^i^^i- ^^ii E'LIBRIS-IOKTSCOMITK l>rKIMBERLEY LI E) RAR.Y OF THE U N IVLRSITY or ILLINOIS xS2 3 1818 v.\ ^ook & Special iorts LibfAry NORTHANGER ABBEY AND PERSUASION. MANSFIELD-PARK," &C. WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF THE AUTHOR. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. L LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. 1818.' Loiuion; l'n,u..l by C. Ro-.vorth, Bi-ll-)-,»rJ, rcni\>le-b*r. :0 ^ BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF ^ THE AUTHOR. ii .1 a ^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/northangerabbeypOlaust The following pages are the production of a pen which has already contributed in no small degree to the entertainment of the public. And when the public, which has not been in- sensible to the merits of " Sense and Sensibi- lity," " Pride and Prejudice," " Mansfield Park," and '* Emma," shall be informed that the hand which guided that pen is now moul- dering in the grave, perhaps a brief account of Jane Austen will be read with a kindlier senti- ment than simple curiosity. Short and easy will be the task of the mere biographer. A life of usefulness, literature, and religion, was not by any means a life of event. To those who lament their irreparable loss, it is consolatory to think that, as she never deserved disapprobation, so, in the a 3 circle ( ^i ) circle of her family and friends, she never met reproof; that her wishes were not only reason- able, but gratified ; and that to the little disap- pointments incidental to human life was never added, even for a moment, an abatement of good-will from any who knew her. Jane Austen was bom on the l6th of De- cember, 177.5, at Steventon, in the county of Hants. Her father was Rector of that parish upwards of forty years. There he resided, in the conscientious and unassisted discharge of his ministerial duties, until he was turned of seventy years. Then he retired with his w ife, our authoress, and her sister, to Bath, for the remainder of his life, a period of about four years. Being not only a profound scholar, but possessing a most exquisite taste in every species of literature, it is not wonderful that his daughter Jane should, at a very early age, have become sensible to the charms of style, and enthusiastic in the cultivation of her own law- ( vJi ) language. On the death of her father she re» moved, with her mother and sister, for a short time, to Southampton, and finally, in 1809? to the pleasant village of Chawton, in the same eomity. From this place she sent into the world those novels, which by many have been placed on the same shelf as the works of a D'Arblay and an Edgeworth, Some of these novels had been the gradual performances of her previous life. For though in composition she was equally rapid and correct, yet an in- vincible distrust of her own judgement induced her to withhold her works from the public, till time and many perusals had satisfied her that the charm of recent composition was dissolved. The natural constitution, the regular habits, the quiet and happy occupations of our au- thoress, seemed to promise a long succession of amusement to the public, and a gradual increase of reputation to herself. But th« symptoms of a decay, deep and incurable, be- a 4 gaii ( viii ) %2iX\ to shew themselves in the commencement of 1816. Her decline vvas at first deceitfully slow; and until the spring of this present year, those who knew their happiness to be involved in her existence could not endure to despair. But in the month of May, 1817, it was found advisable that she should be removed to Win- chester for the benefit of constant medical aid, which none even then dared to hope would be permanently beneficial. She sup- ported, during two months, all the varying pain, irksomeness, and tedium, attendant on decaying nature, with more than resignation, with a truly elastic cheerfulness. She retained her faculties, her memory, her fancy, her tem- per, and her alTcctions, warm, clear, and un- impaired, to the last. Neitlier her love of God, nor of her fellow creatures flagged for a moment. She made a point of receiving the sacrament before excessive bodily weakness might have rendered her perception unequal to her w ishes. She ( ix ) She wrote whilst she could hold a pen, and with a pencil when a pen was become too la- borious. The day preceding her death she composed some stanzas replete with fancy and vigour. Her last voluntary speech conveyed thanks to her medical attendant ; and to the final question asked of her, purporting to know her wants, she replied, " I want nothing but death." She expired shortly after, on Friday the iSth of July, 1817, in the arms of her sister, who, as well as the relator of these events, feels too surely that they shall never look upon her like again. Jane Austen was buried on the 24th of July, 1617, in the cathedral church of Win- chester, which, in the whole catalogue of its mighty dead, does not contain the ashes of a brighter genius or a sincerer Christian. Of personal attractions she possessed a considerable share. Her stature was that of a 5 true ( » ) true elegance, ft could not have been in- creased without exceeding the middle height. Her carriage and deportment were quiet, yet graceful. Her features were separately good. Their assemblage produced an unrivalled ex* pression of that cheerfulness, sensibility, and benevolence, which were her real characteris- tics. Her complexion was of the finest tex- ture. It might with truth be said, that her eloquent blood spoke through her modest cheek. Her voice was extremely sweet. She delivered herself with fluency and precision. Indeed she was formed for elegant and rational society, excelling in conversation as much as in composition. In the present age it is hazardous to mention accomplishments. Our authoress would, probably, have been inferior to few in such acquirements, had slie not been so superior to most in higher things. She had not only an excellent taste for drawing, but, in her earlier days, evinced great power of hand iu ( XI ) in the management of the pencil. Her own musical attainments she held very cheap. Twenty years ago they woiikl have beea thought more of, and twenty years hence many a parent will expect their daughters to be ap- plauded for meaner performances. She was fond of dancing, and excelled in it. It re- mains now to add a few observations on that w hicli her friends deemed more important, on those endowments which sweetened every hour of their lives. If there be an opinion current in the world, that perfect placidity of temper is not recon- cileable to the most lively imagination, and the keenest relish for wit, such an opinion will b^ rejected for ever by those who have had the happiness of knowing the authoress of the fol- lowing works. Though the frailties, foibles, and follies of others could not escape her im- mediate detection, yet even on their vices did she never trust herself to comment with un- a 6 kind- ( xii ) itiiitlness. The affectation of candour is not juucomnion ; but slie hud no affectation. ■Faultless herself, as nearly as human nature can be, she always sought, in the faults of others, sonietlung to excuse, to forgive or for- get. Where extenuation was impossible, she liad a sure refuge in silence. She never ut- tered cither a hasty, a silly, or a severe expres- sion. In short, her temper was as polished as lier wit. Nor were her manners inferior to her temper. They were of the happiest kind. No .one could be often in her company without ieeling a strong desire of obtaining her friend- ^ship, and cherishing a hope of having obtained ^t. She was tranquil without reserve or stiff- ness; and communicative without intrusion or self-sufficiency. She became an authoress en- tirely from taste and inclination. Neither the Jiope of fame nor profit mixed with her early mo- tives. iMosit o( her works, as before observed, were composed many years previous to tlieir publi- ( xili ) publication. It was with extreme difficulty that her friends, w hose partiality she suspected whilst she honoured their judgement, could prevail on lier to publish her first work. Nay, so persuaded was she that its sale would not repay the expense of publication, that she actually made a reserve from her very mode- rate income to meet the expected loss. She could scarcely believe what she termed her great good fortune when " Sense and Sensibi- lity'^ produced a clear profit of about £\50. Few so gifted were so truly unpretending. She regarded the above sum as a prodigious re- compense for that which had cost her nothing. Her readers, perhaps, will wonder that such a work produced so little at a time when some authors have received more guineas than they have written lines. The works of our au- thoress, however, may live as long as those which have burst on the world with more eclat. But the public has not been unjust; and ( xiv ) and our authoress ^vas far from thinking it so. Most gratifying to her was the applause which from time to time reached her ears from those who were competent to discrimi- nate. Still, in spite of such applause, so much did she shrink from notoriety, that no accumulation of fame would have induced her, had she lived, to affix her name to any pro- ductions of her pen. In the bosom of her own family she talked of them freely, thankful for praise, open to remark, and submissive to criticism. But in public she turned away from any allusion to the character of an au- thoress. She read aloud with very great taste and effect. Her own works, probably, were never heard to so much advantage as from her own moutli; for she partook largely in all the best gifts of the comic muse. She was a warm and judicious admirer of landscape, both in nature and on canvass. At a very early age she was enamoured of Gilpin on the Pic- turesque ; ( XV ) turesque; and she seldom changed her opU Dions either on books or men. Her reading was very extensive in history and belles lettres ; and her memory extremely tenacious. Her favourite moral writers were Johnson in prose, and Cowper in verse. It is difficult to say at what age she was not intimately acquainted with the merits and de- fects of the best essays and novels in the English language. Richardson's power of creating, and preserving the consistency of his characters, as particularly exemplified in " Sir Charles Grandison," gratified the natural dis- crimination of her mind, whilst her taste se- cured her from the errors of his prolix style and tedious narrative. She did not rank any work of Fielding quite so high. Without the slightest affectation she recoiled from every thing gross. Neither nature, wit, nor humour, could make her amends for so very low a ecale of morals. Her ( XVI ) Her power of inventing characters seems to have been intuitive, and almost unlimited. She drew from nature; but, whatever may have been surmised to the contrary, never from individuals. The style of her familiar correspondence was in all respects the same as that of her novels. Every thing came finished from her pen ; for on all subjects she had ideas as clear as her expressions were well chosen. It is not hazarding too much to say that she never dispatched a note or letter unworthy of pub- lication. One trait only remains to be touched on. It makes all others unimportant. She was thoroughly religious and devout ; fearful of giving oft'ence to God, and incapable of feeling it towards any fellow cieature. On serious subjects she was well-instructed, both by read- ing and meditation, and her opinions accorded strictly with those of our F.stabli§hed Cluuch. Loti(lo)iy Dec. k), LSI?. ( "ii ) POSTSCRIPT. Since concluding the above remarks, the writer of them has been put in possession of some extracts from the private correspondence of the authoress. They are few and short ; but are submitted to the public without apo- logy, as being more truly descriptive of her temper, taste, .feelings, and principles than any thing which the pen of a biographer can produce. The first extract is a playful defence of her- self from a mock charge of having pilfered the manuscripts of a young relation. " What should I do, my dearest E. with your manly, vigorous sketches, so full of life and spirit ? How could I possibly join them on to a little bit of ivory, two inches wide, on •which I work with a brush so fine as to pro- duce little effect after much labour ?" The ( xviii ) Tlie remaining extracts are from various parts of a letter written a few weeks before her death. " My attendant is encouraging, and talks of making me quite well. I live chiefly on the sofa, but am allowed to walk from one room to the other. I have been out once in a sedan-chair, and am to repeat it, and be promoted to a wheel-chair as the weather serves. On this subject I will only say fur- ther that my dearest sister, my tender, watch- ful, indefatigable nurse, has not been made ill by her exertions. As to what I owe ta her, and to the anxious affection of all my beloved family on this occasion, I cau only cry over it, and pray to God to bless them more and more." She next touches with just and gentle anim- adversion on a subject of domestic disappoint- ment. Of this the particulars do not concern tlie public. Yet in justice to her character- istic ( XIX ) istic sweetness and resignation, the concluding observation of our authoress thereon must not be suppressed. " But I am getting too near complaint. It has been the appointment of God, however secondary causes may have operated." The following and final extract will prove the facility with which she could correct every impatient thought, and turn from complaint to cheerfulness. " You will find Captain a very respectable, well-meaning man, without much manner, his wife and sister all good humour and obligingness, and I hope (since the fa- shion allows it) with rather longer petticoats than last year." London, Dec. 20, 1817. NORTHANGER ABBEY. VOL. I. ADVERTISEMENT, BY THE AUTHORESS, TO NORTIIANGER ABBEY This little work was finished in the year 1803, and intended for imme- diate publication. It was disposed of to a bookseller, it was even adver- tised, and why the business proceed- ed no farther, the author has never been able to learn. That any book- seller should think it worth while to purchase what he did not think it worth while to publish seems extra- ordinary. But with this, neither the author ( XXIV ) author nor the public have any other concern tlian as some observation is necessary upon those parts of the work which thirteen years have made comparatively obsolete. The public are entreated to bear in mind that thirteen years have passed since it was finished, many more since it was begun, and that during that period, places, manners, books, and opinions have undergone considerable changes. NORTHANGER ABBEY. CHAPTER I. No one who had ever seen Catherine ]\lorland in her infancy, would have supposed her born to be an heroine. Her situation in hfe, the character of her father and mother, her own person and disposition, were all equal 1}^ against her. Her father was a clergyman, without being neglected, or poor, and a very respectable man, though his name was Richard- and he had never been handsome. He had a considerable independences besides two good livings — and he was not in the least addicted VOL. I. B to ( 2 ) ' to locking up liis daughters. Her mo- ^ ther was a woman of useful plain sense, with a good temper, and, what is more remarkahle, with ^ good constitution. She had three sons hefore Catherine was born ; and instead of dying in bHhging the latter into the world, as ^ny body might expect, she still lived on — ^lived to have six children more — to see them growing up around her, and to enjoy excellent health herself. A family of ten children will be always called a fine family, where there are heads and arms and legs enough for the number; but the IVforlands had little other right to the word, for they were in general very plain, and Cathe- rine, for many years of her life, as plain as any. She had a thin awkward figure, a sallow skin without colour, dark lank hair, ^nd strong features; — so mucli for ( 3 ) for her person ; — and not less tinpro- pitious for heroism seemed her mind. She was fond of all boys' plays, and greatly preferred cricket not merely to dolls, but to the more heroic enjoy- ments of infancy, nursing a dormouse, feeding a canary-bird, or watering a rose-bush. Indeed she had no taste for a garden ; and if she gathered flow- ers at all, it was chiefly for the pleasure of mischief — at least so it was conjec- tured from her always preferring those which she was forbidden to take. — Such were her propensities — her abili- ties were quite as extraordinary. She never could learn or understand any thing before she was taught ; and sometimes not even then, for she was often inattentive, and occasionally stu- pid. Her mother was three months in teaching her only to repeat the ^' Bcg- B 2 gar s ( 4 ) gar's Petition ;" and after all, her next sister, Sall}^, could say it better than she did. Not that Catherine was al- ways stupid, — by no means; she learnt the fable of '•' The Hare and many Friends," as quickly as any girl in England. Ilcr mother wished her to learn music ; and Catherine was sure she should like it, for she was very fond of tinklins: the kcvs of the old forlorn spinnet ; so, at eight years old she began. She learnt a year, and could not bear it ; — and Mrs,. jNIorland, who did not insist on her daughters being accomplished in spite of incapa- city or distaste, allowed her to leave off. The day which dismissed the mu- sic-master was one of the happiest of Catherine's life. Her taste for draw- ing was not superior ; though when- ever she could obtain the outside of a letter ( 5 ) letter from her mother, or seize upon any other odd piece of paper, she did what she could in that way, by draw- ing houses and trees, hens and chick- ens, all very much like one another. — Writing and accounts she was taught by her father ; French by her mother : her proficiency in either was not re- markable, and she shirked her lessons in both whenever she could. What a strange, unaccountable character ! — for with all these symptoms of profligacy at ten years old, she had neither a bad heart nor a bad temper; Avas seldom stubborn, scarcely ever quarrelsome, and very kind to the little ones, with few interruptions of tyranny ; she was moreover noisy and A\'ild, hated con- finement and cleanliness, and loved no- thing so well in the world as rolling B 3 down ( G ) down the green slope at the back of the house. Such was Cathei;ine Morland at ten. At fifteen, appearances were mending; she began to curl her hair and long for balls ; her complexion improved, her features were softened by plumpness and colour, her eyes gained more ani- mation, and her figure more conse- quence. Her love of dirt gave way to an inclination for finery, and she grew clean as she grew smart; she had now the pleasure of sometimes hearing her father and mother remark on her per- sonal improvement. " Catherine grows quite a good-looking girl, — she is al- most pretty to day," were words which caught her ears now and then ; and how. Avelcome were the sounds ! To look almost pretty, is an acquisition of higher dehght ( 7 ) ^■.'■''^ delight to a girl who has been looking plain the first fifteen years of her life, than a beauty from her cradle can ever receive. Mrs. Morland was a very good wo- man, and wished to see her children every thing they ought to be; but her time was so much occupied in lying- in and teaching the little ones, that her elder daughters were inevitably left to shift for themselves ;• and it was not very wonderful that Catherine, who had by nature nothing heroic about her, should prefer cricket, base ball, riding on horseback, and running about the country at the age of fourteen, to books — or at least books of information — for, provided that nothing like useful know- ledge could be gained from them, pro- vided they were all story and no reflec- tion, she had never any objection to B 4 books ( 8 ) books at all. But from fifteen to se- venteen she was in training for a he- roine ; she read all such works as he- roines must read to supply their memo- ries with those quotations which are so serviceable and so soothing in the vicis- situdes of their eventful lives. From Pope, she learnt to censui*e those who " bear about the mockery of woe." From Gray, that ** Many a flower is born to blush unseen, *' And waste its fragrance on the desert air." From Thompson, that " It is a delightful task " To teach the young idea how to shoot." And from Shakspeare she gained a great store of information — amongst the rest, that " Trifles light as air, '* Are, to the jealous, confirmation strong, " As proofs of Holy Writ." That ( 9 ) " The poor beetle, which wc (read upon, '' In corporal sufferance feels a pang as great '* As when a giant dies." And that a young woman in lovp always looks " like Patience on a monument " Smiling at Grief/' So far her improvement was suffi- cient — and in many other points she came on exceedingly well ; for though she could not write sonnets, she hrought herself to read them ; and though there seemed no chance of her throwing a whole party into raptures by a prelude on the pianoforte, of her own composi- tion, she could listen to other people's performance with very little fatigue. Her greatest deficiency was in the pen- cil — she had no notion of drawing — not enough even to attempt a sketch B 5 of ( 10 ) of her lover's profile, that she might be detected in the design. There hihe fell miserably short of the true heroic height. At present she did not know her own poverty, for she had no lover to pourtray. She had reached the age of seventeen, without having seen one amiable youth who could call forth her sensibility; without having inspired one real passion, and without having ' excited even any admiration but what was very moderate and very transient. This was strange indeed ! But strange things may be generally accounted for if their cause be fairly searched out. There was not one lord in the neigh- bourhood; no — not even a baionct. There was not one family among their acquaintance who had reared and sup- ported a boy accidentally found at their door — not one young man whose origin was ( 11 ) was unknown. Her father had no ward, and the squire of the parish no children. But when a young lady is to be a heroine, the pei-verseness of forty sur- rounding families cannot prevent her. Something must and will happen to throw a hero in her way. Mr. Allen, who owned the chief of the property about Fullerton, the vil- lage in Wiltshire where the Morlands lived, was ordered to Bath for the benefit of a gouty constitution ; — and his lady, a good-humoured woman, fond of Miss Morland, and probably aware that if adventures will not befal a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad, invited her to go with them. Mr. and Mrs. Morland were all compliance, and Catherine all happiness. b6 CPIAP- ( 12 ) CHAPTER 11. In addition to what 1ms been already said of Catherine INIorland's personal and mental endowments, when about to be launched into all the difficulties and dangers of a six weeks' residence in Bath, it may be stated, for the reader's more certain infarmation, lest the following pages should otherwise fail of giving any idea of what her character is meant to be; that her heart M^as affectionate, her disposition cheer- fid and open, without conceit or af- fectation of any kind — her manners just removed from the awkwardness and shyness of a girl ; her person pleas- ing, and, when in good looks, j)retty — and her mind about us is>:noraiit and unin- ( 1^ ) uninformed as the female mind at seventeen usually is. When the hour of departure drew near, the maternal anxiety of Mrs. Morland will be naturally supposed to be most severe. A thousand alarming presentiments of evil to her beloved Catherine from this terrific separation must oppress her heart with sadness, and drown her in tears for the last day or two of their being together; and advice of the most important and ap- plicable nature must of course flow from her wise lips in their parting con- ference in her closet. Cautions against the violence of such noblemen and baronets as delight in forcing young ladies away to some remote farm-house, must, at such a moment, reheve the ful- ness of her heart. Who would not think so? But Mrs. Morland knew so little of ( 14 ) of lords and baronets, that she enter- tained no notion of their general mis- chievousness, and was wholly unsus- picious of danger to her daughter from their machinations. Her cautions were confined to the following points. " I beg, Catherine, you will always wrap yourself up very warm about the throat, when you come from the Rooms at night; and I wish you would try to keep some account of the money you spend; — I will give you this little book on purpobC." Sally, or rather Sarah, (for wb.at young- lady of common gentility will reach the age of sixteen without altering her name as far as she can?) Inust from situation be at this time the intimate friend and confidante of her sister. It is remarkable, however, that she neither insisted on Catherine's writing bv ( 15 ) by every post, nor exacted her promise of transmitting the character of every new acquaintance, nor a detail of every interesting conversation that Bath might produce. Every thing indeed relative to this important journey was done, on the part of tlie IMorlands, with a degree of moderation and com- posure, which seemed rather consistent with the common feelings of common life, than with the refined susceptibi- Uties, the tender emotions which the first separation of a heroine from her family ought always to excite. Her fa- ther, instead of giving her an unlimited Order on his banker, or even putting an hundred pounds bank-bill into her hands, gave her only ten guineas, and promised her more when she wanted it. Under these unpromising auspices, the parting took place, and the jour- ney ( I^ ) . hey began. It was pcrfoniied \rith suitable quietness and uneventful safety. Neither robbers nor tempests befriended them, nor one luckv over- turn to introduce them to the hero. Nothing more alarming occurred than a fear on !\Irs. Allen's side, of having once left her clogs behind her at an inn, and that fortunately proved to be groundless. They arrived at Bath. Catherine was all eager delight ; — -her eyes were here, there, every ^^llere, as they ap- proached its fine and striking environs, and afterwards drove througli those streets which conducted them to tlie hotel. She was come to be happy, and she felt happy already. They were soon settled in com fort- able lodgings in Pulteney-street. It is now expedient to give some descrip- ( ^r ) description of Mrs. Allen, that the reader may be able to judge, in what manner her actions will hereafter tend to promote the general distress of the work, and how she will, probably, con- tribute to reduce poor Catherine to all the desperate wretchedness of which a last volume is capable — Avhether by her imprudence, vulgarity, or jealousy — whether by intercepting her letters, ruining her character, or turning her out of doors. All's. Allen was one of that nume- rous class of females, whose society can raise no other emotion than surprise at there being any men in the world who could like them well enough to marry them. She had neither beauty, ge- nius, accomplishment, nor manner. The air of a gentlewoman, a great deal of quiet, inactive good temper, and a trifling ( 18 ) •tfifling turn of mind, were all that coukl account for her being the choice of a sensible, intelligent man, like Mr. Allen. In one respect she was admi- rably fitted to introduce a young lady into public, being as fond of going everywhere and seeing every thing her- self us any young lady could be. Dress was her passion. She had a most harm- less delight in being fnie; and our heroine's entree into life could not take place till after three or four days had been spent in learning what was mostly worn, and her chaperon was provided with a dress of the newest fashion. Catherine too made some purchases herself, and when all these matters were arranged, the important evening came which was to usher her into the Upper Rooms. Her hair was cut and dressed by the best hand, her clothes ( 15 ) clothes put on with care, and both Mrs. Allen and her maid declared she looked quite as she should do. With such encouragement, Catherine hoped at least to pass uncensured through the crowd. As for admiration, it was al- ways very welcome when it came, but she did not depend on it. Mrs. Allen was so long in dressing, that they did not enter the ball-room till late. The season was full, the room crowded, and the two ladies squeezed in as w^ell as they could. As for Mr. Allen, he repaired directly to the card- room, and left them to enjoy a mob by tliemseh^es. With more care for the safety of her new gown than for the comfort of her protegee, Mrs. Allen made her way through the throng of men by the door, as swiftly as the ne- cessary caution would allow; Cathe- rine, ( 20 ) rine, however, kept close at her side, and Hnked her arm too firmly within her friend's to be torn asunder by any common effort of a strugghng assem- bly. But to her utter amazement she found that to proceed along the room w^as by no means the \vay to disengage themselves from the crowd; it seemed rather to increase as they went on, whereas she had imaoined that when once fairly w^ithin the door, they should easily find seats and be able to watch the dances with perfect convenience. But this was far from being the case, and though by unwearied dihgence they gained even the top of the room, their situation was just the same; they saw nothing of the dancers but the high feathers of some of the ladies. Still they moved on — something better was yet in view; and by a continued exertion ( 21 ) exertion of strength and ingenuity they found themselves at last in the passage behind the highest bench. Here there was something less of crowd than below; and hence Miss Morland had a comprehensive view of all the company beneath her, and of all the dangers of her late passage through them. It was a splendid sight, and she began, for the first time that evening, to feel herself at a ball: she longed to dance, but she had not an acquaintance in the room. Mrs. Allen did all that she could do in such a case by saying very placidly, every now and then, " I wish you could dance, my dear, — I wish you could get a partner." For some time her young- friend felt obliged to her for these wishes; but they were repeated so often, and proved so totally ineffectual, that ( 22 ) t ' . * f ^ 3l tj tliat Catherine grew tired at lasf/^^^^' would thank lier no more. They were not long able, however, to enjoy the repose of the eminence they had so laboriously gained. — Every body was shortly in motion for tea, and tliey must squeeze out like the rest. Catherine l)cgan to feel something of disappointment — she was tired of being continually pressed against by people, the generality of whose faces possessed nothing to in- terest, and with all of whom she was so wholly unacquainted, that she could not relieve the irksomeness of impri- sonment by the exchange of a syllabic with any of her fellow captives; and when at last arrived in the tea-room, she felt yet more the awkwardness of having no party to join, no acquaint- ance to claim, no gentleman to assist tlicm. ( 23 ) diem. — They saw nothing of Mr. Allen; and after looking about them in vain for a more eligible situation, were obliged to sit down at the end of a table, at which a large party were already placed, without having any thing to do there, or any body to speak to, except each other. Mrs. Allen congratulated herself, as soon as they were seated, on having preserved her gown from injury. '^ It would have been very shocking to have it torn," said she, " would not it? — It is such a delicate muslin. — For my part I have not seen any thing I like so well in the whole room, I assure vou." " How uncomfortable it is," whis- pered Catherine, " not to have a single acquaintance here !" " Yes, my dear," replied Mrs. Allen, with ( 24 ) with perfect serenity, " it is very un- comfortable indeed/' "What shall we do? — The gentle- men and ladies at this table look as if they wondered why we came here — we seem forcing ourselves into their party." " Aye, so we do. — That is very dis- agreea]:)le. I wish we had a large ac- quaintance here." ■ ** I wish we had any; — it would be fiOmebody to go to." " Very true, my dear; and if we knew anybody we would join them directly. The Skinners were here last year — I wish they were here now." ^' Had not we better q-q awav as it is? — Here are no tea thinsJ:s for us, vou see." " No more there are, indeed. — How very provoking! But 1 think we had better ( 25 ) better sit Still, for one gets so tumbled in such a crowd ! How is my head, my dear? — Somebody gave me a push that has hurt it I am afraid." '* No, indeed, it looks very nice.— But, dear Mrs. Allen, are you sure there is nobody you know in all this multitude of people? I think you must know somebody." *' I don't upon V my word — I wish I did. I wish I had a large acquaintance here with all my heart, and then I should get you a partner. — I should be so glad to have you dance. There goes a strange-looking woman! What an odd gown she has got on! — How old fashioned it is ! Look at the back." After some time they received an offer of tea from one of their neigh- bours; it was thankfully accepted, and TOL. I, G this ( 26 ) this introduced a light conversation with the gentleman who ottered it, which was the only time that any body spoke to them during the ev^ening, till they were discovered and joined by Mr. Allen a\ hen the dance was over. '' Well, ]Miss JMorland," said he, di- rectly, " I hope you have had an agreeable ball." " A^ery agreeable indeed,"' she re- plied, vainly endeavouring to hide a great yawn. ^' I wish she had been able to dance," said his Vn ife, '^ I m ish we could have got a partner for her. — I have been saying how glad I should be it' the Skinners were here this winter instead of last; or if the Parrys had come, as they talked of once, she might have danced with George Parry. I am so sorry she has not had a partner !" ** We ( 27 ) " We shall do better another even- > iiig I hope," was Mr. Allen's consola-^r^ tion. The company began to disperse when the dancing was over^ — enough to leave space for the remainder to walk about in some comfort; and now was the time for a heroine, who had not yet played a very distinguished I)art in the events of the evening, to be noticed and admired. Every live minutes, by removing some of the crowd, gave greater openings for her charms. She was now seen by many young men who had not been near her before. Not one, however, started with rapturous wonder on beholding her, no whisper of eager inquiry ran round the room, nor was she once called a divinity by any body. Yet c 2 Catherine ( 28 ) Catlieriiic was in very good looks, and liad the company only seen her three years before, they v:ou\d 7iow have thought her exceedingly handsome. She was looked at however, and with some admiration ; for, in her own hear- ing, two gentlemen pronounced her to be a pretty girl. Such words had their due effect; she immediately thought the evening pleasanter than she had found it before — her humble vanity was contented — she felt more obliged to the two young men for this simple praise than a true quality iieroine would have been for fifteen sonnets in celebration of her charms, and went to her chair in good humour with every body, and perfectly satisfied with her share of public attention. CHAP- ( 29 ) CHAPTER III. Every morning now brought its regu- lar duties; — shops were to be visited; some new part of the town to be looked at; and the Pump-room to be attended, where they paraded up and down for an hour, looking at every body and speaking to no one. The wish of a numerous acquaintance in Bath was still uppermost with Mrs. Allen, and she repeated it after every fresh proof, which every morning brought, of her knowing nobody at all. . They made their appearance in the Lower Rooms; and here fortune was more favourable to our heroine. The master of the ceremonies introduced to c 3 her ( 30 ) her a very gentlemanlike young man as a partner; — his name was Tilney, He seemed to be about four or five and twenty, was rather tall, had a pleasing Gountenance, a very intelligent and lively eye, and, if not quite handsome, was very near it. His address was good, and Catherine felt herself in hig^i luck. There was little leisure for speaking while they danced ; but when they were seated at tea, she found him as agreeable as she had already given him credit for being. He talked with fluency and spirit — and there was an archness and pleasantry in his manner which interested, though it was hardly understood by her. After chatting some time on such matters as naturally arose from the objects around them, he suddenly addressed her with — " I have hitherto ( 31 ) hitherto been very remiss, madam, in the proper attentions of a partner here ; I have not yet asked you how long you have been in Bath ; whether you were ever here before; whether you have been at the Upper Rooms, the theatre, and the concert ; and how you like the place altogether. I have been very negligent— but are you now at leisure to satisfy me in these particu- lars? If you are I will begin directly." " You need not give yourself that trouble, sir." " No trouble I assure you, madam." Then forming his features into a set smile, and aifectedly softening his voice, he added, with a simpering air, " Have you been long in Bath, ma- dam?" c 4 " About ( 52 ) " About a week, sir," replied Cathe- rine, trying not to laugh. " Really!" with affected astonish- ment. " Why should you be surprized, sir?" " Why, indeed!" said he, in his na- tural tone — " but some emotion must appear to be raised by your reply, and surprize is more easily assumed, and not less reasonable than any other. — Now let us go on. Were you never here before, madam?" " Never, sir." *' Indeed! Have you yet honoured the Upper Rooms?" " Yes,, sir, I was there last Monday." " Have you been to the theatre?" " Yes, sir, I was at the play on Tuesday." ^ " To the concert?" '' Yes, ( S3 ,) '* I ds, sir, on Wednesday. " And are you altogether pleased with Bath ?" " Yes— I like it very well." " Now I must give one smirk, and then we may be rational again."^ Catherine turned away her head, not knowing whether she might venture to laugh. " 1 see what you think of me," said he gravel}^ — " I shall make but a poor figure in your jouniai to-morrow." " My journal!" " Yes, I know exactly w^hat you w^ill say: Friday, w^ent to' the Lower Rooms; >vore my sprigged muslin robe with blue trimmings— plain black shoes — appeared to much advantage; but was strangely harassed by a queer, half-witted man, who would make me c 5 dance ( 94 ) dance with him, and distressed me by his nonsense." " Indeed I shall say no such thing. " " Shall I tell you what you ought to isay?" " If you please." " I danced with a very agreeable young man, introduced by Mr. King ; had a great deal of conversation with him — seems a most extraordinary genius — hope I may know more of him. That, madam, is what 1 wish you to say." " But, perhaps, 1 keep no joumal." " Perhaps you arc not sitting in this room, and I am not sitting by you. These are points in which a doubt is equally possible. Not keep a journal \ How are your absent cousins to undcr- ,stand the tcnour of your life in Bath without ( 35 ) without one? How are the civihties and comphments of every day to ht related as they ought to be, unless noted down every evenmg in a jour- nal? How are your various dresses to be remembered, and the particular state of your complexion, and curl of your hair to be described in all their diversities, without having constant recourse to a journal? — My dear ma- dam, I am not so ignorant of young ladies' ways as you wish to believe me ; it is this delightful habit of journaliz- ing which largely contributes to forai the easy style of writing for which ladies are so generally celebrated. Every body allows that the talent of writing agreeable letters is peculiarly female. Nature may have done some- thing, but I am sure it must be essen- c 6 tially ( 36 ) tially assisted by the practice of keep- ing a journal." '' 1 have sometimes thought," said Catherine, doubtingly, " whether ladies do write so much better letters than gentlemen! That is — I should not think the superiority was always on our side." '^ As far as I have had opportunity of judging, it appears to me that the usual style of letter-w^riting among women is faultless, except in three particulars." " And what are they?" *^ A general deficiency of subject, a total inattention to stops, and a very frequent ignorance of grammar." " Upon my word! I need not have been afraid of disclaiming the compli- ment. ( S7 ) meht. You do not think too highly of us in that way." " I should no more lay it down as a general rule that women write better letters than men, than that they sing better duets, or draw better landscapes. In every power, of which taste is the foundation, excellence is pretty fairly divided between the sexes." They were interrupted by Mrs. Al- len : — " My dear Catherine," said she, "do take this pin out of my sleeve; I am afraid it has torn a hole already ; I shall be quite sorry if it has, for this is a favourite gown, though it cost but nine shillings a yard." " That is exactly what I should have guessed it, madam/' said Mr. Tilney, looking at the muslin. " Do you understand muslins, sir?" " Par- \ ( 38 ) f* Particularly well ; I always buy my own cravats, and am allowed to be an excellent judge ; and my sister has often trusted me in the choice of a gown. I bought one for her the other day, and it was pronounced to be a prodigious bargain by every lady who saw it. I gave but five shillings a yard for it, and a true Indian mushn." Mrs. Allen was quite struck by his genius. " Men commonly take so little notice of those things," said she : " I can never get Mr. Allen to know one of my gowns from another. You must be a great comfort to your sister, sir." " I hope I am, madam." " And pray, sir, what do think of Miss Morland's gown ?" "It is very pretty, madam," said he, gravely ( 39 ) gravely examining it ; " but I do not think it will wash wxli ; I am afraid it will fray." '^ *' How can you," said Catherine, laughing, ^' be so " she had almost said, strange. " I am quite of your opinion, sir," replied Mrs. Allen; "and so I told Miss Morland when she bought it." " But then you know, madam, mus- lin always turns to some account or other ; Miss Morland will get enough out of it for a handkerchief, or a cap, or a cloak. — Muslin can never be said to be wasted. I have heard my sister say so forty times, when she has been extravagant in buying more than she wanted, or careless in cutting it to pieces." "Bath is a cliarming place, sir; there ( 40 ) there are so many good shops here*-^ We are sadly off in the country ; not but what we have very good shops in Sahsbury, but it is so far to go ; — eight miles is a long way ; Mr. Allen says it is nine, measured nine ; but I am sure it cannot be more than eight ; and it is such a fag — I come back tired to death. Now here one can step out of doors and get a thing in five mi- nutes." Mr. Tilney was polite enough to seem interested in w^hat she said ; and she kept him on the subject of muslins till the dancing recommenced. Ca- therine feared, as she listened to their discourse, that he indulged himself a little too much with the foibles of others. — " What are you thinking of so earnestly?" said he, as they w^alked back ( 41 ) back to the ball-room ; — " not of your partner, I hope, for, by that shake of the head, your meditations are not sa- tisfactory." Catherine coloured, and said, " I was not thinking of any thing.'* " That is artful and deep, to be sure ; but I had rather be told at once that you will not tell me." " Well then, I will not." ** Thank you ; for now we shall soon be acquainted, as I am authorized to tease you on this subject whenever we meet, and nothing in the world ad- vances intimacy so much." They danced again ; and, when the assembly closed, parted, on the lady's side at least, with a strong inclination for continuing the acquaintance. Whe- ther she thought of him so much, while ( 42 ) while she drank her warm wine and water, and prepared herself for bed, as to dream of him when there, cannot be ascertained ; but I hope it was no more than in a slight slumber, or a morning doze at most ; for if it be true, as a celebrated writer has main- tained, that no young lady can be jus- tified in falling in love before the gen- tleman's love is declared,* it must be very improper that a young lady should dream of a gentleman before the gen- tleman is first known to have dreamt of her. How proper Mr. Tilney might be as a dreamer or a lover, had not yet perhaps entered Mr. Allen's head, but that he was not objectionable as a common acquaintance for his young * Vide a letter from Mr. Richardson, No. ^7* vol. ii. Rambler. charge ( 43 ) charge he was on inquiry satisfied; for he had early in the evening taken pains to know who her partner was, and had been assured of Mr. Til- ney's being a clergyman, and of a very respectable family in Gloucester- shire. CHAP- ( 44 ) CHAPTER IV. With more than usual eagerness did Catherine hasten to the Pump-room the next day, secure within herself of seeing Mr. Tilney there before the morning were over, and ready to meet him with a smile : — but no smile was demanded — Mr. Tilney did not appear. Every creature in Bath, except him- self, was to be seen in the room at different periods of the fashionable hours ; crowds of people were every moment passing in and out, up the steps and down ; people whom no- body cared about, and nobody wanted to see; and he only was absent. " What a delightful place Bath is/* said ( 45 ) said Mrs. Allen, as they sat clown near the great clock, after parading the room till they were tircd; "and how plea- sant it would be if we had any ac- quaintance here." This sentiment had been uttered so often in vain, that Mrs. Allen had no particular reason to hope it would be followed with more advantage now ; but we are told to " despair of nothing we would attain," as '• unwearied di- ligence our point v/ould gain ;" and the unwearied diligence with which she had every day wished for the same thing was at length to have its just reward, for hardly had she been seated ten minutes before a lady of about her own age, who was sitting . by her, and had been looking at her attentively for several minutes, ad- dressed (■46 ) dressed her with great complaisance iu these words : — '' I think, madam, I cannot be mistaken ; it is a long time since I had the pleasure of seeing you, but is not your name Allen?" This question answered, as it readily was, the stranger pronounced her's to be Thorpe; and Mrs. Allen immediately recognized the features of a former schoolfellow and intimate, whom she had seen only once since their respec- tive mairiages, and that many years ago. Their joy on this meeting was very great, as well it might, since they had been contented to know nothing of each other for the last fifteen years. Compliments on good looks now passed ; and, after observing how time harl slipped away since they were last together, how little they had thought of ( 47 ) of meeting in Bath, and what a plea- sure it was to see an old friend, they proceeded to make inquiries and give intelligence as to their families, sisters^ and cousins, talking both together, far more ready to give than to receive in- fonnation, and each hearing very little of what the other said. Mrs. Thorpe, however, had one great advantage as a talker, over Mrs. Allen, in a family of children ; and when she expatiated on the talents of her sons, and the beauty of her daughters, — when she related their different situations and views, — that John was at Oxford, Edward at Merchant-Taylors', and William at sea, — and all of them more beloved and respected in their different station than any other three beings ever were^ Mrs. Allen had no similar information to give, no si- milar ( 4B ) milar triumphs to press on the un- willing and unbelieving ear of her friend, and was forced to sit and ap- pear to listen to all these maternal ef- fusions, consoling herself, however, with the discovery, which her keen eye soon made, that the lace on Mrs. Thorpe's pelisse was not half so hand- some as that on her own. '' Here come my dear girls," cried Mrs, Thorpe, pointing at three smart looking females, who, arm in arm, were then moving towards her. '' My dear Mrs. Allen, I long to introduce them ; they will be so delighted to see you : the tallest is Isabella, my eldest; is not she a line young woman ? The others are very much admired too, but I beheve Isabella is the handsomest." The Miss Thorpes were introduced ; and ( 49 ) and Miss Morland, who had been for a short time forgotten, was introduced hkcwise. The name seemed to strike them all ; and, after speaking to her with great civility, the eldest young lady observed aloud to the rest, " How excessively like her brother Miss Mor- knd is 1" *' The very picture of him indeed l** cried the mother — and " I should have known her anywhere for his sister!" was repeated by them all, two or three times over. For a moment Catherine was surprized; but Mrs. Thorpe and her daughters had scarcely begun the history of their acquaintance with Mr. James Morland, before she remembered that her eldest brother had lately formed an intimacy with a young man of his own college, of the name of VOL. T, D Thorpe; ( 50 ) Thorpe ; and that he had spent the last week of the Christmas vacation with his family, near London. The whole being explained, many obliging things were said by the Miss Thorpes of their wish of being better acquainted with her ; of being consi- dered as already friends, through the friendship of their brothers, S:c, which Catherine heard with pleasure, and an- swered with all the pretty expressions she could command ; and, as the first proof of amity, she was soon invited to accept an arm of the eldest Miss Thorpe, and take a turn with her about the room. Catherine was de- lighted with this extension of her Bath acquaintance, and almost forgot Mr. Tilney while she talked to Miss Thorpe. Friendship is certainly the finegt ( 51 ) finest balm for the pangs of disap-* pointed love. Their conversation turned upon those subjects, of which the free discussion has generally much to do in perfect- ing a sudden intimacy between two young ladies; such as dress, balls, flirtations, and quizzes. Miss Thorpe, however, being four years older than Miss Morland, and at least four years better informed, had a veiy de- cided advantage in discussing such points ; she could compare the balls of Bath with those of Tunbridge ; its fashions with the fashions of London; could rectify the opinions of her new friend in many articles of tasteful at- tire ; could discover a flirtation between any gentleman and lady who only smiled on each other ; and point out a D 2 quiz LIBRAE r UNlVEfiSiyY OF ILUNO(j . ( 52 ) quiz through the thickness of a crowd. These powers received due admiration from Catherine, to whom they were en- tirely new ; and the respect which they naturally inspired might have been too great for familiarity, had not the easy gaiety of ^liss Thorpe's manners, and her frequent expressions of delight on this acquaintance with her, softened down every feeling of awe, and left nothing but tender aifection. Their increasing attachment was not to be satisfied with* half a dozen turns in the Pump-room, but required, when they all quitted it together, that ]\Iiss Thorpe should accompany Miss Bor- land to the very door of jNIr. Allen's house; and that they should there part with a most affectionate and lengthened shake of hands, after learn- ing, X 63 ) . ing, to their mutual relief, that they should see each other across the thea- tre at night, and say their prayers in the same chapel the next morning. Catherine then ran directly up stairs, and watched Miss Thorpe's progress down the street from the drawing- room window; admired the graceful spirit of her walk, the fashionable air of her figure and dress, and felt grateful, as well she might, for the chance which had procured her such a friend. Mrs. Thorpe was a widow, and not a very rich one ; she was a good-hu- moured, well-meaning woman, and a very indulgent mother. Her eldest daughter had great personal beauty, and the younger ones, by pretending to be as handsome as their sister, imi- p 3 tating ( 54 ) tatii;ig her air, and dressing in the same style, did very well. This brief account of the family is intended to supersede the necessity of a long and minute detail from Mrs. Thorpe herself, of her past adventures and suiferings, which might otherwise be expected to occupy the three or four following chapters ; in which the worthlessness of lords and attornies might be set forth, and conversations, which had passed twenty years before, be minutely repeated. CHAP- ( ^^ ) , CHAPTER V. Catherine was not so much engaged at the theatre that evening, in return- ing the nods and smiles of Miss Thorpe, though they certainly claimed much of her leisure, as to forget to look with an inquiring eye for Mr. Tihiey in every box which her eye could reach ; but she looked in vain. Mr. Tiiney was no fonder of the play than the Pump* room. She hoped to be more fortu- nate the next day ; and when her wishes for fine weather were answered by seeing a beautiful morning, she hardly felt a doubt of it; for a fine Sunday in Bath empties every house of its inhabitants, and all the world D 4 appears ( ^i> ) appears on such an occasion to walk- about and tell their acquaintance what a charming clay it is. As soon as divine service was over, the Thorpes and Aliens eagerly joined each other; and after staying long enough in the Pump-room to discover that the crowd was insupportable, and that there was not a genteel face to be seen, which every body discovers every Sunday throughout the season, they hastened away to the Crescent, to breathe the fresh air of better com- pany. Here Catherine and Isabella, arm in arm, again tasted the sweets of friendship in an unreserved conversa- tion; — they talked much, and with much enjoyment ; but again was Ca- therine disappointed in her hope of re- i^eeing her partner. He was no where to ( 57 ) to be met with ; every search for hhn was equally unsuccessful, in morning lounges or evening assemblies ; neither at the upper nor lower rooms, at dressed or undressed balls, was he per- ceivable ; nor among the walkers, the horsemen, or the curricle-drivers of the morning. His name was not in the Pump-room book, and curiosity could do no more. He must be gone from Bath. Yet he had not mentioned that his stay would be so short ! This sort of myS' teriousness, which is always so becom- ing in a hero, threw a fresh grace in Catherine's imagination around his person and manners, and increased her anxiety to know more of him. From the Thorpes she could learn nothing, for they had been only two days in Bath before thev met with Mrs. Allen. 1)3 It ( 58 ) It was a subject, however, in which she often indulged with her fair friend, from whom she received every possible encou- raoement to continue to think of him : and his impression on her fancy was not Suffered therefore to weaken. Isabella was very sure that he must be a charm- ing young man ; and was equally sure that he must have been delighted with her dear Catherine, and woukl there- fore shortly return. She liked him the better for being a clergyman, " for she must confess herself very partial to the profession ;'' and something like a sigh escaped her as she said it. Perhaps Catherine was wrong in not demand- ing the cause of that gentle emotion — but she was not experienced enough in the linesse of love, or the duties of friendship, to know when delicate rail- lery ( 59 ) lery was properly called for, or when a confidence should be forced. Mrs. Allen was now quite happy — quite satisfied with Bath. She had found some acquaintance, had been so lucky too as to find in them the family of a most worthy old friend ; and, as the completion of good fortune, had found these friends by no means so expensively dressed as herself. Her -daily expressions were no longer, " I wish wc had some acquaintance in Bath!" They were changed into— '* How glad I am we have met with Mrs. Thorpe !" — and she was as eager in promoting the intercourse of the two families, as her youi^g charge and Isa- bella themselves could be ; never satis- fied with the day unless she spent the chief of it by tiie side of Mrs. Thorpe, D 6 in ( 60 ) in what they called conversation, but in which there was scarcely ever any ex- change of opinion, and not often any resemblance of subject, for Mrs. Thorpe talked chiefly of her children, and Mrs. Allen of her gowns. The progress of the friendship be- tween Catherine and Isabella was quick as its beginning had been warm, and they passed so rapidly through every gradation of increasing tender- ness, that there was shortly no fresh proof of it to be given to their friends or themselves. They called each other by their Christian name, were always arm in arm when they walked, pinned up each other's train for the dance, and were not to be divided in the set ; and if a rainy morning deprived them of other enjoyments, they were still resolute ( 61 ) resolute in meeting in defiance of wet and dirt, and shut themselves up, to read novels together. Yes, novels ; — for I will not adopt that ungenerous and impolitic custom so common with novel writers, of degrading by their contemptuous censure the very per- formances, to the number of which they are themselves adding — joining with their greatest enemies in bestow- ing the harshest epithets on such works, and scarcely ever permitting them to be read by their own heroine, who, if she accidentally take up a novel, is sure to turn over its insipid pages with disgust. Alas ! if the heroine of one novel be not patronized by the heroine of another, from whom can she expect protection and regard? I cannot ap- prove of it. Let us leave it to the Re- vie^^^ers ( 62 ) viewers to abuse such eiFusions of fancy at their leisure, and over every new novel to talk in threadbare strains of the trash with which the press now groans. Let ^is not desert one another ; we are an injured body. Although our productions have afforded more extensive and unaifected pleasure than those of any other literary corpo- ration in the world, no species of com- position has been so much decried » From pride, ignorance, or fashion, our foes are almost as many as our readers. And while the abilities of the nincr hundredth abridger of the History of England, or of the man who collects and publishes in a volume some dozen lines of Milton, Pope, and Prior, with a paper from th^ Spectator, and a chap- ter from Sterne, are eulooized bv a thousand ( 63 ) thousand pens,— -there seems almost a general wish of decrying the capa- city and undervaluing the labour of the novelist, and of slighting the per- formances which have only genius, wit, and taste to recommend therti, ** I am no novel reader — I seldom look into novels — Do not imagine that / often read novels — It is really very well for a novel." — Such is the common cant. — '" And what are you reading. Miss — ?" '' Oh ! it is only a no- vel !" replies the young lady ; while she lays down her book w^ith aifected indifference, or momentary shame. — " It is only Cecilia, or Camilla, or Be- linda ;" or, in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in wdiich the most tho- rough ( 64 ) rough knowledge of human nature, the happiest dehneation of its varieties, the livehest effusions of wit and hu- mour are conveyed to the world in the best chosen language. Now, had the same young lady been engaged with a volume of the Spectator, in- stead of such a work, how proudly would she have produced the book, and told its name ; though the chances must be against her being occupied by any part of that voluminous publi- cation, of which either the matter or manner would not disgust a young person of taste : the substance of its papers so often consisting in the state- ment of improbable circumstances, unnatural characters, and topics of conversation, which no longer con- cern ( 65 ) cern any one living; and their lan- guage, too, frequently so coarse as to give no very favourable idea of the age that could endure it. CHAP- C ee ) CHAPTER VI. The following conversation, which took place betv/een the two friends in the Pump-room one morning, after an acquaintance of eight or nine clays, is given as a specimen of their very warm attachment, and of the delicacy, dis- cretion, originality of thought, and literary taste which marked the rea- sonableness of that attachment. They met by appointment ; and as Isabella had arrived nearly five minutes- before her friend, her first address na- turally was — '^ My dearest creature, what can have made you so late ? I have been waiting for you at least this age !" '' Have ( 67 ) ^' Wave you, iiidetd ! — 1 am very sorry for it; but really I thought I was in very good time. It is but just one. I hope you have not been here long: r" " Oh ! these ten ages at least. I am sure I have been here this half hour. But now, let us go and sit down at the other end of the room, and enjoy ourselves. I have an hundred things to say to you. In the first place, I was so afraid it would rain this morning, just as I wanted to set off; it looked very shoAvery, and that would have thrown me into agonies ! Do you know, I saw the prettiest hat you can imagine, in a shop window in Milsom-street just now — very like yours, only with coquelicot ribbons instead ( 68 ) instead of green ; I quite longed for it. But, my dearest Catherine, what have you been doing with yourself all this morning? — Have you gone on withUdolpho?" " Yes, I have been reading it ever since I woke; and I am got to the black veiL" " Are you, indeed ? How delight- ful 1 Oh ! I would not tell you what is behind the black veil for the world ! Are not you wild to know ?" ** Oh! yes, quite; what can it be?~ But do not tell me — I would not be told upon any account. I know it must be a skeleton, I am sure it is Laurentina's skeleton. Oh ! 1 am de- lighted with the book ! I should like to spend my whole life in reading it. I assure ( 69 ) I assure you, if it had not been to meet you, I would not have come away from it for all the world." " Dear creature ! how much I am obliged to you ; and when you have finished Udolpho, we will read the Italian togetlicr; and I have made out a list of ten or twelve more of the same kind for you." " Have you, indeed ! How glad I am ! — What are they all ?" " I will read you their names di- rectly ; here they are, in my pocket- book. Castle of Wolfenbach, Cler- mont, Mysterious Warnings, Necro- mancer of the Black Forest, Midnight Bell, Orphan of the Rhine, and Honid Mysteries. Those will last us some time." " Yes, pretty well ; but are they all horrid, ( 70 ) horrid, are you sure they are all hor- rid?" "Yes, quite sure; for a particular friend of mine, a Miss Andrews, a sweet girl, one of the sweetest crea- tures in the world, has read every one of them. I wish you knew Miss Andrews, you would be delighted with her. Slie is netting herself the sweetest cloak you can conceive. I think her as beautiful as an angel, and I am so vexed with the men for not admiring her! — I scold them all amazingly about it." " Scold them ! Do you scold them for not admiring her ?" " Yes, that I do. There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of lov- ing people by halves, it is not my nature. ( 71. ) nature. My attachments are always excessively strong. I told Capt. Hunt at one of our assemblies this winter, that if he was to tease me all night, I would not dance with him, unless he would allow Miss Andrews to be as beautiful as an angel. The men think us incapable of real friendship you know, and I am determined to shew them the diiference. Now, if I were to hear any body speak slightingly of you, I should fire up in a moment : — but that is not at all likely, for i/ou are just the kind of girl to be a great favourite with the men." '' Oh ! dear," cried Catherine, co- louring, '' how can you say so ?" " I know you very well; you have so much animation, which is exactly what Miss Andrews wants, for I must confess ( 73 ; confess there is something amazingly insipid about her. Oh ! I must tell you, that just after we parted yester- day, I saw a young man looking at you so earnestly — I am sure he is in love with you." Catherine co- loured, and disclaimed again. Isabella laughed. " It is very true, upon my honour, but I sec how it is ; you are indifferent to every body's admiration, except that of one gentleman, who shall be nameless. Nay, I cannot blame you — (speaking more seriously) — your feelings are easily understood. Where the heart is really attached, I know very well how little one can be pleased with the attention of any b xiy else. Every thing is so insipid, so un- interesting, that docs not relate to the beloved object ! I can perfectly com- prehend your feelings." " But ( 1(^ ) *' But you should not persuade me that I think so very much about Mr. Tihiey, for perhaps I may never see him again." " Not see him again ! My dearest creature, do not talk of it. I am sure you would be miserable if you thought ,so," " No, indeed, I should not. I do not pretend to say that I was not very much pleased with him ; but while I have Udolpho to read, I feel as if no- body could make me miserable. Oh I the dreadful black veil ! My dear Isa- bella, I am sure there must be Lauren- tina's skeleton behind it." " It is so odd to me, that you should never have read Udolpho before; but I suppose ]\frs. Morland objects to novels." VOL. T. £ " No, ( 74 ) *' No, she does not. She very often reads Sir Charles Grandison herself; but new books do not fall in our way." " Sir Charles Grandison ! That is an amazing horrid book, is it not ? — I remember Miss Andrews could not get through the first volume." " It is not like Udolpho at all ; but yet I think it is very entertaining." " Do you indeed ! — you surprize me; I thought it had not been readable. But, my dearest Catherine, have 3 ou settled what to wear on your head to- night ? I am detemiined at all events to be dressed exactly like you. The men take notice of that sometimes you know." '^ But it does not signify if they do;" said Catherine, very innocently. *^ Signify ! ( 75 ) '* Signify ! Oh, heavens ! I make it a rule never to mind what they say. They are very often amazingly imper- tinent if you do not treat them with spirit, and make them keep their dis- tance." " Are they? — Well, I never observed that. They always behave very well tome." - '^*0h! they give themselves such airs. They are the most conceited creatures in the world, and think them- selves of so much importance ! — By the bye, though I have thought of it a hundred times, I have always forgot to ask you what is your favourite complexion in a man. Do you like them best dark or fair ?" " I hardly know. I never much thought about it. Something between E SI both, ( 1^ ) both, I think. Brown — not fair, and and not very dark." " Very well, Catherine. That is exactly he. I have not forgot your description of Mr. Tilney ; — ' a brown skin, with dark eyes, and rather dark hair.' — Well, my taste is different. I prefer light eyes, and as to complexion — do you know — I like a sallow better than any other. You must not be- tray me, if you should ever meet with one of your acquaintance answering that description." " Betray you ! — What do you mean?" *' Nay, do not distress me. I be- lieve I have said too much. Let us drop the subject." 3 Catherine, in some amazement, com- plied; and after remaining a few mo- ments silent, was on the point of re- verting ( ->! ) verting to what interested her at that time rather more than any thing else in the world, Laurentina's skeleton"; when her friend prevented her, by say- ing, — " For Heaven's sake ! let us move away from this end of the room. Do you know, there are two odious young- men who have been staring at me this half hour. They reaUy put me quite out of countenance. Let us go and look at the arrivals. They will hardly follow us there." Away they walked to the book ; and while Isabella examined the names, it was Catherine's employment to watch the proceedings of these alarming young men. ^' They are not coming this way, are they ? I hope they are not so im- pertinent as to follow us. Pray let E 3 me ( 78 ) me know if they are coming. I am determined I will not look up." In a few moments Catherine, with unaffected pleasure, assured her that she need not be longer uneasy, as the gen- tlemen had just left the Pump-room. " And which way are they gone?" said Isabella, turning hastily round. " One was a very good-looking young man." " They went towards the church* yard." " Well, I am amazingly glad 1 have got rid of them ! And now, what say you to going to Edgar's Buildings with me, and looking at my new hat? You said you should like to see it." Catherine readily agreed. " Only," «he added, " perhaps we may overtake the two young men." "Oh> ( 79 ) " Oh ! never mind that. If we make haste, we sliall pass by then> presently, and I am dying to shew you my hat." " But if we only wait a few mi- nutes, there will be no danger of our seeing them at all." '* I shall not pay them any such compliment, I assure you. I have no notion of treating men with such respect. That is the way to spoil them." Catherine had nothing to oppose against such reasoning; and there- fore, to shew the independence of Miss Thorpe, and her resolution of humbling the sex, they set off imme- diately as fast as they could walk, in pursuit of the two young men. E 4 CHAP- ( 80 ) CHAPTER VII. Half a minute conducted them through the Pump-yard to the archway, op- posite Union-passage; but here they were stopped. Every body acquainted with Bath may remember the diffi- culties of crossing Cheap-street at this point ; it is indeed a street of so im- pertinent a nature, so unfortunately connected with the great London and Oxford roads, and the principal inn of the city, that a day never |>asses in which parties of ladies, . however im- portant their business, whether in quest of pastry, millinery, or even (as in the present case) of young men, are not detained on one side or other by car- riages. ( 81 ) Hages, horsemen, or carts. Tliis evil had been felt and lamented, at least three times a day, by Isabella since her residence in Bath ; and she was now fated to feel and lament it once more, for at the very moment of coming op- posite to Union-passage, and within view of the two gentlemen who were proceeding through the crowds, and threading the gutters of that interest- ing alley, they were prevented crossing by the approach of a gig, driven along on bad pavement by a most knowing- looking coachman with all the ve- hemence that could most fitly endan- ger the lives of himself, his compa- nion, and his horse. '' Oh, these odious gigs !'* said Isa- bella, looking up, '^ how I detest them." But this detestation, though E 5 so ( 82 ) SO just, was of short duration, for she looked again and exclaimed, " De- lightful! Mr. Morland and my bro- ther!" " Good heaven ! 'tis James I" was uttered at the same moment by Ca- therine; and, on catching the young men's eyes, the horse was immediately checked with a violence which almost threw him on his haunches, and the servant having now scampered up, the gentlemen jumped out, and the equipage was delivered to his care. Catherine, by whom this meeting was wholly unexpected, received her bro- ther with the liveliest pleasure ; and he, being of a very amiable disposition, and sincerely attached to her, gave every proof on his side of equal satis- faction, which he could have leisure to ( 83 ) to do, while the bright eyes of Miss Thorpe were incessantly challenging his notice ; and to her his devoirs were speedily paid, with a mixture of joy and embarrassment which might have informed Catherine, had she been more expert in the developement of other people's feelings, and less sin> ply engrossed by her own, that her brother thought her friend quite as pretty as she could do herself. John Thorpe, who in the mean time had been giving orders, about the horses, soon joined them, and from him she directly received the amends which were her due; for while he slightly and carelessly touched the hand of Isabella, on her he bestowed a whole scrape and half a short bow. He was a stout young man of mid- i: 6* dling: ( 8^ ) dling ^height, who, with a plain face and ungraceful form, seemed fearful of being too handsome unless he wore the dress of a groom, and too much hke a gentleman unless he were easy where he ought to be civil, and impu- dent where he might be allowed to be easy. He took out his watch : '' How long do you think we have been run- ning it from Tetbury^ Miss Morland r" " I do not know the distance." Her brother told her that it was twenty- s three miles. " 77iree-and-twenty T' cried Thorpe; " five-and-twenty if it is an inch." Morland remonstrated, pleaded the authority of road-books, innkeepers, and milestones; but his friend disre- garded them all ; he had a surer test of distance. '^ I know it must be five- and-twenty," ( 85 ) and-tvvcnty," said he, " by the time we have been<.loing it. It is now half after one ; we drove out of the inn- yard at Tetbury as the town-clock struck eleven ; and I defy any man in England to make my horse go less than ten miles an hour in harness; that makes it exactly twenty-five." " You have lost an hour," said Mor- land; " it was only ten o'clock when we came from Tetbury." " Ten o'clock 1 it was eleven, upon my soul 1 I counted every stroke. This brother of yours would persuade me out of my senses, Miss Morland ; do but look at my horse; did you ever see an animal so made for speed in your life?" (The servant had just mounted the carriage and was driving off.) " Such true blood ! Three hours and ( 86 ) and a half indeed coming only three- and-twenty miles 1 look at that crea- ture, and suppose it possible if you can." " He does look very hot to be sure." " Hot ! he had not turned a hair till we came to Walcot Church : but look at his forehand ; look at his loins ; only see how he moves ; that horse ' cannot go less than ten miles an hour : tie his legs and he will get on. What do you think of my gig, Miss Mor- land? a neat one, is not it? Well hung ; town built ; I have not had it a month. It was built for a Christ- church man, a friend of mine, a very good sort of fellow ; he ran it a few weeks, till, I believe, it was conve- nient to have done with it. I hap- pened just then to be looking out for some ( 87 ) some light tiling of the kind, though I had pretty well determined on a cur- ricle too ; but I chanced to meet him on Magdalen Bridge, as he was driving into Oxford, last term : ' Ah ! Thorpe,' said he, * do you happen to want such a little thing as this ? it is a capital one of the kind, but I am cursed tired of it/ *OhI d ,' said I, 'I am your man; what do you ask?' And how much do you think he did, IMiss ^lorland?" " 1 am sure I cannot guess at all." " Curricle-hung you see; seat, trunk, sword-case, splashing-board, lamps, sil- ver moulding, all you see complete ; the iron-work as good as new, or better. He asked fifty guineas ; I closed with him directly, threw down the money, and the carriage was mine." '' And ( 88 ) " And I am sure," said Catherine, *• I know so little of such thinsrs that I cannot judge whether it was cheap or dear." " Neither one nor t other ; I might have got it for less I dare say ; but I hate haggling, and poor Freeman wanted cash." ^,_ " That was very good-natured of yoUj" said Catherine, quite pleased. '• Oh ! d it, when one has the means of doing a kind thing by a friend, I hate to be pitiful." An inquiry now took place into the intended movements of the young la- dies; and, on finding whither they were going, it was decided that the gentlemen should accompany them to Edgar's Buildings, and pay their re- spects to Mrs. Thorpe, James and Isabella ( 89 ) Isabella led the way ; and so well sa- tisfied was the latter with her lot, so contentedly was she endeavouring to ensure a pleasant walk to him who brought the double recommendation of being her brother's friend, and her friend's brother, so pure and uiico- quettish were her feelings, that, though they overtook and passed the two of- fending young men in Mirsom-street, she was so far from seeking to attract 4:heirnotice, that she looked back at them only three times. John Thorpe kept of course with Catherine, and, after a few minutes' silence, renewed the conversation about his gig — " You will find, however, Miss Morland, it would be reckoned a cheap thing by some people, for I might have sold it for ten guineas more the next ( 90 ) next clay ; Jackson, of Oriel, bid me sixty at once ; Morland was with me at the time." " Yes," said Morland, who over- heard this ; " but you forget that your horse was included." *' My horse ! oh, d — — it ! I would not sell my horse for a hundred. Are you fond of an open carriage, Miss Morland?" *^ Yes, very ; I have hardly ever an opportunity of being in one; but I am particularly fond of it." *^ I am glad of it ; 1 will drive you out in mine every day." " Thank you," said Catherine, in some distress, from a doubt of the pro- priety of accepting such an offer. ** I will drive you up Lansdown Hill to-morrow." " Thank ( 91 ) ** Thank you ; but will not your horse want rest ?" " Rest! he has only come three-and- twenty miles to-day ; all nonsense ; nothing ruins horses so much as rest ; nothing knocks them up so soon. No, no; I shall exercise mine at the aver- fige of four hours every day while I am here." ** Shall you indeed !" said Catherine very seriously, ** that v/ill be forty miles a day." *' Forty ! aye fifty, fcH' what I care. Well, I will drive you up Lansdown to-morrow ; mind, I am engaged." " How delightful that will be !" cried Isabella, turning round ; " my dearest Catherine, I quite envy you ; but I am afraid, brother, you will not have room for a third." "A ( 92 ) . " A third indeed ! no, no; I did not come to Bath to drive my sisters about^ that would be a good joke, faith ! Morland must take care of you." This brought on a dialogue of ci- vilities between the other two; but Catherine heard neither the particulars nor the result. Her companion's dist course now sunk from its hitherto ani- mated pitch, to nothing, more than a short decisive sentence of praise or condemnation on the face of every woman they met ; and Catherine, af- ter listening and agreeing as long as she could, with all the civility and de- ference of the youthful female mind, fearful of hazarding an opinion of its own in opposition to that of a self- assured man, especially where the beauty of her own sex is concerned, ventured ( 93 ) Vientured at length to vary tlie^sul^ject by a question which had been long uppermost in her thoughts; it was, " Have you ever read Udolpho, Mr/ Thorpe?" "Udolphol Oh, Lordi not I ; I never read novels • I have something else to do/' Catherine, humbled and ashamed, was going to apologize for her ques- tion, but he prevented her by saying, " Novels are all so full of nonsense and stuff; there has not been a tolerably decent one come out since Tom Jones, except the Monk ; I read that t'other day ; but as for all the others, they are the stupidest things in creation." " I think you must like Udolpho, if you were to read it ; it is so very in- teresting." " Not ( 94 ) "Not I, faith ! No, if I read any. it shall be Mrs. Raclchff 's ; her novels are amusing enough ; they are worth reading; some fun and nature in tkem.'^ " Udolpho was written by Mrs, Radcliff," said Catheiine, with sonic hesitation, from the fear of mortifying him. " No sure; was it? Aye, I remem- ber, so it was ; I was thinking of that other stupid book, written by that woman they make such a fuss about. ^hQ who married the French emigrant." *' I suppose you mean Camilla ?'' " Yes, that's the book ; such unna- tural stuff! — An old man playing at see-saw! I took up the hrst volume once and looked it over, but I soon found it would not do ; indeed I guessed what sort of stuff it must bo before ( 95 ) before I saw it : as soon as I heard she had married an emigrant, I was sure I should never be able to get through it." " I have never read it" " You had no loss I assure you ; it is the horridest nonsense you can ima- gine ; there is nothing in the world in it but an old man's playing at see-saw and learning Latin; upon my soul ^ere is not" This critique, the justness of which was unfortunately lost on poor Cathe- rine, brought them to the door of Mrs. Thorpe's lodgings, and the feel- mgs of the discerning and unpreju- diced reader of Camilla gav^e way to the feelings of the dutiful and affec- tionate son, as they met Mrs. Thorpe, who had descried them from above, in the passage. " Ah, mother ! how do you ( 96- ) you do r" said he, giving her a hearty shake of the hand: "where did you get that quiz of a hat, it makes you look Hke an old witch ? Here is Mor- land and I come to stay a few days with you, so you must look out for a couple of good beds some where near/' And this address seemed to satisfy all the fondest wishes of the mother's heart, for she received him with the most delighted and exulting affection. On his two younger sisters he then bestowed an equal portion of his fra- ternal tenderness, for he asked each of them how they did, and observed that they both looked very ugly. These manners did not please Ca- therine ; but he was James's friend and Isabella's brother; and her judg- ment was further bought oif by Isa- bella's ( 97 ) bella's assuring her, when they with- drew to see tlie new hat, that John thought her the most charnnng girl in the world, and by John's engaging her before they parted to dance with liini that evening. Had she been older or vainer, such attacks might have done httle ; but, where youth and diffidence are united, it requires uncommon stea- diness of reason to resist the attraction of being called the most charming girl in the world, and of being so very early engaged as a partner; and the consequence was, that, when the two Morlands, after sitting an hour with the Thorpes, set oiF to walk together to Mr. Allen's, and James, as the door was closed on them, said, '' Well, Ca- thei-ine, how do you like my friend Thorpe ?" instead of answering, as she VOL. I. F probably ( 98 ) probably would have done, had there been no friendship and no flattery in the case, " I do not like him at all ;" she directly replied, " I like him very much ; he seems very agreeable." ^* He is as good-natured a fellow as ever lived ; a little of a rattle ; but that will recommend him to your sex I believe : and how do you like the rest of the family ?" " Very, very much indeed : Isabella particularly." " I am very glad to hear you say so ; she is just the kind of young woman I could wish to see you attached to ; she has so much good sense, and is so thoroughly unaffected and amiable ; I always wanted you to know her ; and she seems very fond of you. She said the highest things in your praise that could ( 99 ) could possibly be ; and the praise of such a girl as Miss Thorpe even you, Catherine," taking her hand with af- fection, " may be proud of." " Indeed I am," she replied ; " I love her exceedingly, and am delighted to find that you like her too. You hardly mentioned any thing of her, when you wrote to me after your visit there." " Because I thought I should soon 5ee you myself. I hope you will be a great deal together while you are in Bath. She is a most amiable girl ; such a superior understanding! How fond all the family are of her ; she is evidently the general favourite ; and how much she must be admired in *fuch a place as this — is not she ?" F 2 " Yes, ( 100 ) " Yes, very much indeed, I fancy ; Mr. Allen thinks her the prettiest girl in Bath." *' I dare say he does ; and I do not know any man who is a hetter judge of beauty than Mr. Allen. I need not ask you whether you are happy here, my dear Catherine ; with such a companion and friend as Isabella Thorpe, it would ])e impossible for you to be otherwise ; and the Aliens I am sure are very kind to you ?" " Yes, very kind ; I never was so happy before ; and now you are come it will be more delightful than ever ; how good it is of you to come so far on purpose to see me.'^ James accepted this tribute t)f grati- tude, and qualified his conscience for accepting ( 101 ) accepting it too, by saying with perfect sincerity, " Indeed, Catherine, I love you dearly." Inquiries and communications con- cerning brothers and sisters, the situa- tion of some, the growth of the rest, and other family matters, now passed between them, and continued, with only one small digression on James's part, in praise of Miss Thorpe, till they reached Pulteney-street, where he wajs welcomed with great kindness by Mr. and Mrs. Allen, invited by the former to dine with them, and sum- moned by the latter to guess the price and weigh the merits of a new muiF and tippet. A prc-engagement in Ed- gar's Buildings prevented his accept- ing the invitation of one friend, and obliged him to hurry away as soon as F 3 he ( 102 ) lie had satisfied tlie demands of the other. The time of the two parties uniting in the Octagon Room being correctly adjusted, Catherine was then left to the luxury of a raised, restless, and frightened imagination over the pages of Udolpho, lost from all worldly concerns of dressing and dinner, inca- pable of soothing Mrs. Allen's fears on the delay of an expected dress-maker, and having only one minute in sixty to bestow even on the reflection of her own felicity, in being already engaged for the evening. CHAP- ( 103 ) CHAPTER VIII. In spite of Udolpho and the dress- maker, however, the party from Pulte- ney-street reached the Upper- rooms in very good time. The Thorpes and James Morland were there only two^ minutes before them ; and Isabella having gone through the usual cere- monial of meeting her friend with the most smiling and affectionate haste, of admiring the set of her gown, and en- vying the curl of her hair, they fol- lowed their chaperons, arm in arm, in- to the ball-room, whispering to each other whenever a thought occurred, and supplying the place of many ideas F 4 by ( 104 ) by a squeeze of the hand or .a smile of affection. The dancing began within a few minutes after tliey were seated ; and James, who had been engaged quite as long as his sister, was very importunate with Isabella to stand up; but John was gone into the card-room to speak to a friend, and nothing, she declared, should induce her to join the set be* fore her dear Catherine could join it too : " I assure you," said she, " I would not stand up without your dear sister for all the world ; for if I did we should certainly be separated the whole evenr ing.'' Catherine accepted this kind- ness with gratitude, and they conti- nued as they were for three minutes logger, when Isabella, who had been talking ( 105 ) talking to James on the other side of her, turned again to his sister and whispered, " My dear creature, I am afraid I must leave you, your brother is so amazingly impatient to begin ; I know you will not mind my going away, and I dare say John will be back in a moment, and then you may ea- sily find me out." ' Catherine, though a little disappointed, had too much good- nature to make any opposition, and the others. rising up, Isabella had only time to press her friend's hand and say, " Good bye, my dear love," before tliey hurried off. The younger ^liss Thorpes being also dancing, Catherine was left to the mercy of Mrs. Thorpe and Mrs. Allen, between whom she now remained. She could not help being vexed at the non-appearance of F 5 Mr. ( 106 ) Mr. Thorpe, for she not only longed to be dancing, but was likewise aware that, as the real dignity of her situa- tion could not be known, she was sharing with the scores of other young ladies still sitting down all the discredit of wanting a partner. To be disgraced in the eye of the world, to wear the appearance of infamy while her heart is all purity, her actions all innocence, and the misconduct of another the true source of her debasement, is one of those circumstances which pecu- liarly belong to the heroine's life, and her fortitude under it what particularly dignifies her character. Catherine had fortitude too; she suffered, but no murmur passed her lips. From this state of humiliation, she was roused, at the end of ten minutes, to ( 107 ) to a pleasanter feeling, by seeing, not Mr. Thorpe, but Mr. Tilney, within three yards of the place where they sat ; he seemed to be moving that way, but he did not see her, and therefore the smile and the blush, which his sud- den reappearance raised in Catherine, passed away without sullying her he- roic importance. He looked as hand- some and as lively as ever, and was talking with interest to a fashionable and pleasing-looking young woman, who leant on his arm^ and w^iom Ca- therine immediately guessed to be his sister ; thus unthinkingly throwing away a fair opportunity of considering him lost to her for ever, by being m^i- ricd already. But guided only by what was simple and probable, it had never entered her head that Mr. Tilney, F 6 could ( 108 ) could be married; lie had not behaved, he- had not talked, like the married men to whoii\ she liad been used ; he had never mentioned a wife, and he had acknowledged a sister. From these circumstances sprang the instant con- elusion of his sister's now being by his side; and therefore, instead of turning of a deathlike paleness, and falling in a fit on Mrs. Allen's bosom, Catherine sat erect, in tlie perfect use of her senses, and with cliceks only a little redder than usual. Mr. Tilney and his companion, Avho continued, though slowly, to approacli, were immediately preceded by a lady, an acquaintance of Mrs. Thorpe ; and this lady stopping to sj)cak to her, they, as belonging to her, stopped like- wise, and Catherine, catching Mr. Tilnev's ( 109 ) Tilney's eye, instantly receiv^ed from liim the smiling tribute of recognition. She returned it with pleasure, and then advancing still nearer, he spoke both to her and Mrs. Allen, by whom ke was very civilly acknowledged. " I am very happy to see you again, sir, indeed; I was afraid you had left Bath." He thanked her for her fears, and said that he had quitted it for a week, on the very morning after his having had the pleasure of seeius; her. '' Well, sir, and I dare say you arc liot sorry to be back again, for it is just the place for young people — and indeed for ever}^ body else too. I tell Mr. Allen, when he talks of being sick of it, that I am sure he should not complain, for it is so very agreeable a place, ( no ) place, that it is much better to be here than at home at this dull time of year. I tell him he is quite in luck to be sent here for his health." " And I hope, madam, that Mr. Al- len will be obliged to like the place, from finding it of service to him." " Thank you, sir. I have no doubt that he will. — A neighbour of ours, Dr. Skinner, was here for his health last winter, and came away quite stout." '' That circumstance must give great encou ragement. " *' Yes, sir — and Dr. Skinner and his family were here three months ; so I tell Mr. Allen he must not be in a hurry to get away." Here they were interrupted by a request from Mrs. Thorpe to Mrs. Al- len, ( 111 ) len, that she would move a little to accommodate Mrs. Hughes and Miss Tilney with seats, as they had agreed to join their party. This was accord- ingly done, Mr. Tilney still continuing standing before them ; and after a few minutes consideration, he asked Cathe- rine to dance with him. This compli- ment, delightful as it was, produced severe mortification to the lady ; and in giving her denial, she expressed her sorrow on the occasion so very much as if she really felt it, that had Thorpe, who joined her just after- wards, been half a minute earlier, he might have thought her sufferings rather too acute. The very easy man- ner in which he then told her that he had kept her waiting, did not by any means reconcile her more to her lot ; nor ( 112 ) nor did the particulars which he en- tered into while they were standing? up, of the horses and dogs of the friend whom he had just left, and of a proposed exchange of terriers between #i:em, interest her so much as to pre- vent her looking very ofteu towards that part of the room where she had left Mr. Tilney. Of her dear Isabella, to whom she particularly longed to point out that gentleman, she coidd see nothing. They were in. different sets. She was separated from all her party, and away from all her acquaint- ance ; — one mortification succeeded another, and from the whole she de- duced this useful lesson, that to go previously engaged to. a ball, does not necessarily increase either the dignity or enjoyment of a young lady^ From such ( 113 ) such a moralizing strain as this, she was suddenly roused by a touch trn the shoulder, and turning round, perceived Mrs. Hughes directly behind her, at- tended by Miss Tilney and a gentle- man. *' I beg your pardon, Miss Mor- land," said she, ^' for this liberty, — but I cannot any how get to Miss Thorpe, and Mrs. Thorpe said she was sure you would not have the least objection to letting in this young lady by you." Mrs. Hughes could not have applied to any creature in the room more happy to oblige her than Catherine. The young ladies were introduced to each other, Miss Tilney expressing a proper sense of such goodness, Miss Morland with the i-eal delicacy of a generous mind making light of the obligation ; and Mrs. Hughes, satisfied with C 114 ) with having so respectably settled her young charge, returned to her party. Miss Tilney had a good figure, a pretty face, and a very agreeable coun- tenance ; and her air, though it had not all the decided pretension, the resolute stilishness of Miss Thorpe's, had more real elegance. Her manners shewed good sense and good breeding; they were neither shy, nor affectedly open ; and she seemed capable of being- young, attractive, and at a ball, with- out wanting to ^x the attention of every man near her, and without ex- aggerated feelings of extatic delight or inconceivable vexation on every little trifling occurrence. Catherine, interested at once by her appearance and her relationship to Mr. Tilney^ was desirous of being acquainted with her, ( 115 ) her, and readily talked therefore when- ever she could think of any thing to say, and had courage and leis\ire for saying it. But the hindrance thrown in the w^ay of a very speedy intimacy, by the frequent want of one or more of these requisites, prevented their doing more tlian going through the first rudiments of an acquaintance, by in- forming themselves how well the other hked Bath, how much she admired its buildings and surrounding country, whether she drew, or played or sang, and whether she was fond of riding on liorseback. The two dances were scarcely con^ eluded before Catherine found her arm gently seized by her faithful Isabella, who in great spirits exclaimed — " At last I have got you. My dearest crea- ture, ( 116 ) ture, 1 have been looking for you this hour. What could induce you to come into this set, when you knew I was in the other? I have been quite wretched without you." ^* My dear Isabella, how was it pos- sible for me to get at you? I could not even see where you were." "So I told your brother all the time — but he would not believe me. Do go and see for her, Mr. Morland, said I — but all in vain — ^he would not stir an inch. Was not it so, Mr. Mor- land? But you men are all &o immo- derately lazy 1 I have been scolding him to such a degree, my dear Cathe- rine, you would be quite amazed. — You know I never stand upon cere- mony with such people." *' Look at that young lady w^ith tliQ white ( 117 ) white beads round her head," whis- pered Catherine, detaching her friend from James — " It is Mr. Tilney's sis- ter." ^* Oh ! heavens 1 You don't say so ! Let me look at her this moment. What a dehghtful girll I never saw any thing half so beautiful ! But where is her all-conquering brother? Is he in the room ? Point him out to me this instant, if he is. I die to see him. Mr. Morland, you are not to listen. We are not talking about you," " But what is all this whispering about ? What is going on ?" ^^ There now, I knew how it would be. You men have sucli restless cu- riosity ! Talk of the curiosity of wo- men, indeed! — 'tis nothing. But be satisfied, ( 518 ) satisfied, for you are not to know any thing at all of the matter." " And is that hkely to satisfy me, do you think ?" " Well, I declare I never knew any thing like you. What can it signify to you, what we are talking of? Per- haps we are talking about you, there- fore I would advise you not to listen, or you may happen to hear something not very agreeable." In this common-place chatter, which lasted some time, the original subject seemed entirely forgotten ; and though Catherine was very well pleased to have it dropped for a while, she could not avoid a httle suspicion at the total suspension of all Isabella's impatient desire to see Mr. Tilney. When the orchestra struck up a fresh dance, James ( 119 ) James would have led his fair partner away, but she resisted. " I tell you, Mr. Morland," she cried, " I would not do such a thing for all the world. How can you be so teasing; only conceive, my dear Catherine, what your brother wants me to do. He wants me to dance with him again, though I tell him that it is a most improper thing, and entirely against the rules. It would make us the talk of the place, if we were not to change partners." " Upon my honour," said James, "in these public assemblies, it is as often done as not." *' Nonsense, how can you say so? But when you men have a point to carry, you never stick at any thing. My sweet Catherine, do support me, persuade your brother how impossible it ( 120 ) it is. Tell him, that it would quite shock ^X)u tq sec me do such a thing; now would not it?" " No, not at all; but if you think it wrong, you had much better change/* " There," cried Isabella, " you hear what your sister says, and 3^et you will not mind her. Well, remember that it is not my fault, if we set all the old ladies in Batli iu a bustle. Gome along, my dearest Catherine, for heaven's sake, and stand by me. " And off they went,' to regain their former place. John I'horpe, in the meanwhile, had walked away ; and Cathcdine, ever willing to give Mr, Tilney an oppor- tunity of repeating the agreeable re- quest which had already flattered her once, made her way to !Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Thorpe as fast as she could, in the hope ( 121 ) hope of fiilding him still with them-^ a hope which, when it proved to be fruitless, she felt to have been highly unreasonable. " Well, my dear," said Mrs. Thorpe, impatient for praise of her son, '^ I hope you have had an agreeable partner." " Very agreeable, madam." " I am glad of it. John has charm.- hig spirits, has not her" *' Did you meet Mr. Tilney, my dear?" said Mrs. Allen. " No, where is he?" " He was with us just now, .and said he was so tired of lounging about, that he was resolved to go and dance; so I thought perhaps he would ask you, if he met with you." " Where can he be?" said Catherine, looking round; but she had not looked VOL. !• Q round ( 122 ) round long before she saw him leading a young lady to the dance. " Ah ! he has got a partner, I wish he had asked you^' said Mrs. Allen; and after a short silence, she added, " he is a very agreeable young man." " Indeed he is, Mrs. Allen," said Mrs. Thorpe, smiling complacently; " I must say it, though I ( 131 ) hours getting r^ady. I was afraid you were ill. What a delightful ball we had last night. I have a thousand things to say to you ; but make haste and get in, for I long to be off." Catherine followed her orders and turned away, but not too soon to hear her friend exclaim aloud to James, " What a sweet girl she is ! I quite doat on her." " You will not be frightened. Miss Morland," said Thorpe, as he handed her in, " if my horse should dance about a little at first setting off. He will^ most likely, give a plunge or two, and perhaps take the rest for a minute; hut he will soon know his master. He is full of spirits, playful as can be, but there is no vice in him." Catherine did not think the portrait G 6 a very ( 132 ) a very inviting one, but it was too late to retreat, and she was too young to own herself frightened ; so, resign- ing herself to her fate, and trusting to the animal's boasted knowledge of its owner, she sat peaceably down, and saw Thorpe sit down by her. Every thing being then arranged, the servant who stood at the horse's head was bid in an important voice " to let him go," and off they went in the quietest man- ner imaginable, without a plunge or a caper, or any thing like one. Cathe- rine, delighted at so happy an escape, spoke her pleasure aloud with grateful surprize; and her companion imme- diately made the matter perfectly simple by assuring her that it was entirely owing to the peculiarly judi- cious manner in which he had then held ( 133 ) held the reins, and the singular dis- cernment and dexterity with which he had directed his whip. Cathe- rine, though she could not help won- dering that with such perfect com- mand of his horse, lie should think it necessary to alarm her with a relation of its tricks, congratulated herself sin- cerely on heing under the care of so excellent a coachman ; and perceiving that the animal continued to go on in the same quiet manner, without shew- ing the smallest propensity towards any unpleasant vivacity, and (con- sidering its inevitable pace was ten miles an hour) by no means alarmingly fast, gave herself up to all the enjoy- ment of air and exercise of the most invigorating kind, in a fine mild day of February, with the consciousness of safetv. ( 134 ) safety. A silence of several minutes succeeded their first short dialogue ; — it was broken by Thorpe's saying veiy abruptly, " Old Allen is as rich as a Jew — is not her" Catherine did not understand him — and he repeated his question, adding in explanation, " Old Allen, the man you are with." " Oh ! Mr, Allen, you mean. Yes, I believe, he is very rich." *' And no children at all ?" " No — not any." *' A famous thing for his next heirs. He is your godfather, is not he ?" " My godfather !— no." *^ But you are always very much with them." *' Yes, very much." *' Aye, that is what I meant, He seems a good kind of old fellow enough, ( 135 ) enough, and has Uveil very well in his time, 1 dare say ; he is not gouty for nothing. Does he drink his ' bottle a-day now r" "His bottle a-day '.---no. Why should you think of such a thing? He is a very temperate man, and you could not fancy him in liquor last night?" '' Lord help you ! — You women are always thinking of men's being in liquor. Why you do not suppose a man is overset by a bottle? I am sure of this — that if every body was to drink their bottle a-day, there would not be half the disorders in the world there are now. It would be a famous good thing for us all." " I cannot believe it." *^ Oh ! lord, it would be the saving of ( 136 ) of thousands. There is not the hun- dredth part of the wine consumed in this kingdom, that there ought to be. Our foggy dimate wants help." " And yet I have heard that there is a great deal of wine drank in Ox- ford." " Oxford ! There is no drinking at Oxford now, I assure you. Nobody drinks there. You would hardly meet with a man who goes beyond his four pints at the utmost. Now, for instance, it was reckoned a remarkable thing at the last party in my rooms, that upon an average we cleared about five pints a head. It was looked upon as some- thing out of the common way. Mine is famous good stuff to be sure. You would not often meet with any thing- like it in Oxford — and that may ac- count ( 137 ) count for it. But this will just give you a notion of the general rate of drinking there." " Yes, it does give a notion," said Catherine, warmly, *' and that is, that you all drink a great deal more wine than I thought you did. However^ I am sure James does not drink so much. " This declaration brought on a loud and overpowering reply, of which no part was very distinct, except the fre- quent exclamations, amounting almost to oaths, which adorned it, and Cathe- rine was left, when it ended, with rather a strengthened belief of there being a great deal of wine drank in Oxford, and the same happy con- viction of her brother's comparative sobriety. Thorpe's ( 138 ) 5 Thorpe's ideas then all reverted to the merits of his own equipage, and she was called on to admire the spirit and freedom with which his horse moved along, and the ease which hia pac^, as well as the excellence of the springsy gave the motion of the car- riag'C.. She followed him in all his admiration as well as she could. To go before, or beyond him was impos- sible. His knowledge and her igno- rance of the subject, his rapidity of expression, and her diffidence of her- self put that out of her power ; she could strike out nothing new in com- mendation, but she readily echoed wliatever he chose to assert, and it was finally settled between them wifli- out any difficulty, that his equipage was altogether the most complete of it* ( 139 ) its kind in England, his carriage the neatest, his horse the best goer, and himself the best coachniaii.— " You do not really think, Mr. Thorpe," said Catherine, venturing after some time to consider the matter as entirely de- cided, and to offer some little varia- tion on the subject, " that James's gig will break down?*' "Break d^Wn ! Oh;! lord! Did you ever see such a little tittuppy tiling ill your life? There is not a sound piece of iron about it. The wheels have been fairly worn out these ten yeai^ at least — and as for the body ! Upon my soul, you might shake it to pieces yourself with a touch. It is the most devilish little ricketty business I ever beheld! — Thank God! we have got a better. I would ( HO ) I would not be bound to go two miles in it for fifty thousand pounds." :" Good heavens !" cried Catherine, quite frightened, " then pray let us turn back ; they will certainly meet with an accident if we go on. Do let us turn back, Mr. Thorpe ; stop and speak to my brother, and tell him how very unsafe it is." ** Unsafe ! Oh, lord ! what is there in that? they will only get a roll if it does break down ; and there is plenty of dirt, it will be excellent falling. Oh, curse it! the carriage is safe enough, if a man knows how to drive it ; a thing of that sort in good hands will last above twenty years after it is fairly worn out. Lord bless you ! I would undertake for five pounds to drive it to ( 141 ) to York and back again, without losing a nail." Catherine Ustened with astonish- ment ; she knew not how to reconcile two such very different accounts of the same thing; for she had not been brought up to understand the propen- sities of a rattle, nor to^ know to how many idle assertions and impudent falsehoods the excess of vanity will lead. Her own family were plain matter-of-fact people, who seldom aimed at wit of any kind ; her father, at the utmost, being contented with a pun, and her mother with a proverb ; they were not in the habit therefore of telling lies to increase their import- ance, or of asserting at one moment what they would contradict the next. She reflected on the affair for some time ( 142 ) time in much perplexity, and xvas more than once on the point of ro» questing from Mr. Thoi*pe a clearer in- sight into his real opinion on the sub- ject ; but she checked herself, because it appeared to her that he did not ex-^ eel in giving those clearer insights, in making those things plain which he had before made ambiguous ; and, join-* ing to this, the consideration, that he would not really suffer his sister, and his friend to be exposed to a danger from which he might easily preserve them, she concluded at last, that he must know the carriage to \>e in tact perfectly safe, and therefore would alarm herself no longer. By him the whole matter seemed entirely forgot- ten ; and all the rest of his conversa- tion, or rather talk, began and ended with ( 143 ) with iiimself and his own concerns. He told her of horses which he had J30uii:ht for a trifle and sold 'for in- credible sums ; of racing matches, in which his judgment had infallibly fore- told the winner; of shooting parties, in which he had killed more birds (though without having one good shot) than all his companions together ; and de- scribed to her some famous day's sport, with the fox-hounds, in which his foresight and skill in directing the •dogs iiad repaired the mistakes of the most experienced huntsman, and in which the boldness of his riding, though it had never endangered his own life for a moment, had been constantly leading others into difficulties, which he calmly concluded had broken the necks of many. Little { 144 ) f Little as Catherine was in the habit of judging for herself, and unfixed as were her general notions of what men ought to be, she could not entirely re- press a doubt, while she bore with the effusions of his endless conceit, of his' being altogether completely agreeable. It was a bold surmise, for he was Isa- bella's brother ; and she had been as^ sured by James, that his manners would recommend him to all her sex ; but in spite of this, the extreme weariness of his company, which crept over l}cr be- fore they had been out an hour, and which continued unceasingly to in- crease till they stopped in Pulteney- street again, induced her, in some small^ degree, to resist such high authorit>% and to distrust his powers of giving universal pleasure. When ( 145 ) When they arrived at Mrs. Allen's door, the astonishment of Isabella was hardly to be expressed, on finding that it was too late in the day for them to attend her friend into the house:— " Past three o'clock !" it was incon* ceivable, incredible, impossible ! and she would neither believe her own watch, nor her brother's, nor the ser- vant's ; she would believe no assurance of it founded on reason or reality, till Morland produced his watch, and as- certained the fact ; to have doubted a moment longer then, would have been equally inconceivable, incredible, and impossible ; and she could only protest, over and over again, that no two hours and a half had ever gone oiF so swiftly before, as Catherine was called on to confirm; Catherine could not tell a VOL. i» H falsehood ( 146 ) falsehood even to please Isabella; but the latter was spared the misery of her friend's dissenting voice, by not wait- ing for her answer. Her own feelings entirely engrossed her ; her wretched- ness was most acute on finding herself obliged to go directly home. — It was ages since she had had a moment's conversation with her dearest Cathe- rine ; and, though she had such thou- sands of things to say to her, it ap- peared as if they were never to be toge- ther again ; so, with smiles of most ex- quisite misery, and the laughing eye of iitt-er despondency, \^e bade her friend adieu and went on. Catherine found Mi-s. Allen jusit re- turned from all the busy idleness of the morning, and was immediately greeted with, " Well, my dear, here you are ;" a truth ( 147 ) a tiuth which she had no greater incHnation than power to dispute; " and I hope you have had a pleasant airing ?" ** Yes, ma'am, I thank you ; we could not have had a nicer day." " So Mrs. Thorpe said; she was vastly pleased at your all going." *' You have seen Mrs. Thorpe then?'' " Yes, I went to the Pump-room as soon as you were gone, and there 1 met her, and we had a great deal of talk together. She says there was hardly any veal to be got at market this morning, it is so uncommonly scarce." " Did you see any body else of our acquaintance ?" " Yes ; we agreed to take a turn in the Crescent, and there we met Mrs. H 2 Hughes, ( 148 ) Hughes, and Mr. and Miss Tilney walking Avith her." " Did you indeed? and did they speak to you ?" " Yes, we walked along the Cres- cent together for half an hour. They seem very agreeable people. Miss Til- ney was in a very pretty spotted mus- lin, and I fancy, by what I can learn, that she always dresses very handsome- ly. Mrs. Hughes talked to me a great deal about the family." " And what did she tell you of them?" " Oh! a vast deal indeed; she hardly talked of any thing else." " Did she tell you what part of Gloucestershire they come from?*' " Yes, she did ; but I cannot recol- lect now. But they are very good kind ( I4«^ ) kind of people, and very rich. Mrs. Tilney was a Miss Drummond, and she and Mrs. Hughes were school-fel- lows ; and Miss Drummond had a very large fortune ; and, when she married, her father gave her twenty thousand pounds, and five hundred to buy wed- ding-clothes. Mrs. Hughes saw all the clothes after they came from the warehouse." " And are Mr. and Mrs. Tilney in Bath.?" " Yes, I fancy they are, but I am not quite certain. Upon recollection, however, I have a notion they are both dead • at least the mother is ; yes, I am sure Mrs. Tilney is dead, because Mrs. Hughes told me there was a very beautiful set of pearls that Mr. Drum- mond gave his daughter on her wed- II 3 ding- ( 1^0 ) ding-day and that Miss Tilney has got wow, for they were put by for her when her mother died." " And is Mr. Tilney, my partner, the only son ?" " I cannot be quite positive about that, my dear ; I have some idea he is ; but, however, he is a very fine young man Mrs. Hughes says, and likely to do very well." Catherine inquired no further; she had heard enough to feel that Mrs. Al- len had no real intelligence to give, and that she was most particularly unfor- tunate herself in having missed such a meeting with both brother and sis- ter. Could she have foreseen such a circumstance, nothing should have persuaded her to go out with the Others ; and, as it was, she could only lament ( 151 ) lament her ill-luck, and think over what she had lost, till it was clear to her, that the drive had by no means been very pleasant and that John Thorpe himself was quite disagreeable. H 4 CHAP- ( 162 ) CHAPTER X. The Aliens, Thorpes, and Morlands, all met in the evening at the theatre : and, as Catherine and Isabella sat toge- ther, there was then an opportunity for the latter to utter some few of the thousand thing's which had been 't) many collecting within her for communica- tion, in the immeasurable length of time which had divided them. — " Oh, heavens ! my beloved Catherine, have I got you at last ?" was her address on Catherine's entering the box and sit- ting by her. '^ Now, Mr. Morland," for he was close to her on the other 6ide, " I shall not speak another word to. you all the rest of the evening ; so I charge ( 153 ) charge you not to expect it. My sweetest Catherine, how have you been this long age ? but I need not ask you, for you look delightfully. You really have done your hair in a more hea- venly style than ever : you mischie- vous Qreature, do you want to attract every body? I assure you, my bro- ther is quite in 16 ve with you already ; and as for Mr. Tilney — but that is a settled thing — even your modesty can- not doubt his attachment now; his coming back to Bath makes it too plain. Oh ! what would not I give to sec him ! I really am quite wild with impatience. My mother says he is the most delightful young man in tlie world ; she saw him this morning you know : you must introduce him to me. Is he in the house now ? — Look about . . H 5 for ( 154 ) for heaven's sake ! I assure you, I can hardly exist till I see him." *' No," said Catherine, " he is not here ; I cannot see him any where.'* " Oh, horrid ! am I never to be ac- quainted with him ? How do you like my gown? I think it does not look amiss ; the sleeves were entirely my Own thought. Do you know I get so immoderately sick of Bath ; your bro- ther and I were agreeing this morning that, though it is vastly well to be here for a few weeks, we would not live here for millions. We soon found out that our tastes were exactly alike in preferring the country to every other place ; really, our opinions were so exactly the same, it was quite ridicu- lous 1 There was not a single point in which we differed ; I would not have had ( 155 ) had you by for the world; you are such a sly thing, I am sure you would have made some droll remark or other about it.'' " No, indeed I should not." " Oh, yes you would indeed ; I know you better than you know youi'- self. You would have told us that we seemed born for each other, or some nonsense of that kind, which would have distressed me beyond con- ception ; my cheeks would have been as red as your roses ; I would not have had you by for the world." " Indeed you do me injustice; I would not have made so improper a remark upon any account ; and be- sides, I am sure it would never have entered my head." Isabella smiled incredulously, and II 6 talked ( 156 ) talked the rest of the evening to James. Catherine's resolution of endeavour- ing to meet Miss Tilney again con- tinued in full force the next morning ; and till the usual moment of going to the Pump-room, she felt some alarm from the dread of a second prevention. But nothing of that kind occurred, no visitors appeared to delay them, and they all three set oif in good time for the Pump-room, where the ordinary course of events and conversation took place; Mr. Allen, after drinking his glass of water, joined some gentlemen to talk over the politics of the day and compare the accounts of their news- papers; and the ladies walked about together, noticing every new face, and almost every new bonnet in the room. The ( 157 ) The female part of the Thorpe family, attended by James Morland, appeared among the crowd m less than a quarter of an hour, and Catherine immediately took her usual place by the side of her friend. James, who was now in con- stant attendance, maintained a similar position, and separating themselves from the rest of their party, they walked in that manner for some time, till Catherine began to doubt the hap- piness of a situation which confining her entirely to her friend and brother, gave her very little share in the notice of cither. They were always engaged in some sentimental discussion or lively dispute, but their sentiment Avas con- veyed in such whispering voices, and their vivacity attended with so much laughter, that though Catherine's sup- porting ( 158 ) porting opinion was not unfrequcntly called for by one or the other, she was never able to give any, from not hav- ing heard a word of the subject. At length however she was empowered to disengage herself from her friend, by the avowed necessity of speaking to Miss Tilney, whom she most joyfully saw just entering the room with Mrs. Hughes, and whom she instantly joined, with a firmer determination to be acquainted, than she might have had courage to command, had she not been urged by the disappointment of the day before. Miss Tilney met her with great civility, returned her ad- vances with equal good will, and they continued talking together as long as both parties remained in the room ; and though in all probability not an obser- vation ( 159 ) vation was made, nor an expression used by either which had not been made and used some thousands of times before, under that roof, in every Bath season, yet the merit of their being spoken with simphcity and truth, and without personal conceit, might be something uncommon. — " How well your brother dances !" was an artless exclamation of Catherine's towards the close of their conversation, which at once surprized and amused her companion. " Henry !"' she replied with a smile. *^ Yes, he does dance very well." " He must have thought it very odd to hear me say I was engaged the other evening, when he saw me sitting down. But I really had been engaged the whole day to Mr. Thorpe," Miss Tilney ( 160 ) Tilney could only lx)w. " You can- not think," added Catherine after a moment's silence, " how surprized I was to see him again. I felt so sure of his being quite gone away." " When Henry had the pleasure of seeing you before, he was in Bath but for a couple of days. He came only to engage lodgings for us." " That never occurred to me ; and of course, not seeing him any where, I thought he must be gone. Was not the young lady he danced with on Monday a Miss Smith?" " Yes, an acquaintance of Mrs. Hughes." " I dare say she was very glad to dance. Do you think her pretty V " Not very." - He ( 161 ) ^* He never comes to the Pump-rootB, 1 suppose?" " Yes, sometimes; but he has rid out this morning with my father." Mrs. Hughes now joined them, and asked Miss Tiiney if she was ready to go. " I hope I shall have the pleasure of seeing you again soon," said Ca- therine. " Shall you be at the cotillion ball to-morrow?" " Perhaps we yes, I think we certainly shall." " I am glad of it, for we shall all be there." — This civility was duly re- turned; and they parted — on Miss Tiiney 's side with some knowledge of her new acquaintances feelings, and on Catherine's, wdthout the smallest consciousness of having explained them. She ( 162 ) She went home very happy. The morning had answered all her hopes, and the evening of the following day was now the object of expectation, the future good. What gown and what bead-dress she should wear on the occasion became her chief con- cern. She cannot be justified in it. Dress is at all times a frivolous dis- tinction, and excessive solicitude about it often destroys its own aim. Cathe- rine knew all this very well ; her great aunt liad read her a lecture on the subject only the Christmas before; and yet she lay awake ten minutes on Wednesday night debating between her spotted and her tamboured muslin, and nothing but the shortness of the time prevented her buying a new one for the evening. This would have been ( 163 ) been an error in judgnient, great though not uncommon, from which one of the other sex rather tlian her own, a brother rather than a great aunt might have v^med her, for man only can be aware of the insensibility of man towards a new gown. It would be mortifying to the feelings of many ladies, could they be made to understand how little the heart of man is affected by what is costly or new in their attire ; how little it is biassed by the texture of tlieir muslin, and liow unsusceptible of peculiar tenderness towards the spotted, the sprigged, the mull or the jackonet. Woman is fine for her own satisfaction alone. No man will admire her the more, no woman will like her the better for it. Neatness and fashion are enough for the former, and a something of shab- biness ( 164 ) biness or impropriety will be most endearing to the latter. — But not one of these grave reflections troubled the tranquillity of Catherine. She entered the rooms on Thurs- day evening with feelings very dif- ferent from what had attended her thither the Monday before. She had then been exulting in her engagement to Thorpe, and was now chiefly anxi- ous to avoid his sight, lest he should engage her again; for though she could not, dared not expect that Mr. Tilney should ask her a third time to dance, her wishes, hopes and plans all centered in nothing less. Every young lady may feel for my heroine in this critical moment, for every young lady has at some time or other known the same agitation. All have been, or at least all have believed themselves to be, ia ( 165 ) in danger from the pursuit of some one whom they wished to avoid; and all have been anxious for the attentions of some one whom they wished to please. As soon as they were joined by the . Thorpes, Catherine's agony began; she fidgetted about if John Thorpe came towards her, hid herself as much as possible from his view, and when he spoke to her pretended not to hear him. The cotilHons were over, the country-dancing beginning, and she saw nothing of the Tilneys. " Do not be frightened, my dear Ca- therine," whispered Isabella, " but I am really going to dance with your bro- ther again. 1 declare positively it is quite shocking. I tell him he ought to be ashamed of himself, but you and John must keep us in counte- nance. ( 166 ) nance. Make haste, my dear creatmc, and come to us. John is just walked off, but he will be back in a moment.'' Catherine had neither time nor in- clination to answer. The others walked away, John Thorpe was still in view, and she gave herself up for lost. That she might not appear, however, to observe or expect him, she kept her eyes intently fixed on her fan; and a self-condemnation for her folly, in sup- posing that among such a crowd they should even meet with the Tilneys in any reasonable time, had just passed through her mind, when she suddenly found herself addressed and again so- licited to dance, by Mr. Tilney himself. With what sparkling eyes and ready motion she granted his request, and with how pleasing a flutter of heart she ( 167 ) she went with him to the set, may be easily imagined. To escape, and, as slie beheved, so narrowly escape John Thorpe, and to be asked, so imme- diately on his joining her, asked by Mr. Tihiey, as if he had sought her on purpose ! — it did not appeal' to her that life could supply any greater felicity. Scarcely had they worked themselves into the quiet possession of a place, however, when her attention was claim- ed by John Thorpe, who stood behind her. " Heyday, Miss Mori and !" said he, " what is the meaning of this ? — I thought you and I were to dance to- gether." " I wonder you should think so, for you never asked me." " That is a good one, by Jove ! — I asked you as soon as I came into the room, and I was ( 168 ) was just going to ask you again, but when I turned round, you were gone ! — this is a cursed shabby trick! I only came for the sake of dancing with yoUy and I firmly believe you were en- gaged to me ever since Monday. Yes ; I remember, I asked you while you were waiting in the lobby fcr your cloak. And here have I been telling all my acquaintance that I was going to dance with the prettiest girl in the . room ; and when they see you standing up with somebody else, they will quiz me famously." '' Oh, no; they will never think of me^ after such a description as that." " By heavens, if they do not, I will kick them out of the room for blockheads. What chap have you there ?" Catlierine satisfied his curiosity. " Tilney," he repeated, ( 169 ) repeated, " Hum — I do not know him. A good figure of a man; well put to- s'dther. — Does he want a horse ? — Here is a friend of mine, Sam Fletcher, has got one to sell that would suit any body. A famous clever animal for the road — only forty guineas. I had fifty minds to buy it myself, for it is one of my maxims always to buy a good horse when I meet with one ; but it would not answer my purpose, it would not do for the field. I would gi\'e any money for a real good hunter. I have three now, the best that ever were back'd. I would not take eight hun- dred guineas for them. Fletcher and I mean to get a house in Leicestershire, against the next season. It is so d — uncomfortable, living at an inn." This was the last sentence by which VOL. I. I he ( 170 ) h^ could weary Catherine's attention^ for he was just then born off by the resistless pressure of a long string of passing ladies. Her partner now drew near, and said, " That gentleman would have put me out of patience, had he staid with you half a minute longer. He has no business to Avithdraw the attention of nly partner from me. We have entered into a contract of nuitual agreeableness for the space of an evening, and all our agreeableness belongs solely to each other for that time. Nobody can fasten themselves on the notice of one, without injuring the rights of the other. I consider a country-dance as an emblem of mar- riage. Fidelity and complaisance are- Ihe principal duties of both ; and those men who do not chuse to dance or marry ( 171 ) many themselves, have no business with the partners or wives of their neighbours." " But they are such very different things !— " " — That you think they cannot be compared together," " To be sure not. People that marry can never part, but must go and keep liouse together. People that dance, only stand opposite each other in a long room for half an hour." " And such is your definition of ma- trimony and dancing. Taken in that light certainly, their resemblance is not striking ; but I think I could place them in such a view. — You will allow, tliat in both, man has the advantage of choice, woman only the power of refusal ; that in both, it is an engage- I 2 mcnt ( 172 ) ment between man and woman, fonned for the ad^'antage of each; and that when once entered into, they belong exclusively to each other till the. mo- ment of its dissolution ; that it is their duty, each to endeavour to give the other no cause for wishing that he or she had bestowed themselves elsewhere, and their best interest to keep their own imaginations from wandering to- wards the perfectiofts of their neigh- bours, or fancying that they should have been better off with any one else. You will allow all this?" " Yes, to be sure, as you state it, all this sounds very well ; but still they are so very different. — I cannot look upon them at all in the same light, nor think the same duties belong to them." - In ( 173 ) *' In one respect, there certainly is a difference. In marriage, the man is supposed to provide for the support of the woman ; the woman to make the home agreeable to the man ; he is to purvey, and she is to smile. But in dancing, their duties are exactly changed ; the agreeableness, the com- pliance are expected from him, Avhile she furnishes the fan and the lavender water. That, I suppose, was the dif- ference of duties which struck you, cs rendering the conditions incapable of comparison." " No, indeed, I never thought of t^at." " Then I am quite at a loss. One thing, however, I must observe. This disposition on your side is rather alarm- ing. You totally disallow any simila- I 3 rity ( 174 ) xity in the obligations ; and may I not thence infer, that your notions of the duties of the dancing state are not so strict as your partner might wish? Have I not reason to fear, that if the gentleman who spoke to you just now w^ere to return, or if any other gentle- man were to address you, there would be nothing to restrain you from con- versing Avith him as long as you ■chose r" t«% " Mr. Thorpe is such a veiy particular friend of my brother's, that if he talks to me, I must talk to him again ; but there are hardly three young men in the room besides him, that I have any acquaintance with." •' And is that to be my only security ? ■alas, alas!' . " Nay, I am sure you cannot have abetter; ( 175 ) n better; for if I do not know any body, it is impossible for me to talk to them ; and, besides, I do not wafit to talk to any body." " Now you have given me a secu- rity w^orth having ; and I shall proceed with courage. Do you find Bath as agreeable as when I had the honour of making the inquiry before ?" " Yes, quite — more so, indeed." " More so ! — Take care, or you will forget to be tired of it at the proper time. — You ought to be tired at the end of six weeks." *' I do not think I should be tired, if I were to stay here six months." " Bath, compared with London, has little variety, and so every body finds out every year. * For six weeks, I allow Bath is pleasant enough; but 1 4 beyond ( 176 ) beyond that\, it is the most tiresome place in the Avorld.* You would be told so by people of all descriptions, who come regularly every winter, lengthen their six weeks into ten' or twelve, and go away at last because they -can afford to stay no longer." -/^ " Well, other people must judge for themselves, and those who go to Lon- don may think nothing of Bath. But I, who live in a small retired village in the country, can never find greater sameness in such a place as this, than in my own home; for here are a variety of amusements, a variety of things to be seen and done all day long, which I can know nothing of there/' -- ^* You are not fond of the country." ** Yes, I am. I have always lived . • there, ( ^77 ) there, and always been very happy. But certainly there is much more sameness in a country life than in a Bath life. One day in the country is exactly Hke another." " But then you spend your time so much more rationally in the coun- try." "Do I?" " Do you not ?" ** I do not believe there is much difference." . < " Here you are in pursuit only of amusement all day long." " And so I am at home— only I do not find so much of it. I walk about here, and so I do there; — but here I see a variety of people in every street, and there I can only go and call on Mrs. Allen." 1 6 Mr. ( 178 ) ./.Mr. Tilney was very much amused. 'f< Only go and call on Mrs. Allen!" he ]*epeated. *' What a picture of in- tellectual poverty ! However, when you sink into this abyss again, you will have more to say. You will be able to talk of Bath, and of all that you did here." " Oh ! yes. I shall never be in want of something to talk of again to Mrs. Allen, or any body else. I really believe I shall always be talking of Bath, when I am at home again — I do like it so very much. If I could but have papa and mamma, and the rest of them here, I suppose I should be too happy 1 James's coming (my eldest brother) is quite delightful — and espe- cially as it turns out, that the very family w^e are just got so intimate with, are ( 179 ) are his intimate friends already. Oh ! who can ever be tired of Bath ?" *' Not those who bring such fresh feeHngs of every sort to it; as you do. But papas and mammas, and brothers and intimate friends are a good deal gone by, to most of the frequenters of Bath — and the honest relish of balls and plays, and ever^^-day sights, is past with them." Here their conversation closed ; the demands of the dance becoming noM' too importunate for a divided atten- tion. Soon after their reaching the bottom of the set, Catherine perceived herself to be earnestly regarded by a gentle- man who stood among the lookers-on, immetliately behind her partner. He was a very handsome man, of a com- i6 manding ( 180 ) manding aspect, past the bloom, but not past the vigour of hfe ; and with his eye still directed towards her, she saw him presently address Mr. Tilney in a familiar whisper. Confused by his notice, and blushing from the fear of its being excited by something wrong in her appearance, she turned away her head. But while she did so, the gentleman retreated, and her partner coming nearer, said, " I see that you guess what I have just been asked. That gentleman knows your name, and you have a right to know his. It is General Tilne}^, my father." Catherine's answer was only '' Oh!" — but it was an *' Oh !' expressing every thing needful ; attention to his Avords, and perfect reliance on their truth. With real interest and strong adml- ( 181 ) admiration did her eye now follow the General, as he moved through the crowd, and ^' How handsome a family they are !'' was her secret remark. In chatting with Miss Tilney be- fore the evening concluded, a new source of felicity arose to her. She had never taken a country walk since her arrival in Bath. Miss Tilney, to whom all the commonly-frequented environs were familiar, spoke of them in terms which made her all eagerness to know them too ; and on her openly fearing that she might find nobody to go with her, it was proposed by the brother and sister that they should join in a walk, some morning or other, *^ I shall like it," she cried, " beyond any thing in the world; and do not let us put it off — let us go to-morrow." This was ( 182 ) was readily agreed to, with only a proviso of jVIiss Tilncy's, that it did not rain, whicli Catherine was sure it A\ ould not. At twelve o'clock, they were to call for her in Pulteney-street • — and " remember — twelve oclock," was her parting speech to her new friend. Of her other, her older, her more established friend, Isabella, of Avhose fidelity and worth slie had en- joyed a fortniglits experience, she scarcely saw any thing during the evening. Yet, though longing to make her acquainted with her hap- piness, she cheerfully submitted to the wish of Mr. Allen, wliich took them rather early away, and her spirits danced within her, as she danced in her chair all the May home. CIIAP. ( 183 ) CHAPTER XL The morrow brought a very sober looking morning ; the sun making only a few efforts to appear ; and Catherine augured from it, every thing most favourable to her wishes. A bright morning so early in the year, she al- lowed would generally turn to rain, but a cloudy one foretold improvement as the day advanced. She applied to Mr. Allen for confirmation of her hopes, but Mr. Allen not having his own skies and barometer about him, declined giving any absolute promise of sunshine. She applied to Mrs. Allen, and Mrs. Allen's opinion was more positive. " She had no doubt in ( 184 ) in the world of its being a very fine day, if the clouds would only go off, and the sun keep out." At about eleven o'clock however, a few specks of small rain upon the win- dows caught Catherine's watchful eye, and " Oh ! dear, I do believe it will be wet," broke from her in a most de- sponding tone. ** I thought how it would be," said Mrs. Allen, " No walk for me to-day," sighed Catherine; — " but perhaps it may come to nothing, or it may hold up before twelve." " Perhaps it may, but then, my dear, it will be so dirty." " Oh ! that will not signify ; I never mind dirt.'* " No," replied her friend very pla- cidly, ( 185 ) cidly, '* I know you never mind dirt" After a short pause, '^ It comes on faster and faster !" said Catherine, as she stood watching at a window. " So it does indeed. If it keeps raining, the streets will be very wet."' " There are four umbrellas up al- ready. How I hate the sight of an umbrella ! " , " They are disagreeable things to carry. I would much rather take a chair at any time. " " It \yas such a nice looking morn- ing ! I felt so convinced it would be dry!" *^ Any body would have thought so indeed. . There will be very few people in the Pump-room, if it rains all the morning, I hope Mr. Allen will ■( 186 } will put on his great coat when he goes, but I dare say he will not, for he liad rather do any thing in the world than walk out in a great coat; I wonder he should dislike it, it must be so comfortable." The rain con tiilued — fast, though not heavy. Catherine went every ^\e mi- nutes to the clock, threatening on each return that, if it still kept on raining another five minutes, she would give up the matter as hopeless. The clock struck twelve, and it still rained. — " You will not be able to go, my dear." *^ I do not quite despair yet. I shall not give it up till a quarter after twelve. This is j ust the time of day for it to clear up, and I do think it looks a little lighter. There, it is twenty minutes after, twelve, and now 1 shall give ( 187 ) give it up entirely. Oh ! that we had such weather here as thev had at Udolpho, or at least in Tuscany and the South of France ! — the night that poor St. Aubin died ! — such beautiful weather !" At half past twelve, when Cathe- rine's, anxious attention to the weather was over, and she could no longer claim any merit from its amendment, the sky began voluntarily to clear. A gleam of sunshine took her quite by ^surprize; she looked round; the clouds w^ere parting, and she instantly re- turned to the window to watch over and encourage the happy appearance. -Ten minutes more made it certain that a bright afternoon would succeed, and justified the opinion of Mrs. Allen, who had " alwavs thous:ht it would clear ( 188 ) dear up." But whether Catherine might still expect her friends, whether there had not been too much rain for Miss Tilney to venture, must yet be a question. It was too dirty for Mrs. Allen to accompany her husband to the Pump- room ; he accordingly set off by him- self, and Catherine had barely watched him down the street, when her notice was claimed by the approach of the same two open carriages, containing the same three people that had surprized her so much a few mornings back. " Isabella, my brother, and Mr. Thorpe, I declare ! They are coming for me perhaps — but I shall not go— I cannot go indeed, for you know Miss Tilney may still call." Mrs. Al- ien agreed to it. John Thorpe was soon ( 189 ) sbon with them, and his voice was with them yet sooiler, for on the stairs he was calling out to Miss Morland to be quick. " Make haste ! make haste !* as he threw open the dooi — " put on your hat this moment — there is no time to be lost — we are going to Bris- tol.— How d'ye do, Mrs. Allen ?" " To Bristol ! Is not that a great way off? — But, however, I cannot go with you to-day, because I am en- gaged ; I expect some friends every moment." This was of course vehe- mently talked down as no reason at all ; Mrs. Allen was called on to se- cond him, and the two others walked in, to give their assistance. " I\Iy sweetest Catherine, is not this delight- ful ? We shall have a most heavenly drive. You are to thank your brother and ( m ) and me for tlie scheme ; it darted into our heads at breakfast-time, I verily believe at the same instant ; and we should have been off two hours ago if it had not been for this detestable rain. But it does not signify, die nights are moonlight, and we shall do delightfully. Oh ! I am in such ex- tasies at the thoughts of a little coun- try air and quiet ! — so much better than going to the Lower Rooms. We shall drive directly to Clifton and dine there; and, as soon as dinner is over, if there is time for it, go on to Kings weston»" *' I doubt our being able to do so much," said Morland. " You croaking fellow!"' cried Thorpe, " we shall be able to do ten times more. Kingsweston ! aye, and Blaize Castle too, and any thing else smile) ( 190 ) we can hear of; but here is your sister says she will not go.'* " Blaize Castle !" cried Catherine ; what is that ?" *'The finest place in England — worth going fifty miles at any time to see." " What, is it really a castle^ an old castle ?" " The oldest in the kino-dom." " But is it like what one reads of?" ^^ Exactly — the very same." " But now really — are there towers and long galleries ?" " By dozens." " Then I should like to see it ; but I cannot 1 cannot go." *' Not go ! — my beloved creature, what do you mean ?" " I cannot go, because" — — (looking down as she spoke, fearful of Isabella's "I ( 192 ) smile) " I expect Miss Tiliiey and her brother to call on me to take a country walk. They promised to come at twelve, only it rained ; but now, as it is so fine, I dare say they will be here soon." " Not they indeed," cried Thorpe; " for, as we turned into Broad-street, I saw them — docs he not drive a phae- ton with bright chesnuts r" " I do not know indeed." " Yes, I know he does; I saw him. You are talking of the man y-ou dancc....u The two friends, with Ti^^rts now more united than ever, were inseparable tor the day; and in schemes of sisterly happiness the hours flew along. Mrs. Thorpe and her son, who were ac- quainted with every thing, and who seemed only to want JNIr. Morland's consent, to consider Isabella's engage- ment as the most fortunate circum- stance imaginable for their family, were allowed to join their counsels, and add their quota of significant looks and mysterious expressions to fill up the measure of curiosity to be raised in the unprivileged younger sisters. To Catherine's simple feel- VOL. I. o in OS. ( 290 ) ings, this odd sort of reserve seemed neither kindly meant, nor consistently supported; arid its. uukindness she would hardly have forhoni pointing out, had its inconsistency heen less their friend ;— but Anne and Maria soon set her heart at ease by the saga- city of their ^' I know what ;'- and the evening was spent in a sort of war of wit, a display of family ingenuity ; on one side in the mystery of an affected secret, on the other of undefined dis- covery ^ all equally acute. Catherine was witli her friend again the next day, endeavouring to support her spirits, and while away the many .tedious hours before the delivery of the letters; a needful exertion, for as the time of reasonable expectation drew near, Isabella became more and more ( 291 ) more dcspoiulino-, and l)eforc the letter arrived, had worked herself into a state of real distress. But when it did come, where could distress he found? " 1 have had no difficulty in gaining the consent of my kind parents, and am promised that every thing in their power shall be done to forward my happiness," were the first three lines, and in one moment all was joyful secu- rity. The brightest glow was instantly spread over Isabella's features, all care and anxiety seemed removed, her spirits became almost too high for controul, and she called herself without scruple the happiest of mortals. Mrs. Thorpe, with tears of joy, em- braced her daughter, her son, her vi- sitor, and could have embraced half thie inhabitants of Bath with satisfac- o 2 tion. ( 292 ) tion. Her heart was overflowing with tenderness. It was " dear John/' and '^ dear Catherine" at every word ; — '* dear Anne and dear Maria" must im- mediately be made sliarers in their fe- ticity ; and two " dears" at once before the name of Isabella were not more than that beloved child had now well earned. John himself was no skulker in joy. He not only bestowed on iNIr. Morland the high commendation of being one of the finest fellows in the world, but swore off many sentences in his praise. The letter, ^^ hence sprang all tiii$ felicity, was short, containing little more than this assurance of success ; and every particular was deferred till James could write again. But for par- ticulars Isabella could well afford to wait. ( 293 ) wait. Tlic needful was comprised in a\Ir. Morland's promise ; his honour was pledged to make every thing- easy ; and by what means their income was to be formed, wliether hmded property were to be resigned, or funded money made ovei*, was a matter in which her disinterested spirit took no concern. She knew enough to feel secure of an honourable and speedy establishment, and her imagination took a rapid flight over its attendant felicities. She saw herself at the end of a few weeks, the gaze and admiration of every new ac- quaintance at FuUerton, the envy of every valued old friend in Putney, with a carriage at her command, a new name on lier tickets, and a brilliant exhibition of hoop rings on her finger. Wlicn the contents of the letter were ^iscertained, John Thorpe, who had only o 3 waited ( 294 ) waited its arrival to begin hi» joumer to London, prepared to setoff. "Well, Miss Morland," said he, on finding lier alone in the parlour, *' I am come to bid you good bye." Catherine wished him a good journey* Without appear- ing to hear her, he walked to the win- dow, iidgcttcd about, hunnned a tune, aiKl seemed wholly self-occupied. '* Shall not you be late at Devizes r"^* said Catherine. He made no answer ; but after a minute's silence burst out with, '' A famous good thing this mar- rying scheme, upon my soul ! A clever fancy of Morland's and Belle's. What do you think of it, Miss Morland? / say it is no bad notion." " I am sure 1 think it a very good one. " *^ I)o you ? — that's honest, by heavens ! I am glad you are no enemy to matri- mony ( 295 ) niony however. Did you ever hear the old song, ' Going to one wedding brings on another?' I kay, you will come to Belle's wedding, I hope." " Yes; I have promised your sister to be with her, if possible. " " And then you know" — twisting himself about and forcing a foolish laugh — '^ I say, then you know, we may try the truth of this same old song." *' j\Iay we ? — but I never sing. Well, 1 wish you a good journey. I dine with Miss Tilney to-day, and must now be going home.'' '' Nay, but there is no such con- founded hurry. — Who knows when we may be together again? — Not but that I shall be down again by the end of a fortnight, and a devilish long fortnight it will appear to me.7 ^* ^riicn ( ^96 ) " Theft why do you stay away so long r'" replied Catherine — finding that lie waited for ah answer. ^' That is kind of you, however — kind and good-natured. — I shall not forget it in a hurry. — But you have more good-nature and all that, than any body living I believe. A monstrous deal of good-nature, and it is not only good-nature, but you have so mueh, so much of every thino* ; and then vou have such — upon my soul I do not kiaov/ any body like you.*' ''Oh! dear, there are a great many people like me, I dare say, only a great deal better. Good morning to you." '' But I say, Miss Morland, I shall come and pay my respects at Fullerton before it is long, if not disagreeable." *' Pray do. — IMy father and mother will be very glad to see you." '' And ( ^91 ) ''And I hope — I hope, Miss IMorlandy you will not be sorry to see me." " Oh! dear, not at all. There are very few people I am sorry to see. Company is always cheerful/' " That is just my way of thinking. Give me but a little cheerful company, let me only have the company of the people I love, let me only be where I like and with whom I like, and the devil take the rest, say I. — And I am heartily glad to hear you say the same. But I have a notion, ]\Iiss Morland, you and I think pretty much alike upon most matters." aj '' Perhaps we may ; but it is more than I ever thought of. And as to most matters, to say the truth, there are not many that I know my own mmd about." " By Jove, no more do I. It is not mv ( 298 ) my way to botlier my brains with What docs not concern me. My notion of things is simple enough. Let me only have the girl I like, say I, with a com- fortable house over my head, and what care t for all the rest? ' Fortune is no- thing. I am sure of a good income of my own; and if she had not a penny, Avhy so much the better." '}^h Very true.- ^T^' think like you there. If there is a good fortune on one side, there can be no! occasion for any on the other. No matter which has it, so that there is enough. I hate the idea of one great fortune looking out for another. And to marry for money I think the wickedest thing in existence. — ^Good day. — We shall be very glad to see you at Fullerton, whenever it is convenient." And away she went. It was not lit the power of all ( 299 ) all his gnllantry to detain her longer. With such news to communicate, and such a visit to prepare for, her depar- ture was not to be delayed by any thing in his nature to urge; and she hurried away, leaving him to the undivided consciousness of his own happy address, and her explicit en- couragement. Tlie agitation which she had herself experienced on first learning her bro- ther's engagemiirut, made her expect to raise no inconsiderable emotion in Mi". and Mrs. Allen, by the communica- tion of the wonderful event, ilow great was her disappointment! The important affair, wdiich many w^ords of preparation ushered in, had been fore- seen by them both ever since her bro- ther's arrival ; and all that they felt on the occasion was comprehended in a wish ( 300 ) wish lor the young people's happiness, witli a remark, on the gentleman's side, in favour of Isabella's beauty, and on the lady's, of her great good luck. It was to Catherine the most surprizing insensibility. The disclosure however of the great i^ecret of James's going to FuUerton the day before, did raise some emotion in Mrs. Allen. She could not listen to that with perfect calm- ness ; but repeatedly regretted the ne- cessity of its concealment, wished she could have known his intention, wish- ed she could have seen him before lie went, as she should certainly have troubled him with her best regards to his father and mother, and her kind compliments to all the Skinners. END OF VOL. I. Loudon: Printed by C. Rowortfi, Bell-yard, Temple-bar.