1 I B OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS S3O.7 IJGb tto.499-513 cop. 2 AGRICULTURE Library The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the hbrary from which it was withdrawn i or before the Latest Date stamped below , 333-8400 ARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LI61 O-1096 LIMOIS MT. MORRIS GALESBURG MILFORD URBANA SULLIVAN ALHAMBRA DIXON SPRINGS vs******* TESTS 1944 Bulletin 509 NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION in cooperation with ILLINOIS STATE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY . . . February, 1945 CONTENTS PAGE PLAN OF THE TESTS 455 WEATHER CONDITIONS 456 INSECT PESTS 457 DISEASE DAMAGE 459 MEASURING PERFORMANCE 461 TABLES SHOWING RESULTS OF TESTS Northern Illinois: Mt. Morris 463 Corn Borer Damage: Mt. Morris and Milford 464 Northern Illinois: Mt. Morris Summary , 465 West North-Central Illinois: Galesburg 466-467 East North-Central Illinois: Milford .468-469 South-Central Illinois: Sullivan 470 Southern Corn Rootworm : Sullivan 471 South-Central Illinois: Sullivan Summary 472 Southern Illinois: Alhambra 473-474 Extreme Southern Illinois: Dixon Springs, Bottomland 475-476 Extreme Southern Illinois: Dixon Springs, Upland 477 SOIL ADAPTATION TEST 477 INTERPRETING RESULTS 479 SUMMARY 480 PEDIGREES OF HYBRIDS '. . . .482 CONTRIBUTORS OF SEED 483 INDEX TO ENTRIES... ..483 Acknowledgment is due the following farm advisers for their collaboration in these tests: D. E. WARREN, Ogle county; A. R. KEMP, Knox county; H. D. VAN METRE, Iroquois county; and P. M. KROWS, Moultrie county. Urbana, Illinois February, 1945 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made or sponsored by the Experiment Station ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS 1944 By G. H. DUNCAN, J. H. BIGGER, A. L. LANG, BENJAMIN KOEHLER, and OREN BoLiN 1 NINETY-SIX PERCENT of the corn acreage in Illinois in 1944 was planted with hybrid seed. The average yield for the state was estimated to be 45 bushels an acre despite the fact that yields in some areas were seriously cut by too little rainfall. 2 Such a state average under the growing conditions of 1944 is evidence of the adaptability and drouth-resistance of hybrid corn. PLAN OF THE TESTS Number of hybrids and their source. Two hundred thirty-seven hybrids were grown on seven Illinois test fields in 1944. Thirty- four companies and individuals, including the Kansas as well as the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, furnished the seed for the tests. Seventy-two hybrids were tested at the Mt. Morris, Galesburg, and Mil ford fields; 60 at Sullivan and Alhambra; 60 on the bottomland field at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station, and 14 on the upland field. Most of the seed for planting the test fields was taken directly from the warehouses of the producers entering the corn. In a few instances producers delivered small quantities to the Experiment Station. Seed of Illinois and United States hybrids in commercial production was obtained from the Illinois Crop Improvement Association. Seed of Kansas hybrids and Illinois hybrids not in commercial production was supplied by the respective Experiment Stations. Most of the hybrids selected for testing are extensively grown. Some experimental hybrids were included because they had shown promise for commercial production in preliminary tests. A few hybrids were put in the tests mainly to meet the field-performance requirement for certification. 1 G. H. DUNCAN, Chief in Crop Production, A. L. LANG, Associate Chief in Soil Ex- periment Fields, BENJAMIN KOEHLER, Chief in Crop Pathology, OREN BOLIN, Assistant Chief in Plant Genetics, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station; J. H. BIGGER, Associate Ento- mologist, Illinois State Natural History Survey. 2 Estimates for the acreage of hybrid corn and the average yield for the state were furnished by the ILLINOIS COOPERATIVE CROP REPORTING SERVICE, Illinois State Department of Agriculture cooperating with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 455 456 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, Table 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Illinois Cooperative Hybrid Corn Tests, 1944 Num- Average Average Av - rae p County and loca- her Date Date acre-yield mois- Irect Field tion in state of planted harvested ture in ], entries Total Sound grain bu. bu. perct. Perct. Mt. Morris Galesburg Ogle (N) Knox (WNC). . . . 72 . 72 May 29, 30 May 20 Nov. 9, 10 Nov. 8 89.1 91.2 88.8 88.9 23.1 18.1 97.8 99.3 Milford Iroquois (ENC) . 72 June 5 Nov. 14 88.0 87.2 21.2 90.7 Sullivan Moultrie (SC) . 60 May 18 Oct. 24 91.6 90.7 16. S 76.8 Alhambra Madison (S) . 60 May 16 Oct. 10, 1 1 32.9 32.6 13.9 69.8 Robbs (Dixon Sp.) Pope (Ex. S) Bottomland . . . . . 60 14 June 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 1 48.5 22.0 47.4 21.0 20.4 18.3 100.0 99.6 COOPERATORS: EARL KUMP, Ogle county; EARL and WEBSTER GEHRING, Knox county; CROW'S HYBRID CORN COMPANY, Iroquois county; R. B. VANDEVEER, Farm Manager, Illinois Masonic Home Farm, Moultrie county. The Alhambra field iri Madison county is conducted by the Illinois Station. The Pope county field at Robbs is part of the Dixon Springs Experiment Station. Soil characteristics of fields. The test fields were medium to high in productivity, and each represents a soil type common to the region where it is located. Care was taken to have each field as uni- form as possible in soil type, productivity, and drainage. The field on the bottomland at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station at Robbs was the most variable in productivity, and the Alhambra field contained a number of "slick spots." Tests were conducted on the same farms as in 1943, but in different fields on these farms. The approximate location of the test fields is shown on the map on the front cover. General information on soil characteristics and soil management is given in Table 2. Method of planting. All test plots were planted by hand on land prepared in the regular way for corn. Each plot consisted of 2 rows 10 hills long, except on the bottomland field at Dixon Springs, where the plots were all 2 rows wide and 8 hills long. Three kernels were dropped in each hill except on both fields at Dixon Springs where only 2 kernels were planted. Six plots of each entry arranged in controlled random order were planted on all fields, and data from all plots were included in the results. The only correction for imperfect stand was an adjustment for missing hills. WEATHER CONDITIONS Wet weather delayed corn planting beyond the usual date in most sections of the state and especially in the extreme southern and eastern areas. Good stands were obtained on all the test fields. Deficiency of moisture during July and August was a severe handi- 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 457 Table 2. TESTING FIELDS: Soil Characteristics and Management Practices Lime Soil type require- Available Available Previous crops and ment phosphorus potassium soil management Northern: Mt. Morris tons Tama silt loam 3 Low Low Small grain 1942 ; clover hay and pas- ture 1943; moderate application of manure for corn. West north-central: Galesburg Muscatine silt loam 3 Medium Medium Corn 1936, 1937; oats 1938; clover 1939; corn 1940, 1941; oats-rape hog pasture 1942; clover 1943. Rock phosphate applied 1924; lime- stone applied 1941; manure applied ahead of first-year corn. East north-central : Milf ord Milford clay loam High Medium Alfalfa meadow 1942, 1943; rock phosphate applied for alfalfa. South-central : Sullivan Flanagan silt loam 2 High Medium Oats 1940; alfalfa 1940-1943 (fall- plowed); corn 1944. Southern : Alhambra Putnam silt loam None High Low Oats (sweet clover) 1941; soybeans 1942; wheat (sweet clover 1943). Extreme southern: Robbs (Dixon Springs) Upland field: Ava silt loam .. None Low Low Soybeans 1941; winter grain 1942; sweet and red clover 1943. Lime- stone and phosphate applied 1940. Bottomland field: Bonnie silt loam 2 Low Low Corn harvested for silage 1943, winter rye pasture plowed down for corn, ^ no soil treatment. R. S. SMITH, Chief in Soil Physics and Soil Survey, has approved the soil type designa- tion, uniformity, and physical characteristics of the above fields. cap to the crop in all sections of the state except the northern. It was most critical in the southern areas. The low average yields at Alhambra and on the Dixon Springs field at Robbs, as shown in Table 1, reflect the effect of the moisture shortage. Corn on the upland field at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station was almost a failure. INSECT PESTS Chinch bugs. The insect that caused the greatest damage to corn in Illinois in 1944 about 5 million dollars' worth was the chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus (Say). In the test field at Alhambra the damage was somewhat obscured by drouth damage. In late summer, however, it was possible to get 458 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, some measure of the destruction caused by this insect and correlate it later with the test weights of the grain. The hybrids with the highest test weights (Table 15, page 473) had been least hurt by chinch bugs. Some idea of the relative ability of the different hybrids to withstand chinch bug attack may be obtained by studying these test weights. Southern corn rootworm. A great deal of lodging in cornfields in the northern half of the state was caused by the southern corn root- worm, Diabrotica duodeclmpunctata (F.), in 1944; but Sullivan, in Moultrie county, was the only test field attacked. Altho the lodging on this field was not as severe as it was in many farmers' fields, it was heavy enough so that satisfactory records of damage could be taken at harvest time. As shown in Table 13, page 471, 4.3 to 45.7 percent of the plants lodged 30 degrees or more. Comparatively few hybrids, however, developed the more severe lodging. 1 European corn borer. A moderate increase in the abundance of the European corn borer, Pyrausta nubilatis (Hbn.), took place in 1944. The increase was most marked in the northern part of the state north of a line drawn from about the middle of Vermilion county to Mercer county. This line is of course only approximate but it is as accurate as can be estimated at this time. Appreciable amounts of breakage due to borer attack were found in the test fields at Milford in Iroquois county and at Mt. Morris in Ogle county (Table 6, page 464}. Records were made of all plants broken over below the ear at harvest time when the break was at the point of visible borer attack. None of the hybrids in these tests showed outstanding resistance to the corn borer. At Milford 4.7 to 19.3 percent of the plants were broken below the ear. The average for the field was 10.2 percent. Since a difference of 5.5 between percentages is necessary for the difference to mean anything, one has to go to the 41st entry, for example, before finding one that is significantly less good in this respect than the first. Borer breakage at the Mt. Morris field was considerably less than at Milford, ranging from 1.3 to 9.5 percent and averaging 4.6 percent. On this field a difference of 4.1 between percentages is necessary for significance. This means that one has to go down to the 48th entry in Table 6 before finding one that can be said to be less good in this respect than the first entry. With heavier infestations, which may develop, differences between hybrids may become more apparent. Corn earworm. Injury from the corn earworm, Heliothis ar- migera (Hbn.), occurred at Dixon Springs, in Pope county, on both J The method of taking records and computing the resistance ratings are standard and are described in Bulletin 500 of this Station, which reports the 1943 hybrid corn tests. 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 459 the upland and the bottomland fields. Every ear except those on the long-husked hybrids was fed upon by earworms, and Fusarium rot was prominent on the injured kernels. Practically all the rot damage to the corn on the Dixon Springs test fields was caused by fungi that entered the kernels thru wounds inflicted by earworms. Grasshoppers. Damage by grasshoppers (Locustidae) was mod- erate at Alhambra. It was not heavy enough to bring out differences between the hybrids. DISEASE DAMAGE 1 No very serious damage to corn from disease occurred in any large area of Illinois in 1944. Moderate losses from various diseases never- theless added up to a sizable damage in total. Seedling diseases. Benefits obtained from seed treatments are believed to be due entirely to the effectiveness of such treatments in reducing damage from seedling diseases. Damage from the numerous organisms that cause these diseases is greatest when the seed germi- nates in cold, wet soil, especially in cold soil. In tests on the University south farm at Urbana in 1944, significant increases in yield were obtained by treating the seed. The seed was Estimates of losses are based, for the most part, on comparison of separate observations made by G. H. BOEWE, Illinois State Natural History Survey ; J. S. TIDD, Federal Emergency Plant Disease Survey, and BENJAMIN KOEHLER, Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois. Table 3. RESPONSE TO SEED TREATMENT: Arasan Applied at Rate of One Ounce per Bushel of Seed, Urbana, 1944 Rank based Increase on yield Pnir^a in V ield from treated t-ntry from seed treatmen Total acre-yield Damaged corn in shelled sample Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants t Treated Un- treated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Illinois Hybrid 2059(W) bu. 1.8 4.1 4.0 1.3 3.7 4.0 1.7 3.6 1.5 4.3 3.6 4.7 3.7 1.5 3.7 2.7 2.8 4.4 16 bu. 105.3 103.6 102.3 100.3 99.8 99.5 99.2 98.8 98.3 98.0 96.2 96.2 96.0 95.8 91.7 90.5 88.1 84.6 4.9 bu. 103.5 99.5 98.3 99.0 96.1 95.5 97.5 95.2 96.8 93.7 92.6 91.5 92.3 94.3 88.0 87.8 85.3 80.2 4.9 perct. 3.37 5.07 4.35 6.56 6.07 5.32 5.14 6.51 5.42 6.19 5.35 3.72 4.81 3.39 7.72 6.30 4.72 4.11 1.68 perct. 18.5 17.2 17.1 17.7 17.7 17.4 17.0 17.7 17.9 18.3 17.6 17.2 18.3 17.4 19.0 19.5 16.9 16.7 perct. 87 91 93 93 96 88 95 91 79 86 96 91 93 89 80 89 90 79 Illinois Hybrid 201 Illinois Hybrid 273-1 U. S. Hybrid 13 Illinois Hybrid 1173 Illinois Hybrid 972-A1 Illinois Hybrid 21 Illinois Hybrid 206 Illinois Hybrid 246 Illinois Hybrid 804 Illinois Hybrid 1182-1 U. S. Hybrid 35 Illinois Hybrid 200 Illinois Hybrid 960 Illinois Hybrid 784 Illinois Hybrid 448 Illinois Hybrid 751 Illinois Hybrid 101 Difference needed for significance . . For pedigrees see Table 4. There were eight replicated plots of each hybrid. 460 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, planted on May 13, which is within the generally recommended plant- ing time, and Arasan was used at the rate of 1 ounce per bushel of seed. In this test (Table 3) increases ranged from 1.3 to 4.7 bushels fol- lowing seed treatment, and all but three of the increases were signifi- cant. The average increase was 3.2 bushels an acre. Different hybrids responded somewhat differently to seed treatment. In previous tests, however, seed of the same hybrid from different sources also responded differently. This is to be expected since the con- ditions under which seed is produced influences the extent of seed infec- tion, seed-coat injuries, and the physical and chemical nature of the seed. Root rots. Loss from root rot on field corn in Illinois was esti- mated as 2 percent in 1944. This was somewhat less than in 1943. Diplodia stalk rot. Premature dying of scattered plants occurred in many fields in south-central Illinois by September 1, and in many areas farther north at a little later date. Examination of fields in 36 representative counties in October showed about 45 percent of the plants infected with Diplodia stalk rot. Loss in yield was estimated at 3.5 percent. Stewart's disease. This disease was moderately prevalent in the leaves of dent corn thruout most of south-central Illinois, but for the most part damage was light. Helminthosporium leaf blight. This disease was practically ab- sent in 1944, tho it had attracted considerable attention in 1942. Dry conditions during the summer appear to keep it in check. Smut. Loss from smut was less than normal about .7 percent. Ear rots. All types of ear rot together damaged about 5.1 per- cent of the kernels in the 1944 corn crop. Diplodia damaged about 3 percent, twice as much as in 1943. Damage from Fusarium monili- forme was about 1.3 percent, the same as in 1943. Other types averaged about .8 percent. In a test at Urbana (Table 4} various hybrids showed highly sig- nificant differences in rot damage. Differences in physiological or chemical nature of the kernels, in husk coverage, and in angle at which the ear is borne whether it points upward or is declined down- ward are known to cause differences in a hybrid's reaction to ear-rot infection. Illinois 2059(W), which in Table 4 ranks first in freedom from rot damage, also ranked first in good husk coverage, and 60 per- cent of the ears were declined downward on October 5. This hybrid also ranked first in yield (Table 3). Hybrids may rank differently in different seasons in their suscepti- bility to ear rot because the different kinds of rots vary in importance from year to year, and also because hybrids respond differently to different seasonal conditions. In this test, for example, Illinois 784 ranked significantly below Illinois 201, whereas in some previous tests it ranked higher. 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 461 Table 4. DAMAGE FROM KERNEL ROT: Figures Are Based on Examination of Shelled Corn, Urbana, 1944 Rot Rank Entry* Pedigree of entry damage perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 2059 (W) (Ky27 X CI. 61) (33-16 X K6) 3.37 2 Illinois Hybrid 960 . (R4 X Hy) (701 X L317) 3.39 3 U.S.Hybrid35 (WF9 X 38-11) (R4 X Hy) 3.72 4 Illinois Hybrid 101 (WF9 X M 14) (CC7 X 187-2) 4.11 5 Illinois Hybrid 273-1 (WF9 X 38-11) (187-2 X O7) 4. 35 6 Illinois Hybrid 751 (A X 90) (WF9 X Hy) 4. 72 7 Illinois Hybrid 200 (WF9 X 38-11) (K4 X L317) 4.81 8 Illinois Hybrid 201 (WF9 X 38-11) (187-2 X L31 7) 5.07 9 Illinois Hybrid 21 (WF9 X 38-11) (Hy X 187-2) 5 . 14 10 Illinois Hybrid 972-A1 (WF9 X O7) (Hy X L317) 5.32 11 Illinois Hybrid 1182-1 (WF9 X 38-11) (187-2 X RR98) 5.35 12 Illinois Hybrid 246 (WF9 X Hy) (187-2 X L317) 5.42 13 Illinois Hybrid 1173 (WF9 X Hy) (RR98 X 187-2) 6.07 14 Illinois Hybrid 804 (5120 X 38-11) (K4 X L317) 6.19 15 Illinois Hybrid 448 (38-11 X Kys) (K4 X L317) 6.30 16 Illinois Hybrid 206 (WF9 X 38-11) (5120 X L31 7) 6.51 17 U.S. Hybrid 13 (Hy X L317) (WF9 X 38-11) 6.56 18 Illinois Hybrid 784 (Hy X 5120) (K4 X L317) 7.72 Difference needed for significance 1 . 68 There were eight 40-hill plots of each hybrid. All the ears of each plot were shelled and a repre- sentative sample taken with a special sampling device. This is the first time the relative susceptibility of some of these hybrids to rot damage has been accurately measured. It had been previously established, however, in a four-year test that Illinois 960 was significantly less susceptible to rot than Illinois 201, Illinois 784, and U.S. 13. MEASURING PERFORMANCE The entries in the 1944 test are listed in the tables in the order of their total yields. Two or more entries having the same total yield are given the same rating, but the one having the higher yield of sound corn is placed first. Those having the same total yield and sound yield are placed in order by percentage of erect plants. Erect plants. The percentage of erect plants in each entry on each field was estimated at the time of harvest. The ratings for erect plants show how the percentage of erect plants for each hybrid com- pared with the percentage of erect plants on the field as a whole. (Each rating is obtained by dividing the percentage of erect plants for that hybrid by the percentage of erect plants on the field as a whole and multiplying by 100.) Lodging may have been due to rootworm damage, weak or rotted roots, corn borer damage, or weak stalks. Stalks broken above the ear were not considered lodged. Yield of grain. To determine shelling percentage, all the ears from one replicate of each entry were shelled. From this shelled corn one sample was taken to determine the percentage of moisture at 462 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, harvest and another to determine the percentage of damaged kernels. 1 The percentage of damaged corn was determined according to the federal grain standards. The total acre-yield was calculated as shelled corn containing 15.5 percent moisture, the upper limit allowable in No. 2 corn. The yield of sound corn was computed by deducting the amount of damaged corn from the total yield. The rating of any hybrid for sound yield is the ratio, expressed as percentage, of the yield of sound corn from that hybrid to the average yield of sound corn from all the hybrids on the field. Height of ear. Notes on comparative ear height were taken at harvest time. Each plot of each entry was placed in one of the five following categories: low, mid-low (midway between low and me- dium), medium, mid-high (midway between medium and high), and high. Beginning with low and continuing progressively to high, these terms were assigned numerical values from 1 to 5 to permit the averaging of the plots. Significance of yield differences. Too much confidence must not be placed in the particular ranking of a hybrid in the following tables, for chance has played a part in determining its position. Unaccount- able variability in the soil and conditions on the field will cause dif- ferences in yield that are not inherent in the hybrids themselves. The part played by chance in the 1944 tests has been calculated for total yield by the mathematical procedure known as "analysis of vari- ance." At the bottom of each table is stated the approximate difference ' there must be between any two entries in order for them to show a true inherent difference. Unless two hybrids differ by at least this amount, there is no assurance that one hybrid is inherently higher yielding than the other. *For the Alhambra and Sullivan fields the moisture determinations were made with a Tag-Heppenstall moisture meter. Those for all the other fields were made with a Steinlite moisture tester. Readers are urged to note the difference necessary for significance, as shown for each test field, and to keep that difference constantly in mind in all comparisons of hybrids on that field. TABLE 5. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Mt. Morris, 1944 Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- O A Total Sound sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. percl. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 269 99 .3 99.3 22.5 100 .0 102.2 111.8 Medium 2 Pfister Hybrid 4897 98 .1 98.1 20.4 97 .7 99.9 110.5 Medium 3 Holmes Utility Hybrid 49 98 .1 97.9 .2 23.3 97 .2 99.4 110.2 M-high 4 Pioneer Hybrid 340 97 .6 '97.4 .2 22.3 97 :3 99.5 109.7 Medium 5 DeKalb Hybrid 458 97 .3 97.2 .1 22.5 98 .7 100.9 109.5 Medium 6 Illinois Hybrid 1091A 97 .2 94.9 2.4 22.5 98 ,8 101.0 106.9 Medium 7 Nichols Hybrid N-75 97 .0 96.3 .7 23.2 98 .3 100.5 108.4 M-low 8 Frey Hybrid 425 96 .8 94.3 2.6 24.9 97 .7 99.9 106.2 Medium 9 DeKalb Hybrid 615 95 .2 95.0 .3 22.8 97 .5 99.7 107.0 Medium 10 Holmes Utility Hybrid 96 94 .6 94.2 .4 21.4 96 .8 99.0 106.1 Medium 11 Nichols Hybrid 5 A 94 .4 94.0 .4 23.2 98 .2 100.4 105.9 Medium 12 Pioneer Hybrid 341 94 .3 94.0 .3 23.2 98 .8 . 101.0 105.9 Medium 13 Illinois Hybrid 751 . ... 93 .6 93.4 .2 22.9 99 .3 101.5 105.2 Medium 14 Illinois Hybrid 1180 93 .5 93.3 .2 21.9 98 .8 101.0 105.1 Medium 15 Funk Hybrid G-30 93 .4 93.0 .4 23.6 98 .3 100.5 104.7 Medium 15 Sieben Hybrid S-440 93 .4 92.9 .5 26.8 98 .8 101.0 104.6 Medium 17 Funk Hybrid G-114 92 ,6 92.3 .3 23.7 98 100.2 103.9 Medium 18 Pioneer Hybrid 330 92 .5 91.9 .7 22.8 98 ,8 101.0 103.5 Medium 19 Producers' Hybrid 1010 91 .9 91.7 .2 23.3 96 5 98.7 103.3 Medium 19 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-138 91 .9 91.2 .8 22.2 94 ,0 96.1 102.7 Medium 21 DeKalb Hybrid 600 91 .8 91.6 .2 25.2 96 .8 99.0 103.2 Medium 22 Sieben Hybrid S-350 91 ,6 91.6 24.4 96 ,0 98.2 103.2 M-high 22 Stieselmeier Hybrid 360 91 .6 91.4 .2 23.5 99 ,2 101.4 102.9 Medium 24 DeKalb Hybrid 450 91 .4 91.2 .2 23.9 98 ,2 100.4 102.7 Medium 24 Nichols Hybrid N-400 91. ,4 91.0 .4 22.2 96 ,7 98.9 102.5 Medium 24 Holmes Utility Hybrid 29 91.4 90.9 .6 24.3 99 ,3 101.5 102.4 Medium 2V DeKalb Hybrid 422 91 ,3 91.3 22.2 97 ,2 99.4 102.8 Medium 27 Funk Hybrid G-38 91 .3 91.2 .1 23.2 96 ,3 98.5 102.7 Medium 29 Farmcraft Hybrid 42 91 .1 90.6 .6 21.6 98 ,5 100.7 102.0 Medium 30 National Hybrid 114 90 ,9 90.1 .9 21.7 99 .2 101.4 101.5 Medium 31 Pfister Hybrid 366 90 ,8 90.5 .3 23.3 96 ,0 98.2 101.9 Medium 32 Blackhawk Hybrid 98 A 90 ,4 90.3 .1 23.3 97 .8 100.0 101.7 Medium 33 Producers' Hybrid 1020 90 .3 90.3 21.1 99 ,7 101.9 101.7 Medium 34 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F.D.4 . . . . 89 .') 89.7 .2 21.5 94 ,0 96.1 101.0 Medium 35 Funk Hybrid G-42 89 .8 89.2 .7 20.6 97 .8 100.0 100.5 Medium 3(5 Pioneer Hybrid 353 89 ,4 89.3 .1 19.7 98 >2 100.4 100 . 6 Medium 37 Moews Hybrid 15 89 .1 89.0 .1 22.0 96 .8 99.0 100.2 Medium 37 Funk Hybrid G-29 89 .1 88.5 .7 27.3 96 .3 98.5 99.7 M-low 39 Nichols Hybrid 202 A 88 .9 88.8 .1 23.3 99 .7 101.9 100.0 Medium 40 Crow Hybrid 432 88 .7 88.6 .1 24.2 98 ,0 100.2 99.8 Medium 40 Wisconsin Hybrid 645 88 .7 88.5 .2 22.6 98 3 100.5 99.7 Medium 40 Holmes Utility Hybrid 39 88 .7 88.3 .4 27.7 99 .2 101.4 99.4 M-high 43 Pfister Hybrid 274 88 ,6 88.4 .2 23.5 98 ,3 100.5 99.5 Medium 44 Pfister Hybrid 260 87 ,9 87.9 24.3 99 .8 102.0 99.0 Medium 44 Lowe Hybrid 14 87 ,9 87.2 .8 23.2 96 ,8 99.0 98.2 Medium 46 Frey Hybrid 410 . ... 87 6 87.6 21.9 98. ,5 100.7 98.6 Medium 40 Pioneer Hybrid 353 A 87 ,6 87.5 .1 22.0 98 3 100.5 98.5 Medium 4X DeKalb Hybrid 410 87 ,5 87.3 .2 23.1 98 ,0 100.2 98.3 M-low 49 Funk Hybrid G-12 87 .3 87.1 .2 21.8 96 .3 98.5 98.1 Medium 19 Pioneer Hybrid 322 87 .3 85.3 2.3 21.7 98 ,8 101.0 96.1 Medium 51 Morgan Hybrid M-105 87 .0 86.9 .1 20.8 97 .2 99.4 97.9 Medium 52 Funk Hybrid G-16 . ... 86 .7 86.6 .1 23.2 96 .3 98.5 97.5 Medium 52 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 379 86 .7 86.5 .2 24.1 98 ,8 101.0 97.4 Medium 54 lowealth Hybrid AF11 85 .8 85.2 .7 21.8 94 ,0 96.1 95.9 Medium 55 Blackhawk Hybrid 111 85 .6 85.4 .2 22.1 98 .0 100.2 96.2 Medium .so Ferris Hybrid F-l 1 85 .5 85.5 22.8 97 ,7 99.9 96.3 Medium 57 Nichols Hybrid Victory .... 85 .4 85.4 24.3 98 .0 100.2 96.2 Medium 58 Doubet Hybrid D-25 85 .3 85.1 .2 25.1 98 .2 130.4 95.8 Medium 59 Illinois Hybrid 101 84 .9 84.7 .2 22.9 98 .5 100.7 95.4 Medium 60 Producers' Hybrid 909 84 .7 84.1 .7 26.0 98 .8 101.0 94.7 M-high 61 Producers' Hybrid 1000 84 .2 83.9 .4 24.8 96 .8 99.0 94.5 Medium 62 Doubet Hybrid D-l 84 .1 83.9 .2 24.2 96 .3 98.5 94.5 Medium 63 Pfister Hybrid 280 83 9 83.8 .1 23.9 99 .3 101.5 94.4 Medium 64 Sieben Hybrid S450 83 .7 83.6 .1 21.8 97 .0 99.2 94.1 Medium 65 Crow Hybrid 360 82 .8 82.6 .2 23.6 97 .2 99.3 93.0 Medium 66 Moews Hybrid 14 81 .6 81.4 .2 25.8 98 .8 101.0 91.7 Medium 67 Crow Hybrid 514(W) 81 .1 80.9 .2 21.3 98 .5 100.7 91.1 M-high 68 DeKalb Hybrid 404A 80 .7 80.5 .2 24.3 95 ,5 97.6 90.7 Medium 69 Hoosier Crort Hybrid 405 79 .0 78.9 .1 24.9 98 .5 100.7 88.9 M-low 70 Lowe Hybrid 15 78 .4 78.4 22.2 96 ,3 98.5 88.3 Medium 71 Producers' Hybrid 1015 75 .4 74.8 .8 20.9 98 ,3 100.5 84.2 Medium 72 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 112A 72 .3 71.9 .5 20.3 97. 8 100.0 81.0 Medium Average of all entries 89 .1 88.8 .4 23.1 97 .8 A difference of less than 6.3 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 464 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, Table 6. CORN BORER DAMAGE: Mt. Morris and Milford, 1944' Rank Entry Plants broken below ear* Rank Entry Plants broken below ear* Mt. Morris, Northern Illinois A difference of less than 5.5 in percentage A difference of less than 4.1 in percentage figures is figures is not significant. not significant. 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 8 8 11 12 13 13 13 16 16 18 18 20 20 20 23 23 25 26 27 28 28 30 30 30 33 34 34 36 Producers' Hybrid 1015 . . . perct. 1.3 37 37 39 39 41 41 41 44 44 46 47 48 49 49 51 52 53 54 54 56 57 58 59 59 61 62 63 63 65 65 65 68 68 70 71 72 Producers' Hybrid 1020 . . . perct. . . . 4.6 Nichols Hybrid N-75 1.5 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 379 . . . 4.6 Pfister Hybrid 280 ... 1.6 Crow Hybrid 514 (W) . . 47 Blackhawk Hybrid 98A 1.8 Holmes Utility Hybrid 39 . . . 4.7 Doubet Hybrid D-25 1.8 Funk Hybrid G-38 4 8 DeKalb Hybrid 450 . . 1.9 Sieben Hybrid S450 4 8 Illinois Hybrid 269 2.1 . . 4.8 Illinois Hybrid 751 2.2 . . . 4.9 . . . 2.2 4 9 Pioneer Hybrid 330 . . . . 2.2 Sieben Hybrid S440 . 5.0 Crow Hybrid 432 . . . . 2.7 Funk Hybrid G-12 ... 5.2 Illinois Hybrid 1180 2 8 5 6 . . 2.9 Holmes Utility Hybrid 49 5.7 Nichols Victory Hybrid . . . . . . 2.9 Pioneer Hybrid 322 . . 5.7 Holmes Utility Hybrid 29 . . 2.9 Frey Hybrid 425 . . . 5.8 Producers' Hybrid 909 30 Doubet Hybrid D-l . 5 9 Pfister Hybrid 4897 . . 3.0 . 6.0 . . . . 3.3 Funk Hybrid G-42 . . 6.1 Pioneer Hybrid 353 3.3 lowealth Hybrid AF1 1 ... 6.1 Nichols Hybrid 202A 3.6 Funk Hybrid G-29 6.2 . . . . 3.6 DeKalb Hybrid 422 . . 6.3 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 405 . . . . . 3.6 Sieben Hybrid S-350 ... 6.4 Moews Hybrid 15 3.7 Holmes Utility Hybrid 96 ... 6.5 . . . . 3.7 . 6.5 National Hybrid 114 . . . . 3.8 Nichols Hybrid N-400 . . 6.6 Hoosier Crost Hybrid FD4 3 9 DeKalb Hybrid 458 6 7 Pfister Hybrid 260 4.0 DeKalb Hybrid 410 ... 6.8 Funk Hybrid G-114 4.1 . . 6.8 DeKalb Hybrid 609 . . . . 4.1 DeKalb Hybrid 615 . 6.9 Funk Hybrid G-30 4.2 Crow Hybrid 360 ... 6.9 Pfister Hybrid 274 4.2 Pfister Hybrid 366 6 9 Frey Hybrid 410 . . . . . . . 4.2 Producers' Hybrid 1010 . 7.1 Illinois Hybrid 101 . . . . 4.3 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 112 A . 7.1 Illinois Hybrid 1091 A 4.4 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-138. Producers' Hybrid 1000 ... 8.0 8.8 Farmcraft Hybrid 42 . . . . 4.4 Blackhawk Hybrid 111 4.5 DeKalb Hybrid 404A 9.5 Average of all entries . . . ... 4.6 Milford, North-Central Illinois 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 9 9 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 17 17 20 21 22 22 24 25 25 27 27 Pfister Hybrid 1897 4.7 29 29 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 37 37 40 41 42 43 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 55 Lowe Hybrid 560 . 8.9 Producers' Hybrid 1040 5.2 Holmes Utility Hybrid 29 8 9 Crow Hybrid 608 5.4 9.0 Pfister Hybrid 280 5.5 Funk Hybrid G-37 9.0 Morton Hybrid M-380 5.7 Crow Hybrid 633 . 9.3 Crow Hybrid 607 . . . . .. . 6.3 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-168. Pioneer Hybrid 300 ... 9.4 9.7 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 379. . . . . . . . 6.3 Miller Hybrid 1050(W) 6.3 Pioneer Hybrid 336 . 9.8 .. . 6.8 DeKalb Hybrid 800 \ 9 9 Pfister Hybrid 260 6.8 Doubet Hvbrid D-47 9.9 Seeber Hybrid 11 A 6.9 Holmes Utility Hybrid 96 9.9 Funk Hybrid G-71 7.0 Crow Hybrid 60 7 (W) 10 Illinois Hybrid 1091A 7.4 Miller Hybrid 26 10.2 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 380. . . . 7.4 Illinois Hybrid 21 10.4 Pfister Hybrid 5897 7.5 Frey Hybrid 644 10 5 Pfister Hybrid 4817 7.7 DeKalb Hybrid 628A 10 5 Illinois Hybrid 972-1 8.0 10 6 Pfister Hybrid 360 8.0 10 7 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-166 DeKalb Hybrid 840 Pioneer Hybrid 304 . . . . 8.0 8.1 8.2 Holmes Utility Hybrid 39 10.9 DeKalb Hybrid 81 7A U S Hybrid 35 11.0 11.1 Ferris Hybrid F-31 Frey Hybrid 692 DeKalb Hybrid 847 8.4 8 5 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 840 Funk Hybrid G-94 11.4 ... 11.5 Pfister Hybrid 380 8.6 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-169 . Producers' Hybrid 1030 . .. 11.6 ... 11.7 Kelley Hybrid K-99 8 6 Doubet Hybrid D-42 8 7 Farmcraft Hybrid 89 . .. 11.7 Producers' Hybrid 909 8.7 Lowe Hybrid 520 . . . 11.8 Includes only those plants broken below the ear at point of damage by the borer (Pryausla nubilalis (Hbn.) ). (Table is concluded on next page) 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 Table 6. Corn Borer Damage concluded 465 Rank Entry Plants broken below ear Rank Entry Plants broken below ear a Milford concluded 56 57 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 Farmcraft Hybrid 47 perct. 12.3- 65 DeKalb Hybrid 816. . perct. 14.5 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668 . . . . . . 12.4 65 U. S. Hybrid 13 14.5 Null Hybrid N-54 . 12.4 67 lowealth Hybrid 25 .. . 14.8 Kelley Hybrid K-374 . 12.5 68 Funk Hybrid G-86 15.8 DeKalb Hybrid 720(W) . . 12.8 69 Funk Hybrid G-169 16.2 Illinois Hybrid 201 . 13.1 69 Sibley Hybrid 753B-1 .. 17.8 National Hybrid 125 . .. . . 13.4 71 Miller Hybrid 201 .... 19.2 Funk Hybrid G-53 13.5 72 Producers' Hybrid 777 19.3 Pioneer Hybrid 31 3D 13.6 (See opposite page for statement of significance.) Table 7. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: 1943 and 1944 Mt. Morris Summary, Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- Rank Entry shelled sample grain at harvest plants Erect plants Sound yield height of ear Total Sound bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Nichols Hybrid 5 A... . 94.3 93.8 .5 24.3 97 .7 100 .5 110.5 Medium 2 Funk Hybrid G-30 . 92.4 91.2 1.3 26.1 98 .2 101 .0 107.4 Medium 3 Pfister Hybrid 4897 . 91.6 91.5 .1 22.4 97 ,3 100 .1 107.8 Medium 4 DeKalb Hybrid 458 . 90.2 90.0 .2 23.5 97 .8 100 .6 106.0 M-low 5 Pfister Hybrid 366 . 90.0 89.8 .3 24.1 94 .2 96 .<) 105.8 M-high 6 Illinois Hybrid 751 . 89.5 89.2 .2 24.9 99 .0 101 .9 105.1 Medium 7 DeKalb Hybrid 615 . 88.9 88.5 .6 23.4 96 3 99 .1 104.2 Medium 8 Funk Hybrid G-l 14 , 88.7 88.4 .4 25.9 96 3 99 .1 104.1 Medium 9 Farmcraft Hybrid 42 . 87.9 86.9 1.2 25.7 97. 5 100 ,3 102.4 Medium 10 Pioneer Hybrid 341 87.6 87.3 .4 24.0 98. 2 101 ,0 102.8 Medium 11 Pfister Hybrid 260 . 87.3 87.3 24.9 96 ,9 99 .7 102.8 Medium 11 Producers' Hybrid 1010 . 87.3 86.9 .5 25.0 96 ,4 99 .2 102.4 Medium U Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-138 . .87.2 86.2 1.2 23.5 93 8 96 .5 101.5 Medium 14 DeKalb Hybrid 422 , 87.0 86.7 .3 24.5 96 98 .8 102.1 Medium 15 Pioneer Hybrid 330 . 86.3 85.9 .6 24.1 97 9 100 .7 101.2 Medium 16 Pfister Hybrid 274 . 86.1 85.9 .3 23.5 97 99 .8 101.2 Medium 17 Pioneer Hybrid 340 . 86.0 85.7 .4 23.8 97. 7 100 .3 100.9 Medium 18 Producers' Hybrid 909 , 85.4 84.6 1.0 27.3 98. 1 100 9 99.6 M-high 19 Illinois Hybrid 1180 ,85.3 85.1 .2 23.0 97. 8 100, 6 100.2 M-low 19 Crow Hybrid 360 85.3 84.9 .5 26.1 95. 5 98. 3 100.0 M-high 21 Pioneer Hybrid 322 . . . 85.2 84.0 1.4 22.3 98 100 .8 98.9 Medium 22 Illinois Hybrid 101 .85.1 84.9 .3 23.7 96, 3 99 ,1 100.0 Medium 23 DeKalb Hybrid 450 . 84.9 84.6 .5 25.2 97, 8 100 6 99.6 M-low 24 Nichols Hybrid 202 A . 84.8 84.7 .2 23.3 98. 5 101 .3 99.8 M-low 25 Nichols Hybrid Victory . 84.5 84.4 .1 25.1 98. 6 101 4 99.4 Medium 26 Funk Hybrid G-29 . 83.9 83.3 .7 27.7 96. <) 99 7 98.1 M-low 27 Pfister Hybrid 280 83.8 83.4 .5 26.5 97. 7 100 5 98.2 Medium 28 DeKalb Hybrid 404A . 83.5 83.2 .3 24.6 95. 8 98 6 98.0 Medium 29 Doubet Hybrid D-l , . 83.4 83.2 .2 24.8 97. 3 100 1 98.0 Medium 30 Producers' Hybrid 1020 . 83.2 83.1 .2 23.0 98. 3 101, 1 97.9 M-low 30 DeKalb Hybrid 410 . 83.2 82.8 .5 22.8 97 .1 99 .9 '97.5 M-low 32 Pioneer Hybrid 353A . 82.9 82.8 .2 22.1 97. 3 100 ,1 97.5 Medium 33 Funk Hybrid G-16 .82.7 82.3 .5 24.4 96, 9 99 .7 96.9 M-low 34 Crow Hybrid 432 . 82.2 81.3 1.2 25.4 96. 6 99 4 95.8 Medium 35 Moews Hybrid 14 . 82.1 81.8 .4 26.4 98. 7 101, 8 96.3 M-low 36 Lowe Hybrid 14 .82.1 81.5 .7 25.7 97. 99 8 96.0 Medium 37 Moews Hybrid 15 . 81.8 1.7 .2 22.2 96, 6 99, 4 96.2 Medium 38 Doubet Hybrid D-25 . 81.6 80.1 1.9 27.7 98. 5 101 3 94.3 Medium 39 Crow Hybrid 514(W) , , 78.1 77.6 .7 22.5 96, ? 99, 91.4 M-high 40 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 405 . . . . 77.4 77.2 .2 25.7 97. 5 100, 3 90.9 M-low 41 Lowe Hybrid 15 . 77.1 76.9 .4 24.0 97. 99 8 90.6 M-low Average of all entries.. .. 85.3 84.9 .524 24.5 97.2 A difference of less than 5.7 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. Table 8. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg, 1944 Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- Rank Entry - j fitivA - shelled sample grain at plants harvest Erect plants Sound yield height of ear Total Sound bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. I Stewart Hybrid S-ll 101 .2 100.1 1.1 17.4 98.8 99.5 112 .6 M-high 2 Pioneer Hybrid 304 100 .!> 96.5 3.6 19.7 98.3 99.0 108 .5 Medium 3 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-170 99 .6 96.0 3.6 17.6 99.7 100.4 108 .0 Medium 4 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 102 98 .1 97.7 .4 17.7 99.7 100.4 109 9 Medium 5 Holmes Utility Hybrid 96 98 .0 95.4 2.7 18.0 98.3 99.0 107 .3 M-high 6 U. S. Hybrid 13 97 .7 97.4 .3 19.4 100.0 100.7 109 .6 M-high 7 DeKalb Hybrid 800A .... 97 .2 96.9 .3 18.0 99.3 100.0 109 .0 Medium 8 Producers' Hybrid 1040 97 .0 95.9 1.1 17.3 99.2 99.9 107 .9 Medium 9 U.S. Hybrid 44 96 .8 92.3 4.7 18.0 99.3 100.0 103 .8 Medium 10 Morgan Hybrid M-546 .... 96 .6 93.7 3.0 19.2 100.0 100.7 105 .4 M-high 11 Morton Hybrid M-12 96 .4 90.9 5.7 17.7 100.0 100.7 102 .2 Medium 12 Funk Hybrid G-169 96 .3 94.8 1.6 17.6 99.7 100.4 106 .6 Medium 13 Frey Hybrid 692 96 .0 94.1 2.0 18.3 98.3 99.0 105 .8 Medium 14 DeKalb Hybrid 816 95 .8 93.4 2.5 17.9 100.0 100.7 105 .1 M-high IS Holmes Utility Hybrid 29 95 .3 94.2 1.2 18.5 99.3 100.0 106 .0 Medium 16 Funk Hybrid G-86 .... 95 .2 92.3 3.0 17.9 97.7 98.4 103 .8 Medium 17 Crow Hybrid 607 94 .7 92.4 2.4 19.3 99.2 99.9 103 .9 Medium 18 Funk Hybrid G-71 94 .6 94.0 .6 16.7 100.0 100.7 105 .7 Medium 19 DeKalb Hybrid 827 94 .5 92.8 1.8 17.6 99.7 100.3 104 .4 Medium 20 Pfister Hybrid 5897 94 .3 93.8 .5 17.5 100.0 100.7 105 .5 Medium 20 Farmcraft Hybrid 47 94 .3 89.5 5.1 18,0 98.0 98.7 100 .7 Medium 22 Doubet Hybrid D-72 93 .9 85.1 9.4 17.5 99.7 100.4 95 .7 Medium 23 Frey Hybrid 645 93 .8 93.5 .3 19.0 99.7 100.4 105 ?. Medium 24 Holmes Utility Hybrid 39 93.6 92.3 1.4 19.2 100.0 100.7 103 .8 Medium 25 Appl Hybrid A-336 93 .4 90.8 2.8 17.7 99.7 100.4 102 .1 M-high 26 Pioneer Hybrid 313D .... 93 .3 93.0 .3 19.8 97.2 97.9 104 .6 Medium 27 DeKalb Hybrid 628A 93 .2 92.6 .6 18.2 98.8 99.5 104 .2 Medium 27 Illinois Hybrid 1091A 93 .2 88.4 5.2 18.3 100.0 100.7 99 .4 M-low 29 DeKalb Hybrid 847 92 .9 86.7 6.7 17.8 100.0 100.7 97 .5 Medium 30 U. S. Hybrid 35 92 .7 92.6 .1 17.8 99.7 100.4 104 .2 Medium 30 Doubet Hybrid D-42 92.7 90.1 2.8 18.5 100.0 100.7 101 .3 Medium 30 Pioneer Hybrid 334 92 .7 89.6 3.3 18.3 99.3 100.0 UK) .8 Medium 33 DeKalb Hybrid 817A 92 .4 87.6 5.2 19.0 99.7 100.4 98 .5 Medium 34 Illinois Hybrid 246 92 .3 89.0 3.6 18.1 100.0 100.7 100 .1 M-high 35 Producers' Hybrid FCXX 92 .2 90.7 1.6 17.5 98.0 98.7 102 .0 Medium 36 Frey Hybrid 644 92 .1 87.0 5.5 19.3 99.7 100.4 97 .9 M-high 37 Funk Hybrid G-53 91 .8, 90.5 1.4 18.1 97.7 98.4 101 .8 Medium 38 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 380 91 ,7 87.9 4.1 17.9 100.0 100.7 98.9 M-low 39 Null Hybrid N-16 91 ,1 89.6 1.7 17.8 99.7 100.4 100 .8 Medium 40 Ferris Hybrid F-14 90 ,8 87.3 3.8 17.9 98.3 99.0 98 .2 Medium 41 Funk Hybrid G-32 90 ,6 88.3 2.5 18.3 99.7 100.4 99 .3 Medium 42 Moews Hybrid 523 90 ,s 86.8 4.1 18.0 99.2 99.9 97 .6 Medium 43 Illinois Hybrid 21 90 , ,4 87.5 3.2 18.3 99.7 100.4 98 .4 Medium 44 National Hybrid 125 90. 2 89.0 1.3 18.3 100.0 100.7 100 .1 Medium 44 Producers' Hybrid 1000 90, 2 85.4 5.3 18.2 100.0 100.7 96 .1 Medium 46 Illinois Hybrid 201 90, 89.9 .1 17.2 100.0 100.7 101 .1 Medium 46 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668 90. 88.2 2.0 17.6 100.0 100.7 99 .2 Medium 48 Pfister Hybrid 1897 89 . 8 88.8 1.1 18.0 99.3 100.0 99 9 Medium 49 Pfister Hybrid 360 89 7 87.9 2.0 19.1 98.0 98.7 98 .9 Medium 50 Crow Hybrid 633 89 . 5 84.5 5.6 18.6 99.5 100.2 95 1 Medium 51 Kelly Hybrid K-374 89 4 84.4 5.6 17.0 99.3 100.0 94 9 Medium 52 Pioneer Hybrid 307 88. ,9 87.3 1.8 16.8 99.3 100.0 98 2 Medium .S3 Lowe Hybrid 520 88. 8 87.6 1.4 18.7 98.3 99.0 98, 5 Medium 54 Pfister Hybrid 380 88. 6* 87.2 1.6 18.9 100.0 100.7 98, 1 M-low 55 Funk Hybrid G-37 88. 2 87.8 .4 17.7 100.0 100.7 98, 8 Medium 56 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 379 87. it 83.9 4.4 18.0 98.3 99.0 94. 4 Medium 57 lowealth Hybrid 25 87. 5 85.4 2.4 17.9 100.0 100.7 96. 1 Medium 58 Crow Hybrid 607(W) 86. 8 84.9 2.2 19.6 98.0 98.7 95. 5 M-high 59 Pfister Hybrid 4897 86. 4 86.0 .5 17.6 100.0 100.7 96. 7 Medium 59 Pioneer Hybrid 339 86. 4 85.1 1.5 17.5 100.0 100.7 95. 7 Medium 59 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 360 86. 4 82.8 4.2 16.3 98.0 98.7 93. 1 Medium 62 DeKalb Hybrid 67.0 86. 3 82.8 4.1 19.7 98.5 99.2 93.1 M-low 63 Moews Hybrid 550 86. 84.8 1.4 17.2 97.2 97.9 95. 4 Medium 64 Morgan Hybrid M52 85 . 8 85.3 .6 18.9 99.3 100.0 96. Medium 65 Farmcraft Hybrid 42 84.9 78.0 8.1 17.9 99.8 100.5 87. 7 M-low 66 Pioneer Hybrid 333 84. 4 80.4 4.7 18.1 99.7 100.4 90. 4 Medium 67 Pfister Hybrid 280 84. 2 82.4 2.1 18.8 99.7 100.4 92. 7 Medium 68 Producers' Hybrid 1030 83. 2 82.9 .4 19.6 99.2 99.9 93. 3 Medium 69 Kelly Hybrid K-42 82. 9 81.2 2.0 15.6 99.7 100.4 91. 3 M-low 70 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 6911 81. 5 81.1 .5 17.2 99.7 100.4 91. 2 Medium 71 National Hybrid 118 80. 8 80.2 .8 16.6 99.0 99.7 90. 2 Medium 72 Lowe Hybrid 560 77. 5 75.6 2.5 19.0 100.0 100.7 85. Medium Average of all entries 91. 2 88.9 2.6 18.1 99.3 A difference of less than 7.7 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 467 Table 9. WEST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Galesburg Summary, 1943 and 1944 Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- Rai _ jr v. , .. , . TTro C A , . ? Total Sound sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. Perct. 1 DeKalb Hybrid 800A , 108 .6 105.2 2.9 20.1 97.2 101 .0 104.7 Medium 2 Morgan Hybrid M-546 108 .4 106.4 2.0 20.7 98.7 102 .6 105.9 M-high 3 Producers' hybrid 1040 108 .3 107.2 1.0 19.8 95.3 99 .1 106.7 M-high 4 Pfister Hybrid 5897 107 .3 106.8 .4 19.0 96.0 99 .8 106.3 Medium 5 U. S. Hybrid 13 107 .2 106.5 .6 21.4 98.3 102 .2 106.0 M-high 6 Funk Hybrid G-169 106 .8 105.5 1.3 19.9 97.4 101 .2 105.0 M-high 7 Crow Hybrid 633 106 .6 103.1 3.6 19.5 95.3 99 .1 102.6 Medium 8 DeKalb Hybrid 827 106 .1 103.1 2.7 20.2 96.5 100 .3 102.6 M-high 9 Illinois Hybrid 246 105 .8 102.9 2.8 20.3 96.4 100 .2 102.4 M-high 10 Producers' Hybrid 1000 105 .7 103.2 2.8 20.3 98.5 102 .4 102.7 M-high 11 DeKalb Hybrid 816 . 105 .5 103.2 2.3 20.3 97.5 101 .4 102.7 M-high 12 Holmes Utility Hybrid 29 105 .1 103.9 1.2 20.1 98.0 101 .9 103.4 Medium 13 DeKalb Hybrid 628A 105 .0 103.4 1.5 20.3 94.9 98 .6 102.9 M-high 13 Pioneer Hybrid 334 105.0 103.0 2.1 19.2 96.0 99 .8 102.5 Medium IS Doubet Hybrid D-42 104 .<> 102.9 2.0 20.5 96.9 100 .7 102.4 Medium 16 DeKalb Hybrid 81 7 A 104 .1 101.2 3.6 20.7 98.9 102 .8 100.7 Medium 17 Funk Hybrid G-32 104.6 102.5 2.1 19.7 97.9 101 .8 102.0 Medium 17 Appl Hybrid A-336 104, 6 101.3 3.1 20.4 96.6 100 .4 100.8 M-high 19 National Hybrid 125 104, 5 103.6 1.0 19.8 96.9 100 .7 103.1 Medium 20 Crow Hybrid 607 103. 9 100.5 3.2 21.2 94.0 97 ,7 100.0 M-high 21 Doubet Hybrid D-72 103 .5 98.6 5.1 19.6 96.4 100 .2 98.1 Medium 22 Farmcraf t Hybrid 47 103 .4 98.6 4.7 19.2 92.0 95 .6 98.1 Medium 23 Funk Hybrid G-37 103 .1 102.3 .7 19.1 99.2 103 .1 101.8 Medium 24 Illinois Hybrid 21 103 .0 101.1 2.0 19.8 98.2 102 .1 100.6 Medium 25 DeKalb Hybrid 680 102 .9 100.6 2.5 21.2 93.6 97 .3 100.1 M-low 26 Pioneer Hybrid 339 102 ,1 100.0 2.0 19.3 98.3 102 .2 99.5 Medium 27 Null Hybrid N-16 101 ,7 100.6 1.1 20.1 98.3 102 .2 100.1 M-high 27 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 380 101, ,7 98.9 2.8 19.8 94.3 98 .0 98.4 M-low 29 Producers' Hybrid FCXX 101. 5 100.1 1.4 20.7 96.4 100 .2 99.6 M-high 30 Pfister Hybrid 380 101. 3 100.0 1.3 20.3 97.8 101 .7 99.5 M-low 91 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668 . 101 .2 98.9 2.2 20.3 98.3 102 .2 98.4 Medium 32 Illinois Hybrid 201 101 .0 100.8 .2 20.1 97.1 100.9 100.3 M-high 33 Pfister Hybrid 1897 100 .3 99.3 1.0 19.2 96.5 100 .3 98.8 Medium 34 lowealth Hybrid 25 100 ,2 98.9 1.4 20.1 96.4 100 .2 98.4 Medium 35 Moews Hybrid 523 99 9 97.5 2.6 19.5 95.9 99 .7 97.0 M-high 36 Morgan Hybrid M-52 99. 6 99.1 .5 19.8 92.9 96 ,6 98,6 Medium 37 Lowe Hybrid 520 98, 8 96.3 2.4 21.3 95.7 99 .5 95.8 Medium 38 Farmcraft Hybrid 42 98. 7 95.0 4.3 19.8 99.2 103 .1 94.5 M-low 39 Pfister Hybrid 360 98. 5 96.9 1.7 19.8 92.3 95, 9 96.4 Medium 40 U.S. Hybrid 44 98. 3 95.4 3.0 19.5 90.9 94. 5 94.9 Medium 41 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 360 98 95.9 2.4 19.3 88.8 91 ,9 95.4 Medium 42 Moews Hybrid 550 97. 9 96.5 1.5 19.1 94.6 98 .3 96.0 Medium A3 Producers' Hybrid 1030 96. 7 95.9 .8 21.0 95.5 99. 3 95.4 Medium 44 Pioneer Hybrid 333 95 . 3 92.8 2.9 19.9 98.1 102. 92.3 Medium 45 Lowe Hybrid 560 91. 1 89.0 2.4 20.5 96.3 100. 1 88.5 Medium Average of all entries 102. 6 100.5 2.1 20.0 96.2 A difference of less than 4.4 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. Table 10. EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Milford, 1944 Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- UU1C 111 If (, , Total Sound sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. i DeKalb Hybrid 840... 104.3 103.7 .6 20.0 91 .5 100.9 118.9 Medium 2 Miller Hybrid 201 102.4 100.6 1 .8 21.0 86 .2 95.0 115.4 Medium 3 Ferris Hybrid F-31 97.8 96.5 1 .3 18.5 95 .5 105.3 110.7 Medium 4 Holmes Utility Hybrid 39 97.6 96.7 .9 22.4 94 .3 104.0 110.9 Medium 4 Producers' Hybrid 1030 .... 97.6 95.0 2 .7 20.9 93 .3 102.9 108.9 Medium 6 Frey Hybrid 692 96.2 95.4 .8 21.0 87 .2 96.1 109.4 Medium 7 Seeber Hybrid 11A 94.8 93.9 .9 21.4 96 .3 106.2 107.7 M-high 8 Funk Hybrid G-S3 94.6 92.5 2 .2 19.9 85 .8 94.6 106.1 Medium 9 Funk Hybrid G-94 94.5 93.8 .7 22.8 92 .5 102.0 107.6 M-high 9 DeKalb Hybrid 800A 94.5 92.7 1 .9 20.8 93 .5 103.1 106.3 M-high 11 DeKalb Hybrid 628A 94.3 93.1 1 .3 20.6 92 .2 101.7 106.8 Medium 12 Illinois Hybrid 201 94.1 93.3 .9 20.8 87 .7 96.7 107.0 M-high 13 Pioneer Hybrid 304 93.8 93.2 .6 21.6 92 .8 102.3 106.9 Medium 14 Holmes Utility Hybrid 29 93.5 92.4 1 .2 20.6 95 .8 105.6 106.0 Medium 15 Pfister Hybrid 380 93.2 92.6 .6 21.2 90 .3 99.6 106.2 Medium 16 Pfister Hybrid 5897 93.0 92.5 .5 20.4 92 .0 101.4 106.1 Medium 17 Funk Hybrid G-71 92.9 92.7 .2 19.8 93 .8 103.4 106.3 Medium 18 Funk Hybrid G-169 92.8 92.2 .7 20.1 85 ,8 94.6 105.7 M-high 19 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 840 92.7 92.1 .6 21.3 94 ,3 104.0 105.6 M-high 20 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 380 92.4 90.5 2 .1 20.1 88 .0 97.0 103.8 Medium 21 Pioneer Hybrid 300 92.3 91.9 .4 22.2 93 .3 102.9 105.4 Medium 22 Frey Hybrid 644 92 . 1 90.8 i .4 22.4 91 .5 100.9 104.1 M-high 23 Illinois Hybrid 972-1 91.7 91.1 .6 20.9 93 .8 103.4 104.5 M-high 24 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 360 91.2 90.7 .6, 18.9 89, 2 98.3 104.0 Medium 25 Producers' Hybrid 1040 91.0 90.4 .7 21.4 94 7 104.4 103.7 Medium 26 Crow Hybrid 607 90.7 90.4 .3 22.1 88 ,3 97.4 103.7 Medium 27 Funk Hybrid G-37 90.5 88.9 1 .8 20.6 92 .5 102.0 101.9 Medium 28 Morton Hybrid M-380 90 . 2 89.7 .6 21.4 93 .3 102.9 102.9 Medium 29 U. S. Hybrid 13 89.8 87.9 2 .1 21.8 87 .0 95.9 100.8 M-high 30 Frey Hybrid 645 89.7 89.5 .2 21.3 88 5 97.6 102.6 Medium 31 Holmes Utility Hybrid 96 89.5 89.0 .6 20.1 84 .2 92.8 102.1 M-high 32 Funk Hybrid G-86 89.3 88.0 1 .4 20.3 88 .3 97.4 100.9 Medium 33 Farmcraft Hybrid 89 88.9 88.4 .6 20.3 93 ,5 103.1 101.4 Medium 33 Kelly Hybrid K-374 .... 88.9 87.3 1 .8 19.3 88 .3 97.4 100.1 Medium 35 Null Hybrid N-54 88.8 88.1 .8 21.6 94 .5 104.2 101.0 M-high 36 Pfister Hybrid 4817 88.6 88.1 .6 20.3 94 ,2 103.9 101.0 Medium 37 Doubet Hybrid D-42 88.5 88.3 .2 21.3 93 .3 102.9 101.3 Medium 38 DeKalb Hybrid 816 88.2 86.9 1 .5 23.1 90 .3 99.6 99.7 M-high 39 Illinois Hybrid 21 88.1 85.1 3 .4 21.7 92 ,2 101.7 97.6 Medium 40 Pioneer Hybrid 336 88.0 87.6 .S 20.5 92 ,2 101.7 100.5 Medium 40 National Hybrid 125 88.0 87.6 .5 19.5 87, ,2 96.1 100.5 Medium 42 DeKalb Hybrid 847 87.6 86.8 .9 21.7 90 ,7 100.0 99.5 Medium 43 Doubet Hybrid D-47 87.2 86.5 .8 22.5 91 5 100.9 99.2 Medium 44 Pioneer Hybrid 332 87.0 86.6 .5 22.7 94 ,2 103.9 99.3 M-high 44 Illinois Hybrid 1091 A 87.0 86.5 .6 20.4 90 ,7 100.0 99.2 Medium 44 Crow Hybrid 633 87.0 85.1 2 .2 22.5 90 5 99.8 97.6 Medium 47 Pioneer Hybrid 313D 86.9 86.1 .9 22.4 90 2 99.4 98.7 Medium 48 DeKalb Hybrid 817A 86.8 85.9 1 .O 21.7 90 8 100.1 98.5 Medium 48 Crow Hybrid 608 86.8 85.6 1, .4 22.5 95 104.7 98.2 Medium- so Pfister Hybrid 1897 86.7 85.5 1 .4 20.9 95 2 105.0 98.1 Medium 51 Farmcraft Hybrid 47 85.5 85.0 .6 20.6 89, 5 98.7 97.5 Medium 52 U. S. Hybrid 35 85.1 84.2 1, .0 20.6 90. 99.2 96.6 Medium 53 Kelly Hybrid K-99 84.4 84.1 ,4 20.1 94. 2 103.9 96.4 M-high 54 Pfister Hybrid 280 84.3 83.8 ,6 20.5 89. 3 98.5 96.1 Medium 55 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668 84.1 83.8 ,3 24.2 93. 2 102.8 96.1 Medium 56 Producers' Hybrid 909 83.7 82.0 2 .0 20.6 88, 3 97.4 94.0 Medium 57 Sibley Hybrid 753B-1 82.5 81.7 1 ,0 21.6 89, 8 99.0 93.7 Medium 58 Pfister Hybrid 360 82.4 82.2 ,3 21.8 88. 3 97.4 94.3 Medium 59 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-169 81.6 81.4 ,2 21.0 90. 2 99.4 93.3 Medium 60 Pfister Hybrid 260 81.3 80.5 1 .0 19.8 91, 3 100.7 92.3 Medium 60 Moews Hybrid 550 81.3 80.0 1, .6 20.4 92 2 101.7 91.7 Medium 62 Lowe Hybrid 520 81.0 80.2 1, ,0 22.7 92. 101.4 92.0 Medium 63 lowealth Hybrid 25 80.5 80.3 .3 22.0 85. 8 94.6 92.1 Medium 64 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 379 80.2 79.7 ,6 22.0 91. 7 101.1 91.4 Medium 65 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-168 80.1 79.8 ,4 21.3 93. 3 102.9 91.5 Medium 66 Miller Hybrid 26 79.2 77.9 1, .6 24.8 90, 2 99.4 89.3 Medium 67 Producers' Hybrid 777 .... 77.6 77.2 ,5 20.3 85. 8 94.6 88.5 Medium 68 Miller Hybrid 1050(W) 77.1 76.8 .4 22.8 95. 3 105.1 88.1 High 69 Lowe Hybrid 560 75.4 75.1 ,4 20.5 87, 8 96.8 86.1 Medium 70 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-166 .... 73.9 72.8 1 ,5 21.3 95. 104.7 83.5 Medium 71 DeKalb Hybrid 720(W) 73.7 73.3 .6 23.3 65. 8 72.5 84.1 M-high 72 Crow Hybrid 607 (W) 70.6 69.7 1 ,3 23.2 86. 2 95.0 79.9 Medium Average of all entries 88.0 87.2 1, 21.2 90. 7 A difference of less than 6.9 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1945} ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 469 Table 11. EAST NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Milford Summary, 1943 and 1944 . Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- O A Total Sound sample harvest plants yield of ear bit. bit. perct. Perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 DeKalb Hybrid 840 .... 93 .1 91.9 1 .4 19.9 92.4 100.1 110.3 Medium 2 Producers' Hybrid 1030 90 .5 88.9 1 .7 20.5 94.3 102.2 106.7 Medium 3 Holmes Utility Hybrid 39 90 .2 89.6 .7 21.1 95.2 103.1 107.6 Medium 4 Funk Hybrid G-94 89 .5 88.7 .9 20.9 93.1 100.9 106.5 M-high 5 Null Hybrid N-54 89 ,4 88.3 1 .3 20.6 93.8 101.6 106.0 M-high 5 DeKalb Hybrid 800A 89 ,4 88.1 1 .5 19.9 93.2 101.0 105.8 M-high 7 Seeber Hybrid 11A . ... 8,p .1 88.1 1 .1 20.1 95.4 103.4 105.8 M-high 8 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 380 88 ,9 87.1 2 .1 20.2 91.2 98.8 104.6 M-low 9 Funk Hybrid G-169 88 6 87.8 .9 19.5 88.5 95.9 105.4 M-high 10 DeKalb Hybrid 816 88.0 87.2 .9 21.4 90.8 98.4 104.7 M-high 11 Pfister Hybrid 380 ... ... 87.9 87.5 .5 20.4 93.6 101.4 105.0 M-low 11 DeKalb Hybrid 628A 87 ,9 86.9 1 .1 21.3 94.6 102.5 104.0 M-high 13 Illinois Hybrid 201 87 .6 86.8 1 .0 19.8 90.9 98.5 104.2 M-high 14 Pfister Hybrid 4817 86 9 86.5 .5 19.8 93.6 101.4 103.8 Medium 14 Producers' Hybrid 1040 86 9 86.2 .8 21.2 95 ,4 103.4 103.5 Medium 16 Farmcraft Hybrid 89 86 ,7 85.5 1 .4 19.4 92.3 100.0 102.6 Medium 17 Pfister Hybrid 5897 86 6 86.0 .7 19.2 95.3 103.3 103.2 M-low 18 Illinois Hybrid 972-l 85 .5 84.8 .8 20.3 94.7 102.6 101.8 Medium 19 Miller Hybrid 201 85 .4 83.7 2 .0 20.6 91.8 99.5 100.5 Medium 19 Funk Hybrid G-37 85, ,4 83.5 2 .4 19.6 93.1 100.9 100.2 Medium 21 Crow Hybrid1S07 . . .. 85 .2 84.5 .9 20.7 90.3 97.8 101.4 Medium 22 Illinois Hybrid 21 . ... 85 .1 82.8 2 .6 21.0 92.2 99.9 99.4 Medium 23 Doubet Hybrid D-47 84 .7 83.7 1 .2 20.9 92.8 100.5 100.5 Medium 24 National Hybrid 125 84 ,5 84.2 .4 19.7 91.7 99.3 101.1 Medium 25 DeKalb Hybrid 817A 84 .4 83.1 1 .6 20.5 92.7 100.4 99.8 Medium 25 Pioneer Hybrid 332 84 .4 83.0 1 .7 23.0 92.4 100.1 99.6 M-high 27 Pioneer Hybrid 300 84 .3 83.7 .8 22.3 94.7 102.6 100.5 Medium 28 Pioneer Hybrid 336 83 .8 83.3 .7 19.4 92.5 100.2 100.0 Medium 28 Pfister Hybrid 280 83 .8 82.5 1 .6 20.1 92.3 100.0 99.0 M-low 30 Crow Hybrid 633 83 6 82.4 1 .4 21.3 92.4 100.1 98.9 Medium 31 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 360 .. 83 .5 83.0 .6 19.1 88.9 96.3 99.6 Medium 32 U.S. Hybrid 13 83 ,4 81.9 1 .9 2,1.2 89.8 97.3 98.3 Medium 33 U. S. Hybrid 35 83 .1 82.3 .9 20.7 92.3 100.0 98.8 Medium 34 DeKalb Hybrid 847 82 ,9 81.2 2 .1 21.2 91.4 99.0 97.5 Medium 35 Pioneer Hybrid 313D 81 ,7 81.1 .8 21.7 91.9 99.6 97.4 Medium 36 Sibley Hybrid 753B-lt> 81 .3 79.9 1 .8 20.0 92.6 100.3 95.9 Medium 37 Crow Hybrid 608 80 .9 79.6 1 .6 20.6 94.2 102.1 95.6 Medium 38 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668 79 .9 78.7 1 .6 22.1 93.0 100.8 94.5 Medium 39 Pfister Hybrid 260 79 6 79.1 .7 19.4 93.0 100.8 95.0 M-low 39 Lowe Hybrid 520 79, 6 78.9 1 .0 21.2 94.5 102.0 94.7 Medium 41 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-169 ,. 79 .3 78.9 .5 19.7 92.3 100.0 94.7 Medium 42 lowealth Hybrid 25 78 .7 78.5 .3 20.6 89.7 97.2 94.2 M-high 43 Farmcraft Hybrid 47 78 .2 76.4 2 .5 19.6 92.6 100.3 91.7 M-low 44 Lowe Hybrid 560 76 .8 76.3 .7 20.0 91.4 99.0 91.6 Medium 45 Pfister Hybrid 360 .... 75 .8 75.7 .2 20.4 91.5 99.1 90.9 M-low 46 DeKalb Hybrid 720 (W) .... 74 .7 74.4 .5 22.6 78.3 84.8 89.3 M-high 47 Miller Hybrid 1050(W) .... 74 .4 72.8 2 .3 22.0 94.3 102.2 87.4 High Average of all entries 84 .3 83.3 1 .2 20.6 92.3 This entry in the 1943 tests was Illinois Hybrid 972. b This entry in the 1943 tests was Sibley Hybrid 753 B. A difference of less than 5.5 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 470 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, Table 12. SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Sullivan, 1944 Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- ' 3 *~ she >ii Pioneer Hybrid 336 . . 85.9 85.1 .9 14. 1 75.8 98.7 93.8 Medium 53 Pfister Hybrid 160 . . 85.8 85.1 .8 16 4 62.5 81.4 93.8 Medium 54 Illinois Hybrid 126 . . 85.4 81.9 4 .1 16. 77.2 100.5 90.3 Medium 55 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668 . . 84.3 84.0 .3 15. 3 81.7 106.4 92.6 Medium 545 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-169 . . 84.2 83.9 .4 13. 7 82.5 107.4 92.5 Medium 57 Pfister Hybrid 360A , . 84.1 83.9 .2 14. 6 80.0 104.2 92.5 Low 58 Pioneer Hybrid 300 .. 82.2 80.2 2 .4 16. 2 75.0 97.7 88.4 Medium 59 Miller Hybrid 26 , . 79.6 79.4 .3 13. 9 83.3 108.5 87.5 M-low 60 DeKalb Hybrid 919(W) , . 78.9 78.5 .5 18. 2 77.2 100.5 86.5 Medium Average of all entries , . 91.6 90.7 .9 16. 5 76.8 A difference of less than 7.9 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1945} ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 471 Table 13. SOUTHERN CORN RpOTWORM: Sullivan, South- Central Illinois, Extent to which stalks resisted lodging caused by the feeding of this insect* Plants Resistance Plants leaning rating Rank Entry leaning more compared 30 degrees than 45 with or more degrees average* 1 percl. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 21... 4.3 .4 519 2 Crow Hybrid 608 5.1 .7 409 3 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-169 6.8 397 4 Pfister Hybrid 164 6.3 .4 375 5 Miller Hybrid 26 8.0 338 6 Funk Hybrid G-137 7.1 1.3 276 7 DeKalb Hybrid 816 9.2 1.1 237 8 DeKalb Hybrid 835 8.7 1.4 233 9 Morgan Hybrid M-546 9.9 1.1 221 10 Funk Hybrid G-80 11.8 .3 218 10 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 746 11.0 .7 218 12 Producers' Hybrid 1000 10.4 1.1 214 13 Producers' Hybrid 1040 10.8 1.0 211 14 Funk Hybrid G-104 10.9 1.1 205 15 Crow Hybrid 805 10.5 1.5 195 16 Farmcraft Hybrid 81 14.1 190 17 Illinois (Ponder) Hybrid 501 15.2 178 18 Funk Hybrid G-96 13.6 1.4 165 18 Illinois Hybrid 201 14.9 .7 165 20 Funk Hybrid G-94 14.6 1.0 163 21 Appl Hybrid A-128 15.9 .4 161 22 Illinois Hybrid 126 14.0 1.7 155 23 U. S. Hybrid 13 15.6 1.1 152 24 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 102 13.3 2.8 142 25 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 831 15.7 1.7 141 26 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668 15.1 2.1 139 27 Producers' Hybrid 1050 15.5 2.0 138 27 Hoosier Crost Hyfkid 840 15.3 2.1 138 27 Funk Hybrid G-169 14.7 2.4 138 30 Pfister Hybrid 1897 17.7 1.1 135 31 Pioneer Hybrid 304 15.2 3.5 122 32 Crow Hybrid 607 20.2 1.1 121 32 lowealth Hybrid 29A 16.8 2.8 121 34 Illinois Hybrid 972-1 16.7 3.3 115 35 DeKalb Hybrid 922(W) 23.9 .7 106 36 Lowe Hybrid 840 15.5 5.0 105 37 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 505 (W) 25.0 1.4 97 38 Appl Hybrid A-336 18.1 4.9 96 39 Pioneer Hybrid 300 19.3 4.6 94 40 Pioneer Hybrid 332 22.2 3.5 92 41 Illinois Hybrid 246 24.9 4.2 - 81 42 Pioneer Hybrid 336 24.6 4.6 80 43 Illinois Hybrid 247 24.3 4.8 79 44 Pfister Hybrid 1823 24.8 5.4 76 45 Funk Hybrid G-515(W) 31.2 3.2 72 46 Farmcraft Hybrid 88 34.2 2.9 68 47 Miller Hybrid 1050(W) 37.6 1.8 66 48 Null Hybrid N-77 29.0 6.5 64 49 DeKalb Hybrid 919(W) 34.9 4.8 61 50 Pfister Hybrid 160 37.0 4.2 59 51 Pfister Hybrid 360 A 38.9 4.3 57 52 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 707(W) 40.1 3.9 56 53 DeKalb Hybrid 888 38.0 5.5 55 54 Illinois Hybrid 200 38 . 7 5.9 53 54 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 941 (W) 37.0 6.9 53 54 Pioneer Hybrid 313D 31.8 9.5 53 57 Lowe Hybrid 855(W) 51.0 6.2 43 58 National Hybrid 129 47.2 8.7 42 59 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 901 (W) 55.1 5.8 40 59 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 917(W) 45 . 7 10.5 40 Average of all entries 21.1 2.9 100 *Diabrotica duodecimpunctala (F.) b High rating indicates better standing ability. In percentage of plants leaning 30 degrees or more, a difference of less than 17.9 between any two entries is not significant. 472 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, Table 14. SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Sullivan Summary, 1943 and 1944 Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- . _ Total Sound sample harvest plants yield of ear ft*. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Funk Hybrid G-137 ..100.2 99.8 .4 18.6 84 .8 97.6 112 .5 High 2 Funk Hybrid G-80 . . 98.9 98.2 .7 20.4 90 .6 104.3 110 ,7 M-high 3 Appl Hybrid A-128 . . 95.3 95.2 .1 18.2 89 .1 102.5 107 .3 M-high 3 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 917(W) . . .. 95.3 95.1 .3 19.1 75 .6 87.0 107 ,2 High 5 Funk Hybrid G-104 . . 94.1 93.9 .2 16.9 92 .7 106.7 105 .9 Medium 5 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 941 (W). . .. 94.1 93.1 1.1 19.8 80.8 93.0 105 .0 M-high 7 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 831 . . 93.7 92.9 .8 16.5 84 .3 97.0 104 ,7 Medium 8 Miller Hybrid 1050 (W) . . 92.8 92.5 .3 19.5 84 .3 97.0 104 .3 M-high 9 Illinois Hybrid 200 . . 92 . 7 91.6 1.2 18.6 83 ,9 96.5 103 3 M-high 10 Appl Hybrid A-336 . . 92.5 90.2 2.5 17.9 86 .8 99.9 101 7 Medium 11 Funk Hybrid G-94 . . 92.2 91.6 .6 16.8 86 .9 100.0 103 3 Medium 12 U.S. Hybrid 13 . . 92.0 91.4 .8 16.6 90 ,4 104.3 103 Medium 12 Illinois Hybrid 201 . . 92.0 91.4 .6 16.0 88 ,7 102.1 103 Medium 14 DeKalb Hybrid 835 .. 91.8 91.3 .5 16.4 93 ,2 107.2 102 9 M-low 15 Producers' Hybrid 1040 .. 91.7 91.5 .2 17.2 93 ,3 107.4 103. 2 Medium 16 Producers' Hybrid 1000 .. 91.5 91.2 .3 16.0 89 ,7 103.2 102. 8 Medium 17 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 901 (W) . . .. 91.0 90.9 .2 19.3 81 .5 93.8 102. 5 M-high 18 Null Hybrid N-77 . . 90.8 89.4 1.6 17.3 77 ,3 89.0 100.8 Medium 19 Crow Hybrid 607 . . 90.2 89.5 .8 18.9 84 ,6 97.4 100. 9 Medium 20 Pfister Hybrid 1897 . . 90.1 88.7 1.6 16.9 94. ,7 109.0 100. Medium 21 Pioneer Hybrid 332 . . 90.0 88.7 1.4 18.8 87 .8 101.0 100 Medium 22 DeKalb Hybrid 816 . . 89.9 89.6 .3 18.1 88 .5 101.8 101 Medium 23 Pfister Hybrid 160 . . 89.2 88.5 .8 16.7 79 .4 91.4 99, 8 Medium 24 lowealth Hybrid 29A . . 88.9 88.5 .5 18.2 92 .2 106.1 99. 8 M-high 24 Pfister Hybrid 164 . . 88.9 88.3 .7 17.1 92 6 106.6 99, .5 Medium 26 Crow Hybrid 805 . . 88.8 87.9 1.0 16.8 88 ,3 101.6 99. 1 Medium 27 Farmcraft Hybrid 81 . . 88.7 88.3 .5 15.9 89. 102.4 99. 5 M-low 27 Illinois Hybrid 247 . . 88.7 88.1 .7 18.3 84. ,7 97.5 99. 3 M-high 29 Funk Hybrid G-169 . . 88.5 87.6 1.0 17.2 88. 6 102.0 98. 8 Medium 30 DeKalb Hybrid 888 . . 88.2 86.0 2.5 19.6 75, .8 87.2 97. M-high 31 Lowe Hybrid 840 . . 88.1 87.8 .4 18.9 88 ,2 101.5 99. Medium 32 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 840 . . 87.5 87.3 .3 17.7 89. 5 103.0 98. 4 Medium 33 Farmcraft Hybrid 88 . . 87.1 86.0 1.3 17.5 84, 2 96.9 97. Medium 34 Crow Hybrid 608 . . 86.7 86.4 .4 15.9 91 6 105.4 97. 4 Medium 34 Pioneer Hybrid 336 . . 86.7 86.2 .6 16.5 86 ,1 99.1 97. 2 Medium 36 Illinois Hybrid 21 . . 86.5 84.9 1.8 18.5 94, 8 109.1 95. 7 Medium 37 Miller Hybrid 26 . . 86.1 85.9 .3 16.0 90 4 104.5 96. 8 Medium 38 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-169 . . 85.9 85.6 .3 16.0 89, 4 102.9 96. 5 M-low 38 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 505 (W) . . 85.9 84.4 1.7 17.3 77. 8 89.5 95. 2 Medium 40 Pioneer Hybrid 313D . . 85.7 85.3 .5 16.5 82. 1 94.5 96. 2 M-low 41 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 668 . . 85.0 84.8 .2 16.6 89. 5 103.0 95. 6 M-low 42 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 746 . . 84.8 84.5 .4 17.1 91 . 9 105.8 95. i Medium 43 Pioneer Hybrid 300 . . 84.3 82.8 1.9 19.2 86, 8 99.9 93. 3 Medium 44 Illinois Hybrid 126 . . 82.8 80.5 2.8 17.0 85 97.8 90. 8 Medium 45 DeKalb Hybrid 922(W) . . 80.7 80.3 .5 20.0 84. 3 97.0 90. 5 M-high 46 DeKalb Hybrid 919(W) . . 78.4 78.1 .5 18.7 86. 8 99.9 88. Medium Average of all entries . . 89.5 88.7 .83 17.7 86. 9 A difference of less than 5.1 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 473 Table 15. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Alhambra, 1944 Rank Entry Damaged Mois- Acre-yield corn in ture in - shelled grain at Total Sound sample harvest Erect plants Rating for Test weight Sound per yield bushel Erect plants Compara- tive height of ear Illinois Hybrid 200 Illinois Hybrid 1243 Pfeifer Hybrid A- 140-1 Kansas Hybrid 2234(W) U. S. Hybrid 13 Miller Hybrid 1050(W) Funk Hybrid G-80 Illinois Hybrid 206 Kansas Hybrid 1583 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 917(W) Kansas Hybrid 2275(W).. Pfeifer Hybrid A-243 Illinois Hybrid 804 Pioneer Hybrid 304 DeKalb Hybrid 888 Illinois Hybrid 877 Crow Hybrid 607 Kansas Hybrid 1585 Funk Hybrid G-527(W) .... Hoosier Crost Hybrid 1005. . Illinois Hybrid 2059(W) Illinois Hybrid 448 Lowe Hybrid 840 Illinois Hybrid 201 Lowe Hybrid 855 (W) Funk Hybrid G-125 lowealth Hybrid 29 A Embro Hybrid 1001 Pfister Hybrid 1823 Hoosier Crost Hybrid F-169 bu. 47.7 46.5 45.1 43.2 42.4 42.0 39.7 38.2 38.1 Illinois Hybrid 784 Illinois Hybrid 713 Funk Hybrid G-96 DeKalb Hybrid 922 (W) . . DeKalb Hybrid 919(W) . . Pioneer Hybrid 336 DeKalb Hybrid 816 Stiegelmeier Hybrid 1313. Pioneer Hybrid 332 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 840. Pfister Hybrid 610(W) .. . . Pfister Hybrid 7892 Farmcraft Hybrid 88 Pioneer Hybrid 31 3D Illinois Hybrid 2077 (W) . . Embro Hybrid 1020 Pioneer Hybrid 300 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 901(W) Crow Hybrid 805 Pfister Hybrid 160 37.8 37.1 36.3 36.1 36.1 35.9 35.6 35.5 35.2 34.8 34.5 34.4 34.4 34.2 34.2 34.0 33.7 33.5 33.0 32.7 32.5 32.4 32.2 31.7 31.2 30.9 30.8 30.6 30.6 30.0 29.9 29.6 29.6 29.4 29.3 29.2 28.9 Funk Hybrid G-94 Pfister Hybrid 164 National Hybrid 134 Farmcraft Hybrid 133(W). Illinois Hybrid 126 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 746. Pfister Hybrid 1897 Pfister Hybrid 612(W) Funk Hybrid G-708 Funk Hybrid G- 706 28.7 28.3 26.9 26.8 26.3 26.3 26.2 26.2 26.0 25.6 24.0 22.1 20.4 bu. 46.9 46.1 44.6 42.8 42.2 40.5 39.1 37.8 37.4 38.0 37.8 37.6 37.0 36.2 36.1 36.0 35.8 34.0 35.3 35.1 34.6 34.4 34.2 34.1 34.1 34.0 33.9 33.5 33.2 32.9 32.5 32.4 32.3 32.1 31.4 30.9 30.8 30.7 30.5 30.3 29.9 29.6 29.6 29.4 29.2 29.2 29.2 28.9 27.6 28.2 26.7 26.7 26.2 26.2 25.8 25.8 25.9 25.6 23.9 22.1 20.4 perct. 1.6 .9 1.2 1.0 .4 3.6 1.5 1.0 1.8 .4 .4 .2 .4 .4 .2 4.6 .7 .4 .6 .4 .6 .8 .3 .5 .4 .6 .9 .4 .7 .4 .4 .2 .9 1.1 .4 .2 .2 .9 .4 1.0 .1 .7 .8 .3 .1 .1 3.8 .4 .6 .5 .2 .4 1.4 1.6 .2 .1 .3 .1 perct. 13.4 16.2 12.1 17.5 13.1 13.9 13.7 13.4 16.8 17.0 14.4 15.8 13.5 13.1 14.7 16.5 14.2 15.4 13.4 17.2 14.4 15.7 12.8 12.6 16.0 12.8 12.2 16.5 12.8 12.8 15.6 13.3 13.7 13.7 14.3 12.8 13.8 13.7 14.7 13.0 13.1 12.8 13.7 14.1 13.7 14.4 11.3 14.1 12.0 12.6 13.7 13.2 14.1 17.3 14.9 14.4 12.5 13.9 16.5 15.1 perct. 63.3 51.6 55.8 52.5 80.8 75.0 77.5 70.0 50.8 60.0 58.3 55.0 50.0 90.8 76.6 49.1 73.3 55.8 60.8 32.5 78.3 52.5 82.5 89.1 62.5 60.0 77.5 59.1 80.0 85.8 55.8 74.1 69.1 71.6 80.0 75.8 86.3 81.6 81.6 85.0 60.0 83.3 81.6 65.0 65.8 78.3 85.8 70.0 77.5 70.0 76.6 71.6 71.3 75.8 68.3 68.3 79.1 80.8 66.4 63.3 perct. 90.7 73.9 79.9 75.2 115.8 107.4 111.0 100.3 72.8 83.5 78.8 71.6 130.0 109.7 70.3 105.0 79.9 87.1 46.6 112.1 75.2 118.2 127.6 89.5 86.0 111.0 84.7 114.6 122.9 79.9 106.2 99.0 102.6 114.6 108.6 123.6 116.9 116.9 121.8 86.0 119.3 116.9 93.1 94.3 112.2 122.9 100.3 111.0 100.3 109.7 102.6 102.1 108.6 97.8 97.8 113.3 115.8 95.1 90.7 perct. 143.9 141.4 136.8 131.3 129.4 124.2 119.9 116.0 114.7 Ib. 58.0 58.3 58.4 58.0 57.9 56.8 58.1 59.4 56.7 115.3 58.1 113.5 58.0 111.0 58.0 110.7 55.7 110.4 58.9 109.8 57.9 104.3 57.9 108.3 56.7 107.7 56.3 106.1 58.3 105.5 54.7 104.9 57.7 104.6 54.3 104.6 55.0 104.3 56.3 104.0 59.4 102.8 56.7 101.8 56.3 100.9 57.1 99.7 55.6 99.4 58.2 99.1 56.0 98.5 58.2 96.3 55.6 94.8 52.1 94.5 57.3 94.2 56.9 93.6 53.4 92.9 56.3 91.7 54.0 90.8 55.9 90.8 57.2 90.2 56.3 89.6 52.8 89.6 58.3 89.6 54.3 88.7 54.7 84.7 57.0 86.5 55.4 81.9 55.4 81.9 55.1 70 79 78 73.3 67.8 62.6 57.5 56.3 Average of all entries... 32.9 32.6 .7 13.9 59.6 56.7 M-low Medium Medium Medium Medium M-high Medium M-low Medium 86.0 116.0 58.4 M-high Medium Medium Medium M-low Medium Medium M-low Medium Medium M-low Medium Medium Medium M-low Medium M-high M-low Medium Medium M-low Medium M-low M-low Medium M-low Medium M-low M-low Medium M-low M-high M-low M-low M-low Medium Low Medium Medium M-low M-low M-low M-low M-low Medium M-low Low M-low Medium M-high M-high A difference of less than 9.1 bushels between total yields of any two entries in this table is not significant. 474 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, Table 16. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Alhambra Summary, 1943 and 1944 Damaged Mois- Rating for Compara- _ . Total Sound sample harvest plants yield of ear bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. i Illinois Hybrid 1243 .50.7 50.4 .6 16.7 73.9 91 .6 129 .6 Medium 2 Illinois Hybrid 200 . 50.2 49.7 1.0 13.9 77.3 95 .8 127 .8 M-low 3 Kansas Hybrid 2275(W) . 49.0 48.9 .3 15.6 69.8 86 .5 125 .7 Medium 4 Kansas Hybrid 2234(W) . 46.3 46.0 .6 17.9 70.4 87 .2 118 .3 Medium 5 Funk Hybrid G-80 . 46.1 45.7 1.0 16.8 88.3 109 .4 117 .5 Medium 6 Kansas Hybrid 1583 .45.1 44.6 1.1 19.9 73.7 91 .3 114 .7 Medium 7 Illinois Hybrid 784 . 43.9 43.7 .4 18.1 73.7 91 .3 112 .3 Medium 8 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 917(W) . . . . 43.5 43.3 .5 ,17.3 71.3 88 .4 111 .3 M-high 9 U.S. Hybrid 13 . 42.8 42.5 .5 13.2 87.5 108 .4 109 .3 Medium 10 Illinois Hybrid 804 42.6 42.5 .3 15.4 71.5 88 ,6 109 .3 Medium 10 Illinois Hybrid 877 . 42.6 42.5 .2 16.8 67.6 83 .8 109 .3 Medium 12 Funk Hybrid G-125 . 42.2 42.1 .3 15.0 78.8 97 .6 108 .2 M-high 13 DeKalb Hybrid 922 (W) .41.1 40.9 .5 15.0 76.3 94 .5 105 .1 Medium 14 Miller Hybrid 1050(W) . 41.0 40.1 2.1 15.9 79.0 97 .9 103 .1 M-high 15 Crow Hybrid 607 . 40.8 39.9 2.4 15.0 85.7 106 .1 102 .6 M-low 16 DeKalb Hybrid 888 . 40.6 40.4 .5 14.7 84.6 104 .8 103 .9 Medium 17 Pfister Hybrid 1823 . 40.4 40.3 .5 13.7 88.8 110 .0 103 .6 Medium 18 Illinois Hybrid 2059 (W) . 39.6 39.5 .4 16.0 81.7 101 .2 101 .5 Medium 19 Kansas Hybrid 1585 . 39.4 39.2 .5 17.2 75.4 93 .4 100.8 Medium 20 Crow Hybrid 805 . 39.3 39.2 .3 13.2 87.9 108 .9 100 ,8 M-low 21 Illinois Hybrid 713 . 39.0 38.9 .4 14.8 85.6 106 .1 100 .0 M-low 22 lowealth Hybrid 29A . 38.6 38.4 .5 13.5 80.3 99 .5 98 .7 M-low 23 Funk Hybrid G-527(W) . 38.5 38.4 .2 15.7 72.5 89 .8 98 .7 Medium 24 DeKalb Hybrid 816 .37.7 37.6 .3 14.3 92.3 114 .4 96 .7 M-low 25 Illinois Hybrid 201 .36.8 36.6 .4 13.7 92.1 114 .1 94 .1 M-low 26 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 840 . 36.5 36.3 .6 14.5 92.0 114 .0 93 .3 M-low 27 Farmcraft Hybrid 133(W) . 36.0 35.8 .8 16.5 72.9 90 .3 92 Medium 28 Lowe Hybrid 840 .35.7 35.5 .5 13.7 87.1 107 ,9 91 ,3 Medium 28 DeKalb Hybrid 919(W) .35.7 35.5 .7 16.3 85.4 105 .8 91 ,3 M-low 30 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 901 (W) . . .35.1 34.5 2.2 16.8 78.0 96 .7 88 ,7 Medium 31 Pioneer Hybrid 332 . 35.0 34.8 .6 16.0 87.5 108 .4 89 5 Medium 32 Farmcraft Hybrid 88 . 34.4 34.0 1.0 14.2 85.3 105 ,7 87, ,4 M-low 33 Illinois Hybrid 207 7 (W) . 34.1 34.0 .4 14.4 74.4 . 92 ,2 87, 4 Medium 34 Pfister Hybrid 1897 . 33.9 33.8 .2 13.3 87.1 107, 9 86. 9 M-low 35 Pioneer Hybrid 336 .33.2 33.1 .3 13.7 85.4 105 8 85, 1 Medium 36 Illinois Hybrid 126 . 32.4 32.1 1.2 15.2 77.9 96 5 82, 5 M-low 37 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 746 . 32.2 32.1 .3 15.0 82.3 89, 6 82. 5 Low 38 Pioneer Hybrid 300 .32.1 32.0 .2 13.2 90.8 112 5 82, .3 Medium 39 Pioneer Hybrid 313D . 31.5 31.3 .6 14.8 80.6 99, 9 80. 5 M-low 40 Pfister Hybrid 164 . 29.8 29.6 .5 14.7 85.3 105. 7 76. 1 M-low Average of all entries .39.1 38.9 .65 15.3 80.7 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 475 Table 17. EXTREME SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Dixon Springs Bottomland, 1944 Damaged Mois- Acre-yield corn in ture in Erect Rating for Compara- tive Total Sound sample harvest yield of ear bu. . bu. perct. perct. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 2120(W) . . 64 6 63.7 1.4 18. 6 134 .4 M-high 2 Funk Hybrid G-711 .. 63 .0 62.3 1.6 27 ,0 131 ,4 M-high .5 Illinois Hybrid 2119(W) .. 59 ,2 58.1 1.9 19 5 122 6 M-high 4 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 707(W) . . 58 ,2 57.9 .6 19, 8 122 ,2 M-high 5 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 905 (W) . . 58, ,1 57.8 .5 20, 8 121 9 M-high 6 Kansas Hybrid 2275 (W) . . 58, 54.7 5.7 19, 5 115 ,4 M-high 7 Farmcraft Hybrid 133(W) . . 57, 2 56.6 1.0 22, 7 119 ,4 M-high 8 Illinois Hybrid 2077(W) .. 57, ,1 56.9 .4 21, 120 Medium 9 Illinois Hybrid 784 (Pfeifer) .. 57, 55.0 3.5 19 3 116 M-high 10 Illinois Hybrid 2059 (W) . . 56 8 56.3 .8 18, 5 118 8 M-high H Illinois Hybrid 200-1 . 56 .3 55.2 2.0 20 .1 116 .5 M-high 12 Illinois Hybrid 126 .. 56 ,0 54.9 2.0 18 .5 115 .8 Medium 13 Lowe Hybrid 855(W) .. 55 .3 54.9 .8 20 .3 115 .8 Medium 14 Illinois Hybrid 713 .. 55 .1 54.7 .8 20 .6 115 .4 M-high 15 Illinois Hybrid 448 .. 53 .9 53.4 1.0 19 .2 112 .7 Medium 16 Miller Hybrid 1050(W) .. 53 .4 52.9 1.0 20 ,0 W 111 .6 M-high 17 Pioneer Hybrid 304 .. 53 .2 52.2 1.8 21 .0 3 110 .1 Medium 18 Pioneer Hybrid 313D .. 52 .9 52.7 .4 23 .7 w 111 .2 Medium 19 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 91 7 (W) . . . . . . 52 .5 51.8 1.4 20.6 109 .3 M-high 20 Henley-Whisnand Hybrid 834 .. 51 ,7 49.4 4.4 20, 9 104 ,2 M-high W 21 Illinois Hybrid 1239... . 51 .3 49.0 4.5 19 .3 103 ,4 M-high 22 Illinois Hybrid 2019B(W) .. 51 .0 50.6 .7 21 .4 fA 106 .8 Medium 22 Funk Hybrid G-135 .. 51 .0 50.6 .8 23 .5 a 106 .8 M-high 22 Illinois Hybrid 804 .. 51 .0 47.9 6.0 IV .'/ ' 101 ,1 M-high 25 Kansas Hybrid 1585 .. 50 .9 50.5 .8 20 ,8 o 106 ,3 M-high 26 DeKalb Hybrid 888 .. 50 .3 49.8 .8 19 .9 105 .1 Medium 27 Funk Hybrid G-125 .. 49 .2 48.5 1.5 18 .6 > 102 .3 M-high 2K Kansas Hybrid 1583 .. 49 .1 48.3 1.6 23 .1 J 101 ,9 M-high 28 Pioneer Hybrid 300 .. 49 .1 47.4 3.5 20 .0 100 ,0 Medium 30 Pioneer Hybrid 336 .. 48 ,7 46.6 4.4 16 ,5 O 98 ,3 Medium 31 Illinois Hybrid 1233 . 48 .2 47.0 2.5 19 .9 H 99 ,2 Medium 31 Kansas Hybrid 2234(W) .. 48 .2 47.0 2.8 22 .1 << 99 ,2 M-high 33 Pioneer Hybrid 332 . . 48 .1 46.1 4.2 19 .8 & 97 .3 Medium 33 Illinois Hybrid 1238B .. 48 .1 45.6 5.1 20 .1 96 .2 Medium 35 Funk Hybrid G-90 .. 47 .9 47.4 1.0 21 .6 100 ,0 Medium 36 Embro Hybrid 1001 . . 47 .5 46.6 1.8 22 .2 f4 98 .3 M-high 37 Illinois Hybrid 200 .. 47 .3 45.1 4.6 21 .7 H 95 .1 Medium 38 DeKalb Hybrid 922(W) .. 46 .6 46.1 1.0 20 ,5 | 97 .3 Medium 39 Kelly Hybrid K-99 .. 46 .3 43.4 6.8 17 .8 91 .6 Medium 40 Lowe Hybrid 840 46 ,0 44.6 3.0 19 g 94 .1 Medium 41 Hoosier Crost Hybrid 746 . 45 .9 43.1 6.0 17 .6 M 90 .9 Medium 42 Embro Hybrid 1020 .. 45 .0 43.7 2.8 19 .2 92 .2 M-low 42 lowealth Hybrid 25A .. 45 .0 43.7 2.8 19 .3 W 92 .2 Medium 44 U.S. Hybrid 13 .. 44 .2 43.3 2.1 19 .2 91 .4 Medium 44 Illinois Hybrid 784 .. 44 .2 43.0 2.7 21 .2 hJ 90 .7 M-high 46 Pfeifer Hybrid A-140-1 .. 43 ,8 42.2 3.6 20 ,5 , Illinois Hybrid 201 62 1 61, 1 1 3 17 4 4 Illinois Hybrid 206 61 1 60 f> .9 18 7 S Illinois Hybrid 246. . . . 60 9 60 4 .8 18 6 6 U. S. Hybrid 13 60 1 62 4 - 2 ,0 18, 9 7 Illinois Hybrid 784 59, 9 59, > ,6 20, 6 8 Illinois Hybrid 751 56, 1 55, 6 1 .1 17. S 9 Illinois Hybrid 101.. 49. 2 48. 1 1 2 17. I A difference of less than 4.0 bushels between total yields of any two of the above entries is not significant. INTERPRETING RESULTS A two-year test of any crop is of course a better basis for judging of its merit than a single year's record. For about two-thirds of the hybrids in the 1944 tests two-year summaries are given consolidating 1943 and 1944 results. Should a hybrid prove superior thru two years on more than one field, it may be considered not only high yielding but also wide in adaptation. Yield of grain, while used as a basis for rating the hybrids in these tests, is not the only characteristic to consider when appraising a hybrid. Days required to reach maturity, resistance to ear rots, and ability to stay erect until harvest are also important. Even tho some of the fields in these tests were planted late and the grain, therefore, was not fully dry when harvested, the relative moisture content of one hybrid when compared with the others gives a good measure of its maturity. The height at which the ear is borne on the stalk determines a hybrid's suitability for hand husking and also affects lodging resistance. This characteristic is influenced greatly by genetic constitution, soil fertility, and seasonal conditions. 480 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, Very few dropped ears were found in the 1944 test fields so few that the records were not considered worth publishing. SUMMARY A total of 237 corn hybrids were tested on seven fields in Illinois in 1944. Nine of these hybrids were included in an additional test to de- termine their response to soils of two different levels of productivity. Eighteen hybrids were tested for their response to seed treatment and their resistance to ear rot. Wet weather delayed corn planting, yet good stands were obtained on all the test fields. The results of these tests were briefly as follows: 1. The field having the highest average yield, 91.6 bushels an acre, was the one at Sullivan in Moultrie county in south-central Illinois. The average acre-yields of the other test fields were: Gales- burg, 91.2 bushels; Mt. Morris, 89.1 bushels; Milford, 88.0 bushels; Dixon Springs, bottomland, 48.5 bushels; Alhambra, 32.9 bushels; and Dixon Springs, upland, 22.0 bushels. The average yield of corn for all seven fields was 66.2 bushels an acre, which contrasts with 45 bushels as the average for the state as a whole. (The locations of these fields are shown in Table 1, page 456, and in the map on the front cover.) 2. The general level of yields on all the fields, considering the conditions of the test, clearly indicates that most commercial seedsmen are producing high-yielding hybrid seed corn. 3. The few white hybrids tested in northern and north-central Illinois did not yield well in comparison with the yellow hybrids ; but in south-central, southern, and extreme southern Illinois a number of them appeared to be very well adapted. 4. Chinch bugs did more damage to corn than any other insect in 1944. Damage on the Alhambra field is reflected in the lighter test weights of some of the hybrids. 5. For the Sullivan field in Moultrie county in south-central Illinois, records were made of lodging that resulted from the feeding of the corn rootworm. From 4.3 to 45.7 percent of the plants lodged 30 degrees or more from this cause, tho comparatively few hybrids de- veloped the more severe lodging. 6. Stalk-breaking caused by infestation with the European corn borer was recorded for the Mt. Morris field in Ogle county in northern Illinois and for the Milford field in Iroquois county in east north- central Illinois. Appreciable amounts of lodging due to borer attack were found on both fields, but there was considerably less lodging at Mt. Morris. 7. Corn earworm feeding was severe on the Robbs field at Dixon Springs in Pope county in the extreme southern part of Illinois. The comparatively high percentage of damaged corn on this field was due 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 481 to ear rot fungi which invaded the kernels that had been injured by earworms. 8. Losses from diseases were, in general, about average in 1944. No one disease was especially outstanding. 9. Seed of 18 hybrids treated with Arasan gave yields 3.2 bush- els an acre above the average of untreated seed. Damage from kernel rot in these same hybrids ranged from 3.37 to 7.72 percent. 10. The same nine double-cross hybrids tested on soils of two different levels of productivity in 1943 were tested again under similar conditions in 1944. The average yield of the hybrids on the soil of high productivity was 109.8 bushels an acre, while it was only 54.8 bushels on the soil of medium productivity. Contrary to previous tests, all nine hybrids ranked, on the basis of total yield, in the same order on both fields. There was very little difference between the yields of the six adapted hybrids on either field. The three hybrids less well adapted to central Illinois namely, Illinois 784, 751, and 101 were the three low- yielding hybrids on both fields. The two-year averages of the results on these two fields show for Illinois 246 a significant difference in relative ranking on the two fields. This hybrid yielded relatively high on the highly productive soil and comparatively low on the medium productive soil. 482 BULLETIN No. 509 [February, PEDIGREES OF HYBRIDS Following is a partial list of Experiment Station and U. S. hybrids. The performance of those that are starred is shown in this bulletin. 111. 21 .... (WF9 x 38-11) (Hy x 187-2) 111. 23 .... (A x Tr) (R4 x Hy) 111.29. ...(Ax90)(R4xHy) 111. 53 .... (WF9 x M14) (Pr x 1205) 111. 99 .... (CCS x CC7) (WF9 x CC1) 111. 101 . . .(WF9 x M14) (CC7 x 187-2) 111. 105 ... (38-11 x Kys) (G x L317) 111. 126 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (Tr x L317) 111.139. ..(WF9x38-ll)(R4xL317) 111.172. . . (R4 x Hy) (A x 540) 111. 200 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (K4 x L317) 111. 200-1.. (WF9 x 38-11) (K4 x L317E) 'I11..201 . . .(WF9 x 38-11) (187-2 x L317) 111. 206 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (5120 x L317) 111. 212 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (4-8 x 187-2) 111. 219 ... (CCS x CC7) (WF9 x Hy) 111. 227 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (Hy x Tr) 111. 237 ... (WF9 x K4) (Kys x 38-11) 111. 246 ... (WF9 x Hy) (187-2 x L317) 111. 247 ... (187-2 x 38-11) (Hy x L317) 111. 249 ... (R4 x L317) (187-2 x 701) 111. 253 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (R4 x 187-2) 111. 254 ... (WF9 x 187-2) (R4 x Hy) 111. 255 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (159L1 x 187-2) 111. 257-1. . (Hy x 187-2) (O7 x L317) 111. 262 ... (WF9 x M14) (187-2 x L317) 111. 269 ... (CC10 x CC24) (WF9 x Hy) 111. 273 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (187-2 x 701) 111. 273-1. . (WF9 x 38-11) (187-2 x O7) 111. 274-1. . (WF9 x Hy) (187-2 x O7) 111. 279 ... (WF9 x M14) (CC24 x 187-2) 111. 281 ... (WF9 x A) (R2 x 187-2) 111. 285 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (Hy x 540) 111. 288 ... (WF9 x Hy) (K4 x 38-11) 111. 300 ... (WF9 x R4) (Pr x 1205) 111. 308 ... (WF9 x M14) (4-8 x 187-2) 111. 319 ... (WF9 x M14) (A x 90) 111. 350 ... (WF9 x R4) (187-2 x L317) 111. 351 ... (WF9 x 38-11) (R4 x Hy) 111. 371 ... (A x L) (WF9 x Hy) 111. 374 ... (R4 x Hy) (187-2 x L317) 111. 437 ... (WF9 x Hy) (K4 x L317) *I11.448. ..(38-llxKys)(K4xL317) 111. 500-1. . (WF9 x 38-11) (O7 x L317) 111.501. . .(WF9x 38-11) (Hyx 5120) 111. 507 ... (A x 90) (WF9 x R4) 111. 565 ... (38-11 x G) (K4 x L317) 111. 710 ... (R4 x Hy) (Tr x L317) 111. 713 . . . (WF9 x 38-11) (G x L317) 111. 716A. . (WF9 x 38-11) (Hy x L317) 111. 751 ... (A x 90) (WF9 x Hy) 111. 772 ... (R4 x Hy) (159 x L317) 111. 784 ... (Hy x 5120) (K4 x L317) 111. 804 ... (5120 x 38-11) (K4 x L317) 111. 805 ... (187-2 x 38-11) (K4 x L317) 111. 863 (R4 xHy) (K4 x L317) 111. 877 (R4 x Pr) (K4 x L317) 111. 885A (R4 x 38-11) (K4 x L317) 111. 899 (CC5 x CC7) (R4 x WF9) 111.944 (WF9 x Hy) (R4 x L317) 111. 960 (R4 x Hy) (701 x L317) 111. 972-1 (WF9 x Hy) (O7 x L317) 111. 1091A (WF9 x M14) (Hy x 187-2) 111. 1173 (WF9 x Hy) (RR98 x 187-2) 111. 1180 (WF9 x M.14) (CC10 x CC24} 111. 1183B (WF9 x M14) (R2 x CC10) 111. 1195 (WF9 x CC10) (CC7 x 187-2) 111. 1206 (WF9 x R2) (CC7 x 187-2) 111. 1207 (VVF9 x 38-11) (K179 x K180 111. 1233 (WF9 x 38-11) (940 x L317) ' 111. 1233-1 . - (WF9 x 38-11) (940 x L317E) 111. 1234 (WF9 x CC10) (R2 x 187-2) 111. 1236 (WF9 x M14) (CC10 x 187-2) 111. 1238B (38-11 x 940) (WF9 x G) 111. 1239 (K166 x L317) (297 x 38-11) 111. 1240 (WF9 x M14) (R2 x 187-2) 111. 1242 (WF9 x CC10) (R2 x CC35) 111. 1243 (297 x 38-11) (K180 x K4) 111. 1250 (WF9 x M14) (R2 x L317) 111. 1252 (WF9 x CC10) (R2 x L317) 111. 1255 (WF9 x M14) (CC35 x Y82) 111. 1257 (WF9 x 38-11) (557 x L317) 111. 1260 (WF9 x M14) (R2 x CC35) 111. 2000(W) (CI.24 x CI.61) (33-16 x KyT, 111. 2003(W) (K6 x 33-16) (CI.43 x CI.61) 111. 2007(W) (CI.43 x K6) (Ky27 x CI.61) 111. 2016(W) (33-16 x B103) (K6 x CI.61) 111. 2018(W) (Ky27 x R30) (CI.43 x CI.61) 111. 2019A(W) . . . (Ky27 x CI.61) (R30 x 33-16) 111. 2020(W) (Ky27 x R30) (K6 x CI.61) 111. 2023B(W) . . . (Ky27 x CI.24) (K6 x 33-16) 111. 2043(W) (33-16 x K6) (Ky27 x CI.43) 111. 2059(W) (Ky27 x CI.61) (33-16 x K6) 111. 2077(W) (33-16 x CI.61) (Ky27 x CI.45 1 111. 2097(W) (CI.43 x 33-16) (Ky27 x R30) I11.2117(W) (Ky27x CI.61) (H21 x 33-16) 111. 2119(W) (Ky27 x CI.61) (33-16 x K64) 111. 2120(W) (Ky27 x CI.61) (K6 x K64) 111. 2159(W) (Ky27 x CI.61) (H21 x K64) 111. 2162(W) (4Co63 x 4Co82) (R47 x R49) i 111. 2181(W) (33-16 x Ky27) (H21 x K64) 111. 2184(W) (K6 x K64) (33-16 x CI.61) *Kans. 1583 (Kys x 201C) (K4 x 38-11) *Kans. 1585 (K155 x 201C) (K4 x 38-11) *Kans. 2234(W). . (K41 x K55) (K63 x K64) ... *Kans. 2275(W). . (K55 x K64) (Ky27 x 36- *Wis. 645 (CCS x CC7) (CC1 x WF9) U.S. 13 (Hy x L317) (WF9 x 38-11) U.S. 35 (WF9 x 38-11) (R4 x Hy) U.S. 44 (4-8 x 187-2) (Hy x 540) is designated as a white hybrid altho one inbred in its pedigree 1945] ILLINOIS HYBRID CORN TESTS: 1944 483 CONTRIBUTORS OF SEED Appl Hybrids Charles A. Appl & Son St. Joseph Blackhawk Hybrids Blackhawk Coop. Hybrid Corn Assn.. . Polo Crow Hybrids Crow Hybrid Corn Co Milford DeKalb Hybrids DeKalb Agricultural Assn DeKalb Doubet Hybrids E. W. Doubet Hanna City Embro Hybrids Ed. F. Mangelsdorf & Brother St. Louis, Mo. Farmcraft Hybrids Farmcraft Seed Co Oxford, Ind. Ferris Hybrids Ferris Hybrids Princeton Frey Hybrids Frey Hybrid Corn Co Oilman Funk Hybrids Funk Brothers Seed Co Bloomington Henley- Whisnand Hybrids . Myron Whisnand Arcola Holmes Utility Hybrids C. W. & Z. M. Holmes Edelstein Hoosier-Crost Hybrids Edw. J. Funk & Sons Kentland, Ind. Illinois Hybrids 111. Agr. Exp. Sta Urbana 111. Crop Improvement Assn." Urbana lowealth Hybrids Michael-Leonard Seed Co Normal Kansas Hybrids Kansas Agr. Exp. Sta Manhattan, Kan. Kelly Hybrids. Kelly Seed Co San Jose Lowe Hybrids L. L. Lowe Aroma Park Miller Hybrids B. A. Miller & Son Forrest Moews Hybrids B. E. Moews Granville Morgan Hybrids .'Morgan Brothers Galva Morton Hybrids Roy A. Morton & Son Bowen National Hybrids National Hybrid Corn Co Hudson Nichols Hybrids Nichols Brothers Hebron Null Hybrids Null Seed Farms Colchester Pfeifer Hybrids George L. Pfeifer Arcola Pfister Hybrids Pfister Assoc. Growers El Paso Pioneer Hybrids Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co : Princeton Producers' Hybrids Producers' Crop Imp. Assn Piper City Seeber Hybrid Seeber Brothers Champaign Sibley Hybrid Sibley Farms Sibley Sieben Hybrids Sieben Hybrids Geneseo, R. 1 Stewart Hybrid Frank S. Stewart Princeville, R. 1 Stiegelmeier Hybrids H. L. Stiegelmeier Normal U. S. Hybrids 111. Crop Improvement Assn. Urbana Wisconsin Hybrid 111. Crop Improvement Assn. a Urbana "Seed supplied by the Association was obtained from samples of the hybrids submitted in 1943 for the laboratory test required for certification. INDEX TO ENTRIES Hybrid Table Appl A-128... . ..12,13,14 Appl A-336 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 Blackhawk 98A, 111 5, 6 Crow 360, 432, 514(W)... ...5,6,7 Crow 607 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Crow607(W) 6, 8, 10 Crow 608 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Crow 633 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 Crow 805 12, 13, 14, 15. 16 DeKalb 404A, 410, 422, 450, 458, 615 5, 6, 7 DeKalb 609 5,6 DeKalb 628A 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 DeKalb 680 8, 9 DeKalb 720(W) 6, 10, 11 DeKalb 800A, 817A 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 DeKalb 816 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. 16, 17, 18 DeKalb 827 8, 9 DeKalb 835 12, 13, 14 DeKalb 840 6, 10, 11 DeKalb 847 6,8, 10, 11 Hybrid Table DeKalb 888, 919(W), 922(W) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Doubet D-l, D-25 5,6, 7 Doubet D-42 6, 8, 9, 10 Doubet D-47 6, 10, 11 Doubet D-72 8, 9 Embro 1001, 1020 15, 17 Farmcraft 42 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Farmcraft 47 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 Farmcraft 81 12. 13, 14 Farmcraft 88 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Farmcraft 89 6, 10, 11 Farmcraft 133(W) 15, 16, 17, 18 Ferris F-ll 5, 6 Ferris F-14 8 Ferris F-31 6, 10 Frey 410, 425 5, 6 Frey 644, 645, 692 6, 8, 10 Funk G-12 5,6 Funk G-16, G-29, G-30 5, 6, 7 Funk G-32 8,9 Hybrid Table FunkG-37 6,8,9, 10, 11 Funk G-38, G-42 5,6 Funk G-S3, G-71 6, 8, 10 Funk G-80 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 FunkG-86 6, 8, 10 Funk G-90 17, 18 Funk G-94 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Funk G-96 12, 13, 15 FunkG-104 12, 13, 14 Funk G-114 5, 6, 7 Funk G-125 15, 16, 17, 18 Funk G-135 17,18 Funk G-137 12, 13, 14 Funk G-169 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Funk G-515(W) 12, 13 FunkG-527(W) 15, 16, 17, 18 Funk G-706, G-708 15, 17 Funk G-711 17, 18, 19 Henley- Whisnand 831 ..12,13,14 Henley- Whisnand 834, 905 (W) 17 Henley- Whisnand 901 (W) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Henley-Whisnand 917(W) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Henley-Whisnand 941 (W) 12, 13, 14 Holmes 29 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 Holmes 39 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 Holmes 49 5,6 Holmes 96 5. 6, 8, 10 Hoosier Crost FD4, 112A 5, 6 Hoosier Crost F-138 5, 6, 7 Hoosier Crost F-166, F168 6, 10 Hoosier Crost F-169 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Hoosier Crost F-170 8 Hoosier Crost 405 5, 6, 7 Hoosier Crost 505 (W) 12, 13, 14 Hoosier Crost 668 6,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Hoosier Crost 707(W) 12, 13, 17, 18 Hoosier Crost 746 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Hoosier Crost 840. .6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Hoosier Crost 1005 15 Illinois 21 . .3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 20, 21 Illinois 101 3, 4, 5, 6/7, 20, 21 Illinois 126 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Illinois 200 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Illinois 200-1 17,19 Illinois 201 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21 Illinois 206 3,4, 15, 20, 21 Illinois 246 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 20, 21 Illinois 247 12, 13, 14 Illinois 269 5, 6 Illinois 273-1 3, 4 Illinois 448 3, 4, 15, 17 Illinois 501 12, 13 Illinois 713 15, 16, 17, 18 Illinois 751 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21 Illinois 784 3, 4, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 Illinois 784(Pfeifer) 17 Illinois 804 3, 4, 15, 16, 17, 18 Illinois 877 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Illinois 960 3, 4 Illinois 972-1 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21 Illinois 1091-A 5, 6, 8, 10 Illinois 1173, 1182-1 3, 4 Illinois 1180 5, 6, 7 Illinois 1233 17, 18 Illinois 1233-1 17,19 Illinois 1238-B 17, 18 Illinois 1239 17,18 Illinois 1243 15, 16 Illinois 1257 17 Illinois 2019B(W) 17, 18 Illinois 2059(W) 3, 4, 15, 17, 18, 19 Illinois 2077(W) 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Illinois 21 19(W) 17, 18, 19 Illinois 2120(W) 17, 18 lowealth AF11 5, 6 Iowealth25 6, 8. 9, 10, 11 lowealth 25A 17, 18 lowealth 29A 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Kansas 1583, 1585, 2234(W), 2275(W) 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Hybrid Table Kelly K-42 ...8 Kelly K-99 6, 10, 17 Kelly K-374 6, 8. 10, 17 Lowe 14, 15 5, 6, 7 Lowe 520, 560 6. 8, 9, 10, 11 Lowe 840 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Lowe855(W) 12, 13, 15, 17 Miller 26. .. . . .6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 Miller 201 6, 10. 11 Miller 1050(W) ... .6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Moews 14, 15 5,6,7 Moews 523 8,9 Moews 550 6, 8, 9, 10 Morgan M-52 8, 9 Morgan M-105 5, 6 Morgan M-546 8, 9, 12, 13 Morton M-12 8 Morton M-380 6, 10 National 114 5,6 National 118 8 National 125 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 National 129 12, 13 National 134 15 Nichols 5A, 202A, Victory 5, 6, 7 Nichols N-75, N-400 5,6 Null N-16 8, 9 Null N-54 6, 10, 11 Null N-77 12, 13, 14 Pfeifer A-140-1, A-243. . . . . 15, 17 Pfister 160 12, 13, 14, 15 Pfister 164 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Pfister 260 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 Pfister 274, 366 5, 6, 7 Pfister 280 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 Pfister 360, 380 6, 8, 9. 10, 11 Pfister 360A 12,13 Pfister 610(W), 612(W), 7892 15 Pfister 1823 12, 13, 15, 16 Pfister 1897 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Pfister 4817 6, 10, 11 Pfister 4897 5, 6, 7, 8 Pfister 5897 6, 8, 9, 10. 1 1 Pioneer 300.. .6. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Pioneer 304 6, 8. 10, 12, 13, 15, 17 Pioneer 307 8 Pioneer 313D 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Pioneer 322, 330, 340, 341, 353A 5, 6, 7 Pioneer 332. .6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Pioneer 333, 334 8, 9 Pioneer 336. . .6, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Pioneer 339 8, 9 Pioneer 353 5, 6 Producers 777 6, 10 Producers 909 5, 6, 7, 10 Producers 1000 5, 6. 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 Producers 1010, 1020 5, 6, 7 Producers 1015 5, 6 Producers 1030 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 Producers 1040 6, 8,9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14 Producers 1050 12, 13 Producers FCXX 8,9 Seeber 11A. . 6, 10, 11 Sibley 753B-1 6, 10, 11 Sieben S-350, S-440, S-450 5,6 Stewart S-ll. 102. 360. 8, 12, 13 .5,6,8,9, 10, 11 379 5, 6, 8, 10 380. 1313. 6911. .6, 8,9, 10, 11 ..15 Stiegelmeie Stiegelmeie Stiegelmeie Stiegelmeie Stiegelmeie Stiegelmeie U. S. 13 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13. 14. 15, 16, 17, 18,20, 21 U.S. 35 3, 4, 6, 8. 10, 11 U. S. 44 8, 9 Wisconsin 645 5,6 11,0502-4529544 "vERSITYOFILLINOIS-URBANA