& Consolidation ol'tlie MToiiiea ifc Alton ^ Saint I / , ani J;t>Usoiiville, is Railroads. RAILROAD COMPANY. DIRECTORS. . KAILROAD COMPANY. OF AN ACT to construct a Railroad from Jacksonville, in Morgan county, tp Alton, in Madison county. SECTION 1> &e it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That Philip Coffman, David A. Smith, David M. Woodson, Alfred W. Cavarly, Alexander B. Morean, William B. Warren, A. C. Dickson, Samuel M. Prosser, W. S. Hurst, Murray McConnel. James Dunlap, Thomas Carlin, and Edward Keating, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby created a body corporate awd politic, under the name and style of the "Jacksonville arid Carrollton Railroad Company," and by that name be and they are kereby made capable in law and -equity to soe and be sued, plead and -be impleaded, defend and be defended, in atoy court of law and equity in this fctate, or in any other place; to make, have and use a otnmon seal, and the same to renew and alter at pleasure, and shall be and are hereby vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities which are or maybe necessary to carry into effect the purposes and objects of this act, as hereinafter set forth ; asid the said company are hereby author- ized and empowered to locate and construct and finally complete a railroad from the town of Jacksonville, in Morgan county, by the way of Manchester, in Scott county, Whitehall and Carrollton, in Greene county, passing through Jerseyville, Jersey county, to Al- ton, in Madison county ; and for this purpose, said company are authorized, upon the most eligible and proper route, to lay out their said railroad, wide enough for a single or double track, through the whole length, and may enter upon and take a strip of land not exceeding one hundred feet in width ; and for the purpose of cutting embankments, stone and gravel, may take as much more land as may be necessary for the proper construction of and secu- rity of said railroad-: Provided, that nothing in this act shall be && construed as to prevent the corporation created by tins act from uniting their road with the Alton and Sangarnon railroad, at or near Brighton, in Macoupin county, upon such terms as may bo agreed on between said companies ; and if an arrangement be en- tered into by and between said companies, for the company hereby created to run upon and use the Alton and Sangamon railroad, from and near Brighton, the said company shall not be required to construct their road to Alton : And jjrovided, further, that said company shall riot be fully organized and be capable of con- structing their said railroad, until one thousand dollars per mile of the stock of said company shall, in good faith, be subscribed, and ten per cent, thereof be paid, agreeable to the provisions of the act entitled " An act to provide for a general system of railroad incor- porations," passed November 5th, 1849. 2. The capital stock of said company shall consist of five hundred thousand dollars, and may be increased to one million of dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. The immediate government and direction of said company shall be vested in five directors, who shall be chosen by the stockholders of said company, in the manner hereinafter provided, who shall hold their office for one year after their election, and until others shall be du- ly elected and qualified to take their places as directors; and the said directors, a majority of whom shall form a quorum for the transaction of business, shall elect one of their number to be presi- dent of the company ; that said board of directors shall have power to appoint all necessary clerks, secretary, and other officers neces- sary in the transaction of the business of said corporation. 3. The said corporation is hereby authorized, by their agents, surveyors and engineers, to cause such examination and surveys to be made of the ground and country between the points herein named as shall be necessary to determine the most advantageous route for the proper line or course whereon to construct their said railroad ; and it shall be lawful for said company to enter upon and take pos- session of and use all such lands and real estate as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of their said railroad : Pro- vided, that all lands and real estate entered upon and takrn pos- session of and used by said corporation, for the purposes and accommodation of said railroad, or upon which the site for said railroad shall have been located or determined by the said corpora- tion, shall be paid for by said company, in damages, if any be sustained by the owner or owners thereof, by the use of the same for the purposes of the said railroad; and all lands entered upon and taken for the use of the said corporation, which are not dona- ted to said company, shall be obtained and paid for in the manner Drovided for taking lands for the construction of public roads, ca- nals and other public works, as prescribed in the act concerning right of way, approved March 3, 1845. 4. If any person shall wilfully, maliciously or wantonly, and contrary to law, obstruct the passage of any car on said railroad, of any part thereof, or any thing belonging thereto, or shall damage, break or destroy any part of the said railroad, or implements, or buildings, he,'jshe or they, or any person assisting, shall forfeit and pay to said company, for every such offense, treble the amount of damages that shall be proved, before a competent court, has been sustained, and be sued for in the name and behalf of said company; and such offender or offenders shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall be liable to indictment, in the same manner as other indictments are found, in any county or counties where such offense shall have been committed ; and, upon conviction, every such offender shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, for the use of the county where such indictment may be found. 5. The time of holding the annual meeting of said company, for the election of directors, shall be fixed and determined by the by-laws of said company ; and at all meetings each stockholder shall be entitled to a vote in person, or by lawful proxy, one votfc for each share of stock he or she or they may hold, bonajide, in said company. 6. The persons named in the first section of this act are here* by appointed commissioners, who, or a majority of whom, are hereby authorized to open subscription books for said stock, at such places as they may deem proper. The said commissioners shall require each subscriber to pay five dollars on each share subscribed, at the time of subscribing; and whenever one hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed, the said commissioners shall call a meeting of the stockholders, by giving thirty days' notice in some newspaper printed in the county of Morgan ; and at such meeting it shall be lawful to elect the directors of said company ; and when the direc- tors of said company are chosen, the said commissioners shall de- liver said subscription books, with all sums of money received by them as commissioners, to said directors. No person shall be a- director in said company, unless he shall own at least five shares of the capital stock. 7. That the right of way and the real estate purchased for the right of way by said company, whether by mutual agreement or otherwise, or which shall become the property of the company by operation of law, as in this act provided, shall, upon the payment of the amount of money belonging to the owner or owners of said lands, as compensation for the same, become the property of said company in fee simple. 8. The said corporation may take and transport upon said railroad any person. or persons, merchandise or other property, by the force and power of steam or animals, or any combination of them, and may fix", establish, take and receive such rates of toll, for all passengers and property transported upon the same, as the di^ rectors shall from time to time establish ; and the directors are hereby authorized and empowered to make all necessary rules, by- iaws, regulations aud ordinances that they may deem necessary and expedient to accomplish the designs and purposes, and to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and for the transfer and assignment of its stock, which is hereby declared personal property, and trans- ferable in such manner as shall be provided for by the by-laws and ordinances of said corporation. 9. The directors o-f said company, after the same is organized, shall have power to open books, in the manner prescribed in the sixth section of this act, and to fill up the additional five hundred thousand dollars of stock, or any part thereof, at such times a they may deem it for the interest of said company ; and all the in- stallments required to be paid on the stock originally to be taken, and what may be taken to increase said capital, shall be paid at *uch times and in such sums as said directors may prescribe. 10. In case of the death, resignation or removal of the presi- dent, vice president or any direetor, at any time between- the annual flections, such vacancy may be filled for the remainder of the year, whenever they may happen, by the board of directors ; and in case of absence of the president and vice president, the board of direc- tors shall have power to appoint a president pro tempore^vdio shall have and exercise huch powers and functions as the by-laws of the said corporation may provide. In case it should at any time hap- pen that an election shall not be held on any day on which, in pur- suance of this act r it ought to be held, the said corporation shall not for that cause be deemed dissolved, but such election shall be held at any other time directed by the by-laws of said corporation. 11. That when the lands of any femme covert, persons under age, non compos mentis, or out of this State, shall be taken in the construction of said railroad, as is provided by this act, the said corporation shall pay the amount that shall be awarded as due to the said last mentioned owners, respectively, whenever the same shall be lawfully demanded. That to ascertain the amount to be paid to the persons named in this section for lands taken for the nse of said corporation, it shall be the duty of the judge of the first judicial circuit, upon notices given to him by the said corporation, to appoint three commissioners, to be persons not interested in the matter, to determine the damages which the owner or owners of the land or real estate so entered upon by the said corporation, has or have sustained by the occupation of the same ; and it shall be the duty of said commissioners, or a majority of them, to deliver to said corporation a written statement of the awards they shall make, with a description of the land or real estate appraised, to be recorded by the said corporation in the clerk's office in the county in which the land or real estate so appraised shall be, and then the said corpo- ration shall be deemed to be seized and possessed of the fee simple of all such lands or real estate as shall have been approved by the commissioners. 12. That whenever it shall be necessary for the construction of said railroad to intersect and cross an j water course, or any road or highway, lying between the points aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the corporation to construct their railroad across or upon the same : Provided, that the said corporation shall restore the iwater course, or road, or highway, thus intersected, to its former state, or in a sufficient manner not to have impaired its usefulness. 13. That the capital stock of said company may be increased from one million of dollars to one million five hundred thousand dollars, from time to time, by nevr subscriptions, if such increase shall be found necessary to fulfill the intention of this act, upon the directors for the time being giving the notice as herein required, previous to the opening the subscription books for the original stock herein ; and that all stock of said corporation shall be deemed per- sonal property, and transferable in such manner as the said corpo- ration shall, by its by-laws, prescribe. 14. That it shall be lawful for the directors to require pay- ment of the sums subscribed to the capital stock, at such times, and in such proportions, and on such conditions, as they shall deem fit, under the penalty of the forfeiture of all previous payments thereon, and shall give notice of the payments thus required, and of the place and time when and where the same are to be paid, at least ninety days previous to the payment of the same, in some public newspaper of this State, published in some one of the place* where the notice for the opening the books for subscription to the capital stock may have been published. 15. The width of said railroad is to be determined by the said corporation, within the limits prescribed in the 1st. section of this act. 16. The said corporation may, if deemed advisable, locate, construct and maintain a plankroad, and not a railroad ; and such plankroad shall be substituted for the railroad, or a plankroad may be substituted between any of the points named herein. The> said corporation may, for the purposes of locating, constructing and maintaining said road, borrow money, at an interest not exceed- ing seven per cent, per annum, and pledge the road, and all or every part of its property and efiects, for the repayment thereof, and may loan any surplus funds at such rate of interest as is now allowed upon money loaned. If a railroad or plankroad shall be construct- ed between any of the points herein named, the corporation shall continue to exist, and have, use, manage and control the same, a* though the whole length of the road had been completed. APPROVED February 15, 1851. [AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER] AN ACT to amend the charter of the Jacksonville and Carrolton Railroad Company. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of llltnoi* represented in the General Assembly, That the Jacksonville and Oarrolton Railroad Company, incorporated by an act entitled u Aa act to construct a railroad from Jacksonville, in Morgan county, to Alton, in Madison county," approved February 15th, 1851, be and are hereby authorized to extend the said railroad along the most eligible rouie to any point on the Mississippi rivev not more than twenty-five miles below the city of Alton, as may be deemed advi- sable by said company, and for the purpose of such extension, said Jacksonville and Carrolton Railroad Company are declared to pos- sess all the powers, and shall be subject to all the restrictions con- tained in the original act of incorporation : Provided, that if the city of Alton shall subscribe and become responsible for the sum of one hundred thousand dollars as stock in the said railroad company, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of said railroad, in the aame manner and upon the same terms that the said city took stock in the Sangamon and Alton and Terre Haute and Alton Railroad corporations, then and in that case the terminus of the said Jack- sonville and Carrolton Railroad shall be and remain at the said city of Alton. The said city shall not, however, be required to take said stock in said railroad company until the county of Morgan, in its corporate capacity, or the inhabitants of said county, or both together, shall have subscribed the sum of fifty thousand dollars to the capital stock of said railroad company, and until the counties of Greene and Jersey, in their corporate capacity, shall have seve- rally and respectively subscribed the sum of fifty thousand dollars to said capital stock. And when said several subsciptions shall have been made as aforesaid, and the subscribers become responsi- ble for the payment of the same, it shall be the duty of the presi- dent of the said railroad company to notify the authorities of the city of Alton of such subscriptions, and if the said city shall fail or refuse, within one month after said notification, to subscribe and become responsible for the said sum of one hundred thousand dol- lars, as herein directed, then and in that event the power of the aaid railroad company to make the extension aforesaid shall take effect. 2. For the purpose of facilitating the construction of the railroad authorized by the act to which this is an amendment, the aaid corporation is hereby authorized to negotiate a loan or loans of money to the amount of its capital stock, and to issue the Bonds' of the said company for the same, and to pledge all its property, real and personal, and all its rights, credits and franchises for the payment thereof. 3. If the said Jacksonville and Carrolton Railroad shall bo extended as provided in the first section of this act, then the cap- ital stock of said company may be increased to such a sum of money as may be deemed necessary to construct, finish and maintain such extension ; arid said company shall have authority to increase th number of their directors, not exceeding four, in addition to those already provided Tor. APPROVED February 11, 1853. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to construct a railroad from Jack- sonville, in Morgan countv, to Alton, in MadLson county," approved February 15th, 1854. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois^ represented in the General Assembly, That the Jacksonville and Carralton Railroad Company may, for the purpose of locating, constructing, maintaining, and operating said road, borrow money, and for that purpose issue bonds to bear interest not exceeding eight per cent, per annum ; but the payment of said bonds shall be secured by said road and its appendages, and the franchises and property of said corporation, and all sales of bonds, for a less amount than par value, shall be good and valid, and as binding upon the said corporation as if the same were sold for their full value ; and the said corporation may loan any surplus funds at such rate of interest as is now allowed upon money loaned : Provided, noth- ing herein contained shall be so construed as to confer banking privileges. 2. All the acts and proceedings of the corporators or com- missioners, named in the act to which this is an amendment, or any of them, in obtaining subscriptions to the capital stock of said com- pany, or otherwise, are hereby declared to be as good and valid as if all the requirements of said act had been strictly complied with. 3. The certificate of the secretary of said company, under the corporate seal thereof, shall be relieved in all courts of justice and elsewhere, as evidence of the regular organization of said company under its charter, and of any act or order of the^board of directors oi said company ; and all the acts and doings of the said company in the organization thereof, are hereby declared to be good and valid, and the rights, privileges and franchises of said company as granted, are hereby declared to be in full force and effect. 4. So much of section sixteen of the act to which this is an amendment as authorizes the construction of a palnk road, instead of a railroad, be and the same is hereby repealed. 5. The act to which this is an amendment, and an act entitled "an act to amend the charter of the Jacksonville and Carrolton road," approved February 11, 1853, are hereby declared to be pub- lic ats, and this shall be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 27th, 1854. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to construct a railroad from Jack- sonville, in Morgan county, to Alton, in Madison county," approved February 15, 1ST, 1. SECTION!. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the name of the Jack- eonville and Carrolton Railroad Company be and is hereby chang- ed and declared to be the "Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Rail- road Company," and by and under that name said corporation shall be "henceforth known, and have its corporate existence, and hold and be possessed of all the rights, powers and privileges granted to the Jacksonville and Carrol ton Railroad Company, in the origi- nal charter of said company and the several amendments thereto, and shall be and become vested with all property and estate and rights of every kind whatever, vested in the name of "The Jack- sonville and Carrolton Railroad Company," as fully as if said name had not been changed. 2. The said corporation, in addition to the provisions granted by the act to which this is an amendment as well as the amend- ments approved Feb. 11, 1853, and Feb. 27, 1854, are hereby au- thorized to purchase and hold any tract or tracts of land along the line of said road, for passing over which the owner or owners there- of may claim damages, and fail or refuse to relinquish to the said "corporation the right of way over the same, and release said com- pany from the payment of said damages, and the said corporatioa shall have power to purchase and hold other real estate for said road, for the purpose of procuring timber or other materials for the construction of the same, and for such other purposes as may be required for the use of said road. m 3. The said company may also receive voluntary grants or donations of land or other property for the use of said road, and also enter upon and take possession of awd use all and singular any lands, streams and materials of every kind for the location of depots and stopping stages, for the purpose of constructing bridges, dams, embankments, excavations, station grounds, spoil-banks, turn-outs, engine houses, shops, and other buildings necessary for the construction, completing, altering, maintaining, preserving, and complete operation of said road. All such lands, material? and privi- ges belonging to the State are hereby granted to said corpora- tion for said purposes; but when owned or belonging to any per- son, company or corporation, and cannot be obtained by voluntary grant or release, the same may be taken and paid for in the man- ner provided for iu the third section of the act to which this is am amendment, 4. The said corporation is hereby authorized to recieve sub- scriptions to the stock of said road, payable at any time thereafter, with such a rate of interest thereon as may be agreed on, and for securing the payment of said stock and interest, said corporation may receive the bond of said subscriber, with a mottgage or deed of trust upon real estate, and the said corporation, on a failure or refu- sal of said subscriber, his heirs, executors or administrators, to pay the said sum of money and interest when payable, may proceed, by suit in any court having competent jurisdiction, to foreclose said mortgage or sell said real estate, agreeably to the provisions con- tained in the deed of trust. The said corporation may assign said note and mortgage or deed of trust, and such vest in the assignee the legal title thereto. 5. The said corporation shall never be allowed to issue certifi- cates for stock in said company, unless ordered by a majority of the directors, and for a valuable consideration to be given therefor, and when such certificates shall be issued they shall be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary of said company, and attested by the seal of said corporation. 6. The said corporation may hereafter construct their said railroad along the most eligible and practicable route to Illinois- town or any point opposite St. Louis, and for that purpose shall possess and exercise all the privileges, immunities and franchises, and enjoy all the rights granted by this act and the act to which this is an amendment, and the several amendments thereto. 7. The said corporation, at any time before the construction of the said road as provided in the foregoing section, may contract with any railroad company now operating between the city of Alton and St. Louis, or which may hereafter do so, for the consolidation of said corporation, or for the use of said road, depot buildings, engine house, and all other appurtenances connected therewith, for such time and on such terms as may be agreed on. 8. The numbe'r of the directors of the said corporation shall hereafter be increased to seven, who shall be elected at such time and place as may be provided by the by-laws of said company, and it shall be lawful for the directors of said company to alter said by-laws, and change the time and place for the annual election of directors, whenever in their judgement it may be deemed advisable. 9. The courts of Morgan, Green and Jersey may issue bonds for the full amount respectively subscribed by them or which they may hereafter subscribe in behalf of said counties to the capital stock of the Jacksonville and Carrolton Railroad, when requested to do so by the order of the directors of said corporation ; and the clerks of the county courts of said counties shall transmit to the Auditor of State the amounts respectively subscribed by said counties, to- gether with the accruing interest, also the amount of bonds issued to said corporation ; and it shall be the duty of the auditor, in ma- king out the forms for each county, to prepare a column for the amount of interest required to be raised annually to meet the accru- ing interest on such bonds, which shall be collected at the same time and manner of collecting the state revenue and paid into the county treasury ; and the collectors of said county shall be allowed the same compensation for collecting said interest as they recieve for collecting a like amount of the state revenue, to be paid by said counties ; and for the faithful discharge of their duties shall sever- ally be required to give bond and security to be approved by the clerks of said county respectively. 10. This act is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage. APPROVED Feb. 7, 1857. 10 AX ACT to amend an act entitled ''An act to construct a railroad from Jackson- ville, in Morgan county, to Alton, in Madison county," approved February 15, 1851, and other acts amendatory thereto. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, in addition to the powers granted by the act to which this is an amendment, as well as the amend- ments approved February 11, 1853, February 27, 1854, and Feb- ruary 7, 1857, are hereby authorized to unite or consolidate their railroad, for running purposes, operation or business, with any railroad constructed or to be constructsd, on such terms as may be mutually agreed. 2. The said corporation is hereby authorized to contract with any railroad corporation now operating or charterad or which may hereafter be operating or chartered, between Alton and Illinois- town, for the running of trains over and use of their road, depots, buildings and all other appurtenances connected therewith, or foi the purchase, in whole or in part, or may subscribe or purchase stock, or become otherwise interested in any such railroad corpo- ration, as aforesaid, or make such other arrangements and con- tracts, for the use and occupancy of such railroads and appurtenan- ces as may be deemed necessary for the operating and business of the said corporation. 3. The said corporation is hereby authorized to unite and connect its railroad with the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Rail- road, at any point, within ten miles of the city of Alton, upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon ; and if any such con- nection be made, the said corporation shall not be obliged to con- struct its road to either Alton or Illinoistown, or they may, by mu- tual agreement or contract with the said St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad Company, build and maintain a seperate track- way along side of said road from the point of intersection into the city of Alton, or may make such other contracts or arrangements for the joint occupancy and use of said St. Louis, Alton and Chica- go Railroad, depot, switches and appurtenances, as may be mutually agreed upon. 4. The said corporation may construct their road on or across any stream of water, water course, road or highway, railroad or canal, or street, levee or alley, in any city or town, winch the routo of its road shall intersect ; but the corporation shall restore the stream or "water course, road or highway, railroad or canal, street, levee or alley, thus intersected, to its former state, or in a sufficient manner not to have materially impaired its usefulness. Whenever the route of said railroad shall intersect any road or highway, rail- road, street, levee or alley, the said corporation shall have power to change the line or grade of same, if such change be desirable and shall not impair their usefulness ; and said corporation may take such addi- tional lands or real estate, for the construction of such road, highway, 11 railroad, street, levee or alley, or water course, as may be deemed requisite by said corporation. Unless the land so taken shall be voluntarily given compensation therefor shall be ascertained in the manner as provided in the original charter, the several amendments thereto, and also this amendment, as nearly as may be, and duly made by the said corporation to the owner or persons interested in such lands the same, when so taken, to become part of such in- tersecting road, highway, railroad, canal, street or alley, or water course, in such manner and by such time as the adjacent parts of the same highway, railroad, road, street or alley, may be held for highway or other purposes. 5. That in all proceedings had or hereafter to be had for right away or condemnation of real estate, for any purpose, to the use of said railroad corporation, after any assessment or non-as- sessment of damages in the premises, by commisioners or apprais- ers, and any appeal, or other proceedings in the premises, by either party, the said company may proceed with their enterprise, if they will give bond and security, in a sufficient amount, to be approved by the clerk of the circuit court of the proper county, conditioned to pay to the owner or owners of such rel estate all costs and damages that may thereafter be legally taxed and assessed in the premises against said corporation. 6. Whenever any real estate or securities of any kind shall or may be mortgaged or pledged to said corporation, to secure the payment of any debt due or to become due to them, they shall be and are hereby authorized to purchase, take and hold the said real estate or securities, and to acquire the same by contract, or pur- chase or sale, made in pursuance of any judgement at law or any decree of a court of equity, or otherwise, and also to purchase and hold such other real estate as may be deemed necessary for the interest of said corporation, and shall, also, be authorized to sell and convey, by deed, in fee simple, all lands, town lots or other real estate belonging to or acquired by said corporation or which may hereafter be acquired by purchase, donation or otherwise, which, in the judgement of its board of directors, is not needed jfor the purposes of said corporation. And in all sales, deeds of trust or mortgages of real estate by said corporation, the conveyances shall be made in the corporate name thereof, signed and acknowl- edged by the president, under the seal of the corporation, and attested by the secretary thereof. 7. The provisions of an act entitled an "Act supplemental to an act entitled 'an act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations,' " approved November 6th, 1849, and also of "An act to facilitate the construction of railroads," approved March 1, 1854, are hereby declared and made applicable to each and every town now incorporated, or that may hereafter be incorporated, sit- uated at either end or on the line of the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad, or within two miles thereof, as the same has II been heretofore surveyed or may hereafter be surveyed and located ; and the corporate authorities of any such town may order an elec- tion or elections to be held in such town, by the legal voters thereof, upon the question, whether the town, in its corporate capacity, will or will not subscribe to the capital stock of "The Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company," any sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars. And in case any such election shall be held the same shall be conducted as the town elections. And if at any such election a majority of the voters voting shall be in favor of making such subscription the provisions of the two acts recited in this section and also of all other general laws relating to subscriptions by counties or cities to the capital stock of railroad companies shall apply to and govern the corporate authorities of such town in making such subsciptions, so far as the same is appli- cable, and in all the subsequent proceedings relating thereto and the rights of such town against said company shall be the same, with the like remedies to enforce such rights, as the rights and remedies of counties in cases of county subscriptions. 8. The said corporation are hereby authorized to make and issue preferred stock, guaranteeing such a rate of interest, not ex- ceeding eight per cent, per annum, or with such prority over the remaining stock of such corporation, in the payment of dividends, as the directors of said corporation may determine. And the said board of directors may make such by-laws and regulations, neces- sary to give and secure to each original stockholder in said corpo- ration a free pass over the said road, when completed, so long as such person may continue the bonafide owner of such original stock : Provided, that no free pass shall be issued to any such stockholder unless he is the owner of at least five shares of said capital stock. 9. Said corporation may maintain suits against stockholders, for non-payment of capital stock or for any other demands or claims against other persons, in any county through which their road passes ; and no stockholder or other person interested in the affairs of said corporation shall be incompetent to testify as a witness or act in any ministerial capacity in any proceeding, legal or other- wise, where the said corporation may be a party. 10. The said corporation is hereby authorized, from time to time, to borrow such sum or sums of money, on the credit of the corporation, as may be necessary for completing, furnishing or ope- rating their said railroad, or for any other purpose connected there- with, at a rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually or annually, and may execute bonds there- for, with interest coupons thereto annexed, and secure the payment of the same, by mortgage or deed of trust on the whole or any part of their said railroad and corporate property, franchises and income of said corporation, then existing or thereafter to be acquired, and may annex to said mortgage bonds the privilege of converting the same into the capital stock of the corporation at par, at the option of the holders, if such election be signified, in writing, to the cor- poration, at any time, not exceeding five years from the date there- of. The said bonds and interest may be made payable, either within or without this state ; and if the payment of the moneys thereby.secured shall be afterwards enforced by a sale of the prop- erty thus conveyed by mortgage or deed of trust, such sale shall con- vey to the purchaser or purchasers the right to hold arid exercise the said franchises as fully as the same right was possessed by said corporation ; and in any case where the rolling stock, equipments or other personal property of said corporation, or any part thereof shall be included in any mortgage or deed of trust, as aforesaid, the said mortgage or deed of trust shall be acknowledged by the said corporation in the same manner, and recorded as provided by law, shall be as binding upon the said corporation and have the same force and eftcct, in every respect, as if the same were upon real estate alone, any law of this state to the contrary notwithstanding. 11. That the directors of said corporation be and they are hereby authorized to negotiate and sell the bonds of the said corpo- ration ac such time and in such places, cither within or without this state, and at such rates and for such prices as, in their opinion, will best advance the interest of the corporation ; and if such bonds are thus negotiated or sold at a discount below their par value, such sale shall be as valid and binding OH the company, in every respect, as if they were sold or deposited at their par value. 12. That the said corporation, in securing the payment of said bonds, by a mortgage or deed of trust on the road, property, fran- chises and income of the corporation, shall have power to execute a mortgage or deed of trust aforesaid, to secure the payment of the full amount of bonds which the corporation may at the time of said mortgage or deed of trust bears date, or at any time thereafter, desire to sell and dispose of, and may execute and sell, from time to time, such amounts of said bonds and of such dates and payable to such persons as the directors of said corporation may deem advi- sable, till the whole amount of bonds mentioned in such mortgage or deed of trust is executed and sold ; and the said mortgage or deed of trust shall be as valid and effectual to secure the payment of the bonds so executed and sold and every part thereof, as if the same and every part thereof had been executed of even date with the said mortgage or deed of trust. 13, That in all cases where subsciptions of stock and the bonds for same have been issued and delivered to said corporation by any county of this state, in pursuance of a vote of such county thereof all of which said subscriptions, bonds and all other pro- ceedings therein are hereby declared legal and valid ; and in such subscriptions by counties, incorporated cities or towns, past or prospective, it shall be the duty of the county court of each county and the corporate authorities of each city or town, respectively, and they are hereby directed and authorized to levy a sufficient tax 14 to pay promptly the interest and principal, as tlie same matures and becomes due, on all the bonds which may have been heretofore issued or may be hereafter for said stock ; which tax shall be collect- ed in the same manner and at the same time as the taxes are col- lected for other purposes, arid shall remain in force until said bonds are all paid off and discharged ; and said tax may, from time to time, be increased or diminished so as to produce sufficient funds for payment of said interest and principal of said bonds' And the said county, city or town authorities shall also be empowered to purchase and cancel any of said bonds at any time when there may be funds in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, at such prices as they deem consistent with the best interests of the counties, cities and towns, respectively. And all the counties through which the survey and location of the railroad of said corporation passes are hereby authorized and empowered, in th^ir corporate capacity, to subscribe and take such additional stock, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, in the capital stock of the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, as a majority of the legal voters voting may determine at any election or elections which may be held for that purpose, as provided by law. 14. In every case where an election shall be held by or in my county, city or incorporated town, situated on or near the route >f said railroad, as the same has been or may hereafter be surveyed ind located, in whole or in part, between Jacksonville and Illinois- own, upon the question whether such county, city or town shall subscribe for any specified amount in shares of the capital stock of said company, said election shall be legal and binding upon such county, city or town, jif notices thereof are given and the election is conducted in the mode prescribed in an act entitled "An act sup- plemental to an act entitled 'an act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations,' " approved November 6th, 1849, or in the mode prescribed in any general law of this state, relating to the same subject, or in the mode prescribed in any of the aets amenda- tory of the charter of said company; and if a majority of the votes cast at any such election shall be "For Subscription," it shall be the duty of the county court, or the corporate authorities of such city or town, to subscribe, without unneccessary delay, upon request of said company, for shares of said capital stock to the amount so voted, and to issue and deliver to said company the same amount as the stock so subscribed of the bonds of snch city, county or town, as the case may be, payable at any time specified, in not exceeding twenty years from their date, with annual or semi-annual coupons, for not exceeding ten per cent, interest per annum, thereto attach- ed, which bonds and coupons may be made payable either within or without this state, as said company may request; and all the pro- visions of the above mentioned act, approved November Gth, 1849, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act and of the other acts amendatory of the charter of said company, shall apply 15 to and govern every election referred to in this section, and the subscribing for stock and issuing of bonds, by virtue of such elec- tron, and all other matters relating to such elections and the pro- ceedings thereunder or by virtue thereof. 15. The said company shall carry and transport the mails of the United Spates on such terms as may be agreed upon, and all such freights and passengers as may be offered, if required so to do, on the terms usual with like railroad companies. 16. In all cases where the principal or interest of any county bond issued to said company, by virtue of a vote of the legal voters of such county, is made payable in the city of New York, such bond shall not.ori that account, be deemed invalid, but the principal and interest shall be deemed payable in such brnd as specified. 17. This act shall be deemed a public act, and shall be so received and taken notice of in all courts and places, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 14, 1859. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to construct a railroad from Jackson, ville, in Morgan county, to Alton, in Madison county," approved February lo 1851, and other acts amendatory thereto. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, in addition to the powers grant- ed by the act to which this is an amendment, as well as the amend- ments, approved February 11, 1853, February 27, 1854, February 7, 1857, and February 14, 1859, is hereby authorized and empow- ered to take and receive in payment, from the subscribers to the capital stock of said company, (either for subscriptions heretofore made or which may be hereafter,) money, labor, materials, cars, locomotives or other property, either real or personal, for the use of said railroad, or which, in the opinion of the board of directors, may be sold, exchanged or converted to such use ; and the said railroad company is hereby vested with full authority to sell, con- vey, exchange or dispose of any such property so received ; and all such transactions and payments of stock, heretofore made to said company, are hereby declared legal and valid. 2. The said company is hereby authorized to receive sub- scriptions to its capital stock, payable in either real or personal property ; and all such subscriptions, heretofore made, are hereby declared legal and valed ; and on a failure, neglect or refusal of any subscriber, his heirs, executors or administrators, to make such pay- ment or comply with the condition thereof, the said company may proceed by suk, in any court having competent jurisdiction thereof, and recover the amount or value thereof in money ; and the said company is hereby authorized and empowered to receive subscrip- If) tions to its capital stock, payable at any time hereafter, either when the entire road is in operation or any part of it, or at any time thereafter, and may receive notes or bonds for the same, and also such security, either real or personal, with or without interest, as may be agreed upon. The notes, bonds or other security, as hereby pravided for, may be assigned or transferred by said com- pany ; and such assignment or transfer shall vest in the assignee or assigns the legal title thereto. 3. The said railroad company shall have power to extend and unite its railroad with any other railroad, now constructed or which may hereafter be constructed in this state ; and, for that purpose, full power is hereby given to said company to make and execute such contracts with any other company as will secure the objects of such connection ; and, for the foregoing purposes of extension, shall possess and exercise all the privileges, immunities and fran- chises, and enjoy all the rights granted by this act and the- act to which this is an amendment and the several amendments thereto. 4. All the provisions in this act, also the act to which this is an amendment, and the several amendments thereto, relating to county courts, shall apply to and govern the board of supervisors in any county where township organization may exist or hereafter be adopted ; and in all cases, when by the terms of the act to which this is an amendment and the several acts amendatory thereto, it is made the duty ot the county courts to do and perform any act or acts, the same shall be bindihg upon any such board of supervisors, and shall be done and performed by them to the same extent and in like manner, so far as practicable, as the said county courts are required to do. 5. This act shall be deemed a public act, and shall be so re- ceived and taken notice of in all courts and places, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 20, 1861. 17 TONIC A & PETERSBURG R. R. COMPANY. .A.OT OF AN ACT to incorporate the Touica and Petersburg Railroad Company. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of tfye State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That Albert Reynolds, Elijah N. Farnsworth, Jesse Hammers. Henry B. Green, John Bennett, William G. Green, William Crow, Josiah Sawyer, and Richard Yates, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby cre- ated a body politic and corporate, under and by the name and style of "The Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company," with perpet- ual succession, and by that name and style shall be, and are hereby made capable, in law and in equity, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and eqity in this tState or elsewhere, to make, have and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; and by that name and style shall be capable in law of taking, holding, purchasing, leasing, selling and conveying estate and property, real, personal and mixed, so far as the same may be necessary for the purposes hereinafter na- med, and not further ; and shall be and are hereby vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities which may be necessary to carry into effect the objects and purposes of this act. 2. The said Company shall have power and authority to locate and from time to time to alter, change, relocate, construct, recon- struct, finish, maintain and operate a Railroad, with one or more tracks, commencing at a point at or near Tonica on the Illinois Central Railroad, running thence through Magnolia in Putnam county, Lyons and Mantua in Marshall county, Metamora in Wood- ford county, Tremont and Delevan in Tazewell county, Petersburg in Menard county, at or near Crow's Point in Cass county, and terminating at Jacksonville, in the county of Morgan, upon the most eligible route to be by said company selected ; and for the purpose of constructing the said railroad, said company shall have power to lay out and establish their said road in width not exceed- ing one hundred feet through the entire length thereof; and for the 18 purpose of constructing bridges, dams, embankments, excavations, spile-banks, engine-houses, depots, stations, grounds, machine-shops, turn-tables, turn-outs, and all other buildings and fixtures neces- sary and suitable for the construction, altering, maintaining and operating said road, and also for obtaining necessary stone, gravel and sand, the said company may take, use and occupy all necessary lands upon either side of said road. 3. The said company shall have power to take and hold all such voluntary grants and donations of lands and real estate as- may be made to said company, to aid in the construction, mainten- ance and accommodation of said road, and to take and recieve- grants and conveyances of any and all estate therein to said com- pany and their successors in office, or assigns in fee or otherwise ; and that the right of way and the real estate purchased for the right of way for said company, whether by mutual agreement or otherwise, or which shall become the property of the company by operation of law as in this act provided, shall, upon the payment of the amount of money belonging to the owner or owners of said lands as a compensation for the same, become the property of said corporation in fee simple. 4. The said company are hereby authorized by their engi- neers, agents and surveyors to enter upon any lands for the purpose of making the necessary survey and examinations of said road, and to enter upon and take and hold all lands necessary for the con- struction of said road ; and all such lands as may be required in the construction of bridges, dams, embankments, -excavations, spile- banks, turn-outs depots, engine-houses, shops, turn-tables, and other necessary improvements or buildings, first making just compensation to the owners or occupiers of said lands for damages that may arise to them, from the appropriation thereof, to the uses aforesaid ; and in case said company shall not be able to obtain the title to the lands required for such uses by purchase or voluntary cession, the said company are hereby authorized to proceed to ascertain and determine the damages sustained by such owners or occupiers, and obtain right and title to said lands in the manner and upon the prin- ciples provided in "An act to amend the law condemning right of way for purposes of Internal Improvement," approved June 22d, 1852 ; or in the manner and upon the principles provided by any other act that may have been or may hereafter be passed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, to enable railroad com- panies to appropriate lands for the purposes aforesaid. 5. The said board of directors shall have power and authority to provide in their by-laws, if they in their discretion shall think proper to do so, for the construction of said road by divisions ; and in such case it may be lawful for the subscription of the stock to be taken and subscribed for either of the said divisions, or for the whole of the said road, as those iaking and subscribing for the same may dee.ni proper ; and in the event that the whole or any portion of said stock be taken and subscribed for, by divisions, the 19 amount of stock so taken and subscribed shall be applied and ex- pended in the construction of that particular division for which the same was taken : Provided, That, should the amount raised for any division be a surplus or more than will be required for the construction of said division, such surplus shall go to the whole road as an entire road, and may be appropriated in such manner and at such places on the road as the company may decide. 6. That all the rights acquired by, and all the obligations incurred by an association heretofore formed and organized for the purpose of constructing and operating a railroad from a point at or near Tonica on the Illinois Central Railroad, to Peters- burg in Menard county, State of Illinois, and known by the name of the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company, are hereby made and declared of legal effect, as though the said corporation had been constituted a body politic and corporate by legal enactment and organization thereunder, and that the said corporation shall succeed to all the rights and obligations of the said association ; and that the officers or directors of said association, or person or persons claiming or having a right to the same, shall trans- fer, convey and deliver to said corporation all moneys or property acquired by, or held to the use of said association ; also all books, maps, profiles, and all papers of every description, per- taining to the same to be held and used by the said corporation in carrying out the provisions of this act. That all bonds, notes, con- tracts and promises of every kind made with said association or its officers or agents, in respect to said railroad or its construction, shall inure to the benefit of the said corporation, and shall be bind- ing and effectual as if made with said corporation ; and all debts which may be due from the said association, and all contracts or obligations to be performed by it, shall be binding upon the said corporation as if such debts, contracts and obligations had been made originally by the same : Provided, that 11 the subscribers who have subscribed to the capital stock of the said association, shall be deemed to be stockholders in the said corporation, to the extent and in proportion to the amount so subscribed, and shall be entitled to all the rights, and subject to all the liabilities with other stockhol- ders who shall hereafter subscribe to the capital stock of said cor- poration under and in pursuance of the provisions of this act. 7. The capital stock of said corporation shall consist of two millions of dollars, and may be increased by the directors of said company, to any sum necessary to complete and equip said road ; and the same shall be subscribed for, and taken under the direction of the board of directors at such times and places and in such man- ner as the directors shall from time to time direct. The said capi- tal stock shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, shall be deemed personal property, shall be liable to be sold under execution, and shall be transferable in such manner and at such places, as shall be ordered by the board of directors. 8. All the corporate powers of said company shall be vested in and exercised by a board of directors of not more than nine or less than five, to be determined by the stockholders, and to be cho- sen annually by the stockholders from among themselves ; who shall hold their offices for one year after their election, or until their successors are elected and qualified. The time and manner of hold- ing the annual election for the election of directors shall be fixed and determined by the by-laws of the company, and at all such elections of directors each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock bona fide held by him, and may vote in person or by proxy. The said directors shall have power to appoint all necessary clerks, secretary, and other officers or agents necessary in the transaction of the business of the board. The said directors, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum, shall elect one of their own num- ber to be the president of the company. 9. In case of the death, resignation or removal of the presi- dent or any director at any time between the annual elections, such vacancies may be filled for the remainder of the year, whenever it may happen, by the board of directors ; and in case of absence of the president, the board of directors shall have power to appoint a president pro tern., who shall have and exercise all the powers of the legal president of the company. And in case it shall at any time happen that an election of directors shall not have been made on the day on which it ought to have been made, in pursuance of the provisions of this act, the said corporation shall not, for that cause be dissolved, but such election shall be holden at such other time as shall be directed by the by-laws of said corporation. 10 The first board of directors of said company shall consist of Albert Reynolds, Elijah IS. Farnsworth, Jesse Hammers, Josiah Sawyer, Henry R. Green, John Bennett, William G. Green, Wm. Crow, and Richard Yates, who shall hold their offices until the next annual election of directors, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Said board of directors shall cause books to be opened for subscription to the capital stock of said corporation at such time and in such mariner as tney shall by their by-laws direct. 11. It shall be lawful for the directors to make calls upon the Bums subscribed to the capital stock of said corporation at such times and in such amounts as they shall deem fit, giving at least thirty days notice of each of said calls, in at least two newspapers publish- ed in the vicinity of said road ; and in case of any failure on the part of any stockholder to make payment of any call made as aforesaid by the said directors, for sixty days after the same shall have been made, the said board of directors ^are hereby authorized to declare said stock, so in arrears ; and all sums paid thereon shall be forfeited to the company, and said company shall have the power and author- ity to institute suit in any competent court, and recover judgment against any such defaulting subscriber or subscribers for such amount of said stock as he or she or they may be so in arrears as aforesaid. 21 12. The said company may transport upon said railroad, persons, merchandize and property, by the power of steam, or of animals, or of any other power or combination of powers, and may regulate the time and manner in which goods, effects and persons may be transported on the same, and may prescribe the manner in which said railroad may be used, and the rate of toll for the trans- portation of persons and property thereon, and for the storage of merchandize and other property under their charge, and shall have power to provide all necessary stock and materials for the opera- tion of said road, and to erect and maintain all necessary depots and other buildings, and machinery, for the accommodation, man- agement and operation of said road. The said directors shall have power to make all necessary rules, regulations, ordinances and by- laws, which they may deem necessary and expedient, to accomplish the designs and purposes, and to carry into effect the provisions of this act. 13. If any person shall maliciously, wilfully, or wantonly, or shall negligently obstruct the passage of any car, on said railroad, or upon any part thereof, or anything belonging thereto, or shall damage, break or destroy any part of the said railroad, or imple- ments, or buildings belonging to the same, he, she or they, or any person assisting, shall forfeit and pay said company for every such offence, treble the amount of damages that shall be proved before a competent court, has been sustained, and be sued for in the name and behalf of said company ; and such offender or offenders shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be liable to indictment in the same manner (as) other indictments are found in any county or counties where such offence shall have been committed, and upon conviction, every such offender shall be liable to a fine not exceed- ing one thousand dollars, for the use of the county where such indictment may be found, or shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not exceeding five years, or both, in the discretion of the court be- fore whom the same shall be tried. 14- Said company is hereby authorized from time to time to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be necessary for com- pleting and operating their said road, and to issue and dispose of their bonds in denominations of not less than five hundred dollars, for any amount so borrowed, and to mortgage their corporate prop- erty, arid franchise and convey the same by deed of trust, to secure the payment of any debt contracted by the said company for the purpose aforesaid ; and directors of said company may confer on any bondholders of any bonds it sued for money borrowed as afore- said, the right to convert the principle due or owing thereon into the stock of said company, at any time not exceeding ten years from the date of the bond, under such regulations as the directors of said company may see fit to adopt, and all sales of bonds for less than their par value, shall be good and valid and as binding upon said corporation as if the same were sold for the full amount 22 i thereof ; and said corporation may loan any surplus funds, at such rate of interest as is now allowed upon any money loaned by the laws of this state : Provided, Nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to confer banking privileges. 15. The certificate of the secretary of said company, under the corporate seal thereof, shall be received in all courts of justice and elsewhere as evidence of the regular organization of said com- pany under its charter, and of any act or order of the board of direc- tors of said company. 16. That whenever it shall be necessary for the construction of said Railroad, to intersect or cross any water course, or any road or highway lying between the points aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the corporation to construct their railroad across or upon the same. Provided, That the corporation shall restore the water course or road or highway thus intersected, to its former state, or in a suffi- cient manner not to[leave impaired its usefulness. It shall be lawful for the said company to unite with any other railroad company which may have been or hereafter may be incorporated by this state, and to grant to any company or companies the right to construct and use all or any portion of the road hereby authorized to be con- structed ; also the right to sell, lease or convey the same to said company or companies, or consolidate its stock therewith and place the management and control of the same under such board of di- rectors upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon by the said railroad companies. 17. The said corporation shall have power to construct a north- ern extension of said road to Ottawa, and in the event of the exten- sion of said road to Ottawa the said corporation shall not be com- pelled to construct that part of the road provided for, in the second section of this act which lies between Tonica and Magnolia, unless said corporation shall in their discretion see proper so to do, but shall have power to run said road on the most eligible route between Magnolia and Ottawa, crossing the Illinois Central railroad either at Tonica or at a point on said Illinois Central railroad south of Tonica, as said company may deem most for the interest of said road ; said corporation shall also have the power to construct a branch of said road from Petersburg to New Berlin, on the Great Western road, and also a southern extension of said road from Jacksonville in the direction of Waverly and Carlinville to such point on the said Illinois Central Railroad as the said corporation may hereafter determine; said extension and branches to be con- structed in every respect according to the provisions, requirements and limitations of this act. 18. This act, is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be in force from and after its passage ; and said company shall com- mence its work in five years and complete the same in ten years after the passage of this act. APPROVED Jan. 15, 1857. 23 (AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER] AN ACT Supplemental to an net to incorporate the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Com nan y. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That in all cases where sub- scriptions have been or shall be made to said company by any coun- ty of this State in pursuance of a vote of the county, all which are hereby declared legal and valid, it shall be the duty of the county court of each county respectively, to levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest on the bonds to be issued for said stock, which tax shall remain in force until said bonds are paid off and discharged, and said tax may from time to time be increased or diminished so as to produce sufficient funds for payment of said interest. That the votes given at the last general election holden on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1856, by the Counties of Morgan and Menard, in favor of subscriptions to the Capital Stock of said Company, be and the same are hereby declared of legal effect, and that the Clerks of the County Courts of such Counties be authorized and required to issue their bonds to said company, in the manner and upon the terms set forth in the election notices and other proceed- ings of said county courts in relation thereto. 2. That if the citizens of Washington in Tazewell county, shall, on or before the first day of March, A. D. 1857, subscribe within said town of Washington not less than the sum of fifteen thousand dollars in good responsible subscription to the capital stock of said company, and secure free of expense to said company the right of way through said town of Washington, and also ground for a passenger house at such point as the said road shall cross the Peoria and Oquawka Eastern Extension Railroad, free of expense to said company, and also depot grounds, within three-eighths of a mile of said crossing free of expense to said company, then the said road shall be located through the said town of Washington. 3. That the county court of each county which may by a vote of said county have subscribed, or may hereafter subscribe, to the capital stock of said company, is hereby authorized to make the interest on the bonds of subscription aforesaid payable at such place or places as the said county courts respectively may order and determine. 4. The said corporation shall have the power to construct a branch of said railroad from some point thereon between Magno- lia and Ottawa to some point in the town of Morris in the county of Grundy, said points to be fixed, by said corporation with spurs to said branch running to the Coal Beds on the Vermillion River, which said branch and spurs shall be constructed under the pro- visions of the original act to which this is a supplement ; and said corporation shall have all the powers, privileges and advantages (and be liable to all the regulations, liabilities and disabilities,) in constructing and managing said branch and spurs as are imposed 24 upon and granted said company by said charter in constructing the main trunk of said railroad. Approved Feb. 16, 1857. AN ACT to amend " An act to incorporate the Tonicaand Petersburg Railroad Company," approved January loth, 1857, and also to amend "An act supple- mental to an act to incorporate the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company,'' approved February 16th, 1857. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the G-eneral Assembly, That said corporation is au- thorized to receive subscriptions to its capital stock, payable at any time and in any manner, and at any rate of interest, not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, which may be agreed upon by said corpora- tion and the subscribers to the capital stock thereof. 2. The provisions of " An act supplemental to an act entitled *an act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations,' ' approved Nov. 6th, 1849, and also of " An act to facilitate the construction of railroads," approved March 1st, 1854, are hereby declared and made applicable to each and every town now incorpo- rated or that may hereafter be incorporated, situated on or near the line of " The Tonica and Petersburg Railroad," and the corporate authorities of any such incorporated town may order an election or elections to be held in such town, by the legal voters thereof, upon the question whether the town, in its corporate capacity, will .or will not subscribe to the capital stock of " The Tonica and Peters- burg Railroad" any sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars. And in case said election shall be held, the same shall be conducted as other town elections ; and if [at] any such elections a majority of the voters voting shall be in favor of making such subscription, all the provisions of the two acts recited in this section, and also of all other general laws relating to subscriptions by counties to the capi- tal stock of railroad companies, shall apply to and govern the cor- porate authorities' of such town in making such subscription, and in all the subsequent proceedings relating thereto ; and the rights of such town against said corporation shall be the same, with the like remedies to enforce such rights, as the rights and remedies of coun- ties in cases of county subscription. 3. That any township now or hereafter organized under the township organization laws of this state, which may be situated on or near the route of the Tonica and Petersburg railroad, or of any branch of said road, is hereby authorized to subscribe to the capi- tal stock of said company, in any sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars for each township. 4. No such subscription shall be made until the question has been submitted to the legal voters of the township in which the sub- scription is proposed to be made, and the clerk of each of said towns (in which the subscription is proposed to be made) 25 is hereby required, upon the presentation to him of a petition signed by at least twenty citizens, who are legal voters and tax payers of the town of which he is clerk (in which petition shall be specified the amount proposed to be subscribed, the time which the bonds proposed to be issued are to run, and the interest which said bonds are to bear,) to post up notices in at least three of the most public places of said town, which notices shall be posted at least thirty days before the day of holding such election, notifying the legal voters to meet at the usual place of voting, or some other convenient place in said town, for the purpose of voting for or against subscription ; but no such vote shall be taken except at a regular election for town or county officers. 5. If it shall appear that a majority of all the voters voting at such election, have voted for subscription, it shall be the duty of the supervisor of each of said towns that shall vote for such sub- scription, to subscribe to the capital stock of said railroad corpora- tion, in the name of the town for which he is supervisor, the amount so voted to be subscribed, and to receive from said corporation the proper certificates therefor. He shall also execute to said corpor- ation, in the name of said town, bonds in conformity with said vote, which bonds shall specify the place of papment, and shall inno case bear interest at a higher rate than ten per cent, per annum, and shall run for a term of not less nor more than twenty years, and the interest on the same shall be made payable annually or semi- annually, and which said bonds shall be accepted by said corpora- tion at their par value. Said bonds shall be signed by the super- visor and attested by the clcvk of the town in whose name the bonds are issued, and it shall be the duty of said clerk to make a record of the issuing such bonds. Said bonds shall be delivered to the president or secretary of said corporation, for the use of said cor- poration. 6. It shall be the duty of the clerk of each of said towns in which a vote is given for subscription, within ten days thereafter, to transmit to the county clerk of the county in which said town is situated, a transcript or statement of the vote given and the amount voted to be subscribed, and the rate of interest named in the bonds, and the times of payment of said interest. 7. It shall be the duty of said county clerk, annually there- after, to compute and assess upon aH the taxable property returned by the assessor of each of said towns which have voted to subscribe a sufficient sum to pay the interest on all bonds issued by the re- spective towns, which taxes shall be extended on the collectors' books as other taxes are, and shall be collected in the same manner that other taxes are collected, and when collected shall be paid into the treasury as county taxes are paid. 8. It shall be the duty of said treasurer of the county in which said town is situated, to pay out, on the presentation to him of the bonds issued by any town as aforesaid, the amount due on each of 26 said bonds as interest, out of any money in his hands for that pur- pose, and receive the interest coupons then due and paid by him, or other sufficient vouchers ; he shall also keep an account with each town of all money received by him and paid out on account of said town, which account shall at all times be open to the in- spection of all persons wishing to examine the same. 9. At all elections for officers or other questions voted upon by the stockholders of said corporation, the supervisor of each town making such subscription shall represent and cast the vote which said stock is entitled to. 10. The supervisor of each town voting for subscription as aforesaid, is hereby authorized to issue and deliver to said corpor- ation the whole of the bonds payable on its subscription, whether the assessments on the other stockholders of said company have been regularly assessed and made payable or not, and said bonds, both principal and interest, may be made payable at any place within or without this state, in conformity with the vote that shall have been taken. | 11. That in all cases where subscriptions of stock have been made to the said corporation by any county of this state, or shall hereafter be made to said corporation by any county, city or incor- porated town, it shall be the duty of the county court of each county and of the corporate authorities of each city and incorpor- ated town, respectively, and they are hereby directed and authoriz- ed to levy a sufficient tax to pay the interest and principal as the same matures and becomes due on all the bonds which mny have been heretofore issued or may ba hereafter issued for said stock, which tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same man- ner as the taxes are collected for other purposes, and shall remain in force until said bonds are paid ofi and discharged. And said tax may, from time to time, be increased or diminished so as to produce sufficient funds for payment of said interest and princi- pal of said bonds. And the said couuty, city or town authorities shall also be empowered to purchase and cancel any of said bonds at any time when there may be funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, at such prices as they deem consistent with the best interests of the county, city or town, respectively. 12. In every case Avhere an election shall be held by or in any county, city or incorporated town, situated on or near the route of said railroad, as the same has been or may hereafter be survey- ed and located, in whole or in part, upon the question whether such county, city or town shall subscribe for any specified amount in shares of the capital stock of said corporation, said election shall be legal and binding upon such county, city or town, if notices there- of are given and the election is conducted in the mode prescribed in mi act entitled "An act supplemental to an act entitled 'an act to provide for a general system of railroad incorporations,' " approv- ed November 6th, 1849, or in the mode prescribed in, any general 27 law of this state relating to the same subject. And if a majority of the votes cast at any such election shall be for subscription, it shall be the duty of the county court or the corporate authorities of such city or town to subscribe, without unnecessary delay, upon the request of the president of said corporation, for shares of said capital stock to the amount so voted, and to issue and deliver to said company the same amount as the stock so subscribed of the bonds ot said county, city or town, (as the case may be,) payable at any time specified, not exceeding twenty years from their date, with annual or semi-annual coupons for not exceeding ten per cent, interest per annum thereto attached, which bonds and coupons may be made payable either within or without this state, as said corpor* ation may request; and all the provisions of the above mentioned act, approved November 6th, 1849, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall apply to and govern every election referred to in this section, and the subscribing for stock and issu- ing of bonds by virtue of such election, and all other matters re- lating to such election and the proceedings thereunder or by virtues thereof. 13. The said company shall carry and transport the mails of the United States on such terms as may be agreed upon, and all such freights and passengers as may be offered, if required BO to do, on the terms usual [with] like railroad corporations. 14. The said corporation is hereby authorized to sell and convey, by deed, in fee simple, all lands, town lots or other real estate belonging to 01 acquired by said corporation or which may hereafter be acquired by purchase, donation or otherwise, which, in the judgment of its board of directors, is not needed for the pur- poses of said corporation. And in all sales, conveyances, deeds of trust or mortgages of real estate by said corporation, the con- veyances shall be made in the corporate name thereof, and acknow- ledged by the president, under the seal of tho corporation, and at- tested by the secretary thereof. 15. The said corporation are hereby authorized to make and issue a preferred stock, guaranteeing such a rate of interest, not. exceeding ten per cent, per annum, and with such priority over the remaining stock of such corporation as may be directed by the board of directors of said corporation. And the said directors may cause subscription books for same to be opened at such times and places as they may direct, which shall be governed by the satno rules, regulations and liabilities as provided heretofore in the origi- nal charter of said corporation and the several amendments there- to, or by any by-laws or regulations which may be adopted or di- rected by the said directors. And the said board of directors mav make such by-laws and regulations necessary to give and secure to each original stockholder in said corporation a free pass over the said railroad, when completed, so long as such person may continue the lonafidc owner of such original stock : Provided, that ao free 28 pass shall be issued to any such stockholder, unless he is the owner of at least five shares of said capital stock. 16. The said corporation is hereby authorized to borrow such sums of money on the credit of the corporation which may be nec- essary for constructing, finishing or operating their said railroad, or for any other purpose connected therewith, at a rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually or annually, and may execute bonds therefor with interest coupons annexed, and secure the payment of the same by mortgage or deed of trust on the whole or any part or any division of said railroad and corporate property, franchises and income of said corporation, then existing or thereafter to be acquired ; the said bonds and inter- est may be made payable either within or without this state ; and if the payment of the moneys thereby secured shall be afterwards enforced by a sale of the property thus conveyed by mortgage or deed of trust, such sale shall convey to the purchaser the right to- hold and exercise the said franchises as fully as the same right was possessed by said corporation. 17. That said corporation shall have the power to execute a deed of trust or mortgage on the property, road and income of the company or upon any division or part thereof, to secure the pay- ment of such amount of bonds as may be deemed necessary to be issued by the board of directors of said corporation, for the pur- poses of the road, and said corporation shall have power to execute and sell and dispose of said bonds at the time said deed of trust or mortgage bears date, or shall have power to execute said bonds and sell the same, in whole or in parts, from time time, and of such dates subsequent to said deed of trust or mortgage, and payable to such person or persons as to said corporation shall seem advisable, till the whole amount of bonds mentioned in such deed of trust is executed and sold ; and the said mortgage and deed of trust shall be as valid and efficient to secure the payment of the bonds so exe- cuted and sold, and of every thereof, as if the same and every part thereof had been executed and sold with even date with the said deed of trust or mortgage. 18. That whenever the said railroad shall intersect any road, railroad, highway, street or alley, the said corporation shall have power to change the line or grade of the said road, railroad, high- way, street or alley so intersected, if such change be desirable, and shall not impair the usefulness of such road, railroad, highway, street or alley thus intersected, and said corporation may take such additional lands as may bo necessary for the change of said road, highway, street or railroad, making compensation therefor as in other cases : Provided, that in case of intersection with any railroad now incorporated, no change of line of such railroad, so intersected, shall be had, except with the consent of the company so intersect- ed, or in case of disagreement, by the direction and award of arbi- 29 trators mutually chosen, one of whom shall be selected by each company, and the third chosen by the two thus chosen. 19. That in all proceedings had or hereafter to be had for right of way or condemnation of real estate, for any purpose of said railroad, after any assessment or non-assessment of damages in the premises, by commissioners, and any appeal or other proceed- ings in the premises by either party, the said corporation may pro- ceed in the construction of the said railroad over and upon said real estate, upon giving bond and security in a sufficient amount to be approved by the clerk of the circuit court of the proper county conditioned to pay to the owner or owners of such real estate all costs and damages that may hereafter be legally taxable and asses- sed in the premises against said corporation. 20. Said corporation may maintain suits against stockholders for non-payment of capital stock in any county through which said road passes, and no stockholder or other person interested in the affairs of said corporation shall be imcompetent to testify as a wit- ness or serve in any material capacity in any proceedings, legal or otherwise, where said corporation may be a party. 21. This act shall be deemed a public act, and in force from and after its passage. Approved February 14, 1859. ACT FOR CONSOLIDATION. AN ACT to enable railroad companies and plank roadcompaniesto consolidate their stock. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Illinois, represented in the G-eneral Assembly, That all railroad companies and plank road companies now organized, or hereafter to be orga- nized, which now have or hereafter may have their termini fixed by law, whenever their said road or roads intersect by continuous lines, be and the same are hereby authorized and empowered to consoli- date their property and stock with each other, and to consolidate with companies out of this state, whenever their lines connect with the lines of such companies out of this state. 2. Such consolidation may take place whenever the said com- panies shall respectively agree upon the terms and conditions of the same ; and the said companies when so consolidated shall be authorized to agree upon the name or name^ of such consolidated company, and by such name or fflmes the said con- solidated company shall be a body corporateand politic, shall have a common seal or seals, and by such name or names shall be re- spectively contracted with and make contracts, shall sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded with, and shall have all the powers, franchises and immunities which the said respective companies shall have, by virtue of their respective charters, before such consolida- 30 tion passed within the state of Illinois : Provided, that each con- solidated company shall file for record, in the office of the secretary of state, a copy of their said articles of consolidation, evidence'd by the signature of the presiding officer of each of the said com- panies, and the corporate seal thereof. 8. The corporation or corporations formed by virtue of the provisions of this act shall have the power to increase their capital stock to any amount required by resolution of their respective boards of directors, not exceeding the amount of the cost of the roads and works constructed and equipped by them, to borrow money and fix the rate of interest therefor, to issue bonds and the same to sell at such price as they may deem expedient, such sales being hereby authorized and confirmed, and to make any other con- tracts authorized by the by-laws of the said corporation or corpo- rations, within the purview of their said charters. 4. Such corporation or corporations, when so formed, shall have the same power to consolidate with other companies when their lines connect, upon such terms as may be agreed upon by them respectively. 5. No company in this state shall be authorized under the provisions of this act to consolidate with any company beyond the limits of the state, until the termini of such company in this state shall first have been fixed by the laws of this state at the bounda- ry line thereof. 6. This act shall not be so constructed as to authorize any plank road not having power to build a railroad to consolidate with any railroad so as to lay a railroad upon any plank road track, until the termini of such railroad shall have been expressly fixed by law, nor shall any plank road so consolidate with any railroad unless authorized by law to lay a railroad track. 7. All proceedings for the purpose of consolidation as above provided shall be fixed and regulated by the by-laws of the respec- tive companies desiring such consolidation : Provided, that such consolidation shall not take place until the terms of such consoli- dation shall have been approved by a majority of the stockholders in interest, in person or by proxy, at an annual or called meeting, of which due notice shall be given, by publication or in writing, to all stockholders interested, or the same be approved by the written consent of a majority of stockholders in interest, filed in the office of their company. 8. When it shall be necessary for the construction of any railroad to cross the trai^c of any other railroad, stream of water, water course, road or highway, which it may intersect or cross by reason of such extension, into or through any adjoining state, or by reason of its consolidation with ny other road or roads, com- pany or companies, as provided in this act, it shall be lawful for said company to construct their road across or over the same by such track or tracks, bridge or bridges, viaduct or viaducts, as 31 may be necessary to the convenience oi the extension or consolida- tion of said road : Provided, said company shall restore the rail- road, stream of water, water course, road or highway thus inter- sected or crossed to its former state, or in a sufficient manner not materially to interfere with its usefulness. 9. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. APPROVED February 28, 1854. 32 ARTICLES OF CONSOLIDATION. ARTICLES OF CONSOLIDATION, made and entered into, this" twenty seventh day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, between the Tonica and Petersbury Rail- road Company, and the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company* it^a -\ WHEREAS, The said Railroad Companies, Corporations ^mp? j existing and duly organized under and by virtue of cer- i tain acts of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, have the termini of their respective railroads fixed by law, and their said roads intersect by a continuous line from Alton, through Jack- sonville, the place of intersection, to Tonica ; and the directors of said respective companies, upon mature considerations have deter- mined that the interests of the respective stockholders of said com- panies, and the public interests arid convenience will be greatly pro- moted by the union of their said roads into one road, and by the consolidation of the respective stocks of said companies into one common consolidated stock : And whereas the said companies, being authorized and empow- ered by law to consolidate their property and stock with each other, have agreed so to do upon the terms and conditions hereinafter men- tioned and contained : Now, therefore, this Agreement, made by and between the cor- porations above named, parties hereto, witnesseth, that the said Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company, and the said Jackson- ville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad company, do agree, and each for itself doth severally agree, that the said companies shall be con- solidated into and form one corporation under the name and style of the "St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company." And pursuant to the act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, in such case made and provided, the said parties hereto do hereby prescribe the following terms and conditions of the said consolidation, and do respectively agree thereto, and to the mode of carrying the same into effect as herein provided for : ARTICLE 1. The directors of the said St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company shall be not less than five, nor more than eleven in number, to be chosen as hereinafter provided. 33 ART. 2. The first election for the directors of said company, shall be held at Jacksonville on the tenth day of December next, between the hours of noon and five o'clock P. M. The following stockholders in one or other of said companies, are hereby appoin- ted inspectors or judges of said election to perform the usual duties required by law in such cases, to-wit : Matthew Stacy, John Math- ers, Cornelius Rouke, and William P. Barr. The inspector or in- spectors attending at the time and place fixed for the election, shall have power to fill any vacancy occasioned by the non-attendance of any one or more of their number. Any person so appointed to fill a vacancy raust be a stockholder in one or other of the companies parties hereto. Should neither of the inspectors attend at the time and place appointed for the election, the stockholders present at tho time fixed for the opening of the polls, shall have power by the vote of a majority in number of those present, to choose three per- sons, being stockholders in one or other of said companies, who, or any two of whom, shall have power to act as the judges of the said election. All stockholders in the respective companies, entitled to vote at any election of directors in the respective companies parties to this agreement, shall have the right to vote at the said election, in person, or by proxy, and shall be severally entitled to one vote for each share of stock, (being one hundred dollars at par,) held by such stockholder in either of said companies. Eleven directors shall be voted for at said election, of whom at least four shall reside north of Morgan county and be stockholders of the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company, and at least four shall reside south of Morgan county and be stockholders of the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, and at least two of them shall re- side within the county of Morgan and be stockholders in one or other of the original companies. The eleven persons, so qualified, receiv- ing the highest number of votes at the said election, shall be the first directors of the St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company, and shall hold their office for one year, and until their successors are chosen according to law. ART. 3. The said directors shall, at the first meeting after their election, elect a president from their own number, and shall also then, or as soon as conveniently may be thereafter, elect or appoint B secretary and treasurer of said company, and such other officers, engineers, superintendents, clerks, agents, assistants, and other employees, as they shall from time to time find to be necessary for the proper transaction of the business of said company. $ AKT. 4. After the consolidation herein provided for is perfect- ed, and after said first election, stockholders in said consolidated company, by surrender or exchange of their certificates in their respective companies, or otherwise, shall be entitled to vote, in per- son, or by proxy, at any meeting of the stockholders of said con- solidated company. AIIT. 5. The capital stock of the said St. Louis, Jacksonville 34 and Chicago Railroad Company shall bo two million of dollars, to be divided into twenty thousand shares of one hundred dollars each, and the directors may increase the capital stock of said company when necessary to an amount not exceeding the cost of the roads and works constructed and equipped. All the stock which shall have been issued at the time this consolidation takes effect by either of the said companies, parties hereto, which shall then be outstand- ing and held by bonafide holders, shall be surrendered, and in place thereof, there shall be issued to the holder or holders of such stock, or his or her or their assigns, an equal number of the shares of the stock in said consolidated company. And every subscriber to the capital stock of either of the said original companies, who, be- fore this consolidation takes effect, shall have fully paid and per- formed his subscription or contract for such stock, without having received a certificate therefor, shall be entitled to receive a certifi- cate of stock in the consolidated company for the number of shares to which he would be entitled in the original company. ART, 6. In all cases in which subscriptions or agreements with either of said companies, parties hereto, for the stock of either of said companies, have been heretofore made by any person or per- sons, and said subscriptions or contracts for stock yet remain unpaid or unperformed, either in whole or in part, the stock of said consol- idated company may, upon payment of said subscriptions, or per- formance of said contracts, be issued to the subscriber or subscri- bers in the same manner as the respective companies, parties hereto, would have been bound to issue their stock respectively, had not this consolidation taken effect. And the directors of the consoli- dated company shall have full power against any defaulting sub- scriber or subscribers to the stock of either of said original compa- nies, to declare such stock forfeited for non-payment, after due no- tice of arrears of subscription. ART. 7. No certificate of stock in the consolidated company shall be delivered to any stockholder except on terms of payment by such stockholder of the taxes lawfully imposed thereon by na- tional or state authority. ART. 8 All and singular the rights, franchises, privileges-, real estate, depot grounds, rights of way, road-beds, railroads, iron rails, superstructures, engines, cars, machinery, rolling stock, debts, dues, demands, choses in action, and property of every description, name and nature, in which the said Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company and Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company have respectively any rignt, title or interest, whether in possession, reversion or remainder, with the appurtenances, upon the ratifica- tion of these articles, and the election of the first board of direc- tors of the St.. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company, shall be held, owned and controlled by the stiid St. Louis, Jackson- ville and Chicago Railroad company, their successors and assigns, as fully and completely to all intents and purposes, as said separate 35 companies do or can now hold, own, use or control the same ; and no further conveyance or assurance shall be required lor the full and complete vesting thereof in the said St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad Company. ART. 9. All just debts, guarantees and liabilities existing against the said original companies, parties hereto, at the time of the taking effect of this consolidation, shall be, and are hereby, as- sumed, and the same shall be provided for, paid and discharged by the said St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago Railroad company. ART. 10. All the books, vouchers, records, muniments of title, and other documents, pertaining to the business or property of the said original companies, parties hereto, shall be placed in the office of the secretary of said consolidated company, and said books, rec- ords, vouchers and papers, shall be deemed and taken, so far as necessary, as the records, vouchers, papers, and books of said con- solidated company ; and said books, records, vouchers and papers, shall be subject to the proper examination and inspection of all persons interested therein, who shall have the same access thereto as if the same had remained in the offices of the original companies. ART. 11. It is agreed that these articles of consolidation shall be submitted to the stockholders of each of the said companies, par- ties hereto, at a meeting thereof called seperaiely for the purpose of taking the same into consideration. Due notice of the time and place of such meeting, and of the object thereof, shall be given. The time of such meeting shall be the ninth day of December next, and all the proceedings for the consideration and ratification of these articles, shall be as prescribed by law. ART. 12. All elections for directors of said consolidated com- pany, after the first election of directors hereinbefore provided for, shall take place at such time and place, and in such manner as may be prescribed "by the by-laws of the board of directors of the con- solidated company. The number of directors to be elected after the first election hereinbefore provided for, shall consist of not more than eleven, nor less than five, to be determined by the stockhold- ers, and to be chosen with such qualifications respecting residence, as may be determined by the stockholders. ART. 13. It is agreed, as an express .condition of the consolida- tion, that the iron rails and spikes, estimated to be sufficient for eight miles of road, now lying and being on the wharf at Peoria and in the town of Washington, shall so soon as the said consolidation takes effect, be transferred and placed upon the line of the consoli- dated road between Manchester and Whitehall, without prejudice, however, to the just lien thereon of C. D. Hubbard & Co., under and by virtue of the arrangement by them made with Geo. Straut, acting for the fFonica and Petersburg Railroad Company, on the 26th day of September, 1862, as recorded in the journal of the board of directors of the said Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Com- pany. 36 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the corporate seals of the respective companies, parties to this agreement, have been affixed hereto, on the day and year first above written, by the order and in the presence of the directors of said respect- ive companies, respectively duly convened, a quorum of each of said boards of directors being so present and as- enting thereto, and is attested by their respective signa- tures hereto, on behalf and by order of the said boards of directors, and the presidents of each of the said compa- nies have also, at the same time, and in behalf of the said respective companies, hereto affixed their names in virtue of resolutions of the said boards of directors, passed at respective meetings thereof. WILLIAM SHEPHARD, Preset. Jacltsonvile, Alton and St. Louis R. R. Company. [L. s.] A. MCDONALD, JOSEPH G. SCOTT, ROB'T. McCRACKEN, Sen., GEORGE WRIGHT, L. E. WORCESTER, M. P. AYERS, Directors of the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis R. R. Co. Attest : CHARLES D. HODGES, Sec. J. A. $ St. L. R. R.Co. W. G. GREEN, President of T. $ P. R. R. Company. [L. s.] S. DUXLAP, JOSIAH SAWYER, WILLIAM T. BEEKMAN, GEORGE STRAUT, JOHN J. PERRY, NATHANIEL W. GREEN, j Directors of Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company. Attest : JAMES BERDAN, Sec. of T. P. R. R. Co. STATE OP ILLINOIS, \ ^o MORGAN COUNTY, J I, CHARLES D. HODGES, Secretary of the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, do hereby certify that in pursuance of notices published for four successive weeks in the Jacksonville Sentinel, a public newspaper published in Jacksonville in Morgan county, and in the Carrolton Gazette, a public newspaper published in Carrolton in Green county, and also in the Democratic Union, a public newspa- per published in Jerseyville in Jersey county, and in the Jackson- ville Journal, a public newspaper published in Jacksonville in Mor- gan county, the stockholders of said company met at said company '3 office, in the town of Jacksonville, on Tuesday, the 9th day of De comber, 1862, to take into consideration the foregoing agreement, and they then and there preceeded to vote for the adoption or rejection of said agreement. That at said meeting three thousand, ono hundred and seventeen (3,117) votes were cast, each voterepre- 3T scnting one share of stock ; that three thousand, one hundred and seventeen of said votes were cast in favor of the adoption of said agreement, and none against the same, and that the entire number of shares of stock of said company is about four thousand, eight hundred and forty-four (4,844,) and that therefore the stock so voted as aforesaid is more than a majority of the entire capital stock of said company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and [L. S.] affixed the corporate seal of said company, this ninth day of December, A. D. 1862. CHARLES D. HODGES, Secretary. STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 MORGAN COUNTY, f . I, JAMES BERDAN, Secretary of the Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Company, do hereby certify that in pursuance to notices published for thirty previous days in the Jacksonville Journal, and also in the Jackson- ville Sentinel, public newspapers published in Jacksonville, in Mor- gan county, and also in the Menard County Axis, and in the Men- ard Index, public newspapers published in Petersburg in Menard county, and in the Illinois State Journal, a public newspaper pub- lished in the city of Springfield in Sangamon county, and also in the Chicago Tribune, a public newspaper published in the city of Chicago m Cook county, the stockholders of said company met at the company's office in Jacksonville, on the ninth day of December, 1862, to take into consideration the foregoing agreement, and then and there proceeded to vote by ballot for the adoption or rejec- tion of said agreement ; that at said meeting five thousand and twenty-six and a half votes (5,026|) votes were cast, each vote representing one share of stock ; that all of said votes were cast in favor of the adoption of said agreement, and that the entire num- ber of shares of stock in said company is about six thousand, three hundred and seventy-eight (6,378,) and that therefore the stock so voted as aforesaid is more than a majority of the entire capitalstock of said company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and L. S.] affixed the corporate seal of said company, this ninth day of December, 1862. JAMES BERDAN, Secretary. 38 UXITKD STATES OF AMERICA, j gg STATE OF ILLINOIS. ) , ^ s I, 0. M. HATCH, Secretary of State of ( internal ) fa g tate o f Illinois hereby certify that I have this day received and t R s e t V a e Z e ) filed in my office the articles of consolidation made and entered in > v--' to on the 27th day of October A. D. 1862 between the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis railroad company and the Tonica and Petersburg railroad company and duly attested by the proper officers of said roads respectively in accordance with the provisions of the act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois approved February 28th 1854. In testimony whereof I bere- ft., s.] unto set my hand and affix the seal of state at my office in the city ot Springfield'on this 30th day of December, A. D. 1862. 0. M. HATCH, Secretary of State. 89 .AJST IN AID OF THE ST. LOUIS, JACKSONVILLE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD COMPANY. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people, of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That whereas the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis railroad company and the Tonica and Peters- burg railroad company have, by articles of consolidation, and a large majority vote of the stockholders of each of said companies, consolidated and united their property and stock under the name and style of the "St. Louis Jacksonville and Chicago railroad com- pany," under and by virtue of the general law of this state authoriz- ing the consolidation of railroad companies &c,, approved February 28th, A. D. 1854, which said articles of consolidation, and all the proceedings with respect to the adoption and ratification of the same by the directors and stockholders of the respective constitu- ent companies aforesaid, and to the election of the first board of directors of the said consolidated company are hereby declared le- gal and valid: now therefore the said consolidated company,under the name of the St. Louis Jacksonville & Chicago railroad company shall enjoy possqss and exercise all the privileges, immunities and fran- chises which were possessed, enjoyed or granted by or to either and both of the constituent companies aforesaid, and all notes, bonds, contracts, agreements and promises of every kind made with either of the aforesaid late railroad companies, or their duly authorized agents, shall inure to the benefit of the said consolidated railroad company : Provided, that all subscribers who have subscribed to the capital stock of either of the aforesaid late railroad companies shall be deemed stockholders in the said new consolidated railroad company to the extent, and in proportion to the amount so subscrib- ed, and shall be entitled to all the rights and subject to all the lia- bilities thereof as provided in the articles of consolidation afore- said. 2. That full authority is hereby given to the corporate autho- rities of the several counties, townships, cities, villages or other municipal corporations owning or holding stock in either of the said late Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis, and Tonica and Petersburg 40 railroad companies, and to all persons holding the same in any fi- diciary capacity or otherwise to transfer, assign or surrender tho Bame and to accept and receive from the said consolidated company such portion of the new stock as may be apportioned to the stock BO owned and held. 3. The said new consolidated company shall have power to extend and construct to and unite its railroad with any other rail- road now constructed or which may hereafter be constructed in this state, and shall also have power to build, construct, and maintain its said railroad from Jacksonville north to the city of Chicago, via Ottawa or otherwise, with a branch road to any point on the Illi- nois river south of the city of Peru, and for the purposes aforesaid shall possess and exercise all the privileges, immunities and fran- chises, and shall enjoy over and along the line or lines of railroad BO to be built and extended as aforesaid, the same privileges, immu- nities, franchises and rights which were granted to the said late Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis, and Tonica and Petersburg rail- road companies by their respective charters and the several amend- ments thereto. 4. The board of directors of the said consolidated railroad- company shall have power and authority to provide in their by- laws, if in their discretion they shall think proper to do so, for the construction of said railroad by divisions, but all subscriptions heretofore made to either of the said late railroad companies may be appropriated and expended in such manner and at such places on the line or lines of road as the board of directors of the said con- solidated railroad company may determine, and all real, mixed or personal property, bonds, notes, contracts or choses in action, own- ed or possessed by either of the aforesaid late railroad companies, to- wit : the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis, and Tonica and Peters- burg railroad companies shall according to the articles of said con- solidation be vested in the new consolidated company, with full power to its board of directors and duly authorized agents, to sell, lease, transfer, or convey by mortgage or deed of trust, or other- wise, as may be deemed for the interest of said company, any part or all of said railroad property, and all such sales transfers, con- veyances, mortgages, or deeds of trust, shall be binding and valid and of full eifect in law and equity, and the directors may in their discretion incorporate a condition in the mortgage bonds which they are authorized to issue by which the holder or holders of such bonds shall have the right to vote at all elections of directors for said company upon such conditions as may be deemed expedient by said directors. 5. The said new consolidated company may increase its capi- tal stock to any amount necessary to complete and equip said ro;td, not exceeding the amount necessary therefor, and books of sub- scription for said stock shall be opened at the treasurers office in tho town of Jacksonville, or elsewhere as may be directed by the board 41 of directors, which new subscription shall be under the same rules, restrictions and penalties as provided for in the charters and amend- ments of the aforesaid late railroad companies. 6. The certificate of the secretary of the said new consolidat- ed company, under the corporate seal thereof shall be received in all courts of justice and elsewhere, as evidence of the regular organi- zation of said consolidated company, under its consolidated char- ter, and of any act or order of the board of directors of said com- pany, and all the acts and doings of the said constituent companies and of the said consolidated company in the consolidation and or- ganization of the St. Louis Jacksonville and Chicago railroad com- pany are hereby declared to be good and valid, and all the rights privileges, and immunities and franchises of each of the said late Jacksonville Alton and St. Louis, and Tonica and Petersburg rail- road companies, as possessed enjoyed or granted by or to them, are hereby declared to be lawfully vested in and owned by the said new consolidated company under the name of the St. Louis Jack- sonville and Chicago railroad company. 7. That in case the said new consolidated company shall hereafter make and execute any deedor deeds of trust, mortgage or mortgages or other conveyances of all or any part of their said rail- road and the same should thereafter be foreclosed and sold by any proceedings in law or equity or in pursuance of a power or pow- ers in such mortgage or mortgages, deedor deeds of trust contain- ed, or by the joint exercise of the said authorities, the purchaser or purchasers of the same or their survivors or survivor, or they or he and his associates, or their or his assigns, may form a corpo- ration by filing in the office of the secretary of State under their or his signatures, a certificate specifying the name of such corpo- ration, the number of directors, the names of the first directors and the period of their services, not exceeding two years, the amount of original capital, and the number of shares into which such capital is to be divided, and thereupon the person or persons who shall have signed such certificate shall be a body politic and corporate, by the name stated in such certificate and a copy of such certificate attested by the signature of the secretary of state or his deputy, shall, in all courts and places, be evidence of the due formation and existence of the said corporation and of the facts in the said certificate stated, and the corporation in pursuance thereof shall have and enjoy all the rights, privileges, immunities and franchises granted to or belonging to said new consolidated St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago railroad company. 8. That the St. Louis Jacksonville and Chicago railroad com- pany may at any time hereafter in its discretion, build such part or portion of the railroad which it is now authorized to construct, and those parts or portions only, which its directors shall think most expedient for the interests of said company, and shall have power to extend its main line, and to build a branch or branches 4-2 from such main line, to any other railroad or railroads with which it may be able to make a connection so as with such other railroad or railroads to form a continuous line, and in respect to such extension and branches shall have all the powers rights and privileges it now has in regard to its main line or any part thereof. S. A. BUCKMASTER, Speaker of the House of Representatives, FRANCIS A. HOFFMAN, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED, February 13th, 1863. RICHARD YATKS, Governor. UNITED STATES OK AMERICA, 1 <, STATE OK. ILLINOIS. j " L " ' 1,0. M. HATCH, Secretary of State, of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an en- [u s.] rolled law now on file in my office. In witness whereof I have here- unto set my hand, and affixed the great seal of state, at the city of Springfield, this sixteenth day of February A. D. 1863. 0. M. HATCH, Secretary of State. SUPPL EMENT. ACTS OMITTED IN THE FOREGOING COMPILATION. AN ACT surrendering title and interest of State in the track of a certain railroad to certain persons, for railroad purposes, therein named. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the .State of Illinois, represented in the G-eneral Assembly, That the state of Illinois hereby surrenders to William Shepherd, Castle R. Harrison and George B. Stocker, for the use of the Jacksonville, Alton and St. Louis Railroad Company, to be used for the purpose of said rail- road, and for no other purpose, all the right, title or interest she has in the track, grade, right of way, or other privileges or appur- tenances of, in or belonging to so much of the Alton and Spring- field Railroad as lies between the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad, in township five north, range ten west of the third prin- cipal meridian, extending through the town of Upper Alton, to the eastern limits of the city of Alton, in Madison county ; and the said William Shepherd, Castle R. Harrison and George R. Stocker, for the use aforesaid, and for the purposes aforesaid, are hereby authorized to take, use and enjoy all such rights, interests, claim or demand of this state in the work or material of that part of the road above described, as is now belonging or appertaining to the state. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 21, 1859. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Petersburg ami Tonica Railroad Company." SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the G-eneral Assembly, That said company is hereby authorized to receive subscriptions to its capital stock, payable in cither real or personal property ; and such subscriptions, hereto- fore made, are hereby declared legal and binding ; and, on a fail- ure, neglect or refusal of any such subscriber, his heirs, executors and administrators, to make such payment or comply with the conditions thereof, the said company may proceed, by suit, in any court having competent jurisdiction thereof, and recover the amount in value so subscribed. 2. And the said company is hereby authorized and empow- ered to receive subscriptions to its capital stock, payable in money, work, labor, materials, equipments or any other kind of property, real or personal, at any time thereafter, either when the entire road is in operation or any part of it, or at any time thereafter, and may receive notes or-bonds for the same, and such security, either real or personal, and with or without interest, as may be agreed upon. The notes, bonds, with all securities, may be assigned or transferred by said company ; and such assignment or transfer shall vest in the assignee or assignees the legal title thereto. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and. after its passage. APPROVED February 22, 1861. II: