LIBRA R.Y OF THE U N 1 VERS ITY or ILLINOIS 82.3 v.| f AN ARTIST'S PEOOF. AN ARTIST'S PROOF. BY ALFRED AUSTIN, AUTHOR OF ' THE SEASOX : A SATIRE,' ETC. ETC. ' Nil nequeat nobis dignam Dis degere vltam.'— Lucuetius. ' Nought e'er need balls us of a godlike life.' — Author's Translation. IN THREE VOLUMES. Vol. I. LONDON: TINSLEY BROTHEES, 18, CATHEEINE ST., STRAND. 1864. [The Right of Ti-amlation is reserved,'] LONDON: PRINTEI) BY M'. CLOWES AKD SONS, STAUFOBD STBEST, ASD CIIAKIXG CU08S. ^Z3 1/. /, AN ARTIST'S PEOOF. PART THE FIRST. OPPOSITION. CHAPTEE I. Under the freshly-budded branches of an umbra- geous beech, which has encountered since that surprising spring the shifting rain and radiance of upwards of a score of years, a girl very fair to look on sat silently reading. Her eyes were so intently '^ fastened downward on the page, that divination alone S could have told their colour ; and the dark lashes, ^ which were distinctly seen, would only have made J more unlikely the happy guess that they were of a