North Dakota Agricultural College UAH 15 1923 Plan of Organization and Officers of Administration for the Year 1922-1923 fSJ? BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION ROBERT MUIR Sarles FRANK S. TALCOTT Fargo ROBERT B. MURPHY Grafton MINNIE J. NIELSON (ex-officio). .Valley City JOSEPH A. KITCHEN ( “ ).. Sentinel Butte General Administration JOHN LEE COULTER, Ph. D., President H. W. McARDLE, B. S., Secretary-Treasurer Agricultural Experiment Station PERRY FOX TROWBRIDGE, Ph. D„ Director Departments Agricultural Chemistry Entomology Agronomy Horticulture Animal Husbandry Marketing Botany and Plant Pathology Publications Cereals Veterinary Dairying Farm Management and Rural Economics SUBSTATIONS Edgeley Langdon Williston Hettinger Dickinson Twenty Demonstration Farms State Seed Laboratory State Serum Institute Agricultural Extension Division GORDON W. RANDLETT, B. S., Director County Extension Workers Extension Agents Employed in 38 Counties July 1 Work with men, women and juniors in problems of the home and farm. State Extension Work — Departments Crops and Soils Animal Husbandry Plant Diseases Dairying Farm Management Marketing Publications Animal Health Rodent Control Human Nutrition Clothing Household Management Poultry Regulatory Division W. C. PALMER, B. S. Agr., Acting Director Departments "Food and Drug Hotel Inspection Beverage Oil Inspection Paint and Varnish Resident Instruction Division JOHN LEE COULTER, Ph. D., Director ALFRED H. PARROTT, A. M., Registrar MRS. MYRTLE GLEASON COLE, B. A., Dean of Women SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE— CLARE BAILEY WALDRON, B. S. Departments — Agricultural Economics Agricultural Education Agricultural Entomology Agronomy Animal Husbandry Dairy Husbandry Horticulture and Forestry SCHOOL OF MECHANIC ARTS— EDWARD SPENCER KEENE, B. S., M. E. Departments — Architecture and Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Physics SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS MISS ALBA BALES, M. S. Departments — Applied Art Clothing and Textiles Foods and Nutrition Household and Institutional Management Home Economics Education (Proposed) SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY- WILLIAM TUDOR PEARCE, A. B., M. S., Ph. D. Departments — Agricultural Chemistry Biochemistry Inorganic and Qualitative Chemistry Organic and Quantitative Chemistry Physical and Industrial Chemistry SCHOOL OF PHARMACY- WILLIAM FREDERICK SUDRO, B. S., M. S. Department — Pharmacy r L HI 0 II II il ill mm 3 01 1 2 1 ( ►8931 SCHOOL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE— ARTHUR FREDERICK SCHALK, D. V. M. Department — Veterinary Science SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND LITERATURE— ARCHIBALD ELLSWORTH MINARD, A. B., A. M. HENRY LUKE BOLLEY, M. S. Departments — Bacteriology (Biological Group) Botany (Biological Group) English and Philosophy Geology and Mineralogy History Mathematics Modern Languages Public Discussion and Social Service Social and Economic Science Zoology and Physiology (Biological Group) SCHOOL OF EDUCATION— ARLAND DEYETT WEEKS, A. B., A. M. Department — Education MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS— The Library Military Science and Tactics Music Physical Training and Athletics for Men Physical Training and Athletics for Women wfERsrr* if UAH 15 1938 The resident instructional work of these departments is organized under: Twenty-two standard collegiate, courses. Five high school courses. Five vocational courses — open to eighth grade graduates. Four winter short courses — no entrance re- quirements. A summer school offering a liberal program in collegiate and sub-eollegiate subjects.