LI E> R.AR.Y OF THE UN IVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ?57 coo. ILUKOtS HISTORICAL SURVP,' HORARY THE ; / OF ILLINOIS HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY TOGETHER WITH A FROM THE DISCOVERY OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY EMMA C. PIATT. "Go, little booke, God send thee good passage, And specially let this be thy prayre, Unto them all that thee will read or hear, Where thou art wrong, after their help to call, Thee to correct in any part or all." Chaucer. WITH MAP AND ILLUSTRATIONS. DEDICATION. TO MY FATHER TO MY MOTHER, AS A TRIBUTE TO THE FORTITUDE WITH WHICH THEY ENDURED THE TRIALS OF PIONEER LIFE, AND BECAUSE OF MY LOVE FOR THEM, DO I AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATE THIS BOOK. EMMA C. PIATT. WK do not present this book to tlie public as a model literary effort, but expect it to be classed with county histories only. Neither do we claim it to be a complete history, since no complete history was ever written. But we do claim it to be a record of the most important items that could be collected by one person in over two years of unceasing labor. The object of the book is to preserve certain valuable items relative to the county's past and present, which, but for the preparation of such a book, could not have been collected. With the failing memories of the citizens, and the passing away of many of the pioneers, the opportunity for obtaining such items would soon have been lost. The writer has spared neither time, trouble nor expense, and in addition to riding 172 miles by rail within the limits of the county, has traveled, by actual count, in a carriage, 883 miles, stopping for neither cold nor stormy weather. Doubtless some mistakes occur; but our best judgment has been used, and we have conscientiously striven to keep out as many errors as possible. Since not more than ten men out of every hundred interviewed could give the exact date of their marriage, it will not be strange if some of the dates are wrong. A number of men could not give the number of their children without stopping to count them up. Several would have left out one. of their children's names had not the child appeared during the interview. One man averred he had ten children, but upon counting them over time and again, said, "I guess there are only nine, but I thought there were ten !" Upon asking one man if any of his children were in the army, he said, "Yes, a boy and, a girl," which statement he afterward contra- dicted. Frequently people are unable to give the names of their PKEFAOE. married sisters, their grandchildren, and, in some cases, their own children, even. One or two men actually had to study awhile before they could give the names of their own wives. After such answers having been given relating to personal items supposed to be well established in each person's mind, if mistakes occur in this book, they will be the more readily excused, or at least the people will know some of the disadvantages we have labored under in obtaining facts. There are some worthy and important persons in the county whom we failed to see, which fact is regretted, but it would take many more than one trip over the county ere all of theflT'over fifteen thousand of the county's inhabitants could be found at home, or at leisure sufficient to be interviewed. Although we advertised in the county papers for personal matter, many that we wished to hear from did not reply. Although over one hundred pages have been added that were not promised to our patrons, still we were obliged to cut out some of the personal items. We have endeav- ored, however, to leave out the sketch of no person who encouraged us to go on with the publishing by agreeing to take one of the books. In our travels among the old settlers we heard a great deal about the hospitality of the old times, and we want to take this opportunity to assure the public that the county still retains a great deal of that estimable virtue. In the majority of cases we were greeted cordially by the people, and many times were we enter- tained cheerfully in the homes in the county. We wish to extend thanks to the people who have encouraged and befriended us in any way in the preparation of this work. Especially do we thank the old settlers who took the pains to recite their deeds of years ago. We also acknowledge the assist- ance of Mrs. N. D. Scovell in the preparation of the article on geology, and we are grateful for the assistance rendered by Miss Nettie Adams in the arrangement of some of the final notes for the book. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. RESIDENCE OF JAMES A. PIATT, (Frontispiece) COUNTY COURT HOUSE, .... 23 COUNTY JAIL, 57 MAP OF PIATT COUNTY, . . . . 105 COUNTY POOR HOUSE, .... 137 RESIDENCE OF EZRA MARQUISS, . 171 PORTRA'IT OF JAMES A. PIATT, Sr., . 205 PORTRAIT OF MRS. JAMES A. PIATT, 239 RESIDENCE OF F. E. BRYANT, . . 273 RESIDENCE OF JOHN DICKSON, . . 307 PORTRAIT OF WM. H. PIATT, . . 341 PORTRAIT OF MRS. WM. H. PIATT, . 375 RESIDENCE OF RICHARD MONROE, . 409 RESIDENCE OF WM. H. PIATT, . . 443 PORTRAIT OF F. E. BRYANT, . . 477 RESIDENCE OF MICHAEL HARSII- BARGER, 511 PORTRAIT OF EZRA MARQUISS, . . 545 PORTRAIT OF J. O. SPARKS, . . . 579 RESIDENCE OWNED BY SAM'LALLER- TON, 613 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER L TOPOGRAPHY OF ILLINOIS. TLLINOIS, in common with several other states, has the proud dis- -*- tinction of lying within the Mississippi valley. This fact alone places it on an equality with some of the most magnificent states in the Union. In area, Illinois contains about 55,531 square miles of territory. The greatest length from north to south is near 380 miles. The ex- treme breadth is a little over 200 miles. It lies between 37 3' and 42 30' north latitude. Extending thus through a range of over five degrees of latitude, its climate is quite varied, permitting the growth of semi-tropical plants as well as those which are common to the north temperate zone. An excellent system of drainage is furnished by the 2,000 miles of navigable rivers which bound, or take their course through, portions of the state. v Illinois is bounded on the north by Wisconsin. The waters of Lake Michigan, the only one of the great lakes wholly within the United States, form a northeastern boundary line of about sixty miles in length. Indiana and the Wabash river form the eastern boundary line, while the Ohio river, on the southeast and south, separates the State from Kentucky. Illinois is separated from Iowa and Missouri by the Mississippi river, which forms a boundary line about five hundred miles long. The general surface of the country is level or slightly rolling. Near the large streams, especially in the southern part of the state, quite good-sized hills are found. The highest lands, however, are " The Mounds," in the northwestern part of the state. From these mounds, which have an altitude of over 1,000 feet above the level of the sea, to the southern part of the state, there is a gradual slope of the land toward the southwest. This slope of the country causes the general course of the streams to be toward the Mississippi river. The Desplaines river, rising in the southeastern part of Wisconsin, and the Kankakee river, which rises in northern Indiana, unite in 10 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. Grundy county, Illinois, to form the Illinois river the largest in the state. The Illinois flows almost directly west across La Salle county, until, in Putnam county, it makes a bend, and from thence on to its mouth, about twenty miles above the mouth of the Missouri, the gen- eral course is southwest. This river is near five hundred miles long, and is navigable by steamers to La Salle. The Illinois and Michigan canal, .extending from this plftce to Chicago, opens communication by water between the Mississippi river and the Great Lakes. The Rock river in the northern and the Kaskaskia in the southern part are the other principal tributaries of the Mississippi within the state. The Wabash receives the waters of the Embarras, Little Wabash, and Saline Creek, which are the principal streams in southeastern Illinois. Besides the streams mentioned there are many of smaller size, the ma- jority of which flow toward the Mississippi. This state is somewhat remarkable for the small number of lakes and ponds within its boundaries. Although Illinois is known as the " Prairie State," still it contains a great amount of timber, which is found along all the water-courses. It is a noticeable fact that the amount of timber is constantly on the increase. The prairies, which were once covered with tall grass and flowers, are now dotted here and there with groves of trees, and the cereals have taken the place of the grasses. The material resources of Illinois are many. Its minerals are a constant source of wealth. Zinc, copper, fire-clay, and many varieties of building stone are found. The Galena lead mines alone would make the state famous, while the coal mines seem exhaustless. But the agricultural products go beyond all these. It has been said that " perhaps no other country of the same extent on the face of the globe can boast a soil so ubiquitous and its distribution so univer- sally productive." Illinois " is a garden four hundred miles long, and one hundred and fifty miles wide." Portions of the state have been under constant cultivation since the beginning of the French occupa- tion at Kaskaskia, over oue hundred and fifty years CHAPTER IL ORIGIN OF THE PRAIRIES. TLLINOIS has long been known as the " Prairie State." By this J- appellative her fame has been carried from country to country all around the world. Nor has this state been made unjustly famous. The prairies are her pride, and well they may be, for it is owing to their extent and fertility that Illinois has made such rapid advances in civilization. At first their great beauty was their chief attraction. All early writers on the subject, as well as the early settlers of the state, agree in the statement that the vegetable growth on the prairies was, in their time, more profuse than now. The grass grew very high, and when it waved to a summer's breeze it seemed to the pioneer that a sea of great extent stretched out before his vision. A feeling of awe came over him, that feeling which always comes upon beholding Nature's great handiwork. Marquette, in his account of his first voyage on the Illinois river, over two hundred years ago, made special men- tion of the beauty and fertility of the prairies. After their beauty and grandeur, the prairies' next attraction was their utility. Gov. Reynolds said of them : " It is one of the great elements in the rapid growth of Illinois that such large and fertile prairies exist in the state. Nature has made the prairies the finest and most fertile fields in the Union, and has prepared them for, cultivation." The experience of persons who have lived since Gov. Reynolds' time proves that his statement is still a truthful one. One cannot look upon the broad and beautiful prairies without a feeling of wonder as to their origin, which has been a subject of thought for years, and of which there can yet be only conjecture. In dealing with this subject we can but give the opinion of persons who have given it their long and thoughtful attention. Judge Caton, of Ottawa, Illinois, and H. W. Beckwith, of Danville, Illinois, have both written very instructive and interesting articles on the subject. The unwritten opinions of many of the early settlers of the state should not be disregarded, for such men, although in many cases having but little scientific knowledge of geology and botany, are remarkable for their deep insight into the visible workings of nature. The various prairies in different parts of the earth have originated, most likely, through various causes. It would, then, be wrong to attribute the origin of all to the supposed causes which led to the 11 12 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. origin of some special prairie. Illinois prairies, it may be, had an origin entirely different from that of the prairies in the western part of the United States. One of the first theories, and one that is still held by many, is that our prairies here were produced by fire. It is certain that at an early day great fires swept over this state. Ofttimes, within the remem- brance of some of the early settlers here, portions of forests have been entirely burnt down. In course of time these settlers have seen the prairie grass take complete possession of the ground where great trees had stood. Gov. Reynolds said : " Many learned essays are written on the ori- gin of the prairies, but any attentive observer will come to the conclu- sion that it is fire burning the strong, high grass that caused the prairies." He further said, in speaking of the forests of southern Illi- nois: "I have witnessed the growth of the forests in the southern counties, and know there is more timber in them now than there was forty or fifty years be'fore. The obvious reason is that the fire is kept out. This is likewise the reason the prairies are generally the most fertile soil. The vegetation in them was the strongest, and the fires there burnt with the most power." "It will be seen that the timber in the north part of the state is found only on the margins of streams and other places where the prairie fires could not reach it." A later opinion, and one that is held by some of the best geologists in the United States, is that the prairies were formed by water rather than by fire. Judge Oaton says : " That the prairies, that is, the land itself, have been formed under water, except the very limited portion of the surface which has been added from decomposed animal and veg- etable matter since their emergence, will not be questioned by anyone of the least observation ; but that is not the main question involved in the present inquiry. Why are they not covered with forests?" Judge Caton agrees, in general, with Prof. Lesquereaux, who pre- pared a paper for the Geological Survey of Illinois, and thinks that the prairies were formed under water. He, however, disagrees with the Professor in the particular process of formation under water; and the fact that the elements of the soil of the prairies are such that are not conducive to forest growth. The Judge further says: "I en- tirely concur in the popular opinion that among the most important of the causes which have produced this interesting result is fire, while the exhaustion and replenishing the soil with their particular elements have, no doubt, had their influence." " The hard, impenetrable char- acter of the sward, formed by most of the herbaceous vegetation of the prairies, forms a serious impediment to the germination of seeds of ORIGIN OF THE PRAIRIES. 13 trees, when, by accident, they fall upon it. It is not the composition of the soil that prevents the germination of this class of seeds, but whatever difficulty is experienced in this regard arises from the me- chanical cause above suggested." " The cause of the absence of trees on the upland prairies is the problem most important to the agricult- ural interests of our state, and it is the inquiry which alone I propose to consider, but I cannot resist the remark that wherever we do find timber throughout this broad field of prairie it is always in or near the humid portions of it, as along the margins of streams, or upon or near the springy uplands." "If the head-waters of streams on the prairies are most frequently without timber, so soon as they have at- tained sufficient volume to impede the progress of the fires, with very few exceptions, we find forests on their borders becoming broader and more vigorous as the magnitude of the streams increases." " Another fact, always a subject of remark among the dwellers on the prairie, I regard as conclusive evidence that the prairie soils are peculiarly adapted to the growth of trees is, that wherever the fires have been kept from the groves by the settlers, they have encroached upon the prairies, unless closely depastured by the farmer's stock or prevented by cultivation. This fact 1 regard as established by careful observa- tion of more than thirty years, during which time I have been an in- terested witness of the settlement of this country, from a time when a few log cabins, many miles apart, built in the borders of the groves, alone were met with, till now nearly the whole of the great prairies, in our state at least, are brought under cultivation by the industry of the husbandmen. Indeed, this is a fact as well recognized by settlers as that corn will grow upon the prairies when properly cultivated. Ten years ago I heard the observation made, by intelligent and observing men, that within the preceding twenty-five years the area of the tim- ber in the prairie portions of the state had actually doubled by the spontaneous extension of natural groves. However this may be, cer- tain it is that the encroachments of the timber upon the prairie have been universal and rapid, whenever not impeded by fire or other phys- ical causes, without regard to the constituents of the soil." Hon. J. D. Caton's article on the origin of the prairies delivered before the Chicago Historical Society, is so to the point that we have quoted quite extensively from it. Mr. H. W. Beckwith says, in the conclusion of his article on the subject in his " Historic Notes of the Northwest " : " The prairies of Illinois and Indiana were born of water and preserved by fire for the children of civilized men who have come to take possession of them." CHAPTER III THE MOUND BUILDERS. ~TTT~HO were they? "What were they? Whence came they? "What VV became of them? These are questions which the civilized world has for nearly four centuries been trying to answer. Although some of the best minds of the world have been at work for years trying to solve the mystery connected with these people, still their conclusions are but conjectures. The astonishment of the Europeans when first they knew that the New World was peopled with a race different from any before known, was more than equaled by that produced when, many years later, it became known that a race was here long previous to Indian habitation. Antiquarians say, now, that the Europeans are the fourth race to people America. Evidence in regard to the early races was not obtained from the Indians. Their earliest traditions told nothing of the builders of the wonderful and magnificent cities, the remains of which are found in various parts of Mexico and Central America. Neither could any- thing be obtained from them in regard to the earthworks of the United States, which are so numerous in places, and are scattered all the way from the southern shore of Lake Ontario southwesterly to Mexico. The original inhabitants of this great country passed out of existence leaving almost nothing for the later inhabitants to know of them save what is inherent in the grand and ofttimes magnificent ruins scattered from the Great Lakes to the Andean Plateau. The inhabitants of Mexico and Peru at the time of the Spanish conquest had some traditions relating to their predecessors, but all were of so conflicting a nature that but very little could be obtained from them. Aztec traditions indicate that Mexico was once occupied by a savage people, supposed to be the first owners of the land. These savages were displaced by a more civilized race which came in ships. This people was, in turn, conquered by another civilized people, who united with the former inhabitants. Allowing that there may be truth in these traditions, it has been suggested that the original mound- builders were a branch or colony of the second of the races which emi- grated to Mexico, and that they finally were attracted to the warmer climates, where they conquered and united with the people already there. These three peoples probably furnished the curious and mag- nificent structures the ruins of which have been objects of wonder- ment for so many modern minds. 14 THE MOUND BUILDERS. 15 The great number and magnitude of the ruins in Mexico, Central America, and South America, show that these countries were once quite densely populated. The time of the building and occupation of the cities now in such utter ruin and desolation is almost beyond con- jecture. From the present crumbling condition of the once massive stone structures, it would seem that, in point of tune, they long ante- date the Egyptian and other noted ruins of the Old World. Judging from their art displayed in various utensils, and in the" construction of the magnificent edifices, the inhabitants of ancient Mexico and Central America were much more civilized than those of the United States. The great number and rnassiveness of the earthworks found in the United States are no less a matter of speculation than are the. more artistic ruins found farther south. These earthworks are of divers shapes, and were evidently designed for various purposes. Some of them are ruins of forts ; of these some are rectangular, others are square; some are protected by outer embankments, while almost all are surrounded by ditches. Ohio, probably, contains the greater num- ber and the most interesting forts. On the banks of the Saline river, in Illinois, there was found the remains of a stone fort having walls four or five feet high. The remains of a walled town was found on Paint creek in Ohio. Mounds of various sizes have been found in many of the states. In many instances these mounds seem to have been originally intended for burial-places. In general, these earthen tombs were for single fami- lies or persons, the size of the mound indicating the rank held by the persons while living. The Indians used some of these mounds for burial- places, which accounts for the many skeletons sometimes found in them, Illinois has the honor of containing the largest mound in the United States. It is called the Caho*kia Mound, and is about six miles northeast of St. Louis. This mound was, ere modern improvement marred its shape and diminished its size, in the shape of a parallelo- gram, having sides seven hundred and five hundred feet respectively in length. Its height was ninety feet. A large terrace on the south- west was reached by a winding road. The summit was truncated, and in the middle of the large platform thus formed was a conical mound about ten feet high. This mound contained human bones, as well as the remains of various articles and utensils. The most probable sup- position is that a temple of wood, or other perishable material, origi- nally stood on this mound. Here high priests performed religious rites, which were witnessed by multitudes of people from below.* Illinois contains a great number of smaller mounds. These are * Foster's " Prehistoric Races." 16 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. often arranged in groups. Mr. Foster, in his " Prehistoric Races," mentions a group of fifty-nine mounds found on the banks of the Merom river. Some of the earthworks assume the shape of gigantic animals. Adams county, Ohio, contains a mound in the shape of a monstrous serpent one thousand feet in length. Northern Illinois and Wisconsin contain the majority of these animal mounds. It is supposed that the mound-builders were sun-worshipers. This conclusion was deduced from various facts. The finding of mounds, such as that at Cahokia, which were evidently used as the bases for temples ; the placing of the dead with their heads toward the east, the openings of tombs and forts being toward the east, and finally the finding of rude carvings, representing the sun, all lead to the conclu- sion that the mound-builders were sun-worshipers. What remains that have been found of this curious people show that in civilization they were far in advance of the Indians. They mined and quarried stone; they were acquainted with the curative properties of salt ; they had a national religion, and they built a great line of defense for protection from their enemies. The great size and number of their works showed that the government must have been such that the many were ruled absolutely by the few. No similarity can be found between this government and that of the Indians. There is certainly a similarity between the works of the mound-build- ers and those of the ancient inhabitants of Mexico. It is Dr. Foster's opinion that the mound-builders were expelled from the Mississippi valley by a barbarous race, and that refuge was taken in and about Central America, where their civilization became more complete. They thus left behind them the magnificent edifices the ruins of which have elicited the admiration of so many. Quite an excellent proof of the antiquity of the mound-builders was evinced when a comparison was made between the bodies found in the earthworks and some of those found in the Old World having a known time of burial. Considering the unfavorable conditions for preservation of the latter as compared with the favorable conditions of the former, the condition of the bodies when found in works of the mound-builders show a much longer interment. The conclusion is arrived at that the mound-builders were here at least two thousand years ago. Now, when these massive stone and earthen works have silently and majestically borne down to us, through the long vistas of centu- ries, the undeniable fact that this was, in reality, a sister land to that of the most ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, we pause in awful wonderment. It is with a feeling akin to reverence that we think of ~ the beings who were here such ages and ages ago. CHAPTER IV. THE FRENCH IN ILLINOIS. IN 1534, seven years before De Soto discovered the Mississippi river, Jacques Cartier, a French explorer, discovered the gulf and river St. Lawrence. The name was given to the gulf the next year, at the close of Cartier's second voyage. Cartier's discoveries were soon made known, and France immediately attempted to execute a plan for the colonization of New France, as Canada was first called. Various attempts were made, but all proved failures. For a time, while France was employed with domestic troubles, no attempts at coloniza- tion were made. It was not, therefore, until 1608, when France had peace at home, that the first permanent settlement was made in Can- ada. In this year Quebec was founded by Samuel Champlain. In writing of Champlain, Mr. Ridpath says that to him " more than to any other man, more than to the French government itself, the success of the North American colonies of France must be attributed." Champlain, upon his return in 1615 from a visit tp France, brought with him some Recollet monks, who came actuated solely by religious motives. After establishing many missions, they found their field of labor too great for so few laborers, and the Jesuits of France were appealed to. They came, actuated by the same religious zeal that the Recollet monks possessed. Illinois, and in fact all the great North- west, owes not a little to the pure lives and deep religious bearing of the French missionaries. Nicholas Perrot was the first European to tread the soil of Illinois. Over two hundred years ago, in 1670,* he was sent as an agent of the Canadian government to call a meeting of the western Indians at St. Mary's. This peace convention was a movement preparatory to what finally led to the discovery of the Mississippi river. Perrot, after visiting other tribes in the Northwest, proceeded to the village of the Miamas, at what is now Chicago. Illinois did well to rear her great- est city where her earliest European visitor placed first his foot upon her yielding soil. In 1672* two Jesuit ministers, Allouez and Dablon, starting from their mission on Green Bay, passed through the northern part of Illi- nois to visit the Fox, Masquotine and Kickapoo Indians. Not yet was the idea of the western passage to the Pacific given up. * Bancroft. 17 18 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. M. Talon, the intendant of Canada, selected Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette to assist in unvailing the great mystery. Before definite arrangements for the expedition were made, the intendant and gov- ernor were succeeded by other men. The new governor, Count Fron- tenac, upon the recommendation of Talon, placed Joliet and Marquette in charge of the western expedition. Joliet was a native of Quebec, and was born in 1645. He was energetic, had a good education, and was well qualified for the task before him. He had been educated for a priest, but he found his life- work in another direction. For some time previous to his appoint- ment with Marquette he had been a trader among the Indians. After his voyage with Marquette he did further service for the king. As a reward for all of his services he received the island of Anticosti. He, after this, caused his name to be written Joliet d'Anticosty. Some of his descendants are still living in Canada, and are yet in possession of his seigniory.* Marquette was the greater man of the two. He was born at Laon, France, in 1637. He united with the Jesuits at an early age, and in 1666 was sent to America. On account of his wonderful determina- tion and integrity, his kindness and his deep religious feeling, he became the mosfbeloved and most successful of all the Indian mission- aries. Joliet joined Marquette at Mackinaw. Marquette said in speaking of their appointment, " Onr joy at being chosen for this expedition roused our courage and sweetened the labor of rowing from morning to night." From Mackinaw Strait, in company witli several other Frenchmen, these men started May 17, 1673, on their renowned ex- pedition. Green Bay was reached, and on the Fox river an It\dian village was found. After stating their mission to the wondering Al- gonquins, and after obtaining two Indian guides, the voyagers pro- ceeded up the Fox river and across the Portage, when the Wisconsin river was reached. The guides returned leaving the Frenchmen " alone in an unknown country in the hands of Providence." "France and Christianity stood in the valley of the Mississippi. "f Passing down the Wisconsin river, in all its early June beauty, the voyagers reached the Great River on the 17th of June 1673. With untold joy they looked upon the mighty water. With thrilling hearts they eagerly entered the swift current and "the two birch-bark canoes, raising their happy sails under new skies and to unknown breezes, floated down the calm magnificence o f the ocean stream." f * o *H. W. Beckwith's "Historic Notes of the Northwest." f Bancroft. THE FRENCH IN ILLINOIS. 19 About sixty leagues below the mouth of the Wisconsin a little foot- path was seen leading westward from the river. Joliet and Mar- quette, the first white men in Iowa, went alone in search of the In- dians. After going six or eight miles they found, on the banks of the Des Moines river, some Illinois Indians, who received them kindly. An aged chief addressed them thus : " How beautiful is the sun, O Frenchmen, when thou comest to visit us! All our town awaits thee, and thou shalt enter all our cabins in peace." After six days' delay Marquette and Joliet, escorted by many of the savages, returned to their canoes. As the voyagers journeyed on down the river each day's travel brought new beauties to their view, and ere long the mouth ot the Illinois river was reached. The muddy waters of tke Missouri soon furnished to them a new object of wonderment. After passing the rnouth of the Ohio, and upon neariug the mouth of the Arkansas, they were convinced that the waters of the Mississippi did not reach the Pacific ocean. They therefore decided to return. Indians had been encountered at various places during the down- ward voyage. The return voyage was begun in the heat of July. Upon reaching the mouth of the Illinois river the Indians persuaded the travelers to follow up that river, thus finding an easier trip to Green Bay. While moving rapidly against the gentle current of the Illinois river, Marquette, though suffering from an illness contracted in the south, found ready enjoyment in the magnificent scenery which was continually being presented to their view. The blossoming flowers, the bounding deer, the roaming buffalo, all added to the in- terest of the scene before them. As they passed up the river, almost reluctantly their lingering eyes left the beauties in their rear, yet with eagerness they anticipated what was before them. Upon arriving at Kaskaskia, a town of the Illinois Indians on the present site of the town of Utica in La Salle county, they procured guides and the party soon reached Chicago. From thence they jour- neyed on to Green Bay. Upon i caching this place Marquette decided to remain at his mission while Joliet went with accounts of their dis- coveries to Quebec. After nearly a year spent in trying to regain his health, Marquette started on what proved to be his last missionary expedition. In Oc- tober, 1674, he started, with two Frenchmen and some Indians, to Kaskaskia, where he proposed to found a mission. His malady re- turned upon his reaching Chicago, and the winter was spent in a hut on the banks of the river. The following March he continued his journej 7 to Kaskaskia, and the first Jesuit mission was founded in Illi- nois. The Indians took regretful leave of the good man when he 20 _ A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. started for Mackinaw, which he hoped to reach ere his death. But it was not thus to be. On the 19th of May he was obliged to pause in his journey. His companions built a hut for him on the banks of the st'Nsam which bears his name. Here, in America's great wilderness, where he had ever loved to tell of his unshaken faith, Mar- quette's spirit passed upward to his Maker. After Champlain, Robert Cavalier de La Salle was the next great French explorer to leave the " vine-clad hills of sunny France " and brave the trials and misfortunes in the New World. Robert de La Salle was the son of a wealthy burgher in Rouen, and was born in 1643. He was deprived of his patrimony by his early connections with the Jesuits. Finding his sphere somewhat limited, he made an honorable withdrawal from the Jesuits and followed his brother, a St. Sulpitian priest, to America. While preparing for the settlement of the grant of land which was presented to him, he became acquainted with nine different Indian languages and dialects. Upon hearing of the Ohio river from Seneca Indians, La Salle re- solved to attempt to discover the Western Passage to Asia. Although he failed to obtain help from the government, he was not to be baffled in his desire. He sold his grant of land and thus prepared for his expedition. A missionary expedition, which the Seminary was pre- paring for the northwest, was merged into La Salle's expedition, and in July, 1669, the explorers began their journey. The missionary part of this expedition proved a failure. La Salle, however, amid perplexing trials, won for himself an everlasting crown of glory, won the honor of discovering the Ohio river. After returning to France, La Salle came back to America with renewed energy and additional means for carrying on his pet project. In 1679 a vessel, the Griffin, was constructed on the Niagara river, and was destined for an expedition on the Great Lakes. La Salle, in company with Tonti, Hennepin and others, embarked in the vessel in August 1679. Green Bay was reached, and the fated Griffin was sent toward Canada, while La Salle with his remaining men started in canoes to the St. Joseph river. Upon the completion of Fort Miama, on the St. Joseph river, La Salle continued his journey, and sought to find the Illinois river. Before the end of December, La Salle, Tonti and Hennepin, with two other men, glided joyfully down the Illinois river and soon reached the Indian village of Kaskaskia. The six hun- dred cabins were deserted, and La Salle, after helping himself to some stored corn, passed on down the river. They soon entered Lake Peoria, and at its lower extremity the friendly Illinois Indians were found. THE FRENCH IN ILLINOIS. 21 Notwithstanding the friendship of the Indians dark days were ahead for La Salle. He already feared the loss of the Griffin, and, too, his men became discontented. When La Salle planned and began to build a fort on the banks of the Illinois river, below the Peoria lake, thwarted by destiny and almost despairing he named the fort "Creve- coeur," or the " Broken Heart." These trials afforded but another opportunity for La Salle to show forth his great determination and will power. His men were led to construct a bark on the Illinois river. Hennepin was sent on an expe- dition to the upper Mississippi ; Tonti was left in charge of Fort Creve- cceur, while La Salle, with but three companions, started on foot for Fort Frontenac, in Canada. On his way up the river La Salle visited the Illinois Indians, who had returned to Kaskaskia. While here he explored the elevation since known as Starved Rock. This rock is near one hundred and fifty feet in height, and is situated on the south bank of the Illinois river, about one and one half miles from the present town of Utica. La Salle, pleased with the rock, afterward sent word to Tonti to fortify it. After this short pause, La Salle con- tinued his journey toward Canada. He reached his destination safely after a long and perilous journey. Notwithstanding the loss of the Griffin, the receiving of a discour- aging letter from Tonti at Fort Creve-coeur, and the hearing of the destruction of Fort St. Joseph, still La Salle was not dismayed. He obtained necessary supplies, and with twenty-five men returned to Illi- nois. Upon reaching Kaskaskia they found it deserted. The houses were burned, and buz/ards feasted on the fetid remains of the slaughtered Indians. The dreaded Iriquois had evidently made their threatened invasion. After searching in vain for Tonti, La Salle went on down the river. The deserted and partially destroyed Fort Creve-coeur was found but no Tonti. La Salle sadly continued his course to the Mississippi river, when, in despair of finding the missing ones, he resolved to return to Fort Miama. Tonti, in the meantime, after the desertion of some of his men, had found refuge with the Indians at Kaskaskia. Here he remained until the arrival of the Iriquois. Previous to the open attack, Tonti had worked hard on both sides endeavoring to obtain peace. He had risked his life in vain, and finally, being distrusted by the Indians, he started with what remained of his company for Green Bay. La Salle next conceived and executed .the plan of getting the Illinois and Miama Indians to unite for defense against the Iriquois. He started again for Canada, and on his way met Tonti at Mackinaw. Upon reaching Canada another expedition was fitted out for the 22 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. valley of the Mississippi. This party reached the Mississippi on the 6th of February 1682. On the 6th of April the Great Gulf was be- fore them, and on the 9th of April, 1682, La Salle, in the name of Louis XIV of France, took possession of the Mississippi valley. The anticipated goal was reached, and the travelers made preparations for returning to Mackinaw. From Mackinaw La Salle expected to go to France, but hearing of the Indian troubles in Illinois he returned and built Fort St. Louis on Starved Rock. La Salle next went to Canada, leaving Tonti in charge of Fort St. Louis. From Canada he went to France to fit up an expe- dition via the Gulf of Mexico to the Mississippi valley. He succeeded in starting from France with four ships and two hundred and eighty men. Unfortunately the mouth of the Mississippi was passed, and the party landed at Matagorda bay. A fort was built here, and named St. Louis, in honor of the king. La Salle, failing to find either gold or the Mississippi river, started with twenty men overland toward Canada. His men were dissatisfied, and finally in one of their quarrels La Salle's nephew was killed. While seeking for his nephew La Salle was shot by one of his men. Such was the death of this bold adventurer. " For force of will and vast conceptions; for various knowledge and quick adoption of genius to untried circumstances; for a sublime mag- nanimity that resigned itself to the will of heaven, and yet triumphed over affliction by energy of purpose and unfaltering hopes, he had no superior among his countrymen." * De Soto discovered the lower Mississippi, and Joliet and Marquette discovered the upper part of the river; but to La Salle will be yielded the honor of starting colonization in the great central valley of the west. In the preparation of this article on the French explorations the following works have been consulted : Bancroft's " History of the United States," vol. iii; Ridpath's "History of the United States"; Davidson and Stuve's "History of Illinois"; H. W. Beckwith's "His- toric Notes of the Northwest"; Peck's "Annals of the West," and Parkman's " Northwest." * Bancroft. IARY THE RSSlV OF ILLINOIS CHAPTER V. INDIANS IN ILLINOIS. "Alas ! for them their day is o'er, Their fires are out from hill to shore ; No more for them the wild deer bounds ; The plough is on their hunting grounds ; The pale man's axe rings through their woods ; The pale man's sail skims o'er their floods ; Their pleasant springs are dry; Their children look ! by power oppressed, Beyond the mountains of the west Their children go to die." CHAS. SPRAGUE. present Indians of the United States constitute, it is sup- J- posed, the third distinct race which has inhabited North America. Their origin is still but a matter of conjecture. The most common supposition, however, is that they sprang from some of the early peo- ples of Asia. According to Indian tradition they came from the northwest. Their "happy hunting grounds" were always toward the west. The Algonquin and Iroquois branches of the American Indians are the only ones which played a conspicuous part in Illinois history. The principal part of the Iroquois country was in what is now the State of New York. The five principal tribes of the Iroquois the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas constituted the famous Five Nations of New York. It has been considered by some that these nations showed the Indian in his most favorable aspect that the Iroquois Indian was the bravest, most patriotic and most eloquent of all the Indians. A later opinion, however, is that the Algon- quins, from the same latitude, were fully their equals in courage, patriotism and eloquence. The territory of the Algonquin Indians completely surrounded that of the Iroquois, arid extended far to the north, south and west. The Algonquins were on the St. Lawrence at the time of the French dis- coveries there ; they were found as far south as South Carolina, and Marquette and La Salle found them in the Mississippi valley. The Algonquins embraced the Ottawas, Chippewas, Pottawatomies, Sacs 3 26 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. and Foxes, Kickapoos, Illinois, and several other tribes. The majority of the Indians who made Illinois their home belonged to the Illinois tribe. ILLINOIS INDIANS. The word Illinois is derived from Illini, an Indian term meaning "real or superior men." The French have left their impress upon our state by giving to its name a French termination. Originally the Illinois confederacy was composed of four tribes, the Kaskaskias, Cahokias, Tamaroas and Peorias. Not a great while previous to the appearance of the French in the west, a foreign tribe, the Michigamies, were taken into the confederacy. Previous to the discovery of the upper Mississippi by Marquette the Illinois Indians had been driven west of that river by the Iroquois. They afterward returned to their former home, and when Marquette and Joliet passed up the Illinois river they found some of their tribe near the present town of Utica, on the Illinois river. After the repul- sion of the Illinois tribe by the Iroquois the former Indians were in constant fear of renewed attacks ; and they had ground for fear, for in 1680 the Iroquois again made their appearance. Consternation and fear were depicted in the countenance of "every inhabitant of the Kaskaskia village .when a Shawnee Indian, after starting for home, hurried back with the news of the invaders 1 arrival. With hurried preparations for war the Illinois crossed the river and barely reached the plain beyond when the Iroquois emerged in vast numbers from the woods of the Yermilion river. Some shots were discharged on both sides, but a partial treaty of peace was made and the Iroquois reserved their attack until later, when they plundered the village and pursued the Illinois down the river. Near the mouth of the Illinois river seven hundred women and children of the Tamaroas were taken prisoner. Throughout the entire attack the butcheries were fearful ; men, women and children were unmercifully slaughtered. After the appeasing of their fiendish thirst the Iroquois retired from their field of conquest and the remaining Illinois returned to their desolated homes. The Iroquois were great warriors, could not remain idle, pre- tended to subject all other nations to themselves, and never wanted a pretext for commencing hostilities. They, however, were not always successful in their campaign into the Illinois country, and into other parts of the west. According to tradition, four hundred Iroquois were INDIANS IN ILLINOIS. 27 defeated at the moutli of Des Moines river by three hundred Sioux. Again, on the banks of the Illinois river, some Illinois Indians, at the instigation of an Indian maiden,* returned after a partial defeat and completely routed the Iroquois. The founding at the Kaskaskia village of the earliest Jesuit mission in Illinois has already been alluded to. This mission, founded in 1675, was removed by Father Gravier to Kaskaskia, in southwestern Illinois, some time previous to 1690. Kaskaskia, the oldest town in Illinois, was the last abiding place of the Illinois Indians within the limits of the state. Although the Illinois Indians were considered cowardly, treacher- ous and deceitful, yet the French never had any more faithful allies. Charlevoix, in the "History of New France," said of them: "If we except the Abenaqui tribes, they are the only tribe that never sought peace with their enemies to our prejudice." In 1684 there were twelve hundred Illinois warriors in their single village at La Salle's colony, at Fort St. Louis, on the Illinois river. These Indians assisted the French in many instances. They assisted in the Chickasaw war, and fought against the Katchez Indians in 1729. They became involved in Pontiac's great conspiracy, but they had seemingly lost much of their old thirst for warfare ; and as they did not show the zeal which Pontiac expected they would, he threatened them severely. In 1767,f when Pontiac lost his life in the Illinois country, the other nations that had answered to Pontiac's mighty word of command sought revenge upon the Illinois confederacy. During this persecution, shortly after the death of Pontiac, occurred the siege of Starved Rock. Tradition says that a war party of the Illinois sought refuge at the old Fcrt St. Louis, on Le Rocher, as the French called it. Their enemies besieged these warriors until, when near starving, they grew desperate. One dismal, stormy night they at- tempted to escape, but they were soon overpowered by their blood- thirsty enemies. It is said, however, that a few escaped down the river and joined the remaining Illinois Indians near Kaskaskia. Hence the name, Starved Rock, by which this rocky promontory is known at the present time. In 1794 the Illinois Indians were defeated in a war against the United States. A treaty of peace was made and an annuity was granted them. They made several moves after this, selling their * Watseka, the county seat of Iroquois county, perpetuates the name of this maiden. H. W. BECKWITH. f H. W. Beckwith. 28 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. land as they left. According to a letter of Gen. Harrison's, written in 1814, the Illinois confederacy was reduced, in 1800, to but thirty warriors, while in 1745 their warriors numbered four thousand. By various treaties their lands were ceded to the United States. They were moved west of the Missouri, and in 1854 were in eastern Kansas. In 1867 they moved farther west. There remained, in 1872, but forty persons, men, women and children, of the once great and powerful Illinois confederacy. According to the accounts given by some of the early French mis- sionaries, the Illinois Indians originally possessed their full share, probably more than their full share, of Indian vices. Upon the arrival of the French missionaries they were warmly welcomed by the Illinois, and soon Christianity had "produced a change such as she alone can produce in morals and disposition." In the use of the bow and arrow they were more skillful than any of the surrounding tribes. They were tall and graceful, and were noted for being swift of foot. Previous to the coming of the Iroquois the Illinois Indians had lived on the banks of the Illinois river in primitive content'edness. Long "before Perrot reached Illinois these Indians had lived, fought, loved and worshiped in the beautiful valley of the river which bears their name. Their swift arrows pierced the hearts of scores of timid bound- ing deer. The buffalo, in all his mightiness, fell to the ground no less Surely than did the deer when the Illinois bow was raised. They hunted that they might live. They lived in great simplicity, but with a kindness to relatives and a royal hospitality to friends and strangers, that some of their pale-faced successors would do well to imitate. They fought in defense of kindred and homes, and for their dead. Cupid's arrow was no less potent then than now. Triumphantly the "persistent god" started the mystic dart that pierced with all surety the hearts of dusky youths and maidens. And here on this broad rolling prairie, or in the midst of the great forest, which Marquette said was the Indian's paradise, these Indians thought ever of the Great Spirit their God. SACS AND FOXES. These tribes originally lived on the banks of the St. Lawrence river; but hostile tribes drove them westward, and they fought their way separately to the vicinity of Green Bay. Here, for mutual pro- tection, these tribes made an alliance which has never been broken. The Jesuit Allouez found them near Green Bay as early as 1669 or INDIANS IN ILLINOIS. 29 1672. He was at first received by them with contempt, but with Jesuitic patience he labored and finally succeeded in gaming their confidence and friendship. AVhen Marquette, several years afterward, passed through this region he beheld with joy the cross which had been erected at Allouez's instigation. The combined tribes continued their warlike machinations when they moved to northern Illinois, and while residing there formed alliances with other nations, and for years harassed the Illinois Indians on their river and ultimately helped to drive this tribe south- ward. They warred frequently against the French, and aided the British against the Americans as late as 1812. They' made several cessions of land to the United States, and in 1830 that cession was made which led to the Black Hawk war. After this war these tribes went to their lands in Iowa. They were afterward removed to the Indian Territory. From the year 1825 to that of 1850 these tribes had suffered a decrease in numbers of some 3,000 souls. THE KICK A POOS. In 1672* Allouez found the Kickapoos on the Milwaukee river. In 1763 they were situated in tli3 country around the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan. They afterward moved farther south ; and still later, at the time of the first settlements in Piatt county they lived in the vicinity of the Sangamon river, and had a village on Kickapoo creek, at Elkhart Grove, and at several places in eastern Illinois. It is said that the Kickapoos were somewhat more civilized than the surrounding tribes ; but be that as it may, in warfare, at least, they were barbarous. They were very bitter in their hatred of the Illinois Indians, and for near a century did their share in helping to extermi- nate that powerful tribe. The Kickapoos reaped their coveted reward, for they afterward occupied a portion of the coveted Illinois hunting- grounds. They gained possession of this ground shortly after the war which followed Pontiac's death, and were not content to let the Illinois Indians alone after their retreat to the southern part of the state. The Kickapoos, in general, had a deep feeling of animosity toward the whites. They, in connection with several other tribes, did so much damage by murdering and stealing during the war of 1812 that Gov. Edwards was necessitated to suppress them by military force. * Bancroft. 30 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. After their submission annuities were granted them. Some emigrated to Mexico, where they still showed their hatred to the whites by mak- ing inroads over the border. THE POTTAWATOMIES. The French found this tribe lying just east of the southern part of Lake Michigan, and the Jesuits founded a mission among these Indians on the St. Joseph river. The Iroquois had been instrumental in driv- ing this tribe westward. A portion located as above mentioned, while some went farther north. These Indians were ferocious, and long had strong hatred toward the English and Americans. They were friendly toward the French and assisted them in some of their battles. In Pontiac's war they were strongly allied to him. They were merciless, and often disguised their evil intentions under the garb of friendship. By thus doing they massacred almost the entire garrison of a military post on the St. Joseph river. These Indians, in conjunction with parts of the Ottawa and Chippewa tribes, were very ferocious and vindictive in the wars which marked the advancement of the whites toward the west. In the destruction of life they were the most daring, cruel and fiendish. Pontiae did well when he gained them as co-workers in his great satanic scheme of cruelty and bloodshed. In 1812, under British influence, the Pottawatomies enacted at Fort Dearborn* one of the most merciless crimes that human beings have ever perpetrated. Fort Dearborn was built and garrisoned in 1804. The traders who came from time to time to this place managed to keep up a friendly feeling with the Indians. In 1812, during the English and American war, word was sent for the garrison at this fort to evacuate. Captain Heald, commander of the garrison, made known, in council with the Indians the intended evacuation. Signs of hostility were observed among the Indians, but all fears were mostly quieted upon the arrival of Captain Wells with some Miami Indians from Fort Wayne. Early on the morning of August 15 the fatal day -Mr. Kinzie, one of the principal traders at the post, received word from a friendly Indian that mischief was on foot. At nine o'clock the party, escorted by Captain Wells and 500 Pottawatomies, left the fort to the sound of martial music. Notwithstanding the Pottawatomies had pledged their honor to see the party safe to Fort Wayne, before they were beyond the present limits of Chicago these treacherous fiends * Xo\v Chicago. INDIANS IN ILLINOIS. 31 made a terrible attack upon the whites, sparing neither men, women nor children. The American troops fought bravely, and until over half were killed, before a surrender was made. The Indians soon had control of the wagons and baggage, and the helpless were massacred without mercy. The most tearful of all these dread deeds was that performed by a single young savage who climbed into a wagon and with his tomahawk dispatched twelve innocent children. Captain Wells, then a prisoner, upon witnessing this scene, exclaimed : "If this be your game, I can kill too," and he started toward the Potta- watomie camp. But he soon became a prisoner again, and although some friendly chiefs tried to save him, a Pottawatomie rode up in the rear and killed him by a single blow. This man's heart was cut to pieces and distributed among the Indians for a token of bravery. Wells street in Chicago perpetuates the name of this brave man. During all this terrible scene Mr. Kinzie's family were guarded by friendly Indians near the fort. The prisoners taken by the Indians were widely distributed to various tribes in Illinois and Wisconsin. The majority were ransomed at Detroit the next year, while some were detained a year longer. The Pottawatomies also took part in the outbreak against the Illinois Indians, and were benefited by the removal of the latter from their cher- ished land. They were finally removed from Illinois. They found their way to the Indian Territory, and in 1850 the Pottawatomies only numbered about 1500 persons. SHABBONA. Shabbona was a peace chief of the Pottawatomies, and was born near the Maumee river, in Ohio, in 1775.* His commanding physical structure, as well as the noble attributes of his mind, caused him to be respected by Indian as well as by white man. He was a companion of Tecumseh in the war of 1812, and was fighting by his side when the great brave fell, in 1813, at the battle of the Thames. Upon the death of his wife's father he became a chief of the Pottawatomies. After the war of 1812 he was always a friend of the Americans. The whites owe this Indian an everlasting debt of gratitude for the prompt action in favor of the whites taken by him during the Black Hawk trouble. Black Plawk endeavored to gain Shabbona's assistance in his war, telling him, as an argument, that if they united their tribes they would be in numbers as the trees of the forest. Shabbona replied, "Yes, * Lecture before the Chicago Historical Society, by Mr. Win. Hickling. 32 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. and the army of the palefaces you will have to encounter will be as numerous as the leaves on those trees. " After finding that war must come Shabbona traveled, night and day that he might save the frontier white settlers. Had the white settlers of Indian Creek heeded Shabbona's ' words of warning, that fearful massacre might have been averted. Many of the people of La Salle county owed the preservation of their lives to this old peace Indian. For the services rendered by Shabbona to the whites the government reserved a portion of land at Shabbona's Grove, in what is now De Kalb county, and presented him with a pension of $200. When his tribe moved to the Pottawatomie reservation, west of the Mississippi, Shabbona went also, but he, with his family, returned to his individual reservation. He again went west, but affer one of his sons was killed he returned to Illinois, in 1855. Supposing that Shabbona had deserted his reservation, some speculators sold his land during his absence. Upon his return Shabbona was hurt by this act, and sorrowfully said, "Shabbona has nothing now." The citizens of Ottawa raised by subscription a sufficient amount of money to pur- chase twenty acres of land in Grundy county, upon which Shabbona and his family lived until his death, in 1859. His wife, who weighed 400 pounds, was drowned in Mazon creek, six years after her hus- band's death. Let those who would ruthlessly push the Indians to the very verge of our continent pause and remember Shabbona. His life shows what nobleness there can be in the Indian's character. He is a striking example of the people who hate their enemies and love their friends with all their soul. It may be said of him, however, that while his friendship was of the strongest, his hatred was not so bitter nor so lasting as that of some of his people. ILLINOIS IN PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY. Pontiac was born in 1712. His native tribe has long been a mat- ter of controversy, as several tribes have claimed him. The most favorable opinion at present, however, is that he belongs to the Sac tribe. He closely resembled these Indians, and it was the first to answer his call against the whites. It is well known that he was a chief of the Ottawas, but that probably was because of their being greater warriors. Pontiac was first known as an ally of the French. After the fall of Quebec, in 1759, the long war between France and England was at an INDIANS IN ILLINOIS. 33 end, and Pontiac was too politic to adhere to the cause of the van- quished, so he made friends with the English upon their taking pos- session of the French posts. It was when Maj. Robert Rogers was. sent to take possession of the frontier French posts that the great Pontiac appeared first upon the scene. After passing Fort Niagara the major landed at the farthest point west the English troops had been. Soon after their landing Indians made their appearance, evi- dently to design the purpose of the whites. 'Twas then that Rogers first saw Pontiac, who addressed the whites in rather an arrogant style and seemed disposed to prevent their continuance to Detroit. But the next morning the sagacious, politic Pontiac reappeared, offered the peace pipe and designated his desire to live in peace with the English. The party proceeded, and, owing to Pontiac's influence among the hostile tribes, reached Detroit safely. The French commander w r as evidently incensed at the appearance of Rogers, but nevertheless the French garrison filed out of the fort, laid down their arms and gave place to the English. The Indians who witnessed the transfer could not understand how a few English could take the place of the French garrison. When all was explained to them their opinion of the English began to be exalted, but still they could not understand why the lives of the conquered French were not taken.' Pontiac expected all the deference from the English that the French had been wont to pay him, and the English not bestowing this deference, had not been long in the possession of the country ere an awful cloud began to hover in their horizon. The Indians, instigated somewhat by the French, be- gan to nourish a silent, fearful hate of the English. Pontiac's mind had not been inactive while these feelings were being aroused among the other Indians. He began to realize what English supremacy meant, and he resolved to resist with an awful strength their advance- ment, and if possible to "drive the red* dogs into the sea." By his own power, and with the assistance of the French, Pontiac became the leader of at least fifteen Indian nations. His messengers had been sent near and far until a mighty war cloud was close upon the unsuspecting English. Pontiac's plot was to attack all the English posts on the same day and, after gaining possession, to kill all the English men, women and children. Illinois, being still under the French flag, was the rendezvous/ for both French and Indians, and the origin of the great scheme might be traced there. The principal scene of action, however, was east * Referi-in r to the red rij. By the ordinance of 1787 the whole of the country northwest of the Ohio was considered as one district for temporaiy government. For the good of the original states and of the future states six articles were drawn up which were to constitute a per- petual contract between the people of the territory and those of the original states. According to these articles, there was to be religious tolerance in the territory ; trial by jury ; education was to be encour- aged ; the territory was always to be a part of the United States, and there was to be no slavery tolerated. This compact, thus partially quoted, has exerted from then till no.w an influence in this country which could scarcely have been anticipated by the originators of the articles. Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair was elected the first governor of the Northwestern territory. St. Clair was a Scotchman and came to America in 1755. He served in the French and Indian war, and later was president of the congress of the United States. In 1788 St. Clair county was organized, which included all of the present State of Illi- nois south of the mouth of Little Mackinaw creek on the Illinois river. Three judicial districts were made and a court of common pleas was established. John Edgar, John B. Barbeau and J. D. Moulin were appointed judges to hold courts in their respective districts. Justices of the peace were appointed throughout the country. Cahokia was made the county seat. Thus began the existence of United States law in the territory. John Rice Jones was the first man who practiced law in Illinois. He was a very energetic lawyer and a fluent speaker. At the time of his death in 1824 he was judge of the supreme court of Missouri.* About the year 1790 a series of misfortunes arose which soon caused the French settlements to decline. These misfortunes were of various kinds, such as inundations of the Mississippi, severity of the seasons, and supplies granted to troops with no requital. Besides these causes, the cheerful, free and passive nature of the Frenchmen was not. altogether congenial with the stern, sturdy, active natures of the, Puritans who now thronged in great numbers, and French immi- gration was fast ceasing. TecumseKs Conspiracy : Indians again on the war-path.^ It must be remembered that France made no extensive purchases of the Indians ; consequently in the treaty of Paris only small portions of land were transferred to the English. The English then had but little to transfer to America, save what she had received from France. Con- *Stuve. f Annals of the 54: A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. gress felt that as the Indians had adhered mostly to the English they were conquered too. Congress felt that the land of the Indian was rightfully won, and settlements were made accordingly. At the same time efforts were being put forward to establish certain peace. Treaties with various tribes were made in 1784, 1785 and in 1789. With all these precautions it was found that most of the tribes in the west were not bound by agreement to yield land north of the Ohio. The Indian confederacy had sullenly determined that the Ohio should form a perpetual boundary between the Indians and the whites, and accord- ingly organized and began a war against the Americans. The main theater of- this war was within the present limits of Ohio and Indiana, while Illinois had little part in it save in resisting the Indian hostilities on the frontier. The Kickapoo Indians seemingly were the most hostile and early began their depredations. All through the years from 1778 to 1794 Illinois was the theater where many bar- barous murders were enacted. For six years the war raged, when finally, through the efforts of Gen. Wayne, a treaty was drawn up and signed by all the principal men of the Indian confederacy. In this treaty various tracts of land in the Northwest were ceded to the Indians. In Illinois there was one at the mouths of the Chicago and Illinois rivers and one at the Peoria's fort. Peace had come -at last, and the eager whites started forward the checked tide of emigration. In 1788 the population of Illinois was about 1220.* In 1778 there was but one professor of religion in the colonies of Illinois. This was a lady and a member of the Presbyterian church. James Smith, a Baptist minister, preached the first Protestant ser- mon in Illinos. He also made the first Protestant converts. The first regularly organized Protestant church in Illinois was that organized in 1796 at New Design, by David Badgley. The first school for American settlers in this state was taught by Samuel Seely in 1783. In 1795 Gov. St. Clair made a division of St. Clair county, naming the lower county Randolph, in honor of Edmund Randolph, of Vir- ginia. A In 1796 the white population of Ohio was over 5000, and accord- ing to the ordinance of 1787 the country was entitled to another grade of government. In the latter part of 1799 the new order of govern- ment was in full working order. Indiana Territory. On May 7, 1800, congress passed an act * Stuve. ILLINOIS A DEPENDENCY OF CANADA. 55 dividing the Northwestern territory ; and the Indiana territory was formed. In this territory the present states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and almost all of Indiana, were included. The government was to be somewhat similar to that of the h'rst grade of government. On May 13, 1800, William II. Harrison was appointed governor of the Indiana territory. By March of 1801 it was in full working order. By the act of congress March 26, 1804, Louisiana was annexed to the Indiana territory. In the previous year, through the efforts of some of America's deep-thinking men, Louisiana had been purchased of France. Before a year had passed after its admission to Indiana territory Louisiana was made into a separate territory. Ohio was admitted to the Union as a state in 1802. In 1803, 1804 and 1805 treaties were maxle with various Indian tribes by which the greater part of Illinois was divested of its Indian title, and the land, even in the Indian's wavering judgment, was a part of the United States. Some of the Indians, however, were loth to fulfill their promises and retire from their old hunting-grounds, and it was some time before Indian depredations ceased. According to the laws adopted by the territory of Indiana only the will of a majority of the freeholders was necessary for changing the government from the first to that of the second grade of territorial gov- ernment. The change of government was made in 1805. Part of the old laws were re-enacted, while some new ones were made. Territory of Illinois. Michigan had been erected into a separate territory in 1805, and the people of Illinois as well desired a separation from the Indiana territory. By the act of congress February 3, 1809, all of the present Illinois and Wisconsin was to constitute the new territory of Illinois. Hon. Ninian Edwards was appointed the first governor and Nathaniel Pope secretary of the territory. The seat of government was fixed at Kas- kaskia. At the time of the organization of the territory the population was about 9,000. In 1810 there were over 12,000. The immigration, it will be seen, was steadily on the increase. But soon there was to be a check in the growth of the settlements. Already in the dark forests might be heard the war-whoop of the secret friends of the English. After the treaty of peace between England and America, the Indians had desisted in their warfare only when they had no further hope of aid from the English. They were ready then and quickly interpreted the signs of ill-feeling between the United States and Great Britain, 56 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. just previous to the war of 1812. In 1810 Tecumseh, chief of the Shawnees, took measures which placed the nature of his future actions beyond a doubt. The immediate cause of Tecumseh's excitement was the treaty of Fort Wayne, in 1809. He was not at the council and claimed that a part of his land had been illegally sold. His theory was that the lands of the Indians could not be disposed of without the consent of all the tribes. His plan was to substantiate this principle by uniting all the western tribes and, if necessary, force the United States to give back the land ceded at Fort Wayne. This conspiracy of Tecumseh had only been excelled by that of Pontiac. Tecumseh boldly avowed, at a council meeting called by Gov. Har- rison, at Vincennes, his intention to retain the land. He was ordered to leave the village, and ere long Gov. Harrison began preparations to resist hostilities. Gov. Harrison started north with his army. When near Prophets- town "he told the Indians he had no hostile intentions, provided they adhered to their treaties. Encampment was made for the night, but ere daylight dawned the Indians attacked the camp. Thus began the famous battle of TipJDecanoe. The end was not what the Prophet anticipated, for the surprise was not a complete one. With but a moment's warning the Governor's army fought valiantly, and the Indians were repulsed with a loss equal to that of the Americans. Tecumseh was in the south at the time of this, and upon his return he, in dismay, saw his grand conspiracy dashed to the ground, and finally departed for Canada, where he joined the British standard. While such a crisis had been reached in Indiana hostilities were grow- ing more manifest in Illinois. Preparations for defense began to be made throughout the state. Forts, blockhouses and stockades were soon built. Fort Russell, a little northwest of Edwardsville, was established by Gov. Edwards, and was the strongest stockade fort in Illinois. Gov. Edwards tried in vain to make peace with the Indians of the state. During the winter of 1811-12 the British in the east kept up their insulting actions toward the Americans, and the result was that on the 19th of June, 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain. In August of this year occurred the massacre, already spoken of, at Fort Dearborn. The next day after this disaster at Chicago Gen. Hull "crowned lARY THE VZRSriY OF ILLINOIS ILLINOIS A DEPENDENCY OF CANADA. 57 his course of indecision and unmanly fear"* by giving into English hands the town of Detroit and territory of Michigan. Thus the English arid their allies were in possession of the entire Northwest, with the exception of one or two forts. Every citizen in the pioneer states seemed thrilled with one desire to wipe out the dis- graces of the year and to protect the people from the horrors of savage supremacy. . Gov. Edwards organized and started an expedition against the Indians on the Illinois river. They at least succeeded in frighten- ing the Indians, who retreated upon their approach. After thirteen days absence Gov. Edwards' army, without loss, returned to Fort Chartres. At the beginning of 1813 everything was gloomy in the west. Stronger preparations were made to resist the wily foe. Ranging com- panies w r ere formed, but in spite of all precautions the savages con- tinued to perform some terrible deeds. In the summer of 1813 a joint force from Illinois and Missouri was sent up the Mississippi river. Quite an exten1|pf country was gone over and the army reached Camp Russell in October, 1813. During this entire campaign not a battle was fought; no foe was seen. This campaign, however, served to show the strength of the whites and the result was that the settlers were not molested by the Indians during the entire winter. The next year several expeditions were made up the Mississippi river, but only partial success was attained. The gloom in the west was soon dispelled by the joyful news of the treaty of peace made at Ghent. The war of 1812 was at an end. In 1812 the government of the Illinois territory was changed to the second grade of government for territories. By a proclamation of the governor the members of the first legislature of Illinois con- vened in Kaskaskia, the seat of government, November 25, 1812. f The place of meeting was in the upper room of an old stone building that had been used as headquarters of the French commandant after Fort Chartres was abandoned. What a comparison that old building with steep roof and unpainted board gables presents to the magnifi- cent structure in "which the legislature of to-day assembles ! On December 13, 1812, some of the old laws were re-enacted, while some new ones were made. Under the authority of Nathaniel Pope the territorial laws were revised, and they were printed in 1815. To an inhabitant of Illinois to-day it seems almost incredible that not eighty years ago the punishments for crime frequently were whipping on the bare back, standing in the pillory, confinement in stocks and * Annals of the West, f Stuve. 5 58 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. branding witli red-hot irons. Yet so it was, and people could even be cast into prison for debt. Happily such laws are not of our time. Three general assemblies were elected by the people while Illinois was a territory. Edwards county was the first county formed by the legislature, and was named in honor of the governor. After the close of the war of 1812 Illinois seemed to begin a new growth. The tide of immigration, which had been retarded for a time, set in with redoubled force. New settlements were made in every direction. Agriculture still continued to be. the leading occupation. Owing to the difficulties to be met with in transportation there was but little commerce in the early times of Illinois. Articles from the east- ern states came in wagons over the mountains, then down the river in flatboats. Keelboats passed slowly to and fro between St. Louis and New Orleans, carrying needful articles to both cities. But this was not long to last, for steamboats soon came into use. A CHAPTER VII. ILLINOIS A STATE. " What constitutes a State ? ****** Men who their duties know, But know their rights, and, knowing, dare maintain. ****** And sovereign law, that states collected will O'er thrones and globes elate, Sits empress, crowning good, refreshing ill." ANEW era in the history of Illinois began in 1818. The people for some time had been wishing for a change of govern- ment, and accordingly Nath. Pope, the delegate to congress, was instructed to plead for the admission of Illinois into the Union. Judge Pope's discernment led him to make some amendments to the bill for admission, by which the port of Chicago was brought within the boundaries of the state. This addition to the new state connected her interests more firmly with the east, the south and the west. Thus while greatly advancing Illinois, another link was added to the chain which bound the states in union. ILLINOIS A STATE. 59 Another amendment of great importance in the future well-being of Illinois was the appliance of three per cent of the fund from the sale of public lands to the advancement of education. A convention was called to meet in July, 1818, at Kaskaskia, for the purpose of drafting the first constitution of the State of Illinois. Elias K. Kane was the principal member of this convention, and to his talent are we indebted for many worthy features of the constitution. An election for the officers of the new state was held in September, 1818. Shadrach Bond was elected as the first governor of the State of Illinois. Gov. Bond was a native of Maryland, and was a plain man, who made no pretentions to learning, but was possessed of good com- mon sense. Pierre Menard was made the first lieutenant governor of the state. He being a foreigner, and not having been a citizen thirty years, the people of the state showed their belief in his worth by alter- ing a part of the constitution for his special benefit. These two men both had counties named in their honor. In October, 1818, the legislature convened at Kaskaskia and elected Joseph Philips chief justice, while Thomas C. Brown, John Reynolds and William P. Foster were made associate justices. Ninian Edwards and Jesse B. Thomas were elected Illinois' first senators to congress. Elias K. Kane was appointed secretary of state, while Daniel P. Cook was elected first attorney general ; Elijah C. Berry, auditor of public accounts, and Jesse B. Thomas, state treasurer. By the men whose names are here recorded, Illinois, as a state, was launched upon the sea of time. She was only launched as yet ; her voyage began when on December 3, 1818, congress declared her one of the United States, and placed her upon an equal footing with the original states. At the time of the adoption of the constitution only about one-fourth of the state was organized into counties. Fifteen counties were formed, and of these Bond was farthest north. The settled portion of the state was all south of this county. In 1820 the population of Illinois was 55,211. The increase during the preceding decade had been enormous. With the exception of the French and Canadian settlers most of the inhabitants came in from the south. At this time the majority of the people of Illinois were in debt. This had come about by the anticipations of the settlers to become suddenly wealthy. A crisis came and the legislature sought to remedy the evil by creating state banks. Several banks were founded, the principal one being at Vandalia. This banking scheme, however, proved a failure. During Bond's administration the seat of govern- ment was moved to Yandalia. 60 A BKIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. GOVERNOR COLES. Ed. Coles was elected governor in 1822. The slavery question was thoroughly discussed at this election. Anti-slavery gained the day. Mr. Coles was a native of Virginia, and, upon leaving that state for Illinois, had emancipated his slaves. This election came while the people were still agitated upon the settlement of the Missouri question of slavery. Although with the election of Gov. Coles the slavery party was defeated, it was not by any means anni- hilated. This party expressed themselves as determined to carry their measures in the sessions of the legislatures of 1822-3. Soon the entire state was in an unheard of condition of excitement. A furious contest began which w^ to last for some eighteen months. Contributions were raised for the benefit of both sides. Gov. Coles cheerfully con- tributed $4,000, his entire term's salary. The day of election finally arrived, and both parties exerted them- selves to the utmost to show a full vote. At last the decision was made and again anti-slavery gained the day. Illinois had never witnessed such an exciting and angry election as took place that day. But all ill-feelings soon subsided and before a year had passed all seemed pleased with the existing state of affairs. The summer of 1825 was noted for the great increase in the number of immigrants. The majority of the people seemed bound for Sangamon county, which at this time was the most populous county of the state. Some space will readily be used just here to make mention of Gen. La Fayette's visit to Illinois. Gov. Coles had met Gen. La Fayette in France, and upon hearing of his arrival in the United States had requested him to visit Illinois. This visit was made in May, 1825. Great numbers of people extended to La Fayette a patriotic welcome. Keceptions weft given him at vandalia and at Shawneetown. From this place La Fayette took a kindly and affectionate leave of his Illinois friends. GOVERNOR EDWARDS. In August, 1826, Ninian Edwards was elected governor. Gov. Ford's description of Gov. Edwards is quite brilliant. His "princely appearance" and "florid eloquence" are made special mention of. At this same election there was an exciting contest between Dan P. Cook and Joseph Duncan, the candidates for congress. Mi-. Duncan gained the victory. This election may be considered, aside from the troubles in 182-i, the beginning of party princij^es in Illinois. ILLINOIS A STATE. 61 Gov. Edwards no sooner entered the duties of bis office than he began to complain of the condition of the state finances. He thought he detected wrong acting in the officers in some of the banks, and did not hesitate to make known his charges. Many of the influential men of the state opposed Gov. Edwards in this movement, and the result was, that all the men were acquitted of the charges brought against them. .During Gov. Edwards' administration, in 1827, occurred the Winne- bago w r ar, or scare as it is sometimes called. This trouble has already been referred to. In 1827 Galena was fast attracting men to the lead mines.* Already there were six or seven thousand miners in and around Galena. It was there at this time that the offensive name of "suckers" as applied to Illinoisans originated. Many people from the central and southern part of the state were in the habit of going up the Mississippi to the lead mines to work during the summer, but went back down the river to winter. Some one saw a resemblance between such movements and those of the fish known as suckers. Hence the Illinoisans were termed "suckers." Some other accounts are given of the origin of the term, but this seems the most plausible. It is to be hoped that the use of this odious term, as well as of those terms applied to the inhabitants of some of our neighboring states, will ere long be done away with. In 1830 the population was 157, 447. f From Alton to Peoria set- tlements were quite plenty, principally near the streams. As yet the people had strenuously avoided settling on the open prairies. GOVERNOR REYNOLDS. John Reynolds was elected governor in August, 1830. Gov. Rey- nolds was a native of Pennsylvania. He came from Tennessee to Illinois in 1800. He had long lived among the frontier people and he had thoroughly imbibed their ways. Stuve styles him "one of the public oddities in the annals of the state." Gov. Ford styles him as a "man of remarkably good sense and shrewdness for the sphere in which he chose to move." He had a kind disposition, and was always ready to bestow a favor. He was in public life a great deal, and died in 1865. The Black Hawk war, which has already been mentioned, occurred during Gov. Reynolds' administration. The session of the legislature in 1832-3 was especially distinguished by the fact that at this time the first serious efforts were made for the construction of railroads in the state. *Ford. fFord. 62 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. GOVERNOR DUNCAN. Joseph Duncan was made governor of the state in 1834. Gov. Duncan was a native of Kentucky, distinguished himself during the war of 1812, and later held several state offices. During the session of 1824-5 he greatly distinguished himself by framing and introducing the first bill in regard to a system of free schools in the state. In Gov. Duncan's message he recommended many state improvements, which were quite fully carried out. Public highways were made throughout the state and a good deal of attention was paid to the canal and railroad charters. At the time of Gov. Duncan's election the state was in an unusually prosperous condition and the people were free from debt. During his administration several banking schemes were brought forward with the hopes of bettering the condition of affairs ; but it was soon discovered that this was a mistaken idea. Under his administration, too, was begun the ''State internal improvement system," and at the close of his administration people had not ceased to be dazzled by this grand scheme. In 1837 the Love joy riot occurred.* Lovejoy had tried to start an abolitionist paper in St. Louis. Being compelled to leave that city he went to Alton. He was strongly urged not to start such a paper in Alton, but notwithstanding sucli urging, and in spite of threats, he started a religious paper. Soon his abolition principles began to be manifest, and the community was roused against him. The final result was that a riot occurred, in which Lovejoy lost his life. In 1837 Ex-Gov. Reynolds, with others, built the first railroad in the state. This road was six miles long, and connected a coal mine with the Mississippi river opposite St. Louis. The first locomotive in Illinois was put upon the Meredosia & Springfield. railroad Novem- ber 8, 1838. GOVERNOR CARLIX. Gov. Carlin, of Irish' lineage, was elected in 1838, and was a native of Kentucky. He came to Illinois from Missouri in 1812. He was a commander of a spy battalion in the Black Hawk war. He held several public offices. His death occurred in 1852. Although some began to see the folly of the system, yet Gov. Carlin was decidedly in favor of the state internal improvement system. Before a year had passed, however, the governor began to change his mind in regard to such a plan. In 1810 the end came. * Reynolds' " My Own Times." ILLINOIS A STATE. 63 The state improvement system had proved an absolute failure. Illi- nois had not been alone in this species of folly. Several other states had learned a like lesson. The state was now in debt, and hard times had come. Gov. Ford, speaking of the year 1841, says: "For want of full knowledge of her condition abroad, and of the condition of other new states in a short time, Illinois and some others in the west became a stench in the nostrils of the civilized world. The people at home began to wake up in terror ; the people abroad, who wished to settle in a new country, avoided Illinois, as they would pestilence and famine, and there was great danger that the future emigrants would be men who, having no regard for their own characters, would also have no regard for the state where they might live. An additional trouble came to the people of Illinois when in February and in June, 1842, the state bank and the bank at Shaw- neetown exploded. Certain ruin seemed impending over this and its neighboring states. GOVERNOR FORD. Thomas Ford was elected governor of Illinois in 1842. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1800. His father was killed by the Indians in 1802. After his father's death his mother with her family moved west and finally settled in Illinois. Gov. Ford was quite a good lawyer. As an author, too, he ranked quite high. Gov. Ford thus sums up the condition of the state at -the time he became governor: "The domestic treasury of the state was indebted for the ordinary expenses of the government to the amount of about $31 3,000. Auditor's warrants on the treasury were selling at fifty per cent discount, and there was no money in the treasury whatever, not even to pay postage on letters. The annual revenues applicable to the payment of ordinary expenses amounted to $130.000. The treasu rv was bankrupt ; the revenues were insufficient ; the people were unable and unwilling to pay high taxes, and the state had borrowed itself out of all credit. A debt of near $14,000,000 had been contracted for canals, railroads, and other purposes. The currency of the state had been annihilated, and there was not over $200,000 or $300,000 in good money in the pockets of the inhabitants, which occasioned a general inability to pay taxes. The whole people were indebted to merchants, nearly all of whom were indebted to the banks or to foreign merchants ; the banks owed everybody, and none were able to pay. 64: A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. The governor and legislature set themselves to work to extricate the state from some of her embarrassments. In spite of many dis- couragements success was the outcome. At the close of Gov. Ford's administration the state government expenses were reduced from $313,- 000 to $31,212. The treasury contained $9,260. About $3,000,000 of the public debt had been liquidated. All this had been done be- sides other things not mentioned, so that the credit of the state became sufficient to borrow enough money to finish the Illinois fe Michigan canal. Mr. Stuve says: "The year 1845 was the turning point in her financial embarrassments and marks the beginning of her since una- bated prosperity and march to greatness." Gov. Ford was certainly the right man in the right place. It would be impossible for Illinois to estimate how much of her present pros- perity she owes to the genius and fidelity of this honored man. After his term of office closed Gov. Ford retired to private life, and during his retirement prepared his history of Illinois. Upon his deathbed in 1850 he placed the manuscript in the hands of Gen. James Shields, with the request that he should have it published for the benefit of his family. GOVERNOR FREJMCH. In the election of August, 1846, A. C. French was chosen to suc- ceed Gov. Ford. Gov. French was a native of New Hampshire, and was born August 2, 1808. His father died when he was young, and most of his early education devolved upon his mother, who died when her son was but nineteen years old. Notwithstanding his fatherly care of four brothers and sisters, he attended Dartmouth College for a time and afterward read law, and was admitted to the bar in 1831. After this he removed to Illinois and became a warm friend of Stephen A. Douglas. After the close of his services as governor he occupied the chair of mathematics of McKendrie College at Lebanon. Gov. French being, as he was, at the head of the state, found himself equal to the emergency, and through his economy, prudence and discretion the credit of the state, which had been partially regained by Gov. Ford, was completely restored. Stuve says of him : "He was zeal- ously devoted to the best interests of the state, ever acting for the public good without regard to personal advantage or aggrandizement. " When Illinois was admitted into the Union a compact was made by which all lands sold within her boundary were exempt from taxation for a period of five years after their sale. After several appeals to ILLINOIS A STATE. 65 congress the legislature gained its object, and finally, by act of February 19, 1847, it was provided that lands were subject to taxation immedi- ately after their sale. By this act the revenue of the state was greatly increased. In 1847 the Northern Cross railroad, now the Wabash, was sold. With these and other judicious acts by the governor and legislature the state continued in a prosperous condition, and in 1850 "for the first time since 1839, the accruing state revenue, exclusive of specific appro- priations, was sufficient to meet the current demands upon the treasury." It was in 1849 that the legislature passed the first township organi- zation act, which was revised in 1851, and again in 1871. After repeated advisals in Gov. French's messages, the legislature in 1851 passed an act to exempt homesteads from sale on execution. Toward the close of his administration quite an excitement was raised in Illinois and in the city of St. Louis by the latter's attempting, without permission from Illinois, to change the main current of the Mississippi river to the St. Louis side by constructing a dyke across the eastern channel of the river from Bloody Island to the Illinois side. A com- promise, however, was ultimately made and the dyke was completed, and East St. Louis is the result. In 1849 the Illinois legislature began and kept up for several years work on what was known as "State policy." The object of this state policy was that Illinois was to fix the termini of all railroads crossing the state, and that these should be placed so as not to build up cities of other states to the detriment of her own. One of the prime causes which first brought forward "state policy" was that Illinois had no disposition to assist in building up St. Louis, since it seemed she had so lately, in case of the "Bloody Island" dyke, been trying to take undue advantage of Illinois. But finally the narrow state policy gave place to a more liberal view, and when this was done Illinois had sur- mounted another obstruction which had checked her onward progress. Congress, in September 1850, granted to Illinois 3,000,000 acres of land, for the completion of the Illinois Central railroad, which had originally been a part of the state internal improvement system of 1837. Not only the government, but the state, was vastly benefited by the building of this railroad. Immigration increased and the value of lands in the vicinity of the railroad advanced rapidly. GOVERNOR MATTESON. The democracy gained the victory in 1852, and Joel A. Matteson 66 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. was made governor. He was born in Jefferson county, New York, August 8, 1808. He received a common school education, and prior to his settling in 1833 in Kendall county, Illinois, he had spent a good deal of time in traveling in the east and in the southern states. Upon arriving in Kendall county he opened a large farm. In 1836 he moved to Joliet, and in 1842 he was elected state senator. Gov. Matteson had proved himself a very successful business man, and when the helm of the state was placed in his hand, he, by his liberal views and sense of justice, was amply fitted for his task. Gov. Matteson, in his message, spoke at length upon the increasing advancement of the state. He recommended the building of a northern penitentiary. He also advocated the adoption of a free-school system ; but it was not until 1855 that the law for maintaining free schools was passed. The educational interests of the state began to advance rapidly under the working of the new school system. The proportion of pupils attending school increased rapidly, and the wages of teachers were advanced. During Matteson's administration over $7,000,000 of the public debt was paid. The population of Chicago during this time was doubled, and about 2,500 miles of railroad were built in Illinois. GOVERNOR BISSELL. In 1856 Wm. II. Bissell was elected governor. He was born April 25, 1811, in Yates county, New York. After gaining a fair education he came west and located as a physician in Monroe county, Illinois. He soon found that he had mistaken his calling, and so began the study and practice of law. In 1840 he was elected to the legislature, after which time he was admitted to the bar. In 1846 o he enlisted in the Mexican war, and was elected colonel of his regiment and greatly distinguished himself. Upon his return home he was elected to congress and served two terms in that office. A disease contracted by exposure in the army caused him to be unable to walk without crutches. His death occurred in 1860, nearly a year before his term of office as governor expired. Mr. Stuve thus quotes from Gov. Palmer's funeral oration : "When it is remembered that Win. H. Bissell, in the short period of sixteen years, without early educa- tional advantages, abandoned, at the mature age of thirty years, one profession quitting the dull and laborious routine of a country doctor and resolutely turning his attention to the profession of the law, as ILLINOIS A STATE. 67 affording him a wider field for his active imagination and aspiring ambition ; attained speedily at the latter eminence as an irresistible advocate; distinguished himself as a soldier; as an accomplished orator took front rank in the halls of national legislature ; and, as the standard-bearer of a new party marching toward national freedom, was elevated to the first position of his state by the partiality of a grateful and confiding people, his life may be considered a brilliant success." After Gov. Bissell's inauguration a stormy session of the house ensued. Logan made a speech which lasted two days, and which ' ' in severity of language excels, perhaps, anything that that gentleman has ever uttered." Another stormy discussion occurred in 1859 over the apportion- ment bill. Gov. Bissell made many mistakes while in office which may in part be traced to the state of his health. It was also in 1859 that the great fraud known as the "Canal script fraud" was discovered. The excitement subsequent to the discovery was greatly increased by the fact that the feeling of confidence and respect, which the people had had for Ex-Gov. Matteson, was suddenly reversed. Gov. Matteson, upon his retirement from office, was respected very highly indeed, but with the discovery of the frauds soon the public opinion was turned against him. GOVERNOR 'YATES. In 1860 the republicans of Illinois gained a grand victory. Lin- coln was elected president of the United States, and Richard Yates governor of Illinois. Richard Yates was born January 18, 1818, at Warsaw, Gallatin county, Kentucky. His father moved to Sangamon county in 1831. In 1837 he graduated with the first honors from the Illinois college at Jacksonville. He afterward served three or four terms in the legislature. He held the chair of state during the most exciting term of four years that our country has ever seen. At this time he had the implicit confidence and trust of the people of Illinois, and his love for the Union led him to work always in its behalf. He gave a ready second to all the military efforts of the state. His procla- mations and special messages are noted specially for the depth of feel- ing and elegance of expression portrayed. The civil events during Governor Yates' administration were not of very great importance. The time was mostly taken up by bitter party quarrels. Much party 68 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. excitement prevailed during the constitutional convention of 1862, and again at the last democratic legislature of 1863. GOVERNOR OGLESBY. Again in 1864 the republicans of Illinois gained a victory and Richard J. Oglesby was elected governor. Governor Oglesby was born in 1824, in Oldham county, Kentucky. He was left an orphan at eight years of age, and when twelve years old came to live with an uncle at Decatur, Illinois. Here he, at various times, studied law and worked at the carpenter's trade, and at farming. He volunteered in the Mexican war, was elected first lieutenant of Co. C, 4th Illinois reg., and took part in the battle of Cerro Gordo. He has traveled considerably in this country, in Europe, and the Holy Land. He was elected state senator in 1860, but when the war broke out he was made colonel of the 8th 111. reg. He was distinguished for his bravery in battle, and upon his partial recovery from an almost fatal wound, he was promoted to a major-generalship. His wound, however, led him to retire from active service in less than three months. Notwithstanding the great draft of the war upon Illinois at the close of rebellion, in prosperity she was the peer of any state in the Union. This was the case, although at its beginning times seemed unusually hard. Peace was made in 1865, and since then the elections in the state have, in general, had a republican majority. Ex-Gov. Yates was elected to the United States senate in 1865. Illinois was the first to ratify the 13th amendment to the constitution of the United States abolishing slavery. This legislature gave itself up quite thoroughly to the enactment of local and private laws. The legislative session of 1867 continued through fifty-three days, and a very great amount of work was accomplished. Besides the passing of some very important public laws there were great contests over the location of the Industrial University, the Southern Peniten- tiary and the Capitol. The location of the Industrial University had been under discussion for two years, and in order for Illinois to reap any benefit from the act passed by congress July 2, 1862, this legisla- M're had to decide upon a location. As Champaign county made the highest bid the University was located there. Another absorbing topic was the new State Capitol building and its location. Several cities of Illinois, Peoria, the most earnest, were clamor- ing for the seat of government, but Springfield finally triumphed. ILLINOIS A STATE. 69 GOVERNOR PALMER. John M. Palmer was elected governor in 1868. He was born in Scott county, Kentucky, September 13, 1817. His boyhood days were spent mostly in western Kentucky. In 1831 the family removed to Madison county, Illinois. In 1834, John, with his brotl^r Elihu, entered Alton College and remained about eighteen months. In 1838 he formed Douglas' acquaintance, and soon after his purpose was h'xed to study law. After studying by himself awhile he entered a law office at Carlinville. In 1843 he became probate judge, and in 1852 was elected to the state senate. When the war broke out he volun- teered his services and was elected colonel of the 14th regiment. For his gallantry at Stone river he was made major-general. In February, 1865, he was made military governor of Kentucky. Gov. Palmer has received great praise as to his abilities as a lawyer and as a statesman. In 1870 the state constitution was revised. This was an impor- tant act and one which had long been needed. s Many very necessary changes were made in it, and among other things the fees system to officers was done away with and h'xed salaries substituted. The veto power of the governor was also strengthened. GOVERNOR BEVERIDGE. John L. Beveridge was elected lieutenant governor for four years, January 10, 1873. On the 23d of January, 1873, Hon. Eich. J. Oglesby resigned the office of governor, and on the 29th of the same month John L. Beveridge subscribed to the oath of office and entered on his duties as 'governor of Illinois. GOVERNOR CULLOM. In 1876 Shelby M. Cullom was elected to the governor's chair. He was born in Wayne county, Kentucky, in 1820, and in 1829 his parents moved to Tazewell county. When about twenty years of age he became a student in Mount Morris University, where he remained nearly two years. He entered the law office of Stuart & Edwards and was soon admitted to practice. He held the office of city attorney for one year, and in 1856 was elected to the legislature. In 1860 he was again elected to the legislature and became speaker of the house. He was elected to the 39th congress in 1864, and in 1866 was re-elected to the 40th congress, and took prominent part in all matters of public TO A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. interest. He was again re-elected, in 1868, to the 41st congress, and became one of the leading members of the republican majority. He- introduced the bill for the control of polygamy in the territories, known as "Cullom's Utah bill." He was elected to the legislature in 1872, and became speaker of the. house. He was in the legislature again in 1874, and was unanimously the choice of the republicans as speaker of the house. CHAPTER VIII. ILLINOIS IN THE MEXICAN WAR. "TTTTTHOUT going into all the details connected with the origin of V V this war we will simply say that it grew out of the annexation of Texas. Texas, after throwing off the Mexican yoke, had been clamoring for admittance into the Union for some time. The United States had at first declined her admittance, but at the presidential election of 1844 this was the great issue upon which the people divided. Pope was elected, and as he had been brought forward by the party in favor of the admis- sion of Texas, there was no longer any hesitation and the "Lone Star took its place in the constellation of the states." As soon as congress had adopted the resolution to annex Texas, the Mexican minister at "Washington left the country. The union was completed when, on July 4, 1845, the Texan legis- ture ratified the act of annexation. Texas immediately asked the presi- dent for an army for protection. Accordingly, Gen. Zachary Taylor was sent to occupy Texas. Mexico, in rearranging her civil adminis- tration after the revolution of 1821, had united two frontier states east of the Rio Grande. Texas having gained independence naturally claimed Coahuila. Mexico also claimed the state and insisted that the river Neuces should be the dividing line, while Texas claimed the Rio Grande as the dividing line. Mexico scornfully refused the United States' proposition to settle the difficulty by negotiation, and accord-' ingly it was felt that the Mexicans were in the wrong, and Gen. Taylor was ordered to advance as near as possible to the Rio Grande river. He therefore established a camp in November. 1845, at Corpus Cliristi. On the 9th of the next March the army began its march to the Rio Grande. Gen. Arista, having arrived at Matamoras and taken com- ILLINOIS IN THE MEXICAN WAK. 71 mand of the Mexican forces on the frontier, notified Gen. Taylor, on April 26, that hostilities had begun, and on the same day a body of American troops was attacked by the Mexicans east of the Rio Grande. Upon the report of this attack reaching "Washington, congress, with unusual alacrity, passed an act declaring war, appropriated $10,000,000 to carry on the war and authorized the president to accept 50,000 vol- unteers, to serve in the war. A call was soon made for volunteers. The western and southern states were expected to furnish the greater part of the men. Illinois was required to furnish three regiments of infantry or riflemen. The enlistments were for twelve months, and the selection of officers was- left to the volunteers in accordance with the state militia laws. Gov- Ford, as commander-in-chief of the state militia, on May 25 issued his order to the militia officers to aid in both raising and organizing the regiments. The people of Illinois responded readily to this call, and great patriotism was soon manifest in various parts of the state. Martial music and patriotic speeches did their full share in rousing the people to their country's need. Thirty-five companies were organized in ten days' time, and there were forty companies more than the requisition required by the middle of June. As there were so many more companies than the requisition required many of the volunteers- were disappointed. As soon as thirty full companies were in uniform they were ordered to attend the place of rendezvous. On the 2d of July the first regiment of Illinois volunteers was orga* ized. It consisted of two battalions, each of which was composed of five companies, commanded by five captains. Gen. J. J. Ilardin was elected colonel. Capt. Wm. Weatherford was elected lieutenant- colonel and W. B. Warren, major. The second regiment was organized and Wm. II. Bissell was elected colonel, Capt. J. L. D. Morrison, lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. H. F. Trail, major. The third regiment was organized with Capt. Forman, W. W. Wiley, lieutenant-colonel, and Sam. D. Marshall, major. The first regiment numbered 877 men ; the second, 892 ; and the third, 906. The men presented a very fine appearance and there was but very little intoxication among them. The secretary of war gave authority to Hon. E. D. Baker to raise another regiment of Illinois volunteers. It was composed of ten companies. E. D. Baker was elected colonel, Ex-Lieut. -Go v. John Moore, of McLain, lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. T. L. Harris, major. With such preparation, Illinois, having raised a larger number of vol- 72 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. miteers than any other state in the Union, was ready to begin work in the Mexican war. The American forces, for the purpose of invading Mexico, were organized into three divisions. The Army of the West was under Gen. Kearney, and was sent to conquer the northern provinces of Mexico. Gen. Scott commanded the Army of the Center, and was to march from the Gulf into the center of Mexico. Gen. Taylor, who com- manded the Army of Occupation, was to subdue the country about the Rio Grande. Instead of the Illinois regiments all being formed into one brigade, as many had desired, the first and second, under Gen. Wool, were sent to join the Army of the Center, while the third and fourth were assigned to the Army of Occupation. The first and second started down the Mississippi from Alton, July 17, and disembarked on Mattagorda Bay. They started on their march across the tropical country to the San Antonio on the llth of August. The northern men were almost over- come by the heat. On the 26th of September the army started on from San Antonio, crossed the Rio Grande at San Juan, after which the troops continued in a circuitous route to Monclova. Here they halted a month, and then the line of march to Parras was taken up. After some ten or twelve days' stay at this place, Gen. Wool left Pan-as* to station himself at Agua Nueva, in the probable route of Santa Anna, who, it was thought, contemplated a descent, not only ilpon Saltillo, distant twenty miles from Agua Neuva, but upon all the ground for which the Army of Occupation had fought. Gen. Taylor now joined Gen. Wool at Agua Neuva, and on February 22, 1847, at the "Narrows," near the pass of Buena Vista, between Agua Neuva and Saltillo, was begun the most important battle of the war. In honor of the day Gen. Wool's troops' watchword was "The memory of Washington." Who will doubt but the memory of Washington was a grand stimulus to the Americans in this battle? Our Illinois men did nobly at Buena Yista, and many of the officers fell, among which were Cols. Hardin and McKee. Twenty-nine were killed out of the first and (>2 out of the second regiments. After long and severe fighting on both sides, the Mexican forces retreated and the Americans bore the crown of victory. The third and fourth Illinois regiments started down the Mississippi river the latter part of July, and arrived at its destination, Carnargo, in the latter part of September. Upon landing at Vera Cruz, Gen. Shields' brigade, which consisted of the third and fourth regiments ILLINOIS IN THE MEXICAN WAR. 73 from Illinois and one from New York, with Gen. Pillow's brigade, succeeded in causing the Mexicans to retreat almost precipitately before them as they advanced. The complete investment of the city was made in a few days 1 time, but it was some weeks when, after a bom- bardment of some four or live days, the city surrendered. On April 12, after a four days' march, Gen. Scott's army reached the pass of Cerro Gordo, where Santa Anna had concentrated a force of 15,000 men after the battle of Buena Vista. Santa Anna had so fortified this pass, that Gen. Scott considered their only chance of advancement to consist in cutting a new road which would unite with the national road in the rear of the enemy. The persistent Americans were equal to this difficult and unexpected labor, and the road was nearly completed ere the enemy was aware of it. After the comple- tion of this road Gen. Shields brigade of Illinois and New York regiments, in the midnight darkness, performed the difficult task of lifting up "hundreds of feet," to the top of a height, a twenty -four pound battery. The battle- of Cerro Gordo resulted in another victory for the Americans, and it proved to be one of the most important in the war. Gen. Scott now had almost an open road to the capital of Mexico. This was the last battle in which Illinois troops took part. Throughout the entire time they were out, the Illinois troops did their part bravely and well. They have had much deserved praise showered upon them. All the Illinois troops returned home about the same time. Col. Hardin's remains were brought back and interred at Jacksonville. A six-pound gun was taken by the Illinois troops from near Santa Anna's headquarters at Cerro Gordo. It is now in the arsenal at Springfield and serves as a trophy of the Mexican war. Previous to the return home of the Illinois troops two other regi- ments were raised. The fifth Illinois regiment was organized at Alton June 8, ISttT, with E. W. B. ISewby as colonel. Its destination was Santa Fe. Upon reaching Santa Fe, the war being almost over, the fifth Illinois regiment had no conflict with the enemy. A sixth Illinois regiment was organized, with Capt. Collins as colonel, very soon after the organization of the fifth Illinois regiment. A division was made in the regiment, the first battalion being sent to Vera Cruz while the second did only garrison duty at Tampico. The first battalion did no fighting except some little skirmishes with Mexican guerrillas. Both battalions lost many men by sickness. Several companies of cavalry were raised, and others authorized to 6 74: A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. be raised, when the report of the fall of the city of Mexico came. The treaty of peace between the two nations was concluded at Guada- lupe, Hidalgo, February 2, 1848. The rivers Rio Grande and Gila were fixed as the principal boundaries between the countries, and at last the United States extended from ocean to ocean. CHAPTER IX. ILLINOIS IN THE LATE WAR. "Oh, gales that dash th' Atlantic's swell, Along our rocky shore ! Whose thunders diapasons well New England's glad hurrahs. '' Bear to the prairies of the west The echoes of our joy, The prayer that springs in every breast 'God bless thee Illinois!' "Oh! awful hours, when grape and shell Tore through th' unflinching line ; 'Stand firm, remove the men who fell, Close up, and wait the sign.' "It came at last, 'Now, lads, the steel! ' The rushing hosts deploy ; 'Charge, boys!' the broken traitors reel Huzza for Illinois ! "In vain thy rampart, Donelson, The living torrent bars ; It leaps the wall, the fort is won, Up go the stripes and stars. " Thy proudest mother's eyelids fill As dares her gallant boy, And Plymouth Rock and Bunker Hill Yearn to thee Illinois."* SUCH was the tribute to Illinois patriotism extended by a New Eng- land man upon hearing of the noble deeds of her (Illinois) soldiers at Fort Donelson. Illinois has well earned her tributes, and we are proud to acknowledge her, in ardor of patriotism, second to no state in * " Patriotism of Illinois." ILLINOIS IN THE LATE WAK. 75 the Union. In giving our prominence to Illinois in this article, we have no desire to underrate her sister states. Illinois is not the only state that stands to the front with her record of noble deeds. Illinois, in common with the other states of the northwestern territory, had, in the ordinance of 1787, designated her views in regard to slavery ; so when that great issue came up, previous to the great rebellion, she still was for anti-slavery ; and when finally the amendment making slavery forever impossible in the United States was passed, Illinois was the first of all the states to telegraph her approval to congress. Slavery was the primary cause which led to the great civil war. The southern states, fearing that their institution of slavery would ultimately be overruled by the opposers to slavery in the north, resolved to secede from the Union. After the bombardment of Fort Sumter, the first act in the drama of the rebellion, President Lincoln immediately issued a procla- mation calling for 75,000 volunteers. Gov. Yates was informed that the quota of Illinois was six regiments, and on April 15, 1861, he issued the following proclamation : "I Richard Yates, governor of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution, hereby convene the legisla- ture of the state, and the members of the twenty-second general assembly are hereby required to be and appear in their respective places in the capitol on Tuesday, April 23, 1861, for the purpose of enacting such laws and adopting such measures as may be deemed necessary upon the following subjects : The more perfect organization and equipment of the militia of the state, and placing the same on the best footing to render assistance to the general government in preserving the Union, enforcing the laws and protecting the property and rights of the people ; also, the raising of such money and other means as may be required to carry out the foregoing object, and also to provide for the expense of such sessions." Enlistments began immediately after the call for troops was made, and in ten days 10.000 volunteers had oifered their services, and near one million of money was offered for the cause of liberty. Only six regiments, however, could be accepted according to the quota, and these were designated by beginning with the number seven, in respect to the six regiments that served in the Mexican war. This entire force was styled the First Brigade of Illinois Volunteers. There were many more men than were accepted, and it is said that some of them wept when refused admission. By the time there was need for more troops 70 A URIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. the law provided that each congressional district should furnish one regiment. Over 200 companies volimteed at once, and from this number the necessary force was accepted. Under the next call for men only six regiments were again the quota for Illinois, and the patri- otic state sent a messenger to Washington urging the acceptance of the entire force, which was ultimately done. At the close of the first year of the war, Illinois had in instruction over 17,000 men; had sent to the field about 50,000, thus exceeding her quota about 15,000. In 1862, when the call for 300,000 volunteers came, and later, when 300,000 militia was wanted, Illinois was again enthusiastic, and the adjutant-general heard from all parts of the state a demand for the privilege of volunteering, that the draft might be avoided. .It fol- lowed that in a very short time a great many volunteers w r ere to be raised, and these must come principally from the farmers and mechan- ics of the state. -'The farmers. were in the midst of harvest, and it is no exaggeration to say that, inspired by, a holy zeal, animated by a common purpose, and firmly resolved on rescuing the government from the very brink of ruin, and restoring it to the condition our fathers left it, that over 50,00.0 of them left their harvests ungathered, their tools and their benches, the plows in their, furrows, and turning then- backs on their homes, the demands of the government w r ere met, and both quotas were tilled. Proud, indeed, was the day to all Illi- noisans when the announcement was made that the enlistment was full ; and when the historian shall record the eventful days of August, 1862, no prouder record can be erected to the honor and memory of a free people than a plain and full narrative of actual realities. When I remember the patriotism and unselfish impulse which animated every soul, and the universal liberality of those who were either too young or too old to enlist, to aid those who were 1 eager to join their brethren in the field ; when I remember the holy ardor which aged mothers and fair daughters infused into husbands, sons and brothers, I say, when I remember all these things, I cannot but feel justified in departing from the dull routine of statistics and bestow upon the subject this parting notice." After the last call for troops, on December 19, 186-1, permission was granted for the state to raise ten additional regiments. Many of the persons who had distinguished themselves in the war began each to raise a single company. Volunteers came in rapidly until April 13, 1865, when recruiting ceased throughout the United States, and at this time Illinois only lacked 4,896 of completing her quota. This ILLINOIS IN THE LATK WAR. 77 number would soon have been raised had not the close of the war made it unnecessary. The two principal camps in Illinois were those of Camp Butler, situated near Springfield, and Camp Douglas, of Chicago. Both places were provided with the necessary equipments for an extensive encampment, and it was from these camps, especially the former, that volunteers were prepared for, and sent into, the army, and that troops were mustered out of service. Prisoners were also kept at these camps. The site of Camp Butler now forms a part of a national cemetery. Illinois had some trouble in obtaining arms for use during the war. At one time a messenger returned from Washington with orders to ob- tain 10,000 muskets from the arsenal at St. Louis. This was a difficult thing to do, as St. Louis was filled with traitors, but Capt. Stokes, of Chicago, volunteered to undertake the hazardous work. Capt. Stokes ordered a steamer down from Alton to reach the arsenal in the middle of one night. With some difficulty the muskets were seized and the steamer passed the secession battery and reached Alton by five o'clock in the morning. Fearing that he would be pursued, Capt. Stokes, as soon as he landed, rushed to the fire-bell and rang it with such vigor that the citizens came en masse to the river. Upon hearing the state of affairs, men, women and children began unloading the steamer and climbed up the levee with the freight to the cars. With these arms, thus narrowly rescued from the enemy, the first regiments of the state were made ready for the war. It will be impossible in this work to go into detail and speak of the battles participated in by the memfrom Illinois. Suffice it to say that her sons did her credit wherever they were. " How much the nation is indebted to Illinois for the auspicious termination of the war may be inferred from the fact that in the two great movements which severed the insurgent states, and so greatly paralyzed their efforts, her soldiers were more largely represented than those of any other mem- ber of the Union. Furthermore, we must place on the credit side of her balance sheet a large amount of legal talent, superior generalship and executive ability ; for Trumbull was our lawyer, Grant our soldier, and Lincoln our president. " After the grand review of the armies of the east and west, on Penn- sylvania avenue, in Washington, the " mighty host v dispersed, and by regiments, returned to their homes. A joyous welcome home did Illi- nois give to her brave and honored victors in the great struggle. 78 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. Brilliant receptions were prepared for them and happy greetings were being exchanged everywhere. But alas ! there were some who did not return for their welcome greeting. They died in their brave efforts in behalf of the honor and glory of their country, and passed to the home above, where their greeting is now waiting for the friends left behind. CHAPTER X. ORGANIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE PRINCIPAL RAILROADS OF ILLINOIS.* THE Baltimore and Ohio and Chicago railroad was organized as the Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Chicago Railway Company, March 13, 1872, and in 1877 was changed to the present name. It was put in operation November 17, 1874, from junction of the Illinois Central railroad to Chicago Junction, Ohio, a distance of 262.5 miles. The proportion of the road in Illinois is 5.90 miles. The Cairo and St. Louis railroad was chartered February 16, 1865, and the main line was put in operation from East St. Louis to Cairo March 1, 1875 a distance of 151|- miles. The road had been oper- ated, however, as construction progressed, for two years previous. The aggregate length of all its tracks in Illinois is 161 miles. The Cairo and Vincennes railway was organized under the general railroad laws of Illinois, July 9, 1880. The length of the main line, from Cairo, Illinois, to Vincennes, Indiana, is 157+ miles, 150+ miles of which are in Illinois. The Chicago and Alton Railroad Company was organized at Chicago on October 16, 1862. The original name of this company was the "Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company," and the date of the original charter was February 27, 1847. At the time of the fourth act of amendment, June 19, 1852, the name was changed to Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company, and at the third amendment after this change, and on Febrilary 14, 1855, the name was changed to the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company. By an act of Janu- ary 21, 1857, the name was changed to St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railway Company, whose railroad and property was acquired by the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company. * From " Report of the RR. and W. Commission, 1881.". ORGANIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS. 79 On April 5, 18TO, this company purchased the unfinished road of the "Hamilton, Lacon and Eastern Railroad Company," and on Sep- tember 5, 1879, the road and branch road of the Chicago and Illinois River Railroad Company was purchased. The former road was incor- porated March 7, 1867, and the latter February 28, 1867. The follow- ing roads have been leased to the Chicago and Alton Railroad Com- pany : The road of the Joliet and Chicago Railroad Company, incor- porated February 15, 1855 ; the road of the Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, incorporated February 4, 1859 ; the road of the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company ; the road of the Louisiana and Missouri River Railroad Company, incorporated March 10, 1859 ; and the roads of the Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago Railroad Company. The length of the main line of the Chicago and Alton road, from Chicago to East St. Louis, is 280.70 miles. The branch lines in Illi- nois aggregate 295.58 miles in length, while the aggregate length of all the tracks, including sidings, double tracks, etc., is 754.17 miles. The number of stations in Illinois is one hundred and fifteen. The Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, with its branches, is made up of several short lines. The Chicago and Aurora Railroad Company, which was first chartered June 22, 1851, and the Central Military Tract Company united their roads July 9, 1856, and formed the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad. This company owns several branch roads, and the aggregate length of the main lines and branch roads in Illinois is 1,131+ miles, and there are one hundred and sixty-eight stations in this state. The Chicago and Eastern railroad was first organized as the Chicago, Danville and Yincennes railroad, and was chartered February 16, 1865. Several changes and consolidations have been made in connection with the road, the last of which was on March 8, 1881, when the Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad and Danville and Grape Creek railroad consolidated as the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Company. The aggregate length of track in Illinois is 177 miles, and the number of stations is thirty-five. The Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway Company was formed by the consolidation of a number of railways under the laws of Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. The consummation of these consolidations was made April 7, 1880, and the present name was given to the corpora- tion. Only 34.89 miles of the track lie within Illinois, but there are fifteen stations. 80 A BEIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. The Chicago and Iowa railroad was put in operation May, 1872, and was formed by the consolidation of the Ogle and Carroll County and the Chicago and Iowa railroads. The former was chartered February 18, 1857, and the latter March 30, 1869. The aggregate length of track in Illinois, including the leased line from Flagg Center to Rockford, is 115.93 miles, and there are twenty-two stations. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway was organized on May 5, 1863, under the name of the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company. The present name was given it on February 11, 1874. There are 295.77 miles of the track and seventy-four stations in Illi- nois. The present Chicago and Northwestern railway was begun in 1848 by the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Company, under a charter which dated January 16, 1836. The Chicago and Northwestern Rail- way Company was organized June 7, 1859. Many purchases, leases and consolidations have been made, and now the company owns 636.25 miles of track in Illinois, along which there are one hundred and twenty-one stations. The Chicago, Pekin and Southwestern Railroad Company owns 92 miles of track in this state, and there are nineteen stations on the road. The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company was formed August 20, 1866, by the consolidation of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company, of Iowa, which was chartered February 7, 1851, and the Rock Island and La Salle Railroad Company, which was chartered February 27, 1847. The main line from Chicago to Rock Island was put in operation July 10, 1854. This company operates 397.51 miles of track, in Illinois, along which there are fifty- four stations. The Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company was organ- ized June 6, 1879. This line was open for operation to Twelfth street, Chicago, in December, 1880. It is made use of as a terminus into the city by the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway Company, Chicago and Grand Trunk Railroad Company, and the "YV abash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company. In all there are only 48.38 miles of track and eleven stations in Illinois. The Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago railway, in addition to several other roads, operates the Cincinnati, La Fayette and Chicago railroad, 33.05 miles of which is in Illinois. The Danville, Olney and Ohio River railroad was chartered March ORGANIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS. 81 10, 1869, and was built first a narrow gauge, but was changed to the standard gauge. The length is 52.02 miles and there are fifteen, stations. , The Danville and Southwestern railroad was chartered March 23, 1869, under the name of the Paris and Danville Railroad Company. The road was put in operation from Danville to Paris in 1872. There are 108.57 miles of track and thirty-three stations in Illinois. The East St. Louis and Carondelet railway exists under a charter approved February 18, 1857. The main line was put in operation September 26, 1872, and the name was changed to the present one April 19, 1873. The aggregate length of tracks is 13.50 miles. The East St. Louis connecting railway was put in operation Octo- ber 28, 1879. The articles of incorporation were filed with the secre- tary of state of Illinois January 4, 187j. There are but 3.30 miles of track in the road. The Fulton County Narrow Gauge Railway Company was organized in the month of August, 1878, and the w r hole line was put in operation in December. 1880. The length of the track, from Havana, Illinois, to Fairview, Illinois, is 28.05 miles, and there are six stations. The Grand Tower Mining, Manufacturing and Transportation Company was named April 9, 1869. An act to incorporate the Mount Carbon Coal Company was dated January 24,- 1835. The name was changed from the Mount Carbon Railroad Company to present name on the date above mentioned, and the main line began operation in 1866. The length of all tracks is 31 miles, and the number of stations is six. The Havana, Rantoul and Eastern Railway Company, which was organized January 11, 1873, after several consolidations with other roads, was merged into the W abash system May 1, 1881. The length of the main line in Illinois is 67.5 miles, and the number of stations is eighteen. The Illinois Central railroad was originally chartered February 10, 1851, and the first portion of the road was put in operation May 2-4, 1852. A number of consolidations and leases have been made and now the road operates 1,108.33 miles of track in Illinois, along which there are two hundred and four stations. ' The Illinois Midland railway is a consolidation of several railways. The first portion of the road was chartered February 18, 1861. The length of the entire track in Illinois is 179+ miles, and there are thirty- eight stations. S2 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. The main line of the Illinois and St. Louis Railroad Company was put in operation April, 1871. There are thirteen stations in Illinois, and the aggregate length of track is 26 miles. The present company took possession of the Indiana, Bloomington and Western railway August 9, 1879. In March, 1881, this company was consolidated with the Ohio, Indiana and Pacific Railroad Company. The company leases some roads. The entire length of track in Illinois is 144.37 miles, arid there are thirty stations. The Indianapolis, Decatur and Springfield Railway Company is a consolidation of two companies chartered under the name of Indiana and Illinois Railroad Company. The final consolidation, by which the present company's full possession was effected, was made November 16, 1875. There are 80.27 miles of track and thirteen stations in Illinois. The Indianapolis and St. Louis railway operates 218 miles of track in Illinois, along which are forty-four stations. The Jacksonville Southeastern Railway Company was organized June 28, 1879. The company operates 56.78 miles of track, along which are thirteen stations. The Lake Erie and Western Railway Company was organized Janu- ary 1, 1880, by the consolidation of a number of roads, and operates 87.06 miles of track in Illinois. There are seventeen stations in this state. The first charter for any portion of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company was granted April 22, 1835. This present company was formed in 1869, by the consolidation of several com- panies. The length of track in Illinois is 54.50, while there are seven stations. The present Louisville, New Albany and St. Louis Railway Company was formed by the consolidation of two companies August 15, 1878. There are 18 miles of track and six stations in Illinois. The Louisville and Nashville railroad was incorporated by an act of the Kentucky legislature, approved March 5, 1850. It controls many branch roads and operates 207.3 miles of track in Illinois. There are seventy stations in Illinois. _ The date of the original charter of the Michigan Central Railroad Company is March 28, 1846. The building of the road, however, was begun by the Detroit and St. Joseph Railroad Company. The com- pany controls several roads under leases, and operates 67.44 miles in Illinois. The number of stations in Illinois is ten. ORGANIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS. 83 The Moline and Southeastern Narrow Gauge Railway Company was organized March 27, 1878, and the construction of the road was com- menced in September, 1878. There are but ten miles of track and two stations in Illinois. The original charter for the Ohio and Mississippi railroad in Illinois was granted February 12, 1861. The company operates several branch lines, and the aggregate length of track operated in Illinois is 417.62 miles. The number of stations in Illinois is eighty-five. The Pennsylvania company operates 52.72 miles of track in Illinois, along which are seven stations. The road now owned by the Peoria, Decaturand Evan sville Railway Company was commenced in 1869. Several consolidations and leases liave been made by the present company. The aggregate length of track is 220.1 miles, and the number of stations in Illinois is fifty-three. The original charter of the Peoria, Pekin and Jacksonville Railroad Company was approved June 11, 1861. Several changes have been made in the property of the company, and since December 15, 1879, the road has been operated under the present name, but the reorganiza- tion is not yet complete. There are, twenty-two stations in this state, and the aggregate length of the track is 83+ miles. The Peoria and Pekin Union Railway Company was organized Sep- tember 28, 1878, and the line was put in operation by this company February 1, 1881. It also operates some leased track. The company operates 33.09 miles of track, along which are four stations. The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway Company operates 43.7 miles of track in Illinois. The Rock Island and Mercer County railroad was organized in May, 1876, and was constructed the same year. The aggregate length of track is 28.85 miles, and there are six stations. The present Rock Island and Peoria Railway Company was organized October 9, 1877. The company operates 95.5 miles of track in Illinois. The St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad Company was incorporated June 24, 1872, under an act approved February 28, 1861. It has control of several branch roads, while a part of the road is leased to the Indianapolis and St. Louis Railroad Company. The aggregate length of track in Illinois is 355 miles, and there are forty-five stations. The St. Louis Coal Railroad Company was organized October 15, 1879, and the main line was completed August, 1880. It operates, under lease, the railroad between Carbon dale and Marion. The entire length of track is^29 miles, and the number of stations seven. , 84 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. The Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis railroad was sold to the St. Louis, Rock Island and Chicago Railroad Company. This road was then sold to and is now operated as a branch of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincv railroad. The entire length of all the tracks is 344+ miles, and there are sixty-one stations in the state. The Springfield, EfKngham and Southeastern Railway Company was formed by the consolidation of two other companies. The aggre- gate length of track is 58.75 miles, and there are eleven stations along; the road. The original charter of the Springfield and Northwestern company was dated March 24, 1869. The main line was put in operation December, 1874. The Wabasli company is now operating the road. The aggregate length of tracks is 47.7 miles, and there are nine stations on the road. The Sycamore, Cortland and Chicago Railroad Company took the present name in 1877. The road was chartered in 1858 under the Sycamore and Cortland Railway Company. There are but 6.90 miles- in the track. The Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company was named March 6, 1865. It was incorporated January 26, 1847, under the name of Terre Haute and Richmond Railroad Company. This road operates 188.03 miles of track in Illinois, upon which there are thirty- nine stations. The Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw railroad is owned and operated by the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company. The aggregate length of track in Illinois is 281.87 miles. The Union Stock Yards and Transit Company, of Chicago, was organized under a charter of February 13, 1865, by which it was required to construct a railway from the yards so as to connect the same with all the tracks of railroads which terminate in Chicago' between the lake sb,ore and southwest corner of the city. The length of track now constructed and used for that purpose is about 45 miles. The above named company has no organization as a railroad company, and operates no railroad, but owns and keeps in repair the above-mentioned track. The AV abash, Chester and Western Railroad Company was organ- ized February 20, 1878, and is formed by the consolidation and pur- chase of several roads. The aggregate length of track is 45.55 miles and the number of stations fifteen. The Wabasli, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company is a con soli- OFFICERS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 85 elation of several companies. The Great Western Railway Company was organized in 1859 and the Toledo and Wabash railway was organized inr!S62. These two roads consolidated in 1865 and took the name of Toledo Wabash and Western railway. This railway was placed in the hands of a receiver in 1875, and in February, 1877, the Wabash Railway Company acquired the property of the Toledo, Wabash and Western railway. November 10, 1879, the Wabash railway con- solidated with the St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern railway, taking the name of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Com- pany. The aggregate length of track belonging to this company in Illinois is 1,265.68 miles, and there are two hundred and eighty-four stations. OFFICERS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. ILI.IXOIS TERRITORY. Date of Commission or Inauguration. Nathaniel Pope Secretary of Territory March 7, 1809. Ninian Edwards Governor April 24, 1809. H. H. Maxwell Auditor Public Accounts 1816. Dan. P. Cook. Auditor Public Accounts January 13, 1816. Joseph Phillips Secretary December 17, 1816. Robert Blackwell Auditor Public Accounts April 5, 1817. Elijah C. Berry Auditor Public Accounts August 29, 181.7. John Thomas '. Treasurer 1818. ILLINOIS STATE. Shadrach Bond Governor '. . . . .October 6, 1818. Pierre Menard Lieutenant-Governor October 6, 1818. Elias J. Kane Secretary of State , . . .October 6, 1818. Elias ( '. Berry Auditor Public Accounts. . . , 1818. John Thomas Treasurer 1818. Robert K. McLaujihlin Treasurer .August 2, 1819. Edward Coles. . . . : Governor December, 1822. Adolphus F. Hubbard Lieutenant-* J-uvernor December, 1822. Sam. I). Luck wood Secretary of State December 18, 1822. Abner Field Treasurer January 14, 1823. , David Blackwell Secretary of State April 2, 182:5. Morris Birbeck Secretary of State October !">, 1824 G fnnie Forquer Secretary of State January 1"), 182-">. Xiniaii Edwards Governor December, 1826. AVm. Kinney Lieutenant-Governor December, 1826. James Hall Treasurer February 12, 1827. 86 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. Alexander P. Field Secretary of State January 23, 1829. John Reynolds Governor December 9, 1830. Zadock Casey Lieutenant-Governor December 9, 1830. John Dement Treasurer February 5, 1831. James T. B. Stapp Auditor Public Accounts August 27, 1831. Joseph Duncan Governor December, 1834. Alexander M.Jenkins Lieutenant-Governor December, 1834. Levi Davis Auditor Public Accounts November, 1835. Charles Gregory Treasurer December 5, 1836. John D. Whiteside Treasurer March 4, 1837. Thomas Carlin Governor December, 1838. Stinson H. Anderson Lieutenant-Governor December, 1838. Stephen A. Douglas Secretary of State November 30, 1840- Lyman Trumbull Secretary of State March 1, 1841. Milton Carpenter Treasurer March, 1841. James Shields Auditor Public Accounts March, 1841. Thomas Ford Governor December 8, 1842. John Moore Lieutenant-Governor December 8, 1842. Thomas Campbell Secretary of State March 6, 1843. Wni. L. D. Ewing Auditor Public Accounts March 6, 1843. Thomas H. Campbell Auditor Pub. Accts. (fill vacancy) March 26, 1846. Aug. C. French Governor December 9, 1846. Joseph B. Wells Lieutenant-Governor December 9, 1846. Horace S. Cooley Secretary of State December 23, 1846. John Moore Treasurer (vacancy) August 14, 1848. Wni. McMurtry Lieutenant-Governor January, 1849. David L. Gregg Secretary of State (vacancy) April 3, 1850. Joel A. Matteson Governor January, 1853. Gustavus Koerner Lieutenant-Governor January, 1853. Alex. Starne Secretary of State January, 1853. Ninian W. Edwards Superintendent Pub. Inst March 24, 1854. Wm. H. Bissell Governor January 12, 1857. John Wood Lieutenant-Governor January 12, 1857. Ozias M. Hatch Secretary State January 12, 1857.. Jesse K. Dubois Auditor Public Accounts .January 12, 1857. James Miller Treasurer January 12, 1857. Wm. H. Powell Superintendent Public Inst January 12, 1857. Newton Bateman Superintendent Public Inst January 10, 1859. Wm. Butler Treasurer (vacancy) September 3, 1859.. Eich. Yates Governor January 14, ]861. Francis A. Hoffman Lieutenant Governor January 14, 1861. Ozias M. Hatch Secretary State January 14, 1861. Jesse K. Dubois Auditor Public Accounts January 14, 1861. Wm. Butler Treasurer January 14, 1861. Newton Bateman Superintendent. Public Inst January 14, 1861. Alexander Starne Treasurer January 12, 1863. John P. Brooks Superintendent Public Inst January 12, 1863. Rich. J. Oglesby Governor January 16, 1865. Wm. Bross Lieutenant Governor January 16, 1865.. OFFICERS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 8T Sharon Tyndale Secretary State January 16, 1865. Orlin H. Miner Auditor Public Accounts December 12, 1864. James Beveridge Treasurer January 9, 1865. Newton Bateman Superintendent Public Inst January 10, 1865. Geo. W. Smith Treasurer January 10, 1867. Jno. M. Palmer Governor January 11, 1869. John Dougherty Lieutenant Governor January 11, 1869. Edward Rummell Secretary of State January 11, 1869. Chas. E. Lippincott Auditor Public Accounts January 11, 1869. Erastus N. Bates Treasurer November 8, 1870. Rich. J. Oglesby Governor January 13, 1873. John L. Beveridge Lieutenant Governor January 13, 1873. George H. Harlow Secretary of State January 13, 1873. Chas. E. Lippincott Auditor Public Accounts January 13, 1873. Ed. Rutz Treasurer January 13, 1873. John L. Beveridge Governor January 23, 1873.. John Early Lieutenant Governor January 23, 1873. S. M. Cullom Governor January 8, 1877. Andrew Shuman Lieutenant Governor January 8, 1877. George Harlow Secretary of State January 8, 1877. Ed. Rutz Treasurer January 8, 1877. T. B. Needles Auditor Public Accounts January 8, 1877. S. M. Etter Superintendent Pub. Inst January 8, 1877. J. P. Slade Superintendent Pub. Inst January 8, 1879. J. C. Smith Treasurer January 8, 1879. CHAPTER XI. UNIVERSITIES. THE ILLINOIS NORMAL UNIVERSITY. THIS institution, located at Normal, Illinois, was founded by the act of February 18, 1857, and began operations October 5, 1857. The whole number of students who have received instruction since the institution was founded is about 7,000. The average attendance in the Normal department is 275, and in the Model department 175. The university building is one hundred and sixty feet long, lias- three stories and a basement, and stands in a beautiful park of fifty-six acres, ornamented with line evergreens and other trees. The original cost of the building was about $150,000. The lands and most of the cost of building was donated, of which donations, McLean county 90 A BRIEF HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. THE SOUTHERN ILLINOIS NORMAL UNIVERSITY. [From Illinois Legislative Manual.] i Tliis institution was founded by act of the legislature, approved April 29, 1869. Its location was fixed at Carbondale by a commission appointed by Governor Palmer, and the corner-stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies May 17, 1870. The work of instruction began within its walls July 2, 1874. On September 0, 1874, the regular ses- sions of the Normal University commenced. The building is brick, in the Norman style of architecture, with trimmings of sandstone in two colors. It is two hundred and fifteen feet in extreme length and one hundred and nine feet in width. It has a basement story, two stories, and a mansard story. The basement is devoted to the apparatus for heating, and for laboratory and dissecting rooms, exercises in unpleasant weather, and as a residence for the jani- tor. The mansard is for lecture hall, library, museum, art gallery and rooms for literary societies. The other two stories are for purposes of study and recitation. The faculty consists of eleven professors and teachers, who have been selected from the best institutions in the west. There are also employed twenty-five or more pupil teachers or tutors. Rev. Robert Allyn, D.D., became principal about 1874. He had been at the head of several other institutions and was remarkably successful. HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY, PERSONAL SKETCHES OF MANY INHABITANTS OF THE COUNTY. " Temperance, morals, courteous bearing, And the hand to help all round, Each another's burden sharing, Generous traits like these abound ; Energetic, self-confiding, And religious and sincere, Patient, duteous, law-abiding, Men like these are common here." THE HISTORIAN'S TASK. DEDICATED TO EMMA C. PIATT BY WILSON F. COX. A truly patriotic task, to hand To future generations yet unborn, The treasured annals of your native land, Where grows the waving wheat and golden corn. A truly patriotic task, to tell Of hardy pioneers who, from afar, Sought out the fertile land we love so well, As led by " Empire's westward beacon Star." A truly patriotic task, to speak Of times of danger, peril and of fear, When oft was heard the agonizing shriek Of victims of the tomahawk and spear. A truly patriotic task, to write Of times that tried the souls of bravest men ; When fond adieux were spoken by each at night Lest they in life should never meet again. 92 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. A truly patriotic task, to teach The story of those troublous times of yore, That, filled with love and gratitude, we each Due honor give those heroes for the scars they bore. A truly patriotic task is yours, To delve into the mysteries of the past, And drag from thence, the legendary stores, Revealing deeds of bravery unsurpassed. A truly patriotic task, to weave In web historic, scenes of toil and strife; Of dangers boldly met at morn and eve, From lurking foes who sought each patriot's life. A truly patriotic task, to blend In story true, the struggles of our sires, Who periled life and fortune to defend Their country's honor, and their homes and fires. A truly patriotic task, to wield The pen (a weapon mightier than the sword), Portraying deeds of bravery on the fields, By which our glorious union was restored. A truly patriotic task, to shed Through hist'ry's page, the light that shall reveal Those virtues of the brave and honored dead, Which nought can tarnish, cancel or conceal. A truly patriotic task, to trace The course of progress in its onward way; Annihilating distance, time and space, And bending all beneath its mighty sway. A truly patriotic task, to stand Between the ages past mid those to come, Bind this to that, as with a m; gic band Of sacred memories surrounding home. CHAPTER I. PIATT COUNTY- ITS TOPOGRAPHY, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND RESOURCES. LOCATION. Near the center of one of the richest and most influ- ential states of the Union, and about midway between Chicago and St; Louis, the chief cities of central United States, is located the little county of Piatt. It lies right in the midst of the great agricultural region of Illinois, and the neighboring counties being influential in the state, thus aid in advancing the interests of Piatt county. McLean and DeWitt counties form the northern boundary ; Champaign and Douglas bound it on the east ; Moultrie forms the southern boundary , while it is bounded on the west by Macon and DeWitt counties. Area. Piatt county comprises an area of 438 sections, or 280,320 acres of land. This land is divided into eight townships, as follows : Monticello Township 48 Sections Bement Township 48 Sections Sangarnon Township 48 Sections Unity Township 48 Sections Goose Creek Township 56 Sections Cerro Gordo Township 59* Sections Blue Ridge Township 64 Sections Willow Branch Township 66] Sections According to the assessor's list of 1879, the acres and value of im- proved and unimproved lands were as follows : Improved land 262,068 acres Unimproved land -. 13,509 acres Total value $3,635,177 Within the last three years much of the formerly " raw " land has been improved, and the value of all the land has been greatly ad- vanced. Preparations are being continually made for the improving of the low lands in the county. Tiling has already done much in this direction, but its value in preparing the soil for cultivation is not, as yet, half realized. It will not be long before every foot of soil in this county will be under cultivation. Topography. The physical features of the county are similar to 94 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. those of the surrounding counties. However, the amount of timber and prairie land is probably more nearly equal here than in some of the neighboring counties. The surface, in the most part, is undu- lating, the northern part of the county, however, being more rolling than the land of the southern townships. Hydrography. In the main, the county has excellent natural drainage. A ridge, striking the county line a little north of Cerro Gordo and extending northeasterly through the county, passing between Bement and Monticello and extending into Champaign county, forms the water-shed between the Illinois and Kaskaskia rivers, both tributaries of the Mississippi river. From this ridge magnificent views of various parts of the county can be seen. A beholder, some sunshiny day in harvest time, standing on the ridge at a point east of Monti- cello, could ask for no grander view in any agricultural region of the state. The eye leaving the timber, which is visible as far as the eye can reach to the northeast, and turning slowly to the east and south- east, is first attracted by the undulating prairie, dotted everywhere with fast growing groves of trees. A protracted glance takes in the beautiful effect produced by the various fields of grain and corn, and a practical eye readily sees a "mint of money" literally growing on the ground. This is but an illustration of what may be seen at any point of the ridge. A little north of this ridge, and coursing southwesterly across the county, flows the Sangamon river, through quite a belt of timber. The principal tributaries of the Sangamon on the north are Madden's Run, Goose Greek, Wild Cat Creek and Friend's Creek, which runs through a very small portion of the western part of the county. Camp Creek and Willow Branch are the principal tributaries on the south. The extreme northern part of the county is drained by Salt Creek, another tributary of the Sangamon. The southern and southeastern part of the county drains into the Kaskaskia through the West Okaw and Lake Fork of the Okaw. It is in the southeastern part of the county that the drainage is most inefficient. The fall of the country along the Lake Fork is very slight, and during the rainy season of the year acres of rich and valuable land are submerged. A movement is under foot now which we hope will be successful. It is proposed to deepen the channel of the Lake Fork in eastern Bement township and southern Monticello, or in other words dig a big ditch which will be of size sufficient to drain all the swamp lands in that section of the county. This is a wane long felt and we trust the wished for result is near at hand. TOPOGRAPHY, AGRICULTURE, RESOURCES. 95 There are a few living springs in the county. Probably the most noted of these is Coon's spring, on the south bank of the Sangamon, a little above the Marquiss ford. This is quite a resort, and serves alternately for camp-meeting and picnic grounds. Another spring near the Wabash railroad bridge, has also attracted pleasure seekers. From the bluff above this spring, probably the most beautiful view of the Sangamon in the county can be seen. The main dependence of the people for water is in wells, and an abundant supply of excellent drinking water can be had at a- moderate depth of digging. In some cases, upon boring for water, a seemingly exhaustless supply has been obtained. Mounds. Up the river, a little way from the spring just referred to, are a number of mounds, commonly known as Indian mounds. According to Mr. McAdams, of Otterville, Illinois, who has given ."American antiquities" many years of study, it is impossible to definitely ascribe these mounds as being the work of the Indians, the "Pottery-makers," or the mound-builders, without an examination of the remains and implements which are now, or were once probably contained in them. Climate. In regard to the climate of the county we quote the following : "Closely bordered on the east by the vast forests of In- diana ; sheltered by the fringes of forest that line the banks of the sinuous streams and the island-like groves of forest ; located out of the direct route of the trade-winds from the southwest, though these are mildly deflected to us by the river forests of the Kaskaskia and Sanga- mon rivers, and little subject to the cold currents from the polar plains, that press down the valley of the upper Mississippi, making a variance in the isothermal lines that mark the several seasons," this county shows a more equable climate than most other parts of the country. Agricultural Product^. " When the county was first settled the rank grasses presented an impediment to evaporation, and the result was a moist climate, ,that gave a too luxuriant growth to wheat and oats. This resulted in the lodging of the latter and producing rust in the former, but culture and pasturage have so modified these conditions that the latter is becoming one of our great staples, and the former, both in its spring and winter varieties, is becoming more and more popular as we learn better how to manage this crop." The soil of the county is well adapted to the grasses, and there is often good grazing for nearly nine months in the year. Portions of 96 ' HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. many of the farms in the county have been used for no other purpose save that of grazing. Sorghum has met with encouraging results in this county. The potato crop averages well. All cereals are at home on this soil ; but the grand staple of the county is Indian corn. In all the fifty years since the first settlement of this county, the time has not been known when there was an absolute failure of the corn crop. Some large farms in the county are devoted entirely to the raising of broom corn. Fruit. This county produces as fine a quality of fruit as any tract of land of similar size in central Illinois. Many varieties of the apple and pear trees, and many varieties of the grape, blackberry, raspberry and other small fruits are grown. About every other year peaches of good quality grow in abundance. The several nurseries and maiiy fine orchards testify to the fact that this is a fruit growing county. In order io more fully portray the adaptability of this soil for agri- cultural products, we quote from the assessor's report of 1879 the following: CROPS IN ACRES. Other Wheat. Corn. Oats. Meadow. Products. M.mtdcellt) , 497 8,994 1,429 1,176 <>:',1 Beinent 403 10.39:', ] ,453 2,203 2,254 Unity ...:.. 923 10,221 904 1 ,223 862 Cerro tfordp. 1,203 14.96JI 2,199 2,391 1,597 Willow Branch 628 13.741 1,655 2,551 593 Goose Creek 486 12,289 2,392 1,750 1,311 Blue Ridire 264 21 ,465 3,505 3. 1 52 704 Sanranion 1,000 11,371 1,555 1.7S1 1,473 Acqording to the same report, in 1879 there were 44,153 acres of inclosed pasture ; 2,274 acres in orchard ; and 49,463 acres of woodland in the county. Stock. -But a glance over the reports just given suffices to indicate that stock-raising must be carried on in this county. For fifty years this has been one of the great industries of the county. According to the assessor's report of 1882 the county contained 6,321 sheep ; 10,064 mules and horses ; 16,218 cattle, and 27,493 kogs ; the aggregate value. of the same being estimated at $564,238. The grade of stock in the county is continually improving. In regard to cattle the short-horns seem to have the preference of the people, and consequently there are several herds in the county. The dairy stock is also improving. In this the Jerseys and Alderneys have the preference. The Berkshire, Poland China and Red-rocks or Jersey-red hogs are the principal improved grades in the county. Of horses, the draft stock has been principally in demand. Of late years TOPOGRAPHY, AGRICULTURE, RESOURCES. 97 several importations of horses have been made from Great Britain and France. Trotting horses have been introduced into the southern part of the county from a Kentucky grade of stock. The influence of these superior grades of stock for the road and for work has already been felt, and we are glad to note the increasing interest in this direction. Markets. Subsequent to statements relating to the agricultural products and the stock of the county $ there conies a query relating to the markets and shipping facilities. In regard to railroad facilities this county is second to none in central Illinois. ISTot a foot of ground lies farther than six miles from a railroad ; ay, and we are very near the truth when we say that every foot of land is within six miles of a rail- road station. Five railroads cross the county in a general direction from east to west, making abundant facilities for marketing in the east- ern cities. The railroad extending north and south through the middle of the county connects the rival cities of Chicago and St. Louis, and affords ample means for shipments to either place. We quote the following, showing the distance of Monticello from some of the neigh- boring cities and principal market places in the United States. Miles. Champaign . : . 20 Decatur 26 Bloomington 46 Danville 515 Springfield (>"> Havannah 86 Miles. St. Louis : 135 Indianapolis 139 Toledo 303 Baltimore . . . : 936 New York 1024 "Boston. 1098 Chicago 146 Manufactures, etc. - In manufactures, Piatt county is extremely limited. Agricultural implements, wagons, buggies, etc., are made, but in limited quantities. Brick kilns are in several parts of the county, while tile manufactories are becoming quite plentiful and very profit- able. The county is well supplied with flour mills : Monticello, Bement, Cerro-Gordo and Mansfield, each contains mills, while there is a water- power mill about a mile north of Monticello, on the Sangamon river. There is a steam saw-mill in connection with the latter mill. Piatt county needs more manufactures. With its good railroad facilities we see no reason why almost any manufacturing establishment would not do well. Within the last year or two several tow-mills have been started, and with success. We are glad of it and trust that mills of various kinds will follow suit. In the foregoing manner have we related some of the advantages, the resources and needs of^ Piatt county. No attempt has been made to overrate it, while we have conscientiously striven to give it due mention. CHAPTER H. GEOLOGY OF PIATT COUNTY. is an older history of this little speck of the vast globe which -L we call Piatt county than the traditions of the log cabin, or even those roving tribes that preceded the cabin, can tell us. For this oldest history we must look to the first and oldest settlers the rocks. But the record of so small and uniform a space must necessarily be brief. The great geological revolutions which have rent and upheaved and turned the strata in other portions of the globe by which the clue to that long dark past is discovered, seem not to have disturbed this locality ; or, if such disturbances took place they have been carefully covered over and hidden by the peaceful action of later ages. Beneath us may be the relic of an ancient sea-floor, overlaid by the traces of a vanished land surface, over which again the waters may have left marks of their dominion. There may be great coal measures with their buried forms of extinct vegetation. Perhaps there are traces of a sea-shore, where huge animals left the prints of their ponderous tread, or a tiny raindrop its impress, to tell us of its missive then as now. There may be indications of great forests, or vast marshes where gigantic reptiles floundered. But if there are such records they are sealed in that great tomb beneath us to which we have had, as yet, no admittance. While the region around the great lakes and the Alleghanies were rearing their heads above the waters, as the forerunners of this great continent, this, with the adjoining counties of central Illinois, was a part of a vast ocean bed. Not until during what is called in geology the Carboniferous age is it supposed that it emerged from its watery depths. There are no formations to be seen, however, older than the Drift. One vast age, the Tertiary, had begun and ended its unknown myriads of years, and another, the Quaternary, has begun since the Carboniferous, before what is called the Drift or Glacial period was formed. The phenomena representing this period seems to have been caused by a great refrigeration of the climate, which reached such a GEOLOGY OF PI ATT COUNTY. 99 height that the whole continent north of 39 degrees was loaded with immense accumulations of ice and snow which overrode hill and valley, removing soil and surface material to the southward. In this way those large stones called bowlders scattered over the county are accounted for. They were carried here and left by the powerful gla- cier. Not only the bowlders are accounted for in this way, but the clay, sands and pebbles. The survey taken of the county under the authority of the States in 1868 gives the following observations : Appearance of the drift at the Sangamon river bridge near Monti- cello : 1. Yellowish-brown clay 5 feet. 2. Clay, sand and bowlders 5 feet. 3. Dark ash, brown clay, fine sand and pebbles 4 feet. 4. Black clay 1 foot. . 5. Clay streaked brown and black and with ochrey red 8 feet. Sangamon bluffs : 1. Brown clay 6 feet. 2. Pebbles and clay 10 feet. 3. At top dark-brown clay, below reddish brown finely com- mingled sand and clay 14 feet. Between Monticello and Centerville the road washings disclose three to four feet of bright brown clay, sometimes brown sand, pebbles and bowlders. On the prairies there are bowlders of granite of vari- ous colors : gray, red, sienitic, granite, quartzite, and altered sandstone, gneiss and greenstone ; and in the altered drift Devonian fossils and fragments of coal measure rocks. Springs highly colored with oxide of iron are found. On Sec. 29, T. 19 N., R. 5 E., there are many such springs. Some of them are strongly chalybeate. In one gas arises, and a quantity of brown sediment is deposited on its sides, and it is marshy around. Some of the wells dug and bored from sixty to one hundred feet are supplied with a seemingly exhaustless amount of water. This great vein of water is thus reached at 'various depths throughout the county. In Goose Creek township a well was bored 120 feet, but the vein was not reached. On the fair-grounds it was reached at fifty-two feet. Accord- ing to the state geological survey, in the northern part of the county, water is reached at a depth of from twelve to twenty feet. Bement, fifteen to thirty feet, and on the prairie near Monticello at from twenty to thirty feet. For surface water, wells in the timber are dug deeper 100 HISTORY 'OF PIATT COUNTY. than in the prairie, but r itis vice versa in regard to the never-failing stream. One of the wells dug in the county showed a fine deposition of conglomerate, supposed to have been from the bottom of Lake Michigan when its' outlet was the Mississippi river. Pieces of wood have been found in various wells of the county. Mr. Jesse Warner reports a piece of wood resembling a crab-apple branch, well preserved, and at the depth of twenty-five feet. We might mention other similar remains oi former geological periods, and we suppose there have been some depositions discovered which have not come under our notice. CHAPTER III. FLORA OF PIATT COUNTY * BY A. B. S. THE object of this article is to give a list of the plants growing spontaneously in Piatt county. Such a list may be utilized in various ways. To the botanist, it answers the purpose of an elaborate flora, for, having a manual of botany, he can refer from that to the list or the reverse, and so has all the necessary information at his command. It greatly facilitates the study of botany to the beginner, for instead of having to find the place of any species among the two thousand six hundred described in Gray's Manual, covering all the Northern States, he has only to find its place among the few hundred growing in this county. It is also valuable as an index to the character of the region, its soil and capabilities of production. Woods, prairie, high ground and low, each has its peculiar vegetation, which the botanist recognizes at once. In addition to the bare list, a few notes are given under the more important families, which it is- hoped will increase its interest to the general reader. The common names are also given, when there are any, and the kind of place in which the plant grows. The list is known to be incomplete, especially in certain groups * Since this is not a scientific work, but only an ordinary one, a strictly scientific manner has not been followed in the printing of the following list of plants. The paragraphs following the name of the order are begun with generic names, while other scientific names in the same paragraph are names of species. FLORA OF PIATT COUNTY. 101 such as the sedges and some genera of composites, and this is regretted, but is unavoidable, owing to the limited time available for making observations and collecting specimens. Additions will be welcome. Ranunculacese Crowfoot family. This family is notable for the simplicity of structure of its flowers. The parts are all inserted sepa- rately on the receptacle. In many species the corolla is wanting, in which case the calyx is colored like a corolla. The stamens are usually numerous and often the pistils also. A number of our common spring flowers belong here ; also some cultivated species, such as the pseony. Clematis (virgin's bower). Pitcheri, T. & G. River banks. Virginiana, L. (common virgin's bower). Banks of streams. Anemone. Virginiana, L. (Virginian anemone). Woods. Pennsylvania, L. (Pennsylvanian anemone). Low grounds, mostly in woods. Hepatica. Acutiloba, DC. (liver-leaf). Woods; common. This is the name under which our form is commonly placed, but there are good evidences that all the forms belong to one species, and H. triloba is probably the oldest name. The acute-lobed form sometimes has five-lobed leaves, but a specimen five-lobed with very rounded lobes has been found in the county. Thalictrum. Anemonoides, Michx. (rue-anemone). Woods; common. Dio- icum, L. (early meadow-rue). Woods and fields. Purpurascens, L. (purplish meadow-rue). Fields and damp grounds. Ranunculus. Aquatilis, L., var. trichophyllus, Chaix. (white water-crowfoot)^ Shallow ponds. Multifidus, Pursh. (yellow water-crowfoot). Shallow ponds. Abortivus, L. (small-flowered crowfoot). Damp grounds and banks of streams; common. Recurvatus, Poir. (hooked crowfoot). Woods; peculiar for its hooked styles. Repens, L. (creeping crowfoot). Damp woods and meadows; common. Isopyrum. Biternatum, Tow. & Gr. Damp woods ; much resembling Thalic- trum anemonoides, and often mistaken for it. Caltha. Palustris, L. (marsh marigold). Wet meadows. Aquilegia. Canadensis, L. (wild columbine). High banks of the Sangamon; more graceful than the garden columbine (A. vulgaris). It is itself often culti- vated. Delphinium. Tricome (larkspur). Woods. Hydrastis. Canadensis, L. Rich woods; rare. Actsea. Alba, Bigel (white baneberry). Hillsides in woods. The red bane- berry may also occur, but can hardly be distinguished without the fruit. Anonacese Custard-apple family. Asimina. Triloba, Duval (common pawpaw). River bottoms, also dry woods ; much more abundant southward than here. Menispermacese Moonseed family. Menispermum. Canadense, L. (common moonseed). Woods, thickets, etc. Berberidaceae Barberry family. Podophyllum. Peltatum, L. (May-apple). Rich woods; common. Nymphaceae Water-lily family. Nuphar. Advena, Ait. (yellow pond-lily). Shallow ponds and streams. 102 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Papaveracese Poppy family. Sanguinaria. Canadensis, L. (blood-root). Hillsides in rich woods. Furnariaceee Fumitory family. Dicentra. Cucullaria, DC. (Dutchman's breeches). Rich woods. Cruciferae Mustard family. The flowers have four sepals, four petals placed in the form of a cross (whence the family name), six stamens, two of which are shorter than the rest, and a pod divided into two cells by a false partition. The two valves split away and leave the partition. It includes such cultivated plants as the cabbage, turnip, radish, cress and sweet alyssum. Nasturtium (water-cress). Sessiliflorum, Nutt. Wet places. Palustre, DC. (marsh cress). Low grounds. Armoracia, Fries (horseradish). Escaped from cultivation. Dentaria. Laciniata, Muhl. (toothwort; pepper-root). Rich woods. Cardamine. Rhomboidea, DC. (spring cress). Wet places. Hirsuta, L. (small bitter cress). Wet places. Arabis (rock cress). Leevigata, DC. Hillsides in woods. Hesperioides, Gray. Banks of streams. Sisymbrium. Offlcinale, Scop, (hedge mustard). A weed common 'in waste places. Brassica. Nigra, Gray (black mustard). Fields and waste places; common. Capsella. Bursa-pastoris, Mcench (shepherd's purse). A weed; common. Lepidiuni. Virginicum, L. (wild peppergrass). A common weed, often with the last. Violacese Violet family. Viola. Cucullata, Ait. (common blue violet). Moist places. Pubescens, Ait. (downy yellow violet). Hypericacese St. John's-wort family. Hypericum (St. John's-wort). Sphserocarpon, Michx. Dry prairies. Corym- bosum, Muhl. Damp places. Gary ophyllacese Pink family. Silene (catchfly). Stellata, Ait. (starry campion). Woods. Anthirrhina, L. (sleepy catchfly). Dry prairies and fields. Cerastium. Nutans, Raf. Damp places. Portulacacese Purslane family. Portulaca. Oleracea, L. (common purslane). A weed common in gardens everywhere. Claytonia. Virginica, L. (spring-beauty). Woods. Malvaceae Mallow family. This is the family to which the cot- ton plant belongs. The family is characterized by numerous stamens whose filaments are united into a tube, around the styles and at the base, to the cohering bases of the petals and several to many pistils which form in fruit either a several-celled pod or a collection of one- FLORA OF PIATT COUNTY. 103 seeded carpels. The flower is often subtended by an involucre. A number of graceful cultivated plants belong here, and some not so graceful, such as the hollyhock. The family is largely tropical. Malva. Rotundifolia, L. (common mallow). Roadsides and waste places. Sida. Spinosa, L. Roadsides. Sida. Abutilon. Avicennse, Gtertn. (Indian mallow; velvet-leaf). Cultivated grounds and waste places. "This is the somewhat troublesome weed that is being successfully utilized as a textile plant at Springfield, 111." Several beau- tiful cultivated plants belong to this genus. Hibiscus. Militaris, Cav. (halberd-leaved rose-mallow). Wet places and borders of ponds; not common; a large and showy plant; it does well in culti- vation, and is well worth cultivating. Tiliaceae Linden family. Tilia. Americana, L. (linden; basswood.) Rich woods and river banks. Linacese Flax family. Linum. Usitatissimtim, L. (common flax). Found springing up from seeds scattered along the railroad at Monticello ; it is also cultivated in this county. Geraniaceae Geranium family- The cultivated geraniums belong to the genus Pelargonium of this family. Most of them grow wild at the Cape of Good Hope. The pods of the wild touch-me-not burst at maturity with the slightest touch, like the garden balsam, and often throw their seeds several feet.' Geranium. Maculatum, L. (wild cranesbill). Woods and fields. Impatiens. Fulva, Nutt. (spotted touch-ine-not). Shady moist places. Oxalis. Violacea, L. Shady places. Stricta, L. Often in cultivated grounds. Rotaceffi Rue family. Zanthoxylum. Americanum, Mill, (prickly ash). Banks of streams. Anacardiacese Cashew family. Rhus. Glabra, L. (smooth sumach). Hillsides, undisturbed fence-rows, etc. Toxicodendron, L. (poison ivy). Woods, thickets, fence corners, etc.; common. The climbing form, var. radicans, grows luxuriantly along the river near Monti- cello. It has recently been discovered by Prof. T. J. Burrill, of the State University, that bacteria constitute the poisonous property of this plant. They are minute vegetable organisms belonging with the lowest fungi. This plant, with its three leaflets, should not be confounded with the Virginia creeper, which has five. Vitacese Yine family. Vitis. JSstivalis, Michx. (summer grape). Wooded river-banks. Cordifolia, Michx. (winter or frost grape). Woods and thickets. Ampelopsis. Quinquefolia, Michx. (Virginia creeper). Woods ; often climb- ing trees to a great height. Rhamnacese Buckthorn family. Rhamnus. Lanceolatus, Pursh. (buckthorn). River banks. Ceanothus. Americanus, L. (New Jersey tea). Prairies. " The leaves were 104: HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. used for tea during the American Revolution, and the manufacture has been recently revived in Pennsylvania. Celastraceae Staff-tree family. Remarkable for its brilliant fruit. Celastrus. Scandens (wax-work ; climbing bitter-sweet). Thickets. Euonymus. Atropurpurens, Jacq. (burning-bush; waahoo). Rich woods. Americanus, L., var. obovatus, T. & G. (strawberry-bush). River banks. Sapindaceae Soapberry family. Staphylea. Trifoiia, L. (American bladder-nut). Near streams; in woods ; remarkable for its inflated pods. JSsculus. Glabra, Willd (fetid or Ohio buckeye). Near streams in woods. Acer. Saccharinum, Wang, (sugar or rock maple). Rich woods, especially on lower grounds. Dasycarpum, Ehrh. (white or silver maple). River banks. This species is commonly called soft maple. Legumiiiosae Pulse family. Most plants belonging to this family have compound leaves, a papilionaceous or butterfly-shaped corolla, ten stamens and a single simple pistil. The corolla is composed of five petals. The two in front are usually more or less united and. inclose the stamens and style. They form what is called the keel. The two at the sides are the wings, and the large one at the back is the standard. It incloses all the others in the bud. The filaments of the stamens are either all united or nine united and one free. The fruit is a simple pod or legume, but in a few genera it is jointed. This is a large and important family. It is widely distributed and in some regions the species are much more numerous than with us. There are many in the far west. Of six thousand five hundred species known in the world, the United States has three hundred and fifty, Illinois seventy-three, Piatt county twenty-four. Among plants of this, family cultivated for use or ornament are clover, sweet clover, lucerne, pea, bean, peanut, sweet-pea, Wistaria, sensitive plant. Trifoliuni. Pratense, L. (red clover). Common in fields, etc. -Repens, L. (white clover). Common in fields, lawns, etc. Melilotus. Alba, Lam. (sweet clover; white melilot). Roadsides and waste places. Petalostemon. Candidus, Michx. Prairies. Amorpha. Fruticosa, L. (false indigo). Banks of streams. Canescens, Nutt. (lead -plant). Prairies. Desmodium (tick-trefoil). Remarkable for its jointed pods, which are mostly covered with hooked hairs, and stick tight to the clothing or the hair of animals; whence the name tick-trefoil. Acuminatum, DC. Woods and thickets. Cuspi- datum, T. & G. Woods. Paniculatum, DC. Woods, thickets, etc. Illinoense, Gray. Prairies. * Lespedeza (bush clover). Repens, T. & G. Banks and hillsides in open woods. Violacea, Pers. Woods. Capitata, Michx. Prairies. Lathyrus. Palustris, L. (marsh vetchling). Low grounds; Sangamon river bank. m IGEI m i.ARY THE -RSnY OF ILLINOIS FLORA OF PI ATT COUNTY. 105 Apios. Tuberosa, Moench (ground-nut ; wild bean). Banks of streams. Phaseolus (kidney-bean). Diversifolius, Pers. Sandy banks. Amphicarpsea. Monoica, Nutt. (hog pea-nut). Rich woods. Baptisia (false indigo). Leucantha, T. & G. Prairies. Leucophaea, Nutt. Prairies. Cercis. Canadensis, L. (red-bud). Woods along streams. Cassia. Marilandica, L. (wild senna). Banks of streatns. Chamfecrista, L. (partridge-pea). Prairies, especially in sandy soil. Gymnocladus. Canadensis, Lam. (Kentucky coffee-tree). Woods near streams. Gloditschia. Triacanthos, L. (honey-locust). Rosacese Rose family. This is one of the most important families, because it contains so many fruits. The apple, peach, pear, plum, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and others belong here; also many plants cultivated for ornament. The flowers are regular and five-parted ; the numerous stamens are inserted with the petals on the calyx. The fruit is of various kinds, and its morphology is in many cases very interesting. The family as a whole is not near so large as the preceding one, having only about a thousand species, but a larger proportion of them are native here. Primus. Americana, Marshall (wild yellow or red plum). Woods and thickets. Virginiana, L. (choke-cherry). Eiver banks. Serotina, Ehrh. (wild black cherry). Woods. This is a large tree ; the preceding species seldom more than a shrub. They may also be distinguished by their leaves, those of this species having blunt teeth ; those of the preceding, sharp ones. Spireea. Opulifolia, L. (nine-bark). Banks of the Sangamon ; a fine shrub. Gillenia. Stipulacea, Nutt. (American ipecac). Hillsides or banks in woods. Aurimonia. Eupatoria, L. (common agrimony). Woods. Parviflora, Ait. (small-flowered agrimony). Woods. Geum (arens). Album, Gmelin. Woods. Potentilla (cinquefoil; five-finger). Norvegica, L. Open grounds. Cana- densis, L. (common cinquefoil or five-finger). Dry soil. Arguta, Pursh. Prairies. Fragaria. Virginiana, Ehrh. (strawberry). Prairies, etc. Rubus. Occidentalis, L. (black raspberry). Open woods. Villosus, Ait (blackberry). Borders of woods, thickets, etc. Rosa. Setigera, Michx. (climbing or prairie rose). Thickets. Lucida, Ehrh (dwarf wild-rose). Hillsides, prairies, etc. Rubiginosa, L. (sweet-brier. Escaped from cultivation. Cratsegus. Coccinea, L. (scarlet-fruited thorn). Woods and thickets. To- mentosa, L. (black or' pear- thorn). Woods and thickets. Var. mollis, Gray. Same as the typical form, but more common. This is the species commonly called red-haw. Crus-galli, L. (cockspur-thorn). Woods. Pyrus Coronaria, L. (American crab-apple). Woods and thickets. Amelanchier. Canadensis, T. & G. Var. botryapium, Gray (June-berry; shad-bush ; service-berry). Saxiiragacese. Saxifrage family. Ribes. Rotundifolium, Michx. (gooseberry). Woods. 106 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Crassulacesea. Orpine family. Penthorum. Sedoides, L. (ditch stone-crop). Wet places. Hamamelacese. Witch-hazel family. Hamamelis. Virginica, L. Woods. Collected by John Marquiss. Onagracese. Evening primrose family. Cimea. Lutetiana, L. (enchanter's nightshade). Woods ; frequent. Gauva. Viennis, L. Open ground, fields, etc. (Enothera. Biennis, L. (common evening primrose). Fields. Ludwigia (false loosestrife). Polyearpa, Short & Peter. Very wet places. Lythraceae. Loosestrife family. All our species grow in wet places. Ammannia. Humilis, Michx. Latifolia, L. Lythrum. Alatum, Pursh. Cucurbitacese. Gourd family. Licyos. Angulatus, L. River banks. Umbelliferse. Parsley family. The flowers are in umbels, but in one case the umbel is contracted into a dense head. The majority have perfectly regular compound umbels. The fruit consists of two carpels, each containing a single seed. Each carpel has several oil- tubes which contain an aromatic oil. Some of the cultivated species are the carrot, parsnip, anise, dill, caraway. The poison hemlock of classical fame belongs here. Sanicula (black snakeroot). Canadensis, L. Open woods. Marilandica, L. With the preceding. Eryngium. Yuccsefolium, Michx. (rattlesnake-master; button snakeroot). Moist prairies. Daucus. Carota, L. (common carrot). Escaped from cultivation; collected by Miss A. E. Butts. Heracl^eum. Lanatum, Michx. (cow-parsnip) Damp places in woods. Pastinaca. Sativa, L. (common parsnip). Fields, roadsides, etc. Archemora. Rigida, DC. (cowbane). Damp grounds. Thaspiurn (meadow-parsnip). Barbinode, Nutt. Prairies. Aureurn, Nutt. Moist prairies, etc. Zizia. Integerrima, DC. High banks of streams, hillsides, etc. Cicuta. Maculata, L. (spotted cowbane ; musquash root ; water hemlock). Wet grounds. " The root is a deadly poison." Lium. Lineare, Michx. (water parsnip). Wet grounds. Cryptotsenia. Canadensis, DC. (honewort). Woods. Chserophyllum. Procumbens, Lam. (chervil). Moist woods. Osmorrhiza (sweet cicely). Longistylis, DO. (smoother sweet cicely). Rich woods. Brevistylis, DC. (hairy sweet cicely). With the last. Eulophus. Americanus, Nutt. (White Heath). Moist grounds. Araliacese. Gensing family. Aralia. Racemosa, L. (spikenard). Rich woods. FLORA OF PIATT COUNTY. 107 Cornaceae Dogwood family. Cornus. Sericea, L. (silky cornel, kinnikinnik). Wet places. Caprifoliacese Honeysuckle family. This is the first of the monopetalous families, those having their petals united. Symphoricarpus. Vulgaris, Michx. (Indian currant; coral-berry). Woods along the Sangamon. Lonicera. Flava, Sims (yellow honeysuckle). River banks. Triosteum. Perfoliatum, L. (feverwort; horse-gentian). Rich woods. Sambucus. Canadensis, L. (elder). Borders of woods, thickets, etc. Viburnum. Prunifolium, L. (black haw). Woods and thickets. Rubiacese Madder family. The coffee tree, Peruvian-bark tree and other useful plants belong to this family. Galium. Notable for its slender stems and whorled leaves. The number of leaves at a joint varies in different species from four to eight; in most of our species they are narrow. The slender, decumbent stems sometimes reach a length of six feet, and their angles are usually roughened. Aparine, L. (cleavers ; goose-grass).. Moist thickets. Concinnum, T. & G. Rich woods. Trifidum, L. (small bedstraw). Wet places. Triflorum, Michx. (sweet-scented bedstraw). Rich woods. Circsezans, Michx. (wild liquorice). Rich woods. Cephalanthus. Occidentalis, L. (button-bush). Wet placesand often in water. Houstonia. Purpurea, L. Fields and woods. Composites Composite family. To this family belong all such flowers as the asters, golden-rods, daisies, sunflowers, thistles and many others. Many flowers are collected together in a head, and, to those who have not studied them, may appear like a single flower. In the sunflower, for instance, each of the parts that appears like a petal is a flower, and each of the parts in the central part or disk is a flower, perfect and complete in itself. The former are called ray flowers ; the latter, disk flowers. The green leaf-like bodies outside of the ray flowers form, not the calyx, but the involucre. Each flower has its calyx, which takes various forms in different species. In the sunflower, it consists of a few teeth ; in beggar-ticks, the teeth are barbed ; in the thistle, dandelion and many others, it is composed of many fine hairs. The calyx is called the pappus. The corolla is usually fine-parted. In the disk flowers it is regular ; in the ray flowers, strap-shaped. Some species, as ironweed and boneset, have no ray flowers ; but in one whole sub-family, that to which the dande- lion belongs, the flowers are all strap-shaped. The stamens, five in number, are inserted on the corolla and their anthers united into a tube around the style. The style has two branches. The fruit is a one-celled ovary containing a single erect seed. This is the largest family of flowering plants : it contains about a thousand genera and 108 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. ten thousand species. In Illinois there are two hundred species. It contains a comparatively small number of directly useful plants, the commonest being lettuce. Many are cultivated for ornament. Vernonia. Fasciculate, Michx. (iron-weed). Prairies, woods and banks of streams. The leaves are very variable. Liatris. Cylindracea, Michx. (button snakeroot ; blazing star). Prairies. Scariosa, Willd. Prairies. Pycnostachya, Michx. Prairies. Kuhnia. Kuhnia. Eupatarioides, L. Prairies. E ipatorium. Purpnreum, L. (Joe-Pye weed; trumpet-weed). Low grounds in woods, etc. Perfoliatum, L. (thoroughwort; boneset). Wet places. Serotinum, Michx. Near the Sangamon. Ageratoides, L. (white snake-root). Rich woods. Conoclinium. Ccelestinum, DC. (mist-flower). Banks of the Sangamon. It has beautiful blue flowers, appearing like those of Eupatorium. Aster (starwort; aster). Shortii, Boott. Rich woods. Sagittifolius, Willd. Hillsides, etc., in woods. Multiflorus, Ait. Dry soil. Miser, L. Woods, fields, etc. Erigeron. Canadense, L. (horse-weed; butter-weed). Cultivated grounds; a common weed. Philadelphicum, L. (common fleabane). Damp grounds. Annuum, Pers. (d;.isy fleabane ; sweet scabious.) Low grounds. Strigosum, Muhl. (daisy fleabanc)- Fields and prairies. Boltonia (boltonia). Gastifolia, L'Her. Low grounds. . Solidago (golden-rod). Latifolia, L. Rich woods. Rigida. Prairies. Rid- dellii, Frank. Wet grounds. Altissima, L. Copses, borders of fields, etc. Ulrni- folia, Muhl. Banks of streams, etc., in woods. Canadensis, L. Fields, borders of woods, etc. ; common. Silphium. Laciniatum, L. (rosin-weed ; compass plant). Prairies. Terebin- th inaceum, L. (prairie-dock). Prairies. Integrifolium, Michx. Prairies. Per- foliiitum, L. (cup-plant). Rich alluvial soil. Parthenium (parthenium). Integrifolium, L. Prairies. Ambrosia. Triflda, L. (great ragweed). Fields ; common. Artemisisefolia, L. (hog-weed). Fields, waste places, etc. ; common. Xanthium. Strumarium, L. (cocklebur). Fields, banks of streams, etc. ; a troublesome weed. Ei'lipta (eclipta). Procumbens, Michx. Banks of Sangamon. Heliopsis. Lsevis, Pers. (ox-eye). Banks and copses. Echinaceu. Purpurea, Mcench (purple cone-flower). Prairies. Rudbeckia (cone-flower). Laciniata, L. Damp woods, along streams, etc. Subtomentosa, Pursh. Pr.,iries. Triloba, L. Dry soil. Hista, L. Dry soil. Lepachys (lepachys). Pinnata, T. & G. Prairies. Helianthus (sunflower). Rigidus, Desf. Prairies. Mollis, Lam. Prairies. Divariratus, L. Dry woods. Hirsntus, Raf. Dry open grounds. Tracheliifolius, Willd. Woods. Decapetalus, L. Woods. Actinomeris (actiiiomeris). Squarrosa, Nutt. Woods. Helianthoides, Nutt. Prairies. Coreopsis (tickseed). Palmata, Nutt. Prairies. Tripteris, L. (tall coreopsis. Bidens. Frondosa, L. (common beggar-ticks). Low grounds and wa^te places. Connata, Muhl. (swamp beggar-ticks). Low grounds, b..nks of streams, etc. Dysodia (fetid marigold). Chrysanthemoides, Lag. Roadsides and waste places. FLORA OF PI ATT COUNTY. 109 Helenium. Autumnale, L. (sneeze-weed). Low grounds. Maruta. Cotula, DC. (May-weed). Roadsides ; very common. Achillea. Millefolium, K (yarrow; milfoil). Prairies. Antennaria. Plantaginifolia, Hook, (plaintain-leaved everlasting). Dry woods and open grounds. Erechthites. Hieracifolia, Raf. (fireweed). Woods, etc. Cacalia. Tuberosa, Nutt. (Indian plantain). Damp prairies. Senecio. Aureus, L. (golden ragwort; squaw-weed). Wet grounds. Cirsium (thistle). Lanceolatum, Scop, (common thistle). Roadsides and open grounds. Discolor, Spreng. Meadows and copses. Altissimum, Spreng. Fields and copses. Lappa (burdock). Officinalis, All. var. major. Waste places; common. Cynthia. Virginica, Don. Banks of Sangamon. Taraxacum. Dens-leonis, Raf. (dandelion). Fields, roadsides, etc.; common. Lactuca. Canadensis, L. (wild lettuce). Rich soil, borders of fields, etc. Mulgedium. Floridanum, DC. Rich soil. Lobeliacese Lobelia family. Lobelia. Cardinalis, L. (cardinal flower). Wet ground. Syphilitica, L. (great lobelia). Wet ground. Inflata, L. (Indian tobacco). Woods. Campanulacese Campanula family. Campanula. Americana, L. (tall bellflower). Woods and thickets. Specularia (Venus' looking-glass). Perfoliata, A. DC. Dry open grounds. Ebenacese Ebony family. Diospyros. Virginiana, L. (persimmon). Reported to grow in the vicinity of Lake Fork. Plantaginacese Plantain family. Plantago. Major, L. (common plantain). Waste places; common. Primulacese Primrose family. Dodecatheon. Meadia, L. (American cowslip; shooting-star). Prairies; a fine plant for cultivation. Lysimachia (loosestrife). Ciliata, L. Low grounds. Lanceolata, Walt. Shaded or low grounds. Longifolia, Pursh. Low grounds. Bignoniacese Bignonia family. Tecoma. Radicans, Juss. (trumpet creeper). Black Ash swamp. Orobanchacese Broom-rape family. Aphyllon. Uniflorum, T. & G. (one-flowered cancer-root). Woods and prairies, rare; a curious little root-parasite without leaves and bearing single flowers on scapes. Scrophulariacese Figwort family. In this family the corolla is almost always irregular, and usually two-lipped. In a few cases there are five perfect stamens, but in the rest there are four in pairs, or only two ; the remainder of the five are often represented by rudiments. In pentstemon there are four perfect stamens and a hairy filament lying in the tube of the corolla like a tongue, whence it is called beard- 110 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. tongue. The ovary is two-celled, and contains many seeds. The genus gerardia contains some root-parasites, which turn black in drying. The snapdragon and foxglove are cultivated plants of this family. Verbascuni. Thapsus, L. (common mullein). Roadsides and fields ; common. Scrophularia. Nodosa, L. (figwort). Woods. Pentstemon (beard-tongue). Pubescens, Solander. Dry banks. Digitalis, Nutt. Damp grounds. Mimulus (monkey-flower). Ringens, L. Banks of streams. Conobea. Multifida, Benth. Sandy soil and banks of streams. Gratioloides, Benth (false pimpernel). Wet places. Veronica. Virginica, L. (Culver's-root ; Culver's physic). Woods. Peregrina, L. (neckweed ; purslane speedwell). A common weed in cultivated fields. Arvensis, L. (corn speedwell). Fields and waysides. Gerardia. Purpurea, L. (purple gerardia). Low grounds. Tennifolia, Vald. (slender gerardia). Hillsides, etc., in open woods. Grandiflora, Benth. Borders of woods. Auricnlata, Michx. Moist prairies. Acanthaceae Acanthus family. Ruellia. Ciliosa, Pursh. Dry prairies. Strepens, L. Rich woods. Verbenacese Vervain family. Verbena. Hastata, L. (blue vervain). Low ground. Urticifolia, L. (nettle- leaved or white vervain). Roadsides. Stricta, Vent, (hoary vervain). Dry roadsides. Bracteosa, Michx. (bracted vervain). Same as the preceding, but less frequent. Lippia. Lanceolata, Michx. Wet grounds, margins of ponds, etc. Phryma. Leptostachya, L. (lopseed). Rich woods. After flowering, the fruit is turned downward and pressed close to the stem. Labiatse Mint family. Plants in this family have square stems and opposite leaves. The flowers have a two-lipped corolla and four stamens in pairs, or only two. The fruit consists of four, little seed- like nutlets surrounding the base of the two-cleft style. The leaves are usually dotted with small glands containing the oil which gives the mints their aromatic odor. The various mints, sage, catnip, horehound, belong to this family. Teucrium. Canadense, L. American Germander. Low grounds. Mentha. Canadensis, L. Wild mint. Low grounds. Lycopus (water horehound). Europseus, L. Var. integrifolius, Gray. Wet grounds. Var. sinuatus, Gray. Wet grounds. Pycnanthemum (mountain mint, basil). Pilosum, Nutt. Dry woods. Lanceo- latum, Pursh. Woods and open ground. Linifolium, Pursh. With the last. Hedeoma. Pugelioides, Pers. (American pennyroyal). Dry woods. Monarda. Fisttilosa, L. (wild bergamot). Blephilia (blephilia). Hirsuta, Benth. Rich woods. Lophanthus (giant hyssop). Nepetoides, Benth. Borders of woods, scroph- ulamefolius, Benth. Same as the last. FLORA OF PIATT COUNTY. Ill Nepeta. Cataria, L. (catnip). Roadsides and fence corners near dwellings. Physostegia. Virginica, Benth. (false dragon-head). Moist prairies. Brunei la. Vulgaris, L. (common self-heal or heal-all). Woods and open ground. Scutellaria (skullcap). Versicolor, Nutt. Rich woods. Parvula, Michx. Dry soil. Lateriflora, L. Wet places. Stachys. Palustris, L. (hedge-nettle). Leonurus. Cardiaca, L, (mother wort). Fence corners and waste places. -Borraginaceae Borage family. Lithospermurn. Latifolium, Michx. Woods. Canescens, Lehni. (hoary puc- coon ; alkanet). Dry prairies. Mertensia. Virginica, DC. (Virginian cowslip ; lungwort). Woods. Myosotis. Verna, Nutt. (scorpion-grass ; forget-me not). Dry hills. Cynoglossum. Officinale, L. Woods and roadsides in open ground. Morisoni, DC. Woods. Hydrophyllacese Wateiieaf family. Hydrophyllum (waterleaf). Virginicum, L. Rich woods. Appendicula- tum, Michx. Rich woods. Ellisia (ellisia). Isvctelea, L. Fields and open woods. Polemoniacese Polemonium family. Phlox (phlox). Maculata, L. (wild sweet-william). Rich shady grounds and woods. Pilosa, L. Prairies. Divaricata, L. Rich woods. Convolvulacese Convolvulus family. Ipomoea. Purpurea, Lam. (common morning-glory). Escaped from cultiva- tion, sometimes becoming a troublesome weed in fields. Pandurata, Meyer, (wild potato-vine; man-of-the-earth). River banks. Calystegia. Sepium, R. Br. (hedge bindweed). Low grounds. Cuscuta (dodder.) Glomerata, Choisy. A leafless yellow-stemmed vine, parasitic on various plants in moist prairies and producing dense clusters of small white flowers. Solanacese Nightshade family. Solanum. Nigrum, L. (common nightshade). Waste places. Caroliuense, L- (horse-nettle). Sandy soil. Physalis. Viscosa, L. Dry soil. Pennsylvania, L. Dry soil. Datura. Stramonium, L. (common stramonium; thorn-apple). Waste places. Tatula, L. (purple-thorn apple). Waste places. Apocynacse Dogbane family. Apocynum. Andros&emifolium, L. (spreading dogbane). Borders of woods. Cannabinum, L. (Indian hemp). Open grounds and banks of streams. Asclepiadacese Milkweed family. Plants of this family have a milky juice, but many other plants have the same ; among them are those of the preceding family, most of the Spurge family, and the sub- family Composite, to which the dandelion belongs. Asclepias. Cornuti, Decaisne (common milkweed). Rich ground. Sulli- vantii, Engelm. Low grounds. Phytolaccoides, Pursh. (poke milkweed). Rich 112 HISTORY OF P1ATT COUNTY. woods and copses). Incarnata, L. (swamp milkweed). Wet grounds. Tuberosa, L. (butterfly-weed; pleurisy-root). Dry hills and fields. Acerates. Longifolia, Ell. (green milkweed). Moist prairies. . Olcacere Olive family. Fraxinus. Americana, L. (white ash). Moist woods. Viridis, Michx., f. (green ash). Woods near streams. Sambucifolia, Lam. (black ash). Black Ash swamp. Aristolochiacese Birth wort family. Asarum. Canadense, L. (asarabacca; wild ginger). Hillsides in rich woods. Chenopodiacese Goosefoot family. Cheno,podium. Album, L. (lamb's quarters; pigweed). Cultivated grounds and waste places. Amarantacese Amaranth family. Amarantus. Retroflexus, L. (pigweed). Cultivated grounds; a common weed. Albus, L. Roadsides, etc. Polygonaceae Buckwheat family. Polygonum (knotweed). Pennsylvanicum, L. Rich, damp soil. Acre,H.B.K. (water smartweed). Low grounds. Amphibium, L. (water persicaria). Ponds and wet places. Virginianum, L. Rich woods. A viculare, L. (knotgrass; goose- grass ; doorweed). Door-yards ; waste places, etc. Var. erectum, Roth. With the typical form. Rarnoisissimum, Michx. Waste places and banks of streams. Convolvulus, L. (black bindweed). Fields and waste grounds. Dumetorum, L. (climbing false buckwheat). Moist thickets. Rumex. Britannica, L. (pale dock). Low grounds. Verticillatus. L. (swamp dock). Water or wet places. Crispus, L. (curled dock). Low grounds and waste places. Obtusifolius, L. (bitter dock). Low grounds. Lauraceae Laurel family. Sassafras. Omcinale, Nees (sassafras). Rich woods. Lindera. Benzoin, Meissner (spice-bush). Reported to grow in this county. Santalacese Sandalwood family. Comandra. Umbellata, Nutt. (bastard toad-flax). Dry prairies. Saururaceae Lizard's-tail family. Saururus. Cernuus, L. (lizard's-tail). Wet places and swamps. Euphorbiacere Spurge family. The principal genus is Euphorbia. In that germs, especially, the plants have a milky juice. The flowers have neither corolla nor calyx, and are collected in small clusters surrounded by an involucre, which often resembles a calyx. The stamens and pistils are in separate flowers ; each involucre incloses a number of staminate and one pistillate flowers. Staminate flowers have but a single stamen each ; pistillate flowers have a three-celled ovary which is often raised on a pedicel above the others in fruit. The cultivated " snow-on-the-mountain " is Euphorbia marginata, from the West. FLORA OF PIATT COUNTY. 113 Euphorbia (spurge). Maculata, L. Fields, roadsides, etc. Hypericifolia, L. Same as the last. Corollata, L. Open grounds and borders of woods. Obtusata, Pur^h. Damp grounds. Acalypha. Virginica, L. (three-seeded mercury). Common in cultivated grounds and .shady places. Urticacese Nettle family. This includes four sub-families, the Elm family, Bread-fruit and Fig family, Nettle family proper, and Hemp family. All are represented in Piatt county. The Bread-fruit and Fig family are represented by the mulberry. Ulinus. Fulva, Michx. (slippery or red elm). Banks of streams; collected by John Marquiss. Americana, L. (American or white elm). With the last, but more common. Celtis. Occidentalis, L. (sugarberry ; hackberry). Woods and river banks. Morus. Rubra, L. (red mulberry). Rich woods near streams. Alba, L. (white mulberry). Rich woods; introduced. Urtioa. Graeilis, Ait. (nettle). Fence rows and waste places near dwellings. Pilea. Pumila, Gray (richweed; clearweed). Moist, shaded grounds. Humulus. Lupulus, L. (hop). Banks of streams. Platanaceae Plane-tree family. Platanus. Occidentalis, L. (plane-tree; sycamore; buttonwood). Banks of streams. Juglandacese Walnut family. Juglans. Cinerea, L. (butternut). Banks of streams. Nigra, L. (black wal- nut). Banks of streams. Caryei. Alba, Nutt. (shell-bark hickory). Dry grounds. Sulcata, Nutt. (western shell-bark hickory). River bottoms. Amara, Nutt. (bitter-nut; swamp hickory). Moist woods. Cupuliferse Oak family. Quercus. Alba, L. (white oak). Rich woods. Macrocarpa, Michx. (burr- oak). Rich soil. Imbricaria, Michx. (laurel oak ; shingle oak). Open woods. Nigra, L. (black-jack oak; barren oak). Barren lands; collected by John Marquiss. Coccinea, Waug. ; var. tinctoria, Gray (yellow-barked oak ; black oak). Both rich and poor soil; collected by John Marquis. Rubra, L. (red oak). Both rich and poor soil ; collected by John Marquiss. Corylus. Americana, Walt, (hazel nut). Dry grounds, open woods, etc. Ostrya. Virginica, Wilkl (hop-hornbeam). Rich woods. Carpinus. Americana, Michx. (iron-wood). Along streams. Salicacese Willow family. Salix. Cordata, Muhl. (heart-leaved willow). Wet prairies and along streams. Nigra, Marsh (black willow). Banks of streams. Longifolia, Muhl. (long-leaved willow). Wet places. Populus. Monilifera, Ait. (cottonwood; necklace poplar). Along streams. Coniferse Pine family. Juniperus. Virginiana, L. (red cedar; savin). Reported to grow at Cedar Bluff, on^the Sangamon. 114 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Araceae Arum family. Arissema. Triphyllum,Torr. (Indian turnip; Jack-in-the-pulpit). Rich woods. Dracontium, Schott. (green dragon; dragon-root). Woods along streams. Lemnaceae Duckweed family. Lemna. Polyrrhiza, L. (duckweed; duck's-meat). Still water. Typhaceae Cat-tail family. Typha. Latifolia, L. (cat-tail). Marshy places and borders of ponds. Sparganium. Eurycarpum, Engelm. (bur-reed). Wet places. Alismacees Water-plantain family. Alisma. Plantago, L. ; var. Americanum, Gray (water-plantain). Shallow water. Sagittaria (arrow-head)'. Yariabilis, Engelm. Shallow water or wet places. Heterophylla, Pursh. With the last. Orchidaceae. Orchis family. Orchis. Spectabilis, L. (showy orchis). Rich woods; scarce. Amarylladaceae Amaryllis family. Hypoxys. Erecta, L. (star-grass). Meadows and open woods. Iridaceae Iris family. Iris. Versi color, L. (larger blue flag). Shallow water or wet places. Sisyrinchium. Bermudiana, L. (blue-eyed grass). Moist meadows. Dioscoreaceae Yam family. Dioscorea. Villosa, L. (wild yam-root). Thickets. Smilaceae Smilax family. Smilax. Hespida, L. (greenbrier). Woods and thickets, herbacese, L. (car- rion flower). Woods and open grounds along streams. Liliaceae Lily family. Plants of this family have regular flowers consisting of a perianth of six sepals, six stamens and a free, three- celled ovary. The divisions of the perianth are all similar except in trillium, which has the outer set green and the inner colored. Among the useful plants of the family are the onion and asparagus. Trillium. Recurvatum, Beck, (trillium; three-leaved nightshade). Rich woods. Uvularia. Grandiflora, Smith (bellwort). Rich woods. Smilacina. Racemosa, Desf. Rich woods. Stellata, Desf. High banks of the Sangainon. Polygonatum. Giganteum, Dietrich. Woods. Lilium. Philadelphicum, L. (wild orange-red lily). Prairies. Erythronium. Albidum, Nutt. (white dog's-tooth violet). Rich woods. Scilla. Fraseri, Gray (eastern squamash; wild hyacinth). Moist prairies and open woods. Allium (onion; garlic). Striatum, Jacq. Prairies and open woods. Jimcaceae Rush family. Juncus (rush). Tenius, Wild. Low grounds, fields and roadsides. Nodo- sus, L. ; var. niegacephalus, Torr. Water or wet places. FLOKA OF PIATT COUNTY. 115 Commely nacese Spiderwort family. Tradescantia. Virginica, L. (spiderwort). Moist woods and meadows. Cyperaceae Sedge family. Grass-like plants, distinguished from the true grasses by their solid stems, three-ranked leaves with closed sheaths, and the single scale subtending each flower. Since most of them grow in places more or less wet, their habitats will not be given. Cyperus (galingale). Diandrus, Torr. ; Acuminatus, Torr. ; Strigosus, L. ; Michauxianus, Schultes. Dulichium (dulichium).- Spathuceum, Pers. Eleocharis (spike-rush). Obtusa, Schultes; Palustrus, R. Br. ; Acicularis, R. Br. Scirpus (bulrush; club-rush). Validus, Vahl. ; Fluviatilis, Gray; Atrovirens, Muhl. ; Lineatus, Michx. Carex (sedge). Vulpinoidea, Michx.; Sparganioides, Muhl.; Rosea, Schk. ; Lagopodioides, Schk.; Cristata, Schw., var. Mirabilis, Boott; Straminea, Schk.; Stricta, Lam. ; Grisea, Wahl ; Davisii, Schw. & Torr. ; Laxiflora, Lam. ; Pennsyl- vanica, Lam.; Lanuginosa, Michx.; Hystricina, Willd; Grayii, Carey; Lupulina, Muhl. ; Smithii, T. C. Porter. Graminese Grass family. The grasses are distinguished by their hollow stms, leaves in two ranks, and with open sheaths and two scales for each flower. The flowers are arranged in spikelets, each spikelet containing one or more flowers ; each flower has a floral envelope of two scales called palets,' and each spikelet is subtended by two scales called glumes. The grasses form one of the largest families, comprising three thousand eight hundred species. Some, such as the bamboo, are woody. Two woody species grow in Illinois. Leersia. Virginica, Willd (white grass). Damp, shaded grounds. Oryzoides, Swartz (rice cut-grass). Wet places. Zizania. Aquatica, L. (Indian rice; water oats). Sloughs and margins of ponds and slow streams. Phleum. Pratense, L. (timothy). Fields and roadsides; introduced. Agrostis. Perennans, Tuckerm. (thin-grass). Damp woods. Scabra, Willd (hair-grass). Dry soil. Vulgaris, With, (red-top). Moist meadows. Cinna. Arundinacea, L. (wood reed-grass). Rich woods. Muhlenbergia (drop-seed grass). Mexicana, Trin. Low grounds. Willde- novii, Trin. Banks in woods. Diffusa, Sehreber (drop-seed, nimble-will). Shady places. Brachyllytrum. Aristatum, Beauv. Rich woods. Stipa. Spartea, Trin. (porcupine grass). Prairies. Spartina. Cynosuroides, Willd (fresh-water cord-grass). Wet places. Diarrhena (diarrhena). Americana, Beauv. Rich woods. Dactylis. Glomerata, L. (orchard grass). Escaped from cultivation. Eatonia. Pennsylvania, Gray. Moist woods and meadows. Glyceria. Nervata, Trin. (fowl-meadow grass). Low ground. Fluitans, R. Br. Margins of ponds. Poa. Compressa, L. (wire-grass). Dry soil. Pratensis, L. (green or common meadow-grass; Kentucky bluegrass). Common everywhere. 116 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. Eragrostis (eragrostis). Reptans, Nees. Borders of ponds. ^Poaloides, Beauv. Cultivated grounds. Var. Me^astachya, Gray. With the last. Pilosa, Beauv. Road- sides. Frankii, Meyer. River banks and moist places. Festuca. Elatior, L., var. Pratensis, Gray (meadow fescue). Grass lands. Nutans, Willd. Open woods. Bromus. Secalinus (cheat ; chess). Grain fields, waste places, etc. Ciliatus, L. Hillsides and woods. Triticum. Repens (couch-grass). Fields. Elymus (lime-grass; wild rye). Virginicus, L. Banks of streams. Cana- densis, L. Prairies and banks of streams. Striatus, Willd. Woods. Gymnostichum. Hystrix, Schreb. (bottle-brush grass). Rich woods. Danthonia. Spicata, Beauv. (wild oat-grass). Dry soil. Panicuni (panic grass). Sanguinale, L. (crab-grass; finger-grass). Cultivated grounds; common. Proliferum, Lam.; fields and waste places. Capillare, L. (old- witch grass). Cultivated grounds. Virgatum, L.; prairies. Latifolium, L.; woods. Clandestinum, L.; damp woods and river banks.' Dichotomum, L.; dry or damp grounds. Crus-galli, L. (barnyard grass). Waste places, damp grounds, etc. Setaria. Glauca, Beauv. Cultivated grounds. Viridis, Beauv. With the pre- ceding. Andropogon (beard-grass). Furcatus, Muhl. Dry grounds. Scoparius, Michx. Dry grounds. Equisetacese Horsetail family. Equisetum. Arvense, L. (common horsetail). Damp places. Filices Ferns. The leaves of ferns are called fronds. The stems on which they grow are usually subterranean, but in some foreign species they grow erect and appear above ground, growing to a height of from a few inches to many feet, and thus becoming tree-ferns. Ferns have no flowers, but on the backs or margins of the fronds are formed many minute spore-cases in clusters, and each of these contains many seed-like bodies called |pores, which are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Under proper circumstances a spore will germinate and form on the surface of the ground a heart-shaped leaf-like expansion, a quarter or half inch across. On the under surface of this, organs corresponding to the stamens and pistils of flowers are formed ; they unite their products and form an embryo from which a fern develops like the original one. About two thousand five hundred species of ferns are known in the world, a hundred and fifty of which grow in North America ; thirty-seven in Illinois. Some of the most beautiful ferns in the world, as the maiden-hair and the lady-fern, grow in Piatt county. Adiantum Pedatum, L. (maiden-hair). Rich woods. Asplenium. Filix Foemina, Berash. (lady-fern). Rich woods. Aspidium. Thelypteris, Swartz (marsh fern). Black Ash swamp. Achrosti- coides, Swartz (Christmas- fern). Hillsides and banks in woods; an evergreen species. FAUNA OF PI ATT COUNTY. 117 Cystopteris. Fragilis, Berash. (brittle-fern). Woods; the commonest species. Onoclea. Struthiopteris, L. (ostrich-fern). Damp grounds near the Sanga- mon. Sensibilis, L. (sensitive fern). Damp or wet places. Ophioglossacese. Botrychium. Virginianum, Swartz. Rich woods. It may be called a fern, but differs from the true Filices in some essential points. CHAPTER IV. FAUNA OF PIATT COUNTY. "T)B,OBABLY but few of the inhabitants of the county appreciate the value of a knowledge of its natural history. We are apt to look upon the study of insects, birds and plants as a pastime, rather than as a useful and profitable employment ; but the sooner we become acquainted with nature the sooner will we be prepared to utilize her bounties and obtain the greatest benefits from the advantages she offers us, and to meet difficulties with nature's own means. For instance : a few years ago, about 1854, there first appeared in the county an insect known as the "potato-bug." It gradually increased in numbers until the raising of pocatoes was almost an impossibility. "Bug pickers" and paris-green vould never have annihilated the pest, for there were enough who did not care to spend the time and means to preserve the crop and so surrendered their potato-patches as breeding-grounds. While bugpickers and poison were doing their feeble work, there came to our relief two or th'ree species of insects that silently did a powerful work, and now have almost rid the country of that pest. It is true the little "lady-bug" and squash-bug have done their work of destroying eggs and young potato-beetles in spite of our indifference to them, but may it not be that in many cases we may assist these insect friends by becoming acquainted with them? Many birds, as the quail and swallow, destroy millions of chinch-bugs, flies, etc., every season. . The poor snake is persecuted on every hand, because of the curse laid upon him in the Garden of Eden, in spite of the fact that he has labored faithfully ever since that time, destroying thousands of mice, grub- worms and insects every year. If we could overcome our prejudice for these unfortunate creatures, and instead of ruthlessly killing every one we see, let him go his way in peace, we would assist very greatl} 7 the means nature offers us in destroying pests to crop raising. 118 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. The rattle-snake is the only poisonous serpent in the state, in spite of those blood-chilling names so miscellaneously applied, as adder, viper, copperhead, etc., and now there are very few rattle-snakes in the state. These are some of the practical purposes for which we should become better acquainted with the animal life of the county. Then there is another side, in cultivating observation, comparison, and appreciation of life, but we will leave that side for our schools and leisure hours, and look "only to the practical side. Before the county was settled the buffalo and black bear might have been found on the prairies, or in the forests along the Sangamon, when the red man alone claimed the soil ; but they have all fled at the approach of civilization, leaving only trails, bones, etc., to tell of their existence here. The Virginia deer were not all exterminated until a few years ago. In 1869 a deer was run through the public square of Monticello. Badgers also were found when the first settlers came, but have all disappeared. As early as 1833 there disappeared a beautiful bird of the parrot family, Carolina parroquet, and the wild turkey now found in many parts of the state was once an inhabitant of the county. The Canada lynx and wild cat were found up till 1860 and the wild boar was abundant formerly. Among the carnivorous animals of the Dog family, or Canidse, now found in the county are : The gray or prairie wolf, Canis lupus *red fox, Vulpes fulvus ; gray fox, Urocyon cinero-argentatus. Mustelidse, or Weasel family. Common weasel, Putorius ermineus ; mink, P. vison ; otter, Lutra canadeiisis (very rare) ; skunk, Mephitis mephitica. Procyonidse Raccoon family. Raccoon or "coon," Procyon lotor. Of the Yespertilionidse or Bat family we have at least two species : The little brown bat, Vespertilio subulatus, and silver black bat, V. noctivagans Talpidse, or Mole family, one representative : The prairie mole, Scalops argentatus. Rodentia, or gnawers. Sciuridye. Squirrels. Flying squirrel, Sciuropterus volucella; fox squirrel, Sciurus niger ; gray squirrel, S. carolinensis ; chipmunk, Tamias striatus ; striped gopher, Spermopilus tridecernlineatus ; gray gopher, S. franklinii ; woodchuck, Arctomys monax. Muridse Mice family. Norway rat, Mus decumanus ; common mouse, M. musculus. Leporidse Hares. Gray rabbit, Lepus sylvaticus. FAUNA OF PI ATT COUNTY. 119 Of Marsupialia, one representative : The opossum or " possum," Didelphys virginiana. The number of species of birds found in the county during the year is too great to give here, except a few of the most important. There are a great many birds that pass through the country in the migrating season, stopping only a few days to take food, but as they come and make us a visit once or twice a year, we may regard them as part of the fauna just as well as those that come to remain all summer and rear their young. Not half enough can be said in favor of these little songsters that come every spring to help the farmer by destroying insects, worms, etc. There are perhaps one or two exceptions to this, and perhaps only one worthy of mention : I refer to the English sparrow. It is becoming a great nuisance everywhere. These birds live upon grain instead of in- sects, and are driving out the useful birds. The streets of our towns and cities are full of these little brown robbers, and it is quite probable that before long means will have to be taken to destroy them. Among the most important species are the following : Incessores or Perch ers. Passeres. Turdidse, Thrush family. Robin, Turdus migratorius ; Hermit, thrush, T. pallasi ; olive-backed thrash, T. swainsoni ; brown thrush, Harporhynchus, rufus ; mocking bird, Mimus polyglottus ; cat bird, M. carolinensis. Saxicolidse. Blue bird, Sialia sialis. Paridse. Titmouse, Parus atricapilus. Sittidse. Nut-hatch, Sitta canadensis. Certhiidse. Brown creeper, Certhia familiaris. Troglodytidse. House wren, Troglodytes aedon. Alandidse. Shore lark, Eremophila alpestris ; Sylvicolidee, warblers ; golden warbler, Dendrceca sestiva; yellow rumped, W., D. coronata; magnolia, W., D. maculosa ; chestnut sided, W., D. pennsylvanica ; yellow-breasted chat, Icteria virens ; redstart, Setophaga ruticella. Tanagridse. Scarlet tanager, Pyranga rubra ; summer red-bird, P. oestiva, Hyrundinidse. Barn swallow, Hirundo horreoruin ; eave swallow, Petero- chelidon lunifrons ; bank swallow, Cotyle riparia ; purple martin, Progne subis. Ampelidse. Wax wing, Ampelis cedrorum. Vireonidse. Warbling vireo, Vireo gilvus. Yellow-throated vireo, V. flavifrons. Laniidse. Shrike, Collurio ludovicianus. Fringillidae (finches). Wild canary, goldfinch, Chrysomitris tristis ; English sparrow, Passer domesticus ; lark finch, Chondestes grammaca ; field sparrow, Spizella pusilla ; chippy, Spizella socialis ; song sparrow, Melospiza melodia ; swamp sparrow, Melospiza palustris ; snow bird, Junco hyemalis ; fox sparrow, Passerella iliaca ; black-throated bunting, Euspiza americana ; indigo bird, Cyano- spiza cyanese ; ground robin, Pipilo erythophthalmus. 120 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Icteridse. Bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzivorus ; cow-bird, Molothrus pecoris ;: red-winged blackbird, Ageleeus phoeniceus ; meadow lark, Sturnella magna ; Bal- timore oriole, Icterus baltimore; orchard oriole, I. spurius; rusty grackle, Scoleco- phagus ferrugineus ; purple grackle, Quescalus purpureus. Corvidse. Crow, Corvus americanus ; blue-jay, Cyanurus cristatus. Tyrannidae. King bird, Tyrannus carolinensis ; pewee, Sayornis fuscus ; fly- catcher, Empidonax acadicus. Caprimulgidse. Whippoorwill, Anthrostomus yociferus ; night hawk, Chor- deiles virginianus. Cypselidpe. Chimney swift ("chimney swallow "), Chaetura pelagica. Trochilidse. Ruby-throated humming bird, Trochilus colubris. Alcedinidse. Kingfisher, Ceryle alcyon. Cuculidse. Yellow-billed cuckoo, Coccygus americanus. Picidse. Red-headed woodpecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus ; golden- winged woodpecker, Colaptes auratus. Raptores Strigidse. Short-eared owl, Brachyotus palustris; screech owl, Scopsasio ; great-horned owl, Bubo virginianus. Falconidse. Sparrow hawk, Falco sparverius ; chicken hawk, Accipiter cooperi ; hen hawk, Buteo borealis ; golden eagle, Aquila chryssetus. Cathartidse. Turkey buzzard, Cathartes Aura. Columbae. Wild pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius ; mourning dove, Zinsedura carolinensis. Gallinse Tetraonidse. Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus; prairie hen, Cupido- nia cupido. Perdicidse. Quail, Ortyx virginianus. Limicolse Charadriidie. Golden plover, Charadrius fulvus ; killdeer plover, ./Egialitis vocii'erus. Scolopacidse. Woodcock, Philohela minor; Wilson's snipe, Gallinago wilsoni ; least sandpiper, Tringa minutilla. Herodiones Ardeidae. Great blue heron, Ardea herodius ; great white egret, Herodias egretta; stake driver, Botaurus minor. Alectorides Gruidse. White crane, Grus americanus ; sandhill crane, G.. canadensis. Lamellirostres Anatida?. Brant goose, Branta bernicla; Canada goose, B. Cana- densis ; mallard duck, Anas boscha ; blue-winged teal, Querquedula discors;. green-winged teal, Xettion carolinensis ; wood duck, Aix sponsa. Pygopodes. Podicipidse. Pie-billed grebe, Podilymbus podiceps. Of reptiles, fishes and insects, and the lower forms of animal life, such a limited number of species have been identified that we can notice only a few without giving even a partial list. There are at least three turtles the snapping turtle, painted or mud turtle, and the soft-shelled turtle. There are no lizards, but there is a lizard-like reptile called a sala- mander (Amblystomea punctatum), and which is usually called a lizard by those not acquainted with it ; but it is nearer related to the frogs than to the lizards. If there is a representative at all of the order of FAUNA OF PIATT COUNTY. 121 lizards it is the so-called glass snake another misnomer. It resem- bles a snake in having no limbs, but upon examination it will be found that it has movable eyelids, while the true snakes have not. By the popular tradition this reptile will break into pieces by a slight blow and then crawl together again, while the truth is, it has a very long tail in proportion to its body, and when the animal is excited the muscles of the tail become very rigid and so brittle that they break like glass by a slight blow; so that only the tail breaks off and the animal crawls away without it. It is perfectly harmless and can be handled without fear. Among the snakes proper there are the black snake, blue racer, fox snake, milk snake, three or four kinds of garter snakes, water snakes, and formerly two kinds of rattle snakes ; the latter being the only poisonous snakes in the country, no matter how terrible or threatening they are. The snakes, though valuable aids to the farmer, are fast dis- appearing on account of a barbarous custom, so universally practiced, of killing every snake that is so unfortunate as to be found in our reach. Of batrachians there are probably a half-dozen representatives. Besides the salamander above spoken of, there are two or three frogs, the toad and the mud puppy . The fishes are represented by two species of cat-fish, buffalo-fish, one or two sun-fish, bass, pike, perch, and gar-pike. It is very prob- able that many times this number may be found, but little has been done with them. Years of labor would not exhaust the insect world of a square mile of the county chosen at random ; but a little investigation and well- directed study will give one a good understanding of at least those insects most injurious to crops, and the insect enemies of the same. To be able to treat of them properly, one must know something of their nature and habits. The Colorado potato-beetle (Doryphora ten-lineata) appeared in about 1854, but as stated above it has nearly disappeared, owing largely to its many insect foes. The ' ' wild potato-bug " (Ly tta marginata), comes occasionally, and can be driven off by switching the vines. The cabbage butterflies (Peiris), and especially the species rapes a small white butterfly is now a great pest to cabbage growers. The cut-worm is the larvse or young stage of a little gray moth ; and another the larvae of a beetle which we call the June bug or May 9 122 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. beetle. The former is the brown grub that cuts off young corn ; the latter a large white grub. The ground squirrel destroys a great many of the beetles. One beetle will lay hundreds of eggs in a year, so the ground squirrel, though he may destroy a few hills of corn, may save many a hundred by killing the beetles. The army-worm (Leucanium unipuncta), is also the larvae of a small gray moth. The chinch-bug (Micropus leucopterus) is probably the worst pest to the farmer. It was first noticed in this county in 18-i-t. Other injurious insects are the Hessian-fly, curculios, etc. The lists of species is a very small one indeed, and it is to be hoped some one will complete the work by making a note of the species not contained in the above. J. E. ARMSTRONG, B. S., Asst. in Nat. Hist. 111. State University, Champaign, 111. CHAPTER V. CUSTOMS OF THE OLDEN TIME. " There are gains for all our losses, There are balms for all our pains, But when youth, the divani, departs, It takes something from our hearts And it never comes again." few lines contain a germ of truth, and one of the reasons -L that the old settlers of the county look back with longing eye and throbbing hearts to the days of "Aukl Lang Syne." The youthful eye of the pioneer saw bluer skies, and greener trees, than the aged eye now sees ; the luxuriant grasses waved to gentler breezes ; cooler, clearer water from rippling brook or refreshing spring laved his heated brow, or quenched his ardent thirst ; his quickened ear caught sweeter strains in the nesting-songs of the feathered tribe, and when twilight clo> (! the busy day he was "lulled into pleasant dreams by happy toil." Such is some of the glamour which youth sheds over the kw good old times." However it was not all poetry, the early days in this county. There was a stern and practical side to the life of every CUSTOMS OF THE OLDEN TIME. 123 pioneer. Trials and hardships found their way into each home. But interwoven with this life of simple pleasures, primitive joys, of alter- nate smiles and tears, of imdiminished labor, there are many life lessons which we of later days would do well to pause and ponder. Directed by the faithful, sturdy hand of a dear old man, whose cheerful presence yet gladdens many homes of the present time, let us gaze backward into the past and glean some of the gems from Memory's treasure-house. Lured "on by whispered tales of the abundant resources and future greatness of the new states, the first settlers of this county left their timber-bound homes of Ohio, Kentucky or Indiana and drifted with the tide of immigration into the great ''prairie sea." No doubt, had their pen been as mighty, they would have said of Illinois' magnificent prairies, as Bryant : "My heart swells while the dilated sight Takes in the encircling vastness. Lo, they stretch In airy undulations far away, As if the ocean, in its gentle swells, Stood still, with all his rounded billows fixed And motionless forever." Nurtured under the protecting forests of their native states, the immigrants sought timbered land for their new home. In fact it -was years after the first settler came to this county ere it was known that prairie soil could be successfully cnltivated. Upon reaching the water- courses of the county, the timbered region, the new comers pitched their tent, and with their ax, " the first weapon of offense against the forests," began to fell trees, thus clearing land for cultivation, and at the same time preparing to build the primitive log cabin of the county. For years aftqj the first settlements were made in the county, all the men living therein collected together to aid in the raising of each new cabin. These cabins were usually from 14 to 16 feet, and rarely twenty feet, square. They were usually built in the following manner: "First- large logs were laid in position as sills ; on these were placed strong sleepers, and on the sleepers were laid the rough-hewed puncheons which were to serve as floors. The logs were then built up till the proper height for the eaves was reached ; then on the ends of the building were placed poles, longer than the other end-logs, which pro- jected some eighteen or more inches over the sides, and were called " butting pole sleepers "; on the projecting ends of these were placed the "butting poles," which served to give the lines to the first row of clapboards. These were, as a matter of course, split, and as the gables 12-i HISTORY OF PIATT COUXTY. of the cabin were built up, were so laid on as to lap a third of their length. They were often kept in place by the weight of a heavy pole supported by what was called knees, which was laid across the roof parallel to the ridge-pole. The house was then chinked, and daubed with coarse mortar." In the first cabins of the county huge fire-places, occupying nearly the entire end of the room, were built. These were large enough for persons to sit in chairs on either side of the burning fire, and being entirely within the fireplace they could look up the chimney and out at the sky above. At these fireplaces our mothers cooked, and our fathers tell us that the bread from the "dutch-oven," the corn bread from the "pone" board, the venison from above the coals, and the potatoes from out the ashes, were sweeter far, and formed more deli- cious food, than any of the dishes of modern device. In a few of the first cabins in the county, a log being left out of one side, sheets of paper greased with "coon grease" covered the opening and feebly let in the daylight to the inmates. Nearly all the furniture of these first cabins were "home made." A single puncheon board with four legs projecting from the underside formed the dining table, and blocks of wood on three legs were their chairs. The bed- stead corresponded with the rest, and sometimes was made with but two poles united at a right angle, and projecting into the side and end of the room. Boards resting on this framework formed a spring bed compared to the hardness of the puncheon floor. Come with me for a moment and we will take a peep into one of these primitive cabins, after more modern furniture came into use. Here we are on the hewn threshold of the one door, which is in the south side of the house. The latch-string, which is "always out," is drawn and the wooden latch lifts with a sharp click. slowly the mas- sive door swings back from the generous opening and we in truth see some of the charms of "ye olden time." In spite of carpetless floor, limited space and crude furniture, there is an air of comfort about the interior that cannot be denied. After our return we will relate our experience and what we saw in the cabin. At first our entire attention was attracted to the fireplace on the west side of the room, and we saw verified Whittier's twilight scene in "Snow-bound." We saw "The oaken log, green, huge, and thick, And on its top the stout hack-stick ; The knotty forcstick laid apart, And tilled between with curious art CUSTOMS OF THE OLDEN TIME. 125 The ragged brush ; then, hovering near, We watched the first red blaze appear, Hoard the sharp crackle, caught the gleam On whitewashed wall and sagging beam, Until the old, rude furnished room Burst, flower-like into rosy bloom. -::- * -::- * * * -::- Shut in from all the world about, We sat the clean-winged hearth about, Content to let the north-wind roar In baffled rage at pane and door, While the red logs be 'ore us beat The frost-line back with tropic heat; And ever, when a louder blast Shook beam and rafter as it p.issecl, The merrier up its roaring draught The great throat of the chimney laughed. The house-dog, on his paws outspread, Laid to the fire his drowsy head. And, for the winter fireside meet, Between the andirons' straddling feet, The mug of cider simmered slow, The apples sputtered in a row, And, close at hand, the basket stood With nuts from brown October's wood." Sitting there in the mystic light from this charmed fireside we gazed about the room. The sand-scoured puncheon floor reflected the lire- light to wall and ceiling. Chairs, stools, benches and chests were scattered about the room. Three curtained beds with narrow pass- ways between, and mayhap a trundle bed beneath, stood with heads to the east at the back part of the room. Under the spotless curtained windows the one at the west and the other at the north of the room stood a stand and dining table. In the corner to the left of the lire- place an old-time cupboard rested against the wall. Rows of blue and white plates lined the uncurtained shelves, while a huge onion or a ripe tomato ornamented the top. High over the fireplace the narrow mantle with its medicine bottles, candlestick, and what not, rested ; while, at various places about "the room, boards resting on sticks driven into auger holes formed shelves for bedding and other things. The pioneer's friend and weapon of defense, his gun, rested on wooden hooks fastened to the centermost joist of the ceiling. Hanging on wooden pegs against the wall in the back part of the room were the " linsey woolsey," drawstring tow, or eight-yard calico dresses, of the economical and thrifty women, of the household, and the stocking-pole 126 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. or line found its place in the corner of the cabin. The spinning wheels, both large and small, had their place in the corner of the room. From the joists and about the wall, dried herbs of various kinds were hanging. From these, soothing beverages were made by the family nurse of the home the good house-wife for healing the wounded and curing the sick. On peeled hickory poles resting on pegs driven into the joists there hung numberless rounds of dried pumpkins and strings of dried apples. While viewing all these numerous articles we sat in the midst of the inmates of the house. With genuine pleasure and good will beam- ing in their kindly faces, they had made us welcome and with generous hand and open heart had entertained us well. As we reluctantly left this genial home and turned our steps to a modern one, we thought along the years from then till now the old days to the new, and we grievingly saw many dear old customs that had gradually dropped out of use, so that perhaps but a shadow of their influence reaches the present time. Very much of the free-hearted hospitality which used to make each cabin a home to the stranger is gone. There is less of the genuine neighborly feeling which existed between the early inhabitants of the county. In the early days here there was not much need for lawyers ; the good-natured judgment of the pioneers quietly settled all disputes. There was a simplicity of demeanor, and a wonderful amount of gen- uine upright integrity in the character of the pioneer, whose counter- parts are seldom found in the character of people of to-day. There is one thing of which the early settlers of the county all had an equal share, they all had a generous portion of poverty. It being a common article no feeling of degradation accompanied it. However, they had one comfort, what little they did have was their very own. They lacked many of the conveniences of life and some of what now seem necessaries, but with patient hearts and laboring hands they toiled on, hoping for brighter days. The first settlers did most of their farm work with oxen. The ploughs first brought here were of little use in breaking the grass- matted prairie soil. This was a drawback to the cultivation of the lat- ter, after the truth was made clear that the prairie soil would grow grain as well as the timber ground. When the county was first settled the nearest sawmills were on the Wabash river, and some of the houses are yet standing, the lumber of which was brought from the banks of the said stream. The Wabash region and Sangamon county furnished CUSTOMS OF THE OLDEN TIME. 127 the grist-mills for a number of years. The groceries came from the same regions, while the salt mines of Vermilion county were fre- quented. These, too, were the market-places, while many hauled their grain all the way to Chicago and exchanged for groceries. It has not been over thirty years since a family in this county hauled peaches in a wagon to Chicago and sold them. For a number of years all blacksmithing was done outside the limits of the county. It would be utterly impossible to give an accurate idea of all the suffering and hard- ships undergone by the people living under such inconvenience. The people on coming to make a new settlement were generally pre- pared with breadstuifs and groceries to last until a crop could be raised. Corn-meal seemed to be the staple article of diet. Johnny-cake and pones made of this were relished for breakfast and dinner, while mush- and-milk or " hasty pudding" was the usual dish for supper. The "truck-patch" contained about the same kind of vegetables we find in modern ones. All kinds of wild fruit were plentiful. Honey was found in great abundance in the forests, and maple sugar was success- fully made, though the sugar camps were never as extensive as those in more eastern states. Wild meat was very plentiful. Venison and wild-turkey meat abundantly supplied their tables. The thrifty housewife of the early days of the county not only kept her house neatly and in order, cooking for a large family, and ofttimes for a whole wagon-load of travelers, but she manufactured nearly all of the clothing worn by the family, and made much of the bedding. Many women in the county are yet using blankets woven by their own hands. " Linsey-woolsey " was made into winter gowns for the women, while blue and butternut jeans suits were worn by the men. The men, too, often wore buckskin shirts, and, in fact, entire suits of the same. The early settlers upon coming to the county found the Indians here, and some of their athletic sports were copied. Most of the sport in way of games were those testing muscular strength or the skill with the gun and bow and arrow. Shooting matches were sometimes in- dulged in. The first settlers were located, some of them, miles apart, but they were never too far to refuse to obey a call to a house-raising, log-roll- ing or corn-husking. "We're going to raise to-morrow," was all the invitation needed to obtain abundant assistance to erect a cabin. For a number of years after the first settlement was made in the county, the inhabitants made yearly preparations for the sickly or ague season, which usually began about August and lasted several months. 128 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. During this time often the entire household would be "shaking" at one time, and neighbors who lived at a distance of from sixteen to twenty miles willingly left their home work to minister at the bedside of sick friends. One great annoyance to the settlers in the early days of the county was land speculators, who often entered land before the settler who anticipated entering it could get time to travel some seventy miles to the land office. One instance is already recorded relating the fact that one of the ladies now living in the county rode horseback to Danville, swimming the Vermilion river on the way, and reached the land office, entered her land, and walked out of one door of the office just as the speculator came in at the other. In such way have we related some of the manners and customs of the long ago. If by such relation we have succeeded in pleasantly recalling to some of the old people of the county their early days here, we will feel amply repaid for our labor. CHAPTER VI. PIATT COUNTY. " Sweet clime of my kindred, blest land of my birth ! The fairest, the dearest, the brightest on earth, Where'er I may roam, howe'er blest I may be, My spirit instinctively turns to thee." PREVIOUS to the coming of the first white settlers to this county, the small portion of the state now known as Piatt county served no higher purpose than as grazing land for herds of deer and buffalo, and as camping ground for the Indians during the hunting season. The buffaloes disappeared ere the coming of the whites, leaving as evi- dence of their habitation here some decaying bones, and a portion of some of their trails to the water-courses. A small part of one of these trails can yet be seen about half a mile west of Mr. Macintosh's mill on the Sangamon river. The deer remained long after settlements began, and, in fact, some were seen in the county not over sixteen years ago. These timid, graceful creatures were the pride, as well as the chief support of the PI ATT COUNTY. 129 early settlers of the county. They furnished much of the sport, too, for the old as well as the young. Deer hunts were greatly in vogue, and the children spent days in playing with their pet fawns. Some of the old settlers have at hand many jokes and incidents relative to the deer hunts of their youthful days. Most of the early settlers were hunters, some excelling the others, however. "Uncle Nath" Henline was always a hunter and we expect him to remain one for many years to come. Mr. Simon Shonkwiler has killed many a deer, while "Uncle Joe " Moore has well earned his sobriquet of " Buckskin Joe." "Uncle Ezra" Marquiss is one of the few early settlers who spent very little time with the gun. He sometimes relates his early disap- pointments in that direction and his subsequent decision to spend his time at something else. He never killed a deer in his life. Dr. Hull was a noted deer hunter in his day here. The Maxwells, just beyond the line, in Champaign county, were the companions of Mr. Henline and others of the early settlers in their hunting expeditions. Joseph Mallory says that he shot his first deer December 9, 1835, on what is now Mr. Thomas Reid's place. He was in company with William Piatt, and the latter undertook to have his nag carry both himself and the dead deer. Upon crossing a little stream and when the horse went to drink, he was so frightened by the deer's legs swinging and striking him, that both the deer and Mr. Piatt were tossed into the stream. Many other similar incidents might be related which would but serve to emphasize the fact that the hunting was a hard necessity, yet once in a while a little sport tempered the hardness. Wolves were at one time and are still in some parts of the county a great annoyance to the early settlers. Many ways and means were devised for exterminating them. They were chased with bloodhounds, were dug from their lairs, and in some cases were caught in traps. Mr. Piatt has seen the remains of a wolf trap sup- posed to have been erected by Mr. Daggott, which had the skeletons of deer and wild hogs which had been used for bait scattered around it. According to Mr. Henline the wolf traps were made similar to those for prairie-chickens. The bait was so fixed that, when the wolf jerked it, the lid of the trap came down and the wolf was a prisoner. Some of the ladies in the county had a little share in wolf and deer hunts. One lady, now living in the county, told us how astonished she once was to have a wolf bound over the fence, alighting at her side as she stood in the garden. From the garden the wolf went from one lot to another and then lay down in the pig-pen to 130 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. rest. The neighbors with their dogs were out on the trail, and as the barking of the dogs began to be heard plainer, the wolf started from the -hog-pen and ran in another direction. In the meantime, and ere the men came in sight, the lady referred to had mounted a horse and was quickly oft', taking the lead in the chase and witnessed the killing of the wolf by the hounds. Several equally interesting incidents are remembered by the pioneers. The howling of the wolves was one of the disagreeable sounds the people had to listen to in the early days. Some of the now men and women can jet, in imagination, hear the frightful noise as it sounded in their childish ears. Indians in the county. Indians of various tribes used to pass through and camp in Piatt county, but the Pottawatomies and Kicka- poos frequented the place more than any others. Mr. Henline was well acquainted with many of these Indians. They taught him their language, their arts of hunting and trapping, and the use of snow- shoes. Shabbona, the peace chief, has been in the county, and Mr. Henline knew him. He was also acquainted with Shaw-nes-sah, an under chief of the Pottawatomies. Mr. Henline assisted in opening an Indian grave that of a chief in the war of 1812, near Coon spring, and he yet has some of the trinkets taken from it. There was one old Indian, named Capt. John, who wintered for several seasons just a little west of the Wabash cattle-yards, near Monticello. He considered Mr. James Piatt's folks, who lived in a cabin just north of the depot in Monticello, his friends. One summer Indian John wanted to stay and plant corn, and Mr. Piatt showed him ground on the present site of Monticello where he could plant. John, however, wanted to plant in the pasture, but upon Mr. Piatt's assuring him the horses would eat it he went off contented, returning in the fall to find a fine lot of corn on the ground he would not use. He pointed to the corn telling what a patch of corn he had. Mr. Piatt told him to go cut it, but the old Indian only laughed adroitly and turned away. Just before the Black Hawk war, this Indian went to Mr. Piatt and bade him good-by, telling him that there was going to be war. One morning several Indians called at Mr. Piatt's for food. Although it was after breakfast time Mrs. Piatt gave them a good meal. While in the house one of the Indians saw a book on the shelf and took it down, asking William Piatt to read for them under the trees in the yard. The latter read until the Indian reached for the ' PIATT COUNTY. 131 book and began to read as well as William, after wliich he drew forth a Testament from his pocket. At the time that Mr. James Piatt was helping Mr. Fry to build his cabin, an Indian came out of the woods and beckoned to Mr. Piatt, who was on the house. He got down from the house and followed the Indian, who presented him a part of a deer in remembrance of the time Mr. Piatt fed him during the war of 1812. Part of the land Mr. Piatt owned in and about Monticello was paid for by money received from Indian agents. At one time five or six hundred Indians on their way west were camped in his neighbor- hood and he furnished the agents provisions for them. A pond several miles north of Monticello commemorates the name of a Delaware brave. A Delaware squaw killed two Kickapoo chil- dren and was -sentenced to death. An Indian married her to save her life and she was banished. Her husband chose banishment too, and they settled in the fall upon the banks of the Sangamon river. Upon the rising of the river they moved back just above a pond on C. "W. Piatt's place. Here the squaw was taken sick and her husband gave her steam baths by pouring water on hot stones, but to no purpose, for she died. Nathan Henline was a boy at this time and was at the burial. The grave was dug on the bank of the pond, puncheon boards were placed therein, and into this r-ude sepulcher- the body was placed. The next morning old Buck and his ten-year old son, Calish, started to camp, and ever since the pond has been known as Buck's pond. Some time after the burial of the squaw a band of Kickapoo Indians passed through this section of the country, and the grave was robbed of its dead, the bones were scattered on top of the ground. A number of years afterward the Marquiss boys found the old squaw's skull and took it home with them. Traces of the grave are yet visible. Organization and name. At the time of the first settlements in what is now Piatt county it was a part of Macon and DeWitt counties. About 1837 the people located here began to think themselves too far offTrom tEe~county seats, and they decided to try to have a new county struck off. Accordingly a meeting was held to see what could be done to advance such decision. The result was that Isaac Demorest and William Wright were instructed to carry a petition, which was made out by George A. Patterson, in Champaign county, for the purpose of getting some portion of it for the new county. Abraham and Ezra Marquiss and William Barnes were to canvass DeWitt county, while George A. Patterson, James Piatt and John Piatt were to work in 132 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Macon county and over the southern part of what is now Piatt county. The canvassers in Champaign county accomplished nothing, but the others succeeded in getting their petitions quite well filled out, and George A. Patterson was appointed to lobby in the legislature for the formation of the new county. Mr. Patterson called a meeting at the house of Abraham Marquiss for the purpose of deciding upon a name for the probable county. Isaac Demorest proposed the name of Web- ster, and made a speech in its favor, while William Barnes proposed that of Piatt, and spoke at length in favor of the same. Only seven or eight votes were cast and Piatt gained the day by a majority of about one vote. Mr. Patterson went to Springfield, and wrote a letter to 'Squire Wiley, January 7, 1811, from which we quote the following: "I have become acquainted with many of the members and my busi- ness is favorably received. The petitions were introduced New Years' day, and referred to the committees on counties. I had the privilege of drawing the bill and with only one amendment it was presented and read yesterday for the first time. One gentleman has hinted that he would propose to alter the name of our county to that of Grundy, but I have opposed it, because we agreed to have no party political name, and so the name of Piatt will be sustained." The result of all this was that by an act of the legislature in Jan- uary, 1841, Piatt county was formed. The following, from the "Laws of Illinois for 1841," defines the boundaries of the said county: ".? lives (1881). This family only remained in the county a month or so. The next child born after that of the movers was a daughter of Mr.' Henry Sadorus, born at Mr. James Piatt's house in the spring of 1830. Jacob Piatt, born in January, 1831, was the first male child born to white settlers in Piatt county. Frank Williams, daughter of Isaac Williams, who came to the county in 1835, and Mary E. Monroe (now Mrs. Gamaliel Gregory), were probably the next children born in the county. There was a walnut tree, which stood on an island a little below the Bender ford of the Sangamon river, which for fifteen years was known as the ".coffin tree." The several first people who died in the county were buried in coffins made by the neighbors from this tree. The first coffin, according to Mr. Henline, was made for Mrs. Martin, and the same tree furnished coffins for Mrs. Randolph, Mrs. Terry and Mrs. Olney. The coffin of the latter named person was in good condition when taken up thirty years after. These people- except Mrs. Olney were buried a little southwest of Rhoades Park, in Monticello. Mrs. York, Mr. Holliday and Mr. Ayers also had coffins from the tree and were interred in the same place. No trace of this burial-ground now remains. This tree just referred to was used for other purposes. Mr. Abraham Marquiss and Ezra Marquiss made a good table out of it, and Win. Piatt made several bedsteads from the same tree. The "deep snow" and "sudden freeze" mark two eras in the history of Piatt county which were not soon forgotten by the inhabit- ants of the county at that time. "The deep snow is one of the land- marks of the early settler. It is his mile-stone, from which he counts in dating preceding or succeeding events. He reckons the date of his coming to the county, his marriage and the births of his children from it." "You may locate a certain event as occurring Anno Domini so-and-so, and your ante-deep snow resident will at once commence counting on his fingers the intervening years between the deep snow and the particular time in question in order to verify your date. The fact is, that the deep snow was an important and very extraor- dinary phenomenon. There has been nothing equal to it in this .ARY 1 RSii/ OF ILLINOIS PI ATT COUNTY. 139 latitude for the last hundred years if the Indian traditions are correct as to what occurred before the white man's advent. Accord- ing to their traditions, as related to the first settlers, a snow fell from fifty to seventy-five years before the settlement of the white people, which swept away the immense herds of Buffalo and elk that then roamed over our vast prairie." Early in the fall of 1830 the snow began to fall, and continued to fall at near intervals through the entire winter. Frequent sleets with the snows formed alternate layers of snow and ice, which was from three to four feet deep on the level. The weather was intensely cold throughout the season, and the snow did not melt. It was drifted in places so that the fences could not be seen. For weeks people were positively "snow-bound," and did not venture forth except to prevent starvation. As the season advanced and the snow became packed, teams drawing heavily loaded wagons were driven right on top of the snow and over stake and rider fences. Wild game was very easily captured that winter. The deer being unable to travel through the snow were often caught without the aid of fire-arms. For several seasons following that of the deep snow, deer, prairie-chicken and other game were very scarce. After this great snow began to melt as the warmer season advanced, the country was almost deluged with water, and for weeks it was nearly as difficult to travel about the country as it was in the winter. We understand there was no one perished in the snow of that fearful winter, but we have heard several tales of the hardships under- gone by the settlers of the county. At this time there was one little hand-mill in the county at Mr. Henline's, and all their neighbors had to struggle through the snow to use this one mill to prepare the "breadstuff." One old settler relates the fact that, when a boy, he was detailed from his family to carry grain or "breadstuff" to a family across the river to keep them from starving. He wore nothing on his limbs but buckskin breeches, and as he came over the point of the bluff reaching the prairie not far from where Mr. Woolington now lives, the cold wind from off all that prairie of deep snow would blow his clothes and strike his now and then unprotected knees with such force as to almost paralyze him with cold. But at last this dread season came to an end, and not another such has been experienced by the inhabitants of the county since. January of 1836 marks the era of the "sudden freeze." This resulted in more loss of human life than did the deep snow, and, from the sud- 10 140 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. denness of the storm, there was probably more intense suffering for the time being. Some of the incidents related in regard to this storm seem almost incredulous, but when we hear so many tell the same kind of stories, we know all could not be mistaken. For a time pre- ceding the storm the ground had been covered with snow, but upon, the day in question, the rain falling during almost the entire forenoon had made with the snow a "slush" several inches in depth. The storm came from the northwest and reached this county some time in the afternoon. The cloud appeared dark and threatening above, while below it had a white frosty appearance and the air seemed filled with particles of frozen mist. Almost instantaneously the climate seemed changed from that of a temperate to a frigid one. The change came so- rapidly that one could seemingly see the slush congealing, and the feet of chickens, hogs, sheep and cattle were held ice-bound in the frozen slush. Mr. Ezra Marquiss describes the day in the following manner : "It was raining the fore part of the day and I had been gathering hogs. I reached home about ten o'clock, ate my dinner, arid started out to see how the weather looked. As I went out of the south side of the house, which Itf X 18 feet square, it was still raining. I walked slowly to the west side of the house to find it snowing, and by the time I had reached the north side the slush on the ground was frozen over." He further remarked : "The second or third day after the ' freeze ' a hired man and I started to take our horses over to Salt Creek to be shod. Father helped us to start and we got the horses over the creek which was from bluff to bluff quite easily, by car- rying ashes and scattering for them to walk on J but when we reached the prairie the horses could scarcely move in some places. In order to get them over sloughs and ponds one of us would, take hold of the bridle-rein and pull while the other woitkl push the horse ; but though the start was made early in the morning, and notwithstanding the pushing and pulling, night found us only half way over about five or six miles from home. We left the horses standing on the icy plain and returned home for the night. In the morning we returned to the horses, and the remainder of the journey seemed less difficult." William Piatt was pitching hay with a pitchfork when the storm struck him. Almost instantly, it seemed to him, the handle of the fork, which had been wet with rain, was c vered with ice. Xathan Henline says he was riding when the storm reached him, and before he had gone a mile the froze i slusli would bear up his horse. PIATT COUNTY. 141 Mr. William Monroe, while going with Mr. James Utterback to East Fork, was so nearly frozen that when he reached a neighbor's he had to be helped off the horse. His clotnes were actually frozen to the hair of the horse. At the time of the sudden freeze Jacob and Samuel Deeds were frozen to death while on their way to West Okaw. Mr. Joseph Moore says that these men had been over to the Lake Fork timber hunting hogs and had started home. It was twelve days before their bodies were found. There were several other deaths of people who were neighbors to the people of this county. tiirly mills. Mr. Henliiie says the} used to prepare their corn- meal in what was called a hominy block. This was made by making a hole about one and a half feet deep in a, block of wood three feet long and from two to two and a half feet in diameter. A block of wood with a wedge in it was then fastened to a pole with one end fastened to a joist of the cabin. The hominy block was placed under the sweep, which when forced to the bottom of the block in pounding the corn therein, would spring back to its original position. The finest part of the pounded corn was made into bread while the coarse part was used for hominy. The next arrangement for preparing cornmeal was a hand mill. Mr. Henline's folks bouerht two stones that o were about sixteen inches in diameter. These were fixed in a section, of a hollow tree and the top stone had a hole in it in the center and one- near its circumference. A staff was fastened with one end in the outer hole, and the other to one of the joists of the cabin. By taking hold, of the staff a rotary motion could be made by the top stone. Only a, handful of corn could be put into this mill at a time, and it took about three men to grind three bushels of corn a day. Mr. Wm. Monroe thus describes the making of tfre first mill Unity Township had. ''When we returned home after the sudden freeze, Mr. Christopher Mosbarger, who was a millwright, and who had brought his tools along, was at our house. We were without bread- stuff, and he said to us : u Boys, get your axes and grub-hoes and cut the ice, and by gracious, we makes a mill with prairie ' nigger-heads. " ; All went to work and in about four days a mill was made. This mill was afterward moved from Mr. Jesse Monroe's to where Atwood now is, and was run by horse-power, grinding ten to twenty bushels a day. The first large mill in the county was a water-power mill, built about 1838, near where Mr. Mclntosh's mill is now located. It was owned by the following named men, who comprised the stock company : 1 J-j IIISTOUY OK I'IATT bonm . Major McL'-ynolds, James Piatt, Abraham Mart|iiiss, William P>arnes, Mr. Satlorus and William I'iatt. I'.'iii'l;/ administration <>/ jn*li<-<>. The pioneers usually found a way, and sometimes 'twas a way peculiarly their own. to punish per- sons tor their misdeeds. There was a famous rail-pulling in Macon county about 1S:>1, in which many persons from what is now I'iatt county participated. Some movers passing through the county stopped, upon invitation, for lod^intr at the house of a man who was living on government land. At this house the mover was advised to enter some land. lie accordingly left his family with these hospitable people and went to a land otlice and entered the very land his new acquaintance was living on: and more than this, he returned and ordered him off the place. The one who really had the best ri^ht to the place 1 quietly left the cabin and built another on some land of his own, and notified his neighbors of the rascality of the man he 1 had befriended. Twas enough! People to the number of one hundred collected one niiriit from Sadorus drove. Salt Creek, what is now Piatt county, and Macon county, and planned to move the improvements to some land on which the new cabin was and which had been entered by the man who had befriended the mover. A captain was chosen and t he " rail-pulling" was fairly be^un, when the guilty party made his appearance and a compromise was made. The company contentedly dispersed t<> their several homes. Several years later a company was orpini/ed for the purpose of administering justice in cases that the law could not well ijet hold of. Ainonu; themselves they were known as "The ( 'alithumpians." They were in or^ani/.ation ei^ht or ten years and 'tis thought they did a ii'ood deal of ii'ood with tar and feathers; for, while some Were quite severely punished for misdeeds, others were afraid to do wron^ 1 . The captain and tirst lieutenant of the company are still living in this county, and the chaplain is now preaching in Kansas. Jntln'titrti, count ij ojfn; i-x dud NOIH<> of // election /'>h'/'/ix. Hon. Samuel II. Treat, nowjud^e of the Tinted States district court, presided over the 1irst court in a room ot the "Old Fort " or Devore House. The first tour terms of court did not occupy one half a day. lion. David Davis, who is now vice-president, was the second jud<;v of this district. He was succeeded by Hon. Charles Kmerson, of Decatur, who presided nearly fifteen years, and though "a man of tew words, was very highly revered." He died in April. 1S70. Hon. A. el. (iallau'her was the next juduv, and his ability for jud^in^ points I-IATT rorvry. II.". was great. Few of his decisions were reversed. After six years he was succeeded by Hon. C. B. Smith, who says IK; held the first term of court in Piatt coifnty in 3873, and has held newly every term in the county since;. Judge Smith is a native of Virginia, and received a portion of his law education under Governor Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio. In the last few years Judge Nelson, of Decatur, has held a few terms of court in the county. lames McDougal, who has since been United States senator from California, was the first prosecuting attorney. lie was followed suc- cessively .by David Campbell, Mr. liust, John It. Eden, afterward congressman from Illinois; Col J. P. Boyd, D. L. Bunn, M. V. Thomp- son, Samuel It. Reed, Albert Emerson and Charles Hughes. The names of the probate justices and county judges are as follows : James Reber, John Hughes, James Ater, A. G. Boyer, II. C. McComas, G. L. Spear, Hiram Jackson, William McReynolds and W. G. Cloyd. Dr. Joseph King, the first county clerk, was followed by the fol- lowing persons successively: Dr. J. D. Ilillis, .lames F. Outten. J. L. Miller, Wilson F. Cox, J. A. Helman, Watkins L. Ryder, John Porter and A. L. Rodgers. James Reber, J. C. Johnson, A. G. Boyer, L. J. Bond, William T. Fo> ;md William H. Plunk, are the names in succession of the circuit clerks. For quite awhile the sheriffs acted as treasurers. The first tr< a- urer elected was N. E. Rhoades, followed by S. E. Langdon, J. T. Vangundy, Nelson Reid and Theodore; Gross. John Piatt was the first sheriff of the county, and the following men succeeded him in the order of their names: Edward Ater, Charles Harris, George Heath, Samuel Morain, G. M. Bruffett, Peter K. Hull, Reuben Bowman. F. II. Lowry, K. I*. Fisher, W. B. List, George Miller, John Kirby, William II. Plunk, E. P. Fisher and William X. Holmes. The following are the names of the county school commissioners and superintendents : Joseph King, William II. Piatt, George A. Patterson, Joseph Kee, Thomas Milligan, John Huston, J. W. Coleman, Caleb A. Tatrnan, C. J. Pitkin, Mary I. Reed and G. A. Burge . The following men have been masters in chancery : A. G. I 'over, A. T. Pipher. S. It. Reed, E. A. Barringer and Albert Emerson. James Reber, the first county surveyor, was -ucceeded by George Heath, James Bryden, C. D. Moore, William McReynolds and C. I). Moore, in succession. HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Monticello. 75 Okaw. 8 Sangamon. 68 14 11 26 41 4 8 2(5 5 8 Monticello. 119 Okaw. 17 Sanjramon. 18 30 O o 13 Montic;ello. 57 Okaw. 11 Sanjramon. 2:5 79 3 69 The subjoined results of some of the elections in the county will serve to show the companions in the number of voters in the county in various years : COUNTY OFFICERS. ELECTION OF 1852, BY PRECINCTS. Sheriff. Liberty. Samuel Morain 5 M. C. Wlch A. J. Wiley 44 Jeremiah lihoades 11 Circuit I'lt-rk. Liberty. A. G. Boyer .' 4!) J. C. Johnson 4 Coroner. Liberty. Benjamin Markel 7 \Villi m Motherspaw 39 The following, showing the official vote of Piatt county, are taken from tlie "Monticello Times" of November 6, 1856 : President Filmore 350, Biu-hanan 310, Fremont 85; Governor Morris 315, IMdiardson 313, Bissel 93; Lieutenant-Governor Bond 339, Hamilton 311, Wood 95 ; Secretary of State Hatch, 429, Sriyder 311. Con re s Vacancy, Archer 412, Allen 318. Full term, Brornwell 411, Shaw 313. Senator Scott 407, Post 321. Representative Gorin 427, -Warner 83. Sherili : Morain 349, Osborn 348. For Convention 87, Against Convention 409. Constable \Viinmer 160, Dove 109. Justices of the Peace Robinson 150, McComas 107. Coroner Ilickman 348, Markel 298. Attorney Eden 379, Moore 296. C erk Bond 391, Boyer 2<)5, Mitchell 11. 187(5. Suite's Attorney Albert Emerson 17(51, W. G. Cloyd 1425. Circuit Clerk W. H. Plunk 1910. Sheriff William Holmes 1870, John Vail 1351. Coroner- Henry Ktherton 1802. 1877. County Ju ld',"rs 1324, Robert L. Bart m 1152. Co-inty Treasurer Nelson Reid 1294, J. T. Van:;undy 1186. County Superintendent Mary I. Reed 1247, John II. Ea>ton 1183. 1878. Sherii; William Holmes 1384, John Vail 1080, Joseph Zorger 252, John Quick 1. Coroner Jacob B.irnes 1339, John Quick 1124, H. Welch 25(i. SPECIAL ELECTION FOR COUNTY JUDGE, JUNE 5, 1879. County Jud.L'e W. G. Cloyd 754, Lewis I. Bond 633. 1SSO. State's Attorney Charles Hu- lies 1800, M. R. Davidson 1(594. Circuit Clerk W. II. Plunk 1858, D. G. Cantner 1637. Sheriff William M. Holmes 1834. Tho. Moffitt 1649. Coroner Jacob H. Barnes 1833, E. F. Dallas 1649. PI ATT COUNTY. 145 The present county board consists of the following named gentle- men : William H. Katz, of Monticello township; Y. S. Ruby, of Bernent township; D ivid Moyer, of Willow Branch township; John Kirby, of Goose Creek township ; A. J. Langley, of Blue Ridge town- ship ; W. Mossgrove, of Sangamon township ; W. L. Pitts, of Cerro Oordo ; and J. A. Hawkes, of Unity. Lincoln. Even a history of this little bit of the sfate's territory cannot be written without an allusion to this great and good man to Abraham Lincoln. During the first years after the organization of the county he came to Monticello for the purpose of practicing law. McDougal, Kirby Benedict, C. H. Moore and Mr. Gridley, were also lawyers here during that time. In 1856, during the presidential campaign, Lincoln came to Monti- cello to make a speech. The speaking was to be in the court-house, and when the time came to proceed to said place, only two persons could be found who were willing to walk with Abraham Lincoln through the streets and to the court-house. These men were Ezra Marquiss, Sr., and Joseph Guy, who carried the flag. The speaking began, with these two men for audience, but gradually the number increased until the court-room was nearly full. During the senatorial campaign in 1858, a very different greeting awaited Lincoln, who was called by his party to speak at Monticello. A procession, nearly a mile long, came down from Champaign county, arid another delegation arrived from DeWitt county, with the Piatt county delegation in addition. A magnificent display was made as the throng proceeded to meet Lincoln as he came from Bement. Douglas, who had just fulfilled the appointment made by his party for him in Monticello, met Lincoln on the hill, one mile south of Monticello, and, according to Judge Spear, they arranged to meet at Bement, in F. E. Bryant's house, upon Lincoln's return to the place. At the time of their meeting arrangements were concluded for the great senatorial debate, which soon followed. In the procession that went to meet Lincoln were carried many banners with suggestive mottoes. One was: "Cham paign for Abe; real pain for Dug." After the crowd of some five thousand persons reached the old park, just west of Monticello, Lawrence Weldon, of DeWitt county, made the first speech. Lincoln followed him with a two hours' concise and logical speech. Dinner was sumptuously served in the park. Altogether 'twas the greatest day Piatt county had ever seen. 146 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. It seems almost incredible that so great a change could come over the public sentiment of the people of the county during two short years. In 1856 the people would scarcely pause in their work to look at him, while, in 1858, they were ready to literally carry him in their arms. The press. Mr. James D. M^udy was the editor of the first paper in Piatt county. A copy of this paper, which was printed in Novem- ber, 1856, and called "The Monticello Times,'" lies before us, and in it we notice the advertisements of some of the men who are yet in business in Monticello. Mr. Moudy, who only edited the paper a short time, sold out to Mr. J. C. Johnson, who published the paperunderits original name for a time. He sold out to Mr. James Outten, who edited it under the same name for a time. Pie then took Mr. Hassett as his part- ner and the name was changed to ' ' The Sucker State. " Messrs. Gilliland and Tritt bought these men out and were running the paper in 1859. Thomas Milligan succeeded them, and edited "The Conservative " until 1862. At this date W. E. Lodge bought him out and edited the paper until 1864-. During -a part of this time J. M. Holmes assisted him. Mr. Lodge sold out to N. E. Rhoades and the paper was conducted under the auspices of the tTnion League. Mit. A. Bates was the edi- tor and publisher during the political campaign of 1864-, and the paper was called "The Piatt County Union." Mr. James M. Holmes was the next person to buy the paper, and he printed the first copy of Yol. I of "The Piatt Independent," No- vember 23, 1865. Mr. Holmes published this paper under the same name for about seven years, and then changed it to "The Piatt Republican." At the end of about three years Mr. Holmes sold to Mr. Wagner, who im- mediately sold out to H. B. Funk, and in 1876 the paper became known as "The Monticello Bulletin." After running the paper four or five years Mr. Funk sold out to Messrs. Mise and Wagner, who in turn sold to Mise Brothers. In 1882 Mr. Funk again bought the paper, and under his present able management we have reason to expect a good paper for the people. In 1874 H. D. Peters came to Monticello and began work on "The Herald," which was under the management of Scroggs and Peters. Soon Mr. Peters became both editor and publisher. Pie has been suc- cessful in his work, and still furnishes a very good paper for the county. For the following items incident to "The Bement Press," we are indebted principally to Judge Spear and Mr. Eli Drum. PIATT COUNTY. 147 In April, 1860, Mr. James Shoaff, of Decatur, and Mr. Outten, began publishing the "The Bement Union," in Freese & Go's ware- house. Mr. Shoaff made his editorial farewell in the paper of April 18, 1861, and went to the army. After this ' Mr. Sanches served as publisher for several months, when the paper was discontinued. The next editors in the town were John Smith and John S. Harper, after which Mr. Mit Bates started "The Farmers' Advocate." J. H. Jacobs next published "The Bement Register," and was succeeded by Mr. Connor. On the first day of January, 1878, Mr. Ben Biddle- come issued the first number of "The Independent." This -paper was begun under unfavorable circumstances, but for several years made its way quite well. "The Independent" was followed by "The Bement Gazette," published by F. E. Bills. "The Bement Gazette" was next started by J. I. Chilson, who sold out to Mr. Eli Drum, the present editor of the paper. A citizen of the town remarked that this was Mr. Drum's first editorial effort and that he was "getting along finely." Cerro Gordo had one newspaper, "The Cerro Gordo Times," edited by J. H. Jacobs, but it was discontinued long since. Some pioneer physicians in the county. The very first settlers of the county were their own physicians. They were herb doctors, though a few had imbibed some ideas from physicians they had seen in other states. Dr. Burrill, who was here in 1838, was one of the first physicians in the county. Dr. King located in Macon county in 1839, and began practicing both there and in what is now Piatt county. He received his medical education in Cincinnati, Ohio. There were but two or three physicians in Macon county upon his coming west. Dr. King has honored hi& profession, and is now enjoying a ripe old age in Decatur. Dr. Ilillis came to the county a short time after Dr. King, and remained for a short time. Following these were the revered Dr. Hull, who came to this little county in 1841. He seemed to possess just the right qualities for a physician. "The memory of him, as a genial friend, companion and citizen, yet lingers in the hearts of hundreds of people ; and as a high- toned, skillful physician he has left an impress upon the minds of his professional brethren, who were associated with him, that will not fade away during their lives, lie was an ardent lover of nature and out- door manly sports, which contributed -no little to his generosity of heart. His ear was ever open to the tale of distress and his hand 148 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. ready to give. In fine, he was one of those strong natures, mentally and physically, full of individuality, the type of which is fast falling away." Dr. C. R. "Ward located in Monticello in 1845. He soon worked himself into a very lucrative practice, the extent of which has not been surpassed by any physician in the county. His death, which occurred April 22, 1881, was lamented by all who knew him. Dr. Coffin, now living in Monticello, came to the county in 1847; Dr. Noeckerin 1853; Dr. Knott in 1855, and Dr. Coleman in 1860. (See their personal sketches.) We notice in "The Monticello Times," of November 6, 1856, that T. Wheeler, A.M., M.D., was located in Monticello at that time. Dr. Mitchell, now living in Bement, moved on to Lake Fork in 1853, and was the first physician at Mackville. Dr. Prosser was located at Cerro Gordo previous to 1860, and was piobably the first physician of the place. Dr. Taylor was in Bement previous to 1860. Dr. J. H. Leal also located in Bement a few years previous to the war. He was in partnership with Dr. Taylor, and built up a fine practice. (See his sketch.) The pioneer physicians of the county had trials that those of a later date know nothing of. It was a frequent occurrence for them to be called to see a patient twenty or thirty miles distant. And ofttimes it was not the distance that was to be dreaded. The ride would often have to be made on a dark night, along muddy roads, and through swamps and ponds. Sometimes the horse would have to swim streams, while the rider on his knees on the saddle, held his medicine case OK the bridle-reins in his teeth. We heard a good joke told not long since relative to a physician of a neighboring county. He was called to see a patient who lived on the Sangamon, and accordingly, after bidding his wife good-bye, he started in the dark night to ride across the prairie. After riding a long time he came to a house. He alighted, knocked at the door, to hear the question "Who's there? " He answered by asking the way to the house of the patient he started to see. What was his astonishment to hear, instead of the requested directions, a lady's voice questioning: "Why, William, is that yon ( " and the worthy physician found that he had alighted at his own door, and was talking to his own wife. Pioneer latryers. As has been stated, there was little work for lawyers during the first few years of settlement in Piatt county. The lawyers who were here came from Decatur. Among the first who PI ATI COUNTY. 149 located in this place were Mr. Milligan, II. C. MsComas, and A. T. Pipher. Charles Watts was also one of the first lawyers here. W. E. Lodge came to the county in 1859. A. T. Pipher and W. E. Lodge have been in the county longer than any others now located here. The personal sketches of the majority of the lawyers in the county appears further on in the book. Poor Farm. The Piatt County Poor Farm contains two hundred and ninety-three acres, and is situated about three miles west of Monti- cello. A portion of the farm is in Monticello township, while the rest lies in Willow Branch township. The farm contains sixty acres of tim- ber land. There are six acres in the garden and three in the orchard. The almshouse proper is of brick, and its two stories and basement con- tain eighteen rooms, six on each floor. The insane department is apart from the main building, and consists of a building 14x24 feet, which contains two rooms. These rooms are ceiled inside with un- dressed lumber. There is no corridor. The windows are 1^X4 feet, and are protected by iron bars. On the outside of this building is a .yard 40 X 50 feet, which is inclosed as an airing court. Mr. Seits, the present keeper of the Poor Farm, took possession March 1, 1877. At that time there were but seven inhabitants of the house ; since 1877, however, there has been as high as fifteen at a time. All inmates are expected to work about the house or farm, if able. When Mr. Seits moved to the place it was in rather a poor condition ; since his coming the amount of fencing on the place has been doubled, two hundred rods of tile ditching has been done, two hundred trees have been planted, and many other improvements have been made. The farm at present is self-sustaining. The keeper's salary is $(!()(), besides his family's living. The county's relief outside the Poor Farm is about $800 per year. Piatt county jail. This is in the rear of the sheriff's residence, on the jail lot, one block north of the court-house. The walls are of br.ick, lined with scantling and two-inch plank driven full of spikes. There are six iron cells in double block, with back to back. There is a cor- ridor on three sides, while the jailor's corridor is on the fourth side. There are six long, narrow windows, with cross-bar grating. It is heated by two stoves, and ventilated by the doors and windows. There is a guard-room next to the prison, next to which is a cell for female prisoners. The building was erected in 1867. Court-It on xe*. The first one was put up by Judge Rickets, in 1843, right where the present court-house stands. It was of frame, and was 150 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. afterward moved to the west side of the square, and was ultimately destroyed by fire. The present brick court-house was erected about 1856, by Judge Rickets, George Dernpsey and John Lowry. It originally had a cupola on it, but a storm, some seven or eight years ago, demolished it and, in addition, tore off a portion of the gable end and roof of the building. The lower floor of the building is occupied by the county officers principally. The court-room proper and two small rooms are on the second floor. Agricultural society. This society was first organized in 1856, and it now has between four and five hundred members. Nearly eight hundred shares have been issued at $5 per share. The fairground con- tains twenty -five acres, and its improvements and real estate are valued at about $10,000. The society is out of debt, and has about $1,500 in the treasury. For the last few years the fairs have been decidedly suc- cessful, the first two or three davs 1 receipts being sufficient to cover all expenses. The present officers are Jesse Warner, president ; E. P. Thompson, vice-president ; C. A. Tatrnan, secretary ; and Theo. Gross, corresponding secretary. The board of directors are "W. H. Plunk, John Kirby, Oscar Mansfield, Horace Calef, Jesse Yoakum, William Voorhies, A. D. Newton and John Goodson. Roads. The primitive roads of the county were the buffalo trails. Following these came the Indian paths, and upon the white man's arrival, and for years after, the traveling was done in these tracks of the red-man. However, the time came when the continual incoming of settlers formed a few roads. Probably the first visible road of the county was that which led from Sadorus Grove to James Piatt's cabin, and on to the trading-house near the mouth of Friends creek. Not long since we saw traces of this old road in John Piatt's present door-yard. After a number of families were located here, it was sometimes the custom to break roads between the settlements by hitching oxen to a log and dragging it throughout the distance, and ofttimes a furrow was made to show where the road ?/v/.v. During high waters the Sangamon was crossed by means of ferry- boats. Nathan Henline and his brother kept a ferry near where the wagon-bridge, one mile west of Monticello, is located. The first state road intersecting the county was that leading from Danville, via Big Grove (Urbana), through what is now Monticello, and on to Springfield. The road extending diagonally across Blue Ridge township, and which is known as the State road, according to one of the early settlers in that vicinity, was never surveyed as such. The riA.TT COUNTY. 151 road was gained by people settling on it. It was used as early as 1832, and used to go by Cheney's ( irove. Probably Mr. Richard Webb was the first to settle on it in this county. It was five years after the first settlement was made on Lake Fork ere officers of any kind found the people. William Monroe got up a petition that led to the location of the first local road, which extended from Monticello to the head of Lake Fork, and on down the east side of the same stream. John Tenbrooke surveyed the road, and William Monroe made the farrow with Hiram Heath's ox team. After a time William Monroe got up another petition, and this time 'twas for a state road extending from Charleston to Bloomington, and in this county, following in almost the direct route of the former road. Daniel Stickle and Judge Hughes were appointed commissioners, and George Heath surveyor. A mail route was established, and the mail carrier rode on horseback. For quite awhile the mail of the county was all carried on horse- back, and ofttimes unlocked saddle-bags contained the precious load. Letters formed the principal bulk of mail matter, and the postage on each one was from ten cents to twenty-five cents, and they were some- times weeks in reaching their destination. According to the postage law then, the postage could be paid at either end of the route, and more often the receiver paid the expense than did the sender of a letter. AVhen the stage routes wers established, about 1839, the mail was carried by stage. There are not many living in the county who remem- ber the first stages that passed through the county on the state road from Urbana to Decatur. The arrival of the stage coach was a great event in the week, and as the first stage driver sprang from his elevated seat to the tavern door, for the time being he was the most important man of the county. How curiously the collected villagers eyed each traveler ; and the boys of the place weekly or bi-weekly surveyed the horses, harness and all the rigging of what seemed to them the most wonder- ful vehicle that was ever constructed. The last stage-coach route of the county was between Monticello and Bement, after the building of the T. W. & W. railroad. k ' Uncle Billy" Motherspaw was the able and successful manager of this route, and did we have nothing else to remember this man by, the many deeds, of kindness done by him while making hr regular trips between the said places, would be sufficient to cause the peopii; to hold him in remembrance a long time. Mr. Motherspaw is at present located in Carthage, Missouri. 152 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Rullroads. It was not long after the building of railroads through the county ere all stage-coaching was done away with. What is now the main division of the Wabash railroad was con- structed through this county across Bement and Cerro Gordo townships in the years of 18.^5-50. Both ends of the road were being worked at once during the time stated, and the connection was made, according to an old settler in that vicinity, between the present towns of Milmine and Cerro Gordo. The following statistics relative to the railroads in the county were furnished us by Mr. L. J. Bond : The road now connecting Champaign and Decatur was chartered in 1861 as the Monticello railroad, but nothing further was done toward the road until after the war. The charter was amended and the com- pany was fully organized in 1865, but the work did not commence until 1867. The road was put in operation from Champaign to Monti- cello in December, 1870, but it was not completed to Decatur until about two years afterward. It continued under the same name until the road was completed, after which it was consolidated with the Havana, Mason City, Lincoln and Eastern road. The consolidated, company was transferred to that of the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western, and it remained a part of that road until the foreclosure sale by which it was re-organized as the Champaign, Havana and Western, company. It is now a part of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific road. The Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western railroad was chartered as the Danville, Urbana, Bloomington and Pekiri railroad, and was built and put into operation through this county about or a little before- 1870. The road was consolidated with the Indianapolis and Danville road, and then became known as the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western railroad. The Chicago division of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railroad was chartered in 1867 as the Bloomington and Ohio River railroad. It was afterward consolidated with the Streator and Fairbury company, and named Chicago and Paducah Railroad Company. It was com- pleted and put in operation through this county about 1873. ' It became a part of the Wabash system in 1880. The Havana division of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railroad was chartered in 1867 as the Havana, Mason City, Lincoln and Eastern railroad, and was built through this county about 1872. The same year it was consolidated with the Monticello railroad, and with it was transferred to the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western road. After PIATT COUNTY. 153 the foreclosure sale it became a part of the Champaign, Havana and Western road, but was again consolidated, and now is a part of the Wabash system. The Indianapolis, Decatur and Springfield railroad was originally known as the Indiana and Illinois Central road, and was commenced about 1847. The company was kept alive, but nothing further was done at the road until about 1872 or 1873, when the work was pushed along to the completion of the road from Decatur to Montezuma. Within the last few years the road was finished to Indianapolis, Decatur and Springfield. In 1882 the road was consolidated with and is a part of the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western company. The following shows the amount of railroad business done at some of the stations in the county : REPORTS FROM RAILROAD AGENTS AT SOME OF THE STATIONS IN THE COUNTY. Mr. Barnard, of Bement, makes the following report for the year ending August 8, 1881 : Tickets sold .$13,700 00' Freight received 18,500 00- Freight forwarded 23,274 00 Total $55,474 00 The business on the Wabash railroad at Monticello for September, 1882, is as follows: Pacific Express 221 56 Ticket sales 1,195 15 Freight forwarded 3,028 96 Freight received 4,055 99 Total $8,501 66 Jame's Mahan, agent of the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western at Mansfield sends a report for six months ending May 31, 1882. He considers it a light receipt for the office. Usually the freight forwarded amounts to about $30,000 per year: Tickets sold $ 2,392 50 Freight received : ' 1,925 62 Freight forwarded 13.547 85 Total $17,865 97 The report from Cerro Gordo is that the business done per month is as follows : Freight received, about $2,000 00 Freight forwarded, about 3.0(10 00 Tickets sold, about 500 00 Total $5,5CO 00 CHAPTER VII. THE SCHOOLS OF THE COUNTY.* IN regard to its educational prosperity, Piatt county has made advancement equal to any county in the state, considering its age. During its first decade its school-houses were few and far between. They were built by donations of material and labor, and the teachers depended upon the subscriptions of the patrons for a subsistence. The school-houses were built of logs and the pupils sat upon slab seats. The writing desks consisted of boards laid upon wooden pins driven into the logs, and the pupils when writing faced the wall. The windows in the earlier days consisted of greased paper, as a substitute for glass, and the room was warmed by a fire-place. The last of these primitive school-houses passed away in 1871, when the old house on " Stringtown Lane" gave way to the present improved and commodious structure. To-day the county is dotted with its school-houses, most of which are comfortably and conveniently arranged, with patent improved furniture ; with folding seats and often with folding desks ; with slated blackboards on which are used beau- tiful crayons in place of the lumps of chalk ; with school-books finely illustrated, sometimes with maps, charts and pictures adorning the walls ; with sufficient means for rapidly heating the often high ceiled capacious apartments ; and with teachers who are generally, trained by experience and special preparation for the work of educating the young. This change has occurred within the space of forty years, and yet there is much to be done before we reach the ideal in education. The estimated value of public school property, grounds, buildings, furniture, apparatus, etc., in Piatt county as given June 30, 1882, is $78,927. JVIonticello, Bernent and Cerro Gordo have well-graded schools, accompanied by high-school departments. The graduates of the high- schools of Monticello and Bement are admitted to /the Illinois Industrial University at Champaign without examination. Mans- * The greater part of facts for and arrangement of this article is due to the kindness and labor of G. A. Burgess, county superintendent of schools. , TIIK SCHOOLS OK THK corx'i v. 155 field, Milmine and Hammond have graded schools, and Maekville employs an assistant, but lias not two distinct departments. T K ACHE US' I X STIT UTE8. During the winters of 1867-8 and 1808-1) teachers' institutes on the old-fashioned plan were held in Mcnticello, under the management of J. W. Colernan, county superintendent. During the winter of 1869-70 an enthusiastic meeting was held at Bement, managed by County Superintendent 0. A. Tatman. At these meetings Dr. J. M. Gregory, regent of the Illinois Industrial University, and President Richard Edwards and E. C. Ilewett, of the State Normal School at Normal, were the leading instructors. Prominent among those who MONTICELLO NORTH SCHOOL. attended one or more of these three institutes, some of whom conducted exercises, were H. A. Coffeen, T. J. Mitchell, II. E. Huston, Mary I. Reed, T. C. Fuller, J. A. Hawks, C. D. Moore, the Poland brothers, Amos Norris, Aunt Lettie and Aunt Rachel Huston, the Suver sisters, Anna Combes, Pamelia (Combes) Hughes, A. D. Beckhart, R. I. Tatman, A. T. Pipher, J. A. McComas, J. A. Williams, John Garver, Nellie (Piatt) Moffitt, Fannie McFaddin, Olive (Bryden) Piatt, and Charles and Rudolph Welch. During the seasons of the two institutes from 1867-9, C. A. Tat- man was assistant principal of the Monticello schools, and on both occa- sions exhibited class-work before the institute. At the first he brought 11 IIISTOKY OF 1'IA'IT CO['NTV. forward a class of pupils aged from twelve to fourteen years and showed how well they could solve problems by cancellation. Before beginning he invited members of the institute to volunteer to work with the class. H. A. Coffeen, principal of the Bement schools, and Dr. T. J. Mitchell, of Mackville, stepped forth and expressed a willingness to show how well they could cancel factors. The conductor read the problems from the book and the crayon in the hands of the children kept close pace with his voice. As soon as the inflection of the voice at the close of the reading indicated that the entire problem had been given, almost with the rapidity of thought the children detected the common factors and triumphantly wrote the result, while the older heads were waiting to see if there was something more to be given, and on the first problem Dr. Mitchell had not begun the cancellation when the children gave the proper answer. Shouts of laughter accom- panied the discomfiture of the two old teachers, and although they did better with the problems following, they showed that the} 7 were no match for the children on problems in cancellation. It transpired afterward that the pupils had been specially drilled in those same problems for the occasion, but the delight of the children and the* amusement of the spectators are remembered by many to this day. The instructors (those conducting exercises) at the institute of 1868-9 were H. E. Huston, C. A. Tatman, J. W. Lewis, J. A. McComas. John Garver, John A. Williams, W. B. Sweitzer, Miss Kate Suver, Miss Anna Combes, and Frank Tippett. Public lectures were given by J. M. Gregory, E. C. Ilewett, and George L. Spear. The institute began Wednesday. January 0, and continued four days, as reported by Dr. Coleman to the state superintendent. In those days it was the Custom to give to the teachers while attending the institute free enter- tainment. The pressure against permitting teachers to take time to attend institutes was so strong that Superintendent Tatman did not attempt to hold another, and as Superintendent Pitkiti held none, the next one held in the county was under the supervision of Superintendent Mary I. Reed in 1878. This one was conducted according to the modern plan. Instructors were employed, a tuition fee was charged, and the teachers attending were arranged into classes and subjected to daily drill in the various branches for a term of two weeks. About one hundred teachers attended this institute. The leading instructor was Jasper X. Wilkinson, a former teacher in the county, assisted by the county superintendent, Miss Olive Coffeen, of La Place, Edwin B. Smith, THK SCHOOLS OK THK (.'OL'XTV. IT)! of Cerro Gerdo, and G. A. Burgess. The next year one hundred and thirty-nine attended the institute, a number of whom were not expect- ing to teach. The corps of instructors remained the same, excepting that Prof. II. 0. De Motte, of Illinois Wesleyan University, was employed in place of Edwin B. Smith, who had gone to Chicago to study law. The following year about eighty-five teachers attended. John W. Cook and M. L. Seymour, of Normal, were the chief instruc- tors, and the receipts, together with the balance on hand, fell short of the expenditures twenty-five dollars, which loss was wholly sustained by the county superintendent. In 1881 no institute was held, owing to the resignation of Mary I. Reed as county superintendent early in July. In 1882 one hundred and five attended the institute. J. N. Wilkinson served as leading instructor for one w.eek, and owing to sickness was succeeded by Robert L. Barton, of Cerro Gordo, principal of schools at Galena, Illinois. The other instructors were Olive E. Coffeen, of La Place, principal of Shipman, Macoupin county, schools, B. F. Stocks, principal of Cerro Gordo schools, and W. II. Skinner, now principal of Monticello schools. The session was three weeks in length, and was held in the north school-building, Monticello. The tuition has invariably been one dollar per week, and the balance on hand from the last institute is sixteen dollars, which will form part of the institute fund for 1883. Since August, 1878, there has been in active operation a monthly teachers' association, which has met in various parts of the county, but is now confined to Bement and Monticello, at which places it holds alternate meetings on the second Saturday of each month. The interest in these meetings has been well maintained, about forty per- cent of the teachers actually at work in the county attending. G. A. Burgess was presiding officer of the association the first, second and fourth years, Miss Reed the third year, and F. V. Dilatush the present year. The other officers for the year are John J. Wilkinson, of Milmine schools, vice-president ; Miss Cora Pitts, of Cerro Gordo schools, secretary, and Miss Alice Godwin, of Moma school, treasurer. The association has this year formed a circulating library for use of its members, which opened with twenty volumes, and which will soon increase to forty volumes. Nineteen out of every twenty of out- teachers take one or more educational papers or journals. A higher standard is constantly being demanded of our teachers. The certifi- cates of other county superintendents are no longer indorsed, and the time will soon come when no certificates will be renewed, thus loh HISTORY OF PIATT COl'NTY. requiring teachers constantly to study to endeavor to improve. Experi- ence lias shown that where little or no effort is required to get a certifi- cate the teacher rests content ; he feels that he, knows almost enough; all progress is at an end ; the teacher stagnates ; the school shows the effect of it, and the money expended in that district is worse than thrown away, for the teacher has done incalculable injury by per- mitting the minds of his pupils to grow uncultivated and untrained. Often such a teacher instills wrong ideas and wrong principles, which can never be eradicated. In this county the grades on a scale of 100, attained by the holder of a teacher's certificate, are placed upon it, so that school boards may know the judgment of the superintendent upon the work. Our schools lack system in the daily routine of work. Each teacher follows his own idea or the idea of the text-books used, as to the order and method of pursuing, often without any regard to what has been done by the teacher preceding him. System and supervision are the two things that cause the town schools to be superior to the rural schools, and much more may be done in the rural schools in the way of systematizing the work. To this end a course of study was adopted at the last institute, and a detailed outline of study to accompany it has been issued to the schools and school officers. Blank certificates of attendance and reports to parents have been sent to teachers, with a view to introducing them into use in the schools. It is contemplated holding monthly and annual examinations, under the management and supervision of both teacher and superin- tendent, for the purpose of unifying and stimulating the efforts of the schools, believing that when the people understand the plan and its objects they will cooperate in the work of introducing it into every school district. Wall maps, reading charts and an unabridged dictionary should constitute part of the helps of every school-room, and, when possible, a globe and a box of geometrical forms or solids should be supplied. Good blackboards with good crayons and erasers are now admitted by all to be a necessity, and no school-room is ready for use till these are in place. Our teachers need to think, to study, to get out of straightforward methods of asking questions strictly in the order of the books and requiring the verbatim text-book answers thereto. They too often make themselves slaves to the text-book, instead of making the text- book their servant, Boards of directors make too little difference between teachers. A few dollars on the month causes the removal of T1IK SCHOOLS OF THK COUNTY. 159 a tried and competent teacher to a more lucrative field, and the employ- ment in his stead of an inexperienced stranger. The worth of a good teacher cannot be estimated. The district would be benefited often by giving the poor teacher his wages and never allowing him to begin his school. Our schools are expensive, and it behooves everyone to do everything he can to make them do the greatest possible good, that the community may get the best possible return for their investment. Common school funds. The funds authorized by law for the maintenance of the public schools arise from the following sources : 1 C3 1. The state school fund, which now consists () of the tax annually levied by the state for educational purposes, and which in 1881 was twelve cents on each $100 ; (b) of the interest on the surplus revenue distributed by the general government to the states during Jackson's administration, and set apart by Illinois as a school fund, and (c) of the interest on the proceeds of three per cent of the sale of public lands within the state, less one-half of one per cent. The state holds the school funds named in the last two cases and pays to the schools of the state six per cent interest thereon. The dis- tribution is made on the basis of population under twenty-one as taken from the government census report by the state auditor, who draws his warrant for the amount due the county upon the county treasurer against the state tax in the treasurer's hands and in favor of the county superintendent. 2. The county school fund, consisting of the proceeds of the sale of the swamp lands lying within the county. This fund is loaned by the county superintendent, and the interest thereon, together with the fines and forfeitures paid during the year to the county superintendent, is annually distributed to the several township treasurers of the county on the basis of population under twenty-one years of age. At the same time and upon the same basis is the distribution of the state school fund made by the county superintendent. o. The township school fund, consisting of the proceeds of the sale of the sixteenth section in each congressional township, donated by the general government for the support of schools. In many of the townships the section of land was sold when the value of it was so low that the fund therefrom is quite small. Town sixteen, range five, sold its section for $13,660, and has much the largest township fund in the county. i. By special district taxes, which are levied by the directors each year in nearly all the districts to make up the amount needed to sup- port the schools. 160 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. The township fund is loaned by the township treasurer, and the interest on it, together with the amount received from the county superintendent, is distributed by the township trustees to the school districts. The special tax levied is paid when collected to the township treas- urer for the benefit of the district levying the tax. The distribution of the state school fund to Piatt county is now $5,591.16. The county school fund of Piatt county is reported this year as about $8,000, but part of it furnishes no revenue, as it is undergoing litigation. TOWNS II I T TREASURERS AND TOWNSHIP SCHOOL Kl'NDS OK THE RKSl'EC.TI VE CONKUKSSIONAI, TOWNSHIPS. Tp. and Range. Name of Treasurer. Tp. Fund. 16. ... 6 J. A. Hawks $1,548 00 17 6 F.E. Bryant 5,916 28 18. ... 6 C. A. Tatman 502 00 19 6 John E. Andrew 1,066 00 20. ... 6 P. E. Carberry 1,520 10 21. ... 6 E. L. Drake 4,979 46 16 5 Thomas J. Kizer 13,660 00 17 5 Thomas Lamb, jr 3,014 96 18. ... 5 Willam J. Mcliitosh 1,066 44 19. ... 5 . R. B. Moody 827 37 20 5. . Elijah Campbell 4,569 36 21 .... 5 Chris Garver Tp. fund reported to De Witt Co. 16. ... 4. . . Reuben Groff' Tp. fund reported to Macon Co. 17- ... 4 Philip Pobson Tp. fund reported to Macon Co. 18. ... 4 Caleb Hedges Tp. fund reported to Macon Co. 19 4 James McConkey Tp. fund reported to De Witt Co. The following statistical table shows items of interest compared for the past fifteen years, beyond which no records appeal- in the county superintendent's office : '^ ear - schools. No. teachers. No. pupils attending. Ain't special district tax collected. Ain't exp'd for all school purposes. 1 s< IS i 62 l l> 7 3 35(5 S"5(l31 S-> s: ',3,796 22 1869 6'> 127 3.215 21 87 k> "0 '8 401 73 1870 66 110 :; ->8-> 30593 70 34 -; 94 32 1871 77 1 34 4 093 3d ''59 70 40492 47 1872 s:; 140 380.) 39'761 98 52 771 66 1 S73 80 139 3 7 IS 3fi47 97 46 395 18 1874 !!' 1 50 4,366 38 351 59 48 605 26 1875 95 1 (50 4 11 37 979 1 1 48 7,",- > 74 |S76 91 ]!) I 4 396 35 607 02 48 279 1(1 1877. . . !;; 173 4 719 41 592 40 54 357 31 1878 9:5 172 4 '206 37,029 1(1 45215 68 1879 97 1 53 4 456 13815 97 33,118 79 1880 98 1<>4 4500 4:! (C'8 39 49(534 21 ] 881 96 147 5 087 33312 25 46 763 35 |ss-> : 95 154 4 347 33 840 23 43,101 15 TUP; SCHOOLS OK THK cor.vrv. 161 Monti-cello Township. The first school in this township was taught in a log house which stood on the river bank just above the river bridge near Monticello. James Outten and George A. Patterson were teachers in this school. Another school was opened somewhat later about one mile farther up the river, near John Woolington's late residence. The first school in Monticello was taught by George A. Patterson in the first court-house. The first school-house of the place was built by Esq. A. J. Wiley and others on a lot donated by the cs<|uire. This house stood on the site of the present residence of George Lewis. Thomas Milligan, afterward county school commis- sioner, was one of the early teachers of this school, as were also Major David Longnecker and Andrew McKinney. MONTICEI.I.O IIKill SCHOOL. The brick school-house was built in 1857-8, and consisted of two rooms below and one above, besides the cloak-rooms. Isaiah Stickle was the first to teach in the new school-house. In 1869 or 1870 the upper room was divided, giving four rooms, as in the present arrange- ment. The school bell was formerly set on a platform elevated on high posts. It remained there but a few years, when the belfry now in use was erected and the bell placed in it. The bell was formerly used on the old Methodist Episcopal church. C^Inl877 the north school-building was erected, but during the first year only three of its four rooms were in use. The building was not fenced until 1880. The hedge fence around the brick school-house was set out and has ever since been cared for by William Worsley, who has been janitor of the building almost continuously since a janitor has been employed. In the early days each teacher built his own fires and swept his own room. 162 HISTORY OK 1'IATT COUNTY. . The following persons have served as principals of the Monticello school, but perhaps not in the order named : Isaiah Stickle, Mr. Bab- cock, Mr. Scovell, W. F. Gilmore, A. T. Pipher, J. A. McComas, Mr. Porter, Mr. Mclntosh, Arthur Edwards, P. T. Nichols, Jesse Hubbard, Amelia E. Sanford, G. A. Burgess, H. F. Baker, and W. H. Skinner. P. T. Nichols began in 1872, and taught for five years, with one year of rest intervening. Mr. Mclntosh died during the school year and was succeeded by Arthur Edwards. Mrs. Mclntosh has for five years been a teacher in the Bement schools. Mrs. Amelia E. Sanford succeeded Mary I. Reed as first assistant in the high school in December, 1877, upon her resignation to accept the county superintendency, and was elected principal for the next year. Miss Reed had been first assistant for several years. The high school was formed in 1877, with Mr. Nichols and Miss Reed teachers. The first class, composed of five girls, graduated in 1878. The class of 1879 consisted of four girls and two boys; the class of 1880, of six girls and one boy ; the class of 1881, of eleven girls and one boy, and the class of 1882, of seven girls and two boys. The high school has gradually grown in efficiency till it ranks equal to that of many of the larger towns. In the winter of 1879-80 the members of the high school were formed into two literary societies, now known as the Nervian and Monticellian societies. Each elects its own officers and conducts its own exercise's. The high school began a reference library in 1870. which has increased to more than fifty volumes. The grammar school began a library in 1882, devoting the proceeds of an entertainment to it. The teachers at present are W. II. Skinner, principal ; M. Ella Child, Eva Winchester, F. V. Dilatush, An/a Minear, Lulu Parks, Nellie Espy, Jane Conoway, and Anna M. Kirkpatrick. Messrs. Charles Watts, A. J. Dighton and C. P. Davis taught in Monticello township years ago. The Stringtown school-house, the last of the log school-houses of tin county, was situated in the western part of this township. Benn'nt Township. The -first school was taught in the village of Bement by Henry 0. Booth, in ls."><5. The term was for three months and the salary $4-0 per month. Rented buildings were used until 1851), when one wing of the present building was completed. F. E. Bryant was the contractor and J. M. Cam]) the builder. The block of ground now used for school THE SCHOOLS OK THK COUNTY. 163 purposes was donated by L. B. Wing and William liea, and forms a beautiful campus containing the buildings near the northwest corner. In 1866 the building was enlarged to its present size, although the entire room was not used for school work until several years later. The present school-bell was bought by Mr. Bryant in St. Louis, and formerly belonged to a Mississippi steamboat. The. first board of directors consisted of Joseph Bodman, sen., Aaron Yost and H. Booth, since which time J. O. Sparks, George Dustin, George L. Spear, Thomas Postlethwaite, S. K. Bodman, N. G. Hinkle and Royal Thomas have served as directors two or more terms, and many others have served one term. UKMKXT ITHUi' S 'IIOOI.. The following is a list of principals of the Bement schools : II. ( '. Booth, S. K. Bodman, J. W. Eichards, C. D. Moore, J. B. Lovell, A. S. Norris, .1. A. IMman, ,1. Russell Johnson, J. ]Sf. Patrick, E. M. Cheney. Mrs. Shirk, Frank M. Fowler, Asa W. Mason, II. A. Coffeen, W. J. Cousins, J. A. McComas, G. C. Gantz, A. C. Butler, Thomas Sterling, Miss Hollo Sterling, II. O. Hickman, T. C. Clendenen, J. N. Wade and W. Iv Mann, the present principal. A. C. Butler taught five ye:irs. The school reached a degree of enthusiasm under the management of IT. A. Coffeen, in 1867-68, which is yet felt in its effects upon the town. The Bement library gained a strong hold upon the people, and was largely increased 104- HISTORY OF 1'IA'IT ('()[ XTV. through Mr. Coffeen's efforts. A literary society formed at this time maintained an organization for ten or twelve years. The present course of study was planned and put into operation by T. C. Clendeiien. The high-school w r ork requires four years for its completion. Last year (1881) the high school was admitted to the accredited list of high schools of the Illinois State University at Cham- paign, and its graduates can now enter any of the courses of study of that institution without further examination. The high-school refer- ence library was started under the auspices of T. 0. Clendenen. The school manages two literary societies the Baconian and Edmund Burke. The class of 1881 was the first to graduate, and consisted of five girls ; the class of 1882 consisted of three girls and two boys, and the class for 1883 now has eight members. In 1878 a school-house was built in the southern part of the dis- trict to accommodate those who lived too far from Bement. Miss Joanna Fleming was the first teacher in this school, and Luther Thompson the present teacher. The present corps of teachers in the Bement school is as follows : W. E. Mann, principal ; Lucy J. Stockwell. assistant principal ; Julia C. Mclntosh in grammar department ; Joanna Fleming and Anna Pettit in the intermediate departments, and Lucy Sprague and Sara J. Haldeman in the primary departments. Miss Haldeman has been a teacher in the Bement schools for fourteen years. Mr. G. L. Spear, the oldest teacher in the county, lias charge of the Davis school, in the northwestern part of Bement township. Cerro (Jordo T Persons maintained in almshouse 33 Expense of jail $2,329 76 Expense of almshouse $4,118 40 Number days occupied by terms of court 90 MONROE COUNTY. Number of voters 3,000 Breweries 1 Distilleries " Saloons 55 Barrels of beer 1 ,585 Convicts sent to State prison Pei-soiis in jail (when reported) 2 Persons in almshouse 8 Expense of jail $153 40 Expense of almshouse $1 ,019 20 Number days occupied by term of court ](i TI-IK TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT. 1 7~> MADISON COUNTY. Number of voters 7,6:>7 Breweries 4 Distilleries 4 Baloons. 217 Number barrels of spirituous liquors manufactured 658 Beer manufactured 1 0,185 Cou victs sent to State prison ] Persons sent to almshouse 395 Expense of jail $4,020 08 Expense of almshouse $7,498 92 Number days occupied by term of court 75 ST. CLAIR COUNTY. Number of voters : 12,000 P>re\veries, about 11 Distilleries 2 Saloons 317 Number of barrels of spirituous liquors manufactured 3,650 Beer manufactured 54,076 Cou victs sent to State prison 22 Number of persons committed to jail 150 Persons in almshouse 125 Expense of jail, about $4,500 Expense of 'almshouse $10,920 T< >1al expense of pauperism, about. $15,920 Number of days occupied by terms of court, from 120 to 150 With these we will compare four temperance, or no license, counties : 1'IATT COUNTY. Number of voters I iivweries I Hstilleries Sal< >ons ( Yin victs sent to State prison Persons committed to jail (belonging to the county) Persons maintained in almshouse Expense of jail Almshouse or county farm, partly self-sustaining Number days occupied by term of court (Time largely spent on old cases; only three new ones.)..: All the towns are out of debt and have money in the treasury. The calaboose built in saloon times at the county seat is now of no use, except as a lodging place tor tramps. The sidewalks of Monticello are said to be the best of any town of its size in the state. Some of us have been hearing for years that we owe our sidewalks to the revenue from the liquor traffic. WAYNE COUNTY. Number of voters 4,800 Breweries Distilleries Saloons 176 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Number convicts sent to State prison Persons committed to jail 7 Persons maintained in almshouse 1H Expense of jail $52 00 Expense of almshouse $850 00 Number days occupied by terms of court :>K \VA1JASH COUNTY. Number of voters 2,000 Breweries , Distilleries Saloons Convicts sent to State prison 1 Persons committed to county jail 11 Persons committed to city jail "...., i':> Number of persons maintained, in almshouse, average 6 Expense of county jail $404 26 Expense of city jail $200 00 Expense of pauperism for the whole county .\ $800 00 Number days occupied by terms of court 7 EDWARDS COUNTY. Number of voters, near 1,700 Breweries Distilleries Saloons '. Convicts sent to State prison Persons committed to jail 5 Expense of jail $52 00 Total expense of paupers and temporary relief for the destitute.. . . $2,256 68 CHAPTER IX. PATRIOTISM OF PIATT COUNTY. * * * -x- -x- * ." 'Mid storm of shot and shell, Contending nobly for the right, Her heroes fought and fell ! For in the battle's fiercest shocK, Where charging squadrons met, Where gory sabers rose and fell, Where gleamed the bayonet, Where the dying and the dead Most thickly strewed the ground, Amid the thickest of the fight, Her sons were ever found ! All honor to her noble slain, To her heroic dead ; Soft be the turf, and bright be the flowers, Above their lowly bed! The story of their gallant deeds, Engraved on history's page, To future ages shall descend, A priceless heritage!" has ever been a patriotic county. Almost ever since its organi- -L nation, Fourth of July celebrations have been held at the county- seat. Judge Emerson delivered the first Fourch of July oration in the county in 1837, and his toast on that occasion, "May this Monticello bring forth another Jefferson," is yet remembered by many of the older citizens. Of late years n6t only has Monticello held celebrations on the day mentioned, but Bement and almost all the towns of the county have shown their individual patriotism. The citizens of this small portion of the state's territory are justly proud of the part Piatt county played in the rebellion. It has been published more than once that this was the banner county of the state for sending soldiers to the war in proportion to its population. Piatt county even outranked Illinois in this particular. Reckoning on the census of 1860 as a basis, Illinois sent out 100 soldiers for every 742 inhabitants, while Piatt county sent -out 100 men for every 580 inhab- 178 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. itants. Out of a population of 6,124 Piatt county sent out 1,055 soldiers, which was 240 men in excess of the county's share. In no better way can we portray the patriotic spirit of the county than in quoting some from a speech by our fellow-citizen, Mr. C. D. Moore. Referring to the late war he remarked : k 'It is difficult for us to realize what our little county did. It is easy enough for us to read the simple statement that Piatt county sent out 1,055 men, but that, when compared with the vast armies that were marshalled upon the field of strife, is a very insignificant number. It can only be made a large number in a relative sense. Suppose there were 2,500 to 3,000 of the able-bodied men of the county drawn up and ready to march from the county to-day. Think, if you can, what a depletion that would make in the present population of the county. Why that number of men would have made, in the days of the revolution, a very respectable army, a rather formidable force ; and yet the number would be no greater in proportion to population than 1,055 was at that time." While it is true that Piatt county takes a position in the front rank, and the same is easy to say, "yet the full brightness and glory of that record cannot be seen and fully appreciated without taking into con- sideration a fact or two. Piatt county more than filled her quota, and that, too, without a draft. She did her duty by making an enrollment of all her able-bodied men, according to law, yet she passed through the fiery ordeal without even the 'smell of the draft being found on her garments/" " Not one of that brave band of 1,055 men were induced to. go to the front by the offer of a bounty. No bounties were necessary. The only thing in the shape of a local inducement held out was that the county, through the authorities, guaranteed the protection' of their families while th^l were absent at the front doing battle for the right. This guarantee was made good by the county. No, there were no drafted men or bounty-jumpers among them. They were volunteers, in the highest and noblest sense of the term. They saw that the nation's life was in jeopardy ; they saw the uplifted hand of treason prepared to strike at her vitals; they beheld her in a deadly grapple with gigan- tic rebellion ; they heard her call for help, and bravely and heroically answered that call. To them it was no holiday parade, no boy's play, but work- earnest, terribly earnest work. The}' placed their lives upon their country's altar, and dedicated their best energies to the preserva- tion of the country's integrity, the vindication of the nation's honor, PATRIOTISM OF PI ATI' COUNTY. and the re-establishment of the glory and supremacy of our flag. All honor to the soldiers of Piatt county." War Incident* and Anecdotes. In this connection we cannot refrain from relating a few items that have come under our notice relative to life in the army. We give almost verbatim the majority of war incidents that have been given to us. Doubt- less these few will awaken in the minds of the readers many equally interesting tales that might be told, }^et the following will serve as examples of the alternating grave and humorous sides of army life. A soldier of the Mexican war now living in this county remembers a little joke on a Dutch sentinel. While on duty the sentinel heard some one coming, and called out "Who comes there?" The answer came, "A friend. 1 ' The sentinel called, "Halt! You cannot pass until you give the countersign, which is Mexico." In the early days of the late war a number of men in this county organized themselves into a company for drilling purposes, and styled themselves "The Home Guard." Their object was to be the better prepared when their turn came to enlist in the army. One morning, when the men were drawn up ready for drill, the captain suddenly read an order or telegram for men to go to the war. The captain then spoke to the men, asking all wlro could answer the call at once to ride forward. Alas, where was the patriotism of the men? One lone horse struggled for ward against the will of the rider, and Joseph Mallory's credit was saved. It was s< >< >n discovered that the order to the front was a false one, and the order of the Home Guards was revived. They resolved next time not to show such tardy patriotism, and they kept their word. The joke was too good, however, to be soon forgotten. Another organization, known as the Home Guards, was made in the county, in the southeastern township. The object of the organization was the protection of the people. One of the ladies of tjtep vicinity reported the fact that she saw some rebels making an embankment preparatory to an attack on the neighborhood. Further observations were made, and, sure enough, one of the guards reported seeing the confederates, as lie supposed. The information seemed to be sufficient to call out the company. After numerous deployments in sight of the supposed rebels, the captain gave the order to "open tire." After a few minutes of rapid firing they were ordered to advance. The advance was anxiously made, and the enemy was discovered to be dead sheep. It afterward was found out that the lad ivin the first alarm had only seen a man in the distance fixing fence. 180 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. A member of the 107th 111. reg. relates the following: "We had a Michigan regiment in our brigade as we were on the Atlanta cam- paign ; and aU the Michigan men were noted foragers. Once, two of the men from the regiment referred to stepped from the ranks as the regiment was on the march, climbed a fence, killed a sheep, got back to the company, skinned the sheep, marched along the while, and never lost the step. One of the soldiers of the county gives the following as his experi- ence in foraging for chickens : The cook had promised a pot-pie as soon as a good fat hen came in. The forager watched his chance and secured an old hen, while the rest of the party captured geese. Just as each of them secured a goose the provost-marshal came around and "ordered the geese back, and they filed back." The old hen, however, went into a knapsack aud under a coat tail, the owner of which articles was enabled to salute the marshal with no poultry in sight. But all danger was not yet over. A fence had to be climbed by the man carrying the knapsack, during which operation his gun caught in his clothing and went off, thus attracting, general attention. However, the camp was reached and the pot-pie was made. One of the captains now living in this county was once encamped with his company near a rich farmer's residence in the South. Soon some of the boys started to the large farm for the purpose of decoying some turkeys that were in sight. The fowls seemed excited by the unusual stir and began showing tjieir distress as some were being caught. One old turkey flew up and over the tree-tops even. As he did so a young lady of the house, who had just stepped out, clapped her hands, exclaiming, "Goody! goody! I wish you would fly to England." Some of the soldiers grew very brave in their foraging expeditions. Three of the "boys" once went to a house to get some salt, and after being refused several times a negro said there was some in the smoke- house, but warned them not to go in, as a blood-hound was there. One of the men, however, opened the door enough for the dog to put his head out, while another of the men "put his bayonet against the dog, which caused it to lie down," and the salt was easily obtained. One of the men just referred to, at another time and in company with another man, came near being entrapped by three bushwhackers. The two were out scouting for dinner, and just chanced to get the "drop" on the three bushwhackers. A mutual agreement was made to let each other alone and the scouts were safe. PATRIOTISM OF PIATT COUNTY. 181 One inan, for years a resident of this county, assisted in catching a rebel spy. Two of them went into a yard to get some water and found a man bundled up in rags, apparently crazy. One of the men said to the other, "Go punch that man with a bayonet." Before he had been punched very often the man's crazy spell was gone. His rags were taken off and a man in rebel uniform stood before them. A union captain happened to be near, and as he outranked the men who found the spy he received the credit of the capture. The spy was executed in twenty-four hours after being found. The pickets of a certain company began h'ring one night at a sup- posed enemy which they could dimly see. Soon the reserve force came up, assisting in the tiring, and the whole regiment was roused ere it was discovered that the supposed enemy was an old horse quietly picking grass, and that not a single shot had hit him. One union man while foraging saw seveftil rebels, and upon attempting to get away met five union men, whom he warned of danger. The five went on, however, and the next day were found hung on a tree right near where they had been warned the previous day. A little joke perpetrated by one of the Piatt county boys was told in the following manner: "Our regiment once stopped under a tall pine tree and gave the road to Gen. Cox and his staff. Just as the general rode under the tree one of the boys called out, 'Come down Jim; we're going now; the general has passed.' Gen. Cox looked up and tried to see a man in the pine tree that was too tall for almost any man in America to climb. Upon the immediate cheering of the ' boys ' the general dropped his head and spurred his horse rapidly forward." The trials during the siege of Knoxville will not soon be forgotten by the soldiers. Fortunate was the soldier if he chanced to have an acquaintance living in Knoxville. One of the men was secretly furnished with an oyster can of meal a day for a "sick man," until his comrades watched him in order to share the prize. The result was that the allowance was stopped. The neatest foraging we have ever heard of occurred during this siege. One night a regiment was ordered to march into the town, and upon reaching the center of the place was ordered to halt and stay there over night. In the night two of the boys left the guns and went into a frame house to get something to eat. The German woman living there said she had nothing to eat. but, while in the house, one of the 182 HISTORY OF P1ATT COUNTY. boys chanced to see her pour some water through an auger-hole in the floor. He kept his own counsel, however, and the men left the house, without food ; but later in the night these two men dug a trench to the cellar of this house, found a hog, which, by the way, did not even squeal, killed it, and the regiment had it eaten up before morning. For quite a while no one except the two concerned knew where th^t hog came from. Record of Platt County Soldiers. The following history of regi- ments and record of soldiers have been prepared by carefully leafing through eight large volumes of the adjutant-general's reports of Illinois soldiers. No pains have been spared to make the report as complete as possible, yet there may be some mistakes ; for example, throughout the reports two different Monticelios were given ; in some cases men reported themselves from places the names of which have since been changed, and in several instances we found the same person's name spelled in two and even three different ways. With one exception, only histories of regiments are given the original of which appears in the adjutant's reports, and histories are given only of those regi- ments having the greatest number of Piatt county soldiers : NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Co. D Keller, Mathias, enl. February s, Y4 ; mus. out July 9, '65. FoFRTKKNTir ILLINOIS INFANTRY KK< >Ii! i ANI/KI). Co. K Clark, Braxton, recruit ; enl. and mus. in April 10, '. SFVKNTFKNTIl ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Co. II Recruits: Morgan, Reuben A., enl. December 7, '<>>; tr. to Co. F, 8th 111. Inf.; mus. out July 25, '61. Shaw, Albert R., enl. December 12, '63 ; tr. to Co. F, 8th El. Inf. Wheeler, Peter A, enl. December 5, '63 ; tr. to Co. F, 8th 111. Inf. HISTORY OF TWK.VI Y-FIRST ILI.INOIS INFANTRY. It was organized at Mattoon, Illinois, on the 9th of May, 1861. Was mustered into state service May 19, 1861, by Capt. U. S. Grant. Was mustered into United States service .for three years, June 28, by Capt. Pitcher, with Col. U. S. Grant, who was commissioned brig, gen. August 6, 1861. Participated in battle of Fredericktown, October 21. Marched with Gen. Steele's expedition to Jacksonsport, Arkansas. Was ordered to Corinth, and arrived at Hamburg Landing PATRIOTISM OF PI A IT COUNTY. 183 May 24, 1802. Was ordered to join Geri. Buell's army in Tennes- see, August 24, 1862. Arrived at Louisville September 27, 1862. Engaged in battle of Perryville and Chaplin Hill ; from thence marched to Nashville, Tennessee. Was in a severe engagement near Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862, where it did gallant duty, losing more men than any other regiment engaged. Was in a severe skirmish at Liberty Gap, June 25, 1863. In the battle of Chickamauga, September 1!) and 20, 238 officers and men were lost. Mustered out December 16, 1865, at San Antonio, Texas. Discharged at Camp Butler, January 18, 1866. Officers Col. William H. Jamison ranked as 1st lieut. of Co. C, May 3, '61 ; promoted as capt. March 14, '62 ; promoted as maj. November 15, '64; promoted to lieut. col. July 2, '65 ; promoted to col. July 13, '65 ; mus. out December 16, '65. Co. A 2d Lieut. Joseph C. Alvord enl. June 15, '61; pro- moted 2d lieut. October 24, '62; killed December 31, '62. 2d Lieut. Theodore Gross enl. June 22, '61 ; promoted 2d lieut. January 1, '63 ; resigned May 12, '65. 2d Lieut. Alvin Colmus ranked as 2d lieut. and mus. out December 16, '65. Co. C Capt. Josiah W. Clark ranked as capt. May 3, '61 ; resigned March 14, '62. Capt. Lundsfield J. Linder enl. June 14, '61; promoted 2d lieut. December 31, '62; promoted to capt. November 15, '64; mus. out December 16, '65; 1st Lieut. Walter B. lloag ranked as 2d lieut. May 3, '61 ; promoted 1st lieut. March 14, '62 ; mus. out May 2, '65. 1st Lieut. Andrew J. Clark enl. as serg. June 14, '61 ; re-en 1. as veteran March 24, '64; promoted 1st lieut. June 8, '65; mus. out December 16, '65; 2cf Lieut. Emanuel Weigle enl. as 1st serg. June 14, '61 ; promoted 2d lieut. March 14, 62; killed December 31, '62. 2d Lieut. George W. Roberts enl. .June 14, '61; re-enl. as veteran January 4 V '64 ; pro- moted 1st serg.; promoted 2d lieut.; mus. out December 16, '65. Non-commissioned and privates Caklwell, John, enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 14, '64 ; promoted q. m. serg. ; mus. out December 16, '65. Co. A Dines, Serg. Robert, enl. June 15, '61 ; killed at Stone River, December 30, '62. Colvig, Serg. Clarkson S., enl. June 15, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Bell, Jonathan, enl. June 15, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran February 27, '64 ; mus. out December 16, '65, as corp. Bercher, Alexander, enl. June 26, '61 ; killed at Stone River December 30, '62. Bonser, James, enl. June 15, '61 ; died at Ironton, Mo., 184 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. January 1, '62. Cornell, William, enl. June 22, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Hickman, Jacob, enl. June 22 ; killed at Chickamauga Sep- tember 19, '63. Henry, James, enl. June 22, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Miller, James, enl. June 26, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Peters, Charles, enl. June 26, '61 ; killed at Stone River December 31, '62. Slusser, John, enl. June 21, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Thompson, Richard, enl. June 15, '61 ; discharged October 11, '62 ; disability. Upton, Benjamin, recruit ; died January 9, '62. Co. C Gorhon, Serg. Samuel E., enl. June 14, '61 ; discharged August 4, '61 ; disability. Stark, Serg. Benjamin F., enl. June 14, '61 ; discharged April 17, '63 ; disability. Dawson, Corp. William S., enl. June 14, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Corporals Holdren, Marvin, enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64; mus. out December. 16, '65. Dove, John R., enl. June 14, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Hensley, William W., enl. June 14, '61 ; mus. out July 19, '65. Dyer, John W., enl. June 14, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Randall, Isaac M., enl. June 14, '61 ; died January 3, '62. Dawson, Geo. R., enl. June 14, '61 ; discharged Decembers, '61 ; disability. Lowry, Lucien W. B., enl. June 14, '61 ; killed at Stone River December 31, '62. Privates Abbott, Shadrach T., enl. June 14, '61 ; died October 5, '61. Argo, David J., enl. June 24, '61 ; died at St. Louis August 15, '63. Baker, Henry J., enl. June 24, '61 ; mus. out November 26, '64, Bowman, Daniel, enl. June 24, '61 ; dis. April 17, '63 ; disability. Bradley, Daniel C., enl. June 24, '61; mus. in 'June 28, '61. Bray, Conrad, enl. June 26, '61; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64; mus. out January 17, '66. Carson, Samuel, enl. June 24, '61; mus. in June 28, '61. Cummings, Abraham S., eid. June 14, '61 ; mus. in June 28, '61. Edwards, *Jesse M., enl. June 26, '61 ; died May 8, '62. Frank, David E.', enl. June 14, 61; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64; mus. December 16, '65, as serg. Falon, John C., enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. January 4, '64; mus. out December 16, '65. Fogy, Henry, enl. June 14, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Gum, Moses, enl. June 24, '61 ; died in Anderson ville prison January 4, '64. Grooms, Isaac, enl. June 24, '61 ; killed at Stone River December 30, '62. Gallagher, Patrick, enl. June 14, '61 ; died at Anderson ville prison March 21, '64. Grames. Isaac, enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64; mus. out Decem- ber 16, '65. Garver, John, enl. June 24, '61 ; mus. out February 22, '65. Gay, George, enl. June 14, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Hane- line, William, enl. June 14, '61; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64; PATRIOTISM OF 1'IATT COUNTY. 185 mus. out December Hi, '65. Hilliard, William J., enl. June 24, '61; tr. to Marine Brigade March 30, '63. Hannah, Peter II., enl. June 14, '61 ; died at Andersonville prison June 23, '64. Jones, John, enl. June 14, '61 ; missing at Chickamauga September 20, '63. Kirkland, Hiram J., enl. June*L4, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Keller, John, enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64 ; absent, sick at mus. out December 16, '65. Keller, Edward W., enl. June 14, '61 . ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64; mus. out December 16, '65. Lesley, Wiley, enl. June 14, '61 ; killed at Stone River December 31, '62. Levenway, Reuben, enl. June 26, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64 ; dis- charged January 8, '65 ; disability. McGinnis, Theodore W., enl. June 24, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran. Moore, Aaron, enl. June 26, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. Moffitt, Thomas, Jr., enl. June 14, '61 ; tr. to signal corps November 1, '63. Marshall, Abraham, enl. June 14, '61 ; mus. out July 5, '64. McLaughlin, John W., enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64. Mann. Thomas, enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64. McShane, James, enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64 ; mus. out December 16, '65. Mattix, Edward, enl. June 24, '61; discharged October 12, '61; disability. Newland, Robert, enl. June 24, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64 ; mus. out December 16, '65. Nichols, Jacob, enl. June 14, '61 ; re- enl. January 4, '64 ; mus. out December 16, '65. Rogers, Henry, enl. June 22, '61 ; re-enl. January 14, '64 ; mus. out December 16, '65. Rasor, James, enl. June 14, '61 ; discharged April 22, '62 ; disability. Rathbun, James, enl. June 14, '61 ; killed at Stone River December 31, '62. Staley, Geo. II., enl. June 14, '61; mus. out July 5, '64. Sanders, William, enl. June 14, '61; mus. out July 5, '64. Still, Jesse C., enl. June 26, '61 ; tr. to Co. D. as veteran ; mus. out Decem- ber 16, '65. Seymour, William, enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64; mus. out December 16, '65. Tat man, Abia, enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 4, '64; mus. out December 16, '65. Thorn, William D., enl. June 14, '61 ; re-enl. January 4, '64. Turby, Joseph, enl. June 14, '61 ; discharged May 6. '63 ; disability. Kiser, Lewis, enl. a.s veteran January 4, '64 ; mus. out December 16, '65. Sargeant, Phillip E., enl. as veteran January 4, '64; mus. in January 7, '64. Recruits PmitFett, David E.. enl. February 1, '64; mus. out December 1(5, '65. Buckley, Sylvester, enl. .March. 31, '64 ; mus. out December 16, '65. Claspill, William, discharged November 16, '63 ; disability, llaneline, Elijah, enl. January 27, '64; mus. out June 22, 186 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. '<>.">. Newport, Allen J., tr. to (Y>. D as veteran ; mus. out December 16, '65. Patterson, II ami in, enl. April 14, '64; mus. out December 16, '65. Snyder, James, mus. out July 5, '64. Skillen, John, enl. January 27, '64 ; mus. out December 16, '65. ^ TWENTY-SIXTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Privates Co. I Creen, Charles, enl. .November 8, '61 ; tr. to Co. H ; mus. out July 20, '65. Marvin, Andrew J., enl. November 8, '61 ; died at Cairo March 16, '62. Marvin, Joshua, enl. November 8, '61 ; discharged July 1, '62; disability. Smith, James W., November 8, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 1, '64 ; mus. out July 20, '65. Work- man, Francis W., enl. November 8, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 1, *64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out July 20, '65. THIRTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Co. E Recruits from 78th 111. Inf. Drager, Augustus J., enl. October 20, '64 ; mus. out July 12, '65. Grewell, Christopher II. , enl. October 20, '64 ; mus. out July 12, '65. Moore, Enos P., enl. Octo- ber 14, '64 ; mus. out July 12, '65. Wilson, John IT., enl. October 20, '64 ; mus. out July 12', '65. HISTORY OF THIRTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. . It was organized at Decatur on the 3d of July, 1861 ; was engaged in the battle of Pea Ridge March 6 and 7, 1862. Took part in the siege of Corinth. Joined Buell's army at Murfreesboro', Tenn., Sep- tember 1, 1862. Engaged in the battle of Perryville October 8. Engaged in the battle of Stone River. Engaged in the battle of Chick - ainauga September 11) and 20. Engaged in the capture of Mission Ridge November 25. Was in the Atlanta campaign. Went into camp at Chattanooga, then started for Springfield, 111., and was mus- icred out September 27, 1864. Total distance marched, 3,056 miles. Officers Co. A Tabler, Capt. Benjamin M., enl. July 3, '61 ; resigned December 20, '61. Thomas, Capt Pierre W., enl. July 3, '61 ; promoted from 1st lieut. to capt. December ~2.~>, '61 ; resigned January 31. '64. Sergeants Co. A Sowash, John, eril. July 3, '61 ; discharged for disability at St. Louis. Schoonover. Jeremiah, enl. July 3, '61 ; died in St. Louis, October 16, '61 ; Kirby, Westwood C., enl. July 3, '61 ; absent, sick, at mus. out of reg. Corporals Foster, George W. T., enl. July 3, '61 ; discharged January X, '62. Kirby, Francis M.. enl. July 3, ? 61 ; tr. to invalid PATRIOTISM OK IMATT COUNTY. 187 corps. Oilman, Noah, enl. July 3, '61 ; detailed 8th Wis. battery. Jiidd, Watson W., enl. July 3, '61 ; died in St. Louis, January 13, '62. Mahaft'ey, John, enl. July 3, '61 ; tr. to invalid corps, Ilinchey, Michael, enl. July 3, '61 ; in us. out December 27, '64. McDowell, Sylvester L.. musician, enl. July 3, '61 ; inus. out September 27, '64. Privates Band, William, enl. July 3, '61 ; mus. out September 27, '64. Cherester, Ephraim, enl. July 3, '61 ; died at St. Louis, January 16, '62. THIRTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. Co. C Frank, Frederick, enl. August 4, '61 ; discharged Febru- ary 6, '63 ; disability. Coon, Alonzo P., enl. as veteran February 20, '64 ; mus. out March 20, '66, as 1st serg. THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Co. H Davis, Isaac T., enl. June 28. HoweH, William, enl. June 28 ; killed August 16, '64. Co. I Johnson, Tho. J., enl. February 12, '04 ; rnus. out Decem- ber 6, '65, as serg. FORTY-FIRST INFANTRY. 2d Asst. Surgeon Coleman, Jno. W., enl. September 30, '62; term expired 1864. Co. A Buck, JS T atlian, enl. December 18, '63 ; tr. to Co. A, vet. liftt. Cole, Aaron, enl. January 4, '64 ; tr. to Co. A, vet. bat. Co. C Short, John, enl. August 5, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran, and tr. to Co. A, vet. bat. Lacy, Benj. F., enl. August 5, '61 ; discharged October 19, '62 ; disability. HISTORY OF FORTY-XTNTH INFANTRY. The 49th Inf. vol. was organized at Camp Butler, Illinois, Decem ber 31, 1861, by Col. W. R. Morrison, and was at Fort Donelson Feb- ruary 11, 1862. Was in battle of Shiloh April 6 and 7, and was in the siege of Corinth. In August, 1863, moved to Arkansas, returning after the capture of Little Bock to Memphis, on November 21, 1863. On January 15, 1864, three-fourths of the regiment re-enlisted, and on March 10 was assigned to the Red River expedition. Mustered out September 9, 1865, at Paducah. Kentucky, and was discharged at Camp Butler, September 1 5, 1 S65. Officers Co. D Captain Samuel Goshorn, ranked as captain May 10, '65 ; mus. in May 19, '65 ; mus. out September 9, '65. Co. E First Lieut. James M. Maguire, ranked as such October 23, '61 ; mus. in December 30, '61 ; died of wounds May S. '63. 188 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. Privates Enlisted men of Co. D Byron.,.- Noah, enl. October 11), '61 ; mus. December 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran. Burt, Harrison, enl. October 19, '61 ; mus. December 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran. Cleverstine, John, enl. November 15; mus. December 30; tr. to V. R. C. June 15, '64. Frump, Stephen, enl. November 15; mus. December 30; re-enl. as veteran. Farro, Thomas, enl. November 15; mus. De- cember 30; re-enl. as veteran. Gray, Salathiel F., enl. November 15; mus. December 30; re-enl. as veteran. Moore, Jacob, enl. December 1 ; mus. December 30; died of wounds February 20, '62. Moore, Will- iam, enl. December 1; mus. December 30; re-enl. as veteran. Peck, John, enl. December 1; mus. December 30; discharged August 26, '62; disability. Rinck, John J., enl. December 1; mus. December 30; re-enl. as veteran. Welch, Samuel J. ; enl. October 19; mus. Decem- ber 30 ; discharged May 4, '62; disability. Veterans of Co. D Goshorn, Samuel C., promoted 1st serg., then capt. Gray, Salathiel T., mus. out September 9, '65, as serg. Moore, William, enl. January 1, '64; mus. January 16, '64; mus. out Septem- tember 9, '65. Rinck, John J., mus. in January 28, '64; mus. out September 9, '65, as corp. Ward, John, mus. in January 23, '64; mus. out September 9, '65, as serg. Privates Co. E Boyd, William II., mus. in December 30, '61; re-enl. as veteran. Patterson, William S., enl. December 21, '61; mus. December 30, '61 ; mus. out January 9, '65. Veterans Pembroke, William K., enl. January 20, '64; mus. January 21, '64 ; mus. out September 9, '65, as 1st serg.; commissioned 2d Kent, but not mus. Boyd, W. H., enl. January 20, '64; mus. January 21, '64; mus. out September 9, '65, as serg. Ben well, John H., enl. January 1, '61 ; mus. January 12, '61 ; mus. out September 9, '65. Recruits Lyles, William, enl. January 1, '62 ; killed at Fort Don- elson, February 13, '62. Pembrook, William K., enl. January 1, '62; mus. June 11, '63 ; re-enl. as veteran. HISTORY OK FIFTY-FOURTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. This regiment was organized at Camp Dubois, Anna, 111., by Col. Thomas W. Harris, in November, 1861, as a part of the "Kentucky Bri- gade." Was ordered to Cairo, 111., February 24, 1862. On May 30, 1863, left Jackson for Vicksburg as a part of the Third Brigade. July 24, 1863, ordered to Helena as part of Gen. Steele's expedition against Little Rock, Arkansas. January, 1864. three-fourths of the PATRIOTISM OF PIATT COUNTY. regiment re-enlisted as veteran volunteers. A part of the regiment was captured in 1864, while guarding a portion of the Memphis A: Little Rock railroad. Were paroled and arrived at Benton Barracks September 9, 1864. Mustered out October 15, 1865, and discharged from Camp Butler October 26. Officers Co. F 2d Lieut. Joshua Tatinan, enl. December 15, '61 ; mus. in February 16, '62; re-en 1. as veteran; mus. out October 15, '65, as 1st serg. ; commissioned 2d lieut. but not mus. Serg. James Camp, enl. December 15, '61; mus. in February 16, '62 ; re-enl. as vet- eran January 1, '64; mus. out October 15, '65. Corp. Henry Wild- man, enl. December 15, '61 ; mus. in February 16, '62; re-enl. as vet- eran. Campbell Postlewait, musician ; enl. December 15, '61 ; mus. in February 16, '62. Privates Alvord, Oscar, enl. December 15 ; mus. in February 16, '62. Birch, Daniel, enl. December 15, '61 ; mus. February 16, '62 ; re-enl. as veteran. Hildreth, William, enl. December 15, '61 ; mus. in February 16, '62; re-enl. as veteran January 1, 1864; mus. out Oc- tober 15, '65. Linder, William EL, enl. December 15, '61 ; mus. in February 16, '62; re-enl. as veteran January 1, '64; mus. out January 31, '65. Pickens, William, enl. December 15, '61; mus. in February 16, '62 ; re-enl. as veteran January 1, 64 ; mus. out October 15, '65. Tatman, Riley, enl. December 15, '61 ; mus. in February 16, '62 ; re- enlisted as veteran, January 1, '64; inns, out as corp. October 15, "65. Watson, William, enl. December 15, '61 ; mus. in February 16, '62 ; mus. out February 17, '65. Veterans Campbell, John F., enl. January 1, '64; mus. in Janu- ary 25, '64; mus. out October 15, '65. Davis, Joseph M., enl. Janu- ary 1, '64 ; mus. in January 25, "64 ; mus. out October 15, '65. Recruits Kerns, Shepherd L., enl. March 26, '64; mus. out Octo- ber 15, "65. Peck, George, enl. March 26, "64; mus. out October 15. '65. SIXTY-SKCOND ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Recruits Eichinger, Daniel B.,enl. January 19, '64 ; tr. to Co. A; mus. out March <">, '66. HISTORY OK THE SIXTY-THIRD ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Was organized at camp Dubois December, 1861. Mustered into United States' service April 10, 3862. Participated in the battle of Mission Ridge, Xovember 23 and 24. After going into winter quarters at Huntsville, a portion of the men re-enlisted as veterans, and after a 13 190 HISTORY OF 1'IATT COUNTY. furlough rejoined the command at Iluntsville, June 15. On Novem- ber 11 was ordered to join Sherman. In January, 1865, started on a trip through the Oarolinas, and participated in the battles and skir- mishes of this famous campaign. Was complimented by the inspector- general of the Army of the Tennessee for the appearance of the camp and soldierly bearing of the men. Was in grand review at Washing- ton, May 24, 1865. Mustered out July 13, 1865, having traveled in all 6,453 miles. Veterans Co. D Beasley, Thomas, enl. January 4, '64 ; mus. out July 13, '65, as serg. Case, James F., enl. January 1, '64; mus. out July 13, '65. Dawson, Lewis N.,. enl. January 1, '64 ; mus. out July 13, '65. Siders, William, enl. January 1, '64 ; mus. out July 13, '65. Smith, Charles, enl. January 1, '64 ; mus. out July 13, '65, as corp. Recruits Burton, Lorenzo 1)., enl. June 1, '62 ;"~"TTius. out May 30, '65. Veterans Co. H Barnes, William II. , enl. January 1, '64 ; mus. out July 13, '65. Burch, Geo., enl. January 1, '64; mus. out July 13, '65. ' Cadwallender, Andrew, enl. January 1, '64 ; mus. out July 13, '65. Freeman, Richard J., enl. January 1, '64 ; 1st serg., dis- charged September 26, '64 ; disabled. Harmon, Jesse, enl. January 1, '64 ; mus. out July 13, 1865. Recruits Freeman, William, enl. July 19, '62; died at Jackson, Tenn., November 18, 1862. In regard to the 72d 111. Inf., we give the following from items furnished by M. A. Adams, of this county. About 94 were enrolled in Co. E, nearly one-fifth of whom, Mr. Adams reports as being from Piatt county. "The regiment rendezvoused at Chicago (Camp Douglas) and was mustered into United States service August 18, 1862, and started to Cairo August 23. Left Columbus, Ky., for the field November 21, and marched six miles south of Oxford, Miss., with apart of Grant's army. Left Memphis, March 1, 1863, with the forces that went on the Yazoo Pass expedition. Marched from Milliken's Bend to Hardtimes land- ing. Crossed over to Grand Gulf and marched to Raymond, Miss. At Champion Hills the rebels were compelled to retreat after a hard fought battle. At the Big Black River the rebels were pushed so close that they set fire to the bridge too soon, and cut off several hun- dred prisoners to us. We had to bridge this stream when we ad- vanced to within four miles of Vicksburg, May 19, 1863, and with PATRIOTISM OF PIATT COUNTY. 191 Sherman and others formed line of battle to correspond with their line of forts and breastworks twelve miles long. The face of the country was almost impassable. We had to assist each other to climb some of the hills ; besides it was difficult getting over the felled timber. On May 22 we charged the whole line, lost one-half our company, but did not take the works. We had to lay down to a siege which lasted 46 days. During this time flags of truce were sometimes put out and the Union boys and rebels met for trading purposes. On June 25 we were all called out in line of battle to take Vicksburg, when Gen. Logan blew up the Southern Confederacy, or rather a hole through the bottom of it They dug under Fort Hill and planted a magazine, which was exploded. The 45th 111. rushed into the fort, but as soon as the rebels saw the joke they rallied and compelled the 45th to retire with heavy loss. We never learned how much damage the rebels sustained, but we know they lost one negro. He was blown clear over to Gen. Logan's grounds was not hurt, only emanci- pated and scared. His photos were on sale for a year at fifty cents. On July 3 the rebels hoisted a flag of truce in token of surrender, and on the 4th we marched into the city. On August 27 our regiment was called out to arrest the Marine Brigade, which refused to go ashore .and do infantry duty. October 6 we left Vicksburg for up the river, and arrived at Paducah, Ky., November 9. Left Nashville November 14, and reached Columbia. On the 24th Hood's army attacked our pickets, and on the 28th made a. flank movement. On the 29th we started toward Franklin and marched all the time, and though we could see the rebel camp fires at night we reached Franklin before the rebels did. November 30 was spent in making breastworks. The enemy, who came on to us about 4 P.M., looked splendidly coming over the hills several columns deep, in line of battle. When they reached level ground we soon destroyed their nicely drawn lines. A number of rebels were taken prisoner here. After midnight we marched to Nashville, the rebels following at a respectable distance. At this place we received reinforcements, and on December 15 started for Hood's army. We soon captured all their works and a few of the men. We went into winter quarters at Eastport, Miss., and during the winter suffered some from scarcity of rations. Reached New Orleans February 20, and camped on Gen. Jackson's camping grounds. From there we went to Mobile Bay, and secured Fort Blakely and Mobile. After marching some time in Alabama, 192 HISTORY OF 1'I.VTT COrXTV. we started home July 19, and were mustered out at Chicago August 14, 1865."* SKVENTV-SECONU ILLINOIS INFA.NTRV. Privates Co. E Adam, Madison A., enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out August 7, '65; as corp. Dean, William S., enl. August 1, "':> : mus. out August 7, '65. Mencli, John A., enl. August 1, '62 ; died at Columbus, Kentucky, October 29, '62. Ellicott, Peter F., enl. August 9, '62 ; discharged April 13, '63; disability. Hammer, Jeremiah, enl. August 11, '62 ; discharged January IS, '64 ; disability. Ingram, Jno. W., enl. August 9, '62 ; mus. out as corp. August 7, '65. Privates Co. G Grofft, Amasa L. De, enl. August 14, '62 ; mus. out July 15, '65. MEMORANDA OF SEVENTV-THIRD REGIMENT. The regiment was organized at Camp 'Butler August, 1S62, and became a part of Gen. Buell's army. Fought nobly at Perryville. "Was in every battle fought by the army of the Cumberland, from October, '62, to the route of Gen. Hood's army, at Nashville, and winding up of the whole matter. Was in -the engagements at Perry- ville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and the succes- sion of battles from Chattanooga to the fall of Atlanta. Formed a part of Opedyke's brigade at Franklin, which saved the day and lost its last man killed in driving Hood's army from Nashville. It left the state one of the largest, and returned one of the smallest, regiments, and the officers and men were noted for bravery. It is supposed that nearlv two-thirds of the organization wasted awav bv disease, death, / O f / or battles during the three years' engagement. SKVKXTV-TIIJRI) IXFAXTRV ILLINOIS VOLl'XTEKRS. Officers Maj. Thomas Motherspaw ranked as captain of Co. D, and mus. in August 21. '<>:> ; promoted to major, September 20, '63 ; mus. June 27, '64 ; died of wounds. December IS, '64. Co. I) Capt. Jonas Jones ranked as 1st lieut. 'August 21, '62 ; promoted to capt. September 20, '<53 ; mus. in October 10, '64; honor- ably discharged May 15, '65. 1st Lieut. Henry A. Bodman, enl. as serg. July 26, '62 ; mus. in August 21, '62 ; promoted 2d lieut. December 19, '62 ; promoted to 1st lieut. September 20, '63 ; mus. in October 10, 'f the other histories, because a soldier of the county took the trouble to write it up. PATRIOTISM OF I 'I ATT COUNTY. 193 cnl. July 24, '62 ; mus. in August 21, '62 ; promoted 1st lieut. April 11, '65; mus. out June 12, '65. 2d Lieut. Reuben B. Win- chester ranked as such, and mus. in August 21, '62 ; resigned Decem- ber 16, '62. Sergeants Jones, John S. enl. July 21, '62; mus. in August 21, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65, as 1st serg. Glasgow, Martin V. B., mus. in July, '62 ; mus. in August 31, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Rickets, Barnabas, enl. July 18, '62 ; mus. in August 21, '62 ; tr. November 25, '63, to accept promotion in Colored Reg. Corporals Jones, Thomas S., enl. July 22, '62 ; mus. in August 2, '62 ; died of wounds September 20, '63. Hopkins, Richard S., enl. July 26 ; mus. in August 21, '62 ; mus. out June 12, ''65, as serg. Corporals Co. D Rush, Thomas S., enl. July 28, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65, as serg. Garver, Samuel B., enl. July 25, '62; mus. out June 12, '65 ; wounded. Gay, John, enl. July 22, '62 ; died at Kingston, Georgia. Wiley, Allen, enl. July 23, '62 ; discharged November 10, '64 ; wounds. McFadden, Benjamin, enl. July 16, '62 ; tr. to V. R. C. October 17, '64. Deter, Martin V., enl. July 22, '62 ; tr. to English corps July 20, '64. Newton, Robert, musician, enl. July 20, '62 ; rnus. out June 12, '65. Privates Abnett, James Y., enl. July 20, '62 ; tr. to Y. R. C. Albert, John M., enl. August 7, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Barnes, John, enl. July 26, '62 ; died May 16, '64 ; wounds. Bruffett, Rob- ert, enl. July 26, '62 ; discharged February 10, '63 ; disability. Branch, Edward, enl. July 26, '62 ; died at Nashville, Tennessee, December 16, '62. Bradshaw, Joseph N., enl. July 25, '62 ; tr. to English corps July 10, 62. Brown, John F., enl. July 24, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Beall, William, enl. August 7, '62 ; died at Nash- ville, Tennessee, December 23, '62. Brady, Elishman, enl. July 21, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Brown, David S., enl. August 4, '62 ; discharged April 4, '63 ; disability. Brunch, James M., enl. July 26, '62 ; died April 5, '65 ; wounds. Cooper, Levi G., enl. July 30, '62 ; died at Murfreesboro, March, '63. Crouise, John, enl. July 26, '62 ; discharged August 26, '63 ; wounds. Clover, David, enl. July 28, '62; tr. to invalid corps. Cooper, Joshua B., enl. August 12, '62; died Nashville February 12, '63. Crevisson, Thomas, enl. August 6, '62 ; discharged May 26, '65 ; wounds. Duvall, William, enl. July 25, '62 ; discharged February 12, '63 ; disability. Duvall, Benjamin, enl. August 7, '62 ; discharged February 17, '63 ; disability. Duvall, Jeremiah, enl. August 4, '62 ; discharged December 13, '62 ; disabil- 194 HISTORY OF PrATT COUNTY. ity. Dence, Wesley, enl. August 7, '62 ; died Nashville, Tennessee, December 5, '62. Ewbank, William M., enl. August 8, '62 ; dis- charged February 12, '63 ; disability. Frump, Joseph, enl. July 26, '62 ; tr. to invalid corps. Furgurson, Nathaniel L., enl. August 3, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Grundy, William H., enl. July 26, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Galbreath, Hugh, enl. July 26, '62 ; tr. to invalid corps, January 16, '64. Graham, James, enl. July 26, '62; mus. out June 12, '65. Garver, Jonas B., enl. August 7, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65, as serg. Hughs, Thomas, enl. July 23, '62; died Nashville, Tennessee, December 3, '62. Howard, Henry M., enl. July 24, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Ploward, James, enl. July 24, '62 ; discharged May 1, '63 ; disability. Hold, James W., enl. July 28, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Heath, Sam'l, enl. July 26, '62 ; died , at Nashville, Tennessee, December - 8, '62. llotts, Hiram, enl. July 26, '62 ; died at Nashville, Tennessee, December 17, '62. Heathj ,/ Allen, enl. August 12, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Hobbs, Isaac, enl. August 7, '62 ; tr. to English corps July 20, '64. Havely, Warner, enl. July 26, '62 ; died Nashville, Tennessee, December 2, '62. Idle- man, Edward B., enl. Augusts, '62 ; died at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, February 9, '63. -Johnson, Alexander, enl. August 7, '62 ; died at Nash- ville, Tennessee, November 20, '62. Knowles, William C., enl . July 23, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Knapp, Hiram, enl. August 4, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. List, Frances M., enl. July 26, '62 ; mas. out June 12, '65. Langdon, Lucien, enl. July 26, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65, as corp. Le Varnnay, Francis, enl. August 7, '62 ; died at Nashville, Tennes- see, February 23, '63. Long, William J., enl. August 9, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Mussleman, John, enl. July 21, '62 ; supposed killed November 30, '62. Mussleman, William, enl. July 26, '62 ; mus. in August 21. Miller, Elias M., enl. July 26, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Mull, Sam'l, enl. August 8, '62 ; died at Nashville, Tennessee, June 16, '63. Martin, Joseph, enl. August 7, '62 ; tr. to English corps July 20, '64. Mcdrdle, Leonard, enl August 4, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. McMillen, John C. E., enl. July 26, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65, as corp. Murkle, James II , enl. August 7, '62 ; died at Nashville, Tennessee, December 25, '62. Madden, William, enl. July 26, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65, as corp. Piper, James II., enl. August 7, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Quick, Ellsbury, enl. August 4, '62 ; mus. in August 24. Ricketts, Sam'l T., enl. July 21, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Reynolds, John, enl. July 26, '62 : mus. out June 12, '65. Rainwater, John, enl. July 26, '62 ; died at Nashville, PATRIOTISM OF PIA'IT COUNTY". 195 Tennessee, February 6, '63. Rice, William II., enl. July 28 ; dis- charged December 5, '63 ; disability. Richards, Sam'l, enl. August 7, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Sturnes, Richard M., enl. July 28, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Spencer, James C., enl. August 7, '62 ; mus. .out June 12, '65. Spencer, Samuel C., enl. August 7, '62 ; discharged February 4, '63 ; disability. Secrist, William H., enl. August 11, '62; inns, out June 12, '65. Thorn, James L., enl. July 26, '62 ; died at Stevenson, Ala., November 19, '63. Talbert, John T., enl. August 7, '62 ; mus. out June 12. '65. Yail, Jackson, enl. July 26, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Vail, Stephen, enl. July 26, '62 ; discharged Feb- ruary 8, '63 ; wounds. Williamson, Edward, enl. July 26, '62 ; mus. out June 12, '65. Watrous, Henry, enl. July 25, '65 ; discharged March 8, '63 ; wound. Weddle, John, enl. July 20, '62 ; died Decem- ber 9, '63; prisoner Danville, Va. Weddle, John H., enl. July 26, '62; mus. out June 12, '65. Watson, Hiram L., enl. August 2, '62 ; died September 20, '63 ; wounds. Watson, Charles A., enl. August 1, '62 ; died Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, May 10, '65. Williamson, John, enl. August 4, '62 ; mus. in August 21. Wilson, Sam'l, enl. August 4, '62 ; died Nashville, Tennessee, January 23, '63. Wiley, Charles M., enl. August 8, '62 : discharged October 9", '62: disability. Wiley, Geo. N., enl. August '8 ; died at Nashville, Tennessee, Decem- ber 12, '62. Zorger, Jesse, enl. August 7, '62 ; died September 2, '63 ; wounds. Yost, Aaron, recruit, mus. out June 12. '65. NINETY-NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Co. E Lonzadder, George, enl. October 20, '64, tr. to 46th III. Inf. and mus. out October 8, '65. HISTORY OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND SKVEXTII ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. It was mustered into the United States service at Camp Butler September 4, 1862, and consisted of six companies from Dewitt and four from Piatt counties. Pursued and assisted in the capture of John Morgan. Engaged with enemy near London. Had an encounter with enemy at Campbell's station November 16, and at Danbridge December 21. Was in battle at Resaca May 14 and 15, and at Kene- eaw Mountain June 18, and in the engagements thereabout and the subsequent fighting around Atlanta. Began the pursuit of Hood's army September 28, which was met November 22 at Columbia, where several days' skirmishing began. Near Columbia Pike regiment suffered a severe loss in the death of Col. Lowry, who fell mortally wounded. HISTORY OF PIATT COI'-NTY. Was in the battle of Franklin November 30. Was in the battle near Nashville. Left camp January 26, 1865, and arrived at Washington February H. After skirmishing with and pursuing the enemy until March 19, they arrived at Goldsboro March 21, where they awaited clothing and supplies for Sherman's army. Remained at Raleigh until the surrender of Johnson. Mustered out at Salisbury, N. C., June 21, 1865. Discharged July 2, 1865. Officers Col. Francis II. Lowry, commissioned capt. of Co. E September 4, '62; mus. in Septembers, '62; promoted as lieut.-col. February ., enl. August 11, '62 ; discharged June 20, '64 ; disability. McKinley, Alexander, enl. August 11, '62 ; absent sick at mus. out. Miles, Thomas S., enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65, as corp. Xorris, Daniel, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Orrison, Samuel, enl. August 11, '62 ; died at Eliza- bethtown, Ky., December 13, '62. Piter, Henry, enl. August 11, '62 ; tr. to Colviirs Battery, January 26, '63. Payne, John, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, 65. Rawlins, Charles F., enl. August 11, '62 ; died at Woodsonville, Ky., January, '63. Rhoades, John, enl. August 11, '62 ; discharged September 30, '63 ; disability. Smith, James, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '(55. Sherman, Edmond, enl. August 11, '62 ; tr. to Cohan's Illinois Battery, July 8, '63. Sherman, John, enl. August 11, '62; tr. to Colvin's Illinois Bat- tery, July 8, '63. Stinson, James W., enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Simmons, Thomas A., enl. August 1 L, '02 ; died at Knoxville, Tenn., November 22, '63. Stout, Amos, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Sutherland, Edwin J., enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out as serg. June 21, '65. Terwilliger, William, enl. August 11, '62; discharged September 4, '63 ; disability. Woolington, Harrison, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65 as corp. Wat- son, Jacob, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '('55. Wilson, William, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '(55. Welsh, Thomas F., enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out as serg. June 21, '65. Warner, 202 HISTORY OK IT ATT COUNTY. George, eril. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Williamson, William, enl. August 11, '02 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Wolf, James, enl. August 11, '65 ; discharged February 24, '63 ; disability. <>NK HUNDRED AND SEVENTH ILLINOIS INKANTRY. Officers Co. II 1st Serg. Anderson J. Williams, enl. August 11, '62 ; promoted 2d. lieut. Sergeants Kidd, Samuel J., enl. August 11, '62; promoted 2d lieut. Linder, George W., enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Hays, William, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Wise, Lafayette, enl. August 14, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Corporals Parks, Joseph B., enl. August 13, '62; tr. to V. II. C. August 12, '63. Maxey, Peter, enl. August 13, '62 ; absent sick at mus. out. Vedder, Isaac, enl. August 9, '62 ; died at Bacon Creek, Ky., May 1, '63. Gulliford, Richard, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. in September 4. Davis, Henry, enl. August 14, '62; died at New Al- bany, Ind., June 8, '64, as serg." Alexander, Richard IL, August 18, '62; rnus. out June 21, '65, as serg. Moore, Geo., enl. August 18, '62 ; died at Bement March 14, '64. Conway, Dempsey M., enl. Au- gust 11, '62 ; mus. out Junj 21, '65. Quick, Ellsberry, musician, enl. August 8, '62; mus. out June 21, '65 ; Sturm, Lemuel, wagoner, enl. August 13, '62 ; serg. detached at mus. out of reg. Privates Ater, Richard, enl. August 15, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Boss, Enoch L., enl. August 11, '62 ; tr. to V. R. C. November 15, '63. Barker, William, enl. August 13, '62 ; transferred to Colvin's 111. Bat. July 7, '63. Burch, James, enl. August 12, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65, as corp. Bryson, John A., enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Babb, Geo. W., enl. August 13, '62; tr. to Col- vin's Bat. July 7, '63. Clark, William, enl. August 9, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Chadd, John, enl. August 9, '62 ; died in Libby prison February 22, '64. Clapp, James, enl. August 13, '62 ; discharged November 7, '63 ; disability. Comb, John, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Crane, John S., enl. August 13, '62 ; absent wmmded at mus. out. Collins, Jacob, enl. August 11, '-62 ; tr. to Col- vin's Bat. January 27, '63. Drake, Capt. F., enlisted August 9, '62 ; died at Bement, 111., January 11, '63. Decker, John S., enl. August 18, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65 ; Eperson, Charles T., enl. August 22, '62 ; discharged September 11 ; disability. Everett, Wilson, enl. August 11, '62 ; tr. to Colvin's 111. Bat. January 27, '63. Fay, Jesse, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. in September 4. Fay, Richard, enl. August 13, . PATRIOTISM OF 1'IA.TT COUNTY. 203 '62 ; inns, in September 4. Frazell, Josiah, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. in September 4. Fitzpatrick, Samuel, enl. August 17, '62 ; transferred to V. R C. November 15, 63. Gtilliford, William, enl. August 9, '62; mus. in September 4. Harper, John O., enl. August 12, '62; mus. in September 4. Harshbarger, Samuel, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. in September 4. Hill, John, enl. August 18, '62 ; mus. in Sep- tember 4. Hine8, William, enl. August 15, '62. ; discharged June 2, '63 ; disability. Hastings, Thomas, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Jarvis, Levi, enl. August 13, '62; discharged May 1, '63 ; disability. Kidney, Oliver, enl. August 11, '62; died at Knoxville, Tenn., Feb- ruary 15, '64. Long, Nicholas, enl. August 8, '62 ; discharged February 9, '63 ; disability. Lewis, Erastus, enl. August 18, '62 ; tr. to Co. A. Leary, Dennis, enl. August 18, '62 ; died at Knoxville, Tenn., November 15, '63. McLaughlin, .Tames, enl. August 9, '62 ; dis- charged January 10, '63 ; disability. Morgan, Richard, enl. August 9, '62 ; died in Piatt county June 1, '65. Martin, Daniel L., enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. in September 4. Mossbarger, Peter, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Moore, Allen, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Moore, Alexander, enl. August 13, '62 ; tr. to Y. R C. February 19, '63. Mitchell, Thomas J., enl. Aug. 13, '62 ; detached at mus. out. McGaffey, William, enl. August 9, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65, as corp. Naughton, Rsuben D., enl. August 9, '62; mus. out June 21, '65. Neal, John M., enl. August 14, '62; dis- charged January 30, '63 ; disability. Quigel, James, enl. August 9, '62 ; discharged January 14, '63, disability. Quick, Isaac, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '35, as corp. Quick, Isaiah, enl. August 14, '62 ; tr. to V. R C. November 15, '63. Rubel, Jonathan, enl. August 9, '62 ; killed at Nashville, Tenn., November 21, '64. Rose, William, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. in September 4. Randall, Ebenezer, enl. August 12, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65, as corp. Rowan, Robert, enl. August 13. '62 ; died at Woodsonville, Ky., February 10, '63. Stash- rote, John, enl. August 8, '62 ; mus. in September 4. Spangler, Marion, enl. August 9, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Smetters, George, enl. August 12, '62 ; discharged September 9, '63 ; disability. Shonk- wiler, N. B., enL August 13, '62; mus. out June 21, '65. Shonkwiler, J. W., enl. August 13, '62; tr. to Colvin's III. Bat. January 27, '63. Sanders, Jackson, enl. August 13, '62 ; discharged September 29, '63 ; disability. Stinehouser, John, enl. August 13, '62 ; discharged August 1, '63 ; disability. Sorrels, Marquis, enl. August 11, '62 ; died at New Albany, Indiana, May 14, '61. Trowbridge, Enoch, enl. August 13, 204 HISTORY OF 1MATT OUXTY. '62 ; died at Woodsonville, Ky., January .'51, '03. Terry], J. X., enL August 17, '02; discharged April L, '03; disability. Willis, Joshua, enl. August 11, -(12; mus. out .June 21, '05. Wildnwn, Frances M., enl. August 13, '02; killed at Lost Mountain June 17. '04. Wilhelm, Martin, enl. August 13, '62; mus. in September 4. Wilburn, John T.,enl. August 13, '02 ; tr. to V. II. C. Xovember 15, '03. White. Fountain F., enl. August 14, '02 ; discharged September 17, '02 ; disa- bility. Wollington, Jacob, enl. August 1.1, '02; died at Bement, HI., July 5, '04. Williams, Clarkson, enl. August 13, '02; tr. to Co. K. Willis, William E., enl. August 11, '02 ; died at Knoxville, Tenn., March 10, '04. Recruits Babb, Thomas J., enl. December t. '<>:> ; discharged December 2, '04 ; wounds. Boles, John, enl. December 11, '03 ; died at Chattanooga .Tune 19, '04 ; wounds. Bogard, William E., enl. December 9, '03; died at Louisville, Ky., December 19, '04 ; wounds. Kidney, Henry, enl. December 11, '03; killed at Franklin, Term., Xovember 30, '04. Co. K -1st Serg. Andrew Hutsinpellar, enl. August 11, '02; mus. out June 21, '05, as serg. Sergeants Jones, Geo. B., enl. August 11, '02 ; mus. out May 13, '05. Higman, Chas. L., enl. August 11, '02; tr. to V. R. C. December 1, '03. Peck, David, enl. August 11, '02; mus. out June 21, '05. Corporals Hodges, Augustus M.,'enl. August 13, '02 ; mus. out May 13, '05. Temple, A.dam, enl. August 11, '02 ; inus. out June 21, '05. Morris, George, enl. August 1, '02; mus. out .June 21, '05. Patterson, Crawford, enl. August 11, '02 ; mus. out June 21, '05. McKinney, Thomas X., enl. August 11, '02 ; mus. out June 21, '05. Peck, Peter II., musician, enl. August 11, '02 ; mus. out June 21, '05. Rickets, Alexander, enl. August 11, '02 ; mus. out June 21, '05. Privates Ater, John, enl. August 11, '02 ; mus. out June 21, '05. Brown, Marion, August 11, '02 ; died, Knoxville, Tenn,, Decem- ber 23, '03. Cole, Monroe, enl. August 11, '02; mus. out June 21, '05. Cornell, John, enl. August 11, '02 ; mus. out June 21, '05. Cornell, Joseph, enl. August 11, '02 ; absent sick at muster out. Coom Franklin, enl. August 11, 05 ; died at Jeffersonville, July 4, '04. Drum, Eli, enl. August 11, '02; mus. out June 21, '05. Drum, Jacob, enl. August 11, '02 ; absent sick at muster out. Denmon, Theodore F., enl. August 11, '02; discharged March 31, '05; dis- ability. Funk, Sam'l, enl. August 11, 02 ; mus. out June 21, '05. A THE "RSil/ OF ILLINOIS PATRIOTISM OF 1'IATT OOUNTY. 207 Fleraming, James, enl. August 11, '62 ; inns, out June 21, '65. Grove, Robert C., enl. August 11, '62 ; nius. out June 21, '65. Gale, William II., enl. August 11, '62; mus. out June 21, '65. Hallstead, Elliott, enl. August 11, '62 ; died near Kenesaw Mountain, July 1, '64. Howell, William, enl. August 11, '62 ; discharged August 25, '63 ; disability. Heath, Frederick, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Heminger, Andrew, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Jones, Shepherd II., enl. August 11, '62; mus. out July 21, '65. Linton, Walter, enl. August 16, '62 ; died at Madison, Indiana, April 7, '64. McKay, Charles S., enl. August n, '62; mus. out June 21, '65. Morgan, John, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. McCollister, Isaiah, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. McKay, Thomas, enl. August 15, '62 ; detached at mus. out of regi- ment. Peck, Amos, enl. August 11, '62 ; died at Cerro Gordo, January 26, '65. Rhodes, Alexander, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Stickel, Valentine B., enl. August 11, '62; mus. out June 21, '65. Sheppard, James, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Williams, James II., enl. August 11, '62; mus. out June 21, '65. Ward, William C., enl. August 11, '62 ; died July 11, '64 ; wounds. Williams, Joseph, enl. August 11, '62 ; mus. out June 21, '65. Unassigned recruits Kidney, Sam'l, enl. December 11, '63 ; tr. to 65th 111. Randall, Geo. W., enl. December 9, '63 ; tr. to 65th 111. ONE IIUNDKED AND FIFTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Co. F Helms, Jacob A., enl. August 9, '62 ; discharged January 8, '65 ; wounds. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Corporals Co. A Rodgers, William M., enl. August 9, '62 ; died Marietta, Ga,, September 20, '64; wounds. Havely, Lafayette R,, enl. July 21, '62; tr. to invalid corps January 15, '64. Privates Bouser, CaryT., enl. August 21, '62; died June 17, '63; wounds. Caulk, Albert, enl. August 9, '62; died April 9, '64; And- erson ville prison. Falconer, Enoch McL., enl. August 6, '62 ; died Milliken's Bend, La., April 18, '63. Fields, John, enl. August 9, '62; mus. out June 7, '65. Jones, George A., enl. August 21, '62; died Yazoo Bottom, Miss. , December 31, '62. Recruits Bailey, James A., enl. January 26, '64 ; died Larkins- ville, Ala., February 27, '64. Belzer, James M., enl. January 26, 14 208 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. '64 ; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Bouser, Thomas, January 26, '62 ; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Ely the, Joseph H., cul. January 28, '62; tr. to Co. H, 55th III. Clay, William, enl. January 26, '62; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Davis, Alexander K., enl. January 4, '62; tr. to Co. H, 55th, 111. Gromley, Aquilla, enl. January 26, '62 ; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Gromley, Jiles W., enl. January 28, '62; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Lesley, John, enl. January 26, '62 ; died at Rome, Ga., September 20, '64. Lux, Peter, enl. January 26, '62 ; tr. to Co. II, 55th 111. McKcc, James W., enl. January 4, '64 ; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Minick, Josiah, enl. January 28, '64; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Miller, Joseph, enl. January 26, '64 ; tr. to Co. II, 55th 111. Peck, James, enl. January 26, '64 ; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Peck, Jerome, enl. January 26, '64 ; tr. to Co. H, 55th 111. Steweard, Josiah D., enl. January 26, '64; killed at Jonesboro, Ga., August 31, '64. Steweard, John W., enl. January 26, '64 ; died at Marietta, Ga., July 18, '64. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. Officer Co. G 2d lieut. William H. Smith, commissioned Feb- ruary 14, '65; resigned June 20, '65. SECOND ILLINOIS CAVALRY. Officers Co. F Bowman, Reuben, ranked as capt. August 24, '61 ; resigned June 17, '62. Musser, Mel villeH., ranked 1st lieut. August 24, '61 ; promoted to capt. June 17, '62 ; tr. to Co. A. Shannon, NeilT., ranked as 2d lieut. August 24, '61 ; promoted 1st lieut. June 17, '62 ; killed in battle August 30, '62. Stickel, Isaiah, ranked as 2d lieut. June 17, '62 ; promoted 1st lieut. August 30, '62 ; tr. to Co. A as consoli- dated ; inns, out April 4, '66. Leib, Levi II., ranked as 2d lieut. August 30, '62 ; died of wounds. Cox-, Joseph E., ranked as 2d lieut. September 26, '62 ; resigned February 28, '63. Wildman, Stephen C., ranked as 2d lieut. February 28, '63 ; honorably dis- charged June 14, '64. Kirby, John, enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enl. a veteran January 5, '64 ; ranked as serg. June 14, '64, and tr. to Co. A as consolidated; mus. out November 22, '65. Clark, Warren C., hospital steward, enl. July 30, '61 ; promoted serg.-maj. Inlow, Harrison, enl. July 30, '61 ; furloughed July 8, '62. Skillings, Charles II., enl. July 30, '61 ; died Bird's Point, Missouri, December 26, '61. Corporals Weedman, Thomas S., enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged August 11, as quarter master-serg. Madden, Silas W., enl. July 30, '61 ; PATRIOTISM OF 1'IATT COTXTY. 209 re-enl. as veteran January 5, T>4 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Monroe, James, enl. July 30, '61 ; killed at Holly Springs December 20, V>2. Storey, Andrew T., enl. July 30, '61; killed at Holly Springs December 20, '62. Carney, Robert, enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out July 21, '65. Tinder, Americus B., bugler, enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged August 14, '63 ; wounds. Moore, Samuel, enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged May 8, '62; disability. Wildman, Stephen C., enl. July 30, '61 ; promoted 2d Kent. Stedman, Byron W., wagoner; enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enli as veteran January 5, '64 ; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '65. Privates Anderson, James W., enl. July 30, '61 '; re-enl. as vet- eran ; t*. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '65, as 1st serg. Bradley, Caleb, eUl: Jirty 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '64 ; mus. out November 22, '65, as serg. Bowman, John, enl. July 30, '61 ; dis- charged May 12, '62. Barnes, John^M., enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged April 24, '62. Burns, Robert L., enf. July 30, '62; discharged April 24, '62. Bushee, John E., enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran. Batty, Edmond, enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged June 14, '63 ; disability. Dennis, Francis, enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran. Diller, John E., enl. July 30, '61; discharged April 24, '63. Doran, Peter, enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged August 11, '64; term expired. Elerton, Chester, enl. July 30, '61 ; killed at Bolivar, Tennessee, August 30, '62. Emerson, Albert, enl. July 30, '61 ; enl. as veteran January 5, '64 ; tr. to Co. A as consolidated ; mus. out November 22, '65. Gil- bert, Truman, enl. July 30, '61 ; tr. to Co. E. Holl ings worth, James H., enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged December, '61 ; disability. Hide, William, enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; sick at mus. out of regiment. Huston, Henry, enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out Novem- ber 22, '65. Huddleston, Samuel W., enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged March 26, '63 ; disability. Ilubbart, Harrison, enl. July 30, '61 ; re- enl. as veteran January 5, '64 ; corp. discharged for promotion in 4th U. S. col. cav., April 18, '64. Jones, Albert, enl. July 30, '61 ; killed at Holly Springs, Missouri, December 20. '62. Knight, Arad, enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran. Lute, Joseph, enl. July 30, '61 ; re- en], as veteran January 5, '64; tr. to Co. A. Leigh, George A., enl. July 30, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '64 ; mus. out June 24, '65, as serg. Linton, John Z., enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged May 26, '62; List, William E., enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged August 11, '64 ; term expired. Morris, Jeffrey, enl. July 30, '61 ; discharged December, '61 ; 210 IHSTOUY (>K 1MATT < orNTY. disability. Miller, George, enl. 'July 30, '01; re-eiil. as veteran Janu- ary 5, '64; tr. to Co. A; inns, out November 22, '05, as serg. McFadden, John M., enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged August 11, '04 ; term expired. Miles, Edward B., enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged August 11, '04. Marton, Frank M., enl., July 30, '01; re-enl. as vet- eran January 5, '04. Moore, George W., enl. July 30, '01 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '04 ; tr. to Co. A as consolidated. McComb, Cyrus C., enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged December 10, '02 ; disability. Maranville, Francis M., enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged August 11, '04 ; term expired. Millisson, Omer II., enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged August 11, '04, as serg. Pattisoii, Lysander W., enl. July 30; '01 ; promoted bat. adj. Payne, George W., enl. July 30, '01 ; re-enl. as veteran ; tr. to Co. A. Pemberton, Richard II., enl. July 80, '01; mus. in August 12. Pifer, Theodore, enl. July. 30, '01 ; re-enl. as vet- eran ; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '05, as serg. Ryder, Watkins L., enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged August 11, '04, as 1st serg. Settle, Abraham, enl. July 30, '01 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '04 ; tr. to Co. A. Sullivan, Benjamin F., enl. July 30, '00 ; re-enl. as vet- eran January 5, '04 ; tr. to Co. ; mus. out November 22, '05. Sparks, Samuel J., enl. July 30, '01; discharged July 20, '02; disability. Shumaker, Jeremiah, enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged August 14, '03 ; wounds. Shafer, Peter, enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged August 11, '04 ; term expired. Tilth ill, .John W., enl. July 30, '01 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '04 ; mus. out June 24, '05, as 1st serg. Weaver, George R., enl. July 30, '01 ; re-enl. as veteran ; tr. to Co. A as consolidated; mus. out November 22, '05. Watson, Martin W., enl. July 30, '01; killed at Bolivar, Tennessee, August 30, '02. Workman, Isaac L., enl. July 30, '01 ; re-enl. as veteran .January 5, '(54 ; tr. to Co. A. Wimmer, William, enl. July 30, '01 ; re-enl. as veteran January 5, '04; tr. to Co. A; mas. out November 22. '05. Webb, Richard, enl. July 30, '01 ; discharged July 24, '02. Veterans Alban, John T., enl. January 5, '05 : tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '05, as serg. Donahoe, Hugh, enl. January 5, '04 ; mus. out June 11, '05. Goodspeed, William, enl. January 5. '04 ; mus. out June 12, '05. Jelly, Cornelius, enl. January 5. '04 ; mus. out March 20, '05. Riley, Patrick, enl. January 5, V>4 ; tr. to Co. A. Stickel, Fletcher A., enl. January 5, "04 ; mus. in February 5. Recruits Anderson, John, enl. February 12, '04 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '05, as serg. Arrowsmith, John W.. enl. February 29, '04 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out August 24. '05. Betts, PATRIOTISM (IF PIATT COUNTY. 211 Jonathan, enl. August 13, '62 ; mus. out June 11, '65. Bowdel, Jesse W., enl. November 21, '03 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '05. Burns, William II., enl. November 21, '63 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. November 22, '65. Bailey, William F., enl. January 15, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Coon, .William, enl. November 21, '63 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 4, '65. Copeland, Marion, enl. January 19, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Dixon, Will- iam, enl. November 21, '63 ; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 4, '65. Deai'dufF, David W., enl. January 19, '64; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out No- vember 22, '65. Durham, Samuel, enl.* February 29, '64; tr. to Co. A. Follensby, David, died at I)u Quoin February 8, '63. Hill, Thomas, enl. August 13, '62 ; discharged August 14, '63 ; wounds. Huffman, Cyrus 8., enl. August 13, '02 ; discharged February 27, '63 ; disability. Hall, Robison, enl. March 17, '64 ; died at Baton Rouge, La., September 5, '64. Haney, Robert, enl. February 14, '64 ; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '65, as corp. Hubbart. Jacob P., enl. February 10, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Hall, Erastus, enl. February 8, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Jones, Taylor, enl. January 4, '64; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '65. Kious, John, enl. August 14, '62 ; died La Orange, February 4, '63. Kelley, Henry C., enl. January 5, '64 ; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '65. Lacey, Benjamin, enl. Jan- uary 5, '64 ; mus. out June 22, '65; List, John D., enl. February 9, "64 ; died Montrcello, February 15, '64. Moore, Joseph, enl. August 13, '62 ; discharged November 15, '63 ; disability. Morris. John D., enl. August 19, '62 ; died June 27, '63. McMillian, William, dis- charged November 21, '64. Moore, John, enl. November 21, '(53 ; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 4, '65. Moftett, Edward II., enl. February 5, '(54 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '(55. Mussel- man, Jacob G., enl. .January 25, '64; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '(55. Musselman, Benjamin, enl. January 15, '64 ; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '(55. Monham, William, enl. Jan- uary 4, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Nelson, James B.. enl. January 19, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out September 25, '65. Pifer, Cornelius, enl. August 14, '64; died at Memphis Sep- tember 30, '63. Perry, David P., enl. November 21, '63; killed near Alexandria, La., May 1, '64. Patterson, William P., enl. February 19, ^04 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. November 22, '65. Robertson, George P., enl. March 12, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Robbins, John W., enl. January 15, '04 ; tr. to Co. A. Stein, William II., 212 HISTORY OF 1'IA'IT COUNTY. enl. March 23, '64 : tr. to Co. A ; mus. out. November 22, '65. Six, Daniel G., enl. March 19, '64; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out Novem- ber 22, '65. Six, Dorson, enl. March 17, '64; died June 4, '64. Swisher, Calvin, enl. January 19, '64 ; tr. to Co. A. Stickel, Charles W., enl. January 15, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out September 18, '65. Welsh, David 'C., enl. March 23, '64; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Williams, Samuel T., enl. March 23, '64 ; died Monticello, January 18, '65. West, Hiram, enl. February !), '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Bolen, John, enl. September 8, '64 ; tr. to Co. A. Carter, Peter, enl. Sept. 8 '64 ; tr. to Co. ; mus. out July 22, '65. Field, John, enl. September 8, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Grant, Charles, enl. Sep- tember 15, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Co. I Veterans: Coffman, Aaron, enl. January 5, '64; mus. out June 10, '65. Nowlin, Elijah B., enl. January 5, '64 ; mus. out June 10, '65. Recruits Blasdell, James W., enl. August 16, '62 ; mus. out June 10, '65. Blasdell, Jacob W., enl. August 16, '62; discharged January 1, '64 ; promoted. Crosby, Lewis, enl. November 17, '63 ; killed at Mansfield, Louisiana, April 8, '64. Friesner, Henry C., enl. August 16, '62; discharged August 10, '63; disability. Kauflfman, E. B. enl. August 11, '62 ; tr. to Co. C. FIFTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. Co. B Privates : Bell, Joseph, enl. August 27, '61 ; tr. to V. It. ( '. October 1, '63. Davis, Thomas E., enl. August 27, '61 ; discharged May 12, '63 ; disability. Dowdirig, John C., enl. August 27, '61 ; died at Helena, Arkansas, March 4, '63. Honnman, James, enl. August 27, '61 ; died at Benton Barracks, December 31, "63. Ityce, Daniel, enl. August 27, '61 ; died at Vicksburg, October 11, '63. Itiggen, Wilson, enl. August 27, '61 ; died at St. Louis, February 21, '63. Itiggeu, Geo. W., enl. August 27, '61 ; died at St. Louis. February 21, Y>3. Shire, Jeremiah, enl. August 27, '61 ; died at Helena, Arkansas, March 5, '63 ; wounds. SKVKXTII ILLINOIS CAVALRY. Co. I Privates: Merricks, Akmzo X.. enl. December 24, '63; mus. out November 4, '65. HISTORY OF THK TENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. Was organized at Camp Butler, Illinois, November 25, 1861. After November 13, 1862, formed a part of the Army of the Frontier 1'ATKIOTISM OF 1'IATT C.orXTV. 213 and operated from Springfield, Missouri, to Kane Hill, Arkansas ; portion of cavalry participated in battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas, December 7, 1862. Regiment mustered out of service November 22, 1865, at San Antonio, Texas ; ordered to Springfield, Illinois, for final payment and discharge. Co. A Officers: Samuels, David A., corp.. enl. September 21, '61; re-enl. as veteran. Halderman, Samuel N., farrier, enl. September 21, '61 ; discharged October 24, '63 ; disability. Wolf, Emerson, wagoner, enl. September 21, '61 ; discharged May 20, '62. Privates Conner, Edward, enl. September 21, '61 ; died at Spring- field, Mo., July 15, '62. Coneen, Michael, enl. September 21, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran. Connelly, John, enl. September 21, '61 ; died Rapp's Landing, Ark., September 29, '62. Hardman, Patrick, enl. September 21, '61 ; died at Coldwater, Miss., December 8, '62. Kofler, Joseph, enl. September 21, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran, January 3, '64. Lynn, John A., enl. September 21, '61; died at Oldtown Landing, Ark., September 9, '62. Miller, John G., enl. September 21, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 3, '64. Rodgers, Joseph, enl. September 21, '61; mus. out December 30, '64. Sindle, Thomas J., enl. Septem- ber 21, '61; died Little Rock, Ark., September 16. '63. Veterans Coneen, Michael, enl. January 3, '64 ; tr. to Co. A ; mus. November 22, '65, as corp. O'Brian, John, enl. January 3, '64 ; tr. to Co. A; mus. November 22, '65. Samuel, David A., farrier, enl. January 3, '64 ; tr. to Co. A; absent sick at mus. out. Recruits Brushwiler, Hanson, enl. January 17, '62 ; discharged April 13, '63 ; disability. Green, Gilbert, enlisted January 2, '64; tr. to Co. A; mus. out November 22, '65. "VVilkins, Lewelin, enl. December 31, '63; tr. to Co. A ; mus. out November 22, '65. Co. L Officers Swart/, Jacob, corp.; enl. September 21, '61; re-enl. 'as veteran January 3, '64 ; mus. out November 22, '65, as corp. Irwin, John, farrier, enl. September 21, '61; discharged June 17, '62; disability. Privates Cole, William IL, enl. September 21, '61 ; died at Camp Bloomington, Mo., February 18, '62. Graham, Thomas, enl. September 21, '61 ; re-enl. as veteran January 3, '(54; mus. out November 22, '65, as corp. Madden, James N.. enl. September 21, '61 ; mus. out De- cember 30, '64. Madden, Francis M., enl. September 21, '61; mus. out December 30, '64, as bugler. Recruits Barber, Charles W.. enl. August IS, "02 ; discharged March 30, '63; disability. 214 HISTORY OF 1'IATT COUNTY. SIXTEENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. Private Co. L Ivey, Peter, enl. August 6, '63 ; was prisoner ; absent at mus. out. FIRST REGIMENT LIGHT ARTILLEKY. Battery K (Colvin's Battery) Babcock, Elias, enl. August 11, '62 ; inus. out June 19, '65. Barker, William, enl. August 15, '62 ; mus. out June 19, '65. Babb, George M., enl. August 13, '61 ; mus. out June 19, '65. Collins, Jacob, enl. August 11, '61 ; mus. out June 19, '65. Etherton, Henry PL, enl. August 11, '111 ; mus. out June 19, '65, as 1st serg. Evertt, Wilson Y., enl. August 11, '61; mus. out May 25, '65. Ellis, John R.. enl. August 14, '61 ; died near Knoxville, Tenn., January 28, '64. Hays, Elijah, enl. August 11, '61 ; rnus. out June 19, '65, as corp. Miller, Jacob, enl. August 13, '61 ; mus. out June 19, '65, as corp. Nassalrod, Jesse, enl. August 13, '61 ; mus. out June 19, '65, as corp. Mitchell, Nelson, enl. August 13, '61 ; mus. out June 19, '65. Pifer, Henry, enl. August 11, '61 ; mus. out June 19, '65. Rowlen, Leonard, enl. August 13, '61; mus. out June 19, '65, as artificer. Rowlen, Henry, enl. August 13, '61 ; mus. out June 19, '65. Shonkwiler, Jacob W., enl. August 13, '61; mus. out June 19, '65, as corp. Smith, Alexander, enl. August 13, '61 ; dis- charged October 26, '64. Sherman, John, enl. August 11, '61 ; died at Monticello November 9, '64. Sherman, Edmund, enl. August 11, '61 ; mus. out May 25, V>f>. CHAlTKPt X. TIN-; < SNOW-BIRDS" AND T1IKIK RKLATIVKS." "A /T R. GEORGE HAYWORTII was the first man to settle within the limits -L'_L of what is now Piatt county. He came to Illinois from Tenne- see with a colony of Quakers. Some went to Tax well county, and some to Vermilion county, while Mr. Play worth came to this county in the spring of 1822. He built a small log cabin on what is now W. E. Lodge's place in Monticello. Soon after he, with the assistance of some Indians, built near the other a larger cabin, which is still stand- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Hayworth had four children, two girls and two *In thi.s chapter we include the sketches of those persons who came to the county previous to the deep snow. THK ''sxow-KiKns" 1 AND THKIR RELATIVES. 215 boys. Mr. Hayworth lived in his new home about three years when lie went to Danville to school his children. In 1829 he owned a hewed log house, the largest residence in Danville. MR. JAMES MARTIN, formerly from Kentucky, came from Ohio to Illinois in 1822. In the fall of 1822 he settled in what is now Piatt county. lie built a little log cabin near where Mr. Nath. Rhoades' barn now stands. During Mr. Martin's first season at his new home his wife died, and he sold out his claim to a gentleman by the name of Daggot. Mr. Martin then went back to Indiana and persuaded his niece, Mrs. Furnace, and nephew, John Martin, to move to Illinois. They all came west, and camped from fall to spring near where Mr. Jim Blacker now lives. In the spring a cabin was built near the camping place. These people were living in their camp when Mr. Abraham Ilenline, sr., made his first visit to this section of the coun- try, Mrs. Furnace had two children, Nancy and Sam. Nancy is still living. Her first husband's name was Jacob Oline. Mr. Ingram, who is now dead, became her last husband. Mrs. Furnace and Mr. John Martin both died in the old cabin where they moved in the spring after their season of camping out. Their remains lie in the Wright burying ground. Mr. James Martin went to Indiana about 1831 and died there. MR. DAGGOTT bought Mr. Martin's claim on what is now a portion of Mr. lihoades' land. Mr. and Mrs. Daggott had five children, two girls and three boys. After living here about two years they left their claim and went to Big Grove Urbana in Champaign county. It is related by the old settlers of the county that Mr. Daggott spent one winter in capturing and penning up wolves, with the hope that the legislature would pass a law pay ing a bounty for wolf skins. Mr. D. had several wolf traps in different parts of the county. Quite a num- ber of years afterward the remains of some of the traps could be seen. The bones of deer and hogs were scattered in their vicinity. At one time Mr. Daggott had as many as ten or twelve wolves in a rail pen in his dooryard. Mr. Daggott had a tanyard near the bridge, not far from Mr. Nath. lihoades' house. MRS. HARDING INGRAM nee Nancy Furnace, who came to the county in 1822, thus having lived longer in Piatt county than any one else, was born in Kentucky in 1818. Her folks came to the county in Octo- ber, 1822, and stayed at what was afterward known as the Terry place. The next fall they moved to where Jim Blacker now lives and camped there. The family included her mother, brother, uncle and herself. 216 HISTOKY OF PIATT COUNTY. In the spring of 1824 a house was put up and Mr. Henline's people came the same year. Mrs. Ingram, when a child, was a warm friend of the Indian children and used frequently to play with them. She first married Mr. Jacob Cline. He died leaving three children, only one of whom is living. Jane married John Wilson. One child, Nancy J., is still living. Jacob Cline married E. Caroline Story, has four- children Jennie, Steven, Gertrude and Aimer M. and lives with his mother. Mr. Harding Ingram became Mrs. Cline's second husband. Two of their children are now living. Of these, Susan first married Samuel Shoe, by whom she had one child, Charles. She next married William Baker. Maggie, the wife of Aimer Heath, has one child, Ora May, and lives in Sangamon township. Mrs. Ingram's youngest son was killed by being thrown from a horse in 1865. In about two months afterward Mr. Ingrain was killed almost instantly by being thrown from a loaded wagon on his way home from Champaign. MR. NATHAN HKNLINE. The next season after the siege of Boones- borough, a family moved on pack-horses from North Carolina to Kentucky. Abraham Henline, a lad eighteen years old, was a mem- ber of this family, which remained in Kentucky for a time. Mr. A. Henline married Elsie Mosslander, who formerly was from New Jersey. After the birth of one child these people moved to Ohio, and while living there nine more children were born. Of this family of ten children, the next to the youngest was named Nathan, and it is he who is the subject of this sketch. Nathan was born November 22, 1815. In 1822 Mr. Abraham Henline with his wife and four of his sons Abraham, Jacob, James and Nathan moved to Illinois. They stopped for a time on Fancy creek, within nine miles of Springfield. Mr. Henline did not feel quite satisfied to remain there permanently without first looking over the country somewhat. In the midst of his indecision he met with Mr. Martin, a man whom lie used to know in Ohio. Mr. Martin had come west previously and had decided to locate within the present limits of Piatt county. He had gone to Springfield to have a pair of shoes made, and while in that vicinity had heard of Mr. Henline, and upon meeting him, spoke so highly of the country where he expected to live that. Mr. Henline was induced to accompany him home. Mr. Henline, taking his son Abraham along, started to look up a place for permanent location. He was satisfied with the country in Mr. Martin's vicinity and went back home to prepare for moving. THE "SNOW-BIRDS" AND THEIR RELATIVES. 217 During the short time that Mr. Ilenline had lived on Fancy Creek, death had come into his family, and the wife and mother had been taken away. Accordingly, then, Mr. Ilenline, with only his four sons started to their new home in the spring of 1824. The first house they saw on their way was at Mechanicsburg ; the next was owned by Mr. Stevens, on Stevens creek. The trading-house on the Sangamon, about two miles below the mouth of Friends creek, was .the next house they reached. Mr. Hay worth's, within the present limits of Monticello, was the fourth house they had seen since leaving Fancy Creek. Mr. Ilenline took a claim of 160 acres and built a cabin near Coon's Spring, north of Monticello, and with his sons kept batchelor's hall a number of years. This new home was taken possession of in April of 1824, and immediately was begun the work of clearing a place for corn. After fifteen or twenty acres were cleared, and after the crop was laid by, a misfortune came to these new settlers. All but one of the five horses they brought with them died from the effects of fly and mosquito bites. Everything that could be thought of was resorted to during the season to destroy or- keep off these dreaded insects. Fires were built, near the horses with the hopes that the smoke would keep them away, and the horses were sometimes seen to roll in the very midst of the coals of fire. After the loss of the horses, oxen were used instead. At this time there were plenty of wild hogs all through the woods. One day Nathan and his brother James found two wild sows with their pigs in a bed of leaves and straw. James slipped up and caught one of the sows by the hind legs, which action caused a great scat- terment among the pigs, but James held fast to his prize, while Nathan and the dogs secured the other hog. These hogs with their pigs, were kept penned up for awhile and then let out. when their natural instincts led them to seek their home in the forest again. The little pigs had become tame and were readily kept at home. It will be seen by the dates mentioned that Nathan Ilenline was about nine years old when he came to the county. At this time he was a hale, hearty, fun-loving .boy. He early learned the use of a gun and has been a hunter ever since. The Kickapoo and Pottawa- tomie Indians in this vicinity outnumbered the white people, so it was to them that Nathan looked for company. He soon made many last- ing friends among the Indian boys, and for several years was almost constantly with his swarthy playmates. He learned to be almost as HISTORY OF PI ATT roiNTY. swift on foot as the Indians, and' their arts of fishing and trapping wore made known to him. An Indian squaw made him a present of a buckskin hunting shirt. This was of great service to him and was in us"e for many years. It would have been very romantic had this palefaced youth fallen in love with some beautiful Indian maiden but he didn't. He did something vastly more sensible. He met, loved and married Sarah Souders, who lived in the northeast part of what is now Piatt county. Sarah, the daughter of Peter and Mary Souders, was born in Yir- ginia, in August, 1818. Her parents moved from Lee county, Virginia, to Edgar county, Illinois, in 1830. In 1832 they moved to what is known as the Argo settlement, in Piatt county. Mr. and Mrs. Sou- ders lie buried near this home, where they both had selected their burying-placc. Of the family of eleven children, only two are now living Mrs. Henline and one brother in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Souders somewhat reluctantly gave their consent to the marriage of their daughter to Mr. Nathan Henline. His worldly possessions were quite meager, and, too, the extreme youth of both parties was an objection. However, all arrangements that could be made in those times were resorted to for the approaching marriage. Maple sugar was pre- pared and sold in Pekin for breadstuff and for Sarah's wedding dress. The dress was made of white goods that cost 75 cents per yard, and its style was very simple. A draw-string drew it together at the neck and another string answered for a belt. Mr. Souders tanned leather and made Sarah's wedding shoes. Mr. Henline bought his wedding clothes in Pekin. 1 1 is wedding shoes were the third pair he had ever had, and his wedding shirt was done up by a little boy. The 12th of November, 1833, was chosen for the wedding day, and when the eventful time arrived, Mr. Abe Hen- line started to Big drove now Urbana -for Squire Byers to perform the marriage ceremony. When he arrived at Big Grove, the squire was not there and Mr. Henline had to hunt him up. This additional ride delayed him so that the folks at Mr. Souders' had given up their coming that night. Near eleven o'clock, when preparations for retir- ing were about to be made, Mr. Henline arrived with the squire. Hurried preparations were made, and the couple were about to step forward to be united, when some one remembered that the license was gotten in Champaign county. As Mr. Souders resided in what was THE "SNOW-BIROS" AND THEIR RELATIVES. then Macon county, the marriage would be illegal it' performed in his house. Again the marriage was delayed until the wedding party, bearing burning sticks of wood for torches, marched over beyond the county line into Champaign county. There, in the woods, near mid- night of the 12th of November, 1833, the young couple were made one. The company returned to Mr. Souders' for the night. In the midst of the remaining night Sarah was awakened by her mother rush- ing into the room and saying: "Sally, get up and prepare to meet your God, the stars are all falling ! " The folks all rushed to the doors and windows and beheld that great meteoric shower of 1833. There was a good deal of superstition in the world even at that late day, and it is not strange that many, upon beholding that unusual scene, felt that some great judgment was laid upon them. After staying with Mrs. Henline's folks awhile, Mr. Henline, with the labor of making 100 rails, bought a claim and cabin near the Cham- paign county line. Mr. Henline, in speaking of his early married days, says : "I tell you, we were poor we were worse than poor." "We hadn't a plate, and were obliged to make pieces of bark serve the place of plates.'' " We had just one fork, which we have yet." This fork was presented to Mr. Henline by the Indians, and is known to be fifty-three years old. Mr. Henline also has a kettle, which has been in his family eighty-four years. Shortly after their house was built, Mr. Henline borrowed a team and with but five dollars, which he had earned by splitting rails, he and his wife started fora store called Homer, on the Salt Fork of the Vermil- ion river, to buy things to begin housekeeping with. By the time a skillet, oven, set of blue-edged plates, and knives and forks were selected the money was all gone. The merchant, Michael Coffin, who was acquainted with Mr. Henline, urged him to take five dollars' worth more of goods, and said that he would willingly wait until fall, when Mr. llenline could send in otter skins to settle the debt, Somewhat reluctantly Mr. llenline consented to go in debt, and so they started home with just ten dollars' worth of goods to go to housekeeping with. For a bedstead in the new house Mr. Henline made what was known us a prairie bedstead. This was made by inserting the end of a pole into the logs of the cabin, about four feet from the corner and two feet from the floor. At the end of this eight or nine-foot pole, another about lour feet in length was joined, and it projected at right-angles toward the side of the house and was inserted in the logs. Upon these poles boards 220 ursTORy OF IMATT ror.vry. were laid and the bedstead was completed. Mrs. Senders had fortu- nately presented the newly married couple with good bedding and a good feather bed, so with the new bedstead they were quite comfortable. When company came, a pole- sled was brought into the house and a bed was made upon it. The other articles of furniture in the house were similar in construc- tion to that of the bedstead. Although Mr. Henline saw many discouraging times, he gradually began to see better days. During the summers he farmed, and for three winters he worked a saw-mill at Centerville. During his married life Mr.' Henline has moved several times, but always within the limits of'Piatt county. After going to housekeeping his first move was to Mr. John Madden's place. He next moved to Mr. Martin's place, and then back to where lie first lived. Finally he moved to the place about one and one-half miles southwest of Monti- cello, where he now lives. Mr. Henline has spent two summers of his life in Chicago. He was a teamster there, and his principal business was to carry emigrants from the lake landing out into northern Illinois. When not occupied in transporting emigrants, he did various kinds of teaming. He helped to haul brick for the first brick church that was built in Chicago. At this time Mr. Henline remembers but one brick build- ing in Chicago, and that was owned by Guerdon S. Ilubbard, who is still living there. At this time there were but four houses on the west side of the Chicago river. At the time of his working there, Chicago, in his estimation, was not "'half as big" as Monticello. He was at Chicago when the last payment was made to the Pottawatomie Indians, when they started for Kansas. Mr. Henline was well acquainted with many of the Kickapoo and Pottawatomie chiefs. He knew Shabbona, the peace chief of the Pottawatomies, and Shawnessah, a war chief of the Pottawatomies. He witnessed on the Illinois river, near Dresden, the inauguration as chief of a son of old Wawpawnsah. A great number of white people were present. The ceremonies began by getting in readiness a great tire some twenty steps in length. On this fire almost every delicacy that an Indian could prepare was cooked. The Indians danced around this fire, the one in front walking backward and rattling a gourd that was partially filled with fish-teeth. He was followed by an Indian with a drum, and this one was followed by the rest of the dancers. After dancing for some time a new blanket was spread down, and -the THE "SXOW-HIKDS" AM) THKIK KKLATIVKS. 221 man to be inaugurated as chief was conducted to the blanket. The retiring chief made a speech, and then other Indians addressed the people. Finally the young chief, who was dressed as fantastically as their customs would permit, arose and made a grand speech. Then INDIAN IMl'LKMKXTS. after some more dancing the feast was ready. About three hundred Indians were present. Mr. Henline says that he and the gentleman with him were placed to eat out of the same ladle with three Indians. Mr. Henline, in speaking of his relishing the dinner, says, " I tell you I was hungry hungry as a houseful of school-children." Mr. Hen- line lived in communication with the Indians long enough to learn their 222 HISTORY OF 1'IATT roTNTY. language. In speaking of sonic Indian stories, Mr. Henline related the following. One of the party of white 1 men who had stolen five ponies from the Indians, stopped at Mr. Ilenline's house, and said he had bought the ponies for ten bottles of whisky. Mr. Nathan Hen- line recognized the ponies as belonging to some of his Indian friends, and after the man had started for Salt Creek, lie, disbelieving the story of the purchase, went and informed the Indians of the route of the thieves. One of the Indians insisted upon Mr. Ilenline's joining in the pursuit. He went, and one of the theives was overtaken in Randolph Grove, in McLain county. The Indian frightened the man nearly to death by first threatening to shoot him, and then by flourishing his tomahawk. By Mr. Ilenline's persuasion the man's life was spared and the Indians secured all they had lost. This horse-thief, who was so frightened, after- ward came back and stole some horses of Mr. James Piatt. Later, at Decatur, he received punishment in shape of forty-five to fifty lashes for stealing horses. Mr. Henline used often to scare out deer for the Indians to shoot. There was one bald-headed Indian named Que-a- the-hun, whom Mr. Henline considered the best marksman he had ever seen. In speaking of this Indian he says, "One might as well lie down and die as to start to run in hopes of dodging the fire from his gun." During the Black Hawk war some of the settlers in this section of the country moved in order not to be so much on the frontier. Mr. Henline's folks remained here, and there were no molestations by Indians in this vicinity. As has been stated, Mr. II. was a great trapper and hunter. He has caught many an otter by trapping. As is quite generally known, the otters have quite an original pastime, which consists in sliding down the banks of streams into the water. The otters evidently enjoy this very much, for they have been seen to repeat the operation many times in quick succession. Mr. II. used to place the traps at the base of these kt otter slides, "and the unsuspecting sporting otter, instead of making his usual dive into the water, would suddenly find himself en- trapped. Mr. N". Hcnline tells of being frightened nearly to death once by a wild cat. lie, followed by one of his hounds, started up the river to look after his otter traps. After going a distance the hound began barking, and Mr. H. went to the river bank to sec the cause of his excitement, There on a log, which was lying partly in the water, was a very large wild cat. Mr. II. was not at all afraid of a wild cat, so approached and began to throw clubs at the animal. He succeeded only in arousing the animal's ire, so that when he stooped for another TIIK SXOW-UIK'Ds AM) T1IKIU KKI.ATI \ '!>. club, a short distance from tlu i cat, it made a spring and lit upon his hack. Mr. IF. remembers of climbing the river bank "in si hurry."" The hound came to the rescue and dragged the cat to the ground. It started again for the log. and while there was finally- killed by Mr. IT. Mr. II /s aim was not as good a,< usual, owing to his unexpected excitement. Mr. and Mrs. Ifenline have had seven children .lames. Mary .Jane, Peter, Elizabeth, Ann Emily, John and Sarah Harriett. These chil- dren have all married. Two moved to Kansas, one to Missouri and one to Oregon. Peter and Elizabeth are still in this county. Mr. William Piatt remembers an. act of generosity exhibited by Nathan Ifenline's father that might well be inserted here. Mr. Abraham Ilenline took dinner with Mr. James A. Piatt the day the latter moved into the Hay worth cabin. The children of the family while at dinner fretted for milk, and Mi-. Piatt inquired if Mr. Hen- line had any cows to sell. The latter replied that he had not, as only one of his cows was giving rnilk. After the meal was over, and when Mr. Henline started to leave, Mr. Piatt invited him to come again. Mr. Henline replied, "Yes, I will be back to-morrow, and will bring you a cow/' "Why,*' exclaimed Mr. Piatt, " I thought you had none to sell." "Neither have I,'* said Mr. Henline ; but the boys and I can do without milk better than sick children can/' He brought down the cow the next day and left her with Mr. Piatt for two years. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ilenline still live in sight of Monticello, and with the exception of Mrs. Nancy Ingrain are the earliest settlers who are yet living within the limits of Piatt county. Mr. Henline at the present day is a hale and hearty man. His gray hair betokens an age which his activity scarcely warrants. His early friends as well as his friends of- later years characterize him us a man of generosity and of general goodwill toward his fellow beings. Mi;. AIJHAIIAM HKNLI.VK. JK.. in 1834 married Miss Luc\ Reynolds, a step-daughter of Mr. Senders. They went to housekeeping near Coon's spring, and lived there for a short time. They moved from this place to the upper part of the county, where they lived for fifteen or twenty years. From here they moved down near Monticello, to the place where Mr. .Jim Ilenline now lives. Both Mr. and Mrs. Henline died at this place. They left six children, of whom four are now living: Mary Ann married Henry (m-s^el. and is now living in the southwestern part of the state. Sarah Ann married John Conan, 15 224 HISTORY OF PI ATT roi'NTY. and now lives near Mansfield. Elijah married Mary Spencer, and their present home is east of Monticello. Two of the sons were lost in the army, one near Shreveport and the other at Little Rock. MR. JAMES HENLINE, the next to the eldest of the four boys who came with Mr. Abraham Henline to this county in 1824, married Jane Lockwood. They lived for a time near what is now White Heath, and then moved to Iowa. MR. JACOB HENLINE was the only one of the four Henline brothers who lived through life in "single blessedness." He was a very strong, hard-working man. He was considered by some the strongest man in the county. It was a custom in those days for neighbors to come together from their ofttimes distant homes to assist in " cabin raisings.'* People were known to travel for twenty miles for this purpose. Mr. Jacob Henline, on account of his superior strength, was always especially welcome at k ' cabin raisings." One of the early settlers of the county remembers of having seen Jacob Henline carry a log at a cabin raising that would have been a good load for three ordinary men. It is the verdict of some of the early settlers now living, that Mr. Henline wore himself out by so repeatedly exerting his strength while helping to build cabins. In 1854 he went down into Coles county, this state, where his death occurred. THE PIATTS AND THEIR RELATIVES. MR. JAMES A. PIATT, for whom this county was named, was born April 21, 1789, probably in Pennsylvania. His father, Abraham Piatt, moved from New Jersey to Penn's Valley, Pennsylvania, and set- tled on land obtained for surveying for some company. James Piatt was but a small boy when his father died. The family soon moved to Ohio, reaching Cincinnati when there were but two log cabins in it. They soon settled near Oxford, Ohio. James A., when still quite young, went back to Pennsylvania to settle up his father's estate. Only about six months of his life was spent in school, but he succeeded in giving himself a very fair education. He was a good scribe, and while in Pennsylvania settling up his father's estate, he taught one term of school. Being thrown on his own resources quite early in life, the discipline only served to make him the better prepared for his later life as a pioneer. After returning from Pennsylvania he, on December 21, 1815, was united in marriage to Jemima Ford, who was then in Cincinnati, and who was born in Maryland, January 10, 1792. Jemima, with her sister, Delia Ford, came over the mountains and to THE 1'IATTS AND THKIK RELATIVES. 225 Cincinnati during the last of the war of 1812. Jemima stayed for a time with Mr. McHenry, of Cincinnati, and while there became acquainted with Mr. Piatt, who had been a contractor in the war of 1812 for his uncle, Mr. John H. Piatt. Delia Ford had her choice, to be adopted by a lady in Philadelphia or to come west with her sister. She loved her sister too much to leave her, and so, for a number of years, made her home with her. She married Mr. Tompkins, of Cincinnati, and after his death she came, in 1866, to Piatt county, where she now makes her home with William H. Piatt, the eldest son of her beloved sister. Mr. James Piatt, after his marriage, settled at Brookville, Ind., where he merchandised for a time. He then built a mill at the mouth of Little Cedar, on the White Water. He next moved to Elizabethtown, and while living there took live hogs to the island of Cuba. While living in Lawrenceburg he kept hotel a time and then moved to Indianapolis. While in this city he was a tinner, and while carrying on this business, and when traveling in Illinois in the interest of his business, he first conceived the idea of locating in what is now Piatt county, Illinois. It did not take him long to decide upon the matter, to buy the land, and to move to the present site of Monticello in the spring of 1829. He bought the Hay worth claim for $150, and paid for it all in tinware, except about $18. Some time after moving to the place he entered more land. He had a cornfield fenced on the present site of Monticello, and William and John Piatt broke up the land for the same. For a number of years he was, prob- ably, the principal man of the new settlement. He entered and bought about 600 acres of land, right in the immediate vicinity of Monticello. Mr. Piatt was a characteristic frontier man ; a number of persons now in the county are ready to affirm that he was an extremist in hospitality and in favoring early settlements. He was a perfect terror to horsethieves, and took many a hard ride in order to bring the thief to punishment ; and he rarely missed his purpose. He once followed two thieves to Indiana, caught them, and brought them to Macon county for trial. About 1837 he and his son, William II. Piatt, followed a thief to Kentucky, and by riding day and night they secured their prize. The result of all this energy was that horsethieves soon learned to steer clear of Piatt county. The following anecdote will serve to show the amount of work the tax collectors in the county used to have. The tax collector of Macon county came up to Mr. Piatt's, and thought to enjoy a little hunt while there. After staying a day or two he told Mr. Piatt that his taxes 22C> HISTORY OF 1'IATT CorXTY. amounted to seventy-five cents. " Very wejl," said Mr. Piatt. "we're even then, for your board will amount to about that much." After thus teasing the man for a time. Mr. Piatt paid his tax and let him go, but the tax collector did not hear the last of the joke for some time. The following will show one of Mr. Piatt' s characteristic ways of obtaining pay for entertaining travelers, if he ever took pay at all. One time a young Methodist minister and wife, in passing through the county, stopped at Mr. Piatt's over night. When he asked his bill in the morning, he was told that it was nothing. They started on their way, but in crossing a creek not far distant the buggy was upset, broken, and the lady was thrown into the water. Mr. Piatt had to go and spend some time in mending the broken buggy. During the day the minister remarked, "You must charge for /A/*.'* He was assured by Mr. Piatt that he would be charged, and by and by it was announced that in payment the minister must preach them a sermon. The minister agreed to do so if the neighbors were notified. A messenger was sent out, and the one neighbor, Mr. Tern> came, and the sermon the first Methodist sermon preached within the boundary of Piatt county was preached in the first house in the county, and to not more than one dozen persons. MRS. , I AMES PIA'TT died March l(i, 1X3U. of what was called quick Consumption. Her seven children survived her. On December 12, 1837, Mr. Piatt married Mahala Oxley. James A. Piatt died of typhoid pneumonia October 22, 1838. In a few months after his death, his wife gave birth to a daughter. Mrs. Piatt died November 16, is-iO. The following are the names of Mr. .lames A. Piatt's children in the order of their birth: William 11., John, James A., Kichard F., Anna 'Belle. "Noah N., Jacob, and Mary J. MK. WII.UAM II. PIATT was born near Brookville. Indiana, Octo- ber 23. IS 1C. He came to what is now Piatt county iu the spring of 1829. and that place is still his home. Upon the death of his father in 1838, as he was thcj eldest one of the family, William had the care of his brothers and sisters until they were of age. He and Clarinda Marquiss were united in marriage April Id. 1S3S. and went to house- keeping on the site of the present county fail' grounds. Afteu living there a few months he moved over the river to what is now (loose (''reek township, and in 1840 located on the farm he now lives on. His' present residence was riveted in ls<54 "> Mr. and Mrs. Piatt have had seven children, six of whom are now living. A. J.. or .lames, the TIIK TIATTS AM) THKIU UKLATIVI.S. 221 eldest of the family, and Knima (, 1 ., the youngest, are still living at home. A. M. Piatt and Mattie E. llollis were united in marriage December 20, 18MJ. After living in Monticello until 1879 they moved to Chicago, where they still reside. Four children, Will H., Edward Scott, Donn and Josephine 0., have blessed their union. Frank A. Piatt became the wife of W. E. Lodge. (See his sketch.) C. W.- Piatt and Mary Kate Sparks were united in marriage January 12, 1875. They make their home at William H. Piatfs, and C. W. has charge of his own farm as well as his father's home place. E. J. or Mima .Piatt married W. E. Smith, of Monticello. (See his sketch.) AN ANNIVERSARY RHYME." \VKITTEN JANUARY 12, 1881. " Dear grandpa, tell to us a story true." So said a bright-haired girl with eyes of blue. " And more, I'll bring my chair and sit so still, But for my smile so aly you'd think I'm ill." " All right, my lass," the old man said, " we'll see If you for once as still as a mouse will be. Now list: Last night I dreamed a dream so bright A dream which not to tell seems hardly right. "I saw a low, unpainted house; some trees So close their leaves did touch with ev'ry breeze. Beyond these rows of trees the house did stand Than this no dearer place in all the land. " A home in ev'ry sense this was I saw, A home where only love laid down the law. Six children in this yard and house had played, Three boys, three girls in cherry trees had swayed. " Some good [ saw in all these children dear, Hut why inv thoughts would turn to one, I fear E'en now I cannot all. nor half make out My eyes saw him whate'er he was about. " The youngest boy he was, J soon could tell ; Abused by all the rest, IIP knew full well ; Else why must he the wood so oft bring in, Or why the game of ball his brothers win? "In school quite oft the teacher's wrath he got, Then sure his hand would feel the rod why not? His fatal laugh would him in truth betray, Tho' others laughed and lirst led him astray. * Printed by special request. 228 HISTOKY OF P1ATT COUNTY. " Too bad it was that he should thus be 'bused. He older grew, and all were much amused When he would tell his old-time troubles all Now trifles, but were then not quite so small. "To town he went one da}', in suit bran new His ' likeness ' he would have ; in truth he knew Event so great he ne'er had heard, and thought Such work nor now, nor never, be done for nought. " And such a picture, sure you ne'er did see. Right prim lie sat, as straight as straight could be ; With thumbs in pockets, fingers spread in sight. Think you he thought himself some one? You're right. He looked the picture o'er from foot to head. ' ' I didn't know I was so pretty,' he said. A good opinion of himself you see he had. So frank withal, to us he ne'er seemed bad. "Much more of him to you I might relate, But I must haste e'en now it grows quite late. About his college days you'd like to hear, Of happy times, of friends, of schoolmates dear. My time's quite short, but I will let you know The place where he from home to work did go. In prairie stood the town, both small and gay. Quite well he thrived, and happy was each day. " He thrived because he worked. The joy from whence ? Ah, here's the part that I with joy commence. The ' willful god ' at last did send his dart Which pierced this lad's, and, too, a maiden's heart. " That story old, tho' new, again was told. The maiden sweet replied ; and he, made bold, In haste did go the parents both to see, If they for e'er not two but one might be. "Consent from all was gained, and they for life Were joined ; the husband he, and she the wife. The time wore on apace. Much joy they had. If I the half might tell, I'd be right glad. " At last their home in town no more they made. A country life this time the better paid. His childhood home again his work did need ; And here we find them both content indeed. THE PIATTS AND T1IEIK RELATIVES. 229 "Now hark! and hear what lie to her did say When they together sat at close of day; And listen to the answer she did make, And showed the while that all was for his sake. " ' And now six years, dear Kate, have passed away ; Tii all six years since then, our wedding day. Ah, happy, happy were we then, I vow ; But dearer, sweeter happiness we've now.' '" Yes, husband dear, six years ago to-day Our hands, our hearts, our lives were joined for aye ; The clouds, they've gathered oft since then, 'tis true, But scattered, and the bluer seems the blue.' " And now, my girl, I've done; and you quite well Did list; nor once did break your quiet spell. Tell you of whom I spoke? .lust think awhile ; Ah, now you know I see by that sweet smile. " But late it is, and you to bed must go ; Come here, my child; a loving kiss just so. For you I wish sometime such joy as they This day have got for such and more I pray." The child was gone, the good old man looked 'round, And there his wife and children four he found. The others were in cheerful homes not far ; Their happiness no one nor dared nor cared to mar. And now, kind friends, a toast let's send to two Whose lives in part the old man told quite true. Let's wish for them their love to last for aye The love that's theirs, their annivers'ry day. Mr. JOHX Pi AIT, farmer, Monticello, was born near Brookville, Indiana, June 13, 1818. He came when a boy with his father, James A. Piatt, to what is now Piatt county, and lias remained here ever since. For a number of years lie resided on a farm one mile from Monticello, but now his home is six miles east of the town, near the border line of Champaign county. Mr. Piatt assisted in getting this county struck off by carrying petitions, and subsequently became its iirst sheriff. He has always been interested in .the county, and has done his share for its advancement. On the 4th of September, 1846, John Piatt was united in marriage to Eliza Lowry, who was born February 1, 1827. They have had eight children, six of whom are now living. Eleanor is the- wife of Dr. James Moffitt, of Monticello. '230 HISTORY OF 1M.VIT rorXTY. William M. nuirried Penelope Minear, September 22, 1880, has one son, Samuel Milton, and resides on a 320-acre farm, six miles from Monticello. Belle Piatt and William Carnahan were married June 10, 1875, have four children, and live in Champaign city. B. T. Piatt arid Sarah Minear were married September 9, 1875, have had four children, two of whom, Laura and Anzaletta, are living, and reside on their fine farm of 320 acres, six miles east of Monticello. Jennie, a* graduate of the Monticello High School, and John are still living with their parents. Two of Mr. .John Piatt's children, Emeline arid Robert, are dead. Mr. . I AMES A. PIATT, JR., was born near Brookville, Indiana, January 7, 1821, and when eight years old came with his parents to the present site of Monticello. With the exception of about five years in California, his entire life was spent in the immediate vicinity of Monticello. On the 18th of January, 1849, he was united in marriage to Katherine Bryden, a native of Kbva Scotia, and one of the early school teachers of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Piatt, with their one child, Alice, started overland April 12, 18,52, to California, via St. Louis and Kansas City then Kansas Landing. Mrs. Piatt remarked in speaking of the trip, " I was not in a house from the time we left Kansas Landing until we reached California, and our little party had no company whatever from Humbolt Lake to Iloncut. California. We saw plenty of Indians, but they were peaceful." After living there five years Mr. Piatt and family came back by way of the Isthmus of Darien and located on the farm he had previously bought near Monticello. In 18W) he built a nice brick house, which was burned about sixteen years ago. The house was rebuilt, and a brick barn has since been constructed. Mr.' Piatt improved over 1,400 acres of land near Monticello. At the time of his death, April 8, 1873, he-was living one mile south of Monticello, where his wife and daughter now reside. Alice Piatt and William JL Ivratx were mar- ried January 7, 1x75, and have two children, Laura and James Piatt. Mr. Kratx carries on quite an extensive lumber business in Monti- cello. MK. IliciiAKD K. PIATT, of Napa City. California, was born in Elizabethtown, Indiana, March :'>!. Is23. After coming with his parents to Illinois he made Piatt county his home until near lsr>o, when he went to California. lie returned to Illinois about 1856, and remained until the spring of 1S57, when he went back by water to California. On his way there he became acquainted with Miss Fannie TIIK 1'IATTS AND TIIKLi; KKLA'I IV KS. '2?>\ Peasley, who afterward became his wife. Two of their children, II. II. and Ida, are living. Mr. Piatt has discovered several valu- ahle mines, and though having never been repaid for his long years of work in that direction, is still mining. Mr. XOAH NOIU.K PIATT was born in Indianapolis, February 24, 1828. He was the babe of the family when Mr. James A. Piatt moved to the I Lay worth cabin, on the present site of Monticello. His boyhood and youthful days were spent in Piatt county. In 1855 he married Hannah Philipps, who was making her home at Win. Piatt's. In 1857 he went to California, where he farmed near Marys- ville until about 18<>8. His wife died about this time, and Mr. Piatt witli his daughters, Mattie, Clara and Kate, and son Willie, returned to Piatt county. After living here a time he married Miss Olive Hryden and soon went onto his farm, one mile east of Monticello. He sold this farm and went to Kansas about 1879, and now resides in Greenwood county, of that state. Mr. and Mrs. Piatt have three sons, Frank, Phil, and .James. Mr. .JACOB PIATT, deceased, was born February 17, 1831, and is recorded as the first male child born within the limits of Piatt county. His entire life was spent in the immediate vicinity of his native place. When but a boy he resolved on being a merchant and began clerking for Daniel Stickel. lie went to Cincinnati for the 'purpose of com- pleting his commercial education, and while there became acquainted with Mary A. Ilubbell, who became his \vifc March 1, 1853. During the rest of his life he was a merchant in Monticello. For a number of years previous to his death he was consumptive and an intense sufferer. His death occurred .July 4, 1871. Six children survived him, five of whom are living now. Mary is now the wife of Dr. .1. II. Carper, a successful physician of Monticello. Ford is successful as an express agent of St. Paul, Minnesota. Silas is a member of the class of 1883 of the Illinois University of Champaign. Jacob is in Monticello, while Will makes his home with his grandfather, Mr. Ilubbell, of Cincinnati. Mrs. Jacob Piatt was married in 1877 to Mr. Harvey Benson. Her death occurred in the spring of 18X0. A.NNAIJKLU: lYviT, who was born at Lawrcnceburg, Indiana, May 16, 1825, became the wife of Daniel Stickel. (See his sketch.) MARY .1. PIATT, who was born .January 1.0, 1830, fell heir to a land warrant issued for services rendered by Mr. Jam.'S A. Piatt during 1 the Black llawk war. The land is located in Nebraska. On .lime 5, she became the wife of Win. I'ryden, who for a number of years 232 HISTORY OF PI AIT COUNTY. was a merchant of Monticello. During the last years of his life he was an invalid, and his death occurred February 5, 1866, in Savannah, Georgia. He had gone south for his health and was then on his way home. His last words were, " Peace on earth and good will to all." Mrs. Bryden and her two sons, Charles and Will, are still residing in Monticello. The following facts relating to the first Piatts in America were ob- tained by Abram Piatt Andrew, Jr., of La Porte, Indiana, from a letter written by an old relative of the Piatts in Watsontowri, Pennsylvania. The first Piatt (John) was originally from France. In the city of Amsterdam, Holland, he married a widow, Mrs. Wycoff, 'nee Frances Vleet. They settled in New Jersey some years previous to the revolu- tionary war, and in 1760 were living at Six Mile Run, near the city ot New Brunswick. This fact is shown by the following letter written by the same John Piatt from the Island of St. Thomas, in the West Indies, to his son in New Jersey. Letter to John Piatt, addressed "Six Mile Run. New Jersey" : Dear Son, I hereby let you know that I am yet alive and when I have said that I have said all I can say, for I am so very low and weak that I can scarcely hold my pen. I therefore only write you two or three lines, to let you know I have not forgot you. I am not able to stir out anywhere to see to getting some trinkets or other to send you by your brother Abraham, which otherwise I would have done. You told me in your letter you intended to come and see me as soon as your time was out. But I would not have you attempt it until you hear from me again, for if I live I shall leave this island very soon in order to recover my health, and if I live till next summer you may depend on seeing me at home. I would therefore advise you to stick close to your business and do the best you can for yourself. As to any further news, your brother Abraham can tell you. (Jive my love to your mother and all your brothers, and all inquiring friends. I remain, your affectionate father. St. Thomas. July 7, 17(>o. .Jxo. PIATT. This letter was probably his last writing, for before it reached New Jersey John and William Piatt, his sons, started for St. Thomas, and on their arrival found their father dead and buried. From another account other than that sent us by Mr. Andrew we understand that this John Piatt was poisoned by his negroes, and that his sons not only found their father dead, but his property all destroyed. The sons, John, Abraham and William, returned to New .Jersey, and John married Jane Williamson, March 27, 1763. In 1791 he was living in Pennsylvania, on the Susquehanna river, .near Milton. He afterward moved farther up the river, and died at the age of sev- TIIK 1'IATTS AM) TIIKIK KKLAT1VKS. 233 enty-nine years and nine months, lie had five children, Jane, John, Frances, William and Catherine, all born in New Jersey. Jane mar- ried John Sedam, and had five children. Frances married William McKinney, and in 1818 moved to Wood county. West Virginia, when; her descendants now live. Catherine married Abraham Tenbrook, and moved, in 1818, to Brookville, Indiana, and two of her children, John Tenbrook and Mrs. Ann Houselman, now live in Piatt county, Illinois. John Piatt married Elizabeth Cline, and two of their children are living at Watsontown, Pennsylvnia Mrs. Elizabeth McCormick, eighty-eight years of age, and Mrs. Jane P. Allen, in her eighty-sec- ond year. William Piatt married Mary Brady, and in 1881 three of their children were living, two at Watsontown, Pennsylvania, and one in Wyoming county, Pennsylvania. It seems that the first John Piatt referred to had four sons, John, lacob, W 7 illiam and Abraham. John, as has just been related, settled in Pennsylvania, as Abraham also did, and the other brothers came west to Ohio and Kentucky. MR. ABRAHAM PIATT, son of the first Piatt who came to America, and father of James A. Piatt, for whom this county was named, was born in New Jersey and afterward moved to Pennsylvania, where it 18 supposed he died November 13, 1791. His wife nee Anna Belle Andrew, died April 10, 1822, at the house of her eldest son, Jacob, and was buried in Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio. They had ten children, four sons and six daughters. Jacob, the eldest son, moved to Ohio, was twice married, and lived there 1 till his family was nearly grown, when he moved to near Perry- ville, Indiana. He then moved to Henry county, Illinois, where Wm. H. Piatt thinks he died. Some of his children's names are : Abraham, who died in Altona, James who moved to near St. Mary's, Kansas, and John, who for twenty-three years was county commissioner and supervisor in Henry county, and died there a short time ago ; while Anna Belle and William are names of other members of the family. Abraham Piatt settled in Butler county, Ohio. (See Michael Piatt's sketch. ) John Piatt was never married. At an early day he went to New Orleans to trade, and while there was murdered and robbed. For Jas. A. Piatt, see his sketch. Catharine Piatt became the wife of Mr. Jas. Andrew. (See Jno. Andrew's sketch.) Fannie Piatt married James Watson, and had three sons, HISTORY OF PIATT ror.NTY. Abraham, William and James, who settled near Crawfbrdsville, Indiana, and who are all dead now. Eleanor married John McDonald, and had three sons and one daughter, now Mrs. F. A. Marsh. Joseph McDonald, ex-senator of Indiana, is eminent as a lawyer in Indianapolis. For James McDonald, see his sketch. Zeke McDonald now resides in California. Jane Piatt. married James Oarnahan, and had three sons, William, Abraham and John. Of these William is the only one living. Of the four daughters, Anna married the Rev. Theo. Adams, of the Christian church, and they both are dead. Mary married Mr. Ilubbell, has her sister Amanda with her, and lives in Cincinnati. Anna Piatt married Wm. Hart and settled in southern Indiana. She had several sons, who are supposed to be living in Clinton county. Iowa. Margaret Piatt married Mr. John Ecles, a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church, and had a number of children. Hon. Donn Piatt, of Mac-o-cheek, Ohio, writes us that all he knows of his ancestors was obtained through his father of his grand- father, Jacob Piatt, of IJoone county, Kentucky. This Jacob Piatt was a native of New Jersey. He entered the revolutionary war as a private, fought his way up to colonel, and was at one time on the staff of Gen. Washington, taking part in all the important battles of the war. k ' lie was a Puritan of the purest type, having the lEugenot traits strongly marked in him." Me gave his pension to the support of a clergyman. His tomb at Federal Hall bears the following suggestive epitaph : A SOl. 1)1 Kl! OF THE IIKVOU'TION A N I ) A SOUMKIi OF TIIK CROSS. This Jacob Piatt told Donn Piatt's father that the first Piatts in America were two brothers, who went from France to Amsterdam. and, after marrying there, came to Xew York. One of these settled in New Jersey, while the other went to the West Indies, where he was murdered by his negroes. Gen. Piatt. a brother of Donn Piatt, also resides at Mac-o-cheek, Ohio. WILLIAM PIATT was born June 20. .17!>.">, at La Grange, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, and died there in December 18~.~>. His father. John Piatt, settled in Pennsylvania. William was a farmer and tanner by profession. lie was a captain of the 1st Lycoming Troop Cavalry for Till: 1MATTS AND T1IKIR RELATIVKS. some twenty years, a ruling elder of the Presbyterian church for twenty years, a member of the Pennsylvania legislature, and associate judge of Lycoming county. He married Hannah Brady, who was born at Mil- ton. Pennsylvania, April 2, 17 ( ->!, and who was a niece of ('apt. John Brady and (ien. Hugh Brady, the celebrated Indian fighters. Of their children, .lames B. Piatt. who was born July 10, 1821. in La Orange, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, was a captain in the Lycoming Troop ( 'avalry for ten years. He is now a farmer atTipton, Iowa. II. 0. Piatt, born March 2-k 1X2-1-, is a graduate of the Jefferson College. Pennsyl- vania, and is TIOW a wealthy lawyer of Tipton, Iowa. McCall Piatt was born August 4, 1X2 ( J. and is carrying on a tan-yard on the farm where his father was born and where lie died. His eldest sister, Mary, lives with him. Betty married William McCormick and died some thirteen years ago, leaving six children. Charlotte Piatt married Frank Porter and died about five years ago. Mr. Aimer Piatt was born in La Grange, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania. March 27, 1827. His youth was spent as a tanner and civil engineer, and he was educated at Lewisburg Acad- emy. For ten years he was a member of the 1st Lycoming Troop Cav- alry, and he was also major of a military company of Lycoming county. For a number of years he has been a stock commission merchant in Chicago. Illinois. He married Anne M. Murphy, and has four children: Hammond, Harry, Emma and Anna. MR. MICHAEL PIATT, St. Louis, is a native of Butler county, Ohio. His education was obtained and his youth was spent in that state. He moved from Cincinnati, Ohio, in ixr>7. and at present resides at 3614 !N. Ninth street, St. Louis, Missouri. He was horse inspector for three and a half years during the war, at present is a veterinary surgeon, and, in fact, has been in the horse business all his life. He was married in 1S.>7, to E. D. Kirk, and they have had eight children. Mu. ABRAHAM PFATT, father of Michael Piatt. was born in Pennsyl- vania, and was a farmer, having held the offices of constable and sheriff. MK. .JOHN ANDREW, brother of Anna Belle (Andrew) Piatt, was a surgeon in the patriot army during the entire revolutionary war. He was married twice, and had a large family of children. MR. .IAMKS ANDREW, the eldest of the family, married Catharine Piat.t. sister of .lames A. Piatt. She died June 27. 1X2X, and her hus- band March 21, 1851. They had eight children: the youngest, Anna Bella, died when a babe, and .John died September 2, 1S1!>. The rest, of the family are all living, and. with the exception of .Jacob P.. reside in La Porte. Indiana. .James is in his eiirht v-fourth vcar. Abraham P. 286 HISTOKY OK PIATT CorNTV. Andrew is in his eighty-second rear, is in "good health and active in mind and body." The 1st of October. ls,s2, was the fifty-third anni- versary of his marriage to Viola .1. Armstrong, who is in her seventy- seventh year. Lewis C. Andrew is in his seventy -fourth year, while William is seventy-two years old. Itachel married Sutton Van Pelt, who died not long ago. Jacob Piatt Andrew is in his seventy-ninth year, and has been a preacher of the Christian church for over sixty years. He graduated at the Cincinnati Medical College, and for over fifty years was a practicing physician. His eldest son, Lieut. A. C. Andrew, was killed in the Union army September 20, 1863. Hb youngest son, William H., died in his fifteenth year. His daughter, Phebe A. Clark, has several children. DK. E. A. PYATT, of Bethany, Illinois, writes that his grandfather, named Joseph, was born in Coventry, England. His father, also named Joseph, was born in Bush county, North Carolina. Dr. Pyatt was born October 9, 1832, in North Carolina, and lived on a farm and went to school in the country up to the age of eighteen, when he entered Burnsville College, and remained two years. He studied medicine, and in 1856 began practicing the same in Sullivan county, Tennessee. Soon after ho graduated in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. He was surgeon in the late war three years, and at the close of the war married a lady of Abingdon, Washington county, Virginia. In 1868 he located at Bethany, Moultrie county, where he has been in active practice since. Mrs. Ann Honselman, daughter of Catharine and John Piatt, was married in 1832, and in 1839 came to Piatt county. Of her children, William was born in 1834, James, in 1836 ; Abraham, in 1838 ; Caroline, in 1841, and Melissa, in 1843. She still resides in Monticello and is yet a characteristic pioneer woman. Let one who would like to- catch a glimpse of the early days step into her cabin, and she, in the midst of her pioneer surroundings, will delight to tell of the days that are no more. She has a kind heart, a good memory, and is always* pleased to take you back into the past, where she will find for you many a gem by the wayside. Chas. O. Piatt, Decatur, Illinois, was born near Bellefontaine. Logan county, Ohio, August 16, 1847. His mother died when he was thirteen months old, and he then lived with his grandmother Piatt until he was thirteen years old. His father married again, and with his family moved to DeWitt county in 1854, where he still resides. In 1860 C. O. Piatt came from Ohio to his fathers farm, where he stayed until he was eighteen years old, since which time he has been making MOXTICKLIX) TOWNSHIP. 237 his own way. lie had gained a good common and high school education, and taught several terms of school in DeWitt county. He afterward went into the grain trade, which business he is still in, and is associated in the tirm W. L. Dumont & Co., of Decatur. Mr. Piatt was married March 7, 1871, to Flora C., granddaughter of Win. Clagg. They have had two children, one of whom died at the age of four years, and the other is still living. Mr. Piatt's name was John and his grandfather, also named John, moved from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, to Ohio at an early day. CHAPTER XL M XTICE LI/) TO WNSH 1 1 '. FTYHE center of Piatt county .lies within Monticello township, which -J- may justly be called the principal township of the county, since it contains the; county seat, and has more inhabitants than any other in the county. In size it is one of the four smallest townships in the county. The distance across the township from west to east is eight miles, wink' from the northern boundary to the southern it is six miles; the entire township thus contains forty-eight square miles or 30,720 acres of land. On the north the township is bounded by Goose Creek and Sangamon townships ; a portion of Champaign county forms flu' eastern boundary ; while Bernent township bounds it on the south and Willow Branch on the west. A ridge strikes the township in the southern-western or southern part, and runs diagonally to the northeast, thus making some of the land of the township slightly rolling. The drainage except in the extreme southeastern part, where the sluggish waters of the Lake Fork stand a portion of the year is very good. The entire western, northern and northeastern parts drain into the Sangamon river, which crosses the northwestern corner of the township. A generous belt of timber fol- lows the course of this river, but the greater portion of the township is tine tillable prairie land. Some clay is found on the hills near the Sangamon river, but the greater portion of soil is a rich black loam, such as all farmers rejoice to see. The early settlements of the township coincide with those already mentioned of the county, since the first settlements of the county were HISTORY OF 1MATT roi'XTY. made in what is DOW Monticello township. The Ilaywortlis. Daggotts and Martins all located in the northwestern corner of this township, and others of the pioneers made settlements within its boundaries. Since the location of many of the first settlers of the township is alluded to elsewhere in the book, it is not necessary to mention the same in this connection. Monticello township, in common with other portions of the county, was once a part of Macon county. After the formation of Piatt county it became a portion of one of the precincts of the new county, and it was not until 1860, when the township organization was introduced, that it became a township. Two railroads, both of which arc now in possession of the W abash Railroad Company, pass through a portion of the township. The one originally known as the Champaign A: Decatur railroad, and which was first constructed, strikes the northern line of the township about two miles from the western boundary line, runs nearly south about two miles, making an abrupt bend within the city limits of Monticello, and then extends west nearly three miles to the western boundary line of the township. The other railroad, which was built under the name of the Chicago A: Paducah, passes almost directly north and south through the township, about two miles from the western boundary line. These roads intersect, at Monticello, where one depot serves the pur- poses of both roads. In regard to the wagon roads of this township, as also we might say of all the townships, that in some places they are comparatively good, but. portions of the roads are in very poor condition. Some of the grades are all right but the bridges seem invariably out of order. Again, the bridges are all right, when the roads are not graded or drained as well as they might be, even with the proper materials at hand for doing so. What is the cause of all of this ( Can it be that the people of Piatt county do not take an interest in their roads? No, the trouble does not lie there, for certainly there is scarce a business person in the county who is not financially interested in the roads of the county. Of course all are interested in having good roads, but do they apply their interest in the best way for removing the obstacles in the way of the best possible roads for the least money and labor? AVhich would be the best for any set of roads to have several "road bosses," with a number of men, ofttimes those who si-em to take no interest save to work out their taxes, and many times green hands at the work, and those who perhaps do not even live in the county, LIBRARY THE ' OF ILLINOIS MONTICKLLO TOWNSHIP. 241 hut are taken by some fanner from the field to work out his tax ; or to employ one man who was to obtain a set of hands and keep the road in order for the season ? If one man had a road in charge, he, as well as everybody else, would know whose business it was to fill up a chuck-hole, to drain the water from a low place in the road before a great mud-hole resulted, or to mend a broken plank in a bridge. If he did his duty and it would be very easy to get rid of him if he did not we would not hear so many expressions as the following: "Why don't some one fix this grade?" "Why don't they scrape these roads?" etc. It is our opinion, as well as of them with whom we have talked, that such arrangement would vastly improve the condition of the roads, while, instead of being more expensive, it would really be money in the pockets of the people. What farmer can afford to wait until his summer work is done, and then work out his tax on the road, just in time for the fall rains to prevent the grades settling for the winter season ? Would it not have been better for him to take the money out of his pocket and pay his tax toward securing a man to do the work in proper season than to work out his tax at a wrong season, and then later in the year jostle over the side-boards of his wagon enough grain, wear out enough of his wagon, and lose enough time over bad roads, to more than pay for his tax? Let us have fewer men on the road, and see that they are under a good leader, and have the roads worked when they need it, not when most convenient to the people, and we feel convinced that the roads of the county will soon be in a vastly better condition than they now arc. Improvements. Outside of the city of Monticello, there are not very many improvements other than those formed by the putting of the farms into good shape. A mill on the Sangamon river has been of good service to the entire county. The original mill was owned by a stock company. Mr. Zorger probably bought the mill of the stock- owners, and Mr. Collins bought of him, and built a part of the present mill building. Mr. Collins sold out to Emanuel Rhoades, who sold to Mr. Martin Mclntosh, the present owner. At present some ten or fifteen thousand bushels of grain are ground a year, and preparations are being made for more extensive work. For many years a saw mill has been in connection with the grist mill. In 1881 a new forty-five horse power engine from the Decatur Novelty works was put in the mill. Monticello. In 1837 the citizens of what is now Piatt county con- 242 lITSTom OF 1MATT COUNTY. eluded that it was too far to go to Decatur for trading purposes, and they resolved to have a town of their.own. Abraham Marquiss. William Barnes, Major McReynolds and .James A. Piatt formed the committee which, after searching up and down both sides of the Sangamon river, decided that the present site of Monticello was the most appropriate place for the location of a village. This land was once owned by James A. Piatt, who sold part of his land. A joint stock company was formed by these men and a town was laid out on the site of a portion of the present city of Monticello. On July 1, 1837. the town of Monticello was recorded. It was platted by James A. Piatt, sur- veyed by Mr. McClelland, and named by Major Me Reynolds after the Jionie of Jefferson. Right here let us remark, that one would have to search long and well ere a prettier name for the town could be found. On July 4, 1837, a grand barbecue was held. Beeves, hogs and sheep were roasted, and altogether there was a regular feast and jubilee. The prime object of the gathering was the sale of lots in the new town, and the result was the sale of some $2,700 worth of lots. The original- plat of Monticello did .not include the II ay worth house, which is still standing north of the Wabash depot. So this first house in the county was not the first house in the original Monticello. However, as the limits of Monticello now extend far beyond this cabin, it is justly called the oldest house in the city. In about 183!> there were but four houses in the new town. The first house put up was a small storehouse, which stood on the present site of Dr. Noecker's drug store. This house was built about 1837 by Mr. Cass, who dealt in merchandise on a very small scale. In 1830 Mr. Nicholas Devore began the erection of the first dwelling house in Monticello as origi- nally laid out. This building originally had four rooms, and was not completed for several years. Judge Rickets assisted in the building of the house and it existed for a number of years, bearing the name of '"old Fort," Jno. Tenbrooke built, on the site of Jno. Lowry's store, a log house in which he kept hotel, and which was the second dwell- ing house in the village. The third dwelling house was erected by James Outten just opposite the present jail. About this time, too, a Mr. Hull had a little blacksmith shop near where Mrs. Ann Honsel- man lives. Such was the beginning of Monticello. It was not long, however, until more residences were erected, business buildings were put up and a number of other improvements were made. Daniel Stickel, in 1841," opened the first regular store in the town in a building just east of WJ MOXTICKI.I.O TOWNSHIP. 243 II. Reese's drug store; J. C. Johnson opened the first drug store and was the first regular postmaster. Dr. King was the first physician who settled in Monticello. The first lawyer of the town (we could not learn his name), after living here three or four months, started for Cali- fornia, but died on the way'. The first preaching in the town was at Mr. Outten's house, where a circuit-rider of the Methodist Episcopal church used to stop once a month. In 1843 and 1844 the Itev. Peter Cart wright held meetings in the old court-house. "Rev. Cartwright also conducted several camp-meetings in this county. Mr. Mosher con- ducted the first camp-meeting of the county in a grove a little south- west of the present Wabash depot. The first church in the town was built in ISiS by Judge Rickets and others. It belonged to the ^-""> ' ~ ~ Methodists aTTd stood on the present site of Mr. Riser's residence. In ~~~-~^ . . 1848 Judge Rickets built the first court-house. The second was built about 185(1 by Judge Rickets, George Dempsy and Jno. Lowry. In 185t! quite a good deal of business was done in Monticello. In the "Monticello Times" of that date we find that T. Milligan and II. C. McComas advertised as attorneys-at-law ; N. G. Coffin, Xoecker A: Hull and T. Wheeler as physicians ; li. 13. Winchester as saddle and harness maker; Marbleston & Bro. as clothiers; .1. K. Duncan as tailor; Young cV Co. as furniture dealers; J. II. Hoi lings worth, O. Bailey, Piatt & Kerr, and Bruffett & Foster as dry-goods merchants ; J. C. Johnson & Bro. as druggists; Dunseth cV: Shroeder as brick- layers ; 1). Kelleher as boot and shoe merchant ; B. T. Meeks as hard- ware merchant ; David Cornpropst as grocer, and John Painter as butcher. Were we to go into details and mention each business firm in Monticello of to-day a great improvement would ^be seen in the amount of business done now and that done in 1856. Under (yen. (i rant's second term the postoffice of Monticello was changed from a fourth to a third class office. Mr. Samuel Webster is the present able postmaster. His bond is $10,000. It seems to be the opinion of the people that Monticello could not have* a better post- master than Mr. Webster has proved to be. Monticc'Uo a City. On the 10th of April. 1872, the president and trustees of Monticello met for the purpose of taking steps to change tin- village government to that of a city. At that time L. J. Bond was president; ("has. Watts, E. G. Knight, J. M. Holmes and Samuel Bender were trustees, and W. D. Shultz, clerk. The population of the town was reported to be 1,0>0 souls, and the government was changed so as to comply with theTaw in regard 244 HISTORY OK IM.VIT < ofNTY. (_tjH8ity government. A mayor and six aldermen were elected, but the- city is not yet laid off' in wards. At the election of December IT, 1*72, Daniel Stickel was made the first mayor, and Win. T. Foster, B. B. Jones, E. G. Knight, J. A. Hill, John Keenan and James M. Holmes, alderman. Wm. D. Shultz was made clerk, A. T. Pipher, attorney, and J. T. Varigundy, treas- urer. Daniel Stickel was mayor two terms. The term of C. P. Davis was finished out by S. II. Hubbell. Samuel Reed and Win. II. Plunk each held the office one term, and Mr. Bert Emerson is the present mayor. Wm. Shultz has been clerk most of the time since city gov- ernment was enforced. There has been no saloon license since the organization under city government. At present the population of the city is about 1,800 persons. Monticello was held back, and grew slowly, a number of years on account of having no railroads ; but since the building of the first rail- road a steady and quite rapid improvement has been going on. Monticello of to-day contains three churches : the Methodist, Pres- byterian and German Methodist ; two school buildings and two hotels. The High school building is of brick and is in the south part of the city, while the frame building is in the northern part. The brick hotel is under good management and is near the public square. Joseph Mallory has recently become proprietor of the other hotel, and with his ability as landlord and with his wife's culinary skill, we may anticipate a first-class hotel. The first grain elevator in Monticello was erected in 1872, by Piatt, Hubbel & Co. Its capacity is about 15,000 bushels. In 1878 a grist mill was connected with the elevator, and both are now owned by E. A. Townly & Co. In 1876 Knight it Tinder erected an elevator on what was then the Chicago & Pacific railroad. Its capacity is 20,000 bushels. There are two lumberyards and two lively stables in the place. J. W. Race & Co. have three rooms on the east side of the public square, which are devoted to merchandising purposes. There are a number of other grocery, clothing and merchandising stores in the city, mention of which will be found elsewhere. The business center of the city is found in" the vicinity of the public square. Rhodes block, on the northeast corner of the square, was built in 1874. It contains an opera hall 40x90 feet, which has a seating capacity for over 500 persons. The building is of brick and has three stories and a basement. Dr. Noecker's block, in connection with the brick hotel, a little northwest of the square, is another addition to the appearance of the- MOXTICKLJ.O TOWNSHIP. 245 place. The brick block formed by the buildings occupied by Mr. Julius Brown, Mr. John Davison, Messrs. Bohn & Vangundy, and Mr. Dickerson, adds greatly to the appearance of the southwestern corner of the square. Another brick building is on the south side of the square, while the eastern side is also partly built up with brick build- ings. While the people are very well satisfied with the appearance of the public square, yet all are waiting anxiously for the removal of some of the old one-story frame business houses and the erection of brick build- ings in their stead. Monticello is improving rapidly now, and we hope to see this change soon. Monticello has two cemetries, the old one which joins the west side of the city, and the new one which is situated over a mile north of Monticello. Not a city of its size in central Illinois can boast of nicer and neater residences than some in Monticello. The Churches* There was preaching in Piatt county a number of years before there was any organized church, and this preaching was done by ministers of various denominations. After a time there were some resident ministers in the county, among whom we can mention Mr. Welch and Mr. Harshbarger, of the Christian church. In regard to the Methodist Episcopal churcTPof Monticello, we could not gain a great deal from the records. The first quarterly conference recorded is that of November 23, 1X43, with W. I). Trotter, presiding elder, and Addison God rid, pastor in charge. The first Methodist Episcopal church building was begun when James C. Rucker was pastor in charge. A great revival meeting was held in 1X.">7, when about 400 joined the church by letter and on probation, ("amp Creek church was built about 1860, dedicated by Granville Moody, of Ohio, and a subscription was raised to liquidate the debt. The war reduced the membership on the circuit very much. In September, 1X6X, Monticello was constituted as a station, with a membership of 138, in two classes four local preachers, one exhorter, K. W. Travis, presiding elder, and Ira Emerson, pastor in charge. During 1868-70 the new Methodist church was begun. We have been informed that Mr. B. F. Harris, of Champaign, nominally donated the lot to the church. The building is of brick, and was dedicated to church purposes December 17, 1870, by the Rev. II. Buck. This church has been existing a number of years under a load of debt amounting to over $3,000. Owing to the undiminished labors of G. S. Alexander, who has recently left his field of labors in Monticello, this debt has been lifted. 240 HISTORY OF PIATT COl'NTY. The following are the names of the presiding elders and pastors in charge, as recorded in the Methodist Episcopal church record-book : Presiding Elders John S. Barger, 1847; (1 D. .lames, 1851 ; G. W. Fail-bank, 1854; Samuel Elliott, 1885; L. C. Pintner, 1857; Hiram Buck, 1850 ; R. W. Travis, 1861. Pastors in Charge L. C. Pitner, 1840; James C. Rucker, 1S47; I. L. Green, 1848; W. ,T. Newman, 1849; Joseph Lane, 1849; A. Doncarloss, 1850; William C. Blundell, 1852; Christain Arnold, 1854; Miles A. Wright, 1850; John H. Scott assistant pastor; Edward liutledge, 1857 ; B. F. Lodge, assistant pastor ; A. K. (Tamer,. 1859 ; W. B. Anderson, assistant pastor; Isaac Grove, 1801-02; D. P. Lyon, 1804 ; J. B. Ilouts, 1805; James T. Orr, 1807; Ira Emer- son, 1868 ; J. S. Orr, 1868-70; W. II. H. Adams, 1870-72; P. C. Carrol], 1872; George M. Fortune, 1873; I. Villars, 1874; Mr. Everhart, 1875; J. Montgomery, 1870; J. A. Muse, 1877; D. Gay, 1878 ; G. S. Alexander, 1879-80-81. The membership of the church is nearly 200. .V/v/V'/i of fin' Presbyterian Church of Monticello* as reported />;/ Rev. Onnxby. The Presbyterian church of Monticello was organized JL Saturday, October 27, 1842, by Rev. Joseph Adams, then preach- ing to the church of Ashmore, Coles county. But previous to that time there had been occasional Presbyterian preaching, and Rev. William Ilutchinson, a Cumberland Presltyterian of Champaign county, Imd preached statedly as often as once a month for perhaps a year. So far as I have been able to ascertain, lie was the first Presbyterian minister to preach in Monticello. Mr. Adams was appointed a committee to organize the church, by Palestine presbytery, ( )ld School. It consisted, at the organization, of the following ten members, all of them uniting by letter from other places, namely: James Huston, Sarah Huston, Mary Neyhart, Archibald Moftitt, Samuel Moftitt, James J. Patterson. Anna Patterson, Elizabeth Young. Hugh O'Neal and Mary O'Neal. At an election held the same day. James Huston and Archibald Mofh'tt were chosen ruling elders. The church remained, however, without regular services for about a year, when, in December, 1S.">1, liev. It. H. Lilly, of Champaign, was engaged to preach half his time for one year. He may have continued longer. The church was then destitute for several years, and became very much reduced by deaths and removals, losing both its elders by death. However, a committee of Palestine presbytery again visited it, and on October 31, 1857. received five additional members, and took measures tor its reorgani- MONTH 'KLI.o TOWNSHIP. 'J47 /ation. About the Beginning of 1S5S Rev. John Huston took charge. He remained some six years, preaching part of his time in Monticello, and the rest in neighboring school-houses, especially the Morain school- house, and another near what is now I)e Land, where there was at that time a small Presbyterian organization, since disbanded. Mr. Huston is well entitled to be considered as the real founder of the church, and endured toils and self-denials for it such as few other men would have done. Some time in the summer of 18H5 he removed to southern Illinois, and is now supplying the churches of Goshen and Princeton. Missouri. In the fall the services of Rev. T. P. Emerson were obtained part of his time for one or two years. He was succeeded by Rev. J. H. Dins- more, of Louisville presbytery, who was so much of an invalid that he wa employed to preach only so much as "his state of health might enable him." Early in 1869 the services of Rev. S. A. Hummer were obtained, who continued in charge about three years. During the last year of his Rtay with the church, 1.S71, its house of worship was built. Previously the public services had been held in the court-house, and part of the time in the old Methodist Episcopal church. The house is of wood, on a brick foundation, having a pleasant audience room of 35x60 feet, and a tower and belfry in front. It was built under the supervision of J. M. Combs, architect, and cost about $4,000. It was paid for by subscriptions of money and work given in the community, and a grant of $700 from the Board of Church Erection. The ladies' aid society of the church purchased its furniture stoves, chandeliers, chairs, carpets, etc. and paid for the frescoing. It seats comfortably about 300, and has a bell weighing one thousand pounds. After Mr. Hummer left, the church remained unsupplied for about a year, when Rev. William R. (rlen became its pastor, and continued in that relation two years, the only regularly installed pastor the church has ever had. After his removal it had only occasional and transient sup- plies until July 1, 187(>, when Rev. A. l<\ Ashley took charge of it. Under his ministries, in the following January, occurred the most con- siderable revival it has ever enjoyed in all its history. As the fruits of that revival twenty -one stood up together at the February communion to profess their faith in Christ, ranging from the grey-haired man of seventy to the child often. Several others were received later. Mr. Ashley remained in charge some three years, after which he labored a short time in neighboring churches, and in the spring of isso removed to Ishpeming. Michigan, where lie is at present. 248 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. June 13, 1880, Rev*. M. P. Ormsby became stated supply, and is still occupying the field. Owing to its frequent destitutions of preaching, the many changes that have taken place in the community, and other causes, the church has had but a slow growth. Out of nearly 200 members, first and last connected with it, it has only eighty remaining at present. But the last ten years, since the building of its house, it has been making constant progress, and has promising prospects for the future. Fraternal Lodge, No. 58, A. F. and A. M. The charter of Fra- ternal Lodge, No. 48, is dated October 4, 1848, and is consequently among the older charters in the state. It is signed by William Lanely, the then Grand Master of Masons of the State of Illinois, and also by E. R. Roe, D.G.M., J. C. Ketcham, G.S. W., Win. C. Hobbs, G.J.W., and Wm. Mitchel, G. Sec. The charter members were Peter K. Hull, Master; Win. Laforge, S.W.; R. Carlyle, J.W.; also Patterson, W T m. Marquiss, John P. Tenbrook and J. C. Johnson, first meeting of the lodge was, however, held under dispensation the night of the 1st Monday in March, 1848." At this meeting what were afterward charter members were present, and in addition thereto we find the name of Samuel Bender on record. At this meeting the petition of Robert O. Parantea, of Logan county, was received and referred to a committee. At a regular communication held May 1, 1848, the lodge did its first work, the degree of E.A. being at that time conferred upon Allen Sadorus, George Matsler, G. W. Fisher and Henry Zorger. *The regular communications of the lodge are held on the evening of Saturday of each month coming on or before the full of the moon. The meetings are held in the hall owned by the lodge, comprising the third floor of the brick block northwest of the public square in Monticello. At the present time the lodge consists of eighty-one members. The officers' names are as follows : Joseph E. Evans, W.M. ; Henry W. Keyes, S.W. ; Samuel Cole, J.W. ; W. J. Britton, Treas. ; J. A. Hill, Sec. ; G. A. Burgess, S.D. ; Joshua Tatman, J.D. ; Henry Sackriter, Jr., S.S. ; William Baldwin, J.S. ; Wm. Worsley, Tyler; J. H. Carper, Marshal. Markwdl Cliapttt'. No. $>', R- A. M. Markwell Chapter was orgaiii/A-d January :>.">, 1S.VJ, under a dispensation granted N. I). Elwood, Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Illinois, by Companion Levi Lusk, acting as high priest. At this meeting the chapter conferred the degree of Mark Master on Charles Watts, it being their first work. The returns to the grand MXUS'TICKLLO T( )\\ XSII1 1'. 249 chtiptcr show the following named companions as officers and mem- bers for the year 1859, viz: Peter K. Hull, H.P. ; flames .1. Patted son, King; A. G. Boyer, Scribe; Win. Noecker, C.H. ; B. Cassell, P.S. ; James A. Hill,* E.A.C. ; Charles Watts, G-.M. 3d V. ; Win. T. Foster, G.M. 2d V. ; L. J. Bond, G.M. 1st V. ; Charles Watts, Sec. ; John Mosgrove, Treas. ; M. M. Harshbarger, Sent. Members : J. O. Sparks, F. E. Bryant, T. T. Pettit, Charles Marquiss and S. H. Bender. At the present time the chapter consists of forty-four mem- bers and the following named officers, viz : Harvey E. Huston, H.P. ; Caleb A. Tatman, King ; Richard T. Ayer, Scribe ; Henry W. Keyes, C.H. ; Gilbert A. Burgess, P.S. ; Wm.. J. Britton, R.A.C. ; Joshua Tatman, M. 3d V. ; Samuel Cole, M. 3d V. ; Joseph E. Evans, M. 1st V. ; Henry Sackriter, Treas. ; Samuel B. Webster, Sec. ; Wrn. B. Worsley, Sent. The charter is dated September 30, 1859. The regular convocations have been held, ever since the organization of the chapter, on the evening of Thursday on or before the full of the moon in each month. ^"" Monticello Council, No. 27, R. and S. M. This council was organ- ized, under dispensation on August 31, 1866. The charter was dated October 4. 1 860, and the following are the names of the first officers, who were also the charter members : A. T. Pipher, T.I. G.M. ; Charles Watts, D.G.G.M. ; J. C. Johnson, P.C.W. ; E. P. Fisher, M. of E. ; L. J. Bonn, Recorder; Wm. Noecker, C. of G. ; N. Henline, C. of C. ; J. A. Piatt, Sent. The council at present consists of nineteen members, and the following named officers, viz : E. A. Barringer, T.I. G.M. ; A. T. Pipher, D.I. G.M. ; J. R. Dove, P.O. of W. ; James M. Holmes, Recorder; J. C. Johnson, M. of E. ; Win. Noecker, C. of G. ; L. J. Bond, C. of C. ; E. P. Fisher, Steward; Wm. Worsley, Sent. The regular convocations of the council are held on the evening of tlfe second Tuesday in each month, at the Masonic Hall in Monticello. The foregoing matter relative to the several lodges was furnished us by H. E. Huston. " Fraternal JSncampment. The Fraternal Encampment, No. 145, ^JJ^O.F., was organized July i), 1873. The charter members were Joseph T. Yan Gundy, Wm. E. Smith, James Honselman, Louis Katz, John Kousho, Henry Sackriter and James C. Harrington. The following presiding officers were installed when instituted : Jos. T. Van Gundy, C.P.; Louis Katz, H.P. ; Jas. C. Harrington, S.W.; Jas. 250 HISTORY OF 1MATT OOIXTY. Ilonselnian, .). W. ; Wm. E. Smith, Scribe; John Ivousho, Trcas. The presiding officers installed January 2, 1*82, are .los. T. Van Gundy, C.P.; Win. K. Smith, H. P.; .1. A. Brown, S.W.: Win. A. Baldwin, J.W. ; Einmott II. Ormsby, Scribe; Francis A. Tate, Treas. The membership is thirty and the encampment meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in the Odd-Fellows' hall. over J. A. Brown's store. ~~ Sdah Lodge. The Selah Lodge, Xo. 401-3, I.O.O.F., was organized August 2<>, 186!*. The following are the names of the charter Numbers : Alon/o T. Pipher, James C. Harrington, Wm. 1). Shultz, Michael Hazzard, Jacob McClain, Pierre Halm. The following presiding officers were installed at time of organization: Alonz<> T. Pipher, KG.; James (\ Harrington, V. G.; Win, D. Shultz, Eec. Sec.; Michael Ilazzard, Treas. The presiding officers installed in July, 1882, are Geo. R. Baldwin, KG. ; Francis A. Tate, V.G. ; E. II. Ormsby, Rec. Sec.; F. G. Stevens, Per. Sec.; Christian WengenrotJi, Treas. The membership is fifty-two. The lodge meets on Tuesday evening of each week in their hall over J. A. Brown's hardware store, on the west side of the square. Monticello, Illinois. ^Montictllo Mat ii'il I )>i Hi/! n. Of their five children, who were boi*n in Ohio, Edward was born in 1X15; Solomon, in 1S17; Willis, in 1819; Celia. in 18iM ; and -lohn, in 182?>. On October 11, 1827, Mr. Ater, with his family, started for Illinois. They readied Vermilion county the same month, and camped out until a homestead was procured. After living in Vermilion county eleven years, the entire family moved to what is now Piatt county, and settled near the Willow Branch. Mr. Ater died in 1S52, and was buried near his last home. His faithful wife survived him many years, but died in 1877, and was buried beside her husband. A gentleman who was a resident of the county when Mr. Ater lived here, savs of him : "' lie was a tall, well-made man. 252 HISTORY OK 1MATT COUNTY. Though uneducated, he had a fine mind, was an excellent fanner, and was noted far and near for his genial hospitality." MB. EDWARD ATKR was born in 1815 in Pickaway county, Ohio. When about twelve years old he moved with his parents to Vermilion county, Illinois. In 1838 he came to Piatt county to close up" a contract for land, which his father had made. Upon reaching the county Edward expected to spend the first night at Mr. Clover's, but upon arriving there found the family all sick with the ague. He next went to Mr. Reber's, to find the same disease in the household. At Mr. "West's he also found all sick, and when he reached the Piatt cabin Mr. Piatt had the typhoid fever, but a night's lodging was secured. This incident serves as but an illustration of what the early settlers suffered from the then prevalent malarial diseases. When Mr. Ater's family moved into Willow Branch township the following persons were residing there : Emanuel Clover, Washington Zinii, John Sea, Thomas Henderson, John West, .James Reber, William Pratt, John Moore, Mr. Shunian, Mr. Widich and Mr. Dillow. Mr. Edward Ater gfid Lydia Greene were married in 1837. They had four children, two of whom were girls and died quite young. William Ater served four years in the late war, and died at thirty-six years of age, when on his way home from Missouri. Frank still lives in Piatt county. Mrs. Lydia Ater died in 1857, and Mr. Ater took as his second wife Margaret Cramer, of Ladoga, Indiana. Mr. Ater taught the first school in Willow Branch township, and was the second sheriff of the county, serving four years, and never drew any fee for his services. In 184:6 he moved to Urban a, and while there served as county judge four years, and was also Mayor of Urbana four years. In 1871 he moved back to Monticello, and has since resided here. Mr. Ater is the only one of his father's family now living. MR. FRANK ADKINS, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, and has been in Piatt county for many years. He was married to Mrs. H. Harris nee Nancy Jones in 1860. She is a native of Kentucky, her parents were of English and Irish descent. Mrs. Adkins married her first husband, Chas. W. Harris, a native of Virginia, and they moved to this county in the summer of 184-4. He died of lung fever in 1858. They had four children: Martha P., who is the wife of L. W. Patter- son, lives in Manhattan, Kansas, where they have lived for nearly eight years; William T. is a druggist, lives in Solomon, Kansas, and married Miss Hannah Rodgers ; Fannie is the wife of Martin Fogle- song, and has four children, Eloise, Charlie, Daisy and Frank; they live I'.IOIJKAIMIICAI. SKKTCHKS. j?,>:> in Champaign ; Edward lives on the home place, married Jane Perse 1, and has three children, Grace, Nannie and Charles. Nannie C. and her husband live on their farm near Abilene, Kansas. I>. F. is at home. REV. GKORUK S. ALEXANDER was born July 10, 1832, in Cumber- land, Rhode Island. His youth was spent on a farm, and in a woolen factory, and his education was obtained in Rhode Island. He was married first on Cape Cod, March 11, 1856; again at Philo, Illinois, September 20, 1877, and has six children. Mr. Alexander has been a Methodist minister for number of years, arid the last three years have been spent in doing most excellent work in the Monticello Methodist church. A short time ago he removed to Nebraska, where he is pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Syracuse, and editor of the Syra- cuse Journal, a weekly republican paper. Mrs. Alexander and Mr. Arthur Alexander gained quite a reputation as artists in the vicinity of Monticello, where they had a painting class during their stay here. MR. SAMUEL ALLERTON, of Chicago, is the largest land-holder of Piatt county. He owns 7,100 acres of land, most of which he has improved. Three houses have been erected on the land, a cut of one of which appears in this book. Mr. Allerton is quite an advocate of tiling, having had some fifteen miles of the same put in in 1882. In attempting to have an artesian well at Allerton Station, a well 286 feet deep was bored, which is the deepest well in the county. Some seven hundred head of cattle are fattened and. sold each year from Mr. Allerton's farms. Mr. Allerton has traveled a great deal and his verdict is that nowhere in the old or new world has he found agricul- tural land surpassing that of Piatt county. Mit. JOHN AUNDT is of German descent and is u native of Pennsyl- vania. He moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio, and thence to Illinois. His father and mother came with him and lived in this county until their death, which occurred in 1807 and about 1865 respectively. After coming to this county Mr. Arndt married Mrs. Fannie Boyer. Her first husband, Mr. William Boyer, died leaving two children, George, who is now married and living in Champaign county, and Alice, who married Mr. A. Lord and lives in Sangamon township. They have four children, Frank, Fannie, Willie, and a babe. Mrs. Arndt died about 1803. leaving one child, Hattie. who still makes her home with her father. Part of her time, however, is spent in school teaching. Mr. Arndt was married the second time in 1867, to Mrs. Eliza Miller nee Eliza J. Graham. She was a native of Kentucky, and was married 254- HISTORY UK IMA'IT rolNTY. in that state in 1852, to Mr. James Miller, a school teacher. They moved to Monticello, Illinois, in 1852, and after one year's residence there moved to Mr. George Hover's place near Centerville, where they lived until Mr. Miller was elected county clerk, when they moved to Monticello and lived till Mr. Miller's death in 1859. Mr. Wilson Cox finished out Mr. Miller's unexpired term as county clerk. Mr. Miller taught school several terms after coming to the county. He taught one term in the first school-house in Monticello. Two of Mr. Miller's children are now living. William A. Miller was married in May, 1881, to Ella Norris. He has taught quite a number of schools in this county, but at present is in a clothing store in Monticello. Miss Adeline is unmarried and lives at home. Ireland is MK. JAMKS ALLMAN'S native 1 country. When but fifteen years old he moved from the southwestern part of the county of Kerry and landed in Piatt county in 1854. The sailing vessel in which they came over was wrecked near Nantucket Island. It struck some rocks and got fast on a sand-bar. No lives were lost but all the merchandise was unloaded. Two tugs succeeded in pulling the vessel into safe waters again. For eight and a half days the crew were apportioned one and a half pints of waterfor both drinking and cooking purposes. Two of Mr. Allman's brothers were already in America. Patrick was educated for a priest in Dublin, Ireland. lie died in Piatt county without fulfilling the mission for which he was educated. John Allman was married, in Ireland, to llonora Cronan. After her death John went west and is supposed to be dead. His daughter, Mary, is keeping house for Mr. Edward Allman, who came to America at the time Mr. James Allman did, and who now lives on a fine farm in Monticello township. Mr. Allman's sister, Catharine, married Mr. Amos Stout, a farmer in I>e- ment township. They have four children. For three years after coming to Piatt county Mr. James Allman worked on Mr. Calefs place; then for four or five years he worked for Mr. John Piatt. lie soon bought 240 acres of land of Mr. James Bryden. To this amount of land he next added 360 acres which he bought of Mr. James Johnson. I le also bought land of Mr. M. T. Scott, and some railroad land. lie bought a portion of the farm he now lives on of Mr. (ieorge Campbell. In 1877 Mr. All- man married Miss Anna McSheffry. a native of Pennsylvania, but who at that time was a resident of Champaign county. She graduated at St. Mary's, Indiana, after an attendance of six years. They have had three children : Mary, Agnes C. and Margaret. Mr. James Allman is an example of what can be done by perseverance and hard work. UKKJUAPIIirAI. SKKTCIIKS. 255 All that hi 1 has he made by sheer hard labor. He is a gentleman who is held in high esteem by the church and all his neighbors. Mi;. WILLIAM ANDKKSO.V, fanner. Monticello, is ;i native of Ohio. In <1 850 he moved to Illinois and has lived in the county ever since, lie was married in 1X54, to .lane Brady, and has had sixteen children, thirteen of whom are living. Joseph is now in Kansas. Charlotte is the wife of Mr. Perry Dewees, of Goose Creek township. The names of the other children are Alice, Melissa, George, Henry, Samuel, Martin, Delilah, Peter. William, Sarah and Ollie. Mr. Anderson went to the army, from Piatt county, in QJL A, 107th 111. reg., and re- mained ten months ; most of this time was spent in the hospital. He was on duty but a short time and never shot off a gun. He stood guard with one once which was tilled with mud. MR. It. T. AYKK, of the firm of It. T. Ayre A: 1 5 ro., butcher, Mon- ticello. is a native of England. He came to America when eight years old and located in Illinois, coming to Piatt county in 1873. At that time he located in Monticello, where he owns a residence, a business house and three acres of ground. He was married in July. 1870, to Delia Hay, and has had six children: Charles ()., John ('., Annie, Lizzie. Richard and Golde. MK. JOHN V. AYUK, of the firm It. T. Ayre & Bro., came in Novem- ber 1878, to Monticello. He was married October 8, 1871, to Bettie Ogden. and has one son, .Jonas. MK. AY 1 1. MAM BAKXKS (deceased) was born in 1792, and in 1813 married Sarah Marquiss, who was born in 1794. In 1833 they, with their family, moved to Piatt county from Ohio, and lived through the first winter in a little cabin near Monticello. During the winter Mr. Barnes built a cabin northwest of Monticello, on the place where Mr. Woolington now lives, and in the spring of 1834 the family moved onto this farm. Of their children only two are now living in this county. Abraham died at the age of two years. Henry was born in ixio, and in 1840 married Sarah Ann Norris. They had six children, two of whom are now living. William Harrison (or ''Tip"") was married about 1878, to Catharine Hoover and now lives in Monticello. Ann married Hiram Smock. Susan Barnes, who was born in 1817, married Nicholas Devore (see account of Mr. Woolington). Elizabeth married Mayhew Stewart in 1837. They lived in \Yillo\v Branch township for a time and then moved to Sangamoii township. Mr. Stewart died then- and his widow afterward married Solomon Osburn. She died in the same neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart had four 256 HISTORY OF IT ATT COUNTY. children, two of whom died when young. Sarah married Frank Brady and moved to Kansas, where she died, leaving two children. Levi Stewart was in Jacksonville when last heard from. Sarah Louisa was born in 1820. She was married to Samuel Morain while he held the office of sheriff. After his term of office ended they moved to what is now the poor farm. Their next move was to Monticello, where Mr. Morain engaged in the mercantile business. After Mr. Morain's death Mrs. Morain lived for several years on Goose Creek,, and then moved to Monticello, where she and her one living child, Eva R., now reside. Johri-^Earquiss Barnes married Nancy Winsted. He now lives in Neosho county, Kansas, and has three children living. William Mills Barnes married Ellen Tulley, who died leaving five- children. He is now living in Kansas. Caroline Barnes married M. P. Winsted and is living in Barton county, Missouri. They have three children, all married. Jemima Barnes died at the age of eighteen. MR. JOHX BARNES (deceased) was born July 1, 1823, in Ohio. He came to Piatt county in 1833, and on October 15, 1846, was united in marriage to Martha M.. Philippe, who was born January 12, 1828. Seven of their eight children are still living. Hannah R. married Mr. John W. Fitzwater December 19, 186T, and one of their three children, Emma M., is living. Mr. Fitzwater died March 19, 1873. Mary E. was married in September, 1882, to Mr. C. F. Chamberlain. Ellen married James Fitzwater February 25, 1873. George A. Barnes married Sadie A. Hiatt July 4, 1877. They have had two children, Alta J. and Maud M.. who died recently. Joseph L. Barnes is now in the railroad office at Mansfield. John G. Barnes is a member of the class of '83 in the Monticello High School. Etta is also in school. We subjoin the following from Mr. Barnes' obituary: u Died, Febru- ary 4, 1871, at his residence near Centerville, Mr. John Barnes, aged forty -eight years. He emigrated to this state when the country was new and sparsely settled. Hence, during his residence here, he became identified with the growing interests of the country, more especially with his immediate locality. Having a progressive spirit, he took an active interest in all measures that pertained to the welfare of the community, and in this particular his counsel was often obtained. As a citizen he was peaceable, and sought to allay all disturbing elements that threatened peace and harmony.- Quiet and unostentatious in his movements, never seeking to make a display, or to gain a conspicuous elevation, and somewhat distrustful of his own powers ; yet when the right had to be maintained in opposition to error, he never faltered for BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 257 a moment, but perse veringly pursued the path of duty. In his com- mercial relations he was prompted by the principles of moral upright- ness and integrity of purpose. Among all with whom he mingled he was distinguished by honesty and truthfulness. Pie was an instance of God's noblest work, 'an honest man.' He cultivated moral senti- ment and was a regular attendant at church and the Sabbath school. Being a man of musical talent he invariably conducted the singing. He took an interest in inviting ministers to his neighborhood, and his home was often their abode during their transient visits. By his per- severing industry he amassed considerable wealth, arid was liberal with his means. The various objects of charity and the general enterprises of Christianity were fully met. He was kind and indulgent to his family, and sought to render the home circle desirable and happy. He had recently built a handsome brick residence, and everything that contributed to make home a loved retreat flowed in uninterrupted harmony. The surroundings were pleasant and highly attractive. To all appearances he had reached the summit of earthly ambitions. But in the midst of this tide of social prosperity he was suddenly called to cross 'death's shadowy valley.' His sickness was of short duration, during which time he gave the future some consideration. When asked by a friend in regard to his preparation for death, he answered : 'That is all settled ; my mind is perfectly clear.' His funeral was attended by the largest assemblage convened here on a like occasion. Mind possesses the mysterious power of assimulation, and may the surviving emulate his virtues, revere his memory, and cherish his rich legacy of an unsullied character. MR. SAMUEL BENDER, merchant, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, who came to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1842. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bender, with their family, settled in Monticello at this time and lived for awhile in the Piatt cabin. But two of their five child ren r Samuel and Jerry, are now living. Henry Bender, who married Mary Ann Barnes, died leaving one son, John Bender, now living in Goose Creek township. Harriet, who first married James Campbell and then A. J. Wiley, is now dead. Ann, who married James Jacobs, is also dead. Mr. Samuel Bender owns several hundred acres of land in Goose Creek township, which he has improved himself, and a business residence and five lots in Monticello. He married Elizabeth Marquiss in 1846. She died in six years, leaving one daughter, Effie, who died January 10, 1869, being stricken down in the very bloom of her young womanhood. In 1853 Mr. Bender was united in marriage 17 258 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. to Rebecca Rea, who died in California in 1877, leaving six children. Of these, Ida is the wife of L. M. Taylor, of Monticello, and has two children, Roy and Ethyl ; Bertie is the wife of J. J. Hobson, of California, and has two children. The names of the other children are Will, Dick, Louise B. and S. R. In July, 1882, Mr. Bender and Inez Jamison were united in marriage. Within the last decade Mr. Bender has been to California several times, having lived there in all seven years. MR. JERRY BENDER, merchant, Monticello, came to this county from Ohio, his native state, in 1842, and has resided here ever since, having been in business at Monticello for at least twenty-four years. He owns his present store building, a residence, and over one block in Monticello. Mr. Bender was married about 1860, to Miss M. J. Moffitt, who died in June, 1872, leaving two children Charles, now in Idaho, and Annie, who is in Colorado. Mr. L. J. BOND, Monticello, is a native of West Virginia, from which state he mo\ed to Indiana in 1849. He remained in that state at Wabash and Lafayette until 1854, when he came to Piatt county, and in 1856 located in Monticello, where he still resides, owning 44 acres of land just outside of the city limits, and one of the most attractive residences of the vicinity. He was married October 25, 1849, to Margaret V. Bond, and has had eleven children, six of whom are now living. Lona is the wife of Mr. P. Keenan, of Monticello. Oswick is quite a musician, and. has traveled a good deal over the United States. Bert, Ada, Lena and Louis are at home. Alice died at the age of fourteen. Mr. Bond was supervisor of Monticello town- ship ten or twelve years, has held several local offices, was circuit clerk two terms, and was a member of the legislature one term. He belongs to the Masonic lodge, blue lodge, chapter, council and com- mandery, of Decatur. At present Mr. Bond is connected with railroad business, and, though he is from home a great deal, we count him one of our most earnest and worthy citizens. Mr. JOHN BRITTON (deceased) was a native of Pennsylvania. He married Miss Jane Graham, a native of Ohio, and for ten years, until 1846, made that state his home. They then moved near Monticello, Illinois, on a farm, where they remained until the death of Mr. Britton in 1856. Two children survived him. Wm. J. Britton married Miss Laura Dyer and at present is living in Monti- cello. They have had four children, two of whom, J^ellie and Willie, are living. Johnny, the eldest of the family, showed remarkable BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 259 artistic and mechanical talent for one so young. Mr. Britton has been road commissioner of Monticello township for nine years. He is school director at present, and reports the Monticello schools in a good condition, financially. Mr. Britton is a member of the Masonic lodge 58, A. F. and A. M., Markwell chapter 48, R. A. M., Monti- cello council No. 48, and the Urbana commandery No. 16. Miss Ella Britton married Dr. Noecker, a resident physician of Monticello. Mrs. Britton remained a widow until December, 1879, when she married Mr. David P. Bunn, a Universalist minister of Decatur, Illinois. He has been a resident of that city for a number of years. He used to preach quite frequently in this county, and from the time Mr. Britton first settled near Monticello, made his home a stopping place. Mr. JOHN A. BETTTENHAM (deceased) was born in Ross county, Ohio. His mother was a native of Maryland. Both parents remained in Ohio until their death. Mr. Brittenham received a common education in Ohio and came to Illinois about 1839 or 1840. He settled near Naples, and while there he entered the Illinois conference and began preaching on the Pontiac .circuit. His second circuit included Monticello. During this second appointment he was married, in 1840, -to Miss Martha Harshbarger, of Pittsburg, Indiana. After his marriage he traveled on various circuits, including that of McLean and Carlinville, but finally in 1851 located in Monticello, Illinois. While located here he dealt in real estate for a time. He built some fifteen or twenty houses in the town. After dealing for a time in real estate he farmed awhile and then went into merchandise. He had just gone out of this business at the time of his -death, May 28, 1872. His death was quite sudden. In the morning of May 28, he had been preparing some horse medicine. Just a little while before he died he went into the kitchen at his home and asked for his sons, remarking that lie thought he was going to die. In spite of all efforts to save him, he died in a very short time. Mr. Brittenham belonged to the I.O.O.F. lodge, and was an honored and respected citizen. His first wife died in 1857. Two of her children are still living. Chas. K. Brittenham is married, has one child, and is a merchant at or near Pontiac. Win. R. married Ellen Emig in 1880. They have one child. Wrn. li. Brittenham Is living in Monticello and farming. Mr. John Brittenham, the principal subject of this sketch, was married in 1858 to Sarah J. Funk, of Heyworth, McLean county, Illinois. She is still living and at present resides in the same house in Monticello 260 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. in which she went to housekeeping. She has four children living, John Richard and Thomas L., who are both farming, and Allen O. and Sarah J., who are both at home. His sister, Mrs. Howes, in speaking of Mr. Brittenham, says that he was always of a religious turn of mind and united with the church when about seventeen years old. He was made class-leader in Ohio when eighteen years old, began his work as a local preacher in Illinois about 1 839, and in 1 S43 joined the Illinois conference. MR. REUBEN BOWMAN'S life began July 4, 1806, in Pennsylvania, in which state he remained until he was ten years of age. His parents, Peter and Christina (Fagley) Bowman, died in Ohio, the one near seventy years of age and the other eighty-eight years old. They had a family of fourteen children, of which Reuben is the youngest and the only one living. Some of the children lived to be ninety years old. His father was in the revolutionary war and three of his brothers were in the war of 1812. He started to the Mexican war, but returned. When the late war began, he went out for over a year, until he was crippled by the falling of his horse. After leaving the army he lost the use of one of his eyes. Major Bowman had three sons and almost a whole company of nephews in the rebellion. Mr. Bowman was married in 1832, to Miss Sarah Bradley, who died in 1874. Their daughter, Samantha, died after her marriage to John Albert. One of their children is now married and living in Champaign county. Julia Bowman married Mr. G. M. Bmffitt and lives in Mansfield. They have three children. Harriet was married to Mr. David Robinson. They have no children. Mary Bowman is still living at home, while George is also at Monticello. Both of his wives are dead. Two of his children are living. John Bowman is married, has four children, and is living in Bates county, Missouri. Milton Bowman died in Piatt county in 1876, while his brother, James K. P., died in Missouri. Harrison Bowman is married, has several children, and is living in Shelby county. Major Reuben Bowman has lately received a pension, and, with at least a portion of this, has purchased property just south of the fair grounds. During the summer of 1881 he put up quite a nice frame residence on the place. The major doubtless expects to take comfort in his old days. MR. JAMES BROWN (deceased) came from Virginia to Piatt county November IB, 1857, and bought a farm on Goose Creek of Dr. Hull. He lived on the farm at the time of his death, October 22, 1878. lie was married in 1844. to Margaret A. Hull, a graduate of the Kalorama BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 261 Seminary in Stanton, Virginia. Several of their children were born in Virginia. Belle was married September 1, 1869, to James A. Shepherd and has one child. Bettie was married July 3, 1873, to Joseph M. Woolington and has three children. Emma is the wife of Mr. Joseph H. Ran kin. Mollie was married November 30, 1880, to Robert Hays. J. Hull Brown was a promising young man who attended school at Lebanon and at Ann Arbor. He taught school for several years in the county. He died January 21, 1879. Lucy was married February 8, 1876, to Rufus C. Gordon. Ada E. was married March 14, 1878, to Ellis Reed. Floyd F., Clara M. and Olive F. are still at home with Mrs. Brown, who now lives in Monticello. MK. JEREMIAH BAKER, farmer and stock-raiser, Monticello, is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio. His parents were natives of Ohio, and died there. He came directly from Ohio to Piatt county in 1843. He immediately entered 700 acres of land, one mile north of Milmine. David Kuns now lives on the place. Mr. Baker improved 400 acres, besides two other farms ; 400 acres where Jesse Yoakum lives, two hundred of which was bought of Gov. Oglesby, and one which he sold to Samuel Allerton. His nearest neighbors were three miles distant. In 1854 Mr. Baker lodged part of the surve} ors of the Wabash road. Deer were quite plenty then, and even after he had been there a year, one morning he counted sixteen walking off his wheat. He moved from where Mr. Kuns lives to where Jesse Yoakum lives, and re- remained there during the war ; then bought the Suver farm, now owned by Mr. Allerton. He traded that for property in Decatur, and moved there for two years, when he came to Monticello, and has recently built a nice house on one of the most desirable lots in town. Mr. Baker is a member of the Masonic lodge of Decatur. Mrs. Baker nee Jane Ater was born in Ross county, Ohio. Her parents were natives of that state and she was the eldest of ten children. Mr. Bakers father was in the war of 1812, and the Black Hawk war. While in the war of 1812, was taken sick and brought home in a litter carried by two horses. He never did a day's work afterward, and though he had a pension offered him, would not accept it, some $4,000 coming to him. MR. HARRISON BARTLEY. a farmer in Monticello township, began his worldly career in 1808, in the State of Ohio. He is of German descent and his parents were from Virginia. He was married in 1835, to Elizabeth Newhouse, who was born in 1816, in Pickaway county, her husband's native county. Her father was a private in the war of 262 HISTORY OF PIA1T COUNTY. 1812. (Mr. and Mrs. Bartley lived in Pickaway county until 1868^ when they moved to Piatt county, Illinois. They have six- children living and three dead. Edward Bartley married Sarah Fry and is a farmer in Sangamon township. They have six children living : Lucy, Elmer, Clinton, John, Will and Claude. JSarah Bartley married John Hildinger. At the time of his death, they, with their two children, Delia and William, were living at Deeatur. Mrs. Hild- inger married Mr. R. Williams, and is now living in Monticello town- ship. They have three children : Winnie, Olive, and Maud. Mr. Williams had been married before and had one child, Harry. Catha- rine Bartley married Mr. Jacob McLain, and with her two children, William and Ella May, lives in Monticello township. Louis Bartley married Miss A. Coon, and they, with their children, Charles and Fan? nie, live in Sangamon township. Nelson Bartley married .Emma Coon and lives in Monticello township. They have two children, Nellie Myrtle and a babe. Lemuel Bartley is a farmer in Ohio, while his brother Reuben is a farmer at home. Two of Mr. Hartley's family who died reached the age of maturity. Ella married Abraham Long and at her death left four children. William was twenty-four yeara old when he died. Benjamin died in Ohio. MR. ALEXANDER GEORGE BOYER, Monticello, was born in Ohio, August 5, 1825. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania. His father kept hotel in Ohio. His mother's death occurred in January^ 1875. Mr. A. G. Boyer was married in this county in 1849, to Hannali Duckett, of Butler county, Ohio. They had eight children: Lenora, who died when a babe ; Olive, who is at home ; Frank, dead ; James, living at home ; Dolly, Marti ia and Douglas are dead ; and Berta, who is at home. Mr. Boyer attended business and law college in Chicago, previous to his marriage, and taught school several terms in this county. At one time he lived on a farm. He belonged to the Masonic lodge of Monticello, and died April 11, lsi;s. Mu. WILLIAM BAKI.OW. carpenter. Monticello. is a native of Ver- mont, from which state lie moved to New York. From there lie moved to Ohio, and in 1854 came to Monticello. He \vas married in 1S42, to Marietta Stecley. They have four children living in the county. Eli/a, who married Mr. Norforth. lives in Monticello. and has two children. Frank, Cyrus and Ada are at home. ME. JONATHAN BKTTS is a native of Ross county, Ohio, lie camo with teams from Pickaway count} 7 , Ohio, to Piatt county, in 1856. After coming to this place, he first worked on a farm for Mr. William BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 263 H. Piatt, and has followed farming most of the time since. He was in the late war from 1862 to June 1865. He went in Co. F, 2d 111. Cav., and was in the battles of Hollow Springs, Mississippi, and Sabiiie Cross Roads. He was wounded in the hand and face, but was never taken prisoner. DR. EDWARD BLACKSHAW, dentist, is a native of Staffordshire, Eng- land, and came to America about 1 852, and was in Wisconsin until 1858, when he moved to Urbana, which has since been his home. He obtained his dental education at Fond clu Lac, Wisconsin, with Dr. J. R. Cole, has followed this business while in Urbana, and since 1862 has made professional visits monthly to Monticello. At present, and for some time since, these visits have been made the first Monday and Tuesday of each month. For a time he was with Dr. Coleman, but of late years, and in general, has been with Dr. Noecker. Dr. Blackshaw was mar- ried in England in 1852, to Elizabeth Jones, when after three days of married life he came to America, leaving his wife, who followed the next spring. She died May 7, 1881. He recently married a Mrs. Strachan, of Urbana. Dr. Blackshaw's trips to Monticello have been made overland. He used to travel most of the way across open prai- rie, has several times been mired in the swamps, and once his horse had to swim a slough. At one time he was lost in a rain-storm. It was often his experience to come through severe storms, and all for the sake of u teething" people. Dr. Blackshaw was the first dentist in this part of the state to introduce artificial dentures on rubber, the work pre- viously having been done on gold and silver. MR. D. S. BOND, farmer, is a native of Virginia, and moved from there to Indiana about 18-t7, then came to Champaign county about 1851, and to Piatt county about 1852. He owns 160 acres of land, which he has improved himself. Mr. Bond was married about 1859, to Mary Gates, and has had ten children, of whom eight are now living: Edwin, Albert, Earnest, Lillie, Florence, Charlie, Irving and IS r ellie. After traveling in the north and west, he returned to Piatt county, satis- fied this place is the best for a home. He has held some township offices. MR. O. P. Brsn, carpenter, Monticello, was born in 1829, in Ohio. He moved from his native state to Illinois in 18o6, and on the 2ith of January, 1853, located in Monticello, where he now owns one house and two lots, lie was married in 1851, to Barbara J. Clark, and has had four children, three of whom are living. Wm. J. married Miss L. J. Kendel, and has one child, Mabel. Maria J. married James 264 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Graham, and, with one child, lives in Champaign county. Charles W. Bush is at home. MR. WILLIAM BEATTIE, Monticello, is a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He was born in 1808, came to Canada in 1827, thence to New York in 1835, and to Piatt county in 1864. He was married in Canada in 1833, to Jeannet Hudgert, who died in 1874. Mr. Beattie has three children living. Kate, who is the wife of Mr. Brown, a native of Scotland, was married in New York city in 1864, and came to this county with her parents, Mr. Brown following the next year. They moved from Quincy here in May, 1866, and have six children: William, Robert. Nettie, James, Charles and Katie. William Beattie is now in California, and James lives in Piatt county. William Beattie paid a short visit to Scotland in 1879, but had no desire to remain. MR. J. BOHN, druggist, Monticello, is a native of Germany, and came to America in 1847. In 1860 he came to Illinois and in 1867 located in Monticello. He studied chemistry at the Illinois State Uni- versity and attended a course of medical lectures at Keokuk, Iowa. He went into partnership in drugs with Mr. Van Gundy in 1878, and still remains with him. Mr..Bohn was lately elected a member of the school board, and already shows himself a proficient worker for the interest of the city schools. MR. JOHN BECK, harness-maker, Monticello, is a native of Ireland, from which country he came to America in 1847. He moved from Ohio to Monticello in 1875. He was married in 1851, to Lucy M. Bond, who died in Monticello in December, 1881. His daughter May was a music teacher in Monticello for some time. Mr. Beck went to the army from New Jersey in Co. E of the 1st N. J. Lt. Art. He was in the engagements at Drury's Bluff and at Richmond. MR. G. A. BURGESS, superintendent of schools, is a native of Iowa. His parents died when he was quite young and he returned to Illinois in 1866 to make his home with his uncle. Mr. Burgess left the farm in 1876, graduating at the State Normal School in 1878. He owns a farm of 120 acres in Bement township, which he has improved, in addition to his residence property in Monticello. He was married in 1874, to Jane Conoway and has three children, Louis, Fred and an infant. Mr. Burgess was in the Monticello schools three years, two of which he was principal. For the last year he has successfully held the position of superintendent of schools. MR. C. BULLA, confectioner, Monticello, is a native of Wayne county, Indiana, which place he still calls home. He came to Piatt BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 266 county in 18T7, and for two years was in the drug store with W. H. Reese, after which time he went into business for himself. MK. EZRA CLINE (deceased) was a native of Ohio. His father moved from Ohio to a farm on Stringtown Lane about 1839. He had been married four times. The subject of our sketch had three brothers and four sisters, all of whom are dead now. John, Jacob and David died in this county. Jacob left two children, one of whom is still liv- ing on the home place. John left six children. Ezra Cline's half- brother Samuel lives in Warren county, Illinois ; Martin died in the Andersonville prison ; Simeon lives in Missouri ; Reuben is married and lives in Piatt county. Ezra Cline was married in 1854, to Mrs. Willis Ater nee Eliza Williams, a native of Indiana. After her first husband's death she went home to live with her father, who died in one month after Mr. Ater's decease. Five of Mr. Cline's children are living. John T. is in the sheep business in Uvalde county, Texas ; Jacob C. was married in 1881, to Amanda Class, and lives on the Cline place ; Sarepta C. was married in July, 1879, to Cyrus Peck, and lives in Willow Branch township; Joseph D. and Mary M. still live at home. Mr. Cline died in 1877, and his widow still owns the home place. DR. NELSON G. COFFIN is of English descent, and was born in North Carolina in 1820. When he was but two years old his people moved to Vermilion county, Indiana. He moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1847. Two of his sisters and one brother are still living. In the spring of 1848 Dr. Coffin married Ptuebe D. Johnson, who was a native of Rhode Island, and who came to Piatt county about 1847. After their marriage they settled in Monticello, and this has been the doctor's home ever since. Mrs. Coffin died in 1857. Of the three children which blessed their union, but one is living, Eugene, who is unmarried and at present (1881) is in Kansas City, in the Western Union telegraph office. He gained a portion of his education at Jack- sonville, Illinois. Dr. Coffin obtained hie medical education at the Medical College of Ohio, in Cincinnati. He studied in the regular school. He began his practice in Vermilion county, Indiana, in 1843, and remained there until his settlement in Piatt county. His early practice extended all over this county and ofttimes beyond its limits. He, in common with other early physicians in the county, suffered many inconveniences in traveling over the almost roadless country, which was traversed by swollen streams and covered with swampy ponds. Dr. Coffin was in the army from August, 1862, until July, 1865. HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. He was assistant surgeon in the 107th "111. reg. and spent most of his time in hospitals. He was at the battle of Franklin, Tennessee, and at Nashville. During the year of 1881 Dr. Coffin changed his old office for a more commodious one of brick. This office, within half a block of the public square in Monticello, is quite a place of resort, both for his business and his social friends. MR. ABNER CONNER (deceased), stock buyer and dealer, Monticello, was born in West Virginia. His parents were natives of Virginia, and moved from there to Ohio, and thence to Piatt county in 1851. Mr. Conner was married in 1840, to Rachel Motherspaw, and moved onto the farm now owned by Col. Smith. They also lived for a time on a part of the Allertoii farm, then moved to Monticello in 1858, into the house where Mrs. Conner now lives. They had eight children, four of whom are living. Edward was in the army, in the 10th 111. Cav., and died from sickness in 1862, while there, and was buried in Springfield, Missouri. Kate married George "Weaver and has three children, Maud, Edna and Nellie. Louisa is the wife of Jesse Warr ner and has two children, Ollie and Edward. Olive married Barnurn Harmon, a farmer, and lives in Champaign county ; they have two children. Ella is at home ; she attended school at Valparaiso, and is a teacher. Mr. Conner died. May 23, 1880. MR. JAMES CLASS' father, Barnabas Class, was a native of New Jersey. He" was of German descent, .lames Class was born in New Jersey in 1822. He was married in 1850, to Ph. he mounted his horse and, with his earthly possessions made into a small bundle, he set his face \vt -tward, and on the 7th arrived at "Greasy Point," four miles southwest of Mahomet, and near the, line between Piatt and Champaign counties. From 1850 to 1857 he> divided his time between teaching and farming. He was united iu .marriage with Mrs. .lane Smith -nee Willard, on the 268 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. 23d of September, 1851. In July, 1857, he removed with his family to Monticello, where he was successively engaged as deputy recorder in the office of L. J. Bond ; circuit clerk ; clerk in the store of J. H. Hoi lings worth ; deputy assessor, with Mr. Win. F. Foster ; dep- uty sheriff, with Dr. P. K. Hull until July ^ 1859, when he was chosen clerk of the county court to fill vacancy caused by the death of James L. Miller. In December, 1861, his term of office having" expired, he enlisted in Co. H, 63d 111. Yol. Inf., being mustered in with the regiment April 10, 1862, as 2d sergeant ; was made 1st sergeant in June, 1862 ; 2d lieutenant April 3, 1863, and was promoted to 1st lieutenant February, 1864. He was mustered out of service and honora- bly discharged May 24, 1865. In August, 1865, he was appointed postmaster at Monticello, but resigned in February, 1866, and in the following June removed to Champaign county, and from thence to Barton county, Missouri, in October, 1867, where he still lives. His father, Jesse F. Cox, was born in North Carolina, May 11, 1782, and removed to Madison county, Kentucky, in 1825, and in the following year to Spencer county, Indiana, and from thence to Vermilion county, Indiana, in 1831, where he died in April, 1847. His mother, Elizabeth Cox, whose maiden name was McLary, was, born in Clarrard county, Kentucky, April 1J., 1797, and married William H. Steen in 1816, and after his decease married Jesse F. Cox in 1826. She died" in Missouri, in August, 1872. Mrs. Wilson Cox, nee Jane Willard, was born near Nashville, Tennessee, January 19, 1825. Her parents both died during her childhood, and in 1834 relatives took her to Johnson county, Indiana, thence to Vermilion county, and thence, in 1840, to Piatt county, Illinois ; at that time it was a part of Macon county. She was married in 1843, to Joshua Smith, and some years after his death was married to W. F. Cox. WILSON F. Cox, of Barton county, Missouri, in writing of his sojourn in Piatt county, remarked that "in 1849 the settlements were confined to the immediate vicinity of the timber on either side of the Sangamon river, very few of the farm houses being one-fourth of a mile from the timber line, and many people thought that the prairies would never be settled as far out as three or four miles. The first man I heard speak of settling at the Irish Grove, now the ' Uncle Tommy Branch farm,' was deemed a proper subject for the lunatic asylum, and doubtless any man who would have attempted to settle east of the Blue Mound would have been deemed an incurable idiot. Yet ere I left Piatt county farms and farm-houses dotted the broad prairie east and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 269 west of the Sangamon river, to and far beyond Tolono on the east, and to Friends creek on the west." He further says that since the close of the war a number of Piatt county citizens have removed to southwest Missouri. Among them are Charles Marquiss, of Joplin, Jasper county, Missouri ; John Elsea, Joseph Wright and Samuel Franklin, at Webb City, Jasper county, Missouri; M. P. Winstead, John Dyer, Henry Morain, John 8. Herron and H. .D. Moffitt, Nashville, Barton county, Missouri ; Braxton Acree and William Robinson, at Golden City, Barton county, Missouri ; Harry Hubbart, J. P. Hubbart, Jacob Freeman, Reuben Warner and William Motherspaw, at Carthage, Jasper county, Missouri; Mrs. Sarah E. Hubbart (formerly Mrs. J. D. Phillips) and S. S. Wimmer, at Opolis, Kansas ; James Newell, at Webb City, Missouri ; Mrs. Nancy Alexander (formerly Mrs. G. C. Anderson), and Mrs. "'Betty" Anderson, relict of John Anderson, and mother of Mrs. W. H. Plunk, at Nashville, Barton county, Mis- souri ; Frank Gulick, Preston, Jasper county; Elijah Souders, Avilla, Jasper county; Benjamin Bartlett, J. Collins, John Wolf and Mrs. William Sides (nee Elizabeth Coffman, daughter of Noah Coft'man), at Diamond City, Missouri ; William M. Collins, at Preston, Jasper county; and William S. ("Doc") Boyd, at Leroy, Barton county, Mis souri ; John C. Hubbart is near Bozeman, Montana, and Henry M. Phillips and George Fisher are near Mound City, Kansas. DK. J. H. CARPER, Monticello, was born in Shelby county, Ohio, and came with his people to Piatt county. His father, John Carper, came to the county in 1854, settled near Centerville, and lived there until his death, February 7, 1866. He was married in Ohio, to Lydia A. Strunk, who died leaving two children, Dr. Carper and William A., who lives in Crawford county, this state. Mr. Carper was married three times. One daughter, by his last wife, now Mrs. Alice Wrench, is living in the county. Dr. Carper is a graduate of the Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, and is one of our most successful phy- sicians. He was married June 8, 1882, to Mary II . Piatt, and resides in Monticello. MK. DANIEL CAUIJN, farmer, Monticello, a native of Ireland, came to America in 1854, locating in Piatt county in 1856. He owns 120 acres of land, upon which lie has put most of the improvements. When he first came to the place there were no trees in sight of his farm, and there was not a house between the Scott farm and Sadorus'' Grove. Mr. Carlin went to the army from Piatt county in Co.'E of the 107th 111. reg.. and was in the battles of the Atlanta campaign and 270 HISTOUY OF PI AIT COUNTY. those at Nashville and Franklin. He was taken prisoner by Morgan and retained eight months. MR. LAWRENCE CASEY, farmer, Monticello, was born in Ireland. He came from his native country to America in 1849, locating in 1855 in Piatt county, where he has lived ever since. He owns 80 acres of land, which he has improved himself. MR. AMOS CONARD, -farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to McLean county, Illinois. He came to Piatt county about 1869, and now owns 160 acres of land in Monticello township, which he has improved. He was married in 1832, to Sarah Smoots, and has had eleven children, six of whom are living. Hiram married Dannie Gordon, has three children, Edith, Alpha and Eliza, arid lives on the home place. Jonah married Mary Rabb, lives in Missouri, and has six children. P. H. married Orrilla Davis. Frank married Lizzie Suver, has three children and lives in Warren county. John married Lena Stiles, lives near Camp creek, and has six children, Lulu, Grace, James, Solon, '.Joe and Amos. Eli Conard is now in Arizona. MR. P. II. CONARD, farmer, is a native of Ohio. . He came to Piatt county with his father about 1868. He now owns 200 acres oi land in Monticello township, which he has improved himself. His present residence was built in 1872. He was married in ' the same year to Orrilla Davis, and has had four children, Amos, Arthur, Frank and Clyde. They have an adopted' child, Annie Flynn. : Mr. D. G. CANTNER, express agent, Monticello, is >a native of Pennsylvania. Owing to losses by lire, he moved from Pennsylvania to Dwight, Illinois, in 1868. He lived in Winona, Streator, moved to Kansas, where he experienced the effects of the great grasshopper raid, and then in 1S74 located in Monticello as agent of the Chicago & Paducah railroad. In all, he has had six years of practice in tele- graphy, lie owns a house and one lot in Monticello. lie was married September 15, 1864, to Lettie M. Johnson, and has three children, Grace, Jennie and Charlie. Mr. Cantner, while attending school at Gettysburg in 1863, joined Co. C of the College Guards, 26th P. V. V., and was under Col. Jennings. MR. JAMES E. CAMPBELL, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ross county, Ohio. His parents were from Kentucky and Pennsylvania, but lived and died in Ohio. Mr. Campbell came to Sangamon county in 1849 and visited in Piatt county, but did not move here until 1865, when he settled in Sangamon township.- He moved 1 to Sangamon BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 271 county again in 1872, and in 1881 returned to Piatt county and at present is living one mile east of Monticello, on the place until lately known as the John Piatt farm. Mr. Campbell was married in Sangamon county, to Nancy J. Gipson. Seven of their ten children are living. Mary Alice married .John Hickman ; she died leaving two children. Mr. Hickman married again and lives on Stringtown Lane. George W., butcher, married Charity Bensil, lives in Monticello, and has four children. Permelia Catharine, Ruth, Theodore, Emma, Allen, Eva and Robert are at home. Mr. James Campbell had a brother, Williamson Campbell, who came to Piatt county in J 847 or 1848 and settled on what is now Sam Bender's farm. He died in this county in 1872. His widow is still living here. MR. NICHOLAS DEVORE (deceased) was born in 1808, in Ohio. He came to Piatt county in 1834. The first winter he was in the county he sawed wood for Mr. Abraham Marquiss. It was during this time he h'rst saw his future wife. After doing a good deal of sawing for various persons in the neighborhood Mr. Devore and his brother-in-law walked and dragged their whip-saw to Chicago. After a spell of sickness in the early fall he returned to Piatt county, and in December, 1835, married Susan Barnes. The newly married couple moved on to a farm nine miles southwest of Monticello. Sickness soon compelled them to return to Mr. Barnes', where they remained a year. As soon as Mr. Devore was able to be about, and while using crutches, he helped to put up a house which was the, original k 'Old Fort" in Monticello. Before the house was completed lie rented it to Mr. Edward Ater and Judge Rickets, who were to plaster the house for the use of it. Mr. Devore was again living at Mr. Barnes" 1 when he took his death sickness, in 1842. Two of Mr. and Mrs. Devore's five children are still living. Sarah M. married Mr. J. N r . Bondurant, February 18, 1867. They are now living in Ford county, Illinois. William C. married Mattie A. Kimler, November 19, 1877, and at present is living in Farmer City and is editor of the Farmer City ''Journal." They have one child. Mr. IS T . Devore, while in Chicago, became acquainted with many of the early settlers there. He knew Guerdon S. Hubbard and the Kinzies there. Mrs. Devore married Mr. John Woolington. (See account of John Woolington.) MR. ANDREW J. DIGHTON (deceased) was born in Erie City, Pennsylvania, and moved to Ash tabula county, Ohio. He was one of a family often children, and was educated at Kingsville and Transyl- vania University. Going to Kentucky, lit- taught school and attended 272 HISTORY OF PIA'IT COUNTY. law school there. Though he was admitted to the bar, he never practiced. He started to work for himself when fourteen or fifteen years old with but $1.50. By careful industry he was enabled to purchase land, and, in partnership with Mr. Donaldson, bought a farm of John Stiver in this county, locating here in 1853, at first living in a double hewed log house. Because of two spare beds, a rag carpet, big pillows, flowered window curtains, and chairs, it was considered the finest furnished house in all the neighborhood. He soon bought Mr. Donaldson out, his farm then consisting of 800 acres. They at first lived not far from where the present house now stands. At the time of his death he owned 1,520 acres of land, part of which is in Cham- paign county, besides a home of 500 acres ; also had one-third interest in the bank of Houston, Moore & Dighton. The home farm was the best improved of any, the nice farm residence being built soon after coming to the county, but it has since been remodeled. He also owned a farm of 197 acres at Cisco, which is some improved. Mr. Dighton was married in Kentucky, in 1854, to Sarah C. Netherton. They have had eight children, five of whom are living. John 1ST., who is married, lives in Monticello (see his sketch). Elvira and Anna attended Monticello Seminary for two years. Andrew died when twelve years old. Ida died December 30, 1881, twelve years old. Willie and Mary are twins. Mrs. Dighton was one of a family of eight children, three of whom lived on farms. They were formerly slave owners. Mr. Dighton's parents were of English descent. His father was born in New York state, held the position of county judge and was in the war of 1812. His grandfather was in the revolutionary war under Burgoyne. Before leaving England he determined not to fight the Americans but to desert to their side. At this time he was in college preparing for the church, and was a good Greek and Latin scholar. He deserted while in Canada and went through woods to the American side ; was followed by Indians, and so closely beset that he threw away his arms and sunk himself all but his nose under a log in the water. The Indians actually walked over the log and their dog came and smelled of him. He was so exhausted and about to give up when he heard a rooster crow and crawled to the house and finally got to the army. He received several wounds during engagements, was given an office, and at the time of Burgoyne's surrender was on the American side. After leaving the army lie taught school the rest of his life. Grandfather Dighton lived here seven years, died about 1867, and is buried in Piatt county. Mr. Andrew Dighton died December 25, 1878. LIBRARY / OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 275 MR. JOHN DIGHT^X, farmer, Monticello, was born in Kentucky, and reared in this county, where he received his early education. He also attended the state university at Champaign. He was appointed ad- ministrator of his father's estate, and since his death has had charge of and managed the business for all the heirs. He owns individually now at least 500 acres besides town property and brick store. He is a very shrewd business man. Mr. Dightoii was married June 29, 1881, to Miss Mary I. Reed. They spent two months in California, return- ing to locate in Monticello. Mrs. Dighton is a native of Monroe county, Ohio, and came to Illinois about 1864 to teach. Her brother Samuel was married and living here at that time. She first taught at Madden's school two terms, and next taught at Cerro Gordo. She attended Monti- cello Seminary near Alton three years in all, graduating about 1870, teaching in the meantime. She then taught in Bement one year, and , was first assistant in Monticello for three years. For a year she taught private pupils. Mrs. Dighton, nee Mary Reed, was elected county superintendent in 1877, but resigned ere her time was up. She revived the institute after a cessation of several years, held the first long term institute, and did excellent work. She conducted three institutes. Mrs. Samuel Reed, her mother, died in Monticello in 1878. Miss Sarah Reed has taught in Cerro Gordo, Bement and Monticello, and is a member of the class of '82 at Oberlin, Ohio. Dr. William Reed practiced a number of years in Cerro Gordo. He is a graduate of the Detroit Medical College, and was a soldier in the late war. Mr. Reed married Mary L. Sartwell, and lives in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. James Reed was a druggist in Cerro Gordo, married Sarah S. Thomas, lives in Liverpool, Ohio, and has three children. MR. ISAAC DYER, a resident of Monticello, was born in 1812, in Vir- ginia. His parents were natives of the same state and were of English and German lineage. They moved to Fayette county, Ohio, in 1827, and their earthly days ended in this state. Mr. Dyer was married in 1833, in Highland county, Ohio, to Miss Catharine J. Carothers. Her parents, Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Sarah (Bothwell) Carothers, were natives of Ireland. They came to America comparatively wealthy. Mrs. Dyer was born in 1812, in Virginia. She had three brothers, one of whom was killed in the Mexican war. Four daughters and one son came with Mr. Dyer to Piatt county in 1857. The son, Thomas C., returned to Ohio, and is now living there. Mary became the wife of Mr. William Webster, of Monticello. She died leaving several children to mourn a mother's loss. Ann is the wife of Mr. Sam Webster, while 18 276 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Laura rules the home and heart of Mr. William Britton, of Monticello. Merab is still at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer first landed in this county at Bement. Here one of the children was taken sick and the disease proved to be putrid sore throat. As they came into Monticello the next day after arriving in the county Mrs. Dyer caught sight of the old Methodist church, and thought it was a bake- shop. They first settled in a portion of the house in which the Misses Huston now live. Mr. Dyer paid $20 in gold a month for rent, and the building was only one story. Every room but one in the house leaked. Mi-. Dyer has been a carpenter all his life. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dyer have been zealous workers in the Methodist Episcopal church of Monticello. MR. MERRITTM. DICKERSON, grocer, Monticello, was born in McLean county, Illinois, in 1845. His father was also a native of McLean county. From McLean county Mr. Dickerson moved to Arkansas,- where he lived about three years', and then came to Piatt county about the first of May, 1873. At this time he Opened a grocery store in the old court-house, then standing on the west side of the square and owned by Mr. Kaiser. This building burned down, and the grocery was then opened on the southeast side of the square. After remaining in partnership with Mr. Kaiser about two years, Mr. Dickerson bought him out, and since that time has been in business for himself. In Sep- tember, 1881, Mr. Dickerson moved into the brick store building lately built by Mr. J. 1ST. Dighton on the southwest side of the square. He says he can have no reason to complain of the trade, as it has been on a constant increase ever since he came to town. He owns a house and two lots in Monticello. Mr. Dickerson was married August 27, 1867, to Martha Gilmore, of Arkansas, and has had four children, two of whom, Clarence M. and Roy E., are living. He went to the army from McLean county in 1863, in Co. G of the 68th 111. reg. ; he next went into the 94th 111., and was mustered out from Co. G of the 37th 111. reg. During the last six months of service he was detailed as clerk at the headquarters at Galveston post. We chanced to see his discharge, and we were pleased to note that the lieutenant-colonel in charge of the post said some very good things about him. Upon our asking Mr. Dickerson to relate some of his narrow escapes in the army, he spoke of being detailed to take orders to the ambulance corps in the rear. While standing by a wagon talking to the wagon master, a solid shell, sixty pounds weight, struck and killed three mules which stood at his side. After recovering sufficiently from the shock, he, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 277 with several men, dug the ball from the ground where it struck twenty feet from the mules. MB. D. W. DEARDURFF, grocer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio. He moved from there in 1857 to Piatt county, and located in Monti- cello. After farming for a time he went into the grocery business. He owns a residence and one block in Monticello. He was married in 1877, to Nannie M. Davis, and has two children, Lavina M. and William F. Mr. Deardurff went to the army in 1862, in Co. E of the 107th 111., and was also in Co. F of the 3d 111. Cav. He was in the battle at Fort Blakely, besides several skirmishes. He returned from the army in 1866. In Monticello he has been a member of the I.O.O.F. for seven or eight years, and also belongs to the Knights of Honor. MR. GEORGE R. DAWSOX, stock dealer, Monticello, is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio, and came to Piatt county about 1856. He has remained in the county ever since, and for the last three years has been engaged in the stock business for himself. On the 19th of April, 1861, he was the seventh man to enlist in the army from Piatt county. He went out in Co. C of the 21st 111., and was corporal. He was discharged in December, 1861, on account of disability. Mr. Dawson is now a member of the Odd-Fellows lodge of Monticello. MR. JOHN R. DOVE, hardware merchant, Monticello, is a native of Clark county, Ohio. He moved to Logan county, Illinois, in 1845, and in 1853 came to Piatt county from Indiana. His father, George W. Dove, and family moved into this county and was living here at the time of his death. Mr. John Dove moved into Monticello in 1870, and now owns a residence and a part of a lot in the place. In 1879 he went into the hardware business with Mr. Lumsden. He went to the army from Piatt county, April 19, 1861, and returned in August 1864. He was in Co. C of the 21st 111. Vols., and engaged in the following principal battles : Perrysville, Stone River, Chickamauga and Resaca. Mr. Dove was married in 1866, to Catharine Williams, a native of Ohio, and has seven children : Lillie, Willie, Edward, Addie, John, Alice, and an infant. MR. C. P. DAVIS, deputy United States marshal, Monticello, was born March 7, 1835, in Indiana. He moved from his native state to Piatt county in 1866, arid opened a merchandise store in Monticello, where he has since resided. He has been in the house of represen- tatives two sessions and in the senate four years. In January, 1880, lie was appointed to his present position. He and Miss Hettie M. 278 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Close were united in marriage March 20, 1856. Three of their five children are living: Nannie J., now wife of Prof. M. A. Scovell, is a resident of Champaign; Marietta, Monticello's sweetest singer, and Jeptha are still at home. Prof. Scovell, as well as all of Mr. Davis' children, are graduates of the State University and belonged to the following classes respectively, 1875, 1878, 1881 and 1882. When the war broke out Mr. Davis was commissioned first lieutenant of the Indiana state militia, and the company was organized the next day after the fall of Fort Sumter. In August, 1862, this same company formed part of Co. F of the 66th Ind. Inf. Yol. Mr. Davis remained with the 16th Army Corps until the fall of Atlanta, when he was transferred to the 15th Army Corps. He was in every fight of the regiment, the principal of which were Richmond, Corinth, those of the Atlanta campaign, Resaca and Dallas. The regiment was veter- anized in 1863, and Mr. Davis was elected captain of the veteran company. MR. M. R. DAVIDSON, lawyer, Monticello, is a native of Macon county, who, after first locating in Moultrie county, moved in 1878 to Monticello, where he now owns a residence and two lots. He was married March 5, 1874, to Emma M. Reeme, a native of Pennsyl- vania. They have three children, Myrtle F., Mable R. and Cloyd. Mr. Davidson read law with Nelson & Roby, of Decatur, and in 1876 was admitted to the bar. MR. JOHN DRKSBACK, fanner, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1855. He improved a place of 160 acres, which is now in his sons' possession. He was married in Ohio to Mary Wensel, who is still living. They have had eight children, three of whom are living. Ephraim married Samantha Brady, and has six children, Willie, Cora, Charles, Frank, Jennie and Mary. Mary Dresback became the wife of George Brady, and has nine children, Luther, Frank, Meda, lona, George, James, John, Lona and Charles. Edward married Bessie Kimber and has two children, Mamie and Luther. MR. JEREMIAH DUVALL, a farmer in Monticello township and a native of Pickaway county, Ohio, came to Piatt county in 1852, and in 1865 married Miss Rose Altha Johnson, a native of Illinois. They have had six children, George F., Benjamin E., Francis E., William Nelson, Olive H. and Ora Florence. Mr. Duvall owns a farm of 120 acres. He went to the late war in Co. D of the 73d 111. reg. He was out six months, but was taken sick during the first month BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 279 and did not recover till long after his return home. During his sickness he was in four different hospitals. MR. JOHN W. DAVISON, jeweler, Monticello, is a native of Wales, and came to America in 1856, to Illinois about 1866, and to Piatt county about 1872. He went into the jewelry business in Monticello at that time, has been so occupied ever since, and has been the only jeweler in the place for a number of years. Mr. Davison was married June 8, 1880, to Lizzie Knight, and has one son, Willie K. He owns his house and store building, which he built in 1882, and two lots. His uncle, John Davison, who was in the same business, died in Monticello. HON. CHARLES EMERSON was born in New Hampshire April 15, 1811. He came to Illinois in 1833, and in 1834 began the practice of law in Decatur. While in this county the people of Piatt county first learned to know him. He was elected to the legislature in 1850 and again in 1851, and in 1853 was elected judge of the circuit court, which position he held until 1867. His death occurred in 1870. He was a very impartial judge and was revered by everybody. " But, after all that may be said of his fame in the eyes of the world, that which in a just sense was his highest glory was the purity, affectionateness, liber- ality and devotedness of his domestic life." MR. ALBERT EMKRSQN, son of Hon. Charles Emerson, is a native of Macon county, Illinois, and was born February 5, 1842. From Macon county he moved to Kansas, where, he remained three years and then moved, in 1875, to Monticello, where he went into law practice, having been admitted to the bar in 1868. While in Kansas he was superintendent of public instruction of Sedgwick county, and since coming to Monticello he has been master in chancery, state's attorney, and is at present mayor of Monticello. For over a year he was right- of-way agent of the middle division of the Illinois, Bloomington & Western railroad, but is now attorney on the whole road. Mr. Emer- son and Sarah R. Phipps were united in marriage in 1866, and have had six children, one of whom is dead: Leonard C., Nora, Nellie, Warren E., Charles Fay and Joseph. Mr. Emerson went to the late war from Piatt county in Co. F, of the 2d 111. Cavalry, and was out over four years and was veteraned. He was in the battles at Vicks- burg, Champion Hills, and Holly Springs, at which place he was taken prisoner and paroled after six months. Though he was in some severe battles, and had two horses shot from under him, yet he was never wounded, and did not even have a ball strike his clothes. HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. MR. JOSEPH E. EVANS, a native of Pennsylvania, moved from there to Illinois in 1S65, locating in Piatt county in 1866 and in Monticello in 1877, at which time he began dealing in farming implements. He has held a few of the township offices. In 1862 he went into the army in Co. D of the 140th regiment, and was in the battles of Fredericks- burg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and those of the Wilderness, having been wounded at Chancellorsville. Mr. Evans and Julia Vedder were united in marriage in 1867. They have three children, Delia, Harry and Ida M. MR. ZACHARIAH EMIG is a native of Pennsylvania. From this state he moved to Ohio, and from there to Illinois, in 1852. He has been a resident of Piatt county ever since, with the exception of a short time during which, even then, he called Piatt county his home. After living on Mr. Dan Stickel's place for a number of years, he moved on to his present home place in 1865. He owns 160 acres of land, which he bought of the railroad company. He has put all improve- ments on the place, including the setting out of fifteen hundred trees, and the planting of a hedge all around it. Mr. Emig was married in 1857, to Miss Mary Piper, a native of Pennsylvania. They have had eight children, seven of whom are living. The eldest, Ella, married Mr. Britteuham, and lives in Monticello. Kate married Mr. Nelson Reid, and lives in Monticello township. The other children, Lizzie, Charles, Dolly, Minnie and PVancis, are at home. Mr. Emig is a member of the Methodist church, and an elder in the congregation which meets in the New York school-house. MR. A. T. ENGLAND, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Sangamon county, Illinois, and moved from Logan county to Piatt county in 1861, where he now owns over 900 acres of land. Four hundred acres of this land are in the home farm, upon which he has put most of the improvements. He was married in 1865, to Harriet E. Plunk, and has had three children : Edward, George and Wm. Herbert. Mr. England went to the army in 1862, in Co. F of the 2d 111. Cav., and was in the following principal battles: Holly Springs, Vicksburg and Richmond. He was taken prisoner by the enemy, and was retained six weeks. Mr. England is a member of the Masonic lodge. MR. W. ESHEI.MAX, tailor, Monticello, is a native of Pennsylvania, from which state he moved to Illinois, and in about 1878 located in Monticello, where he owns a residence and two lots. He was married about 1860, to Hannah Leininger, and has seven children : Mary, Kate, Sadie, Jennie, Willie, James and Hattie. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 281 MR. E. P. FISHER, Monticello, is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio, from which state he came to Piatt county in 1851, and has remained here most of the time since. He owns his residence property in Monticello. In 1858 Mr. Fisher and Tirzah R. Ferren were united in marriage. She died about June, 1871, leaving five children. Of these, Anna is the wife of Mr. Josh Tatman, of Monticello, and has one son, Harry ; Frances graduated in the Monticello high school. The names of the other children are Margaret I., Laura and Willie. In 1872 Mr. Fisher married Mrs. Wm. Ward, nee Caroline West, and they have three children: Mary J., Callie M. and George I. Mrs. Ward had two children : Henry, who married Miss Ida Curtis, and lives in Missouri, and Miss Maggie. Mr. Fisher has successfully held the office of sheriff three times. He is a member of the Masonic lodge of Monticello. Two of his brothers came to Piatt county. Of these, George died, leaving a small family; Reuben still lives in the county. His cousin, Mr. Abs Fisher, lived in the county a number of years, but now resides in Chicago. MR. WILLIAM FOSTER, farmer and route agent, Monticello, is a native of New York, and came to Piatt county in 1853. He was married to Mary E. Thomas in 1852. She was born in Pendleton, Indiana, and moved to Bloomington, McLean county, when eight years old. Her father was a native of Virginia, and her mother of New York, and of German and English descent. They are both dead. Her mother died here in 1874. Mr. and Mrs. Foster have nine children living, and one dead. Charles, at home ; Louie E., working in express business at Decatur ; Mary Althea, graduated in the high school in 1881. She is at home, as are also George B., Anna Elizabeth, Martha E., Willie G., Theodore B. and Fred Roy. Mr. Foster has held the offices of county treasurer, assessor, and circuit clerk. MR. II. B. FUNK, Monticello, was born in Morgan county, Illinois. From there he moved to Macon county, and thence to Piatt county in 1876. Mr. Funk has been in the editing business since 1869. At that time he started "The Independent" at Jacksonville, and in Macon county published "The Maroa Xews." Upon coining to Monticello in 1876, he began editing "The Monticello Bulletin," which paper he is now publishing, it having been, however, in other hands during one year of the time since he came to the town. Mr. Funk has also composed and published several songs, and now has ready for publication a musical instruction book for classes and 282 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. conventions. He obtained his musical education in Chicago and in Bloorningtori, has taught music to some extent in Monticello and the vicinity thereabout, and is instructor of the Monticello reed and cornet band. In 1865 Mr. Funk and Libbie Cooper were united in marriage. Three of their four children are living, Nellie B., Allie M. and Fred W. MR. CHARLES FAMULENER, farmer, Monticello, was born in Ross county, Ohio. He moved from his native state to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1865 or 1866. He now owns some 400 acres of land, and lives on the place Mr. Daniel Stickel improved south of Monticello. Mr. Famulener was united in marriage to Sally Ann Piper, and has had eleven children, ten of whom he raised. Six of the children are now living. Catharine married James McRoberts. They both died in Kansas, and their two daughters, Anna and Katie, now live at Mr. Famulener'e. Elizabeth married Mr. Minear. John lives in Monti- cello township. William died after he was of age. George married Rebecca Alexander, and lives in Missouri. Charles is also married, and lives in Missouri. Philip N. and Jonathan are both in Missouri. MR. A. J. FOUST, farmer, was born in Ohio, and came to Illinois in 1855, and to Piatt county in 1856. He owns 40 acres of land, and has improved it himself, having the advantage of good crops. Mr. Foust was married in 1860, to Elizabeth Anderson, and they have five children living, Emma, Olive, Jennie, Mattie and Frank. DR. R. H. FARRA. hardware merchant, Monticello, was born in Morgan county, Ohio, in 1820. He moved to Randolph county, Indiana, where he remained for ten or twelve years, coming to Piatt county about 1862. He first settled in Willow Branch township, but in 1872 moved to Monticello, where in 1873 he began the hardware business. His place of business at present is on the north side of the square. He was married in 1863, to Mrs. Douglas Tall man, and has had one son, Frank. Dr. Farra was a practitioner of medicine in Indiana, but has done no practicing since coming to the county. He owns a good sized house and ten or more lots in Monticello. MR. SAMUEL GARVER, a retired farmer living in Monticello, was born March 6, 1806, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. From there he moved to Dauphin county. He was married in Pennsylvania to Anna Boyer, who is of English and German descent, and who was born May 8, ISO!'). They moved to Macon county, Illinois, in 1855. After six months'' residence in this county they moved to Stringtown Lane. Pi at! co-untv. At one time Mr. Garver owned 140 acres of land BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 283 on this lane, 80 acres on Goose creek, 160 acres near Farmer City, besides some timber land. He sold his land, and, after a residence of aboiit eleven years on the lane, moved to Monticello, where he still resides. Mr. and Mrs. Garver had very few neighbors when they first moved into this county. There were no houses west of them for five or six miles. The nearest school-house stood across the road from where Mr. Henry Woolington until lately has lived. This school-house was afterward moved on to the lane to the site of the present school- house. The deer were not yet extinct in this county when the Garvers settled here. They had a pet deer, 'which became very tame, and of which they grew quite fond. Mr. and Mrs. Garver have raised quite a large family; death, however, has come into their midst a few times. Elizabeth married Mr. Jacob Keller, and now lives on Stringtown Lane, on Mr. Garver's old place. They have had eight children, John, Joe, Mary, Jacob, Jonas, Nancy, Jesse and Lydia. John, a school teacher, married Miss Eliza /Rock, March 15, 1881. Ere a whole year had come to them in their new found happiness she died, and he was left to tread life's pathway alone. Joseph married Elma Dresbach and lives on the lane. Mr. Ephraim Garver was born in Pennsyl- vania. He came to this county in 1858, after a two years' residence in Macon county. He was a farmer until five years ago, when he began clerking in Monticello. At present he is employed in Hazzard & Hott's store. Mr. Garver was school director and trustee for a good many years. He married Elizabeth Brown, and they have six children living : Will, Anna, James, Samuel, Chris and Ora. Mr. Jonas Garver married Mary Watrous, and they have had six children. Mr. Garver was in thirteen battles in the late war, but never received a scratch. Anna Garver man led Mr. George Hummel. Mrs. Hummel died in Cisco, leaving two children, Ephraim and George. Mr. Samuel Garver, a druggist in Farmer City, married Elizabeth Gay. They have four children. Mr. S. Garver was als'o in the late war. Mary Garver married William Combs and lives in Goose Creek township. Mr. John Garver married Delia Hubbell. He went to the army, and after being wounded was made a prisoner for fifteen months. He suffered a portion of the time in Anderson ville. flis death resulted from exposure in the army. His widow married Mr. Reber Huston, of Monticello. Catharine A. married Mr. Henry Ilott and lives in Monticello. Mr. Christian Garver, a druggist, with his wife, nee Miss Eva Petit, and two children, lives in Farmer City. MK. J.. T. GRAY has taken the pains to furnish to us, in writing, an 284 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. interesting account of his life, and we place the substance of the entire sketch before our readers : U I was born December 14, 1819, in Sussex county, Delaware. My grandfather, Isaac Gray, was of the Anglo- Saxon race and came to America previous to the revolutionary war. My mother's father was of Irish descent. He came to America previous to the revolutionary war and was a private in that war under Gen. Marion. My father was born on the eastern shore of Maryland, about 1T82. He was a sailor up to the time of his marriage and made one trip afterward. He married Miss Margaret Magee, who was the daughter of Samuel Magee, and who was born in Sussex county, Delaware, about the year 1787. My father died February 28, 1836, leaving six children, the two eldest, Jacob and Sarah, being married. The following fall we emigrated to Pickaway county, Ohio. We started September 27, 1836, and came to Baltimore by water. "We crossed the mountains to Wheeling, Virginia, in a freight wagon and from there were conveyed in a wagon to Zanesville. Here we stopped for about two months, nearly all of the family having a spell of sick- ness, and I came near dying. After Christmas we hired a farmer to take us to Circleville, Ohio, and January 12, 1837, reached the home of Mr. James T. Magee, my mother's brother, about twelve miles west of Circleville. I was married at his house, April 4, 1838, to his daughter Jane, my first cousin. In the fall of 1856 we started for Illinois. My youngest brother, John, started with me. We left Pickaway county October 29. Had some bad weather, which made the roads miserable. On one occasion, when traveling on a plank road in Indiana, for which we had to pay heavy toll, one of the wheels slipped into a hole made by one of the boards moving aside /and the coupling pole broke. Although the forward end of the wagon went down, providentially nobody was hurt. We were delayed over one day in getting the wagon fixed. I found the president of the road and claimed damages, but he would do nothing. I threatened to sue the company, but he kindly told me that although he thought I could recover damages, that I could not wait for a lawsuit, and the best thing I could do was to mend the wagon and go on. 1 took his kind advice. On another occasion we got anxious to reach our journey's end and con- cluded to drive awhile after night. Accordingly, after feeding our O O t> ' _* horses and cooking and eating our supper out in the woods, we hitched up and drove five or six miles, when wo came to a bridge. We found boards up across the road in front of the bridge and we concluded there was danger ahead. After looking around and going back a short BIOGRAPHICAL SKKTCIIKS. 285 distance we found a muddy road which, at an angle of about forty-five degrees, led down into the river. I unhitched one horse and found where the going out place was on the other side. After riding across the river several times, in order to find the best road, we started the wagon across. The road out of the river on the west bank was very steep and had a short turn in it. I knew if the horses faltered the least bit, or if anything broke about the wagon, that the wagon could not escape turning over into the river. I think it was the most dangerous event I ever passed through, and it almost makes my head swim yet when I think of it. But we got through all right, and the next morn- ing, after feeding our horses and getting breakfast, we reached the prairie the almost boundless prairie. The effect it produced on me seems indescribable. The morning was slightly foggy, and looking before me I could see no timber and the prairie brought to my mind the boundless ocean. When the sun was about an hour high the fog cleared away and before me was spread a view that would certainly be appreciated by one who had always lived in a wooded country. I can still look with delight upon the wild prairie. When we passed through Bement I counted the houses and there were fifteen, all told. We stopped about seven miles northeast of Decatur. The weather was getting cold and I was almost out of money, so I went to work husking corn, but I soon found that I could not do that. Not long after I heard a man complaining that his clock had stopped. I told him that I could fix it. As he seemed anxious to have it done I went home with him. WJiile I was fixing the clock Mr. Jacob Garner, a neighbor, came in and watched me until I was done. He then told me that I could make good wages and have lots of such work to do if I would go around and look for it. Accordingly I started and traveled until February 15, 185T, on which day I got to Monticello, and I have been here ever since. I worked through the winter, generally going home every Saturday. I did very well financially, making from $10 to $15 per week, but it was a very cold winter and I often suffered intensely with the cold. In the month of March I moved my family here. There were three or four families living in the fort. I went to work repairing clocks and watches, and have followed that business more or less ever since. In the spring of 1859 I connected with it the making of ambrotypes, and I have the- honor of being the first resident artist of Monticello. A Mr. Butler, of Decatur, and Mr. Cathcart both worked here for awhile, and, too, there was a car here for a time. I made the first photograph that was ever made in the county, in the spring of 1862. 286 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. I followed the business until four years ago, when I found my eyes were getting too old for photography. We have five children living. Salathiel, a soldier of the war, in the 49th 111. reg., married Sarah Magee ; Sarah Margaret married David Garver and lives in Macon county ; William W. married Sydney McDivett, has two children, and lives in Monticello ; James married Melissa Gifford and has two children ; John married Hattie Cole." Mr. Gray has twenty-three grandchildren. He served a part of a term as justice of the peace. MR. THEODORE GROSS is a native of Germany, and came to America in 1856, locating near Atwood. He lived there, where he still owns property, until he was elected to his present office, county treasurer, in 1879. He married Julia Zuber, a native of Germany, in 1868, and has five children living: Hedwig, Theodore, Ella, Albert and Julia. Mr. Gross went into the army as a private in 1861, in Co. A, 21st 111. Inf., and remained four years, participating in the battles of Stone River and Chickamauga, at which place he was taken prisoner. He spent nineteen months in Libby and several other rebel prisons ere he made his escape. He went out as private and returned as second lieutenant. MR. JAMES HART left Kentucky, his native state, when he was eleven or twelve years old. He remained in Indiana until he was grown and then came to Illinois. He did not like the state, arid re- turned to Indiana. His granddaughter says, " he then found grandma and thought he could stand it out here."" He married Miss Rebecca Bradford, a native of North Carolina, August 15, 1830. He moved to Green county, Illinois, in 1831, and in 1836 settled in Piatt county. They lived for a time in the same house with William H. Piatt and wife, who were then living on what is now the Piatt county fair grounds. In 1839 they moved onto the present homestead place. Mr. Hart's grandfathers were both in the revolutionary war, and he, with two brothers, was in the Black Hawk war. One brother died in the rebellion. Three of Mr. Hart's children died when quite young. Ann Eliza married Mr. William H. Harris, and their home was about two miles from Mr. Hart's. She died, leaving four children, Henry Payne, Rebecca J., Sally A. and James William. Mr. Harris married again, but died in 1869, leaving another son. His widow is now the wife of Mr. William Branch. Marietta Hart married Samuel Smock and lives in Monticello township. Martha J. married Mr. C. H. Plaster and has three children, Annetta, Emily and James Edwin. Since taking the notes for Mr. Hart'^ personal sketch, he, after a linger- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 287 ing illness, died. He was considered an excellent farmer and an upright, honest man in all his dealings. MR. JACOB HOTT (deceased) was married in Pickaway county, Ohio, to Miss Margaret Fisher. Her father moved to Piatt county and bought land of Mr. Abraham Marquise. Probably it was through the influence of his father-in-law that Jacob Hott came to this county. He left Ohio soon after his marriage, and about 1838 or 1839 settled on what was then known as Dr. Hull's farm. He afterward moved onto his father-in-law's place and remained there till his death in 1856. He left seven children, three of whom are now living. Mary married John Hughes ; she died, leaving one daughter, Emma, who is still living. Hiram Hott died in the army. Henry Hott was married in 1864, to Catharine A. Garver. They have five children living, Lucy, Mary, John, Media and Ida. Mr. Hott went into the merchandise business with Mr. Hazzard in 1870. They occupied a building on the west side of the public square in Monticello till, 1875, when they moved to their present location on the east side of the square. Previous to going into merchandise Mr. Hott had been a farmer. Harriett married Mr. R. Williams. She died about 1872, leaving one child, Perry. Mr. Williams married again. Martha married Mr. Eli Ater, a farmer living in Willow Branch township. They have had three children, Edward, Charles and Jesse. A sad accident happened to John, the youngest son of this family. The people of Monticello were celebrating the Fourth of July, 1866, by firing off a canon which stood on Bender's corner. The canon seemed overloaded, and this boy, fifteen years of age, fearing that it would burst, retired to where Mr. Zyble's shoe store now is. His fears were more than realized ; the canon did burst, and a piece of it, striking the boy, quenched the spark of his young life in fifteen hours after. Elizabeth is still single and is living with her mother, who is now the wife of Mr. Solomon Ater. DK. P. K. HULL was born about 1810, in what is now Highland county, Virginia. His parents were also from Virginia. Dr. Hull moved to Circleville, Ohio, when lie was about twenty-four years of age. He studied medicine in Jefferson College, Philadelphia. After practicing medicine in Ohio for a time he moved west. He married Mary J. Huston, March 31, 1839. Three children reached maturity. Renick Huston, who married Rebecca Williams, was frozen to death on the prairies near Goose Creek. Estelle became the wife of Mr. Frank Williams, and lived for a number of years at Monticello. She 288 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. was a successful music teacher of the place. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have four children. They have recently sold their farm near Monti- cello and have moved to Kansas. Mary is the wife of Ren ick Buckles, of Champaign, and has three children. Monticello was her home also for several years. Dr. Hull moved to Monticello late in the fall of 1841. He made his home for a time on what is now a part of the Allerton farm. His wife died in 1849, and he rented out his farm and returned with his children. About 1855 the doctor returned to Monti- cello. He bought the property now owned by Lettie Huston, and died at this home November 20, 1850. During a scourge of cholera in 1852 and 1853, in Ohio, Dr. Hull was very successful. He was one of the first physicians in Piatt county, and was regarded by the early settlers almost as an oracle in matters of disease. One who was inti- mately associated with him says he was a man of big heart and noble impulses, and was generous to the extreme. Widows and orphans never claimed his attention without getting it. Dr. Hull was one of the charter members of the Masonic lodge of Monticello, and upon his death, in 1860, was buried by the Masonic orders. MR. WM. HUNTER is a native of Ireland. His father was born in Ireland in 1796. His mother was a native of Scotland. Of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter's live children, who were born in Ireland, William, born January 25, 1836, was the youngest. He was but a babe when the family emigrated to America. They settled in Ohio, and in this state both of William's parents died. Two of his sisters also died in Ohio, the other two went to Iowa in 1853 and settled there. One of these sisters was born in Ohio. William's only brother went west some years ago and his whereabouts is not known. Mr. Win. Hunter came from Pickaway county, Ohio, to Piatt county in 1857, and was acquainted with quite a number of people who had emigrated from Ohio to this county. He first worked for Dr. Hull, with whom he was acquainted in Ohio. In 1859 he began working for Wm. H. Piatt. He went back to Ohio and was married January 1, 1861, to Minerva A. Trego, who was born about 1840. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Hunter came to W. H. Piatt's, and remained there until September of 1861, when they moved onto a farm of W. H. Piatt's. They remained on this place until 1875, when they moved onto a farm of their own. In 1881 Mr. Hunter sold his farm to Mr. Parr and bought property in Monticello. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter have had four children : Emma Francis, born October 7, 1861 ; James, born July 20, 1863 ; Nellie, born March 14, 1865, and Wm. P., born September 26, 1868. Their eldest daughter, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 289 Emma, was married in 1880, to Geo. Miller ; she died in the spring of 1881, leaving one child. The HARRIS brothers were quite influential men in this county a number of years ago. They were all farmers and did an extensive stock business in the county. Mr. Payne liarris, now of Champaign, was the eldest of the brothers. B. F. Harris, now a prominent banker of Champaign, first carne to Piatt county in 1835, and on the 22d of June of that year entered eighty acres of land in the county. For ten years he dealt extensively in stock. He bought stock in the fall and fed through the winter, thus for ten years furnishing stock and grain markets for the farmers of this county. One year he fed 900 head of cattle near Monticello. He drove his cattle to the eastern states for marketing. In 1844 one drove was sent to Boston and brought $56 per head. The last drove, which was taken by Wm. Marquiss to Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, consisted of 430 cattle, which cost $14 per head and were sold for $28 per head. Mr. Harris certainly had a great deal to do with helping the farmers of Piatt county along. He is still a farmer as well as a banker, and owns at least 5,000 acres of land. Mr. Charles Harris and Mr. John "Harris died in this county. Wm. Harris died near Canon City, Colorado. MR. ABRAHAM HENNION, formerly of Monticello, moved from New Jersey to Piatt county in 1852, and began improvements on a farm of 160 acres south of Monticello. After remaining here several years he moved back to New Jersey, but still has some 330 acres of land in Piatt county. He was married in 1851, to Mary A. Wintermute, a native of New Jersey, and has three children : Gilford, who is married and lives in New Jersey, Foster and Ida. MR. JAMES HOLMES, a former editor in Monticello, is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio. He is of English descent, and was left an orphan when but six years old. He made his home with an aunt, Dr. B. B. J one's mother, until ten years of age. He came to Piatt county in 1859, and, after farming one season, was engaged in the printing business until the war broke out. He went to the army in 1862, in Co. E of the 107th Inf., and remained throughout the war. He enlisted as a private and came out as 1st lieutenant. The principal battles in which he took part were Knoxville, Resaca, Nashville, Franklin and siege of Atlanta. He was never wounded or taken prisoner. Mr. Holmes married Mary E. Ward, December 21, 1865. They have three children, Nannie, Ward and Paul. Mr. Holmes began publishing a paper in Monticello in 1865, and has been occupied 290 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. in this business the most of his time since, until quite recently, when lie moved to Chicago. MR. J. A. HILL was born in Fairtield county, Ohio, in 1832. He is of German and Scotch" descent. His parents moved to Pickaway county in 1839. In 1853 Mr. Hill came to Piatt county, in the employ of Messrs. A. N. & W. H. Cochran, cattle traders, in Ohio. Soon after coming to this county he was employed in Mr. Ralph Tenney's store. In 1855 he was employed by Piatt & Co., and has worked in the same store under different firms most of the time since. Mr. Hill was married in May 1862, to Lucia A. Piper. They have four chil- dren, Emma, Richard J., Charles W. and Louis, all of whom are at home. Mr. Hill was secretary in the Masonic lodge for six or seven years. He is a member of the blue lodge, arid of the commandery of Knight Templar. Miss SUSAN HUSTON, Monticello, is a native of Pennsylvania. She cam from Ohio to Illinois about 1870. She at present (1882) is in Ohio. She owns some 160 acres of land in Kansas, besides some town property. Miss LKTTIE HUSTON, Aunt Lettie, as she is known to all Monticello folks, is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio, from which state she moved to Monticello at the time Dr. Hull settled here, in 1841. After a residence of five years she returned to Ohio, but came back to Piatt county in 1S59, and has made this county her home more or less ever since. She taught in the Monticello schools for seven consecutive years, and has long been a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal church of this place. She owns quite a good deal of town property. Miss RACHEL HUSTON is also a native of Pickaway county, Ohio, from which place she moved to Illinois in 1855, and has taught school in Piatt county at least ten years. She is still living in the place and owns several, houses and town lots. MR. JOHN HUSTON came to this county in 1859, and lived in Goose Creek township most of the time, and was also on the Allerton farm. He moved to Macon county, thence to Missouri, where he died, leaving a wife and four children. Anna is the wife of H. D. Peters, Monti- cello ; James has recently been working in Decatur ; Emma and Rachel live in Monticello. MR, HARVEY E. HUSTON, lawyer, Monticello, is a native of Pick- away county, Ohio, from which place his people moved about 1859, to Jackson county, Missouri. At this date the subject of our sketch BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 2ll was about fifteen years old. He remembers very distinctly the breaking out of the war, and the effect it had upon the people of Jackson county. The vast majority of the people in that county were rebels. It was there that Quantrel's band of guerrillas was organized, and Mr. Huston knew many of the boys who joined the organization. Jesse James, whose recent murder has caused so much excitement, was a member of this band. AVhen it "got too hot" for them in Jackson county, Mr. Huston's people moved, in 1862, to Douglas county, Kansas, near Lawrence. They remained at this place until within two or three months of the massacre, in 1863, of the citizens of Lawrence. Mr. Huston was acquainted with many of these citizens. After relating some of the war scenes he had witnessed, Mr. Huston remarked that though he was not in the war, he had seen enough of the horrors of it. In 1863 his family moved back to "Will county, Illinois, near Joliet, where they lived four years, and then moved to Logansport, Indiana. On the 1st of January, 1868, Mr. Huston ''jolted across the prairie from Bement to Monti cello in Billy Motherspaw's old hack," and he has been in Piatt county ever since. He taught school for two years at Wild-Cat, while studying law under the direction of Mr. Chas. Watts, of Monticello. In March, 1870, he was admitted to the bar, and very soon after went into part- nership with W. E. Lodge, and has been with him ever since. When asked if he had held any offices in the county he very soberly remarked, "I ran for county judge once and did not get elected, because I did not get votes enough." Mr. Huston was married December 29, 1870, to Miss Susie Stickel, who died January 21, 1872, leaving a little daughter, Susie, who died in August of the same year. He was married the second time on March 7, 1876, and to Miss Martha Ward. One son, Ward T., has blessed this union. Mr. Huston's father, Mr. Thomas Huston, who died in Monticello about 1878, was drafted in the war of 1812. He hired a substitute, who was killed ere the war ended. He was a prominent citizen of Ohio, having served i;i the state legislature about 1840. MR. S. H. HUBBELL, grain merchant, Monticello, is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. He first came to the county in 1855, stayed a few months and returned to Cincinnati. In 1860 he came back and stayed until he entered the army. After the war was over he located perma- nently in Monticello. For a number of years he was a member of the merchandise firm of Piatt, Hubbell & Co., but now is working in the mill and elevator owned by E. A. Townley & Co. He went to the 19 292 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. army in 1862, and stayed until the close of the war. He held the positions of adjutant and first lieutenant, and was in the following principal battles: Knoxville, Franklin, Nashville, and those of the Atlanta campaign, i He had his horse taken by Morgan, but was never wounded or taken prisoner. He was married in November, 1866, to Miss Jennie Townley, of Cincinnati. They have had two children : Edward Townley and Harry Piatt. ME. JOHN HAYS, a farmer in Monticello township, was born in Ireland in 1830. He left Ireland and landed in New York in 1851. In speaking of this fact Mr. Hays very dryly remarked, " I ought to have left there twenty years before." There was small-pox on board the ship which brought him to America, but Mr. Hays escaped its clutches. He was raised a farmer, and, in coming to this country, thought to find a better opening for farmers than the old country afforded. Mr. Hays has owned land in several townships in this county. He landed here first in 1859, after a three years' residence in Macon county. He was married in New York, to Miss Anna Ryan, a native of Ireland. They have had five children, three of whom, Nanno, James and Will, are living. Mr. Hays was school director for eight years, and during this time was instrumental in the building of the school-house which is now at Hammond. He is a member of the Catholic church. MR. WILLIAM HANKS" is a native of Kentucky. His father, John Hanks, a native of the same state, moved from Kentucky to Indiana. In 1828 he moved to Stevens Creek, Macon county, Illinois. Previous to his moving to Illinois he lived for a time with Mr. Robert Lincoln in Spencer county, Indiana. Mr. Lincoln came to Illinois the next spring (1829) after Mr. Hanks did, and moved into the house vacated for that purpose by him. Mr. Lincoln remained with his family in this place for two years and then moved to Coles county. His son Abraham (our martyred president) the meantime breaking prairie. Abraham remained after his father had gone, and he and Mr. John Hanks built a flat-boat and went down the river to Springfield. They were hired by a man in Springfield to go on the flat-boat to New Orleans. They shipped bacon and flour to said city, sold the boat and then returned on a steamer. Lincoln got $100 for his job, and with it entered eighty acres of land in Coles county. His father lived on this place until his death. Mr. John Hanks entered his first land with money obtained from the use of the flat-boat. After entering the land for his father. Lincoln became postmaster in a town near Springfield. Probably the next move was in the Black, Hawk war, and Mr. John Hanks was with BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. '293 him there. In the winter of 1829 he made rails for Mr. Hanks and others near Springfield. After Lincoln became a lawyer Mr. Hanks' was his stopping place while attending court at Decatur. Just before liis inauguration he sent word for Mr. John Hanks to accompany him on a visit to his father.' While on this trip Lincoln planned for Mr. Hanks to go with him to Washington. He did so and remained two weeks. During the visit to his father Lincoln told Mr. Hanks that he would never see home again. Mr. Hanks was in the army and saw Lincoln again at the White House. Mr. John Hanks is eighty years old and still lives in Macon county, on the old farm where he first settled. Mr. William Hanks was married in 1853, to MaryE. Henson, who died in 1876. They had two children. Charles married Elizabeth Newhouse. They, with their daughter Sarah, reside in Monticello township. Emma Hanks lives with her grandfather. Mr. Hanks came to Piatt county in 1872, and now lives on what is known as the Scott land in Monticello township. ME. J. B. HICKS, Monticello, was connected with the brickmaking interests of Piatt county for a number of years. On March 10, 1864, he and his son-in-law, Mr. II. Shepherd, arrived in Monticello, and at once contracted to make brick for and put up the wall of Piatt and Bryden's store building on the southwest corner of the square. They also made the brick for W. II. Piatt's residence, and for Mr. Bell's house in Bement, in all making near a million brick that summer. In 1865 he bought Mr. Shepherd's interest, and for several years made from five to seven thousand brick a year. Mr. Hicks still resides near Monticello, has been married twice and has several children. MR. MICHAEL II AZZARD, a merchant in Monticello, was born in 1841, in Indiana. His parents were natives of the same state, and left him an orphan at the age of six. He was married at Little York, Indiana, to Asenath S. Davis, a native of the same state and born in 1844. They have had eleven children, five of whom were of one birth. The quintette were born in Monticello, September 18, 1880. The longest life which either of the five had was twenty-two days. They have four children living, William Albert, Edgar N., Charlie and Nellie. In J866 Mr. Hazzard brought a stock of goods to Monticello, where he located. He has been a merchant since 1863. He held the office of city treasurer for four years, and for six years was alderman. He belongs to the Masonic lodge and to the Knights of Honor. In 1861 Mr. Hazzard went to the army in Co. C of the 38th Ind. Inf. After 294 HISTORY OF PIATT (OIXTY. about ten minutes of fighting at Perryville (his first battle) lie was wounded quite severely in his right shoulder, lie spent some time in the hospital at Louisville, Kentucky. MR. RKBER HUSTON, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, from which state he came to Illinois, and in 1874 went into business for Lodge & Huston, of Monticello. He is still in the same business, and owu< a residence and three lots in the town. He was married in July, 1875, to Mrs. John Garver, nee Anna, D. Hubbell, and they have had two children, Charles and Earnest. Mr. Huston's uncle, Mr. .lames Reber, who was the first probate judge in this county, lived in Monticello for a time. Mr. Reber died, leaving a wife and several children, who now reside in Ohio. MR. CHARLES HUGHES, lawyer, Monticello, is a native of Madison county, Ohio. When but two years old his parents came west, and Charles has lived in Piatt county ever since. His father, Daniel Hughes, came west in 1864 or 1865, and has never been heard of since. His mother died, leaving five children, three of whom are living. Mr. C. Hughes was a farmer until seventeen or eighteen years of age. when he began teaching school. From this time he alternated his teaching with his going to school and studying until he entered the bar. During this time he attended the state university at Champaign for a year. He was united in marriage, in 1878, to Miss Pamelia Combs. Mr. Hughes is one of the self-made young men of the county. His own efforts have placed him where he now stands. In 1880 he was elected to the office of state's attorney. MR. PETER HITCHENS, Monticello, was born in Ohio, moved to Indiana, thence to Vermilion county, Illinois, then to Piatt county in 1862, locating at Bement. In 1863 he went to Monticello, in 1872 moved to Mansfield, and has since returned to Monticello. Mr. Kitchens married Susan Doll, of Ohio, and has six children living. Sarah Ann is the wife of John May, lives in Indiana and has four children; John married Sarah E. Ray, and lives in Iowa; Martha married Mr. Pender, and died, leaving one child ; Margaret married Wm. Ray, and lives in Virginia ; America married Riley Tatma.ii : George married Sarah Carr, has one child, Clarence, and is a black- smith in Mansfield ; William married Lina Coiioway. lias two children and is a blacksmith in Mansfield. MR. L. HAMMEBSMIDT, furniture dealer. Monticello. was born in Ger- many, and came to America and located in Monticello in ls>r. He has lived in Monticello ever since, and owns his residence, a business I;IO<;KAPITKJAL SKETCHES. 295 house and two lots in the place. He was married about twenty-six years ago to Henrietta Rump and has one daughter, Ella. MR. ELI AS ILoKKiiixKs is a native of Ohio, and moved from thereto Piatt county in 1869, locating where he now lives. He owns eighty acres, which he partially improved himself. Mr. Hoft'hines was mar- ried about 1861, to Martha Robinson, also a native of Ohio, and has had twelve children, of whom nine are living, Isaac, Newton, Zelda .1., Sarah E., Homer, David, Oassius, whose twin died, Daniel, and the twins Mary and .Clara. MK. JAMES HAKDIXG is a native of Ohio; came from there to Piatt county in 1869. He was married in 1878, to Mary Prouse, and has one child, George. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Plarding, live in the county and have had eleven children, two of whom reside here, James and Taylor. Taylor married Sarah Robins and has four children, Wilburt, Edward, Frank and Jesse. MR. W . M. 1 1 KTTIXGER, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ross county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1^52. He now owns 200 acres of land, upon eighty acres of which he has put all the improvements. The residence was built in 1879 and the barn in 1880. His crops have been good. In 1880-1 the crops averaged sixty bushels and fifty-live bushels respectively. Mr. Hettinger and Margaret Morrison were united in- marriage in 1852, and have had eleven children, ten of whom are living. Martha J., married Emanuel Kerns, has four children and lives in Strawn. The names of the other children $re James, kelson, *ohn, William, Franklin, Edward, George, Oscar and Dora. MR. .1. ('. .1 1>] ix sox, a farmer near Monticello, is of English descent, and was born and raised in Rhode Island, his parents' native state. He moved from this state to Ohio, where he taught school for four years, after which he moved back to Rhode Island, and in 1839 married Miss Hoxu Maria Thomas, a native of the" same state. After their marriage they moved to Ohio, where both taught school for a time and then moved to Indiana. While in Vincennes, Mr. Johnson taught the only Protestant school in the place, lie moved from there in 1841 to Clark county, Illinois, and taught school for two years. In the winter of 1842 he was agent for Messrs (). and D. Bailey, merchants of Edgar county, Illinois. He continued in this business until August 8, 1844, when he moved to Monticello and opened a general mer- chandise store for the same lirm. He continued working for the Messrs. Bailey until 1X45, when he opened a store on a small scale 296 HISTOKY OF PIATT COUNTY. for himself. From that time he kept store off and on until 1872. He began keeping hotel in 1845. He bought the house of Mr. Ed. Ater. It was very roughly finished. Split rails formed the studding, while it was weather-boarded with four-foot clapboards. Mr. Johnson completed the building and owned it till 1859. He kept the Old Fort for about eight years. He finished the brick hotel in Monticello in 1860 and kept it for several years. He owned the building until 1874, when he sold it to Mr. Ed. Ater. In 1844 Mr. Johnson was appointed collector to fill a vacancy caused by Mr. Ater's moving away. In the fall of 1845 he was elected justice of the peace for four years. He served as county commissioner for four years. In all, he was justice of the peace for twelve years. In 1848 he was elected the first clerk of the circuit court under the new constitution and served four years. He was appointed postmaster in 1852 and served until 1859, when Mr. David Co'rnprobst was appointed in his place. Mr. Johnson had more of an education than the majority of early settlers in this county. He prepared for college in Franklin Academy, Massachusetts, and attended the Brown University in Rhode Island. Mr. Johnson's education, as well as his sterling qualities, has caused him to exert quite an influence in Monticello. While he was actively engaged in business there, J. C. was a name familiar to every household in the place. He moved on to his farm a little south of Monticello in 1859. At present he owns quite a number of lots in Monticello. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have had nine children, seven of whom are living. Harriet married 1 ' John Q. Adams, and lives in ISTeosho Falls. Kansas. Her husband died in 1880 arid she is left alone with her three children. She and her brother George are carrying on the hardware business. Theresa Ilortense is unmarried and still lives at home. Franklin married Miss Xancy Turk, lives on Mr. Johnson's place and has five children, Allie, Etta, Edward, Jessie and Louis ; Walter and Isadore, twins, are both at home. George II. is in the hardware business in Kansas. Mary Adelaide married Mr. -E. Miller, who is a lumber merchant in Kansas. Mr. George Johnson came to Piatt county soon after his brother, J. C. Johnson, settled here. For a time they were partners in the merchandise business. He married Miss Vashti Fowler, who died. One son lived to be of age. Edward married Miss Alice Gilford, but is now dead. DR. B. B. JO.VKS was born in Pickaway county, Ohio, in 1828. He began studying medicine under Dr. Hull, in Ohio, and graduated at the Starling Medical College, at Columbus, Ohio, in 1854. On September BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 297 16, 1856, Dr. Jones reached Piatt county, and has been practicing medicine here ever since. His first practice in the county was in a great siege of typhoid fever, with which he was quite successful. At an early day his practice extended far beyond the present limits of the county into all the adjoining counties. He was married in Sangamon county in 1857, to Sadie E. Short, of Median icsburg, whom he met in Ohio. Dr. Jones remarked that notwithstanding Dr. Hull's advice to come to Illinois, that he would most likely have remained in Ohio had it not been for the young lady now Mrs. Jones. They have had two children, one of whom, B. P., is living, and was recently married to Miss May Kious. MR. HENRY JACKSON, Monticello, is of English and German descent, and was born in Virginia. His parents were natites of the same state and were born in 1803. They were married about 1826. His father, "William Jackson, and family moved from Virginia to Indiana in 1838, and from there to Missouri in 1848, coming to Illinois in the same year. He came to Piatt county in 1854 and remained until 1862, when he went to Oregon, where he died there in December, 1873. Of his children, Jacob is living in Monticello, as is also Nancy (Jackson) Tinsman and Henry ; Mary Elliott is in Randolph count}' and Eliza "Wiltermute is in Piatt county ; Joseph is now in Boise, Idaho terri- tory ; Kate is at home in Monticello, and John lives in Randolph county. Mr. Henry Jackson has been carpentering most of the time since living in the county. Upon our asking if he were married, he exclaimed, "Never a marry ! Why I thought all the young ladies in Piatt county knew that ! " MR. T. L. JONES, farmer, Monticello, was reared in Kentucky, from which state he moved to Piatt county about 184-4 and settled in Monti- cello township, where he has lived ever since. He owns a farm of 120 acres, upon which he has put all the improvements. Near two acres of fruit and forest trees have been planted out. Mr. Jones was married in Piatt county to Nancy L. Savage, and lias liad sc-ven chil- dren, six of whom are now living : Charles, who married Charlotte O'Neil and has two children, Clay and Edna; and Henry, Martin, Albert, Elma and May. Mr. Jones held the office of school director for nine years, and at present is school trustee. MR. JOXAS .IOXKS, tanner, Monticello, is a native of Kentucky, from which- state he moved to Piatt county in 1853, at which date he settled in Monticello and has been here over since. He was married in Piatt county to Miss Belle Jamison and has had two children, both now dead. 298 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. Mr. .Jones went to the army in August, 1862, in Co. D of the 73d 111. Inf. reg. He was commissioned as first lieutenant, but was promoted to captain in November, 1864. On May 17, 1865, he was discharged on account of wounds. Company D was in about seventeen battles. Of these Mr. Jones was in the one at Perry ville, at Resaca and at Franklin, at which place he was wounded, November 30, 1864. He receives a pension at the present time. MR. LEVI JAMISON, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Washington county, Maryland. He moved from Clark county, Ohio, to Piatt county in 1851. He settled on Mr. Charles Harris' place at that time, and has been here ever since. He owns a farm of eighty acres, upon which he has put all improvements. Several hundred trees have been planted and the residence was remodeled in 1881. He was married in 1850, to Sarah Foley, whose father was one of the pioneer settlers of Ohio. They have had eight children, six of whom are living, Thomas, William, Emma, Susan, Mary Belle and Rebecca. MR. FRANKLIN' JOHNSON (deceased), farmer, was a native of Vermont. lie moved to Ross county, Ohio, and from there to Piatt county, in 1855, locating one and one-half miles east of Monticello. He owned 120 acres of land, which he partly improved. Mr. Johnson was married in 1847, to Hephzibah Dresbach, and had two children. Rosaltha, who married Jerry Duvall, and Georgians, who married Mr. Pursel. The subject of our sketch died in .May, 1. He began manufacturing tile in 1878, and started the first steam tile works in the county, and at present has the largest steam works in the county. He is just completing a brick building, 20X30 feet, and two stories in height, in which he expects to carry on his manufactures during the winter season. Several years ago Mr. Loy obtained a patent for well^ brick and paving brick which he invented. We anticipate that at jsome day he may realize something from his patent. DR. LEVI M. LEI: was born in Edmundson county, Kentucky, and was educated at Cloverport, in the same state. He removed to .Louisville. Kentucky, in 1859, and in 1861 joined the 10th reg. of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 303 Ky. Vol. Inf., remaining as quartermaster clerk during over three years of service in the war. After leaving the army he began the study of medicine, and graduated at the Medical University of Louisville, Ken- tucky, March 1, 1870, and has been in constant practice since. Dr. Lee joined the Methodist Episcopal church in 1876, belongs to the Pioneer Lodge, No. 8, Knights of Pythias, Louisville, Kentucky, and is a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge of Monticello. He was united in marriage June 18, 1874, to Miss S. B. Silver. Both of his parents are living in Indianapolis. MR. BENJAMIN MAKKEL (deceased) was a native of Pennsylvania, from which state he moved to Ohio. He came to Illinois in Decem- ber, 1840, and the following spring located as a carpenter in Monti- cello. He followed his trade until his health failed. A number of houses now in Monticello were built by him. He was married in March, 1832, to Eliza Luginbeel, a native of Frederick county, Mary- land. Three of their ten children are now living. Kate married Mr. John Lincoln, and has one son, Otis. She has been a successful mantna-maker in Monticello for twenty-one years. Sarah was the wife of Henry Woolingto'n. Her death occurred in I860. Oliver Markel married Melissa Russel, who died in 1879, leaving two children, Orville and Earnest. Miss Ella has followed the dressmaking business for a number of years. Mr. Markel died in 1868. MR. THOMAS MOFFITT (deceased) was born in Pennsylvania. He was of Irish and Scotch descent, and his mother was a daughter of Col. Patterson, of Brownville, Pennsylvania. He moved from Pitts- burg to Piatt county about 1857, and lived here until he moved to Kansas. He moved his family to Canon Cit\ T , Colorado, but he died in Cherry vale, Kansas. Lie had nine children, who lived to be grown. Eliza married Dr. Bradbury and lives in Canon, Colorado. Matilda married Jerry Bender, but died leaving two children, Charles and Anna. Thomas N. married Ophelia J. White, of Columbus, Ohio, and lives in Gales ville. They have had two children, only one of whom, Blanche, is living. We cannot refrain from making mention of T. JST. Moffitt's talent in art. In fact he is a natural artist, and we can but hope that he will educate himself in this direction, for we feel sure that success \vould await him. Of late years in this country there is such a demand for designers, wood engravers and artists that an opening certainly awaits him. Edward Moffitt is in Ketchum, Idaho. Elvira, the wife of Prof. Morgan, has two children and lives in Kansas. 1 lenrietta, who married Louis Combs, died, leaving one child. 304 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Grantley married Maggie Mitchell, and is in the Black Hills. Belle, the wife of Wm. Gordon, has one child and lives in Colorado. When Mr. Thomas Moffitt was in Monticello, he was a bridge carpenter. He superintended the building of the levee out from Monticello to the river bridge. After going to Kansas, he was a minister in the Meth- odist Episcopal church. MR. JAMES McMiLLBN, of Monticello, is of Scotch lineage, and a native of Highland county, Ohio. His parents lived and died in the same county. His father was under Gen. Harrison in the war of 1812. His brother, Thomas, came with him to Piatt county about 1854. They had lived previously, however, a number of years, near Logansport, Indiana. After farming for Mr. Ezra Marquiss for four years, Mr. McMillen moved into Monticello, where he has lived ever since. He was married in Highland county, in 1835, to Miss Maggie Huston, a sister of Mr. John Huston, who preached in the county a number of years. They have six children. John C. E. married Flora Langdon, and lives in Monticello, and has five children. He was in thirteen battles of the late war, but was neither wounded or taken prisoner. Susan E. is the wife of Mathew Jacobs, a farmer of Cham- paign county, and has two children. A. H. McMillen and Lizzie Foster were married in 1877. They have two children, and are now living in Iowa. Sarah J. became the wife of John LeFever in 1876, has two children, and lives in Macon county. Alice McMillen has been working in "The Herald" printing office in Monticello for several years. Emma S. is living with an aunt in Ohio. MR. JOSEPH MALLORY, a resident of Monticello, was born May 23, 1816, near the Antietam battle-field. His parents were raised in Virginia, his father in Stafford county and his mother in Jefferson county. His father was of English and Irish, while his mother was of French and German descent. After their marriage they made their home in Jefferson county, spending some of their summers, however, in Washington county, Maryland. His lather was in the United States service ; was inspector of arms, and lived at Harper's Ferry. Mr. Joseph Maliory says that his father was the first man Gen. Harrison appointed to office after his inauguration, and that it was Daniel Webster who recommended him to the position of super- intendent of Jefferson barracks. Mr. Mallory's grandfather on his father's side was on the ordnance corps, and was under the immediate command of Gen. Washington in the revolution. His grandfather on his mother's side was with Gen. St. Clair. Mr. Mallorv moved from BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 305 I Virginia to Pickaway county, Ohio, in 1828. A portion of the family- moved to Piatt county in 1835, while the rest came in 1837. Mr. Joseph Mallory was of the h'rst party. The family settled upon the 8angamon river about eleven miles from Monticello. The father, Mr. George Mallory, who was born ifl 1778, died on this place in 1841. The mother lived to the age of eighty-six years, and died in 1857 in Nebraska. Mr. Joseph Mallory was married January 1, 1856, to Mrs. J. P. Smith, nee Cassandria F. Longnecker, a native of Montgomery county, Kentucky. Her father and mother were natives of Kentucky ; the one was of German and English descent, the other of French descent. She was married first in 1848. Mr. Smith died in 1852. One daughter, Helen, born the Same year her father died, is now the wife of Richard Stickel, of Monticello. Mrs. Smith moved to this county in 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Mallory have but one daughter, Lizzie. Upon our speaking to this young lady of 'her birthplace, she remarked, *' I was born and raised here, and I suppose I will die here if I have good luck. ' In speaking of his early days in this county, Mr. Mallory remarked that the first deer he ever killed was in 1835. Mr. Mallory thinks he, in 1840, took the first drove of cattle that was ever taken from Piatt county to New York city. While in the city during this trip he did quite a bold thing for a "green Illinois drover" to do. In those days it was the custom for drovers to wait some fifteen or twenty days for the butchers to pay for their stock. While waiting for his money Mr. Mallory became acquainted with quite a strong whig, who happened to mention that Daniel Webster was at the Astor House. Now it had long been Mr. Mallory's great desire to see the great orator, and he immediately resolved to go to this house and see if he could get a glimpse of the man. When he reached the hotel, and as he, probably in a very "green and awkward manner," began to gaze about him, he was accosted by an individual who wished to know what was wanted. Upon learning his desire and his name, the gentleman said : "Come this w r ay." Soon Mr. Mallory found himself standing in an open door, while within the room was a person whom the usher had just called "Mr. Webster." The frontiersman, who had been in many critical positions, suddenly found himself more thoroughly frightened than he had ever before been. His tongue cleaved to the roof of his mouth, and his intense pallor only disappeared at the good-naturedly, deep and kindly tones of Mr. Webster, who bade him come in. Mr. Mallory, in all frankness, acknowledged that it was only curiosity led him to intrude his presence, but Mr. Webster so thoroughly placed him at his ease 306 HISTORY OF TIATT COUNTY. that be soon felt it his duty to make known to him all his knowledge of the West and its people. Mr. Mai lory was provost marshal of this county during the war. It is conceded by all that lie performed bis duty faithfully and well. This county bad the credit of some :<)<> men more than was called for. MB. C. D. MOOKK, county surveyor, Monticello, is a native of Ohio. "Not from Pickaway," as he replied when interrogated, but claims Muskingum county as his birthplace. He moved from Ohio to Illinois in 1856, and came to Piatt county in 1858, locating in Bement, taught school one term, and then began surveying, which occupation he still pursues. He has laid out ten additions to Bement. seven to Monticello, and has laid out or assisted in laying out every town in the county. Mr. Moore was married in 1858, to Louisa B. McMillen, of Ohio, who died in 1865, leaving two children, Otis and Mary Louisa, both graduates of Monticello High School. He was mar- ried again in 1867, to Emily Hubbell, a native of New York, who came to Illinois about 1864. They had one daughter, Una Cornelia, who died. Mr. Moore moved to Monticello in 1874. He has been town collector, commissioner of highway, and was the first supervisor from Bement township. He held the position of township treasurer of schools for fourteen years, and was county surveyor and drainage commissioner. He is a member of the Masonic lodge at Bement. Mr. Moore attended Martinsburg Academy, Knox county. Ohio, and had charge of this school at a later time. MR. WILLIAM MeKi-:vxoLi>s (deceased) was born February 13, 1842. and was his father's second child. His father, Allen McReynolds, was born in Washington county, Virginia, in 1807. He moved to Tennes- d> / ' o see, and from there to Missouri, soon after the state was admitted to the Union, and settled in Saline county. He was married January 15. 1840, to Miss M. A. Cooper, and they had thirteen children. The subject of our sketch was reared on the farm, and attended the public school of the neighborhood, until in his sixteenth year he was sent to college at Miami, where he remained two years. Upon returning home he w r as constable for a time in Saline county, and then, when the war broke out, came to Illinois to attend to the settlement of the estate of James McReynolds. He lived in Monticello a number of years, and then married. His wife was born in Tazewell county, Illinois. Her maiden name was Jennie Pendergast, and she was married in 1859, to Andrew Beard, who died June 17, 1861, and left one child, Frankie, who died in 18(52. Mrs. Beard- was married October 18, IARY I RSli V OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 309 1866, to Mr. William McReynolds, and moved to Monticello, where hey lived until 18T6, when they moved onto the farm one mile east of Monticello. Mr. McReynolds died May 13, 1879, leaving four children, Willie, John A., Logan Mary and Myra. Their twin girls, Bettie and Mattie, died. Mr. Beard, at the time of his death, was in the law office with Charles Watts, and had been for some time. Mr. McReynolds first worked in the county for William Piatt, and held the office of county surveyor, and was county judge for the second term at the' time of his death. MR. MARTIN MC!NTOSH is of Scotch descent, and was born in Ohio. He moved from Ohio to Illinois in 1861, arid to Piatt county in 1867. His father was a native of Ohio, and his mother of JSTew Jersey. He was married in 1855, to Catharine J. Wilson, a native of Virginia. She is of German and of Irish descent, and her parents were natives of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Mclntosh have had four children, three of whom are living. Their eldest son, William J., was married in 1881, to Mary Herrington. He lives at his father's, and is in partner- ship with him in the milling business. John W. and Martin I. are both at home. The original mill, which stood on the site where Mr. Mclntosh's mill now stands, was the first mill built in the county, and was owned by a stock company. The company sold it to Mr. Zorger, who sold out to Mr. William Collins. Mr. Collins put up the main part of the mill now standing, and sold out to Mr. Emanuel Rhoades. Mr. Mclntosh bought the mill of Mr. Rhoades. Mr. Mclntosh grinds some 10,000 or 15,000 bushels a year. He is making preparations for more extensive work. A saw-mill has been connected with the flour mill for many years. During the last three years some 200,000 logs have been sawed. Probably more walnut logs have been used than any other kind. A new boiler has just (1881) been put into the mill. It is from the Decatur Novelty Works, and is twelve feet long, with a diameter of fifty-five inches, and has fifty-eight flues. Mr. Mclntosh was township trustee for two terms. His father was in both the Black Hawk war and war of 1812. For his services he received two land warrants. MR. DAVID McWiLLiAMS, lawyer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio. His parents moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio at an early day, and on horseback, leading two pack-horses loaded with their housekeeping utensils. His father died in Ohio, but his mother followed her children to Illinois in 1853, where she died in 1879. The family settled in DeWitt and McLean counties. The subject of our sketch 20 310 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. studied law in Springfield, where he was admitted to the bar on February 13, 1857. After practicing law in Taylorville, he went, in 1860, to Waynesville, from which place he came to Monticello. He was married in Clinton to Mrs. Vienna Roberts, and has had two children, one of whom, Vinnie B., is living. MR. MARTIN McCuNE, farmer, is a native of Ohio. He moved from Wisconsin to Illinois in 1856, and from there to Piatt county in 1880. Mr. McCune was married in 1845, to Miss Mary E. Carl. They have had twelve children, all of whom are living. Sarah married Mr. John Richie, and is living in Macon county; John married Miss Haffman, and is living in Decatur ; Jane married Mr. Bannon, and is living in Mason county ; James, who married Sirena Dean, is living near Bement; Martin married Belle Whitnie, in Bement; Warren married Esther Boyer ; George is unmarried ; Mary is the wife of Henry Bassette, lives in Marion county, and is twin to Eliza, who is at home ; Alice married Will Boyer, and lives near Bement. Frank and Samuel are at home. Mr. McCune was in the late war, enlisting from Macon county. CAPT. MELVILLE H. MUSSER was born April 23, 1822, in Pickaway county, Ohio, and came to Monticello in 1857. Upon the breaking out of the war Mr. Musser went into Co. F of the 2d 111. reg., served through the entire war with distinction, and was promoted several times. His death occurred February 22, 1868, after an illness of but thirty-six hours. His wife and three sons are still living. Charles is in Decatur, and Melville resides with his mother in Monticello. The following resolutions show the feeling that some of Mr. Musser's friends had upon his death : , WHEREAS, It has pleased an All-wise Ruler of the Universe to remove from among us Capt. M. II. Musser, our late comrade in arms ; as a token of our regard and esteem for the deceased, be it Resolved, That the soldiers who participated in the funeral cere- monies of Capt. M. H. Musser, of Co. F, 2d 111. V. C., extend our sympathies to his bereaved family. Hesolved, That in the person of Capt. Musser we have always found a friend in whom we could confide, a gentleman for whom we have always had the greatest regards, and a soldier who served the country in time of need. G. F. MILLER, Pres. C. P. DAVIS, Sec. MR. II. V. MOORE, a prominent banker of Piatt county, is a native of Fulton county. From that place he went to Champaign, and thence came to Piatt county in November, 1870, and has since resided in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 311 Monticello. He owns two farms, 480 acres, in the county, and his residence in the north part of Monticello is one of the most com- modious in the city. Mr. Moore was marrieti in 1866, to Alzina W. Freeman, and has five children, Mary H., Allen F., Arthur F., Dwight L. and George M. DR. JAMES MOFFITT, Monticello, was born in Ohio, in June, 1840, and came to Piatt county October 18, 1862. His youth was spent on a farm in Ohio, and his education was obtained in the public schools of Ohio and Illinois. He has been a farmer, a teacher, and for a number of years has been practicing medicine in Monticello, having obtained his medical education at the Rush Medical College, Chicago. He was united in marriage October 21, 1872, to Eleanor Piatt, a college graduate. They have three daughters, Jennie B., Marietta D. and Frances Willard. Mrs. Moffitt has for several years been connected with the temperance work in this vicinity, and has done excellent work. MR. A. F. MORRISON, Monticello, is a native of Pike county, Illinois, from which place he moved to DeWitt county in 1856, thence to Piatt county March 22, 1869, and has lived in the county most of the time since. He owns a residence and lot in' Monticello. On October 1, 1865, Mr. Morrison and Margaret Shurtleff were united in marriage. Four of their six children are living, Emily E., Blanch, Sylvanus S. and Mabel F. MR. JAMES H. MURPHY, of Monticello, Illinois, was born near Morgantown, county-seat of Burkes county, North Carolina, November 8, 1817. His father, Silas Murphy, was of Scottish descent, a master mechanic, and belonged to the Quaker church. His mother, Nancy (Greene) Murphy, was of English descent. James H. attended com- mon school until. fifteen years of age, when his parents moved to Indiana, in the year 1834; but they, not being satisfied with the climate, only remained two years, then moved to Canton, Illinois, in 1836. The subject of this sketch then attended school for a short time, after which he taught school two or three years, then served an apprenticeship for master mechanic, which, in connection with his occupation also, of lumber merchant and mill-owner, he followed for twenty-five years or more. In the year 1872, March 11, he concluded to change "location, and came to Monticello, going into the lumber business, and also contracted for and built some of the finest buildings in the place. His family followed in May, 1872. He was married in September, 1846, to Elizabeth Scott, daughter of Dr. John Scott, a 312 HISTORY OF 1>I ATT COUNTY. Baptist minister, and granddaughter of "Grandfather" Parker, the celebrated Baptist minister of Washington, D. C., also granddaughter of Hosea Ballon, the widely-known Universalist minister, and is the father of five children, three boys and two girls. The two girls and one boy are still living. One daughter is married, the other is a successful music teacher, and the son, a No. 1 job printer, is foreman of the "Piatt County Herald." He joined the Methodist Episcopal church at Canton when he was about twenty years of age, and has been connected with the same denomination ever since. He has also been connected with several other societies, secret and otherwise. His wife also has been a member of the same denomination for many years. He has held numerous offices of public trust in Canton, Illinois, and in Monticello, Illinois. MR. EBENEZER McGuFFEY, a farmer in Monticello township, is of German and Irish descent, and was born in Indiana. He married Nancy A. Hanson, and in 1855 moved to Illinois. In 1861 they moved from the southern part of Illinois to Piatt county. They have had nine children, four of whom are living. John F. makes his home with his parents. Martha E. married Benjamin Duvall, and has one child, Henry. Sylvester and Mary are both living at home. Mr. McGuffey owns about 50 acres of land. MR. SMITH MULFORD, blacksmith, Monticello, is a native of New Jersey, from which state he moved to Illinois and located in Piatt county in 1856. He began his trade in Monticello at that time, and has been following it ever since. He is a member of the Masonic lodge of said place. In 1860 Mr. Mulford and Julia Hennion, of New Jersey, were united in marriage. They have had five children, Flora, Marcus, Almeda, Rodney and Jesse. MRS. SAMUEL MINEAR, a native of Ohio, came to Piatt county about 1865. There are about 160 acres in the home place. Mr. Minear died in Ohio. Six of Mrs. Minear's children are living. Sarah and Penelope, the wives of Trerick and Will M. Piatt, respectively; Anzaletta, a teacher of the county, who graduated in 1880 at the Wesleyan University ; Samuel, who lives at home, and Sherman and John Clark. MR. A. M. McKiNNEY, of Achilles, Rawlins county, Kansas, writes that he has never seen a county of richer lands or better adapted to agricultural pursuits than Piatt county. When he began house- keeping, in a small frame house, where the brick store building occupied by W. E. Smith now stands, Monticello was then a village of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 313 300 or 400 inhabitants. Decatur was the nearest village, and of less enterprise than Monticello. Springfield was the nearest town where a cook stove and set of chairs or bedstead could be purchased. There were two stores of general merchandise in Monticello, Joseph Kee's and Daniel Stickel's. James Hollingsworth kept some groceries, J. C. Johnson and John Tenbrooke were hotel proprietors. Dr Ward had a practice extending some twenty-five or thirty miles around. There was a church organization, but only occasional preaching. Daniel Stickel was superintendent of the Sunday-school, which was held in the court-house. The literary society was the chief entertain- ment, and prominent among its leaders were Jacob and Noah Piatt. That was a memorable winter in the history of Monticello and Piatt county. When the heavy winter snows began to melt, the river mills were so damaged by the surplus water that all milling had to be done at the Springfield steam mills. Mr. McKinney also mentions the suffering caused by a traveler who stopped at Tenbrooke's hotel, and brought small-pox into the county. The first death was that of Mrs. Bailey's little girl at the hotel, and there were but few families that entirely escaped the disease. Death and mourning were in almost every house, and there was much suffering from want of care. Two young men, the Crane boys, would surely have died for want of care, had not George Young, of Friends Creek, offered to nurse them without charge. It was a terrible winter, and will not soon be forgotten by those who lived there. WM. NOECKER, M.D., the parents of Dr. Noecker, were of German descent and natives of Pennsylvania, and at the time of their death were living in Northumberland county, of that state. His father enlisted in the war of 1812. Dr. Noecker was born in Northumber- land county, Pennsylvania, in 1825. In January, 1840, he went to Ohio, and afterward studied medicine at Circleville in that state, under the supervision of Dr. Hull, who was then residing in that place. After graduating at the Starling Medical College in Columbus, Ohio, Dr. Noecker came west, and in March, 1853, located at Monticello, Illinois. A great many people having already emigrated to Piatt county from Pickaway county, Ohio, the doctor found himself quite among friends. Soon after his arrival here he went into partnership with Dr. Ward, who for some little time had been the only physician in the place. Their partnership lasted one year, during which time they carried on a practice which extended not only throughout Piatt county, but also into portions of Champaign, Douglas and Macon 314 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. counties. After their dissolution of partnership Dr. Noecker began to practice alone, and soon built up an extensive and lucrative practice from which he has amassed considerable wealth. In 1865 he went into the drug business, which from that time until now he has carried on in connection with his practice as a physician. Since 1868, when he built the comer brick building, a portion of which he now occupies, the doctor has turned his Attention principally to the drug business. Dr. Noecker was married in December, 1861, to Miss Ella Britton. Little Willie, who died when but four years old, was their only child. In 1875 Dr. Noecker built one of the finest brick residences in Monti- cello. He and his wife, now in the prime of their life, are enjoying that greatest of all earthly blessings, a beautiful and happy home. Dr. Noecker has long belonged to the Masonic order in Monticello. For three years he held the office of high priest, and at the present time he is recognized as past high priest of the Markwell chapter. He is also a charter member of the Urbana commandery of Knights Templar, and attended the Knight Templar encampment at New Orleans in 1874, and again at Cleveland in 1877. ' Dr. Noecker is recognized by his friends of Monticello and vicinity as a shrewd and successful business man. MR. SAMUEL NEAL (deceased), farmer, was born in Maryland. He moved to Ohio, and about 1846 came to Illinois, and lived in and about Monticello until his death. He built a brick house on the ridge, where in 1851 he died. Mr. Neal was married in Ohio, to Margaret Painter, who died in 1870. They had twelve children, three of whom are now living, and are in Piatt county. Sarah is the wife of L. B. Weaver. Rachel married Chas. Van Gundy, who died, leaving two children ; John, who married Susy Best, lives in Monticello township, and has three children ; and Mattie, who is the wife of Wm. Porter, lives in Monticello, and has two children, Lula M. and Rachael E. Catharine married Jesse Bush. They have had five children, three of whom are living. Sarah, who married Mr. Fry, has one son, Harry. Samuel married Miss Ella O'Neal, and has one child, Eddie. Mr. J. Dee Bush is the name of the other son. Samuel Neal married Miss Cox, and lives in MontL-ello. MR. P. T. NICEIOLS, merchant, Monticello, was, born in Maryland. When he was small, went to eastern Ohio, and came from there to Illinois. He came to Piatt county in 1872, immediately taking charge of the Monticello schools, and in all held such position for five years. He graded the school, and the high school was established in 1877, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 315 under his supervision. The first class to graduate, which consisted ot five girls, went out during his principalship, and the north school building was erected while he held such position. In 1878 Mr. Nichols began merchandising, and is still in the same business. At the present time is a member of the school board. He was educated at Madison College, eastern Ohio, and is a graduate of a mercantile college. MR. TIMOTHY O'CONNOR, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ireland, who came to America in 1853, locating in Piatt county in 1876, having come to the state, however, in 1857. He owns 100 acres of land upon which he has put all the improvements save $500 worth. He has a good house, and the barn was built in 1881. Mr. O'Connor was married about 1871, to Jane Loughlyn, and they have two children, Dennie P. and Joseph. The family attend the Ivesdale Catholic church. MR. CHARLES OSBORNE, a native of Jersey county, Illinois, came to Bement, Piatt county, in August, 1880, and moved to Monticello in December of the same year. He was married in 1874, to E. A. Gilman, and has one child, Louis M. MR. A. T. PIPHER, Monticello, was born in Jefferson county, New York, in 1831, moved from New York in 1854, and came to this county in 1858. His parents were of French and English descent, were born in Rhode Island, and in 1854 moved from Jefferson county, New York, to Aurora, Kane county, Illinois, thence to Miama county, Kansas, in 1870. They both died in Kansas, his father in 1875 and mother in 1881. Immediately after Mr. Pipher came to this county, in 1858, he began practicing law and has been here ever since. He received his education in Black River Institute, Jefferson county, New York, and was a member of the class of 1854 in Hamilton College, Madison county, the same state. His health failed and he had to quit a few months before graduating. Mr. Pipher's license, issued January 6, 1858, admitting him to the bar, was signed by J. D. Caton and O. C. Skinner. Mr. Pipher was married in 1860, to Sophia K. Skinner, in Bloomington, who died in Lincoln, Nebraska. He has five children, Ella L., Albertina S., Florence M., Alonzo S. and Sophia M. Ella graduated from the Monticello high school in 1879 and Bertie in 1881. Mr. Pipher was again united in marriage, May 5, 1880, to Mrs. C. H. Mentz. He has lived where he now does since 1861. He formerly lived where Mr. Patterson did, which property is now owned by A. M. Piatt. Mr. Pipher was appointed Master in Chancery in 1868 and held the office for six years, was police magistrate for nearly five years 316 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. and notary public about sixteen years of the time lie has been here. Among his important law cases was People's case against Dick Turpiri, (assumed name), James Erwin and John Riley, indicted for the murder of Sylvester H. Buckley, of Bement, about 1873. He was appointed by Judge Gallagher to defend Erwin, Turpin and Riley. The trial resulted in the acquittal of Erwin and Riley and the conviction of Turpin and his imprisonment in the penitentiary for fourteen years. Mr. Pipher was principal of Monticello schools two years in succession about 1861 and 1862, then served as principal another year in 1866 or 1867. MR. ALEXANDER PERKINS, deceased, moved from Ohio, his native state, to Piatt county in 1856. Enticed by relatives living in the county, he had visited the place the year before moving. Mrs. Perkins, nee Elizabeth Blacker, was born in Virginia, in 1817. When sixteen years old she moved to Ohio, in which state she was married. Her father was in the war of 1812. In about a year after coming from Ohio and settling in Goose Creek township, Mr. Perkins died. There were nine children in all, six of whom are living. Mrs. Perkins still survives her husband, and at present makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. White. The eldest son in Mr. Perkins' family, James L., was married in 1861, to Rebecca Bailey. He served three years in the late war. One child, Edward, survived his father's death, which occurred in 1870. Mrs. Perkins died in one short year after her husband. Mr. William H. Perkins married Elizabeth Dubson, in 1862, and has lived in Goose Creek township ever since. He has been justice of the peace and road commissioner. They have six children, James, John, Amy May, Ebanina, Elizabeth and William H., or Harry. Mary Ann married Edward Chase, in 1859. For a time their home was in Oregon. She died, leaving six children. Catharine C. married James Bailey, in 18^61. Their home at present is in Harrison county, Iowa. Seven of their children are living. Diantha married Thomas White, in 1864. They have seven children, William, Mary E., Charles A., Henry L., John F., Earnest and Thomas A. Mr. White is a farmer, and is now living in Monti- cello township. For a time he has had charge of the water-tank near Camp creek, on the W abash railroad. He is a native of England, and came to America when four years old. He has lived in this county for twenty years. He was in the late war over a year, and was wounded at Telegraph Point, Missouri, by an accidental discharge of a canon. The principal battles he was in were those at Liberty, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 317 Missouri, Lexington and Corinth, Mississippi. John Perkins married Mary Warner, in 1873. They have five children, Lulu Delia, Bertha, "William and Harry A., and live in Monticello township. George W. Perkins is unmarried, and makes his home with his brother, Alex- ander. Alexander Perkins married Sarah J. Stucky, a native of Pick- away county, Ohio, in 1879. They reside in Goose Creek township. MB. HERBERT D. PETERS, editor, Monticello, is a native of Steuben county, Indiana. His youth was spent on a farm in Monroe county, Michigan. He graduated in Monroe high school in' 1868, and took the degree of B. Ph. in the University of Michigan in 1873. He was con- nected with a daily paper in 1873 as assistant editor, and in the same year came to Illinois, and in 1874 began the publication of the "Piatt County Herald," in connection with George Scroggs, of Champaign. In 1875 he secured the whole interest, and in 1876 took the degree of M. Ph. in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. In 1880 he was elected as a member of the thirty-second general assembly. On the 17th of June, 1879, Mr. Peters and Anna Huston were united in mar- riage, and they now have two children, Charlie and an infant. MR. JAMES PRESTON, farmer, Bemerit, is a native of Canada, who moved from Ohio to Piatt county in 1874. He was married in 1861, to Caroline Barndhouse, and has three children, Eliza L., Emily F. and Chester H. MR. ABRAHAM PING, carpenter, Monticello, was born in Indiana, and came to Piatt county in 1879, having previously lived in Moultrie county about eighteen years. He was married in 1856, to Catherine Powell, of Ohio, and has had the following children : Thomas A., George A-, Charles, Elmer, Claudie and Frank. He went to the army in Co. G of the 6th Ind. reg., and was in the battles of Shiloh, Pittsburg Landing, Stone River, and several others. MR. F. M. PATTON, farmer, Monticello, was born in Fountain county, Indiana, from which state he moved to Kansas, returning to Piatt county about 1875. He now owns 120 acres of land, which he has principally improved. He was married in 1868, to Alice Paugh, and has three children, Jennie, Ida and Joseph. MR. T. S. PAUGH, farmer, Monticello, moved from Indiana, his native state, to Kentucky. He next moved to Illinois, and in 1882 came to Piatt county. He was married in 1876, to J. M. Rusint, and has two children, Hardie and Fay. MR. WILLIAM H. PLUNK, a native of Ohio, moved from there to Illinois and located, in 1856, in Piatt county, where he now owns a fine 318 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. farm of 400 acres of land. He was united in marriage in 1860 to Maria M. Anderson. Mr. Plunk went to the army in Co. C of the 107th 111. "Vol. Inf., and, in addition to many skirmishes, was in the engagements at Knoxville, Nashville, Franklin and Resaca. Mr. Plunk held the office of sheriff from 1870 to 1872, when he was elected circuit clerk, which position he still holds. MR. GEORGE PURSEL. farmer, is a native of New Jersey. He moved to Ohio, from there to Iowa, returned to Ohio, and came to Illinois in 1864, locating in Monticello township. He owns 160 acres, having put all the improvements on the place. Mr. Pursel was married about 1847, to Sarah Sample, who is his second wife. They have had six children : Alonzo, who married Georgiana Johnson, is living in Piatt county, and has four children, Gertrude, Wilbur, Frank and Eugene. Rebecca, who married Virgil White, lives in Monti- cello township ; they.have three children, Marion, George and Harold. Jane was married to C. E. Harris, and lives in Kansas. Erie B. lives at home, and also Seymour and Jerry. John lives in Kansas. Alonzo is the son of Mr. Pursel's first wife, whose name was Elizabeth Sample. Mr. Pursel has held a few offices in the township. MR. FRANK PITTMAN, attorney, Monticello, is a native of Butler county,, Ohio, and moved to Piatt county about 1854. He was married December 24, 1874, to Laura A. Clouser, and has two children living, Pauline and Logan. Mr. Pittman attended the Wesleyan University for three years, after which he studied law under Mr. Samuel Reed, and was admitted to the bar in January, 1878. MR. GEORGE R. PINCKARD, railroad agent, Monticello, is a native of Macoupin county, Illinois. He moved from Macoupin county to Springfield, and on April 25, 1861, went to the army in Co. F of the 14th 111. Inf., participating in the battles of Ft. Donelson, Ft. Henry, Shi loh, Corinth, Hatchie, Atlanta, Allatoona, and others. He was captured by the rebels in Georgia, October 3, 1864, and in several prisons, spending most of the lime in Andersonville. He was released on parole April 4, 1865. In 1870 Mr. Pinckard moved to Bement, and has been in the employ of the Wabash and Chicago & Paducah railroads ever since. He was married in 1865, to Miss E. J. Gilman, and has three children, Frank, Pearl and Lynn. MR. DANIEL RHOADES (deceased) moved with a family of five children to Piatt county about 1844, and settled on a farm southwest of Monticello, which was lately owned by Mr. Beckhart. Mr. Rhoades died on that place about 1853. His widow lived on the farm BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 319 for a time, and then moved to Monticello, where she lived at the time of her death, in March, 1873. Emanuel Rhoades, the eldest of their children, lives in Monticello. Jeremiah married Ann Bryden, and lives in Kansas. Elizabeth married Mr. Joseph Kee, and both are now dead. Mary, who was the wife of Samuel Hopping, after living in Monticello a time, moved to Decatur, where she died, leaving several children. jSTathan E. married Mary Ross. MR. NATHAN E. RHOADES, merchant, Monticello, is a native of Franklin county, Ohio, and is of German and English descent. He came to Piatt county about 1853. After marrying Miss Mary E. Ross, a native of Madison county, Indiana, he has made his home in Monticello. Their eldest son, Charles, who is with his father in the clothing store, was married in 1881, to Miss Lou Yoorhies. Corwin is a student of a business college of Jacksonville. Mr. Rhoades has done much to improve Monticello in various ways. An addition known as Rhoades' Addition was made by him. He owns a park just north of the town. Rhoades' opera-block was built in 1874, and with the exception of the bank room and basement beneath, and two offices, is owned by Mr. Rhoades. He built in 1868 'a brick house of fourteen rooms, which is one of the finest residences of Monticello. He also owns other property in and about Monticello. Mr. Rhoades was treasurer of Piatt county during the war. He has also been deputy county clerk and deputy circuit clerk. MR. E. RHOADES, teamster, Monticello, sold his farm on Camp creek, and bought a mill of Mr. William Collins, then, after about two years, sold it to William Mclntosh, then moved to Monticello, where he has been living since. MR. A. L. RODGERS, county clerk, Monticello, was born in Wash- ington county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1849. His stepfather, Mr. John McKinney, entered land in the vicinity of Mr. Croninger's present home. Mr. Rodgers located in Cerro Gordo in 1856, and put up and opened, with Mr. McKinney, a general merchandise store, the first business house in the town. He remained there until 1875, and in 1877 moved to Monticello. In 1861 he was united in "marriage to Jennie E. Campbell, and has had six children, five of whom are living, Wm. E., Earnest L., Fred C., Mabel and Harry. Mr. Rodgers has been supervisor of Cerro Gordo township, and was in the legislature after the adoption of the constitu- tion of 1870. He entered the army in 1862, in Co. K of the 107th 111. 320 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Inf., and took part in the following battles: Resaca, those of the Atlanta campaign, Franklin and Nashville. MK. S. R. REED, lawyer, Monticello, is a native of Monroe county, Ohio, from which place he moved direct to Piatt county in 1860, and has been here ever since. He taught school and farmed a number of years, and then, in April, 1866, was admitted to the bar, having studied law under Judge Smith. He has been attorney and master in chancery and is one of the successful lawyers of the place. He owns some town property and two farms, one in Sangamon and the other in Goose Creek township. Mr. Reed and Miss Jennie C. Clouser were married in 1863 and have five children, George M., E. E., Maggie L., Carl S. and Agnes Daisy. MR. GEORGE F. RHOADES, a farmer in Monticello township, was born in Ohio. He moved from his native state to Piatt county April 1, 1865. In September, 1867, he married Savannah Coberly, a native of Madison county, Ohio. She taught school previous to and after settling in this county. They have five children living, Allen J., George E., William D., Charles B. and Daisy M. Mr. Rhoades has held some of the minor offices in flie county, such as school director, road com- missioner, 'and path-master. By the way, we find some who seemingly shun the mention of having held these thankless offices. We take it that those who fill such offices well deserve more credit than a vast number who hold higher offices. Mr. Rhoades went to the late war from Ohio, in Co. I of the 58th Ohio Yols. The principal battles in which he took part were th< se of Fort Donelson, Chickasaw Bayou, Vicksburg and Arkansaw Post. He was never taken prisoner or wounded. When camping Mr. Rhoades happened to have a very neatly arranged tent. One night some one put up over the door, "Rhoades' Row and Happy Home" and thus 'twas ever known. Mr. Rhoades is now living prosperous!}' on his farm of 260 acres. He has made many improvements on the place, including the planting of about five hundred trees. MR. THOMAS RHODES, farmer, Bernent, is a native of Lincolnshire, England. He came to America in 1854, locating in Pike county, Illinois, and moving to Piatt county in 1873. He owns 320 acres of land in the county. The present residence was built in 1872 and 1874, and he has put all the other improvements on the farm. Mr. Rhodes was united in marriage, in England, to Ann Trigg, a native of Lincoln- shire. Their five children are all living. Thomas married Ann Payne in 1881 and lives in Bement township. Charles William married BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 321 Hattie Wright in 1880, lias one child, George, and lives in Bement township. Jane married Simon Priestly, of Bern ent. Samuel married Retta Wright in 1881. George is at home. MR. W. H. RANKIN, farmer, Monticello, claims Kentucky as his native state. From that state he moved to Coles county, Illinois, in 1833, thence to Sangamon county, and in 1881 located in Piatt county. He was married in 1855, to Matilda A. England, of Logan county, and has had eight children, seven of whom are living. John W. married Ella Landerman, has two children, and resides in Livingston county. Anna married F. A. Mulvain, has three children, and lives in Cham- paign county. Charles married Bllla Mangold and lives in Champaign county. The names of the other children are Mary, Stephen, Lizzie and Emma. MR. JOHN RUSSEL, farmer, Monticello, moved from Ohio, his native state, to Illinois, and to Piatt county about 1872. He was married in 1876, to Mary Pierce, and has three children, Willie, Charlie and Grace. MR. HENRY ROYSE, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Indiana, came to Illinois in 1867, and immediately to Piatt county. He owns eighty acres of land, which he has partly improved himself. Mr. Royse was married in 1870, to Hannah Milens, and has three children, Charles A., Oscar and Stella. MR. SAMUEL SUVER was born in 1805, in Burkes county, Pennsyl- vania. He was reared in Virginia, but moved to Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county about 1834. He was married in 1837, and Mrs. Suver died August 30, 1877. Mr. Suver's adopted daughter, now Mrs. Eliza Timmons, is living on Mr. Suver's old home-place. Mr. Henry L. Timmons is one of the old teachers of the county. Mr. Suver is one of the worthy old settlers of the county, and, like some of the others, has become "uncle" to all the citizens. MR. DANIEL STICKLE, Monticello, is a native of York county, Pennsylvania, was born in 1816, and is of German extraction. His parents moved from Pennsylvania to Macon county, where both died. Six sons and three daughters lived in Macon county. The subject of our sketch came from Decatur to Monticello in April, 184-1, and opened the first general-merchandise store in Monticello. He was at first in partnership with other men in Decatur, but in a few years bought them out. He first occupied a room owned by Mr. Titus Hubbard, which stood just east of what is now William E. Reese's drug store. From that place his stock of goods was moved to the east, north and west 322 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. side of the square, respectively, and when he was located on what is now known as Bender's corner, he quit merchandising, in 1854. In 1856 he moved onto a farm of 830 acres, upon which he remained until the spring of 1865, when he returned to Monticello, and soon after built a brick house, one of the best in Monticello, which he lived in until 1880. He now resides in the south part of Monticello. Mr. Stickle came to the county first in 1837, and at that time stopped at Mr. James Fiatt's cabin. While here he first saw his future wife in a "potato hole." That is, she was getting potatoes from an excavation in the ground under the cabin floor near the hearth, where the vegetables were kept. Annabel Piatt and Daniel Stickle were united in marriage May 31, 1842, in the first house in the county. They have six children living. Charlie, who went into the army about 1862, married Addie Bogle, and has one son, Richard. Susie Stickle, one of Monticello's best and most-loved daughters, was united in marriage to Harvey Huston, but, after but a year of wedded bliss, was taken away ere her prime. Richard Stickle married Miss Helen Smith December 15, 1870, and has five children, May, Charlie, Fred J., Roy and baby, and lives in Monticello. Mina is the wife of Charles 'Kroell, of Blue Ridge, and has four children, Suella, Fred, Lou, and an infant. Anna, a suc- cessful music teacher of Monticello ; Nellie, a graduate of the Monti- cello high school, and Kate, are still at home. Mr. Stickle has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for fifty-two years, and has taken active part in all the church meetings. While young he taught several terms of school. He was postmaster at Monticello under Buchanan, was the first mayor of the city, and at present is police magistrate. He has been supervisor of Monticello township, and in 1858 was elected as representative to the state legislature. MR. JACOB SMITH, Monticello, was born in Dauphine county, Penn- sylvania, 1817. His parents were natives of America, but were of German, English and Irish descent. He moved directly to this county in the spring of 1857, having acquaintances here. Mr. Smith was married in Pennsylvania to Nancy Shenk, of German descent. They had five children : Henry Augustus, who married Margaret Bright-bill, from ^near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has five children. He served three years in the late war and was of the 2d 111. Cav. Catherine, the wife of John Diller, lives in Nebraska and has three children. J. G. W. Smith is a teacher. James Monroe, Mary Elizabeth and William Penn Smith are at home. Mr. Smith came bv railroad to Bement and settled on the land which lie had bought the fall before, when looking BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCEIKS. 323 for a home. He has lately moved to Monticello. While in Pennsyl- vania he held the office of county commissioner. His grandfather served nine years in the revolutionary war. MR. SAMUEL SMOCK, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, and moved to Illinois about 1840. He own 200 acres of land where he now lives, and has partly improved the place himself. He was married in 1861, to Marietta Hart, arid has had four children, John, Augusta, Charles and Edwin. Mr. Smock has been school director about twenty years, and has held some of the small township offices. MR. WILLIAM STODDARD, a farmer near Monticello, was born in Maryland. He moved from his native state to Ohio, and thence to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1867. lie was married in Ohio, to Margaret Vinson. They have had six children, four of whom are living. Martin is married and lives in Ohio. Louis married Miss T. A. Sulli- van, a native of Virginia. They have had six children, Lemuel, Kate, Mattie, Hurby, Oliver M. and John. Mr. Stollard was in the army in Co. K of the 155th Ohio reg. Melinda married Mr. Philip Baum, and died, leaving two children. Mr. Baum married again, and is now in Michigan. Amos Stoddard, married Sarah C. Jones, and lives in Monticello township. They have two children, Elmer and Wilbert. Mary died after she was grown. Minerva was married in 1881, to Mr. Hood. MR. ISRAEL STEEL, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Pennsylvania, from which state he moved to Indiana, and thence to Piatt county in 1856. After three years' residence in this county he moved to Cham- paign county, where he remained a number of years, returning to Piatt county about 1870. He owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements, including the planting out of near a thousand trees. Mr. Steel was married in 1838, to Susan Harshbarger, and has had nine children, five of whom are living. Martha A., the wife of James Ballard, lives in Indiana ; Samuel was killed in the army ; Jno. Webster married Lizzie Plaster, has six children, and live in Champaign county ; Hiram married Elizabeth Smith, has two children, Lulu and Florence, and lives in Galesville ; Charles and Vida are still at home. MR. MOSER P. SAVAGE, Rossville, Illinois, is a native of Old Vir- ginia, moved from there to Ohio, then to Illinois, in 1847, and rented land 'of Squire Hughes for three years, then lived on Madden's Run, and when the land office was opened, entered 160 acres, and after living for thirteen years in this county, moved to Champaign county. Mr. HISTORY OF PIATT COUXTV. Savage was married in 1827, to Sarah Lee, and are both living. They have had thirteen children, eleven of whom are living : two in Bloomington, one in Danville, four in Kansas, one in Arkansas, one in Piatt county, one in Rossville, and one in McLean 'county. MR. W. E. SMITH, merchant and grocer, Monticello, is a native of Mt. Sterling, Madison comity, Ohio, but, as he says, was "raised all over that state." He entered the army July 24, 1802, in Co. F of the 94th O. Vol. Inf. The first battle he was in was near Lexington, Kentucky, where he and about two hundred other men were taken pris- oner by Gen. Kirby E. Smith. They were paroled, however, in about six hours. At the battle of Chickamauga he was wounded in his right hand with buckshot. He was in the .battles of Resaca, Ringgold and Peach-tree creek. "When we left Peach-tree we were going right into Atlanta, but it took us a month or two to get there. While at Atlanta we suffered many hardships, were under fire nearly all the time and in a continuation of battles, the siege winding up with the battle of Jonesboro." He was with Sherman to the sea, and the last battle he engaged in was that of Bentonville, and besides had several skirmishes in South Carolina. From Bentonville he went to Golds- borough, thence to Raleigh and Martha's Vineyard, and there heard of Lincoln's assassination. He marched 190 miles to Richmond in six days, thence to Washington, was in the grand review there, and when mustered out his company of over one hundred men contained but thirteen. In Georgia he was detailed to forage for horses and used to have great times. Once when riding he came to an open ground on the other side of which was a house. They let the fence down and twelve men galloped across toward the house, and found that two or three hundred men had just left, thinking Kilpatrick's advance cavalry guard was approaching ; the horses were generally hidden in swamps and the colored people were instrumental in finding them. After the war, he went to Logansport, Indiana, where he was in the Logansport " Journal " office, and attended a commercial college at Dayton, Ohio. He came to Piatt county June 24, 1866, and began clerking in the store of which he is now proprietor. He belongs to the I.O.O.F. lodge and has been a member of the city council for four years. Mr. Smith was married June 3, 1873, to Mima Piatt, a native of this county, and student of the seminary at Charlotteville, New York. They have two children, William Piatt and Clarence Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Smith own a farm and their residence property. MR. WM. D. SHULTZ, tailor, Monticello, was born in Maryland, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 325 from which state he moved to Virginia, thence to Illinois in 1 865 and located in Urbana. In the same year he moved to Monticello, and has lived in the place ever since. Most of the time he has been the only tailor in the town. He was married in 1844, to Mary Walker, a native of Maryland. They have had twelve children, six of whom are living. William was in Utah territory when last heard from. John is married and lives in Philadelphia. Katie, who was the wife of Jesse Warner, is dead. Albert married Mattie Fisher, has two children, Kate and Charlie, and lives in Monticello. Robert is in Utah. Edward is in Freeport, Illinois, and Anna is at home. MR. ANDREW STEVENS is a native of Canada. He came to Illinois in 1 876, and began buying grain at Mansfield. He moved to Monti- cello in 1877, and is still in the grain business. He was united in marriage in September, 1879, to Fannie Conklin, daughter of the superintendent of the Chicago & Paducah railroad. One son, Henry C., has blessed their union. MR. S. W. SECTS, farmer, took charge of the Piatt county poor- farm in March, 1877, and has done a great deal in getting the farm into its present prosperous condition. His people are Americans, but of German descent. He was married in 1868, to Mary Allen, whose people were from Pennsylvania. They have three children, Lovie W., Ida J. and Gertie S. MR. F. G. STEVENS, dentist, Monticello, is a native of Corydon, Indiana. He moved from there to Tuscola, Illinois, and in 1871 located in Monticello, where he worked at photography for a time, but for several years now has been the only resident dentist in the place. His practice extends to Atwood and Plammond, where he makes regular visits. He owns a residence and lot in Monticello. At present he is a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge of Monticello. May 1, 1873, Mr. Stevens and Amanda Hodge were united in marriage. Three children have blessed their union, Henry M., Frank A. and Delia A. MR. HENRY SACKBITER, grocer and restaurant keeper, Monticello, is a native of Germany. He came from his native country to America in 1854 and moved from Ohio to Piatt county, locating in Goose Creek township in 1864, and in 1876 moved to Monticello, where he owns a residence and two and one-half lots. His residence was constructed in 1881. Mr. Sackriter and Sophia Stuckey were married in 1857, and have had nine children, seven of whom are now living. William H. married Minerva Beard. Sarah, Katie, J ulia, Annie, Carrie and Etta are living at home. 21 320 HISTORY or PIATT COUNTY. MR. LKVI P. SQUIER, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Indiana, thence to Illinois, and in 186-1 located in M-icon county, from which plase he moved to Piatt county in 1880. He was married about 1858, to Elizabeth Bryte, of Ohio, and has had eight children, all of whom are living, Frank B., John II., Eva M., Sarah E., Morrison L., Clarence A., Charles E. and Belle. MR. II. H. SAINT, Monticello, moved from Indiana, his native state, to Urbana, Illinois, and thence in 1881 to Monticello, where he is dealing in farming implements. He was married in November, 1865, to Emily Cook, and has six children, Cora, Albert, Walter, Elsie, Myrtle and Lena. Mr. Saint went to the army in the 71st 111. Inf., and in the 19th Ind. Bat., being out over two years the last time. He took part in the battles of Resaca, and others of the Atlanta campaign. MR. ASHKR W. TINDER, deceased, farmer, was born hi Virginia, moved to Ohio, and was married there to Delilah C. Lewis, a native of Ohio, of Scotch descent. They moved back to Virginia, where their three eldest children were born, then returned to Ohio, and in 1853 came to Piatt county. For the first two years they lived on the John Madden farm, and then bought what is now the McReynolds farm. They moved to Monticello in 1860, lived a year or two in the Patterson house, then went into the brick hotel owned by J. C. Johnson. Mr. Tinder died there. They had eight children : seven came here, the eldest brother being in California ; six are living in Piatt county. Francis A. married E, B. Winchester in March, 1852, in Madison county, Ohio (see his sketch). Lewis B. Tinder went to California in 1853, and in 1860 was heard from for the last time. It is supposed that he was killed by Indians at Virginia City, Nevada. Martha J. married Capt. Jamison. Lundsfield J. married Anna Heath and moved to Kansas. Mrs. Tinder died there in 1874, leaving two children, one of whom, Mattie, is here. Mr. Tinder was again mar- ried in 1880, to Mrs. Ellen Walters. They are living at Galesville, and he is in the grain business. Mr. Tinder was in the army, received several promotions, and once was promoted over other officers for gallantry in battle. Americus B. was married April 12, 1881, to Elizabeth Greenland they have one child. He was in the army in the 2d 111. Cav., and was wounded in 1862 at Holly Springs and laid aside by surgeons as dead. The ball is still in his body. Mr. Tinder lives in Monticello, is mail agent on the Wabash road, and has been for the past eight years. Linneas B. Tinder married Elizabeth Babcock, who BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 327 died, leaving two children, Gladys and Sadie. He was again married in 1870, to Helen Babcock, who died, leaving one child, Linneas F. Lucy is the wife of J. Allen Heath, and lives in Hurnboldt, Allen county, Kansas, and has one child living, Irene. Dolly L. married Samuel Stewart, of Kansas, in 1866. Mrs. A. W. Tinder bore her seven years' affliction of palsy with most Christian fortitude, and during the last eight months could not feed or dress herself, yet was never heard to complain nor be low-spirited. A harmful word was never known to be said of her. Her last words were : "To live is Christ, to die is gain." MR. HENRY THOMAS, a farmer in Monticello township, was born in Ohio. He is of Welch and English descent. In 1855 he moved from Ohio to Piatt county, having previously married Harriet Painter, who died, leaving three children. The eldest, Emma, married Isaac Kyle, a farmer in Macon county. They had two children. Anna married Albert Fithian and lives in Monticello. They have one child, Harry. Jane married Jeff Hiatt and lives in Kansas. Mr. Thomas next mar- ried Mrs. Martha Dresbach, who had two children : Marietta, who married William Duvall, and Elma, who married Joseph Keller. In 1877 Mr. Thomas married Mrs. Zorger, nee Nancy Garver. Mrs. Zorger had seven children, four of whom are now living. Philander Zorger married Lizzie Rock, and now lives in Macon county. Talitia married Alfred Payne, and lives in Monticello township. They have two children, Nora and Nettie. Phebe married David Deter, and they, with their one child, William, live in Willow Branch township. Jesse lives at Warrensburg, Macon county. MR. JAMES TIPPETT'S parents were Americans, and lived and died in Maryland. He was born within sixteen miles of Washington City. He was married in 1823, in Loudoun county, Virginia, to Miss Elizabeth Dodd, and in 1834 moved to Licking county, Ohio. Mr. Tippett's son, Cumberland, came to this county in 1864, and for a number of years was a minister in the Methodist church. He died October 2, 1875, from the effects of a fall from a fruit tree. His widow, nee Helen Heath, and two children survived him. She is now living in Champaign county. Miss Ellen and Miss Martha are living with their father in Monticello. Mr. Fenton Tippett is in the west, while the youngest daughter, Frankie, is now Mrs. W. D. Dickinson, and with her husband and child lives in Bernent. Mrs. James Tippett died July 7, 1871, and lies buried in the Monticello cemetery. Mr. James Tippett, after coming to this county, lived about four years east of Monticello 328 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. . and about twelve years on Mr. Silver's place northwest of the city. Mr. Tippett has long been a zealous church member, and as he grows older his religious zeal seems to wax stronger. MR. RILEY TATMAN, Monticello. His father came to this county in 1852, when Riley was but eight years old, and lived on what is now the C. W. Piatt place. Mr. Riley Tatmaii received his education in this county and was married in 1868, to America Hitchens, of Ohio, who came to this county in 1864. Maud S. is their only child. Mr. Tatman was in the late war, and of Co. F, 54th 111. reg. He was in the battles of Corinth, Vicksburg, Sabine River, and was captured August 16, 1864, near Little Rock. He served in rebel prison until May, 1865 ; first in Monticello, Arkansas, then in Camden, Arkansas, Shreveport, Louisiana, and Tyler, Texas. His rations were one pint unsifted cornmeal a day, mixed with cold water, no salt, and baked on chips ; three ounces fresh beef every third day, roasted without salt. He was fortunate in not being wounded, and reached home in Novem- ber, 1865. Mr. Tatman kept a journal on the margins of newspapers all during imprisonment, but has since lost it. He escaped five differ- ent times, and each time was caught by bloodhounds. Three times he escaped through tunnels, once by burying himself while moving from one prison to the other, and last by overpowering the guard, shooting his arm off by slipping up where he was asleep and putting his foot on the trigger of the gun. After returning from the war, he finished his common education, and taught from 1866 to 1872. For two years he was in the drug business, then two years a carpenter, and since in abstract business and law. MR. C. 1ST. THOMPSON is a native of Fulton county, Illinois, from which place he came to Piatt county in 1879, and located on a farm owned by Mr. Samuel Allerton, of Chicago. Mr. Thomson was married in 1860, to Caroline Putman, and has five children, A. C., Charles Nelson, Jessie L. and Berintha M., who are attending the St. Mary's School at Knoxville, and Pamilla. Mr. Thompson went to the army from Fulton county in Co. E, of the 103d regiment. He was in the commissary department most of the time, but was in the battle of Vicksburg and others. Mr. Thompson is now residing on the farm lately owned by Messrs Frank and Ed. Williams. MR. A. B. TROWBRIDGE, farmer, Monticello, was born in Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois about 1849. He was married in 1861, to Ann C. Moore, and has had four children, William Thomas, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 329 Samantha Josie, Albert Levi and Opha Belle. They moved into Piatt county in 1879. , DR. CHRISTOPHER K. WARD was born August 6, 1809, in Abington, Washington county, Virginia, of Scotch-Irish parentage. While yet quite young he removed toTazewell, Claiborne county, East Tennessee, where he lived until he arrived at the years of manhood. While yet almost a boy he made a trip into the then newly discovered gold country of northern Georgia and Alabama, and spent some months in searching for gold. The territory in which gold was found then belonged to the Cherokee Indians. For a time the excitement in regard to the discovery rivaled that which, after many years, occurred on the discovery of gold in California. Notwithstanding the treaty with the Indians and the proclamation of the President, the gold-bearing terri- tory was overrun with fortune-hunters, until at length, by authority of the government, they were forcibly removed by United States troops sent there for that purpose. The subject of our sketch studied medicine at Knoxville, in East Tennessee, and finally removed to Edgar county, Illinois, in 1832, where he was married to Miss Elizabeth Hobbs, by whom he had one son, T. G. Ward, who now resides in Missouri. After her death he was married to Miss Nancy Somerville, then resid- ing in Edgar county, who survives him. The children of this marriage were John Ward, who adopted his father's profession and was quite successful as a physician, practicing at Lovington, Illinois, until his death, which occurred in 1875; Sarepta, who married C. W. Noyes and now resides in St. Joseph, Missouri ; Mary, who married James Holmes, now of Chicago, and Martha, who married H. E. Huston and still resides in Monticello, Illinois. Soon after his second marriage he concluded to remove to Piatt county and try practicing his profession. Up to that time he had tried farming and school teaching and a little of everything that came to hand. He arrived in Monticello with his young family in the year 1845, and before he had had time to unload his few household goods he was called upon to visit professionally one of the citizens who was dangerously ill, and from that time until he was finally compelled, in 1870, to relinquish his practice, by the premonitions of heart disease, he never knew what it was to rest from his labors. Through sunshine and storm, daylight and' darkness, sum- mer and winter, he was always ready to go in answer to the cry of distress. At the time of his location in Monticello the county and town was but sparsely inhabited, and he was the only practicing physician in the county. His practice for years afterward extended 330 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. from Sadorus Grove on the east to Friends Creek on the west, from Mackville in the south to Mahomet in the north ; or in other words, about fifteen miles in all directions from Monticello. Such was the urgency and frequency of his calls, that repeatedly he was compelled to get what little slumber he could while riding horseback over the the then trackless prairies from one lone cabin to another. The greater part of the settlers at that time were very poor, yet he never let the fact that he would probably have, to take his pay in produce, and as likely get nothing for his services, make him hesitate when the call for assistance came. Nevertheless he had his reward in the universal esteem in which he was and is held by this community. He was a con- sistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Relinquishing his practice in 1870. he immediately set about putting his affairs in order to receive the summons which he felt would sooner or later call him from his earthly labors. But few persons have left their financial matters in better shape. Finally, after facing the destroyer manfully for years, he gently and peacefully passed over the river on April 22, 1881. His remains were buried in the cemetery north of Monticello. 45 ' SQUIRE WILEY. Addison J. Wiley was born November 1, 1810, and was named for Joseph Addison, of literary renown. His father, Moses Wiley, was born in Virginia, on the Rappahannock river, was of Welch and German descent, and was in the revolutionary war at the' age of fourteen. He married Miss Rachel Lehew, who was of French descent. They had ten children, seven of whom were boys. Mr. Wiley and his family moved to Indiana while it was yet a territory. Mr. A. J. Wiley remembers that while his folks were in Indiana, in 181, Mr. James A. Piatt, when assistant provision contractor for Gen. Harrison, fed pack-horses on his father's farm. A. J. Wiley was married in Indiana in 1834, to Sarah Tenbrooke. They had nine children, three of whom were born in Indiana. Charles Wiley died in 1864, leaving a wife (now Mrs. Johnson) and four children. Amelia is the wife of Albert Miner. George Wiley died in the army in Nashville, Tennessee. Rachel married Wesley Goodwin. James Wiley makes his home in Monticello. Allen Wile}' married Fannie Wood. On the 13th of August, 1860, Mr. A. J. Wiley and Mrs. Campbell were married. The second Mrs. Wiley died October 5, 1876, leaving three children, Belle Campbell and Frank and Lena Wiley. In 1837 Mr. Wiley came to Illinois to look up a place for a new home. He bought land, 40 acres of which was timber and 40 acres prairie * We are indebted to II. F. Huston for the above sketch. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 331 land, of Mr. Abraham Marquiss and Mr. William Barnes in what is now Piatt county. He then returned to Indiana and remained until 1839, when he moved out to his new home. His wife had come out a few months previous with Mr. Tenbrooke's family. They lived on their farm until 1840, when they moved into the cabin in which four of James A. Piatt's sons were then living. After boarding for a time with these persons Mr. Wiley moved into the town of Monticello, in which there were about three houses in 1840. In 1840 Mr. Wiley was made constable, which office he held two years, when he became justice of the peace, and he still has the position, having been out of the office only about four and a half years during forty years' time. We noticed in an old county paper not long since that of- the several hundred decisions Mr. Wiley had made in his position as squire only two have been reversed. Mr. Wiley relates the following incident of Abraham Lincoln. When Lincoln & McDougal were practicing law here,' they entertained each other in various ways, and at one time tried to see which could throw an old meat-axe the farthest. The two were stand- ing in the street a little west of the southwest corner of the public square. After each had thrown the axe a time or two Mr. Lincoln tookit and, after swinging it around his head, slung it westward and into the Lizard run. Upon seeing where the axe lit, McDougal exclaimed : "Why didn't you do that before ? Here I've been almost throwing my arms off trying to beat you !" Lincoln enjoyed the joke very much. MR. CHARLES WATTS (deceased) was born March 25, 1835, in Cale- donian county, Vermont. He came to Monticello about 1855, taught school the first year, and began practicing law the next year, and became a most successful lawyer of the county.. He was school and county treasurer for a number of years in the county. He went back to Vermont, and married Lodoskey A. Spencer, November 22, 1858. Four of their children are living, Willie E., Charles P., Lena M. and Harry S. Mr. Watts died February 4, 1875, and Monticello thus lost one of her most honored and respected citizens. Mrs. Watts' sister, Phebe Spencer, now Mrs. Henry Bodwell, came to Monticello i i 1859. Mr. and Mrs. Bodwell have two children, Bertie and Agatha. MR. L. B. WEAVER, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Virginia, from which state he moved to Ohio, and then came to Monticello in 1843. He lived in the old Piatt cabin for a time, and has lived in the vicinity of Monticello ever since. He owns 80 acres of land, where he now lives, and has improved the place himself. He was married 332 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. August 17, 1837, to Sarah A. Neal, and has had fifteen children, twelve of whom are living, and all are within a radius of eight or ten miles. Not many families so large remain so near each other. Mary J. married J. B. B. Fowler, and has three children, Berry, Charles and Louis, and lives in Monticello. George, who was in the late war, married Kate Connor, and has three children, Maud, Edna and Nellie. Margaret was the wife of Daniel Bush, who died, leaving five children, George, Mary, Frank, Alice and Bertie D. Mrs. Bush next married Mr. William Barnhart, who had several children. Martha A. Weaver married Daniel Russell. Elizabeth is the wife of Henry Martin, and has four children, Harry, Irving, Sadie and Elsie. James Weaver married Mary Johnson, and has three children, Linnie, Claud and Ollie. Eliza Weaver became the wife of Franklin Sellers, and has one son, Leonard B. Charles Weaver married Minnie Jones. Kate Weaver married John Dresback, and has three children. Winfield married Ella Lowe. Nannie and John E. Weaver are still at home. MR. JOHN WOOLINGTON is a farmer, and lives about three miles northwest of Monticello. He is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois about 1843 or 1844. He married Isabella Kyle, who died in 1848, leaving four children, two of whom are now liying. Sarah married James Davis, and now lives in Monticello. They have one daughter. Ida Isabelle, who graduated in the Monticello High School in 1881. Henry N. married Charity Parker. They, with their three children, Otho, Adelbert and May, have quite recently moved to Iowa. Mr. John Woolington married Mrs. Susan Devore, in 1849. They are living quietly and contentedly in a neat frame house on the farm that Mr. William Barnes lived on for so many years. MR. A. H. WILDMAN, photographer, Monticello, is a native of Trnmbull county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Unity Township, in 1850. A portion of the time since, he made his home in Douglass county, but in January, 1871, he moved to Monti- cello, where he has since resided. At present he is the only photo- grapher in the place. He owns the property where his business office is, and also- owns his residence property. He was married to Hannah J. Hodge, and has two children, Maud A. and William T. In 1861 he went to the army in Co. G of the 13th 111. Cav. He was discharged later on account of disability, but re-enlisted in November, 1862, in Battery I, of the 2d 111. Lt. Art., and was discharged June 14, 1865. He was in nearly all the battles from Chattanooga to the sea, and to Goldsborough. North Carolina. While in the army he BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 333 lost his hearing by a premature explosion, and was otherwise injured, so that he deservedly draws a pension at the present time. Mr. Wild- man's father, Mr. Thomas Wildman, settled in Unity township in 1850. His wife died after the family had started to move from Ohio to Illinois. Mr. Thomas Wildman was a constant suiferer for nineteen .years before his death in 1870, and for thirty-two months previous to his decease he never spoke a word aloud. He left six children, five of whom are living in Piatt county. Thomas P. Wildman married Elizabeth Shonkwiler, and lives in Unity township. Eunice Arvilla became the wife of Aaron Harshbarger, but died, leaving six children. Henry Wildman married Sarah E. Quick, has six children, and lives on the old home place. Electa is the wife of Napoleon B. Shonkwiler, has a large family of children, and lives in Unity township. Emer- zilla is the wife of Samuel Harshbarger, of Unity township, and has six children. MR. R. B. WINCHESTER, harness maker. Monticello, is a native of Madison county, Ohio. His father was from New York, his mother from Tennessee, and of English descent. They had ten children, two of whom lived in Piatt county. Mr. Winchester was married in 1852, to Frances A. Tinder, in Madison county, Ohio. They moved to Piatt county in 1853, settled in Monticello, where he has been in the harness business ever since. They have had four children, the eldest dying when eighteen months old. Lewis E. married Annie E. Maddy, of Muncie, Indiana, in October, 1876. They have one child, Eva. Mr. Winchester is a druggist, in Mnncie, Indiana. Lucy Winchester died July 3, 1876. Eva is at home 5 she is a graduate of the Monticello high school, in which school she is a successful teacher. Mr. Win- chester went to the army in 1861, in Co. C of the 73d 111. Inf. He held the position of 3d lieut.. and was out about five months, coming home on account of sickness. The battle of Perrysville is the principal one in which he participated. Mrs. Winchester has been a mantua- maker and milliner in Monticello for the past twenty years. She has always been one of the principal milliners, and ofttimes the only one, but she is never too busy to make use of her rare faculty of good nurs- ing at the bed-side of the sick in her community. Clara, Mr. R. B. Winchester's sister, married James Hall, and lives in Indiana. She came here in 1856 or 1857, met Mr. Hall, who went to Indiana, married her, then came here and lived for several years. MR. C. B. WENGENROTU, furniture dealer, Monticello, is a native of Germany. He came to America in 1853, and in 1856 located in 334 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Monticello, where he opened the first furniture store in the place. He now owns two business houses, three residences and seven lots in Monticello. He belongs to the Odd-Fellows lodge of the town. Mr. Wengenroth was married in 1858, to Catherine Minick. Only one, Lillie, of their five children is living. MR. SAMUEL B. WEBSTER, Mr. Webster's father, was a native of Kentucky, his mother of Virginia, while Ohio bears the honor of his nativity. He was one of a family of four, two of which are now living in this county. Mr. Webster moved to Champaign county in 1856, and in 1858 settled in Piatt county. He located in MonticeUo as a saddler, which occupation he continued until he was appointed postmaster, December 20, 1866. He was first appointed by post- master General William Denison, during the administration of Andrew Johnson, and through the recommendation of the retiring postmaster, Wilson Cox, to the postmaster-general. He was reappointed under U. S. Grant, and again under R. B. Hayes. Mr. Webster was married in 1861, to Ann M. Dyer. Four children have blessed their union, three of whom, C. Kate, Isaac W. and Lena B., are living. The people in and about Monticello will long remember the genial face of the present postmaster, as he greets and distributes mail to the eager inquiring throng that fills the office so frequently. MR. WILLIAM C. WEBSTER, formerly a harness dealer in Monticello, was born in Ohio. He moved from his native state to Piatt county in 1857 and located at Monticello, and that has been his home ever since. He remained in the saddlery business until 1879. The winter of 1881-2 he made a trip to California with anticipation of locating in that state. He is lavish of praise for the Golden State, but did not move to it as he anticipated. He is now living just outside the corporation line of Monticello. He was married in December, 1854, to Mary Dyer, who died in August, 1870, leaving five children, four of whom are now living. Charles, her eldest son, died of consumption when but fifteen years old. James married Miss Hattie Burgess in 1880, and is running a book and stationery store in Monticello. Miss Lillie, after her mother's death, did ample credit to herself as her father's housekeeper. She and her brother and sister, Eddie and Katie, are still at home. On June 25, 1872, Mr. Webster married Louisa Rue, a native of Xew Jersey. She has had four children, three of whom, Lulu May, Pauline and Myrtie Belle, are living. Mr. Webster has not escaped the office of school-director, and was once elected coroner. MR. G. R. WARRK K. farmer, Monticello, is a native of . Pike BEMENT TOWNSHIP. 335 county, and moved to Piatt county in 1878. He was married in 18T3, to Lucy E. Burch, a native of Pike county. They own a farm of eighty acres, which is all under cultivation. There is a good house on the place, some five hundred trees have been planted out, and a new barn is being built. MR. A. ZYBELL, Monticello, is a native of Prussia, who came to America in 1851, and in 1858 located in Monticello, where he is now engaged in the boot and shoe business. He was married in 1857, to Louisa Hammersmidt and has six children. Robert is in Iowa ; Bertie married Will Wall, has one child, Allie, and lives in Monticello ; Albert, Willie, August and Emma are at home. Mr. Zybell owns a residence, two business houses, and four lots in Monticello. He also owns a farm of two hundred dcres in Goose Creek township, and has put all the improvements on the place. A barn and residence was erected on the farm in 1882. CHAPTER XIII. BEMENT TOWNSHIP. S township lies directly south of Monticello township, and also -1- contains forty-eight sections of land. A portion of Champaign county bounds it on the east, Unity township on the south, while Willow Branch and Cerro Gordo townships form the western boundary. A ridge running across the northwestern corner of the township causes the land there to be a great deal higher than it is in the southern and eastern part of the township. In fact the lowness of the land in the southern and eastern part debarred settlement therein for a number of years, and even yet it is thinly settled in some parts. Bat since tiling has begun to be used in the county much has been done to prepare the exceedingly rich soil for cultivation. A very much greater portion can be cultivated now compared with the tillable land of twenty years ago, and much more improvement is anticipated, too, in the next few years. The extreme northwestern portion of the township drains toward the Sangamon, while all the rest of the township is drained by the Lake Fork of the Okaw, which comes into the township in its north- 336 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. eastern section, runs southwest and then southeast, leaving the township about the middle of its southern boundary line. The fall in the stream is very slight. After the rainy season the banks are soon overrun, and then for days and weeks the stream, through miles of its course, has the appearance of a lake or swamp ; and because of this slowness in discharging its waters, we suppose, the stream has been called Late Fork. The land traversed by the Lake Fork is very rich indeed, and when the channel of the stream is once deepened so that the surplus water can be turned from off the farming land, we anticipate that the finest crops in the country can be raised on what is now untillable land. Two railroads pass through this township. The Wabash road strikes the eastern boundary line about one mile from the northern boundary line, runs southwest through the township, crossing the western boundary line about three and one-half miles from the northwestern corner of the township. This road was the first one built in the county, and it has assisted greatly in the growth of the same. A road formerly known as the Chicago & Paducah railroad crosses the township nearly two miles from and runs parallel with the western boundary line of the township. This road now belongs to the great Wabash system. These roads cross at Bement. The following, from an article written December 25, 1879, by Mr. L. B. Wing, will show the condition of at least a part of Bement township a quarter of a century ago : "It is just twenty-six years ago to-day since I first saw the spot where this town is located. On Christmas clay, 1853, three 'solitary horsemen ' halted upon the ridge which divides the waters of the San- gamon and the Kaskaskia, and looked southward. It was a beautiful day like autumn, rather than winter. A magnificent view, limited only by the powers of vision, was before us. It was like looking out upon the ocean. No farm or orchard, no living thing or sign of human habitation ! Everything, so far as we could see. was just as it had been for centuries. We knew that in the groves of timber that skirted the water-course a few pioneers had built their cabins, and for years had supplied their simple wants by hunting and by a little farming of the most primitive sort. But their proximity was not apparent to us and in no way dispelled the sense of complete solitude that oppressed us. "The government of the United States still owned this land, and offered it in small parcels at the minimum price of $1.25 an acre. " We dismounted and threw ourselves upon the sunny slope to BEMENT TOWNSHIP. 337 enjoy the view, and debated the question whether it was likely that this prairie, after remaining hundreds of years unoccupied, was now about to attain any particular value. All who had preceded us had evidently come to the conclusion that it was like air and water, valuable and necessary, so far as it could be used, but was in too large supply to be worth buying. Was it likely that in the little span of time represented by our lives, that this condition of things would greatly change ? "But we had come to the state predisposed to own a small piece of it, and after we had consulted maps and rode over the land we drove stakes, selecting adjoining tracts, so that we might not lose each other, and in 1854 we secured titles to as much as our slender means would pay for. The year following the deer and prairie wolves were startled from their homes by an engineering corps surveying the route for what is now the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railway. With this prospect in view we at once gave attention to our new purchase. This town was laid out on the tract as the nearest railroad point to the county seat, and I fell into the line of improvement by first hauling with ox teams, from Urbana, in Champaign county, the materials for a house, the third built in the town. The next season the ' iron horse ' made his way through Bement, from the Wabash river to Springfield. At this date the land was all bought up and the immigration was rapid. A large tract was purchased by Col. John S. Williams, now United States senator from Kentucky, who, with his brother, made this county their residence. With the same energy and pluck which won for him his sobriquet of 'Cerro Gordo Williams' in the Mexican war, he pushed his improvements and rapidly transformed the prairie into cultivated fields. " Other railroads were projected and built, and new homes were established at a rate of increase unknown in the older states. The brothers Bodman, of Massachusetts, four of them, were of the first settlers and largest land owners ; men of enterprise, wealth and influ- ence. The brothers Scott, from Lexington, Kentucky, Joseph and Isaac, honored by all who ever knew them, did their full share in the development of this county. ' ' There are many immigrants from old Licking, that have dropped in here at various dates. The Hon. Francis E. Bryant, who built the first warehouse in Bement, though a native of New Hampshire, was educated at Granville, and still remembers his college associates and teachers with a lively interest. Then in different parts of the county are, Gardner, Gregory, Mitchell, Fristoe, Orr, Caughenbaugh, Dickin- 338 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. son, Dyarman, Somers, Tippett, Wright, Wetherell, Beck, Keese, Partridge, and others whose names I do not now recall. "I desire, in closing, to bear witness in one thing more, to the credit of the settlers. It came to me with great force, on a summer day, while lying in dreamy reverie upon the same slope from which so long ago I first saw this broad prairie. The spires, the shaded dwell- ings, the shops and stores of Benient, a mile or two away, now obstruct the range of vision. Hedges and orchards, farm-houses, distant moving trains of cars, and things of life arrest the eye. But the transforma- tion in all this is not greater than that which has come to this very spot. Now, hundreds of silver maples and groups of evergreen shelter and adorn this ridge of ground, and attest the good taste and civilization of the people. Their 'city of the dead' is here laid out in no stinted measure, as though they grudged 'God's acre,' but with broad, well-kept avenues and walks, with shrubs and flowers, they have made it a spot worthy of the dust it is to receive, and the associations with which their children will regard it. Already rising monuments tell of the mother, the child, the village favorite, the soldier brought from southern battle-field, of strong men fallen by the way, and mark the spot where the hardy pioneers of the county ' The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.' " Early settlements. From all accounts we consider that the first settlement in Bement township was made by "William Bailey, not long previous to 1854, in section 5. Another early settler was John Hughes, who lived near the head of Lake Fork timber. The first elec- tion in the township was held in his log house. There were not more than six voters in the entire township, and Jos. Moore was one of the judges. Mr. Smith Quick bought out Jno. Hughes, and Mr. Joseph Moore bought land of Mr. Bailey. Both Mr. Moore and Mr. Quick are yet living in the township. These settlements were made previous to the building of the present Wabash railroad through the township. After the building of the said road settlements began to be made quite rapidly. JBement. Bement is situated seven miles south of Monticello, the county seat, and is a village of about 1,500 inhabitants. The land upon which Bement is located was purchased in 1854 by Joseph Bod- man, who bought about 6,000 acres of land, which are now owned by himself, L. B. Wing and Lewis and Luther Bodman. [t was through Joseph Bodman's influence that Bement was located on its present BEMKXT TOWNSHIP. 339 site. L. B. Wing, Joseph Bodman and Henry P. Little donated ground upon which the original town was laid out. L. B. "Wing sold in 1854: to Hunt & Carter, agents for the Great Western railroad, thirty -three acres of land in section 19 for $1. The railroad buildings and some of the business houses of the town were located on this land. In fact Joseph Bodman is connected with every link of Bement's history. He assisted in laying out the town, as did also Joseph Mai- lory, Sullivan Burgess and James Bryden, and made an addition to the town of Bement. The Wabash railroad crossing is on his addi- tion. Bement was surveyed during the summer of 1854 and recorded by Josiah Hunt in January 1855. Joseph Bodman, J. H. and J. M. Camp, William Ellis, and Thomp- son and Marion Fettit were the first settlers of Bement. Mr. Joseph Alvord moyVd into a log house on Dr. Bodman's farm, which belongs to the estate of the late Chris Kesner, and boarded the men who built the first house in Bement. Mr. Alvord also hauled lumber from Champaign for the first house which was built in the town. In April, 1855, this first house, which stood just west of the present Christian church and was owned by Joseph Bodman, was erected under the supervision of T. T. Pettit and J. M. Camp. Joseph Nye and wife kept boarders in this house. They were succeeded by Mr. Crip- pen. Mr. Bodman also erected the second house in town, which stood just west of the first one. Soon after he erected a small office build- ing, which was the first business house of the town. It served for various purposes, and until the Wabash depot was moved from Decatur was used as a depot until the winter of 1856. Mr. and Mrs. Force came to Bement in 1855-56, Mrs. Force reaching the place in January, 1856. In the spring of 1856, after boarding in Monticello for a time, they moved into the third house in Bement. About this time Joseph Alvord, who had been living for a time in the second house of! the town, moved into a house built on his farm, now owned by Mr. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Yost came to Bement April 29, 1856. Mr. Yost built on the ground now owned by Mr. J. C. Evans, but ere a great while moved on to his farm north of Bement which is still owned by his family. Near the time the first settlements were made in Bement Mr. B. G. Hopkins moved onto a farm since known as the Elihu Fisher farm. He only remained a few years. Mr. F. E. Bryant moved to Bement in 1856, and his family made the seventh in the place. He started the first store, bought Joseph Bodman's warehouse, and began handling 340 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. grain. Mr. Bryant's building, where Mr. Cooper has his store, was the first brick building of the town, and probably the first public entertain- ment was a dance held in Mr. Bryant's old warehouse. For several years each new building was dedicated by a dancing party. Before the establishment of a postoffice in Bement the mail, though brought first to Bement, was distributed in Monticello. Mr. Joseph Bodman was the first postmaster of the town. The present one, Mr. S. K. Bodman, has ably filled his position for a number of years. Mrs. Yost reports the following : The first couple married in Bement were Mr. Thomas W. Bane and Martha W. Hadsall, who were married at Aaron Yost's in June, 1856. Mr. Charles Evans is now living in the house where the ceremony was performed. A Methodist minister preached the first sermon in the town at Mr. Crippen's. The first birth and death in the town was that of Mr. James' child. The child was buried in 1856 near Mr. Haldeman's mill. The first Sabbath-school, a union one, was organized in May, 1856. Mrs. Yost says that the first she knew of the public square, Mr. Alvord took his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Force, and Mr. and Mrs. Yost, saying, "Now, ladies and gentlemen, I will take you a drive around the public square," and they, with laughter and jokes, went around the present public square, which then was but staked out. Mr. T. T. Pettit thinks that the first sermon in the town was preached by Mr. Samuel Harshbarger, in the depot, and that Mr. Huston was the first stationary minister. The first hotel of the place, the Sherman House, was built in 1857, and until the erection of the elegant masonic building, stood on the main business street of the town. It now stands to the rear of the masonic building. John Townsend built and kept the hotel for a time, until his death, when his widow undertook the supervision of the same. In the spring of 1858 James McDowell came to Bement, and with Mr. Tho. Postlethwaite erected the hotel known as the Pennsylvania House. This building is still standing, and, under the name of Bement House, is kept by its worthy proprietor, Mr. Royal Thomas. Mr. C. F. Tenney moved to Bement in 1859, and says that at that time Mr. Bryant's was the only dry goods store in the place. There were no sidewalks, the streets were not graded, and there was not a tree in the town. There were just enough ladies in the town who ARY THE ?.3:y pipes. Much money has been expended to place it in its present excellent condition. The broom-corn is cut and cured there, and sent east for manufacture. There are five groves on the farm, from three to five acres in each, and twenty-five miles of osage orange hedge. A great amount of ditching, both open and tiling, has been done. All the land is under cultivation, and under the supervision of one person. MR. FRANCIS E. BRYANT, banker, Bement, was born in Nelson, New Hampshire, February 3, 1818. His parents were natives of Massachusetts, but moved to New Hampshire in 1815. His grand- father Bryant was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and received a pension for his services there during the rest of his life. Mr. F. E. Bryant has the pocket-book his grandfather carried at the battle of Bunker Hill, also a continental bill which he received for services in this battle. Upon our questioning if he was related to Wm. C. Bryant, the poet, he replied that his father was a cousin to Wm. C. Bryant, and that another cousin, S. F. Smith, is the author of the poem "America." Mr. Bryant's parents moved to Ohio in 1833. His father was a farmer, and his mother, in an early day, taught school. Mr. Bryant was once prepared for college, but owing to a change in arrangements he studied surveying, and on June 15, 1837, he started to Schuyler county, Illinois, where he followed the compass for six years. He remained nineteen years in Schuyler county, and while there, on July 4, 1840, he was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 355 united in marriage to Sarah E. Briscoe, a daughter of Col. Geo. H. Briscoe, a soldier of the war of 1812, and formerly a resident of Mercer county, Kentucky. Thinking that he would have a better chance for advancement at Bement than where he was living, he moved to that place July 26, 1856, and began buying grain and selling lumber and salt. He opened the first merchandise store of the place May 18, 1857. From then until the present time he has been an energetic business man of the place ; indeed he has been one of the principal business men of Bement, and has done a great deal for the advance- ment of the town. He has now been in the banking business for ten years. Mr. Bryant was elected county surveyor in Schuyler county in 1839, and served four years. In 1852 he represented that county in the eighteenth general assembly. He was also elected, in 1872, member of the twenty-eighth general assembly, from the counties of Piatt and Champaign. He took an active part in the organization of the Masonic lodge of Bement, and was appointed by the grand lodge its first master, serving as such for three years. Mr. Bryant has traveled somewhat, both in this country and in the old world. He spent the summer of 1878 in Europe. He owns six stores, the bank building, an elevator, several offices and twelve improved lots, in addition to other property. In 1882 he erected an elegant cottage, one of the finest in the jpmnty: No expense has been spared in making it one of the most complete homes in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant have had six children, only one of whom, Mrs. Bruce Sprague, is living. Mollie died at the age of seventeen. Two grandchildren, Eddie and Frank, are here to bring joy and gladness to the old age of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant. " From youth to age this wedded pair Have journeyed on together Not always gentle was the wind, Nor always bland the weather; Yet few and light have been their cares, And light and few their crosses, And God has shown his pitying face Amid their griefs and losses. Oh, sore the travel and the toil To reach the roseate present, Had no affection cheered the way And made the journey pleasant. What if the cheek has lost its bloom, The eye its olden lustre ? "What if the locks are thin and blanched Which on the temples cluster? 356 HISTORY or PI ATT COUNTY. Still hope is fresh and hearts are young, And love is unabated. And men and angels hail to-day The married and the mated. The loveliest thing on earth is love, The loveliest and the purest ; The dearest thing on earth is love, The dearest and the surest ; And not alone is heavenly sweet The honey of its kisses: The very tears of love are sweet, Its very pangs are blisses ; And they who love with love the best, The fondest and the strongest Love with the loveliest love of all Are they who love the longest. Ah ! love's dear veterans well deserve Our greetings and our praises, Since where we looked for Winter's snows They point to Spring's sweet daisies ; Since when the sea is smooth and fair, Or black the tide is flowing, Through all the voyage of the years They keep their fond hearts glowing ; Since, though the frame may show the trace Of many a blight and fever, The teeming vineyards of the soul Are fresh and green as ever ; Since, through the long, sweet married days THeir faith and fervor proving, They make a noble thing of life, A Godlike thing of loving. Oh, happy, true and honored pair! Oh, ever leal and loyal ! We pay you willing court to-day, For love has made you royal ! All gentle thoughts and hopes are yours, All wishes, sweet and tender What richer tributes can we bring, What worthier homage render? God's cherubs still your steps attend, His peace your fond hearts strengthen, As o'er the sky above your heads The evening shadows lengthen ; And wh" en the night conies on, at last, And brings its welcome slumber, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 357 Sweet angels from the wondrous h< si Which none may nainwuH* number, Shall 1'ead your Htill united souls Through shining arch and portal, To gardens fair and pastures green, Where love shall be immortal ! " MR. S. K. BODMAN, druggist and postmaster, Bement, is a native of Massachusetts. His parents moved to Ohio in 1833, when lie was but one year old. He came to Piatt county about 1855, and taught school for about five years. He returned to Ohio, where he remained a year or two. He then came back to Piatt county, and opened a drug store in Bement. His store was built in 1866. He was made postmaster during Lincoln's administration. He was removed while Johnson was in office, but he was reappointed. He has been town clerk, treasurer and school director several terms. Mr. Bodman was married in Massachusetts in October, 1865, to Martha M. Lyman, whom he had met in Ohio. Their union has been blessed by six children, Clara S., Joseph L., Angie M., Mary E., Mattie C. and Edgar. MR. THOMAS C. BODY (deceased) was a native of England, and came to America when a young man, locating on a farm in Piatt county about 1858. He moved into Decatur twice, and then for the third time located in Bement in 1867, in which town he lived until his death, with the exception of a short time spent on a farm. He was married in 1856, to Hannah D. Turnbolt, and they had seven children, six of whom are living. Fannie married Isaac Witherspoon, and had three children, two living, Grace and Edith ; Charles L. is in the livery business with Albert Godwin ; Darlington is clerking in Mr. Webster's grocery store, and Edward, William and Harry are at home. Mr. Body died in 1876. Mrs. Body still owns a farm of 319 acres, which they have partially improved. She also owns her residence, livery stable, six lots and a store room. MR. T. GEORGE BELL (deceased) was a native of Pennsylvania, from which state he moved to Bement, Piatt county, during the war. He married Sarah Sample, who still survives him, and had two chil- dren. Mr. John D. Bell (see his sketch) is living in Bement. Mary Bell became the wife of Mr. Jacob Mutherspaugh, but died, leaving five children. Mr. Bell died in 1880, and his wife owns a house and lot in Bement, in addition to a small farm. MR. JOHN D. BELL, druggist, Bement, is a native of central Penn- 358 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. sylvania, moved from there to Illinois in March, 1864, and has been in this county ever since. Most of the time he followed farming, building the house and improving the farm lately bought by Mr. Moyer just north of town. He owns some town property, residence, several lots and sixty acres of land east of town. In 1853 he was married to Mrs. George Oliver, who had three children, all living. Mary, the wife of Dr. W. "W. Houser, lives in Lincoln, is quite an artist, and has five children. John L. married Miss Herrington, and lives in Nebraska. George is in New Mexico. Since the last marriage he had five children, three of whom are living. Sadie is now in California. Anna is at home. Elmer graduated at Evanston Garrett Institute in 1882, and expects to become a minister. Mr. Bell belongs to the Knights of Honor, organized about three years ago, and which has a membership at present of thirty-six. He also belongs to a benevolent society and an insurance society, each member carrying an insurance of $2,000. MR. B. B. BACON, cashier in Bryant's Bank, Bement, is a native of Schuyler county, Illinois, from which place he moved to Bernent in 1872, when he went into the bank of Bryant & Bodman. He belongs to the Masonic lodge of Bement, and owns a residence and six lots in the town. He was married June 17, 1875, to Miss S. E. Burgess, a native of Marshall county, Illinois. Two children, Ethyl and Max, have come to bless their union. MR. A. J. BOGGS, harness-maker, Bement, was born in Pennsyl- vania, and moved from there to Butler county, Ohio, thence to the state line, where he kept hotel for several years; thence to Wayne county, and kept hotel there eight years. From there he moved to Coles county, Illinois, in 1859, where he farmed and kept harness-shop for eight years, and then moved to Bement, and has since been in the harness business. He owns two residences, two business houses and several vacant lots ; in all he has put up seven buildings. He belongs to the organization of O'dd-Fellows. Mr. Boggs was married in Butler county, Ohio, in 1844, to Elizabeth Russel, and has had eleven children, six of whom are living. The eldest child lived to be thirty- one, and died in Kansas. Russel married Susan Glower, and lived in Bement. She was playing with her baby, when her dress caught lire, and, running outdoors, she was so badly burned that she only lived from Thursday to Saturday, and died February 18, 1872, leaving one child, Emory. Russell was married the second time, to Melissa Burton in Nebraska, and moved back to Bement, where he died in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 359 1876, leaving one child by his second marriage ; Maggie died March 24, 1882, of cancer of the stomach ; Louisa is the wife of George Warden, lives in Kansas, and has two children ; Viola married Ralph Evans, a farmer, lives at Hammond, and has two children, Cecil and Earl. The names of Mr. Boggs' other children are A. Yinton, Belle, Albert, who was a twin, and Cora, the youngest. Mrs. Russel makes her home with her sister, Mrs. Boggs, in Bement. MRS. ALEXANDER BOGGS, Bement, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1783, moved from there to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1846, and came to Illinois with her son, A. J. Boggs. Her husband, Alexander Boggs, was born in 1777, and died in Wayne county, Indiana, in 1855, of cholera. She has two other children in this state. Dr. P. S. Boggs is a dentist at Lovington, and has five children. Catharine is the wife of O. S. Crider, lives in Homer, and has one child. Mrs. Boggs has also a daughter in Wayne county, Indiana, and a son in Kansas. Her father was in the revolutionary war, and was ninety-nine years old when he died. Her brother was in the war of 1812, and her grandfather was killed by Indians in Pennsjdvania. Her youngest aunt was taken prisoner by the Indians, kept for seven years, was married to one, and finally released. Mrs. Boggs does not seem very old, has her second sight, and is not very hard of hearing. MR. JACOB H. BARNES, carpenter, Bement, is a native of old Virginia, from which state he moved to Ohio in 1827. In 1866 he located in Bement, where he now owns a residence and two lots. He has held the office of school trustee and has been coroner for four years. In 1844 Mr. Barnes and Elizabeth Kimmel were united in marriage. They have four children living : Orre, who married Robert Haseltine, a civil engineer of Ohio ; Marcelous, who married Mary Chapins, has three children, John, Louis and LeRoy; and Iren and Kimmel, who are both at home. MR. HENRY B. BURGESS (deceased), farmer, Bement, lived in Illinois a number of years, and improved 360 acres of land in Bement township. His death occurred about 1876. Mr. Burgess was married in Indiana, to Mary Miller, who is still living. Four of their five children are living. Of these, Mrs. B. B. Bacon, of Bement, is the eldest. Clark M. Burgess, who now lives on the home farm, was married October 6, 1880, to Mary Robinson. They have one daughter, Ruth Angie. Hattie and Mr. James Webster were united 23 360 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. in marriage in 1880. Grow, the youngest of the family, is living with his mother in Bement. MR. JOHN F. BENTLEY, farmer, Bement, moved from Ohio, his native state, in 1871, to Piatt county, where he owns 120 acres of land, which he has improved himself. He was married March 26, 1870. to Susan Savior, and has two children, Allie F. and Carrie Pearl. MR. OLIVER BALL, farmer, Ivesdale, is a native of Indiana, who moved from there to Illinois, and in 1868 located in Piatt county. He was married the same year, to Sarah A. Patton, and has had five children, four of whom are living, Marietta, Clara, Flora and Rufus. Mr. Ball went to the army from Indiana in 1862, in Co. K of the 86th reg., and returned in 1865, having participated in battles at Stone River, Chickamauga, Nashville, Atlanta and Kenesaw Mountain. MR. C. H. BRIDGES, merchant, Bement, is a native of Sangamon county, Illinois, moved from there to Niantic, Macon county, thence to Sangamon county, then to Shelby county, finally locating in Bement in 1882. His father and uncles were among the first settlers in Sangamon county, as there was but one log store building in Spring- field when they moved there. Mr. Bridges has recently erected a frame store building 20x90 feet, which is the largest dry-goods room in Bement. He has been in the mercantile business for sixteen years, and still has a store in Moawequa. Mr. Bridges was married Decem- ber 4, 1862, to Miss Fannie A. Mathews, a native of Christian county, and has four children living, Joseph, Marshall, Montie and Myrtle. MR. JAMES H. CAMP, Bement, came from Ohio to Piatt county in 1855. He came for the purpose of putting up houses for Mr. Joseph Bodman for $1.50 a day. He was not out here long, however, until he received $3 per day. After putting up two houses and an office for Mr. Bodman, he went to Monticello, where he worked for a time and then returned to Bement. He remained in the carpenter business until 1873, when he went into a cabinet shop. He was in the army four years, but fortunately escaped all battles. The regiment came near being captured several times, but he escaped each time. Mr. Camp was married June 19, 1866, to Catharine Holm, of Marion, Ohio. They have three children living, Norman H., Jesse Jewel and Edwin. MK. WM. M. CAMP, hardware merchant, Bement, came from Ohio to Piatt county June 8, 1858. He was a carpenter at that time and helped to build Mr. McDowell's hotel and several buildings north of it. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 361 He remained in Bement two years and then went south until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted at the iirst call for soldiers. He enlisted as private in Co. K of the 4th Ohio Inf., and became suc- cessively corporal, sergeant, orderly-sergeant, 2cl lieutenant, 1st lieu- tenant, quarter-master and captain. The principal battles in which he engaged were those of Fredricksbnrg, Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and the siege of the wilderness. At Gettysburg he went out with 100 men in two companies at four o'clock in the evening. By nine o'clock only nineteen of the men were left, the rest having been killed or wounded. The brigade was called the " Gibraltar Brigade." At Chancellorsville the men had camped for the night when the word came to prepare for fighting. In three minutes they were ready for work, and in less than fifteen minutes were fighting on the camping ground. Mr. Camp was injured May 10, 1864, while in the "wilder- ness." He was attempting to get a captured gun from the enemy's works when he had three of his ribs broken. He returned to Ohio and was mustered out of service in June, 1864. He was married in October, 1864, to Mary Ellen Peters. He came to Bement and bought out Mr. John Hinkle's hardware store. After remaining alone in the business for four years, Mr. C. F. Tenney became his partner in 1868. Mr. and Mrs. Camp have had the following children : Luella, Mary M., Emily A., William, Frederick, Edgar W. and Edwin H. Mr. Camp is one of the leading members of the Presbyterian church of Bement. He has been an elder in the church since 1873. He was member of the board of trustees for four years, and was president of the board for two years. MR. J. M. CAMP, Bement, was married in 1860, to Sarah M. Holm, who died leaving no children. He was married again in 1875, to Frances P. Kimber, and has two children, Courtland M. and Ringland W. Mr. Camp owns residence and lot in Bement and is in the grain business. % MR. CURTIS CAMP, grain merchant, Bement, is a native of Ohio. After, moving to Michigan he finally located in 1874 in Bement. He spent three years in the late war. Mr. Camp was married in 1869, to Orissia Cole. They have no children of their own, but little Maud, their adopted child and Mrs. Camp's brother's daughter, makes their hearts glad. MR. H. N. CAMP, hardware merchant, Bement, was born in Ohio, and moved from there direct to Illinois in 1865, first locating on a farm two miles from Bement, then moved into town in 1870. He was 362 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. in the hardware business with Camp & Tenney for fourteen months, and then went into partnership with J. F. Knapp and has been so connected since. He owns his residence and twelve lots. He is a member of the Odd-Fellows lodge. Mr. Camp was married in 1881, to Miss Minnie Bodman, of Massachusetts. MR. E. C. CAMP, Bement, is a native of New York, from which state he moved to Ohio, where his wife died, about 1863. He came to Bement about 1865, and still resides here. His daughter Emily and the following sons are living in Bement, J. M. Camp, James H., William M., C. H., Hanson and Henry N". Mr. Camp was married again, and one daughter, Belle, is the result of the union. MR. W. G. CLOYD, attorney and county judge, Bement, is a native of Kentucky and "emigrated early" to Missouri. He moved from Missouri to Macon county, Illinois, in 1865, and in September, 1871, located in Bement, where he says he soon "got so poor he could not get away." He studied law with John R. Eden, at Decatur, and was admitted to the bar in September, 1871, at which time he began prac- ticing law in Piatt county. He was elected county judge June 5, 1879, and again in 1882. A loyal judge, and in no feeble sense ; The widows, orphans, each and all in anxious race, Are asking favors from kind Providence. He favors all and turns to each a smiling r ace. MR. WILLIAM D. COFFIN, farmer, Bement, moved from Indiana to Piatt county about 1857. His father came out about that time, but died after three years had passed. Mr. Coffin was married in 1866, to Mary Holtz, a native of Indiana. Their children's names are Eva A., Homer and Horace, twins, and Emma A. Mr. Coffin has lived on the present home place in Bement township for about fourteen years. He went to the late war, was wounded twice, and lost the sight of one of his eyes. His health was also injured ty exposure in the army. MR. FRANK CORSER, station and baggage agent, Bement, is a native of New York, and moved from there to Piatt county and to Bement in 1866. He has lived in the county ever since. Mr. Corser was married in 1877, to Emma Hubbell, and has had two children, one of whom, Lulu, is living. MR. J. B. COOPER, merchant, Bement, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1876. In 1877 he moved to Bement and went into partnership with W. A. Godwin, in the store building which Mr. Cooper now occupies. In 1878 Mr. A. Stock well BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 363 bought Mr. Godwin's interest and the firm became Cooper & Stock- well. Mr. Stockwell, a native of Virginia, was for years a successful pln r sician holding a diploma as an allopathist as well as a homceopathist. He was a surgeon in the late war. His death occurred in Bement, December 8, 1879. His wife retains his interest in the business with Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper married Miss Mary Stockwell in 1873 and has one daughter, Bessie. Miss Lucy Stockwell has been for two years a teacher in the public schools of Bement. Miss Flora Myers, an adopted member of Mrs. Stockwell's family, is now assisting in Cooper and Stockwell's store. Mr. Cooper was a soldier in the late war. He went out in 1864, in Co. E of the 130th O. V. I. and returned in 1865. MR. D. S. COLE, boot and shoe merchant, is a native of New Jersey, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1856 and settled in McLean county. He moved to Monticello, Piatt county, in 1875, and about 1878 located in Bement. At present he owns a house and lot in the last named place and is a member of the Masonic lodge of Monticello. He was married in 1858, to Leanna Yeamons, and has had eight children, seven of whom are living. Thomas A. married Nellie Sollars and Hattie is the wife of John Gray and the mother of one child, Lelah. The names of the other children are James, Daniel, Ethyl, Joseph and Bertie. MR. D. A. CORRELL, Bement, is a native of Ohio, and came to Illinois in 1868, when he was nine years .old, and has been here ever since. He entered the army from Macon county in Co. E of 145th 111. Vol. Inf., going first from Fayette county in Co. D of 68th reg., and was in the second Bull Run battle, but not as a soldier. He was hospital steward a part of the time, and remained longer than the regi- ment. At one time he had the pleasure of having the rebels take all the negro drivers from the ambulances. In 1870 Mr. Correll was married to Naomi Harshbarger; has had -three children, two living, Laura M. and Wm. G. MR. THUS. COXNOR, farmer, Bement, moved from Ireland to America in 1857. and to Piatt county in 1861. He was married in 1860, to Mar- garet Conoway, and lives in Bement township, where he owns 60 acres of land. MR. PATRICK CAIN, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ireland, who came to America in 1856, and to Piatt county in 1871. He owns 80 acres of land, which he has improved himself. He was married in 1861, to Bridget Doyan. 364 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. MR. JOHN DEHART, farmer, Bement, is a native of Roekingham county, Virginia. When he was a year old his parents moved to Ohio. From that state he moved to Indiana, and about 1854 settled in Piatt county, Illinois. After living in Sangamon township until 1869, he moved to Bement, where he owns a house and four acres of land. Mr. Dehart was married in 1837, to Hannah Shomaker, a native of Ross county, Ohio. They have had nine children, two of whom are living. Eliza married Mr. Jessie Clouser, and Mary became the wife of Mr. Adam Spear, who lives on the farm where Mr. Dehart settled in Sangamon township. MR. DAVID DAWSON, farmer, Bement, is a native of Delaware. He moved from his native state to Scott county, Illinois, and in 1854 set- tled near his present farm in Bement township. He now owns 160 acres of land, which he has improved himself. It is all under cultiva- tion, is well hedged in 20 and 40-acre fields, and at least 150 trees are growing on it. A fine brick residence of eight rooms was erected in 1874. Mr. Dawson's first wife, Caroline, died, leaving six chil- dren. Of these, Belle married Jos. Medaris, and has two children; George married Emma Ragland, and lives in Bement; Clara is the wife of Geo. Ruby, of Martinsville; Zeb, Kate and Frank E. are at home. Mr. Dawson was married again, to Mrs. Hiram Madden, nee Ella Holderman. MR. EDMUND DAVIS, farmer, Bement, is a native of Shropshire, Eng- land. He came to America about 1841 and settled in Ohio. He went to California for a time, and finally, about 1854 or 1855, settled in Piatt county. He owns 320 acres of land in Bement township, which he entered and has improved. A good house has been built, hedges have been put out, and a good deal of ditching has been done. Mr. Davis has never married. A blind sister, Elizabeth Rose, lives in the county. His brother, William E. Davis, who lived adjoining him, died, but his family still lives there. MR. ELI DRUM, editor of the "Bement Gazette," is a native of Ohio, and is of German descent. He moved from Ohio direct to Illinois in 1 856, and located in Cerro Gordo township. He moved into the town of Cerro Gordo in 1860, and was a druggist in the place for a number of years previous to moving to Bement in March, 1882. He served one term as assessor of the township, and was post-master at Cerro Gordo from 1874 to 1879. At present he is a member of the Masonic lodge, No. 600. He was married in 1868, to Mary E. Stewart, a native of Connecticut, and has five children, Stewart M., F. Lilian, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. .'!<>5 Arthur, Hattie and Bennie. In 1862 Mr. Drum went to the army in Co. K of the 107th 111. Inf. reg., was in fifteen or twenty battles, the principal of which are Franklin, Nashville and Resaca, and remained until 1865. MR. THOMAS DUNN (deceased) was a native of Kentucky. He moved from his native state to Moultrie county, and from theiv, in 1859, to Piatt county. For a number of years, until his health failed, he was in the mercantile business in Bernent. At the time of his death, January, 1879, he owned 160 acres of land in Piatt county, 200 acres in Moultrie county, besides a good deal of town property. He improved the 160 acres of land where his son Thomas now lives. At least 200 trees were planted on it. In 1843 the subject of our sketch married Catharine Freeman, a native of Tennessee. She is still living and is in Bernent. They had ten children, five of whom are living. Their daughter Sarah died when a young lady. Mr. Thomas A. Dunn was married in 1867, to Jennie Meek, a native of Woodford county. They both received their education at Eureka College, this state. One child, Edith, brightens their life. Mr. Dunn has taught school for seven years. For a time previous to the year 1877 he was in the mercantile business, but since that date has been living on the farm. While in Woodford county, he held town offices most of the time. Mr. Joel Dunn, a graduate of Eureka College, married Josie Smith. They have one son, Earnest. Mr. Dunn has taught school since his graduation, and at present is principal of the Lovington schools. Miss Bettie and her sister Geneva, graduates of the Bement high school, are both school teachers. Bettie gained a portion of her education at Eureka College, and at Valparaiso, Indiana. Anna, who was next in age to Bettie, married, in 1877, Mr. Thomas Sterling, a graduate of the Wesleyan University of Bloomington. Mr. Sterling was principal of the Bement school for a time, after which he studied law in Springfield, in which place he is now practicing. Mrs. Sterling died in 1881, leaving one child, Cloyd. MR. GEORGE DAWSON. farmer, Bement, is a native of Delaware, from which state he moved to Scott county, Illinois, 1836. In 1868 he moved on to a farm in Bement township, and in 1882 moved into Bement, where he owned five lots and has recently built a new six-room residence. He still owns a farm of 120 acres near Bement. He improved this place himself, putting up house and barn, building fences, and planting out some 200 trees. He was married in 1873, to Miss Kate Parks, a native of Illinois. Two of their three children, 366 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Lucy and Charlie, are living. Mr. Dawson went to the army from Scott county, in Co. D of the 129th reg., and was out from 1862 to 1865, taking part in the battles of Resaca, Peach-tree Creek, Atlanta, those of the campaign to the sea, and various other battles. MR. M. E. DUELL, farmer, is a native of New York, and moved to Illinois in 1858, locating in Piatt county in 1859. He was married in 1865, to Hattie Minskey, and four of their six children are living, Nelson, Gertrude, Albert and Guy. He went to the army in August, 1862, in Co. D of the 72d 111., and was out until 1865, having been slightly wounded at the siege of Yicksburg. Mr. Duel! has taught school two terms in the township. MR. THOMAS DONOHUE, farmer, Ivesdale, came from Ireland, his native country, to America in 1847, and in 1857 moved to Monticello, and has been in Piatt county ever since. He owns 200 acres of land, upon which he has put all improvements, including the planting of near 200 trees, and the building of a good house and barn. Mr. Donohue was married May 14, 1850, to Nellie Donohue, of Buffalo. She died, leaving one son, who died of age. He next married another Nellie Donohue, who died, leaving three children, Cornelius F., Mat- thew and Julia. Mr. Donohue was married in 1881, to Kate Dimsey. Miss P. A. DUNCAN, milliner and-dress-maker, Bement, is a native of Paris, Edgar county, Illinois. Her mother was born in Kentucky, in 1801. and moved from Indiana to Illinois about 1834, moving to Piatt county about 1869. Mrs. Duncan was a pioneer settler of Indiana and Illinois, and up to the time of her death her memory, which was remarkably good, was rife with scenes of her pioneer lite. She died in Bement, December 18, 1881. Miss Duncan bought the milliner-shop in 1868, and has been in the same business ever since. For three years she had a partner, but since that time has been in business alone. She has lately built a residence of seven rooms on Main street, and uses a part for business room. She also owns a house and two lots in another part of town. Miss Duncan began with little, but business has made an increase since, so that all her property was made in Bement. She taught school two terms in the county. MRS. A. E. DANIELS, tailoress, Bement, is a native of Virginia, who came to Monticello, Illinois, in 1875. From this place she moved to Bement, where she owns part of a town lot. Three of her four children live iu Bement. Alice, the wife of Richard Cresse, lives in Iowa. May is the wife of Mr. Reinhart, and Delia and Gertrude arc at home. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 367 MR. A. C. DOUGLAS, druggist, Bement, is a native of Ohio, moved from there to Macon county, Illinois, in 1859, and to Piatt county in 1879, where lie immediately opened a drug-store in Bement. He owns the store building, business room, over which is the hall, five lots and a residence. In 1861 lie was married to 1$. E. Robertson, and has eight children, all living: Lulu J., who married Albert Godwin in 1881, Maggie O., Louis, Mollie R., Nancy May, William A., Mattie and George R. Mr. Douglas went to the army from Macon county in 1862, in Co. E, of the 115th 111., and remained twenty-two months. He enlisted as private, was appointed hospital steward, and afterward made surgeon. Mr. Douglas is also a practicing physician, receiving his medical education at Cincinnati and Chicago, and graduating from the Rush Medical College. He has held no office, nor cares for any. MR. J. C. EVANS, lumber merchant, Bement, is a native of Ken- tucky. He moved from his native state to Illinois in 1832, and about 1 858 located on a farm two and a half miles from Bement. He moved into the town in 1870. Previous to this date, however, he went into the hardware business in Bement, and upon moving into town went into partnership with Mr. D. Vaughan in the lumber business. He owns 160 acres of land in Willow Branch township, which he has improved. He also owns two houses and four lots in Bement. His present residence was built in 1881. While living in Willow Branch township he was justice of the peace, and has also been supervisor from Bement township. He was married in Winchester, Scott county, Illinois, to Mary E. Hopkins. Nine of their thirteen children are living. Their eldest son, William, is living in Bement. Charles married Jennie Miller, has an infant son, and lives in Bement. Dora, who was recently a student at Eureka, is now at home. The names of the other children are Ella, Oda, Albert, Dolly and Darling (twins), and Grade. MR. JAMKS A. FORCE, Bement, was married in Charlemont, Mas- sachusetts, November, 1852, to Hannah W. Booth. At the instigation of Mr. L. B. Wing they came to Illinois in 1855 direct from Massa- chusetts. Mrs. Force stopped in the northern part of the state for a time, and in January, 1856, reached Bement. She got off the train at what is now Bement, in the evening, and went to Monticello for supper. She boarded there a portion of the time until spring, when she went back to Kane county. After settling in Bement, Mrs. Force was counted as a scholar for three years in order that school money might be drawn. Mr. Force is a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge, and 368 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. owns a house and two lots in Beraent. Mr. and Mrs. Force have one son, Albert E. MR. HUGH FISHER, farmer, Bement, moved from Green county to Piatt county about 1856, and settled near Bement. He owns 480 acres of land in Piatt county, and improved the farm he lives on. He has planted out two good-sized orchards and three small walnut groves, and about four years ago he built a good house and barn. He was married in Green county, to L. Jane Rollins, and has had ten children, all of whom are living. Emma, who married Robert Lamb, has three children, John, Rufus and James, and lives in Bement town- ship. Delia is the wife of Joseph Zorger, of Bement township. William married Lettie Duell, and has one child, Ada, and lives on his father's place in Cerro Gordo township. He has improved this place. The names of the other children are John Burgess, James, Effie, Charles, Katie, Minnie and Freddie. Mr. Fisher has served his share of time in such offices as trustee, school director and road com- missioner. MR. CHARLES FISHER, grain and lumber merchant and banker, came to Bement, Piatt county, in 1858, and went into the grain and lumber business, the firm being then Scott & Fisher. About 1870 went into grain, lumber and banking with A. G. Gregory. Was one of the leading business men in Bement for a number of years. About 1875 he moved to Hutchinson, Kansas, and now lives in Newton, Kansas. MR. JOHN FRY (deceased), farmer and carpenter, Bement, was born in Virginia ; moved from there to Ohio, and thence to Piatt county about 1856. He first made his home on the Savage farm, north- east of Monticello, and moved to Bement township about 1857. Mr. Fry improved the home farm of 160 acres ; built his house, barn, carpenter shop, and planted hedges. At one time he sold corn at five cents a bushel to pay a school board bill for his son in Monticello. Mr. Fry was first married in 1831, to Matilda Dore, who died in 1844. He was married again in 1847, to Margaret H. Conkle, who has one son, William Theodore, now in Colorado mining. Mr. Fry died October 31, 1861. Mrs. Fry still survives him. She owns the farm and a house and two lots in Bement. MR. ROBERT FISIIKR, lawyer, Bement, is a native of New York ; moved from there to Illinois, and in 1869 to Piatt county. He located as a farmer, and the next year went into law and was admitted to the bar in 1874. He studied law under William P. Chase, who was after- ward made surrogate of Monroe county, New York, same as county BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 369 judge here. Mr. Fisher has been village attorney for six years, and belongs to a masonic lodge in New York. He owns a house and lot in Bement, and was married in 1871 to Mrs. Ellis nee Lou A. Miller, from Knox county, Ohio. She died in 1872, leaving one daughter, Etta M., now keeping house for Mr. Fisher. MR. ELIHU FISHER, farmer, Bement, is a native of Greene county, Illinois. He moved from that county to Piatt county in 1858 and located on 160 acres, a part of his present home farm of 320 acres. The farm is in good condition, an orchard, several hundred trees and three or four miles of hedge are on the place. Mr. Fisher and Lydia J. Rawlins were married in 1851. All of their ten children are living. Emily is the wife of Robert Lamb, Cordelia married Joseph Zorger, and William mar- ried Miss Duell. The names of the other children are John Burgess, James, Effie J., Charles P., Katie B., Minnie E. and Freddie. Mr. Fisher went to the Mexican war in Co. B of the 1st regiment, and was in the battle of Buena Vista. MR. E. L. FARNSWORTH, carpenter and hotel-keeper, Bement, was born in 1827 in New York. He moved from there to Wisconsin in 1846, and thence to Illinois about 1862, coming to Bement in Septem- ber, 1871. He at once began wagon-making, at which he has worked most of the time since. He keeps the hotel, which was the first in town, and was built by Mr. Townsend. Mr. Buckley, one hotel- keeper, was killed in the house in 1872. Mr. Farnsworth has been twice married : to Agnes Holland about 1850, and to Mrs. Robert Hunter nee Miss T. J. Fletcher about 1864. MR. JOSEPH FAHRNKOPF, farmer, Bement, is a native of Germany who came to America about 1852. In 1871 he located in Bement township, where he owns one hundred acres of land, which he has partly improved. The farm is in quite good condition, there being on it good hedges, a good orchard and quite a grove of maple trees. Mr. Fahrnkopf was married in 1858, to Anna Offenstein, who died leaving four children. Rudolf, who married Mary Bricker, has one daughter and lives at home. The names of the other children are Joseph, Henry and Annie. In 1877 Mr. Fahrnkopf married Mrs. Charles Young nee Josephine Haider. Mr. Young died January 6, 1875, leaving six children, five of whom are living : Annie, the wife of Frank Fahrnkopf, Alfred, Frank and Mable. MR. TIMOTHY FOOHY, farmer, Ivesdale, was born in Ireland, and in I*.")!) came to America, locating in Piatt county in 1875. He now owns 120 acres of land, which he has partly improved. He was 370 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. married in 1864, to Catharine Conolly, and lias nine children living: Timothy, Mary K., John M., Johanna, Bride, Margaret, Ellen, Michael and Ann. John Foohy owns 120 acres of land in Bement township. He married Sabina McKee, who died leaving four chil- dren : Timothy, Catharine, Thomas and Johanna. His mother keeps house for him. Both of these families belong to the Catholic church of Ivesdale. MR. W. A. GODWIN, merchant, Bement, was born in Greene county, Illinois. His father emigrated to Tennessee when he was sixteen years old. He moved to Illinois in 1828, and was in the Black Hawk war, under Gen. Whiteside, at Stillman's Run. Mr. Godwin's parents both died of typhoid fever on the same day. After his wife had died, Mr. Godwin, sr., asked, " Is Sarah dead? 1 ' Upon being answered in the affirmative, he said, "Then I have lived long enough," and in a short time he was dead. Mr. W. A. Godwin was married in 1 856, to Ellen Hopkins. They have two children living: Albert, who was married in 1881, to Belle Douglas, and Frederick. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Godwin moved onto a farm in Christian county for five years, when he returned to Piatt county and went into business with Mr. Hopkins. They remained together for fourteen years, during which time they had a store in Homer, Bement and Chicago, all at one time. Mr. Godwin has now been in business alone in Bement for several years. He owns one of the most pleasant residences in the place. Mr. and Mrs. Godwin have celebrated both their crystal and silver wecklings. MR. WILLIAM GANLEY, farmer, Bement, was born in Ireland, and came to America in 1855, locating in Piatt county in 1857, and settling on his present farm of 160 acres in 1869. He is fast getting his farm in good condition. It is well hedged, and in 1881 a nice barn and a six-room frame house were erected, in all making the place one of the neatest in the neighborhood. Mr. Ganley was married January 1, 1862, to Ann Flanigan, and has had eleven children, four of whom, Mary A., Maggie W., E. Ellen, and Sarah J., are living. MR. BENJAMIN GOLD HOPKINS' parents were of English descent and natives of Connecticut, where they lived and died. The subject of our sketch was born March 4, 1811. in Cornwall, Connecticut. In 1831 he was married to Mary Stanton, of Salisbury, Connecticut, and in 1839, with his wife and family of four children, moved from Connecticut to AYaverly, Morgan county, Illinois. For the benefit of the curious whom they might meet^m their way, on one side of the wagon was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 371 printed "From Connecticut," while on the other side was "To Illi- nois." This, however, seemed to only partially satisfy the people, for through whatever section of the country they passed they were the recipients of innumerable messages to brothers, sisters, sons and daughters in Illinois. These innocent message-senders believed, seem- ingly, that all the inhabitants of Illinois were acquainted and neigh- bors. About 1855 Mr. Hopkins moved from Greene county, Illinois, to a farm about one and one-half miles from Bement, which place lie improved. It is now owned by Mr. Elihu Fisher. Upon his arriving at Bement he found but about three buildings in the place. These were two dwelling houses and an office owned by Mr. Joseph Bod- man. There were but two women in the town, and one of these was nicknamed "Curly," because of the abundance of her curling locks. After remaining in the vicinity of Bement for over two years Mr. Hopkins moved to Christian county, where he remained for about four years, and then returned to Bement for the purpose of opening a grocery and provision store. He estimates that during the fourth year he was in this business he sold $70,000 worth of goods. After remain- ing in this business about sixteen years he moved again. Since leaving Bement he has lived in various places, but most of his time has been spent in Champaign county, where he opened a merchandise store in Homer about four years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins had nine chil- dren, four of whom were born in Connecticut. Samuel J. was married in Greene county, where he lived at the time of his death, two years ago. He left a wife and large family of children. Frank G. married Clara, a daughter of Senator Greene, of Missouri. He kept hotel in Bement for a time, but now fias three children and lives in Canton, Missouri. Mary E. is the wife of Mr. J. C. Evans, of Bement. Ellen G. is the wife of William Godwin, of Bement. (See his name.) Julia is the wife of IS". L. Furgeson, has five children and lives in Kansas. Edward S. is unmarried and lives in Kansas. Richard Hopkins was a member of the first school taught in Bement. He enlisted when seventeen years old in Co. D, 73d 111. reg. He was in about twenty battles and was wounded in the arm at Chickamauga. After the war he returned to Bement and worked in Hopkins & Godwin's store. He next was in the hardware business with Mr. Evans. He was married in 1868, to Damie Coffeen, has three children and lives in Homer. Belle Hopkins, who received $100 a month while helping in the store in Bement, was married October 3, 1872, and has several children. Mr. B. G. Hopkins survives his wife, who died about 1878. 372 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. MK. STEVEN B. HAWKES, Bement, came from Milwaukee to Piatt county m 1857. His parents were from Charlemont, Massachusetts, and he was one of a family of nine children. He was married in December, 1857, to Catharine T. Booth, and they have had three children, M. Miller, who died, Chas. F. T. and J. Williard Booth. Upon settling in Bement, Mr. Hawkes began farming. In August he began working at the tank for, the railroad company, and has been working there ever since. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes are members of the Methodist church. MR. JOSHUA HILL, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1858 and located in Sanga- mon township. In 1862 he moved to Bement, where he now owns a house and three lots. He was married in 1868, to Lydia Peoples, and has had eight children, six of whom are living, William H., Sarah E., Charles, Edward, Louis and Franklin. MR. CHAS. B. HUBBELL, carpenter and builder, Bement, is of English descent, and was born in 1820 in New York. He moved from there to Green county, Illinois, about 1852, and then to Bement in 1857, where there were then but two or three houses. He began farming, and well improved 106 acres of land just east of Bement. He now owns seventeen acres and residence just out of the corporation. He planted at least 500 trees near Bement. Mr. Hubbell has held some of the smaller offices in the county. His father was in the war of 1812 and his grandfather was in the revolutionary war. Mr. Hubbell was married in 1845, to Maria C. Vedder, a native of New York, and they have had six children, five living : Julia E., who is the wife of Wm. Putman, lives in New York ; Delia married Mr. Jno. Garver, then Reber Huston ; Emma C. is the wife of Frank Corser ; Helen died when about twenty years old ; Francis F. and Lucius L. 'are at home. MR. JOHN HETISHEE, farmer, Ivesdale, is of German descent, and was born in Switzerland. He left Switzerland in 1843, and remained in Havre de Gras, France, until the war broke out there in 1848 and the times grew hard. He came to America that year and thinks he has never known anything but hard times until right now he begins to see his way clear. He moved from New York to Ohio, and from thence to Illinois, about 1853, and since that date he has lived most of the time in Piatt county. He now owns 480 acres of land, upon which he has planted u good many trees, and has made all other improvements. He was married in New York to Elizabeth liuf, and has had six BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 373 children, William, Minnie, the wife of Jacob Rapp, of Kansas, Henry, Caroline, George and Frank. MR. N. G. HINKLE, hardware merchant, Bement, is a native of "West Virginia, moved from there to Ohio in 1861, and then to Illinois in 1867. Lived in the country north of Bement for a time and moved into Bement in 1874. He owns residence and lot, besides another house and lot. He went to the army from* Ohio in Co. C of the 12th Ohio Cav., and was out three years, participating in the battles of Nashville, Mount Sterling, Abington, Virginia, and several skirmishes. He has held several offices in the township, being commissioner of highways for live years, and school-director nearly ever since he has been in the state. He is a member of the Odd-Fellows of Bement. Mr. Ilinkle was married in 1866, to Alice Hannah, and has two children, Bettie and Ida Maj^. MR. W. W. HAMMOND, nurseryman, Bement, is a native of New York, from which state he moved to Texas and remained three years. In 1869 he moved to Bement, and the next year started a nursery near the town, and has had as high ten or twelve acres in stock. His is the only nursery which has been in Bement. He owns a house and two lots in Bement. Mr. Hammond was. married October 11, 1866, to Alvira Worthing, a native of New York. All of their six children are living, Lena, Wilbur, Winifred, Alvira, Emma and Carrie. Mr. Ham- mond's grandfather was in the revolutionary war, and his father fought in the war of 1812. MR. HORACE HALDEMAN, miller., Bement, moved to Illinois in 1856, and to Piatt county in 1868. His father, mother, and sister Lucetta, also came to Bernent ; the father died in 1874, the mother in 1879. In 1868 Mr. William and Horace Haldeman and G. C. Nichols built the mill, the only one in town, and probably the largest in the county. In 1872 Lucetta bought out G. C. Nichols' interest. The two brothers and sister own residences and property in Bement. Their cousin Sarah has lived with them since 1865, and has taught for a number of years in the Bement school. MR. WILLIAM HALDEMAN, miller, Bement, was born in Pennsyl- vania, and came to this county in 1868. He went to the army in 1862 from Scott county, in Co. II of the 129th reg. 111. Vols., and remained three years. He was in several battles, the principal of which are Buzzard Roost, Resaca and a part of the Atlanta campaign. He was wounded at Atlanta and sent to rear. In the battle of Peach- tree Creek he thought every man in the regiment was down except 374 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. himself, and lie expected to go every minute. Mr. Haldeman was married in 1867, to Mary Ferrington, and has four children, Lee, Mag- gie, Ella and Brandt. Mr. William Haldeman and his brother Horace are the proprietors of the Bement flour mill. MR. H. M. HAYS, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ohio, and moved in 1861 from Champaign county to Piatt county, where he owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvement, including the planting of two hundred trees and over one mile of hedge. He was married December 25, 1873, to Ollie C. Holm, and has two children, Mamie M. and Lulu L. MR. ABRAHAM HAYS, farmer, Bement, was born in Ohio, and from there moved to Champaign county, Illinois, locating in April, 1861, in Piatt county, where he owns 160 acres of land, which he has improved himself, planting out over two miles of hedge in addition to doing some ditching. He was married in 1865, to Dorothea B. Moma, who died, leaving three children, one of whom, Ida B., is living. He next married Nancy E. Wilkin in 1873, and has three children, Charles E., Ada and William M. Mr. Hays went to the army in 1861, in Co. C of the 25th 111. reg., returning in September, 1864, having been in engagements at Pea Ridge, Corinth, Perryville, Peach-tree Creek, Mission Ridge, Resaca and Kenesaw Mountain, and having been wounded three times. MR. GEORGE H. HACKLKR, farmer, Bement, was born in Tennessee, from which state he moved to Illinois, and in 1874 came to Piatt county. He was married February 28, 1852, to Miss K. Jones, and has six children living, Tryphena, John Byron, Elsie Jane, George Thomas, Owen and Charles W. His second daughter married Mr. Warren Cain, has two children, Etta and Leonard, and lives in Bement township. MR. LEVI HOFFHKINS, farmer, Bement, was born in Pennsylvania, and moved to Ohio with his father when eleven years old. After ^remaining there about forty years he moved to Piatt county in 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffheins own 106 acres of land. Mr. Hoffheins was first married about 1845, to Lavina Sim maker. Ten of their children are living. Oran married Mary Brillman, has three children, and lives in Bement township. Samuel H. married Laura Koeher and lives on the same section. William X. married Abbey Quick and lives in Champaign county. George lives in Missouri. Lucinda, the wife of William Alexander, has one child. Ella is the wife of Charles Martin. Sarah is married and lives in Bement. Rosa is the wife of Charles IARY RSh/ OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 377 Holderman. Clinton and Emma are at home. Mr. Hoffheins married KachelWolf in 1851. MR. ABRAHAM HOLDERMAN, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ohio, who, in 1867, moved to Piatt county, where he owns 320 acres of land, which he has principally improved. He was married about 1850, to Eliza A. Barnthouse and has four children : Ella, the wife of David Dawson ; Alice, who married Mr. L. Campbell ; Laura, the wife of Samuel Campbell and mother of two children ; and J. C. Holderman, who married Miss Hoffheins and has one son, Holly. Mr. Holderman's farm has yielded fair crops. * MR. JOSEPH HARTMAN, boot and shoe merchant, Bement, is a native of Germany, who came to America in 1856, and to Bement, Piatt county, in 1870. He owns a house and lot in Bement. He was married in 1857, to Catharine Hawk. MR. F. A. HEBERLINE, jeweler, Bement, was born in Pennsylvania. Moved from there to Illinois in 1881, and to Piatt county the same year. He is the only jeweler in Bement, and was married in 1881, to Anna Ganno. MR. WILLIAM A. JOHNSON, farmer, Ivesdale, was born in Boston, Massachusetts. From Boston he went to New York, thence to Troy, where he was married, in 18-11, to Catharine Legal, who died of cholera in 1848, leaving three children, two of whom are now living, Adaline, the wife of James Gillman, of Bement township, and mother of six children, Wilhelmina C., Sarah, Louisa, Adaline, Edward, Augusta and Katie. Sarah Johnson became the wife of Henry Egbers, of Quincy, and has two children. About 1851 Mr. Johnson went to Cuba on business as a machinist. He was married while in Cuba to Louisa Rosenplenter, a native of Hanover, Germany. The second day after their marriage his wife took the cholera and her physicians gave her up, but Mr. Johnson continued the use of remedies and she recov- ered. After she got well they came to New York on a visit, but on account of the cholera they did not return. Their old neighbors all died off, and they never heard a word of any of their household goods they had left there. After living awhile in New York he sold out and started west on account of his health. Upon reaching Chicago he met some land buyers and came to Piatt county to look at land. While in the vicinity of the present Ivesdale he took a sudden notion to buy some land. He bought eighty acres of the railroad company and went to Chicago to buy farming implements. He settled on the place in 1856, his family coming in the fall. A Mr. Brown also settled here 24 378 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. about the same time, but grew discouraged and left. Mr. Johnson, however, bought more land and has been living here since. He now owns 480 acres of land in Piatt county. For the last sixteen years, until 1881, he kept a merchandise store in Ivesdale. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have two children living, William A., who married Mary Senters, has four children, and lives in Decatur, and Maola, who is not married. They also have two adopted children, Charles and Elizabeth, who take the name of Johnson. For years Mr. Johnson has been one of the most influential men in the vicinity of Ivesdale. He has kept a good nursery for a number of years and also deals in stock. He now has quite a herd of short-horn cattle. MR. J. P. JONES, farmer, Bement, is a native of Licking county, Ohio, from which place he moved to McLean county, Illinois, locating .in Piatt county in 1870. He married Hannah Crawford in 1870, and has two children, Arthur arid Kolla. Mr. Jones went to the army from Licking county in Co. I, of the 129th O. V; L. and, in addition to several skirmishes, was in the engagement at Cumberland Gap. DR. JOHN R. KLAPP, Bement, is a native of Dutchess county, N cw York. His father was in the war of 1812 as quartermaster, and was a member of the Xew York legislature in 1824. His father heard Webster deliver his celebrated reply to Gen. Hayne. His mother was a daughter of Gen. Barker, who served through the revolutionary war, and came out a general on Lafayette's staff. He was almost the only officer on the staff who could talk French, and Gen. Lafayette pronounced him the best French scholar he met in America. He must have been a favorite of Lafayette, for upon his return to America Gen. Lafayette inquired particularly for Gen. Barker. Dr. Klapp moved from his native state to Ohio, and from there emigrated to Illinois, where in 1866 he located in Bement. Since coming to the county he has lived on a farm for a time, but is now living in Bement, where he owns five residences and seven lots. He is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, and has practiced medicine for fifty years. We chanced to see his medical diploma, and among the professors" names thereon we found that of the father of Gen. McClelland. In 1832 Dr. Klapp and Catharine Van Ostrand, a native of Dutchess county, New York, were united in marriage. They have had eight children, seven of whom are living. Eugenia S. is the wife of Mr. Charles T. Webster, K<;K \V. MAXFIELD, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ken- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 3*3 tucky, and moved from there to Jacksonville, Illinois, in 1827; thence to line between Macoupin and Greene counties in 1835; then to Win- chester county in 1840, and from there to Bement township in 1860. He moved into Bement in 1864, and owns his residence and one lot. His grandfather was in the revolutionary war. Mr. Maxfield was married February 17, 1830, to Mary Berry, a native of Kentucky. They have had no children of their own, but adopted four. Mrs. Wilbur Alvord nee Emma Clark is the only one living in the county. Her husband is now operator on the Wabash railroad and at present in Bement. Mr. and Mrs. Maxfield celebrated their golden wedding in 1880. A great many of the townspeople came in (about two hun- dred and fifty) and gave the old people a surprise. Their friends from a distance got an inkling of the surprise, and letters of congratulation were sent, and, as they expressed it, " W T e never had anything to do us so much good/' The following is a poem by the Rev. Mr. Thompson. written for the occasion : GOLDEN WEDDING. George, well do you remember, It's as fresh as if to-night, How fifty years ago this eve You stood and sealed your plight With her by your side, and vowed " To love her and protect," And so confessed to (iod and man Mary your elect. Mary, what a wife you've made For George here, your lord ; A faithful helpmeet yon have been In every work and word. When heaviest laid affliction's hand, And darkest seemed the cloud, His sorrow you have nobly shared, And 'neath his burdens bowed. Yes, sainted pair, we reverence you, And with one common voice Ascribe to you all honor, And inwardly rejoice "That you are spared by Him who rules With glory and with might," To celebrate as rare a feast Your Golden Wedding Night. 384 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. Your lives are in their sunset now, And lovely is the scene ; For over all your noble past Is cast a golden sheen. Its glory shall increase until Your sun shall shine no more ; And then a little twilight, And then the golden shore. And, oh, the rapturous glories Of that city paved with gold! Where, hand in hand, the glorified Shall walk, and ne'er grow old. There'll be no rocky steps to climb, No snare or stumbling stone ; But robed in white, with golden harps, We'll worship at God's throne. When George and Mary, Once more a groom and bride, We know altho' your vigor's gone You are still each other's pride. And please hear the sentiment To-night of every heart : " What God has joined together, Let no man put apart." MR. J. C. MILLER, merchant, Bement, is a native of Indiana, and moved from there to Piatt county in 1857. He went west soon after, returning in 1875 to Monticello, where he remained until 1879, when he went to Bement and the firm of Miller Bros, was organized. He went to the army from Adams county in Co. A, 10th Inf., for three months, the first company from Illinois ; was mustered out and then enlisted in the 3d Mo. Cav. Mr. Miller enlisted as private, was pro- moted sergeant, 2d lieutenant, 1st lieutenant and then captain. He was in the army nearly four years, but never east of Mississippi. He was in the battle of Mt. Zion and several skirmishes, Little Rock, Saline river and Camden, and was taken prisoner but released in four days. Mr. Miller was married in 1866, to Carrie L. Hallam, and has three children, Guy H., Inez and Carl G. He was enumerator of census in Bement township. MR. GEORGE MILLER, merchant, Bement, is a native of Delphi, In- diana, his father having built the first house in that city. He moved from Indiana to Piatt county in 1856, farming until 1861. He went into the army July 10, 1861, in Co. F, 3d 111. Cav., enlisting as private, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 385 but was promoted to sergeant, and also served as musician a portion of the time. He was in eighteen or twenty battles, the principal ones being Vicksburg, Ft. Gibson, Champion Hill, Raymond and Black River. He returned from the army in January, 1866, was elected sheriff and served for three years, then went into merchandising in 1870 or 1871, which he has since followed. He came to Bement in 1879. Mr. Miller was married in January, 1858, to Nellie J. Russell, and has two children, Ida and Anna, both young ladies. MR. CHARLES AfcGAFFEY, farmer, Bement, is a native of Illinois. He came with his father to Piatt county about 1856. His father, Cor- rin McGaffey, came to this county and died here, leaving a wife and two children. Of these, Charles, married Rebecca Postlethwaite and has one son, George. Mrs. McGaffey married Mr. Smith, who died, and one of their children, Effie, is living. Mrs. Smith and son own ninety-five acres of land, which they have improved. Mr. HARVEY MULLIKIN, farmer, Bement, is a native of Kentucky, who moved to Indiana and thence to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1864. He owns 160 acres of land, upon which he has put all improvement, planting several hundred trees and getting the place all under cultiva- tion. He was married about 1830, to Emily Tucker, and has had ten children, eight of whom are living. Of these, Arthur died at the age of thirty-five years ; Rachel, who has six children, and is the wife of Mr. Deitch, lives in Indianapolis ; James M. married Nancy Kindle, has six children and lives in Wayne county, Illinois ; Maria J., mar- ried Mr. M. T. Shepherd, has two children and lives in Lovington ; John married Mollie Cannon, has two children and lives in Kansas ; Maggie is at home, and Lydia is her father's housekeeper ; Alice mar- ried Mr. George Wingate and, with two children, lives in Lovington ; Thomas is at home. MR. JACOB MUTIIERSHAUGH, butcher, Bement, is a native of Penn- sylvania. He came directly to Bement in 1863, and for the last eight years has been butchering. Pie owns a house and two lots. Mr. Muthersbaugh was married in 1853, to Mary J. Bell, who died in 1876. They had five children : Sarah, at home ; James A. married Miss Hadley and lives in Bement, has one child, Mabel ; William T., David Harvey and Mary M. Mr. EMOR H. MITCHELL, farmer, Bement, was born in Knox county, Ohio. His grandparents were among the first settlers of Ohio, and his parents, who are still living, are natives of that state. His grandfather Mitchell was a captain in the war of 1812. He was taken prisoner at 386 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. the time of Hull's surrender. Mrs. Mitchell's grandfather is still living, and quite lately, at the age of ninety-eight years, he went to Kansas all alone. Mr. Mitchell is the eldest of a family of twelve children. A family reunion was recently held in Ohio, at which nine of the chil- dren and twenty-one grandchildren were present. Mr. Mitchell was married December 33, 1860, to Emily S. Reynolds. They have had six children, Walter R., Ollie M., Lizzie M., Pauline M., Anna and little Charlie, who died recently. They moved from Ohio to Piatt county in 1864, and settled in Bement township. They have been on the present home-place for thirteen years. Not long since Mr. Mitchell went to Ohio for the purpose of buying land there, but he returned to live contentedly on Piatt county land. The farm was bought of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, and a few acres had been broken by a Mr. Bailey, who was an early settler of the township. The farm of 120 acres is now in excellent condition. One hundred and twenty-five fruit trees and 1,200 maples have been planted. The place is divided by hedges into forty-acre fields. The entire place presents a fine appear- ance, and we think Mr. Mitchell should feel paid for the work expended on the farm. MR. H. MARTIN, wagonmaker, Bement, is, a native of Kentucky, moved from there to Illinois, in 1854, locating in Moultrie county and thence came to Bement in 1862. He owns his residence and twenty acres of land in Bement. He is a member of the town board, and also of an organization known as the " Chosen Friends," organized about a year ago, which has for its object mutual insurance. Dr. Mitchell was the main mover in establishing it, and it now has a membership of forty. Mr. Martin was married in 1859, to Camilla Purvis, a native of Illinois, and they have six children : Allen, a student of Wesleyan University, has taught three terms in this county ; Joseph, Harry, Leonard, Ralph and Nellie. Mrs. Martin is also a member of the "Chosen Friends." MR. J. C. McCoRD, lumber merchant, Bement, is a native of Penn- sylvania, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1866, and located on a farm in Bement township. In 1877 he moved into Bement, and has been in the grain and lumber business ever since. He owns an eleva- tor on flie Wabash railroad, besides four lots in Bement. Mr. McCoi-d went to the army from Pennsylvania in Co. K of the 4 ( Jth Penn. reg., and was out four years. He was in fourteen battles, the principal of which were Williarnsburg, Richmond, Antietam, Fred e rick sburg, Gettysburg and the Wilderness, at which place he was wounded. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 387 In 1872 Mr. McCord and Ada W. Nichols were united in mar- riage. MR. D. C. W. NILKS, grocer, Beinent, moved from Philadelphia to Bourbon, Douglas county, Illinois, in 1856. His father was from Balti- more, Maryland, and was editor of the "Nile's Register" a number of years. Mr. D. C. Niles was one of a family of eight children. His brother Robert was in this county from 1860 to 1865, when he returned to Philadelphia. He moved from Douglas county to Bement, and the brothers opened a general merchandise store in 1860. Mr. D. C. Niles' has been in the grocery business now for the past twelve years. He was married in the fall of 1861 in Ohio, to Miss Virginia Norris, a native of "West Virginia. They have four children : Cora L., who graduated in the Bement high school in 1882, Chas. R., Willie and Freddie. Mr. Niles belongs to the Masonic Order, and has held offices as high as king of the chapter and warden of the blue lodge. MR. G. C. NICHOLS, carpenter and farmer, Bement, was born in Massachusetts. He moved from there to New York, and then to Springfield, Illinois, in 1849, and "walked tne length of the only rail- road in the state.' 1 He lived in Springfield two years, then came to Decatur, where in 1855 he was married, to Caroline Rowe. They had three children, none of them living. Mr. Nichols moved from Decatur to Bement 1856, and had charge of the carpenter work of the present Wabash road from Decatur to Danville, bringing the first depot from Decatur and putting it up in Bement. He saw the first train that came into Bement, and it ran off the track. Mr. Nichols has put up many houses in town, among them Mr. Bryant's bank and Mr. Godwin's house. He owns a house and several lots in town, and a farm of 240 acres in Bement township. He has put all the improve- ments on his farm, has it well hedged in fields, built residence and barn, and planted several thousand forest trees and two hundred fruit trees. He has two miles of tiling in, and in 1880 had an extra crop of clover seed, five bushels to the acre. Mr. Nichols has always been a strict temperance man, and voted so strongly. MR. A. D. NEWTON, farmer, Bement, is a native of Massachusetts, and moved Irorn there to Piatt count\, Illinois, in 1866. He has been a farmer and stock-dealer most of the time since being in the broom- corn business with Mr. Bodman. He owned a farm, until quite recently, of 350 acres north of Bement, putting many of the improve- ments on it. Mr. Newton has held several of the smaller offices, "belonged to the Home Guards," and is a member and director of 388 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. the agricultural society of this county. He was married in 1857, to Lavina J. Ingram, and has three children living : Ada, who married George Stadler (see his sketch), and Nellie and Walter. MR. WILLIAM PARKER, blacksmith, Bement, was born in Jefferson, Harrison county, Ohio. Pie moved thence to Crawford county, Ohio, in 1831, living there in the wilderness among wolves and bears, under- going many privations, and even getting meal ground on a horse-mill. After several years a new county was formed. He was then in Wyan- dotte county, and moved to Illinois in 1854, finally settling in Piatt county. He first located in Sangamon township, near White Heath, and partially improved 40 acres of land, bought at that time of Joseph Kee, and sold it for $600 in three years to Mr. Banghard. He left that place on account of sickness, moved to Bement in 1859, and resumed his old occupation of wagon-making and carriage business, which business he has followed for forty years. He thinks he made and finished the first wagon in the county in 1859. After following this business some fifteen years, he began dealing in implements, at which he still continues. He has lately moved his shop to the lot where the first blacksmith shop was built in the place, by J. A. Force. Mr. Parker now owns this one-half lot. He also owns six acres of land adjoining town, for which- he paid $100 an acre, six lots where his residence stands and two other lots. Mr. Parker was married in Seneca county in 1843. MR. T. T. PETTIT, hardware merchant, Bement, is a native of Pennsylvania, from which place he moved to Ohio, and from there to Bement, Illinois, about 1855. He came west to farm for Mr. Joseph Bodrnan. He and Joseph Bodman made the first track from Bement to Monticello, and boarded at that place for a time until buildings were erected on the farm. He superintended the building of the first house in Bement. Mr. Pettit has held some of the small offices since living in Bement ; has been a member of the town board for fifteen years. He owns a residence and lot in the town. In 1859 he was united in marriage to Lydia Hawkins, who died, leaving one daughter, Anna, who recently graduated in the Bement High School. At his second nuptials, in 1875, he married Miss Alice Webster, who had been a teacher in the Bement schools. They have two children, Ralph Everett and Lessie L. MR. MARION PETTIT, brick mason, Bement, came to the count}' about the same time Mr. T. T. Pettit came, and has seen the town of Bement reach its present size. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 389 MR. THOMAS POSTLETHWAIT (deceased), carpenter, Bement, familiarly known as " Uncle Tommy," was born in Pennsylvania, moved from there to Illinois, and in 1858 to Bement. He owned a house and five lots, and nine and three-quarter acres adjoining town. He was married in 1848, to Mary Cross, and they had four children, two of whom are living. James C. died in 1870, at twenty-three years of age ; Anna was the wife of John Davis, and died in 1869. Rebecca married Charles McGaffey, lives in Bement township, and has one child, George. Sue lives with her mother. Mr. Postlethwait died in August, 1869. Even his own children called him "uncle." He was school director for years, assisted in building the Methodist church, and was one of the leading men of the place. MR. J. S. PKAIRS, merchant, Bement, was born in Pennsylvania, 1813 ; moved from there to Ohio, thence to Wisconsin in 1838, and to Greene county, Illinois, in 1839. He came from Jersey county to Piatt county in 1870, located in Bement, and was a book-keeper until 1878, when he opened a notion store. He is also in the real estate and insurance business. The main business of his life, however, has been teaching. He owns his residence and two lots in Bement ; has been one of the board of trustees on two occasions, and has held the office of township collector for the past four years. He is also trustee and steward in the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Peairs was married in December, 1839, to Miss E. Godwin, a native of Tennessee, and they had five children, two of whom are living. Lavinia A. is the wife of Mr. H. S. Nichols, formerly a merchant in Bement, now in Ogden, and has had six children, two living. Mary died at the age of sixteen. Emily J. died aged 22 ; she was the wife of John Camp- bell, in Jersey county. M. Augusta married George E. Trotter, who is now a merchent in Shenandoah, Iowa. MR. S. B. PRIESTLY, blacksmith, Bement, is a native of England. He came to America and settled in Piatt county in 1871. His father, John Priestly, lives with him in Bement. He has one sister, Mary A. Allison, also living in Bement. Mr. Priestly was married in 1879, to Miss E. J. Rhoades, and they have one child, John T. Mr. Priestly owns his residence and two lots, and an interest in business house and lot. MR. SMITH QUICK, Bement, was bom November 20, 1816, in New York, and is the youngest of a family of eight. His parents were natives of New York, from which place they moved west. His mother died in Ohio, and his father near Crawfordsville, Indiana. Mr. Smith 300 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Quick was married in Ohio December 20, 1838, to Mahala Try on, who was born November 13, 1822. Of their children, Isaiah B., who was born in 1840, married Francis Pickens, and has five children ; Elsbary married Mrs. Elizabeth Coffin, has four children, and lives in Bement township ; Charlotte Quick, who was born in 1845, died in April 1881. Isabelle J. married Geo. Pool, of Bement ; Mary Eliza married John Ellars, has two children and lives in Champaign county. Frances A. became the wife of Noble Huffines, and lives near Atwood ; Jasper N., Viola F. and Cora (). are unmarried. Mr. Quick's eldest sons were both in the late war. He was one of the very iirst settlers in Bement township. He built a house on his farm in a year after he came to the county and lived there until he moved to Bement. He moved back to his farm again, but in 1874 located again in Bement, where he now resides. MR. JAMES QUICK, farmer, Bement, is a native of Unity township, and owns 120 acres of land in Bement township. He has put most of the improvements on the place. Mr. Quick, formerly a student of Merom, Indiana, was married March 28, 1878, to Anna Bryson, a student of the State Normal, and who had taught nearly eight years in the county. One daughter, Maud Lillis, blesses their union. Mr. Quick went to the army for a year when quite young, but was soon more anxious to get out of than he had been to enter the war. MRS. JAMES ROUTH, nee Margaret Fergeson, physician, Bement, was born in Bedford county, Virginia. She is of English and Scotch descent. Her parents moved from Virginia to near Whitewater river in Indiana. Their next move was to Cincinnati, in which city Margaret married Dr. James Routh in 1840. Dr. Routh made several moves after his marriage, and finally settled in Springfield, Illinois. He next moved to Decatur, where he lived until his death. During the war he went out to service as a surgeon and was sent to Milligan's Bend, where he died of malarial and typhoid fever. Dr. Routh was a graduate of the Eclectic College in Cincinnati. Mrs. Routh also attended this college in Cincinnati. She moved to Bement about 1865. Her three sons are practicing physicians and her daughter married a physician. Dr. James W. Routh, who graduated in St. Louis, married Fannie Devore, has one daughter, and is a resident of St. Paul. George E., a graduate of Miami College, Cincinnati, married Mary Webb, has one daughter, and lives in Austin, Texas. Fannie P. is the wife of Dr. N. N. Vance, a successful physician of Bement. He is also a graduate of Miami College, Cincinnati. Three BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 391 children have blessed their union. Walter Routh married Lottie Ray, and is a practicing physician in Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs. Routh is an estimable lady, has good success in her practice, and is probably the only resident lady physician who has ever been in this county. DR. W. S. RUBY, druggist and physician, Bernent, was born in Springfield, Illinois. He moved from Decatur to Bementin 1870, and began practicing in the homoeopathic school, and is still the only physician of that school in Bement. He graduated in 1870 from the Homeopathic Medical College of St. Louis, and also studied three years under Dr. Sibley, of Decatur. His practice extends throughout the county. He went to the army in Co. I, 7th 111. Cav., remaining four and a half years. He was in the battles of Belmont, Corinth, (first and second); Fort Henry and various skirmishes, being taken prisoner twice. 'He enlisted as a private, but was discharged, and the rest of the time served as scout and spy. Dr. Ruby was married in August, 1866, to Eliza Rickets, and has three children, J. M., William and Emma. MR. VIRGIL S. RUBY, grain merchant and farmer, Bement, is a native of Knox county, Indiana. His grandfather was in the war of 1812. His parents were natives of Kentucky. Mr. Ruby came to Sangarnon county, Illinois, in 1843. He was married in that county, to Mary A. Crane, in 1858. Her parents came to Illinois when young, and were married in this state. Mr. and Mrs. Ruby have two children, William, a student of the Wesleyan University of Blooming- ton, and Ada. Mr. Ruby owns a nice residence in Bement, and is rapidly improving the place. He also owns a farm in Cerro Gordo township. He is one of the influential men of Bement, and at present is supervisor of Bement township. MR. A. W. RINGLAND, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Bement, is a native of Pennsylvania, and moved with his father's family to Iowa. His grandfather, Col. Thomas Ringland, was in the war of 1812, and about 1830 was speaker of the house in the Pennsylvania senate. He was a "'Scotch-Irishman, an ardent democrat and a plodding reader." The subject of our sketch graduated at Center College, Dawville, Kentucky, in 1872, and in September of the same year entered the Seminary of the Northwest, at which school he graduated in 1875, and in 1880-81 took a post-graduate course. His first pastorate was at Dubuque, Iowa, and he came from Tuscola to Bement, his third pastorate. He was united in marriage April 29, 1875, to Miss E. H. Potter, a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and a 392 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. graduate of a seminary at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. One daughter, Mamie C., has blessed their union. MR. PETER RUSH, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ireland, who came to America about 1837, and about 1852 located in Piatt county. He owns 120 acres of land, upon which he has put all the improve- ments. He married Mary Gallard, in 1852, and has had five children, Celia, the wife of Edward Monohan, Bridget, John, Mary and Peter. MR. JOHN HAY, farmer, Ivesdale, came from Ireland, his native country, to America, in 1853, and in 1856 located in Piatt county. He now owns 120 acres of land. ' which he has improved himself. Mr. Ray was married November 28, 1843, to Margaret Anderson, and has nine children living. Of these, James is unmarried, Eliza married Pat Butler, Mary married Louis Sharer, and lives in Livingston county; John, William, Anna, Samuel, Robert and David L. are still at home. MR. CHRISTOPHER ROSE, farmer, Ivesdale, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and came to America in 1865, locating in Piatt county in 1830. He owns 80 acres of land, which is all under cultivation, and on which there is a good orchard. MR. S. REINHART, tailor, Bement, is a native of Germany, who came to America in 1851. From Philadelphia he came to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1875, and located in Bement, where he owns a residence and a business building. He first married Fannie Ziller, who died, leaving three children, Chris., Jacob and Clyde. He was married in 1877, to May Daniels, who has three children, Roxy, Leo and Cresse. MR. PATRICK RUAN came from Ireland to America in 1853, and to. Piatt county in 1875. He owns 80 acres of land, which he improved himself. He was married in 1865, to Bridget Tucker, and has one daughter, Anna. MR. J. O. SPARKS, Bement, was born in Ohio, in 1820. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania. They moved into the "Pan- handle " of West Virginia after their marriage, and from there moved to Adams county, Ohio, where both died, his father in 1838, and his mother in 1858. Mr. Sparks was one of a family of twelve, only three of whom are living now. He became acquainted with Anna Barbara Bradford in Adams count} 7 , and on January 8, 1851, they were united in marriage. They moved from Adams county to LTigh- land county, ot the game state, and from there to Illinois in 1856, when they located in Decatur. Mr. Sparks went into the dry goods BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 393 business there, but in 1858 moved to Bement, where he began the merchandise business. He began buying grain in 1859, dropped the merchandise in 1860, and has continued in the grain trade ever since. For a number of years now he lias been buying- grain at? Milmine, though still residing at Bement. Mr. Sparks joined the Masonic order in 1844 in Ohio, and has been Knight Templar ever since 1851. He attended the encampments at Baltimore, New Orleans, Cleveland and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks have had two children. Inez B., who was born in Winchester, Ohio, was married November 20, 1873, to J. Ferd Knapp, a hardware merchant of Bement, and has had three children, Duane, Charlie, and Fannie, who died recently. Mary Kate Sparks, who is a native of Hillsboro, Ohio, was married January 12, 1875, to C. W. Piatt, of Monticello. JUDGE G-. L. SPEAR, Bement, was born in New York in 1823. He moved to Shelby county, Illinois, and taught school there three years before moving to Piatt county, February 22, 1860. He has lived in this county ever since, most of the time in Bement, where in 1860 he was appointed postmaster, and in 1863 elected police magistrate of the village. He was justice of the peace eighteen years, and has also been county judge. Pie now owns 80 acres of land, which he has im- proved himself. At present he is teaching, and is probably the oldest teacher in the county. In 1844, October 2, G. L. Spear and Laura C. Segar were married. Mrs. Spear died, leaving two children, Emory, who married Marion Reynolds, and Laura, who died at four years of age. Mr. Spear was again married October 10, 1853, to Clarissa Abbey, at Clifton Springs, New York. They have two children, Abbey, the wife of J. A. Hardenbrook, of Silver City, New Mexico, and Elmer E. MR. ISAAC; W. SCOTT, Bement, was born in Lexington, Kentucky, and moved from there to Piatt county in 1874, having previously passed through in 1836. In 1865 he began farming operations here, and between 1865 and 1868 bought over 4,800 acres of land in Piatt Bounty. He cultivated and improved some of this land and bought some of it improved. At present time his children own over 1,300 acres here. His brother and three sisters at Lexington, Kentucky, own 1,920 acres in this county, which is a part of the amount he orig- inally purchased. This land is all improved and in good farming con- dition. Eight dwelling-houses and barns are on the land owned by the Scotts. The houses are better than tenants usually have. An elevator belonging to Mr. Scott burned in 1868, and was at that time the largest between Springfield and Danville. About $4,000 worth of grain was 25 391 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. destroyed. A nice residence in Bement, belonging to Mrs. Isaac Scott, burned in 1881. Mr. Scott passed through in 1836, stopping at Mr. Sadorus', then taking dinner at Mr. Piatt's, and went on to Spring- field, whene he entered 2,000 acres of land for his father, which proved to be a very profitable investment. Mr. Scott's uncle was lieutenant under Gen. Wayne. Mr. Isaac Scott was married in 1838, to Susan B. Mitchell, a native of Philadelphia, and they have had seven children, four of whom are living. M. Thompson married Kate Williams, and has five children living, Isaac W., Margaret, Matthew T., John W. and Henry S. ; Mary M. makes her home here ; Joseph M., after living here seven years and improving a farm, moved to Kentucky in 1875. He married Mary Campbell and has three children. Miss Sue B. lives at home, and she and her sister Mary are very active members in the Presbyterian church here. They graduated at Lexington and attended Sayre Female Institution. Mr. Mat. Scott, Isaac's brother, formerly owned considerable land in Piatt county, some of which he improved, and entered in this and adjoining counties some 20,000 acres. He is now in business in the coal mines in Bloomington. Mr. Joseph Scott, another brother of Isaac's, owned some 1,280 acres of land in this county; lived here seven years, dying in 1865. MR. F. H. SMITH, nurseryman, Bement, is a native of Winchester, Cheshire county, New Hampshire; moved fromthere to Winchester, Scott county, Illinois, in 1856, and from there to Bement in 1859. He began farming near town, but his principal business has been his present oc- cupation, though from 1861 to 1861: was keeping hotel. He owns his residence and two lots. Mr. Smith was married in November 1856, in AVilliamstown, Vermont, to Sarah A. Bruce. They had one daugh- ter, Etta May. Mr. Smith has held the office of assessor of Bement ^township, and is a member of the Knights of Honor. His father was .11 the war of 1812. MR. MARO SPRAGCE, furniture dealer, Bement, is a native of Co- shocton county, Ohio, and moved from there to Illinois in -1871, locat- ing in Bement. For a number of years he was in the grocery business with his brother, and has only been in the furniture business a year. He owns a house and three acres and business house and lot. Mr. Sprague was married in Ohio in 1860, to Elizabeth McKee, who died, leaving three daughters, Nellie, Lucy (a graduate of the Bement high school and a teacher in the county) and Lizzie. He was again married in 1875, to S. Maggie Beall, of Ohio. They both belong to the society of " Chosen Friends." Mr. Sprague's father was born in 1796, in New BIOGKAPHICAL SKETCHES. 395 Hampshire, and made his home in Piatt county for several years. He died January 6, 1877. MR. GEORGE STADLER, grocer, Bement, of the firm Stadler Brothers, is of German descent and a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. He moved to Indiana about 1856, and to Vermilion county, Illinois, 1867, coming to Bement in 1874. He went into the grocery business in 1877, and carries the heaviest stock of groceries in the county, doing a strictly cash business, and lias been successful right along. His pres- ent grocery building consisting of two rooms, basement and public hall, was completed in 1880. Mr. George Stadler is at present super- visor of Bement township, and was a member of the town board for four years, and also township clerk for several years. He is a member STADLKR BROTHERS HARDWARE STORE. of the Masonic lodge, No. 365, and chapter 65, and Beaumanoir, No. 9, Decatur commandery. Mr. Stadler was married in August 1877, to Ada L. Newton, and has one son, Warren. Mr. Stadler's father was a regular soldier in Germany for nine years, and was in the late war here. He came to America in 1848 with Siegel and Schurtz, and organized and was captain of the 12th Ind. bat. He resigned when lieut.-col. on account of sickness. MR. AMOS STOUT, farmer, Bement, was born in Pickaway county. Ohio, and moved from there to Piatt county about 1855. He first set- tled at Monticello, remained there a time, then went on to a farm. 396 HISTORY OF P1ATT COUNTY. In 1866 he was married to Catherine Allman, and has had four children, Edmund S., John W., James C. and Mary Catharine. Mr. Stout went to the army from Piatt county in 1862, in Co. E of the 107th reg. He stayed three years and was in the battles of Franklin, Nashville, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-tree Creek, Resaca and the Georgia campaign. He was wounded by a bullet in the head at Kenesaw Mountain, and has not received a pension. He owns a farm of 120 acres, upon which has put most of improvements ; built barn, planted sixty fruit trees, one mile and a half of hedge, and has it well tiled and all under cultivation. DR. EDWARD SWANEY, is a retired physician who came to Bement in May 1867. He owns quite a good deal 6f property in the place, and was married May 10, 1860, to Miss Emily Camp. He is a native of Maryland, and obtained his medical education in Hanover, Ohio. He has not practiced medicine since coming to Bement. He owns a good deal of real estate in the town, and is one of its most worthy citizens. MR. G. W. SHOW, baker, Bement, is a native of Pennsylvania, and moved from there to La Salle county, Illinois, about 1862 ; thence to Macon county, and then to Piatt county in 1877, when he immediately opened a bakery and confectionery store at Bement, which is the only bakery in town. He is doing a thriving business and gives good satisfaction. He owns a portion of his business house. Mr. Show was married in 1872, to Mattie Mavity, a native of Illinois. They have one daughter, Gertie. MR. MARTIN SUNDERLAND, farmer, Bement, was born in Allen county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois, and in 1866 to Piatt county. He owns 100 acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements. He was married about 1853, to Millie J. Greer, and has had six children : Ebon, who married Susie Plikard, and has one child ; William, George, Eliza Ann, Martha D. and Mary E. MR. CHARLES F. TENNEY, hardware merchant, Bement, is a native of New Hampshire, his parents' native state. He is the youngest of a family of eight children. His brother Ralph, now in Chicago, was formerly a resident of Piatt county. Mr. Tenney moved from New Hampshire to Henry county, Illinois, when he was twenty-one years old. He was a school teacher previous to coming west. He moved to Decatur in 1857 or 1858, and then 1859 he settled in Bement. Until 1866 he was in the dry goods business. In 1867 or 1868 he went into partnership with Mr. William Camp in the hardware business. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 397 He was married in 1864, to Clara Keese, and lias had the following named children: Mabel, Frances, Olive E., Charles, Frederick and Carrie B. Mr. Tenney has belonged to the Masonic order since 1862, and is one of the Knights Templar of the Decatur commandery. He has held several town offices, and is now a member of the state legisla- ture. Mr. Tenney owns one of the finest residences in Bement. The arrangement of the house and the plan of the surroundings show a cul- tivated taste in the owners. ME. ROYAL THOMAS, hotelkeeper, Bement, is a native of Massachu- setts. From there he moved to Pennsylvania, where he lived five years, and then came to Bement in 1869, having previously been there in 1867. It was owing to Mr. Wing's influence he located here. His grandfathers on both sides were in the revolutionary war. He. came of a long-lived family. His great-uncle lived to be one hundred and twelve years old, and his great-grandmother walked half a mile to church after one hundred years old and died at one hundred and six. Of his great-grandmother's family of twelve children, the eldest lived to be one hundred and twelve and the youngest one hundred and six. His grandfather died at ninety-six and his father at eighty-six. Mr. Royal Thomas has seen many changes in the country since he first came. The land is now well drained and the trees increased in num- ber. The first summer he was here he saw about five thousand cattle herding where now are fruitful farms. Mr. Thomas, in 1871, began keeping the hotel, which is the largest in the place, and has had it since. Mr. Wharton sold the building to Mr. Sparks, who sold to Mr. Thomas. Besides the hotel and three lots he owns fifteen other lots in Bement. He was police magistrate for three years, justice of the peace for two years and member of the school board for four years. Mr. Thomas was married in 1848, to Adeline M. Mayhew, and has three children living : Frank J. , who is the wife of Mr. Frank Jones and has two children, Royal and Charles ; Mary and Lucius W. are the names of the other children. MR. W. C. TRABUE, farmer and in real estate business, Bement, is a native of Kentucky, who moved from there to Indiana, and to Bement in 1867. He improved a farm of 68 acres adjoining town on north side and owns three buildings, two of which are residences, and three lots in Bement. He was married in Indiana, to Ellen Ceders, a native of Kentucky, and they have had four children : Albert, a grad- uate of Cincinnati Medical College, is practicing in Bement ; William Bennett, at home ; Yiola, married in 1881 to Mr. William Tenney, 398 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. has one daughter ; and Dora. Mr. Trabue is a member of the masonic lodge of Bement. MR. G. W. THOMPSON, formerly a minister, Bement, is a native of Pennsylvania, and moved to Bureau county, Illinois, in 1866. He then went to DeWitt county and came from there to Bement in 1878. He received his ministerial education in Pennsylvania and was a min- ister in the Christian church for eighteen years. At present he has no charge, but frequently fills pulpits. He owns his residence and three lots. Mr. Thompson was married in 1855, to Alice A. Ramsey, a native of Pennsylvania, and they have had nine children, five of whom are living, Mollie R., Anna M., J. Formey, George M. and Carl R. Mr. Thompson went to the war from Pennsylvania in Co. G, 143d Penn. Vols., remaining two years. The principal battle was that of the Wilderness, beginning on the Rapidan and ending with Spottsylvania Court House. He was wounded at the latter place. DR. N. N. VANCE, Bement, is a native of Kentucky, moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, about 1846, and then to Bement in October, 1868, and began practicing medicine at once. When he first came here he practiced in Champaign, Douglas, Moultrie and Piatt counties ; now is in a smaller territory but has larger practice. One year lie was located in Cerro Gordo. Mr. Vance gained his medical education at medical college of Ohio, in Cincinnati, graduating from there in 1868. He was for a time in partnership with Dr. Leal, who died in Califor- nia. Mr. Vance is a member of the lodge and chapter and master of the blue lodge of Bement. He is surgeon of the Wabash Railroad Company. He went to the army in Co. A, of the "Bloody" 132d reg. Ind., and has, in common with others, a certificate of thanks signed by Abraham Lincoln. Was out three months, enlisting June, 1864. Mr. Vance was married December 24, 1872, to Fannie Routh, and has four children, Noble, Willie, Harvey and James St. Glair. MR. D. VAUGHAN, lumber merchant, Bement, is of English and Ger- man descent and a native of New Jersey, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1863. After locating in Bement for three months he went to Decatur, where he remained for about three years. He then returned to Bement about 1867, where he was in a bank for three years. In 1870 he and Mr. J. C. Evans went into partnership in the lumber business. Mr. Vaughn owns his residence and four lots in Bement. He has held several offices since living at this place. He was married in 1867, to Emma J. Reynolds, a native of New York. The}' have one daughter, Lily,F. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 399 9 MR. L. B. WING, though never a resident proper of Piatt county, has been identified with the history and interest of Bement township since its settlement. He was born in 1822, at Wilmington, Vermont, was educated at Williston Seminary, Massachusetts. For five years lie was clerk of a steamboat on Lake Erie, an 4 finally settled in Newark, Ohio, where he still lives. Late in the year of 1853 Mr. Joseph Bod- man and Mr. Wing came to Monticello, making their home with Mr. Barney Winchester ; surveyed and located their lands they now own in Bement township. In 1854 Hunt and Cartel 1 , engineers and financial agents of the Wabash railroad, bought thirty-three acres in Sec. 19, T. 17, R. 6, of Mr. Wing for $1, and upon this tract was located the railroad grounds and the principal business houses of this town. In 1858 Mr. William Rea and Mr. Wing gave to the village of Bement the square upon which the public school buildings weie erected. Mr. Wing has for many years maintained on his farm near Bement a valu- able herd of Short-horn cattle, and has introduced improved breeds of other domestic animals. In general, Mr. Wing has manifested a will- ingness to assist in whatever tends to the improvement of the town and neighborhood. MR. C. T. Webster, grocer, Bement, is a native of New York. He located in Bement in 1866. and opened a grocery store, which business he has remained in since. In 1880 his brother-in-law, Mr. Klapp, went into business with him. Mr. Webster owns two residences and two and one-half lots in Bement. He was united in marriage to Miss Eugenia S. Klapp, and has three children, Ida E., Eugene K. and Charles M. In 18^ he went to the army from Michigan in Co. E of the 20th Mich. Inf., and remained until 1865. In all, he was in twenty- three engagements, the principal of which are South Mountain, Antietam and the Wilderness. Near Petersburg he was buried alive by the explosion of a sixty-four pound mortar shell, during an engage- ment. He was under the ground nearly half an hour before the boys could release him. He escaped with but an injury to his back, while those who stood at his side at the time of the explosion were severely injured. He was taken prisoner while near the same fort, but succeeded in escaping ere long. Mr. Webster's father and mother moved from New York to Missouri, where his mother died and his father married again. His father was killed by being thrown from a horse. His mother is now the wife of Mr. Simon Shonkwiler. Mr. Webster first came to Illinois about 1848, but after remaining a few years, went to New York, where his uncle gave him his education. 400 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. MR. EDWARD WEINSTEIN, Bement, is a native of ]S"ew York, but was raised in Kentucky, and came to Illinois about 1857. The second year of the war he went south, engaged in cotton raising, and, return- ing to Illinois about 1868, located in Bement. For two years he was in a clothing store in Bement, then, in 1870, began traveling for a clothing house in Cincinnati. He owns his residence and two lots. Mr. Weinstein belongs to several societies, the Odd-Fellows, Masonic Lodge and Knights of Honor. He was instrumental in organizing the Odd-Fellows' encampment, which was instituted about 1869. Mr. Weinstein was married in 1864, to Mary E. Fulghum, of Richmond, Wayne county, Indiana, and has three children, Lena M., Romeo A. and Walter P. Mrs. Fulghum lives with her daughter. MR. PATRICK WELCH, farmer, Bement, carne from Ireland to Amer- ca in 1839, and in 1873 located in Piatt county. He was married in 1847, to Eliza McElroy, and has five sons, Peter, who married Miss Morgan ; John, who married Miss Slaven ; Nicholas, Frank and Bar- nard. MRS. CAROLINE YOST, Bement, is a native of Belmont county, Ohio. She moved from Monroe county, where she married Mr. Aaron Yost, to Bement, April 29, 1 856. Mrs. Yost's father, Jacob L. Colvig, was born and educated in Paris, France. We saw an ear-ring he wore while a student in Paris. After gaining his education he learned a trade and after coming to America worked as a cabinet maker. He made furniture for the house of George Washington's brother. Mrs. Yost's father and mother moved to Ohio, where they lived until their death, which occurred within seven days of each other. Mrs. Yost's sister, Josephine Grabonski, after living in this county for a time, died, and is buried in the Bement cemetery. Another sister, Mrs. Peter Shaffer, moved to Reno county, Kansas, in 1872. Mr. Aaron Yost died in 1871, leaving four children. Robert, their eldest son, when ten years old, was killed by a wagon running over him. Ezra Yost is a carpen- ter in Bement, and owns the house and two lots where Mrs. Yost now lives. Alice is the wife of F. M. Bell, has one son, Herbert, and lives on the farm near Bement, where Mr. and Mrs. Yost lived a number of years. Mary and John Yost are living with their mother. Mrs. Yost's nephew, Clark Colvig, made his home with her, and was one of the first young men to come to Bement. He went to the army in the 21st 111. Inf., and was captured at Chickamauga, and was taken to Richmond and to Danville. From the latter place he, with others, escaped by tunneling under the ground 100 feet. He traveled until his feet were UNITY TOWNSHIP. 401 sore and bleeding. Through a negro's influence he found shelter in a cave, where he remained until he was able to continue his journey and rejoin his regiment. Mr. Colvig is now mining in Globe City, Ari- zona. CHAPTER XV. UNITY TOWNSHIP. township is one of the earliest settled townships of the county. -L In size it is equal to Bement and Monticello townships. It lies directly south of the former, and the surface of the land is very similar to the same. Douglas county borders on the east, Moultrie county on the south, while Cerro Gordo township forms the western boundary line. The surface of the land is level, and for a number of years a great portion of it was covered with swamps, but since the settlements began to be scattered throughout the township sufficient ditching has been done to make the greater portion of the township tillable. The main slope of the ground, imperceptible though it may be, is toward the east and southeast, and the greater portion of the land is drained into the lake fork of the Okaw. This stream strikes this town- ship about three miles west of the northeast corner of the township, flows southeast and Jeaves the township almost exactly at its southeast corner. This stream has a shallow bed, flows very slowly, and well deserves its name of Lake Fork. Quite a good belt of timber follows the course of this stream, which breaks the monotony of the prairie land. Relics ofla former race are found in this township. On the banks of Lake Fork and on Mr. Livengood's place there are some mounds at least three feet in height and two rods in circumference. Trees eight inches in diameter grow on these mounds, human bones have been found in them, and stone axes and arrow-points have been found in their vicinity. Two railroads cross Unity township. What was originally known as the Chicago & Paducah road strikes the northern boundary line about two miles from the northwestern corner of the township, runs south nearly five miles, and then bends a little to the southwest, HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. leaving the township about one mile east of the southwest corner of the township. This road has two stations, Voorhies and Hammond, which is at the intersection of this road witli the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield railroad. The Indianapolis, Dacatur & Springfield road, which has lately become a part of the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Wabash system of roads, crosses the southern part of the township from east to west, and just half a mile from the southern township line. There are three stations on this road, Hammond, Pierson and Atwood, the latter lying only partly within the limits of Piatt county. Earhj settlements. The Monroes, Shonkwilers, Harshbargers, Moores, and Mr. James Utterback, were the first settlers in Unity township. These people settled on the Lake Fork during the years 1836 and 183T, and part of them still live there. Other old settlers were the Quicks, Grains and Gregorys. Most of these people, or their descendants, have successfully built up homes in this township, and in every way are well-to-do people. From our transient contact with the people in this section of the township we think that they probably retain more of the good old ways of pioneer life than any other people in the county. We found here several of the old substan- tial two-story hewn log-houses, with their great fireplaces. We also found the second brick house of the county. We observed a great deal of the good old-time neighborly feeling, and we fpund characteristic pioneer hospitality. There was not a great deal of ceremony about this hospitality, but with it all you could not fail to see that you were welcome in every sense of the word. We also found here one of the oldest church organizations of the county. Unity township has had a "neighborhood detective society," which has been in existence over twenty years. Some twenty or thirty of the best citizens comprise the organization, and much good has resulted in the way of keeping order in the neighborhood. Harshbarger church. This church, of the Christian denomination, was organized in 1842, and for a time the society met at houses and schoolhouses, until 1858, when the present church building, the second in the county, was erected on land donated by Mr. Harsh- barger. The first man who preached on Lake Fork was Nicholas Prior, and the first sermon was preached in 1837, to about ten persons, comprising the entire neighborhood of men, women and children. John Collins was the next preacher, Thomas Holden the next, and then Thomas Welch came. After that Father Wilkins dedicated the church building just referred to. The Christian conference has been held six UNITY TOWNSHIP. '403 times in Unity township, four of which times it was held in the Harsh- barger church. first birth, death, marriage, etc. Mr. Daniel Harshbarger was the first person to make a profession of religion and the first person who was baptised on Lake Fork. Mrs. Gamaliel Gregory was the first person born in Unity town- ship. Harrison and Jessie Monroe were the first who died within the limits of Unity township. They were buried on the bank of Lake Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harshbarger's twins were probably the first who were buried in the Harshbarger cemetery. This cemetery, which contains two or three acres of ground, was deeded to the public by Mr. Daniel Harshbarger. Mr. Joseph Taylor and Sarah Monroe (now Mrs. Thomas Goodson) were married in 1838, on the site of Richard Monroe's present home, and were the first couple married in the township. Mr. Daniel Harshbarger was the first justice of the peace of Unity township, and Jonathan "Wildman the first school-teacher. Coffins for the dead were made by the neighbors of the deceased. Mr. Joseph Moore has an old drawing knife which he used many a time to make coffin s. Mr. Moore says that it was over twelve years after the first settle- ments were made in the township before there were any bridges over the Lake Fork or before there was a blacksmithshop in the neighbor- hood. Before blacksmithing was done it was customary to put buckskin boots on the horses for them to slide over the ice with. Mackville. There used to be a beaver dam near where Mackville now is. There was also another land-mark, an eagle's nest; and it was not uncommon to hear the question, "How far are you from the eagle's nest?" *. Mackville was started by a Mr. MeNutt (according to "Buckskin Joe " Moore), who rented a house that stood on Mr. Moore's present field, and used it for two years as a store. He then bought three acres of land of Nathaniel Shonkwiler where Mackville now is, and put up a storehouse now owned by Mr. Jarnes Sampson. We suppose that the village was probably first called Mack's village, which was soon shortened to Mackville. According to Mr. J. Sampson, Mr. McNutt kept the first store in the present Mackville, in a house which stood on the west side of Ltke Fork, and which is still standing. The first 404 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. school in the district was taught in a log house on the place now owned by the widow Shonkwiler, and Mr. James Lewis taught the first school in the present school-house of Mackville in 1858. The first church was held in the school-house in 1858. The church building was dedicated in 1872. Mr. Riley and Col. Buckner were probably the first preachers in Mackville. Dr. Mitchell was the first regular physician of Mackville, and he was followed by Dr. Jas. Lewis, Dr. Lucas and Dr. Marshall. At the time of our visit to Mackville there were over twenty-five houses, seven or eight business houses, a Methodist church building and a school-house. We understand, however, that a number of these buildings have been moved to Atwood, the nearest railway station. Atwood. Mr. Joseph Moore reports that Mr. Christopher Moss- barger was the first resident where Atwood now is. He owned a horse mill at this place, and did good work in the way of grinding grain for the neighborhood. He and Mr. Geo. Heath once laid off a town, and upon Mr. Moor's laughing and asking why he did so, Mr. Mossbarger solemnly answered, "Why, people come here. Railroads come here." The neighbors, however, thought such was nonsense. After a town was thus laid off, it did go back for a number of years, and trees grew up again. Mr. Andrew Richey bought out the heirs of Mr. Mossbarger, and still lives there. Atwood was laid out in 1873 on land then owned by Geo. Nolind and Harvey Otter. In 1881 an addition was made to the town and called Randal's addition. At the time of the laying out of the town, however, this land was owned by Mr. Levi Budd. It was related to us that the name was given to the town by lawyer McCoutry, and that originally in speaking of the town it was customary to say "at the wood." Hence the name. Atwood is only partly within the limits of Piatt county, a portion of it lying in Douglas county. The first house in the place was a store building, erected in August 1873, by Rich. Helton and David Barrett. They each moved a dwelling-house over from Mackville, and these became the first residences of the town. The first school was sustained by subscription. As Atwood is in the Mackville district it has no school-building of its own. L. C. Taylor was the first postmaster of Atwood ; Dr. Bennerfield, now Ivesdale, the first physician ; Jno. Lucas put up the first drug store, and Joseph Moore kept the first hotel. Freddie A. Richey was the name of the first child born in Atwood, f UNITY TOWNSHIP. 405 and Clarence B. Snodgrass, who died December 14, 1873, the name of the first person who died there. The members of the Christian church erected a church building, which was dedicated August 15, 1880, by Rev. J. Phillips, of Grays- ville, Indiana, and Rev. "W. H. Orr, of Philo, Illinois. Atwood of to-day is growing rapidly. There are from fifteen to twenty business firms in the place, and new buildings are continually being erected. Over thirty new buildings were put up last year. The town contains nearly 500 inhabitants, which is twice what it contained five years ago. Atwood is in the midst of a good territory, has good people in it, and we predict that it will continue to make rapid advancement. , Royal Templars of Temperance. The Atwood Council of Royal Templars of Temperance was instituted July 1, 1879, by Mr. Martin J. Watson, grand lecturer, in Drew's Hall, on the Piatt county side of the county line. The following are the names of the charter members : J. S. Marshall, Albert C. Lucas, Theodore J. Richey, Joseph W. Merritt, W. R. Marshall, J. C. Mathes, W. P. Myers, W. H. Mosbarger, Adam Starr, Mrs. R. J. Mathes, Mrs. Hannah M. Mosbarger, G. W. Snodgrass. The first officers were A. C. Lucas, select councilor ; I. J. Richey, vice-councilor ; J. W. Merritt, past councilor ; J. C. Mathes, chaplain ; W. R. Marshall, secretary ; J. S. Marshall, treas- urer ; W. P. Myers, herald ; A. Starr, sentinel ; G. W. Snodgrass, guard ; W. H. Mossbarger, financial secretary. Mutual Aid Association. The Indiana Mutual Aid Association of Terre Haute, Indiana, has several agents in Piatt county. It is formed on the same plan as the Royal Legal Friendly Society of England, and is similar to the Masonic, Odd-Fellows and other mutual associations. The object of the association is to furnish protection to all. All beneficiaries must be of kin to the members. There are no annual dues and no premiums. Assessments are made upon the loss of members, according to the class to which each member belongs. The membership in this county amounts to quite a number, and Mr. T. A. Wilson and Mr. Ritchie, of Atwood, and W. J. Porter, of Monticello, are agents. Hammond. It has not been a great many years since there was scarcely a trace of inhabitants in the vicinity of Hammond. A few people ventured to locate in prairie round about, and they had a trial to get a start in such place. The people who lived near the 406 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. timber wanted the prairie land for grazing purpose, and they took no pains to keep their stock at home. One of the early settlers told us that for the first few years after he located on the prairie, he used to get up night after night to ride around his place to see if any stray stock was on it. However, such trials were finally overcome and comfortable homesteads are dotted all over the prairie land. Hammond is located at the crossing of the railroads originally known as the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield, and the Chicago & Paducah. The town was laid out in July, 1873, by C. D. Moore, assisted by C. H. Love. The place was first called Shumway, but the name was soon changed to Unity, and the people still being dissatis- fied, the owners of the town site, Warren and Powers, of Decatur, selected the name of Hammond, in honor of the president of the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield railroad. The very first building put up in what is now Hammond was a grain office erected by Mr. Sanford, of Bement. Olonzo Newton put up and kept the first store building in the town. He also erected the first residence, which is now a part of the hotel kept by Mr. Jno. Ten- brooke, and his wife cooked the first meal of victuals eaten in the town. Mr. J. R. Wortham opened a mercantile house in 1873, and he is still in business in the town. J. M. Baldwin opened the second general merchandise store. M. D. Cook, who was the first postmaster, had the first drug store. W. R. Evans, at present a grain merchant, had the first hardware store. George Ragland was the first blacksmith and Dr. Abram the first physician of the place. Hammond of to-day contains from fifteen to twenty business firms, over 200 inhabitants, and bids fair to become quite a place. In 1876 the Chicago & Pacific railroad built an elevator with the capacity for storing 3,000 bushels of grain. In 1881 Brown & Boyd, of Indian- apolis, built a large grain elevator in the town, with a capacity for 35,000 bushels of grain. John S. Metcalf was the superintendent and J. R. McCormick the foreman of this building. The town is fast becom- ing quite a grain center. There have been as high as 200,000 bushels of grain cribbed there at one time. Hammond had the first tow-mill that we have heard of in the county. It was begun by G. W. Folkerth, but is now owned by Davis & Finney. of Tuscola, and the Kiser Brothers, of Hammond. Monti- cello has followed the example set by Hammond, and also has a tow-mill. Hammond has a very neat and attractive school building, erected in 1882, of which the people are justly proud. UNITY TOWNSHIP. 407 Two church organizations are in existence at the place. The Meth- odists, who organized in 1876, recently dedicated a new church build- ing. Dr. W. II. H. Adams dedicated this church in 1882. There are over thirty members in this denomination. The Christian church was organized by Elder Culley, of Decatur, in 1877, and though the mem- bership is not large, it is hoped that ere a great while they may be enabled to erect a house of worship. Good Templars. While many of the citizens of Hammond belong to lodges in other towns, this is the only local organization in the place. This lodge was organized in December, 1880, by Col. J. D. Long, of Kentucky, and contains over thirty active members. We are glad to find these temperance organizations in various parts of the county. They show that the people are striving for better things; that they are endeavoring to reach a higher plane of existence. Pierson. The railroad switch at this place, which is on the Indi- anapolis, Decatur & Springfield railroad, was laid about 1876, and it was named Pierson probably for the man who owned land in that vicinity. The postoffice was started in 1877, under the name of Dry Ridge, but the name was soon changed to Pierson. Francis F. Flack was the first postmaster, and Mr. Reuben Willey the second. Nothing was done in 1876 save the laying of the switch and the putting up of one grain office, but in 1877 Mr. Willey put up a grocery store. The town itself was not laid off until May 1881, when C. D. Moore surveyed it on land owned by Mr. W. C. Pierson. The first dwelling-house erected in the town as laid off at that date is one built the same year and in which Chas. W. Weaver resides. Mr. Willey 's house, built in 1875, was the first residence erected near the switch. There are now several business houses at the station. Baptist church. This church organization has had an existence of about thirteen years, and, as far as we could learn, is the only Bap- tist church in Piatt county. The first minister who preached after the . organization was Rev. Geo. Christ. Nathan Griffen was the minister in 1SS1. In 1881 a church building was erected in the town of Pier- son, which cost $1,000. This building presents a neat appearance, and was the first house erected in the town as laid off. The member- ship is about seventy-five. \ CHAPTER XVI. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MR. J. H. BAKER, a farmer of Unity township, began his earthly existence August 29, 1833, in Coles county, Illinois. His father died about 1830, and his mother married Mr. Tyre Hayes, and about 1849 moved to Piatt county. Mr. Baker's sister Martha married Mr. James Drew, a native of Hamilton county, and who settled on land he now owns just over Piatt county's southern line, in 1839. Mr. Drew has owned some 120 acres in Piatt county. He remembers when there was scarce a house between his place and Monticello. He has furnished some interesting items relating to the settling of the southeastern part of Unity township. Mr. Baker's mother had five children by her last marriage, only one of whom,. Eliza Hays, wife of Rich. Hultz, is liv- ing. Three of her sons were triplets, all of whom were in the late war. John F. died of small-pox in Missouri. The others returned from the army. Mark died here, and Andrew went to California and died there. Mrs. Hays died about 1859. Mr. J. H. Baker married Sarah Harshbarger, April 12, 1860. Six children have blessed their union, five of whom are living. Florence and husband, Jno. McKin- ney, live in Douglas county ; Daniel Leslie, John Wesley, Barbara Ellen and Cordelia are all at home. Mr. Baker moved onto his present place about 1855. He owns eighty acres, upon which he has put most of the improvements. There was but a log cabin on it when he was married. Now (1881) he is building a fine ten-room frame residence; it has an east front, and will soon be one of the most beautiful residences in all the country about. Mr. Baker has been road commissioner, and formerly belonged to the Masonic lodge. MB. ISAAC BAKER, a native of Coles county, born 1831, came to Piatt county in 1849. He first lived on Mr. Simon Shonkwiler's place, and next where Mr. Joe. Baker now lives. He married Miss Huldah Quick and moved onto the farm where he now lives. He owns 248 acres, upon which he has planted 160 orchard trees. Mrs. Baker died in 1875, having had six children, five of whom are living, John Franklin, Alice Matilda, Martha, Benjamin L. and Naomi. Mr. Baker has been assessor, collector, road commissioner and school director. MR. SAMUEL BRYSON, a farmer, is of Irish arid German lineage, and lARY THE RSilY OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. -ill was born in 1811, in Pennsylvania. In 1833 he moved to Ohio, and in 1855 emigrated from there to Piatt county and settled on his present home place in 1857. He owns 125 acres in this county. He was married in 1838, to Anna Nicewander, and seven children have blessed their union, six of whom are living. Francis E. married B. F. Schooley, and they with their four children, Samuel, Anna, Otis and Earnest, live on a farm in Unity township. John Bryson (see his name) lives in Hammond. Mary, the wife of John Quick, has three children, Nora, Carrie and Ivy. Eva is the wife of J. R. Brown, a farmer; two children, Millard M. and an infant, have come to cheer them in their life's journey. Anna married James Quick, who is a farmer in Bement township ; they have one little girl, Maud. Lou. the youngest of Mr. Bryson's family, is at home. . Mr. and Mrs. Bryson, with noteworthy pride, make the statement that " all our girls were school teachers." Eva attended school at Decatur, while Anna was a student at the State Normal. MR. J. A. BRYSON, dealer in farming implements at Hammond, claims Licking county, Ohio, as his birthplace. He came to Unity township in 1855 and has remained in it till the present time. He was married in 1868, to Melissa Wildman, and one child, Delia May, has blessed their union. Mr. Bryson went to the army in Co. H of the 107th 111., and Knoxville, Franklin, and those of the Atlanta campaign, were the principal battles in which he was engaged. He was taken prisoner at Goldsboro, Kentucky, but was paroled the same evening. He relates that Dennis O'Leary, who went from Monticello, was the first man killed in his regiment. O'Leary was shot in a regular battle at Loudon, Tennessee, by one of Longstreet's men, who were dressed in Union uniform. The poor fellow died thinking that he had been shot by a Union soldier, but the mistake was afterward ascertained; a convincing of which was the mark of a bullet and three buck-shot through a tin cup in his haversack. MR. JOHX BARRITT, hotel keeper in Atwood, is of German and Irish descent and is a native of Kentucky. He moved from there to Coles county, Illinois, and then to Piatt county, in 1856. He moved to Atwood and opened a hotel there in 1876. He was married in 1825, to Elizabeth Reese, of Kentucky, who is still living. They have had eight children, five of whom are living. Sarah J. married Nathaniel Shonkwiler, and lives in Atwood. David married Lydia Ann Shelby, and lives in the hotel ; they had one child, Tadie E., who is the 412 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. wife of Tho. D. Smith and lives in Atwood. Margaret married Jas. Browning and lives in Moultrie county. Peter married Belle Mullen and lives in Moultrie county. Isaac married Mary Shonkwiler and has four children, Emma, Nathaniel, John and Elizabeth. MR. THOMAS BLACKWELL, farmer, native of Kentucky, his parents' native state, was married in 1853, to Margaret Dills, a native of Ken- tucky. They moved from Kentucky to Clay county, Illinois, and from there to Fayette county, and in 1872 settled in Piatt county. He bought his present home in 1875 and now owns about 160 acres. He has been successful as a farmer and his neighbors testify to his worth and honor as a gentleman. Mr. Joel Blackwell married Clara Metzger, and they with their two children live in Edgar county. Martha E. married Harry Metzger, a farmer in Bement township, and has one child, Jno. Thomas. Mary, the wife of William Anderson, lives near Hammond. The names of the other children are Minerva T., Benjamin, Nancy Ann, Jno. William and Alta Florence. Mr. Black- well went to the army from Kentucky, and was in the state service. They had to come to Illinois to organize to keep from being pressed into the rebel service. He served about two years. MR. P. J. BUTLER, a farmer of Unity township, was born in Ire- land, and came to America about 1851. He was married about 1876, to Mary J. Ryan. ' They have had two children, one of which, William Francis, is living. Mr. Butler has put all the improvements on his place of 160 acres. He has planted out some two hundred and fifty trees, and built the house they live in. He went to the army in Co. E, 85th Ohio reg. He was only in skirmishes. His principal work was the guarding of prisoners. MR. FRANKLIN BROWNING, farmer in Unity township, is of Scotch lineage and is a native of Kentucky. He moved from there to Coles county in 1856, and to Piatt county in 1857. He was married in 1852 to Priscilla Barritt, who died leaving two children, Sarah Margaret, who married Abner Fisher, and lives in Atwood with their three chil- dren, James, Jessie and an infant ; and John Henry, who married Kate Wren and lives in Douglas county. Mr. Browning was married to Angeline Duvall, in 1863. They have had three children, two of whom, Alvah and Maria, are living. Mrs. Browning thought the prairie a desolate place to live when she first settled there. She was unreconciled to the place for eight years, but after she made a visit home about ten years ago she was content with her prairie home. Mr. Browning bought the present home about 1864, and now owns BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 413 about forty acres. He has been school director and trustee, and is a member of the Masonic lodge at Mackville. MR. AZOR BUNYAN (deceased) was a native of England, and came to America, Ohio when fourteen years of age. He, moved from Ohio to Indiana, where his father died. He went feack to Ohio and married Catharine Carpenter, and lived there till 1864, when he moved to Piatt county. He bought the land where his family live upon his coming to the county, and lived there till their house burned in 1873, when he moved to Bement, where he died in 1874. Mrs. Bunyan with her children moved to the farm, and in 1875 built their present frame dwelling of five rooms. Mrs. Bunyan has had ten children, eight of whom are living. Lucinda, the wife of Henry Keller, lives in Kansas. Albert, a soldier in the army, married Caroline Scott and lives in Kansas. Harriet, married Wallace Davy, a carpenter of Michigan. Silvester is at home. George married Rebecca Clark, who died, leaving three children, Daisy C., Jesse B. and Cora. John married Nora Wallace, and is a farmer near Windsor. Emma, the wife of Jno. Brown, of Hammond, has three children, Simeon, Allie May and Albertus. Clara was the wife of Tho. Strickler, of Lovington ; she died, leaving one child, Mattie. William married Laura Reams, and lives in Unity township ; they have one child. Mr. Bunyan was in the late war as sanitary agent. MR. JNO. GRAIN, farmer, has lived on the farm where he now lives the greater share of his life. His parents are both dead ; his mother died in Illinois and his father in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Grain have had five children, Thomas H., Otis, Charles, Yirgil and Walter. Mr. Grain went to the army in 1862, in Co. H of the 107th 111. reg., and remained until 1865. The principal battles in which he engaged were those at London, Knoxville and Atlanta. He was slightly wounded while in Georgia. MR. FRANK GRAIN, Gainesville, Texas, was united in marriage in 1874 to Mary E. Layson, who died in 1877. He was next married to Lizzie Tutin, of Wisconsin, and in 1877 moved to Texas, where he deals in stock. He has one daughter. Mr. Grain's father improved a 3,700 acre farm in Piatt county, spending the latter years of his life here. Upon coming to the county, however, he was not able to enter forty acres of land. MR. YOLNEY SNYDER, farmer and carpenter, Pierson, is a native of Ohio, and moved to Piatt county in 1854, coming into the southern part of the county in time to fight prairie fire many a time. He 414 HISTOKY OF PIA'IT COUNTY. remembers of fighting fire all night once on the Grain farm. Mr. Snyder was united in marriage to Mrs. Cook nee Lydia Monroe, who died in 1877, leaving seven children, two of whom were Mr. Snyder's. William H. farms with his father, and Andrew J. is farming in Kansas. Mr. Snyder owns 160 acres of land, upon which he is putting improvements. MR. JAS. BOWLS (deceased) was a native of Pennsylvania, from which state he moved to Ohio and then to Illinois, settling in Piatt county in 1856. He had nine children, two of whom are living. Margaret became the wife of Wm. Thompson, who died leaving five children. Of these Rebecca married Mr. Frank True, and the names of the other children are John J., Geo. W., Wm. W. and Rachel. James A. Bowls married Lucy Brown, has four children, Chas., Jno., Jas. and a baby, and lives in Unity township. Jno, W. Bowls died in the army. One grandson, Marion W., lives with Mrs. Bowls in Bement. MR. J. R. CANTRALL, a farmer near Hammond, is a native of Dewitt county, and moved to Piatt county in 1870. His grandfather, Levi Cantrall, was an early settler of Dewitt county, having moved there about fifty years ago. Mr. J. R. Cantrall went to the army in Co. D of the 107th 111. reg., and was in a hospital, on account of sick- ness, a good deal of the time. His principal battles were those of Franklin and the siege of Nashville. He considers himself ten years older than he would have been had he not gone to the war. He tells of one man who was known to die in the army from homesickness. Mr. Cantrall married Captain Love's daughter,' Jennie, and they live on a place adjoining Mr. Love's. They have had three children, Alva L., Edna E. and Myrta M. MR. ALFRKD ("LARK, farmer, was born in 1817, in Kentucky. He is the last of a family of eleven children. His grandfather's posterity, up to the time of the war, numbered 3,500 persons. It would now reach near 10,000. His father was in the war of 1812. Fifty years ago Mr. Clark attended a Sunday school in Kentucky with one hun- dred children, and out of that number he is one of the five who are still living. He moved from Kentucky to Sangamon county, Illinois, about thirty years ago, and in 1870 moved to Piatt county. He has lived on his present home farm of eighty acres, which he has improved himself, for about eight years. He was married in Kentucky, to Mary E. Chevis, who died leaving two children, Sarah A., the wife of Benj. Fpham, county clerk at Jacksonville, and the parent of five BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 415 children ; John II.. now in an abstract office at Charleston, and a soldier for five and one-half years in the late war, married Susan MclSTutt. Mr. Clark was married the second time, to Nancy A. Tout- man, who is the mother of nine children, all of whom are living. Chas. A. married Jennie Kinzer, and lives in Cerro Gordo township. They have one child, Lyman. Thomas married Francis Lindsay, farms in Cerro Gordo township, and has two children, Horace and Benjamin. Henry Clay and wife, nee Hannah Thompson, with three children, live in Missouri. Francis married Mary Hedges, and they, with their one child, live on Friends creek. Wm. E. is at home. Lid a, the wife of Thos. Killian, a farmer in Morgan county, has one child. Alfred, Mary N. and Jennie D. are at home. Mr. Clark has never lost a child, nor has either of them ever deprived him of a whole night's rest. Mr. Clark relates that his son, John H., was on the frontier during the war, and that, after his time Was out, the regiment was ordered to proceed farther. J. H. wrote to his father of the affair, and Mr. Clark was advised to see Mr. Oglesby, and he wrote to him, referring to several leading men of Springfield. As a result Mr. Oglesby wrote an excellent letter to Mr. Clark, stating that the regi- ment was .ordered back within three-quarters of an hour after the receipt of the letter. MR. O. T. CHAMBERS, native of Indiana, moved from that state to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1864. He first rented a farm one mile from where he now lives, and then bought a farm near Pierson station. He and his wife own 280 acres of land. He was married in 1871, tp Sarah Wildman, and has three children living, Augustus, Hattie Daisy and Jesse Orville. Mr. Chambers went into the army from Indiana in 1861 in Co. F, 31st Ind. reg. The principal battles he engaged in were those of Fort Donelson and Shiloh. He was wounded at the latter place in September, 1862, and was discharged on account of the wound, which did not heal until two years afterward. MR. HENRY P. CHAMBERS, farmer, moved from Indiana, his native state, directly to Piatt county in 1864. He owns 40 acres of land, which he has improved himself. He was married in 1875, to Sarah E. Stark, a native of Indiana. They have had two children, Elmer P. and Myrtie Stella. MR. G. W. CARTER, a farmer in the southwestern part of Unity township, was born in Ohio and reared in Kentucky. He moved from the latter state to Vermilion county, Illinois, in 1852. From this county he moved to Macon county and, in 1869, settled on the place 416 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. where Le now lives. At that time the place was raw prairie. He has put all improvements on it, including the setting out of about four hundred and fifty trees. Mr. Carter made mention of a deer which was killed in Unity township in 1870. This was probably the last deer killed in the county. On March 12, 1835, Mr. Carter and Miss Sarah M. Fugate were married. They have had sixteen children, only five of whom are living. Sarah married Mr. John B. Starr, who died, leaving one child, Fannie ; she married Mr. A. Foreman, and they with their one child live in Champaign county. Mrs. Starr married Mr. John J. INeyhard and lived in Piatt county until her death ; she left five children. Cora B., Sally, Anna and George are now living with their grandfather, Mr. G. "W. Carter. Joseph Carter married Rebecca E. Ward ; he died, but three of his children, Rosa, Dora and Taylor, are still living ; Mrs. Carter married again and is now living in Macon county. Richard A. Carter married Margaret Clifton ; they had five children, George, Jared, William, Joseph and D. Rich- mond. Zachariah T. Carter married Jane Davenport ; she died, leaving two children, one of whom, Addy Nevada, is now living ; he married Mrs. Fannie Fisher, and now is a farmer in Missouri. Mary C. married W. Benjamin McDaniel, a farmer, who lives in Kansas ; they have five children. Lemuel S. Carter married Katie A. Brown and lives on a farm in Unity township ; they have two children, Clara M. and Leon M. Mr. Lemuel Carter is probably the only pro- fessional hunter in this county. He has been a hunter ever since he was a child. He ships yearly on an average 700 clucks, 1,200 rabbits, 1,500 prairie chickens, 2,500 quails and 2,500 snipe. He ships to Chicago over $1,000 worth of game a year. He has killed as high as forty-two prairie chickens in one day, and in one day's hunt he has shot, one at a time, sixteen dozen snipe. ITe sold this lot to another hunter on the ground for $25. He considers that he handles the finest dogs in the state ; they are imported, and are Irish setters, English pointers and Scotch pointers. He owns one dog now for which he has a standing bid at St. Louis of $300. Mr. G. W. Carter was ordained a Baptist minister in 1844. He has preached in Ver- milion, Champaign and Christian counties in this state. Mr. Carter's eldest son, George, married Martha V. Foreman, and has four children, Charles T., Mississippi, Susan and Flora Belle. MR. J. W. LOWTHER, farmer, Voorhies, is a native of Ohio, who moved from there directly to Illinois and settled in Piatt county in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 4:17 1869. He owns 120 acres of land. He went into the army from Ohio in the 140th Ohio reg., national guards. MRS. GEORGE DEEDS, nee Eunice Wildman, is a native of New York. She moved to Pennsylvania, from there to Ohio, and then came to Piatt county in 1845. She was married in 1846, and moved to Will county, where she lived till 1861, when she came back to Unity township, where she has lived in one house for eighteen years. Mr. Deeds went to Missouri, and while at his brother's he took sick and died. Mr. Deeds was a farmer. They had no children. Some of Mrs. Deeds' nieces have from time to time lived with her. MR. S. S. DUDLEY, a farmer in Unity township, is a native of Ash- land county, Ohio. He moved from Ohio to Connecticut, and from that state to Illinois in 1864, and in 1866 settled in Piatt county on the land where he now lives. He owns 240 acres of land, and has put all the improvements on it, including the planting out of some two hundred fruit and ornamental trees. He was married in 1867, to Miss Elizabeth J. Porter, of Moultrie county. They have two children, Eddie Earnest and Mary Ethel. Mrs. Dudley has been afflicted with the third-day ague for six years, three weeks being the longest absence of the chill during that time. This fact shows that the malaria is not yet all out of Piatt county. Mrs. Dudley, in speaking of her early home on the prairie, stated that it was quite customary for herself and her several mile distant neighbors to exchange visits, taking their cows and staking them out to enjoy a new field of grass while the women chatted over knitting or sewing. While making these visits Mrs. Dudley became quite an expert snake-killer. In speaking of the first settlers in his immediate neighborhood, Mr. Dudley stated as his opinion that a Mr. J. P. Way, who settled in T. 16, R. 5, Sec. 23, was the earliest settler in his vicinity. Mr. Way was from Connecticut, and moved from this county to Nebraska. The most of the land in the southern part of this county was formerly owned by speculators. Those who settled in the prairie tried to open farms without fences, and immediately trouble arose between the stockmen, who wanted plenty of range for their stock, and the farmers, who wanted to till the land. They almost fought over the matter. A gentleman who is now a prominent citizen of Moultrie county was once known to watch his stock all clay with a gun in hand. The first few years Mr. Dudley farmed he used to get up each night and ride over the place to see if stock was on the farm. Wolves have frequently been seen in Mr. Dudley's neighborhood since the war. A 418 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. deer was killed by Tom Loyd, of Macon county, in section 23 of Unity township, in 1867, which was one of the last killed in Piatt county. The first six winters Mr. Dudley was in this state he was a school teacher. He taught two schools at Milmine, two at Ridge Chapel, and two at Lovington. He was school treasurer for six years of district No. 6, township 16. He was the third treasurer, William Bouser being the first, and John Garothers the second. In 1870 school land was sold in this township for $13,660. At first the whole school township was laid off into four districts, but finally, after quite a struggle among the people, it was laid off into nine districts. Mr. T. J. Kiser, of Hammond, is the present treasurer of the township. Mr. Dudley was not in the army, but during the . war was in the government employ, and helped to rebuild Fort Hale, at New Haven, Connecticut. Since being in this county he has been connected with the Sabbath-school movement. For two years he was president of the Unity Township Sunday-school convention. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. ME. JAMES DA VIES, a farmer of Unity township, was born in England in 1812. His parents were natives of the same country. He came to America, in 1856, at the instigation of a brother then in California, and who afterward moved to that state. While crossing the ocean they encountered a fearful storm, which lasted two days and nights. Mr. Davies' mother came to America, and died at the age of seventy-nine. Upon landing in America he moved to Ohio, and from there, in 1863, he emigrated to Coles county, Illinois. He next moved to Douglas county, and in 1867 he settled in Piatt county. Mrs. Davies, nee Anne Phillips, was born in England in 1815, and in 1840 her marriage with Mr. Davies was celebrated in Shropshire, where they lived until their emigration to America. Both have relatives in England and in America. They have had six children. Walter was killed at the battle of Murfreesborough. Elizabeth mar- ried Mr. Easton (see his name). The rest of the family are all school teachers. Diana attended school at Valparaiso. Anna has taught about twenty-four terms of school, and attended school at Valparaiso. Hortense H. has attended the State Normal and the school at Valparaiso. Her school-teaching experience lasts through twenty terms. MR. JOHN H. EASTON, farmer, is a native of Ohio. His father was a native of Massachusetts, and his mother of New York. He is of English lineage. In 1854 he moved from Ohio to Illinois, spending BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 419 the winter in Will county, but was bound for Piatt county. After farming for others for five years, he began teaching, and has taught in this and other counties for sixteen years. He bought land with the fruits of his educational labors. He bought his present home, a farm of 120 acres, in 1881. His first wife, nee Elizabeth Helton, died March 25, 1865. She had one son, Henry O. He next married Elizabeth Da vies, August 12, 1868. She has had three children, Alberta D., Maud Mary and Walter. Mr. Easton went to the army, in Co. F, of the 2d 111. Cav., and was out thirteen months, but, though in plenty of skirmishes, was in no regular battles. Owing to sickness, lung and typhoid fever, he had to come home. Mr. Easton taught eight terms of school at Mackville. He has been township assessor. MR. JAMES M. EYRSE, farmer, Unity township, is of Scotch and Irish lineage, and a native of Virginia. He can trace his ancestors back to Virginia colony days. He moved from Virginia to Tazewell county, Illinois, in 1854, thence to Macon county, and from there to Piatt county in 1871. At that time he bought his farm of 120 acres, where he now lives. In 1849 he married Ann Eliza Whisman, who died in 1859, leaving three children. Eliza Y. married David Lewis, a farmer in Douglas county. They have one child. Virginia A. is unmarried, and lives at home. Henry J. married Sally M. Galford, a native of Ohio, and lives in Unity township. They have one child, Laura Belle. At the time of Mr. Eyrse leaving Virginia, he ranked as major in the militia of that state. He served in the Mexican war in a light infantry company from Virginia. He was in the 1st Va. reg., Augusta volunteers, under General Taylor. He was in no regular battle, and the principal skirmishing was done in opening communi- cation after the battle of Beuna Vista between Camargo and Monterey. Upon our asking for camp-fire stories, Mr. Eyrse remarked that their company was made use of, and had "no chance to joke over camp- fires." Mr. Eyrse is regarded as quite a good drill master at the present day. MR. EZRA FAY (deceased) was born May 27, 1813, in New York. He was of German and Irish descent. Moved from New York to Ohio, and from there to Illinois in 1835. His widow lives on the land he bought soon after coming to the county. He married Acena Holden, October, 1831. She died in 1839, leaving one daughter, who married Samuel Vanfleet, of Indiana. He next married Elizabeth Hogland. Three of their children are living. Hi chard, a 'farmer in Unity, town- ship, married Mary Frellinger, and has four children ; Sarah J. mar- 420 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. ried John Nighswander ; Riley is living with his mother in Unity township. Mr. Fay died April 6, 1877. MR. JOHN FORD, a farmer in Unity township, is a native of Ireland. He came to America and to Monticello in 1859. He moved onto the present farm of about two hundred acres near thirteen years ago. He has been a hard worker, and got his farm by feeding cattle and work- ing by the month. He was married in 1866, to Elizabeth Madden, a native of Ireland. They have six children living : Maggie, Patrick, Malci, Jane, John and Kate. Mr. Ford is a, member of the Catholic church. MR. ISAAC FULTON, proprietor of the second store (grocery) in Pierson, started in business there in 1881, and anticipates making Piatt county his home. He was married in 1878, to Miss Anna Wacaser, and has one child, Harry Lee. MR. GAMALIEL GREGORY, farmer, is a native of New York. He moved to Ohio, and in 1855 to Piatt county. His father, Josiah Gregory, was of English descent. He settled in Champaign county in 1858, and moved to Bement in 1878. Mr. G. Gregory married Mary Monroe, November, 1856, born in this county July 29, 1837. Her parents both died in this county. She has five sisters and two brothers living. She has three children living. Wm. G. Gregory married Kate Crawford, has one child, and is a druggist in Coles county ; J. R. is farming at home ; Rosalia married George Mumper, a farmer in Champaign county. Mr. Gregory has been town col- lector and town clerk, and is a member of the masonic lodge at Bement. MR. GILBERT GREENE, farmer, was born in Tennessee in 1824. He lived in Kentucky until he was twenty-five, and in 1854 came to Piatt county. He started to Champaign county, "got out of the way a little, found this county good enough, and so stopped." He first settled about one and a half miles below his present home, then, after two years' residence in Champaign county, settled on the Prairie in Bement township. The next move was to the place he now lives on, which he has improved. He has a fair sized orchard, which bears a good deal of fruit. He was married in 1845, to Martha Ramsey. Of Mr. Greene's children, Wm. Boyd married Mary Lane, and in 1871 moved to Nebraska ; they have four children. Ruth married Shannon Fristoe, and lives in Bement ; they have three children, Horace, Walter and Jesse Pearl. Margaret C. married Allen Moore, and lives in Neosho county, Kansas ; they have five children. Susan married BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 421 Wm. Curren, and lives in Sangamon township. John, Simon, Frank D. and Ella R. are at home. MR. JOHN W. C. GRAY, farmer, is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio. His mother is a native of Ohio and lives with one of her chil- dren in Iowa. His father was a native of Iowa. Both of Mr. Gray's grandfathers were in the revolutionary war, and two of his brothers went to the late war. one of whom served throughout the rebellion. Mr. Gray is one of a family of six children. He would not have settled in Piatt county had it not been for Mr. Jack Riddle. While on business in the county for Mr. Kious, Mr. Riddle persuaded him to work for Mr. John Piatt. While working for him he was hired to ship cattle in 1856. A portion of the year 1856 he herded cattle at Blue Mound for Mr. John Piatt. Mr. Gray relates some interesting items in regard to snakes, which were found on the prairie at an early day here. He says that by actual count and record in the season of 1856 he killed 1,100 rattlesnakes, and has killed as high as thirty-three in one day. That same season he saw as many as from nineteen to twenty- nine deer in one herd, and he captured eleven fawns, some of which were sent back to New York. Mr. Gray was married in October, 1861, to Mrs. Eliza Crain, who died February 26, 187H. In April, 1877, he married Mrs. R. (Murry) Myres, who had one child at the time of her last marriage. She is a native of New Hampshire and came with her parents to Menard county, Illinois, in 1846. When Mr. Gray began improving his farm, it was overrun with hazel-brush and willows. His ten acre orchard is in as good a condition as any orchard in the county and contains all small fruit that will succeed in growing in this part of the state. Pie built his present residence about nine years ago. He thinks he has the best cellar in the county. He settled on his present farm in 1869, having previously lived where Mr. James Wharton now lives. Mr. Gray's well selected library of at least two hundred volumes shows that he is one of the farmers of the county who believes in keeping up with the times. He was justice of the peace for six years and has been elected road commissioner and supervisor. MR. HENRY GROSS, a merchant and farmer of Mackville, is a native of Germany. He came to America in 1853, and for eight years remained in New York, and then moved to Chicago, where he remained till 1857, when he moved to Marion county. In 1858 he moved to Piatt county and settled on the land where Mackville is located. Mr. Gross came alone from Germany, the rest of his family came after- 422 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. ward. He now has four brothers and one sister in the county. His parents, Casper Gross and wife, came to America during the war. Mr. Henry Gross married Sophia Gross, a native of Germany, in 1861. They have had eight children, two of whom are dead. Sigel T. Gross is bookkeeper in the store of Gross & Biggs, of Mackville. Anna, Alexander, Thusnelda, Henry and Sophia are at home. Mr. Henry Gross is the first and only postmaster that Mackville has had. He was school director for ten or twelve years, and filled a vacancy as justice of the peace. He has also been collector, clerk and supervisor of Unity township. ME. JNO. GORDON (deceased) was a farmer in Unity township, and owned 120 acres of land. He married Anna Sloam. Both were natives of Ireland, came to America in 1863, and to Piatt county in 1866. They had eight children, six of whom are living, Felix G., Rosealla, Maggie, Mary, Ida May and Catharine S. On the 17th of March, 1879, one of their boys was buried; on the 18th of the same month their house burned down ; on the 29th of the month an infant was born ; and about a year from this time Mr. Gordon died. MR. GEORGE GOODSON (deceased) was a native of Douglas county, Illinois. He moved in Piatt county in 1873. He was married in 1871, to Candacy Pierson. She has no children. Her parents were from Indiana, and moved to Piatt county in 1867. Mr. Charles Goodson was married, January 28, 1882, to Emma Gow, who until recently made her home at John Harshbarger's. They reside near Goodson station. MR. JNO. GOODSON, farmer, was born in Douglas county, Illinois, and came to this county in 1878. In 1862 he went to California and began farming and stock raiding, and remained there fourteen years. He was married in California, to Miss Julia Ingerham. They have one daughter, Mollie. Mr. Goodson came back in 1879 and built a nice farm residence of nine rooms. He is fast getting things in good shape about the farm, and it bids fair to be one of the best places in the county. He is a stock dealer and has some fine sheep and cattle. Mr. Goodson went to the army, was taken prisoner and sworn not to fight until he was exchanged. He was not exchanged and so went to California. MR. ROBERT GRIFFEX (deceased) was married in Indiana, to Louisa Thompson, and moved to Piatt county in 1870. He lived on Mr. Quick's place for a time, and then moved to the place he lived at the time of his death about five years ago. He left a widow and five BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 423 children. Laura married John Bogard, and moved to Missouri. Harriet, the wife of Christopher Denny, lives with her child, Myrtle Olive, in Unity township. Mary Ellen, Henry Charles and William Edgar are at home. Mrs. Griffin owns about twenty-one acres of land. Mr. Griffin was a soldier in the late war. MR. DANIEL H.VRSUBA.RGKR, a retired farmer, was born in Cham- paign county, Ohio, and is of German descent. His father moved from Ohio to Montgomery county, Indiana, and in 1823 made the .second settlement in that county. He died in Illinois in 1857. His wife died in Indiana in 1853. Mr. Daniel Harshbarger was married in 1834, to Miss Huldah Quick, of Montgomery county. They moved to Piatt county in 1837, and for the first summer lived with Daniel's father in a cabin built the same year. In the fall Daniel went into his own round-log cabin covered with clapboards and containing a hickory pole bedstead. When he came to the county he had $200 in money, five sheep, one horse, one cow, one hog, and some spinning wheels upon which Mrs. Harshbarger did all the spinning for the family. Mr. Harshbarger now has a walnut chest which is a hundred years old and a pair of steelyards, which came from Germany, that are one hundred and fifty years old. This family remained in their round-log cabin until 1848, when they built the second brick house in the county. The brick was burned by Jim -Sennet on Mr. Harshbarger's place. Mr. and Mrs. Harshbarger still occupy this with their son John and his family. When about fifty-five years of age Mr. Harshbarger stopped his long- continued hard labor and deeded his ten or eleven hundred acres of land to his children, with the proviso that they were to keep himself and wife. After stating this fact to us he very contentedly remarked, u the children all appear to be reconciled to the way I divided it." Mr. Michael Harshbarger is Mr. Daniel Harshbarger's oldest living son '(see his name). His daughter Sarah married Mr. Joseph Baker (see his name). Mr. John Harshbarger was married in 1868 to AnnaGaw, from Indiana. Their children are Carrie, William D. and Frank Merritt. John is a farmer and stock dealer and lives on the old home- stead place where he has lived all his life. Miss Emma Gaw, Mrs. John Harshbarger's sister, is making her home with them at present. Miss Emma seems to possess natural talent for drawing. We suggest that she should embrace all possible chances of cultivating such talent. Barbara Harshbarger married William Carroll and is living in Douglas county. Their children's names are Ivory Belle, Ivol, Icel Lee and Florence Mabel. Mr. Daniel Harshbarger was the first justice of the 4:24 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. peace in his section of the county. He served as such for twelve years, until they began lawing, when he refused to serve longer. A gentleman who has known "Uncle Dan " a long while *&ays that he is " as honest as the day is long," and that his extreme sense of justice led him to be considered one of the best peacemakers in the county. His law was, "Do right whatever the consequences," and he has been known to prevent suits many times by going out of his way to see the men and persuading them to come to settlement. He married the first couple who united in the bonds of matrimony in Unity township, and for six or eight years performed the marriage ceremony for all who were married in Lake Fork timber. "We must tell a little joke on " Uncle Dan " which was related to us by a neighbor of his. What we have already told of his peace-making abilities would lead one to think that it would grieve him very much to have a neighbor think ill of him. One morning when out he met a neighbor, Mr. Thomas Good- son, who, instead of giving his usual "good morning !" said in a very sober tone of voice "I thought I would tell you there is a coolness between us." " Uncle Dan," with a surprised and anxious look, and in that deep and earnest tone of voice of his, said, "Why, Tommy, Tommy, what is it ! I never had a hard feeling toward you in the world." Mr. Goodson, after carrying his joke to the desired extent, remarked that "it was the sharp breeze which caused the coolness between them." Mr. Harshbarger held the office of supervisor for one year. He was the first person to make a profession of religion on Lake Fork and was baptized June 28, 1842, by Mr. John Collins, and in the same fall Mrs. Harshbarger, Mrs. Joseph Moore and Mrs. James Utterback were baptized. Mr. Harshbarger relates that in early days in their neighborhood the people used often to get quite lonesome. At Mr. Monroe's they used to go on top of the house to watch across the prairie, hoping to see some one coming. In case they should, word would soon be sent around and all the neighborhood would collect at one house. Since writing the above we have received the following items from Mr. John Harshbarger. He took the measure of twelve of the apple trees which his father set out in 1839 and found that they averaged in circumference five feet and one inch- the largest measur- ing seven feet and three inches. The tallest tree was forty feet and seven inches in height, and in the twelve the following varieties are represented, Early Harvest, Golden Pippin, Vandaver Pippin and Spitzenburg. These trees are in a thriving condition and in 1.881 some of them bore as high as twenty-five bushels of apples apiece. Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 425 Harslibarger has in his possession a Seth Thomas clock which has kept good time for fifty years. MR. SAMUEL HARSHBARGER, farmer, was born in Ohio in 1811. He moved from Ohio to Montgomery county, Indiana, in 1823, and from there to Piatt county in 1837. He was married in Indiana, to Sarah Quick, who had eleven children, seven of whom are living. Clarrissa was the wife of Nathaniel Shonkwiler. Aaron married Arvilla Wildman, who had seven children. He moved to Texas, and next married Jennie Romine. His third wife was a Miss Waters. Elizabeth Harshbarger married Alfred Taylor (now deceased), and has five children. She lives in Champaign county. Ambrose Harsh- barger married Margaret Richardson and lives on the old homestead place. They have six children, Samuel, Caroline, who married Wm. Taylor, and lives in Douglas county, Lucy, Effie, William and Henry. Jefferson Harshbarger married Francis Sexton and has four children. He lives in Champaign county. Isaac married Mary J. Goff. He has a large family of children, and lives at Atwood. Samuel married Emmazilla Wildman, and lives in Unity township. They have a family of children, some of whose names are : Delia, Arthur, Clara B. and' Reuben Horace. Naomi Harshbarger is the wife of David Corell, a sewing machine agent of Bement. They have two children living, May and William. Sylvia Harshbarger, deceased, was the wife of David Cade, of Douglas county. He was married again in 1881, and lives in Champaign county. The death of the first Mrs. Harshbarger occurred in 1853. Mr. Harshbarger next married Mrs. Melissa Holden, the widow of an old settler in that part of the county. She died about 1870, and Mr. Harshbarger took for his third wife Miss Eliza Randolph. The second year after Mr. Harshbarger moved to the county, there were seven families in the neighborhood, and at one time every member of the seven families was sick except himself and son Aaron. Mr. Harshbarger had to leave the sick and go to mill at Eugene, Indiana, seventy miles distant. Before going he threshed the grain- by having the horses tramp it. He was gone eight days, and upon his return did not expect to find all the family alive. Mr. Harshbarger relates one of his deer hunts in the following manner: '"I was standing in the woods on a log when I saw a big buck coming toward me. I let him come close and then shot. The gun cracked and the deer came bawling and jumping toward me, and I climbed up a sapling." Mr. Harshbarger has long been regarded a ' ' bee hunter. " He has worked with bees ever since he was 426 HISTORY OF PI ATI 1 COUNTY. fifteen years old. He has had bees every year since. He has made hundreds of dollars with his -bees alone. He lias found at least seventy bee-trees in his lifetime. The most honey he ever got out of a tree was ten gallons after it was strained. Mr. Harshbarger was ordained a minister in the Christian church in \ 843, and has preached on a large circuit extending throughout this county and into Macon, DeWitt, Champaign, Vermilion, Douglas and Moultrie counties. He has evidently done a great deal of good in his lifetime, and his kindly countenance and earnest words indicate that he will do much more yet. MR. MICHAEL O. HARSHBARGER, farmer, near Atwood, is a native of Indiana, and came to Piatt county in 1837. He was married October 30, 1862, to Emeline Stevens, who died in 1865, leaving one boy, Charles M. He next married Arvilla Whetsel in 1869. She had two children, Dora May and John Lee. Mr. Harshbarger owns about 460 acres of land, part of which lies in Douglas county. He has evidently been a hardworking man, as the result of his labors shows. In 1876 he built one of the finest houses in the county. It contains fifteen rooms and cost $8,000. The brick for the house were made on his own farm. He burnt some 180,000 brick and "Sold enough to pay for putting up the walls of his house. This is an example of thrift and energy not often shown in this country. In 1881 he built one of the best frame barns in the county. It is 68 X 60 feet, is two story, will hold sixteen horses and contain one hundred ton of hay. Mr. Harshbarger has made his money by farming and raising stock. When he was married he had $600 and some land which his father, Mr. Daniel Harshbarger, gave him. In conversing with Mr. Harsh- barger we quite readily discovered strong filial devotion, which most men of his age, if they have it, are quite successful in covering up. Since taking the above notes from Mr. Harshbarger, we have regretted to hear that his wife died on January 9, 1882. MR. RICHARD HELTON, merchant, was born in 1822, in North Caro- lina. His parents were natives of the same state, from which they moved to Wayne county, Indiana, sixteen miles in the woods from Newport. They, with eight children, landed at this place between Christmas and New Year's, and the snow was knee-deep. They lived here beside a big log and a camp-fire until spring, hauling all pro- visions on a one-horse sled from Newport. Mr. Helton moved to Douglas county in 1857 or 1858. He was married in 1838, to Ann Willis. They have lived for ten or twelve years in Piatt county. He BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 427 was the first person who built a house in Atwood. His store was the first in the town and he opened the first grain office in the place. Henry Helton and wife, nee Josephine Willingham, have one child, and live in Douglas county. Joel married Francis Smitson and is a grain trader in Atwood. Alexander married Mary Faulhaber, lives in At- wood and is also a grain dealer. He has three children, Birdie and Gertie, twins, and Alfred. George and Rebecca, the youngest daughter, lives at home. Janie married Thomas Barnes, a carpenter, and lives in Atwood. Mr. Helton is a member of the masonic order and of a life insurance society. MR. J. A. HAWKS, a miller and tile maker, of Mackville, is of English and German descent, and is a native of New York. He came west in 1869. He taught school at Mackville for four terms after he first came to the county. He was in the general merchandise business for a time with Mr. Gross and then began milling. In 1876 he bought the mill which Griggs & Marshall had built. He was married in 1877, to Mary Mitchell, a native of Ohio. They reside in Mackville and have no children. Mr. Hawks went to the war from New York, in Battery G, 3d ]ST. Y. Lt. Art. Roanoke Island, Plymouth and Kingston were the principal battles in which he engaged. He was never wounded, but was taken prisoner and was one month bby prison. Mr. Hawks has been superintendent of a Sunday school and township treasurer and supervisor. MR. S. Y. HAGEMAN, hardware merchant, Hammond, is a native of Pike county, Illinois. He moved from there to Logan county in 1863 or 1864, and in 1875 settled on a farm in Piatt county. After staying there five years he left his farm, not selling it, however, and moved into Hammond, built a store building and, with his brother, A. J. Hageman, opened a hardware and grocery store in June, 1881. He was married in 1874, to Lizzie Rathbun, of Pike county. They have had three children, two of whom are living, Oscar Y. and Silas. MR. JOHJST "W. KAGEY, a farmer of Unity township, is a native of Virginia. He moved from that state to Illinois in 1869, and in 1870 moved to Piatt county. In 1876 he bought his present home of 80 acres. He was married in 1865, to Mollie E. Shaver, a native of Yirginia. Two children, B. Frank and C. Claudius, have blessed their union. MR. SAMUEL KARICOFE, farmer, Yoorhies, was born in Yirginia, from which state he moved to Indiana, and thence to Piatt county, where he bought land in 1869, and now owns 160 acres. He was 27 428 HISTORY OF MATT COUNTY. married in 1868, to Mary Aim Cummins, and has three children, Minnie, Charles and Sylvester. MR. T. J. KISKR, n lumber merchant of Hammond, is a native of Macon county. He came to Piatt county in 1873, and began his present business. He is school treasurer of his township. He was married in December, 1873, to Eliza Adamson. They have two children, Ethlyn E. and Loran P. MR. WILLIAM K. KISKR came to Piatt county in 1876 and went immediately into partnership with T. J. Riser in the lumber business. He was married in 1879, to Miss May Baldwin. MR. JOHN LOVE ("Capt. Love"), a farmer near Hammond, is a native of Pike county, Missouri. His father was a native of South Carolina, and his mother was born in Ireland. They moved from South Carolina to Pike county, Missouri. His father was one of a little colony that went out in 1815, and in 1818 he died in Missouri. Capt. Love's stepfather, Mr. Welch Allison, moved to Macon county in 1834 or 1835, and his mother died near Decatur in 1836. Capt. Love was one of a family of four children. His brother Andrew moved from Decatur to near Lovington, on the old Snyder place. Andrew had a post-office in his house, which was named Lovington. After the town was built it was named the same. Capt Love came to Macon county from Missouri in 1834, then returned to Missouri, and again in 1835 came to Decatur, and in January, 1836, began clerking for Mr. William Cantrall. After about seven months he began clerking for Renshaw & Finley (afterward Renshaw alone), and remained here for several years. From what we hear of Mr. Love at this time, he must have been considered quite a business manager. Although but eighteen years old, he had a man's business entrusted to him. His health having failed somewhat, Mr. Love went to his brother's farm, near Lovington, and went into the stock business. Pie was with his brother most of the time from this on, until his marriage, in 1842, to Charlotte Emerson, a sister of Judge Emerson. He then settled on a farm of his own near Lovington, which place he afterward sold, and moved to Judge Emerson's place, in Macon county. In 1853 he stopped farming, and bought out a little store in Lovington, and remained there till 1856. He sold out then, and somewhat unex- pectedly went to Sullivan, where he remained till 1851), when he sold out. During the year 1860 he was out of business. After his return from the army, he bought a farm in De Witt, and remained there till 1868, when he moved to the farm he now lives on. He owns all the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 4:29 section except 160 acres, which he gave to his daughter. Capt. Love's first wife died in 1869. Their eldest daughter, Mary Ellen, married Dr. J. W. Snyder, and they, with their two children, live in Oilman. M. Jennie married John R. Cantrall (see his name). Mr. C. H. Love married Adaline Evans, and lives in Christian county. They have two children. He helped Mr. C. D. Moore to .lay out the town of Hammond, and was the second grain merchant in the place. Capt. Love was married in 1871, to Sarah A. Cooper, a native of Iowa. Her mother, sixty years of age, is living with Mrs. Love. Her parents moved to Iowa in 1844, in which state her father died, after which her mother moved to Sangamon county. On June 28, 1861, Mr. Love went to the army as captain of Co. E of the 21st III., Grant's own regiment, organized from the seventh congressional district. He did a great deal of traveling about, but was in only one regular battle, that of Frederickstown. He was taken sick with a severe attack of pneumonia, and was ultimately discharged because of chronic diarrhoaa. Although sick, he had been with the company several times. Upon Capt. Love's leaving the regiment the officers and his men gave him articles in sealed envelopes, with the injunction that he was not to open them until he reached Nashville. Upon our urgent and repeated appeals, and against his protestations, we have at last succeeded in gaining his permission to have these testimonials printed in connection with the sketch of his life. TESTIMONIALS TO CAPT. JOHN LOVE. CAMP 21sT ILL. VOLS., NEAR MURFREESBORO, TENX. February 20, 1863. WHEREAS, Owing to long and almost irreparable ill health, our honored com- rade in arms and fellow officer, Capt. John Love, of Co. E, 21st 111. Vols., has been compelled to retire from our present field of labor ; therefore be it Resolved, I. That Captain John Love has our warmest sympathies in his afflictions, and that it is with feelings of sincere and profound regret the decrees of an inevitable fate have declared that we must give him the hand of along and perhaps final farewell. II. That in Capt. Love we recognize all the attributes of a refined gentleman, an agreeable associate, a noble companion in arms, and that in him the Govern- ment loses one of his brightest ornaments, most valuable, patriotic, devoted and faithful in all of his duties. III. That bidding adieu to our old associate the ever faithful companion of all our hardships, privations and dangers, such as only a soldier can realize we can heartily breathe an earnest " God bless you," and when in the future we are engaged in the arduous duties of the soldiers' life, we will recur with memories of 430 HISTOKY OF PIATT COUNTY. sweet pleasure and an honorable pride to the days and times when Captain Love made one of our number. IV. That we make this voluntary testimonial to his virtues and moral worth, because such are alone due to the brave, earnest, hopeful and uncompromising defenders of the right the Government of our Fathers. Signed by officers WM. P. CARLIN, Col. Commanding Brigade, 38th Vols. WM. E. McMACinx, Lieut.-Col. Commanding, 21st 111. Vols. J. E. GALLOWAY, Major, 21st 111. Vols. W. C. HARRIS, Captain. WALTER E. CARLIN, Lieut, and Brigade Inspector. S. VORIS, Brigade Adjutant. ALBERT WOODBURY, Lieut. C. B. STEELE, Adj., 21st 111. GEO. F. EATON, Capt. Co. A, 21st 111. E. D. Cox, 1st Lieut. Co. A, 21st 111. J. P. H. STEVENSON, Capt. Co. B, 21st 111. PHILIP WELSHIMER, 1st Lieut. Co. B, 21st 111. B. F. REED, Capt. Co. D, 21st 111. J. S. TAYLOR, 2d Lieut. Co. D, 21st 111. JNO. A FREELAND, 1st Lieut. Co. E, 21st 111. DAVID S. BLACKBURN, Capt. Co. F, 21st 111. J. W. VANCE, 1st Lieut. Co. F, 21st 111. W. J. HUNTER, 2d Lieut. Co. F, 21st 111. A. GEORGE, Capt. Co. G, 21st 111. A. W. SONGER, 1st Lieut. Co. G, 21st 111. EDWIN HARLAN, Capt. Co. H, 21st 111. N. S. MC-KEEN, 1st Lieut. Co. H, 21st 111. CHAS. HOWE, 1st Lieut. Co. I, 21st 111. J. S. Cox, 2d Lieut. Co. I, 21st 111. . J. L. WILSON, 1st Lieut. Co. K, 21st 111. E. M. SEELEY, Surgeon, 21st 111. E. D. WILKIN, Chaplain, 21st 111. J. E. JONES, Quartermaster, 21st 111. DICK L. SMITH, 2d Lieut., 21st 111. MEMORIAL OF RESPECT. Presented to Capt. Love on the morning of his departure from Co. E 21st 111. Vols. About to take farewell of your company and rejoin your family in Illinois, it may be a pleasure to yourself and friends, that your company thus express their lasting friendship and esteem for one who has been so long their captain, and our serious regret for the misfortune, and sympathy for the long and lingering sick- ness that has at length deprived us of one whom we will so sadly miss. We shall always admire the high sense of duty that stamped all your actions ; try to imitate the purity of morals and principles that characterized all your con- duct ; reflect the indefatigable zeal that has always actuated in all your effort to suppress this foul rebellion ; and feel grateful for the anxious care you always BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 431 manifested even in your sickness for your company. In you we feel not only the loss of an earnest, dutiful officer, but a sincere, tried and impartial friend. While we remain in the field with a determination to fight to the last, the execrable friends' fiends of this hideous rebellion, we hope health may be restored, that your life may be spared for many years of usefulness, that you may long enjoy the sweets of social intercourse, a blessing to your family, an honor to your friends. JOHN A. FREELAND, 1st Lieut. Co. E, 21st 111. EICHARD BENETT, JNO. W. NAZWORTHY, Serg. Co. E, 21st 111. GEO. W. LYNN, Serg. Co. E, 21st 111. A. W. McPHEETERS. J. H. McGuiRE, Corp. Co. E, 21st 111. JAS. A. FRUIT, Corp. Co. E, 21st 111. JAS. M. MOORE, Corp. Co. E, 21st. 111. ENOCH WALKER, Corp. Co. E, 21 still. SAMUEL BOGGS, Corp. Co. E, 21st 111. A. M. ASHMORE, CHISTOPHER BICK, H. A. SMITH, A. M. BONE, ROBERT BEAN. PETER CORFER, ANDREW K. BONE, E. M. McGuiRE, E. HANEY, GEO. W. SHERWOOD, J. A. MITCHELL, A. M. MITCHELL, THOMAS FARREL, FINIS E. KENNEDY, W. I. C. McCLURE, JNO. GAULDING, PATRICK KENEDY, WILLIAM MILLISON, EZEKIEL NORRIS, ALFORD NASH, W. B. THOMPSON, PETER BURG, PERRY HOSKINS, JAS. H. NAZWORTHY, JAS. R. DUNCAN, JNO. WILBURN, J. B. REESE, JEFFERSON BROWN, THOMAS SMITH, MORGAN J. RAY, DAVID P. CLARK, DANIEL CLIFFORD, HENRY BAKER, JNO. ABBOTT, MORRIS MACKABOY, W. H. HOSKINS. MARLETUS HILL, MOSES HILL, JAMES HILL, JOHN E. HINES, GEO. K. JENKINS, GEO. P. MCDOWELL. MR. JOHN LOWE, farmer, is a native of Kentucky. He moved from there direct to Illinois in 1861, and to Piatt county in 1869. He lived for a time in Sangamon township. He married Sarah T. Atkin, who has three children, Edward, William and Albert, living. Mr. Lowe went to the army from Vermilion county in Co. B of the 25th 111. He was out four years, serving one year in the 149th reg. He engaged in the battles of Pea Ridge, Perryville, Murfreesborough, Mission Ridge, and also those of the Atlanta campaign. He was never wounded or taken prisoner. MR. T. F. LIVENGOOD, farmer and minister, is of German descent, and was born in 1830, in North Carolina. He moved from there to Indiana, and thence to Moultrie county, Illinois, and to Piatt in 1861. He married Catharine Pearson, of Indiana, in 1850. His son, Athan 432 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. A., married Margaret Moore, and lives in Champaign county. David F. married Barbara Meeker, and lives in Douglas county. Permelia is the wife of Yinceiit Quick, and has two children, Oscar and Lena. The names of the remaining children are Mathias E., Albert, Sarah, Lilley, Cora, Ella Pauline and Addie. Mr. Livengood was ordained as a minister in the Christian church in 1866. He formerly preached on a circuit running through Champaign, Piatt, DeWitt, Moultrie, Doug- las and Vermilion counties. Now he travels only in Douglas, Ver- milion, Champaign and Piatt counties. He has organized seven churches in Champaign county, where most of his preaching has been done, one in DeWitt and one in Piatt county. When he settled in this section of the country he found the people hospitable. At an early day here the people always called upon the new settlers, congratulating them on coming into the county. Mr. Livengood preached his first sermon in the Taylor school-house in Douglas county. Upon our ask- ing him in regard to the first couple he married in this county, he said: "I remember how I was scared, but don't remember their names." He told us of once going fifteen miles, swimming the West Okau and traveling bad roads, to marry a couple. He says he " had a good time otherwise, but got no pay." Since he was ordained a minister he has made an average of one hundred conversions each year. The largest amount he has ever received in one year from one church has been $140; the least amount, nothing. MR. WILLIAM G. LEAVITT, farmer, Hammond, was born in 1825, in New Hampshire. He was married in his native state, to Mary French, a widow. They had ten children, eight of whom are living. Sarah and Margaret are married and living in New Hampshire. Har- riet, the wife of V. C. Sleeper, lives in Wellington, Kansas, and has three children. Abbey married Scott Moonan; has six children, Willie Walter, Fred, Park, Charles and Sarah. James William is married, has one child, and lives in Cerro Gordo township. Herbert married Elnora Simms, has one child, and lives in Kansas. Harry W. and Luther M. are living at home. Mrs. Leavitt died in 1872, and Mr. Leavitt, in 1873, was married to Mrs. Mary T. Osgood. Mr. Leavitt, upon moving from New Hampshire, settled in Menard county, from which place he moved to Piatt county, and bought the half section of land upon which he still lives. At present, however, he owns 240 acres of land. He improved the farm himself, and has planted out at least five hundred trees. MR. WILLIAM A. LISTOX, carpenter and farmer, of Hammond, was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 433 born in Ohio in 1822. He moved from that state to Macon county, Illinois, in 1859, and to Piatt county in 1872. At a previous time he moved into Piatt county, but only remained two years. He was justice of the peace for about six years. About 1843 he and Phebe Cooper, born in Ohio in 1825, united their lives, and ten children, nine of whom a*re living, is the result of their union. Jeremiah E. was killed in the late war ; Rachel L. is married and lives in Maroa ; Albert is married and lives in Missouri ; William is in Decatur ; Sarah C. is mar- ried to N. B. Wallace, and lives in southern Illinois ; Walter H. is a barber in Decatur, while Joseph, Jacob, Matthew and Zarelda A. are at home. MR. J. W. LYNCH, blacksmith, Hammond, is a native of this state, and moved from southern Illinois to Christian county, and thence to Piatt county in 1868. He was raised a blacksmith, and Was the second blacksmith in Hammond, having bought out George Ragland, of that place. Mr. Lynch first married Miss Nancy Booker, who died, after having one child, William Henry. He next married Elizabeth Balmer, who is the mother of six children, Edward, Sally, John, Myrtie, James and Charles. MR. JESSE MONROE (deceased), a farmer, was born in Maryland. His father was a soldier in the revolution. He married Sarah Gordon, a native of Ohio. Pier father was a captain in a spy company in the revolutionary war. At an early day, 1828, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe settled in Indiana. Later, in 1836, after some of their family were married, they moved to Piatt county, Illinois, to help locate their children. William Monroe and James Utterback came and entered land for themselves and Mr. Jesse Monroe, in 1836, which was the first entry of land in Unity township. Mr. Monroe, the subject of our sketch, had seven daughters and six sons. Four of his sons died in their youth. At the time .of his settling in this county, four of the children were married. Two of them, however, moved with their father, and the others came at a later date. William Monroe married Sarah J. Moore in Indiana, and moved to Piatt county in 1836. Eliza married Mr. William Crain, and lived on what is yet often called the Crain farm, although owned by a near dozen different persons. She had three boys and two girls. Harvey married Cynthia Lane, of Indiana. After living two years in this county, he moved to Indiana, where, after coming home from the army, he died, leaving three children. Sarah E. married Samuel Hamilton, and moved into Douglas county. They have three 434 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. children. John Grain is married, and lives on a part of the Grain farm (see his name). Emily married John Clapp, and lives on the old Grain homestead. Frank Grain, now of Gainesville, Texas, was married in 1874, to Mary E. Layson, who died in 1877. He next married Lizzie Tutin, a native of Wisconsin. They have one daughter. He went to Texas in 1877, and is a stock dealer there. Martha Monroe married Mr. James Utterback in Indiana, and moved to Piatt county in 1836. They lived in this county for about twenty years, and then moved to Iowa, where he has become quite a wealthy and prominent citizen. Ruth Monroe married Mr. Samuel Mosbarger, and lives in Douglas county. They have seven children, all grown. Sarah Monroe and Mr. Joseph Taylor married about 1838, and were the first couple married in Unity township. The wedding ceremony was performed on the place where Richard Monroe now lives. Mrs. Taylor married Mr. Thomas Goodson, and now lives in Tuscola. Nancy Monroe married Ezra Fay (see his name). Lydia Monroe married Mr. John Cook, and moved to Champaign. Both are dead. Two of their daughters married, but died of consumption, each leaving one child. Three of Mr. Cook's sons are living. Richard Monroe lives on the old homestead place (see his name). Mary E. Monroe married Mr. Gamalial Gregory (see his. name). Two of Mr. Jesse Monroe's children, Jesse, Richard's twin brother, who died at the age of fourteen, and Harrison H., died within two days of eath other, and were the first ones buried in Unity township. MR. WILLIAM MONROE, formerly a resident farmer in this county, moved back to Indiana in 1865 and has remained there since. He was married January 28, 1835, to Sarah J. Moore. They have never had any children, but have done their share of taking care of others' children. During their married life they have had in charge as many as thirty-four children, sending twenty-two of them to school. Eight girls have been married from their house. The first winter, 1836-7, that Mr. Monroe spent in Piatt county he lived in the same house with Mr. James Utterback and family. On January 8, 1837, he moved into his own house, a log cabin 16x18 feet. The cabin was not yet complete. The roof was on and the floor laid, but a bed-quilt served as a door, while the fireplace was only built half-way to the mantle- piece and the hearth was not filled up. Two elm logs were thrown in the back of the fireplace to build the fire against, and in lieu of chairs and table Mr. and Mrs. Monroe sat in front of the fireplace on the edge of the floor, having their food placed on the floor between them. ' BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 435 On the day they moved Mr. Monroe killed a deer, and the wolves getting scent of it followed him home. That evening as he and his wife cooked it and ate the meat off the bones they threw them over the incomplete chimney into the yard, where they were eagerly snatched up by the waiting wolves without. When Mr. Monroe went out to drive them off they ran away, barking like little dogs. This winter proved to be quite a severe one. Mr. Monroe gradually completed his cabin, but in the meantime he used often to find their bed in the morning covered by an inch or two of snow. Mr. Monroe made quite a narrow escape with his Ijfe at the time of the sudden freeze in 1836. He and James Utterback started to East Fork, Coles county, for corn, when the snow was about knee deep. It began raining and continued until the ground was covered with a slush of snow and water. The men's clothes were thoroughly soaked with water and they were about half-way across the prairie when suddenly a piercing, fierce cold wind struck them. In ten minutes the slush was frozen sufficiently to bear the weight of a man. They unhitched their teams, leaving the oxen, while each mounted a horse and ran down to a Mr. Holden's. When they reached Mr. Holden's Mr. Monroe could not get off his horse. He was frozen fast to the hair of the horse, so that they had to pull him loose. He was then taken into the house, where all possible care was given him. It was over a week before they got their teams home. When Mr. Monroe got home after his trip for corn, he found Mr. Christopher Mosbarger, an old millwright, there, with his tools. As the folks were without bread, the millwright exclaimed, "Boys, get your oxen and grub hoes and cut the ice ; by gracious, we makes a mill with prairie 'nigger-heads.'" In about four days the mill, the first on Lake Fork, was complete. The same mill was afterward moved to where Atwood now is and was run by a horse. It would grind from ten to twenty bushels a day. Mr. Monroe's folks were in the county five years before officers of any kind found them. Mr. William Monroe got up a petition which led to the location of a road from Monticello to I^ake Fork, the first local road in that section of the county. William Monroe and Hiram Heath made the furrow across to Monticello. John Tenbrooke was the surveyor. After this, William Monroe got up and circulated a petition for the opening of a state road from Charleston to Bloomington. The legislature granted the petition and Daniel Stickle and Judge Hughes were appointed commissioners. George Heath was surveyor. The new road traversed the county very nearly in the track of the old road, which crossed from Monticello to 436 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. the head of the timber, crossed the Fork and on down on the east side of the stream. A mail route was established, the mail being carried on horseback. Mr. O. C. Denslow was the first postmaster, and was on the land owned by Mr. Samuel Harshbarger. The postoffice was moved to Mr. Jesse Monroe's house and Richard Monroe was appointed postmaster. The route was discontinued after the Toledo, Wabash & Warsaw railroad was built. Mr. Monroe, when he went to Yandalia to enter his land, carried apple seeds home in his saddle- bags and planted them. He reports that he and his neighbors did well in their farming. They were all sociable and peaceable. Nor were they lacking in hospitality. Mr. Monfoe states that he has taken persons into the house to stay over night, until in the morning those nearest the door wouM actually have to get out of the way to permit the others to arise. MR. RICHARD MONROE, farmer, is a native of Indiana. He came to Piatt county in 1836 and has lived longer in Unity township than any other person. He was married March 1, 1863, to Anna E. Gosney and lives on his father's old homestead. Mrs. Monroe's. mother lies buried at the Bement cemetery. Her father married Mrs. M. Byers and lives in Bement. In 1876 Mr. Monroe built a very iine frame house containing ten rooms. He is gradually improving his place until in neatness and appearance it can compete with any other in the county. MR. JOSEPH MOORE, "Buckskin Joe," farmer, was born in Ohio in 1812. He is of German and Irish descent. Twenty-four years of his life were spent in Kentucky, in which state he married Emelia B. Whittaker. He says that he visited this country about 1832, that he liked it better than the timber land where he had been living, so he went home, married, and came out here Piatt county about 183.6. When he reached this part of the country he had just seventy-five cents, one-third of which he gave to Henry Sadorus for meal. His father was dead, but his mother and all the family came to this county. His mother died about 1857 or 1858, and now all the family are gone except himself and one sister. Mr. Moore efitered a part of his present home place in 1838, and in 1844 put up what he supposes to be the first hewed log house in the township. He still lives in the house, which is 32 X 36 feet, and of which all the window and door casings are of hewed wood. In 1843 he put out an orchard of about five acres. His orchard seemed so large, his house appeared of such great size, that his neighbors declared that "he put one forty in the orchard, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 437 another in the house, and cut the timber off the other forty to put his house on." Mr. Moore tells some interesting facts in regard to the young ladies whom he knew in the pioneer days of this county. Two girls started from where Comargo now is and walked through Piatt county and on to the trading house which was twelve miles below Monticello. Upon their return they were overtaken by a hailstorm, and when they reached Mr. Moore's they were covered with the marks of the falling hailstones. Mr. Moore's sisters used to get on horses and travel to Charleston, twenty-eight miles distant, in order to receive letters from their lovers. When we asked Mr. Moore to tell us some hunting stories he exclaimed, "Oh, 'twill be useless to begin to tell my hunting excursions !" When asked how many deer he had killed in a day he said, " Only as high as seven in a day." lie used to get from fifty cents to $1 for deer skins and from twenty-five cents to $1.25 for coon skins. He says that he and another man once made a bargain that they would quit hunting when they could not kill a deer a day and they did quit. As there are four Joe Moores in Unity township, the people of that place have chosen to give the subject of our sketch the sobriquet of "Buckskin Joe." We suspect that his hunting pro- pensities had something to do with the chosen name. Mr. Moore's eldest daughter, Mary, married Mr. Martin Parrent and went to Nebraska, w r liere she died in 1881, leaving one daughter, Mary Ruth. William Moore lives not far from his father's residence (see his name). Robert W. Moore married Melissa Shults and lives in Unity township. Their children's names are Margaret, Oscar, Rhoda, Dora and Jessie. Nancy Moore married James Goodson and had one daughter, Harriet. Mr. Joseph Biggs became her second husband. They have one daughter and live in Douglas county. In 1864 Mr. Joseph Moore married Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson nee Elitha Parrent. She came to the county in 186-4. Mr. Moore helped to haul lumber for the first court- house in Piatt county. He remembers of loaning fifty cents to one of his neighbors (the gentleman is yet one of his neighbors) with which to pay his first taxes. Mr. Moore was wounded in 1840 by 'd pitchfork. As a result he has lost a good portion of the bones of one hand. One glance at " Uncle Joe," as he is often called, will convince any one that he is a pioneer settler. And he is proud of having been one. Why shouldn't he be ? We of a later generation often fail, no doubt, to give the pioneers due credit for all the work they accomplished and under difficulties any of us would find it hard to overcome. They should, every one of them, feel a pride in that they have struggled 438 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. through the long years and have made themselves what they are. Mr. Moore, when we went to hear him tell his old-time tales o'er, displayed to us the characteristic and genuine pioneer hospitality. As soon as he perceived us he seemed to take it for granted that we had come to spend the day. He did not use many words but in terse pioneer sen- tences bade us welcome. We were scarcely seated in his hewed log house when we caught a glimpse of our horses disappearing into the stable. All this took place without a word that we expected to stay more than a few minutes. When the time for departure came he bade us good-bye and invited us to return in his same characteristic way. He, and his old-time stories are known throughout the county. From all parts of the county have we been directed to be sure and see " Buckskin Joe Moore" if we desired to hear some good old tales in regard to early times in Piatt county. MR. WILLIAM F. MOORE, farmer, was married in 1867, to Elizabeth Owen, a native of Ohio, and of Welsh descent. She died of consump- tion, leaving one child, Owen. Mr. Moore next married Anna Stafford, who was born in Piatt county, but was reared in Indiana. Her father, Jno. W. Stafford, was from Virginia, and her mother from Kentucky. They lived for about fifteen years in Piatt county, and both died on the place Mr. Moore lives on now. When last married Mr. Moore settled on his present home place. In 1876 he moved the house to its present position, and in 1880 built a new barn. The farm contains 400 acres, and has improved a good deal since Mr. Moore has had it in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have but one child, Carry. MR. BENJAMIN MOORE (deceased) moved to Piatt county in 1839, and settled on land which he had entered previous to his moving out from Montgomery county, Indiana. He celebrated his marriage with Sarah Monroe just previous to moving to Illinois. Friends who were coming induced Mr. and Mrs. Moore to come to Illinois. They endured many hardships and exposures when they settled in the new country. Wolves used to run chickens up to the yard fence in day- light. Mrs. Moore now lives in a log cabin built in 1841, and for which her husband hewed the logs. Mr. Moore died October 11, 1852, aged thirty-six years. They had four children, two of whom are living. Aaron went into the army for three years. Upon his return he married Martha Pervine, but died about three years after, from disease resulting from exposure in the army. Allen J. lives with his mother, and has charge of the home place. Chas. B. married Martha Shonkwiler, and lives in Unity township, on part of the land that Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 439 Moore settled on. They have two children, Adrian T. and Nellie. Ruth Ann married Geo. Wiley, and died leaving two children, Win. and Laura. MR. ISAAC MOORE, a farmer near At wood, was born in Ohio in 1823. He moved from his native state to Kentucky, from there to Indiana, and thence to Piatt county about 1865. He was first united in marriage to Phebe Kelly, who died leaving one child, that also died. His second wife, nee Mary Thomas, died leaving two children, Rebecca E., who has one child, and who is the wife of L. T. Hageinan, a carpenter of Sullivan ; and Ezra, who is still at home. He took for his third wife Mrs. Benj. Meeks nee Clementine Newton, whose daughter, Anna Meeks, is still living at home. They have four children living, Chas., Bertie, Cora and Frank. Mr. Moore owns about eighty acres of land. MR. LUTHER MOORE, a farmer, was born in 1814, in Scioto county, Ohio. His parents lived in Crawfordsville, Indiana, for a time. His father came to Piatt county and bought forty acres of land where Mr. Moore now lives. Luther came the next fall, 1837. Soon after coming to his land Mr. Moore put up a little cabin, made three or four thousand rails, fenced his land and broke it, and then, in 1840, married Mary J. Stewart, of Coles county, and went right to house- keeping. He has modified and added to his residence from time to time since, until he has the present neat house. When he first came to the county he had nothing but one sled and a horse. His orchard of about one hundred trees are from seeds which were carried from Indiana in the vest pocket. Of Mr. Moore's first wife's children, Geo. W. died in the late war ; Allen married Catharine Greene, and lives in Kansas ; Isaac G. married Janie Epperson, and lives inJPolk county, Nebraska ; Sarah J., the wife of Joseph Wiley, has two children, and lives in Sedgwick county, Kansas ; Wm. H. and Hannah are twins, the former married Hester A. Taylor, has two children, and lives in Bement township ; the latter married Wm. Mosbarger, a hardware merchant of Atwood, they have two children ; Benjamin F. , a farmer, married Julia Maxey, and lives in Unity township. Six of the first Mrs. Moore's children are dead. In 1864 Mr. Moore married Sarah E. Kearny, a native of Pickaway county, Ohio, and became a resident of Piatt county in 1861. Her mother died very suddenly in this year, and her father died in 1864. Her brothers and sisters went back to their old home in Douglas county. Since then they have become widely scattered. One sister, who has been blind for twenty years, 440 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. makes her home with Mrs. Moore. The second Mrs. Moore has had six children, Mary E., Harvey L., Albert T., Marion. Oliver and Harry. MB. PETER MAXEY, carpenter, Atwood, is a native of Kentucky, his parents 1 natal state. He is of French descent, his great-grandfather and grandmother on both sides came from France before the revolution and settled in Virginia. His parents moved from Kentucky to Coles county, Illinois, in 1836. Peter Maxey came to Unity township in 1858, and for a time was a farmer. He helped to build some of the first houses in Atwood. In 1851 he married Minerva Fitzpatrick, of Irish lineage and a native of West Virginia. They have had ten chil- dren, seven of whom are living. Deborah J. is the wife of Mr. L. Bishop, a mechanic in Unity township; Juda is the wife of Francis Moore, a farmer of Unity township; Laura married Thos. Cogdell, a farmer; Theodore, Cora Bell and Oliver are at home. Mr. Maxey went to the Mexican war in 1846, in Co. G (the Ottawa Co.), under Capt. Reed and Col. Newby. He was in the long, wearisome and tedious march to and from Sante Fe, New Mexico. He was in no skirmishes. He was also in the late war, starting out August 1862, in Co. H of 107th 111. reg., and remaining nearly three years. He was not wounded, but was in the following engagements: Huff's Ferry, Campbell Station, Knoxville, Rocky-faced Mountain, Dalton, Resaca and Peach-tree Creek, at which place he was taken sick. Since writing the above, have heard of the death of Mr. Maxey, which occurred June 21, 1882. About seventh-five soldiers took part in the funeral cere- monies, commanded by Capt. Anderson of Atwood. Mr. Maxey was born in Kentucky in 1830, and has been a member of the Christian church for twenty-six years. MR. JAMES McDowELL (deceased) was born in 1820. He was mar- ried September 25, 1845, to Lydia McKinstry, and in 1858 moved to Decatur, Illinois. At the end of one month they moved from there to Bement, Illinois. They stayed the first night in Bement at Dr. Buck- ley's, and immediately put up a one-room shanty, 25 X 16, on the lot where Mr. T. T. Petit now lives. The next day after moving into the shanty they had ten boarders. In September they moved into a part of what is now the Bement House. Mrs. McDowell was in the hotel from this time until 1870. Mr. McDowell died November 1, 1860, leaving his property about $1,700 in debt The money for the pay- ment of this debt had to all be made out of the hotel, and in less than three years Mrs. McDowell paid off the debt. She says that she will BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 441 always feel grateful to the people of Bement and Piatt county for their kindness in this emergency. Mr. J. Virgil McDowell married Miss Gelia McCose, of Michigan. They with their one child, Amy, make their home at Champaign, where Mr. McDowell is employed in the First National Bank. Samuel married Miss Maize McCose, of Michigan, and lives in Chicago. Mary E. married N. S. Buckner, now presiding elder in Kansas, in 1869, and died in 1870. Gharries B. married Ella Felix, and is a fruit agent in New York city. Ella married Mr. Cary Moore, now a commission merchant in New York. They have three children. William McDowell is in Chicago. Mrs. McDowell married Mr. James Wharton in 1864. MR. CHRISTOPHER MASTERSON, farmer, was born in Indiana in 1835. He is of German descent. He was married in 1861, to Elizabeth Quick, a native of Piatt county, born in 1844. He moved into Piatt county in 1875. His father bought land in Piatt county in 1857, and was well acquainted throughout the southern part of the county. His mother was a sister of Messrs. Daniel and Samuel Harshbarger. Mr. Masterson belongs to the Masonic lodge. He has been deacon in the Christian church four years, and a trustee for seven years. DR. Jxo. S. MARSHALL, a resident physician of Atwood, was born in Ohio in 1832. He is of German descent, and parents, now both dead, moved from their native state, Virginia, to Ohio. He moved from that state to Illinois 1862 or 1863, and has been practicing medi- cine in Unity township ever since. For eight years he has had an interest in merchandise, and for the last two years has been alone in the business. He is the oldest resident physician of Atwood. He married, in 1853, Eliza Drury, who died February 29, 1881, leaving three children. William R. married Lucinda Tarrant, who died, leav- ing three children. Albert L., who assists his father in the merchan- dise business, married Mollie A. Grove, and has one child, Bertha. Elmer E. is studying telegraphy. MR. [SAAC C. MILLER, farmer, near Atwood, is a native of Indiana. His father was from New Jersey and his mother from Pennsylvania. He moved from Indiana to Clark county, and from there to Piatt county in 1852. He was married in Indiana in 1828. to Angelina Lee, a relative of Gen. Lee, and who died in 1833, leaving one daughter, who married O. P. Cook, of Paris, Illinois. He next married Jane Wildman in 1858, who died, leaving six children, Clarissa, Catharine, Eliza, Isaac C. B., Amzi W. and Sarah Belle. He was married in 1877, to Mary Green. Mr. Miller has lived on his present homeplace 442 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. for twenty years. His father was in the war of 1812, and his grand- father took part in the revolutionary war. MR. JACOB MITCHELL (deceased) moved from Ohio to Illinois, where he and his wife both died in 186T, leaving a family of boys. Of these, William married Lillie Taylor, has one child, and is a merchant of Mil- mine; John married Cynthia Tatman, and has one child; Jacob owns a farm of eighty acres in Unity township ; Joseph is a farmer, and George lives in Willow Branch township. Their father left about 160 acres of land in addition to some timber land. MR. GEORGE MOON, farmer, Mackville, is a native of Virginia, from which state he moved to Indiana, and thence to Coles county, Illi- nois, and from there to Piatt county in 1857. He first married Mary Ann Babb, who was the mother of four children, Eli, Eliza, Isaac and Alfred. He next married Ellen Nelson, who gave birth to twins, Franklin and Francis. MR. JOSEPH McCABE, farmer, Yoorhies, moved from Ohio, his native state, to Piatt county in 1865, settling in Willow Branch township, but afterward moving onto his present farm of 160 acres in Unity town- ship. He was married in Ohio, in 1846, to Elizabeth Miller, and five of their six children- are living. John married Sarah Bunyan, lives in Unity township, and has three children, Ulrich, Ellsworth and an infant ; Jos. H., Samuel, Albert W. and Charlie are at home. Mr. McCabe has held a few of the lesser offices while living in the county. MR. A. J. MYERS, a druggist of Hammond, is a native of Macon county. He moved to Piatt county in 1876, bought a stock of drugs of a druggist in Hammond, and built his present store building. He and his partner, Dr. Noe, have the largest drug store in Hammond. Mr. M} r ers was married in 1873, to Miss Ella Payne. They have three children living, Leonora May, Effie Viola and Ethyl. MR. J. W. MERRITT, blacksmith, Atwood, was born in Virginia, his parents' native state. They moved to Illinois in 1854. He was married in Coles county, January 16, 1857, to Irena Conly, who was a native of Indiana. They have had seven children, J. W., Jr., is mar- ried and lives in Atwood ; Anna married Robert Sipe, one of the tile firm, Sipe & Son, and lives in Atwood. The names of the remaining children are Dazella, Elmer, May, Bertie and Claud. Mr. Merritt went to the army from Coles county in Co. E of the 25th 111. reg. He was in the following engagements : Pea Ridge, Stone River, Chickamauga, Perryville and Corinth. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Chick- amauga, September 20, 1863, and was in four different prisons, Libby, RESIDENCE OF AYii.i.iAM II. PIATT. RY V OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 445 Danville, Andersonville and Florence. At Florence the stockade was not completed and the guards were insufficient, so that he, in company with some others, made their escape. It took them seventeen days to travel from Florence to Newburn. They swam streams and traveled by night, and even then they would have had a serious time to get through had they not been helped by negroes whom they had taken into confidence. When they got home the folks had given Mr. Merritt up as dead. He says : " All things considered, I didn't enjoy prison life very much." MR. THOMAS MORRIS, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ireland, who came to America in 1853. In 1855 he came to Piatt county, and about fourteen years ago bought his present home-farm, which now contains 240 acres of land, which he has improved himself. The farm was bought by hard days' labor, and the improvements were made in the same manner. He was married in 1861, to Mary Connor, a native of Ireland, and has had nine children, six of whom are living, Michael, David, James, Mary, Thomas and Henry. MR. GEORGE W. NOLIND, farmer, was born in 1822, in Pike county, Ohio. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother of Virginia. Both are dead. He moved to La Fayette, Indiana, when there were but three log houses in the place. He stayed in Indiana about twelve years and then came to Coles county, Illinois, and in 1847 moved to Piatt county. He was married in 184T, to Sally Terry, a native of Virginia. When asked if his children were boys, he said, ' Yes, we had three boys but all wore petticoats." Lieurena is liv- ing at home. Lucinda married Willis Bushell and lives in Unity town- ship ; she has four children, Kosa, Lily, Leander and George. Isabel married E. E. Kichey, and lives in Unity township, they have three children, Euth E., Elmer and Noble. Both of Mr. Nolind's daughters live on his land. He improved most of the place himself. He says that at an early day here if one did not try to be a neighbor the people would make him be one. When he first settled in the county he knew everybody in Monticello, and there were no neighbors between that place and his farm near the southern county line. He was not a hunter, but once, after killing a deer, he labored under the delusion that he was' until he hunted a whole week without killing anything. At the end of this week he brought his gun to the house and hung it up, saying, 'There ye'll hang till I sell you," and it did. After this the gentle- man said " That's George's hunting." He acknowledges that he was a great wolf chaser, and that he could soon run down a horse while after 28 446 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. a wolf. He "often bought a gun, but would rub it up and sell it." Mr. Nolind is a cheerful old man, and says he "never allows to get old." He has been gray-headed ever since he can remember, and has never been confined with sickness for an hour. D. O. NOE, M.D., is a native of Missouri, and has been in the county about six years. His practice extends throughout the southern part of Piatt county and in the northern part of Moultrie county. He is kept quite busy in his work and considers that he has been suc- cessful as a practitioner. The year of 1880 passed with his losing but one or two patients, and those just at its close. Dr. Noe's specialty is with diseases of women and children. During the summer of 1881 he did not lose a single child patient. Dr. Noe is a graduate of the St. Louis Homoeopathic Medical College ; also of Missouri School of Midwifery, and of the St. Louis College of Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. He was first educated in the old school, but uses both the old and the new. He was married in 1875, to Clara Van Hook. They have one child, Stella. MR. OLONZO NEWTON, of Hammond, put up the first residence in that place. He is a native of Virginia, from which state he moved to Ohio, and from there to Pike county, Illinois, in 1855, and thence to Piatt county in 1859. He settled first at Monticello, and for a time was clerk in a clothing store. In 1865 he married Mary J. Wilkinson, who is the mother of three children, Charles W., William Edward and Walter Bertie. Mr. Newton put up the first store in Hammond, was the first railroad agent there, and at present (1881) is running the first flax mill of the place. He was a captain in the late war. He went out in 1862, in Co. H of the 107th 111. Inf. and served two years, but was in no engagement during the time. MR. JOHN NIGHSWANDER, farmer, is a native of Ohio. His parents moved from Ohio to Illinois, and in 1860 he came to Piatt county. He was married in Piatt county to Sarah Fay, and has had six children, one of whom is dead ; N. Alice, Flora, Charlie, Mattie and Ella. Mr. Nighswander owns eighty-five acres of land. MR. JAS. P. OWINOS, grain buyer, is a native of Howard county, Missouri. He was in Piatt connty in 1845, and in hunting some stray stock found no house between Mr. Joe. Bakers, of Unity township, and Mr. Jas. Piatt's, of Monticello township. He did not settle in the state, however, till 1876, when he began dealing in stock at Atwood. Pie began buying grain in 1879. Mr. Owing's first wife nee Mary J. Hackett, died leaving three children. He next married Elizabeth BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 447 Truax, who died leaving no children. He was married again in 1879, to Mrs. Helton tiee Elizabeth J. Shelby, who has been a resident of the county for ten or twelve years. Mr. Owings went to the Mexican war on June 20, 1846, from Charleston, in the 3d 111. reg., under Capt. Bishop and Col. Foreman. From the time he left New Orleans until he got back to Dallas, Texas, he had no biscuit and butter. He did not want to return by water, but finally started, and was in two storms on the Gulf. When they got off at Galveston, they were just twelve hours rim from their starting place. He, Sam'l Logan, Geo. Wells, Win. Sublet and John Foster came home then by land. The principal engagements in which he took part were those at Point Isabel and Matamoras and was ordered to Monterey, Cerro Cordo and Buena Yista. * He was under the*brigade commander Gen. Shields. MR. BALTUS ORR, farmer, Hammond, is of German and Irish descent, and was born in Ohio, from which state he moved to La Salle county, Illinois. He came to Piatt county in 1865, and settled near Bement. He moved from there to his present home in Unity town- ship in 1869. He owns 160 acres of land, which he has improved himself. Mr. Orr draws rather a doleful picture of the appearance of the surrounding country when he settled on his. farm. He says deer and wolves were plenty. There was no house between his farm and Bement, and part of the time, he thinks, he could "swim a horse half-way to Bement." But now, quite happily, there is a change in the condition of affairs. Deer and wolves are exterminated, many houses have been built, and ditching has been done until most of the land is in good farming condition.' In 1880 Mr. Orr's corn crop averaged sixty bushels to the acre. Mr. Orr was married in 1865, to Hannah Boring, and has one child, Addie. .MR. JOHN PEMBLE, farmer, was born in East Kent, England. When he was seventeen he came to New York. He moved from there to Michigan, and then, after traveling in the west somewhat, he settled in 1855 within nine miles of Bement, Piatt county. He was married in 1865, to Mary A. Allerton. He was in the army for three years, going out in Co. E of the 21st 111. Corinth, Murfrees- borough and Perry ville were the principal battles in which he engaged. His parents lived in Cerro Gordo. MR. J. P. PONDER, farmer, was born in 1816, in North Carolina. He first moved to Tennessee, and from there went to Kentucky, from which state he came to Piatt county in 1864. He owns 160 acres of land, besides some town property. He was married in North 448 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Carolina, to Matilda Bradford, and lias had eight children, seven of whom are living. Sophronia J. married Mr. Tweed. She next married Mr. Franklin, and lives in Unity township. Naomi is living at home. Verlincia married Mr. John Edmonson, and lives in Moultrie county. James and John each own 160 acres of land. Rosetta and Marcetta are school teachers. MR. LEVI E. HANCOCK, a farmer near Mackville, was born in Ken- tucky in 1823. His parents, natives of Virginia, moved to Kentucky, and from there to Indiana, where his mother, eighty-four years of age, now resides. In 1844 Levi Hancock and Mary Wheeler were married. She was a native of Kentucky, but had been living in Indiana. Five of their children are living. William H. is farming in Kansas. Alonzo is farming on the home farm. Jasper -Hathaway is a farmer in Kansas. Sarah married Albert Collins, and, with her hus- band and two children, lives at Pekin, Illinois. Estella married John Snyder. They, with their three children, live in Kansas. Mr. Han- cock moved to his present home in Piatt county in 1858. They moA r ed in the month of February, into a little log hut on the place. The cabin was without doors, and the floor was minus. However, with a little work, they managed to remain in the house till a better one was afforded. He bought his farm in 1857, and now owns 183 acres. His present residence was built in 1871. Mr. Hancock is a member of the Masonic lodge at Bement. MR. THEODORE J. RICHEY, a furniture dealer and insurance agent of Atwood, is a native of Sullivan county, Indiana, and is of German descent. His father is a native of Kentucky, while his mother was born in Indiana. They were married in the latter state, and moved from there to Coles county, thence to Douglas county, and then to Moultrie county, about three and one-half miles southwest of Atwood. His mother died September 15, 1867, was buried at the Harshbarger cemetery, and Mr. Livengood preached the funeral sermon. Mr. Richey, the subject of this sketch, was married April 4, 1869, to Martha Wilson, a resident of Mackville. They have had five chil- dren, three of whom, Freddie Albertus, Claudius Pearl, and Jessie Ethyl, are living. Mr. Richey lived in Mackville for about five years, and then moved to Atwood, and wasjlie first family which lived in the place after it was made a town. He was an undertaker, a car- penter, and a painter, and was in the first mechanical shop that was ever in Atwood. It was moved thither from Mackville. Mr. Richey belongs to the Royal Templars of Temperance. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 4:49 MR. NOAH RICHARDSON, farmer, Unity township, is a native of Indiana. His father was in the war of 1812. He moved to Illinois in 1857 and first settled almost on the lines of Champaign, Douglas and Piatt counties, the house being just in Champaign county. In 1858 he moved to where he now lives on the forty acres of his farm which he has not sold. In 1857 he and Emma Pratt were united in the bonds of matrimony. None of their three children are living. One daughter, however, lived to be a young lady. Mr. Richardson has been justice of the peace, was school trustee for three years, school treasurer one and a half years, and school director for twelve years. MR. SIMON SHONKWILER, farmer, was born in Scioto county, Ohio, November 15, 1806. His grandfather emigrated from Germany to America during the revolutionary war. He had a college education of fourteen years, and at the time of his arrival in America had some kind of writing to do. Simon's father was in the war of 1812. The whole family moved from Ohio to Indiana, Putnam county, from which place Simon moved to Piatt county in 1837. In 1837 or 1838 he settled on the place where he now lives. A portion of the place was covered with heavy timber, which he cleared off, and the rest was covered with tall prairie grass. A tent against a tree sufficed as a camping place for the family until a cabin eighteen feet square was raised in the same yard where his present residence stands. The latter house is of log, is two-story, contains five large rooms in the log part, and has been built for thirty-five years, [t is probably the largest log house in the county. Mr. Shonkwiler's old orchard contains the largest apple-trees that we have seen in the county. He says that some of them measure seven and one half feet in circumference. Mr. Shonkwiler was married in Indiana to Theodosia Reed, who had five children, all of whom are living. Elizabeth married Philo Wildman, has seven children and lives on a farm. Daniel is'unmarried and lives at home. Mary married John Masterson, has four children and lives within three miles of Mr. Shonkwiler's. Harriet Eliza married George Smithers (now deceased), and lives in Bement ; she has three children. Jacob Shonkwiler, a soldier in the late war for about three years, married Mary Masterson, has one child, and lives about one mile from Mr. Shonkwiler's. The first Mrs. Simon Shonkwiler died in 1848. In 1850 Mr. Shonkwiler married Mrs. Chas. Webster nee Anna Schee. She was born in Ohio in 1825. In 1842 her parents moved to Missouri, where in 1844 she married Mr. Webster, who died in seven years, leaving her a widow with three children. Eleanor Webster 450 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. married John Milliken, and lives in Milmine. Mr. West Webster married Alice McMillen, lias four children and lives on the home-place. James Webster, a soldier in the late war, married Viola Holtz ; she died leaving one child. Since her last marriage Mrs. Shonkwiler has had four children, all of whom are living. Jennie is unmarried and lives at home. Oliver married a Miss Griffith, and since 1875 has lived in Iowa ; they have two children. Martha Shonkwiler, the wife of Chas. Moore, has two children, and lives one mile from her father's. Francis Marion Shonkwiler lives at home, but of late has been attend- ing school at Valparaiso. Mr. Simon Shonkwiler used to be considered quite a hunter. He hunted a month in the fall for two succeeding years, and killed forty-three deer during each hunt. As we noticed the agility with which he moved about over his place in 1881, we could almost pronounce him ready for another hunt, and at a moment's notice. The energy of his early days has by no means left him. He seems to have time for no idle moments. MR. NATHANIEL SHONKWILER came to Piatt county about 1888. He has lived in Atwood about five years, but anticipates returning to his old homestead on the farm. He was married in Piatt county, to Clarissa Harshbarger, who died. Two of her daughters are living. Mary married Isaac Barritt and lives in Unity township. She has four > children, Emily, Nathaniel, John and Elizabeth. Nancy Shonkwiler married David Wither, has two children and lives near Hammond. Mr. Shonkwiler next married Sarah J. Barritt. Two children, Marga- ret and Ida, are living. Margaret married John Lucas, a druggist of Atwood. They have one child, Maud. Mr. Shonkwiler entered a portion of his land at Vandalia. He now owns TOO acres. MR. WILLIAM G. SNYDER, farmer, was the fourth child of a family of twelve, was born January 19, 1832, in Scioto count} r , Ohio, and is of German and Welsh lineage. His parents were born in Virginia, and in childhood emigrated to Ohio. He lived in Ohio until the win- ter of 185455, when he visited Illinois, spending part of the winter on Lake Fork, in Unity township. While here he amused himself by "following the tracks of the deer, whose instinct had taught them to march before civilization; so he did nothing but obliterate their tracks in the snow." At that time prairie chickens were so plenty that " in case one failed in his own attempts at shooting, for ten cents he could buy enough of the game to give a person the impression that he was a regular Nimrod." In the spring of 1855 William G. "tried to shake the mud from off his feet and left a country which, during a part of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 451 the year at least, appeared grand in nothing but skating rinks and high-pressure wind." He started for Kansas, stopping, however, in Macoupin county to see a lady who twelve years later became his wife. While in this county he heard of "an over-production of Sharp's rifles" in Kansas, and fearing a panic he concluded to go to Ohio, where he remained, with the exception of a trip to Kansas and Mis- souri, until August 1861. During this summer he had his first experi- ence as a soldier. We will relate it in his own words: "My first experience as a soldier was when I was first lieutenant of a company of home guards in the summer of 1861. We had, as I thought, about sixty of as brave boys as ever attended roll-call. We had decided on very fantastic uniforms, had them made, but had not drilled in them yet when a call was made on us to repair to Granupsburg, a little town situated on the Ohio river, about thirty miles above Portsmouth, on the Kentucky side, to drive away a brigade of rebels who were butch- ering men, women and children so report had it. We were to meet at a place called Lucasville, and be transported to the river in farm wagons and proceed up the river by steamboat to drive back the invad- ing army of the rebels. When we got ready to start from Lucasville we found that one wagon was sufficient to transport all present and able for duty. Out of the sixty members of our company, Capt. A. F. Miller, myself, Lieut. Geo. Jones and private H. J. Snyder were all that we could muster. On arriving at Portsmouth, Ohio, Col. Kag- nor called for a report from Capt. Miller. He reported one private and three commissioned officers present, and fifty-six non-commissioned and privates on the sick-list. Col. Ragnor ordered us to divest our- selves of our swords and repair to the armory and be invested with a musket apiece; and that order was the destruction of as fine a military company as usually falls to the lot of anyone to command. I think they were brave not one but would have died rather than meet the enemy or leave home at that early stage of the rebellion. Of course they were principally men who believed that the war would end in ninety days, and of course it would be foolishness for them to sacrifice their business, and probably their lives, when there were so many whose duty it was to go at their country's call." In August, 1861, Mr. Snyder enlisted in Co. G of the Ohio Yol. Inf., and went into camp at Portsmouth, Ohio, where he remained until February 12, 1862, when the company was sent to Fort Donelson, where they arrived in time to see the rebel flag hauled down, but not in time to take any active part in its capture. The following is a list of the battles in which Mr. Sny 452 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. der was engaged: Pittsburg Landing, siege of Corinth, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, siege of Vicksburg, siege of Jackson, Carrion Crow Bayou, Sabine Cross-Roads, Monnett's Ferry and Snaggy Point. He served as private, corporal, orderly-sergeant and quartermaster-sergeant. He was commissioned as second lieutenant December 24, 1862, to rank as such from September?, 1862. He was promoted and commissioned as first lieutenant September 1, 1863, to rank as such from May 16, 1863. On the 10th of August, 1864, he was promoted to captain, and on the 2d of April, 1866, he was promoted to major. His regiment was veteranized in February 1864, and was discharged from service in May 1866, at Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Snyder was married October 14, 1867, to Mary E. Weaver, of Macoupin county. They went to Ohio and lived one year, and then returned to Illinois, stopping in Cham- paign county, but expecting to locate in Douglas county. His wife was stricken with spotted fever and died March 17, 1868, about one month after their return to Illinois. He purchased land in Piatt county in 1868, and moved on to it the same year. On the 4th of January, 1872, he took for his second wife Mrs. T. B. Miller, nee Belle Rose, of Scioto county, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have had four children, the eldest of whom were twins, and but one of the four is living, Rose Loleta. When Mr. Snyder first visited Piatt county he says one could almost swim a horse from Lake Fork to Bement. He then thought the country almost worthless; but now he owns 160 acres of land, and is fast making a nice home. MR. BERNARD STUVE, a land owner of Piatt county, is a native of Germany, and came to America when four years old. His parents settled in Ohio, from which state he moved, finally settling in Illinois. He studied law at the Chicago Law University, and practiced at Spring- field. While located at Springfield he and Mr. Alexander Davidson published, in 1877, a history of Illinois. This is a more complete his- tory of the state than any which has ever been written, and we commend those who desire any information in regard to Illinois between the dates 1673 and 1873, to obtain and consult the work just referred to. Mr Stuve owns about 1,640 acres of land in Unity township. He has built upon this land the model tenant houses of the county. They are larger and more convenient than any, of our knowledge, in this county. The fact of Mr. Stuve's having land in the county led him to move hi& family to Monticello and make that place his home for a short time. They now reside in St. Louis, Missouri. In March, 1857, Mr. Stuve married Mary Illinois Wilson, daughter of Chief-Justice Wilson. They BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 453 have one son and four daughters, Wilson, Mollie C., Ella Illinois, Clementina and Alice Davidson. It will not be out of place here to give a brief sketch of the life of Judge Wilson, which we will condense from Davidson & Stuve's History of Illinois. William Wilson was born in London county, Virginia, in 1795. His father died when he was very young. After clerking in a store a time, and at the age of eighteen, he began studying law under Hon. John Cook, an able law- yer of the Virginia bar. At twenty-two years of age he came to Illi- nois to make a home, and in a year after his coming he came within six votes of being elected associate supreme judge at the inauguration of the state government. He was soon elected as associate justice, and, at the age of twenty-nine, was ejected to the honorable position of chief justice of Illinois. For nearly thirty years he held this position with great credit to himself and receiving the respect and confidence of the people. His country seat near Carmi, on the banks of the Little Wabash, was his pleasant summer resort, where he entertained royally and in the hospitable style of Old Virginia. His public career came to an end in 1848, and his death occurred April 29, 1857. MR. J. A. SAMPSON, a harness maker of Mackville, is of English lineage, and was born in Indiana. His father was a native of Ken- tucky, and his mother of Virginia. They lived in Unity township for a time, but died in Indiana. Mr. J. A. Sampson came to Piatt county from Indiana in 1857, at the instigation of his brother-in-law, J. N. Terrill. He farmed until 1862, when he went to work at his trade, and in 1866 opened the first saddler shop in Mackville. He was married about 1853 to Eliza J. Bobbins, who died in 1867. She had three children, two of whom are dead. Mamie married Solon Herod, of Indiana, and died leaving two children. Lola N. married John Mer- ritt, and they, with their one child, Nina Maud, live in Atwood. Mr. Sampson married Susan Boyle about 1867. They have no children. Mr. Sampson still lives in Mackville. MR. WILLIAM L. SHAW, a farmer of Unity township, moved from Indiana, his native state, to Shelby county, Illinois, in 1871. From this place he moved to Piatt county. He was married in 1866, to Leannah Price. They have three children living, Rosetta, Sarah Ellen and Theodore. Mr. Shaw went from Indiana to the war in Co. E of the 85th Ind., and remained from 1862 to June 1865. The principal battles he engaged in were those of Peach Tree Creek, Georgia and Fayetteville, North Carolina. He was taken prisoner at Christian, 454 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Tennessee, and was kept as such for two days. He was in Sherman's march to the sea. MR. JACOB SPITRLING, a farmer of Unity township, began his life in Old Virginia. He moved from that state to Illinois, and in 1875 settled on the place he now lives on in Piatt county. He owns 120 acres of land, upon which he has planted 150 trees and built a dwelling house. He married Miss Catherine York, and nine children have blessed their union. Eight children Mary, Martha, James, Reuben, Louisa, William, Frank and Sydney are living. Mr. Spurling went to the army in Co. D of the 116th 111. Inf. The principal battles he engaged in were those of Vicksburg, Jackson and Chattanooga. He was slightly wounded four times. At the kst battle mentioned he was shot across the forehead. He had some quite severe experiences in foraging expeditions. On one expedition he accidentally got in company with some rebels. As he was dressed partly in rebel and partly in Union uniform he easily made them believe he was a Southerner. After riding a time, he made some excuse to stop while the rest rode on. He then shot the horse from under one of the rebels, and, putting spurs to his horse, fled. Soon after this occurrence he was nearly overtaken by rebels, but he succeeded in keeping out of reach till he was near the Union camp, when he jumped down a fifteen-foot bluff, his horse fol- lowing. He rode into camp, escaping the fire from the rebels' guns. MR. GEORGE E. SARGENT, farmer, is a native of Peoria county, Illi- nois. He is of Irish and German lineage. His father, a native of Ohio, and his mother, a native of Kentucky, moved to Macon county about forty-seven or forty-nine years ago. Mr. Sargent came to Piatt county about twenty-seven years ago, but did not settle here until 1875, when he bought his present homestead. He was married in 1868, to Julia Coe, a native of Michigan, and who came to this state in 1859. They have three children, Albert D., Nancy Belle and Harry. Mr. Sargent went into the army from Coles county in Co. K, 21st 111. reg., and again in Co. B, 55th 111. He was out three years and three months, and was wounded at Kenesaw Mt. He has spent about ten years of his life in traveling over the United States. He has been "broke up and burned out a time or two.'" 1 DR. WILLIAM T. SMITSOX, practicing physician of Atwood, is a native of Brown county, Ohio. His father, of Maryland, and his mother, of Pennsylvania, moved to Ohio in 1833, and in 1866 both died of cholera in the same state. Dr. Smitson received his medical education at a medical institute in Cincinnati, where he graduated the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 455 winter of 1867-8. He came to Piatt county in the spring of 1868 and began pi-acting at Mackville, from which place he moved to Atwood in 1879. He was married in 1864, to Mary E. McCord, of Cincinnati, who died in 1879, leaving three children, Ida Francis, Oscar M. and Mabel Edna. He next married Lola Mathes, on March 31, 1881. Dr. Smitson went into the army from Brown county, Ohio, in Co. H, 12th Ohio Inf. He was in the engagements at South Mount, Maryland, Antietam, Cloyd Mt, Centerville, second battle of Bull Run and Car- nifax Ferry. He was in the army three years and four months ; was never wounded, but was once a prisoner for a few hours. MR. ISAAC M. SMITH, farmer, Yoorhies, is a native of Pennsylvania, and of German descent. He moved to West Virginia and from there to Piatt county in 1869. He first came to the county and bought some land, after which he returned to Indiana and married Nancy J. Cum- mins. They then moved to their new home. They now own 160 acres of land, all of which they have improved. Four children have blessed their union, Emery O., Alta Florence, Nora Ellen and Anna May. Mr. Smith went into the army in Co. H, 140th Ind. reg., was sergeant, and was out from 1863 to 1865, engaging in the battles of Murfreesborough and Nashville. At the former place he, with other soldiers, ate parched corn for three weeks. While in the army he helped to bury five of his bunk-mates who died from sickness and exposure. MR. .fJoHx TENBROOKE, hotel-keeper, of Hammond, was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Franklin county, Indiana. His father, Abraham Tenbrooke, and mother, nee Catharine Piatt, moved to Indiana in 1818. John, with his mother and sister, moved to Piatt county in 1838. In 1839 he built and opened the first hotel proper in Monticello. At first the hotel was composed of one log room and a shed addition. It was afterward remodeled and contained seven or eight rooms. Mr. Tenbrooke was married in 1840, to Aldula Sadorus, and in 1850 he sold out, left Monticello and moved to Sadorus Grove, where he lived until his wife's death in 1853. In 1865 he went to Decatur for a short time, but returned to Sadorus Grove and bought a farm. He next moved to Urbana. In 1871 he built a house near the college grounds in Urbana. After leaving Urbana he went to Danville for a year, and then, in August, 1880, he moved to Hammond. By his first wife he had four children. James died February 27, 1881, in Neva- da. Melissa married Mr. Jas. Lochrie, and, with a family of children, lives in Iowa. Henry married Lucy Eichardson and lives on a farm 456 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. I in Champaign county. Eliza married Henry Timmons and lives near Monticello. Mr. Tenbrooke married Mrs. Nancy Elder November 25, 1879. Mrs. Tenbrooke nee Nancy Nelson was first married to Mr. David Davis. She is a native of Brookville, Indiana, and has lived ten years in Missouri and five in Ohio. She has one son, Anthony Elder, who married Ada Popham and has one child. Mr. Tenbrooke was probably the third magistrate in Piatt county, then a part of Macon county, and has been justice of the peace for forty-three years. He was county commissioner of Champaign county at the time of the building of the court-house in Urbana. MR. ELIJAH TRYON (deceased) was a native of Indiana. He moved from that state to Piatt county over twenty years ago, and lived in Unity township until his death, in 1874. He held the office of super- visor of Unity township. At the time of his death he owned some over three hundred acres of land. He bought the raw prairie and made all improvements for the home place. He first married Agnes Smith, who died leaving two children, one of whom, Margaret, is living. She married Samuel Welch, and they, with three children, Laura E., Guy C. and Chas. A., live in Unity township. Mr. Tryon next married Rebecca Sampson, who died leaving two children by her first husband, and one, Clarinda, by her last. Clarinda is married and has one child, Lura Hester. They live in Unity township. Mr. Tryon was married again in 1869, to Nancy Shaw. It is a noticeable fact tkat the name of each one of his wives began with the sanie letter. Mr. and Mrs. (Shaw) Tryon had two children, Dora and Lola May. MR. L. M. TEMPLE, the third and present postmaster of Hammond, is a native of Ohio. He moved direct from that state to Illinois, and about 1873 came to Piatt county. He began business in Hammond about four years ago. He keeps a general merchandise store. He was married in 1866, to Mary C. Green. They have five children, Nancy E., Eva May, Fannie Dell, Nora Alice and Elbert Earnest. Mr. Temple is a member of the masonic lodge of Bement, No. 365. He went to the army in 1862, in Co. C of the 68th 111., and again in 1863, in Co. C of the 8th 111. Inf. The principal battles he engaged in were those of Jackson, Miss., Spanish Fort, Ala., and Fort Blakely, Ala. His first march was that of Sherman's raid from Vicksburg to Meridian, Mississippi, during which time he went thirty-one days without change of clothes. He was discharged May 4, 1866, at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Mr. Temple passed through the army without loss of limb, but he was destined to suffer such loss at a later date. On BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 457 August 2, 1876, he had his right arm crushed in the horse-power of a threshing machine, near Voorhies Station. Dr. T. A. Collett, of Lov- ington, Illinois, a graduate of the Michigan University at Ann Arbor, assisted by Drs. Parker and Vance, of Bement, amputated the arm at the shoulder joint at 8 A.M. August 3, 1876. MR. J. 1ST. TERRILL, farmer, was born in 1818, in Indiana. His parents were from Virginia, from which state they moved to Ohio and from there to Indiana. Mr. Terrill moved to Fiatt county in 1856. He first lived on Mr. Joe. Moore's place, and then on that of Mr. Adam Shonkwiler, from which he moved to Mackville, and then moved to the farm on which he now lives. He was married in Indiana, to Sarah A. Sampson, who was born in Kentucky in 1824. They have had seven children, five of whom are living. Mary married James Hunt, and lives in Tennessee ; they have four children. James died in the army. Rebecca R. married Jno. Matthews, who died in 1881 ; they have four children living. John is living at home. Alice married Albert Grove, a farmer, who lives at Mackville ; they have one child. Charles is at home. Mr. Terrill went to the army in 1862, in Co. H of the 107th reg. He never was in a battle or a skirmish. Mr. Terrill remembers, when he first came to the county, of Joe. Moore and Royal Mitchell's going to Bourbon to mill in a boat. It was the only possi- ble chance to get there, and they were three days making the trip. MR. HAMILTON TAYLOR, farmer, was born and partly reared in Page county, Virginia. His father died when he was but two years old. He moved from Virginia to Ohio and then to Montgomery county, Indiana. He next moved to Douglas county, Illinois, and in 1869 came to Piatt county. He owns forty acres of land. He was married in Montgomery county, Indiana, to Elizabeth Masterson, a native of Indiana, and has three children, all living. Mary Ann, the wife of James Taylor, has one child, Oscar. John William married Caroline Harshbarger and lives in Douglas county. Alice, the wife of Richard Brown, a native of New York, lives in Bement township. MR. H. C. TALLEY, a carpenter of Hammond, is a native of North Carolina and moved from there to Douglas county, Illinois. He spent two years in Champaign City as carpenter on the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western railroad, and in 1874 moved to Piatt county. He opened a carpenter shop soon after settling in the county. His wife, nee M. M. Cowen, is a native of Indiana. MR. H. F. TURNER, farmer, Voorhies, is a native of Missouri, from which state he moved to Coles county, Illinois, from there to Douglas 458 HISTORY OF MATT COUNTY. county, and in 1864 lie settled in Piatt county. He now owns eighty acres of land in Unity township. He was married in 1864, in Illinois, to Matilda Jones and has seven children, Nellie, Mary, Lizzie, Maggie, Zelica, Lear and Katie. MR. BENJAMIN QUICK (deceased) was a native of New York. His father moved from that state to Ohio, and from there to Indiana. A portion of the family, Benjamin, Smith, Huldah (Harshbarger), Theda (Harshbarger), with Ambrose and John, twins, and half brothers to the others, came to this county. Benjamin came in 1841 and settled on the place Mrs. Quick now lives on. He was married in 1836, to Elizabeth Utterback, a native of Harden county, Kentucky. Her parents were natives of Virginia and moved from Kentucky to Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Quick had a large family of children. John Quick, a soldier in the late war, married Mary Bryson and lives in Unity township. Isaac was in the rebellion also. Huldah was the wife of Isaac Baker and died in 1875. Elizabeth married Mr. Masterson. Naomi married Peter Mosbarger and died leaving three children. William H., a farmer in Unity township, married Rebecca Ater and has three children, Charles Ida and Albert. James married Anna Bryson. Miles married Margaret Landis and had one daughter, Grace E. Daniel is still living at home. Vincent married Permelia Livengood. Benjamin F. married Vashti Riley and lives with his mother. Mr. Benjamin Quick died December 26, 1875, aged sixty-five. He was a member of the Christian church and was a good husband and father. He left each of his children a farm of forty-five acres. His heirs were all satisfied with the disposition of property. MR. L. J. VANHOOK, a druggist and grocer of Hammond, is a native of Kentucky. He moved from there to Coles county, Illinois, in 1864 and in 1875 opened a drug store in Piatt county. In Kentucky he united his life with that of Mary J. Burk, of the same state. They have had seven children. John is married and lives in Missouri. Clarissa married Dr. Noe, of Hammond. Marion P. is in business in the post-office. The remaining members of the family are Balus, Mary, Jane, and an infant. MR. ELIJAH WILDMAN, farmer, near Atwood, was born in Ohio in 1828. His father, of Pennsylvania, and mother, of New York, moved to Ohio, thence to Indiana, and then to Douglas county, Illinois. He came to this county first when thirteen years old, but did not make it his home until he was twenty-three years old. He first bought land west of Mackville and then moved on to his present home place. He BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 459 was married in 1854, to Melvina J. Cain, a native of Indiana. They had fourteen children, twelve of whom are living. Sarah^ E. married .James Skidmore, a farmer. They have two children, Tilman and Lillie. The remaining names of the living children are Will D., Albert A., Benjamin F., Clarissa E., Mary E., Charles E., named for Judge Emerson, Elijah Q., named for great-grandfather in the revolu- tionary war, and Jurmana and Jurda, twins. Mr. Wildman is a member of the Christian church. MR. JAMES WHARTON, farmer, is of English and German lineage, and was born in Pennsylvania. Mr. Wharton came from Pennsyl- vania to Bureau county, Illinois, in 1854, and in 1860 moved to Bement, Piatt county, and began clerking in Mr. McDowell's hotel there. In 1864 he married Mrs. McDowell, and took charge of the hotel. In 1870 he moved out of the hotel into another house in Bement, and the next move was to the farm of 120 acres he now lives on. Mr. and Mrs. Wharton have two sons, Frank A. and George Le Sure. MR. JAMES WILSON is a native of Ohio, moved from there to Indiana, then to Piatt county about 186(1, and located in Unity town- ship, where he remained with the exception of one year. He was married in Indiana, to Nancy Owen, a native of that state, and five of their seven children are living. Columbus married Margaret Noland, lives in Atwood, owns three lots and a residence, and is a painter. Martha is the wife of Mr. Ritchey (see his sketch). Mary married W. F. Stovall, lives in Douglas county, and has two children. Thomas A. is in partnership with Mr. Ritchey, and is a member of the Royal Templars of Temperance and Masonic lodge. Miss I. D. Wilson is at home. MR. JOHN R. WORTHAM, a merchant of Hammond, moved from Kentucky, his native state, to Illinois in 1868, and in 18T3 settled in Hammond, Piatt county. In September of the same year he began merchandising in a new building which he had erected. He was married February 14, 1861, in Coles county, to Susan J. Abell. She died, leaving four boj^s, William L., Jessie L., Horace L. and Evan L., all of whom are at home. He next married Sarah E. Butz, nee Kizer, who has had three children, Edna L., Roy L. and Emma Lena. MR. EPHRAIM WITHERS (deceased), farmer, was a native of North Carolina. He moved from there to Arkansas, and from that state to Springfield, Illinois, and in 1866 moved to Unity township. He was 460 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. married in North Carolina, to Sarah Berry, who survives her husband. He died in 1881. They had seven children, four of whom are living. Seborn S. was in the late war. He married Emily Torrance, has three children, Allie, Lillie and Hattie, arid lives on a farm in Unity town- ship. Newton was also a soldier. His wife, nee Sarah Adams, is dead. David married Nancy Shonkwiler, has two children, Alma A. and Sarah J., is a farmer, and owns 120 acres of land. Catharine married "William Welch, a farmer, has five children, and lives in Kansas. MR. REUBEN WILLEY, a grocer and grain merchant of Pierson, is a native of Hamilton county, Ohio. He moved from there to Christian county, Illinois, in 1853. He was a merchant in Arcola, Douglas 'county, for a time, and then moved, in 1877, to Pierson. He opened the first store and grain offioe in the place, and for two years was the only person in business there. He was virtually the first postmaster in the place, there being one for only a few weeks previously. He has been notary public and has been township clerk for two years. He was married in 1879, to Mary N. Hunt, of Danville, Pennsylvania. They have one child, Frank R. Mr. Willey owns 120 acres of land in the vicinity of Pierson. His dwelling house was begun in 1875, and was the first house near the switch. MR. CHARLES WEAVER is a native of Pennsylvania, and moved from there to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1877. He first lived on Dr. Noecker's place, and in 1881 moved to Pierson. He is the first person to live in the laid-out town of Pierson. He was married in 1871, to Lizzie Hunt, and has four children, Carrie, Jennie, Ella and Grace. MR. JOSEPH W. ZORGER, farmer, Yoorhies station, was born in this county, Monticello township, in 1848, and has lived here all his life except a few years. He owns a farm of eighty acres in Unity township, upon which he has put all improvements, built a dwelling house, planted about two hundred trees, and has it well fenced and in a good condition. He was married in 1873, to Cordelia A. Fisher, a native of Green county, Illinois. Mr. Zorger is a member of Bement I.O.O.F. His father, Henry Zorger, deceased, was a native of Penn- sylvania, moved from there to Macon county, thence to Piatt county, and settled at an early time at what is now Mr. Mclntosh's mill. He owned the mill and lived there for a number of years, and in 1854 moved to Monticello, where he died in 1855. Mr. Zorger was mar- ried in Pennsylvania, to Elizabeth Spangler, whose father built CERRO GORDU TOWNSHIP. 461 Spangler's mill in Macon county. She died, leaving eight children: Sarah, who is the wife of Charles Haggerty, lives in Fulton county, and has three children ; Jacob married Margaret Miller, lives in De Witt county, and has a family of children ; Emanuel married, and died, leaving one child ; Kate, who married Mr. Benjamin, is now in Macon county, and was formerly a teacher in this county ; George was in Colorado when last heard from ; Mary married Richard Ratcliffe, lives in Woodford county, and has three children ; Susan is a school teacher, and lives with her sister Sarah ; Joseph W. ; Isaiah is married, lives in Champaign county, and has two children. Mr. Henry Zorger married his second wife, Mrs. Nevill, who died a year after he did, leaving two children by her first husband. CHAPTER XVn. CERRO GORDO TOWNSHIP. r I lIIIS township is seven miles wide and eight and one-half miles in J- length, thus containing fifty-nine and one-half sections of land. Almost the entire township is prairie land, a few groves in the southern part being about all the natural timber the town ship con tains. With the exception of the extreme southwestern and northwestern corners of the township the land seems perfectly flat, it being just slightly rolling, however, in the parts mentioned. The main drainage of the land is toward the south. A small branch of the Okaw rises in the southwestern part of the township and flows southeast. Cerro Gordo township is composed of good rich farming land. It already contains some of the most productive farms of the county ; and now that a great deal of artificial draining is being done, it will soon con- tain a goodly number of the best farms that the county affords. In regard to the name of the township, we have had two versions given as to its origin. One is that Col. Williams, who bought a large tract of land in the eastern part of the township and lived there a number of years, was noted for his deeds in the Mexican war, and that he was thus given the sobriquet of Cerro Gordo Williams. As he was the largest land-holder in that vicinity, it was not strange that it 29 462 HISTORY OF PiATT COUNTY. was supposed that when the townships were organized the name of Cerro Gordo was given on his account. At the time of the Mexican war a postoffiee in Mr. Geo. Peck's house, which was on the old stage route from Urbana to Decatur, was named Cerro Gordo, in memory of the battle of that name. After the railroad, now known as the Wabash, was built, the postoffiee was moved to the same, and ultimately the town was called Cerro Gordo. When the townships were organized it is quite likely that the name of the principal town was given to the township. We think that this latter version in regard to the name is the most plausible. Cerro Gordo township has two railroads and four stations. The Wabash railroad enters the township at the northeastern corner, extends southwest, leaving the township about two miles south of the northwest corner. Milmine and Cerro Gordo are situated on this road, while Lintner and La Place are on the road formerly known as the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield, and which passes from east to west about one-half a mile from the southern boundary line. Early settlement. The Cunninghams settled at seven mile or Cunningham grove at quite an early day, at least previous to the sudden freeze in 1836, and they had some neighbors whose names we could not learn. This grove alluded to is near La Place. Messrs. Joseph, Isaac and Daniel Howell, and John Sea, were the first people who settled in the vicinity of Cerro Cordo. With the exception of these people, there were not many who came to the township before the railroad was built. Soon after the building of this road, settlements began to be made at Cerro Gordo. One of the first deaths in the township was that of Wm. Lee, who lived near Mr. Jos. Howell's. Cerro Gordo. This town was originally named Griswold, but when the post-office was moved to the station from Mr. Peck's house in Willow Branch township, it retained the name of Cerro Gordo, and soon the name of the town was changed. The town was not incorpo- rated for a number of years after the station was made. Mr. McMurray was reported to us as being the first station agent of the place. The section house for railroad hands was the first building in the town. Andrew McKinney was the first postmaster, and put up the first dwelling house, and Andrew McKinney and A. L. liodgers in 1856 had the first general merchandise store of the place. Wm. Cole and Mr. Sawyer were also among the first to put up dwelling houses. The first death in the town we could learn of was that of Eugene, a little son of Mr. Denman, who died in 1856 from the effects of a rattle- CERRO GORDO TOWNS I III'. 463 snake bite. The first birth was reported as that of Mr. Dunbar's child. Among the first marriages, if not the very first, was that of Isaac McKinney and Miss Campbell. John Prosser was the first physician and John Fields the first blacksmith we have any note of. Jno. Garver and Mr. Green were the first teachers in the new school building, which was built about 1866. The first church was built in 1857, and was dedicated by Mr. Campbell. The mill now used by Mr. Pitts was put up about 1859. Cerro Gordo in 1858 contained only about two business houses and probably only a dozen residences. For quite awhile after the war Cerro Gordo was at a standstill, but within the last few years it has taken a new start and is now improving quite fast. There are about twenty-five business firms in the place now, and it is anticipated that the town will make steady improvement from this on. It now has about 700 inhabitants. It is well supplied with trees and contains a neat little park. Nowhere in the county were we met more cordially than by the people of Cerro Gordo. This town was the first in the county to vote against liquor license, and the residents see no cause to regret the fact that it has been a temperance town for some fifteen to eighteen years. Presbyterian church. This Presbyterian church was really organ- ized across .the river, in Willow Branch township, and in a school building, by Father Kingsbury, of Danville, and the church was known as the Liberty Prairie church. Meetings continued to be held there until Wesley chapel, in Macon county, was built, when the society met in that. About this time most of the members moved into Cerro Gordo and in a little while after the church in that town was started. For a time the meetings were held in the school-house, but ere long land was bought and the present building was erected about 1860. Origi- nally the congregation was of good size, but now there are probably not over twenty-five members. There is no regular minister, but Mr. Kingland, from Bement, preaches occasionally. Mr. J. C. Campbell was the first located minister of the church, and he was followed by Mr. McMurray. The Presbyterian church building was used by various denominations. Mr. John McKinney was largely instrumental in the building of the church. Methodist church. This church building was erected about 1866 by Mr. John Smith, and elder Buck dedicated it. At present it is a part of a circuit and has a membership of nearly one hundred persons. Mr. Smart is the minister, and his circuit includes in addition Kidge 4:64 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Chapel, Pleasant View and La Place. The Sunday school was organized about 1868. Temperance society. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized about May 20, 1881, by Miss Pitts, of Mansfield, Illi- nois. The officers elected were Mrs. E. H. Jeffres, president ; Mrs. J. Garver, vice-president ; Mrs. J. A. Replogle, secretary, and Mrs. W. F. Donaldson, treasurer. The Union held four meetings and then adjourned during the hot weather. Smallpox broke out at this time in the town and withal the society was so affected that few meetings have been held since. Mrs. Villars lectured May 3. Good work, however, it is anticipated will be done. German Baptists. This sect appeared in America in 1719. About twenty families landed in Philadelphia at this time and settled in various parts of Pennsylvania. This society is similar to the Friends, in that they use great plainness of dress, take no oaths and do not go to war. A member of this church told us that "the Testament is our discipline," and that their belief is "faith, repentance and bap- tism," and that upon this salvation is dependent. They believe in tri- une immersion and in observing all the commandments in the New Testament. The ministers are elected from the congregation, as are also visiting members or deacons, who attend to the church matters and make preparation for communion service. The elders are the heads of the church. There are three degrees in the ministry, and when a man is to be installed in the first degree he is brought forward with his wife and installed by the men with hand and kiss and the wife with the hand to the minister and hand and kiss to the women. The minister of the first degree has only the power to preach, while he of the second degree is installed in the same manner and has power to preach, baptize and marry. An elder is installed by the laying on of hands and prayer by other elders, has power to preach, baptize and marry, and liberty to go where he pleases. An elder, only, can organ- ize a church. The number of elders of a church varies according to circumstances. The Lord's supper is commemorated yearly, in mem- ory of the coming of Christ; and as a commandment at these meetings, they first have feet washing, then the Lord's supper of bread and wine. The occasion is a somewhat sociable one, and not necessarily solemn. There are three churches or congregations of this sect in Piatt county. The first was organized in 1856 or 1857, in Macon county, and was known as the Cerro Gordo church. Mr. and Mrs. David Kuns were the first members of this church, next Mr. Kims' brother, CEKKO GORDO TOWNSHIP. 465 and gradually the congregation grew to a good-sized church. In 1865 or 1866 the church was divided and three congregations were organ- ized. Each congregation has its own quarterly councils for the settle- ment of business. The southern district of Illinois has started an Orphan's Home, which is located in Macon county, near Cerro Gordo. There are eighty acres of well improved land, and a good house and barn belonging to the Home. This Orphan's Home is in the Cerro Gordo congregation, as is also the first church building which was erected in Macon county. The organization was started through the influence o f Mr. David Kuns, Mr. Metzger and Mr. Replogle. The church build- ing in Cerro Gordo, which cost near $2,000, was built about 1878, and was donated, with the ground it stands on, by Mr. Metzger. This was certainly a great gift, and the congregation should feel very grateful for it. There are near 250 members in the Cerro Gordo congregation. The names of the deacons, as given to us by Mr. J. P. Replogle, are Stephen Shively, J. P. Replogle, Solomon Hufferd, John Hickrnan, John Blickenstaff and David Blickenstaff. The names of the minis- ters are John Metzger, David Troxel, A. F. Snider, Amos Nickey, Adam Bingeman and V. B. Clifton. The membership of the Milmine congregation is about seventy-five or eighty, and the Sunday school, which has been in existence about four years, has an attendance of from forty-five to fifty members. The ministers of this congregation are D. B. Gibson, Menno Stauffer, Henry Kuns and Daniel Mohler ; and the deacons are Ben]'. Bowman, David Kuns and John S. Kuns. The congregation has but one building, but meetings are held both in Milmine and in the country, where Henry Kuns donated one and a halt acres of land, upon which the church, which cost $2,600, is located. The Okaw congregation has a membership of about 200, and a large church building was erected about 1875. Mr. Peter Fouts is of the opinion that Jacob Wagoner was the first German Baptist minister who preached in this church, and that Robert Miller dedicated the same. The building is 40x60 feet and cost near $3,500, which amount was raised by subscription. The following are the names of the ministers as given to us by Mr. Replogle : Jacob Wagoner, Jacob Ulrey, Jacob Miller, John Arnold and Philip Siders. The deacons are Geo. Funk, Elijah Hendricks, Isaac Ulrey, Solomon Miller, Peter Cripe, Isaac Shively and Charles Dicks. The people belonging to these congrega- tions are some of the best citizens most peaceful and industrious that our county affords. The majority of them have good farms, which under their able management yield bountifully. Some of the finest 466 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. country houses and barns in the county belong to the German Bap- tists, or Dunkards, as they are wrongly called. We found many of these people hospitable in the extreme, and we are glad to have this opportunity of saying so, and to show to the people of the county some of the work that has been done by them. La Place. This town was laid off in 1873, and was named by G. "W. Stoner. Before this name was decided upon the place was called indiscriminately Gate wood and Stoner. Eighty acres of land are laid off into town lots in a very attractive section of the township. The ground is rolling and a small stream, Bonnie Brook, runs through the town and into the west branch of the Okaw. In fact the location for the town is as pretty as any spot in the county. La Place is considered a very healthy place. In the year of 1881, however, there probably occurred more deaths than in any previous year. The first house on the section upon which the town is located was built about 1860 by Tho. B. Warfield, and is now owned by the Gatewood heirs. The hotel kept by William Eicholtz was the first house built within the limits of the town. The barn was first erected and the family lived in it until the hotel building-was erected about 1874. Jacob Reedy was the first postmaster of the town, and A. H. Locke is the present post- master. Dr. Pierson was the first physician of the town, and he and Miss Reedy were the first couple married. The town contains about 250 inhabitants, and the business firms number about a dozen. There are a number of good farms in the vicinity. Bonnie Brook farm owned by G. W. Stoner, is especially noted for its stock. The trotting horses are of the Hambletonian, Clay, trotting Normans, and Mambrino stock. The introduction of these horses has done very much to advance the grade of horses in the county. Mr. Stoner also keeps a good grade of hogs. Churches. According to Mr. A. S. Hawthorne, the Methodist Episcopal church was organized in the fall of 1874, at the school-house near La Place. Five persons Henry L. Kuns and wife, William Carter, and A. S. Hawthorn and wife constituted the membership. La Place circuit was formed at the annual conference of 1876, and W. A. Reynolds was sent as minister. During a revival held by him the membership became eighty-five instead of five. The Methodist Episcopal church was erected in 1877, and dedicated in June by Rev. Barnes. It is Mr. George C. Wagner's opinion that the present Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1873, by Mr. Austin, of CERKO GORDO TOWNSHIP. 467 Cerro Gordo, who was the first stated supply./ P. A. Swart, of Cerro Gordo, is the present minister. Milmine or Farnsworth. The town of Farnsworth was laid out by "Enos Farnsworth, and surveyed by Mr. C. D. Moore. It received its name in honor of the former person, who owned the town plat, a good deal of land in the vicinity, and who put up the first residence in the town. Mr. Farnsworth sold the whole town plot to Messrs. Geo. Milmine and David Runs, and made the deed to Emma G. Milmine and Margaret Kuns, their wives. Milmine and Bodman owned the first store which was kept by Mr. E. B. Sprague, now of Bement. The post-office, which is now kept by Hiram Barber, is named Milmine, we suppose in honor of Mr. George Milmine, and of late years the name is used to desig- nate the town more than Farnsworth is. Mr. Kuns owns a warehouse and an elevator in the place. Mr. J. O. Sparks has the principal grain office of the town. The town has a population of about 200, contains several business houses, a union church and a fine brick school- building which was built about 1872, and which contains two large rooms. Milmine was the scene of quite a serious railroad accident in the summer of 1882. A freight train ran into another train right at the station. Several cars and the depot building were badly damaged, a number of cattle were killed, and several of the train men were so severely injured that they died. Milmine church. The Milmine Christian church was organized in the spring of 1879, and the meetings are held in the union church of the village. At the time of the organization there were fifteen charter members, but before the meeting closed there were fifty-six in membership, and now the number is increased to about ninety-six. The church owns a parsonage in Milmine, a half interest in the Ridge chapel, and the Sangamon church on Willow Branch. Mr. Robert Harris is the first regular minister. John Biebinger and Henry Taylor are deacons, Isaac Peck is clerk, and John Biebinger, Isaac Peck and Mr. B. Middleton are trustees of the parsonage. Lintner. -This is a small station on the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield railroad. It was named for William Lintner, of Decatur, who owned some 800 acres of land in the vicinity. It has a postoffice and a good general merchandise store, and being in the center of a good farming district, a great deal of grain is shipped from the station. CHAPTER XVIII. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MR. SCOTT ARMSWORTH, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Virginia, September 9, 1806. His parents moved when he was just three weeks old to Ohio, where lie was reared. When Scott was eighteen years old his father died and the family concluded to sell out and go to Illinois. After the sale each had about $400. Four of the children and the mother finally came to this county. Now all are dead except Mr. Scott Armsworth. Samuel Armsworth came to the county about 1838, married Miss Ater, and settled on the north side of the river, in Willow Branch township. Two of his sons, James and Noah, are still living in the township. Rebecca Armsworth was the wife of Abraham Ater, and they came to the county about 1838. He died the next year, while she lived until 1847. Catharine moved with her mother to Piatt county some time between 1838 and 1845. She married George Matchler and settled on what is now the Allerton place. She died January 12, 1847, and her mother died while visiting relatives in Indiana. Mr. Scott Armsworth first moved on to his farm in Willow Branch township in 1845, having bought 120 acres of land, to which he added more later, now having about 360 acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements. He built his farm residence in 1850. It has since been altered and now contains four good sized rooms. He was married April 14, 1840, and has had six children, but one of whom, Willis, is living. Ann married George Still and died in 1879, having had three children, Leona, Noah and Samuel. Mr. Armsworth recently moved into Cerro Gordo, where he owns three business houses, one of which is brick, and two residences. MR. PETEK ADAMS, a farmer, was born in Kentucky in 1818. He moved from his native state to Ohio arid from thence to Illinois, and in 1839 came to Piatt county. He first settled on Willow Branch, where he found very few settlers. He moved to his present home in Cerro Gordo township in 1849. He owns 120 acres of land, which he improved himself, and upon which he has planted at least three hundred trees. Mr. Adams was married in 1845, to Sarah J. Peck. Two of their children are living, Angelo, who married Mary A. Ater, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 469 David S., who lives at home. In 1868 Mr. Adams took for his second wife Rebecca Johnston, a native of North Carolina. Thev have no children. Mr. Adams has held the offices of school director and road commissioner. MR. JOSEPH AUTEN, stock dealer, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Ohio and was reared in Pennsylvania. He moved from Pennsylvania to Illinois in 1851 and to Piatt county in 1856, and lived in Willow Branch and Cerro Gordo townships until he moved into town in 1872. He had previously moved to town in 1856, when he remained two years. Among Mr. Auten's first farming enterprises he hauled corn to Cerro Gordo at ten cents a bushel and sold it in the field for eight cents. It is pleasing to note the various changes anr) improvements since then. Mr. Auten was assessor of the township and belongs to the Cerro Gordo Masonic lodge Xo. 600. He was married in 1858, to Sarah McKinney, and has three sons : Frank, who taught as first assistant in the Cerro Gordo schools this past year, and Charley and John at home. MR. STILLMAN BARBER, formerly of Milmine, now of Gonzales, Texas, is a native of Rhode Island, which state his grandfather and two uncles helped to stake out. He was born in 1821, and in 1857 moved to Piatt county, Illinois. He lived, however, near Carlinville, Illinois, previous to moving to Piatt county. When he first settled here he bought land where Mr. Henry Kuns lives and began making extensive improvements. At the time of his settling on it there was not a stick of wood on the place, but he soon had out a forty-acre apple orchard, which has yielded as high as a thousand bushel of apples a year. He set out two other orchards before leaving the county. After living about eight years on the farm Mr. Barber moved into Milmin, where he resided until 1875, when he went to Texas. While in Milmine Mr. Barber kept a store, was railroad agent and bought grain. He was also school director, treasurer and justice of the peace. He can justly be called one of the most energetic men of the county. Mr. Barber came to Illinois a bachelor, but was married in Madison county to Mrs. Mary A. Murphy nee Mary Clark, who had had four children, three of whom are living. John Murphy married Sarah Hays,has one child, Jno. Delmer, and lives on a farm north of Bement. Julia A. Murphy is not married and makes her home with her brother John. Robert married Mary Barber, has three children, James. George and Charles, a"nd lives in Unity township. Mr. Barber has had seven children, five of whom are living. Katie S. married Thomas W. East in 1873, has had three children, Victor, Herbert and Arthur, 470 HISTORY OF PfATT COUNTY. and lives near Milmine. She was bookkeeper in her father's store for several years. Mr. East has put most of the improvements on his 140 acres of land. He has a cottonwood and a maple grove of about six hundred trees. Margaret Barber attended the State Normal for one term and then studied at the State University at Champaign for two terms. She is now teaching at Luling, Texas. Moses, Ida and Clark are attending college near their home in Gonzales, Texas. MR. HIRAM BARBER, merchant and postmaster, Milmine, is a native ot Rhode Island. He moved from there to Piatt county in 1858, settling two miles west of Milmine. He owned a farm of 136 acres, which he broke, fenced and improved himself. He sold this and bought a farm of 160 acres joining Milmine, part of which was improved when he purchased it. In 1879 he bought a lot, store and goods, and has since been a merchant. Mr. Barber was married in 1846, to Susan E. Sherman, who died, leaving two children : Mathew S., who married Jennie Stanton and lives in Kansas; Susan A., who is the wife of Wm. Briggs, lives in Chicago and has two children. At Mr. Barber's second nuptials, in 1857, he married Mary F. Briggs. MR. F. A. BOWDLE, farmer, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1862. In 1868 he settled on his present home- place of 160 acres, upon which he has made all improvements. He was married in Ohio, to Catherine "Willis, who died in 1860, leaving eight children, seven of whom are living. Sally E. is living at home. Wm. married Lucy McDonald, of Pennsylvania, and lives in Cerro Gordo township; they have two children, Frank A. and Jennie. Josephine married Daniel Immel, and with one child lives in Macon county. J. W. married Maria Gorman, has one child, Herbert, and lives in Cerro Gordo township. Maria C. married Uleric Born, and has one child, Selah. Emma J. is the wife of Mr. Humer. Mary is living at home. Mr. Bowdle has been school director for four years. He thinks that their neighborhood has changed somewhat in regard to morals since he first came into it. Now the people do seem to know what Sunday is, while some years ago all days seemed the same. He considers this county one of the finest he has ever seen. MR. BENJAMIN BOWMAN, a farmer, is a native of Ohio. He moved from his native state when quite young, and was reared in Indiana. He moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1865, and settled on the place of eighty acres which he has principally improved, and which he now lives on. He was married in Ohio, to Marv A. Laird, and has had BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 471 four children, three of whom are living, Silas M., Anna Eliza and Delia. Mr. Bowman is a member of the German Baptist church. MR. JONATHAN BURNS, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a native of Scott county. He moved from there to Macon county, and from thence to Piatt county in 1866. He lived in Bement town- ship for a time, but for the last nine years has been in Cerro Gordo township, where he owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has made some improvements. He was married to Francis V. Burrows, of Scott county. They have had eight children, seven of whom, Chas. E., Alice M., Tho. W., Frederic F., Daniel, Jennie P. and Carrie are living. Mr. Burns went to the army from Scott county, in Co. F of the 61st 111. He was out nearly four years, but was never wounded. He served as second and first lieutenant, and was veteranized. He took part in the following engagements : Shiloh. Vicksburg, Mechanicsburg, Little Rock, Murfreesborough and The Cedars. Mr. Burns once had a narrow escape from bushwhackers in the grand prairie of Arkansas. He with others were out deer hunt- ing, when they suddenly found themselves in the midst of their enemy. By a little maneuvering they escaped from the bushwhackers, who luckily were attracted elsewhere. SQUIRE E. A. BARNWELL, Cerro Gordo, was born near Nashville, Tennessee. He moved from that state to Macon county in 1833. His father was then one of the early settlers of that county. His father was on a war vessel in the war of 1812. Mr. Barnwell lived in Macon most of the time previous to his coming to Piatt county. He lived there continuously from 1856 until 1874, when he settled in Cerro Gordo. After locating in this town he followed photography for a time, and now for the last six years has been police magistrate of the place. He has also held the office of town clerk for four years. lie is a member of the Masonic lodge, and has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church since 1846. He owns a house and lot in Cerro Gordo. Mr. Barnwell and Susanna Wliidky were united in marriage in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1848. They have had five chil- dren, two of whom, E. A. Barnwell Jr. and Gracie R. are at home. MR. SAMUEL BRANDEXBURG, farmer, is of German descent and a native of Kentucky. He mov 7 ed from that state to Illinois in 1864, and settled where he now lives upon eighty acres of land, upon which he has made all improvements. He was married in Kentucky, to Adaline Haggard. Their eight children are all living. David is married and lives in Kansas; Alvin is also in Kansas; Win., Jas., 472 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Louisa, Elizabeth, Mary and Samuel are at home. Mr. Brandenburg has been school director, for nine years. MR. JAMES K. CHAMBERS, a farmer near Cerro Gordo, was born in Kentucky. His parents, who were of Scotch and Irish lineage, and natives of the same state, settled in Macon county about 1831. Some of their children are still living in that county. James was married in 1848, in Macon county, to Elizabeth Dickey, a native of Tennessee; they have had eight children, seven of whom are living. Martha E. lives at home. Wm. married Belle Gancher, has one child, Guy, and lives on a farm near La Place. Isaac married Lenora Wells, and lives in Macon county. Lucy J., John, Margaret and Anna are all at home. Mr. Chambers lived in Macon county until about 1860, when he moved on a farm one mile north Cerro Gordo, where he has lived ever since. When asked if he had held any offices, he remarked : " Yes. I have had all I want." He has been school director, trustee, road commissioner, assessor- and supervisor. Mr. Chambers owns 360 acres ''of land, upon which he lias put very near all of the improvements. The farm is in good condition, well tiled and ditched ; and five hundred trees have been planted out. The crops on the place have all averaged well. From sixty to seventy bushels of corn to the acre, however, have been the highest. Mr. Chambers thinks that tiling is the salvation of the county. In 1881 the residence was remodeled, and it now contains seven rooms. Mr. Chambers is one of the few old settlers who seems not to long for the "good old times." He is very glad that he does not now have to go through what he once did ; that the market places are nearer than Springfield and Chicago. He thinks, too, that it is a tendency of the old settlers to underrate the hospitality of the people of the present time. MR. ALEXANDER Cox, with Pitts & Green. Cerro Gordo, is a native of Woodford county, Kentucky, and moved from there direct to Cerro Gordo, May 22, 1856, where he has since resided. His grandfather and great-uncle were in the war of 1812, and one great- uncle served seven years under Washington in the revolutionary war. His forefathers have been in America since the settlement of the country. Mr. Alexander Cox was in the Mexican war, went from Kentucky, and served under Col. Humphrey. He was under Zacha- riah Taylor, sat and chatted with him many a day. He was in the battle of Buena Vista, and in several skirmishes ; was often shot at but felt no fear of being injured. When he left he was in poor health, but returned much improved. When Mr. Cox first came here all was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 473 open prairie; his brother remarked "if you live here one hundred years you will always have plenty of pasture." At that time there were only four houses in Cerro Gordo, depot, store-room, Mr. Cole's, and Mr. McKinney's, the first dwellings being built in the fall of 1855. Mr. Cox owns a farm of eighty acres one mile from Cerro Gordo, and also lot and residence. He improved one farm of 160 acres, which he sold. The subject of our sketch was married in 1849, to Hettie H. Price, and has six children living. Elizabeth, who is the wife of Andrew Barns, lives in Denver, Colorado, and has three children; Alexander H. married Anna Zimmerman, lives in Decatur, and has two children ; Chas. B. is with Lynn & Scruggs ; Matilda is at home; Hetty M. is the wife of Chas. A. Bowlby, lives at Fairmount, and has one child; John G. lives at home, and is night operator on the Wabash railroad. MK. MATTHEW CREIGHTON, farmer near Cerro Gordo, is a native of Delaware. He moved to Ohio in 1840, and in 1852 settled in Piatt county. For the first year he lived in the Ater settlement, and then in 1353 moved to where he now lives. He owns 560 acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements, including the putting out of hedges and the planting of about two hundred trees. His present residence was built in 1860. Mr. Creighton was married in 1849, to Maria Grove, and has had eight children, four of whom are iving. John R. married Rosa Huff, and lives in Cerro Gordo township; Noah, Sarah and Mary Etta are at home. MR. V. B. CLIFTOIS T , hardware merchant, Cerro Gordo, is a native of DeWitt county, Illinois. He moved from DeWitt to Macon county and in 1865 settled in Willow Branch township in Piatt county. In 1869 he moved into Cerro Gordo, where for a time he was in the mill- ing and grain business, but in 1876 or 1877 he went into the hardware store. He was married in 1862, to Jane Lucas, and has had six children, five of whom are living, Josephine, Anna, Gilmer, Eddie and Oscar. He went into the army from DeWitt county in 1862, in Co. D, 107th 111. The principal engagements in which he participated were those of Knoxville, Franklin, Louden and Campbell Station. MR. W. E. CODDINGTON, grocer and merchant of La Place, is a native of Ohio. From there he moved to Illinois and in 1879 located in Piatt county. He owns a residence and three lots in La Place and was married about 1872, to Dora Coifeen. They have two children, Mabel and Ray. MR. E. CRIPE, blacksmith and wagonrnaker, Cerro Gordo, was 474 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. born in Montgomery county, Ohio, and moved from there to Carroll county, Indiana, and thence to Macori county, Illinois, in 1861 ; from there to Piatt county in 1862, locating in Cerro Gordo township. He moved into the town of Cerro Gordo and was for seven years engaged in the mill, and then opened a shop. He owns his residence and about three acres, and the shop with the lot on which it is built. Mr. Gripe was married in 1850, to Mary Zech, and has four children living, John (see his name) ; Daniel, who was married about 1874, to Mary E. Carver, and has three children ; Flora Belle, Artilla and Sylvan E. ; Daniel is with his father in the wagon and blacksmith shop ; he owns a house and lot ; Josephus and Allen are unmarried. MR. J. CRIPE, hardware merchant, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Indiana. He moved to Illinois in 1861, and to Cerro Gordo in 1863. He became a partner in the hardware store of Clifton & Cripe in 1881, and owns a residence and two lots in Cerro Gordo. Mr. Cripe and Laura V. Galloway were united in marriage in 1876. They have one son, Harry Elmer. MR. ELI GRIPE, a farmer near La Place, is a native of Indiana, from which state he moved to Macon county in 1858. In 1876 he moved to Piatt county, where he owns forty acres of land. He was married in Macon county, to Matilda Funk, and has had four children, three of whom, Simon, John and Levi, are living. Mr. and Mrs. Cripe belong to the German Baptist church. MR. WILLIAM H. CLAY, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, and owner of eighty acres of land, came to Piatt county from Macon county in 1862. He was married in 1874, to Susan Lutz. They have had four children, two of whom, Austin L. and Elmer, are living. Mr. Clay went into the army in Co. A, 116th 111. Yols. He was in the engagement at Resaca and went with Sherman to the sea. He was wounded at Fort McAllister and had to remain in a hospital for several months. MR. DANIEL CONKLIN, hotel keeper, Cerro Gordo, was born in New York, and moved from there to Macon county, Illinois, about 1851, after farming a year near Sycamore. He laid out the town he called "West Danville," building the mill and other houses there. He came to Piatt county in 1857, and at that time there were but three or four houses in Cerro Gordo, his being the fifth or sixth house in town. He says his grandfather helped to take and hang Major Andre, in the revolutionary war. Mr. Conklin has been constable several terms, and has caught many thieves. He considers himself the man who ferreted BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 475 out John Huffman, who killed Julius Cumby near Milmine, and was caught in Oregon. Mr. Conklin has traveled some in the west, and is familiarly and notoriously known as "Uncle Dan." When he first went to Cerro Gordo he was a merchant, then kept groceries and gen- eral merchandise, but has been keeping hotel for ten or twelve years. Mr. Conklin was married in 1845, to Sarah Kelsey, and has had three children, who are all dead. His wife owns a house and several busi- ness houses in town. MR. PHILIP DOBSON, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Yorkshire, England ; came to America in 1855, and to Piatt county in 1865, set- tling in Cerro Gordo township, where he owns about 500 acres, part of which he himself improved. Pie never bought an acre of land for less than $25, and it was raw prairie. He also owns a brick house and four lots in Cerro Gordo, into which he has recently moved. Mr. Dobson was married in England in 1855, to Isabella Morley, and they have seven children : Marj^ married Alfred Ba]$h, lives in Cerro Gordo township ; Sarah married Andrew Ankram, lives in Cerro Gordo town- ship, and has two children, Lillie and Ora ; Belle keeps her brother's house ; Robinson M. lives on the farm ; Rachel is unmarried ; Annie recently married Wm. Brandenburg, a grocer in Cerro Gordo ; John lives at home. NELSON DUELL moved from New York in 1859 to Cook county, Illinois, and to Piatt county in 1860, settling near Milmine. He owns his house and lot in Milmine, and also some lots in Bement. He moved into Cerro Gordo in 1881. Mr. Duell was married to Phoebe Mosier, and has ten children living. Malviria married Martin Yant, lives near Waukegan, and has three children ; M. E. married Mattie Minskey, lives near Bement, and has two children ; Louisa is the wife of Merrick Shepherd, lives in Minnesota, and has three children ; Ruth married Wm. McGaffey, lives east of Bement, and has five' children ; D. G. married Delia Edmunds, who died in 18T6, leaving three chil- dren, Maggie M., Ellen D. and Herbert ; Russel Duell is married, and lives in Minnesota ; Kate lives at home ; Lettie is the wife of Will Fisher (see his sketch) ; Holland and Charles are at home. MR. GEORGE DOBSON, a farmer near Cerro Gordo, is a native of England. He came to America in 1858, and for awhile lived at Jacksonville. He bought land in Piatt county in 186-4, and in 1866 settled near Milmine, and about seven or eight years ago moved on the place 6f eighty acres where he now lives. Much improvement, including a great deal of draining, has been done since the place has 476 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. been in his hands. He was married in Morgan count}', to Mary Peaker, who came with her father to America in 1851. Six of their seven children are still living, John W., Frederick H., George E., Charles E., Alice G. and Sarah Belle. MR. GEORGE D. DILATUSH, farmer, La Place, claims New Jersey as his native state, from which place he moved to Logan county in 1868, and located in Piatt county in 1871. His present home farm of 240 acres was bought in 1870 and is in good condition. Tiling has been put in, ditches have been made, and at least two hundred trees have been planted, besides the making of other improvements. In fact Mr. Dilatush is one of the successful farmers of the township. In 1855 Mr. Dilatush and Cynthia Jeffries were united in marriage. Five of their six children are living : Frank V. has been a successful teacher of Monticello for several years ; J. J., Elmer E., Lida E. and William Henry are yet at home. MR. "W. F. DONALDSON, postmaster, keeper of a bookstore, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Monroe county, New York. He lived in Ken- tucky for nine years, and then moved to Decatur, where he remained five months and then moved to Cerro Gordo in 1876. He opened a bookstore in that place in 1876, and about 1880 became postmaster. He owns his residence and one lot in the place, is a member of the Masonic lodge, and has been township clerk twice. He was united in marriage in 1862 to Mary McDunn, and has one son, H. W. Donaldson. MR. THOMAS EAST (deceased) was a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Christian county, Illinois, in 1861, and in 1864 settled in Piatt county on a farm of eighty acres. He had but begun to improve the place when his death occurred in 1864. He was married in 1832, to Priscilla McCracken, a native of Ohio. They had fourteen children, seven of whom are living. Isabel, the wife of William L. Hammer, has six children, and lives in Decatur. Ann married Jacob L. Davis, who died, leaving four daughters. William H. married Ada Finegan, of St. Louis. He died from sickness contracted in the army, leaving one child. Leander died from wounds received in the late war. Quincy married Harriet East, and, with one child, lives in Ohio. Joseph is living at home. Wheatley is married and living near Milmine. Francis O., who died 1881, was one of the successful school-teachers of Piatt county. He was a student of the Normal University. Ulric, formerly a student of the same university, died in California at the age of twenty-three. Oscar is living at home *< &. ARY / OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKKTCII KS. 479 and is a school-teacher. Homer has been a school-teacher, but at present has charge of the home farm. Mre. East still lives on her farm near Milmine. Many improvements have been made of late years. The farm is well ditched with open ditches, and about two hundred and fifty trees have been planted out. A new barn was built in 1873, and in 1SSO a new house was put up, all of which causes their home to be considered one of the neatest country-places of the county. Mi;. DAVID ESPY, La Place, moved from Pennsylvania, his native state, to Illinois in 1851, and to Piatt county in 1874, locating in La Place. He was married in October 1851, to Ann C. Jackson, and has hud seven children, three of whom are living. D. Brainard is in Lintner, Sadie M. keeps house for her father, and Nellie J. is teaching in Mondcello. Mrs. Espy died August 16, 1880. MR. ABRAHAM FUNK, farmer, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Pennsyl- vania. He left his native state in 1836 and moved to Bloomington, Indiana. In 1853 he came to Illinois, and settled in Willow Branch township. His next move was to Macon county, but he returned to Piatt county, and settled about one and a half miles from Cerro Gordo. When he first located near Cerro Gordo he boarded the railroad hands as the present Wabash railroad was being built. In 1881 Mr. Funk moved into Cerro Gordo, where he owns a house and three lots. In addition to this he owns forty acres of the eighty-acre farm he improved near the town. There are two houses, a barn, a stable and a good orchard on the place. Mr. Funk was married February 22, 1838, to Eliza J. McKinney, and four of their five children are living. Emily is the wife of Sandford Tracy, the mother of two children, Charles and Mary, and lives in Cerro Gordo township. Samuel M., a soldier in the army, married Sarah Chilson, lives four miles south of Milmine, and has six children living: Eugene M., John, Samuel, Elvaretta, Cora, Alice and Aaron. Amelia, the wife of William Edie, a farmer near Cerro Gordo, has three children, Albert, Walter and Charles. Theodore lost his first wife, ne'e Sarah Cantrall. His second wife was named Alice Richards, and he next married Alice Good, and is now living with his parents. He is a dealer in small fruits, having four and a half acres of the same. MR. ENOS FARNSWORTH, farmer, Milmine, is a native of Virginia, London county. From that place he went to Ohio in 1851, and in 1853 came to Piatt county, settling upon -400 acres of land, upon a portion of which the town of Farnsworth is located. He improved this place, putting out some six miles of hedge, several thousand trees, 30 480 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. and four orchards. There are three dwelling houses on the original farm. Mr. Farnsworth was supervisor of Cerro Gordo township four years. He was married in' 1870, to Susan A. Nesbitt, a native of Illinois, and has two daughters, Anna and Emma. MR. JACOB FRYDENGER, a farmer near Cerro Gordo, was born in Baden, Germany, in 1823. His parents, who are now dead, came to America when he was three years old, and settled in Pennsylvania. He moved from that state to Ohio, from there to Iowa, and, in 1864, settled in Piatt county on the place of 160 acres % on which he still lives. He was married in 1857, to Nancy Jones, who died in 1873. They had six children, five of whom are living : Ida, who is one of the success- ful school-teachers of the county, Emma, Frank, Iowa and Ilattie. Mrs. Frydenger's father and stepmother have both died at Mr. Fry- denger's since her death. He has a brother who lives with him, and the two are the only ones of their family living. MR. JOHN FIELDS, blacksmith, Cerro Gordo, claims Yorkshire, England, as his native place. He came to Illinois in 1844, and located in Cass county, but in 1857 located in Cerro Gordo. He was married by Squire Howell, in 1857, to Semantha Long. He thinks this is probably the first marriage in the place. They have had eleven chil- dren, seven of whom are living : Dora, John, Blanch, Cliff, Clyde, Hoy and Maud. He went to the army, from Macon county, in 1862, in Co. A of the 116 111. reg., and participated in the battles at Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Mission Ridge, most of the battles of the Atlanta campaign, and Kingston. He owns a house and lot, and a portion of the blacksmith shop, in Cerro Gordo, and is a member of the masonic lodge. MR. PETER FOUTS, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a native of Indiana, from which place he moved to Macon county in 1856. In 1868 he settled on some rented land near Seven-mile Grove, but after- ward moved to his present home place of eighty acres. He was married in Indiana, to Miss Frantz, and has had seven children, but six of whom are living : Jacob, Henry, Lizzie, John. Leonard and Mary Ellen. M. Fonts has held the office of school director, and is a member of the German Baptist church. MR. PETER FOLRATH, who has the only exclusive boot and shoe store in Cerro Gordo, is a native of Germany. He came to America in 1848, and in 1864 located in Cerro Gordo, where he now owns his residence and two lots. He was married in 1855, to Margaret Davis, and has had nine children, seven of whom are living. These are, BIOGKAPHICAL SKETCHES. 481 Davis, who is assisting his father in the store, Henry, Maggie, Walter, Eddie, and Harry and Harley, twins. MR. WILLIAM GULLIFORD (deceased) settled on a farm in Cerro Gordo township in 1857, and lived there until his death, in 1881. His wife died about 1879. Five of their children are living in Piatt county. James Gulliford died in Piatt county about nine years ago, leaving a wife and three children. Richard is living on his father's home place (see his name). Thomas died about two years ago, leav- ing a wife nee Knighten, and two children, who are living in the county. William married Mrs. E. Dailey nee E. Torrence, and has five children, Lillie, Blanch, James, Maud and Scott, and lives in Milmine. Emma is the wife of James Armsworth, of Willow Branch township (see his name). Ann married Reuben Fisher, and lives at White Heath. Eliza is the wife of Noah Armsworth, and lives in Willow Branch township. MR. RICHARD GULLIFORD, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a ; native of England. In 1854 he came to America. The passage was a very stormy one, the vessel being struck with lightning once. After two years' residence in America he settled in Piatt county in 1856, where he has been most of the time since. He was married in 1868, to Elizabeth Trimby, a native of England. They have three children living, Alice, Harry and Arthur. Mrs. Gulliford had a very serious time in coming to America in 1864. The vessel struck a rock twelve miles from Portland, Maine. It was wrecked at eight o'clock at night and about sixty persons were drowned. It finally sunk with the baggage of all the passengers. Mrs. Gullitord was pulled out of the water by her hair. She with others were out all night, during which time her hands were frozen. Mr. Gulliford went to the late war from Piatt county in Co. E of the 107th 111. He was discharged on account of sickness, and again he went into the army in the 9th Iowa. The principal engagements in which he participated were those of Yicks- burg, Lookout, and the battles during the march to the sea. He received a slight flesh-wound once. MR. H. N. GREEN, hardware merchant, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Indiana. He moved from there to Illinois in 1865, and in 1868 settled in Cerro Gordo, where he now owns a residence and three lots. He and Rebecca A. Johnson were united in marriage in 1852 and have had seven children, six of whom are now living. Of these, Charles J. married .Sarah Kemp, has one child and lives in Arizona; May Alice ' married T. J. Wimmer, has one child, Lynn, and lives in Cerro Gordo. 482 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. The names of Mr. Green's other children are Ed. S., Harry T., Ora E. and Ralph Waldo. Mr. Green has held the offices of sciiool director and town trustee. MR. ISAAC HOWELL, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Macon county, Illinois, in 1826 or 1828. He first settled in Piatt countj about one mile northwest of where he now lives. He moved onto his present farm of eighty acres in 1858 and has since made all the improvements on the place. He planted out about 250 trees and in 1878 built his neat and comfortable frame residence. He was married in 1843, to Maiy Widick, who has had eight children, five of whom are living. George married Sarah Widick, has one child and lives in Kansas. William went to the army in Co. H of the 39th reg. and was killed. Emily first married Tho. Manzey, who died. She next married Wrn. Allsberry, and with two children, John and Louis, lives in Cerro Gordo township. Ellen mar- ried Edward Zinn, has one child and lives in Cerro Gordo township. John married Anna Kelsey and is also living in Cerro Gordo township. Eva is a school-teacher and lives at home. Mr. Howell was quite a hunter from the time he could hold a gun until he was twenty years old. He has helped to kill at least fifty wolves, has killed as many as three or four deer a day, and for a good many years killed from thirty to forty deer a year. When quite young he lost an eye by the bursting of a cap when trying to kill a squirrel. Mr Howell owns some 320 acres of land besides what he has in his home-place. MR. JOSEPH HOWELL, a farmer near Cerro Gordo, was born in Ohio, March 4, 1816. He moved to Indiana, and from there to Macon county, Illinois, about 1828. There was no Decatur then, and they were "near neighbors" to the folks living in what is now Piatt county. The family consisted at that time of James Howell, who died afterward in Macon county, his wife and two sons, Joseph and Isaac. Joseph How- ell split the first rails made in Willow Branch township. He was employed by Mr. Jas. Piatt to fence land owned by Mr. John West, near the Willow Branch. He was quite a hunter when young and frequently killed as many as three or four deer a day and from thirty to forty in one season. This was his occupation when he had no other work. Mr. Howell moved into Cerro Gordo township in 1845. He owns 160 acres of land, upon which he has put all improvements. He has planted an orchard of 200 trees and has fenced the place twice. In 1870 he-built a nice brick house of twelve rooms, including basement. Mr. Howell may be considered one of the successful farmers and stock BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 483 deaers of the township. He was married inl842, to Mary McCauley, who died. Her five children are dead also. Adam married Sarah Whitback and lived in Cerro Gordo township until his death. Mary J. died when seventeen years old. Elizabeth and Amanda died of consumption. Mrs.- Jos. Howell died^in 1869, and in 1871 Mr. Howell married Anna Zinn. ME. DANIEL HOWELL, farmer, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Ohio ; came to Piatt county about 1845 and entered the land his son Henry lives on. His father moved to Jasper % county, Missouri, four- teen or fifteen years ago, and was in the Black Hawk -war. Mr. Howell was married to Elizabeth Abroms, who has been dead three years. They were old settlers on Friends Creek and had eleven children. Henry married Mary Ann Pemble in 1862, who died, leav- ing five children : Lizzie, Charlie, Arthur, May Pearl and Lenna. Henry Howell married his second wife, Caroline LeDow, in 1881. He is the only child living in the county, and owns 100 acres of the old farm near Cerro Gordo, which his father principally improved. Mary Ann Howell is the wife of Christopher Wigner, and lives in Missouri. John married Margaret Kerns and lives in Nebraska. Levi is unmar- ried ; Samuel is married and lives in Iowa; Martha married Andrew Allen, and lives in Sangamon count}", Jones is married and lives in Mis^uri. MR. WILLIAM T. HAVENAR, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Moultrie county, Illinois, in 1850. He next moved to Piatt county, where he owns eighty acres of land. He was married iri Ohio in 1847, to Elizabeth Kitchens, and has had seven children, six of whom are living. James married Mary Hitchens, has three children, and lives in Ohio. Charles married Martha Thompson, and lives in Lake City. Sarah J. married Jaihes Madison, has four children and lives in Moultrie county. John B. married Alice Patrick, has one son, William, and lives in Cerro Gordo township. Anna, the wife of James Winings, has one child and lives in Moultrie county. William E. is still at home. Mr. Have- nar was one of a family of eight brothers, six of whom went all through the late war, were in some of the hardest battles, but did not receive a single wound. MR. O. D. HAXNA, carpenter and farmer of Cerro Gordo town- ship, was born in Pennsylvania in 1819. His grandfather was in the revolutionary war, and was in sight of Valley Forge when Washing- ton was there. His father, Ephrairn Hanna, was in the war of 1812, 484 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. under Gen. Harrison, and was at the siege of Fort Meigs and Fort Sandusky. He was discharged just before the battle of the Thames. Mr. Hanna, the subject of our sketch, moved from his native state to Virginia, and from there to Ohio, and thence to Illinois, and was an early settler, with others of his family, in Woodford and Livingston counties. Their name is in the history of both of these counties. Mr. Hannah was married in 1844, to Ann Thompson, who was born in Ohio in 1822. Six of their eight children are living. Mary E. married William Pitcher, and with one daughter, Theodosia M., lives in Cerro Gordo township. Phebe A., the wife of Richard Hanna, lives in Liv- ingston county. Sarah E., S. L., B. F. and Stephen are living at home. Mr. Hanna was the first assessor of one of the townships of Woodford county after the township organization. He is one of the few persons who have succeeded in keeping a record* of some of the principal events of his life. The book in which he has kept such record was bought in Ohio about thirty five years ago. Mr. Hanna settled in Piatt county in 1878, and owns thirty acres of land in his home- place. MB. ANDREW HEMINGER, a farmer, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county in 1858. He rented a farm for a time, after which he bought his present home of 160 acres, upon which he has put all the improvements. He has put out about five acres of forest trees and two hundred fruit trees. His first wife, nee Rachel Long, died leaving one child, which is now dead. In 1877 he married Melinda Schoolcraft, who has had one daughter, Maud Heminger. In 1862 Mr. Heminger went to the army in Co. K of the 107th 111. He was in the battles of Franklin and Loudon. After the latter en- gagement he was detailed to the engineering corps. He was also at the siege of Knoxville, during which time he found Out what "hard times" meant. Mr. Heminger bought apples at the rate of one dollar a dozen while in the army. MR. ROBERT HUDGEN, a farmer and school-teacher near Cerro Gordo, is a native of Kentucky. His father moved to Macon county in 1848. Robert settled in Piatt county in 1862, and in 1875 moved onto his present home-farm of forty acres. When he was a young man, and when Cerro Gordo was first started, he went to the place for the pur- pose of buying some town lots, but the swampy appearance of the country deterred him. He has taught school for about sixteen years of his life. While teaching in the fall of 1881 he fell from the ros- trum, injuring one of his limbs so that he was obliged to stop teaching BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 485 for a time. He was married in 1864, to Paulina Vancil. Three of their five children are living, Owen, Lola and Grace. MR. O. J. HARLAN, merchant, is a native of Fountain count} 7 , Indiana. He moved to Champaign county, Illinois, in 1841, and in 1870 moved from Macon coumry to Cerro Gordo, where he opened a store. He now owns his store building, a residence and two lots in the place. He was married in 1850, to Mary B. Maim, who died in 1858, leaving three children: Morgan; Julia C., who is the wife of George Grubb, of Macon county, and has two children, and Naomi, who married John Hays, has two children and lives at Springfield. Mr. Harlan was married again in 1859, to Sarah M. Ball, and has five children, Arthur A., John Marshall, Almitta, Florence E. and Lula May. Mr. Harlan is a member of the Masonic and I.O.O.F. lodges. He has been school director and at present is a member of the town board. MR. FREDERICK HEATH, wagon-maker, Cerro Gordo, is a native of New York. He moved to Ohio and then in 1857 located in Willow Branch township. He came into Cerro Gordo in 1860, and for a time worked at carpentering. He now owns a house and lot in the place. He was united in marriage in 1852, to Flavilla Whitford, and has had nine children, five of whom are living. Alice, the wife of John Val- entine, has one child, Arthur. The names of the other children are Fred A., Mary, John and Clyde. Mr. Heath went from this township to the army in Co. K of the 107th III., and participated in the battles of Knoxville, Resaca, and others in the Atlanta campaign. DR. "W. M. HARSHA, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Adams county, Ohio. He went from that state to Texas, where he taught school a year, after which he attended the university at Lebanon, Ohio, where he graduated in the scientific and classical course in 1875. From Leb- anon he went to Ann Arbor and attended the medical school in the University of Michigan. After spending a year in Florida, where he was engaged in orange culture, assisting in a drug store and in the prac- tice of medicine, he returned to Cincinnati and graduated there in the Eclectic Medical College in 1878. After spending another year in Flor- ida, he came to Cerro Gordo in 1879 and began the practice of medicine. His practice gradually increased so that it was necessary for him to have assistance, and in 1881 Dr. H. C. Jones became his partner. Dr. Ilarsha is also a partner in the drug store of " Harsha and McCrumb." He was married June 1, 1880, to Adelia S. Ilutchinson, a native of Ohio, and who was also a student of Lebanon. Dr. Harsha is at pres- ent a member of the town board. HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. MR. E. O. HUMPHREY, teacher, La Place, moved from Ohio, his native state, to Illinois, locating in 1868 in Douglas county. He moved in 1878 to Piatt county, where he has since been teaching school. He attended school at the State Normal and at Terre Haute, Indiana. He was married October 27, 1881, to Minerva Smith, a native of Bath county, Kentucky. DR. HERBERT C. JONES, Cerro G-ordo, a native of Ohio, moved from there to Florida, where lie remained five years. He came to Cerro Gordo in 1881 and went into partnership with Dr. Harsha. He attended the Ohio University at Athens,. Ohio, and graduated from the Medical College of Ohio, in 'Cincinnati, in 1876. He first practiced medicine in Florida. Dr. Jones was married in 1879, to Florence Correa, a native of Brooklyn, New York, and has one child, Lindley. Dr. Jones is a member of the Masonic lodge of Cerro Gordo and past master of a Florida Lodge. 'MR. E. H. JEFFRES, miller, of the firm "E. H. Jeffres & Son," Cerro Gordo, is a native of New York, moved from there to Chicago in 1863, thence to Cerro Gordo in 1879, when he purchased the mill of which he is now proprietor. He went to the army from New York in 1861, as captain of Co. H of the 136th N. Y. Vols., and was in sev- eral battles, the principal of which was Fredericksburg. His regiment was under Gen. Sigel, of the reserve corps. Mr. Jeffres was married about 1853, to Emily Pattridge, who died, leaving one son, Geo. W., who married Florence Monroe, of Chicago. George is in the mill with his father. Mr. Jeffres was married again in 1865, to Mary A. Ward. MR. DANDY KELLINGTOJST, a farmer and mechanic near Milmine, is a native of England. He came to America when nine years old, lived in Morgan county, Illinois, for a number of years, -and in 1867 moved to Piatt county, where lie owns 160 acres of land. The farm is drained with both open and tile ditches ; it is fenced with hedges and plank fence and there are about 300 trees planted on it. The crops on the place have averaged well from year to year, but in 1881 the corn averaged near sixty bushels to the acre. Mr. Kellington built his eight-room frame residence about 1867. He was married in 1855, to Sarah A. Coultas, a native of Morgan county. All of their eight children are living: Win. Tho., John 0., Geo. Henry, Hannah M., Newton, Mary Jane, Peter Dandy and Edgar Roscoe. MR. A. H. LOCKE, merchant, La Place, moved from Pennsylvania, his native state, to Illinois, in 1857, and in 1880 located in Piatt county. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 487 He was married September 10, 1879, to Martha Plollowell, and has one son. Mr. Locke is the present postmaster of La Place. MR. ANDREW McKiNNEY, formerly a merchant of Cerro Gordo, is a native of Indiana, from which state he moved to Illinois, and located in Monticello, where he began housekeeping in a small frame house on the cite of the store building now occupied by W. E. Smith. He moved onto, a farm near Cerro Gordo in 1856, and was in partnership with A. L. Rodgers in the first store building of Cerro Gordo. He taught school in Monticello in the winter of 1848-49, in a small frame building a few rods southwest of the square ; had about thirty scholars, and he considers the school as one of the most interesting and pleasant he ever taught. He taught the first school at Cerro Gordo, and built the first residence in. the town. He improved a farm of 160 acres in Willow Branch, known as the James Sherman farm, and also one of sixty acres adjoining Cerro Gordo. He was quite instrumental in building the Presbyterian church in the town, and in fact was closely connected with advancing interests of Cerro Gordo uiral 1880, when he moved to Rawlins county, Kansas, where he owns 320 acres of land. He was united in marriage about 1847, to Mary A. Rogers, and has had nine children, six of whom are living. Mr. II. E. McKinney was married in 1878, to Mary F. Garver, and is now assisting in Moore & Go's store in Cerro Gordo. His wife has a milliner store in the town. Charles McKinney is in Denver, Colorado, and John is in Kansas. Nannie E. is the wife of Robert Turner, has one child and lives in Kansas. Lyle and Willie are both at home. Mr. McKinney while living in Piatt county held several of the township offices. MR. ALEXANDER MoKiNJNEY (deceased) was a native of Kentucky. He moved to Indiana, and then to Illinois, thus being a pioneer of three states, as it were. He married Mary Orchard, who died in 1881, and the following are the names of their children : Eliza J. (Mrs. A. Funk), William, Andrew, John, Samuel, Isaac, Mary, T. X. and Martha (Mrs. Starr), who died, leaving two children. Mr. Alexander McKinney diod about 1878. MR. ISAAC McKiNNEY (deceased), formerly a native of Washington county, came to Piatt county about 1848, and in 185(5 to Cerro Gordo, where he died in 1862 or 1863. He was united in marriage to Harriet Campbell, who died, leaving two children, one of whom. Miss Lillie McKinney, a student of Jacksonville, has been in the present county clerk's office several summers. MR. T. K McKiNNEY, came to Piatt county about 1848, located 488 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. near Cerro Gordo, has been a farmer ever since, and now owns 120 acres of land. He is married, and has three children : Claude, Pearl and an infant. Mr. McKinney was sergeant in Co. K of the 107th 111. Inf. MR. JOHN McKiNNEY, farmer, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Bourbon county, Kentucky, born in 1800, and moved from there to Indiana, in 1814. During the war of 1812 he was mail boy for the neighborhood and had great fear of encountering an Indian, but with all his constant fear and dread, he never met with a wild Indian. He had five uncles in the revolutionary war. Mr. McKinney moved to Macon county, Illinois, in 1849, came to Piatt county in 1852 and settled six miles north of Cerro Gordo. He came to Cerro Gordo about 1865, and lives just outside the corporation. He owns his residence and seven and a half acres of land. He has been an elder in the Presbyterian church since 1853. Mr. McKinney was married in 1824, to Jane Orchard, who died about 1840, leaving four children: Isaac N., who married Cynthia Hollmgworth, who died, leaving two children : Raymond E. married Clara Moyer, lives in Monticello and has three children ; and Alice, who lives with her mother in Cerro Gordo ; Emily McKinney married Chas. McKay, lives near Cisco and has three children, Jennie, Mollie and Edward. Mr. McKay owns a farm, part of which is in this county ; Sarah is the wife of Joseph Auten (see his sketch) ; Mat- tie J. is the wife of Sam'l McKay, who was a soldier in the late war and lives two miles south of Cerro Gordo. Mr. John McKinney mar- ried his second wife, Mrs. Andrew Rodgers, nee Eliza McClung, in Mount Tabor, Indiana, in 1843. She was a native of Virginia and had three children : Mary, who is the wife of Andrew McKinney ; Nannie married Josiah Fairchild, lives in Str^Paul, Minnesota, and has eight children ; A. L. Rodgers (see his sketch). MR. J. H. MOYER, baggage and yard-master on AVabash railroad, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Ohio, where his father still lives, near Ci r ~ cleville. He came to Illinois in 1867 and began working for the Wabash road in 1869, where he has been ever since and has not lost a day or a month's pay since. Mr. Moyer was married in 1867, to Jose- phine Brandom, and has had five children, three of whom are living, Harley E., Winnifred and Charlie. Pie has been town collector two years, member of town board one year, superintendent of M. E. Sun- day school two years. Mr. Moyer remembers that John Hoffman, the murderer, was in his company in the army. He says he was always ready for duty, was never sick, and was always ready to make a raid or BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 489 to go to the front. He was considered one of the best soldiers in the service. ' MR. WILLIAM MITCHELL, merchant and insurance agent, Milmine, is a native of Ohio. From there his father and family moved to Illi- nois, and now four of his brothers are living in Piatt county : John, who married Miss Tatman ; Jacob, Joseph and George. The subject of our sketch came to Piatt county in 1865, and in 1874 located in Milmine, where he owns four houses, twelve lots, and built a store- building in 1876. He was married in 1879, to Lillie Taylor, and has one child, W. H. Mitchell. MR. JAMES MILLER, blacksmith, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Indiana, from which state he moved to Macon county in 1856, and thence came to Piatt county in 1870. He owns a house and lot, besides a share in the blacksmith shop in the town. He was married in 1870, to Hester A. Long, and has had four children, three of whom, Frank C., Lillie and Willie, are living. MR. W. O. McCEUM, druggist, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1868. On the first of October, 1881, he moved in Cerro Gordo, where at present he is a partner in the firm of " Harsha & McCrum." He has been master of the Masonic lodge for one year. He was married in 1872, to Clara A. Cook, and has had two children, Frank and Millard. MR. L. D. NOBLE moved from Ross county, Ohio, his native place, to Cerro Gordo, in 1865. Previous to coming here he had been car- rying on the saddling business in Chillicothe, Ohio. After coming to this cQ.nty he improved 840 acres of land and now he owns 360 acres. The improvements consisted in breaking up the largest portion of it, the building of four houses, the making of seven miles of plank and wire fence and the planting of eight miles of hedge. He has also built three houses and a hay-barn in Cerro Gordo. He was left alone in 1870, having previously lost a baby daughter at Chillicothe, Ohio, and about five years ago an only daughter which was five years old. MR. AMOS PECK (deceased) was born March 7, 1820, in Pickaway county, Ohio. He moved to Macon county, Illinois, in 1852, and lo- cated in the house his widow lives in July 26, 1857. He was married December 31, 1840, to Nancy Hathaway, who was born in Ohio in 1820. They had eleven children, eight of whom are living. Rebecca, the wife of Isaac C. Carpenter, has one child and lives in Decatur; Ellen married Isaac Wilson, and lives in Emporia, Kansas ; Jerome, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, married Mary Hays, and has one 490 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. child, Pearl May ; George, who married Mrs. Sally Yount, is a barber in Decatur; Allison, who married Sarah E. Lettington, has three children, Ollie, Otto W. and Eldo ; Benton married Elizabeth Snyder, has one child, and lives in Nevada. Gyrene is a dress-maker in Cerro Gordo ; Amos Ezra is living in Nevada. Mr. Amos Peck went to the late war in Co. K of the 107th 111. Inf., and his sons Jerome and George were also in the war. Mrs. Peck had a husband, two sons and four brothers in the army, and all reached home safely except a brother who was killed at Fort Donelson. Mr. Peck died of small-pox in Cerro Gordo January 25, 1865. MR. ISAAC PECK, grain merchant, Milmine, is a native of Ohio, and moved to Pike county, Illinois, in 1845. In 1856 he came to Piatt county and located in Willow Branch township, where he improved a farm, but sold it, and moved in 1872 to Milmine, where he now owns a house and two lots. He was married in 1839, to Mary A. Shanton, and they have four children ; Sarah J. became the wife of Henry Peck, but died, leaving seven children ; Elizabeth, the wife of Isaac LeFever, has six children and lives in Champaign county ; Angeline first mar- ried B. F. Crook, who died, leaving two children, and she then married George Dobson, and is now living in Cerro Gordo township ; Melissa, the wife of Charles C. Weible, and mother of one child, lives in Iowa. MR. PETER PECK, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a native of Ohio. His father, Adinijah Peck, settled in Willow Branch about 1838, when Peter was a boy, and lived there till his death in 1861. Peter was married in 1858 to Rachel E. Shuman, a native of Willow Branch township. Her father, Matthias Shuman, married andirttfttled in this township at an early day. Her mother died there, and her father moved to Kansas where he died. Mr. and Mrs. Peck have had three children, all of whom are living. Janetta, the wife of William E. Hickinan, has one child, Gertrude M., and lives in Cerro Gordo township. Franklin, Delia, Charles, Peter and Mendota are at home. Mr. Peck moved into Cerro Gordo township in 1861. He owns a place of 160 acres, upon which he has made most of the improvements, including the building of an eight-room brick house in 1875. He also owns some land in Macon county. Mr. Peck held the office of school- director for nine consecutive years, and has also been road commis- sioner. MR. WILLIAM II. PECK, a farmer near Cerro Gordo, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved in 1869 direct to Piatt county, where he now owns a farm of 100 acres, upon which he has made most of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 491 improvements. He was married in 1868, to Hager Peck, and has had one daughter, Mary. Mrs. Peck met with quite a serious accident October 18, 1880. Ever since she was a child she has been afraid of an engine, and once fainted when simply crossing a railroad track when the train was a mile distant. On the day previously referred to, Mrs. Peck and Miss Ida Frydenger attempted to cross the railroad track at Cerro Gordo. They heard no whistle, and did not see the approaching engine, which struck the hub of one of the back wheels of the buggy, throwing Mrs. Peck from the buggy and as "high as the top of the telegraph pole." The buggy was thrown fifty-two feet, and the mules, though so suddenly torn loose from the buggy, were neither frightened nor injured. Miss Frydenger fell quite near the railroad crossing and was but slightly injured. Soon about three hundred people had con- gregated, and it was found that Mrs. Peck's nose and one of her arms were broken. She was unconscious for three days, but finally recov- ered from the effects of the accident. The railroad company paid for the repairing of the buggy, paid the physician's bill and gave Mrs. Peck $800 in money. MR. W. L. PITTS, grain merchant, Cerro Gordo, was born in Wash- ington, Indiana, moved from there to Illinois in 1861, and located near Cerro Gordo. His father was in the war of 1812, got land warrant, and moved to Indiana in 1859. Mr. Pitts has been principally in the grain business since he came to Cerro Gordo. He occupies the mill and elevator which was built about 1859, and owns one half of each. He also owns his residence and one and one-half acres. Mr. Pitts was married in Minnesota, in 1856, to Julia Curtiss, and has five chil- dren, Arthur L., Chas. L., Cora A., Minnie L. and Jessie F. Mr. Pitts is an earnest temperance worker, and is at present supervisor of township. MR. ALPHEUS B. PARMENTER, farmer, of Cerro Gordo township, was born in Ohio in 1822, and in 1868 moved from that state direct to Piatt county. He was married in Ohio, to Eleanor J. "Wood, and has had three children, only one of whom is living. Win. married Ida Rhinehart, has one child, and is living with his father. Mr. Parmenter went to the Mexican war in the 4th Ohio reg., was gone about sixteen months. He served as first lieutenant for four months in the late war, in the 32d Ohio reg., and in 1864 he went out as captain in the 136th Ohio reg., and was once placed in charge of a fort at Washington. He was a captain and a major in the state militia before the rebellion. He still has the swords which he used in the Mexican and in the late 492 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. war. Mr. Parmenter was never wounded in qjther of the wars, but has suffered ill health caused bj the exposure he endured. MR. J. P. REPLOGLE, farmer, druggist and banker, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Indiana in 1828, and in 1854 he went to Iowa, coming to Piatt county in 1858. He moved into Cerro Gordo in 1880, and owns one of the finest residences of the county in addition to another dwelling, a business house and ten acres of land. Mr. Replogle was married in 1845, to Susan Spidle, a native of Ohio, and has eight children. For Dr. P. S. Replogle, see his sketch ; Lydia was married in 1868, to Sam'l Marker, a native of Ohio, lives in La Place, and has three chil- dren, William, Ella and Ora ; Samuel married Delia Hickman, has three children, and lives in Moultrie county ; Barbara graduated in 1882, in the National School of Elocution and Oratory in Philadelphia; Benj. Frank has charge of, and is partner in, a drug store ; Lizzie is the wife of Chas. ET Bright, of Gerro Gordo ; and the names of the other children are Sarah and Lucinda. DR. P. S. REPLOGLE, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Carroll county, Indiana. After moving to Iowa he located in Piatt county in 1859, living in this county most of the time since. He obtained his medical education at the Bennett College, graduating in 1874, and after first practicing in Fayette county located as a physician in Cerro Gordo about three years ago Dr. W. W. Hartsell, a graduate of the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, is his partner. Dr. Replogle and Julia McClellan, of Delphi, Indiana, were united in marriage in October, 1879. Mrs. Replogle has been a successful teacher in the Cerro Gordo schools. MR. JAMES RYAA T , farmer, is a native of Ireland. He landed in New York in 1848, and in 1865 settled in Piatt county. After living for a time in Unity township he went to Kansas, but returned, and in 1873 bought his present home-place of eighty acres, which he has since improved. He married Sabina Glynn, a native of Ireland. Six of their eight children are still living : John, Biidget, who is married and lives in Ohio, Mattie, Pierce, Archibald and Mary. Mr. Ryan has been commissioner of highways for seven years. MR. G. W. STONER, a farmer and stock dealer of La Place, is a native of Kentucky. He moved to Macon county, Illinois, and then returned to Kentucky, after which, in 1874, he settled in Cerro Gordo township, where he owns 420 acres of land that was bought in 1864. He has improved this place quite extensively, and it is known as the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 493 Bonnie Brook Stock Farm, upon which stock has been raised ever since he has been in the county. He was the first to introduce the Jersey red hogs in that section of the county. He also has well-bred cattle and horses and was probably the first person who introduced the well-bred trotting horses into the county. Mr. Stoiier was married in Kentucky, to R. Ann Grimes, who died in 1864, leaving one daughter, Kate, who married James L. Butler, and has two children, Anna W. and Minnie H. She is now the wife of Victor Hawthorne, a grain dealer of La Place, and has one child, Bessie L. MR. JAMES SCHOOLCRAFT, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Butler county, Ohio, in 1810. He moved to Indiana in 1828, and from there to Illinois in 1864, and settled where he now resides, one mile north of Cerro Gordo. He owns 120 acres, put up house, barn and most of improvements on it, a good orchard, other trees, and has it well hedged and drained. Mr. Schoolcraft was married in 1836, to Nancy Ann Franklin, who died in 1838. In 1844 he was united in marriage to Catharine Miller, and five of their eight children are living. Melinda is the wife of Andrew Hermnenger, lives in Cerro Gordo township, and has one child, Maud ; Henry married Frances McCarty, lives on home-place, and has one boy, Charles Earnest, Isaac married Ida Sayler, lives in Cerro Gordo township, has one child, Nora ; Mary is the wife of Levi Meisenhelter, lives in Cerro Gordo township, and has three children, Edith, Ethyl and Mildred ; Jennie married Orlando McKinney, and lives in Willow Branch township. MR. D. C. SAYLER, undertaker and furniture dealer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Indiana, moved from there direct to Illinois, Piatt county, in 1867, and came to Cerro Gordo in 1870. At first he was a carpenter, then he opened a furniture store. He owns his residence, a lot and one-half, and business house. ,Mr. Sayler was married in 1876, to lilllen Buck, and has two children, Gertie A. and Clyde L. The subject of our sketch was assessor four years ago, and has been village clerk for six years. MR. JOHN SMITH (deceased), formerly undertaker and cabinet maker, Cerro Gordo, was a native of Pennsylvania, from which state he moved to Ohio, and from there to Macon county, and thence to Piatt county about 1855. He moved into the house Mrs. Smith lives in 1858, and died here in 1878. He was married in 1845, to Sarah Cole, and had eight children, six of whom are living: Eva married Mr. E. Stewart, and^has three children, Alma, George and Bert ; Llewellyn lives in Georgetown, Colorado; Maggie, the wife of Albert McClintock, lives in Cerro 494 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. I Gordo, and has two children, Nellie and Maud. The names of the other children are Alma, Ezra and Elmer. Mr. Smith was a carpenter and did a good deal of work in about Cerro Gordo, helping to erect the Methodist Episcopal church and other buildings. MR. B. F. STOCKS, principal of Cerro Gordo public school, is a native of Morgan county, Ohio. He moved from Ross county, Ohio to Macon county in 1863. He graduated at the State Normal University in 1875, and also graduated at the Wesleyan law school in 1881. He has taught as principal ol schools for about eight years, but anticipates beginning the practice of law soon. He was married in 1875, to M. Alice Pargeon, who was also a student of Normal, and a teacher in the state. They have had three children, two of whom, Herbert and Ralph, are living. MR. JOHN K. SHIVELY, a farmer of Cerro Gordo township, is a native of Indiana. He moved to Macon county, Illinois, in 1868, and in 1871 settled in Piatt county, where he owns a place of forty acres, upon which he has made some improvements. He was married in Indiana, to Elizabeth Henricks, and has had three children, Simon H., Samuel and Lydia, all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Shively are members of the German Baptist church. MR. D. W. SEITZ, farmer, was born in Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. He moved to Macon county, Illinois, where his father still lives, in 1855. In 1875 he moved onto a place in Piatt county, owned by Mr. W. Ennis, of Decatur. He has lived on this place ever since, has put up fences and buildings on it, has made ditches, and has planted out trees. He was married in 1872, to N. J. Williams, a native of Illinois. They have had four children, Cora, William E., Frankie and Jesse. Mr. Seitz has been school trustee in township 16 ever since he has lived at his present home. MR. SAMUEL K. THOMPSON (deceased) was a native of Connecticut, from which state he moved to Ohio, and from there to Macon county, Illinois. His next move was to Piatt county, where, at the time of his death in 1868, he owned about 400 acres of land. He had begun making many improvements on his farm. He began quite a good system of drainage for his farm, by which he drained a large pond sit- uated near his house. At one time he owned quite a good deal of property in Macon county. Mr. Thompson married Mrs. Smith Stuart, a native of Connecticut. Her first husband died in the east, leaving six children, four of whom are now living : Harvey married Ellen Wilson, has four children and lives in Kansas ; Eliada married Eva- BIOGRAl'IIICAL SKETCHES. 495 line Smith, and died, leaving three children, Alma, George E. and Bert ; Flora, the wife of Aaron Cole, has seven children, John, Dai- sy, Georgia, Mary, Anna, Roy and Hattie, and lives with her mother on the home place ; Mary is the wife of Eli Drum, an editor of Be- ment, and has live children, Stuart, Lillie, Arthur, Hattie and Bennie. Mrs. Thompson now lives on her large farm near Cerro Gordo, and is a very shrewd business woman. MR. GEORGE WALLIS, grocer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Cambridge- shire, England, and first came to America to stay about twenty-four years ago. Previous to this he had for some time followed the sea. He came from Wisconsin to Illinois, then to Piatt county, about twenty- two years ago. He was a blacksmith until seven or eight years ago, when he went into the grocery business. Mr. Wallis was the first journeyman blacksmith in Cerro Gordo, where he now owns his house, three lots and business buildings. Mr. Wallis was married in 1861, to Mrs. Kemp, who had four children. MR. M. H. WILSON, a merchant of Lintner, is a native of Macon county. He was married in Cass county, to Miss Clara Jones, a native of Kentucky, and has one daughter, Ada E. In 1878 he moved to Piatt county and went into the merchandise business at Lintner. MR. WILLIAM YOORHIES, a resident of Cerro Gordo township, is a na- tive of Kentucky. Plis great-grandfather came to Kentucky with Daniel Boone and was killed at the battle of Boonesborough. His grand- father was one of the early settlers of Kentucky, and his old home place still belongs to the family. He took an active part in the war of 1812 with Gen. Harrison and with Gov. Shelby, the first governor of Kentucky. Mr. William Voorhies, Sr., a very active gentleman of near eighty years of age, spends a portion of each year at "Breeze- land," his son's residence in Piatt county. Mr. William Voorhies, pre- vious to coming to Illinois, spent about four years in study and travel in Europe. The most of this time was spent in Germany. He was married in Kentucky in 1865, to Miss Ellen Duncan, the daughter of a prominent citizen of that state. They have had four children, Mary, Elizabeth, Lilly and Ida. Mr. Voorhies came from Lexington to Illi- nois in 1865. At this time the place (the portion on which he now lives) of 3,200 acres was bought. This land was a part of the seven or eight thousand acres of land which Gen. John S. Williams, who was prominent in the battle of Cerro Gordo and who is now United States senator from Kentucky, owned at one time. Mr. Samuel Aller- ton, of Chicago, lately bought 2,000 acres of Mr. Voorhies' land. 31 4:96 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. The whole tract of land is under cultivation and is still under Mr. Yoorhies' control. The residence at " Breezeland " is somewhat in the style of Southern houses. It is a fine country seat, and at the time it was built was the only settlement south of the railroad. MR. GEORGE C. WAGNER, ^grain dealer, La Place, was born in San- gamon county, Illinois. He moved to Piatt county in 1862 and to La Place about 1873. He owns a residence, barn, and six and one- half lots in this town. His residence, of eight or nine rooms, is in a fine location and is the largest house in town. He also has an interest in some business houses in La Place, and owns a 190-acre farm in Moul- trie county. Mr. Wagner was married in 1861, to Louise Fuller, a native of New York. CHAPTER XIX. WILLOW BRANCH TOWNSHIP. PART of this township is situated just west of Monticello town- ship. It contains fifty-nine and one-half sections of land, and is one of the finest townships in the county. The land is part rolling, and there is a good portion of prairie and timber land. The San- gamon river, which runs diagonally from northeast to southwest through about the middle of the township, drains the entire township. The ridge, which has been before alluded to, crosses the lower part of the township. Mr. Elijah Taylor says that a point of this ridge, not far from his home, is considered the highest point of land along the Wabash railroad, between the Wabash river and the Illinois river. The bluffs along the Sangamon in this township are in some places of good size. Those known as Cedar Bluffs contain, as far as we have heard, the only cedar trees in the county. In addition to the well- timbered land which borders the streams there is a goodly portion of fine farming land. The northwestern part of the township for a num- ber of years was swampy, but of late years the draining done by the farmers is fast making every foot of land tillable. Wolf run and Wild Cat creek are the principal tributaries to the Sangamen from the north. It is supposed that Wolf run obtained its name from the fact that wolf dens were frequently found in its banks, WILLOW BRANCH TOWNSHIP. 497 and because several wild cats were found near the other stream it thus received its name. Willow branch is the main tributary from the south and it is supposed that it received its name 'from the fact that a large willow tree used to stand near the place where the stream was most frequently forded. It is supposed that the township took its name from this stream. Willow Branch township has but one railroad that which was until lately known as the Champlain & Decatur road. There are two stations on this road, Allerton arid Cisco. The former is but a small station on the land owned by Mr. Samuel Allerton, of Chicago. There is also a switch on the road known as the Wild Cat switch, from which point grain is shipped. In regard to the early settlers of Willow Branch we will simply mention the names. Further particulars will, in general, be found in their personal sketches. The Aters and Pecks, Armsworths, Wm. Madden, Jno. West, Sam'l D. Havely, Michael Dillow, George Widick, Peter Croninger, Henry Adams, and a number of others. Mr. Edward Ater taught the first school in the township. Mr. Geo. Widick made brick near Monticello as early as 1842, and Willow Branch has the first brick house, owned by one of the Aters, built in the county. A lane running across the northern part of the township has long been known as Stringtown lane. Most of the early settlements in that part of the township were built on or near this lane. A portion of the northwestern part of the township has been styled Kentucky, we suppose because some of the settlers in that vicinity were from the state of that name. Other lanes in the southeastern part of the township are called Christian and Cow lanes. Many of the early settlers of the township have passed away, but some still remain. The township is proud of all their pioneer settlers, and justly feel that they did a noble work when they began to make settlements in Willow Branch. Cisco. This is a small town, but is improving all the time. The depot was built in 1874, and E. F. Dallas was the first grain merchant and ticket agent. E. F. Dallas was the first grocer of the place, but Oscar Harper soon bought him out, and was the first postmaster of the town. Mr. Dallas and Dr. Caldwell were about the first business men of the place. Washington ^ebaker kept the first drygoods store in 1874, while Walker and Carter had the first hardware store. James Glick was the first blacksmith, J. B. Hamilton the first druggist, and 498 HISTOKT OF PIATT COUNTY. Dr. Weinstein the first physician. Before the station was made Mrs. Tho. Watrous was probably the first person who died there. After the station was located Etta Clothier was probably the first one who died, and Chas. Clothier was probably the first birth. One version in regard to the name of the town is, that one of the men on the surveyors corps had been on the Union Pacific survey, and that lie named the town for a town in Nevada so named. Cisco has a population of over two hundred, contains a Methodist church building, which was erected about 18T5, at the cost of near $2,200, a public hall, one hotel and two boarding houses. There is one lodge of Knights of Red Cross, an Odd-Fellows lodge and a Good Templars lodge. Cisco contains about twenty business firms and is quite a thriving little village. Win. H. Telford has the largest business house of the place and Samuel Nogle keeps the hotel. Mr. Wiriterbottom was the first minister located at Cisco, but he also had "The Chapel" in charge. Churches. The Sangamon church building was erected about 1869 and dedicated to the Christians, but the Baptists own a portion of the church. Ridge chapel was built in 1868, on land donated by Mr. David Mover. Several denominations hold service there. In regard to the United Brethren and Centenary church, we can give no further items than have already been given. CHAPTER XX. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MR. BENNETT ARMSWORTH, farmer, Milmine, was born in Ohio in 1828.. In 1844 he came to Piatt county, and lived with Mr. Scott Arms worth several years. He was stage driver for a time on the state road between Decatur and Mahomet, and again he drove a stage between Springfield and Peoria. This was his last driving, and, strange to say, while on this road he had his first "upset," and two young ladies, who were pitched into a ditch, we're the victims of his probably careless driving. After his career as stage driver was over he went to Ohio for a year, but came back to this county, and for nine successive seasons fed cattle. During this time he drove BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 499 several lots of cattle to Ohio. He was married in 1855, to Martha Ater, a native of Ohio, and has had ten children, all of whom are living. Effie is keeping house for her uncle, Thomas Ater. The names of the other children are Charles, Frank, Emma, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Josephine, James, Bennett and Margaret. In the spring of 1856 Mr. Armsworth moved onto his present home-place of 160 acres. He has put all the improvements on this place, including the fencing of it, both open and tile ditching, and the planting of at least 300 trees. The present residence was built about 1867. Mrs. Armstrong owns eighty acres in the township. Upon our asking Mr. Armsworth for any unusual incidents which had occurred under his notice, he related a little experience he had in 1862 with a cattle thief. One night he was roused by a man driving cattle, who wanted him to take the cattle to Decatur. Mr. Armsworth first refused, but afterward consented, and it was arranged that he would meet the man at Decatur at a certain place and hour. He fulfilled his part of the contract, but did not find the man as anticipated. After getting permission to put the cattle in the depot pens he searched the city for his man, but failed in the attempt,, when upoA going back to the pens he saw a man slipping away. He called and finally overtook the man, who paid him for his trouble, and excused his tardiness with the plea of sickness. Mr. Armsworth went home, and not long after the same man called at his house at midnight to inquire the way to Decatur. It is Mr. Armsworth's belief that the man at that time had Mr. Daniel Stickle's cattle in his possession. Again Mr. Armsworth saw the thief at Bement and tried to prevail on the constable to arrest him. The man was caught at last, however, though not in this county, and let us believe that justice was rendered him. MR. NOAH ARMSWORTH, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Piatt county. He married Eliza Gulliford in 1870, and has had three children, two of whom are still living, Elizabeth and Charity Lulu. He owns a farm of 160 acres, upon which he has made many improvements. He built quite a nice seven-room brick residence about seven years ago, has planted about seventy-five trees, and has done some tile draining. Mr. Armsworth did not escape being school director for about six years. MR. FRANK ATER, farmer, Milmine, is a native of Ohio, and came, when fifteen years old, with his father to Illinois. He lives on the 169 acres of land which fell to his share from his father's estate. It was but little improved, however, when it came into his possession. He has planted hedges, made both open and tile ditches, and built both 500 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. barn and house. The latter was rebuilt in 1879, and now contains six rooms and presents a very pleasant appearance. Mr. Ater planted out 300 fruit trees in addition to about 100 other trees. His wheat crop in 1881 averaged twenty-one bushels to the acre, which was an unusual crop for the season. In 1863 Mr. Ater and Eliza J. McArty, a native of Ohio, were united in marriage. Three of their five chil- dren are living, Adella May, Jennie Belle and Bertha Frances. These three girls have begun their musical education in a somewhat rigid manner. During their first term the three kept the instrument "going 1 ' about eight hours each day. Mr. Ater has held the offices of school director and road commissioner. MR. JOHN S. ATER, farmer, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Ohio. His father was born in Ohio and his mother in Virginia. His father was one of the first settlers of Willow Branch, and John thinks he gave the name to the township. Mr. John Ater was married in March, 1867, to Mary A. Towl. He went to the army in Co. K of the 107th 111. reg., and was in the following battles : those of the Atlanta campaign, Resaca, Buzzard .Roost, Nashville and Franklin. He was never wounded or taken prisoner. Mr. Ater has held some township offices. He was assessor in 1870, and collector in 1871. He belongs to the Masonic order, the blue lodge at Cerro Gordo, and the chapter at Bement, and has been a church trustee of the Sangamon church for nine or ten years. MR. THOMAS J. ATER, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Piatt county. His father, Willis Ater, came to the county about 1837 or 1838, and took Miss Nancy Fisher for his first wife, by whom he had two children, Thomas Jef. and John. His second wife was Eliza Williams, now Mrs. Ezra Cline. He died in 1851. Thomas J. Ater owns 313 acres of land in Willow Branch township, and has. held his share of town- ship offices. He was school director six or eight years, clerk for five or six years, has been collector, and in 1881 was assessor. MR. NELSON ATER, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Ohio. His parents were from Ohio. Nelson came to Piatt county and settled on Camp Creek. After living there two years he moved to Willow Branch township, and has lived there ever since. He was married to Elizabeth Ward, who died, leaving one daughter, Sarah, who is still living at home. Mr. Ater is a member of the Odd-Fellows lodge. When we asked for some hunting or fishing stories, he let us know that he had enjoyed many a deer and wolf hunt. He told a fish story which must not be omitted. He, with four or five others, went seining to Hender- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 501 son Ford. With but three draws of the seine they got a spring-wagon bed of fish. The result of the excursion was that some were made sick and Dr. Hull was sent for. Mu. HENRY ADAMS, farmer, Monticello, was born in Piatt county in 1846. He was married in 1871, to Mrs. liesstler nee Christina West, whose first husband died, leaving three sons, Marion F., Wm. A. and George M., all of whom are at home. Mr. Adams has had four children, three of whom, Chas. L., L. Y. Madison and Jesse, are living. He owns 200 acres of land in Willow Branch township, upon which he has made many improvements. He erected a neat seven- room frame house in 1864, and has planted some trees. He owns a tile kiln, which he has worked two years. He has made on an average 8,000 tile a year, and can burn and dispose of twelve kilns a season. After Mrs. Adams' first marriage she lived in Monticello a time, and finally moved to the place heired from her father's estate, and has improved it a good deal. MR. JAMES ARMSWORTH, farmer and tile-maker, Cisco, is a native of this county. His father's and mother's wedding was one of the first in Willow Branch township. James married Emily E. Gulliford, has four children, Wm. E., Samuel, Celia and Bertha, and lives in Willow Branch township. He and George Still are running a tile yard near his house. They have been working it about two years and burn about twelve kilns a season. James owns 335 acres of land, 160 of which was his father's, Samuel Armsworth, old farm, and he lives in the house his father built. This farm was one of the first improved in the township. MR. MADISON ADAMS, farmer, Cerro Gordo, married Mary Zellars, and has three children, Eli Otto, Calvin Wesley and Olive E. He held the office of pathmaster for two years. He went into the army from Piatt county, in Co. E, 72d 111. The principal battles in which he participated were those of Yicksburg, Champion Hill, Franklin, Mobile and Nashville. He kept a diary throughout his entire three years of service. His father, Jacob Adams, settled in Macon county in 18-16, but lived temporarily in Piatt county for several years. Six of his children are living, five of whom are in Piatt county: Hamilton was in the late war, arid for the last ten years has been in Kansas ; he came back to Piatt county in 1881, and has six children, Wm. R., Frank, Otto C., Alpha, Madison and Flora; Eli C. Adams has three boys, Madison, Frank and an infant, and lives south of Milmine. Henry lives in Willow Branch township, and Sarah J., the wife of 502 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Daniel Butler, has three children, Mary, Josie and Katie, and lives in Cerro Gordo township. MR. JOHN ALSBURY, farmer, Cerro Gordo, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Sangamon county, Illinois, in 1830. He moved to Piatt county in 1865, and settled on the land he now lives on. He bought 240 acres, but has disposed of some of it. He was married in 1850, to Sarah A. West, who died September 23, 1866. Three of their six children are living, John W. and Sarah M. are at home ; Morrison M. is making quite a musician of himself; he first studied at Jacksonville and then went to Boston, where he has been under the personal instruction of Prof. Julius Eichberg. He has been giving lessons and entertainments in 'central Illinois for about two years. The violin he uses is of European make and was imported by Prof. Eichberg. MR. WILLIAM BAKER, farmer, Milmine, was born in 1830, in Pick- away county, Ohio, and in 1858 moved direct from that state to Piatt county. However, in 1851-2, he had spent almost a year in this county. He remarks that in 1851 people had not "fairly given up that they could live away out here in the prairie." He moved into his present residence, which had been built by Mr. Warner, in 1866, but had lived on the farm some seven years previous. When he first moved on his farm there were no improvements in a direct line south for ten or fifteen miles, and wolves used to howl around the door-yard quite frequently. He owns 180 acres of land, upon which he has made most of the improvements. The place is well hedged, has some five or six hundred rods of tile-ditching and is all under cultivation. He was married in 1853, to Ann Jane Grove, who was born in 1834, in Ohio, arid came to Illinois in 1858. Their four children are all living. Thomas, a former student of the State Normal, and who has taught four terms of school, owns 100 acres of land in Willow Branch town- ship, upon which he has put some of the improvements. His wife, nee Emma Tallman, a former student of the Wesleyan University, owns 180 acres of land from her father's estate, which is partially improved. A frame house of four rooms has lately been built on the place. F. Marion Baker, who has taught school two years, is living at home. Mary H. and Florence M. are also at home. Mr. William Baker has been school director for he ' ' don't know how many years, " assessor, town clerk and supervisor. He belongs to the Masonic lodge of Cerro Gordo. MR. S. M. BAKER, farmer, Milmine, is a native of Ohio, from which BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 503 state he moved west in 1843, passing through Piatt county. In 1856 he moved into Piatt county and settled on the farm he now lives on. He was married in Ohio in 1856, to Catharine J. Brown. They have had six children, three of whom, Oscar, Laura and Charles, are living. Mrs. Baker's parents located in Piatt county soon after Mr. Baker came. Several of her brothers died in the army. Mr. Baker belongs to the Masonic lodge at Cerro Gordo. MR. ROBERT C. BLOOD, farmer, Cerro Gordo, is a native of New York, from which state he moved to Missouri in 1871, and in 1873 settled in Piatt county, on the farm where he now lives. He had been in the county, however, thirty years ago. For eight years he traveled to and from it while in the stock business. He has been working with stock ever since he was a child. When but twelve years old his father put him on the road in charge of 244 head of cattle, and, with five men under him, for a trip of 500 miles. He was somewhat over- whelmed for a time with the responsibility, but he got through all right, got the money for the cattle and paid off the men. Mr. Blood was one of the first men who ever took cattle from this state by the northern route, that is, via La Porte, Toledo and Buffalo to, New York. He has herded cattle many times on the ground where Champaign is located. He now owns 640 acres of land, which he has partially improved. He has put up some fences, made some ditches, and has planted at least 250 trees. His present residence stands in a grove of forest trees. He has as fine a location for a country seat as any one in the county. Mr. Blood has succeeded well in farming. Some of his hay and corn crops have been especially good. In 1874 near 400 acres of corn averaged seventy bushels to the acre. He was married in 1853, to Sylvina L. Fitch, a native of New York. Two of their three children are living : Robert is at home ; Ida married Mr. Wesley Humphrey, of Mexico, Missouri, but died in a year after marriage, leaving one son, Robert W. ; Luther has attended school at the Wes- leyan University at Bloornington and Ladoga, Indiana, and has the reputation of being a good scholar. MR. PETER CRONINGER, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Picka- way county, in 1818. He is of German descent and his parents were from Pennsylvania. In 1840 Mr. Croninger moved direct to Piatt county, where he had acquaintances, but no relatives. He bought land where he now lives in Willow Branch township, and now owns about 1,400 acres of land. He hauled the lumber for the first frame house he built after coming to the county from Indiana. The trips were 504 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. made with four-horse teams and were the hardest drives he ever made. The wolves annoyed them and the flies were so persistent that the horses often seemed covered witli blood. Mr. Croninger's present resi- dence is of brick, contains seven rooms and was built in 1867. He was quite a hunter at an early day in the county. Once when hunting wild turkeys he killed what proved to be a pea-fowl. He often, by huntin i-l hts and mornings of a month's time, would kill deer suffi- cient to fill a -l^ogshead with the hams. He still continues to have a reputation as a rail-maker. He lias made rails each season since he was a boy, and used to make as many as 200 rails a day. Mr. Croninger has been an extensive stock dealer. Several years ago he paid out $64,000 in one year for hogs alone* He found that hogs were more paying than any other stock he has handled. He has long been regarded as one of the most influential men of the township and has held the office of supervisor. He was married in 1840, to Cynthia A. Madden, who was born in 1817, and who came to the county in 1839. They have had but one child, Malon L., who married Anna V. Rine- hart, has four children, Earnest L., Charles L^Nellie Grace and Pearl Franklin, and makes his home with his father. MR. HANSON S. COOXROD, farmer, Cisco, was born in Pickaway county, Ohio, June 25, 1815. He moved from his native state to Piatt county about 1857. He was one of the early settlers in his part of the township. For awhile after coming here he lived on the Johns place, which now belongs to Mr. Allerton. He was married in Ohio to Charlotte Martin, who died in 1875. They had nine children, five of whom are living: John H. married Melissa Watson, has one child and lives near Nevada, Missouri ; Sophrona E. married Jacob Andrews, has two children living, William and Charles Chester, and lives in Willow Branch township ; Lavina married Jasper Chandler, has two children and lives in Macon county ; Frankie is the wife of Joshua Hamilton, a dealer in farming implements at Cisco ; they have two children, twins, Bertha and Bertie ; Jeremy B. married Ella Woolington, has one child, Ethyl, and lives on the old home place. Mr. Hanson Coonrod was supervisor of Willow Branch township for several terms. MR. AMOS CONAWAY, merchant, Cisco, is a native of Bourbon county, Kentucky, from where he moved to Vermilion county in 1829, and in 1830 he reached McLean county, but it was not until 1852 that he came to Monticello, Piatt county. He married Elizabeth Boyd, of Cham- paign county. They have had nine children, all of whom are at home. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 505 Jane (1, a successful teacher of the county, is now teaching in Monti- cello. Byron is with his father at Cisco. The names of the other members of the family are Hortense, Amos C., Lizzie, Nancy, James E., Mary E. and Allen R. Mrs. Conaway 's father, Stephen Boyd, was an early settler in Big Grove, Champaign county. He was there the night Nathan Henline was married, and has told how frightened Squire Byers was at the "falling of the stars." (See Mr. Henlinv. & s etch.) Mr. Conaway began keeping store in Monticello in 1864. and, with the exception of about two years, continued in the dry-rrwds business there until about 1879, when he went to Cisco and has done business there ever since, though he has resided most of the time in Monticello. Mr. Conaway gave us some incidents relating to the "big snow" and " sudden freeze." When his iolks moved to this part of the state they camped near Mahomet, on the snow, rather than go to a house where the whooping-cough was. The snow was so deep that when his mother was on a horse her feet would touch the snow. During the sudden change his brother rode a mile and a half, during which ride his clothes froze so stiff that the folks had to break them before he could get off his horse. Mr. Conaway was once telling of the sudden freeze when a man who used to live in Monticello spoke up and said that at that time he was driving a stage-coach and saw a deer struck so severely by that freezing blast that it froze stiff in its track. The man's age was reck- oned on and it was found that he was three years old when he drove that stage-coach. Mr. Conaway was boarding at his brother-in-law's, R, M. Guy, in 1856, when Lincoln came to Monticello to speak. This is known as the first republican rally in this county. When Lincoln started to the court-house he invited Mr. Conaway to go along, but the latter remarked that he "would not be caught in such a crowd." This only illustrates the sentiment of the vast number of people of the county at that date. WILLIAM B. CALDWELL' M.D., Ci^co, is a native of Missouri, to which state his parents moved from Illinois. During the year 1859-60 he studied medicine at Cincinnati, and i 1860-1 at Keokuk, Iowa. He graduated in 1874 at the Rush Medical College in Chicago. He move to Piatt county in 1874, and is living in Cisco. Previous to locating in the county, however, he taught three years at the Prospect school-house. He married Miss Mary Spencer, a native of Missouri, in 1864, and has had two children, Frank W. and Charles Burr. Since locating in Cisco he has built up quite an extensive practice, not only in Cisco, but throughout an area of country the radius of which is 506 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. seven or eight miles. When asked to designate some of the most severe cases he had had, he spoke of the accident which occurred to James Armsworth's little girl. She was accidently shot by her brother, who was looking at a pistol. The ball passed to the right of the breast- bone, between the third and fourth ribs, broke the seventh rib near the spine and lodged just behind the rib. Dr. Caldwell was sent for, and the ball was extracted while the child was under the influence of chloroform. The little girl was sick for sixteen months, but now seems perfectly well. If a person would like a glimpse in one of the happy homes in the county, we would advise him to spend a few hours in that of Dr. Caldwell. MR. MICHAEL DILLOW (deceased) came to Piatt county in 1834, and was one of the first settlers in the Willow Branch township. He married Mrs. Shuman nee Rachel Cawbel, and had five children. Leah married A. W. Lingle, and lives in southern Illinois. Charles was killed during the Mexican war, when on his way to Mexico. His company was camped on the Rio Grande for the purpose of burying a comrade, when an Irish company came up and was fighting among themselves. Charles' company was ordered to quell the disturbance and he was killed. Nancy married Isaac Collins and lives in Kansas. Catharine Lavina married Edward Woolington ; she died of small- pox. He next married Miss Albert, and afterward took Miss Coon as his third wife, and now lives in Cisco. Michael married Matilda Thorpe in 1851, and in 1854 moved on to the place of 160 acres, where he now lives. Seven of their eight children are now living : Amos is living in Kansas ; Monroe married Mary Redenbaugh, and is a mechanic and farmer; Alice, now teaching in the county, attended school at Lincoln University, Logan county ; Samuel Burney, Mary and Sophrona are at home, while Lucinda, the next to the youngest, is in Lincoln. Mr. Dillow has held the offices of school director and township assessor. He is a Presbyterian minister. When speaking of this he made a remark which we will venture to mention. When being examined he was advised "never to tell he was a minister, for the sake ot saving a bill. " He says he tried to follow the advice. He has had charge of several congregations, but most of his work has been on Friends Creek. MR. ADAM DORR, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Germany, from which country he emigrated in 1836. He lived about two years in New York city, seven years in Pennsylvania, and about 1844 he moved to Illinois. In 1862 he settled where he now lives, on Stringtown BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 507 Lane. At that time he bought eighty acres of land at $8 an acre. He had contracted for 160 acres, but as it was a wet year he persuaded the railway company to take back half of the land. He now says he would give at least $30 an acre if he had the rest. In speaking of improve- ments which have been made of late, Mr. Dorr remarked : "In the last twenty years Piatt county lias improved more than any county I know of." He was married in 1845, to Mary Evans, a native of Ken- tucky, arid has had six children, five of whom, are living : Henry married Corry Bowzer and lived in Willow Branch township at the time of his death in 1876. Mabary owns eighty acres of land in the township ; Annie married Irving Hinson, a farmer of the township, and has one daughter, Estella; William married Hattie Hinson, and has one son, Henry B. ; Olive and Oscar are both at home. Mr. Dorr has been school trustee nearly ever since coming to the county. MR. BENJAMIN F. DOOLEY, farmer, Cisco, was born in Kentucky, in 1818, and is of German and English descent. He moved to his pres- ent home in Piatt county November 2, 1860. The house was built and the place was partially improved by Mr. Sam'l E. Clay ; Mr. Doo- ley, however, has added many improvements, including the planting of 730 trees, 207 of which are fruit trees and the remaining forest trees. He now owns eighty acres of land. When he first settled in the town- ship there were but one or two houses between his place and Friends Creek. One house where Cisco now is, and Mr. Spencer's and Mr. Weddle's houses, were about the only houses in sight. The northwest- ern part of the township was covered with ponds and swamps. All this is changed now, and wheat and rye wave to the breeze where the swamp grass once held full sway. The settlers used sometimes to get lost in going to or from Monticello. Mr. Dooley was married June 7, 1843, to Sarah M. Jameson, a native of Kentucky, and who died Janu- ary 10, 1880. Five of their nine children are still living : Wm. O. married Sarah E. Chase ; Elizabeth Ann became the wife of George Hummel, of Cisco ; Albert W. died when twenty-three years and Abel J. when seventeen years old ; Mary E. married Daniel C. Miles. Thomas P. and Emma are still at home. Mr. Dooley has done his duty as school director and road overseer, and was justice of the peace for four years. MR, GEORGE DILSAVER, farmer, Monticello, is of German descent and was born in 1815, in Fairfield county, Ohio. He moved from Ohio to Indiana, where he lived three and one-half years, and then in 1846 came to Piatt county. In 1848 he bought his present homestead. 508 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Upon settling in his little log cabin he underwent the usual trials of new settlers. Deer, wolves and prairie chickens were quite plenty. Prairie h'res were constant annoyances and did the usual amount of damage to this new settlement. He was married in Ohio in 1837, to Mary Winstead, who was born in 1815. They had five children, two of whom are living : Martha Ann married Wm. Dresback in 1860 ; he died in the army in 1863 ; she died in 1876, leaving two children : Marietta, who in 1879 married Wm. Duvall, has one child, Ford, and lives in Goose Creek township, and Elma, who in 1880 married Joseph H. Keller. Evaline Dil saver is living at home with her parents ; Man ton married C. Jane Prouse, has five children, Mary E., George P., Olive, Frederick M. and Roscoe, and lives in Willow Branch township. MR. SAM'L D. HAVELY, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Pennsyl- vania in 1800, and was reared in Ohio. He came to Piatt county in 1837, and in 1838 moved into Willow Branch township. He made rails and fenced a half-section of land almost by himself. He was industrious, and, according to the report of a neighbor, would often work all day and not stop for dinner. He finally lost this farm to pay security debts, but now owns a half-section of land in another part of the township and is out of debt. He was married in 1826 to Elizabeth Wiley, who died in 1850, leaving four children: William is married and lives in Kansas ; Margaret married Washington Allsup, has four children and lives in Maroa ; her husband was quite wealthy, and the day he died he bought her a homestead of sixty acres joining Maroa; Mary became the wife of Isaac Reed, who died in less than two years, leaving one child ; his widow married B. Frank Widick, but died, leaving one child. Mr. Widick married again just twenty-two years after his first marriage, and in the same house. Minor Havely took Ellen Churchill as his first wife. Elizabeth Sherman, a relative of Roger Sherman of revolutionary renown, became his second wife ; they have one son, Samuel, and live in Willow Branch township. In 1852 Mr. Sam'l Havely married Mrs. Samuel Reason, nee Rachel Fout. Mr. and Mrs. Reason married in Ohio, from which state they came to Piatt county and lived near Monticello. Mr. Reason died of measles, near Monterey, during the Mexican war. He left three chil- dren, two of whom died of measles the same week, and the other, Will- iam, is still living, and has been married twice, the first time to Kate Conrow, and the last time to Anna Camden. Each wife had three children ; their names are Ella F., Josephine, Anna May, Laura B., BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH KS. 509 Samuel and Pearl O. We suppose that Mr. Sam'l Havelj got his sobriquet of ''Captain" from the fact that he was once captain of a boat, and at an early day was captain of a light horse company in Ohio. He avers that he cut down the first tree that was ever felled on the site of the present city of Columbus. He cut a coon tree there in 1813, and in the same year the sale of lots for that city was cried out from the stump of the tree. Twelve years ago the captain made a visit to Columbus, and while there pointed out the site of the old coon tree stump. He says a "whole troupe of gold-spectacled people were present," and the hospitality of the city was given him. Mr. Havely illustrated to us in quite a vigorous manner the hardships which many of the pioneer settlers had to undergo. When they first came to the county they had to get their provisions at Springfield, Peoria, Chicago, and in Indiana. He tells of going to Chicago with six yoke of oxen and carrying about 100 bushels of wheat at a load. Once when on the road to that city, and when about seventeen or eighteen miles from home, the sole of one shoe came off. Soon the other gave out, and he went the rest of the way to and from Chicago barefooted. About 1838 he went to Decatur for salt, and upon finding that salt at that place was $16.60 a barrel, he immediately planned a trip to the Wabash for the article. He had quite an adventurous time on the way back with his salt, came near sinking the ferry-boat, but finally reached home and sold the salt at the rate of $12 a barrel, and that seemed cheap. Cap- tain referred to quite an exciting wolf hunt that occurred in this county. People congregated from the neighboring counties of Macon and De Witt, and had some rare sport. Captain Havely and Wm. Barnes finally got track of a wolf, which ran toward Monticello. It was overtaken by the dogs and men right on the spot where the court- house stands. After deliberating over the best way to dispatch the animal, Mr. Havely killed it with his stirrup. In those times it was quite common for people to have bloodhounds. Captain Havely once had twenty-two of the old Virginia stock of hounds. Captain Havely seems quite hale and hearty for a person of his age. During the sum- mer of 1881 he went into the field and ploughed and harrowed three days. ME. JOHN HEATH, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in New York in 1820, and is of English and Scotch lineage. He moved from New York to Ohio, from there to Macon county, Illinois, in 1852, and in 1853 settled on his present home-place, which was then raw prairie. At this time Mr. Austin Warner settled on part of what is now Mr. 510 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Win. Baker's place. He now lives in Nebraska. Mr. Heath has improved all of the 150 acres of land which he now owns. By the use of some ten or twelve thousand tiles he has succeeded in putting nearly every foot of the land under cultivation. The place is well hedged, and six hundred fruit trees arid about seven or eight thousand forest trees have been planted. In 1854 Mr. Heath had forty acres in wheat, which yielded thirty bushels to the acre. He used the McCor- mick reaper for cutting it, and probably this was the first reaper used in the county. Part of the present residence was put up in 1 854 and part in 1872. When they first settled on the place a shed answered for a dwelling-place for the family until spring. In 1842 Charity B. Warner and Mr. Heath were united in marriage. They have had eight children, seven of whom are now living : Frances A. married Geo. Robertson, and has foui; children, Elona, Bertie, Grace and Josephine ; Harvey E. married Etta Snyder, and with two children lives in Nebraska ; Alfred B. is farming at home ; Ellen H. married Mr. Jas. Robertson, has four children, and lives in Nebraska ; Hubert A., a former student of the Wesleyan University, and a teacher of this county, is now located in Topeka, Kansas ; Eva G. is the wife of Edward Moyer ; Ora E. married Owen Hitch, and is living at home. Mr. Heath held the office of school director for two terms. MR. THOMAS HIATT, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Lawrence county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county in 1856. He was married in 1861, to Harriet J. Moffit, a native of Ohio, and has had seven children, Clara E., Winfield S., Lorena F., Wm. IT., John E., Martha and Ethyl Maud. MR. PATRICK B. HASSETT, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Ireland, from which country, at the instigation of his uncle, who lived in Canada, he came to America in 1845 or 1846. He came to Illinois in 1854, returned to New York, but in 1867 he settled in Piatt county. He married Ann Hogan, a native of Ireland, and has had four chil- dren : Mary, the wife of George Hickman ; George, Sarah and Willie. MR. DAVID KUNS, one of the most successful farmers of the county, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Indiana. He moved to Macon county in 1853, and in 1856 settled in Piatt county on his present farm of 460 acres. This is considered "one of the best improved farms of the county." It is fenced with hedges into forty and eighty acre fields, and Mr. Kuns has planted on it at least 400 fruit trees, a three-acre grove of evergreens and a five-acre grove (planted in 1874) of ash, walnut, and other trees. He has succeeded RY HE ,: r ILLINOIS BIOGEAPHICAL SKETCHES. 513 I in growing some chestnuts, and thinks that people should plant such trees more extensively in this part of the country. In 1867 or 1868 he erected one of the best and largest (containing eighteen rooms with cellar) brick houses in the county. Mr. Kuns was married in 1845, to Margaret Lamb, a lady of English and Scotch descent. They have had one son, Henry L., who married Ella Pierce in 1870, has three children and is now living near Gilroy, Santa Clara county, California. He moved there in 1877, but still owns a farm in Piatt county. Mr. and Mrs. David Kuns are prominent members of the German Baptist church, which they joined after coming to this county. No one who meets them can keep from admiring their great depth of character. The winter of 1881-2 Mr. Kuns and wife spent in California with their son. MR. HENRY KUNS, farmer, Milmine, was born in Ohio in 1823. He moved from his native state to Indiana ' ' in the timber and among the Indians," but afterward, in 1864, moved to Piatt county and settled on the place which he bought of Mr. Stillman Barber. The present residence was on the place, the orchard was planted and some other improvements were made, but Mr. Kuns has built corn-cribs, cider and scale sheds, and a brick ; ' cooking-house. " He has also put out some hedge and 800 fruit trees and 2,000 forest trees, and has put in several hundred rod of tiling. There are some 327 acres in the home farm, upon which has been raised quite good crops. Mr. Kuns owns 160- acres in Willow Branch township, and two farms of 160 acres each in Cerro Gordo township. He has put all improvements on^these places, including the planting of some 600 trees on each place. He has also planted 700 trees on a 160-acre farm of his in Sec. 20 of Cerro Gordo township. Two acres of this farm he donated for a school-house. He improved the N.E. ^ of Sec. 20 in Cerro Gordo township, and gave it to his daughter. Another quarter-section of land, three miles south of Milmine, he gave to one of his daughters. He gave his two boys 160 acres of land apiece in Willow Branch township. Mr. Kuns was mar- ried in 1845, to Susanna Shively, who died in 1846. He was married again in 1848, to Caroline Spidle, a native of Pennsylvania, who was reared in Ohio, and married and lived in Indiana for about eighteen years. Eight of their nine children are living: John S., deacon in the German Baptist church, married Sarah Hover, has two children, Dora and Jesse, and lives in Willow Branch township ; David married Catharine Klinzman, has three children, and is farming in Nebraska. Barbara, the wife of Geo. W. Tracy, has two children and lives in 32 514 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Christian county ; Hannali, tlie wife of George Tilery, lias one child, Manno, and lives in Cerro Gordo township; .Jacob, Noah, Mary C. and Daniel F. are at home. Mr. Kims is a minister in the German Baptist church. Mr. John Kuns has purchased 160 acres of land of his brother who went to Nebraska. He built a large barn in 1875, and in 1S7T a brick house containing seventeen rooms, with halls and cellars. It fronts the south, from which view it presents a fine appear- ance. He has planted on this place between two and three thousand forest trees and five hundred fruit trees. He has had excellent crops on this farm. MR. JOHN KIEST, farmer and blacksmith, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved in 1856, to Coles county. About 1868 he moved into Piatt county and has been blacksmithing ever since. His shop is now on Willow Branch. He was married to Rebecca Gray, and has had six children, all of whom are living, Win. P., Sophia R, Nathan B., Maggie E., Estella and Elrner. MR. PETER Lux, farmer, Bement, was born in France, in 1813. He came to America when nineteen years of age, and started a black- smith shop. He enlisted in the army and was a soldier for eight years, and in 1837 was called to help take the Indians west. He came back to Indiana in 1838, and that fall went west with another troup of Indians, returning to Indiana in March, 1839. In 1840 he started on his third trip west, returning in 1841, when he again began blacksmith- ing. He soon sold out and bought a farm four miles south of Logans- port, Indiana. He remained on the farm two years, then renting it went to Logansport and again at blacksmithing. He sold his shop and, returning to the farm, built a nice house, which as soon as finished burned down, his loss being about $5.000. He then built a log cabin, in which he lived a year. Mr. Lux moved to Illinois in 1862, rented a farm for one year, then bought the farm on which he now lives ; for eight years lived in a small house, then built his present residence and barn. He has his farm in good condition, having done all the improv- ing. It is w r ell hedged, and he has an orchard of 250 trees. Mrs. Peter Lux was born in Hagertown, Maryland, in 1823. She was in Baltimore until she was fifteen years of age, then spent a year in Ohio, after which she came to Logansport, Indiana, where she married Mr. Lux. They have thirteen children, whose ages range from twelve to forty years, and whose names are as follows : John, Anna, Peter, Henry, Susan, Nicholas I., Martin, Jacob O., Clara L., Augustus IL, Charles W., Harvey A. and Sarah I\. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 515 MR. WILLIAM MADDEN (deceased) was one of the early settlers in Willow Branch township, and after his locating here lived on one place until his death. He was first married to Miss Huffines, who died, leaving one son, Nelson, who married Melirida Reynolds, and with one child lives in Macon county. He was married again, to Almeria Chap- man, who is still living, and is now the wife of Mr. Stephen Huffines, and has had four children since her last marriage. Leona, the wife of George Barnett, and David and Edward are living. After his last marriage Mr. Madden had five children, four of whom are living : Francis married Lydia A. Moore, who died, leaving six children ; he married again and moved to Kansas ; William married Ida Hopkins, has one child and lives is Missouri ; Mary married Thomas Glick, has two children, Olen and Charles, and lives on part of the home-place ; Cynthia married T. H. McCartney and has three children living, Lillie May, Nora Belle and Pearl Evaline. Mr. and Mrs. McCartney were married December 28, 1869, by Rev. Davidson, in a hotel in Cerro Gordo, with three other couples, Thomas Glick and Mary Madden, W. M. George and Miranda Reynolds, and W. A. McCartney and A. Y. S. Miles. MR. WESTON MILES (deceased) was born in Virginia in 1807. He moved from that state to Piatt county in 1861. He lived with Mr. Samuel Miles the first few weeks until he built the house on his place of 160 acres. A part of this place has been sold since his death, which occurred April 27, 1875. He was married in December, 1837, to Sarah R. Simmons, who was born, in 1819. Their eldest son, Edward, married in 1865 Jennie H. Gale, a former school-teacher of the county ; they have six children, and are now living in Ogden, Champaign county, where Mr. Miles is in the grain and merchandise business. John S. married Sarah E. Andrews, has one child and lives in Ogden ; Ann R. married John P. Dresback, and has five children : Lena L., Charles, John, Jessie and an infant ; Mary C., the wife of Joel Rhine- hart, of Deland, has two children, Alice and an infant ; William M. married Ruth M. Jackson, has five children, and lives in Champaign county ; Henry T. married Mrs. Miles, nee Alrnira Frederick, and is living at home ; Charles S. married Almira Frederick in 1876 ; he died in 1878, and his brother Henry married his widow ; Jesse mar- ried Emma L. Nogle, in 1878, and is* a druggist in Cisco ; David T. has been attending the Wesley an University at Bloomington ; Ger- trude is at home. MR. SAMUEL MILES (deceased) was born in January, 1812, in Vir- 516 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. ginia, and moved from that state to Piatt county, in 1855. In 1856 he settled on the place on which he lived at the time of his death, in 1881. He put all the improvements on the place, and built the homestead dwelling the winter of 1855-6, living the while in the kitchen of the house Mr. Jas. Armsworth now lives in. He first bought 160 acres of land, to which he afterward added eighty acres, but it has since been sold. In 1833 Betsey A. Simmons, born in 1815, and Samuel Miles were united in marriage. Their daughter Sarah, born in 1834, married Mr. Reuben Lowry (deceased); James V., a soldier in the late war three years, married Maria Lindsey, has three children, and lives near Foosland; William died when young; Mary J. married Henry Cor- nell, and lives in Champaign county ; they have nine children ; Thomas S., born in 1842, was in the army three years, married Harriet Crow, has two children, and now lives near Foosland ; Hannah C. was married in 1867, to Jesse E. Welton, has no children, and lives on the home-place ; David C. married Eliza Dooley, and has three children, Samuel F., Alberta G. and John Austin; Ann V. married Win. McCartney, has one son, Wm. E., and lives on what is known as the Madden place ; George W. married Clara McAllister ; Adam S. is living in Nebraska and Joseph L. is now in Missouri. Mrs. Miles survives her husband, and hag not lost her industrious manner yet. Mr. Samuel Miles lived to be the eldest of his family. He was a class- leader and exhorter in the Methodist Episcopal church for a number of years before his death. MR. WILLIAM H. MoARTY, farmer, Cerro Gordo, came from Ohio to Piatt county, and settled near Monticello. He is now living on land which he improved in the southern part of Willow Branch town- ship. He was justice of the peace two terms and has been assessor of Cerro Gordo township. He married Annie Smith, of Ohio, and has had ten children, nine of whom are living : Wesley married Mollie Bear, has four children, Marion, Emma, Charity and Abbey, and lives near Cisco; P. D. McArty married I. McAlister, has three children, Clara A., James and Viola, and lives in Willow Branch township; Eliza J. married Frank Ater (see his name) ; William married Mary Creighton, has three children, Charles, Eldo and Ambrose, and lives near Monticello; Joseph C. was married in 1873, to Catharine Peck, has three children, Carson P., Eioria and Ada Florence, and lives on eighty acres of land in Willow Branch township, which his father improved ; Samuel is living with his parents ; Frank married Henry Sehoolcraft, has one child, Earnest, and lives near Cerro Gordo; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 517 Newton is in McLean county, while Rosetta is living at home. Miss Isabel Peck has been making her home at Mr. J. 0. McArty's for several years. Her father, Daniel Peck, settled just in the edge of Macon county, about thity-one years ago. His death occurred about thirteen years ago, and his wife died in 1861. Three of the family are now living in the county. MR. JOHN MOFFITT, farmer, Monticello, was born in Virginia in 1811. He moved from that state to Pennsylvania, and when seven- teen years old moved to Morgan county, Ohio. Again he moved to Muskingum county, was married in Zanesville, lived in Pickaway county awhile, and from there, in 1855, he moved to Piatt county and settled on Goose Creek. After living on Dr. Hull's awhile he bought a farm, where he lived until 1865, when lie moved to Friends Creak, where he lived for eighteen months. His next move was to his farm of 300 acres not far from Monticello, where he now lives. He has made most of the improvements on this place, including the planting of at least one hundred and fifty trees. Mr. Moffitt was married in 1832, to Martha Dickson. Six. of their eleven children are living: Martha A. married Richard Morrison, a physician in Ohio, and has three children; Harriet J. married Tho. Hiatt, of Willow Branch township, and has seven children ; Henry Moffitt married Nancy Marquiss, has four children, and is a farmer in Missouri ; Edward Moffitt still lives at home; Robert married Etta Peck, has two chil- dren, Estelle and Roy, and lives in Willow Branch township ; Flora, the wife of John Hiatt, is living in Sangamon township. 'Mr. John Moffitt held the office of road commissioner for nine years. MR. DAVID MOVER, farmer, Milmine, was born in Pickaway county, Ohio. His father was of German descent, was born in Switzerland, and came to America about 1808 or 1809. The subject of our sketch moved from Ohio to Carroll county, Indiana, and after seven years' residence there, moved to Piatt county in 1854, and lived one year southwest of Cerro Gordo, after which he moved into Willow Branch township. He owns 330 acres of land, which is well improved. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer have had six children, three of whom are living : Mary E. married G. A. Clark, but died in 1880, leaving seven children, William, Ida, Charles, John, George, Clara and Freddie ; Isabella, wife of John A. La Fever, died in Macon county, leaving one child ; Clara married Raymond McKinney, a restaurant keeper at Cerro Gordo, and has three children, Charlotte, Cora and Loretta ; Edward was married in 1874, to Eva Heath, and has two children, lona 518 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. and Charles ; be is a graduate of the Jacksonville Business College, and has a library of at least eighty volumes ; Ruth married William Cochran and lives in Willow Branch township. Mr. David Mover has been supervisor of the township for nine years. MB. SAMUEL McCLURE, farmer, Bement, was born in Kentucky, from which state he moved to Indiana, and from there he came to Macon county, Illinois, in 1848, and in 1858 he settled in Piatt county on the land he now lives on. He owns 360 acres of land, upon which he has made most of the improvements. It is all under cultivation, is hedged, and most of it is tiled. Mr. McClure was married in 1851, to Eliza J. Farrow, and has had eight children, five of whom are living, Daniel, John, Frances, Theodosia and Liona. Mr. McClure is known throughout the vicinity as one of the enterprising farmers of the count}'. MR. Jonx MINTUN, farmer, Monticello, was born in Ohio. His parents were of English descent and of Ohio. His father is still living in Ohio. His grandfather was in the war of 1812. The subject of our sketch was married in 1855, to Hester A. Truax, a native of Ohio. They lived in Ohio until 1863, when they moved to DeWitt county for a time, and then settled in Willow Branch township, where they have lived ever since. Of their children, one daughter is dead ; Stephen married Rosa Lewis, has two children and lives in Nebraska ;' Thomas married Georgia A. Lewis, has one child, Arthur, and lives in Willow Branch township ; Nannie was married in 1880, to Charles Henline, and lives in the same township ; Jesse and James are at home. Mr. Mintun's sister, Comfort Olm, came to the county the same time he did. Her husband, John Olm, was killed near Bender Ford in 1871. The horses ran off, threw him against a stump, and he was found dead. For over four years Mr. Mintun lived on Mr. Ailerton's farm of 2,700 acres. He boarded all the farm hands and was overseer of the entire farm. He is a successful farmer, as those who know him will testify. He is a member of the Masonic lodge. MR. JAMES P. OWNBY, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Virginia, from which state he moved to Missouri. In 1871 he came to Piatt county, Illinois, but had been to and from Missouri several times before permanently locating in the county. He moved onto his present home-place in 1872. Eighty acres of the farm was heired by Mrs. Ownby from her father's estate. Mr. Ownby has improved the entire place. Their present six-room residence was built in 1875. About eighty trees have been planted, and some tile-ditching has been done. In 1871 Mr. Ownby and Mary A. Ater were united in marriage. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 519 Four of their live children are living, James, Victor, Wada and Mary Alice. Mr. Ownby has been school director several terms and is now justice of the peace. MK. GEORGE PECK, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Virginia in 1811. When he was three years old his parents moved to Pickaway county, Ohio, and lived there until their death. He was married in Madison county, to Elizabeth Denton, and for eighteen years lived in that county. His wife died, leaving six children, four of whom are living. Amanda, the wife of J. W. Wood, lives in Willow Branch township. Henry married Jane Peck, who died ; they had six chil- dren, Owen, Eva, Miles, Langdon, Loren and Maud. He next married a widow who had one child. Elizabeth Peck married Henry Propts and moved to Missouri. He died leaving four children, two of whom, Charles and Clarence, are in this county. His wife moved back to this county ; she married Tho. Riley, and is now in Missouri and has three more children. Louisa married Jacob Drum, who was a soldier in the late war for four years ; she died, leaving one child, Louis P., and Mr. Drum married again and went to Nebraska. Vandalia married George Thompson, lived in Piatt county three years and then moved to Kansas, where she died, leaving one child, Lura Vandalia, who now lives with her grandparents. James C. married Mary Chambers, has four children, Eugene, William, Charles and Josie Belle, -and lives in Wil- low Branch township. Mr. George Peck took for his second wife Elizabeth Kelso, whom he married in Ohio in 1850. The next year he moved to Macon county, and in 1852 settled on his present home- place in Piatt county. At this time he hauled lumber and provisions from the Wabash. He kept the stage stand and post-office for five years, until Cerro Gordo was started. He also kept a regular country hotel for years. He often had as many as thirty or forty to stay over night. Of his children by his last wife, Emma A. married Levi Towl, has four children and lives in Macon county ; George Reed, who grad- uated at Ladoga, Indiana, in 1881, is now at home, as is also William Orlando. Mrs. George Peck's sister, who made her home at Mr. Peck's until quite recently, was married under quite romantic circumstances. A minister who preached in the-neighborhood went to his home and told a friend of this lady. The friend wrote to her, finally came to see her, and their marriage resulted after having seen each other but twice. He is now a minister in Terre Haute, Indiana. Mr. Peck has held various township offices. One has only to step into the dooryard even of his house to meet with that generous hospitality which characterizes 520 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. pioneers. In personal appearance he is tall, fine looking, and appears in condition to live many a year yet. We have recently heard of the sudden death of Mrs. Geo. Peck. MR. WILLIAM PECK, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in 1808, in Virginia. His parents were from the same state and died in Ohio. Four of their nine children came to Piatt county ; Adinijah and Will- iam came first, and afterward Enoch and Daniel. William came to the county in 1837, and settled where Mr. George Peck lives. He moved from there to Winnebago county and from there to La Salle county. He is now living about seven miles from Cerro Gordo. When Mr. Peck lived where Geo. Peck now lives he kept post-office for five or six yeard. Mr. Frink, one of the firm Frink & Walker, who owned the stage line from Springfield to Indianapolis, named this office Cerro Gordo. The name was afterward given to the town. William Peck was married in Ohio, to Mary Stookey ; she died leaving three chil- dren : Peter, who was in the late war three years, is a railroad engineer and lives at Hannibal, Missouri ; Amanda married Jacob Peck, has five children and lives in Macon county; Angeletta married Joseph Rock, has two children and lives in Texas. In 1863 William Peck was married to Sarah Johnson, of Ohio. By his last wife he has had five children, Clara Belle, Francis B., Susan, Blanch and Labon. MR. MONROE PECK, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, but was reared in Willow Branch, in Piatt county. He owns sixty-seven acres of land, which he has improved himself. About one hundred trees have been planted and a story and a half house erected. He was married in 1869, to Mary M. Williams, and has had three children, all living, Washington L, Oren E. and Everett E. When asked what offices he had held, he remarked, "I have never even been school director or roadmaster." Mr. Peck went to Texas in 1859, and before he could get home the war broke out. He was caught by the rebels, came near being hung, but was finally forced into the southern army, in Co. B of the 10th Tex. reg. He was taken prisoner at Jonesborough, Georgia, but in no way could he convince his captors that he was a northern man. They considered him a traitor. He was forced to enter the army in 1862, was captured in 186-1, but it was not until 1865 that he was released at Chicago. Mi;. DAVID PECK, farmer, Milmine, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county about 1838. ' He was raised in this county from the time he was two years old. He is living on the first land he owned in the county. He has improved the eighty BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 521 acres himself. About one and three-fourths miles of open and tile- ditching has been done, and about two thousand trees have been planted. He was married in 1865, to Rachel Crawford, who came to Illinois in 1863. They have had three children : Edgar, Flor- ence and Addison. Mr. Feck has been school director for several years. He went to the army in Co. K of the 107th 111. Inf., and par- ticipated in the following battles : Siege of Knoxville, Campbell Sta- tion, Frankfort and Nashville. He was never wounded or taken prisoner. MR. ENOCH PECK (deceased) came from Ohio to Illinois about 1839, and settled on AYillow Branch. He was one of the early set- tlers of the township, and at various times held most of the offices of the township, including that of justice of the peace and supervisor. He and his wife lie buried in the Sangamon cemetery. Eight of their children are still living in the township : Abraham Peck (see his name); Rebecca, the wife of George Matchler, is in Texas ; George Peck, jr., was about nine years old when his father moved to this county ; he owns 460 acres of land, a part of which he has improved himself ; he married Mary Peck, who died, leaving one son, Willis ; he next married Mary J. Jones, who has three children, Louis and Jennie Belle and James Bennett, twins. The names of Mr. Enoch Peck's other children are John; Monroe (see his name) ; Charity, the wife of J. M. Cook ; Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Durham ; and James and Henry. MR. ABRAHAM PECK, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ross county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county in 1839, and first settled on Willow Branch. He reached this county on the 28th of September, 1839, and he remembers that the ground was frozen and covered with about one inch of snow. He was married in 1844, to Catharine West, and has had thirteen children, eight of whom are living : Will married Belle Conner, but died in 1876, leaving two children, one of whom, Minnie, is now living ; Cyrus married Sarepta Cline, and lives on -Willow Branch ; George married Miss T. Ater, who died (he married again and is now living in Ohio) ; Mary, the wife of David Zimmerman, has two children, 1^. Y. and Frank, and lives in Willow Branch township ; Samaritha married Frank Connor, but died ; M. Fillmore is not married ; Miss J. married Robert Moffitt and lives on Willow Branch ; A. Lincoln, Rudolphus, Louis and Charles are at home. Mr. Peck held the office of school director four or five terms and was coroner for six years. 522 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. MR. ADINI.IAH PECK (deceased), was born in Ohio, in 1806. He moved from that state to Illinois in 1838, and settled on Willow Branch. He owned a hundred or more acres, where his widow now lives, and made most of the improvements on the place. He was married in 1827, to Mary Ater, and had nine children, eight of whom are living. His death occurred in 1862. Jane, now dead, was the wife of Peter Adams ; Mary married Cyrus Widick ; Peter is married and lives in Cerro Gordo township ; Aaron is unmarried and lives at home with his mother ; David married Rachel Crawford (see his name) ; Catharine is the wife of Elijah Taylor (see his name) ; Emily married John Grig wold, lives in Cerro Gordo township and has nine children, Maggie, Charles, William, Mollie, Emily, Catherine, Lou, Aaron, and an infant ; Miranda is still living at home ; Daniel mar- ried Maggie Sherman and has one child. Mrs. Peck used to undergo the usual hardships which came to all early settlers, but now she is comfortably situated in a neat si^-room frame house which was built not many years ago. MR. JAMES H. PIPER, farmer, Monticello, is of German, Irish and English lineage, and was born in Pickaway county, Ohio. In 1853 he was induced by a man in Ohio to come to Piatt county and drive cattle to Ohio for him. After coming to the county he followed cattle feeding and driving for several years. During this time he was employed by William H. Piatt and George Reid. He was married in 1858, to Mar- tha Jane Gay, a native of Ohio. Two of their three children are living. Their eldest son, William, was married in 1881, to Mollie Talbert. Charles E. is the name of the youngest son. Mr. Piper went to the army in 1862, in Co. D of the 73d 111. Yols. He engaged in the following battles : Perryville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge and Resaca, at which place he was wounded in the arm. He was confined in the hospital for three months. The wounded arm still annoys him. He receives a pension. Mr. Piper gave us some incidents of camp life, but these we will reserve for the chapter of war anecdotes. In 1870-1 he was tax collector in Goose Creek township. MR. HARRY P ARRIS n, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1863. He settled in Willow Branch township, and has lived there all the time, with the exception of two years. He owns eighty acres of land in Willow Branch town- ship, which is partially improved. He was married in 1863, to Katie Folks, of Ohio, and has had eight children, seven of whom are living : Emma, Sarah, James M., John, Ada, Augustus and Seth W. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 523 MR. JOHN REEVES, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois, Champaign county, about 1858. In 1861 he moved to Piatt county- He rented land for a time, but now owns 280 acres of land, which he has partially improved. He was married in 1857, to Angeline Williams, of Ohio, and has had six children, all of whom are living, Turney, Wm. C., Edward A., Corrilda, Chas. O., and Alba Gertrude. MR. JOHN A. SMITH, farmer, Monticello, a native of Ohio, moved to Indiana, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1872. He had been to and from the county, however, several times previous to settling in it. He was married in 1872, to Charity Ater, and has three children, but one of whom, Blanch Maud, is living. They own 160 acres of land, upon which Mr. Smith has made most of the improve- ments. Sixty trees, at least, have been planted. Mr. Smith went into the army from Indiana, but was never wounded or taken prisoner. MR. ROBERT C. SALYERS (deceased) was a native of Kentucky, from which state he moved to Morgan county, Illinois, about 1863, and in 1870 he settled in Piatt county, where his son now lives. He was married in Kentucky, to Elizabeth Tutor, who died in that state. He died in Piatt county in 1881. Several of their children are now living in the county. Samuel lias been dealing in stock almost ever since he has been in the county. Charlotte A. is unmarried and still lives in this county. Rebecca died of consumption about ten years ago. John married Letitia Robinson, of Morgan county, has three children, Har- rison, Oswald and an infant, and lives on his farm of 240 acres. William married Ella Rock, and lives near Monticello. Isaac died of lock-jaw about four years ago, and Eliza Belle died before she was of age. MR. GEORGE M. TURNER, farmer. Bement, is a native of New York, from which state he moved to Piatt county about 1869, and settled in Bement. In 1875 he moved to a farm about two and one-half miles west of Bement. He owns a farm of 260 acres, part of which was improved when he took possession of it. The farm is ditched well with both open and tile ditches, and about three hundred and fifty trees have been planted on the place. Every yard of the farm is under cultivation. About fifteen years ago the place was sold at $10 an acre. In 1849 Mr. Turner and Hannah Rouse were united in marriage. They have had four children, three of whom are living. Wallace W. is at home. Carrie, who taught four years in Piatt county, is now the wife of Mr. S. N. Gallup, of Macedon, Wayne county, New York, 524 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. and has one son, George N. Fannie is at home. Mr. Turner was a school director for three terras. He belongs to the Bement Masonic lodge No. 365, to the Bement chapter and the Beaumanoir command- er j, K.T., of Decatur. He went to the late war in the 9th N. Y. Hy. Art. Cedar Creek was the principal battle he engaged in. He was wounded at this place and remained on the battle-field twenty-four hours, and while there the rebels dispossessed him of a portion of his clothing. He saved his life by bandaging the right limb, the main vein of which was severed, with bandages made by his wife before he left home. After being placed in the physician's care, each one who examined him from October till June remarked that a physician had surely found him very soon after he was wounded. But no, the thoughtful care of his wife and his readiness to apply a remedy were the only physician. His wife received five letters telling of his death, but at the same time received a few words from him. He receives a pension at the present time. MR. WILLIAM H. TELFORD, merchant, Cisco, is a native of Marion county, Illinois. In 1868 he moved to Piatt and settled four miles north of Cisco. He moved to Cisco August 17, 1876 and opened a drugstore. He now has general merchandise, grain, coal, lumber, etc. At present he is building quite an extensive store building 24x124 feet, which will contain three rooms below and two halls on the second floor. , He was married in 1870, to Martha Nelms, native of Missouri, and has had seven children, six. of whom are living: Anna M., Charles, Clarence, Robert and an infant. Mr. Telford went to the army from Centralia in Co. E of the 70th 111. reg. He was again in Co. H of the 6th Cav. for twenty-two months. The battles at Nashville and Tallahatchie were the principal ones in which he engaged. MR. WILLIAM TALLMAN, farmer, Monticello, has attended school both at the Wesleyan University and the State Normal, and at present is living on his fathers home farm. He has had charge of the place for several years,' has a good grade of stock, and has the farm in good condition. His father, Douglas Tallman (now deceased) improved the place of 525 acres. Mr. Tallman and his wife (now Mrs. Dr. Farm, of Monticello), had four children, three of whom are Jiving. Alice is the wife of Wilbur Stevenson. George died in California at the age of twenty-three. Emma is the wife of Mr. Baker, of Willow Branch township. MR. Jonx WEST (deceased) was a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Ohio when a bov. He was married there and moved to BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 525 Illinois about 1835, and settled just above the mouth of Willow Branch in Piatt county. They camped in wagons until the little log house was built, and then moved into it before the door was entirely cut out. By his first wife, nee Eleanor Corder, who was born in 1818, and died in 1846, Mr. West had nine children, eight of whom reached the age of maturity. Elizabeth, who was the wite of Wm. Stewart, died in 1840. Eliza, was the wife of Mr. Geo. Wolf, who improved the farm where Mr. Jno. Moffett now lives. Both died, leaving no issue. Catharine, born hi 1827, married Abraham Peck. Rhoda was never married. Mary married Moses Savage in 1853. He died in 1855, leaving one daughter, Nora Hiatt. Mrs. Savage next married Peter Ecord. Christina is the wife of Mr. Henry Adams. Mr. John West married Hannah Denton in 1847. She died in 1851, and he took for his third wife Hannah Baily. In 1854 Melinda Johnston became his fourth wife, and in 1862 he married Nancy Rogers. His last wife is still living in Virginia. Mr. West was- quite an extensive land-owner. He entered about 600 acres of land, bought about as much more. In his will he gave 300 acres to each of his children, and 300 acres to his grandchildren. He was a zealous member of the Universalist church. MR. CYKUS WIDICK, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Kentucky, who settled in Macon county in 1826, and in 1835 he came to Piatt county. His father, George Widick, settled on the place Cyrus now lives on. He was one of the earliest settlers of the township, and dur- ing his lifetime owned 120 acres of land. He died in April, 1857, and his wife followed him in 1863. Both lie at the Sangamon cemetery. Only two of their children, Cyrus and Mrs. Isaac Howell, are now liv- ing in the county. Mr. George Widick burnt a brick kiln in 1846 on the site of the Fair Ground. He was probably the first brickmaker in the county. The subject of our sketch owns 205 acres of land, upon which he has put most of the improvements. At least fifty trees have been planted and some tiling has been done. He has built a six-room frame house almost in the door-yard of the house his father lived in. He was married in 1851, to Mary E. Peck, and has had six children, four of home are living. Ira D. married Kate Rhinehart, and at present is living at his fathers. Jennie, the wife of Tho. A. Ayers, has one child and lives in Macon county. Ella and George are both at home. MR. HENRY WATROUS, merchant, Cisco, was born in Ohio in 1820. He moved from this state to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1856, and settled at the entrance of what is known as Stringtown Lane. From there he moved to Friends Creek and about six years ago he settled in Cisco. 526 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. He was married in Ohio to Sarah Robinson. They had ten children, nine of whom lived to be grown. Mary J. married Jonas B. Garver. Frank married Clara Keller, has one child, and is a grocer of Cisco. R. Ann married Henry Combs, but died leaving two children, one of whom is now living. Evaline, the wife Bartley Parker, a farmer in Missouri, has two children. Rachel is the wife of John Banford, a grocer of Newburg, Macon county, and has three children. Amanda married Harvey Robins, has two children and lives in Macon county. Emma, the wife of James Bowers, has one child. Lucinda married Samuel Ransomer, and lives in Ohio. Thomas is not married. Mr. Henry Watrous took Mrs. Editha Smith, W0 Longnecker, for his second wife. Her first husband came to his death several years ago in a very tragic manner. We are indebted to Mr. Watrous for the following account. Mr. Smith and wife came home one evening after gathering blackberries. She went into the house, while he went to water his mule. He stayed so long that she sent the children for him. The family searched to no avail, and then the neighbors searched the woods and at about daylight the mule was found with Mr. Smith's lifeless body tied with a rope that crossed around the neck and was knotted at the back to it. The coroners reported that he came to his death by accident, but it looked to many very much as if he had been foully dealt with. Frank Watrous enlisted in the late war, but took sick before leaving Camp Butler, and his father went and took his place. He was out nine months in Co. D of the 73d 111. reg. He was dis- charged because of a wound and now receives a pension. MR. JOHN W. WINN, farmer, Cisco, is a native of old Virginia. He moved from Harper's Ferry to Springfield, Illinois, in 1847, and in 1868 lie moved from Sangamon county to Piatt county. He first settled in Goose Creek township, but in 1878 he moved to Willow Branch township. The next year after settling in the county there were as many as fourteen houses going up in the neighborhood, notwithstanding the fact that when he first went on the prairie he thought he was going almost to nowhere. At that time in his neighborhood " dogs were the only fences" the people had for their land. Mr. Winn is living on rented land now, but he owns four houses and fifteen lots in Monticello. He was married in 1842, to Mary A. Derry, a native of old Virginia. Four of their nine children are living. Ann Matilda was the wife of John Haney, of Sangamon county, but she died, leaving one child. Lydia Ann is at home. William Leslie married Matilda Crow, has three children and lives in Champaign county. Emilv Virginia, the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 527 wife of Robert Simpson, of Foosland, has one child. Martha Jane is at home. Mr. Winn lias not escaped serving in some of the smaller offices of the township. MR. ANDREW J. WILLIAMS, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio. His father was a native of Maryland and his mother of Ohio ; both are dead. The subject of our sketch came to Champaign county in 1859, and in 1861 settled in Piatt county. He was married in 1865, to Violet E. Hurst, a native of Sangamon county. The names of their children are Frank, Loton, Viola, Rosa, Maggie, Sey- mour, Scott and Chester. Mr. Williams owns a good-sized farm, which he has improved a good deal, and he is recognized as a successful and enterprising farmer. He belongs to the Odd-Fellows lodge. In 1862 he went in Co. H of the 107th 111. reg. to the late war. He enlisted as a private, was promoted to 2d lieutenant and then to 1 st lieutenant. The principal engagements in which he participated were those of Franklin, Nashville, Knoxville, Decatur, Resaca and Kenesaw Mt. He never missed a skirmish, a detail or battle of his regiment, was sick but seven days, and was discharged in July, 1865. When asked if he was ever wounded, he said "no," then smilingly added, "the only place I ever was hit was on the sword handle." MR. CLARKSON C. WILLIAMS (deceased), a blacksmith and farmer, moved to this county in 1849 and lived here until his death, in 1852. He bought land of Mr. William LeForge, and his widow, with one son, Clark,, are still living on the place. Three of his sons and two daugh- ters are still living in the county. Joseph William, a soldier of the late war, married Mary Williams, lives in Willow Branch township and lias five children, Eva, Mima, Joseph, Ruf'tis and Sylvia. Ralston Williams first married Harriet Hott, who died, leaving one child, Perry. He next married a daughter of Mr. Bartley. Margaret married Mon- roe Peck, lives in Willow Branch township and has three children, Irvin, Orin and Everett. Clark, the eldest son, and a soldier of the late war, married Sarah F. Me , of Adams county, and has three children living, Janie, Eliza and Edward. Eliza married Mr. Ezra Cline. MR. THOMAS B. WILLIAMS, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio. In 1866 he moved to Illinois, to Piatt county, and about fourteen years ago settled on the place he now lives. He owned and improved a farm of about ninety acres. He was married in 1866, to Sarah E. Dallas, and has had five children, Clairet R., Marion F., Anna Grace, Charles B. and Maurice. He went to the army in 1862, 528 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. in Co. A of the 40th O. V. I., and in 1862 marched through Kentucky. He went to Nashville and was at the battle of Franklin, Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain. He remembers one interesting foraging expedition, which lasted five days, in one of the richest and most beau- tiful valleys in the South. He took part in the battles of Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga, Kenesaw Mt, and was in a bayonet charge across a big cotton field owned by a rebel general. MR. JOHN W. WOOD, farmer, Cerro Gordo, was born in Virginia, in 1827. He moved from that state to Ohio, and in 1848 came to Ver- milion county. He came to Piatt county in 1849, and lived for a time three and a half miles northeast of Monticello, after which he moved to his present home in Willow Branch township. He was married in 1856, to Amanda Peck, a native of Ohio. Seven of their eight chil- dren are living, Robert E., Jennie May, George L., Frank C., Benja- min N., Harry B. and Dick Milton. Mr. Wood has been school director and supervisor. He went to the army in July, 1862, as first lieutenant of Co. E, of the 107th 111., and was promoted first to captain and then to major. He took part in the following engagements : Buz- zard Roost, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville, and several skirmishes. He was also in the fourteen days' siege of Knoxville and reports life during that time as being very hard. They ate parched corn and bran bread. When the oxen got so poor they could not travel they were killed for meat, and several hogs that could not give the countersign were killed. MR. JESSE YOAKUM, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ross county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1858. He had been to the county several times previously, however. He first settled in Willow Branch township, on land now owned by Mr. S. W. Allerton. At that time he owned land in Macon county, but dis- posed of it, and got possession of the place he now lives on. He now owns 700 acres, upon which he has made most of the improvements. The place is drained by three and a half miles of open ditch, and it has averaged good crops each year. About six years ago eighty acres of corn averaged eighty bushels to the acre, and the crop of 1881 aver- aged sixty-five bushels. There are two good bearing orchards, besides other fruit trees, on the farm. Mr. Yoakum has some of the finest stock which has ever been in Willow Branch township. The cattle are Short-horns, and the horses Clydesdale (Clydell), Norman and Persian. He erected his eight-room frame residence in 1879. It presents a very pleasant appearance from without, and one has only to glance within BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 529 to discover that not only a housekeeper, but a homekeeper, dwells therein. Mr. Yoakum was married in 1861, to Alice McCoy, who died ten years later, leaving one daughter, Fannie, who died at the age of fifteen. He took for his second wife Miss Emma Elaine, a native of Indiana. One son, Win. Allerton, was born July 21, 1881. Mr. Yoakum has not escaped all the offices in the township. He has been road-master for one year, and school director eight or nine years. MR-. SEYMOUR YOAKCM, farmer, Bement, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Indiana, and from there to Piatt county in 1862. He first settled on Dr. John's farm. He now owns 120 acres of land in Willow Branch township, has fenced it, ditched it to the extent of a mile or more of tiling, and has planted at least 100 trees on it. He was first married to Betty Arrowsmith, a native of Ohio, who died leaving one child, Theo. L. He next married Medora Waughop. MR. JAMES T. VENT, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved in 1858 to Marion county, Illinois, and in 1859 he settled in Piatt county on the farm where he now lives, but it was then owned by Mr. James Ater. He owns 228 acres of land, twenty-eight acres of which are timber land, and has improved the place a good deal in the way of ditching, fencing, and the planting of about 200 fruit trees. In 1872 he built a neat frame residence. Mr. Yent has succeeded well, both in the raising of grain and in stock raising. In 1872 over fifty acres of corn averaged seventy -five bushels to the acre. The next year the average was sixty-five bushels to the acre. He thinks he once sold to Piatt & Kirby the heaviest car-load of hogs that ever went out of the township, or out of the county. The sixty-four hogs averaged three hundred and sixty-eight pounds apiece. He also sold to A. M. Piatt, in 1875, seventy-five head of hogs, which averaged three hundred and fifty pounds. Mr. Yent was married in 1865, to Elizabeth Ater, and has had six children, John W., Yiola, Charity, James A., Lizzie and Sabina J. Mr. Yent has been commissioner of highways for three years, and school director for eight or nine years. 33 CHAPTER XXI. GOOSE CREEK TOWNSHIP. GOOSE Creek township lies northwest of Monticello township, and is bounded on the north by Blue Ridge township, on the east by Sangamon, on the south by Monticello and Willow Branch, and on the west by De Witt county. The western boundary line is quite uneven, so that De Witt county bounds a small portion of the town- ship on the north. The township contains about fifty-six sections of land, finely located for farming. It has, in addition to a large amount of tillable land, a good deal of timbered ground. It is well drained by both Goose creek and Friends creek. The main course of the former-named stream is from the northwest to the southeast, and it empties into the Sangamon river at almost exactly the southeastern corner of the township. This creek derived its name from the fact that two wild geese had their nests in the tops of trees which were on the banks of the stream. These geese had their nests here for a number of successive seasons. The western part of the township is drained by Friends creek, another branch of the San- gamon. The land along these streams is slightly rolling, while, as it recedes from them it is comparatively flat. There is but a very small portion of the township now that is untillable. There is but one railroad in this township. The Havana branch of the Chicago division of the Wabash railway enters the township at almost exactly the middle point of the eastern boundary line, angles northwest for about one mile, and then extends almost due west, enter- ing De Witt county about five miles north of the southern boundary line of Goose Creek township. The first settlements of this township have already been referred to. The first cabin on Goose creek was built near the present resi- dence of George Varner. The Olneys were early settlers, and we think that Mr. and Mrs. Olney, who were buried just north of where Mrs. M. J. Marquiss lives, were the first who died in the township. Mr. Abraham Marquiss and sons followed the Olneys in making settlement. Ezra Marquiss, Sr., has lived longer in Goose Creek township than any other person. 'Tis going on fifty years since he first set foot on GOOSE CREEK TOWNSHIP. 531 Goose creek soil. William Piatt and wife are the next oldest residents. The Welches were also early settlers, as was also Mr. Richard Hubbart. We might mention other comparatively early settlers, but sketches of the most of them appear further on. De Land, This township has but one town, which is situated on the Havana Branch railroad, about four miles from the eastern bound- ary line of the township. This is an enterprising place of over 300 inhabitants. It has already made a rapid growth and bids fair to keep on growing. According to the surveyor's certificate, De Land was laid out for Thomas E. Bondurant on the 23d and 25th days of April, and the 20th and 21st days of May, 1873, and is situated on the JST.W. i Sec. 9, T. 19 K, R 5 E. 3d P. M. According to Thomas Bondurant, S. C. Langdon owned the first dwelling house in De Land. Mr. Langdon was the first station agent, and was the first postmaster, which position he still holds. Richard Tilson says he moved the first dwelling into De Land. In the fall of 1873 R. B. Moody and John Yail built a store where the latter had had the first store of the place. Dr. J. A. Davis was the first physi- cian in the town, Dr. H. M. Harrison was next, and then Dr. Wood came. Dr. William T. Ward was the first neighborhood physician, but he never lived in the town. Dr. J. R. Gardiner WPS in the place for a short time. De Land of to-day contains two churches, a school building, and about fifteen business firms. Quite a number of new residences have been erected the past year, and Moody & Rodman have recently put up an elevator having a capacity for 30,000 bushels of grain. T. E. Bondurant is erecting a commodious dwelling, which bids fair to be the finest residence of the place. Goose Cree'k township has reason to be proud of its one town, which has sprung up so rapidly, and the citizens of the place are well- deserving of praise for their part in its growth. Union Church. The following items were obtained from Mr. Moody. The Christian and Protestant Methodists joined forces for the erection of a new church, and the meeting for the election of the trustees was held September 25, 1875. A. R. Borton was chairman, and J. P. Van Vickie, secretary. The following were made trustees, the first three of whom were chosen on the building committee : A. R. Borton, T. E. Bondurant, R. B. Moody, Jacob Mansfield, K B. Moberly. Robert Bryden and M. D. Marvel. The location for the church was chosen in block 2, lots 13 and 14, and the church building, 532 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. which cost $2, TOO, was built by Meredith & Roberts, of Monticello, and was completed July 15, 1876. The church was dedicated July 23, 1877, and Elder Moppin, of the Christian church, and J. M. May all, president of the North Illinois conference of the P. M. church, were present. The following ministers of the P. M. church have preached in DeLand : Rev. D. Ackerman, Rev. J. W. Kidd, Rev. Chas. Slack. and Rev. L. S. Hitchins. The Christian ministers are Rev. Moppin, Rev. Samuel Lowe, Rev. Jas. Seaton and Elder Robinson. Methodist Episcopal Church. This organization was transferred from the Ashland school-house to DeLand about 1874, while Mr. Winjterbottom was minister. On the 24th of March, 1879, a meeting- was held to see about the building of the present church building. R. B. Moody, Salem Kesler, Joel H. Rhinehart, Jno. W. Cyphers, Jacob Stults (deceased), were appointed trustees. The building was erected under the management of a building committee, who employed workmen by the day. It cost $2,250, and was dedicated February 7, 1880, by Rev. Hiram Buck. J. D. Bodkin was the first minister in the new church, and H. C. Turner was the second. There has been a Sunday-school in connection with the church ever since the transfer to De Land. At tirst it was a Union Sunday-school, which was held in a hall, and. then in the Union church. Under the charge of Rev. Bodkin a Methodist Sunday-school was organized in the Methodist church. Kentucky School-house. The ground for the Kentucky school- house was donated by Rev. Johnson for both church and school purposes. At present three denominations hold services there : a congregation of Germans who are Baptists, the Mission Baptists, and a United Brethren minister preaches every two weeks. Sometimes there are three sermons and two standay schools on a Sunday. The German Baptists have a regular church organization, and I. C. Dosher is their present minister. They have bought some land for their min- ister, but at present rent a place for him. He has what he can make off the place and is paid some besides. This is a small congregation, but is certainly an enthusiastic one, or so much would not be done for their minister. There is talk of a church being built by donation. CHAPTER XXII. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MR. JOHN ARNDT, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1873, and in 187-4 'he came to Piatt county. He was in the government employ for eighteen months during the late war. He was married March 9, 1881, to May B. Marsh, has had one child, Ezra Noble, and lives in Goose Creek township. MR. JOHN BAILKY was born in Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, about 1835 or 1836 and settled on the place Mr. John Bender is now living on. He lived on this place until he moved to Monticello for a year. After returning to the farm for a short time he went to Iowa in 1878 and bought town property. He was married in Ohio, to Mary Hubbart, and had thirteen children, twelve of whom are living. Elizabeth married John Funston, has a large family and lives in Champaign county. Jane married Allen Hubbart, has four children and lives in Iowa. David married Nancy J. Herron, has six children and is a carpenter in Mahomet. James married Catherine Perkins and is a farmer in Iowa. Martha is the wife of Benjamin Rhoades, sheriff of Marshall town, Iowa, and has five children. Nancy is the wife of Robert Gulp, of Plymouth county, Iowa, and is the mother of five children. William married Marion Burgess, has two children and is a grocer in Marshalltown, Iowa. Mary is the wife of Philip Lewis, has one child and lives in Sac City, Iowa. Richard married Matilda Burson, has two children and is a grocer in Atlanta, Iowa. Matilda is the wife of Henry Dewees, of Goose Creek town- ship, and is the mother of six children, Carrie, Effie. Edgar and Ed- win, twins, Ora and Liz/ie. Lydia Bailey was married in 1873, to Mr. John Bender, and has two children, Arthur and Mabel. Clara Bailey is living at home in Marsalltown, Iowa. MR. WILLIAM BAILEY came to the county about 1836 and settled on the farm upon which Mr. William Dewees lives. His eldest daughter, Margaret, married Mr. John Stansbury and lived in Cheney's Grove. She died leaving several children. Ellen married Tho. Stansbury, had two children and lived in Cheney's Grove. Edward died after he 534 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. became of age. George is also dead. Rebecca was the wife of James Perkins, but both she and her husband are dead. Minnie married Mr. Jerry Rock, who died, leaving one daughter, Emma, who is now the wife of Luther Horr. Mrs. Rock next married Mr. Keller. Albert and James Bailey are both dead. MRS. MARTHA BONDURANT in 1854 was living with her family in Sangamon county, Illinois, but afterward moved to Piatt county. Five of her children have lived in this county. Of these Thos. E. Bondurant is the eldest. He came to Piatt county in 1854 and secured 293 acres of land, where he now lives, paying fifty cents an acre for the same. When Mr. Bondurant came in 1856 to put out the orchard, he borrowed a pole and an ax of the nearest neighbor. With the ax he drove the pole into the ground, not far from where their present home is, hitched his horse to the pole and proceeded to select the place for an orchard. Mr. Bondurant's farm was for a number of years partially covered with water each year. At the present time, with the excellent system of drainage, which he is gradual^ perfecting, the farm is in good condition and ranks as one of the finest in the county. Mary Bondurant has been in the county for the last twenty years. She has taught school in various parts of the county during this time, is quite an active member of the Christian church, and has been super- intendent of the Union Sunday-school of De Land. On the 1st of March, 18T7, there occurred -in this family what came near being a serious tragedy. The family quite frequently had bread and milk for supper. In the evening of the day mentioned Miss Mary brought in the milk for supper. Upon emptying the milk from the pan she discovered a white sediment in the bottom of the pan. She thought something had accidentally fallen into the pan and so went for more milk. Mr. Tho. Bondurant had gone to De Land, so that only Mrs. Bondurant, Mary and the hired man, Mr. Browley, were there for supper. Before Miss Mary was half through her supper she became deathly sick and went out on the porch. When she came back she found her mother looking for some cloves to relieve her of the sick feeling she experienced. Mary said, "Mother, I am very sick." Her mother answered, "so am I." Mr. Browley said, "I am sick, too/ 1 Upon hearing this Mary asserted they were all poisoned, and told the man to jump onto a horse and go to De Land for her brother and a physician. The man did not wait for a second telling, but started and ran the horse all the way to town. Upon reaching De Land he was very sick, but managed to let his errand be known. When the physician and Mr. Bondurant BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 535 reached the house Miss Mary was on the floor unable to get up and was almost unconscious. Mrs. Bondurant had fainted once, and for a time they thought that she was dead. It was found to be a case of arsenic poisoning. How the arsenic got into the milk was never known. There was not the slightest cause for suspicioning any one whom they knew of attempting to poison the family. Fortunately no lives were lost. Mrs. Bondurant, however, has never ceased to feel the effects of the arsenic. MR. NEWTON BONDURANT married Sarah Devore, of Piatt county, February 19, 1867. They have had three children, Willie, Frank and Earnest, two of whom are dead. Their home until quite lately was within two miles of Farmer City. MR. SAMUEL BONDURANT came to Piatt county soon after his brother Thomas did. He married Miss Ellen Barnett, of Douglas county, and in 1862 moved to that county. Lucretia J. Bondurant married Mr. Joel Churchill. MR. JAMES A. BROWN'S parents were born in Albemarle county, Virginia. They had a family of eight children. Mr. Brown was married in 1844, to Miss Margaret A. Hull. In November, 1857, they moved to Piatt county, Illinois, and settled on a farm bought the previous year of Dr. P. K. Hull, a brother of Mrs. Brown. This farm continued to be che family homestead until the fall of 1880. It is now owned by Dr. Noecker, of Monticello. Mrs. Brown's, parents were born in Virginia. Her father enlisted in the war-o"f"l812, but peace was declared before he reached the scene of action. Mrs. Brown is a graduate of the Kalorama Seminary, in Stanton, Virginia. Upon her arrival in Illinois, Mrs. Brown thought the prairies, in spite of their summer beauty, a barren exchange for the forest-clad mountains of Virginia. But soon such feelings were dispersed, and now she says she much prefers a prairie to a timbered country. Mr. James Brown died October, 22, 1878, and left a family sadly bereft of a kind and loving husband and an affectionate father. Six of Mr. and Mrs. Brown's children were born in Virginia. Of these Belle, the eldest, was born in 1845, and was married September 1, 1869, to Mr. James A. Shep- herd. Since 1877 their home has been in Iowa ; they have one child. Bettie was born May 30, 1847, and was married July 3, 1873, to Mr. Joseph M. Woolington ; three children bless their union. Emma was born July 29, 1849. On August 20, 1867, she married Mr. Joseph H. Rankin, and they, with their child, are still living in this county. Mollie was born June 6, 1880. While on a visit to her sister in Mis- 536 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. souri, she met Mr. Robert Hays, whom she married ^November 30, 1880. J. Hull Brown, who was born August 15, 1855, was considered by all who knew him as a very promising young man. He attended school in Lebanon, Ohio, and afterward attended the law department of the Ann Arbor University. He was a successful school teacher for several years in this county. After but a short illness, he died, January 21, 1879. Lucy was born March 18, 1857, and 011 February 8, 1876, married Mr. Rufus C. Gordon. They are the parents of three children, and at the present time are living in Missouri. Ada E. was born in Illinois April 8, 1860. In 1878, March 14, she married Mr. Ellis Reed, and has one child. The remaining children are living with their mother in Monticello : Floyd F. was born January 27, 1863 ; Clara M. was born May 22, 1865 ; and Olive F. was born December 23, 1867. MR. WILLIAM E. BARNETT (deceased) was born in Dayton, Ohio, but his parents moved to Bourbon county, Kentucky, when he was but two years old. From there they moved to McLean county, from which place Mr. Barnett moved to Piatt county about 1850, and settled in Monticello, where he and his wife kept hotel for several years. They built the frame hotel which stood east of the court- house, and also kept a private boarding house for a time. They moved onto the farm Mrs. Barnett now lives on about 1868 or 1869, and Mr. Barnett died of typhoid fever at this place in 1876. He was married in 1844, in Kentucky, to Mrs. Julia A. Milburn, who was born in 1815, and who had three children, of whom Sarah, the wife of Charles Wiley, is the only one living. Sarah was married last to William Johnson and lives in McLean county, but two of her sons, William and Thomas, are living in this county. Mr. Thomas Jefferson Bar- nett was married in 1864, to Carrie Beaver, has three children and lives in Effingham. Virginia M. married Milford Bates in 1864. She died but a few weeks ago (1882), leaving three children. Mr. Bates is the editor of "The Greenback," a paper at Shelby ville. Kate Barnett became the wife of Luther Kesler, has child (Maud Wood), and lives with her mother. Julia Frances Barnett, a bright and charming young lady, died of typhoid fever in 1870. William D. married Mary Borton, has one boy, Ellis, and lives in De Land. MR. ROBERT BRYDEX was born in Ohio and is of Scotch descent. He came to the county about 1848, and for a number of years has been one of the most successful and influential farmers in Goose Creek township. He quite recently sold his farm and has gone to Kansas, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 537 where his future home will be. He was married in 1864, to Lydia Muminger, a native of De Witt county. MR. ALBERT R. BORTON, farmer, De Land, is a native of Ohio, and moved to Piatt county in 1857. He first settled near De Land, and still lives on the place. He was married in 1853, to Nancy J. Sarver, and had ten children, nine of whom are living : Jno. Curtis married Clara B. McMillen ; Mary is the wife of Wm. Barnett, of De Land, and has one child, Ellis. The names of the other children are Joshua L., Chas. S., Edwin S., Albert H., Lusina J., Wm. F. and Byron S. Mr. Borton was justice of the peace for five years: MR. JOHN BICKLE, wagon-maker, De Land, was born in Germany, and came to the United States in 1869. About 1874 he came to Piatt county, and has worked at his trade, at Monticello and De Land, ever since. He was married in 1879, to Minnie McBride, and has had but one child, which is now dead. MR. JOSHUA BORTON (deceased) was married in Ohio, to C. Lavina Stoddard, who died in that state. Mr. Borton came in 1864 to Piatt county, where he died in 1874. He had nine children, two of whom are living in Piatt county, Albert Borton (see his sketch) and Lucretia, the wife of John Patterson, who lives near De Land. MR. JOHN F. BARROW, farmer, Weldon, was born in Kentucky, and moved from there to Illinois about 1872, coming directly to Piatt county. He owns 140 acres of land, which he principally improved. His first visit to the county was in 1862, when his father and brother entered some land here, and he found a desolate looking place then. Mr. Barrow was married in 1855, to Adaline Garrett, and has two children, Lou W. and Robert E. MR. ISAIAH BOONE, farmer, is a native of Kentucky, and a descend- ant of Daniel Boone. He came to Piatt county in 1872, and lias put all the improvements on his 100 acres of land. In 1858 he was united in marriage t,o Sarah E. Barrow, who died leaving seven children, Thomas, Daniel, Lucy, David T., Christopher C., George and Janie. MR. R. H. BRUNS, farmer, De Land, was born in Germany. He came to America in 1865. From Baltimore he moved, the same year, to Logan county, Illinois, and in 1879 settled in Piatt county. He owns 209 acres of land, upon which he has made some of the improve- ments. The place was first improved, however, by Mr. Winn. Mr. Brims was married in 1857, to E. K. Kramer, who was born in Ihrhove, Germany. They have had six children, two of whom are living : Conering or Coonrod and Menno were both born in Hanover. 538 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Mr. Bruns at one time belonged to the German Reform Lutheran church, but for some time he has been a zealous member of the Baptist church. MR. ABRAHAM COLLINS (deceased) was a native of New Jersey. He married Eliza Beedle, a native of Indiana, and moved from Indiana to Illinois in 1838, and settled on the farm now owned by Mr. James Miner, in Goose Creek township. He first lived in a log cabin, but after a time built the brick house which Mr. Miner lives in. Mr. Col- lins had nine children : William married Margaret Long, and is now living in Jasper county Missouri ; Abraham lives with his sister, Mary J. ; John married Eliza Weddle, has four children, and lives in Mis- souri ; Surrilda was married in 1864, to Geo. Fisher, who owns a farm of 420 acres. She died in 1881, leaving four children, Armeda, Ada, Geo. W. and Rosetta ; Simeon Collins makes his home with his sister, Mary J. ; Mary Jane, the eldest daughter, and next in age to John, married Levi Walle, and lives in Missouri ; James Collins married Martha Fisher, but she died leaving four children ; Ann mar- ried Wilson Williams, had one daughter, and died in 1880, after long years of sickness ; Joseph married Abbey Keller and lives in Mis- souri. MR. JOEL CHURCHILL, farmer, De Land, was born in Kentucky, and reared in Sangamon county, Illinois. He was married November 16, 1845, to Lucretia J. Bondurant, and has had twelve children, eleven of whom are living : Sarah is at home ; Martha A. married Dr. Dallas, of Kansas, and has two children ; Mary L. is the wife of Mr. Harrison A. Pawly, of St. Louis ; Elizabeth J. married Eugene Chamberlain and has three children ; John T. married Belle Hatfield, and has one child, Fabian Clarence. The names of the other children are Thomas A., William, Jesse, Edgar E., Harvey and Gertrude Etha, who is attending school at Normal. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill, after living a number of years at Mechanicsburg, moved to Kansas, and then in 1875 moved to Piatt county. MR. ISAAC COMBS, was born in Indiana, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1862, and to Piatt county in 1868. He was married in Indiana, to Mary Loveness. Their eldest son, Benj. F., married and lives in Indiana. William married Mary Garver, has five children, John G. , Jesse Z. , Chas. L. , Ada H. and Willie C. , and is one of the earnest, successful, and hardworking farmers of Goose Creek township ; Henry married Anna Watrous, who died, leaving two children. He next married Martha McKinley, has four children, and lives in Iowa. BIOGKAPHICAL SKETCHES. 539 Reason Combs married Mary E. Hickman in 1869, and has had eight children, seven of whom are living; Annabel, Mattie O.,Wm. Worth, Susan L. Alice, Harriet E., Reason F., Harvey Homer and Frank. James W. Combs is married and lives in Illinois. Littleton T. is also married. Mary is the wife of C. Gates, and the mother of five children. Jane married John Medlock, and lives in Sangamon township. Thomas J. is not married. MR. JOHN R. CARRINGTON, farmer, DeLand, is a native of Kentucky, from which state lie moved to Fulton county, Illinois, in 1865. He came to Piatt county in 1868, and now owns 120 acres of land in the northwestern part of Goose Creek township. He has put all the improvements on this place and it is all under cultivation. It is hedged all around, some open ditching has been done, and three or four hundred fruit trees have been planted. The farm has yielded fair crops all the time. Mr. Carrington was married in 1865, to Anna Eliza Rugles, of Kentucky, and has had three children, two of whom are living, Angus R. and Murtie V. ME. Jonx CARRIER, farmer, De Land, is a native of New York from which state he moved to Ohio, and from there to Fulton county, Illinois, in 1850. He settled in a "shanty" on ,his present home-farm of eighty acres in Goose Creek township in 1869. He has put all the improve- ments on the place. He has planted over one hundred fruit trees in addition to some forest trees ; also some open ditching has been made and hedges have been planted. A good barn was built in 1875, and in 1877 a ten-room frame house was erected. The farm has yielded average crops. In 1872 and 1876 corn averaged from sixty to seventy bushels to the acre. Mr. Carrier was married in 1853, to Sarah Hoyt, and has three sons, all of whom are at home, E. D. Carrier, W. H. Carrier and C. E. Carrier. The second son, W. H., has attended school at Wesleyan, Bloomington, and at Adrian, Michigan. He shows quite a talent for drawing and should not neglect to cultivate this talent. Mr. Carrier went to the late war from Fulton county in Co. F of the 55th reg. He was orderly sergeant and was in the follow- ing battles : Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Mission Ridge, Kenesaw Mount, Resaca, Dalton, and in the battles from Atlanta on to the sea. MR. C. F. CHAMBERLAIN was born in Magog, Canada East, October 7, 1836, of New England parents. He lived in Canada until the breaking out of the rebellion, when he enlisted in a Wisconsin regi- ment, and served three % years. He returned to his native country, and married Cynthia A. Currier, after which he moved to Illinois. His 540 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. , wife died, leaving two children, Effie May and Ora C. Mr. Cli amber- lain was again married in 1882, to Miss Mary Barnes, of Monticello. He is now engaged in the hardware business in De Land. MR. GEORGE "W. CORDEK, druggist, De Land, is a native of Ohio, and was reared in DeWitt count} 7 , Illinois. His father was one of the early settlers of DeWitt county, and his mother was born among the Indians, who he thinks were near the Upper Sandusky. Mr. Corder came to Piatt county seven years ago and located as druggist in De Land, where he owns some property. He was married in 1864, to M. Elizabeth Enos, a niece of Dr. Tyler, of DeWitt county. They have one child, Alverda J. Mr: Corder was once constable in Rails county, Missouri, for four years, and while in this office he was the main officer who arrested the seven Underwood murderers about 1871 or 1872. MR. HARMON CRKSMKR, shoemaker, De Land, was born in Ger- many and came to the United States in 1853. He stayed in the East until 1873, when he came direct to Piatt county and settled in Monti- cello. After going to Weldon for two years, he moved to De Land in 1876, and is the only gentleman of his profession in the place. He was married in Virginia, to Mary S. Rock, and has four children, Emmer, Edward, Willie and Bessie. He went to the army from Maryland in Co. C of the 3d Md. reg., and was out four months. MR, GEORGE DUVALL, farmer, De Land, was born in Pickaway county, Ohio, in 1808. His mother was a native of Ireland, and his father was of German and French descent, and was born in Pennsyl- vania. Mr. Duvall moved direct to Piatt county in 1852, and with his brother Robert settled on the Jno. Marquiss place. He was married in Ohio, to Susan Huffines, and he gave us the following names of their children : Jacob Duvall married Mary Long, has one child and lives in DeWitt county ; he was in the late war ; Nancy, the widow of Mr. James Winstead, has one daughter, Anna ; Jeremiah married Miss Johnson, and lives in Monticello township ; Sarah and George Duvall are both dead ; Benjamin, who was in the late war, married Miss McGuffy, and lives in Sangamon township ; William, who was also in the army, married Marietta Dresback ; Margaret married John Aaman, has three children, and lives in Farmer City ; James married Minnie Scott, and has four children, Willie, Harry, Katie and Lulu ; John married Louisa Higgins, has two children, Benjamin and Woodard, and lives in Goose Creek township ; Susie died after being grown. Mrs. George Duvall died about 1866, and Mr. Duvall married Mrs. Amos Griggs. They have one child, George. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 54:1 MR. ROBERT DL'VALL, farmer, was born in Ohio. When first came to Piatt county he lived on Mr. Jno. Marquiss' farm for a time, and then moved to his farm in Goose Creek township. He married Martha Kerns. Andrew Duvall married Sarah Huffines, and has had eight children, six of whom are living, J. Robert, Jonas N., William, Olen, Olive and Odell. Kate Duvall married Mr. J. Reeves, has one child, and lives near Springfield. Mr. Robert Duvall took for his second wife Mrs. Prine ne<> Nancy Robinson, and has three children. MR. WILLIAM M. DEWEES, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ken- tucky, from which state his parents moved to Morgan county, Illinois, when he was seven years old. Mr. Dewees lived in this county a number of years, then moved west, and was in Texas and California a time, returning to Morgan county, from which place he moved to Piatt county about 1865. He now owns some 580 acres of land in the county. Mr. Dewees' first wife nee Mary J. Henderson, died leaving two children. Adala married J. F. Thornton, and has eight children. Henry married Matilda Bailey, has five children, and lives in Iowa. Caroline 'Henderson became the second Mrs. Dewees, and died leaving three children. Of these, Al. is in Leadville ; Fannie is the wife of Chas. Marquiss ; and Perry married Lottie Anderson in 1878, and has three children, Willie, Homer and Nellie. In 1856 Mr. Dewees and Elizabeth Brightwell were united in marriage. Four of their six chil- dren are living : Wiley, who married Florence Hubbart in 1881, Charlie, Mettie and Frank H. Mr. Dewees went to the army from Morgan county in 101st reg. He was on a gunboat and ran the blockade at Vicksburg, arid was in the battles of Mission Ridge and Resaca. MR. MICHAEL DOYLE, farmer, Galesville, is a native of Ireland. He moved from his native land to America in 1849 and settled in Wisconsin. He moved to Illinois in 1854, and in 1866 came to Piatt county. He married Ella Gordon, who has one son, Charles F. Mr. Doyle went to the late war in Co. G of the 116th 111. reg., and was in battles at Raymond, Jackson, Mississippi, Fort Hindman, and the siege of Vickburg. He was wounded at the last named battle, May 29, 1863. Mr. Doyle lives on probably the Boldest farm in the north- ern part of Goose Creek township. It was settled about 1850 by Mr. Ingersoll, who sold it to Mr. Geo. Ellwood, whose heirs still own it. The lumber for the house, which is still standing, was hauled from the Wabash. For quite awhile after the place was settled a pole with tufts of grass on the top, served as a 'guide to travelers in crossing the prairie. 542 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. ME. EDWIN A. DEWEY, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Ver- mont, from which state he moved to Fulton county, Illinois, in 1827, and in 1871 settled in Piatt county, on the place of 400 acres upon which he now lives The farm is mostly under cultivation and he has made most of the improvements on it. He has done some ditching and has planted some four or five hundred trees on the farm. His highest crop average was in 1872, when his corn average was sixty-five bushels to the acre. Mr. Dewey was married in 1864, to Delphina Lantz and has had six children, five of whom, Charles S., John E., Mary E., Curtis M. and Hattie M., are living. He held the office of school director for three years, and at the present time (1881) is school trustee in town 20. He went to the army from McDonough county, in Co. F of the 55th 111. reg., and remained out three years and nine months. The principal battles in which he participated were those of Shiloh, Corinth, Vicksburg, Kenesaw Mountain, Jackson, Mission Ridge and Atlanta. He was wounded at the latter place. REV. SMITH FITHIAN, formerly a resident of Goose Creek township, was born in 1810 in JSTew Jersey, and moved from Ohio to Piatt county in 1856. After a year's residence he moved to Macon county, where he lived until after the war, when he returned to Piatt county, and lived there until 1880, when he moved back to Ohio. He still owns eighty acres in Goose Creek township, and makes frequent visits to his old home. Mr. Fithian has been a minister in the Christian church (New Light) for about thirty-six years, and has ever been a zealous worker in the denomination. He has organized several churches in central Illinois and has made many converts in the same region. During the war he was an earnest supporter of the Union, and is remembered by his friends and neighbors in the county as a good neighbor and an earnest and upright Christian man. Mr. Fithian was first married in Ohio, and to Eliza Carter, who died in Illinois, leaving five children, all of whom are now living. Catharine, the wife of William Marsh and mother of six children, lives in Champaign county ; Sophia lives in Champaign county ; Lou, who married Mr. N. B. Gar- retson, and has three ^children, also lives in Champaign county ; Armincla married Henry Payne, has five children and lives in Dakota; Albert H. married Anna Thomas, has one son, Harry, and lives in Monticello. Mr. Fithian next married Susan Yarner, who is still liv- ing. They have one adopted daughter, Sarah Hartsock, who is doing her duty to her kind friends. MR. JESSE FITZWATER, farmer, was born in Virginia in 1813, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 543 is of English descent. His father was in the war of 1812. He moved to Ohio when a young man, and about 1851 moved to Illinois. Upon com- ing to Piatt county settled on what was known as the *' Madden farm," and lived there for twelve years. He improved a farm of 350 acres in Goose Creek township, and is now living on a portion of the same. He found the land very wet and a great many ditches had to be made. Just one day's ditching cost him $112. He has put out a good deal of hedge and from one hundred and rifty to two hundred trees have been planted. Mr. Fitzwater was married in Virginia, to Mary Mc- Nett, who is now dead. Six of their seven children are now living. He was next married to Hannah Coffman, who has one child living. Mr. William Fitzwater married Mary Marquiss, and lives in Sangamon township ; Wesley, who married Hanna Barnes, is dead ; Eliza Jane married Abraham Marquiss, who was killed while assisting in the rais- ing of a building : one -of his children, Alice, is still living ; Jane is now the wife of Mr. Harper, a wholesale grocer of Chicago ; Samuel Fitzwater married Elizabeth Baker, has two children, Jesse and Pearl, and lives in Goose Creek township ; James H. was married in 18-73, to Ellen Barnes, and has five children, Arthur L., Esta M., Martha Daisy, James Roy and Grant B. He has made all the improvements on the 100 acres of land he now lives on, and has all of it, except six acres, under cultivation. Mary Fitzwater is the wife of Philip Baker ; Melissa became the wife of Albert Somers, and has two children ; Charles Fitzwater lives in Goose Creek township. MR. J. B. GORDON, farmer, DeLand, was born in 1818, in Pennsyl- vania, and is of German descent. He came to Illinois in 1860 and in 1869 settled in Piatt county, and now resides in De Land. He was married in 1838, to Hannah Shull, of Pennsylvania, and has had ten children. Mark married Elizabeth Eury and lives in Logan county ; he went to the late war in the 73d reg. ; Susan E. is the wife of Archi- bald Thompson, of Missouri ; Delilah married Geo. W. Gordon, has four children, and lives in DeLand ; Jennie married M. S. Thomas, has three children, John W., Orpha E. and Albert, and lives in DeLand ; Margaret is the wife of Hiram Merrill, a farmer of Nebraska, and mother of three children ; Ella is the wife of Michael Doyle, of Goose Creek township ; Rufus married Lucy Brown, has three children and lives in Missouri ; Jesse L. is not married, but is an agent on the Midland railroad ; R. W. and Katie are living at home. . MR. RICHARD HUBBART (deceased) moved from Ohio to Illinois about 1836. Of the children of the family, Sarah married Henry 544 HISTORY OF PI AIT COUNTY. Phillips, lived in this county a time, and just after the war moved to Missouri ; Elizabeth married Chas. Marquiss ; John C. has been married three times ; James Hubbart died in 1856; William Hubbart (see his. sketch); Isaac Hubbart died in 1856; Belle died in 1862; Harrison is living in Missouri, has been married twice and has two children ; Jacob is married, has five children, and lives in Missouri. Both of the last named persons were in the late war ; the latter was out two years, while the former, who went out as private and returned as 1st lieut., served four years. Mr. Richard Hubbart, who died here, and his wife, who died in Missouri, were subject to the usual trials and sufferings borne by people in a new country. They patiently tried to make homes ior their children, and also did their ample share in supporting religion in the county. For a number of years the itinerant ministers made their home a stopping place. MR. WILLIAM C. HUBBART, Monticello, Illinois, was born in Pick- away county, Ohio, and was brought to Illinois when but one year old. He was reared in Piatt county, which place is still his home. On November 19, 1857, he and Clarinda Marquiss were married. She died in 1858, leaving one daughter, Florence, who married Wiley M. Dewees, March 9, 1881. In 1862 Mr. Hubbart was again united in marriage, to Mrs. Coon nee Lucinda Ham. Six of their seven children are living, Pelina Edith, Richard B., Jennie M., Oliver S., Delia S. and Dwight C. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbart own over 400 acres of land, which is in good farming condition. Mr. Hubbart went to the army in Co. E of the 107th 111. reg., and was out three years, being in service all the time, principally as division mail carrier. Mr. Hubbart has held some of the offices of his township, and in 1875 was elected to represent this district in the legislature. Mrs. Hubbart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew Ham, lived about 1851 in a cabin on Mr. Ezra Marquiss' place (see cut of the same). They are now living in Champaign county and have recently celebrated their golden wedding. MR. MARK HARSIIBARGER, farmer, De Land, is a native of Carroll county, Indiana, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1852, and has since lived in Piatt county. He moved to his present farm of over 200 acres about twenty years ago. The farm is in fine order, and one, when in the midst of the groves on the place, almost forgets that he is on the prairie. When Mr. Harshbarger first moved to his farm it seemed to him that he was almost "out of the world." In the winter he sometimes actually feared when leaving Monticello that he would freeze to death ere he reached home. His nearest neighbors were Mr. ARY ' i OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 547 Bryden's and Mr. Drais' families. Although having suffered some hardships upon first moving to his present home, still he does not regret having moved there. In 1857 Mr. Harshbarger and Julia Barnes were united in marriage. Seven of their eight children are living. Edward was married January 20, 1880, to Jennie Wilson and had one son, who died ; Samuel A., Ada B., Mary, MarkM., Gertie B. and Earnest A. are at home. Mrs. Harshbarger's mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Norris. She first married Mr. Andrew Barnes, who died in this county, having had six children. Of these, Mary married Henry Bender ; Elizabeth married Madison Bradshaw and lives in Macon county ; Susan, who was the wife of James Town, died in 1881 ; John N". married Eliza McMullen, and Julia was just spoken of as Mrs. Harshbarger. Mrs. Andrew Barnes next married John Miller, who died in Macon county. Mrs. Miller died at the residence of her daughter Julia in the fall of 1882. MR. ISAAC F. HOUSMAN (deceased) was a native of Ohio, from which state he moved directly to Piatt county. He was married in Ohio, to Elizabeth Fisher, and had nine children, seven of whom are now living : Abigail married C. S. Monroe, who is now dead, has two children and lives in Mahomet ; John died when twenty-one years of age ; Emily married W. L. Shafer, now of Bloomington, and has three children ; Frances E., the wife of John Withers, has eight children and lives in Kansas ; Will, who married Miss Freelove, died in the army, leaving one child ; Lydia A. married William Steen, has one child and lives in Kansas ; James Ward is married and lives in Kansas, he was a soldier in the late war ; Isaac married Miss Clara Weedman, has one child and lives on a farm near Farmer City ; Charles, who married Kate Wright and has one child, is a milliner in Champaign. MR. HENRY HUGHES, farmer, De Land, is a native of Ireland, from wjiich country he came to America and settled in New York in 1851. He moved to Macon county, Illinois, in 1857, and in 1869 settled in Piatt county. He now owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements. As we interviewed Mr. Hughes we were in a corn-field, and in the center of a piece of ground that was once covered by a large pond. Mr. Hughes' energy has led him to make blind ditches to the extent of 200 rods, and now his land is all in good condition. His corn crop of 1881 averaged fifty bushels to the acre. Mr. Hughes was united in marriage to Mary Finnigan, in about 1869. They have three children, Rosa, Martha and Maggie. During the war Mr. Hughes was in the gold region of California, but he says he " came 34 548 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. to the conclusion that there was more gold in the soil of Illinois than he could find in California." MR. J. B. HUTCHINSON,, farmer, De Land, was born in Kentucky, from which state he moved to Missouri. In 1863 he moved to Illinois and in 1870 settled in Piatt county. He now owns 160 acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements. He was married in 1854, to Sarah F. Robertson and has had seven children, five of whom are living. James married Marietta Kirnbrough, has one child, Joseph, and lives at home. The names of the other children are Charles W., Walter, Mary and Eddie. MR. WILLIAM JOHNSON, farmer. Weldon, was born in Pickaway count} 7 , Ohio. After moving to Indiana, where he lived six years, he came to Macon county, and about 1855 located in Piatt county, where he owns 280 acres of land, upon which he has put all the improve- ments. He was married in 1852, to Anna Barnhart and has had eleven children: Charles, who married Martha Allen ; Ann Elizabeth, the wife of George Allen ; and Jesse B., Mary Catherine, Martha E., John H., Frank L., William C., Lucius O., Fannie and Etna. MR. JOHN KIRBY was born in Limerick county, Ireland, and came to America in 1850, to Illinois in 1856, and to Piatt county in 1860. For a number of years he has been a stock dealer in the county, and he now lives upon a fine farm, upon which he has erected an elegant ten- room residence. He was married in January, 1873, to Mary E. Mar- quiss, and has had one daughter, Nellie M. Mr. Kirby has been supervisor of Goose Creek township one term. When the war broke out, he enlisted in 1861, in the 2d 111. Cav., and was veteraned in January 1864, remaining out until 1866. He was second lieutenant the last eighteen months he was out, and served under Grant in all the raids from Cairo to the fall of Vicksburg. He had one horse killed under him, but throughout the war Mr. Kirby was never disabled in any way. After the close of the war he came back to the county, and in 1868 he was elected sheriff, at the end of which term he went into the stock business. MR. BENJAMIN K.ESXER (deceased) was a native of Virginia. He came from Indiana to Piatt county about 1855, and settled in Goose Creek township. He next moved to Camp Creek, where he lived until about eleven years ago, when he moved to Missouri, where he died. He was married in Virginia to Margaret Coffman, and had nine chil- dren, six of whom are living, but only two are in Piatt county : Amy married Abraham Starkey, and lives in Monticello. She has three BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 549 children : Kose, the wife of Ira Robinson and mother of one child ; Jennie and Willie. Lucinda Kesner was married in 1870 to Win. Plot ner, and had one son, Allen. She was married again in 1881, to Reed Baird. Mr. Baird first married Sarah Gotchall, who died leaving seven children, six of whom are living, Charlie, Charlotte, Susan, David, Mary and Sarah. MR. SALEM KESLER, farmer, De Land, came from Ohio to Piatt county about twelve or thirteen years ago, and settled on Camp creek. After living a year or two there he moved to Goose Creek township, where he now owns a farm near De Land. He was married in Ohio, to Miss Stebleton, and their union was blessed by seven children, five of whom are living : Wm. Kesler married Ella Troxel in 1880, and is an agent on the Wabash railroad. M. Miranda married E. R. Par- sons, and lives on Mr. Kesler's farm ; Lavina E. is the wife of L. S. Kidd, a teacher of De Land ; Clinton and v Charlie Kesler are both at home. MR. J. "EL KIRKER, of the firm of "Kirker Brothers," of De Land, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to De Witt county in 1866, and in 1876 went into the grain business in De Land. He went into the army in 1864, and was out one year. The principal battle he engaged in was at Nashville. MR. S. C. LANGDON was born August 16, 1820, in New York, and is of English lineage. His father was from Massachusetts, and his mother from Connecticut. His father died in New York, and his mother nee Sarah Allen, was the first person buried in the De Land cemetery (1876). Mrs. Langdon was a descendant of Ethan Allen, and her father was in the revolutionary war. Mr. Langdon moved from New York to Ohio, where he was married, and from there he moved directly to Piatt county in 1857, and settled at the head ot Gpose Creek timber. In 1873 he became railroad agent and grain merchant at De Land, was appointed the first postmaster of the place the same year, and still holds the office. Mr. Langdon has had seven children, all of whom are living: Floronia married J. C. E. McMillen, has five children, Clara, Eva, Lucian, William and Mabel, and lives in Monticello. Lucian, who was a soldier in the 73d regiment in the late war, married Sarah Marvel, has two children, and lives in Girard, Kansas ; Reed married Ida French, and is a grocer in Leadville, Colo- rado ; Elizabeth was married March 16, 1882, to Mr. Harvey Steven- son ; Frank and Octavia live at home ; Josiah is at Portland, Oregon. When Mr. Langdon settled at the head of Goose creek, he was under 550 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. the delusion that nearly all early settlers labored under ; he thought he would have grazing ground for stock for a lifetime. Mr. Langdon has been assessor, supervisor and county treasurer. MR. LUBBERT LUBBERS, farmer, De Land, was born in Hanover, Germany. He came to America in 1868 and settled in Mason county. From there he moved to Logan county, and in 1878 settled on the place he now lives on in Piatt county. He owns 240 acres of land, upon which he is putting improvements all the time. A new house was built in 1881, and over a mile of tile ditching has been done. The entire farm is rapidly growing better. Mr. Lubbers was married in Logan county, to Anna Wiegers, a native of Hanover, Germany. When Mrs. Lubbers came to America her friends were all sick of typhoid fever, and her mother died on the way. They have five children: Ella M., Reemt, Dinah, Lubbert and Isaac. Mr. Lubbers is a hard working and energetic farmer. In 1881, 150 acres of corn averaged forty bushels to the acre. In 1880 he sold 4,200 bushels of corn, besides feeding some to a good many hogs. MR. ABRAHAM MARQUISS, SR., was born in Virginia, January 5, 1789. His father, William Marquiss, was of English descent and was. born in Virginia, August 9, 1766, and married Sarah Peters, of Irish descent, who was born December 25, 1765. The following names of their children were taken from their family bible : Hannah, born Sep- tember 5, 1787 ; Abraham ; Anna, born 1790, and died in 1791 ; Eliza- beth, who was born June 28, 1792, and died October 1, 1812 ; Sarah, born May 26, 1794 ; Martha, born April 21, 1793 ; Hester, born Feb- ruary 3, 1800 ; lanna, born February 14, 1803 ; William, born Febru- ary 3, 1807, and Permelia, born July 3, 1809. Of these children, the subject of this sketch, and Permelia, the youngest of the family, came to what is now Piatt county in October of 1833. Mr. George Barnes, Mr. Marquiss' brother-in-law, came to the county at the same time, with the following children : William, John, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. He was again married in 1834 and moved to near where Wm. Foster now lives. By his last wife he had the following children after he moved to DeWitt county : JJenry, Rebecca, Hannah and George. The children of Mr. Austin Phillips, who married Mr. Marquiss' sis- ter, also came out west with the families mentioned. They were raised by Mr. Abraham Marquiss. Henry Phillips, born in Decem- ber, 1819, married Sarah Karr, and lived a number of years on the place Frank Lodge lives on ; he now lives in Missouri ; Joseph Phil- lips, born February 13, 1821, married and lived on the place Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 551 George Lodge lives on ; Aaron Phillips, born in May, 1826, died after moving to Iowa ; Martha Phillips, born January 12, 1828, became the wife of Jno. Barnes, while her twin sister, Hannah Retta, married Noah Piatt, and died in California. Mr. Abraham Marquiss, with his own family and the persons just mentioned, all moved into a cabin about 12x14 feet, which stood on the site of William Piatt's present residence, and remained there for near two months until another cabin was erected. Some sleeping was done in the wagons, in order to have room for the entire company of about twenty-one. In the spring another cabin, moved from where Ezra Marquiss now lives, was added to the two already in use ; and too, the family was divided up some- what before the next summer. About 1836 Mr. Abraham Marquiss built a two-story hewed log house right where Mrs. Mary Jane Mar- quiss' present residence stands. He moved there and remained until about a year before his wife died, when they broke up housekeeping and went to live with their daughter Clarinda. After his wife's death he remained at the residence' of William H. Piatt until his death in 1859. He was a successful farmer, and assisted all of his children to obtain a home. He was a practicing physician, a soldier in the war of 1812 in his young days, and after moving to Piatt county was justice of the peace for a time and became one of the most influential men of the county. He was married about 1809 in Ohio, to Elizabeth Barnes, a native of Pennsylvania. They raised seven children, of whom Ezra Marquiss Sr. (see his sketch) is the oldest ; for John Marquiss see his sketch ; William Marquiss was never married, and died in Missouri ; Clarinda married William Piatt (see his sketch); Charles Marquiss married Elizabeth E. Hubbart, lived for a number of years in Goose Creek township, and then moved. to Missouri, where he now lives. Of their children, Nancy married Henry Moffett and lives in Missouri. The names of the other children are Ellen, Henry, Isaac, Clara, Ells- worth, Eddie and Edna; Elizabeth Marquiss married Mr. Samuel Bender, and died leaving one daughter, Effie ; Henry Marquiss, at the time of his death, was on his father's old home-place. MR. EZRA MARQUISS, sr., was born in Ohio June 11, 1813,, and when twenty years old emigrated with his father to what is now Goose Creek township, Piatt county, in which part of the county he has lived ever since. Previous to leaving Ohio, he had formed an attachment for the person Ann Maria Norris, who afterward became his wife. The young ladies in this then new country did not efface this early attachment, so that it was not long after he had moved here ere he 550 HISTOKY OF PIATT COUNTY. the delusion that nearly all early settlers labored under ; he thought he would have grazing ground for stock for a lifetime. Mr. Langdon has been assessor, supervisor and county treasurer. MR. LUBBERT LUBBERS, farmer, De Land, was born in Hanover, Germany. He came to America in 1868 and settled in Mason county. From there he moved to Logan county, and in 1878 settled on the place he now lives on in Piatt county. He owns 240 acres of land, upon which he is putting improvements all the time. A new house was built in 1881, and over a mile of tile ditching has been done. The entire farm is rapidly growing better. Mr. Lubbers was married in Logan county, to Anna Wiegers, a native of Hanover, Germany. When Mrs. Lubbers came to America her friends were all sick of typhoid fever, and her mother died on the way. They have five children: EllaM., Reemt, Dinah, Lubbert and Isaac. Mr. Lubbers is a hard working and energetic farmer. In 1881, 150 acres of corn averaged forty bushels to the acre. In 1880 he sold 4,200 bushels of corn, besides feeding some to a good many hogs. MR. ABRAHAM MARQUISS, SR., was born in Virginia, January 5, 1789. His father, William Marquiss, was of English descent and was. born in Virginia, August 9, 1766, and married Sarah Peters, of Irish descent, who was born December 25, 1765. The following names of their children were taken from their family bible : Hannah, born Sep- tember 5, 1787 ; Abraham ; Anna, born 1790, and died in 1791 ; Eliza- beth, who was born June 28, 1792, and died October 1, 1812 ; Sarah, born May 26, 1794 ; Martha, born April 21, 1793 ; Hester, born Feb- ruary 3, 1800 ; lanna, born February 14, 1803 ; William, born Febru- ary 3, 1807, and Permelia, born July 3, 1809. Of these children, the subject of this sketch, and Permelia, the youngest of the family, came to what is now Piatt county in October of 1833. Mr. George Barnes, Mr. Marquiss' brother-in-law, came to the county at the same time, with the following children : William, John, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. He was again married in 1834 and moved to near where Wm. Foster now lives. By his last wife he had the following children after he moved to DeWitt county : Henry, Rebecca, Hannah and George. The children of Mr. Austin Phillips, who married Mr. Marquiss' sis- ter, also came out west with the families mentioned. They were raised by Mr. Abraham Marquiss. Henry Phillips, born in Decem- ber, 1819, married Sarah Karr, and lived a number of years on the place Frank Lodge lives on ; he now lives in Missouri ; Joseph Phil- lips, born February 13, 1821, married and lived on the place Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 551 George Lodge lives on ; Aaron Phillips, born in May, 1826, died after moving to Iowa ; Martha Phillips, born January 12, 1828, became the wife of Jno. Barnes, while her twin sister, Hannah Retta, married Noah Piatt, and died in California. Mr. Abraham Marquiss, with his own family and the persons just mentioned, all moved into a cabin about 12x14 feet, which stood on the site of William Piatt's present residence, and remained there for near two months until another cabin was erected. Some sleeping was done in the wagons, in order to have room for the entire company of about twenty-one. In the spring another cabin, moved from where Ezra Marquiss now lives, was added to the two already in use ; and too, the family was divided up some- what before the next summer. About 1836 Mr. Abraham Marquiss built a two-story hewed log house right where Mrs. Mary Jane Mar- quiss' present residence stands. He moved there and remained until about a year before his wife died, when they broke up housekeeping and went to live with their daughter Clarinda. After his wife's death he remained at the residence 1 of William H. Piatt until his death in 1859. He was a successful farmer, and assisted all of his children to obtain a home. He was a practicing physician, a soldier in the war of 1812 in his young days, and after moving to Piatt county was justice of the peace for a time and became one of the most influential men of the county. He was married about 1809 in Ohio, to Elizabeth Barnes, a native of Pennsylvania. They raised seven children, of whom Ezra Marquiss Sr. (see his sketch) is the oldest ; for John Marquiss see his sketch ; William Marquiss was never married, and died in Missouri ; Clariii da .married William Piatt (see his sketch); Charles Marquiss married Elizabeth E. Hubbart, lived for a number of years in Goose Creek township, and then moved, to Missouri, where he now lives. Of their children, Nancy married Henry Moffett and lives in Missouri. The names of the other children are Ellen, Henry, Isaac, Clara, Ells- worth, Eddie and Edna; Elizabeth Marquiss married Mr. Samuel Bender, and died leaving one daughter, Effie ; Henry Marquiss, at the time of his death, was on his father's old home-place. MR. EZRA MARQUISS, sr., was born in Ohio June 11, 1813,, and when twenty years old emigrated with his father to what is now Goose Creek township, Piatt county, in which part of the county he has lived ever since. Previous to leaving Ohio, he had formed an attachment for the person Ann Maria Norris, who afterward became his wife. The young ladies in this then new country did not efface this early attachment, so that it was not long after he had moved here ere he 554 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. who married Curtis Borton in 187T, has three children, Bertie, Donii and Emma Florence. Mr. Borton owns eighty acres of land in Goose Creek township upon which a new house was built in 1881. Mr. McMillen's next two children, Mary Estelle and Lulu B., died when small. The names of the other children are Ezra Tho., Marquiss, Frank, Fred and Maud. Mr. McMillen went to the late war in Co. C of the 107th 111. Inf. and was in several battles, the principal of which being those at Huff's Ferry, Campbell's Station, and Knoxville. He returned January 6, 1864, having received no wounds but suffered much from sickness. Mr. McMillen is recognized throughout the neighborhood as a genial, jovial man, and he makes friends wherever he goes. MR. GEORGE E. McMiLLEN, farmer, is a native of Indiana, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois. He soon moved to Champaign county, but returned to Piatt county in 1880. He owns 100 acres of land in Goose Creek township, upon which he has begun making improvements. He was married in 1875, to Tina Letherman, a native of Indiana, and who came to Illinois in 1873. They have had four children, three of whom are living, Wilber G., Gertrude A. and Holla C. Mr. McMillen is school director at the present time (1881). MR. JAMES G. MINER, farmer, Monticello, was reared in Ross county, Ohio, his parents having moved to that place when he was two years old. His father was a "Yankee " and his mother was reared on the Mohawk river in New York. His parents finally moved to Wisconsin, where his mother died, but his father went on to Kansas, where he died. The subject of our sketch moved from Ross county to Ohio direct to Piatt county in 1856, and settled on Mr. Samuel Suver's place. He afterward moved on to what is now the poor-farm, and after living there a time, the county arranged for his keeping the poor, and rented half of the present poor-farm to him. He owned the other half, but the county bought him out. He was the first person to keep a poor-farm in the county. Previous to this time the poor had auctioned off to the lowest bidder. At this time there were but four poor people on the county. The present poor-house was built after'Mr. Miner left the farm. He moved onto his farm in Goose Creek township about 1865. He bought 242 acres of land, most of which belonged to Mr. Abraham Collins, an early settler in the township. He has made some improvements on the place, such as planting of trees, and clearing and cultivating the land. He was married in Ohio on April 26, 1836, to Emeline R. Fleming, a native of Delaware. They have six children. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 555 Ann became the wife of James Herrington, of Monticello, and has three children ; her eldest son, Clinton, was first married to Millina Cothrine ; he next married a Miss Woolington, has one child and lives in Galesville ; Frank Herrington married Maud Meredith, and is living in Galesville ; Mary is the wife of Mr. William Mclntosh ; Ira Miner married Mary A. Bruifet, and has the following named children : Emma, Amanda, Fannie, Sarah A., Jim, Mary A. and Roy. He has lived for a number of years in Goose Creek township, but recently moved to Willow Branch township, where he owns eighty acres of land. Albert Miner married Amelia Wiley ; Richard Miner married Miss Stewart, and lives in Sangamon township ; Charles Miner married Mary Shaffer, and has three children, Olga, Fent and Samuel ; Miss Eliza Miner is still at home. MR. R. B. MOODY, grain merchant, De Land, is a native of. Ohio, from which state his parents moved to De Witt county in 1855. In 1868 Mr. Moody moved to Piatt county, and lived for a time on Mr. Calef s place. In 1870 he moved on to what is now Mr. Samuel Reed's place, and in the fall of 1873 he moved into De Land, and built the first store building in the town. He was married in 1868, to Rumina M. Hassinger, of Ohio. They had no children of their own, but adopted four of his and his wife's brother's and sister's children. Mr. Moody has held his share of offices if one who does his duty in them ever does have his share. He has been overseer of highways, school director, constable, assessor, notary public, township treasurer and justice of the peace. He went to the army in Co. E of the 20th 111. Inf., and was out from 1861 to 1864. The principal battles in which he engaged were those at Fredericktown, Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Shiloh, at which place he was wounded. When asked if he was an officer in the army he replied : " Oh, yes, yes ; I was high private in the rear rank." MR. HENRY S. McFADDEN, farmer, De Land, was born in 1817, in Scott county, Pennsylvania, and is of Scotch and Irish descent. He moved from Pennsylvania to Illinois, and after a year or two of moving about settled in 1857 in Monticello. When a boy he learned the saddler trade, and after coming to Monticello pursued that in addition to that of house painting. In 1867 he moved onto the place of 240 acres, on which he now lives. He has done much to improve the place since moving onto it. At least 500 trees have been planted, and the whole place looks in fine condition. Mr. McFadden was married in 1841, in Pennsylvania, to Mary A. Mechling. Her mother was a 556 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. descendant of Gen. Broadhead, who played his part in the revolution- ary war, and her grandfather was in the war of ,1812. Eight of Mr. McFadden's children are still living. John M., who went to the late war in Capt. Musser's Company, from this county, is now in Kansas. Fannie married Wm. Boyer, who was in the army and came near starving to death in Anderson ville, and others of the rebel prisons, and, with one little girl, lives in Atwood, Kansas. Sarali A. Me McFadden, lives with an aunt in Pennsylvania. Louise married Mr. W. T. Bean, and lives in Farmer City. Arthur, a fine young man, and the pride of the family, died in 1879, while engaged as a telegraph operator in Danville. Emma, Harry, Juliette and Franklin are at home. MR. GEORGE McBRiDE, farmer, De Land, was born in Maryland, in 1802. He moved to Ohio, and from there to Illinois in 1853 ; and about 1868 he settled in Piatt county. He bought 160 acres of land near De Land, and has lived on it ever since. He was married in Maryland, to Sophia Wisinon, who died leaving four children, three of whom are living. He next married Eliza Long, who died leaving six children. Mr. McBride is now living with one of his children. Mr. Jacob McBride married Catharine Kelly, has six children, and lives in Goose Creek township. Susan, the wife of John Frazer, lives in Nebraska. Henry married Melinda Kelly, and lives in Goose Creek township. Sophia, the wife of Geo. Bevard, lives in Missouri. Mary Ann married Geo. Race, lives in Goose Creek township, and has two children. Philip McBride was married in 1864, to Mary H. Johnson, a native of Pennsylvania. Two of their three children, George, Franklin and Mary Catharine, are living. Mr. McBride's farm of 120 acres has a good house and barn on it, and withal presents a very neat and attractive appearance. Lavina McBride is the wife of Reuben Abbott, of Missouri, and has one child. Eliza is the wife of Louis C. Marvel, of Goose Creek township. David married Xellie Fullenrider, has two children, and lives in Goose Creek township. MR. R. W. MERRY, blacksmith, De Land, was born in Canada, and is of English and Irish extraction. He came from Canada to Piatt county in 1862. He lived in Monticello four years, moved about in the state somewhat, and went back to Canada once, but for the last seven years has been in De Land. He has worked, too, at the United States armory at Springfield, Massachusetts, since leaving Canada. He was married in 1864, to Rebecca P. Farr, a native of Canada, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 557 has had four children, Ralph Ward, Maurice M., Bertie O. and Mary E. Dora. MR. LEWIS C. MARVEL, farmer, is a native of Fulton county, Illi- nois. He came to Piatt county in 1869. Has lived at his present home for twelve years. He was married in 1868, to Eliza McBride. and has three children, Lillie May, Geo. Wm. and Chas. W. Mr. Marvel went to the army from Iowa, in Co. G, 4th Iowa reg. MR. WM. S. MARTIN, farmer, Welclon, is a native of Putnam county, Indiana, who moved to Illinois in 1861. About the year of 1867 he located in Piatt county, where, in the southwestern corner of Goose Creek township, he owns 160 acres of land, upon which he has put most of the improvements. He has a fine looking farm, his residence, a nice eight-room frame house, built in 1881, stands on a little knoll which gives a fine view of the country around. He was married in 1866, to Jane M. Chandler, and their union has been blessed by six chil- dren, five of whom are living : Hettie May, Oliver, Edgar, Winfred B. and Manford. Mr. Martin went to the army in 1862, from DeWitt county, in Co. B of the 107th 111. Inf., and remained until 1865. MR. GEORGE MEYER, farmer, De Land, is a native of Germany, from which country he emigrated to America in 1868. After coming to Illinois, he first settled in Peoria, but in 1880 he moved to Piatt county, where he owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has begun adding improvements to those already there. He was married to Ger- trude Hendricks, and has five children living : Herman married Anna Morris ; Henry is living at home ; Louise is the wife of Nanke Radna- ker, has two sons, and lives in Logan county ; Teis married Anna Rodenback, has four children, and lives in Logan county ; Albert married Louise Sank, and lives in Logan county. Mr. Meyer and son Henry have already shown that they are going to be successful farmers in the county. Forty-five acres of their corn averaged seventy-five bushels to the acre in 1881. MR. M. D. MARVEL, farmer, De Land, moved from Ohio, his native state, to Fulton county, Illinois. From there he moved to Piatt county in 1867, and settled on the farm where he now lives. He owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements. About 500 trees have been planted ; 350 rods of underground ditch have been made ; there is at least one mile of hedge planted, and the present residence was built in 1875. He has raised quite good corn crops. Two years ago he raised corn that brought ninety bushels to the acre. It was planted by hand, two grains at a time, in hills twenty 558 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. inches apart. Mr. Marvel was married in 1856, to Mary Standard. Six of their seven children are living : Yina, Alice, Huldah, Hettie, Maud and Maurice. Mr. Marvel has been school director for twelve or fourteen years. MR. H. G. PORTER, merchant, De Land, is a native of Fulton county, Illinois, and is of Scotch and Irish lineage. He was married in 1868, to Eldora Carter, of Fulton county, and has four children : Estella, Maggie, Joseph C. and Clyde. In 1874 he moved onto a farm in Piatt county, and in 1877 he began business as a merchant in De Land. Mr. Porter went to the late war from Fulton county, in Co. K of the 7th 111. Cav. He was out two years, and was in the engagements at Frank- lin, Columbia and Nashville, at which place he was wounded. MR. JAMES REID, farmer, Lodge, is a native of Ohio, Pickaway county, from which place he moved to Piatt county, October, 12, 1856, and wintered in a cabin on Bender's place. He located on his present farm of seventy-six acres, in 1867. He was married in Ohio, January 1, 1850, to Margaret Adkins. Their union has been blessed by six chil- dren, three of whom are living : Melina died after being of age ; Nel- son, who married Kate Emig, has three children, and lives in Monti- cello ; Aregzene and George are still living at home. MR. WILLIAM ROBISON, farmer, Monticello, is of Irish descent, and a native of Pickaway county, Ohio. He came to Piatt county in 1861, but in 1863 returned to Ohio. In 1873 he again came to Piatt county, and located in Willow Branch township. He now owns 110 acres of land in Goose Creek township, upon which he has made enough in the last five years to pay for the farm and have $1,000 besides. He was married in 1855, to Amanda Crawford, a native of Ohio, and has seven children living, G. F., Charles, William, Seymour, Clement V., Josie B. and Allen. Mr. Robison was one of the pioneer cattle drivers, who used to drive cattle through this section of the country as early as 1851. His grandfather was one of the revolutionary soldiers. MR. JOSEPH H. RANKIN, farmer, is a native of Ohio. He moved from that state in 1856 or 1857, to Illinois, coming to Piatt county from DeWitt county in about 1864. He owns forty acres of land in Goose Creek township. He was married in 1867, to Emma Brown, and has one son, James Floy. MR. JAMES RHINEHART. a native of Virginia, moved to Ohio, and from there to Macon county, where he has lived ever since, with the exception of two years' residence in Cerro Gordo. Two of his sons are now living in Goose Creek township. J. H. Rhinehart married Mary BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 559 Miles, and has two children living, Alice and Roy. He came to De Land in 1875, and in 1879 moved onto a farm. He was in the late war, in the 116th 111. Inf., for three years. Mr. I. L. Rhinehart came to De Land, Piatt county, in 1875. He was married in 1878, to Asenath J. McCauce, of Fulton county, and has one child. He was in the boot and shoe and grocery business until 1879, when he began keeping a hardware and grocery store. He is now deputy post- master, and was town clerk for two years. MR. SAMUEL RIDDICK, farmer, De Land, is a native of Scotland, who came to America in 1853, locating in Piatt county in 1875. He owns 240 acres of land, which he bought already improved. He was mar- ried to Mary A. McLaughlin in 1852, and they have seven children living : William is at home ; Charles married Mary Parr, and has one child, Harry ; Mary *J. married Alexander Allen, and lives in DeWitt county ; John is in Iowa ; George, the third son, Samuel and James are at home. MR. SAM'L H. SMITH, farmer, Cisco, is a native of Wayne county, Illinois. From there he moved to Piatt county in 1877. At that time he settled on the place of 160 acres where he now lives. It was prin- cipally improved, but he has put in a good deal of tiling since settling on the place. In the year of 1879, 120 acres of corn averaged 45 bushels to the acre. Mr. Smith was married in 1865, to Barbara E. Altic, a native of Logan county, Illinois. They have had seven chil- dren, all of whom are living : Abraham, Hannaretta, Martha, Samuel, Edna May, Amy Olive and James Gaifield. Mr. Smith went to the army in August, 1861, in Co. G of the 26th 111., and was out until July, 1865. He took part in the battles at luka, Corinth, Chattanooga, Resaea, Lookout Mountain, and those of the Atlanta campaign. He was slightly wounded once, but was never taken prisoner. MR. FLAVIOUS J. STOTTLEMYKR, farmer, De Land, is a native of Maryland, from which state he moved to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1874. His father owns 160 acres of land in the county, which Mr. Flavious Stottlemyer improved, and upon which he lives with his sister Ruth. A good deal of open ditching has been done on the farm, and the place has yielded fair crops. The corn crop of 1881 averaged forty bushels to the acre. MR. WM. O. TRENCHARD, farmer, Monticello, was born in New York in 1830. From that state he moved to Michigan, where he remained three years, and in 1848 came to Illinois, but did not come to Piatt county until 1864 or 1865. He was married August 23, 1852, 560 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. to Mary Lyons, and has had seven children : Mary, the wife of John Tatman, of Goose Creek township, has four children, Ella, Fannie, George and Oliver. Ella married Robert Bragg, of the same town- ship, and has two children, Willie and Lena ; Joseph Trenchard graduated at the State Normal in 1880, and is now principal of the public school at Windsor; Win. H., Francis, Sarah and George are at home. Mr. Trenchard has not escaped all the township offices. He was town clerk for several years. MR. RICHARD TILSON, blacksmith, De Land, was born in Canada, and is of English descent. He came to Illinois in 1867, and in 1869 settled in Piatt county. In 1873 he moved the first dwelling in De Land, and began work in a shop, and, with the exception of two years on a farm, has lived in the place ever since. He was married in 1863, to Nancy J. Currier, of Canada, who died in 1878, leaving three chil- dren, two of whom, Walter N. and Winnie Elnor, are living. He took for his second wife the widow ot Joseph Marsh, who had three children, George, Catharine and Alzina. Since her last marriage she has had two children, Rosella and an infant. MR. JOHN VAIL, De Land, moved from Ohio, his native state, to Piatt county in 1859. He settled first in Goose Creek township, where he has lived most of the time since. He moved into and built the first dwelling house in De Land, and built about the first store building in the place. He owned property, five lots, before moving into town. He was married in 1861, to Mary E. Drais, and has had five children, four of whom are living : Arminda married Jno. R. Harrison in 1881, and Ida became the wife of Louis Mathews the same year. The names of the other children are Mary Susan, Lucinda and Laura. MR. HARRISON VITTUM is a native of IVew Hampshire, from which state he moved to Fulton county, Illinois. He was married in 1861, to Mary Harper, a native of Pennsylvania, and in 1870 they moved to Piatt county, settling on the place where they now live. Mr. Vittum owns 320 acres of land in the northern part of Goose Creek township, and has put most of the improvements on the place since moving there. He has done considerable open ditching, planted over 150 fruit and other trees, and has hedged his place all around. In 1874 he built a neat farm house, and in 1881 erected a commodious barn. MR. HENRY VAN VICKLE, farmer, is a native of Ohio, from which state he came to Piatt county in 1867, and has been in the county ever since. He went to the army in 1864, in Co. A of the 90th Ohio Inf., and was discharged in July 12, 1865. He engaged in the battles at BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 561 Resaca, Dalton, Kenesaw Mountain, siege of Atlanta, Franklin and Nashville. He was wounded at the latter place, and was in the hos- pital from December 15 until July. MR. JOHN VANSYCKEL, farmer, is a native of New Jersey, from which state he moved to Fulton county, Illinois, in 1850, and to Piatt in 1871. He married Emeline Hunt in 1864, and they have one child. George Edmund. Mr. Vansyckel owns 180 acres of land in Blue Ridge and Goose Creek townships, every foot of which is under culti- vation. He has done considerable ditching on his land, planted out 100 trees, including fifty-six apple trees, and has put most of the im- provements on his place himself. He has been successful in raising the Poland China hogs. He has been trustee of the township, and is counted one of the leading men of this vicinity. REV. THOMAS H. WELCH (deceased) was a native of New Jersey. He was married in Lexington, Kentucky, to Eliza Jacobs, a native of Pennsylvania. They moved to Ohio, and from there to Indiana, from which state they moved in 1839 to Piatt county, and settled on land which is still owned by the Welches. After coming to the county Mr. Welch was a preacher in the Christian church from 1839 to 1858, and his circuit extended throughout and beyond the limits of this county. Of his children, Mason (see his name) is living in the county ; John H. (see his name) is in McPherson, Kansas ; Paul D. married Nancy Miller, and after living a few years in this county, moved to Salt Creek ; Catharine married Mr. W. A. Patterson, who died, leaving several children : Rebecca J. married A. K. Miller, of Salt Creek ; Cynthia A. married Mr. George Carr ; Cordelia was married twice, and now lives with her son in Missouri ; Lizzie married John Boren. Rev. Mr. Welch took for his second wife Elizabeth Johnson, and had four more children : Martha, who married John Mooney, and has one child ; Thomas R. married Harriet Holt ; Apollus died not long since, and Cephas married Lizzie Holt, and has one child. MR. JOHN WELCH, formerly a farmer of Piatt county, married Elmira Carson, and moved to Sangamon county, Illinois, about 1839, and about 1840 came to Piatt county. He and his wife moved in 1880 to Kan- sas, where he owns a farm of 160 acres. His eldest son, Thomas E., was married in 1872, to Mrs. Michael Croninger nee Susanna Robin- son, and has three children : Charles C., Eddie E. and William W. Since his marriage he has lived on the farm he now lives on. Char- lotte Welch married Peter Widdershein, has several children, and lives in Monticello ; Hamlin B. married Rhoda Long, who died, leav- 562 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. ing four children : John, Era, Joseph and Clement. He next married Mrs. Spencer nee Margaret Talbert. She died, leaving several chil- dren by her last husband, three of whom, Elizabeth, William and Mark, are living. David C. Welch married Mrs. James Lemon nee Clementine Robinson, has three children, Emma, Ora and Nellie, and is a lawyer in McPherson, Kansas ; Ben. F. Welch married Martha J. Hott, and has three children, Lona, Jacob and Ford ; Elmira mar- ried Emanuel Hinkle, and has three daughters, Jesse May, Daisy and Grace ; Hester married Franklin Sills, and lives in DeWitt county. S. Douglas is in Kansas with his father. . ME. MASON WELCH, farmer, Monticello, was born in Kentucky, and moved from Indiana to Piatt county in 1839. He was married in Indiana, to Nancy A. Flowers, a native of Ohio. Five of their six children are living. Sophia Jane became the wife of John Bradford, who died in the army, leaving h' ve .children. Of these, Sarah Ann married James Huffman, and lives in Colorado ; Asenath is in Cham- paign county. Mrs. Bradford was next united in marriage to Jerry Davis. Dan'l Henry Welch married Lizzie Jacobs, has one child, and is a carpenter in Indiana ; Hannah married Wm. Holden, has five children, Nancy, Daniel, Emma, Wm. and Thomas, and lives in Monticello ; Sylvenus A. first married Cyrus R. Stewart, who died leav- ing four children, Nancy Ann, Sophrona, Albert and Fannie. She next married Lewis Flowers. Lizzie J. is still at home. MR. JESSE WARNER, farmer, Monticello, was born in Ross county, Ohio, December 16, 1830. He came on horseback from Pickaway county, Ohio, to Piatt county in 1852. Soon after coming here he began dealing in stock for other men, and made several trips to Missouri for the same. During his time he was in the employ of Wm. H. Piatt part of the time. In 1856 he went east with hogs for Mr. Piatt, and at Lockport, New York, a train ran into the stock train and injured Mr. Warner so that his right arm had to be ampu- tated. He called Mr. Wm. Piatt's his home from 1853 until his marriage, in 1873, to Miss Kate Schultz, when he went on to his own farm. His wife died September 29, 1875, and Mr. Warner was mar- ried January 6, 1878, to Louisa Connor. He has two children, Ollie and an infant son, Eddie Connor. Mr. Warner's sister, Elizabeth Warner, has lived in Piatt county over twenty years, and with the exception of two years her home has been at Wm. H. Piatt's. MR. JESSE B. WALKER (deceased) was born in Kentucky, in 1822. From there he moved to Indiana, and in 1855 moved to Illinois. In BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 563 1864 he settled on a farm of 240 acres in Goose Creek township. He put nearly all the improvements on the place, and died there, April 21, 1878. He was one of the early settlers in the vicinity of De Land. He was married December 22, 1841, to Rebecca Saturwhite, who died August 13, 1855. They had six children, four of whom are living : Elizabeth married J. "W. Davis, but died leaving a child, which soon died ; Daniel M. married Jane Davis, who died leaving five children ; I. D. Walker attended the law school at Bloomington, was married recently, and is now practicing law at Decatur ; Ann M. married David Camp, and had three children : Willie, Ada and Eddie ; she is now the wife of Mr. Chas. Anderson, and lives on the old home-place which William and I. D. have control of ; Wm. I. Walker attended school in Green Castle, Indiana, for about four years, and is now practicing law in Decatur, Illinois. DR. JNO. H. WOOD, of De Land, is a native of Fulton county, Illinois. His father is a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother of Maryland. He was married in 1876, to Sarah Piersoll, a native of Fulton county. Mrs. Wood has been quite a successful school teacher, both at Ashland school and in De Land. Dr. Wood went to the army in the 6th Cav., and was in some of the principal battles in Virginia. He attended and graduated at the Allopathic Medical School, at Keokuk, Iowa. He came to Piatt county in December, 1875, and at present is the only physician located at De Land. MR. HUGH WILSON, farmer, Cisco, was born in Harding county, Ohio, and was one of the first settlers of the neighborhood in which he lives. He owns a good-sized farm, which he has in a fine condition. He recently built a large barn and some cribs. Mr. Wilson was first mar- ried in Ohio, and had several children : John H., who married Sarah A. Passwaters, keeps hotel in Weldon, and has three children ; William married Mattie Weddle, and lives in Missouri ; Jane is the wife of William Glass, lives in Goose Creek township, and has no children ; Cyrus and Charlie are at home. Mr. Wilson married his second wife in 1867, Mrs. Uley Passwaters nee Ann Elizabeth Bunting. She, in 1846, married her first husband, Jesse M. Passwaters, by whom she had five children : Eliza, John, Sarah A., Mary and Rebecca. MR. J. A. WILLIAMSON, farmer, Lodge, is a native of Ohio, and moved from there to DeWitt county, Illinois, about 1856, then to Macon county, and in 1882 to Piatt county. He owns eighty acres of land. He was married about 1850, to Lucinda Hartsock, and has four children : Grisanna Belle married William Chopin, lives in Goose: 35 564- HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Creek township, and has two children, Clarence and Donna Lu ; J. Calvin attended school at the Wesleyan University; George E. attended the State Normal ; and ElwoodN. is at home. Mr. William- son keeps quite an apiary. He has about ninety stands of bees, and is prepared to furnish all necessary supplies belonging to apiculture, such as, queens, bee-hives, boxes, etc. CHAPTER XXIII. \ SANGAMON TOWNSHIP. SANGAMON township lies north oi Monticello township, and con- tains forty-eight sections of land. The land of this part of the county is well drained by the Sangamon river, which flows southwest across the- township, and Camp creek and Madden's run, both tributa- ries of the Sangamon. In addition to a goodly portion of timber land, there is a generous amount of rich tillable land. Sangamon township has three railroads, more than any other township in the county. These are all in the possession of the Wabash Railway Company. The first one built, which until recently was known locally as the Cham- paign & Decatur road, strikes the township near the middle of the eastern boundary line, runs southwest, crossing the southern boundary line about a mile east of the extreme southwest corner of the township. The Havauna branch leaves the road just referred to at the station White Heath, runs northwest, leaving the township a little above the middle of its western boundary line. The Chicago division of the AY abash road enters the township almost exactly at its southwest cor- ner, crosses the township angling a little to the east, and leaving it about two miles east of the northwest corner of the township. There are three stations on these roads, White Heath, Gales ville and Lodge. fairly settlement. Some of the first settlements in the county were made in this township. Mrs. Nancy Ingram still lives in the township, and Mr. and Mrs. Henline used to live here. The Wrights were early settlers, as were Mr. Senders, the Oulerys, Maddens, Mack- eys, Coons, Argos and others. It was reported to us that a child of Mr. Andy Winters was the first birth in the township, and that Mrs. Sarah Wright, who was buried at the Cline and Ingram cemetery, was SANGAMON TOWNSHIP. 565 the first one who died in the township. For some reason it was exceedingly difficult to collect general items relating to this township, so we have to content ourselves with the amount given. Centerville. This is the oldest town of the township, and settle- ment was started by Mr. Archibald Maffett, who built the first house. About 1842 or 1843 Samuel Maffett and Thomas Newell put up a saw mill, and not long after a grist mill was added. Samuel French, about this time, started the first blacksmith shop of the vicinity. About 1850, town lots were laid off, the town was named Centerville, and a post-office was established. An old man living near the town, for some reason, gave it the homely nickname of Lickskillet, and we are glad to say that such name is going out of use. Mr. Young was prob- ably the first postmaster, Mr. Brundel the first regular circuit minister, and Jane Maffett taught the first school. This was at one time quite a flourishing little village, but since the beginning of other towns near, it has been gradually declining. At present, however, there are two churches, Methodist Episcopal and United Brethren, a schoolhouse and three or four business houses. Mr. Edward Bates has a store- building in the town. White Heath. Mr. Porter Heath bought the land White Heath was laid out on of Mr. Frank White, and for a stock company. We suppose the town was named in honor of these two gentlemen. The town was laid out about 1872, and Mr. Heath thinks that James Webster put up the first dwelling-house in the town, and he was also the first postmaster. Miss Frank and Mr. Vin. Williams put up the first hotel and opened the first store of the place. Dr. Unangst and Dr. Henrie are the only physicians who have located in the town. At present there are five or six business firms in White Heath. The Methodist Episcopal church was built several years ago. The town is in a good location, botli in regard to railroad facilities and the situation of the ground. Galesmlle. This town was laid out on Mr. Rufus Calef's land, and was first called Calef's station. The name was changed to the present one in honor of Mr. Calef's mother, whose maiden name was Gale. The store building at the station was erected in 1876, by Mr. Calef, and the first residence was built and occupied by John Donlan. The post- office was established in 1876, and Wilber Alvord was the first post- master. The depot was built in 1877, but has recently been destroyed by fire. Galesville has over fifty inhabitants. Improvements are being made continually, so that we anticipate a continued growth in the town. 566 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Lodge. The station known by this name was situated about half a mile below the crossing of the Chicago division of the Wabash and the Havanna branch of the same road, and the postoffice was located at this place. This crossing referred to was named Woods, in honor of superintendent Wood, of the Chicago division of the Wabash. After the postoffice was moved from Lodge to Woods, the postoffice depart- ment refused to change the name of the postoffice, and hence the town at the junction of these roads, took the name of Lodge. OHAPTEK XXIV. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MR. JOHJST ARGO was born in Pennsylvania, in 1793. He moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio, and during the war of 1812 volunteered for a few months to relieve Fort Meiggs. He now receives a pension of $96 a year. His brother Abraham was also in the war of 1812. Mr. Alexander Argo and wife, with David Argo, moved to Champaign county in 1835, where he died in 1836. Mrs. Argo died about 1859 at John Argo's. David Argo married Mary Shreve, settled in Champaign county, and has raised a large family of children, six of whom are living. He quite recently moved to Piatt county to take care of his brother, who is in poor health. John Argo came to Piatt county in 1840. He married Catharine Marsh, and had ten children, all but one of whom lived to reach maturity : Rebecca married Mr. Francis Sporrier, and lived in Sangamon township until she died, leaving four children ; George Argo, who never married, died at the age of thirty years ; Hester, the wife of Robert Osborn, died, leaving four children ; one of her sons, John, married Mary Kinser, and lives on Mr. John Argo's place. Solomon Argo was married in 1865, to Mary Skillins, and has five children, Catharine, Rebecca J., Hannah, Charlie and Nellie. He owns 140 acres of land, and lives within a mile of his brother John's place ; Mary J. married William Kennedy, and died, leaving four children, who are now in Kansas ; Hannah, the wife of Hiram Stottler, died, leaving three chil- dren, two of whom, George and John, are in Mansfield ; Evaline, who married Christopher McCloughen, is also dead ; Alexander married BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 567 Amanda Vangundy, has five children, Sarah, John, Emmeline, Cora and George, and lives in Sangamon township ; Nancy, the wife of James Coffin, died, leaving three children, who are with their father, who married again, and is living in Sangamon township. Mr. John Argo has been married three times. His second wife was Mrs. Susan Ellis, and Mrs. Martha McKinley became his third wife. She died in 1881. Mr. Argo is growing quite feeble, but his hearing seems as good as it ever was. Since writing the above we have learned of Mr. Argo's death. MR. J. E. ANDREW, White Heath, moved from Ohio, his native state, to Illinois in 1866, locating in 1869 in Piatt county, where he now owns seventy acres of land. He lives in Sangamon township, and has held several township offices. He married Fannie H. Heath in 1872, and has four children, Marion, Arthur, Nettie and John. Mr. Andrew went to the war when but a boy, and served through two years. Being wounded twice, he still bears evidence of his army life, because of which fact he receives a pension. He was in the battles of the Atlanta campaign and those of the ' march to the sea.' Mr. Andrew was recently elected sheriff of the county. MR. THOMAS A. BRANCH, for a number of years a resident of Piatt county, was born in Buckingham county, Virginia, in 1808. Mrs. Branch, nee Elizabeth Robinson, was born in Smith county, Tennes- see, in 1811. In 1828 Mr. Branch left Virginia and traveled on foot five hundred miles to Monroe county, Kentucky, where he met his future wife. They tell the following stories of themselves. Before leaving Virginia Mr. Branch had his fortune told, and he was informed that he would ' travel a long distance on foot, cross water, and finally meet a young lady who was to be his future life companion.' True enough he did travel a long distance and finally reached a Mr. Robin- son's, where he asked for work. In the meantime a certain Elizabeth Robinson had had her fortune told, and she was informed that when she first saw her future husband he would be a "well-built, powerfully good-looking young man, in store clothes." One day, while about her household duties, she happened to glance out the window and spy the young man who had just asked for work of her father, sitting on the fence. She gave the young man in "store clothes" an earnest, search- ing look, and then with deep conviction said, "That's him." We will not attempt to say how it happened, whether it was the inevitable result of the fortune telling or whether it was simply that two congenial hearts attracted each other; but anyway, a marriage occurred May 27, 568 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. 1830, and two lives were united for life. Elizabeth's marriage portion was a cow and a pony. In September, 1831, the couple left Kentucky for Springfield, Illinois, which place they reached the next month. On arriving at Springfield they had just $7.25. Mr. Branch traded his blind mare and cart for two cows, a flax wheel and a saddle, while she bought a hog and some meat with her money. They then began living in a small cabin, through the cracks of which "a dog could almost be thrown." They moved from Sangamon county to Piatt county, Feb- ruary 20, 1846. They reached here in a big snow-storm, and had to scoop the snow out of the house on Stringtown lane before moving into it. They moved from this place of George A. Patterson's to the Cline place, then to the ridge, and from there to the farm upon which is a grove which was then called Sheean's Grove. When they settled at this place there were no houses between them and Urbana. Mr. and Mrs. Branch have had twelve children, nine of whom were born before they owned any land. Mr. Branch remarked, as we interviewed him, that when he paid for his first forty acres of land he felt richer than he has ever felt since. Only five of their children are living. Of these, Angelina is the wife of M. L. Osburn, a carpenter of Seymour; she has had five children ; Matilda, the wife of William Trotter, has five children; Sarah is the wife of Emanuel Rhoader, of Monti- cello (see his name); Lizzie married W. T. Miller, and has two chil- dren. For many years Mr. Branch has been one of the successful farmers of Piatt county. He still owns 460 acres of land in the home- place. His place, when he bought it of Mr. Hubbart, was partially improved, but Mr. Branch has planted out a good many trees and has done other things toward putting it into a better condition. Mr. Branch was not only a farmer but he has done a great deal of good work as a minister in the vicinity of his home and county. In 1880 Mr. and Mrs. Branch calebrated their golden wedding. Some eighty guests were present, and it was averred that all had a truly happy time. Since writing the above we have been grieved to hear of the death of Mr. Branch. William L; Branch was married in 1861, to Jane Webb, who died. He married Mrs. Harris, nee Emma Yeager, in 1873, and they have four children, James 1ST., Lizzie A., Thomas A. and Charles A. Mrs. Harris had one son, William H. MR. JOSEPH BLY, farmer, White Heath, is a native of Virginia, and his father was in the war of 1812. He came to Illinois in 1850, and has been in Piatt county ever since. He first rented land of Mr. Branch, until he bought his present home-place of forty acres. There BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 569 was but a cabin on the place when he bought it, and he has made all the rest of the improvements. He was married about 1860, to Martha Jones nee Bushee, a native of Ohio, but of French descent. She has four children living by her first husband. One daughter, Mrs. Susan Smock, is living in this county. Two of her sons were in the army. Her sons, Albert and Charles Ely, are both at home. Her father, as was also Mr. Ely's, was in the war of 1812. MR. HARVEY BENSON, farmer, was born in Ohio, near Springfield, in 1821. His father, Mr. Andrew Benson, was born in Virginia about 1781, and moved from that state to Ohio. He was married in 1810 or 1811, to Miss Sarah Renick, and had four children, three sons and one daughter. Of these but two are living, the subject of our sketch, and one brother who lives at Springfield, Ohio. In 1840 Mr. Benson passed through this county, went on to Missouri and bought land there. He came to this county about 1856, and after living here several years bought a portion of the land where he now lives. He owns and has improved a good-sized farm, and has been successful in raising stock. Pie was married in December, 1877, to Mrs. Mary Piatt, who died in May 1880. SQUIRE H. E. BURNETT, formerly a resident of Piatt county, was born in New Jersey. He moved to Ohio in 1836, and in 1854 he came to Piatt county, where he remained until 1858. While living in Cen- terville he lost his wife. In 1857 he sold goods in Centerville, and at one time he was robbed of $340. Mr. Burnett helped to build the grist-mill at Centerville in 1854 or 1855. An old millwright, Wm. Lee, made the wheels and Mr. Burnett finished the inside of the mill. Mr. .Burnett has been justice of the peace for twenty years at Mahomet, and still holds that office. MR. ALVIN CALDWELL was born December 11, 1830, in Mercer county, Ohio. He is of Irish and English descent, and came to Piatt county October 24, 1849, and settled in what is now Sangamon town- ship. His first purchase of land was in 1860, and in 1868 he bought the land he now lives on. On November 22, 1857, he married Mary E. Madden, who was born August 24, 1833, and has three children living, Laura, Grace and Alvin. MR. JOHN HENRY COON, farmer, Monticello, was born in 1797. in Virginia. He moved to West Virginia and from there to Ohio when he was but thirteen years old, and in 1841 he moved to Piatt county. His father, Abraham Coon, and mother, nee Catharine Hensil, moved to Piatt county about 1849, and lived with J. H. Coon for several years, 570 HISTOKY OF PIATT COUNTY. when they died about five weeks apart. Abraham Coon was in the war of 1812, but he never received his land warrant. Mr. J. H. Coon came to this county and looked at the land before he bought it. He then moved out and liked the country from the first, but he did not like the living. He was not here long before he had to go to Chicago, and take two trips to Indiana in order to get something to eat and wear. The wolves were troublesome and the deer were quite plenty. Mr. Coon remembers of killing six deer in four days' time. Mr. Coon was married first in 1817, to Elizabeth Deeds, who was born in 1803 and died in 1824. They had three children, two of whom are now living. John married Eliza Schwisher, of Indiana ; moved to Missouri, and died there. Jacob married Frances Mooney, has five or six- children and lives in McDonough county, Illinois ; William, a soldier in the late war, and prisoner for eleven months, married Susan Hughes, who died, leaving two children, now dead. He next married Priscilla Beasley. One son, Harvey, is living in this county. Mr. J. II. Coon was married again in 1826, to Ruth Clemens, who was born in 1809. She died in 1878, after having been in poor health for twenty-five years. Their son Abraham was first married to Drusilla Belanga, who died, leaving one child, Walter, who lives in Missouri. He next married Amanda Beasley, who died, leaving three children. Ruth, who is married ; Ella was the wife of Amos Woolington, but died in 1881, leaving two children, and Austin. Mr. Coon took Susan Ellis for his third wife, and he was again married to Mrs. Sarah Pence, and lives in Cisco. Catharine married Samuel Eurnace, who died, leaving seven children ; Mrs. Furnace then married Jas. Blacker ; Rebecca married Calvin Swisher, but died. Four children, Kate, Jane, John and Sam are still living. Martha Coon married Jas. Cable, but died leaving no family ; Sarah Coon became the wife of Menassah Swisher and had two children, Medorah, the wife of Chas. Thompson and mother of six children, Willie, John, Frank, Ona M., Emma and Ida; and Daniel R. Swisher, who lives at home. Mrs. Swisher was married in 1868, to Edward Munea, a native of Indiana. His father came from France about forty-nine years ago. MR. JACOB COON (deceased) was born in Virginia in 1802. He was married in that state in 1826, to Elizabeth Applegate. She was a native of New Jersey, but she, with her brothers and sisters, were partly reared in Ohio. Her parents died in Indiana. One brother, Jacob Applegate, and one sister, Mrs. Sarah Ross, came to Illinois in 1842. Mr. Coon's father moved from his native state, Pennsylvania, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 571 to Virginia, and from there he moved over the mountains on pack- horses to Ohio. He then moved to Illinois, and from there to Mis- souri, where he died. Mr. Jacob Coon moved in 1842, onto the place now owned by Mr. Spencer, but which was then Mr. Hughes' place. They wintered through that cold winter in a log house with clapboard doors. They had moved from a comfortable house, and Mrs. Hollo- way pronounces the change as having been just "awful." The next spring they went onto the place still owned by Mrs. Coon and her son. They built a good hewed log house, to which, at a later time, an addi- tion was built. Mr. Coon was considered an excellent hewer, and was employed by many on account of his ability. About the first work he did after coming to the county was to prepare the timbers for the house Mr. Ezra Marquiss now lives in. After Mr. Coon enlarged their house they kept a country hotel for drovers for near twenty years. When the stage ran between Monticello and Champaign they kept the trav- elers and stage men for a time. The drovers called this house their home, and Mrs. Coon was noted as the woman who kept a barrel of pickles the year round. When Mr. Coon came to this county he brought about $1,000 and five or six head of horses. He "entered sixty acres of land and bought about 260 acres. At the time of his death he owned about 200 acres of land. His son remarks that his principal exploit was hard work ; and from what we hear, this exploit extended throughout his life. He was crippled in one hand. This was caused by the bite of a dog. Mr. and Mrs. Coon had two children born in Ohio, one of whom, Addison S., is still living, and in this county. He married Lufanny J. Buck, of DeWitt county, and has had four chil- dren : Orra married Louis Bartley, has two children, Charlie and Fan- nie, and lives on the old home-place ; Emma married Nelson Bartley, and has two children, Nellie M. and an infant ; Temperance and Homer Jacob are at home. Addison lives on part of his father's place, and has put most of the improvements on forty acres. He also owns 200 acres more. Mr. Jacob Coon died in 1872, and Mrs. Coon next married Mr. Samuel Ellerton. In 1880 she became the wife of Mr. Thomas Holloway, from Indiana. He went from that state to the army, was out three years, and was wounded on the raid under Sher- man to the sea. He has received a pension since his discharge. He has been a school teacher in the west for several years. Michael Coon came to Piatt county in 1841, and is still living here. He has been twice married and a number of his children and grandchildren reside in the countv. 572 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. MR. RUFUS CALEF (deceased) was a native of New Hampshire, from which state he moved to Peoria, and from there to Bunker Hill, Illi- nois. He next moved to St. Louis, and from there to Piatt county, where he and Mr. Henry Jacobs entered and bought near 3000 acres of land. When Mr. Calef came west he worked his wa} r to Peoria, and was a hard worker alll his life. He was married in Madison county, to Jean Gait, a native of Scotland. They lived in Piatt county a number of years, and until their death, the one dying in 1877 and the other in 1876. Two of their five children are living 1 : Horace married Sadie White, and has three children : Jean, Roscoe and Bes- sie. Arthur Calef is living at home with his brother. There are some 2,500 acres in the Calef place. Mr. Calef was a great stock dealer. Horace remembers that at one time there were 1900 head of cattle on the place, but is not positive as to whether this is the most that was ever on it or not. MR. JOHN CLINE was a native of Pickaway county, Ohio. He was married in that state to Letitia Carry, a native of the same county. They moved directly to Piatt county in 1838. Mr. Cline's father, Jacob Cline, *and several brothers and sisters, came out the spring of the same year. John Cline first settled about one mile from White Heath, where he lived, and owned 700 acres of land at the time of his death in 1860. He had six children, all of whom are living : John married Matilda Knott, and has two children, Ida and Delia ; James married Jennie Maffett and lives in Nebraska ; Letitia married Warren Gould and had two children, Nelson and Eva; she next married J. Wm. Shannon, and lives in Philadelphia ; Sarah, the wife of Thomas Plunk, lives about two miles from Monticello, and has six children, Wm., Thos., Albert, John, Chas., Robert, Louis and Harriet Pearl ; J. H. Cline married Josephine Knott, and has four children, Anna, Minnie, Carrie and Ona L. He has been in the merchandise business in White Heath for over three years ; Ezra Cline married Mell Knott and lives one mile northeast of White Heath. He has two children, Cora Alma and Ola Annis. He owns sixty acres of land, arid is the last of the family to have an interest in the Cline farm. Mrs. Cline was married to Wm. Curl in 1869. His first wife died, leaving five children, two of whom live in Piatt county : Mollie, who married Mr. Frank White, and Milton, who was married last to Mrs. Susan Baker. Mrs. Curl now makes her home at Mr. Tho. Plunk's. In speaking of her early life in the county, she remarked that the log cabin into which they moved had a stick chimney, so old and worn out that the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 573 dogs could crawl in at either side, and that the doors of the house were made of clapboards. They made molasses from watermelons and beets, and made muskmelon butter. She remembers that the deer, and especially the timber-wolves., were quite plenty when she first came to the county. One of Mr. "Wm. Wright's children was lost, and they supposed it was eaten by the timber-wolves. The child followed a pet deer off. Some bones were afterward found which were supposed to be those of the child. MR. DANIEL CRESAP (deceased) was of English descent, and a native of Maryland. A history of the Cresap family has been written, and some of the old families have been somewhat noted in early American history. Mr. Daniel Cresap moved from Ohio to Piatt county about 1855, and settled on the old Piatt place near Monticello. After living there two years he moved to the Williams place in Champaign county, and thence to where Frank Cresap lives, just across the line in Champaign county. Mr. Cresap's first wife, nee Miss Marsh, had four children. Of these, Evaline, who was the wife of Mr. Reed in Ohio, is now dead ; Clarinda, who was married, is also dead ; Elvira, the wife of Mr. Edwin Cresap, is living in Champaign county ; Elizabeth, who married James Vangundy, died, leaving one child. Mr. Cresap's last wife, nee Margaret Humes, had five children : Hamilton married Miss Campbell, but died in a few months after his marriage. His widow became the wife of Mr. Bishop, and lived in Piatt county for a time. She is now a widow again. Mr. B. F. Cresap married Sarah A. Vincent in Chicago in 1868, and has had five children, Nellie, Clara, Josephine, Wm. H. and Benj. F. Mr. B. F. or Frank Cresap went to the army from Piatt county in 1862, in Co. C of the 107th 111. Inf. He went out as first lieutenant and was promoted to captain. He was in the siege of Knoxville, in Sherman's march to the sea, and was engaged in battles at Buzzard's Roost, Resaca, Franklin and Nash- ville. At the battle of Resaca, one of the boys near him had his head shot off, and some pieces of his skull wounded Mr. Cresap in several places. This was the only time blood was drawn on him, and he was never taken prisoner while in the army. He was one of the members of the court martial during a winter and summer of the time he was in the war. Mary Cresap became the wife of B. F. Thomas, and lives in Champaign county ; Daniel is married and lives in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cresap both died on the place upon which Frank Cresap lives. MR. TURNER CARTER, formerly a resident of Piatt county, now 574 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. residing in Mahomet, is proud of being a native of old Virginia. He came to Piatt county first in 1856, and located here the next year. He was married in 1856, to Maria Williamson, of Ohio, and has six chil- dren living, Mary Jane, George W., Charles K., Eliza E. and Addy B. He went into the army in 1861, in Co. B of the 3d Mo. Cav. He went into another regiment in 1 865, and served until the war was over. He was wounded at Little Rock, Arkansas, and came very near being taken prisoner. He was in the battles at Little Rock, Mt. Zion, Harte- ville, Helena and Shreveport. Mr. Carter joined the Good Templars fifteen years ago, and he says he holds the pledge sacred to this day. ME. REUBEN DUBSON (deceased) was born in Pennsylvania. He was married in that state, and in 1855 moved to Piatt county with his wife and nine children : Martin Dubson married Mary Johnson, has five children and lives in Goose Creek township ; John married Sidney Kearny, has two children, Sherman K. and Barbara Elizabeth, and lives within a quarter of a mile of the place upon which his father settled when he came to this county; he and his wife together own 460 acres of land ; Reuben Dubson married Louisa Hartley, has two children, Ella and Daniel, and lives in Goose Creek township ; Hetty lives with her mother in the last-named township ; Elizabeth married William Perkins, of Goose Creek township, and has six children ; Mary, who was the wife of George Yarn er, died, leaving four children ; Samuel married Ella Varner, has four children and lives in Monticello town- ship ; Susie married John Lohr, has one child and lives in Goose Creek township ; William Dubson lives with his mother. MR. S. A. EVANS, farmer, White Heath, is a native of Ohio. He was married in Piatt county, in 1849, to L. Margaret Mackey, a native of Ohio. They have five children living : Henry C. married Emma Rhoades, has one child and lives at home ; Emma, Ida, Abbie and Arthur are also at home. Mr. Evans owns about 180 acres of laud in the vicinity of Centerville. He has not escaped some of the offices in the township, and has been considered a prominent man in his neighborhood. MR. JOHN FISHER (deceased) was of German descent and was a native of Virginia. He moved to Ohio, where he lived for ten years, and then in 1841 moved to Piatt county and settled on the place his father, David Fisher, had bought the previous year. His parents both died on this place. After living for ten or twelve years here Mr. Fisher moved to the farm, a portion of which is now owned by his son, George. Mr. Fisher and wife both died on this place. They had BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 575 a large family of children, only five of whom are now living. Of these, Jacob married Mary Moss, has had four children, Surrilda M., John, Letitia and Tho. Jefferson, and lives in Sangamon township ; George married Snrrilda Collins (see Abraham Collins' sketch) ; Sur- rilda C. Fisher became the wife of James Phalen, who lives on a por- tion of the Fisher place, and is the mother of one child, Margaret ; James and Margaret Fisher make their home with George, their brother. MR. R. D. FISHER, farmer, White Heath, is a native of Ohio, and is of English and German descent. His grandfather, John Fisher, was a lieutenant under Washington in the revolutionary war. His father, Absolam Fisher, moved from Ohio to Illinois about 1858. He had a family of twelve children: Christina was the wife of Isaac J. Hall; George, who married Miss Hart, died, and left two children ; Ebenezer P. lives at Monticello ; R. D., whose name is at the head of this sketch, married Anna Gulliford and lives in Sangamon township ; he has four chil- dren, S. Jane, William, Reuben F. and Ella Eliza ; Sydney married William Gale and lives near Maroa; Susannah married Jonathan Huffmes and lives in Missouri. MR. EZRA FOSNAUGH (deceased), farmer, moved to Piatt county about 1856. He died in 1873, and his widow, Mrs. Eliza Fosnaugh, lives in Sangamon township. Seven of their eight children are still living : James A. Fosnaugh married Kitty Cunningham, of Logan county, has four children and is a merchant in Lane Station, De Witt county ; Selina married George W. McCabe and died, leaving two children; Theodore married Ella Dungan, has two boys, Jesse and Alva, and lives in Sangamon township ; Elifus and Europe Fosnaugh are living at home ; Dora Alice became the wife of William Dungan and has one infant ; the names of Mrs. Fosnaugh's other children are Laura Bell and Irwin. MR. J. A. FLANIGAN, farmer, White Heath, is a native of Pennsyl- vania. His grandfather was in the war of 1812. Mr. Flanigan lived in Indiana for about three years, and then about 1861 moved to Sanga- mon township. He was married about 1866, to Elmira Rairdon, and has three children living : William Tho., Edwin C. and Bessie. He has held the offices of road commissioner and assessor. MR. GEORGE R. GROVES, farmer, Mansfield, was born in Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county about 1859, and settled on Camp creek. He used to be quite in demand as a violin player at all the parties in the neighborhood. He has, however, relinquished this pastime. His first wife, nee Catharine Anderson, died, leaving a 576 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. number of children : John, who married Miss Oulery, Job, George, Edward, Frank, Minerva, Mattie, Thomas and Kate. Mr. Groves was next married to Jane Tracy, who died in 1881, leaving three chil- dren, Emma, Eliza and Andrew. HUGH V. HANNAH (deceased) was a native of Virginia. From there he moved to Ohio, from which state he moved in 1849 to Piatt county, Illinois, with five children, two of whom are living. Mr. David Ford Hannah is the eldest, born in Ohio in 1827. He was married in 1851, to Francis Ouler} , by whom he had nine children, six of whom still live in the county ; one, Rebecca Hannah, the wife of William Wise, lives near Urbana, Champaign county, and has three children, David, Anna and Rosa ; William Thomas married Minnie Long, and is farm- ing in Sangamon township ; they have one child, William Oscar ; Francis E. married William McKinley, and also lives in Sangamon township, and have one daughter, Ruditha ; the other surviving four of Mr. D. F. Hannah's family, Hugh V., James D., Samuel A. and John W., are still at home. Nancy, daughter of Mr. Hugh V. Han- nah, married Samuel Oulery, and lives in Sangamon township. They have seven children. Two of Mr. Hannah's sons died in the army, having enlisted in the 107th 111. Inf. Vance died in Andersonville prison. MR. JOHN F. HART (deceased) was a native of North Carolina. From that state he moved to Kentucky, and from there to Indiana. He next moveji to Greene county, Illinois, and from there came to Piatt county about 1850. He first lived on Charles Harris' place, but made several moves while in the county, and at last settled on Mr. Samuel Bender's place, where he died in 1865. He was married in Greene county, to Mary Peacock, who died in 1856, leaving seven children. J. C. Hart was married in Piatt county, to Eliza Norris, and has had four children, three of whom, Lennia, Charles E. and Emma, are liv- ing. J. C. was in the late war, in Co. E of the 107th reg. He was in battles at Knoxville, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Franklin and Nashville. To return to Mr. John Hart's family : Sarah is not mar- ried, and still lives in Sangamon township ; Elizabeth married James Parris, but died, leaving six children, Charles, Nellie, John, Ida, Mahala and Laura ; William Hart went into the army in the 3d Mo. Cav. , and died at Little Rock, Arkansas ; Tarlitia married George Fisher, who died, and she then married James Berton and moved to Missouri ; Aaron is living with his sister Sarah ; George married Emma Murphy, and lives in Illinois. The subject of our sketch was in the Black Hawk BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 577 war for three months under Col. Fry. Pie used to relate an incident connected with his life in this war. For quite awhile a sentinel was killed every night while the company was camped near some Indians. Finally, one man was on duty who determined to be careful. In the night he was disturbed by a hog which rooted indiscriminately near to and distant from him. He concluded to stop the rooting and so shot at the hog, but instead of a hog an Indian fell dead. MR. DAVID HEATH (deceased) was a native of Kentucky. His wife, nee Anne Porter, was from Pennsylvania. Mr. Heath moved with his wife and family to Sangamon township in 1845. Soon after settling here he went back to Ohio on business, took sick and died there in 1846. His family knew nothing of his sickness or death until some time after he died. Mr. Heath had bought land, so that his wife and five children had something to live on. At this time the eldest son was about sixteen years of age. Mrs. Heath died about 1876, after having been a widow for thirty years. Four of her children lived to be of age. Mary is the wife of Mr. B. F. Harris, a banker of Cham- paign ; James C. married Elizabeth J. Hogeland, but died in 1871 or 1872, leaving six children, Francis H., Almor P., Mary A., John F., Anne and Alberta C. Porter Heath, now a successful farmer near White Heath, says he "never was a boy." His hard work began so early that there was no chance for doing as most boys do. He was married in 1865, to Lizzie Hevel, a native of Coles county, Illinois. Three of their six children, Anne Mary, Bessie B. and Noble P., are living. Mr. Heath built one of the finest country residences in the county in 1880. The house is of frame, contains twelve rooms, with- out the basement, and cost near $5,000. When asked if he had held any offices he remarked, "I was appointed supervisor once, and have been school director. That is as far as I can get." MR. WILLIAM HICKMAN and wife, nee Susan Flesher, came with their family to Piatt county in 1855, and settlfed on Camp creek, where they still lived at the time of their death in 1880. Five of their nine chil- dren are still living : George died in the army ; Elizabeth married Jno. Mounts, of Centerville, and had ten children : of these, Thomas mar- ried Angeline Webster ; James married Jane Webster; Louisa married William Wrench, and has four children, Thomas, Charles, Walter and Harriet ; Susan is the wife of Joseph Welch, and lives near Mansfield ; Martha, Emma F. and Jno. W. are the names of the other children. Louisa Hickman married Samuel Maffet, but both are dead ; Harvey married Maria Teats, has nine children, Franklin, Maggie, Elizabeth, 578 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Mary, Jennie, Charlie, Sarah, George and James, and is a farmer; Maria married Benjamin Walker, has eight children, and lives in Sey- mour ; Mary E. is the wife of Reason Combs, and Harriet married Wesley P. Smith. MR. SAMUEL HALDEMAN, farmer, Monticello, was born in Virginia, in 1810. His father was a Dane and his mother a German. He lived for ten or twelve years in Louisiana, and then in January, 1856, moved to Piatt county from Ohio. He settled on the Mackey farm for one season, and then bought the old hotel which stood just west of the brick hotel in Monticello. He kept the hotel part of the time, and rented it for a time until he went into the army. After returning from the war he bought land on Camp creek, and now owns a neat little home near the Sangamon. He was married in Ohio in 1849, to Maria J. Bartley, a native of Ohio, and has had nine children, six of whom are living: Rachel was married in 1876, to John Trent, of Wapella, DeWitt county ; Jacob is riot married ; Mary was married in 1872, to James N orris, and has three children, Harley, William and Ollie May ; the names of Mr. Haldeman's other children are Peter K., William and Emma. Mr. Haldeman went to the army in 1861, in Co. A of the 10th HI. Yol. Cav. He remained until 1863, when he was dis- charged because of an injury received by a falling stable. He now receives a pension. He engaged in the battles of Milliken's Bend, Young's Point, Vicksburg, Mississippi and Richmond, in addition to several skirmishes. MR. WILLIAM HARPER, farmer, was born in 1820, in Ohio, and is of German and Irish lineage. His father died in Piatt county. Mr. Harper came to Piatt county in 1837 or 1838, and settled about five miles north of Monticello. He married Sarah Wright, who died, leav- ing four children : Walter Scott was in the army ; George married Martha Mooney, has fonr children, and lives in Champaign county ; Julia Ann married David Durst, has two children, and lives in Piatt county ; Asenath is married, and has four children. Mr. Harper was next married to Mary Cline, who died, leaving two children, Joanne and Elizabeth. He was again married to Sarah Hott, who has three children, Barney, Jerome and Frankie. MRS. ELEANOR HOWES, nee Brittenbam, was born in Ohio, and is of German and English descent. Her father, Mr. Samuel Brittenham, moved from Delaware to Ohio. Mrs. Brittenham moved to Scott county, Illinois, about 1840. Her son John, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this book, came a year or two earlier. Eleanor was IARY THE R / OF ILLINOir BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 581 married in 1843, to Mr. John Howes, a native of Kentucky. They moved from Scott county to Hancock county in 1844, from which county they moved to Piatt county in 1861. They were in Hancock county during the Mormon raid. After a good deal of trouble the Mormons were driven to Nauvoo, and Mr. Howes was in the Mor- mon war. Mrs. Howes has lived in this county ever since 1861. Her husband went to Pike's Peak during the war, and has never been heard of since. He is supposed to be dead. They had six children, but only one of them is living. William, in 1869, married Adelia Cramer, a native of Ohio, and lives with his mother in Sangamon township, on a farm of ninety-five acres. Mrs. Howes owns some property in Monticello, a house and several lots. DR. J. M. HENRIE, White Heath, is a native of Indiana; his father, from Virginia, and his mother from Kentucky ; moved to Indiana, and from there to Iowa, where Dr. Henrie was reared. He received his medical education at Bennet College, Chicago, in 1878. He practiced a little in Indiana, but virtually began his practice in Piatt county, May 30, 1872, and in the vicinity of White Heath. He was married in 1875, to M. Ella Bond, and has one child, Claudie. MR. JAMES HTJBBART (deceased) was a native of Ohio. He was a hard worker. While in Ohio he made many rails at thirty-seven cents a hundred. When he came to this county he had about $50. He first rented land, then entered and bought land. Finally he owned at least 1,700 acres of land. He married Lillie Lane, in 1831, and had three children, Mary A., Thomas and William. MR. WILLIAM M. KINSER, farmer, Gales ville, is a native of Picka- way, Ohio. He moved from there to Piatt county in 1857, and first settled in Monticello township. Mr. Kinser was married to Ruth Cherry, who died, leaving five children, Kate, Randolph, Elijah J., William H. and Joseph. Mrs. Kinser died December 22, 1869, when thirty-six years old. Mr. Kinser married his second wife, Miss War- ner, March 24, 1875, and three of their four children are living, Liz- zie, John and James. MR. JOHN KERR (deceased), with his wife and six children, moved from Ohio to Piatt county. Their eldest daughter, Nancy, married Wilson Savage, and lived where Mr. Jacob Reeser lives, until she died, leaving two children, Mary J., the wife of Mr. Merrit, of Champaign, and Emma, the wife of Mr. Bennet, of Lane Station. Samuel Kerr mar- ried Martha J. Madden (see Mr. John Madden's sketch) ; Susan mar- ried Sebastian Mackey, but moved to Iowa in two years after her 36 582 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. marriage; Elizabeth married Kennedy Ramsey, has one child and lives in Boone county, Iowa ; Amanda is the wife of Mr. Hull, and Clara, the wife of Mr. Adams, of Nebraska. Mrs. John Kerr is living with her daughter in Iowa. MR. WILLIAM KEARNEY (deceased) was a native of Ohio. He mar- ried, and in 1851 came with his wife and five children to Piatt county. Mr. Kearney died in 1877 of typhoid fever, and his wife died in 1880, after a six months' sickness. Sidney, who married John Dubson, is the only one of the family now living. Two of the girls died after their marriage. Sarah E., the wife of Amos Conkle, died about 1869, leaving five children, Sarah L., the wife of Joseph Conway, and mother of one child; William, Elijah, Ida F., the wife of Brise Webster, and Eunice. Virginia Kearney, the wife of Hiram Kirkland, died in 1872, leaving one child, William. Mr. Kirkland went to Kansas and is married again. MR. PRICE KERNS, merchant and postmaster, Lodge, was born in Ohio and moved from there to Illinois in 1859, first to Macon county, and in 1861 to Piatt county, where he has been since. He was agent at Lodge previous to the removal of the station to the crossing. He has a very nice store building, built in 1882, the first and only one in Lodge. He does general merchandising. He owns one block four lots in Lodge. His mother did reside in the county, but is in Nebraska now. MR. B. F. LODGE, farmer, Lodge, was born December 26, 1834, and first came to this countj r as a minister a number of years ago. When on this circuit he used to preach at Bement, Cerro Gordo, Monticello, Baker school-house, Ridge school, Camp Creek, and several other places. The same territory now comprises five circuits and three sta- tions. In all, Mr. Lodge followed preaching for nine years, during which time he was in the counties of Sangamon, Shelby, Cole, Edgar, Douglass, Champaign, Piatt and Menard. He began farming in 1866, after locating at his own request. Mr. Lodge married Mrs. Lyon and has had nine children, five of whom are living: Charles A., Frank B., Fannie May, Howard F. and Agnes C. MR. JOHN MARQUISS (deceased), son of Abraham Marquiss, married Harriet Mallory, who came with her people to Piatt county about 1836. They lived for a number of years on a fine farm on the Sangamon river. Mr. Marquiss' death was a sudden one. He had gone with stock to New York. The train having stopped on a bridge to get water, Mr. Marquiss got up before day to see to his stock. He fell on BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 583 the bridge and was injured so that he died May 5, 1856. His family knew nothing of the accident until informed of the body's return. Mr. Marquiss had eight children, four of whom are living :_George L. was married October 26, 1870, to Olivia Vincent, and has had six children, three of whom, Mary O., Bessie G. and Susan E. are living; George was one of the successful school teachers of the county, but now he applies himself to improving the farm upon which he is living ; Abraham Marquiss married Jane Fitzwater, in 1862, and had four children, one of whom, Alice, is living. Abraham was killed at the raising of a house on the farm now owned by Mr. Olentine. Mary Marquiss married Wm. Fitzwater, has an interesting family of children, and lives on their nicely-located farm, which they are continually im- proving. J. Bruce Marquiss married Jane Burch, and has one child, Seymour, living. Charles married Fannie Dewees, and with their children lives in Monticello. Mrs. Marquiss, with Miss Lou Warner, lives on a portion of the old home-place. MR. JOSEPH MAXWELL, who lives just beyond the county line in Champaign, was in an early day one of the near neighbors of the Piatt county folks. He was born in 1824. His grandfather was in the revo- lutionary war through the entire time. His parents moved to Cham- paign county when he was six years old. They moved to Danville and remained until the fright about the Blackhawk war was over. Joseph began farming for himself before he was of age. He followed breaking prairie for a number of years. In connection with telling of his prairie breaking, he told an anecdote which we will relate. He and two others, as was customary in those times, took care to have a jug of whiskey with them when at their work. But let them hide their jug as carefully as they could, it was sure to be found and partially emp- tied by some children who lived near. At last they conceived a plan to thwart the children, and told a physician of Mahomet their desires, and he sent them some ipecac, with which they prepared a jug of whis- key especially for their little annoyers, and hid the jug somewhat care- lessly. Their plan worked like a charm, and by the middle of the night, not only the children, but their mother, was suffering from the effects of the "jug." When the father came home in the night, he was furious enough to go and swear out a state's warrant against the men who he asserted had tried to poison the children. The trial came off, but as it was decided that the dose of ipecac was good for the children, the accused were acquitted. As a moral to this anec- dote we will add : little children, and great grown people too, should 584 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. beware of jugs. Mr. Joseph Maxwell started to California in 1850. He remained there until his health became poor and he was advised to return to the States. He came back at the end of twenty-six months with about $1,650 in his pocket. He bought a farm where his homestead now is,and was married in 1852 to Rosanna Hyde, a native of Indiana. They have had eleven children, eight of whom are living. MR. JOHN MAXWELL, Joseph's brother, was also an early neighbor of the Piatt county folks. He is a native of Tennessee, and is now living in Champaign county. He used to be quite a deer hunter, and once had quite a narrow escape of his life. He came up to a deer in the snow and struck it with an ax ; it turned and fought, but Mr. Max- well gained the victory without realizing his danger until all was over. He told of finding a couple of deer locked together with their horns. One had died, and the other stood entangled with death. The one alive when found was finally killed, and 'twas almost impossible to separate the horns. MR. JOHN S. MADDEN (deceased) was born in Ohio in 1805. His wife, nee Elizabeth West, was born in 1802, and was of German descent. They moved with their three children to Piatt county in 1835. He laid claims to some land and camped under a white-oak tree until he built a house on Madden's run. In all Mr. Madden entered about JL,700 acres of land, and lived on a portion of it until in 1870, several years previous to his death, he went to Kansas. Mr. Madden's eldest daughter, Martha J., married Samuel Kerr in 1853. He lived in San- gamon township until his death in 1855. Mrs. Kerr and her one daughter, Josephine E., live on their home-place ; Mary E. Madden married Mr. Alvin Caldwell of Sangamon township ; Sarah Madden died in 1866, and Felix H. died in 1880. Both were unmarried ; Silas W. married Cassie Burton of Ohio, has four children, Sherman, Lenora, Irwin and Homer, and lives in Sangamon township. He went into the army July 10, 1861, in Co. F of the 2d 111. Cav. He was in battles at Holly Springs, Mississippi, Bolivar, Texas, Champion Hill, Jackson, Mississippi, and Fourteen Mile Creek, and was slightly wounded. He received his final discharge in January, 1866. His brother, John S., was also in the late war ; married to Cynthia Burton, and has had nine children, Endora A., Minnie and Irene, twins, Chas. A., Horace, John, William, Perry and Mary Josephine. Mr. John Madden Sr. lost his wife in 1844, and in 1845 he married Keturah Matchler, who is now dead. Six of their children are now living : Milton T. married Alice Kilgore, has two children, and is a farmer in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 585 Kansas; Cynthia M., the wife of Benj. Hampton, also has two chil- dren and lives in Kansas. The names of the other children are Francis P., Richard L., May Belle and Hester A. Mr. John Madden died in 1874. MB. RICHARD MADDEN, a brother of Mr. John Madden, moved to this county about a year after John came. In 1837 he married Rhoda Donaldson, a sister-in-law of John and Judge Hughes. He settled on the land where Silas Madden lives, and had three children when he moved to Iowa. Malon Madden died in the army ; Marquiss married a Miss Hill, and lives in Iowa ; Emma Madden married Mr. Hill ; Mr. Richard Madden has been dead for some time ; Mr. Richard Madden's sister Anna married Elijah Hollingsworth, and died, leaving several children. Of these Cynthia married Mr. McKinney and lives in Cerro Gordo, and Anna married Jacob Bush. MR. CHRISTIAN MACKEY, who was born in New Jersey, married Ann Williams, of Logan county, Illinois, about 1840, and in 1845 moved to Piatt county. Three of his first wife's children are living. Catharine became the wife of William Dickson, and has four children, Harriet Ann, Edward, Harry E. and Joseph. Joseph Mackey married Eliza J. Bunyard and has four children, James W., Charles C., Sydna Ann and Otis Luther ; Lydia Ann married Seth Burnett, and also has four children, Charles E., Oscar Eugene, Alta May and Inez. Mr. Christian was married in 1865, to Mrs. Wm. Hughes, nee Elizabeth Ingram, by whom he has had five children, Jasper, Emma, Cora, Stophel and Elma. Mrs. Hughes was married first in 1854 and had three children. Of these, Mary E. is the wife of Wm. Wright, has three children, Rachel, May and Frankie, and lives near Cisco ; Ann, the wife of Francis Coffin, also lives near Cisco and has two children, Jennie and Elma. George Hughes is unmarried. After coming to this county Mr. Mackey used to go to mill both to Springfield and to the Mackinaw. He lives on a nice farm near the Sangamon river, and from his residence is a most beautiful view of the Sangamon river bottom land. MR. JOSEPH MACKEY (deceased), farmer, was a native of New Jersey. He and his wife, nee Catharine Cole, moved to Ohio, where Mrs. Mackey died. Mr. Mackey moved to Piatt county about 1846 and bought land of Mr. Rich. Madden. He returned to Ohio at once and married Hester Abbott, coming back soon after and settling on his Piatt county farm, where he lived until his death. Mr. Mackey had seven children, six of whom are now living; John Mackey (see his 586 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. sketch) lives in Sangamori township ; for Christian Mackey, see his sketch ; Lavina Mackey married George Evans and lived for many years near Centerville. Mr. Evans died in May 1881, leaving six children. Of these Mary C. is at home ; as are also Charles, Allen, Grant and Anna ; Willis, the eldest son, married Mary "Winters and lives in Sangamon township. Mr. Sebastian Mackey married Susan Carr and moved to Iowa about 1852. Cyrus Mackey married Huldali Sears and moved to Nebraska about 1870. Lena Margaret Mackey became the wife of Mr. S. A. Evans. MR. JOHN MACKEY, farmer, Centerville, moved from New Jersey, his native state, to Ohio, and thence to Illinois about 1846. He was united in marriage in 1840. to Leah Hubbard, and seven of their nine children are living. Mary, the wife of Isaac Wright, of Blue Ridge township, has three children, Emory, George and Grace ; Catharine, wife of Wm. DeGroff, has six children, Aimer, Rachel, John, Lyman, Lilah and Alice ; Alice, who married Lyman DeGroff, also has six children, Elizabeth, William, Lyman, Etta, Nellie J. and John ; Margaret married Sam'l Primer, has iive children, Alberta, Leah F., Frederick, Thornton and Allen, and lives in Sangamon township ; Christian Mackey married Mary Sprague, and has two children, John and Catharine ; Samuel married Hettie Newell, and lives in Sangamon township ; George, who m'arried Jane Sprague, lives with Mr. and Mrs. Mackey. When Mr. Mackey iirst came to Piatt county, he lived the first winter with Mr. Abraham Marquiss. He next lived where Silas Maden now lives, until he moved onto his present farm of 365 acres. Mr. Mackey has held several township offices and has held the office of justice of the peace for nine years. MR. JOHN MOSGROVE (deceased) was born in Pennsylvania in 1812. He was married in that state to Elizabeth Squire, who died about 1854. He moved to Portage county, Ohio, and from there to Louisville, Kentucky. In 1848 he came to Piatt county, and settled where Mr. William Mosgrove now lives. In about 1852 Mr. Mosgrove built a saw-mill, to which in 1855, or thereabouts, a grist-mill was added. The entire mill burned about 1859, but afterward a saw-mill was erected, the frame of which is still standing. Each of these mills has been known as the Mosgrove mill. Mr. Mosgrove had seven children, two of whom are living : William Mosgrove married Susan Shaffer in 1850. They moved to Missouri in 1866, but returned the next year, and have been in the county ever since. Two of their eight children, Emma and John, are living ; William Mosgrove is at present BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 587 \ supervisor of Sangamon township ; James Mosgrove, who went to Missouri in 1866, married Etta Ovington, and has one child. Mr. John Mosgrove, the subject of our sketch, was married in 1855, to Mrs. Elizabeth Shaffer, who is still living. He died in Missouri, in 1867, and his body was brought back and buried in the family bury- ing ground near Mr. William Mosgrove's residence. MR. WILLIAM McDoNALD, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Vir- ginia. He moved from there to Ohio in 1839, and came to Piatt county in 1856. He was married in Indiana, to Jane Hunt, and has seven children : William, Sarah J., James, Flora E., Frank, Arthur and Charles Oliver. He left the state just before the war, and enlisted in Co. F of the 74th Ind. reg. He was in the battles of Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Perryville, Roland Fork and Hoover's Gap. He came back to the county in 1867, and settled in Sangamon township, where he owns seventy-one acres of land. MR. ISAAC NORRIS (deceased) was a native of Maryland, from which state he moved to Ohio, thence he moved to Illinois about 1841. He was married in Ohio, to Anna Strunk, and had seven children, two of whom are now living. Of these, Daniel married Mary A. Hubbart, and Eliza married J. C. Hart (see his name). Daniel lived until quite recently, when he moved to Monticello, on the place his father owned. Six of his seven children are living : James I. married Mary Halterman, and has three children, Harley, William and Ollie, and lives near De Land ; the twins, Edward W. and Frank W., are still at home ; Ella is the wife of William Miller, of Monticello, and Ida and Emma are both at home. Mr. Daniel Norris went to the army in 1862, in Co. E of the 107th reg., and was out about three years. He was at the siege of Knoxville, in the Atlanta campaign until Atlanta fell, and took part in the battles at Kenesaw Mountain, Franklin and Nash- ville. While her husband was in the army Mrs. Norris suffered many hardships. She often had to don her husband's old clothes and feed the stock. Once the old blind mare knocked her back into the sled and kicked the harness over her. She had to chop wood many times. When Mr. Isaac Norris first came to the county, and reached Mr. Ezra Marquiss, he showed his pocket-book, which contained just thirty cents. In addition to this he had two old horses, an old wagon and a "family of children." He rented land of Mr. Abraham Marquiss for a time, but finally bought the place of 200 acres that Daniel has lived on so long. "Uncle Isaac" was a great deer hunter. MR. JAMES NEWELL (deceased) was born and raised in Ohio, where 588 HISTORY OF P1ATT COUNTY. / lie married Catharine Garty. He moved with bis family, consisting of eight children, to Centerville, Piatt county, in 1857. Six of his chil- dren are now living : Dubois, who went from Piatt countj to the army in 107th 111. Inf., Co. D, is living with his brother Wesley, who mar- ried Alice Dyson in 1881, and farms in Sangamon township ; Marilla, the wife of John Seaman, lives in Sangamon township, and has two children, Etta Florence and Claude ; Martha makes her home at her brother Wesley Ne well's ; Eunice is the wife of Luke H. Hott. Mr. James Newell next married Elizabeth Kiser, who, since his death in 1868, has been living with their only child, Sarah Hester, who married Samuel Mackey. A brother of the subject of our sketch, Mr. Thomas Newell, came to this county at quite an early day, about 1855, and he, in partnership with Mr. Samuel Maifet, built and run the first saw and grist mill at Centerville. He, however, died about 1856, leaving wife and children, none of whom, so far as we can learn, are now living in Piatt County. One of his sisters was the first wife of Mr. Samuel Maffett, and another, Sarah, married Isaac Morrison, but none of their family are living in this county. MR. F. M. PEEL, merchant, White Heath, is a native of Ohio, Madison county. His parents now live in Ohio. He moved from Ohio direct to White Heath, in May, 1873, and opened a drug store the same year. He has been in the drug business ever since, but now has added a general merchandise store. He was appointed postmaster in 1875. Mr. Peel and Joanna DeWitt were united in marriage in January, 1871. He went to the late war from Ohio, in the 155th Ohio reg., and again in the 191st Ohio reg. MR. NICHOLAS OULERY (deceased) was a native of Pennsylvania. He moved to Ohio and thence to Piatt county in 1841, and in 1843 settled on a place which was originally entered by Mr. Osborn. He had four children when he moved to this state. Samuel Oulery, born in 1825, in Pickaway county, Ohio, married Nancy Hannah, a native of the same state, and has had eight children. Thomas Albert died when twenty-two years old. Rachel Catharine, the wife of Frank Coon, has two children, Fannie I. and Myrtle, and lives near Cisco. Francis M., the wife of John Groves and mother of one son, Hugh Edward, lives near the Argo school-house. Nancy Rebecca married Thomas Coon, has one child, Maud, and lives near Cisco. Sarah Isabel lives at home. Mary R. married George McKinley and has one son, Sam'l Edward. Hugh N. and Clara are still at home. Mary J. Oulery married Mr. Levi Stewart (see his sketch). Francis Oulery BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 589 became the wife of David Hannah. Rachel, who was the wife of George Mathews, died in 1864, leaving three children, James, Fannie and Sarah, who are not married. Mr. Mathews married Susan Hawk and with several children lives in Blue Ridge township. Mr. Nicholas Oulery was for a year and a half in the war of 1812. He was with Perry's fleet on the lake. He died in 1853. Mrs. Oulery lived until 1877, when she too was called home. MB. NELSON REID, farmer, White Heath, a native of Ohio, moved to Piatt county in 1867. He had been in the county, however, in 1860 and served as a farm laborer for a time. He went back to Ohio, but returned in 1861 and enlisted in the army in Co. C of the 107th 111. He was in the battles of Harper's Ferry, Resaca, Franklin, Knoxville and Nashville. Mr. Reid was married in Ohio, to Caroline Weaver, and has two children, Robert M. and James Nelson. He settled on the place he now lives on when he first moved to the county. He has improved the 100 acres mostly himself. In 1880 he built a neat six-room frame house and is fast making it one of the most pleasant homes in the township. Mr. Reid has been justice of the peace, town clerk, school treasurer, and was elected county treas- urer in 1878 and served two years. MR. WILLIAM RIDGLY, farmer, White Heath, is a native of Virginia, came to Illinois from Pennsylvania in 1855, locating in Sangamoii township, where he has since lived. He owns 280 acres of land, which he lias greatly improved, and in 1880 built a new barn. Three years ago he had one piece of corn which yielded ninety bushels to the acre. This is the third place he has partly improved. Mr. Ridgly was married to Louisa Castor, a native of Ohio, in 1857, and has five children, Frank L., a carpenter in Monticello, Charles H., John G., William S. and Jennie. MR. DAVID ROBINSON was born in Ohio in 1830. His parents, who were of Irish descent, moved to Ohio, where they died. David is one of a family of thirteen children, who are still living. Four of them are in Piatt county. David moved to Piatt county from Ohio in September, 1851. He has been in the stock business and has farmed most of the time since. He was married in 1863, to Harriet Bowman, but has had no children. MR. WESLEY P. SMITH, mail agent, Monticello, was born Novem- ber 5, 1844, within a few miles of Monticello, and with the exception of four years has lived in the county ever since. He was united in marriage April 16, 1865, to Miss Hattie A. Hickman, a native of Ross 590 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. county, Ohio, and has the following named children, Effie B., Corwin E., Agathie Dell, Mary Luella, Otie W., Earnest F., Allen R. and Edna H. Mr. Smith enlisted in the army October 10, 1861, in Co. D of the 3d Cav. Mo. Yols., Illinois' quota being already full. This company with others was taken by Col. Glover, although Illinois got the credit of sending out the men. Mr. Smith is quite proud of his regiment, although it was called the Missouri regiment. The principal work of the regiment was that of hunting guerillas and protecting life and property. This work was done in Missouri and Arkansas. Though taking part in some very close engagements they were always successful, never having been repulsed and having lost but few men. Mr. Smith was mustered out at Little Rock, Arkansas, November 30, 1864. In March, 1872, he received an appointment as mail agent on what was then known as the Monticello railroad and made the first run into Monticello. His present route extends from Lafayette, Indiana, to Quincy, Illinois. With the exception of about three years Mr. Smith has been in "Uncle Sam's" service since 1861. His present residence is about three miles north of Monticello on what is known as Father Plickman's place. MR. ADAM SPEAR, farmer, Centerville, is a native of Pennsylvania. He moved to Indiana for a time, and thence in 1863 or 1864 to Piatt county. He was married in 1866, to Mary Dehart, and has lived on his present home-place ever since. He has had seven children, six of of whom are living : Hannah Francis, Eva Gertrude^ Jno. Alexander, Sarah Alberta, Wm. Curtiss and Rosetta. MR. LEVI STEWART (deceased) was born in 1819 in Ohio. His father, Samuel Stewart, and wife moved to Illinois about 1838 or 1839. His parents both died in Illinois, his father in Piatt county. Mr. Stewart bought the farm upon which Mrs. Stewart now lives, of Mr. Salisbury, who entered the land. Levi Stewart was married in 1847, to Mary J. Oulery, who was born in 1826, in Ohio. Mr. Stewart died in 1864, leaving two children, only one of whom is now living. Hannah Francis, born in 1853, was married October 6, 1872, to Richard Miner. They have one daughter, Etta Rose, and live with Mrs. M. J. Stewart, who has lived on the present place ever since her marriage. Some of Levi Stewart's brothers and sisters married and settled in Piatt county, but they afterward moved away. MR. WILLIAM H. SMITH is a native of Pickaway county, Ohio, and came to Illinois in 1840. moving to Piatt county in 1843. Here he married Julia A. Wright, who died, leaving four children, who still BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 591 live in the county : Charles, who is still unmarried, owns a farm of 280 acres within two miles of White Heath ; he was in the late war, in Co. D, 63d 111. Vols., and fought at the siege of Vicksburg, battles of Ben- tonville and Mission Ridge ; Mary, who married William Dawson, lives in Mansfield ; Sarah is the wife of Vincent Williams, and John, having married Jane Camp, is farming at Centerville. Mr. William Smith was again married, to Barbara Dawson, by whom he has had five chil- dren : James, Frank, Edward, Isaac, and a daughter of about ten or eleven years. MR. JACKSON TROTTER, farmer. White Heath, was born in Virginia in 1825, and is of German and Irish descent. He moved to Ohio when young, and in 1847 came alone to Piatt county. In 1855 his father, William Trotter, and mother, nee Barbara Dick, came to this county in company with their children. His father died in 1863, and his mother in 1865. One of their daughters, Rebecca, makes her home with Jackson, who has never yet succumbed to the wiles of Cupid ; John married Elizabeth Teets ; Elijah married Alice Swetzer, of Indiana, and has five children living ; William Trotter married Matilda Branch ; Hiram Trotter married Susan Stotler, who died, leav- ing three children ; he next married Lydia Oknan, and has six children; his home is also in Champaign county. MR. MATTHIAS TEATS, farmer, White Heath, was born in Ohio, and moved from there to Illinois about 1856. He owns forty acres of land near Camp Creek church. Mr. Teats was married in Ohio, to Mary Puffinbarger, and four of their five children are living : Maria is the wife of Harvey Hickman ; Mary E. married J. Trotter ; Jane mar- ried Jesse Bushee, a farmer who lives in White Heath, and has two children, Clarinda and Estella ; Caroline Teats died when sixteen years old ; George stays with his father. DR. W. B. UNANGST, White Heath, is a native of Pennsylvania. Both of his parents, who were from the same state, are dead. Dr. Unangst moved from Pennsylvania to Coles county, Illinois, in 1861. He located at Centerville in 1866, and in 1874 he moved to White Heath. He attended medical lectures at Chicago, but graduated in the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa. He is a member of the Masonic lodge. MR. ISAAC V. WILLIAMS (deceased), farmer, White Heath, was born in Pickaway county, Ohio, in 1811, and moved from there to Piatt county about 1835. After living here for a time moved over the line into Champaign county, where he lived for a number of years. He 592 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. then moved to Monticello, where he lived twelve years, finally locating where his widow now lives, a farm of 194 acres, which she owns with the children. Mr. Williams married Mary Ann Mallory in 1833, a native of Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and but three of their nine children are living. Frank, their eldest daughter, has kept a hotel at White Heath for a number of years. She owns the hotel. A. Rebecca mar- ried Renick Hull, who was frozen to death on the prairie, in Goose Creek township. He left one daughter, Mary, who has been attending school at Decatur. Rebecca next married Edward Bates, who has a general merchandise store at Centerville. They have five children liv- ing, Lilian, Fanny, William, Janet and Edward. Mr. Bates was in the late war, and now gets $40 per month pension. Yin Williams, her only son, is a hotel-keeper in Mansfield. He married Miss Smith. Mr. Isaac Williams died January 3, 18T9. When Mrs. Williams crossed through Sadorus to Mr. Piatt's her experience was far from pleasant. When three miles on the other side of Sadorus, in the big slough, their wagon broke, and they had a serious time getting out and to Sadorus. Soon after their arrival there, some one knocked and it was Joe Mallory, who had started three weeks before and was stalled on another road across the same slough. The women folks of Joe's party walked to Sadorus and the next morning started to Mr. Piatt's. It was very cold, and Mr. Williams covered the women with a feather bed to protect them from the cutting winds. On reaching the Okaw they found it a mile wide, and frozen. The sore-footed oxen had a serious time until helped out by a horse, and they finally reached the Piatts'. While there they saw the trees full of prairie-chickens, but Mr. Piatt and William said they were not as good to eat as crows. Mrs. P. Williams learned to cook them, and was complimented by Maj. McReynolds. At another time Mrs. Williams went to Mrs. Sou- ders to get some blue dye, and stayed to supper. It was later than she supposed, and going home the darkness of the woods and howl- ing of the wolves, together with her loneliness, greatly frightened her, and upon reaching home she exclaimed, "I will never undertake to dye as long as I live," a remark which James Piatt, who was there, teased her about as long as he lived. MR. J. M. WHITE, farmer, was born in Franklin county, Ohio, in 1817. His father, who served in the war of 1812, was born and raised in Virginia, and his mother was a native of Pennsylvania. He is of Scotch and German descent, and is the only surviving child of his father's family. He was married in 1843, to Jane Huffman, who after- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 593 ward died, leaving two children, Ophelia J. , wife of Thomas Moffitt, and Frank, who went to the army from Ohio, and was married in 186T, to Mary Curl, and is now living in Sangamon township, the father of two boys, Harry and Frank. Mr. J. M. White was again married in 1849, in Pickaway county, Ohio, to Miss Rebecca Williams, a native of that county, and a sister to Mr. Isaac Williams. Their five children are all living : one, Yincent, is mining in Colorado; Benjamin, who married SalFie Seymour, lives in Sangamon township and has three children, Edwin G., Bennie Renick and Bessie; Sadie W., who was educated at St. Mary's, is the wife of Horace Calef ; John M. and Mary, who attended school at Sisters of Notre Dame, are both living at home. Mr. White came to this county in 1864, and bought his present home farm of 307 acres, near White Heath, of Aaron and Sylvester Sprague. Game was still very abundant, and many incidents are related of hunting foxes, wolves, shooting chickens, snipe and other wild game. Mr. White relates a rather amusing incident of fox hunting in company with Henry Harris and Mr. Seymour. They scared a fox into a hole and Mr. White followed in pursuit. After coming to first one skunk and then another, he came to the object of his search, and succeeded in cutting off the fox's tail. The fox, how- ever, escaped without further injury, and was known for years as the " bob-tailed fox of Sangamon." MR. CASPER WACK (deceased) was born June 13, 1812, in New Jersey. He moved from his native state to Fulton county about 1839. From that county he came to Piatt county in 1868. Mr. Wack was quite a public-spirited man and did a great deal to improve his portion of the township. He was a carpenter and put up his own buildings on his place. There are 160 acres in the home-place now, and it is all under cultivation. There are a good many forest trees planted on the place and the fruit is abundant. Mr. Wack was married in Virginia, to Mary Jane Linabery. Of their children, William G. married Emily Sherman, in Henderson county ; they have three children, W. G. and Casper and Isabella (twins), and live in Blue Ridge township; Sarah Ann, who was the wife of Mr. B. Metcalf, died, leaving three children, Letitia, the wife of Olonzo Love, Kate and Anna ; Jacob Wack married Harriet Easterday ; he died in 1880, leaving his wife and two children ; Caroline died when twenty-eight years old ; Abigail is the wife of John Davis, of Blue Ridge township, and has four children, Jesse, Mary, Margaret and William ; George L. Wack married Letitia Ashley and lives on the home-place ; Casper married 594 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Lizzie Ashby, has two children, Garrett J. and Wallace, and lives in Blue Ridge township ; Francis is living in Mansfield. Mr. Casper Wack, the subject of our sketch, was married in 1858, to L. Ann Wyckoff, who survives her husband and is living on the farm. Mr. Wack died March 21, 1881. MR. HARRISON WOLF, farmer, White Heath, was born in Ohio. His father was from Pennsylvania and his mother from Virginia. Pie moved from his native state direct to Piatt county in 1851, and settled about one mile from where he now lives. He owns about 230 acres of land, and has resided on his present home farm for nine years. He was married in Ohio, to Catharine Esrey, who died leaving one child. Sarah, who is now the wife of Mr. Tho. Marvin. Mr. Wolf took for his second wife Anna Heath nee Porter ; she, too, died, leaving three children. Of these, James, a soldier in the late war, married Rachel Wrench, has one son, James Edward, and makes his home with his father ; Taylor married Louisa Wrench, lives in Sangamon township, and has five children, Irwin, Anna Mary, Iowa May, Lizzie and Rachel ; John C., who has been in the county ever since he was two years old, was married in 1874, to Augusta McAfee, and has one son, William Howard. MR. HENRY C. WILSON, farmer, Monticello, is a native of Ohio. He moved from there to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1866. He married Gettis Bowdre, and has three children. He went to the late war from Ohio and was out three years. He was in the second battle of Bull's Run, at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. He was taken prisoner at Chancellorsville and was in Libby prison for six weeks. For the first week or two in prison he had nothing to eat each day except a piece of corn bread about the size of a hand. For the rest of the time he had a smaller piece of bread and some soup made from mule meat. He remarked that he "had to hold his nose while eating the soup." A great many of the prisoners had scrofula terribly. He was paroled and sent back to his regiment. He was wounded at Gettysburg and was sent to the West Philadelphia Pennsyl- vania hospital. He was shot with an ounce ball, which passed between the fourth and fifth rib on the left side, through the body and out at the side of the backbone. In October, 1861, he took down with typhoid fever at Fairfax, Virginia, and did not know anything until April, 1862. He was reported dead at home and at his regiment, but, though when recovered he was reduced from one hundred and fifty to ninety pounds weight, he went on and served his time out. BLUE RIDGK TOWNSHIP. 595 MR. W. H. ZUMWALT, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Indiana, from which state he moved to Iroquois county, Illinois. He came to Piatt county in 1879, and is now living on Mr. D. Roberts' place. He was married in 1864, to Mary Little, and has had five children, four of whom are living, Hattie P., John C., Joseph M. and George L. He went to the army from Iroquois county in Co. F of the 25th 111. reg., and was in .battles at Pea Ridge, Corinth, Stone River and Chicka- mauga. He was wounded at the latter place and now receives a pension. CHAPTER XXV. BLUE RIDGE TOWNSHIP. S township lies in the extreme northern part of the county, J- and though not containing the amount of timber some of the other townships have, it has a fine location and contains a large amount of rich tillable land. It received its name probably from the fact that a ridge, which in the distance looks blue, extends in the northern and northeastern part of the township. The land in the eastern part drains into Madden's Run, that of the southern part into Goose creek, while Salt creek receives the drainage of the northwestern part of the township. This township has a great number of artificial groves of trees, which are of great use, and add much beauty to the general appearance of the land. The efforts of the citizens in preparing these groves are certainly praiseworthy. . Two railroads pass through this township. The Chicago division of the Wabash enters the township about four miles west of the south- west corner of the township, passes toward the northwest and leaves the township about one mile west of its northwest corner. The Indian- apolis, Bloomington & Western road crosses the eastern boundary line about two miles north of the southeastern corner of the township, extends northwest and leaves the township a little above the middle of its western boundary line. These roads intersect at the town of Mansfield. Early settlement. We could not obtain a great deal of informa- tion in regard to the first settlement of the township. First settlements, 596 HISTORY OF WATT COUNTY. however, were made long after those in Monticello township. Among the names of the early settlers, we can mention Win. Pierce, Richard Webb, Jacob Denning, Joseph Aikens, Noah Coffman, Squire Gilles- pie, LaFayette Cox, James Watson, Mr. Keenan, the Thomas brothers, and Mr. Littleton, besides several others. It is reported to us that Mr. Wm. Pierce began the improvements near Gardner Switch, and that the farm-house near said station is the first house of the township. Isaac Thomas reported that Dulsina Webb, who died about 1850, was the first one who died in the neighborhood of Gardner Switch. The first birth was probably Mary Watson. The first election was held at Stringtown school-house, the first one of the township, and as late as 1858, when the men went to vote they carried stakes to fasten their horses to. The first election after the township organization was held on the Littleton place. The first preaching at the Stringtown school- house was by Minor Chew, while Messrs. Crandall and Stoddard were latter ministers. Mansfield. Gen. J. L. Mansfield moved, in 18TO, to his farm upon which he laid out the town, which was named in his honor. This gentleman did a very great deal in the way of donations and in using his influence for the advancement of the town. His death was much lamented, and the growth of the town was thereby retarded. The first birth in the place was that of Josephine Ruch, a daughter of Uriah Ruch. Dr. J. J. Tremble was the first physician, and Dr. Scott came not long after him. The first Sunday school was held October 16, 1870, in Gen. Mansfield's dining-room. After this the Sunday school was held in the depot. In 1871 Mr. Bailey built and opened the first store of the town. Sam'l Alexander opened the second store in 1873. This store was owned by Alexander, Taylor & Co. Churches. It was probably through the influence of Mrs Mans- field more than that of any one else that the Episcopal church was erected about 1873 or 187-t. 'Tis a neat little chapel, and a credit to the town. In 1870 a minister was obtained from Champaign, and since that time missionary ministers have been employed. Albert E. Wells was the first minister. The Methodist church was the next one erected, and Horatio S. Beavis was reported as the first Methodist minister of the town. The United Brethren next began a church building, but about 1879 the Presbyterians bought them out and finished the building in 1880. The I.O.O.F. lodge was organized in September, 1875, and the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 597 first meeting was held in the George Harver building. Jno. Bur- ford, T. C. Wrench, Jas. H. Frieze, W. H. French, James Wolf, Levi Wolf and L. Clouser were charter members. The recent place of meeting has been over F. H. Ross' store; there are fifty -eight members, and the society is doing good in helping the poor. Mansfield to-day is a growing town of over 400 inhabitants, has a good location, and is destined to become quite a town. It contains over a dozen business firms, and several new business houses have been recently erected. Mansfield has the neatest post-office in the county. Lindsay chapel, in the northern part of Blue Ridge township, was built about 1877. Mr. Win. Lindsey donated the land and some money for the building. Stations. Blue Ridge and Yan Meter stations are situated above Mansfield, on the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railroad. Both are shipping points for grain. The former station was established in 1877 and the post-office soon after. About 500,000 bushels of grain were shipped from Blue Ridge last year. Van Meter station was named for the Van Meter family. Gardner station is on the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western railroad, and is another good shipping point. CHAPTER XXVI. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MR. HIRAM AMES, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Ver- mont. He moved from that state to Ohio, and from there to Illinois about 1865. In 1870 he settled on his present home-place. He owns 400 acres of land, 360 acres of which lie in Piatt county. The dwelling house is just over the line in De Witt county. He has improved all of the farm which is in Piatt county. Some hedging has been done, 100 trees have been planted, and some open ditches have been made. Mr. Ames was married in Ohio, to Diana Hillbrant, who died, leaving two children: the daughter lives in Farmer City, while the son is in Nebraska. In 1876 Mr. Ames made Elizabeth Tull his second wife. 37 598 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. MR. D. L. ATHEY, farmer, Farmer City, is of German descent, and was born in Virginia. He moved from there to Piatt county in 1857, and built the second house on Blue Ridge, the Lindsey place, now owned by W. D. Fairbanks & Co. From there he moved to near Farmer City in 1868. His great-grandfather was in the revolutionary war, and his grandfather was in the war of 1812. His father was the first township collector of Blue Ridge township. Mr. Athey has eleven children living : Alice is the wife of I. C. Roberts, lives in Louisburg, Kansas, has one child ; H. B. married Ella Green, of Mun- cie, Indiana, lives in Mansfield, and has one daughter, Georgia G. He is a lumber merchant, was member of town board for two years, and elected township collector for one term. He is a member of I.O.O.F. and Knights of Pythias, both of Farmer City. He has a library of at least 100 volumes ; the names of the other children are Frances V., John B., W. C., Sarah, Addy, Louisa, Amy, Geo. B. and Louis. MR. WM. T. BOWMAN, farmer, Mansfield, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois, stopping in Indiana over winter, and reached Piatt county in 1850. He owns 272 acres of land, part of which lies in Blue Ridge township. Upon this place he has put most of the improvements, including the planting of trees and the making of both tile and open ditches. He was married about 1848, in Ohio, to Sarah Ruckman, who died in 1880. They had eight children, five of whom are living. Of these, Mary E. is the wife of Charles W. Skeels, of Blue Ridge township, and mother of six children, Laura, Roscoe, Janie, Harry, Alonzo and Thomas. Ancel F. married Jane McMilliari and has two children, Bertha and Earnest. The names of the other children are Alonzo, Ella Y. and Thomas. Three of Mr. Bowman's children were born at one birth and died at the ages of ten, fifteen and twenty-five days. MR. GRIFFEN N. BRUFFETT, carpenter and builder, Mansfield, was born in .Madison county, Ohio, and moved from there in 1851 to Piatt county, Monticello township, and has since lived in that county except a few months. He now lives in Mansfield, where he expects soon to build a residence. His sons are with a company of carpenters who work in town and in the country. Mr. Bruffett was married in October, 1842, to Susan Freeman, who died in Monticello in 1853, leaving four children. Elam W. married L. M. Anders and lives in Monticello, where his wife has a millinery store. Mr. Elam Bruffet was born September 30, 1846. He was in the late war, enlisting in 1861, when he lacked six days of being fifteen years old. He enlisted BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. in Co. D, 3d reg. Cav. Mo. Yols., John H. Reed, captain, and served until December 16, 1864. He re-enlisted March 10, 1865, in Co. B, 7th reg. Cav. 111. Vols., Stephen A. Forbes, captain, and was mus- tered out November 17th, 1865, the war being ended. He was never wounded or taken prisoner. Ellen married Charles Ramey, lives in Bloomington, and has two children. Daniel married Betty Wright in Jasper county, Missouri, and has four children. Jacob married Susan Wright in the same county and has one child. Mr. Bruffett married for his second wife Julia Bowman and has three children, Milton, Reuben and Grace, all living at home. Mr. Bruffett went to the army August 11, 1862, as first lieutenant of Co. E, 107th 111. Yols. They first captured Morgan, then marched over the Cumberland mountains under Gen. Burnside, landed and captured Loudon, Tennessee, September 2, 1863. They had an engagement with Longstreet's forces in November at HufFs Ferry, another engagement at Campbell Station.. At the siege of Knoxville, which lasted two months, they had scarcely clothes or rations. He was also in the battles of Resaca, Grapevine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Lost Mountain, where so many men were lost, and Atlanta and others. They then turned back to Nashville, which was the last fight his regiment had. He was neither wounded or taken prisoner, but had his hat shot and clothes cut. ME. A. J. BUCHANAN, wagon-maker, Mansfield, is a native of New York and of Scotch descent. He moved from New York to Illinois in 1866 and to Piatt county in 1872, at which time he settled in Mansfield and has been here ever since. He was married in 1857, to Angelina Cappis, who died, leaving three children, Sarah, Wilbur and Leota. He was married again in 1872, to Mrs. Alice Jones, who had one daughter, Clara, the wife of Mr. Williams, of Mansfield. Mr. Buchanan has been supervisor of Sangamon township, having lived at Centerville when he first came to the county, village trustee for three years and village treasurer for one year. His father was in the war of 1812, and his grandfather, when in the revolutionary war, was captured by the English and swam from an English vessel three miles to the shore. MR. JOHN BARNHART, farmer, Mansfield, was born in Yirginia. He moved to Woodford county, Illinois, in 1856, and after nine years settled in Champaign county. He moved across the line into Piatt county in February, 1876. He owns ]12 acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvement. He has planted out about 350 trees and. 600 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. in 1876 built a house. He was married in February, 1851, to Artemecia H. Hurst, a native of Shelby county, Tennessee. They have had ten sons, eight of whom are living. Walton C. married "Lizzie Hannah, has two children and lives in Champaign county. Henry J. married Mary Bartlett and lives in Piatt county. William R. married Betty Thomas and lives in Champaign county. Elias P. married Martha Maxwell and lives in Piatt county. John D., Miles G., George E. and Joseph H. are living at home. Mr. Barnhart is a minister in the German Baptist church and preaches in Piatt, Ford and Champaign counties. He is a member of the board of the Brethren's Orphans' Home, situated near Cerro Gordo. MR. GEORGE CLOUSER, farmer, Mansfield, was born in Ohio in 1802. He moved from his native state to Illinois about 1851, and set- tled in the northeastern part of Sangamon township, in Piatt county. He and his family lived there until they moved into their present home in Blue ridge township. He bought about 400 acres in the original farm, and entered about 200 acres. The home-place now contains about 200 acres. He improved the place he now lives on. Mr. Clouser was united in marriage to Hannah Coyner, in 1827. She is a native of Virginia, and was born in 1807. They had eleven chil- dren, nine of whom are living. Their son, David, took as his first wife Eliza Parrott, who died, leaving four children, Hannah F., Albert, Jesse and Annie. He next married Elizabeth Toy, and has one child, Beecher. ISTelson Clouser went to California before he was twenty vears old, married Jemima Norris, and remained seventeen years, but now has eleven children, and lives in Sangamon county : Jemima be- came the wife of Allen Parrott, has seven children, and lives in Cham- paign county ; Jesse Clouser was first married to Ann Boyer, who died, leaving one daughter, Laura, who married Frank Pittman. Mr. Clouser next married Eliza Dehart, and has the following named chil- dren : Ella, Emma, the wife of Jackson Cal dwell, Jennie, Alta, May, Emerson, Hoy, and an infant. He is now living on his father's old place. John Clouser married Jane Beckett, has two children, and is a phvsician in Farmer City ; George, who was in the late war, married Maggie Crockett, and is now a real estate agent in Kansas City ; Ly- sander Clouser married Sally Haines, has one son, Willie, and is a stock shipper in Mansfield ; Sarah E. was united in marriage August 28, 1862, to Louis Lanum, a native of Ohio. They have lived in the county ever since 1862. and now have four children, Ida Alma, Mary Leota, Wilbur F. and Louis V., and live on the home-place with Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 601 and Mrs. Clouser. Jennie and Samuel Reid attended Mr. Lanum and Sarah at their wedding. Those present were very much surprised to see the attendants step forward and be united in marriage (see Mr. Reid's name). MR. SAMUEL CLOUSEK, stock shipper, Mansfield, is a native of Ohio, and came with his father to this county. He moved into Mansfield about 1873, and began stock trading then, and is the only stock ship- per located in Mansfield. He ships principally to eastern markets, the poultry alone amounting to $3,000. Mr. Clouser was married in 1866, to Sarah Haynes, a native of Ohio, and has one son, William Martin. Mr. Clouser is a trustee of the village, and owns his resi- dence, which was built in 1878, and two lots. MR. LAFAYETTE Cox, farmer, Farmer City, was born in Indiana in 1824. His mother, nee Lucinda Sherrill, born in 1800, is living with Mr. Cox. Her people were among the early settlers of Kentucky, and she has been in this county twenty-four years. Mr. Cox moved from Indiana to Piatt county in 1855, settled on his present home-place, and entered one-half a section of land. He now owns a farm of 480 acres, which is well improved and which has a public road all around it. It is one of the nicest appearing farms in the county. Several groves of trees, about twenty acres, have been planted, and add very much to the appearance of the place. A good-sized and neat looking frame house has been erected, which, with other improvements, impresses one with the idea that this is a genuine home. In 1854 this land, in con- nection with other land, was entered by James M. and Louis Blasdel, Mr. H. Jackson and Mr. Cox, at fifty cents an acre. Fifty dollars an acre would come nearer the worth of the land at the present time. Mr. Cox was married in 1845, to Melissa Blasdel, a native of Indiana. Nine of their thirteen children are living : Nannie M. married "Will- jam Shanklin, has four children, and lives in Santa Barbara county, California. Mr. Shanklin was in the late war, and moved to California about eighteen years ago ; Thomas William married Sebra Smith, of Indiana, has four children, and lives in Champaign county ; Mary L., was the first wife of J. Richard Robinson. Mr. Robinson next mar- ried Mary A. Mote, and lives in Blue Ridge township ; Eleanor J., the wife of Major Blasdel, a soldier in the army, has four children, Ora, Ira, Leo and an infant, and lives in Blue Ridge township ; John J. is living at home ; Bettie E. married Asa Smith (see his name) ; Frank H. and wife, nee Luella Carr, live in Blue Ridge township ; Linnie May is the wife of Ralph Smith, of the same township ; Lou A., Adelia 602 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. F. and Emma O. are still at home. Mr. Cox has an interesting and a happy home. The inmates cheerfully perform home duties, and at the same time have a characteristic way of showing hospitality to strangers. MR. JOHN CAMPBELL, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Ohio. He moved to Logan county in 1866, and in 1874 he bought a farm of over two hundred acres, which has been his home for the last two years. The place was partially improved when bought, but he has made some improvements and anticipates making more. The place is hedged all around, and about four hundred and forty trees have been planted. Near fifteen thousand tile, about the first in that part of the township, were shipped from Indiana and put into the farm. Mr. Campbell has not yet succumbed to the wiles of Cupid. At the present time Mr. Samuel Dimm, wife and sons, Frank P. and Simon, are living on the place. In December, 1880, Frank Dimm returned from Nebraska in a wagon. He was twenty days on the road, suffering some hardships because of the extreme cold weather. He met his parents in this county, and immediately began to make a home for them. Simon has been teaching since coming to the county. REV. M. CREWS, Mansfield, is a native of Lauderdale county, Mis- sissippi ; moved from there to Alabama about 1858, thence to Illinois in 1872, locating in McLean county, and in 1878 came to Piatt county and settled on the place where he now lives, near Van Meter Switch. He received his theological education at Green sborough, Alabama; was licensed to preach in 1860, and ordained deacon in 1868. He preached in southern Illinois before going to Heyworth, Me Lean county. At present he has two appointments, one in Mansfield, the other at Wesley Chapel, which was completed in the fall of 1878, and was built by subscription. Mr. Crews belongs to the Southern Meth- odist church. On March 7, 1882, his friends made a purse of $100 in gold, invited him down to supper, when it was presented to him by the banker. Mr. Crews has a congregation of twenty members belonging to the Southern Methodist Episcopal church. By request he preaches sometimes in the Presbyterian church. While in McLean county he was tax collector for two years. Mr. Crews was married December 24, 1878, to A. R. Van Meter. The Van Meter ancestors came over in some of the vessels which brought the Stuyvesants of New York. MR. EDWIN P. CUNNINGHAM, farmer, Mansfield, is a native of Mis- souri, from which state he moved in 1865 or 1866 to Virginia. He BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 603 settled in Piatt county in 1870. He was married in 1876, to Isa Clark, a native of Illinois, and has two children, Lutie Belle and Clark. MR. AMOS DICKSON (deceased) was born in 1804. His father, Moses Dickson, was one of the pioneers of Illinois, and settled in Yermilion county about 1824. The subject of our sketch, when a young man, worked in the salt works northwest of Danville. The early settlers of this county used to get their salt at this place. He also worked in the Galena lead mines. In 1842 he settled in Champaign county, and in 1850 he moved nearly onto the western line of the county. Part of his farm, 160 acres, extended into Piatt county. His son, John Dick- son, is now living on this place. At the time of his death Mr. Amos Dickson was living with his daughter, Mrs. Josh Smith. He had made his home here for the last fifteen years. On June 29, 1881, he started, as the family supposed, to go to a neighbor's house. At night when he did not return a search was made for him, and at last he was found dead, lying face downward on top of the water at his old bathing place in the Sangamon river. MR. JOHN M. DICKSON, farmer, Mansfield, is a native of Vermilion county, Illinois. His father moved to Champaign county when John was six years of age. Mr. Dickson moved into Piatt county Decem- ber 10. 1861, and settled in section 24, and in 1868 he moved onto the place where he now lives, in section 13. He owns 240 acres of land, upon which he has put most of the improvements. Over two hundred fruit trees, several hundred forest trees and a good deal of hedge have been planted. Both open and tile ditches have been made. In 1881 he built a fine frame house of nine rooms. This house is planned dif- ferently from most of the houses in the county, and it certainly presents a very nice appearance. The place bids fair to be one of the best in the county. Mr. Dickson and Miss L. J. Lanum were united in mar- riage in 1861, in Fayette county, Ohio. Three of their five children are living, Elva Lucella, Clara D. and Charles Clark. Mr. Dickson has not succeeded in keeping out of all the offices. He has been school director for a number of years. Since preparing the above some items were forwarded by Mr. Dickson, from which we condense the follow- ing: Early in September, 1881, Mr. Dickson completed his new $2,500 residence, and had it partially furnished. On September 5, the twentieth anniversary of their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson were invited to take dinner and spend the day with their cousin, Wm. Myers, some five miles distant. Upon their return home in the even- ing they were astonished to be received in their own residence by one 604 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. hundred and fifty guests, who had assembled to celebrate their anni- versary. The daughters, who remained at home through the day, helped to make the surprise more complete. The bride and groom of twenty years' standing were soon attired in the identical wedding gar- ments of twenty years ago. Even the ' ' sky-scraper " bonnet was not for- gotten. Numerous presents were brought forward and presented by Rev. J. Montgomery, and were kindly received by Mr. and Mrs. Dick- son. A bountiful supper was served, and after enjoying themselves thoroughly, and examining the new residence from cellar to the observatory on top, the guests left the happy couple with many protes- tations of good will and sincere wishes for a long and happy life. MR. WILLIAM DAWSON, blacksmith, Mansfield, is a native of Fair- field county, Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county, October 16, 1856, and has remained in the county ever since. He moved to Mansfield in November, 1875, and at present owns a house and two lots in the place. For nearly two years he kept the hotel near the depot. He was married February 18, 1866, to Mary Smith, a native of Piatt county. They have had five children, Elenora S., George C., Ella, William J. and Blanch. Mr. Dawson went to the army, April 19, 1861, in Co. C of the 21st 111. Vols. He was mustered in April 26, 1861, and came out of the war July 5, 1864. He was in the following battles : Frederickstown, Shiloh, Perrysville, Stone River and Chickamauga. According to a record kept by an adjutant, the regiment traveled some fifteen thousand miles during the war. Mr. Dawson was slightly wounded at Stone River. He was taken prisoner September 20, 1863, and was paroled March 20, 1864. He was in prison at Atlanta, Richmond, Belle Island, and was in Libby prison. He, in common with other war prisoners, complains that his treatment was rough. MR. HENRY DAWSON, ' furniture dealer, Mansfield, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Illinois in 1856, at which time his people settled on Mr. Phillips' place. He moved to Mansfield, where he now owns a house and three lots, in 1871, when there were only about three houses in the village. He was married in 1856, to Mary E. Adel, a native of Ohio. They have no children of their own, but have reared one boy, Charlie. Mr. Dawson went to the army from Fairfield county, Ohio, in Co. K of the 1 14th Ohio reg. He was in no severe battles, but was in quite a number of skirmishes. He was taken prisoner on the Blue Wing boat, at Milliken's Bend, but was released in about four days. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 605 MR. JACOB W. DENNING, farmer, Blue Ridge, was born in February, 1821, in Virginia, and is of English and Irish descent. His parents moved from Virginia to Ohio. Mr. Denning moved to Coles county, Illinois, and from there to Piatt county, about 1858. He was in Piatt county as a drover in 1854. For twenty-six years previous to moving to this county he had been a cattle-drover. He shipped seventy-two droves of cattle to New York city alone, and no telling how many to other places. He bought his present farm of 160 acres in 1858, and has put all improvements on it. It is now divided by fences into nine fields. The Chicago division of the W abash railroad runs through the farm, and Blue Ridge station is half a mile from the dwelling house. A good orchard of at least seventy-five or eighty trees is on the farm. Mr. Denning was married in 1858, to Phoebe Martin, a native of Somerset county, ISTew Jersey. They have had no family. Mr. Den- ning was school trustee for five years, school director eight years, and has been pathmaster three or four times. MR. JOSEPH S. EAKINS, formerly a farmer of Piatt county, was born in Kentucky, and is of Irish descent. He moved to Ohio when quite young, and in 1856 he settled in Piatt county, on what is generally known as the South Prairie. He was married in 1847, to Amanda Hutchings, who died, leaving three children : of these, Clarence F. married Sarah J. Holmes and lives in Blue Ridge township. Henry C., who married Lizzie Gillespie, is living on the old home-place in Blue Ridge township ; S. Lizzie, the wife of Mr. Curtis Borton, has three children and is living in Iowa. Mr. Eakins was married again in 1861, to Mrs Lucy A. Shaw, who had two children, one of whom, Emma, is still living, and is the wife of Wm. G. Webb. Mr. Eakins moved to Farmer City in 1881. MR. ABE EVANS, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Tazewell county, Illinois, in 1866. He came to Piatt county in 1867, and settled on the section he now lives on. He now owns 280 acres of land, upon which he has made most of the improvements. Four or five hundred rods of ditching has been done and about 400 trees have been planted. The place has yielded fair crops. In 1881 the average in corn was forty bushels to the acre. He was mar- ried in 1870, to Sarah X. Thompson, who died in 1875, leaving two children, Fred and John Delbert. He was married again in 1878, to Mary B. Orr. Mr. Evans was school treasurer for about five years, and has been roadmaster and pathmaster. He went to the army from Ohio in Co. A of the 70th Ohio, and was out a year and a half. He 606 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. went back in 1865 in Co. H of the 195tli Ohio. He was in the follow- ing engagements, Shiloh and Corinth. ME. FOUNTAIN Fox, farmer, Galesville, is a native of Edgar county, Illinois. He was reared in Indiana, but returned to Edgar county before moving to Piatt county. He owns 240 acres of land, upon which he has put all improvements, consisting in part of a house and barn, the planting of over a hundred trees and the making of an open ditch. His corn crops for the last ten years have averaged about forty bushels to the acre. In 1872 his corn averaged from seventy to eighty bushels to the acre. He was married in June 1869, to Mary A. Maddock, and has had no family. He was in the late war, and was under Sherman in Co. A of the 1st Mo. Engineers and Mechanics. He was veteran- ized in 1864. MR. WILLIAM D. FAIRBANKS, farmer, Blue Ridge, has been in busi- ness in Piatt county for several years. He married Miss Flora Kroell and lives on a farm near Blue Ridge Station. C. W. Fairbanks mar- ried Nellie Cole, has three children and lives in Indianapolis. He is attorney of the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western railroad, and owns 2,000 acres of land, the most of which lies in the northeastern part of Piatt county. L. M. Fairbanks, who has been a grain mer- chant of Mansfield for several years, and Wm. D. Fairbanks own about 500 acres of land in this county. MR. HARMON K. G-ILLESPIE, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Pennsylvania. His parents were from the same state and died in Illi- nois. He moved from Pennsylvania to McLean county, Illinois, and in 1854 entered 120 acres adjoining his present home-farm in Piatt county. For two years he lived in the 12x15 feet house he first built. The next house he built contained seven rooms, and a part of it still stands in a large grove of maple, cottonwood and ash trees near Mr. Gillespie's last residence, which contains eleven rooms, and was built in 1870. He has gradually added to his farm, until now he owns 575 acres in good condition. When he first began improvements on his place he endured a good many hardships. The firewood and all fencing material had to be hauled from near Mahomet, across imbridged streams and over bad roads. Mr. Gillespie was married in 1845, to Nancy Moore, a native of Pennsylvania. They have had nine children, all of whom are living : Christian married Ella Davidson, has two children and lives in McLean county ; George Moore mar- ried Ollie Crawford, has two children, Belle Irene, and an infant, and lives in Blue Ridge township; Ann D., the wife of Philip Weedman, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ' 607 has two children and lives in DeWitt county ; Samuel J. married Eva Wisegarver and lives in DeWitt county ; John W. has been attending school at Normal, Illinois ; Henry M. is at home ; Lizzie is the wife of Henry C. Eakins (see his name) ; Carl O. and Frank L. are at home. Mr. Gillespie has been justice of the peace since the fall of 1855. He has held other township offices. For four years lie was supervisor. He remembers the first couple he married. He was living in their first little house, above referred to, and he was sitting on the floor, with chips all around him, making a wagon-wheel, when at about ten o'clock at night a knock was heard at the front door. His wife went to the door and found a couple who wished to be married. There was no step to the door, and Mrs. Gillespie turned to place a chair out for the young lady to climb up on, but she was not quick enough, for, as the Squire expressed it, the "lady was so anxious to enter the 'new state ' that she rolled in at the door." The couple would not be seated long enough for the wheel-chips to be cleared away, but stood anxiously up in the midst of the dirt and were made one and happy. MR. ISAIAH HOLLOWAY, farmer, Galesville, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Indiana, where he was partly reared. In 1862 he moved to Piatt county, and during the first winter lived in a shanty. After renting land for two years he moved onto the place he now lives on, which he had bought before coming to the county. He owns about 190 acres of land, upon which has put all the improvements, including the planting of one hundred and fifty apples and near two thousand other trees. He is one of the first settlers in his part of the township, and considers that a very great improvement has been made since he came to the county. He was married in 1842, to Elizabeth Shepherd, who died in 1851. Two of their four children are living now : Maria, the wife of David Wolf, has four children, and lives in Champaign county ; Alpheus married Louisa Littleton, has two chil- dr'ed, Isaiah and Bertha, and lives on what has long been known as the Littleton place. In 1852 Mr. Hollo way married Hannah Doyle, who has been in poor health for the last three years. They have had four children : Elizabeth is the wife of John Roberts, a Methodist minister, and has two children ; John and Edmund both died of consumption, the one at twenty-four and the other at twenty-two years of age ; George is a telegraph operator on the Wabash railroad. Mrs. Hollo- way has two sisters living in the county, Mrs. Alfred Doster and Lucinda Doyle. Mr. Holloway has been successful as a farmer. He built his present residence in 1864, and his barn in 1880. 608 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. MR. EMORY HARWOOD, farmer, is a native of Massachusetts. He came to Champaign county, Illinois, in the fall of 1852. In 1857 he settled in the northeastern part of Piatt county, and entered 160 acres of land, S.E. J of Sec. 13. He purchased the land warrant of some heirs. His wife was one of the heirs, and the land was entered in her name. When he first settled in the county he used to travel seventeen miles to market, and got ten cents a bushel for corn. He remembers of once taking a load of corn to Urban a : it took him two days to go and come, and he got just four dollars for his labor. One of his neighbors went to the same market, and received just enough money to buy a pair of breeches, which were stolen before he got home. Mr. Harwood's first wife, nee Marion Wallace Chilton, died in Mahomet, leaving one daughter ; Lucretia married Mr. William C. Crabtree in 1871, has one child, Ada Wallace, and lives in Blue Ridge township. Mr. Harwood next married Anna Abbott. One daughter is living, Clara C., who married Mr. R. B. Young, has one child and lives in Farmer City. Mr. and Mrs. Harwood live in Farmer City. MR. J. W. HILLIGOSS, merchant, Mansfield, is a native of Fleming county, Kentucky, and came from there to Coles county, Illinois, in 1868, where he taught school four years. He came to Piatt county in 1872, and taught eight years in succession, three of which were in Mansfield. His first school in this county was the White school. He moved to Mansfield in May, 1873, built residence and owns two lots, which he improved himself. His system became overtaxed in the school-room and he went into the grocery business, in August, 1880. He held the position of village clerk for four years. Mr. Hilligoss was married in Champaign county, to Hester A. House, in 1872, and has one daughter, Clyde. Mr. Hilligoss went to the army in 1861, from Kentucky, in the southern army, under Gen. Bragg, and was out two years, and lost a limb at Mount Sterling, Kentucky. MR. THOMAS C. HAGGARD, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Piatt county in 1874, and settled in the southwestern part of Blue Ridge township. He owns 240 acres, upon a part of which he put all the improvements. He built a six-room frame house before moving onto the place, and has been quite success- ful as a farmer. Two years ago he gathered over 3.000 bushels out of a forty-acre field of corn. He was married in 1870, to Margaret Bettis, and has had three children, Willie, Eddie and Kate. He went to the army from DeWitt county, in Co. F of the 41st reg. The principal battles in which he engaged were those of Fort Dorielson, Shiloh, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 609 Corinth, Vicksburg and Jackson, at which place he was wounded. His regiment was under engagement in nearly fight on the Mississippi river and he never missed one of them. When he was wounded he was sent home on a furlough, but returned to his regiment in time for the next engagement. MR. JOEL HELLER, farmer, is a native of Fulton county, Illinois, and is of Scotch and Irish descent. He moved to the county in 1871, and settled on the farm he now lives on. He owns 160 acres of land, which was partially improved by Mr. John Keenan. Some four thousand trees have been planted on the place, and a good deal of both open and tile ditching has been made. His crops have averaged about as well as any in the county. His poultry is quite good, and he has a fine grade of stock. He was married in 1855, to Elizabeth Huffman, a native of Ohio. Four of their six children are living, Addie V., who was married in 1880, to R. K. Fawcett, of McLean county, and Bertha, Sally and Grace. Mr. Heller has held a few of the township offices. MR. H. C. HIDY, grocer, Mansfield, is a native of Virginia. He came to Piatt county in 1875, and located as a photographer, but changed to grocery business. He owns his business house, residence and lot in Mansfield. Mr. Hidy was married in 1876, to Amanda E. Littleton, and has one daughter, Llora M. MR. SAMUEL HOWE, farmer, Mansfield, is a native of Ireland, who came to America in 1856. He first settled in Logan county, but in 1871 moved to Piatt county, and settled on the place of 300 acres, upon which he now resides. He has put all the improvements on this farm. It has been hedged, and some six hundred rods of tile ditching has been made. In 1881 he built a six-room frame house in a grove of several thousand maples. He was married in 1865, to Catharine Hagerty, and has ten children, Joseph, Elizabeth, George, Annie, Samuel, William, Robert, Martha, Bertie and an infant. He has held the office of school director for two terms. He went to the late war in Co. G of the 106th 111. reg., and the siege of Vicksburg was the principal engagement he was in. He was never wounded or taken prisoner. MR. HIRAM JACKSON, an early settler of Blue Ridge township, was born in Indiana in 1814. His father was a native of Maryland, and his mother of Kentucky. They moved to Indiana in 1798, were mar- ried, and settled on a tract of land, where they lived the rest of their days. In 1854 Hiram Jackson entered the land Mr. Clark is now living on in the northwestern part of Blue Ridge township, and settled upon it. Of late years he has been living in Farmer City. Mr. Jack- HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. son was one of a family of ten, and was the only one of the ten who made Piatt county his home. He was married in December, 1837, to Ruth Blasde'll. They have had fourteen children, seven of whom are living : Miss Rhoda Jackson is a successful milliner and dress-maker in Monticello; Isaac Alonzo, who went to the army in the 2d Cav., married Hester Adaline Smith, has four children and lives in Champaign county; E. H. Jackson married Alice Smith, has three children, Mark, David H. and Nancy E., and lives in Piatt county; Ruth Melissa married William M. Miles, has four children and lives in Champaign county; Nancy J. is the wife of D. P. Langley, has four children and lives in Minnesota ; Hannah, the wife of John R. Heller and mother of two children, lives in DeWitt county ;. Hiram W. is a farmer in Champaign county. In speaking of their early life in Blue Ridge township, Mr. Jackson remarked that upon first coming to the county they went to Urbana for their goods, and bought the only cooking stove for sale in the place, and no milk-pans could be found in town. . Only about four families lived on the state road when Mr. Jackson settled in the township. Mr. Jackson has held quite a num- ber of offices in his time. He was supervisor of the township for six years, has been assessor and collector, was school treasurer twelve years, was probate judge in Piatt county, and is justice of the peace now in Farmer City. ME. WILLIAM JESS, farmer, Mansfield, is a native of Ireland. He came to America in 1840. In 1861 he first came to Illinois, and in 1865 he settled in Piatt county. He owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvement. Two hundred rods of tile ditching has been done. He was married in 1837, to Margaret Malone, and has had twelve children, six of whom are living. Thomas, a soldier in the late war, has been tax collector in the township a good while. Michael married Mary Kilgore in 1863, has one daughter and lives in LeRoy. He obtained his education in New York city, and is a school teacher. Charles married Elizabeth McKee and lives in Blue Ridge township. He was in the army, where he lost his health. John, Maurice and Maggie are living at home. Mr. Jess' son, William, was wounded in the army and died at Nashville, Tennessee. MR. THOMAS JESS came from Indiana to Piatt county in 1860. He is a native of Ireland. He went to the late war in 1861, and again in 1863 from Champaign county. He engaged in the battles of Perrys- ville, Chickamauga, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Sand Town Roads, Jonesboro and Atlanta. He was wounded at the Seven Houses, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 611 between Jonesboro and Atlanta. He thinks the battle of Chickamauga was the most terrific fight he was in. They found some of their men three months afterward and buried them. As a result of his labors in the cause of his country, Mr. Jess is minus one limb. Since returning from the war he was made collector for two years and assessor of Blue Ridge township nine years. MR. DANIEL R. KLINGER, farmer, Mansfield, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Champaign county in 1857. In 1858 he moved into Blue Ridge township, and has lived there ever since. He bought a portion of his home-place in 1862, and added to it at a later date, so now he owns 240 acres of land. In 1862 this land was rated at $2 an acre, but now at the least it is worth $40. The year before he moved onto the place he could have bought a half section of land for $800, and would have been allowed to give his team, worth $400, in partial payment, but was advised by persons living near not to invest. In less than three years one of his advisors paid $2,000 for a one- quarter section of the same land. The spring Mr. Klinger began breaking up his farm he could count fifteen or twenty teams about him, all engaged in breaking prairie. He has put all the improvements on his place. Two hundred fruit trees have been planted, a good deal of open ditching has been made and a two-story frame house has been built. The following record will show that Mr. Klinger has met with a good degree of success as a farmer. In 1881 he had twenty acres of oats, which averaged sixty bushels to the acre. Two years ago his crop of wheat averaged thirty-seven bushels to the acre. A crop of 120 acres of corn averaged forty bushels to the acre, and seven years ago an eighty-acre crop of corn averaged near eighty bushels to the acre. In 1840 Mr. Klinger and Sallie Marshall were united in marriage. She died in Ohio, leaving four children, two of whom are living. Henry married Emma Dale, has four children, Harry, Daniel, Charlie and Nellie, and lives on his father's place. In 1857 Elizabeth Gift became Mr. Klinger's second wife. She died, leaving five children, four of whom are living. Mary died in 1880, at the age of twenty-two ; John ]S r ., Alice Belle, Peter and Emma are living at home. In 1873 Mr. Klinger married Mrs. Barbara Smith, who has had one child, Jesse W., since her last marriage (see Mr. W. H. Smith's name). Mr. Klinger has not been spared from filling some offices in the township. He has been school trustee, and in 1881 he was tax collector. MR. A. J. KNAPP, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Dearborn county, Indiana, from which place he moved to Piatt county in 1872. 612 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. He settled on land near his present home farm of 120 acres. He has made most of the improvements on his place. He has either rebuilt or moved onto it all the buildings. Some 200 rods of tiling has been put in, besides some open ditches which have been made. About 100 fruit trees and 1,200 forest trees have been planted. The entire farm is in good condition for tilling now, and for making a nice home for the owner. Mr. Knapp was married in 1867, to Mary J. Swales, a native of Indiana, and has had three children, two of whom are living, Frank E. and John S. He went to the army in 1862, in Co. H of the 83d Ind. Inf., and remained until the close of the war. The following are the principal battles he engaged in : Chickasaw Bayou, siege of Yicksburgh, Resaca, Arkansas Post, Jackson, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, and he went with Sherman to the sea. He was first lieutenant for seven months. In 1880-1 Mr. Knapp killed a Canada lynx, which is probably the only one which has ever been seen in the county. MR. WILLIAM A. KELLER, carpenter, Mansfield, is a native of Moul- trie county, Illinois. He moved to Sangamon county, to Woodford county, and then came to Piatt county in 1865. In 1874 he located in Mansfield and began the mercantile business, but of late has been giving his attention to carpentering. He owns his residence and one lot in Mansfield. He was married April 29, 1869, to Alice E. Miller, and has three children, Lettie, Josephine and Mary D. Mr. Keller has been alderman and town clerk. MR. WILLIAM S. LITTETON, grocer, one of the early settlers of Blue Ridge township, was born in Ohio. His father, a native of Maryland, died in Ohio. His mother, a native of Virginia, died in Monticello. He moved in 1856 direct from Ohio to Piatt county, and settled within two miles of Mansfield. In 1875 he sold the farm and moved into Mansfield and went into the grocery business. He was justice of the peace a number of years. He was school treasurer about fifteen years, and is town treasurer at the present time. He was married in 1838, to Miss Eliza Falkenburg. Of his children, William died in the army ; Elizabeth is the wife of Joseph Wooding (see his name); Theodore M. married Susan M. Miller, has two children, and lives in Kansas ; Louisa married Alpheus Hollo way ; Amanda married H. C. Hyder, a native of Virginia, and Mr. Littleton's partner in the grocery business, has one child and lives in Mansfield ; Charles M. was married in the fall of 1880, and is railroad agent at Hammond. MR. ANDREW J. LANGLEY, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Erie, Pennsylvania, and is of Irish and German descent. His parents were hV OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 615 from Pennsylvania and moved to Macoupin county in 1856. Mr. Langley moved to his present farm of 320 acres in 1864. It formerly belonged to Mr. John Keenan, and was one of the first settled places in Blue Ridge township. Mr. Langley has been farming, and until the last two years has had a nursery on the place ever since moving to the county. He now has an orchard of two hundred trees and has twenty acres of fine walnut and maple groves. In 1881 he built a commodious house of twelve rooms. It is in the midst of a grove of trees and presents a fine appearance. Mr. Langley and Celia A. Curtiss were united in marriage in 1859. Four of their six children are still living, Elmer E., Freddie L., James C. and Roy. Mrs. Langley's mother makes her home at Mr. Langley's. His father is still living, but his mother died over a year ago. Two of Mr. Langley's brothers, Russell S. and D. Porter, settled in this county, but the one is now in Nebraska while the other is in Minnesota. Mr. Langley is present supervisor of Blue Ridge township. MR. WILLIAM M. LINDSEY, farmer, Blue Ridge, is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved directly to Piatt county about fourteen years ago. He bought his present farm of 320 acres soon after coming, has improved it and has lived on it ever since. He 'was married in Ohio to Rebecca J. McKelvej' and has had seven children, Joseph L., William G., Charles W., Flora B., Alfred A., Samuel S. and Robert M. MR. V. S. LINDSEY, formerly a resident of Piatt county, is a native of Ohio. His father was from the Keystone State and his mother from Virginia. They moved to Ohio at an early day, and it was from that state that the subject of our sketch moved to Piatt county in 1866. In the same year he settled on the north half of section fifteen in Blue Ridge township and was the owner of section ten in McLean county. H.e once put the whole of section ten in corn. Seventeen teams ploughing at once did the work. While living on the farm Mr. Lind- sey kept as high as 300 head of hogs, 300 head of cattle and 1,000 head of sheep. At one time he hauled three loads of wool to Cham- paign which sold for $1,816.40. When he first came to the county after the war he was surprised to find the people wanted to sell out. He bought his tract of land for $8.33^ an acre. But soon a change came over the country. Real estate advanced rapidly. He remem- bers of eight land buyers taking dinner with him at one time. When Mr. Lindsey first located in the county he once offered a man fourteen cents a bushel for oats. His offer was not accepted for some reason and 38 616 HISTORY OK 1'IATT COUNTY. the oats were hauled to Champaign where they sold for eleven cents a bushel. Mr. Lindsey sold his 960 acres of land to Mr. C. W. Fair- banks for $33,600. At the time of the sale the whole place was in pasture and there were ten miles of hedge fence on the farm. Mr. Lindsey had lived on this place about eight years. After coming to this part of the county, however, he spent three years of his time educating his children in Champaign. After leaving the farm he located in Farmer City, where he had bought a large brick house of ten rooms and forty acres of land for $3,575. Pie now owns a section of land in Champaign county and 230 acres in DeWitt county. Mr. Lindsey was married in July, 1849, to Eliza C. Simmons and has had three children, two of whom are living. Mary Virginia is the wife of Emory F. French (an agricultural implement dealer in Farmer City), and the mother of three children. William M. married Fannie Cornell, has two children and lives in Farmer City. GEN. JOHN LUT/ MANSFIELD (deceased) was born in Brunswick, Germany, in 1803. He was educated at Gottingen, where the cele- brated and national university of Brunswick and Nassau is situated, and also at Heidelberg. At the age of twelve he had never seen a book on mathematics. After buying his iirst algebra he shut himself up and did not stop until he had mastered the book. He was educated for an astronomer, and was once offered the charge of the observatory at Jena. He was examined in mathematics by the celebrated Gauss, one of the iirst mathematicians, of the age, and was awarded the highest honors. His education was broad. He was a fine student in language and literature, and was well versed in the different styles of architecture. Mrs. Mansfield, when but nine years old, heard him deliver an address in Latin at the Transylvania University at Lexing- ton. Gen. Mansfield was a great student all his life. The summer before his death he often spent fifteen hours a day in studying. He left the manuscript for a geometry and trigonometry which he expected to publish soon. The manuscripts, however, were destroyed when the residence burned, in 1878. Mr. Mansfield left Germany in 1823, and after remaining one year in England came to America, where he soon obtained a position in the Washington Institute. From this place he went to Lexington, where Judge F. L. Turner, one of the trustees, offered him the chair of mathematics in the Transylvania University. For one year he had entire charge of the school and taught all the classes. He was a professor at this school for a good many years. He was married in 1841, to Josephine Turner, daughter of Judge Fielding BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 617 L. Turner, of the criminal court of Louisiana. They moved from Kentucky to Indiana that they might educate their children in a free state. Their eldest son, Fielding, was made a colonel in the late war before he was twenty-one years of age. He married Miss Nellie Adae, of Cincinnati, has four children, and is a manufacturer of St. Louis ; Margaret, the wife of M. C. Straight, of Indianapolis, has one daughter ; Oscar married Miss Elizabeth Hoot, has two children, Jose- phine and an infant, and resides in Mansfield ; Maria received her education at the State University, while Charley attended school in Wisconsin and at the University of the South, on the Cumberland mountains, Tennessee. Gen. Mansfield moved from Indiana to his land at and about the town of Mansfield in 1870, and was living at this place at the time of his death, September 20, 1876. He made several donations to the public, such as the park, two lots for a school-house, and a lot each for the Methodist, the Episcopal and the United Brethren churches. At the time of his death he owned about twelve hundred acres of land near Mansfield. When a child Mr. Mansfield was quite weak, but as he grew older endeavored to strengthen himself by carrying stones up the Hartz mountains and rolling them down. In his prime, however, he was considered one of the strongest men in the United States and his reputation as a gymnast was very great. Not only was he noted for his strength, but in Kentucky he was regarded as one of the most perfect gentlemen and scholars of the day. Mr. M. T. Scott, of Bloomington, at our request, kindly furnished some items in regard to Gen. Mansfield, which we are glad to insert. In the main we will use Mr. Scott's own words. He says: "I first knew Gen. Mansfield when, in 1843, he filled the chair of professor of mathematics in Transylvania University at Lexington, an old institu- tion of learning honored in the distinction attained by its alumni, and honored earlier by the patronage of Gen. George Washington and Thomas .Jefferson, who each gave $100 to aid in its establishment, more than ninety years ago. It was a great honor to Gen. Mansfield to have been selected to fill a place in that college, located in the 'Athens of the West,' as Lexington was then justly called, and was entitled to be so considered, by reason of the residence there of such lawyers as -Henry Clay, the Breckinriclges, the Wickliffes, the Marshalls and the Prestons, to which names might be added a long list of other lawyers at Lexington and in its neighboring villages, and the list of professors distinguished over the country, such as Drs. Dudlev, McDowell, Cross and the Richardsons. 618 HISTORY OF PI ATT ('Ol'NTY. The name Gen. Mansfield bore when at Lexington was John Lutz, Esq., and which name he always honored, but it was changed by act of legislature at his own request for the purpose of Americanizing his name as well as his citizenship, an act evincing his loyalty to the country of his adoption hardly less than the periling of his life in the late war to save the Union, whereby he earned the title of general. The citizenship in your county of Gen. Mansfield and the influence and honor resulting therefrom to the city of Mansfield, is due to some extent to the investment of Gen. Mansfield's money by Mr. Milton and myself in the government lands now comprising, in part of his land locations, the estate he left at and about Mansfield, Illinois.''' Mr. Mansfield enlisted as a private in the late w,ar, but in a few months was promoted to general and also held the position of brigadier-general and brevet-major-general. ME. SAMUEL MclvEE, farmer, Mansfield, was born in 1823, in Athens county, Ohio. He moved to Indiana about 1830, and in 1842 he came to Piatt county, Illinois. His father was in the Black Hawk war. He came to Illinois after his son did and lived here for several years, but moved to Iowa, where lie died, leaving his last wife and several children, who still live there. Samuel came out to this county by himself, and when he got here he had just $5, one-half of which he loaned. That $2.50 was all that kept him in Illinois, he says. He began working as soon as he could and continued laboring hard for several years, and finally bought the farm he now lives on. The money he bought the place with was obtained by hard days' labor. He says he never had fifty cents given him in his life. He owns two farms of 160 acres each. He has put all the improvements on his home farm. Helms planted at least five hundred trees, and in 1874 built a large frame house. A wire fence, probably the best around a private yard in the county, divides the yard from the road. He is gradually adding improvements to his place, all of which shows Mr. McKee to be a successful and energetic farmer. When he first came to the county he was quite a successful deer hunter. He remembers of being one of a company who killed a very large deer, the largest he ever saw, on Camp creek. Dr. Hull was one of the party. Mr. McKee remembers of counting one hundred and thirty deer in one gang. The subject of our sketch was first married to Miss Penitta A. Wright, who died, leaving two children. Of these, Mary E. married Charles Jess, has two children, Laura and Mary, and lives in Blue Ridge township. John McKee is not married. In 1852 Laura Jelly BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 619 became Mr. McKee's second wife. She died in 1869, leaving 1 five cliildren, one of whom has died. Amanda became the wife of Elsie Asliby, who died, leaving two children, Lillie and Walter; William H. married Lizzie Brown, has one son, Loren, and lives near Mans- field ; George W. and Frances S. are at home. Mr. McKee was next married in 1872, to Mrs. Rogers nee Margaret Adel. She was a native of Ohio, from which state she moved to Piatt county. Her husband died, leaving three children, two of whom, George and James, are living. Since her last marriage she has had two children, Arthur and Charles. MK. ROBERT McKEK, farmer, Mansfield, is a native of Ohio, and is of Irish and German descent. He moved to Indiana when small, and lived there about twenty years. He then moved to Champaign county, where he lived several years, and then entered land one mile east of Mansfield in the spring of 1854. He was married in Indiana in 1841, to Martha Nana. They have seven children living : Ira married Anna Chambers, has three children, and lives on Mr. McKee's place ; Hiram married Elizabeth Johnson, has two cliildren, and is also living on his father's place ; Marilla married Wm. Raney, has three children, and lives in Champaign county ; Cornelius married Mary Brown, and lives on Mr. McKee's place ; Mary J., Franklin and Robert are at home. MR. ADAM MKLIZA, farmer, Mansfield, was born in Virginia in 1830. He is. of German descent. His parents, also from Virginia, emigrated to Indiana in 1832. In 1854 they moved to Illinois, and both died here. Mr. Meliza's grandfather was in the war of 1812. Mr. Meliza settled in De Witt county in 1856, and in 1865 he moved to his present home of seventy acres in Blue Ridge township. He bought the land of Mr. Jos. Moore, a resident of Pennsylvania. He has put all the improvement on the place, from the plowing of the first furrow to its present condition. Several hundred forest trees have been planted, and there is a three-acre orchard. The present neat house was built two years ago. A portion of it, however, was built soon after he bought the place. Mr. Meliza was married in 1852, to Anna Minnick. They have had four children. Eliza C. married Wm. Collins, and lives in Blue Ridge Township (they have three children, Edgar F., R. Guy and John); Sarah Christina is living at home; Wm. L. married Priscilla McGath, has one child, and lives in Blue Ridge township ; Frank H. is living at home. MR. N. B. MOBEELY, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Kentucky. 620 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. He moved from there to McLean county about 1851. lie moved to Livingston county next, and about 1874 settled in Piatt county. He owns 240 acres, upon wnich lie has put a good deal of improvement. At least one hundred and fifty trees have been planted and some ditch- ing has been done. He was married in 1854, to Harriet L. Hopping, and has had nine children, seven of whom are living, Ohas. H., Jas. Franklin, Albert, Harry, Ira, Hattie and Thomas. Mr. Moberly has been roadmaster and school director. MR. GEORGE T. MARK, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Penn- sylvania, from which state he moved to Indiana, from there to Missouri and from thence to Piatt county in 1867. He settled where he now lives, on the southern line of Blue Ridge township. He owns 200 acres of land upon which he has planted over 250 trees, has made one and a half miles of open ditch and has made all other improvements. He was married in 1853, to Mattie Head, and has had five children, three of whom are living: Edward, who was married in 1876, to Lucy Coon, and has two children, Clara F. and Louis E. ; Emma, who lives at home, and Stella. MR. GEORGE MILLER (deceased) was a native of New Jersey and went to Fulton county when fourteen years old. He was married in 1859, to Christiana Kline, a native of Pennsylvania. In 1876 they came to Piatt county and bought land. There are 213 acres in the farm. Over 130 trees have been planted on the place, some tile ditch- ing has been made and some fencing lias been done. Quite a nice seven-room frame house was erected in 1881. Mr. Miller died in 1879, leaving five children : Susan Emily married Fleming F. Osburn and has one child, Efh'e May ; Lizzie Blanche, Frank L., Clara M. and George Arthur are all at home. Mr. Miller was a member of the Baptist church for thirty years before his death. He was an economi- cal and hardworking man and never failed to attend to his Christian duties. He was a regular attendant at church and Sunday school. He was a kind, indulgent husband and an affectionate father. He died after four months' 1 sickness, very resigned and happy. MR. A. F. PITTMAN, farmer, Mansfield, was born in Ohio in 1813. He moved from there to Illinois in 1853 and in 1854 moved to Piatt county. He owns 160 acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements. Over 120 fruit trees have been planted and some ditching and hedging has been done. The barn was built in 1872 and a neat frame house was completed in 1881. He has had some extra good crops of grain. In 1879 his corn averaged sixty bushels to the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 621 acre. He was married April 24, 1831, to Catherine Bake, who was born in 1815. They celebrated their golden wedding in 1881. About sixty-two persons were present. They have hail eight children, six of whom are living : Joseph Pittman married Elizabeth Mansfield, has a large family, and lives in Champaign county ; George is living at home ; Johnson, a soldier in the late war, died at the age of thirty in 1870 ; he was a practicing lawyer in Monticello at the time of his death ; William A. is living at home ; Leonard, also a soldier in the late war, married Sarah Mounts, has five children and lives in Cham- paign county ; Frank married Laura Clouser ; Eliza is living at home. Mr. Pittman has held some offices in the township. He has been pathmaster, school director and assessor. Pie was one of the early settlers in his part of the township. When he first moved here there was but one house between his and Salt Creek timber. MBS. JANETTE PATTERSON is a native of Darmstadt, Germany. She had a good common school education, and then after studying in col- lege two years stopped school on account of ill health. She was mar- ried in Germany, to Mr. II. C. Kroell, and after the birth of one daughter, Mrs. Clemens, moved in 1847 to United States. They were on the ocean forty-six days, and Mrs. Kroell was sick every day. Mr. and Mrs. Kroell first settled in Ross county, Ohio, and after living there twenty-three years moved in 1869 to Macon county, Illinois. They next moved to Monticello, Piatt county. Mr. Kroell died in this county. When living on a farm four miles southwest of Mans- field, Mrs. Kroell married Mr. Samuel Patterson, who only lived about three and a half years after his marriage. Mrs. Patterson moved to Mansfield when there were only four or five houses in the place. She bought lots of Gen. Mansfield and built the house she now occupies. She opened the first boarding house in the town, and kept it until the spring of 1881. A few times stopping at Mrs. Patterson's boarding house was sufficient to convince any one that she did herself great credit in her work. She has five children living: Elizabeth Kroell, formerly a milliner and dressmaker, of Monticello, married Mr. Clemens, now a bookkeeper in Indianapolis, and has one child ; Louis Kroell was at home during the summer of 1881, and had the management of the first brick-kiln started in rne vicinity of Mansfield ; Chas. Kroell married Mina Stickle, and at present is buying grain in Mansfield ; Miss Alpha is still at home with her mother ; Florence was married in December, 1880, to Mr. Wm. Fairbanks, and lives on a farm four miles from Mansfield. 622 HISTORY OF PI ATT COUNTY. MR. WILLIAM L. ROBINSON, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of England, from which country he moved to America in 1822. He h'rst settled in Dearborn county, Indiana, but in 1856 he moved onto the farm in the extreme northwestern part of Piatt county. He was married in Indiana, to Mary Blasdel, and seven of their nine children are now living : Ann married Wm. Weger, and died in Missouri, in 1881, leaving six children : Clementine married James Lemon ; he was lieu- tenant in the army, and was killed there. She next married David Welch, a lawyer in McPherson, Kansas, and has three children : Carrie, the wife of G. W. Freelove, of McPherson, Kansas, has three children : J. R. married Mary Cox, she died, and he was married to Mary Mote ; Jennie married Chas. Miller, but died, leaving two chil- dren ; he married again and lives in Kansas ; Thomas married Hannah Sappington, and lives in Kansas City ; Lide is the wife of J. C. Smith (see his name) ; Addie, a student of Danville, Illinois, has taught sev- eral terms in the county ; Mollie is now the wife of Mr. Betzer, prin- cipal of the East-side Champaign schools. Mr. Robinson has held some of the offices of Blue Ridge township. He made a visit to his native country in 1881. MR. LEONARD ROBERTSON, farmer, Farmer City, is a native of Mc- Lean county, from which place he moved to Piatt county in 1867. He first settled on the place of eighty acres upon which he now lives. He has put all the improvements on the place. About five hundred trees have been planted. One hundred rods of open ditching has been done, a barn was built in 1865, and in 1881 the neat frame resi- dence was erected. The farm is all under cultivation, and the average crop for fourteen years has been thirty-five bushels to the acre. He was married November 2, 1865, to Margaret Kennedy. They have no children of their own, but have adopted one, Lilian. Mr. Robert- son was school director three years and is trustee of town twenty. He went to the late war from McLean county in Co. K of the 26th 111. reg. He went out in 1861 and remained until 1865. He was with the regiment all the time and was in every one of the fifty-seven battles except one. According to the report from the adjutant-general's office, the regiment marched 6.931 miles. The principal battles were those of Atlanta, Corinth, Island No. 10, Kenesaw Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Yicksburg. MR. FRANCIS A. Ross, merchant, Mansfield, is a native of New Jersey, and is of English and German descent. His people came to Illinois about 1843, and some of them are living at. White Hall now. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 623 He was married December 31, 1863, to Francis Cotter, a native of Green county, Illinois. Her people came to Illinois at quite an early day. His father is the oldest citizen of White Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ross have one son, Albert. They moved to a farm four miles north of Mansfield in 1865, after which they moved to Farmer City, and then about eight years ago settled in Mansfield. He first opened a grocery store and then made his store one of general merchandise. Mr. Ross has been a merchant of Mansfield longer than any other merchant there. At present he is a member of the town board and one of the strongest temperance men of the place. He was in the late war for one and a half years. After the battle of Belrnont he was taken sick and was sent to the hospital. ME. J. H. RITCHIE, present street commissioner and constable, was married in McLean county, has one child and moved to Piatt county in 1872. In 1873 he moved into Mansfield. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge. MB. WILLIAM RUCKMAN (deceased) came to Sangamon township, Piatt county, about 1850. His wife died in about a year after their coming to the county, and left four children. Of tthese, Harriet married John Miller, who was killed in the army. She next mar- ried John Shepherd, but died about 1874. She was the mother of three children. Nancy married George Davis, who was a soldier in the late war, has six children, Louisa, Irene, Harvey, Bessie, Mahala, and an infant, and lives in Blue Ridge township; James W. Ruck- man is not married, but lives in Blue Ridge township ; T. J. Ruckman was married in November, 1871, to Martha McMillian, a native of Vir- ginia, and has two children, Clement and Edward. He owns eighty acres of land in Blue Ridge township, upon which he has put all the improvements. Over one hundred and fifty rods of tiling has been done, fruit trees have been planted, and the lumber is hauled for a new barn. The present residence was built in 1875. Mr. James M. Ruck- man also owned land in Piatt county. He and his sister kept house until his marriage when fifty-three years old to Mrs. Brown. He died about six years ago, leaving a wife and two children. His sister made her home, with T. J. Ruckman until her death, three years ago. She and her mother were members of the Presbyterian church of Monti- cello, and used to ride horseback fifteen miles in order to attend said church. MR. LEVI RICHNKR, millwright, Mansfield, is of German and Irish descent, and a native of Pennsylvania. He moved to Belmont county, 624 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. Ohio, in 1838, in 1847 to Monroe county, Ohio; thence to Champaign county, Illinois, in 1862. He lived in Champaign City seven years, then moved to the west half of section three in Blue Ridge in 1869. In 1873 he moved to Mansfield and built, in 1872, the only mill in the place, in which he has been most of the time since. He has plenty of mill work. His father, John Claudius Richner, was born in 1783, and was a soldier under Napoleon I in Germany. He was in the battles near Leipsic and Austerlitz. He came to America in 1806, and died when eighty-four years of age. His mother was of Irish descent. The subject of our sketch studied his trade in Ohio. He built a mill in Urbana, two in Champaign, several in Piatt county, besides others in the state. Mr. Richner considers this as good a county as there is in the state, and did what he could to locate the railroad in the county. He donated $50 to the Chicago & Paducah railroad. He owns a house and two lots in Mansfield, and built his present house in 1875. Mr. Richner was married in 1851, and has five children living: .John married Cynthia Marsh and is a butcher in Mansfield; George W., unmarried, is a miller in Mansfield, and has owned the mill since September 1, 1880 ; he attended the Illinois State University and studied mechanical engineering ; William (see his sketch) ; Anderson and Ida are at home. Her recent eighteenth birthday was celebrated by a party. MR. WILLIAM RICHNER, butcher, Mansfield, is a native of Ohio, from which place he moved to Champaign county, Illinois, in 1862, and to Piatt county in 1869. After moving into Mansfield, in 1874, he worked in a mill for a time, but in 1879 opened a butcher shop. He was married in 1879, to Alice Plummer, and has one child, Essie. Mr. Richner seems to have a preference for a certain date. He moved to Champaign county, to Piatt county, and was married on April 8. MR. WKSTLKY W. SMITH (deceased) was a native of Virginia, from which state he went to Ohio, where he was reared. He moved to Indiana in 1838, and in 1843 settled in Sangamon township, Piatt county, and entered the land where Alexander Argo now lives. He was married in 1836, to Eliza M. Cissna, who died of cholera July 8, ls.")4. Mr. Smith died in 1846. They had three children. Of these, Joshua was married in 1860, to Martha E. Dickson, and has two chil- dren living; he moved into Blue Ridge township in 1860, at which time he thinks there were but seventy voters in that township and less than one-fifth of the prairie was broken up. He went to the late war from Champaign county in Co. D, 25th 111. Vols. ; he was disabled near BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 625 Booneville, Mississippi, just after the evacuation of Corinth ; he was in no regular battle, but in a good many skirmishes ; in 1869. Joshua Smith moved just over the line into Champaign county ; Mary J. Smith became the wife of Mr. Me Lain and lives in Kansas City ; Westley W. Smith is in the west. MR. C. W. SNELL, merchant, Mansfield, is a native of Indiana, and moved to Piatt county, Blue Ridge township, in 1866. He came to Mansfield in 1877, and has been in the merchandise business for two years, but at first was a hotelkeeper. He and his wife own a business building and their residence and lot. He was married in Indiana in 1866, to America J. Rownd, a native of Kentucky. Seven of their eight children are living, Louis, Viola, Nellie, John, Curly, Charles and May. Mr. Snell went into the army from Indiana in 1862, in Co. E. 68th Ind. Inf. The principal battle he took part in was that of Chickamauga, where he was captured by the rebels and retained over fourteen months, in which time he was at Atlanta, Belle Island, Rich- mond, Danville, Charleston, Florena and Andersonville. While at these places he lost his health in a measure. He escaped twice from prison, once getting five miles away, and again sixty miles, but both times he was chased down by bloodhounds, and was made to retrace the sixty miles on foot from J- P.M. to 10 A.M. of the next day. It is his opinion that the book recently written about Andersonville is not overdrawn; that the half was not told in it. Mr. Snell is a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge. MR. F. SULLIVAN, harness maker, Mansfield, is a native of Ireland. He came to America in 1850, and settled in Vermont in 1851. He went to Massachusetts in 1861. and in 1862 went to New York, where he remained until 1870, when he came west to Bloornington. The same year he located at Mansfield, and erected the first house, a harness shop, in the corporation of Mansfield. When a schoolboy in Rutland, Vermont, in 1851, he was badly crippled, losing both of his feet. He was married in New -Jersey in 1870, to Margaret McCarthy, who died in 1880, leaving one boy, .lames. He was married again in 1881, to Bridget Sullivan. MR. C. M. STBEKTER, carpenter, Mansfield, was born in Ohio, and moved to Champaign. Illinois, in 1869. He came to Mansfield when there were but two or three houses built, and he has assisted in build- ing the most that have been erected since. He owns a house and two lots in the place. He was married in Ohio, to Pleasant Langham, and 626 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. has two children, John B. and Magnolia. Mr. Streeter went to the army from Ohio in Co. M of the 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery. DR. A. H. SCOTT, physician, Mansfield, is a native of West Virginia, and moved from there direct to Piatt county in 1872. He graduated in 181 from Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, and served four years as surgeon in the confederate army. At present his practice extends into DeWitt, Champaign and McLean counties. He has never been an office seeker, but has held the office of trustee of the town for four years. Mr. Scott was married in West Virginia to Martha Hogelarid, and three of their six children are living. Ida, who is the wife of A. M. Scott, lives in Champaign, and has three children, James and Lillie. Mr. Scott owns house and two lots in Mansfield. MR. J. C. SMITH, farmer, Farmer City, a native of Indiana, moved from that state to Illinois. He settled in Piatt county in 1868, and after working two years settled on the farm where he now lives. He owns 160 acres upon which he has put all improvements. The farm is in a good condition . A neat house and barn has been built, and about 1,000 rods of tiling has been put in. He married Lide Robinson and has had three children, Omer, Xora and Ray. Mr. Smith has not been left out of all the township offices. He has been school director and path master. MR. A. S. B. SMITH, farmer, Farmer City, was born in Indiana,, from which state he moved to Piatt county in 1872. He bought his present home-place of eighty acres in 1874, and has made all the improve- ments on it except a hedge. Tile ditching has been made to the extent of 250 rods, and there are about eighty rods of open ditching. The crop which brought Mr. Smith the most money for the amount of land used was his potato crop of 1881. He had three and a half acres of peachblow potatoes, which averaged eighty bnshels to the acre, and for which he received one dollar a bushel. He was married in 1877, to Bettie Cox, and has had two children, Effie and Arthur. MR. D. W. SMITH, farmer, Farmer City, was born in Indiana in 1829. His parents were from the same state and of English and Ger- man descent. His father's people were early settlers of Pennsylvania, and his grandfather was in the war of 1812. Mr. Smith moved to Piatt county in 1857, and now owns 220 acres of land in his home- place, and has made a good many improvements since buying it. He was married in 1854, to Mary Smith, and has had seven children, six of whom are living: Fannie, a student of the formal University, is BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 627 living at home: Ralph C. . married Linnie Cox; Sebra E. who has attended the State Xormal ; Florence L., Enmia F. and Elmer J. are at home. ME. MICHAEL THOMAS, fanner, Farmer City, is a native of Ohio. His parents were from Kentucky and Pennsylvania, and died in Illi- nois. His father went to Chillicothe, Ohio, when there was but one house in the place. From there he moved to Indiana in 1827, and in 1841 to Missouri, and in 1847 he settled in Illinois. Michael moved to Fiatt county in 1864, and bought the place he lives on, which is now owned by two of his sons. He used to hunt all over Blue Ridge township, and he says that if congress had offered to deed him land at that time he would have taken it as an insult. Pie assessed the town- ship about the year 1866. He went all over it on foot and received thirty dollars for the work. He was assessor at another time, and has been school director. At an early day he remembers of hauling corn to Champaign for ten cents a bushel. He was married in 1830, to Mary Marsh, and has had thirteen children, nine of whom are living : Abraham died in the army ; George married Susan Meliza, and lives in Iowa ; Almira married William F. Hicks, and lives in Kansas ; James went to the army, lost his health, both of mind and body, and is now at home ; Columbus married Anna Henline, has four children, and lives in Kansas ; A. Thomas married Nancy Smith, has two chil- dren, Fred and Dick, and lives in Blue Ridge township ; William mar- ried Nancy Perry, has one boy, Abraham, and lives in Blue Ridge township ; Robert lives at home. Mr. Thomas was married again in 1867, to Mrs. John Hart nee Catharine Kinser, who had four children by her first husband, one of whom, Hanna Alma Hart, is living. Since her last marriage she has one daughter, Nellie May, who is at home. MR. ISAAC W. THOMAS, formerly a resident of Piatt county, came with his parents to Illinois in 1847. He was married in 1856, to Elizabeth Stucky. They have had live children, but none are living now. After marriage Mr. Thomas lived in Blue Ridge township, on the state road, until 1864, when he moved to Farmer City, where he now lives. MR. P. M. TAYLOR is a native of Virginia, and is of Irish and English lineage. His parents lived and died in Virginia. He lived in Vir- ginia until 1871, when he moved onto a farm about four miles from Mansfield. After living during the summer on the farm, he moved into Mansfield. He and Mr. S. H. Alexander owned the second store 628 HISTORY OF 1'IATT COUNTY. building in Mansfield. He afterward built the house he now lives in. At the present time (18.81) Mr. Taylor is police magistrate and notary public. He was married in 183T, to Ann V. Hider. He was married again in 18T7, to Frances E. Johnson. One daughter, Harriet A., married Minor Cunningham, December 23, 1868, and has six children. A niece, Fannie Taylor, has made her home at Mr. Taylor's ever since she was three years old, ever since her mother's death. MR. GARRKTT VAN METER (deceased) was a resident of Virginia. In 1852, through an agent, he entered six and a quarter sections of land in the vicinity ot what is now Van Meter Station. The land re- mained idle until in 1864, when Jacob Van Meter began breaking it. The owner of the land never saw it but once, and that was in the fall of 1864. He died about the close of the war, and his widow moved to this county in 1867. A portion of the land has been sold, but she and her nine children are living on the remaining part. Her son, Solomon, married Miss A. Parsons, has two children, William Thomas and Lelia Vernon, and lives in Blue Ridge township. Jacob Van Meter was married in 1857, to Anna M. Harness, a native of Virginia. Seven of his children are living: Margaret is the wife of Robert Sher- rard, a grain merchant in McLean county, and has one child. His other children, Kate, John, Oliver, Susan, Nannie T. and Sally H. are at home. He moved onto the farm in 1864, and built his present residence about one year later. He now owns eighty acres of land, upon which he has put all the improvements. He donated the land for Fairview school-house. He has been commissioner of highways, was school director for eighteen years, and held the office of super- visor for four years. Mr. Charles Van Meter improved the farm of 160 acres which he lives on. He has planted about a thousand trees on the place, and has built a neat frame residence on the south side of the Ridge. According to Gen. Mansfield, the ground is sixty feet higher than it is at Mansfield, and the name of the home is "Fairview " or "Sunnyside." Mrs. Van Meter, her sons Garrett and Isaac, and her daughter Tabitha live, with Charles Van Meter in this house. Will- iam C. married Maggie Chambers, and has five children, Xora O., Kenny C., Lena H., Tabitha V. and Virginia. Ann Rebecca Van Meter is the wife of Rev. M. Crews, a Methodist minister, and lives near Van Meter switch ; Miss Tabitha's land is under cultivation, and there are three houses on it. Garrett Van Meter owns 160 acres of land, upon which he has planted some 200 trees. He has put in 200 rods of tiling, and every acre of land is under cultivation. Sally Van BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 629 Meter was married in 1876, to Mr. Edwin S. Cunningham, who moved into the county in 1881. They own a farm of 320 acres, which is all under cultivation. There are two houses on the place, and prepara- tions are being made for other improvements. Mr. Garrett Van Meter Sr., used to own some land in Moultrie county. His agent there in selling the land made some mistake in the titles, and not long since one of the buyers found the title of his land questionable. He started out to find the signers of the deed, and accidentally found that there were some Van Meters in Piatt county. He came in search of them, and in a very few hours after his arrival had seen every one of the nine signers of the deed. MK. PI. M. VINING, farmer, Mansfield, is of English descent, and was born in Ohio. He moved from Franklin county to Piatt county, Illinois, in 1850, and in 1871 moved into Mansfield, where he owns three houses and six lots. He also owns 120 acres of land in Blue Ridge township, which is all under cultivation. His father was one of the Worthington Company, from Massachusetts and Connecticut, which located in Ohio in 1804, and he was in the war of 1812. Mr. Vining was married in 1849, to Mary J. Ruckman, who has lost one child. They have raised two children not their own. Nancy Ruck- man, now Mrs. George Davis, has six children ; Maud Slater is still at home, and the name of the other is Ida Shepherd. When Mr. Vining came to the county he had but $4.50. Mr. Argo seemed to be his best friend. One winter his last $5 bought a barrel of fish, and the family had to live on that with what they had raised. He did not come to the connty too late to miss all of the trials common to new settlers. MK. RICHARD WKBB, an early settler of Piatt county, now living in Farmer City, was born May 6, 1799, in Shelby county, Kentuckv. His parents were from Virginia, and settled in Kentucky " when the Indians were scalping." His father, though over age, took his eldest son's place in the aTmy, and was killed in the war of 1812. His mother came to Illinois and died here. Mr. Webb moved to Illinois November 16, 1833. He first settled in Illinois on Salt creek, and a portion of his land was within the present bounds of Piatt county. lie rented his farm near Farmer City, and entered forty acres, which was a portion of what has long been known as the Gardner farm. He made the first improvements on this place. After living here about four years he sold out to .James Watson. On July 28, 1828, Mr. Webb and Hettie E. Watson were united in marriage. Their daughter 630 HISTOKY OF PIATT COUNTY. Caroline became the wife of James Busey, has three children and lives in Missouri. Dulcina died when seventeen years old. Mary J. mar- ried John Williams, who died, leaving two children. She next married Charles Williams, has live children and lives in Farmer City. Armilda became the wife of William W. Watson, and has seven chil- dren living. Henry W. married Sophronia Campbell, has three children and lives in Farmer City. Lucy Ann married F. J. Hefling, and died in 1875. Charles Allen, who has been deaf and dumb ever since he was two years old, was educated for eleven years at Jackson- ville. He is now at home. William G. married Emma Shaw, has two children, Fred F. and Louis Allen, and lives in Piatt county. The first Mrs. Richard Webb died in 1847, and Mr. Webb married Mrs. Anderson, nee Elizabeth M. Hulsey. She is a native of Indiana, was reared in Kentucky and was married in Bloomington to Dr. John Anderson. He left one daughter, the wife of Mr. John Cheney, of Bloomington. Only one of Mrs. Webb's last four children is living. Miss Laura, one of the most successful teachers in Farmei City, although not a graduate, attended school at Bloomington, and has quite a good practical education. The subject of our sketch carries his age well. He says he has good health, and has had for forty years. His hearing is good. He thinks he owes a share of his good feelings to the fact that he takes a glass of warm water each morning. MR. JOSEPH WOODING, farmer, Galesville, was born in Northamp- ton county, England. He came to America when fourteen years old, and landed in Pennsylvania, but his folks settled in New Jersey. He moved from there to Fulton county, Illinois, and in 1860 settled in the northern part of Goose Creek township. Mr. Wooding's mother and three of her sons came to Illinois, but Joseph is the only one now left. Mr. Wooding moved onto the place he now lives on in 1870. He owns 156 acres, upon which he has put all the improvements. About five hundred fruit trees and seven hundred walnut trees have been planted. There is open ditching to the extent of 300 rdtts, and 160 rods of ditching has been made with a mold ditcher. In 1874 a good-sized ten room frame house was erected. Mr. Wooding has been successful as a fanner. In 1871 his corn averaged seventy bushels to the acre, and in 1880 the average was fifty bushels. In 1878 and 1879 his wheat averaged forty bushels to the acre. He was married January 1, 1866, to S. Elizabeth Littleton, and has had five children, two of whom are living, Willard Earl and Stella Pearl. He has not escaped his share of office-holding since living in the county. He has been school director, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 631 and was trustee for nine years. Mr. Wooding says that when lie first came to the county no consideration could have persuaded him to remain, had he not leased the land where he was. He experienced some of the hardships incident to the early settling of any country. Mr. Wooding kept house once while his folks went to Fulton county, and for two whoie weeks he "never saw a living soul." He related to us his thoughts when he found the first wolf he had seen in the county. Pie started after it with a dog, and he was so certain of the capture of the animal that he even pictured to himself the manner in which he would snatch it by the heels and beat it to death. He soon saw that his plans and the wolf had gone "a-gley." MR. WILLIAM WARREN, farmer, Mansfield, came from England to America about 1855, and remained in Auburn, New York, several years. He then came to Piatt county, and remained until 1862, when he left his family here and went to California, returning in 1865. He was married in 1859, to Ann E. Gordon. They built their present nice residence in 1874. They have five children, John Franklin, Nancy Jane, Thomas Henry, Emily and Charlie, all at home. Mr. Warren returned to England on a visit in 1875. MR. JOHN WARREN, farmer, Mansfield, is from Sussex county, England. He came to New York in the fall of 1853, and about 1859 came to Illinois. He was married in England, to Miss Isaacson. Of his children, John married Miss Wolf and lives in this county ; and the names of the others are Mary V., Josephine K., George T., Susan and Anna. Mr. and Mrs. Warren were the first married couple to leave Exning, Suffolk county, England, for America. Their fathers are still living in "England, and the Warren brothers here have paid their father's rent in England for twelve years. When Mr. Warren first came to the county he worked for- Cope & Willis. He began with $40 in money, and now owns 200 acres of land, which he has improved himself. He moved to the present home place in 1866, and now, comparatively, their trials are over. The family belonged to the Episcopal church, and after coming to the county, did not hear their own church service for fifteen years. They were on the prairie without trees so long that Mrs. Warren actually forgot "when apple trees bloomed." MR. S. R. WALKER, Mansfield, is of Scotch and English descent, and his childhood home was in Saratoga county, New York, and in the vicinity of some of the revolutionary battle-fields. Stillwater and Bemis Heights were not far distant. In the battle which occurred 39 632 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. October 7, 1777, Gen. Frazer received his mortal wound fifteen rods distant from, and was carried to, Mr. Walker's home. Mr. Walker has a piece of a plank of the floor of the house in which Gen. Frazer died. Mr. Walker has many relics from the battle-fields referred to, where skeletons of a number of men were plowed up. He has a copy of Burgoyne's orderly book arid a register which contains the autograph of John Q. Adams and several other great men of the United States. We are very glad to have this opportunity of speaking of Mr. Walker's interesting relics. Mr. Walker was married twice in New Jersey. He came to Illinois in 1865, and his second wife died in Champaign county. He moved to Mansfield, April 3, 1870. At this time the station house was unfinished. He acted as agent for the railroad for a time for nothing, when he was employed as agent, and remained such until 1875. He was also a lumber merchant and dealt in farming implements. He thinks the first article shipped to Mansfield for sale was a corn-planter for C. W. Van Meter, and it is yet good. Mr. Walker was made postmaster August 5, 1870. He was married in Bloomington, in 1872, has six children, three of whom are at home, and lives in one of the first and largest houses in Mansfield. MK. EDWARD WALKER, Mansfield, was the first station agent at Blue Ridge, and began work in December, 1877. He was first post- master too. Mr. Walker was married April 4, 1877, to Miss Alice M. Roseberry, and has two boys, John R. and Earl D. MR. .1. W. WALKKR, merchant, Mansfield, was born in Ross county, Ohio. He moved from thereto Macon county about 1865, thence to Champaign county, then to De Witt, and finally located in Piatt county in 1876. He began immediately as a merchant, and owned the building he now occupies, but has sold it, and is building a commodious business house, the largest in town, 22x70 feet ; the upper part will be used for a hall. He expects soon to use it for general merchandise. He owns the dwelling that is on the lot with Business house. Mr. Walker was married in Champaign county about 1872, to Eliza Cunningham, and two of their four children are living, Harlow A. and Roy. Mr. Walker has been township collector for two years. His grandfather was in the war of 1812. DR. I. M. WELLS, Mansfield, was born in 1814, in Pennsylvania, but was raised in Ohio, to which state he was brought by his father when but two years old. Dr. Wells moved from Ohio to Wisconsin, where, in Calumet county, he remained nineteen years, and then moved to Piatt county in 1872. He studied medicine under a physi- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 633 cian, and after coining to this county did a small amount of practicing in connection with his drug business. He was married in 1841, to Elizabeth Pemrose, who died, leaving one daughter, Mary E., who married Hugh McDonald, and lives in Ohio. He was again united in marriage in 1853, to Susan Miller, and has three daughters, Edwina, Eudora arid Berletta. Dr. Wells went to the army from Wisconsin in Co. E of the 21st reg., and served from 1862 to 1864, taking part in many skirmishes and the battles of Perryville. . Since coming to the county he was elected justice of the peace. MR. GEORGE A. WHEELER, farmer, Farmer City, a native of Con- necticut, moved from that state to Peoria county, Illinois, when thir- teen years of age, and in 1867 settled on his present home-farm in Piatt county. He owns 159 acres of land, and donated one acre to the Bethel church. He has made all the improvements on the place, includ- ing the planting of some 800 fruit trees, and the making of ditches sufficient to put the entire place under cultivation. The best corn crop he has raised was eight years ago, when from sixty acres he got about 4,200 bushels of corn. He was married December 11, 1867, to Mar- tha Milam, and has had five children, Charlie E., Frank L., Ida M., Edgar A. and George L. He is road commissioner at the present, has been school director for three or four years, and is trustee of the Bethel church. MR. JOHN WARNKK, farmer, Mansfield, is a native of Ohio, from which state lie moved to Champaign county in 1853. He moved to Piatt county in 1854, and has lived here ever since. He married Elizabeth Cherry, and has nine children living : Jacob is in Kansas ; Sarah married Win. Kinser, and has three children ; George, Reuben, Jerry, Mary Ann, Chas. and William are the names of the other children. MR. A. J. WYSONG, contractor and builder, Mansfield, is of German descent, and is a native of Ohio, from which state he moved to Indiana. He came to Illinois in 1869, and in 1872 located in Mansfield, where he owns a dwelling-house and carpenter shop and one lot. He has been contracting for and building houses in and about Mansfield for about eight years. He built Mr. Pittman's and Mr. John Dickson's residences, and at present is building a store-building for Mr. J. W. Walker. Mr. Wysong was married about 1874, to Lavina Hilligoss, who died, leaving two sons, Ottie and Theodore. At present he is a member of the town board. 634 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY. ADDITIONAL MATTER. MR. WM. BRYDEN (deceased) moved from Scioto county, Ohio, to Piatt county in 1846. A distant relative of his, James Bryden, had been in the country the year before, and induced him to move there. He bought a farm near the head of Goose creek, and lived on it until his death. The place is still known as the Bryden place. Mr. Bry- den's eldest daughter, Mary, became the wife of Hiram Dillon, who owns a farm in Goose Creek township. She died in 1881, leaving one son, Robert ; Katharine married James Piatt ; James Bryden first married Miss E. Swain, who died, leaving one child. He next married Mary Sadorus, has several children and lives in California. Wm. Bryden, who died in 1866, married Mary J. Piatt ; Robert Bryden recently moved to Kansas ; Jack Bryden is married and lives in Kan- sas ; Olive became the wife of Noah Piatt, and now resides in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bryden met with a serious accident which caused his death. After the return of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Piatt from Califor- nia, Mr. Bryden and his wife started to ride down to inquire about their relatives in California. When near the residence of Mr. Ezra Marquiss, their old nag became frightened and threw them from the buggy. Mr. Bryden was so injured that he died in a few hours. Mrs. Bryden was severely injured, but recovered. Her death occurred several years after that of her husband. INDEX. ILLINOIS STATE HISTOEY. CHATTER I. Topography of Illinois . . . CHAPTER II. Origin of Prairies CHAPTER III. The Mound-Builders CHAPTER IV. The French Illinois CHAPTER V. Indians in Illinois Illinois Indians Sacs and Foxes Kickapoos Pottawatomies Shabbona Illinois in Pontiac's Conspiracy .... Winnebago and Black Hawk Wars Indian Manners and ( 'ustoms CHAPTER VI. Illinois a Dependency of Canada. . Province of Louisiana Company of the West Illinois Under Royal Governors. . Illinois a British Province Illinois a County Northwestern Territory Tecumseh's Conspiracy 9 11 14 17 25 26 28 29 29 31 32 3(5 45 48 48 49 49 50 51 51 52 Indiana Territory 53 Illinois Territory 54 CHAPTER VII. Illinois a State 58 Governor Bond 59 Governor Coles 60 Governor Edwards 60 Governor Reynolds 61 Governor Duncan 62 Governor Carlin 62 Governor Ford 63 Governor French 64 Governor Matteson 65 Governor Bissell 66 Governor Yates 67 Governor Oglesby 68 Governor Palmer 69 Governor Beveridge 69 Governor Cullom 69 CHAPTER VIII. Illinois in Mexican War 70 CHAPTER IX. Illinois in Late War. 74 CHAPTER X. Railroads in Illinois 78 Officers of State of Illinois 85 History of Piatt County 91 The Historian's Task 91 PIATT COUNTY HISTORY. CHAPTER I. Piatt County 93 Area 93 Topography 93 Hydrography 94 Mounds 95 Climate 95 Agricultural Products 95 Fruit 96 Stock 96 Markets 97 Manufactures 97 CHAPTER II. Geology of Piatt County 98 CHAPTER III. Flora of Piatt County 100 CHAPTER IV. Fauna of Piatt County 117 CHAPTER V. Customs of the Olden Time . . 122 636 INDEX. CHAPTER VI. Piatt County 1 28 Indians in the County 130 Organization and Name of County 131 First Settlements 133 First Births and Deaths 136 Deep Snow 136 Sudden Freeze 137 Early Mills 139 Early Administration of Justice . 140 Judiciary, County Officers and Election Returns 140 Lincoln 143 The Press 144 Pioneer Physicians 145 Pioneer Lawyers 146 Poor Farm 14< Court-houses 147 Agricultural Society 148 Roads 148 Railroads 150 Cll \ITEK VII. Schools of the County 1 54 Teachers' Institutes 155 ( \ uninon School Funds 159 Schools of Bement Township. . . 162 Schools of Monticello Township. 161 Schools of Ccrro Gordo Township 164 Schools of Goose Creek Township 166 Schools of Sangamon Township. 166 Schools of Willow Branch Town- ship 167 Schools of Unity Township 168 Schools of Blue Ridge Township 168 CHAPTER VIII. The Temperance Movement in the County 16!) CHAPTKR IX. Patriotism of Piatt County 177 War Incidents and Anecdotes 179 Record of Piatt County Soldiers. . . 182 9th 111. Inf 182 14th 111. Inf 182 17th 111. Inf 182 21st 111. Inf 182 26th 111. Inf 186 34th 111. Inf 186 35th 111. Inf 1S6 38th 111. Inf 187 39th 111. Inf 187 41st 111. Inf 187 49th 111. Inf KS7 54th 111. Inf 188 62dlll. Inf 189 63d 111. Inf 189 72dlll. Inf W> 73rd 111. Inf 192 99th 111. Inf 195 107th 111. Inf 115th 111. Inf ll(5th 111. Inf 150th 111. Inf 2dIll.Cav 5th 111. Cav 7th 111. Cav 10th III. Cav 16th 111. Cav 1st Reg. Light Artillery. CHAPTER X. The Snow Birds and their Rela- tives Hayworth, Geo Martin, James Daggott, Mr Ingram, Mrs Henline, Nathan The Piatts and their Relatives. . Piatt, Jas. A Piatt, Wm. H Anniversary Rhyme Piatt, John Piatt, James A Piatt, Richard F Piatt, Noah Piatt, Jacob Piatt, Mary .1 Piatt, John Piatt, Abraham Piatt, Donn . Piatt, William Piatt, Michael Andrew, John Andrew, James Pyatt, Dr. E. A Honselman, Ann Piatt, Chas. O 195 207 207 208 208 212 212 212 214 214 214 214 215 215 215 216 224 224 226 227 229 230 230 231 231 231 232 233 234 234 235 285 235 236 236 236 CHAITEU XI. Monticello Township -':!7 City of Monticello 24 1 Monticello Churches 245 Monticello M. ft. Church 245 Monticello Presbyterian Church 246 Monticello Fraternal Lodge, No. 58 248 Mark well Chapter 248 Monticello Council 249 I. O. O. F., No. 145 249 Selsih Lodge, No. 403 250 Loan Association 250 ( II APTER XII. Biographical Sketches of Monti- cello Township 251 Ater. Thomas 251 Ater, Edward 252 Adkins, Frank 252 Alexander, Rev. Geo 253 Allerton, Samuel 253 INDEX. 63T Arndt, John 253 Allmaii, James 254 Anderson, Wm 255 Ayre, R. T 255 Ayre, John V 255 Barnes, Wm 255 Barnes, Jno 256 Bender, Samuel 257 Bender, Jerry 258 Bond, L. J 258 Britton, Jno 258 Brittenham, Jno. A 259 Bowman, Reuben 260 Brown, James 260 Baker, Jeremiah 261 Bartley, Harrison 261 Boyer, A. G 262 Barlow, Wm 262 Betts, Jonathan 262 j Blackshaw, Dr. E 263 Bond, D. S 263 Bush, O. P 263 Seattle. Wm 264 Bohn, J 264 Beck, John 264 Burgess, G. A 264 Bulla, C 264 Cline, E/ra 265 Coffin, Nelson G 265 Connor, Abner 266 Class, James 266 Coleman, Dr. J. W 266 Cox, Wilson F 267 Carper, Dr. J. H 269 Carlin, Daniel 269 Casey, Lawrence 270 Conard, Amos 270 Conard, P. H 270 Cantner, D. G 270 Campbell, James E 270 Devore. Nicholas 271 Dighton, A. J 271 Dighton, John 275 Dyer, Isaac 275 Dickerson, M. M 276 Deardurff, D. W 277 Dawson, Geo. R 277 Dove, Jno. R 277 Davis, C. P 277 Davidson, M. R 278 Dresback 278 Duvall,J 278 Davison, J. W 279 Emerson, Hon. Chas 279 Emerson, Albert 279 Evans, Jos. E 280 Ernig, Zachariah 280 England, A. T 280 Eshelman, W 280 Fisher, E. P 281 Foster, Wm 281 Funk, H. B 281 Famulener, Chas 282 Foust, A. J 282 Farra, R. H 282 Garver, Samuel 282 Gray, J.T 283 Gross. Theodore 286 Hart, James 286 Hott, Jacob 287 Hull. Dr. P. K 287 Hunter, Wm 288 Harris Brothers 289 Hennion, Abraham 289 Holmes, James 289 Hill, J. A 290 Huston, Susan 290 Huston, Lettie 290 Huston, Rachel 290 Huston, John 290 Huston, Harvey E 290 Hubbell, S. H 291 Hays, John 292 Hanks, Wm 292 Hicks, J. B 293 Hazzard, Michael 293 Huston, "Reber 294 Hughes, Charles 294 Kitchens, Peter 294 Ilammersmidt, L 294 Hoffhines, Elias 295 Harding, James 295 Hettinger, W. M 295 Johnson, J. C 295 Jones, Dr. B. B 296 Jackson, Henry 297 Jones, T. L 2!>7 Jones, Jonas 297 Jamison, Lev! 298 Johnson, Franklin 298 Jones, S. H 298 Kee, Joseph 298 Riser, J. F , . 299 Knight, E. G 299 Keyes, H. W 299 Kousho, John 299 Knott, Dr. A. B 299 Lodge. W. E 300 Lowry, Baron T 300 Lewis, Geo. B 302 Lurnsden, E. W 302 Loy, D. 302 Lee, Dr. Levi M 302 Markel, Benjamin. . . : 303 Moffitt, Thomas 303 Mclntosh, Martin 309 Me Williams, David 309 McCune, Martin 310 Musser, Capt, Melville H 310 Moore, H. V 310 Moffitt, Dr. James 311 Morrison, A. F 311 638 INDEX. Murphy, James H 31 1 McGuffey, Ebenezer 312 Mulford, Smith 312 Minear, Mrs. Samuel 312 McKinney, A. M 312 Noecker, Dr. Wm 313 Neal, Samuel 314 Nichols, P. T 314 O'Connor, Timothy 315 Osborne, Chas 315 Pipher, A. T 315 Perkins, Alexander 316 Peters, Herbert D 317 Preston, James 317 Ping, Abraham 317 Patton, F. M 317 Paugh, T. S 317 Plunk, Wm. H 317 Pursel, George 318 Pittman, Frank 318 Pinckard, Geo. R 318 Rhoades, Daniel 318 Rhoades, Nathan E 319 Rhoades, E 319 Rodgers, A. L 319 Reed, S. R 320 Rhoades, Geo. F 320 Rhoades, Thomas 320 Rankin, W. H 321 Russel, John 321 Royse, Henry 321 Suver, Samuel 321 Stickel, Daniel 321 Smith, Jacob 322 Smock, Samuel 323 Steel, Israel 323 Savage, Moses P 323 Smith, Wm. E 324 Shultz, Wm. D 324 Stevens, Andrew 325 Seits, S. W 325 Stevens, F. G 325 Sackriter, Henry 325 Squier, Levi P 326 Saint, H. II 326 Tinder, Asher W 326 Thomas, Henry 327 Tippett, James 327 Tatman, Riley :5i>8 Thompson, C. N 328 Trowbridge, A. B 328 Ward, Christopher R 329 Wiley, A. J 330 Watts, Chas 331 Weaver, L. B 331 Woolington, Jno 332 Wildman, A. H 332 Winchester, R. B 333 Wegenroth, C. B 333 Webster, S. B 334 Webster, Wm. C 334 Warrick, G. R 334 Zybell, A 335 CHAPTER XIII. Bement Township 335 Article by L. B. Wing 336 Bement and Early Settlements. . 338 Bement Churches 343 Bement M. E. Church 344 Bement Episcopal Church 344 Bement Christian Church 345 Bement Presbyterian Church. . . 345 Bement Catholic Church 348 Bement Societies and Associa- tions 349 Ivesdale 352 CHAPTER XI V. Bement Biographical Sketches. . . . 353 Alvord, Joseph F 353 Bodman, Joseph 353 Bodman, Luther 354 Bryant, Francis E : 354 Bodman, S. K 357 Body, Thos. C 357 Bell)T. Geo 357 Bell, Jno. D 357 Bacon, B. B 358 Boggs,A. J 358 Boggs, Mrs. A 359 Barnes, Jacob H 359 Burgess, Henry B 359 Bentley, Jno. F 360 Ball, Oliver 360 Bridges, C. H 360 Camp, J. H 360 Camp, Wm. M 360 Camp, J. M 361 Camp, Curtis 361 Camp,H. N 361 ( 'amp, E. C 362 Cloyd, W. G 362 Coffin, Win. D 362 Corser, Frank 362 Cooper, J.B 362 Cole, D. S 363 Correll, D. A 363 ( 'onnor. Thomas 363 Cain, Patrick 363 DeHart, John 364 DawjSf >n, David 364 Davis, Edmund 364 Drum, Eli 364 Dunn, Thomas 365 Dawson, George 3(>t> Duell, M. E 366 Donohue, Thomas 366 Duncan, P. A 366 Daniels, A. E 366 Douglass, A. C 367 Evans, J. C 367 INDEX. 639 Force, James 367 Fisher, Hugh 368 Fisher, Charles 368 Fry, John 368 Fisher, Robert 368 Fisher, Elihu 369 Farnsworth, E.L 369 Farnkoff, Joseph 369 Foohy, Timothy 369 Godwin, W. A 370 Ganley, Wm 370 Hopkins, B. G 370 Hawkes,S.B 372 Hill, Joshua 372 Hubbell, Charles B 372 Hetishee, John 372 Hinkle, N. G 373 Hammond, W. W 373 Haldeman, Horace 373 Haldernan, Wm 373 Hays, H. M 374 Hays, Abraham 374 Hackler, Geo. H 374 Hoffheines, Levi 374 Haldeman, Abraham 377 Hartman, Joseph 377 Heberline, F. A 377 Johnson, Wm. A 377 Jones, J. P 378 Klapp, Dr. J. R 378 Knapp, J. F 379 Kiinmel, Dr. D. D 380 Kimel, John A 380 Kennedy, Wm 380 Leal, Dr. J. H 381 Lucas, John A 381 Lamb, Robert 381 Mitchell Dr. Thos. J 381 Moore, Joseph 382 Murphy, John 382 Moma," John H 382 Maxfield, George W 382 Miller, J. C 384 Miller, George 384 McGaffey, Charles 385 M,ullikin, Harvey 385 Mutherspaugh, Jacob 385 Mitchell, Emor H 385 Martin, H 386 McCord, J. C 386 Niles, D. C. W 387 Nichols, G. C 387 Newton, A. D 387 Parker, Wm 388 Pettit, T. T 388 Pettit, Marion 388 Postlethwait, Thos 389 Peairs, J. S 389 Priestly, S. B 389 Quick, 'Smith 389 Quick, James 390 Routh, Mrs. James 390 Ruby, V. S 391 Ringland, Rev. A. W 391 Rush, Peter 392 Roy, John 392 Rose, Chris 392 Rheinhart, S 392 Ruan, Patrick 392 Sparks, J. O 392 Spear, G. L 393 Scott, I. W 393 Smith, F. H 394 Sprague, Maro 394 Stadler, Geo. H 395 Stout, Amos 395 Swaney, Dr. E 39 Show, G. W 396 Sunderland, Martin 396 Tenney, Chas. F 396 Thomas, Royal 397 Trabue, W. C 397 Thompson, G. W 398 Vance, N. N 39S Vaughan 398 Wing, L. B 399 Webster, C. T 399 Weinstein, Edward 400 Welch, Patrick 400 Yost, Caroline 400 CHAPTER XV. Unity Township 401 Early Settlement of Unity Town- ship 402 Harshbarger Church 402 Mackville 403 Atwood 404 Royal Templars 405 Mutual Aid Association 405 Hammond 405 Pierson 407 Baptist Church 407 CHAPTER XVI. Biographical Sketches of Unity Township 410 Baker, J. H 410 Baker, Isaac 410 Bryson, Samuel 410 Blackwell, Thos 412 Butler, P. J 412 Browning, Franklin 412 Bunyan, Azor 413 Bryson, J. A 411 Barritt, John 411 Crain, John 413 ('rain, Frank 414 Shyder, Volney 413 Bowls, James 414 Cantrall, J. R 414 < 'lark, Alfred 414 640 INDKX. Chambers, O. T. . .- 415 Chambers, H. P 415 Carter, G. W 415 Lowther, J. W 416 Deeds, Mrs. Geo 417 Dudley, S. S 417 Davies, James 418 Easton, John H . . . 418 Eyrse, James M 419 Fay, Ezra 419 Ford, John 420 Fulton, Isaac 420 Gregory, Gamaliel 420 Greene, Gilbert 420 Gray, J. W. C 421 Gross, Henry 421 Gordon, John 422 Goodson, George 422 Goodson, John 422 Griflin, Robert 422 Harshbarger, Daniel 423 Harsh barger, Samuel 425 Harsh barge r, Michael 426 Helton, Richard 426 Hawks, J. A 427 Hageman, S. V 427 Kagey, John W 427 Karikofe, Samuel 427 Riser, T. J 428 Riser, Win. R 428 Love, John 428 Lowe, John 431 Livingood, T. F 431 Leavitt, Win. G 432 Listen, Win. A 432 Lynch, J. W 433 Monroe, Jesse 433 I Monroe, William 434 Monroe, Richard 436 Moore, Joseph 436 Moore, Benj 438 Moore, Isaac 439 Moore, Luther 439 Maxey, Peter 440 McDowel, Jas 440 Masterson, Chris 441 Marshall, Dr. Jno 441 Miller, Isaac C 441 Mitchell, Jacob 442 Moon, Geo 442 McCabe, Jos 442 Myers, A. J 442 Merritt, J.W 442 Morris, Tho 445 Nolind, Geo. W 445 Noe, Dr. D. O 446 Newton, Olonzo 446 Nighswander, Jno 446 Owings, J. P 446 Orr, Baltus 447 Pemble, Jno 447 Ponder, J. P 447 Hancock, Levi 448 Richy, Theo 448 Richardson, Noah 449 Shonkwiler, Simon 449 Shonkwiler, Nathaniel 450 Snyder, Win. G 450 Stuve, Benard 452 Sampson, J. A 453 Shaw, Win 4">:> Spurling, Jacob 454 Sargent, Geo < 454 Smitson, Win. T 454 Smith, I. M 455 Tenbrooke, Jno 455 Tryon, Elijah 456 Temple, L. M 456 Terrill, J. N 457 Taylor, Hamilton 457 Talley, H. C 457 Turner, H. F 457 Quick, Benj 458 Vanhook, L. J 458 Wildman, E 458 Wharton, James 459 Wilson, Jan>es 459 Wprtham, Jno. R 459 Withers, Ephraim 459 Willey, Reuben 460 Weaver, Geo 460 Zorger, J. W 460 CHAPTER XVII. Cerro Gordo Township 461 Cerro Gordo 462 Cerro Gordo Churches 463 German Baptists 464 La Place 466 La Place Churches 466 Lintner 467 Milmine 467 CHAPTER XVIII. Biographical Sketches, Cerro Gordo Township 46S Armsworth, Scott 4(58 Adams, Peter 468 Auten, Joseph 469 Barber, Stillman 469 Barber, Hiram 470 Bowdle, F. A 470 Bowman, Benj 470 Burns, Jonathan 471 Barnwell, E. A 471 Brandenburg, Samuel 471 Chambers, J. R 472 Cox, A 472 Creighton, M 473 Clifton, V. B 473 Coddington, W. E 473 Gripe, E 473 INDEX. 641 Cripe, J 474 Cripe, Eli 474 Clay, Win. H 474 Conklin, Daniel 474 Dobson, Philip 475 Duell, Nelson 475 Dobson, Geo 475 Dilatush, Geo 476 Donaldson, W. F 476 East, Tho 476 Espy, David 479 Funk, Abraham 479 Farnsworth, Enos 479 Fry denser, Jacob 480 Fields, Jno 480 Fouts, Peter 480 Folrath, Peter 480 Gulliford, Win. and Rich 481 Green, H. N 481 Howell, Isaac 482 Howell, Joseph 482 Howell, Daniel 483 Havenar, W. T 483 Hanna, O. D 483 Heminger, Andrew 484 Hudgen, Robert 484 Harlan, O. J 485 Heath, Fred 485 Marsha, Dr. W. M 485 Humphrey, E. O 486 Jones, Dr. H. C 486 Jeflres, E. H 486 Kellington, D 486 Locke, A. H 486 McKinuey, Andrew 487 McKinney, Alex 487 McKinney. Isaac 487 McKinney, T. N 487 McKinney, Jno 488 Moyer, J.'H 488 Mitchell. Wm 489 Miller, James 489 McCruin, W. 489 Noble, L. D 489 Peck, Amos 489 Peck, Isaac, Peter and Wm. II . . 490 Pitts, Wm. L 491 Parmenter, A. B 491 Replogle, J. P. and Dr. P. S 492 Ryan, Jas ' 492 Stoner, G. W 492 Schoolcraft, James 493 Savior, D. C 493 Smith, Jno 493 Stocks, B. F 494 Shively, Jno 494 Seitz, I). W 494 Thompson, S. K 494 Wallis, Geo 495 Wilson. M. H 495 Voorhies, Wm 495 CHAPTER XIX. Willow Branch Township 496 Cisco 496 Biographical Sketches of Willow Branch Township 498 Armsworth, Bennet 498 Armsworth, Noah 499 Ater, Frank 499 Ater, Jno. S., Tho. J. and Nelson . 500 Adams, Henry 501 Armsworth, James 501 Adams. Madison 501 Alsbury, Jno 502 Baker/Wm. and S. M 502 Blood, Robert C 503 Croninger, Peter 503 Coonrod, Hanson 504 Conaway, Amos 504 Caldwell, Wm. B 505 Dillow, Michael 506 Dorr, Adam 506 Havely, Samuel D 506 Dooley, Benj. F 507 DiLsaver, Geo 507 Heath, Jno 508 Hiatt, Tho 510 Hassett, P. B 510 Kuns, David 510 Kuns, Henry 513 Kiest, John" 514 Lux, Peter 514 Madden, Win 515 Miles, Weston and Samuel 515 McArty, Wm. II 516 Moftitt, John 517 Moyer, David 517 McClure, Samuel 518 Mintun, John 518 Ownby, James 518 Peck, George 519 Peck, Wm. Monroe and David. . 520 Peck, Enoch and Abraham 521 Peck, Adinijah 522 Reeves, John 521! Smith, John A 523 Salyers, Robert C 523 Turner, Geo. M 523 Telford, AVm. H 524 Tallman, Wm 524 West, Jno 524 Widick, Cyrus 525 Watrous. 1 lenry 525 Winn, John W 526 Williams, A. J 527 Williams, T. B 527 Williams, C. C 527 Wood, J. W 528 Yoakum, Jesse 528 Yoakum, Seymour 529 Vent, James T '. 529 642 INDKX. CHAPTER XXI. Goose Creek Township 530 De Land 531 Churches of De Land 531 CHAPTER XXII. Biographical Sketches of Goose Creek Township Arndt, John Bailey, John Bailey, William Bondurant, Mrs. M Bondurant, N Bondurant, S Brown, James A Barnett, Wm. E Bryden, Robert Borton, A. R Borton, Joshua Bickle, John Barrow, J. F Boone, Isaiah Brans, R. H Collins, Abraham Churchill, Joel Combs, Isaac Carrington, J. R Carrier, John Chamberlain, C. F Corder, Geo. W Cresmer, Harmon Duvall, Geo Duvall, Robert Dewees, AVm Doyle, Michael Dewey, Edwin A Fithian, Rev. S Fitzwater, Jesse Gordon, J. B Hubbart, Richard Hubbart, William Harshbarger Housman, I. F Hughes, Henry Hutchinson, J. B Johnson, Wm Kirby, John Kesner, Benjamin Kesler, Salem Kirker, J. H Langdon, S. C Lubbers, Lubbert Marquiss, Abraham Marquiss, Ezra Marquiss, Henry Marquiss, Seymour McMillen, Thomas McMillen, Frank McMillen, George Miner, James Moody, R. B 533 533 533 533 534 535 535 535 536 536 537 537 537 537 537 537 538 538 538 539 539 539 540 540 540 541 541 541 542 542 542 543 543 544 544 547 547 548 548 548 548 54!) 54!) 54!) 550 550 551 552 553 553 553 554 McFadden, H. S 555 McBride, George 556 Merry, R. W 556 Marvel, L. C 557 .Martin, Wm. S 557 Marvel, M. D 557 Porter, H. G 558 Reid, James 558 Robison, Wm 558 Rankin, J. H 558 Rhinehart, James 558 Riddick, Samuel 559 Smith, Samuel H 559 Stottlemyer, F. J 559 Trenchard, Wm. 559 Tilson. Richard 560 Vail, John 560 Vittum, Harrison 560 Van Vickie, H 560 Yansyckel, John 561 Welch, Rev. Thomas 561 Welch, John 561 Welch, Mason 562 Warner, Jesse 562 Walker, Jesse 562 Wood, Dr. J. H 563 Wilson, Hugh 563 Williamson, J. A 563 CHAPTER XXIII. Sangamon Township 564 Centerville 565 White Heath 565 Galesville 565 Lodge 566 CHAPTER XXIV. Biographical Sketches 566 Argo, John 566 Andrew, J. E. 567 Branch, Thos. A 567 Bly, Joseph 568 Benson, Harvey 569 Burnett, H. E 569 Caldwell, Alvin 569 Coon, J. H 569 Coon, Jacob 570 Calef.Rufus 572 ('line, John 572 Cresap, Daniel 573 Carter, Turner 573 Dubson, Reuben 574 Evans, S. A 574 Fisher, John 574 Fisher, R.D 575 Fosnaugh, Ezra 575 Flaniuan, J. A 575 Groves, Geo. R 575 Hannah, Hugh V 576 Hart, John F 576 Heath. David 577 INDEX. 643 Hickman, Win 577 Haldeman, Samuel 578 Harper, Win 578 Howes, Eleanor 578 Henrie, Dr. J. M 581 Hubbart, James 581 Kinser, Win. M 581 Kerr, John 581 Kearney, Wm 582 Kerns, Price 582 Lodge, B. F 582 Marquiss, John 582 Maxwell, Joseph 583 Maxwell, John 584 Madden, John S 584 Madden, Richard 585 Mackey, Christian 585 Mackey, Joseph 585 Mackey, John 586 Mosgrove, John 586 McDonald, Wm 587 Norris, Isaac 587 j Newell, James 587 Peel.F.M 598 Oulery, Nicholas 598 Eeid, Nelson 589 Ridgly, Wm 589 Robinson, David 589 Smith, W. P 589 Spear, Adam 590 Stewart, Levi 590 Smith, Wm.H 590 Trotter, Jackson 591 Teats, Matthias 591 Unangst, Dr. W. B 591 Williams, I. V 591 White, J. M 592 Wack, Casper 593 Wolf, Harrison 594 Wilson, Henry C 594 Zumwalt, W. H 595 CHAPTER XXV. Blue Ridge Township 595 Mansfield 596 CHAPTER XXVI. Biographical Sketches 597 Athey, D. L 598 Bowman, Wm. T 598 Bruflet, Griffen 598 Buchanan, A. J 599 Barnhart, John 599 Clouser, George 600 Clouser, Samuel 601 Cox, LaFayette 601 Campbell, John 602 Crews, Rev. M 602 Cunningham, E. P 602 Dickson, Amos 603 Dickson, John M 603 Dawson, Wm (504 Dawson, Henrv 604 Denning, Jacob 605 Eakins, Joseph 605 F^vans, Abe .... 605 Fox, Fountain (506 Gillespie, H. K 606 Holloway, Isaiah 607 Harwood, Emory 608 Hilligos, J. W 608 Haggard, Tho. C 608 Heller, Joel 609 Hidy, H.C 609 Howe, Samuel 609 Jackson, Hiram 609 Jess, Wm 610 Jess, Thomas 610 Klinger, Daniel 611 Knapp, A. J 61 1 Keller, Wm. A 612 Littleton, Wm. S 612 * Langley, A. J 612 Lindsey, W. M 615 Lindsey, V. S 615 Mansfield, Gen. J. L 616 McKee, Samuel 618 McKee, Robert 619 Moberly, N. B 619 Meliza, Adam 619 Mark, George T 619 Miller, George 620 Pittmaii, A. F 620 Patterson, Janette 621 Robinson, Wm. L 622 Ross, Francis A 622 Ritchie, J, II 623 Ruckman, Win 623 Richner, Levi 623 Richner, Wm 624 Smith, Westly W 624 Snell, C. W 625 Sullivan, F 625 Streeter, C. M 625 Scott, Dr. A. H 626 Smith, J. C 626 Smith, A. S. B 626 Smith, D. W 626 Thomas, Michael 627 Thomas, Isaac W 627 Taylor, P. M '627 Van Meter, Garrett 628 Vining, H. N 629 Webb, Richard 629 AVoodi ug, Joseph 630 Warren, Wm 631 Warren, John 631 Walker, S. R 631 Walker, Edward 632 Walker, J. W 632 Wells, I. M 632 Wheeler, George A 633 Warner, John 633 Wysong, A. J 633 Bryden, Wm 634 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 077 1R7PS7 C002 HISTORY OF PIATT COUNTY CHICAGO 30112025396315