SG 5 >-.*-<- Tom L I B RAR.Y OF THL UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Turner Collection Oh Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library BLC i 8 E py OEC 2V I9B7 DEC -< 25197J m 1 1 / US " 1 1978 L161 H41 The Son of Don Juan IN SAME SERIES. The Lady from the Sea. A London Plane Tree, and other Poems. Iphigenia in Delphi. Mireio. Lyrics. A Minor Poet. Concerning Cats. A Chaplet from the Greek Anthology. The Countess Kathleen. The Love Songs of Robert Burns. Love Songs of Ireland. Retrospect, and other Poems. Brand. Mariana. By JOSE ECHEGARAY. [/ Preparation. The Son of Don Juan 3 oACTS by JOSE ECHEGARAY Translated by JAMES GRAHAM CAMEO SERIES T.FisberUnwin PaternosterSq London E.G. MDCGCXCV. f * t> Jose Echegaray : a Sketch. BY JAMES GRAHAM. THE author of the plays here done into English was born in Madrid on the Thursday in Holy Week of sixty-three years ago. In spite of a fair indication to go by, his friends are responsible for the curious assertion that he himself does not know, or has not taken the trouble to verify, the exact date of his birth. A reference to familiar sources of chronology enables us to make a respectful claim to better information on the point than the person most concerned. So the *i day of Senor Echegaray's birth may be fixed precisely " as the igth of April, 1832. The first three years of the dramatist's life were v v passed in the capital of Spain. In 1835 he was removed from Madrid by his father, who had just obtained the appointment of Professor of Greek at " the Institute of Murcia. It was in Murcia that Jos s received the rudiments of his education ; and while X still a child he entered the institute. Here he studied Latin under Professor Soriano, Natural History under Angel Girao, and Greek under his own father. The -v. boy was early seen to be gifted with brain-power of