ 1329, , 1528. , 1551. , 1558, , 1580, 1636. , 1639, , 1809. , 1821. , 1826, , 1966, 1967. , 1970, , 2034. , 2036. , 2090, , 2385 , 62. , 81. . 108, , 266. , 313. , 315, , 384. , 455 , 679, , 956. , 989 , 990, , 1005 , 1006 , 1008, , 1014 , 1015 , 1020, , 1023 , 1029 ► 1092, , 1528 , 1558 , 1572, , 1658 , 1744 , 1749, , 1821 , 1827 , 1962, , 1973 , 1974 , 2066, , 2390 , 2392 , 2393, , 835 , 836 , 837, , 967 , 968 , 972, , 1031 , 1035 , 1039, , 1179 , 1639 , 1827, , 2050 , 2260 , 2263 MONITORING_WATER QUALITY (S: water quality_monitoring) M0NIT0RING_Z00PLANKT0N (S: zooplankton_monitoring) 156, 607, 956, 971, 990, 1002, 1014, 1455, 1572, 1707, 1827, 1973, 2170, 118, 382, 681, 1002, 1009, 1021, 1329, 1574, 1750, 1966, 2090, 2400 862, 979, 1040, 1828, 333 MONTMORILLONITE 325 MOONEYE 166 MORAINE 264 1397 MUDMINNOWS 166 (SA: cyprinids; SA: minnows) MUSKELLUNGE 166 MYSIS 32 (SA: invertebrates) 171 704 1370 1696 1944 2286 2423 NAVIGATION (SA: mapping_navigation) (SA: shipping) NEMATODA NET BASIN SUPPLY (S: water budget) NEUSTON NICKEL 61 89 437 523 744 774 895 1049 1132 1206 1389 1671 1760 1845 1851 2113 2142 865 1350 1891, 1917 1399, 2246 623, 688, 820, 1119, 382 223 110 183 865 1381 1697 1948 2289 82 137 480 614 748 775 966a 1050 1196 1303 1456 1679 1761 1847 1852 2124 2143 980 804, 1098, 1399 1399 124, 146, 147, 518, 585, 656, 972, 1336, 1368, 1421, 1449, 1653, 1729, 1731, 1743, 2050, 2083, 2223, 2312, 2320, 2415, 83, 85, 88, 188, 222a , 293, 509, 514, 515, 635, 737, 742, 755, 765, 766, 813, 826, 850, 984, 985, 1048, 1051, 1052, 1131, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1332, 1348, 1373, 1495, 1525, 1616, 1741, 1742, 1757, 1762, 1763a , 1763b, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1353, 1858, 1885, 2133, 2135, 2141, 2154a , 2229 , 2230 1538 NITRATE 92, 326, 371, 648, 649, 686, 798, 815, 955, 967, 971, 974, 1027, 1137, 1178, 1220, 1222, 1242, 1418, 1419, 1609, 1625, 1705, 1706, 1712, 1718, 1772, 1773, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1891, 1892, 2085, 2093, 2135, 2165, 2187, 2221, 2231, 2287, 2309, 2354, 2356 7, 66, 68, 167, 176, 189, 237, 287, 375, 912, 954, 971, 984, 1025, 1104, 1211, 1340, 1406, 1584, 1672, 1705, 1706, 1777, 1827, 1829, 334 NITRATE (continued) 1833 1870 2135 2275 NITRITE 189 1584 2333 NITROGEN 9 100 184 335 548 765 1027 1315 1411 1705 1824 1836 1841 2017 2093 2167 2195 2255 NITROGEN FIXATION NONPOINT SOURCE NORTHERN PIKE 69 2055 106 577 708 1029 1056 1139 1462 1703 1896 2289 2356 166 1399 2281 , 1834, 1837, 1843, , 2085 , 2093, 2095, , 2165, 2195, 2219, , 2364, 2433 , 237. ■ 287, 1025, , 1827, 1833, 2085, , 2433 20, 69. , 91, , 102, 152, 175, , 287. 325, 328, , 336, 371, 421, , 577, 610, 650, , 870, , 871, 911, , 1057. 1165, 1183, , 1316, 1340, 1363, , 1435. , 1580, 1584, , 1706. 1730. 1743, , 1829, 1833, 1834, , 1837. 1838, , 1839, , 1843, 1905, 2002, , 2018. , 2055. , 2063, , 2132. , 2135. , 2160, , 2175. , 2187. , 2189, , 2205. , 2231. , 2251, , 2329 , 2364. , 2400, , 431. , 1315. , 1316, , 2251, , 2252 , 301. , 398. , 399, , 583. , 596. , 646, , 763 , 877 , 967, , 1030 , 1036 , 1040, , 1057 , 1058 , 1089, , 1210 , 1290 , 1410, , 1464 , 1465 , 1466, , 1704 , 1796 , 1862, , 1901 , 1996 , 2190, , 2296 , 2298 , 2354, , 2431 , 220 , 223 , 967, , 1585 , 1828 , 2265, , 2323 , 2373 NORTHERN REDHORSE (S: redhorse) NUTRIENTS (SA: specific nutrients) NUTRIENTS_ , ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION/TRANSPORT NUTRIENTS_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES (S: benthic invertebrates nutrients) 1844, 2120, 2231, 1558, 2195, 92, 178, 332, 431, 702, 947, 1211, 1400, 1647, 1771, 1835, 1840, 2005, 2085, 2165, 2190, 2252, 2436 2005, 524, 707, 984, 1054, 1137, 1457, 1558, 1884, 2205, 2355, 1098, 2279, 63, 180, 287, 710, 1027, 1029, 1040, 1129, 1210, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1558, 1619, 1806, 2013 335 NUTRIENTS CYCLING NUTRIENTS DEPOSITION NUTRIENTS DISCHARGE NUTRIENTS_INVERTEBRATES (S: invertebrates_nutrients) NUTRIENTS LOADING NUTRIENTS_MASS BALANCE NUTRIENTS_MODEL (S: model_nutrients) NUTRIENTS MONITORING . 110, 113, 310, 332, 417, 958, 1027, 1235, 1520, 1559, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1717, 1719, 1743, 1778, 1952, 2020, 2085, 2353 63, 180, 710, 1027, 1029, 1210, 1431, 1462, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1559, 1562, 1796, 2013 110, 113, 181, 245, 312, 431, 434, 577, 711, 931, 973, 974, 979, 984, 1014, 1037, 1040, 1057, 1059, 1183, 1210, 1211, 1236, 1462, 1524, 1558, 1580, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1839, 1870, 1936, 1956, 1977, 2155, 2160, 2175, 2186, 2187, 2189, 2192, 2197, 2198, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2254, 2333, 2385, 2400, 2421 92, 113, 177, 180, 184, 208, 287, 328, 335, 336, 392, 434, 616, 650, 701, 765, 768, 947, 1029, 1037, 1038, 1040, 1057, 1058, 1129, 1159, 1210, 1235, 1236, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1524, 1568, 1580, 1650, 1706, 1779, 1795, 1796, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1936, 1953, 1956, 1976, 1977, 2002, 2018, 2055, 2132, 2155, 2160, 2186, 2187, 2189, 2192, 2197, 2198, 2205, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2254, 2276, 2368, 2431, 2433 1463, 1524, 2085 NUTRIENTS_PHYTOPLANKTON (S: phytoplankton_nutrients) NUTRIENTS_POLLUTION (SA: nutrients_water quality) 66, 91, 189, 835, 947, 969, 971, 973, 979, 980, 1014, 1029, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1104, 1558, 1580, 1639, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 2032, 2255, 2258a, 2359, 2385, 2400 63, 66, 68, 92, 100, 102, 110, 113, 124, 152, 336 NUTRIENTS POLLUTION (continued) NUTRIENTS_RESIDENCE TIME ... NUTRIENTS_SEASONAL VARIATION NUTRIENTS SEDIMENTS NUTRIENTS_TRANSPORT NUTRIENTSJJPTAKE NUTRIENTSJIATER QUALITY ... (SA: nutrients pollution) 154, 174, 175, 178, 180, 181, 182, 184, 207, 208, 245, 246, 287, 310, 312, 328, 347, 431, 434, 468, 474, 534, 577, 616, 628, 650, 702, 710, 711. 765, 768, 794, 826, 910, 931, 947, 958, 969, 971. , 973, 974, 979, 980, 984. , 1014, 1027, 1029, 1030, 1037, , 1038, 1039, 1040, 1056, 1057. , 1058, 1059, 1111, 1183, 1207. 1210, 1211, 1212, 1234, 1235. , 1259, 1316, 1340, 1411, 1462. , 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1520. , 1524, 1558, 1580, 1619, 1639. , 1644, 1645, 1647, 1706, 1779 , 1795, 1796, 1797, 1806, 1827. , 1828, 1829, , 1834, 1836, 1857. , 1870, 1926, 1936, , 1953. 1956 , 1976, 2002, 2012. , 2013, 2032 , 2055, 2085. 2132. , 2155. , 2160 , 2175, 2186. , 2187 , 2189 , 2192 , 2197, 2198. , 2201. , 2205. , 2207 , 2208, 2209. , 2210 , 2211. , 2212 , 2219, 2250. , 2254. , 2255. , 2258a, 2258b, 2322. , 2324 , 2333. , 2368 , 2385, 2400, , 2421. , 2422. , 2431 1159. , 1952 , 20 , 911 » 92 , 979 , 328 , 980 9. , 639, 640 , 1730, 1777 , 1795 , 1796 , 1840 , 1952, 2085 , 2165 , 2251 66 , 92 , 418 , 110 , 434 , 113 , 577 , 207, 208 7 w •* * , 702, 765 , 768 , 826 , 931 , 958, 974 , 980 , 1027 , 1057 , 1159, 1183 , 1235 , 1411 , 1431 , 1435, 1558 , 1559 , 1561 , 1563 , 1717, 1719 , 1778 , 1796 , 1826 , 1827, 1828 , 1833 , 1837 , 1857 , 1870, 1936 , 1953 , 1976 , 1977 , 2085, 2143 , 2189 , 2368 , 2400 88 , 979 , 1563 , 984 , 1806 , 1027 , 1936 , 1029, 1411 , 2085, 2189 63 , 181 , 1235 , 237 , 1236 , 639 , 1520 , 640, 702 , 1777, 1841 , 1956 , 2275 , 2421 5 9 , 89 , 63 » 91 66 . 92 68, 88 , 97, 100 , 110 , 124 , 152 , 154, 337 NUTRIENTS WATER QUALITY (continued) 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 181, 182, 189, 207, 208, 245, 287, 310, 328, 332, 336, 418. , 432, , 434, 534. 548. 616. ■ 628, 677. , 698. , 699. , 700, 702. , 711. , 765. , 768, 805. , 826. , 870. , 871, 913. , 931. , 947. , 958, 971. , 973. , 974. , 979, 984. , 1014. , 1027. , 1029, 1037. , 1038. , 1039. , 1040, 1057. , 1058. , 1059. , 1104, 1159 , 1183 , 1207 , 1210, 1212. , 1234 , 1235 , 1236, 1406 , 1462. , 1463 , 1524, 1568 , 1580. , 1584 , 1619, 1644 , 1645 , 1647 , 1650, 1706. , 1743. , 1795 , 1796, 1826. , 1827. , 1828 , 1829, 1834 , 1836 , 1840 , 1841, 1936 , 1976 , 1977 , 2002, 2013 , 2015 , 2018 , 2020, 2064 , 2085 , 2132 , 2155, 2165 , 2167 , 2175 , 2186, 2189 , 2192 , 2197 , 2198, 2205 , 2207 , 2208 , 2209, 2211 , 2212 , 2241c, 2249 2254 , 2255 , 2258a, 2258 2275 , 2287 , 2305 , 2322, 2333 , 2359 , 2385 , 2400, NUTRIENTS_Z00PLANKT0N (S: zooplankton_nutrients) ODONATA OIL 967 (SA: hydrocarbons) (SA: water quality_oil) OLIGOCHAETA 177, 186, 246, 335, 474, 650, 701, 794, 910, 969, 980, 1030, 1056, 1111, 1211, 1340, 1558, 1639, 1705, 1797, 1833, 1870, 2012, 2055, 2160, 2187, 2201, 2210, , 2250, b, 2270, 2324, 2433 189, 400, 453, 529, 549, 635, 740, 754, 861, 952, 970, 1090, 1107, 1165, 1175, 1211, 1354, 1392, 1415, 1416, 1558, 1705, 1706, 1713, 1887, 2085, 2095, 2120, 2135, 2190, 2201, 2354, 2356, 2405 23, 24, 25, 107, 110, 113, 120, 174, 178, 185, 418, 468, 612, 725, 817, 845, 865, 893, 894, 926, 927, 928, 929, 932, 933, 934, 967, 972, 974, 976, 977, 980, 994, 1019, 1144, 1381, 1401, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1585, 1648, 1649, 1651, 1655, 1727, 1740, 1743, 338 OLIGOCHAETA (continued) 1826 2008 OLIGOTROPHY 25 (SA: trophic conditions) 1462 ORGANIC CARBON 110 381 798 1104 1227b 1652 1857 2007 ORGANIC MATTER 154 1168 1350 1729 2167 1837 2167 174 1539 120 421 1014 1123 1354 1654 1891 2018 418 1220 1418 1730 2250 1935 2189 392 1790 138 610 1025 1178 1400 1771 1892 2085 612 1222 1649 1732 1936 2231 932 1926 325 686 1027 1219 , 1584 1772 1905 2231 715 1342 1725 1819 2007, 2270 1259, 2001 375, 765, 1057, 1221, , 1609, 1782, 1936, 2258a 1027, 1344, 1728, 1905, ORGANICS (SA: specific compounds) (SA: hydrocarbons, not chlorinated) (SA: toxics) ORGANICS_ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION/ LOADING/TRANSPORT 33, 95, 524, 525, 635, 710, 885, 886, 1027, 1029, 1036, 1040, 1139, 1222, 1558, 2352 ORGANICS_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES (S : benthic_invertebrates_organics) ORGANICS_BIOACCUMULATION (S: bioaccumulation_organics) ORGANICS_BIRDS (S: birds_organics) ORGANICS_CYCLING 310, 958, 1027, 2085, 2352 0RGANICS_DEC0MP0SITI0N 2189 0RGANICS_DEGRADATI0N 1122, 1345, 1523 (SA: biotransformation) 0RGANICS_DEP0SITI0N 635, 710, 967, 1027, 1029, (SA: organics_atmospheric) 1222, 1625, 2352 ORGANICS_DISCHARGE (S: discharge_organics) ORGANICS_DISPERSION (S: dispersion_organics) ORGANICS_DISTRIBUTION 95, 522, 571, 721, 754, 765, 835, 836, 837, 1219, 1222, 1272, 1625, 1706, 1827, 1936, 2050, 2215, 2323 ORGANICS_EFFLUENT (S: effluent_organics) ORGANICS_FISH (S: fish_organics) 339 ORGANICS_FLUX (SA: organ ics_cycling) ORGANICS_INVERTEBRATES (S: invertebrates_organics) ORGANICS LOADING 33 106, 208, 524, 525, 531, 571, 753, 765, 768, 800, 885, 886, 1029, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1040, 1053, 1057, 1058, 1089, 1139, 1706, 1827, 1828, 1936, 1953, 2160, 2186, 2187, 2189, 2192, 2197, 2198, 2205, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2259, 2260, 2264, 2331, 2368 ORGANICS_MASS BALANCE (S: mass balance) 0RGANICS_M0DEL (S: model_organics) ORGANICS MONITORING ORGANICS_PHYTOPLANKTON (S: phytoplankton_organics) ORGANICS RESIDENCE TIME ORGANICS_REVIEW (S: review_organics) ORGANICS SEDIMENTS ... ORGANICS_SUMMARY (S: summary_organics) ORGANICS TRANSPORT ORGANICSJJPTAKE (SA: bioaccumulation_organics) ORGANICS_WATER QUALITY (S: water qual i ty_organics) 62, 66, 106, 189, 524, 525, 835, 836, 837, 844, 863, 967, 968, 971, 972, 973, 979, 980, 1026, 1029, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1079, 1142, 1179, 1558, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 2050, 2174, 2178, 2258a, 2260, 2263 1222, 2352 66, 95, 106, 207, 208, 471, 524, 525, 577, 580, 721, 762, 765, 768, 826, 887, 958, 962a, 967, 972, 974, 980, 1027, 1057, 1089, 1139, 1179, 1219, 1222, 1345, 1346, 1392, 1523, 1558, 1625, 1770, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1892, 1935, 1936, 1953, 2085, 2189, 2260, 2368 95, 524, 967, 979, 1027, 1029, 1222, 1936, 2085, 2189 1142, 1308, 1691, 2261 340 ORGANICS_ZOOPLANKTON (S: zooplankton_organics) ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES 31, 522. 66, 524, 67, 610, 93, 627, 223, (SA: specific pesticides) 635, (SA: pesticides) 786. , 835, 836, 837, 863, 885. , 886. , 887, 967, 968, 971. , 972. 973, 974, 1026, 1027. , 1037. , 1039, 1057, 1083, 1089. , 1114. , 1115, , H42, 1143, 1179. , 1219. , 1230, 1231, 1272, 1276. , 1277. , 1308. , 1345, 1346, 1351. , 1484. , 1487. , 1523, 1558, 1591. , 1625. , 1630, , 1641, 1672, 1673. , 1690. , 1691, 1692, 1693, 1825. , 1826. , 1827. , 1828, 1829, 1831. , 1930. , 2050. , 2085, 2190, 2205 , 2261. , 2262, , 2337, 2338, 2416 OSCILLATIONS 191 , 637 , 1428 , 673. , 1434. , 852, , 1438, 1174, (SA: seiche; SA: tides; SA: waves) 1373. 1439, 1441 , 1443 , 1628. , 1646, 1677, 1678 , 1737 , 1813. , 2267 OSTRACODA . . 296 , 865 , 972 OXYGEN 66 , 91 92 , 113, 120, 124 , 151 , 152 , 167, 172, 174 , 175. , 189. , 208, 212, 310. , 332. , 379. , 380, 427, 431. , 434. , 468. , 474, 612, 616 , 631. , 650. , 702, 724, 765 , 800. , 835, 933, 934, 952 , 958. , 967. ■ 972, 974, 994. , 995. . 996, 999, 1011, 1012 , 1014 , 1025. , 1030, 1037, 1038 , 1039 , 1057. , 1058, 1104, 1144 , 1165. , 1175. , 1183, 1212, 1325 , 1340 . 1401, , 1418, 1431, 1432. , 1435 , 1558. , 1580, 1644, 1645 , 1705 , 1706. ■ 1795, 1826, 1827 , 1828 , 1833. , 1834, 1837, 1936 , 1977 , 1982. , 2037, 2085, 2093. , 2095. , 2120, 2135, 2165, 2175. , 2187. , 2189, , 2190, 2195, 2201. , 2231. , 2250, 2258, 2270, 2275. , 2333. , 2364, 2376, 2377, 2379, , 2400 PACIFIC SALMON . . 1399 , 1565. , 1702 (SA: chinook salmon) (SA: coho salmon) (SA: salmon) PADDLEFISH PAHS (SA: specific compounds) 166, 1399 1030 341 PALEOCLIMATOLOGY 482, 688, 833, 1187, 1188, (SA: climate) 1189, 1190, 1790 PALEOECOLOGY 110, 304, 308, 482, 671, (SA: fossils; SA: glacial; 672, 688, 795, 796, 833, SA: history) 1102, 1130, 1187, 1227a, 1496, 1561, 1562, 1720, 2414 PALEONTOLOGY 220, 296, 1399, 2057 PALYNOLOGY (S: pollen) PARASITES_FISH (S: fish_parasites) PARAS ITESJSNAILS 150 PARKS (SA: recreation) 557, 751, 1042, 1085 PARTICULATES (S: particles) PARTICLES 14, 16, 18, 33, 138, 303, 359, 371, 532, 550, 583, 589, 596, 646, 667, 709, 710, 718, 721, 861, 934, 1109, 1201, 1218, 1285, 1290, 1293, 1294, 1300, 1311, 1334, 1342, 1350, 1462, 1553, 1563, 1608, 1652, 1719, 1728, 1729, 1774, 1894, 1895, 1901, 1903, 1904, 2045, 2095, 2289, 2293, 2295, 2296, 2297, 2298, 2355, 2364 PARTICLES FLUX PARTICLES TRANSPORT PARTICLE SIZE (.S: grain size) PCBS ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION/LOADING PCBS BIOTA PCBS_CYCLING PCBS_DEPOSITION PCBS_DISCHARGE (S: discharge PCBs) 33, 583, 589, 596, 1719, 2298 18, 303, 532, 646, 667, 718, 1109, 1218, 1285, 1290, 1293, 1294, 1300, 1311, 1334, 1563, 1608, 1894, 1895, 1701, 1903, 2289 95, 524, 635, 1027, 1040, 1139, 1558 31, 66, 67, 93, 95, 207, 208, 263, 522, 524, 610, 627, 635, 643, 719, 765, 835, 836, 837, 951, 967, 974, 1026, 1027, 1037, 1039, 1040, 1061, 1139, 1179, 1217, 1237, 1484, 1487, 1558, 1673, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1930, 2205, 2259, 2261, 2262, 2265, 2310, 2337, 2338, 2416 1027, 2085 635, 967, 1027, 1625 342 PCBSJ.OADING 208, 1037, 1828, PCBS_MASS BALANCE 2085 PCBS_SEDIMENTS 66, 580, 967, 1179, 1827, PCBS_TRANSP0RT (SA: organics_transport) PCBSJRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_PCBs) PEAT PELECYPODA (S: clams) PERCH PERIPHYTON (SA: specific species, i .e. , Cladophora) PESTICIDES (SA: organochlorine pesticides) (SA: specific pesticides) 524, 571, 1040, 1057, 2205, 2259, 95, 207, 721, 762, 974, 1027, 1558, 1625, 1828, 2085, 765, 768, 1139, 1827, 2260, 2264 208, 524, 765, 768, 1057, 1139, 1825, 1826, 2260 95, 524, 967, 1027, 2085 672, 740, 1102, 1188, 1191, 1997 93. 166. , 197. , 223. , 261, 262. , 273. , 311. , 382. . 392, 428, 545. , 546. , 551. , 553, 555. , 619. , 726. , 754. , 774, 775. , 803. , 835. , 836. ■ 837, 874. 916. , 974. , 994. , 1000, 1098. , 1125. , 1140. , 1266. , 1267, 1269, 1399. , 1550. , 1573. , 1575, 1577. 1578. , 1585. , 1680. , 1684, 1688. , 1689. , 1691. , 1693. , 1752, 1790. , 1825. , 1826. , 1830. , 1886, 1922. 1926. , 1963. , 1970. , 2009, 2050. , 2065 , 2219. , 2231. , 2236, 2262. , 2265. , 2279. , 2303. , 2304, 2314, , 2322, , 2323, , 2366 26. , 64 , 169. , 551. , 644, 905. , 994. , 1005. , 1014. , 1019, 1384. , 1492. , 1493. , 1733. , 1743, 1975, , 2014, ■ 2231, , 2385, , 2400 31. 33. 37. , 62. 66, 67. ■ 74. 93. , 106. , 189, 207. , 208 , 223. , 263. , 362, 472. , 522 , 524. , 531. , 548, 577. , 610 , 627. , 635. , 721, 754. , 763 , 765 , 768. ■ 786, 835. , 836 , 837 , 863. , 885, 886. , 887 , 923. , 967. , 968, 971 , 972 , 973 , 974. , 1026, 1027 , 1030 , 1037. , 1039. , 1053, 1056 , 1057 , 1061 , 1083 , 1089, 1114 , 1115 , 1142 , 1143 , 1177, 1179 , 1212 , 1217. , 1219. , 1230, 1231 , 1272 , 1276 , 1277. , 1308, 1345 , 1346 , 1351 , 1484. , 1487, 343 PESTICIDES (continued) PETROLEUM (SA: oil; SA: hydrocarbons) PH PHAEOPHYTIN (SA: plant pigments) PHENOLS 1523 1641 1692 1828 1953 2190 2197 2208 2261 2338 765 9 189 954 971 980 1106 1211 1411 1584 1777 1828 1843 2085 2187 2250 2309 2433 237 PHOSPHORUS_CYCLING .. PH0SPH0RUS_DEP0SITI0N PHOSPHORUS DISCHARGE 1558, 1672, 1693, 1829, 2050, 2191, 2198, 2209, 2262, 2358, 2405 66, 237, 967, 972, 996, 1159, 1236, 1435, 1705, 1790, 1829, 1844, 2086, 2190, 2253, 2364, 1591, 1673, 1825, 1831, 2085, 2192, 2201, 2210, 2323, 2368, 1625, 1690, 1826, 1930, 2175, 2193, 2205, 2211, 2331, 2416 1630, 1691, 1827, 1935, 2186, 2194, 2207, 2212, 2337, 91, 325, 968, 973, 1025, 1160, 1335, 1465, 1706, 1797, 1835, 1936, 2095, 2195, 2258a 2377, 113, 375, 969, 974, 1057, 1161, 1400, 1466, 1769, 1826, 1837, 1977, 2120, 2201, , 2270 2379, 124, 871, 970, 979, 1099, 1175, 1406, 1558, 1772, 1827, 1839, 2055, 2165, 2231, , 2275, 2400, 189. , 765 , 800, 969. , 971 . 972, 980. , 1025 , 1175, 1558. , 1641. , 1682, 1826. , 1827. , 1828, 2085. , 2093 , 2135, 2190. , 2195. , 2258a 69. , 332. ■ 1027, 1778 , ■ 1952, , 2085, 69, 180. , 967, 1222, 1462, 1464, 1796, 2238, 2329 69. , 181. ■ 245, 967, , 972, , 973, 984. , 1014. , 1037, 1059 , 1210. , 1211, 1558. , 1795. , 1796, 1827. , 1828. , 1833, 1977. , 2160. , 2175, 2190. , 2195. • 2231, 2400. , 2421 967, 968, 974, 979, 1211, 1411, 1705, 1706, 1829, 1936, 2165, 2187, , 2258b, 2364 1235, 1520, 2221 1027, 1210, 1465, 1466, 577, 974, 1040, 1236, 1797, 1839, 2187, 2238, 711, 979, 1057, 1462, 1826, 1936, 2189, 2333, 344 PHOSPHORUS LOADING PHOSPHORUS MODEL PHOSPHORUS MONITORING PHOSPHORUS PHYTOPLANKTON PHOSPHORUS_POLLUTION (SA: phosphorus_water quality) 92, 180, 184, 208, 328, 335, 336, 616, 765, 947, 1037, 1038, 1057, 1058, 1078, 1129, 1210, 1235, 1236, 1462, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1568, 1779, 1795. 1796. 1827, 1833, 1936, 1976, 1977, 2018, 2055, 2132, 2160, 2189, 2205, , 2238, 2276, 2431 88. , 89. , 92, 245, 328, 332, 335, 336, 1159, 1160. , 1568. , 1824, 1936, 1952, 2219 66, ■ 91. 189. ■ 947, 969, 970, 971, 972, 979, 980, 1014, 1038, 1040, 1104. , 1558. , 1639, 1827, 1828. 1829. 2255, 2359, 2364, 2400 9. 20. , 88. ■ 89, 92, 102, , 152. , 175, 178, 180. , 181. , 184, 208, , 237. , 328. , 332, 336, 375. 468, , 577, 629, 650, 702, 765, 911. 912. , 913. , 934, 962c i, 967. , 969. , 970, 972, , 973. , 974. , 979, 984, 1014. , 1027. ■ H29, 1234, 1235. , 1236. , 1340, 1465, 1466. , 1489 , 1520, 1644, , 1672. , 1706. ■ 1777, 1795. , 1796. , 1824. , 1826, 1828. , 1833 , 1834 , 1835, 1838. , 1839 , 1840 , 1841, 1936. , 1977 , 2012 , 2017, 2055 , 2063 , 2160 , 2189, 2219 , 2231 , 2250 ► 2251, 2255 , 2275 , 2276 , 2400, 2422 66 68 . 92 , 100, 152. , 175 , 178 , 180, 184 , 208 , 245 , 246, 328 , 468 , 474 ■ 577, 628 , 650 , 686 , 702, 765 , 826 , 947 , 962a 969 , 971 , 972 , 973, 979 , 980 , 984 ■ 1014, 1030 , 1037 , 1038 , 1039, 1057 , 1058 , 1059 , 1078, 1207 , 1210 , 1211 , 1222, 287, 650, 1040, 1159, 1463, 1706, 1828, 2002, 2187, 2329, 287, 616, 1834, 967, 973, 1039, 1826, 2258a, 91 176 189 335 610 871 947 971 980 1175 1400 1584 1779 1827 1837 1843 2018 2190 2252 2421 102 181 287 616 711 , 967 974 1027 1040 1175 1234 345 PHOSPHORUS POLLUTION (continued) PHOSPHORUS POLLUTION ABATEMENT PHOSPHORUS SEDIMENTS PHOSPHORUS TRANSPORT PHOSPHORUS TRIBUTARIES PHOSPHORUS UPTAKE PHOSPHORUS_WATER QUALITY ... (SA: phosphorus pollution) 1235, 1340, , 1411, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1619, 1639. , 1644, 1706, 1779, 1795, 1827, 1828. , 1829, 1857, 1936, 1976, 2055. 2085. , 2120, 2160, 2175. , 2187, 2195. , 2205. , 2219, 2250. , 2255. , 2258a 2400, , 2421, , 2422, 180. , 245. , 246, 628. , 650, , 711, 1037. , 1059. , 1175, 1645. , 1936. , 2055, 66. 69 . 92, 577. , 686 , 702, 962e i, 967. , 1027, 1222. , 1235 , 1411, 1558 , 1773 , 1778, 1837 , 1857 , 1905, 1977 , 2085 , 2093, 2135 , 2189 ■ 2221, 88 , 967 ■ 979, 1222 , 1411 , 1432, 2189 , 2221 9 , 66 . 92, 208 , 421 , 650, 974 , 984 , 1027, 1210 , 1235 , 1462, 1779 , 1795 , 1796, 1828 , 1833 , 1834, 1936 , 1976 , 1977, 2189 , 2190 • 2195, 2238 , 2250 • 2287, 1235 , 1236 , 1520, 2421 9 66 . 68, 89 91. , 92, 175. , 176. , 178, 186 , 189 , 208, 287. , 328. , 332, 421. , 474. , 548, 650. , 702. , 711, 870. , 871. , 913, 967 , 969 , 970, 973 , 974 , 979, 1014. , 1025. , 1027, 1038 , 1039 , 1040, 1059 , 1078 , 1104, 1175 , 1207 i 1210, 1235 , 1236 , 1340, 1462, 1520, 1645, 1796, 2834, 2002, 2132, 2189, 2231, , 2258b 2431 474 765 1340 2175 208 765 1057 1432 1796 1936 2095 2231 984 1936 178 947 1040 1463 1797 1839 2002 2205 2430 1777 69 100 180 245 335 616 765 947 971 980 1030 1057 1159 1211 1406 1463, 1558, 1647, 1797, 1836, 2012, 2135, 2190, 2238, , 2333, 616, 973, 1463, 2255 421, 826, 1159, 1435, 1833, 1976, 2120, 2400 1027, 2085, 180, 967, 1057, 1645, 1827, 1905, 2187, 2219, 2431 1841, 88, 152, 181, 246, 336, 628, 826, 962a, 972, 984, 1037, 1058, 1161, 1234, 1462, 346 PHOSPHORUS WATER QUALITY (continued) PHOTOSYNTHESIS . 1463 1639 1706 1827 1836 1977 2085 2160 2190 2238 2258b 2364 9 434 1183 1807 2055 PHTHALATES 974 PHYSIOGRAPHY 339 2102 PHYTOFLAGELLATES 719 (SA: dinofi age Hates) (SA: flagellates) PHYTOPLANKTON (SA: specific species or taxa) PHYTOPI_ANKTON_ABUNDANCE 20 115 375 481 871 1154 1459 1563 1724 1837 1889 2015 2020 2189 2323 PHYTOPLANKTON_BIOACCUMULATION 106 (SA: phytoplankton_uptake) 1338 1827 PHYTOPLANKTON_BIOMASS 720 1833 PHYTOPLANKTON_CARBON UPTAKE 181 702 1807 PHYTOPLANKTON_DECOMPOSITION 641 2189 1558, 1644, 1795, 1828, 1840, 2002, 2093, 2165, 2195, 2241c , 2275 2400 1568, 1645, 1796, 1829, 1841, 2012, 2095, 2175, 2205, , 2250 , 2287 1584, 1647, 1797, 1833, 1936, 2018, 2120, 2187, 2221, , 2255 , 2333 1619, 1705, 1826, 1834, 1976, 2055, 2132, 2189, 2231, , 2258a, , 2359, 148, 196, 237, 431, 638, 639, 640, 934, 1431, 1539, 1560, 1805, 1833, 1837, 1844, 2047, 2275, 2421 1825, 1826 744, 765, 954, 1594, 2241a, 2241b, 2345 1459, 2189, 2276 , 32, 102, 104, , 128, 152, 174, , 392, 427, 465, , 629. , 694, 698, , 910. , 911, 934, , 1173. ■ 1194, 1259, , 1489. , 1539, 1560, , 1564. , 1578, 1611, , 1732 , 1733, 1827, , 1840 , 1842, 1843, , 2010 . 2011, 2013, , 2016 , 2017, 2018, , 2021 , 2043, 2055, , 2249 , 2250, 2251, , 2341 , 2343, 2344, , 427 , 428, 1089, , 1492. , 1706, 1725, , 2190 , 2286, 2289, , 911 , 1369, 1459, , 2034. , 2276, 2343 , 196 , 237, 639, , 1001 , 1539, 1564, , 1841 , 2275 , 1559 , 1561, 1562, 105, 347, 468, 720, 994, 1369, 1561, 1717, 1834, 1844, 2014, 2019, 2083, 2322, 2421 1334, 1826, 2424 1561, 640, 1777, 1563, 347 PHYTOPLANKTON DISTRIBUTION PHYTOPLANKTON_FOOD CHAIN .. (SA: zooplankton_grazing) PHYTOPLANKTON_GROWTH (SA: primary production) PHYTOPLANKTON HABITAT PHYTOPLANKTON LIGHT PHYTOPLANKTON_MAPPING (S: mapping_phyto plankton) PHYTOPLANKTON_METALS (includes trace metals) 32 110 163 419 629 910 977 1259 1459 1561 1706 1743 1842 1961 2019 2055 2276 2343 70 427 640 1340 1956 76 1129 1889 2305 32 2014 2323 , 65, 92, 104, , 115, 116, 117, , 174, 237, 375, , 427, 428, 466, , 698, 765, 835, , 911. 912, 913, , 994, 1001, 1154, , 1350, 1369, 1384, , 1489. , 1539, 1559, , 1563. , 1578, 1611, , 1717. , 1724, 1732, , 1779. , 1827, 1834, , 1844. , 1884, 1889, , 2013. , 2014, 2015, , 2020 • 2021, 2043, , 2083 , 2219, 2249, , 2286 , 2289, 2322, , 2344 , 2424 , 148 , 331, 332, , 428 , 431, 526, , 958 , 1027, 1320, , 1369 , 1794, 1824, , 2189 , 2274, 2289, , 331 , 332, 392, , 1234 , 1578, 1584, , 2063 , 2083, 2219, , 2421 , 431 , 976, 977, , 2020 , 2063, 2138, 105, 128, 417, 481, 871, 934, 1194, 1401, 1560, 1680, 1733, 1837, 1936, 2018, 2047, 2251, 2323, 334, 639, 1338, 1935, 2424 719, 1838, 2252, 1489, 2250, 9, 638, 934, 1236, 2063, 2275 9, 106, 180, 428, 962a 972, 1014, 1338, 1706, 1833, 2013, 2289, 2424 34, 174, 189, 610, , 967, 973, 1027, 1400, 1725, 1884, 2160, 2293, 64, 175, 208, 644, 968, 974, 1175, 1489, 1826, 1897, 2231, 2294, 65, 176, 426, 765, 969, 980, 1334, 1493, 1827, 1936, 2254, 2385, 92, 178, 427, 958, 971, 994, 1336, 1584, 1828, 1977, 2286, 2400, PHYTOPLANKTON_METABOLISM . PHYT0PLANKT0N_M0DEL (S: model_phytoplankton) 148, 1520, 1961, 2005, 2251 348 PHYTOPLANKTON MONITORING PHYTOPLANKTON_MORPHOLOGY PHYTOPLANKTON NUTRIENTS PHYTOPLANKTON ORGANICS PHYTOPLANKTON_PHOSPHORUS (S: phosphorus_phytoplankton) PHYTOPLANKTON PHYSIOLOGY 91, 117, 465, 968, 973, 999, 1766, 2090, 2021 104, 105, 106, 128, 163, 189, 644, 835, 947, 969, 970, 971, 979, 980, 994, 1014, 1336, 1580, 1826, 1827, 1828, 2170, 2255, 2385, 62 116 315 967 972 995 1611 2034 2400 2020 5 91 148 178 189 331 375 468 640 805 912 969 980 1154 1236 1400 1520 1584 1743 1796 1833 1839 1844 2012 2020 2160 2250 2270 2385 62 577 962a 973 1089 1826 2160 65, 427, 1520, 1578, 1826, 1327, 1828, 1889, 1961, 2190, 2219 9, 20, 88, , 89, 92, 102, 110, 124, 152, 174, 175, 176, 180, 181, 182, 184, 208, 237, 310, 328, 332, 335, 336, 347, 392. 417, 431, 434, 526, 577, 629, 639, 650, 698, 702, 765, 835. , 871. , 910. , 911, 913. , 934. , 947. , 958, 971 , 973. , 974. , 979, 984. , 1014. , 1027. ■ H29, 1183. , 1212. , 1234. , 1235, 1259 , 1315. , 1316. , 1340, 1431. , 1465. , 1466. , 1489, 1561. , 1562. , 1563. , 1580, 1644. , 1672. , 1706. , 1717, 1777. , 1779. , 1794. , 1795, 1824. , 1826. , 1827. , 1828, 1834 , 1835. , 1837. , 1838, 1840 , 1841 , 1842 , 1843, 1889 , 1936. , 1956 . 1977, 2013 , 2015 , 2017 , 2018, 2047 , 2055 , 2063 , 2064, 2167 , 2189 , 2219 , 2249, 2251 , 2252 , 2254 , 2255, 2275 , 2276 , 2305 , 2322, 2400 , 2421 , 2422 106 , 189 , 208 , 310, 610 , 719 , 765 , 958, 967 , 968 , 971 , 972, 974 , 979 , 980 , 1027, 1175 , 1212 , 1672 , 1706, 1827 , 1828 , 1935 , 1936, 2189 , 2190 , 2323 349 PHYTOPLANKTON POPULATIONS 65, 104, 116, 117, 128, 184, 375, 427, 467, 835, 1001, 1194, 1369, 1560, 1724, 1743, 1794, 1842, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2343 PHYTOPLANKTON_POWER PLANTS (S: power plants, effects on phytopl ankton) PHYTOPLANKTON_REVIEW (S: review_phy to pi ankton) PHYTOPLANKTON_SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION PHYTOPLANKTON SEASONAL VARIATION .. PHYTOPLANKTON_SEDIMENTS (SA: periphyton) PHYTOPLANKTON SORPTION PHYTOPLANKTON_SUCCESSION ... PHYTOPLANKTON_SUMMARY (S: summary_phy to pi ankton) PHYTOPLANKTON TAXONOMY 115, 1732, 2276 9, 20, 92, 104, 117, 328, 466, 467, 639, 640, 911, 967, 979, 980, 1173, 1560, 1564, 1733, 1743, 1777, 1795, 1796, 1840, 2005, 2251, 2289, 2294 702, 1559, 1561, 1563, 1717, 2014 1212, 1338, 1563, 1897, 2286, 2289, 2293, 2294, 2424 308, 392, 1657, 2015 PHYTOPLANKTON_TEMPERATURE (SA: phytopl an kton_thermal_polluti on) PHYTOPLANKTON_THERMAL_POLLUTION . (SA: phytopl an kton_temperature) 9, 62, . 65, , 76, 89 , , 91. 92. , 102, 110. 181, 182, 189, 310, 315, 347, 375, 434, 467, 629, 720, 871, 912, 958. , 967, 969. , 970. , 971. , 972, 974, 979. , 980. , 984, 995, , 999, 1014, 1183, 1390. ■ 1431, 1489. , 1509, 1743, , 1777. , 1779. 1795, 1826. , 1827. , 1828. , 1833, 1842. , 1843. , 1844. , 1870, 2011. , 2016. , 2034. , 2063, 2090. , 2170. , 2190. , 2250, 2270 , 2275. , 2341. , 2366, 2385 , 2422 62 • 64 , 65 , 76, 110 , 167 , 170 , 181, 196 , 315 , 431 i 720, 984 , 994 , 1001 , 1014, 1027 , 1175 , 1212 , 1334, 1509 , 1578 , 1733 , 1827, 88, 107, 196, 431, 765, 968, 973, 994, 1334, 1580, 1807, 1837, 1878, 2083, 2257, 2379, 107, 195, 765, 1024, 1383, 1936, 350 PHYTOPLANKTON_THERMAL_POLLUTION (continued) PHYTOPLANKTON_TOXICS (S: to xics_phyto plankton) PHYTOPLANKTON_UPTAKE (SA : phy to pi ankton_bi oaccumul ati on ) 1956, 1961, 1975, 1982, 2011, 2013, 2090, 2190, 2219, 2231, 2322, 2323, 2366, 2385, 2400, 2421, 2422 181, 196, 237, 427, 639, 640, 644, 1001, 1235, 1236, 1492, 1493, 1520, 1539, 1564, 1725, 1777, 1805, 1807, 1841, 1884, 1897, 1956, 2275, 2286, 2289, 2421 PHYT0PLANKT0N_WATER QUALITY (S: water qual i ty_phyto plankton) PICKEREL 166 PIKE (SA: blue pike) (SA: northern pike) (SA: walleye) PINK SALMON (SA: salmon; SA: salmonid) PIRATE PERCH PLANT PIGMENTS (SA: careotinoids) (SA: chlorophyll) (SA: phaeophytin) 10, 166, 178, 220, 223, 273, 468, 545, 804, 967, 1098, 1399, 1585, 1683, 1828, 2265, 2279, 2281, 2323, 2366, 2373, 2378 1565, 2284, 2285 1399 237, 375, 912, 1732, 1777 PLECOPTERA , PLEISTOCENE 1585, 1588 PLUTONIUM POINT SOURCE 217, 220. 621. , 622, 624, 686, 688, ■ 798, 1242, 1243. 1244. ■ 1245, 1399, 1899, , 2057, , 2273, 13, 14. 15 16, 18, 65. , 583. , 589, 596, 828. , 1103. , 1336, 1494, 1625 , 2286 , 2288, 2290, 2291. , 2292 , 2293, 2296, 2298 . , 2301, , 2424 106, 114, 164, 168, 195, 245, 246. 266, 303, 305. 314, 317, 384, 386, , 407. , 408, 434, 455. , 577. , 593, 679, 681. , 683. , 684, 714, 718. , 800. • 967, 974, 975, , 979. , 984, 1036, 1037. , 1039, , 1040, 1058, 1059. , 1090, , 1106, 1179, 1201, , 1210. , 1211, 623, 1027, 1397, 2346 17, 590, 1338, 2289, 2294, 180, 301, 318, 411, 605, 711, 968, 1030, 1057, 1139, 1235, 351 POINT SOURCE (continued) POLICY POLLEN POLLUTANTS (general) (SA: specific compounds) POLLUTION (SA: water quality) POLLUTION_ABATEMENT 7 (SA: phosphorus_pollution abatement) 180 (SA: pollution_managementT 246 (SA: remedial action) 479 (SA: research needs_pollution_ 650 abatement) 753 (SA: water quality_management) 975 1059 1121 1204 1379 1641 1936 2156 2186 2194 2209 2256 1236, 1297, 1300, 1354, 1462, 1546, , 1556, 1558, 1571, 1636, , 1703, 1707, 1753, 1755, 1779, 1789, 1804, 1823, 1827, 1828, 1867, 1870. , 1884, 1935, 1938. , 1964. ■ 1974, 1976, 1982, , 2037. , 2045, 2077, 2187. , 2189. , 2190, 2200, 2254. , 2260. , 2289, 2333, 2356. , 2400 , , 2402, 2434 71. . 77. , 165, 245, 299. , 300 , 301, 373, 399. , 435 ■ 511, 534, 628 , 632 , 634, 757, 762 , 766 . 773, 790, 940 , 959 , 961, 1038, 1050. , 1051 , 1052, 1063, 1175 , 1205 , 1304, 1324, 1548 , 1645 , 1845, 1848, 2155 , 2230 , 2351, 2381, 2443 , 2444 525 , 1102 , 1130, 1189, 1532 , 1715 , 1716, 2413, 1937 , 2402 POLLUTION_ATMOSPHERIC (S: atmospheric_pollution) POLLUTION_BACTERIA (SA: bacteria_water quality) 1401, 1570, 1752, 1796, 1866, 1936, 1977, 2155, 2231, 2354, 298, 377, 543, 760, 846, 1040, 1113, 1544, 1982, 2440, 1227a, 2414 , 48, 63, 95, 153, , 206, 207, 210, 245, , 321, 368, 456, 474, , 511, 614, 616, 628, , 711, 724, 735, 752, , 765, 774, 800, 973, , 978, 985, 1033, 1037, , 1063, 1064, 1074, 1108, , 1144, 1175, 1202, 1203, , 1206, 1340, 1351, 1364, , 1380, 1392, 1463, 1554, , 1642, 1643, 1645, 1888, , 1982, 2055, 2133, 2155, , 2173, 2175, 2182, 2185, , 2188, 2191, 2192, 2193, , 2197, 2198, 2207, 2208, , 2210, 2211, 2212, 2255, , 2257 66, 92, 175, 244, 319, 329, 330, 333, 337, 453, 465, 714, 724, 765, 800, 854, 915, 952, 958, 962a, 352 POLLUTION BACTERIA (continued) POLLUTION_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES (SA: water quality benthic_ invertebratesT POLLUTION_CIRCULATION (S: circulation pollution) POLLUTION CURRENTS POLLUTION CYCLING POLLUTION DISPERSION 967, 968, 969, 971, 973, 974, 979, 980, 1027, 1029, 1030, 1058, 1175, 1183, 1312. 1313, 1639, 1641, 1644, 1657, 1795. 1819. 1820. 1827, 1829, 1869. 1870. , 1890, 1982. 2094, 2096. , 2120, 2174. , 2175. 2178. , 2189, 2195. , 2201. 2205. , 2219, 2250. , 2254. , 2255. , 2257, 2258f ), 233: 1, 237/ ', 2400 62. , 64. 92. , 107, 113. , 152. , 169 , 170, 182 , 185 , 208 , 310, 347 , 468. , 612 , 685, 703 , 725. , 765 , 861, 886 , 887. , 893 , 905, 930 , 931. , 932 ■ 933, 969 , 972 , 974 , 980, 1020 , 1024 , 1027 , 1030, 1092 , 1149 , 1151 , 1220, 1401 , 1445 , 1449 , 1452, 1528 , 1578 , 1580 , 1743, 1935 , 1936 , 1956 . 1961, 2189 , 2231 , 2323 , 2366, 2379 , 2385 , 2400 12, 21, 114, 182, 310, 337. 347, 446, 714, 875, 927, 958, 1106, 1221, 1232, 1349, 1410. 1639. , 1810, 1868, 1937, 2085. 2164, 2172, 2269, 2376, , 2402 65. 110. , H3, 310, 1027. 1062. , 1235, 1520, 2085. , 2352, , 2429 11. 21. , 62, 80, 167. , 198 , 342, 449, 576 , 680 , 682, 884, 906 , 956 . 993, 1105, 1149 , 1152 , 1169, 1201, 1286 , 1287 , 1290, 1294, 1329 , 1354 , 1401, 1493, 1556 , 1634 , 1635, 1636, 1748 , 1804 , 1811, 1821, 1868 , 1898 , 1936, 1937, 2077 , 2078 . 2172, 2203, 2269 , 2402 , 2417, 2434 972, 1014, 1106, 1558, 1743, 1828, 1936, 2162, 2190, 2231, 2258a, 110, 174, 315, 702, 885, 927, 967, 1015, 1091, 1383, 1493, 1827, 2090, 2376, 198, 449, 1105, 1354, 1870, 2189, 958, 1674, 81, 575, 905, 1106, 1232, 1314, 1540, 1637, 1823, 2056, 2219, 353 POLLUTION DREDGING POLLUTION_EUTROPHICATION (SA: water quality) POLLUTION_GROUNDWATER (SA: water quality_groundwater) P0LLUTI0N_HARB0RS (SA: water quality_harbors) P0LLUTI0N_HI STORY (SA: water quality history) 48, 208, 577, 635, 703, 826, 972, 974, 1027, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1058, 1074, 1165, 1391, 1679, 1936, 2094, 2096, 2135, 2175, 2189, 2190 48, , 49. , 64, 87, 102, 110, 152, 174, 178, 180, 182, 184, 208, 310, 312, 347, 474, 534, 616, 650, 702, 720, 724, 753, 893. , 910. , 931, 932, 947, 958. ■ 985, 1027, 1058, 1210. , 1212, 1259, 1340. , 1383. , 1411, 1419, 1539. 1543. 1554, 1558, 1644, , 1645. , 1647, 1657, 1796. , 1827. , 1834, 1836, 1927. , 1935. , 1936, 1982, 2005. , 2012. , 2013, 2019, 2096. , 2160. , 2171, 2174, 2177. , 2178 ■ 2181, 2183, 2186 , 2196 , 2200, 2201, 2250. , 2254 , 2322, 2323, 2343 , 2431 66. , 208 , 618, 763, 967. , 985. , 1497, 1616, 1890 , 2302 , 2331 110 , 113 , 244, 635, 649 , 702 , 703, 768, 915 , 955 , 972, 992, 1105 , 1106 , 1165, 1220, 1706 , 1827 , 1935, 1936, 2096 , 2135 , 2154b , 2187 110 , 166 , 174, 178, 208 , 210 , 310, 328, 382 , 390 , 537, 592, 616 , 710 , 714, 754, 927 , 933 , 939, 967, 1170 , 1351 , 1364, 1380, 1558 , 1583 , 1642, 1647, 1743 , 1926 , 1927, 2055, 2254 , 2323 702, 984, 1045, 1558, 2120, 100, 175, 207, 468, 653, 765, 933, 1037, 1334, 1449, 1619, 1795, 1926, 2002, 2094, 2176, 2184, 2214, 2324, 765, 1631, 648, 861, 1074, 1703, 2094, , 2190 182, 330, 614, 765, 1027, 1524, 1713, 2238, P0LLUTI0N_HYDR0CARB0NS (S: hydrocarbons_pollution) P0LLUTI0N_IN0RGANICS (S: inorganics) (S: toxics; S: water qual ity_inorganics) P0LLUTI0N_L0ADING 12, 208, 330, 92, 113, 180, 184, 287, 305, 328, 329, 386, 434, 524, 531, 354 POLLUTION LOADING (continued) POLLUTION_MANAGEMENT (SA: pollution_abatement) (SA: water qual ityjnanagement) POLLUTION_METALS (S: metal s_polluti on) P0LLUTI0N_M0DEL (SA: model_water quality) 571, 587, 616, 648, 649, 650. ■ 707, 708, 736, 743, 753. ■ 765, 768, 800, 885, 886. , 947, 955, 975, 1029, 1036. , 1037, 1038. , 1040. , 1053, 1057. , 1058, 1078, 1080, 1089, 1105. , 1210. 1216, 1235. , 1354, 1410. , 1426, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465. , 1466. 1493, 1524. , 1580, 1706 , 1713. , 1779. , 1795. , 1796, 1827. , 1828. , 1862. , 1869. , 1876, 1895. , 1896. , 1901. , 1936. , 1938, 1953. , 1956. , 1976. , 2002. , 2055, 2132. , 2155. , 2160. , 2186. , 2187, 2189 , 2192, , 2197, , 2198. , 2205, 2206 , 2207. , 2208. , 2209. ► 2210, 2211 , 2212. , 2238. , 2254. , 2260, 2264. , 2331. , 2354. , 2355. , 2356, 2368 , 2379 , 2431 3. , 35. , 48. 55. 58, 74 ► 77. , 114 , 154 , 178, 207 , 208 , 210 , 310 , 321, 368 , 398 , 399 , 436 , 479, 480 , 511 , 538 , 540 , 577, 635 , 658 , 695 ► 714 , 735, 736 , 737 , 742 , 752 . 753, 754 , 765 , 766 , 770. ■ 771, 772 , 773 ► 774 , 847 • 864, 958 , 962c i, 967 , 985 , 1029, 1053 , 1055. , 1056. , 1058. , 1059, 1064 , 1078. , 1121. , 1144. , H75, 1202 , 1203. , 1204. , 1206 , 1226, 1259 , 1297. , 1313. , 1383. , 1392, 1497 , 1521. , 1544. , 1619. , 1642, 1644 , 1645 , 1681. , 1834. , 1927, 1982 , 2037. , 2055 , 2085. . 2123, 2126 , 2127. , 2128 , 2129 , 2130, 2131 , 2132. , 2133. , 2136. ■ 2137, 2156 , 2162. , 2173. , 2175. , 2179, 2182 , 2185 , 2186. , 2188. , 2191, 2192 , 2193 , 2194 , 2197 ► 2198, 2201 , 2205 , 2207 , 2208 , 2209, 2210 , 2211. , 2212. , 2230. , 2255, 2263 , 2351 1. 2, 11, 12, 21, 62, 64, 74, 79, 80, 92, 114, 198, 245, 287, 309, 310, 328, 329, 330, 333, 337, 368, 386, 399, 434, 447, 449, 511, 532, 550, 575, 576, 616, 652, 355 POLLUTION MODEL (continued) POLLUTION_MONITORING (SA: water qual ity_monitoring) POLLUTION J)IL (SA: pollution hydrocarbons) P0LLUTI0N_0RGANICS (S: organics; S: toxics) (S: water qual ity_organics) P0LLUTI0N_PH0SPH0RUS (S: phosphorus_pollution) P0LLUTI0N_P0WER PLANTS (S: power plants) (S: thermal_pollution) P0LLUTI0N_RESIDENCE TIME POLLUTION_REVIEW (S: review_pollution) POLLUTION RUNOFF 678, 679, 681, 682, 710, 864, 875, 957, 1105, 1106, 1109, 1169, 1183, 1201, 1232, 1233, 1287, 1300, 1354, 1379, 1524, 1555, 1556, 1580, 1634, 1635, 1637, 1657, 1713, 1811, 1834, 1868, 1898. 1901, 1936, 1937, 2056, 2077. 2219, 2354, 2363, 2402 , , 2417, , 2434 3. 54. 62. , 66, 108, 118. ■ 164, 266, 315, 382. , 383. , 384, 465. 524. , 615. ■ 679, 685. , 844 , 863. , 947, 956, 967. , 968. , 969, 972. 973. , 975. , 979, 989. , 990. , 1002. , 1003, 1006, 1007. , 1008. , 1009, 1014. , 1015 , 1020. , 1021, 1023. 1029. , 1031. , 1032, 1038. , 1039 , 1040 , 1064, 1092. , 1142. , 1179. , 1329, 1455. , 1513 , 1528 , 1558, 1574. , 1580. , 1636. , 1639, 1681. , 1744 , 1749 , 1750, 1821 , 1827 , 1828 , 1829, 1966 , 1967 , 1973 , 1974, 2066 , 2090 , 2174 , 2178, 2255 , 2258c I, 226( ), 2263 2384 , 2385 , 2390 , 2392, 2400 400 , 453 , 529 , 635, 754 , 861 , 952 , 1090, 1165 , 1175 , 1211 , 1354, 1558 , 1706 , 1713 , 2085, 2135 , 2190 , 2201 , 2354, 683, 958, 1182, 1285, 1426, 1582, 1674, 1895, 1996, 2355, 81, 313, 455, 681, 948, 971, 980, 1005, 1013, 1022, 1035, 1080, 1445, 1572, 1658, 1754, 1962, 2032, 2185, , 2383, 2393, 740, 1107, 1392, 2120, 2356 309, 1222, 2352, 2354 48, 68, 309, 362, 399, 531, 577, 737, 765, 844, 356 POLLUTION RUNOFF (continued) POLLUTION SEASONAL VARIATION POLLUTION_SEDIMENTS (SA: sediments_chemistry) POLLUTION_SOURCE (S: point source) (S: nonpoint source) POLLUTION_THERMAL (S: thermal_poll ution) POLLUTION TRANSPORT 968, 974, 979, 984, 1040, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1058. , 1089, 1175, 1207, 1234, 1392, 1497. 1524, 1674. , 1703, 1704, 1796, 1828. , 1862, 1953, , 1982, 2187. , 2189, 2205, , 2302, 2352, , 2368 11. , 337, 472. , 875, 979, ■ 980, 1105, , H09, 1287. , 1294, 1298, , 1300, 1796. , 2085 65. . 66, 92. 95, 113, 185, 207, 208, 386. , 434, 524. 577, 591. ■ 592, 594, 612, 649. , 685, 686. , 702, 707. , 721, 740, , 765, 826. , 875, 887, , 927, 931. , 932, 933, , 955, 962c i, 967, 972 • 974, 1027. , 1057, 1074. , 1089, 1103 , 1149, 1151. , 1152, 1178 , H79, 1183. , 1219, 1221. , 1222, 1235. , 1334, 1401 , 1410, 1411. , 1419, 1452. , 1558, 1625. , 1679, 1718. , 1796, 1825. , 1827, 1857. , 1870, 1876. , 1888, 1935 , 1936, 1953. , 1958, 2085. , 2094, 2096. , 2120, 2189 . 2231, 2260. , 2368, 2400 1027, 1057, 1210, 1631, 1827, 2127, 2331, 967, 1282, 1795, 110, 360, 587, 648, 703, 768, 930, 958, 980, 1091, 1165, 1220, 1392, 1445, 1713, 1828, 1892, 1976, 2135, 2379, 11. 12, 21. 65, 95, 386, 398, 425, 446, 449, 524, 532, 591, 612, 646, 708, 875, 877, 967, 979, 984, 1027, 1029, 1062, 1090, 1105, 1106, 1109, 1149, 1151, 1152, 1218, 1221, 1222, 1232, 1283, 1285, 1287, 1288, 1290, 1293, 1294, 1300, 1334, 1354, 1410, 1411, 1674, 1725, 1806, 1810, 1895, 1896, 1901, 1903, 1936, 1996, 2078, 2085, 2189, 2402, 2429 POLLUTIONJTRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_pollution) 357 POLLUTION WASTE (S: waste) POLLUTION WATER SUPPLY 301, 456, 714, 465, 736, 480, 752, 694, (SA: water quality_water supply) 695, 765, 766, 967, 968, 972, 974, 979, 980, 984, 985, 1106, 1111, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1216, 1324, 1379, 1521, 1583, 1616, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1982, 2053, 2133, 2182, 2190, 2230, 2255, 2257, 2258 PONTOPOREIA 22. 23, 865, 418, 866, 702, 887, 703, (SA: Amphipoda) 704, 905, 1019, 1024, 1127, 1128, 1220, 1268. , 1336, , 1341, 1342, 1368, 1381. , 1427. 1447, 1448, 1449, 1451. , 1452, , 1604, 1699, 1727, 1743. , 1837. , 2007, 2044, 2083, 2189. , 2286. , 2289, 2312, 2315, 2320, , 2415, , 2424 PORE WATER . 325. , 1709. , 1771, 1772 (SA: sediment-water interface) PORIFERA 32 , 980 , 66 , 178 , 92, . 180, 106. 186 POTASS IUM 8 138, 174 , 189, 325 , 585 , 610, 686. 817, 818 , 839 , 1025, 1104. ■ 1159, 1160 , 1161 , 1222, 1335 , 1621, 1705 , 1706 , 1712, 1718. , 1767, 1772 , 1773 , 1774, 1857 , 1873, 1960 , 1978 , 2085, 2095. , 2165, 2187 , 2231 POWER PLANTS ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION 63 , 287 , 342, 371. , 550, 587 , 652 , 743, 883. , 941, 1027 , 1029 , 1103, 1201. , 1287, 1289 , 1297 , 1300, 1334. , 1558, 1792 , 1806 , 2013 POWER PLANTS DISCHARGE 51 64 , 119 79, , 126, 80. 127. , no, (SA: power pi ants_ef fluent) 118 A * v J , 134, (SA: power pi ants_radioactivity) 135 , 136 . 163, 164. , 167, (SA: power plants_radionucl ides) 168 , 169 , 181, 195. , 266, (SA: thermal_plume) 312 , 313 , 314, 315. , 317, (SA: thermal_pollution) 318 , 342 , 384, 406. ■ 407, 408 , 411 , 431, 455 , 515, 523 , 528 , 552, 575. , 576, 602 , 605 , 652, 678. , 681, 683 , 684 , 692, 807. , 895, 905 , 906 , 984, 989. , 990, 1000 , 1007 , 1008, 1009 , 1014, 1020 , 1021 , 1022, 1023. , 1037, 1051 , 1091 , 1095, 1127. , 1128, 358 POWER PLANTS DISCHARGE (continued) 1149, 1150, 1152, 1164, 1182, 1211, 1216, 1246, 1248, 1249, 1329, 1442, 1445, 1449, 1492, 1493, 1544, 1546, 1555, 1556, 1558, 1570, 1571, 1578, 1582, 1622, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1676, 1746, 1747, 1749, 1752, 1753, 1754, 1755, 1774, 1804, 1827, 1866, 1867, 1931, 1936, 1955, 1956, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1975, 2056, 2066, 2077, 2090, 2186, 2190, 2192, 2197, 2198, 2200, 2203, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2231, 2289, 2333, 2383, 2384, 2385, 2394, 2395, 2400, 2417, 2421 POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON BIOTA (SA: entrainment) (SA: impingement) (SA: thermal pollution, effects on biota) POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON BACTERIA POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON FISH 104 , 706, 1014. ■ 1027, 1558. , 1639, 1982, 2190, 2333, 2400, 62, 64, 116, 117, 170, 315, 765. ■ 905, 1015. , 1019, 1091. , 1092, 1151. , 1383, 1447. , 1448, 1469 , 1492, 1578. , 1827, 1961 , 2007, 2299. , 2323, 62. , 64, 116. ■ H7, 167. ■ 169, 197. , 233, 315 , 317, 382 , 383, 406 , 411, 416 , 427, 480 , 545, 614 , 619, 765 , 808, 1000 , 1004, 765. , 952, 995, 1029. , 1058, 1175, 1827. , 1878, 1936, 2201. , 2219, 2231, 2428 106, 107, 110, 128, , 163, 169, 427, 468, 685, 995. , 998, 999, 1020. , 1024, 1027, 1127 , U28, 1149, 1444 , 1445, 1446, 1449 , 1451, 1452, 1493. , 1528, 1551, 1878 , 1936, 1956, 2090 , 2231, 2289, 2366 , 2385, 2400 65. 76, 106, 145 , 163, 166, 170 , 188, 195, 262. , 312, 313, 365 , 369, 370, 384 , 385, 405, 413 , 414, 415, 428 , 431, 468, 551 , 553, 602, 644 , 685, 754, 905 , 952, 999, 1012 , 1016, 1024, 359 POWER PLANTS, (continued) EFFECTS ON FISH POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON INVERTEBRATES , POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON PERIPHYTON POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON PHYTOPLANKTON 1027 1096 1176 1309 1449 1472 1549 1571 1577 1676 1749 1754 1954 1959 1965 1970 1979 2149 2219 2322 2427 62 110 167 195 431 644 995 1018 1091 1151 1445 1451 1528 1878 2003 2289 2385 26 905 1493 2400 , 1037, 1052, 1058, , 1097, 1098, 1133, , 1202, , 1206, 1248, , 1310, 1351, 1383, , 1455, , 1469, 1470, , 1492, 1493, 1528, , 1550. , 1551, 1552, , 1572. , 1573, 1574, , 1578. , 1658, 1659, , 1744. , 1745, 1746, , 1750 , 1751, 1752, , 1755. ■ 1827, 1873, , 1955 , 1956, 1957, , 1961 , 1962, 1963, , 1966 , 1967, 1968, , 1971 , 1972, 1973, , 2051 , 2062, 2066, , 2150 , 2151, 2152, , 2231 , 2234, 2289, , 2323 , 2366, 2385, 64, 116, 169, 197, 468, 685, 998, 1019, 1092, 1358, 1446, 1452, 1551, 1883, 2007, 2299, 2400 65, 117, 170, 315, 551, 765, 999, 1020, 1127, 1374, 1447, 1469, 1578, 1936, 2090, 2322, 106, 128, 181, 427, 619, 801, 1006, 1024, 1128, 1383, 1448, 1492, 1725, 1956, 2219, 2323, 1095, 1170, 1249, 1396, 1471, 1545, 1570, 1575, 1660, 1747, 1753, 1886, 1958, 1964, 1969, 1974, 2090, 2190, 2300, 2400, 107, 163, 190, 428, 620, 905, 1015, 1027, 1149, 1444, 1449, 1493, 1827, 1961, 2231, 2366, 64, 169, 551, 644, 1005, 1014, 1019, 1492, 1733, 1975, 2231, 2385, 62, 64, 65, 105, 106, 107, 116, 117, 128, 170, 181, 195, 427, 428, 431, 720, 765, 984, 1001, 1014, 1024, 1212, 1334, 1383, 1578, 1725, 1733, 76, 104, 110, 115, 163, 167, 196, 315, 468, 644, 995, 999, 1027, 1175, 1492, 1493, 1827, 1878, 360 POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON PHYTOPLANKTON (continued) POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON PSAMMON ... POWER PLANTS, EFFECTS ON ZOOPLANKTON POWER PLANTS_EFFLUENT (SA: power plants_discharge) POWER PLANTS ENGINEERING POWER PLANTS_HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS INORGANICS .. 1936, 1956, 1961, 1975, 1982, 2013, 2090, 2190, 2219, 2231, 2289, 2322, 2323, 2366, 2385, 2400, 2421, 2422 103, 1883 64, 65, 106, 107, 110, 116. , 117. , 128. . 163, 167, 170, 181, 190, ■ 195, 197, 315, 427. 428. , 431, 619, 620, 765, 801. , 995, 999, 1006, 1014, 1018, , 1019, 1024, 1027. 1358, 1374, 1383, 1452, 1578, 1725, 1936, 1956, 1961, 2003, 2090, 2231, 2289, 2322, 2323, 2366, 2385, 2400 62, . 64, 163. , 164, 168, 195, 312, 314, 317, 318, 384, 407, 408, 528, 605, 644, 678, 679, 680, 681, 683. , 685. 692. , 905, 984, 989. , 1009. , 1021. , 1022, 1023, 1164. , 1169. , 1334. , 1449, 1556, 1570. , 1571. , 1578 , 1634, 1635, 1636. , 1637. , 1821. , 1866, 1867, 1955. , 1956. , 1964. , 1973, 1974, 1975. , 2056. 2078. . 2190, 2200, 2333, , 2421, , 2422, , 2434 45. . 64, , 76. , 165, 405, 406, 413, 414, , 415, 416, 480. , 551. , 552. , 554, 614, 1075. , 1152. ■ 1413, , 1460, 1461, 2059, , 2190 1309 , 1310. , 2087 14 » 18 . 62 ■ 63, 64, 65 , 106 , 110 , 145, 181, 287 , 312 , 315 , 371, 407, 427 , 428 , 431 , 468, 587, 590 , 644 , 685 , 706, 743, 753 , 754 , 765 , 807, 952, 984 , 999 , 1007 , 1011, 1014, 1027. , 1029. , 1037 , 1058, 1103, 1127 , 1128 , 1175 , 1201, 1211, 1212. , 1300. , 1334. , 1392, 1445, 1449 , 1492. , 1493. , 1546, 1551, 1558 , 1609. , 1622. , 1639, 1725, 1733 , 1774 , 1806 , 1827, 1836, 1866 , 1867 , 1873 , 1936, 1956, 1957 , 1958 , 1959 , 1968, 1979, 2013 , 2186 , 2190 , 2192, 2197, 2198 , 2201 , 2207 , 2208, 2209, 2210 , 2211 , 2212 , 2219, 2231, 361 POWER PLANTS INORGANICS (continued) POWER PLANTS LAKE LEVELS POWER PLANTS MANAGEMENT POWER PLANTS_METEOROLOGY (SA: power plants_atmospheric_ pollution) POWER PLANTS MONITORING BACTERIA POWER PLANTS_MONITORING_BIOTA (SA: power plants, effects on biota) POWER PLANTS MONITORING CURRENTS POWER PLANTS MONITORING FISH 2289, , 2299, 2322, 2324, 2385, 2400, 2421, 2422 188, 515, 523, 614, 744, 754, 765, 895, 1047, 1051, 1052, 1075, 1149. , H51, 1176, 1309, 1389, , 1558, 1616, 1879 55. i 165, 1047, 1204, 1544 62. ■ 63, , 79. , no, 134. , 135, 136. , 188, 342 , 480. 523. ■ 679, 681 , 692, 765. , 941, 984 , 1017. , 1051. , 1052, 1297 , 1300. , 1334. , 1616, 1827 , 1931 104 , 995. , 1014 , 1029, 1639 , 1766, , 1827. , 2400 26 , 54. , 62. , 104, 106 , 108. , 112. ■ H6, 119 • 121 , 122 , 123, 127 , 128. , 163. , 164, 313 , 315 , 369 , 370, 383 , 384 , 644 , 681, 948 , 989 , 995 , 999, 1005 , 1006 , 1014 , 1015, 1019 , 1020. , 1021 , 1029, 1097 , 1098 , 1133 , 1358, 1446 , 1447 , 1448 , 1455, 1471 , 1528 , 1549 , 1551, 1572 , 1573 , 1574 , 1575, 1639 , 1658 , 1744 • 1749, 1754 , 1827 , 1883 , 1886, 1962 , 1966 , 1967 , 1970, 1974 , 2007 , 2046 , 2066, 2234 , 2385 , 2390 , 2392, 2400 125 , 679. ■ 1017, , 1558, 1639. , 2400 62. , 106. , 116. , 117, 313. , 315, 369, , 370, 383. • 384, 644. , 685, 1004 , 1016. , 1097. , 1098, 1455 , 1469. , 1471. , 1528, 1551 , 1572. , 1573. ► 1574, 1577 , 1658. , 1744. , 1749, 1754 , 1827. , 1886 , 1954, 1966 , 1967 , 1970 , 1973, 2066 , 2090 , 2234. , 2385, 736, 1027, 1132, 1310, 1297, 125, 287, 680, 957, 1287, 1792, 1558, 105, 117, 126, 266, 382, 685, 1004, 1016, 1092, 1445, 1469, 1558, 1577, 1750, 1954, 1973, 2090, 2393, 1636, 163, 382, 999, 1133, 1549, 1575, 1750, 1962, 1974, 2400 POWER PLANTS_MONITORING_HYDROLOGY POWER PLANTS MONITORING ICE , 118 119, 126, 127 362 POWER PLANTS MONITORING INORGANICS POWER PLANTS MONITORING INVERTEBRATES POWER PLANTS MONITORING PERIPHYTON POWER PLANTS MONITORING PHYTOPLANKTON POWER PLANTS_MONITORING_TEMPERATURE . (SA: power pi ants_monitoring_ thermal_pollution) POWER PLANTS_MONITORING_THERMAL_ POLLUTION (SA: power plants_monitoring_ temperature) POWER PLANTS_MONITORING_WATER QUALITY POWER PLANTS MONITORING ZOOPLANKTON . 62, 106, 999, 1007, 1551, 1558, 2400 62, , 106, 163, 315, 999, , 1006, 1092. 1358, 1448. . 1469, 1883. , 2007, 26. , 644, 2385, , 2400 62, 104, 117, , 128, 995. ■ 999, 2385. , 2400 54. 62, 679. , 956, 999. , 1002, 1013, , 1014, 1455. , 1528, 1574 , 1636, 1827 , 1966, 1974 , 2090, 54. , 62, 119 , 126, 313. , 315, 455. , 679, 989 , 990, 1006 , 1008, 1015 , 1020, 1029 , 1092, 1558 , 1572, 1744 , 1749, 1827 , 1962, 1974 , 2066, 2392 , 2393, 26 54, 112 , 116, 122 ► 123, 163 , 164, 455 • 644, 1009 , 1014, 1023. , 1029, 1821 ■ 1827, 2385 , 2390, 106 , 116, 315 , 995, 1019 , 1358, 315 1014 1639 116 644 1015 1445 1528 2090 1005 105 163 1014 81 990 1003 1017 1551 1639 1967 2385 81, 108, 127, 164, 382, 383, 681, 948, 1002, 1003, 1009, 1013, 1021, 1022, 1329, 1455, 1574, 1636, 1750, 1754, 1966, 1967, 2090, 2385, 2400 62, 106, 118, 119, 126, 127, 266, 313, 948, 995, 1020, 1021, 1551, 1558, 2007, 2383, 2392, 2393, 117, 128, 999, 1006, 2090, 2385, 644, 685, 1029, 1445, 1827, 2385, 117, 128, 685, 995, 1019, 1020, 1446, 1447, 1551, 1827, 2385, 2400 1014, 1019, 106, 116, 315, 644, 1827, 2090, 313, 315, 995, 996, 1006, 1008, 1098, 1329, 1558, 1572, 1749, 1821, 1970, 1973, 118, 266, 384, 956, 1005, 1014, 1023, 1528, 1658, 1821, 1973, 2390, 108, 121, 128, 315, 999, 1022, 1639, 2384, 2400 163, 1014, 2400 363 POWER PLANTS RADIOACTIVITY 39, 42, 44, 45, 51, 106, 108, 112, 121, 122, 123, 408, 409, 410, 642, 644, 685, 806, 952, 989, 1007, 1020, 1027, 1029, 1037, 1127, 1149, 1151, 1175, 1351, 1383, 1544, 1546, 1558, 1623, 1982, 2149, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2190, 2299 POWER PLANTS_RADIONUCLIDES (S: radionuclides_power plants) POWER PLANTS_REGULATIONS (S: regulations_power plants) POWER PLANTS_REVIEW (S: review_power plants) POWER PLANTS SEDIMENTATION POWER PLANTS_SITING POWER PLANTS_TEMPERATURE (SA: thermal_pollution) 18, 1149, 1607, 1246 1 76 110 181 313 371 576 679 720 952 993 999 1010 1018 1170 1309 1396 1550 1558 1582 1639 1755 1827 1931 1966 1972 2051 2090 2214 2389 2398 2434 587, 590, 1027, 1103, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1334, 1623 2, 54, , 62. , 65, , 79. , 80. , 81. , 107, , 134, 135, 136, 168, , 188. 196. , 287. , 312, , 314, 315. 317, , 365, , 431. , 447. , 473. , 575, , 605, 620. 652. , 678, , 680, 684. , 692. , 706, , 765, , 808. , 905. , 906, , 956. , 957 , 984 , 990, , 995. , 996. , 997. , 998, , 1002. , 1003. 1006. , 1008, , 1011. , 1013 , 1014. , 1017, , 1091. , 1098. , 1151. , 1169, , 1182. , 1211. , 1233 , 1287, , 1314. , 1329. , 1334. , 1374, , 1442. , 1452. , 1455. , 1528, , 1551. , 1552. , 1555. , 1556, , 1570. ■ 1571, 1572, , 1574, , 1634, , 1635. , 1636. , 1637, , 1659. , 1660. , 1745. , 1749, , 1792. , 1804. , 1821. , 1822, , 1877. , 1878. , 1879 , 1898, , 1955. , 1963. , 1964. , 1965, , 1967. , 1969 , 1970 , 1971, , 1973 , 1974 , 1979 , 2004, , 2056. , 2058 , 2071. • 2077, , 2190 , 2200 , 2201 , 2203, , 2333 , 2366 , 2385 , 2386, , 2391 , 2394 , 2395. , 2396, , 2399 , 2404 , 2422 , 2427, 364 POWER PLANTS_THERMAL_POLLUTION (S: thermal_plume) (S: thermal_pollution) POWER PLANTS WATER QUALITY POWER PLANTS WATER USE PRECIPITATION (SA: snow) 26, 51, 54, 55, 62, 63, 64, 106, 108, 110, 112, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 145, 163, 164, 167, 181, 188, 266, 287, 313, 315, 407, 408, 409, 410, 412, 455, 480, 528, 614, 642, 644, 706, 753, 765, 948, 952, 984, 995, 999, 1000, 1009, 1010, 1014, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1027, 1029, 1037, 1058, 1175, 1202, 1203. 1204, 1206, 1211, 1212, 1216, 1309, 1351, 1383. 1392, 1449. 1543, 1544, 1551, 1558, 1639. 1821, 1827. 1836. 1866, 1867. , 1936, 1982, 2007. 2013, 2149. , 2150, 2151, 2152. 2186. 2190. , 2192, 2197, 2198. 2201, 2207, , 2208, 2209. 2210. , 2211. 2212. , 2231, 2322, 2323. , 2324. 2332. , 2333, 2366. , 2383. , 2384. 2385. , 2390, 2392, 2393, , 2400 62. , 480. , 614. 753. , 765, 1052, 1175. , 1176. 1202. , 1203, 1204. 1206. , 1216. 1389. , 1616, 1821. ■ 1916, , 1982, , 2152. , 2190 5. 11. 12. 14. , 16, 66. , 69. , 88. , 89. 97, 99. , 131. , 134. , 135. , 136, 158. , 162. , 189. , 225. , 227, 252 , 284 , 285. , 286 ■ 287, 288 , 289 , 291. , 292. , 293, 297 , 309 , 346. , 349 , 350, 351 , 352 , 353 , 354 , 355, 356 , 357 , 386 , 450 , 469, 470 , 512 , 516 , 517 . 523, 530t ), 532 , 574 , 672 , 709, 710 , 733 , 744 , 762 , 765, 774 , 775 , 827 , 831 , 832, 860 , 915 , 941 , 944 , 968, 979 , 983 , 1046 , 1049 , 1050, 1051 , 1052 , 1094 , 1131 , 1137, 1139 , 1163 , 1174 , 1175 , 1197, 1223 , 1278 , 1279 , 1298 , 1301, 1311 , 1366 , 1372 , 1376 ► 1377, 1378 , 1389 , 1392 , 1458 , 1462, 1463 , 1464 , 1465 , 1466 , 1490, 1498 , 1499 , 1524 , 1594 , 1595, 1605 , 1610 , 1619 , 1656 , 1666, 365 PRECIPITATION (continued) 1674, 1792, 1855, 1880, 1931, 2022, 2023, 2026, 2060, 2107, 2158, 2241a, 2243, 2272, 2311, 2339, 2340, 2353, 2401, 2426 PRECIPITATION DISTRIBUTION 14, 16, 530b, 765, 1163, 1462, 1595, 2023, 2060, 2311, 2340 PRECIPITATION_HISTORY (S: history_precipitation) PRECIPITATIONJ.AKE EFFECT 346, 350, 351, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 469, 470, 530b, 532, 710, 765, 860, 944, 1298, 1366, 1498, 1499, 1605, 2023, 2026, 2060, 2241a, 2243, 2339, 2340 PRECIPITATION LAKE LEVELS PRECIPITATION_MODEL (S: model_precipitation) PRECIPITATION SEASONAL VARIATION PRECIPITATION WATER BUDGET PRIMARY PRODUCTION (SA: phyto plankton growth) PROTOZOA 88, 89, 97, 131, 158, 189, 252, 288, 289, 291, 292, 293, 297, 450, 512, 516, 517, 523, 530b , 574, 672, 744, 762, 765, 774, 775, 983, 1046, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1094, 1131, 1174, 1197, 1389, 1458, 1619, 1656, 1666, 2022, 2158, 2272, 2401 11, 16, 225, 284, 285, 288, 350, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 512, 733, 944, 979, 1046, 1051, 1052, 1163, 1174, 1298, 1301, 1377, 1378, 1594 5, 131, 252, 287, 288, 291, 512, 517, 523, 530b, 765, 831, 832, 1049, 1094, 1174, 1372, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1499, 1619, 1666, 2022, 2401, 2426 91, 148, 181, 195, 196, 328, 334, 335, 336, 638, 639, 640, 719, 765, 1400, 1459, 1539, 1564, 1743, 1777, 1805, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1975, 2013, 2018, 2275, 2276, 2333, 2422 696, 803, 804, 994, 1315, 1316, 1563, 2138 PSAMMON PSEUDOMONAS (S: bacteria) 103, 1883, 2350 366 PTELEA 1363 PYRROPHYTA 629, QUARTZ 325 , 2074 QUATERNARY (SA: Pleistocene) 671, 1399, QUILLBACK 1098, RADIATION (SOLAR) (SA: light) 222, 813, RADIOACTIVITY 39, (SA: discharge_radioactivity) 106, (SA: effluent_radioactivity) 123, (SA: power plants_radioacti vity) 642, 952, 1027, 1149, 1544, 1704, 2152, 2299 RADIOCARBON (S: carbon-14) RADIONUCLIDES (general) (SA: specific radionuclides) RADIONUCLIDES_BIOACCUMULATION (SA: radionuclides uptake) RADIONUCLIDES CYCLING RADIONUCLIDES DEPOSITION RADIONUCLIDES_DISCHARGE RADIONUCLIDES_DISPERSION RADIONUCLIDES EFFLUENT . 2015 799, 1891, 1905, 1917, 686, 892, 1242, 1397, 2273 2065 229, 478, 530b , 676, 1610, 1854, 1931 42, 44, 45, 51, 108, 112, 121. 122, 189, 408, 409, 410, 644, 685, 752, 806, 972, 989, 1007, 1020, 1029, 1037, 1040, 1127, 1151, 1175, 1351, 1383, 1546, 1558, 1623, 1703, 1982, 2149, 2150, 2151, 2169, 2190, 2204, 2270, 13, 1494, 2169, 2292 106, 427, 1039. 1127, 1445, 1491, 1957. , 1958, 2286. , 2289, 17. , 18, 596. 958, 1709. ■ 1717, 2290 ■ 2291, 2298, 2423 16. 63, 589 , 590, 644 , 827, 1311. , 1334, 1622, 1624, 1711, 1713, 2289, 2290, 64. , 407, 1127. 1128, 1493 , 1546, 1828 , 1866, 62, ■ 1493, 62. ■ 64, 974. , 1334, 1867 , 1956, 428. . 596, 1128. , 1334, 1492. , 1725, 1959 , 1960, 2299 , 2301, 65. , 583, 1224. , 1335, 1960 , 2286, 2293. , 2294, 583 , 587, 591. . 593, 828 , 1103, 1336. ■ 1490, 1625. , 1703, 1714. 1715, 2296, 2298 807 , 972, 1445. 1449, 1622. ► 1624, 1867. , 1956, 2296 685, 1338, 1827, 1968, 2424 585, 1336, 2289, 2296, 588, 596, 1223, 1621, 1708, 1716, 974, 1492, 1827, 2289 407, 644, 685, 1449, 1828, 1866, 1957 367 RADIONUCLIDES_LOADING 106 765 1493 1828 RADIONUCLIDES MONITORING 62 972 1827 RADIONUCLIDES POWER PLANTS 14 65 587 765 1127 1492 1806 1957 2299 RADIONUCLIDES_RESIDENCE TIME RADIONUCLIDES SEDIMENTS RADIONUCLIDES TRACE METALS 590 15 583 590 765 980 1334 1621 1709 1716 2170 2293 13 18 583 590 685 971 1103 1334 1491 1625 1716 1959 2290 2296 RADIONUCLIDESJTRANSPORT 15 1311 1806 RADIONUCLIDESJJPTAKE 63 (SA: radionuclides_bioaccumulation) 1335 1957 2289 RADIONUCLIDES_WATER QUALITY 13 407 587, 1036, 1599, 1956 106, 980, 1828, 18, 106, 590, 806, 1128, 1493, 1827, 1958, 2289 588, 593, 743, 1058, 1223, 1311, 1711, 1713, 1827, 644, 1039, 1960, 62, 407, 644, 807, 1334, 1546, 1866, 1959, 685, 1336, 2170, 63, 427, 685, 1058, 1445, 1622, 1867, 1968, 18, , 65, 106, 585, 587. 588, 591, 593, 596, 921. , 958. , 972, 1103. , 1224. ■ 1311, 1336. , 1445. , 1492, 1622. , 1624. , 1625, 1711. , 1713 , 1714, 1717. , 1827. , 1828, 2204. , 2286 , 2288, 2296. , 2298 , 2423, 14. 15 16, 64. , 65 ► 106, 585. , 587 , 588, 591. , 593 • 596, 743. , 765 , 827, 972. , 974 , 980, 1127. , 1128. , 1223, 1336 , 1338 , 1445, 1493. , 1494. , 1621, 1709 , 1713 , 1714, 1827 , 1828 , 1957, 1968 , 2286 , 2288, 2291 , 2292 , 2293, 2298 , 2301 , 2424 18 65 , 588, 1334 , 1490 , 1624, 2289 427 , 585 , 644, 1492 , 1493 , 1725, 1959 , 1960 , 1968, 62 , 63 , 64, 644 , 765 , 958, 971, 1445, 2204 64, 428, 743, 1103, 1449, 1725, 1956, 2289, 427, 589, 685, 974, 1317, 1599, 1708, 1715, 1958, 2289, 2424 17, 427, 589, 644, 828, 1058, 1224, 1490, 1624, 1715, 1958, 2289, 2294, 591, 1725, 685, 1956, 2286, 106, 971, 368 RADIONUCLIDES_WATER QUALITY 972, 974, 980, 1036, 1039, (continued) 1058, 1449, 1703, 1827, 1828, 1866, 1867, 2169, 2170, 2204 RADIUM 106, 584, 1621, 1711 RAIN (S: precipitation) RAINBOW SMELT (SA: smelt) 166, 197, 367, 382, 428, 553, 555, 656, 836, 898, 1066, 1098, 1133, 1145, 1269, 1526, 1550, 1680, 1691, 1734, 1735, 1752, 2262, 2281, 2314 RAINBOW TROUT (SA: trout) RECESSION (S: bluff recession) (S: erosion) (S: shorel ine_recession) RECHARGE RECREATION (SA: management_recreation) (SA: model_recreation) (SA: research needs_recreation) (SA: tourism) (SA: water qual ity_recreation) 166, 211, 367, 382, 423, 428, 459, 553, 555, 631, 825, 836, 994, 1000, 1098, 1269, 1302, 1550, 1585, 1660, 1691, 1746, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1964, 1965, 1970, 1974, 1985, 1988, 2066, 2262, 2265 6. ■ 66, 967. , 987, 1800. 230? , 1801, 47. » 52, 188. ■ 207, 320. , 322, 373, 453, 536, ■ 537, 541, 542, 616. ■ 705, 742. ■ 745, 756. , 765, 773. ■ 774, 846. , 847, 960. ■ 963, 1042. , 1045, 1067. , 1068, 1175, 1202, 1216. , 1302, 1436. , 1497, 1643. , 1664, 1949. , 1950, 1982. , 2024, 2052 ► 2101, 21391 ), 2152 2228. , 2229, 2278 , 2368, 512, 746, 954, 988, 1767, 1768, 1856, 1890, 2272, 53, 71, 74, 208, 310, 319, 323, 363, 372, 480, 533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 543, 544, 614, 724, 734, 736, 750, 751, 752, 766, 770, 771, 775, 819, 829, 895, 940, 959, 965, 967, 979, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1075, 1085, 1138, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1312, 1379, 1390, 1603, 1616, 1631, 1827, 1828, 1924, 1953, 1970, 1972, 2025, 2049, 2050, 2111, 2113, 2124, , 2154b, 2180, 2190, 2230, 2232, 2234, 2375, 2411 REDHORSE 693 369 REDOX 765 REEFS 1586 2370 REGULATIONS_ATMOSPHERIC_POLLUTION 1040 RE6ULATI0NS_FISH 272 973 1039 1470 1924 REGULATIONS INSTITUTIONS 440 1037 1395 REGULATIONSJ.AKE LEVELS 338 1043 1558 REGULATIONS_POWER PLANTS 753 1175 1470 2192 2208 REGULATIONS SHORELINE REGULATIONS WATER QUALITY 737 1395 35 537 762 992 1038 1175 1642 2155 2186 2207 2212 REGULATIONS_WATER USE 613 978 1304 2096 REMEDIAL ACTION 5 (SA: pollution_abatement) 1207 REMOTE SENSING 84 (SA: aerial photography) 221 (SA: mapping_remote sensing) 356 (SA: temperature_remote sensing) 844 1184 1284 1297 1514 1750 1854 , 1431, ■ 1432, , 1587, 1589, , 1201, 1297, , 440. , 790, , 1030. 1034, , 1052, , 1076, , 1472, , 1673, , 1928, ■ 1929, , 511, 757, , 1038. , 1063, , 2179, , 2327 , 513. , 737, , 1046. , 1050, , 2438, , 2443 , 906. , 1037, , 1201, 1297, , 1472. 1558, , 2197, , 2198, , 2209, 2210, , 738. ■ 745, , 2122, 2327, , 48, 364, , 613, 714, , 962c i, 971, , 1030. , 1032, , 1039 , 1040, , 1391 , 1392, , 1644 , 1826, , 2156 , 2173, , 2192. , 2197, , 2208 , 2209, , 2258c i, 2263 , 753. , 757, , 1050. , 1052, , 1343, , 1391, , 534. , 800, , 1210. , 1557, , 85. , 88, , 222£ i, 287, , 396. , 480, , 883, 983, , 1238, 1239, , 1285. , 1290, , 1298, 1314, , 1540, , 1601, , 1793, 1821, , 1932, 1934, 1769, 1772 1590, 1944, 1558 880, 962a, 1037, 1038, 1077, 1396, 1787, 1826, 2310 760, 880, 1391, 1392, 755, 762, 1051, 1052, 1051, 1052, 1392, 1396, 2071, 2186, 2201, 2207, 2211, 2212 962a , 973, 2437 511, 534, 753, 758, 973, 978, 1034, 1037, 1063, 1108, 1395, 1558, 2094, 2096, 2179, 2185, 2198, 2201, 2210, 2211, 758, 760, 1063, 1175, 1395, 2094, 1033, 1037, 1888 89, 137, 343, 346, 813, 814, 1057, 1109, 1241, 1264, 1292, 1296, 1329, 1366, 1633, 1707, 1822, 1823, 2027, 2032, 370 REMOTE SENSING (continued) 2034 2078 2404 REPTILES 976 2057 RESEARCH NEEDS BIOLOGY 62 190 480 734 784 1029 1488 1889 1928 2229 RESEARCH NEEDS CHEMISTRY 62 188 534 847 1201 1806 1956 RESEARCH NEEDS__CIRCULATION 243 2229 RESEARCH NEEDS_CURRENTS 243 RESEARCH NEEDS_ECONOMICS 188 985 1889 1928 RESEARCH NEEDS GEOLOGY 71 348 744 985 2229 RESEARCH NEEDS_GROUNDWATER 744 RESEARCH NEEDS_INSTITUTIONS 87 985 2179 RESEARCH NEEDS_METEOROLOGY 62 243 RESEARCH NEEDS_NAVIGATION 188 985 RESEARCH NEEDS_POLLUTION_ABATEMENT 153 985 RESEARCH NEEDS_RECREATION 71 614 2229 2035 2108 977 87 207 481 765 787 1030 1619 1907 1956 2335 74 207 614 962 1382 1907 2049 765 765 534 1332 1907 2049 74 432 765 1053 758 436 1548 2199 79 480 480 1332 207 1108 74 734 2036, 2038, 2067, 2203, 2371, 2372, 1261, 1593, 1832, 153, 172, 188, 209, 348, 432, 534, 614, 634, 781, 782, 783, 847, 962a , 985, 1053, 1383, 1449, 1683, 1725, 1805, 1908, 1909, 1910, 2049, 2199, 2214, 2427 90, 153, 172, 348, 432, 525, 634, 710, 765, , 1030 , 1053 , 1108, 1383, 1619, 1805, 1908, 1909, 1910, 2199, 2229, 2335 1428, 1619, 1634, 1428 767, 847, 903, 1375, 1488, 1548, 1908, 1909, 1910, 2199 87, 207, 324, 480, 614, 734, 847, 903, 962a, 1382, 1943, 2199, 765, 985 480, 741, 847, 1683, 1806, 1951, 2427 87, 172, 188, 710, 765, 1479 614, 744, 765, 2229 614, 735, 765, 1554 188, 207, 480, 765, 847, 2049, 371 RESEARCH NEEDS_TEMPERATURE 62, 79, 188, 243, 710, 765, 1108, 1332, 1428, 1619, 1634, 2214, 2427 RESEARCH NEEDS_WATER BUDGET 765, 1619 RESEARCH NEEDS_WATER QUALITY (S: water qualityjresearch needs) RESEARCH NEEDS WATER SUPPLY 188, 480, 758, 765, 985, 1375 RESEARCH NEEDS_WATER USE 74, 207, 614, 734, 735, 758, 765, 767, 1063, 1304, 2199 RESUSPENSION 15, 120, 359, 583, 589, 596, 664, 967, 972, 974, 1235, 1431, 1716, 1719, 1796, 1808, 1828, 1833, 1903, 1977, 2205, 2286, 2289, 2297, 2298 REVETMENTS 73, 253, 254, 255, 256, (SA: coastal structures) 670, 1328, 1395, 2100, 2105, 2115, 2117, 2407 REVIEW (SA: summary) REVIEW ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION/LOADING . REVIEW_CLIMATE REVIEW EUTROPHICATION REVIEW FISH/FISHERIES REVIEW GEOLOGY 33. 145, 180, 525. , 550, 652, 102y r , 1334 , 2072 357. . 710, 765, 64. , 145, 174, 180 , 182, 207, 347 , 677, 720, 958 , 1027, 1334, 1554 , 1889, 1927, 2013 , 2047, 2096, 64 , 88, 89, 176 , 178, 182, 273 , 310, 316, 440 , 524, 577, 754. , 765, 952, 1027. , 1052, 1309, 1399. , 1631, 1683, 1908 , 1909, 1910, 1922. 2322. , 1924, , 2323 1927, 88 i 89, 145, 387 , 403, 577, 740 ■ 744, 745, 763 , 764, 765, 930 • 1027, 1153, 1631 , 1656, 1904, 2199. , 2346 710, 752, 1656 176, 178, 208, 310, 753, 765, 1340, 1488, 1935, 1936, 2322, 2323 145, 174, 207, 208, 347, 438, 611, 677, 958, 976, 1310, 1351, 1865b . 1907, 1913, 1914, 1956, 2246, 207, 258, 677, 737, 748, 751, 917, 918, 1334, 1435, 1905, 2096, 372 REVIEW_INVERTEBRATES 174, 418, 930, 2270, REVIEWJ.AKE LEVELS (S: lake level s_review) REVIEWJ.AND USE 207 751 1554 REVIEW MINERALS 208 REVIEW_0RGANICS 33 525 763 1175 REVIEW PHYTOPLANKTON 174 481 1725 2047 REVIEW POWER PLANTS REVIEW THERMAL POLLUTION REVIEW POLLUTION 21 182 347 737 765 1054 1380 1725 2126 64 652 1132 1351 1956 64 753 1175 1898 2323 REVIEW_WATER QUALITY (S: water qua lity_re view) REVIEW_Z00PLANKT0N 174, 765, 2306 RHENIUM 1269 RHODOPHYTA 974 RING-BILLED GULLS 887, (SA: birds; SA: gulls) 1275, RIPRAP (SA: coastal structures) 402, 2117, 176, 182, 190, 347, 481, 677, 765, 865, 976, 1725, 1935, 1936, 2306 750, 1175, 1905 524, 754, 1027, 2323 347, 1340, 2013, 180, 310, 710, 763, 1027, 1351, 1642, 2096, 550, 1052, 1334, 1951, 720, 1027, 1634, 2322, , 740, , 745. , 749, , 763. , 764. , 1054, , 1865c i, 192/ ', 2126 , 740, ■ 749, , 763, , 207. , 208 , 310, , 577. , 710. ■ 753, , 765. , 952. , 958, , 1351, , 1935. ■ 1936, , 176. , 180. , 182, , 720, , 765. , 976, , 1889. , 1935. , 1936, , 2270, , 2276 , 90. , 174, , 178, , 207, , 208, , 287, , 524. , 550. , 577, , 740. , 752. . 753, , 930 , 952 , 958, , 1175. , 1334. , 1340, , 1554. , 1631, , 1639, , 1927, 1935, , 1936, , 2137, 2322, 2323 , 145. , 190. , 515, , 720, , 744, , 952, , 1175. , 1309, , 1310, , 1634, 1639, ■ 1725, , 2013 , 190. , 287. , 652, , 754, , 765. . 952, , 1309. , 1334 , 1351, , 1936 , 1956 , 2013, 176, 190, 347, 481, 976, 1725, 1935, 1936, 1073, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1600, 1831, 1893 551, 983, 1075, 2116, 2118, 2138 373 RISK ASSESSMENT (S: human health) RIVER (S: tributaries) RIVER PLUME H, 1090, 1936, ROCK BASS (SA: bass) 223, ROCKS (SA: bedrock) 492, 1530, ROTIFERA (SA: zooplankton) 92, 977, 1936, 2138, ROUNDWORMS (S: Nematoda) RUBIDIUM 585 RUNOFF (SA: model_runoff ) (SA: pollution_runoff) RUNOFF SEASONAL VARIATION 12, 1509, 1937, 110 1582 2011 RUTHENIUM SALAMANDERS (SA: amphibians) SALMON (SA: specific species) 1098, 1492 820, 1531, 185, 994, 1999, 2283, 1382 2238 696 1325 2000 2342 120, 138, 1710, 1935, 1385, 1527, 698, 900, 1350, 1935, 2001, 2044, 48, 68, 69, 158, 188, 240, 252, 285, 288, 291, 297, 309, 399, 426, 512, 515, 523, 530b , 531, 577, 672, 733, 737, 744, 746, 765, 816, 831, 844, 954, 968, 974, 984, 987, 988, 1027, 1049. 1046, 1050. 1051, 1054. 1055, 1056. 1057, 1089. , 1094, 1137. , H74, 1197. , 1207, 1210. , 1234, 1372. , 1376, 1377 , 1392, 1497 , 1524, 1594 , 1595, 1656 , 1666, 1674 , 1703, 1767 , 1768, 1796 , 1827, 1833 , 1862, 1953 , 1982, 2127 , 2187, 2189 , 2205, 2241c i, 2272 , 230; I, 2331 2368 , 2401, 2426 , 2430, 285 , 288, 512 , 733, 1051 , 1052, 1174 , 1371, 1594 , 1796 1490 223, 1261, 1593, 1685 177, 286, 362, 517, 597, 745, 832, 979, 1040, 1052, 1058, 1175, 1371, 1458, 1631, 1704, 1828, 2115, 2220, , 2352, 2433 1046, 1377, 67, 76, 93, 94, 166, 223, 234, 247, 248, 311, 379, 380, 382, 423, 424, 428, 468, 522, 555, 561, 562, 603, 654, 691, 774, 775, 776, 834, 836, 967, 974, 994, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1083, 1098, 1126, 1217, 1267, 1353, 1386, 1390, 1399, 374 SALMON (continued) 1550, 1565, 1567, 1585, 1588, 1591, 1660, 1690, 1692, 1693, 1702, 1746, 1747, 1752, 1753, 1754, 1755, 1785, 1825, 1828, 1829, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1922, 1926, 1930, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 2052, 2066, 2075, 2076, 2219, 2262, 2265, 2284, 2285, 2286, 2289, 2301, 2337, 2338, 2366, 2424 SALMONELLA (S: bacteria) SALMONID (SA: specific species) (SA: salmon; SA: trout) SALT (SA: sodium) SAMARIUM SAND SAND DUNES 65, 197, 1259, 1266, 1399, 1550, 1754, 1755, 1927, 1963, 2234, 2322, 531, 548, 1200, 1524 584, 594, 27, , 66, 159. 203, 255. 257, 433. 480, 487, 489, 496. , 497, 504. , 508, 566. , 567, 648. , 660, 667. , 668, 728. , 731, 809 , 816, 917. , 950, 1075. , 1103, 1151. , H52, 1190 • H91, 1240 , 1241, 1395 , 1398, 1547 , 1608, 1656 , 1694, 1874 , 1893, 1948 , 1997, 2054 , 2074, 2103 , 2117, 2170 , 2223, 2346 , 2408, 27 66, 498 , 504, 665 , 670, 809 , 820, 232, 367, 392, 1267, 1353, 1369, 1658, 1684, 1743, 1785, 1924, 1925, 1965, 1969, 2066, 2323 740, 763, 952, 2086 96, 101, 205, 241, 325, 339, 484. , 485, 492, 494, 498. , 499, 509. ■ 510, 568. , 612, 662, 664, 670. ■ 672, 740. , 745, 820. , 882, 954. , 977, 1120. , 1149, 1180. , 1188, 1205. , 1227b 1242 , 1363, 1419 , 1515, 1609 , 1652, 1798. , 1801, 1905. , 1917, 1998. , 2006, 2092. , 2098, 2121 , 2138, 2235. , 2244, 2410 339 , 486, 509 , 510, 672. ■ 717, 833, , 892, 111, 253, 430, 486, 495, 502, 563, 626, 665, 717, 797, 892, 983, 1150, 1189, , 1238, 1382, 1529, 1654, 1818, 1947, 2007, 2099, 2152, 2272, 495, 626, 797, 977, 375 SAND DUNES (continued) 1075 1398 1893 2244 SANDSTONE 1191 SATELLITE (S: remote sensing) SAUGER 10 SCANDIUM 381 1242 SCULPIN 32 428 836 1684 1926 2301 SEA LAMPREY (general) SEA LAMPREY DISTRIBUTION SEA LAMPREY_GENETICS SEA LAMPREYJ.AMPRICIDES (SA: sea lampreyjnanagement) 102 1353 166 617 876 1414 1983 1612 59 471 1122 1911 1981 SEA LAMPREYJ.ARVAL 211 (SA: ammocoetes) 1320 2061 SEA LAMPREY_LIFE HISTORY 1323 1906 SEA LAMPREY_MANAGEMENT 59 367 777 782 787 792 904 1907 1912 1924 2050 SEA LAMPREY MONITORING 581 2050 SEA LAMPREY MORPHOLOGY 1321 1120, 1189, 1363, 1395, 1515, 1656, 1694, 1798, 1998, 2103, 2121, 2152, 2272, 2408, 2410, 2441 2302 178, 223 584, 585, 594, 1891, 1892, 2086 166, 197, 365, 551, 553, 657, 1065, 1098, 1399, 1687, 1689, 1752, 1944, 1960, 2050, 2314, 2323, 2415, 172, 468, 968, 1650 250, 365, 367, 754, 824, 836, 904, 1076, 1199, 1911, 1915, 1925, 2050, 2304, 2322, 60, 140, 211. 581, 904, 924, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1913, 1914, 2079 824, 876, 924, 1321, 1906, 1915, 1405, 1414, 1612, 2061 60, 129, 140, 440, 461, 635, 778, 779, 780, 783, 784, 785, 788, 789, 790, 836, 837, 876, 924, 1076, 1199, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1925, 1927, 1928, 2075, 2079, 2216, 836, 837, 968, 382, 804, 1653, 1830, 2289, 2424 1027, 555, 837, 1405, 1926, 2323 440, 1099, 1910, 1924, 1122, 1983, 1683, 251, 754, 781, 786, 791, 889, 1405, 1911, 1922, 1981, 2304 1414, 1405 376 SEA LAMPREY PHYSIOLOGY SEA LAMPREY_PREDATION (SA: fish predation) 60, 166, 836, 837, 1323, 1414, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1981 365, 367, 778, 779, 784, 785, 789, 791, 1320, 1353, 1908, 1909, 1914, 1920, 1928, 2050, 461, 617, 777, 780, 781, 782, 786, 787, 788, 792, 1076, 1199, 1414, 1650, 1907, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1922, 1926, 1927, 2322 SEA LAMPREY REPRODUCTION 59, 1323, 1405, 1906, 1983, 2061 SEA LAMPREY_TRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_sea lamprey) SEAWALLS 73 , 253 (SA: coastal structures) 1395, 2103 2121, 2407 SECONDARY PRODUCTION 1268, 1421 SEDIMENT CORES 308, 433 (SA: sediments) 859, 921 1220, 1227 1245, 1415 1561, 1562 1713, 1714 1720, 1899 2093, 2328 SEDIMENT TRAPS 1808, 1904 2297 SEDIMENT-WATER INTERFACE 325, 593 1221, 1411 1715, 1769 1935, 2298 SEDIMENTATION 11, 12 359, 403 494, 495 501, 502 588, 589 594, 596 667, 670 722, 745 983, 1027 1149, 1150 1224, 1227a 1265, 1334 1431, 1500 1599, 1607 1709, 1711 1783, 1824 1952, 2092 254, 255, 402, 2105, 2115, 2117, 1539 588 1102 , 1240, 1243, 1244, 1416 1599 1715 1900 2092 1027 1432 1771 18 483 497 503 590 612 672 748 1103 1151 , 1241 1335 1561 1608 1713 1904 2189 648 1188 1418 1709 1716 1942 2286 1122 1435 1772 48 486 498 572 592 641 674 815 1130 1152 , 1242 1338 1562 1623 1714 1905 2205 649, 1190, 1532, 1711, 1717, 1946, 2295, 1159, 1709, 1778, 89, 488, 499, 587, 593, 664, 675, 881, 1137, 1223, , 1245, 1395, 1563, 1656, 1716, 1944, 2237, 377 SEDIMENTATION (continued) 2239 2352 SEDIMENTATION SEASONAL VARIATION 11 1608 SEDIMENTOLOGY 403 881 1242 SEDIMENTS_CHEMISTRY 15 (SA: geochemistry) 65 (SA: inorganics_sediments, 106 metal s_sediments, 151 nutrients_sediments, 327 organics_sediments, 426 PCBS_sediments, 524 radionucl ides_sediments , or 585 trace metal s_sediments) 591 648 703 768 875 955 974 1123 1178 1221 1242 1345 1410 1432 1522 1609 1708 1714 1719 1773 1796 1833 1884 1905 1976 2093 2135 2231 2293 2379 SEDIMENTS_DEPOSITION (SA: sedimentation) 69 386 495 572 589 596 675 815 , 2277. , 2286. , 2293, , 2407, , 2409, , 2435, , 494. , 495. , 572, , 1952 , 506. , 507. , 572, , 882. 1027. , 1130, , 1415, , 1416 , 18. 40. ■ 46, , 66. , 69. , 92, , 110. , 113. ► 138, , 185. , 207. , 208, , 360. , 381 , 386, , 427. , 434. , 471, , 525. , 577 , 580, , 587. , 588 , 589, , 592. , 593. , 594, , 649. , 685. , 686, , 707. , 721. , 762, , 798. , 815. , 818, , 879. , 887. , 903, , 958. , 962c i, 967, , 980. , 1027. , 1057, , 1139. , 1159 , 1165, , 1179 , 1183. , 1219, , 1222 , 1224 , 1227b , 1311. , 1317. , 1334, , 1346. , 1382. , 1392, , 1411. , 1418. , 1419, , 1435 , 1445 , 1492, , 1523. , 1558. , 1559, , 1621. , 1622. , 1624, , 1709. , 1711. ■ 1712, , 1715. , 1716. , 1717, , 1769, 1770. 1771, , 1774. , 1778. ■ 1782, , 1825. , 1826. ■ 1827, , 1837. , 1857. , 1870, , 1888, 1891, 1892, , 1935, , 1936, 1946, , 1977. , 2007. , 2085, , 2094, 2095, 2096, , 2170, 2189, 2204, , 2260, 2286, 2288, , 2296. 2298, 2328, , 2400, , 2423, , 2424 , 149, 345, 359, , 430. , 483, ■ 486, , 496. , 498. , 505, , 574, , 583, 587, , 590. , 591, 592, , 623. , 660. 665, , 707. , 729. ■ 731, , 848. , 875, 881, 2328, 2442 1241, 667, 1227b, 56, 95 149 325 421 491 583 590 596 702 765 826 931 972 1089 1168 1220. , 1235, 1336, 1401 1431 1500 1599 1625 1713 1718 1772 1789 1828 1878 1904 1958 2086 2120 2221 2289 2365 360, 494 568 588 593 674 798 903 378 SEDIMENTS DEPOSITION (continued) SEDIMENTS_DISPERSION (S: dispersion_sediments) SEDIMENTS DISTRIBUTION SEDIMENTS_EROSION (S: erosion) SEDIMENTS FLUX .. 967, 983, 1027, 1103, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1221, 1222, 1242, 1311, 1326, 1334, 1336, 1397, 1418, 1431, 1500, 1515, 1559, 1621, 1622, 1624, 1625, 1654, 1708, 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1718, 1789, 1796, 1884, 2074, 2098, 2237, 2289, 2296, 2298, 2407 18, 22, 23, 65, 92, 95, 101, 110, 111, 138, 149, 240, 296, 345, 418, 421, 427, 430, 508, 572, 583, 585, 589, 590, 592, 593, 612, 663, 670, 674, 675, 721, 729, 730, 731, 765, 798, 815, 820, 845, 848, 857, 858, 866, 867, 869, 931, 932, 933, 950, 1019, 1103, 1123, 1149, 1150, 1152, 1195, 1219, 1221, 1222, 1227b , 1240 , 1244 , 1245 , 1317, 1326, 1401, 1415, 1416, 1418, 1419, 1500, 1522, 1559, 1561, 1563, 1621, 1625, 1649, 1651, 1652, 1654, 1675, 1687, 1708, 1709, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1717, 1782, 1827, 1837, 1881, 1884, 1891, 1904, 1905, 1936, 1942, 1944, 1947, 1948, 2007, 2008, 2014, 2041, 2074, 2092, 2223, 2286, 2288, 2289, 2296, 2298, 2315, 2424, 2442 SEDIMENTS GLACIAL SEDIMENTS_GRAIN SIZE (S: grain size_sediments) SEDIMENTS HARBORS 583, 589, 593, 596, 875, 1431, 1432, 1435, 1559, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1719, 1796, 2298 205, 623, 672, 686, 715, 799, 809, 917, 981, 1102, 1130, 1188, 1227, 1240, 1242, 1244, 1360, 1397, 1415, 1416, 1905, 1917, 2273, 2345, 2414 40, 46, 56, 110, 113, 241, 580, 648, 649, 702, 703, 748, 768, 845, 955, 972, 1074, 1165, 1220, 1827, 379 SEDIMENTS_HARBORS (continued) 1935, 1936, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2135, 2170 SEDIMENTS_HIST0RY (S: history_sediments) SEDIMENTS_HYDR0CARB0NS (S: hydrocarbons_sediments) SEDIMENTS_IN0RGANICS (S: inorganics_sediments) SEDIMENTSJ.OADING 92, 106, 113, 138, 208, 240, 386, 434, 524, 525, 568, 587, 588, 593, 648, 649, 707, 765, 768, 955, 1057, 1089, 1139, 1159, 1235, 1311, 1410, 1500, 1599, 1608, 1711, 1713, 1789, 1796, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1876, 1884, 1904, 1936, 1953, 1976, 1977, 2189, 2260, 2368, 2379 SEDIMENTSJIAPPING (S: mapping_sediments) SEDIMENTS_METALS (S: metal s_sediments) SEDIMENTS_ORGANICS (S: organics_sediments) SEDIMENTS_PCBS (S: PCBs_sediments) SEDIMENTS_PH0SPH0RUS (S: phosphorus_sediments) SEDIMENTS_P0LLUTI0N (S: pollution_sediments) SEDIMENTS_TOXICS (S: toxics_sediments) SEDIMENTS_TRANSPORT 15, 18, 65, 78, 95, (SA: littoral drift) 130, 294, 386, 483, 494, 497, 499, 501, 502, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 524, 574, 588, 591, 612, 647, 660, 662, 663, 664, 665, 667, 668, 674, 675, 729, 730, 731, 745, 761, 809, 869, 875, 881, 892, 950, 967, 1027, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1185, 1186, 1195, 1214, 1215, 1221, 1222, 1238, 1241, 1311, 1326, 1334, 1410, 1411, 1432, 1500, 1515, 1563, 1608, 1615, 1624, 1808, 1884, 1904, 1936, 1947, 2054, 2085, 2092, 2097, 2098, 2100, 2102, 380 SEDIMENTSJTRANSPORT (continued) SEDIMENTS_TRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries_sediments) SEDIMENTS_WATER QUALITY (S: sediments_chemistry) SEICHE 2116, 2118, 2173, 2189, 2221, 2237, 2277, 2289, 2407, 2408 SEISMIC (SA: geophysics) SELENIUM , (Note: selenium is not indexed with the metals or trace metals as it is a nonmetal ) SENECELLA SEWAGE (SA: discharge_sewage) (SA: waste) (SA: wastewater) SHAD 11, 12, 97, 442, 443, 450, 636, 765, 852, 942, 980, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1060, 1084, 1087, 1088, 1093, 1131, 1174, 1233, 1257, 1318, 1373, 1394, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1433, 1434, 1438, 1439, 1440, 1441, 1443, 1467, 1626, 1627, 1646, 1677, 1812, 1814, 1815, 1817, 1905, 2166, 2267 205, 1110, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1418, 1701, 1900, 2403, 2405 41. , 425, 428, 585, 594, 836. , 967, 972, 974, 1220, 1269 , 1827, 1828, 1829, 2085, 2088 , 2287 1722, , 2083 43. , 48, 49, 185, 571, 635 ► 752, 954, 973, 984, 1058. , H79, 1210, 1364, 1462, 1543. , 1558, 1583, 1641, 1644, 1645. , 1820, 1821, 1869, 1870, 1935. , 1936, 1938, 1982, 2123, 2126, , 2127, 2195, 2201, 2365 166. , 382, 468, 1098, 2065, 2219 SHEEPSHEAD SHIGELLA (S: bacteria) SHINER 223, 754, 775 SHIPPING (SA: navigation) (SA: history_shipping) 155, 197, 382, 428, 551, 553, 598, 619, 727, 916, 994, 1098, 1269, 1790, 1873, 2314, 2321, 2323, 2419, 2420 143, 144, 207, 242, 480, 514, 635, 749, 755, 773, 774, 775, 826, 895, 953, 984, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1048, 1058, 1108, 1111, 1196, 1303, 1332, 1347, 1348, 1389, 1390, 1392, 1456, 1486, 1495, 1525, 1671, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1858, 1885, 2022, 2113, 2142, 2154a , 2154b, 2229 381 SHORELINE (SA: coastal) SHORELINE ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION SHORELINE_EROSION (SA: erosion) SHORELINE_HISTORY (SA: history_coastal ) SHORELINEJ.AKE BREEZE SHORELINE LAKE LEVELS SHORELINE LAND USE 398 . , 635, 1285, 1289, 28 . ■ 29, 73, , 75, 253. . 254, 295. , 339, 374. 401, 452. , 457, 489. 490, 504. , 506, 557. 566, 574. , 597, 665. , 669, 744. , 745, 775 , 809, 822. , 823, 882 , 890, 962c i, 966b 1045. , 1075, 1185. , 1186, 1215. , 1227a 1395. , 1410, 1615. , 1617, 1876. , 2097, 2101. , 2102, 2116. 2117, 2139c i, 2144 2240. , 2277, 2408. , 2409, 217 , 264, 372 , 373, 672 , 674, 751 ■ 869, 1132. , 1186, 1486 , 1865a 1293, 1422, 188. 203, 402. 403, 574. 597, 737. , 742, 809 , 811, 892. , 895, 1042. , 1045, 1180. , 1185, 1438. , 1615, 2105. , 2111, 2407 47. 53, 323, 339, 480, 535, 763, 844, 877, , 1027, 1109, 1293, , 1300 50 71, 72, 130. ■ 203, 222b, 256. ■ 257, 259, 363. ■ 372, 373, 402. , 403, 404, 480. , 486, 487, 497. ■ 498, 502, 510. , 515, 523, 567. , 568, 569, 635. ■ 647, 660, 672 , 737, 742, 761. ■ 763, 774, 811 , 816, 821, 844. , 869, 881, 892 . 895, 960, 983. , 1027, 1042, 1151. ■ 1152, 1180, 1192. 1205, 1209, 123? 5, 1328 , 1394, 1485. , 1486, 1557, 1632. , 1874, 1875, 2098. , 2099, 2100, 2104. , 2105, 2115, 2118. , 2122, 2134, 214E i, 2146 , 2239, 2325 , 2326, 2407, 2437. , 2441 265 , 269, 363, 621 , 622, 624, 675 , 723, 744, 882 , 892, 1027, 1227c i, 1267 , 1395, 187E i, 2100 , 2117 1425, , 1542 264. 265, 269, 515. , 523, 557, 672. 723, 731, 744 , 774, 775, 821. , 822, 823, 966t ), 983, 1027, 1075 , U32, 1151, 1215. , 1227a , 1394, 1875. , 1876, 2102, 2115, , 2118, 2325, 72, , 249, 322, 363, 372, 373, 738, 745, 751, 846, 881, 882, 382 SHORELINE LAND USE (continued) SHORELINE_MAPPING (S: mapping_shoreline) SHORELINE_RECESSION (SA: bluff recession) (SA: shoreline erosion) 960, 964, 1042, 1085, 1186, 1216, 1267, 1395, 1632, 1791, 2099, 2100, 2102, 2116, 2117, 2122, 2239, 2240, 2326 SHORELINE RECREATION SHORELINE_STRATIGRAPHY SHORELINEJJRBAN SHORELINEJ/EGETATION . SIDA SILICA SILT 73, 203, 259, 295, 401, 403, , 490, 510, 557, 567, 597, 660, 761, 816, 869, 983. , 1027, 1151, 1185, 1186, 1215. , 1227a , 1238 , 1328 , 1410, 1615. , 1617, 1875, 1882, 2099, 2100 , 2102, 2116, 2408 47. , 53, 71, 188, 322, 323, , 363, 372, 373, 480, 535, , 742, 745, 751, 774, 775, 819, 846, 895, 960, 1042, 1045, 1075, 1085, 1216, 2101, 2111, 2124 217, , 566, 567, 568, 569, 62L ■ 622, 623, 624, 672, 1027, , 1238 188 , 322, 363, 372, 373, 398 , 658, 738, 1045, 1085, 1186. , 1216, 1300, 1865a 27 , 203, 510, 816, 833, 892. , 962b, 1205, 1398, 1998, 2441 [ 699, , 2312 65. , 91, 92, 180, 184, 186. , 189, 237, 325, 332, 335. , 336, 375, 417, 427, 629 , 641, 686, 765, 835, 912 , 934, 1014, 1025, 1104, 1129. , 1159, 1160, 1161, 1222, 1335 , 1406, 1559, 1560, 1561, 1562 , 1647, 1705, 1706, 1714, 1717 , 1719, 1773, 1777, 1779, 1833 , 1834, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1840 , 1841, 1843, 1844, 1936, 2012. • 2017, 2018, 2055, 2085, 2095 , 2165, 2187, 2231, 2238, 2241c :, 2275 , 2287 , 2333 , 2421, 2422 , 2433 15 , 96, 101, 111. 205, 241 , 325, 430, 433, 468, 566 , 568, 612, 648, 882, 1188 , 1190, 1227b , 1238 , 1240, 1241 , 1242, 1244, 1309, 1310, 1418 ■ 1419, 1608, 1609, 1652, 383 SILT (continued) 1654, 1905, 1947, 2007, 2074, 2297 S ILVER 648 , 967, SILVER LAMPREY 1321, SILVER REDHORSE (S: redhorse) SILVERSIDE 166 SIMULIIDAE (SA: diptera) 967 SKISTODIAPTOMUS 2083 649, 1030, 1906 740, 815, 955, 1725, 2085, 2287 SMALLMOUTH BASS . .. 223, 428, 1193, 1492, 1585, 1683. 1752, 1828, 1970, 2279, 2281 SMELT , .. 166. , 197, 223, 272, 273, 306. 365, 366, 367, 382, 428. ■ 545, 553, 555, 619, 651. , 656, 726, 754, 774, 775 , 834, 836, 837, 898, 909 , 1066, 1098, 1133, 1145, 1266 , 1267, 1269, 1308, 1526, 1550 , 1680, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1691 , 1734, 1735, 1752, 1886, 1922. , 1926, 1963, 2050, 2065, 2219. , 2262, 2279, 2281, 2289, 2301. , 2303, 2304, 2314, 2322, 2323. , 2415, 2424 SNAILS 150 , 468, , 905, 551, 933, 612, 967, 644, 685 972, 974 . 980, 994, 1149, 1151, 1381 , 1452, 1492, 1584, 1826, 2189. , 2248 SNAKES (SA: reptiles) . ,. 1261 , 1593 SNOW (SA: precipitation) 82 , 83, 84, 85, 132, 137 , 162, 226, 227, 284, 353 , 354, 355, 356, 470, 532. , 606, 813, 814, 1139, 1296 . 1298, 1366, 1595, 1757, 1760 , 1761, 1762, 1763a , 2026, 2060 , 2243, 2339 SOCIO-ECONOMICS (SA: economics) 71. , 188, 535, 614, 635, 790. , 847, 959, 1045, 1375, 1849 , 1850, 2024, 2099, 2130, 2133 , 2138, 2228, 2232 SOCIOLOGY 298. , 299, , 537, 300, 538, 302, 539, 310, 535 540, 541 , 542, 543, 812, 1027, 1865c l, 2199 SOCKEYE SALMON (S: Kokanee salmon) 384 SODIUM SOILS SORPTION (SA: adsorption) SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE (S: conductivity) SPHAERIIDAE (SA: clams) 8, 9, 66, 92, 138, 174. ■ 178, 180, 186, 189, 325. , 381, 585, 610, 686, 817 , 818, 838, 839, 954, 1011. ■ H04, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1200. , 1222, 1262, 1335, 1705, 1706. , 1712, 1718, 1767, 1772, 1773. , 1788, 1977, 1978, 1979, 2085 , 2095, 2165, 2187, 2231, 2270. , 2309 240 , 361, 386, 566, 688, 739 , 763, 881, 967, 1049, 1089 , 1137, 1363, 1394, 1411, 1497 , 1631, 1917, 1980, 1997, 1998. , 2102, 2205, 2221, 2374 63. , 1212, 1338, 1563, 1774, 1897. , 2286, 2289, 2293, 2294, 2298. , 2424 SPLAKE SPONGE (S: Porifera) SPORT FISHING 23, 24, 107, 110, 113, 418, 551, 612, 644, 853, 867, 967, 972, 974, 980, 994, 1448, 1449, 1451, 1452, 1648, 1649, 1651, 1655, 1723, 1727, 1826, 1837, 2007, 2189 774, 775, 1683, 1922 52, 233, 320, 323, 440, 441, 461, 480, 536, 538, 539, 540, 541, 543, 611, 724, 754, 773, 880, 1045, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1100, 1216, 1258, 1266, 1267, 1302, 1501, 1565, 1585, 1662, 1924, 1949, 1950, 1955, 1963, 1970, 1972, 2009, 2024, 2025, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2052, 2075, 2076, 2180, 2278, 2323, 2415 155, 197, 382, 428, 551, 553, 598, 619, 727, 994, 1098, 1269, 2314, 2321, 2419, SPOTTAIL SHINER (SA: shiner) 2420 STEELHEAD TROUT (SA: trout) 825, 1070, 1071, 1860, 1985, 2052 STEPHANODISCUS 115, 124, 714, 913, 994, (SA: diatoms) 1350, 1839, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2189, 2231, 2250, 2253, 2257, 2270 385 STICKLEBACK STORMS STRATIFICATION (SA: thermocline) STRATIGRAPHY (SA: mapping_stratigraphy) 32 1098 73 254 356 486 504 574 672 983 1232 1424 1663 2030 2115 97 168 309 630 832 967 1135 1232 1325 1434 1503 1512 1738 1817 1868 2245 2434 217 567 623 687 981 1190 1244 1887 2405 STREAM (S: tributaries) STREPTOCOCCI (S: bacteria) STRONTIUM 166 1790 78 351 357 491 505 660 710 1027 1256 1467 1716 2060 2241a 102 199 325 631 875 972 1136 1233 1374 1438 1504 1514 1803 1824 1999 2268 296 568 624 688 1027 1222 1245 382 2050 99 353 450 492 506 662 765 1106 1278 1610 2023 2097 , 2275 156 201 340 683 944 974 1213 1285 1428 1440 1505 1618 1807 1828 2042 2275 381 569 625 798 1102 1238 1397 553 2065 162 354 469 497 507 664 869 1180 1301 1626 2028 2100 162 202 444 830 945 980 1223 1318 1430 1442 1507 1634 1808 1843 2166 2289 433 621 671 799 1187 1240 1496 834, 2323 189, 355, 470, 503, 509, 665, 942, 1207, 1326, 1627, 2029, 2103, 167, 243, 445, 831, 957, 1105, 1224, 1319, 1431, 1452, 1509, 1635, 1814, 1844, 2219, 2298, 566, 622, 672, 917, 1188, 1243, 1715, 2241b, 2273, 2345, 2346, STURGEON 9, 92, 106, 138, 584, 827, 1220, 1223, 1224, 1311, 1335, 1336, 1419, 1625, 1712, 1718, 1773, 2289, 2290, 2292, 2293, 2294, 2296, 2309, 2424 166, 223, 366, 555, 1098, 1475, 1922, 1926, 2322, 2323 386 SUBMARINE STUDIES SUCKER SULFATE SULFIDE SULFUR SULFUR DIOXIDE SUMMARY (general) (SA: review) SUMMARY_ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION/ , TRANSPORT SUMMARY_BIRDS SUMMARY_CIRCULATION SUMMARY_EUTROPHICATION 5 310 1058 1889 2096 SUMMARY_FISH 62 209 411 766 1038 1259 1785 2048 38, 1653, 1731, 1944, 1948, 2223 166, 223, 382, 428, 553, 555, 693, 754, 774, 775, 994, 1098, 1125, 1140, 1399, 1492, 1687, 1688, 1752, 1790, 1873, i 1922, 1970, 2009, 2065, 2219. , 2262, 2265, 2303, 2304, 2323 7. 66, 100, 113, 152, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 185, 186, 309, 325, 427, 954. , 967, 969, 971, 972, 980. , 987, 988, 1104, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1175, 1211, 1262, 1335. , 1411, 1553, 1558, 1618, 1647. , 1705, 1706, 1767, 1826, 1827. 1829, 1833, 1837, 1936, 2095, 2165, 2187, 2195, 2231, 2254. , 2255, 2258a , 2258b, 2270, 2433 954, 1905 62. , 189, 371, 381, 686, 765. , 838, 1123, 1137, 1165, 1201. , 1222, 1250, 1282, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1289, 1300, 1522, 1558. , 1644, 1828, 2085, 2135, 2309, 2329 686. 1201, 1282, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1289, 1558, 2329 634, 1131 596, , 827, 1027, 1806 139 , 1390 182 , 1257, 1390, 1673 64, 172, 182, 207, 332, 347, 1027, 1037, 1259, 1488, 1543, 1673, 1926, 1927, 2047, 2094, 64, 106, 277, 310, 555, 579, 774, 900, 1039, 1058, 1390, 1399, 1926, 1927, 2049, 2050, 172, 182, 332, 347, 614, 734, 1027, 1037, 1059, 1076, 1673, 1743, 1928, 1956, 2066, 2234 387 SUMMARY FISHERIES 579, 614, 774, 1076, SUMMARY GEOLOGY SUMMARY HYDROLOGY SUMMARY INORGANICS SUMMARYJ.AKE LEVELS SUMMARY_LAND USE SUMMARY_METEOROLOGY SUMMARY_ORGANICS SUMMARY_PHYTOPLANKTON ... SUMMARY_TEMPERATURE SUMMARY_THERMAL_POLLUTION SUMMARY_WATER QUALITY ... 1399! 1785 uii i 207, 249, 363, 734, 736, 763, 1027, 1056, 1110, 1220, 1390, 1395, 1783, 2094, 2096, 2224, 2225, 2226, 2241a 1, 234E 182, 515, , 523, 1051, 1131, 1642, 2401, 2443 5. , 62. , 64, 182. ■ 207, ■ 310, 596. , 800. , 827, 1037. , 1038. , 1039, 1059. , 1111. , 1220, 1618. , 1673. , 1806, 1956. , 2047. , 2050, 2241c 310 , 515 , 523, 736 , 774 , 823, 1051 , 1119 , 1131, 1390 , 1477 , 1783, 62 , 207 , 249, 734 , 735 , 738, 767 , 1054 , 1056, 2123 62 » 172 , 523, 1051 , 1473 , 1763b 62 , 106 , 207, 800 , 1027 , 1037, 1056 , 1058 , 1059, 1641 , 1673 , 2050, 5 62 , 64, 310 , 332 , 347, 1390 , 1743 , 1889, 62 , 182 , 310, 1390 , 1473 , 1618, 1743 , 1763 , 1931, 62 > 64 , 190, 1027 , 1037 , 1058, 1806 , 1931 , 1956, 5 , 62 , 64, 172 , 182 , 207, 332 , 479 , 614, 741 , 763 , 766, 800 , 984 , 1027, 1039 , 1054 , 1056, 452, 614, 766, 774, 1119, 1153, 1557, 1673, 2148, 2222, 2227, 2234, 984, 1050, 1673, 2123, 106, 172, 332, 347, 984, 1027, 1056, 1058, 1259, 1488, 1889, 1926, 2094, 2096, 530b , 614, 1027, 1050, 1254, 1257, 2401, 2443 363, 614, 763, 766, 1395, 1927, 984, 1050, , 1931 310, 763, 1038, 1039, 1230, 1231, 2241c 106, 182, 984, 1027, 1956, 2047 347, 984, 1636, 1673, 2241 411, 984, 1543, 1636, 2066 90, 106, 305, 310, 734, 735, 767, 774, 1037, 1038, 1058, 1059, 388 SUMMARY_WATER QUALITY (continued) 1111, 1153, 1220, 1390, 1391, 1395, 1543, 1641, 1642, 1743, 1927, 2094, 2096, 2123, 2136, 2241c SUMMARY ZOOPLANKTON 64, 106, 190, 310, 332, 347, 1027, 1743, 1956 SUNFISH (SA: bluegill) 166, 211, 220, 223, 428, 1000, 1140, 1399, 1492, 1584, 2265 SURFACE MICROLAYER (S: air-water interface) SURVEILLANCE (S: monitoring) SUSPENDED SEDIMENTS (S: suspended solids) SUSPENDED SOLIDS SYNEDRA (SA: diatoms) TABELLARIA (SA: diatoms) TEMPERATURE (general) ... (SA: air_temperature) (SA: thermal_pollution) 11, 12, 120, 124, 189, 610, 800, 844, 952, 1057, 1175, 1211, 1221, 1222, 1226, 1340, 1500, 1580, 1608, 1625, 1655, 1795, 1797, 1828, 1936, 1982, 2085, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2170, 2195, 2204, 2231, 2250, 2364, 2366 105, 694, 719, 1320, 1837, 1839, 1843, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2167, 2189, 2250, 2257, 2270 694. 913, 994, 1315, 1316, 1325, 1837, 1843, 2017, 2020, 2167, 2189, 2257, 2270 97. , 191, 192, 193, 194, 216. , 229, 243, 325, 398, 477. , 574, 630, 652, 676, 706. , 860, 1011, 1213, 1229, 1278 , 1279, 1281, 1356, 1363, 1408 ■ 1411, 1422, 1425, 1431, 1437 , 1504, 1508, 1619, 1640, 1738 , 1739, 1788, 1803, 1810, 1812 , 1815, 1844, 1877, 2028, 2029 , 2095, 2120, 2164, 2195, 2241c i, 2377 , 2433 TEMPERATURE_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES (S : benthic_invertebrates_temperature) TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION 16, 65, 92, 110, 365, 375, 391, 530b, 620, 629, 631, 765, 835, 870, 871, 900, 909, 912, 956, 994, 998, 1006, 1018, 1098, 1225, 1294, 1368, 1374, 1406, 1489, 1569, 1659, 1707, 1743, 1755, 1779, 1797, 1827, 1837, 1842, 389 TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION (continued) . TEMPERATURE_FISH (S: fish_temperature) TEMPERATURE_HISTORY (S: history temperature) TEMPERATURE ICE TEMPERATURE_INVERTEBRATES (S: invertebrates_temperature) TEMPERATURE_MAPPING (S: mapping_temperature) TEMPERATURE_MODEL (S: model_temperature) TEMPERATURE_MONITORING (S: monitoring_temperature) TEMPERATURE_PHYTOPLANKTON (S: phytoplankton_temperature) TEMPERATURE REMOTE SENSING TEMPERATURE_RESEARCH NEEDS (S: research needs_temperature) TEMPERATURE SEASONAL VARIATION .. 1844, 1932, 1934, 1955, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1972, 1999, 2083, 2298, 2309, 2312, 2313, 2314, 2315 11, 61, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 99, 132, 133, 137, 162, 189, 221, 222, 231, 297, 765, 818, 849, 850, 851, 958, 1049, 1151, 1225, 1232, 1309, 1332, 1503, 1510, 1511, 1513, 1525, 1529, 1610, 1701, 1741, 1742, 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763a, 1763b, 1879, 1932, 1933, 1934, 2034, 2257, 2267, 2348 84, 85, 88, 89, 137, 221, 222, 287, 343, 346, 983, 1109, 1285, 1290, 1296, 1314, 1329, 1514, 1540, 1707, 1793, 1821, 1822, 1932, 1934, 2027, 2034, 2036, 2203, 2404 9, 11, 16, 92, 168, 199, 288, 340, 355, 357, 467, 512, 802, 875, 935, 936, 944, 945, 957, 967, 979, 980, 1006, 1109, 1157, 1282, 1287, 1294, 1301, 1318, 1377, 1378, 1430, 1434, 1438, 1440, 1452, 1473, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1512, 1594, 1618, 1634, 1659, 1701, 1738, 1755, 1777, 1795, 1808, 1809, 1955, 2042, 390 TEMPERATURE_SEASONAL VARIATION 2085, 2165, 2166, 2172, 2245, (continued) 2298 TEMPERATURE_SUMMARY (S: summary_temperature) TEMPERATURE_THERMAL POLLUTION (S: thermal_pollution) TEMPERATURE_ZOOPLANKTON (S: zooplankton_temperature) TERNS 1270, 1271, 1273, 1274 THERMAL BAR 64, 168, 935, 938, 1011, 1434, 1509, 1733, 1738, 2011 THERMAL_PLUME 1, 2, 62, 64, 65, (SA: thermal_pollution) 76, 80, 107, 110, 118, 119, 126, 127, 167, 168, 195, 318, 342, 382, 384, 447, 57b, h'/6, 6U5, o/&, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 692, 793, 807, 905, 906, 957, 993, 997, 1025, 1150, 1151, 1169, 1182, 1233, 1314, 1329, 1509, 1552, 1556, 1578, 1582, 1637, 1659, 1660, 1746, 1748, 1750, 1804, 1822, 1898, 1936, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1972, 1974, 2011, 2058, 2077, 2078, 2231, 2366, 2404, 2417, 2421 THERMAL_POLLUTION (general) (SA: power plants) (SA: thermal_pl ume) (SA: temperature) THERMAL_POLLUTION_DISPERSION (S : dispersion_thermal_pollution) THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON BIOTA (general, no specific taxa given) (SA: power plants, effects on biota) 168 410 743 1010 1544 2071 409, 684, 997, 1442, 2058, 39, 42, 44, 45, 51, 54, 108, 164, 266, 314, 407, 605, 681, 948, 989, 1021, 1164, 1392, 1543, 1836, 2186, 2192, 2197, 2198, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2214, 2332, 2386, 2389, 2390, 2391, 2392, 2393, 2394, 2395, 2396, 2398, 2399 THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON BACTERIA 765, 952, 1014, 1027, 1029, 1058, 1175, 1558, 1827, 1936, 391 THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON BACTERIA (continued) THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON FISH (S: fish_thermal_pollution) THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON INVERTEBRATES THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON PERIPHYTON THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON PHYTOPLANKTON (S : phytopl ankton_thermal_pol 1 ution ) THERMAL_POLLUTION, EFFECTS ON ZOOPLANKTON (S: zooplankton_thermal_poll ution) THERMAL_P0LLUTI0N_MAPPING (S: mapping_thermal_poll ution) THERMAL_P0LLUTI0N_M0DEL (S: model_thermal_poll ution) THERMAL_POLLUTION_MONITORING (S: moni tori ng_thermal_poll ution) THERMAL_POLLUTION_REVIEW (S: rev iew_thermal_poll ution) THERMAL_POLLUTION_SUMMARY (S: summary_thermal_poll ution) THERMOCLINE (SA: stratification) THORIUM 1982, 2190, 2201, 2219, 2231, 2333, 2400 62, 64, 107, 110, 169, 170, 315, 765, 905, 1015, 1020, 1024, 1027, 1091, 1092, 1149, 1151, 1383, 1449, 1452, 1528, 1578, 1582, 1635, 1827, 1936, 1956, 1961, 2090, 2231, 2323, 2366, 2385, 2400 62, 64, 65, 107, 110, 167, 169, 170, 181, 190, 195, 315, 431, 765, 801, 905, 1006, 1015, 1018, 1020, 1024, 1027, 1091, 1092, 1149, 1151, 1383, 1449, 1452, 1528, 1578, 1827, 1936, 1956, 1961, 2090, 2219, 2231, 2322, 2323, 2366, 2385, 2400 64, 169, 905, 1005, 1014, 1975, 2231, 2385, 2400 200, 443, 444, 830, 945, 1135, 1136, 1229, 1318, 1431, 1443, 1504, 1803, 2166, 2245 584, 585, 594, 2086 392 TIDES 450 852 1441 TILL TIN 66 265 621 715 1242 1944 815 TITANIUM 686 TOADS (SA: amphibians) 1261 TOPOGRAPHY (LAND) 203 TOPOGRAPHY BENTHIC TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS . (SA: dissolved solids) 78 205 499 508 674 1084 1359 1468 1677 1940 97 958 1250 TOURISM 750 (SA: recreation) 2025 TOXAPHENE 967 (SA: organochlorine pesticides) TOXICITY (SA: bioassay; SA: toxics) 34 855 1333 502, 506, 744, 765, 1088, 1257, 1429, 1439, TOXICS (SA: specific compounds) TOXICS_BIOACCUMULATION (S: bioaccumul ation_toxics) TOXICS_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES (S: benthic_invertebrates_toxics) TOXICS BIRDS 204, 205, 566, 567, 622, 623, 917, 983, 1243, 1244, 1947, 2302, 2287 707, 1222 1593 820, 962b, 98, 194, 485, 486, 502, 504, 549, 663, 675, 917, 1227b, 1244 1360, 1361, 1582, 1608, 1678, 1816, 1941, 1943, 152, 154, 995, 999, 1362, 1569, 829, 1949, 2180 1026 217, 568, 625, 1238, 1397, 2346 264, 597, 626, 1240, 1917, 1339 201, 491, 505, 664, 921, , 1245 1433, 1635, 1818, 1947, 176, 1104, 1647, 1950, 202, 498, 506, 665, 943, , 1265, 1438, 1654, 1880, 2092 309, 1111, 2135 2024, 60, 95, 185, 854, 1027, 1034, 1122, 1142, 1409, 2250 TOXICS CYCLING 310, TOXICS_FISH (SA: fish_organics) 31, 95, 238, 627, 633, 716, 873, 885, 886, 887, 952, 1114, 1115, 1272, 1276, 1277, 1409, 1484, 1604, 1827, 1831, 2221 310, 596, 1027, 1062, 1884, 2085, 2221, 2429 59, 93, 95, 208, 223, 238, 310, 427, 428, 440, 393 TOXICS FISH (continued) TOXICS HUMAN HEALTH TOXICS INVERTEBRATES TOXICS LOADING TOXICS_MAMMALS TOXICS_METALS (includes trace metals) . 471, 522, 776, 835, 863, 885, 924, 951, 968, 972, 1030, 1034, 1061, 1083, 1139, 1140, 1145, 1178, 1237, 1269, 1487, 1591, 1692, 1693, 1829. 1872, 1981, 2039, 2189. 2190, 2259. , 2261, 2323, 2336, 95, 223, 967, 968, 1029. , 1039, 1142. , 1237, 1828. . 1829, 2221, , 2261, 34. , 41, 425, , 427, 837. , 885, 967. , 972, 1220. , 1333, 1725. , 1827, 1936 , 2039, 2323 , 2424 92 , 208, 648 , 649, 1029 , 1036, 1089 , 1139, 1884 , 1936, 2205 , 2259, 93 95, 34 , 41, 360 , 425, 595 , 596, 836 , 862, 962c J, 968, 1030 , 1034, 1140 , 1141, 1220 , 1222, 1337 , 1604, 1828 , 1829, 1959 , 1968, 2160 , 2201, 2424 , 2429 524, 595, 754, 836, 837, 862, 886, 879, 887, 952, 962a i, 967, 974, 979, 1027, 1037, 1039, 1058, 1089. , 1099. , 1122, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1179. , 1217. ■ 1219, 1272. 1308. , 1409, 1630. , 1673. , 1690, 1825. , 1827. , 1828, 1930. , 1959. , 1968, 2050. , 2065. , 2079, 2205. , 2218. ■ 2221, 2262 , 2265 , 2310, 2338 , 2424 425 , 951 , 962a, 972, , 974 , 979, 1040 , 1140 ■ 1141, 1690 , 1693 , 1827, 1930 , 2160 , 2201, 2310 , 2335 92 , 208 , 310, 428 , 702 , 817, 886 , 887 , 930, 974 , 1027 , 1030, 1337 , 1604 , 1706, 1828 , 1884 , 1935, 2050 , 2079 , 2189, 524 , 531 , 571, 885 , 886 , 955, 1037 , 1040 , 1058, 1706 , 1827 , 1828, 1953 , 2160 , 2189, 2260 , 2264 , 2368 1027 92 , 208 , 223, 427 , 524 , 591, 627 , 648 , 649, 879 , 952 , 955, 972 , 974 , 1027, 1037 , 1058 , 1062, 1145 , 1178 , 1211, 1269 , 1330 , 1333, 1706 , 1725 , 1827, 1872 , 1884 , 1936, 2065 , 2085 , 2088, 2221 , 2335 , 2365, TOXICS_MONITORING (S: moni toring_toxics) 394 TOXICS ORGANICS TOXICS PHYTOPLANKTON TOXICS SEDIMENTS TOXICS_TRANSPORT TOXICSJJPTAKE (SA: bioaccumulation_toxics) TOXICS_WATER QUALITY 31, 37, 59, 93, 95, 153, 208. ■ 223, 263. 310, 362, 471, 522, 524, 531, 571, 580. , 627. ■ 719, 721, 754, , 762. , 835. , 836. , 837, 863, 885. , 886. , 887. ■ 923, 924. 951. 952, 962c i, 967, 968, 972. , 974. , 979. , 991, 1027, 1029. , 1030, 1036, 1037, 1039, 1040. , 1058. , 1061, 1083, 1089. , 1099. , 1114. , 1115. , 1122, 1139, 1142. , 1143. . 1177, , 1179, 1211. 1212. , 1217. , 1219. , 1222, 1230. 1231. , 1237. , 1272. , 1276, 1277. 1308. , 1345. , 1484. , 1487, 1591. 1630. , 1673. , 1690. , 1692, 1693. , 1706. , 1825. , 1827. , 1828, 1829. , 1831. , 1930. , 1935. , 1936, 1953. , 2050. , 2085 , 2160. , 2175, 2189 , 2190 , 2191 , 2193 . 2194, 2201. , 2205 , 2215 , 2259 , 2260, 2261. , 2262 , 2263 , 2264 , 2265, 2310 , 2323 , 2336 , 2338 , 2358, 2368 34 , 92 , 208 , 310 , 427, 428 , 702 , 719 , 835 , 962a, 967 , 968 , 972 , 974 , 979, 1027. , 1089 , 1212. , 1706 . 1725, 1827 , 1828 , 1884 , 1935 , 1936, 2160, , 2189 , 2190, , 2323, , 2424 92 95 , 208 , 238 , 360, 427, , 471. , 524 , 580. , 591, 596 , 648 , 649 , 702 . 721, 762. , 879 , 887 , 930. , 955, 962c i, 967 , 972 , 974. , 1027, 1089 , 1139 , 1178 , 1179 . 1219, 1220. , 1222 , 1345 , 1825. , 1827, 1828 , 1884 , 1935 , 1936 , 1953, 2085 , 2189 , 2221 , 2260. , 2365, 2368 , 2424 95 , 425 , 524 , 591 , 967, 979 , 1027 , 1029 , 1062. , 1222, 1725. , 1884 , 1936 , 2085. . 2189, 2221 , 2429 425 , 427 , 702. , 1308. , 1142, 1725. , 1884. , 1959 , 1968. , 2261 37 , 41 , 92 ► 95 , 153, 208. , 210 , 263. , 310. , 360, 362 , 425 , 524 , 571. , 580, 648 , 649 , 702 , 716. , 721, 762 , 885 , 886 , 879 , 887, 930 , 952 , 955 , 962c I. 967, 395 TOXICS WATER QUALITY (continued) TOXICS ZOOPLANKTON TRACE METALS (SA: specific trace metals) (SA: metals) TRACE METALS_ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION/POLLUTION TRACE METALS_BIOACCUMULATION . (SA: metal s_bioaccumulati on) (SA: meta,ls_uptake) TRACE METALS_BIOTA (SA : benthi c_i nvertebratesjnetal s ) (SA: fishjnetals) (SA: invertebrates_metals) (SA: phytoplanktonjnetals) (SA: zooplankton metals) 968, 972, 974, 991, 1027, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1039, 1040, 1058, 1062, 1089, 1177, 1178, 1179, 1211, 1212, 1220, 1230, 1231, 1330, 1333, 1387, 1543, 1639, 1690, 1706, 1825, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1935, 1936, 1953, 2039, 2085, 2088, 2160, 2171, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2181, 2183, 2184, 2189, 2190, 2191, 2193, 2194, 2196, 2201, 2205, 2218, 2221, 2260, 2263, 2264, 2323, 2335, 2358, 2365, 2368, 2429 34, 41, 92, 310, 425, 427, 428, 702, 972, 1027, 1220, 1333, 1337, 1706, 1725, 1828, 1884, 1935, 1936, 2050, 2189, 2323, 2424 16, 33, 371, 386, 524, 583, 587, 590, 593, 596, 644, 646, 708. 709, 710, 718, 827. , 828. , 838. 877, 1103. , 1137. , 1222. ■ 1223, 1334. , 1490. , 1558. 1713, 1789. , 1884. , 1894. 1895, 1901. , 2095. , 2289. , 2290, 2298, , 2329, , 2354, 2355, 41 , 106 , 425. , 427, 586 , 596 , 627. , 685, 879 , 1127 , 1128 , 1140, 1178 , 1269 , 1334. , 1338, 1491 , 1558 , 1604. , 1706, 1827. , 1957 , 1958. , 1959, 2065 , 2286 , 2289 , 2301, 2424 9 , 41 , 64. , 65, 92 , 106 ■ 177 ■ 208, 425 , 426 , 427 , 428, 524 , 585 , 586 , 595, 610 , 627 , 644 , 685, 765 , 800 , 836 , 862, 962c i, 967 , 968 , 969, 972 , 973 , 974 , 980, 1014 , 1026 , 1027 , 1030, 1037 , 1038 , 1058 , 1104, 1128 , 1140 , 1141 , 1145, 425, 592, 707, 743, 1027, 1290, 1714, 1896, 2296, 2356 428, 862, 1141, 1445, 1826, 1968, 2335, 66, 223, 474, 596, 706, 879, 971, 994, 1034, 1127, 1175, 396 TRACE METALS BIOTA (continued) TRACE METALS CYCLING TRACE METALS_DEPOSITION (S: deposition_metals) TRACE METALS DISCHARGE . TRACE METALS DISTRIBUTION TRACE METALS_FERROMANGANESE NODULES (S: ferromanganese nodules) TRACE METALS LOADING , 1178, 1220, 1269, 1333, 1334, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1400, 1445, 1491, 1493, 1558, 1604, 1706, 1710, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1872, 1884, 1936, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1979, 2065, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2160, 2187, 2195, 2201, 2221, 2231, 2254, 2258b , 2270 , 2286 , 2289 , 2293, 2294, 2301, 2335, 2385, 2424 17, 18, 65, 69, 583, 585, 596, 1027, 1062, 1224, 1336, 1344, 1709, 1884, 2085, 2221, 2286, 2289, 2290, 2291, 2293, 2294, 2296, 2298, 2429 64. , 69, 138, 386, 800, 967 , 968, 972, 973, 974, 1007. ■ 1014, 1037, 1057, 1127, 1128. , 1211, 1445, 1493, 1558, 1624 , 1826, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1936 , 1977, 2160, 2187, 2195, 2231 , 2238, 2254, 2289, 2333, 2354 , 2385 14 , 16, 17, 18, 65, 92 , 138, 149, 177, 324, 427 , 428, 583, 585, 589,, 590. ■ 592, 593, 765, 798, 815 , 828, 836, 838, 994, 1123. , 1103, 1145, 1218, 1221, 1222. , 1330, 1418, 1419, 1500, 1522. , 1621, 1625, 1706, 1709, 1712 , 1713, 1714, 1716, 1782, 1827 , 1884, 1891, 1904, 1905, 1936. , 1959, 2088, 2286, 2288, 2289 ► 2296, 2298, 2309, 2335, 2424 92, 106, 138, 177, 208, 386, 524, 587, 588, 593, 648, 649, 707, 708, 743, 765, 768, 800, 955, 1037, 1038, 1057, 1058, 1137, 1159, 1223, 1493, 1500, 1553, 1706, 1713, 1789, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1862, 1884, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1901, 1904, 1936, 1976, 1977, 2160, 2187, 2238, 2254, 2329, 2354, 2355, 2356, 2433 397 TRACE METALS_MODEL (S: modeljnetals) TRACE METALS RADIONUCLIDES TRACE METALS SEDIMENTS TRACE METALS TRANSPORT TRACE METALS TRIBUTARIES 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 64, 65, 106, 427, 428, 583, 585, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 593, 596, 644, 685, 743, 765, 827, 828, 971, 972, 974, 980, 1058, 1103, 1127, 1128, 1223, 1224, 1334, 1336, 1338, 1445, 1490, 1491, 1493, 1494, 1621, 1624, 1625, 1709, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, , 1725, 1827, 1828, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1968. 2286, 2288. , 2289. , 2290. 2291. , 2292, 2293, , 2294, , 2296, , 2298, 2301, 2424 15, , 18. ■ 65, 66. 69, 92, 106, 138, 149, 208, 325, 327. , 360. , 381. , 386, 426. 427. 524. 583, 585, 587. , 588. , 589. , 590 , 591, 592. , 593. , 594. , 596 , 648, 649 , 685 , 686 , 707. ■ 715, 740 , 765 , 768 , 798 . 815, 818 , 879 , 903 , 955 , 962a 967. , 972. , 974 , 980 , 1027, 1057. , 1103 , 1123. , 1159 , 1165, 1168 , 1178 , 1220 , 1221 , 1222, 1224 , 1242 , 1334 , 1336 , 1382, 1418 , 1419 , 1435 , 1445 , 1500, 1522 , 1558 , 1609 , 1621 , 1624, 1625 , 1709 , 1712 , 1713 , 1714, 1715 , 1716 , 1718 , 1769 , 1770, 1771 , 1772 , 1773 , 1782 , 1789, 1826 , 1827 , 1828 , 1833 , 1857, 1884 , 1891 , 1892 , 1904 , 1905, 1936 , 1958 , 1976 , 1977 , 1990, 2085 , 2086 , 2093 , 2094 , 2095, 2096 , 2120 , 2135 , 2221 , 2231, 2286 , 2288 , 2289 , 2293 , 2296, 2298 , 2328 , 2424 15 18 65 , 386 , 425, 524 , 588 , 591 , 646 , 708, 718 , 877 , 967 , 1027 , 1062, 1218 , 1221 , 1222 , 1290 , 1334, 1490 , 1500 , 1624 , 1725 , 1884, 1894 , 1895 , 1896 , 1901 , 1936, 2085 , 2221 , 2289 , 2429 9 , 18 66 , 92 , 106, 138 , 189 , 208 , 386 , 587, 592 , 648 , 649 , 768 , 800, 954 , 955 , 967 , 968 , 974, 398 TRACE METALS TRIBUTARIES (continued) 987, 988, 1027, 1057, 1137, 1140, 1178, 1221, 1418, 1500, 1624, 1710, 1718, 1767, 1769, 1827, 1828, 1833, 1884, 1904, 1905, 1936, 1976, 1977, 2187, 2195, 2231, 2238, 2254, 2258b, 2287, 2333, 2354, 2356, 2433 TRACE METALSJJPTAKE (S: metal s_up take) TRACE METALS_WATER QUALITY (S: metal sjwater quality) TRACER (S: radionuclides) TRANSPARENCY (SA: light) .. TRANSPORTATION , (SA: navigation) (SA: shipping) TREES (S: forests) TRIBUTARIES_BROOK LAMPREY TRIBUTARIES DISCHARGE .... TRIBUTARIES FISH 124, 173, 287, 765, 947, 969, 1173, 1406, 1438, 1518, 1568, 1618, 1790, 1833, 1834, 1948, 2085, 2167, 2223, 2366 143, 224, 480, 548, 736, 742, 755, 762, 966a, 1048, 1456, 1845, 1847, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1858, 2230, 2354 285, 513, 984, 1183, 1462, 1704, 1828, 1937, 2190, 2207, 2212, , 2254, 2354, 129, 208, 380, 604, 889, 968, 1089, 1140, 1199, 1414, 1631, 1861, 1913, 1983, 11, 12. , 110. , 138, 286, 337, , 386, 434, 800, 967. , 968 , 974, 1040, 1057, 1080, 1087, 1210, 1349. , 1391. , 1401, 1580, 1608. , 1622, 1624, 1795, 1796. , 1797. ■ 1827, 1833, 1839, 1869. , 1936, 1977. , 2186. , 2187. , 2189, 2192, 2195, 2197. , 2198, 2208. , 2209. , 2210. , 2211, 2220. , 2231. , 2238. , 2241b 2260. , 2264. , 2333, , 2352, 2379 59. 93 , 94 , 106, 166 , 178 , 184 ► 189, 211. , 250. , 311. , 379, 382. , 581. , 598. , 600, 824 , 885 , 886 , 887, 904. , 947. , 958. ■ 967, 974. , 1027 , 1052 , 1070, 1099 , 1122 , 1125 , 1139, 1143 , 1167 , 1178 , 1179, 1320 , 1321 , 1322 , 1323, 1497 , 1565 , 1585 , 1588, 1692 , 1827 , 1828 , 1833, 1907. , 1908 , 1909 , 1910, 1914 , 1915 , 1926 • 1954, 399 TRIBUTARIES FISH (continued) TRIBUTARIES HYDROLOGY TRIBUTARIES INORGANICS TRIBUTARIES INVERTEBRATES TRIBUTARIES LOADING 1984, 1988, 1990, 1992, 2069, 2070, 2079, 2189, 2190, 2205, 2219, 2231, 2259. 2265, 2284, 2321, 2337, 2347, 2379 66, , 92, 208, 252, 284, 285, 286, 288, 512, 513, 722, 733, 737, 744, 746, 753, 759, 768. 794, 841, 954, 958, 967, 968. 984, 985, 987, 988. 1049, 1052, 1080, 1131, 1174, 1339, 1594, 1642. 1656, 1666, 1718. 1767, 1768. 1827, 1833. 1863, 1902, 1953. , 2190. , 2205. , 2220. , 2238, 2272, , 2287, , 2331, , 2363 5. 9. 11. 12. , 18, 66. , 92. , 106. , 110. , 138, 178 , 180. , 184 , 208 , 237, 386. , 421. , 434 , 587. , 592, 648 , 649 , 650 , 702 , 753, 768 , 794. , 800 , 844 , 947, 954 , 955 , 958 , 967 . 968, 974 , 984 , 987 , 988 , 1027, 1040 , 1056 , 1057 , 1079 , 1081, 1137 , 1140 , 1154 , 1178 , 1183, 1210 , 1221 , 1235 , 1316 , 1392, 1401 , 1418 , 1462 , 1463 , 1500, 1520 , 1580 , 1622 , 1624 , 1631, 1645 , 1703 , 1704 , 1710 , 1718, 1767 , 1769 , 1779 , 1788 , 1795, 1796 , 1797 , 1827 , 1828 , 1833, 1834 , 1839 , 1864 , 1884 , 1905, 1926 , 1935 , 1936 , 1953 , 1976, 1977 , 2002 , 2069 , 2070 ► 2143, 2167 , 2174 , 2178 , 2186 , 2187, 2189 , 2190 , 2191 , 2192 , 2193, 2194 , 2195 , 2197 , 2198 , 2205, 2207 , 2208 , 2209 , 2210 , 2211, 2212 , 2219 , 2231 , 2238 , 2250, 2252 , 2254 , 22581 ), 228 y ', 2333, 2352 , 2354 , 2356 , 2359 , 2430, 2431 , 2433 120 , 208 , 421 , 702 , 722, 933 , 1401 , 1580 , 1585 , 1588, 1935 , 1936 , 2079 , 2167 , 2189, 2248 , 2342 , 2376 , 2379 12 . 92 , 106 , 138 , 180, 184 , 208 , 240 , 386 , 434, 587 , 648 , 649 , 650 , 753, 768 , 800 , 885 , 886. , 947, 955 , 1040 , 1057. , 1080. , 1089, 1137. , 1139. , 1210. , 1235. ■ 1462, 1463. , 1500. , 1580. , 1608. ■ 1779, 400 TRIBUTARIES LOADING (continued) TRIBUTARIES_METALS (includes trace metals) (SA: trace metals tributaries) TRIBUTARIES NUTRIENTS TRIBUTARIES ORGANICS TRIBUTARIES PCBS 1795, 1796, 1869, 1884, 1976, 1977, 2189, 2192, 2207, 2208, 2212, 2238, 2264, 2331, 2379, 2431, 9, 18, 138, 178, 386, 587, 768, 800, 967, 968, 1027, 1057, 1221, 1418, 1718, 1767, 1828, 1833, 1976, 1977, 2238, 2254, 2354, 2356, 5. 9, 178, 180, 237. , 434, 794. , 947, 1027. , 1040, 1183. , 1210, 1463. , 1520, 1779. , 1795, 1828. , 1833, 1936. , 1953, 2143. , 2167, 2192 ■ 2197, 2208 , 2209, 2219. , 2231, 2287 , 2333, 2431 , 2433 59 , 66, 208 , 753, 844 , 878, 923 , 958, 1027 , 1040, 1081 , 1089, 1143 , 1179, 1692 , 1827, 1936 , 1953, 2187 , 2189, 2193 , 2194, 2205 , 2207, 2211 , 2212, 2265 , 2331, 2430 66 93, 878 , 967, 1827, 1828, 1904, 1936, 2002, 2186, 2197, 2198, 2209, 2210, 2254, 2259, 2354, 2356, 2433 66, 92, 180, 189, 592, 648, 954, 955, 974, 987, 1137, 1140, 1500, 1624, 1769, 1788, 1884, 1905, 2187, 2195, 2258b 2433 2287 1833, 1953, 2187, 2205, 2211, 2260, 2368, 106, 208, 649, 958, 988, 1178, 1710, 1827, 1936, 2231, , 2333, 66. . 92, 110, 184. 189, 208, 650. , 702, 768, 958. , 974, 984, 1056. , 1057, 1154, 1235. , 1316, 1462, 1580. , 1645. 1710, 1796. , 1797. , 1827, 1834. , 1839. 1926, 1976. , 1977. , 2002, 2186. , 2187. 2189, 2198 , 2205, 2207, 2210. , 2211. , 2212, 2250 , 2252. , 2254, 2359 , 2368, 2430, 93 , 106. 189, 763 , 768. , 800, 885 , 886. 887, 967 , 968. , 974, 1056 , 1057. , 1079, 1099 , 1122. , H39, 1230 , 1237. , 1392, 1828 , 1864 , 1935, 2174 , 2178 , 2186, 2190 , 2191 . 2192, 2195 , 2197 ■ 2198, 2208 , 2209 , 2210, 2259 , 2260 , 2264, 2337 , 2352 , 2368, 189 , 208 , 768, 974 , 1027 , 1040, 401 TRIBUTARIES PCBS (continued) TRIBUTARIES_PHOSPHORUS (S: phosphorus tributaries) 1057, 1139, 1179, 1237, 1827, 1828, 2205, 2259, 2260, 2264, 2265, 2337 TRIBUTARIES PHYTOPLANKTON TRIBUTARI ES_P0LLUTI0N (SA: tributaries water quality) TRIBUTARIES RADIOACTIVITY TRIBUTARIES RADIONUCLIDES 5 178 237 958 1027 1316 1580 1828 1935 2189 2252 11 166 337 587 702 794 886 955 978 1056 1144 1221 1380 1463 1642 1779 1821 1869 1953 2171 2181 2188 2193 2198 2210 2250 2331 2354 2363 2378 106 1704 18 1622 9 180 434 967 1089 1320 1779 1833 1936 2190 2254 12 178 382 592 737 800 887 958 984 1057 1178 1230 1391 1497 1645 1795 1827 1926 1976 2174 2183 2189 2194 2205 2211 2254 2333 2356 2368 2379 189 2190 106 1624 92 184 650 968 1154 1401 1795 1834 1977 2219 2341 66 180 386 648 753 844 923 967 985 1080 1179 1235 1392 1520 1703 1796 1828 1935 2002 2176 2184 2190 2195 2207 2212 2258b 2342 2359 2369 2431 1027 587 1703 106 189 702 974 1183 1509 1796 1839 2011 2231 2343 92 184 434 649 763 878 933 968 1027 1089 1183 1316 1401 1580 1704 1797 1834 1936 2069 2177 2186 2191 2196 2208 2219 , 2260 2343 2360 2376 1040 958 1827 110 208 947 984 1235 1520 1827 1884 2167 2250 2344 110 208 511 650 768 885 947 974 1040 1140 1210 1349 1462 1631 1718 1820 1864 1937 2070 2178 2187 2192 2197 2209 2238 , 2264, 2352 2361 2377 1703 974 1828 402 TRIBUTARIES RIVER PLUME TRIBUTARIES SEA LAMPREY TRIBUTARIES SEDIMENTS TRIBUTARIES_TRACE METALS (S: trace metals tributaries) TRIBUTARIES_WATER QUALITY ... (SA: tributaries pollution) 11. 12, 110, 1509, 1710, 1935, 2011 59, 129, 166, 581, 824, 889, 1027, 1099, 1122, 1321, 1323, 1414, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1926, 1983, 2079 66, 92, 106, 138, 208, 240, 434, 587, 592, 702, 722, 748, 933, 955, 958, 1027, 1057, 1089, 1179, 1183, 1188, 1235, 1392, 1401, 1608, 1622, 1624, 1769, 1796, 1827, 1884, 1904, 1905, 1953, 1976, 1977, 2231, 2260, 2368, 5 106 189 434 763 844 947 974 988 1079 1144 1349 1462 1642 1796 1828 1935 2002 2174 2183 2189 2194 2205 2211 2258b 2331 2352 2369 2433 9 110 208 511 768 878 954 978 1027 1080 1179 1380 1463 1645 1797 1833 1936 2069 2176 2184 2190 2195 2207 2212 , 2260 2333 2359 2376 11 178 337 650 794 885 958 984 1040 1081 1183 1391 1497 1767 1820 1834 1937 2070 2177 2186 2191 2196 2208 2238 2264 2341 2360 2377 120 , 138, 1936 , 1937, 211 , 250, 904. , 968, 1199. , 1320, 1907. , 1908, 1914, , 1915, 110. , 120, 386 , 421, 648 , 649, 768 ■ 887, 967 , 974, 1139. , H78, 1191. ■ 1221, 1418. , 1500, 1654. 1718, 1828, , 1833, 1935. , 1936, 2143. , 2189, 2379 66. , 92, 180. , 184, 386, 421, 702. , 753, 800. , 841, 886. , 933, 967. , 968, 985 , 987, 1056. , 1057, 1087. , 1089, 1210. , 1235, 1392 . 1401, 1580. , 1631, 1768. , 1795, 1821 , 1827, 1864 , 1869, 1976 ► 1977, 2167. , 2171, 2178 • 2181, 2187. , 2188, 2192. , 2193, 2197. , 2198, 2209. , 2210, 2250. ■ 2254, 2272 !, 2287, 2342, 2343, 2361. , 2363, 2378. 2379, 403 TRIBUTARIES_WATERSHED 120 286 513 844 985 1056 1391 1642 1797 2002 2238 2430 TRIBUTARIES WETLANDS 66 954 1631 TRICHOPTERA 468 976 1826 TRITIUM 63 TROPHIC CONDITIONS 87 (SA: eutrophic) 392 (SA: eutrophication) 714 (SA: oli go trophic) 958 1210 1315 1451 1561 1733 1834 2013 2167 2323 TROPHIC LEVEL (SA: food chain) TROPOCYCLOPS TROUT (SA: specific species) . 148 2083 67, 223, 382, 459, 545, 654, 780, 837, 1000, 1077, 1199, 1302, 1550, 1589, 1691, 1753, 1825, , 208, 240, 252, , 288. , 361, , 511, , 587, 737, 746, , 967, 968, 974, , 987, 988, 1040, , 1057, 1089, 1131, , 1458, , 1497. , 1594, , 1645, 1710. 1767, , 1827. 1833. 1902, , 2087, 2190. , 2205, , 2264, , 2331, , 2368, , 208. , 236. , 511, , 1052. , 1188, ■ H90, , 2143 , 817. , 967 , 972, , 977. , 1263 , 1585, , 2425 , 106 , 806 , 1007, , 151, , 152. , 174, , 431. , 434 , 699, , 768. , 805. , 910, , 1029. , 1059 ► 1111, , 1212, , 1234. , 1236, , 1390. , 1392 , 1400, , 1462. , 1465. , 1466, , 1562. , 1644. , 1645, , 1743. , 1790 . 1824, , 1837 , 1870 , 1982, , 2020 , 2055 , 2064, , 2250 , 2251 , 2254, , 2341 , 2379 , 2400 , 2044 , 2274 140, 273, 392, 461, 553, 754, 781, 876, 1068, 1098, 1250, 1308, 1567, 1590, 1692, 1754, 1828, 166, 365, 422, 462, 555, 774, 825, 967, 1069, 1117, 1266, 1310, 1585, 1660, 1693, 1755, 1829, 178, 366, 423, 463, 617, 775, 835, 968, 1070, 1118, 1267, 1353, 1586, 1683, 1746, 1785, 1860, 285, 512, 759, 984, 1049, 1339, 1631, 1768, 1953, 2220, 2377, 794, 1497, 974, 1588, 2293 190, 701, 931, 1183, 1259, 1418, 1539, 1729, 1833, 2005, 2160, 2276, 211, 367, 428, 468, 631, 779, 836, 994, 1071, 1179, 1269, 1399, 1587, 1690, 1752, 1790, 1907, 404 TROUT (continued) 1908, 1914, 1927, 1958, 1969, 1985, 2050, 2262, 2289, 2323, 2416, TROUT-PERCH 166, 804, 1790, TUBIFICIDS (S: Oligochaeta) TUNGSTEN 381 , TURBELLARIA 967 , 1584, TURBIDITY 102, 330, 967, 973, 1173, 1618, 1790, 1982, 2231, TURBULENCE (S: mixing) TURTLES (SA: reptiles) ULOTHRIX (SA: green algae) UPTAKE (S: specific compound or organism) (S: bioaccumulation) UPWELLING 1261, 871, 1909, 1922, 1928, 1959, 1970, 1988, 2052, 2265, 2301, 2337, 2424 382, 922, 2050, 584, 972, 1826 113, 337, 968, 980, 1175, 1639, 1826, 2034, 2253, 1593 1235, 1910, 1924, 1954, 1964, 1972, 1993, 2065, 2279, 2304, 2366, 1911, 1925, 1955, 1965, 1973, 1994, 2066, 2282, 2319, 2370, 1913, 1926, 1957, 1968, 1974, 1995, 2219, 2286, 2322, 2415, 551, 553, 619, 1098, 1269, 1399, 2065, 2314 594, 2086 974, 980, 1381, 120, 694, 969, 996, 1183, 1705, 1827, 2085, 2257, 124, 724, 970, 1057, 1349, 1706, 1829, 2120, 2270, 189, 952, 972, 1106, 1608, 1788, 1936, 2195, 2333 URANIUM URBAN (SA: history urban) 1, 2, 202, 340, 936, 1173, 1434, 1438, 1809, 1810, 1967, 2032, 326, 381, 1269, 2086, 154, 180, 355, 363, 376, 386, 708, 718, 766, 812, 1085, 1175, 1216, 1262, 1300, 1307, 1583, 1606, 1236, 2016 24, 199, 417, 445, 1208, 1213, 1443, 1610, 1843, 1877, 2036, 2421, 584, 585, 2286, 2287 188, 368, 390, 738, 843, 1186, 1283, 1364, 1664, 322, 372, 398, 746, 1045, 1201, 1288, 1456, 1819, 201, 802, 1431, 1803, 1904, 2422 594, 349, 373, 658, 748, 1081, 1210, 1299, 1463, 1865a, 405 URBAN (continued) 1916 2195 VANADIUM 371 838 1725 VEGETATION 27 (SA: forests; SA: macrophytes) 797 962b 1398 2221 VEGETATION_SUCCESSION 833 VERMICULITE 1891 VERTICAL MIGRATION 146 1341 2315 VIRUS 189 1982 WALLEYE WASTE (general) . (SA: pollution) (SA: sewage) 1980 2228 381 1030 1891 203 816 , 976 1694 2244 1998 1917 147 1367 2423 1027 10. , 166 273. , 366 468 , 555 1140. , 1269 1683. , 1790 2279 , 2281 2323 13 , 63 364. , 449 763 , 826 1027. , 1034 1234. , 1247 1643. , 1820 2178 WASTE_DISCHARGE (S: dischargejwaste) WASTE DISPOSAL 2045, 2238 686, 1220, 1892, 510, 833, 977, 1893, 2286, 2244, 2074 171, 1368, 2155, 2182, 707, 1222, 2085, 626, 892, 1205, 1997, 2414, 2414 798, 1242, 2287 717, 925, 1363, 1998, 2441 585, 1181, 1743, 2312, 1175, 1781, 1820, 178, 209, 223, 428, 439, 441, 754, 835, 836, 1501, 1585, 1662, 1926, 2050, 2065, 2303, 2304, 2322, 244, 246, 319, 456, 534, 702, 829, 969, 978, 1111, 1179, 1207, 1543, 1639, 1641, 2013, 2167, 2174, WASTE_EFFLUENT (S: effluent_waste) WASTE_HEAT (SA: thermal_pollution) WASTE LOADING 40, 46, 56, 188, 447, 548, 703, 991, 1074, 1165, 1175, 1191, 1351, 1364, 1436, 1558, 1583, 1865b, 1870, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2120, 2123, 2126, 2140, 2160, 2190 76, 342, 447, 473, 652, 692, 765, 807, 1092, 1164, 1383, 1975, 2078, 2219 180, 305, 328, 329, 330, 571, 753, 765, 800, 975, 1037, 1210, 1216, 1235, 1236, 1462, 1938, 2055, 2160, 2186, 406 WASTE LOADING (continued) WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTEWATER (SA: discharge_wastewater) (SA: effluent wastewater) 2192, , 2197. , 2198 , 2207, 2209. , 2210. , 2211. , 2212, 2331, , 2379 40. , 46. , 48. 55, 74, , 188. , 210. , 321, 538. , 737. , 752. , 753, 846. , 1059 , 1175. , H91, 1204. 1206. , 1226. , 1313, 1392. , 1436. , 1644. , 1865, 2037, 2055. , 2123. , 2126, 2162. , 2175. , 2182. , 2186, 2197. 2198. , 2201. , 2207, 2209, , 2210, , 2211. , 2212, 43. , 158. , 386. , 474, 695. , 753. , 758 , 878, 1029. , 1040. , 1078. ■ 1204, 1247, , 1364. , 1403. , 1449, 1821. 1869. , 2037 , 2094, 2123. , 2126. , 2127 , 2128, 2130. , 2131 , 2132 , 2133, 2137. , 2154b, 2256 WATER ALLOCATION (S: water use) WATER BUDGET (SA: model_water budget) (SA: research needs water budget) WATER CHEMISTRY (S: specific elements) (S: water quality) WATER DEPTH (SA: bathymetry) (SA: hydrography) WATER DIVERSION (S: diversion) WATER LEVELS (S: lake levels) WATER MASSES (SA: water_movement) WATER MITES (S: Acari) WATER_MOVEMENT (SA: currents; SA: circulation; SA: seiche; SA: tides; SA: waterjnasses) WATER QUALITY (SA: pollution) WATER QUALITY ANALYTICAL METHODS 2208, 2264, 56, 368, 765, 1203, 1383, 1982, 2140, 2192, 2208, 2230 635, 1027, 1206, 1463, 2096, 2129, 2136, 5, 131, 193, 204, 252, 288, 291, 512, 515, 517, 523, 530b, 652, 765, 831, 832, 954, 958, 1049, 1094, 1174, 1372, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1499, 1619, 1666, 1668, 2022, 2401, 2426 156, 558, 638, 830, 1373, 1406, 1431, 1433, 1438, 1508, 1534, 1555, 1582, 1633, 1654a, 1748, 1824, 2154a, 2165 831, 832, 1406, 1737, 1817 96, 98, 111, 207, 252, 650, 673, 722, 831, 832, 937, 979, 1029, 1257, 1349, 1373, 1433, 1489, 1628, 1646, 1737, 1817, 2063 62, 303, 472, 655, 1107, 1179, 1726, 1781, 2249, 2287 407 WATER QUALITY_BACTERIA (S: bacteria_water quality) WATER QUALITY_BENTHIC_INVERTEBRATES (SA: pollution_benthic invertebrates) 25, 62, 64, 91, 92, 106, 110, 116, 128, 152, 163, 172, 174, 176, 182, 185, 208, 310, 315, 418, 421, 426, 612, 677, 702, 703, 725, 765, 861, 885, 886, 893, 927, 930, 931, 932, 933, 967, 969, 972, 974, 980, 994, 995, 999, 1020, 1027, 1030, 1220, 1383, 1401, 1449, 1450, 1551, 1580, 1743, 1826, 1827, 1935, 1936, 2007, 2044, 2167, 2189, 2231, 2270, 2323, 2366, 2376, 2379, 2385, 2400 WATER (S: WATER (S: WATER WATER (S: WATER (S: WATER (SA QUALITY_CIRCULATION circulationjwater quality) QUALITY_CURRENTS currents_water quality) QUALITY_DATABASE QUALITY_DISCHARGE discharge_water quality) QUALITY_EUTROPHICATION eutrophi cation) QUALITY_FISH toxics fish) 91, 186, 189, 768, 1765 WATER QUALITY_F00D CHAIN (SA: food chain) 62 , , 64. , 88, 89, 116. 145. 163. 167, 174, 175. 176, 178, 188. 189. , 208, 310, 315. , 332. , 334. 480, 616. , 635. , 644. 677, 699. , 734. , 765. ■ 766, 775, , 879. , 885. 886, 952. , 958. , 962; i> 967, 972. , 973. , 974. , 979, 999. , 1000. , 1027. , 1030, 1037. , 1038 , 1039. i 1058, 1089. , 1179 , 1202. , 1206, 1309. , 1351 , 1383 , 1390, 1551 , 1584 , 1631. , 1650, 1743 , 1825 , 1826. , 1827, 1829 , 1833 , 18651 ), 1925 2039 , 2041 , 2069 , 2070, 2138 , 2149 , 2150 , 2151, 2189 , 2190 , 2205 , 2218, 2230 , 2231 , 2304 , 2322, 2366 , 2379 , 2385 , 2400 332 , 334 , 958 ► 1027, 1340 , 1743 , 1935 , 2044, 106, 172, 182, 313, 614, 698, 774, 947, 968, 994, 1034, 1059, 1250, 1497, 1680, 1828, , 1927, 2133, 2152, 2221, 2323, 1179, 2189 408 WATER QUALITY_GROUNDWATER ... (SA: pollution_groundwater) WATER QUALITY_HARBORS ... (SA: pollution_harbors) WATER QUALITY_HI STORY ... (SA: po!1ution_hi story) WATER QUALITY HUMAN HEALTH WATER QUALITY_HYDROCARBONS (not chlorinated) (SA: hydrocarbons) WATER QUALITY_INORGANICS (SA: specific elements) (SA: metal s_water quality) (SA: nutrients_water quality) (SA: trace metals) 66, 208, 763, 765, 987, 988, 1631, 1767, 2272, 2302, 40, 46, 580, 635, 861, 915, 1105. 1106, 1935, 1936, 2096, 2140, 2190 110, , 158, 182. 186, 328. , 330, 614. , 616, 933. ■ 967, 1351. , 1364, 1524. , 1558, 1650. , 1743, 2238 , 2254, 43 , 319, 752 • 758, 972 , 974, 985 , 1029, 1313. , 1351, 1820. , 1826, 1855. , 1869, 2201. , 2221, 189 , 453, 765. , 800, 970 , 972, 984. , 1038, 1211 , 1392, 1936 , 2085, 2190 , 2201 5 7, 57 62, 68 69, 92 ► 97, 114 ► 124, 154. , 172, 177 , 178, 185 ► 186, 245 , 246, 315 , 328, 386 , 407, 432 , 434, 548 , 616, 650 , 677, 701 , 702, 765 , 768, 618, 739, 758, 954, 967, 985, 1262, 1418, 1497, 1768, 1855, 1890, 2331 56, 110, 244, 702, 703, 768, 972, 992, 1074, 1220, 1706, 1827, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2154b, 2170, 2187, 174 208 390 714 1027 1380 1583 1855 2323 456 962 978 1039 1644 1827 1982 2258a 529 861 974 1090 1558 2095 9 63 88 100 145 174 180 189 287 332 418 474 628 698 706 794 , 176, 178, , 210, 310, , 418. 537, , 765. ■ 927, , 1250. , 1307, , 1390. 1395, , 1642. , 1647, , 1927. , 2024, , 705 . 714, a, 967 . 968, , 980 , 984, , 1040. , 1312, , 1657. , 1781, , 1828. , 1829, , 2160. a , 2162, , 635. , 753, , 952. , 968, , 979 , 980, , 1108. , H75, , 1705. , 1706, , 2120. , 2189, 11. ■ 41, , 64 • 66, , 89 » 91, , 106. , no, , 152. , 153, , 175. 176, , 181. , 182, , 207, 208, , 309. 310, , 335. , 336, , 421. , 426, , 525. ■ 534, , 635. . 644, , 699. , 700, , 711. , 753, , 800. , 805, 409 WATER QUALITYJNORGANICS (continued) . WATER QUALITY INSTITUTIONS WATER QUALITY_INVERTEBRATES (SA: toxics invertebrates) 826, 844, 870, 879, 910, 913, 952, 954, 958, 968, 969, 970, 973, 974, 979, 987, 988, 991, 1014, 1025, 1027, 1034, 1036, 1037, 1040, 1056, 1057, 1062, 1078, 1079, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1161, 1175, 1183, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1235, 1236, 1250, 1340, 1362, 1392, 1410, 1419, 1449, 1524, 1551, 1553, 1580, 1584, 1606, 1639, 1644, 1645, 1705, 1706, 1743, 1796, 1797, 1826, 1829, 1833, 1834, 1841. 1862, 1864, 1870, 1888 , , 1935, 1977. , 2002. , 2012, 2018. , 2020. , 2055, 2070. , 2085. , 2088, 2095. , 2096. , 2120, 2160 , 2165 , 2167, 2174 , 2175 , 2178, 2189 , 2190 , 2191, 2194 , 2195 , 2197, 2204 , 2205 , 2206, 2209 , 2210 , 2211, 2231 , 2238 , 2241c 2253 , 2254 , 2255, 2270 , 2275 , 2287, 2322 , 2324 , 2333, 2364 , 2365 , 2385, 2433 5 , 182 , 206, 300 , 301 , 302, 436 , 479 , 480, 864 , 985 , 1037, 1064 , 1247 , 1380, 1395 , 1548 , 1645, 2126 , 2129 , 2158, 2205 , 2351 25 , 41 62, 89 91 92, 116 , 124 , 128, 167 , 172 , 174, 181 , 182 , 185, 310 , 315 , 328, 871, 875, 931, 947, 962a , 967, 971, 972, 980, 984, 994, 999, 1029, 1030, 1038, 1039, 1058, 1059, 1081, 1104, 1111, 1159, 1200. 1207, 1220, 1234, 1330. 1333, 1401. , 1406, 1462. , 1463, 1558 , 1568, 1619. , 1631, 1647. , 1650, 1767. , 1795, 1827. , 1828, 1836 , 1840, 1866 , 1867, 1936 , 1976, 2013 , 2015, 2064 , 2069, 2093 , 2094, 2132 , 2155, 2169 , 2170, 2186 , 2187, 2192 , 2193, 2198 , 2201, 2207 , 2208, 2212 , 2221, , 224 3, 2250, 2258. i 2258b, 2305 , 2309, 2352 , 2359, 2400 , 2429, 298 , 299, 310 , 435, 511 , 741, 1038 , 1058, 1391 . 1392, 1982 , 2123, 2179 , 2199, 64 , 88, 106 , no, 152 , 163, 175 , 176, 189 , 208, 332 , 334, 410 WATER QUALITY_INVERTEBRATES (continued) WATER QUALITY LAND USE WATER QUALITY_MANAGEMENT ... (SA: pollution_management) 335 612 700 765 927 958 974 1020 1383 1551 1680 1828 2007 2167 2275 2376 62 614 766 846 1056 1395 2123 2180 3 48 114 207 300 344 436 540 714 752 770 864 965 1053 1063 1175 1226 1395 1619 1833 1982 2126 2131 2138 2173 2186 2194 2205 2211 2263 336 644 701 861 930 967 980 1027 1401 1564 1706 1935 2039 2170 2322 2379 207 734 767 967 1057 1497 2126 2331 35 55 154 208 302 368 479 543 734 753 772 954 966a 1055 1064 1202 1307 1497 1642 1834 2037 2127 2132 2140 2175 2188 2197 2207 2212 2304 418 677 702 885 931 969 994 1030 1449 1568 1743 1936 2044 2189 2323 2385 390 735 829 1053 1081 1554 2133 40 56 158 210 310 399 480 632 735 758 774 958 , 967 1056 1078 1203 1313 1521 1644 1865b 2055 2128 2133 2156 2179 2191 2198 2208 2230 2351 421 698 703 886 932 972 995 1220 1450 1580 1826 1999 2064 2231 2342 2400 399 758 843 1054 1175 1927 2138 43 74 178 298 321 432 511 658 741 765 775 962a 985 1058 1121 1204 1383 1544 1645 , 1925 2085 2129 2136 2158 2182 2192 2199 2209 2242 426 699 725 893 933 973 999 1333 1539 1584 1827 2000 2138 2270 2366 480 763 844 1055 1216 1982 2152 46 77 188 299 332 435 538 695 742 766 846 , 963 1029 1059 1144 1206 1392 1548 1681 , 1927, 2123, 2130 2137 2162 2185 2193 2201 2210 2255 411 WATER QUALITY_MAPPING (S: mapping water quality) WATER QUALITYJIETALS (S: metal s_water quality) (S: water qual ity_i inorganics) WATER QUALITY_MODEL (S: model_water quality) WATER QUALITY_MONITORING ... (SA: pollution_monitoring) WATER QUALITY_NUTRIENTS (S: nutrients_water quality) WATER QUALITYJJIL (SA: oil) (SA: hydrocarbons) WATER QUALITY_ORGANICS (SA: organics) 3, 26, 54, 62, 66, 91, 106, 108, 112, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 163, 164, 189, 266, 313, 315, 455, 465, 525, 615, 644, 655, 844, 947, 948, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 975, 979, 980, 994, 995, 999, 1009, 1014, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1029, 1031, 1032, 1035, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1063, 1064, 1079, 1080, 1104, 1179, 1551, 1558, 1580, 1639, 1681, 1821, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 2007, 2170, 2174, 2178, 2185, 2204, 2255, 2258a , 2260 , 2263, 2272, 2309, 2359, 2364, 2383, 2384, 2385, 2390, 2392, 2393, 2400 189. , 453. , 529. , 635, 952 , 970. , 1090. , H75, 1392. , 1558. , 1705. , 1706, 2095 , , 2120, ■ 2190, , 2201 7 37 57 • 62, 74. , 95. , 106 , H4, 189 , 207. , 208. , 263, 362. , 472. , 525. , 534, 580. , 635. 753, 762, 765. , 768, , 800, 826, 878. , 885. , 886, , 952, 962c i, 967. , 968. , 971, 973. , 974. , 979. ■ 980, 1027. , 1029. , 1030, 1036, 1038. , 1039. , 1040, 1053, 1057. , 1058. , 1059. , 1079, 1089. , 1108. , 1175. , 1177, 1211. , 1212, , 1351. , 1392, 1641. , 1705, , 1706, 1825, 1827. , 1828. , 1829. , 1864, 1936. , 2085. , 2160, , 2165, 2175. , 2178. 2186, 2187, 2190. , 2191. , 2192, 2193, 2195. , 2197. , 2198. , 2201, 861, 1211, 2085, 66, 153, 310, 571, 763, 844, 958, 972, 991, 1037, 1056, 1081, 1179, 1558, 1826, 1935, 2174, 2189, 2194, 2205, 412 WATER QUALITY_ORGANICS (continued) WATER QUALITY_PHOSPHORUS (S: phosphorus_water quality) WATER QUALITY_PHYTOPLANKTON ... (SA: phy to plank ton) (SA: toxics phyto plankton) WATER QUALITY_P0LLUTI0N_ABATEMENT (S: pollution_abatement) WATER QUALITY_POWER PLANTS (S: power plants_water quality) WATER QUALITY_RADIOACTIVITY (S: radioactivity) WATER QUALITY_RADIONUCLIDES (S: radionucl ides_water quality) WATER QUALITY RECREATION 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2241c, 2258a, 2258b, 2260, 2263, 2264, 2323, 2331, 2352, 2358 88, 110, 163, 178, 208, 334, 465, 698, 861, 958, 970, 979, 999, 1183, 1401, 1644, 1795, 1833, 1935, 2013, 2064, 2189, 2253, 2305, 2366, 5, 9, 62, 64, 89, 91, 92. , 106, 116, 124, 128. , 152, 167, 174, 175. ■ 176, 180, 181, 182. , 189, 310, 315, 328. , 332, 335, 336, 426 , 434, 644, 650, 653. , 694, 702, 714, 765 , 805, 871, 910, 913 , 947, 962a , 967, 968 . 969, 971, 972, 973 , 974, 980, 984, 994 • 995, 1014, 1027, 1089 , 1175, 1212, 1340, 1383 , 1390, 1539, 1564, 1580 , 1584, 1657, 1680, 1706 , 1743, 1796, 1826, 1827 , 1828, 1834, 1840, 1841 , 1870, 1936, 1977, 1982 ■ 2012, 2015, 2018, 2019 , 2020, 2138, 2160, 2167 ► 2170, 2190, 2231, 2249 , 2250, 2254, 2255, 2257. , 2275, 2322, 2323, 2341. , 2343, 2379, 2385, 2400 74, 188, 207, 208, 310, 319, 453, 480, 536, 537, 538, 540, 541, 543, 614, 616, 705, 724, 734, 742, 752, 765, 766, 770, 774, 775, 829, 846, 963, 965, 967, 1175, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1216, 1312, 1379, 1390, 1497, 1631, 1643, 1827, 1828, 1982, 2024, 2152, 2154, 2180, 2190, 2230 413 WATER QUALITY_REGULATIONS 35, 48, 364, 511, 534, 537, 613, 714, 753, 758, 762, 962a, 971, 973, 978, 992, 1030, 1032, 1034, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1108, 1175, 1391, 1392, 1395, 1558, 1642, 1644, 1826, 2094, 2096, 2155, 2156, 2173, 2179, 2185, 2186, 2192, 2197, 2198, 2201, 2207, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2258a, 2263 WATER QUALITY_REHABILITATION 1925, 1927 (SA: pollution_abatement) (SA: remedial action) WATER QUALITY_RESEARCH NEEDS 62, 74, 90, 153, 172, 188, 207, 432, 436, 480, 525, 534, 614, 734, 735, 741, 758, 765, 767, 962a, 985, 1029, 1030, 1053, 1063, 1108, 1383, 1449, 1479, 1544, 1548, 1554, 1619, 2179, 2199 WATER QUALITY_REVIEW 64, 88, 89, 90, 145, (SA: review_pollution) 174, 176, 177, 178, 180, 182, 207, 208, 287, 310, 418, 525, 632, 677, 741, 752, 753, 763, 765, 930, 952, 958, 1027, 1054, 1063, 1153, 1175, 1309, 1340, 1351, 1380, 1554, 1631, 1639, 1642, 1865b, 1927, 1935, 1936, 2013, 2096, 2126, 2137, 2199, 2270, 2322, 2323 WATER QUALITY_SEDIMENTS (S: sediments_chemistry) WATER QUALITY_SUMMARY (S: summary_water quality) WATER QUALITY_TOXICS (S: toxics_water quality) (S: water qual ity_organics) WATER QUALITY_TRIBUTARIES (S: tributariesjwater quality) WATER QUALITYJ/IRUS (S: virus) WATER QUALITY_WASTE (S: waste) WATER QUALITY_WASTEWATER (S: wastewater) WATER QUALITY_WATER SUPPLY 188, 301, 456, 465, 480, (SA: pollution_water supply) 694, 705, 714, 739, 752, 758, 762, 765, 766, 954, 963, 965, 967, 968, 972, 974, 980, 984, 985, 987, 414 WATER QUALITY_WATER SUPPLY (continued) WATER QUALITY_WATER USE WATER QUALITY_ZOOPLANKTON (SA: zoopl ankton) (SA: toxics zooplankton) WATER SUPPLY (SA: water budget) (SA: discharge_water supply) (SA: hydro logy_water supply) (SA: management_water supply) (SA: model_water supply) (SA: pollution_water supply) (SA: research needs_water supply) (SA: water qual ity_water supply) 988, 1087, 1106, mi, 1146, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1307, 1379, 1521, 1583, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1650, 1767, 1768, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1855, 1982, 2053, 2133, 2182, 2190, 2230, 2255, 2257, 2258c i, 236E 74. 77, 114, 177, 179, 206, 207, 390, 613, 614, 632. 695, 705, 734. 735, 739. , 753, 758. 765. ■ 766, 767. , 829. 864. , 954. ■ 958, 978. , 987. , 988. , 1063 , 1081, 1111, 1202. 1203. 1204. , 1206, 1216. 1307, 1391, 1643. 1767, 1768, 1855. 2094, 2096. , 2133, 2189. , 2190, 2199, 2230, , 2242, 2302 41, 64, , 88, , 89. > 91, 92, 106. 110, 116. 124, 128. , 152. , 163, 167. , 174, 175, 176, 181, 185, , 189, 310. , 315. , 328. 332. , 334, 335 , 336. , 426. , 698 , 699, 700 , 701. , 702. , 765 , 861, 958 , 972. , 973. , 980 , 994, 995. , 999. 1014. 1027 , 1220, 1333. , 1383, 1401. 1539. , 1564, 1568. , 1584. , 1680. 1706. , 1743, 1828. , 1935. , 1936. , 1999. , 2000, 2044. , 2064. , 2138. , 2170. , 2189, 2231. , 2275. , 2322. , 2323. , 2342, 2366. , 2385 , 2400 6 , 187 , 188 , 204 , 301, 429 , 456 , 465 , 480 , 513, 523 , 694 , 695 , 705 , 714, 733 , 736 , 739 , 752 . 758, 762 , 764 , 765 , 766 , 954, 963 , 965 , 967 , 968 , 972, 974 , 979 , 980 , 984 , 985, 987 , 988 , 1049 , 1087 , 1101, 1106 , 1111 , 1113 , 1146 , 1202, 1203 , 1204 , 1206 , 1216 , 1307, 1324 , 1372 , 1375 , 1379 , 1389, 1403 , 1413 , 1521 , 1581 , 1583, 1594 , 1616 , 1641 , 1642 , 1643, 1650 , 1668 , 1721 , 1767 , 1768, 1799 , 1801 , 1827 , 1828 , 1829, 1855 , 1856 , 1902 , 1982 , 2022, 2053 , 2133 , 2182 , 2190 , 2220, 2230 , 2255 , 2257 , 2258c 1. 2271, 2340 , 2365 415 WATER TREATMENT 13, 43, 429, 694, 714, 947, 954, 985, 1101, 1226, 1583, 2255, 2256, 2257 WATER USE (SA: managementjwater use) (SA: mapping_water use) (SA: modeljwater use) (SA: research needs_water use) (SA: water quality_water use) WATERFOWL (S: birds, ducks, or specific species or taxa) WATERSHED , (SA: drainage basin) (SA: mapping watershed) WATERWAYS (SA: connecting channels) WAUKEGAN MEMBER WAVES (SA: seiche) 4, 6, 74, 77, 114, 177, 179, 187, 204, 206, 207, 267, 322, 323, 390, 613, 614, 632, 689, 695, 705, 732, 734, 735, 739, 740, 753, 757, 758, 760, 764, 765, 766, 767, 829, 864, 954, 958, 959, 960, 978, 986, 987, 988, 1049, 1050, 1052, 1063, 1081, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1176, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1216, 1304, 1307, 1343, 1389, 1391, 1393, 1403, 1537, 1616, 1643, 1721, 1766, 1767, 1768, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1855, 1856, 1916, 2094, 2096, 2133, 2139b , 2159 , 2189 , 2190, 2199, 2230, 2242, 2271, 2302 88, , 89, 120, 177, 208, 240. , 252, 285, 286, 288, 361. 362, 390, 399, 511, 512, , 513, 525, 548, 587, 737. ■ 739, 742, 746, 759, 762 , 844, 967, 968, 974, 979 , 984, 985, 987, 988, 1040. , 1049, 1051, 1056, 1057, 1081. , 1089, 1131, 1132, 1197, 1202. , 1203, 1204, 1206, 1216, 1339 , 1372, 1391, 1457, 1458, 1487. , 1497, 1594, 1616, 1631, 1642 , 1645, 1710, 1767, 1768, 1797. , 1827, 1833, 1902, 1953, 2002. , 2061, 2087, 2175, 2190, 2205. , 2220, 2238, 2264, 2331, 2368, » 2377, 2430 437. ■ 755, 966a , 1456 , 1845, 21541: ), 2342 , 2344 1242, 1714 21, , 73, 88, 89, 130, 162. ■ 189, 200, 213, 254, 294. , 297, 393, 395, 397, 402 , 430, 437, 442, 443, 448. ■ 457, 476, 477, 485, 486 , 492, 494, 497, 498, 499 , 500, 501, 503, 505, 506 i 507, 509, 556, 558, 572 , 573, 574, 582, 597, 416 WAVES (continued) 607 659 664 730 793 832 943 1060 1185 1251 1257 1394 1430 1514 1628 1701 1815 2029 2095 2103 2161 2267 2418 , 608. , 609. , 635, , 660. , 661. 662, , 665. , 668. , 672, , 731. , 745. , 761, , 809. , 811. , 816, , 852 , 875. , 892, , 945. , 983. ■ 984, , 1075. , 1084. , 1131, , 1195. , 1205, , 1208, , 1252. , 1253. , 1255, , 1264. , 1326. , 1328, , 1395. , 1408. , 1428, , 1434 , 1440. , 1443, , 1515. , 1529. , 1615, , 1638. , 1663. , 1677, , 1737. , 1812. , 1813, , 1818 , 1874 , 1904, , 2033. , 2042. , 2054, , 2097. , 2099 , 2100, , 2115. , 2118. , 2121, , 2163. , 2166. , 2168, , 2325. , 2334. , 2406, 636, 663, 673, 765, 831, 942, 1017, 1180, 1233, 1256, 1373, 1429, 1473, 1627, 1695, 1814, 1905, 2092, 2102, 2138, 2173, 2407, WAVES_M0DEL (S: model_waves) WAVES SEASONAL VARIATION WEATHER (S: meteorology) WEATHERING WEDRON FORMATION WET DEPOSITION 294, 395, 397, 494, 572, 875, 1256, 1430, 1434, 1440, 1473, 1701 WETLANDS (SA: history_wetlands) WHITE BASS (SA: bass) WHITE PERCH (SA: perch) 50, 568, 2238 798, 1243, 1244, 1245 386, 707, 708, 709, 710, 1210, 1334, 1465, 1466, 1704, 1714, 1894, 1895, 1896, 2329, 2352, 2355, 2356 66, 188, 208, 236, 339, 511, 672, 742, 745, 747, 794, 820, 892, 925, 954, 976, 977, 1045, 1052, 1102, 1138, 1162, 1188, 1190, 1395, 1497, 1631, 1802, 1997, 1998, 2143, 2441 223, 382, 428, 555, 754, 774, 775, 1098, 1125, 1269, 1585, 1752, 1970, 2050, 2065 223, 382, 428, 553, 555, 754, 774, 775, 994, 1098, 1125, 1269, 1585, 1752, 1790, 1970, 2050, 2065 417 WHITEFISH (SA: coregonines) WILDLIFE (SA: mammals or specific taxa) WIND (SA: lake breeze) 140, 166, 178, 223, 232, 273, 283, 366, 367, 382, 392, 422, 468, 519, 545, 555, 669, 726, 754, 774, 775, 835, 836, 837, 887, 900, 901, 902, 909, 1076, 1077, 1098, 1250, 1269, 1309, 1453, 1454, 1576, 1579, 1585, 1613, 1683, 1684, 1687, 1689, 1790, 1922, 1926, 2050, 2065, 2219, , 2286, 2289. 2301. , 2303, 2304, , 2322, 2323, , 2424 70. 95. , 188. , 480 , 635, 747. , 751, 763. , 766. , 880, 962c i, 976. , 977. , 1027 , 1042, 1045 , 1052. , 1141. , 1202 , 1206, 1260. , 1395. , 1398 , 1497 , 1832, 18651 >, 213: 5, 221c 5, 233E 5, 2427 11. 12. 21. 27 78, 97. , 102, 107, 109. , no, 125. , 134. , 135. , 136. , 162, 168 , 189. , 191. , 192. , 193, 194 , 200 , 201 , 202 , 213, 214 , 215. , 216. , 218 , 219, 243 , 254 , 287 , 288 , 294, 294 , 297 , 357 , 393 , 394, 395 , 397 , 398 , 425 , 443, 444 , 445 , 448 , 469 , 470, 477 , 494 , 498 , 499 , 501, 502 , 503 , 509 , 5301 ), 550, 556 , 572 , 574 , 607 , 608, 609 , 635 , 636 , 646 , 659, 660 , 661 , 662 , 663 , 664, 665 , 666 , 668 , 676 , 710, 714 , 748 , 765 , 816 , 830, 831 , 832 , 860 , 875 , 877, 914 , 915 , 935 , 936 , 941, 942 , 943 , 945 , 957 , 967, 979 , 980 , 983 , 984 , 997, 1017 , 1049 , 1051 , 1052 , 1060, 1075 , 1084 , 1088 , 1090 , 1093, 1105 , 1106 , 1109 , 1120 , 1135, 1136 , 1137 , 1169 , 1174 , 1180, 1205 , 1213 , 1229 , 1232 , 1241, 1251 , 1252 , 1253 , 1255 , 1256, 1278 , 1279 , 1281 , 1282 , 1283, 1285 , 1287 , 1288 , 1290 ► 1291, 1292 , 1293 , 1294 , 1296 , 1298, 1300 , 1301 , 1319 , 1350 , 1373, 1394 , 1395 , 1407 , 1408 , 1422, 1423 , 1424 , 1425 , 1428 , 1430, 1431 , 1433 , 1434 , 1437 , 1438, 1440 , 1442 , 1443 , 1465 , 1466, 1467 , 1468 , 1473 , 1499 , 1503, 418 WIND (continued) WINTER (SA: ice; SA: snow) 1504, 1505, 1512, 1529, 1535, 1540, 1541, 1542, 1610, 1615, 1626, 1627, 1635, 1640, 1656, 1695, 1707, 1748, 1792, 1803, 1804, 1809, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1815, 1868, 1894, 1895, 1901, 1931, 1996, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2033, 2034, 2038, 2042, 2045, 2072, 2073, 2092, 2095, 2102, 2103, 2121, 2163, 2170, 2172, 2173, 2189, 2241a , 2266 , 2268 , 2269 , 2334, 2349, 2354, 2356, 2407, 2418, 2434 8, 61, 82, 83, 84, 85, 119, 126, 127, 132, 137, 226, 358, 469, 470, 532, 606, 616, 692, 774, 775, 813, 849, 850, 944, 1048, 1087, 1105, 1157, 1225, 1296, 1498, 1499, 1503, 1504, 1510, 1511, 1513, 1525, 1528, 1605, 1741, 1742, 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1762, 1763a , 1763b, 1848, 1853, 1879, 1880, 2056, 2060, 2243, 2339, 2348 WISCONSINAN STAGE (S: lake stages) XENOBIOTICS (S: toxics) YEASTS 765, 857, 858, 859, 1743 YELLOW PERCH (SA: perch) 93, 197, 223, 261, 262, 273, 311, 382, 392, 428, 545, 546, 551, 553, 555, 619, 726, 754, 774, 775, 835, 836, 837, 874, 916, 974, 994, 1098, 1125, 1140, 1266, 1267, 1269, 1550, 1573, 1575, 1577, 1578, 1585, 1680, 1688, 1689, 1691, 1693, 1752, 1790, 1825, 1826, 1830, 1886, 1922, 1926, 1963, 1970, 2050, 2065, 2219, 2231, 2236, 2262, 2265, 2279, 2303, 2304, 2314, 2322, 2323 YELLOW PIKE (S: walleye) YTTRIUM ZINC 106 9, 33, 66, 92, 106, 138, 149, 326, 381, 584, 585, 594, 610, 644, 648, 649, 685, 686, 740, 798, 836, 838, 955, 967, 968, 971, 974, 1027, 1137, 1165, 419 ZINC (continued) ZIRCONIUM ZOOPLANKTON (general) (SA: specific species or taxa) ZOOPLANKTON ABUNDANCE ZOOPLANKTON_BIOACCUMULATION (SA: zooplankton_uptake) Z00PLANKT0N_BI0MASS ZOOPLANKTON DIET ZOOPLANKTON DISTRIBUTION 1168, 1175, 1220, 1221, 1419. , 1492, 1705, 1706, 1772. 1773, 1829, 1891, 2120, , 2135, 2231, 2287, 2356 815, 1490, 676, , 1325, 102. ■ 128, 197. , 347, 619 , 620, 700. , 701, 909 , 934, 1019. , 1358, 1563. , 1564, 1653. , 1722, 1844. , 1999, 2043 , 2050, 2189 , 2283, 2322. , 2323, 41 , 106, 1338 , 1706, 2424 1333 , 1369, 155 , 190, 909 , 1072, 1585 , 1680, 2083 , 2274, 2316 , 2320, 2424 65 . 92, 128 , 163, 417 , 427, 620 , 698, 765 , 900, 994 , 1006, 1358 , 1367, 1401 , 1539, 1578 , 1680, 1729 , 1743, 1844 , 1884, 1999 , 2000, 2044 , 2050, 2084 , 2223, 2289 , 2306, 2342 , 2424 1178, 1222, 1493, 1712, 1789, 1892, 2165, 2309, 1211, 1242, 1609, 1718, 1827, 2085, 2187, 2329, 1218, 1269, 1625, 1725, 1828, 2086, 2221, 2354, 1492 1336, 1655, 2099 190, 481, 699, 900, 1018, 1539, 1578, 1837, 2003, 2083, 2316, 428, 2289, 1729 900, 1519, 2050, 2307, 2423, 117, 296, 619, 704, 977, 1350, 1374, 1569, 1724, 1837, 1961, 2043, 2083, 2286, 2323, 152. ■ 174, 392. , 427, 697. , 698, 704 , 835, 994 , 1006, 1369 , 1374, 1568. , 1569, 1724. , 1775, 2000. , 2001, 2080. , 2081, 2306. ■ 2312, 2342 425 , 427, 1725, , 2286, 1374 , 1569, 331 ► 332, 1374 , 1427, 1699 , 1743, 2279. , 2283, 2415 , 2420, 110. , 116, 174. , 190, 428. , 481, 699 , 701, 909 , 934, 1018 , 1019, 1368 , 1369, 1563 , 1568, 1706 , 1722, 1775 , 1776, 1936 , 1948, 2001 , 2003, 2080 , 2081, 2279 , 2283, 2312 , 2322, 420 ZOOPLANKTON, FISH PREDATION ON 331 699 1369 2050 2322 Z00PLANKT0N_F00D CHAIN 70 425 1027 1935 2289 ZOOPLANKTON GRAZING 331 1563 ZOOPLANKTON GROWTH 155 909 ZOOPLANKTON HABITAT 431 1368 2323 ZOOPLANKTONJ.IFE HISTORY 900 ZOOPLANKTON_METABOLISM 835 ZOOPLANKTON_METALS 34 106 425 972 1027 1338 1884 2385 ZOOPLANKTON_MODEL (S: model_zoopl ankton) ZOOPLANKTON_MONITORING 91, 106, 116, 117, 128, 163, 189, 315, 972, 973, 980, 994, 995, 999, 1006, 1014, 1019, 1336, 1358, 1585, 1775, 1828, 2050, 2090, 2170, 2385, 2400 ZOOPLANKTON_MORPHOLOGY 1519 ZOOPLANKTON_MORTALITY 124, 185, 195, 431, 619, 801, 916, 1018, 1024, 1578, 2083, 2366 ZOOPLANKTON_NUTRIENTS 91, 92, 102, 110, 113, 124, 152, 174, 175, 176, 181, 328, 331, 332, 335, 336, 347, 392, 417, 431, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 765, 958, 1014, 1563, 1568, 1584, 1706, 1743, 1824, 1844, 1956, 2064, 2189, 2275, 2322, 2385, 2400 , 700. ■ 909, 916, 1072, , 1564, , 1585, 1680, 1743, , 2080, 2083, 2279, 2316, , 270. ■ 331, 332, 334, , 427, 428, 431, 958, , 1338, 1369, 1743, 1824, , 1956. , 2044, 2189, 2274, , 2415, , 2424 , 332. ■ 641, 958, 1181, , 1564, 2080 , 331. ■ 332, 392, 900, , 1578, 1584, 2083, 2283 , 909. , 976, 977, 1181, , 1452, 1743, 2138, 2283, , 909, , 2003, 2082, 2083 , 916. , 1961 41 , 64, 65, 92, , 174 , 175, 176, 189, , 426 , 427, 765, 958, , 973 ► 980, 994, 1014, , 1220. , 1333, 1336, 1337, , 1584 , 1706, 1725, 1828, , 1936. , 2231, 2286, 2289, , 2400 , 2424 421 ZOOPLAN KTON_ORGAN I CS 106, 189, 310, 765, 958, 972, 973, 980, 1027, 1706, 1828, 1935, 1936, 2050, 2189, 2323 Z00PLANKT0N_PARASITES 311 ZOOPLANKTON_PHYSIOLOGY 65, 425, 427, 916, 1335, 1578, 1585, 1828, 1961 ZOOPLANKTON POPULATIONS 65, 116, 117, 128, 427, 619, 835, 1006, 1333, 1369, 1724, 1743, 1775, 1790, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2080, 2306, 2312, 2316, 2342 ZOOPLANKTON_POWER PLANTS (S: power plants, effects on zooplankton) Z00PLANKT0N_REPR0DUCTI0N 835, 1585, 2083, 2366 Z00PLANKT0N_REVIEW (S: rev iew_zoo plankton) Z00PLANKT0N_SUCCESSI0N 392 ZOOPLAN KT0N_SUMMARY (S: summary_zooplankton) ZOOPLAN KTON_SURVIVAL (S: zoopl anktonjnortal ity) Z00PLANKT0NJTAX0N0MY 451, 481, 521, 697, 2001, 2082, 2084 ZOOPLAN KTON_TEMPERATURE 65, 88, 89, 91, 92, (SA: zooplankton_thermal_pollution) 102, 107, 110, 181, 189, 310, 315, 347, 431, 620, 765, 900, 909, 916, 958, 972, 973, 980, 994, 995, 999, 1006, 1014, 1018, 1368, 1374, 1452, 1569, 1743, 1790, 1828, 1837, 1844, 1999, 2083, 2090, 2170, 2275, 2312, 2366, 2385 Z00PLANKT0N_THERMAL_P0LLUTI0N 64, 65, 107, 110, 167, (SA: zoopl an kton_temperature) 170, 181, 190, 195, 315, 431, 765, 801, 916, 994, 1006, 1014, 1018, 1024, 1027, 1383, 1452, 1578, 1936, 1956, 1961, 2090, 2231, 2322, 2323, 2366, 2385, 2400 Z00PLANKT0N_T0XICS (S: toxics_zooplankton) ZOOPLANKTONJJPTAKE 425, 427, 1335, 1725, 1884, (SA: zoopl ankton_bioaccumulati on) 1956, 2286, 2289 ZOO PLAN KTON_WATER QUALITY (S: water qual ity_zoo plank ton) 422 AREA INDEX ALCONA COUNTY, MI 75 ALLEGAN COUNTY, MI 295, 483 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL 2271 BAILLY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, IN 64, 165, 995, 999, 1327, 2059, 2150 BEAVER ISLAND, MI 304, 308, 1102, 1395, 1463, 1465, 1466, 1720, 1944 BEAVER ISLANDS, MI 1277 BELLOW ISLAND, MI 1276 BELMONT HARBOR, IL 311 BENTON HARBOR, MI 104, 280, 433, 922, 1123, 1220, 1445, 1510, 1511, 1599, 1625, 1711, 1782, 1841, 1892, 2055, 2189 BERRIEN COUNTY, MI 295, 483, 2054 BETSIE RIVER, MI 1718 BIG BAY DE NOC 700, 824b, 1613 BIG ROCK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, MI 106, 118, 165, 413, 644, 685, 883, 1492, 1493, 2062, 2289, 2299 BIG ROCK POINT, MI 857 BIG SABLE POINT, MI 73, 1328, 1680 BIG SABLE RIVER, MI 1704, 1718 BIG SUAMICO RIVER, WI 2260 (SA: Suamico River) BLACK CREEK, MI 1704, 1718 BLACK RIVER, MI 587, 1622, 1704, 1718, 1988 BOARDMAN RIVER, MI 138, 337, 1704, 1718 BRANCH RIVER, WI 1704 BRIDGMAN, MI 1882 BROWN COUNTY, WI 361, 1192, 1497 BURNHAM HARBOR, IL 559 BURNS DITCH, IN 1704, 2354 BURNS HARBOR, IL 395, 397, 2154b CALUMET AREA, IL-IN 35, 915, 930, 1106, 1340, (SA: Calumet Harbor) 1668, 1706, 1810, 1868, 1935, (SA: Calumet River) 1936, 1937, 1938, 2094, 2096, (SA: Grand Calumet River) 2174, 2176, 2177, 2178, 2181, (SA: Little Calumet River) 2183, 2184, 2187, 2189, 2191, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2196 423 CALUMET HARBOR, IL 191 (SA: Calumet Area) 1074 1481 2102 CALUMET RIVER (SA: Calumet Area) 1645 CAMP LOGAN, IL 982 CARP LAKE RIVER, MI 250 CEDAR RIVER, MI 1322 CENTRAL LAKE MICHIGAN 911 2317 CHAMBERS ISLAND, WI 909 CHARLES MEARS STATE PARK, MI 73 CHARLEVOIX, MI 618 CHICAGO, IL 3 29 192 349 372 403 557 645 707 841 856 971 980 1085 1113 1190 1283 1299 1408 1490 1583 1810 1829 1865a 2045 2126 2131 2154 2167 2228 2256 2339 , 702, 703, 800, 915, , 1105, 1106, 1478, 1480, , 1482, 1812, 1813, 1868, , 2171, 2174, 2178, 2258b , 1322, 1323 , 1718 CHICAGO HARBOR, IL CHICAGO RIVER, IL , 929, 1440, 1887, 2033, , 2318, , 2405 , 1328 , 857 , 1640 , 1920 5 6 13 , 28, , 41. , 109 , 143 , 158, , 224 , 274 , 311. ■ 321, , 352. , 363 , 364 , 368, , 373. , 386 , 398 , 402, , 429 , 433 , 465 , 467, , 558 , 559 , 567 ■ 569, , 658. , 670 , 689 , 690, , 708 , 714 , 718 , 817, , 842. , 846. , 850. ■ 854, , 875. , 966; I, 967. . 968, , 972 , 974 , 975. , 979, , 982. , 983 , 984. , 986, , 1101. , 1105 , 1106. , 1112, , 1132 , 1137 , 1175. , 1188, , 1203. , 1220 , 1247. , 1282, , 1284 , 1290 , 1293 , 1294, , 1324 , 1351 , 1354 , 1364, , 1462 , 1463 , 1465 , 1466, , 1510 , 1511. , 1540. , 1558, , 1627. , 1647. , 1781. , 1801, , 1820. , 1826. , 1827. , 1828, , 1846, 1850. , 1855, 1856, J, 189^ \ 9 189€ i, 1936 i, 1978, , 2102, 2104. 2120, 2123, , 2127. 2128. , 2129, 2130, , 2132, 2133, 2136, 2137, , 2156, 2160, 2161, 2163, , 2168. 2170. , 2187, 2189, , 2238. , 2253. , 2254. 2255, , 2257. , 2258c i, 225E lb, 2305, , 2340, , 2345, , 2355, 2356 , 2170, , 2187 CHIPPEWA COUNTY. MI 2167 966a, 1188, 1190, 1583, 1781, 1820 75 424 COBB GENERATING STATION, MI 414 COOK COUNTY, IL 6, 28, 403, 1175, 1262, 1801, 2258b D.C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, MI 42, 64, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 112, 115, 116, 117, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 134, 135, 136, 165, 551, 552, 553, 554, 619, 620, 683, 906, 989, 990, 1091, 1092, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1127, 1128, 1164, 1444, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1451, 1528, 1529, 1622, 1733, 1770, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1792, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1883, 1931, 2003, 2078, 2428, 2434 D.H. MITCHELL GENERATING STATION, IN . . . 1472 DEAD RIVER, IL 382 DES PLAINES RIVER, IL-WI 967, 1191, 2378 DETROIT RIVER, MI 82, 88, 89, 189, 222a, 288, 290, 293, 648, 649, 955, 1037, 1040, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1059, 1395, 1456, 1478, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1535, 1665, 1667, 1679, 1845, 2069, 2070, 2110, 2154, 2343, 2344 DIVERSEY HARBOR, IL 311 DOOR COUNTY, WI 527, 887, 909, 1089, 1115, 1465, 1466, 1631, 1890, 2006, 2024, 2229 DU PAGE COUNTY, IL 6, 1262, 1800, 1801 EAST CHICAGO, IN 2120 EASTERN LAKE MICHIGAN 15, 23, 259, 294, 295, 345, 365, 412, 487, 489, 491, 495, 496, 500, 506, 507, 509, 647, 661, 794, 821, 890, 904, 906, 949, 950, 1154, 1253, 1367, 1368, 1423, 1424, 1529, 1541, 1542, 1816, 1818, 2237, 2295, 2328, 2337 EDGEWATER GENERATING STATION, WI 2046 EMPIRE, MI 73, 1328 ESCANABA, MI 850, 1088, 1349, 1734, 1736 ESCANABA GENERATING STATION, MI 2062 ESCANABA RIVER, MI 1704, 1718, 1788, 2354 425 EVANSTON, IL 29 1826 FISCHER CREEK, WI 379 FORD RIVER, MI 1704 FORT SHERIDAN, IL 402 FOX ISLAND, MI 1720 FOX POINT, WI 669 FOX RIVER, WI 5 189 511 886 1081 1183 1316 1520 1779 1864 2231 ^359 FRANKFORT, MI 171 1526 FURNESSVILLE, IN 2006 GALIEN RIVER, MI 1718 GARY, IN 848, GLENCOE, IL 29, GLENN, MI 259, GRAND CALUMET RIVER, IN 978, GRAND HAVEN, MI 15, 192, 1123, 1509, 1782, 2011, 2316 GRAND HAVEN HARBOR, MI 40, GRAND MERE, MI 728 , 319, 374, 402, 557, , 2099, 2118, 2138 , 380 , 1718, 2354 , 557, 1238, 2097 , 1944, 2069, 2070, 2223 , 1821 9, 11, 12, 184, , 208, 236, 361, 434, , 650, 702, 744, 885, , 887, 933, 1079, 1080, , 1089, 1125, 1139, 1178, , 1210, 1221, 1230, 1237, , 1339, 1380, 1401, 1418, , 1580, 1608, 1645, 1718, , 1795, 1796, 1797, 1821, , 1869, 1976, 1977, 2143, , 2252, 2260, 2333, 2354, , 2363, 2379, 2433 , 433, 599, 936, 1244, , 1736, 1944, 2223 1606, 1936, 2342, 2343 402, 557, 982, 1826 1875 1936, 2171, 2174, 2178 16, 40, 56, 171, 279, 583, 859, 1109, 1220, 1256, 1282, 1325, 1541, 1625, 1712, 1717, 1841, 1843, 1892, 1920, 2017, 2189, 2223, 2295, 56 GRAND RIVER, MI GRAND TRAVERSE BAY 18, 120, 264, 265, 1154, 1704, 1710, 1718, 2002, 2011, 2238, 2354 74, 91, 92, 99, 218, 219, 252, 328, 330, 332, 333, 334, 336, 337, 390, 528, 857, 1086, 1100, 1276, 1330, 1341, 1342, 1395, 1579, 1657, 1661, 1765, 800, 1839, 138, 329, 335, 850, 1277, 1407, 1769, 426 GRAND TRAVERSE BAY (continued) GRAVEL ISLAND, WI . GRAVELLY ISLAND, MI GREAT LAKES (general on all Great Lakes or not specify which of the Great Lakes) 1791, 1807, 1838, 1944, 1945, 2018, 2055, 2085, 2187, 2275, 2323, 2423 1600 1271 4, 10, 19, 30, 34, 68, 69, 70, 87, 90, 129, 144, 145, 177, 179, 183, 190, 199, 206, 213, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 234, 235, 238, 242, 249, 251, 257, 260, 267, 268, 273, 284, 285, 286, 287, 291, 298, 299, 300, 302, 310, 320, 323, 338. 343, 344, 358, 371, 376, 377, 378. , 394, 402. , 432. , 436, 438, 443, 444. 447. , 448, 452. 453, 454, 471, 480, 481. 482. 521. , 529. , 532, 545. , 549. , 560. , 578. , 579, 581. , 582. , 601. , 606. , 608, 632 , 634 , 648 , 649 , 673, 691 , 693 , 696 , 705 , 719, 721 , 734 , 735 , 736 , 741, 747. , 749. , 750. , 751 , 756, 757 , 758 , 759 , 760 , 762, 764 , 766 , 767 , 769 • 776, 795 , 796. , 808 , 810. , 814, 822 , 828 , 829 , 843 , 849, 864 , 880 , 894 , 907 ► 908, 919 , 923 , 928 , 953 ■ 1027, 1032 , 1033 , 1041 , 1043 . 1044, 1054 , 1121 , 1122 , 1131 , 1153, 1155 , 1156 , 1157 , 1162 , 1165, 1171 , 1172 , 1174 , 1184 , 1198, 1208 , 1209 , 1213 , 1216 , 1224, 1229 , 1231 , 1257 , 1259 , 1273, 1275 , 1281 , 1295 , 1302 , 1303, 1304 , 1307 , 1324 , 1331 , 1343, 1344 , 1348 , 1355 , 1366 , 1376, 1379 , 1384 , 1386 , 1387 , 1404, 1410 , 1422 , 1432 , 1435 , 1467, 1495 , 1498 , 1525 , 1532 , 1536, 1566 , 1570 , 1571 , 1581 , 1594, 1595 , 1596 , 1597 , 1598 , 1605, 1610 , 1616 , 1617 , 1628 , 1632, 1633 , 1638 , 1641 , 1644 , 1656, 1664 , 1670 , 1671 , 1681 , 1708, 1725 , 1726 , 1739 , 1743 , 1757, 1760 , 1761 , 1762 , 1763c I, 1806, 1847 , 1848 , 1851 , 1852 , 1853, 1854 , 1858 , 18651 ), 1872 >, 1876, 427 GREAT LAKES (continued) GREAT LAKES BASIN GREEN BAY 1888, 1903, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1933, 1951, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991, 2022, 2030, 2035, 2048, 2049, 2051, 2067, 2068, 2076, 2077, 2087, 2103, 2107, 2121, 2134, 2147, 2157, 2158, 2179, 2221, 2230, 2236, 2238, 2241c ., 2242 !, 226: !, 228C ), 2288, 2308, 2310, 2330. 2331, 2335, 2413, 2414, 2416, 1418, 2427, 2435 30, 34. , 90. , 227. 228, 284, 285, 286, , 291, 310, 376. 378. , 394. , 480. , 530b, 648. , 649. , 734. , 736. , 741, 747. 749. , 750. , 751. , 757, 758. , 759. , 760. , 762. , 764, 766. 767. , 828. , 829. , 843, 864, 923. 1131. , 1155. , 1156, 1157. 1174. , 1198. , 1216. , 1257, 1324, 1532. 1594. , 1595. 1610, 1616. 1632. , 1644. , 1656. , 1743, 1760. , 2087. , 2107. , 2158 , 2179, 2238. , 2241c t, 2241b, 2308, 2330, 2414 5. 9 11 12 20, 64. , 77. , 84. , 86. , 99, 142. , 151. , 152. , 155. , 161, 175 , 176 , 178 , 184. , 188, 189. , 207 , 208 , 217 , 236, 239 , 240 , 260 , 276 , 279, 310. , 324 , 325 , 326 , 327, 361 , 422 , 434 , 441 , 450, 511. , 519 , 527 , 528. , 535, 536 , 537 , 538 , 539 , 540, 541 , 542 , 543 , 584 , 586, 594 , 614 , 616 , 624 , 627, 650. , 673 , 696 , 698 . 699, 700 , 702 , 703 , 710 , 724, 753. , 765 , 800 , 803 , 804, 815 , 820 , 8241 ), 827 , 847, 850 , 852 , 885 , 886 , 887, 888 , 893 , 898 , 899 , 900, 909 , 910 , 911 , 913 , 925, 926 , 927 , 931 , 932 , 933, 934 , 1074 , 1079 , 1080 , 1081, 1082 , 1087 , 1088 , 1089 , 1109, 1114 , 1115 , 1124 , 1125 , 1138, 1139 , 1140 , 1141 , 1146 , 1151, 1178 , 1183 , 1192 , 1196 , 1210, 1221 , 12271 d, 123; l a 125c J, 1261, 1272 , 1315 , 1316 , 1318 , 1336, 1337 , 1346 , 1349 , 1356 , 1375, 1380 , 1382 , 1401 , 1402 , 1418, 428 GREEN BAY (continued) GULL ISLAND, MI HAMMOND, IN HAT ISLAND, MI HIGH ISLAND SHOAL, MI HIGHLAND PARK, IL . . . HIGHWOOD, IL HOLLAND, MI ILE AUX GALETS, MI ILLINOIS (SA: specific cities, rivers, or power plants) (SA: Northeastern Illinois) 1419, 1420. , 1427, 1429, 1439, 1454, , 1468, 1476, 1480, 1481. , 1482, 1497, 1501, 1520, 1527, 1579, 1585, 1608. , 1609, 1631, 1668, 1677. 1678, 1685, 1701, 1704. 1707, 1718, 1737, 1769. , 1771, 1772, 1779, 1788. , 1794, 1795, 1797. 1833. , 1835, 1841, 1863. 1864. , 1869. , 1870, 1946. , 1976 , 1977. , 2005, 2020. , 2024 , 2037. , 2039, 2041. , 2055 , 2068. , 2081, 2086 , 2094 , 2096 , 2108, 2143 , 2154 , 2167 , 2172, 2187 , 2189 , 2199 , 2229, 2238. , 2245 , 2249 ► 2251, 2260 , 2278 , 2279 ■ 2281, 2303 , 2304 , 2323 , 2332, 2359 , 2363 , 2369 , 2374, 2379 , 2400 , 2424 ► 2431, 1163 , 1271 , 2223 1470 , 2001 1433, 1478, 1500, 1580, 1662, 1688, 1736, 1773, 1796, 1849, 1917, 2019, 2040, 2085, 2140, 2175, 2231, 2252, 2283, 2333, 2375, 2433 1271 1271 402, 556, 557, 982 402 \ 191, 497, 499, 661, 662, 665, 1668, 2223 1073 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 26, 28, 29, 41, 47, 50, 51, 53, 58, 64, 80, 81, 107, 109, 143, 158, 165, 167, 168, 192, 203, 204, 224, 266, 274, 280, 311, 319, 321, 349, 351, 352, 354, 363, 364, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, 374, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 398, 401, 402, 403, 404, 429, 433, 455, 465, 467, 503, 505, 556, 557, 558, 559, 566, 567, 568, 569, 574, 577, 580, 626, 645, 658, 670, 678, 679, 684, 688, 689, 690, 694, 702, 703, 707, 708, 710, 714, 718, 729, 731, 742, 429 ILLINOIS (continued) 751 812 846 881 956 963 968 973 978 983 997 1003 1009 1015 1022 1085 1106 1137 1185 1203 1238 1256 1278 1290 1339 1364 1456 1465 1482 1540 1550 1583 1642 1734 1782 1810 1827 1855 1892 1938 2007 2043 2078 2100 2117 2126 2131 2138 2154 2163 2174 2181 2189 2194 2203 773 817 850 882 957 964 969 974 979 984 998 1004 1011 1016 1023 1090 1112 1158 1186 1211 1239 1260 1282 1293 1340 1403 1460 1466 1490 1543 1551 1620 1647 1748 1799 1812 1828 1856 1894 1965 2008 2045 2087 2101 2118 2127 2132 2139b 2156 2167 2176 2183 2190 2195 2205 799 834 854 915 959 965 970 975 980 986 1000 1005 1012 1017 1024 1101 1113 1169 1188 1216 1241 1262 1283 1294 1351 1408 1461 1471 1510 1544 1552 1627 1659 1754 1800 1820 1829 1867 1896 1967 2012 2056 2093 2102 2123 2128 2133 , 2145 2159 2168 2177 2184 2191 2196 2207 800 841 856 941 960 966 971 976 981 994 1001 1006 1013 1019 1056 1104 1132 1175 1190 1220 1243 1266 1284 1299 1354 1413 1462 1478 1511 1545 1555 1636 1676 1755 1801 1825 1846 1868 1935 1978 2028 2060 2097 2104 2124 2129 2136 , 2148 2160 2170 2178 2186 2192 2197 2208 807 842 875 948 961 967 972 977 982 996 1002 1007 1014 1020 1075 1105 1133 1182 1191 1228 1247 1267 1285 1324 1358 1455 1463 1481 1515 1549 1558 1639 1705 1781 1809 1826 1850 1891 1936 1982 2031 2066 2099 2116 2125 2130 2137 , 2152, 2161 2171 2180 2187 2193 2198 2209 430 ILLINOIS (continued) ILLINOIS BEACH STATE PARK, IL ILLINOIS RIVER, IL ILLINOIS SHORELINE (SA: Illinois) ILLINOIS WATERS (SA: Illinois) (SA: Southern Lake Michigan) 2210, 2211, 2212, 2219, 2228, 2238, 2253, 2254, 2255, 2256, 2257, 2258c i, 2258b, 227] [, 2272, 2305, 2325. 2326, 2327, 2339, 2340, 2345. , 2346, 2354, 2355, 2421, 2431 28, ■ 47. 53, 382, 402, 404, 503, ■ 626, 670, 729, 882. , 962t >, 982, 1075, 1188, 1190, 1463. , 1465, 1466, 1826, 2100, , 2102, , 2124, 2272, 2325 7. , 645. , 1158, 1340, 1364, 1583, 1642, , 1820, 2159, 2305 28. , 29. 50, 53, 203, 222t ), 374. 401, 402, 403, 404. , 556. , 557, 558, 566, 567. , 568. , 569, 574, 882, 959 , 962t >, 964, 965, 966b, 976. , 977. , 1075, 1185, 1186, 1238. , 1283 , 1865a , 2099 , 2100, 2116. , 2117 , 2138, 2145 266 , 311 . 370, 382, 384, 433. , 455 , 559, 580, 729, 834 , 960 . 961, 966a , 967, 968 , 969 , 970, 972, 973, 974 , 975 , 979, 980, 982, 983. , 1011 , 1175, 1266, 1267, 1705. , 1810 ► 1812, 1825, 1826, 1827. , 1868 , 2031, 2078, 2253, 2421 Illinois River) ILLINOIS WATERWAY (S (S: Chicago River) INDIANA (SA: specific cities, rivers, or power plants) 52, 64, 66, 80, 107, 165, 191, 220, 351, 354, 397, 433, 510, 679, 694, 702, 703, 707, 708, 710, 725, 742, 751, 773, 809, 838, 840, 846, 848, 891, 892, 915, 922, 984, 987, 988, 991, 992, 995, 999, 1056, 1090, 1137, 1147, 1148, 1188, 1190, 1194, 1201, 1204, 1216, 1260, 1278, 1284, 1285, 1290, 1327, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1456, 1470, 1472, 1543, 1544, 1606, 1645, 1675, 1694, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1704, 1705, 1718, 1767, 1768, 1810, 1936, 1982, 2006, 2012, 2043, 2057, 2059, 2060, 2087, 2095, 2098, 2117, 2120, 2139b , 2150 , 2171 , 2174, 2176, 2177, 2178, 2180, 2181, 431 INDIANA (continued) 2183 2190 2195 2205 2211 2254 2357 2420 INDIANA DUNES NATIONAL LAKESHORE, IN 66 1694 INDIANA DUNES STATE PARK, IN 846 INDIANA HARBOR, IN 702 1936 INDIANA SHORELINE (SA: Indiana) 891 2411 INDIANA WATERS 433 (SA: Indiana) 1148 (SA: Southern Lake Michigan) 1699 2420 2184, 2186, 2191, 2192, 2196, 2197, 2207, 2208, 2212, 2219, 2307, 2342, 2408, 2410, 2431 510, 809, 2154b, 2408 892 703, 915, 2095, 2120, 2006, 2098, 725, 991, 1352, 1353, 1705, 1810, 2187, 2189, 2193, 2194, 2198, 2203, 2209, 2210, 2244, 2250, 2343, 2356, 2411, 2419, 892, 1327, , 2410 1090, 1354, 2187 2117, 2357, 992, 1147, 1675, 1698, 2154b, 2419, J.H. CAMPBELL GENERATING STATION, IL 64, 2434 412, 416, 684, 2078, JACKSON PARK HARBOR, IL 311 KALAMAZOO RIVER, MI 598, 1718, KANE COUNTY, IL 6 KENILWORTH, IL 402, KENOSHA, WI 711, 1196, KENOSHA COUNTY, WI 811, KENOSHA HARBOR, WI 244, KEWAUNEE, WI 859 KEWAUNEE COUNTY, WI 1214, KEWAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, WI 45, 1008, 1469, 2399 KEWAUNEE RIVER, WI 2361 600, 604, 1833, 1839, 557, 982 861, 1001, 1346, 1798, 881, 882, 2135 1215 54, 64, 1021, 1149, 1607, 2396, 800, 1704, 2321, 2354 1188, 1190, 2104 954 165, 706, 1150, 1170, 2397, 2398, LAKE BLUFF, IL 222b, 402, 557, 982, 1826, 2125 LAKE COUNTY, IL 6, 1175, LAKE COUNTY, IN 840, LAKE ERIE 5, 49, 28, 403, 1191, 1801, 1767 8, 61, 17, 63, 881, 882, 2258b 25, 48, 71, 72, 432 LAKE ERIE (continued) 74, 76, 82, 83, , 84, 85. , 86. , 88. , 89, , 93, 95, 96, , 97, 114. 130, 131, 133, 137, 140. 141, 142, 143, 153, 154. , 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 188. , 189, 201, 202. , 210. 221. , 222a 223. 229. , 233, 239 , 243, 258. 264. , 273. , 288. , 291, 292. , 293. , 294. , 297 , 301, 309. , 310 , 322 , 339 ► 347, 348. , 355 , 357. , 360 , 362, 366. , 367. , 378. , 388. , 389, 392. , 393. , 398. , 399 , 418, 425. 435. , 440. , 442 , 446, 456. , 468. , 469. , 470 , 479, 481, 512. , 513. , 514. , 515, 516. 517. , 523. , 524 , 525, 528. 530e i, 531. , 534 , 535, 547. , 548. , 570. , 586 , 591, 595. , 596. , 602. , 607 , 611, 613. , 614. , 630. , 635 , 636, 643. , 648 , 649 , 652 , 654, 677. , 685 , 695 , 702 , 703, 713. , 716 , 719 , 720 , 727, 732. , 733. , 737. , 738 , 739, 740, 742. , 743. , 744. , 745, 746. , 747. , 748. , 750. , 752, 753, 754. , 755. , 758. , 761, 763, 764. , 765. , 766 ■ 768, 770, 771. , 772. , 773. , 774, 775. 777. , 778. , 779. ■ 780, 781, 782. , 783. , 784. , 785, 786. , 787. , 788. , 789 , 790, 791. 792. , 802. , 806 , 313, 816. , 823. , 824. , 826 , 835, 836 , 837 , 847 , 853 , 858, 862. , 863 , 865 , 871 , 888, 889 , 895 , 914 , 917 , 918, 920 , 939 , 943 , 952 , 955, 958 , 985 , 1026 , 1029 , 1030, 1031 , 1034 , 1035 , 1036 , 1037, 1038. , 1039. , 1040. , 1042 , 1045, 1046 , 1047. , 1048. , 1049 , 1050, 1051. , 1052. , 1053. , 1055. , 1056, 1057 , 1058 , 1059. , 1062 , 1064, 1067. , 1074. , 1094. , 1108. , 1111, 1119 , 1129 , 1134 , 1159 , 1160, 1161 , 1166 , 1174 , 1198 , 1199, 1216 , 1223 , 1225 , 1227c i, 1227 1230 , 1232 , 1233 , 1250 ► 1254, 1269 , 1298 , 1305 , 1306 , 1309, 1310. , 1332 , 1334 , 1335 , 1338, 1340 , 1362 , 1369 , 1371 ■ 1372, b, 433 LAKE ERIE (continued) 1375 1391 1405 1449 1468 1480 1489 1533 1554 1582 1616 1645 1667 1683 1702 1738 1763b 1805 1845 1897 1909 1914 1927 1939 2041 2061 2070 2096 2111 2117 2205 2222 2229 2276 2306 2342 2352 2429 LAKE ERIE BASIN 264, 920 (SA: Great Lakes Basin) (SA: Lake Erie) LAKE FOREST, IL 402, 557, 558, 1826, 2102, 2145 LAKE HURON 5, 8, 17, 49, 59, 60, 71, 72, 73, 80, 82, 83, 88, 89, 95, 114, 130, 131, 140, 141, 142, 154, 171, 172, 175, 176, 178, 184, 188, 189, , 1377, 1378, 1389, 1390, , 1394, 1395, 1398*, 1399, , 1411, 1412, 1431, 1437, , 1456, 1457, 1459, 1464, , 1473, 1477, 1478, 1479, , 1481, 1482, 1483, 1488, , 1499, 1505, 1522, 1524, , 1534, 1535, 1539, 1548, , 1564, 1565, 1568, 1569, , 1584, 1592, 1594, 1615, , 1618, 1619, 1642, 1643, , 1650, 1663, 1665, 1666, , 1669, 1673, 1674, 1679, , 1684, 1690, 1691, 1692, , 1719, 1722, 1729, 1737, , 1742, 1756, 1758, 1759, b, 1764 \ t 178: 1, 179C ), 1802 , 1813, 1824. 1833, 1837, , 1846. , 1850. , 1885. 1889, , 1904. , 1905. , 1907. , 1908, , 1910. , 1911. , 1912. , 1913, , 1923. , 1924. , 1925. , 1926, , 1928. , 1929. , 1932. , 1934, , 2001. , 2009. , 2013. , 2034, , 2042. , 2047. , 2050, , 2060, , 2063. , 2064. , 2065. , 2069, , 2077. , 2087. , 2088. , 2094, , 2105. , 2106 , 2109. , 2110, , 2112. , 2113 , 2114. , 2115, , 2122 , 2154 , 2155 ► 2199, , 2215 , 2216 , 2217 , 2219, , 2224 , 2225 , 2226 , 2227, , 2234 , 2246 , 2248 , 2269, , 2284 , 2292 , 2294 , 2302, , 2309 , 2321 , 2329 , 2341, , 2343 , 2344 , 2348 , 2351, , 2353 , 2401 , 2403 , 2426, 982, 1243, 25, 48, 61, 63, 75, 76, 84, 86, 96, 97, 133, 137, 150, 153, 173, 174, 180, 182, 201, 202, 434 LAKE HURON (continued) 210 229 250 269 291 297 339 360 388 397 440 456 479 515 525 535 596 614 643 672 713 732 740 746 753 763 770 775 781 786 791 823 836 863 888 920 955 1030 1037 1045 1050 1056 1064 1074 1111 1134 1174 1199 1127b 1270 1305 1316 1338 1375 1390 215 232 254 273 292 301 347 362 389 399 442 468 481 516 528 547 602 617 648 673 716 733 742 747 754 764 771 777 782 787 792 824 837 865 889 924 958 1031 1038 1046 1051 1057 1065 1076 1115 1159 1189 1216 , 1232 1271 1306 1322 1362 1377 1391 221 233 258 288 293 309 348 366 392 418 443 469 512 517 530a 548 607 627 649 677 717 737 743 748 755 765 772 778 783 788 802 825 847 866 895 939 985 1034 1039 1047 1052 1058 1070 1077 1119 1160 1195 1223 , 1233, 1272 1309 1328 1369 1378 1394 222a, 239 259 289 294a 310 355 367 393 425 445 470 513 523 531 570 611 635 652 695 720 738 744 750 758 766 773 779 784 789 813 826 853 867 917 943 1026 1035 1040 1048 1053 1059 1071 1094 1129 1161 1197 1225 1250, 1274 1310 1332 1371 1388 1395 223 243 264 290 294b, 322 357 378 395 435 446 472 514 524 534 591 613 636 654 712 727 739 745 752 761 768 774 780 785 790 816 835 862 871 918 952 1029 1036 1042 1049 1055 1062 1073 1108 1132 1166 1198 1227a, 1254, 1298, 1315, 1334, 1372, 1389, 1398, 435 LAKE HURON (continued) LAKE HURON BASIN (SA: Great Lakes Basin) (SA: Lake Huron) LAKE MACATAWA, MI 1399 1412 1449 1464 1479 1488 1522 1554 1592 1618 1646 1666 1679 1702 1738 1759 1802 1834 1850 1904 1909 1922 1927 1939 2009 2044 2063 2087 2106 2113 2154 2216 2225 2246 2306 2342 2352 2429 264, 920 1718, 2328 , 1402, 1405, 1406, , 1414, 1431, 1437, , 1456, 1457, 1458, , 1468, 1473, 1477, , 1480, 1481, 1482, , 1489, 1499, 1505, , 1524, 1526, 1539, , 1564, 1565, 1568, , 1594, 1612, 1615, , 1619, 1642, 1643, , 1650, 1654, 1663, , 1667, 1669, 1673, , 1683, 1684, 1690, , 1719. 1722. , 1729, , 1741. 1742. , 1756, , 17631 ), 176' i, 1780 , 1805. , 1817. , 1824, , 1837. , 1844 , 1845, , 1874 , 1885 , 1889, , 1905 , 1906 , 1907, , 1910 , 1911 , 1913, , 1923 , 1924 , 1925, , 1928 , 1929 , 1932, , 1940 , 1990 , 1992, , 2013 , 2034 , 2041, , 2047 , 2050 , 2060, , 2064 , 2069 , 2070, , 2088 , 2094 , 2096, , 2109 , 2110 , 2111, , 2114 , 2115 , 2117, , 2155 , 2199 , 2205, , 2217 , 2220 , 2222, , 2226 , 2227 , 2229, , 2276 , 2292 , 2294, , 2309 , 2329 , 2336, , 2343 , 2344 , 2348, , 2353 , 2401 , 2403, LAKE MICHIGAN (includes all entries except ones which are on Great Lakes in general; if known for that publica- tion, a more specific area is given, i.e., Northern Lake Michigan, or Eastern Lake Michigan, or Green Bay, etc. ) 1411, 1439, 1459, 1478, 1483, 1513, 1548, 1569, 1616, 1645, 1665, 1674, 1691, 1737, 1758, , 1783, 1833, 1846, 1897, 1908, 1914, 1926, 1934, 2001, 2042, 2061, 2075, 2105, 2112, 2122, 2215, 2224, 2234, 2302, 2341, 2351, 2426, LAKE MICHIGAN BASIN (SA: Great Lakes Basin) 166, 264, 265, 353, 387, 622, 625, 920, 988, 1110, 1260, 1392, 1593, 1997, 1998, 436 LAKE MICHIGAN BASIN (continued) . . . 2091, 2248 2180, 2185, 2201, 2218, LAKE MICHIGAN HARBORS , 241, 861, 2139b (general; SA: specific harbors) LAKE MICHIGAN SHORELINE 27, 28, 72, 29, 75, 50. 148. 53, (SA: specific state's shoreline) 71, 203, 253, 254, 255, 259, 265, 295, 374, 401, 402. 403, 404, 484, 498, 499. , 506, 507, 556, 557, 558. ■ 564, 565, 566, 567, 568. , 569, 573, 574, 597, 623. ■ 647, 661, 663, 665, 668. , 669, 717, 816, 844, 872. ■ 877, 882, 891, 959, 964. , 965, 976, 977, 1075, 1120. , 1180, 1185, 1186, 1238, 1283, , 1289, 1296, 1300, 1328, 1361. , 1385, 1423, 1425, 1485, 1486. ■ 1496, 1542, 1557, 1707, 1735. , 1791, 1816, 1871, 1882, 1917, , 2006, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2116. , 2117, 2122, 2138, 2139, 2144 , 2145, 2146, 2148, 2237, 2239 , 2240, 2357, 2372, 2411 LAKE MICHIGAN TRIBUTARIES (S: tributaries) (S: specific rivers) LAKE ONTARIO 5, 8, 17, 33, 48, 49, 61, 63, 76, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 95, 97, 114, 130, 131, 133, 137, 140, 141, 142, 153, 154, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 188, 189, 201, 202, 210, 221, 222a, 223, 229, 233, 243, 273, 288, 291, 292, 297, 301, 309, 310, 322, 339, 347, 348, 355, 357, 360, 362, 366, 367, 378, 388, 389, 392, 393, 398, 399, 418, 425, 435, 440, 442, 445, 446, 451, 456, 468, 469, 470, 479, 481, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 523, 524, 525, 528, 530a, 531, 534, 535, 547, 548, 591, 596, 602, 607, 610, 611, 613, 614, 635, 636, 643, 648, 649, 652, 673, 676, 677, 695, 702, 703, 713, 716, 719, 437 LAKE ONTARIO (continued) 720 738 744 750 758 766 773 779 784 789 806 835 862 889 939 958 1031 1038 1047 1052 1058 1094 1134 1174 1225 1250 1309 1362 1377 1411 1449 1473 1481 1499 1548 1581 1619 1663 1674 1691 1738 1763b, 1805 1850 1904 1910 1919 1927 1939 2047 2064 2094 2112 2155 2217 727 739 745 752 761 768 774 780 785 790 816 836 863 895 943 985 1034 1039 1048 1053 1059 1105 1159 1198 1227 1254 1310 1369 1378 1412 1456 1477 1482 1505 1554 1594 1642 1665 1679 1702 1742 1764 1824 1866 1905 1911 1923 1928 2009 2050 2069 2096 2114 2199 2222 732 740 746 753 763 770 775 781 786 791 823 837 865 914 946 1026 1035 1040 1049 1055 1062 1108 1160 1199 1227 1298 1332 1371 1389 1431 1457 1478 1483 1522 1565 1615 1643 1666 1683 1722 1756 1783 1833 1885 1907 1912 1924 1929 2013 2060 2070 2105 2115 2205 2224 733 742 747 754 764 771 777 782 787 792 824 847 871 917 952 1029 1036 1045 1050 1056 1064 1111 1161 1216 b, 1232 1305 1334 1372 1399 1434 1459 1479 1488 1524 1568 1616 1645 1669 1684 1729 1758 , 1790, 1845 1889 1908 1913 1925 1932 2034 2061 2087 2106 2117 2215 2225 737 743 748 755 765 772 778 783 788 802 826 853 888 918 955 1030 1037 1046 1051 1057 1074 1119 1166 1223 , 1233, 1306. 1338 1375 1405 1437 1464 1480 1489 1526 1569 1618 1650, 1673 1690 1737 1759 1802, 1846 1897 1909 1914 1926 1934 2042 2063 2088 2109 2154 2216 2226 438 LAKE ONTARIO (continued) LAKE ST. CLAIR LAKE SUPERIOR 2227 2276 2309 2352 2429 82 222a 515 1037 1051 1395 1481 1758 1932 2096 5 59 72 84 95 131 142 172 178 188 221 233 273 297 325 357 381 395 425 451 469 513 520 ; 530a, 548 596 614 636 652 713 733 742 747 754 764 771 777 782 787 2229 2292 2329 2353 84 290 530a 1038 1052 1402 1482 1759 2034 2105 8 60 73 85 96 133 143 173 180 189 222 239 288 301 339 360 388 397 435 456 470 514 523 531 570 602 617 637 654 716 737 743 748 755 765 772 778 783 788 2234 2294 2341 2401 88 293 535 1039 1057 1477 1667 1763b 2069 2246 25 61 74 86 97 137 150 174 182 201 223 243 291 309 347 362 389 399 440 461 479 515 524 534 586 607 627 643 677 720 738 744 750 758 766 773 779 784 789 2246 2302 2348 2403 89 347 744 1040 1059 1478 1669 1845 2070 2346 48 63 82 88 114 140 153 175 184 202 229 250 294a, 310 348 366 392 418 442 462 481 516 525 535 591 611 628 648 695 727 739 745 752 761 768 774 780 785 790 2269 2306 2351 2426 189 481 813 1050 1227b, 1480, 1756 1929 2094 2426 49 71 83 89 130 141 154 176 187 210 232 258 294b, 322 355 367 393 422 446 463 512 517 528 547 595 613 635 649 712 732 740 746 753 763 770 775 781 786 791 439 LAKE SUPERIOR (continued) 792, 802, , 816, 823, 824, 825. 826. , 835. 836, 837, 847, 853, 860, 862, 863, 865. , 871, , 888, 889, 895, 896, 917, 918. , 939. 940, 943. , 952. , 955. , 958, 985, 1026. , 1029. , 1030. 1031, 1034, 1035. , 1036. , 1037. 1038, 1039, 1040. , 1045. , 1046. , 1047. , 1048, 1049. , 1050. , 1051. , 1052. , 1053, 1055. , 1056. , 1057. , 1058. , 1059, 1062 , 1064. , 1065. , 1067. , 1068, 1069 , 1070 , 1071. , 1074. , 1076, 1077 , 1083 , 1094. , 1099. , 1108, 1111 , 1115 , 1119 , 1129 , H34, 1139 , 1140 , 1141 , 1142 , 1143, 1159 , 1160 , 1161. , 1166, , H74, 1198. , 1199. , 1216. , 1223. , 1225, 1227e l, 122/ 'b, 12; 50, 12; 52, 125 1254. , 1269 , 1270. , 1274. , 1298, 1305 , 1306 , 1309 , 1310. , 1315, 1316. , 1321 , 1323 , 1328. , 1332, 1334 , 1335 , 1338 , 1347 , 1362, 1369 , 1371 , 1372. , 1375. , 1377, 1378 , 1388 , 1389 , 1390 , 1391, 1394. , 1395 , 1398 , 1399. , 1400, 1402 , 1405 , 1411 , 1412 , 1431, 1437 , 1439 , 1441 , 1449. , 1456, 1457 , 1459 , 1464 , 1468 , 1473, 1477 , 1478 , 1479 , 1480 , 1481, 1482 , 1483 , 1485 , 1486 , 1488, 1489 , 1499 , 1505 , 1524. , 1539, 1548 , 1554 , 1564 , 1565 , 1568, 1569. , 1581 , 1586. , 1587. , 1589, 1590 , 1592 , 1594 , 1612. , 1615, 1616 , 1618 , 1619. , 1630. , 1642, 1643 , 1645 , 1646 , 1650 , 1654, 1663 , 1665 , 1666. , 1669. , 1672, 1673 , 1674. , 1679 , 1683. , 1684, 1690. , 1691. , 1692. , 1702. 1722, 1729. , 1737. , 1738. , 1741, 1742, 1756. , 1758. , 1759. , 17631 ), 1764 1783. , 1785. , 1790. , 1802. , 1805, 1813. , 1824. , 1833. , 1834. , 1835, 1837 , 1845 , 1846. , 1850. , 1884, 1885. , 1889 , 1897. , 1904. , 1905, 1906 , 1907 , 1908 , 1909 , 1910, 1911 , 1912 , 1913 , 1914. , 1915, 1922 , 1923 , 1924 , 1925 , 1926, 1927 , 1928 , 1929 , 1932. , 1934, 1939 , 1949 , 1950 , 1980. , 1981, 1990 , 1992 , 1993. , 2009, 2013, 2014 , 2041 , 2042 , 2043. , 2044, 2047 , 2050 , 2060. , 2061. , 2063, 2064 , 2065 , 2069 , 2070. , 2075, 440 LAKE SUPERIOR (continued) 2079, 2087, 2088, 2105, 2106, 2109, 2114, 2115, 2117, 2155, 2199, 2205, 2217, 2220, 2222, 2226, 2227, 2229, 2237, 2246, 2276, 2292, 2294, 2302, 2329, 2336, 2341, 2344, 2348, 2351, 2364, 2366, 2369, 2380, 2381, 2401, 2426, 2429, 2433 2094, 2096, 2112, 2113, 2122, 2154, 2215, 2216, 2224, 2225, 2233, 2234, 2282, 2284, 2306, 2309, 2342, 2343, 2352, 2353, 2370, 2374, 2403, 2412, LAKE WINNEBAGO, WI , 650, 1237, 1737, 1795, 1796, (Note: only includes those also 2363 mentioning Green Bay) LAKESIDE, MI 848 LAKESIDE GENERATING STATION, MI 315 LAPORTE COUNTY, IN 987 LELAND, MI 2239 LINCOLN RIVER, MI 1718 LINCOLN TOWNSHIP, MI 73 LITTLE BAY DE NOC 155 1585 2278 LITTLE CALUMET RIVER, IN 52 2171 LITTLE SABLE POINT, MI 345 LITTLE SCARBORO CREEK, WI 379 LITTLE TRAVERSE BAY LUDINGTON, MI 86 1769 73 365 437 951 1367 1680 2337 LUDINGTON HARBOR, MI 437 LUDINGTON STATE PARK, MI 73 MACKINAW CITY, MI 1668 MANISTEE, MI 623 2239 MANISTEE COUNTY, MI 75 MANISTEE RIVER, MI 311, 1882 2383 1768 2240 256, 439, 1588, 2279, 66, 2174, 857, 380 326, 2086 191, 375, 850, 1181, 1368, 1736, 2444 2141 294, 1328 546, 700, 1349, 1613, 1788, 2041, 2281, 2283 978, 1820, 1936, 2178 1816, 1818, 2237 584, 850, 1502, 261, 262, 294, 405, 406, 433, 857, 859, 893, 1248, 1249, 1328, 1526, 1537, 1668, 1920, 2141, 2189, 1328 951, 1510, 1511, 2189, 2240 621, 1704, 1718 441 MANISTIQUE, MI MANISTIQUE RIVER, MI MANITOU ISLAND, MI . MANITOU PASSAGE MANITOWOC, WI ., 73, 1526, 1920, 2189 1704, 1718, 2347, 2354 674, 675, 1163, 1831, 1832, 1893 MANITOWOC COUNTY, WI . MANITOWOC RIVER, WI .. MARQUETTE HATCHERY, MI MENASHA, WI MENOMINEE HARBOR, WI . MENOMINEE RIVER, WI-MI 345, 674, 675 318, 433, 623, 936, 1065, 1196, 1215, 1256, 1860, 2189 1215 844, 1704, 1718, 1861, 2354 2416 1821 2108 236, 1339, 1704, 1718, 1769, 1833, 2354 MENOMONEE RIVER, WI MICHIANA, MI MICHIGAN (SA: specific cities, rivers, or power plants) 1953 73 20 77 107 117 122 128 232 265 365 406 411 416 486 553 583 619 664 710 773 875 906 990 1088 1097 1127 1181 1243 1252 1285 1322 1363 1429 2368 1328 22, 43, 64, 73, 103. 104, 105, 106, 108. , 112. , 115. , 116, 118, , 119, 120, 121, 123. 125. 126. 127, 143. 155, 165. , 191, 250. , 256. 262. , 264, 279 , 280. 351. , 354, 395. , 397. , 398. ■ 405, 407 , 408 , 409 , 410, 412. , 413. , 414. , 415, 421. , 437. , 439. , 483, 497. , 518. , 551. ■ 552, 554 , 561. , 570. , 577, 599. , 600. , 604. ■ 618, 620. , 627. , 644. ■ 662, 683. , 685. , 689. ■ 702, 718. , 722. , 742. ■ 751, 800 , 850. , 857 , 860, 879. , 883. , 893. , 904, 922 , 936 , 951. , 989, 1056 , 1065. , 1067 , 1073, 1091 , 1092. , 1095 , 1096, 1098 , 1102. , 1109 , 1116, 1128 , 1154 , 1163 i H64, 1216 , 1220 , 1228 , 1233, 1244 , 1248 , 1249 , 1251, 1253 , 1256 , 1280 , 1282, 1312 , 1318. , 1320. , 1321, 1323 , 1325 , 1335 , 1349, 1367 , 1368. , 1398 , 1424, 1430 , 1445 , 1446 , 1447, 442 MICHIGAN (continued) MICHIGAN CITY, IN MICHIGAN SHORELINE (SA: Michigan) MICHIGAN WATERS (SA: Michigan) (SA: specific sections of Lake Michigan MILWAUKEE, WI 1448, 1451, 1456, 1463, 1490, 1492, 1493, 1506, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1526, 1528, 1529, 1537, 1541, 1543, 1556, 1572, 1573, 1574, 1575, 1577, 1578, 1585, 1588, 1599, 1613, 1624, 1636, 1640, 1647, 1668, 1680, 1692, 1696, 1697. , 1704, 1710, 1711, 1712, 1717, 1718, 1733, 1734, 1736, 1770. 1774, 1775, 1776, 1782, 1807. , 1839, 1841. 1877, 1878, 1879. , 1880, 1881. 1883, 1892, 1915. ■ 1931, 1944, 1983, 1984, 1988. 1990, 1992. 2001, 2003. 2011. , 2012, 2017, 2026, 2055. 2060. , 2062. 2069. 2070, 2087. , 2108. , 2119. 2149. , 2175, 2180, 2186. ■ 2189, 2190. , 2192, 2197. , 2198. , 2203, 2205. . 2207, 2208. 2209. , 2210. , 2211. , 2212, 2223. , 2238 , 2243. , 2244. , 2248, 2250 , 2278 , 2283 , 2284 , 2235, 2289 , 2299 , 2313 , 2314 , 2315, 2321 , 2328 , 2337 , 2342 , 2343, 2344 , 2347 , 2354 , 2416 , 2428, 2434 , 2442 , 2444 64 , 80 , 107 , 220 , 433, 922 , 1188 , 1190 , 1699 , 1700, 2057 , 2307 , 2357 , 2411 27 ► 71 72 75 , 148, 253. , 254 , 255. , 259 ■ 294b, 295. , 484 , 498. , 499 , 506, 507 , 623 , 647. , 661 , 665, 668 , 717 , 316 , 833 , 872, 877 , 1120 , 1180 , 1289 , 1328, 1361 , 1385 , 1423 , 1425 , 1496, 1542 , 1735 , 1791 , 1816 , 1882, 2117 , 2122 , 2139 , 2240 ■ 2372, 2437 , 2444 74 , 218 , 219 , 234 , 235, 252 , 261 , 294 , 311 , 345, 375 , 433 , 587 , 633 , 674, 675 , 8241 ), Illy ', 111? 5, 1330, 1390 , 1391 , 1394 , 1395 , 1592, 1622 , 1625 , 1720 , 1769 , 1788, 1812 , 1831 , 1832 , 1833 , 1843, 1875 , 1893 , 1920 , 1986 , 1987, 1989 , 1991 , 2078 , 2090 , 2285, 2415 , 2442 46 , 113 , 143 , 152 , 156, 157 , 159 , 181 , 185 , 191, 192 , 212 , 280 , 306 , 375, 398 , 423 , 433 , 467 , 612, 443 MILWAUKEE, WI (continued) 629 845 871 1116 1220 1290 1427 1506 1519 1740 1850 2000 2146 2173 2343 1436 113 280 870 1235 1740 2165 2432 MILWAUKEE RIVER, WI 237 1718 2377 MINNESOTA 143 1056 2087 MILWAUKEE COUNTY, WI MILWAUKEE HARBOR, WI MISSISSIPPI RIVER MONTROSE HARBOR, IL MORAN TOWNSHIP, MI 7 1230 311 73, MUSKEGON, MI 156, 395, 609, 1253, 1506, 1718, 2354 MUSKEGON COUNTY, MI 43, MUSKEGON HARBOR, MI 1812 MUSKEGON LAKE, MI 86 MUSKEGON RIVER, MI 211, 2354 NAUBINWAY, MI 1312 NEENAH, WI 1821 656, 702, 703, 839, 846, 850, 861, 870, 897, 902, 936, 1072, 1137, 1151, 1196, 1207, 1234, 1236, 1280, 1288, 1296, 1300, 1373, 1421, 1430, 1436, 1474, 1490, 1510, 1511, 1516, 1518, 1557, 1647, 1668, 1707, 1778, 1821, 1830, 1846, 1859, 1860, 1944, 1999, 2001, 2080, 2083, 2102, 2154, 2165, 2167, 2170, 2187, 2189, 2223, 2342, 2344, 2356, 2368, 2432 2146 152, 181, 185, 237, 375, 612, 702, 845, 871, 897, 902, 1220, 1236, 1373, 1427, 1518, 1778, 1999, 2000, 2083, 2167, 2170, 2187, 2265, 947, 1167, 1235, 1339, 2259, 2264, 2265, 2354, 627, 742, 751, 773, 1216, 1456, 2043, 2060, 2205, 2342, 2343, 2344 170, 1026, 1140, 1142, 1237, 2091 1328 211, 294, 375, 393, 397, 433, 477, 570, 800, 875, 936, 1252, 1280, 1424, 1430, 1490, 1510, 1511, 1625, 1704, 1812, 1839, 2189, 2223, 75, 295 800, 1704, 1718, 1839, 444 NEW BUFFALO HARBOR, MI 457, NEW YORK 398, 773, 2087, 2344 NIAGARA RIVER, NY 82, 288, 1051, 1480, 1679, NORTH BAY 909 NORTH CHICAGO, IL 402, NORTH MANITOU ISLAND, MI 1163 (SA: Manitou Island) NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS 688, NORTHEASTERN LAKE MICHIGAN 225, 1416 NORTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN 32, 155, 240, 328, 336, 542, 804, 1081, 1313, 1418, 1526, 1613, 1765, 1915, 1946, 2070, 2249, NORTHWESTERN LAKE MICHIGAN 1082 OAK CREEK, WI 423, OAK CREEK GENERATING STATION, WI 181, 2385 OCONTO RIVER, WI 844, 2354 OGONTZ RIVER, MI 250, OHIO 143, 773, 2060, OHIO RIVER, OH 7, OTTAWA COUNTY, MI 295 2119 577, 702, 742, 751, 1056, 1216, 1456, 2060, 2122, 2205, 2238, 2343, 88, 89, 189, 222a, 1037, 1040, 1049, 1050, 1052, 1059, 1456, 1478, 1481, 1482, 1665, 1667, 2110, 2342, 2344 557, 569, 982 941, 1799, 1855 674, 675, 1163, 1415, 57, 91, 92, 96, 161, 207, 208, 219, 252, 271, 283, 294b, 329, 330, 333, 335, 337, 390, 441, 540, 546, 650, 704, 803, 898, 909, 1079, 1080, 1100, 1102, 1271, 1312, 1320, 1322, 1342, 1349, 1454, 1497, 1500, 1502, 1579, 1585, 1588, 1609, 1640, 1685, 1687, 1736, 1769, 1771, 1842, 1893, 1940, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1992, 2001, 2005, 2069, 2086, 2172, 2175, 2231, 2332, 2363, 2400 424, 1859, 1860, 2377 315, 550, 1442, 1804, 1339, 1704, 1718, 2260, 824b, 1915 398, 702, 742, 751, 1056, 1216, 1456, 1582, 2087, 2205, 2238 1026, 1230, 2071 445 PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, MI 39 196 410 1169 1575 1792 PENNSYLVANIA 742 1456 PENSAUKEE RIVER, WI 1718 PENTWATER HARBOR, MI 1251 PENTWATER RIVER, MI 211 PERE MARQUETTE RIVER, MI 904 PERE MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP, MI 73 PESHTIGO RIVER, WI 1339 PIKE RIVER, WI 2378 PLATTE RIVER, MI 562 1992 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, WI 44 314 680 905 1169 1582 1746 1753 1823 1962 1969 1974 2382 2389 2394 POINT BETSIE, MI 395 PORT INLAND, MI 1668 PORT SHELDON, MI 259 PORT WASHINGTON, WI 64 2223 PORTAGE LAKE, MI 259 PORTER COUNTY, IN 840 PULLIAM GENERATING STATION, WI 64 RACINE, WI 861 2135 RACINE COUNTY, WI 811 RACINE HARBOR, WI 1812 64, 163, 164, 195, 197, 407, 408, 409, 411, 415, 680, 681, 1556, 1572, 1573, 1574, 1577, 1578, 1622, 1636, 1931, 2149 751, 773, 1056, 1216, 2060, 2087, 2205 2260 1718 1704, 1718, 2354 1328 1704, 1718, 2260, 2354 1692, 1718, 1984, 1990, 2337 55, 64, 165, 313, 315, 317, 678, 679, 681, 684, 793, 801, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1233, 1314, 1329, 1556, 1636, 1659, 1660, 1744, 1747, 1749, 1751, 1752, 1754, 1755, 1811, 1821, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 2058, 2066, 2078, 2151, 2384, 2386, 2387, 2388, 2390, 2391, 2392, 2393, 2395, 2404, 2417, 2434 397 1875 265, 1228, 1268, 2189, 2337 987, 1768 1609, 2231, 2332, 2400 1145, 1196, 1538, 1812, 2139a, 2170, 2187, 2189 954, 1192, 2144 2135, 2170, 2187 446 RAPID RIVER, MI 1704, ROCK ISLAND STATE PARK, WI 1463 ROOT RIVER, WI 1718, SALT CREEK BASIN, IN 1262 SAUGATUCK, MI 279, 1181, 1625, 2313, SAULT STE. MARIE, MI 2342, SCHOOLCRAFT COUNTY, MI 75 SHEBOYGAN, WI 216, 1109, SHEBOYGAN COUNTY, WI 797 SHEBOYGAN RIVER, WI 1704, SHOE ISLAND, MI 1271 SHOREWOOD, WI 669 SILVER LAKE STATE PARK, MI 1463 SLEEPING BEAR POINT, MI 345 SNYDER CREEK, MI 1320, SOUTH FOX ISLAND, MI 1944 SOUTH HAVEN, MI 505, 2189 SOUTH MANITOU ISLAND, MI 1163, (SA: Manitou Island) SOUTHEASTERN LAKE MICHIGAN 430, 499, 660, 848, 1098, 1622, 1878, 2314, SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN 1, 81, 111, 167, 203, 266, 346, 374, 386, 429, 550, 567, 598, 2354 2376 280, 518, 1228, 1363, 1680, 1696, 2314, 2315, 2343, 2344 503, 663, 1196, 1243, 922, 1116, 1367, 1368, 1697, 2189, 2321, 2337 859, 861, 1821, 2189 1718, 2354, 2360 1321, 1915 668, 951, 1243, 1625, 1831, 1832, 1893 485, 486, 497, 498, 504, 508, 553, 587, 662, 664, 672, 833, 922, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1265, 1357, 1361, 1452, 1624, 1696, 1697, 1776, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 2315, 2407, 2409 22, 29, 51, 58, 98, 103, 107, 109, 115, 143, 149, 158, 168, 191, 192, 194, 205, 214, 220, 222b, 274, 280, 296, 319, 349, 354, 369, 370, 382, 383, 384, 385, 400, 401, 403, 404, 455, 483, 484, 501, 551, 556, 559, 566, 569, 580, 592, 593, 626, 645, 646, 658, 447 SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN (continued) ,... 668, 676, 686, 689, 692, 701, 707, 708, 731, 798, 807, 811, 834, 838, 840, 891, 892, 930, 942, 947, 948, 956, 957, 960, 961, 962b ), 964, 966t »• 969, 970, 972, 973, 982, 983, 986, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1007, 1009, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1019, 1020, 1022, 1023, 1060, 1075, 1090, 1093, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1112, 1123, 1130, 1133, 1167, 1173, 1182, 1187, 1188, 1190. 1191, 1194, 1201, 1207, 1211. 1218. 1219. 1220. 1221, 1222. 1238. 1240. , 1241. ■ 1242, 1243. , 1245. , 1247. , 1266. ■ 1267, 1279 , 1280. , 1282. , 1283. , 1284, 1286 , 1288 , 1290. , 1292. , 1293, 1294 , 1296. , 1299. , 1300. , 1324, 1326 , 1339 , 1340. , 1351 , 1352, 1353 , 1385 , 1393 , 1408 , 1413, 1436 , 1446 , 1450 , 1451 , 1455, 1460 , 1461 , 1462 , 1471 , 1506, 1511 , 1515 , 1518 , 1531 , 1549, 1550 , 1551 , 1555 , 1557 , 1583, 1599 , 1606 , 1626 , 1627 , 1639, 1647 , 1675 , 1676 , 1689 , 1698, 1699 , 1700 , 1705 , 1706 , 1709, 1711 , 1713 , 1714 , 1716 , 1717, 1733 , 1768 , 1774 , 1777 , 1782, 1792 , 1808 , 1819 , 1820 , 1827, 1856 , 1857 , 1865c i, 186; J , 1877, 1887 , 1891 , 1892 , 1894 , 1895, 1896 , 1899 , 1900 , 1936 , 1937, 1953 , 1967 , 1982 , 1996 , 2006, 2015 , 2016 , 2031 , 2038 , 2045, 2054 , 2056 , 2057 , 2074 , 2093, 2095 , 2099 , 2100 , 2102 , 2119, 2120 , 2123 , 2125 , 2126 , 2127, 2128 , 2129 , 2130 , 2131 , 2132, 2133 , 2136 , 2137 , 2138 , 2145, 2146 , 2152 , 21541 >, 215( 5, 2160, 2161 , 2163 , 2164 , 2173 , 2174, 2176 , 2177 , 2178 , 2181 , 2183, 2184 , 2191 , 2193 , 2194 , 2195, 2196 , 2221 , 2253 , 2254 , 2255, 2256 , 2257 , 2258c 1, 225? Jb, 2271, 2272 , 2305 , 2311 , 2313 , 2316, 2317 , 2318 , 2321 , 2339 , 2340, 2355 , 2356 , 2368 , 2376 ■ 2377, 2378 , 2410 , 2411 , 2421 , 2428, 2431 448 SOUTHWESTERN LAKE MICHIGAN 26, 169, 574, 729, 730, 799, 954, 1001, 1006, 1010, 1024, 1025, 1354, 1358, 1694, 1800, 1809, 1810, 1830, 1947, 2007 SPIDER ISLAND, WI 1600 SPRING LAKE, MI 2328 ST. CLAIR RIVER 82, 84, 88, 89, 189, 222a , 288, 290, 293, 648, 649, 744, 955, 1037, 1040, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1059, 1456, 1665, 1667, 1679, 1845, 2069, 2070, 2094, 2096, 2110, 2426 ST. LAWRENCE RIVER ST. JOSEPH, MI 728, 1881 ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, MI 988 ST. JOSEPH RIVER, MI 421 1624 2238 82 288 1049 1478 1679 1850 82 222a 1049 1395 1481 2094 STATE LINE GENERATING STATION, IL 679 STEVENSVILLE, MI 486 664 ST. MARY'S RIVER STRAITS OF MACKINAC 96 867 1406 1934 2270 STURGEON BAY, WI 861 1526 SUAMICO RIVER, WI 361 (SA: Big Suamico River) TERRY ANDRAE STATE PARK, WI 563, 715, THOMPSON, MI 1328 869, 988, 1361, 1511, 587 1704 2250 88 744 1050 1480 1845 1853 84 288 1050 1414 1482 2096 1470 497 665 704 1195 1646 1943 1346 1668 722, 800, 1622, 1718, 1833, 1839, 2354 89, 144, 222a, 755, 1026, 1037, 1051, 1052, 1456, 1481, 1482, 1525, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1858, 2154 88, 89, 133, 398, 1037, 1040, 1051, 1052, 1059, 1456, 1478, 1480, 1665, 1679, 1845, 2142, 2154, 2426 1636 498, 504, 662, 564, 818, 813, 850, 866, 1197, 1227b, 1318, 1737, 1817, 1844, 1944, 2142, 2172, 1418, 1453, 1475, 1736, 1812 565, 572, 573, 2092 449 TRAIL CREEK, IN ... 1718 86, 285, 800, 1099, 1199, 1902, 2197, 2210, 2284, 93, 286, 878, 1122, 1392, 1983, 2198, 2211, 2287, 94, 361, 889, 1139, 1710, 2186, 2207, 2212, 2369, TRAVERSE CITY, MI . 951 TRIBUTARIES (genera (SA: specific riv 1) 59, 240, 'ers) 284, 768, 1089, 1143, 1861, 2192, 2209, 2248, 581, 1087, 1140, 1718, 2190, 2208, 2220, 2433 TWIN RIVER, WI 844, 2361 TWO CREEKS, WI .... 621 TWO RIVERS, WI .... 621, 623, 657, 861, 1510, UNION PIER, MI VAN BUREN COUNTY, MI WARREN DUNES STATE PARK, MI WAUGOSHANCE POINT, MI WAUKEGAN, IL WAUKEGAN GENERATING STATION, IL WAUKEGAN HARBOR, IL WESTERN LAKE MICHIGAN 1511, 1718, 1734, 1860, 1861 1882 295 294, 1881 1193 107, 557, 670, 1220, 1782, 1892, 2102 266, 678, 997, 1003, 1011, 1016, 1552, 1755, 558, 1243, 572, 818, 1291, 1735, 2058, 2361, WHITE LAKE, MI 29. ■ 64, 80 , 81, 280, 311, 402. , 433, 558. , 559, 566. , 580, 731. ■ 799, 982. , H69, 1228. , 1238, 1243. , 1256, 1809 , 1826, 1841 ► 1891, 2008 , 2028, 2031 , 2093, 1 2, 167 • 168, 369 , 370, 382 , 455, 679. , 684, 948 , 996, 998. , 1000, 1001 , 1002, 1004. , 1005, 1006. , 1009, 1012. , 1013, 1014 , 1015, 1017. , 1545, 1550. , 1551, 1636. , 1659, 1748 , 1754, 1965, , 2066 64. , 280, 433. , 557, 559. , 580, 670. ■ 1220, 1841, , 2093 162. , 459, 500. , 503, 663, ■ 669, 706, , 715, 868. ■ 881, 1149. , 1150, 1421. , 1538, 1707. , 1734, 1803, , 1804, 1861. , 2006, 2092. , 2135, 2144. , 2360, 2372, , 2373 259. , 1875, 2328 450 WHITE RIVER, MI ... WHITEFISH BAY, WI . WHITEFISH RIVER, MI WILMETTE, IL WILMETTE HARBOR, IL WINNETKA, IL , WINTHROP HARBOR, IL WISCONSIN , (SA: specific cities, rivers, or power plants) 1704, 1718 669 250, 1585, 1588, 1704, 1718, 2354 402, 557, 559, 566, 1238, 1826, 2102 559 29 , 311. , 402. , 557. , 558, 569 , 982. , 1639. , 1826 670 , 982. , 1826 9 20. , 31. 44. 45, 46. 54. 55. , 64. 77, 94. , 113. , 143, , 151. , 152, 156. , 157. , 159. , 165. , 181, 184. , 185. , 191, , 192. 204, 207. , 208. , 212. , 216. 236, 237. , 244. , 245. , 246. ■ 250, 265. ■ 280, , 306. , 311, ■ 313, 314. , 315. , 317. , 318. ■ 327, 351. , 361. , 375. , 379. , 380, 398 , 423. , 424. , 433. , 434, 461 , 467. , 503. , 511. , 520, 522. , 527. , 536. , 541. , 544, 550. , 563. , 564. 565, , 571, 572. , 573. , 577. , 597. 610, 612, 616, 621, 623. 627, 628. , 629, 650, 656, 657, 663. 669, 678. 679. 680, 681. 694. , 702, 703. 706, 710. 711, 715, 717. 724, 742. , 751. 773, , 793. 797, 800 , 801 , 811. , 812. , 815, 816. , 818. , 827. , 839. ■ 844, 845. , 846. , 850. , 859. , 861, 870. , 871. , 874, , 881. , 882, 887 , 897 , 902 , 905 ► 925, 936 , 940 , 947 , 954 , 984, 1001 , 1008 , 1021 , 1056 , 1065, 1072 , 1079 , 1080. , 1081. , 1088, 1089. , 1109. , 1115. , 1116. ■ 1125, 1137. , 1139. , 1140, 1141, 1142, 1145. , 1146, , 1149. , 1150, 1151, 1152. , 1167. , 1169. , 1170. 1178, 1183. , 1188. , 1190. 1192, 1196, 1200 , 1206. , 1207. , 1210. , 1214, 1215. , 1216. , 1220. , 1221, ■ 1228, 1230 , 1234 , 1235. , 1236. , 1237, 1243 , 1256 , 1258. , 1260. , 1268, 1278 , 1280. , 1285. , 1288. ■ 1290, 1296. , 1300. , 1314. , 1318, 1321, 1329 , 1339 , 1346. , 1347. 1350, 451 WISCONSIN (continued) WISCONSIN HARBORS (general) (SA: specific harbors) WISCONSIN PORTS (general) . WISCONSIN SHORELINE (SA: Wisconsin) 1373, 1380, 1397, 1401, 1413, 1418, 1421, 1427, 1429, 1430, 1436, 1442, 1453, 1456, 1463, 1465, 1466, 1469, 1474, 1485, 1486, 1490, 1497, 1501, 1506, 1510, 1511, 1516, 1518, 1519, 1526, 1538, 1543, 1544, 1556, 1557, 1580, 1582, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1629, 1630, 1631, 1636, 1645, 1647, 1660, 1668, 1704, 1707, 1718, 1734, 1736, 1740, 1744, 1746, 1747, 1749, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1754. 1755, 1769, 1772. , 1778, 1779. , 1795, 1796, 1797. , 1798. , 1804 , 1811. , 1812, 1821. , 1823. , 1830. , 1833. , 1846, 1850 , 1859. , 1860 , 1861. , 1862, 1864 , 1869. , 1871. , 1890. , 1902, 1917 , 1944. , 1949 , 1950. , 1952, 1953 , 1954. , 1955 , 1957. , 1958, 1962 , 1964. , 1965 , 1966. , 1968, 1969 , 1970. , 1971 , 1972. , 1973, 1974 , 1976 , 1977 , 1980 , 1982, 1999 , 2000 , 2001 , 2005 , 2006, 2008 , 2012 , 2024 , 2046 , 2058, 2060 , 2066 , 2078 , 2080 , 2083, 2084 , 2086 , 2087 , 2092 ► 2102, 2104 , 2108 , 2117 , 2135 , 2139a 21391 3 2140 , 2143 , 2144 , 2146, 2151 , 2154 , 2165 , 2167 , 2170, 2173 , 2175 , 2180 , 2186 , 2187, 2189 t 2190 , 2192 , 2197 , 2198, 2203 , 2205 , 2207 , 2208 , 2209, 2210 , 2211 , 2212 , 2219 , 2223, 2229 , 2231 , 2259 , 2260 , 2264, 2265 , 2324 , 2332 , 2333 , 2342, 2343 , 2344 , 2354 , 2359 , 2360, 2361 , 2363 , 2364 , 2365 , 2366, 2368 , 2369 , 2371 , 2374 , 2375, 2376 , 2377 , 2378 , 2379 , 2380, 2382 , 2384 , 2385 , 2386 , 2387, 2388 , 2389 , 2391 , 2392 , 2393, 2394 , 2395 , 2396 , 2397 , 2398, 2399 , 2400 , 2404 , 2417 , 2431, 2432 , 2433 , 2434 861 , 21391 D 1347 265, 564, 565, 573, 597, 623, 663, 669, 717, 816, 844, 882, 1296, 1300, 1485, 1486, 1557, 1707, 1871, 1917, 2006, 2117, 2139a, 2144, 2146 452 WISCONSIN TRIBUTARIES . (SA: specific rivers) (SA: tributaries) WISCONSIN WATERS (SA: Wisconsin) (SA: Green Bay) (SA: specific sections of Lake Michigan) 94, 361, 1902, 2208, 2211, 2212 311, 375, 433, 461, 563, 571, 572, 612, 947, 1140, 1142, 1214, 1501, 1630, 1769, 1811, 1812, 1821, 1833, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1949, 1950, 1999, 2000, 2058, 2078, 2092, 2264, 2364, 2365, 2366, 2369, 2374, 2375 WOLF LAKE, IL 978, 2171, 2174, 2178 WOLVERINE HATCHERY, MI 562 ZION, IL 311, 503, 505, 558, 670, 731, 982, 1188, 1190, 1515, 1734, 1809, 2078, 2102 ZION NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, IL 26, 51, 64, 165, 168, 266, 369, 370, 382, 383, 384, 385, 455, 729, 807, 948, 956, 957, 994, 998, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1011, 1013, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1019, 1020, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1075, 1104, 1133, 1182, 1211, 1358, 1455, 1460, 1461, 1471, 1549, 1550, 1551, 1555, 1639, 1659, 1676, 1867, 1965, 1967, 2007, 2056, 2078, 2152, 2421 453