(r^sux Sujujuu STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director Lower Pennsylvanian CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS Walter E. Parham DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 302 1960 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY OCT £4 1960 - lUUNOtSSTAjTf W»8 1 ^ 0000* Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 302 19 p., 1 fig., 39 tables, 1960 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/lowerpennsylvani302parh LOWER PENNSYLVANIAN CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS Walter E. Parham ABSTRACT To determine the nature and uses of possible light-burning clay deposits of Knox County, Illinois, about 40 samples of the under- clays below the Colchester (No. 2) Coal were collected and tested. Laboratory tests were made to determine the linear drying and firing shrinkage, water of plasticity, firing color, refractoriness, and bonding properties of the clay. The thickness of the clay, its over- burden, and types of associated sediments were recorded from field observations . The southern part of Knox County is the best area for clay pros- pecting. The thicker and lighter burning clays come from the south- west part of the county. INTRODUCTION Knox County, with Galesburg as its largest city, is in western Illinois be- tween the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers (fig. 1). As the land surface is for the most part covered by Pleistocene glacial deposits, exposures of older rocks occur mainly along the stream valleys. Some of the bedrock exposures contain various clays (underclays) that occur below the Colchester (No. 2 ) Coal and lower coals. Underclays higher in the stratigraphic section than the No. 2 Coal are not consid- ered in this report. In general, the rocks of Pennsylvanian age in Knox County slope gently to the east or southeast. The older Pennsylvanian rocks are exposed in the south- west portion of Knox County, and the samples were obtained from that general area. A more complete account of the geology of this region is given by Green (1870) . The physical properties and burning characteristics of the underclays vary widely from one area to another in Illinois. This is one of a series of reports issued by the Illinois State Geological Survey on light-burning clay resources of Illinois counties, designed to aid in the selection of clays for specific uses. Circular 277 dealt with the clay resources of LaSalle County. REPORT OF TESTS This report includes locations of existing clay deposits in Knox County, their thickness, overburden, type of underlying and overlying sediment, possible uses, and the results of tests on the physical properties of the clays. The test results include the drying and firing shrinkage of the clay, water of plasticity, fired colors, and bonding properties. [3] 4 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 302 Extrusion and Firing of Test Bars Each sample of clay was dried and crushed to particles approximately one- fourth inch or less in diameter. The sample was then mixed with enough water to develop plasticity and extruded into three individual test bars, each 1 by 1 by 6 inches. The bars were air-dried for at least two days, then measured to determine the percentage of drying shrinkage of the clay. The first brick was fired at 1832°F, the second at 2012°F, and the third at 2200°F. After each firing, the test bars were measured to determine the percentage of firing shrinkage. ' R 1 E Golesburg _ R 1 f I535«* 1533 '. E 337 1 R ' S E R 4 E DEX MAP r~ ~! '\ i T 1547 • s V N ; \ i • 1559 \ — ~i- "T" "+- -? w ) - 562 T • 1548 • 1 561 • I5< SO N • 1551 ( » 15 « 53 • 1565-66 1536 • - 1550 1549 • "TV ,1557- 1539 *I556 58 J 542 I54( • r - — -1 1543-46 I 3 567 | T I5< U 1568-69 ' N 1 ( MILES ) 1 2 3 1555 1 I 1 1 578-1 353 • 1552 RIE R 2 E R3E R4E Fig. 1. - Map of portion of Knox County showing locations of outcrops sampled. Water of Plasticity The water of plasticity was determined for each sample at the time the test bars were extruded. Water of plasticity is that amount of water that must be added to a clay sample in order to develop plasticity. In general, the greater the water of plasticity, the greater the shrinkage during drying and firing of a given clay. CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY 5 Color of Fired Test Bars All of the clay samples in this study were obtained from outcrops, and it is probable that weathering has altered the burning color of the clay. For a better in- dication of true burning color it would be necessary to obtain unweathered samples of the clay from drill holes near the area in question. A weathered, light-burning clay generally burns darker than unweathered clay from the same deposit, owing to the oxidation of pyrite in the clay and to the fine dissemination of iron throughout the clay deposit. High-Temperature Properties The mineral analyses by X-ray, the colors of the fired test bars, and past experience indicate that none of the samples from Knox County studied in this re- port would withstand temperatures of PCE (pyrometric cone equivalent) 28 or higher. Bonding Tests Because underclays are sometimes used as a bonding clay for foundry sands, bonding tests were run on all the samples. The clays were first ground in a disc grinder. A 2000-gram mixture of 92 percent bonding sand and 8 percent clay was made and mixed dry for two minutes in a sand muller. Water was then added to the mixture in the muller and three minutes of wet mixing followed. The wet mixtures were placed in sealed jars and allowed to set overnight in order to give the water enough time to mix thoroughly with the clay. Mixtures were made with various amounts of water — 30 ml, 35 ml, and 45 ml. For some samples of the stronger bonding clays, additional mixtures with 55 ml of water were made. The tests were run in a manner described in the Foundry Sand Handbook (American Foundrymen's Society, 1952). Listed in the following tables under "Bonding properties" are figures representing the green compression strength in pounds per square inch (GCS psi) . This is the maximum strength developed by the clay at its optimum water content. Results of all tests made appear on the following pages in tabular form. RESULTS OF TESTS SAMPLE 1533 NEp NW? SE5- sec. 4, T. 11 R. 2 E. Thickness : Ft. Overburden Overlying rocks 50 No. 2 Coal 1-2 Underclay (sample 1533) i-1 Sandy nodules and calcareous shale Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color In. Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 20.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 6.0 1832°F 3.0 9.0 Brick red 2012°F 3.0 9.0 Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2012°F. Bonding properties: 4.50 (GCS psi)| 1.70 Possible uses: Flower pots. [ optimum H_0). 2200°F SAMPLE 1534 NEp SWi SVfcf sec. 3, T. 11 N., R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 40 Coaly streak s Underclay (sample 1534) 1+ Base covered Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 0.0 Total linear shrinkage, percent 4.0 Fired color Yellow-brown Extrusion properties Very poor Water of plasticity, percent 20.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 2012°F 0.0 4.0 Tan Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 1832°F. Bonding properties: 8.65 (GCS psi); 2.10 (optimum H~0). Possible uses: Bonding clay, lightweight aggregate. 2200 °F SAMPLE 1535 NWi NWi SEi sec. 4, T. 11 N. , R. 2 E. 1/8 Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 20.5 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 40 Coaly streak Underclay (sample 1535) 4-5 Green clay band Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.08 (GCS psi); 1.80 (optimum H„0) Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 1832°F 2012°F 2200 2.5 4.5 6.5 6.5 8.5 10.5 Sa lmon Brick red Tan CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY SAMPLE 1536 SWi SW5- SEf sec. 28, T. 10 N., R. 4 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 15 Coal 5 Underclay (sample 1536) 2 + Base covered Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 4.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 10.5 Fired color Brick red Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 26.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 6.0 2012°F +3.0 3.0 Brick red 2200°F Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2012°F. Bonding properties: 10.3 (GCS psi); 2.6 (optimum H2O) . Possible uses: Bonding clay, lightweight aggregate. SAMPLE 1537 NWi NE£ SH? sec. 4, T. 11 N. R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks Shale (sample 1537) Base covered 20 25+ Extrusion properties Poor Water of plasticity, percent 22.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color 1832°F 3.0 7.0 Red -brown 2012°F 8.5 12.5 Brick red 2200 °F 5.5 9.5 Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Has rough edges. Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.65 (GCS psi); 1.75 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1538 SWi SWi NWi sec. 27, T. 10 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 25 No. 2 Coal 2+ Underclay (sample 1538) 5^—6 Sandstone Extrusion properties Poor Water of plasticity, percent 20.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 1.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 5.5 Fired color Salmon 2012°F 7.0 11.0 Brick red 2200 °F 0.0 4.0 Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.60 (GCS psi); 1.75 (optimum H2O) . Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 302 SAMPLE 1539 NWi NWi NWi sec. 33, T. 10 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 25 No. 2 Coal 2 + Underclay (sample 1539) 4 Sandstone Extrusion properties Fair Water of plasticity, percent 21.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.5 Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 1.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 6.0 Fired color Salmon 2012°F 6.5 11.0 Brick red 2200 °F 8.0 12.5 Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Edges slightly rough at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.25 (GCS psi); 1.62 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1540 NEi NWi SWj sec. 10, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 15 No. 2 Coal 1 4 Underclay (sample 1540) 5 Sandstone Extrusion properties Poor Water of plasticity, percent 21.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 2012°F 2200° 6.5 7.0 10.5 11.0 Salmon Brown Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 1.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 5.5 Fired color Salmon Surface texture of fired test bar: Has rough edges at all firing temperatures. Bonding properties: 5.10 (GCS psi); 2.10 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1541 NEi NEi NEi sec. 17, T. 9 N., R. 2 E. Extrusion properties Poor Water of plasticity, percent 17.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 3.5 Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 40 Coal 2+ Underclay (sample 1541 )( exposed ) 2 Sandy shale Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 0.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 4.0 Fired color Pink Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F at 2012°F. Bonding properties: 3.90 (GCS psi); 1.45 (optimum H2O Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 2012°F 2200 °F 5.0 2.0 8.5 5.5 Sa lmon Tan 00°F. Surface scum ducts, sewer pipe, 2012°F 2200 °F 5.0 5.5 10.0 10.5 Salmon Tan CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY 9 SAMPLE 1542 SWi SW£ SE? sec. 5, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 40 Extrusion properties Good Coal li" Water of plasticity, percent 17.5 Underclay (sample 1542) 2?- Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.0 Sandy shale Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 1.0 Total linear shrinkage, percent 6.0 Fired color Salmon Surface texture of fired test bar: Normal. Bonding properties: 4.41 (GCS psi); 1.50 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1543 SWi NE£ NEi sec. 8, T. 9 N., R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks Coal Underclay (sample 1543) Sandstone Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Surface texture of fired test bar: Has slightly rough edges. Bloating started at 2200 °F. Bonding properties: 5.82 (GCS psi); 2.03 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1544 SW? NEj NE£ sec. 8, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. 55 Extrusion pr operties Fair ii Water of pla sticity, percent 23.0 4 Linear dryin g shrinkage, perc ;ent 4.0 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F it 2.5 8.5 8.5 6.5 12.5 12.5 Pink Brick red Brick red Thickness : Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 52 Extrusion properties Fair Coal ii Water of plasticity, percent 31.5 Underclay (sample 1544) 2 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.5 Coal 1* Firing temperature 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 7.5 11.5 0.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 13.0 17.0 6.0 Fired color Brick red Brick red Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.27 (GCS psi); 2.07 (optimum H2O) . Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 302 SAMPLE 1545 Sw£ NEi NEt sec. 8, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness : Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 47 Extrusion properties Fair Coal 2 Water of plasticity, percent 20.0 Underclay (sample 1545) 3i-4 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 6.5 Coal 1* Firing temperature 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F Linear firing shrinkage, , percent 1.0 5.0 +2.0 Total linear shrinkage, percent 7.5 11.5 4.5 Fired color Red-brown Brick red Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.95 (GCS psi); 1.90 (optimum hUO). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1546 SWi NE? NEr sec. 8, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 32 No. 2 Coal l£ Underclay (sample 1546) 5 Sandstone Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 18.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.5 Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 0.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 6.0 Fired color Salmon 2012°F 4.5 10.0 Brick red 2200°F 4.0 9.5 Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Slight bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.56 (GCS psi); 1.80 (optimum h^O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1547 SWi NWi SEi sec. 16, T. 11 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness I Overburden Overlying rocks Shale (sample 1547) Base covered Ft. In. 10 30± Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 18.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F 1.0 6.5 5.0 5.0 10.5 9.0 Tan Brick fed Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating and twisting started at 2200°F. Surface scum at 1832°F and 2012°F. Bonding properties: (GCS)) (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY 11 SAMPLE 1548 SW? SEi SW? sec. 18, T. 10 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness : Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks Coal Underclay (sample 1548) Silty shale Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color 25 1* Extrusion properties Poor Water of plasticity, percent 22.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.5 1832°F +0.5 5.0 Salmon 2012°F 4.5 10.0 Brick red 2200°F +5.0 0.5 Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Has rough edges. Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 2.98 (GCS psi)j 1.80 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1549 Center of wi of SEi sec. 35, T. 10 N., R. 1 E. Th i c kn ess : Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 25 Extrusion properties Good No. 2 Coal 1 Water of plasticity, percent 20.5 Underclay (sample 1549) 3 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.0 Silty shale Firing temperature 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F Linear firing shrinkage, per cent 2.0 7.5 6.0 Total linear shrinkage, perc ent 7.0 12.5 11.0 Fired color Red-brown Brick red Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.93 (GCS psi); 1.70 (optimum hUO). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1550 SEi NWi NWi sec. 32, T. 10 N. , R. 1 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 30 No. 2 Coal 1 4 Underclay (sample 1550) 2+ Base covered Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 18.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 6.0 Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color 1832°F 0.5 6.5 Salmon 2012°F 2200 3.5 3.5 9.5 9.5 Buff Tan Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.60 (GCS psi); 1.70 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 302 SAMPLE 1551 NEi NEi NWi sec. 31, T. 10 N. , R. 1 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks No. 2 Coal Underclay (sample 1551) Silty shale Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating and cracking started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.61 (GCS psi); 2.00 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 10 Extrusior 1 properties Good i£ Water of plasticity, percent 18.0 3 Linear di ■ying shrinkage, perc ent 5.0 1832°F 2012°F 2200 °F t 0.0 6.0 3.5 5.0 11.0 8.5 Salmon Brick red Brick red SAMPLE 1552 SWj SEi NWi sec. 31, T. 9 N. R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. Overburden Overlying rocks 70 No. 2 Coal 2 Underclay (sample 1552)(exposed)3 Limestone nodules In. Extrusion properties Water of plasticity, percent Linear drying shrinkage, percent Fair 19.0 4.5 Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 2.0 Total linear shrinkage, percent 6.5 Fired color Yellow-brown 2012°F 5.5 10.0 Brown 2200 c 0.0 4.5 Buff Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.20 (GCS psi)| 1.80 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1553 SW3- SEi NWi sec. 36, T. 9 R. 1 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 60 No. 2 Coal 2 Underclay (sample 1553) 2z Limestone nodules Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 18.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 Firing temperature 1832 c Linear firing shrinkage, percent 2.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 6.5 Fired color Buff 2012°F 5.5 9.5 Light brown 2200 c 1.5 5.5 Buff Surface texture of fired test bar: Has slightly rough edges. Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.37 (GCS psi); 1.85 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY 13 SAMPLE 1555 SEi NE? SWi sec. 28, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 20 Coal li Underclay (sample 1555)(exposed)5 Shale Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 2.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 6.5 Fired color Salmon Extrusion properties Poor Water of plasticity, percent 18.5 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 2012°F 6.5 10.5 Salmon 2200°F 6.5 10.5 Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Rough edges develop at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.15 (GCS psi); 1.95 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1556 Center of the N line of NWj- sec. 5, T. 9 N., R. 2 E. Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 20.5 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.0 Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 15 Coal 7 Underclay (sample 1556) (exposed )4 Base covered Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.38 (GCS psi); 1.70 (optimum hUO). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 1832°F 2012°F 2200 °F 1.0 7.0 4.5 6.0 12.0 9.5 Pink Brick red Brick red SAMPLE 1557 SEi SEi NWi sec. 6, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 40 No. 2 Coal 1 2 Underclay (sample 1557) 4+ Shale Extrusion properties Poor Water of plasticity, percent 22.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.5 Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color 1832°F 2.0 7.5 Pink Bloating started at 2200°F 2012°F 2200°F 6.5 4.5 12.0 10.0 Brick red Brick red 2200 °F. Surf ace scum Surface texture of fired test bar: at 2012°F. Bonding properties: 4.85 (GCS psi); 1.95 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 302 SAMPLE 1558 SEi SEi NWi sec. 6, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. Overburden Overlying rocks 60 Coal thin Underclay (sample 1558 )( exposed )3-§" Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color In. Extrusion properties Poor Water of plasticity, percent 18.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F 1.5 5.5 <-4.0 5.5 9.5 0.0 Yellow-brown Brick red Orange-buff Surface texture of fired test bar: Has rough edges. Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 5.40 (GCS psi); 1.60 (optimum hUO). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1559 Center of the N line of SEj NWj- sec. 25, T. 11 N. , R. 3 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks Shale (sample 1559) Base covered Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Surface texture of fired test bar: Has rough edges. Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: (GCS psi); (optimum H 2 0). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 10 Extrusior i properties Fair 7+ Water of pla sticity, pen :ent 18.5 Linear dryir ig shrinkage, perc ent 3.0 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F t 1.0 6.5 6.5 4.0 9.5 9.5 Red -brown Brick red Brick red SAMPLE 1560 NEi NEi NEi sec. 21, T. 10 N. , R. 3 E. Thickn ess : Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 40 Extrusion properties Poor No. 2 Coal 2 3 Water of plasticity, percent 18.5 Underclay (sample 1560) 3 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.0 Calcareous sandstone Firing temperature 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F Linear firing shrinkage, per cent 1.5 5.5 +1.5 Total linear shrinkage, perc ent 5.5 9.5 2.5 Fired color Red-brown Brick red Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Has rough edges. Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 3.52 (GCS psi); 1.35 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY 15 SAMPLE 1561 SEt NWi- SW? sec. 13, T. 10 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. Overburden Overlying rocks 40 No. 2 Coal 2# Underclay (sample 1561) 4 Sandstone Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color In. Extrusion properties Fair Water of plasticity, percent 22.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 4.5 1832°F 2.0 6.5 Salmon 2012°F 8.0 12.5 Salmon 2200 °F 4.0 8.5 Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 5.80 (GCS psi)j 2.05 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1562 NEf SEi NWi sec. 14, T. 10 N. Thickness: Ft. In. R. 2 E. Overburden Overlying rocks Coal Underclay (sample 1562] Base covered 45 Extrusion properties [stripped out) Water of plasticity, percent 5 Linear drying shrinkage, percent Poor 18.0 4.0 Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 2.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 6.5 Fired color Tan 2012°F 5.5 9.5 Salmon 2200 °F +5.0 +1.0 Green-brown Surface texture of fired test bar: Has rough edges. Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.15 (GCS psi); 1.95 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. Thickness Overburden Overlying rocks Coal Underclay (sample 1563) Base covered SAMPLE 1563 NE4 NEr SEi sec. 26, T. 10 N. , R. 2 E. Ft. In. 30 1 3± Extrusion properties Fair Water of plasticity, percent 19.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 6.0 Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color 1832°F 1.0 7.0 Salmon 2012°F 4.5 10.5 Salmon 2200 °I 4.5 10.5 Brown Surface texture of fired test bar: Slight bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 3.95 (GCS psi)} 2.20 (optimum H 2 0). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 16 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 302 SAMPLE 1564 NW? SW? NWi sec. 13, T. 10 N., R. 1 E. Extrusion properties Fair Water of plasticity, percent 17.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.5 Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 70 Coal (?) ? Underclay (sample 1564) (exposed)2 Base covered Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 3.42 (GCS psi)j 2.32 (optimum H2O) . Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 1832°F 2012°F 2200 °F 1.0 5.0 +5.5 6.5 10.5 0.0 Red -brown Brick red Brick red SAMPLE 1565 NEr SEi NEi sec. 28, T. 10 N. , R. 3 E. Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 25 No. 2 Coal 2 8 Underclay (sample 1565) 3 Sandstone Extrusion properties Good Water of plasticity, percent 18.5 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.5 Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 2.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 8.0 Fired color Yellow-brown 2012°! 5.0 10.5 Brown 2200 °F +10.5 +5.0 Green-brown Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2012°F. Bonding properties: 6.10 (GCS psi)j 2.30 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1566 NEi SE4 NEf sec. 28, T. 10 N. , R. 3 E. 4i Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 22 Sandstone Underclay (sample 1566) Shale Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Extrusion properties Fair Water of plasticity, percent 16.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 3.0 1832 c 2.5 5.5 Tan 2012°F 2200 °F 6.0 +1.0 9.0 2.0 Brown Brown Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 3.38 (GCS psi); 1.70 (optimum H 2 0). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY 17 SAMPLE 1567 NW? NEi NWi sec. 13, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Extrusion properties Fair Water of plasticity, percent 20.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.0 Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 50 Coal I2" Underclay (sample 1567) (exposed)l Base covered Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color Surface texture of fired test bar: started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 5.09 (GCS psi); 1.95 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 1832°F 2012°F 2200 °F 3.0 5.0 +3.0 8.0 10.0 2.0 Yellow-brown Brick red Brick red Rough edges devc dop at 2012°F. Bl( sating SAMPLE 1568 SWi NEi NWi sec. 13, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickr iess : Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 55 Extrusion properties Good No. 2 Coal 3j Water of plasticity, percent 18.0 Underclay (sample 1568) Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.0 Green clay band Firing temperature 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F Linear firing shrinkage, per cent 3. 5 7.0 +2.0 Total linear shrinkage, perc ent 8. 5 12.0 3.0 Fired color Bi ict : red Brick red Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating and twisting started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 6.07 (GCS psi); 1.80 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1569 SWi NE5- NWf sec. 13, T. 9 N. , R. 2 E. Thickness: Ft. Overburden Overlying rocks 60 Coal Underclay (sample 1569) 5^ Sandstone Firing temperature Linear firing shrinkage, percent Total linear shrinkage, percent Fired color In. li Extrusion properties Water of plasticity, percent Linear drying shrinkage, percent 1832°F 2.5 8.0 Salmon 2012°F 7.0 12.5 Salmon Fair 22.5 5.5 2200°F 5.0 10.5 Brown Surface texture of fired test bar: Slight bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 6.12 (GCS psi); 1.80 (optimum H2O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 302 SAMPLE 1578 SEi SEi SWi sec. 36, T. 9 N. , R. 1 E. Thickn ess : Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 31 Extrusion properties Good Coal 8 Water of plasticity, percent 25.0 Underclay (sample 1578) 2 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 6.0 Coal 2 Firing temperature 1832°F 2012°F 2200°F Linear firing shrinkage, perc :ent 3. .5 8.5 +2.0 Total linear shrinkage, percent 9, ,5 14.5 4.0 Fired color Da rk pink Brick red Brick red Surface texture of fired test bar: Bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 7.22 (GCS psi); 2.30 (optimum H 2 0). Possible uses: Bonding clay, lightweight aggregate, structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. SAMPLE 1579 SEi SEi SWi sec. 36, T. 9 N., R. 1 E. Thickness Ft. In. Extrusion properties Fair Water of plasticity, percent 21.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 3.5 Overburden Overlying rocks 33 Coal 2 Underclay (sample 1579) 5 8 Coal streak Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 2.0 Total linear shrinkage, percent 5.5 Fired color Pink Surface texture of fired test bar: Has rough edges. Bonding properties: 5.88 (GCS psi); 2.37 (optimum F-UO). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 2012°F 2200°F 8.0 8.0 11.5 11.5 Salmon Red-brown SAMPLE 1580 SEi SEi Swi sec. 36, T. 9 N., R. 1 E. Extrusion properties Fair Water of plasticity, percent 23.0 Linear drying shrinkage, percent 5.0 Thickness: Ft. In. Overburden Overlying rocks 38 Coal streak 1/8 Underclay (sample 1580) 4 2 Sandstone Firing temperature 1832°F Linear firing shrinkage, percent 1.5 Total linear shrinkage, percent 6.5 Fired color Pink Surface texture of fired test bar: Slight bloating started at 2200°F. Bonding properties: 4.50 (GCS psi); 1.70 (optimum H^O). Possible uses: Structural clay products, sewer pipe, drain tile, pottery, flower pots. 2012°F 2200°F 9.0 7.5 14.0 12.5 Salmon Brick red CLAY RESOURCES OF KNOX COUNTY 19 SUMMARY Most of the clay deposits tested can be used for making structural clay products, lightweight aggregates, flower pots, drain tile, sewer pipe, and pottery. The underclays studied in this report are for the most part similar in their behavior. The majority had low strengths as bonding clays. Those with the higher strengths probably are associated with a thin, green clay lying below them that has good bonding properties but is too thin in this area to be used commercially. Thickness of the overburden in the areas sampled ranges from 10 to 70 feet, but generally is from 25 to 40 feet. The most favorable areas for prospecting for clay are in the southern part of the county. The thicker underclays generally are found along the southwest border of the county close to Warren and Fulton Counties. The lightest burning clays were obtained from the southwestern part of the county. REFERENCES American Foundrymen's Society, 1952 (sixth edition), Foundry sand handbook: American Foundrymen's Society, p. 17-28, 85-89, 93-95. Green, H. A., 1870, Geology of Knox County, in Worthen et al., Geology and paleontology, vol. IV, p. 313-334, Geol . Survey of Illinois . Jonas, Edward C, 1957, Pottery clay resources of Illinois: Illinois Geol . Survey Circ. 233. Parham, W. E., 1959, Light-burning clay resources in LaSalle County, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 277. -4 CIRCULAR 302 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBAN A .%• i$? t ■ :