LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS . " -h CITY OF COMA Lighting Department REPORT OF FREDERICK G. SIMPSON Consulting Electrical Engineer THE LIBRARY OF THE MAR 1-1940 owvEssmr of Illinois 190S The Bell Press, Printers Tacoma, Wash. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CITY OF TACOMA Lighting Department REPORT OF FREDERICK G. SIMPSON Consulting Elecftrical Engineer THE LIBRARY OF THE MAR 1-1940 UNIVERSITY OF IUINOIS 1908 The Bell Press, Printers Tacoma. Wash. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 JLjL , o' b €>y~iA C? C o c 0 6 *"'- S i 5 £ LIGHTING DEPARTMENT CITY OF TACOMA REPORT OF FREDERICK G. SIMPSON Consulting Eledtrical Engineer GENERAL The organization of the Lighting Department of the City of Tacoma may be considered as consisting of two separate and distinct divisions, the Accounting Division and the Engineering Division. The administration of the former is divided between the Commissioner of Public Works, the Comptroller and the Treasurer. The management of the latter remains entirely with the Commis- sioner of Public Works, who appoints, and acts through, the City Electrician. Subordinate to this latter official are the following sub-departments : SUB-STATION. METER DEPARTMENT. LINE CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT. ARC AND NERNST LAMP DEPARTMENT. In addition to the above, there has recently been created a system of maps and records which is subordinate, in part, to the Accounting Division, and in part to the Engineering Division. Electrical current is supplied by the Seattle-Tacoma Power Com- pany, a corporation which operates a hydro-electric plant at Snoqualmie Falls, distributing power from that point to the cities of Tacoma, Seattle and Everett, as well as to a number of towns and villages. Under the terms of a contract entered into under date of November 8, 1907, between the City of Tacoma and the Seattle-Tacoma Power Company, the latter agrees to furnish at the bus-bars of the city’s switchboard an amount of electrical current, not to exceed a maximum of 5,000 horsepower, for a period of five years, the city agreeing to pay therefor at a rate of l*4c per kilowatt hour, as indicated by watt-hour meters placed on the city’s feeder panels. Such meters to be owned by the city. For further information in regard to the provisions of this con- v J tract, reference is made to the original thereof, which is filed in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. 1 0882 1 i 4 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. ACCOUNTING DIVISION All detail records of the department are kept in the office of the Chief Clerk of the Lighting Department, an official appointed by, and acting under, the authority of the Commissioner of Public Works. The principal records of this office are the meter registers. These are books exhibiting a record of current consumed by each customer, and are the nearest approach to a customer’s or individual ledger kept by the department. They are posted from the meter reader’s reports, extensions being made for the net amount of current con- sumed between meter readings at the proper rate per kilowatt hour. The arrangement of these books is such that it is practically impossible to maintain the accounts in the order of the meter reader’s routes, a circumstance which very much increases the diffi- culty and labor of their keeping. This trouble would be entirely obviated by the substitution of either loose leaf binders, or a card cabinet, for the present bound volumes. Bills, or, more properly, receipts, are made from data contained in the meter registers, the total number of receipts for all electricity consumers in one of the city districts being transmitted by the Chief Clerk to the Treasurer; at the same time the meter registers, from which the receipts are made, are temporarily surrendered by the Chief Clerk to the Comptroller, who, from the footings thereof, enters a charge, covering the entire amount, against the Treasurer. The above transaction creates a cash liability upon the part of the Treasurer which is entirely artificial, and, owing to the lack of any record which would permit of credit entries in the individual accounts, leaves that officer without adequate means of protecting himself against loss. The installation of an individual ledger and the placing into effect of a system whereby a charge could only be made against the Treasurer for cash paid into his office, would certainly permit of a more accurate understanding of conditions from an examination of the books, and would also materially reduce the Treasurer’s hazard of financial loss, which is now very considerable. The general records of the department are in the custody of the Comptroller, in whose office they constitute a part of the general records of the city. Any consideration of the methods of accounting applied to Lighting Department records, in this office, as separate from the other city books, would be improper and therefore foreign to this investigation. However, the fact that no account has been taken of depreciation (other than the cost of repairs actually made), due to age and other causes, in the value of the department’s property, is evidence of the necessity of reducing certain property accounts at the expense of apparent earnings. For this reason it is recommended that the property of the depart- ment be inventoried and its value ascertained by a duly qualified board of appraisers. The results of this appraisal to be used as a basis of entry in the correction of the general accounts. A system of maps and records has recently been inaugurated, which, although far from complete at present, is excellent in prin- ciple. While, to a certain extent, the work of this department belongs to the Accounting Division, its greater importance is in con- nection with the Engineering Division, and it will be mentioned further under that heading. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT, ENGINEERING DIVISION City Electrician. Under the present organization the office of the City Electrician is little more than that of a general foreman. His remuneration and the duties required of him are upon a par with tfyose connected with such a position in the order of most public service corporations engaged in the sale of electric current. There should be created the office of Superintendent (or Manager) of the Lighting Department, which should at all times be filled by a man experienced in the management of properties of similar nature and magnitude. He should also be possessed of a thorough technical understanding of the matter and forces under his supervision. It is, of course, super- fluous to say that such an office should in no sense be of a political nature. Sub-Station. All control apparatus is located in the sub-station building of the Seattle-Tacoma Power Company, at Hood and Nineteenth streets, and consists of sixteen marble panels carrying instruments for the regu- lation of alternating current commercial feeder circuits, two wooden panels temporarily arranged for the same purpose, and thirteen marble panels for the control of the same number of series street lighting circuits. In addition to the above there is one direct current, 600 volt power circuit, and one series street lighting circuit, the instruments for the control of which are temporarily mounted on wooden panels. The present system of distribution consists of eleven single phase and one four-wire two-phase commercial circuits, carrying alternating current at a frequency of 7,200 alternations per minute, and at a nominal pressure of 2,300 volts; one 600 volt direct current commer- cial power circuit, and fourteen alternating current 6.6 ampere series street lighting circuits. Two phase alternating current at 2,300 volts potential is delivered by the Seattle-Tacoma Power Company to bus-bars placed in the rear of a switchboard consisting of ten marble feeder panels. These ten panels constitute the original commercial switchboard and are at present occupied from left to right as follows: No. 1 . Mason Library Circuit. No. 2. Old Town Circuit. No. 3. South Tacoma and Sixth Addition Circuit. No. 4, Lower Pacific Avenue Circuit. No. 5. Old Town Circuit (temporarily cut over from No. 6. Tacoma Avenue Circuit. No. 7. Pacific Avenue Circuit. No. 8. Sixth Avenue Circuit. No. 9. C and Jefferson Streets Circuit. No. 10. Hill Circuit. The six remaining marble panels are new, and three only are as yet in service, which are occupied as follows: Court A Circuit. Sixth Avenue Circuit. Hill Circuit. 6 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. The two latter circuits are not as yet removed from their old panels, and can be controlled from either the old or new board. A wooden panel, No. 11, carries the “Commercial Street” circuit, while a two phase circuit designated “Tide Flats Circuit” has its instruments temporarily mounted on a wooden frame. All of the above circuits receive current from the bus-bars above mentioned, to which power is delivered by the Seattle-Tacoma Power Company, through a polyphase graphic recording watt-meter. This instrument produces a record showing the load upon the above men- tioned bus-bars at all hours. During the period of this investigation all power received for the city’s street lighting system was taken from these bus-bars and was therefore recorded as a part of the load indicated by the graphic watt-meter. It is, however, the practice at times to service the street lighting circuits direct from the bus-bars of the Seattle-Tacoma Power Company, and, at such times, the load produced by them is recorded on the chart of a Bristol recording watt-meter. The 600 volt direct current power circuit receives current from the power company’s direct current bus-bars, and the load produced by it is recorded by a Bristol recording watt-meter. The maximum amount of power demanded by the department at any instant is indicated by the sum of the quantities shown at that instant on the charts of the three above mentioned instruments. Each single phase feeder circuit and the 600 volt direct current circuit is provided with an integrating watt-hour meter. The street lighting circuits are equipped with two such meters. The two phase “Tide Flats” circuit has an integrating watt-hour meter connected in one of its phases, the practice being to multiply the amount registered by a constant of two, the result being accepted as the total amount of power consumed on both phases of the circuit. This practice will be mentioned later under its proper heading. Two Bristol recording volt meters are connected to the two phases of the department’s bus-bars. The purpose of these instru- ments being to determine any variation in voltage above or below 2,500 volts, the amount of such variation being speodfied in the city’s contract with the power company, and limited to three per cent. Each alternating current feeder circuit (with the exception of the two phase “Tide Flats” circuit) is equipped with a regulator, which permits of separate voltage regulation of each circuit so supplied. There are also installed thirteen constant current transformers and a series street lighting regulator in connection with the fourteen street lighting circuits. During the investigation the following meters were carefully tested: All intergrating watt-hour meters, the graphic recording watt-meter, the direct current Bristol recording watt-meter. All potential and series transformers connected with above meters. In the making of tests the following instruments were used: Westinghouse portable, single phase watt-meter, style No. 34418. serial No. 104. Thomson A. C. Am. meter, style No. 76999. Westinghouse Am. meter, style No. 35120', serial No. 157. Westinghouse series transformer, style No. 35591, serial No. 972. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 7 Westinghouse series transformer, style No. 35591, serial No. 683. Westinghouse polyphase watt-meter, style No. 34430, serial No. 395. Weston D. C. — A. C. — volt meter, style No. 4668. Weston D. C. — A. C. — volt meter, style No. 4775. Weston multipliers for Nos. 4668 and 4775. Split 50:1 series transformer with Thomson Am. meter, style No. 76999. Chronograph No. 12405. Weston milli volt meter No. 5521 with Shunt No. 5521. These instruments were examined at the testing laboratory of the University of Washington immediately prior to use in this investi- gation. Copies of standardization certificates are included in the supplement to this report and the originals thereof are filed in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. Watt-hour meters on panels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 11 are connected with their series, or field, coils in circuit between the bus-bars and the feeder regulator, while their shunt, or potential, coils are connected across the circuit beyond, or on the line side of the regulator. This manner of connecting is plainly incorrect, and introduces an error in the amount registered, which is proportional to the voltage varia- tion, caused by the regulator, above or below the voltage of the bus- bars. It is impossible to arrive at the exact amount of the error in the present case, but it is reasonable to assume an average voltage on these feeders not less than 5 per cent, above that of the bus-bars. It may be assumed that from this cause alone the bills rendered by the Seattle-Tacoma Power Company, for power consumed on the circuits affected, are not less than 5 per cent, in excess of a proper charge for same. The following table is compiled from meter tests made during this investigation. The “kilowatt hours registered” column and the two error entries marked * are derived from information received from tire Chief Clerk’s office. The meter error at 3/5 load has been used whenever a reading at that load was available; when no reading at 3/5 load could be made, the percentage of error at that point has been derived by a process of interpolation. All meters exhibiting an error of less than 2 per cent, at 3/5 load are assumed to be commercially correct. Feb. 1908. K. W. H. K. W. H. Panel. % % K. W. H. Error. Error. No. Load. Fast. Slow. Reg. High. Low. Old. MASON LIBRARY. 1 1/5 1.9 1 2/5 O. K. 39000 1 4/5 O. K 1 Full O. K OLD TOWN. 2 1/5 2.0 2 2/5 1.0 23950 2 3/5 1.0 2 Full 1.0 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. Feb. 1908. K. W. H. % % K. W. H. Error. Load. Fast. Slow. Reg. High. SOUTH TACOMA AND SIXTH ADDITION 1/10 .... 5.0 60240 *4758 Full 10.0 LOWER PACIFIC AVENUE. 1/10 1.7 1/5 1.4 3/10 0.6 57120 1120 3/5 2.0 Full 1.0 OLD TOWN. 1/10 7.0 47300 Full 2.5 TACOMA AVENUE. 1/10 3.3 3/10 0.8 66700 1/2 1.2 Full O. K. PACIFIC AVENUE. 1/5 2.0 2/3' 4.5 67600 2600 5/6 4.5 1/10 0.3 2/5 2.0 4700 128 3/5 2.8 4/5 2.8 C AND JEFFERSON STREET. 1/10 0.1 57600 3160 3/5 5.8 HILL CIRCUIT. 1/8 17.5 1/4 7.0 76700 1/2 4.75 5/8 4.75 3/20 COMMERCE 3.4 STREET. 3/10 3.4 73350 3/5 1.0 4/5 0.4 3/10 TIDE FLATS. 1.5 7/10 1.0 23680 9/10 2.0 J } K. W. H. Error. Low. 2170 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 9 Panel. % % Feb. 1908. K. W. H. K. W. H. Error. K. W. H. Error. No. Load. Fast. Slow. Reg. High. Low. New. 10 1/5 O. K. HILL CIRCUIT. 10 3/10 2.0 19620 570 10 1/2 2.8 10 4/5 3.9 8 1/10 SIXTH AVENUE. 0.5 8 3/10 2.5 79650 3050 8 7/10 4.2 5 1/10 COURT 3.5 A. 5 2/5 7.5 36100 1290 5 4/5 O. K. Old. Arc 3/5 7.2 34320 *2642 485105 Arc 7/12 9.18 42480 3580 430928 D. C. 1/10 16.7 D. C. 1/5 2.4 11760 D. C. 3/10 1.0 Deduct 82-1870 15386 . . . *4758 9682 *2642 10628 7040 1 ) Meters ( . . . 39000 2 ) wrongly ( . . . 23950 3 ) connected ( . . 55482 4 ) 5% high (. . . 56000 11 ) (... 73350 247782 Less correct amount . 235981 11801 22429 Less low error . . 7040 15389 Add a/c 2% error, in series trans. on No. 6 panel . . 1300 K. W. H. net high error 16689 * Amounts allowed previous to this investigation. The above table exhibits, very nearly, the true error in the power company’s bill for the month of February, 1908, i. e., 16689 K. W. H. @ 114c=$208.61 in excess of the proper amount. 10 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. Attention is called to copies of meter tests, which are included in the supplement to this report, the originals thereof having been filed in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. Each test was made in the presence of an authorized representa- tive of the power company, who has attached his signature to the original test above mentioned. The defective and improperly connected meters should be cor- rected at once, and all meters should be inspected at least once each six months. As above mentioned, the two phase “Tide Flats” circuit is provided with a watt-hour meter in one of its phases only. This was done apparently upon the theory that the load carried by this circuit was evenly balanced between its two phases, a condition rarely met with in practice. It is recommended that the other phase of the circuit be provided with a watt-hour meter at once. The graphic recording watt-meter, which is installed on the power company’s main feeders for the purpose of ascertaining the load upon the city’s bus-bars, was tested between 6:35 p. m. and 7 p. m., February 25th. The result of three observations made at this time, with a load varying from 4,000 to 4,500 horsepower, shows this instru- ment to be approximately 2 per cent, high under the heavier loads. A record of this test is included in the supplement hereof. The Bristol recording watt-meter, which indicates the load upon the 600 volt direct current power circuit, was tested at 11 a. m., February 25th. The load upon this circuit is of an extremely variable nature. The result of the tests made, however (as shown in the sup- plement), is evidence of the commercial correctness of this instrument. All feeder regulators and constant current street lighting trans- formers are placed in the basement directly beneath that part of the building occupied by the department’s switchboard. The extremely crowded arrangement of this apparatus creates a condition of great hazard, not only as the possible cause of a serious interruption to the service, but as a menace to the lives of all those attendant upon it. All of the older station wiring is of poor design and workmanship and is very much crowded. Owing to the lack of available space in the power company’s building (the design of which is little adapted to the department’s requirements), it is impossible to, in any considerable degree, remedy these conditions, and steps should be immediately taken toward the removal of the department’s apparatus to more commodious quarters. This subject will be mentioned later under another heading. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 11 METER DEPARTMENT This department, which should occupy a position of the greatest importance, is practically destitute of every facility requisite to the proper performance of its functions. Such instruments as are pro- vided are old and out of adjustment. The 1 number of men employed is sufficient only to the execution of the most imperative demands, while less pressing but equally important work is left without atten- tion. No criticism of the men employed is here intended, as the conditions under which they labor are such that better results could be attained by no others. The meter department has its quarters in a small room partitioned off from the Chief Clerk’s office in the City Hall. This room it shares with the Nernst lamp trimmers, who occupy fully one-half of the available space. Here one, or at times, two men are employed in the repairs and adjustment of watt-hour meters. Meter readers are employed in a sufficient number, but very properly they are fully occupied in reading meters and are available for no other work of importance. New meters are installed, as required, on customer’s premises, after which little attention is paid to them unless the customer com- plains, or the possibility of error is brought forcibly to the attention of the department in some other way. A thorough meter test is impossible, owing to the lack of proper facilities, and upon account of inaccuracies in the instruments now used as standards by the department. During the progress of the present investigation thirty-seven (37) watt-hour meters were exam- ined on customers’ premises. One test only of each meter was made, and that under as nearly a full load as could be secured. All meters within 2 per cent, of accuracy were considered as being commercially correct. The results are as follows: 13 correct. 12 fast. 12 slow. Copies of the test sheets made are filed with the Commissioner of Public Works. Owing to the shortness of the period of time available for this work, no attempt was made to ascertain the condition of these meters except where operating under the loads given. Lyman C. Reed, in his “American Meter Practice,” has very ably discussed the subject of losses in meters and the result of his analysis shows that, under conditions generally met with, it is reasonable to expect “a general loss of 15 per cent, of the current delivered apd that, too, by meters which, on loads of 20 per cent, of their capacity, are commercially correct.” While this statement was made in 1903, since which date there has been some considerable improvement in the design and manufac- ture of integrating watt meters, it is reasonable to assume that under conditions prevailing in the City Lighting Department, fully 15 per cent, of all power delivered to customers fails to be registered upon the dials of the department’s meters. The tests made, so far as they were extended, showed an approxi- mately equal division of correct, fast and slow meters at full load. 12 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. The same meters tested at fractional loads, under which they usually operate, would have shown themselves . to be, in majority, decidedly slow. From the foregoing it is evident that in no branch of the depart- ment is it more important that proper facilities be provided than in the meter department. Each meter should be inspected, and thoroughly tested, upon the customer’s premises at least once each twelve months. For this pur- pose not less than four properly equipped inspectors should be appointed. The duties of these men should extend, not only to the meters in their districts, but to the character of the load carried upon them. There is prevalent, amongst certain customers of elec- tricity in the city of Tacoma, a sincere belief that the amounts charged them for the service furnished are excessive; notwithstanding the fact that the rate per kilowatt hour is extremely low as compared with that established in other cities of the world. There is a good and sufficient reason for this belief in the fact that probably nowhere else is there in use a larger number of low grade and inefficient incandescent lamps. Out of 363 lamps which were in daily use, and which were observed and tested for “watts consumed per rated candlepower” in the con- sumers’ houses scattered over every district of the city, only eight (8) lamps were found which were rated by their manufacturers as “A” grade; all of the remainder of these lamps were either “B” grade, or refilled, and their power consumption per rated candle- power varied from 4.8 to 5.5 watts. A power consumption of 3.5 watts per candlepower is considered fair. The majority of the observed lamps were intended for operation upon 110 volt circuits, while actually the voltage of the circuits upon which they were used varied from 107 to 125 volts. In very few instances was a voltage of 110 observed in the residence section of the city during the early hours of the evening. The result of this injudicious placing of lamps upon circuits to the voltage of which they are not adapted, and also the result of poor voltage regulation, has been to blacken and seriously shorten the useful life of practically all incandescent lamps used in the residence districts of the city. The useful life of a 3.5 watt lamp is approximately 600 hours of burning at normal voltage. At the end of this period the lamp will have deteriorated to very nearly 80 per cent, of its initial candle- power, and its consumption of power per candlepower will have increased from 3.5 to 4.3 watts, or 22.8 per cent. The following table gives the effect of voltage variations upon this “useful life” period of a 3.5 watt lamp, and also shows its power consumption in watts per candlepower at the beginning. This quan- tity is increased by about 23 per cent, at the end of the useful life period, when the candlepower of the lamp has been reduced to 80 per cent, of its initial output. At this point it is most economical to destroy the lamp and replace it with a new one, as a further use of the old lamp results in a rapid decrease in candlepower and an increase in electricity consumed per candlepower, reaching in some cases a value as high as 17 watts per candlehour. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 13 Per Cent, of Hours of Watts Per Per Cent, of Normal Voltage. Useful Life. C. P. at Start. Normal C. P. 94 2361 4.44 69.5 95 1860 4.26 74.0 96 1480 4.09 79.0 97 1170 3.93 84.0 98 917 3.78 89.0 99 756 3.64 94.5 100 600 3.50 100.0 101 504 3.38 106.0 102 408 3.27 112.0 103 348 3.16 118.0 104 282 3.05 124.0 105 234 2.95 130.0 A study of the above table makes evident the importance of good regulation. This subject will be discussed further under its own head- ing. The statement has been made previously in this report, in reference to the lamps which are actually in use upon the City’s circuits, that “their power consumption per rated condle-power varied from 4.8 to 5.5 watts.” It must be borne in mind that these quantities are not to be considered as the power consumed per actual candle-power, which, in some instances, must have nearly approached 15 watts, owing to the worn out condition of the lamps. These inferior lamps, requiring an excessive current, worn and blackened by high voltage and age, constitute a reason for complaint upon the part of the customers, which is sufficient to account for any general dissatisfaction which may have been felt during the past win- ter. Conditions were peculiarly aggravated by heavy additions to the load upon all circuits during the summer and autumn of 1907, without a corresponding increase in capacity of line and transformers. To overcome line losses occasioned by these conditions, the de- partment increased the voltage upon certain circuits, both at the sub- station and by the installation of “booster” transformers upon the lines. No attempt could be made to replace lamps already in use by those of higher voltage, as the department has no control over larrups, and the raising of line voltage resulted in the blackening of all lamps upon the circuits affected. In a few instances complaints may have been due to a misunder- standing occasioned by a change in dates of meter readings which made necessary the rendering of bills in certain districts covering periods in excess of thirty days. Such misunderstandings are, how- ever, easily rectified. The principal and only real cause, due to poor lamps and over- loaded circuits and transformers, is just and should be remedied. This subject has been discussed under the present heading, as the remedy, so far as the lamps themselves are concerned, would be pro- vided by a recognized meter department. It is recommended that legislation be enacted authorizing the furnishing, by the department, of all 8, 16 and 32 c. p. incandescent lamps of plain design, used upon its circuits, and raising the rates charged for current by the addition of one cent per kilowatt hour to the present rates. 14 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. Based upon the renewal of each 16 c. p. incandescent lamp at the expiration of 600 hours of burning, the cost to the City for lamps alone would be very nearly 6 mils per kilowatt hour. An additional 4 mils per kilowatt hour should almost exactly cover all other expenses incident to the free renewal of lamps. Business houses using arc lamps or Nernst lamps instead of in- candescent lamps, may be excepted from the increased rate. It is further recommended that the business connected with the free renewal of lamps be made a part of the duties of the meter de- partment, in whose hands there should be at all times accurate in- formation concerning voltage, etc., at the point where the lamps were to be used. Lamps should be renewed at the rate of a 16 c. p. lamp (or equiv- alent thereof) for each 35 K. W. H. consumed, this being very nearly the consumption of a 3.5 watt, 16 c. p. lamp, during a period of 600 hours. Samples taken from each barrel of incandescent lamps should be carefully tested both by photometer and for power consumption. Lamps returned by customers in apparently good condition should be tested and, if found to be so, should be re-issued. The working force of the meter department should consist of a foreman, possessing a thorough knowledge of the details of meter con- struction, adjustment and repair. He should also be competent to direct and carry on tests of transformers, arc lamps, etc. Subordinate to the foreman there should be the four inspectors mentioned above, one thoroughly competent electrical mechanic, one lamp tester, and all of the meter readers. The meter department should be provided with the following set of standard testing instruments: 1 Watt meter. 1 Am. meter. 1 Volt meter. Series and potential transformers for above. 1 Photometer. *The above instruments should be of the best make, of laboratory type and of the highest standard of accuracy. They should be re- tained at all times in the testing room and should constitute standards in the calibration of the department’s other instruments. At least once each six months these laboratory instruments should be compared with the standards kept in the nearest testing laboratory. In addition to the above, the department should be supplied with the following portable instruments: 2 Watt meters — indicating. 2 Sets series transformers. 1 Rotating watt pieter. 2 Potential transformers. 2 Am. meters — A. C. 1 Mili volt meter, D. C. 1 Set shunts for same. 2 Volt meters, A. C. and D. C. 1 Split series transformer. 1 Am. meter calibrated for same. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 15 The cost of all necessary instruments should not exceed fourteen hundred dollars. The installation and maintenance of all arc and Nernst lamps can be carried on more efficiently, and with better results, under the direction of the meter department foreman. It is therefore recommended that all arc and Nernst lamp repair- men, trimmers and all those engaged in the installation of these lamps, be placed within the jurisdiction of the foreman. LINE CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Under this heading will be included all that pertains to the City’s pole lines, distributing circuits and transformers. There is entered in the supplement hereof a brief description of each commercial pri- mary circuit and the 600-volt direct current power circuit. The same order has been preserved as was given in the description of sub-station equipment. Immediately following the description of the circuits are lists of all transformers, showing the capacity and connected load of each. These lists are also grouped in the order of circuits given above. The greater part of the matter included under this heading is a compilation of the department’s records. To verify conclusions arrived at relative to energy losses, tests were made as hereinafter described. No attempt was made to ascertain definitely the losses in the secondary circuits, as the magnitude of such an undertaking within the time specified for this investigation precluded the possibility of reaching any satisfactory result. However, from a general considera- tion of the characteristics of all secondary circuits, and from such observations as it was possible to make, an average loss of 3 per cent, of power delivered may be assumed. The information contained in the transformer lists (in the supple- ment) is evidence of a great lack of transformer capacity in practi- cally all circuits, some transformers having connected fully 500 per cent, of the rated load capacity. This circumstance is a very large fac- tor in the causes which produce bad regulation; and it also results in abnormal maintenance charges, due to the number of burned out trans- formers. While it is an easy matter to secure transformers having full load efficiencies ranging from 90 per cent, to 98 per cent., in accordance with their capacities, the “all day” efficiency of transformers in actual service is an entirely different matter. This is due to the fact that transformer losses are made up of two general components, copper loss and iron loss; the former is pro- portional to the square of the current flowing through the transformer, while the latter is independent of the load and constitutes a continuous leak. A transformer having a full load efficiency of 98 per cent, may very readily have an “all day” efficiency of 90 per cent.; in the smaller 16 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. capacities the difference is even greater. For the purpose of esti- mating power losses, the transformer losses will be assumed to be 10 per cent, in this report. Observations of the loads carried by the various circuits were made at the sub-station. In some cases the Westinghouse single phase portable watt meter No. 104 was used, while in others the load was computed 'from the disk speeds of the integrating watt meters installed on the feeder panels. Power factors were computed by comparing the volt-amperes in dicated with the watts. Line losses were calculated from the voltage drop at various points in the several circuits, as shown by readings tak- en, at such points, with Weston volt meters 4668 and 4775, and poten- tial transformers 262121 and 205318, under varying loads and power factors. The working organization of the Line Construction Department is under a foreman and consists of a varying number of sub-foremen, linemen and helpers. Sizes of wire are in all cases given in Brown and Sharpe wire gauge. MASON LIBRARY CIRCUIT. This primary circuit consists of No. 00 gauge copper wire from the sub-station to the corner of Prospect and North Twenty-first streets, a distance of approximately 14,500 feet. Beyond this point the cir- cuit extends nearly 3'V 2 miles, the size of conductors gradually re- ducing to No. 4 gauge. The total connected load is approximately 350 K. W. The greatest actual load observed was 150 K. W., at 90 per cent, power factor. Calculated losses in primary conductors aggregate 5.7 per cent, of power delivered to transformers. A booster transformer is installed at North 33d and Proctor streets, by the means of which the voltage of the circuit at that point is raised about 10' per cent. While the percentage of losses in this circuit, beyond Prospect and North Twenty-first streets, is excessive, the amount of load upon that portion of the circuit is relatively small, as compared with the terri- tory covered. It is possible that the present arrangement fulfills the require- ments in as economical a manner as possible. The transformers on the circuit, while in some cases heavily over- loaded, are, in general, of sufficient capacity. The feeder panel at the sub-station should be equipped with a compensated volt meter, to permit of close regulation at Prospect and North Twenty-first streets. OLD TOWN CIRCUIT. The primary circuit from sub-station to Eighth street and Tacoma avenue is of No. 0 gauge copper wire; from this point to the vicinity of Yakima avenue and North Eighth street, it is of No. 00 gauge. A second branch, all of No. 00 wire, reaches the above point from the sub-station via I street; near Yakima avenue and North Eighth street the two branches are tied together. Minor branches and secondary circuits cover territory east of CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 17 Prospect and south of Division streets, and extend to vicinity of Me- Carver and North Thirtieth streets. The total connected load is approximately 705 K. W. The greatest actual observed load was 170 K. W. @ 90 per cent, power factor. Losses in conductors from tests made are 2.5 per cent, of power de- livered to transformers. Voltage should be kept constant at Yakima avenue and North Eighth street. A compensated volt meter should be installed at the sub-station for this purpose. The transformers in this cricuit are heavily overloaded and secondary circuits show excessive losses. The branch running to McCarver and North Thirtieth streets is of No. 1 gauge wire. The drop in voltage on this branch at 8:20 p. m., March 15tli, was 160 volts or 7 per cent, of the voltage of the circuit at the point mentioned. The size of the wire in this branch should be increased to double its capacity for one-half the distance from Yakima avenue and North Eighth street to the end of the line. Secondary circuits should be inspected and increased in capacity where necessary. All joints should be soldered, including service connections. SOUTH TACOMA AND SIXTH ADDITION CIRCUIT. This primary line consists of two branches, both of No. 0 gauge wire, extending from the pole near the sub-station to the corner of K and Center streets, a distance of approximately 7,000 feet. At the latter point the circuit divides, one branch extending to South Tacoma, the other covering the district lying to the east thereof. Tlie total connected load on this circuit is approximately 700 K. W. The greatest observed load was 320 K, W. @ 92 per cent, power factor. Booster transformers are installed at Forty-seventh and Union streets, and Thirty-sixth and K streets; at both points the voltage is raised nearly 10 per cent. The total primary loss in this circuit, including booster trans- formers, is approximately 8 per cent, of the power delivered to the transformers. The circuit should be divided at the sub-station, and separate feeder panels should be arranged, one controlling the South Tacoma branch, the other the Sixth Addition circuit. Under the present arrangement it is impossible to secure even fair regulation, owing to the great difference in length and load distribu- tion in the two branches. Both circuits should be increased in carrying capacity to that of No. 00 gauge from the sub-station to the vicinity of K and Center streets. Compensated volt meters should be provided upon each panel, and adjusted for the approximate “load centers” of each circuit. Secondaries should be inspected for unsoldered joints, and should be reinforced where necessary. Transformers on this circuit, as a whole, are ample in capacity. LOWER PACIFIC AVENUE CIRCUIT. This circuit consists of No. 00 gauge wires from the sub-station to the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and D streets; from this point to Fifty- 18 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. ninth and East H streets, the line consists of No. 4 gauge con- ductors. The total connected load amounts to approximately 600 K. W., the greater portion of which lies between the sub-station and the inter- section of Twenty-sixth and D streets. The greatest observed load was 260 K. W. at 85 per cent, power factor. In terms of power delivered to transformers, the loss in the primary circuit is approximately 2.5 per cent, between the sub-station and the extremity of the No. 00 copper; beyond this point the losses are excessive, due 1 to lack of copper capacity. However, the comparative load carried upon the No. 4 gauge ex- tension is small at present, having been relieved recently by the removal of a 40 horsepower motor, which had previously been in- stalled at its southern extremity in Bismarck. It is very probable that the necessity will arise within the near future of increasing the size of wire used for a considerable distance beyond the present terminus of the No. 00 gauge copper. The circuit should be watched carefully and no considerable in- crease in load should be accepted upon the portion of the circuit men- tioned, without adequate provision being made in capacity. This circuit forms, with the south section of the C and Jefferson streets circuit, a two-phase power feeder. It is recommended that all transformers (except those feeding two phase motors) lying south and west of the intersection of Delin street and Pacific avenue be cut over to the C and Jefferson street circuit. This will result in establishing a more nearly balanced condition of load between the two phases. A compensated volt meter should be installed upon the feeder panel and adjusted for the new center of load established, after the re- arrangement of transformers suggested above. Especial attention is called to the overloaded condition of trans- formers on this circuit, which should be relieved at the earliest possible moment. TACOMA AVENUE CIRCUIT. The Tacoma avenue circuit is constructed of No. 00 copper for a distance of about 150 feet from the sub-station; from this point the line consists of No. 0 gauge wire (with the exception of four spans of No. 2) to its end. The total load connected amounts to approximately 470 K. W. The greatest actual load observed was 190 K. W. @ 90 per cent, power factor. Approximate loss in primary wires is 2.9 per cent, of power delivered to transformers. The size of wire in this circuit should be No. 00 gauge from the station to the corner of Thirteenth and D streets, a distance of approximately 2,700 feet. All service furnished east of alley between C and D streets from this circuit should be transferred to either the C and Jefferson streets or Commerce street circuits. The Tacoma avenue circuit should be kept free of two phase motors, and switchboard arrangements should be made to permit of its being fed from either phase. Transformers are, in general, overloaded, and secondary circuits in places evidence excessive losses due to lack of sufficient metal and poor joints. All joints should be soldered. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 19 The feeder panel should be furnished with a compensated volt meter set for the corner of Thirteenth and D streets. PACIFIC AVENUE CIRCUIT. This circuit is constructed of No. 00 gauge wire throughout, with the exception of a short extension upon its northern extremity which is of No. 4. Its total connected load is approximately 550 K. W. The greatest load observed was 360 K. W. @ 88 per cent, power factor. The ap- proximate loss in primaries is 2.7 per cent, of power delivered to transformers. (This amount is calculated, no tests having been made.) The transformers on this circuit show overloads, but are now being replaced by those of larger capacity. As a whole the regulation is good, such variations as do occur being caused in a great part by the overloaded condition of the transformers. The Pacific avenue circuit should be relieved of a portion of its load by the Commerce street circuit, which has ample line capacity. A compensated volt meter should be installed at the sub-station and adjusted for the voltage at or near the corner of Pacific avenue and Eleventh street. This circuit should be entirely free from two-phase or large single phase motors. All such motors now connected can be carried upon the Tide Flats power circuit. SIXTH AVENUE CIRCUIT. This circuit is divided at Nineteenth and Hood streets into two general branches. The first consists of No. 00 gauge wire from the sub-station to the corner of Ainsworth and Sixth avenue, at which point a booster trans- former is installed, raising the voltage at that point about 10 per cent. The distance from the sub-station to the booster is nearly 10,600 feet. From this point the feeder runs west on Sixth avenue to Adams street, and is, in the greater part, constructed of No. 4 gauge copper wire. Minor branches, running north and south, are of No. 6 and No. 8 gauge wire. Formerly a back feeder extended east from Sixth avenue and Sprague street. This has been recently removed and the above mentioned booster installed. Incandescent lamps serviced from this feeder east of Sprague street are very much blackened, which is the probable result of cutting transformers over from the back feeder to the main circuit before lowering the voltage thereon. The total connected load on this branch is approximately 300 K. W. and the greatest observed load 162 K. W. @ 90 per cent, power factor. (This latter amount is estimated from readings made cover- ing the entire circuit.) Approximate primary losses are 12 ^ per cent, of power delie vered to transformers. The second branch of the Sixth avenue circuit consists of No. 0 gauge wire from Nineteenth and Hood streets to Eleventh and Tacoma avenue, a distance of about 3,630 feet. From this point to the end of the line at Tacoma avenue and North Sixth street, it is built 20 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. of No. 4 gauge wire. A back feeder of No. 6 gauge wire runs on Tacoma avenue from North Sixth to North First street. The total connected load on this branch aggregates 362 K. W. approximately, and the greatest observed load was 186 K. W. @ 90 per cent, power factor. The primary losses in this branch are nearly 8 per cent, of the power delivered to the transformers. This circuit should be divided into two independent circuits at the sub-station, as it is impossible to secure satisfactory regulations with the present arrangement. A compensated volt meter should be set on the first branch for the voltage at Sixth avenue and Sprague street, and another on the second branch for Tacoma avenue and Division street. The copper in both branches of this circuit is entirely inadequate and should be increased by the addition of 105,500 circular mils in the first branch from the sub-station for a distance of 7,500 feet. In the second branch the No. 0 wire should be extended from its present terminus at Eleventh and Tacoma avenue for a distance of 20,000 feet, in place of the No. 4 wire now used. The transformers on this circuit are very heavily overloaded. The secondary circuits should be carefully inspected and increased in capacity where necessary. C AND JEFFERSON STREETS CIRCUIT. This circuit branches north and south from the pole at the corner of Nineteenth and Jefferson streets. The north branch consists of No. 00 gauge wire, which is gradu- ally reduced to No. 6 at the High School building. The south branch consists of No. 00 gauge wire from the sub-station to the vicinity of Thirtieth and D streets, from which point to the end of the line it consists of No. 4 wire. The north branch carries a total connected load of nearly 325 K. W., while 135 K. W. approximately is connected in the south branch. The greatest actual load observed was 172 K. W. at 86 per cent, power factor. Assuming this load to be divided in proportion to the connected load between the two branches, results in 121 K. W. in the north branch and 51 K. W. in the south branch, all at 86 per cent, power factor. Approximate primary losses in the north branch are equivalent to 3 per cent, of the load delivered to the transformers, while in the south branch such losses constitute but 0.83 per cent, of power so delivered. The secondary losses in both branches are in some cases excessive and the transformers are in general overloaded. As the south branch of this circuit is operated in connection with the lower Pacific avenue circuit to form a two phase feeder, and as the north branch constitutes primarily a lighting circuit servicing important business houses, it is recommended that two distinct cir- cuits be formed, one including the north branch and the other the south branch. The south circuit should relieve the lower Pacific avenue of sufficient load to effect a balanced condition between them. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 21 Remarks made relative to capacity of lower Pacific avenue cir- cuit apply to the South C and Jefferson streets circuit equally as well. Compensator should be set for the same location as that upon the lower Pacific avenue circuit. A compensated volt meter should be installed showing voltage at corner of Eleventh and C streets. Transformers and secondary circuits are overloaded, in many in- stances, in both north and south branches. HILL CIRCUIT. This circuit consists of No. 00 and No. 0 gauge copper wire form- ing a mesh surrounding blocks between Nineteenth and Thirteenth streets, Tacoma avenue and D street, from which branches of No. 4, No. 6 and No. 8 wire are run. The total connected load amounts to 915 K. W. The maximum observed load was 310 K. W. at 92 per cent, power factor. The approximate primary losses are 4.1 per cent, of all power de- livered to transformers. Compensator should be set for the voltage at I and Thirteenth streets. While additional copper is required, conditions can be very much improved by the installation of larger transformers, and overhauling the secondary circuits. “COURT A” CIRCUIT. This feeder from the sub-station to the vicinity of Eighth street and Court A is formed of No. 00 wire; from this point to its northern extremity at the foot of Sixth street, it consists of No. 6 wire. The total connected load is 675 K. W. The greatest actual load observed was 196 K. W. @ 90 per cent, power factor. Approximate primary loss is 2.3 per cent, of power delivered to transformers. Two phase motors, or large single phase motors, now connected in this circuit should be transferred to the Tide Flats circuit. COMMERCE STREET CIRCUIT. This circuit is of No. 0000 wire from the sub-station to Thirteenth and Commerce streets; where it branches and continues north on both sides of Commerce street it is of No, 00 and No. 0 gauge for the greater part Of the way to Ninth street, where it ends. The total connected load on this circuit is about 400 K. W. No observation was made of actual load. The primary loss is negligible so far as the purposes of this in- vestigation are concerned. Secondary losses are very considerable and transformers show overloads. This circuit is of ample capacity to relieve other more heavily loaded circuits, which are now carrying secondaries in the territory which properly belongs to it. 22 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. TIDE FLATS CIRCUIT. This circuit is a four-wire, two-phase, power feeder and consists of No. 00 gauge wires from the sub-station to Dock and Eleventh streets; from this point it is of No. 4 wire to the end of the line on the east hank of the channel. The total connected load is 155 K. W. No observations were made for actual load, but the probabilities are that it is not less than 100 K. W. at 75 per cent, power factor. Total primary losses are nearly 1% per cent, of power delivered to transformers. This circuit should be extended from Eleventh street north on Pacific avenue, and should carry all motor load possible. DIRECT CURRENT CIRCUIT. For a description of this circuit, see supplement. SERIES STREET LIGHTING CIRCUITS. There are 690 6.6 ampere series arc lamps in service, distributed over the following circuits in the order given: Circuit. A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . K . M . N . O . P . R . No. Lamps. . . . 43 . . . 43 . . . 56 .. . 51 . . . 51 . . . 47 . . . 67 . . . 55 . . . 19 ... 70 . . . 40 . . . 46 . .. 56 . . . 46 690 The total load carried aggregates about 300 K. W. These circuits are constructed of No. 6 and No. 8 gauge wire. No wire smaller than No. 6 should be used in any part of the dis- tributing system, except, possibly, in making service connections, owing to lack of tensile strength in the smaller sizes. All secondary circuits should be thoroughly grounded and all feeder panels equipped with automatic circuit breakers. The constant current transformers governing the street lighting circuits are, in some cases, heavily overloaded; a condition im- possible to relieve until more space is provided in the sub-station. The total losses in all the street light regulating apparatus are very nearly 3 per cent, of the total load carried. MAPS AND RECORDS. A great deal of excellent work has recently been accomplished by the department in securing information to be used in the compila- CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 23 tion of a system of maps and records. This work has, for some reason, been permitted to lapse and the information secured by previous effort is not in such shape that it can be used to the best advantage. All records of transformers, incandescent, arc and Nernst lamps; all records of circuits, including maps, etc., should be in the custody of an experienced electrical engineer, who should have, under the authority of the City Electrician (or Superintendent) complete juris- diction over all extensions and additions to the distributing system and the load thereon. Maps should be completed at the earliest possible moment, show- ing all circuits, and having entered thereon complete information con- cerning same. These maps should be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch to eacn 100 feet of distance. Blue print copies, properly bound and indexed, should be fur- nished all departments of the city government who are in any way interested. All changes should be immediately posted on the original maps and corrections made at reasonable intervals in the copies. POWER CONSUMED MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1908. K. W. H. K. W. H. K. W. H. Meter Error True Regis- Sub- Consump- tered. Add. tract. tion. Mason Library 39000 +1857 37143 Old Town . .23950 47300 71250 +1141 70109 South Tacoma and Sixth Addition 60240 *7400 52840 Lower Pacific Avenue .... 57120 *3787 53333 Tacoma Avenue 66700 +1300 65400 Pacific Avenue 67600 2600 65000 Sixth Avenue . . 4700 79650 84350 *3178 81172 C and Jefferson Street . . . 57600 3160 54440 Hill Circuit . .76700 19620 96320 *1600 97920 Commerce Street 73350 +3494 69856 Tide Flats 23680 23680 Court A . 36100 1290 37390 Direct Current . 11760 11760 Street Lights . .34320 42480 76800 *6222 83022 Totals 821870 9112 27917 803065 * 128 *2170 *2642 *4758 *1120 3050 Less 570 3580 f2642 +2667 3178 1600 6222 7400 3787 f=5% error on account wrong connection of watt meter. $=Error in series transformer. 24 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. SEGREGATION OF LOSSES AND STATEMENT OF POWER DELIVERED FEBRUARY, 1908. Total Consump- tion K. W. H.. . % Primary Loss. Primary Loss K. W. H 10% Transformer Loss, K. W. H.. 3% Secondary Loss, K. W. H.. 15% Meter Loss K. W. H Total Loss K. W. H Net Power Deliv- ered K. W. H.. . Mason Library 37143 5.7 2003 3195 931 4045 10174 26969 Old Town 70109 2.5 1710 6218 1811 7870 17609 52500 South Tacoma and Sixth Addition . . . 52840 8.0 3914 4448 1296i 5632 15290 37550 Lower Pacific Ave . . 53333 2.5 1301 4732 1378| 5990 13401 39932 Tacoma Ave 65400 2.9 1843 5777 1683 1 7317 16620 48780 Pacific Ave 65000 2.7 1709 5754 1676| | 7286 16425 48575 Sixth Ave 81172 *10.1 7447 6702 1952 8488 24589 56583 C and Jefferson St. .. 54440 tl-8 963 4862 1415| 6157 13397 41043 Hill Circuit 97920 4.1 3857 8552 2491110829 25729 72191 Commerce St 69856 0.5 348 6319 1841] 8002 16510 53346 Tide Flats 23680 1.75 408 2116 616 | 2679 5819 17861 Court A 37390 2.3 841 3323 968 4208 9340 28050 Direet. Current. 11760 1 10.0 1079 | 1394 2473 9287 Street Lights 83022| 0.6 ! 496 |i2404 1 1 1 2900 80122 Totals 1 |803065 1 1 1 1 27919J64402 1 18058|79897 1 190276 612789 *=Mean of 12.5 and 8.0%. •j-=Mean of 3.0 and 0.83%. *=3%. From the above table it may seen that of 803,065 kilowatt hours of electrical power purchased from the Seattle-Tacoma Power Com- pany, during the month of February, approximately 190,276 K. W. H. or 23.69% was lost in distribution. While the maximum total load observed during this investigation was but slightly in excess of 4,500 horse-power, there is no doubt but that demands in excess of 5,000 horse-power have been made upon the department during the past winter. As additional load is constantly accepted, there is no doubt but that a demand largely in excess of 5,000 horse-power will be placed upon the system as soon as the days shorten sufficiently to produce a coinci- dent store and residence lighting and motor load peak. Unless satis- factory arrangements can be made during the present summer for an additional supply of power, it is extremely probable that the depart- ment will be confronted with serious difficulties during the coming winter. It is recommended that efforts be made to secure not less than CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 25 1,000 horse-power in excess of the quantity at present reserved by the Seattle-Tacoma Power Company. It is further recommended that there be appointed a Board of Com- missioners, which shall consist of the City Engineer and two other engineers experienced in the erection of hydro-electric and steam elec- tric plants. This Board should be instructed to carefully examine such water- power properties as may lie within a reasonable distance of the City of Tacoma. If any be found, capable of development to the extent of not less than ten thousand (10,000) horse-power, with a load factor of 30%, which can be acquired by the City and developed at a reasonable price, this Board should be instructed to prepare plans and to make estimate of the cost of such acquisition and development. If no such waterpower is available, then should it be required that the Board of Commissioners prepare complete working plans and specifications covering the erection of a steam driven electric generat- ing station of not less than three thousand (3,000) horse-power, and capable of being increased to ten thousand horse-power capacity. Immediate action should be taken upon the recommendation of this Board, and a decision reached relative to same without delay. Respectfully submitted, Consulting Electrical Engineer. 26 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. SUPPLEMENT FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass't. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test NO. 110. Test on Westinghouse Portable Single Phase Wattmeter, style No. 34418, Serial No. 104, submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Westinghouse Instrument (Five Ampere Scale). True Watts. Scale Readings. Watts. Corrections. 25.15 49.5 24.75 +0.40 60.60 121.5 60.75 —0.15 116.40 235.5 117.75 —1.35 264.0 537.5 268.75 —4.75 365.0 733.5 366.75 —1.75 488. 967.5 483.75 +4.25 (Ten Ampere Scale.) True Watts. Scale Readings i — Watts. Correction. 60.6 60.5 + .10 116.4 118. — 1.60 264 266.5 — 2.50 508 505.5 + 2.50 705 702.5 + 2.50 1002 990 +12.00 The error of the two scales is well within 1%. FREDERICK A. OSBORN. FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test NO. 111. Test of Thomson A. C. Am. meter No. 76999 submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Thomson Instrument. True Amperes. Scale Reading. Amperes. Correction. 1.20 57.5 1.15 + .05 1.40 69.5 1.39 + .01 1.98 99.5 1.99 — .01 2.39 121.4 2.43 — .04 3.20 161.5 3.23 — .03 3.60 181.5 3.63 — .03 4.00 202.5 4.05 — .05 4.50 226.5 4.53 — .03 Errors are well within 1%. FREDERICK A. OSBORN. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 27 FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAIvEL, Instructor. LEWIS II. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test No. 112. Test on Westinghouse Am. meter, Style No. 35120, Serial No. 157, submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Westinghouse Instrument (Ten Ampere Scale). True Amperes. Scale .94 1.52 2.03 2.52 3.00 3.97 6.04 7.01 8.04 9.07 10.04 Readings. Corrections. .98 — .04 1.48 + .04 2.00 + .03 2.50 + .02 3.02 — .02 3.95 + .02 5.96 + .08 6.94 + .07 7.94 4- .10 8.94 + .13 9.87 + .17 Errors are well within 1%%. FREDERICK A. OSBORN. 28 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test No. 113. Test on Westinghouse Series Transformers, Style No. 35591, sub- mitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Transformer No. 972. True Current Low Side. Ratio Found. 1.22 5.08 1.37 5.04 2.50 5.04 General error 4.14 5.04 within 1%. 5.08 5.04 0.62 10.26 0.93 10.05 1.35 10.01 2.15 10.00 General error 2.52 10.11 within 2%. 3.40 10.25 . 4.20 10.26 1.01 20.94 1.40 20.84 2.31 20.41 General error 3.02 20.49 about 4%. 4.12 20.31 FREDERICK A. OSBORN. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 29 FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test on Westinghouse Series Transformer, Style No mitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Transformer No. 683. True Current Test No. 114. 35591, sub- Low Side. Ratio Found. Error. .518 5.17 3% 1.35 5.07 1% 2.11 4.88 2% 3.37 5.00 0 4.74 5.23 4% .605 10.25 2Va% .870 10.18 2% 1.370 10.13 1% 2.54 10.11 1% 3.58 10.30 3% 5.07 10.23 2% 1.56 20.73 31/2% 2.04 20.29 iy 2 % 3.14 20.36 1 %% 4.14 20.20 1 % FREDERICK A. OSBORN. 30 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS II. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test No. 115. A Test on Westinghouse Portable Polyphase Wattmeter, Style No. 34430, Serial No. 395, submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Westinghouse Instrument. Right Side. — Five Ampere — — Ten Ampere — True Correc- True Correc- Watts. Scale. Watts. tion. Watts. Scale. tion. 55 140 70 —15 100 137 —37.0 87 203 101.5 —14.5 200 237 —37 100 234 117.0 —17.0 300 342 —42 110 260 130 —20.0 400 428 —28 120 279 139.5 —19.5 500 532 —32 130 300 150.0 —20.0 600 623 —23 140 320 160.0 —20.0 800 838 —38 150 340 170 —20.0 900 948 —48 280 610 305 —25 1000 1058 —58 340 728 364 —24 1200 1278 —78 380 813 406.5 —26.5 1400 1480 —80 420 905 452.5 —32.5 460 1002 501.1 —41 560 1212 606 —46 FREDERICK A. OSBORN. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 31 FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test NO. 116. B Test on a Westinghouse Portable Polyphase Wattmeter, Style No. 34430, Serial No. 395, submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Left Side. — Five Ampere — — Ten Ampere — True Correc- True Correc- Watts. Scale. Watts. tion. Watts. Scale. tion. 55 140 70 —15 100 138 —38 90 212 106 —16 200 232 —32 100 232 116 —16 300 340 —40 110 260 130 —20 500 545 —45 120 278 139 —19 700 755 —55 130 300 150 —20 900 960 —60 140 320 160 —20 1000 1060 —60 150 340 170 —20 1200 1275 —75 180 410 205 —25 1400 1475 —75 240 542 271 —31 300 631 315.5 —15.5 400 838 419 ‘ —19 440 940 470 —30 500 1070 535 —35 600 1275 637 —37 FREDERICK A. OSBORN. 32 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. * University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test No. 117. Test on Weston D. C. & A. C. Voltmeter, No. 4668, submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Weston Instrument. 0-150 Scale. Volts. Readings. Corrections. 64.8 64.3 +0.5 82.8 82.2 +0.6 95.8 95.2 +0.6 110.8 110.4 +0.4 130.2 130.1 +0.1 149.3 149.0 +0.3 0-600 Scale. 244 240 +4.0 308 308 +5.0 405 399.5 +5.5 483 478.5 +4.5 513 507 + 6.0 588 581 +7.0 FREDERICK A. OSBORN. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 33 FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test No. 118. Test on Weston D. C. & A. C. Voltmeter, No. 4775, submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Weston Instrument. 0-300 Scale. Volts. Readings. Corrections. 110.8 110.7 +0.1 130.2 129.6 +0.6 149.3 149.4 +0.1 179 177.1 +2.0 205 202.5 +2.5 237 234.3 +2.7 255 252.5 +2.5 289 285.5 0-600 Scale. +3.5 244 242 +2.0 308 305.5 +2.5 405 403 +2.0 483 478.5 +4.5 513 508.5 +4.5 588 579 +9.0 FREDERICK A. OSBORN. 34 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test No. 119. Test on Weston A. C. Voltmeter Multipliers submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Multiplier No. 4775 for Voltmeter No. 4775. Voltage. Voltmeter Read. 0-600 Scale. Multiplier. 619 155 3.994 652 163 4.000 739 184.5 0-300 Scale. 4.005 700 99.69 7.022 734 105 6.991 Multiplier No. 4668 for Voltmeter No. 4668. 0-600 Scale. 619 146 4.239 652 158 4.127 739 180 0-150 Scale. 4.100 700 52.9 13.23 734 55.3 13.27 The Multiplier is correct within the limits given for No. 4775. The high ratio of No. 4668 conies from the low reading of Voltmeter No. 4668. FREDERICK A. OSBORN. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 35 FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 18, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test No. 120. Test on a split transformer, submitted by Kilbourne & Clark, per F. G. Simpson. Thomas A. C. Am meter, No. 76999, with 20 ft. No. 12 lamp cord. Thomson Am meter No. 7699. Standard Kelvin Balance. HOUGHTON & HUNTER, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. 704 First Avenue: Seattle, Wash., Feb. 18th, 1908. This is to certify that we have timed chronograph No. 12405 and found it correct. Readings Amperes. Readings Amperes. 95 96.5 132.0 78.0 130 171 201 94 96.2 131 76.7 130.5 173.0 204 FREDERICK A. OSBORN. HOUGHTON & HUNTER. 36 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. FREDERICK A. OSBORN, Professor. HENRY L. BRAKEL, Instructor. LEWIS H. FEE, Grad. Ass’t. PHILO F. HAMMOND, Grad. Ass’t. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. PHYSICS. University Station, Seattle, Washington, February 24, 1908. STANDARDIZATION CERTIFICATE. Test NO. 123. Weston Milli-voltmeter No. 5521 with shunt No. 5521, submitted by F. G. Simpson for City of Tacoma. Amperes. Scale. Weston Instrument. Corrections. 1.51 15 1.42 + .09 2.73 15 2.64 + .09 4.18 15 4.09 -f- .09 6.16 15 6.08 + .08 8.08 15 8.00 + .08 10.1 15 10.00 + .10 11.66 15 11.56 + .10 13.16 15 13.03 + .13 14.95 15 14.86 + .09 10.1 75 9.65 + .45 20.4 75 20.00 + .40 30.6 75 30.25 + .35 40.2 75 40.05 + .15 50.7 75 50.40 + .30 61.0 • 75 60.6 + .40 71.0 75 70.5 + .50 15.2 150 14.3 + .90 33.6 150 32.9 + .70 50.0 150 49.2 Hr .80 66.8 150 65.9 + .20 80.3 150 79.8 + .50 90.8 150 90.0 + .80 96 3 150 95.5 + .80 FREDERICK A. OSBORN. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 7 STATION METER TESTS No. 1 Feeder, Mason Library Circuit — Black Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 19, 1908. Time: 3:10 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 650335, Make T. I., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt, 2000, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 3 20.6 2000 1966 1.9 6 20.2 4000 4009 100 150 O. K. 16 26.8 8000 8057 0.7 22 31.0 9600 9581 O. K. Remarks : Series Trans. 40:1; Pot. Trans. 20:1. No. 2 Feeder, Old Town Circuit — White Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 19, 1908. Time: 3:45 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 999578, Make T. H. T., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 100. Rev. Time. True Watts. Meter Watts. Dial K. Test K. % Fast. % Slow. 3 36.6 2000 1967 2 8 48.4 4000 3966 100 200 1 12 47.5 6000 6062 1 18 47.5 9000 9100 1 Remarks: Series Trans. 30:1; Pot. Trans. 20:1. No. 3 Feeder, South Tacoma Circuit — Black Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 9:00 A. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 433508, Make T. R., Wire 2, Amp. 120, Volt 2200. R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 4 40.4 30000 28500 5 20 19.0 275000 303000 80 0 9.25 20 18.4 278500 313000 11.00 20 18.8 275000 306000 10.00 Remarks: No Series Trans. 20:1; Pot. Trans. . Used split series. No. 4 Feeder, Lower Pacific Avenue New Addition — White Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 9:45 A. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 1172153, Make T. H. T., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2200, R. H. D. 100. 38 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. Rev. Time. True Watts. Meter Watts. Dial K. Test K. % Fast. % Slow. 3 54.9 1000 983 1.7 6 54.7 2000 1971 100 150 1.4 8 48.2 3000 2980 .6 12 35.3 6000 6120 2 20 39.6 9000 9100 1 Remarks : Series Trans. 30:1; Pot. Trans. No. 5 Feeder, Old Town — White Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 10:25 A. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. 2000. A. C. Meter No. 553117, Make T. R., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2200, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 3 44.6 32500 30260 7 12 24 221500 225000 100 125 1.6 14 27.4 222500 229600 1.9 10 19.4 222000 231900 4.0 Remarks: No Series Trans. Pot Trans. 20:1. No. 6 Feeder, Tacoma Avenue — Black Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 10:40 A. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 650336, Make T. I., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 3 41.7 1000 967 3.3 6 27.4 3000 2959 100 150 .8 12 32.0 5000 5062 1.2 16 30.8 7000 7015 O. K. Remarks: Series Trans. 40:1 (2% high). Pot. Trans. 20:1. No. 7 Feeder, Pacific Avenue — Black Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 11:20 A. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 456692, Make T. R., Wire 2, Amp. 120, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 8 42.8 55000 53621 2 12 16.7 197500 206900 80 0 4.5 20 25.4 217500 226000 3.75 10 12.2 225000 236000 4.5 Remarks: No Series Transformer. Pot. Trans. 20: 1 . CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 39 No. 8 Feeder, Glendale and Sixth Avenue — White Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 11:50 A. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 648093, Make T. I., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 3 40.6 1000 997 .3 12 39.7 4000 4080 100 150 2 16 35.0 6000 6171 2.8 20 32.7 8000 8231 2.8 Remarks: Series Trans. 40:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1. No. 9 Feeder, C Street — Black Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 12:30 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. 2000, A. C. Meter No. 552771, Make T. R., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2200, R. H. D. 100. • True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 4 50.4 35000 35730 4 48.9 37000 36800 100 125 4 45.6 38000 39470 ... 1 Average 4 45.3 40000 39750 Remarks: No Series Trans. Pot. , Trans. 20:1. No. 9 Feeder, C Street — Black Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 25, 1908. Time: 6:15 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 552771, Make T. R., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2000, 2200, R. H. D. 100. Rev. Time. True Watts. Meter Watts. Dial K. Test K. % Fast. % Slow. 10 23.3 180000 192700 6.6 10 23.6 178000 189000 100 125 5.9 10 24 177500 187900 5.4 5 12 177500 187900 5 . 4 Remarks: No Series Trans. Pot. Trans. 20:1. No. 10 Feeder, Hill Circuit — White Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104; Am-meter No. 157; Series Trans. 683. February 20, 1908. Time: 3:55 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. 2000, A. C. Meter No. 542593, Make T. R„ Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2200, R. H. D. 100. 40 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. Rev. Time. True Watts. Meter Watts. Dial K. Test K. % Fast. % Slow. 3 40 41400 33750 17.5 6 35.7 81160 75190 ioo 125 7.0 14 33.8 195940 186300 4.75 16 46.7 162000 154000 4.75 Remarks: No Series Trans. Pot Trans. 20:1. No. 12 Power Panel, 21 Tide Flats Feeder. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 21, 1908. Time: 9:45 A. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 568255, Make West A. B., Wire 2, Amp. 5, Volt 100, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 1 37 33 32.4 O. K. 4 32.5 150 147.7 0 2.4 1.5 6 20.4 350 352.5 1 8 21.5 437.5 447 2 Remarks : Series Trans. 16:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1. Arc Lamp Panel. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 6:45 P. For City pf Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. 2000, A. C. Meter No. 485105, Make T. R., Wire 2, Amp. 120, Volt 2200, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 12 22.7 162500 152240 6 20 37.6 166000 153200 80 0 7.5 10 18.6 166000 154800 6.75 20 38.0 L66000 151600 8.6 Remarks : No Series Trans. Pot. Trans. 20:1. Arc Panel. Standard Watl neter No. 104. February 20, 1908. Time: 7:00 P. For City of Tacoma at City Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 430928, Make T. R., Wire 2, Amp. 120, Volt 2200, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 10 23 137500 125210 8.75 20 46 139000 125210 80 0 9.6 10 23.1 137500 124900 9.2 Remarks: No Series Trans. Pot. Trans. 20:1. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 41 No. 10 New Feeder Panel, Hill Circuit — White Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 24, 1908. Time: 1:45 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 541412, Make West, Wire 2, Amp. 400, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 1000. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow 3 36.0 2000 2000 O. K. 4 31.3 3000 3062 2.0 6 28.0 5000 5142 2.8 8 23 8000 8312 3.9 5 16.7 7000 7160 2.3 Remarks : Series Trans. 80:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1. No. 8 New Feeder Panel, Glendale Circuit — White Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 24, 1908. Time: 2:45 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 541407, Make West., Wire 2, Amp. 400, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 1000. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 2 48.2 1000 995 0.5 4 31.2 3000 3075 2.5 6 19.7 7000 7300 4.2 8 26.6 7000 7220 3.0 8 26.2 7000 7320 4.5 Remarks : Series Trans. 80:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1. No. 5 New Feeder, Court A and Waterfront. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 24, 1908. Time: 3:30 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 541409, Make West., Wire 2, Amp. 400, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 1000. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 2 49.7 1000 965 3.5 4 25.9 4000 3705 7.5 7 21 8000 8000 O. K. 6 20.4 7000 7060 0.9 Remarks : Series Trans. 80:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1. Unfinished Panel. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 24, 1908. Time: 4:10 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 541410, Make West., Wire 2, Amp. 400, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 1000. 42 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow 1 24.2 1000 992 0.8 3 24.2 3000 2980 0.7 5 19.6 6000 6112 1.9 8 23.3 8000 8240 3.0 Remarks : Series Trans. 80:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1. Unfinished Panel. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 24, 1908. Time: 4:30 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 541408, Make West., Wire 2, Amp. 400, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 1000. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 1 16 1500 1500 O. K. 5 23.3 5000 5150 3.0 5 19.3 6000 6260 4.5 8 23 8000 8350 4.4 Remarks: Series Trans. 80:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1 No. 11 Feeder, Commerce Street — Black Phase. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 24, 1908. Time: 5:00 P. M. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 1172154, Make T. H. T., Wire 2, Amp. 150, Volt 2200, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 2 24.8 1500 1450 3.4 4 24.8 3000 2900 100 150 3.4 8 24.2 6000 5950 1.0 10 22.6 8000 7965 0.4 Remarks: Series Trans. 30:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1. Graphic Meter on City Main Feeders. Polyphase Wattmeter No. 395. February 25, 1908. Time: 6:35 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 100406, Make West., Wire 4, Amp. 1500, Volt 2000, R. H. D. Graphic Recording Wattmeter. True K. W. Watts. Meter K. W. Watts. % Fast. % Slow. 3120 3200 2.5 3375 3440 2.0 3050 2980 ... 2.5 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 43 No. 550 Volt D. C. Power Circuit, Changeable Load. No. 5521 Milli-Volt; No. 5521 Shunt, 150 Scale; No. 4668 Voltmeter. February 26, 1908. Time: 11:00 A. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. D. C. Meter No. 681, Make Brist. rec. watt, Wire — , Amp. 300, Volt 600, Chart No. 307. True K. W. W T atts. Meter K. W. Watts. 17 20 19.8 20 54.6 58 56.7 60 50.7 50 51.1 50 Unfinished Panel. Standard Wattmeter No. 104. February 26, 1908. Time: 12:05 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. A. C. Meter No. 541411, Make West., Wire 2, Amp. 400, Volt 2000, R. H. D. 1000. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. W T atts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 1 16.0 1500 1500 O. K. 2 19.3 2500 2486 0.5 1 14.4 1000 983 1.7 4 18.8 5000 5100 0.5 5 13.9 8500 8600 0.5 Remarks : Series Trans. 80:1. Pot. Trans. 20:1. 550 Volt D. C. Power Meter. Standard Wattmeter No. 104; 972 Series Trans. 20:1. February 26, 1908. Time: 1:15 P. For City of Tacoma at Tacoma Sub-station. 500, D. C. Meter No. 479080, Make T. R., Wire 2, Amp. 200, Volt 550, R. H. D. 100. True Meter % % Rev. Time. Watts. Watts. Dial K. Test K. Fast. Slow. 1 15.8 10950 9120 16.7 3 20.2 21900 21386 40 0 2.4 5 24.9 29200 28950 1.0 5 22.1 32850 32580 • • . ... ... 0.8 Remarks : Used Pot. Trans. 3.65: :1. Series Trans. 20:1. MASON LIBRARY CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station, the line runs west on 19th street to Tacoma avenue and north on Tacoma to 13th street and west on 13th to I street; north on I street to 6th street and west on 6th to alley between I and J streets, north in alley to transformer No. 45 8490' No. 00 wire. Thence line runs north to Division street, crosses Division to North I street and runs north on I to North 11th, 4454' No. 00 wire. Here the line branches east and west. The eastern branch runs east 44 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. to transformer No. 57, 465' No. 00 wire; thence east to Tacoma ave- nue and north on Tacoma avenue to transformer No. 183, No 4 wire, 648'. Continuing north on I street from 11th street intersection, the line runs No. 00 wire to 21st street, west on 21st street to Prospect street 1390'. Branching south and west at corner of 21st and Prospect, the line runs south to transformer No. 297, No. 0 wire, 692'; thence west No. 6 wire to transformer No. 382, 495'; thence west to 15th street, branches west and south 405'; running west to transformer No. 650, No. 6 wire, 654'. The line runs south on Prospect street to transformer No. 381, 490' No. 8 wire; thence west on 12th street to transformer No. 523, 290' No. 6 wire; thence west to transformer No. 385, 240' No. 6 wire; thence west to transformer No. 387, 1481' No. 6 wire, and ends. Continuing west from Prospect street, the line runs 640' No. 0 wire, to transformer No. 298; thence west to Alder street and north on Alder street to North 27th street and west on North 27th to Lawrence street, north on Lawrence to North 30th street, west on North 30th to Washington, north on Washington to North 31st, west on North 31st to Proctor street, 4546' No. 0 wire and 2113' No. 2 wire. A back feeder starts at above point and runs east 330 r No. 4 wire to transformer No. 314; thence east to Washington street, south on Washington to North 30th street and branches on 30th street east and south (436'). The line runs south 282' No. 8 wire, to transformer No. 287. The line branches east from intersection of 30th and Washington to transformer No. 313, 498' No. 4 wire; thence east to Puget Sound and south to transformer No. 288, 544' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 378, 340' No. 6 wire; thence south to 26th street, east on 26th to transformer No. 292, 620' No. 4 wire; thence east to Alder street and south on Alder street to transformer No. 294, 1105' No. 4 wire, where back feeder ends. The line runs north from the intersection of Alder and 26th streets to 27th street, west on 27th to Lawrence street, north on Lawrence to transformer No. 289, 749' No. 4 wire; thence north to 30th street, 800' No. 4 wire, and branches east and west, running east on 30th to transformer No. 311, 210' No. 8 wire; thence west to Cedar street and branching east and north on Cedar, runs north to 31st street and east to transformer No. 316, 625'; thence east to transformer No. 315, 1426', all No. 6 wire. From last intersection, the line runs east to Junette street and south on Junette to transformer No. 310, 525' and east on 30th street to transformer No. 309, 153' No. 6 wire. The line runs west from Law- rence on south side of 30th to transformer No. 312, 150' No. 4 wire, and ends. A back feeder starts from the corner of Proctor and 31st streets and runs south to transformer No. 324, 465' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 325, 1125' No. 6 wire; thence south to south side of 26th street and branches west and south; running south to transformer No. 326 535' No. 6 wire, thence to 24th street, 260', and branching east and south, runs east to transformer No. 293, 677' No. 6 wire, and ends. The line runs south from above intersection to transformer No. 327, 944' No. 6 wire, and ends. The line runs north from intersection of Proctor street and 31st street to transformer No. 323, 1131' No. 2 wire; thence north to the CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 45 corner of 34th street and Proctor and branches east, west and north 800'; running east to transformer No. 317, 665' No. 8 wire; thence east to transformer No. 318 (replaced), 320' No. 8 wire, and ends. The line runs north from the same intersection to transformer No. 322, 645' No. 4 wire, east to transformer No. 321, 80'; thence to cor- ner Puget Sound and 36th street and branches north and east; running north to transformer No. 320, 1445', and east to transformer No. 319, 512' No. 6 wire. The line runs west from corner of Proctor and 34th streets to transformer No. 299, 330' No. 2 wire; thence west to trans- former No. 400, 1100' No. 4 wire; thence west to Mason and north to 35th street and west to transformer No. 328, 650'; thence west to Cheyenne and branches north and west; running west to transformer No. 329, 450' No. 6 wire, and ends. Continuing north from this intersection, the line runs No. 4 wire on Cheyenne to corner of 36th street and branches west to transformer No. 330, 671' No. 6 wire. Extending north from this intersection, the line runs on (No. 4 wire) Cheyenne to 38th street, 765' and branches west to transformer No. 331, 350' No. 8 wire. Continuing north, the line runs 370' No. 4 wire to transformer No. 332; thence north to 41st street, 765' and branches east to transformer No. 333, 460' No. 8 wire. Continuing north from this intersection, the line runs No. 4 wire to transformer No. 334, 405'; thence north to transformer No. 335, 195'; thence north to corner of 43d street 615' No. 4 wire, and branches east, No. 4 wire, to transformer No. 336, 304'; thence east to Stevens street and branches north and south; running east to transformer No. 337, 135' No. 4 wire; running north to transformer No. 339, 485' No. 8 wire; and running south to transformer No. 338, 200' No. 8 wire. From the corner of 43d and Cheyenne streets, the line continues north, No. 4 wire, to 45th street and branches west and north; running north to transformer No. 340, 812' No. 6 wire; thence west on 45th street to Gove street and north on Gove street to transformer No. 402, 2120'. Continuing north from the corner of 45th and Cheyenne streets, the line runs to transformer No. 401, 426' No. 6 wire; thence west to trans- former No. 403, 785'; thence west to Orchard street and north on Or- chard street to North 49th street and west on North 49th to trans- former No. 404, 2405' No. 4 wire; thence west on North 49th to Balti- more street, and north on Baltimore street to transformer No. 405, 4025' No. 4 wire, at the corner of Pearl and 51st streets; thence west to transformer No. 406, 1555' No. 4 wire. Continuing north from this intersection, the line runs, No. 4 wire, to the corner of 51st and Baltimore streets and west on 51st to trans- former No. 407, 1565' No. 4 wire, and ends. OLD TOWN CIRCUIT. The line starts at the sub-station and runs west on 19th street to D street, north on D street to 13th street, west on 13th to Tacoma ave- nue, and north on Tacoma avenue to transformer No 66, 3755' No. 00 wire; thence north to transformer No, 63, 800'; thence north to trans- former No. 79, 800'; thence north on Division street and west on Di- vision street to alley between North J and Yakima avenue. The line runs north in this alley to North 8th street, 5550' No. 00 wire. A back feeder starts from here, running south in alley to trans- former No. 195, 520' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 193, 840'; thence south to transformer No. 192, 735', and ends. 46 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. From 8th street the line runs north in the alley to transformer No. 196, 425' No. 0 wire; thence north to transformer No. 197, 245'; thence north to transformer No. 198, 195'; thence north 195' to North N street and branches east and north; running north to 13th street 800' No. 4 wire, and branches north and east. The line runs east 365' No. 8 wire to transformer No. 185, and ends. The line extends north from above intersection to transformer No. 295 (replaced by No. 686), 1090' No. 8 wire; thence north to trans- former No. 296, 805' No. 8 wire, and ends. From the 11th street intersection, the line runs north to Tacoma avenue 435' No. 1 wire; branching west and north, it runs north to transformer No. 303, 265'. From above intersection, the line runs west to transformer No. 184, 305' No. 1 wire; thence west and north to trans- former No. 305, 800' No. 1 wire; thence north to 27th street and branches north and east on 27th 165'; running east on 27th to trans- former No. 304, 200' No. 8 wire, and north from 27th to the corner of 28th street and branches north and west, 330' No. 1 wire; running west to transformer No. 538, 290', and ends. The line runs north to 30th street, 625' No. 1 wire, and branches east and west; running west to transformer No. 306, 115' No. 1 wire; thence west to transformer No. 307, 420' No. 1 wire and ending; run- ning east 350' No. 8 wire and ending on pole 7402. The line runs east from the 8th street intersection to the alley be- tween Yakima avenue and G street, branching north and south, 420' No. 0 wire; running south to transformer No. 190, 475'; thence south to transformer No. 189, 265'; thence south to transformer No. 188, 875'; thence south to transformer No. 187, 1030', all No. 6 wire. The line runs north from the oth street intersection to transformer No. 191, 305' No. 6 wire, and ends. The line runs east on 8th to G street from the alley intersection, turns north pn street G and runs to transformer No. 186, 2190' No. 1 wire, and ends. A second line starts from the sub-station and runs west on 19th street to D street, north on D street to 13th street, west on 13th to I street, and north on I to transformer No. 46, 8555' No. 00 wire; thence north to Division street, east on Division to I street and north on I street to 8th, 4280' No. 00 wire. A back feeder starting from here runs south on I street to transformer No. 351, 45' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 350 (replaced by No. 646), 1120' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 199, 780' No. 6 wire, and ends. The line runs west on 8th to J street, 305' No. 0 wire, and branches north and south; running south to transformer No. 356, 870' No. 8 wire; thence south to transformer No. 355, 600' No. 8 wire, and ends. A branch runs north from 8th street to transformer No. 357, 490' No. 8 wire; thence north to transformer No. 358 (out), 520' No. 8 wire, and ends. The main line runs w'est on 8th street to K street, 315' and branches north and south; running south to transformer No. 360 (out) 105' No. 8 wire; thence south to transformer No. 359, 1210' No. 8 wire, and ends; running north from 8th on K street to transformer No. 361 (replaced by. No. 660), 640' No. 8 wire; thence north 470' to pole No. 4893, and ends. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 47 The main line runs west on 8th to L street, 416' No. 0 wire, and branches north and south; running south to transformer No. 363, 1075' No. 8 wire; thence south to transformer No. 362, 700' No. 8 wire, and ends. The line runs north on L street to transformer No. 364, 45' No. 8 wire, and ends. The main line runs west on 8th street to M street, 310' No. 0 wire, and branches north on M street to transformer No. 367, 575' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 368, 410' No. 8 wire; thence north to 11th street and branches east, west and north; running north on M street to transformer No. 378, 425' No. 6 wire, and ending; run- ning west on 11th to transformer No. 371, 210' No. 6 wire, and end- ing, running east to transformer No. 365, 220' No. 6 wire, and end- ing. The main line runs west on 8th street to N street, north on N street to transformer No. 370, 720' No. 6 wire, and ends. A line runs north from 8th and I street intersection to transformer No. 352, 1715' No. 6 wire; thence north 730' to pole No. 78816, and ends. SOUTH TACOMA AND SIXTH ADDITION CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station,. the line runs west 580' No. 0 wire to transformer No. 434; thence west to the west side of Tacoma ave- nue and turns south to the south side of 25th street, 3078' No. 0 wire, and branches east 460' No. 8 wire, to transformer No. 353. Continuing south from 25th and Tacoma, the line runs, No. 0 wire, to 27th street, turning west On 27th to G street 980' and branching north, No. 6 wire 730' to transformer No. 44, and ends. Continuing west on 27th from this intersection, the line runs No. 00 wire, to west side of Yakima avenue 405', and branches north to trans- former No. 207, 600'; thence north to transformer No. 206, 575'; thence north to transformer No. 544, 1140', and ends. Continuing west from Yakima, the line runs on 27th to transformer No. 697, 100' No. 00 wire; thence west to east side of I street 300', and branches south and west; running west to transformer No. 109, 230' No. 6 wire. Continuing south on I street the line runs 585' No. 0 wire to the corner of Center street, turns west on Center to Sprague street, south on Sprague to Flume road and southwest on Flume road to transformer No. 275, 7360', all No. 0 wire; thence southwest to transformer No. 276, 1250'; thence southwest to the corner of Union street, 3000' No. 0 wire, and branches north and south; running north 3065' No. 6 wire to transformer No. 277, on the corner of 29th and Washington streets. Continuing south on Flume road, the line runs to transformer No. 278, 2505' No. 0 wire; thence south to the south side of 27th street to a booster transformer; thence south to transformer No. 279, 1480' No. 0 wire; thence south to the corner of 50th street 750', and branching south and west, the line runs west 105' No. 6 wire, to transformer No. 280; thence north to transformer No. 286, 850' No. 8 wire, and ends. Continuing south from the intersection of 50th and Union streets, the line runs on Union to transformer No. 281, 955' No. 2 wire; thence south to the corner of 54th street, 375' and branches west, No. 6 wire. Continuing south the line runs to transformer No. 282, 175' No. 6 wire; thence south 480' to the south side of 56th street and branches 48 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. east; running east 75' No. 6 wire to transformer No. 373; thence east to transformer No. 268, 665' and ending. Continuing south from 56th street, on Union the line runs to transformer No. 283, 210' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 562, 415'; thence south to the corner of 60th street to transformer No. 285, 390', and turns east to transformer No. 270, 505'; turning south to the south side of 62nd street 575', it branches east and west; run- ning west to transformer No. 271, 125' No. 6 wire; running east to Lawrence street 325', south on Lawrence to transformer No. 269, 390', and ends. Continuing east from intersection of 54th and Union streets, the line runs on Union 1320' No. 4 wire, to corner of Alder street and branches south to transformer No. 265, 610' No. 6 wire; thence south on Flume road to transformer No. 266, 880';- thence south on Alder street to transformer No. 267, 345', and ends. Continuing east from Alder on 54th street, the line runs 880' No. 4 wire to the corner of Pine street, branching south on Pine street and east on 54th street; running east on 54th street to transformer No. 261, 500' No. 6 wire, and ending. Continuing south on Pine from 54th, the line runs to transformer No. 262, 280' No. 6 wire; thence south to 56th street, and west on 56th to the alley between Cedar and Junette streets, turning south in alley to transformer No. 263, 905' No. 6 wire; thence south to pole No. 3424, where transformer No. 264 was located, a distance of 1005'; thence east 325' No. 8 wire, to pole No. 3928, where it ends. Commencing at sub-station, a line runs west on 19th street to Ta- coma avenue, south on Tacoma avenue to 27th street, west on 27th street to I street and south on I street to Center street, No. 0 wire, turn- ing west on Center street, No. 4 wire to transformer No. 547, which re- places transformers No. 81 and No. 82, 125' No. 4 wire and 6025' No. 00 wire; thence west to pole No. 953, 380' No. 4 .wire; thence vrest to K street, branching south and west; continuing west, No. 4 wire, to transformer No. 85, 865' No. 4 wire; thence west to M street 200', branching north on M to transformer No. 155, 560' No. 8 wire, and ending. Continuing west on Center street from M street, the line runs to transformer No. 86, 200' No. 4 wire; thence west to transformer No. 87, 325'; thence west to the corner of O street, 100'; branching south to transformer No. 235, 550' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformers No. 236 and No. 237, 435', and ending. Continuing west on Center street, the line runs to transformer No. 88, 815' No. 4 wire; thence west to transformer No. 89, 605' No. 4 wire; thence west to Wilkinson street 45', and, branching north and south, No. 6 wire, runs south 360' to transformer No. 97; thence west on 30th street to transformer No. 146, 1020', and ends. The line runs north on Wilkinson street from Center street to pole No. 1754, 950' No. 6 wire, and ends. Continuing west on Center street from Wilkinson, the line runs, No. 4 wire, to the corner of Ash street and branches, No. 6 wire, on Ash, north to transformer No. 273, 275'. Continuing west on Center, the line runs, No. 4 wire, to the corner of Perry street, 660', branches and runs north, No. 6 wire, to transformer No. 274, 250'. Continuing west on Center, the line runs to transformer No. 90, 940' No. 6 wire. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 49 Continuing south on K street from Center, the line runs to trans- former No. 124, 500' No. 0 wire; thence south 325' to transformers No. 125A and No. 125B; thence south to transformer No. 127, 710'; thence south to transformer No. 97, 620'; thence south 10.0' No. 0 wire, to 36th street, and branches east on 36th street to transformer No. 91, 325' No. 3 wire. Continuing south on K street from 36th the line runs 100'' No. 0 wire, to a booster transformer; thence south to 38th, turning west on 38th to L street 1125', and branching north to transformer No. 329, 240' No. 8 wire. Continuing south on L street, the line runs No. 0 wire, 1970' to transformer No. 230; thence south to transformer No. 291, 440' No. 0 wire; thence south 290' to 46th street; branching west on 46th and south on L street, it runs south on L street to 48th street 500', and, branching east and south, it runs east to the alley between K and .T streets and north to transformer No. 96, 765'; thence north to trans- formers No. 94 and No. 95, 445', and ends. Continuing south on L street, the line runs to transformer No. 232, 515' No. 6 wire; thence south to 52nd street 615', and, branching east and west, it runs west to M street and south on M to transformer No. 160 (reclaimed), 505' No. 6 wire; thence south 195', and ends. Continuing east from the corner of 52d and L streets, the line runs 230' No. 6 wire and 325' No. 3 wire to transformer No. 98 (reclaimed) ; thence east to J street and south on J to transformer No. 99, 435', and ends. Continuing west on 46th street, the line runs to transformer No. 239, 890' No. 0 wire; thence west to transformer No. 238, 275'; thence west 100' to Asotin street, and branches west and south; running west to transformer No. 137, 175' No. 6 wire. South continuing from inter- section, the line runs to transformer No. 138, 1181' No. 0 wire; thence south 1121' to transformer No. 139; thence south to transformer No. 140, 500'; thence south to transformer No. 141 (reclaimed), 480'; thence west, on 56th street, to Perry street and south on Perry street to transformer No. 142, 2115' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 143, 2530' No. 6 wire, and ends. Branching east on 45th street, the line runs to the corner of J street from L, 710' No. 4 wire, and branching north and east, it runs north 600' No. 4 wire to transformer No. 93. Continuing east on 45th, the line runs to transformer No. 311, 300' No. 4 wire, and, branching north and east it runs north to transformer No. 113, 950' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 174, 430' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 11, 480'; thence north to transformer No. 175 (re- claimed), 530', and ends. Branching west from L street, the line runs on 45th street to the corner of M street, 300 1 ' No. 4 wire, and, branching north and south, runs north to transformer No. 158, 595' No. 6 wire; thence north 700' to the corner of 40th street and branches north and west, running west to transformer No. 157, 295' No. 6 wire; thence west to transformer No. 136, 1160', and ending. Continuing north from this intersection, the line runs to trans- former No. 684, 1280' No. 6 wire; thence north and west 2045' to transformer No. 194. Continuing north from transformer No. Ill on Thompson street, the line runs 440' No. 4 wire to 28th street, and, branching east, west and north, runs 100' No. 6 wire to transformer 50 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. No. 110, and ends; runs east to transformer No. 209, 220' No. 6 wire, and ends; runs west to transformer No. 92, 360' No. 6 wire, and ends! Continuing south from intersection of 45th and M streets, the line runs on M street to transformer No. 159, 435' No. 6 wire; thence south 610' to end. Continuing east from the intersection of Thompson and 45th streets, the line runs to transformer No. 211, 10-90' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 210, 855', and ends. The line extends south from the corner of Yakima avenue and 45th street to transformer No. 212, 500' No. 6 wire; thence south to trans- former No. 213, 2110' No. 4 wire; thence south to transformer No. 214, 1980' No. 4 wire; thence south to the corner of 59th street and Yakima avenue, and, branching east and south, runs east to transformer No. 167, 755' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 433, 960' No. 6 wire. Continuing south from the intersection of 59th street and Yakima avenue, the line runs to transformer No. 115 (reclaimed), 1235' No. 6 wire, and ends. LOWER PACIFIC AVENUE CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station with No. 00 wire, this circuit runs east to the corner of 19th street and Pacific avenue; turning south on Pacific avenue to transformer No. 425, 1005'; thence south 295' No. 00 wire, to south side of 21st street and branches east to A street, 225' No. 6 wire; thence 205' to transformers No. 5 ahd No. 6 on the same pole; continuing west, No. 6 wire, to Winthrop street, the line turns north on Winthrop to transformer No. 11, 600'; thence north to transformer No. 12, 1211'. The main line continues south from the 21st street intersection to transformer' No. 426, 215' No. 00 wire; thence south 190' to intersec- tion of 23d street, and, branching east and west, runs east to trans- former No. 10, 480' No. 6 wire, and west to transformer No. 483, 457'. Continuing south from the intersection of 23d street, the line extends to transformer No. 427, 489' No. 00 wire; thence south to corner of 26th street, 635'; branching east on 26th to transformer No. 575, 180'; thence east 145' to intersection of A and 26th streets; turning south on A street, the line runs to transformer No. 7, 625' No. 6 wire; thence south to 29th street and turns west to transformer No. 8, 450' No. 6 wire. Continuing on 26th street, east from intersection of A street, the line runs to the corner of C street, 650' No. 00 wire, then branches south and runs to transformer No. 453, 201' No. 6 wire. Continuing east on 26th street, the circuit extends to D street 390', and, branching north and south on D street, runs north to trans- former No. 457, 50' No. 4 wire; thence north to transformer No. 456, 270' No. 6 wire; thence east on Puyallup street 8181' to transformer No. 397 near F street. Continuing east from the intersection of 26th and D streets, the line runs 1130' No. 0 wire to transformer No. 399, near G street on 26th; thence east to the corner of H street, 279', branching north on H 320' No. 6 wire, to transformer No. 450; thence east on 25th street to transformer No. 398, 625' No. 2 wire; thence east on 25th street to L street, turning south on East L street to transformer No. 452, 1105' No. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 51 2 wire; thence south on East L street to 30th street and west on 30th to transformer No. 470, 1616', near K street. Continuing east from the intersection of H and 26th streets, the line runs No. 6 wire to transformers No. 451 and No. 435. Continuing south from the intersection of 26th and East D streets, the line runs to transformer No. 458, 947' No. 4 wire; thence south to 30th street, 499' No. 4 wire, branching east on 30th street to E street, and turns south on E street to transformer No. 460, near 31st street, 770'. Continuing south from the intersection of 30th street, the line runs 260' No. 4 wire to 31st street; thence branches west on 31st street to East C street and west and south on East C street to transformer No. 455 near 32d street, 730'. Continuing south from the intersection of 31st and D streets, the line runs south to Wright street, 915' No. 4 wire, and branches east on Wright to transformer No. 461, 746' No. 6 wire; thence east to corner of H street, 869'; thence east to I street, running north on I street to transformer No. 463, 450', and to transformer No. 464, 60'. The line continues south on H street, No. 2 wire, to 34th street and branches west on 34th street to transformer No. 469, 360' No. 6 wire. Continuing from the intersection of 34th on H street, the line runs south to 35th street, No. 4 wire, and west to transformer No. 76, 617'. Continuing south from 35th street on H street to Harrison, the line runs west on Harrison to transformer No. 472, 1146'. The line continues south on H street from the intersection of Harrison street to transformer No. 473, 155'; thence south on H street to transformer No. 474, 1740' No. 4 wire; thence south to transformer No. 577, 2203'; thence south to transformer No. 578, 5373'; thence south to 29th street and west on 29th street to transformer No. 597, 380' No. 4 wire. The circuit runs south from 59th street to transformer No. 580. 1220', then 20' south to transformer No. 581; thence south and west to transformer No. 295, 700', near corner of East F street. Continuing south from the intersection of Wright and East D streets, the line runs to the corner of 34th street and, branching east and west, runs east to transformer No. 468, 212', and thence west to corner of East B street to transformer No. 466, 8431' No. 6 wire; thence south to corner Harrison, transformer No. 576, 4921'; branching west to East A street and south to transformer No. 465, 1436' No. 6 wire. Continuing south from the intersection of Pacific avenue and 26th street, the line extends to transformer No. 3484, 150'; thence south to corner of 28th street, 305', and branches west on 28th street to trans- former No. 485, 338' No. 6 wire. Continuing south from this intersection, the line runs to trans- former No. 430, 105' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 431, 480' No. 6 wire; branches east and west, running east to transformer No. 582, 150'; thence east to transformer No. 454, 586' No. 6 wire. From the intersection of Pacific and 30th street, the line runs north to transformer No. 29, 1460' No. 8 wire, and ends. 52 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. From the same intersection, the line runs south 240' No. 1 wire, to 31st street, and branches east to transformer No. 584, 180' No. 8 wire. From this intersection the line runs south to transformer No. 34, 325' No. 1 wire; thence south to Wright street and branches west on Wright to transformer No. 486, 200' No. 8 wire; thence west to trans- former No. 56, 480' No. 8 wire; thence north on D street to trans- former No. 30, 720' No. 8 wire. From the intersection of Pacific avenue and Wright street, the line runs south to transformer No. 433, 305' No. 6 wire, and thence south to 35th street; running west on 35th street to D street and branching south on D street to transformers No. 32 and No. 33, 1055'. From the intersection of 35th and D streets, the line runs west to transformer No. 698, 362' No. 6 wire; thence west to G street and south on G street to transformers No. 72 and No. 73, on corner of Co- lumbia street, 2005' No. 6 wire. TACOMA AVENUE CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station the line runs east to the railroad track 150' No. 00 wire, and north to north side of 13th street 2110' No. 0 wire, turns west on 13th street to alley between C and D streets, 395' No. 2 wire, and branching north runs to transformer No. 550, 210' No. 4 wire; thence north to transformers No. 552 and No. 551, 300'; thence north to transformer No. 555, 300'; thence north to transformer No. 556, 110'; thence north 270' to transformers No. 557 and No. 558. Continuing west on 13th street from alley intersection, the line runs 240' No. 2 wire, to the west side of D street and branches north to transformer No. 25, 435' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 24, 250'; thence north to transformer No. 559, 465'; thence north to transformer No. 22, 215'; thence north to transformer No. 21, 465'; thence north to the north side of 7th street 325', and ends on pole No. 217. Continuing west from the intersection of D street, on 13th street, the line runs 430' No. 0 wire, to the west side of E street and branches north on E street to transformer No. 54, 640' No. 6 wire; thence north 110' to transformer No. 52, and ends. Continuing west from E street on 13th, the line runs 150' No. 0 wire; thence 262' No. 6 wire to transformer No. 67, on the west side of Tacoma avenue. The line runs north on the east side of Tacoma avenue to transformers No. 65 and No. 586, 300' No. 0 wire; thence north to transformer No. 62, 765'; thence north to the south side of 9th avenue and east to the alley and south on alley to transformer No. 50, 660'. From the southeast corner Tacoma avenue and 9th street, the line crosses street, runs north 280' No. 6 wire, to pole No. 680, and ends. PACIFIC AVENUE CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station, with No.. 00 wire, the line runs east on 19th street to Pacific avenue, turns north on Pacific avenue to transformer No. 424, 290'; thence north to transformer No. 423, on next pole, 120'. These two transformers are banked on secondary circuit. From transformer No. 423 the line runs to transformer No. 422, 955' No. 00 wire; thence north to transformer No. 421, 290'. Transformers No. 422 and No. 421 are banked. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 53 From transformer No. 421, the line runs north to transformer No. 420, 320' No. 00 wire; thence north to transformer No. 418, 615'; thence north to transformer No. 417, 215'; thence north to transformer No. 416, 120'; thence north to transformer No. 415, 380'; thence north to transformer No. 691, 450'; thence north to transformer No. 413, 240'; thence north to transformer No. 412, 220'; thence north to transformer No. 409, 335'. From transformer No. 409, the line runs north to transformer No. 408, 480' No. 4 wire; thence north 425' to pole No. 6752, where line ends on Pacific avenue between 7th and 8th. SIXTH AVENUE CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station, the line runs. No. 00 wire, west on 19th street to the west side of Tacoma avenue; a branch is taken off on the west side of D street; thence north on Tacoma avenue to 13th street, west on 13th to J street, north on J street to 6th street and west on 6th to Ainsworth, 5425'; branching north on Ainsworth, it runs west on 6th to Trafton, 4500' No. 0 wire. A back feeder starts at this latter point. The line runs from Ainsworth and 6th streets north to transformer No. 375, 800' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 376, 290' No. 6 wire; thence east to transformer No. 372, 570' No. 6 wire; thence north to 10th street, 1100'; thence west to transformer No. 373, 480', and north to transformer No. 374, 60'. A back feeder from Trafton and 6th streets runs east on 6th to Sprague street, 1780' No. 1 wire; thence south to transformer No. 242, 100' No. 6 wire; thence south to 8th street, 610', and branches west to transformer No. 234, 505' No. 6 wire; from latter intersection it runs south to the corner of 9th street, 230', and branches east on 9th to transformer No. 241, 460' No. 6 wire; from same intersection, the line runs south to transformer No. 244, 335'. The main back feeder continues on 6th, running east to Grant street, 320' No. 4 wire, and branches south on Grant street to transformer No. 240, 330'. The main back feeder continues east 300', and branches north to transformer No. 134, 165' No. 4 wire; thence east 580' to O street, branching north to transformer No. 133, 785' No. 6 wire, and south to transformer No. 233, 220' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 234, 820' No. 6 wire, and ends. Continuing east on 6th, the back feeder runs to N street, 320' No. 4 wire, and branches south to transformer No. 131, 100' No. 6 wire; con- tinuing east on 6th, 320' No. 4 wire, to M street, and, branching north and south, it runs south 530' to transformer No. 153, No. 6 wire, and north to transformer No. 151, 420' No. 6 wire; thence north to 4th street, 280' No. 6 wire, and branches west to transformer No. 130, 325' No. 8 wire. The branch continues north to transformer No. 150, 275' No. 6 wire, thence north to transformer No. 366, 660' No. 6 wire, and ends. The back feeder continues on 6th avenue east to L street, 300' No. 4 wire, branches north and south to transformers No. 217A and No. 217B, 270' No. 8 wire; thence south to transformer No. 218, 400'; thence south to transformer No. 219, 625' No. 8 wire; thence south to transformer No. 2z0, 295', and ends. The back feeder branches north to transformer No. 216, 100' No. 8 wire; thence north to transformer No. 215, 565' No. 6 wire, and, con- 54 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. tinuing east on 6th, runs 180' No. 6 wire to transformer No. 116; thence north 190' to transformer No. 117, No. 6 wire, and ends. (ABOVE DESCRIBED BACK FEEDER HAS BEEN REMOVED AND TRANSFORMERS FORMERLY SERVICED THEREFROM HAVE BEEN CUT OVER TO MAIN FEEDER. A BOOSTER TRANS- FORMER HAS BEEN INSTALLED NEAR THE CORNER OF SPRAGUE STREET AND SIXTH AVENUE.) The circuit runs west on 6th avenue from Trafton, 80 r No. 1 wire, and branches north to transformer No. 377, 210' No. 0 wire. Continu- ing west, the line extends to Steele street, 260' No. 4 wire, and branches south 350' to transformer No. 161, No. 6 wire; thence south to 8th and west on 8th to transformer No. 246, 300' No. 6 wire; con- tinuing south to transformer No. 162, 495' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 163, 455' No. 6 wire; thence south and east to trans- former No. 245, 590' No. 6 wire, and ends. The circuit continues west to Prospect street, 270', and branches north on Prospect street to transformers No. 379 and No. 380, 1480' No. 6 wire, and ends. The circuit continues west on 6th to transformer No. 174, 195' No. 4 wire; thence west to west side of Fife street and branches west, No. 8 wire, to transformer No. 384 (No. 8) 680'; thence north to transformer No. 383, 380' No. 8 wire, and ends. The circuit continues west to Oakes, 200' No. 4 wire, and branches south to transformer No. 164, 610' No. 6 wire, and ends. The circuit continues west to transformer No. 175, 140'; thence west, No. 4 wire, to Anderson street, 355', and branches south to transformer No. 396, 240' No. 6 wire. The circuit continues west to Pine street, 255' No. 4 wire, and branches north on Pine street to transformer No. 389, 465' No. 6 wire; thence north and west to transformer No. 391, 430', and ends. The circuit continues west on 6th to Junette street, 265', and branches south on Junette 675', No. 6 wire, to transformer No. 252; thence north to transformer No. 168, 280' No. 6 wire, and continues south to transformer No. 189, 475'; thence south to 11th street and branching east and west on 11th, 285', runs west to transformer No. 255, 295' No. 8 wire; and runs east to Pine and south on Pine to transformer No. 253, No. 6 wire, 325'; thence south to 12th street and, branching east and west on 12th, runs west to Junette, 370' No. 6 wire, and south on Junette to transformer No. 170, 450'; turns west to transformer No. 256, 650' No. 8 wire, and epds. A branch runs east from Pine street to transformer No. 251, 350' No. 8 wire; thence east to Oakes, branching north on Oakes to trans- former No. 250, 260' No. 8 wire. This branch runs south to Fife street, 400' No. 6 wire, and also south to 13th street, 280' No. 6 wire, and west to transformer No. 165, 340' No. 6 wire, turning south to 14th, and extends south and west on 14th. It runs west on 13th to transformer No. 166, 420' No. 6 wire; thence west to transformer No. 248, 320' No. 6 wire, and south to transformer No. 249, 225', and ends. The main feeder line runs west on 6th to transformer No. 176, 120' No. 4 wire; thence west to Alder street, 560' No. 4 wire; branches south 456' No. 6 wire to transformer No. 254, and ends. The feeder line runs west 440' No. 4 wire, to Lawrence, and branch- ing north and south, runs south to transformer No. 171, 275' No. 6 wire; CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 55 thence south to transformer No. 172, 1080' No. 6 wire, and ends; runs north 200' No. 8 wire; branches west to transformer No. 390, 40' No. 8 wire. Continuing north from latter intersection 290' to 6th street, it branches west on 8th to transformer No. 392, 600' No. 6 wire. Continu- ing north from this intersection it runs to transformer No. 394, 250' No. 8 wire; thence north to transformer No. 395, 900' No. 6 wire; thence north and east to transformer No. 388, 755' No. 6 wire, and ends. The main feeder continues west from the Lawrence street inter- section on 6th to transformer No. 177, 245' No. 4 wire; thence west to Union street, 1135' No. 4 wire, and branches south to transformer No. 173, 550' No. 6 wire. The main feeder continues west from the Union street intersection on 6th to transformer No. 178, 680 1 ' No. 4 wire; thence west 120' to Adams street, and branches north and south on Adams, running south to transformer No.. 257, 320' No. 8 wire; thence south 875', No. 6 wire, to 11th street; it turns west on 11th street, 890', to transformers No. 258 and No. 259. Extending south from 11th street, the branch runs on Adams to 12th, east on 12th to Washington and south on Washing- ton to transformer No. 260, at the corner of 15th street,. 1910' No. 6 wire. The line branches north from 6th avenue to transformer No. 393, 530' No. 6 wire, and ends. Cpmmencing at 19th and Hood streets, a second feeder line runs north on D street, No. 0 wire, to 13th; west on 13th to Tacoma avenue, and north on Tacoma avenue to 11th street, 3570'; branches west to transformer No. 64, on 11th, 565' No. 6 wire; thence west to trans- former No. 40, 95'; thence west to transformer No. 41, 265'. The main feeder runs north on Tacoma avenue to transformer No. 61, at the corner of 6th, 1965' No. 4 wire; thence north to transformer No. 60, 500'; thence north to transformer No. 58 900'; thence north to transformer No. 476, 450'; thence north 270', all No. 4 wire. A branch at Division street runs southeast to transformer No. 477, 300' No. 8 wire; thence southeast to transformer No. 478, 360' No. 8 wire; thence southeast to transformer No. 479, 1185'; thence east to transformer No. 480, 400' No. 6 wire. The main line runs northwest on Tacoma avenue from Division street, No. 4 wire, to transformer No. 179, 670'; thence north 100' to I street, and branches east on I street to transformer No. 148, 950' No. 6 wire. The main line continues north on Tacoma avenue to transformer No. 180, 725' No. 4 wire; thence north to 6th street to transformer No. 182, 1395' No. 4 wire. A back feeder from here of No. 6 wire runs south on Tacoma ave- nue 905' to 4th, and branches east and west, running east 120' to transformer No. 149 and west 210' to transformer No. 181, all No. 6 wire. From transformer No. 182 the line runs east to transformer No. 300, 1280', branches, and runs south to transformer No. 301, 240', and to transformer No. 302, 360', all No. 6 wire. C AND JEFFERSON CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station with No. 00 wire, the line runs west on 19th street to Jefferson, 237', branches north and south, running north on C street with No. 00 wire to transformer No. 446, 25'; thence north to transformer No. 445, 920' No. 00 wire; thence north to trans- 56 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. former No. 444, 550' No. 00 wire; thence north on C street to trans- former No. 443, 720'; thence north to transformer No. 442, 440'; wire changes to No. 0 and continues north on C street to transformer No. 441, 210'; thence north to transformer No. 440, 670'; thence north to transformer No. 439, 640'; thence north to south side of 7th and branches west. The line runs west on 7th 325', No. 6 wire, and branches north to transformer No. 628, 115' No. 6 wire; it also branches south to trans- formers No. 626 and No. 627, banked, 350'. Continuing north on C street from the south side of 7th, the line consists of No. 1 wire to transformer No. 438, 300'; thence it runs north to transformer No. 647, 530' No. 6 wire; thence north 330' to north side of 4th street, and branches west to transformer No. 629, 230' No. 6 wire; continuing on C street north to transformer No. 436, 260' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 435, 625' No. 4 wire; thence north to Division street, 265'; turning west on Division to west side of Tacoma avenue, a distance of 110'; runs north 425', and turns northeast to the corner of E street and 1st street, 510'; thence running east 190' to transformer No. 147, at High School Building, ending run north of High School. The length of run is 8215'. Running south from the southeast corner 19th and Jefferson, a line of No. 00 wire extends 120' to transformer No. 447; thence south to transformer No. 449, 675'; thence south to transformer No. 481, 365'; thence south 330' to the northeast corner of 23d and Jefferson streets, branching east and west. Running east from the above intersection, a line extends to the corner of 23d and Pacific avenue, and continues south on Pacific avenue to transformer No. 428, 1432'; thence south to 26th; thence east on 26th to southeast corner of A street, a distance of 1035'; thence south on A street to transformer No. 9, 1065' No. 6 wire. Continuing from the A street intersection, the line runs east on 26th street to transformer No. 630, 720' No. 00 wire; thence east to the southwest corner 26th and East D streets, and turns south on East D street to the northwest corner of 30th, 1497' No. 00 wire; a branch extends east on 30th to the corner of East E street, and runs south on East E street to the northwest corner of 31st street, 597' No. 4 wire. Continuing south from the 30th street intersection, the line consists of No. 2 wire to Wright street; turns east to East H street, 2220'; branches east to East I street and north to transformer No. 462, 480' No. 4 wire. Continuing from the intersection of this branch, a line extends south of No. 4 wire to 34th street, and branches east on 34th to trans- former No. 339, between East M and N streets, 1900'. Continuing south on H street from the intersection of the above line, the line runs south to transformer No. 631, 548', near 57th street; thence south to 60th street, and west on 60th street to trans- former No. 632, 1120', all No. 4 wire. Continuing south from the inter- section of this line with the main feeder line on the corner of 23d and Jefferson streets, the line runs 742', No. 4 wire, to transformer No. 624; thence south to the corner of 27th and E streets, turning east on 27th and running to a point near the corner of Adams street (680' No. 4 wire and 285' No. 6 wire), 965', to transformer No 633. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 57 HILL CIRCUIT. The line starts at the sub-station with No. 0 wire, runs north on 19th to D street; turns north on D street to 13th and west on 13th to transformer No. 600, 3774'; changes to No. 00 wire and runs west 242'; thence south on Tacoma avenue to 19th and east on 19th to sub- station, 3718', making a mesh. On the south side of 13th, at the corner of Tacoma avenue, a back feeder line starts and runs south on the west side of Tacoma avenue to transformer No. 68, 937' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 69, 1317' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 70, 1100'; thence south to transformer No. 71, 1464'; thence east to transformer No. 354, 400', and ends. Tapping into the main feeder circuit at 13th and Tacoma avenue, a line runs west on 13th of No. 00 wire to I street. A back feeder from off here runs east and west on 13th street. The line runs east from I street, on the south side of 13th, of No. 0 wire, to transformer No. 601, 702'; thence east to G street, 220' No. 0 wire, and branches north, south and east. The line runs east to D street and south on D to transformer No. 26, 1977'; thence south to transformer No. 27, 1430'; thence south to transformer No. 28, 800'. The line runs north on E street from 13th to transformer No. 53, 800' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 51, 95'. Continuing south from this intersection, the line runs to trans- former No. 55, 925' No. 6 wire; thence south to transformer No. 56, 1525'; thence south 1200' to the corner of 23d and E streets, and ends. The line runs south from the intersection of 13th and G streets, 1200', to transformer No. 42; thence south to transformer No. 43, 1575' No. 6 wire. The line runs north from the intersection of 13th and G streets to transformer No. 39, 925' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 38, 820' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformers No. 37 and No. 36, 759'; thence north to transformer No. 35, 440'; thence north to transformer No. 59, 290'. The line runs west from the east side of 13th and I streets, branches on west side and runs north and south, branching south to trans- former No. 101, 860' No. 6 wire, and north to transformer No. 100, 110'; thence north to transformer No. 49, 715'; thence north to transformer No. 48, 905'; thence north to transformer No. 47, 1225', all No. 6 wire. The line runs north from Yakima avenue and 13th street to trans- former No. 201, 255' No. 6 wire; thence north to transformer No. 200, 1160'. The line runs south from this intersection to transformers No. 202A and No. 202B, 195' No. 6 wire. The line runs west on 13th, No. 1 wire, to the corner of J street, and branches north and south, 260', running south on J street to trans- former No. 76, 445' No. 4 wire; thence south 1225' to 17th street, and branches west and south. The line runs south to transformer No. 77, 425'; thence south to the corner of 19th and J streets; branches west and south, 365' No. 4 wire; running south to transformer No. 602, 280'; thence south to 21st 58 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. street and west on 21st street to transformer No. 80, 705' No. 6 wire; thence west to L street and south to transformer No. 228, 1320'; thence west on 23d street to transformer No. 135, 1750' No. 6 wire. Continuing west from corner of 19th and J streets, the line runs, No. 6 wire, to L street and branches north and south, running north to transformer No. 226, 120', and south to transformer No. 227, 235'. The line runs east from the corner of J street on the south side of 17th street to Yakima avenue, and north on Yakima avenue to trans- former No. 204, 760'; thence north to transformer No. 203, 350'; thence north 355', No. 8 wire. The line runs north from the corner of I and 17th streets to trans- formers No. 102A and No. 102B, 80' No. 8 wire. The line runs south, from the same intersection to transformer No. 104, 640' No. 8 wire; thence south to transformers No. 105A and No. 105B, '220' No. 8 wire; thence south to transformers No. 107A and No. 107B, 815' No. 8 wire. A back feeder runs west on 13th street from J street (295' No. 2) to K street and feeds north and south; running south to transformer No. 121, 225' No. 6 wire, and branching south and west, runs south to transformer No. 122, 920' No. 6 wire, and ends. A branch from the corner of 15th and K streets runs west to L street; thence west to transformer No. 224, 500', and south to transformer No. 225, 320'. The line branches at the corner of K and 14th streets and runs west to transformer No. 132, 995' No. 6 wire. From the corner of 13th and K, the line runs north to transformer No. 119, 600' No. 6 wire; thence north to 11th street, and branches west on 11th and north on K street; running north on K street to transformer No. 118, 1220', and west on 11th to west side of Q street, where it branches west and south; west to transformer No. 222, 300', and south to transformer No. 221, 60', and thence south to transformer No. 154, 520' No. 6 wire. The line runs west from K street on 12th street to transformer No. 120, 265'; thence south to transformer No. 223, 255' No. 6 wire. The line branches north from 13th and J streets to transformer No. 75, 1910'; thence north to transformer No. 74, 2085'; thence north 80', No. 6 wire. COURT A CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station, the line runs of No. 00 wire, east to Pacific avenue, turns north on Pacific avenue and runs to the corner of 13th, 2962', then turns east and runs to Court A, between Pacific avenue and A street; here the line branches north and south; running south to transformer No. 503, 340', No. 00 wire; thence south to trans- former No. 504, 120'; thence south to transformers No. 505 and No. 506, 330'. Continuing north from the intersection of Court A and 13th street, the line runs of No. 00 wire to transformer No. 502, 65'; thence north 155' to transformer No. 501; thence north 170' to the north side of 12th street, and branches east to transformer No. 3, 230' No. 6 wire. Continuing north from the intersection of 12th street and Court A, the line runs to transformer No. 500, 100', No. 00 wire; thence north to transformers No. 348 and No. 349, 105'; thence north to transformer No. 347, 95'; thence north to the north side of 11th street to trans- formers No. 345 and No. 346, 80'; here the line branches east to trans- CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 59 former No. 625, 345', No. 6 wire; thence east to Dock street and north on Dock street to transformer No. 13, 550'. Continuing north from the intersection at 11th and Court A, the line runs to transformer No. 341, 290', No. 00 wire; thence north to transformer No. 344, 190'; thence north to the south side of 9th street, 215'; branching east to transformers No. 1 and No. 2, 165', No. 4 wire; thence east to transformer No. 14, 435', No. 6 wire. Continuing north from the intersection of 9th street and Court A, the line runs to transformers No. 343 and No. 342, 125', No. 00 wire; thence north to Dock street, 596', and turning east 200', branches north and south; running south to transformer No. 15, 130', No. 6 wire; and north to transformer No. 16, 420', No. 6 wire; thence north to trans- former No. 17, 470'; thence north to transformer No. 18, 375'; thence north to corner 2d street to transformer No. 19, 1655'; thence north to transformer No. 20, 5020', No. 6 wire. COMMERCE STREET CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station, the line runs east, of No. 0000 wire, to Commerce street, and north on Commerce street to transformer No. 512, 1930'; thence north to transformer No. 511, 405'; thence north to transformer No. 510, 480' No. 00 wire; thence north to transformer No. 509, 350'; thence north to transformer No. 508, 240'; thence north to transformer No. 507, 200', and ends. At transformer No. 511, a branch crosses to the east side of Com- merce street and runs north and south: running north to transformer No. 515, 225'; thence north to transformer No. 516, 240'; thence north to transformer No. 517, 460'; thence north to transformer No. 518, 110' No. 00 wire; thence north to transformer No. 519, 105' No. 0 wire; thence north to transformer No. 520, 100' No. 0 wire; thence north to transformer No. 521, No. 4 wire, 85'; thence north to transformer No. 522, 120' No. 4 wire. Continuing south from the intersection, the line runs to trans- former No. 514, 430' No. 00 wire; thence south to transformer No. 513, 385' No. 00 wire; thence south 360' No. 0 wire. TIDE FLATS CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station, the line runs of No. 00 wire, east to Pacific avenue and north on Pacific avenue to the north side of 11th street, 4557'; thence east on 11th street to the west side of Dock street, 451', and branches south 100' to transformers No. 527 and No. 528, No. 6 wire; continuing east on 11th, the line runs 945', No. 00 wire, and branches north 295' to transformers No. 529 and No. 530, No. 531 and No. 532; continuing east from this last intersection, the line runs to transformer No. 533, 275', No. 4 wire, turns north and runs 1500' to transformer No. 535. DIRECT CURRENT CIRCUIT. Commencing at the sub-station, the line runs of No. 00 wire to pole No. 6954, 50'; reduces to No. O' wire and runs 165' to pole No. 6838, at the corner of 19th street and Pacific avenue. The line runs south on Pacific avenue to 21st street, 790', No. 0 wire, and branches east and south; running east to the corner of A street, 310' No. 6 wire, and branching north and east; runs north to pole No. 31, 180' No. 6 wire; continues east to pole No. 85, 325', and turns north on Dock street to pole No. 9302, 490', all No. 6 wire. 60 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. Continuing south from 21st on the west side of Pacific avenue, the line runs to pole No. 6870, 700' No. 0 wire, branches east on 23d and south on Pacific avenue; running east to pole No. 68, 435' No. 6 wire, near Winthrop street. The line continues south on Pacific avenue to pole No. 6876, 310' No. 6 wire, and ends. Starting from the corner of 19th street and Pacific avenue, 320' from the sub-station, the line runs north, No. 0 wire, to the north side of 13th street, 1965', and branches east, west and north. The line runs north to pole No. 6797, 250' No. 0 wire; thence branches east to pole No. 7447, 80' No. 6 wire, and west to pole No. 7445, 75' No. 6 wire, and ends. Continuing north, the line runs to pole No. 6791, 340' No. 0 wire, and branches east and north ; running east 155', No. 6 wire, branching north and east; extends east 150' to pole No. 12. The main line branches at 11th street and runs east 205', No. 0 wire, where it branches east and south; running east to pole No. 1 and branching north, south and east, 95' No. 4 wire; thence east 245', and branches south; thence east 160', No. 4 wire, and ends; runs south 220' No. 4 wire, and ends; runs south from pole No. 1, 320' No. 4 wire, and ends; runs north from pole No. 1, 460' No. 4 wire, and ends. The line runs west from Pacific avenue on 11th to Commerce street, 160' No. 4 wire, and branches north and south; runs north 125', No. 4 wire, and ends; runs south 420', No. 4 wire, and ends. The line runs west on 11th from Commerce 365', No. 4 wire, to C street; branches north and south and west; runs west on 11th street 195' No. 4 wire; branches north in alley 580' No. 4 wire, and ends. The line runs west to D street 160', and branches west and north; running north on D street 1035' No. 4 wire, and running north on C street from 11th street 680' No. 4 wire. The line branches north on St. Helens avenue 300' No. 6 wire. A branch runs north on C street from 9th street, 945' No. 6 wire. There are 2235' No. 6 wire to the corner of 25th street and 1160' No. 4 wire west on 25th street to Yakima avenue, where line ends. The line runs west on 19th from Jefferson 1840' No. 6 wire to pole No. 465, and ends on G street. It also runs east from Jefferson on 19th street to pole No. 6954, 245' No. 2 wire, the second pole east of Baker street, and ends. From the southeast corner of 11th avenue and Commerce street, the line runs south 320' No. 6 wire, and ends. Running on 13th west from Pacific avenue, the line is 130' of No. 0 wire. West from Commerce on 13th, the line runs 125' No. 0 wire, and ends. Extending north from 13th on the east side of Commerce, the line runs 550' No. 6 wire, and ends. Extending south from 13th, on the east side of Commerce, the line runs 1025' No. 4 wire, and ends. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 61 TRANSFORMERS. MASON LIBRARY CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 45 . G E H B 7.5 3.8 57 . G. E .... H. 5.0 1.9 183 . G E H. B 15.0 2.6 381 , G. E H. B 7.5 .... . 11.5 523 . Maloney . . . . M. 10.0 22.0 387 . G. E. . " H. 5.0 2.0 288 . G. E H. 3.0 6.0 292 . G. E H. 15.0 34.5 294 . G E H. 10.0 17 0 316 . g! E H. 3.0 5.7 315 G E H. B 15.0 19.5 309 . Packard . . . 3.0 8.3 312 Stanley . . . . B. O 10.0 13.5 324 . . G. E H. 1.5 4.3 326 . G. E H. 5.0 5.0 293 . G. E H. B 10.0 11.7 327 . Stanley . . . . 10.0 10.3 317 . Packard . . . . .. 1.5 3« 322 . G. E H. 5.0 3.6 321 . Stanley .... B. 0 5.0 12.5 320 . . G. E H. 3.0 2.0 319 . . Packard .... 3.0 0.7 299 . G E H. 10.0 15.6 400 . . G.’ E H. 3.0 9.5 329 . . G. E .... H. 1.0 5.5 330 . . G. E H. 1.0 3.5 331 G. E H. 5.0 3.5 333 . G E H. B 7.5 15.6 334 . . g! E H. 10.0 8.0 335 . G E H. B 10.0 14.4 336 . Thompson . . 0.6 2.5 338 . G E H. 2.5 11.0 337 . G. E H. 5.0 26.5 340 . Packard .... 1.5 . . 8.0 402 . Packard .... H. B 7.5 7.4 401 . Packard .... H. 3.0 1 4.6 402 . Am T Co. 5.0 13.0 404 . . G. E H. 7.5 4.5 405 . G. E H. 7.5 0.8 406 . G. E . H. 6.0 0.2 407 . . G. E H. 15.0 5.4 650 . . Maloney . . . , . . . . M. 10.0 25.0 160 . . G. E. . " H. 5.0 14.5 149 . G. E H. 5.0 3.5 248 . . G. E .... H. 5.0 12.0 OLD i TOWN CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W, 66 . G E H. 5.0 1.7 63 . . G. E H. 3.0 2.6 62 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. OLD TOWN CIRCUIT.— (Continued.) Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 79 . . G. E . . H 3.0 1.5 195 193 . . . . . G. E . . G E . H 7.5 6.6 . . H. 7.5 12.5 192 . . G. E . . H. .... 7.5 .... 20.6 46 . . G. E . . H. B. . . . .... 7.5 3.8 199 . . G E . . . H 4.0 24.0 356 . G E . . H 3.0 16.5 355 357 . . G. E . . G. E H. , 4.0 16.5 . . H .... 4.0 20.5 259 G E . . H 1.5 12.0 363 . G E . . h' 3.0 ) .Banked 5.0 362 .... 365 . . G. E G E . . H 3.0 f" . H 5.0 10.5 370 G E . H 5.0 7.4 352 . . g. e! . . H. B. . . .... 15.0 .... 48.2 196 , . . G. E . . H 2.5 ... . ■ 5.0 197 . Packard 6 2.5 ^98 G E H 7.5 22.2 188 . . g. e! . . H .... 10.0 . . . . 27.5 187 191 . . G. E . . . G. E H 7.5 32.0 . . H 10.0 . . . . 18.7 186 . . . G. E. . . H. B. . . 15.0 . . . . 9.2 185 G E . H 1.0 5.3 296 . . G E . H 5.0 17.4 190 . Packard .... 5.0 23.3 189 G E . H 1.5 . : . . 3.2 303 184 . . . G. e’. . ... G. E H ... 3.0 10.2 .. H. B. .. 15.0 . . . , 3.3 305 . . G E H 6 4.0 304 ... . G. E . . H 1.0 8.8 306 ... O. D. .. .... 10.0 . . . . 24.3 307 . G E H 15.0' 42.3 593 . . . Maloney . M 15.0 ) . .Banked 49.0 15.0 j • 646 . . . Maloney . . M 660 . Maloney . M 20.0 15.5 661 Maloney M 20.0 29.5 471 . G E H 5.0 4.2 681 Maloney M . 15.0 . . . 18.8 686 . Maloney M 15.0 . . . 25.6 538 . . . Maloney . . M 15.0 ... 28.7 SOUTH TACOMA AND SIXTH ADDITION CIRCUIT. City No. 434 . . 353 .. 206 . . 109 . . 275 .. 276 .. 277 .. Manufac- Capacity turer. Type. K. W. G. E H. G. E H. B. Westinghouse Packard G. E. G. E. G. E. 5.0 10.0 .6 5.0 0.6 0.6 10.0 Connected load, K.W.. . ... 2.5 . . . . 1.1 . . . . 3.0 19.5 . . . . 0.7 . . . . 0.9 . . . . 4.8 H. H. H. CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 63 SOUTH TACOMA AND SIXTH ADDITION CIRCUIT.— (Continued.) Manufac- City No. turer. Capacity Connected Type. K. W. load, K.W. 278 ... 279 . ... G. E. Packard . H. . . . 2.0 ... 1.5 280 . . Westinghouse . . . . 10.0 286 . . . ... G E . H. . . . 1.5 281 ... ... G. E . H. . . . 20.0 282 . . . ... G. E . H . . . 20.0 272 ... ... G. E . H. . . . 5.0 268 . . . ... G. E . H. . . . 10.0 283 . . . . . . . Packard . . . 0 6 562 ... . . . Maloney . M ... 7.5 285 ... ... G. E. . ’ . H. ... 1.0 270 . Packard . . . 5.0 271 ... ... G E . H. ... 3.0 269 . . . G. E . H ... 75 265 ... ... G E . H. ... 5.0 266 ... ... G. E . H. ... 7.5 267 ... ... G. E . H. . . . 5.0 261 ... ... G. E . H. ... 7.5 263 ... ... G. E. . H. . . . 2.5 86 . . . . . . Packard ... 0.5 87 . . . ... G. E . H. 1.0 236 . . . . F. H. E . . . 3.0 237 .... . . . . F. H. E . . . 3.0 88 .... ... G. E . H. B. . . ... 7.5 89 .... . . . . Stanley . B. O. . . . . . 5.0 97 . . . . Maloney . M ... 7.5 146 . . . Packard ... 1.5 273 . . . . , . . . Westinghouse . No. 2 . . 274 G. E H . . . 10.0 90 , . . . Packard ... 1.5 124 . . . . G. E . H. . . . 0.6 125 . . . , . . . . T. H. E. . . . 0.6 126 .... . . . . T. H. E . . . 0.6 127 , . . . Westinghouse ... 0.5 91 G. E. .7 . H. ... 2.5 229 G. E . H. ... 1.5 230 G. E . H. . . . 3.0 93 G. E . H. ... 1.0 311 , . . . Packard . . . 3.0 113 ... G E . H. 3.0 11 G. E . H. . . . 1.0 158 G E . H. ... 5.0 157 ... . . . . G. E . H. B. . . . . . 7.5 136 ... G. E . H. ... 5.0 92 ... G. E . H. ... 5.0 209 ... G. E . H. . . . 10.0 159 ... G. E H . . . 5.0 291 ... G E H ... 3.0 96 . . . . . . . Stanley ... 7.5 94 ... T. H. E. ... 0.6 95 . . . T. H. E. ... 0.6 232 ... G. E . H. . . . 3.0 3.5 0.7 14.5 9.5 | . . .Banked 53.5 3.0 16.5 1.4 7.0 2.8 13.5 4.2 7.5 5.5 4.5 10.5 14.0 6.0 3.5 0.8 | . . .Banked 6.0 2.2 3.5 6.0 3.5 0.4 0.7 0.5 1.2 |... Banked 2.2 1.7 3.0 3.5 6.0 3.5 5.0 11.0 4.1 7.7 8.5 10.0 12.0 15.5 4,5 15.0 7.5 }... Banked 5.6 14.5 64 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. SOUTH TACOMA AND SIXTH ADDITION CIRCUIT.— (Continued.) City No. 99 Manufac- turer. . Packard . . . Type. . . VT Capacity K. W. 1.5 Connected load, K.W. 4.5 239 . . G. E . . H. 1.0 2.2 238 G. E . . H 0.6 4.7 137 . . G. E . . H. 0.6 138, .... . . G. E. . . H. 1.0 ’. 1.6 139 G E . H. 7.5 15.0 140 . . G. E . . H. 0.6 1.3 142 . . G. E . . H. 0.6 1.0 143 . . G. E . . H. 5.0 5.0 21 1 5.0 15.5 210 Malonev B. 10.0 14.3 212 G E . . H 4.0 12.0 213 G E H 7.5 21.0 214 . . G. E. .. H. 5.0 14.5 167 .... . . G. E . . H. B. . 7.5 25.0 265 .... . . G. E . . H. 5.0 5.1 361 .... . . G. E . . H. B. . 10.0 697 Maloney . . M B. . 7.5 544 B . 5.0 1 11.0 569 M 10.0 20.5 588 G E . " H B . 10.0 6.5 o47 Maloney B. 5.0 ... 3.5 99 Packard . VI. 1.5 4.5 174 .... . . G. E .. H. 7.5 5.5 LOWER PACIFIC CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type K. W. load, K.W 425 .... . . G. E . . H. B. . 15.0 15.3 5 G E . . H. 10.0 2.1 6 G E . H 5.0 7.5 585 Maloney M 10.0 20.5 426 . . G. E .. A. B. . 7.5 1.3 10 . . G. E .. H. 1.0 3.9 483 .... . . G. E . . H. 5.0 6.8 491 Maloney . M. 30.0 44.5 575 G E . . . H. B 15.0 24.6 7 .... . . G. E . . H. 1.5 3.0 453 Packard 1.5 2.5 457 Packard . . . 15.0 30.1 456 . . G. E. . . H. 20.0 20.5 397 G E . . . A. B. . 10.0 11.4 399 . . G. E . . A. 6.0 8.8 398 Pa ckard 3.0 5.3 470 Packard 1.5 3.8 451 . . G. E . . H. 2.0 2.5 597 Maloney M 15.0 37.8 460 G E . . H. B 15.0 7.0 455 Packard . 0.6 2.0 461 . . G. E . . H. 5.0 .... 10.5 464 . . G. E . . H. 21.2 466 .... 3.0 ... • 10.4 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 65 LOWER PACIFIC CIRCUIT.— -(Continued.) Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 576 . Maloney B . . 7.5 3.2 465 ... . . . Packard .. 3,0 ...... 10.2 662 . . . . . . . Maloney M . . 5.0 5.4 678 . . . . . . . Malonev M . . . . 7.5 1.1 469 . . . ... G. E . " H . . 0.6 7 8 76 ... . . . . Maloney B .. 15.0 22.1 472 ... ... G. E H. .. 2.5 9.0 473 ... .^ . G. E H .. 15.0 27.0 474 . . . ... G. E H ... . . 5.0 11.3 577 ... ... G. E H .. 5.0 9.8 578 . . . . . . Packard B 0 . . 10.0 5.5 579 . . . , . . . . Malonev M . 20 0 12.0 580 , . . . Packard B 0 . . 7.5 2.2 581 G E H . . 10.0 18.8 484 ... G. E. H .. 1.5 430 .... . .. . G. E H .. 1.0' 1.3 431 .... . . . . G. E . H .. 1.0 2.1 582 .... , . . . T. H F .. 0.6 2.7 583 T. H F . . 0 6 454 G E H . . 10 5.8 34 G. E H . . 0.5 7.8 486 .... . . . Westinghouse . . . .. 0.5 56 ... G. E H. .. 5.0 9.4 30 ... . Packard . . 3.0 12.8 433 G. E H. . . 2.5 12.5 32 G. E H 3.0 3.8 33 . . . Packard . . 10.0 4.8 698 ... Maloney M . . 10.0 13.5 72 ... T. H. . . F 7 n ) 73 ... T. H F [• . . .Banked 17.5 545 . . . . ... Maloney B .. 10.0 11.1 543 ... Maloney B .. 15.0 14.5 584 .... 0.5 2.1 TACOMA AVENUE CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W, oo± . . . 552 ... G. E. n. H. 25.0 •■•Banked 36.7 555 . . . G. E H. B 15 0 12.0 556 ... . . . . G. E . h! B 20.0 28.0 557 G. E H. 15 0 ) _ 558 . . .. . . . . G. E u. q y . . .Banked 33.8 25 . . . , . . . . G. E H. 7.5 9.8 24 ... . . . . G. E. . H. B. . ! . . . ! 15.0 5.4 559 ... 7.5 6.0 22 . . . . Packard 10.0 11.8 21 ..., . . . . G. E. . H. 20.0 49.0 52 .... G. E H. B 10.0 3.1 67 ... . . . . G. E A. 5.0 0.5 65 .... 20.0 49.5 586 .... . . . . Packard 66 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. TACOMA AVENUE CIRCUIT.— (Continued.) Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 62 G. E ... H 20.0 . 57.5 50 . G E ... H 5.0 . 6.5 560 Maloney . . . . 40.0 . 34.0 561 Maloney 40.0 . 29.4 551 Maloney . . . . 1 . . .Banked 54.4 552 Maloney . . . . 1 PACIFIC AVENUE CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 424 423 G. E G. E. ... H ... H 15.0 20.0 j- . . .Banked 55.3 422 Packard 20.0 I . . .Banked 56.8 421 G. E. ... H 20.0 420 418 G. E G. E ... H ... H 15.0 1 15.0 }• . . .Banked 43.5 409 Packard 20.0 | .. .Banked 71.2 408 Packard 20.0 419 G. E ... H 15.0 . 48.7 690 691 Maloney . . . . Maloney . . . . . . . M. ... . . . M. ... 40.0 40.0 j- . . .Banked 64.2 692 Maloney .... . . . M. . . . 40.0 ) 81 Maloney . . . . . . . M. ... 40.0 ( . . .Banked 88.2 82 Maloney . . . . . . . M. . . . 40.0 ( 694 Maloney . . . . . . . M. ... 40.0 / SIXTH AVENUE CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type K. W. load, K.W. 375 G. E . .. H. ... 5.0 . 19.0 376 G. E . . . H. ... 5.0 . 15.5 373 G. E. . . . H. ... 0.6 . 4.4 374 Stanley 5.Q . 242 G. E. . . . H. ... 10.0 . 33.5 241 G. E . . . H. ... 10:0 . 17.5 240 G. E . . . H. ... 7.5 . 27.0 133 G. E . . . H. ... 2.5 . 6.8 234 G. E. . . . H. B. 7.5 . 18.0 131 G. E ... H. ... 5.0 . 16.5 153 G. E. . . . H. ... 5.0 . 22.5 130 G. E. . . . H. ... 5.0 . 18.0 366 G. E . . . H. ... 3.0 . 6.0 217 T. H. El . . . H. ... 1.2 . 2.2 219 G. E . . . H. ... 5.0 . 16.5 220 G. E . . . H. ... 3.0 . 10.0 216 G. E . . . H. ... 5.0 . 7.2 215 G. E . . . H. ... 10.0 . 20.5 116 G. E . . . H 2.0 . 3.5 117 Packard . . . Low T. 3.0 . 6.0 161 ... G. E . . . H. ... 4.0 . 13.5 163 Westinghouse 0.5 . 1.1 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 67 SIXTH AVENUE CIRCUIT.— -(Continued.) Manufac- Capacity Connectec City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W 245 . . G. E. H. B . . 10.0 26.5 384 .... . . Westinghouse . . . . 10.0 29.0 383 . . G. E H . . 3.0 8.2 164 .... . . G. E H. B . . 7.5 13.0 396 . ..'. . . G. E H .. 15.0 14.0 389 . . G. E H. B .. 10.0 18.0 391 . . G E H .. 2.0' 11.5 168 .... . . Packard . . 3.0 12.5 169 .... . . G. E H .. 2.5 10.4 253 . . G E H . . 2.0' 12.5 170 . . G. E H. B . . 7.5 15.2 256 . . G. E H . . 0.6 1.9 251 . . Westinghouse . . . . 0.5 11 165 .... . . G. E H .. 7.5 8.5 166 . . G. E. H . . 1.5 4.5 171 .... Packard . . 7.5 14.0 172 . . G. E H . . 3.0 7.0 392 G E H . . 1.0 3.2 394 . . . G. E H . . 0.6 1.0 388 . . . G. E H . . 5.0 3.8 390' . . G. E H. B .. 10.0 19.5 177 . . G E H . . 3.0 .... . 6.5 173 Westinghouse . . 1.0 3.5 178 . . G. E H .. 7.5 12.0 258 . . T H F . . 2.5 / 259 . . T. H. F . . 2.5 ) * • * Banked 8.5 260 . . G. E. H .. 7.5 6.7 64 . . G. E H .. 10.0' 15.0 40 . . G. E H . . 10.0 9.5 41 Packard . Low F ... . . 15.0 40.5 61 . . G. E H .. 15.0 22.0 60 G E H . . 2.5 10.7 58 . . G. E. H . . 7.5 11.5 476 . Maloney B . . 20.0 22.5 477 Paekard . . 3.0 7.0 478 . . G E H . . 7.5 7.3 479 . . G E . H .. 3.0 9.2 480 . . . . Maloney B . . 7.5 5.4 179 . . G. E . ” H . . 5.0 17.5 148 . . G. E H . . 15.0 26.0 92 . . G. E H . . 5.0 10.0 673 ... . Maloney . _ • , . . . 7.5 6.5 598 . . . . Maloney M . . 15.0 33.5 279 . . G. E H . . 3.0 7.2 672 . . Maloney M . . 7.5 33.2 31 . G E H . . 2.5 5.8 308 G E H. . . 4.0 5.8 132 . . G. E H . . 5.0 4.7 31 ... . G. E H . . 5.0 4.0 435 G E . H 5.0 8.0 302 . . G. E. H.’ . . 5.0 3.4 68 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. C AND JEFFERSON CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 445 Packard 446 G. E. H. 444 G. E. H. 441 G. E H. 440 G. E H. 439 G. E H. 626 G. E. H. 627 G. E. H. 628 Packard L. 629 Maloney M. 647 Maloney M. 147 G. E H. 447 G. E H. 449 G. E H. 481 G. E H. 9 G. E. H. 630 G. E. H. 462 G. E H. 631 G. E H. 649 Maloney M. 624 G. E H. 339 G. E H. 663 Maloney M. 664 Maloney M. 537 Maloney M. 15.0 . . . 42 5 B. 3.0 . . . 9.0 20.0 ... 34.8 20.0 . . . 48.1 7.5 ... 21 4 15.0 . . . 21.8 20 0 . . . 27 0 20.0 F. 5.0 ... 7 5 15.0 . . . 17.3 10.0 . . . 18 0 B. 7.5 ... 3.2 B. 7.5 ... 0.8 3.0 . . . 7.2 2.5 ... 2 6 7.5 ... 6.0 B. 10.0 ... 1.2 20.0 . . . 6 4 B. 10.0 . . . 5.6 10.0 . . . 22 7 4.0 . . . 11 o 5.0 . . . 11 40.0 ) . .Banked 42.3 40.0 \ ‘ 20.0 ... 8.3 HILL CIRCUIT. * Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 600 G. E. . H. 15.0 17.5 68 G. E. . H. 15.0 24.7 69 Packard 3.0 6.5 71 Packard 5.0 21.4 354 T. H . H B. 10.0 1.2 601 T. H . H. 5.0 9.0 26 T. H H . 15.0 42.5 27 T H H 7.5 6.0 28 T. H. . H. B. 7.5 15.0 53 T. H. . H. B. 10.0 6.1 51 Packard 4 . .... 15.0 55.5 55 G. E . H. ....... 7.5 36.5 43 Packard . L. F. 5.0 18.5 30 G. E . H. 15.0 29.0 59 G. E . H. 7.5 29.0 101 G. E . H. 5.0 17.5 100 G. E. . H. 5.0 15.0 49 G. E. . H. 10.0 32.2 48 G. E . H. 15.0 16.5 47 G. E . H. 4.0 16.2 201 G. E . H. 6.0 202 T. H. Electric.. . F. 2.0 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. 69 HILL CIRCUIT.— (Continued.) Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 77 .... . . Stanley . B. 0 .. . 15.0 . . . 23.3 228 . . G. E. . . G E H 7.5 .. . 30 5 135 H 7.5 ... 4.5 227 . ... 5.0 ... 13.2 226 . G E H 2.5 .. . 9 8 203 . . G E H 0.6 .. . 4.2 104 105A . . . . . G. E . . T H. El H 5 0... 8 0 F 2.5 ) . . . Banked 7.3 105B . . . . . T H. El F 2.5 f ' 121 .... . . Stanley B. 0. .. 10.0 . . . 31.6 122 Packard Low F. . . . . . 1.5 . . . 7.5 224 .... . . Packard Low F. . . ... 5.0 ... 24.9 225 .... . . G. H H . ... 1.5 ... 8.6 118 . ... 7.5 ... 22.0 120 . . G. E H . ... 1.0 ... 1.4 221 . . G E H 3.0 .. . 7.2 154 . . Packard . ... 3.0 ... 10.5 75 .... . . Maloney B . ... 15.0 ... 37.2 74 B 10.0 . . . 18.2 665 . M. B. . . . ... 7.5 ... 11.8 494 . M . ... 20.0 ... 37.1 540 . M 15.0 . . . 15.5 541 . . Maloney . M . ... 15.0 ... 36.8 382 . . G. E . , H 5.0 .. . 11.6 410 . . G. E. . H. . ... 3.0 ... 7.7 54 . . G. E . H. B. .. 7.5 .. . 18.2 233 . . Packard . Low F. . . ... 7.5 ... 23.0 300 . . G. E H 4.0 . . . 9.0 COMMERCE STREET CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity Connected City No. turer. Type. K. W. load, K.W. 512 511 . . Stanley . . Stanley B. 0. ... B. O. ... , ... 15.0 I .... 15.0 y • ..Banked 10.5 510 509 . . Stanley . . Stanley B. O. ... B. 0. ... . . . . 20.0 ) .... 20.0 f ' ..Banked 37.0 508 . . Stanley B 0 . . . 20.0 . . . 45.4 507 . . Stanley B. 0. . . . 20.0 . . 63.5 515 . . Gr E H B . 20.0 . . . 4.6 516 . . G E H B . . . 20.0 . . . 39.8 517 . . G. E* H 20.0 . . . 22.0 518 519 . . G. E.’ . . G. E H H . . . 20.0 l ... 20.0 J * ..Banked 22.5 520 Packard VI . 20.0 . . . 25.3 521 522 . . Packard . . Stanley VI B. 0. ... ... 15.0 \ . . . 20.0 J ‘ ..Banked 24.0 514 . . G. E H . . . 20.0 . . . 15.0 513 . . G. E H . . . 20.0 . . . 45.2 70 CITY OF TACOMA LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. TIDE FLATS CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity City No. turer. Type K. W. 571 Maloney M. . . 7.5 . . 527 G. E. H. B. 20.0 ) 520 G. E. H. B. 20.0 \ 529 Maloney M. . . 50.0 [ 530 Maloney M. . . 50.0 J 531 Maloney M. . . 50.0 . . 532 Maloney M. . . 50.0 . . 533 . G. E H. . . 3.0 . . 536 G. E H. . . 5.0 . . COURT “A” CIRCUIT. Manufac- Capacity City No. turer. Typp K. W. 503 G. E H.. .. 20.0 ) 504 G. E H. . . 20.0 \ 505 Packard 10.0 i 506 G. E. H. . . 10.0 ) 502 G. E. H. .. 15.0 l 501 G. E H. . . 15.0 1 3 G. E H. . . 15.0 . . 500 G. E H. .. 20.0 \ 348 G. E H. .. 20.0 ( 349 G. E. H. . . 20.0 l 347 G. E. H. . . 2 o.o ; 345 G. E H. . . 15.0 ) 346 G. E H. . . 15.0 f 625 G. E H. . . 7.5 .. 13 G. E H. .. 7.5 .. 341 G. E. H. .. 20.0 . . 344 G. E. H. . . 15.0 . . 1 G. E H. B. 20.0 i 2 G. E H. B. 20.0 f 14 G. E H. .. 7.5 .. 343 G. E H. . . 20.0 \ 342 G. E. H. . . 20.0 / 15 G. E. H. . . 10.0 . . 16 Packard 5.0 .. 17 Packard 5.0 .. 10 G. E H. . . 10.0 .. 19 G. E H. .. 5.0 .. 20 Packard 15.0 . . Connected load, K.W. 1.5 ..Banked 19.6 ..Banked 27.8 2.0 0.8 1 - Connected load, K.W Banked 49.8 .Banked 53.3 .Banked 53.5 15.5 .Banked 98.0 . . .Banked 74.5 3.2 17.6 41.9 31.4 .Banked 39.3 13.3 76.0 14.0 2.6 2.6 10.5 1.7 13.0 tHE LIBRARY OF THE MAR 1-1940 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS