L I B HARY OF THE U N I VERS ITY Of ILLI NOIS 572 no. 32.- 3 "7 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 4AN25J973 JAN 1 a 1973 m 2 i DEC / 6 ft ft APR 3 8 1980 API? 9 mo OCT 3 'J* M 1 984 L161 — O-1096 1 *— • A. ■S5f Primitive Hunters of Australia BY Wilfrid D. Hambly ASSISTANT CURATOR OF AFRICAN ETHNOLOGY 12 Plates in Photogravure and 1 Map Anthropology Leaflet 32 I HE FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CHICAGO 1936 The Anthropological Leaflets of Field Museum are designed to give brief, non-technical accounts of some of the more interesting beliefs, habits and customs of the races whose life is illustrated in the Museum's exhibits. ANTHROPOLOGICAL LEAFLETS ISSUED TO DATE 1. The Chinese Gateway (supply exhausted) ... $ — 2. Philippine Forge Group 10 3. Japanese Collections 20 4. New Guinea Masks 15 5. The Thunder Ceremony of the Pawnee 20 6. The Sacrifice to the Morning Star by the Skidi Pawnee 10 7. Purification of the Sacred Bundles, a Ceremony of the Pawnee 10 8. Annual Ceremony of the Pawnee Medicine Men . .10 9. The Use of Sago in New Guinea 10 10. Use of Human Skulls and Bones in Tibet ... .10 11. The Japanese New Year's Festival, Games and Pastimes 15 12. Japanese Costume 20 13. Gods and Heroes of Japan 15 14. Japanese Temples and Houses 15 15. Use of Tobacco among North American Indians . .20 16. Use of Tobacco in Mexico and South America . . .15 17. Use of Tobacco in New Guinea and Neighboring Regions 10 18. Tobacco and Its Use in Asia 25 19. Introduction of Tobacco into Europe 25 20. The Japanese Sword and Its Decoration 15 21. Ivory in China 60 22. Insect-Musicians and Cricket Champions of China . .40 23. Ostrich Egg-shell Cups of Mesopotamia and the Ostrich in Ancient and Modern Times ... .30 24. The Indian Tribes of the Chicago Region with Special Reference to the Illinois and the Potawatomi 25 25. The Civilization of the Mayas (Second Edition) . . .60 26. The Early History of Man (supply exhausted) . . — 27. The Giraffe in History and Art 60 28. The Field Museum -Oxford University Expedition to Kish, Mesopotamia, 1923-1929 50 29. Tobacco and Its Use in Africa 25 30. The Races of Mankind 25 31. Prehistoric Man 25 32. Primitive Hunters of Australia 30 STEPHEN C. SIMMS, DIRECTOR FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CHICAGO, U.S.A. 3Vd UJQ id a z It E": hi ? < J m *v~p v. < 1— 1 u I K J DC m 5 < 1 <0 PC H U) D < N V 3 nr N VI QN ' c v • no - 37 CONTENTS PAGE List of Illustrations 3 Preface 5 Conditions of Human Life 7 Physical Appearance 12 Language and Folklore 14 Magic 19 Social Life 27 Ornaments, Weapons, and Implements 34 Tasmania 42 Bibliography 51 Index 58 - z o Q c s. < Z < s c US 3 o O >> XI c c Q Z < J OT z w w & M H 03 O > 03 £> o > < H Q w w « H O W O US US 3 O U < t— i < H CO < w W O o IX) w w ft* o m o Si « o u o Q w H T3 M & pi w H tn w H Pi * < Q < g X < a Ah 03 w Q o o CM CO o 3 J3 M CD 1> C o 3 O N m a J c O >> . 2 § Q Z <; w Z H W M PJ O z K W s o W c o Z c £ Leaflet 32 Plate XII ^-^- Courtesy of N. W. Thomas THROWING A BOOMERANG. QUEENSLAND PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA BY FIELD MUSEUM PRESS