THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT: 1924 WITH AMENDMENTS PRIOR TO JULY 3, 1926 An act to consolidate, codify, revise, and reenact the laws affecting the establishment of the United States Veterans’ Bureau and the administration of the War Risk Insurance Act, as amended, and the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, as amended ISSUED BY UNITED STATES VETERANS’ BUREAU WASHINGTON, D. G. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLIMOIS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE F, . -!■*: JS ' ■'. • *■ . • *1 . »/• ;*■•». . - ‘v . , 'r- , .' -^St' -^./i, 1. ., ••. i ^"^'i/-: •• ;■ - 'V '. > >>.. LV - t: '/. - T-t# •■''W^-v- ■ly. 'V' ‘H’'*''‘‘x:' ' -u. * **',- -vlira: :^s'd V « ■ '*■.* ^ c'/' ^•* ■ . ■ . L» . ■ • ' ^•rv ’'.■>^.:f*S"- T. vV'i * - « r* ** i T '\}** 'n' y i “ ■ s .* jHi * -*^1 = fc * >.^’ .'ii' V. - -- ■ ' * ’ 7 ^; * * 'V i * ^ ~ ^ \ ^ ^*1 •J^*; • X *. - • . t* ,f>; > Vf t 'I ‘ ’ ■'• 1 e - ' • ts*. s . - ; ■; ,* . i. . . -*• • '• ' ■ ‘ • . ', . 'til . ^ '^■- v:^ : ;-J :.; -v ^ .. ••.■;»,•^^-•’:! '’■ r- ' ■ . . - -■ 4! .'.v - • : 3^»\V :, ^-4 yf,V A' -i* * T? • • ' . A:-^ H '■" '' • 'VL '■, .*7-. T.'L V ■' < ' ■*<'- '■ T®' ■ . --i - „ -• - I.i._. - . -4 'N r;%' ■ -V © 4 ^ ■ yM > iS-iJ-W i' • t- 4 .^ ■ n - . r Ji I - ' • ^'^■ ■}• •■ r-.; • >.'• r' 3 tU'- i THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 [With Amendments Prior to 3, 1926] € Oo 4 Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of A'ineHca in Congress assembled. Title I.— General. Section 1. This Act may be cited as the “ World War Veterans’ Act, 1924.” Sec. 2. When used in this Act— The term “ bureau ” means the United States Veterans’ Bureau. The term “ director ” means the Director of the United States Veterans’ Bureau. Sec. 3. In Titles II, III, and IV of this Act unless the context otherwise requires— (1) The term “ child ” includes— (a) A legitimate child. (b) A child legally adopted. (c) A stepchild, if a member of the man’s household. (d) An illegitimate child, but, as to the father only, if acknowl¬ edged in writing signed by him, or if he has been judicially ordered or decreed to contribute to such child’s support, or has been judicially decreed to be the putative father of such child. (2) The term “ grandchild ” means a child as above defined of a child as above defined. (3) Except as used in section 300 the terms “child” and “grand¬ child” are limited to unmarried persons either (a) under eighteen years of age, or (b) of any age, if permanently incapable of self- support by reason of mental or physical defect. (4) The term “ parent ” includes a father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, father through adoption, mother through adoption, stepfather, and stepmother, either of the persons in the service or of the spouse. (5) The terms “father” and “mother” include stepfathers and stepmothers, fathers and mothers through adoption, and persons who have stood in loco parentis to a member of the military or naval forces at any time prior to his enlistment or induction for a period of not less than one year. (6) The terms “brother” and “sister” include brothers and sis¬ ters of the half blood as well as those of the whole blood, step¬ brothers and stepsisters, and brothers and sisters through adoption. (7) The terms “brother” and “sister” include the children of a person wlio, for a period of not less than one year, stood in loco parentis to a member of the military or naval forces of the United States at any time prior to his enlistment or induction, or another member of the same household as to whom such person during such period likewise stood in loco parentis. 2613°—26-1 h 56662 1 2 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 (8) The term “commissioned officer” includes a warrant officer, but includes only an officer in active service in the military or naval forces of the United States. (9) The terms “man” and “enlisted man” mean a person, whether male or female and Avhether enlisted, enrolled, or drafted into active service in the military or naval forces of the United States, and include noncommissioned and petty officers and members of training camps authorized by law. (10) The term “ enlistment ” includes voluntary enlistment, draft, and enrollment in actiA^e service in the military or naval forces of the United States. (11) The term “ injury ” includes disease. (12) The term “ pa}^ ” means the pay for service in the United States according to grade and length of service, excluding all allow¬ ances. (13) The term “military or naA^al forces” means the Army, the NaA^y, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Naval lieserA^es, the National NaA^al Volunteers, and any other branch of the United States serAuce Avhile serving pursuant to laAv Avith the Army or the NaAy. (14) The terms “Vforld War,” “during the period of the war,” and “ during the World War ” mean the period beginning April 6, 1917, and ending July 2, 1921. (15) The terms “date of termination of the war” and “termi¬ nation of the war ” mean July 2, 1921. Sec. 4. There is established an independent bureau under the President to be known as the United States Veterans’ Bureau, the director of which shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director of the United States Veterans’ Bureau shall receiA'e a salary of $12,000 per annum, payable monthly. There shall be included on the technical and administratiA^e staff of the director such staff officers, experts, inspectors, and assistants as the director shall prescribe; and there shall be in the United States Veterans’ Bureau such sections and subdiAusions thereof as the di¬ rector shall prescribe. With such exceptions as the President may deem advisable, all employees shall be subject to the civil-service law and regulations made thereunder. Sec. 5. The director, subject to the general direction of the President, shall administer, execute, and enforce the provisions of this Act, and for that purpose shall haA^e full power and authority to make rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the proAusions of this Act, which are necessary or appropriate to carry out its pur¬ poses, and shall decide all questions arising under this Act and all decisions of questions of fact affecting any claimant to the benelits of Titles II, III, or IV of this Act, shall be conclusiA^e except as otherAvise proAuded herein. All officers and employees of the bureau shall perform such duties as may be assigned them by the director. All official acts performed by such officers or employees specially designated therefor by the director shall have the same force and effect as though performed by the director in person. IVhereA^er under any provision or provisions of the Act regulations are directed or authorized to be made, such regulations, unless the context other¬ Avise requires, shall or may be made by the director. The director THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 3 shall adopt reasonable and proper rules to govern the procedure of the divisions and to regulate and provide for the nature and extent of the proofs and evidence and the method of taking and furnish¬ ing the same in order to establish the right to benefits of compensa¬ tion, insurance, vocational training or maintenance and support al¬ lowance provided for in this Act, the forms of application of those claiming to be entitled to such benefits, the methods of making in¬ vestigations and medical examinations, and the manner and form of adjudications and awards. Sec. 6 . That the bureau shall have the power, and it shall be its duty, to provide for the placement of rehabilitated persons in suita¬ ble or gainful occupations. The director is authorized and directed to utilize, with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, the facilities of the Department of Labor, in so far as may be practicable, in the placement of rehabilitated persons in suitable or gainful occupations. Sec. 7. The director shall establish a central office in the District of Columbia, and such regional offices and suboffices, not exceeding one hundred in number, within the territory of the United States and its outlying possessions as may be deemed necessary by him and in the best interests of the work committed to the Veterans’ Bureau and to carry out the purposes of this Act. Such regional offices and suboffices, may, subject to final action by the director in case of an appeal, and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the director, exercise such powers for hearing complaints and for examining, rating, and awarding compensation claims, granting medical, surgical, dental, and hospital care, convalescent care, and necessary and reasonable after care, granting vocational training and all other matters delegated to them, or some of them, by the director as could be performed lawfully under this Act by the cen¬ tral office. The director may abolish any regional offices or suboffices when in his judgment this may be done without detriment to the adminis¬ tration of this Act, and upon such termination all records and supplies pertaining thereto shall be delivered to the central office, or as the director shall otherwise prescribe. Sec. 8. That for the purposes of this Act the director, and such persons as the director may designate, shall have the power to issue subpoenas for and compel the attendance of witnesses within a radius of one hundred miles from the place of hearing, to require the pro¬ duction of books, papers, documents, and other evidence, to admin¬ ister oaths, and to examine witnesses 'upon any matter within the jurisdiction of the bureau. In case of disobedience to a subpoena the bureau may invoke the aid of any district court of the United States in requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of documentary evidence, and such court, within the jurisdiction of which the inquiry is carried on, may, in case of con¬ tumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena issued to any officer, agent, or- employee of any corporation or other person, issue an order requir¬ ing such corporation or other person to appear before the bureau or to give evidence touching tlie matter in question; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof. Any person so required to attend as a witness shall be allowed and paid the same fees and mileage as are paid witnesses in the district courts of the United States. 4 THE YfORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 For the purpose of this Act, the director is authorized to detail from time to time clerks or persons employed in the bureau to make examinations into the merits of compensation and insurance claims, whether pending or adjudicated, as he may deem proper, and to aid in the preparation, presentation, or examination of such claims; and any such person so detailed shall have power to administer oaths, take affidavits, and certify to the correctness of the papers and documents pertaining to the administration of this Act. Sec. 9. In addition to the services of the legal assistants employed by the bureau, the Director ma}’ require the opinion of the Attorney General on any questions of law arising in the administration of the bureau. Sec. 10. The director, subject to the general directions of the President, shall be responsible for the proper examination, medi¬ cal care, treatment, hospitalization, dispensary, and convalescent care necessary and reasonable aftercare, welfare of, nursing, voca¬ tional training, and such other services as may be necessary in the carrying out of the provisions of this Act, and for that purpose is hereby authorized, at the direction of the President or with the api^roval of the head of the department concerned, to utilize the now existing or future facilities of the United States Public Health Service, the War Department, the Navy Department, the Interior Department, the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers., and such other governmental facilities as may be made available for the purposes set forth in this Act; and such governmental agencies are hereby authorized to furnish €uch facilities, including personnel, equipment, medical, surgical, and hospital services and supplies as the director may deem necessary and advisable in carrying out the provisions of this Act, in addition to such governmental facilities as are hereby made available. When, in the opinion of the director, the facilities and services utilized for the hospitalization, medical care, and treatment for beneficiaries under this Act are unsatisfactory, the director shall make arrangements for the further hospitalization, care, and treat¬ ment of such beneficiaries by other means: Provided^ That the director is hereby authorized to hospitalize women veterans entitled to hospitalization under the provisions of this Act and amendments thereto, in other than Government hospitals. In the event that there are not sufficient and satisfactory Govern¬ ment hospital and out-patient dispensary facilities for the proper medical care and treatment of beneficiaries under this Act, and the director deems it necessary and advisable to improve existing facilities or to secure additional Government facilities, he may, within the limits of appropriations made for carrying out the provisions of this paragraph, alter, improve, or extend existing governmental facilities, or acquire additional facilities by purchase * or otherwise: Provided^ however^ That no alteration, improvement, or extension which will materially increase the bed capacity for patients of any hospital or institution shall be made, nor shall any new facilities be acquired without the approval of the President. Such new property and structures as may be improved, extended, or acquired shall become part of the permanent equipment of the United States Veterans’ Bureau or of some one of the now existing agencies of the Government, including the War Department, Navy THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 5 Department, Interior Department, Treasury Department, the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, in such way as will best serve the present emergency, taking into consideration the future services to be rendered the veterans of the World War, including the beneficiaries under this Act. In the event Government hospital facilities are insufficient or inadequate the director may contract with State, municipal, or, in exceptional cases, with private hospitals for such medical, surgical, and hospital services and supplies as may be required, and such contracts may be m^ade for a period of not exceeding three years and may be for the use of a ward or other hospital unit or on such other basis as may be in the best interest of the beneficiaries under this Act. There are hereby permanently transferred to the Veterans’Bureau all hospitals now or formerly under the jurisdiction of the Public Health Service or of the Treasury Department, the operation, man¬ agement, or control of which have heretofore been transferred by the President to said bureau pursuant to the authority contained in section 9 of the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to establish a Veterans’ Bureau and to improve the facilities and service of such bureau and further to amend and modify the War Risk Insurance Act,” approved August 9, 1921. Sec. 11. The director is hereby authorized to make such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary in order to promote good conduct on the part of persons who are receiving care or treat- m.ent in hospitals, homes, or institutions as patients or beneficiaries of said bureau during their stay in such hospitals, homes, institu¬ tions, or training centers. Penalties for the breach of such rules and regulations may, with the approval of the director, extend to a for¬ feiture by the offender of such portion of the compensation payable to him, not exceeding three-fourths of the monthly installment per month for three months, for a breach committed while receiving treatment in such hospital, home, institution, or training center as may be prescribed by such rules and regulations. Sec. 12. That the bureau is hereby authorized and empowered to receive, for purposes of benefits provided by Title IV hereof, such gifts and donations from either public or private sources as may be offered unconditionally. All moneys so received as gifts or donations shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States, and shall constitute a permanent fund, to be called the “Special fund for vocational reiiabilitation,” to be used under the direction of the said bureau in connection with the appropriations hereby made or hereafter to be made, to defray the expenses of providing and maintaining courses of vocational rehabilitation; and a full report of all gifts and donations offered and accepted and all disbursements therefrom shall be submitted annually to Congress by the director. Sec. 13. All sums heretofore appropriated for use by the Federal Board for Vocational Education as a revolving fund, not exceeding $500,000, may be used by the bureau as a revolving fund for the purpose of making advancement to persons commencing or undergo¬ ing training under Title IV hereof, such advancements to bear no interest and to be reimbursed in such installments as may be deter¬ mined by the director by proper deductions from the monthly main¬ tenance and support allowances allowed by this Act. 6 THE WORLD WAR \’ETEEAHS’ ACT, 1924 Sec. 14. That the director of the United States Veterans’ Bureau shall on the first Monday in December of each year file with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate a full and complete report of all activities of the United States Veterans’ Bureau, shovving in detail the number of claimants and the amount of compensation paid, tlie number of veterans of the various wars and expeditions receiving hospitalization and medical treatment, the number of dependents drawing compensation and the amount of such compensation, the number of persons holding and paying for Government life insurance, and a full and itemized statement of all moneys received and disbursed by the director, or any of his agents, for the preceding year. Sec. 15. All sums heretofore appropriated for carrying out the provisions of the VvAr Risk Insurance Act and amendments thereto and to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to pro¬ vide for vocational rehabilitation and return to civil employment of disabled persons discharged from the military or naval forces of the United States, and for other purposes,” approved June 27, 1918, and amendments thereto, and all sums heretofore appropriated foi carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to establish a Veterans’ Bureau and to improve the facilities and service of such bureau, and further to amend and modifv the War Risk Insurance Act,” approved August 9, 1921. and amendments thereto shall, where unexpended, be made available for the bureau and may be expended in such manner as the director deems necessary in carrying out the purposes of this Act. Sec. 16. All sums heretofore appropriated for the military and naval insurance appropriation and all premfiums collected for the yearl}^ renewable term insurance provided by the provisions of Title III deposited and covered into the Treasury to the credit of this appropriation, shall, where unexpended, be made available for the bureau. All premiums that may hereafter be collected for the yearly renewable term insurance provided by the provisions of Title III hereof shall be deposited and covered into the Treasury for the credit of this appropriation. Such sum including all premium pa\- ments is made available for the payment of the liabilities of the United States incurred under contracts of yearly renewable term insurance made under the provisions of Title III, including such liabilities as shall have been or shall hereafter be reduced to judg¬ ment in a district court of the United States or in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Pajunents from this appropriation shall be made upon and in accordance with the awards by the director. Sec. 17. That all premiums paid on account of insurance converted under the provisions of Title III hereof shall be deposited and cov¬ ered into the Treasury to the credit of the United States Government life insurance fund and shall be available for the payment of losses, dividends, refunds, and other benefits provided for under such in¬ surance, including such liabilities as shall have been or shall here¬ after be reduced to judgment in a district court of the United States or in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Pa5nnents from this fund shall be made upon and in accordance with awards by the director. THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 7 The bureau is authorized to set aside out of the fund so collected such reserve funds as may be required, under accepted actuarial principles, to meet all liabilities under such insurance; and the Sec¬ retary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to invest and reinvest the said United States Government life insurance fund, or any part thereof, in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or bonds of the Federal farm-loan banks and to sell said obligations of the United States or the bonds of the Federal farm-loan banks for the purposes of such fund. Sec, 18, That the Comptroller General of the United States is hereby authorized and directed to allow credit in the accounts of the disbursing clerk of the bureau for all payments of insurance install¬ ments hereafter made, without verification of the deduction on the pay rolls, of such premiums as maj^ have accrued prior to January 1, 1921, while the insured was in the service. Sec. 19. In the event of disagreement as to claim under a contract of insurance between the Bureau and any person or persons claiming thereunder an action on the claim may be brought against the United States either in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia or in the District Court of the United States in and for the district in which such persons or any one of them resides, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon such courts to hear and determine all such controversies. The procedure in such suits shall be the same as that provided in sections 5 and 6 of the Act entitled “ An Act to provide for the bringing of suits against the Government of the United States,” approved March 3, 1887, and section 10 thereof insofar as applicable. All persons having or claiming to have an interest in such insurance may be made parties to such siiit, and such as are not inhabitants of or found within the district An which suit is brought may be brought in by order of the court to be served personally or by publication or in such other reasonable manner as the court may direct. In all cases where the bureau acknowledges the indebtedness of the United States upon any such contract of insurance and there is a dispute as to the person or persons entitled to payment, a suit in the nature of a bill of interpleader may be brought by the bureau in the name of the United States against ail persons having or claiming to have any interest in such insurance in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia or in the district court in and for the district in which any of such claimants reside: Provided^ That not less than thirty days prior to instituting such suit the bureau shall mail a notice of such intention to each of the persons to be made parties to the suit. The circuit courts of appeal and the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia shall respec¬ tively exercise ap])ellate jurisdiction and, except as provided in sections 239 and 240 of the Judicial Code, the decrees of the circuit courts of appeal and the Court of Appeals of the District of Colum¬ bia shall be final. This section shall apply to all suits now pending against the United States under the provisions of the War Rusk Insurance Act as amended, or of the World War Veterans’ Act, 1924, and amendments thereto. Sec. 20. That for the purj)ose of this Act the marriage of the claimant to the person on account of whom the claim is made shall be shown by such testimony as the director may prescribe by regula¬ tions. 2613—26 - 2 8 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 Sec. 21. (1) That where any payment under this Act is to be made to a minor, other than a person in the military or naval forces of the United States, or to a person mentally incompetent, or under other legal disability adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction, such payment may be made to the person who is constituted guardian, curator, or conservator by the laws of the State of residence of claimant, or is otherwise legally vested wdth the care of the claimant or his estate: Provided., That as to cases arising in the District of Columbia where in the opinion of the director any guardian, curator, conservator, or other person is acting as fiduciary in such a number of cases as to make it impracticable to conserve properly the estates or to supervise the persons of the wards, the director is hereby authorized to refuse to make future payments in such number of cases as he may deem proper: Promded further., That prior to receipt of notice by the bureau that any such person is under such other legal disability adjudged by some court of competent juris¬ diction, payment may be made to such person direct: Promded further., That for the purpose of payments of benefits under Title II hereof, where no guardian, curator, or conservator of the person under a legal disability has been appointed under the laws of the State of residence of the claimant, the director shall d.etermine the person who is otherwise legally vested with the care of the claimant or his estate. (2) Whenever it appears that any guardian, curator, conservator, or other person is not in the opinion of the director properly executing the duties of his trust or has colleeted or is attempting to collect fees, commissions, or allowances that are inequitable or are in excess of those allowed by law for the duties performed or expenses incurred, or has failed to make such payments as may be necessary for the benefit of the ward or the dependents of the ward, then and in that event the director is hereby empowered by his duly authorized attorney to appear in the court which has ai>pointed such fiduciary and make proper presentation of such matters to the court: Provided., That the director in his discretion may suspend payments to any such guardian, curator, conservator, or other person who shall neglect or refuse, after reasonable notice, to render an account to the director from time to time shownng the application of such payments for the benefit of such minor or incompetent beneficiary. Authority is hereby granted for the payment of any court or other expenses incident to any investigation or court proceeding for the ai^pointment or removal of any guardian, curator, conservator, or other person legally vested with the care of the claimant or his estate, or in connection with the administration of such estates by such fiduciaries, when such payment is authorized by the director. Sec. 22. That the compensation, insurance, and maintenance and support allowance payable under Titles II, III, and IV, respec¬ tively, shall not be assignable; shall not be subject to the claims of creditors of any person to whom an award is made under Titles II, III, or IV; and shall be exempt from all taxation: Provided., That such compensation, insurance, and maintenance and support allow¬ ance shall be subject to any claims which the United States may have, under Titles II, III^ IV, and V, against the person on whose THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 9 account the compensation, insurance, or maintenance and support allowance is payable. That the provisions of this section shall not be construed to pro¬ hibit the assignment by any person to whom converted insurance shall be payable under Title III of such Act of his interest in such insurance to any other member of the permitted class of beneficiaries. Sec. 23 . The discharge or dismissal of any person from the military or naval forces on the ground that he was guilty of mutiny, treason, spying, or any offense involving moral turpitude, or willful and persistent misconduct, of which he was found guilty by a court- martial, or that he was an alien, conscientious objector who refused to perform military duty or refused to wear the uniform, or a deserter, shall bar all rights to any compensation under Title II, or any training, or any maintenance and support allowance under Title IV: Provided^ That this section shall not apply to an alien who volunteered or who was drafted into or who served in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States during the IVorld War, who was discharged subsequent to November 11, 1918, or who was not discharged from the service on or prior to November 11, 1918, on his own application or solicitation by reason of his being an alien, and whose service was honest and faithful: Provided f urther^ That in case any person has been discharged or dismissed from the military or naval forces as a result of a court-martial trial, and it is thereafter established to the satisfaction of the director that at the time of the commission of the offense resulting in such court-martial trial and discharge such person was insane, such person shall be entitled to the compensation and vocational training benefits under Titles II and IV hereof: Provided, further^ That discharge or dismissal or finding of guilt for any of the offenses specified in this section shall not affect the payment of compensation or maintenance and support allowance for disabilities incurred in or aggravated by service in any prior or subsequent enlistment: Provided further^ That no compensation or insurance shall be payable for death inflicted as a lawful punishment for crime or military offense, except when inflicted by the enemy: Provided^ That as to converted insurance the cash surrender value hereof, if any, on the date of such death shall be paid to the designated beneficiary if living, or if there be no designated beneficiary alive at the death of the insured the said value shall be paid to the estate of the insured: Provided further^ That the discharge of a person for having concealed the fact that he was a minor at the time of his enlistment shall not bar him from the benefits of this Act if his service was otherwise honorable: Provided further^ That this section, shall be deemed to be in effect as of April (), 1917, and the director is hereby authorized and directed to make provision by bureau regulation for payment of any insurance clahn or adjustment in insurance premium account of any insurance contract which would not now be affected by this section as amended. Sec. 24. That if after induction by the local draft board, or after being called into Federal seiwice as a member of the National Guard, but before being accepted and enrolled for active service, the person died or became disabled as a result of disease contracted or injuiy suffered in the line of duty and not due to his own willful mis¬ conduct involving moral turpitude, or as a result of the aggrava¬ tion, in the line of duty and not because of his own willful 10 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, l&SI misconduct involving moral turpitude, of an existing disease or injur}^, he or those entitled thereto shall receive the benefits of compensation i^ayable under Title II; and any insurance applica¬ tion made by such person after induction by the local draft board but before being accepted and enrolled for active service shall be deemed valid. Sec. 25. Any person who between the 6th day of April, 1917, and the 11th day of November, 1918, applied for enlistment or enrollment in the military or naval forces, and who was accepted provisionally and directed or ordered to a camp, post, station, or other place for final acceptance into such service, shall be deemed to have the same status as an inducted man not yet accepted and enrolled for active service during the period while such person was complying with such order or direction, and during such compliance, and until his final acceptance or rejection for enlistment or enroll¬ ment into the military or naval forces, shall be entitled to the same benefits under Titles II and III hereof as an inducted man not yet accepted and enrolled for active service. Sec. 26. That the amount of the monthly installments of com¬ pensation, yearly renewable term insurance, or accrued maintenance and support allowance which has become payable under the pro¬ visions of Titles II, III, or lY hereof, but which has not been paid prior to the death of the person entitled to receive the same, may be pa^^able to the personal representatives of such perspn, or in the absence of a duly appointed legal representative where the combined amounts payable are $1,000 or less, the director shall allow and pay such sum to such person or persons as would under the laws of the State of residence of the decedent be entitled to his personal property in case of intestacy: Provided^ That in cases where the estate of the decedent would escheat under the laws of the place of his residence, such installments shall not be paid to the estate of the decedent but shall escheat to the United States and shall be credited to the appropriation from which the original award was made. Sec. 27. That all payments of compensation and insurance hereto¬ fore made pursuant to a regulation permitting permanent and total disability to be presumed from hospitalization or ratings of less than permanent total disability shall be deemed valid and no re¬ covery thereof shall be made: Provided^ That nothing herein shall operate to validate insurance not in force on the date an award thereof was approved, except where premiums haAX been thereafter accepted. Sec. 28. There shall be no recovery of payinents from any beneficiary who, in the judgment of the director, is without fault on his part, and where, in the judgment of the director, such recov¬ ery would defeat the purpose of benefits otherwise authorized or would be against equity and good conscience. When under the provisions of this section the recovery of a pavment made from the United States Gcveriiment life insurance fund is waived, the United States Government life insurance fund shall be reimbursed for the amount involved from the current appro¬ priation for military and naval insurance. Sec. 29. The director is authorized, in his discretion, to sell, lease, or exchange surplus equipment, supplies, products, or waste mate- THE WOELD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 11 rials belonging to the bureau or any of its plants or institutions; and to lease for a term, not exceeding three years, lands or buildings, or parts or parcels thereof, belonging to the United States and under the control of the bureau. The net proceeds of all such sales, leases, or exchanges shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. Sec. 30. That all files, records, reports, and other papers and docu¬ ments pertaining to any claim for the benefits of this Act, whether pending or adjudicated, shall be deemed confidential and privileged and no disclosure thereof shall be made except as follows: (a) To a claimant or his duly authorized representative, as to matters concerning himself alone, wdien in the judgment of the director such disclosure would not be injurious to the physical or mental health of the claimant; (b) Where required by the process of a United States court to be produced in any suit or proceeding therein pending; or when such production is deemed by the director to be necessary in any suit or proceeding brought under the provisions of this Act; (c) In all proceedings in the nature of an inquest into the mental competency of a claimant, and in all other judicial proceedings, when in the judgment of the director such disclosure is deemed necessary and proper; (d) The amount of compensation or training allowance of any beneficiary shall be made known to any person who applies for such information. Wherever the production of a file, record, report, or other docu¬ ment is required or permitted by this section a certified copy thereof may be produced in lieu of the original, and such certified copy shall be received in evidence with like force and effect as the original. Sec. 31. The Veterans’ Bureau shall, under regulations to be prescribed by the director, reimburse beneficiaries hospitalized or v/ho have been hospitalized in Veterans’ Bureau hospitals for any loss of personal effects heretofore or hereafter sustained by fire while such effects are or were stored in designated locations in Veterans’ Bureau hospitals. Sec. 32. Payment may be made for official telephone service and rental in the field wherever incurred in case of official telephones for medical officers of the Bureau where such teiephones are installed in private residences or private apartments or quarters when authorized under regulations established by the director. Sec. 33. The director, in his discretion, may provide courses of instruction for the professional personnel of the bureau and may detail employees to attend the same, and may detail not more than 2 per centum of such professional personnel to attend professional coui’ses conducted by other than bureau agencies, and such employees in addition to their salaries shall be entitled to the payment of expenses incident to such detail, including transportation: Provided^ hov'ever^ That travel or instruction outside the continental limits of the United States shall not be authorized under this section. Title II.— Compensation and Treatment. Sec. 200. For death or disability resulting from personal injury suffered or disease contracted in the military or naval service on or after April 6, 1917, and before July 2, 1921, or for an aggravation 12 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 or recurrence of a disability existing prior to examination, accept¬ ance, and enrollment for service, when such aggravation was sulfered or contracted in, or such recurrence was caused by, the military or naval service on or after April 6, 1917, and before July 2, 1921, by any commissioned officer or enlisted man, or by any member of the Army Nurse Corps (female), or of the Navy Nurse Corps (female), when employed in the active service under the Yv ar Department or Nav}^ Department, the United States shall pay to such commissioned officer or enlisted man, member of the Army Nurse Corps (female), or of the Navy Nurse Corps (female), or women citizens of the United States who were taken from the United States by the United States Government and who served in base hospitals overseas, or, in the discretion of the director, separately to his or her dependents, compensation as hereinafter provided; but no compensation shall be paid if the injury, disease, aggravation, or recurrence has been caused by his own willful misconduct: Provided^ That no person suffering from paral 3 'sis, paresis, or blindness shall be denied coin- pensation by reason of willful misconduct, nor shall any person who is helpless or bedridden as a result of any disability be denied com¬ pensation by reason of willful misconduct. That for the purposes of this Act every such officer, enlisted man, or other member employed in the active service under the War Department or Navy Department who vras discharged or who resigned prior to July 2, 1921, and every such officer, enlisted man, or other member emplo 3 ^ed in the active service under the War Department or Navy Department on or before November 11, 1918, who on or after July 2, 1921, is discharged or resigns, shall be conclusively held and taken to have been in sound condition when examined, accepted, and enrolled for service, except as to defects, disorders, or infirmities made of record in any manner by proper authorities of the United States at the time of, or prior to, inception of active service, to the extent to which any such defect, disorder, or infirmit 3 ^ was so made of record: Provided^ That an ex-service man who is shown to have or, if deceased, to have had, prior to January 1, 1925, neurops 3 Uni- atric disease and spinal meningitis, an active tuberculosis disease, paral 3 "sis agitans, encephalitis lethargica, or amoebic dysentery developing a 10 per centum degree of disability or more in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (4) of section 202 of this Act, shall be presumed to have acquired his disability in such service between April 6, 1917, and July 2, 1921, or to have suffered an aggravation of a preexisting neuropsychiatric disease and spinal meningitis, tuberculosis, paralysis agitans, encephalitis lethargica, or amoebic dysentery in such service between said dates, and said presumption shall be conclusive in cases of active tubercu¬ losis disease and spinal meningitis, but in all other cases said presumption shall be rebuttable by clear and convincing evidence; but nothing in this proviso shall be construed to prevent a claimant from receiving the benefits of compensation and medical care and treatment for a disability due to these diseases of more than 10 per centum degree (in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (4) of section 202 of this act) on or subsequent to Januar 3 ^ 1, 1925, if the facts in the case substantiate his claim. Sec. 201. That if death results from injury— THE WORLD WAR VETERANS^ ACT, 1924 13 If the deceased leaves a widow or child, or if he leaves a mother or father either or both dependent upon him for support, the monthly compensation shall be the following amounts: (a) If there is a Avidow but no child, $30. (b) If there is a widow and one child, $40, with $G for each additional child. (c) If there is no widow, but one child, $20. (d) If there is no widow, but two children, $30. (e) If there is no Avidow, but three children, $40, with $5 for each additional child. (f) If there is a dependent mother (or dependent father), $20, or both, $30. The amount payable under this subdivision shall not exceed the difference betAveen the total amount payable to the widow and children and the sum of $75. Such compensation shall be payable, Avhether the dependency of the father or mother or both arises before or after the death of the person, but no compensation shall be payable if the dependency arises more than five years after the death of the person. (1) If death occur or shall liaA^e occurred subsequent to April 6, 1917, and before discharge or resignation from the service, the United States Veterans’ Bureau shall pay for burial and funeral expenses and the return of body to his home a sum not to exceed $100, as may be fixed by regulation. Where a veteran of any war, including those Avomen AAdio serA^ed as Army nurses under contracts between April 21, 1898, and February 2, 1901, Avho was not dishonorably discharged, dies after discharge or resignation from the service and does not leaA^e assets which, in the judgment of the director, should be applied to meet the expenses of burial and funeral and the transportation of the body (the decision of the director to be binding for all purposes), the United States Veterans’ Bureau shall pay the following sums: For a flag to drape the casket, and after burial to be giA^en to the next of kin of the deceased, a sum not exceeding $7; also, for burial and funeral expenses and the transportation of the body (including preparation of the body) to the place of burial, a sum not exceeding $100 to cover such items and to be paid to such person or persons as may be fixed by regulations: Provided^ That when such person dies Avhile receiving from the bureau compensation or A’ocatlonal training, tlie above benefits shall be payable in all cases: Provided further^ That where such person, while receiving from the bureau medical, surgical, or hospital treatment, or Amcation- al training, dies aAvay from home and at the place to which he was ordered by the bureau, or Avhile traveling under orders of the bu¬ reau, the above benefits shall be pa^^able in all cases and in addition thereto the actual and necessary cost of the transportation of the body of the person (including preparation of the body) to the place of burial, within the continental limits of the United States, its Terri¬ tories, or possessions, and including also, in the discretion of the director, the actual and necessary cost of transportation of an attendant: And 'provided fu'rther^ That no accrued pension, compen¬ sation, or insurance due at the time of death shall be deducted from the sum alloAved. (2) The payment of cojnpensation to a Avidow shall continue until her death or remarriage, and the ])ayment of compensation to a parent shall continue to the death of such parent. 14 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 (3) The payment of compensation to or for a child shall continue until such child reaches the age of eighteen ^^ears or marries, or if such child be jDermanentiy incapable of self-support by reason of mental or ph 3 ^sical defect, then during such incapacity. (4) Whenever the compensation pa 3 'able to or for the benefit of any person under the provisions of this section is terminated by the happening of the contingenc}^ upon which it is limited, the compensation thereafter for the remaining beneficiary or benefici¬ aries, if any, shall be the amount which would have been payable to them if they had been the sole original beneficiaries. (5) As between the widow and the children not in her custody, and as between children, the amount of compensation shall be apportioned as ma}^ be prescribed by regulation. (6) The term ‘‘widow,” as used in this section, shall not.include one who shall have married the deceased later than ten years after July 2, 1921, and shall include widower, whenever his condition is such that if the deceased person Vv^ere living he would have been dependent upon her for support. (7) That this section shall be deelned to be in effect as of April 6, 1917: Provided^ however^ That the receipt of a gratuity, pension, or compensation, including adjusted compensation, by wddow, child, or parent, on account of the death, disability, or service of any person shall not bar the pa 3 mient of compensation on account of the death or disability of any other person: Provided^ That before compensation under this section shall be paid the claimant shall first surrender all claim to any gratuity or pension pa 3 ^able under any other law on account of the death of the same person: Provided further^ That no changes in rates or compensation made by this Act shall be retroactive in effect. Sec. 202. That if disabilit 3 ^ results from the injury— (1) If and while the disability is rated as total and temporary, the monthly compensation shall be the following amounts, pa 3 ^able monthly or semimonthly as the director ma 3 ‘ priori be: (a) If the disabled person has neither ^vife nor child living, $80. (b) If he has a wife but no child living, $90. (c) If he has a wife and one child living, $95, and $5 for each additional child. (d) If he has no wife and one child living, $90, with $5 for each additional child. (e) If he has a mother or father, either or both dependent on him for support, then, in addition to the above amounts, $10 for each parent so dependent. (2) If and while the disability is rated as partial and temporary, the monthly compensation shall be a percentage of the compensation that would be pa 3 "able for his total and temporary disability, equal to the degree of the reduction in earning capacity resulting from the disability, but no compensation shall be payable for a reduction in earning capacit 3 ^ rated at less than 10 per centum. That an 3 " ex-service man shown to have had a tubercular disease of compensable degree, and who has been hosj^italized for a period of one 3 'ear, and who in the judgment of the director has reached a condition of complete arrest of his disease, and who shall be dis¬ charged from further hospitalization, shall be rated as temporarily THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 15 totally disabled, and such rating shall not be decreased within a period of six months. (3) If and while the disability is rated as total and permanent, the rate of compensation shall be $100 per month: Provided^ how¬ ever^ That the permanent loss of the use of both feet, or both hands, or of both eyes, or of one foot and one hand, or of one foot and one eye, or of one hand and one eye, or the loss of hearing of both ears, or the organic loss of speech, or becoming permanently helpless or permanently bedridden, shall be deemed to be total, permanent dis¬ ability: Provided further^ That the compensation for the loss of the use of both eyes shall be $150 per month, and that compensation for the loss of the use of both eves and one or more limbs shall be $200 per month: Provided further^ That for double total, per¬ manent disability the rate of compensation shall be $200 per month. That any ex-service man shown to have a tuberculous disease of compensable degree, and who has been hospitalized for a period of one year, and who in the judgment of the director will not reach a condition of arrest by further hospitalization, and whose discharge from hospitalization will not be prejudicial to the beneficiary or his family, and who is not, in the judgment of the director, feasible for training, shall, upon his request, be discharged from hospitalization and rated as temporarily totally disabled, said rating to continue for the period of three 3 ^ears: Provided^ however^ That nothing in this subdivision shall deny the beneficiary the right, upon presentation of satisfactory evidence, to be adjudged to be permanent^ and totally disabled: Provided further^ That in addition to the compen¬ sation above provided, the injured person shall be furnished by the United States such reasonable governmental medical, surgical, and hospital services, including payment of court costs and other expenses incident to proceedings heretofore or hereafter taken for commit¬ ment of mentally" incompetent persons to hospitals for care and treatment of the insane, anvd shall be furnished with such supplies, including wheel chairs, artificial limbs, trusses, and similar appli¬ ances, as the director ma}^ determine to be useful and reasonably necessar}’^, which wheel chairs, artificial limbs, trusses, and similar appliances may be procured by the bureau in such manner, either by purchase or manufacture, as the director may determine to be advantageoas and reasonably necessary: Provided^ That nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the necessary military control over an}^ member of the Militar}^ or Naval Establishments before he shall have been discharged from the military or naval service: Pro¬ vided further^ That where any person entitled to the benefits of this paragraph has heretofore been hospitalized in a State institution, the United States Veterans’ Bureau is herebv authorized to reimburse such person, or his estate, where payment has been made to the State out of the funds of such person, or to reimburse the State or an^' subdivision thereof where no pa^unent has been made for the reasonable cost of such services from the date of admission. (4) If and while the disability is rated as partial and permanent, the monthly" compensation shall be a percentage of the compensation that would be pa^^able for his total and permanent disability eijual to the degree of the reduction in earning capacity" resulting from 2G13—2G-3 16 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 the disability, but no compensation shall be payable for a reduction in earning capacity rated at less than 10 per centum. A schedule of ratings of reductions in earning capacity from in¬ juries or combinations of injuries shall be adopted and applied by the bureau. Ratings may be as high as 100 per centum. The rat¬ ings shall be based, as far as practicable, upon the average impair¬ ments of earning capacity resulting from such injuries in civil occupations similar to the occupation of the injured man at the time of enlistment and not upon the impairment in earning capacity in each individual case, so that there shall be no reduction in the rate of compensation for individual success in overcoming the handicap of an injury. The bureau in adopting the schedule of ratings of reduction in earning capacity shall consider the impairment in ability to secure employment Avhich results from such injuries. The bureau shall from time to time readjust this schedule of ratings whenever actual experience shall show that it is unjust to the dis¬ abled veteran. (5) If the disabled person is so helpless as to be in constant need of a nurse or attendant, such additional sum shall be paid, but not exceeding $50 per month, as the director may deem reasonable, (6) In addition to the compensation above provided, the injured person shall be furnished by the United States Veterans’ Bureau such reasonable governmental cafe or medical, surgical, dental, and hospital services, including payment of court costs and other expenses incident to proceedings heretofore or hereafter taken for the commitment of mentally incompetent persons to institutions for the care or treatment of the insane, and shall be furnished with such supplies including dental appliances, wheel chairs, artificial limbs, trusses, and similar appliances, including special clothing made necessary by the wearing of prosthetic appliances prescribed by the bureau, as the director may determine to be useful and reasonably necessary, wRich dental appliances, wReel chairs, artificial limbs, trusses, special clothing, and similar appliances may be procured by the bureau in such manner, either by purchase or manufacture, as the director may determine to be advantageous and reasonably necessary: Provided^ That nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the necessary military control over any member of the Mili¬ tary or Naval Establishments before he shall have been discharged from the military or naval service. (7) lAHiere any disabled person having neither wife, child, nor dependent parent shall, after July 1, 1924, have be*en maintained by the Government of the United States for a period or periods amount¬ ing to six months in an institution or institutions, and shall be deemed b}^ the director to be insane, the compensation for such person shall thereafter be $20 per month so long as he shall there¬ after be maintained by the bureau in an institution; and such com¬ pensation may, in the discretion of the director, be paid to the chief officer of said institution to be used for the benefit of such person : Provided^ however^ That if such person shall recover his reason and shall be discharged from such institution as competent, such addi¬ tional sum shall be paid him as would equal the total sum by wRich his compensation has been reduced through the provisions of this subdivision. THE WOELD WAE VETERANS^ ACT, 1924 17 All or any part of the compensation, of any mentally incompetent inmate of an institution, may, in the discretion of the director, be paid to the chief officer of said institution to be properly accounted for and to be used for the benefit of such inmate, or may, in the discretion of the director, be apportioned to wife, child, or children, or dependent parents, in accordance with regulations. That any ex-service person shown to have had a tuberculous disease of a compensable degree, who in the judgment of the director has reached a condition of complete arrest of his disease, shall receive compensation of not less than $50 per month; Provided^ however^ That nothing in this provision shall deny a beneficiary the right to receive a temporary total rating for six months after discharge from a one year\s period of hospitalization: Provided further^ That no payments under this provision shall be retroactive and the payments hereunder shall commence from the date of the passage of this Act or the date the disease reaches a condition of arrest, Vvhichever be the later date. After June 30, 1927, the monthlv rate of comnensation for all veterans (other than those totally and permanently disabled), vdio are being maintained by the bureau in an institution of any descrip¬ tion, aiivd Vvdio are witliout wife, child, or dependent parents, shall not exceed $40. (8) The director shall prescribe by regulation the conditions and limitations whereby ail patients or beneficiaries of the bureau who are receiving treatment through the bureau as patients in a hospital may allot any proportion or proportions or any fixed amount or amounts of their monthly compensation for such purposes and for the benefit of such person or persons as they may direct. In case such patient has not allotted three-fourths of his monthly compensation and in case the director shall find that by gross dis¬ sipation he is retarding his own progress to recovery, then regulations to be made by the director may provide that (except in the case of neuropsychiatric patients who are within the terms of the first paragraph of subdivision (7) hereof) any unallotted portion of such three-fourths compensation shall be deposited to the patients’ credit with the Treasurer of the United States to accumulate at such rate of interest as the Secretarv of the Treasury mav determine but at a rate never than 3^ per centum per annum, and when such patient shall be discharged by the bureau from hospital care, the said deposit and interest shall be paid to such patient if living, otherwise to any beneficiary or beneficiaries he may have designated, or if there be no such beneficiary, then to the executor or adminis¬ trator of the estate of such deceased person: Pro vided^ That this paragraph shall not be so construed as to prevent payment by the bureau from the amounts due to the decedent’s estate of his funeral expenses, expenses of last illness, board, rent, lodging, or other household expenses for which the decedent is liable, provided a claim therefor is presented by the creditors or by the person or persons who actually paid the same before settlement by the bureau. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to invest and reinvest the said allotments deposited with him, or any part thereof, in interest-bearing obligations of the United States and to sell the obligations for the purposes of said funds. 18 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 : (9) In addition to the care, treatment, and appliances now authorized by law, said bureau shall also provide, without charge therefor, hospital, dental, medical, surgical, and convalescent care and treatment and prosthetic appliances (including such dental appliances as may be found reasonably necessary by the director) for any member of the military or naval forces of the United States, not dishonorably discharged, disabled by reason of any wound or injury received or disease contracted, or by reason of any aggrava¬ tion of a preexisting injury or disease, specifically noted at examina¬ tion for entrance into or employment in the active military or naval service while in the active military or naval service of the United States on or after April 6, 1917, and before July 2, 1921: Provided^ That the wound or injury received or disease contracted or aggrava¬ tion of a preexisting injury or disease, for which such hospital, dental, medical, surgical, and convalescent care and treatment and prosthetic appliances (including such dental appliances as may be found reasonably necessary by the director) shall be furnished, was incurred in the military or naval service and not caused by his own willful misconduct: Provided^ That where a beneficiary of the bureau suffers or has suffered an injury or contracted a disease in service entitling him to the benefits of this subdivision, and an emergency develops or has developed requiring immediate treatment or hospi¬ talization on account of such injury or disease, and no bureau facilities are or were then feasibly available and in the judgment of the director delay would be or would have been hazardous, the director is authorized to reimburse such beneficiary the reasonable value of such service received from sources other than the bureau. (10) That all hospital facilities under the control and jurisdiction of the bureau shall be available for every honorably discharged veteran of the Spanish-American War, the Philippine insurrection, the Boxer rebellion, or the World War suffering from neuropsychiatric or tubercular ailments and diseases, paralysis agitans, encephalitis lethargica, or amoebic dysentery, or the loss of sight of both eyes, regardless whether such ailments or diseases are due to military service or otherwise, including traveling expenses as granted to those receiving compensation and hospitalization under this Act. The director is further authorized, so far as he shall find that exist¬ ing Government facilities permit, to furnish hospitalization and necessary traveling expenses incident to hospitalization to veterans of any war, military occupation, or military expedition, including those women who served as Army nurses under contracts betw^een April 21, 1898, and February 2, 1901, not dishonorably discharged, without regard to the nature or origin of their disabilities: Provided^ That any and all laws applicable to women who belonged to the Nurse Corps of the Army after February 2, 1901, shall apply equa,!!}^ to members of the Army Nurse Corps who served under con¬ tract between April 21, 1898, and February 2, 1901, including all 'women who served honorably as nurses, chief nurses, or superin¬ tendent of said corps in said period: Promded^^ That preference to admission to any Government hospital for hospitalization under the provisions of this subdivision shall be given to those veterans who are financially unable to pay for hospitalization and their necessary traveling expenses: Provided further^ That where a veteran hospital¬ ized under the authority of this subdivision is financially unable to THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 19 supply himself with clothing, he shall also be furnished with s’uch clothing as the director may deem necessary: Provided further^ That where a veteran entitled to hospitalization under this sub¬ division is suffering with a disease or injury necessitating the wear¬ ing of a prosthetic appliance and is financially unable to supply him¬ self with same, upon an affidavit to that effect the director is hereby authorized to furnish such appliance and to effect necessary repairs to the same without cost to the veteran: And p-rovided further^ That the pension of a veteran entitled to hospitalization under this sub¬ division shall not be subject to deduction, while such veteran is hospitalized in any Government hospital, for board, maintenance, or any other purpose incident to hospitalization: Provided further^ That the Act of May 4, 1898, entitled “An Act making appropria¬ tions for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, and for other purposes,” the Act of February 28, 1861, as amended by the Act of February 2, 1909, relative to the Government Hospital for the Insane in the District of Columbia, or any other Act, in so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this section be, and they are, hereby modified accordingly. In the insular possessions or Terrifories of the United States the director is further authorized to furnish hospitalization in otJier than Government hospitals. (11) The director shall have the same power, and shall be subject to the same limitations, in the sale of surplus or condemned supplies, material, and other personal property as now pertains to the Secretary of War. The Director is authorized to make regulations governing the disposal of articles produced by patients of such bureau in the course of their curative treatment, or to allow the patients to sell or to retain such articles. (12) Where the disabled person is a patient in a hospital or where for any other reason the disabled person and his wife are not living together, or where the children are not in the custody of the disabled person, the amount of the compensation shall be apportioned as may be prescribed by regulations. (13) The term “wife” as used in this section shall include “ husband ” if the husband is dependent upon the wife for support. (14) That the bureau is authorized to furnish transportation, also the medical, surgical, and hospital services and the supplies and appliances provided by subdivision (6) hereof, to discharged members of the military or naval forces of those governments which have been associated in war with the United States since April 6, 1917, and come within the provisions of laws of such gov¬ ernments similar to this Act, at such rates and under such regula¬ tions as the director may prescribe; and the bureau is hereby author¬ ized to utilize the similar services, supplies, and appliances provided for the discharged members of the military and naval forces of those governments which have been associated in war with the United States since April 6, 1917, by the laws of such governments similar to this Act, in furnishing the discharged members of the military and naval forces of the United States who live within the territorial limits of such governments and come within the pro¬ visions of subdivision (6) hereof, with the services, supplies, and appliances provided for in such subdivision; and any appropriations that have been or may hereafter be made for the purpose of furnish- 20 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 ing the services, supplies, and appliances provided for by subdivision (6) hereof are hereby made available for the payment to such gov¬ ernments or their agencies for the services, supplies, and appliances so furnished at such rates and under such regulations as the director may prescribe. (15) That any person who is now receiving a gratuity or pension from the United States under existing law shall not receive com¬ pensation under this section unless he shall first surrender all claim to further payments of such gratuity or pension, except as* provided in subdivision 7 of section 201. (16) No compensation hereunder shall be paid for the period during which any such person is being furnished by the bureau a course of vocational rehabilitation and support as authorized in Title IV hereof: Provided^ however^ That in the event any person pursuing a course of vocational rehabilitation is entitled under Title II of this Act to compensation in an amount in excess of the payments made to him under Title IV hereof for his support and the support of his dependents, if any, the bureau shall pay monthly to such person such additional amount as may be necessary to equal the total compensation duemnder Title II hereof. (17) That no changes in rates of compensation made by this Act shall be retroactive in effect. Sec. 203. That every person applying for or in receipt of compensation for disability under the provisions of this title and eveiy person applying for treatment under the provisions of sub¬ divisions (9) or (10) of section 202 hereof, shall, as frequently and at such times and places as may be reasonably required, submit himself to examination by a medical officer of the United States or by a duly qualified physician designated or approved by the director. He may have a duly qualified physician designated and paid by him present to participate in such examination. For all examina¬ tions he shall, in the discretion of the director, be paid his reasonable traveling and other expenses and also a per diem allowance of $2.65 per day for the period of travel and observation. If he shall neglect or refuse to submit to such examination, or shall in any way obstruct the same, his right to claim compensation under this title shall be suspended until such neglect, refusal, or obstruction ceases. No compensation shall be payable while such neglect, refusal, or obstruc¬ tion continues, and no compensation shall be payable for the inter¬ vening period. Sec. 204. Every person in receipt of compensation for disability shall submit to any reasonable medical or surgical treatment fur¬ nished by the bureau whenever requested by the bureau; and the consequences of unreasonable refusal to submit to any such treat¬ ment shall not be deemed to result from the injury compensated for. Sec. 205. Upon its own motion or upon application the bureau may at any time review an award and, in accordance with the facts found upon such review, may end, diminish, or increase the compensation previously awarded, or, if compensation is increased, or if compensation has been refused, reduced, or discontinued, may (subject to the provisions of section 210 hereof) award compen¬ sation in proportion to the degree of disability sustained as of the date such degree of disability began, but not earlier than the date of discharge or resignation. Except in cases of fraud partici- THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 21 pated in by the beneficiary, no reduction in compensation shall be made retroactive, and no reduction or discontinuance of compensa¬ tion shall be effective until the 1st day of the third calendar month next succeeding that in which such reduction or discontinuance is determined. Sec. 206 . That no compensation shall be payable for death or disability Tvhich does not occur prior .to or within one year after discharge or resignation from the service, excej^t as provided in section 200 of this Act, and except where there is an official record of the injury during service or at the time of separation from active service, or wdiere within three years from the approval of this Act, satisfactory evidence is furnished the bureau to establish that the injury was suffered or aggravated during active service. Where there is official record of injury during service compensation shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of this title, for death or disability whenever occurring, proximately resulting from such injury. Sec. 207. That compensation shall not be payable for death in the course of the service until the death be officially recorded in the department under which the person may be serving. No com¬ pensation shall be payable for a period during which the man has been reported ‘‘ missing ” and a family allowance has been paid for him under the provisions of Article II of the Act of October 6, 1917. Sec. 208. For the purpose of maintaining law and order and of protecting persons and property at United States Veterans’ Bureau Hospitals the Director is liereby authorized to designate at such hospitals persons who shall hav^e authority to make arrests for any crime or offense against the United States committed on the hospital reservation. Any person so arrested shall be taken forthwith before the nearest United States Commissioner, within whose jurisdiction the hospital is located. Travel and transportation expenses incident to carrying out the provisions of this section shall be paid from the appropriation for administrative expenses. Sec. 209. That no compensation shall be payable and that (ex¬ cept as provided by subdivision (10) of section 202 hereof) no treat¬ ment shall be furnished unless a claim therefor be filed in case of disability within fiv^e years after discharge or resignation from the service, or in case of death during the service, within five years after such death is officially recorded in the department under which he may be serving: Prcnmled, however^ That where compensation is payable for death or disability occurring after discharge or resigna¬ tion from the service, claim must be made within five years after such death or the beginning of such disability. The time herein provided may be extended by the director not to exceed five years for good cause shown. If at the time that any right accrues to any person under the provisions of this title such person is a minor, or is of unsound mind or physically unable to make a claim, the time herein provided shall not begin to run until such disability ceases. Sec. 210. That no compensation shall be payalffe for any period more than one year prior to the date of claim therefor, nor shall increased compensation be awarded to revert back more than six months prior to the date of claim therefor. Fxcept in case of fraud 22 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1^24 participated in by the beneficiary, no reduction in compensation shall be made retroactive. Sec. 211. Compensation because of disability or death of members of the Army Nurse Corps (female) or of the Navy Nurse Corps (female) shall be in lieu of any compensation for such disability or death under the Act entitled “An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the per¬ formance of their duties, and for other purposes,” approved Sep¬ tember 7, 1916. Sec. 212. This Act is intended to provide a system for the relief of persons who were disabled, and for the dependents of those who died as a result of disability suffered in the military service of the United States between April 6, 1917, and July 2, 1921. For such disabilities and deaths no other pension law or laws providing for gratuities or payments in the event of death in the service shall be applicable: Provided^ however^ That the laws relating to the retire¬ ment of persons in the regular military or naval service shall not be considered to be lav/s providing for pensions, gratuities, or pay¬ ments within the meaning of this section: And provided further^ That compensation under this title shall not be paid while the person is in receipt of active service or retirement pay, this proviso to be effective as of April 6, 1917. Titles II and IV of this Act shall not be applicable Jo any disability or resultant death in the service if such disability occurred as a result of service prior to April 6, 1917, or after July 2, 1921: Provided^ hoioever^ That the schedule of ratings provided by section 202 (4) of this statute shall hereafter be applicable to disabilities occurring as a result of service prior to April 6, 1917, or after July 2, 1921, v^rherever a person has an accrued right to compensation under section 602 of the World War Veterans’ Act, 1924. Sec. 213. Where any beneficiary suffers or has suffered an injury or an aggravation of an existing injury as the result of training, hospitalization, or medical or surgical treatment, awarded to him under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act as amended, the War Risk Insurance Act as amended, or this Act, or as a result of having sub¬ mitted to examination under authority of section 303 of the War Risk Insurance Act or section 203 of this Act, and not the result of his misconduct, and such injury or aggravation of an existing injury results in additional disability to or the death of such beneficiary, the benefits of this title shall be awarded in the same manner as though such disability, aggravation, or death was the result of inilitarv seiAuce during the World War. The benefits of this section shall be in lieu of the benefits under the Act entitled “An Act to- provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes,” approved September 7, 1916 : Provided^ That application be made for such benefits within two years after such injury or aggravation was suffered or such death occurred or after the passage of this Act whichever is the later date: Provided further^ That the provisions of section 313 of the War Risk Insurance Act as amended, relating to subrogation, shall be applicable to beneficiaries under this section. (Secs. 313 and 314 of Title III, Compensation for death or dis¬ ability of the War Risk Insurance Act, as amended, were saved THE WORLD WAR VETERANS^ ACT, 1924 23 and excepted from repeal by sec. 600 (5) of Title VI, Miscellaneous provisions, World War Veterans’ Act, 1924. These two sections are therefore included as a part of Title II, Compensation and treatment, in this copy of the World War Veterans’ Act, 1924, as amended.) Sec. 313. (1) That if an injury or death for which compensa¬ tion is payable under this article is caused under circumstances creating a legal liability upon some person other than the United States or the enemy to pay damages therefor, the director, as a condition to payment of compensation by the United States, may require the beneficiary to assign to the United States any right of action he may have to enforce such liability of such other person, or if it appears to be for the best interests of the beneficiary the di¬ rector may require him to prosecute the said action in his own name, subject to regulations. The director may require such assignment or prosecution at any time after the injury or death, and the failure on the part of the beneficiary to so assign or to prosecute said cause of action in his own name within a reasonable time, to be fixed by the director, shall bar any right to compensation on account of the same injury or death. The cause of action so assigned to the United States may be prosecuted or compromised by the director, and any money realized or collected thereon, less the reasonable expenses of such realization or collection, shall be placed to the credit of the military and naval compensation appropriation. If the amount placed to the credit of such appropriation in such case is in excess of the amount of the award of compensation, if any, such excess shall be paid to the beneficiary after any compensation award for the same injury or death is made. (Amendment June 25, 1918.) If a beneficiary or conditional beneficiary shall have recovered, as a result of a suit brought by him or on his behalf, or as a result of a settlement made by him or on his behalf, any money or other prop¬ erty in satisfaction of the liability of such other person, such money or other property so recovered shall be credited upon any compensa¬ tion payable, or which may become payable, to such beneficiary, or conditional beneficiary by the United States on account of the same injury or death. (2) If an injury or death for which compensation may be pay¬ able under this article is caused under circumstances creating a legal liability upon some person, other than the United States or the enemy, to pay damages therefor, then, in order to preserve the right of action, the director may require the conditional beneficiary at any time after the injury or death, to assign such right of action to the United States, or, if it appears to be for the best interests of such conditional beneficiary, to prosecute the said cause of action in his own name, subject to regulations. The failure on the part of the beneficiary to so assign or to prosecute the said cause of action in his own name within a reasonable time, to be fixed by the director, shall bar any right to compensation on account of the same injury or death. The cause of action so assigned may be prosecuted or com¬ promised by the director, and any money realized or collected thereon, less the reasonable expenses of such realization or collec¬ tion, shall be paid to such beneficiary, and be credited upon any 2613—26- i 24 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 future compensation which may become payable to such beneficiary by the United States on account of the same injury or death. (Amendment August 9, 1921.) (2a) The Veterans’ Bureau is hereby authorized to pay the bene¬ ficiary or other person or persons in whose name an action may have been commenced or prosecuted, and to all witnesses in such action, fees and mileage, the same as is now paid and allowed to witnesses in the United States courts, in going to, remaining at, and returning from place of trial, and without any regard to whether the action, if any, is brought or prosecuted in a court of the United States or some other court. In all cases of assignment of causes of action under this section, whether the assignment be heretofore or hereafter made, where it shall appear to the director to be to the best interests of the bene¬ ficiary so to do, the director, acting for and in the name of the United States, may assign the cause of action back to the beneficiary or to his personal representatives. (Amendment June 25, 1918.) (3) The bureau shall make all necessary regulations for carrying out the purposes of this section. For the purpose of computation only under this section the total amount of compensation due any beneficiary shall be deemed to be equivalent to a lump sum equal to the present value of all future payments of compensation computed as of the date of the award of compensation at four per centum, true discount, compounded annually. The probabilit}^ of the beneficiary’s death before the expiration of the period during which he is entitled to compensation shall be determined according to the American Experience Table of Mortality. A conditional beneficiary is any person who may become entitled to compensation under this article on or after the death of the injured person. Nothing in this section shall be construed to impose any adminis¬ trative duties upon the War or Navy Departments. (Act October 6, 1917.) Sec. 314. That from and after the passage of this Act the rate of pension for a widow.of an officer or enlisted man of the Armjq Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States who served in the Civil War, the War with Spain, or the Philippine Insurrection, now on the pen¬ sion roll or hereafter to be placed on the pension roll, and entitled to receive a less rate than hereinafter provided, shall be $25 per month; and nothing herein shall be construed to affect the additional allow¬ ance provided by existing pension laws on account of a helpless child or child under sixteen years of age: Provided^ however^ That this Act shall not be so construed as to reduce any pension under any Act, public or private: And provided further^ That the provisions of this section shall be administered, executed, and enforced by the Commissioner of Pensions. Title III.— Insurance. Sec. 300. In order to give to every commissioned officer and enlisted man and to every member of the Army Nurse Corps (female) and of the Navy Nurse Corps (female) when employed in THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 25 active service under the War Department or Navy Department protection for themselves and their dependents, the United States, upon application to the bureau and without medical examination, shall grant United States Government life insurance (converted insurance) against the death or total permanent disability of any such person in any multiple of $500, and not less than $1,000 or more than $10,000, upon the payment of the premiums as herein¬ after provided. Such insurance must be applied for within one hundred and twenty days after enlistment or after entrance into or employment in the active service and before discharge or resignation: Provided^ That any member of the reserve forces whose application was accepted at a time when he was in attendance at a military or naval training camp or station, and from whom premiums were collected, and who becomes or has become totally or permanently disabled, or dies or has died, shall be deemed to have made valid application therefor. This proviso shall not authorize the granting of more than $10,000 insurance to any one person: Provided further^ That each officer and enlisted man of the Coast Guard who is serving on active duty at the time of the passage of this amendatory Act, or who subsequent thereto enters the Coast Guard Service, shall be granted insurance in accordance with the terms of this section upon application within one hundred and twenty days of the pas¬ sage of this amendatory Act, or date of enlistment or entry into the Coast Guard, whichever is the later date, and before retirement, discharge, or resignation. The insurance shall be payable only to a spouse, child, grand¬ child, parent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, brother-in- law, or sister-in-law, or to any or all of them, and also during total and permanent disability to the injured person. Where a beneficiary at the time of designation by the insured is within the permitted class of beneficiaries and is the designated beneficiary at the time of the maturity of the insurance because of the death of the insured, such beneficiary shall be deemed to be within the permitted class even though the status of such beneficiary shall have been changed. The United States shall bear the expenses of administration and the excess mortality and disability cost resulting from the hazards of war. The premium rates shall be the net rates based upon the American Experience Table of Mortality and interest at 31/^ per centum per annum. This section shall be deemed to be in effect as of June T, 1924. Sec. 301. Except as provided in the second paragraph of this section, not later than July 2, 1927, all term yearly renewable insurance held by persons who were in the military service after April 6, 1917, shall be converted, without medical examination, into such form or forms of insurance as may be prescribed by regulations and as the insured may request. Eegulations shall provide for the right to convert into ordinary life, twenty-paylnent life, endowment maturing at age sixty-two, five-year level premium term, and into other usual forms of insurance, and for reconversion of any such policies to a higher premium rate in accordance with regulations to be issued by the director, and shall prescribe the time and method of payment of the premiums thereon, but payments of premiums in advance shall not be required for periods of more than one month 26 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 each, and may be deducted from the pay or deposit of the insured or be otherwise made at his election. All yearly renewable term insurance shall cease on July 2, 1927, except when death or total permanent disability shall have occurred before July 2, 1927: Provided^ how'Bver^ That the director may by regulation extend the time for the continuing of yearly renewable term insurance and the conversion thereof in any case where on July 2, 1927, conversion of such yearly renewable term insurance is impracticable or impossible due to the mental condition or disap¬ pearance of the insured. In case where an insured whose yearly renewable term insurance has matured by reason of total permanent disability is found and declared to be no longer permanently and totally disabled, and where the insured is required under regulations to renew payment of premiums on said term insurance, and where this contingency is extended beyond the period during which said yearly renewable term insurance otherwise must be converted, there shall be given such insured an additional period of two years from the date on which he is required to renew payment of premiums in which to convert said term insurance as hereinbefore provided: Provided^ That where the time for conversion has been extended under the second paragraph of this section because of the mental condition or disappearance of the insured, there shall be allowed to the insured an additional period of two years from the date on which he recovers from his mental disability or reappears in which to convert. The insurance except as provided herein shall be payable in two hundred and forty equal monthly installments: Provided^ That when the amount of an individual monthly payment is less than $5, such amount may in the discretion of the director be allowed to accumulate without interest and be disbursed annually. Provisions for ma¬ turity at certain ages, for continuous installments during the life of the insured or beneficiaries, or both, for cash, loan, paid up and extended values, dividends from gains and savings, and such other provisions for the protection and advantage of and for alternative benefits to the insured and the beneficiaries as may be found to be reasonable and practicable, may be provided for in the contract of insurance, or from time to time by regulations. All calculations shall be based upon the American Experience Table of Mortality and interest at 3% per centum per annum, except that no deduction shall be made for continuous installments during the life of the insured in case his total and permanent disability continues more than two hundred and forty months. Subject to regulations, the insured shall at all times have the right to change the beneficiary or beneficiaries without the consent of such beneficiary or beneficiaries, but only within the classes herein provided. If no beneficiary within the permitted class be designated by the insured as beneficiary for converted insurance granted under the provisions of Article IV of the War Kisk Insurance Act, or Title III of this Act, either in his lifetime or by his last will and testament, or if the designated beneficiary does not survive the insured, then there shall be paid to the estate of the insured the present value of the remaining unpaid monthly installments; or if the designated beneficiary survives the insured and dies before receiving all of the installments of converted insurance payable and applicable, then THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 192t 27 there shall be paid to the estate of such beneficiary the present value of the remaining unpaid monthly installments: Provided^ That no payments shall be made to any estate which under the laws of the residence of the insured or the beneficiary, as the case may be, would escheat, but same shall escheat to the Unite(J States and be credited to the United States Government life insurance fund. The bureau may make provision in the contract for converted insurance for optional settlements, to be selected by the insured, whereby such insurance may be made payable either in one sum or in installments for thirty-six months or more. The bureau may also include in said contract a provision authorizing the beneficiary to elect to receive payment of the insurance in installments for thirty- six months or more, but only if the insured has not exercised the right of election as hereinbefore provided; and even though the insured may have exercised his right of election the said contract may authorize the beneficiary to elect to receive such insurance in installments spread over a greater period of time than that selected by the insured. This section shall be deemed to be in effect as of June 7, 1924. Sec. 302. Whenever benefits under United States Government life insurance (converted insurance) become, or have become, payable because of total permanent disability of the insured or because of the death of the insured as a result of disease or injury traceable to the extra hazard of the military or naval service, as such hazard may be determined by the director, the liability shall be borne by the United States, and the director is hereby autiiorized and directed to transfer from the military and naval insurance appropriation to the United States Government life-insurance fund a sum which, together with the reserve of the policy at the time of maturity by total permanent disability or death, w^ill equal the then value of such benefits. When a person receiving total permanent disability benefits under a United States Government life policy (converted policy), recovers from such disability, and is then entitled to continue a reduced amount of insurance, the director is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the military and naval insurance appropriation all of the loss reserve to the credit of such policy claim except a sum sufficient to set up the then required reserve on the reduced amount of the insurance that may be continued, which sum shall be retained in the United States Government life-insurance fund for the purpose of such reserve. Sec. 303. If no person within the permitted class be designated as beneficiary for yearly renewable term insurance by the insured either in his lifetime or by his last will and testament or if the designated beneficiary does not survive the insured or survives the insured and dies prior to receiving all of the two hundred and forty installments or all such as are payable and applicable, there shall be paid to the estate of the insured the present value of the monthly installments thereafter payable, said value to be computed as of date of last payment made under any existing award: Provided^ That all awards of yearly renewable term insurance which are in course of pa^unent on tlie date of the approval of this Act shall continue until the death of the person receiving such payments, or 28 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 until he forfeits same under the provisions of this Act. When any person to whom such insurance is now awarded dies or forfeits his rights to such insurance then there sliall be paid to the estate of the insured the present value of the remaining unpaid monthly install¬ ments of the insurance so awarded to such person: Provided further^ That no award of yearly renewable term insurance which, has been made to the estate of a last surviving beneficiarv shall be affected by this amendment: Provided further^ That in cases when the estate of an insured would escheat under the laws of the place of his residence tlie insurance shall not be paid to the estate but shall escheat to the United States and be credited to the militarv and naval insurance appropriation. This section shall be deemed to be in effect as of October 6, 1917. Sec. 304. In the event that all provisions of the rules and regula¬ tions other than the recjuirements as to the physical condition of the applicant for insurance have been complied with an application for reinstatement, in whole or in part, of lapsed or canceled yearly re¬ newable term insurance or United States Government life insurance (converted insurance) hereafter made may be approved if made within one i^ear after the of this amendatory Act or within two years after the date of lapse or cancellation: Provided^ That the applicant’s disability is the result of an injury or disease, or of an aggravation thereof, suffered or contracted in the active mili- tar}^ or naval service during the World War: Provided further^ That the applicant during his lifetime submits proof satisfactory to the director showing that he is not totally and permanently disabled. As a condition, however, to the acceptance of an application for the reinstatement of lapsed or canceled yearly renewable term insurance, where the requirements as to the physical condition of the applicant have not been complied with, or, for the reinstatement of the United States Government life insurance (converted insurance), the appli¬ cant shall be required to pay all the back monthly premiums which would have become payable if such insurance had not lapsed, together with interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum, com¬ pounded annually, on each premium from the date said premium is due by the terms of the policy: Provided further^ That where within one year of this amendatory Act all of the requirements for reinstate¬ ment of yearly renewable term insurance under this section are complied with, except the payment of unpaid premiums with interest, and proof satisfactory to the director is furnished showdng the applicant is unable to pay such premiums with interest or some part thereof, the application may be approved, and the amount of unpaid premiums with interest as provided in this section shall be placed as an interest-bearing indebtedness against the insurance, such indebtedness to bear interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum, compounded annuall}^, to be deducted in any settlement thereunder: And 'provided further^ That no yearly renewable term insurance shall be reinstated after July 2, 1927. Sec. 305. Where any person has heretofore allowed his insur¬ ance to lapse, or has canceled or reduced all or any part of such insurance, while suffering from a compensable disability for wlrch compensation was not collected and dies or has died, or becomes or THE WORLD WAR VETERANS^ ACT, 1924 29 has become permanently and totally disabled and at the time of such death or permanent total disability was or is entitled to compensa¬ tion remaining uncollected, then and in that event so much of his insurance as said uncollected compensation, computed in all cases at the rate provided by section 302 of the War Risk Insurance Act as amended December 24, 1919, would purchase if applied as pre¬ miums when due, shall not be considered as lapsed, canceled or re¬ duced; and the United States Veterans’ Bureau is hereby authorized and directed to pay to said soldier, or his beneficiaries, as the case may be, the amount of said insurance less the unpaid premiums and interest thereon at 5 per centum per annum compounded annually in installments as provided by law: Provided^ That insurance here¬ after revived under this section and section 309 by reason of perma¬ nent and total disability or by death of the insured, shall be paid only to the insured, his widow, child or children, dependent mother or father, and in the order named unless otherwise designated by the insured during his lifetilne or by last will and testament. Sec. 306. The bureau is authorized to make provisions in accordance with regulations, whereby the payment of premiums on yearly renewable term insurance and United States Government life insurance (converted insurance) on the due date thereof may be waived and the insurance may be deemed not to lapse in the cases of the following persons, to wit: (a) Those who are confined in hospital under said bureau for a compensable disability during the period while they are so confined; (b) those who are rated as temporarily totally disabled by reason of any injury or disease entitling them to compensation during the period of such total disability and while they are so rated; (c) those who, vvhile mentally incompetent and for whom no legal guardian had been or has been appointed, allowed or may allow their insurance to lapse while such rating is effective during the period for which they have been or hereafter may be so rated, or until a guardian has notified the bureau of his qualification, but not later than six months after appointment as guardian, the waiver in such cases to be made with¬ out application and retroactive when necessary: Provided^ That such relief from payment of premiums on yearly renewable term insur¬ ance on the due date thereof shall be for full calendar months, be¬ ginning with the month in which said confinement to hospital, tem¬ porary total disability rating, or in cases of mental incompetents for v/hom no guardian has been appointed with the month in which such rating or mental incompetency began or begins and ending with that month during the half or major fraction of which the person is confined in hospital is rated as temporarily totally disabled or had or has no legal guardian while rated as mentally incompetent or until a guardian has notified the bureau of his qualification, but not later than six months after appointment as guardian: Pro¬ vided further^ That all premiums the payment of which when due is waived as above provided shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per • centum per annum, compounded annually from the due date of each premium, and if not paid by the insured shall be deducted from the insurance in any settlement thereunder or when the same matures either because of permanent total disability or death: And provided further^ That in the event any lien or other indebtedness established 30 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 b}' this Act exists against any policy of converted insurance in excess oi the then cash surrender value thereof at the time of the termi¬ nation of such policy of converted insurance for any reason other than by death or total permanent disability the director is hereby authorized to transfer and pay from the military or naval insurance appropriation to the United States Government life insurance fund a sum equal to the amount such lien or indebtedness exceeds the then cash surrender value. Sec. 307. All such policies of insurance heretofore or hereafter issued shall be incontestable after the insurance has been in force six months from the date of issuance or reinstatement, except for fraud or nonpayment of premiums and subject to the provisions of section 23: Provided^ That a letter mailed by the bureau to the insured at his last known address informing* him of the invalidity of his insurance shall be deemed a contest within the meaning of this section: Provided further^ That this section shall be deemed to be in effect as of Anril 6, 1917. • Sec. 308. UTierever yearly renewable term insurance or United States Government life (converted) insurance has heretofore lapsed for the nonpayment of premiums, and the insured has forwarded to the United States Veterans’ Bureau, not later than the seventh day of the month following the month for which the unpaid pre¬ mium was due, an amount sufficient to reinstate the insurance under bureau regulations heretofore or hereafter issued, the director of the bureau is hereb}^ authorized and directed to reinstate such insur¬ ance whenever it is shown to his satisfaction that the insured was at the time of the making of the remittance in the state of health required by bureau regulations. Sec. 309. Where any person allowed his insurance to lapse and died after February 24, 1919, and prior to collecting the $60 bonus provided by the Act of February 24, 1919 (Fortieth Statutes at Large, page 1151), then and in that event his insurance shall not be considered as lapsed during such period as said uncollected bonus would, if applied to the payment of premiums when due, equal or exceed the same, and the United States Veterans’ Bureau is hereby authorized and directed to pay to his beneficiaries under said policy the amount of said insurance, less the premiums and interest thereon at 5 per centum per annum, compounded annually, in. installments, as provided by law. Title IV. Sec. 400. That every person who was enlisted, enrolled, drafted, inducted, or appointed in the military or naval forces of the United States, including members of training camps authorized by law and who, has resigned or has been discharged or 'furloughed therefrom, having a disability incurred, increased, or aggravated after April 6, 1917, and before July 2, 1921, in the military or naval service and not the result of his own willful misconduct, while a member of such forces, or later developing a disability traceable in the opinion of the director to service during said period with such forces, and not the result of his own willful misconduct, and who, in the opinion of the director, is in need of vocational rehabilitation to overcome THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1D24 31 the handicap of such disability, shall be furnished by the bureau, where vocational rehabilitation is feasible, such course of vocational rehabilitation as the bureau shall prescribe and provide: Provided^ That nothing in this section shall operate to terminate any course of vocational training heretofore prescribed and actually commenced under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act as originally enacted and subsequently amended where such course was actually commenced prior to the approval of this Act. Sec. 401. The bureau shall have the power, and it shall be its duty until June 30, 1926, to furnish the persons included in section 400 hereof suitable courses of vocational rehabilitation, to be pre¬ scribed and provided by the bureau; and every person electing to follow such a course of vocational rehabilitation shall, while following the same, be paid by the bureau monthly or semimonthly as the director may prescribe such sum as in the judgment of the director is necessary for his maintenance and support and for the maintenance and support of persons depending upon him, if any: Provided^ however^ That in no event shall the sum so paid such person while pursuing such course be more than $80 per month for a single man without dependents, or for a man with dependents $100 per month plus the following family allowances: (a) If there is a wife, but no child, $15. (b) If there is a wife and one child, $25, with $5 per month addi¬ tional for each additional child. (c) If there is no wife, but one child, $10. (d) If there is no wife, but two children, $15, with $5 per month additional for each additional child. That the bureau may pay, subject to the conditions and limita¬ tions prescribed by this title, to all trainees undergoing training hereunder, residing where the cost of maintenance and s'upport is above the average and comparatively high, in lieu of the monthly payments for maintenance and support prescribed by this title, such sum as in the judgment of the director is necessary for the trainee’s maintenance and support and for the iiAaintenance and support of persons dependent upon him, if any: Provided^ however^ That in no event shall the sum so paid such person while pursuing such course be more than $100 per month for a single man without de¬ pendents or for a man with dependents $120 per month, plus the several sums prescribed as family allowances under this section: Provided further^ That payments for the support and maintenance of persons dependent upon any trainee of the bureau as provided herein may, in the discretion of the director, be paid either direct to such dependent or dependents or to the trainee upon whom they are dependent. Sec. 402. That until June 30, 1926, the courses of vocational training provided for under this Act shall, as far as practicable, and under such conditions as the director may prescribe, be made avail¬ able without cost for instruction for the benefit of any person who is disabled under circumstances entitling him, after discharge from the military or naval forces of the United States, to compensation under Title II hereof and who is not included in section 400 hereof. 32 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 Sec. 403. That no person who has been declared eligible for training under the provisions of this title, for whom training has been prescribed, and who has been notified by the bureau to begin training, shall be eligible to the benefits of this title in the event of his failure to commence training within a reasonable time after notice has been sent such person by the bureau: Provided further^ That, except when such failure is due, in the opinion of the director, to physical incapacity, such time shall not be longer than twelve months after notice shall have been given for persons declared eligible and notified to begin training: And frovided further. That no training shall be furnished to any person under any of the pro¬ visions of this title unless such person shall actually commence such training on or before June 30, 1925. Sec. 404. The test of rehabilitation shall be employability, to be determined by the director. The allowance for maintenance and support provided by this title shall be payable for two months after the employability of the rehabilitated person is determined, and thereuDon all dutv and obligation of the United States toward such person with respect to his vocational rehabilitation shall cease and determine. Sec. 405. That vocational training provided by this Act shall be granted to persons entitled under the provisions of said title only where application therefor has been made on or prior to June 30, 1923. Sec. 40G. That no vocational training shall be granted after June 30, 1926, and except as provided by section 404 hereof, no training allowance shall thereafter be paid to au}^ person: Provided^ That any person who is receiving placement training on June 30, 1926, may be continued in such training to January 1, 1927, and any j^erson receiving educational training in schools or institutions on June 30, 1926, ma}^ be continued in training for not more than two years after the passage of this amendatory Act, and may be paid the maintenance and support allowance provided by sections 401 and 404 hereof. For the purposes of this section the unexpended balance of the appropriation for vocational rehabilitation for the fiscal year, 1926, shall be available. Sec. 407. The director is authorized to make provisions by regu¬ lation whereby trainees of the United States Veterans’ Bureau who have successfully completed their courses or such part of their courses as enables them to enter employment or business in line with their training shall be allowed to retain such equipment, supplies, and books as the director tnay by regulation prescribe. Title V.— Penalties. Sec. 500. Except in the event of legal proceedings under section 19 of Title I of this Act, no claim agent or attorne}^ except the recognized representatives of the American Bed Cross, the American Legion, the Disabled American Veterans, and Veterans of Foreign Wars, and such other organizations as shall be approved by the director shall be recognized in the presentation or adjudication of claims under Titles II, III, and IV of this Act, and payment to any attorney or agent for such assistance as may be required in the THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 33 preparation and execution of the necessary papers in any application to the bureau shall not exceed $10 in any one case: Provided^ howevery That wherever a judgment or decree shall be rendered in an action brought pursuant to section 19 of Title I of this Act the court, as a part of its judgment or decree, shall determine and allow reasonable fees for the attorneys of the successful party or parties and apportion same if proper, said fees not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount recovered and to be paid by the bureau out of the payments to be made under the judgment or decree at a rate not exceeding one-tenth of each of such payments until paid. Any person who shall, directly or indirectly, solicit, contract for, charge, or receive, or who shall attempt to solicit, contract for, charge, or receive any fee or compensation, except as herein provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for each and every offense shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment at hard labor for not more than two years, or b}^ both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 501. That whoever in any claim for compensation, insurance, or maintenance and support allowance, or in any document required by this Act, or by regulation made under this Act, makes any sworn statement of a material fact knowing it to be false, shall be guilty of perjury and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000 or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or both. Sec. 502. That if any person entitled to payment of compensation, or maintenance and support allowance under this Act, whose right to such pa 3 nient under this Act ceases upon the happening of any contingency, thereafter fraudulently accepts any such pa^unent, he shall be punished by a fine of not more than $2,h00 or by imprison¬ ment for not more than one J^ear, or both. Sec. 503. That whoever shall obtain or receive any money, check, compensation, insurance, or maintenance and support allowance under the War Kisk Insurance Act as amended, the Vocational Rehabilitation Act as amended, or the World War Veterans’ Act, 1924, and any amendments thereto_without being entitled to the same, and with intent to defraud the United States or any beneficiary of the United States Veterans’ Bureau shall be punished by a fine of not more than $2,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one 3 ^ear, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 504. Any person who shall knowingly make or cause to be made, or conspire, combine, aid, or assist in, agree to, arrange for, or in any wise procure the making or presentation of a false or fraudulent affidavit, declaration, certificate, statement, voucher, or paper, or writing purporting to be such, concerning any claim or the approval of any claim for compensation or maintenance and support allowance, or the payment of any money, for himself or for any other person, under Titles II or IV hereof, shall forfeit ail rights, claims, and benefits under said titles, and, in addition to any and all other penalties imposed by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than one }^ear, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each such offense. 34 THE WORLD WAR VETERANS’ ACT, 1924 Sec. 505. Every guardian, curator, conservator, committee, or person legally vested with the responsibility or care of the claimant or his estate, having charge and custody in a fiduciary capacity of money paid, under the War Risk Insurance Act as amended, or under the World War Veterans’ Act, 1924, for the benefit of any minor or incompetent claimant, who shall embezzle the same in violation of his trust or fraudulently convert the same to his own use, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $2,000 or imprisonment at hard labor for a term not exceeding five years, or both. Sec. 506. The provisions of this title shall be applicable to the administration of this Act in the Philippine Islands. Title VI. —Miscellaneous Provisions. Sec. 600. The following Acts are hereby repealed, subject to the limitations provided in section 602 of this title: (1) An Act entitled “An Act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department,” approved September 2, 1914. (2) An Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled Wn Act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department,’ approved September 2, 1914,” approved August 11, 1916. (3) An Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department,’ approved September 2, 1914,” approved March 3, 1917. (4) An Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department,’ approved September 2, 1914, and for other purposes,” approved June 12, 1917. (5) An Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance in the Treasury Department,’ approved September 2, 1914, and for other purposes,” approved October 6, 1917; saving and excepting from repeal sections 313 and 314 of Article III of said Act. (6) An Act entitled “An Act to amend the War Risk Insurance Act,” approved July 11, 1918. Sec. 601. That the following Acts are hereby repealed. The sec¬ tions of this codification herein applicable thereto shall be in force in lieu thereof, subject to the limitations contained in this title. (1) The War Risk Insurance Act as amended. (2) The Vocational Rehabilitation Act as amended. (3) The Act entitled “An Act to establish a Veterans’ Bureau and to improve the facilities and service of such bureau, and, further, to amend and modify the War Risk Insurance Act.” Sec. 602. The repeal of the several Acts as provided in sections 600 and 601 hereof shall not affect any act done or any right or liability accrued, or any suit commenced before the said repeal, but all such rights and liabilities under said Acts shall continue and may be enforced in the same manner as if said repeal had not been made; nor shall said repeal in any manner affect the right to any office or change the term or tenure thereof. THE WORLD WAR VETERANS ’ ACT, 1924 35 Sec. 603. All offenses committed and all penalties or forfeiture incurred under any law embraced in this codification prior to said repeal may be prosecuted and punished in the same manner and with the same effect as if said repeal had not been made. Sec. 604. All Acts of limitation, whether applicable to civil causes and proceedings or to the prosecution of offenses embraced in this codification and covered by said repeal, shall not be affected thereby, but all suits, proceedings, or prosecutions, whether civil or criminal, for causes arising or acts done or committed prior to said repeal, may be commenced and prosecuted within the same tim.e as if said repeal had not been made. Sec. 605. That if any clause, section, paragraph, or part of this Act shall for any reason be adjudged by any court of competvsnt jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this Act but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment has been rendered. 7 7^.' I- %■ r ‘f ' *. / li- K- •‘ '\ '$^Si [ ''.XhA- ^ '’'-^ v’ji-uox. ii-:M: . c-vii- ji^ . ' 1; - d'^na: rioiitw dr INDEX Accrued installments- Accrued rights and liabilities- Action against the United States- Action against the United States commenced before June 7, 1924_ Active service: Application for insurance while in_ Compensation_ Disability contracted in_ Induction_ Insurance_ Pay as affecting compensation_ Provisional acceptance status deiined_ Acts of limitation_ Acts, repealed_ Adjudication_ Adjudication, by regional and subdistrict offices Adoption_ Affidavit: False, punishable by fine or imprisonment- Personnel designated to take_ Aggravation: After induction before final acceptance_ Preexisting injury or disease. Agitans (paralysis)- Alien enemy, discharge of_ Allies, benefits allowed discharged ex-service men who were Allotment, of compensation by patients in hospital_ Allowance: Claims, false statement regarding. For maintenance and support_ Fraudulent, acceptance of_ Maximum to trainees with and without dependents_ Payable trainee, after rehabilitation_ Barred, reasons for_ Training, direontinued after June 30, 1926_ Widow of Civil or Spanish War or Philipxune Insurrection^_ American Legion, representatives of_ American Red Cross, representatives of_ Amoebic dysentery; Presumed service connection_ Treatment, when not service connected_ Annual report: Private gifts_ Specific directions for_ Appliances: Provided disabled ex-service men (prosthetic)_ Supplied allied ex-service men_ Application: Compensation and treatment_ { Enlistments entitling to benefits_ For benefits within one year after injury or death due to hos¬ pitalization or training_ For training_ For insurance_ Setc. 26 602 19 602 300 200 SOI 24 soo 212 25 604 600 601 5 7 3 501 8 24 200 213 213 23 202 202 501 401 502 503 401 404 23 406 314 500 500 200 202 12 14 202 202 203 213 25 213 405 301 Page 10 34 7 34 24 11 28 9 24 22 10 34 34 34 2 3 1 33 O 9 11 22 22 9 14 14 83 31 33 33 31 32 9 32 24 32 32 11 14 6 14 14 20 22 10 22 32 25 MV. R. I. Act, 37 38 INDEX Application—Continued. For insurance within 120 days_ Preparation of, by attorney_ Time for filing comi>ensation_ Apportionment: Compensation_ Maintenance and support allowance Appropriation : Military and naval insurance_ Transfer to Veterans’ Bureau_ Unexpended sums_ Vocational training_ { { Army Nurse Corps: Comi>ensation in lieu of employment compensation act Entitled to insurance_ Arrest on hospital reservations_ Arrested tuberculosis, compensation $50 monthly_ Articles, made by patients, disposal of_ Artificial limbs furnished by the bureau_ Assignment of benefits not permitted_ Assignment of converted insurance_ Assignment of right of action_ Attorney General, opinion of_ Attorney’s fees_ { Aunts, beneficiaries_ Average reduction in earning capacity_ Award of compensation: Effective date of_ Reduction of_ Bedridden_ Beneficiaries, permitted class for insurance_ Beneficiaries, women_ Benefits, provisional acceptance in military and naval forces within period named entitles to_ Blindness, comi>ensation for. Bonus, uncollected, applied as premium on lapsed insurance where death occurs after February 24, 1919_ Boxer rebellion, treatment of veterans of_ Brother, beneficiary_ Brother-in-law, beneficiary_ Buildings, United States, under control of bureau, lease of_ Burial expenses_ Care, medical and convalescent_ { Cash value, insurance_ Chief officer of hospital, payment compensation to_ Child, additional maintenance and support allowance for Adopted_ Compensation apportioned_ Comi>ensation for— In case of death of soldier_ In case of disability of soldier_ Illegitimate_ Insurance payable to_;_ Legitimate_ Stepchild_ Unmarried and under 18 years_ Civil service: Employees shall be appointed from list of- Exceptions on approval of President- Sec. Page 300 24 500 32 209 21 205 20 201 12 202 14 401 31 302 27 15 6 16 6 15 6 12 5 13 5 211 22 300 24 208 21 202 14 202 14 202 14 22 8 22 8 313 23 9 4 19 7 500 32 300 24 202 14 205 20 205 20 202 14 300 24 200 11 25 10 2CK) 11 202 14 309 30 202 14 300 24 300 24 29 10 201 12 10 4 202 14 23 9 202 14 401 31 3 1 201 12 201 12 202 14 3 1 300 24 3 1 3 1 o O 1 4 2 4 2 INDEX 39 Claim: Sec. Adjudication' by field offices_ 7 Against United States_ 19 Compensation, claims for___ 209 Examination of_ 8 Extension of time in which to apply_ 209 False statement as to_ 501 Retroactive_ 210 Time for filing_ 209-405 Claim agents, recognition of_ 500 Clothing, necessary, furnished indigent hospital patients_ 202 Coast Guard_ 3 Commissioned officer: Death or disability, compensation_ Definition of_ May apply for insurance_ Commissioner, United States_ Commitment, insane, court cost allowed_ Ccmpensatiofi: Additional, on account of death of more than one person Allotment of, by patients in hospital_ Allo-wance for nurse or attendant_ Amount of, for nurse or attendant_ Application for_ Apportionment- Army Nurse Corps (female)_ Arrested tuberculosis, $50 monthly_ Artificial limbs_ Award_ Award, predated for one year, prior to claim Barred, reasons for_ Beneficiaries_ Benefits of, allowed for disabilities specified_ Burial expenses_ Cliief officer of hospital for insane patients_ Death_ Funeral expenses_ Inflicted as piniishment_ Officially recorded_ Resulting from injury officially recorded_ Return of body to home_ Within five years after_ Within one year after discharge_ Decreased, may be in accord with facts_ Deduction for gross dissipation in hospital_ Disability— Caused by own wilful misconduct_ Disability—double permanent total_ Not occurring within one year after discharge_ Resulting from failure to submit to surgical treatment_ Total and helpless_:_ Disabled person and wife_ Discharge—■ Death before, funeral expenses_ Death or disability one year after_ Time for filing claims after_ Earning capacity affecting_ Effective date of reduction or termination__ Enlisted men, death or disability_ Examination, persons in i*ecoipt of, must submit to_ Failure or neglect to submit to examination_ Father, amount of, for, in case of death_ Foreign governments, medical services and transportation fur¬ nished, discharged member of_ Federal employee’s liability, in lieu of_ 200 3 300 208 202 201 202 202 202 209 201 202 200 202 202 205 210 23 201 200 201 202 201 201 23 207 203 201 209 208 205 202 200 202 203 * 204 202 202 201 206 209 202 202 205 200 203 203 201 202 212 Page 3 7 21 3 21 33 21 21-32 32 14 1 11 1 24 21 14 12 14 14 14 21 12 14 11 14 14 20 21 9 12 11 12 14 12 12 9 21 21 12 21 21 20 14 11 14 21 20 14 14 12 21 21 14 14 20 11 20 20 12 14 14 INDEX Compensation—Continued. For no period more than one year prior to date of claim_ Frauds_ Gratuities, while receiving- Gross dissipation may prevent payment of- Hospital service_ Husband, of injured person, compensation for_ Increased, payable six months prior to claim_ Injury, death from_ Injury received during treatment, hospitalization, or voca¬ tional training_ In receipt of retirement pay_ Insane— Inability to make claim, extension of time_ Permanently, no dependents, amount of_ Insanity of adult child_ Marriage of widow, terminates_ Medical, surgical, hospital service, in addition to_ Military offenses, death inflicted for, not payable_ Minor, time extension_ Missing men_ Monthly rate of, for veterans hospitalized_ Mother, amount of, for_ Nurse or attendant_;_ Nurse Corps_ Paid to guardian_ Partial and temporary_ Payments to guardian, suspended_ Pension or gratuity_ Recovery of pajmients not permitted_ Refusal to submit to examination, consequences of_ Retroactive, in cases of fraud, reduction to be_ { { Permanent total, right to prove_ Proximate cause_ Ratings, schedule of_ Reduction in, effective date of_ Retirement pay, while in receipt of_ Review of award_ Right to— Barred_ Forfeited_ Suspended_ Semimonthly payments_ Sound condition_ Suspended, refusing or neglecting to submit to examination_ Temporary total disability, amount of_ Termination of_ Time for filing claims___ Total and permanent disability_ Traveling expenses, persons submitting to medical examina¬ tion_ Treatment, refusal to submit_ Tuberculosis, arrested after hospitalization_ Tuberculosis, not arrested after hospitalization_ Unassignable, not subject to claims of creditors, exempt from taxation_ Uncollected, applied as premiums_ Wheeled chairs, supplied by bureau_ Widow_ Widower, beneficiary Wife_ Willful failure to follow course of treatment Willful misconduct, death or disability_ Sec. Page 210 21 500 32 212 22 202 14 202 14 202 14 210 21 201 12 213 22 212 22 209 21 202 14 201 12 201 12 202 14 23 9 209 21 207 21 202 14 201 12 202 14 200 11 21 8 202 14 21 8 201 12 27 10 25; 10 204 20 205 20 210 21 202 14 203 21 202 14 2m 20 210 21 212 22 205 20 23 9 504 33 203 20 202 14 200 11 203 20 202 14 201 12 209 21 202 14 203 20 203 20 202 14 202 14 22 8 305 28 202 14 201 12 201 12 202 14 204 20 200 11 INDEX 41 Comptroller General authorized to allow credit for insurance installments-- Confidential files--- Confined in hospital, premiums, waiver of--- Conscientious objector. Conservator_ Contract hospitals__ Contract nurses_ Contract nurses, hospitalization of, and compensation for_ Contracts, with State, municipal, and private hospitals_ Convalescent care_ Conversion of term insurance prior to July 2, 1927_ Copy (certified) of bureau records, as evidence_ Court cost, payment of, fee commitment of insane patients_ Court costs and other expenses incident to appointment or removal of guardian_ Court-martial trial, discharge as result of_ Creditors, benefits not subject to claims of_ Crime, death inflicted for_ Crime, offense against United States-^_ Curator_ { { { Deafness, total, rating of_ Death : Burial expenses_ Compensation, beneficiaries_______ Compensation for_ Inflicted as punishment_ Injury or disease, causing compensation for_ Injury, result of training, hospitalization, or treatment, result¬ ing in--- Record (official)_ Resulting from hospitalization, treatment or training_ While receiving compensation or vocational training, benefits allowed_ Within one year after discharge_:_ Within five years after_ Decedent, accrued payments due to escheat to United States_ Payable to personal representative_ Decentralization_ Deduction of compensation for gross dissipation in hospital_ Definitions_ Defraud_ Delegation of authority_ Dental care_ Dependency: Husband of an insane person_ Must arise within five years after death of soldier_ Parents___ Parents of insane patient__ Deserter, discharged on ground of, terminates rights_ Desertion, bars rights to_ Designation of beneficiary_ D<'tailed clerks, to make examination_ Director: Jurisdiction, salary, etc_ Power and authority_ Veterans’ Bureau, duties and powers of_ { { See. 18 30 306 23 31 505 21 202 201 202 10 202 301 30 202 21 23 203 22 23 23 21 505 202 201 201 200 23 200 201 213 207 213 201 206 209 26 303 26 7 202 5 202 21 201 201 21 23 23 300 8 4 5 11 Page 7 11 29 9 11 34 8 14 12 14 4 14 25 11 14 8 9 20 8 9 9 8 34 14 12 12 11 9 11 12 22 21 22 12 21 21 10 27 10 8 14 1 33 2 14 8 12 12 8 9 9 24 3 5 42 INDEX Disability: Compensation for_ Compensation, one year after discharge_:_ Permanent total, insurance, conversion_ Physical, extension of time to begin training, on account of_ Proof of service origin_ Resulting from hospitalization, treatment, or training_ Resulting from injury shown at time of discharge_ vService connected_ Temporary total amount of compensation_ TemporaiT total premiums waived_ Total permanent, insurance against_ Within one year after discharge__ Disabled American veterans, representatives of_ Discharge: Alienage_ Alien enemy_ Application before_ Death before, funeral expenses allowed_ Death or disability, one year after__ Time for filing claims after_ Diseases, list of, treated without reference to origin_ Disease or injury, after induction, before final acceptance and com¬ pensation_ Dismissal of alien enemy_ Dissipation, gross, payment of compensation withheld because of_ District court_ Documents: False statements in_ Producing of, can be compelled by subpoenas_ Donations, for vocational training_ Double total permanent, compensation in case of_ Due date, waiver of premiums, insurance_ Duties of employees_ Dysentery, amoebic, presumption of service connection, rebuttable_ Earning capacity, partial and temporary disability_ Ears, loss of both_ Effective date: Death or disability, compensation_ Reduction of compensation first day of third calendar month_ Effects, personal, loss of by fire while beneficiary is hospitalized_ Embezzlement_ Emergency treatment, reimbursement for_ Employability, test of rehabilitation_ Encephalitis lethargica: Presumption of service connection rebuttable_ Treatment for, when not service connected_ Endowment, conversion of ordinary life into_ Enemy alien__ Enlisted men: Death or disability, compensation_ Definition of_ Entitled to apply for insurance_ Enlistment, application after_^_ Enlistment or induction_ Equipment, surplus, disposition of_ Escheat to United States, insurance term, compensation accrued maintenance, support, no beneficiary_ Estate, no survivors, paid to_ Evidence, compel submission of_ Proofs, rules governing_ { { { Sec. Page 202 14 206 21 301 25 403 32 304 28 213 22 206 21 200 11 202 14 306 29 300 24 206 21 500 32 31 11 23 9 300 24 201 12 206 21 23 9 209 21 200 11 24 9 23 9 202 14 8 3 500 32 8 3 12 5 202 14 306 29 5 2 200 11 202 14 202 14 200 11 205 20 31 11 505 34 202 14 404 32 200 11 202 14 301 25 23 9 200 11 3 1 300 24 300 24 3 1 29 10 26 10 303 27 26 10 303 27 8 3 5 2 INDEX 43 Examination: Clerks detailed for- Persons claiming compensation or treatment- Physical— Exemption from for insurance- Per diem of $2.65 when reporting for- Persons in receipt of compensation must submit to_ Excess mortality, United States to bear expense of- Executive officer of insane asjdum- Experts, appointed by director- Exioenses: Burial- Claimants, account of examination_ Court costs_ Funeral___ Traveling and hospitalization_ Eyes, loss of both_ False statements, punishment for- Father: Amount of compensation, death of son_ Compensation for temporary total disability of son_ Federal employee’s liability, compensation in lieu of_ Fees and mileage of witnesses_ Fees, attorneys or claim agents_ Feet, loss of both_ Field offices, number of_ Files, records, documents, disclosure of_ Fire, loss of personal effects of hospitalized beneficiaries_ Flag to drape casket- Foreign governments, medical services and transportation fur¬ nished beneficiaries of_ Forfeiture of compensation_^_ Iforms of applications_ Foster parent--- Frauds: Compensation_ Punishment for_ Fund; Military and naval appropriation_ Reserve_ Revolving_ Special fund, for vocational rehabilitation_ Unexpended _ United States Government life insurance_ Funds in Treasury in trust for mentally incompetent_ Funeral expenses, veteran of any war_ Gifts, receipt of, from private sources_ Good conduct, patients in hospitals, promotion of_ Government hospital, preference for admission to_ Grandchild_ Permitted class_ Gratuities: Compensation while receiving_ Persons receiving may not receive compensation_ Guardians: Court costs and other expenses incident to appointment or removal_ Failure to perform duties under guardianship_ Guardians_ Limitation of the number of wards who may be served_ Payments to, suspended_ Waiver of insurance premiums pending appointment of_ Hands, loss of both___ Hazards of war, mortality and disability resulting from_ Hearings, authority to conduct_ Home treatment of tuberculosis diseases_ Hospitalization, compensation rates after June 30, 1027__ Bsc. Page 8 3 203 20 300 24 203 20 203 20 303 27 21 8 4 2 201 • 12 203 20 202 14 202 14 202 14 202 14 501 S3 201 12 202 14 211 22 8 *) O 500 32 202 14 <> i O 30 11 31 11 201 ]2 202 14 11 5 5 2 3 1 210 21 502 33 302 27 17 6 13 5 12 5 15 6 17 6 21 8 201 12 12 5 11 5 202 14 O O 1 300 24 212 22 202 14 21 8 21 8 21 8 505 34 21 8 21 8 306 20 202 14 SOO 24 o 202 o 14 202 . 14 44 INDEX Hospitals: Confined in, premium waived in case of_ Contract_ Reimbursement of beneficiaries for loss of personal effects by fire while in hospital_ State, municipal, private contracts with_ Transfer of_ Women who served in base hospitals overseas_ Hospitalization: Contract nurses_ Emergency reimbursement for_ * Furnished any veteran discharged since 1897_ Indigent patients are furnished necessary clothing_ Husband, of injured person, compensation for_ Illegitimate children_ Impairment of earning capacity_ Imprisonment: Claim agent_ False statements_ Frauds_ Intent to defraud- In loco parentis_ Incompetents_ Limitation of the number served by one guardian_ Incontestability, insurance, term and converted_ Inducted man not accepted for service_ Induction: Before final acceptance effecting compensation and insurance_ By local draft board___ Provisional acceptance_ Induction or enlistment_;- Injury: Compensation for disability from_ Death from, compensation beneficiaries_ Includes disease_ Ofliciaily recorded_ Result of training, hospitalization, treatment_ Insane: Commitment of_ Compensation for_ Inability to make claim, extension of time_ Payments to chief of hospitals_ Waiver of insurance premiums_ Insanity of child, compensation continues after 18 years of age_ Inspectors, appointment of- Instruction, courses of, for professional personnel_ Insurance: Active service, must be in, to be entitled to_ Additional two years to convert, total and permanent disa¬ bility cases_ American Experience Table of Mortality- Amount of_ Application, after induction, before final acceptance_ Application, within 120 days- Army Nurse Corps- Application of member of reserve forces while attending train¬ ing camp_ Aunts_ Awards on converted policies- Beneficiary— Designation of_ Death of_ None, escheat to United States_ Sec. Page 306 29 202 14 31 11 10 4 10 4 200 11 202 14 202 14 202 14 202 14 202 14 3 1 202 14 500 32 501 33 502 33 503 33 3 1 21 8 201 12 209 21 21 8 307 SO 24 9 25 10 24 9 24 9 24 9 3 1 200 11 201 12 3 1 206 21 213 22 202 14 202 14 209 21 202 14 306 29 201 12 4 2 33 11 300 24 301 25 300 24 300 24 24 9 300 24 300 24 300 24 300 24 17 6 300 24 303 27 303 27 lOTEX Insurance—Continued. Benefits prior to final acceptance- Brother__ Brother-in-law- Cash value_ Child, beneficiary- Commissioned officer- Converted___ Dependents, for protection of- Disability— Benefits, transfer of funds_ Total permanent, insurance against_ Permanent total conversion_ Discharge, application before_ ^ -- Endowment converted into_ Discontinuance of- Enlisted men- Enlistment, application after_ Examination, exemption from_ Estate— No survivors, paid to_ Grandchild_ Hazards of war, mortality and disability, resulting from Induction by local draft board_ Incontestable after six months__ Intestacy, distribution_ Lapsed, while entitled to compensation_ Lien or indebtedness on_ Local draft board, induction by_ Maturity, provisions for at certain ages_ Medical examination, granted without_ Navy Nurse Corps_ Nephews_ Nieces_ One hundred and twenty days, application within_ Optional settlement_ Ordinary life, converted into_ Parent_ Payments, disposition of, in case no beneficiary survives in¬ sured _ Pay or deposit premiums from_ Permitted class of beneficiaries_ Policies, incontestable after six months, except for fraud_ Premiums— Back, interest 5 per cent per annum_ Payment of_ Covered into Treasury_ Granted upon payment of_ Waiver of_ Regulations, Conversion_ Reinstatement, physical condition_ Reserve fund_ Reserve value_ Residence, place of_ Right of election, payment of proceeds___ Sister__ Sister-in-law_ _ _ Termination of, for reasons specified_ Term until converted_ Time, extension of, to convert_ Total permanent disability_ Total permanent disability ceases, additional two years to con¬ vert_ { Unassignable, except within permitted class Sec. 45 Page 24 9 300 24 300 24 23 9 300 24 300 24 301 25 300 24 302 27 300 24 301 25 300 24 301 25 301 25 300 24 300 24 300 24 27 303 300 24 300 24 24 9 307 30 303 27 305 28 30G 29 24 9 301 25 300 24 300 24 300 24 300 24 300 24 301 25 301 25 300 24 303 27 301 25 300 24 307 30 304 28 301 25 16 6 17 6 300 24 306 29 301 25 304 28 17 6 302 27 303 27 301 25 300 24 300 24 23 9 301 25 301 25 300 24 302 27 301 25 22 8 46 I]SrDEX Insurance—Continued. Uncles_ Uncollected bonus applied as premium on lapsed insurance where death occurs after February 24, 1919_ Interior Department facilities, available for Veterans’ Bureau_ Intestacy, distribution in case of_ Investments, of allotment of compensation_ Lands, United States, under control of bureau, sale or lease of_ Lapsed insurance, term while entitled to compensation_ Laws, pension, not applicable to claimants_ Lease, surplus property, authorized_ Legal advice of Attorney General_ Legitimate_:_ Liability, legal_ Liaison representatives, recognition of_ Limiting the number of wards to be served by one guardian_ Line of duty, injury contracted in, after induction, insurance and compensation_ Local draft board, induction by, affecting compensation and insur¬ ance _ Loss of sight of both eyes: Compensation for_ Treatment where not service connected_ Maintenance and support allowance: Barred, reasons for_ Claim, false statement regarding_ Fraudulent acceptance of_ Maximum to trainees with and without dependents_ Not assignable, not subject to claims of creditors except from taxation_ Payable trainee, after rehabilitation_ Payments for_ Maintenance pay, termination of_ Marriage: Must be within 10 years from date of injury_ Of soldier’s widow, stops compensation_ Proof of_ Maturity, of insurance, provisions for at certain ages_ Medical examination_ Insurance granted, without_ Medical surgical hospital service furnished_ Mentally incompetent: Guardian for_ Waiver of insurance premiums for_ Mileage, payment of, to witness_ Military and naval forces, definition of_ Military and naval fund, converted insurance, disability benefits_ Minor: Inability to make claim, time extension_1_ Payments to guardian or legal custodian of_.i_ Misconduct: { Willful- Affecting compensation_ Affecting treatment_ Willful and persistent_ Missing men, compensation during period of_ Moral turpitude, guilty of any offense involving- Mother: Amount of compensation, death of son- Compensation, temporary total disability- Definition of_ Mutiny, guilty of_ National Guard, member of_ National Home for Disabled Soldiers facilities, available for Vet¬ erans’ Bureau_ Sec. Page 300 24 309 30 10 4 303 27 202 14 29 10 305 28 212 22 29 10 9 4 3 1 313 23 500 82 21 8 24 9 24 9 202 14 202 14 23 9 501 33 502 33 503 33 401 31 22 8 404 32 401 31 404 32 201 12 201 12 20 7 301 25 203 20 300 24 202 14 21 8 306 29 8 3 3 1 302 27 209 21 21 8 200 11 202 14 202 14 207 21 23 9 201 12 202 14 3 1 23 9 24 9 10 4 s IW. R. I. Act. INDEX Navy Department facilities, available for Veterans’ Bureau. Navy Nurse Corps, entitled to benefits_ Neglect to submit to examination_ Net proceeds of sales covered into miscellaneous receipts_ Nephews, beneficiaries_ Neuropsycliiatric, disease contracted in line of duty_ nected_ Nieces, beneficiary_ Nurse or attendant in disability cases_ Nurse Corps, death or disability, compensation_ Nurses, contract_ Oaths, administration of_ Ofteiises, penalties, forfeiture_ Official record of injury, basis for compensation_ One hundred and twenty days, application for insurance. Optional settlement, converted insurance_ Ordinary life, converted into_ Paralysis agitans: Presumption of service connection, rebuttable_ Treatment for when not service connected_ Parent, beneficiary. Paresis, when considered of service origin_ Partial and temporary disability, compensation in case of. Partial and permanent disability, compensation in case of. Patients effects loss by fire, v/hile hospitalized_ Pay, definition of_ Payments; Compensation and insurance, recovery of_ Monthly, semimonthly compensation_ Support and maintenance_ Pay, termination of maintenance_ Pay or deposit, premiums from_ Penalties _ Penalties are applicable in Philippine Islands_ Penalties for breach of good conduct_ Pensions___ Per diem, $2.65 when reporting for physical examination_ Period of the war_ Perjury, punishment_ Permanent disability, insurance against_ Permanent total, right to prove disability_ Permitted class of insurance benefits_ Permitted class of insurance beneficiaries, none___ Personal effects, loss by fire wdiile beneficiary is hospitalized. Personal representative payments to_ Personnel: Appointment of_ Authority of___ Professional, courses of instruction for_ Petty officers, included in the term “ enlisted men ”_ Philippine insurrection, treatment of veterans of_ Philippine Islands, penalties of Title V are applicable_ Physical condition of applicant, reinstatement of Insurance- Preexisting disease or injury, aggravation of_ Premiums: Covered into Treasury to credit of insurance fund. 47 Sec. Page 10 4 300 24 _ 203 20 29 10 300 24 200 11 n- 202 14 300 24 202 14 200 11 201 12 8 3 - 603 35 — 208 21 300 24 301 25 - 301 25 200 11 202 14 3 1 < 201 12 300 24 200 11 202 14 202 14 31 11 3 1 r 27 10 ■ 1 28 10 ._ 202 14 ._ 401 31 404 82 301 25 500-504 32-33 506 34 11 5 212 22 203 20 3 1 501 83 _ 300 24 27 10 202 14 300 24 _ 303 27 31 11 26 10 4 o 5 2 33 n 3 1 202 14 _ 506 34 _ 304 28 f 200 11 \ 202 14 / 305 28 306 29 17 6 48 INDEX Premiums—Continued. Covered into Treasury unexpended_ Deducted _ In advance_ Insurance granted upon payment of___ Interest, deductible from proceeds_ Rates based on American Experience Table of Mortality_ Uncollected bonus, applied as premium on lapsed insurance where death occurs after February 24, 1019_ Waiver of in case of disability_ Private gifts for vocational training_ Private hospitals, contracts with_ Private treatment, reim])ursement for emergency-_ Professional personnel, courses of instruction for_ Prosecution of actions at law_ Prosthetic appliances_ Provisional acceptance for service, benefits under_ Public Health Service facilities transferred_ Purchase or maHufacture, artificial limbs, etc_^_ Ratings, schedule of_ Rebuttable, presumption of service connection_ Records, files, documents, disclosure of_ Records, disposition of, in offices abolished_ Recovery from disability, transfer of funds_ Recovery of erroneous payments_ Red Cross, representatives of_ Refusal to submit to examination_ Regional offices, powers and duties of_ Regional offices and suboffices, termination of_ Regulations: Authority of director to make_ Conversion of insurance_ Furnishing medical services to discharged service men of foreign government_ Rehabilitation : Employability test of_ Maintenance and support allowance payable after employ- ability establislred_ Reimbursement for emergency treatments_ Reimbursement of hospitalized beneficiaries for loss of personal effects by fire_ Reinstatement of term insurance required prior to July 2, 1927_ Reinstatement, physical condition of applicant_ Repeal of prior laws_J- Report of private gifts and donations_ Report to Congress_ Reserve forces, insurance application while attending training camp_ Reserve value, converted insurance- Retirement pay, compensation while in receipt of_ { { { Retroactive, pajmient of claim Retroactive, rates of compensation not to be_ Review reward, bureau ma 3 '’ at any time_ Revolving fund for vocational training- Right of election, payment of proceeds- Rights and liabilities_ Rules and regulations_ Sale of surplus property_ Schedule of ratings, reductions in earning capacity Semimonthly payments_ Sec. Page 16 6 301 25 301 25 300 24 305 28 306 29 300 24 309 30 308 29 12 5 10 4 202 14 33 11 500 32 604 35 202 14 25 10 10 4 202 14 202 14 200 11 30 11 7 3 302 27 28 10 27 10 500 32 203 20 7 3 7 3 5 2 301 25 202 14 404 32 404 32 202 14 31 11 304 28 304 28 601 34 12 5 14 6 300 24 302 27 212 22 201 12 205 20 210 21 202 14 205 20 13 5 301 25 602 34 5 2 11 5 29 10 202 14 202 14 401 31 ♦ V INDEX 49 Service connection, dates of limited_ Service connection, presumption of, diseases specified Sister, beneficiary- Sister-in-law, beneficiary_ Sound condition, held to have been in, vrben accepted Spanish-American War veterans, treatment of_ Spinal meningitis_ Step brother and sister, brother and sister include- Stepchild, beneficiary- Stepmother, beneficiary- Stepfather, beneficiary_ Subofiices, powers and duties of_ Subpoenas, power to issue_ Suits against the United States_ Suits at law. Commenced prior to June 7, 1924__ Supplies of abolished offices, disposition of_ e_ Supplies retained by trainees_ Supplies, surplus, sale of_ Surplus property and equipment, to be disposed of by director_ Suspended compensation, refusing to submit to examination_ Taxation, compensation, insurance, maintenance and support al¬ lowance, exempt from_ Telephone service for medical officers_ Temporary total disability: Amount of compensation_ Premium, w'aiver of__ Termination of maintenance pay_ Termination of war, date__ Termination of compensation Testimony of witnesses_ Time: For filing claim, extension of__ Of disability_ Total and permanent disability: Compensation in case of_ Insurance against_ Trainee: Deiiendents_ Eligibility of_ Maintenance and support allov/ance._ Retention of supplies_ Training: Allowance, termination of_ Application for_ Burial expenses of beneficiary in_ Camp, insurance application while reserve forces were at¬ tending_ Commencement of_ Courses available_ Discontinuance of all courses of_ Gifts received for_ Injury, while receiving_ Transfer of hospitals to the Veterans’ Bureau_ Transportation to disabled soldiers of foreign governments_ Traveling expenses and hospitalization furnished any veterans discharged since 1897_ Traveling expenses, persons submitting to medical examination_ Treason, guilty of, termination of rights_ Treatment: Application for_ Emergency, reimbursement for_ Examination required of applicants for_ Refusal or neglect to submit_ Sec. Page 200 11 200 11 300 24 300 24 200 11 202 14 200 11 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 7 3 8 3 19 7 500 32 604 35 602 34 7 3 407 32 202 14 29 10 203 20 22 8 32 11 202 14 306 29 404 32 3 1 .1- 205 20 201 12 8 O O 209 21 206 21 202 14 302 27 401 31 4G3 32 401 31 407 32 406 32 405 32 201 12 300 24 403 32 402 31 406 32 12 5 213 22 10 4 202 14 202 14 203 20 23 9 209 21 202 14 203 20 203 20 50 INDEX Tuberculosis: . Sec. Page Arrested, compensation of $50 monthly_ 202 14 Arrested, discharged from hospital, rating of_ 202 14 Compensation for_ 202 14 Contracted in line of duty_ 200 11 Hospitalization and training expenses provided_ 202 14 Not arrested, discharged from hospital, rating of_ 202 14 Treatment for, not service connected_ 202 14 Two years additional to convert, total and pennanent rating changed - 301 25 Uncles, beneficiary _ 300 24 United States Government life insurance fund, use of_ 302 27 . United States Veterans’ Bureau, establishment of_ 4 2 Validity of act_ 605 35 Veterans of foreign wars, representations of_ 500 32 Vocational training: Authorized - 400 30 Commencement of_ 403 32 Private gifts for- 12 5 ' 400 30 Termination of_ 402 31 406 32 Prohibited prior to completion of course actually com¬ menced __ ’ 400 30 WaiA’er of premiums, insurance, term and converted_ 306 29 War Department’s hospitals available for Veterans’ Bureau_ 10 4 Wheeled chairs, supplied by bureau _ 202 14 Widow: Amount, compensation death of soldier _ 201 12 One who marries deceased not later than 10 years after injury. 201 12 Widower, same rights as widow - 201 12 Wife _ 401 31 Compensation, apportionment _ 203 20 Compensation case of temporary total disability _ 202 14 Includes husband _ ® -- 202 14 Willful misconduct _ 24 9 Death or disability, no compensation - 200 11 Witness : Authority to subpoena - 8 3 Compel attendance of - 8 3 Women, beneficiaries _ 200 11 Women, service in base hospitals overseas- 200 11 World War, term defined - 3 1 o