UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN uiucdcs-r-7U-677 hO 677 /ritsGk if HARDWARE DESIGN OF A REAL-TIME MUSICAL SYSTEM by Sergio Franco October, 197 1 * uiucdcs-r-t 1 +-6tt HARDWARE DESIGN OF A REAL-TIME MUSICAL SYSTEM BY SERGIO FRANCO October, 197 1 * Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 This work was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philsophy in Computer Science, at the University of Illinois. Ill HARDWARE DESIGN OF A REAL-TIME MUSICAL SYSTEM Sergio Franco, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urban a- Champaign, 197*+ ABSTRACT This thesis describes the hardware design of a hybrid system for the composition and performance of electronic music in real-time. While analog circuitry is primarily employed in the generation and processing of sounds, digital circuitry is devoted to the exercise of control, under the immediate supervision of the composer/performer. Such a digital vs. analog partition, together with a proper choice of the man vs. machine interface, is intended to satisfy the much emphasized musical need for the immediate, real-time interaction between the composer /performer and his instrument. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 IV ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author expresses his sincere gratitude to Prof. Michael Faiman, his thesis advisor — and friend — for his indispensable support, advice and suggestions throughout the development of this thesis. The author is also pleased to credit Dr. J. Divilbiss with initiating him into the fascinating field of electronic music. This thesis has emerged from a two-year collaboration with composer Salvatore Martirano and with the other members of the project. To his friend Sal, the author expresses his warmest thanks for those endless, heated and constructive discussions that have made this thesis possible. The diligent typing and the beautiful drawings of this thesis have been made by Ms. Evelyn Huxhold and under the supervision of Mr. Mark Goebel, respectively, both of whom the author thanks for their precious collaboration, This work is dedicated to Diana. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Importance of Real-Time in Electronic Music ------ l 1.2 Electronic Music Instruments ------------- 3 1.3 General Concept of New Instrument ----------- 6 l.U System Organization ------------------10 II. TONE SYNTHESIS 20 2.1 Harmonic Tone Generation --------------- 20 2.2 Pitch Control 25 2.3 Exponential Current Generation _--_-_______ 25 2.k Relaxation Oscillator -----------------30 2.5 Digital Waveshape Generation ------------- 3I4. 2.6 Programmable Mixer/Modulator ---------____ 38 III. ELECTRONICALLY PROGRAMMABLE FILTERS k2 IV. SOUND INTENSITY AND LOCATION 53 U.l Intensity and Location Control ------------ 53 k.2 Programmable Attenuator /Locator ------------ 5I+ k.3 Envelope Generation ------------------ 6l V. PERCUSSION ENSEMBLES 67 VI. SOUND DISTRIBUTION AND SWITCHING 72 6.1 Spatial Sound Distribution '-------— ------72 6.2 Audio Switching --------------------76 VII. CONTROL SYSTEM 82 7-1 Musical Parameter Control ---------------82 7.2 Programmable Binary Sequence Generation --------85 VIII. CONCLUSION 91 VI CHAPTER PAGE LIST OF REFERENCES 93 VITA 95 I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Importance of Real-Time in Electronic Music . With the advent of electronic music, the roles of the composer and the performer have been placed in a new perspective. Traditionally, musicians have tended to specialize in either one role or the other, or have tended to play only one of the roles at a time. This has happened mainly because of the considerable difficulty encountered when composing and performing are carried on simultaneously. When a musician improvises at an instrument, he is essentially composing music in real-time. This means he is thinking and evaluating very quickly a series of possibilities out of which he makes appropriate choices, which in turn lead to the execution of the various mechani- cal motions necessary to produce the music he wants. Because of the difficul- ties encountered in doing all these things at once, musicians have tended to specialize either in the incept ion/ evaluation process (composition) or in the execution process (performance), and have developed the notation of musical scores to communicate among themselves. Thus, the composer need not be prin- cipally concerned with the quick thinking and decision making of the impro- visational process, but can pursue his inspection of musical possibilities on his own time scale. What is even more important, to appreciate the effects of his choices and changes, he does not need to try them out on actual instru- ments because he can rely on his aural imagery, a faculty he has developed through experience either by playing instruments or by listening to others playing them, or both. In developing his aural imagery, the musician is certainly helped a lot by the fact that he deals with a limited set of instruments whose character- istics extend over known and predictable ranges. In electronic music the situation is quite different. Because of the new kinds of sounds that elec- tronic instruments are capable of synthesizing, it is very difficult for the musician to develop the kind of musical imagery that may suffice to assist him in composing on his own time scale and away from his instruments. If the composer is to come up with something musically meaningful at all, it is absolutely essential that he actually hear the effects of his choices, his trials, and his alterations as he makes them, so that he can directly evaluate them in the context of the whole composition. In other words, the concept of direct feedback has come to play a dominant role in the electronic music com- posing process. Another important change brought about by electronic music involves the relationship between performer and instrument, and is due to the much greater detail in which the performer is required to control the various musical para- meters. While in conventional instruments such parameters as timbres, attacks, decays, etc. are, to a large extent, fixed, built-in features, in electronic music they are left to the discretion of the performer, who must therefore specify and control them directly. If this feature allows on the one hand much more freedom of choice and experimentation, on the other it imposes a more demanding control burden upon the performer, and it certainly renders the communication among musicians more complex than with conventional instru- ments, where the notation of the musical score is usually adequate. As a result of the above discussion, it should be clear that in electronic music the distinction between composer and performer ceases to exist, partly because the composer needs to try out his musical ideas on the instrument by himself, and partly because of difficulties of communication among different people. Furthermore, having accepted the notion of direct feedback as an in- dispensable ingredient of the improvisational process, it is of paramount importance that the composer/performer "be allowed to interact with his instru- ment on the time scale of the music he is improvising, that is, in real-time. 1.2 Electronic Music Instruments . The instruments available today to the electronic musician fall into one of two categories: Analog music synthesizers and digital computers. Analog synthesizers are self-contained systems consisting of a number of basic building blocks which can be interconnected in a variety of configura- tions to generate and modify sounds.* The basic sound-generating device is the oscillator, which produces a predetermined number of waveforms, usually the sinusoidal, pulse, saw-tooth and triangular waves. Starting with these basic sounds, new waveforms can be obtained by means of mixers, filters, non- linear signal processors, and other sound modifying devices. Another basic sound modifier is the attenuator, which is used to control the dynamic charac- teristics of the amplitude or loudness of sounds. In order to allow musical parameter control, these circuits are designed so that their characteristics can be altered externally by the operator, a task normally accomplished by means of manual switches, potentiometers, piano- like keyboards, patch cords, etc.** Recent advances in circuit technology and design allow several circuit parameters to be electronically controllable by * During the ' 6o's, the analog synthesizer scene was mostly dominated by the instruments of R. A. Moog, operating on the East coast, and D. Buchla, on the West coast. In recent years, encouraged by the enormous progress of technology, other firms have joined in this venture, so that the market today offers more than half a dozen lines of synthesizers, spanning a wide range of quality, complexity, and price. Besides MOOG and BUCHLA, other synthesizers widely known today are ARP and PUTNEY. ** Because of the strong competition, most synthesizer manufacturers neither publicize their designs nor provide circuit schematics with the pur- chase of their equipment. To the author's knowledge, the only comprehensive exposition of analog synthesis concepts and design techniques available to date is offered in the papers by R. A. Moog (see references 2, 3). 2 3 voltage signals. ' Hence, certain control responsibilities can be removed from the operator and built into the system by having some circuits control parameters of the others directly. In spite of this, a considerable amount of manual operation is still required of the performer, mostly in the form h 5 of knob turning and dial setting. ' With lack of sophistication and flexibility in the control of the musical parameters, the amount of influence the musician can exert upon his instrument in real-time is rather limited. This broadening of the gap between amount of control required and conditions for its implementation results in a further aggravation of the basic dilemma of the improvisational process already dis- cussed. Much more powerful than analog synthesizers, both in terms of parameter richness and control sophistication, are musical systems based on digital computers. Here, under the direction of appropriate programs, a computer is instructed to simulate a series of instrument building blocks, such as digital oscillators, filters, adders, multipliers, attack generators, etc., from which the musician assembles the instruments for his musical piece. The computer calculates and outputs the desired sound waves in binary sampled-data form. Hence, D/A converters must be used to convert the samples into electrical pulses, and appropriate low-pass filters are needed to smooth the pulses and produce the continuously varying electrical voltages suitable for driving a system of loudspeakers. With the power of modern digital computers it is not difficult to envision the synthesis of virtually any sound that could come from a loudspeaker, which is a fairly general sound source available today. Therefore, the sound qualities obtainable by the computer method span a much richer range than in the case of analog synthesizers. Having at his disposal the resources of a whole computer, the musician can also make use of much more sophisticated algorithms for the control of musical parameters and the organization of compositional elements. However, when it comes to real-time performance capabilities, computers, like analog synthesizers, suffer from severe limitations, albeit of a dif- 7 ferent nature. Apart from time delays determined by the particular mode of operation of the computing center — batch processing, off-line D/A conversion, etc. — there are certain limitations which are inherent to the computer itself. Since the computer is actually controlling the air-pressure that is coming directly from the loudspeaker, it must reconstruct every minute portion of the acoustic waveform of the final sound, a computational task that involves not only a lot of resources, but also a lot of time. While with analog syn- thesizers the generation of waveshapes in the audio range is a rather trivial matter that presents no real-time problems, with computers this same task becomes the most demanding in terms of resources and computation time. Thus, even if the musician had at his disposal a dedicated, general -purpose computer and was allowed to communicate with it in an interactive mode, there is very little he could do in real-time, just because the computer is unable to keep up with all the computations that need to be carried out on that time scale.* If we could somehow relieve the computer from the burden of computing the waveshape samples, and were to use it only to control the perceptual characteristics of musical sounds like timbres, pitches, durations, loudness crescendi, tempi, etc., then it would certainly be able to keep up with the 7 necessary computations in real-time. This is so because the rates at which these psychological events occur or change are much lower than the rates at which the air-pressure vibrates. * For a more detailed description of the equipment and techniques avail- able to the electronic musician today, see ref. 8. To conclude, it seems that digital systems are particularly suited to musical parameter control in real-time, while their real-time capabilities for sound synthesis are rather limited. Analog synthesizers, on the other hand, while incorporating only rudimentary facilities for parameter control, can cope very easily with the generation and modification of acoustic wave- shapes in real-time, although the ranges in sound quality are not as rich as in digital synthesis. If one could improve the sophistication of analog sound generators, it would seem that a satisfactory musical system with real-time performance capabilities can be arrived at by hybrid techniques, where analog circuitry is used primarily for sound generation, and digital circuitry is devoted to parameter control. This, indeed, is the idea at the basis of the system to be described next. 1. 3 General Concept of New Instrument . If the assurance of a real-time interaction between composer/performer and instrument is to be the primary objective, two conditions must be met: both operator and machine must be capable of carrying out their respective tasks in real-time. Real-time capabilities for the machine are achieved by resorting to a hybrid configuration, as mentioned in the previous section. Thus, the genera- tion of sounds and, in general, the performance of those tasks that, because of the great amount of computation associated with them, take too long with digital computers, are assigned to analog circuitry. The exercise of control, on the other hand, is carried out more efficiently with digital circuitry. To make parameter control possible, the characteristics of analog circuits are externally programmable. The programming is done directly by the digital por- tion of the system, under the control supervision of the composer /performer. Knowing the limitations of analog synthesis with respect to sound quality, one may argue that a hybrid system, as far as this musical feature is concerned, is going to be limited at least by the extent to which the analog portion is. This is indeed true. However, with the help of state-of-the-art technology and careful design, the sophistication of sound generating and modifying cir- cuitry can be improved considerably. A constant effort in this direction has been made throughout the development of the system, from the design of the pitch generators to the design of the timbre control, loudness control, sound distribution system, and others. Due to the presence of analog circuitry another problem arises, namely, parameter stability. The human ear is very sensitive to effects that result from subtle relationships and proportions among certain musical quantities: tuning, beats, dissonances, simultaneity of events, etc. These psychoacoustical factors make a severe demand upon analog circuit performance, a problem usually not so serious in all -digital systems. In order to alleviate these shortcomings as much as possible, par- ticular emphasis has been placed on the maximization of accuracy and stability, especially where the demand for these features is more critical. Once the conditions for real-time operation of the machine are satisfied, we must ensure that the human operator, too, be able to keep up with his tasks on the improvisational time-scale. For this to be possible, he must be relieved of the burden of too much control detail, which requires an amount of activity that is usually incommensurate with human efficiency. Human opera- tion in real-time can be best achieved if the relationship of the performer/ composer to the system is like that of a conductor to his orchestra, rather than that of a player to his instrument. Instead of taking care of every elemental musical constituent, as one would normally do with electronic music instruments and, to a lesser extent, with traditional instruments, the impro- viser should mainly limit himself to the activity of steering, guiding, and e influencing the evolution of a system that is already, so to speak, capable of playing by itself. If the performer is to expect such a degree of cooperation from the sys- tem, the latter must be provided with the capability of controlling its own parameters automatically. The dynamic control of compositional elements — be it automatic or under the immediate responsibility of the operator — requires the generation of a continuous stream of binary information. Information for atuomatic control is generated within the system by means of binary sequence generators based on feedback shift-registers and read-write memories. Besides being capable of automatic control, the system must also be re- ceptive to some form of external control from the operator. Since our goal is that of relieving the latter from too much control detail, the compositional elements that are best suited to the direct control of the improviser, both in terms of their musical significance and the associated data rate, are those affecting music at the macrostructural level. The control of microstructural elements, such as individual fluctuations in the perceptual characteristics of sounds, involves a data rate that is generally too high in relation to human capabilities in real-time, and is therefore handled more efficiently by the system itself. The operator, however, can still affect microstructural elements indirectly through the usage of the control power he has at the macro- structural level. The above concepts can be better illustrated by examining the stream of control information involved in the production of a typical musical piece. As already mentioned, the dynamic control of perceptual characteristics of sounds is handled with sequences of binary control words. Typically, per- ceptual characteristics fluctuate at rates of the order of 1 to 100 times per second, which clearly shows that the operator can hardly keep up with the 9 associated data rate, especially if several perceptual parameters are to be controlled simultaneously. Hence, the generation of this type of control sequences is delegated to the system, which can certainly keep up with the required rate without difficulties. Examination of the stream of information over a longer period of time, as, for instance, over the span of a complete musical gesture, is likely to reveal the presence of another class of fluctuations which affect the infor- mation at the level of entire sequences. Sequence rests and activations, fluctuations of sequence lengths and rates, changes in the ranges spanned by sequence data words are examples of this class of macroscopic, or second- order fluctuations which affect music at a higher level of structural com- plexity. The manipulation of macrostructural elements itself presupposes the need for a corresponding class of control sequences to carry out the task, thereby leading to the notion of sequences controlling other sequences. Owing to the multilevel structural complexity of music, the chain of sequences controlling sequences of the level below can be expanded further. However, we need not elaborate on this topic here, as our goal is directed solely to pointing out the real-time implications of such a distinction between dif- ferent classes of sequences. In this respect, what characterizes macroscopic fluctuations is the lower rate at which they take place, which may be typically of the order of one event every 1 to 100 seconds. This is of the same order of magnitude of the rate at which a human can comfortably perform control actions in real-time. Therefore, it seems rather appropriate to give the performer direct access to the control of this class of fluctuations. It may be noted, in passing, that the notion of sequences controlling other sequences allows a more uniform treatment of control and a higher degree of standardiza- tion in circuit design and implementation. 10 The generation of sequences for the control of macrostructural fluctua- tions need not be a prerogative of the performer exclusively. Indeed, in the course of an improvisation he may be willing to seek the automatic co- operation of the system in carrying out even this type of task. To ensure maximum flexibility, it is desirable that the balance between man and machine be allowed to vary continuously and under the control of the operator himself. This feature brings about a distinction between automatic and manual informa- tion which is instrumental in the design concept of the system. The first refers to the information produced within the system by sequence generators, as already mentioned. The second refers to the information that the operator feeds into the system through the input interface. Whether at any moment a given compositional element is to be controlled automatically or manually is decided by the performer with the aid of a simple information-steering device. l.U System Organization . Figure 1 shows an overall system block diagram. Both in analog and digi- tal terms the instrument can be partitioned into four distinct layers or sub- systems. These subsystems, however, are not totally independent of each other, since they are allowed to share common resources, to exchange infor- mation, and to be put in hierarchical relationships with respect to each other. This system partition is intended to reflect the musical notion of four distinct orchestras which can play together and interact in a variety of ways and at different levels. As a result, the performer is given more flexibility in achieving contrasting musical situations than with a mono- lithic, homogeneous system. A common resource that is always allocated to one orchestra at a time is the control panel, which constitutes the interface between performer and instrument. The panel consists of an array of touch-sensitive switches with 11 < < K K 1- 1- (O UJ O UJ iH X I o o or oe o o I Ht f o: q: UJ UJ X X UJ UJ _l _L Q. aAp _i 3 _J 3 5 s UJ o -p o 0) p -p O -P I CD CD • ,3 p T* O £ CD ^h -H -p P >» a . 4J O I '£ c ^ ai Q) MHO) 5) U P •iH Q ^ O A! fc o o H • pq u CD a & CD p P o w :>>,£ cd cd H bO cd o 3 3 bD •H 12 memory, and a corresponding array of light indicators to display the switch states. The array of touch-switches* acts as a buffer memory to handle the digital information flowing between operator and instrument. The control panel serves a twofold purpose: to give the operator a means for setting up his control information in the proper digital format for input into the system, and to allow the monitoring of certain information generated within the system, via the light indicators. Thus, the states of the touch-switches can be con- trolled in a mutually exclusive manner, either by the operator or by the sys- tem, and the proper information routing is done by the operator. Due to the large number of switches required to perform all the desired control functions, it is more practical to have a control panel with just the array of switches and lights required by one orchestra only, and to time- share the usage of the array among all four orchestras. Hence, facilities are provided for demultiplexing the information flowing between the panel and the four subsystems, and for multiplexing the data traveling in the opposite direction.** The time-sharing of the panel not only results in reduced cost and size, but also introduces more clarity and order in the control activity of the performer. The basic timing of the various control functions is governed by four digitally-controlled oscillators (or clocks), one for each orchestra. Dif- ferent control functions, even if pertaining to the same orchestra, in general require different timing scales and different timing configurations, depending on their musical significance. Hence, each basic oscillator must be properly scaled and processed in order to obtain all the desired subtiming signals. * The design of the touch-switch, which is centered around a pair of cross-coupled NAND gates with high-beta transistor input buffers, is due to Dr. J. Divilbiss. ** The Multiplexer/Demultiplexer was designed by T. Noggle and R. Borovec, 13 The simplest mode of operation is the one in which all four "basic clocks run independently of each other and, therefore, each orchestra plays accord- ing to its own tempo. Provisions are made, however, for the slaving of clocks to each other according to certain rules, so that the timing systems of dif- ferent orchestras can be put in hierarchical relationships. A meaningful slaving rule,* although not the only one, is that in which, with the clocks numbered in ascending order, say from to 3, each clock can be slaved to any one or combination of the lower -numbered ones, but not to any of the higher-numbered ones, as shown in Figure 2. Thus, clock 2, for instance, can run independently, or can be slaved to clock 1, or to clock 0, or to clocks 1 and 0, but not to clock 3. The programming of slaving patterns offers a good example of manual vs. automatic information usage. Whether at any moment a given clock is or is not to be slaved to one of the other eligible clocks is decided either directly by the performer, or automatically by the system. It is the performer, however, who selects the mode of operation, that is, who decides whether the slaving is to be controlled manually or automat- ically. This mechanism is readily implemented in terms of 2-to-l data selec- tors. Since the automatic control of the hierarchical slaving is a decisional problem that encompasses the individual orchestras, the system is provided with a supervisor control unit to carry out this and other tasks of similar type. The basic timing for this unit itself is derived from a combination of the four clocks already mentioned. Each of the four orchestras consists of two general -purpose instruments, or voices, as they are called in electronic music jargon. Two of the orches- tras include also a percussion ensemble of l6 instruments each. * Conceived by S. Martirano. Ill Figure 2. Clock Hierarchy. 15 A voice module is shown in block diagram form in Figure 3. It consists of a Frequency Synthesis device for the manipulation of pitches; a dual Digital Waveshape Generator for the programming of timbres ; a Mixer/Modulator and a Programmable Filter for the dynamic control of tonal characteristics; an Attenuator/Locator for the instrumental as well as spatial characteriza- tion of sounds. The eight voice modules are coupled with each other in a variety of ways , so that , under command from the control system — be it manual or auto- matic — the electronic signals associated with one voice device can be uti- lized to modulate parameters of others. For instance, one waveshape may be used to modulate the amplitude, the pitch, or the timbre of another. This form of analog parameter control is a feature that the system offers in addition to the digital form of control already mentioned. Indeed, since the whole system is hybrid, it comes as no surprise that control can be exercised in digital as well as in analog form whenever this is possible and musically effective. Although percussive sounds can be readily synthesized by properly pro- gramming the parameters of voice modules, they are actually generated sepa- rately by means of simpler, special-purpose circuitry. This solution is intended to reduce the overload of the voice modules, so that they can be more efficiently allocated to the synthesis of sounds of higher complexity. Almost all circuits are dc coupled, a feature that allows a certain amount of circuit standardization. Thus, the basic clocks are nothing else but waveshape generators as in the voice modules, the only difference being in the values of timing capacitors, which are properly scaled in order to obtain the desired parameter ranges. In this case the Frequency Synthesis device serves the purpose of controlling durations and associated timing functions, while the sub-audio waveshapes here obtained are utilized to 16 WAVESHAPE GENERATOR FREQUENCY SYNTHESIS PROGRAMMABLE MIXER/MODULATOR PROGRAMMABLE FILTER PROGRAMMABLE ATTENUATOR/LOCATOR WAVESHAPE GENERATOR t t I T QUADRAPHONIC OUTPUTS Figure 3- Voice Module Block Diagram. IT control slow-changing musical effects and parameters like crescendi, glis- sandi, transpositions, timbres, portamento, etc. (Figure k) . Another resource shared by all four orchestras is the output system which carries the sounds created within the instrument to the outside world. For performances confined to a limited space or for studio recordings , the instru- ment operates in a quadraphonic mode. Each orchestra controls the directional- ity of its sounds dynamically by continuously programming their distribution among the four channels. This task is carried out by means of programmable joystick-like devices, which constitute part of the Attenuator/Locator appear- ing in the block diagram of Figure 3. Facilities are also provided for the control of the depth of sounds, besides their directionality, through the use of programmable artificial reverberation. For performances taking place in a concert hall, the spatial resolution of the quadraphonic system can be made more subtle and sophisticated by resort- ing to a larger number of loudspeakers properly distributed among the audience. In this case, the output system is switched to an alternative mode of opera- tion which involves the use of 2k loudspeakers having k input channels each — one for each orchestra — for a total of 96 channels, as shown in Figure 5. The presence or absence of sound on any of these channels is controlled by a corresponding audio gate. Thus, every orchestra can control the routing of its own sounds to any combination of the 2k loudspeakers according to patterns that can be programmed directly by the performer on the control panel. Such spatial effects as sound travel and spatial dialogues can be easily imple- mented with this type of sound distribution. 18 SEQUENCE CLOCKING PROGRAMMABLE BINARY SEQUENCE GENERATOR \7 SUB-AUDIO FREQUENCY SYNTHESIS SUB-AUDIO WAVESHAPE GENERATOR DURATION CLOCK SUB-AUDIO WAVESHAPE Figure h. Duration Clock Generation for One Orchestra. 19 OUTPUTS FROM FOUR ORCHESTRAS V V V V AUDIO GATES LOUDSPEAKERS vV\ N #1 I I I I I I I I I o _j < < x o Q Q gf 1- K Eg GQ I CO o f -J ~ H h S k O CD >- CO >- t Z •" i cc i tr 2 UJ < ui or tr z tr ui *S i o * 5 o 3 z X UJ x (jj a. o UJ cm 5 oj 5 x o ro ro UJ _J t £ * 2 o cc K r- H ^ < < — r- ^^ i 'v CQ Z 1 3 < -1 -J O m o UJ (/) o cr o 22 O CD CD CD a o En O CD •H 23 The shape of the wave emerging from the filter is determined by the information residing in memory. Being provided with read/write capabilities, the memory can "be reprogrammed at will to accommodate new waveshapes. Hence, the same basic circuitry lends itself rather easily to the generation of a rich family of harmonic tones. Usually a memory-write operation results in an abrupt change from one waveshape to another. From the viewpoint of tonal control, however, it is generally desirable that waveshapes undergo smooth transitions, although abrupt changes may be occasionally acceptable as an option. If the initial and final waveshapes are available simultaneously, a smooth transition between the two can be easily implemented in analog fashion by means of a continuously programmable mixer. The simultaneous generation of two waveshapes is achieved by using two separate memories instead of one. To ensure that the waves emerging from the corresponding D/A converters have identical pitch, albeit different shapes, both memories are addressed by the same counter. The two waveforms are then fed to the analog mixer where they are combined in programmable, complementary percentages. Thus, the applica- tion of a linear sweep to the mixer programming input causes the emerging waveshape to undergo a smooth glide from one of the incoming waveshapes to the other. At the beginning or at the end of a sweep, therefore, the contri- bution to the mixer output comes entirely from one of the two memories, while the contribution from the other is under complete attenuation by the mixer itself. By allowing either memory to be updated only when its contribution is totally attenuated, the discontinuities associated with memory-write operations are always kept below audibility. Consequently, the listener perceives waveshape changes only in the form of smooth transitions. 2U This technique of dynamic spectral control can be put to good use, among others, for enhancing the expressiveness of synthesized sounds. It has long been recognized that electronic sounds generally lack the warmth and life that characterize natural sounds. To a large extent this dif- ference stems from the fact that the spectral structure of a natural sound Q changes considerably in the course of its duration, however brief it may be. While computer sound generation does not lack effective approaches to the problem of spectral control, the techniques employed in analog synthesis are somewhat artificial and unsatisfactory. It is seen that the hybrid approach to sound synthesis here adopted allows for flexible control over the dynamics of audio spectra. The versatility of the waveshape generator can be further expanded by allowing for alternative modes of memory read/write control. Thus, facili- ties are provided for overriding the constraints illustrated above and for updating a memory even when the corresponding output is not necessarily under complete attenuation by the mixer. This option is particularly useful in view of the fact that , when in the write-mode , the information present at the data inputs of the memories here used is transferred directly to the sense outputs. If the input information is derived, for instance, from a pseudo- random binary generator, then one obtains colored noise, and the amount of coloring can be easily controlled with the programmable, low-pass filter available at the output. By forcing only one of the memories into the write mode while the other is allowed to proceed in the usual way, the mixer output consists of pitched noise, and the amount of pitching can be programmed to arbitrary values with the aid of the mixer itself. These options can be properly exploited for the creation of a variety of special effects, as will be discussed in more detail below. Also below, 25 it will be shown how the mixer, besides serving the purposes illustrated above, can be used to implement various forms of amplitude modulation, there- by expanding the class of available sounds to include anharmonic ones. 2.2 Pitch Control . The purpose of the pitch control circuit, as shown in Figure 7, is the generation of a voltage signal in the range to +10V, which will ultimately be mapped into a pitch in the audio range. Seven bits of information yield 128 different pitches which, in the basic mode of operation, implement an equitempered scale of 12 tones per octave. Besides this basic mode, the system can operate also with l6, 20, or a variable number of equitempered tones per octave. The variable number can be any integer or non-integer value between l6 and 20. All of these options could be readily implemented by means of a multiplying D/A converter, However, because of the still prohibitive prices of these devices at the time of design — 1972 — a D/A converter of fixed full-scale was used instead, and the proper scales are obtained with the help of a digitally -programmable amplifier in conjunction with an external, variable-transconductance , analog multiplier. Independently of the equitempered mode in which the system is operating, the circuit also incorporates inputs for uniform pitch transposi- tion and for frequency modulation. The reference voltage to set the scale of the D/A converter as well as the scales of the circuits to be described in the following two section are derived from the temperature-compensated 10V voltage source internal to the D/A converter itself. 2.3 Exponential Current Generation . Owing to the fact that the frequency intervals of interest in music form a geometric rather than an arithmetic progression, the linear domain 26 CE u m C/1< CO IS o -* CO T<-> cr oo h- 5 00 Q O r-H o -. r- 1 O O o - fH H O Jh -P C O o o -p •H 27 of the pitch control-voltage just discussed must be mapped into an exponen- tial domain. This conversion is accomplished by exploiting the relationship between collector current I_ and voltage drop v^„ across the base-emitter junction of a silicon transitor, which is expressed by the well known for- , 11,12 mula I c = a F I Eg [exp (qv BE /kT) - l] . (l) Here a„ is the forward, short-circuit current gain, common base; I is the r lib emitter saturation current; q the electron charge; k Boltzmann's constant; T the absolute temperature. The dynamic range of interest for pitches is about 3 decades, or 10 octaves. For reasons that will become apparent later, the corresponding range for exponential current I has been chosen to lie between 1 uA and 1 mA. For a high-beta transistor operating over this range, Equation (l) can be replaced, at the price of negligible error, by the truly exponential relation I c = I Eg exp (qv BE /kT) . (2) Since the human ear is extremely sensitive to pitches out of tune, the utmost care must be exercised to ensure a stable and accurate exponential generation. Thus, compensation for temperature variations of I c is achieved by resorting to a pair of transistors lying on the same substrate and, there- 12 fore, satisfying the conditions for close matching and thermal coupling. As shown in Figure 8, the exponential conversion proper is done by transistor Q3. Transistor QH , being driven at constant current by regulator Al , develops a base-to-emitter voltage drop which is also constant, apart from temperature variations tracking analogous variations in Q3. Thus QU provides the appro- priate low-impedance, temperature-tracking emitter drive for exponential generator Q3 . p _ > H CM O + CL — 28 £ > ° 2 O cr -© Hi' a: o i- < a: UJ z UJ o UJ z o a. x n* o 13 CD c o -p c CD o •H -P c a; (3 o I 0) m a CO I c_> I CO 13 a; & v CO 0) ■H 29 Compensation for temperature variations of I does not eliminate thermal fluctuations entirely, however. As Equation (2) shows, I still depends on T through the exponential term. To minimize this last source of instability, the temperature of the transistors' substrate is maintained constant by another regulator circuit. The RCA 30h6 transistor array, be- sides the pair assigned to the exponential function generation, includes three additional transistors. One of these, Q5 , is connected as a diode and is used by external regulator A2 to sense the IC substrate temperature. The remaining two, Ql and Q2 , merely dissipate power in order to keep the substrate temperature constant at a value set by external trimpot R6. This value is chosen so that the quiescent power dissipated by Ql and Q2 into the substrate, at normal ambient temperature, is half its maximum. Transistors Ql and Q2 draw about 30 mA of current and operate in a constant-current mode in order to avoid large load changes for the positive power supply. Having minimized thermal instability, there remains one last source of error to be taken care of. This is introduced by the bulk resistance r„ of hi the emitter region of Q3 , which causes the junction voltage v to differ Bhi from the voltage V actually measured between base and emitter terminals, by the amount r„I_. If this fact is taken into account, then Equation (2) ill O becomes I c = I £S exp [q(V £E - r £ I c )/kT] , which shows that the relationship between I and V is not truly exponential. As r is only of the order of 10 ohms, the bulk voltage r I p is inconsequential in the lower part of the I range. Not so in the upper portion of the range, where, for instance, r_I_ is no longer negligible in comparison with a V^^ ill L, kit, excursion of about 18 mV, which is the amount typically required to effect a change of one octave in I„. v 30 This source of inaccuracy can be compensated for by applying a correc- tive voltage of magnitude r I either to the base of Q3, in the positive direction, or to the base of Ql+ , in the negative direction. As a negative voltage proportional to I is already being developed across emitter resis- tor R3, the desired correction is achieved merely by scaling such voltage down and by feeding it to the base of QU, a task accomplished by resistor divider Rh and R5. Trimmers Rl and R2 set the width and the base of the I range respec- tively. Zener diode Dl clamps the upper value of I in the case of input overdrive, and acts therefore as a filter for pitches beyond approximately 20 kHz. To avoid accuracy degradation, the exponential generator is buffered to the subsequent stage by high-beta, common-base transistor Q6. 2.k Relaxation Oscillator . The task of this stage is to convert the exponential current into a proportional frequency which in turn is used to drive the counter address- ing the memory. In order for the final waveshape to lie in the audio range, the counter must count N times as fast as the intended audio frequency, where N is the modulus of the counter. As the counter used is five bits long, this means the exponential frequency must lie approximately between 6k0 Hz and 6h0 kHz, a range which presents unusual problems if accuracy is to be our primary objective. Current-to-frequency conversion is achieved by means of the relaxation oscillator shown in Figure 9« Assuming for a moment that Rl = and capaci- tor C is discharged, current I., charges C and causes the voltage at the lower side of C to decrease from the initial value of 6.2 V. This voltage is buffered by the high input-impedance, unity-gain, FET amplifier to comparator Al which compares it with a threshold voltage of 1.9 V as set by resistor 31 IT) -^ — vw o H H •H O w o o •H 13 H 0) K o\ 3 •H p-4 32 divider R2 and R3. As the capacitor voltage hits the threshold, Al triggers the one-shot which in turn causes switch Ql to close and discharge C. The delay-constant of the one-shot is about 150 ns , which is long enough to allow for the complete discharge of C by Ql. After the one-shot time-out, switch Ql is opened again and the cycle is repeated. The introduction of the one-shot between Al and Ql serves the purpose of establishing a reliable delay between the triggering of Al and the initiation of a new cycle. Thus, fluctuations of the time taken by Ql to discharge C are completely masked by the stable delay-constant of the one- shot. The overall delay t occurring between the triggering of Al and the be- ginning of a new cycle, although inconsequential at low frequencies, is no longer negligible in the upper frequency range, where periods are of the order of microseconds. This fact causes the relationship between output frequency and input current I to be no longer linear. The error intro- duced by the presence of x can be compensated for by causing comparator Al to trigger a time t prematurely, so that the overall duration of a cycle can be restored to its proper value. Such compensating action is performed by resistor Rl. Being driven by current I , Rl develops voltage drop Rl'I- in series with the voltage across capacitor C. If V is the capacitor voltage that causes Al to trigger, then 6.2 V - V - Rl • I = 1.9 V . The time T it takes to charge C to voltage V at constant current I is T c ■ c • \ n c ■ Elimination of V yields T Q = U.3 ' C/I c - Rl • C . 33 The duration T of an entire cycle is then T=T+x=U.3- C/I - Rl • C + t . By choosing Rl so that Rl = t/C, the frequency f = l/T becomes f = I C /(U.3 ' C), i.e. , the frequency is linearly related to current I over the whole range. It is worth noticing that, to a first-order approximation, the error contributed to f by x is of the same type as the error contributed by the exponential generator bulk-resistance r , as a series expansion of the cor- responding formulas will quickly reveal. Thus, rather than having a separate trimpot for the bulk-resistance compensation, a fixed resistor divider was used there, and the final overall trimming for both compensations is done by means of Rl alone. In order to maintain the fluctuations of stray-capacitances negligible in comparison with the value of capacitor C, the latter should be chosen as large as possible. The larger the capacitor, however, the larger must be current I , in order to obtain the prescribed frequency range, and this is undesirable in view of the error caused by bulk-resistance r-g. A compromise was achieved by choosing C = 330 pF and I in the range 1 yA to 1 mA. To improve noise and jitter immunity, comparator Al drives the one-shot through its Schmitt -trigger input, and Al itself is connected as a Schmitt- trigger by virtue of diode Dl. Transistor Q3 serves the purpose of interfacing the one-shot to switch Ql, while transistor Q2 ensures proper start when power is turned on. The overall accuracy of the oscillator frequency vs. pitch-voltage ex- ponential relationship was measured to be better than + .2% over the pre- scribed three decades of range. This figure is about l/30th of a semitone in the conventional scale. 3k 2.5 Digital Waveshape Generation . Because of the discretization introduced by the sampling technique, the control of tonal qualities can be exercised only over a limited bandwidth. According to the well known sampling theorem, the order of the highest har- monic that can still be represented with the sampling process equals half the number of samples contained within one waveshape period. Thus, if the harmonic generator is to span a wide tonal scope, the number of sampling intervals should be as large as possible. A high sampling density, however, requires a commensurably high frequency for the sequential scan of memory as well as a large memory size to accommodate the samples. As it has already been pointed out in connection with the relaxation oscillator, the accurate generation of an exponential frequency over a range of three decades becomes more and more difficult as the range is shifted in the direction of higher frequencies. A compromise has been achieved with the choice of a time resolu- tion of 32 samples per period and an amplitude resolution of l6 levels per sample. As the tonal bandwidth is determined solely by the number of sam- ples, the amplitude resolution need not be as high as the time resolution. It should be noted, however, that the presence of the mixer results in an effective increase of the amplitude resolution because it allows for the programming of arbitrary ratios between corresponding samples of the incoming waveshapes. With the above specifications, the realization of a digital waveshape generator requires four SNT^89 IC bipolar memories, as shown in Figure 10. The open-collector memory outputs are fed to simple diode-resistor D/A con- verters which generate the low-level analog signals — to approximately +32 un- suitable for driving the programmable mixer. The inputs to the mixer are provided in balanced form to eliminate the d.c. offset of about l6 mV a. « \- < lOuiO X H- < + 8§5 35 WV 8 eg I -w< — ||i , Q t 2 -w/v— ? ? $ 1* s Am z * o -VW f o CM O to -V/w- 0> CD o — wv- 2 z o I -VNA 1 § S 5> $ o en i— VW- N ao -VW 1 ao I a* OD n cci a} -p •H bo •H Q o H 0) bO •H P4 si cc 36 introduced by the D/A converters and also to compensate for possible offsets caused by mismatches between the input transistors of the mixer. Figure 10 also shows the circuitry involved in the control of memory read/write operations. The pair of LM 301 comparators with TTL-compatible outputs constitutes a window detector having thresholds of IV and 9V re- spectively. The detector continuously monitors the mixer programming vol- tage w and allows either pair of memories to be updated only when the cor- responding output is under complete attenuation by the mixer. Input v. is attenuated when w is above 9V and input v when w is below IV. When w lies inside the window, neither signal is completely attenuated and memory up- dating is inhibited. This mode of operation is particularly desirable for the production of continuous, smooth waveshape changes and is selected by setting control bits CI and C2 both to logic 0. When C1C2 = 01, memory-write operations are inhibited altogether, re- gardless of the window detector response. This mode is useful for amplitude modulation, as will be discussed in more detail in connection with the mixer. Such an effect is implemented by programming the mixer with a modulat- ing signal which causes the output waveshape to glide repetitively back and forth between the two waveforms trapped in the respective memories. When C1C2 = 10, the read/write mode of the upper memory pair is con- trolled by the corresponding comparator in the usual way, while the other comparator is overridden and the lower memory pair is permanently forced into the write mode. This control state offers the option of bypassing one of the memory pairs, so that the information present at the data inputs can be injected directly into the mixer, via the D/A converter, where it is then combined with the waveshape emerging from the other memory pair. This option is made possible by the fact that the SNT^89 memories, when the write mode 37 is enabled, display at the sense outputs the same information — albeit in complemented form — that appears at the data inputs. The usefulness of this control state is typified by the generation of pitched noise, which is easily achieved by driving the memory data inputs with a pseudo -random, binary number generator and by setting C1C2 = 10. The presence of the mixer allows for the programming of arbitrary amounts of pitching, while the output low-pass filter can be exploited to impart different types of coloration to the sound emerging from the mixer. The class of sounds thus obtained is particularly useful in the synthesis of percussive sounds of the crash-cymbals or snare-drums type, or in the crea- tion of special effects like steam gushings, surf surges, etc. The control state C1C2 = 11 puts both memory pairs into the write mode and causes them to be loaded with the same information. This mode is useful for amplitude modulation with carrier suppression, as will be discussed in more detail in connection with the mixer. The information to be loaded into the memories during write-operations is normally derived from a central, pseudo-random, binary number generator. Since the amount of hardware and control is kept to a bare minimum, this form of information generation offers the significant advantages of simplicity and economy. It also offers a more unified approach to sound synthesis in that the same circuitry can be used for the generation of harmonic as well as noise-like sounds. Although this method, in conjunction with the control options illustrated above, has proven quite adequate to span a vast range of improvisational situations, there are circumstances which ask for a strictly deterministic approach to the generation of waveshape information. To handle these situations, a central memory bank is provided, where the information pertaining to the waveshapes of interest is stored and made available for 38 consumption by any of the harmonic generators. Thus, additional steering and control facilities are provided for bypassing the binary noise-generator and for properly routing the desired information. A typical example of this class of situations is offered by the synthesis of speech-like sounds. Being harmonic to a considerable degree, human vowels are particularly suited to the digitized synthesis technique here described. Since each vowel has a predetermined waveshape, the associated digital infor- mation is stored in a central read-only memory from where it can be loaded, upon request, into any of the peripheral waveshape generator memories. It is worth pointing out, in passing, that the presence of the programmable mixer offers a rather simple means for the generation of diphthongs, and that the control options associated with pitched and colored noise can be put to good use for the synthesis of a number of fricative consonants. 2.6 Programmable Mixer/Modulator . The function of this circuit is to mix two input signals v and v in A is complementary percentages , with the mixing ratio being programmable by an external control voltage w. Thus, if v_ denotes the mixer output, the de- sired transfer function is v Q = (w/10 V) v A + (1 - w/10 V) v B , ' where control-voltage w spans the range to +10 V. As shown in Figure 11, the mixer is centered around two variable- trans conductance transistor pairs, very much like present day four-quadrant 13 lU IC multipliers. ' However, unlike in a multiplier, the inputs to the transistor pairs are kept separate and their collectors are connected in phase. The bias current for powering the transconductance elements is pro- vided by current generator Q8. After going through differential pair Q3/Q6, this current is split into two complementary components which bias 39 u o 3 o 2! 0) •H s H ■3 u w o ■H z I- cr LU > Z a. z 1 < > z 1 z z CONTROL INPUT w OTO +10 V) ODULATING INPUT (±5V) i*o transconductance pairs Q1/Q2 and Q^/Q5 independently. As the gain of a transconductance element is proportional to its bias current, the relative contributions of the two pairs to the common output are determined by the ratio of the respective bias currents. Hence, the mixing ratio can be easily controlled by programming current splitter Q3/Q6. The circuit parameters have been chosen so that a control -volt age span of 10 volts slightly overdrives the current splitter. This precaution en- sures that at the edges of the control range one of the transistors of the current splitter is completely cut off and the corresponding transconductance element brings no contribution to the mixer output. The transitions from linear to saturating regions occur around 1 V and 9 V respectively, and take place smoothly by virtue of the knee exhibited by the base-emitter junction characteristics of Q3 and Q6. The nature of the input stage of the programmable low-pass filter, to be discussed below, allows for the balanced output lines of the mixer to be fed directly to the filter with no need for additional interface circuitry. Owing to the inherent multiplicative capabilities of the mixer, the areas of application of this device can be further expanded to include vari- ous forms of amplitude modulation. To this end, in addition to the input for control voltage w, another terminal is provided for applying the modulating signal. Both inputs are then added together by common-base transistor Q7- When the circuit is operated as a modulator, waveshape updating is usually inhibited (C1C2 = 01), owing to the fact that the purpose of the win- dow detector is defeated by the presence of the modulating signal. The type of modulation most commonly obtained is without carrier suppression, since the circuit is basically a two-quadrant multiplier. However, the carrier can be suppressed by having v. = -v_. and by d.c. offsetting the modulating signal by 5 V, as can be readily verified from the mixer transfer function. Ill These conditions are achieved by first setting control state C1C2 = 11, which causes "both memory pairs to he loaded with the same waveshape. Subsequently, control bit CI is changed to zero, while w is being set to +5 V. The required phase inversion of one of the waveshapes is ensured by the fact that the balanced outputs from the corresponding D/A converter are wired interchanged to the mixer. This asymmetry does not disturb the other control modes since the phases with which waveshapes are loaded into memories are immaterial. h2 III. ELECTRONICALLY PROGRAMMABLE FILTERS A filter is electronically programmable if its characteristics — corner or center frequency, damping factor, etc. — can be altered by means of external control signals. Although a considerable amount of work in the area of active filters of fixed or manually programmable characteristics has been going on for more than a decade now, electronically tunable filters have made their appearance only in very recent years. Filter parameter control is achieved by means of devices exhibiting some form of multiplicative capabilities. JFET voltage-controlled resistors, analog multipliers, ' and periodic- 19 20 switched filter networks with variable duty-cycle ' are examples of the multiplicative components and techniques being presently used. All of these methods, however, seem to suffer from one kind of limitation or another which restrict their useful ranges of operation to no more than a few octaves. The need for a filter of much wider programming range has led to the development of two building blocks which, when properly utilized in the syn- thesis of filters, allow for more than three decades of parameter control. A range of this width is made possible by the fact that the controlling sig- nals are currents, rather than voltages. Indeed, currents can be used to accurately represent analog variables over much wider ranges than voltages, a feature of present-day technology which never seems to be stressed enough. In fact, by exploiting the highly predictable relationship between collector current and base-to-emitter voltage drop of the silicon transistor, currents can be easily controlled over a number of decades, while ordinary voltage ranges are dynamically limited by temperature drift and other forms of noise. The heart of the filter blocks in question is a programmable transcon- ductance element, also referred to as an operational transconductance U3 amplifier, or OTA for short. The device resembles an ordinary operational amplifier in that is also has one output and two input ports, the polarity of the output signal being the same as that of the voltage at one of the in- put terminals, and opposite to that of the other. However, unlike opera- tional amplifiers, the OTA's output signal is a current, rather than a voltage, and the transfer characteristic — which has therefore the dimensions of a conductance — can be controlled externally by means of a current signal, also referred to as a bias current I . . Thus, in addition to the three signal -DXAo ports mentioned above, the OTA has a fourth control port for the application of Lm-.Q. The definition of the ideal OTA is illustrated in Figure 12. The filter building block to be described first is provided by the cir- cuit of Figure 13. Using Laplace transforms, V q = I Q /(sC) = g m (V + - V")/(sC) or V = (V + - V")/st o where t = C /gm = (0/K)/I BIAS . Thus the transfer function of the circuit is that of a bipolar integrator, with the constant of integration being externally programmable by means of I T . . This simple building block can be readily incorporated into filter 21 22 configurations based on integrators, like the state -variable or the biquad ♦ topologies. Then, by controlling I with an exponential current generator, r>U\.o the constant of integration, i.e. the natural frequency of the filter, can be readily varied over a wide dynamic range. As an example, Figure ik shows how two such integrators can be connected together to synthesize a filter which exhibits simultaneously a low-pass and a band-pass transfer function of constant bandwidth. By working with Laplace transforms in the manner indicated above, one can readily verify that kk BIAS z. = z. = z i i o ^ = g m (V+ " V_) g m = KI BIAS ' K = constant [gj = n _1 , [K] = V" 1 . Figure 12. Definition of Operational Trans conductance Amplifier (OTA) oV, ro BIAS Figure 13. Programmable Bipolar Integrator. h5 BIAS BIAS Figure ik . Two-integrator Programmable Filter BIAS Figure 15. Programmable Conductance , k6 and where V B.P. /V i = Sw o /(s2 + SW o /Q + W o 2) V T /V. = l/(s 2 + sa> /Q + co 2 ) , Li. x • 1 O O "6 " 1/T " KI BIAS /C is the natural frequency of the filter, and a /Q = 1/(CR) o is the constant bandwidth of the band-pass function. Resistor R has heen added to insert a loss and therefore ensure a non-zero damping factor. If R is omitted altogether, the circuit oscillates and, as such, it can be used as a programmable sine-wave oscillator with quadrature outputs. Conversely, the replacement of R with a programmable conductance, to be discussed below, offers the option of independent control over the Q or over the bandwidth of the filter. The other building block is offered by the feedback configuration of Figure 15. The behavior of this circuit can be concisely described by means of its y-parameters , which are y ll = y 12 = °' y 21 = - g m' y 22 = +g m ' However, its usefulness as a building block for the synthesis of programmable filters can be better visualized by considering its equivalent circuit, which is shown in Figure l6. The circuit consists of a current-controlled conduc- tance in series with a voltage follower to account for the infinite impedance as seen into port 1 of the original circuit. If two devices like the one of Figure 15 are connected in parallel but with the ports interchanged, the re- sulting circuit behaves like a programmable, floating conductance. Hence, it is a simple matter to replace some or all of the resistors of a given filter with programmable conductances and thus make the filter itself programmable. hi BIAS Figure l6. Equivalent Circuit for Figure 10. ViO BIAS BIAS BIAS Figure 17. Three-pole , maximally- flat , low-pass programmable filter, U8 In most cases of interest, however, a single OTA per resistor is suf- ficient, without the need for the parallel configuration just discussed, which requires two OTA's instead of one. Indeed, the high input-impedance presented by port 1, far from being a limitation or a nuisance, is often a desirable feature since it facilitates network coupling, and it can also be 23 exploited to improve filter sensitivity. Figure 17 shows one way of realizing a three-pole, maximally-flat, low- pass programmable filter with three conductance building blocks of the type just described. The filter uses also a unity-gain voltage follower to de- couple the output of the third OTA from the feedback capacitor and outside loads . Figure 18 shows a circuit realization of the operational transconduc- tance concept which could readily be put in integrated form since it involves circuit elements of well established feasibility in commercial linear IC's. The input stage, as in present-day analog multipliers, consists of a balanced voltage-to-current converter (Ql through QU ) and a diode compressor (Q5/Q6) to provide the appropriate base-drive for trans conductance pair Q7/Q8. This configuration results in a substantial improvement for the linearity of the transconductance pair, while drift and other noise factors 2k are also minimized. Because of its Darlington-connected, differential am- plifier configuration, the voltage-to-current converter presents a high input- impedance which allows for an OTA to drive other OTA's directly, as shown in Figures ih and IT. The balanced collector currents of transconductance pair QT/Q8 are con- verted into a single-ended difference output current by means of current- mirrors Q9/Q10/Q11, 012/013/01^, and Q15/Q16/Q17- To achieve high output- 25 impedance, these current-mirrors make use of the Wilson configuration. k9 u a) •H CH •H H I 0) o -p o o o EH O •H 13 dJ ft o CO •H 50 The value of K is established by the circuit parameters of the voltage-to- current converter — bias currents and amount of emitter degeneration. A con- venient parameter choice which conforms with present analog standards is the one which results in K = 1/(10 V). Although the complete circuit of Figure 18 is not available in inte- grated form, an IC OTA of similar concept but without the input converter and compressor is presently manufactured by RCA (CA3080). For this OTA im- plementation, K = q/2kT, so that, at room temperature, K - 19.2 • 10 V The CA3080 also requires that I flow into the current control terminal £S-LAb which is kept at a negative potential. The smoother for the harmonic tone generator has been realized with two CA3080 OTA's in the manner illustrated in Figure 19- This circuit realizes a two-pole, maximally-flat, low-pass programmable filter. Due to the absence of the voltage-to-current converter and diode compressor, signal conditioning at the OTA's inputs is achieved by means of resistor attenuators, as shown. The resistor values have been chosen so that the balanced outputs from the programmable mixer can be tied to the inputs of the first OTA directly, with- out the need for additional ancillary circuitry. Also, because of the finite impedance presented by the attenuators, the output from each OTA must be buffered by a high input -impedance decoupler. This task is performed by the pair of FET-transistor source followers. The voltage-offsets associated with the followers do not affect the dc level of the filter because each fol- lower is placed inside the feedback loop of the corresponding OTA. Also shown in Figure 19 is a dual exponential current generator which provides the appropriate bias for both OTA's. The generator consists of three matched pnp transistors from the CA308U array and a discrete, high- beta npn transistor. Being forced to conduct a constant current — about 1 mA — 51 u -p 0) H hO o U ft w w cd ft I Is o hH 1 -p cd H I >> H ■5! a •H cd CD H O ft I o Eh On p •H ft 52 by regulator QU , transistor Ql develops a base-to-emitter voltage drop which, apart from temperature fluctuations, is also constant. Thus the emitter ter- minal of Ql constitutes a low-impedance point and presents a fixed voltage- offset with respect to the base terminal. This is just what is needed to provide the proper emitter drive for exponential current generators Q2 and Q3« Since the emitters of Ql , Q2, and Q3 are tied together, any voltage excursion applied to the base of Ql is transmitted to the emitters of Q2 and Q3 unaltered, by virtue of the regulating action of Qi|. Furthermore, tem- perature variations of the base-to-emitter voltage drop of Ql tend to cancel out analogous variations affecting Q2 and Q3 , thereby providing temperature stabilization for the exponential generators. Trimpot R2 sets the base and trimpot Rl the width of the exponential range, One of the exponential generator inputs is fed with the Pitch Voltage control signal, so that the position of the filter corner-frequency, relative to the sampling frequency, is kept constant over the whole range of interest. The other control input is used to perturb or alter this fixed constraint , there- by providing an additional form of spectral control besides the techniques previously discussed. 53 IV. SOUND INTENSITY AND LOCATION U.l Intensity and Location Control . The circuitry described so far has dealt primarily with the synthesis and control of pitches and timbres. Another parameter of considerable psychoacoustical consequence is intensity. As in the case of tonal color, particularly important in music are the dynamic characteristics of this para- meter, also referred to as the sound envelope. These characteristics are related to the manner in which sounds "build up and decay in time, and con- stitute a significant clue toward the instrumental characterization of sounds. Given the importance of this parameter, it is desirable that intensity con- trol allow for a broad choice of sound envelopes in order to ensure a wide spectrum of instrumental capabilities . In analog systems , the dynamic control of sound intensity is realized by means of programmable attenuators operating under the control of envelope generators. The types of envelope functions usually available are triangular, trapezoidal, or trapezoidal -with-overshoot , and such envelope parameters as attacks, steady-states, and decays must be individually preset by hand. These techniques, far from satisfying a broad range of instrumental situations, compound real time performance in that they necessitate manual control. By using hybrid techniques, as it will be shown below, both of these problems can be approached in a more organic fashion that allows the control of com- plex and minute deviations in a manner that parallels the domain of natural sounds. Another parameter that has become rather significant in the music of the last two decades is the location and movement of sound within a musical envi- ronment. For studio-type operations, the output of the system under discussion 5U consists of four discrete channels. The control of spatial parameters is accomplished by dynamically programming the distribution of sounds among the four channels, and by adding programmable amounts of artificial rever- beration to the original sounds. In hardware terms, sound enveloping and quadraphonic sound location are handled uniformly by means of a programmable attenuator/locator circuit. This device acts simultaneously as programmable attenuator and programmable joy-stick. k .2 Programmable Attenuator/ Locator . Since the harmonic tone generator produces sounds of constant amplitude, signal level control is realized independently by feeding the generator out- put into a programmable attenuator/locator and by controlling the amount of attenuation with an envelope generator. A block diagram of the attenuator/ locator is shown in Figure 20. Owing to the fact that the human ear responds to the amplitude of sounds in a nonlinear manner, it is necessary that the linear domain of the envelope voltage first undergo an appropriate nonlinear mapping. A mapping which is musically adequate as well as electronically convenient is the exponential one, and the related circuitry is shown in Figure 21. The exponential con- version proper is performed by transistor Ql while transistor Q3 and regula- tor Q2 serve the purpose of providing the appropriate emitter drive for Ql. Thus the circuit is of the type already encountered, except for a certain degree of simplification justified by the less stringent requirements of level control. Circuit parameters have been chosen so that a to 10 V con- trol input range is mapped into an exponential current range of about 50 db. Although the circuit can easily afford a much wider range, 50 db constitutes a convenient compromise that ensures adequate musical range without imposing 55 FRONT/LEFT t FRONT/ RIGHT A BACK/LEFT A BACK/RIGHT A TRANSCONO. MULTIPLIER TRANSCONO. MULTIPLIER TRANSCOND. MULTIPLIER TRANSCOND MULTIPLIER SIGNAL t \ L A A j ^ INPUT CURRENT SPLITTER CURRENT SPLITTER LEFT/RIGHT i V - 1 CONTROL FRONT/BACK CURRENT SPLITTER CONTROL ^ > < ENVELOPE EXPONENTIAL CURRENT GEN. TR VOLTAGE < t ) I SOUELCH C :oni ROL Figure 20. Block Diagram for Programmable Attenuator /Locator. 56 EXPONENTIAL CURRENT ( 3/aA TO 1mA) A + 15V ENVELOPE lOK VOLTAGE > f— WW OTO + 10V) 100X1 FROM < POINT "R" (-3.3V) Ql 8 Q3 = (2/5) X CA3046 Figure 21. Exponential Current Generator and Squelch Control. 57 too stringent demands on envelope control. However, 50 db below full sig- nal level does not offer enough attenuation when silence is desired. This inconvenience is eliminated by means of a squelching circuit which senses the input control voltage and completely shuts off the exponential generator as soon as the input goes below a few tens of millivolts. This artifice greatly expands the total effective width of the range, while still keeping the useful control portion at about 50 db. The exponential current thus obtained is subsequently split into four separate components which are used to bias four corresponding variable- transconductance transistor pairs, one for each output channel. The signal input terminals to all four pairs are tied together. Since the gain of a trans conductance pair depends on the amount of emitter bias current, it is immediately seen that the output signal level from one of the pairs, rela- tive to the levels of the others, depends on the percentage of exponential current diverted to that pair. Furthermore, all four gains depend on a com- mon scale factor proportional to the magnitude of the exponential current. Thus the exponential generator determines the overall sound intensity and the current splitters determine the relative intensity distribution among the four channels. The circuit schematic for the transconductance pairs and current split- ters is shown in Figure 22. As in the case of the programmable mixer, the choice of circuit parameters is such that the current splitters are slightly overdriven by a control voltage of 10 V range. This precaution ensures that at each end of the control range one of the current splitting transistors is totally shut off, thereby providing full signal attenuation at the transcon- ductance pairs biased by that transistor. This feature allows complete channel isolation. 58 Z K> o 1 £■*- => CL (- o o UJ o z < _l < m I_vw- L_v\Ar- L-Wr- 5 «l«0 3 °g OO £ — tin »« „x fc + OtM O- -WV— i r-w— «—■ 1 Ii§r a: 2 uj a: t u. lii "- s *z o S o £-! 3 a. o x A y zzp oot- aroo O o o u o g -J 0. UJ H > 3 * O UJ OC h- P CURREN TEGRAT z i V 3 o z % uj 2 or °£ S oc " T -»z£ Z UJ < o or cr o. o: uj => 5 <""^4 , X 3 Z o A UJ U y s ■H a "5 ~ - o o «r z £ < UJ 2 z 8j 3 3 iJ UJ z UJ u w nj •H Q JW o o H PQ fl o •H u 0) a C3 OJ ft o H 0) s> on CM 0) •H 6k The detailed circuit diagram of the envelope generator, exclusive of the binary sequence generator, is shown in Figure 2h . Binary data are separately converted into analog signals by means of diode-resistor networks and transistor switches, as shown. The rate D/A converter is fed to the exponential generator, which consists of transistors QU , Q5 and Q6 connected in the usual manner. The amplitude D/A converter is fed to the TTL-compatible comparator where its output is compared against the output from the integra- tor. Depending on whether the amplitude of the converter output is smaller or greater than that of the integrator, the exponential current is diverted to the integrator input either through diode Dl or through current mirror Q1/Q2. Transistors Ql through Q5 belong to the CA3096 IC array. Upon reach- ing an envelope breakpoint, the comparator begins to oscillate, causing the 2-bit counter to overflow and thereby generate a request pulse to the binary sequence generator. When servicing the request, the sequence generator also clears the counter, thereby providing proper initialization for the detection of the next breakpoint. With the circuit parameters shown, attack slew-rates cover a range from 1 V/ms to 1 V/s and decay slew-rates from 2 V/ms to 2 V/s. The one-octave discrepancy between the two ranges is dictated by reasons of musical conven- ience and is handled by offsetting the exponential range by a corresponding amount in the course of decay ramps. The offsetting circuitry is centered around resistor Rl and transistor switch Q.7. During an attack the comparator output is at "0" and the offsetting circuitry is disabled by switch QT. Dur- ing a decay the comparator opens switch QT, so that the current through re- sistor Rl is directed to the base of exponential generator Qk , where it intro- duces a voltage offset of about -18 mV. This causes the collector current of QU to decrease by one octave, as desired. Trimmer R2 serves the purpose of adjusting the base of the exponential range. 65 0)0) 0)0) A A A A IS 13 |S 13 ©-©— o (D o CD ft O H CD > CI CM CD •H 66 As will be seen in connection with musical parameter control, the appli- cations of piece-wise linear function generators are not confined to sound enveloping alone. When used in applications that do not require the one- octave discrepancy between positive and negative slope ranges, the offset- ting circuitry just described is simply omitted from the hardware realiza- tion of the generator. 67 V. PERCUSSION ENSEMBLES Two of the four orchestras, in addition to the voice modules described above, include also a l6-element percussion ensemble each. In principle, percussion-like sounds can be synthesized by means of voice modules, as all other sounds are. However, the fact that percussion sounds consist, to a good approximation, of damped oscillations which are easy to produce elec- tronically, makes it worthwhile to generate these sounds separately, by means of dedicated hardware. This solution is intended to reduce the work- load of the voice modules, so that they can be more efficiently allocated to the synthesis of sounds of higher complexity. It also offers the benefit of simpler control, as will appear below. Figure 25 shows the basic percussion circuit configuration, which con- sists of a trigger/envelope driver and a phase-shift oscillator. Normally switch Ql is open and CI is charged at -15 V. The base network of Q2 is such that, under these conditions, the circuit is unable to sustain oscil- lation due to insufficient base bias to keep Q2 on. The arrival of a trigger pulse causes Ql to close and discharge CI to ground. The voltage step now appearing across R2 is large enough to bias Q2 in the active region, where the circuit is capable of sustained oscillations. The frequency of oscillation is determined by the components included in the feedback network of Q2. After removal of the trigger pulse, Ql is opened and CI is allowed to charge again to -15 V, at a rate determined by Rl , R2 and CI itself. This voltage transition gradually turns Q2 off, via R2, and causes the amplitude of oscillation to undergo a smooth decay to zero. The rate of decay is determined by the rate at which CI charges to -15 V. Resistors R3 and Hk 68 'If" o ro O XL o CVJ X XL CVJ ■AAA/ ■ * CVJ ■— • -V\A — i or t— A/W— <> O ■AAAr-4 GO ro (0 ro z CM GO (0 ■A/SA — ■ > in -p •H o Ih •H O O •H W CO o o •H CO a PQ CM s, •H (in 1 > > ro O ro o to 69 set the point at which the amplitude of oscillation reaches the zero value. The trimmer shown is used for final tuning of the percussion pitch. Thus, whenever the circuit is struck by a trigger pulse, it emits a series of damped oscillations. By properly choosing the various component values, the same basic configuration can be easily adapted to span an entire family of percussion instruments like bass drums, tom-toms, bongos, claves , wood-blocks, congas and castanets. As an example, the following are the component values that have been used to synthesize a bongo: Rl = 220 k CI = .05 yF R2 = 1 M C2 = .0033 yF R3 = 2.2 M C3 = .0033 yF RU = 100 k Ck = .0033 yF R5 = 150 k C5 = 750 pF Figure 26 shows the simplified circuit schematic of an entire percussion ensemble. The control portion involves two read/write memories addressed in parallel by a variable -modulus counter. The information residing in the lower memory specifies the pattern according to which the instruments are to be struck in sequence. The information of the upper memory determines the intensity with which each instrument is to be struck. Circuit operation is rather straightforward. The arrival of a clock pulse from the orchestra duration control steps the counter and causes two new words of data to appear at the outputs of the respective memories. The word from the upper memory, after D/A conversion, programs the attenuator for the proper loudness. The word from the lower memory sets up the decoder so that the 1 ms trigger pulse emitted by the one-shot is directed to the proper instrument. Thus a sequence of clock pulses results in the generation of a pattern of percussion sounds. Pattern length is determined by the modulus of the counter, which can be programmed externally. O) 3 Q. 70 V O I— s f CO 1- V f ID Q- 2 — i V O ; k ^ O o ^ rf" V ^ V 1 V >^ f V z 1 7U S .. UJ _i CD uj or UJ or »- < o p o 2 z £ 3 5 w 2 or < 3 CCL t- or o ^ co CD w 2 I O o w ^ or or o o Q. 2 ~7 v INFORMATION STEERING "7 v ~ k UJ UJ or PROGRAMMABL SEQUENCE GENERATOR 3 h- O 3 QT K co o or o < or o h- < or UJ OL O 2 *~* o -p G O o a; h o o bO ctJ •H a o o El H en 0) •H 85 manipulation possible, all micro structural sequence generators are them- selves externally programmable. Since they affect music at a higher level of structural complexity, macro structural sequences are characterized by lower timing rates, which may typically be of the order of .01 to 1 Hz. These are rates at which a human operator can comfortably perform control actions in real-time. Hence, the generation of macrostructural sequences for the control of microstructural sequence generators is made accessible to the operator. If so desired, the operator can delegate the generation of macrostruc- tural sequences to the system itself. To handle this task, the latter is also provided with macrostructural sequence generators, in addition to the microstructural ones already discussed. The information associated with these macrostructural sequences is called automatic, as opposed to that generated by the operator which is called manual. The specification of whether macrostructural information is to be generated manually or automat- ically is expressed by the operator himself in terms of one-bit sequences to control the information steering device, which consists of data selectors. To allow higher levels of control complexity, macrostructural sequence gen- erators are also programmable. However, their programming is done by the operator exclusively. 7.2 Programmable Binary Sequence Generation . A device that has proved to be particularly attractive for the genera- tion of binary control sequences, both in terms of simplicity and cost, is the feedback shift -register . As shown in Figure 32 for the case of U-bit word sequences, this device consists of a shift-register and a combinational circuit which computes the next value of the serial input as a function of 86 PARALLEL OUTPUTS r t ^ A A A FEEDBACK FUNCTION I I 1 S R Q Q S R Q S R Q S R H>- Figure 32. Feedback Shift-register. Pi VRALLEL OUTPU' rs SEQUENCE TIMING - >s r 1 \ / v / ^ / > s r > > > > r > > A CK B Q a C D °- 74194 So °« s ' L R PARALLEL LOAD IkiDI ITC r-L_> ~Hr^ I NrU 1 o L =£>i MODE CONTROL * P pD^ s ) \ / i t j FEEDB- SI — Y — F iLE UNC CT :tion Figure 33- Programmable Sequence Generator. 87 the present state of the register. At every shift-pulse the register under- goes a transition from one state to another, so that a series of shifts car- ries the register through an entire sequence of states. Thus, by using a shift-register with parallel output facilities, the sequence of words appearing at the output lines can be used to control musical parameters directly. Shift-register sequences have been widely investigated in the litera- ture and will not be discussed in detail here. It may suffice to point out that, in general, with a given feedback function, a register can gen- erate a whole family of different sequences, and that different feedback functions yield different families of sequences. Thus, the versatility of a feedback shift-register can be considerably expanded if a programmable rather than a fixed feedback function is used. Once a particular feedback function has been programmed, the register can be initialized to any one of the sequences of the corresponding family by loading it with a word of that sequence. To make this possible, the register is provided with parallel-load facilities. The use of a bidirec- tional shift-register also increases the versatility of this device, since the sequences resulting from left shifts are generally different from those obtained with right shifts. Feedback shift-register sequences enjoy the musically attractive fea- ture of being periodic. This means that after a sufficient number of shifts, a sequence repeats itself over and over again, until the system is programmed for a different sequence. A convenient way of implementing a programmable feedback function is by means of a modulo-2 adder with programmable patterns of active inputs. It 27 can be easily shown that the periodic lengths of the sequences obtained 88 with this class of feedback functions are bounded by 2 -1, where n is the shift-register length. Figure 33 shows the realization of a U-bit word se- quence generator based on the above ideas. By exploiting the options made available by the various control inputs, the same device can be programmed to generate a broad class of control se- quences. In general, each sequence posesses a musical significance of its own. Hence, the generator offers a set of basic compositional elements which can be easily manipulated by the improviser to create more complex musical structures. In order to satisfy a class of musical needs as broad as possible, it is necessary that musical parameters be programmable over wide dynamic ranges. However, in defining a particular musical context, the composer is likely to use only limited portions of the dynamic ranges available. Thus, control se- quences can be musically useful only if the associated stream of information can be constrained within appropriate limits or windows. Since feedback shift-registers do not offer facilities for information biasing as such, this task must be handled independently. A simple way to achieve this goal is to partition the bits of a control word into a most- significant and a least-significant group, and to handle the two groups separately, the first with a macrostructural sequence and the second with a microstructural sequence. This causes the resulting information to be biased within windows whose width is determined by the length of the least-signifi- cant portion of each word, and whose position within the total range is con- trolled by the most-significant data. Although adequate for the control of certain parameters, this scheme is not sophisticated enough for others, due to the fact that windows are con- strained to be of fixed widths. 89 A more flexible scheme of information biasing relies on programmable window detectors, as shown in Figure 3^ for the case of 4-bit words. The detector output results in an assertion only if the input information falls within the limits prescribed at the control inputs. Hence, this device can readily be incorporated into an information-filtering scheme for the biasing of entire control sequences within arbitrarily programmable windows. Since sequence generators that are equipped with all the programming facilities illustrated above possess a substantial number of control inputs, only a centralized set of devices of this type is used. The related se- quences are then transferred to local memories, where they are recirculated for dynamic parameter control. These peripheral memories consist of read/ write IC memories addressed by programmable-modulus counters, in the manner illustrated in connection with the control of percussion sounds. 90 Xl> X2> X3> X4> Ul U2 U3 U4 V V V V Bl B2 B3 B4 7485 A>B Al A2 A3 A4 Al A2 A3 A4 7485 A w w = 1 L < X < U Figure 3^. Digital Window Detector. 91 VIII. CONCLUSION A hardware system has "been presented which allows for the composition of electronic music in real-time. Real-time operation is achieved by a proper functional partition which assigns analog hardware to the synthesis and processing of sounds and digital hardware to the control of musical parameters. Throughout the design of the system particular emphasis has been placed on assuring wide ranges of sound quality as well as flexibility of parameter control. The use of sophisticated hardware made available by recent technology has led to the development of sound modules that afford a much richer range of tonal and instrumental possibilities than obtainable from present-day analog synthesizers. Furthermore, the output configuration based on a system of loudspeakers distributed throughout the performance space offers a rela- tively new approach to the spatial characterization of sounds and ensures a total immersion and involvement of the listener with the sound/space environ- ment. The adoption of generalized envelope functions for the dynamic control of continuous musical quantities introduces a high degree of control uni- formity, in that all parameters, be they discrete or continuous, can be handled in the same manner. Parameter control is based on the notion of dis- crete control sequences, which are characterized by clocking rates of about 100 Hz or less. While involving a relatively low data-rate, this approach is also of enough generality as not to put definite constraints on the type of digital systems to be used for the control of sound modules. The structural nature of music allows a correspondingly structured orga- nization of control which is particularly significant in the real-time 92 interaction between composer/performer and instrument. In this respect, a general distinction between micro structural and macrostructural control se- quences has been emphasized so that a proper balance between operator re- sponsibilities and machine responsibilities can be achieved. The fact that technology continues to market analog and digital systems of increasing complexity and competitive cost is bound to have a significant effect on electronic music. For instance, with the recent appearance of microcomputers, it is now becoming economically feasible to use one or more of these devices to program sound modules, so that the sophistication of the 28 control system outlined in this work can be expanded further. Technology advances are bound to affect also sound processing hardware and techniques. In this respect, it is highly desirable that sound modules become more digi- tally oriented, since digital systems enjoy the intrinsic property of being far more accurate and stable than analog circuits. In the light of these remarks , it seems appropriate to speculate that the electronic music systems of the next generation will be based on a central, general -purpose computer controlling a collection of peripheral, special-purpose computers whose task is the synthesis and processing of sounds. 93 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Moore, F. R. , "Computer Controlled Analog Synthesizers," Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. (internal Memo.). 2. Moog, R. 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After graduation in Physics from the University of Rome, he taught high school Mathematics and Physics in Rome. In 1967 he was awarded a FuTbright Fellowship to continue his studies in the USA. He first joined the Department of Physics of Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, as a teaching assistant, where he earned a M.A. degree in Physics in the area of the Mossbauer effect. In 1968 and 1969 he was associated with the Illi- ac III Project at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Illinois at Urbana, where he designed the analog circuitry of the Scan/Dis- play System. After attending graduate courses in Computer Science at the University of Toronto during the years 1970 and 1971? he returned to the Urbana campus, where he became associated with the Coordinated Science Laboratory and the School of Music. Since then, his main interest has been in the area of electronic music. During 1971 and 1972 he worked with the composer, Salvatore Martirano, in the development of the musical system de- scribed in this thesis. In 1973 he joined the Oberlin Conservatory of Music where he teaches courses in analog and digital design of Electronic Music Systems, and is currently developing the Oberlin Hybrid Project, a computer controlled system for the composition of music in real-time. Mr. Franco has published a number of articles in Physics and in Electronics. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-7U-677 3. Recipient's Accession No. 4. Title .ind Subtitle HARDWARE DESIGN OF A REAL-TIME MUSICAL SYSTEM 5. Report Date December 197^ 7. \uth<>r(si Sergio Franco 8. Performing Organization Kepi No - UIUCDCS-R-7 i +-677 •r forming Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6l801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. I rsoring Organization Name and Address implement ary Notes 13. Type of Report & Period Covered technical 14. lift This thesis describes the hardware design of a hybrid system for the composition j and performance of electronic music in real-time. While analog circuitry is primarily i employed in the generation and processing of sounds, digital circuitry is devoted to i the exercise of control, under the immediate supervision of the composer/performer, j Such a digital vs. analog partition, together with a proper choice of the man vs. j machine interface, is intended to satisfy the much emphasized musical need for the j immediate, real-time interaction between the composer/performer and his instrument. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Electronic Music Real-Time Music Synthesis Musical Waveshape Systhesis/Control [17b Hv!it the rs 'Opcn-hnded Terms I 17c I OSATI Field/Group 18 W ail ability Statement unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pag< 100 22. Price $8.00 ei 3 for $22.00 F " '*<•* N T t S- 35 (10-70) USCOMM-DC 40}?q-p-> m 1S75 rn '•'' ' ■wnii mini i