Community lutlbmgg a$ ffiar Jfflentortalg A series of bulletins published by the Bureau of Memorial Buildings of War Camp Community Service , 124 East 28th Street , New York , N.Y. Number 5 IQ19 ^Progress of Cl )t Memorial Putlfcing Jflobement Announcement The Bureau of Memorial Buildings is designed to serve as a clearing house of information and service in regard to planning, erecting and administering community houses, auditoriums, recrea¬ tion centers and other “living” memorials. The Bureau does not undertake to erect or finance memorials anywhere: but by means of bulletins, exhibits, speakers and personal advisory service, it is ready to aid architects and memorial committees. The National Committee on Memorial Buildings, established in January, 1919, to assist in the guidance of the nation-wide movement to erect community buildings as war memorials, has merged its activities with those of the Bureau. This committee, composed of one hundred representative men and women from all parts of the country, has become the Advisory Committee on Memorial Buildings of War Camp Community Service. The Bureau, through its Advisory Committee and through co¬ operation with national community service bodies, art and archi¬ tectural associations, etc., has brought together a large amount of expert opinion and knowledge concerning community buildings. This material is being published in the series of bulletins entitled “Community Buildings as War Memorials.” A list of these publica¬ tions appears on the back cover. 3tf. tiS A