762.1 OfJtb 1661 LA BOULANGERE. OPERA COMIQUE. OFFENBACH bonbon : J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W PRICE SIXPENCE. LA BOULANGERE. OPERA COMIQUE. IN THREE ACTS AND FOUR TABLEAUX. OFFENBACH. LONDON; J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W. I PERSONS. Dncd’ORLEANS. Regent of France. T t(3 XV The young King of France, under the name and dis- guise of Ravannes a Rm J a ^ e [ M argot. A Bakeress and Confec tioner in the Halles, rich by speculation in the Mississippi ToinetteT 4 Bar-mMiddt tlie Tavern " Au Berger Fidele • • Jacquot. Gargon at the “ Berger MaDAMJ^OE PABABtoK | Madame de Phalari» \ Delorme \ Pages of the Regent . . Varennes I Arnatjd J Navette ) Qi r i $ i n Margot's Shop . BE^mi.LE, Fashionable Coiffeur- Flam. Head Detective of the Parisian Force . « Muffle. His Apprentice . ■ ■ The Commissary. Police Magis- Coquebert. Lackey, and Lover of Margot • • Captain of the Watch . . “K» l <*>**">• „ De la Hausse hers .. „ De la Baisse J m" \ Df. la Valle6 l Regent Orleans . . Rosadba J — “* C “1 n . — .«■« - F-jS: issr- " rr, 7n. / Qfa/r ftn ROTE — The Action of this Opera takes place at Paris, during the minority of Louis XY. and the Regency of the Due d’ Orleans. The famous, or rather infamous, Mississippi scheme of the notorious John Law, the French pendant of our own South Sea Bubble, furnishes the canvas on which the authors have based their fantastic story. The Baker who gets rich of an afternoon by Speculation — the crowds of fashionables dabbling in Missis- sippi shares in the [Rue Quincampoix — the feverish tone of society — its ups and down, as lightly touched in the opera, are in reality matters of history, and such an episode as the Romance of “ LA BOULANGrERE ” might well have occurred at such a time. SYNOPSIS OF SCENERY AND ACTION. ACT I. LAW’S BANKING HOUSE IN QUINCAMPOIX. THE EUE How the Chevaliers of the Moon stop the Pages, and get a warm L reception from the Due d’ Orleans — How Bernadille finds himself suddenly a Plotter of eminence, and how Toinefcte conceals her love — How Flam and his Apprentice go on the trail, and how Margot cheats them, and lays in a new lover — How stock-jobbing was done in 1718, and how the Commissary declares himself satisfied. ACT II. THE PAEIS HALLES AND MAEGOT’S BAKEEY. How the Police get on the track of Bernadille, and what happened thereupon in the Bakery — How Toinette can’t get back her lover, and how the Police make a descent — How all bakers are grey in the ( 4 ) plioe in the Cellamore Plot. ACT III. POLICE COURT OF THE PERIOD. How night charges were disposed o! a hundr^ a^ ^ g ent leman A garden fete at the kegent-s palace. . a A f the supposed Bavannes, and How Toinette claims the P^ 0 ™ 1 ' { p anama come to Court b.. a., «.a..a« SS£??SSi. to b. w«-Tb. shall no ^ ca P^ ure you to-day ! ( 27 ) Barricade Chorus. Chor. We’ve something first to say ! Now then, police, for you, Bring on your soldiers too, We don’t fear weapons glancing, You’ve heard our market strains, All therefore that remains, Is now to teach you dancing ! On, maidens, on ! Think of your sweethearts, etc. End of Act II. ( 23 ) ACT III. End of First Tableau. No. 16. — Melodrame. Second Tableau. No. 17. — Watteau Chorus and Dance. * “ THERE IS A PERFUME.” S.S.T.B. There is a perfume on the breeze, And a music in the trees, Thro’ the mazy dance, Now let us in the moonlight glance ! Now from the lamp-light hie away ! In dark alley let us stray ! There soft silence and the night, To whisper’d vow of love invite ! * Music by Louis Gregh. Published by J. Williams,, Berners Street, W. ( 29 ) No. 18. — Komance. — “PAETED.’ Toinette. I. ’Tis the rose-realm of pleasure, Where the light-hearted throng, Glide from song into measure, Or from dance into song ! But the music to me Falletli sad as a sigh ! And how this may be, 0 my heart, tell me why ? Ah ! pity me, for I am lonely, I’ll hold me to his heart no more, The voice that made my music only. Is silent, and life’s charm is o’er l II. In this still night, if ever, Should a love-tale he told, But I’ll list again never, — That sweet music of old ! Happy be ! while you may, Maidens, tender and true. Dance, sing, and be gay, For your love bides with you ! Ah ! pity me, etc. ( 30 ) No. 19.— (a) Chorus.— “WE NOW SHALL HAVE OCCASION.’’ ( b ) Esthetic Song. — “ DADO-ISM.” Chorus. We now shall have occasion ample, To criticise the new noblesse, The Panamas will be a sample, Of how such people speak and dress ! Now ’tis meet That we greet The Marquis and his lady sweet ! Enter Margot and Coquebert. ^Esthetic Song. — “ DADO-ISM.” Margot and Chorus. I. Our ancient creed of decoration, Is fast becoming quite effete, And if you’d know the last sensation, We’re nothing now if not aesthete 1 In notions dark of Art I pined, And had a hankering for beauty, But oh ! my utter joy to find, All ugliness my duty ! And now between me and the herd, There is a perfect schism, Intensively intense I live, In a state of “ dado-ism !” Mar. J 1 1 Chor. Intensively intense, etc. ( 31 ) II. I love th’ aesthetic melancholy, Of sickly green on wall and dress, The yellow sun-flow’rs big and sprawly, Are quite too utter loveliness ! I play upon a double bass, And wear the up-and-down-est frocks, And from my aesthetic sallow face, Stick out intense my bird-nest locks ! For now between me, etc. No. 20. — Song. Eebnadille. I. All is past ! The dream is over, And I awake to dream no more ! Ne’er to meet as lover, lover, Ne’er to count the moments o’er ! Yet the fervent vow so soon forgot, Was uttered yesterday, Whilst thy heart thou gavest (didst thou not ?) For ever and for aye ! If farewell can e’er be spoken, To one who haunts me like a spell, Whose empire o’er me is unbroken, Then, oh ! my darling I now, farewell ! II. All is past and mem’ry only Can give one ray of light to me, One beam of light to him all lonely, Drifting far on life’s dark sea. ( 32 ) Yet, that hope like dawn of Morning light, Is that we’ll meet again ; That a happier day will sure requite My sorrow and my pain. If farewell can, etc. No. 21.— FINALE. Tutti e Coro. Eeprise of Market Marseillaise. END OF OPERA. MINSTER WINDOWS Pinsuti’s Great Success ! I -'y—fi- — I )- — I— — i- =T=K- I knelt in the shadowy Minster, At the ho - ly ves-per hour, I knelt in the shadowy Minster, At the holy vesper hour, But in my heart was a sorrow That defied its soothing pow’r ; “ My life is darken’d for ever,” I cried in my passionate pain ! “ Why kneel where the happy are kneeling ? All wishes and pray’rs are vain.” And casting my sad eyes upward — As my heart was by anguish wrung, — A shower of je well’d radiance On the pillar beside me was flung : It came from the western window, With the sunset all ablaze, Where Martyr and Saint were painted — And I could not choose but gaze. And methought, as I gaz’d, that a lesson From the storied pane did shine, And patience and hope were taught me, By a sorrow greater than mine ! Published in E flat ( Compass , B to E) ; F (Compass, C to F ) ; G ( Compass , D to G). Post Free, Two Shillings. J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W. 1 LIST OF OPEEETTAS SUITABLE FOR REPRESENTATION AT SCHOOLS,. PRIVATE THEATRICALS, ETC. Nett. 1. THE SLEEPING QUEEN. By M. W. Balfe . £ 6 2. THE MAGIC MELODY; ok, FORTUNIO’S SONG. Music by J. Offenbach. . . .26 S. THE BARBER OF BATH. Music by J. Offenbach 1 0 4. THE CRIMSON SCARF. Music by I. E. Legouix 2 6 5. UP THE RIVER. Music by Herve . . .10 6. MY NEW MAID. Music by C. Lecocq . .10 7. THE SEA NYMPHS. Music by C. Lecocq . 2 6 8. FASHION. ByW.C. Levey . . . .20 9. “ M.D.” By Odoardo Babri . . . .40 10. NEMESIS. Music arranged by J. Fitzgerald . 1 0 Nos. 1 to 8 are Complete with Dialogue. J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W. COMPLETE OPERAS. Vocal P. -forte Score. Score. MADAME FAVART (Offenbach) ... nett 8 d. 0 s. 2 d. 6 THE MAGPIES (Les Bavards) (Offenbach) ,, 8 0 2 6 MARIETTA (Mdme. L’Archiduc) (Offenbach) „ 8 0 2 6 LA BOULANGERE (Offenbach) 8 0 2 6 WHITTINGTON (Offenbach) ... ... 8 0 2 0 LA CREOLE (Offenbach) 8 0 2 6 LE VOYAGE DANS LA LUNE (Offenbach) „ 8 0 2 6 LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR - MAJOR (Offenbach) 8 0 2 6 LES MOUSQUETAIRES (Louis Varney) ,, 8 0 2 6 THE POLLIES OF A NIGHT (V. Gabriel) „ 8 0 ... BRIDE OP SONG (Sir Julius Benedict) ,, 8 0 ISLAND OP CALYPSO (E. J. Loder) 8 0 THE RIYER SPRITE (P. Mori) 8 0 LORETTA (L. H. Lavenu) 8 0 Libretti are published to most of the above Operas . Price 6d. \ nett. J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W. HENRY PARKERS NEW AND SUCCESSFUL COMPOSITIONS FOR THE PIANOFORTE. BON JOUR ^PAMELA. Gavotte *CLARISSA. Minuet CONVENT MUSIC. Melodie. Illustrated Frontispiece . HANDEL’S MINUET. From “ Samson .” Transcription *LULLI’S MINUET. Transcription LULLI’S GAVOTTE. Transcription *DOROTHEA. Sarabande MADAME FAVART. Fantasia on Offenbach’s popular Opera Ditto Ditto Ditto Duet LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR-MAJOR. Fantasia on Of enbach’s Opera Ditto Ditto Ditto Duet LES MOUSQUETAIRES. Duet on Varney’s Opera THE CAPTIVE AND THE BIRD. Transcription of favourite Song from “ Les Mousquetaires ” LA BOULANGERE. Fantasia on Ofenbach’s Opera VALSE DE CONCERT AU RE VOIR. Galop de Concert THREE SHORT DUETS. Of moderate difficulty . s. d. 8 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 # Also for Full Orchestra , price 5s., Septett 3 s. 6d. ALSO THE SCALES, AND HOW TO PLAY THEM : Containing all the Major and Minor Scales, in Octaves, Sixths, and Thirds, and also the Chromatic Scale, with Preliminary Exercises and Observa- tions on the Touch. By Henry Parker . . . . *30 J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W. HENRY PARKER’S POPULAR SONGS AND BALLADS s i d, CLOSE TO THE THRESHOLD. In B Flat 4 0 (With Accompaniment, ad lib, for Flute, Violin, or ’Cello.) Ditto. InG.. . . . . .. 4 0 MY TREASURES. In E Flat. Sung by Madame Patey . . 4 0 Ditto. In F . . 4 0 Ditto. InG.. . . 4 0 ACROSS THE RIVER. In D . . . . 4 0 Ditto. In E Flat . . 4 0 Ditto. In F . . . . 4 0 IN THE ORCHARD. In D . . • . 4 0 Ditto. In E . . . . 4 0 WHAT TIME SHALL BRING. In D • . 4 0 Ditto. Ditto. In E Flat . . 4 0 Ditto. Ditto. In F . . . . 4 0 FOR LOVE AND SPAIN. In F Minor . . 4 0 Ditto. Ditto. In G Minor . . . . 4 0 THREE TOKENS. In C . . . * 4 0 Ditto. In E Flat . . . . . . 4 0 Ditto. In F . . 4 0 PARTED NEVER MORE. In E Flat . . . . 4 0 Ditto. Ditto. In F . . 4 0 Ditto. Ditto. In G , . . . . . 4 0 IN THE DUSK OF THE TWILIGHT. Tyrolienne Duet. For Soprano and Contralto . . . . 4 0 PEACE TO THE HERO’S SLEEP. Four Part Song Nett 0 3 WHO KNOWS WHAT THE BELLS SAY. Four Part Song. Nett 0 3 ALSO THE VOICE ; Its Production and Improvement . . Nett 2 G AND EIGHTEEN HYMN TUNES and EIGHT ANGLICAN CHANTS, Nett 0 0 J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W. CRAMER’S THREE YEARS’ SYSTEM originated by them, has been adopted, and is advertised by other firms, but is carried out on a thoroughly large and liberal scale only by themselves. It is applicable to Pianofortes of all descriptions by J. BR0ADW00D & SONS, COLLARD & COLLARD, S. & P. ERARD, JOSEPH KIRKMAN & SON, as well as to all instruments of their own manufacture. Detailed Price Lists of Pianos by all these makers, with full particulars of this system, free. J. B. CRAMER & CO., REGENT STREET, W. ; MOORGATE STREET, E.C. ; AND HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL, W. CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. CRAM ER’S PIANETTES. The VERTICAL PIANETTE, trichord treble ... 25 to 40 gs. The OBLIQUE, trichord throughout ... ... 50 to 60 gs. From the volume, purity, and charming quality of tone, as well as the extreme susceptibility and durability of the mechan- ism, these unique Instruments are now in very general demand, and are to be had only of J. B. CRAMER & CO., AND OF THE PRINCIPAL MUSICSELLERS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. CRAMER’S INDIAN PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, & AMERICAN ORGANS, Specially adapted for all extreme climates, and carefully prepared to RESIST THE ATTACKS OP ALL INSECTS. PIANOFORTE 55 gs. AMERICAN ORGANS (8 stops) 45 gs. HARMONIUMS (12 stops) 85 gs . Packing Cases, Insurance and Freight to Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, or Colombo, £8 8s. J. B. CRAMER & CO., REGENT STREET, W. ; MOORGATE STREET, E.C. ; AND HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL. W. CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. MADAME FAVART. COMIC OPERA. ENGLISH VERSION BY MUSIC BY H. B. FARNIE. J. OFFENBACH. VOCAL SCORE, 8s. nett. PIANOFORTE SCORE, 2s. 6d. nett. SONGS. ON THY HEART. B flat and C 4 0 THE CALENDAR OF BACCHUS. Baritone . . .40 THE NOVICE. Soprano or Contralto . . . . .40 -THE TW 0 EVES. Tenor 4 0 PUFF! 4 0 AN OLD WOMAN’S DREAM. Vocal Minuet. Sop. or Con. 4 0 THE PEDLAR’S SONG. Tyrolienne. Soprano or Tenor . 4 0 IN THE DUSK OF THE TWILIGHT. Duet, Sop. and Con. 4 0 THE ARTLESS THING. Soprano or Mezzo-Soprano . .30 DEAR OLD DAD. Mezzo-Soprano 4 0 THE LOVERS’ COMEDY. Comic Trio. S. T. B. . .20 PIANOFORTE MUSIC. COLLECTION OF AIRS .... Charles Godfrey 4 0 COLLECTION OF AIRS E. Audibert 4 0 COLLECTION OF AIRS. Two books. R. de Vilbac. Each 4 0 FANTASIA ON THE POPULAR AIRS Henry Parker 4 0 Ditto ditto. Duet „ 4 0 SELECTION OF AIRS. For Piano and Violin. E. Audibert 4 0 VALSE ARIETTA. u The First Meeting.” A. de Lisle 3 0 VALSE JOYEUSE, u The Lovers’ Comedy ” „ 3 0 MINUET, “An Old Woman’s Dream” . ,,3 0 “THE NOVICE” Gerald 3 0 “ TYROLIENNE ” „ 3 0 MAZURKA TYROLIENNE . . . . R. de Vilbac 4 0 DANCE MUSIC (all illustrated). QUADRILLES. Solo or Duet . . A. VlNZENTINI 4 0 LANCERS. Solo or Duet . C. H. R. Marriott 4 0 POLKA 4 0 WALTZ 4 0 WALTZ 4 0 POLKA MAZURKA . . Victor Buot 4 0 N.B. — All the Songs, Piano and Dance Music are supplied at Half the Marked Price, and sent Post Free. J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W, LA LILLE DU TAMBOUR MAJOR. (OPERA COMIQUE.) NGLISH VERSION BY MUSIC BY H. B. EARNIE. OFFENBACH. PULL VOCAL SCORE. English Words . . . nett 8s. Do. Do. French Words . . . nett 10s. COMPLETE OPERA. For Piano Solo . . nett 2s. 6d. Do. Do. Arranged for Violin Solo . . nett 2s. LIST OF SONGS. •. d. FORBIDDEN FRUIT. Soprano . . . . . .40 COLD AS THE SNOW. Soprano . ... - . . . 4 0 [TALIA ! LAND OF SONG. Soprano . f U'uU . ..40 PRINCESS AND RECRUIT (Serio-Comic. Illustrated Title) 3 0 [ LOVE THEE ALONE (Duet) Soprano and Baritone .r . 4 0 THE SOLDIER’S FAREWELL (Duet.) Another Edition . 4 0 DRUM SONG. Soprano . . . . . . .40 GAY AS A CANTINEER. Soprano U . . .40 THE LITTLE JEHU. (Comic. Illustrated Title) Soprano. 3 0 THE CONFESSION, Ora Pro Me.” Soprano . ..40 PIANOFORTE MUSIC. . COLLECTION OF AIRS . . . Charles Godfrey 4 0 FANTASIA ON THE POPULAR AIRS . Henry Parker 4 0 Ditto ditto. Duet ,, 4 0 TARANTELLA . .' . . . . De Lisle 3 0 EASY FANTASIA . . .... Gerald 3 0 COLLECTION OF AIRS (In Two Books) Renaud de Vilbac. Each 4 0 DANCE MUSIC. QUADRILLE. Illustrated. Solo or Duet . . Arban 4 0 LANCERS Ditto Solo or Duet . C. H R. Marriott 4 0 POLKA Ditto . . . Carlo Zotti 4 0 WALTZES Ditto . . . ... Metha 4 0 GALOP Ditto . . . . Josef Meissler 3 0 N.B. — All the Songs, Piano and Dance Music are supplied at half the . , ,y Marked Price, and Post Free. J. B. CRAMER & CO., 201, REGENT STREET, W. CRAMER’S NEW PIANOFORTE, WITH IRON FRAME AND TRANSVERSE STRINGING, In BLACK nnd GOLD CASK, with Albert Full,} PTpTV r