THE EFFECT OF SLAVERY ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. A SERMON PREACHED AT THE MUSIC HALL, BOSTON, ON SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1858 BY KEY. THEODORE PARKER, MINISTER OP THE TWENTY-EIGHTH CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY REVISED BY THE AUTHOR. BOSTON: WILLIAM L. KENT & COMPANY, 3 STATE STREET. 1 8 5 8. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by WM. L. KENT AND COMPANY, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Geo. C. Hand & Avery, Printers, 3 Cornhill, Poston. 3ZC.&91Z frLZ 7 - REY. THEODORE PARKER’S SERMONS % ON THE Present Revival of Religion, DELIVERED AT MUSIC HALL, BOSTON. THREE DISTINCT DISCOURSES. The First, — delivered on 14th February, upon “False and True Theology,” to which is added the Prayers which were offered at Park Street, Boston, for Mr. Parker’s Conversion. The Second, — delivered April 4th, upon “A False and True Bevival of Religion.” The TniRD, — delivered April 11th, upon “The Revival of Religion which WE NEED.” Full and accurate reports, revised by the Author. ffp* These Sermons have created an immense sensation throughout the country, calling forth numerous replies from the pulpit, and have already reached the 30th thousand. The public will please bear in mind that these Sermons are published separately, and order accordingly. Liberal Rates to the Trade. WM L. KENT & CO., Publishers, No. 3 STATE STREET, BOSTON REV. THEODORE PARKER’S WORKS. The following Works of Rev. Theodore Parker will be. sent to any address by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the regular retail price, which is affixed to each Work on the Catalogue, by addressing WM. L. KENT & CO., Wo. 3 STATE ST,, BOSTON. */ Liberal Rates to the Trade. 1. A DISCOURSE OF MATTERS PERTAINING TO RELIGION. 1 Vol. 12mo. $1.25 2. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT. From the German of De Wette. 2 Vols. 8vo. 3.75 3. CRITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS. 1 Vol. 12mo. 1.25 4. TEN SERMONS OF RELIGION. 1 Vol. 12mo. 1.00 5. SERMONS OF THEISM, ATHEISM, AND THE POPULAR THEOLOGY. 1 Vol. 12mo. 1.25 6. OCCASIONAL AND ADDITIONAL SERMONS AND 7. THE TRIAL OF THEODORE PARKER,’for the Misdemeanor'of a Speech in Faneuil Hall, against Kidnapping; with the Defence. 1 Vol. 8vo. 1.00 PAMPHLETS. 1. A SERMON OF THE MEXICAN WAR. (1848.).20 2. MOST CHRISTIAN USE OF THE SUNDAY. (1848.).20 3. ON THE DEATH OF JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. (1848.).... .20 4. THE PUBLIC EDUCATION OF THE PEOPLE. (1850.).20 5. THE CHIEF SINS OF THE PEOPLE. (1851.).15 6. LETTER TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE AMER¬ ICAN UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION, TOUCHING THEIR NEW CREED. (1853.).12 7. ON LEAVING THEIR OLD AND ENTERING A NEW PLACE OF WORSHIP. 2 Sermons. (1853.).20 8 THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE STATUTES OF MEN. (1854.) .15 9. THE NEW CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. (1854.).20 10. A SERMON OF OLD AGE. (1854.).15 11. DANGERS WHICH THREATEN THE RIGHTS OF MAN. (1854.).20 12. THE MORAL DANGERS INCIDENT TO PROSPERITY. (1855.) .15 13. CONSEQUENCES OF AN IMMORAL PRINCIPLE. (1855.).. .15 14. OF IMMORTAL LIFE. 4th Edition. (1855.).10 15. THE FUNCTIONS OF A TEACHER OF RELIGION. (1855.) .20 16. A NEW LESSON FOR THE DAY. (1856.).15 17. THE GREAT BATTLE BETWEEN FREEDOM AND SLA¬ VERY. (1856.).25 18. THE PRESENT ASPECT OF SLAVERY IN AMERICA. (1858.) .20 19. A SERMON OF FALSE AND TRUE THEOLOGY. (Feb. 1S58.) .08 20. A FALSE AND TRUE REVIVAL OF RELIGION. (April, 1858.).08 21. THE REVIVAL OF RELIGION WHICH WE NEED. (April, 1858.). 08 22. THE RELATION OF SLAVERY TO A REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. (1858.).08