Hi W PRICE, 10 CENTS ITY SCHOOL LIBRARY ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN List of Books Prepared by MISS GERTRUDE HUSTED, Librarian GEORGE W. LOOMIS, Superintendent Published by THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE of the Board of Education. A. B. MORSE COMPANY ST. JOSEPH, MICH. St. Joseph City School Library LOCATION. The St. Joseph City School Library is located in the High School building on Main street, in the office of the Superintendent of City Schools. MANAGEMENT. The Library is under the management of a Library Committee, appointed by the City Board of Education, and under the immediate supervision of the Superintendent of City Schools and a Librarian appointed by him. TIMES OF DRAWING. The Library will be open for the public drawing of books on Fri- day afternoon of each week during the school year, and on Saturday afternoon during the summer vacation. The schools have access to the Library at all times under the direction of the Superintendent. RULES FOR DRAWING. 1. — Each patron of the Library will be required to sign an identi- fication card giving full name and residence, street and number. 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CATALOGUES. A uniform price of ten cents per copy will be charged for cata- logues. Catalogues will be supplied free for the use of pupils in their schoolrooms and for the consultation of patrons in the Library. Note. — Books marked thus * are suitable for juvenile readers. ITY^ SCHOOL LIBRARY ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN il i List of Books i 1 US Prepared by MISS GERTRUDE HUSTED, Librarian GEORGE W. LOOMIS, Superintendent Published by THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE of the Board of Education. CONTENTS CASE I — History , 3 Mythology _ 3 General History 3 Ancient History T 3 Rome 4 Greece . . . 4 Mediaeval History 4 Modern European History 4 American History, General ... 5 Colonial History ... 5 Revolution to Civil War __ 6 Civil War to Present Time 6 Local History 7 Constitutional History 7 England 7 Scotland, Ireland, Wales — 8 France 8 Germany, Austria, Hungary ... . 8 Italy 8 Switzerland 8 Russia and Turkey 8 Scandanavia 8 Japan 9 Netherlands 9 Spain and Portugal 9 CASE II — Biography 10 Biographical Collections 10 Individual Biographies it CASE III — Travel and Description 15 CASE IV — Poetry f Essay , Belles-Lettres 17 American Poets 17 British Poets.: 18 Dramatic Literature and Criticism 18 Art and Music 19 Translations 19 Essays, Criticisms, Belles-Lettres T9 Literary References 22 CASE V — Fiction 23 CASE VI — Science 44 General 44 Natural History 44 Botany 44 Geology 45 Astronomy 45 Chemistry 45 Natural Philosophy 45 Physiology and Hygiene 45 CASE VII — Reference 46 Literature and Grammar 46 General 46 Dictionaries 46 CASE VIII — Miscellaneous 47 Teachers 47 Magazines 47 Public Documents 47 ox! S vv^c. 'd r CASE I.— HISTORY. Thomas Bulfinch John Fiske Berens Skinner MYTHOLOGY. 67 Age of Fable 68 Age 01 Chivalry 123 Myths and Mythmakers 269 Handbook of Mythology 270 Myths and Legends of Our Own Land Vol. I 271 “ Vol. II 272 Legends of the Rhine Guerber 273 Myths of Greece and Rome “ 274 Myths of Northern Lands ‘ ‘ 275 Legends of the Middle Ages ‘ ‘ 309 Manual of Mythology Murray See also Case V—A 41 ; A 42 ; A 43 ; A 9/, A 92. GENERAL HISTORY. 2 Outlines of Universal History 7 History of the World Vol. I 8 “ Vol. II 9 “ Vol. Ill 10 “ Vol. IV 30 History of Europe 46 * Story of Liberty 90 Warriors and Statesmen — Beacon Light Series 91 Great Women “ 1 15 * Ten Great Events in History 1 16 Universal History Vol. Ill 117 “ Vol. IV 229 * Stories from History 257 * Customs of Nations 296 History of Civilization in Europe 302 Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World 303 Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World ( duplicate ) 304 General History Weber Ridpath 4 4 Alison Carleton Coffin John Lord Johonnot Von Muller Strickland Goodrich Guizot Creasy Barnes ANCIENT HISTORY. 1 Manual of Ancient History 16 Ancient History Vol. I 17 “ Vol. II 22 Free Masonry in the Holy Land 87 Antiquity — Beacon Light Series 95 Jewish Heroes and Profits — Beacon Light Series 96 Old Pagan Civilization 1 14 Jerusalem, the Holy City 121 Old Testament History 174 * Seige of Troy 175 * Story of Troy 180 * Story of the Chosen People 18 1 * Story of Aeneas 232 * Stories from Ancient History 237 Rise of Macedonian Empire — Epoch Series 238 Troy “ 256 * Asiatic History 279 The Jews — Story of Nations Series 285 Ancient Egypt “ 293 Dawn of History Thalheimer Rollin Morris John Lord Mrs. Oliphant Smith Hanson Clarke Guerler Clarke Strickland Curteis Benjamin Goodrich Hosmer Rawlinson Kaery 11336 4 CITY SCHOOL LIBRARY , , ROME. 26 Gibbons’ Rome Vol. II 27 “ Vol. Ill 28 “ Vol. IV 120 Students’ Gibbon’s Rome 177 * Story of the Romans 182 * Story of Caesar 213 * Young Folk’s History of Rome 233 Early Rome Epoch Series 234 Roman and Carthage “ 235 Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla 263 Gibbon’s Rome Vol. I 264 “ Vol. II 265 “ Vol. Ill 266 “ Vol. IV 267 Vol. V 268 “ Vol. VI 284 Rome — Story of Nations Series 295 Rome See also Case III. GREECE. 29 History of Greece 78 History of Greece Vol. I 79 “ Vol. II 80 “ Vol, III 81 “ Vol. IV 82 “ Vol. V 176 * Story of the Greeks 209 * Young Folks’ History of Greece 227 History of Greece 236 Athenian Empire — Epoch Series 280 Greece — Story of Nations Series See also Case III. (. Edited by) Milman i i ( Edited by) Smith Guerber Clarke Yonge Ihne Smith Beesly (. Edited by) Milman Gilman Mommsen Thirlwall Curtius < ( Guerber Yonge Oliver Goldsmith Cox Harrison MEDIAEVAL HISTORY. 55 History of the Crusades 88 Middle Ages — Beacon Light Series 89 Renaissance and Reformation 122 Hallam’s Middle Ages 240 Crusades — Epoch Series 247 Thirty Years’ War 258 * European History 297 Holy Roman Empire George Proctor John Ford (. Edited by) Smith Cox Gardiner Goodrich Bryce MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY. 75 Europe in Africa in the XIX Century Elizabeth W. Latimer 83 Greece in the XIX Century Lewis Sergeant 92 Modern European Statesmen — Beacon Light Series John Lord 94 XIX Century Writers 220 History of the Reformation Vol. I D’Aubigne 221 222 223 224 225 226 231 Stories from Modern History Vol. II Vol. Ill Vol. IV Vol. V Vol. II ( duplicate ) Vol. IV ( duplicate ) 244 Era of the Protestant Revolution — Epoch Series 294 Nineteenth Century Strickland Seebohm Mackenzie ST. JOSEPH , MICHIGAN. 5 AMERICAN HISTORY. IN GENERA!,. 3 Popular History of the United States Vol. I William C. Bryant 4 “ Vol. II 5 “ Vol. Ill 6 “ Vol. IV 51 * How New England Was Made 52 History of the United States 53 American History 69 Beginners of a Nation 70 History of the United States 99 Pioneers of France in the New World 100 Jesuits in North America 101 Montcalm and Wolfe Vol. I 102 “ Vol. II 103 La Salle and Discovery of the Great West 109 Old Regime in Canada 125 Discovery of America Vol. I 126 “ Vol. II 132 History of the United States 133 History of the United States 134 American History 152 Mound Builders 154 * Children’s Stories in American History 155 * American History Vols. I-II 156 * “ 1 Vols. III-IV 157 * “ Vols. V-VI 158 * “ Vols. VII-VIII 183 * First Steps in the History of Our Country 194 Conquest of Mexico Vol. I 195 “ Vol. II 196 “ Vol. Ill 197 Conquest of Peru Vol. I 198 “ Vol. II 251 * Young Folks, United States History 259 * American Indians 260 * Customs of American Indians 278 Canada — Story of Nations Series 23 Puritans in England, Holland and America F. A. Humphrey Quackenbos Edward Eggleston Wilbur Gordy Francis Parkman John Fiske John B. McMaster Montgomery MacLean Wright Jacob Abbott Mo wry Prescott Higginson Goodrich Bourinot Vol. I Campbell Vol. II COLONIAE. 38 * Old Times in the Colonies 44 * Colonial Days 106 Half Century of Conflict Vol. I 107 “ “ “ Vol. II 129 Beginning of New England 135 Half Hours With American History Vol. I 137 * Border Wars of New England 140 * Making of New England 141 * Making of Virginia and Middle Colonies 142 King Philip’s War 144 Old French War 159 Taking of Louisburg 178 * Story of the Thirteen Colonies 252 American History — Colonies — Epoch Series 305 Views from Plymouth Rock See also Case III. Carletou Coffin Richard Markham Francis Parkman John Fiske Morris S. A. Drake Markham Johnson Drake Guerber Thwaites Mudge 6 CITY SCHOOL LIBRARY , REVOLUTION TO CIVIL WAR. 1 8 Story of the Revolution Vol I 19 35 36 37 42 43 47 49 Vol. Blue Jackets of 1812 Blue Jackets of ’76 Drum Beat of the Nation Boys of ’76 Boys of ’76 ( duplicate ) Building the Nation Bovs of 1812 II 57 History of the People of the U. S., Vol. I Vol. II “ Vol. Ill “ Vol. IV “ Vol. V “ Vol. VI American Statesmen — Beacon Light Series American Commonwealth Vol. I Vol. IV 104 Conspiracy of Pontiac Vol. I 105 “ Vol. II 108 Oregon Trail 124 Critical Period of American History 58 59 60 61 62 93 97 98 American Revolution Vol. I “ Vol. II War of Independence Half Hours With American History Vol. II * Making of the Great West * Making of the Ohio Valley States 143 War of 1812 145 War with Mexico 153 Our Flag 193 Story of the United States Navy 253 Formation of the Union — Epoch Series 261 American Conflict Vol. I 127 128 131 136 138 139 Henry Cabot Lodge Willis J. Abbott Carleton Coflin James R. Soley John B. Me Master John Lord James Bryce C < Francis Parkman John Fiske Morris Drake < C Johnson Ladd Campbell Lossing Hart Robinson CIVIL WAR TO PRESENT TIMES. 13 Twenty Years of Congress Vol. I 14 “ Vol. II 15 Seward’s Works 20 Twenty-Bight Years in Wall Street 21 Alabama Claims 25 Campaigning with Grant 32 * Battle Fields and Camp Fires 33 * Battle Fields and Victory 34 * Battle Fields of ’61 39 * Freedom Triumphant 40 * Redeeming the Republic 41 * Boys of ’61 45 * Marching to Victory 48 * Days and Nights on the Battle Field 50 * Sailor Boys of ’61 85 Life in the Confederate Army 86 Battle Field and Prison Pen 146 Blockades and Cruisers 147 Atlantic Coast 148 Gulf and Inland Waters 149 Outbreak of the Rebellion 254 Division and Reunion — Epoch Series 173 Fight for Missouri James G. Blaine Baker Henry Clews Hamilton Fish Horace Porter Willis J. Abbott Carleton Coflin James R. Soley Watson Urban Soley Ammen Mahan Nicholay Wilson Snead ST. JOSEPH , MICHIGAN. 7 IyOCAIy HISTORY. 160 New York, Vol. VI — American Commonwealth Series Roberts 161 “ “ “ 162 Oregon “ Barrows 163 Virginia “ Cooke 164 Michigan “ Cooley 165 Kentuckey “ Shaler 166 Kansas “ Spring 167 California “ Royce 168 Indiana “ Dunn 169 Maryland “ Browne 170 Ohio “ King 1 71 Missouri “ Carr 172 History of Tennessee Phelan See also Case III. constitutional history. 130 Civil Government of the United States John Fiske 150 Constitutional History of the United States Sterne 151 Federalist {Edited by') Dawson 310 Cyclopedia of Political Science, etc, Vol. I ( Reference ) Lalor 311 “ “ Vol. II. 312 “ “ Vol. Ill “ “ “ “ Vol. II “ “ Vol. Ill “ “ Vol. IV “ “ Vol. V “ “ Vol. I “ “ Vol. II ENGLAND. 11 * Heroes of Britain Vol I 12 * “ “ “ Vol II 74 England in the XIX Century 84 History of the English People 1 18 Student’s Hume 1 19 Hallam’s Constitutional History of England 179 * Story of the English 184 History of England 185 History of England Vol. I 186 187 188 189 190 191 212 214 230 241 242 243 Houses of Lancaster and York 245 Early Tudors 246 Age of Elizabeth 248 Puritan Revolution 249 Fall of Stuarts 250 Epoch of Reform 290 British Empire Vol. I — Story of Nations Series 291 “ “ Vol. II 299 Short History of Our Own Times 300 History of Our Own Times Vol. I 301 “ “ “ “ Vol II See also Case III. Hodder Elizabeth W. Latimer Green {Edited by) Smith Gueber S. P. Gardiner Macaulay * Young Folks’ History of England * Child’s History of England * Stories from English History Early Plantagenets Edward III. Epoch Series Yonge Dickens Strickland Stubbs Warburton Gairdner Moberly Creighton Gardiner Hale McCarthy Story McCarthy 8 CITY SCHOOL LIBRARY , SCOTLAND. IRELAND. AND WALES. no Royal Edinburgh 276 Scotland — Story of Nations Series 287 Ireland “ “ See also Case III. Mrs. Oliphant Mackintosh Lawless FRANCE. 76 France in the XIX Century 77 My Scrap Book of French Revolution 192 Two Eras of France 210 * Young Folks’ History of France 211 * Young Folks’ History of France ( Duplicate ) 217 History of France 218 French Revolution Vol. I 219 “ “ Vol. II 288 Franks — Story of Nations Series See also Case III. Elizabeth W. Latimer De Normand Yonge Duruy Carlyle Sergeant GERMANY, AUSTRIA. AND HUNGARY. 54 Kossuth and His Generals 56 History of Austria 208 * Young Folks’ History of Germany 216 History of Germany 239 Fredrick the Great — Epoch Series See also Case III. Henry De Puy John S. C. Abbott Yonge Bayard Taylor Longman ITALY. 66 History of Italy 71 Italy in the XIX Century hi Makers of Modern Rome 1 12 Makers of Florence 1 13 “ of Venice 228 Italian Republics 298 History of Renaissance in Italy See also Case III. John S. C. Abbott Elizabeth W. Latimer Mrs. Oliphant i C a De Sesmondi Symonds SWITZERLAND. 262 History of Switzerland Mackenzie 277 Switzerland — Story of Nations Series. Hug-Stead See also Case III. RUSSIA AND TURKEY. 73 Turkey and Russia in the XIX Century 215 Slav and Saxon 281 Turkey — Story of Nations Series. 292 Russia “ “ “ 306 History of Russia Vol. I 307 “ “ Vol. II 308 “ “ Vol. Ill See also Case III and V ; Elizabeth W. Latimer Foulke Lane-Poole Morfill Alfred Rambaud IV 1. SCANDANAVIA. 283 Norway — Story of Nations Series. See also Case III. Boyessen ST. JOSEPH \ MICHIGAN. 9 JAPAN. 289 Japan — Story of Nations Series. See also Case III. Murrey THE NETHERLANDS. 63 Rise of the Dutch Republic Vol. I John Lathrop Motley 64 “ Vol. II 65 “ Vol. Ill 255 Brave Little Holland Griffis 286 Holland — Story of Nations Series Rogers See also Case III. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 31 Charles V. 72 Spain in the XIX Century 199 Charles V. Vol. I 200 ‘ Vol. II 201 “ Vol. Ill 202 Philip II. Vol. I 203 “ Vol. II 204 “ Vol. Ill 205 Ferdinand and Isabella Vol. I 206 “ Vol. II 207 “ Vol. Ill 282 Portugal — Story of Nations Series See also Case III. Robertson Elizabeth Latimer Prescott Stephens io CITY SCHOOL LIBRARY, CASE II. — BIOGRAPHY. BIOGRAPHICAL, COLLECTIONS. 7 * One Hundred Famous Americans Smith 16 * Plutarch for Boys and Girls ( Edited by) John S. White 17 Eminent Men Morley 2 s Queens of Society Vol. I Wharton 26 “ . Vol. II 28 Queens of England Vol. I 29 “ Vol. II 42 * Men of Business — Men of Achievement 43 * Inventors 44 * Statesmen 45 * Explorers and Travelers 46 Lights of Two Centuries 50 * Hero Tales from American History 52 Anecdotes of Public Men 53 Room at the Top 63 Imperial Guard 74 * Poor Boys Who Became Famous 75 Famous Types of Womanhood 76 Famous Leaders Among Men 77 Famous European Artists 78 * Girls Who Become Famous 83 Schools and Schoolmasters 91 Plutarch’s Lives 92 Plutarch’s Lives ( duplicate ) 1 21 * Stories of Great Americans 177 Lives of Painters Vol. I 178 “ Vol. II 179 “ Vol. Ill 180 “ Vol. IV 181 Vol. V 182 “ Vol. VI 194 Queens of England Vol. I 195 196 197 198 199 256 Vol. II “ Vol. Ill “ Vol. IV “ Vol. V “ Vol. VI Fulton, Warren, Hudson, Margurette Doran W. O. Stoddard P. C. Hubert Noah Brooks A. W. Greeley E. E. Hale Roosevelt and Lodge Forney A. Craig J. T. Headley Sarah K. Bolton Hugh Miller Plutarch Edward Eggleston Vasari Agnes Strickland Jared Sparks ST. JOSEPH , MICHIGAN. INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHIES. 122 Adolphus, Gustavus — Heroes of Nations 57 Adams, J. Q. 160 Adams, J. Q. — American Statesmen 139 Adams, John — “ 142 Adams, Samuel “ 100 Addison, Joseph — English Men of Letters 223 * Alfred the Great 247 * Alfred the Great ( duplicate ) 243 * Antoinette, Marie 9 Arnold, Benedict 55 Arnold, Thomas Vol. I 56 “ Vol. II 167 Austin, Jane — Famous Women 101 Bacon, Francis — English Men of Letters 192 Beethoven — Biographies of Musicians 125 Bismark — Heroes of Nations 224 * Bonaparte, Joseph 73 * Boone, Daniel 165 Browning, Elizabeth B. — Famous Women 135 Bruce, Robert — Heroes of Nations 1 16 Bunyan, John — English Men of Letters 99 Burns, Robert — “ “ “ 251 Burns, Robert 21 1 Bryant, William Cullen — American Men of Letters 107 Byron, Ford — English Men of Letters 133 Caesar, Julius — Heroes of Nations 237 * Caesar, Julius 153 Calhoun, John C. — American Statesmen 40 Carlyle, Thomas 41 Carlyle, Thomas — Life in London 106 Carlyle, Thomas — English Men of Letters 68 * Carson, Kit — Pioneers and Patriots 152 Cass, Lewis — American Statesmen Fletcher William H. Seward Hosmer Courtliope Jacob Abbott Isaac Arnold Stanley < < Malden Church Nohl Hedlam Jacob Abbott Bogart Ingram Maxwell Froude Shairp Carlyle Biglow Nichol Fowler Jacob Abbott Von Holst Anthony Froude 232 * Charles I Nichol John S. C. Abbott McLaughlin Jacob Abbott Hart Ward Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Geikie 148 Chase, Salmon P. — American Sfatesme?i 98 Chaucer, Geoffrey — English Men of Letters 47 Christ — Story of Jesus Christ 48 Christ— Life and Works Vol. I 49 “ Vol. II 127 Cid Campeador — Heroes of Nations Clarke 129 Cicero — “ Strachan-Davidson 72 * Clay, Henry — American Pioneers and Pair's JolinS. C. Abbott 157 Clay, Henry Vol. I — American Statesmen Carl Schurz 158 “ Vol. II 221 * Cleopatra 24 Coffin, Levi — Reminiscences of 87 Columbus, Christopher 1 24 Columbus, Christopher — Heroes of Nations 102 Cowper, William — English Men of Letters 1 15 Coleridge, Samuel T. — “ 212 Cooper, J. Fenimore — American Men of Letters Lounsbury 70 * Crockett, David — Am. Pioneers and Patriots JohnS. C. Abbott 60 Cromwell, Oliver J. T. Headley 213 Curtis, George William — American Men of Letters. Cary 231 * Cyrus the Great Jacob Abbott 80 Dante M. A. Ward 225 * Darius the Great Jacob Abbott Jacob Abbott Levi Coffin Washington Irving Washington Irving Smith Traill 12 CITY SCHOOL LIBRARY , 105 Defoe, Daniel — English Men of Letters Minto 104 De Quincy, Thomas — “ Masson 66 * DeSoto, Ferdinand — Am. Pioneers and Pat' s John S. C. Abbott 93 Dickens, Charles — English Men of Letters Ward 96 Dryden, Tohn — “ Saintsbury 183 Elliot, George Vol. I J. W. Cross 184 “ Vol. II 185 “ Vol. Ill 242 * Elizabeth, Queen Jacob Abbott 186 Emerson, Ralph Waldo A. Bronson Alcott 209 Emerson, Ralph Waldo — Am. Men of Letters O. W. Holmes 205 Farragut, Admiral — Great Commanders Capt. Mahan 163 Fry, Elizabeth — Famous Women Pitman 5 Franklin in France Vol. I Hale 6 “ Vol. II 215 Franklin, Benjamin — America 7 i Men of Letters J. B. McMaster 59 Franklin, Benjamin Weems 169 Fuller, Margaret — Famous Women Julia Ward Howe 12 Grant’s Personal Memoirs Vol. I Ulysses S. Grant 13 “ Vol. II 147 Gallatin, Albert — American Statesmen 89 Garfield, Janies A. 90 Garfield, James A. 244 Stevens Conwell Brown Jacob Abbott Morison Grimm Washington Irving * Genghis, Khan 1 12 Gibbon, Edward — English Men of Letters 39 Goethe — Fife and Times 254 Goldsmith, Oliver Vol. I 255 _ “ . Vol. II 1 18 Goldsmith, Oliver — English Men of Letters 88 Gordon, Chinese 109 Gray, Thomas — English Men oj Letters 8 Greeley, Horace to Greeley — Recollections of a Busy Fife 200 Greene, General — Great Commanders 191 Haydn — Biographies of Musicians. 138 Hamilton, Alexander — American Statesmen 204 Hancock, General — Great Commanders 130 Hannibal — Heroes of Nations 226 * Hannibal, the Carthaginian 58 Henry, Patrick 146 Henry, Patrick — American Statesmen 238 * Henry IV 137 Henry of Navarre — Heroes of Nations 220 * Hortense, Qeeen 207 Irving, Washington — American Men of Letters Chas. D. Warner William Black Forbes Edmund Gosse James Parton Horace Greeley Francis V. Greene Nohl Henry Cabot Fodge Walker Morris Jacob Abbott William Wirt Tyler Jacob Abbott Willert Jacob Abbott 257 Irving, Fife and Fetters Vol. I 258 ,f Vol. II 259 “ Vol. III. 150 Jackson, Andrew —American Statesmen 131 Jeanne D’Arc — Heroes of Nations 155 Jefferson, Thomas — American Statesmen 37 Johnson, Samuel 67 * Jones, Paul — American Pioneers and Patriots 228 * Josephine, Empress 120 Keats, John — English Men of Letters 69 * Kidd, Captain — Am. Pioneers and Patriots 162 Famb, Mary — Famous Women 5 * Fa Salle, Chevalier — Am. Pion's andPaVts 23 Fathrop, Mary T. — Fife and Fetters 11 * Fincoln Abraham Washington Irving Sumner Mrs. Oliphant John T. Morse, Jr. Boswell John S. C. Abbott Jacob Abbott Colvin John S. C. Abbott Gilchrist John. S. C. Abbott Mary T. Fathrop Carleton Coffin ST. JOSEPH , MICHIGAN. 140 Lincoln, Abraham Vol. 1 — Am. Statesmen 141 “ Vol. II 34 Lincoln and Johnson 189 Liszt — Biographies of Musicians 18 Longfellow, Henry W. Vol. I 19 “ Vol. II 20 Longfellow, Henry W. — Final Memorials 2 Lovejoy, Martyrdom of 36 Lowell, James R. 252 Luther, Martin 38 Macauly — Life and Letters 1 14 Macauly — English Men of Letters 175 Madison, Dolly — Colonial Women 156 Madison, James — American Statesmen 239 * Margaret of Anjou 245 * Mary Queen of Scots 246 * Mary Queen of Scots ( duplicate ) 143 Marshall, John — American Statesmen 14 McClellan’s Own Story 128 Medici, Lorenzo de — Heroes of Nations 108 Milton, John — English Men of Letters 164 More, Hannah — Famous Women 1 93 Mozart — Biographies of Musicians 154 Monroe, James — American Statesmen 1 Napoleon, Bonaparte 31 Napoleon the First 61 Napoleon and His Marshals Vol. I 62 “ Vol. II 82 Napoleon, Louis 84 Napoleon and Mary Louise 85 Napoleon and His Russian Campaign 136 Nelson, Horatio — Heroes of Nations 230 * Nero 71 * Penn, William — Am. Pioneers and Patriots 132 Pericles — Heroes of Nations 3 Peter the Great Vol. I 4 “ “ Vol. II John. T. Morse, Jr. W. O. Stoddard Nohl Samuel Longfellow Tanner Brown Bunsen Trevelyan Morison Maud W. Goodwin Gay Jacob Abbott Jacob Abbott Magruder George B. McClellan Armstrong Pattison Charlotte Yonge Nohl Gilman Tarbell Seeley J. T. Headley Schmucker Durand Count L. Tolstoi W. Clark Russell Jacob Abbott John S. C. Abbott Evelyn Abbot Schuyler 233 * Peter the Great 79 Phelps— Chapters from a Life 234 * Phillipe, Louis 33 Phillips, Wendell 173 Pinckney, Eliza — Colonial Women 214 Poe, Edgar Allen — American Men of Letters. 1 19 Pope, Alexander — English Men of Letters 206 Porter, Admiral — Great Commanders 235 * Pyrrhus 16 1 Rachel — Famous Women 159 Randolph, John — American Statesmen 229 227 241 218 219 236 Jacob Abbott Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Jacob Abbott Austin Harriet H. Ravenel Woodberry Stephen James R. Soley Jacob Abbott Kennard Adams Jacob Abbott Richard I. Richard II. Richard III. Roland, Madame Roland, Madame ( Duplicate ) Romulus 123 Saladin — Heroes of Nations Lane-Poole 1 17 Scott, Sir Walter — English Men of Letters Hutton 202 Scott, General Winfield — Great Commanders Wright 171 Schuyler, Catherine — Colonial Women Mary G. Humphries 144 Seward, William H. — American Statesmen Scr. Lathrop 103 Shelley, Percy Bysshe — English Men of Letters Symonds H CITY SCHOOL LIBRARY , 94 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley — Eng. Men of Letters Mrs. Oliphant 203 Sheridan, General Philip — Great Commanders Davies 21 Sherman’s Memoirs Vol. 1 W. T. Sherman 22 ,, “ Vol II P. 170 Siddons, Mrs. — Famous Women 126 Sidney, Sir Philip — Heroes of Nations hi Southey, Robert — English Men of Letters 95 Spenser, Edmund “ “ “ 168 Stael, Madame de — Famous Women 64 * Standish, Miles — Am. Pioneers and Patriots 149 Stevens, Thaddeus — American Statesmen 15 Stowe, Harriet Beecher 54 Sumner, Charles 97 Swift, Dean — English Men of Letters 32 Taylor, Bayard no Thackeray, William M. — English Men of Letters 201 Thomas, General Geo. H. — Great Commanders 208 Thoreau, Henry D. — American Men of Letters 217 Tolstoi, Count L. N. 187 Tyndall, William 15 1 Van Buren, Martin — American Statesman 51 Victoria, Queen 190 Wagner — Biographies of Musicians 172 Warren, Mercy — Colonial Women 86 Washington, George 27 Washington, George 176 Washington, Martha — Colonial Woman 250 * Washington, George 30 Webster, Daniel 145 Webster, Daniel- 166 Wesley, Susanna 216 Whitman, Walt 35 Whittier, John Greenleaf 81 William the Silent 222 * William the Conqueror 248 * William the Conquerer ( duplicate ) 210 Willis, Nathaniel Parker — American Men of Letters Beers 174 Winthrop, Margaret — Colonial Women Alice Morse Earle 1 13 Wordsworth, William — English Men of Letters Myers American Statesmen -Famous Women Kennard Bourne Edward Dowden R. W. Church Duffy John S. C. Abbott McCall Chas. E. Stowe Chaplin Stephen Conwell Trollope Coppe Sanborn A. Sergyeenko Charles Tylor Shepard Grace Greenwood Nohl Alice Brown Washington Irving Wilson Anne H. Wharton John S. C. Abbott Tefft W. C. Lodge Clarke John Burroughs Underwood Barret Jacob Abbott 134 Wycliffe, John — Heroes of Nations 188 Wycliffe, John — Tares and Wheat 240 * Xerxes the Great Sergeant Charles Taylor Jacob Abbott ST. JOSEPH , MICHIGAN. 1 5 CASE III.— TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION, 1 Around the World with Great Voyagers 2 * Story of Ida Pfiefter 3 * Euphrates and Tigris 31 * Rollo on the Atlantic 32 * Rollo in Paris Anon Jacob Abbott 33 * Rollo in Switzerland Rollo in Holland * Rollo on the Rhine * Rollo in Scotland * Rollo in Geneva * Rollo in Naples * Rollo in Rome * Rollo in London Laud of the Incas 61 Journey in Brazil 71 In Spain and Portugal A Nile Journey Historic Pilgrimages in New England Heart of Africa Peculiar People 41 Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove 61 Charicles — Private Life of Ancient Greeks 62 Gallus — Roman Scenes in Time of Augustus 71 Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains 81 * Around the World in a Sunbeam 91 Oxford — Historic Tozvns 101 Historic Incidents and Life in India hi Reindeer, Dogs, and Snowshoes 12 1 Wild Northland 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 51 81 3 21 3i W. H. Adams Louis Agassiz Hans Christian Andersen T. G. Appleton Edwin M. Bacon Samuel W. Baker William S. Balch William Baxter W. A. Becker Isabella Bird Lady Brassey Charles W. Boase J. A. Brainard Richard J. Bush W. F. Butler B 122 Wild Northland ( duplicate ) C 3 An American Four-in-Hand in Britain C 21 * Three Vassar Girls in Switzerland C 22 * Three Vassar Girls Abroad C 23 * Three Vassar Girls in South America C 31 * Our New Way Around the World C 41 Two Years in California C 51 Ave Roma Immortalis Vol. I C 52 “ Vol. II C 61 Howadji in Syria C 62 Nile Notes C 63 Nile Notes ( duplicate ) C 64 Potiphar Papers D 1 1 To Cuba and. Back D 12 Two Years Before the Mast D 21 About Paris D 22 Cuban and Puerto Rican Campaign D 31 Morocco and Its People D 32 Spain and the Spaniards D 33 Constantinople D 34 Military Life in Italy D 35 Holland and Its People D 51 Voyage of the Jeannette D 61 Girl in the Karpathians D 71 Tropical Afiica D 81 Land of the Midnight Sun Vol. I D 82 “ Vol. II D 83 My Apingi Kingdom D 84 Country of the Dwarfs D 85 Story of the Gorrilla Country E 11 Costumes of Colonial Times Andrew Carnegie Elizabeth W. Champney Carleton Coffin Mary Cone F. Marion Crawford < < George William Curtis Richard Henry Dana Richard Harding Davis < < Edward De Ainicis George W. DeLong Menie Muriel Dowie Henry Drummond Paul Du Chaillu Alice Morse Earle WWWBMWW«W****ttWMWW» 16 CITY SCHOOL LIBRARY , 12 Colonial Days in Old New York 13 Customs and Fashions in Old New England 14 Diary of Anna Green Winslow 1 5 Colonial Dames and Good wives 16 Home Fife in Colonial Days 31 Thousand Miles up the Nile 1 1 Fakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn 12 From Egypt to Japan 21 Spain and Morocco 31 Indian Battles and Adventures 11 Seven Spanish Cities 1 2 * Stories of Discovery 13 * “ “ Adventure 14 * “ “ War 15 * All the Way Round 16 * Adventures of a Young Naturalist 31 Our New Alaska 41 Studies in Russia 42 Walks in Rome 43 Walks in Fondop 44 Paris 61 Summer’s Outing 71 Dwellers in the Arctic Regions 81 * Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic 82 * Young Folks’ Book of American Explorers 83 * Java the Pearl of the East Our Hundred Days in Europe One Year Abroad Italian Journeys Glimpses of Three Coasts ( ‘ 'H. HR) 22 Bits of Travel 11 Tent Fife in Siberia 31 Eothen 41 Around the World Vol. I “ “ Vol. II * In the Rocky Mountains * Afar in the Forest * Wilds of Florida * Arctic Adventures 71 * World by the Fireside 91 Winchester — Historic Towns 101 * Boy Travelers on the Congo 102 * Boy Travelers in Northern Europe 103 * Boy Travelers in Great Britian and Ireland Alice Morse Earle 9i 101 hi 21 42 5 1 52 53 54 Amelia B. Edwards Henry M. Field i ( i i Henry T. Finck John Frost Edward Everett Hale Charles Hallock Augustus J. C. Hare Carter H. Harrison Dr. G. Hartwig T. W. Higginson Oliver W. Holmes Blanche W. Howard W. D. Howells Helen Hunt Jackson George Kennan Alexander W. Kinglake Calvin Kingsley W. H. G. Kingston Elizabeth Kirby G. W. Kitchin Thomas W. Knox 104 * Hunters Three 21 Boston — Historic Towns 31 Travels in the United States Vol. I 32 “ Vol. II 11 Social Fife in Greece 21 Opening the Oyster 31 Chinese 41 Teutonic Switzerland 42 Romance Switzerland 61 In the Fena Delta 71 Parsonage in India 91 Danites in the Sierras 92 Shadows of Shasta 101 * With the Trade Winds hi * Sporting Adventures in the Far West 121 Fake Champlain and Its Shores 11 In the Brush 31 Historic Towns of New Englaud 11 Across America Henry Cabot Fodge Charles Fyell J. P. Mahaffy Charles F. Marsh W. A. P. Martin W. D. McCrackan George W. Melville Mrs. Cornelia M’Fadden Joaquin Miller Ira Nelson Morris J. Mortimer Murphy W. H. H. Murray Hamilton W. Pierson Fyman P. Powell James F. Rusling ST. 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A B C C C C c c c c E F F F F H II H H H H K L L L L L M AMERICAN POETS. 1 Masque of Poets 31 Bryant’s Poems 21 City Festivals 22 City Legends 23 City Ballads 24 Farm Festivals 25 Farm Legends 26 Farm Ballads 27 Rhymes of Our Planet 41 Cary’s Poems 31 Emerson’s Poems 31 Little Book of Western Verse 32 Second Book of Western Verse 33 Love-Songs of Childhood 34 With Trumpet and Drum 21 Bitter-Sweet 22 Bitter-Sweet ( duplicate ) 23 Kathrina 24 Marble Prophecy and Others 31 Politicians and Other Poems 41 Holmes’ Poems 21 Ben King’ Verse 11 Larcom’s Poems 21 Longfellow’s Poems 22 Longfellow’s Poems ( duplicate ) 31 Lowell’s Poems 32 Heartsease and Rue 3T Muir’s Poems Anon William Cullen Bryant Will Carleton Alice and Phoebe Cary Ralph Waldo Emerson Eugene Field J. G. Holland H. W. Holley Oliver Wendell Holmes Ben King Lucy Larcom Henry W. Longfellow James Russell Lowell Henry D. 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