^^VKh) . , Ws k J*' , ' an Mow 6^0,03 57th Congress, f^OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I Document 2d Session. j (No. 315. PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR TRANSMITTING ABSTRACTS OF PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR IN CON- NECTION WITH WORKS UNDER THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. December 12, 1902. — Referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors and ordered to be printed. War Depament, Washington r B^eomwer 11, 1902. Sir: Pursuant to the provisions of s£ction*§S0, Revised Statutes, I have the honor to transmit herewith abstracts of proposals received during the fiscal year ending J une 30, 1902, for materials and labor in connection with works under the Engineer Department, U. S. Army. Very respectfully, EjrfHu Root, Secretary of War. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Chiei Office of the*' Chief QiL J^ngineers. U. S. Army, ^Wwashington, December 10, 1902. Sir: Section 230 of the -Sensed Statutes provides that — Whenever the Secretary of War invites proposals for any works, or for any mate- rials or labor for any work, he shall report to Congress, at its next session, all bids therefor, with the names of the bidders. In pursuance thereof I have the honor to submit herewith abstracts of proposals received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, for materials and labor in connection with works under the Engineer Department. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. L. Gillespie, Brig. Gen., Chief of Engineers, U. S Army. Hon. Elihu Root, Secretary of War. 2 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. ABSTRACTS OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED IN THE VARIOUS ENGINEER DISTRICTS DURING THE I ISC A I YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1902 , IN CON- NECTION WITH FORTIFICATION , RIVER AND HARBOR , AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS , UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF OF ENGI- NEERS, U. S. ARMY. PORTLAND, ME., DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. S. W. Roessler, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for apparatus for electric generating plant at Fort Williams, Me., July 5, 1901. No. > Name and address of bidder. Boiler and con- nections to chim- ney. (Secs. 45-70. ) Chim- ney. (Secs. 71-84.) Blower set. (Sec. 85.) Boiler feed pump. (Sec. 86.) Verti- cal feed water heater. (Sec. 87.) Genera- ting set. (Secs. 88-110.) 250 lamps. (Secs. 111- 119.) 3 Belknap Motor Co., Portland, Me The Burnet Co., New York City . Heine Safety Boiler Co., St. Louis, Mo $2,264.00 2, 900. 00 4 6 $1,900.00 al, 350. 00 a$350. 00 380. 00 $200.00 165.00 $65.00 94.00 a$110. 00 266.00 a$40.00 8 Onondaga Dynamo Co., New York City 194. 00 2.048.00 a2, 387. 00 2.836.00 10 Westinghouse- Church -Kerr & Co., Boston, Mass 11 New Jersey Foundry and Ma- chine Co., New York City 2,162.00 1, 757. 00 a73. 00 12 The New York Safety and Steam Power Co., New York City 13 James Reilly Repair and Supply Co., New York City al62.50 56. 97 2,370.37 f3,460.00\ (2, 975. 00/ 14 McCay Engineering Co., Balti- more, Md No. Name and address of bidder. Wire. (Secs. 120- 126.) Conduit tools, etc. (Secs. 127-132.) Fixtures for lighting circuits. (Secs. 133-138.) Four light- ning arrest- ers. (Sec. 139.) Am- meter, volt- meter, and test ma- chine. (Secs. 140-141.) Five search- light termi- nal boxes. (Sec. 142.) Time. 1 The Safety Insulated Wire and Cable Co., New York City a$7,682.75 7,312. 00 Bays. 30 2 Standard Underground Cable Co., Pittsburg, Pa 40 3 Belknap Motor Co., Portland, Me The Burnet Co., New York City. Lord Electric Co., Boston, Mass.. Heine Safety Boiler Co., St. Louis, Mo 70 4 5 7. 900.00 9. 770. 00 a$293. 00 a$375. 00 a$18. 00 a$146. 00 cr$55. 00 30 to 150 14 6 60 7 Hazard Manufacturing Co., New York City 8,099.95 60 8 Onondaga Dynamo Co., New York City 45 9 Safety Amorite Conduit Co., Boston, Mass 232.04 ( b ) 120 10 W estinghouse - Church - Kerr & Co., Boston, Mass . 11 New Jersey Foundry and Ma- chine Co., New York City. . 30-120 12 The New York Safety and Steam Power Co., New York City 60 13 James Reilly Repair and Supply Go Now York City 188.82 20-60 14 McCay Engineering Co., Balti- more, Md .... (6) a Proposals accepted. &No time given. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 3 Abstract of proposals for Portland cement , July 8, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. 1 Ham & Carter, Boston, Mass. 2 Lawrence Cement Co., New York, N. Y. 3 Berry & Ferguson, Boston, Mass 4 James A. Davis & Co., Bos- ton, Mass. 5 Fiske&Co 6 Waldo Bros Brand. Price Pass through sieve of— per barrel. 100 meshes. 50meshes. /Dexter /Vulcanite Dragon $1.75\ 2.25/ 1.64 Per cent. 94 Per cent. 98 Saylors 1.67 95 Lehigh 1.55 95 99 Star 1.80 95-98 98-100 Atlas 1.56 90 99 Time. /Reasonable. \ Do. 10 days. Do. 5 days. 14 days. Emergency contract made with James A. Davis & Co. Abstract of proposals for broken stone , Great Diamond and Cow islands, Maine, August 31, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per ton. 1 Philip H. Doyen, Portland, Me $1.45 1.87 2 Rockport Granite Co., Rockport, Mass Emergency contract made with Philip H. Doyen. Abstract of proposals for peace storage magazine, Fort Williams, Me., October 12, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Time. 1 F. W. Cunningham & Son, Portland, Me $3,845 3,990 60 days after signing contract. No time given. 2 Spencer Rogers, Portland, Me Emergency contract made with F. W. Cunningham & Son. Abstract of proposals for anthracite coal and freshwater for U. S. S. Cora, February 5, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Coal (price per ton of 2,000 pounds). Fresh water (price per 1,000 gallons). 1 A. R. Wright Co., Portland, Me $5.40 5.53 Cents. 40 2 Randall & McAllister, Portland, Me 40 Contract made with A. R. Wright Company. Abstract of proposals for bituminous coal for Fort Williams, Me., February 5, 1902. Price No. Name and address of bidder. per ton of 2,000 pounds. 1 A. R. Wright Co., Portland, Me $4.70 4.90 2 Randall & McAllister, Portland, Me Emergency contract made with A. R. Wright Company. 4 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of 'proposals for bituminous coal, February 5, 1902 , for Cushing , Great Diamond, and Covj islands, Portland Harbor, Maine. Price No. Name and address of bidder. per ton of 2,000 pounds. 1 A. R. Wright Co., Portland, Me $4.67 4.50 2 Randall & McAllister, Portland, Me Contract made with Randall & McAllister. Abstract of proposals for Portland cement, February 27, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Brand. Price per barrel. 1 Waldo Bros., Boston, Mass Atlas $1.49 1.58 2 Cox & Ward, Portland, Me Saylors 3 J. A. Davis & Co., Boston, Mass Lehigh or Alpha 1.52 Emergency contract made with Waldo Brothers. Astract of proposals for sand, March 5, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per ton. 1 . R.nwe Bros. Co., Richmond, Me Cents. 65 Emergency contract made with Rowe Brothers Company. RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for placing stone on outer slope of breakwater at Rockland Harbor, Maine, August 26, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per ton. Amount (23,000 tons). Commence. Complete. 1 Aaron Cleaves, Sylvester I. Hill, Chebeague, Me. $1. 05i $24,265 10 days 13 months. 2 RomanoV. Perini, Wilmington, Del. .96 22,080 do December 31, 1902. a3 Eugene S. Belden, Hartford, Conn.. .87 20,010 30 days 150 working days. 4 William S. White, Rockland, Me .93 21,390 do 15 months. a Contract made with Eugene S. Belden. BOSTON, MASS., FIRST DISTRICT. [Officer: Captain Harry Taylor, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstracts of proposals opened during fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, for supplies, etc., for fortification works in Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire. TILE, OPENED FEBRUARY 10, 1902. Price per 1,000. No. Name and address of bidder. 12,000 style “A” 200 style “B” 1 National Fireproofing Co., Pittsburg, Pa $157.50 $210 2 Henry Maurer & Son, New York, N. Y 250.00 350 Contract made with the National Fireproofing Company. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 5 Abstract of proposals opened during fiscal year ending June 30, 1902 , etc. — Continued. STEEL DOORS, OPENED APRIL 10, 1902. i Price per door. No. Name and address of bidder. 2 single 1 PQ f 22 single 2 single 3 double 9 fppf A leaf, leaf, leaf, lCCt U inches. 3 feet. 4 feet. 6 feet. 1 Harold L. Bond & Co., Boston, Mass $58.00 $60.00 $66.50 $110. 00 2 Portland Co., Portland, Me 78. 00 80.00 85.00 121. 00 3 Geo. T. McLauthlin Co., Boston, Mass 96.00 101. 00 115. 00 192. 00 4 Fletcher & Crowell Co., Portland, Me 41.00 46. 00 59. 00 86.00 5 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md 52.35 55. 97 70. 76 110. 78 6 Robert S. Bishop, New York City 50.00 55.00 60.00 90.00 7 F. A. Houdlette & Son, Boston, Mass 40.05 43. 62 39. 15 71.40 8 G. P. Bullard & Co., Boston, Mass 27. 00 30. 00 40.00 54.00 Contract made with G. P. Bullard & Co. PORTLAND CEMENT, OPENED APRIL 28, 1902. Price per barrel. No. Name and address of bidder. In barrels. In sacks. Brand. 1 Berry & Ferguson, Boston, Mass $1.65 1.75 $1.40 1.55 Saylor’s. Invicta. 2 W. G. Nash, Boston, Mass „ 3 Waldo Bros., Boston, Mass 1. 74 1.50 Atlas. 4 Windsor Cement Co., Boston, Mass 1.85 Vulcanite. 1 Contract made with Berry & Ferguson. BROKEN STONE, OPENED APRIL 28, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard . Class A. Class B. /Rockport Granite Co., Rockport, Mass } $1.85 $1.85 i \ Pigeon- Hill Granite Co., Rockport, Mass 2 Philip H. Doyen, Knightsville, Me 2.25 3.00 Contract made with Rockport Granite Company and Pigeon Hill Granite Company. SAND (OR CRUSHER DUST), OPENED APRIL 28, 1902. ■ H D— 57-2— Vol 79 20 6 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Abstract of proposals opened during fiscal year ending June 30, 1902 , for supplies, etc., for fortification works in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. WOODEN HULL STEAM LIGHTER, OPENED JULY 29, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount bid. 1 Arthur T> fttnry Fssfw, Mass $20,860 65,000 2 Ppt,prshnrp r Trnn Works Go., Petersburg - , Va . All proposals rejected. FOUR AMMUNITION LIFTS, OPENED AUGUST 9, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount bid. 1 2 TTft.rolri T,. Ronrl Co., Boston, Mass $1,947 1,638 1,940 1,868 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md 3 R. S. Bishop, New York, N. Y 4 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y Contract made with Ellicott Machine Company. CONSTRUCTING EARTH EMBANKMENT, OPENED OCTOBER 14, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. 1 John Cashman, Quincy, Mass $0.60 .68 2 H. W. Varnum, Burlington, Vt 3 Massachusetts Contracting Co., Charlestown, Mass .94 4 Ernest J. Jones, Everett, Mass .95 Contract made with John Cashman. TILE, OPENED FEBRUARY 10, 1902. Price per 1,000 for— No. Name and address of bidder. 8,000 style “A.” 200 style “B.” 1 National Fireproofing Co., Pittsburg, Pa $157. 50 $210 2 Henry Maurer & Son, New York, N. Y 250.00 350 Contract made with National Fireproofing Company. TWO AMMUNITION HOISTS, WITH MOTORS, COMPLETE, OPENED MARCH 20, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount bid. 1 Robert S. Bishop, New York, N. Y 1 $2,090 2,376 2,900 2 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md 3 Greenlie, Wyatt & Co., New York, N. Y Contract made with Ellicott Machine Company. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 7 Abstract of proposals opened during fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, etc. — Continued. FURNISHING BOARD TO UNITED STATES EMPLOYEES, OPENED MARCH 31, 1902. Price per meal at — No. Name and address of bidder. Lovells Island. Peddocks Island. Both places. 1 Joshua Taylor, Chelsea, Mass Cents. 22 Cents. Cents. 21£ 2 James F. Dowd, Hull, Mass 20i 22 21 3 George Reichenbacher, Chelsea, Mass 20 20 19 4 John S. Jackson, East Boston, Mass 20 20 20 5 Mary A. Tenneson, Boston, Mass .• 19 19 38 6 Margaret Riley, Rutland, Mass 16f 16f m Contract made with Margaret Riley. STEEL DOORS, OPENED APRIL 10, 1902. Price per door. No. Name and address of bidder. Two single leaf, 2 feet 6 inches. Eight single leaf, 3 feet. Two double leaf, 4 feet. Four double leaf, 6 feet. Two double leaf, 10 feet. i Harold L. Bond & Co., Boston, Mass $57. 50 78.00 $59.50 80.00 $109.50 113. 00 $111. 50 121. 00 $125. 00 142. 00 245.00 119.00 164. 00 2 Portland Co., Portland, Me 3 Geo. T. McLauthlin Co., Boston, Mass 92.00 98. 00 165. 00 187. 00 4 Fletcher & Crowell Co., Portland, Me 41. 00 46. 00 64. 00 86.00 5 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md 52.35 55.97 81.35 110. 78 6 Robert S. Bishop, New York City 50.00 55.00 76. 00 90. 00 113. 00 7 F. A. Houdlette & Son, Boston, Mass 39.58 43. 10 38. 62 70. 67 88. 69 8 G. P. Bullard & Co., Boston, Mass 27.00 30.00 47. 00 54.00 86.00 Contract made with G. P. Bullard & Co. EXCAVATING AND DITCHING, OPENED APRIL 14, 1902. Price per cubic yard. No. Name and address of bidder. Excava- tion. Ditching. 1 George H. Keyes, Charlestown, Mass $0. 55 $0.85 .70 2 Auguste Saucier, South Framington, Mass .64 3 John Cashman, Quincy, Mass .65 1. 00 4 E. F. Brigham, Boston, Mass .85 .90 5 Andrew Carberry, East Walpole, Mass .94 .94 Contract made with George H. Keyes. PORTLAND CEMENT, OPENED APRIL 28, 1902. Price per barrel. Ho. Name and address of bidder. In bar- rels. In sacks. Brand. 1 Berry & Ferguson, Boston, Mass D. W. Lewis, Boston, Mass $1.65 $1.40 Saylor’s. 2 1.75 1.50 Iron Clad. 3 W. G. Nash, Boston, Mass 1.70 1.50 Invicta. 4 Waldo Brothers, Boston, Mass 1. 74 1.50 Atlas. 5 Windsor Cement Co., Boston, Mass 1.80 Vulcanite. Contract made with Berry & Ferguson. 8 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals opened during fiscal year ending June 30, 1902 , etc. — Continued. BROKEN STONE, OPENED APRIL 28, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Priceper cubicyard. Class A. Class B. 1 /Rockport Granite Co., Rockport, Mass } $1.75 $1.75 (Pigeon Hill Granite Co., Rockport, Mass Contract made with Rockport Granite Company and Pigeon Hill Granite Company. SAND (OR CRUSHER DUST), OPENED APRIL 28, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. 1 Rowe Brothers Co., Richmond, Me $0.79 2 J. P. O’Riorden, Charlestown, Mass .71 All proposals rejected. EXCAVATING, SODDING, ETC., OPENED APRIL 30, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Nature of bid. Price bid. 1 George H. Keyes, Charlestown, Mass Excavation . . per cubic yard. . $0.95 Sodding .per square yard.. .85 Seeding do.... .05 Sand and gravel for masonry cover, 1.92 per cubic yard. Gravel for blind drains . ..per cubic yard.. 1.92 Vitrified sewer pipe ..per linear foot .. .25 Tile drain pipe do .25 Inlets per foot.. 2.75 Manholes do.... 3. 75 Galvanized-iron pipe . . . do.... .15 Hydrants 7.00 Street washers do 2.00 Service boxes do.... 2.00 Proposal rejected. SAND (OR CRUSHER DUST), OPENED MAY 2, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yaid. 1 Rowe Bros. Co., Richmond, Me $0.70 2 J. P. O’Riorden, Charlestown, Mass .71 3 /Pigeon Hill Granite Co., Rockport, Mass (Rockport Granite Co., Rockport, Mass }■ a 1.41 a Crusher dust. Contract made with Rowe Brothers Company. BROKEN STONE, OPENED MAY 2, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per jcubic yard. 1 /Pigeon Hill Granite Co., Rockport, Mass (Rockport Granite Co., Rockport, Mass Philip H. Doyen, Knightsville, Me } $1.75 2 2.25 Contract made with Pigeon Hill Granite Company and Rockport Granite Com- pany. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 9 RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals opened during fiscal year ending June 30 , 1902 , for repairing break- water at Burlington , Vt.j opened July 30, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Con- crete blocks, per cu- bic yard. Port- land ce- ment, per barrel. Broken stone, per ton of 2,000 pounds Sand, per cubic yard. Cotton bags, each. Sharp- ening chisels and drills, each. Fur- nishing and operat- ing plant, per day of ten hours’ work. 1 Daly & Hannan Dredging Co., Ogdens- burg, N. Y $8.00 a $2. 20 $1.00 $0.75 $0.15 $0. 10 $52.00 2 Elisha N. Goodsell, Alburg, Vt 9.00 b 2. 75 .90 .75 .25 .10 65.00 a Ironclad. & Atlas. Contract made with Daly & Hannan Dredging Company. BOSTON, MASS., SECOND DISTRICT. [Officer: Lieut. Col. W. S. Stanton, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for rock excavation in the Lower Main Ship Channel, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, opened April 16, 1902, by IAeut. Col. W. S. Stanton, Corps of Engineers. Name. Address. Price bid per cubic yard, situ measure- ment. Total for removing 19,008 cubic yards. Remarks. Johnston & Virden George W. Townsend R. G. Packard Co P. Sanford Ross, Incorporated G. H. Breymann & Bros Daly A Hannan Dredging Co Dunbar & Sullivan Lewes, Del Boston, Mass New York, N. Y Jersey City,N. J Toledo, Ohio Ogdensburg, N. Y Buffalo, N. Y $19.15 19.93 12.78 19.00 9.73 10. 23 18.10 $364,003.20 378,829.44 242, 922.24 361, 152. 00 184.947.84 194.451.84 344,044.80 Informal. Lowest bid. Informal. The contract was awarded to G. H. Breymann & Bros., with the approval of the Chief of Engineers. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Chelsea Creek, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, opened May 5, 1902, by IAeut. Col. W. S. Stanton, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard. Total yards that can be dredged. 1 Bay State Dredging Co., Boston, Mass $0.25 18,000 The contract was awarded to the Bay State Dredging Company, with the approval of the Chief of Engineers, and an emergency contract entered into. 10 MATERIALS AND LABOR ¥OR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. NEWPORT, R. I., DISTRICT. [Officer, Maj. George W. Goethals, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for constructing wharf at Fox Hill, Rhode Island, opened at Newport, R. I. , September 7, 1901, by Maj. George W. Goethals, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Class of wharf. Price for wharf complete. T. A. Scott, New London, Conn . I Pile $8, 715. 19 5,975. 00 7, 500. 00 12, 000. 00 21, 600. 00 32.200.00 49.860. 00 21.097.00 Jos. C. Terry, Fall River, Mass do F. E. Shaw, Providence, R. I do Stillman Saunders, Saunderstown, R. I do Wm. Beattie, Fall River, Mass ; Stone Eugene S. Belden, Hartford, Conn do Estate John Beattie, Leete Island, Conn do R. H. Beattie, Fall River, Mass do Contract awarded to Joseph C. Terry, Fall River, Mass. Abstract of proposals received and opened September 10, 1901 , by Maj. George W. Goethals, Corps of Engineers , for furnishing carts, horses, and drivers for Fox Hill, Rhode Island. Price per day. No. Name and address of bidder. Double. Single. 1 Peckham & Head, Jamestown, R. I $4.25 $3.25 2 David T. Briggs, Jamestown, R. I 5.50 3. 75 Contract awarded to Peckham & Head, Jamestown, R. I. Abstract of proposals for furnishing two 30-kilowatt generating sets for Fort Greble, R. I., received and opened December 31, 1901, by Maj. George W. Goethals, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price each set. 1 The Burnet Co., New York, N. Y $1,550 1,423 2 McCay Engineering Co., Baltimore, Md Contract awarded to McCay Engineering Company, Baltimore, Md. Abstract of proposals for furnishing American Portland cement, broken stone, and sand at Fox Hill, R. I, received at United States Engineer office, Newport, R. I, on Decem- ber 34, 1901, by Maj. George W. Goethals, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. 14,000 barrels Ameri- can Port- land ce- ment (per bar- rel). Brand of cement. 11,000 cu- bic yards broken stone (per cubic yard) . 6,000 cu- bic yards sand (per cubic yard). Atlas Portland Cement Co., New York, N. Y James A. Davis & Co., Boston, Mass $1. 39 1. 56 1.51 1.64 1.51 Atlas Lehigh or Al- pha. Catskill Windsor Cement Co., Boston, Mass do . . Vulcanite .... Copley Cement Manufacturing Co., New York J. K. Sullivan, Newport, R. I Saylors $1. 73 $1.25 Contract for cement awarded to Atlas Portland Cement Company, New York, N. Y Contract for stone and sand awarded to J. K. Sullivan, Newport, R. I. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 11 Abstract of proposals for modified book tile received and opened March 31, 1902, by Maj. George W. Goethals, Corps of Engineers. Style A Style B No. Name and address of bidder. (price per M). (price perM). 1 New England Fireproofing Co., Boston, Mass National Fireproofing Co., Pittsburg, Pa $190 $250 2 180 240 Contract awarded to National Fireproofing Company, Pittsburg, Pa. RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging entrance to harbor at Block Island, Rhode Island, received and opened May 5, 1902, by Maj. George W. Goethals, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidders. Price per cubic yard. 1 Cha.rlps M. Colo, Fall Rivor, Mass $0.24 .243 2 Charles H. Latham, Hartford, Conn 3 Henrv H. Morgan, Now London, Conn .274 4 T A. Scott, New London, Conn .30 Contract awarded to Charles M. Cole, Fall River, Mass. NEW LONDON, CONN., DISTRICT. [Office Maj. Charles F. Powell, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for one set of electric accumulators and accessories received in response to public notice dated February 18, 1902, and opened February 28, 1902, by Maj. Charles F. Powell, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 Electric Storage Battery Co., Boston, Mass $2,875.00 a 975. 00 2 Helios-Upton Co., Chicago, 111 3 Reuterdahl Electric Co., Providence, R. I b835. 70 4 Porter Battery Co., Chicago. Ill 2, 000. 00 a Accepted. b Informal; not in accordance with specifications. RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Connecticut River received in response to public notice dated April 26, 1902, and opened May 10, 1902, by Charles F. Powell, major, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. 1 John P. Randerson, Albany, N. Y $0. 13 .121 2 The Morgan Iron Works, New London, Conn 3 T. A. Scott, New London, Conn . 121 4 Hartford and New York Transportation Co., Hartford, Conn “.Ux 9 o a Accepted. 12 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. NEW YORK, N. Y., FIRST DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. S. M. Mansfield, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals received August 5, 1901, for repairing dikes at Saugerties, N. Y. No. Name and address of bidder. Square timber, 16,000 feet B. M. (per M feet). Round timber, 2,000 linear feet (per linear foot). Iron, 12,300 pounds (per pound). Rubble- stone, 500 cubic yards [per cubic yard). Total. 1 John J. Cooney, Kingston, N. Y $0.80 .85 2 William Parrott, Newburg, N. Y $37.00 $0.09 $0. 03J / .05^ \ .04 .06 r .06 i .05 | .10 t .05 $1,659.75 1, 996.88 2,260.40 2.264.00 2.625.00 3 J. L. Powley, Rondout, N. Y 46.33 .07£ 1 1.00 4 5 William D. Fuller, New Baltimore, N. Y Frank Pidgeon, Saugerties, N. Y 45.00 48.00 .15 .15 J 1.00 1 .99 6 Richard Parrott, Newburg, N. Y 48.00 .16 } 1.00 NEW YORK, N. Y., SECOND DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for American Portland cement and broken stone required at Fort Hancock , N. -/., received in response to advertisement dated August 1, 1901, and opened August 15, 1901 , by Maj. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, at New York City. No. Name and address of bidder. 6,000 barrels American Portland cement. 5,000 cubic yds. broken stone (kind, trap). Brand. Per bar- rel in wood. Per bar- rel in sacks. Rebate per sack re- turned. Total. Per cubic yard. Total. 1 2 3 4 5 Hiram Snyder & Co., 229 Broadway, New York City.® Manhattan Trap Rock Co., 11 Broad way, N ew York City.& Jacob E. Conklin, 135 Front street, New York City. The Atlas Portland Cement Co., 30 Broad street, New York City. Commercial Wood and Ce- ment Co., 156 Fifth avenue, New York City. Alpha $1.28 $1.44 $1. $0. 10 04 $7, 689 6,240 $0.84 .89 $5,040 5,340 Atlas Saylors 1.40 1.49 1.57 1 . 1.53 1 . .10 17 .07 25 I 8,400 7,020 8,940 7,500 a Lowest hid for cement. b Lowest bid for broken stone. Abstract of proposals received for excavation and embankment at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., opened September 4, 1901, by Maj. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, at New York City. No. Name and address of bidder. Per cubic yard. 36,500 cubic ‘ yards. 1 W. H. Ludlow, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, N. Y $0. m $6,843.75 2 C. F. Hart, New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y .30 10,950.00 3 Joseph Johnson, West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y .17 a 6, 205. 00 a Lowest bid. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 13 Abstract of bids for cable required at Fort Hancock , N. J., opened October 4, 1901 , by Maj. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, New York, N. Y. No. Name and address of bidder. y Single conductor. Per foot. 3,500 feet, 1,000,000 c. m. Per foot. 2,000 feet, 650,000 cm. Per foot. 2,000 feet, 550,000 c.m. 1 Safety Insulated Wire and Cable Co., 229 West Twenty-eighth street, New York, N. Y $1.25 $4,375.00 $0.88 $1,760.00 $0.78 $1,872.00 2 India Rubber and Gutta Percha Insulat- ing Co. .Yonkers, N. Y 1.14} 3,998.75 .83} 1,670. 00 .73} 1, 764. 00 3 Standard Undergound Cable Co , 56 Lib- erty street, New York, N. Y 1.0224 3,578.40 .7351 1,470.20 .66 1,584.00 4 Hazard Manufacturing Co. , 50 Dey street, New York Citya 1.16} 4,077.50 .83} 1,665.00 .74} 1,788.00 5 The Okonite Co., Limited, 253 Broadway, New York.N.Y 1.17 4,095.00 .87} 1,750.00 .71} 1, 710. 00 Duplex conductor. No. Name and address of 900 feet, 3,550 650 feet, 900 feet, bidder. Per foot. 400,000 Per foot. teet, 250, 000 Per foot. 225,000 Per foot. 211,600 c.m. c.m. c.m. c.m. 1 Safety Insulated Wire and Cable Co., 229 West Twenty-eighth street, New York. N.Y $1. 14 $1,026.00 $0. 85 $3,017.50 $0.80 $520.00 $0.74 $666.00 2 India Rubber and Gutta Percha Insu- lating Co., Yonkers, N.Y 1.206 1,085.40 .90 3,195.00 .83} 550.88 .80} 723.00 3 Standard Underground Cable Co., 56 Liberty street, New York, N. Y .9897 890. 73 .7291 2,588.31 .6861 445.97 .6489 584.06 4 Hazard Manufactur- ing Co., 50 Dey street, New York City a 1.106 995.40 .80} 2,857.75 .75} 492. 38 .71} 645. 75 5 The Okonite Co., Lim- ited, 253 Broadway, New York, N.Y 1.26 1,134.00 .92} 3,283. 75 .91 591.50 .82} 740.25 Duplex conductor. No. Name and address of bidder. | Per foot. 900 feet, 125,000 c.m. Per foot. 2,100 feet, 105,592 c.m. Per foot. 3,000 feet, 83,694 c.m. Total bid. Time of delivery. 1 Safety Insulated Wire andCableCo., 229 West Twenty- eighth street, New York, N.Y $0.54 $486.00 $0.49 $1,029.00 $0.45 $1,350.00 $16, 101. 50 40 days. 2 India Rubber and GuttaPerchalnsu- lating Co., Yonk- ers, N. Y .61 549.00 .56 1,176.00 .516 1, 548. 00 16,260.03 6 weeks. 3 Standard Under- ground Cable Co., 56 Liberty street, New York, N. Y .4877 438.93 .45 945.00 .4055 1, 216. 50 13, 742. 05 6 weeks. 4 Hazard Manufactur- ing Co., 50 Dey street, New York City a .52& 473.40 .47} 992.25 .4175 1,252.50 15,239. 93 60 days. 5 The Okonite Co., Limited, 253 Broadway, New York, N.Y .71 639.00 .59} 1,244.25 .54} 1,635.00 16,822.75 a Lowest bid. 14 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for steel beams , channels , angles, tees, etc., and latticed columns required for construction of 12-inch battery, Hudson No. 2, at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., opened January 25, 1902, by May. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, New York City. No. Name and address of bidder. Total bid. (Approx- imate weight, 209,000 pounds. Time of delivery (days). 1 American Bridge Co., of New York, 7 West Twenty-second street, New York, N. Y 84,955 90 Abstract of proposals for structural steel, etc., required for the construction of four range- finder towers at Fort Totten, Willets Point, N. Y., opened February 24, 1902, by May. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, New York City. No. Name and address of bidder. Cost of 1 tower. Cost of 4 towers. Time of delivery (days). 1 Greenlie, Wyatt & Co., 499 Water street, New York, N.Ya 8633 82,652 100 2 Ellicott Machine Co., Bush and Severn streets, Baltimore, Md 690 2, 760 120 3 Arthur J. Lockwood, 12 Platt street, New York, N. Y 1,284 4,669 60 a Lowest bid. Abstract of proposals for cement and broken stone required at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., and Fort Hancock, N. J., received in response to advertisement dated March 1 , 1902, and opened March 31, 1902, by May. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, at New York City, No. Name and address of bidder. Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., 3,000 cubic yards broken stone (approximate). Fort Hancock, N. J., 4,000 cubic yards broken stone (approximate). Kind. Per cubic yard. Total bid. Kind. Per cubic yard. Total bid. 1 Jacob E. Conklin, 135 Frontstreet, New York City. a Trap 80. 84 86, 720. 00 Trap — 80.89 83,560.0 0 2 Manhattan Trap Rock Co., 11 Broad- way, New York City. ...do.... .95 7, 600.00 ...do.... 1.00 4,000.00 3 J. D. Miller, 39 Cortlandt street, New York City. ...do .90 7,200.00 ...do .90 3,600.00 4 Clinton Point Stone Co., 21 Park Row, New York City. ...do.... .90 7,200.00 ...do.... .90 3, 600. 00 Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., 10,000 barrels Ameri- can Portland cement (approximate). No. Name and address of bidder. 5 Hiram Snyder & Co., 229 Broadway, New York City.b 6 Atlas Portland Cement Co., 80 Broad street, New York City. 7 Commercial Wood and Cement Co., 156 Fifth avenue, New York City.c 8 Vulcanite Portland Cement Co., 160 Fifth ave., New York City. 9 John E. Sparrow, 15 Whitehall street, New York City. Brand. Per barrel. Per bar- rel in sacks. Rebate per sack re- turned. Total bid. jAlpha 81.45 81.63 80.10 1.23 1 do 1.48 1.62 | 1.22 .10 1 Saylor’s .. 1.44 1.47 | 1.19 .07 V Vulcanite 1.55 1.45 t 1.25 .05 1 Nazareth . 1.46 1.63 | 1.23 1 .10 814,500.00 12, 300 00 14.800.00 12 . 200.00 14. 400. 00 11 900. 00 15, 500 00 12, 500. 00 14.600.00 12.300.00 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 15 Abstract of proposals for cement and broken stone required at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., and Fort Hancock, N. J., etc. — Continued. Fort Hancock, N. J., 5,000 barrels American Portland cement (approximate). No. Name and address of bidder. Brand. Per barrel. Per bar- rel in sacks. Rebate per sack re- turned. Total bid. 5 Hyram Snyder & Co., 229 Broadway, New York 1 Lehigh . . . $1.47 $1.63 $0. 10 $7, 350.00 City. j 1.23 6, 150. 00 6 Atlas Portland Cement Co., 30 Broad street, 1 Atlas 1.51 1.65 | 1 .10 7, 550. 00 New York City. j 1.25 6, 250. 00 7 Commercial Wood and Cement Co., 156 Fifth \ Saylor’s .. 1.48 1.54 | .07 7, 400. 00 avenue, New York City.c / 1.26 6, 300. 00 8 Vulcanite Portland Cement Co. , 160 Fifth ave. , 1 Vulcanite 1.58 1.48 | .05 7, 900. 00 New York City, r 1.28 6, 400. 00 9 John E. Sparrow, 15 Whitehall street, New York (Nazareth . 1.49 1.68 1 .10 7, 450. 00 City. I 1.28 1 6,400.00 a Lowest for broken stone. b Lowest bid for cement at Fort Hancock, N. J. c Lowest bid for cement at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. Abstract of bids received for furnishing steel doors, shutters, gratings, and cast-iron flue covers for Battery Hudson No. 2, Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. , and cast-iron flue covers for Battery Halleck, Fort Hancock, N. J., opened June 2, 1902, by Maj. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, New York, N. Y. No. Name and address of bidder. Total bid for cast- iron flue covers, Fort Hancock. Total bid for steel doors, etc., Fort Wads- worth, N.Y. Total bid. Time of delivery (days). 1 Bethlehem Foundry and Machine Co., South Beth- lehem, Pa $144.00 $2,621.00 $2,765.00 60 2 Julius Jonson, 120 Liberty street, New York,N. Y.a_. 156. 00 1, 879. 00 2,035.00 60 3 Greenlie, Wyatt & Co., 499 Water street, New York, N. Y 132.00 2,344.00 2,476.00 120 4 Hyde Construction Co., 247 Van Brunt street, Brook- lyn, N. Y 226. 80 2,068.06 2,294. 06 60 5 Ellicott Machine Co., Bush and Severn streets, Bal- timore, Md 180. 00 3,080.00 3, 260. 00 120 a Lowest bid. GOVERNORS ISLAND, NEW YORK. Abstract of proposals for dredging at Governors Island, N. Y. , received in response to advertisement, dated August 29, 1901, and opened September 30, 1901, by Maj. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, at New York City. No. Name and address of bidder. Cost of dredging. Approxi- mate amount that can be removed (cubic vards). Stone over 2 cubic yards (per cubic yard). Smaller material (per cubic yard). Material deposited at sea (per cubic yard additional). Average cost (per cubic yard). 1 Morris & Cummings, 17 State street, New York, N. Y $3 50 $0. 90 $0. 15 $1.33} 52, 500 2 The international Contracting Co . . 5.00 .62 .14 1. 35 51,851+ 3 The W. H. Beard Dredging Co., 13 William street, New York, N. Y.. 2.00 .78 .12 .98} 71,186+ 4 R. G. Packard Co., 130 Pearl street, New York N. Y .78 .78 .78 89,743+ 16 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for building riprap bulkhead on east side of shoal south of Governors Island , N. Y., received in response to advertisement dated October 2, 1901 , and opened November 2, 1901 , by Maj. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, at New York City. No. Name and address of bidder. Kind of stone. Price per ton (2,240 pounds) stone. Number of tons (2,240 pounds) that can be placed for $50,000. Time of comple- tion (months). 1 Romano V. Perini, 1006 Delaware avenue, Wilmington, Del. Snake Hill and Manhat- tan rock. $0.74 67,567 15 2 O’Brien Bros., 54 South street, New York City. New York City .47 106,382 6 3 Brown & Fleming, 129 Broad street, New York City.a New York stone .35 142,857 6 4 Eugene S. Belden, Hartford, Conn.. Gneiss trap rock or gran- ite. .69 72,463 12 5 John A. Bouker, 21 State street, New York City. New York gneiss .53 94,339 18 a Lowest bid. Abstract of bids for building pile dock and dredging at Governors Island, New York, in response to advertisement dated August 29 , 1901, and opened September 30, 1901, by Maj. W. L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, at New York City. No. Name and address of bidder. Bearing piles. 45 to 50 feet (each). Total (262). 25 to 45 feet (each). Total (394). Each. Total (54). 1 H. L. Spearin, 11 Broadway, New York City $10. 89 $2,853. 18 $10.32 $4,066.08 $12. 65 $683. 10 2 Jas. D. Leary, 17 State street, New York City 12.00 3, 144.00 11.00 4,334.00 15.60 810.00 3 Degnan-McLean Contracting Co., 13 Park row, New York City 11.20 2, 934.40 10.35 4,077.90 12.20 658.80 4 Geo. W. Rogers, 44 Broadway, New York City 10.75 2,816.50 9.50 3,743.00 11.00 594.00 5 Wm. H. Jenks, 110-112 Pearl street, New York City 10.50 2,751.00 9.75 3,841.50 14.50 783.00 6 B. F. Jones, 1 Broadway, New York City. 11. 75 3,078.50 10. 50 4, 137.00 13.00 702.00 7 John Monks & Son, 108 West street, New York City 9.55 2,502.10 9.55 3,762.70 9.55 515.70 8 Geo. Humphries, 77-79 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y 12.75 3,340.50 11.50 4,531.00 12.75 688.50 9 Warren Rosevelt & John M. Sullivan, 16 Beaver street, New York City 11.00 2,882.00 9.75 3,841.50 12.00 648.00 Fender piles. Yellow pine. No. Name and address of bidder. 50 feet Total 56 feet Total Per i nnn 385,000 (each). (73). (each). (16). 1,UUU feet. feet. 1 H. L. Spearin, 11 Broadway, New York City $17. 60 $1,284.00 $19.05 $304.30 $43. 16 $16, 616. 60 2 Jas. D. Leary, 17 State street, New York Citv 19.00 1,387.00 21.00 336.00 38.00 14,630.00 3 Degnan-McLean Contracting Co., 13 Park row, New York City 15.50 1,131.50 18.00 288.00 36.80 14,168.00 4 Geo. W. Rogers, 44 Broadway, New York City 14.00 1,022.00 15.00 240.00 39.00 15,015. 00 5 Wm. H. Jenks, 110-112 Pearl street, New York City 16.50 1,204.50 17.50 280.00 38.94 14, 991. 90 6 B. F. Jones, 1 Broadway, New York City. 16.00 1,168.00 17.50 280.00 37.00 14,245.00 7 John Monks & Son, 108 West street, New York City 15.28 1,115.44 15.28 244.48 44.56 17,155.60 8 Geo. Humphries, 77-79 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y 17.50 1,277.50 17.50 280.00 38.50 14,822.50 9 Warren Rosevelt & John M. Sullivan, 16 Beaver street, New York City 13.00 949.00 14.00 224.00 37.00 14,245.00 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 17 Abstract of bids for building pile dock and dredging at Governors Island , New Zork, etc. — Continued, y Screw bolts, etc. Dock spikes. Drift bolts. No. Name and address of bidder. Per pound. 31,000 pounds. Per pound. 16,500 pounds. Per pound. 420 pounds. 1 H. L. Spearin, 11 Broadway, New York City $0.0242 $750. 20 $0.0242 $399. 30 $0. 0242 $10. 16 2 Jas. D. Leary, 17 State street, New York City .03 930. 00 .03 295.00 .03 12. 60 3 Degnan-McLean Contracting Co. , 13 Park row, New York City .03* 1,085.00 .02* 350.63 .02 8.40 4 Geo. W. Rogers, 44 Broadway, New York City .04 1,240.00 .03 495. 00 .03 12.60 5 Wm. H. Jenks, 110-112 Pearl street, New York City .03 930.00 . 02£ 453. 75 .02* 10.50 6 B. F. Jones, 1 Broadway, New York City. .02| 775.00 .02* 412. 50 .02* 10.50 7 John Monks & Son, 108 West street, New York City • 02* 713.00 .023 379.50 .02* 9. 66 8 Geo. Humphries, 77-79 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y .04 1,240.00 .03 495.00 .03 12. 60 9 Warren Rosevelt & John M. Sullivan, 16 Beaver street, New York City .03* 1,007.50 .03* 536.25 .03* 13.65 a Lowest bids. Wire nails. 40d nails. Chain. G. I. staples. No. Name and address of bidder. Per pound. 1,800 pounds. Per pound. 800 pounds. Per pound. 1,150 pounds. Per pound. 150 pounds. 1 H. L. Spearin, 11 Broadway, New York City : $0. 0242 $43.56 $0. 0242 $19. 36 $0. 0242 $27. 83 $0. 0242 $3.63 2 Jas. D. Leary, 17 State street, New York City .03 54.00 .03 24.00 .05 57.50 .08 12.00 3 Degnan-McLean Contracting Co., 13 Park row, New York City .03 54.00 .02* 18.00 .04 46.00 .03 4.50 4 Geo. W. Rogers, 44 Broadway, New York City .03 54.00 .03 24.00 .10 115. 00 .12 18.00 5 Wm. H. Jenks, 110-112 Pearl street, New York City .02| 49.50 .03 24.00 .08 92. 00 .11 16.50 6 B. F, Jones, 1 Broadway, New York City .03 54.00 .03 24.00 .10 115. 00 .10 15.00 John Monks & Son, 108 West street, New York City .02* 41.40 •2* 18.40 • 02 * 26.45 • 02* 3.45 Geo. Humphries, 77-79 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y .04 72.00 .04 32.00 .10 115. 00 .15 22.50 9 Warren Rosevelt & John M. Sullivan, 16 Beaver street, New York City .03* 58.50 .03* 26. 00 .06* 71.88 .06* 9.38 Tar paper. Dolphin piles. Total, ex- clusive of crib work. Crib work (per cubic foot). No. Name and address of bidder. Per square foot. 6,650 square feet. Each. Num- ber(24). 1 H. L. Spearin, 11 Broadway, New York City. $0.01 $66.50 $19. 05 $457. 20 $27, 586. 30 $0.07 2 Jas. D. Leary, 17 State street, New York City. .05 332. 50 27. 10 648.00 27,206.60 .09 3 Degnan-McLean Contracting Co., 13 Park row, New York City .05* 365.75 16. 75 402.00 25,690.47 .07* 4 Geo. W. Rogers, 44 Broadway, New York City .02 133.00 18.00 432.00 25,954. 10 .06* 5 Wm. H. Jenks, 110-112 Pearl street, New York City .01* 83.13 17.50 420. 00 25,931.28 .08 6 B. F. Jones, 1 Broadway, New York City .02 133. 00 17.50 420. 00 25, 569. 50 .07 7 John Monks & Son, 108 West street, New York City .004 26. 60 9.55 229. 20 26,743.68 .10 8 Geo. Humphries, 77-79 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y .03* 232.75 17.50 420.00 27,581.85 .08* 9 Warren Rosevelt & John M. Sullivan, 16 Beaver street, New York City .07 465.50 16.00 384. 00 a253, 62. 16 a. 05* a Lowest bids. H. Doc. 315 2 18 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of bids for building pile dock and dredging at Governors Island, New York, etc. — Continued . No. Name and address of bidder. Dredging. Approxi- mate amount of mate- rial that can be removed with available funds $70,000, (number of cubic yards). Time of comple- tion. (months). Stone over 2 cubic yards (per cubic yard). Smaller mate- rial (per cubic yard). Mate- rial de- posited at sea (per cubic yard). Aver- age cost (per cubic yard). i H. L. Spearin.ll Broadway, New York City. 3 2 Jas. D. Leary, 17 State street, New York City 3 3 Degnan-McLean Contracting Co., 13 Park row, New York City 3} 4 Geo. W. Rogers, 44 Broadway, New York City 4 5 Wm. H. Jenks, 110-112 Pearl street, New York City 3 6 B. F. Jones, 1 Broadway, New York City.. 3} 7 John Monks & Son, 108 West street, New York City 4 8 Geo. Humphries, 77-79 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y &99 9 Warren Rosevelt & John M. Sullivan, 16 Beaver street, New York City 4 10 Morris & Cummings Dredging Co., 17 State street, New York City $3.50 $0. 90 $0. 15 $1. 33} $52,500 6 11 International Contracting Co., 78 Broad street, New York City 5. 00 .62 .i4 1.35 51,851+ 6 12 The W. H. Beard Dredging Co., 13 Wil- liam street, New York City 2.00 .78 .12 .98} 71, 186+ 6 13 R. G. Packard Co., 130 Pearl street, New York City .78 .78 .78 a 89, 743+ 6 a Lowest bids & Working days. WRECKS. Abstract of bids received in response to above advertisement and opened April 21, 1902, for removing wrecks of barges Lichtenfels Bros. , Ringleader, and P. J. Carleton. Name and address of bidder. Barge Lichten- fels Bros. Barge Ring- leader. Barge P. J. Carle- ton. Bid for the three barges. Amount allowed for barges and cargo. The Sound and Coast Wrecking Co., Bridgeport, Conn. R. G. Packard Co., 130 Pearl street, New York, N. Y. Merritt & Chapman Derrick and Wrecking Co., 27 William street, New York, N. Y. a $3, 945 8,400 7, 500 $45 $8,900 a 9, 000 $8, 900 a 6, 500 $26,000 23,000 &1 b 28 Name and address of bidder. Net bid for each barge. Net bid for all the barges. Remarks. The Sound and Coast Wrecking Co., Bridgeport, Conn. R. G. Packard Co., 130 Pearl street, New York, N. Y. Merritt & Chapman Derrick and Wrecking Co., 27 William street, New York, N. Y. $3,900 f 8, 399 \ 8, 899 l 8,899 f 7,472 \ 8, 972 { 6,472 Time, 8 weeks. Time of removal of 3 barges, 4} months: - 6 weeks for removing each vessel separately. Will remove 1 wreck in 30 working days, 2 wrecks in 50 working days, 3 wrecks in 70 working days. If awarded 2 wrecks, will make a'reduc- tion of 5 per cent on both; if 3 wrecks, 10 per cent on each. J $25,997 1 « $14,669 for 2, f or $20, 616 for 3. a Lowest bid. b For each. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 19 PHILADELPHIA, PA., DISTRICT [Officer: Capt. Spencer C(jsby, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for the construction of stone buttresses and depositing riprap stone for protecting the timber bulkhead in the Delaware River near Reedy Island , opened August 26, 1901 , by Lieut. Col. C. W. Raymond , Corps of Engineers. [Approximate quantity of stone, 32,000 tons of 2,000 pounds.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Total. 1 Martin E. McDonough, Philadelphia, Pa $1.49 1.40 $47, 680 44, 800 2 Hughes Bros. & Bangs, New York, N. Y Contract (dated September 14, 1901) entered into with Hughes Bros. & Bangs. Abstract of proposals for dredging in the Delaware River near Reedy Island and construct- ing retaining bank for dredged material , opened June 23, 1902, by Capt. Spencer Cosby, Corps of Engineers. For mate- rial exca- vated and removed from the channel (1,000,000 cubic yards). Constructing retain- ing bank. No. Name and address of bidder. Material furnished and placed (25,000 cubic yards). Stone for riprapping (1,000 tons). Total. 1 Morris & Cummings Dredging Co., New York, N. Y Per cu. yd. $0.15 Per cu. yd. $0.25 Per ton. $1.00 $157,250.00 2 River and Harbor Improvement Co., Phila- delphia, Pa .12 .50 2.00 134,500.00 3 American Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa .084 .40 2.00 96,000.00 4 Maryland Dredging Co., Baltimore, Md .10 .40 2. 50 112,500.00 Contract (dated June 26, 1902) entered into with the American Dredging Company. WRECKS. Abstract of proposals for oval of wreck of schooner Lavinia Campbell, lying in the channel of Delaware River, just above Fourteen-Foot Bank light-house, opened October 15, 1901, by Col. Jared A. Smith, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 Napoleon B. Register, Lewes, Del $3,300.20 2.550.00 2.390.00 10,000.00 4. 745. 00 2 John Ferguson, Tompkinsville, N. Y 3 Truxton & Ross, Georgetown, Del 4 Alvin R. Morrison, Wilmington, Del 5 Enoch Townsend, Somers Point, N. J 6 Gilbert M. Van Sant and Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J 2, 810.00 1,900.00 7 Wm. H. Virden, Lewes, Del Contract (dated October 28, 1901) entered into with William H. Virden. 20 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for removal of wreck of canal boat H. C. Webster , lying in the channel of Delaware River, just above the mouth of Pennypack Creek, Pennsylvania, opened Octo- ber 19, 1901, by Col. Jared A. Smith, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 Gilbert M. Van Sant and Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J $472 2 Alvin R. Morrison, Wilmington, Del 450 3 Enoch Townsend, Somers Point, N. J 600 4 Truxton & Ross, Georgetown, Del 484 5 River and Harbor Improvement Company, Camden, N. J 390 6 Napoleon B. Register, Lewes, Del 565 Contract (dated October 29, 1901) entered into with the River and Harbor Improvement Company. Abstract of proposals for removal of wreck of the schooner Lida Fowler, lying to the east of the main ship channel of Delaware Bay, above Fourteen-Foot Bank light-house, opened December 28, 1901, by Col. Jared A. Smith, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 Wm. H. Virden, Lewes, Del $1,800 1, 600 2, 182 1,900 1,600 1,285 2 Charles W. Booze, Atlantic City, N. J 3 Van Sant & Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J 4 Enoch Townsend, Somers Point, N. J 5 Joseph D. Truxton, Georgetown, Del 6 Napoleon B. Register and Nicholas A. Outten, Lewes, Del Contract (dated January 14, 1902) entered into with Napoleon B. Register and Nicholas A. Outten. WILMINGTON, DEL., DISTRICT. [Office: Col. Jared A. Smith, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for dredging and jetty construction upon route of inland waterway from Chincoteague Bay, Virginia, to Delaware Bay, Delaware, opened March 17, 1902, by Col. Jared A. Smith, Corps of Engineers. Approximate quantities. No. Name and address of bidder. Brush mattress- es (1,389 square yards). Small stone for core of jet- ties (1,142 tons). Large stone for ex- terior of jet- ties (618 tons). Board and room for in- spect- ors and boat- men (per diem each). Total. Dredging sand or hard clay. mud^and soil. Total amount of bid. 1 Samuel H. Lea and Julian C. Smith, New York, N. Y.... Per sq. yd. $1.55 Per ton. $3.15 Per ton. $3. 30 $0.75 $7, 790.40 Percu.yd. $0. 35 Percu.yd. $0.33 $22,500 2 River and Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa . . 1.40 3.60 5.00 1.00 9, 146. 80 .50 .45 22,500 3 The Coast Jetty Co., New York, N. Y... 1.50 4.00 5.00 1.00 9, 742. 50 .50 .16| 22,500 Contract (dated April 7, 1902) entered into with Samuel H. Lea and Julian C. Smith. In progress. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 21 WRECKS. Abstract of proposals for removal of wreck of steamship Ranald, lying in the Atlantic Ocean off Atlantic City, N. J. , opened August 12, 1901, by Lieut. Col. C. W. Raymond, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 Van Sant & Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J $7,416 12, 800 8, 479 18,200 2 Wm. H. Virden, Lewes, Del 3 Enoch Townsend, Somers Point, N. J 4 Truxton & Ross, Georgetown, Del All the above bids were rejected in view of the settling of the wreck and its prob- able gradual destruction by the seas. Abstract of proposals for removal of the wreck of Lighter No. 33, lying in the channel of the Schuylkill River at Point Breeze, Philadelphia, Pa., opened August 12, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Remarks. 1 2 Alvin R. Morrison, Wilmington, Del Napoleon B. Register and Nicholas A. Outten, Lewes, Del. $500 890 Accepted. 3 Joseph D. Truxton, Georgetown, Del., and John C. Ross, Lewes, Del. 429 Method of removal by explosives not approved by engineer officer in charge. Abstract of proposals for removal of wreck of one compartment of hinged canal boat Sun- flower, lying in the channel of Chester Creek, Pennsylvania, opened December 5, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 Gilbert M. VanSant and Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J $732 2 Truxton & Ross, Georgetown, Del 385 3 Alvin R Morrison, Wilmington, Del 500 4 Napoleon B. Register, Lewes, Del 395 5 Charles P. Grim, Philadelphia, Pa 243 All bids rejected, it being considered advisable, owing to the proximity of the wreck to the wharf of the Chester Lumber and Coal Company, to have the work of removal performed without the use of explosives, and to readvertise for proposals on that basis. Abstract of proposals for removal of wreck of one compartment of hinged canal boat Sun- flower, lying in the channel of Chester Creek, Pennsylvania, opened December 17, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 Truxton & Ross, Georgetown, Del O C 8S 2 Alvin R. Morrison, Wilmington, Del 3 Napoleon B. Register and Nathen J. Fisher, Lewes, Del 1,090 a 425 4 John J. Williams, Chester, Pa a Accepted. H D— 57-2— Vol 79 21 22 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for removal of wreck of schooner Melvina, lying in Mahon River , Delaware , opened April 24, 1902 , No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 John J. Williams, Chester, Pa $375 670 290 a 240 2 G. M. VanSant and Eugene Boehm, Altantic City, N. J 3 Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del 4 Howard McGonigal, Little Creek, Del 5 Napoleon B. Register, Lewes, Del „ 442 6 Atlas Dredging Co., Wilmington, Del 470 aAccepted. Abstract of proposals received and opened April 19, 1902, for removal of wreck of canal boat Peter A. Rogers, lying in Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 River and Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa a $945 1,200 2 American Dredging Co., Philadelphia, Pa aAccepted. Abstract of proposals for removal of the wreck of canal boat Ida May, lying in Rancocas River, New Jersey, opened June 30, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. 1 Van Sant & Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J $592.00 2 Howard McGonigal, Little Creek;, Del 500. 00 3 Napoleon B. Register, Lewes, Del 446.25 4 Louis H. Darling, Philadelphia, Pa 289.00 Proposals under consideration at close of fiscal year. WASHINGTON, D. C., DISTRICT. [Office Lieut. Col. Chas. J. Allen, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and installing an electric light plant at Fort Washington, Md., {gun and mortar batteries, mortar battery), received in response to advertisement dated June 27, 1901, and opened at U. S. Engineer Office, 2001 1 street NW., Washington, D. C., at 12 M., July 27, 1901, by Lieut. Col. Chas. J. Allen, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount. Complete. 1 W. M. Sheehan, New York, N. Y a $4, 213 45 days after “acceptance” of con- tract. 2 McCay Engineering Co., Baltimore, Md 5,333 Not stated. 3 National Electrical Supply Co., Washington, D. C. 55,369 60 days after notification of award. 4 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y. c6, 487 3£ months after notification of award. 5 Stuyvesant Electric Co., New York, N. Y 6,075 Not stated. 6 Jas. Reilly Repair and Supply Co., New York, N. Y. 6,925 Do. 7 Edward Heaton, New York, N. Y 8,795 6 months or earlier. a $505 extra for chloride accumulator battery; $110 less for paper insulated wire. 5 $185 extra for “ chloride battery.” c$65 extra for carpenter rheostat. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 23 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and installing electric light and power plant at Fort Hunt , Va. [Battery Mount Vernon), received in response to advertisement dated July 10, 1901, and opened at U. S. Engineer Office t at 12 m., August 9, 1901, by Lieut. Col. Chas. J. Allen, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Steam boiler, engine, etc. Wiring and lamps, com- plete, etc. Storage battery and stand, com- plete. Special testing appa- ratus. Aerial line. Total. Complete. * 1 W. M. Sheehan, New $3, 950.00 $950. 00 $1, 400. 00 $90. 00 $2, 470. 00 «$8, 860. 00 90 days from date York, N. Y. of commence- ment. 2 McCay Engineering 3, 715. 00 1, 250. 00 1, 350. 00 125. 00 2,550.00 8, 990. 00 60 days from date Co., Baltimore, Md. of commence- ment. 3 Smith-Courtney Co., 4,656.42 1,021.73 1, 546. 29 76.75 2, 196.08 9, 497. 27 Do. Richmond, Ya. 4 National Electrical 5, 975.00 1,392.00 1,691.00 74.00 2,800.00 611, 932. 00 65 days from date Supply Co., Wash- of commence- ington, D. C. ment. 5 Edward H eaton , N e w 4,946.00 1, 126. 00 1, 784. 00 80.00 4, 416. 00 c 12, 352. 00 180 days from date York, N. Y. of commence- ment. 6 The Geo. A. Williams 6,468.00 3,363.00 1, 446. 00 60.00 3,402.00 14, 739.00 120 days from date Co., Jersey City, of commence- N. J. ment. 7 Jas. C. McGuire, New 4,500.00 4,200.00 1,600.00 80.00 5, 100.00 15,480.00 98 days from date York, N. Y. of commence- ment. 8 Sipe & Sigler, Cleve- 1,100,00 land, Ohio. a $250 less for the “Willard” battery instead of the Electric Storage Battery Company’s battery; $115 extra for Delaney boiler, Westinghouse generator, and New York safety engine. 6 $141 extra for chloride battery. c $100 extra if shop test is required. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and installing electric-light plant at Fort Washington, Md. {gun and mortar batteries, two 6-inch gun emplacements), received in response to advertisement dated August 20, 1901, and opened at U. S. Engineer Office at 12 m., September 19, 1901, by Lieut. Col. Chas. J. Allen, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount. Complete. 1 W. M. Sheehan, New York, N. Y $2,895.00 Days. 75 2 National Electrical Supply Co., Washington, D. C 3,312.20 60 3 Edward Heaton, New York, N. Y 3,403. 00 70 4 J. F. Buchanan &Co., Philadelphia, Pa 3,475.00 45 5 McCay Engineering Co., Baltimore, Md (a 3, 598. 00 \ a 3, 915. 00 } 45 6 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y 3,695.00 612 7 Samuel B. Libby, New York, N. Y 4. 980. 00 60 « Alternative bid. 6 Weeks. 24 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, NORFOLK, VA., DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement of June 22, 1901, and under specifications of the same date, and opened by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at 12 m., July 24, 1901, at Engineer Office, U. S. Army, 166 Granby street, Norfolk, Va for furnishing and delivering Portland cement, broken stone, steel I-beams, connec- tion plates, bolts, and nuts, and connection plates, bolts, nuts, and washers for beam flanges at Fort Monroe, Va. CLASS A. -PORTLAND CEMENT. No. Name and address of bidder. Brand. Price bid per barrel. Approxi- mate quantity. Total. 1 Virginia Portland Cement Co., Philadelphia, Old Dominion $1.40 Barrels. 3,77b $5,285.00 5 Pa.n Warner Moore & Co., Richmond, Va. & Lehigh 1.445 3,775 3,775 3, 775 5,454.88 5, 662. 50 5,851.25 7 9 Builders Supply Co., Norfolk, Va. c B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md. d Atlas Dragon 1.50 1.55 CLASS B.— BROKEN STONE. 2-inch. 1-inch. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 2 McClenahan Granite Co., Port Deposit, Md . $1.58 Cu. yds. 1,600 $2, 528 $1.58 Cu. yds. 1,060 $1,674.80 Chas. G. Smith & Son, Washington, D C 1.68 1,600 2,688 1. 68 1,060 1, 780. 80 6 Manhattan Trap Rock Co., New York, N. Y.a. 2.00 1,600 3,200 2.00 1,060 2, 120. 00 8 Hudson River Stone Supply Co., New York, N. Y.a 1.60 1,600 2,560 1.60 1,060 1, 696. oa 9 B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md.d 2. 00 1,600 3,200 2.15 1,060 2,279.00 CLASS C.— STEEL I-BEAMS AND CONNECTIONS. Steel I-beams. Connection plates, bolts, and nuts. Connection plates, bolts, nuts, and washers for beam flanges. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per pound. Approx- imate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Approx- imate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Approx- imate quan- tity. Total. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 3 Belmont Iron Works, Philadel- phia, Pa.a $0. 0273 271, 140 $7, 402. 12 $0. 0345 11,568 $399. 10 $0.05 225 $11. 25 9 B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Mdd . . .027 271, 140 7,320. 78 .04 11,568 462.72 .04 225 9.00 a Evidence of authority of officer signing proposal not furnished. & Certificate as to responsibility of guarantor’s blank; signature informal. c Notary’s seal omitted from affidavits made by guarantors; evidence of authority of officer signing proposal not furnished. d Signature to proposal informal. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 25 Abstract of proposals received in response to an advertisement dated August 5, 1901 , and under specifications of the same date , and opened at 12 m., September 6, 1901 , by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at Engineer Office, U. S. Army, 166 Granby street, Norfolk, Va . , for constructing sea wall at Fort Monroe, Va. No. Name and address of bidder. Sheet piling. Quarry spall. Stone weighing from 20 to 50 pounds for in termediate layer of sea wall. Price bid per lineal foot. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per ton. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity.® Total. Price bid per ton. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity.a Total. 1 The Degnon-McLean Contracting Co., New York, N. Y.b $16.92 Lin. ft. 960 $16,243.20 $2.95 300 $885 $2.95 1,600 $4, 720 2 W. R. Taylor, Norfolk, Va.c 15. 84 960 15,206.40 3.72 300 1, 116 3.72 1,600 5,952 3 Sanford & Brooks Co., Baltimore. Md.b 12. 60 960 12,096.00 3.40 300 1,020 3.40 1,600 5, 440 4 Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del.d 12.00 960 11,520.00 2.90 300 870 3.00 1,600 4,800 Stone weighing from 1,000 to 3,000 pounds. Sand filling in rear of sheet-piling. Stone weighing from 20 to 50 pounds, for top surface of sand filling. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per ton. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity.® Total. Price bid per ton. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity.® Total. Price bid per ton. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity.® Total. 1 The Degnon-McLean Con- tracting Co., New York, N. Y.b $2.95 4,000 $11, 800 $0. 375 46, 000 $17, 250 $2.95 2,000 $5, 900 2 W. R. Taylor, Norfolk, Va.c.. 3. 72 4,000 14, 880 .20 46, 000 9,200 3. 72 2,000 7, 440 3 Sanford & Brooks Co., Balti- more, Md.b 3.40 4,000 13, 600 .395 46, 000 18, 170 3.40 2,000 6, 800 4 Johnston & Virdon, Lewes, Del.d 3.00 4,000 12, 000 .34 46,000 15,640 3.00 2,000 6,000 a Tons of 2,240 pounds. b Evidence of authority of signing officer not filed, c Certificate as to guarantors omitted. d Lowest bid; recommended for acceptance. Abstract of proposals for constructing wharf at Fort Wool, Va., received in response to advertisement of September 30, 1901, and under specifications of the same date, and opened by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at 12 o’clock, noon, on November 4, 1901, at U. S. Engineer Office, 166 Granby street, Norfolk, Va. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. Remarks. 1 West Richardson, Newport News, Va $11,298.00 2 The Degnon-McLean Contracting Co., New York, N. Y. 9,554.70 Corporate seal of bidder omitted, and evidence of authority of officer signing proposal not filed. 3 Richard Parrott, Newburg, N. Y 7,450. 00 Erasure in proposal not explained. 4 William H. Virden, Lewes, Del 9,500.00 Only one copy of proposal received. Date of proposal omitted in guaranty. 5 Alsop & Peirce, Newport News, Va 7, 467. 41 Firm name not given. 6 W. D. Murray & Co., Norfolk, Va 8,950.00 Certificate as to guarantors not filled in. 7 C. H. Bull & Co., Norfolk, Va 9,000.00 Signature to proposal informal. 8 Frank Pidgeon, New York, N. Y 9,479.00 Date of proposal in guaranty incorrect. Erasure in proposal not explained. 26 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering steel and, iron work for six range towers to be constructed at Fort Monroe, Va. , received in response to advertisement of January 21, 1902, and under specifications of the same date, and opened at 12 o'clock, noon, February 27, 1902, by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at U. S. Engineer Office, room 2, custom-house, Norfolk, Va. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. Remarks. 1 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y $23, 750 2 Bethlehem Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y. 22,450 Agent’s authority to sign proposal not filed. 3 Whitehead & Kales, Detroit, Mich 14,866 4 Greenlie, Wyatt & Co., New York, N. Y.. 18, 673 Names of members of firm omitted in proposal. 5 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md 14,847 Date of bid omitted in guaranty. 6 Atlanta Machine Works, Atlanta, Ga 22, 795 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering Portland cement, broken stone, sand, yellow pine lumber, railroad ties, steel bolts, I and channel beams, and iron castings at Fort Wool, Va., received in response to advertisement of January 27, 1902 , and under specifications of the same date, and opened by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at 12 o'clock, noon, March 5, 1902, at U. S. Engineer Office, room 2, custom-house, Norfolk, Va. CLASS A.— PORTLAND CEMENT. Name and address of bidder. Brand. Price bid per bar- rel. Approx- imate quantity. Total. The Atlas Portland Cement Co., New York, N. Y.a. B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md The General Supply Co., Norfolk, Va.d Frank Pidgeon, Norfolk, Va Atlas Dragon Old Dominion Atlas $1.51 1.56 1.695 2.63 Barrels. 2,300 2,300 2, 300 2, 300 $3,473.00 3. 588. 00 3, 898. 50 6. 049. 00 CLASS B.— BROKEN STONE. 2-inch. 1-inch. Granolithic. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 2 Charles G. Smith & Son, Washington, D. C $1. 65 Cu. yds. 1,200 $1,980 $1.65 Cu. yds. 900 $1, 485 $1.65 Cu. yds. 20 $33 3 B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md 2.00 1,200 2,400 2.15 900 1,935 3.00 20 60 4 McClenahan Granite Co., Port Deposit, Md. b 1.54 1,200 1,848 1.54 900 1,386 2.00 20 40 7 Clinton Point Stone Co., New York, N. Y 1.50 1,200 1,800 1.50 900 1,350 1.50 20 30 9 Frank Pidgeon, Norfolk, Va. 2. 25 1,200 2,700 2. 35 900 2,115 2.85 20 57 CLASS C.— SAND. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- prox- imate quan- tity. Total. 8 Frank Pidgeon, Norfolk, Va $0. 695 Cu. yds. 1,250 $868. 75 9 Duke & Smith, Norfolk, Va ! .75 1,250 937. 50 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 27 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering Portland cement, etc. — Continued. CLASS D.— YELLOW PINE LUMBER AND YELLOW PINE TIES. Yellow pine lumber. Yellow pine ties. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid for lot. Ap- prox- imate quan- tity. Total. Price bid each. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 10 Duke & Smith, Norfolk, Va 8693. 80 Ft.B.M. 37, 300 8593. 80 80.60 Number. 250 8150 CLASS E.— STEEL HOLD-DOWN BOLTS, STEEL I AND CHANNEL BEAMS, CAST-IRON FRAMES, GRATING COVERS, AND ANCHOR PLATES. Steel hold-down bolts. Steel I beams. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per bolt. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 3 B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md 81.25 Number. 40 850.00 Cents. 3} Pounds. 7, 302 8237. 32 5 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New 1.52 40 60.80 3. 67 7,302 267.98 6 York, N. Y. Houston & Co., New York, N. Y. o 2.40 40 96.00 3} 7,302 228. 19 9 Frank Pidgeon, Norfolk, Va 3.25 40 130.00 3f 7,302 273. 83 Steel channel beams. Cast-iron basin frames with grating covers. Cast-iron anchor plates. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 3 B. Wallis & Co., Balti- more, Md 80. 03} Pounds. 919 829.87 80.14 Pounds. 360 850.40 80.06 Pounds. 1,446 886.76 5 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y .0367 919 33.73 .0316 360 11.38 .0312 1,446 45. 12 6 Houston & Co., New York, N. Y.C .03} 919 28.72 • 08f 360 31.05 .04 1,446 57.84 9 Frank Pidgeon, Nor- folk, Va .03f 919 34.46 .05 360 18.00 .05 1,446 72.30 a Evidence of authority of officer signing proposal not filed. b Date of proposal not given in guaranty, c Bid informal; signature to proposal informal. d Authority of officer to sign proposal not filed; certificate as to guarantors by postmaster. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering Portland cement, broken stone, yellow- pine lumber, steel bolts, I and channel beams, iron doors and bolts, iron castings, soil and wr ought-iron pipe and fittings, hollow brick and partition tile at Fort Monroe, Va. , received in response to an advertisement dated February 20, 1902, and under specifica- tions of the same date, and opened at 12 m. March 24, 1902, by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at engineer office, U. S. Army, room 2, custom-house, Norfolk, Va. CLASS A.— PORTLAND CEMENT. No. Name and address of bidder. Brand. Price bid per barrel. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 1 Virginia Portland Cement Co., New York, N. Y.. B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md Old Dominion 81.42 Barrels. 2,550 83,621.00 4 Dragon 1.65 2,550 2,550 4,207.50 4,016.25 11 The General Supply Co., Norfolk, Va Old Dominion 1.575 28 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering Portland cement , etc. — Continued. CLASS B — BROKEN STONE. 2-inch. 1-inch. Granolithic. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- prox- imate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per cubic yard. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 4 B. Wallis & Co., Balti- more, Md $1.75 Cu. yds. 1,300 $2,275 $1.85 Cu. yds. 950 $1,757.50 $1.90 Cu. yds. 50 $95 6 Charles G. Smith & Son, Washington, D. C 1. 63 1,300 2, 119 1.63 950 1,548.50 1.63 50 81 7 McClenahan Granite Co., Port Deposit, Md 1.74 1,300 2,262 1.74 950 1,653. 00 1.74 50 87 10 Clinton Point Stone Co., New York, N. Y 1.50 1,300 1,950 1.50 950 1,435.00 1.50 50 75 CLASS C.— YELLOW-PINE LUMBER. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid for lot. Approxi- mate quantity. Total. 3 Jac. Heffelfinger, Hampton, Ya $600.00 792. 42 Feet B.M. 38, 118 38,118 38,118 38,118 $600.00 792. 42 9 William D. Gill & Son, Baltimore, Md 12 C. H. Bull & Co., Norfolk, Va 749. 00 749. 00 13 E. W. McCullough, Norfolk, Ya 620. 21 620.21 CLASS D— STEEL HOLD-DOWN BOLTS, I AND CHANNEL BEAMS, ETC. No. Name and address of bidder. Steel hold-down bolts. Steel I and channel beams. Connection angles, with necessary bolts. Price bid per bolt. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total No. Lbs. Lbs. 2 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md $4.50 32 $144.00 $0.04| 36, 425 $1,639. 13 $0.06 1, 105 $66.30 4 B. Wallis & Co., Balti- more, Md 3.00 32 96. 00 • 03f 36,425 1,320.41 .05 1, 105 55. 25 5 Houston & Co., New York, N. Y 2.92 32 93.44 36,425 1,105 8 New J ersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y 3.25 32 104.00 .04 36, 425 1,457. 00 .06 1,105 66.30 Steel plates for table of hoist. Steel plates and angles for powder recess. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. To- tal. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 2 Ellicott Machine Company, Baltimore, Md $0.06 Pounds. 60 $3. 60 $0. 05 Pounds. 2,510 $125.50 4 B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md .065 60 3. 90 .05 2,510 125. 50 5 Houston & Co., New York, N, Y .0593 60 3. 56 .0541 2,510 135. 79 8 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Company, New York, NY .03 60 1.80 .06 2,510 150. 60 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 29 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering Portland cement, etc. — Continued. CLASS E. — WROUGHT-IRON DOORS, ANCHOR BOLTS, EXPANSION BOLTS, CAST-IRON FRAMES, GRATING COVERS, COLUMNS, AND ANCHOR PLATES. No. 2 4 5 8 Name and address of bidder. Wrought-iron doors marked “B” on sheet 1 of plans. Wrought-iron doors marked “ G ” on sheet 1 of plans. Price bid per set. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per door. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md Houston & Co., New York, N. Y New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y $40. 00 57.00 43.75 25.00 Sets. 2 2 2 2 $80. 00 114. 00 87.50 50.00 $15. 00 11. 00 8.25 6. 00 No. 2 2 2 2 $30.00 22.00 16.50 12. 00 No. Name and address of bidder. Wrought-iron anchor bolts marked “E” on sheet 1 of plans. Wrought-iron anchor bolts marked “H” and “K” on sheet 1 of plans. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 2 4 5 8 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md Houston & Co., New York, N. Y New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y $0.06 .065 .09 .06 Pounds. 22 22 22 22 $1.32 1.43 1.98 1.32 $0. 06 .065 .09 .06 bounds. 46 46 46 46 $2.76 2. 99 4.14 2.76 No. Bolts and nuts re- quired under para- graph 50 of the specifications. Expansion bolts, with shields. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 2 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md $0.06 .065 Pounds. 56 $3.36 3.64 $0. 20 .55 Pounds. 60 60 $12. 00 33.00 4 B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md 56 5 Houston & Co., New York, N. Y .0875 56 4.90 .17 60 10. 20 8 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y .10 56 5.60 .10 60 6.00 No. Name and address of bidder. Cast-iron basin frames and grating covers required under par- agraph 53 of the specifications. Cast-iron frames marked “A” on sheet 1 of plans. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 2 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md $0. 10 .12 Pounds. 340 $34.00 40. 80 $0.06 .08 Pounds. 238 $14.28 19.04 4 B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md 340 238 5 Houston & Co., New York, N. Y .075 340 25.50 .0545 238 12.97 8 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y .035 340 11.90 .06 238 14. 28 30 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering Portland cement, etc . — Continued. Cast-iron frames marked “F” on sheet 1 of plans. Cast-iron columns marked “I” on sheet 1 of plans. Cast-iron anchor plates on sheet 3 of plans. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. To- tal. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. To- tal. Price bid per pound. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. To- tal. 2 Ellicott Machine Co., Baltimore, Md $0. 06 Pounds. 75 $4. 50 $0. 06 Pounds. 447 $26.82 $0.03 Pounds. 2,330 $69.90 4 B. Wallis & Co., Balti- more, Md .08 75 6.00 .045 447 20. 12 .04 2,330 93. 20 5 Houston & Co., New York, N. Y 0545 75 4.09 .0525 . 447 28. 47 .03* 2,330 72. 81 8 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N Y .06 75 4.50 .05 447 22.35 .05 2,330 116.50 CLASS F.— CAST-IRON SOIL AND GALVANIZED WROUGHT-IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid for lot of cast-iron soil pipe and fit- tings re- quired under B. Wallis & Co., Baltimore, Md Houston & Co., New York, N. Y New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. para- graph 58 of speci- fications. Y $40. 00 108.00 28.45 Price bid for lot of wrought- iron pipe and mal- leable galva- nized fit- tings re- quired under para- graph 59 of the specifica- tions. $100. 00 81.00 200. 00 CLASS G.— HOLLOW BRICK AND PARTITION TILE. No bids were received. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering pine piles, creosoted pine piles, yellow pine lumber and creosoted yellow pine lumber at Fort Monroe, Va., received in response to advertisement dated March 10, 1902, and under specifications of the same date, and opened by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at 12 o'clock, noon, April 17, 1902, at Engineer Office, U. S. Army, Room 2, Custom-house, Norfolk, Va. CLASS A.— PINE PILES. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per pile. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. Num- ber. 1 The Atlantic Creosoting and Wood Preserving Works Norfolk, Va.« 100 2 Jac. Heffelfinger, Hampton Va 100 3 Eppinger & Russell Co., New York N. Ya 100 4 Norfolk Creosoting Co., Norfolk, Va $1.26 100 $126 5 C. H. Bull & Co., Norfolk, Va .b 1. 60 100 160 a Evidence of authority of officer signing proposal not filed. b Signature informal; certificate as to guarantors made by postmaster; one copy of proposal not signed. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 31 Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering pine piles, ete. — Continued. CLASS B.— CREOSOTED PILES. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per pile. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 1 The Atlantic Creosoting and Wood Preserving Works, Norfolk, Va.« $4. 00 Num- ber. 100 $400 2 Eppinger & Russell Co., New York, N. Y.a 5.00 100 500 3 Norfolk Creosoting Co., Norfolk, Ya 3.50 100 350 a Evidence of authority of officer signing proposal not filed. CLASS C.— YELLOW PINE LUMBER. [For entire lot of No. 1 merchantable yellow pine lumber required under paragraph 39 of the specifi- cations.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. 1 Jac. Heffelfinger, Hampton, Ya $800. 00 2 Norfolk Creosoting Co., Norfolk, Va 800. 00 3 C. H. Bull & Co., Norfolk, Va. a 628. 83 a Signature informal; certificate as to guarantors made by postmaster; one copy of proposal not signed. CLASS D.— CREOSOTED LUMBER. [For entire lot of creosoted No. 1 merchantible yellow pine lumber required under paragraph 40 of the specifications.] No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. 1 The Atlantic Creosoting and Wood Preserving Works, Norfolk, Va.c $4,300 5,136 2 Eppinger & Russell Co., New York, N. Y.« 3 Norfolk Creosoting Co., Norfolk, Va.. __ 4,000 a Evidence of authority of officer signing proposal not filed. RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and installing one (7) ammunition hoist at Fort Mon- roe, Va. , received in response to an advertisement dated June 16, 1902, and under specifi- cations of the same date, and opened at 12 m., June 26, 1902, by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at Engineer Office, U. S. Army, Room 2, Custom-house, Norfolk, Va. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. 1 2 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co New York City N. Y $1, 750 1,587 Ellicott Machine Company, Baltimore, Md Abstract of proposals received in response to public notice dated June 5, 1902, and opened at 12 rn., June 16, 1902, by Maj. James B. Quinn, Corps of Engineers, at Engineer Office, U. S. Army, Room 2, Custom-house, Norfolk, Va., for improving waterway from Norfolk, Va., to the sounds of North Carolina. — Dredging Deep Creek, Virginia. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid per cubic yard of material measured in place. Ap- proxi- mate quan- tity. Total. 1 Sanford & Brooks Co., Norfolk, Va.a $0. 19 Cu. yds. 45, 000 $8,550 a Evidence of authority of officer signing proposal not filed with proposal. 32 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. WILMINGTON, N. C., DISTRICT. [Officer: Capt. E. W. Van C. Lucas, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. /Appropriation for supplies for seacoast defenses (Act March 1, 1901). The available balance of this appropriation (or allotment) is $3,000.] Abstract of proposals for “ Rewiring Batteries Caswell and Swift , Fort Caswell , N. C.,” received in response to the annexed advertisement and publicly opened at this office at 12 m. March 29, 1902, by Capt. E. W. Van C. Lucas, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount. 1 Electric Supply and Construction Co., Wilmington, N. C $4,825 «2,970 52,720 2 United Marine Manufacturing and Supply Co., New York, N. Y 3 Neely Electric Co., Washington, D. C a Add $100 for composition bolts. 5 Add $76 for composition bolts. Recommended that award be made to bidder No. 2. SAVANNAH, GA., DISTRICT. [Officer: Capt. Cassius E. Gillette, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of bids for dredging in harbor at Savannah, Ga., opened by Capt. Cassius E. Gillette, Corps of Engineers, at Savannah, Ga., September 16, 1901. [Amount available, $30,000.] No. Name and address of bidder. Dredging (200, 000 cubic yards) . Rate. Amount. 1 C. D. Collins, Savannah, Ga. « Cents. 17.5 $35,000 29, 800 2 P. Sanford Ross, Incorporated, Jersey City, N. J 14.9 a Informal. Recommended that the bid of P. Sanford Ross, Incorporated, be accepted, they being the lowest responsible bidders for the most suitable materials and services. Abstract of bids for dredging in Savannah Harbor, Georgia, opened January 16, 1902, at Savannah, Ga., by Capt. Cassius E. Gillette, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation: Improving Savannah Harbor, Georgia. Amount available, $10,000.] Dredging (90,000 No. Name and address of bidder. cubic yards). Rate. Amount. Cents. 1 Rittenhouse Moore Dredging Co., Mobile, Ala. a 16 $14,400 2 P. Sanford Ross, Incorporated, Jersey City, N. J. b 20 18,000 3 Empire Dredging Co., Savannah, Ga 16| 14,850 a Informal; affidavit in bid not sworn to. Recommended that all bids be rejected. b Informal. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 33 Abstract of bids for dredging in harbor of Savannah, Ga., opened March 3, 1902, by Capt. Cassius E. Gillette, Corps of Engineers, at Savannah, Ga. [Appropriation: Improving harbor at Savannah, Ga. Amount available, $15,000.] Dredging (90,000 No. Name and address of bidder. cubic yards). Rate. Amount. Cents. 1 P. Sanford Ross, Jersey City, N. J.a 19^ $17,550 2 George T. Warner, Savannah, Ga 16 14, 400 a Informal. Recommended that the bid of George T. Warner be accepted, he being the lowest responsible bidder for the best and most suitable articles and services. TAMPA, FLA., DISTRICT. [Officer: Captain Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for completing rear communications of Battery De Leon at Key West, Fla., opened at Tampa, Fla., Tuesday, January 21, 1902, by Capt. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers. Work to be done. Snare & Triest, New York, N. Y. L. L. Leach & Son, Chicago, 111. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Concrete (about 178 cubic yards) Surface to be plastered (about 181.6 square yards) Moving sand (about 200 cubic yards) Loam fill (about 197.6 cubic yards) Bermuda grass (about 595.4 square yards) Railing $15.00 .40 .30 1. 75 .30 $2, 670. 00 72. 64 60.00 345.80 178. 62 200.00 $18. 00 3. 00 .60 .90 .25 $3,204.00 544.80 120. 00 177.84 148.85 357.00 Total 3,527.06 4,552.49 WRECK. Abstract of proposals for removing wreck of bark Ceres, Key West Harbor, Florida, received in response to advertisement ( copy attached) dated November 4 , 1901, and opened at United. States Engineer Office, Tampa, Fla., December 4 , 1901, by Capt. Herbert Deakyne, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount. Remarks. 1 William H. Towles, Myers, Fla $1, 145 2 John W. Sawyer, Key West, Fla 3,850 Only one copy of bid, and guarantors not certified. 3 Edward Roberts, Key West, Fla 2,950 Only one copy of bid. 4 William H. Williams, Key West, Fla 1,175 Do. 5 Maxwell T. Reybold, Key West, Fla 3,742 Do. 6 Truxton & Ross, Georgetown, Del 1,390 7 Gilbert M. Van Sant and Eugene Boehm, Atlantic City, N. J. 3,290 8 James A. Lowe, Key West, Fla 1,090 Telegraphic, confirmed later by a written bid — only one 9 Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del 2,590 copy. H. Doc. 315 3 34 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, MOBILE, ALA., DISTRICT. [Officer: Capt. Spencer Cosby, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of proposals for the construction of a brick storehouse at Fort Morgan, Ala., opened December 26, 1901. Brand of cement to be used. Amount bid. No. Name and address of bidder. If brick “A” is used. Sample “B” is used. Time of commencement and completion. 1 Fonde Building Co., Mobile, Ala. Plattsmier & Thompson, New Orleans, La. Merrill & Suck, Mobile, Ala. “Atlas” 87, 200 $8,205 In accordance with speci- fications. Do. Do. 2 do $8, 554 3 do 8,298 8,784 All proposals being in excess of the amount allotted for the work, their rejection was recommended. Abstract of proposals for furnishing and delivering coffer timbers and lumber, opened Feb- ruary 15, 1902. Class No. 1. No. Name and address of bidder. 60 coffer timbers, 12 by 18 inches by 57 feet (61,560 feet B. M.). 12 coffer timbers, 12 by 18 inches by 54 feet (11,664 feetB. M.). Total. Per 1,000 feet B. M. Amount. Per 1,000 feet B. M. Amount. 1 2 3 The Marsh & Bingham Co., Chicago, 111 John J. Ganahl Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo... John Craft, Mobile, Ala a $60. 00 / a 62. 00 \ b 67. 00 $3, 693.60 3, 816. 72 4, 124. 52 3,893.60 3, 078. 00 $60.00 62. 00 67.00 $699. 84 723. 16 781. 49 899. 84 $4,393.44 4, 539. 78 4, 906. 01 4, 793. 44 3, 661. 20 4 T. H. Johnston & Co., Birmingham, ^la c 50. 00 50.00 583. 20 a Douglas fir. b Yellow pine. cNot in accordance with specifications. GALVESTON, TEX., DISTRICT. [Officer: Capt. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers.] FORTIFICATIONS. Abstract of bids opened by Capt. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers, at Galveston, Tex., Sep- tember 6, 1901, for furnishing and delivering natural cement. No. Name and address of bidder. 17,100 barrels, more or less, per barrel. Total. 1 Wm. Parr & Co., Galveston, Tex $1.24 $21, 204. 00 2 Wm. E. Scales, Galveston, Tex 1.30 22, 230. 00 3 Geo. H. Henchman Mercantile and Roofing Co., Galveston, Tex 1.46? 25, 094. 25 4 W. H. Pollard & Co., Galveston, Tex 1.37 24, 427. 00 5 Ira C. Hutchinson, New York, N. Y 1.17* 20,092.50 6 H. P. McLaughlin & Co., Houston, Tex 2.05 35,055.00 7 Lesley & Trinkles Co., Philadelphia, Pa 1.98 33,858.00 Bid No. 5 accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT.- 35 Abstract of proposals for furnishing large riprap , small riprap , and broken stone , received in response to advertisement, dated August 1, 1901, and opened October 1, 1901 , by Capt. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers, at Galveston, Tex. At Fort Crockett, City Beach. At Fort San Jacinto, Fort Point. At Fort Travis, Bolivar Point. No. Name and address of bidder. 30,750 tons, more or less, large riprap (per ton). 10,250 tons, more or less, small riprap (per ton). 7,400 cubic, yards, more or less, brok- en stone (per cubic yard) . 30,000 tons, more or less, large riprap (per ton). 10,000 tons, more or less, small riprap (per ton). 13,750 cubic yards, more or less, brok- en stone (per cubic yard). 14,000 tons, more or less, large riprap (per ton). 4,650 tons, more or less, small riprap (per ton). 1,700 cubic yards, more or less, brok- en stone (per cubic yard). Total. 1 J.W.&R.D. Lauder- dale, Somerville, Tex 81. 93 81. 93 82.85 81.85 81.85 82. 75 82.27 82.27 83.00 8259, 468. 00 2 J. P. Nelson, San Antonio, Tex 2.09 2. 16 2.85 1.99 2.06 2.70 2.05 2.12 2.81 268, 257. 50 3 The Parker- Wash- ington Co. and M. Sullivan, San Antonio, Tex 2. 20 1.94 2.75 2.37 2.05 2.87 2.57 2.32 3. 15 291,070.50 4 Suderman, Dolsen & Co., Galveston, Tex 2.22 2.37 2.50 2.10. 2.31 2. 65 2.40 2.65 2. 90 284, 447. 50 5 Isaac Heffron, Gal- veston, Tex 1.97 1.97 2.47 1.77 1.77 2.28 1.87 1.87 2.20 239,813.50 ALTERNATIVE PROPOSITION. At Fort Crock- ett, City Beach. At Fort San Jacinto, Fort Point. ' * At Fort Travis, Bolivar Point. For delivery between Sept. 2 and Jan. 14, in- clusive, add, per ton. No. Name and address of bidder. 30,750 tons, more or less, large riprap (per ton). 18,000 tons, more or less, small riprap (per ton). 30,000 tons, more or less, large riprap (per ton). 24,500 tons, more or less, small riprap (per ton). 14, 000 tons, more or less, large riprap (per ton). 6,500 tons, more or less, small riprap (per ton). Total. 1 J. W. & R. D. Lauder- d a 1 e, Somerville, Tex 81.93 81.85 81.85 81.78 82.27 82.00 Nothing. 8236,537. 50 2 J.P. Nelson, San An- tonio, Tex 2.09 2.20 1.99 2.10 2.05 2. 16 Nothing. 257, 757. 50 3 The Parker- Washing- ton Co. and M. Sul- livan, San Antonio, Tex 2. 20 2.09 2.37 2.23 2.57 2. 47 Nothing. 283. 040. 00 4 Suderman, Dolsen & Co., Galveston, Tex. 2.22 2.37 2. 10 2.31 2.40 2.65 22 cents. 281, 345. 00 5 Isaac Heffron, Gal- veston, Tex 1.97 1.97 1. 77 1.77 1.87 1.87 Nothing. 230,837.50 No. 5 lowest bidder. Recommended that contract be awarded to No. 5 for first proposition. Amount appropriated by act of March 1, 1901, for reconstruction and repair of fortifications, Galveston, Tex., $992,000. 86 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of bids opened by Capt. C. S. Riche , Corps of Engineers, at Galveston , Tex., March 27, 1902, for furnishing and delivering Portland cement at Fort Crockett, Tex., and Tenth and Avenue A, Galveston, Tex. No. Name and address of bidder. Port Crockett, 400 bar- rels, more or less (barrel). Tenth and Ave- nue A, 600 barrels, more or less (bar- rel.) Total. Brand. 1 Hunkins-Willis Lime and Cement Co., St. Louis, Mo. $2. 15 $2. 12 $2, 132. 00 Atlas American Portland. 2 Geo. H. Henchman Mercantile and Roofing Co., Galveston, Tex. 2.03 1.98 2,000.00 “ Dragon.” 3 Ira C. Hutchinson, New York, N. Y.o 1.71 1.71 1,710.00 “Hercules” German Port- land. 4 do 1.97 1.97 1,970.00 “Dragon” American Port- land. 5 H. P. McLaughlin, Houston, Tex... 2.50 2.45 2,470.00 “ Vulcanite.” 6 Wm. Parr & Co., Galveston, Tex ... 2. 10 2. 10 2, 100. 00 “ Whitehall.” 7 Texas Portland Cement and Lime Co., Galveston, Tex. 1.94 1.94 1,940. 00 “ Live Oak.” 8 Wm. H. Pollard & Co., Galveston, Tex. 2.20 2. 10 2,140.00 “Lehigh” American Port- land. a Bid on cement of foreign manufacture. Price based on cement being admitted free of duty. Bid No. 7 accepted. RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for improving Aransas Pass, Tex., received in response to adver- tisement dated May 18, 1901, and opened June 18, 1901, by Capt. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers, at Galveston, Tex. No. Name and address of bidder. 10,000 tons, more or less, riprap, in place (ton). 13,000 tons, more or less, large blocks, 3 to 8 tons each, in place (ton). Total. 1 Charles Clarke & Co., Galveston, Tex 2 Isaac Heffron, Galveston, Tex 3 Henry C. Ripley, Chicago, 111 $3.30 4. 95 4. 70 $3.95 5. 73 5.20 $84, 350. 123, 990. 114, 600. No. 1, lowest bidder. Recommended that contract be awarded to No. 1. Amount available for this improvement. $75,000. Abstract of bids opened by Capt. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers, at Galveston, Tex., Octo- ber 1, 1901, for constructing sheet piling bulkhead at Morgans Point, Texas. Con- Remov- structing ing bulkhead worthless No. Name and address of bidder. com- bulk- plete, head, linear linear foot. foot. 1 Moore & Sieber, Texas City, Tex $6.05 $1. 33j Awarded to Moore & Sieber. 888 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 37 Abstract of proposals far parts, attachments, and fittings for hydraulic dredge under contract at Galveston, Tex. , opened by Capt. Mason M. Patrick, Corps of Engineers, at St. Louis, Mo., July 10, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. A.— Steam spud lift, etc. B.— Suc- tion frame and fit- tings. C.— Shear leg and discharge pipes, fit- tings, etc. D. — Sea pipes, valves, and screens. Total. 1 Arthur Fritsch Foundry and Machine Co., St. Louis. Mo 8750.00 82,205.00 81,922.00 8416. 50 85,293.50 2 Reliance Machine and Tool Works, St. Louis, Mo 766.92 2,216.32 2,459. 38 676.58 6, 119. 20 3 Dickson Car Wheel Co., Houston, Tex 792.45 3,892.65 2,271.24 548.00 7, 504. 34 4 Schoellhorn-Albrecht Machine Co., St. Louis, Mo (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 5 0. B. Greeves, Beaumont, Tex 1 1, 108. 08 3,405.08 3,760.80 1,484.40 9,758.36 a All iron and steel work at 15 cents per pound; all brass work at 30 cents per pound. Awarded to No. 1. WRECKS. Abstract of proposals for removing wrecks in Galveston Bay, Texas, received in response to advertisement dated May 13, 1901, and opened June 1, 1901, by Capt. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers, at Galveston, Tex. No. Name and address of bidder. A. Steam- er Cum- berland. B. Iron oil tank. C. Barge Jules. D. Barge Alice. E. Tug Kate. Total. 1 Napoleon B. Register and Nicholas A. Outten, Lewes, Del 82,490.00 8310.00 81,595.00 8805.00 8690. 10 85, 890. 10 2 Fred W. Chase, Galveston, Tex 1,490.00 150.00 250.00 350.00 150.00 2,390.00 3 Charles Drouet and Charles Bryant, Galveston, Tex 749.00 100.00 420.00 420.00 300.00 1,989.00 4 Truxton A Ross, Georgetown, Del . . . 3,400.00 800. 00 2,300.00 1,600.00 1,100.00 9,200.00 5 Charles Clarke, Galveston, Tex.a ... 2, 750.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 600.00 6, 150.00 6 Charles W. Johnston, Lewes, Del 2,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 1,100.00 900. 00 6,500.00 7 Mark Townsend and James Foley, Savannah, Ga 3,450.00 1,445.00 1,475.00 1,470.00 1,445. 00 9,285.00 8 Joseph C. Delmas, Scranton, Miss... 2,450.00 600.00 1.300.00 1, 100. 00 600.00 6,050.00 9 W. P. Emmett, Galveston, Tex.6 1,361.00 265.00 285.00 315.00 347. 00 2,573.00 a No 50-cent internal-revenue stamp attached. b Guarantors not certified to. No. 3, lowest bidder. Recommended that contract be awarded to No. 3. Amount alloted for removing wrecks, from appropriation for “Removing sunken vessel or craft obstructing or endangering navigation, indefinite,” $2,000. Abstract of proposals for removing wrecks in Galveston Bay and Buffalo Bayou, Texas, received in response to advertisement dated March 15, 1902, and opened April 14, 1902, by Capt. C. S. Riche, Corps of Engineers, at Galveston, Tex. No. Name and address of bidder. A. Dredge No. 3. B. Barge No. 3. C. Dredge boat. D. Flat boat Daisy. Total. 1 Chas. J. Bryant, Galveston, Tex 81, 150 8300 8600 8100 82, 150 2 Fred W. Chase, Galveston, Tex 1,000 500 700 300 2,500 3 Johnston & Verden, Lewes, Del 1,100 900 700 250 2, 950 Awarded to Chas. J. Bryant. H D— 57-2— Vol 79 22 38 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, ST. LOUIS, MO., DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. Thos. L. Casey. Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for building and installing two refrigerating plants on U. S. snag boats H. G. Wright and J. N. Macomb , received in response to advertisement dated March 15 , 1902, and opened April 14 , 1902, at 12 o'clock noon, by Maj. Thos. L. Casey, Corps of Engineers, at St. Louis, Mo. No. Name and address of bidder. Price for each plant. Total for the two plants. 1 Sterling Iron Works, Springfield, Mo.« $3,570 3,700 3,840 3,550 $7, 140 7,400 7,680 7, 100 2 John F. Maynard, St. Louis, Mo 3 A. H. Barber Manufacturing Co., Chicago, 111 4 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y.b a No witnesses to signatures of guarantors. Attach additional specifications. & Proposal in accordance with printed specifications “ except specified to the contrary in specifica- tions attached.” [Available, $30,000, approximately, removing obstructions in Mississippi River, 1902.] No. 4, lowest, accepted. ROCK ISLAND, ILL., DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. C. McD. Townsend, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals received and opened by Maj. C. McD. Townsend, Corps of Engineers, at Rock Island, 111., March 19, 1902, at 2 p. m.,for “ Bituminous coal at Des Moines Rapids Canal." [There are available for this purchase, under approved estimates and projects, (1) $3,000 from allot- ments for canal and locks and dredging canal, under section 4 of river and harbor act of July 5, 1884, for “Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation,” applied to “Des Moines Rapids Canal;” (2) $800 from “Operating snag boats and dredge boats on Upper Mississippi River,” under river and harbor act of August 11, 1888; and (3) $4,500 from allotment by sundry civil act of June 6, 1900, for “Improving Mississippi River from mouth of Missouri River to St. Paul, Minn.”] Locality of delivery and price of coal. No. Name and address of bidder (locality of mine). Guard lock, 80 tons (per ton). Middle lock, 100 tons (per ton). Lower lock, in shed, 100 tons (per ton). Lower lock, on 1 trestle, 4, 000 tons (per ton). Total. 1 Wabash Coal Co., Quincy, 111. (Dawson, 111.) . $2.15 $2.15 $1.90 $1.90 $8, 367. 0C 2 W. E. Foley, Mapleton, 111. (Mapleton, 111.).. 1.618 1.618 1.618 1.618 7,086.84 3 Applegate & Lewis Coal Co., Macomb, 111. (Cuba, 111.) 2.05 2.05 1.80 1.80 7, 929. 00 4 Blackbird Block Coal Co., Centerville, Iowa (Blackbird, Mo.) 1.8935 1.8935 1. 8935 1.8935 8,293.53 5 Whitebreast Fuel Co., Chicago, 111. (Dun- fermline, 111.) 2. 10 2. 10 2. 175 2. 175 9, 513. CO 6 Frank E. Ketcham, Mendota, Mo. (Mendota, Mo.) 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 8,742.00 Note. — Bid No. 2 is the lowest, but was rejected, as the coal upon being tested proved unsuitable. Bid No. 3, the next higher (the price being favorable and the coal upon being tested having proved satisfactory), was recommended for acceptance; accepted, and written contract made. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 39 ST. PAUL, MINN., DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. R. L. Hoxie, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement of Maj. R. L. Hoxie , Corps of Engineers , dated December 23, 1901, and opened at St. Paul, Minn., January 13,1902 , for hinges and other material for bear-trap sluice gates for Lock and Dam No. 2, Missis- sippi River, between Minneapolis and St. Paul. No. Name and address of bidder. Place of delivery. Price bid. 1 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New Minnesota Transfer, Minnesota $14, 957 York City, N.Y.a 2 St. Paul Foundry Co., St. Paul, Minn St. Paul, Minn 25, 644 a Contract entered into February 3, 1902. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement of Maj. R. L. Hoxie, Corps of Engineers, dated December 23, 1901, and opened at St. Paul, Minn., January 13, 1902, for four sets operating valves for bear-trap sluice gates, and gratings with required sup- ports for same, to be used in construction of Lock and Dam No. 2, Mississippi River, between Minneapolis and St. Paul. No. Name and address of bidder. Place of delivery. Price bid. 1 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New Minnesota Transfer, Minnesota $4,800 York City, N. Y. 2 St. Paul Foundry Co., St. Paul, Minn, a St. Paul, Minn 2,200 a Contract entered into January 21, 1902. CHATTANOOGA, TENN., DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. John G. D. Knight, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing 3,000 cross-ties in Tennessee River, opened at United States Engineer office, Chattanooga, Tenn., September 24, 1901, for use at Muscle Shoals Carnal, Alabama. No. Name and address of bidder. Rate, per tie. Total. al T. M. Barnett, Riverton, Ala Cents. 21 i $645 720 2 J. M. Harland, Riverton, Ala 24 3 G. W. Wilburn, Rogersville, Ala 24 720 4 J. I. Thompson, Valdeau, Tenn 24± 735 5 F. D. Thompson, Riverton, Ala 25 750 a Lowest bid; acceptance recommended. Contract with T. M. Barnett approved and completed January 19, 1902. 40 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT Abstract of proposals for furnishing one year's supply of fresh meat at Muscle Shoals Canal , Alabama , opened at United States Engineer office , Chattanooga, Tenn., at noon, Feb- ruary 14, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Beef, per pound. Mutton, per pound. Pork, per pound. al Chas. J. Halter, Florence, Ala Cents. 7 Cents. 61 7 Cents. 5 2 Crow Bros 71 61 a Lowest bid; acceptance recommended. Contract with Charles J. Halter approved. Expires March ] 0, 1903. Abstract of proposals for repairing aqueduct over Shoal Creek, Muscle Shoals Canal, opened at United States Engineer Office, Chattanooga, Tenn. , April 18, 1902. No. Name and address of bidder. Rivets cut out and set screws removed (per 100). Rivets furnished and driv- en (per 100). New holes made for rivets, etc., (per 100). Plates furnished (per lb.). Labor of mechan- ics (per day of 8 hours). 1 Walsh & Weidner, Chattanooga, Tenn $2.50 $3.40 $5.00 Cents. 58.7 $5.00 Emergency contract entered into with Walsh & Weidner, April 18, 1902, and com- pleted May 31, 1902. CINCINNATI, OHIO, FIRST DISTRICT. [Officer: Col. G. J. Lydecker, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for hire of light-draft steamboats and flatboats, for low-water snag- ging operations, Ohio River, received in response to public notice dated July 25, 1901, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, on August 26, 1901, by Maj. Wm. H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Steam- boats (per day.) Flat- boats (per day.) 1 Anchor Paving Co., Evansville, Ind $15. 00 $3.00 2 Robert Hornbrook, Evansville, Ind. a 20. 00 3.00 3 Gordon C. Greene and Jesse P. Hughes, Newport, Ohio«. 15.00 1.50 4 John W. & C. H. Thomas, Madison, Ind 13.00 2.00 5 D. M. Miller, C. D. Dotson and M. R. Lowther, Parkers- burg, W. Va. . 13. 50 1.50 0 Jacob H and Louisa Clark Newport Ky 15.00 Thp pmilpy Tnwhnnt f!n Ashland 'K'y.a 12. 00 8 Burnside & Burkesville Transportation Co. , Burnside, Ky 17. 50 9 J. M. Davis, S. B. Goucher and C. J. Griffith, Pittsburg, Pa. 18.00 2.00 Mileage charges. Up- stream. Down- stream. $1.00 1.00 .50 .75 $ 0 . .75 1.00 1 . .25 .30 .20 .50 .40 a Proposals accepted. ggg MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 41 Abstract of proposals for hire of dredge , towboat , and six flatboats, for use in removing Rock Bar at the mouth of Licking River , opposite Cincinnati , Ohio, received in response to public notice dated August 20, 1901 , and opened at Cincinnati , Ohio, August 31, 1901, by R. R. Jones, Assistant Engineer, for Maj. Wm. H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Dredge (per day). Towboat (per day). Flatboats. Active. Inactive. Active. Inactive. Per day. Num- ber. John Barrett and Son, Cincinnati, Ohio« .. James T. Duffy, Louisville, Ky $37. 00 35. 00 42.50 44.50 $32.00 30. 00 35.50 44.50 $6.00 1 Johnson Bros. Towboat Co., Proctorville, Ohio Anchor Paving Co., Evansville, Ind Galbreath & White, Point Pleasant, Ohio a. 6.00 1 Yellow Poplar Lumber Co., Coal Grove, Ohio 34.90 25.00 24.50 33.50 30.00 20.00 15.00 20.00 Chas. Mauget, Newport, Ky W. J. Duffy, Catlettsburg, Ky.5 Wm. Clark, Newport, Ky 7.00 1 William R. Bassett, Cincinnati, Ohio c $42.50 $21.25 a Proposals for flatboats accepted. 5 Proposal for towboat accepted. c Proposal for dredge accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing dynamite, exploders, etc., for use in removal of Rock Bar, at mouth of Licking River, opposite Cincinnati, Ohio, received in response to public notice dated August 30, 1901, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 9, 1901, by R. R. Jones, Assistant Engineer, for Maj. Wm. LI. Bixby, Corps of Engineers. Article. Designa- tion. Quantity. 1. Great Western Powder Co., To- ledo, Ohio. 2. Hercules Powder Co., Chicago, 111. « 3. The Hazard Powder Co., Cincinnati, O. Price bid. Amount. Price bid. Am’t. Price bid. Amount. Dynamite: No. 1 No. 2 Exploders: 12-foot wires 8-foot wires Muslin, unbleached Flax twine, No. 18 Rubber tubing: £-inch Hnch Connecting wire, No. 20. . Leading wire, No. 16 Total Pounds . . . do Number . . do Yards Pounds . . . Feet do — do 1,600 1,800 1,200 500 250 20 200 50 300 1,000 $0.15 .12 4.50 3.65 .06 .85 .03 .03i .01 f 5$240. 00 216. 00 &54.00 518. 25 15. 00 17.00 6.00 1. 75 53. 00 57. 50 $0. 15 .12 21.10 14.92 .06 .17 .03 .06 c.30 c .35 $240. 00 216.00 253.20 74. 60 15.00 3.40 6.00 3. 00 1.35 7.00 $0. 16 .12 30.00 30.00 .051 .20 .03* .07 .008 .008 5 $256. 00 216. 00 360. 00 150. 00 13.75 4. 00 6.50 3.50 2.40 8.00 578. 50 819.55 1,020. 15 a Proposal accepted. bNot articles called for in specifications. c Per pound. Abstract of proposals for furnishing 1,400 barrels Portland cement for repairs to dam at Blennerhassett Island, Ohio River, received in response to public notice dated September 13, 1901, and opened at Parkersburg, W. Va., on September 23, 1901, by Wm.M. Hall, assistant engineer, for Maj. Wm. H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Pounds per barrel. Brand. Price per barrel. 1 Lesley & Trinkle Co., Philadelphia, Pa 400 Giant $2. 00 2 Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Allentown, Pa 380 Lehigh 1.65 3 Lawrence Cement Co., Philadelphia, Pa 380 Dragon 1.53 4 Empire Portland Cement Co., Warners, N. Y 380 Empire 1.59 5 Atlas Portland Cement Co., New York, N. Y.« 380 Atlas 1.55 6 Commercial Wood & Cement Co., New York, N. Y 400 Saylors 1.65 « Proposal accepted. 42 MATERIALS AND LABOR EOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for rebuilding water gauge at Evansville , Ind., Ohio River, received in response to public notice dated October 4, 1901, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, on October 14, 1901, by R. R. Jones, assistant engineer, for Maj. Wm. H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers. [Kind of cement to be used: No. 1, Atlas; No. 2, Atlas or Vulcanite; No. 3, Atlas; No. 4, Atlas.] No. Name and address of bidder. Rebuilding 220 feet water gauge. Price per foot. Total. 1 Anchor Paving Co., Evansville, Ind $2. 55 $561.00 2 B. H. Kroger, Evansville, Ind 5.30 1,166.00 547. 80 3 Bedford, Weikel & Nugent, Evansville, Ind 2.49 4 Stinchfield & Sanders, Evansville, Ind. a 2.47 543.40 a Proposal accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing dynamite , exploders, etc., for use in removal of rock bar at mouth of Licking River, opposite Cincinnati, Ohio, received in response to public notice dated May 9, 1902, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 19, 1902, by R. R. Jones, chief assistant engineer, for Col. G. J. Ly decker, Corps of Engineers. 1. Hercules Powder Co., Chicago, 111. Dynamite: No. 1 No. 2 Exploders: 8-foot wires 12-foot wires Muslin, unbleached Flax twine, No. 18 Rubber tubing, }-inch . . Connecting wire, No. 20 Leading wire, No. 16 Article. Designation. Quan- tity. Price bid. Amount. Pounds do . 2,500 $0. 16 8,000 .13 $400.00 1,040.00 Number do .. Yards .. Pounds . Feet Pounds . do .. 1,000 3,000 600 40 1,200 4 20 15.80 22.34 .06 .20 .03 .75 .75 158.00 670.20 36.00 8.00 36.00 3.00 15.00 Total I 2, 366.20 No. 1 proposal accepted. Abstract of proposals for hire of dredge, towboat, and eight flatboats, for use in removing rock bar at the mouth of Licking River, opposite Cincinnati, Ohio, received in response to public notice dated May 10, 1902 , and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, May 20, 1902, by R. R. Jones, chief assistant engineer, for Col. G. J. Ly decker, Corps of Engineers. Dredge (per day). Towboat (per No. Name and address of bidder. Double crew. ! Single crew. day). Active. Inactive. Active. 1 Inactive. Active. Inactive. Per day. No. fur- nished. 1 2 Oscar F. Barrett, Cin- cinnati, Ohio a Venus Towboat Co., Cfl.tlettshnrg, Ky $100. 00 $60. 00 $50.00 $30. 00 $36. 50 24.75 $32. 00 14.00 $7.50 2 3 Johnson Bros. Tow- boat Co., Proctor- villp Ohio 32.00 25.00 4 Burnside & Burkes- ville Transportation Co., Cincinnati, Ohio W. J. Duffy, Catletts- hnrP r Ky b 34.90 28. 90 5 24.50 15.00 6 S. N. Galbreath, Point Plp.RSfl/nt.j Ohio a 6.50 1 7 Galbreath & White, Point Pleasant, Ohio a Kanawha and Ohio Co., Cincinnati, Ohio c 6.00 1 8 70.00 70.00 1 39.00 | 39. 00 a Proposals for flatboats accepted. b Proposal for towboat accepted. c Proposal for dredge accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, 43 PITTSBURG, PA., DISTRICT. [Officer: Capt. W. L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 4,000 barrels of Portland cement, at Davis Island Dam, Ohio River, received in response to newspaper advertisement dated April 22, 1901, and opened May 27, 1901, by Maj. Wm. H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Brand. Kind of package. Price. Amount. Lawrence Cement Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Empire Portland Cement Co., Warner, N. Y. D. J. Kennedy, Pittsburg, Pa Dragon Empire Lehigh-American . fin barrels Iln paper bags /In barrels \In paper bags /In barrels \In paper bags a $1.68 a 1.58 2.00 1.85 1.83 1.65 $6, 720 6.320 8,000 7,400 7.320 6,600 a Accepted. Abstract of proposals for rebuilding about 600 feet of upper guide wall at Davis Island Dam, Ohio River, received in response to newspaper advertisement dated April 22, 1901, and opened at Cincinnati, Ohio, May 27, 1901, by Maj. Wm. H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers. Articles. Quan- tity. 1. Sharpsburg Sand Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 2. Evansville Contract Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 3. Jutte & Foley Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 4. Robert A. Cummings, Owensboro, Ky. Price bid. Amount. Price bid. Amount. Price bid. Amount. Price bid. Amount. Cofferdam. .1-inch foot. . 700 $24. 50 $17,150 $16.00 $11,200 $17.35 $12, 145 $18.50 $12,950.00 Common excavation, cubic yards 5,000 2.50 12,500 1.50 7, 500 .75 3,750 .75 3,750.00 Rock excavation, cubic yards 200 5.00 1,000 1.50 300 2.50 500 3.50 700.00 Concrete. . .cubic yards. . 2,400 4. 15 9, 960 4.50 10,800 7.95 19,080 4.50 10,800.00 Brick masonry do 100 16.00 1,600 12.00 1,200 12.00 1,200 10.00 1,000.00 Wrought iron and steel, pounds 260 .10 26 .05 13 .10 .26 .06 15.60 Total 42,236 31,013 36, 701 «29, 215. 60 a Accepted. Abstract of proposals for rebuilding about 250 feet of lower guide wall at Davis Island Dam, Ohio River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated April 22, 1901 , and opened June 5, 1901, by Maj. Wm. H. Bixby, Corps of Engineers. Article. Quan- tity. 1. The Evansville Contract Co., Evansville, Ind. 2. Robt. A. Cum- mings, Owens- boro, Ky. Price bid. Amount. Price bid. Amount. Cofferdam linear feet. . Common excavation cubic yards.. Rock excavation do Concrete do Brick masonry do Cast iron pounds. . Wrought iron do Steel do Bolts, nuts, washers, spikes, etc do Total 430 2,000 100 1,300 100 500 600 50 500 $7.00 1.50 3.00 4.50 13.00 .07 .07 .07 .07 $3,010.00 3, 000. 00 300.00 5.850.00 1. 300.00 35.00 42.00 3.50 35.00 $10.50 .80 3.50 5.00 10.50 .10 .10 .10 .10 $4, 515. 00 1, 600. 00 350.00 6. 500. 00 1.050.00 50.00 60.00 5.00 50.00 al3, 575. 50 14, 180.00 « Accepted. 44 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for six wrought-iron or steel horses, at Davis Island Dam, Ohio River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated November 20, 1901, and opened December 5, 1901, by Capt. W. E. Craighill, Corps of Engineers. Estimated weight, 2,090 No. Name and address of bidder. pounds. Price. Amount. 1 Scaife Foundry and Machine Co., Limited, Pittsburg, Pa SO. 0975 a $203. 78 2 Thomas Carlin’s Sons Co., Allegheny, Pa .1475 308.35 3 Pittsburg Forge and Iron Co., Pittsburg, Pa .15 313.50 « Accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing 30 white-oak wickets, size 9 feet 9? inches by 3 feet 9 inches by 7% inches, at Davis Island Dam, Ohio River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated November 20, 1901, and opened December 5, 1901, by Capt. W. E. Craighill, Corps of Engineers. [Contractor to furnish all material except cast-iron wicket box.] No. Name and address of bidder. 30 white-oak wickets. Price. Amount. 1 Evansville Contract Co., Evansville, Ind $54 54 a SI, 620 1,620 1,650 2 W. C. Snodgrass, Bellevue, Pa 3 B. A. Grach & Co., Limited, Pittsburg, Pa 55 a Accepted. Abstract of proposals for 25 trestles and 26 platforms for service bridge, Weir No. 3, Davis Island Dam, Ohio River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated February 1, 1902, and opened February 3, 1902, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. 25 tres- tles. 26 plat- forms, Total. 1 Thomas Carlin’s Sons Co. ; Allegheny, Pa $26 $17 $4,300 2 Pittsburg Steel Construction Co., Pittsburg, Pa 4,100 All bids rejected; considered excessive. Purchased in open market from Evans- ville Contract Company, Evansville, Ind., at $0,064 per pound for structural steel (35,900 pounds); $0,093 per pound for cast steel (9,000 pounds) ; $0.07 per pound for wrought iron (500 pounds); aggregate cost, $3,169.60. Abstract of bids for dredging and removing obstructions in Ohio River above Davis Island Dam; in Allegheny River below Sharpsburg, Pa.; and in Monongahela River below Charleroi, Pa. , received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated April 15, 1902, opened April 25, 1902, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Dredging and dis- posal of estimated 20,000 cubic yards dredgings. Removing wrecks and other obstruc- tions, estimated 100 hours’ time. Total cost. Per cubic yard. Amount. Per hour. Amount. 1 Monongahela and Western Dredging Co., Pitts- burg, Pa Cents. 10.875 $2, 175 $10 $1,000 $3, 175 2 H. L. Neel, Pittsburg, Pa 19.5 3, 900 10 1,000 4,900 3 Pittsburg Dredgingand Construction Co., Pitts- burg, Pa 11.0 2,200 9 900 a 3, 100 a Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 45 Abstract of bids for screens , shutters , and cover plates for Locks 1 and 3, Allegheny River , received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated March 7, 1902 , opened March 20, 1902, by Capt. Wm. L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. For Lock 1: Screens, shutters, and cover plates (20,226 pounds). For Lock 3: Cover plates (5,840 pounds). Total. Delivery. Per pound. Amount. Per pound. Amount. Cents. Cents. Days. 1 James Rees & Sons Co., Pitts- burg, Pa 6 $1,213.56 6 $350. 40 a $1,563. 96 60 2 Thomas Carlin’s Sons Co., Pitts- burg, Pa 6.38 1,290.42 6.33 369.67 1,660. 09 90 a Accepted. Abstract of bids for valve gearing and valve-operating machinery for Locks 1 and 3, Alle- gheny River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated March 24, 1902, opened April 5, 1902, by Capt. Wm. L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. Valve gearing for Valve-operating Lock 1, Alle- machinery for gheny River Lock 3, Allegheny (estimated River (estimated No. Name and address of bidder. weight 6,500 weight, 9,360 Total. Delivery. pounds). pounds). Per pound. Amount. Per pound. Amount. Cents. Cents. 1 Thomas Carlin’s Sons Co., Alle- $920.00 $1,800.00 $2, 720.00 120 days. gheny, Pa. 2 The Simonds Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 800.00 1, 800. 00 2,600.00 4 weeks and 10 weeks. 3 Bair & Gazzam Manufacturing 11.5 747.50 16.5 1,544.40 2,291.90 60 days. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 4 Scaife Foundry and Machine Co., Limited, Pittsburg, Pa. 1,020.00 i 1,879.00 2,899.00 40 days. 5 James Rees & Sons Co., Pitts- 850.00 1.320.00 1.960.00 a 2, 170. 00 2,755.00 60 to 75 days. 40 days. 6 burg, Pa. Rosedale Foundry Co., Alle- gheny, Pa. 795.00 « Accepted. Abstract of bids for gate maneuvering gear for Locks 10 to 15, Monongahela River, and Locks 1 and 3, Allegheny River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated April 24, 1902, opened May 5, 1902, by Capt. Wm. L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Gate maneuvering gear (estimated weight for 8 locks= 36,400 pounds). Per lb. Total. Rosedale Foundry Co., Allegheny, Pa Cents. 8.25 13.00 6.5 6.5 6.0 8.0 7.5 $3,003 4,732 2,366 2,366 a2, 184 2, 912 2,730 James Rees & Sons Co., Pittsburg, Pa The Bair & Gazzam Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa. The Scaife Foundry and Machine Co., Limited, Pitts- burg, Pa. Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany, Ind Pittsburg Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa The Wagner- Palmros Manufacturing Co., Fairmont, W.Va. Time of delivery. 30 to 60 days. 85 days. 90 days. 30 days. 40 days. 95 days. 120 days. a Accepted. 46 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of bids for dredging in pools 1 to 5, Monongahela River , received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated June 28, 1901, opened July 8, 1901, by Maj. Chas. F. Powell, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Pool No. land lower entrance to Lock No. 1 (per cubic yard). Pool No. 2 (per cubic yard). Pool No. 3 (per. cubic yard). Pool No. 4 (per cubic yard). Pool No. 5 (per cubic yard). Remarks. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. 1 Dilworth-Scudder Dredg- ing Co., Pittsburg, Pa . . . 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Informal. 2 W. C. Jutte, Pittsburg, Pa . 13.6 14.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 Accepted. 3 Neel Bros., Pittsburg, Pa. . 15.0 14.75 15.0 15.0 15.0 Plant not ready. Abstract of proposals for lock irons for Locks 11 to 15, Monongahela River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated January 8, 1902 , opened January 25, 1902, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder.- Iteml. Cast iron (11,820 pounds). Item 2. Wrought iron (3,100 pounds). Item 3. Structural steel (26,700 pounds). Per pound. Total. Per pound. Total. Per pound. Total. James Rees & Sons Co., Pittsburg, Pa Cents. 7.88 $931. 42 Cents. 8. 68 $269. 08 Cents. 6.60 $1,762. 20 2 Rosedale Foundry Co., Allegheny, Pa 5.45 644. 19 8.55 265. 05 4.05 1,081.35 4 Pittsburg Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa.. 7.25 856. 95 10.25 317. 75 5.5 1,468. 50 5 Scaife Foundry and Machine Co., Limited, Pittsburg, Pa 10.9 1,288.38 10.9 337.90 10.9 2,910.30 No. Name and address of bidder. Item 4. Cast steel (5,650 pounds) . Item 5. Forged steel (10,400 pounds). Item 6. Bronze (380 pounds). Total Per pound. Total. Per pound. Total. Per pound. Total. amount. 1 James Rees & Sons Co., Pittsburg, Cents. Cents. Cents. 2 Pa Rosedale Foundry Co., Allegheny, 9. 60 $542. 40 10.80 $1,123.20 37.50 $142. 50 $4, 770.80 3 Pa Pittsburg Forge and Iron Co., Pitts- burg, Pa 15.05 850. 33 9.65 8.5 1,003. 60 884. 00 35.70 135. 66 a3, 980. 18 884. 00 4 5 Pittsburg Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa . . . Scaife Foundry and Machine Co., 13.25 748. 63 9.25 962. 00 55 209.00 5,562. 83 Limited, Pittsburg, Pa 10.9 615.85 10.9 1,133.60 10.9 41.42 6, 327. 45 ^Accepted. Abstract of proposals for building two locktenders ’ dwellings at Lock No. 10, Monongahela River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated January 23, 1902, and opened February 3, 1902, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Bid. Time of completion. 1 Chaplin & Warman, Morgantown, W, Va $7, 779. 80 a 6, 000. 00 6, 400. 00 6. 400. 00 7,061.60 7. 300. 00 2 J. J. Wharton, Morgantown, W. Va 5 months from date of award. 3 First Ward P. M. Co., Morgantown, W. Va 4 Walls & Jenkins, Morgantown, W. Va 5 Bloom & Hartman, Morgantown, W. Va 6 Darrah Brothers, Morgantown, W. Va a Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 47 Abstract of proposals for lock-gate irons , Locks 13 to 15, Monongahela River, received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated April 24 , 1902, opened May 25, 1902 , by Capt. Wm. L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidders. Item 1. Bolts, bands, angles, etc. (estimated weight 64,480 pounds). Item 2. Anchor- age, diagonal straps, forgings, etc. (estimated weight 28,263 pounds) . Item 3. Steel hood castings and fittings (estimated weight 16,992 pounds). Per pound. Total. Per pound. Total. Per pound. Total. 1 Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany, Ind . . . Cents. 5.95 $3,241.56 Cents. 8.55 $2,416.49 Cents. 8. 67 $1,473.20 2 James Rees & Sons Co.. Pittsburg, Pa 9.25 5,039.40 12. 65 3,575.27 9.25 1,571.76 3 Bair & Gazzam Manufacturing Co., Pitts- burg, Pa 15 4,239.45 11 1,869.12 No. 1 Name and address of bidders. Item 4. Wickets and fit- tings (estimated weight 36,315 pounds). Total. Time of de- livery. Per pound. Total. 1 Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany, Ind . . . Cents. 9. 15 $3, 322. 82 a $10, 454. 07 Days. 90 2 James Rees & Sons Co., Pittsburg, Pa 9. 35 3,395.45 13,581.88 72 3 Bair & Gazzam Manufacturing Co., Pitts- burg, Pa 15 5,447.25 b 11, 555. 86 90 a Accepted. b Incomplete. Abstract of proposals for building hull and upper works of stern-wheel repair boat received in response to advertisement by circular letter dated February 3, 1902 , and opened March 5, 1902, by Capt. Wm. L. Sibert , Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount. 1 The Inland Marine Construction Co., Marietta, Ohio a $9, 200 14,460 14, 800 2 Ed. J. Howard, Jeffersonville, Ind 3 Benjamin Taylor Flesher, Middleport, Ohio a Accepted. Abstract of proposals for building dredge hull and furnishing and installing machinery received in response to newspaper advertisement dated February 24, 1902 , and opened March 26, 1902, by Capt. Wm. L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. For dredge, com- plete. For dredge hull. For dredge machinery. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Deliv- ery. Price. Deliv- ery. Price. Ready for ship- ment. Install- ing on hull. 1 The Bucyrus Co., South Mil- waukee, Wis $28,434 Days. 287 Days. $15, 150 18, 185 Days. 234 Days. 75 2 Featherstone Foundry and Machine Co., Chicago, 111 120 35 3 M. A. Sweeney Shipyard and Foundry Co., Jeffersonville, Ind a 19, 740 180 4 The Monongahela River Con- solidated Coal and Coke Co., Pittsburg, Pa $5, 963. 70 150 a Accepted. 48 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for building two wooden side-dump scows received in response to adver- tisement by circular letter dated March 12, 1902, and opened April 2, 1902, by Capt. Wm. L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price. Delivery. 1 The Monongahela River Consolidated Coal and Coke Co., Pittsburg, Pa. . . $7,522.50 Days. 55 2 Oscar F. Barrett, Cincinnati, Ohio al, 200.00 60 a Accepted. WHEELING, W. VA., DISTRICT. [Officer: Capt. W. E. Craighill, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for building additions to each of 12 lock houses on the Kanawha River, W. Va., received in response to advertisement dated November 1, 1901, issued by Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers , and opened on November 30, 1901, at the local office in Charleston, W. Va. Article. • Quan- tity. 1. Jos. M. Neil, Charleston, W.Va.a 2. David Eagan, Charleston, W.Va.b 3. W. H. Hanna, Charleston, W. Va. Price bid. Amount. Price bid. Amount. Price bid. Amount. Arirlitions at Look No. 7 .number. . 2 $552. 52 $622. 04 $640. 00 Masonry at Lock No. 7 . .cubic yards. . 8 $8.50 68.00 $11. 50 92.00 $8.00 64.00 Excavation at Lock No. 7. . . do 8 .40 3. 20 .45 3. 60 .50 4.00 Additions at, bonk No. 8 number. . 3 828. 78 963. 06 960.00 Masonry at Lock No. 8 . .cubic yards. . 12 8.50 102. 00 11.50 138. 00 8.00 96.00 Excavation at Lock No. 8. . . do 12 .40 4. 80 .45 5.40 .50 6.00 Additions at book No Q number 3 828. 78 993. 06 960.00 Masonry at Lock No. 9 . .cubic yards. . 12 8.50 102.00 11.50 138.00 8.00 96.00 Excavation at Lock No. 9. . do 12 .40 4.80 .45 5.40 .50 6.00 A dditinns at bonk No 10 number 3 828. 78 993. 06 960.00 Masonry at Lock No. 10. .cubic yards. . 12 8.50 102.00 11.50 138. 00 8.00 96.00 Excavation at Lock No. 10. do 12 .40 4. 80 .45 5.40 .50 6.00 number 1 276. 26 331. 02 320.00 Masonry at Lock No. 11. .cubic yards. . 4 8. 50 34.00 11.50 46.00 8.00 32.00 Excavation at Lock No. 11. do 4 .40 1.60 .45 1.80 .50 2.00 Total 3,742.32 4,475.84 4,248.00 a Recommended for acceptance. b Informal. Abstract of proposals for furnishing white-oak timber for Locks Nos. 4, 5, and 6, Kanawha River, West Virginia, received in response to advertisement of December 13, 1901 , issued by Maj. E. H. Ruffner , Corps of Engineers, and opened in the local office at Charleston, W. Va., on January 13, 1902. Article and quantity. 1. W. H. Wise- man, Diamond. W.Va.a Rate. Amount. White-oak timber: 92 185 feet, R. M., for Dam No. 4 $19. 95 19. 95 19.95 $462.54 427. 91 58. 71 9l'44Q feet R M., for Darn No. 5 _ 9 943 feet, R. M., for Dam No. 6 _ _ Total 949. 16 a Recommended for award. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 49 Abstract of proposals for furnishing yellow-poplar and white-pine lumber, and locust or cedar posts for Kanawha River, W. Va., received in response to advertisement dated January 11, 1902, and opened at Charleston, W. Va., February 10, 1902, by Thos. E. Jeffries, Assistant Engineer, for Capt. W. E. Craighill, Corps of Engineers. Article. Quantity. 1. C. H. Bull & Co., Norfolk, Va. 2. D. G. Court- ney, Charles- ton, W. Va. 3. W. H. Wise- man, Diamond, W. Va.« Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Yellow-poplar lumber feet B. M. . White-pme lumber do Posts (locust or cedar) number.. Total 66,363 4,486 1,600 $3.50 $5,600.00 $45.00 65.00 .90 $2,984.99 291. 59 1,440.00 $29.95 29.96 .96 $1, 986. 67 134. 40 1,536.00 5,600.00 4,716.58 3,657.07 a Recommended for acceptance. Bid slightly informal. Abstract of proposals for furnishing wrought, cast, and malleable iron for Kanawha River, West Virginia , received in response to advertisement dated February 3, 1902, and opened at Wheeling , W. Va., March 4, 1902, by Capt. W. E. Craighill, Corps of Engineers. Article. Quantity. 1. Southside Foundry and Ma- chine Works, Charleston, W.Va. 2. New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y.a 3. C. D. Williams, Charleston , W . Va. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Cents. Cents. Cents. Wrought iron ...pounds.. 25,000 7.09 $1,772.50 3. 74 $935. 00 6.09 $1,725.00 Cast iron do 7,000 3.23 226. 10 3. 24 226. 80 4.00 280. 00 Malleable iron do.... 700 9.47 66. 29 5.55 38. 85 5. 75 40.25 Total 2,064.89 1,200.65 2,045.25 « Recommended for acceptance All bids slightly informal. Abstract of proposals for constructing 1 dump boat, 1 sendee boat, and 2 push boats for Kanawha River, West Virginia, received in response to advertisement dated April 2, 1902, and opened at Charleston, W. Va., May 2, 1902, by Thos. E. Jeffries, assistant engineer, for Capt. W. E. Craighill, Corps of Engineers. Article. Quantity. 1. Benj.T. Flesh- er, Middleport, Ohio, a 2. Oscar F. Bar- rett, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Dump boat 1 $2 250 Service boat 1 650 1 925 Push boats 2 $175 350 \ 200 Total 3,250 6,590 a Recommended for acceptance. Bid slightly informal. H. Doc. 315 4 50 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for dredging in Ohio River , near Coraopolis, Pa., received in response to advertisement dated April 14, 1902, and opened at Wheeling, W. Va., May 13, 1902 , by Capt. W. E. Oraighitt, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Dredging. Rate per cubic yard. Date of com- mence- ment. Monthly rate — cu- bic yards. Cents. 1902. al Monongahela and Western Dredging Co., Pittsburg, Pa 33 June 1 30,000 2 The Evansville Contract Co., Pittsburg, Pa 54 do .. 15,000 3 Pittsburg Dredging and Construction Co. , Pittsburg, Pa 62 4 1 Charles Francis Wood, Philadelphia, Pa 36 June 15 15,000 a Recommended for acceptance. Bids 1 and 3 informal. CINCINNATI, OHIO, SECOND DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals for furnishing 184,000 feet B. M. white-oak timber; 23,000 pounds drift bolts ; 800 cubic yards derrick stone and 1,800 cubic yards rubble stone; for operat- ing and care of canals and other works of navigation; indefinite, Muskingum River, Ohio, received in response to advertisement of 30 days, dated June 24 and opened July 24, 1901, by Edmund Moeser, Assistant Engineer, for Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. Total. 1 White-oak timber, 18h, 000 feet B. M. Gregg & Dutro, Zanesville, Ohio per thousand.. $16. 89 $3, 107. 76 9 Milton Fouts, Durant, Ohio do — 18.60 3,422.40 10 E. A. Patterson, Cedar Run, Ohio 22.90 4, 213. 60 2 Drift bolts, 23,000 pounds. Frank Numming & Son, Cincinnati, Ohio per pound.. .04 920.00 6 Oliver Iron and Steel Co., Pittsburg, Pa do .02 460.00 4 Rubble stone, 1,800 yards. J. W. Leake, Brokaw, Ohio per vard.. .44* 801. 00 7 H. O. Lucas, Durant, Ohio do — .65 1, 117. 00 9 Milton Fouts, Durant, Ohio do — .55 990. 00 10 E. A. Patterson, Cedar Run, Ohio do — .41 738.00 11 Clifton Bros., Eagleport, Ohio do — .53 954. 00 8 Derrick stone, 800 yards. Frank Northrup, McConnelsville, Ohio do 1.84 1,472.00 9 Milton Fouts, Durant, Ohio do — 2.59 2,072.00 10 E. A. Patterson, Cedar Run, Ohio do.... 1.78 1, 424. 00 11 Clifton Bros., Eagleport, Ohio 1.37 1,096.00 Bids Nos. 1, 6, 10, and 11 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 19,000 feet B. M. lock-gate timbers, for oper- ating and care of canals and other works of navigation; indefinite, Muskingum River, Ohio, received in response to advertisement of thirty days, dated July 20 and opened August 20, 1901 , by Edmund Moeser, Assistant Engineer, for Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. 19,000 feet No. Name and address of bidder. B. M. tim- ber, per thousand. Total. 1 Gregg & Dutro, Zanesville, Ohio $32 $608 2 G. T. Elston, Marietta, Ohio 35 665 Bid No. 1 accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 51 Abstract of proposal for rebuilding lockmaster’s house at Devols Dam , Ohio, for operating and care of canals and other works of navigation , indefinite , Muskingum River , Ohio , received in response to advertisement of thirty -one days , dated October 4, 1901, and opened November 5, 1901, by Edmund Moeser, assistant engineer, for Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Price bid. 1 W. C. Handshy, Zanesville, Ohio $2, 117. 00 1,517. 00 2 Joseph Oliver, Beverly, Ohio 3 Joseph M. Neil, Charleston, W. Va 1, 849. 01 Bid No. 2 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing one set of steel lock gates, composed of two leaves , for Lock No. 9, Muskingum River, received in response to advertisement dated November 16, 1901, issued by Maj. E. II. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers, and opened December 16, 1901. No. Name and address of bidder. One set steel lock gates (2 leaves). Times of delivery after notification of approval of con- tract by Chief of Engineers. 1 Chas. Hegewald Co., New Albany, Ind $2,817.60 3 months. 2,682.80 4 months. 2,465.40 5 months. 2,348.00 6 months. 2 John P. McGuire, Cleveland, Ohio 2, 750.00 Do. 3 New Jersey Foundry and Machine Co., New York, N. Y 2,946.00 5 months. All bids rejected, being considered excessive. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 32,652 feet B. M. lock-gate [timbers, for operating and care of canals and other works of navigation, indefinite, Muskingum River, received in response to advertisement of thirty days, dated January 30, and opened February 28, 1902, by Edmund Moeser, assistant engineer, for Maj. Ernest II. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Quantity (feetB.M.). Price bid per M. Total. 1 Smith Bros., Benton, Ohio 16,218 $46. 50 $754. 14 10,424 46.50 484.72 6,010 46.50 279.46 Total 1, 518. 32 2 The Marsh Bingham Co., Chicago, 111 16,218 41.94 680. 18 10, 424 41.09 428. 32 6,010 41.09 246.95 Total 1, 355. 45 3 Winfield S. Gregg, Zanesville, Ohio 16,218 43. 50 705.48 10,424 34.50 359. 63 6,010 34. 50 207. 34 Total 1, 272. 45 Bid No. 3 excepted. 52 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for furnishing ironwork for Locks Nos. 1 and 2, Big Sandy River , received in response to circular advertisement dated July 20, 1901, and opened August 19, 1901, by Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 1. Crawley & Johnston, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. 2. John P. Mc- Guire, Cleveland, Ohio. 3. Jacob Weis- berg, Cincinnati, Ohio. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Delivered at Catlettsburg: 441.61 pounds steel Cents. 18 18 18 18 $79.49 31.59 79.49 31.59 Cent. 0. 148 .148 .15 .15 $65.36 25.97 66.24 26.33 175.51 pounds cast iron Delivered at Kavanaugh: 441.61 pounds steel $80.00 175.51 pounds cast iron Total 80.00 222. 16 160.00 1S3.90 Bid No. 2 accepted. Abstract of proposals for re-covering roof of cement shed at Lock No. 1, Big Sandy River, received in response to circular advertisement dated April 12, and opened April 22, 1002, by Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Amount bid. 1 Robert Crawford, Catlettsburg, Ky $33 Accepted. Abstract of proposals for building, complete, cement sheds at Locks Nos. 1 and 2, Big Sandy River, West Virginia and Kentucky, received in response to advertisement dated February 3, 1902 , issued by Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers, and opened March 4, 1902. Name and address of bidder. Cement shed, com- plete, at Lock No.l. Cement shed, com- plete, with excava- tion, Lock No. 2. R. Shore and B. Murrell, Huntington, W. Va $395 250 $605 406 William Newman and Robert Crawford, Catlettsburg, Ky Bid No. 2 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 12,550 barrels of American Portland cement at Catlettsburg and Kavanaugh, Ky. , for use at Locks Nos. 1 and 2, Big Sandy River, received in response to advertisement dated May 31, 1902, issued by Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers, and opened on June 30, 1902. Articles. The Kelley Island Lime and Transport Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Brand. 5,150 barrels cement, delivered at Catlettsburg, Ky ...per barrel.. 7,400 barrels cement, delivered at Kavanaugh, Ky do $2.75 2.88 German. Lagerdorfer. Do. Abstract of proposals for cement for use at Dam No. 1, Kentucky River, Kentucky, received in response to advertisement dated August 3, 1901 , and opened August 22, 1901, at Val- ley View, Ky., by John M. G. Watt, assistant engineer, for Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. Articles. 1. J. B. Speed & Co., Louis- ville, Ky. 2. Castalia Portland Cement Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Unit. Total. Brand. Unit. Total. Brand. Portland cement, 350 barrels a Natural cement, 3,600 barrels a $2.20 .94$ $770.00 3,411.00 Nazereth. Star. $1.83 $640.50 ( b ) “Tiger.” a Approximate amounts. & No bid. No. 1 awarded Natural cement. No. 2 awarded Portland cement. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 53 Abstract of proposals for repair work on Kentucky River , Kentucky , opened at Cincinnati , Ohio, on March 15, 1902 , by Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. Classification and ap- proximate quantities. 1. T.W.Disken, Carrollton, Ky. 2. John Short, St. Louis, Mo. 3. A. Dudley Blanton, Chas. Armstrong, Frankfort, Ky. 4. Sheridan- Kirk Contract Co., Valley View, Ky. 5. Archibald Hollerbach, Samuel L May, Evans- ville, Ind. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Item No. 1. — Renewal of dam No.l. Crib excavation, 6,300 $0.75 $3,975.00 $1.20 $6, 360. 00 $0.90 $4, 770. 00 Concrete, 6,000 cubic 5. 20 31, 200. 00 6. 10 36, 600. 00 4.50 27, 000. 00 1.50 6,000. 00 1.00 4, 000. 00 1.50 6, 000. 00 Coffer ’lumber, 17,000 50.00 850. 00 40. 00 680. 00 50.00 850. 00 1.50 900. 00 1.50 900. 00 1.80 1, 080. 00 Piling, 550 linear feet . . . 1.00 550.00 1.00 550.00 .30 165. 00 43,475.00 49, 090. 00 39, 865. 00 Renewal of abutment, lock No.l. Earth excavation, 300 .60 180.00 .60 180. 00 .50 150. 00 Crib excavation, 800 cu- .75 600. 00 1.20 960. 00 .90 720. 00 Concrete, 600 cubic yards 5.20 3, 120. 00 6. 10 3, 660. 00 4.50 2, 700. 00 Riprap, 600 cubic yards. . 1.50 900. 00' 1.00 600. 00 1.50 900. 00 Piling, 960 linear feet . . . 1.00 960. 00 1.00 960. 00 .30 288.00 Total 5,760.00 6, 360. 00 4,758.00 Item No. 2. — Renewal of lower cribs, lock 2. Earth excavation, 900 cubic yards $0. 75 $675. 00 .60 540. 00 .60 540. 00 .50 450. 00 Crib excavation, 2,000 cubic yards .75 1,500.00 .75 1,500.00 1.20 2, 400. 00 .90 1, 800. 00 Embankment, 1,300 cu- bic yards .75 975. 00 .60 780. 00 .40 520. 00 .50 650. 00 Concrete, 1,900 cubic yards 7.00 13, 300. 00 5.20 9, 880. 00 6. 35 12, 065. 00 5.25 9, 975. 00 Riprap, 180 cubic yards. . 2.00 360.00 1. 50 270.00 1.00 180. 00 1.50 270.00 Total 16, 810. 00 12, 970. 00 15, 705. 00 13, 145. 00 Item No. 3. — Renewal of 1 lower land crib, lock 3. Earth excavation, 2,000 cubic yards .60 1,200.00 $0.79 $1,580.00 .60 1, 200. 00 .50 1,000. 00 Crib excavation, 1,300 cubic yards .75 975. 00 ■ 1.40 1,820.00 1.20 1,560.00 .90 1, 170.00 Embankment, 300 cubic yards .60 180. 00 .85 255. 00 .40 120. 00 .50 150. 00 Concrete, 750 cubic yards 5.20 3, 900. 00 6.25 4, 687. 50 6.35 4, 762. 50 5. 50 4, 125. 00 Riprap, 270 cubic yards. . 1.50 405.00 1.80 486.00 1.00 270. 00 1.50 405. 00 Total 6, 660.00 8,828.50 7,912.50 6,850.00 Item No. 4 .—Removal of rock ledge, lock 2. Rock excavation, 60 cu- bic yards 12.00 720. 00 4.00 240.00 15. 00 900. 00 Grand total 69, 105.00 79, 067. 50 65,518.00 Item No. 1 awarded to No. 5. Items Nos. 2, 3, and 4 awarded to No. 2. H D— 57-2— Vol 79 23 54 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Abstract of proposals for building Lock and Dam No. 10 , Kentucky River , Kentucky , and for building two lock-houses at the site of No. 10 , received in response to advertisement dated April 16 , 1902, and opened on May 19, 1902 , by Map E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. Classification and approxi- mate quantities. 1. Robert A. Cum- mings, Pitts- burg, Pa. 2. Mason & Hoge Co., Frankfort, Ky. 3. John Short, St. Louis, Mo. 4. Sheridan-Kirk Contract Co., Valley View, Ky. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Unit. Total. Cofferdam timber, 375,000 feet B. M $50. 00 $18, 750. 00 $35. 00 $13, 125. 00 $36. 00 $13,500.00 $45.00 $16,875.00 Timber in permanent con- struction, 22,000 feet B. M. 40.00 880.00 50.00 1,100.00 45.00 990. 00 45.00 990.00 Piling, 1,000 linear feet .30 300. 00 .40 400.00 .55 550.00 .40 400.00 Cofferdam filling, 22,000 cubic yards .40 8,800.00 .50 11,000.00 .52 11,440.00 .60 13,200.00 Embankment, 20,000 cubic yards .35 7,000. 00 .35 7,000.00 .40 8,000. 00 .30 6,000.00 Earth excavation, 50,000 cubic yards .40 20,000.00 .40 20,000. 00 .38 19,000.00 .60 30, 000. 00 Rock excavation, 250 cubic yards 4.00 1,000. 00 2. 00 500. 00 4.00 1,000.00 2.00 500.00 Deposit, 3,000 cubic yards. . . .50 1, 500. 00 .40 1,200.00 .50 1,500.00 .30 900.00 Concrete, 26,250 cubic yards. 4.00 105,000. 00 3. 80 99, 750. 00 3.85 101,062.50 4.50 118, 125. 00 Riprap, 5,000 cubic yards . . . 1. 50 7, 500. 00 1. 50 7, 500. 00 1.40 7, 000. 00 1. 50 7,500.00 Stone masonry, 14 cubic yards 50.00 700.00 50.00 700. 00 45.00 630. 00 50.00 700.00 Iron and steel, 250,000 pounds .07 17, 500. 00 .055 13,750. 00 .05 12, 500. 00 .05 12,500.00 Drift bolts, 40,000 pounds . . . .03 1,200. 00 .04 1, 600. 00 .04 1,600. 00 .04 1, 600. 00 Fence, 4,000 linear feet .30 1,200.00 .15 600.00 .20 800. 00 .25 1,000.00 Dwellings, 2 2, 500. 00 5, 000. 00 2500.00 5,000.00 3,300.00 6, 600. 00 2,500.00 5,000.00 Outbuildings, 2 600.00 1,200. 00 150. 00 300. 00 300. 00 600. 00 100.00 200. 00 Cisterns, 2 100. 00 200. 00 100. 00 200. 00 150. 00 300. 00 450. 00 900.00 Total 197, 730.00 183,725.00 187,072.50 216,390.00 Bid No. 2 accepted. Abstract of proposals for furnishing about 15,000 barrels American Portland cement, for use in the construction of Lock No. 10, Kentucky River , Kentucky, received in response to advertisement dated April 30, 1902, and opened May 31, 1902, by Map E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. Brand. 15,000 barrels Amer- ican Portland cement, per barrel. Rebate per bag for each empty bag re- turned. In bar- rels. In bags. 1 The Kelley Island Lime and Transport Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Virginia Portland Cement Co., New York, N. Y. Lagerdorfer Ger- man Portland. Old Dominion $2.55 2 2.10 $2, 10 $0.05 Bid No. 2 accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 55 LOUISVILLE, KY., DISTRICT. [Officer, Maj. E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement , by circular notices and posters , and opened at Louisville, Ky., July 5, 1901, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers, for furnishing teams for use in constructing the dike at Wave Rock, Indiana Chute, Falls of Ohio River. Item. Price per day. Bid of E. Frazer, Jefferson- ville, Ind. Bid of Wm. 0. Everett, Jefferson- ville, Ind. Dump carts, 2 horses or mules and driver $3.19 3.09 2.39 2.99 1.85 1.98 $3. 24 3.24 2.49 3.00 2.00 2.49 Dump wagons, 2 horses or mules and driver Dump carts, 1 horse or mule and driver Two horses or mules and driver One horse or mule and driver Spring wagon, 1 horse and driver Total of bids indeterminable. Period covered was from date of contract to Decem- ber 31, 1901. Award based on rate per day and made to E. Frazer. Payments made under the contract amounted to $2,312.55. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement, by poster and circular notice, and opened August 6, 1901, at Louisville, Ky., by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers, for furnishing and delivering sand. Name of bidder. Approxi- mate quantity (cubic yards) . Price per cubic yard. Total. Ohio River Sand Co a 171 $1.50 .75 $256. 50 303. 00 Do &404 a At locks of L. and P. Canal. b On barges at Ninth street and canal. Award made to Ohio River Sand Company. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisements, by poster and circular notice, and opened at Louisville, Ky., August 6, 1901, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers, for furnishing and delivering broken stone for use on the Louisville and Port- land Canal. Name of bidder. Article. Approxi- mate quantity (cubic yards). Price per cubic yard. Total. Peter Bitzer Broken stone .... 574 $1.15 1.05 $660. 10 99.75 Do Stone screenings . 95 Certificate as to guarantors incomplete. Award made to Peter Bitzer. 56 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT- Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement, by poster and circular notice, and opened at Louisville, Ky., August 6, 1901, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers, for furnishing and delivering natural cement. Name of bidder. Approxi- mate Price per Rebate for empty bar- rels returned. Total. quantity (barrels). barrel. With both heads. With one head. J. B. Speed & Co 1,738 $0.75 $0. 11 $0.08 $1,303.5 Award made to J. B. Speed & Co. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement, by poster and circular notice, and opened at Louisville, Ky., August 8, 1901, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers, for furnishing and delivering stone. Name of bidder. Approxi- mate quantity (cubic yards). Price per cubic yard. Total. C. L. Cornwell 500 $6. 70 14.58 $3,350.00 7,290.00 Bedford Bowling Green Stone Co 500 Award made to C. L. Cornwell. Abstract of proposals for building a new warehouse and a new power house, received in response to advertisement, published in newspapers, and opened September 30, 1901, by Capt. William L. Sibert, Corps of Engineers. No. Name and address of bidder. For the ware- house complete as speci- fied. For the power house complete as speci- fied. Total amount of bid. Time re- quired to complete ware- house (days). Time re- quired to complete power house (days). 1 C. L. Cornwell, Louisville, Ky $8, 950 7,210 7, 184 7,203 $9,380 8,035 8,515 8, 650 $18,330 15,245 15, 699 15,853 100 100 2 Jacob Bornstein, Louisville, Ky. « 95 95 3 Jacob F. Meriwether, Louisville, Ky. b 120 30 4 J. P. Will Co., Louisville, Ky. c 120 120 a Christian name of bidder not written in full in guaranty — John Strassel in body of guaranty, sig- nature, John S. Strassel. Bid as opened signed by Jacob Bornstein and J. L. Strassel, subsequently corrected over signatures of both parties to show that signature of Strassel was intended only as a witness to that of Bornstein. b No design of truss submitted. Sample of brick only submitted. c Authority for J. P. Will, jr., to sign for the company not submitted; guaranty not filled out or signed; certificate as to guaranty not made by proper official. Award made to Jacob Bornstein. Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement, by poster and circular notices, and opened at Louisville, Ky., January 18, 1902 , by Map E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers, for supplying 16,508 feet B. M. yellow pine timber at Bowling Green, Ky. Name and address of bidder. Quantity (feetB.M.). Price (per M. feet B. M.). Total. Roemer Bros., Bowling Green, Ky 16,508 $30.00 $495.24 Signature to proposal not complete. Guaranty incomplete. Only one proposal received. Award made to Roemer Bros.,, that firm’s bid being reasonable. Informalities in bid waived in accordance with right reserved in para- graph 22 of the specifications. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 57 Abstract of proposals for building two dump scows , received in response to advertisement , published in newspapers , and opened at Louisville, Ky., March 5, 1902, by Map E. H. Ruffner, Corps of Engineers. ’S For scows Total amount of bid. o ft o f-l ft o d 'A Name and address of bidder. For scows built of yellow pine (price each). built of white oak with white pine deck- ing (price each). For scows built of yellow pine. For scows built of white oak with white pine deck- ing. 1 The Monongahela River Consolidated Coal and Coke Co., Pittsburg, Pa $3,067.00 3,856. 80 3,570.00 $6, 134. 00 7, 713. 60 7, 140. 00 2 Oscar F. Barrett, Cincinnati, Ohio 3 Ed J. Howard, Jeffersonville, Ind.a $3, 370. 00 $6, 740. 00 a Guaranty not dated on one copy of proposal. Bid of Monongahela River Consolidated Coal and Coke Company accepted. DULUTH, MINN., DISTRICT. [Officer: Capt. D. D. Gaillard, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. Abstract of proposals received at Duluth, Minn., for dredging in Portage Lake ship canals, Keweenavj Point, Mich., opened March 5, 1902 , by Capt. D. D. Gaillard, Corps of Engineers. [Amount proposed to be expended in this work, about $40,000.] For dredging, per cubic yard, scow measurement. For use of dredging No. Name and address of bidder. Sec. 1 (36,000 cubic yards). Sec. 2 (123,000 cubic yards). Sec. 3 (89,000 cubic yards). Sec. 4 (52,000 cubic yards). Sec. 5 (60,000 cubic yards). plant in special cases, per hour. Total. 1 The Buffalo Dredging Co., Buffalo, N. Y $0.32 $0. 16 $0.24 $0. 16 $0. 16 $20.00 $70,480 2 The L. P. & J. A. Smith Co., Cleve- land, Ohio .30 .16 .25 .16 .20 20.00 73,050 3 James Pryor, Houghton, Mich .19 .10 .17 .10 .10 15. 00 45,470 4 Duluth Dredge and Dock Co., Du- luth, Minn .191 .11 .18 .101 .10 15. 00 48,030 5 Samuel O. Dixon, Milwaukee, Wis.. .25 .22 .25 .12 .12 17.50 71, 750 Contract was entered into with James Pryor, of Houghton, Mich., dated March 17, 1902 (E. D. 4236), approved by Chief of Engineers April 1, 1902, for dredging in Portage Lake ship canals, Michigan; work to be commenced by May 10, 1902, and to be completed by November 1, 1902. Abstract of proposals received at Duluth, Minn., for building watchman’s house, Portage Lake canals, Michigan, opened March 10, 1902, by Capt. D. D. Gaillard, Corps of Engineers. [Amount proposed to be expended in this work, about $2,500.] No. Name and address of bidder. Amount of bid. 1 Chas. Gibbs & Son, Houghton, Mich $2,700 2,915 2,437 2 Rashleigh Brothers, Houghton, Mich 3 McCallum & McArthur, Laurium, Mich Contract was entered into with McCallum & McArthur, of Laurium, Mich. , dated March 21, 1902 (E. D. 42364), approved by Chief of Engineers, April 14, 1902; work to be commenced by May 1, 1902, and to be completed by July 30, 1902. 58 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, CHICAGO, ILL., DISTRICT. [Officer: Maj. J. H. Willard, Corps of Engineers.] RIVERS AND HARBORS. A bstract of proposals for constructing 4 miles of western section of Illinois and Mississippi Canal , being part of mile 29 and miles 30 to 32, inclusive, received in response to adver- tisement of August 2, 1901, and opened 12 m., Central time, September 3, 1901. [Amount available, $50,000.] No. Name and address of bidder. Earthwork on miles— 29 (35,789 cubic yards). 30 (99,513 cubic yards). 31 (113,137 cubic yards). 32 (112,043 cubic yards). Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. 1 Solomon Peter Ben- nett, Atkinson, 111.® . $0. 1125 $4, 026. 26 $0. 1125 $11,195.21 2 John J. McCaughey, Chicago, 111 .1346 4,817.20 .0979 9,742.32 $0. 1642 $18, 577. 10 $0. 1179 $13,209.87 3 Flynn Brothers, Anna- wan, 111.6 .19 6, 799. 91 .154 15,325.00 .22 24,890. 14 .124 13,893.33 4 Pound Construction Co., Chicago, Ill.c ... .25 8, 947. 25 .19 18,907.47 .25 28,284.25 .25 28,010.75 5 Katz and Callahan, Omaha, Nebr.d .1175 4, 205. 20 .1175 11,692.77 .159 17,988.78 .129 14,453.55 a Number of miles bid on not inserted in guaranty and date of beginning work not stated. b Date of bid and date stated in guaranty differ. Date of beginning work not stated. c No official title to signature of W. D. Pound and no evidence of authority to sign. d Date of beginning work not stated. Lowest bid on miles 29 and 30, proposal No. 2 (to be let together under paragraph 76 of specifications) $14,559.52 Lowest bid on mile 31, proposal No. 5 17, 988. 78 Lowest bid on mile 32, proposal No. 2 13, 209. 87 Total 45,758.17 Abstract of proposals for excavating pits and constructing foundations for 2 locks and 4 culverts, western section Illinois and Mississippi Canal, received in response to advertise- ment of February 5, 1902, and opened at 12 m. March 8, 1902 , by Maj. J. H. Willard, Corps of Engineers. [Amount available, $50,000.] Earthwork (35,200 cubic yards) . Piles (1,568, 25,088 driven feet). Pine timber (167,800 feet B. M.). Pine plank (30,276 feet B.M.). No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. Amount. Price per driven foot. Amount. Price per 1,000 feet B. M. Amount. Price per 1,000 feet B. M. Amount. 1 C. H. Fath & Son Construc- tion Co., Cleveland, Ohio. $0. 57 $20,064.00 $0.38 $9,533.44 $32. 00 $5, 369. 60 $32.00 $968. 83 2 Cogan & Pound, Chicago, 111. a .30 10,560.00 .30 7, 526. 40 25.00 4, 195.00 33.00 999. 11 3 Page & Shnable, Chicago, 111 .33 11, 616. 00 .30 7,526.40 32.00 5,369.60 30.00 908. 28 4 Thomas Phee, Chicago, 111.6. .20 7,040.00 .37 9,282.56 30.00 5,034.00 34.00 1,029.38 5 Charles Stone, Des Moines, Iowa .40 14,080.00 .45 11,289.60 26.00 4,362.80 28.00 847. 73 r MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 59 Abstract of proposals for excavating pits and constructing foundations for 2 locks and 4 culverts , etc . — Continued. Oak plank (2,224 feet B. M.). Natural cement concrete (2,797 cubic yards). No. Name and address of bidder. Price per With crushed stone. With gravel or peb- bles. 1,000 feet B. M. Amount. Price per cubic yard. Amount. Price per cubic yard. Amount. 1 C. H. Fath & Son Construc- | $38.00 $84. 51 | $5.30 $14,824. 10 tion Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Cogan & Pound, Chicago, 111. a $5. 30 $14,824. 10 2 J 50. 00 111.20 r 6.50 18, 180.50 4.50 12,586. 50 3 Page & Shnable, Chicago, 111 } 40. 00 f 5.20 14,544.40 88. 96 5.20 544. 40 Thomas Phee, Chicago, 111. b . j- 55.00 122. 32 f 5.25 14,684.25 4 6.25 14.684.25 5 Charles Stone, Des Moines, Iowa } 34. 00 75.61 r 6.75 18,879.75 7. 25 20,278.25 No. Name and address of bidder. Portland cement concrete (100 cubic yards). With crushed stone. Amount. With gravel or pebbles. Amount. Bolts, etc. (23,500 pounds). Amount. Pine sheeting (6,288 feet B. M.). Amount. C. H. Fath & Son Construe- f tion Co., Cleveland, Ohio) Cogan & Pound, Chicago,) 111 . « \ Page & Shnable, Chicago,/ 111 1 $6. 00 $600.00 $6.00 $600.00 8.00 5.80 800.00 ’moo' $0.05 04 7.00 ’5." 80 700. 00 ’580.’ 66' Thomas Phee, Chicago, 111. &• Charles Stone, Des Moines, Iowa 6.50 8." 50* 650. 00 * 850 .' 66 ' 6. 50 ’ 6 .’ 66 ' 650. 00 ‘9o6.’66‘ $1,175.00 $42. 00 $264. 10 940. 00 ’ 940 .’ 66 ' 45.00 56. 66 282. 96 '352.' 16 822.50 ’88i.'25' 34. 00 66 .' 66 ’ 213.79 "176.06 Oak sheeting (22,016 feet B.M.). 8-inch drain pipe (470 linear feet). 10-inch drain pipe (550 linear feet). Broken stone, etc. (630 cubic yards). No. Name and address of bidder. Price per 1,000 feet B. M. Amount. Price per linear foot. Amount. Price per linear foot. Amount. Price per cubic yard. Amount. Total. 1 C. H. Fath & Sonl Construction^., > Cleveland, Ohio.) Cogan & Pound,? Chicago, Ill.a . / $50.00 $1,100.80 $0.50 $235. 00 $0.60 $330.00 $2.00 $1,260. 00 $55, 809. 38 55, 809. 38 46.808.47 41.114.47 2 50. 00 1,100. 80 .50 235.00 .55 302. 50 2.50 1,575.00 3 Page & Shnable, f Chicago, 111 ( 63.00 i, 387.61 .33 155. 10 .42 231. 00 2.50 1,575,00 45,273.88 45,273.88 41,127.28 41,127.28 55,070. 74 56,519.24 4 Thomas Phee, Chi- f cago, Til. 6 \ 55.00 1,210.88 .08 37. 60 .10 55.00 1.50 945. 00 5 Charles Stone, Desf Moines, Iowa. 34. 00 748.54 .97 455. 90 .97 533. 50 3. 00 1, 890. 00 a Lowest bid if concrete with gravel is used, & Lowest bid if concrete with stone is used. 60 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Abstract of proposals for constructing foundations for abutments and piers for four aque- duct bridges on western section Illinois and Mississippi Canal, received in response to advertisement of January 28, 1902 , and opened 12 m., February 27, 1902 , by Map J. H. Willard , Corps of Engineers . [Amount available, $53,000.] Earthwork (70,699 cubic yards). Piles (No. 2272, 36,352 feet). Pine timber (117,856 feet B. M.). Oak plank (5,600 feet B.M.). No. Name and address of bidder. Price per cubic yard. Amount. Price per driv- en foot. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. 1 Page & Shnable, Chicago, 111 $0.25 $17, 674. 75 $0.33 $11, 996. 16 $35 $4,124.96 $40 $224. 00 2 Callahan Bros. & Katz, Omaha, Nebr .29 20,502. 71 .35 12, 723. 20 30 3,535.68 36 201.60 3 C. H. Fath & Son Con- struction Co., Cleveland, Ohio . 57 40,298.43 .38 13,813. 76 32 3,771.39 38 212. 80 4 Chas. Stone, Des Moines, Iowa .20 14,139.80 .4i 14,904.32 25 2, 946. 40 33 184.80 5 Cogan & Pound, Chicago, 111 .30 21,209.70 .30 10, 905. 60 35 3,535.68 45 252.00 6 Thomas Phee, Chicago, 111. .20 14,139.80 .39 14, 177.28 30 3, 535. 68 55 308.00 No. Name and address of bidder. Concrete (904 cubic yards). Crushed stone. Gravel or pebbles. Driftbolts, etc. (20,835 pounds). Price per cubic yard. Amount. Price per cubic yard. Amount. Price per pound. Amount. 1 Page & Shnable, Chicago, 2 Callahan Bros. & Katz, Omaha, Nebr 3 C. H. Fath & Son Con- struction Co. , Cleveland, Ohio 4 Chas. Stone, Des Moines, Iowa 5 Cogan & Pound, Chicago, 111 6 Thomas Phee, Chicago, 111 . $5. 60 6.50 5.30 6. 50 6. 25 4. 30 $5, 062.40 5,876.00 $5. 85 $5, 288. 40 5.50 4,972.00 $0.04 .04 $833. 40 833.40 4,791.20 5,876. 00 5.50 4,972.00 6.50 5,876.00 .05 1,041.75 .03| 729.23 5, 650. 00 3, 887. 20 5. 00 4, 520. 00 4. 30 3, 887. 20 .05 1,041.75 . 03| 729. 23 Triple lap sheeting. No. Name and address of bidder. Oak (48,000 feet B.M.). Pine (246,240 feet B.M.). Total, a Price per M feet. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. 1 Page & Shnable, Chicago, 111 $65.00 $3,120.00 $57.00 $14,035. 68 $57,297.35 2 Callahan Bros. & Katz, Omaha, Nebr. . . 55. 00 2,640.00 45.00 11,080. 80 56,489. 39 3 C. H. Fath & Son Construction Co., Cleveland, Ohio 50.00 2,400.00 40.00 9, 849. 60 76,359. 73 4 Chas. Stone, Des Moines, Iowa 33.00 1,584.00 27.00 6,648.48 £>47, 013. 03 5 Cogan & Pound, Cnicago, 111 60.00 2,880. 00 43.50 10,711.44 55,056.17 6 Thomas Phee, Chicago, 111 55.00 2,640.00 34.00 8,372.16 47,789.35 a In arriving at totals “concrete with crushed stone ” is not included. b Lowest bid. Town, county, State, and date omitted from heading of proposal. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 61 Abstract of proposals for manufacture and erection of 21 riveted steel highway bridges over Illinois and Mississippi Canal , received in response to advertisement of February 4, 1902, and opened at 12 m., March 6, 1902, by Maj. J. H. Willard, Corps of Engineers. [Amount available, $80, 000.] No. Name and address of bidder. Steel (1,761,270 pounds). Pine timber (129,990 feet B. M.). Price per pound. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. 1 Wallace Marshall, Lafayette, Ind $0.04 $70, 450. 80 $50.00 $6,499. 50 2 King Bridge Co., Cleveland, Ohio 4.42 77, 848. 13 « 38. 00 4,939.62 3 Modern Steel Structural Co., Waukesha, Wis 3. 79 66, 752. 13 65. 00 8, 449. 35 Do. b 3. 79 66,752. 13 42.00 5,459.58 4 Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa 4.67 82,251.31 40.00 5, 199. 60 5 Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago, Ill.c 3.94 69, 394. 04 30. 00 3,899.70 6 C. L. Strobel, Chicago, 111 4.42 77,848. 13 39.00 5,069. 61 No. Name and address of bidder. Oak timber (141,960 feet B. M.). Total. Price per M feet. Amount. 1 Wallace Marshall, Lafayette, Ind $50. 00 $7,098.00 $84,048.30 2 King Bridge Co., Cleveland, Ohio 40.00 5,678.40 88,466.15 3 Modern Steel Structural Co., Waukesha, Wis 70.00 9,937.20 85, 138. 68 Do. 6 47.00 6, 672. 12 78, 883. 83 4 Penn Bride Co., Beaver Falls, Pa 35. 00 4,968.60 92, 419. 51 5 Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago, Ill.c 40.00 5,678.40 78, 972. 14 6 C. L. Strobel, Chicago, 111 44.00 6,246.24 89, 163. 98 a Will furnish fir timber in place of pine at $36 per M feet. b If word “blue ” is inserted before word “sap ” in article 54 of specifications. c Lowest bid. Abstract of proposals for manufacture and erection of the superstructures of six steel highway bridges over the Illinois and Mississippi Canal, received in response to advertisement oj March 12, 1902, and opened at 12 noon, March 27, 1902, by Maj. J. H. Willard, Corps of Engineers. [Appropriation “ Constructing Illinois and Mississippi Canal.” Amount available, $25,000.] Bridge No. 11, 128 feet 7 inch span. No. Name and address of bidder. Steel, 115,400 pounds. Oak, 8,000 feet. Pine, 7,500 feet. Fir, 7,500 feet. Price per pound. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. 1 King Bridge Co., Cleve- land, Ohio $0. 047 $5,423. 80 $40.00 $320. 00 $40. 00 $300.00 $36.00 $270. 00 2 Wallace Marshall, La- fayette, Ind .0385 4,442. 90 37.50 300.00 33.50 251.25 33.00 247.50 3 Modern Steel Struc- tural Co., Waukesha. Wis .0403 4, 650. 62 47.00 376.00 35. 00 262. 50 43.00 322. 50 4 Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Co. , Chicago, 111 . .0420 4,846.80 40. 00 320.00 38.00 285.00 40. 00 300.00 5 Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. , Chicago, 111 . .0415 4, 789. 10 45.00 360. 00 35.00 262.50 35.00 262.50 62 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Abstract of proposals for manufacture and erection of the superstructures of six steel highway bridges over the Illinois and Mississippi Canal, etc. — Continued. Bridges Nos. 16, 17, and 18, 98-foot span. No. Name and address of bidder. Steel, 204,900 pounds. Oak, 18,600 feet. Pine, 16,800 feet. Fir, 16,800 feet. Price per pound. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. Price per M feet. Amount. 1 King Bridge Co., Cleve- land, Ohio $0. 048 $9,835.20 $40. 00 $744. 00 $40. 00 $672.00 $36.00 $604. 80 2 Wallace Marshall, La- fayette, Ind .0385 7,888.65 37.50 697.50 33.50 562.80 33. 00 554.40 3 Modern Steel Struc- tural Co., Waukesha, Wis .0403 8,257.47 47.00 874. 20 35.00 588. 00 43. 00 722.40 4 Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Co. , Chicago, 111 . .0420 8,605.80 40.00 744. 00 38.00 638.40 40.00 672.00 5 Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago, 111. .0415 8,503.35 45.00 837. 00 35.00 588.00 35.00 588.00 No. Name and address of bidder. Bridges Nos. 17A and 18A, 110-foot span. Steel, 163,740 pounds. ll Oak, 13,700 feet. Pine, 12,500 feet. P a> CD o '* -1 Ph Fir, 12,500 feet. CD O) Total. King Bridge Co., Cleveland, Ohio .. Wallace Marshall, Lafayette, Ind Modern Steel Struc- tural Co., Wauke- sha, Wis Wisconsin Bridge and I-on Co., Chi- cagoan Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago, 111 $0. 046 .0385 .0403 .0420 .0415 $7,532.04 6,303.99 6,598.72 6,877.08 6,795.21 $40. 00 37.50 47.00 40. 00 45. 00 $548. 00 513. 75 643.90 548.00 616. 50 $40. 00 33.50 35.00 38.00 35.00 $500.00 418. 75 437. 50 475.00 437.50 $36. 00 33.00 43.00 40. 00 35.00 $450.00 412. 50 537.50 500. 00 437.50 fa$25, 875.04 \ b 25, 727. 84 Ja 21, 379. 59 \c 21, 361. 19 fa 22, 688. 91 \ b 22, 983. 31 fa 23, 340. 08 t b 23, 413. 68 fa 23, 189. 16 t *>23,189. 16 a With pine. *> With fir. c With fir — lowest bid. Abstract of proposals for constructing 2 miles canal trunk western section Illinois and Mis- sissippi Canal, received in response to advertisement of June 3, 1902 , and opened at 12 m., June 23, 1902, by Maj. J. H. Willard, Corps of Engineers. [Amount available, $25,000.] No. Name and address of bidder. Mile 58 (86,337 cubic yards). Mile 59 (112,104 cubic yards) . Total. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. 1 Callahan Bros. & Katz, Omaha, Nebr.a $9. 99 $8,625.07 $11. 60 $12,974.06 $21, 599. 13 2 Flynn Bros., Anna wan, 111 11.40 9, 842. 42 24. 00 26, 904. 26 36, 747. 38 3 Cogan & Pound, Chicago, 111 14. 00 12, 087. 18 22. 00 24, 662.88 36,750. 06 4 John J. McCaughey, Chicago, 111 12. 79 11, 042. 50 16.78 18,811.05 29,853. 55 a Lowest bid. Date of beginning work not stated. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 63 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., DISTRICT. [Office: Capt. Charles Keller, Corps of Engineers.] EIYEES AND HAEBOES. Abstract of bids for repair of piers at Manistee , Mich., received and opened July 26, 1901, in accordance with advertisement dated June 26, 1901. Item. 1. To cut down and remove old work (356 linear feet) per linear foot.. 2. To furnish the following material and to secure it in the work: White-pine timber (92,136 feet B.M),per M feet B.M White-pine plank (20,875 feet B. M), per M feet B.M Driftbolts (11,829 pounds) per pound.. Screw bolts (63 pounds) do Spikes (941 pounds) do Total. 1. Nelson J. Gaylord, Ludington, Mich, a 2. William H. Gillen, Milwaukee, Wis. 3. Smith & Nelson, Muskegon, Mich. 4. Bennett & Schnor- bach, Muskegon, Mich. $2.00 $2.00 $2.20 $3.40 28.00 30.00 29.00 29.00 25.00 22.00 26.00 25.20 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 4,208. 71 4,448.65 4, 511. 21 4, 921. 71 a Contract entered into August 5, 1901. % Abstract of bids for “ dredging at harbors on east shore of Lake Michigan ,” received and opened May 5, 1902 , in accordance with advertisement by circular letter dated May 1, 1902. X 3 P | a O&i op at mile post 109, near Thompsons Landing, about 33,000 cubic yards, (per cubic yard). Cents. 13g 13| « 12. 24 14. 97 15 a Accepted. THIRD DISTRICT, MEMPHIS, TENN. [Officer, Capt. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers.] Abstract of informal proposals for wire strand, staples, rope, and clamps , dated October 7, 1901, and opened October 17, 1901, at 2 o’ clock p. m., by Capt. Chas. L. Potter , Corps of Engineers. No. Name of bidder. Wire strand. Wire staples (lf-inch). Manila rope. Cable clamps. f-inch. f-inch. f-inch. 1 2 3 George Skene A. Leschen & Son Rope Co H. E. Coffin Per lb. $0.0498 .0501 5 . 0494 Per lb. $0. 045 .045 5.045 Per lb. $0. 0597 .0597 5.0597 Per lb. («) (a (a) Per lb. $0. 135 5 . 1095 Each. 5$0. 128 a No bids received for wire staples; purchase made in open market. & Accepted. MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 71 Abstract of informal proposals for brush and poles, dated October 7, 1901, and opened at 2 o'clock p. m., October 17, 1901, by Capt. Chas. L. Potter, Corps of Engineers. No. Name of bidder. Brush, per cord. Poles, per cord. 1 Hunter & Frey a $1.12 « $ 1.75 a Accepted. FOURTH DISTRICT, NEW ORLEANS, LA. [Officer, Maj. Geo. McC. Derby, Corps of Engineers.] United States Engineer Office, New Orleans , La., July 1, 1902. No. 1. — Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement ( circular ) dated June 25, 1901, opened this day by Maj. Geo. McC. Derby, Corps of Engineers, for levee work in the fourth district, improving Mississippi River. LOWER TENSAS LEVEE DISTRICT. No. Name and address of bidder. Fishpond levee. 1 Helgason Bros., Vicksburg, Miss Cents. a 13J a Accepted. United States Engineer Office, New Orleans, La., October 12, 1901. No. 2. — Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement ( circular ) dated October 2, 1901, opened this day by Maj. Geo. McC. Derby, Corps of Engineers, for levee work in the fourth district, improving Mississippi River. ATCHAFALAYA LEVEE DISTRICT. No. Name and address of bidder. Devall levee. Cypress Hall Levee. 1 Helgason Brothers, Vicksburg, Miss Cents. a 30 Cents. « 30 a Rejected. United States Engineer Office, New Orleans, La., October 14, 1901. No. 3. — Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement ( circular ) dated October 4 , 1901, opened this day by Maj. Geo. McC. Derby, Corps of Engineers, for levee work in the fourth district, improving Mississippi River. LAKE BORGNE LEVEE DISTRICT. No. Name and address of bidder. Abadie Levee. 1 Michael Cullen, Neptune, La Cents. al6.90 a Rejected. 72 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT.' United States Engineer Office, New Orleans , La. , October 30 , 1901. No. 4 . — Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement ( circular ) dated October 4, 1901 , opened this day by Maj. George McC. Derby , Corps of Engineers, for levee work in the fourth district, improving Mississippi River. No. Name and address of bidder. Abadie levee. 1 John Cleary, New Orleans, La Cents, a 14. 50 a Accepted. United States Engineer Office, New Orleans, La., January 11, 1902. No. 5 . — Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement ( circular ) dated Decem- ber 31, 1901, opened this day by Maj. George McC. Derby, Corps of Engineers, for levee work in the fourth district, improving Mississippi River. PONTCHARTRAIN LEVEE DISTRICT. No. Name and address of bidder. St. Mary Chapel levee. 1 Helgason Bros., Vicksburg, Miss Cents. 14. 45 2 Donovan & Daley, Bougere, La 14.40 3 James R. Marlow, Natchez, Miss all. 00 4 Louis P. Rice & Co., New Orleans, La 17.40 5 Wm. F. Barbour & Son, Wallace, La 13. 70 a Accepted. United States Engineer Office, New Orleans, La., May 22, 1902. No. 6 . — Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement ( circular ) dated May 12, 1902, opened this day by Maj. Geo. McC. Derby, Corps of Engineers, for levee work in the fourth district, improving Mississippi River. PONTCHARTRAIN LEVEE DISTRICT. No. Name and address of bidder. Whitehall levee. 1 PfVf 4 fypripn NAf.pTiPZ Miss Cents. 14.43 2 James R Marlow Union, La a 12. 88 3 Geo Y Andrews Baton Rouge La 22.50 4 Donovan & Daley Bougere, La 16. 50 5 Hayes Brothers Bayou Goula, La - 14.47 6 Richard T Clprlr NfltnhP 7 . Miss 13.99 7 Thompson & Powell, Waggaman, La 14. 15 a Accepted. it MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. 73 United States Engineer Office, 'W New Orleans , La., June 16, 1902. No. 7. — Abstract of proposals received in response to advertisement ( circular ) dated June 5, 1902, opened this day by Maj. Geo. McC. Derby, Corps of Engineers, for levee work in the fourth district, improving Mississippi River. ATCHAFALAYA LEVEE DISTRICT. No. Name and address of bidder. Devall levee. Cypress Hall levee. 1 Geo. Y. Andrews, Baton Rouge, La Cents. 33! Cents. 33! 2 C. D. Leeper, Delta, La 29 29 3 Helgason Brothers, Vicksburg, Miss 23| 23| 4 Batt O’Brien, Darrow, La 24.73 24.73 5 M. L. Linnan, Cofield, La 28.49 28.49 Rejected. ABSTRACTS OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 20, 1902, FOR MISCELLANEOUS WORKS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY. WATER SUPPLY, D. C. [Office Lieut. Col. A. M. Miller, Corps of Engineers.] Abstract of proposals for roof, ironwork, etc., for east shaft power house, opened June 29, 1901, by Lieut. Col. A. M. Miller, Corps of Engineers. Name and address of bidder. Price. Penn Bridge Company, Beaver Falls, Pa $9,890 The only bidder. Bid was accepted. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, WASHINGTON, D. C. [Officer: Col. Theo. A. Bingham, U. S. Army.] Proposals for “Fuel” received in response to public advertisement dated April 10, 1902, and opened at 2 o’clock p. m. Saturday, May 10, 1902, by Col. Theo. A. Bingham , U. S. Army. Name of bidder. John B. Daish, Washing- ton, D. C. W. H. Mar- low, Wash- ington, D. C. V. Baldwin Johnson, Washing- ton, D. C. Stephenson & Bro., Washing- ton, D. C. White ash furnace coal per ton.. White ash egg or grate coal do — Red ash egg or grate coal do Red ash range or stove coal do Cumberland coal do Pine kindling wood per cord.. Oak wood do Long pine wood do Charcoal per barrel. . $5.90 6.15 6.40 6.40 3. 75 8.00 8.00 4.48 .40 $5.08 5.98 5. 98 6.23 4.00 6.98 6.98 4.98 $5.60 6.25 6. 25 6.50 3.60 7. 00 7. 00 6.00 .30 $5.75 6.00 6.00 6.50 3. 75 7.00 7.00 5.00 .60 i k 74 MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Proposals for “bulbs” received in response to public notice dated April 10, 1902, opened at 2 o’clock p. m., Saturday, May 10, 1902 , by Col. Theo. A. Bingham, Army. Name and address of bidder. Amo Edw. S. Schmidt, Washington, D. C The Stumpp & Walter Co., New York, N. Y. C. H. Joosten, New York, N. Y Henry F. Michell, Philadelphia, Pa Fred. W. O. Schmitz, Prince Bay, N. Y Henry A. Dreer, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa John Condon, Brooklyn, N. Y 81,: l,: 1, 1,1 1, 1,1 l,: :co ■CD : 0 > Proposal for furnishing and delivering iron fountains for the public grounds, receii response to written invitation of June 17, 1902, and opened on Saturday, June 21, by Col. Theo. A. Bingham, U. S. Army. :0 ih- :<£> :o =