ill i il'si \\\m I I i . .. it I i < nil I! 1 ill lllllll I III " lilll.'llll Ill ilPi HI 111 I 1 1 in! !...<( Hi ... .IIIMIflt, it J > Lincoln Library of CHARLES T. WHITE Hancock, N. Y. LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign A BIBLIOGRAPHY of LINCOLNIANA Not included in the compilations of Daniel Fish and Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf Compiled by JOHN W. STARR, JR. PRIVATELY PRINTED 1926 Edition of ioo numbered and signed copies. Kjo. 53 Copyright, 1926 by John W. Starr, Jr. n ) 1LG5 Mr. Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf : An Appreciation FOR many years it has been the intention of the compiler of the present bibliography that when a fitting opportunity presented itself, a public tribute of personal respect and esteem should be paid to Mr. Joseph Benjamin Oakleaf, of Moline, Illinois, the owner of the largest private collection of Lincolniana in existence and compiler of the recent bibliography of Lincolniana bearing his name. I first became acquainted with Mr. Oakleaf shortly after the period of the Lincoln Centenary, about the time I attained my majority. I had applied to him for a copy of his "Analysis of the Gettysburg Address" and told him something of my past limited accomplishments in the col' lee ting line and my aspirations for the future. This seemed to kindle his interest at once. Perhaps it was my age, but at any rate he immedi' ately concerned himself in my ambitions. "As soon as I get around to it I will send you a list of people to whom you can write for Lincoln pam' phlets 11 he wrote in one of his first communications. About that time I had printed my "Lincoln as President 11 and if I remember rightly, immediately disposed of about fifty copies to friends and acquaintances. But I distinctly remember that of the responses elicited the one received from my "Lincolnian God'father 11 , if I may so term him, pleased me more than any other. My callow youth did not then make the necessary allowances for an older and kindly disposed col' lector who wanted to say something encouraging to a beginner. "I can assure you that I appreciate your kindness very much, 11 he wrote in ac' knowledgement of the copy received, "and also add that the matter was worth printing. You covered the subject in a very excellent manner and I am glad that you concluded to print it. 11 Furthermore, he interested himself in the disposal of certain copies of the remainder of the edition to book dealers and his wise counsel proved most valuable. "Come to me at any time you like for advice or anything else, 11 he wrote; "I am always glad to hear from you. I have not yet had time to make up that list of which I wrote you, but when I find time to do so you will find that it will bring you in at least fifty pamphlets for the mere asking, 11 a prophecy which was later verified. Not getting time during the week to secure the data for me, I find from one of his communica- tions that a lengthy list of titles was made up on a Sunday afternoon. "Do not send me any stamps for replying to your letters," was his in- junction, "for I hope that you take as much pleasure in receiving letters from me as I do in writing them." "I note that you have written to people and got no reply, 11 he wrote upon one occasion, evidently trying to bolster up the courage of a tyro who was losing heart. "That has been my experience in a great many instances, and it is something that we cannot help. You will have to think up other ways of getting at it. Write to the mayor of the city, but don't neglect to enclose stamps. When I started in my collecting I had no one to go to for information, but if I heard that an item was printed at a certain place I wrote to the publishers for information, and if I got no reply I wrote to the postmaster of the town, and sometimes I wrote eight or ten letters for a commonplace item, but I generally got it. The pursuit of an item has been very pleasant to me." As I cull through our correspondence of the period I find that almost all of the letters received from Mr. Oakleaf either contained mention of new items, and where they might be obtained, or similar information concerning those which I had written him about. During the formative period of our friendship my collection received its greatest impetus. But Mr. Oakleafs interest did not stop with our mutual hobby. It extended to various personal and business affairs of the present compiler; my initiation into and membership in a fraternity of which he was a mem- ber; his congratulations and words of advice when he welcomed me in- to the "ranks of the benedicts 11 . "Now, my dear Starr," he concluded upon the latter occasion, "here is my hand with my heart in it. God bless you and may the peace which passeth all understanding be yours forever and a day." And while with the passing of the years our correspondence has necessarily been carried on more intermittently and in a more or less des- ultory manner, yet I have never found reason for lowering the high re- gard and esteem in which I held this Prince of Collectors at the begin- ning of our acquaintanceship. PREFACE THE present compiler has had very pleasant and friendly relations with all of the "Big Five" mentioned by Mr. Oakleaf in his bib- liography, and with many of the other prominent collectors. Of the latter I cannot refrain from mentioning Rev. William E. Barton, Dr. L. D. Carman, Mr. John E. Burton, Capt. O. H. Oldroyd, Mr. Charles T. White, Mr. Frederick Ray Risdon, Mr. Allen Henry Wright, Prof. Clark P. Bissett, Miss Ida M. Tarbell, Mr. George P. Hambrecht, Mr. J. Friend Lodge, Mr. Emanuel Herts and Mr. Wm. H. Townsend. My acquaintance with Major William H. Lambert, of Philadelphia, antedates by a year or more that with Mr. Oakleaf, and from his hand I received many of the best items of which he was author. I was also acquainted through correspondence with Judge Daniel Fish. I well remember that when I applied to him for a copy of his 1906 bibliography, of which but forty numbered copies were supposed to be printed, I was too late to receive one of them. But the Judge did kindly send me an unnumbered set of the leaves for binding, autographed, which I had bound for myself and therefore am the fortunate possessor of a copy of the bibliography similar in all other respects to those now reposing in the libraries of my only a little more fortunate brethren. To me there has always been a mystery connected with item No. 503 listed in Mr. Oakleaf s bibliography, which I believe should be mentioned here. In a catalogue of Lincolniana issued by Schulte in 1914, item No. 246 of this bibliography, there is listed the following : "Lincoln Collections and Lincoln Bibliography by Daniel Fish, printed for the Bibliographical Society of America. 8vo. Wrappers. New York, 1909." September 3rd, 191 5, in response to a query from me Judge Fish wrote: "All that I know of the 'work' you mention is that in 1908 I gave an ad' dress entitled as you indicate, before the American Bibliographical Society at Lake Minnetonka, the annual meeting being held there that year. This was published in the Proceedings of the Society. If it was ever printed separately I was not asked nor advised. 11 Unable to get a copy from the dealer, I tried elsewhere, and under date of October 12, 1915, Mr Carl B. Roden of the Chicago Public Library wrote as follows: "With reference to the article on Lincoln col' lections by Judge Fish, published by the Bibliographical Society, there is only one explanation for its appearance separately, and that is that a few copies were issued in that form and sent to the author with the compliments of the Society. This is the usual practice, and we know of no other way in which this item could have found its way into the cata- logue." "No copies of the talk before the Bibliographical Society were sent to me, 11 wrote Judge Fish, October 22nd; "I only heard of its publication incidentally and then had to buy a copy of the Proceedings in order to see how it looked in print. So that explanation fails. At any rate, if any such publication was made, intended for me, it never came to hand." My relations with Mr. Judd Stewart began about the time I first corresponded with Mr. Oakleaf, and although not as intimate, yet they were most cordial. I always found him ready with suggestions or infor- mation when called upon and he presented me with many of his privately printed items. In September 1919 while in New York City for a few days I called upon Mr. Stewart in his offices in lower Manhattan. I was accorded a cordial reception and although a very busy man, Mr. Stewart engaged for some time in conversation, showing me many of his rarest items which he kept in a safe in his private office and a collection of autograph letters of every President of the United States up to that time. He was much interested in the Barnard statue agitation then going on and had taken a leading part in it. As Mr. Oakleaf states, Mr. Stewart passed away July 3rd, 1920, I hold a letter from him dated May 26th of that year which exemplifies his courtesy and kindness to a fellow-collector. I had written him for cer- tain information and although bed-fast yet his unfailing uniform desire to be of assistance caused him to write from his sick bed. "Yours of 24th rec'd. Pardon my pencilled reply but IVe been confined to my bed sev- eral weeks and cannot do otherwise." And a few weeks later with the return of a letter of mine dated June 12th this kindly soul had pencilled on its margin a reply to my latest query. This is my last recollection of this great-hearted man, a recollection which I shall always carry with me. Though confined to his bed with a serious illness, yet he could and did find strength enough to comply with the request of one of his correspond- ents who of course had no knowledge of his condition. And it was while in Washington several weeks later that I was informed by Mr. Oldroyd who maintains the house in which Lincoln died, that Mr. Stewart had recently passed away. We both deeply regretted his loss. With Mr. Charles W. McLellan my relations were not so intimate as with the rest of the "Big Five", and yet I never wrote him for informa- tion that I did not receive the benefit of his larger experience. FOREWORD A LL of the items listed in the main body of the present bibliog' /"A raphy of Lincolniana are to be found in the collection of the com' piler, and it is believed that no duplication has been made of any listed by Judge Fish or Mr. Oakleaf. In several instances, however, I have included items disposed of by Judge Fish in his notes which should properly be listed separately on account of their nature and differentia' tion from the publications he saw fit to list, reference to which will be found in the notes following the titles. No attempt has been made to include those titles with slight variations in title page, pagination, etc., of which several have been discovered, except they bear the impress of a different edition. Only those issues of magazines dealing with Abraham Lincoln as the principal theme or published and advertised as "Lincoln Numbers" have been included; those issues, and they are legion, whose covers alone bear' ing Lincoln portraits, etc., would indicate them to belong in this class, are not included if they fail to measure up to this standard. Lincoln sections of newspapers, and there were many such called forth by the Lincoln Centenary, with the exception of a few pictorial issues and a notable supplement of the New York World, have not been listed, which applies generally to ephemeral programs, menus and the like, although a few of this nature which have a more than passing interest are included. Only those prospectuses and advertisements of items, portraits, etc., are included which bear the impress of a permanent preservation, and no single sheet publications of this nature have been recorded, and of the latter there are not a few. As bibliographers seem to be allowed a cer' tain license as to the inclusion of items not conforming to the line laid down, in the present instance a few such, possibly a half dozen, will be found herein, the reasons for which appear in the notes. At the suggestion of several collectors I have been glad to incorporate in the Addenda such titles as they saw fit to submit, garnered from their collections and not recorded in either Fish or Oakleaf. Items are listed under the name of the author if the latter is given either on the title page or elsewhere in the publication; anonymous productions are listed under the "first word of the title not an article 11 ; catalogues, if no compiler's name is mentioned, under the name of the publisher. The programs included, such as the American Missionary Association services, appear under the title of the Association, Society, etc., or place held. Library lists will be found under the name of the library; State publications, if no author given, under the name of the State; prosper tuses and advertisements, if author's name appears on title page, under the name of the author. Proceedings and other publications of societies and other public bodies will be found under the name of the Society, State or place. Issues of magazines and newspaper sections appear under the name of the magazine or newspaper, while titles relating to other individuals, such as Mary Todd Lincoln, "Aunt Sally" Saunders and Boston Corbett, will be found under such individual name. Lincoln's writings are listed under the name LINCOLN. A few variations in these rules will be found the reason for which will be apparent. Unless otherwise stated the titles as given appear on the title page, if the cover or caption title it is so stated; italicized words in brackets do not appear on the transcribed pages. In the notes will be found infor' mation concerning the imprint, place of publication and date, followed by the size, pagination and whether illustrated or not. The following abbreviations have been used: n. i., no imprint; n. p., no place; n. d., no date; pp., pages; fr., frontispiece; ills., illustrated; and adv., advertise- ment. List of Subscribers i Emanuel Hertz, 149 Broadway, New York, N: Y. 2 Luther M. Cornwall, 227 Penna. Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C. 3 Stuart W. Jackson, no William St., New York, N. Y. 4 Daniel H. Newhall, Pershing Square Bldg., New York, N. Y. 5 Dr. L. D. Garman, 1806 Lamont St., Washington, D. C. 6 W. H. Simons, Cold water, Mich. 7 James Rosenthal, 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. 8 Wm. H. Townsend, 605 First & City Natl Bank Bldg., Lexing- ton, Ky. 9 J. Friend Lodge, Bustleton, Philadelphia, Pa. 10 Henry Horner, 647 County Bldg., Chicago, 111. n Geo. H. Smyser, 274 Prospect St., Ridgewood, N. J. 12 Rev. William E. Barton, Foxboro, Mass. 13 Dr. Jno. W. Starr, Millersburg, Pa. 14 Brown University Library, Providence, R. I. 15 Paul Blatchford, 333 N. Euclid Ave., Oak Park, 111. 16 Logan Hay, 714 First Natl Bank Bldg., Springfield, 111. 17 The Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton Place, Chicago, 111. 18 R. Arthur Heller, 790 Broad St., Newark, N. J. 19 Alfred C. Howell, 32 Guild Rd., Dedham, Mass. 20 Albert H. Griffith, Fisk, Wis. 21 Andrew D. Pierce, 10 Dexter St., Maiden, Mass. 22 Edward J. Jacob, 424 Fulton St., Peoria, 111. 23 Geo. P. Hambrecht, State Capitol, Madison, Wis. 24 Western Reserve Historical Society, 10700 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 25 H. K. Sage, Clarksdale, Miss. 26 New York State Library, University of the State of New York, Albany, N. Y. 27 Mrs. H. A. Chase, Titusville, Pa. 28 Butler College Library, Indianapolis, Ind. 29 R. E. Tomlinson, 129 Union St., Montclair, N. J. 30 Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, 111. 31 F. L. Black, Dearborn, Mich. 32 Millersburg High School Library, . Edwin B. Long, Supervising Principal, Millersburg, Pa. 33 Allen H. Wright, San Diego, Cal. 34 F. Ray Risdon, 304 Munger Block, Los Angeles, Cal. 35 The Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Gabriel, California. 36 Chicago Public Library, 78 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. 37 Chas. E. Longenecker, Middletown, Pa. 38 Carrie A. Hall, 1007 S. Fifth St., Leavenworth, Kan. 39 University of Illinois Library, Urbana, 111. 40 C. P. Bissett, 914 24th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. 41 O. L. Schmidt, 1547 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 42 O. L. Schmidt, 1547 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 43 Harry C. Coley, Box 42, Washington Sq. Sta., Worcester, Mass. 44 Frank A. Bare, President Tritch Hardware Co., Denver, Col. 45 Merritt Starr, 1300^1 10 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 46 W. P. Truesdell, Champlain, N. Y. 47 John W. Fling, Jr., Wyoming, 111. 48 Mrs. R. P. Raymond, 227 Spring St., Middletown, Pa. 49 Mrs. R. P. Raymond, 227 Spring St., Middletown, Pa. 50 Charles A. Gage, 5407 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. 51 Cambridge Public Library, Broadway and Trowbridge Sts., Cam' bridge, Mass. 52 Pennsylvania State Library and Museum, Harrisburg, Pa. 53 Charles T. White, 277 Decatur St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 54 M. L. Wilson, care of State College, Bozeman, Montana. 55 J. B. Oakleaf, Moline, 111. 56 The Tuttle Company, 11 and 13 Center St., Rutland, Vt. 57 Daniel H. Newhall, Pershing Square Bldg., New York, N. Y. 58 Daniel H. Newhall, Pershing Square Bldg., New York, N. Y. 59 Daniel H. Newhall, Pershing Square Bldg., New York, N. Y. 60 Geo. P. Hambrecht, State Capitol, Madison, Wis. 61 John S. Little, Rushville, 111. 62 Library of The Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, Wis. 63 M. H. Briggs, 51 13 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. 64 Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Mass. 65 Clara I. Miller, District Attorney's Office, Harrisburg, Pa. 66 Ida M. Tarbell, 120 East 19th St., New York, N. Y. 67 LeClaire Book Exchange, Moline, 111. 68 LeClaire Book Exchange, Moline, 111. 69 Mrs. Jno. W. Starr, Millersburg, Pa. 70 Mrs. H. A. Chase, Titusville, Pa. 71 Dr. Henry E. Starr, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 72 Mrs. Ella V. Starr, Middletown, Pa. 73 Mrs. Jno. W. Starr, Millersburg, Pa. 74 H. B. Etter, Middletown, Pa. 75 Copyright. 7 6 Copyright. 77 W. H. M. Adams, The Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. apolis, Minn. 7 8 H. E. Barker, 2060 S. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 79 H. E. Barker, 2060 S. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 8o Reserved. 8i Reserved. 82 Reserved. 83 Reserved. 84 Reserved. 85 Reserved. 86 Reserved. 87 Reserved. 88 Reserved. 89 Reserved. 90 Reserved. 91 Reserved. 92 Reserved. 93 Reserved. 94 Reserved. 95 Reserved. 96 Reserved. 97 Reserved. 98 Reserved. 99 Reserved. 100 Reserved. Mmne' 13 Bibliography ABE Lincoln: his book i Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (The Unit Book Publishing Company, ic W. 34th St., New York.) i6mo. Folder, (io)pp. Adv. of "Letters and Addresses of Abraham Lincoln'' and other volumes of the Unit Books. ABRAHAM Lincoln. {Portrait of Lincoln} {Scene from Lincoln s early life as a rail- splitter} No. 229 Printed in U. S. A. fDeviceJ Copyrighted 1918 by Sam. Gabriel Sons & Company New York. . 2 Cover title, in colors. N.d. 4to. (i6)pp. Ills. ABRAHAM Lincoln By Men Who Knew Him {Portrait of Lincoln} A Book of Personal Interest 3 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Pantagraph Printing and Stationary Co., Blooming' ton, Illinois) 24010. (4)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1102. ABRAHAM Lincoln {Cut of Lincoln} His Life, Sayings and Speeches 4 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Buffalo Book Co., Buffalo, N. Y.) Size 4"x5". (9)PP- ABRAHAM Lincoln Nine Notable Studies of His Life & Character {Drawing of} The Old United States Court Building Lincoln's Law Office was on the Third Floor 5 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Houghton Mifflin Company, 4 Park Street, Boston, 16 E. 40th Street, New York) i2mo. U)pp. . Ills. ABRAHAM Lincoln {Portrait of Lincoln} The First American . 6 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (G. P. Putnam's Sons, Publishers, 2 West 45th St. New York City. Mail Order Department.) i2mo. (4)pp. Ills. Adv. of Fish No. 574. ABRAHAM. 1862 191 2. Abraham Lincoln Issued His Emancipa' tion Proclamation, Sept. 22d, 1862. Fifty Years of Physical Freedom — And Political Bondage. This Jubilee Year Is a Good Time to Strike for Political Liberty! "Equal Rights and Opportunities for All American Citizens" 7 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (j)pp. Issued by The National Independent Political League, National Headquarters Lewis Bldg., S.E. Cor. 6th St., &? La. Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C, to colored voters in the interest of the Democratic Party and Governor Woodrow Wilson. Pamphlet No. 3. ABRAHAM. {Cut of Lincoln reading from boo\} Abraham Lincoln said: "I will study and get ready and maybe my chance will come." Your Chance Will Come. Copyright, 191 4, by International Text' book Co. All rights reserved 8 Cover title. N.p., n.d. (Adv. of International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa., U.S. A.) Size3X"x9^". Folder, (6) pp. Ills. 15 1 6 LlNCOLNIANA ABRAHAM Lincoln George Washington 9 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Francis D. Tandy Co., Publishers, 38 East Twenty'first Street, New York) i2mo. (4)pp. Ills. Adv. of portraits of Lincoln and Washington, facsimiles of letters and documents of Lincoln, etc., and books on Lincoln, all published by Tandy Co. ABRAHAM Lincoln A Negro Not Killed By John Wilkes Booth . 10 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Signed L. D. Cfarmanf, June, 1924) i2mo. (j)pp. ABRAHAM Lincoln's Face n Caption title, second page. First page contains portrait of Lincoln followed by the words "Copyright, 1906 by Francis D. Tandy Company. " N.i., n.p., n.d. (Francis D. Tandy Company, Publisher, 38 East 21st Street, New York City) 24010. (4)pp. Adv. of engraved portrait of Lincoln by Gardner. Issued also in (2)pp. leaflet form. AINS WORTH. Selections from Washington, Lincoln, Bryant Jef' ferson, and McKinley Especially Selected for the use of Grammar and High Schools By F. F. Ains worth f Device} Chicago Ains worth 6? Company 1912 12 Cover title: McKinley 's Last Address No. 2 Patriotic Selections English Readings for Schools Lakeside Series. Selections from Washington, Lincoln, Bryant Ainsworth & Company Chicago. i2mo. 78pp. Ills. Lakeside Classics No. 2. ALGER. The Backwoods Boy The Story of Abraham Lincoln By Horatio Alger, Jr. Author of "Work and Win," "The Young Musi' dan," "Sink or Swim," "The Store Boy," "Jack's Ward," "Frank's Campaign," and over seventy other first-class stories for boys, many of which are published exclusively in the Medal Library {Device} Street &? Smith, Publishers 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York City . 13 N.d. (1909) i2mo. 307pp. New Medal Library No. 519. ALGER. The Backwoods Boy or, The Story of Abraham Lincoln By Horatio Alger, Jr. Author of many splendid books for boys pub- lished in paper-covered edition in this line, which is known as the Alger Series. {Device} Street & Smith Corporation Publishers 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York 14 N.d. i2mo. 287pp. Alger Series No. 77. Deletion of entire chapter from preceding item, otherwise same reading matter. AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. Americana: Including a Collec- tion of Lincolniana Numbers 6260 to 6622, inclusive Constituting Session Twenty-Two of the Artistic and Literary Collections of the late Evert Jansen Wendell to be sold at Unrestricted Public Sale by Order of Mr. Wendell's Executors and for the Benefit of Harvard University on Thursday Afternoon, October 23 rd, 1919 at the Amer- ican Art Galleries Madison Square South New York City . . . 15 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (47)pp. AMERICAN BOY. The American Boy Volume X Number IV February 1909 Single Copies 10c Per Year $1.00 {Cut of youths playing ice-hockey} Copyright, 1909, by The Sprague Publishing Co., Bibliography 17 Detroit, Mich. Lincoln Centenary. Commencing "In Old Shia' wassee" 16 Cover title. Folio. (o7)-i28pp. Ills. Lincoln Centennial Number. AMERICAN HEBREW. Vol. LXXXIV No. 15 Feb. 12, 1909 The American Hebrew and Jewish Messenger A Weekly Journal for the Jewish Home Published at 489 Fifth Avenue New York Lincoln Number {Cut of Lincoln} Ten cents a copy Three dollars a year 17 Cover title. 4to. 38i'4i2pp. Ills. AMERICAN MISSIONARY. February 1909 Vol. LXIII No. 2 The American Missionary {Seal of Association} Among Eight Races in America, White, Negro, Indian, Alaskan, Porto Rican, Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian. Christian Institutions, Agricultural, Technical, Academic, Collegiate, Theological &? Churches. {Cut of Carpenter's Painting} 18 Cover title. 8vo. 64pp. Lincoln Centennial Number. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. Three Questions and Their Answers American Missionary Association Concert Exer' cise {Cut of Lincoln} for Lincoln Memorial Sunday, February 12, 1905 19 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (American Missionary Association, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York. 615 Congregational House, Boston. 153 LaSalle Street, Chicago.) i2mo. U)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. 1809 1910 Amer- ican Missionary Association Brief Concert Exercise "With Malice Toward None With Charity For All." Lincoln Memorial Sunday February 13, 1910 Commemorating the Birthday of Abraham Lincoln Prepared by Mrs. H. Paul Douglass 287 Fourth Avenue, New York. 615 Congregational House, Boston. 153 LaSalle Street, Chicago. Oriental Mission Building, 21 Brenham Place, San Francisco, Cal. . 20 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. U)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. 1809 19" Lincoln Memorial Anniversary American Missionary Association Our Coun' try's Opportunity and Destiny "It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this." — Gettysburg Lincoln Memorial Sunday February 12, 191 1 For reference: {two boo\s cited} Commemorating the One Hundred and Second Birthday of Abraham Lincoln 21 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (American Missionary Association. Addresses in New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco as given above), iamo. (4)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. (Five Minutes for Mission Study) American Missionary Association Concert Exercise for Lincoln Memorial Sunday, February 11, 191 2 With Pictures of Negro, Indian, Eskimo, Porto Rican, Chinese, Japanese Children . 22 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (American Missionary Association 287 Fourth Avenue, New York Eastern District 615 Congregational House, Boston, Mass. Western 1 8 LlNCOLNIANA District 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111. Pacific District 21 Brenham Place, San Francisco, Cal.) i2mo. U)pp. Ills. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. 1863— "A Jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto thee." — 191 3 f Cut of Lincoln} The Golden Jubilee of Emancipation A Service for Lincoln Memorial Sunday February 9th, 191 3 "With freedom did Christ set us free." {Cut of negroes in cotton field} 23 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (American Missionary Association. Same inscrip' tion as next preceding) 8vo. (4)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. 1863— Fifty-one years of Freedom. — 191 4 {Cut of Lincoln} A Service for Lincoln Memorial Sunday February 15th, 19 14 "With freedom did Christ set us free." {Cut of negroes in cotton field} 24 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (American Missionary Association. Same inscrip' tion as next two preceding) 8vo. (4)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. 1809-1865 Concert Exercise for Lincoln Sunday February 14th 191 5 {Cut of Lincoln sur- rounded by flags} American Missionary Association 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City Eastern District 615 Congregational House, Boston, Mass. Western District 19 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111. Pacific District 21 Brenham Place San Francisco, Cal. . 25 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. U)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. 1809 1916 {Cut of Lincoln} Five Minute Talks to the Sunday School Missions to Unprivileged Races in America The Unfinished Work Patriotic Mis' sionary Service for Lincoln Memorial Sunday February 13, 19 16 American Missionary Association 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City 26 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (4)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. {Cut of Pilgrim Tercentenary} Concert Exercise for Lincoln Sunday Fair Play for Handicapped Americans A Missionary Service for Lincoln Memorial Sunday February 11, 1917 American Missionary Association 287 Fourth Avenue, New York City 27 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. U)pp- AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. Lincoln Day in the Sunday Schools February tenth, 191 8 The Fight for Freedom {Cut of white and colored boys in soldiers' 1 uniform with Red Cross flag and Stars and Stripes} American Missionary Association {Cut of in- corporation of Association} Offices: 287 Fourth Avenue New York, N. Y. Congregational House Boston, Mass. 19 So. LaSalle Street Chicago, 111. 21 Brenham Place San Francisco, Cal 28 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (4)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. God's Country Lincoln Day in the Sunday School f Cut of J\[ewar\ statue of Lincoln} Bibliography 19 "With malice towards none" {etc., quotation from Lincoln} The American Missionary Association 287 Fourth Avenue, New York . 29 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (1919) 8vo. U)pp. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. {Cut of St. Gaw dens Lincoln statue} Lincoln Sunday February eighth 1920 "It is for us to be dedicated to the unfinished work — the great task remain' ing before us." {Cutof negro schoolmistress and scholars} ... 30 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (4)pp. AMERICAN POST REVIEW. The American Post Review Chapin- Lincoln Supplement June, 191 3 Illustrated Miss Lucille Chapin, Manager and Publisher 237 E. 163d Street, New York Benjamin Chapin "Lincoln" {Cut of Chapin as Lincoln} Personal letters to Mr. Chapin can be addressed: care Society of American Dramatists, 145 1 Broadway, New York City 31 Cover title. Folio. (8)pp. Ills. AMERICAN PRESS CO. Lincolniana. For sale by American Press Co., Baltimore, Md 32 Caption title. N.d. 241110. (4)pp. ARNOLD. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. By Isaac N. Arnold. With Extra Illustrations. Part I. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg 6? Company. 1885 33 8vo. 236pp. Fr. and ills. Part two: 237'462pp. Fr. and ills. This title page is followed by another, in first volume only, reading same as Oakleaf No. 37 and the indications are that this item was one of a few copies of the edition mentioned by Oak' leaf issued separately as a work of art; bound in three quarters morocco and containing about one hundred illustrations. ASSOCIATED SUNDAY MAGAZINE. The Philadelphia Press. Part 3. {Cut of Lincoln} Abraham Lincoln. Born Feb'y. 12th 1809. Copyright, 1904, By Associated Sunday Magazines. Sunday, February 7, 1904. Illustrated 34 Cover title. Folio. 15, (i)pp. Lincoln Number. AT The Gate of Mystery f Cut of features of human face and two hands, one writing with pen} 35 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Copyright, 1910, by L. E. Waterman Co.) "Being a treatise on the character of hand writing." 24010. 19, (i)pp. Ills. Included be' cause Abraham Lincoln's is one of the several types of writing analyzed; cut of Lincoln and specimen of his handwriting. ATTRACTIVE Lincoln Material for Schools and Libraries . .36 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (The Century Co., Union Square, New York) i2mo. U)pp. folder, printed on first and last pages only. Ills. Adv. of Lincoln portraits, fac-simile of Gettysburg Address and Lincoln Centennial post cards. BABCOCK. To be published in February An Unusual Contribution to Lincolniana The Soul of Ann Rutledge By Bernie Babcock Author of "An Uncrowned Queen" {Portrait of author} with frontispiece in 20 LlNCOLNIANA color by Gayle Hoskins i2mo. Cloth $1.50 net J. B. Lippincott Company Publishers, Philadelphia 37 Cover title. N.d. 8vo. (4)pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 96. BALDWIN. Four Great Americans Washington Webster Franklin Lincoln A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, Ph.D. fDeuiceJ New York Cincinnati Chicago American Book Company . 38 N. d. (Copyright, 1896, 1897 By Werner School Book Company) i2mo. 246 pp. Ills. BALTIMORE AND OHIO MAGAZINE. {Cut of} President Lin- coln arriving in the old Baltimore and Ohio station in Washington, D. C, on the morning of February 23, 1861, preceding his first inaugu' ration. Painted by H. D. Stitt February 1922 39 Cover title. N.i., n.p. (Published monthly at Baltimore, Maryland by the Balti' more and Ohio Railroad.) 4to. 80pp. Ills. Lincoln Number. BANKS. The Lincoln Legion The Story of Its Founder and Fore runners By Rev. Louis Albert Banks, D.D. Author of "The Hall of Fame, ,, "The Youth of Famous Americans," "Hero Tales from Sacred History, 11 "The Great Portraits of the Bible, 11 Etc., Etc. Illustrated with Drawings by Arthur I. Keller And Photographs New York The Mershon Company Presbyterian Building 156 Fifth Ave. . . 40 N.d. (Copyright, 1903, by The Mershon Company) i2mo. 256pp. Fr. and ills. Mentioned by Fish in note, No. 519; should properly be listed separately. BARKER. Illinois and Lincoln Literature Chiefly local publications not on the general market Offered for Sale by H. E. Barker 405 E Adams Street {Printers' Union Label} Springfield, Illinois . . . 41 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (1918?) 8vo. Four page folder, printed on al' ternate pages. 25 items listed. BARKER. Illinois and Lincoln Literature Many local publications not on the general market Offered for Sale by H. E. Barker 405 E Adams Street {Printers'' Union Label} Springfield, Illinois 42 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (1920) i2mo. Folder, (8)pp. 101 items listed. BARKER. Illinois and Lincoln Literature Many local publications not on the general market Offered for sale by Barker's Art Store 405 East Adams St. Springfield, Illinois 43 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (1922) 8vo. 20pp. 346 items listed. BARTHOLOW. The Spiritual Life of Abraham Lincoln A Sermon Preached in The First Methodist Episcopal Church Mount Vernon, N. Y. By the Pastor Rev. Otho F. Bartholow, D.D. Sunday Evening, February Seventh Nineteen hundred and nine Published for Gratuitous Distribution by the Hon. Edson Lewis. Lafatra Press, New York City 44 N. d. i6mo. 15pp. BARTLETT, (R. S.) The Lincoln Calendar Compiled by R. S. Bartlett George Sully & Co. 373 Fourth Ave. New York 45 Bibliography 21 Title on cover of box containing calendar. Title on cover of calendar reads "The Lincoln Calendar {Embossed head of Lincoln between two American flags} Abraham Lincoln" N.d. Size 7" x ^ l /z" . One sheet for each week of the year. The compiler has copies for 1922 and 1923 and the contents aside from the date arrangement are the same throughout. BARTLETT, (Truman H.) See No. 248 BARTON. The Creed of Abraham Lincoln {Four paragraphs of creed} This creed (abbreviated) is an extract from The Soul of Abra- ham Lincoln, by William E. Barton, author of The Paternity of Abra- ham Lincoln. The author says: "No liberties have been taken with Lincoln's sentences, all publicly uttered, except to change the past tense to the present, or the plural to the singular, and to add connec- tives and preface the words 'I believe. 1 " 46 Cover title. N.i.,n.p.,n.d. Folder 3" x 6", (6)pp. Adv. of Advance Publishing Company, 166 North Kenilworth Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois, describing in addition to Dr. Barton's two volumes "The Book of Lincoln" by Mary Wright-Davis. BARTON. Warren Gamaliel Harding Who Lived & Died in His Country's Service fDewceJ An Appreciation by William E. Barton, D.D. and other essays. The Print Shop Incorporated Foxboro, Massachusetts MCMXXIII 47 4to. 26, (i)pp. Fr. Contents: "Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Appreciation by William E. Barton, D-D."; "Address Delivered at the Town Hall at Foxborough Massachusetts Simultaneously with the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln April 19, 1865 By Rev. Isaac Smith, A.M."; "Address by President Harding at Dedication of the Lincoln Memorial." 1 BARTON. The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln An Address Delivered at the Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Illinois State Historical Society in the Centennial Memorial Building Springfield, Illinois, Friday, May 23, 1924 By William E. Barton {Seal of the State of Illinois} Reprinted from the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society 1924 48 N. i., n.p., n.d. (Phillips Bros/ Print. Springfield, Illinois, 1925) 8vo. 18pp. BATES, (David Homer). Personal Reminiscences of Lincoln in the Telegraph Office During the Civil War {Picture of} President Lincoln in the War Department Telegraph Office writing the First Draft of the Emancipation Proclamation. Copyright. — Courtesy of the Century Company. An Illustrated Lecture by David Homer Bates Manager of the War Department Telegraph Office and Cipher- Operator during the Civil War, 1861-1865. Management: J. B. Pond Lyceum Bureau, Metropolitan Life Building, New York, N. Y. . 49 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. U)pp. Facsimile of Lincoln despatch. BATES, (David Homer). Lincoln in the Telegraph Office By David Homer Bates Manager of the War Department Telegraph Office and Cipher-Operator, during the Civil War {Picture of} President Lincoln in the War Department Telegraph Office writing the First Draft of the Emancipation Proclamation Handsomely bound in red cloth with 22 LlNCOLNIANA gold lettering and stamp. Over 400 pages. Price, $2.00 net; postage 17 cents. Many illustrations from photographs and original documents. Published by The Century Co. Union Square New York 50 Cover title. N.d. (4)pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 134. BATES, (Marcus W.) Extracts from Department Commander Marcus W. Bates General Order No. 7 {Cut of flag} "Comrade J. E. West, Patriotic Instructor for James M. McKelvy Post of St. Cloud, has published two patriotic pamphlets, the finest production your Com' mander has ever seen, real works of Art, worthy of a place in every household in the land. It is my earnest desire that every Post Com' mander in the Department procure samples of these pamphlets, and if possible, enough to give one of each to every child in the public schools in his district. Comrades make an earnest effort to secure these most worthy and beautiful works." .51 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Captain J. E. West, 30 5th Ave., So. St. Cloud, Minn.) 8vo. U)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1469 and another booklet. BENNETT. "A Bird in Lincoln's Tomb 11 and Other Poems By Emily Thacher Bennett Author of "Song of the Rivers 11 {Four line poem} The Neely Company New York Chicago London 52 N.d. iimo. 76pp. BOUTWELL. The Lawyer The Statesman and The Soldier By George S. Bout well We value a man by the measure of his strength at the place where he is strongest. New York D. Appleton and Company 1887 53 i2mo. 2,32pp. Mentioned by Fish in note, No. 124. BOWERS. Ten Cent Pocket Series No. 341 Edited by E. Haldeman- Julius LincokvDouglas Debate John Hugh Bowers, Ph.D., LL.B. Dept. History and Social Sciences, State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kans. Haldeman-Julius Company Girard, Kansas 54 N.d. (Copyright, 1923, Haldeman-Julius Company.) 32010. 96pp. BOYDEN. Echoes from Hospital and White House A Record of Mrs. Rebecca R. Pomroy's Experiences m War-Times By Anna L. Boyden "In the great history of the land, A noble type of good, heroic woman- hood. 11 Boston D. Lothrop and Company. Franklin Street * . . ^ N.d. (Copyright by D. Lothrop 6? Co. 1884) i2mo. 250pp. Fr. and ills. The period of the "White House" referred to was during the Lincoln administration. BROOKS. Abraham Lincoln — His Life and Work By Noah Brooks Centennial Edition Prepared in Commemoration of the 100th Anni' versary of the Birth of the Martyr President Large Octavo Volume — 484 Pages. Printed from New Plates, in Large Type. Embellished with Numerous Interesting Illustrations. Fine, Heavy Paper. Sub- stantially Bound. Clearly and Fully Indexed. Price $2. — This Book and The National Tribune one Year, Both Postpaid for $2.50 {Cut of volume} A $3.00 Book Postpaid for $2.00 56 Bibliography 23 N.i., n.p., n.d. (The National Tribune, Washington, D. C.) 4to. 4pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 214. BROWN. Catalogue No. 15 Americana Autographs First Editions Lincolniana Alexander M. Brown, Inc. 150 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. (The Sun Building) Telephone Beekman 2263 Books Auto' graphs Manuscripts Prints Purchased 57 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 40pp. ''Abraham Lincoln, I8o9'I865 ,, items 244-345 in- elusive. BRUMBAUGH. Board of Public Education Office of Superintendent of Schools Room 694 City Hall, Philadelphia January 20th, 1909. The Committee of the Board of Public Education appointed to ar- range in the schools for the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anni' versary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln, directs that in every School under the authority of the Board, exercises commemorative of the occasion shall be held during the closing hour of Friday, February 12, 1909. It is the wish of the Committee that these exercises shall be of an especially interesting character. They may consist of songs, recitations, speeches and the reading of essays. Whenever possible special speakers may be provided. Although a suggestive program is given, yet it should be varied to suit circumstances. The general character of a school should determine the nature of the exercises. Primary Schools may omit from the program any of the numbers preceded by a star. Program for the Celebration of Lincoln's Birth' day 58 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Signed, M. G. Brumbaugh, Superintendent of Schools) 4to. (4)pp. BRUNO'S WEEKLY. {Cartoon of Lincoln} Lincoln as seen by the cartoonists of his time Edited by Guido Bruno in His Garret on Wash' ington Square Five Cents February 12th, 1916 59 Cover title. (Bruno's Weekly, 58 Washington Square, N. Y. C.) i2mo. (467)' 482pp. Ills. Vol.11, No. 7. Lincoln Number. BULLARD. A Valuable Contribution to Lincoln Literature The Home Life of the Great Liberator {Cut of Lincoln and Tad} Tad and His Father By F. Lauriston Bullard A more fitting tribute to the memory of Lincoln would be difficult to find. — Boston Transcript {Eighteen lines of descriptive matter} With frontispiece. Cloth, 50 cents net; Leather, $1.00 net 60 Cover title. N.i., n.p , n.d. (Little, Brown & Company, 34 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.) 8vo. (4)pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 228. BURRAGE. Gettysburg and Lincoln The Battle, the Cemetery, and the National Park {Portrait of Lincoln} By Henry Sweetser Burrage Brevet Major, U. S. Vols. With 27 Full-page Illustrations and 3 Battle Plans. 8vo. $1.50 net. (By mail, $1.65.) G. P. Putnam's Sons New York London ' 61 Cover title. N.d. i2mo. U)pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 234. 24 LlNCOLNIANA BURTON. Burton's Want List Regarding Abraham Lincoln and Lincolniana — 1905 I am ready to purchase any of the following Books, Pamphlets, or documents regarding Abraham Lincoln, at a reasonable cash price. John E. Burton 408 Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, Wis. . 62 Caption title. N.i., n.p. 4to. U)pp. BURTON. A Souvenir Presentation of the Lincoln Bronze Tablet The Gettysburg Speech Lake Geneva, Wis., November 22, 1907. By John E. Burton, Principal of Schools, 1870 to 1873 63 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 4to. (3)pp. CANNON. Abraham Lincoln American Academy of Arts and Letters Speeches of Hon. Joseph G. Cannon of Illinois in the House of Repre' sentatives April 12, 1916 Washington I9i6 37826'i55i8 . . . . 64 Cover title. N.i. (United States of America: Government Printing Office) 8vo. 16pp. CENTURY CO. {Pen portrait of Lincoln} Abraham Lincoln A pen portrait made by Wyatt Eaton, from photographs, for The Century Magazine in 1877 Engraved on wood by Timothy Cole A List of Notable Books About Abraham Lincoln Published by The Century Co., Union Square, New York They may be seen at your bookseller's 65 Cover title. N.d. 8vo. U)pp. Describes nine items. CENTURY CO. Books About Abraham Lincoln Published by the Century Co. {Portrait of Lincoln} A. Lincoln Taken about i860; from the negative owned by George B. Ayres. {Quotation from Lowell} 66 Cover title. N.p., n.d. (The Century Co., Union Square, New York City) 8vo. (4)pp. Ills. Several varying editions. CENTURY MAGAZINE. Lincoln Centennial Number Vol. LXX- VII, No. 4 February, 1909 Price, 35 cents The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine {Cut of Lincoln} The Century Co. Union Square, New York. {List of officers, etc.} . 67 Cover title. 8vo. Fr. and ills. (479)'64opp. CHAPIN. {Cut of Chapin} From the Drawing from Life by Cahl Bohnen 1910 Benjamin Chapin In Interpretations of his own Dramas: i' A Dramatic Monolog Portrayal of His Four Act Play "Lincoln 11 A character drama of life in the White House 2' "Arewen 11 — By Benjamin Chapin A four act drama dealing with the present and future, y "Duality 11 — By Benjamin Chapin A drama in four acts dealing with a strange character and a psychological problem. 4.' Revival of one or more of Mr. Chapin's early Lyceum Successes in which he appeared over 400 times in leading lyceum courses {Portrait of Chapin as Lincoln} From Photo by Sarony, New York Mr. Chapin in Costume and Make-up as President Lincoln 68 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 4to. (4)pp. Entire item deals with Chapin's "Lincoln." Bibliography 25 CHAPIN. The Son of Democracy f Device of Paramount Pictures Corp.} 69 Cover title. Inside of cover: {Portrait of Chapin as Lincoln] Benjamin Chapin Paramount Pictures Corporation Presents Benjamin Chapin in "The Son of Democracy" A Series of Dramatic Film Stories of America in the Making. Written, Directed and Produced by Benjamin Chapin A Paramount Series N.i., n.p., n.d. jamo. (8)pp. Pages (4H5) contain Gettysburg Address. CHAPIN. A Vision of Better Photoplays {Cut of Chapin as Lincoln} stood always before the keen creative mind of Benjamin Chapin By day and night for five long years he was planning, writing, struggling and yielding up his very life to give to the world the realisation of that vision — the ten thrilling, tender and humorous chapters of a superla- tive photoplay. The Son of Democracy A Paramount Series Para- mount Offices: 485 Fifth Ave. N. Y. Chapin Studios: Ridgefield Park, N. J. f Trade mar\s, etc., Paramount Pictures and Artcraft Pictures} 70 Cover title. N.i., n. p., n. d. Size 3%" x 9". Folder, (12) pp. Ills. Compare with Oakleaf No. 329. CHAPMAN, (Ervin). The Work of a Life-time Latest Light on Abra- ham Lincoln and War-Time Memories by Ervin Chapman [Cut of Lincoln} is the title of one of the most engrossing works published in many a long day. The author knew Lincoln personally, "stumped 11 for him during both his electoral campaigns, and commenced wor\ on these ~bAemoirs April 4th, 1865. {Data in connection therewith, prices, etc.} Fleming H. Revell Company, Publishers New York: 158 5th Ave. Chicago: 17 N. Wabash Ave 71 Cover title, set in picture of "The Author in his Workshop" which extends from the back to the front page of the folder. N.d. nmo. U)pp. CHAPMAN, (Henry). Catalogue of the Collection of United States and Foreign Coins the Property of Henry Metzger, Esq. Williams- port, Pa. Rare Pattern Pieces, Lincoln Medals 1826 Quarter Eagle. 1854 $3 Dahlonega Mint Catalogued by Henry Chapman Numismatist No. 1348 Pine Street Philadelphia And to be sold at Public Auction by Davis 6? Harvey, Auctioneers n 12 Walnut St. Philadelphia Friday, February 12th Commencing at 2 o'clock, P.M. 1909 . . 72 Cover title: Catalogue of United States Coins and Lincoln Medals Collection of Henry Metzger, Esq. Catalogued by Henry Chapman Friday, February 12th 1909 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 42pp. CHAPPLE. In The Footprints of Lincoln An Address by Joe Mitchell Chappie at the Hamilton Club, Chicago, Illinois February 12, 1916 .73 N.i., n.p., n.d. 241110. 24pp. CHARNWOOD. Abraham Lincoln By Lord Charnwood Independent Press Edition 74 N.i., n.p., n.d. (Printed in the U. S. A. by The Quinn & Boden Company, Rah' way, N. J*) (1924) 8vo. 428pp. and map. Fr. CIRCLE. Price 15 Cents The Circle Lincoln Number {Cut of Lincoln} The Circle Plan as Lincoln Knew It With malice towards none, with l6 LlNCOLNIANA charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right Published by the Circle Publishing Company, New York Copy' right, 1909, by The Circle Publishing Company, New York. Trade- Mark in the United States and Great Britain 75 Cover title. (February, 1909. Vol. V, No. 2) 4to. 65'i28pp. Ills. CLEMENS. The Lincoln Family Magazine Genealogical, Historical and Biographical Edited by William Montgomery Clemens Volumes One and Two Six Numbers January 1916, to April 1917 William M. Clemens Publisher New York 76 Cover title. N.d. 8vo. (3)pp. folder, printed on first and third pages. On page (3) is listed "Principal Contents" and the whole would seem to be a title page and index to accompany the six issues of the Magazine if bound together. CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY. Special Reading Lists Issued By The Cleveland Public Library School Holiday Series. No. 3 Abra' ham Lincoln. "The kindly, earnest, brave, foreseeing man, Sagacious, patient, dreading praise, not blame, New birth of our new soil, the first American. — Lowell 77 N.i., n.p., n.d. i8mo. 16pp. Original edition of Oakleaf No. 367. COLLIER'S. News Stand Edition Collier's {Cut of the boy Lincoln} Lincoln's Birthday Number Vol. XXXVI No 20 February 10 1906 Price 10 Cents 78 Cover title. (Collier's The National Weekly, P. F. Collier 6? Son, Publishers, New York, etc.) Folio. 30pp. Ills. COLLIER'S. News Stand Edition Collier's The National Weekly {Cut of Lincoln} Lincoln The Lawyer Vol XXXVIII No 20 February 9 1907 Price 10 Cents $5.20 a Year 79 Cover title. (Same imprint as next preceding). Folio. 3i,(i)pp. Ills. Lincoln Number. At this time Collier's was active in promoting interest in the Lincoln Farm Association. COLLIER'S. Collier's The National Weekly {Cut of Lincoln statue} Copyright 1908 by P. F. Collier & Son "He is the gentlest memory of our world" Lincoln February 15 1908 Vol XL No 21 . . . . 80 Cover title. (Same imprint as next two preceding). Folio. 23, (i)pp. Ills. Lincoln Number. COLLIER'S. Collier's Lincoln Number, in Two Sections. Section One Collier's The National Weekly Lincoln Centennial {Cut of Lincoln} Copyright 1906 by Charles R. Huntington. i8o9'i909 News Stand Edition Vol XLII No 21 February 13 1909 . . . 81 Cover title. (Same imprint as next three preceding). Folio. 31, (i)pp. Ills. Section two, (4)pp., contains President Roosevelt's address at Lincoln's birthplace, February 12, 1909, in broadside form; said by Morris H. Briggs, dealer of Chicago, in recent list of Lincolniana to be "first printed edition of this speech" and he places its value at $12.50. COLLIER'S, ic a copy Sept. 9, 1916 Collier's The National Weekly {Cut of crowds of people gathering at the Memorial on the Lincoln birthplace farm} The Lincoln Farm Becomes the Property of the Nation Bibliography 27 Containing President Wilson's Address at Hodgenville, Ky., Sep- tember 4, 1916 82 Cover title. (Same imprint as next four preceding). Folio. 58pp. Ills. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. Sixty-sixth Congress, Second Ses- sion. Vol. 59. Washington, Thursday, February 12, 1920. No. 53 83 Caption title. N.i. 4to. (2o65)'2QQ6pp. First page contains proceedings in Senate commemorative of Lincoln's birthday, including prayer of Chaplain and remarks of Senator Keyes, of New Hampshire. Next two pages are facsimiles of copy of Gettysburg Address presented to Edward Everett by President Lincoln and letter from Robert T. Lincoln pertaining to same together with envelope addressed to Miss Belle F. Keyes; these will be found in Oakleaf No. 550. Proceedings in the House include prayer of the Chaplain; reading of the Gettysburg Address by Mr. Cannon, of Illinois; and addresses of Mr. Monahan, of Wisconsin, Mr. Tinkham, of Massachusetts, and extension of remarks of Mr. Echols, of West Virginia, the latter being the address of Mr. Goodykoontz, also of West Virginia, at Harper's Ferry, February 9, 1920. CORBETT. Three photographs of the impersonator of Boston Cor- bett, sentenced to penitentiary at Atlanta for three years in 1905 . 84 N.i., n.p., n.d. Size 6^" x 7^". Unique item gotten up by Dr. Carman, of Washington, D. C. Following the title page, typewritten, is a sheet, also typed, on which are the words "For some account of this man see pages 53-54-55 Byron B. Johnson's Recollections of Lincoln and Corbett. 1914. Seven copies in this shape. No. 3. f^ame of friend to whom presented]}, Lincolniac, from another. {Dated and signedj L. D. Carman." Following this are the photographs accompanied by descrip- tion of impersonator, and signatures of Boston Corbett and his impersonator. CROSBY. Life of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. Containing His Early History and Political Career; Together With the Speeches, Messages, Proclamations and Other Official Documents Illustrative of His Eventful Administration. By Frank Crosby, Member of the Philadelphia Bar. {Quotation} New York International Book Company 310-318 Sixth Avenue . . . . 85 N. d. fipoo. 7 ]) i2mo. 467pp. (St. Nicholas Series). CULLOM. Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Lincoln Li- brary by Shelby M. Cullom Springfield, Illinois June seventh nineteen hundred four 86 N.i., n.p., n.d. (1904 H. W. Rokker Co. Springfield, 111.) 8vo. 27pp. Fr. and ills. But little reference to Lincoln. DAVIS, (J. McCan). For Clerk of the Supreme Court of Illinois {Cut of Mr. Davis} "A Republican of the Stalwart Lincoln type." — De- Kalb Review J. McCan Davis of Springfield Subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Illinois at the primary election to be held August 8, 1908 87 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 241110. 31pp. Ills. Pages 24-31 contain "Abra* ham Lincoln and the Little Giant. An Address by J. McCan Davis, Delivered Before the Hamilton Club, Chicago, on the Occasion of the Lincoln Day Banquet, February 12, 1908." Mr. Davis collaborated with Miss Tarbell in her "Early Life of Lincoln" and was the author of other Lincolniana. DAVIS, (Mary Wright-). See No. 46. . 28 LlNCOLNIANA DeBARTHE. Abraham Lincoln A Tribute "He is great who is what he is by nature, and who never reminds us of others/ 1 — Ralph Waldo Emerson 88 Caption title. Signed "Jos. DeBarthe, Washington, D. C. July 29, 1923." N.i., n.p., n.d. (The C. A. Brewton Press, Washington) 8vo. Folded to (8)pp., reading matter pages (4M5). Cover portrait of Emancipator in the Lincoln Memorial. DEPEW. Addresses by the Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, LL.D. Detroit Chamber of Commerce, May 2, 1895. New York Chamber of Com' merce, May 23, 1895. Dinner Tendered by the City of Buffalo, November 8, 1895. New York State Bar Association, Albany, January 21, 1896. Republican Club of New York, Lincoln Dinner, February 12, 1896. Dinner Tendered by the Lotus Club of New York, February 22, 1896 89 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 114pp. Lincoln address pages 29^9. DODGE. Personal Recollections of Lincoln By Major-General Gren- ville M. Dodge An Address Before the Young Men's Christian As' sociation of Council Bluffs, Iowa, on February 12th, 191 1 191 1: Monarch Printing Company Council Bluffs, Iowa 90 8vo. 38pp. Ills. EATON. Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen Reminiscences of the Civil War with Special Reference to the Work for the Contrabands and Freedmen of the Missippi Valley By John Eaton, Ph.D., LL.D. Brigadier General; General Superintendent of Freedmen, Department of the Tennessee; Assistant Commissioner of Freedmen, Freedmen's Bureau; Commissioner of Education of the United States; U. S. Superintendent of Schools, Porto Rico In Collaboration with Ethel Osgood Mason With Portrait and Facsimiles Longmans, Green, and Co. 91 and 93 Fifth Avenue, New York London, Bombay, and Cal' cutta 1907 91 (The University Press, Cambridge, U. S. A.) 8vo. 331pp. Fr. and ills. EDDY. Lesson Sermon for Lincoln Day Service in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and Branch Churches Throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts February 12, 1908 The Citations which Comprise this Sermon are from the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" By Mary Baker G. Eddy. Copy right 1908, by Mary Baker G. Eddy 92 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (3)pp. Compare with Oakleaf No. 473. EVANGELICAL. The Evangelical Vol. 35. Harrisburg, Pa., Tues- day, February 7, 1922. No. 6 {Cut of Lincoln} Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln. By S. Weir Mitchell {Quotation from Mitchell's poem on Lincoln} Lincoln Birthday Number 93 Cover title. 4to. 24pp. Ills. EVANS. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States Commandery of the District of Columbia Meeting of the Board of Officers, March 5, 19 18 Excerpt from the Minutes of Proceedings Bibliography 29 * * * * t^ recorc j er offered the following Contribution to Lincolniana Literature by the Author, Companion Walter Evans of this Commandery and Judge of the United States Courts for the Western District of Kentucky which was unanimously voted to be printed. Abraham Lincoln : An Appreciation 94 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (i)pp. printed on alternate pages. FEET. The Feet and their Clothing {Cut of lady having shoe tried on} Co. 1921 95 Cover title. N.i., n.p. 321110. 15, (i)pp. Ills. Adv. of Kahler Shoes. First page of reading matter contains statement that "Abraham Lincoln wore Dr. Kahler Shoes, as did most of his Cabinet." Page ten headed ""Abraham Lincoln" 1 contains brief account of President Lincoln's relations with Dr. Kahler and reduced fac-simile of "Measure Book presented to Dr. Kahler by Abraham Lincoln"; page eleven headed "Mr. Lincoln's Letter" gives reduced fac-simile of letter from John G. Nicolay, private secretary, dated March 2, 1865, referring to pair of calfskin boots received by the President. Lincoln is the only prominent personage considered in the pamphlet. FESS. Calendar No. 520 68th Congress 1st Session Senate Report No. 490 Oldroyd Collection of Lincoln Relics April 24 (calendar day, May 3), 1924 — Ordered to be printed Mr. Fess from the Committee on the Library, submitted the following Report (To Accompany S.2434) 96 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (i)p. FIRST Popular Edition Ever Issued of the Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln Nine Volumes Free of Charge. A Great Centennial Offer. 97 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Current Literature Publishing Company. 41 West 25th Street, New York) Ills. Folded to (i6)pp., size 4%" x 6", to send through mails; when opened, one side of item forms broadside 12" x 18". Adv. of Oakleaf No. 839. FORRESTER. Reprinted from National Magazine February, 1914 Affairs at Washington by Joe Mitchell Chappie {Preceding printed over cut of Capitol dome, device of the publication} Benjamin Chapin and His Portrayal of Lincoln By Iz;ola Forrester 98 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. Folder, (6)pp. Ills. FOSTER. Lincoln's Birthplace. Speech of Hon. Martin D. Foster, of Illinois, In the House of Representatives, April 12, 1916. The House in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union had under consideration the bill (H. R. 8351) to accept a deed of gift from the Lincoln Farm Association, etc 99 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1916 48236-15941) 8vo. 4pp. FOUNTAIN. Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania February 9, 1 92 1 Abraham Lincoln President of the United States March 4 1 86 1, to April 15 1865 Born February 12 1809 in Hardin (LaRue) Co. Kentucky Assassinated April 14, 1865; died April 15 1865, at Wash- ington D. C. Enrolled by Special Resolution April 16 1865 "Abra- ham Lincoln — The Man 11 Companion Brig. -General Samuel W. Fountain, U. S. A 100 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 10pp. 30 LlNCOLNIANA FRA. The Fra (Not for Mummies) A Journal of Affirmation Vol II February No. 5 f Cut of Lincoln} Published monthly by Elbert Hub- bard East Aurora Erie County New York 25 Cents a Copy 2 Dollars a Year 101 Cover title. 4to. i'xiv, (seventy-five)'eighty, xv'xxviiipp. Ills. Lincoln Cen' tennial Number (February 1909). GILDER. Lincoln Passages from His Speeches and Letters With an Introduction by Richard Watson Gilder {Device} The Century Co. New York MCMI 102 32010. 204pp. F f - Compare with Oakleaf No. 1 163. GOODSPEED. Brilliant Original Impressions of Marshall's World- Famous Steel Engravings of f Cut of engraving of Lincoln} Lincoln and Grant The Pair, $3.00 Delivered, Charges Paid, Anywhere in the U. S. (Not sold separately.) Returnable at my expense if not satis' factory. Charles E. Goodspeed, Proprietor Goodspeed's Book Shop, 5a Park St., Boston, Mass., U. S. A 103 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. U)pp. Ills. Adv. of engravings and broad' side of Gettysburg Address, a facsimile of which appears on last page. GREAT. A Great Lincoln Centenary Offer Next Year, the 100th anniversary of Lincoln's birth, will create a tremendous interest in the "first really great American born and bred on our native soil." Anticipating this, it is but natural that the Lincoln History Society, whose object is to disseminate knowledge of Lincoln, should turn to the two powerful and influential periodicals who have done the most to keep Lincoln before the eyes of the American people. These two periodicals are McClure's and The American Magazine Arrange- ments were made, and we are now prepared to offer the greatest and most attractive bargain in the history of periodical publishing. Here is the offer, good only if you act promptly: $4.00 Worth for Only $2.00 f Cut of Lincoln and list of seven attractions with prices} All for $2.00 if you act at once {Klote to subscribers} Further details are on the following pages 104 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (The American Magazine, 341 Fifth Avenue, New York; McClure's Magazine, 44 East Twenty-third St., New York) 4to. (4)pp. Ills. GROUT. A Lincoln Book A Soldier's Tribute to His Chief By Josiah Grout Captain in the Union Army Governor of Vermont 1896 to 1898 Paragraphs describing events, the knowledge of which, gained by personal contact, is set forth that the reader may more completely know the life that radiated its charm the world over 1925 The Tuttle Company Marble City Press Rutland, Vt 105 Cover title. 8vo. (4)pp. Adv. of next following. GROUT. A Lincoln Book A Soldier's Tribute to His Chief By Josiah Grout Captain in the Union Army Governor of Vermont 1896 to 1898 Paragraphs describing events, the knowledge of which, gained by personal contact, is set forth that the reader may more completely Bibliography 31 know the life that radiated its charm the world over 1925 The Tuttle Company Marble City Press Rutland, Vt 106 8vo. 125pp. F f - and ills. GUARDIAN OF LIBERTY. The Guardian of Liberty Vol. XI February, 1925 No. 2 {Seal of Society} Published Monthly By The Guardians of Liberty Address Post Office Box 340, Cincinnati, Ohio 107 Cover title. 8vo. i i'i7pp. "What has the month of February given the world? The two preeminent Americans — benefactors of humanity. — Editor.'" Contents: "George Washington, by Rear-Admiral G. W. Daird", pages ii'ia; "Abraham Lincoln, by Gen. Nelson A. Miles", pages 12-17; "Inspiration, by Phillips Brooks", page 17. GUNN. Pocket Series No. 382 Edited by E. Haldeman-Julius The Humor and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln John W. Gunn Haldeman- Julius Company Girard, Kansas 108 N.d. (Copyright, 1923, Haldeman-Julius Company) 321110. 64pp. HALL. A Synopsis of the Secret and Political History of the War of the Rebellion. The Causes Leading Thereto and the Effects. Show' ing how Abraham Lincoln Came to be President of the United States. The Secret Working and Conspiring of Those in Power, and the Mo- tive and Purpose of Prolonging the War for Four Years. In Twelve Numbers, to follow each other in quick succession. With illustra- tions. By Fayette Hall, Author and Publisher, New Haven, Conn., U. S. A 109 Cover title. N.d. 8vo. (6)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 594. HAMLIN. The Life and Times of Hannibal Hamlin By His Grandson Charles Eugene Hamlin Illustrated Published by Subscription Cam- bridge Printed at the Riverside Press 1899 no 8vo. 627pp. Fr. and ills. Besides being an admirable biography of Lincoln's first Vice-President, it treats in detail of the relations of the two men and more particularly of the history of Johnson's nomination in 1864: for the latter see Chapter XXXVI, pages 461-489, and Supplement, pages 591-615, a reply to the appendix in Colonel Mc- Clure's "Lincoln and Men of War Times. " HARDING. See No. 47. HARPER'S WEEKLY. Edited by George^ Harvey {Cuts of infantry and artillery in battle} Bearing the Nation's Burden {Cut of Lincoln} February 13 1909 Harper 6? Brothers, N. Y. Price 10 Cents . . 111 Cover title. Folio. 34pp. Ills. Lincoln Centennial Number. HARRIS. {Cut of Lincoln} Wm. Harris Jr. presents John Drink- water's Abraham Lincoln with Frank McGlynn © . . . 112 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Golden PYng Service) Size 4 // x8^ // . (8)pp. Ills. Adv. the play then running in leading American cities. HE Knew Lincoln, f Preceded by portrait of Henry Watterson} "More American Pictures in More American Homes" The Lincoln Club 407 Niagara Life Building Buffalo, N. Y 113 32 LlNCOLNIANA Cover title. N.d. 241110. Folder, (io)pp. Ills. Adv. of Lincoln portrait and five others. HENKELS. Catalogue No. 1342 The Papers of the Late Hon. Gideon Welles Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson 'Embracing Nearly Sixty Letters and Executive Requests on Cards to Gideon Welles Many letters of Andrew Johnson Letters from various Com' manders of the Navy and Army, Statesmen and other Eminent Men All addressed to Welles and Officers in the Navy during the Civil War and Gideon Welles Diary, and Manuscripts of his various historical Essays and Reviews of Affairs connected with Lincoln's Adminis' tration The Most Important Collection of Papers Relating to the Civil War Ever Offered for Sale to be sold Friday Afternoon, January 4th, 1924 at 2:30 o'clock Stan. V. Henkels (Stan. V. Henkels, Jr., Assistant) Auction Commission Merchant For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings 1304 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa 114 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 96pp. Fr. and ills, of various lots for sale: fac-similes of memorandum and letters from Lincoln. HENKELS. Catalogue No. 1345 Valuable Americana A Selection from the Library of George R. Foulke deceased of West-Chester and from Other Sources embracing Many important Genealogies Early American Imprints State, County and Town Histories Western Ad- venture and Travels Personal Association Books Including a Number Autographed by Woodrow Wilson Also The Suit of Clothes Worn by Abraham Lincoln, the Night of his Assassination and Pin Cushion Belonging to General Washington to be sold Tuesday Afternoon and Evening, Feby. 19, 1924 at 2:30 and 7:30 o'clock, P.M. Stan. V. Henk- els & Son Auction Commission Merchants For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings 1304 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa 115 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 69pp. Item No. 153, the suit of clothes, is described as "probably the most interesting relic of President Lincoln in existence." HERNDON AND WEIK. Sketches of Lincoln (Two Editions, Minion and Brevier.) Minion Edition. Price, for Use of the Plates (8 Pages), $12.00 American Press Association General Offices, New York. New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburg. Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus, Indianapolis. Omaha, San Francisco, St. Paul, Atlanta, Dallas 116 Caption title. N.d. (1895) Atlas folio. 8pp. Ills. Twenty-four chapters of two columns each, three to the page. Following the titles and sub-titles of each chapter is the paragraph: (From 'The Life of Lincoln" by William H. Herndon and Jesse W. Weik. Copyright, 1888, by Jesse W. Weik. Copyright, 1892, by D. Apple- ton 6? Co.) This item and No. 285 are probably the rarest in the compiler's collection. HERSEY. Lincoln the Man of Common Sense Address of Hon. Ira G. Hersey of Maine before the House of Representatives Tuesday, February 12, 1924 Washington Government Printing O&ce 1924 .117 Cover title. 8vo. 14pp. Bibliography 33 HERTZ. {Hebrew} Abraham Lincoln — The Seer By Emanuel Herts f Hebrew} ( Weaf ) {Hebrew} 1925, 12 {Hebrew} 118 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. nmo. (i2)pp. In Hebrew. HILL, (Frederick Trevor). Lincoln The Lawyer By Frederick Trevor Hill Member of the New York Bar. Author of "The Case and Ex- ceptions, 11 "The Accomplice, 11 etc. [Portrait of Lincoln) Lincoln in i860 From an ambrotype owned by Major William H. Lambert In one handsomely bound cloth volume, with gold stamp. 330 pages. Price, $2.00 net. Postage, 14 cents Illustrations from photographs and rare manuscripts Published by The Century Co. Union Square New York 119 Cover title. N.d. U)pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 651. HILL, (John Wesley). Abraham Lincoln Man of God By John Wesley Hill, D.D., LL.D. Chancellor of Lincoln Memorial University Intro- ductions by Senator Warren G. Harding and General Leonard Wood Preliminary Words by David Lloyd George {Quotation from Harding} {Portrait of Hill} For years Dr. Hill has been well known, the country over, for his masterly lectures on Lincoln, and for his knowledge of the Great Emancipator from so many points of view. And this vol- ume is in response to a widening and irresistible demand that his eloquence as a lecturer be extended into the brilliant pages of a book. Octavo. Frontispiece. $2.50 net. By mail, $2.65 New York 2 West 45th St. Just west of 5th Ave. G. P. Putnam's Sons London 24 Bedford St. Strand 120 Cover title. N.d. i8mo. U)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 655. HILL, (John Wesley). "Democracy versus Autocracy 11 and Other Patriotic Addresses Delivered in New York City July 4, 19 17 By Dr. John Wesley Hill Chancellor Lincoln Memorial University {Cut of American flag} Published by Lincoln Memorial University 191 7 New York Offices 30 E. 42nd Street 121 8vo. 32pp. Foreword ""To our Friends" states that "it is our desire to promote throughout this country a distinctive Lincoln Cult and arouse in the hearts of Ameri' can citizens a loyalty and devotion to our country that shall be worthy of the name and spirit of Lincoln", etc. "The Democracy of Abraham Lincoln," pages i3'i6; "The Spirit of Lincoln in Arms", pages 27-28. HILL, (John Wesley). "Lincoln's Living Memorial, 11 by Dr. John Wesley Hill Extension of Remarks of Hon. B. Carroll Reece of Ten' nessee In the House of Representatives Monday, February 23,1925 . 122 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1925 34883-1668) 8vo. 4pp. HOCH. Lincoln From Remarks by Hon. Homer Hoch, of Kansas in the House of Representatives, on February 12, 1923 . . . . 123 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. Card, i2mo. (i)pp. Only item of this kind included. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY. Messrs. Houghton Mifflin Company invite immediate orders for the following books, which will 34 LlNCOLNIANA be published Saturday, January 30, 1909. f Cut of Lincoln} Apropos of the Lincoln Centenary February 12 1909 124 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (4)pp. Adv. of twelve Lincoln publica' tions. HOWELL. John Howell Announces the Publication of Discoveries and Inventions A Lecture by Abraham Lincoln Delivered in i860 {Eleven introductory lines, which are continued on the following page, advertising the volume itself} 125 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (John Howell, Importer and Publisher of Books, 107 Grant Avenue, San Francisco) 8vo. (4)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 862. HUBBARD. Get Out or Get In Line Being a Preachment by Elbert Hubbard {DewceJ Done into a booklet by the Roycrofters at their shop which is in East Aurora, N. Y 126 N.d. (MCMVII) (Reprinted by permission of John Brisben Walker from the "Cosmopolitan Magazine" for April, 1902. Copyright, 1902, by John Brisben Walker and Elbert Hubbard.) 8vo. 8, (1), (i)pp. Considers Lincoln's letter of January 26, 1863, to Gen. Hooker. HUMPHREYS. The Lincoln Memorial Speech of Hon. Benjamin G. Humphreys of Mississippi in the House of Representatives January 29, 191 3 Washington 191 3 76835-1 1740 127 Cover title. N.i. (United States of America Government Printing Office) 8vo. 4pp. HUSTED. The Story of Lincoln Grade III By Mary Hall Husted Chi- cago A. Flanagan Company . . . 128 N.d. i2mo. 32pp. Ills. Little Classic Series. ILLINOIS CENTRAL MAGAZINE. ^ February 1922 fCut of St. Gaudens Lincoln Statue} St. Gauden's Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Park, Chicago Abraham Lincoln, once attorney for the Illinois Central, was born and was buried in places now served by our lines f Device of Illinois Central System} 129 Cover title. (Published monthly by Illinois Central System at Chicago, 111.) 8vo. 132pp. Fr. and ills. Lincoln Number. ILLINOIS CENTRAL MAGAZINE. {Cuts of Washington and Lincoln} Washington Feb. 22, 1732-Dec. 14, 1799 Lincoln Feb. 12, 1809- Apr. 15, 1865 {Device of Illinois Central System] February i9 2 3 130 Cover title. (Published monthly by Illinois Central System at Chicago, 111.) 8vo. 128pp. Fr. and ills. Lincoln Number. IN This Temple As In the Hearts of the People for Whom He Saved the Union The Memory of Abraham Lincoln is Enshrined Forever. Carved in enduring marble over a statue by Daniel Chester French that "fills the memorial hall with an overwhelming sense of Lincoln's presence. " {Silhouette of head of Lincoln} 131 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Andrew H. Kellogg Co., Printers and Offset Lithographers at 141 to 155 East 25th Street, New York) 4to. Folder, (8)pp., of which but four contain printed matter, etc. Ills. Bibliography 35 INDEPENDENT. The Independent. Lincoln Number. Entered at the Post Office at New York as Second-Class Mail Matter. {Biblical quotation} Volume XL VII. New York, Thursday, April 4, 1895. Number 2418. Abraham Lincoln. The Thirtieth Anniversary of His Assassination. Tributes from His Associates. Incidents and Stories. His Speeches in New York and New England. The Tragedy at Ford's Theater. Reminiscences of Soldiers, Statesmen and Citizens. Communications by {List of contributors} . . 132 Caption title. Folio, 48 (429^76^. Original of Fish No. 1018. INDIANA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY. Vol. XIII December, 1917 No. 4 Indiana Magazine of History Contents Lincoln in Indiana — J. Edward Murr Page 307 The Origin and Rise of the Republican Party in Indiana from 1856 to i860 (Con.)-Charles Zimmerman fPageJ 349 Index fPageJ 413 Published Quarterly Subscription price, $2.00 per year Single Copy, 50 cents Entered as second-class matter Septem- ber 16, 191 3, at the postoffice at Bloomington, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879 x 33 Cover title. N.i. (Published quarterly by The Department of History of In' diana University with the cooperation of The Indiana Historical Society and The Indiana State Library) 8vo. (305^420, (a)pp. This and two succeeding items in' eluded because they contain invaluable data pertaining to Lincoln's life in Indiana not found elsewhere. INDIANA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY. Vol. XIV March 1918 No. 1 {Etc.} 134 Cover title. N.i. 8vo. (i)'94, (^Opp- "Lincoln in Indiana'" continued, pages 13-75- INDIANA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY. Vol. XIV June 1918 No.2f£tc.l 135 Cover title. N.i. 8vo. (97)'i82pp. "Lincoln in Indiana" concluded, pages 148-182. JAQUESS. Minutes of Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Reunion Survivors Seventy'Third Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers {Cut of Col. Jaquess} Held Afternoon and Evening of Tuesday, Sept. 28 and Evening of Wednesday, Sept. 29, 1897 In the Supreme Court Room State Capitol Building Springfield, 111. Annual Address by Col. James F. Jaquess Its First and Only Colonel. Renewing Old Times. Reunion of Veterans Who Stood Shoulder to Shoulder in the Dark Days {Fourteen lines pertaining to Regiment} Daily Post Print, Pekin, 111 136 Cover title. N.d. 8vo. 36pp. Address by Col. Jaquess deals with alleged conversion of Lincoln during his ministry in Springfield. JENNINGS. Abraham Lincoln The Greatest American By Janet Jennings fDewceJ "With firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right" ' . 137 N.i., n.p., n.d. (W. H. Wagner & Sons. Printers, Freeport, 111. Copyright, 1909; copyright, 1914, by Janet Jennings) i6mo. 176pp. Fr. and ills. Compare with Oakleaf No. 741. 36 LlNCOLNIANA JOHNSON. Abraham Lincoln and His Last Resting Place A Leaflet Published for Distribution at the National Lincoln Monument in the City of Springfield, Illinois {Device} Compiled by Edward S. Johnson, Custodian Board of Commissioners : Hon. Frank O. Lowden, Governor Hon. Francis G. Blair, Supt. Pub. Instruction Hon. Len Small, Treas- urer {Rest of page verbatim with Oakleaf JS[o. 492 commencing: "The life of Abraham Lincoln'' etc.} 138 N.i., n.p., n.d. (Springfield, 111.: Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers. 1916, 8vo. 29pp. Fr. and ills. Compare with Oakleaf Nos. 492 and 745. JOHNSTONE. Truth of the War Conspiracy of 1861 Price 50 cents "Everyone should do all in his power to collect and disseminate the truth. 11 — R. E. Lee Dec. 3rd, 1865. Copy-right, 1921 H. W. John- stone Idylwild, Ga 139 N.i. 8vo. 40pp. Attempts to fix responsibility for "War Between the States" on Abraham Lincoln; strongly anti-Lincoln. JUST One Hundred Years Ago 140 N.i., n.p., n.d. (D. Appleton &? Company, New York) nmo. 4pp. Ills. Adv. of Fish No. 410. KING. Congressional Record. Sixty-seventh Congress, Second Ses- sion. Vol. 62. Washington, Wednesday, April 5, 1922. No. 94. The Reerection of the First Statue of Abraham Lincoln. Speech of Hon. Edward J. King, of Illinois, In the House of Representatives, Wednesday, April 5, 1922. (For additional historical data see Con- gressional Record, April 11, 1922, page 5888, extension of remarks.) Statue of Abraham Lincoln 141 Caption title. N.i. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1922 99767- 22504) 4to. 4pp. LAMON. Memorial Edition Recollections of Abraham Lincoln 1847- 1865 By Ward Hill Lamon Edited and Published by Dorothy Lamon Teillard i2mo 352 Pages 22 Illustrations $1.50 142 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Dorothy Lamon Teillard, 14 16 Belmont Street) Washington, D. C.) 8vo. (^)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 790. LEARNED. Abraham Lincoln An American Migration By Marion Dexter Learned, Ph.D., L.H.D. 8mo. Cloth, profusely illustrated. Edition limited to 500 Numbered Copies Price $3.00 net; by mail $3.20 William J. Campbell, Publisher 1623 Chestnut Street Phila- delphia 143 Cover title. N.d. Size 6" x 6". U)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 804. LeCLAIRE. Catalog of Lincolniana A number of choice and rare titles shown in the Fish and Oakleaf Bibliographies For Sale by LeClaire Book Exchange, Not inc. Lock Box 2 Moline, Illinois Moline, Illinois 1925 144 N.i. i2mo. 30pp. 389 items listed. LEHMANN. Abraham Lincoln By Frederick W. Lehmann An Ad- Bibliography 37 dress Delivered at Memorial Hall Chicago Chicago, February 12, 1908 The Mirror Press St. Louis 1908 145 i6mo. Jipp- Compare with Oakleaf No. 806. LELAND. Abraham Lincoln By Charles G. Leland {Quotation from Machiavelli} f Device} London: Marcus Ward 6? Co., 67,68 Chandos Street And Royal Ulster Works, Belfast 1879 146 i2mo. 264pp. F f - F^st edition, mentioned by Fish, note No. 504. Should be listed separately. LESLIE'S. No. 2631 February 8, 1906 Price 10 Cents Leslie's Weekly {Cut of Lincoln} 1809-1865 Lincoln's Birthday Number . . . 147 Cover title. (Published by The Judge Company, 225 Fourth Ave. Corner 19th Street, New York) Folio. (i2i)'i44pp. LESLIE'S. No. 2787 February 4, 1909 Price 10 Cents Leslie's Illus- trated Weekly f Cut of} The Low Beginning of a Marvelous Career Abraham Lincoln, when a Mere Backwoods Boy, Hungry for Knowl- edge, Reading a Book by the dim Firelight in His Rude Log-cabin Home, From the painting by Eastman Johnson. Photograph by Rock wood, New York. The Charles Schweinler Press. Copyright, 1909, by Judge Company, New York. Lincoln Centennial Num- ber 148 Cover title. Folio. (o7)'i2opp. Ills. LET us have faith that right makes might And in that faith dare to do our duty f Cut of Lincoln birthplace} Service of Rememberance at the Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln Hodgenville, Ky. February 11, 1917 Abraham Lincoln A blend of mirth and sadness, smiles and tears; A quaint knight-errant of the pioneers ; A homely hero, born of star and sod; A Peasant Prince; A Masterpiece of God. — Walter Malone . 149 Cover title. N.i., n.p.,n.d. (Abraham Lincoln Centre, Chicago, 111.) 8vo. U)pp. LEWIS. Lincoln in Crisis of America and Europe. Remarks of Hon. Jas. Hamilton Lewis, U. S. Senator from Illinois, in Commemoration of Lincoln's Birthday, In the Senate of the United States, February 12, 1917. Abraham Lincoln's Birthday 150 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1917) 8vo. (i)pp. LEWIS. Congressional Record. Sixty-fifth Congress, Second Session. Anniversary of Birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Speech of Hon. Jas. Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois, In the Senate of the United States, Tues- day, February 12, 191 8. Anniversary of Birthday of Abraham Lincoln — Observations on the Democracy of Abraham Lincoln and the Extension of it by Woodrow Wilson to the World- America's Influence on the Governments of Earth-The Defining of the Particular Form of Democracy America is Fighting to Establish. . . . 151 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1918 43770-18228) 4to. 4pp. 38 LlNCOLNIANA LIBBIE. Auction Sale: Wednesday and Thursday February 16th and 17th, 1 916 Each Day at 10 and 2 o'clock Catalogue of Americana Early American Imprints, Almanacs, American Periodicals, Civil War Literature, Genealogy, Indian History, English, County History, Early Masonic Addresses, Law Reports, Statutes, Trials, etc. Book- plate Literature — also a — Collection of Books and Pamphlets on Early Railroads. Lincoln Relics Ford's Theatre Play-bill — and a — Lock of Lincoln's Hair Play-bill of First Night of Boston Theatre, 1854. C. F. Libbie 6? Co. Book and Art Auctioneers 597 Washington Street, Boston, Mass 152 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 118pp. LIBBIE. Auction Sale: Tuesday and Wednesday, February nth and 1 2th, 191 9 Each Day at 10 and 2 o'clock Catalogue of Books and Prints Relating to Washington and Lincoln Washington Portraits, Political Caricatures of the Presidential Campaigns of i860, '64, '68. Rare Colored Lithographs. Collector's Set of English Colored Lithographs from Music. Collection of Music by Stephen C. Foster, Christy's Minstrels, Longfellow, Whittier, Bret Harte, Poe, and others. Almanacs, Arts and Crafts, Bibliography, Broadsides, Dramatic, Early Chap Books, Early American Imprints, First Editions, Local and Western History, Biography and Family History, Masonic Literature, Newspapers and Periodicals, Song Books, South Seas, Scarce Pamphlets, etc. C. F. Libbie 6? Co. Book and Art Auctioneers 597 Washington Street Boston, Mass 153 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 145pp. Lincolniana items 772-942 inclusive. LINCOLN. Third Series. No. 7. Old South Leaflets. Words of Lincoln 154 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. 7pp. LINCOLN. The Speeches of Abraham Lincoln f Cut of Lincoln} The Chesterfield Society London New York .... . . 155 N.d. (Copyright 1908, by Lincoln Centenary Association) 8vo. xxiv, 417pp. Fr. and ills. Compare with Oakleaf No. 845. LINCOLN. Instructor Literature Series Speeches of Abraham Lincoln f Device! F. A. Owen Publishing Company Dansville, N. Y. . 156 N.d. i2mo. 63pp. Ills. Instructor Literature Series'No. 410 C (Double Num' ber.) Compare with Oakleaf Nos. 853 and 855. LINCOLN. Instructor Classic Series Speeches of Abraham Lincoln {Quotation from The London Spectator} {Device} F. A. Owen Pub- lishing Company, Dansville, N. Y 157 N.d. i2mo. 31pp. Ills. Instructor Classic Series-No. 128. Compare with Oakleaf Nos. 853 and 855. LINCOLN. The Riverside Literature Series The Gettysburg Speech and Other Papers by Abraham Lincoln Lowell's Essay on Lincoln and Whitman's O Captain ! My Captain ! With Notes and Programmes for Lincoln's Birthday ([Device of the Riverside Press} Boston New Bibliography 39 York Chicago Houghton Mifflin Company The Riverside Press Cambridge 158 N.d. i6mo. 100pp. Fr. No. 32 The Riverside Literature Series. Compare with Fish No. 604. LINCOLN. Price, 10 cents. American History Leaflets Colonial and Constitutional. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart and Edward Channing, Of Harvard University. No. 18. Lincoln's Inaugural and First Message to Congress Parker P. Simmons 191 1 Entered at the New York Post Office as second class matter. Copyright, 1894 by A. Lovell & Company 159 Cover title. N.p. (Parker P. Simmons, Successor to A. Lovell 6? Co., 3 East 14th Street, New York) i2mo. 27pp. New edition of Fish No. 558. LINCOLN. Price, 10 cents. American History Leaflets Colonial and Constitutional. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart and Edward Channing, Of Harvard University. No. 26. Extracts from Lin' coin's State Papers. Parker P. Simmons 191 1 Entered at the New York Post Office as second class matter. Copyright, 1896 by A. Lovell and Company 160 Cover title. N.p. (Parker P. Simmons, Successor to A. Lovell 6? Co., 3 East 14th Street, New York) nmo. 35PP- New edition of Fish No. 563. LINCOLN. 62d Congress 2d Session Senate Document No. 439 Abraham Lincoln First and Second Inaugural Addresses Message, July 5, 1861 Proclamation, January 1, 1863 Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863 f Device} Presented by Mr. Clark of Wyoming March 19, 1912 — Ordered to be printed Washington 1912 . 161 Cover title. N.i. (United States of America : Government Printing Office) 8vo. 40pp. Original of Oakleaf No. 718. LINCOLN. February twelfth The anniversary of Lincoln's birth {Reduced facsimile copy of letter to Mrs. Bixby} 162 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. Size 6" x 7". Folder, (4) pp. Bixby letter on first page; two inside pages blank; last page reads: "Compliments of The Lincoln Trust Company Junction of High and Summer Streets Boston An engrossed copy of this fac simile letter of President Lincoln to Mrs. Bixby hangs on the walls of Brasenose College, Oxford University, England, as a specimen of the purest English and most elegant diction extant. It is said that as a model of expressive English, it has rarely, if ever, been surpassed." LINCOLN. No. 27 English Readings for Schools Lakeside Series Lincoln: Gettysburg Speech Emancipation Proclamation Second Inaugural Address Hawthorne: The Great Carbuncle Webster: Bunker Hill Oration Goldsmith: The Deserted Village Tennyson: Enoch Arden Ains worth & Company Chicago . . . . 163 Cover title. N.d. i2,mo. 136pp. Ills. Lakeside Classics No. 27 (Edited by Miss Kavana) Pagination arranged thus: (3j)'42, Lincoln; (i)-28; (37)'i36. LINCOLN. The Lincoln calendar {Cut of Lincoln} Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us dare to do our duty as we understand it. Abraham Lincoln 164 40 LlNCOLNIANA Title on cover of box enclosing calendar. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Copr. 1924 by Dodge Pub. Co. No. 5809 Printed in the U. S. A.) Siz;e 7"xn". 12 leaves, each containing a month of the year 1925 with quotation from Lincoln. LINCOLN. The Lincoln Centennial Medal. (Cut of Medal} A volume presenting the famous Roine Medal, together with the most noteworthy and characteristic utterances of Abraham Lincoln. Bronze Edition. — Crown 8vo, with the medal in bronze, iy 2 inches in diameter, mounted artistically on boards, bound in buckram, $4.00 net. Silver Edition. — 8vo, with the medal in silver, artistically mounted on boards, bound in full leather. Limited to 100 signed and numbered copies, $12.00 net. For sale by Daniel H. Newhall 508 Tribune Bldg. New York 165 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (4)pp. 111. of obverse of medal. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 952. LINCOLN. {Cut of Lincoln} The Lincoln Dinner Committee take pleasure in announcing that there are still a number of the souvenirs distributed at the Lincoln Dinner, given under its auspices at the Waldorf-Astoria, which are available to members of the Republican Club who could not be present at that time. The souvenir consists of a beautiful bas-relief representing the boyhood of Lincoln, from a famous painting of Eastman Johnson. The sculptor is . . . 166 Transcription of first page, cover. N.i., n.p., n.d. (The Lincoln Dinner Commit' tee, J. VanVechten Olcott, Chairman, Henry Birrell, Secretary.) 241110. Folder, (4)pp. Reduced facsimile of bas-relief, pages (2)'(s). LINCOLN. {Cut of Lincoln} Lincoln Farm Almanac 1909 Copyright, 1908 By Wilmer Atkinson Company Publishers Farm Journal . 167 Cover title. N.i., n.p. (Wilmer Atkinson Company, 1024 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa.) i2mo. 48, (2)pp. Ills. LINCOLN. The Lincoln Farm Becomes the Property of the Nation f Device} f Medal of Lincoln, inserted in board cover of volume} . 168 Cover title. Title page: Collier's The National Weekly {Cut of people ascending to the Memorial on the Farm} The Lincoln Farm Becomes the Property of the Nation. The title page is an exact reproduction of the cover of Collier's Weekly issue of Sept. 9, 1916, except that it omits the price, date of issue and the words "Containing Presi- dent Wilson's Address at Hodgenville, Ky., September 4, 1916" N.i., n.p., n.d. [P. F. Collier & Son, Hew Tor\, 1916} Folio, (8)pp. Ills. Contains blessing of Right Rev. Thomas J. Shahan, addresses by Robert J. Collier, Woodrow Wilson and Joseph W. Folk, and excerpts from address of Hon. John Sharp Williams. LINCOLN Letters 169 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Copyright, 1913, by The Bibliophile Society. All rights reserved) Small 4to. 6pp., and fac-similes of letters. Not Oakleaf Nos. 190 nor 860. On the inscribed copy in the possession of the compiler W. K. Bixby has written "I permitted the Bibliophile Society to print one copy for each of the members of that Society and then privately printed some for my friends. W. K. B." LINCOLN FARM ASSOCIATION. To the Memory of Lin- coln 170 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i8mo. (4)pp. Contains "Fac'simile in miniature (quarter sise) of the Engraved Certificate issued to Honorary Members of the Lincoln Bibliography 41 Farm Association", a list of the Board of Directors and application blank for Honorary membership. LINCOLN FELLOWSHIP. The Lincoln Fellowship Officers Presi- dent Major William H. Lambert Vice-Presidents General James Grant Wilson Judge Daniel Fish Judd Stewart Charles W. McLellan Joseph B. Oakleaf Alonzo Rothschild Colonel Alexander K. McClure Secre- tary Francis D. Tandy Treasurer Judd Stewart 171 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (3)pp. Contains "Digest of Constitution" and application blank for membership. LINCOLN STORY-CALENDAR. {Reduced facsimile of cover title of Oa\leaf J\[o. 1479} The year 1909 will be the 100th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. This centenary will be universally and reverently observed. To commemorate the occasion we offer The Lincoln Story-Calendar for 1909 172 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 32010. (4)pp. Ills, of page of calendar, reduced size. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1479. LINCOLN WAY. Report of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library To the Forty-ninth General Assembly of the State of Illinois on the Investigation of the Lincoln Way {Seal of the State} Published by the Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library Springfield, Illinois 191 5 173 8vo. 70pp. Later and fuller report of Oakleaf No. 1400. LINCOLN, (Mary). Mary Lincoln A Letter to her Cousin Eliza- beth Todd Grimsley September 29, 1861 Privately printed, 1917 . 174 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. Folder, (7)pp. 75 copies printed for H. E. Barker, Springfield, 111. LINCOLN, (Mary Todd). Mary Todd Lincoln Memorial (Cut of Mrs. Lincoln} Offices 44 As tor Court Building, New York Telephone 5620 Greeley 175 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 241T10. 16pp. Object of organization to erect Memorial building on campus of Sayre College, Lexington, Ky. LODGE. 63d Congress 1st Session Senate Document No. 18 The Democracy of Abraham Lincoln Address by Henry Cabot Lodge Before the Students of Boston University School of Law on March 14, 191 3 Presented by Mr. Root May 5, 191 3.— Ordered to be printed Washington 191 3 176 Cover title. N.i. (United States of America : Government Printing Office) 8vo. 18pp. Compare with Oakleaf No. 875. LONDON. Abraham Lincoln A World Force Speech of Hon. Meyer London of New York in the House of Representatives February 12, 1918 Washington Government Printing Office 1918 43003-18213 . 177 Cover title. 8vo. 4pp. LUTHERAN. The Lutheran Official Organ Of the United Lutheran Church in America Our motto: "Stand fast in the liberty wherewith 42 LlNCOLNIANA Christ hath made us free." Vol. i Philadelphia, Pa., February 12, 1920 No. 42 The Burden Bearer {Cut of Lincoln and Tad, surrounded by quotations from Lincoln. Underneath picture is the erroneous title:} Abraham Lincoln His Boy and His Bible 178 Cover title. Folio. (83s)'852pp. Ills. Lincoln Number LUTHERAN CHURCH WORK AND OBSERVER. Volume 5 Thursday, February 8, 1917 Number 50 {Cut of} Colossal Head of Abraham Lincoln This shows George Gray Barnard, the American sculptor, at work on the fifteen-foot head in his studio in New York City. The statue, as described in interview in this issue, will be erected in Cincinnati 179 Cover title. N.p. (Harrisburg, Pa-., and Philadelphia, Pa.) 8vo. 16pp. Lin- coln Number. MAGAZINE OF HISTORY. The "Extra Numbers" of the Maga- zine 180 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. npp. List of Numbers and Subjects of first 52 issues of Extra Numbers, which includes "Rare Lincolniana" in detail to No. 10 inclusive, being an adv. of Oakleaf Nos. 656'665. McCALL. 60th Congress, 1st Session. House of Representatives. Report No. 1773. For the Enlargement of the Capitol Grounds and the Erection of a Monument or Monumental Memorial to Abraham Lincoln. May 12, 1908. — Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed. Mr. McCall, from the Committee on the Library, submitted the following Report. (To accompany H. R. 21985.) .... 181 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (i)p. McCALL. 60th Congress, 2d Session House of Representatives. Report No. 2106 Commission to Recommend a Design and Site for a Monument or Monumental Memorial to Abraham Lincoln, etc. February 10, 1909. — Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be printed. Mr. Mc Call, from the Committee on the Library, submitted the following report. (To accompany H. J. Res. 254.) 182 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (i)p. McLAUGHLIN. Washington and Lincoln Leaders of the Nation in the Constitutional Eras of American History By Robert W. Mc' Laughlin With portrait G. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London The Knickerbocker Press 1912 183 i2mo. 278pp. Ills. Fr. and ills. Compare with Oakleaf No. 948. MERWIN at State University Lincoln's Friend and Associate tells the Students of the Summer School of the Great Reformer's Prohibit tion Principles {Portrait of Lincoln and his signature} . . . 184 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (4)pp. Ills. MERWIN. {Portrait of Scott} Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott, U. S. A., after hearing several addresses made by Mr. Merwin from President Bibliography 43 Lincoln's carriage, to the regiments gathering in Washington, said to the President, "A man of such force and moral power to inspire courage, patriotism, faith and obedience among the troops is worth more than a half 'dozen regiments of raw recruits. The American Soldier, in a volunteer war like this, could not be treated like the soldier of European Armies. " (See fac-simile of General Scott's further Endorsement on next page.) 185 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. U)pp. Ills. Page (3): "President Lincoln's Military Order." MER WIN-CLAYTON. No. 450-1912 The Choice Private Library of the late William Hepburn Russell of New York City A Choice and well selected Collection including History, American, European and General, Ancient and Modern; Political Economy, Sociology and Social Science; Political Science; Money, Banking, and Currency; Public Finance; Industry, Railways, Trusts, etc., etc. Together with An Extensive Private Collection of Rare Lincolniana (To be found in a separate alphabet at end of catalogue) To be Sold at Auction Monday and Tuesday, April 1st and 2nd, 1912 Commencing at 2:30 P.M. By The Merwin-Clayton Sales Company 20-24 East 20th Street New York 186 N.i., n.p., n.d. (The Argus Plant, Albany, N. Y.) 8vo. 41pp. Lincolniana, items 508-636. MICHELS. The Rise and Fall of Prohibition in Illinois 1839-1855 A Crushing Defeat Concealed by Prohibitionists Lincoln, as Legislator, Orator and President — Never a Prohibitionist Dedicated to All Lovers of Truth by Nicholas Michels Chicago {Printer's Union La- bel} 187 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 24pp. MID-WEEK PICTORIAL. Lincoln Number Mid- Week Pictorial An Illustrated Weekly Published by The New York Times Company Vol. XII., No. 24, February 10, 192 1. Price ten cents (Canada 15 cents) {Cut of Lincoln} The Soul of Lincoln (Auto lithograph by Board- man Robinson. Courtesy of North American Review.) . . 188 Cover title. Folio. CM)pp. Ills. MILLER. The Riverside Literature Series Macauley's Speeches on Copyright and Lincoln's Address at Cooper Union Edited with Introductions and Notes by Edwin L. Miller Assistant Principal and Head of the English Department of Central High School, Detroit, Mich, f Device of the Riverside Press} Boston New York Chicago Houghton Mifflin Company The Riverside Press Cambridge . 189 N.d. i6mo. 119pp. I^ s - No. 221 of Riverside Literature Series. MOLINE, ILL. The After Dinner Club Moline, Illinois {Cut of diner} Thirty-first Dinner Moline Club, Monday, February 12, 191 2 at 6:45 p.m. Motto You can't tell when knowing a man is going to come in handy. — Brander Matthews 190 44 LlNCOLNIANA N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (7)pp. Portrait of Lincoln on cover. One of few items of this nature included. Beside several quotations from Lincoln, pages (6H7) contain article entitled "Abraham Lincoln/ ' NATIONAL MAGAZINE 25 Cents {Cut of Lincoln} Lincoln Number February, 1916 The "Heart Throbs" Magazine 191 Cover title. N.i., n.p., (Chappie Publishing Company, Limited, Boston, U. S. A. Vol. XLIII. No. five) 8vo. (75i>932pp. Fr. and ills. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. The National Republican {Cuts of the White House, the Rational Capitol, and the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial} A National Weekly Review of American History, Polity, Politics and Public Affairs Vol. VIII No. 44 Washing- ton, D. C, February 4, 1922 Price 10 Cents This Week The Scotch Merchant By Gertrude McNamar Carter Lincoln Stories and Lincoln Pictures By H. O. Bishop Roland Ringwalt and Others {Table of contents and announcements} {Cut of Lincoln} Copyright 1922 by Albert T.Reid 192 Cover title. Folio, 20pp. Ills. Lincoln Number. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. {Same imprint} Vol. VIII No. 45 Washington, D. C, February n, 1922 f Etc. J 193 Cover title. Folio. 20pp. Ills. Contains continuation of Bishop's article and other Lincolniana. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. {Same imprint} Vol. IX No. 43 Washington, D. C, January 27, 1923 Price 10 Cents This Week Lincoln Features by John Wesley Hill H. O. Bishop Roland Ringwalt Frederick Dent Grant Henry Van Dyke Theodore Roosevelt Edward Nelson Dingley and Others {Table of contents and announcements} {Cut of Lincoln} Of the People, By the People, For the People . 194 Cover title. Folio. 20pp. Ills. Lincoln Number. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. {Same imprint} Vol. X No. 44 Wash- ington, D. C, February 2, 1924 Price 10 Cents This Week Lincoln as Viewed by Men of Today By H. O. Bishop Here is an unusual Lin' coin anniversary feature, a symposium of opinions and sentiments prepared by President Coolidge, members of his cabinet and others, expressly for this issue of the National Republican. Other Lincoln Features and More Government, Or Less? By Albert H. Laidlaw {Table of contents and announcements} {Cut of Lincoln and his quo* tation concerning labor being prior to capital} 195 Cover title. Folio. 20pp. Ills. Lincoln Number. NEWARK, N.J. The Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln Held at the First Presbyterian Church of the City of Newark New Jersey {Cut of flag} February Twelfth Nineteen Hundred and Nine By The Mayor and Common Council and the Grand Army of the Republic of Newark, New Jersey . 196 N.i., n.p., n.d. (Arranged and Printed by The Essex Press, 216 Market Street, Newark, N. J.) Size 7 // x8 // . (n)pp. Ills, and cut of Lincoln birthplace on cover. Bibliography 45 NEWHALL. No. 82 191 4 A Collection of Books and Pamphlets re- lating to the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln Including Biographies, Regimental Histories, Prison Narratives, Political Tracts, Sermons, Eulogies, etc., covering the period from i860 to 1866, with a few items relating to the Reconstruction period. The Lincoln items are in a separate alphabet. All prices are Net, but include carriage charges anywhere in the United States. Any unsatisfactory item may be returned within five days for full credit. Daniel H. Newhall, 154 Nassau St., New York 197 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 44pp. Lincolniana pages 27-43; Lincoln sheet music, page 44. NEWHALL. No. 190 Note New Address 1923 Abraham Lincoln A small collection of books and Pamphlets relating wholly or in part to Abraham Lincoln. All prices are Net, without discount, but carriage charges are included. Daniel H. Newhall, Pershing Square Bldg., New York 198 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 8pp. 189 items listed. NEWHALL. No. 195 1923 Abraham Lincoln A small assortment of Books and Pamphlets relating wholly or in part to Abraham Lincoln. All prices are Net, without discount, but carriage charges are included. Daniel H. Newhall 1701 Pershing Square Bldg., New York. . 199 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 8pp. 195 items listed. NEWHALL. No. 227 1925 Abraham Lincoln A selection from my stock of Books, Pamphlets, Broadsides and Sheet Music relating to Abraham Lincoln. All prices are Net, without discount, but car- riage charges are included. Daniel H. Newhall, 100 East 42nd St. (Pershing Square Bldg.) New York 200 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 16pp. 367 items listed. NEW MEXICO. Flag Day Program Lincoln Exercises 1908 Issued by Department of Public Instruction Santa Fe, New Mexico . . 201 Cover title: Flag Day and Lincoln New Mexico February Twelfth Nineteen Hun' dred and Eight. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 39pp. NEWTON FREE LIBRARY Bulletin January, Nineteen Hundred and Nine {Cut of Library} Published Monthly by the Newton Free Library Newton, Massachusetts 202 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (4i)'44pp. "Abraham Lincoln" pages 43-44. NEW YORK AMERICAN. Pictorial Gravure Section New York American {Device} An American Paper for the American People Sunday February 9 19 10 Lincoln Anniversary Souvenir f Portrait of Lincoln, cut of Emancipation Statue in Lincoln Par\, Washington, D. C.J {Data concerning the two illustrations} 203 Cover title. 4to. (8)pp. Ills. 46 LlNCOLNIANA NEW YORK NEWS LETTER. Springfield, 111. New York News Letter {Two cuts of Lincoln and cut of Lincoln monument at Spring' field} March' April, 1903 204 Cover title. N.i. (New York. Copyright, 1903, by the NevvYork Life In* surance Company) 8vo. 32, (2)pp. Ills. Lincoln Number. NICHOLS. Life of Abraham Lincoln Being a Biography of His Life from His Birth to His Assassination; also a Record of His Ancestors, and a Collection of Anecdotes Attributed to Lincoln. "His is the gentlest memory of our nation." By Clifton M. Nichols. Illus' trated. Published by The Crowell 6? Kirkpatrick Co., Springfield, Ohio 205 N.d. (Farm and Fireside Library. No. 178. December, 1899. Published Monthly) 8vo. 320pp. Ills. Compare with Fish No. 698. OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY. Vol. XXXII January, 1923 No. 1 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly {Seal of the Societal Published by the Society Table of Con' tents Introduction. By C. B. Galbreath Page 1 Lincoln and Ohio. By Daniel J. Ryan {Page} 7 Reviews, Notes and Comments. By the Editor {Pdgel 282 Office: Museum and Library Building Cor. 15th Ave. and High St., Ohio State University Grounds Columbus Entered as second'dass matter at the Postoffice at Columbus, Ohio . . 206 Cover title. Title page: Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Vol. XXXII January, 1923 No. 1 {Seal of Society} Columbus, Ohio: Press of the F.J. Heer Printing Co. 1923 8vo. 294pp. Fr. and ills. Compare with Oakleaf No. 123 1. Contents to page 281 inclusive practically same as item Oakleaf has listed. Pages 282-289 contain "Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. By Dr. George T. Harding and Edward C. McMullan" and "Lincoln on Labor in Speech in Cincinnati, 1859."" OLDROYD. A Descriptive Circular of The Lincoln Memorial Album' Immortelles; Original Contributions from the Hands and Hearts of Eminent Americans and Europeans. Contemporaries with the Great Martyr to Liberty. Collected and Edited By Osborn H. Oldroyd. With an Introduction by Matthew Simpson D.D., LL.D., and a Sketch of Lincoln's Life, by Hon. Isaac N. Arnold. Accompanied by Extracts from the Speeches and Recollected Sayings of Abraham Lin' coin. Chronologically arranged from 1832 until his Death, and with Anecdotes, Wise Words and Incidents Related by the Friends of his Early Life. The Brilliant Thoughts of the Two Hundred Authors of this Book, with their Engraved Autographs, will make the most desirable volume in relation to Mr. Lincoln ever published, and forms a beautiful Souvenir, or Book of Reference, which will adorn the library or centre table, and makes a rare work of great value. {Con* ditions of subscription, description, prices, etc.} Osborn H. Oldroyd, Special Inducements to Agents. Springfield, 111 207 Cover title. N.i., n.d. 4to. (4)pp. Adv. of Fish No. 711. Bibliography 47 OLDROYD. Prospectus of the Lincoln Memorial Album-Immortelles Edited by Osborn H. Oldroyd, with an introduction by Matthew Simpson, D.D., LL.D. Springfield, 111. 1882 208 N.i. 8vo. (i6)pp. Fish No. 711, note. Should properly be listed separately- OLDROYD. The Lincoln Memorial; Album-Immortelles. Original Life Pictures, with Autographs, from the Hands and Hearts of Eminent Americans and Europeans, Contemporaries of the Great Martyr to Liberty, Abraham Lincoln. Together with Extracts from His Speech- es, Letters and Sayings. Collected and Edited By Osborn H. Old- royd. With an Introduction by Matthew Simpson, D.D., LL.D., and a Sketch of the Patriot's Life by Hon. Isaac N. Arnold. {Device} New York: G. W. Carleton 6-? Co., Publishers. London: S. Low, Son & Co. MDCCCLXXXII 209 8vo. Fr. and ills. Variously paged; contains specimen pages from Fish No. 711, including the entire article by Arnold, and facsimiles of signatures of fifty prominent personages who had subscribed for one to ten copies each. Evidently for use of sub- scription agents. OLDROYD. Assassination of Lincoln. In Press-Ready October 15, 1901. {Portrait of Lincoln} "The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the Flight, Pursuit, Capture and Punishment of the Conspirators." With Eighty Half-tone Illustrations, Half of Them Never Before Published. By Osborn H. Oldroyd, Editor and Compiler, "Words of Lincoln", With an Introduction by Bvt. Maj. Gen. J. M. Harris, Member of the Commission. {Description, prices, etc.} Subscriptions kindly solicited. Address O. H. Oldroyd, Publisher, 516 Tenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C 210 Cover title. N.d. 8vo. (4)pp. Ills. Adv. of Fish No. 714. OSBORNE. Congressional Record. Sixty-sixth Congress. Second Session. Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. Memorial Ad- dress of Hon. Henry Z. Osborne, of California, In the House of Repre- sentatives, Monday, May 31, 1920 211 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1920 183189-20910) 4to. 4pp. OUR LITTLE PEOPLE LIBRARY Ten Numbers a year: 35 Cents Fifteenth Year. January, 1903. No. 45 Stories from History Colum- bus, Washington and Lincoln {Table of contents} Entered at Post- Office, Farmington, Me., as Second-Class Matter Published Monthly: September to June D. H. Knowlton 6? Co. Farmington Maine . 212 Cover title, nmo. 32pp. PARISH MESSENGER. In Commemoration of Abraham Lincoln The Parish Messenger of the Church of the Saviour Philadelphia. February, 1909 213 Cover title. N.i. (West Philadelphia, Vol. XXX, No. 5) 410. 32pp., and 20pp. adv. matter. Fr. and ills. Lincoln Centennial Number. 48 LlNCOLNIANA PEEKSKILL (N. Y.) LINCOLN SOCIETY. The Lincoln Society f Cut of medal of Lincoln} Peekskill Westchester County New York Founded January 17, 1904 Incorporated Nov. 15, 1906 . . . 214 N.i., n.p., n.d. 321110. (i6)pp. Ills., portrait of Lincoln on cover. Contains List of Officers, Certificate of Incorporation, By-Laws, etc. PHILADELPHIA NORTH AMERICAN. Lincoln Supplement The North American Philadelphia, Sunday, February 9, 191 3 Section 10 {Portrait of Lincoln} For reading matter see News Section of this issue 215 Cover title. Folio. 4pp. Ills. PHILADELPHIA NORTH AMERICAN. Life of Lincoln Told in Pictures {Portrait of Lincoln} Issued By Philadelphia North Ameri' can 216 Cover title. N.d. {1913} Folio. 16pp. Ills. An enlargement of next pre ceding, but issued separately from the regular newspaper editions. PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC LEDGER. Public Ledger Pictorial Sec tion Philadelphia, Sunday Morning, February 7, 1909 {Portrait of Lincoln} Abraham Lincoln 1809-1909 Last Photograph of the Martyred President, Taken a Week Before His Assassination. From the Col' lection of Major William H. Lambert 217 Cover title. Atlas folio. (8)pp. Ills. PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC LEDGER. Public {Device} Ledger Copy- right, 191 5, by The Public Ledger Company. All rights reserved. Lincoln Birthday Number Philadelphia, Sunday, February 7, 191 5 Lincoln Birthday Number {Portrait of Lincoln} Abraham Lincoln Painted and Engraved by Wm. Marshall 218 Cover title. Atlas folio. (8)pp. Ills. PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC LEDGER. Lincoln's Birthday Section Evening Public Ledger Philadelphia, Monday, February 12, 1923 Lincoln's Birthday Section 219 Caption title. Atlas folio. (4)pp. Ills. PHILLIPS. The Cross of Gettysburg Lincoln's Immortal Address in Cruciform Arrangement By Leon Phillips and F. Ray Risdon A Sou* venir of Lincoln Day 1920 Printed by the Boys of the Spanish American Institute Press Gardena, California 220 Cover title. N.d. 241110. Folder. An earlier edition of Oakleaf No. 552. PICKETT. The Pickett Line and Camp Fire Stories; A Collection of War Anecdotes, Both Grave and Gay. Illustrative of the Trials and Triumphs of Soldier Life; With a Thousand-and-One Humorous Stories, told of and by Abraham Lincoln, together with a Full Collec' tion of Northern and Southern War Songs. By A Member of G. A. R. New York : Hurst & Co., Publishers, 122 Nassau St. . . . 221 N.d. iamo. Pages vi, 7-104, (io)-i35 "Old Abe's Jokes", (n)-'p, (2) "Ballads of the North", (15V72, xvi "Ballads of the South". Fr. Evidently a mixture of several different publications. Bibliography 49 PORTRAIT of Lincoln {Title, as well as its setting, a reproduction of steel plate engraving} 222 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 241110. Folder, (6)pp. Contains reduced fac-simile of engraved portrait of Lincoln by Henry Gugler, from a painting by J. H. Littlefield, cut of Gugler, and brief account of his career and work. PORTRAITS of Eminent Men in Fine Art 223 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Barmore Publishing Co., Ten Wall Street, New York) 241110. 16, (2)pp. Ills. Adv. of etched portraits of prominent personages; pages 8'9 contain illustrations of "the finest collection of Lincoln Portraits published," five plates. PRAYER. The Prayer of the Presidents: Being Washington's "New Year Aspiration," with Jefferson's Plural Pronouns, etc., and Adam's and Lincoln's Accretions. From the manuscript of a Minister of Lincoln's Administration. Boston: The Antique Book-Store, 67 Cornhill. 1887 224 241110. 16pp. Author said to be B. F. Burnham. PRESBREY. No. 10 Shut in Series, No. 2 3rd 1000 (Kindly read this and pass it on.) Abraham Lincoln, the Patriot and Christian. By Dr. O. F. Presbrey 225 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Jewett Printing Co., 78 Bible House, New York) i6mo. 8pp. Last page, after giving prices of leaflets and tracts in "Shut in Series" adds "Address the Author, at Dr. Strong's Sanitarium, Saratoga Springs, N. Y." The compiler's copy is photostated from the original on file in the New York Public Library. PRESTON. Southern Miscellanies By Robert L. Preston {Device} No. 2 February, 19 19 Privately printed for Robert L. Preston, Leesburg, Va 226 Cover title. N.i. 8vo. 39, (i)pp. Compare with Oakleaf No. 1 125. PUTNAM. The Children's Life of Abraham Lincoln By M. Louise Putnam New Edition, Thoroughly Revised {Device} Chicago A. C. McClurg & Co. 1908 227 i2mo. xi, (13) — 290, (1) pp. Fr. and ills. New edition of Fish No. 781. RAINEY. The Lincoln Memorial Address of Hon. Henry T. Rainey of Illinois in the House of Representatives February 15, 19 16 Washing' ton: Government Printing Office 191 6 28419-15109 .... 228 Cover title. 8vo. 4pp. RAINEY. The Strangely Parallel Careers of Lincoln and Douglas. Speech of Hon. Henry T. Rainey, of Illinois, In the House of Repre- sentatives, Wednesday, April 5, 1916. The House in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union had under consideration the bill (H. R. 8351) to accept a deed of conveyance from the Lincoln Farm Association of the homestead in Kentucky where Lincoln was born 229 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1916 39897-15601) 8vo. 2pp. 50 LlNCOLNIANA RAYMOND. Lincoln, His Life and Times. Being the Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, together with His State Papers, including His Speeches, Ad' dresses, Messages, Letters and Proclamations, and the Closing Scenes Connected with His Life and Death. By Henry J. Raymond. To which are added Anecdotes and Personal Reminiscences of President Lincoln, By Frank B. Carpenter, Volume I. New York Hurst & Company Publishers 230 N.d. (Copyright, 1891 by Hurst 6? Co.) i2mo. 406pp. Fr. Volume two: 407'8o8pp. Fr. Later Edition of Fish No. 791. REITER. Owen Series of Five'cent Classics The Story of Lincoln By Harriet G. Reiter {Device} Copyright, 1905 F. A. Owen Publishing Company, Dansville, N. Y 231 N.d. 12EQO. 30pp. Ills. No. 5 of Owen Series of Five^ent Classics. Com' pare with Oakleaf Nos. 1153 and 1154. REPUBLICAN POST CARD Write Only the Address on this Side Made by J. H. Shaw, 1326 Arch St., Phila., Pa. 1 cent stamp {Portrait of Lincoln} With Malice Toward None and Charity for all "I do not know much about the tariff, but I know this much, when we buy manufactured goods abroad we get the goods and the foreigner gets the money. When we buy manufactured goods at home we get both the goods and the money/ 1 — Abraham Lincoln This is "Penroseism 11 They are both needed in 'the United States Senate. Will you help keep them there? 232 Cover title. N.d. 7%"xu%". Folder, (4)pp. Ills. Political Post Card sent out by W. E. Crow (afterward United States Senator), Republican State Chairman of Pennsylvania, preceding the election November 3, 1914. REVELATIONS: A Companion to the "New Gospel of Peace. 11 According to Abraham. New York: Published by M. Doolady, Agent, 49 Walker Street. 1863 233 i6mo. 36pp. RISDON. See No. 220. RITCHIE. Library of Congress A List of Lincolniana in the Library of Congress By George Thomas Ritchie of the Library of Congress 1. Writings of Abraham Lincoln 2. Writings relating to Abraham Lin- coln Revised Edition With Supplement Washington Government Printing OSice 1906 234 Small 4to. 86pp. Fish, note No. 813. Should be listed separately. ROBINSON. Lincoln's Masterpieces By Luther Emerson Robinson, M. A. Professor of English in Monmouth College Author of "A His- tory of Illinois 11 235 Caption title. Cover title: The Writings of Abraham Lincoln. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (i6)pp. Fr. Issued as adv. of The Constitutional Edition of The Writings of Abraham Lincoln. Contains the Bixby letter, the Gettysburg Address, and the Second Inaugural, with Mr. Robinson's comments thereon; rest of pamphlet contains practically same subject matter as Oakleaf No. 795. Bibliography 51 ROOSEVELT. Abraham Lincoln Written for the Lincoln Farm Asso' ciation by Theodore Roosevelt 236 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Signed "Theodore Roosevelt, The White House, Washington, D. C, January 22, 1908") 8vo. Folder, (j)pp., printed on alternate pages. ROOT. Abraham Lincoln Address by Elihu Root at Parliament Square, London, Presenting Saint Gaudens 1 Statue of Lincoln to the British People in Behalf of the American Donors July 28, 1920 . 237 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 7pp. RUDEEN. {Cut of Lincoln} Abraham Lincoln — The grandest char' acter in word and work and the gentlest memory (excepting the Savior) of all our world. — N. Y. Christian Advocate — The one su' preme human being since the man of Calvary — President Harding A Linconian Christian 238 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (i)p. RUTHERFORD. Truths of History Presented by Mildred Lewis Rutherford, Athens, Georgia A Fair, Unbiased, Impartial, Unprej' udiced and Conscientious Study of History Object : To Secure a Peace' ful Settlement of the many Perplexing Questions now Causing Con' tention between the North and the South 239 N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 114pp. Anti'Lincoln. SALEM LINCOLN LEAGUE, OLD. Prospectus of The Old Salem Lincoln League for Restoration of New Salem The Early Home of Abraham Lincoln Hamann Print, 324 South Sixth St., Springfield, 111 240 Cover title. N.d. 8vo. 7pp. Ills. SALEM PAGEANT, LINCOLN— .Program Lincoln— Salem Pageant Menard County's Celebration of the Centennial of Illinois at the Partially Restored Village of New Salem The Early Home of Abraham Lincoln September 2 and 3, 1918 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. Under the Personal Direction of Florence Magill Wallace Mrs. Lucy Flickinger, Pianist To Fully Enjoy Part II, Get the New Book "Lincoln and New Salem. 11 241 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. U)pp. SAROLEA. President Masaryk and the Spirit of Abraham Lincoln by Charles Sarolea professor at the University of Edinburgh President Masaryk a Duch Abrahama Lincolna Anglicky napsal Charles Sarolea profesor university v Edinburghu. Prelozil V. A. Jung. Orbis tiskarska, vydavatelska a nakladatelska spolecnost. Prague 1921 Praha 242 Cover title: in addition there are two title pages, one in English and the other in Czechoslovak. 8vo. 23 and 23pp. Fr. portrait of President Masaryk. Contents printed in English and Czechoslovak, on alternate pages facing each other. SAUNDERS. "Aunt Sally 11 Saunders Sister of Ann Rutledge . 243 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (8)pp. Funeral service May 3, 1922: ser' mon by Rev. S. Carlyle Schaeffer, B.D., and biographical sketch of Mrs. Saunders. 52 LlNCOLNIANA SAUNDERS. In Memory of Sarah Rutledge Saunders Reprinted from the Lompoc Review, Lompoc, Cal 244 Cover title Ni. n.p. n.d. Size iy 2 " x Sj4". (3) pp. SCHLUTER. Lincoln, Labor and Slavery A Chapter from the Social History of America By Herman Schluter 191 3 Socialist Literature Co. New York 245 i2mo. 237pp. (The CoOperative Press, 15 Spruce St., New York.) SCHULTE. Telephone Gramercy 1668 Theo. E. Schulte, Proprietor {Device} Schulte's Book Store 132 East 23rd Street New York A Cata' logueof Lincolniana. {Entire title in device} 246 Caption title. 8vo. Pages 31-34 in pamphlet titled "The Book-Hunter A Little Periodical of Good Taste in Books and in Other Things {Device} Volume i Brooklyn, N.Y. Guido Bruno {[Cora Bennettf Editors 1914" The pamphlet, 44, (i)pp., mailed to Lincoln collectors folded to show title as listed above. SCHURZ. Abraham Lincoln A Biographical Essay By Carl Schurs With an Essay on The Portraits of Lincoln By Truman H. Bartlett with Eighteen Illustrations in Photogravure fDewceJ Boston and New York Houghton, Mifflin and Company MDCCCCVII ... 247 Cover title, 4to. (4) pp. Adv. of Oakleaf Nos. in and 1244. SCHURZ. The Riverside Literature Series Abraham Lincoln By Carl Schurz The Gettysburg Speech and Other Papers By Abraham Lincoln Together with Testimonies By Emerson, Whittier Holmes, and Lowell, and a Biographical Sketch of Carl Schurz JDeince} Houghton, Mifflin and Company Boston: 4 Park Street; New York: 11 East Seventeenth Street Chicago: 378-388 Wabash Avenue The Riverside Press, Cam- bridge 248 N.d. i6mo. 98pp. Fr. Compare with Fish Nos. 840 and 841, and Oakleaf No. 1243. SELBY. 6. Genesis of the Republican Party in Illinois. (By Paul Selby.) 1 249 Caption title. Note 1 at bottom of first page reads "This paper was read by the author at a meeting of the Illinois Republican Editorial Association, at Decatur, Illi' nois, September 14, 1904." N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 14pp. SELECTIONS for Lincoln's Birthday. {Cut of Lincoln} Born February 12,1809. We rest in peace where his sad eyes Saw peril, strife and pain; His was the awful sacrifice And ours the priceless gain. Whit- tier 250 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. {Perry Mason Co., Boston, Mass. 1915?! 8vo. (8)pp. Ills. SHELBYVILLE, ILL. To Commemorate the Debate of Abraham Lincoln and Anthony Thornton on Freedom of Territories June 15, 1856 in Old Court House Shelby ville, Illinois Shelby ville, Illinois Shelby County Leader Print 1923 251 Cover title: The LincohvThomton Debate 1856 Shelby ville, Illinois {Cut of} The Old Court House "With Malice Towards None and Charity for all." 8vo. 22,(i)pp. Fr. and ills. Bibliography 53 SHERWOOD. The Log Cabin Home of Abraham Lincoln. Speech of Hon. Isaac R. Sherwood, of Ohio, In the House of Representatives, Wednesday, April 12, 1916. The House in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union had under consideration the bill (H. R. 8351) to accept a deed of gift or conveyance from the Lincoln Farm Association, a corporation, to the United States of America, of land near the town of Hodgenville, county of Larue, State of Kentucky, embracing the homestead of Abraham Lincoln and the log cabin in which he was born, together with the memorial hall inclosing the same; and further, to accept an assignment or transfer of an endowment fund of $50,000 in relation thereto 252 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1916 37244-15479) 8vo. 4pp. SLOAN. Abraham Lincoln Speech of Hon. Charles H. Sloan of Nebras- ka Delivered Before the Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic, and Associated Patriotic Orders of that Jurisdiction at the First Congregational Church Washington, D. C. on February 12, 1 91 9 (Made a part of the Congressional Record upon request of the Hon. Henry Z. Osborne, of California) Washington 1919 106608- I93I7 2 53 Cover title. N.i. (United States of America Government Printing Office) 8vo. 8pp. SMITH, (Charles Emory). From Lincoln to Roosevelt {Cut of Lincoln} 1854-1904 Why I Am a Republican fCut of Roosevelt} The History and Achievements of the Republican Party A Vest Pocket Chronology and Souvenir of Its Fiftieth Anniversary 1904 Compiled by Charles Emory Smith Philadelphia, Pa. Copyrighted 1904 by R. L. P. Reifsneider Norristown, Pa. Published by Louis N. Hammer ling Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Compliments of Republican State Committee 254 Cover title. 481110. 48pp. Ills. SMITH, (Isaac). See No. 47. STEPHENSON. Lincoln {Portrait of Lincoln} c Robert Bruce By Nathaniel Wright Stephenson 255 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (The Baker 6s? Taylor Company 354 Fourth Avenue New York City, N. Y.) 8vo. ( 4 )pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1333. STEWART. Want List Abraham Lincoln The following list of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln are wanted by the under- signed to complete his collection. Kindly quote prices on any items you may have for sale. July, 1912. Judd Stewart, 57 Willow Ave., Plainfield, N. J 256 Caption title. N.i. 8vo. U)pp. STEWART. Want List Abraham Lincoln The within list of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln are wanted by the undersigned to complete his collection. Kindly quote prices on any items you 54 LlNCOLNIANA may have for sale. Judd Stewart 57 Willow Ave., Plainfield, N. J. July 1, 1916 257 Cover title. N.i. 8vo. (j)pp. STEWART. Lincoln's Advice to Young Men Regarding Good and Bad Habits An Address by Judd Stewart At the Third Annual Din- ner of the Lincoln Fraternity February 12, 191 7 Plainfield, New Jersey 258 N.i. n.p. n.d. i2mo. 8pp. STODDARD. The Table Talk of Abraham Lincoln (Centenary Edition) Edited by William O. Stoddard One of his Private Secretaries, and author of "Abraham Lincoln, the True Story of a Great Life," etc. with Frontispiece- New York Frederick A. Stokes Company Publishers 259 N.d. i8mo. 154pp. Ft- STORIES. Excelsior Classics Stories from Lincoln's Life {Table of Contents} D. H. Knowlton 6-? Co. Publishers Farmington, Maine. {Device} 260 Cover title. N.d. i2mo. 32pp. Compare with Oakleaf No. 1526. STRUNSKY. Abraham Lincoln By Rose Strunsky Cloth, 8vo, 331 Pages, $2.25 Net; Postage Extra With Five Illustrations and a Map Published by The Macmillan Company 64-66 Fifth Avenue, New York 261 N.d. 241110. (4)pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1349. SYRACUSE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bulletin of the Syracuse Public Library November-December 1908 {Device} Syracuse New York . 262 Cover title. N.i. i6mo. 24pp. Caption title :"Bi-Monthly Bulletin Number 7 Lincoln Centenary" etc. List of Lincolniana contained in Library pp. 3*7. TAFT. Address Made by President Taft at Hodgenville, Kentucky, on November 9th, 191 1 at The Dedication of a Memorial Hall to Abraham Lincoln Sent out with the Compliments of George H. Paine, Philadelphia, Pa., and the request that each recipient read the state- ment of Mr. Taft which is printed on the back page hereof, and which is taken from the report of an interview with Mr. Taft, published in The Outlook 263 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 8pp. TARBELL. New Sunday Magazine The {Device} World Copyright 1 90 1 By The Press Pub Co N Y Supplement to the NY World Sunday Feb 10th 1 90 1 Lincoln Number Abraham Lincoln Born Feb. 12, 1809, Died April 15, 1865. Lincoln Number A New Lincoln Portrait {Portrait} Hitherto Unpublished f Various cuts} {Data concerning portrait} Special Lincoln Number Edited and Arranged Upon Sug- gestions Made By Miss Ida M. Tar bell The Greatest Living Authority Upon the Life of Lincoln 264 Caption title. Elephant folio. 16pp. Ills. The only newspaper publication of its kind included in this bibliography. A unique item. Bibliography ^ TARBELL. Abraham Lincoln the Man And the Historic Scenes of his Life By Ida M. Tarbell 265 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Lincoln History Society, New York City.) Size %%yS>%. (4)pp. Ills. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1386. Compare with Oakleaf No. 1385. Subject matter and illustrations entirely different from item listed by Oakleaf. TAUSSIG. Abraham Lincoln on the Tariff: A Myth By F. W. Taus- sig Reprinted from The Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. XXVIII, August, 1914 266 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (8i4)-8aopp. TAUSSIG. Lincoln and the Tariff: A Sequel By F. W. Taussig Re- printed from The Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. XXIX, February, 1915 267 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (i)-4PP- TAYLOR. Lincolniana Two Sermons and a Letter {Device} Offered by Thomas J. Taylor, Taunton, Mass 268 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (j)pp. THAYER. From Pioneer Home to The White House. Life of Abra- ham Lincoln: Boyhood, Youth, Manhood, Assassination, Death. By William M. Thayer, Author of "From Log Cabin to the White House," etc With Eulogy By Hon. George Bancroft. New York Hurst 6? Company Publishers 269 N.d. i2mo. 469pp. Hurst's Young America Library. Compare with Fish No. 945. TICE. Wise Words of Abraham Lincoln 270 Caption title, preceded by letter: February 12, 1919. I take pleasure in present' ing to you a fac'simile of the inclosed very interesting "Lincoln Letter. " In these times of uncertainty, when political and economical changes are being evolved, it seems to me we might well take counsel of Lincoln's words of wisdom. With an abid' ing faith in the potency of the American People, I am, Sincerely yours, Homer J. Tice. N.i., n.p. 4to. Accompanying the sheet, which is printed on but one side, referred to above, is a facsimile copy of a two page letter written to "Friend Bennett" by Abraham Lincoln, March 7, 1843. Presented by Mr. Tice at the Third Annual Ban- quet of the Old Salem Lincoln League, Petersburg, 111. TICE 271 No title. "It affords me a real pleasure to present to you a facsimile copy of a letter written by Abraham Lincoln, during his campaign for Congress, in which John H. flj.l Hardin was his chief opponent," etc. Signed "Homer J. Tice." Con- sists of a one'page facsimile copy of a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to "Friend John," January 15, 1846, and printed sheet, containing extracts from a speech of Lincoln followed by the presentation announcement by Mr. Tice. Present' ed at the Fourth Annual Banquet of the Old Salem Lincoln League, Petersburg, 111., N.i. n.p., n.d. 4to. TORCH PRESS. High Grade Americana Including Some Important Lincolniana {Reduced facsimile of Oldroyd's large panel of 100 portraits of Lincoln} (See Item 221a) . . . 272 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (The Torch Press Book Shop, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. November 191 1, Catalog No. 37) 8vo. 48, (2)pp. 56 LlNCOLNIANA TWO. "Two Hours in Springfield" Published by the Passenger De- partment Chicago & Alton Railroad 273 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (4)pp. Ills. Second page describes the picture "The Lincoln Monument", third page 'The Lincoln Home" and the last page tells of "Mr. Lincoln's Departure from Springfield and his Farewell Address." ULRICH. Abraham Lincoln and Constitutional Government f Por- trait of Bartow A. Ulrich} By Bartow A. Ulrich, 1916, Chicago Per- sonal recollections of Abraham Lincoln showing what he accomplished to advance and perpetuate constitutional government, beautifully bound in buckram, consisting approximately of 400 pages; large, clear type printed on the best book paper. Price $2.50 per copy. Sold by Bartow A. Ulrich 40 N. Dearborn Street — Chicago . 274 Cover title N.i. 8vo. (i3)pp. Compare with Oakleaf No. 142 1. ULRICH. Abraham Lincoln and Constitutional Government By Bartow A. Ulrich Part One Published by Chicago Legal News Sold by A. C. McClurg 6? Co. Frontispiece 275 N.d. 8vo. 406pp. Fr. Parts one and two in same volume: part one ends with page 152; part two contains pages i'vii and 155-406. Fr. also to part two. ULRICH. Abraham Lincoln and New Constitutional Governments Third Part Containing chapter on Washington and Lincoln, showing what they accomplished in forming and perpetuating constitutional government on a republican basis Bartow A. Ulrich Press Club of Chicago 276 Cover title. N.d. 8vo. xv, (i)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1420 UNION PACIFIC MAGAZINE. The Union Pacific Magazine {De- vice of Union Pacific System} Union Pacific Railroad Company Oregon Short Line Railroad Company Oregon- Washington Railroad & Navi- gation Company Los Angeles 6? Salt Lake Railroad Company Volume 1 February, 1922 Number 2 {Six paragraphs of reading matter referring to the Union Pacific and Lincoln's interest in its construction} {Cut of} Lincoln and Gen'l Dodge at Council Bluffs, Aug. 1859 • • • 2 77 Cover title. N.i. (Union Pacific Magazine, 323 Union Pacific Building, Omaha.) 4to. 63, (i)pp. Ills. Lincoln Number. USHER. President Lincoln's Cabinet by Honorable John P. Usher Secretary of the Interior January 7, 1863 — May 15, 1865 With a Foreword and a Sketch of the Life of the Author by Nelson H. Loomis General Solicitor Union Paciffic Railroad Company .... 278 N.i., n.p., n.d. (Copyright 1925 by Nelson H. Loomis; Foreword dated Omaha, Nebraska, January 1, 1925) 8vo. 34pp. Fr. VOLK. The Lincoln Life-Mask and How It was Made. By Leonard W. Volk. Reprinted from The Century Magazine for December, 1 88 1. Copyright, 1 881, by The Century Co. Compliments of Ameri- can Bronze Company Chicago, 111 * 279 Cover title. N.i., n.d. 4to. U)pp. Bibliography 57 WAKEMAN. Document No. n. The Defender Devoted to the Protection of American Labor and Industries. The American Pro- tective Tariff League, No. 339*Broadway, Between Worth and Leon- ard Sts. New York, 19 12. Abraham Lincoln on the Tariff. The Great Emancipator a Firm Believer in the Policy of Protection to American Labor and Industry. Extracts from Lincoln's Speeches and Writings on the Tariff. Address delivered by Hon. Wilbur F. Wakeman At the Seventh Annual Lincoln Dinner of the Sullivan County (N. Y.) Republicans, at Liberty, February 12, 191 2 . . 280 Cover title. 8vo. i4,(2)pp. WALPOLE. View from June 4 No. 58 Sale June 8 Autograph Letters Bookplates, Letters on Bookplates, W. H. Seward Manuscript Jour- nals, Blue and White Lincoln Jug To be Sold by Auction Friday Afternoon, June 8, 1917 At 2:30 o'clock The Walpole Galleries No. 10 East 49th Street New York 281 Cover title; also title page, different, and caption title reading; Autograph Letters Bookplates, a Lincoln Jug, Carpenter Lincoln Portrait N.i., n.p., n.d. (S. L. Parsons 6? Co., Inc., Printers, 45 Rose St., New York) i2mo. i9,(i)pp. Fr. "No. 120 Portrait of Lincoln, by Carpenter. Original Drawing." WALPOLE. View from Dec. 7 No. 207 Sale Dec. 12 The Library of Americana of a New York Collector Abraham Lincoln; The Civil War; Regimental Histories; Fiske's Historical Writings; Portraits, Medals, Caricatures, etc.; Currier and Ives' Colored Lithographs of the Civil War; Etc. To be sold at Auction Monday Morning, Dec. 12 1921 — Lots 1-296 Monday Afternoon, Dec. 12 1921 — Lots 297-605 At 10:30 and 2:30 o'clock The Walpole Galleries 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 282 Cover title: View from Dec. 7 No. 207 Sale Dec. 12 The Library of Americana of a New York Collector Mainly Lincolniana and the Civil War To be sold at Auction Monday Morning, Dec. i2-Lots 1^96 Monday Afternoon, Dec. i2-Lots 297^05 At 10:30 and 2:30 o'clock The Walpole Galleries 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 47, (i)pp. WANAMAKER Primer on Abraham Lincoln Strength Mind Heart Will The Full-Rounded Man The Typical American Example of The Rule of Four Wanamaker-Originator Copyright 1909 — John Wana- maker 283 N.i., n.p., n.d. (5th Edition, 225th Thousand) i2mo. 157, (2)pp. Ills. Oakleaf in note, No. 1450, mentions ""several other editions". This, the 5th, has a rearrange- ment of pagination and reading matter and six additional chapters on "The Rule of Four." Author, Wayne Whipple. WASHINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Abraham Lincoln Public Li- brary Circulation Department Washington, D. C 284 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. U)pp. Mimeographed. WEIK. The Real Lincoln By Jesse W. Weik Dates of Release— Chapter I, Saturday, May 23; Chapter II, Saturday, May 30; Chapter III, Saturday, June 6. Price, for the Use of the Plates, 6 Pages, $9.00 58 LlNCOLNIANA American Press Association General Offices, New York. New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburg. Chicago, Cincinnati, Colum- bus, Indianapolis. Omaha, San Francisco, St. Paul, Atlanta, Dallas . 285 Caption title, first page. Each page contains same heading, except dates of release, which necessarily vary. N.d. (1896). Atlas folio. 6pp. Ills. Eighteen chap' ters of two columns each, and three chapters to the page. Following the titles and sub' titles of each chapter is the paragraph: By Jesse W. Weik, (Joint Author of "Herndon's Life of Lincoln.'" Copyright, 1896, by American Press Association.) WELLES. The Diary of Gideon Welles Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln Takes the Reader Behind the Scenes in the Civil War Hough- ton Mifflin Co Boston New York 286 Cover title. N.d. 2,4010. (4) pp. Adv. of next below. This and following item should properly be listed. WELLES. Diary of Gideon Welles Secretary of the Navy Under Lin- coln and Johnson With an Introduction by John T. Morse, Jr. and with Illustrations Volume I 1861 — March 30, 1864 {DeuiceJ Boston and New York Houghton Mifflin Company The Riverside Press Cambridge 287 8vo. 549pp. Fr. and ills. Volume II, April 1, 1864'December 31, 1866, 653pp., fr- and ills. These volumes by Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy are very illuminating on certain of the inside affairs of the Lincoln administration. WHAT. No. 10 What Abraham Lincoln Really Said About the Liquor Traffic {Portrait of Lincoln} "Whether or not the world would be vastly benefitted by a total and final banishment from it of all intoxi- cating drinks seems to me not now to be an open question. Three- fourths of mankind confess the affirmative with their tongues and I believe all the rest acknowledge it in their hearts." — Abraham Lincoln . 288 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (4)pp. WHIPPLE. The Story-Life of Lincoln A Biography Composed of Five Hundred True Stories Told by Abraham Lincoln and his Friends selected from all authentic sources, and fitted together in order, form- ing his Complete Life History by Wayne Whipple Author of "The Story of the White House and its Home Life," "The Minute Man," "The Story of Plymouth Rock," etc. Memorial Edition Issued to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of Lincoln's Birth Illustrated With 150 engravings from Photographs, Paintings, Drawings and Manuscripts, some of which have not before been published The John C. Winston Company Philadelphia Penna 289 Cover title: Explanation of Plan Table of Contents Specimen Illustrations and Sample Pages of Wayne Whipple's Story 'Life of Lincoln Published by The John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia. N.d. (Copyright, 1908, Wayne Whipple) 8vo. Ills. Compare with Oakleaf No. 1476. WHIPPLE. Lincoln's Hundredth Anniversary "The Story-Life of Lincoln" appears just now when the interest in him is keener than at any time since his death. Lincoln was born just 100 years ago (Febru- Bibliography 59 ary 12, 1809), and this volume is the most fitting memorial of the occa- sion. f Cut of Lincoln between two flags} William H. Taft in a letter to Wayne Whipple says: "I am always much interested in reading of Lincoln's life." The people are always hungry for more Lincoln. The Story -Life of Lincoln By Wayne Whipple {Cut of volume} . 290 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. (4)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1477. WHITMAN. Memories of President Lincoln By Walt Whitman Little Leather Corporation New York 291 N.d. 42EQO. 127pp. WHITMAN. Ten Cent Pocket Series No. 351 Edited by E. Halde- man-Julius Memories of Lincoln Walt Whitman Haldeman-Julius Company 292 N.d. (192^). 32mo. 61pp. WHY. International Reform Leaflets, No. 1. English Edition Why Abstain? Why Prohibit? Reasons that Should Be Placed in Every Home, School and Shop in the World Whereas, the use of alcoholic liquors as a beverage is productive of pauperism, degradation and crime : and believing it is our duty to discourage that which produces more evil than good, we therefore, pledge ourselves to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage Abraham Lincoln "Con- elusive proof has been found that this pledge was not only signed and advocated by Mr. Lincoln but actually composed by him". Dr. Louis Albert Banks, in "Lincoln Legion." Sign with Lincoln . 293 Caption title, followed by other excerpts from Lincoln, Taft, Rt. Hon. John Burns, President Eliot of Harvard, and Andrew Carnegie, accompanied by their portraits. N.i., n.p., n.d. 8vo. 4pp. Ills. WILBUR. Price 10 Cents. The Lincoln Panorama A Talk on the Life of Lincoln To Accompany the Lincoln Blackboard Stencils By Harriette Wilbur A brief talk on each of the Stencil Pictures, relating the important events and interesting scenes in the life of Lincoln . The talk and pictures present a fascinating illustrated sketch, both enter- taining and instructive. For a list of the Stencils needed see last page of this pamphlet. March Brothers, Publishers, 208, 210, 212 Wright Avenue, Lebanon, Ohio. Copyright, 1909, by March Brothers 294 Cover title. N.d. i2mo. 6pp. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Army Life in Wisconsin Territory I The History of Fort Winnebago By Andrew Jackson Turner II Fort Winnebago Orderly Book, 1834-36 III Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk War By Alfred Augustus Jackson IV An English Officer's Description of Wisconsin, in 1837 (From Wisconsin Historical Collections, Vol. XIV) Madison State Historical Society of Wis- consin 1898 295 8vo. 65'i54pp. Fr. and ills. 60 LlNCOLNIANA WIT. The Wit of Lincoln The Wisdom of Franklin And Other Bits of Wit Indianapolis Scott-Miller Company Publishers 1907 . . 296 Cover title adds "Collected and arranged by an Indiana Author". i2mo. 124pp. Part one of three contemplated volumes, the rest of which were never issued. The "Wit of Lincoln 1 " is a very negligible quantity. WIXSON. Washington and Lincoln Colorado Anniversary Number {Seal of State} Prepared for the Public Schools by Helen Marsh Wixson State Superintendent of Public Instruction February 1912 . . 297 N.i., n.p. 8vo. 50pp. Ills. WOODLAWN BANK NOTES (Cut of statue of Lincoln} May June 1918 Lincoln Number 298 Cover title. Caption title:: Woodlawn Bank Notes A Bi'Monthly Magazine Published by the Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank, 1204 East 63rd St., Chicago, 111. Vol. VIII Mayjune, 1918 No. 6 (Editor, Mr. Theodore Jessup, Assistant Cashier.) i2mo. 16, (2)pp. Ills. WORDS. {Cut of Lincoln} "Words of Lincoln." "Many Free Coun- tries Have Lost Their Liberty, and Our's May Lose Her's; But If She Shall, Be It My Proudest Plume, Not That I was Last to Desert, ■ but that I never Deserted Her." (From a speech at Springfield, 111., 1840) . 299 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Lincoln Memorial Co. 516 Tenth Street, Washing' ton, D. C.) Size 5^x3^. 8pp. Adv. of Fish No. 560. WRIGHT. One Year — A Retrospect Review of the First Twelve Months of the Administration of President Abraham Lincoln Reprint of an Editorial in the San Francisco (Cal.) Herald and Mirror, March 4, 1862 (Compiled and Edited by Allen H. Wright, San Diego, Cal., 1925) 300 Cover title: One Year A Retrospect {Cut of Lincoln]} An Editorial Review of the First Twelve Months of the Administration of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States. N.i. nmo. (4)pp. Mr. Wright states in a note that Charles A. Sumner was editor of the Herald and Mirror at the time the editorial was first printed. Edition of one hundred numbered copies. YOU. {Cut of Lincoln} You can fool some of the people some of the time. You can fool some of the people all the time. But you can't fool all the people all the time 301 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Adv. of Revere Rubber Co., Boston, Mass. De* signed and printed by the Artgravers, New York.) 241110. Folder, (8)pp. Ills. Pages (4H5) contain "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address." YOUTH'S COMPANION. The Youth's Companion {Cut of Wash- ington; cut of Lincoln reading from booli} Lincoln & Washington Num- ber 1909 302 Cover title. N.i., n.p. (Copyright, 1909, by Perry Mason Company, Boston, Mass. Volume 83. No. 6. February 11, 1909) Folio. 65'8opp. Ills. Addenda At the suggestion of several collectors the compiler has been glad to add the following list of titles covering items found in their collections and not listed by Fish or Oakleaf, together with such other information pertaining to them as has been submitted. To this list has also been added other Lincolniana which has come to hand since the main body of the bibliography has been completed. ABRAHAM Lincoln {Portrait of Lincoln} as seen by one who knew him 303 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 241110. (4)pp. Adv. of Oakleaf No. 1 144. ABRAHAM Lincoln By An Oxford' M.A. Threepence. Ports- mouth: Holbrook 62? Son, Ltd. "Portsmouth Times 11 Printing Works, Queen Street 304 N.d. 24010. 27pp. ABRAHAM f Cut of Lincoln} Lincoln National W. C. T. U. Publish- ing House Evanston, Illinois 305 Cover title. N.d. {[1926]} 241110. Folder, (3)pp. Caption title: Words of Abraham Lincoln. ADDRESSES Broadcast During The National Republic's "Hour of Tribute to Lincoln, 11 Lincoln's Birthday, 1926 306 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Compliments of The National Republic 425 Tenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C.) [1926I 4to. (8)pp. Portrait on cover and ills. AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. {Cut of Lincoln statue} Lincoln and You Lincoln Day in the Sunday School The Amer- ican Missionary Association 287 Fourth Avenue, New York . 307 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. {[1926J 8vo. (4)pp. Anglo-American news letter and sulgrave bul- letin. Lincoln Statues, Souvenir No. 4, August 1920 . . 308 (Title submitted by Prof. Bissett.) AUSTIN. See No. 325. BABCOCK. Booth and the Spirit of Lincoln A Story of a Living Dead Man By Bernie Babcock Author of "The Soul of Ann Rutledge, 11 "The Soul of Abe Lincoln, 11 Etc. fDew'ceJ Philadelphia 6? London J. B. Lippincott Company 1925 309 i2mo. 320pp. BECK. Lincoln and Democracy. An Address delivered at the Lin- coln's Day Banquet of the Republican Club of New York on Febru- ary 12, 1926, by James M. Beck, Late Solicitor General of the United States 310 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. [1926H 8vo. 18pp. 61 62 LlNCOLNIANA BLAND. Abraham Lincoln's Americanism Speech of Hon. Oscar E. Bland of Indiana in the House of Representatives, Wednesday, March 17, 1920 311 4pp. (Submitted by Mr. Allen H. Wright) BUTLER. Abraham Lincoln, by Nicholas Murray Butler. Address at the Lincoln Day Dinner of the National Republican Club, Waldorf Astoria, New York, February 12, 1920 312 7pp. (Wright) CALIFORNIA. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1, Introduced by Mr. Drew, January 14, 1909 313 ip. Providing for proper exercises, etc. (Wright) CALIFORNIA. Chapter 4. An act declaring Friday, February twelfth, 1909, the 100th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, a legal holiday and providing for a half day session of the public schools for that day. Approved January 20, 1909 314 ip. (Wright) CALIFORNIA. Chapter 527. An act declaring February 12th, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, a legal holiday and providing for a half' day session in the public schools on such holiday, and for certain exercises in the public schools. Approved April 13, 1909 . 315 ip. (Wright) CARMAN. The Other White House An Illustration of the Unrelia- bility of History Concerning Abraham Lincoln 316 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Signed: L. D. Carman, M.D., 1806 Lamont St., Washington, D. C. Jan. 1926.) f 1926} i2mo. (4)pp. CLARK. Abraham Lincoln in the National Capital by Allen C. Clark f Device} Washington, D. C. 1925 317 N.i., 8vo. X'i79pp. Fr. and ills. Reprinted from Records of the Columbia Histori' cal Society, Washington, D. C, Volume 27, 1925. (Submitted by Dr. Carman.) COOK: Lincoln the Christian by George Shaw Cook, and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. An address delivered at the Lincoln Day Serv ice, February 12, 1910, in Third Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago 318 15pp. (Wright.) " - CORMICAN. A Tribute to Abraham Lincoln 319 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Signed: P. J. Cormican, S. J., Georgetown Uni' versity, D. C. Feb. 12, 1923.) 241110. (4)pp. CUTLER. Lincoln's Earliest Home — Utah Boy's Visit to Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace, on the Old Kentucky Home. By John C. Cutler, Jr., Salt Lake City, Utah 320 4pp. (Bissett and Wright.) DEARBORN INDEPENDENT. The Dearborn Independent Vol. 26 No. 16 Feb. 6, 1926 $1.50 a Year {Cut of statue of Lincoln} "How I Bibliography 63 Wrote The Lincoln PoerrT By Edwin Markham The Truth About The Bixby Letter By Wm. E. Barton (Famous Lincoln Biographer) Aviation from the Navy's Viewpoint By Capt. W. S. Pye, U. S. N. Chronicler of the Neglected Truth 321 Cover title. (Published weekly by The Dearborn Publishing Company, Dearborn, Michigan) 4to. 32pp. Ills. Lincoln Number; copy furnished the compiler by the courtesy of Mr. Oakleaf. DICKINSON. {Cut of Lincoln statue} 1809 Abraham Lincoln 1909 "A Voice from the South" J. M. Dickinson Compliments of The Industrial Club of Chicago 322 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. {[102 6 J i2mo. (8)pp., printed on alternate pages. New edition of Oakleaf No. 443. DWINNELL. A Lincoln Tribute, by Ellen Shephard Dwinnell, made for the Fitchburg Women's Club, Lincoln Day 323 N.i., n.p., n.d. (Bissett.) EDGAR CO., ILL. Dedicated to the memory of the men who prac ticed law in Edgar County when Abraham Lincoln traveled the Cir- cuit of the Eighth Judicial District. Compiled by The Book Com- mittee of The Edgar County Historical Society. Mrs. William T. Scott, President, Mrs. Ivan T. Howard, Secretary, Mrs. Archie E. Woods, Mrs. Frank M. Foley, Mrs. E. O. Laughlin. Published by The Edgar County Historical Society, 1925 324 Cover title: Memoirs of Abraham Lincoln in Edgar County, Illinois. N.p. 8vo. 31, (i)pp. Ills. FITZGERRELL. Lincoln Was a Spiritualist By J. J. Fitsgerrell The Religion of Abraham Lincoln By B. F. Austin The Austin Publishing Company Los Angeles, California. 1924 325 i2mo. 79pp. Portrait of Fitzgerrell. GREAT Whig Demonstration In Favor of the Nomination of Gen. Taylor for the Presidency. The Buena Vista Festival, at Philadel' phia, February 22, 1848 326 Caption title. N.i. 8vo. 32pp. Contains a hitherto unknown letter of Lincoln approving and heartily endorsing the candidacy of Taylor. (Submitted by Dr. Barton.) HERTZ. Abraham Lincoln — The Seer By Emanuel Herts; An Address Delivered Over WOR February 12th, 1925 {Device} {Arabic} . 327 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. i2mo. (22)pp. Fr. and Ills. Text in Arabic. HERTZ. Abraham Lincoln — The Seer By Emanuel Herts (Reprinted from "Baikar 11 , Feb. 12, 1926) 328 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. I1926J 8vo. (4)pp. In Armenian. HERTZ. Abraham Lincoln — El Vidente Por Emanuel Herts (Re printed from "Diario de Panama 11 , February 12, 1926.) . . . 329 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. f 192 6 J Size 6'.'xii". (4)pp. In Spanish. HERTZ. {Abraham Lincoln — Seer Title in Russian} . . . . 330 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. {[1926]} 8vo. (4)pp. In Russian. 64 LlNCOLNIANA HERTZ. {Abraham Lincoln — Seer Title in Russian} . . . . 331 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. |[i026J Size 6"x8". (4)pp. In Russian: different text from preceding item. HERTZ. The Many-Sided Lincoln What Would He Do Were He Here Today? By Emanuel Herts An Address Delivered at Washing- ton Heights Congregation February 12, 1926 332 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. I1926]} 8vo. 16pp. Edition of 1000 numbered copies. HERTZ. Reprinted From The Political News, February, 1926 Great Emancipator a Politician and Proud of It Abraham Lincoln Was One of the Ablest Party Organisers and Keenest Directors Ever Seen in American Affairs By Emanuel Hertz; 333 N.i., n.p., n.d. f 1926} 4to. (4)pp. Ills. Mr. Hertz;, in the short space of time he has been interested in Lincolniana, has shown himself an indefatigable and discriminat' ing student and collector, and deserves great credit for his indomitable energy. HILL. If Lincoln Were Here By John Wesley Hill, LL.D., Litt., D. Chancellor, Lincoln Memorial University Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Author of "Lincoln — Man of God" G. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London The Knickerbocker Press 1925 . . . . . . 334 iamo. 85pp. Fr. IMMEN. Tributes to Abraham Lincoln Selected by Mrs. Loraine Pratt Immen, February 12, 191 4 335 24pp. Portrait on cover. (Wright.) IN. {Profile of Lincoln} In Commemoration of Lincoln's Birthday Com- pliments of the Chicago & Alton Railroad — Traffic Department .336 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. 241110. (4)pp. Ills. Contains: Lincoln's Life in Springfield; Farewell Address and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. KAUFMAN. Our Abraham Lincoln Memorial Sermon Preached February 16, 1919, at the Pacific Branch, National Soldiers 1 Home, California, by Chaplian Rev. Dr. M. S. Kaufman . . . . 337 4pp. (Wright.) KAUFMAN. The Living Lincoln Sermon delivered at the Pacific Branch, National Soldiers' Home, California, February 8, 1920, by Chaplain Rev. Dr. M. S. Kaufman 338 4pp. (Wright and Bissett.) KUEHNLE. Abraham Lincoln Address by Carl F. Kuehnle of Den- nison, Iowa 339 N.i., n.d. (Bissett.) LALCACA. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Speech of Mr. Lalcaca, a Parsee Gentleman of India, at St. George's Hall, Liverpool, England, Thursday, April 27, 1865 Now First Reprinted from a Con' temporary Shorthand Transcription Privately Printed 1925 . . 340 N.i., n.p., (Printed from type by the Southworth Press, Portland, Maine) 4to. (i)p. Edition of 100 numbered copies. Bibliography 65 LINCOLN Campaign Songster For the Use of Clubs. Containing all the most popular songs. Philadelphia: Published by Mason & Co. No. 58 North Sixth Street, 1864 341 jamo. 1 6pp. Portrait of Lincoln with smooth face on wrapper. (Barton.) LINCOLN in Springfield. A Guide to the Places in Springfield Which Were Associated with the Life of Abraham Lincoln {Device of Lincoln Centennial Association} Published by The Lincoln Centennial Asso' ciation Sketches by Virginia Stuart Brown 342 N.i., n.p., n.d. (Copyright, 1925 By The Lincoln Centennial Association First Impression September, 1925. Printed by Jeffersons Printing Company Springfield, Illinois 309'3ii S. Fifth Phone Main 51) i2mo. (30) pp. Fr., ills, 'and map. LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY. Echoes of Lincoln's Birth- day celebration under the auspices of Lincoln Memorial University, Wardman Park Hotel, February 12, 1923, Washington, D. C, guest of Honor President of the United States 343 (Bissett.) LITTLETON. Tribute to Lincoln — an excerpt from the address dc livered by Martin W. Littleton at a Lincoln Banquet at Springfield, Illinois, February 11, 191 1 344 (Bissett.) LODGE. Abraham Lincoln An Address Delivered by J. Friend Lodge Before a Community Assemblage in the Bustleton Methodist Episco' pal Church Bustleton, Philadelphia, Pa. Sunday Afternoon, Febni' ary 14th, 1926 345 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Press of Samuel H. Little 9628 Bustleton Ave. Philadelphia, Pa.) {[1926]} 8vo. (25)pp. Fr. Edition of 150 numbered copies, privately printed. MACARTNEY. Lincoln and His Generals By Clarence Edward Macartney, D. D. Illustrated with Official Photographs from the War Department. fDewceJ Philadelphia Dorrance and Company Pub' lishers 346 N.d. (Copyright 1925 Dorrance 6? Company Inc) i2mo. 226pp. Fr. and ills. McLAUGHLIN. How Grant Came to Lincoln By Robert W. Mc- Laughlin, D.D., delivered Sunday morning, April 23rd, 191 1, at the First Congregational Church, Oakland, California . . . . 347 20pp. (Wright) MILNER. Lincoln and Liquor By Rev. Duncan C. Milner, D.D. Second Edition with Supplement W. P. Blessing Co. Chicago, 111. . 348 N.d. {1926} i2mo. 185pp. Fr. NEW. A New Story About Lincoln {Cut of Lincoln} A Lincoln . 349 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (With Compliments of Samuel Harris 6? Co. Ma' chinists' and Manufacturers' Tools and Supplies. 114 North Clinton St., Chicago. The Henneberry Company, Printers, Chicago) i8mo. Card, folder. (4)pp. 66 LlNCOLNIANA NEWHALL. No. 232 1926 Abraham Lincoln A selection from my stock of Books, Pamphlets, Broadsides and Sheet Music relating to Abraham Lincoln. All prices are Net, without discount, but car- riage charges are included. Daniel H. Newhall, 100 East 42nd St. (Pershing Sq. Bldg.) New York 350 N.i., n.p. 8vo. 12pp. OLDROYD. The Oldroyd Lincoln Memorial Collection {Portrait of Lincoln} Located in the House in Which Lincoln Died Washington, D.C 351 Cover title. N.i., n.p. n. d. i2mo. 16pp. Fr. Later edition of Fish No. 715 Oakleaf No. 1068. PENROSE. Oh! For Another Lincoln By Wesley Francis Penrose, O.D. Published by Wesley Francis Penrose, O.D. Chicago . . 352 Cover title. N.i., n.d. (Copyright, 191 1, by Wesley Francis Penrose, O.D.) i6mo. U)pp. Different edition from Oakleaf No. 1094. PENROSE. The Immortal Lincoln And the Masterpiece By Wesley Francis Penrose 353 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Published by W. F. Penrose, Chicago, 111. Price 25 cents.) 8vo. U)pp. Cut of Lincoln. PHILLIPS. A Pri^e Treatise on the Character of Abraham Lincoln by Rev. D. T. Phillips, New York. With an Introductory Letter from the Hon. Thomas L. James. And the Adjudication on the Various Essays for Competition by Rev. W. C. Roberts, D.D., Secretary of the Presbyterian Home Missions, New York. New York: John M. Davis, 40 Fulton Street, 1884 354 i6mo. 53pp., also two pages advertising the author's book "Heroes of the Faith." (Barton.) ROBSION. Congressional Record Sixty'eighth Congress, Second Ses' sion God's Choicest Gift to Our Country; Kentucky's Most Distin' guished Son; America's First and Greatest Commoner; the World's Mightiest Champion of Freedom ; the Masterful Man of the Ages — Abraham Lincoln. Speech of Hon. John M. Robsion of Kentucky Delivered on Abraham Lincoln at Philadelphia, Pa. Saturday, Febru- ary 14, 1925 (Printed in the Congressional Record, March 4, 1925) . 355 Caption title. N.i., n.p., n.d. (Washington: Government Printing Office: 1925 36863-1720) 4to. 4pp. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Lincoln Day Commemorative Exercises in the Public Schools of Rochester, N. Y., Monday, February 12th, 1900, held by the request of O'Rourke Camp, No. 60, Sons of Veterans . 356 10pp. (Wright.) SANDBURG. Ready February 4 {Cut of Lincoln s hat and umbrella} Abraham Lincoln The Prairie Years By Carl Sandburg Author of ''Smoke and Steel," "Chicago Poems," "Rootabaga Stories," etc. The very first chapter of Carl Sandburg's story will convince you that it is Bibliography 67 not "just another life of Lincoln. " It is the man himself! Something of that genuinely spiritual quality which Lincoln possessed has crept into Sandburg's pages. Sandburg was born and has lived in the very same country where Lincoln was born and lived. He has spent the greater part of his working life visiting almost every spot Lincoln visited, studying documents, searching museums, and talking with those who actually knew him 357 Cover title. N.i., n.p., n.d. ft 192 6 J 241110. (4)pp. Adv. of next following. SANDBURG. Abraham Lincoln The Prairie Years By Carl Sandburg With 105 Illustrations from Photographs, and Many Cartoons, Sketches, Maps, and Letters {Device} Volume One New York Har- court, Brace 6? Company 358 N.d. (Copyright, 1926) {[1926J 8vo. 480pp. Fr. and ills. Volume two: 482pp. Fr. and ills. Beside the regular edition, a de luxe edition of 260 numbered and signed copies was issued. This is Oakleaf No. 1235. SCOVILLE. 180 The Independent Vol. 116, No. 3950 When Lincoln and Beecher Met A Revealing Episode in Lincoln's Life By Samuel Scoville, Jr. On the question of Lincoln's orthodoxy, the present al' most unknown episode as recorded by Samuel Scoville, Jr., makes a valuable contribution. It holds a particular interest for our readers since it concerns the great Civil War editor of The Independent, Henry Ward Beecher, whose fiery articles in this periodical had such a tremendous influence in sustaining the morale of the North . . 359 Proof sheets, size io"xi2 J/£", sent out by publishers of The Independent, 10 Arling' ton Street, Boston, Mass., "for release Friday, Feb. 12," granting "permission to re- print with credit, in full or in part, this material which appears in The Independent of Feb. 13, I1926I." Set of three sheets, printed on one side only, paged 180, 181 and 182. Ills. TRUE. Lincoln in Rochester A Memorable Journey by Charles H- True, reprinted from Rochester Post Express of February n, 1909 . 360 6pp. (Wright.) TYLER. Propaganda in History by Lyon G. Tyler, Richmond, Va., Richmond Press, Inc., Printers 1920 361 (Bissett. who says "a bitter attack on Lincoln by the President of William and Mary College.") U. S. DOCS. 60th Congress, 2d Session. S. 8762 In the Senate of the United States January 22, 1909. Mr. Carter introduced a Bill pro' viding for the purchase of a painting of Abraham Lincoln . . 362 ip. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 60th Congress, 2d Session. S. R. 117. In the House of Representatives January 23, 1909. Joint Resolution relating to the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, and making the twelfth day oi February, nineteen hundred and nine, a legal holiday and for other purposes 363 3pp. (Wright.) 68 LlNCOLNIANA U. S. DOCS. 6oth Congress, 2d Session. S.8927. In the Senate of the United States January 28, 1909. Mr. Newlands introduced A Bill for the Erection of a Lincoln Memorial 364 ip. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 60th Congress, 2d Session. H. J. Res. 254 (Report No. 2106) In the House of Representatives February 9, 1909. Mr. Mc Call introduced Joint Resolution creating a commission to recommend a design and site for a monument or monumental memorial to Abraham Lincoln 365 2pp. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 61st Congress, 1st Session. H. R. 1057. In the House of Representatives March 16, 1909. Mr. Lafean A. Bill to provide for making the necessary surveys for a national road, to be called "The Lincoln Way", from the White House, Washington, District of Colum- bia, to the battlefield of Gettysburg, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania . 366 2pp. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 61st Congress, 2d Session. H. R. 20046. In the House of Representatives February 3, 1910. Mr. A. Mitchell Palmer in- troduced a Bill to erect a monument to the memory of John Summer- field Staples of Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (who served through the civil war as the representative recruit for Abraham Lincoln, then President of the United States.) 367 2pp. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 62d Congress, 2d Session. H. R. 26062. In the House of Representatives July 31, 1912. Mr. Pou introduced a Bill for the erection of a statue of General Robert E. Lee and also a Lincoln Peace Memorial Arch over Pennsylvania Avenue, in the City of Wash- ington 368 4pp. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 62d Congress, 3d Session. House Calendar No. 352. S. Con. Res. 32 (Report No. 1294) Approving plan, design and loca- tion for a Lincoln Memorial 369 ip. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 62d Congress, 3d Session. H. Con. Res. 69. In the House of Representatives January 28, 191 3. Mr. Stephens of Texas introduced Concurrent Resolution disapproving the recommendations of the Lincoln Memorial Commission, continuing the commission, and directing it to make further report 370 2pp. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. Public Resolution No. 66 (S. J. Res. 158) Joint Resolu- tion Approving the plan, design and location for a Lincoln Memorial. Approved February 1, 191 3 371 ip. (Wright.) Bibliography 69 U. S. DOCS. 63d Congress, 1st Session. H. R. 1741. In the House of Representatives April 7,1913. Mr. Griest (by request) introduced A Bill to Construct a Lincoln Memorial Highway from the White House, Washington, District of Columbia, to the battlefield of Gettys- burg, in the State of Pennsylvania 372 2pp. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 63d Congress , 1st Session. H. J. Res. 10. In the House of Representatives April 8, 1913. Mr. Austin introduced Joint Resolution making the twelfth day of February in each year a legal holiday 373 ip. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 64th Congress, 1st Session. H. R. 10667. ^ n trie House of Representatives February 9, 1916. Mr. Beales introduced a bill to provide a suitable memorial to the memory of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 374 2pp. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. 67th Congress, 1st Session. S. 1062. In the Senate of the United States April 21, 1921. Mr. Kenyon introduced a bill to declare Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday 375 1 p. (Wright.) U. S. DOCS. Lincoln's Birthday Hearing before the Committee on the District of Columbia, House of Representatives, Sixty-eighth Congress, First Session, on H. R. 20, a Bill to declare Lincoln's Birth- day a Legal Holiday in the District of Columbia. January 23, i9 2 4 376 27pp. (Wright.) WEBSTER. Abraham Lincoln An Address by Hon. J. Stanley Web- ster, LL.D., at the Young Men's Republican Club, Seattle, Washing- ton, Feb. nth, 1916 377 N.i. (Bissett) WHITE. Lincoln, the Statesman. Address by William E. White at the Memorial Services in the Legislature of Utah, Feb. 12, 1903 . 378 Caption title. i6mo. 4pp. (Newhall.) WILCOXON. Abraham Lincoln's Vow Against the Catholic Church, a letter from M. H. Wilcoxon, April 30, 1909 379 N.i. 48pp. (Bissett.) CALIFORNIA. Senate Bill No. 1181. Introduced by Senator Finn, February 10, 191 1. An Act to provide for the erection of a memorial monument to Abraham Lincoln, appointing a commission therefor and providing an appropriation to carry this act into effect . . 380 2pp. (Wright.) II