UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS i IBPARY BOOKSTrtCKS The Alumni Record OF THE University of Illinois at Urbana Including Annals of the University and Biographical Notices of the Members of the Faculties and of the Boards of Trustees Edited by FRANK WILLIAM SCOTT 1906 University of Illinois Urbana Illinois Printing Company Danville, Illinois CONTENTS Foreword -------------------- v AXXALS OF THE UNIVERSITY -------- vil Baccalaureate Alumni --------------- i Graduate Alumni ----------------- 444 Honorary Alumni ----------- 458 Faculty -------------------- 471 Trustees -------------------- 573 Directory of Alumni Clubs ------------- 595 Geographical Index to Graduates ----------- 599 Alphabetical Index to Alumni ------------ 633 158881 FOREWORD To THE Alumni of the University of Illinois, Greeting! Friends: With this first official record of the Alumni of the departments of the University of Illinois at Urbana, I wish to send a word of cordial greeting and congratulation. You will receive from an examination of this volume a new idea, I am sure, of the growing importance of your Alma Mater. You must recognize that you are children of no mean mother. Her family is increasing in size with marvelous rapidity. The total registration for the past year in all departments, including the Academy, was 4,074 — truly a goodly array as far as numbers go. I believe the quality is good also, and with all due respect to those of you who have been out of college twenty years or more, I think it is steadily improving. Your children, whom you are now beginning to send to Illinois in increasing numbers, are a considerable improvement upon their parents! — for which I am certain you are thankful as well as the rest of us. Friends, this is a great heritage into which you have come — m.ember- ship in the University of Illinois. You ought to become prouder of it every day. This institution is destined, I believe, not only to be the greatest of American State Universities, but to be generally recognized as such the world over, and when that time comes, it will have become one of the great- est foundations for higher education known in history. Illinois will be linked with Oxford and Cambridge and Berlin and Paris and Harvard and Yale as one of the holy places in the history of the human spirit. The men and women who have laid these broad foundations on which we are rearing this superstructure have done a noble work. They deserve our loving respect. We can pay to their memory no better tribute than to dedicate ourselves anew to the great undertaking they began. Will you not each and all help us in realizing the magnificent ideal of a university which fired the imagination and stirred the heart of that prince of men. Dr. J. M. Gregory, and which was taken up and converted into reality at such a marx^elous rate by his successors. Dr. Peabody and Dr. Draper, and the great host of their assistants in the Faculty and among the people of Illinois. The University of Illinois is already great in size — not even a hostile critic could deny that. Let us make it as great in quality and so indisput- ably so that all men will realize and acknowledge it. In this forward movement, the Alumni of the University can be of great help. It is necessary to plant in the public mind a higher conception of what a university is and may be; to develop in the public heart a more earnest desire to realize this conception here in Illinois ; and to stir the public will to a clearer determination to have this ideal become real within our day and generation. If each and every Alumnus will join actively in the work of public education on this subject, you will be able to see still greater things in your day than any which have come to pass. With cordial esteem, Edmund J. J.a.mes. NOTE An asterisk (*) before the name of a person indicates that the person is deceased; before a degree indicates that the holder received a certificate at the time of graduation and was voted the degree at the time indicated. Unless the degree is followed by the name of some other college or university, it was received at Illinois. Those who find errors in their own or in other biographies in this book will confer a favor on the Editor by reporting them to him. A new edition will doubtless be demanded before long; consequently not only corrections but also additional material should be sent in as occasions arise to warrant it. The alumni should feel at liberty to write at any time to the Editor of the Alumni Record for information concerning any gradviate. He will have the information if the alumni keep him informed, F. W. S. July, 1906 Annals ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY 1862 An act donating public lands, on the ratio of 30,000 acres for each Sena- tor and Representative, to the states and territories which wovild provide colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts was passed by Congress, and approved on July 2, 1862. Under this grant Illinois would receive property to the value of $600,000.00 (480,000 acres) the interest on which was to be applied for these purposes. The grant must be accepted and applied to its uses before July, 1867, or it would revert to the government. 1863 The Legislature of Illinois accepted the grant Feb. 14, 1863, and discussed the matter for some time without being able to come to any agreement on the details of the proposed college or on its location. Some wished to divide the money up among the existing colleges, provided they establish schools of this nature; some to establish a school to teach Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts; and some to attach a new school to the Normal University. 1864 At the State Fair held in Decatur in 1864, a committee was appointed by the State Agricultural Society to take the matter up and present some defi- nite plan to the Legislature. This Committee was composed of Wm. H. Van Epps, Prof. J. B. Turner, A. B. McConnell, B. G. Roots, and John P. Rey- nolds. They drew up a bill as an expression of the views of the farmers, and presented it to the Legislature in 1865, and again in 1867. 1866 State meeting of all those interested in the organization of the proposed Industrial University held at Bloomington. Meeting recommended that the state build onlj' one university. Sept. 21 — Notice was published of an informal election to be held in Champaign county on Oct. 10, by order of the board of Supervisors. The voters were to decide whether or not the county should appropriate $100,- 000.00 worth of Champaign county bonds "to secure the location of the Illinois Industrial University in this county." Oct. 5 — Proposition of Champaign and Urbana was to purchase the build- ing then standing, called "The Urbana and Champaign Institute Building," with the eight acres on which it stood at a cost of $30,000.00, then use the other $70,000.00 to buy more land and secure the location of the University over the other contestants — Bloomington, Jacksonville, and other towns had made offers. The Champaign papers said that they could thus give this building, 1,000 acres for a farm, 100 acres for a "garden-patch" and still have $40,000.00 left. The building was erected in 1861, supposedly at a cost of $175,000.00. and was said to be " one of the largest and most substantial buildings in the State, second only to the Normal L^niversity. " It stood at the north end of what is now Illinois Field, facing University Avenue. The Main part of structure was 125 feet front, fort}' feet in depth, and five stories high. From the center projected a wing forty-four by seventy feet, four stories high. It contained ninety dormitories, each ten by fifteen, "suitable rooms for prin- cipals, professors, etc." and "accomodations for 800 students." Oct. 12 — Returns of the election on the question of the bond issue show the vote to have been: For, 1,601 ; agianst, 1,035 — majority for 566. "Urbana and Champaign were unanimously in favor of the measure. A considerable opposition was manifested in some of the country towns, how- ever. ' ' This opposition was due to the fact that the smaller towns regarded the whole thing as a scheme on the part of Urbana and Champaign to make the en- tire county pay for a school which would benefit these two communities only. viii University of Illinois 1867 Jan. 10 — Mr. Tincher (Senator from the Seventh District) introduced into the Senate a bill for "an act to provide for the organization, endowment, and maintenance of the Illinois Industrial University." This bill provided, among other things, that the Institution should be located at Champaign. At the same date Senator Fuller (Twenty-third district) introduced a bill similar to Mr. Tincher's except that it provided for the location of the University by a commission to be appointed by the Governor. These two bills were read twice and ordered printed. Jan. 11 — Both bills in the House were introduced, the Champaign bill being offered by Mr. Griggs from that district. The Senate at this time voted that the entire grant should be ap- plied to one institution. Jan. 25 — The Governor approved a bill giving any county, city, township, or incorporated town authority to levy taxes or vol- untary subscriptions for the purpose of securing the location of the University. Feb. 1 — Mr. Tincher raoved to amend the Fuller Bill by striking out the section providing for a committee to locate the college. This amend- ment was carried by a vote of fifteen to nine. Feb. 22 — House Bill amended by adding to the offer contained (the Institute property) therein (as requirements for the location) 810 acres of land, $50,000.00 worth of freight (appropriated by the Illinois Central), $100,000.00 in Cham- paign County Bonds, and $2,000.00 in fruit, shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery from Dunlap's nursery, niaking a total of $450,000.00 esti- mated valuation of property. This bill as amended passed the House on the same day. Its provisions were that the institution should be located in Urbana The trustees were to be appointed by the Governor, with approval of the Senate, five from each grand judicial division, and one from each con- gressional district. They were to serve for six years, without salary, the first appointment to draw lots, one-third to serve two, one-third four, and one- third six years. The trustees were to elect a Regent to serve two years, a Treasurer, and a Recording Secretar^^ and were to provide buildings, teach- ers, etc. Students were to be at least fifteen years old. Each county was entitled to a scholarship for descendants of soldiers and seamen. No degrees were to be conferred on graduates. The Regent, with the Governor, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the President of the State Agri- cultural Society were to be ex-ofpcio m.embers of the Board. The instructors were "to teach in the most thorough manner such branches of learning as are related to Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts and Military Tactics, with- out excluding other scientific and classical studies." The college year was to extend through six autumn and winter months so the students could go home for the six spring and summer months or stay at the University and pursue optional studies "provided that no student shall at any time be al- lowed to remain in or about the University in idleness, or without full mental or industrial occupation." This Act passed the House by a vote of sixty-six to ten, the Senate by eighteen to seven, and was approved Feb. 28, 1867. The immediate result was a huge celebration in Champaign. Mar. 8 — Passage of Supplemental Bill, providing that on the failure of the county authorities to comply with the requirements of the Act by June 1, the trustees were to locate the University at some other town. Trustees were appointed by Governor Oglesby as follows: 1st Congressional District, David S. Hammond, Cook Co. 2nd Congressional District, Luther W. Lawrence, Boone Co. 3rd Congressional District, Horatio C. Burchard, Stephenson Co. 4th Congressional District, John S, Johnson, Hancock Co. 5th Congressional District, Samuel Edwards, Bureau Co. 6th Congressional District, O. B. Galusha, Grundy Co. 7th Congressional District, M. L. Dunlap, Champaign Co. 8th Congressional District, Samuel Allen, Tazewell Co. 9th Congressional District, Alexander Blackburn, McDonough Co. 10th Congressional District, M. C. Goltra, Morgan Co. 11th Congressional District, J. P. Hungate, Clay Co. Annals ix 12th Congressional District, Willard C. Flagg, Madison Co. 13th Congressional District, A. M. Brown, Pulaski Co. First Grand Judicial Division — L. R. McMurry, Effingham Co.; Charles Topping, Union Co.; Thos. Quick, Washington Co.; and Isaac S. Mahan, Marion Co. Second Grand Judicial Division — George Harding, Edgar Co.; Henry Pickerel, Macon Co.; Mason Braynian, Sangamon Co. Third Grand Judicial Division — John M. Van Osdel, Cook Co.; J. C. Burrough, Cook Co.; S. S. Havt. Cook Co.; Emery Cobb, Kankakee Co.; and Robert Douglass, Lake Co.' First meeting to be held in Springfield, Mar. 12, 1867. Mar. 12 — First meeting of the Board of Trustees held in Springfield. Nominations for the position of Regent being called for, the names of Hon. Daniel J. Picknev, of Ogle Countv, Dr. N. N. Wood, of Morgan County, Hon. J. L. Pickard, of'Cook County, and Dr. John Milton Gregory, of Kalamazoo, Mich., were proposed. Dr. Gregory was elected, at a salary of $3,000.00 a year. A committee of five, with the Regent as chairman, was selected to prepare a course of study and report to the Board. John W. Bunn, of Spring- field, was elected Treasurer, and a finance committee to serve for one year was appointed. Willard C. Flagg, of Madison County, was elected Corre- sponding Secretarv; O. B. Galusha, of Grundy County, Recording Secretary. The Board passed a resolution favoring the establishment of a Mechanical Department to be located at Chicago. Mar. 29 — An election was held in Ur- bana and Champaign to decide whether the two cities should appropriate 845,000.00 for the University, Champaign to give $25,000.00, Urbana, $20,000.00. The vote was as" follows : Champaign: — For, 676; against, 4. Urbana : — For, 406 ; against. 0. Mar. 29 — Dr. Gregory visited Champaign and Urbana for the first time. Apr. 10 — Vote authorizing Supervisors to issue the bonds for $100,000.00 resulted as follows: For, 2,731; against, 867. May 7 — The second meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the chapel of the "Urbana and Champaign Institute," twenty-two of the thirty-two trustees being present. Dr. Gregory accepted the appointment, his salary having been increased to 84,000.00 a year. A committee on Buildings and Grounds was appointed, the land grants accepted, and the University permanently located at Urbana. Scrip was ordered sold. A seal was adopted. It was decided to open the institution on the first Monday of March, 1868. A resolution to admit both sexes was referred to the Exe- cutive Committee to be appointed by the Regent. A committee on Courses of Instruction reported the following curriculum: I Agricultural Department (1) Agriculture (2) Horticulture (3) Landscape Gardening II Polytechnical Department (1) Mechanical Science and Art (2) Civil Engineering (3) Mining and Metallurgy (4) Architecture and Fine Arts III Military Department (1) Engineering (2) Tactics IV Chemistrj' and Natural Science V Trade and Commerce VI General Science and Literature (1) Mathematics (2) Natural History, Chemistry, etc. (3) English Language and Literature (4) Modern Languages and Literature (5) Ancient Languages and Literature (6) Historv and Social Science (7) Philosophv (Intellectual and Moral) X University of Illinois July 31 — Dr. Gregory issued a circular, proposing that each County Agricultural society offer a prize of one hundred dollars to aid the best scholar from the public schools of the county who should attend the Indus- trial University. Nov. 26 — Board of Trustees purchased six and one-half city lots adjacent to the University for the price of $1,850.00. The lots purchased lay along the west of what is now Illinois Field. The committee recommended the purchase of twenty-four others, between Romine and Mathews Aveneus, east of Illinois Field, which could be secured for $9,150.00. This recommenda- tion was referred to the Finance Committee. The Board decided that all students should register in the Military Department. The school year was divided into three terms, running from September to June. Three men were elected. Head Farmer, Jonathan Periam, Professor William Baker, of Springfield, 111., and Professor G. W. Atherton, of New York. March 1 1 was decided upon as the date for the formal opening of the Uni- versity. 1868-69 Mar. 10 — Willard F. Bliss elected Professor of Agriculture. Mar. 11 — Inaugural Ceremonies and Formal Opening of the University. Hon. S. W. Moulton presided at the exercises. The music was under the direc- tion of Geo. F. Root, of Chicago, the dedication hymn being written by Dr. Gregory. Letters from Governor Oglesby, Senator Yates, and General Logan were read. The principal address was delivered by the Honorable Newton Bateman, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. General Hurlburt introduced Dr. Gregory. The exercises were followed by a banquet in the dining Hall of the University. Mar. — Philomathean and Adelphic Liter- ary societies organized. Tuition at the University was placed at $5.00 per term, $15.00 per year. June — Close of the University for the year; seventy-seven students were enrolled during the first term. During the few days of closing exer- cises Professor J. A. Sewall, of Normal, delivered an address before the Liter- ary Societies. Aug. 5 — The following appointments were announced: Prof. A. P. S. Steward of Harvard, to the chair of Chemistry, Captain S. W. Shattuck, of Norwich University to be Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Instructor in Mihtary Tactics, and T. J. Burrill, of the Urbana Graded School, as Assist- ant professor Natural History. The latter had been engaged by the Regent in April. Aug. 12, the first catalogue of the University was issued, an- nouncing the second year of instruction to begin on the fourteenth of September; the University opened with a total enrollment of eighty stu- dents. Nov. — The Committee on Faculty of the Board of Trustees reported the employment of Professors Stewart, Shattuck and Burrill, also of Captain E. Snyder as Accountant and teacher of Bookkeeping and German. The Board took up for consideration a resolution of the City Council of Chicago, prom- ising a donation of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the establish- ment in Chicago of a Polytechnical School. The members of the Board residing in the Third Grand Division and the First Congressional District were authorized to accept the offer on behalf of the Board. The following resolution was passed : "Resolved that we recognize it as a duty of the Board of Trustees to make this University pre-eminently a practical school of Agri- culture and the Mechanic Arts, not excluding other scientific and classical studies. " A resolution calling for the admission of women to the University was referred to the next meeting for action. Dec. 19 — Announcement of the "First Annual Course of Agricul- tural Lectures and Discussions." The course was to start on the twelfth of January and to continue for eight days. Publication of the "Recommended Courses of Study," for the use of entering students. Mar., 1869 — The annual report of the regent included a statement that the students had worked on the farm two hours a day in the Spring, and one Annals xi hour a day during the Fall. The labor system was continued. Dr. Gregory was re-elected Regent, Bunn Treasurer, Flagg Corresponding Secretary, and Bliss Recording Secretary. The Board adopted a resolution directed to the Governor recommending that the number of meinbers of the Board should be cut down; that there should henceforth be one member from each Congressional district. It was resolved to admit female students "as soon as means are at our command to furnish proper buildings for the purpose." July — Prof. Wm. M. Baker was elected as Regent pro tem. during the ab- sence of the Regent in Europe. One thousand dollars was appropriated for a green house. Professor S. W. Robinson was employed as Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 1869-70 Feb., 1870. — Department of Mechanical Engineering was created. Mar. — The Board voted to admit women "as soon as buildings are pro- vided." Aug. 25 — It was finally decided, by a vote of five to four, to admit women to the University. A. P. Bliss, "Professor of Agriculture and Recording Secretary resigned, and Professor Snyder was elected Recording Secretary. 1870-71 Sept. 3, 1870 — Adoption of Student Government. The legislative body consisted of a General Assembly elected by vote of the students; the judicial department was a Council of five, chosen from the General Assembly; and the Executive department consisted of a President and Vice-President of the Government, an Adjutant for each building, and Hall Sergeants. Feb. 24, 1871 — First building appropriation for the University introduced into the Legislature. It provided for one hundred thousand dollars a year for two years for a main building and twelve thousand five hunderd dollars a year for two years for a mechanical engineering building, besides twentv-five thousand a vear for running expenses, apparatus, etc. This bill as passed by the Legislature, March 13, 1871, provided $75,000 for a building to cost not more than SI 50,000; $75,000 more was to be appro- priated at an adjourned session. That was not done and the building was completed at the expense of University funds. Feb. 28 — Scientific Association organized. Mar. — The Regent reported twenty-two women in attendance. Dr. Gregory was re-elected. A location for the new main hall was adopted. Van Osdel of Chicago was to be the architect. Library numbered 5,000 vols. Donations for the year included 200 gooseberry cuttings. June 4-7 — Closing exercises. Address bv President Erastus O'Haven, D. D. Aug. — The executive committee of the Board of Trustees voted to allow the Regent to use one recitation room for a preparatory department. Con- tracts for the two new buildings were let, and the location of the Mechanical Engineering Hall (old woodshop) was adopted. Don Carlos Taft was appointed Professor of Geology and Zoology. He had begun teaching in April. Aug. 24 — A convention of "freindsof Agriculture and Polytechinc Education," held in Chicago, appointed a committee of one from each state in which was located a college founded on the National Land Grant, to petition Congress to establish Agricultural Experiment Stations at these colleges. Dr. Gregory was President of the Convention and ap- pointed Secretary Flagg as Committeeman from Illinois. A circular to Illinois Congressmen was accordingly issued in November. 1871-72 Sept. 13, 1871 — Drill Hall and Mechanical Shops opened. On the same day the cornerstone of University Hall was laid. Hon. Newton Bateman delivered the principal address, October 4, 1871. Organization of the Ale- thenai Literary Society by women of the University. xii University of Illinois Oct. — The great Chicago fire occurred during this month. One hundred and fifty-seven students were sent from the MiHtary to assist in keeping order in the city during and after the fire. Nov. — The first pubHcation by the students of the University appeared. It was called The Student, and was published monthly. Mar. 1872 — The Trustees requested the Legislature to appropriate money to finish University Hall. Boarding Hall for women established under the auspices of the University. D. C. Taft appointed Professor of Zoology. April — The Legislature adjourned without appropriating money to finish University Hall, so the Executive committee of the Board of Trustees voted to sell Champaign County Bonds, held by the Board, to secure the necessary funds. June 6 — First presentation of "Certificates" to graduates. Those receiving them were: John J. Davis, of Freeport; Willis A. Reiss, of Belle- ville; Alonzo L. Whitcomb, of Urbana; Stephen A. Reynolds, of Belvidere; James N. Mathews, of Mason; Charles W. Rolfe, of Montgomery. Addresses were delivered by Dr. Matthews, and Dr. Edwards, President of Normal L^niversity. The University Band furnished music for the first time. 1872-73 Feb., 1873 — Organization of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations at the University. Feb. 25 — Organization of the Agricultural Society. Mar. — Dr. Gregory re-elected Regent, relieved from teaching and given a leave of absence until fall, to enable him to take an European trip. Pro- fessor Shattuck appointed Regent pro tern. N. C. Ricker appointed Instruc- tor in Architecture. May — Adoption of a law providing that the Board of Trustees should henceforth consist of nine members, three from each grand judicial division of the State, appointed by the Governor. June 2-5 — Commencement. Address delivered by Hon. Andrew D. White. President of Cornell University. June 4 — Passage by the Legislature of an appropriation to finish University Hall. June 5 — Alumni Association of the University organized. July — Meeting of the newly organized Board. Passage by the Board of a Resolution declaring that Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts were the pri- mary studies of the institution, all others being secondary. 1873-74 Sept. — Name of the University publication changed from The Student to The Illini. Departments of the University now recognized were: (1) Agri- culture; (2) Polytechnic; (3) Military; (4) Chemistry and Natural Science; (5) Trade and Commerce; (6) General Science and Literature. Dec. 10 — Dedication of University Hall. Dec. 19 — Dedication of Adelphic Hall in University Hall. Address by Dr. Gregory. March 7, 1874 — Dedication of Philomathean Hall. Address by Dr. Gregory. March 11 — Celebration of Anniversary day. Address by Professor T. J. Burrill. Fail- ure of Legislature to pass any bill of appropriations for the University called for the discussion by the Board of methods of retrenchment. June 9 — N. C. Ricker appointed Assistant Professor of Architecture. June 10 — Commencement. 1874-75 Sept. 21 — First issue of the University Reporter, a publication of four small pages. Its purpose was ostensibly to arouse interest in the Student Government, and to advocate the establishment of a university press. Its real object was to elect a certain ticket in the student campaign. There were three tickets in the field: "Reform," "Law and Order," and "Re- porter. ' ' Probably largely as a result of the issue of three numbers of this Anxals xiii paper almost every one of the thirty candidates on the " Reporter "" ticket was elected. Nov. 26 — First annual banquet of the Telegraphic Association, com- posed of students bent upon mastering the new art of telegraphy. Dec. 4 — Union meeting of Philomathean, Adelphic, Scientific, and Ale- thenai Societies. Mar. 4, 1875 — Banquet of Senior Military Class. Professor Manley Miles, of Michigan, elected Professor of Agriculture and Instructor in Agricultural Chemistry, at a salary of $5,000.00 a year. June — N. C. Ricke'r advanced to full professorship. June 7-8-9 — Com- mencement. First annual meeting of Alumni. 1875-76 Oct. 28, 1875 — Second annual Oratorical Contest between the colleges of Illinois held at Jacksonville. The contestants were representatives of Knox, Northwestern, Illinois Wesleyan, Chicago University, Shurtleff, Mon- mouth, Illinois College, and Illinois Industrial University. First Prize Avas won by J. C. Lewis, of the Industrial University, second prize by J Otis Humphrev, of Shurtleff. Mar. 1876— Board of Trustees decided to establish a Preparatory department. March 1 1 — Anniversary Day. Address by Dr. Gregory. June — Dr. Gregory presented his resignation of the regency. June 6 — Discovery that a chapter of a fraternity had secretly existed for some ime in the University led to a recom.mendation by the Regent and the adoption by the Board of this resolution: "Resolved, that the Board con- Jan. 1, 1871 — George A. Morrow assumed the position of Professor of Agriculture. demn the formation and perpetuation of secret societies in the University as detrimental to the scheme of self-government attempted by the students; and that we trust a due regard to the best interests of the institution will induce our students to disband and discountenance such organizations." The Young Men's Christian Association was granted the use of a room in University Hall. All University instructors were given notice of prospec- tive cut of ten per cent, in salaries, caused by the Board's lack of funds. 1876-77 Sept. — Dr. Gregorv decides to withdraw his resignation and remain. Mar. 1877 — School of Art and Design established. Dr. Gregory re- elected Regent. Professor Ricker's plans for a Chemistry Building accepted. A reduction of ten per cent, of all salaries decreed by the Board of Trustees. 1877-78 Sept. — Preparatory students required to drill. Chemical laboratory located. All bids for the building rejected. Major Dinwiddie, the first army commandant, took charge of the military department. Oct. 18 — Inter-collegiate contest at Monmouth, won by Knox, North- western second, 111. Ind. Univ., third. Feb. 13, 1878 — Organization of "Temperance Union" by University students. MB.T.—Illini advocated inter-collegiate base ball contests. Seniors decide to leave clock for west tower of Main Hall as class memorial. Rules passed by the Board governing the granting of degrees. Mar. — Voted to give diplomas to graduates, charging a fee of S5 there- for. President Gregory appointed by the Governor commissioner to Paris Exposition, and granted leave of absence to attend. Three hundred Spring- field rifles received for cadets. May 31 — Entertainment by Musical Classes and Singers of the University. Petition to the Legislature asking it to empower the Trustees of the Uni- versity to grant degrees, signed by members of the classes of 1872-77, in- culsive. Petition granted. Annual contest of Illinois Industrial Univer- xiv University of Illinois sity Association. Summer School of Mechanic Arts held in Chicago from June 24 to August 15. 1878-79 Sept. — Office of "commander of battalion" abolished and "militar}^ professor" given charge of "military classes and drill organizations." Dec — mini advocated adoption of University colors. Sept., 1878 — S. H. Peabody appointed Professor of Mechanical Engineer- ing. Jan. 16, 1879 — Organization of the State Natural Historv Societv at Normal. Professor T. J. Burrill Vice-President, Professor S. A. Forbes, of Normal University. Secretary. Mar., 1879 — Committee of Board of Trustees reported its approval of Woman's Hall, but had no money with which to build it. Dr. Gregory re- elected [Regent. Regent directed by the Board of Trustees to submit the Student Organization for government, the Constitution and By-Laws to the Attorney General for an opinion as to whether they conflicted with State Laws. May, 1879 — University received gold medal for exhibit at Paris exposition. 1879-80 L O. Baker made Assistant Professor Civil Engineering. Oct. 2 — Sixth Annual Contest of Illinois Inter-Collegiate Oratorical Association held in the University Chapel. First inter-collegiate base ball game. Score, Illinois Industrial University 12, Illinois College 5. Dec. 1 — Professor Peabody resigned. Trustees decided to employ an Instructor in Free-Hand Drawing. Jan. 27-30, 1880 — Agricultural Institute held at the University. Feb. — Natural History Society organized. Mar. — Cadet uniforms changed from grey to blue; seniors and juniors released from drill. Military department re-organized on account of stu- dent troubles during the past term. Preparatory Department to be closed after June, 1881. June — Dr. Gregory resigned; The resignation to take effect September first. Professor S. H. Peabody re-appointed to the chair of Mechanical Engineering and appointed Regent pro tempore. Old Dorm- itory Building decreed unfit for occupancy. June 3 — Senior Meeting of Alethenai. June 7 — Closing Concert of Musical Department. 1880-81 Oct. 2 — Base Ball: Illinois Industrial University 14, Knox 8. Dec. — U. S. Signal Station established. Feb. 24, 1881 — Publication of "The Vindicator," of four pages as a result of class troubles. It died after a second issue on the fifth of March. Mar. — Action of previous year in regard to Preparatory Department rescinded. Acting Regent Peabody made full regent. Old Dormitory offered for sale. Legislature appropriated money to help out the endow- ment fund. May 31 — Kappa Kappa chapter of Sigma Chi organized. Competitive drill of battalion. June — Regent reported to Board the formation of a new secret society and requested action. Board resolved that the Regent and faculty should take steps to secure the abandonment of the society. Petition to re-estab- lish School of Domestic Science refused. 1881-82 Dec. — Regent reported to the board that the faculty had passed rules providing that no student could enter the University until he had pledged himself not to join a fraternity; and that no student should graduate until he had certified that he had not belonged to any while in the University. The adoption of these rules had disclosed the existence of four societies, Annals xv whose members petitioned the faculty to rescind these rules. The faculty turned the petitions over to the Board, which recommended that the request be refused. All University dues remitted to "Charles Montezuma, an Indian of the Apache nation," during his course through the University. Jan. 9, 1882 — Banquet of Sigma Chi fraternity. Mar. — First issue of Sophogra ph. college annual, published by the soph- omores. March 14 — Petitions from students requesting the Board of Trus- tees to allow fraternities to enter the University refused. June — Decided to build an Astronomical Observatory. Regent directed to take charge of the Illiiii property. Scientific Association disbanded. Professors Henry A. Weber and Melville A. Scovell discharged for having patented private' rights in the results of their investigations and experiments in the manufacture of sugar and glucose, conducted under the patronage of the University and at the expense of the State. Professor Taft was given a year's leave of absence, and his chair declared vacant. 1882-83 Sept., 1882 — Board voted to employ Instructor in Elocution. Wm. McMurtrie appeared as Professor of Chemistry. Observatory opened. Seniors adopted custom of wearing black silk hats, juniors white plug. Oct. — Illinois joined "State Base Ball Association." Illinois Inter- Collegiate Oratorical Contest at Chicago — I. I. U. third. Jan. 8, 1883 — Civil Engineering Club organized. Mar. — Appropriation for a national flag for the battalion. Student Government Svstem abolished. May 19 — First Field Day at the University. June — Board of Trustees voted to abolish student government. 1883-84 Sept. — Students required to give pledges not to join fraternities. Lots between the old drill hall and Green Street (Springfield avenue and the street car tracks) purchased. Oct. — Series of University discourses held in Chapel on Sundays from October to March. At State Inter-collegiate Contest Base Ball: Illinois Industrial University 14, Knox 9; Illinois Industrial University 21, Mon- mouth 5 — giving Illinois Industrial University the championship. Illini placed under new management. Board of thirteen elected from students to supervise the publication. Nov. — M. E. and E. E. Society organized. Jan.. 1884 — Formation of a co'mmittee by alumni to get the name of the institution changed from "Illinois Industrial University" to " Universtiy of Illinois. " Mar. — S. A. Forbes appointed Professor of Zoology. Mar. 19 — Young Women's Christian Association organized. 1884-85 Dec. — Board of Trustees requested Legislature to change the name of the institution. Board resolved to provide apartments for the State Labor- atory of Natural History. Mar., 1885 — Prof. Peabody re-elected Regent. Petition of Foster North, who had been refused a diplom.a on account of non-attendance at chapel, received by Board of Trustees and referred to committee. June — Legislature changed the name of the institution to "The Univer- sity of Illinois." July — Chair of Mining Engineering and position of Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory created. 1885-86 Sept. — Petition of Foster North referred to Attorney General. Dec. — Attorney General reported in favor of faculty ruling. Petition refused. Mr. Fisher, of Chicago, appeared before the Board on behalf of xvi University of Illinois "Secret College Societies," and requested the withdrawal of the prohibition of these societies at the University. Action deferred. Mar., 1886 — Board refused to grant the request of Mr. Fisher. April — Illinois Teachers' Association petitioned the Board to create a chair of Pedagogy. Regent Peabody handed his resignation to the Board. The Board decided to refuse the resignation, and increased the Regent's salary. 1886-87 Sept. — Legislature passed a bill providing that Trustees of the University should henceforth be elected by popular vote. Oct. — Base Ball: University of Illinois 17, Illinois College, 11; University of Illinois 20, Wesleyan 17 ; Illinois College 26, Knox 21, giving the University of Illinois team the State Championship. As a result of troubles in the chemistry department seven students were suspended. Mar., 1887 — Regent Peabody re-elected. Plan of honorary scholarships for counties adopted. Regent's salary fixed at $4,000.00. Committee appointed by the Board to carry out the objects of a bill for Experiment Stations passed by Congress. May — Base Ball at Inter-State Oratorical Contest: University of Illinois 19, Illinois Wesleyan 13; Illinois College 19, University of Illinois 16; Uni- versity of Illinois 13, Illinois College 6. 1887-88 Oct. — At Inter-collegiate Contest Base Ball: Monmouth 14, University of Illinois 9; Blackburn 14, University of Illinois 13. Dec. — Report of Board's Committee on Experim.ent Station plans ac- cepted, and Dr. Peabody, and Professors Morrow, Burrill and McMurtie selected as directors. April 23, 1888 — Adoption of old college yell: Rah Hoo Rah, Zip Boom Ah, Hip Zoo, Ra Zoo, blow your Bazoo, U. of I., Champaign. May 2 — W. L. Pillsbury appointed Secretary of the Agricultural Experi- ment Station. June 26 — W. L. Pillsbury elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees, and Recording and Corresponding Secretary of the University of Illinois. Base Ball: University of Illinois 13, Illinois College 12. 1888-89 Sept. — Regent recommended to the Board that the certificates of gradu- ation be abandoned. Board later abolished the certificates. Oct. — Base Ball: University of Illinois 22, Illinois College 8. Dec. — Committee of six appointed by the Board of Trustees to codify the laws relating to the University and to request the Legislature to pass them as codified. Jan. 29, 1889 — Organization of Inter-Society Oratorical Association by Adelphic, Alethenai, and Philomathean Societies. Mar. — Petition from women of the University to the Board asking for a gymnasium referred to a committee to decide whether it was advisable to allow women to take calisthenics. Dr. Peabody re-elected Regent. June — Petition from women for calisthenics refused. Location of Drill Hall soon to be built decided upon. 1889-90 Sept. — Professor Ricker's plans for the new Drill Hall accepted by Board of Trustees. Oct. 4 — Inter-Collegiate Association held their first Athletic Meet at Galesburg, won by University of Illinois. Presentation of $20 by Captain Hazelton of Forest Glen, to the Univer- sity for the purchase of the Hazelton Prize Medal. Dec. 10 — Executive Committee reports to the Board that it has granted the Regent a leave of absence on account of ill health, and has appointed Annals xvii Professor Burrill Acting Regent. Appointment continued by the Board. Resignation of Professor Comstock, of Mining Engineering department. Mr. Foster North petitioned the Board of Trustees to be restored to his right of attendance at the University. Petition refused. Mar. 10, 1890 — Presentation to the University Athletic Association by Knox College Association of the cup won by Illinois at the Inter-Collegiate Meet of October previous. April — Foster North hies petition for mandamus in the Supreme Court to compel the Trustees to restore him to attendance at the University. May 16 — Base Ball, University of Illinois 18, Illinois College 11. June — Committee of Board of Trustees recommended that the Prepara- tory Department "be dispensed with as soon as adequate provision for doing its work is made by some public or private institution located in the vicinity of the University." Professorships of Psychology, Greek, and French established. June 11 — Dedication of Military Building at Commencement. 1890-91 Oct. 3 — State Intercollegiate won by Illinois with 21 points. Base Ball: University of Illinois 11, Knox 3; University of Illinois 9, Illinois College 4; giving University of Illinois the Champoinship. Foot Ball: Illinois Wesleyan 16, Universitv of Illinois 0. Nov. 22— Foot Ball: Purdue 62, University of Illinois 0. G. Huff played on the Illinois team. Nov. 24 — Foot Ball, University of Illinois 12, Illinois Wesleyan 6. Dec. — Instructor in Gymnastics appointed. Dec. 3, Architects' Club organized. Command of a company of the battalion taken away from a senior. Miller, on account of poor scholarship. All other officers but one resigned. All returned but two on Feb. 11, 1891. These two were sus- pended. Students held m.ass-meeting and petitioned the Board of Trustees to reinstate them. The. Board tried the case, and recommended that the students be reinstated at the end of the term, and that the rules govern- ing students be so revised that the students would be able to understand them. March 1891 — Supreme Court decision in Foster North case reported as decided in favor of the Trustees. Committee of Board of Trustees reported in favor of granting Masters' degrees to students who had received certifi- cates before degrees were granted, as a recognition of success in their pro- fessions. Board adopted the report and decided to confer not more than ten such degrees each year. Board voted to give over to the Athletic Asso- ciation for athletic purposes "the north half of the north campus." Class rush at freshman reception resulted in the suspension of eleven men. All but one man were reinstated a week later, he refusing to apologize or to "express regret. " A number of students arrested and tried for voting at city elections. Found not guilty of illegal voting. May 15 — Base Ball: University of Illinois 14, Wabash 10; Universitv of Illinois 5, Wesleyan 4. June — Regent Peabody's final resignation accepted by the Board to take effect September first. Aug. — Professor Ricker's plans for Natural History Building accepted. Location determined. Professor Burrill appointed Acting Regent. Board passed the following: "Resolved, That the pledge heretofore required for candidates for entry to the University in regard to college fraternities be omitted, and that the subject of these fraternities be referred to the com- mittee on rules." Resignation of Professor De Garmo. 1891-92 Sept. — Dr. Peabody received appointment as Chief of the Department of Liberal Arts of the World's Fair and departs for Chicago. Electrical Engi- neering Department established. "Artificial Stone" walks order built over the campus. Military drill required only of freshmen and sophomores, and xviii University of Illinois of them only two hours per week. First season of Philo-Adelphic Lecture Course. Oct. 1-2-3 — Inter-collegiate Contest at Monmouth. Base Ball: University of Illinois 8, Illinois College 1; Knox won from Monmouth; University of Illinois 15, Knox 4, giving Illinois the championship. The athletic contest ended in a dispute between the University of Illinois and Knox over protested men. Oct. — Organization of first University Glee Club. Nov. 7 — Foot Ball: University of Illinois 42, Eureka 0. Nov. 20, Univer- sity of Illinois 12, Knox 0. University of Illinois Champions of Illinois. Dec. — Board of Trustees adopted new code of rules for student Affiliation of Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons proposed. Dec. 8 — Raising of National Flag. Oration by Hon. H. S. Clark, Presentation by S. A. Bullard, President of Board of Trustees. Dec. 8 — Organization of Alpha Gamma Chapter of Kappa Sigma. Dec. 22 — Re-organization of Kappa Kappa Chap- ter of Sigma Chi. Feb. 1892 — First Annual Concert by University of Illinois Military Band. Foot Ball: University of Illinois 24, Pastime A. C. (St. Louis) 10. Mar. — Board of Trustees resolved to investigate the question of their power to establish a Law School. Decided that it could not affiliate the College of P. & S. Mar. 5 — Formation of local fraternity Epsilon Delta. Mar. 9 — Laying of Corner Stone of Natural History Hall. Address by T. C. Chamberlain, Pres. of the Univ. of Wisconsin. Stone laid by Hon. Henry Raab, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Discussion of' candi- dates for the Regency by the Board. Names of Professor H. S. White, of Cornell, Judge A. S. Draper of New York, and Professor George C. Parington, of the University of Missouri, suggested. April 20 — Base Ball: Michigan 18, Illinois 0. May 7 — Northwestern 8, Illinois 13; 8 — Beloit 9, Illinois 6; 9 — Lake Forest 10, Illinois 5. 9 — Mandolin Club Organized. May 13 — First Western Inter-Collegiate Meet held at Champaign; entried, C. B. College, Iowa, Rose Polytechnict, Illinois College, Washington Univ.', Lake Forest, Purdue, Northwestern, and University of Illinois. Pennant won by University of Illinois. Permanent organization effected. May 21 — Base Ball: University of Illinois 5, Northwestern 1. 30 — Universit}^ of Illinois 3, Wesleyan 1. June — Board of Trustees voted that henceforth Professors and Assistant Professors should hold their positions during the pleasure of the Board. June 4 — Base Ball: University of Illinois 5, Lake Forest 0. June 5-8 — Commencement. Baccalaureate address by Dr. J. M. Gregory. June 27 — Commuttee of Board to secure a Regent authorized to offer the position to Dr Gladden, of Ohio, if it saw fit, at a salary not to exceed $6,000.00. Professor Ricker presented plans for three proposed new buildings. Engineer- ing Hall, Library, and Natural History Museum. Board voted to erect the first two "as soon as practicable." 1892-93 Oct. 6-7-8 — 111. Inter-<."ollegiate held at the University; won by Univer- sity of Illinois with 102 points; Monmouth second place with 28 points. Base Ball: University of Illinois 11, Wesleyan 2; University of Illinois 15. Illinois College 0; University of Illinois 7, Monmouth 6; University of Illinois, Champion of Illinois. Oct. 8 — Football: University of Illinois 2,' Purdue 12; 12 — University of Illinois 16, Northwestern 16; 22 — University of Illinois 22, Washington U. 0. Oct. 21 — ^Columbian Day Celebrated at University. Ott. 22, Foot Ball: University of Illinois 20, Doan Coll (Omaha) 0; Oct. 24, Nebraska 6, University of Illinois 0; Oct. 26, University of Illinois 28, Baker 12; Oct. 27, Kansas 24, University of Illinois 4; Oct. 29, University of Illinois, 48, Kansas City Assn. 0. Banquet given to team on its return from the Western trip on Halloween night. Nov. — Board of Trustees voted appropriation for Woman's Gymansium. Petition for Woman's Dormitory received by Board. Nov. 1 — Foot Ball: Wisconsin forfeited. Nov. 5 — University of Illinois Annals xix 38, Englewood 0. Nov. 5 — Rho Chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma established. Nov. 16 — Foot Ball: University of Illinois 4, Chicago University 4. Dedica- tion of Natural History Hall. Address by David S. Jordan, President of Leland Stanford, jr. Nov. 19 — Foot Ball: University of Illinois 34, Depauw University 0. Nov. 22— Chemistry Club Organized. Nov. 24 — Foot Ball: University of Illinois 20, Chicago 12. Illinois conceded to be the best Western team. Dec. — Board refuses to grant petition asking for Woman's Dormitory. Jan., 1893 — -Agricultural Short Course created. Mar. — Base Ball coach employed. April 8 — Base Ball: University of Illinois 16, Wabash 0. April 22, Michigan 6, University of Illinois 5. May 6 — Base Ball: University of Illinois 14, Wabash 6. May 8, Univer- sity of Illinois 5, Iowa 3. May 10, University of Illinois 15, Northwestern 8. May 12-13 — Western Inter-Collegiate held at Champaign; won by Univer- sity of Illinois with 56 points. Northwestern second with 15. May 17 — Base Ball: University of Illinois 13, Indiana 6. May 18 — University of Illinois 7, Depauw 5. May 22 — University of Illinois 3, Chicago 2. May 20 — First Interscholastic won by Peoria High School. May 27 — Base Ball: Chicago 6, University of Illinois 0. May 30 — University of Illinois 15, Purdue 5. June — Base Ball: Michigan 10, University of Illinois 3. June 5 — Uni- versity of Illinois 3, Detroit A. C. 5. June 6 — University of Illinois 4, Lon- don A. C. 3. June 7 — Commencement address delivered bv Governor Alt- geld. June 8— Base Ball: Cleveland A. C, 17, University of Illinois 15. June 9, University of Illinois 11, Oberlin 7. June 10 — Oberlin 11, University of Illinois 8. June — Plans for Engineering Building chosen. Juh" — Chair of Romance Languages created. 1893-94 Sept. — Creation of office of Registrar, and appointment thereto of W. L. Pillsburv reported to Board. Sept. 30 — Foot Ball: LTniversitv of Illinois 60, Wabash 6. Oct. 17, University of Illinois 14, De Pauw 4. Oct. 21, Universit}^ of Illinois 4, Northwestern 4. Oct. 27, local fraternity of Beta Beta Beta organized. Oct. 28, Art Club organized. Nov. 6— Foot Ball : Oberlin 34, University of Illinois 24. Gifts of World's Fair Exhibits to University. Nov. 11 — Foot Ball: University of Illinois 18, Pastime A. C. 6. LTniversity Athletic Association changed colors from Black and Yellow to Crimson. Nov. 25 — Foot Ball: University of Illinois 26, Purdue 26. Nov. 28— Colors changed to Olive Green. Nov. 30, Foot Ball: University of Illinois 10, Wisconsin 10. Dec. 9 — First meeting of University Assembly. Dec. — Board of Trustees passed resolutions censuring the action of certain students in "interrupting the class supper of the freshmen" held at Bloomington, Illinois. December 13 — Comer Stone of Engineering Hall laid. Main address delivered by Dr. Robert H. Thurston of Cornell. Feb. 5, 1894 — First Junior Promenade. Feb. 9 — -Installation of Illinois Eta of Phi Delta Theta. Mar. 2 — ^Organization of Faculty Club. Resignation of Dean Morrow. Organization of Students Assembly for "social and intellectual" purposes. Acting Regent reported to Board of Trustees that Facult}^ had decided to discontinue formal chapel at the end of the year. Students henceforth en- tering University must be at least sixteen years of age. Board established a two years' course in the Preparatory School. $1,800.00 appropriated for a biological station to be located at Havana, and $1 ,200.00 for a summer school at the University. Board voted to establish courses leading to degrees of Ph. D. and Sc. D. April — A. S. Draper elected Regent. Dramatic Club organized. April 6 — Local fraternity Delta Delta Delta becomes Beta Upsilon chapter of Delta Tau Delta. April 7 — Base Ball: University of Illinois 14, Wabash 2. April 20, Michigan 12. University of Illinois 8. April 21 — Minstrel Show by XX University of Illinois students. April 24, Military Band given by Band. April 25, Base Ball: Illinois 9, Purdue 5. First volume of Illio, published by juniors as an annual, issued. May 8— Base Ball: Illinois 20, Wisconsin 5. May 11 — Chicago 9, Illi- nois 10. May 12, Michigan 10, Illinois 5. May 14 — Illinois 12, Alerto (London C.) 10. May 25, Norwalk A. C. (0) 5, Illinois 8. May 16— Oberlin 13, Illinois 1; Illinois 18, Chicago 17. May 19— Third Annual Field Day of Western Colleges at St. Louis won by Illinois with 71 points out of a total of 135. May 28— Base Ball: Oberlin 11, Illinois 5. June 1 — Base Ball: Detroit A. C. 8, Illinois 4. June 2 — Western Inter- Collegiate at Chicago; entries: Wisconsin, Iowa, Chicago, Iowa College, Michigan, Northwestern, et al. Won by Illinois with 37 points. June 6, Commencement. Address delivered by President Angell of Michiga ^ Adoption of West Point style of uniform for cadets. Aug. — Professors N. C. Ricker, S. A. Forbes, and D. Kinley made Deans of the Colleges of Engineering, Science, and Literature and Arts, respectively. Title of "Regent" changed to "President." 1894-95 Sept. — mini published weekly. Sept. 14, President Draper assumed charge. Director of Department of Music appointed. Oct. 6 — Foot Ball: University of Illinois 36, Wabash 6. October 12 — Chicago A. C. 14, University of Illinois 0. Oct. 16 — Vice-President Steven- son visited the University. Oct. 19 — Foot Ball: Illinois 54, Lake Forest 6. Faculty and students in convocation adopted orange and navy blue as University colors. New rules adopted for Illini management, putting con- trol in hands of students. Nov. 2 — Foot Ball: Illinois 66, Northwestern 0. Faculty of the College of Literature and Arts decide to drop the degree of B. L. Nov. 14 — Per- formance of "A Box of Monkeys" by Dramatic Club. Nov. 15 — Inaugura- tion of President Draper and dedication of Engineering Hall. Addresses by President Draper, President Adams, of Wisconsin, Governor Altgeld, and Hon.G. C. Neeley of Chicago. Nov, 16 — FootBall: Purdue 22, Illinois2. Nov. 21 — Illinois 6, Chicago 0. Nov. 24 — Illinois 10, Pastime' A. C. 0. Dec. — Board of Trustees resolves to enter into negotiations for affiliating the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Committee on Buildings and Grounds reported that in the opinion of the Attorney General the Trustees did not have power to lease University ground for the building of houses for professors. Dec. 5 — Tennis Association organized. Feb. 4, 1895 — Republican Club organized. Feb. 5 — Medical Club organ- ized. Feb. 12 — Women's Glee Club organized. Nine sophomores sus- pended for kidnaping freshmen before the freshman social. Board of Trustees decided to introduce into the Legislature a bill providing for the purchasing of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. March 1 — Play given by m.ember of Alethenai. March 12 — A. S. Draper re-elected president. Physical Training Department organized to include men and women. President directed to report to the board on the advisa- bility of establishing School of Music. Board approved the action of the Council of Administration in suspending the students for kidnapping fresh- men. Mar. 15 — Illinois Gamma Zeta of Alpha Tau Omega installed. April 13— Base Ball: Illinois 12 ; Wabash 8. April 20, Illinois 9, Michi- gan 0. April 27 — Northwestern 7, Illinois 2. May 3 — First Sophomore Cotillion. May 6 — Base Ball : Illinois 10, Iowa 8. May 8 — Illinois 8, Purdue 5. May 9 — Notre Dame 8, Illinois 7. May 10 — Michigan 11, Illinois 2. Mav 16 — First Session of State High School Confe- rence. May 17— Base Ball: Illinois 9, Grinnell 0. May25 — Illinois 9, North- western 6. May 27 — Iowa State 16, Illinois 26. May 28, Illinois 13, Grinnell 6. May 29— IlHnois 14, Iowa 3. June 1 — Inter-Collegiate Meet won by California, Illinois fourth. Depart- ment of Political Science and School of Music established. Superintendent Annals xxi of Buildings and Grounds appointed. Committee to establish a vaccine farm. Board voted to locate Library Building opposite Daniel Street. Vot^d to sell land and build a house for the president with proceeds. June 10 — Commencement. Address delivered by Hon. Shelby M. Cullom. 1895-96 Sept. 17 — Visit of Governor Altgeld to the University. Sept. 18 — Eng- lish Club organized. Board of Trustees decides to reorganize College of Agriculture. Voted to pave Green Street through the campus. Oct. 6 — Foot Ball : Illinois 48, Wabash 0. Illinois Delta of Kappa Alpha Theta established. Oct. 12 — Foot Ball: Chicago A. A. 8, Illinois 0. Oct. 20 — Illinois 79, Illinois Coll. 0. Oct. 26, Illinois 10, Wisconsin 10. Illinois Zeta of Pi Beta Phi established. Nov. 3 — Foot Ball: Illinois 28, Lake Forest 0; Nov. 24— Illinois 38, Northwestern 4; Nov. 28 — Purdue 6. Illinois 2. Dec. — Banquet by Faculty to Foot Ball Team. Plans for Library Building all rejected. Mr. Burnham of Chicago employed to draw plans. Chicago College of Pharmacy proposed affiliation with University. Burrill Avenue named. School of Music announced first series of concerts. Dec. 13 — French play produced by Alethenai. Dec. 27 — Mr. Burnham resigned ar Architect for Library Building. Board decided to have Department of Architecture draw plans if possible. Jan. 14, 1896 — Council of Administration adopted rule that all gatherings in University buildings should end by 1 1 :30 p.m. Jan. 15— "First of a series of lectures by Lorado Taft. Feb. — Advisory Board of Athletic Managers appointed by President. Feb. 8 — First Athletic Conference held at Chicago; Wisconsin, Northwestern, Chicago, Michigan, Purdue and Illinois represented. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day; addresses by Pres. Draper and Prof. Greene. University Biological Station established on the Illinois River. Woman's League organized. Mar. 7 — Adoption of "I" as athletic emblem. Mar. 10 — Board of Trustees adopted plans of Professors Ricker and White for library. Tennis courts constructed on campus. Business system of University organized. Opening of President's House. March 13 — First French play by Le Cercle Francais. First Chicago-Illinois debate, won by Illinois. April — Observatory located. Site for Library changed. Board of Trus- tees passed resolutions condemning the practice of local committee's sending carriages to the University for student voters. The proposals of Chicago College of Pharmacy for affiliation adopted. April 5 — Base Ball: Illinois 20, Wabash 0. April 21 ^Chicago 9, Illinois 6. April 19, Michigan 5, Illinois 3. April 21 — Concert by Theodore Thomas Orchestra. April 26 — Base Ball: Illinois 16, Northwestern 2. May 1— Base Ball: Chicago 10, Illinois 4. May 3— Illinois 1 1, Purdue 3. College of Pharmacy affiliated. May 8 — Base Ball: Illinois 8, Beloit 7. May 10, Illinois 20, Northwestern 9. May 9 — Competitive Shoot; University of California 380, Illinois 374. May 13, Base Ball: Illinois 19, Indiana 3. May 16— Illinois 18, Grinnell 3. Mav 25— Michigan 20, Illinois 3. May 27 — Illinois 22, Notre Dame 7. May 28 — Illinois 12, Wabash 4. May 30— Illinois 10, Wisconsin 4. Resignation of Professor Edward Snyder. June 9 — High School Visitor employed. June 10 — Location of Library finally fixed. Commencement, address by Chancellor Winfield S. Chaplin of St^ Louis University. June 19 — Arrest' of Trustees for violating flag law held unconstitutional. Aug. 15 — Chemical Laboratorv partiallv destroved by fire caused by lightning; loss $40,000.00. 1896-97 Sept. 4 — Cornerstone of Library Building laid. Sept. 26 — First Tennis tournament at University. Board of Trustees appointed advisory Board to School of Pharmacy. xxii University of Illinois Oct. 3— Foot Ball: Illinois 38, Lake Forest 0. Oct. 6— School of Phar- macy opened as a department of the University of Illinois. Oct. 10 — Foot Ball: Illinois 70, Knox 4. Oct. 17— Illinois 10, Missouri 0. Oct. 21— Illi- nois 22, Oberlin 6. Oct. 31— Chicago 12, Illinois 0. Oct. 23 — Establish- ment of Oratorical prize in College of Literature and Arts. Nov. 7 — Foot Ball: Northwestern 10, Illinois 4. Nov. 26, Illinois 4, Purdue 4. Nov. 28 — First Saturdav afternoon cadet hop. Dec. 4 — First Junior Prom, in' Military Hall. Dec. 20 — Basket Ball (Girls) Illinois 28, Wesleyan 12. Trustees decide to establish a Law School. Dec. 21 — Freshman social broken up by sophomores, largely by the use of chemicals. Dec. 22 — President calls convocation and notifies students that the freshman social affair is to be investigated. Jan. 7, 1897 — Foot Ball conference of College Presidents at Madison; all Western state universities represented. Jan. 11 — University regiment at- tended installation of Governor at Springfield. Feb. 1— Nine students expelled by the Council. One student found guilty of disorderly conduct in an Urbana court and fined. Medical Club reorganized. Feb. 19 — Joint Philo-Alethenai play given in University Chapel. Mar. — College of Physicians and Surgeons joined the University. March 9 — President Draper re-elected. Office of Dean of Women created. Action of Council in regard to expulsion of students approved. Trouble with Beloit College over ball game. Caspar Whitney, arbitrator, found in favor of Illinois. Board of Trustees requested Board of Beloit to require Athletic Association to pay over the money in accordance with the decree of the arbitrator. April — Charles W. Spalding. Treasurer, embezzled University funds. E. G. Keith elected Treasurer. April 17 — Base Ball: Illinois 9, Chicago 5. April 22 — -Michigan 7, lUinois 3. April 38 — Chicago 9, Illinois 5. First in- structors in Law School appointed. Money received from Beloit. May 5— Base Ball: Illinois 13, Purdue 2. May 10, Inter-Collegiate Rifle Contest; seven entries: California first, 400, Virginia Second, 386, Illinois third, 375. May 11 — Dual Meet, Chicago 77, Illinois 43. May 14 — Base Ball: Illinois 3, Wisconsin 5. May 19 — Illinois 16, Nebraska 9. May 21 — Illinois 4, Wisconsin 6. May 22 — Track, Illinois 84, Purdue 36. May 25 — Base Ball : Illinois 9, Notre Dame 8. May 26 — Illinois 3, Michigan 0. May 29 — Oberlin 7, Illinois 7. Library School of Armour Institute trans- ferred to the University as State Library School. Board of Trustees decided to erect independent heating and lighting plant for the University. June 2 — Illinois Alpha of Tau Beta Pi organized. June 8 — Library Building dedicated. Address delivered by Melvil Dewey, Director of New York State Library. June 9 — Commencement, address by President Can- field of Ohio State University. Legislature appropriates mone}' to cover deficit caused by Spalding's embezzlement. New bridge to be erected on Burrill Avenue. ' June 17, Natural History Building partially destroyed by fire caused by lighting, loss $75,000.00. June 29, Board voted to admit women to the School of Medicine. 1897-98 Sept. 13 — College of Law opened. Sept. 21 — Board of Trustees decides to use old Militarv Hall as a gvmnasium. Oct. 2 — Foot Ball: Illinois 26, Eureka 0. Oct. 9— Illinois 6, P. & S. 0. Oct. 16— Illinois 6, Lake Forest 0. Oct. IS — Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta estabhshed. Oct. 23— Foot Ball: Illinois 32, Purdue 4. Oct. 30 — Chicago 18, Illinois 12. First student recital in Music School. Nov. 1 1 — Homeric tableaux given bv Facultv, under supervision of N. A. Wells. Nov. 12— Foot Ball: Illinois 64, Knox'O. Nov. 15— Library Club organized. Nov. 20 — Foot Ball: Illinois 6, Carlisle Indians 6. Nov. 25 — Illinois 6, Eureka 0. Dec. 1 — Former Treasurer Spalding sent to penitentiarj'. Board Anxals xxiii of Trustees resolves that "free scholarships do not include instruction in the departments of Law, Pharmacy, Music, and Medicine, unless otherwise ordered bv this Board." Feb. fl— Lincoln Day. Address by I. N, Phillips. Feb. 16— Pres. Draper declines position of Superintendent of Public Schools of New York City. Feb. 17 — Announcement that course of study had been organized in School of Music leading to degree of Bachelor of Music. Feb. 15 — Produc- tion of "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" by Le Cercle Francais. Mar. 5 — First concert by Ladies' Glee Club. March 11 — First woman's edition of Illini. March 17 — Gymnasium moved from Military Hall to top floor of Wood Shops. April 8 — First concert of Oratorical Society. Apr. 9 — Base Ball: Illi- nois 30, Northwestern 7. Apr. 12 — Students burn Spain in effigy. Apr. 16 — Base Ball: Michigan 4, Illinois 3. May 4 — Base Ball: Illinois 19, De Pauw 0, Mav 7— Dual Meet, Illinois 81, Purdue 47. Base Ball: Illinois 3, Michigan 0. May 9, Illinois 8, North- western 4. Mav 12 — Rifle Contest, California 416. Illinois 400. May 14 — Base Ball: Chicago 12, Illinois 9. Meet: Chicago 74, Illinois 54. May 20 — Captain Brush released from his duties as commandant to join his regiment at the front. Mav 20 — Wisconsin-Illinois debate won by Wisconsin. May 21— Base Ball: Illinois 3, Michigan 0. May 24— Illinois 5, Chicago 6; IIH- nois 4, Chicago 13. May 26 — Woman's Department organized. May 30 — Base Ball: Illinois 3, Northwestern 5. June 1 — Western Inter-collegiate splits up. Chicago, Illinois and Michi- gan hold triangular meet. June 2 — Base Ball: Chicago 2, Illinois 1. June 6 — Receipt by L^niversity of dynamometer car from Big Four Railroad. June 8 — Commencement address delivered by William H. Maxwell. Jona- than B. Turner present at commencement, at the age of ninety-three years. Board of Trustees appropriated money for improvement of Illinois Field. Board voted to confer honorary degrees henceforth "but only upon rare occasions for exceptionally high merit in literary, scientific, and other educational work, and upon a three-fourths vote of both the Faculty and Board of Trustees. " 1898-99 Sept. — Application of Illinois School of Dentistry for Affiliation with University. Militarv Department vacant on account of Spanish War. Oct. 1— Foot Ball: P. and S. 10, Illinois 6. Oct. 8— Notre Dame 5, Illinois 0. Oct. 10 — W^atcheka League organized. Oct. 15 — Foot Ball Illinois 16, Depauw 0. Oct. 19 — Death of Dr. John M. Gregory, first regent of the Universitv. Engineering Laboratorv opened. Nov. 12— F6ot Ball: Michigan 12, Illinois 5. Nov. 18— CarHsle 11, Illinois 0. Nov. 24 — Illinois 11, Minnesota 10. Chess Club organized. Dec. — Department of Oratory added, and consolidated with Department of Rhetoric. Board of Trustees decided to elect Deans annually. Jan., 1899 — College year divided into two semesters instead of three terms as formerly. Jan. 11 — Death of Professor Jonathan B. Turner. Jan. 27 — Athletic Association Benefit cleared $1,000.00 debt of Association. Jan. 28 — Installation of Illinois Beta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Feb. 14 — State Library Association met at University. Mar. — Professor Snyder's gift of $12,000 to establish a fund for needy students received. Departments of Household Economics and Railroad Engineering established. April 21 — Illinois- Wisconsin debate won b}^ Wisconsin. Illinois-Indiana Debate won by Illinois. Apr. 22 — Base Ball': Illinois 4, Chicago 2. Apr. 24 — Supposed burning of Governor Tanner for vetoing appropriation bill of University disavowed by students. Base Ball: Illinois 6, Wisconsin 0. Apr. 28 — Beta Lambda of Kappa Kappa Gamma established. Apr. 29 — Base Ball: Illinois 7, Michigan 3. May 1 — Base Ball : Illinois 12, Northwestern 9. Comic opera "Patience" given by Opera Club. May 3 — Base Ball : Illinois 11, Chicago 9. May 4-5 — xxiv University of Illinois First May Festival by old Oratorical Society, now named Choral Society. Board of Trustees decided to erect Agricultural Building. Illini to be pub- lished henceforth as newspaper. University Bulletins also to be published. May 6 — Dual Meet: Illinois 87, Purdue 41. May 7 — "Le Medicin Malgre Lui" prodviced by Le Cercle Francais. May 10 — Base Ball: Michigan 2, Illinois 1. Mav 11 — Notre Dame 15, Illinois 0. May 12 — Beloit6, Illinois 0. May 13 — Illinois 13, Wisconsin 4, Dual Meet — Wisconsin 72, Illinois 56. May 18 — Base Ball: Michigan 4, Illinois 3. May 19 — Michigan 4, Illinois 2. May 20 — Illinois 9, Northwestern 3. May 20 — Preliminary organization at Uni- versity of State Historical Society. May 24 — Base Ball: Chicago 9, Illinois 3. May 28 — Local Sorority of Gamma Sigma organized. June — Prof. Thompkins resigns to become President of Normal Univer- sity. Board of Trustees decides not to establish College of Teachers. Plan of Agricultural Scholarships adopted. 1899-1900 Sept. — Opening of Christian Association House. Case system adopted in Law School. Sept. 20 — First issue of Illini as newspaper, published tri- weekly. Organization of Faculty Golf Club. Sept. 30 — Foot Ball: Illinois 6, Wesleyan 0. Oct. 7 — Visit to the University of Don Ignacio Mariscal, Vice Pres. of Mexico, and party. Foot Ball: Illinois 5, Knox 0. Oct. 14 — Foot Ball: Indiana 5, Illinois 0. Saturadv School for teachers organized. Oct. 28 — Foot Ball: Michigan 5, Illinois 0. Nov. 11 — Foot Ball: Wisconsin 23, Illinois 0. Nov. 22— Purdue 5, Illinois 0, Nov. 25 — Illinois 29, St. Louis Univ. 0. Nov. 30— Iowa 58, Ilhnois 0. Dec. — ^Organization of Oratorical Association. Tablet to the memory of Professor Turner to be placed in Agricultural Building. Dec. 8 — Installa- tion of Iota chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. Jan., 1900 — Adoption by the University of limited reformed spelling in its publications. Jan. 19 — Formation of Western Inter-Collegiate Base Ball League. Feb. 9 — Affiliation of College of Physicians and Surgeons completed. Feb. 9 — Illinois-Indiana debate won by Illinois. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day; Address by Hon. Paul Selby. Feb. 28 — German Club organized. Mar. 10 — Triangular Meet: Chicago 48, Notre Dame 31, Illinois 19. March 13 — Unveiling of Library mural paintings. Department of Domestic Science established. March 26 — Death of Former Dean George Espy Morrow, of the College of Agriculture. April 3 — Morrow Memorial Meeting. Apr. 4 — Presentation of "The Mikado" by the Men's and Women's Glee Clubs. Apr. 8 — Inter-Fraternity Base Ball League organized. Apr. 10 — Base Ball: Illinois 10, Chicago 6. Apr. 14 — Illinois 5, Purdue 4. Apr. 16 — Michigan 7, Illinois 3. Apr. 20 — University Minstrel Show Benefit for Athletic Association. Apr. 21 — Base Ball: Illinois 11, Chicago 1. Apr. 27, Grant Day Convocation. Base Ball: Illinois 4, Northwestern 3. Apr. 28 — Illinois 12, Wisconsin 0. Apr. 29 — Bolter Collection of Insects donated to Universitv. Apr. 30 — Base Ball: Illinois 11, Beloit 1. May 2 — "La Pondre aux Yeux" given by Le Cercle Francias. May 4 — ■ First Open- Air Concert by University Band on President's Porch. May 5 — Dual Track Meet: Illinois 106, Purdue 14. BaseBall: Illinois 4, Chicago 1. May 8-9-10— May Festival. May 9— Base Ball: Illinois 17, Iowa 0. May 12— Dual Meet: Chicago 90, Illinois 38. May 14— Base Ball: Illinois 12, Michi- gan 6. May 15 — Michigan 7, Illinois 3. May 16 — -Inter-Fraternity Base Ball Series won by Phi Gamma Delta. Apr. 18 — Dual Meet, Wisconsin 64^, Illinois 63^. May 22 — Maypole Dance by Women's Physical Training classes. May 23 — "Einer Muss Heiraten" presented by Der Deutsche Verein. Base Ball: Illinois 9, Chicago 4. May 25 — Inter-Collegiate Ora- torical League Contest (Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Cornell, and Ohio Wesleyan) won by Ohio Wesleyan, Illinois second. May 26 — Base Ball: Illinois 10, AXXALS XXV Chicago 3. May 30 — Illinois 6, Michigan 5. Illinois wins the Western Championship. June 1 — Celebration of victory on return of team by Faculty, Students, Citizens, Band, Battery and Battalion, Dinner given to team by Pres. Draper. June 6 — BaseBall: Illinois 8; Minnesota 3. June 9 — Wood Shops totally destroved by fire; loss 860,000.00. June 13 — Commencement Address by Hon. Bird S. Coler. Honorary degree of Doctor of Architecture conferred on Dean N. C. Ricker. Board of Trustees granted Dean Kinley one year's leave of absence. Prof. T. A. Clark appointed Acting Dean of the College of Literature and Arts during Dean Kinley' s absence. Installation of Omi- cron Chapter of Chi Omega. Installation of Morrow chapter of Alpha Zeta. 1900-01 Sept. — Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta and Kappa Kappa Gamma installed in Chapter houses. Gvmnasium moved back into Military Hall on account of loss of Wood Shops. Sept. 10 — Opening of University Dining Hall. Organization of Department of Pedagogv and of School of Household Science. Opening of Agricultural Building. Sept. 29— Foot Ball: Illinois 26, Rose Polytechnic 0. Phi Delta Theta chapter compelled to abandon chapter house on account of epidemic of tvphoid fever. Oct. 3— Foot Ball : Illinois 63 , De Pauw 0. Oct. 6— Illinois 2 1 , Weslevan 0. Oct. 10 Illinois 6, P. and S. 0. Oct. 13— Illinois 16. Knox, 0. Oct. 16— Illi- nois 35, Lombard 0. Mathematical Club organized. Oct. 20 — Foot Ball: Illinois 0, Northwestern 0. Oct. 22 — Reading by James Whitcomb Riley, assisted by students. Oct. 23 — Authentication of Lincoln Ox Yoke. Oct. 26 — First issue of Student's Democrat to run through the campaign. Organiza- tion of Orange and Blue Club. Oct. 27 — Foot Ball: Michigan 12, Illinois 0. Nov. 3 — Foot Ball: Illinois 17, Purdue 5. Nov. 9— Purchase of West Division High School building for the College of Medicine. Board of Trus- tees votes to place a memorial tablet for Professor Morrow in Agricultural Building. Nov. 10 — Foot Ball: Minnesota 23, Illinois 0. Nov 17 — Illinois 0, Indiana 0. Nov. 21 — Major Fechet gives lecture on his Sitting Bull campaign. Nov. 24 — Foot Ball: Wisconsin 27, Illinois 0. Nov. 26 — First meeting of Illinois Fortnii^htly club. Nov. 27 — First Meeting of Illinois Electrical association at the University. Organization of Big Nine College Conference. Organization of Pedagogical Library and Museum. Dec. 10 — Inter-collegiate Student Stock Judging contest held in Chicago, won by Illinois; eight colleges represented. Political Science Club organ- ized. Dec. 20 — Dramatic Club organized. Jan. 14, 1901 — Regiment attends inauguration of Governor Yates. Jan. 17 — "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" given by the Choral Society. Jan. 23 — Board of Trustees decided to establish School of Dentistry. Jan. 2 5 — Illi- nois-Indiana Debate won bv Indiana. Feb. 4 — John Marshall Convocation. Address by Pres. Draper. Mar. 5 — Glee Club makes trip to Florida. March 9 — Triangular Meet: Notre Dame 43, Chicago 37, Illinois 28. March 12 — School of Music re- organized. Committee of Board Trustees reported in favor of buying Illinois School of Dentistry. March 13 — -Der Deutsche Verein presents "Gunstige Vorzeichen. " Seniors decide to wear caps and gowns at com- mencement exercises. March 26 — Agreement with University for four annual debates. March 27 — Presentation of "The Rivals" by Dramatic Club. Adoption of rules enforcing scholarship standing of athletes. Fac- ulty adopted caps and gowns for commencement exercises. April 1 — Chicago National Base Ball team established training quarters at Universitv. April 8 — "Pirates of Penzance" presented by Glee Club. April 13— Base Ball: Michigan 9. Illinois 8. April 20, Ilhnois 35, Indiana 4. April 23, Beloit 4, Illinois 1. University Song Book published. April 26, Base Ball: Illinois 8, Minnesota 0. April 27 — Faculty golf tournament. xxvi University of Illinois May 1 — Conference of State University Presidents at Illinois. Base Ball: Illinois 15, Chicago 3. May 2 — Northwestern 6, Illinois 2. Mav 6, Illinois 6, Notre Dame 2. May 6 — Affiliation of Chicago School of Dentis'trv- Mav 8 — Base Ball: Illinois 17, Chicago 6. May 10-11 — May Festival with Boston Festival Orchestra; Presentation of Samson and Delilah. May 11 — Base Ball: Michigan 7, Illinois 6. May 13, Notre Dame 10, Illinois 7. " May 15 — Student riot at Pan-American circus, several injured. May 17 — Wisconsin- Illinois Meet won bj- Wisconsin, 65-64. Base Ball: Illinois 8, Chicago 7. May 18 — Illinois 10, Northwestern 0. May 21 — Dedication of Agricultural Building. May 22 — Base Ball: Illinois 5, Chicago 2. May 25 — Dual Meet: Illinois 60, Northwestern 52. May 29 — Base Ball: Michigan 4, Illinois 3. May 30 — Inter-Fraternity Base Ball Series won by Phi Gamma Delta. June 1 — Adoption of Inter-Sorority Rushing Compact. June 4 — Base Ball: Illinois 13, Wisconsin 0. June 11 — Office of Dean of Undergraduates created and Professor T. A. Clark appointed to the position. June 12 — Commencement, address by Luther Laflin Mills. July — Board of Trustees voted to oppose the granting of any parole or pardon to Charles W. Spalding. 1901-02 Sept. 14 — University Senate created. Sept. 19 — Memorial Exercises for Pres. McKinley; address by Pres. Draper. Sept. 28 — Foot Ball: Illinois 39, Englewood 0. Oct. 3 — School of Dentistry opened as department of Universitv. Oct. 5 —Foot Ball: Illinois 52, Marion Sims 0. Oct. 11— Illinois 23, P. & S. 0. Oct. 12 — Illinois 21, Washington 0. Beginning of work on new Chemistry Building. Oct. 16 — Squirrels imported for campus. Oct. 17 — Foot Ball: Illinois 24, Chicago 0. Oct. 21 — Monster celebration of Chicago victory. Oct. 26 — Foot Ball: Northwestern 17, Illinois 11. Nov. 2— Foot Ball: Illinois 18, Indiana 0. Nov. 4 — Death of Major Dinwiddie, first University commandant. Nov. 9 — Foot Ball: Illinois 27, Iowa 0. Nov. 16 — Illinois 28, Purdue 0. Nov. 18— Illinois Live Stock Breeders met at University. Nov. 28 — Foot Ball, Minnesota 16, Illinois 0. Dec. 9 — Illinois Horticultural Society met at University. Dec. 19 — - Sigma Chi and Sigma Delta houses partly burned. Dec. 26-27-28 — Modern Language Association meeting at University. Jan. 10 — Illinois Club composed of chapters of Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, and Sigma Delta (afterwards Beta Theta Pi) organ- ized. Art Gallery in Library Building opened. Jan. 25 — First Concert of University Orchestra. Feb. 1 — Indiana-Illinois Debate won by Indiana. Gymnasium Team organized. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day, address by Honorable Clark Carr. Feb. 16 — First University Vesper Service. Feb. 19 — Council of Administra- tion censured Kappa Sigma for violation of University rules in holding its annual on Thursday night. Feb. 27 — Organization of John Marshall Debating Club by Law students. Feb. 28 — Installation of Sigma Rho chapter of Beta Theta Pi. Mar. 8 — Invitation Track Meet held by St. Louis University, won by Illinois. March — School of Commerce organized. Old Chemistry Building turned over to Law School. Board decides that B. A. degree shall be given for usual course in College of Science. University water works plant com- pleted. Board decides to establish a University postoffice. Council of administration refuses petition of freshman asking to be allowed to hold a social. April 6 — President Draper injured in accident while driving. Apr. 8 — Presentation of "lolanthe" by Opera Club. Apr. 9 — Dr. Senn ampu- tated President Draper's leg. "Apr. 12 — Base Ball: Illinois 7, Michigan 3. Apr. 23 — Class of 1902 decides to leave memorial fountain. Apr. 23— Base Ball: Illinois 11, Northwestern 3. Apr. 25-26 — Province Convention of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at University of Illinois. Apr. 25 — Base Ball: Annals xxvii Wisconsin 2, Illinois 1 . Illinois-Missouri debate won bv Missouri. Apr. 26 — Base Ball: Chicago 6, Illinois 5. Apr. 30— Illinois 10 Chicago 1. May 3— Dual Meet: Chicago 65, Illinois 61. Base Ball: Chicago 3, Illi- nois 2. May 7 — Base Ball: Illinois 7, Chicago 3. May 9 — "Minna von Barnhelm" given bv Der Deutsche Verein. May 12 — Base Ball: Illinois 2, Michigan 0. Mav 16 — Track: Wisconsin 58, Illinois 54. May 17 — Base Ball: Illinois 15, Chicago 1. May 21 — Base Ball Team leaves for the North and East. May 22 — "School for Scandal" given by Dramatic Club. Base Ball: Illinois 7, Michigan 6. May 24 — Illinois 3, Princeton 1. May 30 — Harvard 2, Illinois 1. June 1 — Illinois 6 West Point 5. June 4 — Illinois 10, Yale 4. June 7 — Illinois 11, Pennsylvania 3. 1902-03 Sept. — Illini published five days a week. New Chemistry build- ing opened. College of Law in old Chemistry building. Sept. 19 — Installa- tion of Gamma Nu chapter of Sigma Nu. Sept. 20 — Foot Ball: Illinois 34, North Division 6. Woman's Gvmnasium moved to Testing Laboratory. Sept. 27 — Foot Ball: Illinois 45,'Englewood 0. Oct. 1 — Return of President Draper to University. Foot Ball: Illinois 22, Osteopaths 0. Oct. 4 — Illinois 33, Monmouth 0. Oct. 8 — Illinois 24, Haskell Indians 10. Oct. 11, Illinois 44, Washington 0. Oct. 15 — Federa- tion of Women's Clubs met at University. Oct. 18 — Foot Ball: Illinois 29, Purdue 5. Oct. 25 — Chicago 6, Illinois 0. Nov. 1 — Foot Ball: Illinois 47, Indiana 0. Nov. 3 — First issue of Illi- nois Magazine. Domestic Science Club organized. Nov. 8 — Foot Ball: Minnesota 17, Illinois 5. Nov. 10 — Organization of local sorority of Alpha Delta Gamma. Nov. 15— Foot Ball: Illinois 0, Ohio State Univ. 0. Nov. 22 — Illinois 17, Northwestern 0. Nov. 27 — Illinois 80, Iowa 0. Organiza- tion of Theta Kappa Nu. Dec. — Board of Trustees decided to give degrees B. A. and B. L. S. in Library School. Dec. 6 — Installation of Rho chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma. Dec. 8— Illinois Grange met at University. Council of administration refused to allow freshman social. Dec. 13 — Reorganization of Political Science Club on honorary basis. Jan. 16, 1903 — Illinois-Iowa debate won by Illinois. Feb. 14— Dual Meet: Chicago 60, Illinois 20. Mar. 6 — Indiana -Illinois debate won by Indiana. March 13 — -President Draper re-elected. Board of Trustees voted to abolish University Dining Hall. Board decided not to abolish fees. March 14 — Michigan-Illinois meet won by Michigan. Mar 22 — Dual Meet: Chicago 45, Illinois 41. April 8 — "Pinafore" presented bv Opera Club. April 18 — Base Ball: Illinois 10, Northwestern 0. April 21— First Out Door "Sing". April 23 — Base Ball: Illinois-Wisconsin game forfeited by Wisconsin. April 24— Illinois-Missouri Debate won by Missouri. Base Ball: Michigan 17, Illinois 10. April 25— Illinois 17, Northwestern 2. April 30— Illinois 8, Notre Dame 5. May 1— Base Ball: Illinois 10, Purdue 2. May 5— lUinois 29, North- western 2. Mav 6— Illinois 3, Wisconsin 0. May 6-7-8 — May Festival. Presentation of "Elijah." Mav 9 — Base Ball: Illinois 8, Michigan 2. Dual Meet: Chicago 74, Illinois 52. ^ May 11— Base Ball: Illinois 7, Nebraska 3. May 14— Dual Meet: Wisconsin 62, Illinois 50. May 15 — Base Ball: lUi- nios 4, Chicago 3. May 20 — IlHnois Law School 8, Chicago Law School 0. Central Oratorical League won by Indiana; Illinois Second. May 23 — Base Ball: Illinois 9, Chicago 5. ^May 26— Death of former Regent Pea- body. May 28— Base Ball: Illinois 20, Oberiin 3. Sigma Chi chapter cens'ured by faculty for holding dance on forbidden night. May 30 — Base Ball: Illinois 9, Michigan 2. Illinois wins championship of the West. June 1 — Base Ball: Illinois 4, Notre Dame 2. "Honors" consisting of letters "I A" granted to women for gymnasium work. June 8 — Resigna- tion of Dean Scott of College of Law. Commencement address by President xxviii University of Illinois Charles Thwing. LL. D. degree conferred on Honorable Joseph G. Cannon. June 11 — Columbia University confers degree of LL. D. on President Draper. 1903-04 Sept. 13 — Death of Professor Edward Snyder. Sept. 19 — Agreement to affiliate Chicago College of Dental Surgery adopted by the Board of Trustees. Foot Ball: Illinois 45, Englewood 5. Sept. 26 — Illinois 43, Lombard 0. Sept. 30 — Illinois 36, Osteopaths 0. Oct. 3— Foot Ball: Illinois 29, Knox 5. Oct. 10— Illinois 64, Rush Medic. 0. Oct. 9— Organization of Harvard Club. Oct. 14 — Foot Ball: Illinois 54, Dentists 0. Oct. 17 — Illinois 24, Purdue 0. Oct. 20— Six stu- dents suspended for hazing. Oct. 22 — Organization of Kansas City Alumni Association. Nov. 4 — Memorial Mass Meeting for Purdue Wreck. Nov. 8 — Foot Ball: Indiana 17, Illinois 0. Nov. 14 — Minnestoa 32, Illinois 0. Nov. 21 — Iowa 12, Illinois 0. Nov. 26 — Nebraska 16, Illinois 0. Dec. 8 — Organization of Engineering Experiment Station. Name of preparatory department changed to "The Academy of the University of Illinois." Dec. 17 — Christmas Concert by Choral Society. Jan. 8, 1904 — Wisconsin threatens to sever athletic relations on account of trouble over the proceeds of the forfeited base ball game. Organization of Illiola Literary Society. Dec. 15 — Illinois-Iowa Debate won by Illinois. Jan. 16 — Illinois-Wisconsin trouble settled by agreement of Illinois to pay disputed fund over to the Purdue Memorial fund. Jan. 18 — Illinois Domestic Science Association met at University. Jan. 20 — Illinois Society of Engineers met at University. Jan. 26 — President Draper allowed by Board of Trustees to resign in order to accept the position of Commissioner of Education of the State of New York. Board adopted plans of McKim, Mead and White for the Woman's Building. Feb. 3 — Athletic Board of Control adopted graduate system of coaching. Death of Professor A. W. Palmer. Feb. 4 — Reorganization of Dramatic Club. Feb. 6 — Dual Meet: Chicago freshmen vs. Illinois freshmen; won by Illinois. Feb. 7 — Chicago College of Dental Surgery withdrew from Uni- versity. May 13 — Dual Meet: Chicago 30, Illinois 36. Feb. 16 — Inter- fraternity bowling tournament organized. Feb. 22 — Organization of chapter of Sigma Xi. May 27 — Dual freshmen Chicago-Illinois Meet, won by Illinois. Mar. 4 — Indiana-Illinois Debate won by Illinois. March 5 — Dual Meet : Chicago 38, Illinois 28. March 11 — Organization of Macgruder chapter of Phi Alpha Delta. March 15 — Beta Theta Pi house quarantined on account of scarlet fever. March 25 — Electrical Engineering Society organized. March 26 — St. Louis University Track Tournament won by Illinois. April 1 — Work begun on Woman's Building. April 5 — "Miss Hobbs" presented by Dramatic club. April 12 — "Erminie" presented by Opera Club. April 13 — Tennis Club organized. April 16 — Base Ball: Illinois 10, Knox 0. April 20— Illinois 10, P. and S. 0. April 23 — Illinois 20, North- western 0. Mar. 27 — Wisconsin 5, lUinois 4. April 28 — Trustees voted to establish professorship of Political Science. April 29 — Missouri-Illinois Debate won by Missouri. April 30 — Base Ball: Illinois 10, Michigan 6. May 3 — Illinois 2, Notre Dame 1. Mav 4 — Illinois 7, Northwestern 2. May 4 — "Twelfth Night" presented by English Club. May 7— Dual Meet: Chicago 79^, Illinois 46A. May 9 — Base Ball: Illinois 7, Minnesota 4. May 13— Dual Meet: Illinois 71, Purdue 55. Base Ball: Illinois 14, Oberlin 2. May 14 — Illinois 7, Michigan 1. May 17 — Purdue 8, Illinois 6. May 18 — Illinois 6, Ohio State 5. May 20— Illinois 7, Chicago 6. May 21 — Dual Meet: Wisconsin 79, Illinois 47. May 23 — Base Ball: Illinois 17', Minnesota 5. May 26 — University Regiment went into camp at the World's Fair in St. Louis. Base Ball: 'Illinois 2, Chicago 1. May 27 — Tennis: Chicago won from Illinois. May 28 — Base Ball: Illinois 11, Chicago 0. Illinois won Western championship. May 30 — Base Ball: Illinois 8, Beloit 4. Annals xxix June 3 — Base Ball: Illinois 1, Notre Dame 0. Hahnemann Medical College applied for affiliation. June 5 — Baccalaureate. President Draper's farewell. Juue 7 — Commencement, address by Charles W. Fairbanks. Base Ball: Chicago 15, Illinois 11 ; Illinois 13, Chicago 4. Illinois 12, Oberlin 3. Illinois 5, Ohio 4. Illinois 9, West Virginia 5. Trustees decided not to affiliate Harvey Medical College. Aug. 19 — Resignation of Miss Jayne, Dean of Women. Aug. 23 — Elec- tion of Edmund Janes James, of Northwestern University, to Presidency. 1904-05 September — Music School moved down to rooms in basement of Univer- sity Hall. Sept. 24 — Foot Ball : Illinois 10, Northwestern Coll. 0. Chemistry Department reorganized. Sept. 26 — Six men suspended for hazing. De- partment of Forestry and Landscape Gardening established. Sept. 28 — Foot Ball: Illinois 23, Wabash 2. Oct. 1— Foot Ball: lUinois 11, Knox 0. Oct. 5— Illinois 26, P. and S. 0. Oct. 7 — Organization of Mechanical Engineering Society. Oct. 8 — Univer- sity of Illinois Dav at World Fair. Foot Ball: Illinois 31, Washington 0. Oct. 15— Illinois 10, Indiana 0. Oct. 22— Illinois 24, Purdue 6. Oct. 25 — Commercial Club organized. Oct. 29 — Illinois 6, Chicago 6. Nov. 5 — President James assumed charge. Foot Ball: Illinois 46, Ohio State 0. Nov. 12 — Foot Ball: Northwestern 12, Illinois 6. Nov. 18 — Installation of Illinois Delta of Phi Kappa Psi. Nov. 19— Foot Ball: Illinois 29', Iowa 0. Visit of Chicago Press Club to University. Agricultural School wins Grand Prize for Live Stock exhibit at World's Fair. Suspension of publication of Illinois Magazine. Nov. 24 — Foot Ball: Nebraska 16, Illinois 10. Adoption of Conference rule barring freshmen from athletic teams. Dec. 3 — Organization of Illinois Alumni Association in New York City. Dec. 8. — Slight fire in Agricultural Building. Dec. 14 — Organization of Students' Co-operative Association. Jan. 9, 1905 — Regiment attended inauguration of Governor Deneen. Jan. 10 — Ralph O. Roberts, captain of Base Ball team killed in wreck on Big Four, several other students returning from holidays injured. Jan. 11 — Illinois Magazine resumed publication. Feb. 11— Dual Meet: Illinois 49, Chicago 37. Mar. 3 — Indiana-Illinois Debate won by Illinois. March 4 — Dual Meet: Illinois 45, Chicago 41. March 17 — Camera Club organized. March 28 — "Gloriana" presented by Dramatic Club. April 7 — First annual Law School dance. April 14— Base Ball: Illinois 11, Wabash 2. Apr. 19~Illinois 6, Purdue 1. April 21 — Illinois 5, Northwestern 0. April 22 — Illinois 3, Wisconsin 0. April 26 — Illinois 11, Chicago 9. April 28 — Illinois-Missouri debate won by Illinois. May 3 — Base Ball: Illinois 6, Wisconsin 3. May 5-6 — Tennis: Illinois won from Ptirdue. May 6 — Base Ball: Michigan 1, Illinois 0. May 6 — Track: Chicago 77, Illinois 49. May 8: Presentation of "Frier Bacon and Frier Bungav " by English Club. Ma}^ 9 — Base Ball: Illinois 3, Chicago 0. May 12 — Track: Illinois 48, Purdue 42. Base Ball: Illinois 5, Northwestern 0. May 13 — lUinois 9, Chicago 4. May 15^ Tennis: Iowa wins. May 18 — Base Ball: Michigan 2, Illinois 1. May 19 — Tennis: Northwestern and Illinois tied. May 20 — Track: Illinois 84, Wisconsin 42. Base Ball: Wis- consin 2, Illinois 1. May 2 5 — Watcheka League dissolved and new woman's League formed. May 26 — Base Ball: Chicago 2, Illinois 0. May 27 — Illinois 1, Wisconsin 0. May 30 — Illinois 7, Chicago 3. June 7 — Commencement, address by Secretary Cortelyou. June 8 — Base Ball: Illinois 11, Chicago 8. Resignation of Deans Forbes, R'icker and Burrill. Prof. Townsend appointed Acting Dean College of Science; Prof. White, Acting Dean College of Engineering. Miss Kyle appointed Assistant Dean of Undergraduates. XXX University of Illinois 1905-06 Sept. — Adoption of Daily Absence rule under which no absences are excused. Opening of Insectory, six days a week. Sept. 29 — Organiza- tion of School of Education. Sept. 30 — Two students suspended for hazing. Sept. 30— Foot Ball: Illinois 6, Knox 0. Oct. 4 — Foot Ball: Illinois 6, Wabash 0. Organization of triangular debating league by Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio universities. Oct. 7 — Foot Ball: Illinois 24, Northwestern College 0. Oct. 14— Illinois 12, St. Louis Univ. 6. Oct. 16-19 — Installation of President James. National Confer- ence of College and University Trustees; Conference on Religious Education in State Universities; Conference on Commercial Education. Oct. 16 — Dedi- cation of Woman's Building. Four students suspended for hazing. Oct. 17 — Presentation of "Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay," by English Club. Oct. 17 — Parade by Illinois Students. Oct. 20 — Location of Auditorium by Board of Trustees. Oct. 21— Foot Ball: Purdue 29, Illinois 30. Nov. 28— Illinois 30, P. & S. 0. Nov. 4 — Foot Ball: Michigan 33, Illinois 0. Nov. 11 — Introduction of La Crosse. Nov. 18 — Foot Ball: Chicago 44, Illinois 0. Nov. 30 — Nebraska 24, Illinois 6. Dec. — Appointment of student advisers from faculty. Dec. 1 — Organization of Western Inter-collegiate Basket Ball League. Dec. 8 — Organization of Hawkeye Club by Iowa students. Dec. 10 — Department of Ceramics established. Dec. 16 — Student Carnival for benefit of Athletic Association. Dec. 20 — Christmas Concert by Choral Society. Dec. 20 — Carnival Committee reported Association debt as paid. Dec. 21 — Installa- tion of chapter of Delta Upsilon. Jan. 11, 1906 — Hamilton Club Contest at Chicago: Wisconsin first, Jacob Cantlin, Illinois, second. Jan. 14 — Memorial Exercises for President Harper, of Chicago University. Jan. 20 — First inter-collegiate Basket Ball game for University: Illinois 27, Indiana 24. Jan. 27 — Basket Ball: Illinois 25, Purdue 19. Feb. 3— Basket Ball: Illinois 23, Wheaton College 21. Prof. E. B. Greene made Acting Dean of the College of Literature and Arts. Plans of C. H. Blackall of Boston for new Auditorium accepted by Trustees. Feb. 12 — ^Lincoln's birthdav celebrated, address bv Hon. J. S. Stevens, of Peoria. Feb. 14— Basket Ball: Illinois 31, OberHn 25. Feb. 16— Dual Meet: Illinois 61, Chicago 25. Basket Ball: Indiana 38, Illinois 7. Feb. 17 — ^Aquatic Contest: Chicago 28, Illinois 13. Basket Ball: Purdue 48, Illinois 22. Feb. 20 — President James calls meeting of fraternities to discuss advisability of holding conference of college fraternities. Feb. 22 — Installation o'f chapter of Sigma Kappa. "One Night Only" given by Players Club. Feb. 2 4— B asket B all : Illinois 2 4 , Chicago 2 1 . Feb . 2 8— Minnesota 2 7 , lUinois 2 5 . Mar. 3 — Basket Ball; Wisconsin 35, lUinois 32. Dual Meet: Illinois 45^, Chicago 40h. Chapter of Delta Rho Sigma organized in College of Agriculture. March 9 — Ohio-Illinois debate won by Illinois. Indiana- Illinois Debate won by Indiana. March 14 — Anniversary of founding of University celebrated; address by Vice-president Burrill. March 16 — Aquatic Meet: Chicago 27, Illinois 14. March 20 — Colored woman, bitten by btxll-dog, sues Delta Upsilon chapter for $2,000.00 (see April 14). April 2 — First game of base ball training season with Chicago National League. Work begun on Auditorium. Apr. 7 — Dean of Undergraduates ordered second Illio election on account of charges of illegal voting. April 14 — Suit against Delta Upsilon withdrawn by plaintiff. Ionian Literary So- ciety organized. April 16 — Aquatic meet: Yale 53, Illinois 8. April '20 — Faculty of Literature and Arts presented to David Kinley, retiring Dean, a gold watch. Water Polo: Illinois 2, Chicago 1; which gave Illinois the Western Intercollegiate Water Polo championship. April 22 — Base Ball: Illinois 3, Chicago 0. First Junior smoker. April 24 — Athenian Literary Society organized. April 26 — Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the United States Treasury, spoke on the "Evolution of Self-government." April 27 — Annals xxxi Base Ball: Illinois 12, Notre Dame 9. April 29 — Heth Chapter of Acacia Fraternity installed. Base Ball: Michigan 11, Illinois 7. May 2 — Base Ball: Illinois 22, Indiana 3. May6 — Track meet: Illinois75, Chicago 51. May 9 — Company K won the company competitive; Jose' G. San Victores won the Hazelton Prize medal. May 12-13 — May Festival. May 26 — Women's number of the Illinois Magazine. May 18 — Annual Maypole dance on Illinois field. Dean Clark wrote a letter to the freshmen on hazing. May 20 — Interscholastic Athletic contest: Wendell Phillips and West Aurora tied for first place. First interscholastic circus in gymnasium. Base Ball: Illinois 8, Chicago 7. Phoenix, new senior society, established. May 22 — 1907 Illio issued. Tennis: Illinois 4, Iowa State 2. May 23 — Water Polo team gave exhibition for University gymnasium girls. May 24 — Tennis: Illinois 3, Chicago 3. May 25 — Base Ball: Illinois 3, Amherst 0. May 27 — Base Ball: Michigan 8, Illinois 4. May 29 — University Memorial Day; E. Benjamin Andrews, Chancellor of the University of Nebraska, de- livered address on General Grant. Reception to General Nelson A, Miles. May 30 — General Nelson A. Miles reviewed University regiment and spoke on "The Military Training of the Citizen Soldier." Cornerstone of new Auditorium laid. General Miles gave Decoration Day address. May 31 — Bas Ball: Illinois 2, Chicago 0. June 1 — Philomathean and Alethenai societies gave Shirley's "The Opportunity" on the south campus. June 2 — Base Ball: Illinois 8, Minne- sota 0. Michigan won conference meet; Illinois scored 7 4-5 points. June 10-13 — Commencement exercises. June 10 — President James delivered Baccalaureate sermon. June 12 — Class of 1901 formed first permanent class organization among the Alumni. June 13 — Baron Herman von Speck- Sternburg, Ambassador from Germany to the United States, gave the com- mencement address. I- o / Sco BACCALAUREATE ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CLASS OF 1872 (20) 1. MILO B. BUR WASH Born Dec. 3, 1849, Andrews, Quebec, Canada, f. Samuel M. Burwash, 1816, Canada, m. Lois Barber, 1826, Canada. Retired fanner. Prepared in Champaign High School. *M. S., 1892. Farming 1872-1895. Retired 1895. Member M. E. Church. Address, 610 W. Green St., Champaign, 111. 2. JOHN JEFFERSON DAVIS Born Nov. 4, 1852, Stephenson Co., 111. f. John Andrew Davis, Penn- sylvania, m. Amy Springer, Malone, N. Y. Phvsician. Prepared in Freeport High School, Freeport, 111. B. S., Illinois, 1872; M. D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1875. Delta Tau Delta. Practicing Medicine. Pres. Wis. State Hom. Med. Society, 1894. Member Am. Institute of Homeopathy, Wis. Acad. Sciences, Arts and Let- ters; president 1902 — . Fellow, Am. Association Adv. of Science. Member and Secretary Board of Commissioners of the State Geological and Nat. Hist. Survey of Wis., 1902 — . Member Am. Forestry Ass'n; Wis. Archfeological Society; President, 1905, Racine Physicians' Business Ass'n. Married Anna Margaret Snyder, Racine, Wis., 1882. Children, John Archibald, 1883; Marguerite, 1887. Address, 1119 College Ave., Racine, Wis. 3. HENRY N. DRURY Brother of No. 39 Born Nov. 29, 1847, Switzerland Co., Ind. f. Henry Drury, 1821, Mas- sac Co., 111. m. Lydia Bassett, Switzerland Co., Ind. Physician. Prepared in Public School, Mason, 111. *B. S., 1895. M. D., Chicago, 1876. Practiced Medicine from the Spring of 1876 to date. Med- ical Examiner. Member of M. E. Church nearly life time. A. F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., M. W. of A. Connections with I. O. G. T. and A. L. of H. Married Hattie Numi, Champaign, 111., 1873, died 1873; Mary E. Mann, Newton, 111., 1883. Children, Jean Paul, born Oct. 4, 1888; Lillian Lucile, born May 26, 1891. Address, Altamont, 111. *4. ALFRED MURRAY FLAGG Born July 10, 1848,in Rochelle, 111. f. Willard Parker Flagg, born June 8, 1808, Richmond, Vermont, m. Lucy Cochran, born May 19, 1812. Prepared in Academy at Alton, 111. Capt. Studied law in Rochelle; admitted to bar, 1874. Lawyer and writer in Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Bessemer, Mich., Hurley, Mich., 1874-84; news writer and Editor of Superior, Wis., Leader, and later of Forum, 1884-99; Editorial Writer, Duluth News-Tribune, 1889 till his death. Member of Episcopal Church. Married Jessie Marshall, 1878, at Sioux Falls. Died November 1. 1904, at Duluth. Minn. 1 2 University of Illinois [1872 5. MILES FAYETTE HATCH Brother of Nos. 22, 236 Born in 1847, in Illinois, f. Lewis Hatch, N. Y. m. Mandana Cole, N. H. Stockman. *M. S., 1893. Breeder of Guernsey Cattle, Dairyman, Prune Grower and Packer, Burton, Wash. Married Tamar A. Richardson, 1877, English Prairie, 111. Child, Lewis Miles, born 1880. Address, Burton, Wash. 6. GEORGE HENRY LYMAN Born Oct. 4, 1850, Farmingdale, 111. f. Henry Pratt Lyman, Aug. 10, 1805, Vermont, m. Mercy Bannister Sanders, Dec. 3, 1805, Bethel, Vermont. Real Estate and Abstract Business. Prepared in Springfield High School. Philomathean. Ass't Div. Eng'r, 111. Cent. R. R., 1872-75; Engineer for Cairo & Vincennes R. R., 1875-77; Consulting Eng'r different Railroads, 1877-78; Eng'r in charge of Transfer Constr., Cairo, 111., and Ass't Chief of Cotton Belt Route, 1878-82; Ass't Supt., Little Rock, Ft. Smith R. R., 1882- 84; Real Estate and Abstract Business, Ft. Smith, Ark., 1884 — •. Member Sons of Revolution, A. F. and A. M.; Knights Templar; Elks; I. O. O. F. Married Emma Stewart, Jan. 16, 1873, Champaign, 111. Children, Georgina, born Dec. 17, 1885; Henry Pratt, born Mar. 25, 1890. Address, 316 N. 6th St., Ft. Smith, Ark. 7. JAMES NEWTON MATTHEWS Born May 27, 1852, near Green Castle, Ind. f. William Mathews, 1819, Va. m. Deborah Hopwood, 1826, Ky. Physician. Prepared in Public School, Mason, 111. First Matriculant in the University. *M. L., 1891; M.D., 1878, Missouri Med. College. Philoma- thean. Delta Tau Delta. Pres. Board of U. S. Pension Ex., Effingham, 111., for 12 years. Author: "Tempe Vale and Other Poems," 1888, Chas. Kerr, 200 pp. "Poems by Alonzo Hilton Davis, with Memior, " 1891. Many poems in current magazines. One of the founders and Vice-Pres. of the Western Association of Writers. Member of Escupalian Medical Society and Illinois State Medical Society. Married Luella Matthews, June 2, 1878, (died Feb. 11, 1894); Madaline Wright, Dec. 30, 1896. Children, William Vivian, born Mar. 28, 1879; James Riley, born June 10, 1883; Courtland Wade, born Dec. 14, 1897. Address, Mason, 111. 8. CALVIN EBENEZER PARKER Born 1850, Massachusetts, f. Ebenezer W. Parker. Entered from Philo, 111. Physician, Los Angeles, Calif., 1904. Address, Los Angeles, Calif. 9. ISAAC STUART RAYMOND Father of Nos. 125 5 and 12 56 Born Jan. 29, 1849, Raymond, Union Co., Ohio. f. Nathaniel Ravmond, Sept. 19, 1811, Mt. Vernon, N. H. m. Melissa Stuart Ballston, Spa' N. Y., Dec. 9, 1818. Farmer. Preparedin Peru, 111. ; Champaign Public Schools. *M.L.,1895. Philomathean. Farming. President of The First National Bank of Philo, 111., last three years; interested in other banks. Trustee of Uni. of 111., 1892-1898; serving 31st year as School Trustee Raymond Township; 11th year as Supervisor. Member The Patrons of Husbandry; Illinois Society; The Sons of the Revolution; President of The Champaign Co. Farmers' Insti- tute for the last six years. Married Edith Eaton at Philo, 111., Oct. 27, 1875. Children, John Eaton, ('99), born Nov. 19, 1876; Ruth Cleveland, ('99), born June 8, 1878. Address, Sidney, 111. 1872] Baccalaureate Alumni 3 10. WILLIE ALBERT REISS Born March 31, 1853, in Belleville, 111. f. Frederick Reiss, Oct. 28, 1826, in German}-, m. Susan Hopp, Aug. 27, 1827, in Germany. Engineer and Surveyor. Prepared in Belleville High School and Wash- ingtonUniv. *M.S.,1894. Philomathean. Scholarship from St. Clair County. Civil Engineer for M. C.V & Ft. Scott R. R., 1873-1874; Principal of Schools, 1874-1888; General Engineering and Surveying, 1888 — . At present Deputy County Surveyor. Member of State Militia, 1876-84; several fraternal and other organizations; Board of Education for a number of years ; University of Illinois Club, at St. Louis, Mo.; Vice-president of same;' member of En- gineering Club. Married Matilda Faas Reiss, September 26, 1882, at Millstadt, 111. Chil- dren, Paula Helen, born Julv 6, 1883, (died May 19, 1891); Elmer Fred, bom Jan. 28, 1886; Ben Harry,' born Mar. 31, 1889; Edwin Joseph and Edgar Rudolph, born Jan. 3. 1891. Address, Belleville, 111. *11. STEPHEX AVERY REYXOLDS Born Julv 6, 1849, in Mukwonago, Waukesha Co., Wis. f. Edward Hin- man Reynolds, Oct. 1, 1823, Taghkanic, N. Y. m. Olive Bidwell, June 18, 1824, Dalton, Mass. Prepared in Belvidere, 111. Capt. M. L., 1897. Philomathean. Ad- mitted to Bar, 1880. Lawyer at Belvidere, Rockford and Chicago, 1880-99. With Hon. Charles Fuller published Fuller's Law Manual, Stephen Avery Reynolds & Co., Chicago, 1878. Published Lost Lac Labelle, Last Year's Leaves, and many other poems contributed to various publications, including home paper and Illini. Served two terms in State Legislature, 35th and 36th Gen. Assembly of 111. Was Justice of Peace in Belvidere, 111., for num- ber of years. Married Delia M. Fillmore, 1876, in Champaign, 111. Children. Edward F., bom Mar. 19, 1877, Alphersyne L., born Oct. 12, 1878; Frederick J., born May 4, 1881. Died Aug. 13, 1899, at Elgin, 111. 12. THOMAS EDWIN RICKARD Born July 2, 1850, near Springfield, 111. f. Simon Peter Rickard, Vir- ginia, Oct. 16, 1821. m. Sophia Jane Earnest, Aug. 24, 1823, Illinois. Farmer. Prepared in Springfield High School. *M. L., 1893. Philoma- thean. Farming, Springfield to 1901; California to 1904. Married Kate Eliza Boardman, at Springfield, Nov. 26, 1879. Children, Francis Beatrice, bom Oct. 23, 1880; Lucius Simon, July 16, 1882; Lawrence Edwin, Sept. 1, 1884; Ernest Woodward, Oct. 6, 1886; Howard Brown, Dec. 1, 1889; Raymond Bonsall, June 2, 1892; Katheritie Helen, July 28, 1900. Address, Hemet, Calif. 13. NATHAN CLIFFORD RICKER Husband of No. 87; father of No. 2216 Born Julv 24, 1843, Acton, York Co., Maine, f. Ebenezer Ricker, Shap- leigh, York Co., Me., 1822. m. Mary Stacy, Acton, York Co., 1821. Professor of Architecture. Prepared in Public Schools in Maine; three years of private study afterwards in Latin, French, Botany, Geology, Trigo- nometry, Surveying, Architecture, etc. Taught school in 1861-1862. B. S. in Architecture; M. Arch, at earliest date of conferring the degree, 1878; D. Arch., 1900. Philomathean Society; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. Pres. of College Government one semester. Served one week as member of Univ. Regiment, then 6th Regiment Illinois National Guards, on guard after fire in Chicago, Nov., 1871. Beginning Sept. 1, 1873, successively Instructor, Assistant Professor and Professor of Architecture in charge of the department; from 4 University of Illinois [1872 1878 to 1905, Dean of College of Engineering. Author: Graphic Statics and Trussed Roofs, 1874; Comstock, N. Y., Wagner's Modern Architecture, Translation reprinted from the Brickbuilder, pamphlet. Also following unpubhshed translations have been completed; Durm's Die Griechische Baustile, 2d Ed. ; Durm's Die Renaissance in Italia; Franz's Die Baukunst des Islam; Redtenbacher's Architektonik; Architektonische Composition, (from Handbuchd.Arch.); Planat's Chaufif age et Ventilation. Articleson Beamsand Girders pub. Am. Architect; on graphic determinations of Stability of a large chimney, \&&?>,Am.Archt.; Reviews of various Architectural books; Am. Arch- itect; article on Balanced Cantalever Arch Roof Truss with graphic solution ; The Brickbuilder, handbook of Public Library, Chicago; Christmas extra pub. hy Inland Architect; Articles on Graphic Statics, 1873, Am. Architect & Builder. Baptist Church, 1865 ; Congregational, Champaign, 111., 1875 ; Meth- odist, Urbana, 111., 1895. Fellow Am. Inst. Architects, 1879; Hon. Fellow, 1891; FellowAm. Assn. Advancement of Science, 1906; Am.Soc.of Promotion of Eng'g Education, 1894; West Soc. Engr's, 1903; 111. Board Examiners of Architects, 1897, Pres. of Board since 1899. Architect of Law Building, Armory and Natural Hist. Hall; Ricker & White, Architects of Library Build- ing. Consulting Architect competition for public Library, Davenport, Iowa, also for State Arsenal, Springfield, 111. Married Mary Carter Steele ('75), Aug. 25, 1875, Urbana, 111. Child, Ethel Ricker ('04); born April 12, 1883, Champaign, 111. Address, 612 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 14. CHARLES WESLEY ROLFE Father of Nos. 1399, 1751, 1949 Born Apr. 17, 1850, Arlington Heights, 111. f. Charles Wesley Rolfe, Sr., Maine, m. Melissa Haven. Professor of Geology. Prepared in Oswego High School. Certificate, 1872; M. S., 1879. Post Grad. Illinois, 1872-73; Prin. Sidney Public Schools, 1873-74; Teacher Sciences, Jennings Sem., 1874-6; Waterman Schools, 1876-7; Supt. Schools Kankakee, 1877-1881; Professor of Geology, Illinois, 1881-—. Member American Assn. for Adv. of Science; Geological Soc. of America. Married Martha Farley, Dec. 26, 1887, Oswego, 111. Children, Martha Deette ('00), born July 11, 1879; Mary Annette ('02), born Apr. 3, 1881, Susie Farley ('03), born Oct. 13, 1882; Amy Lucile ('08), born Feb. 5, 1886. Address, 601 John St., Champaign, 111. 15. CHARLES WALLACE SILVER Brother of No. 16 Born April 25, 1852, Springboro, Ohio. f. Wallace Silver, May 29, 1829, Springboro, O. m. Rebecca MuUin, Dec. 11, 1830, Springboro, O. Promoting interurban' railways and organizing savings departments. Philomathean Society. Prepared in Urbana High School. Certificate, 1873. Admitted to practice of law in all courts of Kansas, 1879 ; Illinois, 1889. Did not practice or intend to practice in either case. Author: Twentieth Cen- tury Conduct, or A Secular Anathema on Fakery in Business, Social and Professional Life, 528 pages. Ideals and Idealism (pamphlet). Newspaper and magazine letters on banking, credits, business situation, etc. General Merchant, Pres. Board of Trade, etc. ..Lyons, Kansas, 1880-89. Associate The Credit Company, Chicago, 1889-1903 (Bank Publications). Urbana, 111., 1903 to 1905, promoting interurban railways and organizing savings departments for banks in different states. Married Mary Snow Gurr, Jan. 1, 1877, (died March 9, 1884); Marv Susan Wright, Apr. 5, 1885. Children, Walter Gurr, September 30, 1877; Spences Ferguson, Dec. 23, 1888; Brooker Mullin, Nov. 7, 1891; Myra Esther, Nov. 15, 1896. Address, 904 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 1872] Baccalaureate Alumni S *16. HOWARD SILVER Brother of No. 15 Born Dec. 21, 1850, Springboro, Ohio. f. Wallace Silver, Springboro, Ohio. in. Rebecca Mullin, Springboro, Ohio. Prepared in Urbana High School. Adelphic. Certificate 1873; *M. L., 1894. Teacher and Farmer. Married Edna E. Foster, Sept., 1873. C/n'/drrn, Charles, born nearUrbana; Raymond, born near Urbana; Minnie, born in Delavan, Wis.; Bertha, born in Lyons, Kan.; Edna, born in Janesville, Wis. Died July 24, 1905, at Oklahoma City, Okla. *17. JARED TEEPLE Born Aug. 15, 1847, near IngersoU, Oxford Co., Ontario, f. Pellum Cart- wright Teeple, Nov. 28, 1809, West Oxford, Ont. m. Mary Amelia Gleason, Sept. 20, 1816, Rowe, Franklin Co., Mass. Prepared in Woodstock, 111. .Jennings Seminary, Aurora , 111. , and Todd Sem- inary, Woodstock, 111. Served as State militiaman, on duty at the Chicago Fire, in 1871. Was private secretary to Regent Gregory. Recorder U. S. Lake Survey, Detroit, Mich., 1872, as Engineer in charge of field work party, cartographer and computer; 1877, lumber dealer until 1884; served as Vil- lage Trustee, 1883; Police Justice, 1886-87; retired from business in 1884, on account of ill health. Joint author: "Engineer Dept., L^. S. A." Tables showing difference of level in feet, corresponding to a given angle, when the distance is read in metres or feet, and for Horizontal Reductions, for use with stadia. Computed by J. A. Ockerson ('73) and Jared Teeple, Ass't Engrs. U. S. Lake Survey. Washington; Government Printing Office, 1879, 65 pp. Member of Western Literary Ass'n. Died Apr. 2, 1888, Nashville, Tenn. 18. JACOB NORTON WHARTON Born 1846, Pennsylvania. Entered from Bement. *B. S. 1895. P. b. Clerk, Douglas Park, Chicago, 1904. Address, Douglas Park, Chicago, 111. 19. ALONZO LYONS WHITCOMB Born March 30, 1848. f. RoUin Whitcomb, Sept. 9, 1808, N. Y. m. Alma Taylor Lyons, Dec. 31, 1819, Coalrain, Mass. Phvsician and Farmer. Prepared in State Normal School, Normal, 111. Philomathean. *M. L., 1894. Physician and Surgeon in St. Paul 1889-1905; since April 6, 1905, conducting a fruit farm and practicing medicine. Rovers, Ark. Member 111. State Med. Soc, '75-78; Champaign Co., 111., Med. Soc, '83-87; Pres, of same, '85-87; member Am. Med. Assn.; Ramsev Co., Minn. Med. Soc, 1889-1897-1905. Married Mattie Julia Beach, Oct. 27, 1880. Children, Edwin Beach, born Sept. 7, 1881; Alma Dwight, born Dec. 18, 1887; (died Feb. 2, 1888; Dwight Cummins, born Apr. 24, 1891; Lois, born Dec. 1, 1897. Address, Rovers, Benton Co., Ark. 20. REUBEN OSCAR WOOD Born Nov. 30, 1845, Woodburn, Macoupin Co., 111. f. Jonathan L. Wood, Jan. 18, 1803, Jonesboro, Tenn. m. Aurora B. Foster, Sept. 5, 1811, Winthrop, Mass. Farmer and Stock-raiser. Prepared in Woodburn Dist. School; Bunker Hill Academv; Sawyers Academy, Bunker Hill, 111. Philomathean; Upsilon Prime, Delta Tau Delta. Capt. ' *B. S., 1895. Farming and Stock-raising. Served in Civil War, May 12, 1864, to Feb.. 1866, in 133rd and 150th 111. Vol. Inf. Twp. Assessor, Comm'r of Highway's, Justice of the Peace, Trustee of Schools, Comm'r, Quartermaster, etc., G. A. R. ; Director McCoup- in Co. Fair Ass'n. Married EUza J. Howell, Jan. 1, 1880, Woodburn, 111. Address, Woodburn, 111. 6 University of Illinois [1873 CLASS OF 1873 (14) 21. CHARLES PEYTON GRAHAM Born April 5, 1847, Oregon, Mercer Co., Kentucky, f. James M. Gra- ham, July 14, 1811, Ky. m. Ellen Ficklin, Oct. 7, 1820, Ky. Presbyterian Minister. Perpared in private subscription school near El- dorado, Mercer Co. Adelphic. *M. L., 1893. Charter member and first Sec. of Y. M, C. A.; Presbyterian Minister, licensed April 15, 1875; ordained April 10, 1879, at Winfield, Kansas. Served number of churches (longest time with any, eleven years). At present, serving Presb. Church of Ashland, Kansas. Member Emporia Presbytery, seventeen years. May, 1892, repre- sented thatbody in The General Assembly of Presb. Church in the U. S. A., convened in Portland, Oregon; introduced in that meeting the first Anti- Tobacco Resolution ever adopted by the denomination (see page 217, Min- utes of The General Assembly of the Presb. C, 1892.) Member of Bloom- ington, 111., Presbytery, 1892—. Married Ellen Piggott, Aug. 20, 1885, Chicago, 111. Address, Box 61, Ashland, Clark Co., Kansas. 22. FREDERIC LEWIS HATCH Brother of Nos. 5, 236 Born Nov. 1, 1848, Spring Grove, McHenry Co., 111. f. Lewis Hatch, April 20, 1814, Hebron, N. Y. m. Mandana Cole, July 25, 1825, Hill, N. H. Farmer. Prepared in District Schools, Elgin Academy. Philo- mathean; Agricultural Club. *M. S., 1891. Farming. Trustee of University of Illinois, 1899-1905. Pres. of Board for two years. Super- visor of Burton Township ten years; five years Pres. Agricultural Society of McHenry Co.; member of State Dairyman's Assn.; Farmers' Institute; mem- ber Farmers' Institute Lecturers. Author: The Hundredth Man in Horti- culture, Vol. 28, Illinois Horticulture Report; various Lectures published in Farmers' Institute Reports of Illinois. Married Anna Melissa Reynolds, Belvidere, 111., Jan. 3, 1876, (died March 26, 1896); Mrs. Ethelyn Baker Foster, Dec. 21, 1905, Chicago, 111. Address, Spring Grove, 111. 23. CHARLES IRVING HAYS Born June 28, 1851, Darke Co., Ohio. f. Samuel Hays, 1812, Pa. m. Ehzabeth Martin, 1812, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Pubhc Schools of Illinois. Adelphic. Pres. Adelphic. Certificate, 1873 ; B.S..1878; M.S., 1894. Mine Supt. in Colo., 1884; teaching from 1885 — . Author: Best Methods of Raising House Plants, 1876. Deacon, 1887-1891; Elder, 1891-1899; Deacon, 1899—. Pres. of Colo. Acad, of Science, 1901-1902. Married Izamba A. Mcintosh, July 17, 1887. Children, Irving Winfield, born Nov. 20, 1889; Earle Samuel, born Oct. 16, 1891. Address, North Side High School, Denver, Colo. 24. AUGUSTUS L. HENNESSEY Born in Illinois, 1847. f. T. W. Hennessey. Printer. Entered from Eureka, 111. Certificate 1873. Editor and Pub- lisher United States Customs Service. Author: Synthesis Theou. Married Emma Bassett, 1876 (died 1889). Three children. Address, 7124 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, 111. *25. EDGAR LOUIS HILL Born Nov. 28, 1848, at Columbus, Ohio. f. John Wm. Hill, Hesse, Ger- many, Nov. 11, 1823. m. Barbara Ellen Clark, Worthington, O., Jan. 10, 1823. Dairyman and Farmer. Prepared in the Brothers School, Teutopolis, 1873] Baccalaureate Alumni 7 111., one year in another school in Southern Illinois. Capt. *B. S., 1895. Philomathean. Farming, 1882 — ; farming and sheep raising, 1889 — ; dairy- ing and farming, 1899 — , in Carolina, Porto Rico. Married Jennie M. Detmers, Oct. 28, 1874, Manhattan, Kan. Children. William Heiirv, born Oct. 15, 1875; Edgar Louis, born Nov. 13, 1877; Mary Ellen, born Feb. 21, 1882; Chas. Frederic, born Aug. 17, 1882; Edith, born Apr. 10, 1885, (died May 14, 1885); Freda Margaret, born May 3, 1886; Robert Elsmere, born Jan. 5, 1889; Jeanette Barbara, born Mar. 4, 1892. Died Oct. 10, 1905, Elgin, Texas. 26. SAMUEL HOUSTON HOOK Born in 1S54. Entered from Urbana. Certificate, 1873. *B. L., 1895. Is in California. 2 7. ANDREW T. MORROW Born Aug. 2, 1845, Grant Co., Ind. i. Joseph Morrow, 1799, N. Carolina . m. Mary Smith, 1810, Virginia. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Jonesboro, Ind., High School; State Normal School, Oswego, N. Y., 1867-68. Philomathean. Certificate 1874. C. E. 1892. Civil Engineer, 1873-1878; Farmer, 1878-1888; Civil Engineer, Married Harriet M. Case, Feb. 7, 1878, Mendota, 111. Children, Nelson Case, born Nov. 6, 1879; Louise, born Mar. 13, 1882. Address, 1115 Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 28. JOHN AUGUSTUS OCKERSON Born Mar. 4, 1848, Skane, Sweden. Came to U. S. 1851. f. Jons Aker- son, Sweden; died Sept. 24, 1851. m. Boel Jons Dotler, Sweden, 1803; died Sept. 21, 1851. Civil Engineer and member of Mississippi River Commission. Prepared in Elmwood, 111., High School. B. S., C. E., D. Eng., Illinois, 1903; Tau Beta Pi; President Adelphic Society; President College Government. Civil and Mining Engineering; Level and Transit man, A. T. & S. F. R. R.; Asst. U. S. Lake Survey; Prin. Asst. Eng'r, Miss. River Improv't; Eng'r and Mgr. Silver Age Mining Co., Colorado; Jury of Awards, Paris Exposition, 1900; Chief Dept. Liberal Arts, La. Purchase Expo., 1902-1905. Member Mississippi River Commission, 1898 to date. U. S. Delegate to Interna- tional Congress of Merchant Marine, Paris, 1900; U. S. Delegate to Inter- national Congress of Navigation, Paris, 1900; Resident Commissioner for Sweden at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1903; U. S. Delegate to Tenth International Congress of Navigation, Milan, Italy, 1905; Civil War, 132nd Illinois Infantry; First Minnesota Heavy Artillery, 1864-1865. Decorations awarded by the following Countries: Germany, " Officer of the Crown;" Italy, "Knight of the Crown;" Sweden, "Knight of the Order of Vasa," "Commander, Order of the Vasa;" France, "Officer Beaux Arts;" Belgium, "Knight of the Order of Leopold;" China, "Order of the Double Dragon," first grade. Member National Geographical Society, 1898; member Amer- ican Society of Civil Engineers, 1880; member, twice Vice-president and twice President of St. Louis Engineers' Club; Ransom Post 131, G. A. R.; Noonday Club, St. Louis*; President, Univ. of 111. Alumni Association of St. Louis. Author: Numerous articles contributed to Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers; Journal Associated Engineering Societies; Engi- neering Journal; Proceedings 8th International Congress of Navigation, Paris. 1900; same, 10th Congress, Milan, 1905; Engineering Congress, Glas- gow, Scotland, 1901, and Official Reports. Married Helen M. Chapin, Detroit, Mich., Nov. 3, 1875, (died March, 1886) ; Clara W. Shackelford, St. Louis, Mo., June 4, 1890. Address, 4217 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 8 University of Illinois [1873 29. PARLEY AGRIPPA PHILLIPS Born May 28, 1840, Damascus, Stephen Co., 111. f. Norman Phillips, Oot. 4, 1801, Plainfield, N. Y.. m. Phebia Ann Martin, 1805, Martindale, N. Y. Farmer and horticulturist. Prepared at Mt. Morris, Ogle County, 111. Philomathean. *M. L., 1894. Agriculture and Horticulture. Member Pres- byterian Church from 1873-1884; member of M. E. Church. Address, Madison Sta., Madison Co., Miss. 30. FRANKLIN CARPENTER PLATT Born Aug. 20, 1854, Warren, Jo Daviess Co., 111. f. John D. Plati, Nov. 1824, Otsego Co., N. Y. m. Julia E. Carpenter, Oct., 1824, Otsego Co., N. Y. Judge. Prepared in Warren High School. Adelphic. Capt. *M. L. 1893; B. LL., Union College of Law, Chicago, 111. Served as Captain under Col. Snyder on guard duty, Chica'go Fire. Treasurer, Iowa Universalist Convention, two years; President, six years, and present incumbent. Practiced Law in Chicago, Dow City, Iowa, and Waterloo, Iowa, from July 4, 1876, to Jan. 1, 1898; appointed judge 10th Judicial District of Iowa, 189'8; elected to that office, 1898; reelected, 1902; present incumbent. Married Delia Mary .Phelps, Apr. 21, 1887, Waterloo, la. Children, Franklin C, (died in infancy); Alice Virginia, born Jan. 28, 1893; Elda May, born Nov. 19, 1895. Address, 515 E. 3d St., Waterloo, Iowa. 31. ELIJAH NEWTON PORTERFIELD Bom Aug. 10, 1851, Worthington, Pa. f. James B. Porterfield, Aug. 10, 1826, Worthington, Pa. m. Elvira H. Blaine, March 5, 1829, Worthing- ton, Pa. Real Estate merchant and Farmer. Prepared in Schools of Center Point district and Sidney, 111. County Surveyor and City Engineer of Kearney, Neb., 1885-1895. Real Estate and Farm and City loans, 1895—. Married Avis R. Scott, Feb. 28, 1889, Kearney, Nebr. Address, Kearney, Nebr. *32. HENRY EDWIN ROBBINS Husband of No. 88 Born Oct. 6, 1847, Springfield, N. Y. f. Joseph Robbins, 1809, Belcher- town, Mass. m. Emma Bates, 1819, Kensington, England. Prepared in Grammar Schools, New York City. *M. S. 1891. Ph. D., Wesleyan, Bloomington, 1888. Supt. Lyons, Iowa, Schools twelve years. Pueblo, Colo., City Supt. Schools, 1894-1896; University of Chicago, 1896- 1899. Invented a force pump in 1870. Author: Many published speeches and addresses; contributed to several educational journals; Camping on the Mississippi, a book for boys. 32nd degree Mason; for ten years an officer in Scottish Rite Masonry; member of the Mystic Shrine. Married Margaret Esther Stewart (75), Dec. 31, 1879. Child, Alice May. Died Feb. 6, 1899, Chicago, 111. 33. ALEXANDER CULBERTSON SWARTZ Born Jan. 5, 1846, Westmoreland Co., Pa. f. Henry Swartz, 1801. m. Margaret Gardner, Pa., 1806. Architect. Prepared at home. C. E. 1879. Philomathean. Instr. in Arch, and Math., Illinois, 1873-77. Residedin Fresno, Calif., since 1890, engaged principally in practicing Architecture. Was First Assistant in first R. R. survey over Marshall Pass, 1877; charge of party most of time; wrote up report of survey with estimate of cost of construction. Had an impor- tant part in great railroad war for possession of Grand Canon of the Arkan- 1873] Baccalaureate Alumni 9 sas, 1877-78, between the Santa Fe and D, & R. G. Companies. Locating Engineer on Santa Fe from Kansas City to Chicago, in Missouri. Served as private at Chicago, 1871, after tire. Member of Christian Church, serving as Elder and on official board. Married Charlotte Ellen Lloyd, Dec. 10, 1878, Areola, 111. Children, Howard S., bom Jan. 19, 1882, Fred L., June 9, 1885; Burton A., Oct. 5, 1887. Address, Fresno, Calif. 34. LOUIS EDWARD WILLIAMS Born June 7, 1850, Keokuk, la. f. Rev. William Henrv Williams, Nov. 18, 1803, Argyle, N. Y. m. Abby Lydia White, June 20, 1814, Putney, Vt. Lawyer. Prepared in Perry, Pike Co., 111., and New Ipswich Appleton Academy, N. H. B. S., *M. S. 1894; B. L., Keokuk College of Law, 1884. Chairman, state convention which organized Iowa Branch Nat'l Farmers' Alliance; several years, State Secretary and State Lecturer of same; twice chairman of Com. on Resolutions and two years National Lecturer. Teach- ing and farming till fall of 1873 ; prin. of Academy, Fort Madison, Iowa; prin. of Plymouth, 111. School and Macomb, 111., High School; Lawyer, real estate, loan, and insurance agent, 1884 — . Married Laura Jane Steadman, May 4, 1880, Henry Co., la. Children, Eva Theodora, born June 13, 1883; Bertha E., born Apr. 1, 1885, (died Nov., 1887); Paul William, Nov. 18, 1888; Ralph Steadman, born Mar. 18, 1891. Address, 119 North Fifth St., Keokuk, la. CLASS OF 1874 (19) 35. IRA OSBORN BAKER Father of Nos. 1446, 2304, 2305 Born Sept. 23, 1853, Linton, Ind. f. Hiram Walker Baker, Mar. 11, 1826, Lewiston, N. Y. m. Amanda Osborn, Sept. 3, 1825, Linton, Ind. Professor of Civil Engineering. Prepared in High School of Mattoon, 111. B.S.,1874; C.E.,1877; D. Eng. (hon.). 1903. Adelphic Society. Asst. in civil engineering and physics, 1874-1878; instructor, civil eng'g, 1878-1880; asst. prof, of same, 1880-1882; prof, same, 1882 — . 'Member of American Society of Civil Engineers, 1892 — ; Western Society of Civil Engineers, 1886 — ; Society Promotion Engineering Education, 1893 — ; Illinois Society of Engi- neers, 1887 — . Author: Leveling, Van Nostrand Co., 1886, 16mo., 143 pp. Treatise on Masonry Construction, Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 1889, 8vo, 553 pp. Durability of Brick Pavements, Clay^vorker, Indianapolis, 1891, 12mo., 46 pp.; Engineer's Surveying Instruments, Wiley & Sons, 1892, 12mo., 386 pp.; Treatise on Roads and Pavements, Wiley & Sons, 1903, 8vo, 654 pp.; numerous articles in engineering journals and proceedings of engineering societies. Married Emma Burr, August 15, 1877. Children, Horatio Weber ('01), born July 9, 1879; Imo ('05) June 26, 1882; Cecil Franklin (Ex '05), Nov. 19, 1883; Ira Webster ('05), Mar. 17, 1884. Address, 702 University Ave., Champaign, 111. 36. JOHN P. CAMPBELL Born in Ohio, 1848. Entered from McLeansboro. Physician. *M. L. 1893. Address, Winchester, 111. 37. ALICE CHEEVER (BRYAN) Born Jan. 11, 1854, Crab Orchard, 111. f. Daniel Arnold Cheever, born July26, 1827, Providence, R.I. m. Sarah Reed Walker, Apr. 1, 1829, Deering N. H. Prepared in Peoria High School. Charter member, first secretary and 10 University of Illinois [1874 once president of Alethenai. Vice-pres. of Class of '74. *M. L., 1892. Member of Baptist Church, from 1866 to 1889; member of Congregational Church of Champaign, 1889 — . Married Alphonso Hunt Brvan, Nov. 19, 1878, Peoria, 111. Children, Helen Gordon (06), born May 3' 1883; Sarah Elizabeth ('08), June 15, 1886. Address, 401 West University Ave., Champaign, 111. 38. GREGORY GABRIEL DABRASKIAN Born Apr. 15, 1842, in Nicomita, Turkey, f. James Gerigorial Gregory. m. "Miss" Noon-yah, born in liscutory, Constantinople, Turkey. Farmer. Family farming in Backjageck, Turkey. Member of Con- gregational Church; Lodge No. 157, Urbana, 111. Address, Backjageck, Turkey. 39. EBENEZER LEWIS DRURY Brother of No. 3 Born Oct. 17, 1850, Switzerland Co., Ind. f. Henry Drury, Apr., 1822, Ft. Massox, 111. m. Lydia Bassett, Switzerland Co., Ind., 1823. Lawyer and public officer. Prepared in common schools at Mason, Effingham Co., 111. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. *M. L. 1894. Taught school about three years; studied law; admitted to Bar of 111., 1881. Lo- cated at Chamberlain, Brule Co., Territory of Dakota, now State of S. Dak., in 1881 ; county superintendent of Brule Co. for two terms. The County was a newly settled country and most of the school houses in it were constructed or built during his term of office. County Judge of Brule Co., S. Dak., four terms; member of City Council of Chamberlain two terms; City Attorney, same place. Member Y. M. C. A and Episcopal Church, at Chamberlain, S. Dak. Married Mary Drury, Nov. 23, 1885, Bear Vallev, Wis. Children, Mary Lillian, born July 3, 1892; Joseph H., born Jan. 7, 1896. Address, Chamberlain, S. Dak. 40. HERBERT EATON Born Oct. 14, 1849, North American Phalanx, Monmouth Co., N. J. f. Lucius Eaton, Hancock, Addison Co., Vt., Aug. 7, 1814. m. Lucv Cleve- land, June 11, 1824, North Hector, Schuyler Co., N. Y. Farmer. MarriedQva.ce E. Baker, Nov. 19, 1881, (died, Bloomington, Apr. 2, 1900); Children, Amy Pearl, bom at Champaign, April 21, 1883; Howard Lucius, Champaign, Feb. 5, 1888; Berenice Loveday, Bloomington, Mar. 5, 1896; Ralph Parker, Bloomington, Aug. 5, 1898. Address, Sidney, 111., R. F. D. No. 58. *41. WILLIAM C. ELLS Born 1854, in Ohio. f. Erastus Ells. *C. E., 1892. Died Feb. 26, 1896, at Kansas City, Mo. 42. HARVEY CULLEN ESTEP Brother of Nos. 175, 176 Bom Aug. 13, 1850, Paris, Stark Co., Ohio. f. Isaiah Estep. m. Sevilla Smith. Civil Engineer. No preparation for college. Delta Tau Delta. *C. E. 1893. Has specialized in railwav location and construction; has held various positions, including Ass't Engr.,'0. R. & N. Co. and N. P. R. R. in Oregon, Wash.. Idaho and Montana, etc., 1874-1900; Prin. Ass't Engr., M. & St. P. R. R., 1900—. Married Gertrude H. McCausland, Aug. 19, 1885, Olympia, Wash. Chil- 1874] Baccalaureate Alumni 11 dren. Harvey Cole, born Sept. 27, 1886, Cole, Wash; Adrian Clarence, born near Seattle' Wash., Sept. 9, 1889. Address, Waterman, Kitsap Co., Wash. 43. CHARLES WILLIAM FOSTER Born Mar. 27, 1854, Wortley, Eng. f. Chas. Foster, Dec, 1800, Rother- ham. Eng. m. Mary Robinson, June 11, 1817. Violinist. Prepared by private tutors. Philomathean. Author of many articles for musical papers. Organized and conducted the first orchestra composed of L^niversity students and conducted the first male chorus com- posed of University students. Director of Music, Univ. of 111., 1894-95. Married Alethea M. Burnap, Sept. 24, 1894, Champaign, 111. Children, Alice E., bom Sept. 1, 1898; Alethea M., born Mar. 6, 1902. Address, 607 W. Healy Street, Champaign, III. 44. PANAGIOTTIS GEXXADIUS Born 1846, Athens, Greece. *Director of Agriculture (1904). Entered from Champaign. Address, Nicosia, Cyprus. 45. CHARLES PERRY JEFFERS Born Jan. 30, 1853, Lyndon, 111. f. Perry L. Jeffers, Enfield, N. H. m. Philena Fitch, Penn. Pharmacy. Prepared at Lyndon, 111. B. S. and M. S. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. ; Choral societv and Universitv Band. Pres. one term Adelphic; assist- ant in Chemical Lab. *M. S. 1894'. May, 1875, clerk for S. A. Sheppard & Co., Boston, Mass.; June '76-'81 clerk, j'. A. Blake, Ipswich, Mass.; opened business as proprietor of Pharmacy in Swampscott, Mass., 1881 ; 1898 opened branch store in same town. Since the early 80's deacon in First Church (Con- gregational) of Swampscott, Mass. ; for several years a member of Salem Ora- toric Soc. ; Pres. Swampscott Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; one term First Pres. , Boston's Assn. of Univ. of 111. Alumni. Married Elizabeth B. Stalker, Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 25, 1875, (died Aug., 1888); Clara M. Calcord, Swampscott, Mav 12, 1892. Children, LeRov, born Aug. 25, 1876; Lyndon B., born Mar. 14, 1885; Perry C, born Apr. 4, 1893. Address, 164 Humphrey St., Swampscott, Mass. 46. WILLIAM S. PICKRELL Born Feb. 9, 1851, Mechanicsburg. 111. f. W. S. Pickrell, Mar. 28, 1807, Montgomery Co., Ky. m. Amanda P. Pickrell, Mar. 28, 1816, Mason Co., Ky. Ostrich Farming. Prepared in Mechanicsburg Grammar School. *M. S. 1892. Cattle Ranching. 1874-78; Sheep Ranching, 1878-86; Electric Light- ing, 1886-98; Ostrich Farming, 1898 — . Married Georgiana M. Keith, Xov. 15, 1883, Chicago, 111. Children, John Keith, bom Feb. 3, 1885; Abbie Beatrice, Dec. 12, 1887; William Smith, Mar. 27, 1896. Address, Phcenix, Ariz., P. O. Box 7. 47. JOHX LARKE PIERCE Bom Aug. 24, 1853, Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. f. William Gifford Pierce, born Xov. 27, 1816, Canaan, Conn. m. Jane E. Adam, born Nov. 16, 1815, Canaan, Conn. Deputy Auditor and Insurance Commissioner of State of Neb., Jan., 1903 — . Prepared in High School, Elmwood, 111., and Knox Academy, Galesburg. 111. B. A. Gnothautii literary soc, and Beta Theta Pi at Knox; Philomathean and Delta Tau Delta, Illinois. One of the editors of the Stu- dent, also of thelllini. Practiced law at Champaign, 1879-18S3; City Att'y, 12 University of Illinois [1874 Champaign, 1882-83. Was engaged in business, Farm Loans, Real Estate and Insurance, 1883-1895. Connected with the Omaha Mercury, a Law publication, 1895-1902. Deputy Auditor and Insurance Commissioner of State of Neb., Jan., 1903—. Married Margaret Harris, May 20, 1880. Children, William Dwight, born Nov. 16, 1881; Roy Gilford, Oct. 23, 1884; Paul Harold, Oct. 3, 1887. Address, 1721 Holmes St., Lincoln, Neb. 48. FRANCES ADELIA POTTER (REYNOLDS) Wife of No. 49 Born March 13, 1853, Albion, Mich. f. Aaron Potter, Ft. Edward, N. Y., April 9, 1820. m. Frances Augusta Shau, Ft. Miller, N. Y., May 31, 1830. Married. Prepared under mother's tuition. B. L. Alethenai. Taught English and Modern Languages in Univ. of Ark. a year; since then occupied in care of children, home-making and writing for the Press in leisure. In Montana, one of the first two women memlaers of Montana Press Ass'n, Annie Herbert (author of "When the Mists have Rolled away") being the other. For the past ten years, member of Rhode Island Short Story Club. Worker and office holder in several church organizations. Has written for publica- tion ever since graduation. Reviewing of current literature for leading firms in papers and magazines. Letters of travel and description, verse and stories in papers. Serials in Home Guardian of Boston and West Shore of Portland, Ore. Rose Cottage, serial; Ich Dien, serial in Home Guardian; Through Devious Ways, Rochy Mountain Husbandman; An Autograph Stone; A Phantom Flower, West Shore. Married Henry Sheldon Reynolds ('74), June 10, 1874, University parlors. Children, Vinton Irving, born Dec. 16, 1878; Ernest Shaw, Dec. 7, 1884; Paul Rea, June 15, 1889, (died Apr., 1891); Frederick Aaron, May 14, 1893. Address, 60 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I. 49. HENRY SHELDON REYNOLDS Husband of No. 48 Born Sept. 19, 1849, Providence, R. I. f. Jeremiah Anthony Reynolds, May 11, 1820. m. Charlotte S. Vinton, Sept. 13, 1822. Ranching. Prepared at home country schools, and State Normal School at Bloomington, 111. Certificate, B. S., 1874; M. S., 1880; Ph. D., Judson University, 1882. Scientific and Adelphic. Chair of Chemistry and Nat. History, 1875-1877, in Ark. Home farm, two years. Post graduate course at Univ. Prospector and Assayer in Colo, and Montana. Teacher one year. Supt. of Concentrator. Six years, rancher. Prof, of Nat. Sciences, Union Coll., Lincoln, Neb. Church offices and different offices connected with Franklin Society of Providence; scientific society organized in 1822; number of Geological lectures delivered there as. From Mine to Mint; Some Common Fossils; Along the Shore, and other R. I. lectures. Married Frances Adelia Potter, June 10, 1874, Urbana, 111. Children, Vinton Irving; Ernest Shaw, Paul Rea, (deceased); Frederick Aaron. Address, 60 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I. 50. CHARLES AUGUSTUS SMITH Born Jan. 12, 1849, Baden, Germany. Came to U. S., Jan. 30, 1852. f. Charles Smith, Germany, April 15, 1821. m. Katharena Leicht, Jan. 1, 1816. Draftsman. Prepared in private night schools and home studies. B.S.,1874. Adelphic; University Telegraphic Society; Band. Draughtsman, 1875 — . Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1884-1890; Congregational Church. Inventions: patent No. 203, 662, May 14, 1878, Reversing Link for Steam Engine; No. 287,480, Oct. 30, 1883, Metallic Scale for Draftsmen; No. 307,419, Oct. 28, 1884, "T" Square; No. 332,958, Dec. 22, 1885, Scale Holder for Draughtsmen; No. 437,870, Oct. 7, 1890: Metallic Triangle for Draughtsmen. Following inventions, not patented, 1874] Baccalaureate Alumxi 13 The Over-hanging Arm Brace for Milling Machines; Blue Print Frame; Automatic two-gear Coaster and Brake for Bicycles. Articles: written for the American Machinist; Balancing Engines, June 11, 1881, p. 5; Cushion Balance, July 23, 1881, p. 6; Cone Pulleys, Oct. 29, 1881, p. 5; Steam Engine Economy, Jan. 28, 1882, p. 5; Mar. 11, 1882, p. 7; Mar. 18, 1882, p. 7 ; Apr. 8, 1882, p. 5; Cone Pulley Diameters, Feb. 25, 1882, p. 5; Turning Tapers, May 6, 1882, p. 7; Balancing Machinery, Noy. 4, 1882, p. 6; The Bourdon Pressure Gauge Tube, Jan. 31, 1885, p. 2;'Balancing Reyolying Bodies, Feb. 7, 1885, p. 5; Efficiency of Gear Teeth, Jan. 16, 1886, p. 6; May 1, 1886, p. 4; Grind- ing Machines, July 24, 1886, p. 6; The Morton-Poole Grinding Lathe, Sept. 25, 1886, p. 6; Mechanical Drawing, Sept. 3, 1887, p. 5; Original Diameters of Taps and Bolts, Oct. 13, 1888, page 6; Noy. 3, 1888, p. 6; Series of papers on Force, Motion and Work, included between the dates, Sept. 19, 1889, and Dec. 4, 1890; Mounting Drawing Paper, Feb. 7, 1889, p. 4; In Van Nos- trand's Engineering Magazine: New Reversing Link for Steam Engines, Aug. 1879, p. 123; Balancing Locomotive Engines, July, 1880, p. 9; In the Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Discussion: Friction in Gearing, Volume 8, p. 80; Discussion: Intuition in Machine Design, vol. 8, p. 464; Improved Method of finding the diameters of Cone and Step Pulleys, vol. 40, p. 269. Married Mary Jewett Trafton, Apr. 29, 1884, Central Falls, R. I. Address, 243 Broad St., Central Falls, R. I. 51. GEORGE STORY Born May 10, 1854, Buffalo, N. Y. f. Joseph Story, m. Civil Engineer. Prepared at home. Certificate B. S. 1874; *C. E. 1894. Dept. Co. Sur., San Diego Co., Calif., (about 1880); Asst. Engineer, Calif. Southern R. R., 1881-1882; Asst. City Eng'r, San Diego, Cahf., 1878-1880; Surveyor and Engineer, San Diego, Calif., 1874-1882; Asst. Engr., Pac. Coast R. R., 1884-1885; County Surveyor, San Luis, Obispo Co., Calif., 1884-1885; County Surveyor same county, 1886-1892; City Engineer San Luis, Obispo, Calif., 1883-1894, 1895 — . Engineer, San Obispo Water Co., for three years. Built about 150 trestle bridges, 20 Howe Truss Bridges, up to 60 ft. span; one stone arch, 50 ft. span; one steel bridge, 62 ft. span; two sewer systems and disposal systems; many stone arches under 50 ft. span; storm sewers, cul- verts, paved streets, etc. Has served at President City Board of Education, San Luis, Calif.; Vice-president County Board of Education, San Luis, Calif.; member Board of Health, San Luis, Calif.; Junior and Senior Warden and Captain Gen. K. T.; Junior Warden, F. & A. M. Second Lieutenant San Luis, Obispo Co., Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias. Married Captola Evans, Feb. 24, 1886, San Luis Obispo, Calif. Address, 1342 Garden St., San Luis Obispo, Calif. 52. WILLIAM WATTS Born Feb. 6, 1854, Farmingdale, Sangamon Co., 111. f. Chas. Watts, Jan. 10, 1804, N. H. m. Elizabeth Innis, Dec. 31, 1813, County Down, Ireland. Practicing Medicine. Prepared in High School, Springfield, 111. Delta Tau Delta. Capt. *B.S.,1895; M. D., University of Michigan, 1878. Teaching School, 1874-1875; student of Medicine, 1875-1878; Physician and Surgeon, 1878 — . Member of Am. Institute of Homeopathy; late Major and Surgeon, Ohio National Guard, 1900-1905. Married Emelie C. Shunck, Oct. 20, 1884. Children, Edna Imogene, born Jan. 10, 1886; Frederick W., Oct. 19, 1887. Address, 339 Huron St., Toledo, Ohio. *53. WALTER WARD WHARRY Born 1851, in Illinois, f. Evans Wharrv. *B. S., 1895. Died June 28, 1896, at Sycamore, 111. 14 University of Illinois [1875 CLASS OF 1875 (37) 54. LAURA M. ANDERSON (GREENHALGH) Born at Lexington, Kentucky, f. C. N. Anderson, Ky. m. A. J. Noble, Ky. Married. Prepared in Champaign Seminary. *B. L. 1895. Member of Methodist Church. Married J. R. Greenhalghr Champaign, 111., 1880. Address, 181 Jefferson St., Oak Clifif, Dallas, Tex. *55. DE LONSON ELROY BARNARD Father of No. 2307 Born Aug. 22, 1852, Porter Co., Ind. f. Ohver W. Barnard, Aug. 4, 1828. m. Mary Jane Williams, Feb. 10, 1832, Wayne Co., Ind. Prepared in Kankakee, 111. Delta Tau Delta; Adelphic. *B. S., 1895. Dairy, 1887; Supt. Machine Shop, 1889; Supt. Aermoter Co., 1894; Supt. Fairbanks-Morse, 1898; Supt. Temple Pump Co. Invented Windmill, 1894; Gas Engine, 1898; Steel Tower; Speed-changing, driving and reversing devices for Grinder, 1900-1905; Improvements on Explosive Motor, May 30, 1905; Motor Vehicles, Jan. 24, 1905. Married Katie L. Bordwell, Dec. 12, 1877, Manteno, 111. Children, Rudy Allison, born June 28, 1880; Lela Ethelvn, ('05), born Nov. 17, 1882; Glenn Milton, born Aug. 13, 1885. Died Apr. 4, 1905, Chicago, 111. 56. ARTHUR ELLIS BARNES Brother of No. 301 Born June 18, 1855, at Stockbridge, Vermont, f. C. C. Barnes, near Bethel, Vt. m. Caroline E. Barnes, Ellis, Mass. Gen. Mgr., Goldfield Water Mining and Milling Co. Prepared in Cham- paign High School. Tutor in Chemistry, Univ. of 111., 1876-1877; drug business, 1877-1886; mortgage and loan Business, 1886-1891; gen. mgr.. Enameled Brick Co. and Reconstruction Granite Co., 1891-1903; general manager, Goldfield W'ater Mining & Milling Co., 1905 — . Considerable original work and discoveries in heavy insulation for electric railways, par- ticularly third rail insulation. Member of American Ceramic Soc Married Kittie Wheeler, October 5, 1885, Topeka, Kansas. Children, Helen, born Jan. 24, 1887; Katherine, born July 7, 1891; Gladvs, born July 3, 1903. Address, Goldfield, Nevada. 57. DILLON S. BROWN Born May 12, 1852, Genoa, 111. f. Jeremiah Libby Brown, Apr. 17, 1805, Scarborough, Me. m. Eliza Ann Jackman, May 26, 1826, Shadigee, Frank- lin Co., N. Y. Banking. Prepared at Sycamore, 111., and Univ. Acad. Scientific; Philo- mathean. *M. S. 1892. Practicing Veterinary, 1877-1881; General Store, 1880-1882; Banker, 1882—. Two terms president Village Board; six terms president Board of Education; two terms Supervisor. Married Emily E. Ponds, May 16, 1878, Genoa, 111. Children, Claude, born Mar. 15, 1880, (died Oct. 23, 1886); Earle W., born July 30, 1882; Bayard, born May 21, 1891 ; one daughter and one son died in infancy. Address, Genoa, 111. 58. RALPH LEE BROWN Bom Feb. 17, 1852, Marengo, McHenry Co., 111. f. Milo S. Brown, 1829, Bums, N. Y. m. Hannah M. Drake, near Cuyler, N. Y., 1830. Abstracting and Real Estate. Prepared in High School, Marengo, 111. B. L. and M. L., June, 1881. Philomathean. Pres. of Philomathean society 1875] Baccalaureate Alumni 15 one term. Teaching to Feb., 1882; abstracting and real estate, 1882 — . Member M. E. Church, Feb. 1879; Supt. of S. S. and on official boards, etc. Member Aberdeen, S. Dak., Social Science Club. Married Marv L. Manlev, June 9, 1880, Tolono, 111. Children, Paul M., born Apr. 30, 1883; Norma M., Nov. 24, 1886; Clinton F., June 13, 1890. ' Address, Aberdeen, Brown Co., S. Dak. 59. AMANDA CAMPBELL (MOORE) Born Apr. 10, 1853, Coshocton, Ohio. f. Patrick Steele Campbell, Feb. 12, 1804, Westmoreland Co., Pa. m. Rachael Mitchell, Apr. 30, 1814, Cecil Co., Md. Married. Charter member of Alethenai. *M. L., 1893. Taught School, 1875-79. Winona Reading Circle, 1899-1900; Missionary Society of Pres- byterian Church; member since 1881 and has been president and secretary. Married Milton Moore, Mar. 10, 1880, Philo, 111. Children, Harold, born June 6, 1883, (died June 8, 1883) ; Mabel D., born Mar. 28, 1885 ; Bertha Louisa, born Feb. 22, 1887; Herbert Campbell, born June 18, 1892, (died Dec. 19, 1894.) Address, Clinton, 111. 60. VANTILE W. CODDINGTON Husband of No. 72 Born July 5, 1852, Linton, Ind. f. Isaiah Coddintgon, 1826, Orange, N. J. m. EHzabeth Osborn, Linton, Ind., 1828. Engineer. Prepared at High School, Menomonee, Wis. *B. S. 1895. Architect, 1878-1885; Planing Mill, 1885-1891; Architect, 1891-1898; Running Planing Mill, 1898-1901; Bridge and Mechanical Engineering' 1901—. Patents on SpHt Pulleys, 1890 and 1891. Married Alice Lee (75), June 21. 1876, Champaign, 111. Children, Cor- inne, 1877; Samuel Cecil, 1881; Adah, 1884; Lee, born 1885, (died 1888)- Clyde, 1887; Ruth, 1889; Paul, 1892. Address, North Mihvaukee, Wis. 61. FRANKLIN PIERCE DOBSON Born Nov. 16, 1852, Bell Plain, Marshall Co., 111. f. Chas. Dobson, Doncaster, England, m. Mary Elizabeth Perry, Ky. Engineer. Prepared in Public Schools at'Minonk, Woodford Co., 111. Philomathean. Pres. of Philo. *B. S. 1895. Various lines of Engineering, mostly railway surveys, construction, maintainance and operation. Mem- ber Baptist Church; Western Soc. of Eng'rs. Married Mary F. Miltimore, Janesville, Wis., Dec, 1875, (died Feb., 1887); Carrie R. Topping, Mar., 1892. Children, Ella, born Aug., 1895; Harriet, Apr., 1900; Alfred Topping, Mar., 1902. Address, Chicago, 111., P. O. Box 965. 62. BURLEIGH ARTHUR DUNLAP Born Dec. 4, 1852, Cook Co., 111. f. Menzo Dunlap, Dec. 19, 1816, Pul- aski, Oswego Co., N. Y. m. Arabella Pierce, Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., N. Y., Apr. 23, 1825, (died May 13, 1880). Lawyer. Prepared in District School. B. S. 1895. Student till 1881; Lawyer. Married Clara J. Busey, May 16, 1888, Urbana. III. Children, Mathew E., born Sept. 10, 1891; Franpis E., born Mar. 5, 1894. Address, 163 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. 63. HENRY M. DUNLAP Born Nov. 14, 1853. f. Matthias Lane Dunlap, Cherry Valley, N. Y. m. Emeline Pierce, Sandy Creek, N. Y. 16 University of Illinois [1875 Fanner and fruit grower. Prepared in District School, Savoy, 111. *M. S. 1891. Farming and Fruitgrowing. Illinois state senator, 1892 — . Married Nora Burt Dunlap. Julv 5, 1877, Urbana, 111. Children, Mabel, born Jan. 23, 1883, (died Apr. 3, 1892); Clarence, born Dec. 26, 1886, (died Mar. 30, 1892); Daisy, born Dec. 13, 1894, (died Feb. 8, 1895). Address, Savov, 111. *64. ERNEST EATON Born Feb. 9, 1851, N. Am. Phalanx, Monmouth Co., N. J. f. Lucius Eaton, Jancock, Addison Co., Vermont, Aug. 7, 1814. m. Lucy Cleveland, Schuvler Co., N. Y., June 11, 1824. Farmer. Prepared in Common Schools. *B. S., 1895. Printing and newspaper work, 1877-1889; farming, 1889-1900. Married Josephine E. Clift, Jan. 10, 1882. Children, Bertha Fay, bom Nov. 3, 1883, Champaign; Frank Clift, born Sept. 25, 1887, Champaign; Leland Ernest, born Dec. 1, 1900, Cashion. Died Apr. 20, 1900, Downs, Okla. *65. WINFIELD SCOTT EVERHART Born Nov. 18, 1850, Tuscarogas Co., Ohio. f. Philip Everhart, March 18, 1824, Carroll Co., Ohio. m. Susan Staley, May 14, 1827, Tuscarogas Co., Ohio. Prepared in public school, Neoga, 111. Adelphic. Capt. *M. L., 1891. Studied Law; admitted to the Bar in 1878. At time of his death, 1899, was a prominent attornev Married Clara Carr, Sept. 24, 1884, Toledo, 111. Children, Louise Ever- hart, born Apr. 15, 1886; Susie, born Nov. 18, 1887; Millard C, born July 18, 1889; Minnie, born Jan. 3, 1892; Philip H., born Apr. 6, 1894; Gladys, bom July 29, 1897. Died Aug. 2, 1899, at Toledo, 111. *66. JAMES FAULKNER Brother of No. 135 Born at Irvington, Washington Co., 111., Feb. 2, 1853. Taught school at Ringwood, 111., 1875-76; taught in CaHfornia, 1876- 1882. Was the Nominee of the Republican party of Sonoma County, for County Superintendent of Public Schools, at the time of his death. Died Oct. 1, 1882, at Bloomfield, Sonoma Co., Calif. 67. GEORGE NEWTON GRIDLEY Born Dec. 17, 1851, near Prairie View, Lake Co., 111. f. Elisha Gridley, June 23, 1817, Onondago Hollow, N. Y. m. Charlotte Sawyer, Hunewell, Sept. 18, 1827, Nonvich, Vt. Real Estate. Prepared in District and Private Schools. Philomathean. *B. S. 1895. Famiing and stockraising until 1890; traveling 1890-91; Real Estate, 1891-1898; Deputy Co. Treas., Lake Co., 1899-1900; Co. Treas., 1900-1902. Real Estate since 1902. Married Annah Olive Bilinski, Sept. 27, 1883, Diamond Lake, 111. Chil- dren, Maud, born Oct. 6, 1886; Amy Belle, born Sept. 21, 1888. Address, 119 Park Place, Oak Park, 111. 68. KATE HULLINGER (STERLING) Born 1849. in Maryland, f. Lewis Hullinger. Teacher. In 1904 was Prin. of Schools, Poulsbo, Wash. 69. ISRAELLA KATE KARIHER (EISNER) Bom June 25, 1857, Huntington, Ind. f. Israel Kariher, 1818. m. Mary Ann Estep, 1820. Married. Prepared in Champaign High School. *B. L. 1895. Married Albert Eisner, May 21, 1879, Champaign, 111. Children, Maurice, 1875] Baccalaureate Alumni 17 bom July 2, 1880; Harry, July 19, 1882, (died May 30, 1892); Albert, Sept. 1, 1885; Edward, Oct. 17, 1889; Robert, Nov. 9, 1891; Katharine, Nov. 5, 1897. Address, 301 W. University ave., Champaign, 111. 70. FLORA LEONORA KELLOGG (HUDSON) Born Feb. 16. 1852, Woodville, Ohio. f. Elijah Kellogg, L'Original, Canada, m. Mary Ballard, Georgia, Vt. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign. *B. L. 1895. Married Harry Hudson, June 21, 1880, Hampton, la. Children, Birney, bom May 8, 1883; Junius, born Dec. 5, 1884; Terence, born Dec. 26, 1886, (died Aug. 27, 1887); Hazel, born Nov. 18, 1888. Address, Dougherty, la. 71. GEORGE FREDERIC KENOWER Bom Feb. 10, 1854, Carlyle, Clinton Co., 111. f. George Kenower, Car- lisle, Pa., June 29, 1816. m. Anne Shelly, Lancaster, Pa., Mar. 10, 1829. Newspaper publisher. Prepared in Rural schools and village school of Huey, 111. Philomathean; Delta Tau Delta. M. L. 1880. Prosecuting attorney college government; President Class, 1875, spring term; Valedic- torian of Class. Newspaper publisher, 1884 — . Married Mary Jane Barth, Mascoutah, 111., Aug. 23, 1877. Child, Fenn Carleton, born June 20, 1878. Address, Wisner, Cuming Co., Neb. 72. ALICE LEE (CODDINGTON) Wife of No. 60 Born Mar. 17, 1851, Mt. Auburn, Illinois, f. John McCollister. m. Kate Chism. Married. Alethenai. B. L., 1880. Member of Clyde Congregational Church, Kansas City, Mo., ten years. Wheadon M. E. Church, eight years; M. E. Church, North Milwaukee, Wis., 1903—. Married Vantyle William Coddington, June 21, 1876, Champaign, 111. Children, Corinne, born June 15, 1877; Samuel Cecil, born May 14, 1881; Adah, born Feb. 20, 1884; Lee, born June 10, 1885, (died Nov. 8, 1888); Clyde, born Aug. 21, 1887; Ruth, born March 8, 1889; Paul, born Apr. 19, 1892. Address, North Milwaukee, Wis. 73. JOHN EMERSON LEFLAR Born 1852, in Canada, f. Ira S. Leflar. Unknown. Entered from Batavia, Illinois. Is said to have entered the ministry and to have occupied a Methodist pulpit at Leavenworth, Kansas. 74. CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN LYFORD Born Aug. 21, 1853, Roscoe, 111. f. Thomas Lyford, Canterbury, N. H., Feb. 2, 1807. m. EHza Burns Greeley, Canterbury, N. H., July 8^ 1809. Veterinarv Surgeon. Prepared in Beloit, Wis., and Rockford, 111., High Schools. Philomathean. B.S.; D.V. S., Montreal Vet. Col., 1877 ; M.D.C.M., McGill Medical College. Attended Royal Col. Vet. Surgeons, 1879. Prac- ticing as Veterinary Surgeon in general practice. In 1888 invented, patented and put on the market an appliance for breeding mares. Author of book on Barren Mares. Articles: Operations on Corns and Contracted Feet; Fleming's Vet. Journal. Published in London, Aug., 1879, article on Cas- tration of Cryptorchides; Differential Diagnosis between Furun.'elus and Farcy, 1902; Radical Operation for Bursal Enlargements, Am. Vet. Rev. 1901 ; Report of Colleges and Education, Am. Vet. Rev., 1903; Cystic Tumors of Pelvic Cavities, 1904, and others. Am. Veterinary Medical Ass'n; Minn. State Vet. Med, Ass'n; Vice-pres. and State Sec'y of the Am. Vet. Med. Ass'n 18 University of Illinois [1875 and Pres. of the State Vet. Ass'n at different times; Pres., Sec'y and Treas. of the Minn. State Vet. Med. Examining Board. Pres. of Northwestern Vet. Med. Col., 1883-1889. Married Emma Laura Hendrickson, Dec. 23, 1885, St. Paul, Minn. Children, Stella Elizabeth, bom Oct. 28, 1886; Dartt Hendrickson, Mar. 19, 1888; Kenneth, Sept. 2, 1889; Chester Dudley, Sept. 24, 1897. Address, 817 Third Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. 75. JOHN CHARLES McCAULEY Born June 16, 1847, Defiance Co., Ohio. f. Philip McCauley, Carlisle, Pa., Mar. 22, 1823. m. Mary Wissler, Pickaway Co., Nov. 20, 1819. Teacher. Prepared in Bryan Academy, Bryan, Ohio. *B. L. 1895. Philomathean. 1875-1890, teaching in public schools of Illinois; 1890-1893, teaching in public schools of Idaho; 1893-1897, teaching history and mathe- matics, Defiance College; 1897-1905, no regular occupation. Address, Defiance, Ohio. 76. JOHN MULLER Born in Besigheim, in Germany, f. . m. Schrempf. Traveler, interpreter, illustrator and lecturer. B. S.; M. D. Studied in Germany and London. Traveled widely in Europe and New Zealand. In- terpreter at an Orientalist congress in Stockholm; delegate to peace con- gresses in Berne, Chicago, Antwerp, Brussels; lecturer at Uniozita populare, Milan, Italy. Address, Besigheim, Wurtemburg, Germany. 77. JAMES HARVEY PARKS Born Oct. 3, 1849, McDonough Co., 111. f. James B. Parks, April 27, 1797. m. Elizabeth Pattoii, Jan. 5, 1806, Rockbridge Co., Va. Miner. Prepared in Monmouth Academy, Monmouth, Illinois. Philo- mathean. Capt. in Battalion, 73'-'75. Pres. Philomathean, '74; member first senate ('74) of college government. B. S., 1895. Editor Douglas Co. Review, '75-'77; State news Editor, Dallas Daily Herald, Oct. '77; '78, hotel clerk and newspaper correspondent; '7 8-' 83, surveyor. Clarendon, Texas Land Co., N. Y. ; '79-84, district deputy; '84-88, state surveyor of Texas; '88-'92, district surveyor, Tex.; '94-'95, justice of peace; '96 to date, U. S. deputy mineral surveyor; '96-'97, mining; now mine owner at Goldfield. Nev. 1892-93, Pres. State Survevor's Ass'n of Texas; 1890, Mason at Clar- endon, Tex.; 1901, Pres. Masonic Club, Cripple Creek, Colo.; 1900-02-03. Vice-pres. Masonic Club, Cripple Creek. Pres. same, Goldfield, Nev., 1906, 1891, invented clinometer; 1893, tire expander; 1897, bicycle lock; 1897, typewriter bracket attached to desks. Married Vashti Wallace, Danville, 111., Nov. 3, 1879. Children, (adopted) Andrew Wallace Hull, born 1868; Nellie, 1876; Nina, 1892. Address, Box 655, Goldfield, Nev. 78. FERNANDO ALSTON PARSONS Husband of No. 180 Born Sept. 29, 1849, Readsboro, Vt. f. Benj. Battles Parsons, Oct., 1817, Vt. m. Polly Maria Blanchard, Sept. 8, 1823, Vt. Oil Operator and building oil refinery. Prepared in Waterloo High School, Iowa. Adelphic. B. S.; M. L., 1878. Charge of Commercial Dept., Illinois, 1875-1880; hardware and implement business, Wellington, Kan., 1880-1885; Banking, cashier of bank. Woods, Parsons Co., 1880-83; founded Harper (Kan.) Free Library, 1880; organized Scott City Town Co.; laid out and made Scott City, County seat of Scott Co.; organized Scott Co. Bank; cashier, 1886-89; organized and became president of Tribune Town Co.; director in Leoti Town Co., Kansas; sold Scott Co. Bank, 1889; one year 1875] Baccalaureate Alumni 19 in Minneapolis, Minn.; Loan Business; cashier Farmer's and Drover's Bank, Kingman, Kan., 1890-9-1; closed bank in 1894 and was made receiver under Judge Williams; lived on ranch 1895-1900; Kansas City, Mo., real estate and loaning, 1901; 1900-03, oil business in Chanute field, organizing oil and gas companies and producingoil; drilled 63 wells; now building oil refinery, 1903 — . S. S. Supt. and Trustee, Universalist Church. Married Mary Sophronia Larned ('78), Aug. 11, 1881, Champaign, 111. Address, 803 S. Central St., Chanute, Kan. 79. EMORY EDWARD PATCH Bom Apr. 25, 1847, Whitewater, Wis. f. Deland Patch, Vermont, Sept. 5, 1813. m. Almaria Love Drake, Boston, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1826. Retired on account of sickness. *B. S. 1895. One year a machinist; afterward supt. of Nevv^ Doty Mfg. Co., Janesville, Wis., retiring on account of sickness, 1898. Served in 33d Wis. Vol. Inft. Co., from Aug. 21, 1862 to Aug. 9, 1865. Married Annie Bell McNutt, June 7, 1876, Champaign, 111. Child, Clar- ence Emory, born July 31, 1893, Janesville, Wis. Address, 255 Glen St., Janesville, Wis. 80. WATSON PICKRELL Bom Oct. 4, 1853, in Mechanicsburg, Sangamon Co., 111. f. William S. Pickrell, Montgomery Co., Ky. m. Amanda P. Watson, Mason Co., Ky. Ostrich Farmer. Prepared in Public School of Sangamon Co!, 111. Delta Tau Delta. *M. S., 1892. Married Frances N. Ulen, Oct. 22, 1889, Catletsburg, Ky.; (died Dec. 16, 1903). Children, Charles Ulen, born June 4, 1892; William Watson, born Apr. 15, 1894; Dorothy Frances, born Feb. 7, 1896; Kenneth, bom Mar. 17, 1899. Address, Tempe, Ariz. 81. FANNY PIERCE Bom June 5, 1851, Canaan, Conn. f. William Giflford Pierce, Canaan, Conn., Nov. 27, 1816. m. Jane Elizabeth Adam, Canaan, Conn., Nov. 16, 1815. Prepared in Knox Sem., Galesburg, 111. Address, Sta. B., 1721 Holmes St., Lincoln, Neb. 82. WILLIAM CLARENCE POLLOCK Born July 12, 1853, New Castle, Pa. f. James M. Pollock, County Down, Ireland, m. Caroline M. Lyon, Brighton, Canada. Lawyer. Prepared in Mt. Vernon High School. *B. S., 1895. Prac- ticing Law, 1877-1887; Law Clerk and Asst. Attornev, Dept. of the Interior, 1887—. Married Augusta May Grant, Jan. 19, 1881, Mt. Vernon, 111. Address, 1819 Q St., Washington, D. C. 83, ELNA ALPHONSO ROBINSON Born Dec. 15, 1839, South Reading, Vt. f. Ebenezer Robinson, South Reading, Vt., Sept. 30, 1809. m. Adeline Williams, Dec. 19, 1814. Machinist. Prepared in Weselean Sem., Springfield, Vt. *M. E. 1893. Proprietor of Machine Shop till 1898; proprietor of Plumbing and Heating establishment, 1898 — . Member First Baptist Church, Trustee and Deacon. Married Melora Smith, Apr. 30, 1861, (died Aug. 16, 1885); Mrs. Sem- phronia E. Jenks, Nov. 30, 1886. Children, Sarah Ann, born Mar. 4, 1862, (died Mar. 4, 1862); Addie Eva. Oct. 17, 1863, (died Aug. 27, 1865); Gertrude Minnie, July 5, 1868, (died Dec. 25, 1887); Inez Mary, Nov. 28, 1872; Fannie Nettie, Aug. 30, 1881. Address, Champaign, 111. 20 University of Illinois [1875 84. MELVILLE AMASA SCOVELL Husband of No. 171 Born Feb. 26, 1855, Belvidere, N. J. .f. Nathan Scovell, 1829, Burdett, N. Y. m. Hannah Aller, 1832, Bvirdett, N. Y. Director Kentucky Agr. Exp. Station. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S.; M. S., 1877. Adelphic; base ball team; Ass't Chemistry, 1872-75; member Senate, College Govt.; member and President debating society. In- structor, 1875-76; private secretary to Regent Gregory, 1876-77; Ass't Prof. Chemistry. 1876-80; Prof. Agr. Chem., 1880-1884; Mgr. sugar factories, 1884; Special Agent, U. S. Dept. Agr., 1884-1885; Director Ky. Agr. Exp. Station, Sept., 1885 — . Invented: Clarifying cane juices by stiperheating (with Prof. H. A. Weber), a method now extensively used; Modification in the Kjedahl method where nitrates are present. Has written bulletins and re- ports, Kentucky Agr. Expt. Station. Fellow, American Association for the Adv. of Science; Society for Promotion of Agr. Science; American Chemical Society; Society of Chemical Industry, London; Past President, Official Agr. Chemists Association; Past Sec. American Association of Agr. Colleges and Experiment Stations; Pres. Park Commission, Lexington, Ky. ; member Ken- tucky State Fair Com.; member U. S. Food Standard Com.; in charge of Pure Food Control, fertilizer control, and seed control work of the State of Kentucky. Married Nancy Davis ('78), Sept. 8, 1880, Monticello, 111. Address, Lexington, Ky. 85. CLARENCE ORLANDO SCUDDER Born Feb. 8, 1853, Carmel, N. Y. f. Orlando B. Scudder, Mar. 8, 1824, New Fairfield, Ct. m. Emily H. Disbrow, Aug. 26, 1829, New Fairfield, Ct. Principal Robert Morris School, Chicago. Prepared in Creston High School, Illinois. M. L., 1875, Illinois. Member of Philomathean. Teach- ing, Rochelle, Illinois, 1875-76, Supt. of Schools, Ashton, 111., 1876-78; Supt. School, N. Dixon, 111., 1878-80; Traveling, 1880-81; Teacher of History and Science, N. 111. Normal School, 1881-82; Supt. of Schools, Dixon, 1882-85; Supt. Schools, Pekin, 111., 1885-89; Supt. Schools, South Evanston, 111., 1889-92; Prin. Emerson School, Chicago, 1893-May, 1896; Prin. Robt. Morris School, Chicago, May, 1896 — . Married Amelia C. Beyer, Dec. 26, 1876, at Sycamore, 111. Children, Theo. Y., born Dec. 17, 1877; Oliver C, born July 27, 1879; Henry D., bom Dec. 20, 1881; Charles R., born May 26, 1884. Address, 909 Berteau Ave., Chicago, 111. 86. GEORGE ROBERT SHAWHAN Father of No. 831 Born Mar. 20, 1844, Falmouth, Ind. f. William McCune Shawhan, Oct. 2, 1803, near Lexington, Ky. m. Nancy Redmond, Oct. 1, 1810, near Cynthiana, Ky. Asst. Cashier and Manager of Savings Dept. of The Illinois Title and Trust Co. Prepared in common school and home study. Philo. Pres. of College government. *B. L., 1879. Teacher, 1861-1882; Co. Supt of Schools of Champaign Co., 111., 1881-1902; Asst. Cashier and Manager of Savings Dept. of the Illinois Title and Trust Co. Bank, 1902-date. Wrote Course of Study for the common schools of Champaign Co., 1886. Editor of every revision of the state course, 1888, 1893, 1898 and 1903; numerous ar- ticles in School Journals. Elder in Christian Church, University Place, 1885— date; Trustee, 1885-1902. Married Sarah Vista Brown, May 12, 1867. Children, Gertrude ('94), born Feb. 8, 1874; Helen, born Sept. 19, 1875, (died Oct. 22, 1875); (William) Warren, born Aug. 9, 1877; twin brother of Warren Shawhan died Aug. 9, 1877. Address, 807 S. Wright St., Champaign, 111. 1875] Baccalaureate Alumxi 21 87. MARY CARTER STEELE (RICKER) Wife of No. 13; mother of No. 2216 Born Feb. 12, 1852, Galesburg, 111. f. James Steele, Nov. 24, 1808, Hebron, N. Y. m. Minerva Selina McConoughey, Sept. 22, 1821, Bain- bridge, Ohio. Married. Prepared in Oberlin High School; Urbana High School. Alethenai Literarv Soc. Class Historian, 1875; member of Univ. Senate, 1873. B. L. 1878. Congregational Church, Oberlin, O., 1866-1875; First Congr. Church, Champaign, 111., 1875-1885; First M. E. Church, Urbana, 1890-1902; Unitarian now; the Art Club of Champaign; the Central 111. branch of A. C. A. ; founder of the Acanthus Coterie; Honorary member of the Architects Club ; Der Deutsche Verein; Le Cercle Francais; Alliance Chapter, D. A. R. Married Nathan Clifford Ricker ('72), Aug. 25, 1875, Urbana, 111. Child, Ethel ('04), Apr, 12, 1883, Champaign, 111. Address. 612 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 88. MARGARET ESTHER STEWART (ROBBINS) Wife of No. 32 Bom Aug. 5, 1855, Frankfort, Ohio. f. Hugh Coulter Stewart, 1821, Chilicothe, Ohio. m. N. Lavinia Smith, 1828, Greenfield, Ohio. Teacher of English. Prepared in French Seminary, Champaign, 111., and private tutors. M. L., 1886, Illinois. Head of English at Ph«nix (Union) High School; head of English in Sem. Dept. of Mills College, Calif., 1902-03; Taught voice-culture when health permitted; now teaching English in the Polytechnic High School of Los Angeles. Since Apr. 1894, edited and published First Congr. Parish Monthly, ten months a year, 16-32 pp. each month; edited a book on The Supernatural in Shakespeare, summer of 1904. Married Henrv Edwin Robbins ('73), Dec. 31, 1879, (died Feb. 6, 1899, Chicago, 111.) Child, AHce May, born Apr. 6, 1882. Address, 1951 Grand Ave., or Polytechnic High School, Los Angeles, Calif. 89. HECTOR HILGARD TYNDALE Bom Feb. 10, 1855, Belleville, 111. f. Sharon Tyndale. m. Mary Hil- gard. Lawyer. Prepared in Springfield High School. *B. L. 1895. B. S., 1877, Cornell; LL.B., 1879, Columbia . Psi Upsilon ; various literary societies and associations. Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1880. Address, 49 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 90. LYMAN FENN WARNER Bom May 23, 1855, Rockford, 111. f. Lyman Fenn Warner, Roxbury, Conn. m. Celora E. Warner, Troy, N. Y. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Rockford High School. Philomathean. Delta Tau Delta. Pres. of Senior Class. General Engineering, Railroad, Hydraulic and Mining. Address, Auburn, Placer Co., Calif. CLASS OF 1876 (29) 91. RALPH ALLEN Father of No. 1792 Bom Apr. 15, 1854, Seekonk, Mass. f. Jonathan Bowers Allen, Warren, R. I., 1821. m. Harriet Maria Horton, 1823, Providence, R. I. Stock-raiser. Prepared in Miss Susan L. Hopkins' Private School and Delavan High School. *M. S., 1894. Scientific Association and Adel- phic. Senate, Prosecuting Attorney, Judge in College Government and 22 University of Illinois [1876 President Scientific Association. Dairying, 1880-1894; since then feeding Cattle, Hogs and Sheep. Short papers for Agr. press and Association meet- ings. Member of American Jersey Cattle Club ; Director Illinois State Dairy Association, 1890-1894; Vice-pres. 111. Jersey Cattle Club, 1886; President Tazewell Co. Farmers' Institute, 1895-1903; Director, 111. State Farmers' Institute 16th Cong. Dist., 1900 — ; Pres. Barker's Elevator Co. (Farmers'). Married Ada Mary Eaton, Sept. 3, 1879. Children, Edith Louise, 1880; Paschal, 1881; Fred Eaton ('07), 1883; Jonathan Bowers, Jr., 1886, (died Feb, 26, 1906); Ralph, Jr., 1889; Lucy Elizabeth, 1891; Harriet Horton, 1894; Hester Ada, 1894; Theodore Raymond, 1898; Grace Eloise, 1901. Address, Delavan, 111. 92. EDWARD LULL BALLOU Born Mar. 30, 1856, Clifton, Winnebago Co., Wis. f. Albert Darius Bal- lou. m. Adaline Hart. Miner and Mill Owner. Adelphic. Class Treasurer. *B. S., 1895. Miner; Mill owner; past seven seasons Supt. Garnet G. M. Co., Pony, Mont. Deputy County Assessor two years, Shasta Co., Calif. Married May Wood, Nov. 24, 1886, Chico, Calif. Children, Roy Stanford, born Oct. 2, 1887; Edith Lucia, born June 30, 1889; Laura Francis, born Jan. 8, 1890; Edna May, born Sept. 20, 1891; Lois, born Mar. 8, 1893; Chas. Kenneth, born Feb. 10, 1894; Clarence, born Aug. 22, 1899. Address, Igo, Shasta Co., Calif. *93. JAMES WILLIAM CAMPBELL Born Mar. 21, 1851, Coschocton, Ohio. f. Patrick Steele Campbell, Va. m. Rachael Mitchell, Va. Prepared in Lebanon, Ohio. Studied law. Lawyer at time of death. Baptist Church. Married Eugenie Daniels, June 5, 1879, Chicago, 111. Children, Winifred D., born Apr. 5, 1880; Howard, born May 2, 1882; Wayland E., bom Aug. 25, 1883 ;Theron Peters, born Aug. 20, 1886, (died Jan. 19, 1888); James William, Jr., born Oct. 23, 1888. Died Jan. 22, 1890, Los Atos, Calif. 94. WILLIAM BAYARD CHANDLER Born Mar. 6, 1852, in part of Coles Co., afterwards set off as Douglas Co.» 111. f. Lemuel Chandler, Cynthiana,Ky. m. Prudence Wiley Bears, Virginia- Farmer. Prepared in common schools, Bourbon, Douglas Co., 111. Adel- phic; Delta Tau Delta. President of Adelphic. Principally farming; four years in U. S. Indian Service. Member Baptist Church. Married Bell Augusta Bailey, Mar. 6, 1883, Grasmere, Ind. Child, Mercy Lee, (died June 7, 1885). Address, Tacoma, Wash., R. R. No. 3. 95. CHARLES WRIGHT CLARK Born Oct. 11, 1854, Upshur Co., Va. f. Cornelius Clark, Mass. m. Lucinda Young, Va. Architect. Prepared in Champaign Co., 111. *C. E., '92. Scientific Ass'n. 1876-1879, R. R. surveys, Hydrographic and Geodetic work on U.S. Lake Survey; Instructor in C. E. department in U. of I.; since 1879, Asst. Engr. with Miss. River Com. ; present, in charge of a topographical and draft- ing division of the Miss. River Com., at St. Louis. Also for some years de- signing Architect for Tully & Clark, and consulting Architect for the Wo- man's Magazine buildings. Member of Engineers' Club of St. Louis, since 1885; Fellow of Am. Institute of Archts. since 1890; Unitarian Club of St. Louis, later merged with other organizations into the Contemporary Club of St. Louis, since 1890; Monday Evening Club of Kirkwood, Mo., since 1899; 1876] Baccalaureate Alumni 23 Tuesday Evening Club of Webster Groves, Mo., since 1901; Illinois Soc. of Engrs. and Surveyors, 1887-1889; member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange since 1881. Married Emma M. Schimmel, Nov. 20, 1888, Normal Park, 111. Children, Helen Clark, Jan. 18, 1892; Cornelius S. Clark, Feb. 9, 1894, (died Nov. 14, 1895). Address, 813 Security Bldg., St. Louis. Res., Webster Groves, Mo. 96. JAMES FREDERICK DRAKE Bom Jan. 15, Belvidere, 111. f. Charles Elmer Drake, Aug. 1, 1811, Tioga Co., New York. m. Martha Heaton, Broome Co., New York. Lawyer. Prepared in Common Country District School. B. A.; B. L.. Michigan, 1879. Philomathean Society at Illinois and Jefferson- ian at Ann Arbor. Gave stone oration on Class day at Illinois; stone planted beneath an elm tree of the same class near the walk leading northwest from main building. Active practice of law from 1879-1880, at Leadville, Colo.; 1880, removed to mining camp of Kokomo, Colo.; October, 1881, to date, engaged in practicing law at Pueblo, Colo. Military Service during strike in 1880; was member of the State militia in early' eighties, Pueblo, Colo. State Senator, 1892-1896, Colorado; delegate to the National Republican Convention, 1888. Address, Pueblo, Colo. 97 JOHN DAVID GILL Born Feb. 23, 1851, in Antwerp, New York. f. James Gill. m. Sarah Beaman. Lawyer. Adelphic Society. *B. L., 1895. Has written: A Timely Warning; For Fools in Hell; The Effect of Money; Spanish War; The Villain- ous Law to make Millionaires and Paupers; Monopolies and Trusts — The Cause and only Remedy — illustrated; The Degenerated Supreme Court, State of Illinois; etc. Member of National Liberty League. Address. 26 Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111. 98. SIMEON THOMAS GORE Bom Mar. 8, 1849, near Richveiw, Washington Co., 111. f. Hosea B. Gore, Union Co., 111. m. Polly Anna Pate. Architect. Prepared in Washington Seminary, Richveiw, 111.; now ex- tinct. Philomathean. *B. S., 1895. Farmer 1894-1903; architect and builder, 1903 — . Married Phoebe Farmer, Oct. 19, 1880, Ashlev, 111. Children, Dwight Clifford, born Jan. 23, 1883; Ross Ellis, born May l'2, 1889. Address, Weston, Umatilla Co., Oregon. 99. CHARLES EDWIN GREGORY Bom 1855, Rochelle, Illinois, f. A. S. Gregory. Lawyer. *B. L., 1895; LL. B. Capt. Address, Dickinson, N. Dak. 100. MARTHA GRAY HOLTON (KREBS) Born May 17, Aberdeen, Ohio. f. Elijah G. Holton, Aug. 19, 1832, Mavsville, Kv. m. Cornelia O. Grav, May Lo, 1832, Lackell's Harbor, N. Y. Married. Prepared in Champaign. 111. *B. L., 1895. 1883-1884, Artist; 1889-1890. taught Art in High and Grammar Schools, Chicago. Member Congregational Church; Social Economics Club; Political Equality League. Married James H. Krebs, June 28, 1886, Chicago. Address, 3029 Groveland Avenue, Chicago, 111. 24 University of Illinois [1876 101. WALTER ELLIOTT KNIBLOE Bom May 21, 1857, Chicago, 111. f. William E. Knibloe, Sharon, Litch- field Co., Conn., Feb. 17, 1820. m. Mary A. Dakin, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Dec. 22, 1821. High School Principal. Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onraga, and Oilman High School, 111. Philo. Delta Tau Delta. Pres. Philo. and Class Poet. *M. S., 1893, Illinois. Prin. Urbana High School, 1877-81; Prin. Girard Public Schools, 1881-83; Supt. City Schools, St. Augustine, Fla., 1884-1895; Prin. Duval High School, Jacksonville, Fla., 1895-1905. Author: Guide and History of St. Augustine, Fla., 1885. Teacher of Nat. Science, Champaign Co. Institute, 1879-82; Educational Com. from Fla. to World's Columbian Exposition; Curator of St. Augustine Nat. Hist. Society, 1890- 1895; Pres. Fla. State Teachers' Association, 1898; three years Principal of Summer Tr. School for Teachers under Educational Dept. of Fla; six vears Conductor of St. John's Co. Institute at St. Augustine, 1889-1895; Pres. Chapman Science Club of Fla., 1895. Married Adelaide Victoria Clarke, Aug. 5, 1885, CarHnville, 111. Address, 925 Oak St., Jacksonville, Fla. 102. DANIEL STOTTENKIRK MACK AY Brother of Nos. 103, 104 Born at Mt. Carroll, 111. f. John Mackay, Scotland, m. Catherine Mac- kay, German}'. Farmer and banker. Prepared at Mt. Carroll, 111. Adelphic. *B. L., 1895. Member of banking house of Mackay Bros., Madison, South Dakota. Address, Mt. Carroll, 111. 103. HENRY MACKAY Brother of Nos. 102, 104 Born 1854, at Mt. Carroll, 111. f. John Mackay, Scotland, m. Cathe- rine Mackay, Germany. Lawyer. Prepared at Mt. Carroll, 111. *M. L., 1892. Married Susan Hostetter, 1883. Children, Sarah D. ('07); Robert; Catherine. Address, Mt. Carroll, 111. 104. WILLIAM ALEXANDER MACKAY Brother of Nos. 102, 103 Bom at Mt. Carroll, Carroll Co., Illinois, f. John Mackay, Scotland, m. Catherine Mackay, Germany. Prepared at Mt. Carroll. Adelphic. Banker; at present Pres. of Bank- ing House of Mackay Bros., Madison, S. Dak. Married Clara G. Shirk, in 1881, (died 1889); Olive W. Mackay, 1894. Children, Jesse J., ('07); Zella G., ('08). Address, Madison, Lake Co., S. Dak. 105. HENRY WESTON MAHAN Brother of No, 184 Born Dec. 3, 1854, Westhersfield, 111. f. Isaac S. Mahan. m. Jane H. Banker. Prepared at Champaign. Delta Tau Delta. *M. L., 1893. Banking business, First Nat'l, Urbana, 111.; Cashier Stock Yards Savings Bank, Chicago; Pres. Drexel State Bank, Chicago. State Militia, 8 years; rank of Major, 8th 111. Militia. Married Isotta Carley, Jan. 11, 1877, Champaign, 111. Children, Mark C; Jennie M.; Margaret W.; Adelaide S.; Henry W. Address, Drexel State Bank, Chicago, 111. 1876] Baccalaureate Alumni 25 106. FRANK IRVING MANN Brother of No. 108 Born May &, 1854, Marshall Co., 111. f. William Henry Mann, Apr. 21, 1827, Va. m. Elizabeth Dabney Abraham, Virginia. Farmer. Prepared in Oilman Public School. Lincoln University. Adelphic; Delta Tau Delta. Capt. *B. L., 1895. Weekly newspaper, '77- '78; farmer, 1878 — Circuit; Clerk and Recorder, Iroquois Co., 1892-96; Director 111. State Farmers' Inst., 1896 — ; Auditor same, 1904 — ; Member Advisory Comm. on soil investigations, 111. Exp. Sta., 1905 — . Married Fannie Judson, Mar. 28, 1878, Chenoa. Children, Charles J., Mary Elizabeth. Address, Oilman, 111. *107. ADIN HOWARD MANN Born in Illinois, f. Adin Mann. Entered from Batavia, 111. Took mech. eng. course. Certificate issued June 7, 1876. Died April 23, 1876, at Winnebago, Calif. 108. JAMES ROBERT MANN Husband of No. 169; brother of No. 106 Bom Oct. 20, 1856, Normal, 111. f. William Henry Mann, Apr. 21, 1827, Va. m. Elizabeth Dabney Abraham, Aug. 29, 1829, Va. Law. Delta Tau Delta. Certificate 1876; Capt.; *M. L., 1892; graduate of Union College of Law, 1881 ; LL. D., Illinois (hon.) 1903. Law practice in Chicago, 1881 — . Member Oakland School board, 1887; attorney, village of Hyde Park, 1888; Alderman 32nd Ward, Chicago, 1893-6; temporary chmn. Rep. State Conv., 1894; chmn. Cook Co. Rep. Conv., 1895; master in chancerv, superior court Cook Co., 1892-6; gen'l att'v South Park Board, Chicago' 1895; mem. Congress, 1st 111. dist., 1897-1903; 2nd dist. 1903—. Chmn. Cook Co. Rep. Com., 1902; chmn. Com. on Elections, No. 1, 59th Cong. Married Emma Columbia ('78), May 30, 1882, Champaign, 111. Child, James R., Jr., bom Dec. 10, 1888. Address, 906 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. 109. LOUIS REEDER NOBLE Born Oct. 9, 1854, Cincinnati, Ohio. f. Nathan Miller Noble, bom Cinn., O., Aug. 10, 1818. m. Ada Eleanor Pickett, Cinn., O., Feb. 23, 1829. Adjuster of fire losses. Prepared in Public School of Mattoon, 111. Adel- phic; Scientific; Capt. B. S., 1877. Railroad service, 1876-1883; since then in fire insurance; present business, adjuster of fire losses. Member Presbvterian Church 29 years; Sons of the American Revolution. Married Mary Tyler Churchill, of Boonville, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1880, at Mattoon, 111. Children, Ada Mary, (Mrs. Harrv D. Tisdale), born at The Dalles, Ore., Mar. 26, 1881; Raymond Churchill, Dec. 26, 1883, Mattoon, 111., (died 7th year); Lawrence Roswell, (died in infancy); Louis Garness, (died in infancy); Cedric Percy, Nov. 8, 1894, Mattoon, 111 Address, Mattoon, 111. 110. WILLIAM FORREST OLIVER Born Aug. 8, 1856, Bloomfield, la. f. William L. Oliver, Feb. 4, 1823, Clark Co., Ky. m. Mary A. Smith, Mar. 19, 1828, Indianapolis, Ind. Practicing Medicine. Prepared in Ladoga Seminary. Adelphic. Pres. of Adelphic; Vice-pres. College Govt., 1876; Foreman, Illini Office, 1876; Capt. *B. L., 1894; M. D., 1879, Med. College of Ind. 1880-85, Practicing Medicine, Longton, Kans.; 1885-89, Co. Supt. of Schools Elk Co., Kans., Howard, Kans.; 1889-1905, Practicing Medicine, Arlington, Wash. First Lieut. Co. E., Kans. National Guard, 1886-7. Author: Stage Benton, 26 University of Illinois [1876 the Black Birder, a tale of an African Slave Trader, Overland Monthly, San Francisco, Calif., July 1887. Member of Co., District, State and National Med. Societies. Married Martha Lilian Best, Sept. 22, 1899, Montreal, Canada. Address, Arlington, Wash. HI. FRANK MITCHELL PALMER Born 1856, in Ohio. f. E. H. Palmer. Lawyer. Capt. *B. L., 1895. Address, Clinton, 111. 112. ELON ALBERT PIERCE Born Aug. 17, 1853, Itasca, 111. f. Theodore Pierce, Oswego, N. Y. m. Susan Davis Pierce, Landgrove, Vt. Editor and publisher. Prepared in Webster City, la. Graduated from the Iowa State Normal School at Cedar Falls, in 1881, and taught school in San Jose, California, for ten years. Prin. of Belmond High School one year. Now editor and publisher of Belmond Herald. Married Harriet Emma Prowse, Jan. 4, 1891, Mission Jan Jose, Calif. Children, Lyna Ellen, born Mar. 26, 1895; Effie Alberta, born Nov. 29, 1900. Address, Belmond, Iowa. 113. JAMES FREDERICK RHODES Born Feb. 20, 1854, Waverly, Morgan Co., 111. f. Wm. Rhodes, Nov. 13, 1820, Yorkshire, Eng. m. Sarah Maria Purdy, Leeds, Eng., Aug. 8, 1826. Lawyer. Prepared in High School, Dwight, 111. Philomathean; Delta Tau Delta. *B. L., 1895. Lawyer. Editor the El Dorado Springs A^ews, 1897-1902. 1881-1883, First Sgt. Cfirbonatic Rifles, Colo., Mihtia, Lead- ville, Colo. Republican Candidate for Congress 6th District of Missouri, 1904. Married Charlotte Zelhart, Apr. 15, 1886, Mo., (died May 17, 1894); Orpha M. Troutman, June 4, 1904, St. Louis, Mo. Children, Wm. Frederick, born May 11, 1887; George Edwin, born Apr. 25, 1888; John Franklin, born July 2, 1889. Address, El Dorado Springs, Mo. *114. ARTEMUS C. SCRIBNER Born 1851, Bangor, Me. f. H. G. Scribner. Certificate in agriculture. Died in Fairplay, Colo., Apr. 24, 1891. 115. FRANK AUGUSTUS ELLIS STARR Born March, 1854, Alton, 111. f. J. E. Starr. Lawyer. Capt. *M. L., 1891. Address, Sumpter, Ore. 116. CHARLES WESTON Brother of Nos. 295, 447, 579, 580 Born July 4, 1853, New York City, N. Y. f. Nathan Weston, Wilson, New York. m. Jane Cloyde, Troy, New York. Lawyer and Banker. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic. Class President, Senior year. *B. L., 1895. Lawyer and Banker; Regent of University of Nebraska, Jan. 1, 1894, to Jan. 1, 1900; State Auditor, Ne- braska, Jan. 3, 1901, to Jan. 5, 1905. Married Eugenia C. Clarke, Mar. 23, 1887, (died July 29, 1890); Helen H. Mackay, Dec. 11, 1901. Child, Margaret C, born Feb. 21, 1888. Address, Hay Springs, Neb. 1876] Baccalaureate Alumni 27 *117. GEORGE A. WILD Bom 1855, New York. f. Robert Wild. Certificate in civil eng. Died at Los Animas, Colo., November, 1881. 118. THOMAS THATCHER WILLIAMS Bom Nov. 12, 1850, Putnam, Conn. f. Nathan Williams, 1817, Putnam, Conn. m. Catharine B. Thatcher, 1819, Thompson Hill, Conn. Farmer. Prepared at home. *B. L., 1895. Farming, 1876-1884; Decora- tion, 1894; Farming, 1894 — . Congregational Church. Married Mabel Gordon, June 20, 1894, Sterhng, 111. Address, Sterling, 111., R. F. D. No. 2. 119. FREDERICK L. WOOD Born March, 1854, in Chicago, f. Alonzo C. Wood. CLASS OF 1877 (41) 120. THEODORE SPERRY ABBOTT Brother of Nos. 332, 368, 410 Born Sept. 21, 1855, Whiteside Co., Illinois, f. Asa M. Abbott, m. Sarah Sperry. State Engineer, Coahuila, Saltilo, Mex. B. S. In Saltillo, Mexico, principally; 1878, teacher, Fulton, Illinois; 1879, St. Louis, Mo., on U. S. Govt. Work, River and Harbor; 1880, Pueblo, Colo., transitman, A. T. & S. F. Ry.; 1881-84, Engineer, Mex. Nat. Ry., Laredo, Texas & Saltillo, Mex.; 1882-87, Private Engineering, Saltillo; 1887-92, Engineer on Const., Mex. Southern; 1893-1896, Private engineering, dams, canals, reservoirs, etc.; 1897-1905, Chief Engr., Coahuila & Zacetecas R. R. ; 1899-1903, Chief Engr., Coahuila & Pacific Ry.; 1896-1905, State Engineer for State of Coahuila. Member of Saltillo Casino. Married Aurelia Halle, Aug. 1884, (died 1902); Grace Ailing, Feb., 1904. Children, Edward Halle, born Aug. 1887; Theodora Sarah, born Jan., 1890. Address, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. 121. NETTIE ADAMS (WILSON) Born Apr. 17, 1855, Urbana, 111. f. Francis Fitch Adams, June 13, 1824, Olmsted Falls, Ohio. m. Nancy Dean, Apr. 16, 1834, Dayton, Ohio. Married. Prepared in District School near Urbana, 111. Alethenai; Pres. of Alethenai; Class Vice-pres. B. L. Teaching until 1884. Author: Pamphlets of Travel: Yellowstone Park; Glimpses of East; Glimpses of West; Glimpses of Southland; From Naples to London; special Newspaper work; Yellowstone Park pamphlet translated into Russian. Member of Methodist Church and local organizations; Pres. of Monday Club; Trinity Literary Circle. Married W. Bent Wilson, June 10, 1884, Tolono, 111. Children, John Dean, June 27, 1885; Louise, born xMay 9, 1895, (died Sept. 23, 1895). Address, Lafayette, Ind. *122. CHARLES WESLEY ALLEN Born 1854, in Kentucky, f. D. S. Allen. Died July 8, 1880, at Harristown, 111. 123. CHARLES HART BARRY Born Nov. 15, 1857, Alton, 111. f. Amasa Stetson Barrv, Mar. 12, 1821. m. Catherine Riley, Mar. 21, 1825. Fire Insurance. Prepared in Alton High School. Adelphic. B. S. 28 University of Illinois [1877 Fire Insurance since graduation, acting as Local Agent, Special Agent and Adjuster and Manager of Western States. Married Ida May Bateman, July 30, 1883, Alton, 111. C/zx7i,'Lucile, born Feb. 14, 1885. Address, 1225 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111. 124. FRANK BARRY Born Mar, 28, 1856, Alton, 111. f. Benj. Franklin Barry, Oct. 13, 1826, Boston, Mass. m. Susan Elizabeth Emerson, May 23, 1830, Boston, Mass. Special Agent and Attorney Interstate Commerce Commission. Pre- pared in Shurtleflf College, Alton, 111. Adelphic. Capt. B. L., 1878. St. Louis Nat. Bank to 1878; Wabash R. R. Co. to 1880; C. M. & St. P. Ry. to 1885; Sec'ty Millers' Nat. Asso. of U. S. to date; Commissioner Nat. Board of Trade, 1902-1903; Special Agent and Attorney Interstate Com- merce Commission, 1904 — . Owner, Publisher and Editor, The United States Miller and other trade and engineering publications. Address, P. O. Box 290, Washington, D. C. 125. CLARENCE HOWARD BLACKALL Born Feb. 3, 1857, New York City. f. C. R. Blackall, Albany, 1830. m. Eliza Davis, Boston, 1834. Architect. Prepared by private instruction. B. S., in 1877. Tau Beta Phi. Architect, New York, 1880; Colorado Springs, 1882; Boston, 1882 — . First holder Rotch Travelling Scholarship, 1884-1886; designed and erected in 1892 the first steel frame building in Boston; architect for Tremont Temple, Colonial Theatre, temple Adath Israel, Auditorium, Univ. of Illinois. Author of Builders' Hardware, published by Ticknor & Co., 1890; History of American Architecture, now in course of publication by Macmillan; Articles, Architec- ture of Spain, Portugal, Belgium; Constant Editorial and Special contributor since 1879 to the American Architect, Architectural Review, Brick Builder, Technology Review. Since 1883 to the Engineering Record, Inland Archt- techt, Boston Herald and Transcript. Fellow of the Am. Inst, of Architects, 1891; First Secry., N. Y. Architectural League, 1881-1882; Boston Soc. of Architects, 1891; Seer, of same, 1905; First President of Boston Architect Architectural Club, 1889-1893 ; Am. Ass'n for Advancement of Science, 1901 ; National Arts Club, N. Y., 1901; Cambridge Municipal Art Society and its Sec'y, 1905; City Club, N. Y., 1905; Reform Club, Boston, 1900; Economic Club, Boston, 1905; Sec'y of Rotch Travelling Scholarship, since 1891. Married Emma Murray, Dec. 5, 1883, Boston, Mass. Children, Marian, July 31, 1887; Robert Murray, Apr. 26, 1889. Address, 16 Chauncy St., Cambridge, Mass., Office, 20 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 126. EVA BOGARDUS (PRICE) Sister of No. 335 Born Feb. 10, 1857, in Cherry Valley, 111. f, J. J. Bogardus. m. Ev- elyn Butterfield. Prepared in Champaign, 111. Alethenai. B. S. Lived at various Methodist Parsonages of the New York East Conference. Member of Methodist Episcopal church; Champaign Art Club. Married T. Lambert Price, December 1, 1886, at Champaign, 111. Chil- dren, Frances Eugenia, bom Nov., 1887; Mamie Olivia, born 1889; Helen Martha, bom 1903; Mildred Bogardus, bom 1905. Address, 34 Shelton Ave., New Haven, Conn. *127. CORNELIA BROSHAR Bom June 30, 1853, Napoleon, Ind. f. Levi Broshar, Nov. 16, 1804, Lexington, Ky. m. Jane Wilson, Harrisburg, Penn. Prepared in public schools. Teacher; at home; a milliner, Chicago, for 1877] Baccalaureate Alumni 29 sometime; invalid two years before her death. Member of the First Con- gregational Church of Champaign, 1873. Died October 31, 1905, at Chicago, 111. 128. CHARLES ELIPHALET BRUSH Born Mar. 17, 1855, Carbondale, 111. f. Daniel Harmon Brush, 1813, Vergennes, Vermont, m. Julia Etherton, near Murphysboro, 111. Architect. Prepared in Carbondale, 111. Delta Tau Delta. *B. S. 1895. Married Ida Flemming, Mar. 11, 1885, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Address, 414 36th Place, Chicago, 111. 129. WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM Born May, 1855, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. f. C. P. Buckingham. Lawyer. *B. S. 1895; LL. B. -. Address, Los Angeles, Calif., care of Fairbanks Morse & Co. 130. JAMES EDWARD BUMSTEAD Born Oct. 30, 1848, Dundee, 111. f. Edward Bumstead, 1803, Eng. m. Ann Smith, 1810, England. Physician and Surgeon. Prepared in Elgin Academy and Marengo High School. Philomathean. Y. M. C. A. Class Pres. and 'Valedictorian, 1877. *M. S. 1892; M. D. 1880, Northwestern. M. E. Church, 1864; American Med. Ass'n and 111. State Med. Soc. for a number of years; Fox River Valley Med. Ass'n, 1881 ; Pres. one year and Secy, and Treas. for 3 years of latter. Married Justina A. Pingree, May 10, 1881, Evanston, 111. Children, Frank Melvin('06),born 1882; Arthur Pingree ('08) and Alice Amelia (twins), born 1884; Ernest Edward, born 1887; Mabel Emily, born 1891, (died 1903). Address, Dundee, 111. *131. LUTHER G. CLAY Born 1849, Boston, Mass. f. John Clay. *B. S. 1895. Died June 13, 1898, at Chicago, 111. 132. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CROW Born Oct. 15, 1845, Dowagiac, Mich. f. Stephen Crow, Feb. 1, 1816, Geneseo Co., N. Y. m. Elizabeth Prater, Aug. 6, 1826, Wayne Co., Ind. Horticulture. Prepared in Public School of Greenfield, 111. Crescent Debating Club, Ames, Iowa. *B. S. 1895. 1877-1878, Building Contractor; 1878-1880, Sec. Chf. Engr. B. & M. R. R. R.; 1880-1884, Asst. U. S. Eng. Imp. Mo. River; 1884-1895, Supt. Brownill Car Co.; 1895-1901, Inspector on Construction U. S. Dredge for Miss. R. Com.; 1901 to date. Horticulture. 1864, 133 Reg. Illinois Volunteers. Teacher in S. S., 1863; Deacon, 1902- 1905; Church Treas., 1894-96; '02-05; Engineers' Club, 1886-1896, St. Louis. Married Sue J., July 3, 1870, (died July 19, 1871); Amanda S., Jan. 28, 1878, (died Jan. 16, 1903); Celia K., June 28, 1905. Child, Allen B. Crow, born June 4, 1887. Address, Cedar Place, Keokuk, la. 133. CHARLES GLEASON ELLIOTT Born June 8, 1850, Lowell, 111. f. John B. Elliott, 1823, Waterloo, N. Y. m. Elizabeth Sailes, Catskill, N. Y. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, and Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. Philomathean. *C. E. 1891. General drainage engineering, 1877-94; in charge of sewer construction, Peoria, 111., 1894-97; Engineer and Geologist, Marietta, O., 1897-1901; 1901-2, Editor Drainage Journal, Indianapolis, Ind.; Engr. in charge of Drainage Investigations, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C, 1902-5. Author: Practical Farm Drainage, 92 pp., John Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 1882; Engineering for Land 30 University of Illinois [1877 Drainage, 233 pp., John Wiley & Sons, 1903. Member Illinois Soc. of Engi- neers and Surveyors, 1887; Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers, 1890; Amer. Assn. for Advancement of Science, 1905. Married Lura M. Bullock, Jan. 1, 1879, Normal, 111. Children, Merton Melville, born Oct. 22, 1882, (died 1905); Herman Randolph, born Sept. 3, 1885; Edith Marion, born July 26, 1890. Address, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 134. IDA BELLE FALLS Born Feb. 3, 1858, Urbana, 111. f. Jess Falls, Zanesville, Ohio., Mar. 27, 1824. m. Martha E. Henderson, Mt. Carmel, Ky., June 5, 1819. Prepared in West Side High School, Champaign, 111. *B. L. 1895. Teach- ing, 1877-1887. Address, 806 S. 6th St., Champaign, 111. 135. RICHARD DOUGLAS FAULKNER Brother of No. 66 Bom at Irvington, Washington Co., 111., Aug. 27, 1858 Teacher. *B. L. 1895. Taught school at Iristown, 111., 1877-78; went to California, 1878; Principal of the Parental School, San Francisco, Calif., to date. Address, Parental School, 8th St. near Harrison, San Francisco, Calif. 136. CHARLES BROCKWAY GIBSON Born Ang. 6, 1854, Massena, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. f. Otis Gibson, Chester, Vt., May 1, 1794. m. Chloe Brockway, Hoxburg, Canada, 1816. Assayer, Chemist, Metallurgist, Mining Engineer. Prepared in Spring- field, Vt., High School and common schools. Phi Lamoda Upsilon; Philo- mathean. *B. S. 1895; M. D., P. &. S., 1887. Assayer, Chemist, Metal- lurgist, Mining Engineer; Prof. Chemistry, College P. S., 1882-1890; Chicago College Dental Surgery, 1888-96; Hahnemann Med. College, 1889. First Regiment 111. Nat'l Guards, 1898 — '01. Chem. and Microscop. determin. of Poisons. Privatelypub. 1882. Analysis of urine, 1884-1895; Translator of Ru- droffs' Analytical Chemistry for Beginners, Chicago Med. Book Co., '94-'02; Reports on Spontaneous Combustion and Non Conductors, 1884. Articles on Hygiene — Air, water, Etc. for Healthy Homes, 1890-'91-'94; on Metal- lurgy and assaying in N. Y. and Chicago Mining (Journals). Am. Chem. Soc; Chem. Gesellschaft, Berlin, 1902; Teacher, 1879-96. Married Eva K. Clapp, of Althos, Mass. Child, Jessie May, born Cham- paign, Sept. 5, 1881. Address, 620 Fullerton Bl., Bus. 81 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. 137. HIRAM GILKERSON Father of Nos. 1678, 1869, 2386; Brother of No. 138 Born Oct. 15, 1853, Marengo, 111. f. John Gilkerson, born 1816, Carlyle, England, m. Frances E. Williams, 1832, N. H. Farmer. Prepared in Marengo High School, Marengo, 111., and Sycamore High School, Sycamore, 111. Philomathean; Capt; *B. S. 1895. Married Portia Moffet Gilkerson, 1877, Modesto, 111. Children, Aletha, born 1879, ('02); Frances Emeline, 1880, ('03); Thomas John, 1883, ('05); Portia Eunice, 1886, ('07). Address, 1005 Calif. St., Urbana, 111. 138. JOHN GILKERSON Brother of No. 137 Born 1856, Genoa, 111. f. John Gilkerson, b. 1816, Carlyle, England, m. Frances E. Williams, b. 1832, N. H. *B. S. 1895. Address, 402 Fulton St., Chicago. 1877] Baccalaureate Alumxi 31 139. HELEN BARBER GREGORY Sister of Nos. 178, 504 Born in Ann Arbor, Mich. f. John M. Gregory, July 3, 1822, Sand Lake, N. Y. m. JuHa Gregory, Sand Lake, N. Y. Artist. *B. A. 1879. Has spent most of time since graduation in study of art. Address, Rome, Italy, care of French Lemon & Co. 140. ALLAN GILMOUR KENNEDY Bom Oct. 8, 1858, Eau Claire, Wis. f. D. Kennedy, m. Georgena Cameron Atkinson. Consulting Engineer. Philomathean; Engineers' Societ 3-; Capt.; *B. S. 1895. Eau Claire, Wis., 1878-79; Bank Clerk, 1879-81, with Chicago, St. Paul, Mphs., & Omaha Ry. Co., Asst. Engr. ; 1881-96, Minneapolis, Minn., Manfg. business; 1896-1900, Mining & Engineering in Arizona; 1900-1904, Railway building in New Mexico, Chief Engr.; 1904, Water project for El Paso, Texas; 1905 to date, consulting Engineer. St. Marks Episcopal Church, Minneapolis, Minn. Married Kate Davis, June 26, 1888, Sioux City, la. Address, El Paso, Texas, Box 591. 141. EDWARD VERNON LEWIS Born Aug. 18, 1856, Chatham, 111. f. John R. Lewis, Farmington, Conn. m. Sarah M. Thompson, Monson, Mass. Dealer in steam supplies. Prepared in Chatham, 111., Grade School. Delta Tau Delta. Capt. *B. S. 1895. Cashier Bank, Chatham, 111., to 1881; Wholesale Steam Supphes, 1882 — ; Treasurer Crane Co., Omaha, Neb. Married Florence E. Darneille, June 30, 1881. Children, Florence Belle, b. Apr. 16, 1882; Arthur Crane, b. May 10, 1885. Address, 401 S. 40th St., Omaha, Neb. 142. JOSEPH CORSON LLEWELLYN Husband of No. 147 Bom July 22, 1855, Philadelphia, Pa. f. David Rossiter Llewellyn, Aug. 27, 1828, Valley Forge, Pa. m. Hulda Corson, July 24, 1831, Cape May Co., N. J. Architect. Prepared in Public Schools, Sterling, 111. Philomathean. * M. S. 1895. Instructor, Illinois, 1877-1879; Supt. of Building Construction, St. Louis, 1879-1881; Supt. Lindell Railway, St. Louis, 1881-1886; Farming, Nov., 1886-Nov., 1890; Secretary of Quarry Co., at Warrensburg, Mo., Nov., 1890-Nov., 1892; Architect, Chicago, with 'residence at LaGrange, 111., Nov., 1892 — . Pres. Chicago Architectural Club two terms; Pres. Arch. League of Amer. two terms; member Union League, Chicago Athletic, Chicago Arch- itectural and LaGrange Country Clubs. Married Emma Clarinda Piatt ('77), May 17, 1883, Monticello, 111. Chil- dren, Ralph Corson, born Apr. 20, 1884; Clarinne, born Feb. 14, 1886; Ruth, bom Dec. 21, 1888; Vida, bom Aug. 21, 1891. Address, 324 6th Avenue, La Grange, 111; Office, Room 1516-18-20, First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. *i43. JOHN Mcpherson Born 1854, Burritt, 111. f. John McPherson. Certificate in civil eng'g. Died at Lexington, Ky., Jan. 26, 1886. 144. EMILY C. MAXWELL Born Dec. 5, 1856, Philadelphia, Pa. f. Robt. Archibald Maxwell, 32 University of Illinois [1877 Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 9, 1831. m. Catherine Maxwell Marion, Franklin Co.. Pa., Feb. 11, 1835. Prepared in public schools of Philadelphia. Coll. Senate. Teacher, Autumn of 1877 and through Summer term of '78 in the country; then one term, Jan. to June, 1880; invalid since. Address, 2016 Bellevue St., Tioga, Philadelphia, Pa. 145. JOHN FREMONT MOORE Born June 20, 1854, Davenport, Iowa. f. Adrian Moore, Bridgetown, N. J. m. Susannah Evans, Lancaster Co., Pa. Architect. Prepared in Davenport, Iowa. Philomathean, *B. S. 1892. Architecture almost entirely. Photography, 1898, Photo-engr. 1905, in con- nection with Arch. Member Westminister Church, Dubuque, Iowa. Address, Room 17, Lincoln Bldg., Dubuque, Iowa. 146. MARTHA E. PAGE (WHITHAM) Wife of No. 159 Born Aug. 14, 1847, Metamora, 111. f. Andrew N. Page, about 1821, Portsmouth, N. H. m. Mary A. Grove, 1822, Harrison Co., Ind. Prepared in Metamora High School. Alethenai. *B. L. 1895. Mem- ber LTnited Presbyterian Church; member and Active Worker in W. C. T. U. Work, and president at times of local organizations. Married Robert F. Whitham ('77), June 7, 1877. Children, Paul P., bom May 30, 1878; John Dement, bom Sept. 1, 1880, (died November.2, 1899); Carl Farmell, born Sept. 3, 1882; Ruth, born Aug. 10, 1887; Robert Lynn, born Jan. 10, 1889. Address, 1739 13th Ave. South, Seattle, Wash. 147. EMMA CLARINDA PIATT (LLEWELLYN) Wife of No. 142 Born June 23, 1857, Monticello, 111. f. Wm. Hart Piatt, Brookvjlle, Ind. m. Clarinda Marquiss, Pickaway Co., Ohio. Prepared in Monticello public schools. Alethenai. B. S., 1879; *B. L. 1895. Taught school at Bement, 111., 1877-78; Marengo, 111., 1880. Author: History of Piatt Co., 111., 634 pp. pub. Hill, Chicago, 111., 1883. First Pres. U. of I. AlumncC Assn. of Chicago; member of Chicago Woman's Club; Woman's Club of La Grange and Association of Collegiate Alumna?. Married Joseph Corson Llewellvn ('77), May 17,1883, Monticello, 111. Chil- dren, Ralph Corson, born Apr. 20,^884; Clarinne, born Feb. 14, 1886; Ruth, bom Dec. 21, 1888; Vida, born Aug. 21, 1891. Address, 324 Sixth Ave., La Grange, 111. *148. GEORGE CLARK RICE Born 1850, in Vermilion Co., 111. f. James J. Rice. *B. L. 1895. Died at Oakwood, 111., Aug. 29, 1902. Brother, J. D. Rice, Cash, Ark. 149. JOHN JAMES SEYMOUR Born 1852, in Ohio. f. A. R. Seymour. General engineer and contractor. *B. S. 1895. Address, 1419 L St., Fresno, Calif. 150. COLER LINDLEY SIM Born Feb. 7, 1856, Urbana, 111. f. William Sim, Nov. 2, 1825, Baltimore Co., Md. m. Lucinda H. Lindley, Sept. 5, 1828, Knox Co., O. Banker. Prepared in Public School, L^rbana, and under tutors at Uni- versity of 111. Held several offices in College Government, Senator and Chief Justice. Adelphic. Capt. *B. S. 1895. Interested in drug business 1877] Baccalaureate Alumni 33 at Topeka; worked for the Kansas Loan & Trust Co., Santa Fe R. R. Co. and in banking and loan business at Wichita. Trustee St. Paul's M. E. Church for 17 years; member of School Board of Wichita for six years. Married Xellie Huntoon, Nov. 22, 1881, Topeka, Kans. Children, Arthur Barnes, born Aug. 17, 1882; Ellen Lucinda, born Oct. 26, 1885, (died Jan. 1, 1886); Nellie Huntoon, born Feb. 5, 1895. Address, 1065 N. Emporia Ave., Wichita, Kans. *151. VELMA ELETHEA SKINNER (WARD) Born Sept. 4, 1855, Susquehanna, Penn. f. William Wells Skinner, May 12, 1616, Mt. Hope, Orange Co., N. Y. m. Letitia Wilison Lockwood, June 17, 1821, Bloomingburg, Sulivan Co., New York. Prepared in Pitblic Schools of Champaign, 111. B. L., 1877, 111.; M. L., 1901. Pres. of Y. W. C. A. one year; member of College Sen- ate one term of ofifice; Class poet for sophomore year and senior year. Teacher, 1877-1882; Married life, 1882-1897; teacher of Domestic Art, 1897-1905. Author of numerous poems, published in newspapers of Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa; one prize article was published in Des Moines Daily News. Has given public readings from her poems and public addresses on religious and philanthropic subjects. Member of W. C. T. U., 1882-1905; President one year; District Sec. Spencer, la., 13 years; Daughters of Ameri- can Revolution, 1903-04, Alliance Chapter, Nat. No. 47,090, Champaign and Urbana. President Y. W. C. A., 1876-77, Univ. of 111.; President University Extension Club, 1895-96, Spencer, la. Member of the First Presbyterian Church, Champaign, 1905. Member of Champaign Co. Humane Society, 1905. Member of Collegiate Alumnse Assoc, Univ. of 111., 1905. Married Walter Payson Ward, (No. 158), Aug. 23, 1882, Champaign, Illinois. Children, Estella Velma, born May 1, 1884, (died May 4, 1884); Russell Austin, born Feb. 21, 1886; Lewis Chester, born Dec. 24,'l890, (died Dec. 24, 1890); Henry Roscoe, born Dec. 24, 1890, (died Dec. 24, 1890); Walter DeWitt, born Feb. 23, 1892, (died Feb. 23, 1892). Died Feb. 23, 1906, at Chicago, 111. 152. AVIS ELIDA SMITH Born Oct. 17, 1851, Rockton, 111. f. James Harris Smith, Aug. 13, 1821, Delhi, N. Y. m. Huldah Howland Smith, Mar. 29, 1822, Practicing Phvsician. Prepared in private school, Marengo, 111. M. S. 1891; M. D. 1883,'Woman's Med. Coll., Chicago; M. A. (hon.), 1906, Illinois. Alethenai. College Council. Phvsician in charge of the Maternity Hos- pital of Kansas City, 1886-1896; 'Prof, of Physiology in Scarritt Bible and Training School for nurses, 1892-1905; Prof, of Pediatrics in Woman's Med. Coll. of Kansas City, 1895-1898; Pres. of the Woman and Children's Hosp. of K. C, 1901-1905; Prof, of Histology in Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons of K. C, Kans., 1899-1900. Member of Co., State, and Nat'l Medical Ass'ns; Cong. Church. Address, 400 University Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 153. FRANKLIN SPENCE Born Mar. 2. 1852, Hamilton, 111. f. John Spence, Feb. 20, 1820. m. Jane Wright, Aberdeen, Scotland, Jan. 27, 1816. Real Estate Agent. Prepared at No. 6 District School, Hancock Co., 111.; Bailies Business College. Keokuk, Iowa. *B. S. 1895; M. A. Philo- mathean. Farming and raising fine hogs and horses, 1898; two vears night watch at Univ. of 111.; Real Estate Agent, 1900 to date. School Director from 1880-1888, District No. 9, Monticello Twp., Hancock Co., 111. Married Bertha Wilhamana, Dec. 23, 1878. Children, Minnie Bertha, born Nov. 17, 1880; Charlie Edward, born June 6, 1883; Eva Lena Jane, bom Apr. 11, 1888. Address, 605 S. Wright St., Champaign, 111. 34 University of Illinois [1877 *154. JOHN MATHER STAYMAN Born 1855 in Mississippi, f. H. M. Stayman. *B. S. 1895. Address, 1424 Eastwood Ave., Chicago, 111. 155. IRA JOY STODDARD, Jr. Husband of No. 156 Born Oct. 24, 1855, Nowgong, Assam, British East Indies, f. Rev. I. J. Stoddard, 1820, Erie Co., N. Y. m. D. C. Allen, 1821, Catteraugus Co., N. Y. Municipal Engineer. Prepared in private schools and at Central College, Pella, la. Philomathean; Delta Tau Delta, original; Capt. Draftsman, topographical work, 1877-1880; R. R. surveys, 1881-1882; City Engineer, Oskaloosa, la., and Co. Surveyor Mahaska Co., la., and manager land title Company, 1882-1890; cemetery and park work in various cities; topograph- ical survey of 111. for Columbian Exposition, and sewers in N. J., 1890-1896; Municipal Engineering in la., 1897 — . Capt. in Iowa National Guard 1885. Author of small treatise on Farm Drainage and Road Improvement, 1885; short stories in Harper's and other papers. Organized first Society of Iowa Surveyors and Engineers; first Pres. Married P^nnsiU. Keables, Jan. 30, 1879, at Pella, la., (died Jan. 19, 1890); Carrie D. Victor, Apr. 14, 1892, Champaign, 111., (died Apr. 19, 1894, Chicago, 111). Children, Ruth, born June 8, 1880; Jav Palmer, born July 12, 1882; Carl Gregory, born Apr. 27, 1885; Roy Keables' born Aug. 22, 1889. Address, Pella, Iowa. *156. CARRIE DONIPHAN VICTOR (STODDARD) Wife of No. 155 Born April 27, 1856, in Lynchburg, Va. Alethenai. Teacher in Champaign Public Schools to Dec. 1884, in U. S. Indian School, Sisseton, S. D., 1884-86, and teacher and housekeeper, 1886-94. Member of Congregational Church of Champaign, 111. Married Ira J. Stoddard, Jr., (.'77), April 14, 1892, Champaign, 111. Died April 19, 1894, in Chicago, 111. 157. GERTRUDE SWITZER (PEDDICORD) Sister of No. 445 Born Apr. 16, 1857, Mt. Airy, Carroll Co., Maryland, f. Francis Asbary Switzer, Mar. 28, 1828, Union Bridge, Md. m. Ann Jane Bussard, Mar. 5, 1834, Mt. Airy, Carroll Co., Md. Married. Prepared at Female Seminary, Champaign, 111. B. S. 1892. Married Higason Peddicord, Oct. 19, 1882, Champaign, 111. Children, Robert Henry, born Sept. 30, 1883; Ruth, born June 28, 1885, (died Sept. 9, 1887). Address, 602 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111. 158. WALTER P. WARD Born Feb. 11, 1849, Marietta, Ohio. f. Geo. A. Ward, Athol, Mass. m. Susan U. Bailey, Marietta, Ohio. Married Velma E. Skinner (No. 151) 1882, Champaign, 111., (died Feb. 23, 1906). Child, Russel A. Ward, Feb. 22, 1886. Farmer. Prepared in Prairie City Academy. Adelphic. Practicing law, 1881-1901; Farming, 1901—. Moved from Erick, Okla., to Webb City, Mo., 1906. Address, Webb City, Mo. 1877] Baccalaureate Alumxi 35 159. ROBERT FARWELL WHITHAM Husband of No. 146 Born in Lawrence County, Pa. f. John Dement Whitham, West Vir- ginia, m. Caroline Farwell, Keene, N. H. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Monmouth, Illinois, Academy. Adelphic. Capt. Civil Engineering, Rankin, Vermilion Co., 111., Countv Surveving and tile drainage, 1877-1879; U. P. Railroad in Wyoming, 1880; at Ohmpia, 1880-1890, Fruit Growing and County Surveying; Municipal and Street Railway work and City Engineer of Olympia, Wash., 1890-92; president of Capital City Abstract Co., 1892-1896; Commissioned U. S. Deputy Land and U. S. Deputy Mineral Sur\'eyor for Washington, 1894; Com. U. S. Deputy Min. Surv. for Alaska, 1900; engaged in U. S. Land and Mineral Surveying and Examination of Mines in the interest of private parties, 1 894-. Member of United Presbyterian Church; member of the Pacific Northwest Society of Engineers, 1903 — . Married Martha E. Page ('77), June 7, 1877. Children, Paul P., born May 30, 1878; John Dement, born Sept. 1, 1880, (died Nov. 2,1899); Carl Farwell, born Sept. 3, 1882; Ruth, born Aug. 10, 1887; Robert Lvnn, born Jan. 10, 1889. Address, 1739 13th Avenue South, Seattle, Wash. 160. MYRON JEROME WRIGHT Born Jan. 23, 1855, Stockton, Joe Daviess Co., 111. f. Burton Wright, m. Sophia Byrum. Farmer. Prepared in Woodstock High School. *B. S. 1895. Married Nellie C. Fordick, Dec. 10, 1878. Children, Ward E.; Edith H.; Dora; Burton; Howard. Address, Woodstock, 111. CLASS OF 1878 (42) 161. EDWARD J. BAKER Born Apr. 25, 1857, Jefferson Co., N. Y. f. Phoenix Baker, Nov. 24, 1816. m. Juliette Lamson, May 8, 1821. Farmer. Prepared in Common Schools of 111. and New York. Philo- mathean. B. S. 1880. Married Alice R. Beebe, Dec. 29, 1882. Children, Ray L, born Feb. 14, 1884; Ruth M., born Mar. 29, 1887. Address, Savoy, 111. *162. CHARLES KEENE BALLARD Born Aug. 6, 1854, in Chicago, 111. f. Edward Ballard, Augusta, Maine, m. Lucy Wilcom Plum, Middletown, Conn. Prepared in Englewood High School, Lombard College, Sangers Academy and Babcock's Academy. B. A. Architecture, 1878-1880, Chicago; lum- ber business, Missouri, one year; about three vears in bu-siness in_ Chicago ; oanker at Madison, 5. Dd,k., *o^. years; Vice-pres. First Nat'l Bank; Arch- itecture until death. Inspector of the Ft. Sheridan buildings from the start of the plans until completion. Member of Universalist Church, Chicago. Married Kate L. Wood, Sept. 12, 1883, at Oak Park, 111. Children, Mary Gage, born Nov. 5, 1885 ; Jessie Gertrude, born Dec. 23, 1886; Kathryn Louise, born Dec. 24, 1887; Edward Wood, bom July 17, 1889; Douglass Keene, born July 31, 1891; Esther Eatin, born May 1, 1895. Died Mar. 4, 1895, at Oak Park, 111. *163. WALLACE EVERETT BRIDGE Brother of No. 302 Born January 14, 1856, in La Moille, 111. f. Sereno Bridge, Nov. 23, 1820. m. Allisanny S., Winchester, July 13, 1821. 36 University of Illinois [1878 Prepared in La Moille High School. Philomathean; Capt. B.S. Stock- raiser until 1884; was in business in Minneapolis, 1891-1896; moved back to Detroit, Mich. ; appointed clerk in Circuit Court Commissioner's office in 1898 and was there until taken ill. Was member of and held successively all offices in No. 35 7 Palestine Lodge F. and A. M. of Detroit; drill corps, Detroit Com- mandery Knights Templar. Married Sara E. Phillips, June 17, 1893, in Minneapolis, Minn. Child, Everette, born May 26, 1894. Died March 18. 1899, in Detroit, Mich. 164. FRANK ADELBERT BROWN Born Oct. 31, 1855, Marengo, 111. f. Milo S. Brown, 1828, Burns, N. Y. m. Hannah M. Drake, 1829, Cuyler, N. Y. Lawyer. Prepared in Marengo High School, 111. Philomathean. Delta Tau Delta. Teaching, 1878-1882; Law and Real Estate, 1882—. Pres. Board of Education, Aberdeen, 1892-1905; Receiver U. S. Land Office, Aber- deen, 1897-1901; Masonic offices, including Grand Master and Grand Com- mander in S. Dak. Married Laura E. Bailey, Nov. 15, 1878, Rantoul, 111. Children, Mila A., born Feb. 21, 1881; Frank A., Jr., born Oct. 28, 1883; Harry F., born Apr. 5, 1886; Lorna D., born Dec. 24, 1889; Lauran A., born Apr. 21, 1893. Address, Aberdeen, S. Dak. 165. SAMUEL ALEXANDER BULLARD Brother of Nos. 303, 304, 458; father of No. 2327 Born Mar. 25, 1 8 5 3 ," Sangamon Co.. Illinois, f. Wesley Bullard, July 28. 1816, Shelby Co., Ky. m. Sarah Ann Foster, Montgomery Co., Ky., July 18, 1824. Architect. Prepared in country schools. Adelphic. Pres. and Orator Senior Class; Editor Illini, 1887-1878; B. S. 1878; M. Arch., (hon.), 1903. Prosecuting Attorney; First and Second Associate Justices and Chief Justice of Supreme Court, old College G'vt. Pres. Y. M. C. A., 1876-77, Charter member. Rep. in Inter-State Orat. Cont., 1877. Taught school, 1878-79; practicing architecture, 1879 — . Arch't of 111. State Comm. to reconstruct Nat'l Lincoln Monument, 1898-99; City Engineer and member Board of Public Works, Springfield, 111., 1884-89. Trustee Univ. of Illinois, 1889—; Pres. 1891-93, 1904 — . Introduced manual training and Mech. drawing in Springfield schools. Edited Reports of Illinois Soc. of Engrs. & Surveyors, 1890-93; published several professional pamphlets. Member M. E. Church, since youth; 111. Soc. of Engrs. & Survvs. charter member, 1886; American Institute of Architects, 1885; 1890-1894, Executive Secy, and Treas. of 111. Soc. of Engrs. & Survys. Member Tau Beta Pi. Married Elsie Cornelia ElHott, Apr. 19, 1882, Tonica, 111. Children, Helen Elizabeth ('05), born May 17, 1883; Edwin Elliott ('06), born Aug. 30, 1884; Clark Wesley ('08), born Oct. 21, 1886; Elsie, born Sept. 13, 1887. Auuress, 318 S. Glenwood Ave., Springu?^fil- 111. 166. ELLIS M. BURR Born Feb. 27, 1858, Woodstock, 111. f. Lyman E. Burr. m. EHzabeth Hollister. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Woodstock High School. Adelphic. B. S. Proprietor of Machine Shop and Foundry. Thermometer graduating machines and numerous other inventions; pipe threading machine patents July 10, 1900. Supervisor Champaign Township from 1890 to 1898; County Treasurer, Champaign Co., 1898-1902. Married Nancy J. Glenn, Apr. 20, 1881. Child, Elizabeth H. (ex 04), born Mar. 8, 1882. Address, Champaign, 111. 1878] Baccalaureate Alumni 3 7 167. XOAH BEERY COFFMAN Born Apr. 2, 1857, Crawfordsville, Ind. f. Noah Beerv Coffman, Sr., Oct. 10, 1816, Pleasant Valley, Va. m. Margaret Wimp, 'Feb. 29, 1820, Carroll, Ohio. Banker. Prepared in Urbana High School. Philomathean. Junior Class Orator; represented Univ. at inter-coll. Orat. contest at Monmouth, 111., 1876; offices under students' Gov't. B.S. Studied law with Summers & Wright, Urbana, 1878-79; local reporter on Champaign Co. Gazette. Removed to Wellington, Kan., and admitted to practice there, 1879. Opened office at Ottawa. Walked to Hebron, Neb., and taught district school. Took clerk- ship in bank and later became cashier. Opened law office with Man ford Savage (No. 194) as Savage & Coffman. Bank cashier, Tacoma, 1883. Chehalis, running small private bank to date. Pres. of local Commercial Club; City Council; Delegate to Nat. Rep. Conv., Philadelphia, 1900; many times delegate to triennial Convention of Protestant Espicopal Church, U. S. ; treas. Diocese of Olvmpia, 1887 — . Married Adaline'j. Tighe, Oct. 1, 1883, Hebron, Neb. Children. Florence AdaHne, born Dec. 7, 1884; Ethelin Margaret, born June 29, 18S6; Daniel Tighe, born Aug. 17, 1890. Address, Chehalis, Wash 168. FRANK SHERMAN COFLIN Bom 1854, Illinois, f. R. F. Coffin. Prin. of H. School, Quitman, Miss., 1904. 169. EMMA COLUMBIA (MANN) Wife of No. 108 Born Dec. 7, 1857, Champaign, 111. f. Curtis Fields, Mar. 10, 1823, Madi- sin, Ky. m. Nancy Cox, June 1, 1829, Asheville, N. C. Prepared in Champaign Seminar3^ Married ]a.mQS R. Mann ('76), May 30, 1882, Champaign, III. Child, James R., Jr., born Dec. 10, 1888. Address, Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago, 111. 170. ANNETTE M. CULVER (ELLISON) Born at Henry, 111. m. Mary Culver. Librarian. B. L. 1879. Connected with public library of Minneapolis as children's librarian. Married A. C. EUison. Address, Public Library, Minneapolis, Minn. 171. NANCY DAVIS (SCOVELL) Wife of No. 84 Born Jan. 28, 1857, Washington, Co., Ind. f. Chester Powers Davis, Mar. 7, 1835, Washington, Co., Ind. m. Hettie Close, Mav 1, 1838, Scott Co., Ind. Prepared in Monticello, III. Alethenai. B. S., 1879. Member of Art Club, Champaign, 111.; member and officer Woman's Club of Central Ky. ; member Hospital Board, Lexington; Second Presbvterian Church. Married Melville Amasa Scovell ('75), Sept. 8, 1880, Monticello, 111. Address, Lexington, Ky. 172. FRANK A. DEAN Born Sept. 28, 1855, La Salle, 111. f. Francis A. Dean, Conn. m. Mary Hartshorn, New York. Banker. Class Historian; Delta Tau Delta; Capt. Mercantile business to Nov.. 1904; banking business, 1904 — , City Nat'l Bank. Maj'or of Hol- drege five terms. State Senator, 1903-04. Married Cora C. Riggs June 25, 1879, Buckley, 111. Address. Holdrege, Neb. 38 University of Illinois [1878 173. SARAH CATHERINE DEARDORFF (DONNELL) Born May 15, 1854, Cobden, Union Co., 111. f. Andrew Deardorflf, Gettysburg, Penn. m. Sophia Lingle, Jonesboro, 111. Prepared in Cobden High School, Cobden, 111. Alethenai. B. S. 1879. Teacher in County Normals four years; Deputy Co. Supt. of Schools for two years; Board of County Examiners two years; 1885 — . Married Benjamin F. Donnell, May 1, 1883, Anna, 111. Children, Delia Elizabeth, born June 7, 1884; Franklin Andrew, born Aug. 1, 1888; Earl, born Oct, 1, 1894, (died Aug. 10, 1895). Address, Ashland, Clark Co., Kans. *174. IDA MAY ESTEP Sister of Nos. 42, 175 Born at Paris, Ohio. f. Isaiah Estep, Wellesville, Ohio. m. Sevilla Smith, Penn. Druggist in Olympic, Wash., 1885. Prepared in Rantoul High School. Member of M. E. Church. Died Jan. 25, 1887, at Rantoul, 111. 175. JESSIE ESTEP Sister of Nos. 42, 174 f. Isaiah Estep, Wellesville, Ohio. m. Sevilla Smith, Penn. Book and Art Exchange. Prepared in Rantoul High School. Member First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, Wash. Address, Room 624, Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 176. FRED FRANCIS Bom Jan. 21, 1856, Kewanee, 111. f. Sullivan R. Francis, Apr. 20, 1816, Lunenburg, Mass. m. Mary Gardner, Nov. 13, 1826, Lowell, Mass. Retired. Prepared in Dist. School east of Kewanee, 111. Employed in Elgin Watch Factory till 1890; 1893, invented and constructed pure soft water supply reservoir for home. Married Jeanette E. Crowfoot, 1890. Address, Kewanee, 111., R. F. D. No. 5. 177. THEOPHILUS GAFFNER Born Oct. 27, 1851, Highland, Madison Co., 111. f. Gottlieb Gaffner, Apr. 11, 1827, Switzerland, m. Emmaritta Branger, 1833, Switzerland. Physician. Prepared in Highland, 111., and State Normal School. M. D., Washington, 1880. Practicing Medicine. Member Board of Trustees, M. E. Chruch, Trenton, 111. Director Trenton MiUing Co. ; member Trenton School Board; Pres. Clinton Co. Med. Soc; member 111. State and Amer. Med. Ass'ns. Married Amelia Gafifner, Mar. 29, 1881, St. Louis, Mo., (died Feb. 9, 1891). Children, Katherine E., born Jan. 14, 1883; Gertrude, born Oct. 2, 1884; Karl S., born July 5, 1886; Amelia, born Aug. 15, 1887. Address, Trenton, 111. 178. ALFRED GREGORY Brother of Nos. 139, 504 Born Aug. 17, 1858, Ann Arbor, Mich. f. John M. Gregory, Sand Lake, N. Y., July 3, 1822. m. Julia Gregory, Sand Lake, N. Y. Lawyer. Prepared in Public School of Champaign, 111., and preparatory classes at U. of I. Adelphic. A. B. 1878. M. A. (hon.) 1905. Salesman, 1878-1880; Civil Engineer, 1880-1882; Bridge Engineer, Atlantic & Pacific R. R.; Lawyer 1883 to date. A Director in the Kansas City Art Assn. sev- eral years; Trustee Kansas City Symphony Orch. Society several years; member K. C. Bar Assn., seventeen years; member K. C. Civic League, five 1878] Baccalaureate Alumni 39 years; a director K. C. Civic League, part of one year; Vice-Pres. Provident Ass'n one year. Married Josephine Karnes, Nov. 3, 1892, Kansas City, Mo. Children, Joseph Van CHef, born Feb. 4, 1894; John Milton, bom Sept. 5, 1896. Address, Waterworks Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 179. HENRY HAUSER Born Mar. 29, 1855, St. Louis, Mo. f. Frederick Hauser, Ger. m. Philipena Diehl, do. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Common School, Mascoutah, 111. Civil Engineer, 1878-89, A. T. & S. R. R.; Manager B. Lantz & Sons, railroad contractors, 1889 — . Married Mrs. Margaret S. Harter, Oct. 3, 1904. Address, 231 Germain Blk., Los Angeles, Calif. 180. MARY LARNED (PARSONS) Wife of No. 78 Born Dec. 31, 1858, Waterloo, la. f. Charles Gowdy Larned, Middle- burv, Vt., Mar. 2, 1824. m. Calista Evelyn Blanchard, Nov. 2, 1821, in Windham Co., Vt. Supt. of the Kans. W. C. T. U. of the Department of Sci. Temp. Instr. Prepared in Champaign Schools and home. Alethenai. B. S. Keeping home; member of School board; Supt. for the Kan. W. C. T. U. of the Dept. of Sci. Temp. Instr. Helped found Kingman Free Library, 1901; Woman's Suffrage speaker; member Humane Soc; now Vice-Pres. Women's and Chil- dren's Hosp. of Kansas City, Mo.; Auditor three years. Minister in Fellow- ship in the Universalist Church. Married Fernando Alston Parsons ('75), Aug. 11, 1881, Champaign, 111. Address, 803 S. Central Ave., Chanute, Kan. 181. EDDY ORLAND LEE Born Sept. 16, 1855, Stanstead, Province of Quebec. f. Josiah Lee, Nov. 20, 1820, Stanstead, Quebec, m. Rockselona Davis, Jan. 19, 1824, Stanstead, P. of Quebec. Law. Prepared at Mount Carroll High School. Adelphic. B. L. 1878. Attornev at Law in linn of Booth, Lee & Ritchie; Booth & Lee, 1906 — . Methodist Church; Odd Fellows, since 1880. Married Jennie Cummings, Aug. 20, 1884, Sheffield, 111. Address, 162 S. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 182. FRANK HAYDEN LLOYDE Brother of No. 507 Born Dec. 29, 1857, Lamoille, Bureau Co., 111. f. David Hayden Lloyde, 1835, Springfield, Mass. m. Ellen Persis Angier, Vermont, 1840. Merchant. Prepared in Princeton High School, Bureau Co., III. Adel- phic. Travelled extensively abroad, and in Southern States since 1897. Secretary of Ahunni Association one year; President of Alumni Association one year; Deacon First Baptist Church in Champaign for eighteen years; Member Champaign Pubhc Library Board for twelve years; Member Cham- paign City Council two years; Treasurer of Uni. Y. M.' C. A. Building Fund ten years; served as Secretary and Chairman several years each, of Cham- paign County Prohibition Central Committee. Director 111. Title & Trust Co. Married M. Frances Core, June 5, 1879, Champaign, 111. Address, Venice, Calif. 183. JAMES ADRIAN McLANE Born Mar. 22, 1857, Newark, N. J. f. Henry H. McLane, Mar. 10, 1818, New York City. m. Ida E. Scharff, June 13, 1826, Amsterdam, Holland. 40 University of Illinois [1878 Real Estate dealer. Prepared in Waukegan High School. Delta Tau Delta. Alumni Assn. B. S. 1878. Railroad Clerk, 1878-1881; salesman, 1881-1883; real estate business, 1883 — . Member Chicago Real Estate Board; its Sec'r. 1903, Vice-Pres. 1906; Hamilton Club of Chicago. Jury Comm'r of Cook Co. Address, Room 909, 100 Washington St., Chicago, 111. 184. JEAX MAHAN (PLANK) Born Jan. 6, 1859, Tonica, 111. f. Isaac Sanders Mahan, Oct. 10, 1828, Sardinia, Ohio. m. Jane H. Lindsay, Feb. 26, 1826, McConellsburg, Pa. Musician. Prepared at home. First honors in music. Made profession of music, 1891-94; studied with Xaver Scharmenka, N. Y., '95-'97; since, occupied with classical study abroad, and teaching piano. Preparing de- scriptive recitals for use during next three years. Married Philo White Plank, Feb. 24, 1881, Champaign, 111. Address, 1660 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo. 185. AARON HENRY MOORE Born Sept. 15, 1849, Louisville, 111. f. Daniel Moore, 1822. m. Eliza Ann Monical, 1827, Ind. Lumber dealer. Prepared in Common Country School. Scientific Society. Pres. fall term, 1877. , Principal Toledo schools, 1879; taught country school, 1880; dry goods 'business, 1881-92; Proprietor of Wabash Lumber Yards. 1892—. Elected Surveyor of Clay Co., 1880; Clerk of village of Louisville, 1885; Treasurer of the City, 1886; Pres. of village Board, 1889; member of village Board, 1900, 04, 05; 1895 to date, Sec'r The Wabash Building and Loan Assn.; 1905, Director and VicerPres. of Clay Co. State Bank. Married Mahala Margerette George, Feb. 10, 1884, Louisville, 111. Chil- dren, Samuel Burns, born May 28, 1885; Frances Cleveland, born Oct. 16, 1889; Maud EUzabeth, born Nov. 28, 1890, (died Feb. 1, 1892). Address, Louisville, 111. 186. WENSEL MORAVA Born 1853, in Bohemia, f.- Wensel Morava. Building Constructor. B. S. Pres. Morava Constr. Co., Chicago, 1904. Address, 5621 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. 187. EMMA ELIZABETH PAGE Sister of No. 188 Born July 30, 1852, Metamore, 111. f. Andrew N. Page, Jan. 7, 1820, Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H. m. Mary Ann Grove, Oct. 26, 1820, George- town, Ind. Lecturer and organizer of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Prepared in Jacksonville and home. Alethenai; Mystery of the Seven Sis- ters. Wrote Class Song; Vice-pres. of Class; Senator in students' Govt. B. A. 1878; M. A. 1879. Taught Music, 1879-88; taught music two years in Eureka Coll; Rancher on a Homestead Claim in Wyoming, 1888-1893; Lec- turer and Organizer for the W. C. T. U., 1892—. Author; Heart Culture, a text book on humane education, 272 pp., Whitaker& Ray Co., 1897 ; Humane Educator No. 5, 100 pp.; many short stories in various periodicals. Address, Box 463, Olympia, Wash. 188. MARY LOUISA PAGE Sister of No. 187 Born Jan. 27, 1849, Metamora, 111. f. Andres N. Page, Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H. m. Mary Ann Grove, Georgetown, Ind. Teacher. Prepared in Tremont Acad., 111., and Metamora High School, 1878] Baccalaureate Alumni 41 111. Alethenai; Mystery of the Seven Sisters. Senator in the Students' Government; Pres. of 'Alethenai; B. S. Teacher, 1878-1890; archi- tectural draftsman, 1889; drafting, blue-printing and abstracting, 1895; Pres. of W. C. T. U. of West Wash., 1895-1900; Vice-pres. at large of same organization and State Supt. of Temp, literature, 1900-05. Issued W. C. T. U. reports, pp. 80-90, for five years. Author: A Country School Teacher; Relation of Cruelty to Food Supply; and A Sketch from Life, pub- lished in Northwest Journal of Education, Seattle, Wash. Address, Box 463, Olympia, Wash. 189. JOHN WAKELEY PATCHIN Born at Lodi. Washtenaw Co., Mich. f. John Patchin, Burton, Ohio. m. Elizabeth Wakely. Lawyer. Prepared at home. Adelphic. Pres. of Adelphic; Senator in Student' Govt. B. LL., Michigan, 1884. Taught School, 1878-81; Clerk in 1881-1882; Law School, Ann Arbor, 1882-84; practice of Law, Mar., 1884—. Mayor of Traverse City, Mich., May 1, 1900, to May 1, 1901; member board Education, 1899-1900'; Chariman City Rep. Comm., Traverse City, 1905 — . Married Ruth M. Patchin, July 6, 1888, Manchester, Mich. "Children, Lucius W., July 18, 1899; Elizabeth, July 2, 1895. Address, Traverse City, Mich. 190. JAMES LYON POLLOCK Born at Mt. Vernon, 111., 1858. f. James M. Pollock. Lawyer. B. L. Address, Mt. Vernon, 111. 191. CHARLES LAURENS RICHARDS Born Mar. 21, 1856, Woodstock, 111. f. Thomas McDonough Richards, Madison Co., N. Y. m. Julia Antonette Webb, Columbia Co., N. Y. Lawysr. Prepared in district school and High school, Water- ville, N. Y. Philomathean. B. S.; LL. B., Union Coll. of Law (Northwest- ern), 1884. Farming and school teaching, 1878-82; studying law, 1882- 1884; practicing law, 1884 — . Elder Presbyterian Church; Prosecuting Attorney of Thayer Co., 4 years; Speaker of House of Representatives, Neb. Legislation, in 1895. Married Carrie Allen; Lida M. Ashby, 1883; Lizzie E. Lowrie. Children, Carl Gregory, born June 10, 1880; Bessie Ashby, born Aug. 3, 1887; John Lowrie, born Mar. 22, 1893; Webb, born July 24, 1898. Address, Hebron, Thayer Co., Neb. *192. WILLIAM DOLE RUDY Born 1854, in Paris, 111. f. J. O. Rudy. B. S. 1878. Died July 16, 1899, Washington, D. C. *193. ABRAM D. RUTAN Born 1851, in Paterson, N. J. f. S. D. Rutan. Died June 4, 1887, at Ranton, New Mex. 194. MANFORD SAVAGE Brother of No. 247 _ Born May 24, 1853, Macoupin Co., 111. f. Nathan Savage, Mar. 1, 1812, Windsor, Vt. m. Sophronia Wilkins, Reading, Vt. Lawyer. Prepared in High School. Philomathean. B. L. Studied law. Practicing law in Champaign, 1880 — . Married Anna Savage, June 8, 1882. Child, Arthur Dale, born Feb. 1, 1890. Address, 722 W. Church St., Champaign, 111. 42 University of Illinois [1878 195. HAMLIN WHITMORE SAWYER Born Dec. 5, 1853, Godfrey, Madison Co., 111. f. John York Sawyer, Nov. 2, 1823, Windsor, Vt. m. Sarah Jane Robbins, Apr. 1, 1833, Marysville, Ky. Publisher of Oklahoma Review. Prepared in Common Schools at Godfrey, 111. Adelphic. Capt. Captain Co. H., 111. Nat'l Guard, 9th 111. Reg. Teacher five years in Illinois; Principal High School, Otterville, Jersey Co.; Supt. City Schools, Fairmount, 111., 1882-83 ; farmed claim. Home- stead and Free Claim Valley Co., Nebr., 1883-85; published Loup Valley Gazette, 1885-87; published Wichita Independent, 1887-89; founded Okla- homa City Times, 1888; moved to Oklahoma City, 1889; published Times, daily and weekly, till 1891 ; consolidated Frisco Times and El Reno Herald in 1892; published same until 1895; farmed near Enid, Garheld, Okla., from 1894 — ; founded the Oklahoma Review, illustrated, 1897; published same to date. Author and publisher: 1. Minutes First Annual Conference, Method- ist Episcopal Church in Oklahoma, a 60-page pamphlet, 1890; 2. "Okla- homa," a memorial to Congress, showing local conditions, 1890, 32 pages; 3. First Map of Oklahoma, showing county boundaries and county seat locations, 1890. Member of Plymouth Congregational Church, Enid, Okla., and a member of board of trustees. Married Clara Dell Canady, Dec. 16, 1880, Champaign, 111. Children, Albert Canady, born Aug. 28, 1881, Champaign, 111.; Noel, born Oct. 13, 1883, (died Jan. 10, 1884), Godfrey, 111.; William Lemon, born Champaign, Nov. 16, 1884, (died at North Loup, Neb., Oct. 20, 1885); Arthur Ware, born Aug. 13, 1887, Wichita, Kans. Address, Enid, Garfield Co., Okla. 196. HOSEA B. SPARKS Born 1854, in Huntington Co., Pa. f. Jos. H. Johnston. Miller. Capt. Sec'y Sparks Milling Co., Alton, 111. Address, Alton, 111. *197. WILLIAM F. SPRADLING Born 1856, in Illinois, f. Levi Spradling. Certificate, Jan. 14, 1879. Died Nov. 30, 1881, at Greenleaf, Kan. 198. MARTIN SPRAGUE Born Aug. 3, 1853, Lowell, Ohio. f. J. B. Sprague, 1837, Lowell, Ohio, m. Malinda F. Martin, 1832, Penn. Miner. Prepared in Decatur, 111. Adelphic. Held office in Adlephic. Prosecuting Atty. under students' Gov't. Practiced law few years; Claim Adjuster on railroads in Tex., Kans., and Ark. several years; in mining busi- ness, 1897 — . Member City Council, Springfield, 111., 1881; Co. Assessor in Patter Co., S. Dak., 1882. Married Linnie M. Roll, 1882, Springfield, 111., (died 1890). Children, Linnie M., born, 1883; Gladys, O., born 1885. Address, Sahuripa, Sonora, Mex. 199. MAHLON OGDEN WEED Born June 29, 1850, Walton, N. Y. f. James Weed, Walton, N. Y. m. Abagail Terry, do. Farmer. Prepared in Belvidere, South Side School and Lombard College, Galesburg. Phi Sigma at Lombard and Jefferson Liberal Institute. Adel- phic. B. S. Taught until 1886; farming since. Married Lydia Margaret Weed, Apr. 7, 1886, New Sharon, la. Address, Alvo, Nebr. 1878] Baccalaureate Alumni 43 200. JOHN FRANKLIN WHITLOCK Bom 1855, at Dwight, 111. f. G. W. Whitlock. Lawyer (1904). B. S. Capt. Address, Gettysburg S. Dak. 201. AUGUST ZIESING Born Feb. 19. 1858, Peru, 111. f. Henry Ziesing. Dec. 2, 1828, Cedern, Germany. m. Katherine Brennemann, Sept. 24, 1828,- Vetsberg, Germany. President American Bridge Co. Prepared at Peru High School and by private tutor. Delta Tau Delta. .Capt. B. S.; C. E. (hon.), 1905. Bridge Designing and Construction, 1878-1880; Railroad Engineering, 1880-1883; Bridge Designing and Construction, 1883-1887; Manager and Engr. of Lassig Bridge Works, 1887-1901; Vice-pres. and Western Manager Ameri- can Bridge Co., 1901-05. Am. Soc. Civil Eng'rs; West. Soc. Eng'rs; Arn. Ry. Eng'ring and Maintenance of Way Ass'n; Chicago Athletic club; Skokie Country club, (Glencoe); Engineers Club (N. Y.); Union League Club; Du- quesne Club, Pittsburg; Engineers" Club, Chicago. Married Alice A. Hanna, Feb. 27. 1884, Wooster, O. Children, Mabel, born Jan., 1885, (died Apr., 1885); Harry H. ('08), born March 31, 1886; Margarette, born Oct. 1, 1887; Gertrude, born July 1, 1889; Katherine, born July 10, 1892. Address, Glencoe, 111. *202. HENRY W. ZIMMERMAN Born Jan. 3, 1859, Peru, 111. f. Henry Zimmerman, Dec. 1, 1821, Stuttgart, Germany, m. Caroline Ream, Aug. 12, 1828, Shaferstown, Pa. Prepared in High School. Delta Tau Delta. B. L. Bookeeper, 1878- 84; jeweler, 1884-1903. Married Emma Merkel, Dec. 2. 1896, Peru, 111. Child, Ralph Edward, born Apr. 12, 1899. Died July 21, 1903, Peru, 111. CLASS OF 1879 (23) 203. HENRY MAHAN BEARDSLEY Born Oct. 20, 1858, in Milford Township, Knox Co., Ohio. f. George Fitch Beardsley, May 26, 1827, Milford Township, Knox Co., O. m. Martha Mahan, July 16, 1834, Mt. Morris, N. Y. Lawyer. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic; member Senate College Government. Represented Adelphic in Intersociety Orat. Contest; Ed. in Chief Illini one vear; Class Pres.; Pres. of Adelphic. B. L.; M. L.. 1880; M. A. (hon.), 1905. ' Assistant in Chemistry, Illinois, two years; since then Lawver, now mem. firm Beardslev, Gregorv (No. 178) & Kirshner, Kansas City, Mo. Upper House Common Council, K. C, Mo., 1898-1902; Pres. Upper House Common Council, K. C, Mo., and Pres. of K. C. Board of Public Works since Apr., 1904; elected Mavor of K. C, Mo., April 3, 1906. "Pres. K. C, Mo., Y. M. C. A., 1893—; Deacon First Cong'l Church, K. C, Mo. Married Marietta Davis, Apr. 14, 1883, Monticello, 111. Children, Elea- nor, ('07), bom Nov. 29, 1884; George Davis, ('09), born Apr. 11, 1887; Henry Scovell, bom June 17, 1895. Address, Water Works Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. *204. HARRY PETER BOURNE Bom Jan. 8, 1856, in Richmond, f. Andrew Bourne, Jan. 31, 1820, Redfield, N. Y. m. Mary Ann Johonnott, Dec. 14, 1820. Prepared in Woodstock High School. Civil Engineering, banking and real estate. Died Dec. 10, 1899, in Woodstock, 111. 44 University of Illinois [1879 205. WILLIAM NICHOLS BUTLER Born Aug. 16, 1856, at Berlin, Wis. f. Comfort Edgar Butler, Ithaca, N. Y. m. Celestia Ann Carter, Canandaigua, N. Y. Circuit Judge. Prepared in Common School, Anna, 111. Adelphic. Member Coll. Supreme Court and Pres. Coll. Govt. LL. B. 1883, Albany Law School. Practicing Law, Cairo, 111., since Oct. 1, 1884; State's Att'y, Cairo, four terms, 1884-1900; Corporation Counsel, Cairo, 111., 1896-98; Circuit Judge, First Circuit of 111., Dec. 12, 1903, to July 1, 1909; Adjt. and Capt. 9th Reg., I. N. G., 1884-85. Twice Pres. IlHnois Alumni Ass'n. Member Board of Education, Cairo, 111.; Presbvterian Church; Mason; K. P. Married Mary Mattoon, Oct. 28, 1885,- Fairbury, 111. Children, Comfort Straight ('09), born Mar. 1, 1887; William Glenn, born June24, 1890; Franklin Mattoon, born Mar. 22, 1892; Mary, born Aug. 18, 1893, Helen, born Mar. 12, 1897; John Bruce, born Jan. 22, 1899. Address, Cairo, 111. 206. AUGUSTA ESTHER BUTTS Born Union, 111. f. B. W. Butts, Delaware Co., N. Y. m. Urania How- land, do. Prin. of Salmon P. Chase School, Chicago. Prepared in Marengo, 111. B. S. Teaching. Prin. of school since 1894; at present Prin. of Salmon P. Chase School, Chicago. Secy. Chicago Principals' Club. Pres. Univ. of 111. Alumnag. Address, 1375 Washington BouL, Chicago, 111. *207. RALPH P. COBURN Born 1856, in Lyndon, 111. f. George L. Coburn. B. S. Died Jan. 10, 1894, at San x\ntonio, Texas. 208. CHARLES THEODORE FREIJS Born Oct. 23, 1856, Urbana. f. S. Magnus Freijs. m. Julia A. Brougham. Architect. Prepared in Country School near Urbana. Member of First Baptist Church. Married Nellia A. Potter, of IndianapoHs, 1883, (died 1892); Cora A. Turner of Stanton, Va., 1893. Children, Mildred Grant, born July 3, 1885, (died July 17, 1884); Marion Antoinette, born July 12, 1887. Address, 52-53 Central Trust Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 209. JAMES H. GUNDER Born 1856, in Illinois. E. White, (guardian). B. S. V.-pres. and Gen. Man. of Cohocton Brick & Tile Co., Forest City, Ark., (1904). B. S. Address (1904), Forest City, Ark. 210. ISABELLA HALE Born 1853, at Fairfield, Me. f. Jas. Hale. District Supt. Bureau of Charities (1904). B. S. Address (1904), 1714 E. Ravenswood Park, Chicago, 111. 211. OTIS WILLIS HOIT Born May 24, 1857, Geneseo, Henry Co., 111. f. Levi Wilson Hoit, Nov. 15, 1827, Canaan. N. H. m. Sarah Elizabeth French, Coventry, Conn. Farmer and Banker. Prepared in Geneseo High School. Philomathean. Farming, 1879 — . Vice-Pres. of First National Bank of Geneseo since 1896, and Agricultural Implement business since 1901. Member Congregational Church, 1880—. Married Margaret E. Stewart, Sept. 11, 1879, at Champaign, 111., (died May 10, 1885); Henrietta M. P. Schroeder, Oct. 11, 1888, at Geneseo, 111. 1879] Baccalaureate Alumni 45 Children, Infant daughter, born July 21, 1880, (died July 26, 1880); Maurice Elon, born June 23, 1893. Address, Geneseo 111. 212. WILLIAM PITT JOHNSON Born Sept. 13, 1856, Springfield, Ohio. f. Anthony Johnson, m. Sarah Drew. With the Albert Dickinson Co. Prepared at Keokuk, la., and Kansas City, Mo. Member of Scientific Society. Capt. Coal Business, Chicago, until 1887; with the Albert Dickinson Co., Chicago, 111., Seed Merchants, 1877 — ; now represents them at Lansing, Mich. Member of the Baptist Church. Married Adelaide Francis Rose, Feb., 1887, Chicago, 111. Address, 208 Pine St., South Lansing, Mich. 213. EMERY KAYS Bom Oct. 10, 1853, Magnolia, Putnam Co., 111. f. Henry B. Kays, Feb. 12, 1814, Ky. m. Rachell E. Kays, Feb., 1820, Ky. Manager of the Maricopa Creamery Co. Philomathean. Delta Tau Delta. Class Pres. and Secy. Soc. Puto; Sec. Coll. Gov't. Farming until 1885 ; Mercantile Business, 1885-90; Farming 1890-97 ; Manager of the Mari- copa Creamery Co., 1897 — . Member of Trustees Phoenix Union High School for nine years; Pres. same, 1901 — . Married Emma C. Track, Oct. 15, 1879, Buda, 111. Children, Marion R., ('06), Jan. 22, 1881; Herbert E., born Nov. 4, 1882; Harlow L., born June 13, 1884; Lucile E., ('09), born Aug. 19, 1885. Address, Phoenix, Arizona. *214. NETTIE DAUSMAN KIMBERLIN Born Oct. 25, 1858, in Louisana, Mo. f. Robert Hamilton Kimberlin, 1822. m. Olivia Jones, 1822. Prepared in Louisana, Mo., Public and private schools. Teacher in pri- mary schools at Urbana, Illinois; teacher and assistant principal in Black- stone High School, Mendota, 111. Supervisor and Director of Physical Cul- ture in Detroit Public School, Mich. Wisconsin State Sup't of Woman's Dept. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. Author: Course of Study in Physical Culture and Physiology, arranged specially for Detroit Public Schools, 1895, John Bornman & Son; magazine articles, mostly upon topics relating to Physical Culture. Member, at one time Sec'y of the A. A. A. of Physical Education. Pres. of the Detroit Association for the Adv. of Phj^s. Education. Member of the Detroit Conservatory of Music. For a number of years on the faculty of the National Summer School of Music, also State Supt. of Insurance for Women in State of Wisconsin for Mutual Life Co., N. Y. Died Jan. 19, 1904, at Milwaukee, Wis. 215. WILLIS PRENTICE KIMBLE Born April 6, 1858, in Paris, Edgar Co., 111. f. George W. Kimble, 1831. m. Sarah J. Kimble, 1834. Div. Engr.,ErieR. R. Prepared in Paris public and private schools. B.S Entered service of U. T. & S. F. R. R., Engr. Dept. at Las Vegas, New Mex., Aug. 1, 1879-Jan. 1881; Mexican Central R. R., Paso Del Norte, Mexico, 1881-June 1884; ran first line of R. R. from United States to Mexico; County and City Engr., Paris. Illinois, Aug. 1, 1884-Jan. 1, 1886; re-entered service of A. T. &"S. F. R. R. on surveys and construction of line between Kansas City and Chicago, Jan. 1, 1886-88; Roadmaster on Kansas City Div. of A. T. & S. F. R. R., Nov. 1888-Jan. 1802; Gen. Roadmaster from Kansas City to Chicago and St. Joe, 1892-Aug. 1893; Roadmaster of third and fourth Divi- sion, N. Y. L. D. & W. R .R., March 1894-1897; Div. Engr. in charge of Maintenance, Cincinnati Div. Erie R. R., 1897 — Married November 8, 1888, Sara S. Gales of La Platta, Mo. Address, Galion, Ohio, care of Cincinnati Div. Erie R. R. 46 University of Illinois [1S79 *216. ISAAC KUHN Born Feb. 15, 1859, Obersulzen, Rhine, Germany, f. Henry Kuhn, 1826, Obersulzen, Rhine, Bavaria m. Susanna Reihs, 1838, Musbach, Rhine, Bavaria. Civil Engineer, 1879-1884; merchant, 1884-1899. Capt. of Prescott, Ariz., Guards. Invented Copper riveted fastenings as applied to overalls, 1892. Built R. R. from Prescott Junction, 1886-1887. Married Sallie Jereslaw, Jan., 1890, San Diego, Calif., (died Oct., 1899). Children, Susie, born Jan. 27, 1891 ; Ruth, born Feb. 14, 1893, (died July, 1893); Miriam, born Sept. 8, 1898. Died Feb. 20, 1899, at San Diego, Calif. 217. ELISHA LEE Born Apr. 6, 1856, in Hamlet, f. Graham Lee, Jan. 22, 1821, Salisbury, Conn. m. Mary Howard Candor, Nov. 22, 1834, Union Co., Penn. Farmer. Prepared in Hamlet Public School. Scientific Association; President of Students' Government B. S. Member of Presbyterian Church. Married Ellena Bopes, Dec. 15, 1881. Children, Mary Howard, born Jan. 11, 1883; Mylo, born May 12, 1884; Charles Bopes, born Mar. 17, 1886; Otis Hoit, born May 3, 1888; Izora, born Mar. 11, 1890; Lena, born June 7, 1892; Fanny, born Nov. 20, 1896; Florence, born July 8, 1898. Address, Hamlet, 111. 218. MINNETTE CLEORA McALLISTER (MILLER) Bom Dec. 8, 1859, Champaign, 111. f. Eli N. McAllister, Oct. 13, 1836. Whiting, Vt. m. Rachel Jane Barlow, Mar. 27, 1836, Ticonderoga, N. Y. County Supt. of Schools. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethe- nai. mini Board, 1878; Valedictorian on Class Day. B. L. County Supt. Schools, Sherburne Co., Minn., by Appointment in 1903; elected 1904 for term of two years. Active member Order of Eastern Star since 1882; W. C. T. U. Married John H. Miller, Oct. 27, 1881, Champaign, 111. Child, Hubert McAllister, born Mar. 17, 1886. Address, Big Lake, Minn. *219. FRANKLIN SILAS MILTON Born 1861, in Illinois, f. Charles M. Milton. B. S. Died July 22, 1892, at Platteville, Colo. 220. SAMUEL CECIL STANTON Born June 28, 1856, Newtonville, Mass., 1856. f. Samuel Stanton, Oct 1, 1821, Barnstead, N. H. m. Ann Louis Blodgett, Nov. 1, 1828, Albany, N. Y. Practitioner of Medicine and Editor. Prepared in London School, Lon- don, Eng. Philomathean. Pres. Philo., 1878; Sec'r Class of 1879; Private Sec'r to Regent, 1878-1879; Treas. College Government, 1875; Marshall Col- lege Government, 1875. B. S.; M. D., Northwestern, 1892. 1880-1882, Medical student and Assistant Editor, Chicago Medical Review; 1882-1887, Commission merchant and railway and steamship agent; 1887-88, Traveling Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. & Manitoba Railway; 1889-92, medical student; 1892-1905, practitioner of medicine and editor; 1880-82, private and hospital steward, 1st Inf., 111. N. G.; 1889-91, private 1st Inf., 111. N. G. ; 1897, Lieut, and Asst. Surg. 111. N. G. ; 1897-1902, Lieut, and Asst. Surg. 111. N. G., assigned 1st Inf.; 1902-05, Capt. and Asst. Surg. 111. N. G., as- signed 1st Inf.; 1898-1899, Acting Asst. Surg. U. S. Army, attending Surg. H. Q. Dept. of the Lakes and Examiner of recruits. Asst. Editor, Chicago Med. Recorder, 1893-94; Asst. Ed., Journal of the American Med. Assn. ,\?,99. Articles: The OXowevlnhsXet, Chic ago Med. Recorder, 1893; The 1879] Baccalaureate Alumxi 47 Prophylaxis of Tetanus, Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., 1904. Member Chicago Med. Soc, 1892; Trustee, 1899; 111. State Med. Soc, 1895; Amer. Med. Assn., 1898; Assn. of Military Surgeons of State of 111., 1897; Assn. of Mil. Surgeons of the U. S., 1898; Asst. Sec'r, 1899-1901; British Med. Assn., 1897; Miss. Valley Medical Assn., 1898; Asst. Sec'r, 1899-1904; Treas., 1904; Physicians' Club of Chi., 1897; Chi. Med. Examiners Assn., 1901. Married Harriet Louis Cornwall, Feb. 12, 1885, Trinity Chapel, N. Y. City. Children, George Cornwall, born Feb. 17, 1889, (died Oct. 18, 1896); Dorothy Stanton, born June 29, 1890, (died Dec. 8, 1894); John Bloomfield, born Mar. 28, 1897. Address, 1040 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. 221. ARTHUR SWANNELL Born Xoy. 14, 1858, Kankakee, 111. f. Frederick Swannell, London, Eng. m. Eliza Paddon, Deyonsnire, Eng. Merchant. Philomathean. Capt. One year Nat. Guard; Capt. Co. L., 3rd Regt., 1890. Married Florence Misener, Arlington, la. Children, Fred W., born 1886; Jeanette, born 1887; Horace, born 1889; Laurance, born 1891. Address, Kankakee, 111. 222. LOR ADO TAFT Born Apr. 29, 1860, Elmwood, Peoria Co., 111. f. Don Carlos Taft, 1827, Swanzey, X. H. m. Mary Lucy Foster, Shutesbury, Mass. Sculptor, Instructor, Lecturer. Prepared at home and at Uniy. Adel- phic. M. L. Studied at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1880-83; receiyed prix d'atelier, 1883. Receiyed Designer's Medal, Columbian Exposition, 1893; Silyer Medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901; Gold Medal, Louisana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Sculpture, instructing and lecturing, 1886 — . Member of Nat'l Sculpture Soc; Soc. of Western Artists; Soc. of Chicago Artists; Municipal Art League of Chicago, 1st Vice-pres. ; Municipal Art Commission of Chicago, Sec. Author: History of American' Sculpture, Macmillan Co., 1903. Married Carrie L. Scales, 1890, (died April, 1892); Ada Bartlett, Feb. 11, 1896, Boston, Mass. Children, Mary, born Feb. 26, 1897; Emily, born Apr. 19, 1899. Address, 1038 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. 223. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS THOMPSON Born 1852, Hartford, Conn. f. Wm. B. Thompson. Broker (1904). Capt. B. S. Address, Riyerside, 111. *224. FRANCIS EUGENE WALKER Bom Jan. 10, 1853, Clarion, Bureau Co., 111. f. Franklin Walker, Jan. 2, 1815, Whiting, Vt. m. Manila E. Haskings, Mar. 11, 1820, Wilmington, Vt. Teacher. Prepared in Graded School, LaMoille, 111. Philomathean. Class Pres., 1879. Capt. Mercantile, 1881-1883; Stockfarming, 1884-1890; Teaching, 1897—. Clerk and trustee of Baptist Church, 1894-1904. Married Florence Myra Cushman, Jan. 1, 1880, Champaign, 111. Child, Eh-a Grace, born Sept. 23, 1880, Lamoille, 111. Died Feb. 14, 1906, at Lincoln. Neb. *225. CLARENCE LEONARD WHITMIRE Brother of No. 449 Born December 27, 1858, in Metamora, 111. f. James Smith Whit- mire, December 13, 1821, in Sidney, Ohio. m. Sidnah Robinson, December 28, 1828, in Jacksonyille, 111. Prepared in Metamora High School. Adelphic. B. L., 1882, Univ. of 48 University of Illinois [1879 Iowa; M. D. 1885; M. D. Rush, etc. Rush Med. Coll. Physician and Surgeon 1885 until death. Published: Medical articles for various Medi- cal Magazines, as Peoria Medical Monthly, Medical Standard and The Medical Analcctic. Member Illinois State Medical Soc, 1885; North Central 111. Med. Sec, 1885; Austin Flint Medical Soc. and Cedar Valley Soc. in Iowa. Married Mary Barrett, May 18, 1887, at Mt. Vernon, la. Child, Clarence Leonard, Jr., born November 2, 1895. Died Sept. 29, 1905, in Waverly, Iowa. CLASS OF 1880 (26) 226. KATHERINE INGALLS BACON Born July 15, 1860, Champaign, 111. f. Jonathan Bacon, Natick, Mass., Oct. 26, 1823. m. Ellen Hunt, Feb. 14, 1836, Tewkesbury, Mass. Teacher. Prepared at Champaign, 111. B. L. Address, 1811 Eldridge Ave., Bellinghan, Wash. 227. AUGUSTA BATCHELDER (EATON) Born Sept. 17, 1856, Pittsfield, N. H. f. Samuel E. Batchelder, Pitts- field, N. H., Feb. 24, 1828; m. Sarah Marilla Clark, Bamstead, N. H., Mar. 10, 1834. Prepared in Batchelder School, Illini Township. Alethenai. Pres. one term. Member Cong. Church, 1871-1893; Pres. Church, 1893 — ; S. S. Teacher, 1880-1884, 1898—; Local Pres. W. C. T. U., 1896-1904; 1905—; Supt. Loyal Temp. Legion, 1896—; Supt. Y. P. S. C. E., 1900—. Married William Thomas Eaton, Oct. 2, 1884, Harristown, 111. Child- ren, Helen Mary, born Nov. 19, 1885, ('07); Frances Marilla, born Jan. 20, 1888, ('09); John Thomas, born Jan. 2, 1890, (died Apr. 7, 1904). Address, 533 W. ErAvin St., Tyler, Tex. 228. CHARLES JACOB BILLS Husband of No. 354 Born Sept. 13, 1855, in Garden Prairie, 111. f. Orlando Bills, Aug. 26, 1825, Oswego, N. Y. m. Mercy Winega, Sept. 20, 1827. Banker and Telephone Exchange Builder. Prepared in Marengo High School. Delta Tau Delta, Philomathean. B. A., 1905. Studied law in office of George W. Gere, Champaign. 1880-81, admitted to practice in Ne- braska in 1882. Banking; built an Automatic (Strowger) Tel. Exch., Lin- coln, Nebr., and Sioux City, la., 1903-04-05. Capt. Co. D, 2d Regt. Nebr. Nat'l Guard, 1886-87; Major, 1887-88; Colonel, 1888-94; Brig. Gen. 1st Brigade, 1894-98; Colonel Second Nebr. Vol. Infty., Spanish War. Gold Medal from Nebr. Legislature of 1890-91 for service in Sioux Indian War of the winter of 1890-91. Married Camilla Florence Lewis ('83), Sept. 13, 1883, Farmer City, 111. Child, Breta, born March 22, 1887. Address, Lincoln, Nebr. 229. JOHN CORNELIUS BLEY Born Feb., 1859, near Emporia, Kans. f. Jan. Bley, Netherlands, m. Maria Bley, Netherlands. Bridge Machinery Designer. Prepared in common schools. El Paso. B.S. Scientific Machinist and school teacher, 1880-87: Machine draftsman, 1887- 91; Teacher Mech. Drawing in high schools of Chicago, 1891-95; Instructor in Mech. Drawing and Design, Armour Institute, 1896-99; Bridge machinery designer, Chicago, 1900 — . Married Caroline Lucia Averill, Aug. 18, 1892, at Durand, Wis. Address, 5046 Washington Park Place, Chicago, 111. 1880] Baccalaureate Alumni 49 230. BYARD STEVENS BRILES Bom 1856, in Indiana, f. J. E. Briles. Confectioner and Baker (1904). B. L. Address (1904), 106 E. 4th St., Carthage, Mo. 231. ROLAND RAY CONKLIN Born Feb. 1, 1858, Urbana, 111. f. Joseph Okell Conklin, Huntington, Long Island, N. Y. m Julia Hunt, Norwich, England. Pres. of the Cuban Trust Company, Pres. of the Cuban Telephone and Telegraph Company and Vice-pres. of and Director the Augusta Gas Com- pany. Prepared in Urbana. Adelphic; Pres. one term; *M. L. 1891. One of the founders of the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust Co. Vice-pres. for five years of the North American Trust Co. of New York; resigned 1900, de- voting time to personal investments and various other financial undertak- ings. One of the founders and a Director of the National Bank of Cuba, and President of the Cuban Trust Co., President of the Cuban Telephone & Telegraph Co. and Vice-president and Director of the Augusta Gas Co. to date. Member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, New York Botanical Gardens, Civics Club, National Arts Club, the Bibliophile Society, St. Nicholas Club, American Club of Havana, Nas- sau Country Club, and the Automobile Club of America. Married Marv MacFadden, Mav 4, 1898, Paris. Children, Julia Cecelia, born Feb. 1, 1899; Roland Hunt, born June 3, 1904. Address, 111 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 232. CHARLES F. COOK Born Sept. 21, 185 7, Edwardsville, 111. f. John A. Cook, Aug. 10, 1809, Va. m. Lucinda Lemen, Dec. 25, 1814, 111. Druggist. Prepared in Edwardsville High School. Capt. B. S. Has been farmer and grain dealer. Address, Edwardsville, 111. 233. CHARLES WESLEY GROVES Born July 28, 1857, Shelbyville, 111. f. Isaac Groves, Cerne Abbas, 1823, Eng., m. Mary Ellen Cole, 1832, Maryland. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic; Pres. one term; Capt. Has held Public School Principalships and Superintendencies. Married Dora Trabue, Aug. 1, 1888. Children, Pauline Trabue, born Dec. 7, 1889; Charles Harold, bom Nov. 27, 1897. Address, Marengo, 111. 234. CHRISTIAN FRED HAFNER Born Nov. 9, 1857, Prescott, Wis. f. John C. Hafner, Ger. m. Anna Mona Illg, Germany. Insurance. Prepared in Oak Park High School. Philomathean. Fire Insurance. Married Addie E. Lumbard, Oak Park, Oct. 31, 1891. Children, Eugenia, born Jan. 22, 1893; Irena, born Mar. 27, 1897; Marion, born Mar. 17, 1900. Address, 409 Chicago Ave., Oak Park; Borland Blk., Chicago, 111. *235. EDGAR EUGENE HARDEN Born 1859, in Illinois, m. Mrs. Susan Harden. Certificate 1880. Died June 2, 1899, at Liberty, Neb. 236. FRANK WAITE HATCH Brother of Nos. 5, 22 Born Jan. 1, 1857, Spring Grove, 111. f. Lewis Hatch, Apr. 20, 1814, Washington Co., New York. m. Mandana Cole, July 22, 1825, Hill, N. H. 50 University of Illinois [1880 Farmer. Prepared in Elgin Academy. B. A.; LL. B., Union College of Law (Northwestern), 1882. Married Agnes M., Apr. 18, 1887, Woodstock, 111. Children, Edith Irene born April 14, 1889; Alic Ruth, born Mar. 15, 1891; Ralth Ernest, born Jan. 1, 1896, (died Mar. 6, 1896); Laura Agnes, born Feb. 13, 1900. Address, Richmond, McHenry Co., 111. 237. BENJAMIN HYDE Born Jan. 17, 1860, Davenport, Iowa. f. Richard Hyde, Apr. 15, 1821, Wurtenberg, Germany m. Babetta Hyde, Dec. 17, 1823, Muhringen, Ger- many. Engineer and Contractor. Prepared in Chicago High School. Adelphic. Married Antoinette Schiffer, Dec. 22, 1889. Children, Marion, born Apr. 17, 1895; Richard, born Oct. 17, 1898. Address, 1548 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. *23S. ROBERT DAVIS JONES Born Oct. 22, 1860, in Lacon, 111. f. . m. Margaret Davis, April, 1818. Prepared in Lacon High School. Lawver, 1882-83; Farmer, 1883-88; Banker, 1888-98. Married Minnie P. Miller, Dec. 23, 1885, at Henrv, 111. Child, John Lloyd ('09), born Oct. 16, 1887. Died March 10, 1898, at Bradford, 111. 239. CHARLES SUMNER KINGSBURY Born Mar. 16, 1851, Meedway, Mass. f. Gilbert Kingsburj'. m. Han- nah Prescott. Landscape Gardener and Teacher. Adelphic. B.L. Teaching; Nursery, Fruit, Landscape Garden work. Member of Congregational Church. Married Marv Stevens, May 29, 1888, Castle Rock, Colo.; died Oct. 10, 1900. Child, died at birth, Oct. 10, 1900. Address, 1735 East 18th Ave., Denver, Colo. 240. CORDA CANDES LUCAS Born Dec. 15, 1858, Jordan village, Ind. f. M. C. Lucas, Mar. 3, 1833, Greensboro, N. C. m. Jordanvillage, Ind., June 10, 1838. Teacher. Prepared in Country School, Camargo, 111. B. A. Teaching in public schools for 25 years; spent 1904 in travel in Calif. Methodist Church, 1880—. Address, 108 S. 5th St., Champaign, 111. 241. CHARLES G. NEELY Brother of No. 314 Born 185 5, in Benton, 111. f. Isaac M. Neelv, Princeton, Ind. Lawyer (1904) in Chicago. B.L. Married Mary C. Elston, Frankfort, 111. Address, 122 Ridge Ave., Evanston; Office, 1019 Ashland Blk., Chicago. 242. MINNIE ALICE PARKER (HOSTETLER) Born July 20, 1860. f. A. F. Parker, Nov. 6, 1818, Peru, N. Y. m. C. L. Flanders, 1832, Lawrence, N. Y. Teacher. Prepared in Decatur High School. Class Poet. B. L. Teaching; member Board of Education, Pres. Woman's Club; Pres. De- catur Art Class. Married V. N. Hostetler, Feb. 28, 1889. Child, Ruth Brooks. Address, 341 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111. 1880] Baccalaureate Alumxi 51 243. WASHINGTON LEROY PARKER Bom 1856. Engineer. B. S. Engineer at Watch Works, Elgin. Address, 632 Grace St., Elgin, 111. *244. IDA PEARMAX (STEVENS) Bom July 28, 1857, Edgar Co., 111. f. John T. Pearman, Hardin Co., Ky. m. Elizabeth Elliott, Illinois. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S. Married Clinton H. Stevens, Oct. 25, 1881, Champaign, 111. Children, Sabro Elizabeth, born Dec. 28, 1883, ('06); Robert Pearman, born May 30, 1880; Elliott Griffen, born July, 1892. Died Aug. 24, 1892, Logansport, Ind. 245. ALBERT FOWLER ROBINSON Husband of No. 267 Born Oct. 12, 1853, Henry, Marshall Co., 111. f. William Dirgin Robin- son, Mav 30, 1824, Sanburton Bridge, N. H. m. Ruth Fowler, Churchville, N. Y., 1819. Engineer. Prepared in Maroa High School. Philomathean. *B.S.,1891; Engineer, 1880-1882; Asst. Engr. C. & A. R. R., 1882-83; Calculator Union Bridge Co., 1883-84; Bridge Engr. A. T. S. F. R. R., 1884-85; Bridge Engi- neer C. B. & N. R. R., 1885-8Q; Head Designer E. L. Corthell, Chicago, 1889- 91; Purdv & Henderson, 1891-92; Contr. Asst. Engineer, C. R. I. R. R., 1892-94; K. C. Ft. S. & M. and Mex. Central R. R., 1894-96; with A. T. & S. F. R. R. as Bridge Engineer, 1896 — -. Designed and built more than 120,- 000 tons of steel bridges since 1896. Member Congr. Church; American Soc. of Civil Engineers, 1887; American Ry. Engineering and Maintenance Assn., 1902; Masonic Order; Knight Templars. Married Loretta Kate Elder, Dec. 31, 1885, Topeka, Kans. Children, Ravmond Elder ('08), born Oct. 6, 1886; Phillip Edward, born Julv 10, 1890; (died Apr. 5, 1891); Albert Wilham, born Mav 27, 1894; Donald Bruce, born Dec. 14, 1902. Address, 448 Marion St.. Oak Park, 111. 246. ARTHUR SEYMOUR ROBINSON Born Dec. 2, 1857, South Reading, Vt. f. Calvin Lewis Robinson, S. Reading Vt.., June 3, 1827. m. Elizabeth Seymour, Bloomlield, Canada, Jan. 27, 1834. Local Manager MacArthur Bros. Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Prepared in St. Johnsbury, Vt. B. S. Draftsman A. T. & S. F. Ry. 1881; Div. Engineer of same, 1883; Locating Engr., 1886; Div. Engr., 1887; Sec. and Treas. Lytle & Eckles Hdw. Co., Decatur, 111., 1891; Div. Engr. Mexican Central Ry., 1895; Engineer and Supt. of Construction Obras de la Aduana and Harbor Improvements, Tampico, Mex., 1896; Chief Engr. Northern Michigan R. R., St. Ignace, Mich., 1901; Supt. and Resident Engr., Mac- Arthur Bros. Co., Chicago, 1903; Supt. and Res. Engr. Fitz Simons & Council Co., Chicago, 1905; Local Manager MacArthur Bros. Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 1905. Author: Proposed Inner Circle System for Chicago, in Street R3^ Journal, July 11, 1903; A system of terminals for the proposed street car subways. Member Western Soc. of Engineers; Ionic Lodge No. 312 A. F. & A. M.; Macon Chapter No. 21, R.A.M.; Beaumanoir Commanderv No. 9, K. T. Married Maggie Mosser, Dec. 25, 1880, at Jacksonville, Fla. Children, Arthur Mosser, born Oct. 12, 1881, Topeka Kans., (died Aug. 12, 1901, at De catur. 111.); Joseph Albert, born Feb. 18, 1890, Decatur, 111. Address, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 52 University of Illinois [1880 247. GEORGE MARVIN SAVAGE Brother of No. 194 Born Feb., 1855, Macoupin Co., 111. f. Nathan Savage, Mar. 1, 1812, Windsor, Vt. m. Sophronia Wilkins, Reading, Vt. Author. B. L.; M. L., 1888. Set out under direction of Prof. Burrill the double row of trees south of University Hall, 1876. Philomathean. Teacher, lawyer, farmer, author. Author: English Grammar, forty pages; American History, 320 pp.; My Grandfather, a revolutionary tale for boys; The Golden Urn and other Stories of Mowitchman, (a collection of Indian legends); The Society for the Preservation of Truth, (Its Unofficial Records); Hamilton or Gouverneur Morriss, Which?; Some Problems in English, read before the Washington Phil. Society. Fellow of The American Akademe. Married Bessie Isaacs, Nov. 7, 1890. Child, Henry Isaacs, born Sept. 13, 1891. Address, Room 454, New York Block, Seattle, Wash., or Box 254, Olympia, Wash. *248. JEROME SONDERICKER Brother of No. 364 Born Dec. 21, 1859, Woodstock, 111. f. Peter Sondernicker, Drachen- brunn, Alsace, 1820. m. Eliza McCown, Cookstown, Ireland, 1829. Prepared in Woodstock High School. S. B.; C. E. 1883; Instructor at Illinois, 1880-83; Asst. Prof. Engr. and Mathematics, do., 1883-85; Instruc- tor in Applied Mechanics, Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1885-90; Asst. Prof, of Applied Mechanics, 1890-99; Associate Prof., 1899, to time of death, 1904. Devised machine for repeated stresses upon the resisting properties of iron and steel, built by the Mass. Inst, of Tech. for its mechaniacl laboratory, 1891. Author: Notes on Graphic Statics, published by the Institute, 1896; Treatise in Graphic Statics, published by John Wiley & Sons, N. Y., 1903; An Investi- gation as to how to test the strength of Cements, Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies, June, 1888; Experiments relating to the theory of Beams, Tech. Quarterly, Dec, 1887; A Description of some repeated Stress Experiments, Tech. Quarterly, Apr., 1892; Comparative Tests of different forms of Cement Briguettes, Journal of the Association of Engineering So- cieties, Jan., 1899, and Engineering Record, Dec, 1899; Repeated Stress, Technology Quarterly, March, 1899. Member of Boston Society of Civil Engineers; Society of Arts; Mechanical and Philosophical Club of Boston. Married Ellen M. Carman, June 6, 1889, Circleville, Ohio. Died July 22, 1904, Wilmington, Vt. *249. WILLIAM W. TRAVIS Born 1861, in Ohio. f. M. M. Travis. Died September 30, 1885. 250. ELLA MARIA WATSON (DAVIS) Born Nov. 14, 1854, Bristol, 111. f. William Watson, Holden, Mass. m. Joanna Maria Curtis, Douglas, Mass. Prepared in DeKalb High School. Alethenai. B. S. Married Jeptha Hartley Davis, Sept. 27, 1882, DeKalb, III. Children, Marietta Sarle ('07), born June 6, 1884; Gertrude Curtis, born Oct. 24, 1886; Unnamed son born Nov. 10, 1888, (died Jan. 5, 1889); Chester Watson Davis, born Dec. 16, 1889; Helen Powers, born Jan. 5, 1894. Address, Straight Creek, Kans. 251. FRANK WHITE Born Dec. 12, 1865, Stillman Valley, 111. f. Joshua White, m. Lucy Ann Brown. Surveyor. Prepared in Mount Morris Acad., Mount Morris, 111. B. S. LL. D. (hon.) 1904. Surveyor for C. M. & St. P. Major of First Bat. N. D. 1880] Baccalaureate Alumni 53 v.; service in P. I., 1898-99. Member House of Rep., N. Dak., 1891-93; Senate, 1893-99. Governor N. Dak.. 1901-1905. Married Elsie Hadlev, Sept. 19, 1894, Indianapolis, Ind. Children, Edwin Lee. born July 5, 1896; Richard Seldon (adopted), born June 17, 1903. Address, Valley City, N. Dak. CLASS OF 1881 (46) *252. JAMES G. ALLISON Bom 1862, in Tennessee, f. R. D. Allison. Certificate 1881. Died April 21. 1891. Anthony, Kans. 253. JAMES ELDER ARMSTRONG Born Nov. 30, 1855, Brooktield, 111. f. Geo. W. Armstrong, Dec. 11, 1812, Somerset Co., Penn. m. Nancy Green, 1815, Licking Co., O. Principal Englewood High School. Prepared in Academy and Marseilles HighSchool. Adelphic. B. S.; M. A. (hon.), 1905. Instructorin Osteology dur- ing Senior vear in Universitv. Instructor, Illinois, 1881-1882; Principal Arling- ton Heights PubHc School. '1882-1884; Instructorin Nat. Sciences, Lake High School. Chicago, 1884-1889; Principal of Lake High School, Chicago, 1889- 1891; Principal Englewood High School, 1891 — . Treasurer of N. Central Ass'n of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1903 — ; Pres. Chicago High School Teachers Council, 1901-02; member Board of Trustees Univ. of 111., 1893-99; Pres., 1897-98. Author; Laboratory Guide, Chemistry, (with J. H. Nor- ton), 1891, American Book Co.; Articles for State Teachers Meeting and North Central Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Vol. 7, 1902; North- western U. Conference; Univ. of 111. Conference. Married Clara A. Clark, at Marseilles, 111.. 1883. Children, Geo. Wild, born June 23, 1885. (died Mar. 24, 1888); Grace C, born Nov. 24, 1888; Charles H., May 12, 1890; Juliette Adams, born Aug. 9, 1902. Address, 10638 Prospect Ave., Chicago, 111. *254. KITTIE MARIE BAKER (WADSWORTH) Born Feb. 27, 1863, Oconmowoc, Wis. f. Alfred B. Baker, Dec. 25, 1826, London, Eng. m. Adaline T. Loomis, May 18, 1826, Utica, N. Y. Champaign High School. Alethenai. Teacher of Music, IlHnois, 1883- 1886. Married John G. Wadsworth, Oct. 27, 1886, Champaign, 111. Child, John Baker, born Nov. 8, 1898. Died Nov. 25, 1899, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. 255. BERTHA E. BARNES (ROSS) Born Aug. 11, 1863, Norwood, Mass. f. Oramel Churchill Barnes, Sept. 9, 1829, Bridgewater, Vt. m. Caroline Ellis. Feb. 20, 1829, Norwood, Mass. Prepared in West Side High School, Champaign. Alethenai. B. L. Taught, 1881-1884. Married Sprague Dwight Ross, June 25, 1884, Chicago, 111. Children, Bertha, born June 12, 1888; Kenneth Dwight, bom Sept. 17, 1893. Address, Grand Island, Neb. 256. BAYARD EDWARDS BEACH Husband of No. 279 Bom Nov. 30, 1860, Champaign, 111. f. Beman C. Beach. Nov. 12. 1836, N. Y. m. Hettie C. Beach. Oct. 30, 1836, Ohio. Real Estate and Loan Business. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic. Pres. of Adelphic; Class Secv. B. L. Cashier Bankg. office, Cham- paign, 1881-82; CashierHuron, S. Dak.. 1882-1902; Real Estate and Loans, 54 University of Illinois [1881 1902 — . Cong. Church, Trustee, Treasurer; S. S. Supt. 1898, Huron, S. D.; E. R. of B. P. O. E. 444; D. D. G. E. R. for S. Dak., 1903-04. Married Metta Macknet ('81), Oct. 13, 1885, Girard, 111. Children, Bayard Macknet, born Jan. 31, 1888; Dan. Beman, born Mar. 10, 1892, (died Oct. 10, 1892); Dorothy Blessing, born Feb. 17, 1893. Address, Huron, S. Dak. 257. ALBERT BELLAMY Born Sept. 10, 1859, Girard, 111. f. John Bellamy, 1823, Todd Co., Ky. m. Ann Bailey, 1829, Bucks Co., Penn. Real Estate and Loan Business. Prepared in Girard High School. Married Laura M. Boggess, May 15, 1884, Girard, 111. Address, Girard, 111. 258. FRANK LANSING BIRNEY Born Apr. 5, 1860, Urbana, 111. f. S. H. Birney. m. Olive Morehouse. Doctor and real estate, Denver, Colo., to date. Married Lucy E. Busey, Urbana, 111. Children, Cyrus M. and E. Olive. Address. 1524 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo; Bus., 301 Quincy Blk. 259. ARTHUR BOOTHBY Born Sept. 22, 1850, at sea. f. John Boothby, 1816, Lincoln, England, m. Eliza Eastwood, 1820, Leeds, England. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Pittsfield High School. Scientific Society. B. S. Teacher, 1881-82; Mechanical Draftsman, 1882-87; Chief Mechanical Draftsman, 1887 — . Married Nannie Eveline Talbot, June 25, 1890, Indianapolis, Ind. Chil- dren, Evelyn Eastwood, born Nov. 8, 1891 ; Katharine Fielding, born Dec. 25, 1903. Address, 3311 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. 260. COMMA NATHANIEL BOYD Born Jan. 18, 1860, Sheffield, 111. f. Nathaniel Boyd, 1820. m. Mary Ann Cummings, Kt., 1831. Fanner. Philomathean. Capt. Base Ball team two years. Capt. Farm- ing; breeder of thoroughbred Hereford cattle. Married Addie M. Humphrevs, June 2, 1890, Sheffield, 111. Children, Roland H. Boyd, born Aug. 16, 1891; Edith, born Feb. 26, 1893; Stanton H., born Dec. 26, 1895; Marian C. Boyd, born July 30, 1897. Address, Sheffield, 111. 261. ARCHIBALD OSBORN CODDINGTON Brother of No. 60 Born Apr. 8, 1857, Linton, Green Co., Ind. f. Isaiah Coddington, July 13, 1825, Bound Brook, N. J. m. Elizabeth Osborn, Mar. 22, 1829, Linton, Ind. Teacher. Prepared in High School, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Adelphic. Pres. of Adelphic; Chief Justice in College Government, 1879. B. L., M. L., 1879. Teacher, 1881-1887; business, 1887-1890; Prin. Schools, 1890-1905. Married Helen R. Erskine, at Racine, Wis., 1895. Children, Donald Clyde, born Mar. 2, 1899; Mildred, born Jan. 11, 1902. Address, 938 Summerdale Ave., Chicago, 111. *262. FREDERIC E. COOPER Born Mar. 3, 1859, in Greene County, 111. f. Edmund M. Cooper, Nov. 25, 1831,Hopkinsvine,Ky. m. Martha Tunnell, Feb. 11, 1836, Greene Co., 111. 1881] Baccalaureate Alumxi 55 Prepared in Girard Public School. B. S. Dealer in Drugs, 1883, in Van Buran, Ark.; Loan and Abstract business until 1899. Married Jennie Shive, July 3, 1890, Bebee, Ark. Children. Mary J. Al- bert Everett, and Edmund L. Died Jan. 24, 1899, at Van Buren, Ark. 263. ARTHUR ELDORUS DAVIS Born 1857, in Salem, 111. f. John H. Davis. Physician (1904). B. S. Address (1904), Arbola, Texas. 264. MARIETTA DAVIS (BEARDSLEY) Wife of Xo. 203 Born Mav 11, 1S5S, Vienna, Ind. f. Chester Powers Davis, Mar. 7, 1835, Scott Co., Iiid. m. Hettie Maria Close. May 1, 1838, Scott Co., Ind. Prepared Monticello, 111. Class Pres.; Pres. of Alethenai; B. L. ; mem- ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Weslevan. Married Henrv Mahan Beardsley (''79), Apr. 24, 1883, Monticello, 111. Children. Eleanor 'Mahan ('07), born 'Nov. 29, 1884; George Davis, ("09), bom Apr. 11, 1887; Henry Scovell, born June 17, 1895. Address, 3621 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 265. CHARLES HENRY DENNIS Bom Feb. 8, 1860, Decatur, 111. f. Andrew Dennis, 1820, Greencastle, Pa. m. Matilda Lavena Baker, 1824, Jefferson, Tenn. Newspaper work. Prepared in Decatur High School. Class Pres. Phil- omathean. Capt. B. L. 1881; M. A. (hon.), 1905. Entered newspaper work in Chicago, 1881 ; Reporter on Daily Xews; dramatic Critic; asst. City Editor; Editorial Writer; City Editor; Associate Editor of America, weeklv literarv publication; Managing Editor of Chicago Record 1891-1901; Chief 'Editorial Writer and Manager of foreign news service of the Chicago DazVi' A' ra,'5, 1901 — ; on Editorial Staff of The World Todav. (resigned 1905). Married Rachel Shelbv Wilson, 'Paris, 111, 1884, (died 1891); Jeanelle Caldwell Wilson, 1894, New York. Children. Ruth Elizabeth, born Nov. 16, 1885; William Andrew, born March25, 1888; Herbert Wilson, born 1890; Mildred Blackburn, born June 9, 1895. Address, 1893 Roscoe Street, Chicago, 111. 266. JOHN C. DRESSOR Born Nov. 6, 1856. f. Francis Dressor, Maine, m. Marv E. Rankin, 111. Bookkeeper. Prepared in Greenville High School. Philomathean. B. S. Business course at Jacksonville, 111., and was bookkeeper for City Mills, Jacksonville. Clerk in Kansas City, Mo., and Sturgis, So. Dak.; clerk in Sorento Western Bank and Trust Co., Piedmont, So. Dak.; clerk in Sorento, 111., and cashier of Bank of Sorento, since 1901; entered The State Bank of Haeles &- Sons, Greenville, 111., as bookkeeper. Married Hattie F. Hendrics, Jan. 26, 1899. Hillsboro, 111. Children, Francis W., born July 5, 1900; Dorothv D., born Feb. 1, 1902; Marv L., bom Feb. 8, 1903. Address, Sorento, 111. 267. LORETTA ELDER (ROBINSON) Wife of No. 245 Born Sept. 27, 1860, Knob Prairie, Marion Co., 111. f. Abraham Cald- well Elder, Jan. 20, 1833, Covington, Ind. m. Lavian Wood Faucher, Apr. 5, 1835, East Wales, N. Y. 56 University of Illinois [1881 Prepared in Mattoon High School. Alethenai; Senator, College Govern- ment; Class Historian, one year. B. L. Deaconess, First Cong'l Church, Topeka, Kan.; Pres. Ladies Aid Soc, 1902-05; member First Cong'l Church, Oak Park, 111. Married Albert Fowler Robinson, Dec. 31, 1885, Topeka, Kan. Children, Raymond Elder, ("08), bom Nov. 6, 1886; Philip Edward, born Julv 10, 1890, (died Apr. 5, 1891); Albert William, born Mav 27, 1894; Donald Bruce, born Dec. 14, 1902. Address, 448 Marion St., Oak Park, 111. 268. JAMES W. FORSYTH Born Nov. 16, 1856, Springfield 111. f. William Forsyth, Scotland, m. Mary Vancil, Auburn, 111. Machinist. Prepared in Illinois Academy. Scientific Ass'n. Married Lola Ellis, at Canton, 111., in 1885. Children, Ruth A., born Feb. 7, 1887; Ether F., born Mar. 29, 1889. Address, Gilroy, Santa Clara Co., Calif. 269. FRANK WATSON HAMMETT Born Feb. 12, 1862, Camargo, 111. f. James Richard Hammett, Jan. 1, 1826, Va. m. Sarah C. Watson, July 4, 1836, Newtown, Ind. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Prepared in District School. Philo- mathean. Capt. B. S. Farmer until 1883; Tile Mfr., 1883-1890; Banker, 1890-1902; Real Estate and Ins., 1902—. Married Lizzie Thompson, June 18, 1884, Tuscola, 111., (died June, 1887); Minnie Rice, Sept. 22, 1892, Indianola, 111. Children, Don T., born Dec. 25, 1885; Harry Rice, born Sept. 1, 1893; Rhea Louise, born Jan. 21, 1896. Address, Redlands, Calif. 270. VIRGINIA MANN HAMMET (TALBOT) Wife of No. 293 Born Mar. 6, 1860, near Camargo, 111. f. WiUiam Soule Hammet, 1823, Ky. m. Rachel J. Wibley, 1836, Camargo, 111. Prepared in District School near Camargo. Alethenai; Nat. Hist. So- ciety; Orat. Ass'n; member College Senate; member of Senatorial Associa- tion; Pres. Orat. Ass'n. Married Arthur Newell Talbot, June 7, 1886, Camargo, 111. Children, Kenneth Hammet, born Apr. 7, 1887, ('09); Mildred Virginia, born Feb. 6, 1891; Rachel Harriet, born Apr. 6, 1896; Dorothv Newell, born Dec. 26, 1898. Address, 1011 California Ave., Urbana, 111. 271. FRED LEHMAN HILL Born Aug. 25, 1858. in Illinois, f. B. F. Hill. m. Clara Elizabeth Leh- man. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Paxton, 111. Philomathean. Member First Universalist Church, Chicago; Western Society of Engineers, Chicago. Married Estelle J. Bacon, Feb. 14, 1894, Iowa City, la. Children, Julia Augusta, born June 29, 1896; Walter Bacon, born Sept. 2, 1898; Dean Fred- erick, born March 8, 1900. Address, Highland Park, 111. 272. THOMAS CRAWFORD HILL Born Sept. 30, 1859, Tolono, 111. f. Walter Forrest Hill, Old Wells, Me. m. Rebecca Ann Miller, Lebanon, Ohio. High School Principal. Prepared in Tolono High School. Adelphic. Capt. A. B. Teacher one year in countr}- school; one year in Carroll Acad- 1881] Baccalaureate Alumni 57 emy, Waukesha; two years in Wyman Institute, Upper Alton; twenty years in present position. Prin. George William Curtis High School, Chicago. Member M. E. Church and of the Philosophical Round Table. Married Ina Mabel Miller, July 25, 1888, Chicago, 111. Children, Harold Crawford, bom Apr. 18, 1889; Margaret D., bom Dec. 15, 1890; Marion, bom May 1, 1891; Lawrence Elias, born Oct. 11, 1897; Donald Miller, born Oct. 9, 1902. Address, 200 W. 113th Place, Chicago, 111. *273. ARTHUR H. KIXGMAN Bom 1851, in Massachusetts, f. Samuel Kingman. Certificate, 1881. Died Sept. 9, 1892, at Boston, Mass. *274. LUCY M. LAWHEAD Born 1861, in Champaign, 111. f. I. Lawhead. B. L. 1881. Died May 1, 1884, at Champaign, 111. 275. NETTIE E. LAWRENCE (ALLEN) Bom June 25, 1860, Belvidere, 111. f. Edwin L. Lawrence, Sept. 19, 1833. m. Mary E. Lawrence, May 16, 1833, Cuba, N. Y. Teacher of Piano and Voice. Prepared in L^niv. Acad. Alethenai: Pres. Alethenai; member Coll. Senate; Honary member of Philomathean ; member Congr. Church; Eastern Star. Married Jonas A. Allen, May 6, 1885, at Belvidere, 111. Child, Eugene Lawrence, born Aug. 3, 1897. Address, 614 Main st., Visalia, Tulare Co., Calif. 276. FRANCIS MARION McKAY Born Jan. 15, 1851, Madison, Ind. f. Hiram McKay, Madison, Ind., 1825. m. Elizabeth Etherton, 1832, Madison, Ind. Principal Public Schools. Prepared in 111. Normal Univ. Adelphic, Delta Tau Delta. Pres. and Valedictorian of Class. B. L. Teaching. Presbyterian Church. Trustee Univ. of Illinois, 1886-95 ; 96-03; pres. 1896- 98. Author of law making Trustees elective officers; also law providing for free scholarships in each Co. of State. Married Rebecca M. Parson, Aug. 27, 1889. Address, 134 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. 277. METTA MACKNET (BEACH) Wife of No. 256 Bom Nov. 25, 1859, Girard, 111. f. Daniel S. Macknet, Newark, N. J., May 28, 1836. m. Rhoda J. Clark, Lafayette, Ind., July 11, 1836. Prepared in Girard Public School. Alethenai. Pres. of Class; Pres. Alethenai, 1881; member Senate, 1879; Oratorical Assn., 1879; Associate Justice, 1879, College Government. A. B. Cong. Church, 1881; Pres. Aid Soc, 1887-89; 1900-02; Pres. Literary Soc, 1884; Sec, 1886. Married Bayard E. Beach ('81), Oct. 13, 1885, Girard, 111. Children, Bayard Macknet. born Jan 31, 1888; Daniel Beman, born Mar. 10, 1892, (died Oct. 10, 1892); Dorothy Blessing, born Feb. 17, 1893. Address, Huron, S. Dak. 278. WILLIS A. MANSFIELD Bom May 23, 1858, in Marengo, 111. f. A. G. Mansfield. m. Mary A. Moore. Physician and Surgeon. Entered from Marengo, Illinois. Scientific Club. Physician and Surgeon, Metamora, 1884-94; at Washington, Illinois, 58 University of Illinois [1881 1904. Member of Central Med. Societj^ Peoria City Med. Society; Masonic Templar Shrine. Married — Address, Washington, 111. 279. WILLIAM KAIME MASON Born Sept. 25, 1856, Macon Twp., Bureau Co., 111. f. William H. Mason, N. H. m. Mehitable W. Kaime, N. H. Farmer and Fruit Grower. Prepared in Buda High School. B. S. Member of Unitarian Church, Buda, Illinois; member of the I. O. O. F., 1881. Married E. May Fuller, Dec. 23, 1886. Address, Buda, Bureau Co., 111., R. F. D. No. 1. 280. JOHN H. MORSE ■ Bom Apr. 23, 1853, Metamora, 111. f. Levi P. Morse, Rochester, Vt. m. Mary A. Parminter, England. President, the Home Embroidery Machine Co., and Vice-president, the Equitable Finance and Development Co. Prepared in Eureka College and District Schools near Metamora, 111. Philomathean; Delta Tau Delta. President of Class; Class Prophet; Prosecuting Attornev, Coll. Gov't. Capt. Principal Schools, 1881-84; Deputv Sheriff, 1884-85; Life Ins. Dist. Agent, 1885-87; Real Estate, 1887-91; President, Home Embroidery Machine Co., 1891 — . Vice-pres. the Equitable Finance and Development Co. for about eight years; manager of its Chicago ofifice since 1902. Member of First Pres- byterian Church of Kansas Citv, Kans., 1891 — ; board of Deacons from 1895- 1902. I. O. O. F., 1881—. Married Jessie Griest, Aug. 14, 1901, Kansas City, Kans. Children, John Hale Morse, Jr., born July 18, 1902, (died Oct. 20, 1903); David Levi Morse, born Dec. 22, 1904, (died May 5, 1905). Address, 229 East 42nd St., Chicago, 111. 281. JAMES ORA PEARMAN Born Aug. 20, 1859, Edgar Co., 111. f. John T. Pearman, Harding Co., Ky. m. Elizabeth Elliott, 111. Physician. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S.; M. D., 1885, Rush Medical. Practicing Medicine. Champaign Co. Medical Society. Married Minnie Richardson, Sept., 1890, 111,, (died Nov., 1890); Isabel VanVleck, June, 1895, Champaign, 111. Address, Mahomet, 111. 282. HERMAN SILAS PEPOON Brother of No. 283 Born Jan. 21, 1860, Warren, 111. f. George Whitfield Pepoon, 1832, Painesville, Ohio. m. Mary Ann Abbey, 1835, do. Instructor in Botanv and Zoologv. Prepared in Warren High School. Adelphic; Y.M.C.A.; Class Historian ;'Dept. Marshal, Coll. Gov't, 1880; B.S.; M. D., 1883, Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago. Practice of Medicine, 1883- 1892; Instructor in Bot. and Zool., Lake View H. S., Chicago, 1892 — . First Sergeant Co. C, Third Regiment, Nebr., State Guards, 1883-1885. Author: Laboratory Manual of Botany, D. C. Heath & Co. Joint Author: Lab. Manual of Botany, 1906, Neeves Bros., Chicago. Articles: Gun-shot wound in brain recoverv, 6 pp., Cliniqne, 1893; Destruction of Farm Flora, 3 pp.. Plant World, 1903; Plants of Magician L., Mich, and vicinitv, 100 pp., 1906. M. E. Church; Trustee, 1904 — ; Pres. -Chicago Mycological Soc, 1894-1900; Chicago Academy of Science, 1892; Amer. Forestrv Assn., 1900 — . Married Alma A. Wilcox, 1883, Chicago, (died 1893); Helen S. Foberg, 1900, Chicago. Children, Rtidolf S., born 1885; Mary Lucile, born 1887; Laura Constance, 1890. Address, 1314 Wolfram St., Chicago, 111. 1881] Baccalaureate Alumni - 59 283. WILLIAM ABBEY PEPOON Brother of No. 282 Bom Jan. 25, 1858, Warren, 111. f. George Whitfield Pepoon, 1832, Painesville, O. m. Mary Ann Abbey, 1835, Painesville, O. Mine Operator. Prepared in Warren High School. Adelphic. Repre- sented Adelphic in Intersocietv Orat. Cont. Collection Clerk, First Natl. Bank, Fremont, Neb., 188 1-82;' stockman, 1882-84; school teacher, 1884-85; cowboy, 1885; school teacher, 1885-86; Deputy Sherifif and Co. Jailer, 1886- 90; school teacher, 1890; policeman, 1891; miner and millman, 1891-93; farmer, 1893-95; miner, millman, shift boss, foreman, mining promoter, 1895 to — . Commandant of Canton Progress, Patriarchs Militant; I. O. O. F., 1889-1890. Married Sophia Margaret Moeller, 1893, Baker City, Ore. Children, Wil- liam Wallace, born 1894; Herman Lojene, born 1896; Elzanore Lucile, born 1897; George Theodore, born 1904; Mary Margaret, bom 1905; Maurice Manly, born 1905. Address, Baker City, Ore. 284. ETHAN PHILBRICK Brothers of Nos. 398, 483 Born June 21, 1858, Adeline, 111. f. Mayo H. Philbrick, Waldo, Me. m. Mary McFarland, Hagerstown, Md. Fruit Grower. Prepared in Baileyville, 111., and 111. Academy. Scien- tific Soc. B. S. Civil Engineering, 1881-1899; Hydraulic Engr., 1889-1903; Contracting, 1904; raising Ga. peaches, 1904 — . Married Anna Lewis Wells at W^estern Springs, 1883. Children, Clarence Lewis, born Oct., 1884; Martha Grace, born Jan., 1886; Mary Holden, bom July, 1888; Hazel, bom Dec, 1890. Address, Baldwin, Ga. *285. FRANCIS M. PLETCHER Born 1855, in Plattville, 111. f. Daniel Fletcher. B. S. 1881. Died at Coonia, CaHf., June 15, 1888. *286. FRANK H. PORTER Born 1861, in Illinois, f. Henry Porter. Certificate, 1881. Died Jan. 10, 1886, at Garden Prairie, 111. 287. SPRAGUE DWIGHT ROSS Born Feb. 8, 1857, Reno, Bond Co., 111. f. John M. Ross, June 7, 1823, Maury Co., Tenn. m. Ruth M. Jones, Dec. 2, 1825, Maury Co., Tenn. Banker. Prepared in Greenville High School, Greenville, 111. Philo- mathean. B. S. Teaching and salesman, 1881-84; Real Estate and Loan Business, 1885-93; Banking, 1894—. Married Bertha E. Barnes, June 25, 1884, Chicago, 111. Children, Bertha, bom June 12, 1888; Kenneth Dwight, born Sept. 17, 1893. Address, Grand Island, Neb. 288. JOSEPH SCHWARTZ Born Aug. 28, 1859, Salem, 111. f. Bernard Schwartz, Nov. 27, 1826, Germany, m. Christina Lacroix, Aug. 28, 1830, Germany. Druggist. Prepared in Salem, 111. Philomathean. Married Clara Rose, Apr. 29, 1886, Salem, 111. Children, Helen, born Jan. 15, 1893; Christine, born Jan. 6, 1906. Address, Salem, 111. 60 University of Illinois [1881 289. ARTHUR BLISS SEYMOUR Husband of No. 381 Born Jan. 3, 1859, Moline, 111. f. Frank Seymour, Mar. 4, 1831, Gran- ville, Mass. m. Mary Elizabeth Bliss, May 24, 1837, Honolulu, H. I. Botanist. Prepared in Maplewood High School, Camp Point, 111. Nat. Hist. Soc, Y. M. C. A. Held offices in Nat. Hist. Soc. and Adelphic. B. S. ; M. S., 1886. Inst, in Prep. Botany, 1881; Botanist, 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist., 1881-1884; Instr. in Bot., in charge, Univ. of Wis., 1885-86; Asst. Cryptogamic Herbarium of Harvard, 1883-85, 1886 — . Presbyterian Church; Congregational Church, 1886; First Church in Cambridge, Mass., 1886-1894; First Congr. Church, Waverley, 1894—. Held minor offices in church and S. S. Married Anna Julia Conkling ('84), May 6, 1886, Champaign, 111. Children, Mary Elizabeth, born Jan. 27, 1889; Rosa Margaret, born Apr. 28, 1890; Frank Conkling, born July 21, 1895; Edith Katharine, born Sept. 28, 1896. Address, 26 University Museum, Cambridge, Mass. 290. BYRON A. SLADE Bom Sept. 27, 1856, East Berne, Albany Co., N. Y. f. Joshua Slade- Apr. 26, 1829, East Berne, Albany Co., N. Y. m. Catherine Hannah Allen, Apr. 29, 1835, E. Berne, N. Y. Druggist. Prepared in High School, Sycamore, 111. Philomathean. B. S. Druggist, firm of Worthington & Slade. Married Cora Black, Sept. 8, 1886. Children, John Black, born Mar. 5, 1890, (died Jan. 20, 1905); Katherine Claire, born Apr. 18, 1896; Elizabeth Muriel, born Nov. 14, 1897. Address, 1027 Spafford Ave., Rockford, 111. *291. MORELLE M. STACY Born 1859, in Illinois, f. W. C. Stacy. B. L. 1881. Died July 17, 1895, at Spring Hill, Ala. *292. JAMES B. STURMAN Born July 1, 1857, in Dahlgren, 111. f. Alexander M. Sturman, near Mc- Minnville, Tenn., Feb. 5, 1820. m. Louisa Varner, October 28, 1819, in Spartanburg, S. C. Prepared in McLeansboro and Enfield, 111. In the law office of Mr. High, 103 Adams Street, Chicago, for a few years; health failed; moved to Salina, Kansas. Married ]\x\y 17, 1888. Died June 6, 1901, in Salina, Kan. 293. ARTHUR NEWELL TALBOT Husband of No. 270 BornOct. 21, 1857, Cortland, 111. f. Charles A. Talbot, London, England, m. Harriet Newell, Brockville, Ontario. Prof, of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering. Prepared in Sycamore High School. Philomathean. Oratorical Association. Pres., V.-P., Sec, Philo; Chief Justice, Associate Justice, Member of Senate, V.-P., Secy, of Univ. College Government: Associate Editor Illini; Delegate to Inter State Oratorical Assn.; Class Essayist; Capt. B. S. ; M. C. E., 1885. Civil Eng'r on railroad location, construction, and maintenance of way work, 1881-85; on railway, municipal and other engineering work at various times since; Asst. Prof, of Engineering and Mathematics, lUinois, 1885-1890; Prof, of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, Illinois, 1890 — . Investigations gn 1881] Baccalaureate Alumni 61 reinforced concrete, work with septic tank, investigations on paving brick tests and on miscellaneous engineering problems. Atithor: The Railway- Transition Spiral, Engineering News Publishing Co. Member Amer. Soc. of C. E.; W. S. E.; Amer. Soc, Testing Materials; Amer. Soc. Municipal Im- provements; Soc. Promotion of Engineering Education; 111. Soc. Eng. and Sur. ; Amer. W. W. Assn. ; A. A. A. S. ; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; of Congrega- tional Church. Married Virginia Mann Hammet ('81), June 7, 1886, Camargo, 111. Children, Kenneth Hammet, born Apr. 7, 1887, ('09); Mildred Virginia, born Feb. 6, 1891; Rachel Harriet, born Apr. 6, 1896; Dorothv Newell, born Dec. 26, 1898. Address, Urbana, 111. 294. DARLEY THOMAS Born Oct. 9, 1S61, Champaign, 111. f. John Harrison Thomas, July 13, 1813, Adams Co.. O. m. Mary McNiel, July 8, 1822, Adams Co., Ohio. Shoe Dealer. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai. B. L., 1881. Chicago Club. Univ. of 111.; Intercollegiate Alumnee Ass'n; Alumnae Ass'n,Univ. of 111. 1881-87, Bookkeeper; 1887-89, Cashier and confidential clerk; 1899-1905, owner and manager of the Dept. of Shoe Store Supplies of R. P. Smith & Sons, Chicago. Member Chicago Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution. Address, 5211 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. 295. WILLIAM S. WESTON Brother of Nos. 116, 447, 579, 580 Born June 22, 1860, Champaign, 111. f. Nathan Weston, Wilson, N. Y. m. Jane Cloyde, Troy, N. Y. Civil Engineer. Adelphic; Civil Engineers' Club. B. L.; B. S., 1883. Topeka, Kans., and Chicago, 111., as Civil Engineer. Married Elizabeth Jane Towlson, Aug. 19, 1885, Detroit, Mich. Children, Frederick William, bom June 1, 1888; Mable Towlson, born Jan 12, 1891. Address, 6617 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. 296. MAXWELL BLACKBURN WILSON Born Dec. 16, 1858, near Paris, 111. f. William Oliver Wilson, 1831, Palestine, 111. m. Cassandra Blackburn, 1832, Paris, 111. Farmer. Prepared by private tutor at home. Adelphic. Member Presbyterian Church. Married Emma Schenck, Julv 30, 1891, Paris, 111. Child, Dudley Black- bum, born Apr. 26, 1897. Address, Paris, 111. 297. JESSIE ARMILDA WRIGHT (RICHARDSON) Sister of No. 367 Born June 23, 1860, Champaign, 111. f. James Stephens Wright, Aug. 4, 1816, Highland Co., Ohio. m. Katherine Lander, Mar. 26, 1823, Bourbon Co., Ky. Prepared in District School and Champaign High School. Alethenai. B. L. Teacher in Champaign schools, 1881 — . Married Henrv Edward Richardson, Mar. 7, 1889, Champaign, 111. Children, Eugene Wright, born Jan. 7, 1890; Ruth, bora Dec. 4, 1892; Helen, born Dec. 1, 1894; Darlev, bom Mar. 9, 1897; James Hollins, bom July 26, 1899. Address, Rentchler, 111. 62 University of Illinois [1882 CLASS OF 1882 (34) 298. DORA ANGELINE ANDRUS (GRIFFITH) Born May 5, 1863, Ashton, 111. f. John Archibald Andrus, Nov. 30, 1834, Stephantown, N. Y. m. Rhoda Anne Siple, Nov. 12, 1843, Sussex, N. J. Married. Prepared in Ashton High School. Alethenai; Pres. College Government. B. L. Taught Grammar Dept., Ashton High School, 1882- 84; do., Marshalltown City School, 1884-89; Prin. of 3d Ward School, 1887- 89. Member Presbvterian Church. Married John Charters Griffith, June 18, 1889, at Ashton. Children, Mildred Elizabeth, born Feb. 26, 1893; Stanwood John, bom Mar. 18, 1897; Oliver Andrus, born Nov. 22, 1900. Address, Ashton, 111. 299. KITTIE C. AVERY Born Feb. 8, 1861, Chicago, 111. f. Samuel Avery, Oct. 8, 1831, Ilion, N. Y. m. Louise A. Holmes, Manchester, Vt. Prepared by private tutor and one vear in Univ. Academv. Alethenai. B. L. Address, 2736 Decatur St., Omaha, Neb. *300 SAMUEL GORDON BAILEY, Jr. Born 1861, in Wisconsin, f. S. Bailey. B. S. 1882. Married Kittie Reed. Died May 13, 1901, in Chicago, 111. 301. CHARLES C. BARNES Brother of No. 56 Born Nov. 10, 1859, in Massachusetts, f. C. C. Barnes, m. Caroline ElUs. Supt. of Reconstructed Granite Co. Supt. of Franklin Sugar Co., Frank- lyn, Tenn.; Supt. of Hoopeston Sugar Co., Hoopeston, 111.; Supt. of Penn. Enameled Brick Co., Oaks, Penn.; at present Supt. of Reconstructed Granite Co., Norristown, Pa. Patented several inventions. Sugar maker in Louisi- ana and Cuba; contractor, Panama Canal; five years in the gold mines; three years on Texas Cattle ranch. Address, Norristown, Penn. *302. ARTHUR M. BRIDGE Brother of No. 163 Born Feb. 14, 1860, La Moille, 111. f. Sereno Bridge, Wilmington, Vt. m. Allisanny Winchester, MarllDoro, Vt. Prepared near La Moille, 111. Member of Philomathean and Sigma Chi. Captain. Farmer; Banker, Dec, 1890, fall of 1892; drug store busi- ness and farming until Nov., 1893. School Treasurer. Member of Baptist Church, Mason. Married Mary E. Porterfield, July 15, 1884, Mendota, 111. Children, Alice Irene, born Oct. 27, 1889, and Don Wallace, born Sept. 16, 1891. Died June 9, 1894, in Goldfield, Iowa. 303. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BULLARD Brother of Nos. 165, 304, 458 Born Feb. 23, 1858, near Mechanicsburg, 111. f. Wesley Bullard, July 28, 1816, Shelby Co., Ky. m. Sarah Anna Foster, July 18, 1824, Montgom- ery Co., Ky. Teacher. B. L. Was member of Adelphic. Teaching most of the time ; in Illinois, 1882-86; in Dakota, 1886-90; in Washington, 1890-97; and in 1882] Baccalaureate Alumxi 63 Illinois, 1897-1905. Was principal of the Chehalis, Washington, High school three years; Supt. Schools of Winlock, Wash., one year; eight years principal of the Dixon, 111,, High School; at present teaching in the Thomas Hoyne Manual Training High School, Chicago. Married Caroline J. Ritsher, 1894, Beloit, Wis. Child, Elsie Carolyn, bom July 28, 1897. Address,' 1680 Barry Ave., Chicago, 111. 304. GEORGE WESLEY BULLARD Brother of Nos. 165, 303, 458 Born July 31, 1855, near Mechanicsburg, 111. f. Wesley BuUard, July 28, 1816, Shelby Co., Ky. m. Sarah Ann Foster, Julv IS, 1824, Montgomery Co., Ky. Architect. Prepared in Country School and Univ. Academy. Adelphic. Editor in Chief of Illini, 1881-1882. B. S.; M. Arch. Architect since 1882; Inspector of Buildings, Plumbing and Drainage of Tacoma, 1892-1893. Planned and designed Engineering Hall, 1893. Was Pres. of Washington State Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 1894-1895; Vice-pres. at present. Married Anna Hastings Heath, July 10, 1895, Tacoma, Wash. Address, 532 North J. St., Tacoma, Wash. 305. WILLIAM BURGESS CARMAN Born Sept. 27, 1857, Peoria, 111. f. Isaac Newton Carman, July 26, 1829, Ferry, O. m. Julia Anna, Mar. 29, 1830, Penfield, O. Physician. Prepared High School, 3 A'ears; Sewell & Abbott Classical School, 1 year, Indianapolis, Ind. Vice-Pres. of Adelphic and Pres. Y. M. C. A. Capt. B. S.; M. D., 1884, Chicago Homeopathic Med. College & Hospital. Practicing Physician. Author: Spiritual Therapeutics, the Physicians and Surgeons Investigator, Nov., 1887, pages 328-35. Vaccination as a Pro- phylactic of Variola; pages 289-99; Transactions Homeopathic Med. Soc. State of N. Y., 1896. Member Rochester Baptist Social Union; Vice-pres., 1901-1902; Monroe Co. Momeopathic Med. Soc; Pres., 1892; Dispensary StafI, Rochester Homeopathic Hospital, 1896; Attending Physician, Roches- ter Homeopathic Hospital, 1904. Married Grace Cushman, Sept. 4, 1884, Champaign, 111. Children, Julia Marena, born June 30, 1888; Florence Eliza, born June 25, 1890; Olive Mari- on, born Jan. 16, 1892; Leicester Cushman, born Mar. 11, 1895. Address, 32 Upton Park, Rochester, N. Y. 306. EDWARD EVERETT COLE Born Aug. 5, 1858. f. Rev. Jacob Cole. m. Margaret Worsham. In Universitv of Denver. Prepared in DuQuoin High School. Orator, Scientific Assn.,'Univ. of 111., in Intersociety Contest, 1880. Capt. *B. L. 1893; M. A., Colorado College, 1889; Ph. D., Chicago, 1906. Married Sophie Norris, 1887, Grand Island, Neb. Children, Margaret, born 1893; Eleanor, 1892. Address, 905 White Ave., Grand Junction, Colo. 307. SOPHRONIA RICKORDS COLE (HALL) Bom Dec. 28, 1860, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co., 111. f. Rev. Jacob Cole, Nov. 3, 1827, Metz, Germany, m. Margaret Worsham, Oct. 29, 1827, Henderson, Ky. Married. Prepared at DuQuoin and Tuscola. Alethenai. Teacher in Public School at DuQuoin, 1882-83; East side School, Champaign, 1884-85. Married Dr. Wilford Ferrel Hall, Champaign, Dec. 29, 1885, (died June 18, 1904). Children, Jennie Lourene, born Dec. 19, 1886; Wilford Frank, born Mar. 22, 1888; Mayme Margaret, born Sept. 10, 1890; Laura Hazel, bom Nov. 3, 1897. Address, McLeansboro, 111. 64 University of Illinois [1882 308. WILLIAM GOSS CURTISS Born Sept. 16, 1859, Waterloo, Seneca Co., N. Y. f. Geo. W. Curtiss, Schuyler, N. Y. m. Frances Hatton Curtiss, Waterloo, N. Y., 1832. Farmer. Prepared in Warren, 111. Adelphic. Banking, 1882-89; Farming, 1894 — . Post master and twice School director. Married Lora Giller Curtiss, Dec. 7, 1902, White Hall. Children, George, born Oct. 4, 1893; Frances, born Dec. 23, 1894; Edward, born Sept. 28, 1897; Esther, born Sept. 19, 1900; Homer, born Feb. 2, 1902; Marshall, born Feb. 13, 1904. Address, Stockton, 111. 309. JEPTHA H. DAVIS Born 1860, in Indiana, f. C. P. Davis. Farmer (1904). Certificate. Married Clara M. Watson. Address (1904), Straight Creek, Kans. 310. DAVID EICHBERG Born Mar. 18, 1860, Atlanta, 111. f. Samuel Eichberg, Apr. 17, 1832, Ger- many, m. Mina Stern, Germany. Lawyer. Prepared in Shurtleflf College, Alton, 111. Philomathean; Sigma Chi; Class Pres. and Pres. of Philomathean; Capt. B. L., Univ. of 111., 1882; LL. B., Union College of Law, Chicago, (Northwestern), 1884. Practicing Law. Married Emma L. Longini, Dec. 15, 1892, Chicago, 111. Children, Adrian J. born Dec. 2, 1895; Leila, born May 8, 1902. Address, Suite 510, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 311. ANDREW JOHN EISENMEYER Born Jan. 27, 1862, St. Clair Co., 111. f. Andrew Eisenmeyer, Feb. 22, 1824, Hassloch, Germany, m. Christine Santer, Oct. 19, 1829, Hassloch, Ger. Miller. Prepared in Trenton Public School; Sigma Chi; Pres. of College Gov't, 1882. Capt. B. A. Proprietor of mill ; manufacturer of flour. Pres. of School Board, 1903-05, Vice-Pres. Bank of Springfield; Vice-Pres. Spring- field Traction Co. Married Celia H., Oct. 1, 1890, Springfield, Mo. Children, Walter W.; Cristine M.; Louis P.; Marie A. Address, Springfield, Mo. 312. SAMUEL ALEXANDER HARRISON Born July 31, 1856, Saline Co., Mo. f. Joseph Harrison, Virginia, 1811. m. Martha Patterson, Ky., 1828. School Principal and Broker. Prepared in Shurtleff Col. Prep. Dept. Philomathean. Chief Justice of College Gov't. B. A. ; M. A., 1888. Ad- mitted to Bar, 1889. Prin. of Public School and Broker in unlisted securi- ties. Author: booklet of poems, Prairie Breezes, 45 pages, 1897. Member Baptist Church since 1882. Married Harriet E. Craig, Champaign, 111., 1882. Children, Bessie M., born Oct., 1889; Warren C, born Oct., 1897; Stanley D., born Oct., 1899. Address, Room 51, 99 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. *313. CHARLES H. MERRITT Born Sept. 13, 1856, near Waterman, DeKalb Co., 111. f. John H. Mer- ritt, Oct. 6, 1828, N. Y. state, m. Rhoda S. Yay, N. Y. Prepared in Waterman High School and Lee Center Acad. Adel- phic. Clerk in Bank in Augusta, Kan., 1882-84; Clerk in Fred Smith's Bank, Mason City, 111.; clerk and bookkeeper in Farmers State Bank, 1886- 1882] Baccalaureate Alumni 65 88; director and asst. Cashier in same bank until 1901. First member of M. E. Church at Waterman, Presbyterian at Augusta, Kan., Mason City; Elder at M. C; Hon. member W. C. T. U.; member of Co. Prohibition Com- mittee, as Pres., Sec. or Treas.; Supt. Sunday School. Married Hattie Osborn, Feb. 28, 1884, Mason City, 111. Children, Lela Beardsley, born July 13, 1886; Blanche Fay, bom Aug. 12, 1891. Died Feb. 8. 1901, Mason City, 111. 314. JOHN RALPH NEELY Brother of No. 241 Bom Apr. 22, 1859, Benton, 111. f. Isaac M. Neely, Princeton, Ind. m. Mary C. Elston, Frankfort, 111. Special Medical Inspector, Chicago Health Dept. Prepared in DuQuoin Public School. Starvation Society of "Tanner Hall. " Adelphic. Hatchet Orator, Class Day. B. L.; M. D., 1887, Howard Univ.; D. M., 1891, Univ. of Georgetown. Record and Pension Office, War Dept., Surgeon Gen. Office, Washington, D. C. Practicing Physician, Washington, D. C, 1887-1895; Acting Chief Med. Inspector Chicago Health Dept., 1895-1905. Private for six vears in National Guard District of Columbia as Capt. Company B and D,'2nd Bat., 2nd Reg., 1888-90; Hospital Steward and Surgeon, "5th Bat., 2nd Reg., 1892-95. Member of Medical Society, District of Columbia; Med. Societv, Chicago; American Med. Assn.; American Public Health Assn. Married ^Wa. V. Spurgeon, Aug. 16, 1886, Baltimore, Md. Children, Hazel Adelaide, born Sept. 12, 1887; Charles Bertes, born Sept. 10, 1889; Donald Stuart, born Jan. 18, 1891; Harold Richard, born Sept. 29, 1893; Joseph Ralph, born July 2, 1896. Address, 2159 Clarendon Ave., Chicago, 111. 315. THOMAS NOBLE Born Aug. 9, 1858, Stark Co., Ohio. f. Thomas Noble, Aug. 24, 1835, Ohio. m. Subina Munrow, June 26, 1837. Gold Mining. Prepared in Whipple Academy and Illinois College, Jack- sonville, 111. Hennepin Canal Survev, 1882; Engineering Dept. Santa Fe Ry. Eng. Dept. Mex. Nat. Ry., 1883-88;' Gold Mining, 1888—. Address, Descause, San Diego Co., Calif. 316. ROBERT ELWOOD ORR Born Aug. 17, 1856, near Rob Roy, Ind. f. James Orr, June 2, 1805, Franklin, Warren Co., Ohio. m. Jane Miller, June 17, 1833, near Stone Bluff, Fountain Co., Ind. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Attica, Ind., High School, Bloomington Preparatory School; one year in Univ. of Indiana. Adelphic. Capt. Asst Engr. Hennepin Canal Survev, 1882; Draftsman, Jackson Yazoo Citv branch, I. C. R. R., Jackson, Miss.; Asst. Engineer, C. B. &. Q., 1883-92, 'Chicago; City of Evantson, Asst. to Consr. of Public Works & Health, 1892-95; Asst. Engr. E. J. & E. Ry., 1896-1903; Chicago and Northwestern, 1897-98; Engr. for Electric Ry., Milwaukee to W'aukesha, Wis., 1898. General Engineering and Surveying, 1903; Ass't Master of Wav, Indiana Harbor R. R., 1905. Second Lieut. Co. "I," Second Regiment, 'I. N. G., 1898-98. Member Congr. Church, Evanston, 111., 1886; 1902, Central Pres. Church, Joliet, 111.; 1902, Matleson Lodge, No. 175, Joliet, 111.; 1902, Western Soc. of Engineers; 1886, Illinois Soc. Engineers and Surveyors. Married Mrs. Katherine F. Weese, Dec. 24, 1902, joliet, 111. Address, 105 Second Ave., Joliet, 111. *317. CHARLES W. PALMER Born 1860, in Watseka. 111. m. Mrs. E. S. Palmer. B. L. Died July 4, 1884, at Austin, Texas. 66 University of Illinois [1882 318. ARTHUR PEABODY Brother of No. 360 Born Nov. 16, 1858, Eau Claire, Wis. f. Selim Hobart Peabody. m. Mary Elizabeth Pangborn. Architect. Prepared in Chicago High School. B. S., 1882. Practicing Architecture. Supervising Architect, Univ. of Wisconsin. Married Agnes Cochrane, Sept. 3, 1885, Boston. Children, Marion, born in 1886, Chicago, 111.; Arthur Cochrane, born 1890, Kansas City, Mo.; Char- lotte EHzabeth, born 1899, Chicago, 111. Address, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 319, ARVILLA K. RALEY (HARRISON) Born 1861, in Illinois, f. E. V. Raley. Married James D. Harrison. Address (1904), 37 H St., Salt Lake, Utah. *320. GEORGE WILLIAM RICHARDS Born 1859, in California, f. A. A. Richards. B. S. 1882. Died May 15, 1889, at Carthage, N. M. 321. CHARLES NEWTON ROBERTS Born Sept. 19, 1861, Jefiferson, 111. f. Clark Roberts, 1829, Utica, N. Y. m. Elizabeth Harrison Linscott, 1839, Jay, Me. Engineer and Surveyor. Prepared in Jefferson High School. Sigma Chi; Adelphic. B. S. Machinist; instrument man on Miss. River Survey; traveling salesman; Asst. Engr. Chicago Sanitary Dist.; last 15 years con- ducting an engineering and surveying business, Chicago, 111. Married Addie M. Keith, July 20, 1887, Blue Island, 111. Children, Keith, born Aug. 31, 1889; Marion, born June 30, 1892; Helen, born Mar. 23, 1895; John Clark, born Dec. 12, 1896. Address, 1014 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111. 322. FREDERICK DANIEL RUGG Born Dec. 22, 1860, Champaign, 111. f. Daniel Rugg, May 30, 1830, Heath, Mass. m. Philena Dale Kellogg, Shelburn, Mass. Gen. Man'g'r of Life Ins. Co. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic. Sigma Chi. Class Orator for Junior Exhibition; Class Poet, Class Day; delivered one of the Orations, Commencement. B. L. Whole- sale and Retail Shoe Business, firm D. Rugg & Son; partner in firm, F. D. & W. A. Rugg 1888-96; engaged in Life Ins. business; was President three years. Resigned to give Liquid Air lectures and demonstrations; Gen. agent of Life Ins. Co. Organized the Champaign Commercial Assn., 1884; Secy, and Treas. of organization 10 years; Secy, and Treas. for the Endeavor Soc. for Illinois; Vice-pres. and Gen. Man'g'r of the Nat'l Life Annuity Co., Jacksonville, 111. Married Cora M.Maltby, 1887, Champaign, 111. Children, Daniel Maltby, born Sept. 27, 1889; Helen Carohne, born Aug. 16, 1903. Address, 507 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111. Bus. Jacksonville, 111. 323. ABIA JOSEPH SHARP Born Aug. 3, 1853, Slabtown, 111. f. David Sharp, 1825, Mifflin Co., Pa. m. Susanna Joder, Mifflin Co., Pa. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Univ. Y. M. C. A.; Scientific Soc; Gregorian; Adelphic. Valedictorian of Mech. Eng'rs.; Capt. B. S.; M. E. 1889. Engineer till Sept., 1882; draftsman in Car Shops of K. C, Ft. Scott & Memphis to 1883 ; mechanical engineer in charge of machine shops at Harrisonville, Mo., 1883 — . Married Maggie Jane Wright, Oct. 14, 1888, (died Jan. 16, 1892); Sarah 1882] Baccalaureate Alumxi 67 Elizabeth Wright, Apr. 3, 1895, (died Apr. 29, 1903). Children, Alice, (died in infancy); May, (died in infancy); Abia Morris, born Mar. 17, 1897; Eliza- beth, born Nov. 3, 1900; Mary, born July 28, 1902. Address, Harrisonville, Mo. 324. FRANK SHLAUDEMAN Born June 17, 1862, Decatur, Macon Co., 111. f. Henry Shlaudeman, Jan. 13, 1834, Wildeshausen, Oldenburg, m. Caroline Weissmann, Mar. 22, 1836, Rothselberg, Rheinplatz, Germany. Pres. and Manager, Decatur Brewing Co. Prepared in Acad, at 111. Kappa Kappa chapter of Sigma Chi. B. S. Brush Electric Co., Cleveland, O., Sept., 1882 — Mar., 1883; Harpstrile & Shlaudeman, Brewers, Decatur, 111., 1883-85; Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1885-86; Henry Shlaudeman, successor to Harpstrile & Shlaudeman, 1886-88; Vice-pres. and Manager, Decatur Brewing Co., Mar., 1888, to Jan., 1903, Pres, and Manager, Jan., 1903 — . Member of Library Board, Decatur PubUc Library, July, 1902 — . Married Josephine Theresa Baum, Oct. 27, 1886. Address, Decatur, 111. 325. HOWARD BRINKERHOFF SLAUSON Husband of No. 353 Born Apr. 15, 1860, in Fishkill, New York. f. Joseph Slauson, 1818, Fishkill, N. Y. m. Sarah Slauson, 1829, Bedford, N. Y. Horticulture. Prepared in Dwight High School. Philomathean. B. S., First Asst. in Chemistry, 1882-83; Chemist for Champaign Sugar Co., also made assaying trip to Dakota, 1883-84; studied law and admitted in 1887; partnership with John L. Ray, 1887-90; practiced law in Seattle, Wash., 1890-1900; forced by ill health to leave office work. Engaged in horticulture. Married Celeste Langley ('83), Nov. 15, 1888, Champaign, 111., (died Sept. 3, 1903, at Seattle, Wash. Children, Sarah Jeannette, born Aug. 2, 1897, Celeste, born May 2, 1899, Howard Langley, born Dec. 7, 1901. Address, Brighton, Wash. 326. CHARLES LINNAEUS SMITH Born Mar. 8, 1861, Newton, 111. f. C. B. vSmith, 1834, W. Va. m. Celeste Elfie Gray, 1836, Arcole. O. Municipal Judge. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic, Orator two vears in Inter Soc. Orat. Contest. Capt.; B. L.; LL., B., 1885, Albany Law'School. Attorney to Board of Co. Commissioners, 1900-1904; Municipal Judge, Minneapolis, Jan. 1, 1905 — . Married Grace Maria Healey, Apr. 26, 1888, Champaign, 111. Child, Marian Alden, born Mar. 10, 1890. Address, 2018 Hawthorn Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 327. NELSON STRONG SPENCER Born Dec. 3, 1857, Dixon, 111. f. Aquilla Spencer, 1832, Center Co., Pa. m. Mary A. Hetler, 1835, Dixon, 111. Prepared in Dixon High School. Philomathean. B. S. Practice of Architecture and served at Univ. of Illinois as Supt. of Buildings and grounds, 1898-1902. Married Ida Florence Rush, Sept. 8. 1881. Champaign, 111. Children, Chfford Ricker, born 1885, (died 1904); Charics Blakely. born 1888; Mary Ethel, born 1890. Address, Champaign, 111. 68 University of Illinois [1882 328. FLORIZEL ADINO TAFT Brother of No. 222 Born Dec. 30, 1863, Elmwood, 111. f. Don Carlos Taft, Swanzey, N. H. m. Mary Lucy Foster, Northampton, Mass. Cashier. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Cashier Bank of Hanover. Married Grace Aurner, Oct. 4, 1893. Address, Hanover, Kans. 329. JAMES TODD Born Oct. 13, 1855, Dundee, 111. f. Hugh Todd, July 24, 1818, near Glasgow, Scotland, m. Magdalene Rankin, Jan. 1, 1827, Delry, Scotland. Hydraulic Engineering. Prepared in Elgin Academy, Elgin, 111. Philo.; class prophet; capt.; B. S. Hydraulic engineering, building water towers for cities, villages, etc.; designing and constructing city water works systems. Married Pearl B. Loveland, June 9, 1902. Child, Francis Hugh, born Aug. 8, 1901. Address, Elgin, 111. 330. HERBERT TURNER Born 1859, in Quincy, 111. f. Edward T. Turner. Electrical Engineer (1904). Capt. Address, (1904), Dayton, O. 331. JOHN GEORGE WADSWORTH Husband of No. 254 Born Aug. 26, 1859, Kinnickinnic, Wis. f. John Gregory Wadsworth, Mar. 10, 1825, East Aurora, N. Y. m. Mary Ann Wainwright, June 29, 1825, Newark-on-Trent, Eng. Banker. Prepared in High School, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Adelphic; Charter member of Sigma Chi; Class Pres.; Valedictorian; Capt. Civil Engineer, 1882-84 Stenographer, 1884-85 ; Cashier, 1885-92; Banker, 1892-. Married Kittie Marie Baker ('81), Oct. 27, 1886, Champaign, 111., (died Nov. 25, 1899). Child, John Baker, born Nov. 8, 1898. Address, 201 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. CLASS OF 1883 (36) 332. EDWARD LORENZO ABBOTT Brother of Nos. 120, 368, 410 Born Feb. 15, 1859, Whiteside Co., 111. f. Asa McFarland Abbott, 1820, Hartland, Vt. m. Sarah Sperry, 1822. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Northern Illinois College. Adelphic; Civil Engineers Club. B. S. Civil Engineer in general practice, foundations, steel construction, tunnels, water power, electric power. American Soc. Civil Eng'rs. Married LiUan Ida Hartwell, May 7, 1888, New York City. Child, Doris Lilian, born June 10, 1889. Address, 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. *333. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS Born Aug. 23, 1867, near Urbana, 111. t. Francis Fitch Adams, Olm- stead Falls, Ohio, June 13, 1824. m. Nancy Dean, Apr. 16, 1834, Dayton, Ohio. Prepared in District School near Urbana. Scientific Society. Taxi- dermist, Curator Museum, Auckland, New Zealand, 1885-87; Collector in Borneo, 1887-88. Made collections for Smithsonian, Harvard, Illinois. 1883] Baccalaureate Alumni 69 Prepared complete exhibit of birds of Illinois for World's Fair, 1893. Was in charge of Illinois exhibit. Wrote articles on Bird and Animal Life, pub. in various papers and magazines. Died May 20, 1893, Chicago, 111. *334. LIDA M. ASHBY (RICHARDS) Bom Jan. 5, 1863. f. Martinus M. Ashby, 1830, Rhinebeck, N. Y. m. Mary Patton, 1828, Chillicothe, O. Alethenai. First Prize, Orat. Cont., rep. Illinois in State Contest; Pres. of Class; member of Senate; Literary Editor of Illini. B. L. Teaching, 1883-86. Married Charles L. Richards, 1886, Fairfield, Neb. Child, Bessie Ashby, bom 1887. Died Sept. 1, 1888, Hebron, Neb. 335. CHARLES EUGENE BOGARDUS Husband of No. 587 Born Nov. 30, 1863. f. John Jeremiah Bogardus, Dec. 6, 1828, New York State, m. Evelyn Bogardus, Sept., 1828, New York State. Chemist. Prepared in Champaign High School. Philomathean. B. S. Sugar Chemist, Kansas, 1883-84; Asst., Commercial Lab., Chicago, 1886-87 Asst. Chemist, B. & O. R. R., 1888-89; First Asst., Univ. of 111., 1889-90 Commercial Chemist and Assaj^er, Seattle, 1890 — . City Chemist, ten years State Chemist, four years. American Chemical Society; Society Chemical Industrv, 1904, North Pacific Society Mining Engineers' 1904. Married Lucia Rae Brumback ('90), Feb. 16, 1892, Gilman, 111. Children, Almon Eugene, bom Sept. 28, 1895; Wallace David, bom Dec. 1, 1896; Helen Evelyn, born Jan. 17, 1899. Address, 90 Columbia St., Seattle, Wash. 336. MARTHA HARRIET BOGGS (LOVE) Sister of Nos. 677, 783 Bom Apr. 23, 1860, Lawrence Co., Ohio. f. Benjamin Franklin Boggs, July 2, 1832, Lawrence Co., O. m. Mary J. Armstrong, Nov. 29, 1835, "Virginia. Prepared at Tuscola High School. Alethenai. Oratorical Assn. ; Senate of Student's Government. Pres. of Alethenai three terms; Sec. of Orat. Ass'n. A. B.; A. M., 1891. High School teacher, 1883-1890. Married Isaac Albert Love, Feb. 11, 1891, Urbana, 111. Children, Estelle Boggs, bom Dec. 13, 1891 ; Martha Harriet, born Apr. 24, 1894; Beryl Frances, born June 9, 1896; Cassandra Armstrong, born Mar. 4, 1898. Address, 1214 N. Vermilion St., Danville, 111. 337. CLARENCE V. BRAINARD Born Jan. 14, 1859, Sheffield 111. f. D. O. Brainard, Westfield, Ohio. m. Harriet A. Reed, Franklin, N. Y. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Buda High School, 111. Surveys Miss. River, 1883-84; Wisconsin River, 1885-86; Duluth South Shore and Atlantic R. R., 1886; Illinois Central R. R.. 1887; Survey Illinois River, 1889; Build- ing Construction, Chicago, 1890; U. S. Ass't. Engineer in charge Illinois River Improvement, 1891-1905; Asst. Engineer in charge of lock gate con- struction, Hennepin Canal, 1905 — . Member Western Societv of Engineers, 1895—. Married Lena Freedlin, June 8, 1889, Champaign. 111. Children, G. Reed, bom May 26, 1890; Fred, born Feb. 17, 1892; Warren G., born Nov. 3, 1900. Address, Tiskilwa, 111. 70 University of Illinois [1883 338. MARY SABINA COLVIN (HARGIS) Born Oct. 17, 1856, Mt. Palatine, Putnam Co., III. f. Jno. Colvin, Pendleton Co., Ky. m. Amelia E., Newport, Boone Co., Ky. Teacher and pursuing Domestic Science. Prepared in Fairview public school. 111. Alethenai. Pres., Sec, and Treas. of Alethenai. Married Walter C. Hargis, Sept. 11, 1886, Normal, 111. Children, Eliza Luella, born Aug. 26, 1887; Louis T., born Aug. 22, 1889; Alice Ethel, born Oct. 23, 1891. Address, Bondville, 111. *339. WILLIAM PATTERSON CRAIG Born Dec. 13, 1861, Armstrong Co., Penn. f. James M. Craig, May 27, 1839, Armstrong Co., Pa. m. Margaret A. Blaine, May 15, 1840, Armstrong Co., Pa. Prepared in Champaign High School. Phi Delta Phi. Capt. LL. B. Taught in country schools, 1884-86; attended Bloomington Law School, 1887-88; practiced Law for eight years. Champaign Co; Inspector Building and Loan Ass'n, 1896-1904. Died Sept. 27, 1904, Champaign, 111. 340. CLARA BELLE FELLOWS (DAY) Born 1859, in Illinois, f. , guardian, J. B. Whitcomb. m. Marv A. Kirby. B. L. Married Joseph Daniels Day, 1889, Milbank, So. Dak. Children, Florence Adelaide, born 1891; Frank Fellows, born 1896. Address, 533 14th Avenue, North Seattle, Wash. 341. JESSIE GARDNER Born Apr. 27, 1863, Champaign, 111. f. Daniel Gardner, Dec. 18, 1815 Warehouse Point, Conn. m. Marj' Josephine Hodges, Oct. 11, 1817, Warren, Mass. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. L. Grad. in piano, Cincinnati Coll. of Music, 1895. Address, Elmhurst, E. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. 342. ALPHONSO SAMUEL GATES Born Nov. 17, 1834, Cass Co., Mich. f. Benjamin B. Gates, 1800, Conn, m. Susannah Alvord, 1811, Pa. Civil Engineer. Prepared at Univ. Acad. Society of Civil Engineers. B. S.; C. E., 1886. Civil and Mining Engineer; U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor; Deputy State Surveyor; Co. Surveyor of Butte Co., S. Dak.; Co. Surveyor Lawrence Co.; City Engineer of Spearfish, S. Dak., for 12 years. Hon. mem- ber Black Hawk Lodge; A. F. and A. M., Hamilton, 111.; Lookout Chapter R. A. M. No. 36, Spearfish, So. Dak. Address, Spearfish, Lawrence Co., S. Dak. 343. JUDSON FREEMAN GOING Born Nov. 29, 1857, Scales Mound, Jo Daviess Co., 111. f. Adoniram Judson Going, m. Mary Ann Clendening. Asst. State's Attorney, Cook Co., 111. Prepared in Chicago Public Schools and Warren High School. Adelphic; Phi Delta Phi. Capt. ^Certificate 1894; LL. B., Union College of Law (Northwestern), 1885. City Justice of Peace, 1887-91; Asst. States Attorney, 1891-92; Gen. Counsel Calumet Electric St. Ry., Chicago, 1894-98; Asst. State's Attv., Cook Co., 111., 1904—. Third regt. I. N. G., 1877-79, 1881-83; Capt. 1892-93. Member of Chicago Bar Association, 1892; Marquette Club, 1892; Marquette Club board of di- rectors, 1902-04; member of Fullerton Ave. Presbyterian Church. 1883] Baccalaureate Alumni 71 Married Xenah Gertrude Avery, July 16, 1885, Eau Claire, Wis. Chil- dren, Grace Mav, born Aug. 29, 1886; Gertrude, born Jan. 4, 1890, (died May 16, 1892); judson Freeman, Jr., born Sept. 2, 1897. Address, 221 Fremont St., Chicago, 111. 344. WILLIAM FRANCIS GOLTRA Born Dec. 3, 1861, near Kankakee, 111. f. Clarkson King Goltra. m. Almira Elizabeth Perault. Asst. Purchasing Agent, Lake Erie and Western R. R. Co. Prepared St. Viateur's College, Bourbonnais, 111. Capt. B. S. Continuously in service of Lake Erie and Western R. R. Co., as engineer, draftsman, chief clerk to Purchasing Agt., Sec'y to Gen. Mgr., Asst. to Chief Engr. and Purchasing Agt.; Asst. Purchasing Agt., 1884 — . Author: Characteristic Report of Lake Erie and Western R. R. Co., Jan. 1, 1900. The Railway Storekeeper, Railway Age, June 9, 1905. Member official board Euclid Av. M. E. Church, 1901; Knights Templar; Mason. Married Annie Laura Rust, June 12, 1888, Bloomington, 111. Children, George Rust, born Mav 3, 1889, (died Aug. 9, 1889) ; Laura Fay, born Apr. 24, 1890; Zella Pearl, born Mar. 24, 1893; Perry Price, born June 5, 1895. Address, 375 Amesbury Ave., Cleveland, O. 345. NELSON ALLISON GRAY Born Aug. 13, 1857, Beaver Dam, Erie Co., Pa. f. Wm. A. Gray, Dec. 15, 1821, Pa. m. Sarah Mead, Sept. 4, 1821. Philomathean. Mining and Real Estate; Ranching. Member M. E. Church, Married Minnie Grav, Feb. 1 1 , 1884, Rantoul, 111. Children, Sarah Ellen, born Nov. 22, 1885; Geo. A., born Mar. 15, 1887; Ida Belle, born July 3, 1889; Edith Anna, born Julv 3, 1889; Nelson Clarence, born Mav 14, 1891; Myrth Minnie, bom May 14, 1891; Stanley Collins, born Dec. 11, 1901; Gladys Loretta, bom Nov. 2, 1903. Address, Chatsworth, Calif. 346. DWIGHT CRAIG HAVEN Born May 10, 1863, in New Lenox, 111. f. Dwight Haven, Dec. 14, 1821, Sheridan, N. Y. m. Lizzie Craig, June 5, 1840, Dublin, Ireland. County Judge. Prepared in common schools and by private instruction. Philomathean; Capt. Service in Illinois National Guard: Q. M. Sergeant, Color Sergeant, Capt. and Adjutant, 3d and 4th Infantrv. I. N. G., 1883-97. Lawyer and Judge, County Court, Will Co., 1902-06. President Joliet Re- publican Printing Co.; Pres'. Builders' Supply Co. Member Episcopal Church; various Masonic organizations; Commercial Club of Joliet and of Calumet, Washington Park and South Shore Country Club, Chicago, Military Order Loyal Legion. 'Married Mary Robinson. Child, Florence Dwight. Address, 408 Richards St., Joliet, 111.; Bus.. 30 Court House. Chicago Office 1401-4 Title and Trust Bldg. 347. GRACE HEALEY (SMITH) Born Mar. 18, 1862, Champaign, 111. f. James M. Healey, 1828, Vernon N. Y. m. Marian Hunt, 1834, Tewesbury, Mass. Married. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai. B. L. Married Charles L. Smith, Apr. 26, 1888, Champaign, 111. Child, Marian Alden, born Mar. 10, 1890. Address, 2018 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 348. WILLIAM AMES HEATH Bom June 29, 1862, Sullivan Co., Ind. f. Nath. P. Heath, Aug. 15, 1818 Urbana, O. m. Cynthia Burnett, Dec. 10, 1522, Sullivan Co., Ind. 72 University of Illinois [1883 Vice-pres. and Director Hibernian Banking Ass'n, Chicago. Prepared in Champaign High School. Pres. of Class and Adelphic; Sigma Chi; B. L. Clerk Champaign Nat. Bank, 1883; Asst. Cashier, 1887; Cashier, 1888-1902; Director, 1898 — . State Bank Examiner, Apr. 1902-04; Vice-pres. and Director Hibernian Banking Assn., Dec, 1904 — . Delegate 111. State Re- publican Conventions, 1892 and 1904; City Treasurer, Champaign, 111., 1889- 91; School Treasurer, 1890-1902; member 111. Commission Pan-American Exposition, 1901; Pres. Alumni Ass'n, 1891-92. Married Clara Owens, June 17, 1890, Catonsville, Md., (died Dec. 10, 1904). Children, Nathaniel P., born 1891; William O., born 1901; Florence B., born 1904. Address, Res., 1808 Chicago Ave., Evanston. 111.; Hibernian Banking Ass'n, Chicago, 111. 349. GEORGE CAVENDER HEWES Born Aug. 1, 1863, Mendon, Adams Co., 111. f. Rev. Matthias Avise Hewes, Quincy, 111., Dec. 1, 1836. m. Minerva Dunlap Cavender, June 3, 1841, Ohio. Missionarv to India. Prepared in Waverly High School and Charleston High School, '111. Adelphic; Chemical Society. Second Assistant in Chemi- cal Laboratorv one year. Pres.of Adelphic one term. B.S.; S. T. B., Depauw. Teaching, Sept.-Oct., 1883; Photographv, Aug., 1885; First Asst. Prof, in Chemistry, Illinois, June, 1886; Photography, Mar., 1887; Asst. Chemist N. W. FertiHzing Co., Chicago, Aug., 1888; Theological Student, Jtme, 1891; Missionary to India. Author: pamphlet. The Philosopher's Stone, 10 pp., Methodist Pub. House, India. Member of M. E. Church, 1893 — . Married Annie Butcher, Dec. 3, 1896, Naini Tal, India. Children, Edwin Butcher, born May 13, 1899; George Cavender, born Aug. 14, 1901. Address, Gonda, Oudh, India. 350. JOSEPH DARWIN HUEY Born Jan. 27, 1860, Huev, 111. f. Joseph Whitfield Huey, Jan. 23, 1827, Huey, 111. m. Martha Ann Jones, Jan. 16, 1829, Christian Co., Ky. Limestone Inspector. Prepared in Common school, Huey, 111. Adelphic. Postmaster, Huey, 1885-88; Rancher, 1888-89; Foreman, Union Lime Co., 1889-93; Rancher, 1893-1900; Miner, 1900-02; Limestone Inspector Am. Beet Sugar Co., 1902—. Address, Halleck, San Bernardino Co., Calif. 351. JOHN THOMAS KENOWER Born Sept. 12, 1860, Xenia, 111. f. Geo. Kenower, CarHsle, Pa., June 29, 1816. m. Anna Shelley, do., Mar. 10, 1829. Editor of Breckenridge Bulletin. Prepared in Huey, 111. Philomathean. Class Pres.; Pres. Philo.,1883; Class Poet. B. S. Farmer; Schoolteacher, 10 years; Editor Breckenridge Bulletin, 1895 — . Married Ola Russell, Aug. 25, 1891, Bolivar, Mo. Children, Pansy, born Aug. 17, 1894; Pauline, born Jan. 8, 1897; Fred Russell, born June 17, 1902: Ethel, born Nov. 1, 1905. Address, Breckenridge, Mo. 352. LIZZIE KNOWLTON (CUSHMAN) Born Apr. 14, 1860, Straton, Vt. f. Melvin Augustus Knowlton, Aug. 9, 1818, Wardsboro, Vt. m. Marcellina Hunt, Nov. 18, 1819, Wardsboro, Vt. Prepared in Urbana High School. Alethenai; Class Pres. one year; Pres. Alethenai one year. B. L. Teacher Public Schools, Champaign, 111., 1883-1888. Washington Heights Baptist Church, New York City. Married E. Hylan Cushman, Sept. 13, 1900, Rochester, N. Y. Address, 1735 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. 1883] Baccalaureate Alumni 73 3S3. CELESTE LANGLEY (SLAUSON) Wife of No. 325 Born July 1, 1862, in Champaign, Illinois, f. James W. Langley, Jan. 17, 1836, near Erie, Pa. m. Jeannette J. Young, Feb. 11, 1838, Elyria, Ohio. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai. B. L. Attended Boston School of Orator}-, 1886. Teacher of Elocution in Champaign, 111., to 1890, and Seattle, Wash., 1890 until her death. Charter member of Women's Century Club of Seattle and at one time President of same. Member of Eastern Star (Masonic). Married Howard B. Slauson ('82), Nov. 15, 1888, at Champaign, 111. Children. Sarah, Jeannette, born Aug. 2, 1897; Celeste, born May 22, 1899; Howard Langley, born Dec. 7, 1901. Died Sept. 3, 1903, at Seattle, Wash. 354. CAMILLA FLORENCE LEWIS (BILLS) Wife of No. 228 Born June 8, 1856, Leroy, 111. f. Jacob Benner Lewis, Dec. 24, 1823, Morgantown, Pa. m. Jane Culbertson, Dec. 17, 1825, New Athens, O. Prepared in Farmer Citv High School and L^niv. Acad. B. L. Married Charles Jacob Bills ('80), Sept. 13, 1883, Farmer Citv, 111. Child, Breta, bom Mar. 22, 1887. Address, 1503 H St., Lincoln, Neb. 355. RALPH DANA LEWIS Born April 12, 1859, in New York, N. Y. f. . m. Emma Dana. Insurance Agent. Purchasing Agent, Keokuk & Western R. R.; Agent New York Life Ins.; Agent Canadian Life Ins. to date. Member Masonic Lodge, Keokuk, la.; Consistory, Peoria, 111.; K. of P.. Keokuk. la. Married Rose E. Pendleton, Aug., 1888, Chenoa, 111. Children, Clara Louis, born Aug., 1889; Emily Dana, born June, 1891. Address, 145 Robinson Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 356. HENRY PEARSON LITTLE Bom March 6, 1858. Cerro Gordo, 111. f. Jacob G. Little, Nov. 21. 1831, in Milo, Me. m. Elizabeth Payson Norris, Aug. 8, 1837, in Fremont, N. H. Prepared in Lincoln High School, 111., and Wesleyan Univ. B S. Philo- mathean. Taught in public schools until Spring of 1903. Member of Ameri- can Assn. for Adv. of Sci., 1901; National Teachers' Assn.. 1893. Married Mable Leontine Morris. Aug. 30, 1892. Children, Rose Eliza- beth, born Julv 13, 1893; Morris Albert, Feb. 27, 1895; Harriet Fern, Julv 10, 1897, (died March 10, 1901); Harold Pearson, March 7, 1899; Edith Marion, Jan. 10, 1902; Florence Mable, Jan. 15, 1904. Supposed to have died, Sept. 1903, in New York City. 357. HENRY LONG McCUNE Born June 28, 1862, Ipava, Fulton Co., 111. f. Joseph Long McCune, 1834, Ohio. m. Martha E. Quillin, 1836, W. Va. Judge. Prepared in IlHnois College, Jacksonville, 111. Philomathean; Sigma Chi. Pres. Philo., 1883; Valedictorian. Editor in Chief, Illini, 1882- 83; Oratorical Contest, 1882. B. L.; LL. B., Columbia College, New York, 1886. Attorney at Law; Judge of Circuit Court at Kansas City, Nov., 1904-. Edited 4th Edition, "McCrary's Law of Elections," 1895. Missouri Cor- respondent, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Deacon First Cong'l. C, K. C; Pres. K. C. Bar Ass'n, 1895; member Mo. State Bar Ass'n; Pres. K. C. League, 1901-04; Pres. K. C. Alum- ni Chapter, Sigma Chi; Pres. K. C. Provident Ass'n; Chairman State and 74 University of Illinois [1883 National Legislation Comm. ; K. C. Com. Club; Executive Comm. Nat. Munic- ipal League. Married Helen A. McCrary, Sept. 6, 1888, Col. Springs, Col. Children, Joseph M. McCune, born May 27, 1891; Helen Elizabeth, born May 9, 1902. Address, 3516 Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo. 358. WILLL\M DOUGLASS MOORE Born July 6, 1856, Chatham, 111. f. Morrison Morgan Moore, Bath Co., Ky. m. Elizabeth Crow, Christian Co., Ky. Municipal Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Government Survey, Miss. River, 1883-84; Drainage Engineering, 1884-86; Foundrying and Engineering, 1886-94, Wellington, Kan.; 1894 — , Wichita, Kan. Married Martha EHzabeth Hill, 1887, Auburn, 111. Children, May Moore, born Apr. 29, 1888; (died Aug. 4, 1888); Corliss Moore, born Mar. 21, 1890. Address, 1715 University Ave., Station A., Wichita, Kan. *359. ARTHUR WILLIAM PALMER Husband of No. 665 Born Feb. 17, 1861, London, England, f. WilHam Palmer, London, m. Harriet Fairchild, London, Eng. Prepared by private instruction. Philomathean. Scholarship, Harvard, 1884-86. Pres. of Philo. B. S.; S. D., 1886, Harvard. Teacher; Asst. in Chem., Illinois, 1886-88; Student in Berlin and Goettingen, 1888-89; Asst. Prof., do., 1889-90; Prof, of Chem., do., 1890-1904. Discov- ered the Arsine Series, 1892. Author of: Chemical Survey of the Waters of Illinois; Preliminary Report, Jan., 1897; Report of Chemical Survey of the Waters of Illinois, 1892-1902. Numerous articles in the "Berichte" and "The American Chemical Journal," between 1885-1904. Member of "The American Ass'n for the Adv. of Science," 1895-1904; "Die Deutsche Chem- ische Gesellschaft, " Berlin, 1888-1904; American Chemical Soc, 111. State Board of Health. Married Anna Shattuck ('91), Aug. 9, 1893, Champaign, 111. Child, Charles Shattuck, born Nov. 11, 1895. Died Feb. 3, 1904, Urbana, 111. 360. KATHERINE PEABODY (GIRLING) Born Jan. 12, 1861, Fon du Lac, Wis. f. Selim Hobart Peabody. m. Mary Elizabeth Pangborn. Prepared in Chicago High School. B. L. Author of : On Tooling Leather, The Craftsman, Oct., 1902. Kenwood Evangelical Church; Chicago Woman's Club. Married Dr. Winthrop Girling, June 30, 1892, Chicago, 111. Address, 5241 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111. 361. FRED DENSMORE PEIRCE Born Nov. 6, 1861, Polo, 111. f. Walter W. Peirce, Putney, Vt. m. Fannie M. Daily, North East Pa. Druggist. Prepared in Palo High School. Philomathean. Senior Class pres. B. S. Druggist, Chicago, since 1883; conducted own business of druggist since Aug., 1886 — . Member Covenant Cong'l Church, June, 1887; Treas., 1896-1900; Washington Park Cong'l Church, 1900 — . Married Marian Moffatt, May 4, 1887, Thawville, 111. Children. Earle Carleton, born Feb. 10, 1892; Vernon Densmore, born Nov. 29, 1897. Address, 5500 State St., Chicago, 111. 362. SILAS HUBBELL PIATT Born July 2, 1861. Monticello, Piatt Co., 111. f. Jacob Piatt, Monticello, 111. m. Mary A. Hubbell, Cincinnati, O. 1883] Baccalaureate Alumni 75 Cashier. Prepared in Monticello Public School. Railroad Express busi- ness, 1884-1904; Cashier Gas & Light Co., 1904—. Married Laura Belle Smith, July 15, 1886, Miles Citv, Mont. Children, Laurance G., born Apr. 21, 1888, (died Sept. 2.S, 1889); Elizabeth Alden, born Aug. 15, 1890; Genevieve, born Aug. 28, 1898. Address, 129 Highland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 363. GEORGE POPE SCOTCHBROOK Born Aug. 25, 1857, in Illinois, f. Edward Scotchbrook. m. Mar}^ A. Pope. Dealer in Lumber, Grain and Coal. B. S. Grain, lumber and coal mer- chant in Wessington, So. Dak., to date. Member of Presbvterian Church and A. O. U. W. lodge. Married Nettie Barden, June 9, 1887, of Wellington, Ohio. Children, Frances W., born May 4, 1888; Carl E., born March 7, 1894. Address, Wessington, So. Dak. 364. WILLL\M SONDERICKER Brother of No. 248 Born Apr. 20, 1862, Woodstock, 111. f. Peter Sondericker, Aug. 9, 1820, Drachenbrunn, Alasce. m. Eliza McCown, 1829, Cookstown, Ireland. Prepared in Woodstock High School. Scientific; Pres. Y. M. C. A. B. A. M. D.. Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1887. Teacher, 1883-85; Medical student and hospital work, 1885-89; Teacher, 1889-94; at home, 1894 — . Baptist Church. Address, Woodstock, 111. 365. ELLA MARY STEWART Born Nov. 21, 1862, in Champaign, 111. f. J. R. Stewart, m. Mary L. Evans, Teacher in Champaign, 111., and Chase school, Chicago, 1883 — . Address, 2409 N. 43rd Ave., Chicago, 111. 366. JOSEPH BRENNEMANN WEIS Born Nov. 29, 1862, La Salle Co., 111. f. Joseph Weis, 1825, Hanan, Ger- many, m. Marie Brennemann, 1827, Cassel, Germany. Paper Manufacturer. Prepared in Peru High School. Adelphic. B. S. Asst. to Prof. C. Tilbert Wheeler, 1883-89; instructor in Chemical Lab., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1889-94; Chemical Lab. in Chicago, engaged in manufacture of paper at Franklin, Ohio, 1894 — . 1903, invented a safety paper. 1892-94, Adjunct Prof, of Chemistry, Chicago Coll. of Dental Sur- gery. Pres. of Men's Club of Franklin, Ohio. Married Isabel Gracev McMillan, Mar. 5, 1889, Montreal, Canada. Chil- dren, Herman William, born Mav 18, 1891; Marie, born Nov. 11, 1895; Isabel Gracey, born Jan. 23, 1898; Infant, born May 11, 1890, (died at birth); In- fant, born Dec, 1893, (died one week later). Address, Franklin, Warren Co., Ohio. 367. MINNIE ELIZABETH WRIGHT (BLACKBURN) Born Aug. 16, 1862, Champaign, 111. f. James Stevens Wright, Aug. 2, 1816, Ohio. m. Katherine Lander, Mar. 23, 1826, Kentucky. Prepared in Champaign High School. Married James Maxwell Blackburn, Sept. 1, 1887, Champaign, 111. Chil- dren, June, born June 13, 1888, (died Dec. 17, 1891); Kittie, born Sept. 13, 1889; Edgar Wright, born Jan. 12, 1891; Hazel, born Mav 12, 1893; Percy, born June 1, 1895; Florence, born Aug. 8, 1896; Edith, born Oct. 7, 1900. Address, Corsicana, Texas. 76 University of Illinois [1884 CLASS OF 1884 (42) 368. WILLIAM LAMONT ABBOTT Brother of Nos. 120, 332, 410 Born Feb. 14, 1861, Morrison, Whiteside Co., 111. f. Asa M. Abbott, Manchester, N. H. m. Sarah Sperry, Trumbull Co., Ohio. Engineer Chicago Edison Co. Prepared in Northern Illinois College, Fulton, 111. Machinist and Draughtsman, 1884-85, Wunder & Abbott Illuminating Co., 1886-87; Pres. and Mgr., Natl. Electric Construction Co., 1888-94; Engr. Chicago Edison Co., 1895-1905. Trustee, Univ. of Illinois, 1905-11. Member of Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers; Amer. Soc. of Electrical Engineers; Western Soc. of Engineers. Married Carrie Entwhistle, Sept. 14, 1887, Morrison, 111. Children, Arthur W., born Mar. 21, 1890; Helen, born July 5, 1891; Robert E., born Sept. 14, 1895; Josephine E., born Nov. 19, 1898; Dorothy C, born Sept. S, 1902. Address, 3213 Beacon St., Chicago, 111. *369. JAMES AUSTIN Born Jan. 3, 1862, Altona, Knox Co., 111. f. Allen Austin, Feb. 17, 1823., m. Louisa Garinger, May 1, 1839. Prepared in Altona High School. Civil Engineer and Draftsman for C, B. & Q. R. R,, 1886-1903; changed to Division Engineer in June, 1903. Married Nettie R. Bostwick, Oct. 15, 1890, Galena, 111. Children, Louise M., born Sept. 27, 1897; Genevieve, L., born Mar. 18, 1903. Died Apr. 1, 1904, La Crosse, Wis. 370. ANNETTA AYERS (SAUNDERS) Born Dec. 16, 1861, Urbana, 111. f. Homer W. Ayers, May 23, 1836, Ontario, O. m. Lorinda J. McConney, Jan. 14, 1837, Bainbridge, O. Physician and Surgeon. Prepared in Urbana High School. Alethenai. B.L.; B.S., 1897, Chicago School of Science ; M. D.,1896, Natl. Homeo. Med. Coll.; M. D., 1897, Harvey Med. Coll.; M. D., 1898, Dunham Med. Coll. Asst. Bacteriologist, Illinois. 1886-93; prof, of Bacteriology Natl. Homeo. Med. Soc, 1893-96; Asst. House Physician National Emergency Hospital, 1896-97; Physician and Surgeon — . Member of State Homeopathic Med. Soc; State Medical Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Social Economics Club; Homeo- pathic Lady Physicians' Club; Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n; Univ. of 111. Alumni Ass'n of Chicago; served as Pres. same. Married Charles Boulson Saunders, M. D., June 1896, Urbana, 111. Address, 303 LaSalle Ave., Chicago, 111. 371. GUY H. BABCOCK Born 1865, in Ridott, 111. f. Anson A. Babcock. Entered from Ridott, Stephenson Co., 111. Capt. Certificate. 372. ELLA URSULA BARBER Sister of No. 673 Born Dec. 30, 1859, Lyndock, Ont., Canada, f. Isaac Barber, Dec. 14, 1821, Montreal, Quebec, m. Mary Ursula Davis, Feb. 16, 1834, Orwell, Ont. With New York Life Ins. Co. Prepared in State Normal, Emporia, Kans., and Champaign High School. Pres. Alethenai; Illini staff; called committee together that formed the Y. W. C. A. in the Univ. B. L.; B. A., 1889, Victoria Univ. Teacher in Public School of Pana, 111., and Urbana High^School; teacher of English in Hamilton Ladies' College, Ontario, and teacher of Modern Lang, and English in Canadian High School. Last eight years connected with N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Member of Methodist Church, member Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Political Equality League, Referendum League, Whitman Club, Secretary Univ. of 111. Alumnae of Chicago. Address, 1418 Tribune Bldg, Chicago, 111. 1884] Baccalaureate Alumxi 77 373. HENRY HUGH BARBOUR Bom 1861, in Washington, 111. f. A. Barbour. Engineer. B. S. Structural engineer, Lackawana Steel Co. Married Minnie S. Wright. Address, 14 W. 96th St., New York, N. Y. *374. EMMETT G. BARTHOLF Brother of No. 375 Born Mav 30, 1862, Rochester, N. Y. f. Gilliam Bartholf, June 6, 1837, N. J. m. M"ary Jane McCreery, May 25, 1834, Dunville, Can. Prepared in Plainfield High School and Indiana Normal School. Adelphic. B. A. Principal of Public Schools. Taught Latin in Acad.; on Staff of mini and of Sophograph; Pres. of Adelphic. Died Dec. 28, 1884. 375. WILLIAM JOSEPH BARTHOLF Brother of No. 374 Bom in Rochester, N. Y. f. Gilliam Bartholf, June 6, 1837, New Jersey, m. Mary J. McCreery, May 25, 1834, Dunville, Ca. .Principal Von Humboldt School, Chicago. Prepared in Indiana Normal School. Adelphic. B. A.; B. S., Indiana Normal School, 1880. Principal Public Schools, Davenport, la., 1885-86; Principal Von Humboldt School, Chicago, 1886-. Address, Von Humboldt School, Chicago. 376. ALMA ELIZABETH BRAUCHER Sister of Nos. 377, 412, 627, 784, 1009 Born May 5, 1858, ^tna Township, Logan Co., 111. f. Daniel Ludwig Braucher, Mar. 1, 1833, Pickawav Co., O. m. Henrietta Curtis Hill, June 1, 1831, Orange, N. H. Retired Phvsician. Prepared in Lincoln High School. Alethenai. B. S.; M. D., Hering Med. Coll. and Hospital, 1895. Practiced Medicine four years and three months; gave up office, 1900. Member of Church of New Jerusalem, Chicago, 111., April, 1895. Address, 227 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, 111. 377. ARTHUR CONRAD BRAUCHER Brother of No. 376, 412, 627, 784, 1009 Born Nov. 28, 1859, Logan Co., 111. f. Daniel Ludwig Braucher, Mar. 1, 1833, Pickawav Co., Ohio, m, Henrietta Curtis Hill, June 1, 1831, Orange, N. H. Mining Engineer. Prepared in Lincoln High School. B. S., Illinois, 1884. Civil Engineering Club. C. E. and Surveyor, Lincoln, 111., 1885-86; Mining Engineer with Trinidad Coal & Coke Co., Starkville, Colo., May, 1886, to June, 1887; in Chief Engineer's office, drafting, Raton, N. M., June to Aug., 1887; on Vermejo. Surveying and prospecting for coal. Fall of 1887, Elkins, N. M.; Canon City, Colo., in charge of development mines 5 and 7, Canon Citv Coal Co., Nov. 1887, to Sept., 1888; work under management, A. T. & S. F. R. R., fuel department; Lincoln, Fall of 188», and Danville, Spring of 1889 with J. F. McCoy, Arch. ; interest in Machine Shop of Braucher Bros., with W. B. Braucher; partnership dissolved in 1896; handled stoves and re- pairs in connection with general repairing, making well screens, pumps for local trade; June, 1903, to Oct., 1904, Mining Engineer with Westville Coal Co., repairing and working on introduction patented device, 1904. Enlisted with Co. D. 5th Regiment, I. N. G., 1880, at Lincoln, 111. Invented Little Giant Phenomenal Feed Water Heater and Purifier, 1894-95. Married Myra Elizabeth Miller, Bloomdale, O., Nov. 5, 1890. Children, 78 University of Illinois [1884 Herbert Edward, born Aug. 6, 1891, (died Oct. 25, 1901); Dorothy May, born Feb. 12, 1904. Address, 501 Sherman St., Danville, 111. 378. JUNIATA GENEVIEVE CAMPBELL (HUNT) Wife of No. 387 Born Feb. 17, 1862, Polo, 111. f. John D. Campbell, July 21, 1830, Del- aware Co., N. Y. m. Mary E. Cutts, Apr. 5, 1835, Kittery' Maine. Married. Prepared in Polo High School. Alethenai. B. L. School Teaching, 1884-88. Married Thomas F. Hunt, Aug. 22, 1888, Polo, 111. Children, Theodore M., born Dec. 7, 1889; Marion J., born Jan. 1, 1899. Address, 37 East Ave., Ithaca. N. Y. 379. NORMAN WARD CHAPMAN Born 1860, in Warren Co., 111. f. A. A. Chapman. Engineer and Mine Supt., (1904). Address, 117 Cherry St., Seattle, Wash. *380. LUCY JANE CLARK Born Nov. 14, 1860, Metamora, 111. f. Joseph Manley Clark, May 30, 1829, Somerville, Mass. m. Anna Stevenson, Apr. 29, 1834, Hopkinsville , Ky. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. In Post Office at Wichita, Kans., Aug. 1886-87. Died Jan. 9, 1887, Wichita, Kans. 381. ANNA JULIA CONKLING (SEYMOUR) Wife of No. 289 Born Mar. 31, 1862, Leroy, McLean Co., 111. f. Aaron Belknap Conkling, Jan. 7, 1832, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. m. Mary Maltbie, Feb. 11, 1832, Southington, Ohio. Prepared in West Side High School, Champaign, 111. Hon. member Alethenai. B. S. Teacher, Champaign, 1884-85. Congr. Church, Cham- paign, 1886; First Church in Cambridge, Mass., 1886-94; First Congr. Church, Waverley, Mass., 1894—. Married Arthur Bliss Seymour ("81), May 6, 1886, Champaign, 111. Child- ren, Mary Elizabeth, born Jan. 27, 1889; Rosa Margaret, born Apr. 28, 1890; Frank Conkling, born July 21, 1895; Edith Katharine, born Sept. 28, 1896. Address, Waverley, Mass. 382. FREDERIC WALTER EBERLEIN Born 1861, in Mascoutah, 111. m. Mary Eberlein. Physician and surgeon, (1904). B. S. Address, Lacon, 111. 383. LOLA D. ELLIS (FORSYTH) Born Nov. 9, 1858, Canton, 111. f. Geo. W. Ellis, Canton. 111. m. Mary E. Peterson, Meadville, Penn. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. L. Married James W. Forsyth, 1885, Canton, 111. Children, Ruth A., born Feb. 7, 1887; Ethel F,, born Mar. 29, 1889. Address, Gibroy, Santa Clara Co., Calif. 384. LUCY ALZIRA HALL (PARR) Wife of No. 397 Born 1860, in Ohio. m. A. A. Hall. Married Samuel W. Parr ('84), Dec. 27, 1887, Champaign, 111. Children, Elizabeth, born June 15, 1889; Harold Lucien, born Sept. IS, 1894. Address, 919 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 1884] Baccalaureate Alumni 79 385. FRANK ELMER HERDMAN Born Oct. 6, 1862, Monmouth, 111. f. Francis Hamilton Herdman, 1835. m. Margaret Amelia Hill, 1841. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Chicago Grammar Schools and Zanes- ville High School, Zanesville, Ohio. Capt. B. S.; M. E,, 89. W. E. Hale & Co., Chicago, Engineering, 1884-91; Premier Steel Co., Indianapolis, Engr. and Supt. Elevator Dept., 1891-93; Crane Elevator Co., second Mechanical Engr., 1893-97; American Rheostat Co., 1897-8; personal work; Vice-pres. and Mangr. Olis Elevator Co., 1898-1901; Eng'r, 1901-1903; work on eleva- tors, 1903—. April 1897-99, Trustee of Village of Winnetka; 1899-1902, Pres. of Winnetka; Supt. of PubHc Works and Acc'ts of Winnetka, 1902 — . Member of A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; Am. Acad. Pol. and Social Science. Married Mary Tilden Victor. Aug. 12, 1886, Champaign. 111. Children, Margaret Mav, born Apr. 27, 1888; Carrie Belle, born Feb. '27, 1892; Frank Victor, born Mar. 20 1897. Address, Winnetka, 111. 386. CORA JANE HILL Sister of No. 271 Born 1860, in Galesburg, 111. f. B. F. Hill. Stenographer in Coll. of Agr., Univ. of Calif. (1904). Address (1904), 2113 Rose St., Berkeley, Calif. 387. THOMAS FORSYTH HUNT Husband of No. 378 Born Jan. 1, 1862, Ridott, 111. f. Thomas Marshall Hunt, 1818, Notting- ham England, m. Mary Kirk, Arnold, England. Professor of Agronomv. Prepared in Freeport High School. B. S., 1884, Illinois; M.Sc, 1892. ,"D. Agr., 1902, Illinois. Sigma Xi.Town and Gown (Ithaca) and Cornell Cosmopolitan Club. Alpha Zeta. Asst. to 111. State Entomologist, 1885-86; Asst. in Agr., Illinois, 1886-88; Asst. Agricul- turist 111. Exp. Sta., 1888-91: Prof, of Agr.. Penn. State Coll., 1891-92; Prof, of Agr., 1892-1903, Ohio State Univ., and Dean of Coll. of Agr. and Dom. Sci., same, 1896-1903; Prof, of Agronomy, Cornell Univ., 1903 — . Author, books: Soils and Crops of the Farm, (in collabor- ation with G. E. Morrow); Chicago, Howard, and Wilson Publish- ing Co., 1892, 8 vo. pp. 303; republished. New York, Orange Judd Co., 1899, 8vo. pp. 303. The Cereals in America, New York, Orange Judd Co., 1904, pp. XXVII + 421. Contribution to Bullerins of Univ. of 111. Agr. Expt. Sta.; Old Series: No. 3, 1887, pp. 25-40; Reprint Rpt. Univ. of 111., 1888, pp. 229-235; No. 4, 1887, pp. 41-57; Reprint Rpt. of Univ. of 111., 1888, pp. 229-235. New Series: No. 2, 1888, pp. 15-24 and 30-35; No. 4, 1889, pp. 37-127; No. 5, 1889, pp. 141-164; No. 7, 1889, pp. 194-213; No. 8, 1890, pp. 214-272; No. 9, 1890, pp. 302-314; No. 11, 1890, pp. 337-352; No. 12, 1890, pp. 352-370; No. 13, 1891, pp. 389-432; No. 15, 1891, pp. 478-489; No. 21, pp. 3-11, 1904. Reports, Univ. of 111., 1886, pp. 196-200, 200-204, 204-205, 205-206, 206-209; 1888, p. 260. Reports, Penn. State Coll.: 189, Part II, pages, 44-60, 61-63, 92-107, 108-110. 112-116; 1892, Part II, 34- 42. Reports, Ohio State Univ.: 1891, pp. 171-177; 1892, pp. 134-136; 1893, pp. 285-292; 1894, pp. 220-221 and 650-654; 1895. pp. 311-314 and 563- 565; 1896. pp. 298-302, 539-543, 563-565 and 610-613; Bui. Ser. 7, No. 22, 1903. Miscellanous Publications: Agricultural Education in high school, leaflet app.; Agricultural Education, New York Tribune Farmer, Jan. 22, 1903; Agricultural Machinery at the World's Fair. Jour. Columbus Hart. Soc. Vol. VIII. 1893. pp. 102-106; Effect of Food upon the Quality of Butter; Proc. 12th and 13th Ann. Meetings of the Soc. Prom. Agr. vSci.. 1891-1892. pp. 111-114; George Espy Morrow, hh.B., X.M.^The Illinois Agricidturist, Vol. V, (1901). pp. 1-16; History of Agr. and Rural Economics, Lectures on the; 1899, pp. 154; Some Impressions of the Horticulture of Northern Calif., 80 University of Illinois [1884 Jour. Columbus Hort. Soc, Vol. XIV, 1899, pp. 171-177; Tillage, Jour. Columbus Hort. Sac, Vol. VII, 1892, pp. 56-60; Value of Corn Fodder, Seventeenth Ann. Rpt. 111. State Dairymen's Assn., 1891, pp. 427-439; The Horse Industry in New York. Cornell Countryman, Vol. 2, (1905), No. 7, pp. 125-127; The Cornell Univ. Farms, Cornell Countryman, Vol. 2, (1905), No. 9, pp. 169-174; The Service of Alpha Zeta; The Quarterly of Alpha Zeta, Vol. Ill (190), No. 2, pp. 39-41 ; Influence of the Draft Horse, Nat'l Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XXVII; Draft Horse; Penn. Livestock Breeders' Assn., Bui. No. 11, pp. 22-26, 1905; Partial Economic Bibliography of Indian Corn Insects. Miscellaneous essays on economic entomology by the State Ento- mologist and his assistants, March, 1886, pp. 57; Public Playgrounds, Jour. Columbus Hort. Soc, Vol XVII, 1902, pp. 47-53; Relation of Agriculture to the Progress of the Century, Jour. Columbus Hort. Soc, Vol. XIV, 1899, pp. 97-107; Relation of the Live Stock Industry to New Jersey; Twentv-ninth Ann. Rpt. St. Bd. Agr., 1901, pp. 185-201. Address, The Opportunity in Agriculture, at Dedication of Agr. Bldg., Univ. of 111., May 21, 1901, pp. 46-64. Plant Breeding, address, Ann. Meeting Agr. Students' Union, 1903, pp. 4. Married Juniata G. Campbell ('84), Aug. 22, 1888. Children, Theodore Morrow, born Dec. 7, 1889; Marion Juliet, born Jan. 1, 1899. Address, 37 East Avenue, Cornell Univ.. Ithaca, New York. 388. GEORGETTA KEMBALL (MURRAY) Born Mar. 10, 1862, Champaign, 111. f. George Kemball, Gravesend, Eng., Dec. 25, 1832. m. Mary Poulteres, Mar. 2, 1828, Portsmouth, Eng. Prepared in Champaign East Side High School. Alethenai. Teacher in High School at Pana, Christian Co., 111., two years; East side High School, Champaign, one year; Urbana High School, four years. Member Methodist Church, 1884—. Married Harry Lewis Murray, Sept. 1, 1891, Champaign. Children, Kemball, born Nov. 20, 1892 ; Wesley, born Sept. 1 , 1895 ; Ruth, born May 24, 1898; Helen, born Dec. 6, 1903. Address, Denver, Colo. 389. EDWIN RAYMOND KIMBALL Born Nov. 5, 1863, in Boston, Mass. f. Edwin A. Kimball, m. Clara Clara Bartlett Bryant. Newspaper Man. B. S. Newspaper reporter and Exchange Editor of Chicago Record Herald and Chicago Tribune and others. Published short stories in magazines and newspapers. Member of Press Club of Chicago National Union, (Mason, Ashler 258), Iowa State Traveling Men's Association. Address, Chicago Press Club, Chicago, 111. 390. JOSEPHINE STEWART KRAUSE (CHALFONT) Born May 18, 1859, Chicago, 111. f. Frederick William Krause, Apr. 9, 1829, Germany, m. Mary Josephine Stewart, Sept. 22, 1834, Albany, N. Y. Married. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Choral Society; Univ. Choir. Married Alfred Chalfont, Sr., June 19, 1892, Chicago, 111. Children, Leonore Vinette, born March 23, 1893, St. Louis, Mo.; Louis Paschal, born Feb. 2, 1899, Rosedale Ranch, San Diego. Address, San Diego, Calif., care of Escondido Stage, Rosedale Ranch. 391. FRED AUGUST LIETZE Born Apr. 1, 1863, Cariyle, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in McKendree College. B. S. Chief Engr. , Santa Fe and Hanover Drainage Districts-, 1884-88; Abstract and Real Estate, 1898; Civ. and Municipal Eng'r, 1898—. Address, Carlvle, 111. 1884] Baccalaureate Alumni 81 392. CHARLES HERVEY LILLY Brother of No. 393 Born Jan. 20, 1860, Champaign, 111. f. Robert Hervej- Lilly, Ky. m. Valeria Gordon, 1834, Ogdensbi:rg, N. Y. Manufacturer and Wholesale Grocer. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic. B. S. Chemist in Champaign and Franklin, Tenn. Merchant in Thomasboro, 111., 1885-89; Contracting work, Seattle, Wash., 1889; Grain, Flour and Feed business; Flouring Mills; Steamboats; Seed Business; Importing and Exporting Business; Wholesale Grocer; Manufac- turer of Stock foods, fertilizer, poultry foods, creamery supplies, wholesale seeds, etc. Pres. and Treas. of Lilly Bogardus Co., of Seattle, since incor- poration, 1894; Pres. and Treas. of The Chas. H. Lilly Co., Portland, Ore.; Pres. and Treas. of The Chas. H. Lilly Co., San Francisco, Calif.; Pres. of The City Realty and Milling Co., of Ellensburgh, Wash.; Pres. and Manager of C. H. Lilly & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Seattle, Wash. Married Julia Putnam, Sept. 3, 1885, Champaign, 111. Children, Henry Wilmot, born July 8, 1886; Farwell Piatt, born July 27, 1888; Dorothy E. P., bom sept. 12, 1889; Marion Mildred, born June l,'l899. Address, Foot of Main, St., Seattle, Wash. 393. JAMES EDWARD LILLY Brother of No. 392 Bom July 10, 1861, Champaign, 111. f. Robert Hervey Lilly, near Paris, Ky. m. Valeria Gordon, 1834, near Ogdensburg, N. Y. Merchant. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic. B. S. Wholesale and retail grocer, Dawson, Y. T. Address, Dawson, Yukon Ter., Canada. 394. GEORGE WASHINGTON McCLUER Bom Oct. 11, 1857, Farina, 111. f Jas. W. McCluer, May 30, 1830, Morrow Co., Ohio. m. Harriet La Rue, Mar. 26, 1834, Morrow Co., Ohio. Farmer. Prepared in District School and Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Scientific Ass'n. Nat. Hist. Soc. B. S.; M. S., 1892. Charge of fruit and ornamental grounds, 1885-88; Asst. Hort. of Exp. Sta. and Instructor in Hort., Illinois, 1888-96; Farming, 1896 — . Author of pamphlets: Garden experiments with sweet corn; 12 pages; with sweet corn, 14 pages; with sweet corn and Popcorn, 15 pages; Potato experiments, 18 pages; Varieties of Apples, 52 pages; Corn Crossing, 20 pages; The forest tree plantation, 40 pages; Grapes, tests of varieties, etc., 24 pages; Blackberries and Raspberries, varieties and management, 11 pages. Member of 111. and Central 111. Hort. Societies; Secy. Hort. Soc. of Central 111., 1893-96. Married Elizabeth Parrill, Sept. 6, 1885. Children, Hugh Baevard, born Dec. 28, 1886; Edith, born Aug. 21, 1889; Donald, bom May 5, 1891; Leon, born Oct. 1, 1893; Allan, born Aug. 10, 1895; Kenneth Parrill, born July 12, 1897; Jean Wendell, born Aug. 15, 1903. Address, Jackson, Miss. 395. CARLOS MONTEZUMA Born 1864, in Arizona Ter. f. C. Gentile. Physician. B. S.; M. D. Associate professor, Post-Graduate Hos- pital, Chicago. Address (1904), 3158 S. Park Ave., (or 100 State St.,) Chicago, 111. 396. GEORGE NATHAN MORGAN Husband of No. 429 Born 1861, in Kinmundy, 111. f. J. B. Morgan. Lawyer (1904). B. L. Married Louisa Merboth ('85). Address (1904), 7646 Marquette Ave., Chicago, 111. 82 University of Illinois [1884 397. SAMUEL WILSON PARR Husband of No. 384 Born Jan. 21, 1857, Granville, Putnam Co., 111. f. James Parr, 1830, Bond Co., Illinois, m. Elizabeth F. Moore, 1836, Putnam Co., Illinois. Professor of Applied Chemistry. Prepared in Normal Univ. High School. Philomathean. Editor Illini, 1883-84; Base Ball, 1883-84; Pres. Y. M. C. A., 1883-84; Class Valedictorian. B. S.; M. S., 1885, Cornell. Invented Fuel Calorimeter, 1900; Total Carbon Apparatus, 1903; Sulphur Photometer, 1903. Author: Chemical Analysis and Heating Value of lUinois Coals, 18 pp., published as a Bulletin from the 20th Annual Coal Report by Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Coals of Illinois, Their Composition and Analy- sis, 38 pp., published as University of Illinois Studies No. 7. Member Congregational Church, deacon, 1891; State Committee, Y. M. C. A., College Section, 1896; Member Amer. Chemical Society; Society of Chemical In- dustry, London; American Electro-Chemical Society; Amer. Ass'n for Adv. of Science. Married Lucie A. Hall, Dec. 27, 1887, Champaign, III. Children, Eliza- beth, born June 15, 1889; Harold Lucien, born Sept. 18, 1894. Address, 919 West Green St , Urbana, 111. 398. SOLON PHILBRICK Brother of Nos. 284, 483 Born June 20, 1860, Adeline, Ogle Co., 111. f. Mays H. Philbrick, 1827, Waldo, Me. m. Mary McFarland, 1828, Md. Circuit Judge. Prepared in Public School and Univ. Acad. Philoma- thean. Capt. Lawyer, 1887-1903; Circuit Judge, 1903 — . Married Carrie Josephine Philbrick, Mav 27, 1891, Cedar Rapids, la. Children, Lois, born Oct. 10, 1895; Gladys, born May 30, 1897. Address, Champaign, 111. 399. LEWIS CLARK ROBERTS Bom 1863, in Jefferson, 111. f. Clark Roberts. Electrician. Capt. B. S. Address, 4098 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. 111. 400. ANDREW OLIVER RUPP Born Mar. 25, 1860, Hopedale, Tazewell Co., Illinois, f. Joseph Rupp Jan. 4, 1821, Nancy, France, m. Anna Baechler, Sept. 29, 1826, Nancy France. Author. Prepared in Chenoa High School and 111. Wesleyan Univ., Bloomiiigton. Adelphic. B. L. Teacher, 1884-1886; Journalist, 1886- 1900; Author, 1900—. Knights of Pythias, 1892. City Clerk, of McHenry, 111., two terms; first elected in 1897. Address, Chenoa, 111. 401. KETURAH ELIZABETH SIM Born Mar. 13, 1864, Urbana, 111. f. Joseph W^alter Sim, Nov. 1, 1831, Knox Co., Ohio. m. Sarah Ann Busey, Greencastle, Ind., Aug. 19, 1833. Teacher of German. Prepared in Urbana High School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. B. L.; M. L. 1895. Teacher in Urbana Public School, 1884-86; in County Clerk's Office, 1887-92; Student in Dr. Sargent's Normal School of Physical Training, Cambridge, Mass., 1892-93; Teacherof English, Urbana High School, 1897-99; Teacher of German, Champaign High School, 1901 — ; In Munich, Germany, 1905-06. Held offices of Pres. of Christian Endeavor Soc. ; Seer, of Urbana Chautauqua Circle and Pres. of Urbana Chautauqua Alumnae Ass'n. Address, 60S W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 1885] Baccalaureate Alumxi 83 402. LUCINS NOYES SIZER Bom Nov. 15, 1860, Kankakee, 111. f. Albert Dann Sizer, Aug. 12. 1823, Otsego Co., New York. m. Mary Noyes Wolcott, Sept. 1, 1831, Vermont. Merchant. Prepared in Mahomet, Illinois. Adelphic. Class president, 1883. B. S. Teacher, winter of 1884-85; engineer and farmer, 1885-89 and 1899-1905; Estimator and draughtsman on architectural ironwork, 1890-92; Merchant, 1895-98. Married M. Anna Shurts, June 30, 1892, Delavan, Illinois. Children, Albert Dann, born Nov. 25, 1893; Bruce Lucins, born Apr. 27, 1895; Donald Eugene, born Oct. 10, 1901; Dorothy, born Aug. 3, 1903. Address, Fisher, 111, Rural Route No. 35. 403. LAURA BELLE SMITH (PIATT) Born Jan. 5, 1863, Newton, 111. f. Col. Benj. Smith, Apr. 27, 1834, Ohio. m. Celeste E. Gray, Aug. 12, 1836, Ohio. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. L. Married Silas Hubbel Piatt, Julv 18, 1886, Miles Citv. Children, Lau- rance Gray, born Apr. 21, 1888, (died Sept. 23, 1889); Elizabeth Alden, born Aug. 15, 1890; Genevieve Alden, born Aug. 28, 1898. Address, 129 Highland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. *404. ERNEST SPEIDEL Born 1865, at Rock Island, 111. f. C. Speidel. Brother, Hugo Speidel, Paterson, N. J. B. S. Died Oct. 19, 1892, at Ravenswood, 111. 405. HUBERT ALLEN STEVENS. Bom Mar. 10, 1864, Inland, Cedar Co., la. f. Chas. W. Stevens, 1841, Exeter, N. H. m. Lucy L. Allen, 1842, Boston, Mass. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Chicago West Division High School. Adel- phic. B. S. Asst. County Surveyor at Streator, 1884; Asst. Engr. on Miss. River Comm., Memphis, l'884-188'5; Asst. Chester B. Davis, 111. River Sur- vey at Ottawa, 1885; Fall of 1885, Asst. on Wis. River Survey at Portage; engaged with bridge contractors and Wis. Central Railroad at Chicago, 1886; engineer on Construction of North Chicago Cable Railway, 1886; Asst. Engineer, City of Chicago, 1887-93; Private practice, Chicago, 1894-99; City Engineer, Joliet, 111., 1899 — . Author of occasional papers in engineer- ing magazines and newspapers. Member of Western Soc. Engineers, since 1887; Illinois Ass. Engrs. and Surveyors, since 1889. Married Hattie B. Thompson, Urbana, 111., June 18, 1890. Children, Vemon T., born Oct. 3, 1892; Richard W., born Feb. 25, 1894. Address, 104 Bartleson St., Joliet, 111. 406. SAMUEL WESLEY STRATTON Born July 18, 1861, Litchfield, 111. f. Samuel Stratton, 1831, Ky. m. m. Mary B. Webster, 1835, 111. Director National Bureau of Standards. Prepared in Litchfield High School. Philomathean. Capt. B. S., 1884, Illinois; D. Eng. (hon.), 1903; D. Sc. 1903, Univ. of Western Pa. Instructor of Math., Asst. Prof., and Prof, of Physics and Elec. Engr., Illinois, 1885-92; Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., and Prof, of Physics, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-1901; Director National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1901 — . Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Lieutenant and Lieut. Commander, Naval Militia of 111., 1895-1901; Lieu- tenant U. S. Navy, May to November, 1898, Spanish-American War; Com- mander, commanding D. C. Naval Militia, 1904 — . Member American Physical Society; American Association for the Adv. of Science; American Philosophical Society. Address, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 84 University of Illinois [1884 407. HENRY SEWARD VAN PETTEN Born Nov. 9, 1859, Lawn Ridge, 111. f. Peter V. Van Patten, May 30, 1818, Oswego, N. Y. m. Martha Van Auken, Sept. 1, 1825, Red Creek, N. Y. Druggist. Prepared at Lacon High School, Lacon, 111. Adelphic. Class Pres., Soph, year; member senate in Student Gov't; Pros. Att'y in same; Business Manager Illini, 1883-84. B. S. Married Violet M. Harriss, Nov. 6, 1895, Evanston, 111. Child, Chella Harriss, born Aug. 19, 1896. Address, Las Vegas, N. Mex. 408. EDMUND ROBERT VIAL Born Mar. 19, 1861, Lyonsville, Cook Co., 111. f. Bobert Vial, Apr. 19, 1824, Chester, N. Y. m. Mary R. Ketchum, Nov. 18, 1834, Newburg, N. Y. Farmer. Prepared in district School and Univ. Acad. Scientific or Gregorian. B. S. Sunday School Supt., 1890 — ; Church Clerk, 1897 — ; School Director, 1897 — . Married Hattie M. Hoyt, Oct. 26, 1887, Bridgeville, N. Y. Children, Clara Getrude, born Sept. 27, 1888; Ralph Hoyt, born Oct. 12, 1890; Albert Russel, born May 26, 1893; George Edmund, born July 8, 1897; Gordon Lewis, born Apr. 7, 1899; Wilbur Franklin, Sept. 21, 1901. Address, La Grange, 111., R. F. D. No. 2. 409. JEROME GIDEON WILLS Born 1860, Fayette Co., 111. f. Clifton R. Wills. Lawyer and farmer. B. L. Address. Shobonier, 111. CLASS OF 1885 (44) 410. ALFRED NOYES ABBOTT Brother of Nos. 120, 332, 368 Bom Nov. 2, 1862, in Union Grove, 111. f. A. M. Abbott, Queechy, N. H. m. Sarah Sperry, Mecca, Ohio. Farmer. Adelphic. Member of House of Representatives, 1898-1902; Director of 13th Congressional District of State Farmers' Intstitute Workers. Farming, 1904 — . Member Odd Fellows, Masons, Modem Woodmen, Mystic Workers of World, Eastern Star. Married Sarah G. Green, Oct. 12, 1886. Children, Bayard Taylor, born'Nov. 5, 1887; Frances D., born Jan. 5, 1889; Louis A., born August, 1891; Howard G., born Jan. 8, 1896. Address, Morrison, 111., R. F. D. No. 7. 411. JUDSON FINLEY AYERS Born 1862, in Urbana, 111. f. A. M. Ayers. With Mexican Central R. R. (1904). 412. WILLIAM BURSON BRAUCHER Brother of Nos. 376, 377, 627, 784, 1009 Born Mar. 13, 1857, Logan Co., 111. f. Daniel Ludwig Braucher, Mar. 1, 1833, Pickaway Co., Ohio. m. Henrietta Curtis Hill, June 1, 1831, Orange, N. H. Machinist and Draftsman. Prepared in High School, Lincoln, and Univ. Acad. Machinist and Draftsman, 1885-1900; Charge of Experimental work at High Bridge, N. Y., constructing high pressure boiler and motor for the E. Prall Hot Water Motor and Storage Power Co., 1899. Draftsman, Dan- ville Foundry & Machine Co., 1900 — . Invented, with A. C. Braucher ('84), a feed water heater and purifier. The Little Giant. 1885] Baccalaureate Alumni 85 Married Hattie Abbott, Aug. 7, 1889. Children, Alma Leone, born Mar. 31, 1892, (died Jan. 4, 1896); Rachel Abbott, born Sept. 30, 1894. Address, 525 Sherman St., Danville, 111. 413. HARRY LESLIE CARTER Born June 27, 1861, in Cincinnati, Ohio, guardian, C. J. McNutt. m. Camila J. Wells. Member of K. of P. and U. R. K. of P. and I. O. O. F. Married Hulda A. Grooms, Humboldt, 111. Address, Humboldt, 111. 414. KATE FRANXES CLARK (STOCKHAM) Wife of No. 443 Born July 6, 1863, Cobden. 111. f. E. N.Clark, m. Frances E. Good- rich. Married. Alethenai. B. S. Lived in Chicago, 111., till 1903; Birm- ingham, Ala., 1903—. First Methodist Church, W. C. T. U., Edgwood Club, Chautauqua Circle. Married Wm. H. Stockham ('85), April 27, 1887, Cobden, 111. Children, Herbert C, born 1888; Douglass W., born 1898; Richard J., born 1903. Address, 1113 N. 25th St. Birmingham, Ala. 415. THOMAS EDW^ARD COLE Born 1861, in Champaign, 111. f. Thomas Cole. m. Elizabeth Roberts. Physician. Married Anna B. Smith, 1890, at Huron, O. Address, Le Mars, 111. 416. SIMEON COLTON COLTON Born Mar. 24, 1862, Chicago, 111. f. A. M. F. Colton, 1824, Springfield, Mass. m. Caroline Kirk, 1830, Morristown, N. J. Civil Engineer. Prepared in North Division High School, Chicago, 111. Civil Engineer's Club. B. S. In employ of The Fitz Simons & Connell Co., Oct., 1885—. Member Western Soc. Engineers, 1887 — . Married Caroline Whitcomb, Dec. 26, 1899, Chicago, 111. Address, 603 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. 417. ROBERT LIVINGSTON DUNLAP Brother of Nos. 62, 63 Born Nov. 17, 1860, Savoy, 111. f. Menzo Dunlap, Dec. 19, 1816, Pu- laski, N. Y. m. Arabella Pierce, Apr. 23, 1825, Sandy Creek, N. Y. Farmer and fruit grower. Prepared in Urbana ,111. Married Charlotte R. Jutkins, June 2, 1886. Children, Robert M., born Oct. 18, 1887; Effie Charlotte, born Dec. 26, 1888; Leonard E., born Apr. 15, 1892. Address, Savoy, 111. 418. MARY TRACY EARLE Born Oct. 21, 1864, Cobden, 111. f. Parker Earle, Aug. 8, 1831, Mt. Holly, Vt. m. Melanie Tracy Earle, Jan. 12, 1837, Peru, Ohio. Writer. Prepared in Cobden PubHc School. Alethenai. Repre- sented Alethenai in intersociety orat. cont., 1884. B. S. ; M. A. (hon.) 1903. Since 1904 Librarian and Editorial Ass't of the Estacion Central Agro- nomica de Cuba, Santiago, de las Vegas, Cuba. Author: The Wonder- ful Wheel, Century Co., 1896; The Man who worked for ColUster, Copeland & Dav, Boston, 1898; Through Old Rose Glasses, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1900; The Flag on the Hilltop, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, 86 University of Illinois [1885 1902. Contributed occasional articles to McClure's Magazine, The Outlook, The Saturday Evening Post, The Post, The Atlantic, Scribner's, Harper's, The Century and less important publications, 1899-1906. Address, Santiago, de las Vegas, via Havana, Cuba. 419. GEORGE HUNTINGTON ELLIS Born May 6, 1864, Milwaukee, Wis. f. Joel Ellis, 1834, Mass. ■ m. Jane May Field, 1849, New York. Sec. and Treas., Geo. W. Pitkin Co. Prepared in Milwaukee Public School, and Univ. Acad. Sigma Chi. B. S. Professional Chemist, 1885- 1903; Sec. and Treas., Geo. W. Pitkin Co., Paint Mfs., Chicago, 1903—. Author: Notes in White Paint Analysis. Member American Chemical Society. Married Mary Harvey, Dec. 1892, Aurora, 111. Children, Richard, born 1896; Gerald Van Norturck, born 1902. Address, Evanston, 111. 420. GEORGE LEROY HICKS Born Nov. 23, Wayne, Wis. f. Chas. Smith Hicks, Mar. 30, 1834, Rochester, N. Y. m. Helen Abbey, Feb. 12, 1838, Painesville, O. Farmer. Prepared in Warren High School. Adelphic. Pres. of Senior Class. B. L. Married Mary Olive Hibbard, Apr. 27, 1892, Paullina, la. Children, Lois Abbie Hicks, born Mar. 25, 1893; Byron Shirley, born Dec. 2, 1894; Helen Elizabeth, born Oct. 4, 1902. Address, Gaza, la. 421. CHARLES HOPPER Born May 31, 1861, Meriden, 111. f. Robert S. Hopper. m. Mary E. Scofield. Entered from Bristol, 111. Banker and Broker. Adelphic. Sandwich, 111. Banking; Lincoln, Nebr., Real Estate and Manufacturing; Chicago, Banker and Broker. Charlevoix Club. Married Frances J. Stinson, June 7, 1888, Sandwich, 111. Address, 5850 So. Park Ave., Chicago, 111. 422. EMMA JONES (SPENCE) Born Aug. 7,1862, near Hoopeston, 111. f . Henry Towbridge Jones, Mar. 5 , 1838, Repton, Eng. m. Susan Belle Lionberger, Dec. 21, 1844, Luray, Va. Prepared in Hoopeston High School. B. L., 1885, Illinois. Alethenai. Y. W. C. A. English and Mod. Lang, orator on Commencement. Taught in Champaign Public Schools, 1885. Invented blanks for R. R. reports, adopted by Gen. Manager and Gen. Supt. of B. & O. R. R., July 27, 1892. Editor and compiler of Songs for Young Volunteers, the Courier Printing Co., Zanesville, Ohio. 1890. Supt. of Juvenile gospel temperence work under auspices of Zanesville, O., 1889-91. Pres. of W. C. T. U., Cambridge, Ohio, 1898-99. Married Philip Taylor Spence, Dec. 15, 1887, Champaign, 111. Child, Virginia Gracibel, born Aug. 27, 1902, Columbus, Ohio. Address, 55 Hoffman Place, Columbus, Ohio. 423. WILLIAM FINLEY KENDALL Born Oct. 10, 1861, Rock Island, III. f. R. D. Kendall, Batavia, N. Y. m. M. Broderick. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Rock Island High School. Adelphic. Pres. of Adelphic. B. S. Civil Engineer in Ry. Service. Married May Hume, Mar 5, 1895, San Antonio, Tex. Child, Editha, born Jan., 1899. Address, 605 Nueces St., Austin, Tex. 1885] Baccalaureate Alumni 87 424. JAMES MARTIN KENT Born Oct. 6, 1865, Kewanee, Henry Co., 111. f. Richard Kent, Flushing, Eng., 1831. m. Rosetta J. Chambers, 1825, Smithfield, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Public Schools of Galva, Wyoming and Ke\yanee, 111. B. S. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer; Teacher, 1897 — . Mem- ber A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; Amer. Chem. Soc; Amer. Electro Chem. Soc; Franklin Ins.; A. A. A. S.; Soc. Promotion of Eng. Education; Natl. Elect. Lt. Ass'n; Natl. Geog. Soc. Married Jessie Paull Kent, May 18, 1893. Child, Paul N. Kent, born Feb. 19, 1902. Address, 2726 Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo. 425. MILO PLANK LANTZ Born Apr. 11. 1859, Carlock, 111. f. Simeon Lantz, Sept. 16, 1829, Lewis- town, Pa. m. Mary Plank, Aug. 16, 1833, Wooster, Ohio. Farmer and stock raiser. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean. Pres. and Sec. of Philo. Capt. B.S. Fanner; breeder of pure bred Aber- deen Angus cattle; pure bred Shire and Percheron horses, Shetland ponies, and Cheviot sheep. Winner of 60 World's Fair prizes on live stock, St. Louis, 1904; exhibiter Premier Champion flock of Sheep, St. Louis, 1904; won championship on sheep and cattle at St. Louis and other large shows, 1904-05. Member of Mennonite Church, since 187 5; served as Treas. two years 1890-91; trustee, elected Jan. 1, 1903—. Director and Treas. Danvers Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 1895 — . Married Lvdia A. Ropp, Jan. 25, 1888, Carlock, 111. Children, Etta Ma- bel, born Feb.' 12, 1890; Clarence Russel, born Nov. 14, 1891, (died Dec. 7, 1893); Esther Marie, born Dec. 2, 1894, (died Mar. 14. 1898); Lillian Mav, born Mav 16, 1897; Ruth Estelle, born Aug. 26, 1900; Pauline, born Aug. 3, 1905. Address, Carlock, McLean Co., 111. 426. JUDSON LATTIN Bom Feb. 27, 1863, near Sycamore, DeKalb Co., 111. f. Nathan Lattin, May 2, 1834, Veteran, Chemung Co., N. Y. m. Marv Hepsy Bemis, Dec. 21, 1830, Fitchburg, Mass. With International Harvester Co. Prepared in Sycamore High School. Capt. B. S. Draftsman for Pullman Car Co., 1885-1900; chief draftsman Osborne Steam Engineering Co., 1900-03; with West Side Const. & Metro- politan West Side Elev. R. R. Co., Chicago, 1904 — . Member of American Soc. of Mechanical Engineers, 1891. Married Fannie Thomas, Aug. 15, 1887, Kickapoo, 111. Children. Robert Thomas, born Aug. 30, 1888, Chicago, 111.; Judson. Jr., born Oct. 22, 1889, (died Mar. 7, 1890); Elsie Stowell, born Nov. 28, 1894; Marv Claire, bom June 14, 1902, St. Paul, Minn. Address, 1462 Perry St., Chicago, 111. 42 7. ALBERT GEORGE MANNS Born 1860, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemist. B. S.; Ph. D. Chief chemist with Armour & Co. Address, 5643 Marshfield Ave., Chicago, 111. 428. SHERMAN LATTA MARSHALL Bom Nov. 13, 1863, Ipava, Fulton Co., 111. f. Samuel P. Marshall, June 11, 1831, Jefferson Co., Ohio. m. Marv A. Latta, June 16, 1832, Ross Co., Ohio. Cashier. Prepared in Ipava High School and Univ. Academy. Philo- 88 University of Illinois [1885 mathean. Sigma Chi. Class Pres. ; Commencement Oration; Junior Class Exhibition "Apostrophe;" Treasurer of the first Athletic Ass'n; Capt.; B. L. Bank CJerk, 1886-88; Cashier Coronado Beach Co., 1889-90; Farming, 1891-1902; Cashier Ipava State Bank, 1902—. Address, Ipava, Fulton Co., 111. 429. LOUISA MERBOTH (MORGAN) Wife of No. 396 Bom 1864, in Spring Bay, 111. m. Mary Merboth. Married George N. Morgan ('84). Address, 7646 Marquette Ave., Chicago, 111. 430. JOHN ALBERT MILLER Bom July 26, 1862, Buffalo, N. Y. f. John Miller, 1822, Germany, m. Marv Fougeron, 1825, France. Chemist. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean. B. S.; M. Sc. 1888; M. A.; Ph. D., Univ. of Berlin. Analj'tical and Consulting Chemist; State Analyst; Prof, of Med. Chemistrv and Toxicology, Med. Dept. Niagara Univ., 1888-97; Assoc. Prof. Chem., Univ. of Buffalo, 1897-1901. Fellow Chemical Soc, 1888; Fellow Roval Microscopical Soc, 1892; Member German Chem. Soc, 1886; American" Chem. Soc, 1892; Soc. of Chem. Industry, 1894; Buffalo Soc. of Nat. Sciences, 1889; American Microscopical Soc, 1890; University Club, Buffalo. Married Gertrude Neele, 1892, Covington, Ky. Children, Helen L., born 1894; Jack, born 1895. Address, 176 Nonvood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 431. EDWARD LELAND MORSE Born Nov. 6, 1860, in Cazenovia, 111. f. L. P. Morse, m. Mary Par- minter. Civil Engineer. Philomathean. Capt. B.S. Civil Engineer in Chicago, 1890-1905; professional work in Grand Junction, Colo., 1905 — . Number of articles in proceedings of State Engineers and Surveyors Soc. of 111. Married Ehzabeth George, Jan. 23, 1900, Chicago, 111. Address (1905), Grand Junction, Colo. 432. ARTHUR TAPPAN NORTH Bom Oct. 15, 1864, in Kewanee, 111. f. Levi North. Architect, 1904, St. Louis, Mo. Chief Engineer, National Fire Proofing Co., Western Dept., Chicago, 1905—. Address, Bus., 806 Hartford Bldg., Chicago, 111. 433. BESSIE WOLFE OWENS (NEEDHAM) Born Feb. 5, 1864, in Urbana, Illinois, f. W. H. Owens, m. Sarah A. Wolfe. Teacher. Member First Baptist Church. Married J. Horace Needham, 1891, Tacoma, Wash. Address, 416 North Second Street, North Yakima, Wash. 434. L. ESTELLE PAULLIN (PADGETTE) Born in Atlanta, 111. f. Jacob H. PaulHn. Physician and Surgeon. Married Lewis M. Padgette. Address, Creston, Flathead Co., Mont. 1885] Baqcalaureate Alumni 89 435. GEORGE RILEY PETTY Husband of No. 552 Bom Oct. 13, 1862, Pike Co., 111. f. William Thomas Fisher Pettv. Mar. 19, 1841, Pike Co., 111. m. Mary Jane Brittain, Pike Co., 111. Draughtsman. Adelphic. Draughtsman with Bumham & Root, Archi- tects, Chicago; Draughtsman with M. K. Ramsev, St. Louis, Pittsfield, 111., Alvin, Tex., Champaign, 111., 1895—. Married Ida M. Stoltev ('89), 1889, Champaign, 111. Children, Edgar Lvnde, born June 20, 1891; Julia C, born Julv 20, 1896; Blanche Helen, born Nov. 1, 1898; Bernice Gav, born Nov. 7, 1900; Thomas Henrv, born Aug. 18, 1902. Address, Champaign, 111., R. F. D. No. 2. 436. BESSIE GAY PLANK (THOMPSON) Wife of No. 488 Born 1863, in Catskill, N. Y. f. P W. Plank. Married Luther Thompson ('86), Dec. 25, 1889. Address, Winamac, Ind. 437. CHARLES HENRY RANKIN Bom Aug. 2, 1859, Fall Creek Township, Adams Co., 111. f. Robert Rankin, June 23, 1827, Ky. m. Sara Jane, Edmonds, S. C, May 20, 1828. Fruit and poultry raiser, surveyor. Prepared in Payson and Camp Point High Schools; Chaddock College, Quincy, 111. Philomathean. Engineering work for Drainage Districts; railroad; Preliminary and Land Surveying; farmer and fruit raiser; twelve years Justice of the Peace and eight years Notary; Manager and Secretarv of a Telephone Co., 1901 — . Married Henrietta L. Whittleton, Feb. 14, 1888, Barrv, 111. Children, Harriett, E., bom Oct. 6. 1889; L. J., born Feb. 17, 1892; Robert E., bom Sept. 9, 1893. Address, Fall Creek, Adams Co., 111. 438. HENRY LINCOLN REYNOLDS Bom Mar. 2, 1861, Mendon, Adams Co., 111. f. Chas. C. Reynolds, Winsted, Conn. m. Margaret Frost, Lodi, Ohio. Patent Attorney and Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Maplewood High School, Camp Point, 111. Adelphic. B. S. Draftsman and Designer of Machinery; Examiner in U. S. Patent Office; Patent Attomev and Mechan- ical Engineer. Holds U. S. Patents Nos. 519,619, May 8, 'l894; 747,479; 747,480; 747,481; 747,482, Dec. 22, 1903; 748,419, Dec. 29, 1903; 771,935, Oct. 4, 1904. Married Jane E. B. Williams, July 19, 1893, Rockville, Md. Children, Charles Lane, bom May 21, 1894; Ella Wootton, bom Apr. 5, 1899; Richard Williams, born July 8, 1900. Address, 402 Walker Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 439. HUGH LOUIS RONALDS Bom 1864, in Grayville, 111. f. Francis Ronalds, m. Lucy Prichard. Cashier. B. S. Asst. Cashier Farmers' Nat'l Bank. Married Mary Walden Helm, Nov. 2 7, 1901. Address, Gra\-A-ille, 111. 440. THEODORE HENRY SCHLADER Born Apr. 11, 1856, Green Vale, 111. f. Matthias Schlader. m. Anna Marie Kolz. Architect. Prepared in Galena Normal School, Galena, 111. Adelphic. B. S. Draughtsman, 1885-86; Estimator Structural Iron, 1886-87; Supt. of Arch. Iron Works, 1887-89 ; Supt. building Construction, 1889-93 ; Contractor 90 University of Illinois [1885 1893-1901; Supt. Bldg. Const., 1901-03; Chief Estimating Dept. Wells Bros. Co., Chicago, 1903 — . Elected governing Elder Second Pres. Church, Oak Park, 111., Apr., 1905. Married Mary L. Holmes, 1888, Chicago, 111. Children, Edward H., born Nov. 10, 1893; Henry M., born Sept., 1895. Address, Room 1014, Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. 441. ALFRED CHARLES SCHRADER Born Feb. 14, 1863, Joliet, 111. f. Henry Schrader, Jan. 13, 1816, Han- over, Germany, m. Dorothea Bues, Mar. 28, 1833, Hanover, Ger. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B.S. Engr. Dept. proposed Burlington extensions in la. and Colo., 1885-86; on Construction of 111. Valley and Northern, 1886-87; Eng. Dept., South Parks, Chicago, 1890; Engr. Dept. Sanitary Dist. of Chicago, 1895; Chief Engr., West Parks, Chicago, 1895 — . Member of Western Soc. of Engrs., 1891; Illinois Soc. of Surveyors and Engineers, 1904. Hamilton Club, City Club, Chicago. Married Rosa V. Heywood, June 30, 1897, Aurora, 111. Address, 896 Turner Ave., Chicago, 111. Office, Union Park, Chicago, 111. 442. WILLIAM H. SMITH Born 1860, in Salem, 111. f. B. B. Smith. Attorney. Address (1904), Lewiston, Mont. 443.. WILLIAM HENRY STOCKHAM Born Sept. 15, 1861, Lafayette, Ind. f. Dr. G. H. Stockham. m. AHce Bunker. President of Stockham Pipe & Fittings Co., Birmingham, Ala. Philo- mathean. B. S. Manufacturing, Chicago, 111., till Jan. 1, 1903; president Stockham Pipe & Fittings Co., 1903 — . Member Hamilton Club, Chicago; Athletic Club, Birmingham; First Methodist Church. Married Kate F. Clark, Apr. 27, 1887, Cobden, Illinois. Children, Her- bert C, born 1888; Douglass W., born 1898; Richard J., born 1903. Address, Office, 623 First National Bank Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Resi- dence, 1113 North 25th St. 444. WILLIAM COOKE SWERN Husband of No. 447. Born 1860, in Perry, Licking Co., Ohio. f. Perry Swern. Architect. Married Abbie Weston ('85). Address, 1519 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. 445. CHARLOTTE SWITZER Born Sept. 15, 1863, Mt. Airy, Carroll Co., Md. f. Francis Asbary Switzer, Mar. 28, 1828, Union Bridge, Md. m. Ann Jane, Mar. 5, 1834, Mt. Airy, Carroll Co., Md. Teacher. Alethenai. Principal Champaign High School. Address, 608 W. Church St., Champaign, 111. 446. FREDERIC KETCHUM VIAL Born Apr. 22, 1864, Lyonsville, 111. f. Robert Vial, Apr. 9, 1824, Chester, N. Y. m. Mary Ketchum, Nov. 18, 1834, Newburg, N. Y. Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Agr. ; B. S., Nat. Hist. Gold Medal in Military. Railroad and Industrial Engineer, Rodman A. T. & S. F. R. R.; Asst. Engr., C. & A. R. R., 1888-91; Asst. Engr., C. & W. I. R. R., 1892-93; Chief Engr. Ajax Forge Co., Chicago, 1895-96; Prin. Asst. Engr. C. & W. I. Ry., 1897-1902; Chief Engr., Griffin Wheel Co., Chicago, 1902—. 1885] Baccalaureate Alumni 91 Author; The Railroad Transition Spiral, Engineering News, Sept. 20, 1900; pages 200 ff. Member Congr. Church, La Grange, 111. Married Fannie E. , Apr. 19, 1902, La Grange, 111. Children, Harold C, born Feb. 5, 1896; Charles R., born Feb. 18, 1899, (died July 18, 1902); Mary H., born Dec. 20, 1901. Address, 312 Madison Ave., La Grange, 111. 447. ABBIE WESTON (SWERN) Sister of Nos. 116, 295, 579, 580; Wife of No. 444. Born 1864, in Champaign, 111. f. Nathan Weston, Wilson, N. Y. m. Jane Cloyde, Troy, N. Y. Married W. C. Swern ('85). Address, 1519 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. 448. ETTA CATHERINE WILLS (SCHENKER) Born Mar. 6, 1865, Lone Grove Town, Fayette Co., 111. f. Clifton Reader Wills, 1835, So. Va. m. Sophia Lape, 18'37, near Lancaster, Ohio. Married. Prepared in Kinmundv High School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Taught school, 1887; VandaUa High School, 1887-90; Cashier and book- keeper in general Mdse. store, 1891-94. Married ]ohr\ WiUiam Schenker, Mar. 26, 1894, Altamont, 111. Children, Celia Elizabeth, born Feb. 11, 1895; Marguerite Estelle, born Aug. 16, 1896; John Clifton, born Feb. 24, 1900, (died Oct. 26, 1903); Marietta, born Dec. 17, 1902. Address, Vandalia, 111. 449. CHARLES W^ILLIAM WOODWORTH Brother of Nos. 712, 1181, 1999 Born Apr. 28, 1865, in Champaign, 111. f. Alvin Oakley Woodworth, Troy, N. Y. m. Mary Celina Carpenter. Entomologist. B. S.; M. S., 1886. Assoc, prof. Entomology. Entomol- ogist. Agr'l Exp. Sta., Univ. of Calif. Married Leonora Stern, Sept. 4, 1889, Rolla, Mo. Children, Lawrence Ariel, born June 8, 1890; Harold Evans, born May 30. 1894; Charles Ed- ward, born Sept. 25, 1897; Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1901. Address, 2237 Carlton St.. Berkeley, CaHf. 450. JOHN EDWARDS WRIGHT Brother of No. 451 ; Husband of No. 422 Born Oct. 14, 1861. f. Wm. Wilberforce Wright, Hanover, N. H. m. Anne Matilda Creighton, Ireland. Editor, Evening Post, Chicago. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic. M. A. (hon.) 1903. Reporter, Daily News, 1885-1887; Tele- graph Editor, Daily News, 1888-89; City Editor, Evening Post, 1890-1901; Managing Editor, Evening Post, 1901-1904; Editor. Evening Post, 1905. Chicago Press Club, 1887—; Pres,, 1901-02. Married Etta Lorraine Beach, ('88) May 5, 1892, Champaign, 111. Address, 2439 Lakewood Ave., Chicago, 111. 451. LIZZIE MARILLA WRIGHT (CANADAY) Born 1859, in Toulon, 111. f. W. W. Wright, m. A. M. Wright. Married M. W. Canaday. Address, 122 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago, 111. *452. MINNIE SUNDERLAND WRIGHT (BARBOUR) Wife of No. 373 Born 1862, in Plainfield, 111. m. Mrs. Mary C. Wright. Certificate, 1885. Married H. H. Barbour ('84), 1887. Died April 18, 1900, at Savanna, 111. 92 University of Illinois [1885 452. JOSEPHINE M. ZELLER Born at Spring Bay, 111. f. John Geo. Zellar, M. D., 1828, Germany, m. Fredericka Caroline Nicholas, France. Address, 1111 N. Monroe St., Peoria, 111. CLASS OF 1886 (37) 454. LAURA BELLE AYRES Born Dec. 6, 1864, in Urbana, 111. f. A. M. Ayres. m. Marv Jane Glenn. Teacher. Alethenai. B. L. Teaching in Chicago since graduation. Member of Presbyterian Church, Urbana Clubs, Chicago Alumni Club and Ipswich Mass. Art Club. Address, 4508 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. 455. WILLIAM ARTHUR BABCOCK Born 1864, in Ipava, 111. f. Wm. M. Babcock, teacher. Lawyer. B. L. Address, Lewiston, 111. 456. GEORGE STEELE BANNISTER Born July 23, 1860, Phelps, N. Y. f. T. O. Bannister, Marengo, N. Y. m. Hanna Elizabeth Pound, Black Rock, Canada. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Odell High School. Philomathean. Sec, Pres. B. S. Architectural Supt. and Draughtsman; Foreman of Draughting Room, 1892; Practicing Architecture, 1894; Supt. of Construc- tion, 1896; Architectural Engineering and Specifications, 1902 — . Member of Chicago Congr. Club; Pres. of Plymouth Club, 1890; Supt. of Dorenius Sunday School, 1892; Trustee in Fellowship Church, 1900; Chicago Deacon of same Church, 1904. Married Jeanette Price, Ottawa, 111., 1893, (died 1896); Alia Bryan Ripley, 1902, Chicago, 111. Child, step daughter, Jean Ripley, 1891. Address, 10227 S. Wood St., Chicago, 111. *457. DWIGHT HARRISON BARRETT Bom 1866, in Lee Co., 111. m. Mrs. Josephine Barrett. B. S., 1886. Died Dec. 30, 1888, at Baltimore, Md. 458. S. FOSTER BULLARD Brother of Nos. 165, 303, 304 Born Feb. 13, 1861, Mechanicsburg, 111. f. Wesley BuUard, Shelby Co., Ky. m. Sarah Ann Foster, Shelby Co., Ky. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Athletic Ass'n. General practice of Civil Engineering; First Asst. City Engineer of Tacoma, Wash. Married Clara Jane Heilig, Dec. 12, 1901. Address, 3001 N. 29th St., Tacoma, Wash. 459. WILLIAM LEMON CHITTY Born Mar. 10, 1866, Metamora, Woodford Co., 111. f. Chas. Holiday Chitty, Sept. 15, 1822, Madison Co., Ky. m. Rebecca Wing Lemon, July 4, 1828, Lawrence Co., Ind. Member Board of Pension Appeals. Prepared in Metamora, 111., and Champaign High School. Philomathean. Valedictorian; Salutatorian, 1890; Pres. of Philo., 1885; Sec. of Athletic Assn., 1885; Ed. in Chief of Sopho- graph, 1884. B. L.; LL. B., 1890, Garfield Univ. Law School. Law student 1886] Baccalaureate Alumxi 93 Harvard, 1886-87; admitted to bar Wichita, Kan., Dec, 1888, Chicago, 111., June, 1891; in law practice, Dec, 1888. Jan., 1894; appointed Jan., 1894, member of Board of Pension Appeals. Interior Dept., Washington, D. C. Digest of Pension and Bounty Land Decisions; Interior Department, 1897; 600 ps.; decisions of the Interior Dept. with reference to appealed claims for pension and bounty land, in vols. 7 to 16 inc.; preparing a complete digest of decisions by the executive Depts. and federal and state courts, with refer- ence to pensions and bountv land. A. F. & A. M., 1901; First Master Bethesda Lodge, (U. D.) A. F. & A. M. Nov. 21. 1905; I. O. O. F., 1894; Fraternal Mystic Circle, 1890; life member of the Harvard Law School Assn.; 1894; Seer, of church and Supt. of Sunday School, Unitarian Church, Wichita, Kans., 1888; Supt. Sundav School, Church of the Messiah, Uni., Chicago, 111.. 1892; Seer. People's Church, Washington. D. C, 1896. Married Marv Helen Sharp, Sept. 22, 1897, Washington, D. C. Child, William, bom Oct. 23, 1901. Address, Office, Interior Dept., Washington, D. C; Res. Bethesda, Md. 460. JOHN C. CROMWELL Bom Sept. 26. 1866, Frankfort, Kv. f. Alvin W. Cromwell, Lexington, Ky. m. Sidney A. Jett. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Frankfort High School. B. S. Draughtsman in Chicago; Chief Draughtsman, Bates Machine Co., Joliet, 111.; Chief Engineer, 111. Steel Co., Joliet Works, Joliet. 111.; Engineer and Treas. of Garrett-Cromwell Eng. Co.. Cleveland. Ohio, to date. Director Alliance Machine Co.. Alliance. O.; Cleveland Machine & Mfg. Co.; Cleve- land, O.; Director and Treas. Cleveland Cream Separator Co., and Garrett Cromwell Eng. Co. Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engine- ers and the Civil Engineers Club of Cleveland. Married L. Belle Cayes, May 24, 1893, Joliet, 111. Address, New England Bl., Cleveland, Ohio. 461. JAMES OLIVER DAVIS Husband of No. 467 Bom Feb. 2, 1861, Brimfield Twp., Peoria Co., 111. f. Richard Carter Davis, June 1, 1835, Elm Grove, near Wheeling, W. Va. m. Margaret Keyser, Apr. 19, 1834, Belmont Co. Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in District School at French Grove, Millbrook Twp., Peoria Co., 111. Philo., 1882. Adjutant of Battalion. 1885; Business Man- ager, mini. 1885-86; first place in Philo. Orat. Cont.. '85. B. S. Civil Engineer. 1886-1900; December. 1900-date. Lawyer; admitted to practice of Law by District Court Harris County. Texas. Dec. 22, 1900; before Texas Supreme Court. 1901; in U. S. Courts. 1902. Countv Survevor for Washing- ton Co.. Colo., fall 1887-89. Member of the M. E. Church. South Tabernacle Church. Houston. Texas. Supt. of S. S.. 1892-1905; Trustee and member of Board of Stewards. 1892-1905. Married Rozina Phebe Fairchild. Sept. 22. 1886. Children, Elmer Fred, born Sept. 12. 1887; Richard Henry, born Feb. 17. 1890; John Oliver, born Sept. 20. 1892; Willard Elbert, born Nov. 30, 1894; Helen Margaret, bom Mar. 26, 1897; Gertrude Orpha, bora Mar. 19, 1901; Fairchild, born Aug. 18, 1903, (died Aug. 24, 1903). Address, 1907 Travis St., Houston, Texas. 462. JOSEPH CHAMBERS DODDS Born June 15, 1864, Dover, L. I., N. Y. Phvsician and Surgeon. Prepared in Urbana High School. Philoma- thean.' B. L.; M. D.; C. M. C, Northwestern. 1889. Physician in U. S. Marine Hospital, 1889; 111. E. Hospital for Insane. Kankakee, 1890; Cham- paign, 111., 1890 — . Member of Presbyterian Church. 94 University of Illinois [1886 Married Mina Brown, Jan., 1891. Children, Eva, born Oct, 1891; Josephine, born May, 1893; Donald, born Jan., 1896. Address, Champaign, 111. 463. NELLIE ELDER (HARRIS) Born Sept. 13, 1863, Urbana, 111. f. Erwin Elder, Sept. 20, 1839, Ripley, Brown Co., Ohio. m. Dorothay Shepherd, July 5, 1843, Urbana, 111. Prepared in Urbana High School. Alethenai. Married Charles Ferman Harris, Apr. 10, 1889, Urbana, 111. Child, Leila Dorothy, born July 15, 1890. Address, 511 So. Randolph, Champaign, 111. *464. LEROY ENDSLEY Born 1863, in Milford, 111. f. A. J. Endsley. B. S., 1886. Died Jan. 2, 1892, at Milford, 111. 465. ANNA MAE ERMENTROUT (KAMPER) Born Dec. 25, Urbana, 111. f. Wm. John Ermentrout, June 18. 1830, Clarksberg, Ross Co., O. m. Katherine Margaret Dougherty, Dec. 31, 1833, Zenia, Ohio. Prepared in Urbana High School. Alethenai. Taught in Urbana, 1886- 1893; Watseka, 1893-1898; Riverside, 1898-1902; Chicago, 1902—. Married Chas. Abbie Kamper, July, 1902, Chicago. Child, Chas. Abbie, Jr., born July 5, 1904. Address, 34 Elaine Place, Chicago, 111. 466. THOMAS WARD BEECHER EVERHART Born Aug. 31, 1865. f. Rev. M. W. Everhart, 1842, near Newcomers- town, Ohio. m. Sarah Isabel Wyant, 1847, Newcomerstown, Ohio. Supt. of Mason City Schools. Prepared in Mattoon High School and Champaign High School. Adelphic. B. A. Teacher, District School near Jacksonville, 1886-1887; Whitehall, 111., 1887-88; Virginia, 111., 1889-90; Supt. of City Schools, Virginia, 1890-95; Havana, 111., 1895-99; Mason City, 111., 1899—. Married Laura B. McCuUough, near Jacksonville 111., 1892. Address, Mason City, 111. 467. ROZINA PHEBE FAIRCHILD (DAVIS) Wife of No. 461 Born Jan. 15, 1865, Metamora, 111. f. Reuben H. Fairchild, Apr. 25, 1829, Woodstock, Ohio. m. HuldahRozinah Marsh, Oct. 10, 1834, Woodstock, Ohio. Prepared in Metamora High School. Alethenai. Pres. Alethenai; Sophograph Board; Literary Ed. of Illini, 1885-86. B. L. Corresponding Sec. Houston Central W. C. T. U., 1903-05; Supt. Legislature Work for Houston, Texas, Central W. C. T. U., 1902-05; Supt. Legislative Work. Harris Co., Tex., W. C. T. U., 1905; Member of Tabernacle M. E. Church, South, 1892—. Married James Oliver Davis, Sept. 22, 1886, Metamora, 111. Children, Elmer Fred, born Sept. 12, 1887; Richard Henry, born Feb. 17, 1890; John Oliver, born Sept. 20, 1892; Willard Elbert, born Nov. 30, 1894; Helen Mar- garet, born March 26, 1897; Gertrude Orpha, born March 19, 1901; Infant son, born Aug. 18, 1903; (died Aug. 24, 1903.) Address, 1907 Travis St., Houston, Texas. 468. JAMES B. FULTON Born Sept. 28, 1861, Washburn, 111. f. Francis Fulton, May 15, 1834, Penn. m. Mary E. Jury, Aug. 10, 1836, England. 1886] Baccalaureate Alumni 95 Fruit Packer and Shipper. Prepared in District School. Held record for one mile run, 100-yard and 220 yard dashes and 120-vard hurdles. B. S. Transitman, Mo. Pac. R. R., 1886-1887; Asst. City Eng. San Diego, 1887- 89, in charge of street work; Prospector for three years. Fruit packer and shipper since. Second Congregational church. Married Floy Belle Fleetwood, May 10, 1903, San Diego, Calif. Address, 637 Boston Ave., San Diego, Calif. 469. JAMES H. GARRETT Born 1861, in Rochelle, 111. m. Mrs. L. Garrett. Electrical Eng'r. B. S. Address, Ashton, 111. 470. JOHN BREWER GARVIN Born Aug. 3, 1861, Morristown, New York. f. James Garvin, m. Mary Brewer, Morristown, New York. Instructor in Chemistry. Pres. of '86, and local editor of Illini. Alpha Tau Omega, Col. Gamma Lambda. B. S. Milwaukee, Wis., teaching, 1886-87; Springfield, Colo., Clerk of District Court, Editor Spring- field Advertiser, 1887-89; Golden, Colo., student and subsequently Registrar and Librarian, State School of Mines, 1889-91; Denver, Colo., instructor in Chemistry, East Side High School, 1892 — . Author: Quali- tative Chemical Analysis, D. C. Heath & Co., Boston, Mass., 1902, 241 pages. Member of Amer. Association for the Advancement of Science. Married Emma L. Dougherty, July 9, 1891, Golden. Colo. Children, Victor J., Mar. 18, 1892, Denver, Colo.; Mary A., April 23, 1894; Marjorie, born Feb. 10, 1897; John B., Jr., October 30, 1903 Address, 4531 Grove St., Denver, Col. 471. JAMES WALDO HARRIS Born Nov. 5, 1863, at Beloit, Wis. f. James M. Harris, m. Sarah Louise Robbins. Engineer. B. S. Railroad Engineering in various positions and located in various states. Married Marie Kissner, Charlevoix, Mich., Dec. 26, 1894. Children, Edith Carol, born Dec. 25, 1895; Elizabeth Helen, born Nov. 1, 1903. Address, Charlevoix, Mich. 472. HARRY THOMAS HUBBARD Born Jan. 4, 1866, Urbana, 111. f. Thomas S. Hubbard, Cromwell, Conn., 1825. m. Jane E. Woodruff, New Britan, Conn., 1829. Hardware Merchant. Prepared in Urbana High School. B. S. Trustee First Presbyterian Church; Urbana Lodge, No. 157, A. F. & A. M., Past High Priest, Urbana Chapter, No. 80; R. A. M., 1900-02; Past Illus- trious Master, Urbana Council No. 19, R. & S. M., 1904; Eminent Com- mander, Urbana Commandery, No. 16, K. T., 1905; Member Mahomet Temple A. A. O. N. M. S., Peoria, 111.; Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S.. Chicago. Married Margaret Riley, May 12, 1887, Urbana, 111. Child, Frank Wyllys, born May 12, 1888. Address, 119 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. *473. BERTIE HUFF (PHILBRICK) Wife of No. 483 Born 1867, in Crawfordsville, Ind. f. George A. Huflf. B. L., 1886. Married Alvah Philbrick ('86), 1889. Died Apr. 6, 1895, at Chicago, 111. 96 University of Illinois [1886 *474. JACOB STONE JACOBSON Born May 12, 1882, in Niantic. f. H. Jacobson. Died July 15, 1890, Denver, Col. 475. MINNIE JAQUES Born Sept. 19, 1864, Urbana, 111. f. Francis Granger Jaques, Jan. 5, 1839, New York City. m. Eliza Jane Park, Jan. 23, 1839, Greene Co., Ohio. Asst. Cashier, Urbana Banking Co. Prepared in Urbana. B. L. Ale- thenai. Address, Urbana, 111. 476. CHARLES HENRY KAMMAN Born 1860, in Germany, f. Charles Kamman. Teacher. B. L. Principal McKinley school, Peoria (1904). Address, Peoria, 111. 477. EMIL LEMME Born Feb. 2, 1863, Davenport, la. f. Edvi^ard W. Lemme, Feb. 13, 1814, Hamburg, Germany, m. Henrietta Rhorman, Hamburg, Germany. Architect. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Author: Strength and Stiffness of Beams, for Architects, Engineers and constructors, 10 pp. Court Deputy of Court Acacia, No. 3742, Independent order of Forresters, Jan., 1905; Vice Chief Ranger, Jan.-Dec, 1904. Dist. Dep. High Chief Ranger, 1905-06. Married Amy Alberta Eskew, Sept. 15, 1901, San Francisco, Calif. Address, 337 7th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 478. CLINTON GRANT LUMLEY Bom June 14, 1862, Ringwood, McHenry Co., 111. f. Thomas Robert Lumley, Scarborought, England, m. Eliza A. Mitchell, Kingsville, Ohio. Physician. Prepared in Ringwood Public School, 111. Philomathean. B. L.; M. D., 1889, Northwestern. Engaged in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Medical Director, Continental Casualty Company. Surgeon, Drexel Sanitarium. Member of First Baptist Church, Chicago; Chicago Med. Soc. Married Mellie McLean, Sept. 26, 1889, Urbana, 111. Children, Harold McLean, born Mar. 20, 1891; Leslie Robert, born July 23, 1893; Arlene, born Feb 27, 1897; Dorothy, born Aug. 26, 1900. Address, 3332 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. 479. HENRY MILTON MORSE Born Oct. 7, 1864, Metamora, 111. f. Levi P. Morse, Rochester, Vt m. Mary A. Parminter, Devonshire, Eng. Bridge Designer and Draftsman. Prepared in Metamora Public School. Philomathean. Class Pres., 1883 ; Orator Intercoll. cont., 1885. B.S. Electric light installation, 1886-87; Architectural iron work draughting and estimat- ing, 1887-98; Structural Steel and bridge draughting and designing, 1898; Bridge designing and Chief Draughtsman for R. Modjeski, 1902 — . Married Mary F. Hall, Feb. 14, 1893, Chicago, 111. Children, John Alden, born Sept. 23, 1896, (died Mar. 9, 1897); Katherine Hall, bom Dec. 17, 1899; Milton Hall, born July 1, 1904. Address, 2292 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. 480. WALTER AUREL GEORGE OLSHAUSEN Born 1865, in Davenport, la. f. J. J. Olshausen, Physician. Civil and Mining Engineer. B. S. Address (1904), Parral, Mexico. 1886] Baccalaureate Alumni 97 481. GRACE E. PARMINTER Born Dec. 22, 1863, Metamora, 111. f. John Parminter. Devonshire, England, 1822. m. Harriet Earl, 1835, Northampton, England. Church and City Missionary Work. Prepared in Metamora High School. Alethenai. Y. W. C. A. B. L. Taught School four years in Illinois and Nebraska. Church and City Missionary work since. Member of Advisory Board Y. W. C. A., at Illinois. Vice-Pres. for South Division of Chicago Ass'n of 111. Woman's Home Missionary Union. Member of A. C. A. Address, 229 E. 42nd St., Chicago, 111.' 482. WILLIAM DAVID PENCE Born Nov. 26, 1865, Columbus, Ind. f. David Pence, Apr. 9, 1820, Sullivan Co., Tenn. m. Nancy Hart Pence, Oct. 27, 1825, Columbus, Ind. Professor of Civil Eng'g. Prepared in Columbus High School. Tau Beta Pi. B. S.; C. E., 1886. 1886 Gulf, Colo. & Santa Fe Rwy. as Asst. Engr., Roadmaster, Asst. Engr. Maintenance of Way and Res. Engr., 1886- 92; as Instructor, Ass't Prof, and Associate Prof, of C. E., Illinois, 1892-99; 1899, Purdue Univ. as Prof, of C. E.; Prof. Elect (1906),' Railway Eng'g, Univ. of Wis. Author: Stand Pipe Accidents and Fail- ures, 1895. Engineering News Pub. Co., N. Y.; Surveying Manual, 1900, (joint author), Eng. News. Pub. Co., N. Y. ; Proceedings and Bulletins, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Ass'n, Chicago; Editor, 1903-05; Numerous minor articles in technical periodicals. Paper before Western Soc. of Engrs. on Coefficient of Expansion of Concrete. Member American Soc. of C. E., 1899; American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Wav Assn., 1899; Soc. for Promotion of Engineering Educa- tion, 1894; Western Soc. of Engineers, 1893; Western Railway Club, 1899; Indiana Engineering Soc, 1899. Married Charlotte Gaston, Dec. 31, 1888, Columbus, Ind. Children, Nellie Ada, born Aug. 23, 1890; Helen Lottie, bom Nov. 23, 1892. Address, 175 Littleton St., West Lafayette, Ind. 483. ALVAH PHILBRICK Brother of Nos. 284, 398; Husband of No. 473 Bom 1863, Bailevville, 111. f. Mays H. Philbrick, 1827, Waldo, Me. m. Mary McFariand, 1828, Md. Engineer. Member firm of Philbrick, Dunn & Co. Was Chief Engineer M. & G. R. R. until 1905. Present business 1905—. • Married Bertie Huff ("86), in 1889, (died Apr. 6, 1895). Address, Hibernian Bldg., New Orleans, La. *484. WILLIAM LEWIS PLOWMAN Bom 1864, in Virden, 111. f. J. Plowman. B. L. Died July 13, 1893, at Shoshone, Wyoming. 485. VERTUS BASSETT ROBERTS Born in 1861, in Du Page Co., 111. f. T. O. Roberts, m. Sarah Fuller. Municipal Engineer and City Surveyor. Capt. Public Eng'r, City of Blue Island; Village Eng'r, Morgan Park, Hinsdale, and Evergreen Park. Address, 175 Vermont Street, Blue Island, 111. Bus. Room. 709, 107 Washington St. 486. CHARLES ELLIOTTE SARGENT Born Sept. 12, 1862, Carlinville, 111. f. Jacob True Sargent, 1832, N. H. m. Maria L. Braley, 1837, Mass. Managing Director, Sargent Engineering Co. Prepared in District School near Cariinville. B. S., 1882, Blackburn Coll. Philomathean. Repr. Illi- 98 University of Illinois [1886 nois at State Orat. Cent., 1884. Traveling expert, Walter A. Wood M. & R. M. Co., 1886-89; Machine Shop A. L. Ide & Son, Springfield, 111., 1889-90; Chicago; Manager, 1890-95; Mgr. Ball & Wood Co., 1895-97; Mechanical Engineer, Elmes Eng. Wks. 1897-1900; Consulting Engr. 1900-04; Manag- ing Director, Sargent Engineering Co.; Sec. Sargent Steam Meter Co.; Pres. Chicago Card Cutting Co. Inventor of Sargent complete expansion Gas Engine, Patents Nos. 783,983, 752,304, 752,303, 752,109, 731,134, 644,149. Sargent Steam Meter No. 716,765, Sargent draft gage. Recording Dyn- amometer; Steam Turbine ; Pressure Switch ; Gas Calonimeter, etc. Author: A new Principle in Gas Engine Design, An indicating Anglemeter, An Indi- cating Steam Meter, etc. Contributions to Power, American Machinist, Modern Machinery, The Gas Engine, etc. Member Western Soc. of Engi- neers, 1904; Franklin Institute, 1898; Amer. Soc. of Mech. Engrs., 1890. Married Hattie Boynton Sargent, Chicago, Apr. 2, 1890; Children, Fran- cilia P., 1891; Charline M., born 1896; Richard B., born 1901. Address, 2509 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. 487. HARRY SHLAUDEMAN Born Nov. 11, 1865, Decatur, 111. f. Henry Shlaudeman, Jan 13, 1834, Wildeshausen, Grossherzogtum Oldenburg, Germany, m. Caroline Weissman, Mar. 22, 1836, Rothselberg, Rheinpfalz, Germany. Banker. Prepared in Decatur High School. Philomathean. Treas. of Athletic Assn., 1885-86; Vice Pres. Philomathean, 1886; Class Treasurer, 1886. B. S. In architects' offices in Chicago, Jan. -July, 1887; Seer, and Treas. Decatur Brewing Co., 1888 to Jan., 1900; Pres. Citizens National Bank, 1900-05; not actively engaged in business since. Married Margaret J. McGorray, Feb. 27, 1894, Decatur, 111. Children, Mildred Draper, born Nov. 16, 1894; Caroline born Apr. 1, 1896, (died Mar. 30,1899); Harry, Jr., born May 7, 1897 ; Karl, born Dec. 30,1898; Robert, born Sept. 22, 1900; Margaret Gertrude, born Mar. 20, 1903, (died Apr. 3, 1903); Frank, born Dec. 14, 1904. Address, 955 Lincoln Ave., Decatur, 111. 488. LUTHER THOMPSON Husband of No. 436 Born Nov. 8, 1864, Heath, Mass. f. E. P. Thompson, m. S. T. Bur- rington. Land dealer. Capt. Vice-pres. and gen'l M'g'r Marion Land Co. Married Bessie G. Plank ('85), Dec. 25, 1889. Address, Winamac, Ind. *489. ZECH LINCOLN WHITMIRE Brother of No. 225 Born Apr. 20, 1865, in Metamora, 111. f. James S. Whitmire, Dec. 13, 1821, Sidney, Ohio. m. Sidna Robinson, Feb 28, 1827, Morgan Co., 111. Prepared in Univ . Acad. B. L.; M. D., Rush Medic, 1890; M. L., 1893. Physician and surgeon. Was a contributor to different medical journals. Member Methodist Church and Champaign County Medical Society, 1891-1899. Married Alice G. Fugate, March 5, 1891, in Urbana, 111. Child, Laura Guendolen, born April 27, 1892. Died Dec. 3, 1899, in Urbana, 111. 490. HENRY WHITE WILDER Born July 16, 1866, Essex, N. Y. f. C. N. Wilder, m. Martha Louise Thornton. Prepared in Champaign, 111. Philomathean. Capt. B. A. Structural 1886] Baccalaureate Alumni 99 Steel work, at Chicago, 111., to date. Member of Royal League North Amer- ican Union, C. A. A. Married Susan V. Kann, Feb. 22, 1890, Racine Wis. Children, Thornton Storer, born March 18, 1893; Chester Nelson, born May 7, 1895. Address. 9847 Prospect Ave., Chicago, 111. CLASS OF 1887 (30) 491. WILLIAM BARCLAY Brother of No. 623 Born Dec. 16, 1861, Wheatland, 111. f. James Barclay, m. Rachael McMicken. Civil Engineer. B. S. General Civil Engineering work, Kansas City, Kans. County Surveyor, Kansas City, Kans., 1904. Member United Presbyterian Church, Mercantile Club of Kansas City. Kans. Married Elizabeth L. Walters, January 1, 1891, Wheatland, 111. Children, Herbert T., born 1891; James F., born 1894; Gordon A., born 1896; William L., born 1902; Margaret A., born 1904. Address, 740 Sandusky Ave., Kansas City, Kans. 492. JOHN BIDWELL BLAKE Born 1864, in ArUngton, Mass. f. Stephen P. Blake, m. Abigail T. Wood. Supt. Halabird & Roche, Chicago, 111. B. S. Married Martha W. Clafiin, Lombard, 111. Address, Lombard, 111. 493. EDWARD IKE CANTINE Born Jan. 20, 1864, near Birmingham, Mich. f. Charles Edward Cantine, 1838, Mich. m. Helen Scott Wallace, 1840, Mich. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Bloomington High School, Cross Business College and 111. Wesleyan Uni\-. Pres. Philo. Pres. and Treas. Y. M. C. A. Treas. of Athletic Ass'n; Delegate State Orat. Ass'n.; member Apollo Glee Club. Capt. B. S. 1887-1888withChicagoKans. and xNebr. Ry., 1887-88. Bloomington, 111., private practice, 1888-89; Civil Engineer Northern Pacific R. R., Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1889-1903; Div. Eng'r Delaware Lackawana and Western R. R., N. J., 1903 — . Member Illinois Soc.,Mont. Soc, and AmericanSoc. of Civil Engineers, 1888, 1899 and 1905, respectively; member Congr. Church, Champaign, 111. Central Presb. Church, Helena, Mont.; Con'r'l Church, Billings, Mont.; Supt. of S. S., First Presby. Church, Butte, Mont., and First Presb. Church, East Orange, New Jersey. Married Anna Warren, Oct. 18, 1894, Lopez, Wash., (died Helena, Mont., Jan 5, 1897); Etta Robinson, Cedar Falls, la., Aug. 7, 1901. Children, Helen Margaret, Sept. 27, 1903; Charles Edward, born Julv 17, 1905. Address, 45 Watson Ave., East Orange, N. J. 494. PERCIVAL LEMON CLARK Born Oct. 17, 1866, Elgin, 111. f. Anson Luman Clark, Oct. 12, 1836, North Adams, Mass. m. Phoebe Etta Lemon. General Manager, Self- Winding Clock Co. Prepared in Champaign High School. Philomathean. B. S. Practiced medicine till 1892; Supt. Morgan & Wright's Rubber Factory till 1897; General Manager, Self- Winding Clock Co., 1897 — . Holds several patents on rubber work and in clock making. Some time member of State and National Eclectic Med. Societies; Loyal Legion. Married Emme Fredericka Dallenbach, Apr. 18, 1888, Kenosha, Wis. Children, Anson Luman, Jr., born June 17, 1893; Percival Lemon, born May 100 University of Illinois [1887 13, 1891; Marion Almeda, born Aug. 20, 1898; John Thomas, born Sept. 5, 1901. Address, 311 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 495. ERVIN DRYER Born June, 1860, Lafayette, Ind. f. H.G. Dryer, m. Catherine Lindley. B. S. Elec. Construction with U. S. Elec. Co., Sept., 1887-89; Elec. Cons, and Engineering with Westinghouse; Engineering and Selling with AUis Chalmers Co. Address, 26 Ogden Ave., Chicago, 111. 496. IDA EISENMAYER Born July 1, 1867, Mascoutah, 111. f. Geo. C, July 9, 1820, Hassloch, Germany, m. Margaretha Emig, May 3, 1822, Imsbach, Germany. Prepared at Mascoutah and Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Taught in Leba- non, 111., 1888-89; Public School, Mascoutah, 1889-91; at home and recrea- tion traveling, 1891 — . Address, Mascoutah, 111., Box 254. 497 MARK FARGUSSON Bom 1865, in Chicago, 111. f. O. Fargusson. m. Prudence Harrison. Engineer and Naval Architect. Capt. B. S. ; C. E. 1891. Member Soc. Naval Archts. and Marine Engrs.; Assoc. Mem. Am. Soc. Naval Engrs. Address, 35 Wall St., New York, N. Y 498. BRUCE FINK Born Dec. 22, 1861, Kane Co., 111. f. Reuben Fink, N. Y. m. Mary EHzabeth Day, N. Y. Teacher. Prepared in Jennings Seminary, Aurora, 111. B. S.; M. S., 1894; M. A., Harvard, 1896; Ph. D., Minnesota, 1900. Adelphic. Town- send scholarship at Harvard. Teaching at Mt. Vernon, S. D., 1887 — 89; Elk Point, S. D., 1889-92; Fayette, la., 1892-1903. Prof, of Botany, Iowa Coll. Author: Botanical papers aggregating 600 pages published in various places; The Lichens of Minnesota, 500 pages. Fellow Am. Ass'n; member of Central Soc. of Naturalists; Am. Mycological Soc; Iowa Acad, of Sciences. Married Ida May Hammond , Jan. 19, 1889. Children, Lois Day, born Aug. 11, 1890; Hugh Willard, born Oct. 6, 1897; Ruth EHzabeth, born Dec. 8, 1900. Address, Grinnell, la. 499. ANGELINE GAYMAN (WESTON) Wife of No. 579; Sister of Nos. 1023, 1674 Born in Champaign, 111., 1868. f. George Gayman, 1842, Akron, Ohio. m. Louise Stoltey, 1844, Hildesheim, Hanover, Germany. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai Society. Teacher, 1887-1894. Married Nathan Austin Weston ("89), Sept. 4, 1894, Champaign, 111. Children, Nathan, 1896; Janet Louise, 1905. Address, 601 Daniel Street, Champaign, 111. 500. FRANKLIN MARION GILBERT Born Jan. 9, 1860, Montgomery, Montgomery Co., Texas, f. Thomas Gilbert, London, Eng. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Machinist; draftsman and mechanical engineer. Married Anna Ulrica Fuchs, 1899. Children. Anna Marion, bom Sept. 20, 1900; Franklin Cari, born May 7, 1905. Address, 610 Grand Central Station, New York, N. Y. 1887] Baccalaureate Alumni 101 501. RUDOLPH ZERSE GILL. Born in Urbana, Illinois, May 17, 1866. f. Z. E. Gill. m. Hannah K. Wolfe. General Contractor on Public Work. Entered from LTrbana, Illinois. Contractor at Knoxville. Tenn., 1889-1893; Urbana, 111., 1893—. A. F. & A. M., No. 157, Urbana Chapter, No. 80. Urbana Commandry No. 16, 32 degree Masonry, Peoria Consistory and Shrine of Mohammed, Peoria, 111. B. P. O. Elks, No. 398. Missouri Athletic Club of St. Louis. Married Nellie Martha Maxwell, of Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1889. Children, Rudolph Zerse, born June 29, 1894; Frederick Maxwell, born Mar. 23, 1899. Address, 932 West Illinois Street, Urbana, 111. 502. EDWARD WILLIAM GOLDSCHMIDT Born June 23, 1865, Davenport, la. f. Peter Goldschmidt, 1820, Ger- many, m. Elise Hinrichsen, 1827, Germany. ■ District Sales Mgr., Wagner Electric Mfg. Co. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sale and installation of Electrical Machinery, Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1889-1901; Bullock Electric Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Chicago office, 1901-02; Dist. Mgr. New York office, 1902-04; District Sales Mgr. Wagner Electric Mfg. Co., St. Louis, at N. Y. office, 1904 — . Associate mem- ber American Institute Electrical Engineers; Engineers Club, N. Y. Married Maud Kimball, June 14, 1894, Champaign, 111. Children, Mar- garet M., born, 1896; Clara E., born 1898; Edward K., born 1905. Address, 187 Inwood Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. 503. PHILIP ALBERT GOODWIN Born 1865, in Wesley, 111. Bookkeeper (1904). Capt.; B. S. Address, Albany, Ore. 504. GRANT GREGORY Brother of Nos. 139, 178 Bom Sept. 9, 1864, Ann Arbor, Mich. f. John Milton Gregory, July 6, 1822, Sand Lake, N. Y. m. Julia Gregory, Sept, 7, 1830, Sand Lake, N. Y. Speculative Building. Prepared in Univ. Academy Adelphic. First in Intersoc. Orat. Cont., 1886. B. L. Newspaper reporting and editing; reporter for The Kansas City Star, 1888-1891 ; reporter for N. Y. City News Bureau, 1892; reporter of Brooklyn politics. A''. Y. World, 1893-1896; A^. Y. Tribune reporter, and copy editor, 1896-1903 ; asst. night city editor Tribune, 1903-05; speculative building in suburbs of Brooklyn, 1905 — . Married CaroHne Peeples, Oct. 14, 1801, Joliet, 111. Children, Dorothy,, born Sept. 20, 1893; John Worthington, born Mar. 14, 1903. Address, 1733 74th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 505. CHARLES WEBER HENSON Born July 28, 1863, Philadelphia, Pa. f. Poindexter Smith, Henson, 1832, Va. m. Amorett Reese, 1832, Georgia. Publisher. Prepared in Stephens Institute of Tech. and Chicago Univ Phi Kappa Psi, Chicago, Be^a Chapter. Custodian class hatchet two years B. S. Mechanical Engineer at American Bridge Works for two years; em ploying printer, 1889 — . Invented gas regulator, patented July 18, 1905 Librarianof First Baptist Church Librar5% Chicago, for past twentv-one vears. Married Mary Garnett Hegan, Jan. 25, 1893, Chicago. Address, 4826 Evans Ave., Chicago, 111. 506. EDWARD SPENCER JOHNSON Born Sept. 25, 1860, Rock Island, 111. f. S. J. Johnson, m. Sophia Johnson. 102 University of Illinois [1887 General Contractor. Prepared in Moline High School. Pres. Class 1885 -86; elected Business Manager of Illini. Civil Engineer, 1887-94; general contractor, 1894 — . Married Stasia Madden, July 28, 1887. Address, East River Road, Davenport, la. 507. CLARENCE ANGIER LLOYDE Brother of No. 182 Born Aug. 2, 1866, La Moille, 111. f. David H. Lloyde, June 10. m. Ellen Percis Angier. With D. H. Lloyde. Prepared in Champaign High School. Pres. of Philomathean. B. S. Expert forU. S. Electric Lighting Co. ; also Thomson-Hous- ton Electric Co., two years; supt. of Cicero Water, Gas & Elec. Lighting Co., two years; manager of Western Light Power Co., one year; Asst. Supt. of Installation at the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, Dept. Machin- ery; Proprietor Twin City Electric Co., Champaign, 111.; with D. H. Lloyde Store, Champaign; manufacturer of Bowsher Tellurian. Inventor of Elec- tric Transfer Switch ; electric Voltmeter Switch ; electric Motor Regulator for Organ Blowing. Organist at First Baptist Church; Supt. of Sunday School. Married Ida Mae Kellogg, April 15, 1890, Chicago, 111. Children, Robert Kellogg, born Feb. 23, 1891; Mildred Lydia, born Jan. 3, 1905, (adopted). Address, 305 S. Randolph St., Champaign, 111.. 508. FRANK BREWER LONG Born 1864, in Hamilton, Ohio. f. J. M. Long. Architect. Address, 327 Bowen Ave., Chicago, 111. 509. HENRY MOLINEAUX LYMAN Born 1864, in Forest City, Calif, f. R. Lyman. Mechanical Engineer. B. S. Elec. Ry. and Lighting Engineering, 1887-99; Manager Heine Safety Boiler Co., Phila., Pa., 1899—. Address, 704 N. 40th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 510. WALTER REYNOLDS MITCHELL Born Oct. 8, 1861, Locke, Knox Co., Ohio. f. Emor Hawkins Mitchell, Ohio. m. Emily Sophia Reynolds, Ohio. Instructor in Biology. Prepared in District School. Adelphic. Hon. scholarship in Univ. Chicago. B. S. Instructor in Sciences, Urbana High School, 1888-89; Gen. Secy. Y. M. C. A., Bloomington, 1889-91; Instructor in Sciences, Bement High School, 1891; Dept. of Biology, Hyde Park High School, Chicago, 1891—. Author Studies of Plant Life, Heath & Co., 1900; (joint author with Pepoon and Maxwell.) Pres. Y. M. C. A., in Univ., 1887. Married Florence Medora Stewart, June 19, 1889, Champaign, 111. Chil- dren, Beulah, born Jan. 24, 1892; Maurice Stewart, born May 10, 1894. Address, 433 E. 57th St. Hyde Park, Chicago, 111. 511. ALBERT CUTTS MOORE Born Dec. 12, 1864, Polo, 111. f. Amos F. Moore, 1832, Ackworth, N. H. m. Marcia Cutts, 1839, Kittery, Me. Inspector, Trans-Continental Freight Bureau. Prepared in Polo High School. Philomathean. Pres. Class 1887 one term; Pres. Illini Board, Capt. B. L. Railway Employee, 1888-1904; Inspector, Trans-Continental Freight Bureau, 1904—. First Lieut. Co. G, 6th Infy., I. N. G., July 2, 1888, to Feb. 20, 1889. \ddress, 303 Alder St., Walla Walla, Wash. 1887J Baccalaureate Alumni 103 *512. MARK POWERS Born 1864, in Indiana, f. Joshua Powers. B. S. Died Feb. 28, 1895, at Evanston, 111. 513. ALBERT LENNOX RICHARDS Born Mar. 2, 1S65, Bath, Eng. £. Albert Heaton Richards, 1826, m. Fannie L. Napier, England. Engineer. Prepared in East Side High School, Champaign, 111., and Univ. Acad. Rodman with Santa Fe Ry., 1887-88; Engineer, Colo., 1888; with U. S. Engr. Corps, Asst. Engr., 1889—. Married Isabelle N. Noble, Jan. 9, 1895, San Diego, Calif. Child, Alberta, U., May 31, 1897. Address, Federal Bldg., Rock Island, 111. 514. JOHN IRVING RINAKER, Jr. Architect. B. S. Address, 212 E. Canedy St., Springfield, 111. 515. GRANT WARREN SPEAR Born Apr. 7, 1865, in Aurora, 111. f. Warren Spear, m. Matilda Griffith. Manufacturer. B. S. Manufacturing business, 1888 — . President of Warren Spear Mfg., Co., Aurora, 111.; and Third Vice-president of Dear- born Drug & Chemical Works, Chicago, 111. Aurora Lodge 254 A. F. & A. M., Lodge No. 705, B. P. O. Elks, Aurora Chapter No. 22, Aurora Command- ery. Modern Woodmen of America and Chicago Athletic Association. Married Mary Carr, November, 12, 1890, Argenta, 111. Child, Emily Lenore, born Feb. 2, 1896. Address, Aurora, 111. 516. BEDROS TATARIAN Born in Constantinople, Turkey, f. John Kahnder. Was manager of a gold mine. Dale, Calif., in 1904. B. S. 517. HORACE TAYLOR Born Oct. 7, 1865, Christian Co., 111. f. George Ray Taylor, Burling- ton, N. J. m. Margaret S. Griggs, Steubenville, Ohio. Artist. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Chi. Chicago Daily News and Record, 1887-89; Chicago Herald, 1889-96; New York Journal, 1896-1900. The Verdict, 1900-02. Studio, 31 Union Square, West N. Y., 1902-05. Married Laura A. Gibson, Feb. 4, 1895, Chicago, 111. Address, Scarsdale, Westchester Co., N. Y. 518. MERTON BENWAY WAITE Born Jan. 23, 1865, in Oregon, 111. f. E. J. Waite. m. Ehzabeth Benway. Pathologist. Prepared in Oregon, Ogle Co., 111. Philomathean. B. S. At Champaign, June, 1887-Oct., 1888; Washington, D. C, Oct., 1888—, Pathologist in charge of Diseases of Fruits. Author: Pollination of Pear Flowers, Pollination of Pomaclor Fruit, Harm and Prevention of Pear Blight, and other papers. Member of Cosmos Club of Washington. Address, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 519. HERBERT BALDWIN WILLIAMS Born 1863, in Farm Ridge, 111. f. R. Williams. Mining Engineer (1904). B. S. Address (1904), Portland, Oregon. Brother, Chas. H. Williams, Streator, 111. 104 University of Illinois [1887 520. MARY HESS WILLIAMSON (ELDER) Born Nov. 16, 1866, near Areola, 111. f. William Williamson, May 21, 1835, Middletown, Ohio. m. Anna Maria Jacoby, Jan. 17, 1846, Seven Mile, Ohio. Prepared in Areola and Urbana High Schools. Alethenai. Pres. Senior Class; Pres. Alethenai; Pres. Y. W. C. A., 1885-86; Pres. of Orat. Ass'n, 1887. B. L. State Sec'v Baptist Young People's Union of Illinois, 1891-93; Pres. Woman's Society of Baptist Church, Lima, Ohio; Pres. Woman's Missionarv Circle, Baptist Church, Frankfort, Ind. Married Pearl Adolph Elder, Apr. 24. 1894, Champaign, 111. Chil- dren, William Addison, born Mar. 12, 1895; Marianna, born Apr. 15, 1897; Hulda Alexandra, born Mar. 29, 1899; Victoria Alberta, born Sept. 13, 1901; Paul Adolph, born Sept. 13, 1901; Olivia Alfreda, born Sept. 13, 1901; Theo- dore Allen, born Nov. 20, 1902. Address, Palacios, Tex. CLASS OF 1888 (34) 521. MARY LENA BARNES Born in Champaign County, f. John N. Barnes. B. L.; M. A., 1896. Teacher and writer since graduation. Address, 603 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, 111. 522. ETTA LORRAINE BEACH (WRIGHT) Wife of No. 450; Sister of No. 624 Born Feb. 14, 1869, Indiana, f. George W. Beach, New York. m. Lydia A. Sims, Ohio. Married. Prepared in Louisyille, Ky., Public Schools and Female High School. Asst. in Art, Illinois, 1888-89. Married John Edwards Wright ('85), May 5, 1892, Champaign, 111. Address, 2439 Lakewood Ave., Edgewater Station, Chicago, 111. 523. JOHN GRANT BEADLE Born 1863, in Kewanee, 111. f. E. Beadle. Architect. Address, Galesburg, 111. 524. BENJAMIN BING Born Aug. 27, 1867, Urbana, 111. f. Jonas Bing, Apr. 24, 1837, Germany, m. Bettie Meyer, June 15, 1843, Germany. Merchant. Prepared in Urbana Public School and Univ. Acad. Elected to Adelphic. Chemical Society. B. S.; M. S., 1891. Asst. Chemist Union Pacific Ry. Co. , 1888-9 1 ; Chief Asst. Chemist, Armour & Co. , Packing houses, 1891-92; Chief Asst. Chemist, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co., 1892- 93- Merchant, Urbana, Ilhnois, 1893 — . 1905, Pres. Grand Prairie Lodge, No. 281, I. O. B. B.; Urbana Lodge, No. 157, A. F. & A. M.; No. 80 R. A. M.; 1904, member Champaign and Urbana Hebrew Congregation; Jewish Board of Charities of Champaign and Urbana, 111., 1904; member mer- chants' Assn., New York City, 1897—05. Address, Urbana, 111. 525. FRED D. BOWDITCH Born Nov. 22, 1859, Tarboro, N. C. f. Joseph H. Bowditch, Salem, Mass. m. EHzabeth B. Abbott, Beverly, Mass. Teacher. Prepared in Urbana High School. Philomathean. Capt. B. L. Married Helen L. Tryon, Aug. 12, 1896, Mahomet, 111. Children, Fred T., born Oct. 3, 1897; Harvey Russell, born Jan. 3, 1899; Lawrence J., born Aug. 18, 1902. Address, 504 S. Race St., Urbana, 111. 1888] Baccalaureate Alumni 105 526. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT Born June 2, 1862, Princeton, Illinois, f. Peter Bryant, June 2, 1837, Princeton, 111. m. Henrietta Bacon, Oct. 26, 1843, Smithfield, Mass. Architect. Building and Plumbing Inspector. Prepared in Princeton High School. Adelphic. Architectural draftsman, 1889-90; Heating and Ventilating and Plumbing; Expert and Contractor, 1889-1905; last two years combined with a small architectural practice. Building and Plumbing Inspector, Citv of Butte, 1892-93. Montana State Militia, 1896-97. Mem- Married Fannie Stokes, Nov. 1, 1892, Butte, Mont., (died July 19, 1900, ber Amer. Soc. of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 1900. Royal Arch Mason; I. O. O. F. Butte). Child, Ruth Frances, born July 15, 1900. Address, Dillon, Mont. 527. LINCOLN BUSH Born Dec. 14, 1861, Palos Township, Cook Co., 111. f. Lewis Bush, Bristol, Vt., 1811; m. Mary Ritchey, 1825, Chillicothe, O. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Normal School, Cook Co., 111. Eng'rs Club. B. S., 1888; D. Eng., (hon.), 1904; Asst. Engr. U. P. R. R. and Pacific Short Line, 1888-90; Asst. Engr. with E. L. Corthell, 1890-92; Chief Draftsman, West Office, Pittsburg Bridge Co., 1892-96; Asst. Bridge Engi- neer and acting Div. Engr. C. & N. W. R. R., 1896-99; bridge Engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., 1899-1900; Prin. Asst. Engr. D. L. & W. R. R., 1900-03. Chief Engr. D. L. & W. R. R., Feb., 1903—. Discovered the sand jack as applied to lowering great weights through long distances. Author: The Use of Scows and Sand Jacks in Moving and Lowering a 1000 Ton Draw Bridge over the Passaic River, at Newark, N. J.; Engineering News, Vol. 50, No. 27, Dec. 31, 1903; pp. 596-600. Inventor of a new method of Con- structing Concrete and Pile Footings. Engineering Record, Sept. 30, 1905, p. 388; a novel Train Shed for the new Hoboken Terminal of the Lacka- wanna, Railroad Gazette, Vol. 39, No. 9, p. 202. Member Western Soc. Eng'rs; Am. Soc. Civ. Engr's and Maint. of Way Ass'n. Married Alma R. Green, 1890, Colfax, 111. Children, Cedric Lincoln, born Feb. 2, 1892; Denzil Sidney, born Aug. 7, 1901. Address, 281 Springdale Ave., East Orange, N. J. 528. TRUMAN POST CARTER Born Aug. 22, 1863, in Jacksonville, 111. f. William C. Carter, m. Julia Ann Wolcott. Farmer. B. S« Sigma Chi at Illinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois; teacher in Illinois College until 1902 ; 1902 — , farming. Member of Congrega- tional Church. A. F. & A. M. Married Elizabeth Demotte, Indianapolis, Indiana, July 31, 1894. Children, Catharine, born March 22, 1898; Roger Wolcott, born June 3, 1900; Alice EHzabeth, born August 18, 1903. Address, 475 Lincoln Ave., Jacksonville, 111. 529. ELLA CONNET Born Apr. 2, 1863, near Salisbury, Ind. f. Isaac Connet, Washington Co., Penn., Mar. 12, 1805. m. Lucinda Smith, Feb. 22, 1821, near Hayes- ville, Ohio. Private Instructor. Prepared in Champaign High School. Y. W. C. A. and Alethenai. Pres. Y. W. C. A., 1886-1887; Pres. Alethenai, 1888; Sec. Class '88 one term; editor of Sophograph for Class of '88. B. L.; M. L., 1894. Prin. High School, 1891-93; Prin. High School, Fairbury, 111., 1894-95; Substitute and private instructor and housekeeper. First Congr. Church; Eastern 111. Teacher's Assn., 1891-95. Address, 412 W. Green St., Champaign, 111. 106 University of Illinois [188f 530. FRANK LOREN DAVIS Born Jan. 13, 1868, near Chesnut, Logan Co., 111. f. William Abiff Davis Hardin, Ohio. m. Mary Catherine Eberman, Waterloo, 111. Contractor. Prepared in Latham, Logan Co., 111. Philomathean Artist, Sophograph, 1889. Capt. Architectural Draftsman, Burnham & Roat, 1888; Manager Burke & Co., Marble & Mosaic Contractors, 1888-91 Contractor and Designer of Marble Work, Mosaic and Tiling; executed inte rior of Chicago Public Library, B. & O. office bldg., Baltimore, Bellevue- Stratford Hotel, Phila., etc. Member Chicago Architectural Club, 1889 The Architectural League of New York, 1903. Married Laura Maynard Johnston, Dec. 19, 1894. Children, Robert Johnston Davis, born Sept. 26, 1896; Katherine Davis, born July 23, 1898 Anna Medora Davis, born Oct. 14, 1899. Address, 302 Michigan Ave., Chicago; 214 S. 24th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1711 Flatiron Bldg., New York, N. Y. *S31. RALPH ELMORE DEWEY Born Dec. 3, ,1864, Somonank, De Kalb Co., 111. f. Milton Alvord, Lenox, Mass., 1830. m. Rebecca Janet Brown, 1836, Carthage, N. Y. Prepared in Urbana High School. Philomathean. B. L. Teacher; Asst. Editor of Orange Judd Farmer. Died Mar. 7, 1893, in Evanston, 111. *532 MARY AUGUSTA ELDRIDGE Born Jan. 31, 1865, Toulon, 111. f. Samuel M. Eldridge, Sept. 20, 1820, Springfield, Mass. m. Caroline F. Gardner, Sept. 25, 1831, Newark, N. J. Prepared in Galva, 111. B. L., 1888, Illinois. School teaching. Mem- ber of Congregational Church. Died May 18, 1899, Chicago, 111. *533. EDWARD E. ELLISON Born Jan. 26, 1865, Marine, 111. f. Jacob Ellison, Nov. 15, 1815, Long Island, m. Mary A. Walker, Mar. 4, 1828, Platsburg, N. Y. B. S. M. D. Civil Engineering; Student of Medicine. Died June 1, 1896, Alton, 111. *534. ADOLPHUS D. FOLGER Born Sept. 15, 1858, Ridgefarm, 111. f. John Folger, Sept. 17, 1829, Ridgefarm, 111. m. Elizabeth Ann Reynolds, Aug. 18, 1831, Bloomingdale Ind. Prepared in Vermilion Academy, Vermilion Grove, 111. Adelphic. Y. M. C. A. B. S. Farmer; Minister. Died Sept. 4, 1901, at Alva, Okla. 535. GRANT FREDERICK Born July 11, 1867, Paxton, 111. f. David Alonzo Frederick, Nov. 6, 1831, Methuen, Mass. m. Marilla Marks Shaw, Dec. 25, 1832, Holderness, N. H. Lawyer and Abstracter. Prepared in Paxton Collegiate and Normal Institute, Paxton, 111. Adelphic. B. L. Teacher, 1888-89 ; Lawyer, 1889; Lawyer and Abstracter, 1898 — -. Was State's Attorney of Hand Co., S. Dak., 1894-96. Married Mary Bernice Pike, Dec. 18, 1890, St. Lawrence, S. Dak. Children, David Alonzo, born Nov. 13, 1891, (died May 9, 1893); Marilla Louis, born Jan. 4, 1894, (died Jan. 12, 1894); Nellie Grace, born July 25, 1895; Frances Adelle, born Mar. 8, 1899; Herbert Louis, born Apr. 25, 1901; Mary EHzabeth, born Nov. 1, 1903. Address, 1301 E. Washington St., Bloomington, 111. 1888] Baccalaureate Alumni 107 536. ALFRED GUSTAVE GOLDSCHMIDT Bom Mar. 30, 1868, in Davenport, la. f. Peter Goldschmidt, April 18, 1824, Germany, m. Elise Hinrichsen, Jan. 27, 1828, Germany. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer. B. S. Electrical and Mechan- ical Engineer", at Davenport, la.; at present Supt. Davenport Gas & Electric Co. Member of Columbian 333, K. of P., Davenport; No. 298 B. P. O. Elks. Married Anna Bremer, June 28, 1894, Davenport, la. Children, Erna Claire, bom July 5, 1895; Alfred G., Jr., born Feb. 21, 1906. Address, 503 West 9th Street, Davenport, Iowa. 537. NATHAN PHILLIPS GOODELL Born May 9, 1866, Loda, Iroquois Co., 111. f. Addison Goodell, July 16, 1822, Mentor, Ohio. m. Jane H. Warren, Pittstown, N. Y Attorney. Prepared in Loda High School and Grevlock Institute, Williamstown. Mass. Adelphic. B. L. With A. Goodell & Sons Co., In- vestment Bankers; Vice-pres. and Attorney. 111.; Illinois Soc, Sons Amer- ican Revolution; Hamilton Club, Chicago, 111.; IlHnois Athletic Club, Chi- cago, 111.; Board of Education, Loda, 111. Married Marv Ellinore Gray, Mar. 6, 1894. Children, Martha Jane, born Jan. 31, 1895; Frances Warren, born July 28, 1896. Address, Loda, 111. 538. GEORGE GREAVES Born Aug. 25, 1865, in Michigan City, Ind. m. Mary Jeanette Freeman. Metallurgist and Chemist. Adelphic. Asst. Supt., Aurora Smelting and Refining Co., Aurora, 111; Supt. Hidalgo Smelting and Refining Co., Sultejec, Mexico; Supt. American Zinc & Lead Works, Cafion City, Colo.; Chem'ist & Metallurgist, Decatur Car Wheel & Mfg. Co., Birmingham, Ala- bama. Member of Masonic Lodge. Married Estelle R. Ross, Sept. 19, 1890, Aurora, 111. Child, Marian, bom Sept. 11, 1894. Address, Decatur Car Wheel Works, Birmingham. Ala. 539. HARRY SANDS GRINDLEY Born Apr. 13, 1864, Champaign, 111. f. Joseph S. Grindley, Oswestry, Eng. m. Sarah E. Sands, Owestry, Eng. Professor of Chemistrv. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S.; Sc. D., Harvard, 1894. Agr. Club, Illinois; Graduate Club, Harvard; Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon. Harvard Univ. Scholarship, 1892-93; Morgan Fellowship, 1893-94; reappointed, 1894-95. Asst. in Ex. Sta. lUinois, 1888-89; Asst. in Chem., Illinois, 1889-92; Asst. in Chem., Harvard, 1892- 93; Instructor in Chem., U. of 111., 1894-95; Asst. Prof. Chem., lUinois, 1895-99; Associate Prof, of Chem., 1899-04; Prof, of General Chem. and Director of the Chemical Laboratory, 1904-05. Collaborator of the Office of Expt. Stations, Washington, D. C. Writings: 1. Ueber einige Deri- vate des Chloranils, Ber., Vol. 26, pp. 397-398 (with Professor C. L. Jackson); 2. Ueber Hemiacetals, welche sich von Substutuirten Chloranilin ableiten, Ber., Vol. 26, pp. 1631-1633, (with Prof. C. L. Jackson); 3. Ueber die Oxydation von Pentamido Benzol, Ber., Vol. 26, pp. 2304-2307, (with Professor A. W. Palmer); 4. Action of Sodic Alcholates on Chloranil. Acet- als derived from substituted Quinones, Amer. Chem. Journ., Vol. 17, pp. 577-607 and 633-638, (with Prof. C. L. Jackson); 5. Action of Mercaptids of Quinones, Amer. Chem. Journal, Vol. 19, pp. 290-295. 6. A Study of the Milk Supplv of Chicago, Universitv of 111. Agr. Ex. Sta. Circular No. 13, pp. 1-18, and A Studv of Foods, Univ. of 111., Chem. Dept. Circular, pp. 1-7; 8. Nutrition Investigations, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Offices of Ex. Stats. Bui. No. 91, pp. 1-20; 9. Expts. of Losses in Cooking Meats, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Office 108 University of Illinois [1888 of Ex. Stats. Bui. No. 102, pp. 1-64; 10. Analysis of Foods, Univ. of 111. College of Science Circular, pp. 1-14; 11. Experiment on Losses in Cooking Meats, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Office of Ex. Stats. Bui. No. 141, pp. 1-95; 12. The Artificial Method for Determining the Ease and the Rapidity of the Digestion of Meats, Univ. of 111., The Univ. Studies. Vol. 1, No. 5, 11, 185- 202; 13. The Nitrogenous Constituents of Flesh, Joiirn. Amer. Chem. Soc, Vol. 26, pp. 1086-1107; 14. A Study of the Nitrogenous Constituents of Meats, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Bureau of Chem., Bui., No. 81, pp. 110-118; 15. On the Presence of Cotton-seed oil in Lards from Hogs fed upon Cotton- seed Meal, Jour. Amer Chem. Soc, Vol. 27, pp. 263-270; 16. The Chemistry of Flesh, (Second Paper), Improved methods for the analysis of animal substances, Joitrn. Amer. Chem. Soc, Vol. 27, pp. 658-678. 17. A Study of the Phosphorous Content of Flesh, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, Vol. 28, pp. 25-63; 18. Studies on the Influence of Cooking upon the Nutritive Value of Meats. U. S. Dept. of Agr., Office of Exp. Stats. Bui. No. 162, pp. 1-230; 19. The Proteids of Beef Flesh, Jonrn. Amer. Chem. Soc, Vol. 28, April, 1906; 20. Laboratory Guide and Class Manual in Qualitative Chem- ical Analysis. PubHshed by the author, pp. 1-150; 21. Elementary Lab- oratory Course in General Chemistry. Published by the author, pp. 1-70. Member American Chemical Soc, 1898-1905; American Assn' for the Advancement of Science, 1898-1905; Chem. Soc. of Great Britain, 1905; Der Deutschen Chemisclien Gesellshcaft, 1905; Amr. Breeders Ass'n. Married Anna Eaton, July 2, 1896, Champaign, 111. Address, 918 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 540. NELLIE WAINWRIGHT JILLSON Born Dec. 15, 1867, Pittsburg, Pa. f. Dr. B. C. Jillson, 1830, Williman- tic, Conn. m. Anna Rovoudt, 1836, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher. Prepared in Pittsburg High School and Univ. Acad. Ale- thenai. Teaching in Fulton School, Pittsburg, Pa., High School Classes. Address, 315 S. Highland Ave. E. E., Pittsburg, Pa. 541. GEORGE BURT McHUGH Born June 15, 1868, Urbana, 111. f. Thomas W. McHugh. m. Lydia L. McKinney. Railway Mail Service. Prepared in Urbana High School. Capt. B. S. Asst. at IlHnois in Chemistry, 1888-89; Railway Mail Service, 1889-93; Law 1893-99; Railway Mail Service, 1899-1905. Married Sarah Eleanor Pennock, May 17, 1896, Joliet, 111. Address, Houston, Tex. 542. NELLIE McLEAN (LUMLEY) Wife of No. 478 Bom Aug. 18, 1866, Urbana, 111. f. Lewis A. McLean, 1843, 111. m. Jen- nie Russell, 1845, Indiana. Prepared in Urbana High School. Alethenai. Pres. Alethenai, 1888; Class Pres. and Salutatorian. L. B. Member First Baptist Church, of Chi- cago, 111.; Supt. of Primary Dept. of Armour Mission Sunday School; Supt. Primary First Baptist Sunday School; member of Cellegiate Alumnae Ass'n. Married Clinton Grant Lumley ('86), Sept. 26, 1889. Children, Harold McLean, born Mar. 20, 1891 ; Leslie Robert, born July 23, 1893; Arlene, born Feb. 27, 1897; Dorothy, born Aug. 26, 1900. Address, 3332 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. 543. MARY CLUTHA McLELLAN Born May 13, Brooklyn, N. Y. f. Hugh McLellan, Glasgow, Scotland, m. Susan Campbell Hossack, Gourock, Scotland. At home. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Y. W. C. A. Freshman Class 1888] Baccalaureate Alumni 109 Historian. Student in A. & D., Illinois, 1904-05. Cor. sec. of C. E. First Cong. Church, Champaign, 1904-05; Teacher in Settlement House of A. C. A. Address, 706 W. Park St., Champaign, 111. 544. EFFIE ANNIE MATHERS (ENLOWS) Born Feb. 8, 1867, Mason Co., 111. f. John H. Mathers, 1827, Miami Co., Ohio. m. Martha Jane Savers, 1835, Miami Co., Ohio. Prepared in Mason City High School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Pres. of Alethenai; B. S. Pres. of Woman's Missionary Soc. of Presbyterian Church, Mason City, 111. Married Paul Alexander Enlows, Aug. 9, 1893, Mason City, 111. Children, Freda Effie, bom Mav 6, 1894; Ian Mathers, born Oct. 1, 1896; Kenneth Paul, bom Apr. 6, 1902. Address, Mason City, 111. 545. GEORGE WILLIAM MYERS Born April 30, 1864, Raymond Twp., Champaign Co., 111. f. Robert Henry Myers, m. Mary Helen Shawhan. Teaching and practical Astromony. Prepared in Urbana High School. Ed. in chief Illini, 1887-88; Philomathean; Valedictorian. Capt. B. L.; M. L., 1891; Ph. D., Ludwig Maximilians L'^niversitat zu Munchen, 1896. Sigma Xi., Chicago Chapter. Inst, in Math,, Illinois, 1888-90; Ass't Prof. Same, 1890-95; Ass't Prof. Math, and Astron., Same, 1895-97; Prof, of Astron. and Applied Math, and Director of Astron. Observatory, Same, 1897-1900. Professor of the Teaching of Mathematics and Astron- omy, Univ. of Chicago, Coll. of Ed'n and Mathematical Supervisor of the Univ. of Chicago School of Ed'n. Discovered Cause of Varia- bility of B. Lyrae and of Pegasi. Inventor of method of com- puting orbit of close double variables from light Curve of the Variable. Author of: The Rational Elementary Arithmetic, 1905, Scott Foresman; The Rational Grammar School Arithmetic, 1903, Scott Foresman; Von Lommels Experimental Physik, 1898, Kegan Paul Trench, etc.; Unter- suchungen ueber den Lichtwechsel des Sternes Beta Lyrae; Light changes of U Pegasi. Articles: The Educational Value of Mathematics, School Home Ed.. Bloomington, 111., 1900; Elementary Experiments in Observational Astronomy, Ravenswood Press, 1901; The Laboratory Method with Secon- dary School, School Review, Vol. 9; A Practical Presentation of Some Problems Correlating Math, and Physics; Astronomy in the Second- ary School, School Review, Vol. 12; Editor of Lake Mathemat- ical Series (Scott, Forsman & Co.); Math. Editor of School Science and Mathematics. Member: Astrom. Gesellschaft, 1896; Amer. Assoc, for Adv. of Sci., 1897; Soc. Astronmique de Beige, 1896; Soc. Astronmique de Republique Francis, 1896; Amer. Math. Soc, 1904; N. E. A., 1904. Married Marv Eva Sim. June 27, 1889, at Urbana, Illinois. Children, Sarah Helen, born Mav 21, 1890; Joseph WilHam, born Sept. 29, 1892; Mar- garet Elizabeth, born Sept. 14, 1898; Eleanor, born Nov. 11, 1902, (died May 18, 1903). Address, 6444 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. 546. JACOB ALLEN PATTON Born Sept. 29, 1866, Charleston, 111. f. Wilham Rush Patton, Oct.. 1836, Palestine, 111. m. Hannah Margaret Decker. Nov., 1843, Charleston, 111. Instructor in Genito-Urinarv Surgerv. Prepared in Charleston High School. Adelphic. Phi Rho vSigma. Tr'eas. of U. of I. Athletic Assn., 1887- 88; Business Manager, Editorial Board oiSophograph, 1885-86. Capt. B. S. ; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1890. Medical Student until Mar., 1890; Physician and Surgeon, since 1890; Asst. Prof. Chem. and Materia Medica, Rush Medi- cal College, 1897 — ; Instructor in Genito-Urinary Surgery, Rush Med. College and Chicago Polyclinic, 1902 — . Author: Lab. work in Materia Medica and no University of Illinois [1888 Therapeutics, Chicago Med. Book Co., 1898, 286 pages. Member North Shore Congr. Church, Chicago; American Medical Assn.; 111. State Med. Soc; Chicago Med. Soc; Chicago Urological Soc; Chicago Med. Examiners Assn.; American Urological Assn. Physicians' Club. Married Katherine Woodward Parr (Ex. '90), Nov. 11, 1890, Chicago, 111. Children, Frederick William, bom Jan. 23, 1893; Mary Virginia, born Oct. 18, 1895. Address, 100 State St., Chicago; Res. 1785 Magnolia Ave., Chicago, 111. 547. EDWARD WEBSTER PICKARD Born Sept. 25. 1864, Madison, Wis. f. Joseph Coffin Pickard, 1826, Mass. m. Mary A. Storer, Lond., Eng. Newspaper Work. Philomathean ; Sigma Chi; Athletic Ass'n; Capt. ; B . A. Writer, 1888-95. Member Press Club of Chicago; Westward Ho Club, 1889—. Address, 18 Crilly Court, Chicago, 111. 548. RAYMOND MASON PLACE Born Mar. 4, 1866, Foster. R. I. f. Jason T. Place, Sept. 10, 1820, Fos- ter, R. I, m. Martha E. Peck, May 23, 1834, Dighton, Mass. Lawyer. Prepared in East Greenwich Academy; Eureka College. Adel- phic. B. L. Teacher, 1888-89; Newspaper 'work, Sept., 1889-99; Lawyer, 1899 — . Member of Chicago Newspaper Club; Chicago Press Club, until 1899. Married Nannie Carey, Jan. 11, 1902. Address, 1629 Grace St., Chicago, 111. 549. WARREN RUSSELL ROBERTS Born Oct. 20, 1863, Sadorus, 111. f. Samuel Martin Roberts, Apr. 4, 1829, Great Falls, N. H. m. Celestia Wood Brayton, Jan. 27, 1834, Black- Stone, Mass. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. of the Roberts and Schaefer Co., consulting and con- structing Engineers. Prepared in Sadorus High School and Champaign East Side High School. Philomathean; C. E. Club. Bridge Engineering, 1888- 1891; Engineer of Bridges for City of Chicago, for two years; Pres. and Gen. Mgr. of an Engineering and Contracting Co. that built the Library for Illi- nois, and University Hall for Univ. of la.; now Pres. and Gen. Mgr. of the Roberts and Schaefer Co., consulting and constructing Engineers. Wrote an article on the designing and building of the Van Buren St. Bridge, a new type of Rolling-Lift bridge, Chicago, for the Western Soc. of Engineers in 1894, published in their Journal and the Engr. News. Member of Western Society of Engineers, 1889. Married Lucy C. Stewart, Oct. 7, 1891, Champaign, 111. Children, Jerome Gillespie, born Nov. 30, 1892; Mary Brayton, born [uly 28, 1894; Kathryn Stewart, born Feb. 4, 1896; Elizabeth Evans, born Feb. 9, 1902. Address, 1275 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago, 111. 550. JONATHAN HUNTOON SAMUELS Born Aug. 15, 1866. f. Chas. Fred Samuels, Feb. 29, 1839, Adelaf, Sweden, m. Hannah Cecelia Huntoon, Sept. 23, 1845, Mohne, 111. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Moline High School and Augustana Cellege. Philomathean. Capt. B. S. Draftsman, Wabash Shops, Spring- field, 111., 1888-89; Designer and Draftsman, Williams, White & Co., Moline, 111., 1889-92. Inspectorof manufactured goods and Supt. of Build- ings, Mohne Plow Co., 1892-95; Supt. Factorv erection, Ottawa, 111., 1895- 97; with D. M. Sechler Carriage Co., Moline, 111., 1899 — ; elected Gen. Man- ager 1900. Author of annual pamphlets regarding improvements on corn- planters and the handling of fertilizers. Member First Congr. Church, 1888] Baccalaureate Alumni 111 Married Lucv Beatrice Fisk, Jan. 23, 1901. Child, Florence Cecelia, born Mar. 3, 1905. Address, 2015 7th Ave., Moline, 111. 551. JOHN VICTOR SCHAEFER Born Jan. 28, 1865, Granville, Putnam Co., 111. f. Frederick Schaefer, Germany, m. Anna Eichenhauer, Gremany. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Granville Village School. Taught School four years. Philomathean; Tau Beta Pi. 1886, Philo. Declam. cont.; 1887, "Inter Society, and, 1887, Inter Coll. Orat. Cont., Jacksonville, 111. B. S. Mech. Eng. (Hon.) 1906, June-Sept., 1889. AUington & Curtis Mfg. Co., Dust Separators Expert.; 1889-90, Instructor, U. of I. Shop; 1890-1903, with Link Belt Mach'g Co., Chicago, excepting a year at Springfield with A. L. Ide & Son; Mar., 1893-June, 1894, Feb., 1903, Roberts & Schaefer Co., Chicago; Vice-pres. and Chief Engr. to date. Vice-pres. Producers' Coal Co.; Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Schaefer Mfg. Co., Birmingham, Ala.; Consulting Engineer for U. S. Govt. Coal testing plant, St. Louis, Mo. Author of pamphlets and articles on Coal Washing. Member Western Societv of Engineers; Amer. Soc. of Mech. Engrs. Married Eva Shepard, Oct. 31, 1889, Chicago, 111. Child, J. Victor, born Oct. 29, 1900. Address, 6630 Yale Ave., Chicago, 111. 552. IDA MAY STOLTEY (PETTY) Wife of No. 435 Bom Apr. 22, 1869, Champaign, III .f. Henry D. Stoltey, 1842, Hanover, Germany, m. Amanda Busey, 1845, Rosedale, Ind. Prepared in Champaign High School. Married George Riley Petty ('85), 1889, Champaign. 111. Children, Lou Fisher, born Dec. 8, 1889; Edgar Lynde, born June 20, 1891; Julia C, born July 20, 1896; Blanche Helen, born Nov. 1, 1898; Bernice Gay, born Nov. 7, 1900; Thomas Henry, bom Aug. 18, 1902. Address, Champaign, 111., R. F. D. No. 2. *553. JOHN WALTER TAYLOR Born Dec. 9, 1866, in Decatur, 111. f. Walter Jason Taylor, Somerset' Ohio. m. Jennie Francis Ricketts. Prepared in Charleston High School. 111. Knoxville, Tenn., 1889; Mid- dleborough to St. Louis Terminal, Local Engineer, 1890-92; Resident Engi- neer, 1893-97; 1898-99; Asst. Chief Engineer, 1900-1901. Married Mary Swannell, June 4, 1890, at Champaign, 111. Killed Dec. 26, 1901, E. St. Louis, 111., by locomotive while examining R. R. tracks. 554. CHARLES PHILIP VAN GUNDY Born Jan. 5, 1867, Springfield. 111. f. Daniel Van Gundy, June 15, 1828, Exeter, Scott Co., 111. m. Frances Mary Moores, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1828. Chemist. Prepared in Springfield High School. Philomathean. Local Editor, mini, 1886-87; Bus. Man., 1887-88; Asst. Editor, Sophograph; Pres. Athletic Ass'n; Universitv Base Ball team; Class Poet. B. S. Asst. Chem- ist B. & O. R. R., 1888-90; Chemist, Laughlin & Co. Iron Furnaces, 1890-92; Chief Chemist, B. & O. R. R., 1892-date. American Chemical Society, 1891 ; American Society for testing Materials, 03; Societv of Chemical Industry, 1891. Married Esther Louise Bellis, Oct. 21, 1903, Baltimore, Md. Address, Mt. Clare, Baltimore, Md., care of B. & O. R. R. 112 University of Illinois [1889 CLASS OF 1889 (26) 555. CLEAVES BENNETT Brother of No. 676 Born May 9, 1870, Mattoon, 111. f. Chas. Bennett, 1839, Me. m. Susan W. Cleaves, 1842, Me. Physician. Prepared in Mattoon High School. *M. L., 1893; M. D., P. & S., Chicago, 1896. Medical student; practicing physician. Esculapian, County, and State Medical Societies. Married Frances E. Hodges, Dec. 29, 1897, Champaign, 111. Child, George Lewis Bennett, born Jan. 6, 1901. Address, Mattoon, 111. 556. FREDERICK MARSH BENNETT Born Apr. 6, 1866, Woodstock, Ohio. f. George F. Bennett, Jan. 11, 1836, Woodstock, Vt. m. Orpha A. Marsh, 1837, Woodstock, Ohio. Clergyman. Prepared in Atlanta High School. First Pres. Freshman Class. Pres. of Philo. Foreman, 7//zm, four years. B. L.; M. A , 1895, Har- vard. Real Estate and Banking, 1892; Student Harvard Univ., 1895; Unitarian Clergyman, 1895 — . Editor of several church papers. Author of sermons and articles in the Christian Register, the New Unity, Spring- field Republican, etc. Member of Missionary Council A. U. A.; Director Western Unitarian Conference; Missionary Missouri Valley Unitarian Con- ference. Married AHce May Barber, Sept. 5, 1895, La Fox, 111. Children, Orpha Estelle, born Nov. 29, 1896; Lawrence Barber, born Apr. 23, 1900. Address, Lawrence, Kans. 557. CHARLES ARTHUR BOPES Born Sept. 30, 1867, Reynolds, 111. f. David Bopes, 1825, Penn. m. Sarah Titterington, 1835, Ohio. Farmer and Stock-raiser. Prepared in Country School. Philomathean. B. S. Member of Presbyterian Church. Address, Reynolds, 111. *558. CHARLES WESLEY BRIGGS Born 1861, in Lincoln, Logan Co., 111. g. Mrs. M. E. Lasher. B. L. Studied law in Chicago. Admitted to Bar. Died Sept. 3, 1898, at Chicago, 111. 550. LILLIE O. BRONSON Born 1865, in Akron, 111. f. D. L. F. Bronson. Professional Nurse. Address, 1107 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 560. ALBERT CARVER Born Dec. 17, 1862, Springfield, 111. f. Felix Carver, Oct. 4, 1828, Day- ton, Ohio. m. Rachel Tamsen Donner, May 7, 1842, Springfield, 111 Ass't Principal of Springfield in High School. Prepared in Springfield High School. Class orator. Capt. B. S. Raised a company for the Spanish-American War, 1898, not mustered into service. Past Commander, K. T. Deacon of First Presbyterian Church. Married Ehzabeth C. Payrann, Aug. 12, 1896, Springfield, 111. Address, 120 W. Allen St., Springfield, 111. 561. BLANCHE ADELAIDE CHURCH Born May 15, 1868, Atlanta, 111. f. Azel Edward Church, Scranton, Vt. m. Jane L. Leonard, Syracuse, N. Y. 1889] Baccalaureate Alumni 113 Instructor in French and German. Prepared in Atlanta High School. Alethenai. B. L. Grad. Work in Germany and France. Teacher, 1889- 1900; Instructor of French and German, Sept., 1900 — . D. A. R., Illini Chapter, Ottawa, 111. Address, 636 Joliet St., La Salle, 111. 562. AMY COFFEEN Bom Dec. 18, 1867, Homer, 111. f. Alva Martin Coffeen, Feb. 11, 1836, Attica, Ind. m. Miranda Amy Gaines. Dec. 28, 1836, Virginia, 111. Music Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai. B. L. Music teacher in Champaign, 111., to date. Member of Congrega- tional Church, Champaign, 111.; Central 111. Branch of the Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnae. Address, 312 West Clark St., Champaign, 111. 563. LEWIS S. DAUGHERTY Bom in Ohio. f. Samuel Daugherty, Ohio. m. Rachel Mechem Ohio. Professor of Zoology. Prepared in Wenona High School ; State Normal University, Normal, 111. B. S. ; M. S., 1893 ; Ph. D., 1901, Wesleyan. Prof, of Zoology in the Mo. State Normal, Kirksville, Mo., 1897. Author of General Principles of Zoology. Member American Assn. for Adv. Sci., Zoology, 1903 ; Teacher's Assn., Mo.; N. E. A. and other Teachers' Assns. Married Millie Crum, July 8, 1885. Children, Blanche C, born 1890; Bessie L., born 1893. Address, 116 E. Baldwin St., Kirksville, Mo. 564. HORACE DUNAWAY Born. f. J. N. Dunaway, Oct. 11, 1835. m. Martha A. Doolittle, Oct. 14, 1836, Georgia. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Prepared in Ottawa High School. Philo- mathean. United States Engineer Dept., Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Address, U. S. Engineer Office, St. Paul, Minn. 565. ROLLA WATKINS EVANS Bom 1866, in Bloomington, 111. f John W. Evans. B. S. Vice-pres. John W. Evans' Sons Co., 1904. Address, 511-517 N. Center St., Bloomington, 111. 566. HARRY FREDERICK KENDALL Bom Aug. 17, 1865, in Flora, 111. f. Cyrus D. Kendall, m. Ravilla Catherine Miller. Prepared in Newton High School. B. L. Read Law, 1889-91 ; admitted to bar, 1891 ; soon after took up newspaper work, and engaged in it at present. Married Jessie Johnson, Mar. 2, 1898, at Newton, 111. Address, 1520 Lafayette Ave., Mattoon, 111. 567. DAVID RUSSELL KINDER Bom 1868, in Litchfield, 111. f. Mrs. A. Kinder. B. L. Lawyer, 1904. Address, 1013 Madison St., Litchfield, 111. 568. DAVID ROBINSON KINKEAD Bom Dec. 8, 1866. f. Joseph R. Kinkead. m. Julia Robinson. Civil Engineer. B. S. Member Masons. Engineer in Chicago, Oil City and Independence, Kans., since graduation. Married Dora M. Weber, June 20, 1892, at Earlville, 111. Address, Independence, Kansas. 114 University of Illinois [1889 569. CYRUS ALMON LEWIS Born May 20, 1863, in Joliet, 111. f. C. A. Lewis, Decatur, N. Y. m. Emmeline Seward, Decatur, N. Y. Farmer and Architect. B. S. Architect in Spokane and Whatcom, Wash., 1890; farmer, Joliet, 111., 1891. Member M. E. Church. Married Anna Morton, Oct. 20, 1889, at Hope Idaho, (died Jan. 1, 1891); Lulu B. Ames, May 3, 1893, at Springfield, 111. Children, Anna Isabella, born Feb. 16, 1897, (died Mar. 8, 1897) ; Dorothy Pringles, born July 17, 1898; Franklin Spencer, born Nov. 9, 1901. Address, Joliet, 111., R. F. D. No. 4. *S70. JAMES LIVINGSTON LEWIS Born 1850, Franklin Co., 111. m. Mrs. EHzabeth Lewis. B. L., 1889. Died December 20, 1894, at Gainesville. Fla. 571. EDWARD FRANCIS LIGARE Born Sept. 4, 1866, Escanaba, Mich. f. Geo. G. Ligare, 1821, Winchester, England, m. Elizabeth Grey Steele, 1829, Rochester, N. Y. Engineer. Prepared in Glencoe High School. Married Edith Frances Hovev, Sept. 19, 1895. Children, Elizabeth Frances, born Dec. 25, 1896; Alice' Louise, born June 24, 1900; Robert Ed- ward, born Dec. 28, 1904. Address, 156 Grove St., River Forest, Cook Co., 111. 572. ROBERT BONNER McCONNEY Born Dec. 27. 1866, Sadorus, 111. f. Oberlin C. McConney, Dec. 10, 1835, Bainbridge, Ohio. m. Margaret E. Sadorus, June 15, 1842, Sadorus, 111. Manager Denver Office, Allis Chalmers Co. Prepared in Common school, Sadorus, 111. B. S. Erecting Engineer, 1889-92; Supt. of Construction, 1892-93; Chief Draftsman, Supt., Asst. Manager, Davis Iron Works, 1893- 97; Consulting Engineer Mine & Smelter Supply Co., 1897-1902; Salesman, Holthoff Mchy. Co., 1902-04; Manager Denver office, Allis Chalmers Co., Jan. 1, 1905—. Married Gertrude I. McConney, Apr. 20, 1892, Denver, Colo. Children, Robert Clay, born June 17, 1893, (died July 18, 1894); Virginia, bcrn May 7, 1904. Address, 1162 Vine St., Denver. Colo. 573. OLIVER STEPHENS MOLES Born Jan. 16, 1861, Peoria, 111. f. Oliver Moles, Mar. 12, 1805, Dum- fries, Scotland, m. Mary Robertson, June 10, 1805, Glasgow, Scotland. Instructor in High School. Prepared by private instruction. Adelphic; Class and Commencement orator. M. L., 1893; Ph. D., Univ. of Denver, 1897. Prin. of Schools at Monroe, Iowa; Supt. at Canon Cit3^ Colo. ; in Denver Prin. of Logan School, 1893-95; Instructor in West Side High School, 1895-97; Prin. of Sherman School, 1897-04; Instructor in East Side High School, 1904—. Married Mary L. Hunter, Aug. 7, 1890, Olney, 111. Children, Hunter Stephen, born June 17, 1891; Oliver Clinton, born Nov. 22, 1892; Lillian Alice, Sept. 15, 1894; Laura Esther, born Mav 9, 1897; Eleanor and Evelyn, born Dec. 19, 1901. Address, 14 Pearl St., Denver, Colo. 574. LEANAH JANE PAINE Sister of No. 659 Born July 7, 1864, in Sidney, 111. f. Andrew Jackson Paine, Aug. 19, 1832, in Grafton, Worchester Co., Mass. m. Elizabeth Ann Shackleford, May 7, 1827, in Danville, Boyle Co., Ky. 1889] Baccalaureate Alumxi 115 Teacher. Prepared in Sidney and Champaign East Side High School. Y. W. C. A. B. L. Teaching, 1889—. Member of Church of Christ. Address, Long\ne\v, 111. 575. LUTHER SHERMAN ROSS Bom Sept. 6, 1864, Reno, Bond Co., 111. f. John Milton Ross, 1823, Murray Co., Tenn. m. Ruth Xaomi Jones, 1825, do. Professor of Biology. Prepared in Greenville High School. Fellowship in Zoology. Philomathean. Pres. of Philo. Second prize declamation contest in Philo. First place, oratorical contest in Philo. Hatchet Orator, in 1888. Pres. of Class of 1889. B. S.; M. S., 1890. Professor Nat'l Sciences, 1890-91; Prin. of School, 1891-92; Prof, of Biology Drake Univ., 1892. On the Structure and Development of the Lemon., Bot. Gazette, Vol. 15; Preliminary Notes on the Iowa Entomostraca. Proc, Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. 3, pp. 170-173; Some Manitoba Cladocera, with description of one new species, Amer. Nat., Vol. 31, No. 364, pp. 293-303, also in Proc. la. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, pp. 154-162; A new species of Daphnia and Brief notes on other Cladocera of la., Proc. la. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, pp. 162-166; The Illinois Bio- logical Station, Proc. la. Acad. Sci., Vol. 4, pp. 167-170; A simple Incubator, Proc. la. Acad. Sci., Vol. 6, pp. 116-117. Apparatus for platting out Petri dishes in the field; Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., Vol. 12, pp. 7-8. Member Iowa State Academy of Sciences, 93. Married Ellen Maria Bardwell, June 22, 1892, Leverett, 111. Children, Ruth Lovilla, born Sept. 5, 1895; Helen Bardwell, born Feb. 28, 1901; Mary Kellogg, born Apr. 1, 1903. Address, 1308 27th St., Des Moines, la. 576. MYRTLE EVA SPARKS Born Oct. 9, 1861, in New Haven, la. m. Fanny Moore. Teacher. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. B. A.; M. A., 1890, do. Teaching Latin in Ottawa, 111. Presbyterian Church. Modem Literature Club. Address, 1103 Post Street, Ottawa, 111. 577. PHILIP STEELE Born June 19, 1865, Johnson, Vt. f. Levi B. Steele, Apr. 28, 1829, Bux- ton, Me. m. Mary Ide Peabody, Nov. 22, 1835, Rochester, Vt. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Concord High School. Philoma- thean. Pres. Philo. Ed. in Chief, Sophograph; Business Manager Illini. B. S. Mechanical Engineering for City of Chicago, 1895 — . State Secretary of 111. State Assn; National Assn. of Stationary Engineers; Past. Pres. and Director, Chicago Civil Service League; Pres't and Gen'l Mgr. Civil Service Pub. Co. Married Hattie Morrison, Feb. 11, 1891, Urbana, 111. Child, Phyllis, born June 7, 1893. Address, 171 Osgood St., Chicago, 111. *578. HERMAN LINCOLN WEIS Born Dec. 12, 1866. f. Joseph Weis, 1825, Hana, Germany, m. Marie Brennemann, 1828, near Marburg, German}'. Prepared in Peru High School, 111. Designer for Architectural Iron Works, till time of death. Died July 25, 1891, Tonica, 111. 579. MARGARET WESTON (VAN OSDEL) Sister of Nos. 116, 295, 447, 580 Bom 1870, in Champaign, 111. f. Nathan Weston, 1827, Walworth N. Y. m. Jane Cloyd, 1831, Trov, N. Y. B. L. Married Frank M. Van Osdel. Child, Arthur Weston, born 1904. Address, Wheaton, 111. 116 University of Illinois [1889 580. NATHAN AUSTIN WESTON Brother of Nos. 116, 295, 447, 579. Husband of No. 499 Born 1868, in Champaign, Illinois, f. Nathan Weston, 1827, Walworth, New York. m. Jane Cloyd, 1831, Troy, N. Y. Asst. Professor of Economics. Prepared in High School, Champaign, 111. Adelphic. B. L.; M. L., 1898; Ph. D., 1901, Cornell. Fellowship, Univ. of Wis., 1897-98; Fellowship, Cornell, 1898-1899. Teacher and Principal of schools, 1889-93; instructor in Univ. Acad., 1893-97; grad- uate student, 1897-99; Asst. in Political Economy, Cornell Univ., 1899-1900; Instructor and Asst. Professor in Economics, Illinois, 1900 — . Member American Economic Association, 1894 — . Married Angeline Gayman ('87), 1894, Champaign, 111. Children, Nathan, born in 1896; Janet Louise, born 1905. Address, 601 Daniel Street, Champaign, 111. CLASS OF 1890 (42) 581. JAMES BARR Born July 22, 1868, Urbana, 111. f. Andrew Barr, Oct. 1, 1836, Lanark- shire, Scotland, m. EHzabeth McBeath Paisley, Scotland, Aug. 3, 1842. Draftsman. Prepared in Urbana High School. Capt. B. S. At pres- ent Chief Draftsman for Armour Co. in Power Dept Married LilHan R. Bennett, Apr. 22, 1902. Children, Robert James, born Mar. 8, 1903; Helen Frances, born Mar. 22, 1905. Address, 636 W. 57th Place, Chicago, 111. 582. SAMUEL DAY BAWDEN Born Dec. 2, 1868, Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio. f. Rev. Henry Heath Bawden, Jan. 17, 1839, Totnes, Devon, Eng. m. Harriet Newell Day, Jan. 31, 1842, New York City. Missionary. Prepared in Dayton High School and Denison Univ., Granville, Ohio. Philomathean. Pres. Illinois Inter-Coll. Athl. Ass'n, 1889. B. S.; B. D., 1897, Rochester Theological Sem. Teacher Math., Univ. Acad., 1890-91; Teacher Manual Training, Beardstown High School; Supt. Beatrice Electric Light and Power Co.; Clerk Columbian Exposition; Teacher Man. Tr. Iowa City High School; Student, Rochester Theol. Sem., 1897; Oct. 1, 1895, began work as Protestant Chaplain, N. Y. State Industrial School, Rochester; in Sept., 1904, becams Industrial Miss'y to Telugus of India. Baptist Minister, ordained 1898. Married Minnie L. Cotton, June 23, 1896, North Amherest, Ohio. Chil- dren, Herbert Newton, born Feb. 2, 1900; Dorothea Caroline, born June 15, 1904. Address, Ongole, Guntur District, India. 583. JOHN W. BEARDSLEY Brother of No. 203 Born Mav 31, 1870, Champaign, 111. f. Geo. F. Beardsley, May 25, 1827, Knox Co., Ohio. m. Martha Mahan, July 16, 1834, N. Y. Machinist. Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic. B. L. Clerk in law office, 1890-91; Fire Ins., 1891-94; Manager Machine shop and foundry, 1894-1902; Life Ins., 1902—. Member First Congr. Church of Kansas City, Mo. Married Edith M. Stave, June 14, 1899, Champaign, 111. Children, Alfred Stave, born Sept. 11, 1900; Katherine, born Aug. 31, 1902. Address, 3523 Highland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 1890] Baccalaureate Alumni 117 *5S4. EDWARD MILLS BENSON Born Mar. 25, 1869, Oak Grove (now Carlock), McLean Co., 111. f. Cyrus H. Benson, Sept. 16, 1835, Carlock, 111. m. Lucy Amanda Rowell, Aug. 10, 1869, Carlock, 111. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Civil Eng'rs Club. Pres. of Philo. B. S. Draftsman, Instrumentman and Ass't Engr., Northern Pacific R. R. 1890-92; Spokane Falls and Northern R. R., 1892-93. Died Oct. 8, 1894, at Ames, la. 585. COLUMBUS AUSTIN BOWSHER Born 1862, in Girard, Macoupin Co., 111. f. R. B. Bowsher. Author and Inventor, 1904. Address (1904), Champaign, 111. fe.l 586. ANNA CECILIA BOYLE (JUNKERSFELD) Born in Champaign, 111. f. Patrick Boyle, 1828, Ireland, m. Catharine Lynch, 1832, Ireland. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai. B. A. Bookkeeper and Cashier until 1900. Married Peter Junkersfeld, June 19, 1901, Champaign, 111. Address, 320 S. Prairie Ave., Austin Sta., Chicago, 111. 587. LUCIA BRUMBACH (BOGARDUS) Born Nov. 17, 1867, Ottawa, 111. f. David Brumbach, 1832, Ottawa, 111. m. Helen Barnes, 1840, Utica, N. Y. Prepared in Lake Erie Seminary, Painesville, Ohio. Alethenai. B. L. Teacher at Watseka High School, 1890-1891. Member Classic Culture Club, 1892; Mothers' Club, 1902; Chaminade Musical Club, 1902; Intercollegiate Alumnae Assn., 1904; Pilgrim Congregational Church; Sec. of Mothers' Club, 1904-05. Married C. E. Bogardus, 1892, Gilman, 111. Children, Almon Eugene, bom Sept. 28, 1895; Wallace David, born Dec. 1, 1896; Helen Evelyn, born Jan. 17, 1899. Address, 323 14th Ave., North, Seattle, Wash. 588. NORMAN HARVEY CAMP Born June 25, 1867, Bement, 111. f. James Harvey Camp, Oct. 5, 1833, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. m. Anna Catharine Holm, Mar. 16, 1847, Bucyrus, Ohio. Evangelist. Prepared in Bement High School. Philomathean. Repr. in Orat. Cont.; Class President, 1890. B. S. ; LL. B., 1893, Northwestern. Practiced Law until Oct., 1900; Bible Teacher and Evangelist, 1900 — . Teacher of Union Bible Classes in Canada and U. S., Oct. 1904. Author of pamphlets: The Way of Life made plain, and The G. A. R. made plain. Married Mabel Johnston, June 3, 1896, Chanute, Kans. Child, Horace Johnston, May 4, 1897. Address, 1037 Early Ave., Edgewater, Chicago, 111. 589. EDITH LOUISE CLARK (KIRKPATRICK) Bom Feb. 14, 1867, Pecatonica, 111. f. Henry S. Clark, Jan. 1, 1841, New York. m. Harriet Louisa Cable, Nov. 11, 1840, Pecatonica, 111. Prepared in Pecatonica High School and Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Member Methodist Church, Mavview, 111. Married]. C. Kirkpatrick, Feb. 14, 1893. Children, Henry Clinton, born Aug. 7, 1894, (died Mar. 27, 1895); Florence Mable, born July 19, 1898. Address, Urbana, 111. 590. FRANK HENRY CLARK Born July 23, 1865, Pecatonica, 111. f. Henry S. Clark, m. Harriet Louisa Cable. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Pecatonica High School, and Univ. 118 University of Illinois [1890 Acad. Capt. Senior Class Pres. B. S. Electric construction, July, Nov., 1890; with David L. Barnes, Chicago Railway and Mech. Engineering, Nov., 1890-Nov., 1894; Chief Draftsman, C. B. & Q. R. R. Co., 1894-99; Mech. Engr., 1899-1902; Supt. Motive Power, 1902-05; Gen. Supt. Motive Power since May, 1905 — . Married Cora Campbell, Ap. 4, 1893. Children, Harold Ezra, born Sept. 7, 1895; Helen Louise, born Nov. 17, 1900. Address, 130 Eighth Ave., La Grange, 111. 591. THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Husband of No. 628 Born May 11, 1862, Minonk, 111. f. William G. Clark, born Nov. 8, 1814, Northumberland, England, m. Dorothy Metcalf, born Sept. 16, 1812, Blythe, England. Teacher; Dean of Undergraduates. Prepared in Univ. Acad., 1885-86. Philomathean. Alpha Tau Omega. Local Editor Illini, 1887-89; Junior orator, 1889; Editor Sophograph, 1888; Editor in chief Illini, 1889-90; Senior orator, 1890; Class Poet. B. L. Prin. East Side School, Champaign, 1890-91; Instructor in English and Latin, Univ. Acad., 1891-93; Instructor in EngHsh, Illinois, 1893-95; Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, 1895-1899; Professor of Rhetoric, 1899—. Acting Dean, College of Lit. and Arts, 1900- 1901; Dean of Undergraduates and Assistant to the President, 1901-1904; Director Summer Session, 1903 — ; Dean of Undergraduates, 1904 — Mem- ber of Urbana, 111., Board of Education, 1901 — ; Modern Languages Asso- ciation of America; Elder in First Presb. Church, Urbana, 111., 1904 — . Author: 1. English Composition in the High Schools of Illinois; University of Illinois Publications, 1896. 2. The LTniversity of Illinois; School News, May, 1897. 3. English Composition for the Grades; State Course of Studv, 1897. 4. Principles and Exercises in English Composition for the Eighth Grade; School Neivs, Sept. to May, 1897-1898. 5. Principles and Exercises in English Composition for the Seventh Grade; School News, Sept. to May, 1898-1899. 6. The Abduction of Grandmother Cole (short story); The Interior, June, 1899. 7. MoUie's Wedding Gown (short story); The Interior, June, 1900. 8. Revision of English Composition for the Grades; State Course of Study, 1900. 9. English Composition for the Sev- enth Grade, Exercises and Suggestions; School News, Sept. to May, 1900- 1901. 10. English Comp. for the Eighth Grade, Exercises and Suggestions; School News, Sept. to May, 1901-1902. 11. Biographies of great American Authors, with selections, — Whittier, Irving, Webster, Longfellow, Bryant, Hawthorne, Poe, Cooper, Holmes, Franklin, Lowell, Emerson; C. M. Parker, Taylorville, 111., 1901. 12. Selections from American Authors, — DeFoe, Addison, Goldsmith, Southey, Wordsworth, Burns, Keats, Shelley, Scott, Lamb, Tennyson, Dickens; C. M. Parker, Taylorville, 111., 1902. 14. Selections from English Authors, with notes; twelve numbers; C. M. Parker, Taylorville, 111., 1902. 15. Some Boys Who Worked Their Way Through College; Chicago Tribune, August 28, 1904. 16. On working One's Way through College; Illinois Magazine, April, 1905. Married Alice Virginia Broaddus ('91), August 24, 1896. Address, 928 West Illinois Street, Urbana, 111. 592. JAMES FRANCIS CLARKSON Born 1868, in Chicago, f. M. Clarkson. Mason Contractor. Capt.;B.S. Address 4823 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111. 593. GEORGE PERKINS CLINTON Born May 7, 1867, Polo, 111. f. John Waterbury Clinton, Andes, N. Y. m. Carrie Adelia Perkins, N. Y. 1890] Baccalaureate Alumni 119 Botanist. Prepared in Polo High School. Junior, Motto, Class day, Comm. orator. B. S. ; M. S.; M. S., Harvard, 1901; So. D., Har- vard, 1902. Asst. Botanist, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. and Asst. in Botany, Illinois, 1890-1902; Botanist, Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1902—. Author of various bulletins and reports on parasitic fungi of cultivated plants, pub- lished by 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. and Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta.; various papers on fungi in botanical magazines; monograph of North American Ustilagintal, published by Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Member Conn. Pomological Soc; Conn. Botanical Soc; New England Bot. Club; Amer. Mycological Soc; Soc. Plant Morphology and Physiology; Amer. Soc. Adv. Science; International Ass'n of Botanists. Married Anna J. Lightbody, Aug. 9. 1892, Pekin, 111. Child, Harry Lightbody, born July 14, 1893, Urbana, 111. Address, New Haven, Conn., care of Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta. 594. ROBERT JAMES COOKE Born Dec 26, 1862, E. Newbern, Jersev Co., 111. f. Elon Cooke, 1835, England, m. Palmira Brown, 1838, N. J. Asst. Engineer. Prepared in Alton High School, Illinois. Junior and Commencement orator. Capt.; B. S. Draftsman, la. Div. 111. Cen. R. R., June-Aug., 1890; Draftsman, Union Pac. R. R. Wyo. Div., 1890-92; Ass't Eng'r Chicago & West. Ind. R. R , 1892-98; Chief Draftsman, Joint Track Elevation and Depression, Chicago, 1898-1900; Asst. Engr. Chicago and Alton R. R., 1900-05; Asst. Engr. Chicago and Western Indiana R. R., 1905—. Married Lottie Stewart, Oct. 12, 1892, Champaign, 111. Child, Russell Stewart, bom Feb. 22, 1898. Address, 616 West 65th Place, Chicago, 111. 595. ROBERT WILSON CORNELISON f. I. A. Cornehson, D. D. Chemist. Prepared in High School. B. S.; S. D., 1893, Harvard. Asst. in Chem., Illinois, 1890-91. Morgan Fellow Harvard, 1891-93; Tech- nical Chemist. Member Am. Chem. soc; Soc. Chem. Ind.; Deut. Chem. Gesel; A. A. A. S., etc. Address, Bloomfield, N. J. 596. CLARENCE LINCOLN CRABBS Bom July 29, 1866, Decatur. Ind. f. Austin Crabbs, Jan. 8, 1838, Rich- land Co., Ohio. m. Catharine Yeiter, Sept. 18, 1842, Ashland Co., Ohio. Factory Superintendent. Prepared in High School. Civil Eng. Club. Bus. Mgr. mini, 1889-1890. Class Valedictorian. B. S. Civil Engineer, 1890-1900; Factory Supt., 1900—. Assoc. Memb. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng'rs, 1895-1903; Member West. Soc. Eng'rs, 1891-1903; West Rv. Club, 1895- 98. Married ]essie EHzabeth Cox, Sept. 30, 1903, Denver, Colo. Child, Helen Elizabeth, born Sept. 18, 1904. Address, 620 24th Street, Moline, 111. 597. JESSIE ELLARS (HACKETT) Born Jan. 25, 1867, Atwood, 111. f. William Ellars, Dec. 3, 1834, Logan Co., Ohio. m. Maria Lewis, Feb. 22, 1832, Warren Co., Ind. Prepared in Tuscola High School. Alethenai. B. A.; M. A., 1893. Teacher in Grammar School, Tuscola, 111.. 1891-92; Asst. High School Teacher, Tuscola, 111.. 1892-1898; Prin. of High School, do., 1898-1900. Married Leonard Oliver Hackett, Nov. 22, 1900, Tuscola, 111. Address, Tuscola, 111. 120 University of Illinois [1890 598. JOHN FRANKLIN FISHER Born Apr 24. 1865, Indianola, 111. f. Michael Fisher, Nov. 6, 1835, Indianola, 111. m. Maryette Baum, Feb. 18, 1845, Indianola, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Indianola Public School. Capt. B. S. Draftsman, Chicago, 1890-95; Surveyor, Indianola, 1895-1900; Townsite Surveyor for Dept. of Interior, Indian Territory, 1900-05; Surve^'or and C. E., Danville, III., 1905 — . Articles: Experiments on Paving Brick, pub- lished in No. 4, selected Papers of the Civil Engineers Club of the Univ. of 111.; Building a small Stone Highway Bridge, The Engineering Record, Oct. 24, 1896. Member of M. E. Church; Associate member of the Chicago Acad, of Sciences, Chicago, 111. Married Maude Songer, Apr. 14, 1900, Danville, 111. Child, Georgia Mary Ellen, born Dec. 12, 1905. Address, 701 N. Gilbert St., Danville, 111, 599. WILLIAM MYERS GILLILAND Bom 1866, in Columbus, 111. f. W. E. Gilliland. Master Mechanic, (1904). B. S. Address, Hancock, Mich., care of Quincy Mining Co. 600. GUSTAV ADOLPH HANSSEN Born Nov. 22, 1869, Davenport, la. f. Louis Hanssen, Jan. 26, 1821, Itzehoe, Germany, m. Maria Sophie Hannemann, Nov. 17, 1831. Architect. Prepared in Davenport, la., and Univ. Acad. First prize military drill, 1887; Instructor in Gym., 1887-89. Married LilH May Stibolt, June 28, 1894, Davenport, la. Child, Daphne Louise, born June 17, 1896. Address, 51 Schmidt Bldg., Davenport, la. 601. HUGH HAZELTON Bom Aug. 16, 1868, Chicago, lU. f. Wilham Cross Hazelton, Nov. 14, 1832, Northfield, N. H. m. Fannie Amanda Morrill, Mar. 3, 1840, Canter- bury, N. H. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Jefferson High School. Philomathean. B. S. Draftsman with Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co., 1890-91; with D. L. Barnes, 1891-92; Draftsman and Supt. Intramural Ry. World's Fair, Chicago, 1892-93; With B. J. Arnold 1894; Metropolitan West Side Elev. Ry., Chicago, 1895-1897; Engineer for Englewood and Chicago Ry., 1898; Asst. Elec. Engr. Manhattan Ry., N. Y., 1899-1903 ; Elec. Eng. same, 1903-05 ; Elec. Engr. with L. B. Stillwell, N. Y., 1905—. Address, 409 W. 145th St., New York, N. Y. 602. EDWARD SPENCER KEENE Born Oct. 8, 1864, Rock Island, 111. f. Philip H. Keene, Kaiserslaute, Bavaria, 1832. m. Margaret K. Baxter, 1835, Newport, Ky. Dean Engineering Dept. N. D. Agricultural Coll. Prepared in Molina High School. B. S. Instructor in Mech. Engr., Illinois, 1890-92; Prof. Mech. Engr. N. D. Agr. College, 1892-1904; Dean Engr. Dept. N. D. Agr. College, 1904—. Married Myrtle Pearman, Oct. 3, 1893, Champaign, 111. Children, Mar- garet, born June 26, 1894; Dorothy, bom Aug. 21, 1896; Rebecca, born Feb. 15, 1905. Address, 1028 7th St., N., Fargo, N. Dak. 603. KATE LOUISE KENNARD Born 1869, in Champaign, 111. f. G. W. Kennard. B. L. Address, 311 West University Ave., Champaign, 111. 1890] Baccalaureate Alumxi 121 604. HENRY WALLACE McCANDLESS Born Feb. 22, 1866, Orion, Henry Co., 111. £. John McCandless, Mar. 5. 1819, Oakdale, Penn. m. Margaret M. Burns, Nov. 15, 1839, Imperial, Penn. Manufacturer. Prepared in Orion High School, Davenport, la. Chief Draftsman Thompson-Houston Elec. Co., Chicago Office, 1890-91; Mgr. Estimating Dept. Gen. Elec. Co., Chicago, 1891-93; Main Ofhce Schenectady, N. Y., 1893-95; Pres. and Treas. and Principal owner, H. W. McCandless & Co., 67-69, Park Place, New York Citv. 1895 — . Member Masonic Lodge, Hope No. 244, New York. Married Nancy Pearl Long, June 25, 1903, Lynn, 111. Child, Margaret Louise, bom Sept. 15, 1904. Address, 690 E. 22d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 60S. WILL EEN McKEE Born Sept. 3, 1866, Tippecanoe Co., Ind. f. Sam. McKee, Jan. 19, 1837, Tipp. Co., Ind. m. Alma Bush, Jan. 27, 1838, Tippecanoe Co., Ind. Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Steam Engineering con- tinously. Chief Eng., Milwaukee, 1892-1894; Dallas Chief Eng., 1895-96; Ishpeming, Mich.; Master Mech., Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., Mich. Mining Co., 1899-1905. Bisber Ariz., Supt. Mch'y., Feb., 1905—. Married Isa Dora Fisher, Oct. 18, 1892, Denver, Colo. Child, Lottie Maude, bom Oct. 23, 1893. Address, Bisber, Ariz., care of C. & A. Mine. 606. WALTER ISHAM MANNY Bom 1869, in Mound Station, 111. f. H. A. Manny. Lawver. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1892. State's Attorney, 1896-1904; Member 44th Gen. Assembly, 1904. Pres. State's Attorneys' Ass'n of 111., 1902-1904. Chairman Exec. Com. State's Attorneys' Ass'n, 1904-06. Address, Mount Sterling, 111. 607. BYRON LLEWELLYN MOORE Born 1869, in Dwight, 111. f. M. Moore. B. L. With Consolidated Telephone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Address, 536 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. 60S. EDWIN NESBIT Born 1868, in Charleston, 111. f. S. H. Nesbit. Mechanical Engineer B. S. Address, care of Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 609. U. J. LINCOLN PEOPLES Born Feb. 17, 1865, Allegheny City, Pa. f. William Peoples, m. Eliz- abeth Taylor. : Architect. Work as architect, principally large and public buildings. Member of East Liberty Pres. Church, Masonic Lodge, Davage 374 Alle- ghenv Citv, Penn., and Monongahela Club, Pittsburg, Pa. Married Emma D. Utz, Sept. 16, 1891, Cincinnati, Ohio. Children, Edith Virginia, bom Dec. 7, 1896; U. J. L., Jr., born Dec. 26, 1900. Address, 5518 Homer Street, E. E., Bus. 611 Times Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 610. ORLA ALFRED PROCTOR Bom Dec. 13, 1867, Rome, Peoria Co., 111. f. Alfred Stephen Proctor, May 16, 1820, Washington Co.,' Ohio. m. Elizabeth Gillett. 1833, Rome Ohio. Farmer. Prepared in Peoria, 111. Philomathean. B. L.; B. S., both 1890. Principal Public Schools, Bra ymer. Mo., Vice-pres. Harris College and 122 University of Illinois [1890 Ed. and Pub. Harris Voice, 1891; farming, Rome, 111., 1893; then moved to Peoria; edited New Era, church and temperance publication; 1896, farming near Chillicothe, 111., to date. Member of M. E. Church, Supt. of S. S. for 14 years. 'Married Lydia Bertha Washington, August 18, 1891, Peoria, 111. Address, Chillicothe, 111. 611. PHILEMON ANATOLIO SCHAEFER Born July 3, 1867, Parral, Mex. f. John Phillip Schaefer, Jan. 30, 1846, Germany, m. Geronima Carmona, Sept. 30, 1846, Parral, Mex. Civil and Mining Engineer. Prepared in St. Mary's College, San Antonio, Tex. C. E. Soc. ; Adelphic. Athletic Ass'n. ' Mgr. Base Ball Team, 1889. Asst. Engr. Term. R. R. Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo., 1892-93; Ass't Engr. R. R. Com. of Texas, 1895; Asst. Chief Engr. Link Line R. R. George- town, Tex., 1895-96; gen. office work, 1896-98; Postmaster, Georgetown, Tex., 1898-1902 ; Mining and Engineering work at Parral, Mex., 1902 — . Address, Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico. 612. CHARLES H. SHAMEL Brother of Nos. 664, 1162 Born June 2, 1867, near Springfield, 111. f. Conrad Shamel. m. Caro- line Alkire. Lawyer. Prepared in Taylorville Schools. Philomathean; Kappa chap- ter, Sigma Si, Columbia Univ. B. S.; M. S., 1891; LL.B., Mich., 1893^; M.A., Columbia, 1905. Prof. Chemistry, Coll. Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, la., 1890-92; Practiced Law, Taylorville, 111., 1894-1904. Graduate Stu- dent, Law, Mining and Geology, Columbia tjniv., N. Y., 1904-06. Was State's Attorney for Asst. Christian Co., 111., 1896-1904. Address, Taylorville, 111. 613. CHRISTOPHER HENRY SNYDER Born June 12, 1866, Fulton, 111. f. Wm. Cowperthwaite Snyder, July 29, 1821, Birmingham, N. J. m. Icyphene Caroline Pearce, May 9, 1828, Fall River, Mass. B. S. Structural Iron draftsman, 1890-1897; chief draftsman, 1897-1900; contracting Engineer, 1900 — . Married Harriet Runyon, Oct. 14, 1899, New York. Children, Henry Runyon, born Aug. 3, 1900; William C, born July 26, 1904; Helen Jean, born July 29, 1905. Address, 413 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 614. FRED WORTHLEY STEVENS Bom 1866, in Plattsburg, N. Y. f. Daniel Worthley. Chemist, 1904. Address, 236 South C St., Tacoma, Wash. 615. LINSLEY FLETCHER TER BUSH Born Apr. 25, 1879, Michigan, f. Pliny TerBush. m. Catherine Anne Waterson. Adelphic. B. L. Editorial Dept. The Chicago Record and The Chicago Daily News, 1890-1904; Peabody Coal Co., 215 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., 1904—. Address, 304 Bowen Ave., Chicago, 111. 616. FRANCIS JOHN TRESISE Born Aug. 3, 1864, Monmouthshire, England. f. Henry Tresise, Aug. 31, 1838, Monmouthshire, Eng. m. Charlotte Nurse, Nov. 21, 1834, do. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Public Schools of Sharon, Mercer Co., Penn. Philomathean; Civil Engineers' Club. Capt. B. S.; C. e., 1893. Civil En- 1890] Baccalaureate Alumni 123 gineer for various R. R. Go's, and City of Buffalo, Dept. of Public Works; private practice, 1901 — . Member Engineers Soc. of Western N. Y.; Lib- rarian of E. S. of W. N. Y., 1900-1901. Married Eliza Richard, Feb. 13, 1892, at Dover, N. H. Children, Frances Louise, born Apr. 23, 1893; Amy Richards, bom May 14, 1894. Address, 321 Herkimer St., Buffalo, N. Y. 617. JOHN BAPTISTE TSCHARNER Born Apr. 15, 1866. f. Geo. F. Tscharner, Okawville, 111. m. Bettie Pierce, Ky. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Civ. Eng'rs Soc, Bus. M'g'r Sophograph, 1888. B. S. Civil Engineer and manager of waterworks plant at Waco, Tex.; Supt. waterworks plant, Lawrence, Kan. Died Apr. 22, 1893, at Colorado Springs, Colo. 618. FRED WALTER WATERMAN Born May 24, 1869, Sycamore, 111. f. Walter Waterman, 1848, Syca- more, 111. m. Electa Jane Dustin, 1849, E. Topsham. Vt. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Svcamore High School. B. S. Draftsman for Iron Bay Mfg. Co., Duluth, Minn., Chicago & N. W. Ry. Co., and Pullman Car Co., 1890-92; Draftsman and Asst. Master Mechanic, 111. Steel Co., Joliet, 111., 1892-94; Draftsman for Johnson Co. Lorain, Ohio, 1894-1897; Chief Draftsman, 1897; Engineering work in Construction of Blast Furnaces and Steel Works for The Lorain Steel Co., Lorain, O.; 1899; Chief Engr. of The Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Sydney, Nova Scotia, 1894-1901; Algoma Steel Co., Sault Ste Marie, Ontario; Mech. Engr. on Construction work, 1901-02; JuHan Kennedy, M. E., Pittsburg; Mech. Engr. The National Tube Co., Lorain, O., 1902—. Married Ivy June Walters, 1900, Johnstown, Pa. Children, Fred W., Jr., born Dec. 25, 1900, Sydney, Nova Scotia; John A. and Philip G., born Jan. 27, 1906, Elyria, O. Address, 116 E. Broad St., Elyria, Ohio. 619. JAMES McLaren WHITE Born Oct. 16, 1867, Chicago, 111. f. Samuel Holmes White, 1830, Lock-' port, N. Y. m. Jennie McLaren, 1840, Glascow, Scotland. Dean of College of Engineering. Prepared in Peoria High School. Philomathean Phi Gamma Delta. Tau Beta Pi. Sigma Xi. Class Pres. in Sophomore vear.B. S. Asst. in Arch. 1890-93; Asst. Prof, of Arch., 1893-96; On leave for study abroad, 1904-05; Assoc. Prof, of Arch., 1896- 1901; Prof, of Arch. Eng'g, 1901. Acting Dean of Coll. of Eng'g, 1905—. Member Soc. for Promotion of Engineering Education, 1900. Married Edith Adelaide Shattuck, June 15, 1899, Champaign, 111. Child, Adelaide Louise, born Mar. 14, 1903. Address, 716 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111. 620. FRANK DENT WILBER Born Nov. 20, 1869, in Champaign, 111. f. R. S. Wilber. m. EHzabeth Dent. Coal Dealer. B. L. Dealing in Coal in Champaign, 111. Member of Presb. Church, Knights of Pvthias and Elks. Married Kate McGraw, Sept. 10, 1902, at Champaign, 111. Address, 701 West Church Street, Champaign, 111. 621. GEORGE ELDORADO WILKINSON Born Oct. 18, 1868, Argenta, 111. f. Jackson Wilkinson, 1826, ChilH- cothe, O. m. Mary Morrison, 1850. Physician. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean. Nat. Hist. Soc. 124 University of Illinois [1890 B. S. M. S., Cornell, 1892; M. D., Washington Univ., 1898. Fellow in Clark Univ., 1892-93. Prin. High School, four years; Prof, in College two years; Practicing Physician, in Alton, 111., 1898 — . Organizer of Alton Naval Reserves and Commander, 1896. Surgeon Illinois Naval Reserves, 1902 — . Has written Course of Reading for Teachers, Amer. Journal of Education, 1895; Schools of Germany, bis 1896-97. Member Amer. Med. Assn.; 111. State Med. Soc; Madison County Med. Soc; Alton Med. Soc. ; Ass'n of Surgeons of I. N. G. ; Ass'n of Military Surgeons of the U. S.; Sec. of Madi- son County Med. Soc. and Vice-pres. Alton Med. Soc. Address, 17 E. Second St., Alton, 111. 622. ROBERT CONOVER WILSON Born July 5, 1865, Towanda, 111. f. James C. Wilson, 1812, Brownsville, Pa. m. Elizabeth Jackman, 1828, do. Physician. Prepared in Blackburn University, 1884-1889. Philo- mathean. B. S.; M. D., Univ. of Penn., 1893. Practicing Medicine. Mem- ber of Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Amer. Med. Ass'n. Married Louise Crepin Hoyt, Apr. 26, 1905, Chicago, 111. Address, 4644 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. CLASS OF 1891 (49) 623. THOMAS HENRY BARCLAY Brother of No. 491 Born 1856, in Plainfield, 111. f. James Barclay, m. Rachael McMicken Metallurgist. B. S. Married Emma Gayman, April 18, 1894, Champaign, 111. Address, Bookwalter, Neb. Temporary, Champaign, 111. 624. LAURA MAE BEACH (WRIGHT) Sister of No. 522 Born Mar. 24, 1872, in Champaign, 111. f. George W. Beach, New York m. Lydia A. Sims, born in Ohio. Prepared in Louisville, Ky., Public Schools and Champaign High School Alethenai. Married Nathaniel C Wright, Apr. 25, 1893, Champaign, 111. Address, The New Amsterdam, Euclid & Perry Sts., Cleveland, Ohio. 625. CHARLES SHERMAN BOUTON Born Jan. 28, 1870, Naperville, 111. f. Samuel Fletcher Bouton, 1837, Concord, New Hampshire, m. Mary Ann Hoyt, 1839, Henry, 111. Horticulturist. Prepared in Hyde Park High School, Chicago, 111. Adelphic Varsity Base Ball team, 1888-1891. LL. B., 1894, Chicago, Kent Law School. Real Estate work until 1894; practiced law from 1894- 1901; occupied with investments for two years; investments and horti- cultural work, 1903 — . Trustee University Congregational Church, Chicago, 1900-1901; member Arkansas Horticultural Society, 1904-1905. Married Clara Cunningham, Oct. 14, 1896, Champaign, 111. Children, Charles Sherman, born Feb. 2, 1898; Dorothv Bell, born Jan. 17, 1899; Arthur Franklin, born June 28, 1900. Address, Springdale, Ark. 626. WILLIARD ALBION BOYD Born 1860, in Lewistown. f. WiUiam Boyd. Mech. Engineer. B. S. Address, 95 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. 1891] Baccalaureate Alumxi 125 627. ERNEST NEWTON BRAUCHER Brother of Nos. 376. 377, 412, 784, 1009 Born July 16, 1866, Lincoln, 111. f. Daniel Ludwig Braucher, Mar. 1, 1833, Pickawav Co., Ohio, near Adelphi. m. Henrietta Curtis Hill, June 1, 1831, Orange, Grafton Co., N. H. Architect. Prepared in Lincoln High School. B. S. Draftsman with Holabird and Roche. 1891-95; with Evans Marble Co., till Jan .1, 1897; with W. R. Roberts Co., till Mar., 1898. Citv Engineer's office till Jan. 1, 1900; Map Dept. tJl Mar. 1, 03; City Archts. office till July 1, 1903; Board of Edu- cation, Archfs Dept., 1903 — . Married Lillie E. Abbott, 1891 (died at Chicago, 1897); Katherine Hank- inson, 1899, Chicago, 111. Children, Fred Abbott, born Aug. 18, 1892; Bertha Elizabeth, born May 19, 1894. Address, 2790 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. 628. ALICE VIRGINIA BROADDUS (CLARK) Wife of No. 591 Bom Nov. 13,- 1868, Broaddus. 111. f. Christopher Broaddus, Sept. 20, 1819. m. Minerva Ann Hall, Jan. 25, 1828. Prepared in Henry High School; Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Y. W. C. A. Sophograph. Class Prophet. B. S. Prin. High School at Forrest, 111., 1891-93; Director of Marv Nash College Gvmnasium, Sherman, Tex. 1894-96. Member of Presbyterian Church, since 1886; 111. branch. College Alumnae. Married Thomas Arkle Clark, Aug. 24, 1896. Address, 928 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 629. FRED LYLE BUNTON Bom 1868, in Elmira, 111. m. Mary L. Bunton. Electrician. B. S. Manager, Milwaukee Elec. Co. Address, 730 Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 630. HELEN BUTTERFIELD (SCHOONHOVEN) Bora Oct. 21, 1869, Pompey Center, N. Y. f. Chas. Otis Butterfield, Sept. 18, 1821, Pompey Hill. m. Martha D. Bogardus, Jan. 18, 1827, Dewitt, N. Y. Lecturer. Prepared in Champaign H/gh School. Alethenai. The Idler (Radclifife College, Cambridge.) Pres. of Class of 1888; Pres. of Ale- thenai, 1890; Represented Univ. of 111. in Intercoll. Orat. Cont., 1890, Bloom- ington. 111. B. L.; M. L., 1894. Teachfr of EngHsh in Mattoon High School, 1891-93; Instructor in English in Univ. of 111., 18'^4-97; Lecturer, 18Q7 — . Collaborator in a book on Movements for Social Bettennent in Brooklyn. Member South Congregational Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Pres. Domestic Science Dept. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; member of Local School Board of District 28, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pres. of Urban Club, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Council of Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; Brooklyn Woman's Club, New York Chapter of Collegiate Alumn;c; Radcliffe Club of N. Y. Married John J. Schoonhoven, June 16, 1897, Champaign, 111. Child George Otis, "born Oct. 30, 1900. Address, 34 Second Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 631. ANNA CARSON Sister of No. 182 7 Born 1868, in Urbana. f. T. B. Carson. Teacher. B. L. Address, 310 High St., Urbana, 111. 126 University of Illinois [1891 632. DICK HUBERT CHESTER Born Jan. 28, 1869, Champaign, 111. f. E. E. Chester, Columbus, Ohio, m. Margaret Elizabeth Powell, Columbus, Ohio. Prepared in Chester School. Phi Delta Theta. B. S. Inventor of improvements in condensing, vacuum, and pumping machinery. Married Lucille Augusta Bischoff, 1900, Washington, D. C. Child, Lucille Elsie, barn Jan. 24, 1901. Address, 74 Montclair Ave., Montclair, N. J. 633. JOHN NEEDELS CHESTER Born Sept. 24, 1864, Groveport, Ohio. f. Hubert Chester, July 16, 1840, Groveport, O. m. Melvinia Sophia Needles, Aug. 8, 1842, Columbus, Ohio. Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Champaign High School. Philomathean. Engineers Soc, B. S. Civil Engineer. Mem- ber American Soc. Civil Engineers; Engineers Soc. Western Pa.; Natl. Assn. Stationary Engineers. National Geographical Soc. Address, Box 1103, Pittsburgh, Pa. 634, EDWIN BESANCON CLARKE* Brother of Nos. 635, 935, 1017 Born 1868, in Fulton, N. Y. f. Edwin Ambler Clarke, 1843, Oswego, N. Y. m. Leoline Besaucon, 1843, Natchez, Miss. Architect. Prepared in Quincy High School, 111., and Chicago Man. Tr. School. Capt. B. S. Address, Chicago Heights, 111. 635. FREDERICK WOODRUFF CLARKE Brother of Nos. 634, 935, 1017 Born Dec. 12, 1870, Carrollton, New Orleans, La. f. Edwin Ambler Clarke, 1843, Oswego, N. Y. m. Leoline Besancon, 1843, Natchez, Miss. Architect. Prepared in Chicago Manual Training School and Quincy High School. Pres. of-Adelphic; Prize medals on High Jumps, High Kick, Hurdle Race, Half-back on first Foot Ball Team. Capt. B. A. 1896. Drafts- manWorlds Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1892; Professor of Drawing, Peoria PubUc Schools, 1893; Practiced Architecture, Quincy, 111, 1896; studied Architecture abroad; France, Switzerland, Italy, England, Scotland, 1897; Practicing Architecture, Omaha, 1905. Married Olive Weller Davenport, Feb. 14, 1901. Address, 1009 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 636. NELLIE MARGARET DARBY Born Jan. 7, 1870, Elmwood, 111. f. Henrv Harrison Darby, 1840, Bethany, N. Y. m. Ellen Smith, 1848, Elmwood', 111. High School Teacher. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. L. Taught in Champaign Co., 111., 1891-92; Prin. Normal Dept., Platte Collegiate Insti- tute, Kearney, Nebr., 1892-94; North Platte, North Platte, Nebr., 1894-95; High School, Dillon, Mont., 1895-96; Prin .High School, Moscow, Idaho, 1896-1900; Prescott, Ariz., High School, 1900-01; Asst. Supt., Hedrick, la., 1902-05. Teacher of German and Math., Ortonville, Minn., 1905. First Vice-pres. Inland Empire Teachers Assn., 1898-99, Wash., Ore. and Idaho. Address, Rogers, Ark. 637. EDWARD CHARLES EIDMANN Born June 21, 1871, Mascoutah, 111. f. Louis F. Eidmann, Mar. 15, 1847, Mascoutah, 111. m. Catherine Koob, Apr. 7, 1852, New Baden, 111. Postal Clerk. Prepared in Cross Roads School near Mascoutah, 111. B. S. Civil Engineering, 1891-92; Postal Clerk, 1893—. Mason, 1895; K. P., 1899. Nat'l Beekeepers' Ass'n, 1904. 1891] Baccalaureate Alumni 127 Married Mary C. Kunze, Apr. 28, 1903, Freeburg, 111. Child, Robert Emmet, born Jan. 4, 1905. Address, 4246 Juniata St., St. Louis, Mo. 638. FRANK HARVEY ENO Born July 27, 1865, Elmwood, Peoria, Co. 111. f. Harvey Eno, Aug. 19, 1835, Fair Haven, N. Y. m. Caroline Nancy Kellogg, Apr. 16, 1841, Loraine, Ohio. Prof, of Municipal Engineering. Prepared in Univ. of So. Calif. Civil Eng'rs' Club. Philomathean. Capt., Major. B. S. ; C. E., 1894. Asst. Engr. and Supt. of Water Supply, Sewerage and Fire Protection at World's Columbian Exposition, 1891-94; Asst. to John A. Cole, Consult. Engr., 1894- 95; Village Engr. of Winnetka, 111., May, 1895-98; Asst. Engr. City of Colum- bus, O., 1898-1902; Associate Prof, of Civil Eng'g., Ohio State Universitv, 1902-05. Prof, of Municipal Engr., Ohio State University, July, 1905—. Author: Uses of Hvdraulic Cement, Bulletin 2, Fourth Series of the Ohio Geolog. Survey, published by the State of Ohio, 1904, 260 pp. Typhoid Fever Epidem'ic, Columbus, O., Eng'r News, Feb. 11, 1904. Trustee of Oakwoods Union Church, 1894-95; Trustee of Congr. Church, Winnetka, 111., 1893-98; Treasurer, Plymouth Congr. Church, Columbus, Ohio, 1902; Dea- con, 1903-04; Member Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers, Mar. 1903; Member Sigma Xi, June, 1902. Married NeUie Cecelia Kellogg, Oct. 17, 1892, Milwaukee, Wis. Address, Columbus, Ohio, care of Ohio State University. 639. LAWRENCE FISCHER Born June 15, 1866, near Oregon, 111. f. George Fischer, Bavaria, Germany, m. Margaret Grohs, same. Merchant. Prepared at home and District Schools. Architectural drafting, 1891-1894; Arch. Drawing, 1895-99; Merchant. General Book- store. 1890 — . Married Grace A. Gantz, June 27, 1897, Oregon, 111. Children, Marian G., born May 5, 1898; Laura B., bom Mar. 15, 1902. Address, Oregon, 111. 640. HANS FRAHM Born 1868, in Bourbon, Douglas Co., 111. f. Hans Frahm. Lawyer. B. L., LL. B. Address, Tuscola, 111. 641. JOHN HENRY FREDERICKSON Born Dec. 1867, Champaign, 111. f. Erasmus Frederickson, Copen- hagen, Denmark, m. Johanah Hansena Thorn. Copenhagen. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S. Civil Engineer with I. C. R. R. to 1901; engineer and Asst. Manager, James Ste- wart & Co., Engineers and Contractors to 1904, St. Louis, Mo.; 1904 — , Man- ager, New Orleans, La. Member of Western Soc. of C. E. Address, Hibernian Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. 642. RANSFORD M. FRENCH Born July 16, 1866, Venice, Butler Co., Ohio. f. Nathaniel Granville French, Ohio. m. Amanda Bartlett, Ohio. Architect. Prepared in Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio. Employed on building design and construction. Married Vashti Evelvn Morrow, October 6, 1897. Child, Vashti Morrow bom May 24, 1903. Address, 40 Eldorado Place, Sta. 1, Hoboken, N. J. 128 University of Illinois [1891 643. FRANK DUANE GARDNER Bom Nov. 19, 1864, Gilman, 111. f. Isaac J. Gardner, near Scranton, Pa., 1837. m. Inverno Bennett, 1840, Lockport, N. Y. Soil Management, Bureau of Soils. Prepared in Gilman High School. Adelphic. Agric. Club. B.S. Agriculturalist, Illinois, 1891-95 ; Soil Expert, U. S. Dept. Ag., 1895-1901; Dir. Expert Station, Porto Rico, 1901-04; In charge of Soil Management, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. Ag., 1904 — . The following bulletins of the Agric. Epx. Sta., Univ. of 111.: Bulletin No. 19, Experiments with Oats, 1891, (with Prof. G. E. Morrow); 20, Field Experi- ments with Corn, 1891; 22, Experiments with Wheat, 1891-92; 23, Experi- ments with Oats, 1892; 25, Experiments, held, with Corn, 1892; 31, Corn and Oats Experiments, 1893; 34, Experiments with Wheat, 1893-94, Experi- ments with Oats, 1894; 37, Experiments with Corn, 1894. Also: Bulletin No. 6, Division of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., An Electrical Method of Deter- mining the Moisture Content of Arable Soils, (with Milton W^hitney). 12, Division of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., An Electrical Method of Moisture Determination in Soils, Results and Modifications, in 1897. Circular No. 3, Division of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., The Soils of the Pecos Valley, N. M., (with T. H. Means). Field Operations of the Division of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1899. A soil survey in the Pecos Valley, N. M., (with T. H. Means). A Soil Survey in Salt Lake Valley, Utah, (with'jno. Stewart). Circular No. 4, Division of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., the Soils of the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, (with Jno. Stewart). Field Operations of the division of Soils, 1890. Soil Survey of Weber Co., Utah. Soil Survey in the Sevier Valley, Utah, (with C. A. Jensen). Soils of the Dismal Swamp, Va., in contributions to the U. S. National Herbarium. Annual Report of the Porto Rico, Agr. Exp. Sta., 1901-02 and 1902-03. Bulletin No. 1, Porto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., The Establishment, Location and Purpose of the Experiment Sta. Annual Report of the Porto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta., 1903-04. Manuiral Requirements of Leonardtown loam soil of St. Mary Co., Md. Circular No. 15, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Munurial requirements of Cecil Silt Soil of Lan- caster Co., S. C, Circ. No. 16, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr.; Manu- rial Requirements of Portsmouth sandy loam of the Darlington area, S. C, Circ. No. 17, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Member of Biological Soc. of Wasliington, D. C, 1898; Fruit Growers Association of Porto Rico, 1902-1903. Nat'lGeog. Soc. 1905— . Married Ellen P. Crum, June 6, 1894, Farmer City, 111. Children, Mat- thias Bennet, born Nov. 29, 1897; Frank Easter, born Apr. 7, 1901; Reina Elisa, born Jan. 6, 1904. Address, 3548 10th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 644. CHARLES G. GIBSON Born Sept. 15, 1868. f. James Gibson, m. Margaret Logan. Physician and Surgeon, at Sioux City, Iowa. B. S.; M. D. Married Margaret Piper, August 28, 1902, at Chicago, 111. Children, Helen Margaret, born July 22, 1903; Frances Alice, born February 2, 1905^ Address, 512 Fourth St., Sioux City, Iowa. 645. THOMAS STEPHEN GREEN Born 1868, in Jacksonville, 111. f. H. R. Green. Physician. B. S. M. D. Address, 245 E. 43rd St., Chicago, 111. 646. JAY TARVIN HARRIS Born July 17, 1870, on farm north of Champaign, 111. f. James Tarvin Harris, Oct. 6, 1835, Snow Hill, Ohio. m. Lida Jane Johnson, July 23, 1837, Martinsville, Ohio. Newspaper and Printing Business. Prepared in West Side High School, Champaign, 111. Engineering Soc, Pres. Junior Class; Bus. M'g'r, The Sopho- 1891] Baccalaureate Alumni 129 graph, Technograph and lUini. B. S. Citv Engineer of Champaign, 1891- 92; With Engr. Dept., World Col. Exposition, 1892-93; Ins. and Loan Business, Salt Lake, 1894-95; Newspaper and Printing, 1895 — . Pres. and Treas. The Daily Reporter Co. (Inc.) Secretary, Treasurer and Vice- pres. of The Universitv Club of Salt Lake City. Pres. Same, 1906. Married Nellie Bransford, Oct. 10, 1900, Salt Lake City, Utah. Address, 21 E. First South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 647. ALFRED ERNEST HARVEY Husband of No. 658 Bom Sept. 16. 1868, Wayerlv, 111. f. Alfred Haryev, Aug., 1836, Sut- ton, N. H. m. Elizabeth Foster George, 1836, Manchester, N. H. Civil Engineer. Prepared in High School, Paris, 111. Capt.; Philoma- thean. B. S.; C. E. 1894. Cix'il Engineer, World's Fair Asst. Engr., 1893; City Engr. East Chicago, 1894; 111. Cent. R. R., 1902; Chicago Great Western R. R., 1905; I. C. R. R., 1905; St. L., I. M. & S. R. R., 1905; Contract- ing Engr., 1906. Member Western Soc. of Civil Eng'rs. American Eng'g and Maintenance of Way Ass'n. Married Clara Mver's, Nov. 16, 1892, Ne\vport, Ind. Children, Infant, born Apr. 6, 1894; Alfred Balls, born Jan. 7. 1898; Harriet Harvey, bom Sept. 14, 1900. Address, Dubuque, Iowa. 648. WALTER MORRIS HAY Bom Nov. 25, 1871, Somonauk, 111. f. Isaac Morris Hay. m. Aurelia Latham. Circuit Clerk and County Recorder. Prepared in Somonauk High School. Philomathean. B. S. Civil Engineering and Surveying until 1904; Ass't Engr. Worid's Fair, 1893-4; City Engr. Muscatine, Iowa, 1895-96; County Surveyor, DeKalb Co., 111., 1900-04. Circuit Clerk and County Recorder of De Kalb County, 111., 1904—. Married Katherine Lowman, June 23, 1896. Children, John Gilbert, bom Nov. 27, 1897, Isaac Morris, bom Aug. 19, 1899. Address, Sycamore, 111. 649. OPAL BEATRICE HELLER Bom August 26. 1867, Urbana, Illinois, f. Eli J. Heller, Ohio. m. Sarah Ella Black, Ohio. Instructor. Prepared in Urbana High School. M. A. Latin and EngHsh Instructor in High School, 1898-1901, North Yakima, Wash.; Same, Ellensburg, Wash., 1901-1904; Instructor in Phoenix Schools, Phoe- nix, Arix, 1904 — . Address, 2131 West Washington St., Phoenix, Ariz. 650. GLEN MOODY HOBBS Born Aug. 17, 1870, Yorkville, 111. f. Franklin Moody Hobbs, 1829, Falmouth, Me. m. Harriet N. Crooker, 1832, Saco, Me. Instructor in L^niversity of Chicago. Prepared in Yorkville High School. Member Track Team, 1888-91 ; member of band, 1887-91; leader, 1890-91. Member of Base Ball team, 1890-91; Pres. Senior Class, 1891; B. L., 1892; Ph. D., Chicago, 1905. Lab. Asst. in Physics, Illinois, 1891-1892; Lab. Asst. in Physics, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-94. Instr. in Physics, Chicago, 1896; Article, The Relation between Spark Potential and distances for very small values of the latter, Phil. Mag., November, 1950. Member of Sigma Xi. 1902—. Married Lucy H. Stratton, 1899, Chicago, 111. Child, Wesley Stratton, Jan. 11, 1903. Address, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. 130 University of Illinois [1891 651. THOMAS JAMES HOWORTH Born Feb. 1, 1869, Quaker Cit3^ Ohio. f. Edmund Howorth, Jul}^ 23, 1839. m. Campsadell Moore, May 31, 1846, Quaker City, Ohio. Editor. Prepared in public schools of Chester and Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind. Adelphic. B. A. Special writer for St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Chromcle, 1891; Editor of Financial Record for one year; on reportorial staff of St. Louis Republic from October, 1892-May, 1894; Editor Chester Tribune, 1894—. Married Grace A. Briggs, Oct. 26, 1900, (died Sept. 5, 1905). Children, Edmund Briggs, born Sept. 15, 1901; Ula Ruth, born July 15, 1903. Address, Chester, 111. 652. ISABEL ELIZA JONES Sister of Nos. 653, 1228 Born at Champaign, Illinois, f. James S. Jones, m. Eliza Houston, So. Charleston, Ohio. Instructor. Student of Arts, in Pratt Institute. Instructor in Art and Design, Illinois, to date. Kappa Alpha Theta. Member of Presbyterian Church. Address, 302 W. Church St., Champaign, 111. 653. MABEL JONES Sister of Nos. 652, 1228 Born in Champaign, 111. f. James S. Jones. Asst. Librarian. B. L. Address, 302 West Church St., Champaign, 111. 654. ORA DEAL McCLURE Born 1868, Gibson City, 111. f. J. T. McClure. Capt., B. S. Address, 220 North St., Peoria, 111. *655. WIRT Mccormick Brother of No. 819 Born 1872, in Gibson City, 111. f. Bruce McCormick. M. L., 1891. Died April 9, 1893, at Mahomet, 111. 656. AUGUST MAUE Born Aug. 27, 1866, Mokena, Will Co., 111. f. Dan. Maue, 1831, Bavaria, Germany, m. Sarah Mast, Bavaria, Germany. Prin. of Grammar School. Prepared in Mokena School and Adrian Col- lege, Mich. Philomathean. B. L. Prin. of Schools, Elwood, 111., 1891- 92; Mokena, 111., 1892-93; Grammar School, Joliet, 111., 1893 — . Member of M. E. Church, Richards St., Joliet. Married Carrie Viola Linebarger, Dec. 26, 1895, Elwood, 111. Child, Harold Linton, Apr. 2, 1902. Address, 102 Mound St., Joliet, 111. 657. CHARLES JACOB MITCHELL •Born Sept. 21, 1868, Fulton, 111. f. Abram D. Mitchell m. Mary E. Murphy. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Fulton High School. B. S. Kevstone Bridge Co., 1892; 111. Central R. R. Co., Field Engineer, 1895; Fairbank Morse & Co., Chicago, Draftsman, 1900; Fairbanks Morse Mfg. Co., Beloit, Chief Draftsman to date. Short Articles in American Machinist; Power and 1891] Baccalaureate Alumni 131 Machinery. Member Congregational Church, 1895; Treas. First Congr. Church, Beloit, 1904—. Married Grace D. Dickinson, March 15, 1894, Eureka, 111. Children, Hugh D., born Dec. 23, 1894; Donald E., born Dec. 19, 1896; Roger D., born Aug. 28, 1898; Malcolm, born Aug. 3, 1900; Marianna, born Aug. 19, 1906. Address, 836 College Ave., Beloit, Wis. 658. CLARA MYERS (HARVEY) Wife of No. 647 Bom June 25, 1869, Newport, Ind. f. W. C. Myers, Oct. 19, 1844, New- port, Ind. m. Maria Burson, July 7, 1842, Newport, Ind. Prepared in Newport High School. B. L. Member M. E. Church. Married Alfred E. Harvey, Nov. 16, 1892, Newport, Ind. Children, Infant, born Apr. 6, 1894; Alfred Dallas, born Jan. 7, 1898; Harriet, born Sept. 14, 1900. Address, 2327 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. 659. SARAH MARIENA PAINE Born 28, 1862, in Sidney, 111. f. Andrew Jackson Paine, Aug. 19, 1832, Grafton, Worchester Co., Mass. m. Elizabeth Ann Shackleford, born May 7, 1827, Danville, Ky. Prepared in Sidney Twp. High School and East Champaign High School. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai. B. S. Taught school at South Raymond, 1894; taught music in Longview, Fairland, Broadlands, South Homer and New- man, 1893-1905 ; at home, 1905—. Member Church of Christ, 1875 ; Y. P. S. C. E., 1886; President of same at Champaign, 111., 1889-90; at Prairie Chapel, 111., 1896-97; Supt. of S. S. at Longview, 111., 1902-04; Y. W. C. T. U., 1886—. Address, Longview, 111. 660. LORIN WILLIAM PEABODY Born in 1864, St. Joseph, 111. f. Hiram Peabody. Engineer. B. S. Engineer of Tests, St. Li & S. F. R. R. (1904). Address, Springfield, 111. 661. JOHN HENDERSON POWELL Born March 7, 1868, in Shawneetown, 111. f. H. B. Powell, m. Elizabeth Sarah Barger. Treasurer, Swofford Bros., Kansas City, Mo. Adelphic. B. S. City Engineer, Mt. Vernon, 111., summer of 1891; Instructor in Projection Draw- ing and Descriptive Geometry, Illinois, 1891-92; Treasurer, Swofford Bros. Dry Goods Co., wholesale, Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 1893 — . Member of Cen- tral Presbyterian Church, Kansas City; Knife and Fork Club; Southwestern Alumni Ass'n. Married Amy E. Andrews, October 12, 1897, Flemingsburg, Ky. Child, John Henderson, Jr., born October 19, 1898. Address, Broadway and Eighth Street, Kansas City, Mo. 662. FRED WILLIAM RICHART Born Feb. 21, 1867, Fredonia, 111. f. Hugh McAllister Richart, Feb. 23, 1826, Penn. m. Rebecca Harrison, Apr. 17, 1829, Portage Co., O. Mining Engineer. Prepared in So. 111. Normal. Mechanical Engineers Soc. Pres. of Class 1891. B. S. Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engi- neering. Professional Expert one year. Engineer for Weaver Coal and Coke Co., 1902. Designed built up construction for Coal Tipples; Coal Feeders for shaking screens. Article: "Selection of Engines for Electric Lighting," Electrical World. Member Presbyterian Church, 1885; Deacon, 1903; American Soc. Mechanical Engineers, Ap., 1905. Married EHzabeth Watson, Aug. 6, 1902. Child, Ralph Robert, born Dec. 30, 1903. Address, Carterville, 111. 132 University of Illinois [1891 663. EMMA EFFIE SEIBERT Born Feb. 25, 1868, Riverdale, 111. f. George Seibert, Meredosia, Illinois, m. Mary Elizabeth Pollard, Mason Co., Illinois. Student. Prepared in Washington High School, Jacksonville. 111. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; B. S. Fellowship in Art. Teacher, 1891-92; Stu- dent, 1892-1902; Teacher, 1902-03; Student, 1903—. Address, Newark, N. J. 664. CLARENCE ALBERT SHAMEL Brother of Nos. 612, 1162 Born Mar. 9, 1869, near Springfield, 111. f. Conrad Shamel. m. Caroline Alkire. Editor. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Ed. in Chief Illini. B. S., M. S.1891. Managing Editor Orange Judd Fanner, 1902 — . Member of Presby. Church; 32 degree Mason; Secretary Illinois Ass'n of Agricultural Editors, 1896 — . Address, 1443 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. 665. ANNA SHATTUCK (PALMER) Wife of No. 359, sister of No. 666 Born Dec. 7, 1868, Urbana, 111. f. Samuel Walker Shattuck, 1841, Groton, Mass. m. Adelaide Louise White, 1841, Centerville, Ohio. Student. Alpha Chi Omega. Alethenai. Pres. of Alethenai; B. L., 1891; M. L., 1895. Teacher, 1887-89; do. 1892-1893. Student and Asst. in Rhetoric, 1905 — . Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n. Married Arthur Wm. Palmer, 1893, Champaign, 111, (died Feb. 3, 1904). Child, Charles Shattuck, born Nov. 11, 1895. Address, Urbana, 111. 666. WALTER FRANCIS SHATTUCK Brother of No. 665 Born Dec. 12, 1871, in Urbana, 111. f. Samuel Walker Shattuck, 1841, Groton, Mass. m. Adelaide Louise White, 1841, Centerville, Ohio. Architect. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S. Instructor in Architecture and Professor of Architecture in Chicago School of Architecture, 1891—. Married Miram C. Neuburger, Dec. 14, 1897, in Chicago. Children, Mi- ram Adelaide, born Sept. 24, 1898; Janet Martin, born May 4, 1900. Address, Res. 4743 Kenwood Ave., Bus. 900, 218 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. 667. FRANK OSCAR SMOLT Born Jan. 15, 1867, Paw Paw, 111. f. John Rudolph Smolt, Apr. 11, 1821, Mecklinbourg, Germany, m. Mary Anna Logne, Mar. 10, 1833, Potts- ville, Pa. Chemist. Prepared in Minneapolis High School; Seminary at Paw Paw, and Jenning's Seminary, Aurora, 111. Capt. B. S. Chemist. M. H. Zinc Co. , 1891-92; Mine and Sampling Cos., 1892-99; Butte B. & M. C. & S. M. Co. 1899-1900; Smelter Supt. Yerington, 1901-02; Mine Surveyor, Butte, Mont. 1902-03; Mill Work, Mascota, Jal., Mex., 1903-05. Member American Chemical Soc, 1893-1900. Married Marie E. Jolley, Apr. 9, 1896. Child, Helen, born June 20, 1898. Address, San Lorenzo, Uelardena Dgo, Mex. 668. JOSEPH SAMUEL TERRILL Bom May 25, 1863, in Ridott, 111. f. J. G. Terrill. m. Ruth R. Smith. Naturalist. Prepared East Aurora High School. B. S.; M. S. 1894. Asst. in Ry. Exp. Sta., 1891-95; Section hand, in employ of C. B. & Q. R. R., 1903—. Address, Deer Grove, 111. 1891] Baccalaureate Alumni 133 669. CHARLES DAVIS VAIL Born Sept. 11. 1866, Lone Tree, Bureau Co., IlL f. Richard R. Vail, Nov. 11, 1818, Newark, N. J. m. Catherine Brokaw, Somerville, N. J., June 30, 1830. Civil Engineer. Philomathean. Senior Class pres. Capt. B. S. Asst. Engr. U. P. Rv.. 1891-93; Chief Draftsman, U. S. Sur. Gen. Office of Wyo., 1893-94; Loc' Engr. I. C. & W. Rv., 1894-95; Asst. Engr. Mex. Int. Ry., do.; Asst. Engr. U. P. Ry., 1895-96 ;'Div. Engr. O. S. L. Ry., 1896-97; Prin. Asst. Engr. Butte Water Co., 1897-1901; private practice, 1901 — . 1894, Capt. MiHtia Company at Cheyenne, Wyo. Invented and patented shoe for continuous stave pipe. Member of Montana Society of Engineers, 1897; Assoc, member of American Societv of Civil Engineers, 1902; A. F. & A. M., Butte Lodge, No. 22, Butte, Mont., 1900; B. P. O. E., Silver Bow Lodge, No. 240, 1901; Silver Bow Club, Butte, Mont., 1902. Married Jessie Rose Paden, Sept. 6, 1893, Denver, Colo. Children, Richard Randolph, born Apr. 9, 1895, (died Feb. 6, 1905); Allan Paden, born Dec. 8, 1896; Kenyon Colyar, born Sept. 28, 1899; Charles Gillespie, bom Oct. 10, 1901, (died Feb. 1, 1905); Vera Mary, bom April 16, 1905. Address, 915 West Woolman Street, Butte, Mont. 670. ROSS STRAWN WALLACE Born Dec. 1869, Chatsworth, 111. f. Robert Ross Wallace, Mar. 13, 1835, Ohio. m. Louise C. Strawn, Nov. IS, 1845, 111. Engineer Prepared in Pontiac, 111. Treas. A. A.; Class Pres. Capt. B. S. Machinist and draftsman, 1891-92; draftsman, 1892-93; expert engineer, 1893-1895; Master Mechanic, 1895-99; Supt., 1899—. Member Am. Soc. of Mech. Eng'rs; American Institute Elec. Eng'rs; 111. Soc. Eng'rs and Surveyors; Creve Coeur Club, County Club, Peoria. Married Jessie Waring, June 1, 1898, Washington, 111. Children, Mar- garet Lucile, born Nov. 9, 1899; Helen Louise, born Oct. 15, 1903. Address, 125 N. Jefferson Ave., Peoria, 111. 671. CHARLES BAILEY YOUNG Born Sept. 25, 1865, Aurora, 111. f. Jacob Russell Young, Mar. 19, 1819. m. Clarissa Bailey Crandall, Feb. 17, 1824. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Aurora High School. Adelphic. B. S. Draftsman for C. B. & Q. Rv., 1891-1899; Chief Draftsman, 1899- 1902; Mech. Engr. C. B. & Q., 1902-05'; Mech. Eng. C. B. & Q. System, 1905—. Member Master Car Builders' Ass'n, 1902; Amer. Ry. Master Mechanics Ass'n, 1902. Married, LiUian Verdell Frazier, Oct. 11, 1905, Aurora, 111. Address, 411 Fox St., Aurora, 111. CLASS OF 1892 (41) 672. ALICE MAY BARBER (BENNETT) Born Apr. 21, 1862, LaFox, 111. f. Calvin C. Barber, Apr. 21. 1817, Fabius, N. Y. m. Maria Louisa Garfield, Oct. 16, 1833, Mt. Holly, Vt. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Held first fellowship given in Univ. B. S.; M. S., 1893. Hon. member Audubon Soc. of State of Iowa. Married F. M. Bennett, Sept. 5, 1895, LaFox, 111. Children, Orpha Estelle, born Nov. 29, 1896; Lawrence, born April 23, 1900. Address, Lawrence, Kans. 673. WILLIAM DAVIS BARBER Born June 26, 1864, Strathroy, Ontario, Canada, f. Isaac Barber, m. Ursula Marv Davis. 134 University of Illinois [1892 Civil Engineer. Prepared in Urbana, 111., and Aylmer High School, Ontario. B. S.; C. E. Civil Engineering. Tall building Construction; Lo- cation and Construction of Railroads; Tunnel Construction; in Charge of the Division of Construction and Repair, Chicago. Member American Soc. of Civil Engineers. Married Mary Edith Wickett, Dec. 12, 1892. Children, Harold William, born Apr. 18, 1896, (died Jan. 3, 1899); Milo Isaac, born Nov. 30, 1897, (died Jan. 5, 1899); Evelyn Ursula, born Jan. 27, 1900; William Edward, born July 15, 1902. Address, Room 323 City Hall, Chicago, 111. 674. JOHN KING BARKER Born Dec. 19, 1864, Shutesbury, Mass. f. Franklin Barker, Apr. 12, 1830, Palmer, Mass. m. Arvilla Lucinda McClintock. Civil Engineer. C. E. Club. B. S. Practicing Civil Engineering. Married Annie Brooks Crane, Jan. 15, 1901, Hanover, Mass. Child, Franklin W., born Nov. 13, 1905. Address, 332 Main St., Springfield, Mass. 675. FRANK BECKWITH Born Nov. 8, 1869, Quincy, 111. f. James Beckwith. m. Emily A. Martin. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Quincy High School. B. S. C. B. Q. Ry., 1892-1903; Civil Engineer. 1903-5, L. S. & M. S. Ry., Civil Engineer; was Engr. la. Lines, C. B. & Q., and Engineer of Bridge and Structures and Prin. Asst. Engr. of L. S. & M. S. R. R.; Gen'l Supt. Chicago, Indiana & South- ern R. R., 1906. Member Amer. Soc. Civil Enigneers. Married Alice Moser, 1894. Children, Lawton B., born Oct. 28, 1895; Harold R., born May 20, 1900; Malcomb, born Nov. 11, 1905. Address, La Salle Station, Chicago, 111., or Hammond, Ind. 676. SARAH BENNETT (ERWIN) Sister of No. 555 Born Jan. 31, 1872, Mattoon, 111. f. Chas. Bennett, 1839, Bridgeton, Me. m. Susan W. Cleaves, 1842, do. Prepared in Mattoon High School. B. L., 1892, Illinois. Alethenia Soc, scholarship from Coles Co. Valedictorian of Class of '92. Latin teacher in Kankakee, Ilhnois, High School, 1892-93. Married John M. F. Erwin, Aug. 24, 1893, Mattoon, 111. Child, Susan Cleaves, born July 23, 1901. Address, 817 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. 677. CASSANRDA BOGGS Born Oct. 22, 1869, Douglas Co., Illinois, f. Benjamin Franklin Boggs. July 2, 1832, Lawrence Co., Ohio. m. Mary Jane Armstrong, Nov. 29, 183Si Lawrence Co., Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Tuscola, 111. Alethenai. B. L. Teacher, Ur- bana, 111., 1892-99; Toppenirh, Wash., 1899-1900; North Yakima, Wash., 1901; Seattle, 1901—. Address, Seattle, Wash. 678. PARKE TUNIS BURROWS Born Aug. 8, 1871, Davenport, la. f. Elisha Gamage Burrows, July 12, 1840, Davenport, la. m. Joanna Hand Greene, Cincinnati, Ohio. Architect. Prepared in Davenport High School and by private instruc- tion, 1892. Philomathean. Pres. Class, 1892, one term. B. L. Archi- tectural draftsman, 1892-1895; Hubbell & Burrows, 1895; Clausen & 1892] Baccalaureate Alumni 135 Burrows, 1896-1904; Temple, Burrows & McLane, Architects, 63 McManus Bldg., Davenport, la., 1904 — . Member Iowa Chapter; Am. Inst, of Architects. Married Camilla Simmons Wolcott, Oct. 29, 1902, St. Louis, Mo. Address, 221 Mississippi Ave., Davenport, la. 679. FRANKLIN GREGORY CARNAHAN Brother of No. 932 Born Jan. 8, 1872, Springfield, 111. f. David Franklin Carnahan, Sept 16, 1825, Danville, Pa. m. Sarah Anna Dobbin, June 4, 1638, Madison, Ind Lawyer. Treasurer, Federal Elevator Co. Prepared in Univ. Acad Sigma Chi. Adelphic. Pres. Adelphic Soc; Class Poet; Sophograph Board manager Glee Club; Base ball team; Class Football team; Tennis Singles Championship. B. A. Supt. WaterAvorks Co., Champaign, 1892-1896 Lawyer, Champaign, 111., 1896-1903; Treasurer, Federal Elevator Co., Minne apolis, Minn. Illinois State Bar Ass'n; Minneapolis Club; Minikahda Club Married Harriet Horton, Winona, Minn., Dec. 18, 1901. Child, Elizabeth Horton, born June 15, 1903. Address, 910 Chamber Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. 680. JOHN WATERBURY CRISSEY Born 1869, in Chester, 111. f. M. C. Crissey. Civil Engineer. B. S. Address, 1725 Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111. 681. CHARLES WILLIAM CROSS Born 1870, Kewanee, 111. f. William T. Cross. Manager Eng'g Dept., Brown-Ketchum Iron Works, 1904. Sigma Chi; Glee Club; Baseball team; Philomathean. B. S. Address, care of Brown-Ketchum Iron Works, Indianapolis, Ind. 682. ROBERT HUMPHREY FORBES Born May 15, 1867, Cobden, 111. f. Henry Clinton Forbes, May 19, 1833, Preble Comers, N. Y. m. Laura Jane Gorham, Feb. 24, 1835, Vt. Prepared in Princeton Township High School. Conklin first oratorical prize, 1891. Distance runner. Sigma Chi; Adelphic. B. S. ; M. S., 1897. Director Arizona Agric. Exp. Station. 1896 — . Author of various popular and scientific articles relating to the Southwest. Married Geogie Hazel Scott, Jan. 15, 1902, Tucson, Ariz. Address, Tucson, Ariz. 683. WINSLOW HOW^\RD FOSTER Born Jan. 10, 1869, Chicago, 111. f. Addison Howard Foster, Nov. 13, 1838, Wilton, N. H. m. Susan M. Houghton, Nov. 29, 1838, New Ipswich, N. H. Engineer. Vice-pres. of Morava Construction Co. Prepared in Chicago West Div. High School. Pres. of Philomathean. Soc. of Engineers. With W. Morava and Morava Construction Co., continuous since graduation. Member Western Soc. of Engineers, 1900; Chicago Entomological Soc, 1900-02. Married Anna Mabel Burr, Sept. 20, 1894, Winnetka, 111. Children, Jeanette Howard, born Nov. 3, 1895; Anna Burr, born June 12, 1900; Helen Houghton, born Jan. 12, 1903. Address, 9238 Pleasant Ave., Chicago, 111. 684. ZEBULON FOSTER Bom 1865, in Rossville, 111. f. E. Forter. Retired. B. S. Address, 512 W. California St., Urbana, 111. 136 University of Illinois [1892 685. EDMUND BAILEY FUNSTON Born May 19, 1868, in Champaign, Illinois, f. J. H. Funston. m- Elizabeth E. Bailey. Architect. Philomathean. B. S. 1892-1894, Peoria, 111.; 1894-1895, Pueblo, Colo., 1895-1897, New Orleans, La.; 1897-1899, So. Bend, Ind.; 1899-1901, Champaign, 111.; 1901-1903, Battle Creek, Mich.; 1903, Racine Wis. Member of Methodist Church. Married Ella May Kephart, August 23, 1905, at Ravenswood, 111. Address, Racine, Wis. 686. ANDREW WALLIS GATES Born June 24, 1867, Pawpaw, 111. f, Francis E. Gates, Pawpaw, 111. m. Polly M. Robinson, do. Civil Engineer and Manufacturer. Prepared in Aurora Seminary and Dixon College. Philomathean. Manager Foot Ball team; Bus. Wg'v'lllini; Pres. of State Foot Ball League. B. S., C. E. City Engineering work. City Contract work and Manufacturing. Member 111. Soc. Engineers and Sur- veyors; Western Soc. of Engineers; Amer. Ceramics Soc. Married Filone Norton, Wichita, Kas., Jan. 1, 1903. Address, Monmouth, 111. 687. EDWARD EVERETT GULICK Brother of Nos. 688, 1027 Born Nov. 20, 1868, Champaign, 111. f. Jesse Richard Gulick, Dec. 8, 1840, Pickaway Co., Ohio. m. Louisa Louetta Everett, Dec. 4, 1848, Champaign Co., 111. Farmer. Prepared in Mahomet High School and Univ. Acad. Philo- mathean. B. L. B. D., 1897, M. A., 1900, Shurtleff College. Teacher, 1892-04, student, Shurtleff, 1895-1897; Pastor, 1897; Teacher, 1897-1900; Minister (ordained, 1901), 1900-04; Farmer, 1904 — . Stock farm and Dairy. Article, Civilization a Question of Geography, College Review, Nov., 1896. Missionary Baptist, Church Clerk, Ordained Minister; Pres. of B. Y. P. U. Dodge Association in Wis. ;Missionary of Baptist Missionary Union in Wis. Member A. F. & A. M.; Modern Woodmen of America; Friendly Society, District Organizer, 1904; I. O. G. Templars, District Or- ganizer, 1898-1900. Married Minnie Belle Reinhard, June 7, 1899, Champaign, 111. (Divorced Feb. 6, 1906). Children, Florence Isabelle, born Feb. 23, 1901; Margrett Loucile, born Mar. 1, 1904. Address, Mahomet, 111. R. F. D. No. 40. 688. JOSEPH PIPER GULICK Brother of Nos. 687, 1027 Born Dec. 20, 1870, Vandalia, 111. f. Jesse Richard Gulick, Dec. 8, 1840, Pickaway Co., Ohio. m. Louisa Louetta Everett, Dec. 4, 1848, Champaign Co., 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Mahomet High School; Univ. Acad. Philoma- thean. "Excelsior Orator," Philo, 1892. B. L. Prin. of Schools, Savoy, 111., 1892-1895; studied Law, 1893-95; in ofhce of Jesse R. Gulick, Cham- paign, 111., 1895. Practiced Law in Champaign, 111., 1895 — . Member Western Star Lodge No. 240, A. F. & A. M., Champaign Chapter; No. 50 R. A. M.; Urbana Council No. 19, R. & S. M.; Champaign Commandery No. 68, K. T., and Vesper Chapter No. 128, O. E. S. Was Worshipful Master of Western Star Lodge No. 240, A. F. & A. M., 1897-1902 ; Eminent Commander of Cham- paign Commandery No. 68, K.T., 1904-5 ; Worthy Patron of Vesper Chapter No. 128, O. O. S., 1904-5. Married Lilian L. Terwilleger, Champaign, 111., Nov. 20, 1900. Address, 508 S. Elm St., Champaign, 111. 1892] Baccalaureate Alumni 137 689. CHARLES ALEXANDER GUNN Born Nov. 22, 1870, Chicago, 111. f. Alexander Hunter Gunn, 1834, New York City. m. Emily Almira Dyer, 1839, Painesville, Ohio. Estimating Architect. Prepared in Evanston Township High School. B. S., 1892, Illinois. Adelphic. Sigma Chi. Glee Club. Class Base Ball team, Capt. in Sen. yr. ; Varsity team ; record in Ball throw and Hop, step and jump, Illinois and W. I. C. A. A.; broke Univ. record in '90 for Running broad jump. Architectural draftsman, Chicago, to May, '93; Champaign, to Sept., '93; Asst. in Arch., U. of I., '93-96, with Arch, practice alone and with Mr. C. D. McLane; June-Oct. '96, designing for L. H. McCormick, Chicago; Asst. in Arch., Columbia Univ. to June, '97 and working for do. until Dec, '97; Arch, draftsman in N. Y. City to Nov., '98; Architect for Ordnance Dept., N. Y. Navy Yard, work for new Ordnance Depot to June, 1900; in Engineer's office of Gen. Chemical Co. to Sept., 1902; member of firm of Gunn, Burt & Daley, Arch's, to 1903; Foreman of Arch. Drafting room of Geo. A. Fuller Co., to Nov. 1903; head of Estimating Dept. for H. L. Kreusler Bldg. Con- struction. Article, Architectural Mouldings, Technograph, 1893. Member Congr. Church, 1881-1895; various Presbvterian denominations, 1895 — ; deacon in Park Hill Reformed Church, Yonkers, N. Y., 1902-03. Married Susan Mav Borden, Dec. 27, 1894, at Chicago, 111. Children, Alexander Borden, born Nov. 13, 1896; Marion, born Oct. 24, 1898 (died Jan. 26, 1905); Harriet, born May 27, 1904. Address, 7414 Race St., Pittsburg, Pa. 690. FRED AUGUSTUS HALL Born near Tonica, 111., Apr. 26, 1867. f. Stillman Augustus Hall, Jan. 23, 1838. m. Harriet Adelia Beardsley, June 10, 1842. Farmer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A; Camera Club. B. S. In drug business, Tonica, 111., 1893-99; Agriculture, and ex- tensive farming under irrigation, and Wholesale produce and Commission business and Hardware store at Toppenish, Wash., 1900-04; Fruit growing, N. Yakima, Wash., 1904 — . Member Baptist church. Married Luella S. Richey, Oct. 17, 1894, Tonica, 111. Children, Thorland Richey, born July 30, 1896; Isabelle Hamilton, born May 29, 1900; Burton Augustus, born May 31, 1902. Address. North Yakima. Wash.. R. F. D. No. 4. 691. RALPH WARNER HART Born Nov. 5, 1869, Rockford, 111. f. Alfred Hart, New York. m. Georgianna Anderson, New York State. Architect. Prepared in Evanston Township High School. Adelphic. Glee Club. Scholarship from Cook Co. Captain Foot Ball team, 1891-1892; Trustee Athletic Ass'n. B. S. Draftsman, 1892-1899; practicing Archi- tecture, 1899 — . Married Hilda W. MacDonald, Mar. 5, 1904, San Francisco, Calif. Child, Ralph Warner, Jr., born Jan. 5, 1906. Address, 805 Mills Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 692. WALTER CLARENCE HARVEY Born November 14, 1870, Waverly, 111. f. Alfred Harvey, North Sutton, N. H. m. Lizzie Foster George, New Bedford, N. H. Engineer. Prepared in Paris High School, 111. Philomathean. B. S. Engineering with special reference to Ry. Construction and Maintenance since 1895; Illinois Central, from 1895-99; Chicago Terminal Transfer Rv., 1899-1901; Rio Grande Western Ry., 1901-02; C, and N. W. Ry., 1902-05; Principal Asst. Engineer, Chicago Great Western Ry., St. Paul, 1905-date. Married Belle Whiting Barry, Sept. 16, 1901. Child, Virginia Harvey, born Sept. 12, 1904. Address, Apartment No. 23, "The Virginia," St. Paul, Minn. 138 University of Illinois [1892 693. LOTT RUSSEL HERRICK Born Dec. 8, 1871, Farmer City, 111. f. George W. Herrick, Newville, Ind. m. Dora Olive Knight, Farmer City, 111. Attorney. Prepared in Farmer City High School. Sigma Chi. B. L. LL. B., Mich., 1894. Attorney at Law. County Judge, DeWitt Co., 1902- 1904; resigned. Married Harriet H. Swigart, Apr. 2, 1896, Farmer Citv, 111. Children, Mildred, born June 26, 1901; Harriet Helen, born Sept. 18, "1903. Address, Farmer City, 111. 694. AGNES GALE HILL Born Nov. 6, 1867, Dayton, Ohio. f. M. T. Hill, Dec. 22, 1834, Vermont, m. Flora E. Bierce, Sept. 28, 1836, Nelson, Ohio. Y. W. C. A. Secretary. Prepared in Nevada, Mo., High School. Ale- thenai. Y. W. C. A. B. S.; B. L., 1893. Gen. Secy. Y. W. C. A., Toledo, Ohio, 1892-94; Travelling Secy. S. V. M. F. M., Aug. to Dec, 1894; Gen. Secy. Y. W. C. A., Madras, India, Feb., 189S-Feb., 1897; Nat. Secy. Y. W. C. A. for India, Burma and Ceylon, 1896 — . Address, Y. W. C. A., Bombay, India. 695. CHARLES ALBERT KILER Born Sept. 8, 1869, Urbana, 111. f. William Albert Kiler, 1840, Dayton, Ohio. m. Charlotte Mittendorf, Wolfenbuettel, Germany. Merchant. Prepared in Urbana High School. Adelphic. Sigma Chi. Class Pres. Bus. m'g'r Sophograph; Editor, Illini; won Conklin prize, Oratorical Cont. and Adlephic Declam. Cont. B. L.; Newspaper reporter; General Storekeeper, Alley L Road. Merchant, firm of Mittendorf & Kiler. Secy. Champaign Chamber of Commerce; Served on Immigration Comm'n. Has written articles for Furniture papers. Address, Champaign, 111. 696. CYRUS DANIEL McLANE Born Sept. 4, 1866, Iowa City, la. f. Joseph G. McLane, Ohio. m. Mary Margaret Wallace, Penn. Architect. Prepared in Allerton High School. Philomathean. B. S. Teacher in Univ. of Illinois till 1904; Architect, firm of Temple, Burrows ('92) and McLane, Davenport, Iowa. Married Blanche Keeney Cleland, June 25, 1896, Rock Island, 111. Chil- dren, Margaret Esther, born Aug. 4, 1901; Dorothy Cleland, born Mar. 20, 1904. Address, 1019 21st St., Rock Island, 111. 697. WILLIAM ALEX MARTIN Born Sept. 29, 1865, New York City. f. Geo. Martin, Dec. 25, 1840, Glascow, Scotland, m. Elizabeth Ann Rose, July 4, 1845, Pt. Dover, Ontario, Canada. Supt. Quincy H. Railway & Carrying Co. Prepared in Pt. Dover and Hamilton, Canada, Spring Garden Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Engineers Society. B. S. Special work with the Omaha T-H Elect. Light Co.,; Supt. of Pueblo, Colo. St. Ry. Co.; Supt. Quincy Gas & Elect. Co., 2 years; Supt. Quincy H. Ry. and Carrying Co., to date. Member of 111. State'Elec- tric Ass'n. Married Mary Louise Shaw, June 18, 1895, Chicago, 111. Children, Mabel Louise, born Mar. 21, 1896; Edith Rose, born Aug. 6, 1898; William Eugene, born Sept. 30, 1901, (died Nov. 7, 1901); George Shaw, born Sept. 27, 1902, (died March 30, 1906). Address, Quincy, 111., care of Quincy H. Ry. & Carrying Co. 1892] Baccalaureate Alumni 139 69S. ROY ALLEN MATHER Born May 27, 1870, Will Co., 111. f. Samuel Mather, 1847, Essex Co., New York. m. Melvina U. Ballou, 1848, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Draftsman. Prepared in District Schools' and Northwestern College of Naperv'ille, 111. Philomathean. Civil Engineers' Club. Vice Pres. Senior Class. Asst. Bus. M'g'r Sophograph. B. S. 1892, Field and office work on Sewerage Construction with "Cole, Alvord & Shields," Chicago, 1892; draftsman with Chicago Elevated Railroads, Metropolitan, Northwestern & Union Loop, 1893-1897; bridge draftsman in Chief Engineer's office of C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, 1898-1900; draftsman with Amer. Bridge Co. of New York, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1900 — . Instructor in charge of American Bridge Co. Apprentice School, 1902-3. Member Corps of Engineers, Illinois Nation- al Guards, 1896-1897; Euclid Lodge No. 65, A. F. &. A. AM., 1892; Worship- ful Master of Lodge, 1896; First Church of Christ, Scientist, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1901; Trustee, 1902-1904; The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass., 1902. Married Emma Hammerschmidt, Oct. 21, 1896, Naperville, 111. Chil- dren, Margaret, born Mar. 23, 1898; Laurence Hammerschmidt, born June 8, 1900; Helen Caroline, born Aug. 8, 1903; Rachel Bertha, born July 19, 1905. Address, 800 Nevin Ave., Sewickley, Pa. 699. ANNE MELINA MAXWELL f. W^illiam S. Maxwell, m. Josephine Raymond, Maxwell, Ohio. Prepared in Champaign High School, Champaign, 111. B. L. Address, 310 West Church Street, Champaign, 111. 700. WILLIAM GEORGE MILLER Born 1869, in Chicago, 111. f. William M. Miller. Supt., Chrisholm, Boyd & W^hite Co., B. S. Address (1904), 57th and Wallace Sts., Chicago, 111. *701. JOHN BARB MORGAN, Jr. Brother of No. 1055 Born Dec. 23, 1871, Kinmundy, 111. f. John Barb Morgan, May 8, 1829, Ala. m. Martha Doolen, Aug. 13, 1837, Kinmundy, 111. Prepared in Kinmundy High School. Adelphic; Sigma Chi; B. A.; LL. B., 1895, Kent Law School. Married Mable Jennings, Apr., 1899, at Peoria, Ariz. Died Jan. 7, 1901, Phoenix, Ariz. 702. JOHN WILLIAM PAGE Born 1868, in Waukegan, 111. Civil Engineer. B. S. Address, 907 Security Bldg., Chicago, 111. 703. HERMAN S. PIATT Born May 28, 1867, Lincoln, 111. f. Joseph Piatt, m. Supt. of Coshocton Schools, Ohio. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Phi Delta Theta. B. A.; Ph. D., 1897, Strasburg, Germanv. Instructor and Asst. Prof, of Romanic Langs., 1894-1901; Supt. Schools, Coshoc- ton, Ohio, 1901 — . Edited Verne's "Tour du Monde," for class use, Jenkin, N. Y.; Labiche's "La Grammaire" and "Le Baron de Fourchevif," for class use, Ginn & Co., Boston. Author of frequent articles to educational periodicals, as Education School Journal, Ohio Education Monthly, Ohio Teacher, etc. Member of Modern Language Association, 1895-1900; Edu- cational Assn., 1901; Ohio State Teachers' Assn., 1902; Eastern Ohio Teachers', 1902. Married Lottie Seibert Lodge, June 28, 1893, Hannibal, Mo. Address, Coshocton, Ohio. 140 University of Illikois [1892 704. ULYSSES SAMUEL GRANT PLANK Born Feb. 26, 1864, Wooster, Ohio. f. D. H. Plank, m. Leah King. Asst. Supt. Haskell Institute. Prepared in Ft. Scott Acad, and Mt. Morris College. Philomathean. Secy. Y. M. C. A., 1893-97. B. S. Gov. Indian Service, 1897-1903; Kan. Univ., Athletics, 1903-05. Member Congre- gational Church. Married Emma E. Ziegler, Apr. 25, 1894, Harrisonville, Mo. Children, William Ewart G., born Nov. 4, 1897; Elizabeth, born Oct. 30, 1896. Address, Lawrence, Kans. 705. ROME BURD PULLEN Born Jan. 29, 1870, Centralia, 111. f. B. Pullen, Heightstown, N. Y. June 8, 1833. m. Lucille O. Gex. Lawyer. B. L.; LL. B., 1894, Chicago Law School. Practicing law, 1894—. Address, 322 Reaper Bldg., Chicago, 111. 706. EDWARD LEWIS SCHEIDENHELM Born April 25th, 1871, in Mendota, 111. f. Jacob Scheidenhelm. m. Catherine Faber. Contractor and Engineer. Prepared at Blackstone High School. B. S. Nine years with Purdy & Henderson, Chicago, Consulting Engineers; four years with John Griffiths & Son, Contractors. Married Harriet Joy, Sept. 14, 1889, at Wilmette, 111. Children, Katherine; Joy. Address, Wilmette, 111. 707. WILLIAM SNODGRASS Born Apr. 16, 1872, Coldspring, Wis. f. Wm. Snodgrass, June 8, 1822, Paisley, Scotland, m. Mary McBeath, Aug. 7, 1836, Paisley, Scotland. Draftsman. Prepared in Urbana High School. Mech. Eng'rs Soc. Pres. of M. Eng. Soc. Scholarship. B. S. Draftsman, 1892-95; Chief draftsman L. St. M. S. Ry. Car dept., 1895-98; general foreman of car shop, 1898-1900; in charge of structural work Colo. Fuel & Iron Co., 1900-04; Asst. Chief Draftsman, Va. Bridge & Iron Co., 1904 — . Member Western Rail- way Club, 1896—. Married Antoinette Dewey, July 22, 1897, Urbana, 111. Child, Mary Helena, born Feb. 6, 1902. Address, 1505 Chapman Ave., Roanoke, Va. 708. BENJAMIN ASAPH WAIT Born Sept. 15, 1868, Easthampton, Mass. f. Benj. Anderson Wait, Feb- 8, 1830, Williamsburg, Mass. m. Mary Carter, Bluegrass, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Easthampton High School, and Williston Sem. Adelphic. B. S. Structural Steel Draftsman, 1892-1900; Bridge Draftsman, 1900 — ; with various Railroads. Married May Wilson, June 10, 1896, Rushville, III. Child, Anna Wilson, born July 6, 1897. Address, 826 Cannon Ave., Forth Worth, Tex. 709. EDWARD LEWIS WALKER Born Aug. 12, 1870, Petersburg, 111. f. Albert Walker, May 9, 1833, Warsaw, N. Y. m. Marion M. Silsby, 1832, N. H., Dec. 26. Salesman. Prepared in Petersburg High School. Adelphic. B. L. Guide, Chicago World's Fair, 1893; Collector, 1894-95; Salesman, H. J. Heinz Co., 1896 — , St. Louis, Mo., and Chicago, 111. Address, 3639A Windsor Place, St. Louis, Mo. 1892] Baccalaureate Alumxi 141 710. FRANK ROBERT WILLIAMSON Born 1867, Harford Co., Md. f. Wm. Thomas Williamson, Harford Co., Md. m. Margaretta Andrews, do. Bridge Designer. Prepared at So. 111. Normal, Carbondale. B. S. Bridge Designing. Member of the First M. E. Church, Ravenswood, Chicago, 111. Married Addie A. Martin, 1897, Lima, Ohio. Children, Julia E. William- son, born 1898, (died 1902); F. Martin, born 1901; Edwin Paul, born 1905. Address, 338 Leland Ave., Chicago, 111. 711. HOWARD OAKLEY WOOD WORTH Born May 24, 1869. f. Alvin Oakley Woodworth, 1817, Tyre, N. Y. m. Mary Celina Carpenter, Apr. 5, 1842, Manlius, N. Y. Poultr3^man. Prepared in Champaign East Side High School. Philo- mathean.' B. S.; M. S., 1905, Cornell. Graduate Student, Illinois, 1892-93; in Cornell, 1893-95; Asst. in 111. State Nat. Hist. Lab., 1895-97; field asst. entomology, Univ. of Calif., 1897-98; Asst. State Entomologist in 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist., 1898-1900; Student in pedagogv and zoology, Illinois, 1900-01; Asst. Station Entomologist, N. Y. Expt. Sta., Geneva, N. Y., 1902- 1903; foreman Calif. Poultry Station, Pitchman, Calif., 1903 — . Poultryman, 1905 — . Author of various articles published in poultry journals, 1903-1905. Hon. member Petahma Poultry Keepers Protective Ass'n. Pres. Baptist Y. P. S. E. E. of Berkelev, Calif., 1897-1898; Pres. of Berkeley Citv Union Y. P. S. C. E., 1898; Trustee Baptist Church of Petaluma, 1905. Married Elsie Victoria Weeks, Mav 27, 1903, Geneva, N. Y. Children, Mary Elsie, born May 27, 1904; Newton Clyde, born May 11, 1905, (died Sept. 5, 1905). Address, Champaign, 111. 712. ROYAL WRIGHT Born Sept. 13, 1870, Urbana, 111. f. Francis M. Wright, Aug. 23, 1844, Briar Ridge, Ohio. m. Elizabeth West, Decatur, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Urbana schools. B. L. Read law under F. M. Wright; admitted to bar, 1893, Master in chancery of Circuit Court, 1896- 1904; practicing law in Chicago, 1905 — . Married Maie Candy, 1894, Princeton, Ind. Address, Chicago, 111. CLASS OF 1893 (65) 713. HUBERT FRANKLIN ANDREWS Bom Aug. 10, 1869, Piasa, 111. f. Jos. B. Andrews, 1837, Brighton, 111. m. Mary A. Rudrow, 1838, Camden, N. J. Physician. Prepared in Blackburn College, Carlinville, 111. Philoma- thean. B. S., M. D., 1899. Teacher Biology and Geology, Salt Lake City High School, 1894-96; Physician, 1899—. Married Zada Kearnes, 1903, Gunnison, Utah. Child, Marv E., born Mar. 8, 1905. Address, Home Tele. Bldg., San Bernardino, Calif. 714. GEORGE JOHN ARBEITER Born June 10, 1865, Plainfield. 111. f. Carl Arbeiter, July 25, 1827, Grottkau, German3^ m. Katharina Suhler, Oct. 26, 1828, Frankfort, Germany. Lawyer. Prepared in Plainfield High School and Northern Ind. Normal School. Philomathean. B. L.; LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1895. Practicing 142 University of Illinois [1893 Law. Third Reg., Co. B., I. N. G., 1896. First Supreme Vice Comm., Supreme Council, Order of White Cross, 1900-05; Supreme Counsellor, 1906-. Married Esther Kittie McBride, Feb. 1, 1889, Elgin, 111. Children, Margaret Georgia, born July 2, 1900, (died Apr. 19, 1891); George Carlton, born Mar. 20, 1902; Gladys Esther, born Oct. 10, 1904. Address, 714 Oneida St., Joliet, 111. *715. MARY EDNA ARNOLD Born 1866, in Roanoke, 111. f. C. B. Arnold. B. A. Died Jan. 2, 1898, at Cambridge, 111. 716. GRACE AYERS (POWERS) Born June 17, 1871, Urbana, 111. f. Homer W. Ayers, May 23, 1836, Ohio. m. Lorinda Jane McCourney, Jan. 14, 1837, Cainbridge, Ohio. Prepared in Urbana High School and Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. B. L. Taught at Rochester, Minn., 1894-95, Normal Business College. Married William Ambrose Powers, Sept. 9, 1897, Urbana, 111. Child, Chalton Ayers. Address, 627 Lincoln St., Topeka, Kans. 717. HARLOW BACON Born Jan. 13, 1867, Huntsville, 111. f. William H. Bacon, Augusta, 111., Sept. 21, 1838. m. Mary Ellen Gould, Oct. 12, 1841, Augusta, 111. Engineer. Prepared in Dixon College. Civil Engineer's Club. B. S. Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa., 1893; engagedin business. Fort Smith, Ark., 1894; with Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf R. R., 1894-97: draftsman, later, Asst. Engr. ; draftsman with Coast and Geodetic survey, 1897 — . De- signer of C. O. & G. Railway shops and yards, Shawnee, O.T., and C. O. & G. Railroad track Pile Driver. Articles: Plan of a Track Pile Driver, Techno- graph, 1896-97, pp. 38-40. The C. O. & G. R. R. Shops at Shawnee, O. T., same. Member of M. E. Church. Married Viola Coe, Nov. 28, 1894, Eldorado, Kans. Children, Cecil H., born Nov. 20, 1895; Infant daughter, born Aug. 29, 1899, (died Aug 31, 1899.) Address, Coast & Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. 718. EDWARD ERNEST BARRETT Born Oct. 12, 1870, Port Byron, 111. f. Daniel T. Barrett, July 22, 1824, Camden, Me. m. Lucy Ann Sidlinger, Aug. 18, 1828, Thomaston, Me. Consulting Engineer and Contractor. Prepared in Port Byron High School, Port Byron Acad, and Curtiss Bus. Coll., Minneapolis. Adelphic; Sigma Chi; Civil Engineers' Club. Bus. Mgr. Technograph and Philo.- Adelphic Lecture Course. B. S. U. S. Survevor and Inspector, 1893-1900; Asst. Engr. C. B. & Q. Ry., 1900; Civil Engineer with Fairbanks Morse & Co., Chicago, 1900-1904; Director and Prin. Asst. Engineer with Roberts & Schaefer Co., Chicago, 1904—. Married Grace Anna Hollister, Nov. 29, 1894, Port Byron, 111. Children, Jordan Hollister, born May 24, 1900; Gertrude, born June 20, 1904, (died Mar. 15, 1905.) Address, 212 S. Madison Ave., La Grange, 111. 719. HENRY EMMETT BARTLETT Born Sept. 27, 1870, Mt. Sterling, 111. f. Henrv H. Bartlett, 1841, Crown Point, N. Y. m. America J. Jones, 1852, Mt. Sterling, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Mt. Sterling High School. B. S., 1893, 111. Supt. of Schools, Brown Co., 111., 1894-98; Asst. Engr., I. C. R. R., 1898-1904; 1893] Baccalaureate Alumxi 143 Official Photographer, Panama Canal, 1904-1905; Asst. Engr. I. C. R. R., 1905 — , also Citv Engr. Mt. SterHng, 1898. Married Nettie B. Cronin, June 4, 1899, Mt. Sterling, 111. Children, Charles H., bom Feb. 1, 1901; Frederick E., born June 26, 1902. Address, 356 E. 51st St., Chicago, 111. 720. GEORGE PHILIP BEHRENSMEYER Born Dec. 15, 1869, in Quincy, 111. f. C. F. A. Behrensmeyer. m- Mary Beilstein. Architect. Adelphic; Kappa Sigma. B. S. Architect, in Quincy, 111. Member of Episcopal Church, K. of P. and Elks. First degree in Ma- sonry. Married Grace R. Plank, July 12, 1893, in Champaign, 111. Address, 43 0^ Main Street, Quincy, 111. 721. GEORGE WEBSTER BLAKESLEY Born Oct. 24, 1870, Hiawatha, Kans. f. A. M. Blakesley, Kingsville, Ohio. m. Mary Avery, Groton, Conn. Treasurer and Secretary, Blakesley Tuttle Stove Co. Prepared in Rock Island High School. Clerk Rock Island Stove Co., 1893-97 ; Manager Branch House for R. I. Stove Co., at Kansas City, 1897-1904. Organized Blakesley Tuttle Stove Co., Jan., 1904, acting as Treasurer and Secretary. Married Alice H. Avery, June 11, 1896, Evanston, 111. 'Child, Gladvs Adele, born Mar. 27, 1901. Address, 1200-1204 West 11th Street, Kansas City, Mo. 722. FRANK MINEAR BROWN Born May 10, 1872, Champaign, Illinois, f. Seely Brown, New Canaan, Conn. m. Hannah Louise Brown, Westport, Conn. Secretary, Twin Cities Saving and Loan Association. Prepared in Cham- paign High' School. B. S. Clerk, I. C. R. R., Champaign, 111., 1894-95; Joint Rate Inspector for the Central Traffic Ass'n. 1895-1901; Secretary, Twin Cities Saving and Loan Ass'n. Sept., 1901 — . Treasurer Western Star Lodge, 240, Masonic, for the past two years; Recorder Champaign Com- mandery No. 68, Knights Templar, since Sept., 1903; Member of Advisory Committee Building Association League of Illinois, 05. Address, 34 Neil St., or 411 West University Ave., Champaign, 111. 723. HARVEY IRVING CARPENTER Bom Mav 8, 1858, Champaign. 111. f. Thomas Carpenter, 1812. Nov. 3, Sandy Hill, N. Y. m. Catherine BelHnger, Oct. 7, 1831, New York. Music Teacher. Prepared in the Inst, for Education of the Blind, Jack- sonville, 111., and Nebraska City, Neb. Philomathean. B. L. Music Teacher and Piano Tuner, 1893-1900; Instructor of Music and Musical Sciences, School for the Blind, Faribault, Minn.. 1900-05 ; Music Teacher and Piano Tuner, 1905 — . Address, 602 E. University Ave., Champaign, 111. 724. ROBERT FRANKLIN CARR Born Nov. 21, 1871, Argenta, 111. f. Dr. Robert Franklin Carr, Mav 13, 1832, Deckertown, Sussex Co., N. J. m. Emily A. Carr, Apr. 10, 1839, Decatur, 111. With Dearborn Drugs Chemical Works. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Kappa Sigm.a. Sophograph Board. B. S. With Dearborn Drugs Chemi- cal Works in various positions. For past six years First Vice-pres. and Gen. Mgr. American Chemical Society. Address, 416 Home Ave., Oak'Park, 111.; 229-234 Postal Telegraph Bldg Chicago, 111. 144 University of Illinois [1893 725. CHARLES WILLARD CARTER Husband of No. 753 Born Mar. 27, 1868, Faribault, Minn. f. Willard Carter, Apr. 2, 1833, Wilmington, Mass. m. Emily Jane Whitlock, July 4, Mancy, Pa. Physician. Prepared in Aledo High School. Philomathean. First, Inter- society Oratorical Contest, 1892; Class Poet. B. L., M. L., 1894,; M. D., 1897, College of P. & S., Chicago. Fellowship in School of Literature and Science, 1894. Practicing Medicine, 1897 — . Member American Medical Ass'n, 1898; IlHnois State Medical Soc, 1899; Mercer County Medical Soc, 1901; A. F. & A. M., Aledo No. 252, 1901; Royal Arch. Masons, Cyrus Chapter No. 211, 1902. Married Mary Estelle Mann, Jan. 12, 1898, Geneva, 111. Children, Charles Willard, born Feb. 8, 1899; Alice Landon, born Apr. 29, 1905. Address, Aledo, 111. 726. WILLIAM ROCK CHAMBERS Born Jan. 30, 1873, Sadorus, 111. f. Jacob Geo. Chambers, Aug. 1, 1842, New York. m. Ann Rock, Apr. 2, 1845, Sadorus, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Urbana High School. B. L. ; LL. B., 1896, Mich. Philomathean. Intercoll. orat. Cont., 1891; Conklin Prize, 1892. School Teacher, 1893-1894. Law Student, 1894-1896; Practicing Law, 1896—. Sec. Board of Education, Danville, 111., 1902 — . Married Lida Spencer, Nov. 10, 1904, Chicago, 111. Address, 414 Daniel Bldg., Danville, 111. 727. OSCAR PAUL CHESTER Born Nov. 1, 1870, Champaign, 111. f. Elias O. Chester, 1829, Ohio. m. Frances Virginia Skinner, 1845, New York. Physician. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S.; M. D., 1896, Northwestern. Interne in St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, 1896-1898; Asst. Physician Mercy Hospital, Chicago. Instructor in Physical Diagnosis, Northwestern University Med. School. Member Chicago Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc. ; Amer. Med. Ass'n. Address, 4707 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. 728. FRED GOLDSMITH COFFEEN Born Nov. 22, 1871, in Sydney, 111. f. A. M. Coffeen m. Mira Amy Gaines. Foundry expert. B. S. Chemist and supt. in connection with foundry work, Chicago, 1893-1900; at Beaver Dam, Wis., 1900-04; foundry expert, 1904 — . 'Member Congregational Church; A. F. & A. M. No. 611, Chicago, 111. Married Ida Weber, Aug. 15, 1899, at Urbana, 111. Children, Richard Preston, bom Oct. 22, 1900, Chicago; Esther, born Sept., 29, 1902, Beaver Dam, Wis.; Frederick Harry, born June 24, 1904, Beaver Dam. Address, 104 East John St., Champaign, 111. 729. JAMES W. COOK Born 1872, in Rural Twp., R. I. Co., 111. m. Mrs. J. V. Cook. With J. W. Shaub, Chicago, (1904). Address, 1650 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. 730. WILLIAM HENRY CORNELL Born 1865, in Yellowhead Twp., Kankakee Co., 111. f. Abram H. Cor- nell. Draftsman. B. S. Address, 7332 Hermitage S., Pittsburg, Pa. 1893] Baccalaureate Alumni 145 731. EDWARD CHILTON CRAIG Born Apr. 7, 1872, Mattoon, 111. f. James Wesley Craig, Coles Co., 111., June 29, 1844. m. Mary Chilton, Scott Co., 111., July 4, 1849. Lawyer. Prepared in Mattoon High School. Adelphic. B. L. At- tended Harvard Law School. Admitted to bar. Practicing law, 1896 — . Married Fannie lone Dilley, Nov. 9, 1899, Dallas, Tex. C/u7(i, George E. Mansfield, born Aug. 25, 1905. Address, Mattoon, 111. 732. WILLIS WILSON DANLEY Born July 15, 1871, in Henry, 111. f. D. W. Danley, m. Katherine A. Noe. Engineer and Salesman. Prepared in Henry, 111. Adelphic. B. S. Engi- neer and salesman in United States, Australia, England and South Africa; at present engaged in organizing and establishing the S. African contracting business for the Lamson Pneumatic Tube Co., and Lamson Store Service Co., at 20 Cheapside, London, E. C. Married Matilda Elizabeth Cayer, Oct. 3, 1898, Melbourne, Victoria. Child, Arthur L., born Sept. 23, 1899, Sydney, N. S. Wales. Address, 20 Cheapside, London, E. C. 733. MARK ALDEN EARL Born Mar. 27, 1869, Centralia, 111. f. Marcus Aurelius Earl, Jan. 27, 1820, New York State, m. Winnie Gray, July 22, 1839, Ohio. Consulting Engineer. Prepared in Centralia High School. Capt., B. S.; M. C. E., 1894, Cornell. Civil Engineering, 1894-1904. Consulting Engi- neer, 1904 — . Married Lena Simpson, 1895, Benton Harbor, Mich. Address, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111., Branch office, Muskogee, I. T. 734. WILBER JOHN FRASER Bom July 1, 1869, Lockport, 111. f. John Alexander, July 30, 1823, Bethel, N. Y. m. Mary Ann Van Horn, Feb. 17, 1829. Prof. Dairy Husbandry. Prepared in Plainfield High School and Jennings Seminary, Aurora, 111. B. S.; M. S., 1902. Asst. Agr., Exp. Sta., and Instructor in Dairy Husbandry, Illinois, 1896. Prof. Dairy Husbandry, do., 1902 — . Author: Individual Differences in the Value of Dairy Cows, Bui. No. 66, 1902, 13 pp. Standard Milk and Cream, Bui. No. 74, 1902. 13 pp. Dairy Conditions and Suggestions for their Improvement, Bui. No. 84, 1903, 54 pp. Preventing Contamination of Milk, Bui. No. 91, 1903, 30 pp. City Milk Supply, Bui. No. 92, 1902, 20 pp. Crops for the Silo Cost of Filling, 'and Effect of Silage on the flavor of Milk, Bui. No. 101, 1905, 20 pp. Construction of Silos, Bui. No. 102, 1905, 44 pp. University Dairy Herd, Cir. No. 73, 1903, 16 pp. Feeding Dairy Cows, Cir. No. 75, 1904, 18 pp. Clean Milk, Cir. No. 78, 1904, 14 pp, Agric. Exp. Sta. Agriculture in England and Holland, Breeder's Gazette, 1902. Member Sigma Xi, 1904. Married Alice May Eaton, Sept. 12, 1894, Aurora, 111. Children, Cecil Eaton, Oct. 7, 1895; Gladys Genevra, born Aug. 17, 1897. Address, 1003 S. Wright St., Champaign, 111. 735. WILLIAM DAVID GIBBS Born Mar. 15, 1869, Winchester, 111. f. William C. Gibbs. m. Margaret C. Gibbs. Pres. of New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. Prepared in Winchester High School. Kappa Sigma. Fellowship in Agr.. 1894. Sigma Xi, Ohio State Univ., 1898. B. S.; M. S., 1895, Wisconsin, Asst. in Agr., Ohio State Univ., 1895; Expert Asst. Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1895; Asst. Prof, of Agr., Ohio State Univ., 1895-96; Associate 146 University of Illinois [1893 Prof, of Agr., Ohio State Univ., 1896-99; Prof, of Agronomy, Ohio State Univ., 1899-01; Prof, of Agr. and Director of the Agr. Exp. Sta., New Hampshire Coll. of Agr. and the Mechanic Arts, Durham, N. H., 1901; Dean of Agr. and Director of Expr. Stas., Texas, A. and M. College, College Sta., 1902-03; Pres. New Hampshire Coll. of Agr. and the Mechanic Arts, 1903 — . Address, Durham, N. H. 736. LOUIS THOMAS GRAHAM Born Aug. 18, 1870, Pittsfield, 111. f. D. C. Graham, Galesburg, 111. m. Lizzie Rose, Griggs ville. 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Pittsfield High School. Married Bertha M. Rush, Fairmount, 111., Feb. 23, 1903. Address, Pittsfield, 111. 737. WILLIAM JOHNSON GRAHAM Born Feb. 7, 1872. f. Richard J. Graham, Feb. 11, 1842, Laurence Co , Penn. m. Caroline Mundwiler, Laurence Co., Penn. Lawyer. Prepared in Aledo High School, and Aledo Academy. Adel- phic; Kappa Sigma. Editor in Chief 7//m?, 1892-93; Pres. Adelphic, 1893; Class Hatchet Orator, 1893. B. L. In law office of Jas. M. Brock, Aledo. 111., 1893-95, also Deputy Sheriff Mercer County; admitted to bar in Illi- nois in 1895. Raised company as Captain of Anderson's Provisional Regi- ment in War with Spain, in Aledo. Elected State's Attorney Mercer County, 1900; re-elected 1904. Married Olive B. Wham, Nov. 8, 1899, Aledo, 111. Address, Aledo, 111. 738. FRANK M. GULICK Born Feb. 15, 1870, Rantoul, 111. f. Chas. Wesley Gulick, Apr. 27, 1836, Morristown, Ohio. m. Catherine Celina Clapp, July 16, 1843, near Danville, 111. Real Estate Dealer. Prepared in Rantoul public schools. Kappa Sigma. B. L. Merchant until Jan. 1, 1900; Sec. of the Twin Cities Saving & Loan Assn., of Champaign, 111., until 1902; Planter, until Apr., 1904; Memphis, Tenn., in charge of Southern real estate office of Mullikin & Biles, 1904-06. Partner of Martin Bros. & Co., Alligator, Miss., 1906—. Married Cora Belle Martin, Mar. 25, 1900, Neosho, Mo. Child, Frank Martin, born Nov. 18, 1904. Address, 1063 Monroe St., Memphis, Tenn. 739. ALBERT GRANT HIGGINS Born Aug. 30, 1869, Elmwood, 111. f. B. P. Higgins, Apr. 29, 1834, Huntington, Mass. m. Mary E. Leet, Jan. 1, 1842, Conn. Supt. of City Water Works. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Class base ball and football teams; Varsity football team. Capt. B. S. Architect in Chicago, Victor, Colo., Pueblo, Kansas City; traveling for Bartlett Steel Co., as Salesman and Structural Engineer; now with J. L. Bartlett as Struct- ural Engineer. Also Supt. of City Water Works, Victor, Colo. Hon. Commission as Captain, I. N. G., act. Volunteer, Spanish-American War. Secy. Rep. City Central Comm. of Victor, Colo. Address, Room 14 Rickenden Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 740. PHILIP MATTHIAS HUCKE Born 1871, in Mascoutah, 111. f. Philip Hucke, Germany, m. Elizabeth Laibrook, Mascoutah, 111. Mine Manager. Prepared in Mascoutah Public Schools. Philomathean B. S. Science teacher in Champaign High School, 1893-1900; Gen'l Man- ager Kolb Coal Co. Mines, St. Louis, Mo., 1900 — . Address, Room 305. Mermod & Jaccard Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 1893] Baccalaureate Alumni 147 741. EDWARD EVERETT HUNT Born 1871, in Urbana, 111. f. J. E. Hunt. With Mumford & Co. (1904). B. S. Address, Rialto Bldg., Chicago, 111. 742. HARRIETTE AUGUSTA JOHNSON Born in June, 1872, in Rock Island, 111. f. Walter Johnson, 1843, Eng- land. B. L. Honorary scholar. Address, 1132 First Ave., Rock Island, 111. 743. JAMES A. KINKEAD Born June 24, 1871, Earlville, 111. f. Jos. R. Kinkead, m. Julia Robin- son. Engineer of Tests. Prepared in Earlville High School. Adelphic. B. S. Inspector C. N.-W. Ry. Co., 1893-1902; Engineer of Tests, American Loco- motive Co., 1902 — . Board of Directors, Eng'g Society, Eastern New York. Married Beatrice Reynolds, Aug. 8, 1903, San Francisco, Calif. Address, 1515 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y. 744. LOUIS KLINGEL Born Mar. 8, 1870, Mascoutah, 111. f. Louis Klingel, Mar. 8, 1841, Mas- coutah, 111. m. Katherine Seibert, 1849, Germany. Lawyer. Prepared in Mascoutah High School. Philomathean. Vale- dictorian. B. L., LL. B., 1896, Michigan. Taught school in Belleville, 111., 1893-94; Studied law, 1894-96; Practiced Law in Belleville, 1896 — . Address, Belleville, 111. 745. NINA BELLE LAMKIN Born Oct. 21, 1873, Champaign, 111. f. Josiah B. Lamkin, 1843. m. C. Marion Gibson, 1846. Teacher of Physical Training and Dramatic Art. Prepared in Champaign High School. Pres. Alethenai; Class Sec. ; Pres. Y. W. C. A. B. L. Teacher Champaig;! Public Schools and Instructor Phys. Training, 1893-97; Phys. Director, Yankton College, S. Dak., 1897-1900; Phys. Director, High School Athletic Club, La Porte, Ind., 1900; Private Studio work, Chicago, 1902; Phys. Director, Jewish Man. Train. School, Chicago, 1902-05; Phys. Director, River- side Public Schools, 1904-05; Teacher of Elocution and Phys. work, Studio, Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago, 1902-05. Member, N. E. A. ; Nat. Ass'n Elocution- ists; Alumnae Club, Chicago; Alumni Club, Chicago; So. Cong. Church, Chi- cago. Address, 4323 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111.; Studio, Fine Arts Bldg. 746. ALEXANDER LEVY Born Feb. 1, 1872, Brookfield, Mo. f. Marcus Levy. m. Architect. Prepared in Brookfield High School. B. A. Instructor of Drawing in Chicago High Schools unitl 1904; practicing architecture, 1904 — . Married Eliza Westerfield, Apr. 27, 1898. Address, 616, 112 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. 747. ARTHUR BATES LOOMIS Born Mar. 7, 1873, Fulton, 111. f. Geo. C. Loomis, Aug. 2, 1841, m. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Fulton High School Sigma Chi. B. S.; M. C. E., Cornell, 1894. Asst. Engr. Massillon Bridge Co., 1894-1902; Asst. to Consulting Engr. for Ter. R. R. Assn. of St. Louis, 1902-04. Asst. Engr. Toledo Massillon Bridge Co., 1904—. Address, Toledo, Ohio, care of Toledo Massillon Bridge Co. 148 University of Illinois [1893 748. WILLIAM PRIESTLY McCARTNEY Born May 18, 1870, Metropolis, 111. f. Robert Wilson McCartney, m. Molly Priestly. Lawyer. Prepared in Metropolis High School and Detroit Military Acad. Chemical Club; Pres. Univ. of 111. Assoc, of Spanish War Volun- teers, 1899. B. S., M. S., 1900, LL. B., 1901 ; LL. D., 1905, Breseford Coll., Ensley, Ala. Teacher, Olmsted, 111., 1893-94; Albion, 111., 189 5-96; Teacher, So. Collegiate Inst., Olmsted, 111., 1896-97; Metropolis, 111., Drug- gist and Chemist, 1897-98; Food Inspector and Chemist, with Rank of First Lieut.,U.S. A., 1898-99; Univ. of 111., 1899-1901; Paducah, Ky., 1901-04; Atty. at Law, Teacher of Commercial Law, East St. Louis, 111., and St. Louis, Mo., 1904-April, 1905; Teacher of Commercial Law and Allied Sci- ences, Breseford Coll.; Summer Term at Univ. of Berlin, Germany, 1905; Consellor-Scientist, Birmingham, Ala., Consulting and Analytical Work pertaining to Iron Industries; Instructor at Breseford Coll., Ensley, Ala., April, Nov., 1905; Attorney, Augusta, Ga.; Supt. Univ. High School, Gibson, Ga., 1906 — . Invented, Leadoidine, a celluloid-like preparation with specific gravity approximating lead used in heavy mounting, 1905. Author: Hand- book of Commercial Chemistry, 195 pp., 1897, Journal Press, St. Louis, Mo. Dies Vitae and Other Poems, 1902; Old and New Testament Interlinear Ed., 1902; The Law of Self-Defense, 1903, Reid Pub. Co., 200 pp.; A Boy's Psychology, 1904, 150 pp.; Number the Beautiful Necessity, Int. Math. Magazine, June, 1905; Court-Room and Other Curios (in print). Member Kentucky State Bar Assn.; Secretary Metropolis, 111., Bar Assn., 1898-99; So. Soc. of Chemists, 1905. Married Johanna Davis, Aug. 17, 1901, Cairo, 111. Children, Robert A., born Aug. 25, 1895; Homer D., born June 77, 1898; James Scott, born Feb.,' 1900; Jean, born Jan. 30, 1903. Address, Gibson, Ga. 749. ROBERT EMMET McCLOY Born Feb. 22, 1867, Effingham Co. f. John McCloy, Jan. 1, 1839. m. Catherine Murphy. Lawyer. Prepared in Altamont High School. Y. M. C. A. Philoma- thean. Blackstonian Soc. B. L.; LL. B., Kent College, 1895. Practical Law for a time, connected with a real estate firm; in Law Dept. of the London Guarantee and Accident Co., Chicago, 1906 — . Member of M. E. Church, was steward and trustee. Was master of Arcand Lodge No. 717, A. F. & A. M., 1903-04. Secy. Univ. of 111. Club of Chicago. 1898-1901. Married Bertha Alma Tish, June 13, 1897. Address, 838 Greenwood Ave., Blue Island, 111. *750. CYLDE BENJAMIN McCLURE Born 1870, in Gibson City, 111. f. John T. McClure. B. S. Died Feb. 26, 1901, at Tuscola, 111. 751. WALTER SCOTT McGEE Born Sept. 7, 1869, Champaign Co., 111. f. Giles Franklin McGee, 1826, Mo. m. Elizabeth Smoot, Ohio, 1834. Teacher. Prepared in Philo Twp. school and private study. 1893, Illi- nois. Y. M. C. A.; Philomathean; Athletic Ass'n. B. S. Fellowship, 1895, Political Econ. and Sociology. Prin. East Side School, Champaign, 111., 1893-94; student, Illinois, 1894-95, Chicago, 1895-96; taught in Englewood High School, 1896-98; student, Chicago, 1898-99; taught in Hyde Park High School, 1899. Instructor in Geology and Geographv, Central Inst., Chicago, 1905— . Married Ethelyn B. Clancey, June 27, 1900, Plainwell, Mich. Children, Marion Elizabeth, born Mar. 31, 1902, Donald Willis, born Oct. 18, 1903. Address, 5325 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. 1893] Baccalaureate Alumni 149 752. LOUIS McMAINS Born May 14, 1868, Vermilion Co., 111., near Rossville. f. Anderson McMains, Waveland, Montgomery Co., Ind., Jan. 10, 1840. m. Clarrisa, McMains, Comstock, Vermilion Co., 111. Real Estate Business. Prepared in Rossville High School. Adelphic. Hoppin Medal, 1890. B. S. Practice of Law in Crawfordsville, Ind., to June 1, 1902; Life Ins. to Dec. 12, 1903, and Real Estate, 1903-04, in De- troit, Mich. Mgr. Real Estate Dept., John Wocher & Bro., Indianapolis, Ind., 1904 — . Ind. Xat. Guards, during R. R. strike, 1894. Christian Church. Crawfordsville, Ind., 1894-1902; Chair of Board last four years. Supt. of S. S. six years. Treas. and Director of Y. M. C. A., Crawfordsville 1898-1902. Married Sadie Blanche Ritter, June 26, 1895, Danville, 111. Address, 23 N. Penn. St., Indianapolis, Ind. 753. MARY ESTELLE MANN (CARTER) Wife of No. 725 Bom Dec. 29, 1871, St. Charles, 111. f. Chas. E. Mann, New York, 1844. m. Sarah E. Landon, 1846, Bloomingdale, III. Prepared in Geneva High School. Alethenai. B. L. Teaching, Mat- toon High School, 1893-94; Elgin High School, 1894-97. Married Charles Willard Carter ('93), Jan. 12, 1898, Geneva, 111. Chil- dren, Charles Willard, born Feb. 8, 1899; Alice Landon, bom Apr. 29, 1905. Address, Aledo, 111. 754. LOUEVA MAE MATHEWS (NICOLAUS) Sister of No. 1920 Bom 1871, in Urbana, 111. f. M. W. Mathews. Married W. A. Nicolaus. Address, 601 W. Elm St., Urbana, III. 755. JAMES D. METCALF Born Girard, 111., Feb. 14, 1871. f. James D. Metcalf, Sr., 1835, Ky. m. Brunette Mason Metcalf, 1837, Ky. Cashier Shipman Banking Co. Prepared at Western Normal Coll., Bushnell, 111. Kappa Sigma. B. S. TravelHng, 1893-95. Cashier in Shipman Banking Co., 1895 — . A. F. and A. M. lodge No. 212, Shipman, 111. 1900. Married Eugenia Wolfe, Oct. 17, 1897, Girard. Child, Little Eugenia, born Oct., 1901. Address, Shipman, Macoupin Co., 111. 756. CLENDON VANMETER MILLAR Bom Apr. 10, 1871, Mattoon, 111. f. Adam Millar, Va. m. Fannie Bo wen, Ohio. Chemist and Assaver. Prepared in Lee's Academv, Loxa, 111. Adelphic. B. S., 1893; M. S., 1894. Asst. on State Water Survey, 1895-1899; Chemist and Assayer, Joplin, Mo., 1899 — . Member M. E. Church; has been S. S. Supt., Pres. Epworth League and Steward in Church. Married Elizabeth C. Insley, June 15, 1898, at Thayer, Kans. Child, Clendon Van Meter, Jr., born Aug. 7, 1905. Address, 417 Joplin St., Joplin, Mo. 757. JEREMIAH GEORGE MOSIER Born Jan. 8, 1862, Pike Co., Ohio. f. David Mosier, Mar. 20, 1827, Ohio. m. Amanda R. Brill, Apr. 29, 1828. Professor. Prepared in Urbana High School and Normal School, Lebanon, Ohio. Philomathean; Alpha Zeta B. S. Asst. in Geol., 111., ISO University of Illinois [1893 1894-97; Farming, 1898-1900; High School teacher, Urbana and Champaign, 1900-02; Asst. Prof, of Soil Physics, College of Agr. and Asst. Chief of Soil Physics. Agr. Exp. Sta., 111., 1902—. Bui. No. 86, Climate of 111., 1903; 31 pp. Circ. No. 82, Physical improvement of soils with special reference to organic matter, 1904, 21 pp. Key for determination of minerals, 1895, 30 pp. (with C. W. Rolfe). Member of National Geographic Soc, 1905. Married Lydia C. Miller, June 22, 1892, Philo, 111. Children, Leota I., born Aug. 15, 1894; Harold M., born Dec. 10, 1897, (died Aug. 29, 1900); Henry D., born Apr. 4, 1899; Helen K., born Oct. 20, 1903; Dorothy R., born May 19, 1905. Address, 907 W. 111. St., Urbana, 111. *758. ADOLPH BERTINUS PETERSON Born 1871, Chicago, 111. m. Mrs. Annie Peterson. B. S. Died Nov. 2, 1899, in Chicago, 111. 759. SOPHIE MARIE PETERSON (PARR) Wife of No. 1060 Born June 22, 1872, Champaign, 111. f. Peter John Peterson, Oct. 2, 1848, Sweden, m. Marie Christine Olson, Mar. 8, 1850, Sweden. Married. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai and Y. W. C. A. B. A. Taught School at Champaign till June, 1899. Married Louis John Parr ('97), Sept. 20, 1899, Champaign, 111. Children, Harold Leslie, born Jan. 6, 1901; Marie Christine, born Feb. 19, 1905. Address, 117 Behrends Ave., Peoria, 111. 760. JAMES DAVID PHILLIPS Born June 1, 1869, Chicago, 111. f. James Mill Phillips, Scotland, m. Ellen Stewart, Scotland. Professor of Drawing. Prepared in Chicago Schools and Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident. B. S. Instructor in Shop Work and Machine Design, 1892-93; Instructor in Gen. Engr. Drawing, 1893-1902; U. of I.; Asst. Prof . of Drawing, Univ. of Wis., 1902-05; Professor of Draw- ing, 1905 — . Member Society for the Promotion of Eng'g Education; West- ern Drawing and Manual Training Teachers' Ass'n, Wisconsin Acad, of Arts and Sciences. Married Darley Payne House, Aug. 27, 1894, Champaign, 111. Children, Paul Stewart, (died); Mary Helen, (died); Wendell, 1899. Address, 113 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wis. 761. WILLIAM AMBROSE POWERS Born Mar. 14, 1866, Knoxborough, N. Y. f. Walter Moses Powers, Jan. 18, 1837, Knoxborough, N. Y. m. Lucinda Rebecca Lawton, June 18, 1842, Vernon, N. Y. Chief Chemist A. T. & S. F. R. R. Prepared in Belvidere High School. Philomathean. B. S. Eureka Ammonia Works, 1897. Chief Chemist A. T. & S. F. R. R., Topeka, Kans. Article, "Water Treating by the Powers System," Sept., 1904, Loco. Fireman's Magazine. Member International Ass'n for Testing Material, 1903; Western Railway Club, 1898. Married Grace Ayers, Sept. 9, 1897, Champaign, 111. Child, Chalton Ayers, born Oct. 10, 1898. Address, Chief Chemist, A. T. & S. F. R. R., Topeka, Kan. 762. ALFRED WILLEMIN REA Born Aug. 12, 1869. f. Robert M. Rea, Mar. 8, 1841, Harrisburg, Pa. m. Catherine Francis, Jan 15, 1840, Ohio. Architect. Prepared in Urbana High School. Philomathean. Archi- 1893] Baccalaureate Alumni 151 tects Club. B. S. Architectural draftsman since graduation, Davenport, la., Chicago, Peoria, Rock Island, Decatur, 111., Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, Ind., until July, 1898. Engineer's office, Nat. Soldiers' Home, Danville, 111., dept. of construction, 18Q8-1900; Architecture, with firm of Garstand & Rea, Joplin, Mo., 1900—. Fellowship Lodge 345, A. F. & A. M. Married Viola Edith Cross, Dec. 29, 1902. Child. Francis Aleene, born May 25, 1905. Address, 204 Grome Bldg., Joplin, Mo. 763. WILLIAM BRIGGS ROWE Born Jan. 24, 1866, Freedom, La Salle Co., 111. f. Robert A. Rowe, Oct. 1, 1826, York Ridge, Ind. m. Fear B. Hosford, Dec. 24, 1839, Freedom, 111. ■ Farmer. Prepared in Ottawa High School. Philomathean. B. A. Taught School, 1893-94; worked for W. A. Wood Plow Co., 1894; U. S. Mail Service, 1895-96, on I. C. R. R., 1896-1903, on C. R. I. & P. R. R.; farming since. Invented machine for folding, printing and stamping R. M. S. Labels, 1900. Member A. F. and A. M., 1887; Freedom Lodge No. 194, Freedom, 111. Demitted to Ocidental Lodge No. 40, Ottawa, 111., 1896; to Stohrvills Lodge No. 368, Bluff City, Kan. M. W. of A., Mendota, 111., 1895; to Bluff City, 1903. Married Phebe E. Knight, Aug. 6, 1890, Baker, 111. Children, Fay K. Rowe, Aug. 19, 1892; Marion A., born Feb. 24, 1897; Nellie May, born May 14, 1899; Earl W., born Oct. 16, 1903. Address, Freeport, Kas. 764. CHARLES WESLEY RUSSELL Born June 10, 1871, Virginia, Cass Co., 111. f. Wm. Russell, Aug. 11, 1836, Edinburgh, Scotland, m. Rebecca Needham, Oct. 26, 1839, Oldham, England. Farmer. Prepared in Virginia High School. Philomathean. B. A. High School Teacher, 1893-96; Farmer, 1897-1900; teacher, 1901-02; Farmer, 1902 — . Pres. Cass Co. Farmers' Inst., 1905—. A. F. and A. M., 1902. Senior Deacon; Junior Warden. Married Florence Newman, Feb. 15, 1905, Virginia, 111. Address, Virginia, 111. 765. DONALD GAMALIEL SCOTT Born Feb. 16, 1873, Silverton, 111. f. Robert Gregg Scott, Londonderry, Ohio. m. Elizabeth Tophan Glenn, Pleasant, Ind. Chief Engineer. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S. Archi- tectural Draftsman, 1893-95; Structural and Ornamental Iron Draftsman, 1895-1901; Structural and Bridge Draftsman, 1901-02; Chief Draftsman, 1902-03; Chief Engineer, 1903—. Address, Mercantile Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., care Westlake Constr. Co. 766. GEORGE WASHINGTON SEAMAN Born Feb. 22, 1869, Beardstown, 111. f. John W. Seaman, m. Mary E. Thomson. With Aultman & Taylor Mchv. Co. Prepared in Beardstown High School. B. S.; M. E., 1895. Port HurOn Eng. & Thresher Co., 1896-1904; Austin Mfg. Co., Harvey, 111., 1904; Mechanical Engineer, Aultman & Taylor Mchv Co., Mansfield, Ohio, 1904, — . Alarried Susie C. Reichert, Sept., 1891, Beardstown, 111. Children, Ethel E., born Sept. 5, 1892; Forrest W., born Mav 13, 1894; Leland S., Feb. 5, 1896. Address, Mansfield, Ohio. 152 University of Illinois [1893 767. RICHARD WORTHY SHARPE Born May 20, 1868, Tiskilwa, 111. f. Edwin Sharpe, June 19, 1840, Kent, England, m. Marinda Sarah Brown, Dec. 13, 1846, Monroe Co., Ohio. H.S. Principal. Prepared in Tiskilwa High School. Director Band, 92-93. B. S.; M. S., 1896. Prin. H. S., Farmer Citv, 111., 1893-95; Biol, and Physics, Danville, 111., 1896-99; Phys. and Chem., Dubuque, la., 1899-1901. Phys- ics and Biol., New Trier Twp H. S., 1901—. Articles: Contribution to a knowledge of the N. Amer. freshwater Ostracoda, incl. in the Families Cytheridie and Cyprida?, in Bui. 111. St. Lab., N. H., Vol. IV, Art. XV, 1897. Report on the freshwater Ostracoda of the U. S. Nat'l Museum, including a revision of the sub-families and genera of the Family Cypridida;, in Proc. U. S. Nat'l Museum, Vol. XXVI, pp. 909-1001. Pond, stream or lake as a stimu- lus to more practical work in Biology and Physiography in School Science and Mathematics, Yo\. v., No. 4, 1905, pp. 261, 266. A. A. A. S., 1903. Chi. Acad. Sciences, 1904. Address, Zool. Bldg. , Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. 768. SHIGETSURA SHIGA Born June 16, 1866;; in Kioto, Japan, f. Shigemi Shiga, 1831, Wakasa, Japan, m. Tameko Ono, 1832, Kioto, Japan. Architect. Prepared in Tokuo High School and Univ. Acad. B. S.; M. Arch., 1905. Adelphic. Prof. Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko, (Tokyo Col- lege of Technology), 1899-1903, Architect to the Education Department, Imperial Japanese Gov't. Editor of the Journal of Architecture in Japan, 1903 — . Senior member of the Soc. of Japanese Architects, 1894 — . Bearer of the first grade of sixth rank of the Imperial Japanese Gov't. Married Haruko, 1895, in Tokyo. Children, A son and two daughters. Address, 769. SEVERIN CANUTE SKIELVIG Born Sept. 17, 1870, Chicago, 111. f. Lars Skielvig. m. Mari Knudsen- Architect. B. S. Supervisor of drawing in the public schools of Peoria, 111., 1893-95; Architect, 1895—, Dallas, Texas. Member of Tannehill Lodge, A. F. and A. M. No. 52; First Presbyterian Church, Married Floy Eloise Freeman, Dec. 2, 1903, Dallas Tex. Child, Mari Aubrey, born Oct. 12, 1904. Address, Dallas, Texas. *770. FRED MILTON SPALDING Born Aug. 13, 1872, Gibson City, 111. f. Truman D. Spalding, Lewiston. Niagara Co., N. Y. m. Wealthy R. Spalding, Ashtabula, Ohio. Prepared in Gibson City High School. Capt. B. S. Was chiefly engaged in municipal engineering. Died in Gibson City, 111., Aug. 28, 1897. 771. JOHN TRUESDALE STEWART Born Jan. 13, 1868, near Loda, Iroquois Co., 111. f. William R. Stewart, Dec. 25, 1832, Jonathan Creek, Perry Co., Ohio. m. Nancy Barr, Feb. 14, 1836, Rushville, Fairfield Co., O. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Paxton Coll. Inst., 111., and Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. M. L. A., Grand Prairie Seminary, 1888; Capt. B. S. Apr. and May, 1898, organized and drilled Company B, Bogardus Provincial Regiment for the Spanish-American War. Was elected Captain of same, receiving a Captain's Commission from Gov. Tanner; not called into active service. Designed the turning pin and the graduation of the level rod now in use by the U. S. Geological survey. Member Paxton Camp 259, M. W. of A.; Pattin Lodge 498, K. of P., Paxton, 111.; Illinois Society of Civil Eng'rs and Surveyors; member of the Nat'l Geographic Society, Washington, D. C; American Society of Civil Eng'rs. Married Ida Belle Wilson, Jan 1, 1900, Bloomington, 111. Address, Paxton, 111. 1893] Baccalaureate Alumni 153 772 BERNARD VICTOR SWENSON Born May 3, 1872, Chicago, 111. f. Bernard Swenson, Apr. 5, 1838, Nor- way, m. Antoinette Johnson, Apr. 14, 1849, Norway. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Chicago Manual Training School. Phi Delta Theta; TauBeta Pi. B. S., 1893. (Elec. Eng.); B. S., 1893; (Mech. Eng.), M. E., 1901; E. E., 1901, Wis. Instructor in Elec. Eng., 111., 1893- 95; Asst. Prof, of Elec. Eng., 111., 1895-98; Asst. Prof. Elec. Eng.. Wis., 1898- 1905. Sec'y and Treas. American Street and Interurban Railway Ass'n, 1905 — . Author: Testing of Electro Magnetic Machinery and other Appa- ratus, (with Budd Frankernfield), 1904, 420 pp. Report of Electric Rail- way test Com. of L. P. Exp., editor, with Henry H. Norris, 1906, 700 pp. Articles: The Incandescent Lamp and its manufacture, Cassiers' Mag. The Testing of Small Lighting Plants, Swenson and Richter, Northwestern Electrical Ass'n. The Separation of Losses in Light and Power Plants, Swenson and Richter, Western Soc. of Engineers. Member American Insti- tute of Elec. Engrs., American Soc. of Mech. Engrs.; National Electric Light Association. Asst. Supt. Electric Railway Test Comm'n, Louisana P. Ex- position, 1904-05. Member Electrical Section, Internationa Jury of Awards, La. Pur. Exp.. 1904; International Electrical Congress, La. Pur. Exp.; New York Railroad Club; N. Y. Electrical Soc; Engineers' Club, N. Y. Married Katherine Vose Trevett, 1894, Champaign, 111. Child, Katherine Marcy, born Dec. 12, 1901. Address, 60 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 773. ALMON DANIEL THOMPSON Bom Apr. 9, 1868, Oilman, 111. f. Levi Thompson, near Oilman, 111. m. Amanda Wright, near Oilman, 111. Municipal Contractor and Engineer. Prepared in Oilman High School. Adelphic; C. E. Club; Athletic Ass'n; Phi Delta Theta. Bus. M'g'r, Illini, 1882-93; B.S.; C.E.,1896. Asst. City Engr., 1893-95, City Engineer, Peoria, 1895-1900; Municipal Contractor and Engineer, 1900—. Articles: Cost of Brick Pavements, rfc/znogra/>/t. No. 5, 1891, pp. — . A Municipal Testing Lab- oratory, Municipal Engineering, 1-11, Jan., 1896. Testing Paving Brick, Municipal Engineering, 1896; Brick Pavement Construction, III. Soc. Eng. and Surs., pp. 79-102, 1895; West Blufif Sewer System, Eng. News, Vol. 37, pp. 50-52, Jan. 27, 1897; Expansion and Rumbling of Brick Pavements, R. R. Gazette, Nov. 26, 1897; Standard Tests for Paving Bricks, Miin. Eng., Apr. 1897, pp. 210-214; Dimensions of Sewer Pipe, Mim. Eng., Mar., 1898, pp. 123-126, Vol. 14; Brick Pavements and Paving Brick, Clay Worker, Jan., 1899; Local Improvement Act of Illinois, City Government, May, 1899; Duties and Compensations of Mun. Engrs., Mun. Engr., 1899; Brick Paving in Peoria, Clav Worker, Apr., 1899. Married Fleet Oillum, July 27, 1903, Milford, 111. Address, 101 Y. M. C. A. Bldg.. Peoria. 111. 774. WILLIAM TOWNSEND Born Feb. 14, 1873, Condit Twp., Champaign Co., 111. f. Wm. Kneeland Dell Townsend, Jan. 3, 1840, Sandusky, Ohio. m. Mary Hamilton Zurhorst, Sandusky, Ohio. Machinist. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S. Dealer in Pnuematic Despatch Tubes, 1894-98; mining machinery, 1898-1901; Pneumatic Despatch Tubes, 1901. Married , Aug. 16, 1899, Chicago, 111. Children, William Baker, born Mar. 4, 1901; Elizabeth, born June 6, 1902. Address, 111 N. Catherine Ave., La Orange, 111. 775. ROBERT CLARKE VIAL Born July 9, 1872, Western Springs, 111., f. Robert Vial, Apr. 9, 1824, Chester, N. Y. m. Mary Roe Ketchum, Nov. 18, 1834, Newburg, N. Y. Farmer. Prepared in Lyons Twp. High School. Y.M.C. A; Adelphic. 154 University of Illinois [1893 B. S. Teaching, 1894-97; Civil Engineering, 1897-1903; Farming, 1903-05. Married Helen Alva Stage, Dec. 23, 1897, Champaign. Children, Ed- mund Ellsworth, born May 8, 1900; Jane, born June 10, 1904. Address, La Grange. 111., R. F. D. No. 2. 776. THOMAS TYSON WOODRUFF Born 1872, in Quincy, 111. f. T. D. Woodruff. Electrical Engineer. B. S. Address, care of J. G. White & Co., Montevideo, Uraguay, S. Amer. 777. ORRES EPHRAIM YOUNG Born Sept. 2, 1870, near Stonington, 111. f. B. F. Young, Canton, O. m. Sabilla Schrantz, Canton, O. Associate Editor, Michigan Farmer. B. L. Asst. Y.6.\tor Orange J udd Farmer, 1893-96; Assoc. Ed. Michigan Farmer, 1896. Married Louise M. Murray, June 18, 1901, Springfield, Mass. Child, Elizabeth Schrantz, born Oct. 15, 1904. Address, 81 Lincoln Ave., Detroit, Mich., care of Lawrence Publishing Co. CLASS OF 1894 (69) 778. LEVI PATTEN ATWOOD Born Aug. 7, 1872, Rockford, 111. f. P. B. Atwood, Mar., 1842, Owen, 111. m. Emma Catlin, Feb. 2, 1848, Litchfield Co., Conn. Railwav Superintendent. Prepared in Rockford High School. Adel- phic. C. E. Soc. Bus. Mgr., Illini, 1893-94. B. S. Draftsman, D. W. Mead, 1894-1895; Topographer U. S. Army, Miss. Levee work. Rock Island, 1895; Draftsman, 1896; Asst. Engr., 1896-97; Engr. M. of W., 1897-1900; Private mining work, Sonoar, Mex., 1900; Engr. M. of W. R. G. S. M. & P. Ry., 1900-02; Supt., do., 1903-05; Chief Engr., do., extension from 1904 to 1905. Engr. of C. P. & St. L. Ry., Apr.-July, 1905. Supt. Litchfield & Madison R. R., July, 1905. Articles in 111. Soc. Engrs. and Sur. 13th An- nual Report R. R. Const, in Mex., 106-109; Cost of Plates on R. G. S. M. & P. R. R., pp. 110; 17th Annual Report M. of W. Records, same, 54 pp.; 18th Annual Report Work train Records, 104 pp.; 19th Annual Report In renewals, 160 pp. Married Blanche Booker, Aug. 15, 1898, El Paso, Tex. Address, Edwards ville. 111. 779. CLYDE LESLIE BABCOCK Born May 9, 1873, Ridott, 111. f. Geno S. Babcock, Jan. 9, 1852, Ridott, 111. m. Jennie L. Goodwill, June 27, 1855, Quebec, Canada. Grain and Lumber Dealer. Prepared in Harvard High School, Harvard, Neb. Delta Tau Delta. Y. M. C. A. Civil Engineering Club. Capt. B. S. Civil Engineering, 1894-96; Grain and Lumber business, 1896 — . Married Georgia Eldred White, 1898, Harvard, Neb. Child, Clyde Harold, born June 21, 1903. Address, 100 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 780. LOUIS WILLIAM BARKER Born June 5, 1871, Sparta, 111. f. D. P. Barker, Mar. 5, 1842, New Design, 111. m. A. J. Rosborough, Nov., 1842, Sparta, 111. Sparta Gas and Electric Co. Prepared in Sparta High School. Shield and Trident. B. S. Proprietor, Sparta Gas & Electric Co., Sparta, 111., 1894-02; Part, same, with L. J. Sexton, 1902 — . First Presbyterian Church. Address, Sparta, 111. 1894] Baccalaureate Alumni 155 781. OTTO BAUMANN Born June 22, 1872, in Herman, Mo. f. Engel Bauman. m. Luise Denizen. Live Stock Broker. B. S. Since graduation has been with the General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.; Western Elec. Co., Chicago; Ranchman in South Dakota; Real Estate and Loaning in Quincy. Now live stock broker. Address, Room 359 Live Stock Exchange, Kansas City, Mo. 782. HARRISON EATON BEASLEY Bom Oct. 1, 1872, in Peoria, 111. f. N. K. Beasley. m. Susan Hester Wadleigh. Civil Engineer. B. S. Asst. City Engineer, 1894-97; Contractor, 1897- 1900; City Engineer, Peoria, 111., 1900-05; private practice, 1905—. 32 degree Mason, Elks, and Creve Coeur. Married Nellie Louise Body, Feb. 21, 1900, Peoria, 111. Children, Gladys Margaret, born Nov. 8, 1901, Hariet Elizabeth, born Feb. 20, 1904. Address, 721 Fayette St., Peoria, 111. 783. LUCINDA PEARL BOGGS Born Nov. 18, 1874, Hayes, Douglas Co., 111. f. Benj. Franklin Boggs, 1832, Lawrence Co., O. m. Mary Jane Armstrong, 1835, do. Professor of Philosophy and Psychology. Prepared at home by private study. Alethenai. Y.W.C.A. Oratorical Ass' n. DramaticClub. B.A.;Ph.D, Univ. of Halle, Germany, 1900. Hon. Fellow in Psychology and Philosophy, Cornell, 1902-03. Teaching, 1894-1897, Rice Coll. Inst., Paxton, 111. Study and Travel in Europe, 1897-1900. Teaching, Wash. State Normal School, Ellensburg, Wash., 1901-02. Study and travel, 1903-05; Pro- fessor-elect, Philosophy and Psychology, Western Coll. for Women, Ox- ford, O. Dissertation presented for degree of Ph. D., Ueber John Dewey's Theorie des Interesses und Seine Anwenduing in der Paedagogik, C. A. Kaim- merer& Co., Halle, Ger., 1901, 8 vo., 75 pp. Articles. The Absolute Value of the Child, Kindergarten Magazine, Chicago, Vol. XVI, 1904, May, 580- 584. An Experimental Study of the Phvsiological Accompaniments of Feeling," Psychological Review, Vol. XI, 1904, pp. 223-248. The Attitude of Mind called Interest, Jour, of Phil. Psych, and Scientific Methods, W 61. 1, 1904, pp. 428-434. Tbe Psychical Complex called an Interest, 7oz(r. of Phil., Psych., and Scientific Methods, Vol. II. The Relation of Feeling and Interest, same. Vol. III. How Children Learn to Read, Ped. Seminary, 1905. Member M. E. Church, 1883. Address, 811 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 784. HERBERT HILL BRAUCHER Brother of Nos. 376, 377, 412, 627, 1009 Born Feb. 1, 1869, Lincoln, 111. f. Daniel L. Braucher, Mar. 1, 1833. m. Henrietta C. Hill, June 1, 1831. Teacher. Prepared in Lincoln High School. Adelphic. B. S. Fruit Growing, and Science teaching in Lincoln High School, until Oct., 1903. Horticultural Inspector for State Entomologist for two years. Taught Horticulture and nature study in the Public Schools of San Antonio, Tex., Mar. -Dec, 1905. Manual Training, San Antonio High School, to June, 1906. Married Gertrude Doten, Aug. 26, 1896, Mt. Pulaski, 111., (died Oct. 25, 1899); Child, Margaret Braucher, bom May 11, 1899. Address, Lincoln, 111. 785. HOWARD ALLEN BROWNING Bom in Barrington, 111. m. Mrs. M. A. Browning. Farmer, 1904. B. S. Address, Elgin, 111. 156 University of Illinois », [1894 786. ARTHUR WILLIS BUSH Born 1871, in Joliet, 111. f. Frank Bush. Assayer, 1904. B. S. Address, Leadville, Colo. 787. CLARENCE J. BUTTERFIELD Born June 10, 1873, Evanston, 111. f. James A. Butterfield, May 18, 1837, England, m. Caroline S. Sheppard, July 10, 1856, Chicago, 111. Ofifice Manager of Armour Fertilizer Works. Prepared in West Division High School, Chicago, 111. Delta Tau Delta. B. S. Three years in Alaska; since then with Armour & Co. ; Otiice Mgr. Armour Fertilizer Works, Jackson- ville, Fla. Married Florence Myers, Aug. 4, 1904, St. Louis, Mo. Address, Jacksonville, Fla. 788. PAUL CHIPMAN Born July 28, 1873, Mt. Carmel, 111. f. William Fisk Chipman, Oct. 24, 1844, Ind. m. Sarah Jaquess, Mt. Carmel, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Mt. Carmel High School, Shield and Tri- dent. B. S. Civil Engineer with Pere Marquette Railroad, 1901-05; with Canadian White Co., Ltd., Engineer and Contractor, Montreal, Can., 1905 — . Member of Illinois Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Married Laura Beall Hughes, Dec. 27, 1905, Mt. Carmel, 111. Address, Room 48, Sovereign Bank Bldg., Montreal, Can. *789. AMOS CABLE CLARK Born Sept. 17, 1871, Pecatonica, 111. f. Henry S. Clark, Jan. 1, 1841, New York. m. Harriett Louisa Cable, Nov. 11, 1840, Pecatonica, 111. Prepared in Urbana High School. Delta Tau Delta. Capt. of Track team, 1893-94; 1892, Western Inter-Coll, high jump record. Member Chicago Athletic Ass'n. B. S. Architect. Member of Presbyterian Church, Urbana, 111. Died Jan. 29, 1896, Urbana. 111. 790. BIRCH DAVID COFFMAN Born 1872, in Champaign, 111. f. W. H. CofTman. Salesman, (1904). B. S. Address, 730 N. Randolph St., Champaign, 111. 791. THOMAS CRAWFORD Born Nov. 18, 1872, Sterling, 111. f. David M. Crawford, m. Maria Letitia Gait. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Wallace High School. Sigma Chi. Elec. Eng. Soc. Shield and Trident. B. S. Supt. SterHng Gas and Electric Light Co. till 1905; Supt. and Gen'l Mgr. Clinton Gas Light and Coke Co., 1905 — . Invented application of induction motors to gas machinery. Married Helen Brooktield, June 2, 1898, Sterling, 111. Child, Dorothy Harriet, born Feb. 21, 1901. Address, Clinton, 111. 792. RICHARD JAY DICKINSON Born Mar. 24, 1873, Eureka, 111, f. Roger B. Dickinson. Eureka, 111., 1840. m. Annie E. Jones, 1844, Williamsport, Pa. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Eureka High School and Eureka College. B. S. Civil Engineer with C. B. & O. R. R. 1895. Same with I. C. R. R., 1896-99. Member of firm of Dickinson & Co., 1899—. Married Katherine Brown, 1896, Decatur, 111., (died 1899); Sidna E. Musick, 1902, Eureka, 111. Children, Richard J. Dickinson, Jr., 1899; Dorothy M., born 1902; Roger F., born 1904. Address, Eureka, 111. 1894] Baccalaureate Alumni 157 793. SILAS JACKSON EAKLE Born Aug. 8, 1859, Forreston, 111. f. Absalom Eakle, Washington Co., Md. m. Amelia Grim, do. Prin. of School. Prepared in Forreston High School. Adelphic. B. S. Principal of Antioch schools. Supt. of Sunday School Carman, 111.; Antioch, 111., 1904-05. Recorder of Court of Honor "No. 547, Antioch, 111.; M. E. Church. Married Emma J. Nazarene, June 20, 1900, Mt. Morris, 111. Address, Antioch, 111. 794. MARTIN JONAS ENGBERG Born Sept. 4, 1872. f. Jonas Engberg, Mar. 31, 1837, Bergsjso, Helsing- land, Sweden, m. Elizabeth Zimmerman, Dec. 10, 1841, Nussloch, Baden, Germany. Treasurer of the Engberg Holmberg Publishing Co. Prepared in Chicago, 111. Chemical Club. B. S. Chemist, 1894-1900; Pubhsher 1900. Treas- urer of the Engberg-Holmberg Publishing Co., 1900 — . Member of the Swedish Ev. Lutheran Immanuel Church, Chicago, 1888 — . Married Elizabeth Frances Aurora HofTsten, Aug. 17, 1904, Philadelphia, Pa. Child, Robert Martin, born Jan. 17, 1906. Address, care of The Engberg-Holmberg Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. 795. HIRAM BURNS FERRIS Born Jan. 25, 1872, Carthage, Illinois, f. Hiram Gano Ferris, May 12, 1822, Howard, Steuben Co., N. Y. m. Julia Esther Helton, Mar. 28, 1836, Hillsgrove, 111. Treasurer Spokane Traction Co. Prepared in Acad, of Carthage Coll. Philomathean. Phi Delta Theta. Athletic Ass'n. B. A. Clerk, Hancock Co., Nat'l Bank, Carthage, 1894-1898. Exchange Nat'l Bank, Spokane, Wash., 1898-1900. Mining, Alaska, 1900-01. Auditor Kettle Valley Ry. Co., 1902. Treasurer Spokane Traction Co. and Spokane & Inland Ry. Co., 1903 — . Governor Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Washing- ton, 1904. Address, P. O. Box 1848, Spokane, Wash. 796. FERDINAND JOHN FOOTE Born Aug. 25, 1867, Jo Daviess Co., 111. f. Chas. C. Foote, Vt. m. Marion Stevens. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in High School and private schools. Univ. of Wis., E. E., 1902. Y. M. C. A. Asst. in Elec. Engr., 111., 1894-98. Supt. for Cutler Hammer Mfg. Co., 1898-1901. Univ. Student, Wis., 1901 -02. Erecting Electrical Engr. for Bullock Elec. Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O., 1902-05. Elec. Engineer American Oak Leather Co., 1905—. Married Dora Burton, Aug. 11, 1892, Champaign, 111. Address, care of American Oak Leather Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 797. ALFRED B. FOSTER Born Feb. 18, 1871, Bradford, 111. f. Stephen A. Foster, 1840, Herman Center, Me. m. Diana Lombard, 1843, Bangor, Me. Structural Designer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean. Track Team; record for mile run, 1904. B. S. Asst. Engineer, 111. and Miss. Canal, 1894-96; Structural Draftsman and Designer, 1896-1902; Fruit Grower, 1902-04; Structural Designer, 1904—. Married Emma L. Schlund, Feb. 9, 1898, Chicago, 111. Children, Edith S., born Jan 17, 1899; Marguerite L., born June 5, 1900; Louise B., born Jan. 17, 1902; Charles W., born Jan. 4, 1904. Address, 395 Franklin Boulevard, Chicago, 111. 158 University of Illinois [1894 798. GEORGE FREDERICKSON Born Apr. 14, 1874, Champaign, 111. f. Erasmus Frederickson, m. Johanna H. Thorn. Dealer in Pianos and Organs. Prepared in Champaign High School. Sigma Chi. Base ball team; Pres. Athletic Ass'n; Class Historian; Member Alumni Advisory Board; Glee Club. With I. C. Ry. Co. Chief Engineer's office and Construction Dept., 1894-1898. Mgr. Decatur Linseed Oil factory, 1899. Vice Pres. Kansas City Cotton Oil Co., 1899-1900. Senior member of firm Frederickson & Kroh, Piano and Organ dealers, wholesale and retail, Oklahoma City, O. T. 1900—; President same, 1906. Married Mary L. Brownlee, Dec. 28, 1899, Carbondale, 111.. Children, John B., born Dec. 8, 1900; Harry Gray, born Apr. 5, 1904. Address, Box 485, Oklahoma City, Okla. 799. THEODORE CHRISTIAN FRYE Born Sept. 15, 1869, Washington, 111. f. Joseph Frye, 1830, Muhlhousen, Alsace, Germany, m. Catherine Kinzinger, 1841, Congerville, 111. Prof, of Botany, Univ. of Wash. Prepared in Washington High School. Philomathean. B. S.; Fellow in Bot., Chicago. Ph. D., 1902, Chicago Univ. Prin. High School, Monticello, 111. 1894-1896. Student, Chicago, 1896-1897. Supt. City Schools, Batavia, 111., 1897-1900. Student, Chicago, 1900-1902. Asst. in Veg. Histology, Chicago, 1900-02. Prof, of Biology, Morningside College, Sioux City, la., 1902-03. Prof, of Botany, Univ. of Wash. 1903 — . Articles: Development of the Pollen in some Asclepiada- cese. Botanical Gazette, Vol. 32, Nov., 1901, pp. 325-331. A Morphological Study of Certain Asclepiadaceae, Botanical Gazette, Vol. 34, Dec, 1902, pp. 389-413; The Embyro Sac of Casuarina Stricta, Botanical Gazette, Vol. 36, Aug., 1903, pp. 101-113; with Eleanor Blodgett, The Pollen and Embyro Sac of Apocynum and rossemifolium, Botanical Gazette, 1905, 10 pp. Member Amer._Assn. for Advancement of Science; .Ass'n Internationale des Botan- istes. Address, Dept. of Botany, State Univ., Seattle, Wash. 800. ROBERT EUGENE GAUT Born Oct. 26, 1870, Marietta, Ga. f. Wm. P. Gaut, Knoxville, Tenn. m. Elizabeth E. Riley, Raleigh, N. C. Constructing Engineer. Prepared in Mt. Sterling High School. Adel- phic. Athletic Assn. Civil Eng'rs Club. Shield and Trident. B. S. I. C. R. R., since 1895. Engineer of Bridges and Bldgs, for entire system. Married Grace M. Mack, May 2, 1900, Chicago. Address, 6415 Minerva Ave., Chicago, 111. 801. OTTO EMIL GOLDSCHMIDT Born Jan. 15, 1871, Davenport, la. f. Peter Goldschmidt, Germany, m. Elise Hinrichsen, Germany. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Engineer with C. G. Armstrong, C. E., Chicago; Sargent and Lundy, Chicago; now with Geo. A. Fuller Co., New York. Address, 2 Mountain View Place, Montclair, N. J. 802. JOSEPH EDWARD HALLINEN Born 1859, in Champaign, 111. f. Andrew Hallinen. Instructor in Science, 1904. B. S. Address, Cooperstown, Okla. 803. GEORGE HERMAN HEIDEMAN Born Dec. 28, 1871, Elmhurst, 111. f. Dr. Geo. F. Heideman. m. Hannah Schween. Secy, and Treas. The Knoblock-Heideman Mfg. Co. Prepared in Elm- 1894] Baccalaureate Alumni 159 hurst High School and Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111. B. S. With Chi- cago Telephone Co., as Exchange Manager, 1895-1904. Sec. and Treas. The Knoblock-Heideman Mfg. Co., 1904—. Married Etta Baab, Sept. 20, 1S99. Child, Margaret Dorothv, born Dec. 28, 1901. Address, 1207 Vistula Ave., South Bend, Ind. 804. FREDERICK SAMUEL HOLBROOK Born June 27, 1873, in Chicago, 111. f. F. Samuel Holbrook, Manches- ter, Eng. m. Elizabeth J. Brown, New York. With American Smelting & Refining Co., National Plant. Prepared Univ. Acad., Secy. Athletic Ass'n. B. S. Director Woodlawn Park Club. Address, 6334 Yale Ave., Englewood Station, Chicago, 111. 805. BENJAMIN BALDWIN HOLSTON Born Nov. 9, 1871, Nashville, 111. f. Henry H. Holston, Feb. 19, 1826, Westphalia, Prussia, Germany, m. Charlotte W^ernse, July 27, Hanover, Germany. Lawyer. Prepared in Nashville High School. Philomathean. Sigma Chi. Mangr. Ball Team, 1894. Mangr. Glee Club, 93-94. B. S.; LL. B., 1896, Yale. Master in Chancery, Washington Co., 111.. 1902-04. Married Irene M. Watts, June 27, 1898. Children. James B., born Aug. 1, 1900; Mildred T., born Aug. 1, 1900; Lawrence L., born Feb. 21, 1902. Address, Nashville, 111. 806. CHARLES FREDERICK HOTTES Brother of No. 949 Born July 8, 1870, Mascoutah, 111. f. Frederick Hottes, July 13, 1840, Groszzimmern, Hesse, Darmstadt, Germany, m. Barbara Dathan, Nov. 28, 1847, Speyer, Germany. Asst. Professor of Botany. Prepared in Mascoutah High School., Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta. B. S. ; M. S., 1895 ; Ph. D., 1901, Bonn, Germany. Asst. in Botany, 1895-98; Inst, in Botany, 1901-03; Asst. Prof, of Botany, 1903 — . Member Amer. Assn. for Advancement of Science; Soc. of American Natural- ists; Central Assn. of Science and Mathematics Teachers. Married Flora Guth, Aug. 25, 1895, Mascoutah, 111. Child, Flora Emily, born May 21, 1896. Address, 915 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111. 807. DIETRICH HERMAN JANSEN Born in Pekin, 111., Aug. 8, 1872. f. John Jansen. m. Anna Steen. Civil Engineer and member of firm of Jansen & Zoeller, Manufacturers of brick, tile and cement blocks. Contractors. Delta Tau Delta. B. S. Ger- man Methodist Church; Tazewell Club. Married Norma Roos, Nov. 24, 1900, at Pekin, 111. Child, James Nathan, born Feb. 9, 1902. Address, Pekin, 111. 808. THOMAS JASPER Born July 14, 1871, Quincy, 111. f. Geo. F. Jasper, m. Leora Leonille Lomelius. Manufacturer. Prepared in Quincy High School. Base Ball team; Indoor Athletic team. B. S. Elec. Engineering for five years. Designing Gas Engines two years Last four years Seer, of Geo. Eitel Co., Quincy, 111., Manf. of Baling Press, Incubator and Brooder. Married Lillian Dean, Sept. 25, 1901, Quincy, 111. Address, Quincy, 111. 160 University of Illinois [1894 809. ALBERT JOHANNSEN Brother of No. 810 Bom at Belle Plaine. Iowa. f. Christian Johannsen, Clixbull, Schleswig. m. Caroline Marie Stuehrk, Meldorf, Holstein. Asst. Geologist U. S. Geological Survey. Prepared in State Center High School. Adelphic. Class Artist, Sophograph. B. S.; B. S., 1898, Univ. of Utah; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1903. Phi Beta Kappa. Alpha of Md. Scholarship, 1901-02, Johns Hopkins Univ.; Fellowship, 1902-03, do. Draftsman, architectural, 1894-96. Designer of Furniture, 1896-97. With Topographic Division U. S. Geol. Survey, 1897; Stu- dent Univ. of Utah, Newspaper artist, 1898. Topographer and drafts- man with City Engineer, Salt Lake City, 1899-1900. Student Johns Hopkins Univ., 1900-03. Asst. Geologist Md. Geological Survey, 1901-02. Author of An Analytical Key for the Determination of Rock Forming Minerals. Member Geological Soc. of Washington, 1900; American Ass'n Adv. of Science, 1904—. Married Annabelle Scott, Nov. 16, 1904, Radford, Virginia. Address, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 810 OSKAR AUGUSTUS JOHANNSEN Brother of No. 809 Born May 14, 1870, Davenport, la. f. Christian Johannsen, Clixbull, Schleswig. m. Caroline Marie Stuerk, Holstein. Asst. Prof. Civil Engineering. Prepared in State Center High School. B. S.; A. M., Cornell, 1902; Ph. D., Cornell, 1904. Gamma Alpha. Archi- tectural Draftsman, 1895. Architectural Engineering Draftsman, 1896. Architectural Iron Draftsman, 1897. Structural Iron and Bridge Work, Draftsman, then estimator and supt., 1897-99. Instructor in C. E., Cornell Univ., 1899-1904. Asst. Prof. C. E., Cornell, 1904—. Articles: Aquatic Nematocerous Diptera, New York State Museum, 68, 114 pp., 1903. The Chironomidae, New York State Museum, 68, 251 pp., 1905. Notes on some Adirondack Diptera collected by Messrs. MacGillivray and Houghton, Entomological News, 1903. Dixa clavulus Williston, Entomological News, pp. 302, 1903. Sigma Xi, 1902. Assn. for Advancement of Science, 1904. Married Harriette Alice Fuller, Sept. 23, 1896, Chicago, 111. Child, Dorothea, born Oct. 14, 1903. Address, 919 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. 811. JOHN WILLIAM KENNEDY Born Oct. 5, 1871, Alma, 111. f. Thos. Kennedy, Montreal, Can. m. Mary Rowbatton, England. Architect. Prepared in Collinsville High School. B. S. Practicing Architecture at East St. Louis, 111. Married Clara Peers, Sept. 30, 1896, Collinsville, 111. Child, Gladys Peers, born Nov. 27, 1902. Address, Collinsville, 111. 812. FRED WILLIAM KERCHNER Born Jan. 16, 1871, Belleville, 111. f. Frank Kerchner. Ger. m. Adeline Kerchner, De Soto, Mo. Physician. M. D., Marion Sims Medical College, 1898. Physician, 1898 — . Member St. Clair Co. Med. Soc; State Medical Soc. Married Emelia Schneider, May 7, 1898. C/ti/d, Cornelia, born Feb. 5, 1899. Address, Millstadt, 111. 813. CONRAD BRYANT KIMBALL Born Sept. 23, 1873, Providence, R. I. f. Edwin A. Kimball, Nov. 21, 1834, Orange, N. H. m. Clara Jane Byrant, Jan. 17, 1838, Bristol, N. H. Advertising Specialist. Prepared in Champaign High School, Sigma 1894] Baccalaureate Alumni 161 Chi; Glee Club; Track team. B. S. With Louis H. Sullivan Architect, Chicago, until 1900; advertising specialist, 1902—. 1900-01, Attache of United States Commission to Paris Exposition. During Chicago residence, baritone soloist of the Church of the Messiah and member of the Mendelssohn Club (Mannerchor). At New York, Quartet in the Mt. Morris Baptist and Fifth Ave. Collegiate Churches. Address, Arion Club, 59th and Park Ave., New York City, N. Y. *814. JOHN ALBERT LOWRY Bom Julv 16, 1871. Wadsworth, Ohio. f. Emanuel Lowrv, Jan. 22, 1837, Elklick, Pa. m. Phoebe Colbom, June 23, 1837, Sommerset Co., Pa. Teacher. Prepared in Gibson High School. Delta Tau Delta; Glee Club; Male Quartet; Adelphic. B. S. Professor of Mathematics, Eureka College, 1895-1900. Married Delia Pearl Puterbaugh, Dec. 16, 1896, Mackinaw, 111.; (died June 27, 1899. Child, Emily Annette, bom Oct. 6, 1897, (died May 8, 1899). Died Nov. 19, 1900, Gibson City, 111. 815. HARRY MADISON McCASKRIN Brother of No. 816 Born Aug. 26, 1873, Rantoul, 111. f. James C. McCaskrin. m. Margaret Lloyd. Attorney at Law. Prepared in Rantoul High School. B. L.; LL. B., Mich., 1896. Attomey at Law, Rock Island, 1896 — Address, Rock Island, 111. 816. LOUISE ELIZABETH McCASKRIN (STAYTON) Sister of No. 815 Born Sept. 26, 1870, Rantoul, 111. f. James Calvin McCaskrin, Conroe, Ind. m. Margaret Cloyd, Stockwell, Ind. Prepared in Rantoul High School. Alethenai. Univ. Choir. B. S. Teacher in Public Schools, 1895-1901. Member of Christian Church. Married John David Stayton. Jan. 30, 1901, Rantoul, 111. Children, Laura Sarah Margaret, bom Dec. 29, 1901 ; Jean Marie McCaskrin, born Feb. 4, 1905. Address, Texas City, 111. 817. ERNEST McCONNELL Born May 1, 1871. f. A. B. McConnell. m. F. M. Walker. Architect. Prepared in Univ. of Denver and the Haish Manual Training School. B. S.; M. Arch., 1905. Address, 1643 Champa St., Denver, Colo. 818. FLORA McCORMICK Sister of No. 655 Bom 1874, in Gibson, 111. f. Bruce McCormick. Teacher. B. L. Address, 602 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 819. JOHN McNUTT, Jr. Bom Jan. 2, 1872, Humboldt, 111. f. John McNutt, 1828, Terre Haute, Ind. m. Camelia Wells, 1842, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawver. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic. Hatchet Orator. B. L. Student' 1894-96. Attomey at Law, since. City Att'y of Mattoon, 1899-01. State's Att'y, 1904-08. .1/arriVM/ar Astronomy, Vol. 55, pp. 558-559 Dia- lect or English? Dial, vol. 24, p. 39. Pres. Church, 1892. W. C. T. U., 1891-1893. King's Daughters. 1891. Christian Endeavor. 1890-93. Address, 1205 Springfield Ave., Urbana, 111. 911. BERTHA SPENCER (MINER) Born 1874, in Oakley, 111. f. Read Spencer Married. B. L. , Married E. S. Miner. Address, Wilsey Place, Kewanee, III. 912. GODFREY SPERLING Born Mar. 4, 1874, Dewey, Champaign Co.. Ill f Henry Frederick A. Speriing. June 14. 1839, Eckermuehle. Stapelburg, Prussia. m. Anna Johanna Burkhardt, Oct. 30, 1841, Rottenacker, Wurtenberg, Germany. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ Acad. Adelphic. Hatchet Orator. B. S. Rodman and Instrument man, 1895; Draftsman, Merchant and Drainage Surveyor, 1896-97; Inspector on Underground Construction, 1898; Asst. Railway Engineer. Draftsman and Asst. Engineer. Railway Location and Construction. 1899; Asst. to Railway Promoter, 1900; Draftsman, 1901- 02; Consulting Irrigation Engineer. 1903; City Engineer, Boise City, Idaho, 1904 — . First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boise City. Idaho. Second reader, 1904; first reader, 1905. Married Idah Mayble Bailey, Dec. 6, 1899, Champaign, 111. Children, Margaret, born Sept. 6, 1900, (died Aug. 2, 1901); Friede, born Jan. 11. 1904; Lois, bom Dec. 5, 1905. Address, 709 Hays St.; Office. 319 New Overland Bldg.. Boise City, Idaho. 913. ROBERT WATT STARK Husband of No. 2036 Bom June 29. 1871, in Augusta. 111. f. George Stark, m. Nancy Parrott. Asst. Chemist in Illinois Exp. Sta. B. S. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Farm- er. Augusta. Ill; Asst. Chemist on State Water Survey. 1897-1905; Asst. Chemist in Illinois Experiment Station, 1905 — . Married Mabel E. Cakfy, ('04), Oct. 5, 1904, Jacksonville, 111. Child, Elizabeth, bom July 6, 1905. Address, 903 W. Calif. Ave., Urbana, 111. 914. MABEL STEWART (COLE) Born Oct. 25, 1873, in Champaign, 111. f John P. Stewart, m. Mary Evans. Married. B. S. Lived in Champaign, 111., 1895-99; Ithaca, N. Y., 1899- 1902; Oberlin, Ohio, 1902—. Married Charles Nelson Cole, Aug. 29, 1899, Irving Park, 111. Child, Kenneth Stewart, bom July 10, 1900. Address, 45 King St., Oberlin, Ohio. 180 University of Illinois [1895 915. HOMER THOMAS Born Aug. 24, 1866, Kickapoo, 111. f. John Andrews Thomas, New- York, m. Dielsie Stowell, New York. Engineer. Prepared in Valparaiso Normal, Ind. Architects' Club. B. S. Architectural draftsman, 1896-1900; Engineer and Superintendent with Contractor, 1900-02; Estimator, Structural Steel Co., 1902-04; Engineer and Supt. with Concrete Steel Co., 1904—. Address, Edwards, 111., R. F. D. No. 19. 916. MARIAN THOMPSON (GRATZ) Born Jan. 10, 1873, North Leominster, Mass. f. Edward Payson. Thompson, m. Susan Jane Burrington. Married. Prepared in Bement High School, Bement, Illinois. B. A.; M. A., 1896, Kappa Alpha Theta. Fellowship, 1895-96. Married Benjamin Gratz, October 20, 1896, Bement, 111. Children, Marion, born Mar. 17, 1898; Helen, born Mar. 19, 1900. Address, 3658 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. 917 WALTER NOBLE VANCE Born Feb. 22, 1874, at Bement, 111. f. N. N. Vance, m. Frances Pamelia Routh. Electrical Engineer. Capt. B. S. Electrical repair work, 1896-98; U. S. Navy, chief Electrician U. S. S. Philadelphia, 1898-99; Electrical Engi- neer with the Miehle P. P. and Mfg. Co., 1905; Western Elec. Co., 1905-06. Address, 120 Lincoln Park Boul., Chicago, 111.; 259 S. Clinton St. 918. CHARLES CARLTON WESBTER Born Aug. 2, 1871, Polo, Ogle Co., 111. f. Wellan Hassett Webster, Apr. 23, 1842, Polo, 111. m. Sarah Catherine Davis, Nov. 30, 1846, Delaware Co., N. Y. Electrical Engineer Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic. Engineering Soc. Memorial Orator. B. S. Supt. Elec. Lt. Plant, West Point, Miss., 1897; Expert Electrician, Asbury Park, N. J., 1901; Gen. Mangr., Gas and Elec. Co., Sandy Hill, N. Y., 1902. Asst. Chief and Chief Engr. at Schenec- tady, N. Y., to date. Patent Automatic Circuit Controller, No. 658,225, Apr., 1900. Past Grand, I. O. O. F., 1897. Married Minnie May Hartman, May 10, 1900, Bryan, Ohio. Child, Gladys Ruthena, born Mar. 1, 1901 Address, Pumping Station, Schenectady, N. Y. 919. PARKER MERRILL WILLIAMS Born August 19, 1872, in Moline, 111. f. A. Wilhams. m. Sarah Jane Taft. Draftsman. Y. M. C. A.; B. S. With J. W. Reedy Elevator Mfg., 91, Illinois Street, Chicago, 111. Address, 91 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 920. WILLIAM KRIEBEL YEAKEL Born Jan. 27, 1865, Hereford, Berks Co., Pa. f. John Yeakel, Nov. 21, 1823, Hosenack, Pa. m. Lydie Kriebel, Mar. 8, 1829, Quinet, Pa. Physician. Prepared in Polo High School. Adelphic. Pres. Y. M. C. A. Nat. Hist. Soc. Won Adelphic Declam. Cont. B. S; M. D., 1899. Prin. Paxton High School, 1896; Student, Coll. P. & S., 1896-99; Professor His- tology, Pathology, Bacteriology, Omaha Med. Coll., 1899-1902; Practitioner of Medicine, 1899 — . Member of Baptist Church; Chicago Medical Soc. Married Mabel E. Robinson, Dec. 27, 1899, Beloit, Wis. Children, Wil- lard, born Aug. 20, 1901; Helen Lydia, born Apr. 7, 1903. Address, 2682 N. 42nd Ave., Irving Park, Chicago, 111. 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni 181 CLASS OF 1896 (80) *921. EDWARD LANGFORD ADAMS Born Mar. 31, 1875, Philadelphia, Pa. f. Edward A. Adams, Philadel- phia, Pa. m. Margaret R. Swain, do. Prepared in Maywood High School and Chicago Man. Tr. School. B. S. With David L. Barnes, 1896-97; The Sargent Co., mechanical engineer, Asst. Supt. of the Open Hearth Dept. and at time of death Asst. to the Pres. in charge of operation of works in Chicago and Chicago Heights. Died Jan. 31, 1902, at Chicago, 111. 922. AMELIA DARLING ALPINER (STERN) Born Mar. 8, 1874, Chicago, 111. f. Soloman Alpiner, 1836, Cracon, Austria, m. Henrietta Felsenthal, 1845, Oflfenbach, Germany. Prepared in Kankakee High School. Pi Beta Phi; Alethenai; Dramatic Arts Club; French Club; Der Deutche Verein; Class poet, 1896; Illini staff. B. A. Teacher, 1896-99; Student and Traveller, 1899-1900. Author, Calendar, "From Day to Day," 1896 and 1897, East St. Louis, 111. Chil- dren's Literature, Child Study Monthly, June, 1898. Member Social Science Club of Champaign and Urbana, 1902; Thirty Club, 1902; Ass'n Coll. Alum- nae, 1904. Married Albert Leland Stern, Apr. 30, 1901, Kankakee, 111. Children, Alpiner Leland, born Oct. 13, 1902; Dorothy Darling, born Apr. 23, 1904. Address, 712 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111. 923. JAMES GEORGE BEACH Born Jan. 4, 1875, in Apalachin, N. Y. f. Dr. G. W. Beach. Contracting Engineer. B. S. Was with Geo. A. Fuller Co.; now with Milliken Bros, of 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Address, 304 McKay Bldg., Portland, Ore. 924. JOSHUA FRANKLIN BEGOLE Born Apr. 21, 1871, O'Fallin, 111. f. James Monroe Begole. m. Augusta Jane Beedle. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in McKendrie College. Philomathean, McKendrie, M. E. Club, B. S.; M. E. Ass't Erecting Engineer, Tod & Stan- ley, 1896-97; Meter dept., Wagner Electrical Mfg. Co., 1897-1900. Electri- cal Engineer in charge of meter dept. and switch board dept., do., 1900 — . Invented Indicating meter, patent No. 648,546. Syncl. Indicator, No. 712,174; Frequency Voltage Indicator. Several improvements in switch Board Constructors and Transformers, not patented. Delegate Internat. Electrical Congr., 1904. Married Mattie A. Bartlett, Feb. 11, 1900, Collinsville, 111. Child, Mil- dred Augusta, born Apr. 5, 1904. Address, 1406 N. Euclid Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 925. GEORGIANA E. BENNETT Born Sept. 3, 1871, Milford Center. Ohio. f. George F. Bennett, Wood- stock, Vt. m. Orpha A. Marsh, Woodstock, Ohio. Teacher of English. Prepared in Ohio. Alethenai. Kappa Alpha Theta. B. S. Teacher, Rochelle High School; teacher of English, John Marshall High School, Chicago, 111 Address, 1030 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. 926. NELLIE BESORE (SEARS) Born 1872, in Urbana, 111. f. Geo Besore. Married B. A. Married W. E. Sears. Two children. Address, 82 Fenelon PI., Dubuque, la. 182 University of Illinois [1896 927. JAMES WOODBURY BLAKESLEE Born Aug. 1, 1874, in Kinmundy, 111. f. B. W. Blakeslee. m. Mary Selleck. Traveling Salesman. Adelphic: Blackstonian; Base ball, '96. B. L. Traveling for Paddock-Hawley Iron Co., St. Louis, Mo., for ten years. M. E. Church, Odd Fellows Lodge. Married Mabelle L. Forshee, Sept. 16, 1903, Kinmundy, 111. Addres 301 Garrison Ave., Carthage, Mo. 928. WILLIAM CHARLES BRENKE Born Apr. 12, 1874, Berlin, Germany, f. F. W. M. Brenke, July, 1846. Germany, m. Wilhelmina Klopper, Oct., 1849, Germany. Harvard Fellow in Astron. Prepared in N. W Division High School, Chicago, 111. Adelphic; Chemical Club. B. S.; same, 1897; M.S., 1899. Instructor in Math., Illinois, 1896-1900; Instr. in Math, and Astron., do., 1900-04; Harvard Graduate School in Math, and Fellow in Astron., 1904 — Articles: The Apparent Figure of the Sky, Popular Astronomy, 1901; Obser- vations of Nova Persei, do., 1901; The Leonids, of 1901; do., 1902; Obser- vations of Variable Stars, Astron. Journal, 1903, Vol 23, No. 2, pp. 9-10. Member American Chem. Soc, 1896-98; Amer. Math. Soc, 1896-1898; 1905 to date. Married Kate A. Read, Aug. 16, 1898, Grand Ridge, 111 Children, William Mastin, born Aug. 12, 1899, (died Aug. 14, 1899); Katherine, born Aug. 7, 1900; Bernice, born Aug. 26, 1902. Address, 35 Eustis St., N. Cambridge, Mass. 929. HENRY JACKSON BURT Born Feb. 6, 1873, Urbana, 111. f Henry Jackson Burt, Ohio. m. Isabelle Dunlap, 1845, Cook Co , 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Urbana High School. Philomathean. Draftsman, 1898; Assr. Engineer Chicago and Northwestern, R. R., 1899; Ass't Engr., Chicago and Western Ind. R. R., 1900; Asst. Prof, of C. E., Iowa State Coll., 1901; Contracting Engineer of American Bridge Co., 1902; Con- tractor Manager of American Bridge Co. Member of American Society of Civil Engineers, Mar. 2, 1905. Married Edith A. B. Fleming, July 2, 1901, Champaign, 111. Child, Henry Jackson, born May 10, 1904. Address, 2223 Williams St.; Bus., 222 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Colo. 930. CORA MAE CAIRNS (MARSH) Born Jan. 25, 1874, Polo, 111. f. James Cairns, May 25, 1846, Andes, N. Y m. Rebecca Jane Steamer, Dec. 14, 1854, Freeport, 111. Married. Prepared in Polo High School. Alethenai. Y. W C. A. B. A. Married Norman Foote Marsh, Jan. 23, 1901, Polo, 111. Child, Norman Le Roy, born May 24, 1902. Address, 512 Stinson Block, Los Angeles, Calif. 911 Fair Oaks Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. *931 WALTER GILBERT CAMPBELL Born 1873, in Brinfield, 111. f. Felix G. Campbell B. S.; E. E., 1897. Died June 6, 1903, at St. Paul, Minn. 932. DAVID HOBART CARNAHAN Born Nov. 16, 1874, Dixon, 111. f. David Franklin Carnahan. m. Sarah Anna Dobbins Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. Sigma Chi. Adelphic. 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni 183 Editor in chief, Illini, 1896; Baseball team; Track team; Tennis cham- pionship, 1898. Fellowship, 1897-98. B. A.; M. A., 1898; M A., 1904, Yale; Ph. D., 1905, Yale. Teaching French, Illinois, 1896-98; Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900; Univ. of Idaho, 1901 ; Illinois, 1902—. The Prologue in the Old French and Provencal Mysterv, Thesis, Yale Member Modern Language Assn., 1903 — . Address, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 111. 933. MELVILLE CLARKE CHATTEN Born Sept. 29, 1873, Quincy, 111. f. Enoch R Chatten, Apr. 4, 1846, Quincy, 111. m. Alice Louise Miller, Feb. 29, 1852, do. Architectural Draftsman. Prepared in Quincy High School and Univ. Acad Sigma Chi. B. S. Studied architecture abroad. Member Chicago Architectural Club. Address, 2049 Maine St , Quincy, 111. 934. FLORENCE BESANCON CLARKE (MICHALEK) Sister of Nos.'633, 634, 1015 Born Mar. 10, 1875, Quincy, 111. f. Edwin Ambler Clarke. June 8, 1839, Oswego, N. Y. m. Leoline F. Besancon, June 22, 1S3Q, Xatches, Miss. Chemist. Prepared in Quincy High School. Alethenai; University Club; Chemical Club. B. S Chemist for Illinois Chemical Co., General Chemical Co., Chicago Heights. Investigation of Volumetric determination of Alumina in basic Alum. Married John Michelek, Jan. 1, 1902, Quincy, 111. Children, ]o\\n, ]t., born Oct. 13' 1902.; Louise Antoinette, born Oct. 25, 1905. Address, 1629 Vincennes Ave., Chicago Heights, 111 935. MARY MAUDE COLE (SCOTT) Wife of No. 984 Born June 22, 1874, Rantoul, 111. f. William Robinson Cole, Wapanee, Ont. m. Mary Elizabeth Lavinia Steele, June 8, 1854, Pinckneyville, 111. Prepared in Rantoul High School. Alethenai. Y. W. C. A. Valedicto- rian; B. A.; M. A., 1897. Teaching fellowship. Member Rantoul Cong Church; Mattoon Presb. Church, 1897-1900; Cambridge Cong. Church, 1900-02; Yankton Cong. Church, 1902; Various clubs and societies. Married George Harvev Scott ("96), Dec. 31, 1897. Children, William Arthur, born Nov 23, 1898, Franklin Daniel, born Julv 4, 1901; Irving Cole, born June 7, 1904, (died Nov 10, 1904); Marv Elizabeth, born Oct. 11, 1905. Address, 1200 Douglas Ave. Yankton, S. Dak. 936. PAUL HENRY COOPER Born Feb. 3, 1873, in Mendota, 111. f. P. H Cooper, m. General Merchantile business. Sigma Chi; base ball and foot ball teams. B. S. General Mercantile business. Address, Aurora, 111. 937. WARREN EDWARD DURSTINE Husband of No. 966 Born June 28, 1869, Story Co., la. f. John Elliott Durstine, Butler Co., Pa. m. Emma Stone, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Rock Falls High School and Oberlin Acad. Y. M. C. A. Glee Club. B. S. International Committee Y. M. C. A., as a Sec. in Army and Navy Depts., 1898-1903. Teacher in High School. Member Presby. Church; Elder 1903; National Geographic Soc, 1905; Science and Mathematical Ass'n., Chicago. Married Althea S Mather ('96), Feb. 10, 1900. Children, John Elliott, 184 University of Illinois [1896 born Dec. 10, 1900, San Juan, P. R.; Emery Mather born Mar. 31, 1902, San Juan, P. R Address, 310 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. 938. HENRY CLARENCE ESTEE Born Apr. 6, 1875. f. Charles Bright Estee, May 11, 1842, Shiloh, N. J. m. Emma Damon, Mar. 22, 1850, Burk, Vt. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Gibson City High School. Adelphic; Engineer's Club. B. S. On 111. and Miss. Canal, 1896-1900; C. N W. Ry., 1900—. Married Grace Buchan, Aug. 17, 1904, Buda, 111. Address, Gibson City, 111. *939. FRANK MILTON EVERETT Born Apr. 18, 1873, Springfield, Mo. f. Francis A. Everett, St. John, N. B., Canada, m. Flora E. Doe, Calais, Maine Prepared in Champaign High School. Adelphic. B. S. Draftsman, Central Iron Works, Quincy, 111. Article,. Practical Construction of Rheo- stats for Electric ^leysitors, Technograph, No. 11, 1896-97. Member Baptist Church. Died Aug. 5, 1897, Quincy, 111. 940. RACHEL ELLEN FOLGER (RHUMPHREY) Born May 14, 1868, Ridgefarm, 111. f. John Folger. Ridgefarm, 111. m. Elizabeth Ann Reynolds, Bloomingdale, Ind. Prepared in Vermilion Academy. B. S. Creamery, 1898-99. Married Richard H. Rhumphrey, Jan. 28, 1903, La Favette, Ind. Chil- dren, Nettie, born Feb. 9, 1904; Julia, born Sept. 13, 1905. Address, Loree, Miami Co., Ind. 941. BERTHA VANHOESEN FORBES Sister of Nos. 1022, 1860 Bom Nov. 28, 1874. Normal, 111. f. Stephen Alfred Forbes, May 29, 1844, Stephenson Co., 111. m. Clara Shaw Gaston, Aug. 31, 1848, Hamilton, Ohio. Instructor. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Dramatic Club; Alethenai. First Pres. of the Students' Assembly. Member Illio Board. B. S. Instructor in Biology in Austin High School, 1896-1904; instructor in Wendell Phillips High School, Chicago, 111., to date. Address, 1209 Springfield Ave., Urbana, 111. 942. CHARLES HUNTER GARNETT Born Jan. 12, 1873, Colmar, 111. f. Robert Kirtley Garnett, Aug. 4, 1844, St. Mary's. 111. m. Anna Elizabeth Hunter, Oct. 19, 1845, Catasau- qua. Pa. Lawyer. Prepared in Plymouth High School and Carthage College Acad. Cicero Literary Soc. (Carthage); Adelphic, Phi Gamma Delta; B. A.; M. A., 1897; LL. B., 1899, Yale; Wayland Club and Book and Gavel, (Yale). Fellowship in Economics, Illinois, 1896-97. Won Harris Banking Prize, 1896, Admitted to Illinois Bar, 1899. Article, State Banks of Issue in Illinois, Univ. of 111., 1898, pp. 55. State's Attorney of Hancock Co., 111., 1900-1904. Secy, and Treas. State's Attorney's Ass'n of 111., 1904-05. Address, Carthage, 111. 943. FRANK HENRY SERAFINO GAZZALO Bom Nov. 6, 1870, in Chicago, 111. f. Fank Gazzalo. Chemist and drug dealer. Address, 95 Astor St.; bus. 82 West Main St.. Chicago. 111. 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni 185 944. FRANK HOPKINS GREEN Born Apr. 7, 1874, Colfax, Champaign Co., 111. f. Patrick Green, m. Maria Hopkins. Railroad Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Engi- neering Assn.; Major. B. S. Surveying, 1896, Locomotive fireman, 1896; Masonry Inspector and Mech. draftsman for Deering Harvester Co., 1897-98; Surveying on S. P. R. R. & Santa Fe, 1898-1900; Surveying on various rail- roads as engineer on location and construction, engineer on Humboldt Northern R, R., 1900—. Married Pauline A. Valdes, Oct. 5, 1904, Palo Alto, Calif. Address, Eureka, Humboldt Co., Calif. 945. HERBERT JOHN GREEN Born Dec. 31, 1870, Kewanee, 111. f. John Green, Nov. 21, 1837, Nent- head, Eng. m. Elizabeth Slack, Sept. 21, 1839, Durham, Eng. Instructor. Prepared in Jennings Seminary and Univ. Acad. Adelphic. Y. M. C. A. Glee Club. B. S. Architectural Work, 1896-97. Instructor in Manual Training in public schools, 1897-1901. R. T. Crane Man. Train. High School, 1901—. Member M. E. Church. Married Nellie M. Speyer, June 28, 1899, Chicago 111. Children, John Russell, born Apr. 14, 1900; Beatrice Elizabeth, born Aug. 10, 1901, (died Feb. 10, 1902). Address, 839 Shenvin Ave., Roger Park, Chicago, 111. *946. HOWARD HALL HASKELL Born 1874, in Mendota, 111. f. F. H. Haskell, Sr. B. S. Died June 5, 1901, at Mendota, 111. 947. JOHN HINDMAN Bom at Buckley, Iroquois Co., 111. f. Joseph Hindman. m. Catherine Hindman. Merchant. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic. B. A. Address, 1886 Diversey Boul., Chicago, 111. 948. FREDERICK WILLIAM HONENS Born Aug. 8, 1872, Milan, 111. f. Gustavus Henry Honens, Nov. 8, 1832, Beliefeld, Prussia, m. Amelia Emily Clippinger, Mar. 15, 1834, Massillon, O. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Milan High School and Univ. Acad. Adel- phic; C. E. Club. Asst. Editor Technograph; Bus. Mgr. Illio; Bus. Mgr. Illini 1896. B. S. Inspector, Draftsman, etc., on surveys for Illinois and Mississippi, Hennepin Canal, 1896; Insp. on Chicago River Imp., 1897; Junior U. S. Engr. on 111. and Miss Canal, 1897 — . Member Western Soc. of Engrs., 1899; Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers, 1901; 111. Soc. Engrs. and Surveyors, 1905; Nat'l Geogr. Soc, Washington, D. C, 1905. Married Mary Isabella Manahan, Nov. 29, 18^9, Sterling, 111. Child, John Gustavus, born Jan. 24, 1901. Address, 507 Fifth Ave., Sterling, 111. U. S. Engineer Office, Sterling 949. HENRY GUSTAV HOTTES Brother of No. 806 Born Nov. 1, 1871, Mascoutah, 111. f. Frederick Hottes, July 13, 1840, Germany, m. Barbara Dathan, Nov. 29, 1852, Germany. ' 1 Fruit Grower. B S. Furniture and Undertaking' till 1904; Fruit Grower in Colorado, 1904 — . Married Emma Kleine, June 1, 1898, (died Oct. 7, 1904); Children, Fred. Chas., born Oct. 20, 1899; Dora Henrietta, born Sept. 13, 1901. Address, Palisades, Colo. 186 University of Illinois [1896 950. GEORGE DAVID HUBBARD Husband of No. 1401 Born May 12, 1871, Tolono, 111. f. Linus Green Hubbard, Jan. 24, 1844, Wilmington, Vt. m. Helen Lorena Stanard, Sept. 28, 1844, Perkins Grove, 111. Asst. Prof, of Geology. Prepared in Urbana High School. Philoma- thean; Natural Historv Soc; Agricultural Club. B. S.; M. S., 1898; M. A., 1901, Harvard; Ph. D., 1905, Cornell. Fellowship, 1896-97. Asst. in Geol- ogy, 1897-1900, Illinois. Grad. student. Harvard, 1901. GeographvE. I. S. N. S., Charleston, 1901-03; Asst. Geology and Geog., Cornell, 1904; 'instruc- tor, 1905; Asst. Prof. Geology, Ohio State Univ., 1905. Teacher in Cor- nell Summer school of Geography in 1904 and Asst. Prof, of Geology and Geography, do., 1905. Articles: In the Class Room, School Science, Yo\. Ill, 1903, pp. 320-322; On the Field Trip, do.. Vol. III. 1904, pp. 395-398; An Interglacial Gcrge in Illinois, Jour. Geol, Vol. XII. 1904, pp. 152-160; A Case of Geog. Influence upon Human Affairs, Bull. Am. Geog. Soc, Vol. XXXVI, 1904, pp. 145-157; A River Study, Cfog. Teacher, London, 1904, Vol. II, pp. 339-344; Commercial Importance of Continents, Jour. Geog., 1904, Vol. III.; The Blue Mound Quartzite, Amer. Geol, Vol. XXV, 1900, pp. 163-168; Knowing' and Telling, Intelligence, 1900; Meteorologic Condi- tions of the South Polar Region, Jour. Sch. Geog., Vol. V, 1901, pp. 161-170; Foirds, Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc, Vol. XXXIII, 1901, pp. 300-337 and 401- 408; The Study of Land Forms as a Basis for the Development of His- tory, A'^. Y. Teachers' Monographz, 1903, Vol. 5. pp. 47-51; Practice School Course in Geog. in the E. I. S. N. S., Jour. Geog., Vol. II, 1903, pp. 393- 403, 469-481, 507-515; Geographic Influence, A Field for Investigation. Rept. 8th Int. Geog. Cong., 1905, pp. 992-996; Physiography and- Geog- raphy, Ohio Nat. Vol. VI, pp. 431-5; The Industrial and Commercial Im- portance of a Tropical Possession, Jour. Geog., Vol. V, pp. 11-17. Member Baptist Church; Nat. Geog. Soc; 8th Internat. Geog. Congress, 1904; Eastern Illinois State Teachers' Assn., 1901-03; 111 State Teachers' Ass'n, 1902-03; Ohio State Acad, of Science; Amer. Ass'n for Advan. Science; Alpha Chapter of Sigma Xi, Cornell, 1905. MarnVd Edna Almira Rugg ('00), Sept. 10, 1901, Urbana, 111. Children, Ruth, born Sept. 22, 1902; Oscar Edwin, born Nov. 14, 1903. Address, 1235 Harrison Ave., Columbus, O. 951. FRED THALES HUSTON Born Jan. 30, 1874, Blandinsville, 111. f. John C. Huston, July 13, 1851, Blandinsville, 111. m. Sarsh E. Mustain, June 21, 1851, Bowen, 111. Farmer. Athletic Ass'n. B. S. Bookkeeping until Sept., 1898; Agri- culture and Cattle raising, 1898 — . Married Ella Murphey Reinhart, June 22, 1904, Arapaho, O. T. Address, Clinton, O. T. 952 LEWIS WILLIAMS JOHNSON Born Apr. 15, 1875, in Tolono. 111. f. Dr. Chas. B. Johnson, Oct. 8, 1842, Pocahontas, 111. m. Maria Louise Lewis, Aug. 28, 1847, Chatham, 111. Contractor. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. With 111. Cent. R. R. until 1898; with McKinley Rv. & Lighting Syndicate until 1903; Inturban Const. Co , 1903— . Address, Danville, 111. 9.';3. HARRY KEELER Born Jan. 21, 1875 Clhicago, 111. f. William Keeler, Nov. 14, 1842, Albany, N. Y. m. Catlieiine Pfau, Nov. 24, 1844, Albany, N. Y. Asst. in Englewood High School. Chicago. Prepared in Lake High 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni 187 School. Chemical Club. B. S. Asst. in Chem., U. of I., 1896-97; Asst. in Lake View H. S., 1897-98; Asst. in Englewood H. S., 1898—. Married Edith Regina Nelson, Aug. 28, 1900, Chicago, 111. Children, Harry, Jr., born Aug. 9, 1901; Philip Nelson, born Jan. 7, 1903; Katherine Thirsk, bom Apr. 13, 1904; Frederic Seward, born Feb. 13, 1906. Address, 9654 Longwood Ave., Chicago, 111. 954. LOUIS MAXWELL KENT ^ Bom Jan. 1, 1874, Warren Co., Ind. f. John W. Kent, June 24, 1823, Ross Co., Ohio. m. Katherine Wallace, Aug , 16, 1840, Ross Co., Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Wabash College. Athletic Ass'n. Blackstonian. B. A.; LL. B. Address, 408 N. Hazel St., Danville, 111. 955. RICHARD BIRD KETCHUM Born June 10, 1874, Augusta, 111. f. Andrew J. Ketchum, Mar. 29, 1836, Orange Co., N. Y. m. Anne E. Sickles, Oct. 23, 1844, Augusta, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. C. E. Club. Adelphic. Y. M. C. A. mini Stafif; Technograph Board. B. S.; C. E., 1900. Draftsman and template maker, Ajax Forge Co., Chicago, 1896-97; Asst. in Civ. Eng., U. of 111., 1897-98; Draftsman C. & W. I. & Belt Ry., Chicago, 1898; Drafts- man, Pittsburg Bridge Works, Pittsburg, Pa., 1898-99; Asst. Engr. C. & W. I. & Belt Ry., Chicago; Asst. Eng. C. & A. Ry., Chicago; Chief Draftsman O. S. L. R. R., Salt Lake City, 1899-1903; Div. Engr. O. S. L. R. R., 1904—. Invented machine for printing titles on drawings. Articles in the Techno- graph and Engineering News. Member of M. E. Church; Western Soc. of Engrs. Married Lulu L. Pierce, Sept. 10, 1901, Caiion City, Colo. Children, Pierce Waddell, born Sept. 5, 1903; Infant, born May 3, 1905 (died May 5, 1905). Address, 30 N. Harrison Ave., Pocatello, Idaho. 956. AUREKA BELLE KILER Sister of No. 695 Bom Mar. 20, 1875, Urbana, 111. f. Wm. Albert Kiler. m. Charlotte Mittendorf. Teacher. Prepared in Urbana High School. B. A. Address, Reka B. Kiler, 612 Madison St., Seattle, Washington. 957. SOPHIA NOTT LEAL Bom 1874, in Urbana, 111. f. T. R. Leal. Teacher, 1904. B. A. Address, 1031 Twelfth St., Riverside, Calif. 958. CHARLES MILTON LEWIS Bom 1873, in Blue Mound, 111. f. C. S. Lewis. Architect, 1904. B. S. Address, Press Bldg., Danville, 111.; 312-314 Temple Bldg 959. GEORGE CHARLES LIESE Bom Dec. 12, 1873, Nashville, 111. f. Frank Ernest Liese. m. Eliza- beth Eisenmeyer. Architect. B. S. Atlanta, Ga., 1897-98; Sioux City, la., 1899; Lincoln, 111.. 1900; Danville. 1901—. Married Mary E. Burton, Sept. 1, 1903, Lincoln, 111. Child, George Burton, bom Sept. 20, 1904. Address, DanvjJlc, 111. 188 University of Illkxois [1896 960. HOMER ROBERTS LINN Born Jan. 9, 1873, Byron, 111. f. Consulting Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Byron High School. Adelphic. Engineering Soc. B. S. Married Luella E. Buck, Feb. 16, 1899, Philo, 111. Child, Dorothy R. Address, 6501 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. 961. GEORGE WASHINGTON LUDWICK Born Feb. 29. 1876, St. Joseph, 111. f. George Ludwick, St. Joseph, 111. m. Mary F. Drillinger, do. Architect. Prepared in St. Joseph High School. B. S. Draftsman, Univ. of 111., 1897; Bloomington, 111., 1898; Sioux City, Iowa; Sioux Falls, S. D., 1899; Danville, 111., 1900; Practice of Archt., 1901 — . Married Jannette Snow, Dec. 23, 1900, Sioux Falls, S. D. Address, Danville, 111. 962. JAMES HARRY McKEE Born Jan. 28, 1873, Thornton, 111. f. John C. McKee, Aug. 17, 1850, Ireland, m. Ellen EHzabeth Hemingway, Apr. 29, 1852, N. Y. Draftsman. Prepared in Calumet High School and Univ. Acad. M. E. Soc. Football team. Capt. B. S.; M. E., 1898. Fellowship, 1896-98; Draftsman at Austin Mfg. Co., Harvev, 111.; Chief Draftsman to date. Married Alice Biel, Nov. 28, 1901, Chicago. 111. Child, Paul James, born Feb. 1, 1903. Address, 79 W. 150th St., Harvey, 111. 963. JOHN ALEXANDER McRAE Born Aug. 20, 1869, Kewanee. 111. f Draftsman and Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Kewanee, 111 Address, 366 S. Terminal Station, Boston, Mass. 964. ROBERT PAYTON MANARD Born Feb. 11, 1874, Rockford, 111. f. Alpheus B. Manard, Mar. 25, 1837. Brockville, Ontario. Canada, m. Alice Z. Wright. July 9. England. Architectural Draftsman. Prepared in Rockford High School. Athletic Club; Archt'l Club; Military Club; B. S. Architectural draftsman with D. H. Burnham & Co.. Chicago. 1901—. Married Effie Abigail Bowen. Sept. 3. 1904. Edgerton. Wis. Address, 1413 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111 965 HARRY CURTISS MARBLE Born May 12, 1872. Champaign. 111. f. Silas M. Marble, Worthington, Mass. m. Lucy M. Curtiss. Chicago. 111. Electrician. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S.; E. E.. 1902. Tau Beta Pi. Asst. in Elec. Engr.. IlHnois, 1898-1903; Twin City Elec. Co., 1903—. Address. 305 W. University Ave.. Champaign. Ill 966. JONH MADISON MARTIN Born Apr. 10. 1862. Vinton Co., Ohio. f. William G. Martin. 1828. Ohio. Nancy Shively, 1833, Ohio. Instructor. Prepared in Ohio State Univ. Prep. School. B. A.; A. M., 1902. Prin Bement Schools. 1890-95; Supt. of Sullivan Schools, 1896-98; Prin. Pana High School. 1898-1900; Prin. South Ward School, Oak Park. 1900-01; Supt. Elmwood Schools, 1901-02; Dept. of Eng. and Math., Brown's Bus. Coll., Peoria. 1902 — . pm Married Emma M. Barnhill, Aug. 12, 1890. Vinton Co.. Ohio. Children. Shirley Mabel, born Nov. 4, 1901; Harold Henry, born Mar. 14, 1903; Arnold Robert, born May 26, 1900; John Harlan, born Oct. 10, 1903. Address, 1113 N. Perry Ave., Peoria, 111. 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni ■ 189 967. ALTHEA SPRAGUE MATHER (DURSTINE) Wife of No. 937 Born Nov. 16, 1862, Du Page Twp.. Will Co., 111. f. Jonathan Mather, Oct. 5, 1849, New York State, m. Elizabeth Sprague, Sept. 12, 1848, Dupage, 111. Prepared in Joliet High School B. A. Y. W. C. A Alethenai. Mem- ber of First Presbyterian Church, Joliet. Married Warren Edward Durstine ('96), Feb. 10, 1900, Joliet, 111. Chil- dren, John Elliott, born Dec. 10, 1900; Emery Mather, born Mar. 31, 1902. Address, 310 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. 968. CHARLES JACOB MAXWELL Born Aug. 29, 1874, in Litchfield, 111. f. George L. Maxwell, m Kath- arine Maxwell. Chemist. B. S. Chemist, Union Stock Yards, Chicago Address, 4647 Calumet Avenue, Chicago, 111. 969 EDWARD LAWRENCE MILNE Born at Lockport, 111. f. William Milne, Lockport. m. Fanny Parker, Oswego, N. Y. Instructor Prepared in Chicago Manual Training School. B. S.; M. S., 1900. Fellowship, 1897. Instructor Champaign High School, 1897-1898; Instructor in Mathematics, Illinois, 1898 — . Address, 307 W Hill St., Champaign, 111. 970. MINNIE ROSE MOORE Born 1872, in French Grove, 111 f. George Moore, m. Ruth A. McCoy. B. A. Lived for a time in Los Angeles, Calif. Address, Brimfield, 111., R. F D. No. 20. 971. JEDIDIAH D. MORSE Born Oct. 13, 1874, Compromise twp.. Champaign Co., 111. f. James Madison Morse, June 19, 1836, Madison Co., N. Y. m. Elizabeth Julia Hart, Jan. 9, 1838, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Cashier in Morse Bros. & Co. Prepared in Champaign High School. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident. Pres. Athletic Ass'n; leader Mandolin club two years. B. S. Asst. Cashier E. J. Morse & Son, Bankers. 1897-1905; Cashier Morse Bros. & Co., succeseors to E. J. Morse & Son, 1905. Married Frances Elizabeth Todd, June 9, 1897 Champaign, 111. Children, Finley Bruce, born June 4, 1898; James Todd, born Oct. 3, 1899; Madison Bruce, born Apr. 12, 1905 Address, Gifford, 111. 972. SAMUEL THEODORE MORSE Born Dec. 26, 1872, Carlinville, 111. f. Theodore Morse, New Bedford, Mass. m. Emmaline Welton, Carlinville, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Carlinville High School. Y. M. C. A. Philomathean. B. S. C. E. with I. C. R. R., 1896-1902 ; Supervisor of Track, Louisville Div. of I. C. R. R., 1902; Res. Engr. with C. &. E. I. 1903-1904; County Surveyor, Macoupin Co., 111., 1904 — ; Res. Engr. with Central 111. Construction Co., 1905 — . Married Grace Mav Munhall, Julv 5, 1897, Champaign, 111. Children, Alice May, born Mar. 29, 1898; Frederi'ck Samuel, born Feb. 17, 1900; Marion Grace, born July 25, 1901 ; David Theodore, born Oct. 15, 1902; Edith Estelle, born Dec. 16, 1904; Ruth, born Feb. 14, 1906. Address, Carlinville, 111 190 University of Illinois [1896 973. JAMES WILLIAM MEYERS Born Mar. 14, 1869, Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind. f. William Jasper Myers, Oct., 1840, Brazil, Ind. m. Luisa Jackson 1846, Peru, Ind. Supervising teacher for district of Calumpit, Bulacan, P. I. Prepared in Chrisman High School. Philomathean; Illini staff. B. A. Teacher at Normal, 111., 1897; Prin. second ward school, Urbana, 111.. 1898; traveling salesman for Atkinson & Co., Champaign, 111., 1898-1900; teacher in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho, 1900-1904; Supervisor teacher for district of Calum- pit, Bulacan, P I., 1904—. Address, Bulacan, P. I. 974. ISABELLE NOBLE Sister of Nos. 975, 1930 Born Nov. 22, 1872, Todd's Point, 111. f. Robert Cooper Noble, 1849, Ohio. m. Jane Elizabeth Harmount, 1849, New Haven, Conn. Teacher Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Kappa Alpha Theta. Class Historian; Girls Tennis Club. B. A. Taught Physical Culture in Public Schools of Hartford, Conn., 1899-1904. Johns Hopkins Nurses' Training School, 1906. Address, Johns Hopkins Nurses' Training School, Baltimore, Md. 975 MARY ELIZABETH NOBLE Sister of Nos. 974, 1930 Born Mar. 15, 1874, Todd's Point, Shelby Co., 111. f. Robert Cooper Noble, Feb. 21, 1848, Massillon, Ohio. m. Jennie Elizabeth Harmount, New Haven, Conn. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Y. W. C A. Kappa Alpha Theta. B. A. Teacher in Champaign public schools, 1898-1901; at home. Address, 1230 Waco Ave., Wichita, Kans. 976. WILLIAM NOBLE Born Oct. 7, 1872, Massillon, Ohio. f. William Noble, Aug 15, 1845, Massillon, Ohio. m. Margaret E. Ball, Aug. 3, 1847 Canton, Ohio Merchant. Prepared in Western Reserve Acad., Hudson, O. Phi Delta Theta. B. A. Grain Merchant to date. Married Effie E. Smith, Apr. 17, 1901, Foosland, 111. Children, William, Jr., born Jan. 18 1902, (died Aug. 10, 1903); Margaret, born May 18, 1904. Address, Foosland, 111. 977. EDWARD ELLSWORTH ORR Bom Mar. 2, 1863, Quincy, 111. f. James Greenberry, Feb. 19, 1824, near Nashville, Tenn. m. Sarah Brown, Sept. 4, 1832, near Jerseyville, 111. Architect. Prepared in Public Schools and Gem City Business College. Track Team; Prohibition Club; Y. M. C. A. ; Athletic Ass'n. B. S. Drafting and architectural work for Holabird and Roche, I. C. R. R., Widman Walsh & Boissalier, and others, 1896-1905; Architectural and Repair work; Ceiling Salesman, Wheeling Corrugating Co. Insurance, 1905 — . Served in Naval Militia from organization to 1898. Bodley Lodge No. 1 A. F. «& A. M., Quincy, 111.; M. E. Church South; Epworth League. Married Nettie S. Gay, Nov. 30, 1905, St. Louis, Mo. Address, 2205 University Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 978. JOHN EDWARD PFEFFER Born Sept. 16, 1869. f. William Pfeffer, Apr. 16, 1842, Jasper, Ind m. Mary Jochim, Apr. 14, 1852, Ferdinand, Ind. Manager of the Continental Engine Co., Chicago. Prepared in Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso. Ind. Athletic Ass'n; Mech. and Elec. Eng'rs' Club; Football team, 1892-95; Capt. and Mgr., 1894; Base ball squad, 1894- 95; Illini Board of Managers; Illio Board. B. S Football coach at Mon- 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni ■ 191 mouth Coll., 1896; Experimenter and Draftsman, Deering Harvester Co., 1897-98; Designer of air compressors at Gates Iron Works, 1899; consulting engineer and testing for the Lyman Water Circulating and Heating Co. ; 1900; constructing engineer for Foyer Pneumatic Carrying Co.; 1901; Factory engineer of tests and experimentation for Western Electric Co.; 1903; Man- ager of the Continental Engineer Co., Chicago, 1903 — . Inventions: 1. Controller of Pneumatic traveler of cash carrying system for Payer Pneu- matic Co. 2. Radially opposed multiple cylinders, internal combustion engine, patent Xo. 157,985. 3. Horizontal directly opposed internal com- bustion engine with trunk piston, patent No. 218,954. 4. ("oncentric Cyl- inder, Vertical double Cylinder, Single Crank Internal Corr.bustion Engine, serial No. 761,539. Articles: Electric Design, Electricity, the Scranton School of Correspondence, 1897; Serial of 26 articles. Motor Vehicle Con- struction, Automobile Review, 1904-05. Member of Knights of Columbus, 1902 — ; Mgr. Committee of Chicago to manage affairs of the Conference Col- leges Athletic Ass'n, 1900 — Address, 301 Webster Ave., Chicago, 111. 979. FRANCIS MARION PHILLIPPI Born July 13, 1871, Bumside, 111. f. Alex Phillippi, 1833, Westmoreland Co., Pa. m. Mary Swartz, 1833, do. Asst. Actuary. Prepared in Carthage Coll. B. A Taught school, Bumside, 111., 1896-97; studied Law, Urbana, 111., 1897-1900; taught school. Rising Citv. Nebr., 1900-01; Asst. in Actuary's office. St. Louis, Chicago & Rock Island, 1902-05. Address, 613 Wilcox Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. 980. ROBERT KNIGHT PORTER Born 1874, in Urbana, 111 f. Jasper W. Porter. Capt. B. A. Address, Prescott, Ariz 981. MATHEW AARON REASONER Born Sept. 1, 1875, New London, la. f. John Rogers Reasoner, 1840. West Union, Ohio. m. Katherine Malone, 1842, Lafayette, Ind. Phvsician. Prepared in Tolono High School. Quartet; Glee Club. Nu Sigma Nu; Mgr. Mandolin and Guitar Club at P. & S.; ///t«t Staff, 1894-99. B. S.; M. D., 1899. Asst. Surgeon. Mex. Cent. R. R., 1899. House Surgeon and Instructor in Physiology, Med. Dept. In Army Med. School, Washington, D. C, 1905-06. Articles: Uterine Colic, Pelvic Infec- tions, Jour. III. State Med. Soc; Water Supply and Sewage Disposal, Mor- risonville Times; Jour. Am. Med. Ass'n. Member Christian Co., Med. Soc; Illinois State Med. Soc; American Med. Ass'n. Address, Army Med. School, Washington, D. C. 982. GEORGE EDWARD ROW Born Sept. 18, 1873. Centralia, 111. f. Samuel Row, Mar. 6, 1830. Greens- burg, Pa. m. Susan Brown, June 10, 1840, Nashville, Tenn. Engineer. Prepared in Centralia High School. B. S. Mechanical Engineer until 1897; inspector, 1897-98; Draftsman, 1898-1901; Chief Engi- neer, 1901—. Address, 607 S. 29th St., Omaha. Nebr. 983. JOHN CALVART SAMPLE Born Dec. 5, 1869, Lebanon, la. f. E. B. Sample, m. Angrline Frazee. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Keosauqua, la. B. C. E., 1895. Iowa State College. B. S.; M. Arch., 1897; C. E., 1905, Iowa State College. President of Hawkins Iron Construction Co. of New \'ork City. Married Elizabeth Thacher, June 7, 1905, New York City. Address, 74 Elm St., Flushing, New York. 192 University of Illinois [1896 984. HARRY J. SAUNDERS Born Dec. 23, 1871. Chicago, 111. f. Thos. B, Saunders, 1837, England, m. Mary C. Saunders, 1837, do. Physician. Prepared in Lake High School, Chicago. Class track team; baseball and team foot ball team. Illio board. B. S., 1896, Illinois; M. D., 1905, do. Chief Chemist Mutual Fuel Gas Co., Chicago, 1896-97; chemist and Asst. Supt. Northwestern Chemical Co., U. S. Yds., 1897-1901; Asst. to Surgeon John H. Woodbury Inst., 1901-04; Consulting Office Manager, Dr. Pratt Inst., 1904 — . Inventions: Condensor for Phosphorus fumes, 1898; Multiple Needle device in Electrolysis for removal of abnormal growths, 1902. Editor Health and Beauty Columns, Pop. Domestic Science Monthly. Pres. National Med. Electrotherapeutic Soc, 1904; Chicago Med. Soc, Electro Therapeutic Soc; Instructor of Chemistry, Nat. Med. College. Married Victoria Ward Saunders, 1900, Chicago. Address, 5430 Armour Ave., Chicago. 985 GEORGE HARVEY SCOTT Husband of No. 935 Born Mar. 2, 1873, Thomasboro, 111. f. Franklin Draper Scott, Sept. 8, 1843, Vermont, m. Ehzabeth Lukens, Aug. 9, 1852, Disko, Ind. Teacher of Math, and Astronomy. Prepared in Rantoul High School. Philomathean. Y. M. C. A. B. A. M. A., 1902, Harvard. Instr. in Mathematics, Mattoon High School, 1896-1900; Student, Harvard Grad. School, 1900-02; Prof. Math, and Astr., Yankton College, 1902 — . Mem- ber American Math. Soc, 1902; Carley M. E. Church, 1885-90; Rantoul M. E., 1890-96; Mattoon Presbvterian Church, 1896-1900; Cambridge Congr., 1900-02; Yankton Congr., 1902; Supt of Sunday school, 1903 — . Married Mary Maude Cole, ('96), Dec. 31, 1897, Rantoul 111. Children, William Arthur, born Nov. 23, 1898; Franklin Daniel, born July 4, 1901; Irving Cole, born June 7, 1904, (died Nov. 10, 1904); Mary Elizabeth, born Oct. 11, 1905. Address, 1200 Douglas Ave., Yankton, S. Dak. 986. JOHN CLARK SHEA Born Aug. 26, 1873, Decatur, 111. f. John G. Shea, July 1, 1842, Kerry Co., Ireland, m. Lusannah Clark, July 17, 1845, Buckhannan, W. Va. Sec, Treas. and Manager, Danville Brick Co. Prepared in Decatur High School. Students' Dancing Club; Orchestra. B.S Manager Paving Brick and Press Brick Plants, Quincy, 111., 1896-1902; Manager, The Danville Brick Co., Danville, 111., 1902—. Married Frances Meyer, Nov. 7, 1900, Quincy, 111. Address, 120 Logan Ave., Danville, 111. 987. ALEXANDER MARTIN SIMONS Born Apr. 17, 1875, Quincy. 111. f. J. S. Simons, Meintz, Germany, m. Maria KeKraft Miller, Quincy, 111. Asst. Prin. Quincy High School. Prepared in Quincv High School. Pres., Elec Eng. Soc. B. S. Draftsman, 1896; Bicycles, export trade, 1897; Civil Engr., C. B. & Q., 1st Class Machinist, U. S. Navy, 1898; 111. Naval Reserve Engineer, 1899-1900; Instr. Math, and Asst. Prin. High School, Qunicy, 111., 1900-06. Lieut. Commander and Executive officer. Naval Reserves, 1900 — . Member and Sec Western Soc. Associated Eng'rs, Quincy, 111. Address, 401 S. 12th St., Quincy, 111. 988. SHERMAN SMITH Born Dec. 22, 1869, Le Roy, 111. f. J. V. Smith, Oct. 27, 1837, Newark, Ohio. m. Sarah A. Marean, Mar. 12, 1847, Lewiston, Me. 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni 193 Rancher. Prepared in Le Roy High School. Sigma Chi. B. S. Archt. Draftsman till 1894. Farmer and stock raiser to date. Married Rose Shewingle, Jan. 15, 1902, Jollev, Iowa. Children, ]. V., born Nov. 6, 1902; John Sherman, born Oct. 4, 1904. Address, Howard, Kansas. 989. WILLIAM LA BARTHE STEELE Born May 2, 1875, Springfield, 111. f. Robert C. Steele, Chester Co., Pa. m. Mary E. LaBarthe, Springfield, 111. Architect. Prepared in Springfield High School. Architects' Club; Sigma Chi; Glee Club; Band. B. S. Scholarship in Music, 1895. Archi- tectural Draftsman to July 1, 1905, firm of Wilfred W. Beach and Wm. L. Steele, Architects. Married Mariam Green, Apr. 30, 1901. Children, Mariana, born June 10, 1903; Melissa, born' Nov. 6, 1905. Address, 2024 Douglas St., Sioux City, la. 990. PERCY ALLYN STONE Born on farm west of Springfield, 111., June 22, 1871. f. Jas. Ashal Stone, May 6, 1842, near Springfield, m. Eliza AUyn, July 7, 1844, near Waverly, Farmer. Prepared in Springfield High School. Y. M. C. A. Philo- mathean; Glee Club; Band; Hatchet Orator. B. S. With Chicago Electric Pretective Ass'n, 1896-97; returned to farm, and engaged in farming, stock- raising and fruit growing since. Enlisted in state militia, as member of regimental band, 1892. Presbyterian Church. Married ]ess\e A. Goltra, Sept. 2. 1903, Jacksonville, 111. Child. Roland Goltra, born Nov. 7, 1905. Address, Springfield, 111., R. R. No. 4. 991. OSCAR EMIL STREHLOW Bom Jan. 21, 1873. Areola, 111. f. Henry Strehlow July 26, 1842, Ger- many, m. Magdalena Baehr, July 22, 1853, Cleveland Ohio. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Champaign. B S. With U. S. Govern- ment, Overseer, Inspector and Asst. Engr., 1894-1904; Contracting Engr. and Supt. J. O. He>-vvorth, Railway Ex. Bldg., Chicago, 1904—. War Dept., U. S. A. as Draftsman, Overseer, Inspector and Asst. Engr., 1894-1904, excepting 1895-96. Inventor of Jack-knife Dump Vehicle. Associate member Amer. Soc. of Civil Engrs., 1901-04; Member of same 1904 — ; Chi- cago Engrs. Club; Nat'l Geog. Soc. Address, 1740 Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111. 992. DON SWENEY Born Feb. 1, 1872, Mason City, 111. f. John Miles Sweney, Nov. 21 1846, Gettysburg, Pa. m. Cecilia Townsend, Oct. 5, 1845, Goshen, N. J. Road Foreman of Engines. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Soc. of Mech. and Elec. Engrs. Track and Foot Ball Teams; Capt. of Fool Ball team, 1897. B. S. Fellowship in M E., 1897. Locomotive fireman, I. C. R. R., Cham- paign, 1896-97; Fellow in M. E., Illinois, 1897-98; Locomotive experiment- ing, 1898-99; draftsman, C. B. & Q., 1899; Asst. to Div Master Mechanic, C. B. & Q., Galesburg, 1899-1903; Asst. Road Foreman of Engines, Galesburg Div., 1^)03-05; R. F. Engines, Aurora Div., Apr. 1, 1905— Married Lena Josephine Dolder, Dec. 7, 1899. Address, 238 N. Y. St., Aurora, 111. 993. FRED LAWRENCE THOMPSON Born Feb. 1. 1872. Grandview, 111. f. Edward Tavlor, 1843, Zanesville. Ohio. m. Minna Jane McDonald 1852, Elbridge 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Prep, of Depauw Univ Phi Delta Theta. 194 University of Illinois [1896 C E. Society. Base Ball team, 1894-96. B. S. Civil Engineer, I. C; Rodman, 1896-99; Asst. Engr.. 1899-1903; Road Master, 1903—. Member Western Soc. of Engrs., 1902—. Married Maude Nellie Martin, Nov. 21, 1900, Terre Haute, Ind. Child, Donna Grace, born Aug. 5, 1903. Address, care of I. C. R. R., Louisville, Ky., 7th St. and River. 994 CHARLES EDWIN VAN ORSTRAND Born Feb. 8, 187€ near Pekin, 111 f. Charles Gergory Van Orst rand, Sept. 16, 1844, Whitehall, 111. m Mary Margaret Van Deusen, Sept. 14, 1849, Kinderhook, N. Y. Physical Geologist. Prepared in Pekin High School and Univ. Acad. B. S.; M. S., Mich., 1898. 1898-1900, Piece-work computer Nautical Almanac Office, Naval Observatory; 1900-01, Asst., do.; Asst. Physical Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey, 1901 — ■. Article, The Black Body and the Measure- ment of Extreme Temperatures, author (with Dr. A. L. Day), Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 19, 1904, pp. 1-40. Member American Mathematical Soc, 1903. Philosophical Soc. of Washington, 1903; American Physical Soc, 1904. Address, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. 995. CHARLES ROY VICKERY Born June 15, 1871, Dwight, 111. f. John Vickery, 1827, Eng. m. Mary Staley, 1832, New York State. Physician. Prepared in Dwight High School, Ohio Wesleyan Prep. School B., A. M. D., 1898, Hahnemann Med. College. Attended Univer- sities of Paris and Berhn, 1897-98; Univ. of Berlin, 1901-02. In Indiana Institute of Homoeopathy, 1902. Married Myrtle Martin, June 12, 1901, Dwight, 111. Address, Valparaiso, Ind. 996 THEODORE WEINSHANK Born Aug. 15, 1865, Russia, f. Benedick Weinshank, Russia, m. Liebe Mohilner, Russia. With Warren Webster Co. Prepared in "Gymnasium" in Russia. B. S. With B. F. Sturterant Co., 1896-1901; with the National Blower Co., Milwaukee, 1901-03; with Warren Webster Co., 1903 — . Married Sophia Weinshank, Mar. 10, 1885, at Mitchell, Dakota. Chil- dren, Annie, born Dec. 2, 1889; Willie, born Apr. 23, 1902; Harry, born Jan. 23, 1904 Address, 720 Newton Claypool Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 997. REBECCA GASKIN WHARTON Born Dec. 30, 1873, in Payson, 111. f. Henry Wharton. Instructor in Latin, 1904. B. A. Address, care of High School, Aurora, 111. 998. SOLON MARX WHITE Born July 16, 1873, Hokah, Minn. f. Solon C. White, 1838, Barnston, Canada, m. Anna C. Armstrong, 1844. Physician. Prepared in Sandwich High School. Nu Sigma Nu. B. S. M. D., 1897, Northwestern. Interne Cook Co. Hospital, Chicago, 1897-98 Demonstrator of Pathology and Bacteriology, Univ. of Minn., 189Sr-1900 Asst. Prof., do., 1900 — . Physician and Specialist in Internal Medicine Pathologist to City Hosp., Northwestern and St. Barnabas Hospitals Articles: 1. Tubercular Glomerulits, Trans. Chi. Path. Soc., 1898; 2. Path- ology of Typhoid Fever, Northwestern Lancet and Transact, of Minn. State Med. Soc, 1903; 3. A Case of Ulcerative Angina with the Fusiform Bacillus and Spirillum of Vincent in the Exudate; Northwestern Lancet, 1903. Sigma Xi, 1900; Librarian Hennepin Co. Med. Soc ; Minneapolis Med. Club; Pres. 1896] Baccalaureate Alumni 195 Minneapolis Pathological Soc, 1903-04; Minn. Academy of Med., 1902; American Association of Pathologists and Bateriologists, 1901-03; Minn. State Med. Soc. Married Sara Miner Abbott, July 25, 1900. Children. Asher Miner Ab- bott, born Aug. 1 1901; Anna Elizabeth, bom May 8, 1903. Address, 812 Pillsbury Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Residence, 627 12th Ave., S E 999. MYRON ELWIN WHITHAM Born in 1873, Warren, 111. f. John Whitham. m.Alzina Matson. Consulting Engineer. B. S. One and a half years in Philadelphia as Asst. Engr. to J. M. Whitham,.Consulting Engineer; five years in Chicago, as Engineer of Swift & Co. ; one year in New York as Engineer for Loomis-Petti- bone Co.; two years in Philadelphia as Salesman for R. D. Wood & Co.; Con- sulting Engineer for Belting & Machinery Mfg. Co., Altas Engine Works, Rochester, N. Y. Member Mason. Married Irma D. McCov. June, 1901, Chicago, 111. Child, Bernice Eloise, born May, 1902. Address, 301 State Street, Rochester, N. Y. 1000. ROBERT WILLIAMS Born Sept. 20, 1873, Carthage, 111. f. Wesley C. Williams, Aug. 12. 1833. m. Mary E. Moore. June 24, 1835, Wilmington, Del. Physician. Prepared in Carthage Coll. Acad. B. A.; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1900; Student and Physician. Member of Episcopal Church; American Med. Ass'n ; Minn. State Med. Soc; Freeborn County Med. Soc. Married Martha Golden Davidson, Oct., 1901, Carthage, 111. Child, David, born Oct. 20, 1904. Address, Alden, Minn. 1001. WILBER HOYT WRIGHT Born Dec. 4, 1874, in Watseka, 111., M. B. Wright m. Mrs. Helen Wright. Teacher. B. A. Teacher of Biology, McKinley High School, Chicago Address, 6428 Jackson Ave., Chicago, 111. CLASS OF 1897 (92) 1002. GEORGE FORBES ANDERSON Bom July 17, 1871, Anna, 111. f. James Anderson, Apr. 18, 1834, Dun- blane, Perthshire, Scotland, m. Marv Jane McNeill, Aug. 29, 1837, Hudson, N. Y. Railroad Engineer. Prepared in public school. Attended So. 111. Normal, Carbondale, 1886-90. Y. M. C. A.; Civil Eng'rs', Athletic, Military Clubs; Lamda Chi; Capt. Instructor in Mil. Science and Tac- tics, 1897. B. S. Draftsman, B. M. C. & I. Co., 1897; Rodman and Recorder, U. S. Deep Waterways Survev, 1897-99; Bridge Draftsman, I. C. R. R., 1899-1900; Engineer, S. F.' P. & P. Ry., 1902—. Member A. F. and A. M., Douglass Corps Cadets, three years; Presbyterian Church; Junior member Western Soc. of Eng'rs, 1898-1900. Married Bertha C. Hall, June 21, 1898, Urbana, 111 , (died Sept. 7 1902); second wife, Dec. 31, 1903, Prescott, Ariz. Address, 140 S. Summit St., Prescott, Ariz., care Chief Engr. S. F. P. & P. Ry. 1003. JAMES ELLIS ARMSTRONG Born 1874, in Illinois, f. James D. Armstrong. Teacner. B. A.; B. S., 1903. Teacher of Agriculture. Married Lydia Auten. Address, Lawrence, Kan. 196 University of Illinois [1897 1004. GEORGE ANDREW BARR Born May 25, 1873, Manhatten, 111. f. George Barr, 1830, near London- derry, Ireland, m. Jane McGrath, June 8, 1839, Ballykelly, Ireland. Lawyer. Prepared in Joliet High School and Univ. Acad. Philo- mathean; Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident; Alpha Delta Sigma; Assoc. Editor, ///nzz; Editor ///zo; Mgr. Base Ball team, 1897; Athletic Board, 1896-97; won Philo. declam. cont. B. A. Studied Law till Dec, 1899; practiced in Joliet. 1899 — . Married Mary W. Speer, Oct. 16, 1902. Children, James Worrell, born Mar. 9, 1904; Joseph Milton, born July 11, 1905. Address, 215 Sherman St., Joliet, 111. 1005. THOMAS BEADLE Born Jan. 18, 1874, in Kewanee, 111. f. J. G. Beadle. Architect, 1904 B. S. Address, Beatty, Nev. 1006. ALVIN CASEY BEAL Born Nov. 30, 1872, Mt. Vernon, 111. f. Lewis N. Beal, Apr. 28, 1844, AUentown, Pa. m. Sarah Melissa Casey, Apr. 14, 1847, Jefferson Co., Ill Instructor in Floriculture. Prepared in Mt. Vernon High School. Agr. Club; Military Club; Capt.; B. S.; M. S.. Agr., Cornell, 1903. Foreman Hort. Dept. 111. Exp't Sta., 1898-99; Student, Cornell, 1899-1900; Foreman Agr. Green houses, 1900-01 ; Asst. in Hort., Sept., 1901 ; Asst. in Floriculture Sept., 1902; Instructor in Floriculture, Sept., 1903 — . Articles: Forcing Toma- toes, Bui. 81, The Window Garden, Cir. 47; The Flower Garden, Cir. 46, 111. Expt. Sta. Horticulture in Southern Illinois, Third Report 111. State Farmers Inst. Life member 111. State Hort. Soc; Soc. of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists; American Carnation Soc; American Chrys- anthemum Soc; Chicago Florists Club; Illinois State Florists Assn. Married Ervilla Belle LeFevre, Dec. 31. 1899, Champaign, 111. Child, Elizabeth, born Aug. 5, 1903. Address, 514 Daniel St., Champaign, 111. 1007. CHARLES DAVID BEEBE Born Nov. 17, 1873, Chicago, 111. f. Jonathan Wilhs, Elmira, N. Y. m. Francis M. Burrough, Evanston, 111. Engineer and Electrician. Prepared in Evanston Twp. School. Phi Delta Theta. Track; Glee Club; Foot Ball. B. S. Draftsman; Construe, tion Supt.; Chief Engineer and Electrician to date. Address, N. Fort Worth, Texas, care of Swift & Co. 1008. EUGENE HERMAN BRANDT Born Oct. 24, 1867, in Irving, 111. f. John Brandt, m. Georgiana Thumb. Architect. Architects' Club. B. S. Architect, Appleton City, Mo.; Kansas City, Mo.; Leavenworth, Kans.; Lincoln, Neb.; New York City and Auburn, N. Y. Member Presb. Church; Modern Woodmen; A. O. U. W. Married ]essie Rowman Palmer, Aug. 3, 1905, Lincoln, Nebr. Address, 1621 Locust Street, Lincoln, Nebr. 1009. RALPH WALDO BRAUCHER Brother of Nos. 376, 377, 412, 627, 784 Born Feb. 10, 1871, Lincoln, Logan Co., 111. f. Daniel Ludwig Braucher, Mar. 1, 1833, Pickaway Co. m. Henrietta Curtis Hill, June 1, 1831, Orange, Grafton Co., N. H. Agriculturalist. Prepared in Lincoln High School. Philomatheari; Agricultural Club; Chemical Club; Natural History Soc. B. S. Asst. to 1897J Baccalaureate Allmxi 197 111. State Entomologist, as Hort. Inspector, 1897-1904, except, June to Octo- ber, 1898, Fruitgrower at Lincoln, 111.; Dec, 1900-Nov. 1, 1904. Asst. to F.- M. Webster, Chief Inspector, Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta., as horticultural inspector; Mar. to June, 1902; Instructor in Agr. in Cherokee Orphan Academy, Selina, Ind. Ter. ; special work in spraying, Dec, 1901, Lincoln Park Commissioners, Chicago, 111. Since Oct., 1904, proprietor Neoga Fruit Storage, Neoga, 111.; Aug. and Sept. 1904, also July and Aug., 1905, special work on pomology and power sprayers for 111. Exp. Sta. Winter, 1904-05, special spraying work for Lincoln Park Com. Life member 111. State Horticultural Soc ; 1901, Ohio State Hort. Soc; 1905, International Geographic Soc. Married Mabel Harriett Hankinson, Nov. 12. 1902, Chicago, 111. Address, Neoga. 111. *1010. RALPH PLUMB BROWER Born Feb. 12. 1874, Davton, 111. f. Irenens Brower, 1839, Montgomery" N. Y. m. Marv A. Sprague, 1848. Anders, N. Y. Prepared in' Ottawa, 111. B. S., 1897. lUinois. Pres. Adelphic; Bus. mgr., Technograph, 1897; Military Club. Won Hazelton prize. Capt. B. S. Civ'il Engineer of Champaign, 1897. June, 1898, appointed 2d Lieut., U. S. A., by Pres. McKinley. Made First Lieut.. Feb. 2, 1901. Member of First Congr. Church, Champaign, 111. Died Aug. 7, 1902, Lake Tahoe, Calif. 1011. WALTER BURROWS BROWN Bom Apr. 23, 1874, Grand Detour. 111. f. John S. Brown. 1842, Stoning- ton. Conn. m. Cornelia E. Turner, 1845, Grand Detour, 111. Gen. Supt., Victor Chemical Works, Chicago. Prepared in Sterling High School. B. S.; M. S., 1905. Asst. Chemist, 1897-99, Buffalo, N. Y.; Asst. Chemist. C. & N. W. Ry.. 1899-1900. Chicago; Chief Chemist. Morris & Co., 1900-03. Chicago; General Supt. Victor Chem. Works. Chicago, 1903 — . Member Amer. Chem. Soc. 1900; Soc. Chemical Industry. 1900. Married Antoinette Mae Farren (Oberlin, '01), Jan.' 23, 1906. at Paris, France. Address, 89 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1012. LUELLA EUGENIA BUCK (LINN) Born Oct. 28, 1875, Coldbrook, N. Y. f. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethanai. Y W.C. A. B. S. Married Homer R. Linn. Child, Dorothy R. Address, 6501 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. 1013. FRANK READ CAPRON Born Nov. 22, 1872, Bently, 111. f. Geo. W. Capron, Julv 2. 1843, Bently. 111. m. Ellen Bickford, May 20, 1846. Quincy. 111. Architect. Prepared in Carthage High School, 111. B. S. Architect, Sandwich, 111., 1898; Draftsman, Carthage, 111., 1899; U. S. railwav mail service, 1899-1905; Architect, Wichita, Kans., 1905 — . Address, 1659 Park Place, Wichita, Kans. 1014. HUBERT VINTON CARPENTER Husband of No. 1270 Born Jan. 29, 1875, Argo, 111. f. Charles H. Carpenter, 1827, Warren Co., N. Y. m. M. Elizabeth Burge. 1839. do. Prof, of Mech. and elec Eng'g. Prepared in Northern 111. College, Fulton, 111. Y. M. C. A. Tau Beta Pi; M. E. and E. E. Soc. Baseball team, 1896- 97. B. S. Asst. in Phvsics, Illinois, 1897-99; Instructor. 1899-1901; Asst. Pro. of Physics and Elec. Engr.. Wash. Agr. College, 1901-02; Prof, of Mech. and Elec. Engr., do., 1902 — . Articles: A Study of the Condenser. Physical Review, Nov.. ^96. Vol. 4. pp. 238-242. A Mathod of Measuring Frequency. Electrical World, Aug., '99; A Method of Comparing Seltinductances. Physical 198 University of Illinois [1897 Review, Jan., 1900, Vol. 10, pp. 52 Member M. E. Church. Associate in Amer. Inst, of Elec. Engineers. Married Maggie Edith Staley ('99), June 19, 1899, Urbana, 111. Children, Charles Benjamin, born Oct. 27. 1900; Florence, born July 21, 1903. Address, Pullman, Wash. 1015. MANLEY EARLE CHESTER Brother of No. 727 Born Jan. 29, 1876, Champaign, 111. f. EHas Oscar Chester, 1829, Ohio, m. Francis Virginia Skinner. 1844, N. Y. State. Telephone Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Mech. and Elec. Eng'rs' Soc. Phi Delta Theta. B. S. Western Electric Co.. Engineering Dept., in charge of the inspection of telephone line material purchased for the Bell Telephone Cos. in U. S. Associate member. Member Telephone Soc. of N. Y. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1902. Address, 463 West St., New York, N. Y. 1016. OCTAVE BESANCON CLARKE Brother of Nos. 633, 634, 934 Born Jan. 17, 1878, Quincy, 111. f. Edwin Ambler Clarke, June 8, 1839, Oswego, N. Y. m. Leoline Besancon, June 13, 1839, Natchez, Miss. Engineer. Hill-O'Meara Construction Co. Prepared in Quincy High School. Adelphic. B. S. Mech. Engr., American Mfg. Co., N. Y., 1897- 1900; Arch, draftman, 1901; Asst. Resident Engr., Union Electric Light and Power Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1902-03; Supt. of Construction Mech. Dept., Louis- iana Pur. Exp. Co., 1904; Supt. for Mauran, Russell & Garden, Architects, 1905. U. S. Letters Patent No. 734,222, July 21, 1903, for Dam Con- struction. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass., 1901. Address, 4867 Fountain Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1017. CHARLES VIRGIL CRELLIN Born Apr. 21, 1870, Winfield, la. f. E. M. Crellin. Ohio. m. S.J.Sim- mons, Ohio. Electrician. Prepared in Iowa Wesleyan Univ. Philomathean; Eng- lish Club. B. S. Electrician, Des Moines Electric Light Co., Des Moines, Iowa, 1897-1901. Married Marcia Tompkins Stanley, Nov. 2, 1902, San Francisco, Calif. Address, 509 E. 32nd St., Los Angeles, Calif. 1018. JAMES ANSEL DEWEY Brother of Nos. 531, 1019 Born July 2, 1874, Ottawa, 111. f. Milton Alvord Dewey, Oct. 26, 1830, Lenox, Mass. m. Rebecca Janet Brown, Aug. 4, 1836, Carthage, N. Y. Farmer. Prepared in Evanston Twp. High School. Philomathean. B. S.; M. S., 1898; B. S., in Agr., 1904. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. Research work in Bacteriology, 1898-1901; teacher of Physical Science in Eastern Illinois State Normal School, 1901-02 ; farmign, 1904—. Married Elhe A. Smith, June 12, 1900. Address, Armstrong, 111., R. F. D. No. 1. 1019. SARAH LOUISE DEWEY Sister of Nos. 531, 1018 Born Mar. 30, 1871, Ottawa, 111. f. Milton Alvord Dewey, Oct. 26, 1830, Lenox, Mass. m. Rebecca Janet Brown, Aug. 4, 1836, Carthage, N. Y. Prepared in Urbana High School. Y. W. C. A. B S.; M. S., 1899. Fellow in Physiology, 1898-99. Asst. in State Lab. Nat. History, 1898. and Water Survey Lab., 1899; Bacteriologist for Danville Water Co., 1904; Housekeeper, 1904 — . Address, 701 West Green St., Urbana, 111. 1897] Baccalaureate Alumxi 199 1020. RAYMOND WILLIAM DULL Born Apr. 29. 1874. Newark, Ohio. £. Uriah Dull, Newark, O. m. Orlinda Ramey, Pataskala. Ohio. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Kans. State Agr. College. Philomathean. Member Band and Asst. Director. Inspector, 1897-98; Asst. Supt. Mech. Draftsman, 1898-Q9; Mechanical Draftsman, Chief Draftsman and Estima- tor, 1899-1905; Chief Engineer, 1905—. Articles: Formulas and Tables for Bin Designing, Engr. News, 1904, pp. 62-66; Suspended Bunkers, Power, 1Q04. p. 651. Married Edna M. Pope, Jan. 15, 1901, Duquoin, 111. Children, Raymond Lawrence, born Jan. 17, 1902; Florence, born Nov. 10, 1904. Address, Aurora, 111. 1021. ELMER EDGAR DUNLAP Born May 6, 1874, Columbus. Ind. f. Jerastus R. Dunlap, 1851, Bar- tholomew. Co. Ind. m. Ella Evans, 1853, Zanesville, Ohio. Architect. Prepared in Columbus High School. Phi Delta Theta. B. S. Supt. of Construction, 1897-1900; Practicing Architect, 1900 — . Bap- tist Church. Married Mida G. Elliott, June 15, 1898, Noblesville, Ind., (died March, 1Q02). Address, Columbus, Ind. 1022. ERNEST BROWNING FORBES Brother of Nos. 941, 1860; Husband of No. 1367 Born Nov. 3, 1876, Normal, 111. f. Stephen Alfred Forbes. May 29, 1844, Pecatonica. 111. m. Clara Shaw Gaston, Aug. 30, 1848, Hamilton, Ohio. Asst. Prof, of Animal Husbandry, Univ. of Missouri. Prepared in L^r- bana High School and Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta; Biological Theorv, Zoologv. Agr. Clubs; Shield and Trident. Illio Board; Illini Staff. B. S . ; B. S., Agr., 1902. Editor Illinois Agricnhiralist, 1902. 1897-98, Asst. to State Entomologist of Minn., 1897-98; Asst., 111. St. Lab. Nat. Hist.. 1898- 99; Acting State Entomologist of Minn, 1900; Asst. 111. Expt. Sta., 1901-02; Instructor, Illinois. 1902-03; Asst. Prof. Animal Husb., Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, 1Q03 — . Pamphlets: Contr. to Knowledge of Am. Freshwater Cyclopid.T, Bui. 111. Sta. Lab. Hist., 1897; Grain Rations for Dry Lot Hog Feeding, Bui. 65, Missouri Expt. St., 1905; Supplements to Corn for Feed- ing Hogs. Bull. 67. Mo. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1906. Married Lvdia Maria Mather ("00), Aug. IS, 1903. Child. Lvdia Frances, bom Dec. 7, l'904. Address, 819 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. 1023. JOHN FREDERICK GARBER Born Sept. 30, 1868, Winfield, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. f. Daniel Garber, Mar. 3, 1823, Strasburg, Ohio. m. Savilla Snyder, Sept. 24, 1838. Instructor in Botanv. Prepared in Flora High School. A. B. 1893, Westfield; B. A. Instructor Biology, Houston Tex.. H. S., 1897-1900; Student Graduate School, Univ. of Chicago, 1900-03; Professor of Biology and Physiology. State Normal School, River Falls. Wis., 1903-05; Instr. in Botany, Yeatman High School, St. Louis, 1905 — . Articles: The Life-His- tory of Ricciocarpus Natans, Botanical Gazette, Feb., 1904, pp. 20; Dimor- phism in Blissus leucc:)pterus. Biological Bulletin, Apr., 1904. Member of St. Louis Biological Soc. and St. Louis Botanical Club. Married Minnie Emily Brown, Sept 7, 1897, Brighton, 111. Address, St. Louis, Mo., care of Yeatman High School. 200 Universitv OF Illinois [1897 1024. BERT A. GAYMAX Brother of Nos. 499, 1674 Born May 14, 1877, Champaign, 111. f. George Gayman, Ohio.: m. Louisa Stoltey, Germany. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. S. The Link Belt Machinery Co., 1897—. Married Alice May C'onlong, July 2, 1903, Chicago, 111. Address, 5425 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. 1025. ORVAL LEE GEARHART Bom Oct. 31, 1870, Farmer City, 111. f. Silas Thomas Gearhart, May 15, 1838, Miami Co., Ohio. m. Lydia Ann Laj'man, Oct. 25, 1844, Rochester, Ohio. Engineer. Prepared in Farmer City High School. Architectural Club. B. S., 1897.- Masonry Inspector, Univ. of Illinois, 1897; Asst. City Engr., Champaign, 111., 1898-1905; Chief Asst. in Blue Printing and Photography, Illinois, 1905 — . Articles: Concrete Foundations and Cement Filler for Brick Pavements, 19th Report 111. Soc. of Engrs. and Surveyors, pp. 111- 115, (also. Engineering News, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 113-114); Concrete Founda- tion and Cement Filler for Brick Pavements, Engineering Record, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 189-191. Member of M. E. Church. 1886. 111. Soc. of Engs. and Surveyors, 1903. Chairman of Com. on Roads and Pavements, 111. Soc. of Engrs' and Surveyors, 1904, Champaign, 111. Lodge No. 398, B. P. O. E. Champaign Commandery, K. T., No. 89. Married Nellie May.'Dec. 19, 1905, at Champaign, 111. Address. Champaign. 111. 1026. GEORGE LYMAN GRIMES Bom Dec. 5, 1875. Mansfield. Ohio. f. Charles Loomis Grimes, m. Mary A. Miller. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Moline High School. Philomathean. B. S. Machinist in charge of shops. State Univ. of Iowa. 1897-98; Instructor Eng. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1898-1901; Eng. Dept.. Western Tube Co., in charge of design, manufacture and repair of patterns, 1901-96; Salesman for Detroit Stoker and Foundry Co.. 1906 — . Junior member Amer. Soc. of Mech. Eng'rs, 1900—. Address, Detroit Stoker & Foundry Co., Detroit. Mich. 1027. CLYDE DENNY GULICK Brother of Nos. 687. 688 Bom Nov. 27. 1876. Champaign. 111. f. Jesse R. GuHck. Dec. 4. 1840, W. Va. m. Louisa L. Everett, Dec. 8, 1848, Ky. Medicine. Prepared in Champaign High School. Philomathean. B. S.; M. D., 1902. Taught school and farmed, 1898-99; studied Medicine, 1899-1902; Asst. Physician, New Mil. Sanitarium, Wanwatoosa, Wis., 1902; practice of Medicne, 1902 — . Member Amer. Acad, of Med. Sec. and Treas., Champaign Co., Med. Soc, 1905. Married Grace J. Alword, June, 1903, Canton, 111. Address, 108 S. Race St., Urbana, 111. 1028. HARRY HUGH HADSALL Born July 9, 1875, Wilmington, 111. f. A. S. Hadsall. Jeflferson Co., New York. m. Kittie Townsend, Oshkosh, Wis. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Wilmington High School. C. E. Soc; Kappa Sigma; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Shield and Trident; base Ball and Foot Ball teams; Mgr. Fool Ball team, 1896; Pres Students' Danicng Club. B. S. 111. Cent. R. R. draftsman, 1897-99; Bridge Shop Inspector, 1899-1900; Chief Masonry Insp., 1900-03; Resident Engineer Cairo Bridge, 1903-04; 1897] Baccalaureate Alumni 201 Resident Engr. Tenn. R. Bridge, 1904-05; Asst. Engr. of Bridges, 1905—. Member Western Soc. of Eng'rs. Married Jean Stewart, July 1, 1903, Wilmington, 111. Address, 6406 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. 1029. OLIVER DAVID HAVARD Born at Homer, 111. f. W. R. Havard, 1830. Wales, m. Rachel Jones, 1829, Wales. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Homer High School. Philomathean. Y. M. C. A. B. S. Address, 495 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1030. ALBERT CLAUDE HOBART Born Elgin, 111., Apr. 9, 1875. f. Alonzo Chapin Hobart, 1843, Abing- ton, Mass. m. Ellen Maria Groce, 1848, Scituate, Mass. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Elgin High School. B. S., 1897, Illinois; C. E., 1898, do. Sheild and Trident; Phi Gamma Delta; Engineers' Club; Military Club; Adelphic. Editor Tcchnograpli. B. S. Fellowship in C. E., 1898. Chief Engineer, Paxton and Vierling Iron Works, Omaha, Nebr., 1898- 1900; Engr. Bureau Yards and Docks, Navy Dept,, Washington, D, C, 1900-01 ; Engr. of construction for Augustus Smith, New York City, 1901 — . Vice Pres. Discharging Apparatus Mfg. Co., 1905 — . Address, 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1031. CARL JOHN HORN Born June 13. 1872, Naperville, 111. f. John Horn, 1824, Bad Nanheim, Germany, m. Bertha Agnes Metzner, 1838, Ernstall, Germany. Architect. Prepared in Northwestern College and Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega. B. S. Worked as draughtsman until Dec, 1902; Architect, 1902 — . Vice-pres. of M. H. Shaw Co., Chicago; member Country Club, Logansport; A. F. & A. M.; B. P. O. Elks. Married Ruth Murray. Sept. 6. 1899, Naper\'ille, 111. Child, Margaret Murray, born May 1. 1903. Address. Stettiner Block, Logansport. Ind. 1032. CHARLES HOWISON Born Feb. 22. 1872. near Sandwich. 111. f. James Howson, 1814. Smail- holm, Scotland, m. Mary Jane Kirkpatrick. 1840, Pa. Architect. Prepared in Sandwich High School. B. S. Married Sara Bessie Warner, Oct. 25, 1898, Sandwich, III. Child, Charlotte Warner, Mar. 9, 1900. Address, Sandwich, 111. 1033. FRANK ALEXIS HUGHES Born Apr. 13, 1874, Mascoutah, 111. f. Robert Hughes, Okawville. 111., June 25, 1843. m. Alwina Mary Eisenmayer, Nov. 11, 1852, Venedy, 111. Engineer. Prepared in Okawville, 111. Adelphic. B. S. Constructing Engineer for the Monterey Plant of the American Smelting and Refining Co. Address, Monterrey, Mexico. Apartado. Postal No. 101. 1034. MEL DORA ICE Sister of No. 1053 Bom Mar. 12. 1872. Rantoul. Ill f. James Kidwell Ice. Mannington, W. Va. m. Nancy Jane Butcher. Margantown. W. Va. Architect. Prepared in GifTord. 111. Y. W. C. A. Architects' Club. B. S. Architect and Architectural draftsman; draftsman in the office of John K. Dou. Empire State Bldg.. Spokane, Wash. Address, Hotel Palmerston, Spokane, Wash. 202 University of Illinois [1897 1035. GEORGE J. JOBST Born in Peoria, 111. f Valentine Jobst, Fulda, Germany, m. Susanna Schneider, Coblenz, Germany. Contractor. Prepared in Peoria High School. Delta Tau Delta. Treas- urer Athletic Ass'n, 1895-96. B. S. General Contracting, V. Jobst & Sons. Married Laura E. Nelson, Apr. 11, 1900, Champaign, 111. Address, Peoria, 111. 10.36. SHIRLEY KENDRIC KERNS Born Oct. 16, 1872, in Illiopolis, 111. f. A. K. Kerns, m. Marv Seeds. School Master. B. A.; B. A., 1898, Harvard. Schoolmaster, The Countrv School for Boys, Baltimore, Md., Master in English, 1898-1900; Acting Head Master, Sept. to Jan., 1899-1900, 1900-01 ; Middlesex School, Concord, Mass., Senior Master, 1901-03; Asst. Head Master, 1903-04; Noble & Greenough Classical School, Boston, Instructor in English, 1904-06. Married Jeanie Noyes Richardson, Dec. 26, 1905, Concord, Mass. Address, Belmont, Mass. 1037. WILLIAM HENRY KILER Brother of Nos. 695, 955 Born June 1, 1875, Urbana, 111. f. William Albert Kiler, 1839, Dayton, Ohio. m. Charlotte Mittendorf, 1845, Wurfenboertal, Germany. Lawyer. Prepared in Urbana High School. Adelphic. Sigma Chi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Foot Ball team, 1894-96; Debating team, 1896; Prize orator, 1896; Motto Orator, 1897. B. A. Prin. Public School, Dixon, 111., 1897; Instructor in Hist, and English, Culver Mil. Academy, 1898; Univ. of 111. Law School, 1899-1900; Atty. at Law, Lexington, Ky., 1900-03; Atty. at Law, Los Angeles, Calif., 1903-05. Contributor to the Encyclopedia of Evidence, 1903-05; Contradiction of Witnesses, pp. 530-536, Vol. 3; Criminal Conversation, 782-800, Vol. 3; Cross Examination, 807-913, Vol. 3; Dower, 865-888, Vol. 4; Forcible Entry and Detainer, 775-804, Vol. 5. Address, 311 S. Hancock St., Los Angeles, Calif. 1038. WESLEY EDWARD KING Born May 4, 1876, Kinmundy, 111. f. William Lovejoy King, Apr. 28, 1838, Georgetown, Ohio. m. Sarah Harriet Forshee, Nov. 10, 1848, Spring- field, Ind. Lawyer. Prepared in Kinmundy High School and Univ. Acad. Adel- phic; Alpha Tau Omega. First Prize, Adelphic Declam. Cont. B. A.^ LL. B., 1902. Asst. Editor, 1898; Officer U. S. Volunteer Army, 1898-99; Law Student, 1899-1902; Attornev at Law, 1902—. Second Lieutenant Co. M, May 26, 1898-May 30, 1899, Sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Service in United States and Cuba. Member M. E Church, 1892-1902; First Pres- byterian Church, 1902 — ; Masonic and Odd Fellows Lodges. Married Wilhelmina Marie Groweg, Sept. 11, 1902, Defiance, Ohio. Address, 17 Davidson Place, Champaign, 111. Office, 13 Main St., Cham- paign. 1039. HAROLD H. KIRKPATRICK Born June 6, 1876, Mayview, 111. f. Austin Kirkpatrick, Oct. 28, 1834, Ohio. m. Sarah Dilling, May 14, 1849, Ind. Principal of High School. Prepared in St. Joseph, 111. B. A. Prin. of Penfield High School, 1897-1902; Deland High School, 1902-04; Illiopolis High School, 1904—. Methodist Church, 1892. Married Hannetta May , Aug. 15, 1900, Chicago, Child, Vivian Maurine, born June 10, 1901. Address, Illiopolis, 111 1897] Baccalaureate Alumni 203 1040. THEODORE CHARLES KISTNER Born Sept. 19, 1874, Carlinville, 111. f. John Kistner. Mar. 22, 1854, Germany, m. Fredericka Heinz, Aug. 9, 1856, Carlinville, 111. Architect. Prepared in Carlinville High School and Blackburn Univ. B. S. Practicing Architecture at Granite City, 111., since Feb., 1900. Address, Granite City, 111. 1041. THEODORE JULIUS KLOSSOWSKI Bom June 21, 1874, Chemnitz, Zaxony, Germany, f. Frederick William Klossowski, July 26, 1840, EUing, Germany, m. Margaret Franck, Aug. 13, 1838, Heinigenhafen, Germany. Architect. Prepared in Dixon High School. Transitman, topographer and draftsman, Govt. Survey; Structural draftsman, topographical drafts- man, chief draftsman, steel, inspector, structural detail designer and checker; Engineer in Charge R. R. topographer; Architectural designer. Member Western Soc. of Eng'rs, 1899; American Soc. Civ. Engrs., 1904. Address, 1273 Leavensworth St., San Francisco, Calif. 1042. LAURA KRATZ Born Oct. 14, 1875, in Monticello. 111. f. W. H. Kratz. m. Alice J. Piatt. Artist. Alethenai. A. B. Studied sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago under Mr. Taft, four years. Address, Monticello, 111. 1043. CARL OSKAR KUEHNE Born Aug. 16, 1874, Germany, f. Karl Oscar Kuehne. m. AnnaDoerfel. Architect. Prepared in Germany and Chicago Public Schools. B. S. Member Order of Columbian Knights; A. F. & A. M. Married Amelia Centner, Julv 12, 1899, Champaign, 111. Children, Carl W., born Apr. 5, 1900; Gertrude, born July 21, 1903. Address, 197 Bissell St., Chicago, 111. Office 171 Center St. 1044. MARTHA JACKSON KYLE Born Dec. 5, 1862, Cedarville, Ohio. f. Thomas B. Kyle, Jan. 8, 1824, Cedarville, Ohio. m. Margaret Jane Henderson, May 30, 1829, Allegheny, Pa. Instructor. Prepared in Urbana High School. English Club. Illio Board. A. B.; M. A., 1898. Teaching; Instructor in Rhetoric, Illinois, 1898 — . Ass't Dean of Undergraduates, Illinois, 1905 — . Chairman Advisory Committee of Y. W. C. A., Illinois, 1904 — . Address, 502 Goodwin Ave., Urbana, 111. 1045. MARGARET HENRIETTE JOHANNE LAMPE Born Aug. 1, 1865, Woodford, England, f. Johannes Louis Lampe, Apr. 28, 1831, Bremen North Germany, m. Elizabeth Johanne Rovekamp, Bremen, North Germany, Mar. 23, 1837. Teacher. Prepared in Bloomington High School, and State Normal Univ. A. B.; A. M., 1900. Prin. of H. S. at Rochelle, 111., 1900-03 ; Prin. of H. S., Dwight, 111., 1903-04; Prin. of H. S., Pittsfield, 111.. 1905—:. Author: Latin Drill Book, 1904-05; Public School Pub. Co., Bloomington, 111., 78 pp. German Drill Book. 1904, Public School Pub. Co., Bloomington., 111., 76 pp. Address, Bloomington, 111., R. F. D. No. 1. *1046. CHARLES SIGURD LARSON Born Dec. 20, 1874, Chicago, 111. f. Ole Larson, Aug. 12, 1841, Songdal, Norway, m. Anna Olson. Sept. 22, 1846, Songdal, Norway. Prepared in English High School and Manual Training School, Chicago, 111. B. S. Mech. and Elect. Eng'g Soc. Died Feb. 4, 1899, at Chicago, 111., 271 W. Ohio St. 204 University of Illixois [189 7 1047. CHARLES WILBUR LEIGH Born Dec. 4, 1874, La Prairie Center, 111. f. Amos F. Leigh, Aug. 25, 1828. m. Caroline B. Choate, Indiana. Teacher. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Phi Gamma Delta; Hatchet orator; Capt. B. S. Three years in charge of Dept. of Math, in Fort Worth Univ.; Armour Inst, of Tech., four years as Instructor and one year as Asst. Prof, of Mathematics. Author: Arithmetic for American School of Correspondence, 150 pp. Trigonometry of 100 pp , do.; Solid Geometry, 80 pp., do. Married Theresa Violet Faulkner, Jan. 1, 1903. Address, Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, 111. 1048. BELLE LORRAINE McFADDEN Born Jan. 31, 1877, Champaign, 111. f. Samuel McFadden, B. Co., Antrim, Portglenone, Ireland, m. Sarah Ann Lillibridge, B. Wilmington, Delaware. High School Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. Teacher in High School at Greenview, 111., 1897-99; Shawneetown, 1899- 1901 ; Gibson Citv 1901-02; Urbana, 1903-05. Presbyterian Church, Cham- paign, 1889. Address, 301 S. Neil St., Champaign. 111. 1049. ARTHUR RICHARD MANN Born Aug. 13, 1872, Gilman, 111. f. William H. Mann, 1827, Kentucky. m. Elizabeth Dabney Abraham, Va., 1829. Draftsman. Prepared in Gilman High School and Butler Univ. Prep. Dept., Indianapolis. Y. M. C. A.; Univ. Band. B. S. Draftsman, 111. Steel Co., Chicago, 1897-98; Pullman Co., Asst. Engineer, 1898-1901; Swift & Co., one vear; Draftsman, The Link-Belt Machinery Co., 1902 — . Member First Regt.'inf. 111. N. G., 1905. Married Jennie M. Havard, Dec. 12, 1898. Child, Havard William, born Oct. 28, 1900. Address, 639 E. 72d Place, Chicago, 111. 1050. FRED HUGH MANNY Born Dec. 20. 1874, in Mound Station, m. Mrs. M. J. Manny. Real Estate and Loans, 1904. B. S. Address, Mt. Sterling, 111. 1051. LOREN WILLIAM MARSH Born Aug. 6, 1877, Joliet. 111. f. Frances Egbert Marsh. June 27, 1849, Joliet, 111. m. Kate Richmond, Cheshire, Mass. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Joliet High School. Adelphic. M. E. and E. E. Socs. B. S. Western Elec. Co., Chicago, 1897; American Luxfer Prism Co., 1897 — . Invented Flicker Photometer, for measuring intensity of sky illumination. MarrxV(i Jennie Sandiford, Jan. 1, 1901. Address. 15 Orchard Terrace, Arlington, Mass. 1052. NORMAN FOOTE MARSH Born July 16, 1871, Upper Alton, 111. f. Ebenezer Marsh. Sept. 9, 1834, Alton, 111. m. Kate Provost Foote. July 29. 1837. Architect. Prepared in Upper Alton High School, and Shurtleff College. Philomdthean; Bus. Mgr. Glee Club; Y. M. C. A. Leader Illinois team in Chicago-Illinois debate, March, 1896. B. S. Luxfer Prism Co., Sept., 1897- 98; Chicago Edison Co., 1898-99; Architectural Draftsman with J. E. O. Primore and Jno. J. Flanders, 1899-1900; Architect, Marsh & Russell. 1897] Baccalal'reate Alumni 205 1900 — , designers of the city of Venice, Calif. Member Baptist Church, 2)2° Mason; Modern Woodmen Amer. Married Cora Mae Cairns, Jan. 23, 1901, Polo, 111. Child, Xorman Le Roy, born May 24, 1902. Address, 512 Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. 1053. MARINDA ICE MIDDLETON Sister of No. 1034 Born June 7, 1876, GiflFord, 111. f. James Kidwell Ice. Apr. 8, 1844, Mannington, W. Va. m. Nancy Jane Butcher, Julv 11, 1846, West Warren, W. Va. Prepared in Gifford, 111. Alethenai. Y. W. C. A. Class Prophet. B. L. Member Nat'l Genealogical Soc, Washington, D. C; Decatur Kindergarten Club; Univ. Place Christian Church. Married Earl Middleton, Mav 2, 1897, Gifford, 111. Children Errol Bathurst, bom Jan. 28, 1898; Virgil Wayne, born Dec. 12, 1900; Dent, bom May 12, 1905. Address, 1439 N. Main'St., Decatur, 111. 1054. ADAM VAUSE MILLAR Born Sept. IS, 1873, Mattoon, 111. f. Adam Millar, 1837, Va. m. Fannie Bo^ven Kno\vles, 1842, Ohio. Instructor. Prepared in Uniy. Acad. Y. M. C. A. Adelphic. B.S.; M. S.. 1901. Gen. Sec. College Y. M. C. A., Univ. of 111., 1897-98; Inst, in Math., Champaign H. S., 1898-1900; Graduate work, 1900-01; Instr. in Gen. Engr. Drawing, Illinois, 1901-02; Instructor in Mech. Dr'g and Des. Geom., Wis- consin, 1902. — Congregational Church. Y. M. C. A. Soc. for the Pro- motion of Engr. Education, 1904. Married Maud Talbot Treakle, Aug. 12, 1903, Cortland. 111. Child, Harriet Louise, Jan. 4, 1905. Address, 222 Charter St., Madison, Wis. 105 5. WALTER MONTGOMERY MORGAN Born Aug. 17, 1876, Kinmundy, 111. f. John B. Morgan, Russelville, Ala. m. Martha Doolen, Fayette Co., 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Kinmundy High School. Adelphic. B. A. Supt. Kinmundy High School, 1897-99'. In Law School, 1899-1902; taught rural school, Kansas, 1902-03; admitted to bar, 1903; Practicing law in Denver, 1904 — . Elected Town Attorney of Englewood, Apr., 1905. Married Helen Rohrbough, Sept. 25, 1902, Kinmundy, 111. Address 21-22 Bank Block, Denver, Colo. 1056. GRACE MAY MUNHALL (MORSE) Born June 15, 1874, Champaign, 111. f. Wm. Henry Munhall, Harris- burg, Pa. m. Margaret W. Hulbert, New York. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai. Y. W. C. A. B. L. Married Samuel Theodore Morese, Julv 5, 1897, Champaign, 111. Chil- dren, AHce May, born Mar. 29, 1898; Frederick Samuel, bom Feb. 17, 1900; Marion Grace, born July 25, 1901; David Theodore, born Oct. 15. 1902; Edith Estelle, born Dec.'l6, 1904; Ruth, born Feb. 14, 1906. Address, Carlinville. 111. 1057. FRANCIS JOSEPH MURPHY Born Sept. 23, 1874, Rock Island, 111. f. Francis P. Murphy, 1849, Ireland, m. Marie Campbell, 1851, Rock Island, 111. Prepared in Augustana College. B. S. Supt. of Copper Smelter for Transvaal Copper Mining Co. Chemist for Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 1897-98; Chemist, Black Warrior Copper Co., Globe, Ariz., 1899-1900; 206 University of Illinois [1897 Metallurgist with the United Verde Copper Co., Jerome, Ariz., 1903-04; Metallurgist with Northport Smelting & Refining Co., Northport, Wash., 1901-02; Supt. of Copper Smelting for Transvaal Copper Mining Co., Cinnpas, Sonora, Mexico. Address, Cinnpas, Sonora, Mexico. 1058. FRED IRWIN NELSON Born Jan. 28, 1876, in Buda, 111. f G. T Nelson. Mgr. Keystone Novelty Wks., 1904. B. S. Address, 2600 Indiana Ave.; Bus. 170 E. Madison St., Chicago, 111. 1059. CARL MERRIMAN NYE Born Mar. 8, 1874, in Moline, 111. f. Robinson Nye. Asst. Engineer, C. R. I. & P. Ry.. B S. Address, Moline, 111. 1060. JOHN LOUIS PARR Born Jan. 15, 1870, Wyoming, Wis. f. John Henry Parr, June 12, 1838, Boston, Mass. m. Martha Ann Taggart, Jan. 9, 1839, Rochester N. Y. Architect. Prepared in Dodgeville High School, Wis. Y. M. C. A. Architects' Club. Valedictorian. Asst. Bus. Mgr. Technograph. B. S. Practiced Architecture continuously, 1897 — . Deacon in Plymouth Cong. Church, 1898-1903; Deacon in Union Congr. Church, 1904—. President of Plymouth Christian Endeavor, 1898-99; member of Plymouth Church Choir, 1898-1902; Peoria Chorus, 1897-99; Bradley Chorus, 1899-00. Married Soophie M. Peterson, Sept. 20, 1899, Champaign, 111. Children, Harold Leslie, born Jan. 6, 1901: Marie Christine, born Feb. 19, 1905. Address, 117 Behrends Ave., Peoria, 111. 1061. ARTHUR ERNEST PAUL Born Sept. 29, 1874, Germania, Patter Co., Pa. f. Otto Ludwig Paul, Berlin, Ger. m. Friederike Von Stojenthin, Hamburg, Germany. Chemist. Prepared in Germania High School and Chicago Coll. of Pharmacy. Ph. G., 1892, Chicago Coll. of Pharmacy; B. S., Illinois, 1897; M. S., 1898. Y. M. C. A. Fellowship in Chemistry, 1897-98. Student, Univ. of Chicago, 1898-99; Chemist, with Mariner & Hoskins, Chicago, 1899-. Member of American Chemical Soc. Address, 12 So. Elizabeth St., Chicago, 111 1062. WILLIAM ALLEN PEPPER Born Aug. 27, 1871, in Manhattan, f. William Pepper. Accountant. Prepared in Joliet High School and Univ. Acad. Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Glee Club; Philomathean; Illio Board. B. S. Employed in Purchasing Dept. American Can Co. Address, 1003 Division St. Joliet, 111. Bus., care of Am. Can Co., Mer- chants' Loan & Trust Bldg:, Chicago, 111. 1063. CLARENCE ORVILLE PITNEY Born Aug. 31, 1875, Augusta, 111. f. Orville L. Pitney, Loraine, Ohio. m. Mary Catherine Fisher, Ghent, Ky. Druggist. Prepared in Augusta High School. Philomathean. Alpha Tau Omega. B. S Address, Augusta, 111. 1064. FRANCIS JOHN PLYM Born Sept. 16, 1869, Backaby, Sweden, f. Osley Plym, May 11, 1829, Sweden, m. Johanna Peters, Aug. 4, 1829, Sweden. Architect. Prepared in Northern Indiana Normal, Valparaiso, Ind., and 1897] Baccalaureate Alumki 207 Univ. Acad. Phi Gamma Delta. Adelphic. Manager of Illini, 1896-97; Architects' Club; M. E. and E. E. Soc, B. S. Architectural draftsman, 1897-1900; Architect, 1900 — . Free. Kawneer Mfg. Co., 1906; Patentee Kawneer metal wall plug, 1905; Kawneer store front construction, 1906. Author, Architect's and Builder's reference book, 500 pp., 1906. Associate member Am. Inst, of Architects, 1905; Secretary Kansas City Chapter A. I. A. of Architects; Secretary, Illinois Southwestern Alumni Assn. Married Jennie May Barber Mar. 10, 1902, Lincoln, Xebr. Address, Kemper Building, Kansas City, Mo. 1065. JOHN EDWARD POHLMAN Born Apr. 28, 1868, Elwood, 111. f. f. Wm. Pohlman, Germany, m. Amelia Pohlman, Germany. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Northern Ind. Normal School. Rodman, Chicago, 1897-98; Rodman U. P. R. R., 1898; Asst. Engr. U. P. R. R., 1898- 1900; Levelman A. S. L. Ry., 1900-01; Asst. Engr. U. P. R. R., 1901-05; Office Engr. Nevada Northern R. R., 1905; Division Engr.. Western Pacific Aug. 16, 1905—. Address, Room 122 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Utah. 1066. EDWARD WARREN POOLE Born Mar. 22. 1876. Dover. 111. f. Warren Poole. Feb. 8. 1834. Williams- town, Vt. m. Sarah V. Humphrey, July 25, 1840, Palemo, N. Y. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Fellowship, 1897. With Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady. N. Y.. Mar.. 1898—. Died June 6. 1899. at Dover. 111. 1067. HORACE CHAMBERLAIN PORTER Born July 13, 1876, Urbana, 111. f. J.W.Porter m. Clara J. Chamber- lain. Chemist. Prepared in Springfield High School. Sigma Chi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Orchestra, 1894-99; Mandolin Club, director, 1894-1898; Track Team, 1897-98; Manager, 1898. Capt. B. A., 1897, Illinois; B. S., 1899, do.; M.S., 1900, do. ;M. A., 1901 , Harvard; Ph. D., 1903, Harvard. Fellowship in Chemistrv, 1899. Chemist for Schwarzchild & Sulzberger Beef Co., Kansas City, 1900; Graduate student at Harvard, 1900-03 ; Chemist for National Car- bori Co., Cleveland. Ohio., 1903; Chemist with The Solvay Process Co., Syra- cuse, N. Y.. 1903 — . Author: Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, (with H. S. Grindley and H. McCormack), Bulletin 102 , office of Expt. Sta. U. S. Dept of Agr., 1901', pp. 1-64. Articles published with C. Loring Jackson: Ueber Tetrabromortho benzo chinon; Berichte der deutschen chcmischen Gcscllschaft, 35, 3851, 1902; American Chemical Journal, 30. 518. 1903; 31. 89, 1904. Member Amer. Chem. Soc, 1899-1904; Der Deutschen Chemischen Gesell- schaft, 1901 — ; Syracuse Chemical Soc, 1904 — . Address, The Solvay Process Co., Syracuse, N Y. *1068. FRANCIS WILLIAM HENRY POSTLETHWAITE Born July 28, 1868, Misson Vicarage, Nottinghamshire, Eng. f. Colin Wm. Postlet'hwaite, Nov. 29, 1836, Manor Hamilton Rectory, Leitrim, Ire- land, m. Adelaide Victoria Gustin, New York City, Nov. 6, 1840. Prepared in Trinity College. Port Hope, Canada and School of Practical Science. Toronto. B. S. In Albuquerque, New Mex. Feb. to July, 1898, at Gravenhurst Sanitarium; in Canada, July 10-Sept., 1898. Married May Frances Haymes, Mar., 1899, at Toronto. Died Apr. 2, 1899, Toronto, Canada. 208 University of Illinois [1897 1069. DWIGHT T. RANDALL Born May 1, 1869, Augusta, Kalamazoo Co., Mich. f. Thomas Herbert Randall, m'. Electa Foster. Instructor. Prepared in Kalamazoo High School. Mech. Engrs. Soc, Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Engineering work, 1897-99; Teaching Machine design, 1899-1901; Engineering Sales Dept., Westinghouse, Church, Keir & Co., 1901-03; Asst. Prof. Steam Eng'g, Illinois, 1903 — . American Soc. of Mech. Engineers, 1905—. Married Myrtle Peck, Aug. 24, 1898, Ann Arbor, Mich. Children, Herbert Nelson, born Jan. 7, 1901 ; Robert Dwight, born Sept. 27, 1902. Address, 608 S. Busey Ave., Urbana, 111. 1070. CHARLES CLYDE RAYBURN Born Jan. 9, 1873, in Roseville, 111. f. W. R. Rayburn. Physician, 1904. B. S. Address, Kewanee, 111. 1071. JOHN LANGLEY SAMMIS Born Jan. 1, 1873. f. Jonathan Bangs Sammis, July 13, 1848. m. Mai vena Augusta Newman, July 10, 1848. Chemist. Prepared in Washington High School, Jacksonville, 111. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Hazelton Medal, 1895. B. S.; M. S., 1899. Fellow- ship in Chemistry, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1905-06. Asst. in Chemistry, Illi- nois, 1897-1900; Instructor, 1900-05. Author of Action of Mercaptides on Quinones, (with H. S. Grindley), Amer. Chem. Jour. 19:293, 1897; Nutri- tion Investigation (with H. S. Grindley), Bull. 91, office of Exp. Stats., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1904; Improved Apparatus, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 21-43, 1899; Action of Mercaptides on Quinones, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 27: 1120 1905 ; Baptist Church, 1888—. Universal Brotherhood Organization, 1899 — . Married Flora Elizabeth Curtis, June 30. 1898. Children, Marguerite; Malvena Elizabeth, Josephine Louise. Address, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 1072. WILLIAM WESLEY SAYERS Born Aug. 13, 1874, Troy, Ohio, f' Judson Sayers. m. Mary Amie Gearhart. Draftsman. Prepared in Farmer City High School and Univ Acad. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Shield and Trident. B. S. Address, care of Link Belt Machinery Co., Chicago, 111. 1073. JOEL REYNOLDS SAYLER Born July 5, 1869, Yuba Mich. f. Samuel H. Sayler, Mecklenburg, N. Y. m. Kate L. Reynolds. Chief Draftsman, Delaware & Hudson Co., Coal Dept. Prepared in Traverse City High School. B. S. Mechanical Engineering, Chicago & Alton Ry., 1897-1900; Jeansville Iron Works Co., 1900; Traverse City, vacation 1900; Alhs Chalmers Co., 1900-1901; International Correspond- ence Schools, 1901; Delaware & Hudson Co., Coal Dept., Oct., 1901 — . Member Scranton Eng'rs' Club. Address, Scranton, Pa., P. O. Box 208. 1074. FREDERICK WILLIAM SCHACHT Born Apr. 30, 1874, Moline, 111. f. Henry August Schacht, Apr. 9, 1847, Germany, m. Katherine EfTlandt, Sept. 14, 1847, Germany. Principal of High School. Prepared in Moline High School. Philoma- thean; Pres. Y. M. C. A.; Nat. Hist. Soc. Athletic Assn. Phi Gamma Delta. Illio Staff; Editor, Illini; football team. B. S.; M. S., 1898. Fellowship in Zoology. Prin. of High Schools at Chicago 1897] Baccalaureate Alumni 209 Heights, Tuscola and Whiting, Ind., 1899 — . Articles: The North American Species of Diaptomus, Bull. 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist., 1897, 110 pp., 15 plates. The North American Centropagidie belong- ing to the Genera Osphranticum, Limnocalanus and Epischura, Bull. 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist., 1898, 43 pp. Pres. Twp. Sunday School Assn. of Bloom and Rich, 1902; Secy. Library Board, Chicago Heights, 1901-02; Trustee Methodist Church, 1902; Pres. Co. Teachers' Assn., Douglas Co., 1904; member Ex. Com. Eastern 111. Teachers' Assn., 1903; of Lake Co. Teachers' Assn., 1905; Pres. High School Sec, 1906. Mason, 1901. Married Dora Ann Hall, June 25, 1902, Chicago Heights. Child, Fred- erick Henry, Apr. 12, 1904. Address, 1444 13th St., Mohne, 111. 1075. RALPH STEELE SHEPARDSON Born Mar. 2, 1873, Paw Paw, 111. f. Sylvanus E. Shepardson, 1832, Gerry, N. Y. m. Lucy M. Judd, 1832, Patterson, N. Y. Architect. Prepared in West Aurora Schools and Metropolitan Business College and Univ. Acad. Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; Phi Delta Theta; Arch. Club; Athletic Assn. Mgr. Glee and Mandolin Clubs, 1896-97. B. S. Architecture, 1897-1900; Farming, 1900-02; Architecture, 1902-05. Married Jessie Younge Fox, June 5, 1903, Chicago, 111. Address, 479 Fifth St., Aurora, 111. 1076. LOUIE HENRIE SMITH Born Apr. 15, 1872, Crystal Lake, 111 f. Charles W. Smith, m. Anna Robinson. Student. Prepared in Crystal Lake Union High School. Band; Chem- istry Club. B. S.; Graduate' study and work in chemical Lab. of the Agr. Exp. Sta., 1897-1899; appointed Asst. Chemist in 111 Agr. Expt. Sta., 1899; Chief Asst, Chemist, 1902; Chief Asst. Chemistry and Plant Breeding, 1903; Special Study in Europe at University of Halle, 1904 — . Circular 62, Sugar Beet Investigations in Illinois, Circular, in 1903, (with Prof. C. G. Hopkins); Circular, Corn Investigations in Illinois, 1903, (with Prof. Hopkins and A. D. Shamel); Bulletin No. 87, The Structure of the Corn Kernel and the Composition of its different parts, 1903, (with Prof. Hopkins and E. M. East, ('01)); Circular No. 74, Directions for the Breeding of Corn, 1904. Bulletin No. 100, Directions for the Breeding of Corn, including Methods for the Prevention of In-Breeding, 1905, (with Prof. Hopkins and E. M. East); all of 111. Ag. Exp Sta A series of articles on Improvement of Corn in The National Stockman and Farmer, Vol. XXVII and XXVIII. Universalist Church, Urbana, 111. Valiant Lodge Knights of Pythias, Champaign, 111. Married Mary Phronia Ketchum, Aug. 8, 1901, felmwood. 111., (died May, 1902). Address, Haalle a. d. Saale, Germany. 1077. FRED WILCOX SPENCER Born Apr. 7, 1874, Clinton, la. f. George Spencer, New York, State m. Martha Wilcox, do. Draftsman. Prepared in Clinton High School. Studied in Rose Poly- tech. Inst., Terre Haute, Ind. Y. M. C. A. B. S. Structural draftsman, 1897—. Baptist Church. Married Helene M. Stone, June 30, 1896. Children, Fred W . Jr., bom Julv 11, 1898; Helene M. E. , born May 15. 1901; Mattison S., born May 6, 1903; George Louis F., born Sept. 4. 1905. Address, 2794 St. Anthony's Court, Chicago, 111. 210 University of Illinois [1897 1078 WILLIAM DANIEL STATES Born Feb. 4, 1873, Elwood, 111. f. Frank' States, Mar. 31, 1835, Baden, Germany, m. Sarah Benedict, Mar. 30, 1833. New York. Farmer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Motorman, 1897-1902; Farmer, 1902 — . Married Charlotte Rebecca . Feb. 10, 1900, Lemont, 111. Address, Elwood, Will Co., 111. 1079. GEORGE STEINWEDELL Brother of No. 1970 Born Feb. 9, 1877, Quincy, 111. f. Wm. Steinwedell. m. Louise A. Supt. of Publicity, St. Paul Gas Light Co. Prepared in Quincy High School and Univ. Acad. Kappa Sigma. Shield and Trident. Alpha Delta Sigma. B. S. Student at Mass. Inst. Technology; Secy. Arrow Rock M & M. Co., Qunicy, 111.; Statistician, Denver Gas & Electric Co., Denver, Colo. Mem- ber of Western Gas Association; The Ohio Gas Light Association. Address, St. Paul Gas Light Co., St. Paul, Minn. 1080. WALLACE DOUGLAS TEEPLE Nephew of No. 17 Born Nov. 27. 1870, Rockford, 111. f. Charles Gleason Teeple, Wood- Stock, Can., 1842. m. Zillah K. Douglas, Rockford, 111., 1847. Draftsman. Prepared in Marengo High School. B. S. Draftsman, 1898; in armv till May, 1899; Architect 1900; Draftsman, till May, 1905; Architect, 1905—. In 4th Illinois Inf. Vols., Apr., 1898, till May, 1899. Married Mary Emma McKee, Apr. 15, 1893, Chicago. Granted divorce, Oct., 1904, South Bend. Child, Dorothy Seniorita, born May 7, 1897. Address, 227 N. Taylor St., South Bend, Ind. 1081. CHARLES DUTTON TERRY Born Aug. 26, 1877, Kewanee, 111. f. Henrv T. Terry, Mar. 1, 1851, Rochester, Vt. m. Ella Dutton, Feb. 25, 1855, Newark, N. J. Supt., Butt Weld Dept. Prepared in Kewanee High School. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident. Alpha Delta Sigma; Philomathean; Student's Dancing Club; Athletic Ass'n. B. S. Draftsman, 1897; Roll Turner, 1897- 98; Asst. Supt. Weld Dept., 1898; Asst. Supt., Rolling Mills, 1898-1905; Supt., Butt Weld Dept., 1905 — . Junior member American Soc. of Mech. Engineers, 1902; Alderman, Kewanee, 111., 1903-05. Married Bertha lone Brown, Oct. 24, 1905, Kewanee, 111. Address, 338 W. Prospect St., Kewanee, 111. 1082. SUSAN ELIZABETH THOMPSON Born 1869, in Leominster, Mass. f. E. P. Thompson. ^ Teacher. B. A. Address, Winarnac, Ind. 1083. WALTER CHENEY VAIL Born Sept. 17, 1872, in Kewanee, 111. f. E. M. Vail. m. Emma Cheney. Supervisor of Manual Training. B. S. Civil Engineer, Trans-Miss. Exposition, Omaha, 1897-98; Dayton, Ohio, and Indianapolis, Ind., Teacher of Manual Training, La Salle, 111., Nashville, Tenn., Supervisor of Manual Training. Articles on Manual Training in local papers. Married Jessica B. Marshall, Aug. 12, 1903, Rochester, N. Y. Address, Nashville, Tenn. *1084. STEVEN GEORGE DE VRIES Born May 17, 1875, Pekin, 111. f. Geerd Steven de Vries, Dec. 2, 1844, Wirdum. Germany m. Tina Roelfs, June 24. 1854. Groothusen, Germany. 1897] Baccalaureate Alumxi 211 Prepared in Pekin High School. Y. M. C. A. B. S. (Died on Class Day. His diploma was buried with him.) Died June 7, 1897, in Pekin. 111. 1085. GEORGE MIGHELL WAKEFIELD Bom Aug. 31, 1875, Waterman, 111. . f. George Wm. Wakefield, Aug. 11, 1837, Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y. m. Mary Jane Mighell, Mar., 1848, Water- man, 111. Draftsman. Prepared in Waterman Public School. M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. With De Kalb Electric Co., 1897-98; with G. W. Wakefield, 1898-1901; with Morgan-Gardner Electric Co., 1901-04; with Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich., 1904-05; with Western Electric Co., 1905; with Geo. P. Nichols & Bro., as draftsman, 1905 — . Married Minnie Gronewold, Mar. 23, 1899, Oregon, 111. Children, Roy Lewis Wakefield, born Jan. 30, 1901; William John Wakefield, born Jan. 11, 1903. Address, 441 So. Nonnal Parkway, Chicago, 111. 1086. HERBERT WILFORD WALLACE Born Jan. 28, 1872, Neponset, 111. f. Reuben L. Wallace, Feb. 23, Vt. m. Anna Mears, England. Prin. of High School. Prepared in Neponset High School. Philoma- thean; English Club; Cercle Francias; Band; assistant editor Illini. B. A. Asst. and Assoc. Editor, Ranch and Range, Seattle, 1897-99; Instructor in Seminary, Seattle, 1900; principal of school, Sunnydale, Wash., 1901-02; Prin. of High School, Sumas, 1903-04; Supt. of Schools at Sumas, 1904- 05.; Prin. at Camas, W^ash., 1905 — . Pres. of union of all Epworth Leagues of Seattle, 1898; Treas. of Sumas M. E. Church, 1904-05; Pres. of the Teachers' Assn. for Kent District, King Co., Wash., 1902-03; Manager and Treas. of Sumas Lecture Course, 1904-05. Prin. Camas Dist. Teachers' Ass'n, Clark Co. Married Lulie E. McClure, Oct. 25, 1898, Putmanville, Ind. Children. Donald McClure, born Apr. 16, 1902; Dorothy Pearl. Julv 18, 1904; Babv. bom Aug. 29, 1899, (died Aug. 30, 1899.) ' Address, Camas. Wash. 1087. HUBERT ANTHONY WEBBER Born Feb. 15, 1869, Jefferson Co., 111. f. James Webber, June 14, 1840. Jefferson Co., 111. m. Jane Clarissa Waite, Jan. 25, 1845, Franklin Co., 111. Supt. of Construction, U S. Public Buildings. Prepared in Mt. Vernon High School and Univ. Acad. Adelphic. Architect's Club. B. S. Asst. in Gen. Engineering Drawing, 1897-98; Architect, 1898-99; Draftsman, 1899-1900; Supt. of Construction, U. S. Quartemiaster's Dept., 1900-04; Supt. of Construction, U. S. Public Buildings, Supervising Architect's Office, Treasury Dept., July, 1904 — . The Manufacture and Use of Architectural Terra Cotta, The Technograph, 1900. Member Presbyterian Church. Married Lura Fryer, Dec. 28, 1904, Whitewater, Wis. Address, 304 W. 13th St., Anderson, Ind. 1088. FLOYD WHITTEMORE Born Dec. 8, 1874, Sycamore, 111. f. Henry C. Whittemore, Oct. 31, 1841, Auburn, New York.' m. Amelia Martin, Apr. 19. 1841, Sycamore, 111 Bookkeeper. Prepared in Sycamore High School. Shield and Trident; Phi Delta Theta. Base Ball Mgr., 1896. B. S. Bookkeeper, State Treas- urer's office, 1897-1902; Bookkeeper. Marine Bank, Springfield, 111. ; 1903- 04; Bookkeeper at Sycamore, 1904 — . Address, Sycamore, 111. 212 University of Illinois [1897 1089. JULIA FLORA WINTER Born Sept., 1873, Middlefield, Conn. f. Alpheus Winter, Feb., 1835, Belchertown, Mass. m. Flora Damaris Thompson, Sept., 1833. Prin. of Girls' Dept. of Mt. Silinda School. Prepared in Northfield Sem , Northfield, Mass. B. A. Teaching; Missionary of American Board of C. F. M.; Prin. of Girls' Dept. of Mt. Silinda School. Address, Mt. Silinda, Melsetter Distr., Rhodesia, Africa. 1090. CHARLES WHITTIER YOUNG Born May 31, 1874, Chicago, 111. f. James Nicholas Young, Oct. 31, 1847, La Fayette, Medina Co., Ohio m. Mary G. Hayes, Nov. 25, 1846, Sand Lake, near Tray, N. Y. Teacher. Prepared in Calumet High School, Chicago. Y. M. C. A. Philomathean. B. S. ; M. D., 1903, John Hopkins. Taught in High School, 1897-98, Sullivan, 111.; Asst. in Nat. Science, Illinois, 1898-99; Taught Nat. Science in Teachers Inst, in Sullivan, 111., during Summer vacations, 1900- 1901. Graduate Student, John Hopkins Univ., 1899-1903; Resident House Officer, John Hopkins Hospital, 1903-04; Med. Missionary, American Board of Commissioners for Foriegn Missions, Peking, China., 1904 — . Pres. of Medical School. Member Y. M. C. A., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1902-03. Married Olivia Doyle, Sept. 15, 1904, Baltimore, Md. Address, Peking, China, care of American Board Missions. 1091. MABEL HELEN ZILLY (HAMILTON) Born Apr. 30, 1875, Petersburg, 111. f. Charles Zilly. m. Helen Louisa McKinley. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alethenai. Kappa Alpha Theta. Illio Board, 1897; Pres. of Students' Assembly, 1896. B. A. Married Leroy Frederick Hamilton, Oct. 17, 1900, Champaign, 111. Child, Helen Louise, born Feb. 13, 1904. Address, Kewanee, 111. 1092. WALTER HERMAN ZIMMERMAN Born Feb. 12, 1873, Earlville, La Salle Co., 111. f. John Zimmerman, Nov. 17, 1848, La Salle Co., 111. m. Nettie Nitzel, July 27, 1853, Germany. Mechanical and Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Earlville High School and Univ. Acad. Philomathean. Foot Ball team, 1895-96, B. S. Univ. of 111., Steam Dept., 1897-99; Motive Power, Dept. of P. and E. Div. of Big Four Ry., 1899-1900; Supt. and Mgr. Urbana Light Heat & Power Co., 1900-1901; Engineering Dept. Arnold Electric Power Station Co., 1901- 1903, Chicago; Gen. Mgr., Dekalb-Sycamore Electric Co., 1903 — . In- vented system for automatically returning the condensation from steam piping, headers, separators, etc., to the boilers, without the use of auxil- iary apparatus such as pumps, traps, steam loops, etc., patent pending. Member American Soc. of Mech. Engrs. Married Anna Sophia Morsch, Nov. 5, 1893, Champaign, 111. Address De Kalb. 111. CLASS OF 1898 (91) 1093. PHILIP JUDY AARON Born Mar. 22, 1872, in Coatsburg, 111. f. C. Aaron. Electrician. Phi Gamma Delta. B.S. In employ of Western Electric Co. Address, 3610 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. 1094. CLARK GODFREY ANDERSON Born Jan. 5, 1873, Moline, 111. f. A. J. Anderson, Sweden, m. Hanna Larson, do. City Engineer of Moline, 111. Prepared in Moline Public School and Au- 1898] Baccalaureate 213 gustana College, Rock Island, 111. Philomathean. Technograph board. B. S. Gen. professional work; City Engineer of Moline, May, 1905 — . Mem- ber Ltitheran Church. Married Emilv Mathilda S. Stromberg, Oct. 5, 1899, Moline, 111. Child, Carl Clark Clifford, born Oct. 5, 1901. Address, City Hall, Moline, 111. 1095. JAY JENNINGS ARNOLD Born Oct. 3, 1872, Springfield, 111. f. Joseph Wesley Arnold, Feb. 23, 1823, Covington, Ky. m. Mary Mathis, Oct., 1840, Camden, N. J. Dealer in Real Estate and Investments. Prepared in Shurtleff College, Alton, 111. Dramatic Club; Medical Club; Students' Dancing Club; Illini Staff. B. S. Real Estate, financial and trust company business; manager Escrow Dept., Title Trust Co., Seattle, Wash., till 1903; now in firm of Ar- nold, Nachant & Co., 1905—. Fifth regiment I. N. G., 1900-1901. Address, Seattle Wash., Res. 1015 Marion St.; Bus. Bailey Bldg. 1096. D. EDYTHE BEASLEY (GOBEN) Born Nov. 3, 1876, Urbana, 111. f. William A. Beaslev, Dec. 26, 1843, Ripley, Ohio. m. Zilla Ludwick, Sept. 14. 1846, Lafayette, Ind. Prepared in Urbana High School. Alethenai, Member of the first Univ. Girls' Basketball team. B. A. Married Loma William Goben, Aug. 2, 1899, Urbana, 111. Children, Leland Loma, born Mar. 26, 1901; Dorothea Esther, born Oct. 24, 1903. Address, 401 E. Elm St., Urbana, 111. 1097. FRED CLARKSON BEEM Born Oct. 8, 1874, Ottawa, 111. f. Isaac Newton Beem, Aug. 7, 1832. Licking Co., Ohio. m. Mary T. Clarkson, Feb. 2, 1837, Bath Co., Kentucky- Farmer. Prepared in Ottawa Twp. High School. Phi Delta Theta- Bus. Mgr. ////(). B. S. Practiced Architecture in Kansas City, Mo.. 1898- 1901, in Ottawa, 111., 1901-05; in mercantile business; farming in Canada, Mar., 1905—. Served as First Lieut., Co. C, Third I. N. G., 1901-05. Address, Areola, Saskatchewan, Canada. 1098. ERWIN HOWARD BERRY Born Apr. 23, 1875, Paw Paw, 111. f. Isaac J. Berry, New York. m. Harriet Fonda, New York. Chemist. Prepared in Paw Paw High School. Assayer at mine near Boulder, Colo., short time; first Asst. Chemist A. T. S. F. R. R. to date. Member M. E. Church; American Chemical Soc. Married Daisy A. Hunter, June 10, 1903, Topeka, Kans. Child, Lois Helen, born May 1, 1905. Address, 1006 W 8th St., Topeka, Kans. 1099. WILLIAM WESLEY BLACK Born Julv 23, 1859, Michigantown, Ind. f. Jonathan Black, 1816, Va. m. Marv Ann Wavt, Ohio, 1822. Teacher. Prepared in Ind. State xNormal School. B. A.; M. A., 1899. Instructor in Science and Art of Instruction, 111. State Normal, Normal, 111., 1900-1901; Same, Chicago Normal School, 1901—. Married Anna Eliza Stockton, 1883, Delphi, Ind. Address, Chicago Normal School, Chicago, 111. 1100. HENRY CYRILLE BREIDERT Born Aug. 17, 1875, Pekin. 111. f. John Henry Breidert, Oct. 18, 1833. Langen, Hessen, Germany, m. Helen Maria Ackerman, July 25, 1842, Binswangen, Wurtemberg, Germany. Estimator and Designing Engineer. Prepared in Havana High School. 214 University of Illinois [1898 B. S. City Engineer .Havana, 111., 1898-99; Structural Draftman with C. Ms & St. P. R. R., 1901 ; with Keystone Bridge Works, 1902; Estimator and Designer, 1902-05; with Ft. Pitt Bridge Works, 1905 — . Member B. P. O. E.; A. F. and A. M.; Monday Night Club, Canonsburg, Pa.; Pres. of Monday Night Club, 1904-05. Married Jennie Myrtle Snyder, June 14, 1902. Address, 124 W. College St., Canonsburg, Pa 1101. EDWIN LADUE BROCKWAY Born Sept. 30, 1874, Macomb, 111. f. Albert L. Brockway. m. Mary Asst. Supt. New York City R. R. Co. Prepared in Macomb High School. Band; Capt. Tennis Team. B. S Feeder Inspector, 1898; Gen. Feeder Inspector, 1900; Gen. Foreman, 1901-03; Asst. Supt., Feeders, New York City R. R. Co., 1905—. A. F. and A. M. and Mystic Shriner of Mecca, N. Y. Member St Bartholomew Athletic Club, New York City. Married Clara M. Caine, Oct. 10, 1898, Mich. Children, Ladue M., born Nov., 1899; Georgia Lenore, born Apr., 1905 Address, 213 West 104 St., New York City. 1102 LYLE IRENEUS BROWER Born May 7, 1871, Ottawa, 111. f. Ireneus Brower, 1816, New York. m. Mary Sprague, 1848, New York. Prin. Man. Training School. Prepared in Ottawa Twp High School. Adelphic, Architects' Club. Military Club. B. S. Scholarship at Teach- ers' College, Columbia Univ., 1902. Director Man. Training, Supervisor of Man. Train, and Drawing, Rockford, 111., 1898-1903; Director Man. Train., Elgin, 111., 1903-04; Prin. Man. Training School, Springfield, 111., 1904-05. Director Drawing and Grade Manual Training State Man. Tr. Normal, Pittsburg, Kan. Member I. N. G., 1888-1892; Congregational Church. Married Zalia Eustis, 1899, Ottawa, 111. Child, Esther Marguerite, born Mar. 19, 1903. Address, Pittsburg, Kan. 1103. LEE BYRNE Born Dec. 17, 1876, in Chillicothe, 111. f. J. P. Byrne. Instructor in Latin. Member Track Teams of 1896-1897. Captain in 1898. B. A.; M. A., 1899, Chicago; Ph. D., 1901, Pennsylvania. Fel- low in Univ. ofPenn., 1900-01. Instructor in Latin. Central High School, St. Louis, 1902 — . Author: Quarry Slaves, a drama; Poet Lore Co., Boston, Mass., 1904. Article, The Latin Case-ending -ae. School Review, 1904. Address, 3948 Delmar Avenue St. Louis, Mo 1104. GUY JACOB CHESTER Born Nov. 10, 1875, Champaign, 111. Engineer. B. S. Engineer Cent. Union Telephone Co.; Supervising Engr , Sargent & Lundy, 1900-05; Asst. Elect. Mech. Engr. to 111. Traction Co., Springfield, 111., 1905. Address, 520 East Monroe St., Springfield, 111. 1105 CHARLES ALBERT CLARK Brother of No. 1198 Born Nov. 8, 1876, Vandalia, 111. f. Daniel Monroe Clark, l^ittle City, Conn. m. Rebecca Davis Clark, Haddam, Conn. Officer U. S. Army. Prepared in Vandalia High School. Mech. and Elec. Eng. Soc; Alpha Tau Omega. B. S. Volunteer Spanish-American War, 1898-99; Sec. and Gen. Manager Vandalia Light & Fuel Co., 1899-1901; Officer U. S. Army, 1901—. Member I. N. G., 1894-1901; Capt. I N. G. 1899-1901; 2d Lieut. Artillery Corps, U. S. Army, 1901—. 1898] Baccalaureate Alumni 215 Married Sara Jane Hall, May 11, 1905, East Liverpool, Ohio Child, Edith, born Mar. 17, 1906. Address, Fort Worden, Port Townsend, Wash. 1106. CHARLES RICHARD CLARK Born Aug. 6, 1874, Donovan, 111. f. Evlan Clark, Aug 18, 1838, St. Joseph, Mich. m. Clarissa Ellen Watkins, Aug. 9, 1843, Crawfordsville, Ind. Instructor. Prepared in 111. Weslevan, Bloomington Architects' Club. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Teaching Man. Training. Chicago Public School, 1898-1901 ; Architectural Draftsman, D. H. Burnham &• Co., 1902-04; Instr. in Arch. Constr., Illinois, 1904 — . Article: Repairing of Plaster Casts, Technograph, No. 12, pp. 101-104. Member M. E. Church, 1889. Married Alice E. Edwards Sept. 10, 1900, Cincinnati, Ohio. Child, Donald Evlan, born Aug. 1 1905. Address, Champaign, 111. 1107. THOMAS WILEY CLAYTON Born Sept. 30, 1872, Nelson, 111. f. Owen L. Clayton, Nov 27, 1844, Catawissa, Pa. m. Mary C. Mensch, June 24, 1844, do. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Northern 111 Normal School. C. E. Club. Y. M. C. A. B. S. In office of August Ziesing, 1898; Bridge In- spector, 1899; draftsman with The American Bridge Co., 1901; Bridge Engr. Chicago and Alton Rv., 1901-04; Asst. Engr. So. Side Elevated Ry., Chicago, 1904 — . Member Western Soc. of Engrs., Sept.. 1902. Married Nora J. Mossholder, June 13, 1900, Dixon, 111. Children. Wilbur Stanley, born Aug 14, 1902; Catherine Margeret, July 29, 1904 Address, 2655 N. Robey St., Chicago, 111. 1108. HARRY CLAY COFFEEN Brother of Nos. 562, 728 Born July 27, 1877, in Champaign, 111. f. Alva Martin Coffeen Feb. 11, 1836, Attica, Ind. m. Miranda Amy Gaines, Dec. 28, 1836, in Virginia, 111. Asst. Professor of Machine Design, Gen. Mgr. Athletics, Armour Insti- tute of Technology. Prepared in Champaign High School. Philo- mathean; Phi Gamma Delta; Member Track Team, 1895-96, Captain, 1897; member Football Team, 1896-97; manager Illio; Pres. ///nn' Advisory Board, 1897-98 Tau Beta Pi. B. S.; M. S., 1899. Fellowship, Illi- nois, 1898-99; scholarship, Univ. of Penn., 1899-1900. Computer, Flower Astronomical Observatory and student, Univ. of Penn., 1899-1900, summer 1901; Instructor, Gen. Engr. Draw., Illinois, 1900-02; Instructor and Asst. Prof, of Machine Design, Armour Institute, 1902-05. Address, Flat 3, 3801 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. 1109. EDGAR FRANCIS COLLINS Born Nov. 1 1873, Mansfield, 111. f William Grigsby Collins, m. Eliza Catherine Meliza. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Farmer Citv High School. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Tau Beta Pi. B S. Gen. Electric Co., in testing dept., 1898—. At present Electrical Engineer in charge of the testing Dept. of the G. E. Co., at Schenectady works. Assoc, member Am. Inst, of Elec. Engrs., 1904 Married Clara Josephine Van O'Linda, Dec. 26, 1900, Schenectady, N. Y. Address, 1203 State St., Schenectady, New York. 1110. WALLACE CRAIG Born July 20, 1876, Toronto, Canada, f. Alexander Craig. 1843, Edin- burgh, Scotland, m. Marion Brookes, 1851, London, Eng. Teacher. Prepared in Hvde Park High School. Adelphic. B. S.; M. S., 1901. Investigator in'the 111. Biological Station. 1898-99; High 216 University of Illinois [1898 School teacher, 1900-01; student, Univ. of Chicago, 1901-04; Student, M. B. L., Wood's Holl, Mass., 1903; High School teacher, 1904-05. Teacher of Biology and Psychology, State Normal School, Valley, N. Dak., 1905 — . Articles: Song in Birds, Science, N. S., Vol. XV, No. 380, pp. 590-592. Reviews of the Ornithological Journals in The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, 1904 — . Metnber Sigma Xi, 1903, Univ. of Chicago; Amer Assn. for the Adv. of Science, 1900. Married Mrs. Mima Davis Jenness, 1904, Chicago, 111. Address, Zoological Lab., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. 1111. ARTHUR ROBERT CRATHORNE Born in Scarborough, England, f. Francis Crathorne, Feb. 5, 1848, Winteringham, Yorkshire, Eng. m. Anne Harrison, Nov. 1, 1846, Scar- borough, Eng. Student. Prepared in High School, Jacksonville, 111. Philomathean. Kappa Sigma. Editor in Chief, Illini, 1897-98; Hatchet Orator. Capt. B. S. Tutor in Mathematics, U. of Me., 1898-1900; Graduate Student in Chicago and Wisconsin and Instructor in Math., Wisconsin, 1900-04; Stu- dent, Gottingen, 1904 — . Article, Some Loci and their Projections, Math. Monthly, Dec, 1899. Member Am. Math. Soc, 1900; Deutsche Mathemati- ker Vereinigung, 1905; Phi Kappa Phi. Married Charlotte Elvira Pengra, June 21, 1904, Madison, Wis. Address, Goettingen, Germany. 1112. CHESTER MORTON DAVISON Born Mar. 27, 1873, in Mendota, 111. f. Richard Andrew Davison, Oct. 27, 1839. m. Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Jan. 1, 1845. Architect. Prepared in Rock Falls High School and Jennings Seminary. Y. M. C. A.; Illini staff; Artist, 1898 Illio. B. S. Architectural draftsman, Chicago, 1899; On stafif of Architects, Paris Expo., 1900; Arch- itect of Pavilion for Cuba, same; Admitted into the Ecole des Beaux Arts, 1901; Student, same, until 1904; Instructor in Architecture, Illinois, 1904-05; Architect, 1905 — . Received first mention and medal from the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Member Co. E, 6th Regt. I. N. G., 1891-94. Member of Congregational Church. Address, care of D. H. Burnham & Co., Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111. 1113. JAMES HARVEY DICKEY Born July 22, 1873, Argenta, 111. f. William Dickey, 1814, Ky. m. Sarah Ann Brennan, 1828, Montreal, Canada. Instructor in Mathematics. Prepared in Lincoln College Prep. School. Philomathean. Tutor in Physics. B. S. Taught one year near Argenta; Grammar School at Monticello, 111., 1899-1900; High School, Alton, 111., 1900-04; Instructor in Mathematics, State Normal, Springfield, S. D., 1904-05. In James Millikin Univ., 1905 — . Member Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Married Bessie I. MacAdams, July 22, 1903, Alton, 111. Address, Decatur, 111. 1114. WILLIAM WAGNER DILLON Husband of No. 1137 Born Oct. 21, 1872, Ash Grove, 111. f. Henry Dillon, Sept. 13, 1841, Ridge Farm, 111. m. Rachael Wagner, Aug. 22, 1845, Milford, 111. Head of Secretarical Dept. The Institute and Training School of Y. M. C. A., Chicago. Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem. Y. M. C. A.; Adelphic; English Club; Vice-Pres. and Gen. Sec. Y. M. C. A. B. A. Gen. Sec. Y. M. C. A. Univ. of 111., 1898-1900; State College Sec. 111. Y. M. C. A., 1900-04; 1898] Baccalaureate Alumni 217 Asst. State Sec. Y. M. C. A., 1904-05; Head of Secretarical Dept. The In- stitute and Train. School of Y. M. C. A., Chicago, 1905 — .. Married Nellie lone Kofoid ('98), Julv 2, 1901. Normal, 111. Child, Henry Kofoid. born Oct. 24, 1902. Address, 552 Englewood Ave., Chicago, 111. 1115. HARRY EDWARD ECKLES Born Tune 9, 1872, Lawrence Co., Pa. f. Robert McCaslin Eckles, June 5, 1842, Pa. m. Margaret Louisa Welsh, Aug. 10, 1847, do. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Grove City, Pa. Adelphic. Y. M. C. A.; C. E. Club. B. S. Member of Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion; Major in Zion Guard. Address, Bridge Dept. C. B. & R. R. R., Chicago, 111. 1116. GRACE OSBORNE EDWARDS Born in Lacrosse, Wis. f. Benjamin Eugene Edwards, 1845, Elkhorn, Wis. m. Ella C. Edwards, 1843, Nelson, N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Welleslev Coll. Pi Beta Phi. B. S., 1894, Welleslev; B. L. S. Cataloguer, Univ. Lib.. Illinois, 1898-1901; Librarian Public Lib., Michigan City, Ind., 1902-03; Pub. Lib., Superior, Wis., 1903—. Address, Superior, Wis., or Lacrosse, Wis. 1117. CLAUDE DOUGLASS ENOCHS Brother of No. 1118; Husband of No. 1226 Born Mar, 22, 1878, Prairie City, 111. f. S. D. Enochs, Farmington, 111. m. Margaret A. Riner, Yates Citv, 111. Glee Club; Quartett; Foot Ball team; Track team. B. S. Chief Engi- neer of the Vought-Berger Telephone Manf. Co. Western Electric shop, 1898-99; Chicago Tel. Co., 1899-1901; Western Elec. Eng. Inspection Dept., 1901-03; New York branch W. E. Eng. Dept., 1903-04; Chicago W. E. branch, 1904-05; Chief Engr. of the Vought-Berger Telle. Manufacturing Co., 1905 — . Engaged in experimental work; about fifty inventions pertaining to telephone apparatus or circuits. Article: The application of Iron Wire Ballasts to Telephonv, American Telephone Journal, Aug., 1905. Married Aline D.'Hughston ('99), June 14, 1900, Urbana, 111. Address, 900 Vine St., Lacrosse, Wis. 1118. DELBERT RINER ENOCHS Brother of No. 1117 Born Nov. 30, 1875. Yates City, 111. f. S. D. Enochs, Farmington, 111. m. Margaret A. Riner, Yates City. 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Canton High School. Philomathean; Von Twiller Court; Theta Kappa Nu; Political Science Club. Glee Club; Mando- lin Club; Track Team; Valedictorian, 1903. B. A ; LL. B., 1903. Taught school, 1898-99; Prin. Monticello High School, 1899-1900; Practiced Law. 1903 — . Instructor, Chicago Law School, 1906—. Address, 6247 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. Office, 1402- 100 Washington St. 1119. ROLLIN ORLANDO EVERHART Brother of No. 466 Born Oct. 21. 1874, Griggsville. 111. f. Marion W. Everhart, Ohio. m. Isabella Wyandt. Ohio. Asst. State Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of Illinois. Pre- pared in Whipple Academy, Jacksonville, 111. Philomathean. Phi Gamma Delta; Glee Club; Quartette; Debating teain. B. A. Various occupations till 1900; entered the ministry in M. E. Church; appointed to special work as Asst. State Supt. of the Anti-Saloon League of Illinois, 1905; Transferred 218 University of Illinois [1898 to Supt. Syracuse Dist., N. Y. Anti-Saloon League. State Recording Sec. of the Epworth League of 111., 1904-06. Married Gertrude Azalea Simmons, June 1, 1905, Chicago Heights. Address, 640 University Blk., Syracuse, N. Y. 1120. LOUIS ENGLEMAN FISCHER Born Aug. 30, 1876, O'Fallon, 111. f. Loins F. Fischer, Hanover, Ger- many, m. Josephine Englemann. Manager of Illinois Traction System. Shield and Trident; Tau Beta Pi. Kappa Sigma; C. E. Club. B. S. Manager Base Ball team; Mgr. Glee Club. Asst. Engr. Kewanee; City Engr., Paris, 111.; Gen. Supt. and Manager, Dan- ville St. Ry. and Light Co.; Vice-pres. and Manager Illinois Traction System. Married May C. McCord, July 3, 1901. Address, Danville, 111. 1121. STUART FALCONER FORBES Brother of Nos. 682, 1861 Born Dec. 26, 1876, in Cobden, 111. f. H. C. Forbes, m. Jennie. Architect. Football team; Architects' Club; Phi Gamma Delta. Shield and Trident Editor Technograph. B. S. Address, Box 46, Seattle, Wash., Hotel Cadillac. 1122. FRED GATES FOX Brother of No. 1324 Born Sept. 21, 1876, Peru, 111. f. David Birt Fox, June 23, 1833, West- field, Mass. m. Harriet Fidelia Robinson, Aug. 15, 1839, Baldwinsville, N. Y. Instructor in Rhetoric. Prepared in Peru High School. Phi Gamma Delta. B. A.; M. A., 1903; M. A., 1905, Columbia. Farming, 1898-99; Prin. Amboy High School, 1899-1901; Graduate Student at Illinois, 1902; Instructor in Rhetoric, same, 1902-04; University Scholar in English at Columbia University, 1904-05; Instructor in Rhetoric, Illinois, 1905 — . Address, 909 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 1123. ALICE BELLE FRAZEY Sister of No. 1493 Born Jan. 13, 1871, Upton, Mo. f. Frederick Lauderbach Frazey, July 24, 1840, Everett, Pa. m. Permelia Jane Hanks, July 8, 1844, Everett, Pa. Teacher. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Y. W^. C. A.; B. A. Asst. in High School, Oberlin, Kans., 1898-1900; Graduate student, Illinois, 1900-01; Supervisor of Drawing, Stevens Point, Wis., 1901-02; Supt. of Drawing, Sheboygan, Wis., 1902-05. Address, 1307 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. 1124. ARTHUR EDWIN FULLENWIDER Born Sept. 8, 1874, Mechanicsburg, 111. f. H. Thomas Fullenwider, Mar. 1, 1846, Mechanicsburg, 111. m. Sarah Connet Lindsly, Oct. 21, 1849, Grove City, 111. Architectural Draftsman. Prepared in Mechanicsburg Academy. Arch- itectural Club. Band; Phi Gamma Delta. B. S. Architectural drafts- man at Chicago and Indianapolis. Married Grace A. Stewart, Jan. 1, 1900, Champaign, 111. Child, Lois Adele, born June 3, 1905. Address, 2504 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1125. WILLIAM JOHN FULTON Brother of No 1671 Born Jan. 14, 1875, Lynedoch, Ontario, Canada, f. James Fulton, Can- ada, m. Jane Elizabeth Gray. 1898] Baccalaureate Alumni 219 Lawyer. Prepared in High School, Hartford Citv. Ind. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; T. N. E.; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Capt. Base Ball Team, 1897 and 1898; Editor Illio. B. A.; L.L. B., 1900. Practice of Law, 1900 — . City Attorney, City of Sycamore, 111. Married Laura Busey (ex-'Ol), Noy. 26, 1901, Urbana, 111. Child, Frederick Henry, born Jan. 6, 1905. Address, Sycamore, 111. 1126. HENRY ANTHONY GOODRIDGE Born Jan. 12. 1874, Chicago. 111. f. Henry W. Goodridge, Aug. 1, 1844, Dover, Eng. m. Hattie K. Porter, June 9, 1854. Kingston, Canada. Electrician. Prepared in Northwest Division High School, Chicago, 111. Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident. B. S. Supt. Elec. Light Co., 1899- 1900; Construction Engineer, 1900-01; Manager Electric Light and Power Co., 1901—. Married Elfreda Trunke, Oct. 15, 1902, Chicago, 111. Child, Frances Eleanor, born May 27, 1904. Address, 149 So. Evans St., Denver. Colo. 1127. CHARLES ERNEST HAIR Bom July 26, 1875. in Lewistown. 111. f. E. E. Hair. m. Mary E. Benton. Architect. B. S. Practicing in Galesburg, 111. and lola. Kansas. Member Episcopal Church; Elks, and Masons, 32nd degree. Address, lola. Kansas. 1128. FRED SILVEY HALL Born Mar. 23. 1875, Areola, 111. f. John I.Hall, Dec. 10, 1845, Mitchell, Ind. m. Carrie Bond. Nov. 17, 1846, Mitchell, Ind. Lawyer. Prepared in Areola High School and De Pawn Univ Prep B. A.; LL. B.. 1901. Washington. Phi Gamma Delta. General Practice of Law Firm of Hall & Dame, 1901—. Member. Christian Church; St. Louis Bar Assn.; Jefferson Club of St. Louis; A. F. and A. M.; Royal Arcanum ; Sec. Univ. of 111. Club of St. Louis; Phi Gamma Delta Club of St. Louis; Knights Templar. Address, Suite 915 Mo. Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 1129. MORGAN J. HAMMERS Born Apr. 19, 1875. Secar, 111. f. Morgan B. Hammers, Metamora, 111. m. Rosa Gibson, Moundsville, W. Va. Manager and Secy. Jacobson Mach. Mfg. Co. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic. Mech. and Elec. Eng. Soc. Assoc, ed. Technograph. B. S. Mech. Engr. and Supt. R. I. Plow Co., 1898-1903; Supt. Phoenix Iron Works Co., Meadville. Pa., 1903-05; Manager and Secy. Jacboson Mach. Mfg. Co., 1905 — . Member American Soc. of Mech. Engrs., 1899 — . Address, Warren, Pa. 1130. THOMAS MILFORD HATCH Born May 11. 1875, Kankakee, 111. f. Walter W. Hatch, Apr. 27. Woodstock, Ont., Canada; m. Martha Emma Enyart, Aug. 10, 1852, Peru, Ind. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Kankakee High School. Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. B. S. Contractor for Municipal Improvements. Married Elsie Marie Wood, Jan. 7, 1904, Goshen, Ind. Child, Thomas Milford Hatch, Jr., born Mar. 21, 1905. Address, 362 Forest Ave., Detroit, Mich. Office, 314 Buhl Block. 220 University of Illinois [1898 1131. DON HAYS Brother of No. 1512 Born Aug. 29, 1876, Sidney, 111. f. Edmund Hays, Oct. 16, 1849, Jeffersonville, Ohio. m. Mary Catherine, May 9, 1844, do. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Sidney High School. B. S. Transitman; Ch. Draftsman; Resident Eng. in charge of R. R. Construction. Office Eng. St. L. R. M. & P. R. R. Assoc, mem. American Soc. Civ. Engrs., 1'903. Address, care of H. B. Turner, Raton, N. M. (Home), 207 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1132. GEORGIA ETHERTON HOPPER Born 1869, in Marseilles, 111. f. Barnabas Hopper, m. Martha A. McKay. Teacher. B. A.; Ph. M., 1904, Chicago. Dean of Women and Instructor in Modern Languages, Ripon College, 1902; head of Modern Languages Dept., Shorter College, 1904—. Address, Shorter College, Rome, Georgia; home, 523 E. 43d St., Chicago, 111. 1133. LEONA PEARL HOUSE Born Nov. 5, 1877, near Sadorus, 111. f. Irvin Fletcher, Aug. 2, 1840, W. Va. m. Ellen Elizabeth Fleming. Aug. 22, 1849, Bureau Co., 111. Teacher. Prepared in Urbana High School. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai. B. A. Teaching; vicinitv of Sadorus, 1898-1902; Bement, 1902-03; Sadorus Pubhc School, 1903—. Address, Sadorus, 111. 1134. ARTHUR BURTON HURD Born Nov. 8, 1873, Panola, Woodford Co., 111. f. Thos. James Hurd. Aug. 8, 1832, Lacona, New York. m. Julia Stevens, Jan., 1833, Lacona, N. M. With American Car & Foundry Co. Prepared in El Paso High School. Adelphic. B. S. Drafting; Chicago Bell Telephone; Lake Shore & Mich. Southern R. R., Cleveland, Ohio, 1899; Penn. R. R., Altoona, Pa., 1902; Julian Kennedy, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1903—; Pressed Steel Car Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., as Estimator, 1905 ; employed as checker with American Car & Foundry Co., 1905—. Married Jessie Homewood Cannon, June 19, 1900, El Paso, 111. Child, Burton Cannon, born Nov. 4, 1901. Address, care of American Car & Foundry Co., Lincoln Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 1135. HELEN JORDAN Born Sept. 13, 1874, Tolono, 111. f. Theron Francis Jordan, July 23, 1834. Rockport, Ohio. m. Ellen Adelia Barnum, Sept. 26, 1841. Rockport. Ohio. Prepared in Champiagn, 111. B. S. Address, Savoy, 111. 1136. ALBERT FRED KAESER Born Dec. 9, 1878, Highland, 111. f. Fritz Kaeser, 1848. Switzerland, m. Catherine Canidl, 1850. Physician and Surgeon. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Adelphic. B. S.; M. D., 1901. Honor Roll, Phys. & Surgs., 1901. Member McLean Co. Med. Soc; Illinois State Med. Soc. Address, Highland, 111. 1S98] Baccalaureate Alumni 221 1137. NELLIE KOFOID (DILLON) Sister of No. 1714 Born Sept. 15, 1872, Granville, 111. f. Nelson Kofoid, Apr. 15, 1838, Bornholm, Denmark, m. Elizabeth Jane Ellis. Prepared in 111. State Normal High School, Normal. Alethenai. B. S Taught in De Kalb High School, 1898-99. Married William Wagner Dillon, Julv 2, 1901, Nonnal, 111. Child, Henry Kofoid, bom Oct. 24, 1902. Address, 552 Englewood Ave., Chicago, 111. 1138. ANDREW JACKSON KUYKENDALL Born July 7, 1873. Vienna, 111. f. Joseph Benton Kuykendall, Jan. 9, 1842, Johnson Co., 111. m. Elizabeth Gorham, Jan. 31, 1842, Milwaukee Wis. Merchant. Prepared in De Pauw Univ. Prep. School. Ph. B., De Pauw 1896; LL. B., 1898, 111. Phi. Gamma Delta. Foot Ball team, Depauw, 1892-95. Practicing Law, 1898-1901; Hardware and Implement merchant, 1901—. Married Eva Benson, June 25, 1902. Child, Jack, born May 5, 1903. Address, Vienna, 111. *1139. CAROLINE A. LENTZ Born Dec. 30, 1876, in Ashlev, 111. f. Solomon Riley Lentz, Dec. 13, 1846. m. Esther E. McClure, Oct. 28, 1854. Prepared in Areola High School. Member of Illio board; Illini Staff; Class Poet; member of Girls' Glee Club. B. A. Taught one year as first asst. principal in Farmer City, 111., High School. Member Presbyterian Church. Died Sept. 10, 1899, at Areola, 111. 1140. FRANCIS DAVID LINN Born May 9, 1874, Byron, 111. f. David Wray Linn, Jan. 29. 1836, Millerstown, Pa. m. Martha Bull Roberts. Julv 16, 1841, Petersburg Pa Farmer. Agr. Club. Y. M. C. A. Adelphic. B. S. Address, Byron. Ogle Co., 111. 1141. ALBERT CARL LINZEE Born Jan. 13, 1876, Du Quoin, 111. f. Charles F. Linzee, St. Marys, Ohio. m. Harriett E. Smith, Du Quoin. 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Du Quoin High School. B. S. Elec- trician U. S. Navy, 1898-99; Testing and Designing Electrical Engineer with Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1899-1903; Chief Engr., Akron Electrical Mfg. Co.. 1903—. Address, Akron, Ohio. 1142. CHARLES JAMES McCARTY Born Sept. 29, 1876, in Logansport, Ind. f. J. V. McCartv. Supt. Rockford & Interurban Ry.. 1904. B. S. Address, 517 Mulberry St., Rockford, 111. 1143. JOSEPH HUNTER MARSHUTZ Born Aug. 10, 1877, Shelbyville, 111. f. William Benjamin Marshutz, Sept. 1, 1848, Germany, m. Ellanora Hunter. Aug. 20, 1852, Lancaster, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Shelbyville High School. Sigma Chi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Dramatic Club. Illio Board. B. A.; LL. B., Harvard, 1902. Lawyer, member of firm of Spence & Marshutz, 1902 — . Member Milwaukee Bar Assn. Address, 644 Marshall St., or Wells Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. 222 University of Illinois [1898 1144. HARRY MONROE MAY Born Jan. 18, 1878, Rochelle, 111. f. Henry R. May, New York. m. Ida Monroe May, New York. Electrician. Prepared in Rochelle High School. Tau Beta Pi. Capt. B. S. Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1898-1902; Shop Installing Engineer- ing and Sales Dept. ; Electrician, 1902 — . Married Frances N. Howard, Sept. 18, 1900, Milan, 111. Children, Henry Howard, born Mar. 22, 1902, (died Apr. 4, 1902); David Chapin, born June 1, 1903; Bruce Monroe, born Dec. 22, 1905. Address, 206 E. Prospect St., Riverside, Calif. 1145. HENRY FLEURY MERKER Born Feb. 3, 1877, Belleville, 111. f. Louis P. Merker, Sept. 1, 1844, St. Clair Co., 111. m. Anna E. Schneider, July 27, 1847, Germany. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Belleville High School. Mech. and Elect. Eng. Soc; Football team. B. S. Construction work, waterworks and sewers, 1898-1900; Bridge building, Sept., I. C. R. R., 1900; with con- sulting engineer, 1901; engr. dept. Terminal R. R. A,ssn. of St. Louis; charge of constr. St. Louis, O'Fallon & Lebanon Electric R. R., 1901-03; Asst. City Engr., Belleville, 111., until May, 1904; City Engr. Belleville, 111., until Apr., 1905; manager Enid Electric and Gas Co., 1905 — . Member Univ. of 111. Club of St. Louis; A. F. & A. M., 1904; R. A. M., 1905. Married Marie Hays, Nov. 23, 1904, E. St. Louis, 111. Address, Enid, Okla. 1146. FREDERICK ALEXANDER MITCHELL Born Jan. 7, 1875, Butler, 111. f. John A. Mitchell, m. Harriet L. Hope, Hillsboro, 111. Contracting Engineer. Prepared in Hillsboro High School. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A.; Tau Beta Pi. Mech. Engr. Soc. B. S. Civil and Mech. Engr. Burlington R. R., 1898-1901; American Bridge Co., May to Sept., 1901; Univ. of 111., Instructor in T. and A. M., 1901-03; Draftsman and Manager, Kansas City Wire and Iron Works, 1903 ; Contracting Engr. American Bridge Co., Dec, 1903 — . Member Presbyterian Church. Married Mae Roberts, Nov. 1, 1900, St. Joseph, Mo. Child, Frederic Rorbert, born July 16, 1903. Address, 14 So. Rosedale Ave., Rosedale, Kas. 1147. GRACE ESPY MORROW (SEELY) Wife of No.~ 1261 Born Jan. 27, 1878, Champaign, 111. ' f. George Espy Morrow, Oct. 19, 1840, Foster, Ohio. m. Sarah Gifford, Mar. 24, 1840, Argyle, New York. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Kappa Alpha Theta. B. S. Teacher, Still- water, Okla., 1899; Paxton High School, 1899-1901. Married Ga,rTett Teller Seelv ('99), Oct. 21, 1902, Paxton, 111. Child, Miriam, born Oct. 9, 1904. Address, 602 E. 50th St., Chicago, 111. 1148. JOHN WILLIAM MUSHAM Born Nov. 10, 1877, Chicago, 111. f. William Henry Musham, Feb. 9, 1839, Chicago, 111. m. Catherine McFadden, Dec. 2, 1845, Ireland. Structural Engineer. Prepared in De La Salle Inst, and Armour Inst., Chicago. C. E. Soc; Athletic Assn. B. S. With contractor in Peoria. 1898; Draftsman, Holabird & Roche, C. M. and St. P. Ry., American Bridge Co., Ralph Modjeski, T. L. Condron, South Side Elevated Ry., Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago, 1903 — . Member Knights of Columbus; Marquette Counell, Chicago; Western Soc. of Engrs. Address, 177 Rush St., Chicago, 111, 1898] Baccalaureate Alumni 223 1149. HERBERT JOHN NAPER Born Jan. 4, 1877, Chicago. 111. f. Henry Geo. Naper, Sept. 30, 1848, Chicago, 111. m Louise M. Deverman, Nov. 17, 1853, same. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Man. Train. School, Chicago. Tau Beta Pi; Arch. Club; Orchestra. Tennis team. B. S. Steel Construction Eng'g. 1898-99; Interior Decorating designing, 1899-1900; Architecture and Architectural Engineering, 1900-01; Arch., 1901-02; Arch. Eng., 1902- 05 Member Chicago Arch't Club, 1902—. Astic Tennis. 1901—. Address. 57 Delaware Place, Chicago, 111. 1150. ANDREW HENRY NEUREUTHER Born Apr. 3, 1877, Peru, 111. f. Charles F. Neureuther. m. Louise Oesterle. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Peru High School. B. S. ; Mech. Eng'g Soc. M. E., 1899; LL. B., 1903, Chicago Correspondence School of Law. Tau Beta Pi. Mech. Engr. and Designer for the Western Clock Mfg. Co.. Peru. 111. Attorney, practicing in U. S. Patents office. U. S. Patents No. 782.869; 712.325; 806.359; English Patent No. 23,524, 1902. Contributor to S/rre-f Railway Review, Machinery and Technograph. Member Am. Soc. of M. E.; The Western Soc. of Engrs.; Congr. Church; Sec. Exec. Board, Civil Fed. of La Salle, Peru and vicinitv. Married Nettie J. Robinson. Oct. 15, 1902, La Salle, 111. Child. Anita Nettie. Address, Peru, 111. 1151. JOHN NEVINS Born Mar. 11, 1876. Camp Point, 111. f. Joseph Allen Nevins. Penn. m. Emma Stahl. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Camp Point High School. Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident. B. S. Asst. Instr. in Gen. Eng. Drawing. 1898-99; Architectural Engr.. 1899—. Address. P. O. Box 46, Seattle, Wash. 1152. EDWARD FREDERICK NICKOLEY Husband of No. 1255 Born May 29, 1874, Longgrove, 111. f. Johann Gottlieb Nickoley, July 12, 1820, Posen, Prussia, m. Avigusta Louise Petrick, Jan. 12, 1825, Konigs- berg, Prussia. Prin. of School of Commerce, Syrian Protestant College. Prepared in Rockefeller Classical Inst, and Univ. Acad. Y. M. C. A. Pres.; Adelphic; English Club; German Club; Illini Staff. B, A. Asst. Prin. and Teacher of English. West Aurora High School. 1898-1900; Prin. of School of Commerce, Syrian Portestant College, Beirut, Syria, 1900 — . Married Emma May Rhoads ('99), Aug. 12, 1903, Champaign, 111. Child, Katherine Elizabeth, born Dec. 14. 1904. Address. Beirut. Syria. 1153. FREDERICK WILLIAM VON OVEN Born Apr. 11, 1876, Naperville, Du Page Co., 111. f. Ernst von Oven, Nov. 7, 1835, Dusseldorf, Germany, m. Emma Reifenrath, June 26, 1833, Hilchenbach, Germany. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club. Foot Ball team; Capt., 1898; Manager Track team; Pres. Athletic Assn., 1897-98; held W. I. A. A. Record in Hammer throw; Member advisory Board on Athletics. B. S. Asst. Engineer, 111. Central, 1898-1900; Engineer in Bridge Dept. War Dept , U. S. A., Chicago, 1900; Supt. of Con- struction and Consulting Engineer, Chicago and So. Bend. Ind., 1900-01 ; Con- sulting and Contracting Engr., associated with Love Bros., Aurora, 111., and private practice, 1901—. U. S. Letters Pattent No. 780.441. [an. 17, 1905. 224 University of Illinois [1898 Flush Hinge Door Construction; U. S. Letter Patent No. 795,004, July 18, 1905, Store Fronts. Member Episcopal Church, Western Soc. of Engrs; Illinois Soc. of Engineers and Surveyors. Married Irene Huxley Love. Apr. 19, 1900, Aurora, 111. Children, Frances Irene Helen, born Nov. 3, 1901 ; Mercedes Gladys, born Mar. 1 1, 1903. Address, Aurora, 111. 1154. HENRY MARK PEASE Born Dec. 19, 1875, Malta, 111. f. Dan Francis Pease, Dec. 30, 1826, Springfield, Mass. m. Rachel Bruzell, May 18, 1835, Buffalo, N. Y. Telephone Engineer. Prepared in Malta High School. B. S. Tele- phone Switchboard Installer, Western Electric Co. to 1901; Tele. Engr. Dept. of same Co. to 1902; Chief Elec. Engr., same, in London, Eng., 1902 — •. Associate member Amer. Institute of Elec. Engrs.; Assoc, member British Inst, of Elec. Engrs. Married Columbia Adelaide Timberlake, Nov. 25, 1901, Cincinnati, Ohio. Address, Western Electric Co., N. Woolwich, London, Eng. 1155. REED MILES PERKINS Born Mar. 1, 1875, Springfield, 111. f. Joseph B. Perkins, May 15, 1824, Richland Station, Sangamon Co., 111. m. Ann Mary Price, Jan. 17, 1842, Woodford Co., Ky. Merchant. Prepared in Springfield High School. Philomathean. Sigma Chi-, 111. Wesleyan. B. A.; LL. B., 1901, 111. Wesleyan. Manager of Lyceum Bureau, 1898-1902; Springfield, Ice & Coal Business; Perkins Ice & Coal Co., 1902—. Address, 915 E. Edwards, Springfield, 111. 1156. CICERO JUSTICE POLK Born Jan. 3, 1877, Areola, 111. f. John Luther Polk, Nov. 22, 1841, Bridgeville, Del. m. Cora Justice Blackwell, June 2, 1846, Newbern, N. C. Rancher. Prepared in Areola High School. English Club; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. B. A.; B. A., 1900, Harvard. With P. F. Collier & Son, 1901-04; Private tutor, 1904; conducting a ranch at Encinal Tex., 1904 — . Married Margaret Elizabeth Reily, Oct. 14, 1901, Boston, Mass. Address, Encinal, Tex. 1157. WILLIAM VIPOND POOLEY Born Feb. 12, 1876, Galena, 111. f. John H. Pooley, Aug. 2, 1843, Eng- land, m. Esther Vipond, Oct. 7, 1854, Scales Mound, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Galena High School. Kappa Sigma. B. A. Ph.D., 1905, Wisconsin. Instructor in History and Mathematics, Galena High School, 1899-1901; Graduate Student, Ilhnois, 1901-02; same, Univ. of Wis., 1902-04. Pennoyer Scholar in Econom., Wis., 1904; Univ. Scholar in Amer. History, same, 1905- Instructor in History, Madison High School, 1905-06. Address, 215 S. Dodge St., Galena, 111. 1158. GEORGE JOSEPH RAY Husband of No. 1506 Born Mar. 24, 1876, Metamora, 111. f. Jerry Ray, Metamora, 111.. July 6, 1838. m. Harriett Swallow, Feb. 25, 1843, Green Co., Pa. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. C. E. Club. B. S. Various positions under Chief Engineer, I. C. R. R.; Asst. Engr., Carbondale, June, 1900; Supervisor of tracks, St. Louis district, same, 1901-02; Roadmaster, Dubuque Div., same, 1902-03; Division Engineer, D. L. & W. R. R., Scranton, Pa., 1903 — . Member Baptist Church; Scranton Engineer's Club; Amer. Ry. Engr. and Maint. of Way Ass'n. Married Edna Rose Hammers ('01), June 23, 1903, Champaign, 111. Child, Lilian Rosalind, born Nov. 2, 1904. Address, 418 Webster Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1898] Baccalaureate 225 1150. ORA MARCUS RHODES Born Mar. 12, 1871, near Bloomington, 111. f. Aaron Paine Rhodes, Apr. 19, 1834. m. Martha M. Cox, Aug. 9, 1834. Physician and Surgeon. Prepared in 111. State Nomial Univ. Capt. B. S.; M. D., 1901. Alpha Kappa Kappa. P. & S., Chicago. Member Christian Church, McLean Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; American Med. Assn.; Brainard District Med. Soc; Amer. Acad, of Medicine; Consulting Staff St. Joseph's Hospital, Bloomington, 111. Married Mvrtie [. Downs, May 8, 1902, Ehvood, Ind. Child, daughter, torn Feb. 16, 1903, "(died Feb. 18," 1903). Address, Bloomington, 111., Corn Belt Bank. 1160. LEWIS ARCHIBALD ROBINSON Born Feb. 15, 1866, Cedar Grove, Va. f. Andrew A. Robinson, 1838, Winchester, Va. m. Virginia Fries, 1847, Cedar Grove, Va. Instructor. Prepared in Shenandoah Institute, Davton, Va. Y. M. C. A. B. A.; M. A., 1901. Teaching, Math, in Kankakee' High vSchool, 1900; Algebra in Univ. Acad, while doing graduate work, 1900-01; Instructor in Physics and Math., State Agr. College, Pullman, Wash., 1901-02; same, Oregon State Normal School, Monmouth, Ore., 1902 — . Member Presby- terian Church; Y. M. C. A.; Associate member N. E. A., 1895, 98, 1900, 04. Married Anna Gard, Sept. 15, 1902, Salem, Ore. Child, Hazel Gard, bom June 24, 1904. Address, Oregon State Normal School, Monmouth, Ore. 1161. ROME CLARK SAUNDERS Born May 18, 1876, Champaign Co., 111. f. Jos. Saunders, Sec. 25, 1840, Indiana, m. Cornelia Clark, Aug. 3, 1851, 111. Engineer. Prepared in St. Joseph High School and Univ. Acad. B. S. With B. P. Remy, Anderson, Ind., 1898; Western Elec. Co., Chicago, 1899; Peoria Gen. Elec. Co. and Diamond Meter Co., Peoria, 1899-1901; Fargo Edison Co., Fargo, N. D., 1901-03; Fort Wayne El. Works, 1902-04; A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1904—. Address, General Offices, Santa Fe R. R., Los Angeles, Calif. 1162. ARCHIBALD DIXON SHAMEL Born Oct. 15, 1877, in Taylorville, 111. m. Caroline Shamel. B. S. Address, 1227 Princeton St.. Columbia Heights, Washington, D. C. 1163. STANLEY LIVINGSTONE SOPER Born May 31, 1875, Gifford, 111. f. Milton Hubbel Soper. m. Catherine Arietta School Supt. Prepared in Rantoul High School. Adelphic. B. A. Miller, 1901; Teacher, 1903; Supt. of School, 1903—. Methodist Church; Supt. of Sunday School; Pres. Co. Teachers' Assn. Married Mable Mary Dollison, Jan. 1, 1903, Kansas City, Mo. Child, James Milton, born Jan. 11, 1904. Address, Waterville, Kans. 1164. ROY VERNER SPALDING Born Mar. 30, 1876, Byron, 111. f. John Franklin Spalding, Rockford, 111. m. Emily Lucius Read, Byron, 111. With the N. K. Fairbanks Co. Prepared in Byron High School. LL. B. Buver with Sears, Roebuck & Co., until Nov., 1903; Supt. Mail order Dept.of The N. K. Faribanks Co.. 1903—. Marriea Ethel Rood, 1899, Byron, 111. Address, Glen Ellvn, 111. 226 University of Illinois [1898 1165. JOSEPH CLARENCE STALEY Born Jan. 25, 1874, Tolono, 111. f. George Alexander Staley, Sept. 15, 1842, Cabal Co., Va. m. Priscilla Jane Benjamin, Mar. 1. 1842, Perry Co., Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Urbana High School. Philomathean. Y. M. C. A. B. A.; M. A., 1900, Stanford Univ. Teaching, 1900—. Address, 1112 5th Ave., Spokane, Wash. 1166. ALBERT LEWIS THAYER Born Feb. 11, 1876, Johnson, Ohio. f. Charles Corbet Thayer, Aug. 11, 1853, Bristol, Ohio. m. Ella Hulse, Sept. 22, 1855, Ohio. Architect. Prepared in New Castle High School. Glee and Mandolin Clubs. B. S. Christian Church; Lodge of the Craft. F. & A. M. No. 433; Delta Royal Arch. Chapter No. 170, Hiram Council No. 45, and Lawrence Commanderv No. 62, K. T.; Shenango Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F., Pittsburg Chapter A. I. A. Married Ethel E. Halstead, Sept. 20, 1899, Cortland, Ohio. Children, Lauren Halstead, born Nov. 8, 1901; Harding Hulse, born Mar. 4, 1903; Charles Bradley, born Sept. 7, 1904. Address, Lawrence Savings & Trust Bldg., New Castle, Pa. 1167. GUY ANDREW THOMPSON Born Jan. 8, 1871, Steward, 111. f. Robert Tames Thompson, 1848, W. Va. m. Evelyn Louise Flagg, 1848, Williston, Vt. Teacher. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic. Y. M. C. A. Phi Gamma Delta, Univ. of Me. B. A.; B. A., 1900, M. A., 1901, Harvard. Teacher of Eng. and Ger., Millersburg Mil. Inst., Ky., 1898-99; Instructor in Eng., Univ. of Me., 1901-05; Asst. Prof. Eng., same, 1905 — . Member Harvard Modern Language Conference, 1900-01; Sec. Phi Kappa Phi, Maine, 1903; Sec. and Treas. Philological Club, Maine, 1901-03. Address, University of Maine, Orono, Me. 1168. FERDINAND FREDERICK EMIL TOENNIGES Born Apr. 3, 1875, Rock Island, 111. f. Henry J. Toenniges, Berlin, Germany, m. Mary E. Willers, Hamburg, Germany. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Davenport, la.. High School. C. E. Society. B. S. With various railroad companies in the positions of draftsman, chain- man, etc., 1898—. Married Myra M. , Oct. 11, 1900, Saratoga, N. Y. Address, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 1169. WILLIAM LUTHER UNZICKER Born Mar. 1, 1875, Hopedale, 111. f. J. T- Unzicker, Dec. 27, 1841, Pekin, 111. m. Phoebe Engel, Oct. 22, 1843, Metamora, 111. Special Deputy Surveyor of Customs and Asst. Custodian of Federal Building, Omaha, Neb. Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ. Phi Gamma Delta. B. A. Teaching School, Hopedale, 1898-99; in Omaha High School, 1899-1900; Clerk in Custom House, Omaha, Neb., 1900-02; Special Deputy Surveyor of Customs and Asst. Custodian of Federal Building, Omaha, Neb., 1903—. Address, 204 Federal Building, Omaha, Neb. 1170. RUFUS WALKER. Jr. Born Feb. 27, 1875, in Rock Island, f. Rufus Walker. Coal Business, 1904. B. A. Address, 614 22d St., or 415 16th St., Moline, 111. 1898] Baccalaureate Alumxi 227 1171. CHARLES ALBERT WALTER Born Feb. 26, 1876, in Piano, 111. f. [. Walter. B. S.; M. S., 1901. Chemist and Dean Chem, and Pharm. Depts. Xafl Cor. Schools, 1904. Address (1904), 317 E. North St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1172. JOSHUA PERCY WEBSTER Born Feb. 3, 1873, Philadelphia, Pa. f. Lukens Wesbter. m. Eliza- beth Hallowell. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Friends Central School and Armour Insti- tute, Chicago. Adelphic. Bus. Mgr. Illini. B. S. Supt. of Construction with W. W. Lindsay & Co., Engrs. and Contrs., 1899 — . Member Phila. Engrs'. Club, 1900; Friends Meeting, Brithwright member. Married Katherine C. Hamilton, June 20, 1900, Petersburg, 111. Address, 4613 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 1173. SARAH EMELINE WEBSTER Born Mav 16, 1876, St. Louis, Mo. f. Sidnev Breese Webster, Feb. 21, 1843, Carlyle, 111. m. Emeline Barnes, Sept. 14,^1845, St. Louis, Mo. Art Instructor. Prepared in Carlyle, 111. Y. W. C. A. Alethenai. Ilhni and Illio Artist. B. A. Teacher of English Lit. in All Saints (Epio.) School, Sioux Falls, S. D.; teacher of English Lit. and Art in Champaign, public schools, 1900-01; Director of Art, Pub. Schools, Lincoln, Xeb.. 1901-06. Instructor in Art dep't of New York Training School for Teachers, 1906—. Address, N. Y. T. S. T., 245 E, 119th St., New York, N. Y. 1174. CLYDE LEIGH WETZEL Born Dec. 27, 1877, Traer, la. f. C. F. Wetzel, m. Emma Axon. Telephone Engineer. Prepared in Traer High School. B. S Address, 259 S. CHnton St., Chicago, 111. 1175. ALLISON JAMES WHARF Born July 20, 1876, Olney, 111. f. James Elliot Wharf. 1854, Keene, Ohio. m. Adelia Hanna Allison, 1855, Jonesborough, Ind. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Olney High School. B. S. Highway Bridge Construction, 1898; entered the services of the Union Pac. R. R., 1899, and served as chainman, rodman, inspector of masonry and piling intsrumentman on tunnels, asst. engineer, gen. foreman of bridges and buildings, Asst. engineer. Supervisor of bridges and buildings. Now divi- sion engineer. Married Sara Bower Thompson, Jan., 1900, Olney, 111. Children, Allison Webster, born Oct., 1900; William Thompson, born Aug., 1904 (died Nov., 1905). Address, 122 E. 16th St., Cheyenne, Wyo. 1176. ALBERT ST. JOHN WILLIAMSON Born Apr. 6, 1872, Quincy, 111. f, William Penn Williamson. Dec. 10, 1832, Freeport, Pa. m. Martha L. St. John, Kent, Conn. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in tJniv. Acad. Capt. B. S.; M. E., 1902. Shop and drafting room of C. M. & S. P. Ry., Milwaukee, Wis., 1898-1901; draftsman and chief draftsman Mex. Cent. R. R., 1903; Topo- graphical work, 1904; Asst. to Supt., Machinery Mex. Cent. R. R., 1904-06; Mechan. Inspector, 1906. Member I. N. G. Address, care of Mex. Central Ry., Aquas Calientes, Mex. 228 University of Illinois [1898 1177. FREDERICK HENRY WILSON Born Aug. 14, 1876, Evanston, 111. f. W. C. Wilson, m. Electrician. Prepared in Evanston High School. B. S. Sigma Chi. Electrical work; Chief Electrician, Battleship Kentucky, U. S. N., 1900-04. Electrical Dept., Deering Harvester Co. Works, 1904; Steam Turbine Dept., Allis Chalmers Co., 1906. Address, care of Allis Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 1178. LEWIS FORNEY WINGARD Born June 3, 1875, Champaign, 111. f. Benjamin Franklin Wingard, Delphi, Ind. m. Mary Forney, Waynesboro, Penn. Lawyer. Prepared at High School. Band; Orchestra; Adelphic; Politi- cal Science Club; Asst. Editor Illini. B. A.; LL. B. Engaged in practice of Law. Sec. of the Board of Education of Champaign; Chm. of Republican Township Central Committee of Champaign. Address, 407 N. State St., Champaign, 111. *1179. JAMES THOMPSON WOLCOTT Born October 21, 1868, Peoria, 111. f. Gilbert Wolcott, Jan. 20, 1837, Brooklyn, New York. m. Maria Day, Feb. 17, 1839, Nunda Vallev, N. Y. Prepared in Peoria, 111. B. S. Asst. to City Chemist, Buffalo', N. Y., 1898; Asst. to State Chemist, Buffalo, N. Y., 1899; Asst. 111. Steel Co., 1900; Asst. Chem., Armour & Co., Chicago. 1901; Supt. Oil Refinery Armour & Co., Ft. Worth, Texas, 1902. Member Masons; American Chemical Soc. Married Marie Boss, June 20, 1900, Chicago, 111. Died Feb. 9, 1904, Ft. Worth, Texas. Widow, Mrs. J. T. Wolcott, 386 Front Ave., Buffalo, New York. 1180. GEORGE BEDELL WORTHEN Born May 17, 1877, Warsaw, 111. f. George B. Worthen, 1837, Warsaw, 111. m. Mary L. Bedell, 1839, Warsaw, 111. Manager Collection Dept., Amer. Jobbing Assn. Prepared in Warsaw High School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Mgr. Track Team, 1898-99; Illini Staff. LL. B. Practiced Law at Poplar Bluff, Mo., 1903; Asst. Manager Col- lection, Swift & Co., 1904; Man. Coll. Dept., Amer. Jobbing Assn., 1904 — . Articles in current magazines, 1900-1902; in Green Bag, American Legal Xews and Law Student's Helper. Member Commercial Law League of America. Senior Warden, Holy Cross Mission, Episcopal, Poplar Bluff, Mo. Married Etta M. Horstman, Sept. 1, 1902, Olathe, Kans. Child, Mary The ye, born Sept. 8, 1903. Address, 422 N. Linn St., Iowa City, la. 118L MINNIE BARNEY WOODWORTH (YOUNG) Born May 5, 1877, Champaign, 111. f. Stephen Elias Woodworth, Nov. 27, 1815. m. Mary Celina Carpenter, Apr. 5, 1842. Prepared in Champaign High School. Y. W. C. A. Alethenai. B. A. Teaching, Champaign, 1898-99. AI arricd ]ohn Hayes Young, Dec. 26, 1899, Champaign, 111. Child, Boy, born Nov. 21, 1900, (died Nov. 21, 1900); John Hayes, Jr., born Sept. 7, 1903. Address, 1419 Division St., Burlington, la. 1182. DAVID CONDER WRAY Born Feb. 27, 1875, Winnebago, 111. f. S. T. Wray, Perry Co., Pa. m. Martha Scott, Pa. Mining Engineer. Prepared in Winnebago High School. C. E. Club. B. S. Civil Engineers' Club. With U. S. Geol. Survev, 1898-1900; Asst. Mine Eng., Whitebreast Fuel Co., 1900-1905; Supt. of Shaol Creek Coal Co., 1905 — . Member Masons. Address, 734 The Rookery, Chicago, 111. 1898] Baccalaureate Alumni 229 1183. HERMAN LOUIS WUERFFEL Born Feb. 24. 1876, Chicago, 111. f. Leonhard Wuerffel, Jan. 31. 1829, Beyreuth, Bavaria, m. Albertina Koplien, June 19, 1839. Stetin, Germany. Electrician. Prepared in South Chicago High School. Capt. B. S. With Western Electric Co. Member German Lutheran Church, Maywood, 111. Married Charlotte Anna Eissfeldt, Jan. 14, 1900. Milwaukee, Wis. Chil- dren, Stella Albertine, born June 19, 1901; Gertrude Anna, Mar. 30. 1905. Address, 409 S. 10th Ave., Maywood, 111. CLASS OF 1899 (108) 1184. HARRY ANDERSOX Born June 12, 1878, in Sheldon, 111. f. M. Anderson, m. Minnie J. Fleager. Engineer. B. S. Asst. Superintendent of Equipment, Pacific States Tel. & Tel. Co., Sunset Tel. & Tel. Co. Address, care of Pacific States Telephone Co., Los Angeles, Calif. 1185. FRANK HALL ARMSTRONG Born Nov. 1, 187 7, Serena, 111. f. Abrham T. Armstrong, 111. m. Lottie E. Hall, Maine. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Ottawa High School. Tau Beta Pi. Pres. of M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. Asst. Master Mechanic Cleveland CliflFs Iron Co., 1899-1901; Master Mechanic Crystal Falls Iron Co., 1901-02; Master Mechanic, Republic Iron Co., 1902-04; Mechanical Engineer for Penn. Iron Mining Co., and Republic Iron Co., 1904 — . Member Lake Superior Mining Institute, 1902. .^/amVcf Clara E. Pascoe, Dec. 23, 1903, Republic, Mich. C/;/W, Charlotte E. Address, Vulcan, Michigan. *1186. SAMUEL MICHAEL BAYARD Born Apr. 11, 1878, Vincennes, Knox Co., Ind. f. Joseph Lambert Bayard, Jan. 27, 1841, Vincennes, Ind. m. Helen M. Burke, Sept. 10, 1850, Marietta, Ohio. Prepared in St. Francis Xavier's Prep. School and Vincennes Univ. Phi Delta Theta. Shield and Trident. B. S. Clerk, Bankers' Nat'l Bank, Chicago. Died Sept. 10, 1901, at Vincennes, Ind. 1187. GWAVAS FOSTER BECKERLEG Born Sept. 28, 1876. f. James G. Beckerleg, Penzance, Eng. m. Catharene Brown, Mineral Point, Wis. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Chicago EngHsh High School and Man. Train. School. C. E. Club; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Civil Engineer with August Ziesing, 1899-1901; American Bridge Co., N. Y., 1901-03; Illinois Steel Co., 1903-05; Sec. Bridge Manufacturer's Assn., 1905-06. Contracting Mgr. Noelke-Richards Iron Works. Member Western Soc. of Engrs. Married Clara M. Ungewitter, Chicago. 111., Dec. 24, 1901. Address. 2233 N. Alabama St.. Indianapolis, Ind. 1188. RALPH BENNETT Brother of No. 1189 Born June 20, 1875, Morton, 111. f. Wm. Sargent Bennett, m. Mary A. Campbell. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in C. E. H. and M. T. S., Chicago. Philo- mathean. B. S. Chief Electrical Engr., Edison Elec. Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Associate member Amer. Inst. Elec. Engrs. Address, 136 Witmer St., Los Angeles, Calif. 230 University of Illinois [1899 1189. RUTH BENNETT (MORGAN) Sister of No. 1188 Born Sept. 20, 1877, Morton, 111. f. William Sargent Bennett, Indiana, m. Mary Anna Campbell, 1836, Morton, 111. Medical Missionary, China. Prepared in North West Div. High School, Chicago. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; Wacheka League. Chairman Missionary Committee, Y. W. C. A. B. A.; M. D., 1904, Johns Hopkins. At Medical School, 1900-1901; 1901-1902, in California; Medical School, 1903-04; Medical Missionary, Tsing Kiang pu China. President of Y. W. C. A., Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1903-04; member of First Presb. Church in U. S., Nashville, Tenn., 1904. Married Lorenzo Seymour Morgan, M. D., June 28, 1904, Nashville, Tenn. Address, Tsing Kiang pu; via Chinkiang, China. 1190. THOMAS ARCHIBALD MURRAY BEVANS Born June 29, 1879, in Wildwood, 111. f. Homer Bevans. Teacher, Man. Tr. 1904. B. S. Address, 353 W. 60th Place, Chicago, 111. 1191. MARY CONSTANCE BIGELOW Born July 13, 1877, Austin, Minn. f. Edward Bigelow, Lakeville, N. Y. m. Lucy Hart Brown, Fitchberg, Mass. Cleric. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. Teaching, 1899- 1901; clerking, 1901—. Address, 407 W. Washington Ave., Champaign, 111. 1192. CLARENCE EDGAR BOCOCK Born Dec. 14, 1876, in Stark Co., 111. f. Cyrus Bocock. m. Eleanor Fonts. Teacher. Le Circle Francais; Natural History Club; Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon. B. A. Instructor in Science, Corning High School, Corning, Iowa, 1900-04; Dean and Professor of Science, State Normal School, Albion, Idaho, 1904. Now taking Graduate work in University of Chicago. Address, Albion, 111. 1193. LUCILE ALICE BOOKER Born Oct. 1, 1874, in Wichita, Kans. m. Mrs. C. B. Booker. Instructor in English, 1904. B. A. Address, Stillwater, Minn. 1194. JAMES CLIFFORD BRADLEY Born May 29, 1875, Morrison, 111. f. James A. Bradley, Ohio, 1842. m. Emily Elizabeth McAlHster, 1849, Ind. Patent Attorney. Prepared in Morrison High School. Pres. Y. M. C. A. ; Track Team. B. S. Drafting with Ajax Forge Co., 1899-1900; drafting U. S. Navy Dept., Newport News, Va., 1900-01; member of the Examining Corps in U. S. Patent office, Washington, D. C, 1901-05; practice of patent law, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1905—. Member Presb. Church, 1890; Bar of Supreme Ct. of D. C, 1905. Married Dorothy Holland Sipe, June 1, 1904, Washington, D. C. Address, 518 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1195. THEODORE LEONARD BURKLAND Born Apr. 30, 1875, Moline, 111. f. Swan P. Burkland, Sweden, m. Charlotte Larson, Sweden. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Moline High School. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi. Football Team; Manager Interscholastic. B. S. Drafts- 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 231 man, Paige Iron Works, Chicago, 111., 1899; Moline Plow Co., 1899; Asst. Engr., Peoria Water Works. 1902 — . Married Mary C. Trumbower, June 8, 1904, Huron, S. Dak. Address, care of Peoria Water Works Co., Peoria, 111. *1196. HALBERT LILLY CHIPPS Brother of No. 1473 Born Oct. 13, 1877, in Sullivan. 111. f. Abia Chipps, June 8, 1852, Clarksburg, W. Va. m. American Lilly, Oct. 10, 1856, SulHvan, 111. Prepared in Sullivan High School.' Tau Beta Pi. C. E. Club. B. S. Instructor in Civil Engineering, Univ. of 111., 1899; Chicago Junction Railway Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111., 1900; went to Laramie, Wyo. (with Union Pacific R. R.), August, 1900. Died November 3, 1900, at Laramie, Wyoming. 1197. HARRY ARTHUR CHUSE Born Mar. 11, 1877, Mattoon 111. f. J. F. Chuse, Switzerland, m. M. D. Nicholson, Bond Co., 111. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Mattoon High School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. B. S. Supt. of Chuse Engine Works. Married Eliza Shinn, Oct. 15, 1905, St. Louis. Address, 1117 Wabash Ave., Mattoon, 111. 1198. EDITH CLARK (BURR) Sister of No. 1104 Born Apr. 28, 1877, Vandalia, 111. f. Daniel Monroe Clark, m. Rebecca Davis Clark. Prepared in Vandalia High School. Pi Beta Phi. Watcheka League; Phi Delta Psi. Y. W. C. A.; Capt. Basket Ball Team. B. A. ; B. L. S., 1902. Class poet, 1902. Article, Niagara Falls: A Bibliography; Bulletin of Bibli- ography, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 85-91. Member Board of Directors of Detroit branch Collegiate Alumnae, 1905 — . Rec. Sec. Detroit Branch, Coll. Alum., 1906-07. Married Frank Henry Burr, June 10, 1903, Vandalia, 111. Address, care of Burr, Patterson & Co., Detroit, Mich. 1199. MARY EDITH CLARK Born Feb. 6, 1879, near Donovan, 111. f. Evlan Clark, Aug. 18. 1838, St. Joseph, Mich. m. Clarissa Watkins, Aug. 9, 1843, near Crawfordsville, Ind. Student. Prepared in Weslevan U^niv. English Club; Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. B. A. Teaching, 1900-01, Chillicothe, 111.; Mt. Vernon, 111., 1902-03; graduafe student, Illinois, 1905 — . Address, Sheldon, 111. 1200. PHILIP HENRY CLARK Born Dec. 31, 1873, Guilford, 111. f. Edward E. Clark, Feb. 2, 1845, Ireland, m. Sarah F. Sale, Dec. 6, 1851, Guilford, 111. Supt. of Galena School. Prepared in Galena High School. B. A. Prin. Galena High School, 1899-02, and Supt. of City School, 1902—. Married Loretta J. Mahony, June 30, 1904, Galena. 111. Address, Galena, 111 1201. CHARLES LUTHER CLIFFORD Born Sept. 6, 1874. Serena, 111. f. Martin Luther Clifford. Nov. 15, 1832, New York State, m. Sarah Elizabeth Sinclair, July 29, 1836, 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Ottawa High School. B. S. Arc lamp dept.. Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111., Sept.-Dec, 1899; with Chi- 232 University of Illinois [1899 cage Telephone Co., 1900-02; Elec. Engr., Employ of the U. S. Government, Dec, 1902—. Married Belle Ethel Jones, Dec. 19, 1900, Chicago, 111. Address, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. 1202. JANE ELIZABETH COOKE Born June 4, 1866, Monroe, Mich. f. Jacob Cooke, 1831, Geneva, N. Y. m. Sarah Grigg, England, 1834. Cataloger, Library of Congress. Prepared in Monroe High School. Attended Univ. of Mich., 1890-91, '93-95. B. L. S. Classifier, Univer- sity of Pa. Library, 1899; Re-organizer, Schmidlapp Free Lib., Piqua, Ohio. 1900-01; CatalogeV, Libr. of Congress, 1901—. Address, 218 Maryland Ave., N.E., Washington, D. C. 1203. VIRGINIA DINWIDDIE (PIPER) Born Aug. 26, 1876. f. Samuel Combs Dinwiddie, 1827,111. m. Mar- garet Elizabeth Orr, 1844, 111. Prepared in Maroa Public Schools and Univ. Acad. Alethenai. B. S. Laboratory Asst., College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1899-1900; High School Teacher, Crothersville, Ind., 1900-01. Married Charles Edward Piper, May, 1901, Chicago, 111. Address, 625 W. 4th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. 1204. GEORGE DODDS Born Nov. 4, 1878, Neoga, 111. f. EH Dodds. m. Ophelia Everhart, Port Washington, Ohio. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Neoga Public Schools. B. S. With the Bullock Electrical Mfg. Co.; Asst. in test dept., 1899-1901; Sales Engineer, 1901-03; Foreman Test dept., 1903-05; Asst. to Supt. of Constr., 1906 — . Married Lvila Engel, June 18, 1904, Cincinnati, Ohio. Address, 2605 Norwood Ave., Norwood, Ohio. 1205. RICHARD CHARLES DONOGHUE Born July 28, 1875, La Salle, 111. f. T. J. Donoghue. m. Law. LL. B. Practicing law in firm of Hall and Donoghue. Address, La Salle, 111. 1206. ALEXANDER DAWES DU BOIS Born Dec. 19, 1875, Springfield, 111. f. Nicholas Du Bois, Apr. 7, 1846, Carlinville, 111. m. Orlena Eliza Dawes, July 20, 1851, Carlinville, 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Springfield High and Man. Tr. School. Mech. and Elec. Engr. Soc; Y. M, C. A.; Mihtary Club; Nat. Hist. Club; Athletic Ass'n; Hazleton Medal; Illio Board; Military Instructorship ; Class Treasurer; Capt. B. S. Draftsman with the Electric Storage Bat- terv Co., Philadelphia, 1899-1900; Draftsman and Engineer to Supt. of Bridges & Buildings of Wabash R. R. Co., Springfield, 111., 1900-02; Western Electric Co., Chicago, as Draftsman and Designer, 1902; on Engineering Staff, 1902-06; Eng'r, Gen'l Sales Organization, 1906^. SpeciaHst on the applications of electric motors, 1903 — . Associate member, American Inst, of Elec. Eng'rs; member Methodist Church; St. Louis Railway Club, 1901-02. Associate member Amer. Ornithologists Union. Married Alma Margaret Houser, Nov. 8, 1902, Lincoln, 111. Address, 418 W. 72nd St ; Office. 259 S. Clinton St., Chicago, 111. 1207. HARRY TRUXTUN EASTMAN Born in Rock Island, 111., Jan. 25, 1878. m. Mrs. C. L. Eastman. Junior Engineer, U. S., Improvement Miss. R. 1904. B. S. . . Address, 1108 First Ave., Rock Island, 111. U. S. Engr's Office, La Crosse, Wis. 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 233 1208. HOWARD MONTGOMERY ELY Born Feb. 19, 1876, Peoria, 111. f. Edwin C. Ely, born Feb. 19, 1840, in Trumbal Co., Ohio. m. Mary Montgomery Grier, born June 23, 1848, in Danville, Pa. Engineer. Prepared in Peoria High School. Delta Tau Delta. B. S. Resident Engineer, Asst. to D. W. Mead. Consulting Engineer, Chicago. Member Western Soc. Engrs. Address, care of D. W. Mead, 738 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1209. EDNA FAIRCHILD Born May 5, 1876, Marinette, 111. f. E. M. Fairchild. Librarian. Prepared in Wellesley Coll. B. L. S. Address, The Lessing, Chicago, 111. 1210. CLARENCE EARL FLEAGER Born Mav 23, 1879, Sheldon, 111. f. Wm. Barnum Fleager, Sept. 7, 1830, Carlisle\ Pa. m. Frances Milliman, Oct. 17, 1853. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Sheldon, 111. Base Ball team. B. S. Clerk Am. Tel. & Tel. Co. Chicago, 1899-1901; District Mgr., 1901; St. Paul, Service Insp., 1901-02; Switchboardman, Sunset Tel. & Tel. Co., Seattle, 1902-04; Supt. Inside Plant, Puget Sound Div., 1904—. Married Mabell E. Maynard, July 12, 1905. Address. 1614 E. Harrison St., Seattle, Wash. 1211. EUGENE WILLIAM PENN FLESCH Born Sept. 28, 1876, in Philadelphia, Pa. f. J. A. Flesch. m. Fred- ericka Astruck. Interior Architect. Kappa Sigma. B. S. Married Rose Eisler, Oct. 29, 1904, New York City, N. Y. Child, Ruth, born Aug. 8, 1905. Address, 4102 Indiana Ave., or 50 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. 1212. MARCUS SAMUEL FLETCHER Born Feb. 17. 1869, Ridgefarm, 111. f. Henry Fletcher, Oct. 28, 1839, Ridgefarm, 111. m. Mahala Haworth, Oct. 15, 1842, Georgetown, 111. Physician and Surgeon. Prepared in Ridgefann High School. M. D., 1898, Chicago; B. S. Phv Rho Sigma of P. & S. John Ashkurst Surgical Soc. of U. of Penn. Vermilion Co. Health Officer, 1902-04. Member Ver- milion Co. Med. Soc, 1900; 111. State Med. Soc, 1902. Married ]ess\e Baum, Aug. 5, 1897, Newport, Ind. Child, Mildred, born Apr. 8, 1900. Address, Georgetown, 111. 1213. JOHN ALBERT FOBERG Born Mar. 12, 1876, Chicago, 111. f. Nels A. Foberg, Sweden, m. Mathilda Bergstrom, Sweden. Teacher. Fellowship in Math., 1900. Teacher of Math, in R. I. Crane Man. Train. School. B. S. Married Louise Julia Fountain, July 1, 1903. Address, 653 Otto St., Chicago, 111. 1214. ROBERT LAMBERT FOWLER Born Oct. 4, 1876, in Charity, 111. f- Robert Fowler, m. Ellen Dillon. Civil and Mining Engineer. ' Capt. B. S. One year Mining and Civil Engineering; three years Mining Engineer for Utah Fuel Co.; one year Chief Engineer for Utah Fuel Co.; one-half year Supt. Nevada Coal Co. Prospect- ing with Diamond Drill. Now Supt. "of Gelsonite and Coal Mines of the Bar- ber Asphaltum Co., headquarters at Dragon, Utah. Address, 62 J St., Salt Lake City, Utah, or 423 Dooly Blk. 234 • University of Illinois [1899 1215. WILLIAM GORDON FRASER Born Jan. 27, 1875, La Salle, 111. f. Wm. H. Fraser, Mar. 26, 1838, Perth, Ontario, Canada, m. Lydia M. Waterman, Apr. 26, 1848, Pleasant River, Nova Scotia. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in La Salle High School. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Alfa Delta Zeta; Shield and Trident. B. S. Ass't Master Mech. Cleveland Chffs Iron Co., Ishpenning, Mich., 1899-1901; Instructor Mech. Eng'g, Univ. of 111., 1901-02; Master Mechanic Flammis- fumis Co., Mojave, Cal., 1903; Gen. Mangr. Flamisfumes Co., 1904 — . Address, Mojave, Calif. 1216. DAISY GARVER (BAUM) Wife of No. 849 Sister of No. 1866 Born Dec. 22, 1875, Farmer City, 111. f. Christian Garver, 1849, Harris- burg, Pa. m. Eva Pettit, 1844, Shelbyville, Ind. Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. Pi Beta Phi. B. A. Married Harrey William Baum ('95), Mar. 20, 1900, Bloomington, 111. Address, Hibernian Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. 1217. WINFRED DEAN GERBER Born July 8,1876, Rockford, 111. f. Henry H. Gerber, Rockford, 111. m. Isabella C. Dean, Cazamoria, N. Y. Railroad Builder. Prepared in Rockford High School. B. S. Municipal and Sanitary work, 1899-1902; Railroad Construction, 1902—. Member Illinois Soc. Engrs. and Surveyors. Married Jessie Fuller Davidson, Aug. 27, 1902. Address, Enid, Okla. 1218. HUGH McWHURR GILCHRIST Born Oct. 21, 1878, Rapids City, 111. f. John Weir Gilchrist, Sept., 1857, Wanlockhead, Scotland, m. Caroline Schaechter, May, 1859, Rapids City, 111. Mining Engineer. Prepared in Viola, 111., and Univ. Acad. B. S.; M. E., 1900, Michigan College of mines. Student Michigan Coll. of Mines, 1900; Asst. Supt. Southern Smelting Co., 1900-02; Engineer Empire and Alden Coal Co.'s, 1902—. Married Ehzabeth Quirk, Apr. 29, 1903, Peoria, 111. Address, Gilchrist, 111. 1219. WALTER BURLEY GRIFFIN Born Nov. 24, 1876, Maywood, 111. f. George Walter Griffin, 1851, Mar. 20, Haverhill, Mass. m. Estelle Melvina Burley, 1852, Mar. 13, St. Charles, 111. Architect. Prepared in Oak Park High School. Architects' Club; Cercle Francais; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Architectural draftsman, Chicago, 1899-1901; Architect and Landscape Architect with Frank Lloyd Wright, Oak Park, 111., 1901-05. Practicing independently, 1906 — . Member Chi- cago Architectural Club, 1899-1905. Address, Elmhurst, 111.; Office, 1200 Steinway Hall, Chicago, 111. 1220. FRED GRIM Born Aug. 10, 1875, in Canton, 111. f. E. W. Grim. Draftsman, 1904. B. S. Address, 326 W. 65th St., Chicago, 111.; office 1106 The Rookery. 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 235 1221. LOUIS DIXON HALL Born June 13, 1878, Taylorville, 111. f. William W. Hall, Nov. 30, 1847, Springfield, 111. m. Sarah Louisa Stewart, Mar. 31, 1849, Waukegan, 111. Instructor. Prepared in Hawarden High School, la. Adelphic. Y. M. C. A. Agricultural Club. B. S. 1899-1903, engaged in beef cattle trade, ranching at Fairfax, S. D., and cattle feeding at Hawarden, la., and general farming, 1899-1903; Instructor in Animal Husbandry, Illinois, and first Asst. in Animal Husb., 111. Exp. Sta., 1903 — . Pamphlets, Circulars Nos. 79, 88, 91, 92, 94, 98, 111. Agr. Exp. Stat, (with Herbert M. Mumford). Occasion- al articles in various weekly and monthly Agr. Journals. Member Hawarden Congr. Church, Trustee, 1900-1903; Board of Education of Independent School District of Hawarden, 1902-03. Honorary member of Alpha Zeta. Married Elizabeth Cutler Wilder, June 13, 1900, Champaign, 111. Chil- dren, Dixon Wilder, born May 7, 1902; Charles Nelson, born Feb. 12, 1904. Address, care of College of Agriculture, Urbana, 111. 1222. JOHN NEWTON HERWIG Born July 27, 1874, Mason City, 111. f. Gerhard Herwig, Dec. 27, 1830, Hessey Castle, Germany, m. Elizabeth Sullivan, Nov. 27, 1842, Cape Mav, N.J. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Machinist; Draftsman, 1900; Maintaining Block Signals, 1901; Mech. Draftsman, 1902; Water Ser- vice, C. C. & L. R. R., 1904—. Address, Mason City, 111. 1223. IRWYN HORATIO HILL Born Feb. 19, 1875, Joliet, 111. f. Chas. A. Hill, 1834, Cortland Co., N. Y. m. Lydia M. Wood, Mar. 17, 1838, Crete, 111. Architect. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Theta. B. S. Bugler, I. N. G., 1891-93. Married ]a.mie E. Woody, June 11, 1901, Champaign, 111. Child, Fred- erick Way Woody, born Mar. 30, 1905. Address, care of A. Warren Gould, Archt., Washington Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. 1224. JOHN KING HOAGLAND Husband of No. 1500 Born Aug. 31, 1873, Mode, 111. f. John W. Hoagland, 1832, Ohio. m. Carrie King, 1842, Pa. Farmer. Prepared in Shelbyville High School. Philomathean. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Pres. of Athletic Ass'n. Capt. track team. Illinois and Conference record in mile walk. B. S. Leading the Simple Life on the farm. Married Francis Myrtle Green ('01), Feb. 12, 1902, Urbana, 111. Max, born Aug. 2, 1904. Address, Mode, 111. 1225. GEORGE WALLACE HUBBARD Husband of No. 1518 Born Dec. 15. 1876, Urbana, 111. f. Geo. Wyllys Hubbard, m. Edna Price Post. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Urbana High School. Adelphic. Y. M. C. A. Military Club. Capt. B. S. Draftsman, 1902; Asst. Me- chanical Engineer, 1902 — . Married Mabel Hopkins ('01), Sept. 11, 1901. Indianapolis, Ind. Child, Elizabeth Edna, born May 20, 1905. Address, 1409 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111. 236 University of Illinois [1899 1226. ALINE DELLENA HUGHSTON (ENOCHS) Wife of No, 1117 Born Jan. 29, 1878, Bucklev, 111. f. Herbert Abott Hughston. May 18, 1844. Otego, N. Y. m. Mary A. Smith, Apr. 3, 1848, Waterloo, Ohio. Prepared in Urbana High School. B. S. Teacher of drawing, Cham- paign School, 1899-1900. Student, Art Institute, Chicago, 1905. Married Claude D. Enochs ('98), June 14, 1900, Urbana, 111. Address, 900 Vine St., La Crosse, Wis. 1227. FREDERICK MILTON JAMES Born Aug. 13, 1869, Piasa, 111. f. Geo. James, Aug., 1840, near Liver- pool, Eng. m. Annie M. Laring, Ind. Methodist Minister. Prepared in Piasa Public School. B. S. Platonian Lit. Soc, Lebanon, 111. Minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Elder in the M. E. Church So. 111. Conference; Ordained Deacon bv Bishop Vincent at Farfield, 1902; ordained Elder by Bishop Cabe, Litchfield, 111. Address, Thebes, 111. 1228. LOUISE JONES (ADSIT) Wife of No. 1440; Sister of Nos. 652, 653 Born Feb. 9, 1878, Champaign, 111. f. James S. Jones, Columbus, Ohio- m. Eliza Houston, So. Charleston, Ohio. Prepared in Champaign High School. Kappa Alpha Theta. B. A. Married Bert W. Adsit ('01). Nov. 12, 1902. Address, 502 W. Grove St., Pontiac, 111. 1229. EMMA REED JUTTON Born New Albany, Ind. f. Joseph Jutton, born Oct. 28, 1840. m. EHzabeth Reed, Oct. 27, 1848. Librarian. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. L. S. Loan Librarian, Univ. of 111. Lib. Member Christian Church. Address, 501 Chalmers St., Champaign, 111. 1230. JAMES FRANKLIN KABLE Brother of No. 1708 Born June 12, 1876, Virden, 111. f. Benjamin Franklin Kable, born Apr. 4, 1840, Green Co., Ohio. m. Anna Maria Freeman, Sept. 8, 1842, Virden, 111. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Blackburn University and Staun- ton Militarv Academv, Va. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Alpha Delta Sigma; Architects' Club; Y. M. C. A. B. S. Asst. in G. E. D. at Illinois, 1899-1901; Instructor in Descriptive Geometry at Univ. of Wis., 1901-02; Instructor in G. E. D., at Illinois, 1902-04; Architectural Supt., 1904; Structural Draftsman with Purdy & Henderson, June-Sept., 1903; E. C. & R. M. Shankland, Jan.-June, 1905; Amer. Bridge Co., June-Sept., 1905; D. H. Burnham & Co., Sept., 1905—. Author; Freehand Letter- ing, (with J. D. Phillips), Chicago, 1902. Address, 6201 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. 1231. DANIEL CLEMENT KETCHUM Brother of No. 880 Born Oct. 10, 1877, Kewanee, 111. f. Smith Ketchum, Jan. 7, 1840, Bucyrus, Ohio. m. Martha Ann Clement, Aug. 17, 1846, Hamilton, Canada. Lawver. Prepared in Elmwood High School. Adelphic. Political Science Club; English Club; Van Twiller Court Club; Y. M. C. A. ; Oratorical Ass'n; Athletic Ass'n; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu. B. A.; LL. B., 1904. Prin. of High School, Girard, 111., 1900; Supt. and Prin. of Schools, 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 237 Rosemond. 111., 1900-02. Practicing law, 1904—. Member Presbytr. Church; Kansas City Bar Ass'n. Address, 521 Xew York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1232. JAMES THOMPSON KINGSBURY Born in Lawrence Co., 111. f. R. W. Kingsbur\'. m. Josephine Kingsbi^ry. Lawyer. Prepared in Vincennes Univ. and Public School. B. A.; LL. B., 'l902. Member Christian Church. Address, Vincennes, Ind. 1233. FRED CONRAD KOCH Born May 16, 1876, Chicago, 111. f. Frederick Koch, Gudensberg, Ger- many, m. Louise Henrietta Fischer, Elmhurst, 111. Chemist. Prepared in Oak Park High School, Chicago. Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. S.; M. S., 1900. Fellow in Chemistry, 1899-1900; Instructor in Chemistry, Illinois, 1900-02; Experimental Chemist with Armour & Co., 1902 — . Member Amer. Chemical Soc, 1897 — . Married Bertha Ethel Zink, Aug. 20, 1901, Champaign, 111. Address, 1519 Garheld Blvd., Chicago, 111. 1234. IDA SUSAN LANDEL Born in Paxton, 111. f. Jacob Landal, Alsace, m. Susan Landel, Edgerton, Ohio. Prepared in Paxton High School. Watcheka League. B. A. Address, 408 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 1235. JOHN ALBERT LATZER Brother of No. 1362 Born Nov. 11, 1876, Highland, 111. f. Louis Latzer. m. Elizabeth Luehm. Chemist. Prepared in Highland Public Schools and Univ. Acad. Adel- phic; Y. M. C. A.; Agricultural Club; Alpha Zeta. B. S.; M. S., 1900. Chem- ist and Processor, 1899-1904; Manager of Delta Plant for Helvetia Milk Cond'gCo., 1904—. Address, Delta, Fulton Co., Ohio. 1236. CARROL GRAY LA\YRENCE Born Nov. 12. 1875, Carbondale, 111. f. Charles Carroll Lawrence, Jan. 31, 1837, Paris. 111. m. Ellen Jane Hamilton, June 16, 1841, Prairie, 111. Architectural Appraiser. Prepared in State Normal, Carbondale, 111. Athletic Assn. Capt. B. S. Architectural Draftsman; Architectural Appraiser. Address, care of American Appraisal Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 1237. WILLIAM BLAKE LEACH Born July 10, 1877, McLean, 111. f. Samuel I. Leach, Dec. 30, 1840, Westmoreland, N. H. m. Nancy M. Blake, June 11, 1842, Swansey, N. H. Lawyer. Prepared in McLean High School; I. S. N. Univ., Normal, 111. B.A.; LL. B., 1902, 111. Weslevan. Member Board of Control of Athletics; Tennis Manager; Pres. Le Circle Francais. B. A. Law Student, 1900-02; Practicing Law since. Elected member facultv. Law Dept., 111. Wesleyan Univ., Blooming-ton. 111., 1905—. Address, 707 E. Walnut St., Office, Unity Bldg.. Bloomington, 111. 1238. OSCAR ADOLPH LEUTWILER Born Feb. 16, 1877, Highland, 111. f. Adolph Leutwiler, Highland, 111. m. Celina Seeger, Winterthur. Switzerland. Asst. Prof, of Machine Design. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma 238 University of Illinois [1899 Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; Shield and Trident; Mech. Engrs. See. B. S.; M. S., 1900. Fellowship in M. E., 1899-1900. Draftsman with Parlin & Orendorfif Co., Canton, 111., 1900-01; Instructor in M. E. Dept. at Lehigh Univ., 1901-03; Asst. Prof, of Machine Design at Illi- nois, 1903 — . Junior member American Soc. of Mech. Engrs. Married Elise Verena Kaeser, Sept. 3, 1901, Highland, 111. Address,511 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 1239. ELLA MARIAN LOFTUS Born at Ivesdale, 111. f. John Loftus. m. Mary Lyons. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. Asst. in High School, Dixon, 111., 1899-1902; Ashland, 1902-03; Pekin, 111., 1903-04; Asst. in High School, Colorado Springs, 1904-06. Address, Colorado Springs, Colo. 1240. FRED MORGAN McELFRESH Born Mar. 27, 1874, Waverly, 111. f. Greenberry Riggs McElfresh, Ky. m. Elvira Morgan, Ohio. Agriculturalist. Prepared in Jacksonville High School. Philomathean; Track team. B. S. Asst. in Zoology, Oregon Agricultural Coll., 1899-1901 ; foreman of fruit farm, 1901—. Married Gertrude Elizabeth Ewing, Feb. 24, 1905, Oswego, Ore. Address, Salem, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. 1241. MARY McGILVREY Born Aug. 23, 1869, Cumberland Co., 111. f. James Challen Kelly, 1843, Ind. m. Charlotte Young, 1848, Ohio. Prepared in Casey, 111., and Ind. State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind. B. A. Married John Edward McGilvrey, 1894, Terre Haute, Ind. Child, Robert Gardon, born June 12, 1902. Address, 167 Whitman St., Cleveland, Ohio. 1242. JESSE ERLE MEHARRY Born Dec. 31, 1876, near Philo, 111. f. Jesse Meharry, born near Wingate, Ind. m. Addie A. Francis, born at New Lenox. Farmer. Prepared in Tolono High School. Track team. B. A. Mem- ber Knights of Pythias; Leader Tolono K. of P. Band, 1904-05. Address, Tolono, 111. *1243. BENONI EDWARD MERCIL Born July 4, 1877, in Chicago, f. Benoni Mercil. Eng. Dept. Amer. Tele. & Telegraph Co. B. S. Died Mar. 28, 1906. 1244. JOSEPH ALBERT MESIROFF Born Sept. 25, 1873, in Russia, f. Albert Mesiroff, Russia, m. Lorea Mesiroff, Russia. Electrician. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Eng. Soc. Scholarship, Chicago Club, Univ. of 111. B. S. Electrical engineer under Chief Engineer of the Milwaukee Elec. Ry. and Light Co. Address, 597 4th Street, Milwaukee, Wis. 1245. RALPH WALTER MILLS Born Oct. 29, 1878, Webster Groves, Mo. f. Ralph W. Mills, 1836, New York City. m. Mary McKinney, 1851, Cleveland, Ohio. Physician; Instructor in Pathology. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta (Med.); Track team; Glee Club; Mandolin Club; 1S99] Baccalaureate Alumni 239 Banjo Club, leader 1898; Band; Univ. Orchestra. B. S.; M. D., St. Louis Univ. Practice of Medicine, also Instructor in Pathology, Wash. Univ. Med. Dept. Illustrated several Medical books. Member St. Louis Med. See; Washington Univ. Alumni Ass'n. Married Irene M. Goodberlet, Aug. 2, 1904. Address, Webster Groves, St. Louis Co., Mo. 1246. MASON HARDER NEWELL Born Apr. 6, 1876. Minonk, 111. f. Martin L. Newell, Aug. 12, 1838, Spaflford, N. Y. m. Marv A. Beeman, July 1, 1842, Preble, N. Y. Publisher. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. A.; M. A., 1901; LL. B., 1902, Yale. Admitted to Bar of Conn., 1902; Illinois, 1902. Asst. Appellate Court Reporter, 1902-04; Sec. and Treas., Fiske & Co., Law Book Publishers, Springfield, 111., 1905 — . Member Sons of American Revolution; I. O. O. F.; B. P. O. E.; Presbyterian Church. Address, Springfield, 111. 1247. ALLEN MEADE OTWELL Born in Plainview, 111. f. William Henry Harrison Otwell, Carlinville, 111. m. Fannie Eveline Brown, Brighton, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Acad., Blackburn Coll., and Valparaiso Coll. B. S.; M. S., 1901. Science Teacher 1899-1900; Graduate Student, Illi- nois, 1900-01; Science Teacher in High School, 1901-03; Graduate Stu- dent, Univ. of Wis., 1903-04; Operator in Electric Light and Power Station and employed in Testing Dept., Gen. Elec. Works,, Schenectady, N. Y., 1904- 05; Science teacher, 1905 — . Member Masons; I.O.O.F.; Knightsof Pythias. Address, La Porte, Ind. 1248. DAISY MAY OWENS Born Sept. 11, 1878, Urbana, 111. f. William Henry Owens, Dec. 22, 1833, Baltimore, Md. m. Sarah Wolfe. Teacher. Prepared in Urbana Public School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League. B. S. Teaching at North Yakima, Wis.. 1900—. Address, North Yakima, Wis. 1249. ARTHUR ELIJAH PAINE Born Mar. 24, 1876, Rosemond, 111. f. Elijah C. Paine, Sept. 2, 1844, N. Amherst, Mass. m. Sarah O. Russell, Mar. 20, 1848, Sunderland, Mass. Editor, Long Beach Tribune. Prepared in Rosemond High School. Y. M. C. A. Philomathean; Republican Club. B. A.; M. A., 1900. Graduate Scholarship in Economics; Prin. of Pana High School, 1900- 01; Newspaper Business, 1901 — . Helped start Peoria News, man- aging editor for a short time; now managing Editor, Long Beach Tribune. Pamphlet, Granger Movement in Illinois, Univ. of 111. Studies. Member Congregational Church. Married Lavina Eaton, Oct. 21, 1903, Pana, 111. Child, Sarah Miriam, born Oct. 9, 1904. Address, Long Beach, Calif. 1250. FRED JACOB POSTEL Husband of No. 1268 Born June 5, 1878, Mascoutah. 111. f. John Philip Postal, m. Alwina Scheve. Prepared in St. Louis Man. Train. School. B . S. With C. G. Armstrong, con- sulting engineer, 1899-1900; Railroad Supplv Co., 1900; C.G. Armstrong & Co., 1900-05 ; Partner, Postel & Linn, 1905—. Sergt. Co. D, Second U. S. Vol., 1898. Married Elma Smoot ('99), Sept. 19, 1900, Danville. 111. Address, 5227 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111. 240 University of Illinois [1899 1251. ALICE PUTNAM Born Ma}' 2, 1872, in Chicago, 111. f. J. R. Putnam. Musician, 1904. B. Mus. First student to receive this degree at Illinois. Instructor in Violin, Illinois, 1897-99. Address, 55 Madison Park, Chicago, 111. 1252. ROY J. RAILSBACK Born Dec. 1, 1877, Hopedale, 111. f. Ben T. Railsback, Tazewell Co., 111. m. Margaret M. Flemmiken, Columbus, Ohio. Grain dealer and Real Estate. Prepared in Hopedale High School; 111. State Normal High School Dept. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Y. M. C. A.; mini Staff; Board Athletic Control; Manager Foot Ball team; Editor Illio. B. A. Member Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Address, Hopedale, 111. 1253. GEORGE LESLIE RAPP Born Feb. 16, 1878, in Carbondale, 111. f. Isaac Rapp. Architect, 1904. B. S. Address, 53 E. 53d St., Chicago, 111.; 1005, 100 Washington St., Chicago, 111. 1254. JOHN EATON RAYMOND Brother of No. 1255 Born Nov. 19, 1876, Sidney, 111. f. Isaac Stuart Raymond, 111. m. Edith Eaton. Argiculturalist. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Asst. in charge of U. S. fresh fruit exhibit, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1900; Manager Stuart Hill Farms, 1900—. Address, Sidney, 111. 1255. RUTH RAYMOND (HASELTINE) Wife of No. 601 ; Sister of No. 1254 Born Junes, 1878, Philo, 111. f. Isaac S. Raymond, Jan. 29, 1849, Marys- ville, Ohio. m. Edith Eaton, Sept. 1, 1854, Monmoth, N. J. Prepared in Champaign High School. Kappa Alpha Theta. B. A. Teaching, 1900. Married Warren Edmond Haseltine, Oct. 17, 1900, Sidney, 111. Children, Theodore Raymond, born Sept. 28, 1901; Stuart Edmond, born Apr. 24, 1905. Address, Box 422, Aurora, 111. 1256. EMMA MAY RHOADS (NICKOLEY) Wife of No. 1152; Sister of No. 1257 Born Sept. 19, 1874, Ottawa, 111. f. Thomas Rhoads, Brownsville, Pa. m. Katherine Bardonner, Allegheny, City, Pa. Prepared in Ottawa Twp. High School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. Pres. ; mini Staff; Glee Club; Kappa Kappa Gamma; English Club. B. A. Teach- er in Greenville High School, 1899-1901; Cook Academy, 1901-03. Married Edward Frederick Nickoley ('98), Aug. 12, 1900, Champaign, 111. Child, Katherine Elizabeth, born Dec. 14, 1904, Beirut, Syria. Address, Beirut, Syria. 1257. HORACE ADAMS RHOADS Brother of No. 1256 Born Nov. 24, 1876, Ottawa, 111. f. Thomas Rhoads. m. Katherine Bardonner. Journalist. Prepared in Ottawa Twp. High School. Y. M. C. A. English Club; Adelphic; Editor Illini; Illio Board; Tumbling and Gymnasium 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 241 team, 1895-97. B. A. Law Student, Illinois, 1900-02; Editor Urbami Courier; Reporter Champaign Daily Gazette; Solicitor Urbana Herald; Law- Student with T. J. Smith, Champaign, 111., 1902-03; Farmer, 1004-0.=^; with Urbana Courier-Herald, 1905 — . Address, 510 Healy St., Champaign, 111. 1258. FELIX LANDERS RITCHEY Born Mar. 1, 1874, Arthur, 111. f. Philip Ritchey, Dec. 26, 1840, Bed- ford, Pa. m. Mary J. Landers, Feb. 1, 1845, Arthur, 111. Farmer. Prepared in Sullivan Public Schools, 111. Y. M. C. A. Adel- phic. B. A. 1900-02, Prin of Schools, Haines, Ore; Merchant, Haines, Ore., 1902-03; Farmer, Arthur, 111., 1905 — . Member Methodist Church; Sunday School Supt., 1900-03. Married Edith Marion, Aug. 31, 1901. Address, Arthur, 111., R. F. D. No. 3. 1259. PAUL FREDERICK AUGUSTUS RUDNICK Born Nov. 27, 1872, in Chicago, 111. f. John Rudnick. Chemist, 1904. B. S. Ph. G. Address. 4956 Vincennes Ave., Chicago, 111. ; care Armour & Co., Stock Yards. 1260. WALTER ROBERT SCHUTT Born Oct. 31, 1878, Belleville, 111. f. Christian Schutt, Jan. 2, 1848, Wetterfeld, Hessen, Germany, m. Katherina Pfeil, Nov. 7, 1854, Frankfort- on-the-Main, Germany. Railroader. Prepared in Belleville High School. B. A. Prin. of Schools, Franklin Park, 111., 1899-1903; Railroad work, 1903; Freight claim dept., C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1904—. Married Mary F. Draper, Oct. 12, 1905, FrankHn Park, 111. Address, Franklin Park, Cook Co., 111. 1261. GARRETT TELLER SEELY Husband of No. 1147 Born June 1, 1876, Oswego, 111. f. Thomas Jennings Seely, Aug. 16, 1848, Newburg, N. Y. m. Anzolette E. Teller, Julv 13, 1852, Schnectady, N. Y. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Oswego High School. C. E. Club; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Gamma Delta. Editor Technograph; Male Quartette; Glee Club; Advisory Board of Athletics. B. S. Topographer, A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1899-1900; Transitman, Chicago and Western Ind. R. R., 1900-01; Engineer of Maintenance, So. Side Elevated R. R., Chicago, 1901 — . Member West- ern Soc. of Engrs., 1905. Married Grace Espv Morrow ('98), Oct. 21, 1902, Paxton, 111. Child, Miriam, born Oct. 9, 1904. Address, 602 E. 50th St., Chicago, 111. 1262. FRANK THOMAS SHEEAN Brother of No. 1263 Born Apr. 22, 1878, Galena, 111. f. Thomas J. Sheean, Dec. 15, 1838, Guilford, 111. m. Frances Delchunt, Jan. 9, 1846, County Wichlow, Ireland. Lawyer. Prepared in Galena High School. Baseball Team. Phi Delta Theta. B. A. Law Student in offices of Sheean & Sheean, Galena, 111., to 1902; member of Law firm of Sheean & Sheean, 1902—. Address, Galena, 111. 242 University of Illinois [1899 1263. HENRY DAVID SHEEAN Brother of No. 1262 Born Nov. 17, 1875, Galena, 111. f. Thomas J. Sheean, Dec. 15, 1838, Guilford, 111. m. Frances Delchunt, Jan. 9, 1846, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Lawyer. Prepared in Galena High School. Phi Delta Theta. B. A. Law student in office of Sheean & Sheean, 1902 — . Address, Galena, 111. 1264. CARL EDMUNDS SHELDON Born Apr. 21, 1876, Sterling, 111. f. Clarence Leslie Sheldon, Apr. 21, 1841, New York. m. Mary Letitia Crawford, Apr. 19, 1847, SterUng, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Sterling High School and Univ. Acad. Y. M. C. A. ; Latin Club; Natural Hist. Soc. ; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma. B. A.; LL. B., 1902. Member Presbyterian Church; A. F. & A. M.; K. of G.; Pres. of Province Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1902-06; Nat'l Chapter House Officer, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1904-06. Address, Sterling, 111. 1265. CHARLAS AUGUSTUS SMITH Born Dec. 8, 1876, in Mattoon, 111. f. S. C. Smith, m. Frances H. Bacon. Architect. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Architect in Peoria and Mattoon, 111., and lola, Kansas. Member Presbyterian church; B. P. O. E.; lola Commercial Club. Address, lola, Kansas. 1266. ELMER CHURCH SMITH Born Feb. 12, 1870, in Columbus, Neb. f. Samuel C. Smith. Civil Engineer, 1904. B. S. Address, care of Jamison Coal & Coke Co., Greensburg, Pa. 1267. FLORENCE MARY SMITH Born Jan. 3, 1877, Elbridge, N. Y. f. Geo. Russell Smith, Carlton, N. Y. m. Elizabeth Ellen Hutchinson, Gaines, N. Y. Teacher. Prepared in Lewis Academy, Wichita, Kans. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai. Valedictorian. B. A. Teacher of English, High School, Hornellsville, N. Y., 1899-1903; Kankakee, 111., 1902-03; Bloomington, 111., 1903-04; Univ. Acad., 1904—. Address, 606 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 1268. ELMA SMOOT (POSTEL) Wife of No. 1250 Born Feb. 14, 1878, Danville, 111. f. Nathan Smoot. m. Minnie Michener. Prepared in Danville High School. B. A. Married Fred J. Postel ('99), Sept. 19, 1900, Danville, 111. Address, 5227 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111. 1269. TOM WOODS SMURR Born May 6, 1878, Ottawa, 111. f. Dr. T. A. Smurr, Wooster, Ohio. m. Arvilla E. Woods, do. Lawyer. Prepared in Ottawa Twp. High School. In Wooster Univ., 1897-98; Beta Theta Pi, (Alpha Lambda Chapter). Member Wooster Univ. football team. B. A. Member I. N. G., 1895-98; La Salle Co. Bar Ass' n; Ottawa Boat Club; Congr. Church. Address, Suite No. 1, Gedney Bldg., Ottawa, 111. 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 243 1270. MAGGIE EDITH STALEY (CARPENTER) Wife of No. 1014 Born Nov. 14, 1875, Tolono, 111. f. George Alex. Staley, Sept. 15, 1842, Va. m. Priscilla Jane Benjamin, Mar., 1842, Ohio. Prepared in Urbana High School. Y. W. C. A. Le Cercle Francais. Watcheka League. B. A. Methodist Church. Married Hubert Vincton Carpenter ('97), June 19, 1899, Urbana, 111. Children, Charles Benjamin, born Oct. 27. 1900; Florence, born July 21, 1903. Address, Pullman, Wash. 1271. LAURA ALLANA STREIGHT Born Oct. 12, 1872, Franklinville, N. Y. f. Matthew Streight. m. Florence E. Gould. Librarian. Prepared in State Normal School, Fredonia, N. Y. B. L. S. Conducted an Art Store, Olean, N. Y., 1901-04; Librarian and Secy, at State Normal School, Fredonia, N. Y., 1904 — . Address, Franklinville, Catt Co., N. Y. 1272. SIDNEY ORIN SWENSON Born Aug. 2, 1875, in Chicago, 111. m. Antoinette Johnson. Engineer. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. In engineering Dept. Chicago Edison Co., 1899-1905; In engineering Dept., New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co. on new Electric Traction System, 1905 — . Member Congrega- tional Church. Married Florence G. Royer, Aug. 3, 1901, in Wisconsin. Address, 84 Warburton Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. 1273. GEORGE EDWARD TEBBETTS Born Mar. 6, 1877, in Chicago, 111. f. H. H. Tebbetts. m. Anna Clark. Draftsman. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. B. S. With Link Belt Machinery Co. Married Mary Louise McAllister, Oct. 29, 1903, in Chicago. Address, 1298 Millard Ave., Chicago, 111. 1274. OTTO JOHN THEISS Born Feb. 11, 1876, in Sublette, 111. f. J. C. Theiss. Engr. with Jacob & Davies, Brooklyn. B. S. Address, 131 Prospect PI., Brooklyn, N. Y. 128 Broadway, New York. 1275. RALPH THOMPSON Born Oct. 31, 1878, Makanda, 111. f. Theodore Wilson Thompson, Apr. 18, 1841. m. Lovina Rendleman, Dec. 3, 1855, Makanda, 111. Farmer. Prepared in So. 111. State Normal Univ. Sigma Chi; Athletic Ass'n; Students' Dancing Club. B. A. Asst. Bookkeeper; Gen. Storekeeper U. S. Naval Station, Canite, P. I., 1899-1900; Farming at Carbondale, 1900—. Address, Carbondale, 111. 1276. HAROLD FREDERICK TRAPP Born Oct. 17, 1877, Springfield, 111. f. Frederick Trapp, Apr. 9, 1851, Belleville, 111. m. Emma Rubly, Nov. 13, 1856, Springfield, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Lincoln High School. Track Team; Capt. Debat- ing Team, 111. vs. Ind., 1899. LL. B. Member firm of Beach, Hoduett 8c Trapp. Logan County Bar Ass'n. Address, 227 Tremont St., Lincoln, 111. 1277. MARTIN LARSON ULLENSVANG Born June 12, 1868, Steward, Lee Co., 111. f. Lars L. Ullensvang, J 24, 1811, Norway, m. Ingeborg Kragevik, June 6, 1834, Norway. an. 244 University of Illinois [1899 Teacher. Prepared in State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. B. S. Teach- ing Science and Mathematics, Luther Acad., Albert Lea, Minn. MorriVd Marie Jensen, Aug. 15, 1894. Children, Lydia Ingeborg, born Apr. 3, 1900, Chicago; Anna Magdalene, born Apr. 9, 1905, Albert Lea, Minn. Address, 524 4th St., Albert Lea, Minn. 1278. WILLIAM HERBERT VANCE Brother of No. 1982 Born Nov. 6, 1876, in Effingham, 111. f. John Albert Vance, Mar. 2 1846, Monkton, Md. m. Nancy Ellen Barnsback, April 11, 1856, Pin Oak. Twp., Madison Co. Asst. Division Engineer, Missouri Division, St. L. I. M. & S. Ry. Prepared in Edwardsville High School. C. E. Club. B. S. Inspector, 111. River Im- provement with U. S. Dredging Fleet, 1899-1901; Overseer U. S. Lock on Illinois River at Kampsville, 111., 1901-02; Asst. Engineer Corps of Peoria Div. C. C. C. & St. L. Ry., 1902-05; Div. Eng'r, Missouri Div., St. L. I. M. & S. Ry., March, 1905 — . Member of Edwardsville, 111., Lodge No. 99, A. F. & A. M. Married Julia Gordon Tindall, June 2, 1902, at St. Louis, Mo. Child, Charles Albert, born Aug. 16, 1905. Address, De Soto, Jefferson Co., Mo. 1279. ALICE MILDRED VIAL Born Sept. 1, 1876, Lyonsville, 111. f. Robert Vial, Apr. 9, 1824, Chester, N. Y. m. Mary Ketchum, Nov. 18, 1834, Newburg, N. Y. Teacher. Prepared in Lyons Twp. High School. Y. W. C. A. B. A. Address, R. F. D. No. 2, La Grange, 111. 1280. EDMUND VOLK Born 1876, Mendota, 111. f. Dietrich Volk. B. S. Telephone Work. Address, 1275 Franklin St., Oakland, 111. 1281. BEN PERLEY WEAVER Born Dec. 13, 1877, Danville, 111. f. Ben. Weaver, 1846, Albany, N. Y. m. Martha Marie Campbell, 1849, Ver. Co., 111. Physician and Surgeon. Prepared in Danville High School. B. S.; M. D., 1902, Illinois. Phi Rho Sigma. Med. student, 1899-1902 ; Physician and Surgeon, 1902 — . Articles, Endocarditis as a Complication of the Acute - - _ — - - XXIV, No. 11, 1904, pp. 368-373; Early Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuburculosis, same. Vol. XXVI, Infectious Diseases, Ft. Wayne Med. Journal, Vol. XXIV, No. 11, 1904, pj No. 10, pp. 357-367. Member American Med. Soc, 1905; Ft. Wayne Med. Soc, 1904; Ft. Wayne Academy of Med., 1904. Married Lucile Anne Porter, Sept. 16, 1903, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Address, 215 W. Wayne St., Fort Wayne, Ind. 1282. WILLIAM W. WEBSTER Husband of No. 1339 Born July 27, 1876, Sadorus, 111. f. James Webster, Ind. m. Catherine Ellars, Sadorus, 111. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Philo High School and Univ. Acad. B. S. Draftsman, 1900-02; Engineer of Tests, 1903—. Married Nancy Emma Hartrick ("00), Nov. 3, 1900, Urbana, 111. Child, Helen Marie Webster, born July 11, 1903, (died Dec. 9, 1905.) Address, 796 G St., San Bernardino, Calif. 1899] Baccalaureate Alumni 245 1283. RALPH WILSON WEIRICK Born Julv2, 1877, Washington, lU. f. Dr. W. H. Weirick, Sept. 14, 1841, Harleton, Pa. m. Harriet N. Wilson, Nov. 20, 1843, Harleton, Pa. Architect. Prepared in Washington High SchooL Delta Tau Delta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. B. S.; M. A., 1900. Fellowship in Architecture, 1900. Held position with following Architectural Firms: H. E. Hewitt, Peoria, 111.; Nimmons and Fellows, Chicago; Architect's Office, School board, Chicago; Frost and Granger, Chicago; Reed & Stem, New York; Lord & Hewlett, New York; Trobridge & Livingston, New York. Member of the Donn Barber Atelier, New York City. Address, 17 E. 95th St., New York City, office 424 5th Ave. 1284. JAMES INGERSOLL WERNHAM Born Sept. 25, 1874, Marengo, 111. f. Spencer Cone Wemham. Sept. 27. 1846, New York City; m. Emma Titus, Mar. 25, 1852, Pennington, N. J- Physician. Prepared in Marengo High School. Kappa Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Three years on Base Ball team, Capt. 1899; Class Day Speaker. B. S.; M. D., Rush Med. Coll. Member Anglo-American Med. Assn., Vice-pres., Vienna, Austria; American Med. Assn.; Fox River Vallev Med. Assn. Married Winifred Patrick, Sept. 9, 1903, (died Jan. 24, 1904). Address, Marengo, 111. 1285. MARK HUBERT WHITMEYER Born Apr. 10. 1877, Danville, 111. f. John W. Whitmeyer, Dec. 1, 1843. Cumberland Co., Pa. m. Edith Chadwick. Jan. 6, 1846, Liching Co., Ohio- Architect. Prepared in Danville High School. Architects' Club. B.S. Architect, Danville, 1899-1904; Champaign, 111., 1904—. Address, 203 W. Church St., or 409-410 Illinois Bldg., Champaign, 111. 1286. MAURICE MEACHAM WILLCOX Born Oct. 25, 1874, in Galesburg, 111. f. William H. Willcox. Engineer. B. S. Constr. Dept., I. C. Rv., 1900-05; same, M. S. P. & S. S. M. R. R., 1905—. Married Eve I. Dille (Ex-'02), Julv 7, 1903. Child, Henrv. born Feb. 27,1905. Address, care of Chief Engineer Soo Line, Minneapolis, Minn. 1287. GEORGE BASSETT WILLIAMS Born Sept. 20, 1878, Minneapolis, Minn. f. Robert S. Williams, m. Isabel S. Williams, nee Carmon. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Washington High School. Sigma Chi. B. S. Topographical work, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1899; Asst. Eng. Big Four Ry., 1901; Supt. Holabird & Roche Archts., Chicago, 1903; Supt. Wells Bros Co., Genl. Contractors, Chicago, 1904 — . Address, 1115 Davis St., Evanston, 111. 1288. GEORGE HENRY WILMARTH Born Dec. 22, 1876, Jackson, Mich. f. Albro A. Wilmarth, Wis. m. Nellie Winslow, 111. Elec. and Mech. Engineer. Prepared in East Aurora High School. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Sigma; Shield and Trident; Foot Ball team. B. S. Three years on elec. railroad construction as Supt. ; two j'ears, Supt. Electrical Dept., Miami & Erie Canal Transportation Co.; two years Gen. Supt., Fort Smith Light & Traction Co.; at present, Elec. & Mech. Engineer with Illinois Traction Co. Married Elma Warick (Ex-'97), Dec. 7, 1901, Denver, Colo. Child, Jean, born Sept. 9, 1904. Address, care of Illinois Traction Co., Danville, 111. 246 University of Illinois [1899 1289. LULU CATHARINE WOOLSEY (HURST) Born Aug. 20, 1876, Polo, IlL f. R. Dickson Woolsey, Sept. 9, 1834, Andes, N. Y. m. Mary A. Holmes, June 15, 1838, Hamden, N. Y. Prepared in Polo High School. Alethenai; English Club; Editor Woman's issue of Illini. 1899. B. A. Taught during fall of 1900; Stenographer and Asst. Bookkeeper for R. P. B. & J. Electric interurban railroad, 1900-05. Married George Pennington Hurst, June 20, 1905, Beloit, Wis. Address, Beloit, Wis. 1290. BERTRAM OTHO YOUNG Born Jan. 15, 1876, Le Rov, 111. f. Denton Young, 1845, Ohio. m. Emma Barnett, 1847, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Le Roy High School. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Students' Dancing Club. 111. -Wis. debate, 1897. B.A. At- torney and Counsellor at Law. Oklahoma Bar Assn., 1902 — . Married Luella Mary Herdman (ex-'OO), Sept. 6, 1902, Oklahoma City, Okla. Child, Virginia Ruth, born Jan. 16, 1904. Address, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 1291. JOHN HAYES YOUNG Born Mar. 27, 1872, Gibson, Ind. f. James Nicholas Young, Oct. 4, 1847, Ohio. m. Mary G. Hayes, Nov. 25, 1846, New York State. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Chicago Man. Train. School. Y. M. C. A.; M. E. and E. E. Society. Bus. Mgr., Technograph, No. 12; Asst. Editor of same. No. 11. B. S. Milwaukee Telephone Switchboard man; Wis. Tel. Co.; Moline Supt. Fuller Mfg. Co.; Burlington Gen. Manager, Modern Elec- tric Co., 127 S. Third St., Burlington, la., 1904-06; With Miss. Valley Tel. Co., 1906 — . Article, Specifications and Notes on Railway Telegraph Con- struction, Technograph, No. 11, pp. 129-133. Married Minnie Barney Woodworth ('98), Dec. 26, 1899, Champaign, 111. Children, boy, born Nov. 21, 1900, (died Nov. 21, 1900); John Haves, Jr., born Sept. 7, 1903. Address, 1419 Division St., Burlington, la. CLASS OF 1900 (148) *1292. BERTRAND BUHRE ABRY Born Oct. 6, 1876. at Dubuque, la. f. E. A. Abry. B. S. Died Oct. 31, 1904, Wilkinsburg, Pa. 1293. OTTO C. ADAMS Born Apr. 13, 1872, Neosho Co., Kan. f. Hamilton E. Adams, m. Lawyer. Philomathean; Lincoln Law Club; Oratorical Ass'n; Demo- cratic Club. LL. B. Address, Millikin Bldg., Decatur, 111. 1294. JOSE MARIA ALARCO Born July 21, 1873, Gras de Valencia, Spain, f. Jose Maria Lajarda, Gras de Valencia, Spain, m. Patrocinio Alarco. Business. Prepared in Valencia Institute, Anglo French High School, London; Lycee de Vines, France. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Episolon; Shield and Trident; Foot Ball team. B. S. Manager Electric Light Co., 1900-03; Gen. Agent Braschi & Co., Mexico City, 1903-04; with C. W. Whittemore, financial Agent, 1904—. Spanish Army, 1898-1899. Married Florence Gillespie Brink, June 26, 1901. Address, P. O. Box 2015, Mexico City, Mex. f900] Baccalaureate Alumxi 247 1295. SARAH AMBLER Born Oct. 3, 1859, Mt. Pleasant, la. f. Richard Ambler, Mar. 4. 1831, Allegany, Pa. m. Nancy Harper Andrews, Nov. 18, 1838, Hartford, Ohio. Cataloguer, Supt. of Documents office. Prepared in Mt. Pleasant High School and Howe's Academy. B. S., 1882, la. Wesleyan Univ.; M. S., same, 1885; B. L. S., 1900, Illinois'. Pi Beta Phi. Librarian Iowa Wesleyan Univ., 1901-03; Cataloguer, Supt. of Documents office, 1903 — . Address, 629 Capitol St., Washington, D. C. 1296. JEROME GUSTAF APPELQUIST Born July 23, 1877, Rock Island, 111. f. Frederick Appelquist, Aug. 16, 1842, Sweden, m. Pauline Kleyla, Rock Island, 111., 1853. Engineer. Prepared in Rock Island High School. Athletic Ass'n. Track Team; Capt. B. S. Draftsman, 1900; Rodman, I. C. R. R., 1900-01 ; Instrumentman, 1902-03; Supt. Const. M. V. Trac Co., 1903; R. of M. Miss. Riv. Comm., 1904; Draftsman, with Ford, Bacon & Davis, Memphis, Tenn., 1905—; Engineer with Ford, Bacon & Davis, 1906. Address (home), 1620 3d Ave., Rock Island, 111. Bus. care of Ford, Bacon & Davis, Memphis, Tenn. *1297. HARRIET ELIZABETH ASHLEY Born Aug. 29, 1869, Tonica, 111. f. Laurin Norris Ashley, Barnard, Vt. m. Polly A. Densmore, Warsaw, N. Y. Prepared in Gibson Citv, High School. Scholarship to Adrian College, Mich., from Gibson City High School. B. A. Traveled abroad and attended Univ. at Grenoble, France, 1901; Special instruction in French and Spanish, Paris, 1901-02. Died July 11, 1904, Chicago, III. 1298. ZION FROST BAKER Born Oct. 27, 1877, in Sullivan, 111. m. Mrs. Mary E. Baker. Lawyer. Prepared in Sullivan High School. Delta Tau Delta. LL. B. Married. Address, Sullivan, 111. 1299. GEORGE FRANCIS BARRETT Born July 14, 1879, in Chicago, 111. f. M. Barrett. Lawyer. Prepared in West Division High School. Lincoln Law club. LL. B. Practicing Law, 1900—. Address, 847 W. 22d St., Chicago, 111.; bus. Suite 26, 81 S. Clark St. 1300. FLORENCE MARIA BECK Born May 26, 1868, Cleveland, Ohio. f. George Beck, Jan. 2^^' 1835, Wisbech, Eng. m. Czarine Jane Wyman, Sept. 21, 1839, Perry, Ohio. Prepared in Platteirville State Normal School. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Watcheka League; Glee Club. B. L. A. Librarian Eastern 111. Normal School, 1904; Asst. Prof, in Lib. Economy, Univ. of 111., 1905. American Library Assn.; Illinois Lib. Assn. Married Thomas Lawrence McGlachlin, Aug. 22, 1905, Green Lake, Wis. Address, Stevens' Point, Wis. 1301. EDITH PAGE BENNETT Born Dec. 31, 1876. f. Charles Bennett, m. Susan Woodbury Cleaves. Teacher. Prepared in Mattoon High School. Kappa Kappa Gamma. B. A. Teacher in Normal School, Charleston, 1900-01; Latin and Greek Teacher in Ottawa Twp. High School, 1901—. Address, 404 N. 21st St., Mattoon, 111. 248 University of Illinois [1900 1302. HOBART SHEARMAN BOYD Born Oct. 17, 1876, Lewistown, 111. f. Thomas A. Boyd, June 25, 1830, Adams Co., Pa. m. Laura James, Nov. 1, 1834, Washington, D. C. Attorney. Prepared in Lewistown High School. LL. B. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi. Attorney; City Attorney for Lewistown, 1903-05; Master in Chancery of Circuit Court of Fulton Co., 111., 1905 — . Address, Lewistown, 111. 1303. ELIZABETH BRANCH (SHEPARD) Born in Seymour, 111. f. William Luther Branch, m. Emily Uree Yeager. Prepared in Champaign High School. B L. S. Asst. Lib. in Eastern 111. State Normal. 1901-04. Member American Lib. Ass'n., 1901; 111. State Lib. Ass'n. Married Elmer Irwin Shepard, July 5, 1904, Champaign, 111. Address, Williamstown, Mass. 1304. WILLIAM JAY BROWN Born Dec. 10, 1878, Urbana, 111. f. William Gage Brown, Mar. 29, 1842, Roscoe, Ohio. m. Harriet Alice Wolfe, Coshocton, Ohio. Architectural Draftsman. Prepared in Urbana High School. Archi- tects' Club; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Chi. B. S. Architectural Draftsman, 1900—. Address, 1170 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1305. JESSIE JANE BULLOCK Born Aug. 8, 1873, near Eureka, 111. f. Wingfield Minor Bullock, Eureka, 111. m. Mary Marsalenia McCullough, Harper's Ferry, Va. Student. Prepared in Eureka High School. Mathematical Club; Der Deutsche Verein. B. A.; M. A., 1906. Teacher of High School Math- ematics, 1900-01, Mattoon, 111. ; Champaign, 111., 1901-05. Grad. student in Math., 1905-06. Address, 409 E. White St., Champaign, 111. 1306. EUGENE IRVING BURKE Born January 14, 1878, in Rantoul, 111. f. P. E.Burke, m. Isabelle Moyer. Alpha Tau Omega. B. S. Vice-pres., Citizens Bank, Champaign, 111, to date. Married Kathryn Blume, Feb. 25, 1902, Wapakoneta, Ohio. Child, Eugene Irving, Jr., born Sept. 21, 1905. Address, 609 West Church St., Bus. 34 North Neil St., Champaign, 111. 1307. WESLEY ELMER BURROUGHS Born Nov. 17, 1876, Savoy, 111. f. James Wesley Burroughs, N. J. m. Mary Gathering Udy, N. J. Chief Clerk, Western Electric Co. Prepared in Savoy Public School, Savoy, 111. B. S. June, 1900-Sept., 1900, office Elec. Eng. Dept., Illinois; Switchboard Cabling Dept., Western Electric Co., 1900; same, shop office, 1900-02; Contract Records Dept., 1902-04; Chief Clerk, Des Moines, la., 1904—. 4th Regt. 111. Nat. Guard, July, 1900-Feb., 1901; First Regt. 111. Nat. Guard, Feb., 1901-May, 1903. Married Rachel Densmore Cattanach, July 22, 1903, Chicago, 111. Chil- dren, Josephine Arnold, born May 15, 1904; Donald Densmore, born May 15, 1904. Address, 3328 4th St., Des Moines, la. 19001 Baccalaureate Alumni 249 1308. ROBERT OSCAR BUSEY Born June 14, 1877, Urbana, 111. f. Matthew D. Busey, Mar. 20, 1842, Urbana, 111. m. Anna Hurd, Sept. 19, 1847, Wyandotts Co., Ohio. Teaching and graduate work. Prepared in Urbana High School. B. A. Fellow in German at Ohio State University, 1904-03. Grad. Student in Harvard, 1905-06. Address, Urbana, 111. 1309. JOHN KENYON BUSH Born Apr. 7, 1878, Joliet, 111. f. John Edward Bush, Whitehall, N. Y. m. Isabella Gordon Kenyon, Thompsonville, Conn. Instructor in Chemistry. Prepared in Joliet High'School. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Lambda Eps'ilon; Assoc. Editor Illio. 'French Play, 1899. B. A.;M. A., 1903. Chemist, 111. Steel Co., 1900-1901 ; Asst. in Chem., Illi- nois, 1902-03; Instructor in Chem., Joliet Twp. High School, 1901-02, 1903 — . Member Nat. Ed. Ass'n; Royal Arch Mason. Address, 653 So. Chicago St., Joliet, 111. 1310. BRUCE ALEXANDER CAMPBELL Born Oct. 29, 1879, Albion, 111. f. Joseph M. Campbell, Wayne Co., Ill- m. Amabel Thompson, Albion, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Albion High School and So. Collegiate Institute. Member 111. debating team in 111. -Wis. debate, 1899; Pres. Wm. J. Bryan Democratic Student Club, 1898-1900; Illini Staff, 1899-1900. B. A. Law student. 1900-1901; Lawyer, 1901 — . Village Attorney, Albion, 1903-04; member44thGen. Assembly of 111., 1905. K. of P., 1901 • D. O. K. K., 1903; M. W. A., 1903;Mason, 1904; B. P. O. E., 1905. Address, 500-505 Metropolitan Bldg., East St. Louis, 111. 1311. CLYDE CAPRON Born Nov. 26, 1874, Wapella, 111. f. William B. Capron, Aug. 26, Al- bany, N. Y. m. Laura Barger Willis, Feb. 19, Springfield, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Marion High School. Philomathean; Oratorical Ass'n; debating team; Pres. of Philomathean. LL. B. Prin. of Mt. Pulaski High School, 1900-01; of Lincoln High School, 1901-02; studied law in an office, 1902-03; Northwestern Law School, 1903-05. Address, Marion, 111. 1312. WALTER SAMUEL CHURCH Born Jan. 6, 1879, Chicago, 111. f. Myron H. Church, Detroit, Mich. m. Julia A. Robinson, Canaan, Conn. Prepared in Lake View High School, Chicago, 111. Architectural Club; Tau Beta Phi. B. S. With Myron H. Church. Address, 2679 Kenmore Ave., Edgewater Station, Chicago, 111. 1313. LINDA MAY CLATWORTHY Born Dec. 17, 1876, Dayton, Ohio. f. Rev. Frederick Clatworthy, D. D., 1846, D. D. England, m. Emma Payne, Dayton, Ohio. Librarian. Prepared in Private and High Schools, Vassar Coll. and Northwestern Univ. B. L. S., 1900, Illinois. Delta Delta Delta. North- western. Watcheka League. Y. W. C. A. Illinois. B.L.S. Asst. Cata- loger, 1900-01, Dayton Public Lib. Head Cataloger, 1901-05; Librarian, 1905 — . Contributor to Public Libraries and Lib. Journal. Member Ohio Library Assn., Chairman Special committee on cataloging; American Lib Assn. Address, Public Library and Museum, Davton, Ohio. 250 University of Illinois [1900 1314. FRED WORTH COOPER Born Aug. 15, 1877, in Fisher, 111. f. Frank Cooper, m. Louis Alice Ham. Mortgage Investments. LL. B. Mortgage Investments, First National Bank Building, Chicago, 111. Admitted to Bar, 1901. Address, 3998 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. 1315. BURTON ROBINSON CORBUS Born Dec. 30, 1875. f. William F. Corbus, 1843. m. Clara M. Robin- son, 1845. Physician. Prepared in La Salle, 111,, High School. B. S.; M. D. Nu Sigma Nu. Roll of Honor, Med. School. Interne, Lakeside Hospital, 1900-01; Surgeon to Maryland Smokeless Coal Co., 1901-02; Asst. Supt. Alma Sanitarium, Alma,' Mich., 1902-04; Med. Study in Berlin and Vienna, 1904-05; Supt. Alma Sanitarium, 1905 — . Member Wayne Co. Med. Soc. ; Michigan State Med. Soc. Address, 82 Monroe St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1316. GEORGE ALEXANDER DARMER Born July 9, 1874, Blue Mound, Macon Co., 111. f. John Oscar Darmer, Mar. 28, 1840, Shelby Co., Ind. m. Ann Robertson, June 2, 1844, Dickson Co., Tenn. Phvsician. Prepared in Champaign High School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. B. A.;'M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1903. Presbyterian Church. Alpha Omega Alpha, Hon. Med. Fraternity. Address, Woodstock, 111. 1317. WILLIAM JOHN DOLAN Born Julv 25, 1876, May Twp., Lee Co., 111. f. M. J. Dolan, 1850, May Twp., Lee Co., 111. m. Kathrine O'Ronoke, Canada, 1850. Lawyer. Prepared in Ohio High School and Univ. Acad. Philomathean. LL. B. Address, Granite City, 111. 1318. OLIVER KINSEY DONEY Born Nov. 30, 1873, Deerfield, Mo. f. Lvsander Donev. m. Cynthia Ann Hill. Minister. Prepared in Tolono, 111. Philomathean. Y. M. C. A. LL. B. Attorney at Law and Minister of Church of Christ. Married Hattie Myrtle Shuck, Aug. 17, 1898, Urbana, 111. Address, 511 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1319. HORACE RAYMOND DOUGHERTY Born June 21, 1875, Mt. Morris, 111. f. Newton C. .Dougherty, m. Annie M. Edwards. Lawyer. Prepared in Univ. of Chicago, A. B., 1896. LL. B. Psi Upsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon, Chicago; Phi Delta Phi, Illinois. Address, Peoria, 111. 1320. STANISLAW DOWIATT Born Oct. 4, 1873, in Kovno, Russia, f. Ignatius Dowiatt. Occupation unknown. B. S. Address (1904), Pittsburg, Pa. 1321. CLARENCE LEROY EDDY Born Oct. 20, 1877, Atlanta, 111. f. John Wilson Eddy, 1835, Frankford, Ky. m. Nancy Howser, 1836, Atlanta, 111. Railroad Engineer. Prepared in Osceola, Iowa, High School and Drake 1900] Baccalaureate Alumni 251 University, Des Moines, la. C. E. Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Gamma Delta; Assoc. Editor Technograph, 1899. Rodman with C. & X. \V. Rv. to Nov., 1901; Instrumentman, C. & N. W., 1902; Resident Engr. M. K.' & T. Rv., 1903; Asst. Engr. C. & N. W. Ry., 1903—. Address, So. Kaukauna, Wis. 1322. JOHN WILLIAM FISHER Born Jan. 13, 1874, Orangeville, lU. f. John R. Fisher, Oct., 1829, Bellefonte, Pa. m. Dora L. Giese, 1835, Stettin, Germany. School Supt. Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. Mem- ber of Wrightonian and Ciceronian Societies, Nonnal L^niv. B. S. Science Teacher in High School, Hiawatha, Kans., 1900-01; Prin. of High School, Carlyle, 111., 1901-03; Supt. of Carlyle Schools, 1903—. Married Lulu Ritzman, Aug. 2, 1900, Estherville, la. Children, Mvrtle M., bom July 5, 1901; Harold E., born Nov. 25, 1902. Address, Carlyle, 111. 1323. WILLIAM GRANT FOSTER Born Nov. 2, 1877, Armstrong, 111. f. Edward Forter, Nov. 20, 1833, near West Lebanon, Ind. m. Sarah Anna Tillotson, Jan. 15, 1835, do. Architect. Prepared in L^niv. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; Architect's Club; member Technograph board. Capt. B. S. Architectural draftsmen, with Patton & Miller, 1902; with S. A. Bullard, Springfield, 1900-01; in Urbana, 1901-02; Draftsman and Architectural Supt. with Geo. L. Harvey, Chicago, 1902-06; With Spenser & Powers, Archts., 1906 — . Married Sue White Jackson, June 19, 1901. Children, Katherj'n May, born Apr. 17, 1902; Edwin Stanton, Dec. 13, 1903. Address. 1200 Steinway Hall, Chicago, 111. 1324. HARRY BERT FOX Brother of No. 1122 Born June 16, 1871, La Salle, 111. f. David Bert Fox, 1833, Westfield, Mass. m. Harriette Robinson, 1839, Bald wins ville, N. Y. Instructor in Geology. Prepared in Ottawa Twp. High School and 111. State Normal School, Normal. B. S.; M. S., 1905. Instructor in geologv, Illinois, 1900—. Sigma Xi, 1905. Married Myrtle Amy Murrav, 1897, Normal, 111. Children, Herbert, born Dec. 5, 1901; Clara Elizabeth, born Mar. 4, 1905. Address, 909 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 1325. FRANK D. FRANCIS Born Jan. 12, 1879, New Lenox, 111. f. George L. Francis, Oct. 5, 1856, New Lenox, m. Annie M. Doig, Oct. 20, 1856, New Lenox, 111. Phvsician. Prepared in Joliet High School. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Foot Ball team; Editor Illio. B. A. M. D., 1903, Northwest- ern. In Cook Co. Hospital, 1903-04; Practicing since Dec. 1, 1904. Member Chicago Med. Soc, 1904; Nu Sigma Nu, Med. Fraternity, 1900; Alpha Omega Alpha, Honorarv Medical Fraternitv, 1903; Epworth' M. Church of Edge- water, 1905. ' Address, 506 Wells St., Chicago, 111. 1326. HARRY EBEN FREEMAN Born Jan. 11, 1S7-, Chicago, 111. f. Julius A. Freeman, 1828, Worcester, N. Y. m. Emma C. How, 1846, Fabius, N. Y. Phvsician. Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Kappa Sigma; Alpha Delta Sigma; Military Band, 1895-98; Students' Dancing Club. B. S.; M. D., 1903, North- western. Member Kendall Co. Med. Soc, 1903, Illinois State Med. Soc. Address, Millington, 111. 252 University of Illinois [1900 1327. GEORGE GIBBS, Jr. Born Jan. 6, 1878, Riverton, Ky. f. George Gibbs, 1842, Wareham, Mass. m. Elizabeth Thacher Hodge, 1846, Plymouth, Mass. Student. Prepared in Plymouth High School and Cincinnati Tech. School. Illinois Nat. Hist. Soc. B. S.; B. S., 1903, Harvard. Harvard Topiarian Club; Harvard Graduate Club; Harvard Rural Club. Austin resident scholarship. Harvard, 1903-04. Student in Harvard, 1900-02; Asst. in office of Olmsted Brothers, 1902-04; Study in Europe, 1904-05 ; with Olmsted Brothers, 1905 — . Member Unitarian Church. Address, Wareham, Mass. 1328. LESLIE LELAND GLENN Brother of No. 1329 Born Aug. 6, 1877. near Mattoon, 111. f. Joseph Chamberlain Glenn, 1848, Coles Co., 111. m. Mary Catherine Ferguson, 1856, do. With Trevett-Mattis Banking Co. Prepared in Mattoon High School and Champaign High School. LL. B. Mandolin Club; Glee Club. Mercantile Business, Urbana, 111., 1900-01; with Trevett-Mattis Banking Co., Cham- paign, 111., 1901—. Address, 207 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 1329. OTIS FERGUSON GLENN Brother of No. 1328 Born Aug. 27, 1879, Mattoon, 111. f. Joseph Chamberlain Glenn, Coles Co., 111. m. Mary Catherine Ferguson, Coles Co., 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Mattoon and Champaign High Schools. LL. B. Address, Murphysboro, 111. 1330. HUGH JOSEPH GRAHAM Born Aug. 20, 1877, Ivesdale, 111. f. James M. Graham, Castleblayney, Ireland, m. Kate Wallace, Rantoul, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Springfield High School. English Club. Fort- nightly Club. Illio Board. B. A. Instructor in Rhetoric, 1900-01. Clerked in law office 1901-02; practicing law as member of firm, Shutt, Graham & Graham, 1902 — . Married Clara G. Colgan, Apr. 26, 1904, Springfield, 111. Child, born May, 1906. Address, 934 S. Second St., Springfield, 111. 1331. ROBERT GRAY Born June 14, 1874, in Lily Lake, 111. f. Joseph Gray. Farmer, 1904. B. S. Address, 161 Nott Terrace, Schnectady, N. Y. 1332. HARRY ALTMAN GROSSBERG Born in Brisk, Russia, Jan. 1, 1879. f. N. B. Grossberg. m. Percilia Altman. Wholesale cigar business. LL. B. Lawyer, 1900-04; wholesale cigar merchant, 1904 — . Member of Masonic Lodge and Elks, 527. Address, 1617 Central St., Kansas City, Mo. 1333. PAULINE GUNTHORP Born Nov. 6, 1875, in Chicago, 111. f. Wm. P. Gunthorp. Head Cataloger, Library of the Univ. of Cincinnati, 1904. B. L. S. Address, Library Univ. of Cin., Cincinnati, O. 1900] Baccalaureate Alumni 253 1334. ELIZABETH TWINING HALL Sister of No. 1335 Born at Downs, 111. f. Calvin Springer Hall, May 29, 1836. m. Rachel Eberhardt. Feb 20. 1S43. Instrtictor. Prepared in Illinois Normal. Alethenai. Capt. Basket Ball team. A. B.; A. M., 1901. Head of English Dept., High School, Everett, Wash.; State Normal, Pittsburg, Kans. Address, Downs, 111. 1335. JOHN CALVIN HALL Brother of No. 1334 Born Apr. 13, 1872, Downs, 111. f. Calvin Springer Hall, May 29. 1836, Pa. m. Rachel Lee Eberhart, Feb. 20, 1843, Pa. High School Supt. Prepared in Kickapoo High School, Downs, 111. Junior Orator. Leader of Wrightonian-Philadelphian Debate. B. A. High School Prin., Wheeling, Md., 1900-04; Supt. Wheeling City Schools, 1904—. Member K. of P.; F. & A. M., Seer., 1904-05; J. W. 1905-06. Married Grace M. Debo, Aug. 14, 1904. Peru, 111. Address, Wheeling, Md. 1336. JOHN EDWARD HANNAN Born July 5, 1878, at Champaign, 111. f. Bernard Hannan. m. Olive J. Conner. Estimator. B. A. Member of Catholic Church; Illinois Athletic Club; the First Reg. Athletic Club. Address. 2358 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. 1337. RACHELLE MARGARET HANSON (GURLEY) Born May 30, 1877, Villa Grove, 111. f. Robert Patton Hanson, Aug. 17 1842, Hanso'nville, Va. m. Maria E. Shomaker, July 25, 1845, Hansonville. Va. Prepared in Urbana High School and Univ. Acad. Taught Pvhsics and Chem. in Marv Nash College, Sherman, Tex., 1900-01 ; 1901-02, in the Philip- pines, charge' of the Girls' School of Santa Anna, Manila, P. I., 1901-02; Travelled, 1902-03. Married Raymond Bennett Guriey, Apr. 7. 1902, Manila, P. I. Child, Margaret Josephine, born Oct. 16, 1904. Address, Wolcott, N. Y. 1338. OLIVER ALBERT HARKER, Jr. Brother of No. 1508 Born Feb. 18, 1878, Vienna, 111. f. Oliver Albert Harker, Dec. 14, 1846, Wayne Co., Ind. m. Sidney Ann Bain, July 26, 1851, Vienna, 111. Cattle Raiser. Prepared in So. Illinois Normal Univ., Carbondale, 111. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma. Shield and Tri- dent. B. A. Breeder of Hereford Cattle. Married Maud Bressler, June 15, 1904. Wa\'ne, Neb. Address, Carbondale, 111. 1339. NANCY EMMA HARTRICK (WEBSTER) Wife of No. 1282; Sister of Nos. 1510, 1511 Born Feb. 8, 1874, Sadorus. 111. f. Henrv Hartrick. Mar. 30, 1830, Thiede, Germany, m. Nancy Emily Taylor, Aug. 6, 1840, Pittsheld, 111. Prepared in Urbana High School and Univ. Acad. B. A. Member of M. E. Church, 1889-1903; Presbvterian Church, 1903—. Married William Wyman Webster ('99), Nov. 3, 1900, Urbana, 111. Child, Helen Marie, born July 11, 1903 (died Dec. 9, 1905). Address, 796 G St., San Bernardino. Calif. 254 University of Illinois [1900 1340. DAVID HASSLETON HARTS, Jr. Born Dec. 9, 1878, Lincoln, 111. f. D. H. Harts, m. Emma Brewster. Lawyer. Prepared in Lincoln High School. Kappa Sigma. B. A. LL. B., Harvard. Address, Lincoln, 111. 1341. HARRY HASSON Born Mar. 17, 1878, in Lewistown, 111. f. H. C. Hasson. m. Ellen Davison McDowell. Asst. Manager The Armour Fertilizer Works. Phi Gamma Delta; Glee Club; Quartet; Chemical Societv; Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. S. Chemist, Armour & Co., Chicago, 1900-02; Chemist, The Armour Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, Ga., 1902-05; Superintendent, The Armour Fertilizer Works, Jack- sonville, Fla., 1905-06; Ass't Mgr., same, 1906 — . Married Kate O'Brien, Oct. 19, 1905, Atlanta. Ga. Address, care of The Armour Fertilizer Works, Jacksonville, Fla. 1342. GEORGETTA HAVEN Born Feb. 14, 1859, in Cincinnati, Ohio. f. J. L. Haven. Cataloger, (1904). B. L. S. Address, Avondale, care of Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1343. WILLIAM ALBERT HAWLEY Born May 26, 1877, Dundee, 111. f. Edgar C. Hawley, Feb. 20, 1850, Barrington, 111. m. Esther E. Hunt. Sept. 12, 1845. Dundee, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Dundee High School and Oberlin Acad Major. Instr. in Military Science. B. S. Asst. on Engineers Corps, Penn" Lines, west of Pittsburgh, 1900-05; Ass't Engr. Penn. Lines, 1905 — .■ Corporal 3d 111. Volunteer Infantry, 1898-99; Spanish-American War, Porto Rico. Member 3d Reg. 111. Nat. Guard, 1897-98 land 1899-1900. Married Katherine O'Donovan Manley, Nov. 16, 1904, Oshkosh, Wis. Address, Room 14. Pennsylvania Sta., Richmond, Ind. 1344. ZELLA BERNICE HAYES Born Sept. 20, 1880, Rankin, 111. f. T. B. Hayes (Thomas Boyd), 1853, Crawfordsville, Ind. m. Emma Jane Cox, 1853, Buchanan, Mich. Teacher. Prepared in Rankin High School. Y. W. C. A. Alethenai. B. A. Teaching in Rankin. 111.; Forrest, 111.; Deer Lodge, Mont. Address, Rankin, 111. 1345. THOMAS MOULTON HEADEN Born Sept. 15, 1877, Shelbyville, 111. f. Walter C. Headen, Shelbyville, 111. m. Virginia Barrett, Freeport, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Shelbyville High School and Mich. Military Acad. Y. M. C. A. Phi Gamma Delta. Ilhnois-Indiana Debate, 1900. B. A.; LL. B., 1903, Northwestern. Practicing Law. Member Chicago Bar Assn. Address, 1112, 135 Adams St., Chicago, 111. 1346. EDWARD GEORGE HINES Born Aug. 10, 1872, in Huey, 111. f. Lawrence Hines, Germany, m- Caroline Fricke, Germany. Architect. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Capt. B. S. Architectural draftsman; inspector, bridge and building dept., I. C. R. R.; building supt., in New Orleans, Jackson, Tenn., Paducah, Ken., Chicago, 111., 1900-05; Construction Supt., Warren Const. Co., Chicago, to date. Married Blanch Edna Baum, May 30, 1900, Shelbyville, 111. Address, 634 E. 46th Place, Chicago, 111. 1900] Baccalaureate Alumxi 255 1347. ROBERT GRANT HOLABIRD Born Jan. 28, 1878, in Chicago, 111. f. William Holabird. m. Maria F. Augur. Architect. B. S., 1900, 111. Sigma Chi. B. S. Architectural Superin- tendent, Holabird &- Roche, 1904, Chicago, 111. Married Leonora Van Eps, Dec. 16, 1902, at Evanston. 111. Children, William, born May 14, 1904; Margaret, born Feb. 1, 1006. Address, 2319 Harrison St., Evanston, 111. 1348. CLAREXCE WILBERT HUGHES Born Xov. 1, 1880, Union, Ontario, Can. f. Thomas Welburn Hughes, Jan. 17, 1858, Ontario, m. Jennie Ballah, Apr. 24, 1860, Ont. Lawyer. Prepared in Ann Arbor, Mich. , High School. Phi Gamma Delta ; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Pol. Sc. Club; Van Twiller Court. B. A.; M. A., 1905; LL. B., 1905. Teacher of History-, Mattoon High School, 1900- 02; student, Illinois, Graduate School, and College of Law, 1902-05. Prac- ticing law, 1905 — . Member of Christian Church; American Historical Assn., 1900. Address. Mattoon, 111. 1349. IDA JACKMAX (DOUGHERTY) Born May 28, 1874. Boston, Mass. f. Lemuel Xoyes Jackman, 1843. m. Louisa Amelia Otis, 1844. Prepared in Elgin High School. B. L. S. Wisconsin Free Library Commission, Madison, several months in 1900; John Crerar Library of Chicago, 1901. Married Edward Gardner Doughertv, Sept. 12, 1002, Elgin, 111. Child, Crail Jackman, born Sept. 19, 1903. Address, Box 154, Fairhope, Ala. 1350. TORSTEIX KXUTSOX TORSTEXSEX JAHR Born Aug. 7, 1871, Holmestrand, Xorwav. f. Knut Torstensen Jahr Nov. 19. 1836. m. Inger Olea Olsdatter Halvorsen, Feb. 1. 1838. Librarian. Prepared in Tordenskiold School, Holmestrand, X'orway. B.A., Norwegian Luther College, 1896. Scandinavian Soc. ; Librarv Club. B. L. S. In library work, 1900—. Author, (with A. J. Strohm), Bibliography of Co- operative cataloguing, Washington, 1903, 116 pp. Articles in different American and Norwegian papers and periodicals over various signatures. Member Norwegian Church. Washington. D. C; University Club; Library Assn. of D. C; American Library Assn.. Norske Samlaget. Address, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 1351. CHARLES SUNDERLAND JOHNSON Born May 12, 1877, in Tolono, 111. f. Dr. C. B. Johnson. Mechanical Engineer. B. S. Managing Engineer for John A. Radford, 1325 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. Address, 1525 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1352. ARTHUR RUSSELL JOHNSTON Born Sept. 22, 1878, Troy, N. Y. f. Aaron C. Johnston, N. Y. m. Mary Starr. In Output Dept. Western Electric Co. Prepared in Joliet High School. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. S. Coal and Ice busi- ness till June. 1905; Manager of Tavlor Husker & Shredder Co., Joliet, 111.. 1905—. Married Nettie Sylvester Baker (ex-'04), Oct. 28, 1903, Morrison, 111. Address, 217 Hunter Ave., Joliet, 111. 256 University of Illinois [1900 1353. GEORGE THOMAS JORDAN Born Oct. 15, 1S76, near Tolono, 111. f. Theron Francis Jordan, July 28. 1834, Rockport, Ohio. m. Ellen AdeliaBarnum, Sept. 26, 1841 , Rockport, Ohio. Farmer. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. Address, Palacios, Texas. 1354. HENRY EZRA KEENEY Born Feb. 1, 1876, Ustic Twp., Whiteside Co., 111. f. Richard Keeney, Nov. 8, 1842, Laceyville, Pa. m. Jennie Eliza Bond, Dec. 24, 1842, White- side Co., 111. Draftsman. Prepared in Sterling High School. Engineering Soc. B. S. Machine Shop of Deane Steam Pump Co., Holyoke, Mass., 1900-01; Draftsman, American Bridge'Co., Pa., 1901-02; Draftsman, Duquesne Steel Works, Carnegie Steel Co.. 1902-06; Draftsman, Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., 1906 — . Member I. N. G., 1895-98; Davis Camp Sons of Vete- rans, U. S. A. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Sen. Vice Commander, now Commander, A. F. & A. M. Married Fannie Ladd, Nov. 12, 1901, Sterling, 111. Address, 1207 Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. 1355. GEORGE FRANK KEPLER Born Mar. 8, 1876, Ashtabula, Ohio. f. Geo. Walter Kepler, Jan. 31, 1847, Erie, Pa. m. Caroline Faulkner Kepler, Mar. 3, 1853, Ashtabula, Ohio. Architect. Prepared in Ashtabula High School and Baltimore Man. Train. School. Archs. Club; Tau Beta Pi; Illio Board; Class Artist; Junior member Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Draftsman for Brown, Burton & Davis, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1900; Draftsman with Elzner and Anderson, Cin., O.; Head Draftsman for Wilbur T. Mills, Archt., Columbus, Ohio., 1901; Associate Architect with Frank P. Wilburn, Architect for Southern R. R. Co., Washing- ton, D. C. Address, Home Life Bldg., Washington, D. C. 1356. MARGARET ADELE KETCHUM Born Aug. 24, 1877, in La Prairie, 111. f. A. J. Ketchum. Lawyer, (1904). LL. B. Address, Augusta, 111. 1357. ASA BAIRD KIRKPATRICK Born Mar. 3, 1874, Tiskilwa, 111. f. John B. Kirkpatrick, Dec. 6, 1825, Harrison Co., Ohio. m. Honor Grubbs, July 27, 1833, Dearborn Co., Ind. Office Work. Prepared in Elmwood High School. Natural History Club; Adelphic. B. S. Teaching, 1900-03; Office work, 1903—. Y. M. C. A., 1894-1900. Married Edith Genung Woodworth, Aug. 27,- 1902, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Address, 321 Caroline St., Peoria, 111. 1358. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN KRAHL Born June 20, 1877, Aurora, 111. f. Henry L. Krahl. m. Susan Als- paugh. Civil Engineer. Prepared in East Aurora High School. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Rodman, C. & N. W. R. R., 1900; Draftsman, Penn. Lines west of Pitts- burgh, 1901-03; Asst. on Chicago Track Elevation, P. C. C. & St. L. Ry., 1903-04; Engr. in charge Chicago Trk. Elev. P. C. C. & St. L. Ry., 1904—. Address, 154 So. Lincoln Ave., Aurora, 111. 1359. JAMES PIATT KRATZ Born Dec. 12, 1878, Monticello, 111. f. W. H. Kratz. m. Alice J. Piatt. Farmer. Prepared in Monticello High School. Phi Gamma Delta. Capt. B. A. Farming, 1900 — . Address, Monticello, 111. 1900] Baccalaureate Alumni 25 7 1360. ALFRED LEOXHARDT KUEHN Bom Avig. 16, 1877, Chicago, 111. f. Leonhardt Waldemar Kuehn, Dec. 12, 1848, Germany, m. Gesche Helene Woebken. June 8, 1848, Germany. Civil Engineer.' Prepared in Chicago High School. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Instructor Civil Engineering, Illinois. 1900-02; Engineer Maintenance of Way, Chicago, Cincinnati & Louisville R. R., 1902-04; Engr. Mo. & W. Cleve- land, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Rv., 1904-06; Supt. Maint. C, C, C. & St. L. R. R. and Peoria &: Eastern R. R., 1906—. Address, Cincinnati. O. 1361. OLIVE CLARISSA LATHROP Bom at Hastings, Mich. f. E. H. Lathrop. m. Clara A. Polhemus. Librarian. Prepared in Hastings High School and Univ. of Mich. B. L. S. Cataloger, Lib. of Congress, 1902-04; Asst. Lib. in charge of Engineering Lib., Univ. of Mich., 1904-05; Head cataloger, State Lib., Lan- sing, Mich., 1905 — . Address, Lansing, Mich. 1362. JEXXIE MARY LATZER Bom Nov. 23, 1878, Highland, 111. f. Louis Latzer, Xov. 11. 1849, Highland, 111. m. Elisa Luehm. Mar. 12, 1832, Highland, 111. Prepared in L^niv. Acad. Watcheka League; Alethenai. B. S.; M. S., 1901. Fellowship in Bacteriology and continued graduate work, 1901-02; Asst. in Bacteriology in the College of Science and Exp. Sta., 1902-04. Address, Highland, 111. 1363. JOHX OSCAR LAUGMAX Bom July 24, 1873, La Salle Co., 111. f. Jacob Langman, Jan. 16, 1846, near Bergen, Nor^vay. m. Martha Berkland, May 30, 1844. Teacher. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Member of rifle team, 1897. B. S. Science teacher at L^rbana, 1900-01; Chem. and Man. Train, in Champaign, 1901-02; Science, L'rbana. 1903; Principal same until July, 1905. MarrzVti Xellie Anderson, June 28, 1900. C/n'/rfrrw, Marguerite Josephine, bom Apr. 22, 1902; Eveline Alberta, born Xov. 24, 1905. Address, 415 State St., Ottawa, 111. 1364. JULIAX LISIECKI LEE Bom Aug. 20, 1877, in Memphis. Tenn. f. S. L. Lee. Draftsman, (1904). B. S. Address, care of I. C. R. R., McComb, Miss. 1365. CHARLES LEWIS LOGUE Bom Mar. 28, 1877, in Danville, 111. f. J. V. Logue, Apr. 16. 1837, Meigs Co., Ohio. m. Eva C. Schmitt, July 21, 1851, Lafayette, Ind. Chemist. Delta Tau Delta. B. S. Supt. Millcreek Valley Starch Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Address, care of Millcreek Valley Starch Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1366. NELLIE LOUISE McWILLIAMS Bom July 23, 1877, Champaign, 111. f. Alexander McWilliams, Apr. 12, 1833, Dufftown, Scotland, m. Maria Luttrell, Oct. 10. 1841, Ireland. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. Y. W. C. A. Pi Beta Phi. Fellowship in French, 1900-01. B. A.; M. A.. 1901. Address, 38 Second So. St., Champaign, 111. 1367. LYDIA MATHER (FORBES) Wife of Xo. 1022 Bom Oct. 5, 1876, Wheatland, Will Co., 111. f. Jonathan Mather, Oct. 258 University of Illinois [1900 5, 1849, Essex Co., N. Y. m. Elizabeth Sprague, Sept. 12, 1848, Will Co., Prepared in Joliet High School. Kappa Alpha Theta; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League; English Club. Pres. Y. W. C. A. Pres. Watcheka League; lUio Board, 1899; Illini Board, 1899. B. A. Married Ernest Browning Forbes ('97), Aug. 18, 1903, JoHet, 111. Child, Lydia Frances, born Dec. 7, 1904. Address, 819 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo. 1368. HOWARD VAN REED MAURY Born Ang. 9, 1876, Reading, Pa. f. Gernant Stout Maury, 1829, Read- ing, Pa. m. Rebecca Evans, 1830, Reading, Pa. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Rossville High School, 111. C. E. Society; Military Band. B. S. Bridge draftsman, 1902; Chief Engineer Pan-Ameri- can Bridge Co., New Castle, Ind., 1902 — . Commander New Castle Com- mandry No. 44, Knights Templar, 1905. Married Stella Peed, Apr. 8, 1903, New Castle, Ind. Address, New Castle. Ind. 1369. FRED HUTCHINSON MAY Born July 15, 1879, Milford, 111. f. Jas. S. May, July 22, 1835, Bath, N. Y. m. Augusta Hutchinson, Mar. 5, 1849, Prophetstown, 111. Clerk, U. S. Customs Service. Prepared in Prophetstown High School. LL. B. Farming, 1900-03; Clerk, A. T. & S. F. Rv., Chicago, 1903; Clerk U. S. Customs Service, 1903—. Address, 558 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. 1370. EDWIN LYMAN MAYALL Born Mav 28, 1876, Albany, 111. f. Stephen A. Mavall, 1853, Vermont, 111. m. Anna A. Short, Dec. 9, 1856, Albany, 111. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Peoria High School. M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S.; M. E., 1906. Master Mechanic Acme Harvester Co., 1900-03; Asst. Supt. of Deere Co., 1903 — . Invented Anglo-American Reaper and patented rake control and roller gearing of the same, Apr., 1902; now as- signed to Acme Harvester Co. Member Congr. Church; Creve Coer Club, Peoria; Moline Club; Masonic; Vice-Pres. Tri. Citv Univ. of 111. Alumni Assn. Married OHve Louise Ulrich, Aug. 1, 1903, Peoria, 111. Address, 2008 6th Ave., Moline, 111. 1371. STILLWELL FREDERICK MERRILL Bom Oct. 8, 1876, Moberly, Mo. f. Stillwell G. Merrill, June 26, 1846, Jackson, Mich. m. Julia C. Hoffman, Mar. 5, 1853, St. Louis, Mo. Chemist. Prepared in German School, Collinsville, 111., and Walther College. Track team, 1898-1900; Illini staff, 1900; Band, 1895-1900. B. S. Asst. State Chemist of N. Y., 1900-02; Chief Chemist, Swift & Co., Kansas City, 1902-03; Chem. Stxpt. Maple Citv Soap Co., Monmouth, 111., 1903-04; Chief Chemist J. G. Haase Soap Co., St. Louis, 1904-05; Glvcerine Chemist Larkin Co., Buffalo, June, 1905 ; with National Candy Co., St.' Louis, Mo., as Chemist, Supt. of A. J. Walter Candy Co., and Asst. Supt. of Branches, 1905 — . Member of German Evangelical Lutheran Church. Married Louise C. Freyer, July 21, 1903, Buffalo, N. Y. Children, Baby, born Apr. 30, 1904, died. Baby, born Oct. 2, 1905, (died Nov. 2, 1905). Address, Collinsville, 111., Lock Box 267. 1372. ALBERT DANFORTH MULLIKEN Bom Nov. 24, 1878, Champaign, 111. f. John Wallace MuUiken, Mar. 9, 1849, Cooperstown, N. Y. m. Josephine Danforth, June 8, 1854, Newton, Union Co., Ohio. 1900] Baccalaureate Alumni 259 Law^-er. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alpha Tau Omega. LL. B. Practicing law. Associated in practice with Col. J. S. Wolfe, 1902-04. City Attorney, Champaign, 111., 1904—. Address, Office Xo. 8, Main St., Res. 404 W. Church St., Champaign, 111. 1373. FRED EARLE NEWTON Bom Oct. 15, 1879, Onarga, 111. f. Edward D. Newton, Mar. 11, 1842, Greenfield, Mass. m. Fanny Earle, Mar. 30, 1847, Milton, Vt. Lawyer. Prepared in Onarga High School and Grand Prairie Sem Philom.athean ; Oratorical Assn.; Political Science Club; Republican Club Winner in annual debate, 1898, Illinois- Wisconsin debate, 1899. B. A. M. A., 1901. Instructor, History and Civics, High School, Fergus Falls, Minn., 1901-02; Supt. Schools, Palatine, 111., 1902-04; vSupt. Schools, Des Plaines, 1904-05; Lawyer, 1905 — . Article, Need of Better Civic Training in Our Schools, Cook County School News, Vol. 1, No. 10, pp. 1-2. Married Clara Nuala Harrison, Dec. 23, 1904, Palatine, 111. Address, 3349 Nor^vood Park Ave. ; Office 532 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1374. MARION MICHAEL NULL Bom Dec. 3, 1871, Blandinsville, 111. f. William H. Null, Dec. 16, 1835, Connersville, Ind. m. Orpha Green, Apr. 24, 1837, Connersville, Ind. Physician. Prepared in Prep. School of Univ. of Indianapolis. Philo- mathean. Elected to Alpha Omega Alpha, Coll. of Physicians & Surgeons. B. S. Physician in charge of the Mar}' E. Wright Memorial Hospital, Taikn, Korea. Married Nellie Bernice Johnson. June 8, 1903, Chicago, 111. Child, Robert Palmer, bom Feb. 12, 1905. Address, Taikn, Korea, Asia. 1375. SAMUEL OSTROWSKI Born Feb. 24, 1878, Giddings, Tex. f. Aaron Ostrowski, Ger. m. Lena Isbitz. Attorney. Prepared in private school. Political Science Club; Student; Republican Club. LL. B. Married 1900. Children, Sidiiev E., born Tulv 23, 1901; Bernice, born Feb. 11, 1905 (died July 16, 1905).' Address, 3227 So. Halsted St., Chicago, 111. 1376. WILKINS HOOVER OWENS Born Aug. 6, 1880, Baltimore, Md. f. m. Auditor, Central 111. Construction Co. Prepared in Champaign High School. Sigma Chi; Theta Nu Epsilon. B. S. Engaged in constructing an interurban railway Danville-St. Louis. Mgr. Edwardsville Light & Power Co. Address, Edwardsville, 111. 137 7. WILLIAM GAY PALMER Born Sept. 15, 1877, Orange, N. J. f. John Palmer, 1846, Belfast, Ire- land, m. Jane Gay, 1840, Harvard, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Princeton, 111., Twp. High School. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi. Fellowship in Latin. Capt. B. A., 1900; M. A., 1901. Teaching, Champaign High School. 1901-04; Teaching, Univ. Acad., 1904 — . Student in College of Law. Member Presbyterian Church. Address, 406 John St., Champaign, 111. 1378. CORNELIUS JAMES PEEPLES Bom July 10, 1878, Center\'ille, Ind. f. William A. Peeples. m. Ada Elizabeth Woods. Asst. Natl. Bank Examiner. Prepared in Shawneetown High Schoo 260 University of Illinois [1900 and Western Military Academy, Alton, 111. Delta Tau Delta. B. A. Salesman, Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, 1900-01; Accountant, Swift & Co., 1901-04; Asst. Natl. Bank Examiner, Chicago, 111., 1904 — . Address, 287 E. 41st St., Chicago, 111. *1379. ROBERT GERALD PETTINGER Born Sept. 25, 1876, in Cumberland, Iowa. f. Prosper Pettinger, Jan. 12, 1853, Luxem.burg, Europe. m. Catherine Sauser, July 20, 1851, Cascade, Iowa. Prepared in Cumberland High School; one year at Drake Univ. Member Tau Beta Pi. Won I in High Jum.p. B. S. 'With Chicago Edison Co., in drafting departmient, June, 1900-Sept., 1902. Died Jan. 13, 1903, in Cum.berland, Iowa. 1380. THEODORE CLIFFORD PHILLIPS Born at Mt. Carroll, 111. f. Leo Phillips, Monroeville, Ohio. m. Francis Schuurr, Monroeville, Ohio. Civil, Mechanical and Hj'draulic Engineer. Prepared in Mt. Carroll High School and Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta. Elected Manager of Illio; Asst. Manager Foot Ball team, 1898; Manager Foot Ball team, 1899. B. S. Member Western Soc. of Engineers; Associate member American Soc. of Civil Engineers. Address, 310 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111. 1381. CHARLES CHURCHILL PICKETT Born Dec. 4, 1862, in Waterbury, Conn. f. William Pickett, Chicago, m. Mary Poole Tarr. Lawyer. Prepared in Chicago. B. A., 1883, Univ. of Rochester; LL.B. 'Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu. Law- yer, 1886 — . ResidedinChicago,Ill.,1881-1897,andat Urbana, 111., 1897 — . Professor of Law, Illinois, 1897-06; Member Amer. Bar Ass'n; Illinois State Bar Ass'n; Chicago Literary Club. Married Minnie C. Emery, June 1, 1892, at Chicago, 111. Child, Jeanne Adams, born Jan. 22, 1897, at Evanston, 111. Address, Urbana, 111. 1382. EARLE ROYAL POLLARD Born Dec. 11, 1877, Waterloo, la. f. John Henry Pollard, Mar. 23, 1841, Dorchester, N. H. m. Marry Annette Shackford, May 1, 1850, Lowell, Mass. Mechanical Draftsman. Prepared in Centralia High School, and Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Shield and Trident. B. S. Draftsman, At- lanta Ga., 1900-01; St. Louis, 1901-04; American Mill & Const. Co., Los Angeles, 1904—. Address, 1436 x\lbany St., Los Angeles, Calif. 1383. ERNEST WILLIAM PONZER Born Sept. 30, 1872, Arnswalde, Germany, f. Carl Ponzer, June 7, 1844, Prilwitz, Germany, m. Wilhelmine Krueger, Feb. 24, 1843, Arnswalde, Germany. Instructor in Mathematics. Prepared in Henry High School, Henry, 111. Mathematical Club; Deutsche Verein; Beta Theta Pi. Foot Ball team, 1900. B. S.; M. S., 1903. Articles, The Interchange of the Order of Integration in a Double Integral, Tcchnograph, 1903; Note on a Problem in Strength of Materials, Technograph, 1905. Member American Mathematical Soc. Married Ella Eugenia Smith, Aug. 20, 1903. Child, Ernest DeWitt, born July 14, 1904. Address, 108 S. Fourth St., Champaign, 111. 1900] Baccalaureate Alumxi 261 1384. CHESSLEY JUSTIN POSEY Born Jan. 26, 1873, Troy, 111. f. Chesslev Jubilee Posev, May 13, 1832, Troy, 111. m. Mary Ann McKittrick, July 3."l835, Troy. 111'. Teacher. Prepared in Edwardsyille High School and 111. vState Normal, Normal, 111. English Club. Debating team, Illinois-Indiana debate, 1899. B. S.; M. S., 1905, Chicago. Teacher, 1900-03; Student, Uniy. of Chicago, 1903-05; Instr. in Uniy. High School, Chicago, 1904; Head of Dept. Physical Science, State Normal, 1905 — . Member Nat'l Geog. Soc. Married Maude Johnston, Dec. 27, 1903, Ft. Smith, Ark. Address, State, Mankato, Minn. 1385. WILLIAM EMILIUS PRAEGER Born Sept. 10, 1863, Belfast, Ireland, f. William Praeger, 1835, The Hague, Holland, m. Maria Patterson, Belfast, Ireland, 1840. Professor of Biology. Prepared in Uniy. College School, London, Eng- land. B. S.; M. S., 1903, Chicago. Counsellor in Graduate Schools, Uniy. of Chicago, 1904. Teaching and Lecturing; Instructor Twp. High School, Streator; Lecturer, Uniy. Extension, Uniy. of Chicago. Prof. Deseret Summer Institute, Logan, Utah. Article, Birds in Horticulture, from Trans. 111. State Hort. Soc. Vol. XXXIII, pub. by 111. Audubon Soc. 1902. Member Assn. for Adyancement of Science. Married Fanny F. Birge, Oct. 2, 1889, Keokuk, la. Children, Winifred Birge, Dec. 6, 1890; Rosamond, May 17, 1894; WilHam, Aug. 12, 1901. Address, Kalamazoo Coll., Kalam.azoo, Mich. 1386. ANNA MAY PRICE Born June 6, 1867, Danyille, 111. f. Francis May Wilson Price, 1842, Portsm.outh, England, m.. Ruth Am^elia Bo^yman, 1846, Staten Island, N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Cham.paign High School. B. L. S.; M. A., 1904, Univ. of S. Dak. Organizer of Ubrary, Uniy. of S. Dak., 1900; Asst. Li- brarian same, 1900-01 ; Seer. Uniy. of So. Dak., 1902; Head Librarian, same, 1901-05; Assistant professor of Library Economy, Illinois, 1905 — . Sec- retary So. Dak. State Lib. Assn., 1904-05. Address, 912 W. California Aye., L^rbana, 111. 1387. HELEN LOUISE PRICE Born Jan. 1, 1872, Bloomington, 111. f. Edward Llewellyn Price, Apr. 15, 1842, Urbana, Ohio. m. Em.eline Margaret Mitchel, Aug. 28, 1849, Bloomington, 111. Librarian. Prepared in Bloomington High School. B. L. S. Organ- izing of libraries in Clinton, 111., 1900; Coyington, Ky., 1901; Asst. 111. Univ Lib., 1901; Libn, Blue Island, 111., Public Library, 1902-04; Lib'n, T. B. Scott Free Library, Merrill Wis., Jan., 1905 — . Address, care of T. B. Scott Free Library, Merrill, Wis. 1388. ARTHUR CLIFFORD QUISENBERRY Bom Mar. 22, 1878, Lincoln, 111. f. Arthur Ouisenberry, Hopkinsyille, Ky., Aug. 29, 1835. m. Polly Burt. Sept. 18, 18407Anr.ingto'n, Tazewell Co., Bookkeeper. Prepared in Lincoln High School and Lincoln Univ. Phi Delta Theta; Shield and Trident. B. A. Head bookkeeper in Lincoln Nat. Bank, 1900—. Married Lillian Fave Kelly, Dec. 24, 1902,- Irying, 111. Child, Arthur Milton, bom Sept. 27, {903. Address, 326 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln. 111. 262 University of Illinois [1900 1389. GUY RICHARDSON RADLEY Born Aug, 10, 1878, Earlville, 111. f. William Radley. m. Susie Alice Richardson. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Sandwich High School and East Aurora High School. Mech. and Elec. Engr. Societies; Tau Beta Pi. Edi- tor-in-chief, 1900, Technograph. B. S. Apprentice with Milwaukee Electric Ry. & Light Co., 1900; Foreman of Meter and Testing Dept., 1902-04; Supt. of Testing Dept., 1904-06; Designing Elec. Engines with Cutter-Hammer Mfg. Co., 1906 — . Article, Commercial Electric Meters, Technograph, 1902. Associate member Amer. Inst, of Elec. Engrs., 1903; member Inter-national Electrical Congress, St. Louis, 1904. Address, 1414 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 1390. NEAL DANIEL REARDON Born Dec. 7, 1872, Boynton, 111. f. Bryan Reardon, July 14, 1836. m. Annie Flemming, Nov. 22, 1842. United States Internal Revenue Officer. Prepared in Delavan High School and 111. State School. Oratorical Assn.; Adelphic; English Club. Wisconsin-Illinois Debating team, 1898; Junior Hatchet Orator, 1899; Pres. Illini Board, 1898-99. B. A. Teaching, Decatur High School, 1900-02; U. S. Internal Revenue, 1902—. Address, Pekin, 111. Home, Delavan, 111. 1391. ADELE COOPER REED (SCOTT) Born in Osage, f. H. O. Cooper (deceased), m. Mrs. George Schlosser. B. L. S., 1900. Married James Brown Scott (see Faculty), Sept. 1, 1901, Champaign, Address, Washington, D. C, care of Departm.ent of State. 1392. FREDERICK WILLIAM REIMERS Born Oct. 7, 1878, Rock Island, 111. f. John J. Reimers, Germany, m. Mary A. Denkmann, Rock Island, 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Rock Island High School, Evanston High School, Northwestern Univ. Phi Kappa Psi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Supt. of Peoples Power Co., Rock Island, 111. Married Julia Fay Warren, Sept. 20, 1905, at Rock Island, 111. Address, 714 21st St., Rock Island, 111. 1393. EDWARD MELVILLE RHODES Born Aug. 10, 1866, Bloom.ington, 111. f. Aaron Pane Rhodes, Apr. 18, 1833, Bloomington, 111. m. Martha Cox, Aug. 9, 1836, do. Attorney at Law. Prepared in Bloomington and Valparaiso, Ind. LL. B. Married Ameha Gates, Sept'. 23, 1899, at Bloomington, 111. Address, 308 E. Healy St., Champaign, 111. 1394. RAYMOND CRAVER RICKER Born Oct. 22, 1878, Grinnell, la. f. Rufus Ricker, Aug. 12, 1849, Daven- port, la. m. Harriet Jane Craver, Greensburg, Ind. Missionarv. Prepared in Harvev High School. Y. M. C. A. Archi- tect's Club; Volunteer Band for Foreign Missions, 1899-1900. B. S. Ar- chitectural draftsman to July, 1904; Missionary of M. E. Church, 1904 — . Member of M. E. Church, 1888 — . Occasional office held in organization of the church; Board of Directors, Y. M. C. A., Rock Island, 111., 1903. Address, Tsiches, West China, via Chungking. 1900] Baccalaureate Alumni 263 1395. ERNEST THOMPSON ROBBINS Bom June 27, 1878, Payson, 111. f. Daniel Ellsworth Robbins, Dec. 7, 1843, Payson, 111. m. Anna Campbell Thompson, Jan. 3, 1844, Payson, 111. Asst. in Animal Husbandry. Prepared in Payson High School. Y. M. C. A.; Agricultural Club; Philomathean; Winner of Hazelton Medal; Vale- dictorian; Pres. of Philom:athean and Agr. Club; Editor and Business Man- ager Illinois Agricultitralisi. B. S. Farmer and stockraiser, 1901-05 ; Asst., Dept. Animal Husbandry, Iowa State Coll., 1905 — . Pres. Adam.s Co. Christian Endeavor Union, 1903-04. Married Ida Mae Folkrod, Oct. 26, 1904, Ouincy, 111. Address, Iowa State Coll., Ames, Iowa. 1396. LLOYD SILAS ROBERTSON Bom May 2, 1876, in Lake Zunich. 111. f. Silas Robertson, m.. Alida Alexander. Rice farmer. B. S. Mem.ber of I. O. O. F. Address, Carlisle, Ark. 1397. CARL JOHN FREDERICK ROCHOW Born Nov. 17, 1877, Davenport, la f. Carl Rochow, Dec. 26, 1850, Perleberg, Prussia, Gemiany. m. Am.elia Denkm.ann, Nov. 20, 1852, Iowa. Physician. Prepared in Rock Island High School. Kappa Sigma; Theta'Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigm.a; Shield and Trident. B. S.; M. D.. 1903, Rush Med. College. Student :\Iedicine, 1900-03; Interne in Nor- wegian Lutheran Tabitha Hospital, Chicago, 1903-04; Private Practice, Rock Island, 111., 1904—. Mem.ber Rock Island Co. Med. Soc; 111. State Med. Soc; Am.erican Med. Assn.; Gemian Lutheran Church; B. P. O. E. Address, 1206 4th Ave., Rock Island, 111. 1398. ARTHUR Z. ROE Born Julv 18, 1878, Vandaha, 111. f. Ezekiel Roe, Mar. 5, 1851, Fayette Co., 111. m.' Nancy Jane Browning, May 17. 1851, Fayette Co.. 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Vandalia High School and Northern Ind. Nonnal School. LL. B., 1898, Northern Ind. LL. B. Married Claribel Grigg. June 1, 1905, Greenville. 111. Address, Vandalia, 111. 1399. MARTHA DEETE ROLFE Daughter of No. 14; Sister of Nos. 1750, 1952 Bom July 11, 1879, Kankakee, 111. f. Charles Weslev Rolfe, Apr. 17, 1850, Wheeling, 111. m. Martha Kinsman Farley, May 8, 1849, Boston, Mass. Teacher. Prepared in L^bana High School and Univ. Acad. B. S.; M. A., 1904. Teacher of Botany, Cham.paign High School, 1901; of Botany and Physiologv, Decatur High School, 1901-02; of Biologv and Chem.istrv 111. Woman's Coll.. Jacksonville. 111.. 1905—. Address, Jacksonville. 111. Home, 601 John St., Cham.paign, 111. 1400. ELBERT MALLARY ROWLAND Born June 27, 1877, Noble. 111. f. Elbert Rowland, Apr. 28, 1832, New York, N. Y. m.. Kate D. Mallary, Apr. 30, 1843, New York. Lawver. Prepared in Olnev High School. Track team., 1900. LL. B Enlisted' in Co. L, 4th I. N. G., l'896; in 4th 111. Vol. Inf., Co. L, 1898, Spring- field, 111., as 3d Sergt.; m.ustered out 1899, Augusta, Ga., as First Sergt.; served in Cuba in Annv of Occupation, 7ih Armv Corps; discharged from Co. L, 4th I. N. G., 1899. Article, History of Co.'L, 4th 111. Vol. Infantrv, published in History of the 4th 111. Vol.. by John R. Skinner, 1899, pp. 40-50. Appointed Master in Chancery, Richland Co., 1903, for two years; elected Capt. of Louis Lomelino Camp No. 7, United Spanish War Veterans, Apr. 8, 264 University of Illinois [1900 1902; Aide de Camp on Gen. Urells' Staff, Commander Spanish War Veter- ans, 1903; Sec. of Exec. Com., of Democratic Co. Central Com., 1902—03; Secretary of Democratic City Central Com., 1903 and 1905. Trustee of First Congr. Church of Olney, 1904-05. Married Jessie May BHss, June 8, 1904, Olney, 111. Address, 1030 S. Morgan St., Olney, 111. 1401. EDNA ALMIRA RUGG (HUBBARD) Wife of No. 950 Born May 16, 1878, Ham.ilton, N. Y. f. Martin LeBaron Rugg, Sept. 5, 1849, Chester, Vt. m. LiUie Anzoletta Moseley, Mar. 2, 1856, Eaton, N. Y. Prepared in High School, Seattle, Wash., and Willamette Uniy. Academy. Literary and Oratorical Societies of Portland Univ. and Y. W. C. A.; Eng- lish Club, Illinois. B. A., 1898, Portland, Uniy. B. A. Won Declamation cont. and Orat. cont., 1900; Professor of Eng. Lit., Shurtlefif College, Upper Alton, 111., 1900-01. Mem.ber of Baptist Church. Married George Dayid Hubbard ( '96), Sept. 10, 1901, Urbana, 111. Chil- dren, Ruth, born Sept. 22, 1902; Oscar Edwin, born Noy. 14, 1903. Address, 1235 Harrison Aye., Colum.bus, Ohio. 1402. CHARLES A. RYBURN Born July 15, 1876, Hey^^'orth, 111. f. Sam.uel Ryburn, Apr. 21, 1845, Harrison Co., Ohio. m.. Helen Herington, Feb. 20, 1847, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Teacher. Prepared in High School Dept. 111. State Normal. B. A. Prin. High School at Marion, 111., 1901-03. Address, Heyworth, 111. 1403. LOUIS BYRON SAFFER Born Apr. 4, 1870, Harris6n Co., Mo. f. Louis B. Saffer, 111. m. Re- becca J. Reno, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Browning High School and Western Nonnal Col- lege, Bushhell, 111. LL. B, Married Luella A. Meadows, July 21, 1897. CJiildren, Rex Eugene, born July 9, 1900; Louis Byron, Jr., born May 27, 1905. Address, 1001 \N . Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1404, EDWARD BRIGHAM SAFFORD Born June 14, 1880, Sycamore, 111. f. Edward P. Safford. m. Sarah F. Safford. Chemist. Prepared in Sycamiore High School. Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. S. Member Society of Chem.ical Industry, 1905. Married Edora M.'Hamnnond, May 31, 1905, DeKalb, 111. Address, 414 S. Edith St., Albuquerque, N. M. 1405. DELIA CLEORIA SANFORD Born Apr. 19, 1878, Platteyille, Wis. f. Henry Clay Sanford, 1836. m. Mary Greene, 1835. Cataloger. Prepared in State Normal School, Platteville, Wis. Kappa Kappa B. L. S. Asst. Cataloger, Uniy. of Cincinnati Lib., 1901- 02; Cataloger, Davenport Public Lib., 1903-04; Cataloger, Iowa State Univ. Library, 1904-05; Cataloger, LTniv. of Wisconsin, 1905 — . Address, Univ. of Wisconsin Libr., Madison, Wis. 1406. IDA ESTELLE SAWYER (TAIT) Born Dec. 20, 1873, Ancona, 111. f. Lewis Manville Sawyer, m. Sa- landa Moon. Prepared in Streator High Schocl. Kappa Alpha Theta; Tau Chapter; 1900] Baccalaureate Alvmxi 265 affiliated with Delta chapter, 1898-1900. Ph. B., 1896, Northwestern. B. L. S. Asst. Librarian, Field Columbian Museum Library, 1900; Cata- loguer, Northwestern Univ. Library, 1900-02; Reference Librarian, State Univ. of la., 1902-04. Married William Grange Tait, June 14. 1905, Evanston, 111. Address, Morgan town, W. Va. 1407. PETER PHILIP SCHAEFER Born Aug. 6, 1873, Millersburg, 111. f. Philip Schaefer, July 24, 1832, Gennany. m. Elizabeth Heil, Apr. 22, 1841, St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Prepared in West Union School, north of Carlyle, 111. Philo- m.atheaii. LL. B. Practicing law. Member 44th Gen. Assembly, House of Representatives. Member Catholic Church; Order of Catholic Order of Foresters; Knights of Columbus; Tribe of Ben Hur; American Friendlv Soc; B. P. O. E. Address, 13 Main St., Champaign, 111. 1408. EDWARD JOHN SCHNEIDER Bom May 27, 1875, Pontiac, 111. f. John Evangilist Schneider, Wurtem- burg, Germ.any. m. Theresia Zeph. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Pontiac High School. Delta Tau Delta; Shield and Trident; Tau Beta Pi. B. S., C. W. I. R. R., Chi- cago, 1900;, Paxton & Vierling Iron works, 1900-01; Koken Iron Works, St. Louis, 1901-02; Contracting Engineer Am.erican Bridge Co., St. Louis, 1902-03; Contracting Agt.. Chicago, 1903-04; Contracting Mgr., Kansas City, Mo. Mem.ber Presbyterian Church; Knight Templar Order of Masons. Address, 704 Postal Telegraph Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1409. BENJAMIN HARRISON SCUDDER Born May 16, 1871, f. Stephen Scudder, Dec. '25, 1832, ButlcrCo., Ohio. m. Emeline Whitehead, Aug. 17, 1835, Butler Co., Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Com.mion Schools. B. A.; Ph. M., 1901, Chicago. Tendered Fellowship, Chicago. Science of Teaching; Professor of Govem- irient and History, Temipe Nonnal School of Arizona. Married Rebecca Mugg. Aug. 4, 1895, Center, Ind. Children, Virginia Elizabeth Kathreen, born May 4, 1898; Nita Em.eline, born July 10, 1900; Rebecca Lucile, born Aug. 19, 1904. Address, Tempe, Ariz. 1410. MINNIE EARL SEARS Bom in La Favette, Ind. Head Cataloger, Bryn Mawr, 1904. M. S., 1894, Purdue Univ. B. L. S. Address, care of Bryn Mawr College Library, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1411. BLANCHE SEELY Bom Aug. 9, 1875, in Fredrickton, New Brunswick, f. Geo. E. Seely. Junior Asst., John Crerar Library, (1904). B. L. S. Address, 5734 Washington Ave., Chicago, 111, 1412. MABEL CLAIRE SHRUM Bom Julv 13, 1881. Manhattan Kans. f. Henrv Svlvan Shrum, Mar. 21, 1858, Pa' m. Mary Graham, Jan. 15. 1860, Bla'irsville, Pa. Librarian. Prepared in Union High School, La Junta. Colo. Teacher, 1901; Librarian of Colo. School of Mines, Golden, Colo., Jan. 1, 1902—. Articles in Public Libraries, 1903. Address, Golden, Colo. 266 University of Illinois [1900 1413. ROY HARLEY SLOCUM Born Oct. 16, 1876, Loda, 111. f. Pardon E. Slocum, Julv 27, 1853. m. Clara E. Harley, Apr. 21, 1857, Kewanee, 111. Instructor. Prepared in Rice Collegiate Inst., Paxton, 111. C. E. Club; Pres. of C. E. Club. B. S. Rodman on Pa. R. R., 1900; Asst. in T. & A. M. Illinois, 1900-01; Instructor T. & A. M., Illinois, 1901-05; in M. & S. E., 1905 — . Member Illinois Soc. of Engineers and Surveyors, 1902 — ; Soc. for the promotion of Eng. Education, 1903 — . Address, 1016 W. Calif. Ave., Urbana, 111. 1414. GEORGE RUSSELL SMITH Born May 18, 1875, Dryden, N. Y. f. George Russell Smith, Carlton, N. Y. m. Elizabeth Ellen Hutchinson, Gaines, N. Y. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Lewis Acad. Wichita, Kans. M. E. and E. E. Society; Y. M. C. A. B. S. Draftsman and designer, Lake Shore R. R., C. R. L & P. R. R., 1900-01 ; with Chisholm Boyd & White Co., Chicago, 1901-02; Instr. in G. E. D., Illinois, 1902; Designer, Am. Brake Shoe Co., 1903-05; with Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich., 1905 — . Address, 616 Grant St., Bay City, Mich. 1415. WILLIAM WALTER SMITH Born in Broadlands, 111. f. George W. Smith, Nov. 3, 1835, McNaery Co., Tenn. m. Mary Elizabeth Oglesby, Mar. 20, 1844, Fairfield District, So. Carolina. Student. Prepared in Homer High School, Homer, 111. Philomathean Literary Society; Students' Republican Club; Y. M. C. A. Editor of //Zim, 1899-1900; Hatchet Orator; Pres. Philomathean; Pres. Republican Club; Color Sergeant. B. A. Asst. Principal Sumner High School, St. Louis, Mo., 1900-04. Student, Coll. of Eng'g, Illinois, 1904—. Member of All Saints (Episcopal) Church; Supt. All Saints (Episcopal) Sunday School, 1902-03. Address, 503 East Green* Street, Champaign, 111. Home, Broadlands, 111. 1416. HARVEY ALLEN SOVERHILL Born Sept. 27, 1876, Tiskilwa, 111. f. Samaxel G. Soverhill, 1836, Newark, N Y. m.. Laura Couch, Tiskilwa, 111., 1842. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Tiskilwa High School. Philo- mathean. Y. M. C. A. M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. ; M. E., 1906. Drafts- man and designer; Gasoline engine road expert; Supt. of Machine Shop. One year in Naval Militia of Moline as ensign, 1904. Article, Test of 10 H. P. Gasoline Engine, Engineering Record, 1900. Vice-pres. of Moline Autom.o- bile Co., 1905 — ; Supt. Root and Van Dervoort Eng. Co., 1903 — . Married Ethel Derwent Payne, Apr. 14, 1904, Beloit, Wis. Address, 623 23rd St., Moline, 111. 1417. BENJAMIN BENTON STAKEMILLER Born Dec. 25, 1875, Sterling, 111. f. Jacob Stakemiller. m. Levina Strickler. Assistant Engineer. Prepared in Sterling High School. Civil Engr. Club. Asst. Editor Illio; Manager Illini, 1899-1900; Asst. Editor Techno- graph. B. S. U. S. Jr. Engr., charge contr. Illinois and Mississippi Canal till Oct., 1902; Res. Engr. Constr. Big Four Ry., till Julv 15, 1904; Res. Engr. Constr. and Engr. M. of W. 111. Temiinal Ry., July 15, 1905; Asst. Engr. Mo. Pacific Ry., St. Louis, Mo., to date. Address, 7th and Poplar Sts., St. Louis, Mo. 1418. ADAM JULIUS STROHM Born Feb. 16, 1870, Westergotland, Sweden, f. John Strohm, 1830, Sweden, m. Ida Wetterwik, 1845, Sweden. Librarian. Prepared in Hogre AUmanna Larowerk, Wenersborg, Swe- 1900] Baccalaureate Alumni 267 den, 1879-88; Med. Phil. Course, Royal Univ. Upsala, Sweden. B. A., 1888, Gov't Coll., Wenersborg, Sweden. Alpha Tau Omega. B. L. S. Librarian Armour Inst, of Technology, Chicago, 111., 1900-01; Librarian Free Public Library, Trenton, N. J., 1901 — . One year's Military Service, Sweden, 1892. Article, Bibliography of cooperative cataloguing and the printing of catalogue cards, joint author with T. K. T. Jahr, ( 00) ; publ. as appendix in the Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902. Member Amer. Lib. Assn., 1900 — ; N. J. State Lib. Assn., 1901—; Pres., 1902-03. Married Cecilia B. McConnel (ex-'OO), Oct, 30, 1902, Winnetka, 111. Children, Harriet, born Sept. 11, 1903; John Gillette, born Aug. 8, 1904. Address, Free Public Library, Trenton, N. J. 1419. FRANK ASBURY STROUT Born Sept. 25, 1871, Rochelle, 111. f. W. H. Strout, 1836, Maine, m. E. F. Simpson, 1834, N. C. Draftsman. Prepared in Joliet High School. B. S. Drafting, 1900-01; Gasoline Engine testing, 1901-02; working as gasoline engine expert and erector, 1902-04; Drafting, 1904 — . Address, 243 So. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 1420. HARRY ROBERTS TEMPLE Husband of No. 1539 Born at Byron, 111. f. J. H. Temple, Petersburg, Pa. m.. Mary E. Roberts, Lancaster, Pa. Architect. Prepared in Byron High School. Architect Club; Y. M. C. A. B. S. 1900, draftsmian. Chemical Lab., Gymnasium, Hydraulic Lab. and Wood shops, 1900; partnership with N. I. Spencer, practice of Architec- ture, 1900—. Married Stacia Livingston ( '01), Dec. 26, 1901. Address, 603 E. Daniel St., Champaign, 111. 1421. GEORGE HENRY THOMPSON Born Mav 12, 1876, in Warrensburg, 111. m. Mrs. M. G. Thompson. Office Clerk (1904). Prepared in Illinois Wesleyan. B. A.; LL. B.. 1904. Address (1904), 180 Cass St., Chicago, 111. Bus., G. H. Hammond Co., U. S. Yards. 1422. JOHN CHARLES THORPE Born Apr. 17, 1879. f. James Thorpe, Dec. 21, 1847, Peterboro, Eng- land, m. Fannie Rebecca Webber. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Urbana High School. Base Ball, second team, 1897-1900; Glee Club, and Mandolin Club, 1897-1900. B. S.; M. E., 1903, Michigan. Asst. to Engr. of Tests, C. B. & Q. Ry., 1900-02; Inst, in Mech. Engr., Univ. of Mich., 1902-03; in charge of Mech. Engr. Dept., Univ. of Washington, Sept., 1903-05; Asst. to Mech. Engr., Sargent & Lundy, Wash., 1905 — . Articles, Value of Testing Dept. in Ry. Service, Technograph; Method of Conducting Locomotive Tests, Univ. of Mich., Technique; The Engineer: a Gentleman, The Univ. of Wash., Wave. Member of Baptist Church; Jr. member of A. S. M. E.; member Pac. N. W. Soc. of Engineers; member of Western Ry. Club. Married Carrie Bel'le Bulles, Feb. 6, 1902, Aurora, 111. Child. Marion, born Nov. 26, 1904. Address, New York St., Aurora, 111. 1423. CHARLES WESLEY TOOKE Born Nov. 21, 1871, in South Onondaga, New York. Lawyer. Prepared in Frankhn Academy, Malone, N. Y. B. A., 1891, 268 University of Illixois [1900 Syracuse; M. A., 1893, same; LL. B. Graduate student History and Politics, Cornell Univ., 1893-94; Fellow Administrative Law, Columbia Univ., 1894-95; Professor Public Law and Adm., Univ. of 111., 1895- 1900; Prof, of Law, 1900-02; Practicing law, Syracuse, N. Y., 1902 — . Psi Upsilon, Phi Beta Kappa. Author numerous brochures: Uniformity in Municipal Finance, Constitutional Limitations on Municipal Indebtedness, Compensation for Mvmicipal Franchises, Financial History of the Danish West Indies, Constitution of Illinois Annotated. Member Am^erican Political Science Assn. ; Fellow American Economic Assn. ; Fellow Amer. Statistical Assn. Married Sara Louise Weeks, 1902, at Syracuse, N. Y. Address, Syracuse, N. Y. 1424. JOHN HOWARD TREVETT Born June 14, 1878, Champaign, 111. f. John R. Trevett, 1854, Chicago, 111. m. Helen M. Lennington, 1856, Ohio. Cashier. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Asst. Mgr. Base Ball team, LL. B. Clerk with Trevett, Mattis & Abell, Huron, S. Dak. ; Cashier with Trevett, Mattis & Baker, Investment Bankers, Beatrice, Neb.; Mining, Cripple Creek, Colo. Address, 101 N. Elm St., Champaign, 111. 1425. WALTER SIMEON TYLER Born Dec. 13, 1877, in Joliet, 111. f. S. S. Tyler, m. L. B. Towne. Engineer. Prepared in Joliet High School. Glee and Mandolin Club; Engineering Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Asst. Editor Technograph. B. S. Supt. the Lambert Co., Mfrs. Electrical Supplies, Chicago, 1902-04; in Experi- mental dept. American Graphophone Co., 1905 — . Married Elsie M. Tavlor, March 9, 1901, Chicago, 111. Child. Walter S., Jr., born May 1, 1903." Address, 96 Sherwood Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. 1426. CHESTER STYVESTER VAN BRUNDT Born Feb. 16, 1878, Deers, Champaign Co., 111. f. Sam.uel Van Brundt, Dark Co., O. m. Rachel Belle Sampson, Tippecanoe, Ind. Real Estate and Insurance Broker. Prepared in Cham.paign High School and Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigm.a; Shield and Trident. LL. B. Practice of Law, and Banking, Eldora, Colo., 1901-03; Mining, Lewiston, Idaho, 1903-04; Real Estate and Insur- ance Brokerage, North Yakim.a, Wash., 1905 — . Vice Pres. Lish Land Co. Married Lillian Mabel Orcutt, Aug. 12, 1903, Lewiston, Idaho. Address, No. 1 N. First St., North Yakima, Wash. 1427. SETH FIELDS VAN PATTEN Born Julv 5, 1873, Steward, Lee Co., 111. f. Cornelius Fred Van Patten, Jan. 6, 1826,' N. Y. m. Mary Jane Young, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1839. Teaching. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. B. A. Grad. Student, Univ. of Calif., Jan.-May, 1901; Traveling till Sept., 1901; Teaching, Los Angeles, 1901-02; Orange, Calif., 1902-03; Escandido, Calif., 1903-04; Ventura, Calif., 1904 — . Member M. E. Church, in Escandido, Calif.; Congregational Church, Ventura, Calif. Married Leonora B. Thom.pson, Sept. 2, 1903. Child, Donald Thom.pson, born Sept. 19, 1904. Address, Ventura, CaHf. 1428. MARIE L. WALDO (TAYLOR) Born Feb. 8, 1878, in Philo, 111. m. Mrs. A. E. Waldo. Married. B. S. Asst. reference librarian in State Lab. of Natural His- tory, 1902-05. 'Married Estes Park Taylor, 1905, in Urbana, 111. Address, 2 Fairland Place, Champaign, 111. 1900] Baccalaureate Alumni 269 1429. CAROLINE WANDELL Born in Oswego Co., New York. f. Harvev Wandell, Sept., 1831, Onondaga Co., N. Y. m. Phebe Baker, Feb., 1838, Oswego Co., N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Phoenix High School, New York. B. L. S. Library Organizer, Oxford, N. Y., Sept. -Oct., 1900; Newark, N. Y., Jan.- Feb., 1901; Governor, N. Y., Mar., 1901; Head Cataloger, and Instructor in Library Science in Univ. of Texas, Austin, Sept., 1901-Nov., 1902 ; Librarian, Houston Carnegie Library, Houston, Texas, Nov., 1902-Mar., 1903; Branch, Librarian, Brooklyn Public Library, Dec, 1904 — . Address, (permanent) Pha-nix, Oswego Co., N. Y. 1430. WILLARD OTIS WATERS Born June 9, 1871, Benzonia, Mich. f. Otis Bird Waters, 1830, Orville, N. Y. m. Martha Ann Haseltine Bliss, 1837, Savoy, Mass. Librarian. Prepared in Prep. Dept. of Benzonia College. B. A., 1896, Benzonia Coll.; B. L. S. Y. M. C. A.; Library Club. Order Clerk, Univ. of 111., Librarv, 1900-02; Asst. in Catalog Division, Lib. of Congress, Washing- ton, D. C, "1902 — . Member Lib. Assn., 1901 — ; District of Columbia Librarv Assn., 1902 — ; University Club, Washington, D. C, 1906 — ; Natl Geog. Soc, 1905 — ; Amer. Hist. Assn., 1906 — . Address, 2514 13th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 1431. OTTO CHARLES WEHRSTEDT Born Mar. 25, 1877, in Bloom.ington, 111. f. C. H. Wehrstedt. m. Rosa Schlegel. Manufacturer of Watch Jewels. Alpha Tau Omega. B. S. With C. H. Wehrstedt, Manufacturer of Watch Jewels, Evanston, 111. Address, 2603 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111. 1432. ADOLPH HENRY WESEMANN Born Apr. 2, 1877, La Grange, 111. f. William F. Wesemann, Julv 24, 1850, La Grange, 111. m. Emma Rathe, Feb. 5, 1856, Addison, 111." Lawyer. Prepared in Walther Coll. Philom.athean. LL. B. Member and Trustee St. John's Lutheran Church, La Grange, 111. Married Minnie Blum, June 5, 1901. Colhnsville, 111. Child. Adolph H., bom May 18, 1902. Address, La Grange, 111. 1433. MABEL GAY WEST Born Mar. 22, 1873, Chardon, Ohio. f. Orren A. West. m. Emeline. Chalmers. Library Organizer. Prepared by private work. B. L., Knox Coll. B.L. S. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Address, 794 N. Academj- St., Galesburg, 111. 1434. RAYMOND SLY WILEY Bom Oct. 5, 1878, in Rock Ridge, f. B. D. Wilev. Architect. B. S. Track Team, 1899. With R. H. Hunt, (1904). Address (1904), 518 Cherry St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Bus., 8th and Broad Sts. 1435. LUCY BERTHA ELY WILLCOX (WALLACE) Bom May 18, 1873, Jersey City. f. Giles Buckingham Willcox, Aug. 7, 1826, New York City. m. Mary Jane Cooley, Dec. 17, 1835, Tollond, Conn. Prepared in Chicago West Division High School. Attended W^ellesley Coll. Watcheka league; Glee Club; Kappa Kappa Gamma. B. L. S. Loan desk, Asst., Univ. Library, 1900-01. Married Joseph Davis Wallace, Sept. 12, 1901, Chicago, 111. Address, 708 W. Park St., Champaign, 111. 270 University of Illinois [1900 1436. CLIFFORD WILLIS Born lulv 13, 1870, Wapella, 111. f. John William Willis, July 10, 1842. ni. Danelia Wilden Saj^re, May 17, 1847. Instructor in Agriculture. Prepared in Heyworth High School; 111. Wesleyan Univ.; 111. State Nonnal Univ. Alpha Zeta. B. S. Taught Mathematics in Champaign High School, 1900-01; Prin. Urbana High School, 1901-03; Instructor, Soil Physics in Coll. of Agr. and Exp. Sta., IIH- nois, 1903 — . Married Annie Laurie Perkins, Oct, 1, 1891, Heyworth, 111. Address, 503 W. High St., Urbana, 111. 1437. HARVEY EDGERTON WOOD Bom Apr. 2, 1876, Elwood, 111. f. W. W. Wood, 1837, Sf. Lawrence Co., N. Y. m. E. Cleora Edgerton, 1837, same. Lawyer. Prepared in Joliet High School. Delta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Sigma Xi Tau; Theta Nu Epsilon. Capt. of Second Eleven and sub cjuarter on varsity; wrestler in g3''mnasium squad. B. A. Studied law. Practic- ing law, 1902 — . Married Blanche Lindsav, June 30, 1902, Onarga, 111. Child, Frances, born Dec, 1905. Address, 819 Oneida St., Joliet, 111. 1438. WILLIAM FRANCIS WOODS Born July 16, 1876, Farmer City, 111. f. Thomas Woods, 1837, Ireland, m. Katherine Kirk, 1839, Ireland. Lawver. Prepared in Rice Collegiate Inst., Paxton, 111. Adelphic. Theta Kappa Nu; Oratorical Assn.; Debating team, 1899-1900; Webster Law Club. B. A.; LL. B., 1902. Dem. candidate for State's Attorney of Champaign Co., 1904; Director, Farmers' Savings and Loan Bank of Ur- bana, 111., 1904. Hon. member of Theta Kappa Nu; Grand Knight of Ur- bana Council, No. 891, Knights of Columbus, 1904 — ; Ancient Order of Hibernians; The Catholic Order of Foresters; B. P. O. E. Address, 712 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1439. GEORGE THOMAS HENRY WRAY Bom Aug. 12, 1878, Codsall, Staffordshire, Eng. f. George Edward Wray, Swaffham, Norfolk, Eng. m. Alice Lovatt, Stafford, Staffordshire, Eng. Engineer. Tau Beta Pi; M. E. and E. E. Soc; Choral Soc. B. S. Technical apprentice. Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1900-01; Laboratory and engineering work, 1901-04; Engr. Western Electric Co., Omaha, Nebr., July 1, 1904-Dec., 1905; Engr. Western Elec. Co., Indianapolis, Ind., Dec, 1905—. Married Blanche Hepler, June 6, 1905, Streator, 111. Address, 309 Majestic Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. CLASS OF 1901 (169) 1440. BERT WILSON ADSIT Husband of No. 1228 Bom Apr. 13, 1877, Wellington, 111. f. Stephen Adsit, Wilmington, Ohio. m. Rachel Markle5^ Wilmington, O. Lawyer. Prepared in Olivet, Mich. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Lang- dell Law Club. Baseball team, 1899-1900; Capt. in 1901; Foot Ball team, 1899-1901. LL. B. Married Louise Jones ('99), Nov. 12, 1902, Champaign, 111. Address, Pontiac, 111. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumxi 271 1441. ALBERT MILLER ALLEX Bom Apr. 18, 1872, Alpena, Mich. f. Abram Barker Allen, June 3, 1833, Sharon, Mich. m. Anna Miller, Ann Arbor, Mich. Architect. Prepared in Hannibal High School. B. S., 1901, Illinois. Tau Beta Pi; Architects' Club. Pres. Architects' Club; Manager of the Glee Club; Pres. Glee Club; Choral L^nion; Quartet, three years. B. S. Draftsman until Nov. 9, 1904; now in business in Columbus with the firm of Marriott & Allen. Member First Congr. Church, Colum.bus, Ohio. Married Cora Kuhl, Nov. 27, 1902, Chicago, 111. Children. Philys, Tor- rens, bom Jan. 29, 1904, Chicago, 111.; Louis Wier, born Apr. 24, 1906. Address, 27 Ruggery Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. 1442. FRANK GILBERT ALLEN Bom May 17, 1877, Rock Island, 111. f. Chas. Allen, 1846, New York State, m. Agathe Bahnsen, 1856, Hamburg, Germany. Instructor in Drafting. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi. M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. for Link Belt Mach'v Co., Chicago, Sept., 1901-Apr., 1902; Supt. Oktaha Gin Co., Otkaha, I. T., June, 1902-May, 1904; Instructor in Drafting, Iowa State College, Ames, la., 1904 — . Address, Ames, Iowa. 1443. JAMES HOWARD ARMITAGE Bom Dec. 25, 1872, Buckingham, 111. f. James Hassen Armitage, x\pr. 22, 1826, Clarion Co., Pa. m. Margaret Elizabeth Gruer, June 16, 1836, Alleghany Co., New York. Teacher. Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. B. A. Second Honors, Class of 1901. Employee of Practical Gas Const. Co., 1901-03, installing Gas plants at Neoga, Geneseo, Ashton, Lockport, and North Chi- cago, 111., York, Neb., and elsewhere; Teacher in Buckingham, 1904-05; Asst. Prin. Watseka High School, 1905 — . Address, Watseka, 111. 1444. WILLIAM WRIGHT ARNOLD Bom Oct. 14, 1878, Oblong, 111. f. Berzelius Mitchell Arnold, xNew Reading, Ohio. m. Mary Catherine Baker, New Reading, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Robinson High School and Austin Coll., Effingham, 111. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. LL. B. Address, Robinson, 111. *1445. DONALD HERBERT BAILEY Born Jan. 16, 1879, Chicago, 111. f. Daniel S. Bailey, m. Annette Elizabeth. Prepared in Clinton High School. Alpha Tau Omega ; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; president Students' Assembly; Manager Interscholastic, 1901. B. A. Entered Columbia Law School, Washington, D. C, 1901. Poor health forced him to abandon studies; entered business firm of Ayre & Lord Tie Co., Grenada, Miss., and Carbon- dale, 111. At time of death was vice-pres. and Treas. of the E. R. Berry Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. Married Ruby S. Berry, July 29, 1903, at St. Louis, Mo. Child, Daughter. Died Aug. 28, 1905, at Rantoul, 111. 1446. HORATIO WEBER BAKER Born July 9, 1879, Urbana, 111. f. Ira O. Baker, m. Emma J. Burr. Instructor. Prepared in L'niv. Acad. Bus. Mgr. Technograph; Illio board. C. E. Club; Major in Battalion, 1901. B. S. Instrumentman D. L. & W. R. R., Elmira and Bath, N. Y., 1901-03; Draftsman P. S. & N. R. R., Olean, N. Y., 1902-03 ; Resident engineer on Construction C. C. C. & St. L. 272 University of Illinois [1901 Ry., Carpenter, 111., 1903-04; Bridge Engineer, Indianapolis and Cincinnati Traction Co., 1904-05; Draftsman, St. L. & N. E. Ry. at Edwardsville, 111., 1905; Transitman on location C. C. C. & St. L. Ry., Middletown, Ohio, 1905; Asst. Engineer on Construction C. & N. W., Kenosho, Wis., 1905. Professor of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Nevada, Dec. 1, 1905 — . Married Harriette Moulton, Jan. 3, 1906, San Francisco, Calif. Address, Reno, Nevada. 1447. ANETA BALDWIN Born Aug. 24, 1879, Paris, 111. f. John Henry Baldwin, 1852, Harrods- burg, Ky. m. Anna Frances Lamb, 1860, Paris. Ill, Teacher. Prepared in Paris High School. Glee Club; Basket Ball team. B. A. Teacher in Murphysboro High School, 1901-04; in Pekin, 111., High School, 1904—. Address, Paris, 111. 1448. FAITH LELAND BARDWELL (WETHERBEE) Born Apr. 16, 1877, Cham.paign, Co., 111. f. John Kingsley Bardwell, Mar. 9, 1836, Franklin Co., Mass. m. Lovilla Elmira Kellog, Oct. 19, 1838, Shelburne, Mass. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. \. Taught school, 1901-03. Married Charles Earl Wetherbee, July 28, 1904, Des Moines, la. Address, 405 6th Ave., Sterling, 111. 1449. ARTHUR FRANKLIN BARNETT Born April 5, 1880, Hallsville, 111. f. James M. Barnett, 1858, June 22. m. Sarah Elizabeth Marvel, Aug. 17, 1858. Physician. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Student Dancing Club. Phi Rho Sigma at Rush Med. College. B. S.; M. D., 1904, Rush Med. Coll. Professional work as hospital interne, June, 1904-Dec., 1905; Practicing Physician. Address, 818 Main St., Jophn, Mo. 1450. ARTHUR TIMOTHY BELL Born Dec. 16, 1875, Hopkinsville, Ky. f. Jacob R. Bell, 1852, Ky. m. Eunice C. Timmons, 1852, Ky. Supt. of Schools. Prepared in 111. State Normal, Carbondale, 111. Y. M. C. A.; Mathematical Club. B. A.; M. A., 1902. Fellowship in Nebraska Univ. Supt. of Schools at Reynolds, 111. Member of M. E. Church, 1902; American Mathematical Soc, 1903. Married Teresa S. Webb of McLeansboro, 111., Dec. 29, 1902. Child, Eunice Elleanor, born Oct. 23, 1903. Address, Reynolds, 111. 1451. EDGAR DE FOREST BELL Bom May 6, 1875. f. Jesse Bell. m. Lyda Hood. Engineer. Prepared in Urbana High School. Gen. Manager of Urbana Light, Heat and Power Co. to July 1, 1902, and Supt. Light and Heat Co. at Danville, 111., July 1 , 1905. Address, Danville, 111. 1452. FREDERICK JOEL BIRD Born Apr. 27, 1875, Woodstock, 111. f. Edwin R. Bird, Aug. 9, 1829, Westfield, N. Y. m. Clara A. Smith, Dec. 9, 1841, Warrenville, 111. Railwav Engineer. Prepared in Woodstock High School. M. E. and E. E. Society. Y. M. C. A. Pres. M. E and E. E. Society, 1902; Assoc. Editor Technograph, 1901. Special apprentice with Chicago and North- 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 273 western R. R. until Jan., 1903; Chief Draftsman and Treas. 111. Engineer- ing and Machine Co., 1903—. Member A. F. & A. U'.; Pres. Carterville Board of Education. Married D. Clara Hartrick ('ex-'Ol), June 12, 1901, Urbana, 111. Chil- dren, Edwin Bruce, born May 20, 1902; Marion Taylor, born Oct. 7, 1904. Address, Carterville, 111. 1453. ALICE MARY BLACK (ARPS) Sister of No. 1454 Born Apr. 7, 1879, Sadorus, 111. f. WilHam Black, Mar. 17, 1836, Ar- broath, Scotland, m. Mary Leslie, Oct. 22, 1838, Brechin, Scotland. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. B. A.; M. A., 1901. In Germany, 1905-06. Married George F. Arps, Oct. 18, 1905, Carey, 111 Address, Tolono, 111. 1454. LAURA LOUISE BLACK (ZARTMAN) Sister of No. 1453; Wife of No. 2004 Born Sept. 28, 1877, Sadorus, 111. f. William Black, Mar. 17, 1836, Arbroath, Scotland, m. Mary Leslie, Oct. 22, 1838, Brechin, Scotland. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai. B. A. Married Lester WiUiam Zartman ('03), Sept. 22, 1904, Champaign, 111. Address, 100 Brownell St., New Haven, Conn. 1455. FREDERICK GORDON BONSER Born June 14, 1875, Tower Hill, 111. f. Aaron Bonser, Dec. 3, 1857, Sciotoville, Ohio. m. Katherine Eliza Stevens, Dec. 5, 1858, Magog Lake, Canada. Student. Prepared in Avon High School. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. B. S.; M. S., 1902. Fellowship in Psvchologv, 1901-02; Asst. in Psychology, 1900; Fellowship, Teachers Coll., Columbia,' 1905-06. Prof, of Psychology and Education and Director Trianing School; State Normal School, Wash- ington State, 1902-05; Pamphlet, A Statistical Study of Illinois High School, Univ. Studies, 1902. Articles, Relations between Mental Activity and the Circulation of the Blood, Psychological Review, Vol. X, No. 2, Mar., 1903, pp. 122-138. Chums; A Study' in Youthful Friendships, Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. IX, No. 2, June, 1902,' pp. 221-237. Productive Scholarship in Normal Schools, Educational Review, Sept., 1905. Editor Normal Seminar. 1903-05. Married Edna Madison MacDonald, Aug. 17, 1902, Shelby ville, 111. Child, Virginia Madison, born Feb. 8, 1904. Address, Teachers College, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. 1456. EDWARD PARKMAN BOYD Born Mar. 6, 1877, in Galesburg, 111. f. R. H. Boyd. Instructor. Prepared in Aledo High School. De'lta Tau Delta; Track team four vears; Architect's Club. B. S. Instructor in the department of Architecture. State Agric. Coll., Ft. Collins, Colo., 1901-02 ; xNTow U. S. Govt. Engr., Manila, P. I. Married Elizabeth Frances Howard, Dec, 1901, Denver, Colo. Address, Dept. of City Engineers., Manila, P. I. 1457. JOHN WILLIAM BOYD Born Dec. 12, 1876, East Bend Twp., Champaign Co., 111. f. Charles Boyd, May 12, 1847, Ireland, m. Margaret Elizabeth Miller, Oct. 19, 1856, Herkimer Co., New York. Lawyer. Prepared in Rantoul High School. LL. B. Married Rose Jameson, June 21, 1905, Rantoul, 111. Address, Fisher, 111. 274 University of Illinois [1901 1458. ELLIS FREEMAN BRACKEN Born Mar. 23, 1878, in Greenview, 111. f. J. A. Bracken. Supt. Power Sub-station, Chicago (1904). Prepared in Greenview High School. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Asst. Ed. Technograph. B. S. Address (1904), 1162 E. S6th St., or 139 Adams St., Chicago, 111. 1459. LOUIS FREDERICK BRAYTON Born Apr. 19, 1877, Mt. Morris, 111. f. A. W. Brayton, Mt. Morris, 111. m. Harriet Grigsby, Lena, 111. Arch. Engineer. Prepared in Mt. Morris College. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Leader Mandolin Club, 1899-1901. B. S. C. B. & Q. R. R., Engrs. Office, Burlington, la., to Dec. 1, 1901; Brown-Ketcham Iron Works, Indianapolis, Ind., to Apr. 1, 1902; Variety Iron Works, Cleveland, Ohio, to July 1, 1902; Supt. of Constr. for Richard E. Schmidt, Architect, Chicago, to Sept. 15, 1903; Office Manager of Reed and Stem, Architects, St. Paul, Minn., to July 7, 1904; independent as Architectural Engineer to Oct. 1, 1904; Incorporated The Brayton Engineering Co., General Contractors, St. Paul, Minn. Published, Brayton Standard for The Uniform Design of Reinforced Concrete. Member Mystic Shrine, May 19, 1905. Married Grace Benjamin, Nov. 8, 1905, Minneapolis, Minn. Address, care of the Brayton Const. Co., New York Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn., or Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 1460. MINNIE CLARKE BRIDGMAN (INGHAM) Wife of No. 1699 Born Oct. 30, 1877, Keene, N. H. f. Charles Holbrook Bridgman, 1850, Keene, N. H. m. Carile Maria Clarke, 1855, Putney, Vt. Prepared in Keene High School. Wellesley Coll., 1896-99. Glee Club, 1899. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi. B. L. S. Instructor and reviser in Iowa Univ. Summer School of Library Science, 1901; Asst. Librarian Univ. of Cincinnati Library, 1901-05. Member American Library Assn., 1900 — ; Ohio Library Assn., 1902-04. Second Vice-pres. 111. State Lib. School, Alumni Assoc, 1901-03. Married Leonard W. Ingham ('02), Oct. 25, 1905, at Keene, N. H. Address, Clinton, 111. 1461. CLAUDE PORTER BRIGGS Born Nov. 2, 1873, in Minier, 111. f. B. T. Briggs. Teacher. Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. Football team, 1900; Illini Board; Athletic Board of Control; Mgr. base ball team, 1901. Kappa Sigma. B. A. Teaching in Aurora, 1901 — . Address, Aurora, 111. 1462. JAMES WILLIAM BUCHANAN Born Feb. 19, 1863, Clark Co., Ind. f. Silas Buchanan, Mar. 9, 1825, Clarke Co., Ind. m. Sarah Anne Reynolds, Nov. 27, 1831, do. Teacher. Prepared in Lebanon, Ohio, National Normal Univ. Teacher in High School, Spokane, Wash. Deacon in Christian Church, 1902-04; member of Spokane Science Club, 1902 — .' Address, 1617 Gardner Ave., Spokane, Wash. 1463. JAY HORACE BURDICK Born Apr. 20, 1878, Elgin, 111. f. William R. Burdick, 1848, St. Charles, 111. m. Emily M. Joslyn, 1853, Woodstock, 111. Sec. of The Radcliffe Regalia Co. Agricultural Club. Art Club. B. S Asst. Forest Expert, Bureau of Forestry, Dept. of Agr. of U. S., 1901-03; Sec. of the Radcliffe Regaha Co., Elgin, 111., 1903. Member M. W. of A. C. of H.; R.N. A.; I. O. R. M. Address, 25 Channing St., Elgin, 111. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 275 1464. HENRIETTA ANNE CALHOUN Born Dec. 19, 1880. f. Wm. J. Calhoun, Sept. 12, 1857, Pittsburg, Pa. m. Melcina J. Ferguson, June 29, 1859, Washington, la. Teacher. Prepared in Hyde Park High School and Univ. Acad. Chi Omega. Univ. Acad. B. S.; M. A., 1903. Teaching in Escanaba, Mich., 1903—. Address, 504 Daniels St., Champaign, 111. 1465. ASHTON ELLSWORTH CAMPBELL Born May 13, 1876, Sadorus, 111. f. David Lewis Campbell, July 25, 1837, Long Branch, New Jersey, m. Elmira Ball, 1842, Delaware, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Sigma; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. B. A.; LL. B., 1904. Address, 604 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 1466. GEORGE RUSSELL CARR Born Jan. 23, 1877, Argenta. 111. f. Robert Franklin Carr, Mav 13, 1832, Deckertown, N. J. m. Emily A. Smick, Apr. 10, 1839, Decatur, 111. Asst. Gen. Manager of Dearborn Drug and Chemical Works. Prepared in Austin High School. Kappa Sigma. Manager Foot Ball team, 1900; Illio Board. B. S. With Dearborn Drug and Chemical Works in various positions; for past year Asst. Gen. Manager. American Chemical Soc. Address, 227-234 Postal Telegraph Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1467. JESSIE ANNA CARROLL Born at Wilmington, Ohio. f. John Carroll, m. Mary Hunt. Librarian. Prepared in Wilmington High School, Ohio. B. A. Wilming- ton Coll.; B. L. S. Cataloger, Univ. of Cincinnati Library, 1901-03; Cata- loger Univ. of Calif. Library, 1903-04; leave of absence from Univ. of Calif. Library, 1905. Member Amer. Librarv Assn., 1902 — ; Ohio Library Assn., 1902-03; Calif. Library Assn., 1902. Society of Friends. Address, Whittier, Calif. 1468. FLORENCE EMELINE CARTER (SHERMAN) Born Aug. 24, 1874, Fairfield, Franklin Co., Vt. f. James Madison Gore Carter, Apr. 15, 1843, West Eden, 111. m. Eunice Rebecca Northrop, July 3, 1845, Fairfield, Vt. Prepared in Waukegan High School. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Upsilon; University Dramatic Club. B. L. S. Librarian of Public Library, Cham- paign, 111., July, 1901, to Dec. 1903. Married Eaton Goodell Sherman, Julv 21, 1903, Milwaukee, Wis. Child, Carter Goodell, born Oct. 10, 1904, (died Oct. 23, 1904). Address, Beartooth Ranch, Joliet, Mont. 1469. CHARLES CORY CHAMBERLIN Born Apr. 9, 1878, Hoopeston, 111. f. Oliver Perry Chamberlin, Mc- Cutcheonsville, Ohio. m. Jeannette Cory, Ohio. Grain Broker. Prepared in Hoopeston High School. Illio board. Sigma Chi. B. A. Manager Claim Dept., American Can Co., Chicago, 1901-03; Grain Broker, July 15, 1903-05; Mgr. and Treas. Charter Mfg. Co., 1905—. Address, 303 Dearborn St,, Chicago, 111. 1470. EDWARD PIERCE CHAPIN Born Aug. 8, 1878, Tolono, 111. f. Edward Bonaparte Chapin, May 11, 1857, Clyde, N. Y. m. Lucy Mary Pierce, June 2, 1858, Keithsburg, O. Publisher Freeburg Tribune. Prepared in Champaign High School. Philo- mathean; English Club; Political Science Club. Editor-in-chief Illio; Class 276 University of Illinois [1901 Historian; Class Day Speaker. B. A. Advertising Solicitor and Reporter for Champaign News, June, 1901-Dec., 1902; Telegraph Editor, Mattoon J otir nal, Mav. 23, 1903-Aug. 1, 1903; Associate Editor, Champaign A^ews, Aug. 1, 1903-Aug. 5, 1905; Editor and Publisher, Freeburg Tribune, Aug. 16, 1905 — . Member Presbvterian Church. Married Harriet Ehzabeth McCull}^ ('02), June 16, 1904, Somerset, Ohio. Address, Freeburg, 111. 1471. CHARLES HIRAM CHAPMAN Born Nov. 13, 1878, Vienna, 111. f. Daniel Clinton Chapman, July 21, 1828, Vienna, 111. m. Mary Elizabeth Rose, Jan. 20, 1836, Vienna, 111. Nat. Bank Examiner. Prepared in Vienna High School. English Club; German Club. Capt. and Major. B. A. Student of Law, George Washing- ton Univ., 1901-02; National Bank Examiner, 1903 — . Married Nelle Perkins (Ejc.-'02), July 15, 1903, Vienna, 111. Child, Harriet Ehzabeth, born Oct. 21, 1904. Address, 122 S. 13th St., Newark, N. J.; 35 Nassau St., N. Y. *1472. ADELAIDE MARIA CHASE Born July 27, 1876, in West Medford, Mass. f. R. G. Chase. m. Mary A. C. Williams, Boston. Pi Beta Phi. B. L. S. Asst., New Hampshire State Lib.. Concord, N. H.; then Business Librarian, Stone & Webster, Boston, Mass. Died May 19, 1904, at West Medford, Mass. 1473. MARGARET BELLE CHESTER - Born Jan. 7, 1881, in Champaign, 111. f. E. E. Chester, m. Margaret Elizabeth Powell, Columbus, Ohio. Prepared in Champaign. B. A. Taught in public school, Mahomet, 111., 1902-04. Member Presbyterian Church. Address, 717 West University Avenue, Champaign, 111. 1474. WILLIS CULLEN CHIPPS Brother of No. 1195 Born June 8, 1879, Sullivan, 111. f. Abia Chipps, June 8, 1852, Virginia, m. America Lilly, Ky. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Sullivan High School. Delta Tau Delta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. B. S. Mechanical Engineering, 1901 — . Address, Suffern, New York. 1475. HARRY AUGUSTUS COFFMAN Born May 30, 1879, Cham.paign, 111. f. David H. Coffman, Lancaster, Ohio. m. Sarah E. Ruhl, Rockford, 111. Merchant. Prepared in Champaign High School. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi. LL. B. Dealer in Vehicles and Implements. Married Jessie Elizabeth Trotter, Nov. 12, 1903. Child, Katherine Francis, born Dec. 16, 1904. Address, 107 S. Elm St., Champaign, 111. 1476. AGNES MARY COLE Born Mav 9, 1873, Wheaton, 111. f. Jordan James Cole, Apr. 16, 1833, Mahopac, N.' Y. m. Susan Phylora Smith, Jan. 2, 1850, Whitehall, N. Y. Librarv Cataloger. Prepared in Wheaton High School. B. S., 1893, Wheaton College; B. L. S. Reviser, Univ. of 111. library school, Dec, 1901- June, 1903; catalog librarian, Univ. of 111. library, Sept., 1903 — . Address, Urbana, 111. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 277 1477. GUY RICHARD COLLINS Born Oct. 10, 1878, near Mansfield, 111. f. William Grigsby Collins, 1842, Iowa. m. Eliza Catherine Meliza, 1831, Indiana. Draftsman. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Mechanical structural draftsman, 1901-04; in employ of Whiting Fdy. Equipt. Co.; for Baker Iron Works of Los Angeles, Calif., 1904-05; for the Edison Elec. Co., Los An- geles, 1905 — . Address, 106 N. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. (Permanent), Farmer City, 111., care of W. G. Collins. 1478. PHILIP ARTHUR CONARD Born Nov. 9, 1875. f. Philip H. Conard, July 13, 1840, Utica, Ohio. m. Martha Orrilla Davis. Dec. 23, 1853, Clarkshill, Ind. Asst. Secy. Student Volunteer Movement, New York Citv. Prepared in Monticello High School and Univ. Acad. Adelphic; English Club; Oratorical Assn. Gen. Secy., Y. M. C. A., 1900-01. B. A. Member M. E. Church; Pres. Epworth League, First M. E. Church, Champaign, 1898-99; Gen. Secv., Y. M. C. A., Univ. of 111., 1900-04; Asst. Secv. Student Volunteer Movement, N. Y. City, 1905-06; Foreign Sec. Internat'l Comm., 1906—. Address, Foreign Dept., Internat'l Comm. Y. M. C. A., 3 W. 29th 29th St., New York, N. Y. 1479. GEORGE MARSHALL CROSSLAND Born July 11, 1878, Varna, 111. f. Hiram Venton, Crossland, Apr. 29, 1848, Varna, 111. m. Cynthia Loving Broaddus, May 6, 1847, Henrv, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Sheldon High School. Political Science Club. B. A. Teacher, Bunker Hill, 111., Militarv Academv, 1901-02; Indianapolis, Ind., Schools, 1902-04; DeKalb, 111., High School, Latin, 1904-05. Address, 227 Locust St., DeKalb, 111. 1480. WILLIAM LIEBRICK CROUCH Born Aug. 11, 1868, in Rozetta, 111. f. W. A. M. Crouch. Mining Supt., (1904). LL. B. Address (1904), care of D wight Furness, Guanajnato, Mex. 1481. LAWRENCE EVERETT CURFMAN Born Mar. 1, 1880, near Hayes, 111. f. James Wesley Curfman, Nov. 22, 1851, near Pittsfield, 111. m. Maria Anne Whitehead, 'Oct. 28, 1855, near Clyde, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Tolono and Urbana High School. Adelphic. Capt. Tau Beta Pi, 1904. B. S.; B. S., 1905. School teaching, 1901-03; student, Illinois, 1903-05; civil engineer for 111. Central R. R., 1905 — . Article, Tests of Sand Lime Brick, Technograph, No. 19, pp. 72-83. Address, 1006 Lvon St., New Orleans, La.; (Home), 412 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1482. MARY BELLE DAVIS Born Nov. 13, 1880, Philo, 111. f. Edward Davis, Apr. 15, 1831, Mont- gomeryshire, Wales, m. Caroline D. Markle, Oct. 13, 1841, Waterloo, Mich. Teaching. Prepared in Urbana High School. Y. W. C. A. ; Kappa Alpha Theta. B. A. Teaching, Rantoul, 1901-04; Urbana, 1904-05; Indianapolis, Pub. Schools, Sept., 1905 — . Address, 606 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, 111. 1483. NELLIE ELIZABETH DETRICK Born Feb. 19, 1879, Donovan, 111. f. Thomas Benton Detrick, Phila- delphia, m. Cordelia Edith Hedge. Hayden, Ind. Teaching. Prepared in 111. Weslevan Prep. Alethenai. B. A. Teach- ing, Seymour, 1902-04; Tolono, 1905—. Address, 602 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, 111. 278 University of Illinois [1901 1484. GERTRUDE SEMPILL DILLON Sister of No. 1174 BornAsh Grove, 111. f. Henry Dillon, Ridge Farm, 111. m. Rachael Robinson Wagner, Milford, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; German Club. B . A. Teacher of German and Latin in State Normal School, Spearfish, So. Dak., 1901-03; teacher in Language Dept. of Northern 111. State Normal School, De Kalb. 1904—. Member M. E. Church; Gen. Secretary Y. W. C. A., 1900-01, Univ. of Illinois. Address, Sheldon, 111. 1485. ROY HODGSON DILLON Born Dec. 12, 1877, Normal, 111. f. Isaiah Dillon, May 25, 1834, Taze- well Co., 111. m. Mary Fisher, Aug. 23, 1836, Tazewell Co., 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. Engineering Soc; Track team, 1897. B. S. Member of A. I. E. E. Address, care of F. O. Blackwell, 49 Wall St., New York City. (Permanent), Normal, 111. 1486. EDWARD MURRAY EAST Born in Du Quoin, 111. f. William Harvey East. m. Sarah Granger Woodruff. Agronomist. Prepared in Du Quoin High School. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta. B. S.; M. S., 1904. Student Asst. in Chem., 1899-1901. Asst. Chemist Agr. Exp. Sta., Illinois, 1901-04; First Asst. in Plant Breeding, 1904-05; Agronomist, Connecticut Agr. Exp. Sta., Sept. 1, 1905 — . Articles: 1. The Structure of the Corn Kernel and the Composition of its different parts, (with C. G. Hopkins and L. H. Smith), Bull. 87, 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., pp. 35. 2. Directions for the Breeding of Corn, including Methods for the prevention of Inbreeding, (with C. G. Hopkins and L. H. Smith), Bull. 100, 111. Agr. Expt. Sta., pp. 25. 3. Selection of Seed in Potato Growing, Cir. 81, 111. Agr. Expt. Sta., pp. 12. The Direct Determination of Potassium in the Ash of Plants, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1904, 3 pp. The Chem. Composition of the Different Parts of the Corn Kernel, (with C. G. Hopkins and L. H. Smith), Vol. 25, No. 11, 1903, 14 pp. The Improvement of Corn in Connecticut, Bull. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., pp.21. Member Presbyterian Church; American Breeder's Assn. ; Assn. Official Agr. Chemists. Married Marv Lawrence Boggs, Sept. 2, 1903. Child, Elizabeth Wood- ruff, Sept. 3, 1904. Address, New Haven, Conn., Conn. Agr. Expt. Sta. 1487. ROY SAMUEL ELDER Born July 21, 1879, Ridge Farm, 111. f. Dr. S. S. Elder, 111. m, Ra- chel Braden, 111. ■ Lawyer. Prepared in Streator High School. LL. B. Conducting Law office. Bar Association, in Wichita, Kans. Address, over Kansas Natl. Bank, Wichita, Kans. 1488. ARTHUR DONALDSON EMMETT Born in Lee, 111. f. Wm. H. Emmett, near St. Catherines, Ont. m. Su- sana Castleman, same. Chemist. Prepared in Peoria High School. B. S.; M. A., 1905. Chem- ist on State Water Survey, 1901-02; Chemist, Union Stock Yards, 1902-03; Research chemist in Nutrition Laboratory, 1903-06; Grad. Student Co- lumbia, 1906 — . Articles: 1. On the Presence of Cotton Seed Oil in Lards from^lHogs Fed upon Cotton Seed Meal, (with H. S. Grindley), Journal Amer- ican Chemical Soc, XXVII, 1905, 263-270. 2. The Chemistry of Flesh 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 279 (second paper) ; Improved Methods for the Analysis of Animal Substances, (with H. S. Grindley), Journ. Amer. Chcm. Soc, XXVII. 1905, 658-678. 3. The Chemistrv of Flesh (third paper, with H. S. Grindlev), Jour. Am. Chem. Soc. XX'VIII, Xo. 1, 1906, pp. 25-65. 3. Studies ^on the Influ- ence of Cooking on the Nutritive Value of Meats (with H. S. Grindlev), Bull. 162, Office of Exp. Stats., U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 230. Member Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; American Chemical Society. Address, 1011 Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 1489. CLARK HUGHES FELLINGHAM Born Apr. 2, 1873, Mavon, 111. f. Warren C. Fellingham, Mar. 29, 1845, Utica, X. Y. m. Sarah E. Fellingham, Mar. 8, 1840, Loudoun Co., Va. Farmer. Prepared in Northwestern Univ. Acad, and Know College Acad. Agricultural Club; Alpha Zeta. B. A. Address, Verona, 111. 1490. MASON McCLOUD FISHBACK Bom Feb. 1, 1878, Marshall, 111. f. James Madison Fishback, Clark Co., 111., Apr. 10, 1847. m. Orrel Virginia Adams, Apr. 15, 1849, Loudoun Co., Va. Prepared in Paris High School. Adelphic; Deutche Verein; Y. M. C. A.; Class Historian. B. A. History Teacher, Urbana High School, 1901-04; now teaching in High Schools of Southeni Calif. Article, Illinois Legis- lation on Slaverv and Free Negroes, in Transactions of the 111. State Hist. Soc, 1904. Address, Pasadena, Calif. 1491. HATTIE BELLE FRAHM (FORNOF) Born Mav 15, 1879, in Tuscola, 111. f. Hans Frahm. LL. B. Married George N. Fornof. Address, Streator, 111. 1492. CHARLES WILBUR FRANKS Born Aug. 1, 1876, Brookville, 111. f. George W. Franks, Brookville, 111. m. Clara McCullough, Brookville, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Lanark High School, 111. B. A. Teaching in Philippine Schools, 1901—. Address, Romblon, P. I. 1493. NELLIE MAY FRAZEY (VINES) Wife of No. 2523 Born Sept. 30. 1878, Nickerson, Kans. f. Frederick Lauterbach Frazey, July 24, 1840, Everett, Pa. m. Permelia Jane Hanks, July 8. 1844, Everett, Prepared in Urbana High School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League. B. A. Teaching, Tuscola, 111., 1901-02; Bushnell, 111., 1902-03; Sheboygan, Wis., 1903-05; First Year, primary grade; second, Latin and English in High School; third and fourth, English in High School. Married E. J. Vines, ('05), Aug. 16, 1905, Urbana, 111. Address, Bement, 111. 1494. FRANK GEORGE FROST Born Feb. 1, 1872, Mattoon, 111. f. Samuel G. Frost, m. Nancy L. Gammill. Draftsman. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman and supt. of erection with A. L. Ide & Sons, Springfield, 1901-03; Chief Draftsman with Rarig. Eng. Co., Columbus, Ohio, 1903-04; Chief Draftsman with Sheflield Cor. Co., Three Rivers, Mich., 1904—. Married Cornelia Harlaw, June 1, 1904, Janesville, Wis. Address, Care of F. C. Frost, 921 W. South Ave., Kansas Citv, Mo. 280 University of Illinois [1901 1495. EDWARD JAMES FUCIK Born Jan. 26, 1880, Chicago, 111. f. Frank Fucik, 1850, Bernarditz, Bohemia, m. Anna Kakuska, 1854, Chicago. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Chicago English High School and Man. Train. School. C. E. Club. B. S. Draftsman Paige Iron Works, 1901; in charge Construction Randolph St. Bridge for Sanitary District of Chicago, 1901-03; in charge River Surveying party, 1903, Sanit. Dist.; Asst. Engr. to Geo. W. Jackson in preparation of report on High Pressure System for City of Chicago, 1903-04; Asst. in charge construction, Harrison St. Bridge San. Dist., Chicago, Sept., 1904-Mar. 1906; in charge of San. Dist. const, work, Lockport, 111., 1906 — . Article, Steel Cofferdams in Chicago River, Techno- graph, pp. 94-102. Member Western Soc. Engrs. Address, 813 Sawyer Ave., Chicago, 111. 1496. GRACE ANN GARNETT Born Apr. 14, 1877, St. Marys, 111. f. Robert Kirtley Garnett, Aug. 4, 1844, St. Marys, 111. m. Annie Elizabeth Hunter, Oct. 19, 1845, Catasauqua, Lehigh Co., Pa. Teacher. Prepared in Carthage Coll. Acad. Alethenai; Watcheka League; Der Deutsche Verein; Ladies' Glee Club. B. A. Prin. of Piano High School and teacher of Latin and German, Piano, 111., 1901-05. Address, Plymouth, 111. 1497. HENRY ALLAN GLEASON Born Jan. 2, 1882, Dalton City, 111. f. Henry Milton Gleason, 1838. Akron, Ohio. m. Alsina Belle Magruder, 1858, Coshocton, Ohio. Botanist. Prepared in Decatur High School. Natural History Soc. Illini Staff. B. S.; M. A., 1904. Collector, Dept. of Horticulture, Illinois, 1901; Asst. in Botany, same, 1901-03; Instructor, 1903-04; Asst. Mo. Bot. Garden, 1904; Fellow in Bot., Ohio State Univ., 1905; Asst. in Bot., same, 1905. Notes on some Southern Illinois Plants, Torrenya, 3:1, 1903; Additional Notes on Southern Illinois Plants, Torrenya, 4:168, 1904; Notes on the Ohio Ferns, Ohio Naturalist, 5:205, 1904; A New Sunflower from Illinois, Ohio Nat., 5:214, 1904; Notes from the Ohio State Herbarium, 1, Ohio Nat., 5:249, 1904; The Genus Bidens in Ohio, Ohio Nat., 5:316, 1905. Member Congregational Church; Sigma Xi; American Assn. for the Advance of Science. Address, 511 E. Johns St., Champaign, 111. 149S. JOSEPH HINCKLEY GORDON Born Oct. 7, 1879, Vandalia, 111. f. Joseph Allen Gordon, Feb. 2, 1847, Vandalia, 111. m. Mary Abby Hinckley, Aug. 5, 1854, Boston, Mass. Instructor and law student. Prepared in Fort Collins High School, Colorado. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; En- glish Club; Oratorical Assn.; Philomathean; Political Science Club; Class Pres, 1900; Associate Editor Illio; Illini Staflf. . B. A., 1901; M. A., 1901. LL. B. 1906. High School Prin., 1901-03; Instructor in Univ., Acad, and student in Coll. of Law, 1903-06. Pamphlet, Illinois Railway Legis- lation and Com. Control since 1870, Univ. of 111. studies, 1904, 81 pp. Address (Home), Vandalia, 111. 1499. HOWARD TYLER GRABER Born Dec. 29, 1880, Peoria, 111. f. Robt. Graber, Aug. 5, 1850, Peoria, 111. m. Mvra Ocelia Hagerty, July 4, 1860, Peoria, 111. Chemist. Prepared in Peoria High School. B. S.; B. S., 1903, Mass. Inst, of Technology. Member M. I. T. Glee and Mand. Club, Alumni Assn., Chem. Club. Research and analytical Chemist, with Parke Davis & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Detroit, Mich. Address, 706 E. Congress St., Detroit, Mich. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 281 1500. FRANCES MYRTLE GREEN (HOAGLAND) Wife of No. 1224 Born July 20, 1S80, Danville. 111. f. Francis M. Green, 1846, Dec. 25, Pittsboro, Ind. m. Kansas Clark. Aug. 12, 1856, Pittsboro, Ind. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Y. W. C. A. B. A. Married John King Hoagland ('99), Feb. 12, 1902, Urbana, 111. Child, Max Green, born Aug. 2, 1904. Address, Mode, 111. 1501. CHARLES THOMAS GREENE Born Dec. 24, 1878, Brooklvn, New York.' f. Charles Edwin Greene, Union, Me., Oct. 31, 1848. m. Mary Ellison Thomas, St. Johns, N. B., 1857. Newspaper writer. Prepared in English High and Man. Train. School and Englewood High School, Chicago. B. A. Solicitor for Central Union Tel. Co., Chicago, May, 1902; traveling salesman D. R. James & Bro., New York, Jan. 1, 1903; clerk, Nelson Morris & Co., Chicago, 1904; newspaper writer. Inter Ocean, Chicago , Pioneer Press, St. Paul, and The Evening Tribune, Minn., to date. Translations, The River of Diamonds, An Ocean Tragedv, A Student's Song, The City by Night, Qui Vincit Patitur, Wayside Tales, 1904; Reconciliation, 1905; Alek's Christmas Eve, by Watt Knott, Pioneer Press, Dec. 24, 1904; Other writings; contributed to Pioneer Press, The Coupling Pin; Billet Doux, a Paradigm; Winter and Spring; A Valentine Acrostic; TheSnowflake; and The Thoughts of God, and other Poems. Address, care of Evening Press, Minneapolis, Minn. 1502. HARRY NORMAN GRIDLEY Born May 17, 1881, Virginia, 111. f. James Norman Gridley. m. Frances Hill. Lawver. Prepared in Virginia High School. Alpha Tau Omega; John Marshall Club of Columbia Univ.; Theta Kappa Nu; B. A.; M. A., 1902; LL. B., 1906. Fellowship in historv, Illinois, 1901. Instructor in Historv, Charleston High School, 1902-03. Student of Law, Columbia Univ., 1903- 04; lUinois, 1905-06. Address, Virginia, 111. 1503. AUGUSTUS HAROLD GRISWOLD Born Sept. 29, 1879, in Milo, 111. Prepared in Princeton High School. Class Pres., 1901-02; Tennis Cham- pionship, 1899 and 1900. B. S. Electrical Engineering with Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1901-05; with The Pacific States Telephone and Tele- graph Co., San Francisco, 1905. Address, Eng. Dept. Pacific States Tel. & Tel. Co., San Francisco, Calif. 1504. LEWIS EDWIN GRISWOLD Born July 5, 1876, White Hall, 111. f. Damon Griswold, White Hall, Oct. 31, 1855. m. Etna Baldwin, Mar. 29, 1856, White Hall, 111. Real Estate Dealer. Prepared in White Hall High School and Univ. Acad. Kappa Sigma; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. B. S. Farming until Spring of 1903; Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, until Apr. 19, 1904; Real Estate, 1904 — . Articles, (with T. D. Rice), Soil Survey of the New Orleans Area; Soil Survev of Acadia Paris, La.; pub. by U. S. Dept. of Agric. Address, Blue Mound, 111. 1505. ARTHUR RAYMOND HALL Born at Tonica, 111. f. Francis Marion Hall, Maine, m. Addie Kellv, Ohio. Lawver. Prepared in Public School, East Lvnn, 111. Philomathean; English 'Club; German Club; Y. M. C. A.; Phi Delta Phi; Football, 1897- 282 University of Illinois [1901 1900, Capt., 1900; Base Ball, 1899; on Class Day program; Alumni member Advisory Board of Athletic Assn.; Graduate coach, Illinois. LL. B., 1901; B. A. and M. A., 1902. Practicing law, 1902—. Address, 314-315 Daniel Building, Danville, 111. 1506. EDNA ROSE HAMMERS (RAY) Sister of Nos. 1129, 1507 Born 1877, Secor, 111. f. Morgan Hammers, 1838, Greene Co., Pa. m. Rosetta Jane Gibson, Moundsville, W. Virginia. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. English Club; French Club; Y. W. C. A. B. A. Teaching, 1900-03. Member Imperial C. L. S. C, 1903 — ; University Club; Penn. Ave. Baptist Church. Married George Joseph Ray, June 23, 1903, Champaign, 111. Child, Lilian Rosalind, born Nov. 2. 1904. Address, 418 Webster Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1507. JESSE HAMMERS Brother of Nos. 1129, 1506 Born Dec. 24, 1870, in Secor, 111. f. Morgan Hammers, 1838, Greene Co., Pa. m. Rosetta Jane Gibson, Moundsville. Farmer. B. A. Address, Independence, la. 1508. GEORGE MIFFLIN HARKER Brother of No. 1338 Born Aug. 23, 1875, Vienna, 111. f. Oliver Albert Harker, Ohio. m. Sidney Ann Bain, Vienna, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Southern 111. Normal Univ. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi. LL. B. Illinois National Guards, 1894-189 7. Practicing law. Master in Chancery of Jackson Co., Carbondale, 1903-05. Married Jessie Reynolds, Mar. 11, 1905, Marion, 111. Address, Carbondale, 111. 1509. DALE STUART HARRISON Born Feb. 1, 1876, Sterling, 111. f. WiUiam N. Harrison, Steuben Co., N. Y. m. Jennie Hyde Gates, Bradford, Vt. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Wallace High School, Sterling, 111. Sigma Chi; C. E. Club. Pres. C. E. Club. B. S. Resident Engineer, Arapahoe, O. T. ; Engineer, Surveyor and Real Estate, San Augustine, Texas. Married Bernice Harrison, Nov. 22, 1905, San Augustine, Tex. Address, San Augustine, Texas. 1510. GUY RUSSELL HARTRICK Brother of Nos. 1339, 1511 Born Aug. 25, 1880, Urbana, 111. f. Henry Hartrick, Mar. 30, 1830, Germany, m. Nancy Emily Taylor, Aug. 6, 1840, Pittsfield, 111. Pharmacist. Prepared in Urbana High School and LTniv. Acad. B. S.; Ph. G. and Ph. C, Northwestern School of Pharmacy, 1902. Phi Chi, North- western. Married Anna Mable Outcalt, Dec. 31, 1903, Wellston, O. T. Address, Carlsbad, New Mex., or Urbana, 111. 1511. LOUIS EUGENE HARTRICK Brother of Nos. 1339, 1510 Born Mar. 12, 1878, Sadorus, 111. f. Henry Hartrick, Mar. 30, 1830, Brunswick, Germany, m. Nancy Emily Taylor, Aug. 6, 1840, Pittsfield, Merchant. Prepared in Urbana High School and Univ. Acad. Philo- 1901] Baccalaureate Alumxi 283 mathean; Nat. Science Club; Chemistry Club. Ph. G. and Ph. C, North- western, 1902. Pharmacist and dealer in general merchandise. Address, Wellston, O. T., or Urbana, 111. 1512. CARL J. HAYS Born Mar. 22, 1879, Sidney, 111. f. Edmund Havs. Oct. 15, 1848, Jeflfer- sonville. Ohio. m. Mary C. Smith, May 9, 1849, Jeffersonville, Ohio. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Sidney, 111. B. S. In railroad construc- tion; Rock Island extension, 1906 — . Address, 609 Coleman Ave., Seattle, Wash. 1513. LAWRENCE SEYMOUR HEATH Born Nov. 29, 1869, Crawford Co., 111. f. Milton Heath, 1830, Lawrence Co., 111. m. Ann Waldroup. School Superintendent. Prepared in Danville, Ind., Central Normal College. B. A., 1896, Austin College; B. A. Supt. of Edinburg Schools, 1901-02; teacher of Latin and Greek, Austin College, Effingham, 111., 1898- 1900, 1902-03; Supt. Schools, Edinburg, 111., 1901-02, 1903—. Married Clara Ella Frve, Sept. 14, 1892, Flat Rock, 111. Children, Bayard, born Oct. 7, 1893; Edward Everett, born Nov. 5, 1895; Ruby Ethel, born Mar. 26, 1898; Virgil, born June 24, 1900. Address, Edinburg, 111. 1514. BYRON WALLACE HICKS Born Sept. 20, 187 7, Warren, 111. f. W. S. Hicks, Cornwall, England, m. Rosetta Tear, Painesville, Ohio. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Warren High School and Univ. Acad. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Illini Board. B. S. Railroad Construction work, 1901-04; Asst. to Chief Engr. W. & M. Ry., June 1, 1902-04; Secy, and Gen. Mgr. Babel Lead Mining Co., Apr. 1, 1904 — ; City Engr., Warren, 111., Apr., 1905—. Married Gertrude Louise Copeland, Nov. 1, 1904, Vulcan, Mich. Child, Byron W., Jr., born Nov. 15, 1905. Address, Warren, 111. 1515. IDA HINKLE Born Jan. 9, 1875, Bement, 111. Prepared in Bement High School. English Club. B. A. Address, 1007 S. Wright St., Champaign. 111. 1516. ARTHUR CASSON HOBBLE Born Jan. 9, 1880, Glasford, 111. f. Henry Hobble, Glasford, 111. m. Flora Jane Bolton. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Augusta High School. Y. M. C. A. Electrical Eng. Soc. ; Athletic Assn.; Track team, 1900-01; Class Foot Ball team, 1900-01. B. S. With Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, in testing dept. and switchboard drafting; Prof. Fessenden wireless telegraphy. Fort- ress Monroe; Electrical Enginere with Mysore State Govt., Can very Power Scheme, India, as constructing and operating electrical engineer in connection with the 10,000 H. P. Canvery River Power Scheme. Working tests and preparing report for Mysore Govt, on Testing of Lighting Conductors. Pre- paring report on the Industrial Production of Iron, Steel and Aluminum in India by means of the Electric Furnace. Member Am.erican Electrochemical Soc, Jan. 1, 1904 — ; Assoc, member American Institute Elec. Eng'rs, May, 1902; member Modern Woodmen of America. Address, Sivasamudram,' Mysore State, So. India; home, Rushville, 111. 284 University of Illinois [1901 1517. FRANK HAMILTON HOLMES Born Nov. 21, 1877, at North Henderson, 111. f. David Newton Holmes, Aug. 25, 1843, North Henderson, 111. m. Marv Elizabeth Mathers, Nov. 15, 1849. Orangeville, Ind. Lawyer. Prepared at Knox Academv. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi. B. S., Knox Coll., 1897; LL. B. 'Prin. North Henderson High School, 1897-98; Instructor in Law of Real and Personal Propertv, Col- lege of Law. Illinois, 1901-02. Address, 164 Masten St., Dallas, Tex. 1518. MABEL HOPKINS (HUBBARD) Wife of No. 1225 Born Oct. 6, 1877, Irvington, Ind. f. John O'Kane Hopkins, m. Eliza Ellen Martin. Prepared in Indianapolis High School. Alethenai; German Club; Y. W. C. A.; Chi Omega; Class Prophet, 1901. B. A. Member Woodlawn Wo- man's Club, 1903; D. A. R., 1899; Assn. Coll. Alum., 1906 — . Married George Wallace Hubbard, Sept. 11, 1901, Indianapolis, Ind. Child, Elizabeth Edna, born May 20, 1905. Address, 1409 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111. 1519. CHARLES ALBERT HOPPIN Born Apr. 13, 1878, in La Crosse, Wis. f. A. Hoppin. m. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in West Aurora, 111., High School. Adelphic. B. S. Erecting Engineer, Allis Chalmers Co., Jan. 1, 1905; Asst. District Supt. of Erection, with headquarters at New York. Married Jessie Cramer, June 1, 1905, Champaign, 111. Address, 14 Morningside Ave., or care of Allis Chalmers Co., 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ■ , 1520. HARLAN HOYT HORNER Born May 4, 1878, Moravia, la. f. Eugene Brandon Horner, Sept. 30, 1845, Lake Geneva, Wis. m. Susan Cordelia Sears, Jan. 18, 1852, Zanes- ville, Ohio. Secy, to Commissioner of Education of State of New York. Pre- pared in Cerro Gordo High School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Philo- mathean; Oratorical Assn.; English Club; on 111. -Indiana debating team, 1898-99; represented Univ. in Central Orat. League, 1901; Hatchet Orator for Juniors, 1900, and for Seniors, 1901; Roast Editor Illio. B. A. Instructor in Rhetoric, Illinois, 1901-02; Secy, to Pres. Draper, 1902-04; Secy, to Commissioner of Education of State of New York, 1904 — -. Member A. F. and A. M.; First Presbyterian Church; Aurania Club, Al- bany, N. Y. Married Gioga Dagmar Gaston, Sept. 15, 1904, Cerro Gordo, 111. Address, State Education Dept., Albany, N. Y. 1521. OSCAR LLOYD HOUSEL Born July 5, 1877, Galesburg, 111. f. William Harrison Housel. m. Martha Hougham. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Galesburg High School. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Army and Navy Club; Adj. of Univ. Battalion, 1899; Lieut. Col. of Univ. Regiment, 1900. B. S. Testing Dept. General Electric Co.; Post Engineer, Fort Yates, N. D., 1902; Post Electrician, Ft. Yellowstone, Wj'o., 1902; Elect. Engr. and Draftsman, Supervising Arch. Treas. Dept., Apr., 1905; Elect. Draftsman, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Dept. In U. S. Army Hospital Corps; served in the invasion of Puerto Rico, July 5-Nov. 6, 1898. Married Marion Alberta Nelson, June 1, 1904, Vineland, N. J. Child, Robert Harrison, born July 3, 1905. Address, 39 Seaton Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 285 1522. CLARA ELIZABETH HOWARD Born Oct. 24, 1879, in Bloomington, 111. m. Mrs. Lillie C. Howard. Librarian. Kappa Kappa Gamma. B. L. S. In Carnegie library, Pitts- burg. Address, Carnegie Lib., Pittsburg, Penn. 1523. JOSEPH HOWARD Bom Apr. 25, 1874, Augusta, Ky. f. Ruben Lee Howard, 1839, Augusta, Ky. m. Eliza Franklin Laughlin,'l848, Augusta, Ky. Attorney at Law. Prepared in Clinton High School. LL. B. Member Larimie Co. Bar Association. Address, Fort Collins, Colo. 1524. W^ALLACE GEORGE HUMPHRY Bom Apr. 22, 1878, Hamilton, 111. f. E. H. Humphry, Dec. 10, 1836, Charlestown, N. Y. m. Hattie C.Humphrey, May 23, 1849, Hamilton, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Hamilton and Keokuk High Schools. Two years in Univ. of Iowa. Philomathean ; Illinois-Indiana Debating team, 1900-01. LL. B. Attorney at Law since Oct. 25, 1901. Supervisor of Monticello Twp. Address, Hamilton, 111. 1525. HARRY EDGAR HUNTER Brother of No. 1698 Born Apr. 2, 1878, Newton, la. f. George Beatty Hunter, June, 1840, CarroUton, Ohio. m. Susan Amelia Dunklee, 1842, Pittsford, Vt. Architectural Draftsman. Prepared in Newton, Iowa, High School. Alpha Tau Omega. Architectural draftsman with Dieman and Fiske. Address, 1220 Second Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. 1526. FLORA DOROTHY HURLBERT Bom June 9, 1875, Lyndon, 111. f. John Jenness Hurlbert, 1849, Albanv, Vt. m. Florence Emily Hazard, 1852, Lyndon, 111. Librarian. Prepared in Morrison High School and Northwestern Acad., 1895. Delta Gamma, Northwestern; Northwestern College Senate; Illini Advisory Board. B. L. S. Librarian, Pub. Lib., Hudson, Wis. Member Daughters American Revolution; Illinois State Lib. Ass'n; Wis. Lib. Assn. Address, Hudson, Wis.; (Home), Morrison, 111. 1527. DAISY DEANE IDDINGS Born Nov. 27, 1879, Fairfield, 111. f. Samuel Iddings, Apr. 13, 1850, Fairfield, 111. m. Jemima Brown, Apr. 23, 1855, Fairfield, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Atlanta High School. English Club; Alethenai; Pres. Alethenai. B. A, Teacher, English Dept., Savanna High School, 1901-02; Principal, Monticello High. School, 1902-04; English Dept., Bloomington High School, 1904 — . Address, 814 North Main St., Bloomington, 111. 1528. JAMES EDWARD JOHNSON Born Mar. 10, 1879, Tolono, 111. f. Chas. Benton Johnson, Oct. 10, 1843, Pocahontas, 111. m. Maria. Louise Lewis, Aug. 28, 1847, Chatham, 111. Gen. Supt. of Danville Street Railway and Light Co. Sigma Chi. B. A. Address, 4 W. Main St., Danville, 111. 1529. ALBERT EDWARD JONES Born February 11, 1876, in Lena, 111. f. A. D. Jones, m. Amanda M. Garman. Farmer. B. A. Address, Lena, 111. 286 University of Illinois [1901 1530. FANNIE ELLA JONES Born Sept. 17, 1876, Morris, 111. f. Delos Jones, Mar. 28, 1845, Boonville, New York. m. Ella Jackson, Jan. 20, 1851, Guilderland, N. Y. Library Organizer. Prepared in Morris High School. B. L. S. Library- organizer, Cataloger in West Virginia Univ., 1902-03; Library organizer to date. Address, Morris, 111. 1531. FRANCES KELLEY Born Nov. 8, 1877, St. David, 111. f. Samuel A. Kelley, Mar. 1, 1842, St. David, 111. m. Rebecca Stevenson, Aug. 13, 1837, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Canton High School. Alethenai; S. S. S.; Y. W. C. A. B. A. Teacher of Latin in High School, Farmer City, 1901-02; teacher of English and German, Lincoln, 111., 1902-05; at home, 1905 — . Address, Canton, 111. 1532. JOHN EDWARD KEMP Born Jan. 14, 1878, Chicago, 111. f. John McMillan Kemp, Chicago, m. Elizabeth May Atteridge, Lake Forest, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Lake Forest Acad. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; Tau Beta Pi. B. A., Lake Forest Univ., 1899; B. S. Rodman, Transitman, C. N. W. Ry.; Asst. City Engr., Kewanee, City Engr. and Water Supt., Kewanee, Supt. of Bldgs, and C. E. Dept., Western Tube Co., Kewanee. First Lieut., Co. K, 6th I. N. G., for six months. Address, 701 Prospect Ave., Kewanee, 111. 1533. HARLOW BARTON KIRKPATRICK Born July 26, 1879, Anna, 111. f. Cornwall E. Kirkpatrick. m. Frank E. Hubbard. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Union Acad., Anna, 111. Phi Delta Phi; Phi Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Civil Engr's Club. B. S. Instructor in C. E., Illinois, 1901-02; Engr. C. & N. W. Ry., June, 1902-Jan., 1904; Engr in Central America, Jan.-May, 1904; Mech. Engr., May-Sept., 1904; Instructor in C. E., Syracuse Univ., Sept., 1904-Feb., 1905; Asst. Engr. Bureau of Engr. Manila, Feb., 1905—. Article, A Method of Improvement in Free Hand Lettering, Technograph, 1902. Address, care of Bureau of Engineering, Manila, P. I. 1534. MARY HARRIETT KITTREDGE (BROWN) Born Feb. 19, 1876, Harrisville, N. H. f. Samuel Grant Kittredge, Aug. 10, 1841, Walpole, N. H. m. Hattie Louise Harris, 1845, Harrisville, N. H. Prepared in Keene High School, N. H. Kappa Alpha Theta. B. L. S. Asst. Librarian in Natural History Library, Illinois, 1901-03. Married Dr. James Addison "Brown, Oct. 7, 1903, Cleveland, Ohio. Child, Kittredge, born May 12, 1905. Address, 306 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111. 1535. ADOLPH KREIKENBAUM Born Oct. 30, 1877, Chicago, 111. f. Fred Kreikenbaum, Gottingen, Germany, m. Bertha Kopplin, Pomerania, Germany. Chemist. Prepared in Northwest Division High School, Chicago. Philomathean; Athletic Assn.; Deutsche Verein; Chemical Club; Pres. Athletic Assn.; Pres. Deutsche Verein; Pres. Chem. Club. B. S. Gymnasi- um Instructor, 1901-02. With Chicago Coke Oven Construction Co.; Ken- 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 287 nicott Water Softener Co.; Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co.; Nubian Paint and Varnish Co., Jan. 1, 1905 — . Married Josephine W. Dodge, Dec. 29, 1904. Address, 960 Tripp Ave., Chicago, 111. 1536. LOUIS ARMAND W. LAMET Born Dec. 28, 1875, in Warsaw, 111. f. Julian Lamet. Lawyer (1904). Prepared in Warsaw High School. Y. M. C. A. LL. B. Address, Warsaw, 111. 1537. KATHERINE ALBERTA W. LAYTON Born July 17, 1878, Canton, 111. f. W. H. Layton, 1832, N. J. m. Phoebe Layton, June 30, 1844, Fulton Co., 111. Teacher. Prepared in Canton High School. Alethenai; German Club; Choral Soc; Valedictory; graduate assistantship, Illinois. B. A. Teacher of English and German, Lincoln High School, 1901-02; English in E. Aurora High School. 1902-04; Student at Leipzig, 1904-05; Assistant in German, Illinois, 1905 — . Baptist Church; Aurora Music Club; Alliance Francaise; English Club. Address, 506 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1538. WALTER CHARLES LINDLEY Born July 12, 1880, Neoga, 111. f. Alfred W. Lindley, Sept. 7, 1856, Richmond, Ind. m. Irena Carey, Sept. 7, 1858, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Neoga High School. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Philomathean; Political Science Club; Van Twiller Club Court. Represented Illinois in Central Orat. League, at Delaware, Ohio. Bus. Mgr. Illini, 1900-01. B. A.; LL. B., 1904. Taught English in Univ. Acad., and studied law, 1901-04; admitted to bar, 1904; practicing law, 1904 — . Address, 25^ E. Main St.. Danville, 111. 1539. STACIA LIVINGSTON (TEMPLE) Wife of No. 1420 Born at Pine Grove, Wis. f. J. Harmon Livingston, m. L. Maria Hinkley. Prepared in Wis. State Normal, Oshkosh, Wis. B. L. S. Married Harry Roberts Temple ('00), Dec. 26, 1901. Address, 603 E. Daniel St., Champaign, 111. 1540. PAUL EDMUND LODGE Born Feb. 11, 1878, Monticello, 111. f. William Edmondson Lodge, 1834, Cincinnati, Ohio. m. Frances Ann Piatt, 1843, Monticello, 111. Managing Editor The Editor and Publisher. Prepared in Monticello High School. English Club; Asst. Editor of Illini. B. A. With Publishers Press Association, New York Office, 1901-02; manager, Chicago office of Publishers Press; managing Editor of The Editor and Publisher, New York, 1902 — . Member Graduates' Club of New York City; Illinois Alumni Ass'n of New York. Address, Room 308, Park Row Bldg., New York, N. Y. 1541. JOHN RAMSEY LOTZ Born Feb. 4, 1878, Lockport, 111. f. J. F. Lotz, May 18, 1824, Bells Mills, Pa. m. Lucy C. Ramsey, Nov. 8, 1843, Sinking Valley, Pa. Asst. Engr. C. & J. R. R. Prepared in Lockport High School and Joliet High School. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Base Ball team; Senior Class Pres. B. S. Asst. Engr., D. L. & W. R. R.. till May 1, 1905; Asst. Engr. C. & J. R. R., 1905—. Address, Lockport, 111. 288 University of Illinois [1901 1542. FRED LOWENTHAL Born Nov. 23, 1878, in Chicago, 111. f. Louis Lowenthal, Physician, m. Erestine Kahn. Foot Ball Coach. Entered from Chicago, 111. Dramatic Club; Delta Tau Delta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Football team, 1898, 99, 1900. B. A. Address, 1405 West 103d Street, or 607 Chicago Opera House Blk., Chicago, 111. 1543. FRANK LEWIS LYMAN Born Jan. 4, 1879, Farmingdale, 111. f. John Storrs Lyman, July 13, 1841, Farmingdale, 111. m. Marv Caroline Happer, July 26, 1849, Farming- dale, 111. Real Estate Dealer. Prepared in Springfield High School. Chemistry Club; Republican Club; Athletic Assn.; Choral Soc; Class Foot Ball and Base Ball teams; Tennis manager, 1901. B. S. Manufacturing Chemist with Wood and Flint, Decatur, 111., 1901-02; with Lyman Real Estate Co., Nov. 1, 1902 — ■, in general real estate business, including loans and abstracts. Director Mutual Bldg. and Loan Assn., 1906 — ; Stamp Deputy, Coll. of Int. Rev., Dist. of Ark., 1906. Sec. Young Men's Republican Club, Ft. Smith, Ark., 1905; member Ft. Smith Country Club. Address, 316 N. 6th St., Ft. Smith, Ark. 1544. ERNEST BARNES LYTLE Born Mar. 23, 1875, Decatur, 111. f. John Lytle, Mar 14, 1831, Water- ford, Pa. m. Sidney Smith, Aug. 19, 1832, Waterford, Pa. Instructor. Prepared in Decatur High School and 111. State Normal, Normal, 111. Class Pres.; Pres. Math. Club; member Illini advisory board; Treasurer of Y. M. C. A.; track manager; secretary of Athletic Board of Control. B. S.; M. A., 1904. Instructor in mathematics, Univ. Acad., 1902-04; Acting prin. Univ. Acad., 1904-05; Instructor in Math., Illinois, 1905 — . Teacher in Decatur Public Schools, 1895-97. Articles: A Way to Improve Algebra Teaching, School Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 2, Mar., 1904, pp. 220-222; The Definition of a Limit, School Science and Math., Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 35-41. Member of Amer. Math. Soc, 1904—; Illinois Chap- ter, Sigma Xi. Address, 924 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1545. EUGENE ADOLPH McCALL Born Jan. 18, 1878, in Buncombe, f. R. N. McCall. Teacher. B. A. Address, Vienna, 111. 1546. HARVEY DARLING McCULLUM Born Mar. 13, 1879, in Louisville, 111. f. J. C. McCullum. Lawyer. Kappa Sigma; base ball team. LL. B. Practicing Law. Address, Louisville, 111. 1547. ROSCOE CONKLING McCORMICK Born Dec. 5, 1877, Strawn, 111. f. William McCormick, Apr. 28, 1845, La Salle, 111. m. Ehzabeth M. Van Doren, May 11, 1844, Farmington, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Gibson Citv High School and Univ. Acad. Foot Ball team, 1898 and 1899. B. S. Prin. of Schools at Murphysboro, 111., 1901-02; Bellevue, Idaho, 1902-03, Idaho City, Idaho, 1903-05. Married Maggie Kerby, June 20, 1904, Van Wyck, Idaho. Address, Garber, 111. 1548. FRED LEAVITT McCUNE Born May 24, 1878, Sterling, 111. f. William Alfred McCune. m. Annie E. Crawford. M-erchant. Prepared in Wallace High School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 289 Tau Beta Pi. Draftsman, Crane Co., Chicago, 111., July, 1901-Jan. 22, 1902; conducting retail grocery and market, Jan. 22, 1902 — . Member Lawn Lodge, No. 815, A. F. and A. M.; Member Lawn Chapter, No. 527, Order of the Eastern Star; Worthy Patron, Lawn Chapter, No. 527, O. E. S., Jan., 1905, to Jan., 1906. Address, 3558 W. 63d St., Chicago, 111. 1549. JOHN WALLACE McLANE Born Sept. 17, 1868, Boonesboro, la. f. Joseph G. McLane, 1831, Ohio, m. Mary M. Wallace, 1833, Pa. Agriculturist. Prepared in Public Schools of AUerton, la. Philoma- thean; Y. M. C. A.; Agricultural Club. B. S. Carpenter while in Urbana, 111.; Laboratory Asst., Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C. Address, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 1550. MAY LOUISE MARTIN Born Aug. 6, 1877. f. Alba Bumham Martin, Windsor, Ohio. m. Azelia Julia Waters, Hartsgrove, Ohio. Librarian. Prepared in Normal School, Geneva, Ohio, and Oberlin Coll. B. L. S. Organizer, Chicago Heights Public Library, 1902; Senior Asst., John Crerar Library, 1902-06. Cataloger, Young Men's Merc. Lib., Cincinnati, Ohio, May, 1906 — . Member American Library Association, 1904 — ; Illinois Library School Alumnae Ass'n, 1901 — . Address, Young Men's Mercantile Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1551. ROBERT WILLIAM MARTIN Born Nov. 24, 1879, Wilmington, 111. f. James W. Martin, 111. m. Viola M. Linton, Ind. . Lawyer. Prepared in Wilmington High School. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; Foot Ball team, 1898-1900; Track team, 1900; Mgr. Base Ball team, 1900. B. A.; LL. B., 1902. Member Matteson Lodge 175, A. F. and A. M. Address, Young Bldg., Joliet, 111. 1552. WILLIAM MEIER Born Apr. 10, 1878, Muscatine, la. f. Jacob Meier, Sept. 6, 1839, Baden, Germany, m. Maria Hoefflin, Aug. 24, 1841, Baden, Germany. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Chicago English High "and Manual Training School. Der Deutsche Verein; Civil Engineering Club. B. S. Transitman E. J. & E. Ry., Joliet, 111., until Jan., 1902; position as engineer on construction including The Chicago Subways and The Spring Valley Bridge; designing steel structures, since 1903; with Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co. at present. Member Baptist Church; Western Society of Engrs. Address, 81 Alice Place, Chicago, 111. 1553. RUTHFORD THOMAS MILES Born July 29, 1905, Foosland, 111. f. Thos. Samuel Miles, Wheeling. W. Va. m. Harriet Rush Miles, Lexington, Ky. Merchant. Prepared in Village School and tjniv. Acad. Philomathean; Capt. Track Team, 1901. B. S. Grain and Coal Business, 1901—. Mem- ber Village Council, 1903-06. Married Bessie Bemice, Nov. 6, 1905. Child, Agnes Harriett, born May 8, 1905. Address, Fisher, 111. 1554. WILLIAM PITT MILLER Born July 20, 1876, Shelbyville, 111. f. John Wesley Miller, Sept. 10, 1847, la. m. Elizabeth E. Jones, June 26, 1848, ShelbyVille, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Paris High School. Mathematical Soc. B. S. 290 University of Illinois [1901 Principal High School, Anna, 111., 1901-05; Prin. Bement High School, 1905-. A. F..& A. Masons, 1902; Royal Arch Mason, 1902; O. E. S., 1905; Epworth League, 1891. Married Ida Brunette Jones, July 7, 1904, Bloomington, 111. Address, Bement, 111. 1555. ANNIE MITCHELL Born Jan. 12, 1878, Bement, 111. f. Emor Hawkins Mitchell, Dec. S, 1839, Lock, Ohio. m. Emily Sophia Reynolds, Feb. 21, 1843, Centerburg, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Bement High School. Alethenai. B. A. Asst. in High School, Greenfield, 111., 1901-03; Prin. of High School, Cerro Gordo, 111., 1903-05. Address, Bement, 111. 1556. TIMOTHY MOJONNIER Born Aug. 8, 1876, near Highland, 111. f. Jules Mojonnier, Jan. 28, 1846, Venez, Switzerland. m. Emina Julia Beguelin, May 23, 1851, Centimer, Switzerland. Chemist. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Y. M. C A.; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Chemical Club; Pres. Adelphic and Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. S.; M. S., 1902. Research chemist upon food investigations at Illinois under Prof. Grindley, until June 1, 1903; Chief Chemist with Helvetia Milk Con- densing Co. of Highland, 111., located at Greenville, 111., and Delta, Ohio, works. Author: (with Prof. H. S. Grindley) The Artificial Method of Deter- mining the Ease and the Rapidity of the Digestion of Meats, University of 111. publications. New series, Nov. 1, No. 5, Apr., 1903, pp. 26; Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, Bui. No. 141, Exper. Sta., U. S. Dept. of Agr., 1904, pp. 95. Author: The Digestibility of Evaporated Cream, Medical News, Nov. 4, 1905. Member of Plymouth Brethren; American Chem- ical Soc. ; Amer. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Pres. Champaign, 111., Epworth League 1902-03. Married Helen Mange, Nov. 10, 1903, Highland, 111. Child, Harry Grindley, born Nov. 16, 1904. Address, Delta, Ohio. 1557. AMY CONSTANCE MOON Born May 2, 1875, Titusville, Pa. f. George Heaney Moon, 1848, Lees- burg, Ind. m. Senora Cornelia Higbee, 1852, Milford, Ind. Librarian. Prepared in Private School, Sewickley, Pa., and Warsaw High School, Ind. Watcheka League; French Club; Library Club; Y. W. C. A. B. L. S. Reviser in Library School, Illinois, 1901-03; Asst. Cata- loger in Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pa., 1903 — . Member American Library Assn., 1904 — . Address, 718 North Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. 1558. JESSE J. MYERS Born Apr. 15, 1876, Hoop Pole, 111. f. J. C. Myers, m. Mary E .Taylor. Instructor. Prepared in Geneseo High School, 1896. B. S. Instructor in Zoology, Mich. College of Agr., Aug., 1901 — . Married Minnie E. Bassett, Aug. 17, 1899, Champaign, 111. Address, Agr. College, Mich. 1559. GUNTHER NICHOLS Born Mar. 21, 1876, in Louira, Ind. m. Ellen Birnell. Cashier, La Grange State Bank. B. A. Asst. Cashier, State Bank of Lima, Lima, Ind., 1901-03; Cashier La Grange State Bank, La Grange, Ind., 1903—. Member of K. of P. and M. F. Address, care of La Grange State Bank, La Grange, Ind. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 291 1560. OLOF ANTON NILSSON Born July 29, 1S68, Lyby, Sweden, f. Nils Nilsson, Nov. 12, 1838. Hemmestorp, Sweden, m. Hanna Andersson, Nov. 24, 1828, Hogestad, Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Public Schools in Sweden. Archi- tects' Club. B. S. Structural and Bridge Engineering with Morava Constr. Co., 1901; Amer. Bridge Co., 1901-02; with New York Central and Hudson River R. R., 1905 — . Author of Nordamerika, Handbok for Amerikas Svenskar, (in Swedish) ; The Mimer Press, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1904. Sec. Amer. Soc. Swedish Engrs., 1905 — . Address, 231 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1561. CHARLES WATERMAN NORTON Born Nov. 28, 1878, Lockport, 111. f. George Barnett Norton, Lockport, 111. m. Ella Louise Norton, Lockport, 111. Salesman. Prepared in Lockport High School. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Glee Club. B. A. Attended Kent College of Law, Chicago, 1902. Managing Salesman, The Shaw-Walker Co., Chicago. Married Mary Franklin Munson, Nov. 1, 1904, La Grange, 111. Address, 6606 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. *1562. WILBUR PERRY NORTON Born Feb. 15, 1877, Alton, 111. f. Wilbur T. Norton, Sept. 10, 1844, Alton, 111. m. Francis E. Caldwell, Nov. 25, 1853, Alton, 111. Prepared in Alton High School. Engineering Soc; Y. M. C. A.; Sergeant in University Battalion, 1897. B. S. Died Dec. 11, 1901, Schenectady, N. Y. 1563. EDNA ELIZABETH O'HAIR Born in Laurel, Ind. f. John O'Hair, 1865, Laurel, Ind. m. Josephine Lingo, Bethesda, Ohio. Instructor. Prepared in Laurel, Ind., High School. Y. W. C. A. Alethenai; Watcheka League; Seer, and Vice-pres. Alethenai; Secy, and Vice-pres. Watcheka; 1901, 7/Zzo Staff ; Class Historian, 1901. B.A. In- structor in Latin and Gerinan, Urbana High School, 1901-03; in Macomb High School, 1903—. Address, Laurel, Ind. 1564. FREDERICK PHILLIPS PATRICK Born June 26, 1879, Blue Island, 111. f. Walter S. Patrick, 1820, Scot- land, m. Elizabeth Phillips. Architectural Draftsman. Prepared in Blue Island High School. B. S. Arch, draftsman in employ of Richard E. Schmidt, Architect, 172 W^ashing- ton St., Chicago, Aug., 1901 — . Member of First Congregational Church of Blue Island, 1891—. Address, 447 Maple Ave., Blue Island, 111. 1565. FREDERIC ALLEN PERKINS Born Sept. 23, 1880, Canton, 111. f. Ransom A. Perkins, Chicopee, Mass. m. Martha Steele, Bridgewater, N. Y. Lawyer. Prepared in Canton High School. LL. B. Admitted to practice' by supreme court in Oct., 1901. Ser\^ed two terms as master in chancerv of the citv court of Canton, and was elected city attorney of Canton, '1904; re-elected 1906. Address, 341 S. Main Street, Canton, 111. 1566. NUBA MITCHEL PLETCHER Born Sept. 10, 1880, Hoopeston, 111. f. David S. Fletcher, 1853, July 24, Howard, Pa. m. Ehzabeth Pees, Feb. 14, 1859, Washington, Pa. Student. Prepared in Hoopeston High School. Adelphic; English Club; 292 University of Illinois [1901 Oratorical Assn.; Indiana Debating team, 1899-1900, 1900-01; Illini Staff; ///io Board. B.A.; M. A., 1903. Teacher of English and History, Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, Syria, 1901-04; Student of History and Polit- ical Economy, Heidelberg and Berlin, 1904-05; Presideut's Scholar in History, Columbia Univ., 1905-06. Methodist Church. Address (home), Rochester, Ind. 1567. WILLIAM HICKMAN RADCLIFFE Born Aug. 15, 1879, Springfield, 111. f. James Perry Radcliffe, Hagers- town, Md. m. Burnette Barber Hickman, Bardstown, Ky. Municipal and Sanitary Engineer. Prepared in Springfield High School. Class Pres.; Class Foot Ball team; Vice-pres. of C. E. Club; Asst. Bus. Mgr. Illio; Technograph Board, 1900. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. American Bridge Co., 1901; Paige Iron works, 1901; American Bridge Co., Erecting Dept. Asst. Engineer, 1902 — . Address, 5218 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, 111. 1568. WALTER THORNTON RAY Born July 18, 1877, Metamora, 111. f. Jacob Ray, Aug., 1843, Metamora, 111. m. Victoria Vriginia Triplett, 1851, Virginia. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Scholarship, Woodford Co. In Harrison St. Station, Chicago Edison Co., as apprentice, 1901-02; Asst. in office W. L. Abbott, Chicago Edison Co., Jan., 1902-05; Engineer in charge Steaming Coal tests, U. S. Geol. Survey, St. Louis, Mo. Article, Water Hammers in Pumps, Technograph, 1904. Seer, and Treas. Univ. of 111. Club of Chicago, 1904 -05. Married Isabel McRobie, June 14, 1904, Chicago, 111. Address, U. S. Geological Survey, Coal Testing Plant, St. Louis, Mo. 1569. NELLIE LEWIS READ Born Aug. 27, 1877, Chandlerville, 111.' f. Ira N. Read, July 20, 1840, Sharon, Ohio. m. Maria F. Baldwin, Sept. 21, 1842, Deer Park. Teacher. Prepared in Northfield, Mass., and Univ. Acad. Alethenai. Address, Canton, 111. 1570. GEORGE WILLIAM REDFIELD Born Feb. 1, 1874, in Galesburg, 111. f. A. C. Redfield. Electrical Engineer. B. S. Did undergraduate work in Knox Coll. and Cornell Univ. Married Irene J. Richardson, Jan. 11, 1902, Shenectady, N. Y. Address, 1311 Winona Ave., Chicago, 111.; Oflfice, 1047 Monadnock Bldg . 1571. FREDERICK GORDON REMANN Born Jan. 28, 187 7, Vandalia, 111. f. F. Remann, May 12, 1847, Vandalia, 111. m. Julia Gordon, Mar. 1, 1853, Vandalia. Lawyer. Prepared in Western Military Academy. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Alpha Delta Theta. Attorney at Law, Boulder, Colo., 1901- 03; Vandalia, 1903 — . Member and trustee Presbyterian Church. Married Rose Rowntree, July 29, 1903, Chicago, 111. Address, Vandalia, 111. 1572. MABEL REYNOLDS Born Jan. 30, 1872, in Oshkosh, Wis. f. Thos. Reynolds. Librarian. Prepared in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., High School and Osh- kosh Normal. Teacher for several years. B.L.S. Librarian, State^Nor- mal School, Cheney, Wash., 1903 — . Address care of State Normal School, Cheney, Wash. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 293 1573. ROBERT EARL RICHARDSON Born Nov. 28, 1877, Brighton, 111. f. Robert Richardson, 1847, Ship- man, 111. m. Mary Emily Dickerson, 1847. Biologist. Prepared in De Pauw Prep. School, Ind. Beta Beta Chapter of Sigma Nu, De Pauw Univ. Class Pres., 1900. B. A.; M. A., 1903. Fel- low in Zoologv, Illinois, 1902; Asst. on Biological Survev in 111. State Labora- torv of Nat. Hist., 1903 — . Author of Bulletins of State Lab. of Nat. Hist., as follows: A Review of the Sunfishes of Illinois, Vol. VII., Art. 3, Mar., 1904; On a New Shovel-nose Sturgeon from the Miss. River, Vol. VII, Art. 4, May 1905, (with S. A. Forbes). Address, Urbana, 111. 1574. JOSEPHINE SCHILLINGER Bom Dec. 5, 1874, in Moline, 111. f. M. Schillinger. Teacher (1904). B. A. Address (1904), 432 8th St., Moline, 111. 1575. CURT AUGUST SCHROEDER Born Sept. 23, 1879, Manenwerder, Germany, f. August Schroeder, 1844, Germany, m. Wanda M. Pillan, 1860, Gerrnany. Chemist. Prepared in West Div. High School, and Lewis Institute, Chicago. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. S.; M. S., 1903. Teacher of Chemistry, Illinois, 1901-03; Analytical Chemist, 1903 — . Address, Hazelton, B. C. 1576. MABEL SCHULTE Bom Sept. 1, 1878, Hopedale, 111. f. W. H. Schulte, Dec. 16, 1850, Herdecke, Westphalia, Germany, m. Sarah Davin, May 1, 1857, Boynton, 111. Assistant in Bank. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Y. W. C. A.; Chi Omega. B. A. Member Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Address, Hopedale, 111. 1577. FRANK WILLIAM SCOTT Born Nov. 12, 1877, Centralia, 111. f. William Walter Scott, July 6, 1849, Hopkins Co., Texas, m. Mary Ellen Maddux, May 15, 1851, Jefferson Co., 111. Teacher. Prepared in Centralia High School. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident; English Club. Illio Board; Associ- ate Editor Illini, 1899-1900; Editor Illini, 1900-01; Co-editor, Varsity Fortnightly, 1900-01; Editor The Illinois, 1901-02. B. A.; M. A., 1903. Fellow in English, 1901. Instructor in Rhetoric, Illinois, 1901-03; student in Harvard, 1903-04; Instructor in English, Illinois, 1904-05; Instructor in Rhetoric, Illinois, 1905 — . Biographies of Addison, Keats, and Shelley, C. M. Parker, Taylorville, 1903 ; several stories in various magazines; Editor Alumni Record, University of Illinois, 1906. Address, Urbana, 111. 1578. WILLIAM HORACE SHERMAN Born June 25, 1876, Sullivan, 111. f. Daniel Sherman, 1845, Zanesville- Ohio. m. Martha A. Allen, Oakland, 111., 1851. Attorney at Law. Prepared in Sullivan High School. Delta Tau Delta. LL. B. First Vice-pres. of Monroe Club (democratic), of St. Joseph, Mo., 1905-06; Dem. nom. to Mo. legislat., 1906. Married Marie Elden, Oct. 30, 1900, Terre Haute, Ind. Children, William Eden, born Aug. 30, 1901; Charles Beveridge, bom Dec. 16, 1902; Joe Allen, bom May 21, 1905. Address, 601 E. Missouri Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. 294 University of Illinois [1901 1579. WALTER CAMPBELL SHORT Born Mar. 30, 1880, Fillmore, 111. f. Hiram Spait Short, May 4, 1840, Randolph Co., N. C. m. Sarah Minerva Stokes, Oct. 25, 1851, Ramsey, 111. Second Lieut. 25th U. S. Infantry. Prepared in Fillmore High School. Illio Board; Capt. B. A. Instructor in Mathematics, Western Military Acad., Sept. 15, 1901-02; 2nd Lieut. 2 5th U. S. Infantrv, stationed at Ft. Reno, Okla., March 13, 1902. Address, Fort Reno, Okla. 1580. AARON TRABUE SIMMONS Born Oct. 30, 1876, Jerseyville, 111. f. JohnH. Simmons, 1851, Brighton, 111. m. Ella F. Trabue, 1856, Jerseyville, 111. Architect. Prepared in Jersev\'ille High School. President of Archi- tectural Club, 1900. B. S. Architect, 1901 — . Address, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Bloomington, 111. 1581. EDWARD CLYDE SLOCUMB Born Dec. 18, 1877, Mt. Vernon, la. f. Charles G. Slocumb, Jan. 1, 1843, Albany, 111. m. E. M. Stephens, June 9, 1845. Railroad Engineer. Prepared in Hedding College, Abingdon, 111., Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la. B. S. Res. Engr. C. N. W. Ry. to Jan. 1, 1903; Asst. Engr. Track Elevation and Terminals C. B. & Q., Chicago, Mar., 1904; Division Engr. Beardstown Div. C. B. & Q., Beardstown, 111., 1904 — . Engineer of Grade Reduction and improvements between Concord and Centralia. Member of M. E. Church; A. F. A. M. Lodge, Royal Arch Chapter; M. W. A.; Western Soc. Engrs. Married Addelaide Williamson, May 6, 1902. Child, Mary Gilford, born Jan. 1, 1904. Address, Beardstown, 111. 1582. ALFRED HIGGINS SLUSS Born Sept. 29, 1877, Tuscola, 111. f. Alonzo Clayton Sluss, Grand View, 111. m. Minerva Ann Higgins, Hillsboro, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Tuscola High School. Foreman of shop to Sept., 1905; Instructor in Phvsics, Illinois, 1905 — . Married Lillian Mira Wardall, June 25, 1902, Urbana, 111. Child, Alonzo Clayton, Mar. 17, 1905. Address, 1011 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1583. BRUCE SMITH Born Feb. 6, 1872, near Newman, 111. f. James M. Smith, Oct. 8, 1832, Park Co., Ind. m. Ellen E. Pound, Sept. 11, 1844, Clark Co., Ind. Teacher. Prepared in Newman High School. Teacher in rural schools and Newman High School. Philomathean ; English Club. B. A. Teacher of English, Decatur High School, 1901 — . Address, Newman, 111. 1584. GEORGE CARROLL SMITH Born Aug. 19, 1878, Flora, 111. f. Randolph Smith, Plattsburg, Mo. m- Xiniena Lucia Hanna, Louisville, 111. Physician. Prepared in Flora and Areola High Schools. Alpha Tau Omega; Chi Psi Zeta (Med.); Alpha Tau Alpha. B. A.; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1904. Med. Student, 1901-04; Interne St. Joseph Hospital, July 1, 1904-05 ;"practicing physician. East St. Louis, 111., 1905 — . Address, Josephine Bldg., East St. Louis, 111. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 295 15S5. PERCY ALMERIN SMITH Husband of No. 1654 Born Aug. 8, 1876, Dixon, 111. f. Eli Clark Smith, Apr. 23, 1829, Ticon- deroga, N. Y. m. Seraphina Francis Gardner, Jan. 14, 1846, Dixon, 111. Teacher. Prepared in North Dixon High School. Adelphic; Mathe- matical Club; Oratorical Assn.; Y. M. C. A.; Inter-society Debating team, 1898-99, 1899-1900; Pres. Adelphic; Treas. and Pres. Y. M. C. A. B. S. Instructor in Mathematics, Illinois, Sept. 1, 1901-Feb. 1, 1903; Professor of English Language, Hiroshima Normal College, Apr. 1, 1903 — . Married Charlotte Enid Draper, Oct. 20, 1903, Yokohama, Japan. Address, 50 Kaminagarekawcho, Hiroshima, Japan. 1586. LORINDA BALLOU SPELLMAN Born in Washington, 111. f. William Wing vSpellman. m. Laura Ballou Wartenbe. Librarian. Prepared in Granville High School and Denison Univ., Granville, O. B. L. S. Librarian. Organized Buchtel College Library, Akron, O., 1901; Cataloger in Cleveland Public Library, Feb., 1902 — . Address, 37 Olive Place, Cleveland, Ohio. 1587. OTIS ORION STANLEY Born May 22, 1874, Montezuma, la. f. Ellis J. Stanley, Koleta, 111. m. Annie Dick, Svcamore, 111. Student. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S.; M. S., 1902; M. D., 1906. Asst. in Physiology and graduate student in Illinois, 1901-02; Asst. in Physi- ology and medical student at Northwestern Univ. Med. School, 1903-08. Member of Christian Church, Chicago. Married Mabel Edith Applegate, Aug. 12, 1896, Atlanta, 111. Children, Deane Field, born Aug. 5, 1897; Paul McLane, born Jan. 8, 1899; Katherine Kemp, born Nov. 25, 1902; Gretchen Anne, born Sept. 17, 1904 (died Aug. 31, 1905). Address, 2943 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. 1588. AMOS MILTON STEVENSON Born Aug. 8, 1878, Mannville, 111. f. W. H. Stevenson, m. Lawyer. Prepared in Ottawa High School. LL. B. Practicing Law. Address, 42 5 Catherine St., Ottawa, 111. *1589. RALPH EWING STEVENSON Born Mar. 20, 1880, Bloomington, 111. f. Thomas W. Stevenson, Aug. 16, 1851, Christian Co., Ky. m. Mary Alice Gildersleeve, May 22, 1858, Hudson, 111. Prepared in Illinois State Normal University, Normal, 111. C. E. Club; Technograph Board. B. S. Civil Engineer with C. & A. R. R., 1901-Sept., 1902; Asst. City Engineer of Los Angeles. Calif.. 1902, until his death. Member of Bloomington Lodge No. 43, A. F. and A. M. ; Bloomington Chapter No. 26, R. A. M.; DeMolay Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar; Al Ma- laikak Temple A. A. O. N. M. S., Calif.; Baptist Church. Died Jan. 23, 1904, Bloomington, 111. 1590. MILES VINCENT STEWART Born Dec. 10, 1879, Kewanee, 111. f. Samuel Parish Stewart, Oct. 9, 1844, Kewanee, 111. m. Mary Jane Robson, Aug. 13, 1850, Laxon, 111. Commercial Engineer. Prepared in Toulon High School and Toulon Acad. B. S. With Gen. Electrical Co. of Schenectady, 1901 — , starting in Student Test Course and now employed as Commercial Engineer in Foreign Dept. Address, care of Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. 296 University of Illinois [1901 1591. JOHN HARRIS STRAWN Born Apr. 27, 1876, Albion, 111. f. Halbert Jacob Strawn, May 16, 1847, Perryapolis, Pa. m. Cassandra Harris, Mar. 30, 1851, Griffin, Ind. Lawyer. Prepared in Southern Collegiate Inst., Albion, 111. One years' undergraduate work in Univ. of Mich. Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. B. A.; LL. B., 1900, Chicago Law School. Engaged in practice of law, 1900-05; National Bank Examiner, 1905 — . Address, Albion, 111. 1592. CARRIE E. TALBOT (MINER) Born July 2, 1879, Plymouth, 111. f. Otho J. Talbot, Sept. 6, 1849, Plymouth, 111. m. Mary Powell, Dec. 2, 1852, St. Marys, 111. Prepared in Plymouth High School and Burlington Inst., Burlington, la. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League. B. A. Married T. Ralph Miner, Sept. 25, 1901, Plymouth, 111. Children, Russell Ward, bom Aug. 23, 1902, (died Sept. 3, 1903); Enid Elizabeth, born July 18, 1904. Address, Plymouth, 111. 1593. LOUIS LISTON TALLYN Born Aug. 5, 1878, in Benson, 111. f. Joseph Tallyn. m. Sarah Daniels. Asst. Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Engi- neering at Burlington, la., with C. B. & Q.; Kentwood, la., I. C. R. R. ; Marion, Ind., with C. C. & L. R. R.; at Chicago, 111., with C. B. & Q.; at Peru, Ind., with C. H. & D.; at Scranton, Pa., with D. L. & W. Ry., as Asst. Engr. Address, Scranton, Pa. 1594. WILLIAM ANTON THEODORSON Born June 26, 1879, in Chicago, 111. f. B. S. Theodorson. m. Anna J. Anderson. Draftsman. B. S. C. E. Soc. Drafting and Computing, Chicago and Northwestern Ry., Bridge Engineer's Office, Chicago, 111. Junior member of Western Soc. of Engineers. Address, 19 Milton Ave., Chicago, 111. 1595. GEORGE MERSHON THOMPSON Born Mar. 7, 1875, Lanark, 111. f. Dr. George W. Thompson, 1833, Huntington Co., Pa. m. Alice A. Ramsey, 1833, Huntington Co., Pa. Lawyer. Prepared in Bement High School, 111. Philomathean; Lincoln Law Club; Y. M. C. A.; Inter-society debate. LL. B. Principal of Bement High School to June 10, 1902; Practice of Law, 1902 — . Postmaster. En- listed in Spanish-American War, but saw no service. Member of Disciples of Christ; Board of Education. Married Lois E. Graves, June 30, 1902, Bement, 111. Address, Bement, 111. 1596. MARY ESTELLE TODD Born Feb. 20, 1878, Parish, N.Y. f. John Bates Todd, Parish, N. Y. m. Ophelia Rhoda Moore, Delphi, Ind. Librarian. Prepared in Parish High School and Syracuse Univ. Kappa Kappa Gamma. B. L. S. Organized two libraries, 1902; charge of reading room and accession dept., Syracuse Public Library, Feb., 1902 — . Address, 742 S. Beech, Syracuse, N. Y. 1597. EFFIE MAY TULL Born Apr. 6, 1877, Farmer City, 111. f. Nelson Tull, Clarksburg, Ohio, m. Margaret Rieman, Yellowhead, Ohio. High School Principal. Prepared in Farmer City High School. Y. W. 1901] Baccalaureate Alumni 297 C. A.; Watcheka League; Alethenai. B. A. Prin. of High School, Camp Point, 1903; Prin. of High School, Farmer City, 1903—. Address, Farmer City, 111. 1598. JOHN JAMES TUNNICLIFF, Jr. Bom Apr. 22, 1879, Galesburg, 111. f. John James Tunnicliff, Mar. 17, 1841, Penn Yan, N. Y. m. Margaretta Willoughby Duffield, Mar. 3, 1849, Bloomfield, N. J. Lawyer. Referee in Bankruptcy. Married Blanche McLaughlin, Oct. 21, 1901, Galesburg, 111. Child, John James, born Feb. 22, 1904. Address, 663 West North St., Galesburg, 111. 1599. DAVID CARROLL VEIRS Born Sept. 22, 1877, Rineyville, Ky. f. Wesley Veirs, Cedar Creek, Ky. m. Bettie Enfield Lewis, Rineyville, Ky. Draftsman. Prepared in Urbana High School. Track team, 1899-1901. B. S. Instructor in M. E., Illinois, 1901-03; Draftsman with The J. Geo. Leyner Engineering Works, Denver, Colo., June, 1903-Sept., 1904; Drafts- man with H. E. Brett, M. E., Los Angeles, Calif., Oct., 1904-Aug., 1905; Draftsman with Denver Union Water Co., 1905 — . Address, care of Denver Union Water Co., Denver, Colo. 1600. HENRY R. WAHL Born Aug. 13, 1874, Deer Grove, 111. f. Fred Wahl, 1832, Germany, m. Anna Kurgis, 1837, Germany. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Sterling, 111. M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. Erector and Tester of high Speed steam Engines; steam Expert with 111. Steel Co.; Const, dept. Commonwealth Elec. Co. Married Myrtle L. Stoolman, Champaign, 111., 1901. Address, 6124 So. Park Ave., Chicago, 111. 1601. ERNEST LUDDEN WAIT Born Oct. 16, 1878, Armstrong, 111. f. Benj. A. Wait, Jan. 7, 1830, Williamsburg, Mass. m. Emily Wait, June 15, 1840, Potomac, 111. Chemist. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Chemical Society. B. S. Mgr. and Prop. Urbana Daily Courier, Nov., 1901-Nov., 1902; Real Estate, 1903- 05 ; Manager of Smith Ice and Packing Co.'s fertilizer plant, at Jackson, Miss. Address, 117 E. Washington St., Springfield, 111. 1602. HARRY JACKSON WARNER Born July 19, 1880. Phrophetstown, 111. f. N. C. Warner, 1856, Proph- etstown. 111. m. Euphenia Dias, 1858, Lafayette, Ind. Chemist. Prepared in Prophetstown High School and Univ. Acad. Chemical Soc; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Alpha Eta of Kappa Sigma. B. S. Chemist in the Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Attending Med. School of George Washington Univ. Joint Author, Bui. 386, Bureau of Chemistry, Arsenic in Wall Papers and Fabrics, pub. 1904, 60 pp. Address, Bureau of Chemistry, Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. 1603. WINTHROP SELDEN WELLES Bom Jan. 1, 1875, Penfield, 111. f. Joseph House Welles, Oct. 19, 1818, Glastonbery, Conn. m. Sarah Ann Jones, Mar. 8, 1832, Unity, Me. Teacher. Prepared in Gifford High School and State Normal Univ. B. S. Supt. of School, Park Ridge, 111., 1902—. Married Gertrude Anna Hisel, Sept. 2, 1897, Normal, 111. Address, Park Ridge, 111. 298 University of Illinois [1901 1604. CHARLES EARL WETHERBEE Husband of No. 1448 Born May 1, 1875, Sterling, 111. f. Charles Adams Wetherbee, Dec. 17, 1839, Sterling, 111. m. Margaret Lavina Penrose, May 26, 1840, Steuben- ville, Ohio. Architect. Prepared in Sterling High School, OberlinAcad. and Oberlin Coll. Archts. Club. Capt. B. S. Practicing Architecture. Married Faith Leland Bardwell ('01), July 28, 1904, Des Moines, la. Address, 405 Sixth Ave., Sterhng, 111. 1605. RALPH JOSEPH WILLIAMS Born July 29, 1874, Galesburg, 111. f. Edward Payson WilHams, Jan. 23, 1832, Russia, N. Y. m. Augusta Theresa Stevenson, June 28, 1835, Mercer, Pa. Architect. Prepared in Galesburg High School and Knox Academy. Phi Delta Theta; Illinois Delta, Knox College. B. A., 1897, Knox; B. S. Architectural Draftsman. Member Unity Church, St. Paul, 1903-04; All Souls, Washington, D. C, 1904. Address, The Van Cortland, Washington, D. C. 1606. SEYMOUR WILLIAMS Born Jan. 2, 1876, Cisco, 111. f. Andrew Jackson Williams, Nov. 30, 1836, Williamsport, Ohio. m. Violet Elizabeth Hurst, Oct. 31, 1842, Springfield, 111. Minister. Prepared in Monticello High School and Univ. Acad. Philo- mathean. B. A.; B. D., 1906, Garrett Bib. Inst. Pastor of M. E. Church, Garrett, 111., 1901-02; Stvident, Garrett Bib. Inst., 1902-05; Pastor of Gage Park M. E. Church. Chicago, 1905—. Married Jennie May Bennett, Sept. 3, 1902, Belvidere, 111. Address (permanent), 532 Prairie Ave., Decatur, 111. 1607. WINIFRED SUE WILLIAMS Born Dec. 2, 1879, Urbana, 111. f. James Alexander Williams, Rockford, N. C. m. Ann Jane Waller, Louisville, Ky. Prepared in Newman High School and De Pauw Univ. Alethenai. B. A. Address, 901 S. Busey Ave., Urbana, 111. 1608. FLORENCE SHERWOOD WING Born July 13, 1879, La Crosse, Wis. f. Merrick Prentiss Wing, Hins- dale, Mass. m. Emeline Sherwood, Burlington, Vt. Librarian. Prepared in La Crosse High School. Undergraduate work in Univ .of Wisconsin. Delta Gamma, Wisconsin. B. L. S. Asst. organ- izer. Blue Island Public Library, Mar., 1903; Librarian Hudson Public Library, Jan. 15, 1905-06; Librarian Whiting, Ind., Jan., 1906 — . Address, Whiting, Ind. 1609. SIDNEY WALTER WRIGHT Born Oct. 6, 1873, Atlanta, 111. f. Levi Peter Wright, June 9, 1850, Salem, Ind. m. Mary Hise, Sept. 16, 1848, Salem, Ind. Teacher. Prepared in Atlanta High School. Adelphic ; Pres. of Adelphic. Senior Class pres. B. A. Prin. of Mechanicsburg, High School, 1901-04; Prin. of Hittle Twp. High School, 1904 — . Member of Christian Church; Deacon. Married Nellie Gaddis, Dec. 28, 1902, Atlanta, 111. Address, Armington, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 299 CLASS OF 1902 (181) 1610. ANNA WILHELMINA AHRENS Born Oct. 4, 1880, Champaign, 111. f. Henry C. Ahrens, Aldenburg, Germany, m. Anna Laun, Hessen, Germany. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. Teacher in Belleville High School, 1902—. Address, 212 E. University Ave., Champaign, 111. 1611. FRED ALBERT ALSPACH Born Jan. 31, 1879, Mt. Pulaski, 111. f. David Albert Alspach, Mar. 28, 1855, Orwigsburg, Pa. m. Ellen E. Hoy, Oct. 27, 1855, Onvigsburg, Pa. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Mt. Pulaski, 111. Civil Engineer Club. B. S. Inspector, 1902-03; Instrumentman, 1903; Steel Inspector, 1903-04; Chief Draftsman, L. A. P. R. R., 1904—. Address, 1411 Reid St., Los Angeles, Calif.; home, Mt. Pulaski, 111. 1612. LILLIAN BELLE ARNOLD Born Aug. 6, 1879, Kinmimdy, 111. f. Samuel Houston Arnold, Harris- burg, Ohio. m. Ruth Jackson, Frankfort, Ky. Librarian. Prepared in Wesleyan Univ. Phi Delta Psi. Kappa Kappa Gamma. B. L. S. Asst. Librarian, Marshalltown, la., Jan. -Aug., 1903; Organizer, Nevada, la.. Library, Aug., 1903; Head Librarian, Michigan City, Ind., Oct., 1903-Jan.-06; Asst. Organizer Pub. Lib. Comm'n of Indiana, Jan., 1906—. Address, Room 58, State House, Indianapolis, Ind., (Home) Bloomington, 1613. WILL JOHN BADER Born Apr. 3, 1880, Quincy, 111. f. William Frederick Bader, Quincy, 111. m. Louise Spaethe, Muscatine, la. Asst. in Chemistrv. Prepared in Quincy High School. Chemistry Club; Phi Lambda Upsiloii; Theta Nu Epsilon. B. A., 1902. Illinois. Chemist, Dickman, McKenzee & Potter, 1903; Chemist, Armour & Co., 1904-05; Asst. in Chemistry, Cornell Univ., 1905 — . Address, Ithaca, N. Y.; Home, Quincy, 111. 1614. ADALINE MAITLAND BAKER Bom Nov. 30, 1879, Chicago, 111. f. Henry Davis Baker, Apr. 5, 1845, Lockport, 111. m. Agnes Maitland Milne, Dec' 28, 1855, Lockport, 111. Cataloger, Northwestern University Librarv. Library Club; Watcheka League; Y. W. C. A. B. L. S. Member of Chicago Library Club. Address, 1325 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. 1615. GUY BERNARD BARACKMAN Born Mar. 4, 1878, in Moon, 111. f. M. J. Barackman. m. Alice Cary Tetlow. Draftsman. Prepared in Streator Twp. High School. B. S. Drafts- man, Bridge Dept. D. L. & W. R. R., Hoboken, N. J. Married Pauline Croswell, Oct. 27, 1904, Streator, 111. Address, 142 S. 13th St., Newark, N. J., or care of Chief Engineer's Office, Hoboken, N. J. 1616. JOHN BARR Born Jan. 4, 1881, in Urbana, 111. m. Elizabeth Barr. Asst. Engineer. Prepared in Urbana. B. S. Asst. Engr. to F. C. de Cananea, Rio Yaqui y Pacifico. Address, Naco, Ariz. 300 University of Illinois [1902 1617. HERBERT BASSETT Born May 13, 1870. f. Barzilla Bassett, Ohio. m. Lucina J. Mead, Indiana. Superintendent of Schools. Prepared in Tonica High School and 111. State Normal. B. S. Supt. of Schools, Yorkville, 1902-03; Supt. Schools, Wilmette, 1903 — . Clerk, Modern Woodmen Camp, 1904-06; Manager, Royal Arcanum Council, 1904; Seer., Wilmette Improvement Assn., 1905. Married Blanche Worley, Aug. 23, 1898, El Paso, 111. Child, Harriett Irene, born Apr. 9, 1903, Yorkville, 111. Address, 1431 Forest Ave., Wilmette, 111. 1618. JOHN SCHUYLER BATES Born Dec. 26, 1877, Monmouth, 111. f. Henry H. Bates, May 21, 1848, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. m. Frances A. Searles, Nov. 23, 1851, Tiffin, Ohio. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Monmouth High School and Monmouth Coll. Band, 1897-99, 1902; Mandolin Club, 1897-1902. B. S. Drafts- man in C. B. & Q. R. R. office at Burlington, la., 1902-03; Draftsman, Bridge Dept., Feb., 1903-05; City Engineer, Monmouth, 111., May, 1905 — . Married Mary Elizabeth Brent, June 29, 1905, Monmouth, 111. Address, Monmouth, 111. 1619. FLORENCE JENNIE BEEBE (McCARTHY) Wife of No. 1722 Born Oct. 11, 1877, in Mankato, Minn. f. Robert W. Beebe. B. A. Married Harry McCarthy ('02), Apr. 20, 1904, Blunt, S. D. Address, Kewanee, 111. 1620. WILLIAM LEE BENNETT Born Nov. 29, 1874, near Colchester, 111. f. Thos. Duncan Bennett, Jan. 13, 1836, La Harpe, 111. m. Pheba O'Conner, Feb. 9, 1840, Madison, Ind. Merchant. Prepared in Western Normal College, Bushnell, 111., and Univ. Acad. Y. M. C. A.; Oratorical Assn. B. A. Farmed till July 16, 1904; since then engaged in general mercantile business. Member Baptist Church. Married Clara Hubbard, Dec. 29, 1902, Urbana, 111. Child, Chester Wallace, born Feb. 17, 1904. Address, Blandinsville, 111. 1621. ARTHUR CLINTON BOGGESS Born Mar. 2, 1874, Catlin, 111. f. Enoch Perry Boggess, July 17, 1837, Greenbrier Co., Va. m. Mary Elizabeth Austin, June 14, 1846, Clinton Co., Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Catlin High School and 111. State Normal Univ. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A. B. A.; Ph.D., 1906, Pennsylvania, Fellow in Am. History in Univ. of Wis., 1903-04; Harrison Scholar in Amer. Hist., Univ. of Pa., 1904-05. Acting Professor of History in Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., Summer Term, 1905. German M. E. Church, 1883—; Y. M. C. A., 1895—. Address, Catlin, 111. 1622. OLIVER CARTER BOGGS Bom Feb. IS, 1876, Tuscola, 111. f. Benjamin Franklin Boggs, Lawrence Co., Ohio. m. Mary J. Armstrong, Lawrence Co., Ohio. Real Estate Dealer. Prepared in Urbana High School and Univ. Acad. Adelphic; Latin Club; Le Cercle Francaise; Marshal Law Club; Oratorical Assn.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Track team, 1904; Indiana-Illinois Debate, 1901-02; mini Stsifl; Philo.- Adelphic Debate. B. A.; LL. B. Practiced 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 301 Law, Riverside, Calif., Aug., 1902-03; Real Estate, Urbana, 111., 1904—. Pres. St. Joseph Telephone Co., St. Joseph, 111.; Vice-pres. W. I. Saflfell Co., Urbana, 111. Member of M. E. Church, Urlaana, 111.; Mason's Lodge, Urbana; Elk Lodge. Married Ethel Woodin, June 25, 1902. Child, Oliver Carter Boggs, Jr., bom Sept. 5, 1905. Address, 808 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 1623. WILLIAM GEORGE BOPP Born Mar. 3, 1880, Chicago, 111. f. Charles Bopp, Isny, Germany, m. Frederick Schiele, Untervagenge, Germany. Lawyer. Prepared in Lake View High School and Univ. Acad. B. A.; Ph. B., 1903, Chicago; J. D., 1904, same. Student Law School, Chicago, 1902-04; practicing law, 1904 — . Member Lutheran Church; Vice-pres. of St. Paul's Church League. Address, 942 Addison St., Chicago, 111. 1624. WILLIAM FRANKLIN BORTON Born Aug. 29, 1875, in De Land, 111. f. A. R. Borton. With Ft. Wayne Electric Co., 1904. B. S. Address, 416 West Jefferson St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 1625. HARRY BERNARD BOYER Born Feb. 10, 1877, Vandalia, 111. f. Theodore George Boyer, Ohio. m. Susan Lewis, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Union Christian College, Ind. Philomathean. Philo.-Adelphic Debate. LL. B. Practicing Law. Member of Official Board of Parks Chapel and Trinity M. E. Church, 1903-05. Married Grace Humrichouse, Mar. 29, 1905, St. Joseph, 111. Address, Champaign, 111. 1626. JOHN HENRY BRADEN Born June 24, 1868, Green Castle, Mo. f. Thomas J. Braden, Macoupin Co., 111. m. Hannah E. Sanders, Monroe Co., Ind. Lawyer. Prepared in Kirksville, Mo., Normal. LL. B. Lodges A. F. and A. M.; I. O. O. F. and M. W. A. Married Addie Dunn, Aug. 22, 1895, Downing, Mo. Address, Albia, la. 1627. JOHN HENRY BREISTADT Born Feb. 9, 1881, St. Louis, Mo. f. John Breitstadt, Apr. 24, 1843, Marburg, Germany, m. Louise Reisel, Feb. 15, 1852, Belleville, 111. Brewer. Prepared in Quincy High School. Chemical Soc. ; Phi Lambda Upsilon. Capt. B. A. Asst. ' Brew-master with Dick & Bros., Quincy Brewery Co., 1902—. B. P. O. E. No. 100. Address, 325 So. 9th St., Quincy, 111. 1628. ANNIE MAPLE BROADHEAD Born June 27, 1877, Mackinaw, 111. f. Wm. Broadhead. m. Cornelia Bergen. Teacher. Prepared 111. State Normal Univ. Deutsche Verein. B. A. Teaching in High School, Virginia, 111., 1903; Did some graduate work, at Illinois. Address, Normal, 111 302 University of Illinois [1902 1629. MARTIN DENMAN BRUNDAGE Born Dec. 25, 1877, Malta, 111. f. Frederick Hungerford Brundage, Nov. 1, 1835, Wawarsing, N. Y. m. Kate Ann Townsend, Aug. 10, 1842, Syca- more, 111. Bookkeeper and Salesman. Prepared in Malta High School and Univ. Acad. Adelphic; English Club; Deutsche Verein. B.A. Teacher at St. Cloud, Minn., 1902-03; Malta, 111., 1903-05; Bookkeeper and Salesman, Hope Roller Mills, Hope, N. D. Member K. P. S. H., Domain of 111. Address, Malta, 111. 1630. EMMA BUERKIN Born Dec. 1, 1880, Quincy, 111. f. Joseph Buerkin, Mar. 16, 1848, Baden, Germany, m. Augusta Lerp, Aug. IS, 1852, Quincy, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Quincy High School. B.A. German Teacher at Mascoutah High School, 1902-03; English teacher at Rochelle High School, 1903-04. Address, 1234 Broadway, Qunicy, 111. 1631. RAPHAEL PARMER BUNDY Born Jan. 5, 1877, Oakland, 111. f. Isaac Newton Bundy, Martinsville^ Ohio. m. Helena Smithson, Hayes, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Zionsville, Ind., High School. Phi Delta Phi: Adelphic; University Orator; Class Orator, 1902; Asst. Editor Illini; Adelphic-Philo. Debating teams, 1901-03; B. A. LL. B., 1904. Address, Lebanon, Ind. 1632. LETTIE EVELYN BURRILL Born Jan. 2, 1876, Chicago, 111. f. Charles Wesley Burrill, Oct. 21, 1845, Pittsfield, Mass. m. Viancie Emery, Sept. 9, 1847, Pecatonica, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Central High School, Kansas City, Mo. Kappa Keppa Gamma; English Club. B. A. Teacher in history. Central High School, Kansas City, Mo. Address, 3124 E. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. 1632. CHARLES NICKERSON CADWELL Born Aug. 17, 1880, Arthur, Illinois, f. Chauncey Cadwell, Jan. 9, 1846, Elizabethtown, Ohio. m. Mary Jane Nickerson, Jan. 25, 1852, Wareham, Mass. Prepared in De Pauw Academy and Univ. Acad. Athletic Assn. B. A.; Ph.B., Chicago. Student in Law School, Univ. of Chicago, 1905 — •. Mem- ber of John Marshall chapter of the Phi Alpha Delta, Law Fraternity, at Chicago; Reynolds Club, Univ. of Chicago. Address, Cadwell, 111. 1634. DAVID GEMMILL CAIRNS Born July 25, 1880, Waltham, 111. f. Robert Cairns, 1834, Pa. m. Anna Williams, 1840, Pa. Lawyer. Prepared in Ottawa High School. LL. B. Practicing Law in Ottawa, 1902—. Seer. No. 588 B. P. O. Elks; Member Ottawa Boat Club; Scribe No. 279, Ben Hur. Address, Ottawa, 111. 1635. WILLIAM CURTIS CARTER Born Oct. 10, 1881, in Homer, 111. f. J. F. Carter, m. Emma Melcer. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Homer, 111. B. S. With Link Belt Machinery Co., 1902 — . Address, 3853 Langley Ave., Chicago, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 303 1636. ARLO CHAPIN Born Mav 28, 1S80. f. Edward B. Chapin, N. Y. m. Lucv M. Pierce, Ohio. Newspaper Manager. Prepared in Champaign High School. Philo- mathean; Class Pres.; Corres. Secy., Y. M. C. A. B. A. Business Manager Champaign News, 1902 — . Pres. of Champaign Co. Christian Endeavor Union, 1902-04; member of 111. Executive Com. of Christian En- deavor. Address, Champaign, 111. 1637. EMMA ALBERTA CLARK Born Jan. 27, 1876, Sidney, 111. f. WilHam D. Clark, Dec. 25, 1832, TJniontown, Pa. m. Mary Jane Huff, Oct. 22, 1840, Coschocton, Ohio. Principal High School. Prepared in Sidney High School and Urbana High School. Der Deutsche Verein; Choral Soc; Chi Omega. Basket Ball team, 1899-1900. B. A. Prin. High School, Lexington, 111., 1902-04; of Morrison, 111., 1905—. Address, (Home) 808 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1638. ELWYN LORENZO CLARKE Born June 18, 1879, Momence, 111. f. Joseph Lorenzo Clarke, 1832, Naples, N. Y. m. Mary Louise Wooster, Momence, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Momence High School and Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Club; Orange and Blue Club; Der Deutsche Verein; Capt. B. S. Asst. Engr., Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R., 1902-05; Res. Engr., C. C. C. and St. L. Ry., 1905-06; Instructor in Civ. Eng'g, Univ. of Mo. School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Mo., 1906 — . Address, Rolla, Mo., (Home) Momence, 111. 1639. ELSA JEANETTE COAR (WALSH) Born May 22, 1879, in Ehrenfeld, Germany, f. Firman Wood Coar, Dec. 2, 1825, Philadelphia, Pa. m. Lucinda Elizabeth Blake, Nov. 4, 1843, Boston, Mass. Prepared in Cambridge, Mass., High School and Oilman School, Cam- bridge, Mass. Radcliflfe College, 1899-1901. B. A. Teacher of German and French, in Great Barrington High School, Great Barrington, Mass., 1902-04. Married William Thornton Walsh, Oct., 1904. Child, boy, born in Oct., 1905. Address, State Line, Mass. *1640. FRANK BERNARD COLLIS Born June 4, 1878, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, f. George Collis, Ports- mouth, England, m. Thirza Dallvn, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Prepared in Rockford High School, 111.; Y. M. C. A.; Rifle team, 1898; M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. Was Asst. Superintendent at Richmond Stove Works, Norwich, Conn. Member Grace Methodist Church in Rockford, 111.; also active in membership in Y. M. C. A., especially at Norwich. Died at Norwich, Conn., Nov. 5, 1903. 1641. JAY SIDNEY CONDIT Born Dec. 31, 1881, Beardstown, 111. f. Thomas Knowles Condit, Feb. 11, 1856, Winchester, 111. m. Harriet Spates Dutch, Sept. 27, 1854, Beards- town, 111. Lawver. Prepared in Beardstown High School. Alpha Tau Omega. B. A.; LL. B., 1905, Harvard. Student at Harvard Law School, 1903-05. Lawyer, admitted to IlHnois State Bar, June 27, 1905. Address, Temple Bldg., Chicago, 111. 304 University of Illinois [1902 1642. WILLIAM ADELBERT COOK Born Aug. 31, 1881, Neponset, 111. f. Adalbert Burton Cook, Nov. 11, 1856, Earlville, 111. m. Settle Snow, Aug. 24, 1857, Neponset, 111. High School Principal. Prepared in Kewanee High School. Adelphic; Bryan Prize, 1901. Illinois-Missouri Debating team, 1902. B. A. Prin. of High School, Albion, 111., 1902-03; of Marion, 111., 1903-06. Was granted teacher's life certif. in Illinois, 1905. Married Hepsy Moore, May 20, 1903, Danville, 111. Address, Marion, 111. 1643. THOMAS PHILIP COWLEY Born Oct. 21, 1878, Burritt, 111. f. Thomas Cowley, Aug. 2, 1840, Isle of Man. m. Elenor Lace, Isle of Man. Mech. Engineer. Prepared in Rockford High School. B. S. Draughts- man, Wireman, Erecting Engineer installing electrical machinery for the automatic operation of large newspaper printing presses. Married Pearl Lyda Avery, June 7, 1905, Chicago, 111. Address, 274 42nd St., Chicago, 111. 1644. WILLIAM CROCKER Born Jan. 27, 1874, in Poe, Ohio. f. Charles Crocker. Botanist. B. A.; M. A., 1903. Instructor in Biology, Northern Illinois State Normal, De Kalb, ininois, 1903-04; Fellowship in Botany, Univ. of Chicago, 1904-05 and 1903-05; Instructor in Botany, Illinois, Summer of 1903; Instructor in Biology, Drake Univ., Summers of 1902 and 1904; for three years conducting investigations on delayed germination. Address, Kewanee, 111. 1645. RALPH EDWIN CUNNINGHAM Born May 27, 1878, Emporia, Kans. f. Edwin W. Cunningham, 1844, Huron Co., Ohio. m. Debbie Rowland, 1846, Huron Co., Ohio. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Emporia High School and Emporia College. B. S. Foreman of construction, Edison Electric Co., Los Angeles, till 1906. Now with Supt. of Distrib., Edison Elec. Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Married May Schenneman, Dec. 11, 1905, San Gabriel, Calif. Address, 642 Ruby St., Los Angeles, Calif. 1646. LOUIS CHARLES DADANT ' Born Oct. 30, 1879, Hamilton, 111. f. C. P. Dadant, France, m. Mary Marinelli, St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturer. Prepared in Hamilton High School and Keokuk High School. Member track team, 1899-1900; manager, 1902. B. S. Manu- facturer of Bee Keepers' supplies. Married Era Miller, Sept. 14, 1904, Hamilton, 111. Address, Hamilton, 111. 1647. DWIGHT STOUT DALBEY Born Sept. 22, 1878, Taylorville, 111. f. WiUiam M. Dalbey. m. Mary N. Hall. Dealer in Real Estate. Prepared in Taylorville Twp. High School. Agricultural Club. B. S. Author: The Cowpea and Soy Bean in Illinois, Circular No. 69, 111. Ag. Exp. Sta. Married H. Virginia Lewis, Dec. 23, 1903, Jerseyville, 111. Address, Jerseyville, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 305 1648. MARY GOLDEN DANELY Born Dec. 20, 1879, Versailles, 111. f. Alfred Marion Danelv, Sept. 22, 1843, Worthington, Ind. m. Ella Cole, Mar. 5, 1854, Warsaw, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Decatur High School and Chaddock Coll., Quincy. B. A. Teacher in Paris High School, 1903-04; Springfield High School, 1905—. Address, (Home) 587 Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 1649. RUBY THORNE DE MOTTE Sister of No. 1848 Born Nov. 29, 1880, near Taylorville, 111. f. Oliver DeMotte, Tavlor- ville. 111. m. Ida J. Berry, Taylorville, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Taylorville Twp. High School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League; Lab. Asst. in Botany, Summer term, 1902. B. A.; M. A., 1906. Teacher of Botany. Address, (Home) 905 Cascade Ave., Boulder, Colo. 1650. HARRY SAMUEL DeVELDE Born Oct. 3, 1876, Chicago, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Northwest Division High School of Chicago. Base Ball team, 1900, 1901 and 1902. B. A. Teacher in Streator High School, 1902-03; in Austin High School, 1903-05; in Crane High School, Chicago, 1905. Married Frances Smith, July 24, 1902, Norwood Park, Chicago, 111. Child, Everett Clark, born May 19, 1906. Address, 375 Crescent Ave., Norwood Park, Chicago, 111. 1651. ETHEL IRENE DOBBINS Born Sept. 15, 1879, Ipava, 111. f. David Theophilus Dobbins, Dec. 22, 1849, Ipava, 111. m. Harriet Belle Pennington, Mar. 15, 1851, Columbus, Ohio. Gen. Secretarv of Y. W. C. A., Univ. of 111. Prepared in Ipava High School and Univ.' Acad. Y. W. C. A.; Pres. Y. W. C. A., 1901; Alethenai; Watcheka League. B. A. Gen. Secy, of Y. W. C. A., 1902-05. Article, The Young Women's Christian Association, University of Illinois, Illinois Agriculturalist, June, 1905. Recording Secy. Assn. Collegiate AlumnEe, Cent. 111. Branch, 1904-05. Address, 402 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 1652. SARAH PAULINE DOLE (MORGAN) Born Mar. 1, 1877, Mattoon, 111. f. Joseph Collie Dole, Nov. 22, 1822, Ohio. m. Jane Lydia Bennett, Nov. 21, 1842, Bridgeton, Me. Prepared in Mattoon High School. Alethenai. B. A. Married Dr. Chas. Edwin Morgan, June 30, 1904, Mattoon, 111. Child, Mildred Dole, born July 2, 1905. Address, Humboldt, 111. 1653. WILLIAM JOSEPH DONOGHUE Born Mar. 18, 1879, in La Salle, 111. f. T. Donoghue. Chemist, 1904. B. S. In employ of Winona Zinc W'orks as chemist. Address, La Salle, 111.; care of Winona Zinc Works, Winona, 111. 1654. CHARLOTTE ENID DRAPER (SMITH) Wife of No. 1585 Born Jan. 12, 1881, Yokohama, Japan, f. Gideon Frank Draper, July 20, 1858. m. Mira Enid Haven, Mav 6, 1859. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Y. \\'. C. A.; Pres. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; Watcheka League; Phi Delta Psi; English Club; Class Historian. B. A. Married Percy Almeria Smith, Oct. 20, 1903, Yokohama. Address, 50 Kaminagarekawa Cho, Hiroshima, Japan. 306 University of Illinois [1902 1655. EDWIN LYON DRAPER Born Aug. 19, 1882, Albany, N. Y. f. Andrew Sloan Draper, m. Abbie Louise Lyon. Student. Prepared in LTniv. Acad. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Colonel Univ. Regt., 1902-03. Capt. B. A. Student in HarvardMedical Coll., 1903^. Address, (Home) 133 Lake Ave. S., Albany, N. Y. 1656. CLAIR FRED DRURY Born May 27, 1878, New Boston, 111. f. Edward L. Drury, May 29, 1857, New Boston, 111. m. Fannie Fadelia Garard, Jan. 14, 1858, New Boston. Architect. Prepared in New Boston Public School and Univ. Acad. Architectural Club; Tau Beta Phi; Phi Gamma Delta. Hon. member and Pres. Tau Beta Phi. Editor of No. 15, the Technograph. B. S. Employed until Feb., 1904; in business as architect, 1904 — . Married Geneva Loosley, June 18, 1902. Children, Gladys Loraine, born Mar. 23, 1903; Eustace Looslev, born Feb. 3, 1905. Address, 1927 6th Ave., Moline, 111. 165 7. MARGARET DUNBAR Born Sept. 30, 1872, Monmouth, 111. f. John C. Dunbar, Apr. 26, 1843, Grantown, Moravshire, Scotland, m. Mary F. Smith, Mar. 2, 1843, Coral Hill, Barren Co.,'Ky. Librarian. Prepared in Monmouth Public Schools and Monmouth Coll. Prep. B. L., 1896, Monmouth College; B. L. S. Librarian, Western Illinois State Normal School, Macomb, 111. Address, Macomb, 111. 1658. WILLIAM NEIL DUNNING Born Jan. 27, 1879, Chicago, 111. f. Wm. Dewitt Dunning, Rome, N. Y. m. Isabella Cowan, Glasgow, Scotland. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Chicago English High and Manual Training Schools. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Shield and Trident; Illinois Club. B. S. I. C. R. R. Masonry Inspector to Jan., 1903; Instrumentman to Aug., 1903; Asst. Engineer, Mar. 15, 1905; with Thompson Starrett Co., Building Construction, 1905 — . Address, 6623 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. 1659. ELMER TRYON EBERSOL Born May 27, 1867, Ottawa, 111. f. James E. C. Ebersol, Mar. 6, 1847, Ottawa, 111. m. Maria W. Tyron, Greenport, Long Is., Aug. 31, 1847. Teacher. Prepared in Central Normal, Danville, Ind. B. S., 1895, Central Normal; B. A. Prin, and Teacher of Science in Paxton High School, 1902-05; teacher of Phvsics and Chemistrv, La Salle, Peru Twp. High School, 1905 — . Pres. Ford Co. Teachers' Assn.^ Aug., 1904-05; Supt. First Congr. Sunday School, Dec, 1903-05. Married Virtue Grace Dille, Aug. 2, 1899, Grand Ridge, 111. Address, Corner 7th and Wright Sts., La Salle, 111. 1660. EDWARD CAREY ENGLISH, Jr. Born Nov. 19, 1876, Anna, 111. f. Edward Carey EngHsh, St. Johns, New Foundland. m. Marge Anna Hartline, Anna, 111. Architect. Prepared in Anna High School and Union Acad. Architects' Club. Track team, 1898-1902; Band, 1898-1901. B. S. Architect, Supt. and Gen. Manager, English Bros., Champaign, 111., Builders of the Audi- torium, Univ. of Illinois. Member Knights of Columbus. Married Harriet Whitney Avlmer, June 24, 1903, Anna, 111. Child, Edward Carey, May 22, 1904. Address, Res. 510 Union St., Champaign, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 307 1661. GEORGE CASSIUS FAIRCLO Born May 13, 1877, in Kingston, 111. f. I. D. Fairclo. m. City Engineer of Champaign. Kappa Sigma. B. S. Worked for C. B. & Q. R. R. in Iowa short time after graduation; two months with the Union Pacific on location in Nebraska; in Kansas City office of U. P. division work, one year; four months in Indian Territory with Roebling Construction Co. on fire-proofing work; in Urbana, 111., putting in pavements and sewers, over a year; City Engineer of Champaign, May, 1905 — . Member B. P. O. E. Address, 411 E. Green Street, Champaign, 111. 1662. FRED PETER FALKENBERG Born Dec. 17, 1879, Chicago, 111. f. Fred Anton Falkenberg, July 7, 1852, Nor^vay. m. Agnes Nerdrum, Aug. 25, 1860, Norway. Base Ball. Prepared in Northwest Division High School, Chicago. B. A. Playing Base Ball, 1902—. Address, 790 N. Maplewood Ave., Chicago, 111. 1663. JAMES MOORE FARRIN Born Apr. 24, 1879, Cairo, 111. f. Thos. Benj. Farrin, Cincinnati, Ohio, m. Julia Rebecca Harvey, Sharon, Miss. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Cairo High School. C. E. Club; Pres. C. E. Club; Asst. Bu. Manager Tcchnograph, 1902. Capt. B.S. Asst. Engineer in Bridge Dept. of I. C. R. R., Room 1000, Central St., Chicago. Address, 361 E. 64th St., Chicago, 111. 1664. WILLIAM OTIS FARRIN Born Nov. 25, 1880. f. Thomas Benj. Farrin. m. Julia Rebecca Har- vey. 'Farmer. Prepared in Cairo High School. Alpha Zeta. B.S. Farming, 1902—. Address, Pulaski, 111. 1665. OSCAR JEFFERSON FRANCIS Born Aug. 31, 1878, Stark Co., near Wyoming, 111. f. Henry Jefferson Francis, Apr. 24, 1854, Stark Co., 111. m. Abegail J. Bocock, Sept. 21, 1857, Stark Co., 111. Architect. Prepared in Wyoming High School, Wyoming, 111. Phi Gamma Delta. B. S. Architectural draftsman in various offices in Chicago, 1902-04; Travel and studv in Europe, 1904-05; in architect's office in New York City, 1905 — . Member Graduates' Club. Address, (Home) Wyoming, 111.; Present, 36 E. 20th St.,, New York, N. Y. 1666. JAMES WILLIAM FRAZIER, Jr. Born Nov. 23, 1878, Paris, 111. f. Thos. E. Frazier, Oct. 5, 1854, West- field, 111. m. Lou Alice Swange, Hazel Green, Ky. Farmer. Prepared in Hogsett Military Acad., Danville, Ky., and Univ. Acad. First on roll of honor at Military Academy, 1896. B. S. Farming and Cattle Raising. Invented Machine for sprouting corn. Member of Christian Church. Y. M. C. A. Address, Bushton, 111. 1667. JOHN ANDREW FREESE Born May 31, 1876. Moultrie Co., 111. f. John W. Freese. Dec. 6, 1842, Delaware Co., Ohio. m. Sarah Jane Hamilton, Dec. 26, 1843, Moultrie Co., 111. Student. Prepared in Ohio Weslevan Univ., Delaware, Ohio. Adelphic; Pres. Adelphic, 1902; Hurdler, track team, 1902. B. A. Student of Medi- cine in Johns Hopkins Med. School, 1902-05, Harvard Med. Coll., 1905-06. 308 University of Illinois [1902 Article, A report on work done in Physiological Lab. of Johns Hopkins Univ., entitled The Force of Contraction of the Gall Bladder and the Source of its Motor and Inhibitory Nerve Fibers. Address, (Home) Caldwell, 111. 166S. THOMAS IRVIN FULLENWIDER Brother of No. 1124 Born Mar. 8, 1881, Mechanicsburg, 111. f. Henry Thomas, Mar. 1, 1846, Mechanicsburg, 111. m. Sarah Connet Lindsley, Oct. 28, 1848, Grove City, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Mechanicsburg High School. C. E. Club; Beta Theta Pi; Hazelton Prize Medal, 1898; Illio Board; Tau Beta Pi; Colonel Univ. Regt. Capt. B. S. Engineer for The Springfield Bridge & Iron Co. Address, care of Springfield Bridge and Iron Co., Springfield, 111. 1669. IRWIN LEE FULLER Born Sept. IS, 1878, Galesburg, 111. f. Melvin E. Fuller, May 27, 1839, Gardiner, Me. m. Mary A. Stancliffe, Jan. 24, 1842, Edinborough, Pa. Lawyer. Prepared in Peoria High School. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Glee Club, 1901-02. LL. B. Congr. Church, Seer, of the RepubHcan Twp. Central Com. of Peoria Twp., 1902-06. Address, 415-419 Woolner Bldg., Peoria, 111. 1670. HUGH REGNIER FULLERTON Born Apr. 9, 1880, Havana, 111. f. Hugh FuUerton. m. Mary Seguier. Lawyer. Prepared in Northern 111. Normal School, Dixon, 111. Delta Chi, Mich. B. A.; LL. B., Michigan, 1904. With Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Law practice; life insurance. Address, 612-620 Hammond Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 1671. ROBERT BRUCE FULTON Brother of No. 112 5 Born May 13, 1877, Lynedoch, Ontario, Canada, f. James Fulton, May 12, 1845, Dundas, Ontario, Canada, m. Jane Elizabeth Gray, May 19, 1845, Portage, New York. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Hartford City High School. Phi Delta Theta. Base Ball team, 1899-1902. B. S. Rodman and Instrumentman U. P. R. R., 1902; Asst. Engr., L. N. R. R., 1902-03; Resident Engr. Big Four R. R., 1903-04; C. E. and Contractor, July, 1904—. Address, 506 N. Jefferson St., Harford City, Ind. *1672. LEWIS THERON GALLAHER Born Feb. 21, 1872, Odell, 111. f. T. E. Gallaher, Pittsburg, Pa. m. R. Ida Puffer, North Sunderland, Mass. Teacher. Prepared in Mt. Palatine Schools. Y. M. C. A.; Pres. Y. M. C. A. in State Normal. B. A. Teaching, Byron, 111., 1902-03; Rose City, Mich., 1903-04. Member of Baptist Church, 1891. Married Louise May Sherwood, Dec. 25, 1902, Ypsilanti, Mich. Died Dec. 10, 1904, Lostant, 111. 1673. RICHARD PRATT GARRETT Born Oct. 1, 1877, Delavan, 111. f. Joseph M. Garrett, m. Louise B. Wilson. Claim Agent. Prepared in Delavan High School. Track Team four years. LL. B. Admitted to bar. 111., June, 1904. Claim Agent for Chicago City Ry. Co., 1902-04; same for London Guarantee and Accident Co., 1905 — . Address, 4741 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 309 1674. MYRTLE GAYMAN (SCHOTT) Sister of Nos. 499, 1024 Born Nov. 28, 1879, Champaign, 111. f. George Gayman, Aug. 25, 1842, Akron, Ohio. m. Louise Stoltey, Mar. 3, 1844, Hanover, Germany. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. Teacher, Champaign, 1901-02; Trov, 111., 1903-05. Married Dr. Darwin Schott, Champaign, 111., Oct. 11, 1905. Address, Troy, 111. 1675. MABEL LOUISE GEIGER Born Apr. 2, 1879, Peoria, 111. f. Frederic Geiger, Nov. 3, 1844, Ope- lousas. La. m. Magdalena Hofer, Jan. 6, 1847, Baden. Germany. Teacher. Prepared in Peoria High School and Bradley Polytechnic Inst., Peoria. Associate of Arts, Bradley Institute; Library Club; Watcheka League. B. L. S. Teacher in Public Schools of Peoria, 1903 — . Address, 1120 Perry Ave., Peoria, 111. 1676. LAURA RUSSELL GIBBS Sister of Nos. 1327, 2093 Born Nov. 11, 1876, Riverton, Ky. f. George Gibbs, 1842, Wareham, Mass. m. Elizabeth Thacher Hodge, 1846, Plymouth, Mass. Librarian. Prepared in Miss Wesselhoeft's School, Boston, Mass. Watcheka League; Phi Beta Phi; Librarv Club. B. L. S. Asst. in Charge of loan de§k, Illinois, 1898-1901 ; Cataloguer, Harvard Coll. Library, 1902-03; Asst. to Librarian, Radcliffe Coll. Library, Jan. 1, 1904 — . Member Mass. Librarv Club, 1902 — ; American Librarv Assn., 1902 — ; Mass. Librarv Club; Unitarian Church, 1905. Address, 26 Shepard St., Cambridge, Mass. 1677. ALETHA GILKERSON Daughter of No. 137; Sister of No. 1870 Born Feb. 14, 1879, Marengo, 111. f. Hiram Gilkerson, Oct. 14, 1853. m. Portia Moflfet, Dec. 14, 1853. Student. Prepared in Marengo High School. B. S. Attending Nurses' Training School, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 111. Address, 304 Honore, St., Chicago, 111. 1678. BELLE IRENE GILLESPIE Born June 8, 1880, Farmer Citv, 111. f. George Moore Gillespie, Sept. 7, 1849, Pa. m. Ollie Eugenie Crawford, Feb. 14, 1857, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A.; M. X., 1903. Address, (Home) 741 N. Randolph St., Champaign, 111. 1679. MARY EMMA GOFF Born Aug. 4, 1878, Elmira, N. Y. f. Arthur M. Goff. Julv 31, 1848, Elmira, New York. m. Clare B. Hall, Sept. 2, 1848, Guildhall, Vt. Teacher. Prepared in Rantoul High School and Univ. Acad. B. A. Teaching, Barrv, 111., Prin. of High School, 1902-04; teacher of History and English, Havana, 111., 1904—. Address, (Home) Rantoul, 111. 1680. EDNA LUCY GOSS Born Dec. 10, 1876, Piano, 111. f. George Goss, 1824, Vermont, m. Mary Lathrop, 1836, Vermont. Librarian. Prepared in Piano High School and Morgan Park Acad. Library Club. B. L. S. Reference assistant, Univ. of 111. Lib., 1902-03; 310 University of Illinois [1902 Cataloger, Univ. of Calif. Lib., June, 1.903-Aug. 1805; Librarian 111. State Lib. of Nat'l Hist., Sept., 1905 — . Member American Library Assn., 1904. Address, State Lib. of Nat'l Hist., Urbana, 111. 1681. MARJORIE GRAVES Born May 27, 1878, Dubuque, la. f. Julius Kingman Graves, Sept. 29, 1837, Keene, N. H. m. Lucy Caroline Robinson, Jan. 24, 1842, Salem, Mass. Librarian. Prepared in Dubuque High School and Hillside Home School, Wis. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Watcheka League; Ladies' Mandolin Club; Library Club. B. L. S. Asst. Librarian Carnegie-Stout Free Library, 1902-05; Librarian, Oskaloosa Public Library, Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1905 — . Member Iowa Lib. Assn., 1904 — . Address, Public Library, Oskaloosa, Iowa. 1682. ARCHIE JAMES GRAHAM Born Dec. 19, 1873, Gallipolis, Ohio. f. James Maxon Graham, Sept. 12. 1830, Gallipolis, Ohio. m. Elizabeth Rose, Mar. 30, 1834, Zanesville, Ohio- Physician and Surgeon. Prepared in Gallia Acad.; National Normal Univ., Lebanon, Ohio, and Univ. Acad. Medical Soc. B. S.; M. D., 1902, Chicago. Physician and Surgeon; Interne, Englewood Hospital, May, 1902- 03; Practicing at 6306 Halsted St., Chicago, 1903 — . Address, 6857 S. Halsted St., Chicago, 111. 1683. EDWIN GARDNER GREENMAN Born Apr. 28, 1881, Taylorville, 111. f. Edwin G. Greeman. m. Carrie Hoose Paine. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Pana, 111. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Apprentice, Allis Chalmers Co., July-Oct., 1902; Instructor in M. E., Illinois, 1902-03; Instructor in Eng., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1903-04; Draftsman with The Leinkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, July, 1904-June, 1905; Chief Drafts- man, June, 1905 — . Married Pearle Brownell, Sept. 17, 1904, Champaign, 111. Address, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1684. CARL FREDERICK HAGEDORN Born Jan. 17, 1880, Germany, f. Fred Hagedorn, 1850, Germany, m. Andina Breede, 1857, Germany. Chemist. Prepared in Rock Island High School. Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. A. Chemist with Armour & Co., Chicago, 1902-03 ; head chemist to same firm, E. St. Louis, 1903—. Address, East St. Louis, 111. 1685. MAX ROSS HANNA Born Nov. 2, 1881, Rushville, 111. f. George Hanna, 1856, Perry, 111. m. Mary A. Fey, 1854, Rushville, 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Rushville High School. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Testing Dept. G. E. Co., 1902-03; Eng. Dept. G. E. Co., 1903 — . First Presbyterian Church of Schenectady; Asso- ciate member A. I. E. E. Address, Railway Eng. Dept. Gen'l Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y. 1686. JOHN JAMES HARMAN Born Nov. 23, 1880, near Milford, 111. f. Jacob Matthew Harman. m. Emma Cox. Instructor. Prepared in Sheldon High School and Eureka Coll. Tau Beta Pi; Delta Upsilon; Theta Nu Epsilon. B. S. Draftsman, Link Belt Mach. Co., 1902; Chief draftsman. Acme Harvester Co., 1902-03; Instruc- tor in Mech. Eng., Illinois, 1903 — . Observer on U. S. G. S. Fuel Tests, St. Louis, summer of 1904. Address, 412 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumxi 311 1687. CHESTER ELLIS HARRIS Born Sept. 6, 1881, Arthur, Ind. f. J. F. Harris. Physician. B. A.; M. A., 1903; M. D., 1906. Student in Coll. of Medi- icine, Illinois, 1903 — . Address, care of Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons,' Univ. of 111., Chicago, 111. 1688. THOMAS LUTHER HARRIS Born Dec. 19, 1876, Modesto, 111. f. Sidney T. Harris, Feb. 19, 1833, Palmyra, Mo. m. Susan E. McPherson, Nov. 20, 1839, Greenville, Ky. Asst. Supt. Columbus Associated Charities. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean ; Oratorical Assn.; Y. M. C. A.; 111. Methodist Students' Alliance. Pres. Oratorical Assn., 1901-02; Pres. 111. Methodist Students' Alliance; Pres. Philo., one term; Philo. manager Star Lecture Course, 1901- 02. B. A.; M. A., 1905, Ohio State Univ. Prin. of Modesto Pubhc Schools, 1902-03; farmer, 1903; graduate student O. S. U.. 1904-05; Asst. Supt. Columbus Associated Charities, 1905 — . Member of M. E. Church. Address, 468 W. Goodale St., Columbvis, Ohio. 1689. LUCIUS ROMAINE HARSHMAN Born Oct. 3, 1876, in Sullivan, 111. f. S. R. Harshman, Minister, m. Retta L. Magill. Contractor of Cement Work. Prepared in Sullivan, 111. B. A. En- gaged in general contracting business, street work a specialt}'. Address, Sullivan, 111. 1890. JACOB HAROLD HEINZELMAN Born May 3, 1873, Rothenberg, Germany, f. Jacob Heinzelman. Student.' Prepared in 111. State Norrnal Univ., Normal, 111. B. A. Graduate Student, Univ. of Chicago, 1902-03; Supt. of Schools, Washington, 111., 1903-05; Grad. Student, Univ. of Chicago, 1905—. Address, 220 N. Institute Place, Peoria, 111. 1691. ALEXANDER HENDERSON Born Mar. 30, 1874, Edinburgh, Scotland, f. Robert Henderson, 1834, Edinburgh, Scotland, m. Elizabeth Davidson, 1839, Edinburgh, Scotland. Salesman. Prepared in Calumet High School, Chicago. B. a\. Sales- man man with Butler Bros. Address, 1348 West 87th St., Chicago, 111. 1692. FRANCIS WHITSON HIGGINS Born Mar. 26. 1881, New York City, f. Wm. H. C. Higgins, Sept. 6, 1842, New York City. m. Caroline A. Secor, Dec. 14, 1852, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chemist. Prepared in Chicago Heights High School and Morgan Park Acad. Adelphic; Chemical Club; Phi Lambda L'^psilon. B. A. Chemist with The Carborundum Co., since Sept., 1902. Enrolled in grad. school, Univ. of 111., (in absentia) in Anah-tical Chem. 42d Sep. Co., N. Y. N. G., located at Niagara Falls, N. Y., Apr., 1903 — ; enlistment, five years. Mem- ber M. E. Church, 1893; Amer. Chemical Soc, 1903; Amer. Electrochemical Soc, 1903. Address, care of The Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 1693. SAMUEL CHASE HIGGINS Born Jan. 7, 1875, Lincoln, 111. f. George Henry Higgins, July 4, 1845, England, m. Katherine Olivia Chase, Mar. 8, 1846.' Draftsman. Prepared in Lincoln High School. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Draftsman Moline Power Dept., C. R. L. P. Ry. Address, 7721 Lowe Ave., Chicago, 111. 312 University of Illinois [1902 1694. GEORGE JACOB HINSHAW Born May 27, 1878, Danvers, McLean Co., 111. f. Charles Canni Hin- shaw, May 16, 1849, Danvers, 111. m. Mary Elizabeth Smith, Apr. IS, 1855, Mackinaw, 111. Clerk. Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Univ. Y. M. C. A.; Adelphic. B. A. Salesman, 1903; Clerkship in office, 1903—. Editor and Manager, Wapello Agricultural Standard. 1906 — . Member of Cumberland Pres. Church; Ot- tumwa Y. M. C. A.; Knights of Pythias; Royal Arcanum; Ottumwa Retail Merchants' Ass'n, 1903-06. Address, Ottumwa, Iowa. 1695. HARRIET EMMA HOWE Born Dec. 10, 1881, Urbana, 111. f. William Renfrew Howe, Dec. 14, 1844, Coshocton Co., Ohio. m. Althea G. Pocock, Apr. 12, 1845, Coshocton Co., Ohio. Instructor, 111. State Library school. Prepared in Urbana High School. B. L. S. Organizer Oilman, 111., Libr., 1902; Loan Desk Asst., Univ. Libr., 1902-03; Cataloger, Illinois Lib., 1903-04; Instructor 111. State Lib. School, 1904 — ; Director Washington Univ. Summer Lib. School, 1905. Member Illinos State Lib. Assn., 1904-05; Amer. Lib. Assoc, 1905. Address, 1205 Stoughton, Urbana, 111. 1696. SAMUEL KELSO HUGHES Born Dec. 23, 1866, Kunkle, Ohio. f. Samuel Kelso Hughes, 1818, Danville, Ky. m. Jane T. Mahan, Mt. Morris, N. Y. Real Estate Dealer. Prepared in West Unity, Ohio, High School and Wooster L^^niv. Prep. Adelphic. LL. B. Married Pauline Nelson, June 21, 1898, West Unity, Ohio. Children, Morris Nelson, Jan. 13, 1901; Sherman Kelso, born Oct. 14, 1902. Address, Champaign, 111. 1697. JENNIE ALICE HULCE Born in Richmond, Wis. f. Elisha Hulce, Canandaigua, N. Y. m. Alice Lavina Parkyn, Arkwright, N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Whitewater, Wis., Normal School and Hills- dale Coll. Prep. Ladies' Lit. Union, Hillsdale Coll.; Librarv Club. B. of Phil., 1896, Hillsdale Coll.; B. of. P., do. B. L. S. Asst. in Ohio State Lib. Cataloguer, 1902-03; Asst. in The John Crerar Library, Chicago, 1903 — . Address, The John Crerar Library, Chicago, 111. 1698. CHARLES PHELPS HUNTER Brother of No. 1525 Born Feb. 8, 1881, Newton, la. f. Geo. B. Hunter, Carrolton, Ohio. m. Susan A. Dunklee, Pittsfor, Vt. Furniture merchant. Prepared in Newton High School. Alpha Tau Omega; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. B. A. Manager Retail Furniture dept., Iowa Mercantile Co., Newton, Iowa. Address, Newton, Iowa. 1699. LEONARD WARD INGHAM Husband of No. 1460 Born Nov. 25, 1880, Waynesville, 111. f. George K. Ingham, m. Alice Ann Tenney. Lawyer. Prepared in Clinton High School. Phi Gamma Delta. B. A. LL. B., Harvard, 1905. In law business with Judge George K. Ingham. Married Minnie Bridgman ('01), Oct. 25, 1905, at Keene, N. H. Address, Clinton, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 313 1700. HAROLD DEMMIXG JAMES Born Apr. 12, 1881, Amboy, 111. f. P. M. James, m. Lottie L. Vaughan. Law Student. Prepared in Amboy High School. Adelphic. B. A. Principal, Ambov High School, 1902-05 ; student in lawoflfice of P. M. James, 1905—. Address, Amboy, 111. 1701. FRED VOLLENTINE JOHXSOX Born Dec. 3, 1880, in Champaign, 111. f. C. B.Johnson, m. Maria L. Lewis. Engineer. B. S. Asst. Engr. Arizona Smelting Co., New York. Address, 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; (Home) 718 W. Church St., Cham- paign, 111. 1702. JOHN PETER JOHNSON Born Dec. 28, 1872, Ryslinge, Denmark, f. J. Johnson, Denmark, m. C. Rasmussen, Denmark. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Military High School, Copenhagen, Denmark. M. E. Soc. B. S. Draftsman, Checker, Estimator and Asst. Chief Draftsman, Whiting F'd'y Equipment Co., Harvey, 111., 1905. Lieu- tenant of Cavalry, Royal Danish Army, 1895-98. Married Sophie Seehusen, 1899, Copenhagen. Child, Eva Marietta Ida- bella, Apr. 8, 1903. Address, 5720 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111. 1703. GUY RAYMOND JONES Born Nov. 17, 1880, Areola, 111. f. James Jones, Franklin Co., Ind., 1837. m. Martha Parris, 1841, Franklin Co., Ind. Lawver. LL. B. Asst. States Atty., Douglas Co., 1903-04. Married Mary F. Van Voorhis, Jan. ^17, 1905, Tuscola, 111. Address, Tuscola, 111. 1704. HENRY LEONARD JONES Born Apr. 30, 1879, Delavan, 111. f. James O. Jones, m. Eliza Francis Tripp. Lawyer. Prepared in Delavan High School. LL. B. Practicing Law. Attv. for Champaign Co. Humane Soc, Mar., 1905; Asst. State's Attornev of Champaign Co., Dec. 1, 1905—. Private. Co. K, I. N. G., 1896-98. B". P. O. E. No. 398, Champaign, 111. Married Lou M. Crabb, Delavan, 111., Sept. 21, 1905. Address, Burnham Block, Champaign, 111. 1705. J. CLAUDE JONES Born July 2, 1877, Merrimac, Wis. f. John D. Jones, Sept. 18, 1849, Lebanon, N. H. m. Alberta Rosella Van Sice, Nov. 29, 1852, Dugway, N. Y. Instructor. Prepared in Chicago Man. Train. School. Orchestra, 1900- 03; Capt. B. A. Teacher Champaign Public Schools, 1902-03; Whiting, Ind., 1903-04; Asst. in Geologv, Illinois, 1904; Instructor, 1905—. Married Belle McCurdy, June 23, 1904, Chicago, 111. Child, Alberta Rossella, born Mar. 21, 1905. Address, 708 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111. 1706. WARREN JONES Born Sept. 10, 1869, El Dara, Pike Co., 111. f. Wilham Jones, Mar. 29, 1834, El Dara, 111. m. Mary Jane Purcell, El Dara. 111., 1839. Supt. of Schools. Prepared in Pittstield High School, 111., and Normal Univ., Normal, 111. Choral Societv; English Club; Philosophical Club. B. A. Teacher of English, West Side High School, Aurora, 111., 1902-05; Superintendent of Elburn Schools, 1905 — . Master Aurora Lodge No. 314 ' University of Illinois [1902 254, A. F. &. A M., Aurora, 111., 1904-05; Member New England Con- gregational Church, Aurora, 111., 1903. Married Anna Gehring, Nov. 25. 1896, Oneida, 111. Children, Katheryn, born Sept. 13, 1903; Llewellyn Bruce, born Oct. 11, 1905. Address, Elburn, Kane Co., 111. 1707. LEE JUTTON Born June 15, 1880, New Albany, Ind. f. Joseph Jutton.' m. Elizabeth Reed. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Champaign High School. Civil Engineers Club; Foot Ball team. B. S. Draftsman at Brown-Ketchan Iron Works 1902-03; Bridge Inspector on Chicago and Northwestern R- ^R-. 1903 — Article, Erection of Railroad Bridges, Technograph, Vol. XIX, 1905, pp 84-91. Member Mystic Tie Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 398, of Indianapolis Ind.; Assn. Ry. Supts. Bridges and Bldgs. Married Mary Busey, May 23, 1906, Urbana, 111. Address, 114 So. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1708. CHARLES HOWARD KABLE Brother of No. 1230 Born May 30, 1881, Virden, 111. f. Benjamin Franklin Kable, born Dec. 4, 1840, Greene Co., Ohio. m. Anna Freeman, Sept. 8, 1842, San- gamon Co., 111. Architectural draftsman. Prepared in Virden High School and Staunton Militarv Acad., Staunton, Va. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Architect's Club; Y. M. C. A. B. S. U. S. Fish Commission, Washington, D. C, June-Nov., 1902; W. M. Poindexter, Washington. D. C, 1902-03; D. H. Burnham & Co., Archts., Chicago, 1903-04; Nimmons & Fellows, Chi- cago, 1904-05; with Edgar M. Lazarus, Archt., Portland, Ore., 1905 — . Member of Chicago Architectural Club, May, 1904; Secretary of same, May, 1905. Address, 272^ Part St., Portland, Ore. 1709. EDWARD ORRIS KEATOR Born Feb. 1, 1879, Polo, 111. f. Joseph Keator, Kingston, N. Y. m. Sarah Ann Moiesr, Polo, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Polo High School. Phi Gamma Delta. Track Team. B. S. Civil Engineer, 1902— . Address, Polo, 111. 1710. ARTHUR ROLLAND KELLY Born July 4, 1878, in Osoga, la. f. Joseph Kelly, deceased, m. Lydia Butler. Draftsman. Glee Club; Mandolin Club; Male Quartett. B. S. Mem- ber of Temple Baptist Church. Married Enid L. Harrod, Dec. 31, 1904, Waterloo, la. Address, Hollywood, Calif. 1711. STEWART WILLIAM KINCAID Born Oct. 12, 1875, Heathsville, 111. f. Stewart Kincaid, 1842, Heaths- ville. 111. m. Lydia Ann Fuller, Dec. 22, 1848, Heathsville, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Austin College. Effingham, 111. Platonian Society, Austin Coll. B. A., 1899, Austin College; B. A.; LL. B., 1904. Prin. Effing- ham High School, 1899-1901; Attorney at Law, 1904 — . Married Leonora Mann, Aug. 29,^1900, Robinson, 111. Child, Myrtle Rochelle, born Oct. 25, 1901. Address, Paris, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 315 1712. LEE IRVING KNIGHT Born Sept. 30, 1880. f. Geo. E. Knight, m. Kate M. Merril, Supt. of Schools. Prepared in Decatur High School. B. A. Prin. Washington High School, 111., 1903-05; Supt. of Schools, 1905—. Address, Washington, 111. 1713. ANNA KOEHN Born Sept. 25, 1876, Pfiato, West Prussia, Germany, f. Otto Koehn, 1839, Mar. 7, West Prussia, Gar. m. Augusta Eshner, Sept. 9, 1843, West Prussia, Ger. Teacher. Prepared in North Division High School, Chicago. B. A. Teacher, Greenview High School, 1902-03; Sioux City, 1903-04; instructor in the American School of Correspondence, 1904 — . Member of Baptist Church, 1897. Address, 218 E. Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111. *1714. REUBEN NELSON KOFOID Born Mar. 25, 1880, Granville, 111. f. Nelson Kofoid, Apr. 16. 1838, Bornholm, Denmark, m. Libbie Jane Ellis, June 7, 1845, Guilford, Ind. Chemist. Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ. Adelphic; Deutche Verein; Chemistrv Club. B. A. Asst. State Chemist of New York, 1902-03 ; Chemist Carborundum Co., 1903-04; Chemist Calif. Powder Works, 1904-05. Article, Carborundum, Its Manufacture and Uses, Tccluiograpli, 1904, pp. 1-17. Member American Chem. Soc, Jan., 1903; Chem. Soc. of Western New York, 1903. Died July 27, 1905, Berkeley, Calif. 1715. JOHN CONRAD LEHNER Born Mar. 14, 1878, Derinda, Jo Daviess Co., 111. f. William Lehner, 1855, 111. m. Marie Dora Kell. Real Estate Dealer. Prepared in Mt. Morris College, Mt. Morris, 111. Represented Sophomore Class, 1901, in Freshman-Sophomore Debate. B. A. In real estate business, 1902 — . Address, Stockton, 111. 1716. JUSTA MORRIS LINDGREN Born July 28, 1878, Moline, 111. f. Andres Lindgren, Dec. 22, 1845, Malmo, Sweden, m. Mathilda Marguerite Olson, Malmo, Sweden. Asst. in State Water Survey. Prepared in Moline High School. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Delta Psi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Foot Ball team, 1898-1901; Capt.,1901. B. A. Chemist, Nelson Morris & Co., Chicago, 111., 1903-04; Coach Foot Ball team, Cornell Coll., 1902-03; Coach at Illinois 1904-05; Asst. in State Water Survey. Married Vernie Irene Kuebler, July 20, 1904, Chicago, 111. Address, 608 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, 111. 1717. GEORGE TAYLOR LLOYD Born Jan. 1, 1878, St. Charles, 111. f. William Barrett Lloyd, St. Charles, 111. m. Alice Taylor, Jan. 9, 1848, Light House, 111. Engineer. Prepared in Wheaton Prep. School. Beltonian Assn.; Vale- dictorian at Wheaton. B. L., 1900, Wheaton; B. A. Teaching Science in High School, Sept., 1902-03; Physical Director, Throop Poly tech. Inst., Pasadena, Calif., 1903; Officeman Warehouse firm, 1904; in railroad con- struction, headquarters at Lewiston, Idaho, 1904-05 ; Calif. N. E. R. R., 1905 — . Address, Alamo Contra Costa Co., Grass Lake, Siskiyou Co., Calif. 316 University of Illinois [1902 1718. JESSIE ISA LUMMIS Born Dec. 1, 1880, Quincy, 111. f. Benjamin Bridge Lummis, Apr. 20, 1840, Butler Co., Ohio. m. Eliza Ann Doran, Feb. 16, 1853, Adams Co., 111. Teacher. Prepared in Quincy High School. English Club; Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi. Illio Board. B. A. Teaching at Morris, 111., 1902-03; Qunicy, 111., 1903-04; La Salle, 1904—. Address, (home) Quincy, 111. 1719. HUGO LUND Born Aug. 16, 1877, Fort Wayne, Ind. f. Hans Lund, Sept. 28, 1845, Hadersleben, Schelswig, Holstein, Nov. 17, 1848. Engineer. Prepared in Central High School, Kansas City, Mo. At- tended Purdue University, 1897-1901. B. S. With Ford, Bacon & Davis of New York in Kansas City office, 1902-04; with Metropolitan Street Ry. Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1904—. Address, 1657 Summit Street, Kansas City, Mo. 1720. CARL LEONARD LUNDGREN Born Feb. 16, 1880, Marengo, 111. f. Pear Hjalmar Lundgren. m. Delilah Renwick. Farmer. Prepared in Marengo Public High School. Kappa Sigma; 1899, 1901-02, Foot Ball Team; 1899, 1900-01-02, Base Ball team. Capt. 1902, Base Ball team; Sen. Class Pres. B. S. Professional Base Ball from Apr. 15-Oct. 15, during 1902-03-04-05. Draftsman winter of 1902-03-04; Farming and Dairying, 1904 — . Member of Masonic Order. Married S. Maude Cohoon, Sept. 31, 1904, Marengo, 111. Address, Marengo, 111. 1721. OTTO LAWRENCE LUTHER Born May 5, 1881, Quincy, 111. f. Adam Luther, 1832, Hornburg, Ger- many, m. Caroline Futterer, Baden, Germany, 1840. High School Principal. Prepared in Quincy High School. Philoma- thean; Pres. of Philo. B. A. Travehng in South and West, 1903; Asst. in German, Univ. of Calif., 1904; Prin. of Etna Union High School, Calif., 1904—. Address, Etna Mills, Calif. 1722. HARRY McCARTHY Husband of No. 1619 Born Feb. 2, 1878, in Moline. 111. f. Thos. McCarthy. Draftsman. B. S. Chief Draftsman, Davenport Locomotive Works, 1902-05; same. Western Tube Co., 1905-06; Pattern Engineer, same, 1906—. Married Florence Jennie Beebe ('02), Apr. 20, 1904, Blunt, S. D. Address, Kewanee, 111. 1723. HARRIETT ELIZABETH McCULLY (CHAPIN) Wife of No. 1470 Born Apr. 22, 1881. f. John De Danels McCully, 1856, Baltimore, Md. m. Virginia Bell Ashway, 1859, Mt. Carroll. Teacher. Prepared in Mt. Carroll High School. Alethenai. B. A. Teacher in Gunn School, near Newman, 111., 1902-03; Teacher in Rantoul Public Schools, 1903-04. Member First Presby. Church, Champaign, 111. Married Edward Pierce Chapin ('01), June 16, 1904, Somerset, Ohio. Address, Freeburg, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumxi 317 1724. MARY OLA McGIXNIS Born Julv 20, 1876, in Dawson, 111. f. John McGinnis. Teacher, '(1904). B. A. Address, Dawson, 111. *1725. BROWN ERVIX McILVAINE Bom Oct. 23, 1873, Tuscola, 111. f. Thos. A. Mcllvaine, Dec. 9, 1844, Gap, Pa. m. Sallie Ervin Hillsboro, Ohio, Sept. 15, 1846. Prepared in Whipple Academv, Jacksonville, 111. B. S., 1897, Illinois Coll., Jacksonville, 111. Phi Alpha. LL. B. Practiced Law. Member Presbyterian Church, Tuscola, 111. Died Jan. 14, 1903, Tuscola, 111. 1726. KARL FRANKLIN McMURRY Born Oct. 31, 1880, Normal. 111. f. William P. McMurry, Crawfordsville, Ind. m. Lida Brown, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Teacher. Prepared in 111. State Normal University. Adelphic. B. A. Married A. Hiett, Oct. 5, 1904, Monmouth, 111. Address, 301 Woodlawn Ave., Burlington, la. 1727. CHARLES WESLEY MALCOLM Bom Oct. 13, 1879, Roseville, 111. f. John Wesley Malcolm, 1830, Michigan, m. Emma Strat, 1835, Illinois. Instructor. Prepared in Roseville High School. C. E. Club; Tau Beta Pi; Delta Upsilon. B. S. Instructor in Civil Engineering, Illinois, 1902-03; Instructor in Structural Engineering, same, 1903 — . Member 111. Soc. Civil Engrs. and Surveyors. Address, 412 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 1728. JOHN VICTOR MAPES Bom Dec. 27, 1876, Paris, 111. f. Jno. Weslev Mapes, Aug., 1832, Loudonville, Ohio. m. Martha Wilson, Oct. 11, 1840, Washington Co., Pa. Farmer. Prepared in Paris High School. Chemical Club; Natural His- tory Soc. B. A. Married Eva L. Fischer, Paris, 111., Nov. 26, 1903. Child, John Cecil, born Oct. 13, 1904. Address, Paris, 111., R. F. D. No. 7. 1729. ALBERT CAREY MARTIN Born Sept. 16, 1879, La Salle, 111. f. John Martin, Ireland, m. Mar- garet Carey, La Salle, 111. Architectural Engineer.. Prepared in Brothers Acad., La Salle, 111. Student's Democratic Club and Delmar Dancing Club; Track Team. B. S. Draftsman with Brown Ketchum Iron W^orks, Indianapolis, until Mar. 6, 1903 ; Inspecting steel in Pittsburg for Brenneke & Fay of St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1903; Estimating steel for Cambria steel Co., Dec. 16, 1903; Supt. of con- struction for C. Leonardt of Los Angeles, Sept. 20, 1904; Engineer of con- struction for Arch. A. F. Rosenheim of Los Angeles, Calif., 1904 — . Member of Knights of Columbus. Address, 2330 4th Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 1730. JAMES WALTER MARTIN Brother of No. 1551 Born June 8, 1880, Wilmington, 111. f. James W. Martin, Feb. 22, 1846, Wilmington, 111. m. Viola M. Linton, Jan. 23, 1847. Lawver. Prepared in Wilmington High School. Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi. B. A.; LL. B., 1904. Attorney at Law. Address, 60-62 Young Building, Joliet, 111. 318 University of Illinois [1902 1731. ROBERT CLRYTON MATTHEWS Born Dec. 14, 1878, Monmouth, 111. f. John WilHam Matthews, July 7, 1848, Macon, Miss. m. Mary Gertrude Stevens, Nov. 18, 1843, Peterboro, N. Y. Engineer. Prepared in Monmouth High School. Delta Kappa Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. M. & E. E. Soc; Glee and Mandolin Club, 1899-1902; Bus. Manager, 1901-02; Opera Club, 1902-04; Capt. B. S. Instructor in G. E. D., Illinois, 1902-05; Instructor in Mech. Eng., same, 1905-06; With Nafl Self-Winding Clock Co., 1906—. Nafl Sec. Tau Beta Pi, 1905—. Address, 508 E. Daniels St., Champaign, 111. 1732. ESTHER ANNA MAXWELL Born Aug. 15, 1880, Champaign, 111. f. George Louis Maxwell, 1840, Chambersburg, Pa. m. Catherine Dow Johnson, 1848, Albany, N. Y. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. Phi Delta Psi. B. L. S. Teacher, Public School, Champaign, 111., 1904 — . Address, 203 N. New St., Champaign, 111. 1733. THOMAS HENRY MILLER Born Oct. 19, 1873, Fandon, 111. f. Marvin Miller, Akron, Ohio. m. Sarah Shoopman, McDonough Co., 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Plymouth High School and Central Prep. School and Comm. Coll., McComb, 111. Philomathean. LL. B. Instructor one year in the Western 111. Normal School and Commercial College, and since then has practiced Law at Macomb, 111. Address, 602 S. McArthur St., Macomb, 111. 1734. GEORGE HENRY MOORE Born Oct. 30, 1875, in Pesotum, 111. f. S. W. Moore, m. Louisa Thorn- hill. Lawyer. LL. B. Member I. O. O. F. Address, 502 Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. 1735. MADISON HOGE MOUNT Born May 28, 1871, Walnut Prairie, 111. f. James Amos Mount, Jan. 27, 1836. m. Mary C. Brown, Terre Haute, Ind. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Northern Indiana Normal Coll. Engineering Soc; Y. M. C. A. B. S. Draftsman, 1902-03; computer and observer in U. S. Coal Testing Plant, Geological Survey, 1904-05; Cement Contractor with M. H. Mount & Co., Long Beach, Calif., 1906 — . Member of Presbyterian Church and Y. M. C. A. Address, West Union, 111., or Long Beach, Calif. 1736. MARY NEFF Born in McLean Co., 111. f. Henry Neff Hoffenheim, Baden, Germany, m. Christine Funk, Gondelsheim, Baden, Germany. Teacher. Prepared in Illinois State Normal Univ. Principal of High School, Atlanta, 111., 1902-03; teacher of English and Sec. of Faculty, Cook- man Institute, Jacksonville, Fla., 1904 — . Address, (Home) 609 Jefferson St., Bloomington, 111. 1737. CARTER NORRIS Born Feb. 1, 1881, Farmer City, 111. f. Amos L. Norris, Ashland, Ohio, m. Augusta E. Carter, Ashland, Ohio. Officeman. Prepared in Farmer City High School. B. A. Office work with Joseph T. Ryerson & Son. Chicago, 1903 — . Address, 261 Jackson Park Terrace, Chicago, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 319 1738. REXA MAY ODELL Born Dec. 4, 1874, Petersburgh, N. Y. f. Danford-Buell Odell, Peters- burgh, X. Y. m. Sarah Anna HaflF, Stamford, Vt. Teacher. Prepared in Morrison High School. Y. W. C. A. Watcheka League; English Club. B. A. High School teacher; first Asst. Prin.; teacher of English, Litchfield High School. Address, Litchfield, 111.; (home) Morrison, 111. 1739. LEWIS OMER Born Aug. 28, 1876, Clayton, 111. f. Alexander Omer, Mar. 5, 1830, Bardstown, K}'. m. Alice Rampy, June 28, 1851, Liberty, 111. Teaching. Prepared in Clavton High School. Theta Nu Epsilon. Track team, 1900; Foot Ball, 1896-99; Pres. Math. Club; Secy. Democratic Club. B. A. Member Central Association of Science and Math. Teachers, 1903. Married Edith Xevins, Aug. 24, 1899. Child, Harrv Xevins, born June 15, 1900. Address, 404 X. Cuyler Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1740. ALBERT XELSOX OYEX Born Dec. 9, 1878, Battle Creek, Mich. f. Adolph B. Oyen, 1857, Trondhjem, Xorway. m. Jennie S. Sprague, 1848, Crown Point, X. Y. Physician. Prepared in X'orthwest Division High School, Chicago. Alpha Omega Alpha at Rush Med. Coll. Capt. B. A.; M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1905. Held internship Alexian Brothers' Hospital, Chicago. Prac- ticing phvsician. Two Cases Basilar Thrombosis, Transactions Chicago Pathological Soc.,Vol.VI. Xov. 14, 1904, pp. 211-219. Address, 801 X. Rockwell St., Chicago, 111. 1741. LAWREXCE GILBERT PARKER Born Mar. 1, 1880, Toluca, 111. f. John William Parker, Oct. 25, 1850, Evansville, Ind. m. Sarah Ann Litchfield, Dec. 20, 1856, Toluca, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Rutland High School and Dixon Coll. B. S. Engineer in charge of bridge erection. Spring Vallev, 111., Summer, 1902; Avith Bridge Dept. of C. R. I. & P. R. R., at Chicago,' Summer, 1903; with Engineering Dept. of D. L. & W., Ry., at Buffalo, Summer, 1904; In- structor in Civ. Eng., Illinois, 1902 — . Address, 705 S. 6th St., Champaign, 111. 1742. ADA PATTOX Born in Paxton, 111. f. William Thomas Patton. m. Frances M. Flagg. Librarian. Prepared in Paxton High School. B. L. S. Asst. in John Crerar Library, Chicago, Mar., 1903 — . Chicago Library Club; Illinois Library School Assn. Address, Paxton, 111. 1743. HEXRIETTA BETSEY PITTS Sister of Xo. 2202 Bom June 23, 1879, McLean, 111. f. John Joseph Pitts, Oct. 20, 1853, McLean, 111. m. Mary EHzabeth Roberts, Oct. 30, 1858, Battle Creek, Mich. Teacher. Prepared in 111. State Xormal. Kappa Alpha Theta. B. A. Teacher in Charleston High School, 1903-04; in Jacksonville High School, 1904-05; in Bloomington High School, 1905-06. Member Baptist Church; Eastern Star. Address, 24 White Place, Bloomington, 111. 320 University of Illinois [1902 1744. FRANCIS BENJAMIN PLANT Born June 29, 1S80, La Salle, 111. f. Henrv Benjamin Plant, Jan. 11, 1831, Utica, N. Y. m. Carolina Neely, Jan. 22,' 1849, Metropolis, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Champaign High School. Phi Gamma Delta; Track Team, 1899-1900; Manager Illio. B. A. Asst. Prof, of Civil Engineering, St. Mary's College, Oakland, Calif., 1904-05; Engr. for Warren Improvement Co., of San Francisco, Julv, 1905-06; Engr. and Supt.,B.& W. Eng'g Co., 1906—. F. & A. M., Feb., 1905. Address, Covina, Calif. 1745. EDWIN LINDSAY POOR Born Feb. 3, 1880, Lexington, 111. f. Thompson Poor, Jan. 3, 1849, Hopkinton, Mass. m. Helen Jane Lindsay, Aug. 9, 1854, Shippensburg, Pa. Advertising Manager. Prepared in Streator High School. Adel- phic. Pres. Adelphic; Pres. English Club; Editor The Illinois; Assoc. Editor mini; Hatchet Orator, 1901-02; Class Poet, 1904. B. S.; LL. B., 1904. 1902-03, Asst. Instructor in Geologv. Law Clerk, Sept. 1, 1904, to Mar. 15, 1905; Asst. Mgr. Advt. Dept., Rothchild & Co., Chicago, 1905- Apr., 1906; Advt. Mgr. Crofts & Reed, Chicago, Apr., 1906—. Presbyt. Church, Urbana, 111., 1899. Address, 306 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1746. HIRAM FRANKLIN POST Born Jan. 13, 1878, Brownsville, Minn. f. Henry Post. Sept. 8, 1845, Whitby, Canada, m. Susan Sands, May 1, 1854, Madison, Wis. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Rock Rapids High School, Iowa. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Tau Beta Pi; Beta Theta Pi. Lieut. -Colonel Univ. Regiment; Editor Illio; Business Manager Illini, 1901-02. Capt. B. S. Draftsman, 1902-03; Construction Work, 1904-05; Gen'l Supt. Roberts & Schaefer Co., 1906.— Address, 1275 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1747. CLARA BECK REASONER Born Apr. 12, 1878, Lexington, la. f. John Rovers Reasoner, 1835, West Union, Ohio. m. Katherine Malone, 1837, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Teacher. Prepared at home. Y. W. C. A.; ChiOmega; B. A. Supervisorof Drawing in Champaign, 111., Public Schools, 1902 — . Member of M. E. Church. Address, S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, 111. 1748. GEORGE I. REEVES Husband of No. 1989 Bom Mar. 4, 1879, Morris, 111. f. D. A. Reeves, Nov. 22, 1854, Kane Co., 111. m. Eva Lucy James, Oct. 1, 1863, Grundy Co., 111. Entomologist. Prepared in Morris High School. German Club; Nat. History Soc; Orange and Blue Club; Philomathean; Major First Cadet Battalion, 1901-02; Valedictorian, 1902; Capt. B. A. Fel- low in Entomology, Illinois, 1902-03; Instructor, summer term; Asst. in Entomology and Asst. Ent. Agr. Expt. Sta., Univ. of Mo., Sept. 1, 1903-Oct. 1, 1904; Special Field Agent, Bureau Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Oct. 1, 1904 — . Associate member. Entomological Soc. of Washington, Oct., 1904; American Ass'n Economic Entomologists, Oct., 1904. Married Miriam Ursula Welles ('03), Apr. 14, 1906, Maiden, 111. Address, Bureau Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agr., Washington, D. C. 1749. ANNA BERTHAIR RILEY Born Julv 30, 1880, Urbana, 111. f. Ninian Allen Rilev, Jan. 29, 1844, Edgar Co., 111. m. Emma De Etta Porter, Apr. 12, 1843, Zenia, Ohio. Prepared in Urbana High School. Pi Beta Phi. B. A. Address, 501 W. Main St Urbana, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 321 1750. HARRY ASHTON ROBERTS Born Apr. 2, 1876, Strawn, 111. f. Edward H. Roberts, m. Eliza Moore. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Ottawa Twp. High School. Adelphic. C. E. Club; Y. M. C. A.; Tau Beta Phi.; Pres. Tau Beta Phi; Pres. and Vice- pres. Y. M. C. A.; Track Team Squad; Illini Board; Tcchnograph board. B. S. Draftsman, O. S. L. R. R., 1902; Res. Engineer, A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1903; Draftsman, D. L. & W. R. R., 1904; Asst. Engineer, O. S. L. R. R., 1904 — . Junior member Am. Soc. of Civil Eng'rs; M. E. Church. Married Henrietta L. Henderson, Sept. 23, 1903, lola, Kans. Child, Son, born Sept. 7, 1905. Address, Nampa, Idaho. 1751. MARY ANETTE ROLFE Daughter of No. 14; Sister of No. 1401 Born Apr. 3, 1881, Kankakee, 111. f. Charles Wesley Rolfe, Apr. 17, 1850, Wheehng, 111. m. Martha Kinsman Farley, May 8, 1849, Boston, Mass. Teacher. Prepared in Urbana High School and Univ. Acad. B. A. Teacher of Science, East Chicago High School, Jan.-June, 1904; Teacher in Science Dept. Indianapolis Public Schools, 1904-05; Chemistry, Physics, Physiography, Centralia Twp. High School, 1905 — . Address, (Home) 601 John St., Champaign, 111. *1752. ALICE ROSE Born in Boston, Mass. f. James A. Rose, June 13, 1856, Boston, Mass. m. Elizabeth G. Stevens, Jan. 8, 1858, Boston, Mass. Prepared for College in Oak Park High School. B. A. Died Oct. 3, 1903, Oak Park, 111, 1753. LUTHER VERNON ROSE Born Nov. 11, 1880, Moultrie Co., 111. f. Myron Rose. m. Mary Frances Randolph. Farmer. Prepared in Mattoon High School. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. B. A. Contractor's Asst., 1902-04; Rice Farmer, 1904 — . Married Clara Belle Guthrie. Oct. 29, 1904. Address, El Campo, Tex. 1754. CHARLES LEONARD SAMSON Brother of No. 1755 Born Dec. 16, 1876, Deers, 111. f. Nelson Samson, Canada, m. Geor- gina Leonard, W. Newel, 111. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Urbana High School. Varsity football 'scrubs, 1897; Class football Manager, 1901. B. S. Asst. to Me- chanical Engineer, Armour & Co. Address, 815 W. 54th Place, Chicago, 111. 1755. GEORGE ROY SAMSON Brother of No. 1754 Born Aug. 2, 1877, Deers, 111. f. Nelson Samson, Feb. 28. 1829, Wards- ville, Canada, m. Georgena C. Leonard, July 12, 1845, Newel, 111. Farmer. Prepared in Urbana High School. German Club; English Club; Fortnightly Club; Agricultural Club; Alpha Zeta. B. A.; B. S., 1905. Teacher in Urbana High School, 1902-03; Student in College of Argiculture, 1903-05. Address, 311 W. High St., Urbana, 111. 322 University of Illinois [1902 1756. THEODORE MARCUS SANDERS Born Mar. 13, 1879, Little Rock, Ark. f. Fred Sanders, Dessau, Ger- many, m. Fannie Reiser, Oberdalf, Germany. Architect. Prepared in Little Rock High School. Tau Beta Pi; Archi- tects' Club. B. S. Studied in Ecole de Beaux Arts. In firm of Gibb & Sanders, Architects. Address, Little Rock, Ark. 1757. DONALD HUBBARD SAWYER Brother of Nos. 1955, 2494 Born Aug. 26, 1878, Mt. Pulaski, 111. f. Geo. S. Sawyer, Sept. 5, 1840, Chester, Vt. m. Phoebe Hubbard Sawyer, Feb. 14, 1856, Canada. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Oak Park High School. Phi Gamma Delta. B. S. With Alex. Potter, New York City; Asst. Engr. C. R. R. of N. J.; with J. H. Freedlander, Johnston City, Tenn. ; City Engineer, Paris, 111.; Engr. Maintenance of Way, Illinois Traction System, 1905; Chief En- gineer, Central 111. Const. Co. Address, Bloomington, 111. 1758. TILLIE JOE SCHUMACHER Born Nov. 7, 1881, Champaign, 111. f. Peter Joseph Schumacher, Mar. 28, 1852, Cologne, Germany, m. Emma Krueger, June 6, 1861, Champaign, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. Illio Board. B. A. Teacher of German in Decatur High School, 1902-05; Univ. of 111., Asst. in German, Sept., 1905 — . Member of Congregational Church. Address, 405 E. Green St., Champaign, 111. 1759. HENRY DESBOROUGH SCUDDER Born Dec. 17, 1881, Moberly, Mo. f. Clarence O. Scudder, Feb. 8, 1853, Mt. Carmel, New York. m. Amelia C. Beyer, Grieswald, Germany. Instructor. Prepared in Evanston Twp. High School and Lake View High School, Chicago, 111. Alpha Zeta. B. S. U. S. Forestry Service, July, 1904; Instructor in Sciences, Cloquet High School, 1904 — . Address, 909 Berteau Ave., Chicago, 111. 1760. ROBERT PHILIP SHIMMIN Born Oct. 16, 1877, Rockford, 111. f. Edward Shimmin, Apr. 10, 1848, Isle of Man. m. Isabella Pratt, Dec. 1, 1849, Longside, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Salesman. Prepared in Rockford, 111. High School. Tau Beta Pi. Capt. Co. C, 1901-02. Member Illio Board. B. S. Draftsman with the Link Belt Machinery Co., June, 1902-Apr., 1906; Salesman, L. B. M. Co., 1906—. Married Ethel May McEvoy, May 14, 1903, Rockford, 111. Child, John Edward, born Jan. 24, 1905. Address, 623 East 65th Street, Chicago, 111. 1761. ARTHUR BOURNE SMITH Born Aug. 2, 1873, EHzabeth City, N. C. f. Chas. Wesley Smith, 1841, Smithfield, Pa. m. Hester Ann Bourne, 1843, Bourne, Pa. Librarian. Prepared in Geneseo Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. Y. Delta Tau Delta. Ph. B., Wesleyan Univ., 1900; B. L. S. Asst. Editor Cumula- tive Book Index, June-Sept., 1902; Head of Order Division, Univ. of Calif. Library, Nov., 1902 — . Member Calif. Library Ass n, 1902 — . Married May Adda Read, Oct. 26, 1902, Delevan, N. Y. Address, 2704 Virginia St., Berkeley, Calif. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 323 1762. ELLEN GARFIELD SMITH Born Oct. 24, 1879, Newark, Ohio. f. M. P. Smith. Librarian. Prepared in Newark, Ohio and Chicago, 111. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi. B. L. S. Asst. in John Crerar Library, Chicago, 111., 1902 — . Member Chicago Library Club; Illinois State Library Ass'n; 111. State Library School Ass'n; Amer. Lib. Assn. Address, 1843 Aldine Ave., Chicago, 111. 1763. ROY SMITH Born June 14, 1878, Colusa, 111. f. Riley Smith, Apr. 11, 1834, near Maggie, W. Va. m. Allie Elizabeth Cogshall, Oct. 1, 1847, near Cheshire, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Western Normal College and Univ. Acad. Y. M. C. A.; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; Philomathean; Pres. Philo. B. A. Countv Secretary, Ford Co., 111.; Y. M. C. A., 1902-03; Teacher of English in Japa- nese Govt. School, 1903 — . Member M. E. Church. Address, Okura Commercial School, Tokyo, Japan. 1764. JOHN McBEATH SNODGRASS Bom at Coldspring, Wis. f. William Snodgrass. m. Mary McBeath. Teacher. Prepared in Urbana High School. B. S. Teaching. Address, Urbana, 111. 1765. IDA MARY SPAULDING (MILNER) Born Dec. 27, 1879, Orange City, Fla. f. James A. Spaulding, Apr. 15, Lockport, N. Y. m. Eleanor J. Pond, Jan. 6, Plymouth, Wis. Prepared in Oshkosh State Normal School. Attended Univ. of Wis. Pi Beta Phi. B. L. S. Married Raloh Alfred Milner, May 20, 1903, Oshkosh, Wis. Child, Jack Spaulding, Aug. 5, 1904. Address, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. 1766. LAVINIA STEELE Bom Feb. 16, 1878, Scranton, la. f. Almon C. Steele, 1844, Ohio. m. Julia EHzabeth Aldrich, 1851, 111. Librarian. Prepared in Coon. Rapids public school and Carroll High School. Attended Univ. of Neb., 1897-1900. Delta Delta Delta. B. L. S. Asst. Cataloger, la. State Lib., Oct., 1902-Sept., 1903; Compiler, Check List of the publication of the State of Iowa, Oct., 1903-Jan., 1904; organized Monti- cello public library, Apr.-May, 1904; Supply as cataloger Iowa State Lib., June-July, 1904; Reference Asst. Iowa State Univ. Lib., Sept., 1904-Mar., 1905; Calatoger, la. State Lib., Apr., 1905—. Address, State Library, Des Moines, la. 1767. OTTO CHRISTOPHER STEINMAYER Born Dec. 18, 1881, La Salle, 111. f. Christian Steinmayer, Stuttgart, Germany, m. Katherine Purer, same. Chemist. Prepared in La Salle Twp. High School. B. A. Asst. Chem- ist Santa Fe System to Dec, 1904; Chemist, Tie & Timber Dept., Santa Fe System, 1904—. American Chemical Soc, 1903. Address, Somerville, Tex. 1768. NATHANIEL STERN Born Nov. 27, 1879, in Champaign, 111. f. A. Stern, m. Babette Bloch. Lawyer. Prepared in Champaign High School. LL. B. Address, 1616 Tribune Bldg., Chicago, 111. 324 University of Illinois [1902 1769. JOHN POGUE STEWART Born June 1, 1876, Biggsville,' 111. f. James Gibson Stewart, 1831, St. Clairsville, Ohio. m. Maria Louisa Pogue, 1842, Olena, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Biggsville High School and 111. State Normal. Tennis and Base Ball teams at Normal, 111.; Gamma Alpha, Cornell. B. A.; M. S. Agr., Cornell, 1903. Teacher of nature study and mathematics, 111. State Normal Univ. Articles, Nature Study in its Practical Bearings, pub. by 111. State Normal School, 1904, 20 pp. Repub. in Nature Study Review, Feb., 1906. Agriculture in the Public Schools, Bloomington Pantagraph, Nov., 1904, repub. in 111. Farmers' Institute Proceedings, 1904. Member 111. State Teachers' Assoc, 1900; United Presbyterian Church. Address, Normal, 111. 1770. WILLIAM BOWEN STEWART Born Aug. 6, 1868, Indianapolis, Ind. f. Frederic S. Stewart, m. Ella K. Williams. Lawyer. Prepared in Lake View High School. Phi Delta Phi. Sigma Chi; Philomathean; Pres. Student Democratic Club. LL. B. Practiced Law, Favetteville; manager for Bishop & Babcock Co., Cleveland, Ohio, St. Paul Branch. In U. S. Navy, Dec. 16, 1887-Dec. 16, 1890; served before mast and in Pay Corps on board Vermont, Trenton, Nipsic, etc.; survi- vor of Samoan hurrican, Mar. 16-17, 1889, which destroyed the fleets of three nations and many other vessels. Member M. E. Church. Married Jessie May Pritchett, Feb. 21, 1894, Mason City, 111. Child, Mildred, born July 12, 1895. Address, 56 E. 5th St., St. Paul, Minn. 1771. FLOYD LUDWIG SWANBERG Born May 14, 1877, B race ville, Grundy Co., 111. f. J. L. Swanberg, Mar. 30, 1844, Stockholm, Sweden, m. Maria Huston, Mar. 31, 1850, New York City. Secretary of The D. T. Williams Valve Co. Prepared in Danville High School. M. & E. E. Society; Tau Beta Pi; Bus. Mgr. Technograph. B. S. Mechanical Engineer for The Lunkenheimer Co., 1902-04; Secretary of The D. T. Williams Valve Co., 1905 — . Has invented many improvements in oiling devices, steam specialties, etc. Article, Notes on Helical Spring, Technograph, 1903-04; Junior member A. S. M. E., 1902; member I. S. T. M.,1903. Married Mamie Alberta Connelly, Dec. 31, 1902, Danville, 111. Address, 1209 Cypress St., W. H. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1772. HELEN MARY TAYLOR Born Aug. 20, 1879, Bloomington, 111. f. James Branch Taylor, 1851, Clark Co., Ky. m.. Sarah Martin, 1851, Clark Co., Ky. Student. Prepared in Bloomington Public School and 111. Normal Univ. Kappa Alpha Theta. B. A. Taught Math. De Kalb High School, 1902-03; Rhetoric, Illinois, 1903-04; travelled in Europe and studied French at Paris, 1904-05; Giving private lessons in French, 1905 — . Address, 504 E. Walnut St., Bloomington, 111. 1773. FRANK LINN THOMPSON Born Feb. 5, 1878, in Warrensburg, 111. f. G. W. Thompson, m. Mary G. Clerk, (1904). B. A. Address, Warrensburg, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 325 1774. Mcdonald Thompson Born July 25, 1879, Isabel, 111. f. Edward Thompson, m. Mima McDonald. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Draftsman I. C. R. R., 1902-03; Instrumentman and Asst. Engr. for I. C, 1904-05. Address, 1122 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, La. 17 75. GEORGE WILLIAM VAN METER Born Apr. 23, 1871, Washington, 111. f. Davis Rhodes Van Meter, Hudson, Wis. m. Susan Baker, Lexington, Ky. Architect. Prepared in Washington, 111., High School and Knox Coll., Galesburg. Practicing Architecture. Married Bertha Sloan Lehman, Aug. 24, 1897, Yates City, 111. Child, Philip Lehman, born Sept. 23, 1904. Address, 630 W. 7th St., Oklahoma City, O. T. 1776. ERNEST C. F. VON DER LIPPE Born Feb. 24, 1879, in Neunmenster, Germany, f. D. Vender Lippe. Prepared in Imperial Gymnasium, Germanv, Kansas City High School, Purdue Univ. Track team, 1897; Deutsche 'Verein; C. E. Club. B. S. Graduate work in Cornell Univ., 1903-05. Sergeant of Artillery, Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns, Spanish-American War. Address. Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 1777. LESLIE ABRAM WATERBURY Born Nov. 29, 1880, in Polo, 111. f. Abram Daniel Waterbury. m. Francelia Jeanette Wadsworth. Instructor in Civil Engineering. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi; Editor, Tcclino- graph No. 16. B. S.; C. E., 1905. Instructor in Mathematics and Civil Engineering, Michigan Agricultural College, Lansing, Mich., 1902-03; In- structor in Civil Engineering, Univ. of 111., 1903 — -. Articles; Broken Stone Roads near Polo, 111., Technograph, No. 16. Systematic Municipal Work in Small Cities, Technograph, No. 18. Broken Stone Roads in Northern Illi- nois; Economy and Accuracy of Various Methods of Leveling; Effect of Manure upon Concrete, Report of 111. Soc. of Eng'rs and Surveyors, 1904. Surveying at the University of Illinois, Report of 111. Soc. of Eng'rs and Sur- veyors. The Haslett Park Sink Hole on the Grand Trunk Ry., Michigan Engineer, 1903. Married Ethel Claire Miller, Sept. 2, 1903, Lincoln, 111. Address, 907 West California Ave., Urbana, 111. 1778. FRANCIS GEORGE WENDELL Born May 23, 1880, New Holland, 111. f. Geo. Wendell, Jan, 29, 1845, Piketon, Ohio. m. Sarah Ohmart, Dec. 12, 1850, Petersburg, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. C. E. Club. B. S. Asst. Civil Engineer with Brenneke & Fay, St. Louis, Mo., 1902-04; Civil En- gineer, Tulsa, I. T., Aug. 1, 1904—. Married Margaret Quinn, June 14, 1905, New Holland, 111. Address, Tulsa, Ind. Ter., Box 664. 1779. IRVING MARK WESTERN Born Jan. 8, 1878, Dundee, 111. f. George E. Western, m. Libbie A. Hutson. Lawyer. Prepared in Dundee High School. Adelphic; Athletic Assn.; Oratorical Assn.; Y. M. C. A.; Theta Kappa Nu; EngHsh Club; Manager Star Lecture Course. 1900-01; Mo. Debate, 1901-02; University Orator, 1902-03; Pres. Athletic Assn., 1903-04; Class Orator, 1904; Editor, ///nu', 326 University of Illinois [1902 1902-03. B. A.; LL. B., 1904. Practicing law with firm of Botsford, Wayne and Botsford, Elgin, 111., 1904—. Married Beulah Joiner (Ex-'07), May 12, 1906, Polo, 111. Address, Elgin, 111. 1780. CHARLES DIETRICH WESSELHOFT Born Jan. 25, 1881, Chicago, 111. f. Dietrich Wesselhoft, Jork, Han- o^'er, Ger. m. Henrietta Rost, Artzberg, Bavaria, Ger. Engineer. Prepared in Chicago and Oxford, Neb. M. E. and E. E. Soc. ; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; German Club; Mathematical Club. B. S. Engineer with Kohler Bros., Chicago, 1902-03; Louisiana Purchase Exp., 1903-04; The Black Hills Anaconda Mining and Milling Co., Hill City, S. Dak., June-Oct., 1904; Arnold Elec. Power Sta. Co., Chicago, Oct. 1, 1904-June, 1905; The Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Chicago, 1905 — . Member Am. Inst, of Elec. Eng'rs., 1903. Address, 749 So. Sawyer Ave., Chicago, 111. 1781. JAMES DUNWELL WHITE Born Oct. 25, 1878, Pana, 111. f. James D. White, 1834, Pa. m. Nina Sophia Dunwell. Traf^c Manager, D. U. & C. R. R. Perpared in Taylorville Twp. High School. Kappa Sigma. Manager Base Ball team, 1902. B. A. Clerk in I. C. Freight office, 1902-03; Cashier in Big Four T-gt. and Pass Depts., 1903-04; Joint Rate Inspector, 1904; Chief Clerk and Traf. Mgr., D. U. & C. R. R., 1904-05; Traffic Manager D. U. & C. R. R., July 1, 1905—. Address, Danville, 111., care of D. U. & C. Ry. Co. 1782. EDITH URSULA WHITEHOUSE Born Sept. 16, 1873, Breeds, Fulton Co., 111. f. Isaac Whitehouse, 1830, West Bromwich, Eng. m. Mary Elizabeth Layton, 1842, Orion Twp., Fulton Co., 111. Teacher. Prepared in Canton High School. B. A. Teaching, 1903 — . Address, 526 National Ave., San Diego, Calif. 1783. MILTON JAMES WHITSON Born Sept. 8, 1875, in Pleasant Valley, 111. f. H. J. Whitson. Architect. B. S. In firm of Whitson & Drury ('02). Address, Whitson & Drury, Moline, 111. 1784. NATHAN WILKINSON Born Mar. 21, 1878, near Hartford, Lyon Co., Kans. f. Nathan Stout Wilkinson, Ind. m. Cordelia C. Price, Ind. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Emporia High School, Kans. Band; Class Foot Ball and Base Ball teams, 1902. B. S. Worked in Test Room and in outside installation work for the Bullock Elec. Manfg. Co., 1902-04; transferred to Allis Chalmers Co., Montreal Engineer Sales Dept., 1904 — . Member Militia, Empoi;ia, Kansas, 1896-9 7. Address, care of Allis Chalmers, Bullock Ltd., Montreal, Canada. 1785. ELRICK WILLIAMS Born Feb. 21, 1878, Illiopolis, 111. f. Simon Peter Williams, Sept. 17, 1825, Philadelphia, Ohio. Laura McNeill, Dec. 12, 1842, Christian Co., 111. Chemist. Prepared in 111. Wesleyan Acad, and Univ. Acad. Phi Lamb- da Upsilon; Y. M. C. A. B. A.; M. A., 1903. Fellow in Chemistry, 1902-03. Asst. in Chemistrv, Illinois, 1903-05; Instructor, 1905 — . President of Epworth League, First M. E. Church, Urbana, 1904-05. Address, 1001 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1902] Baccalaureate Alumni 327 1786. THOMAS WILSON Born Aug. 1, 1880, Caledonia, 111. f. Robert Wilson, 1851, Coatbridge, Scotland, m. Elizabeth McNair, 1855, Caledonia, 111. Asst. Editor. Prepared in South Belvidere High School. B. S. In Engineering Dept. Chicago Edison Co., 1902-04; Asst. Editor, The Engineer, Jan. 27, 1904—. Address, 4752 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. 1787. HERBERT HENRY WOLLESON Born June 17, 1881, Belleville, 111. f. Anton WoUeson, Denmark, ni. Hannah Hempelman, New Haven, Mo. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Belleville, 111. B. S. Structural Steel Draftsman, Brown Ketcham Iron Works, Indianapolis, Ind., 1902-03; for Koken Iron Works, St. Louis, Ind., Jan., 1903-Mar., 1903; Structural Steel Inspector, Brenneke & Fay, St. Louis, Ind., Mar.-Dec, 1903; Drafts- man, Terminal R. R. Assn., St. Louis, Dec, 1903-July, 1904; Structural Steel Estimator, Brown Ketcham Iron Works, Indianapolis, Ind., July, 1904—. Address, 2321 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1788. SOLOMAN WOLFF Born July 21, 1881, Amsterdam, Holland, f. Abraham WolfT, Amster- dam, Holland, m. Henrietta Schutz, Pyrmont, Germany. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in El Paso High School, Tex. Tau Beta Pi; Eng'g Soc. Capt. B. S. With Bullock Elec. Mfg. Co., 1902-03; Frank B. Rae, New York, 1903-04; Allis Chalmers Co., Jan., 1904—. Associate member A. L. E. E., 1902—. Address, care of Allis Chalmers Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 1789. ERVIN EVERMONT WYNE Born Apr. 24, 1879, Macomb, 111. f. J. W. Wyne. m. Alice Ervin. Cashier. Prepared in Macomb High School. Adelphic Soc. LL. B. Asst. Cashier, Bank of Vermont, 111. Address, Vermont, 111. 1790. FERDINAND ZIPF Born May 6, 1868, Hopedale, 111. f. Ferdinand Joseph Zipf, 1822, Baden, Germany, m. Caroline Dettmar, 1827, Hesse Cassel, Germanv. Teacher. B. A. Prin. High School, Watseka, 1902-03; Supt. High School, Peotone, 1903-06; Instructor in George William Curtis High School, Chicago, 1906—. Married Maggie Lee Smith, Jan. 1, 1895. Hopedale, 111. Child, Herbert Fontaine, born Oct. 6, 1895. Address, 153 11 1th Place, Chicago, 111. CLASS OF 1903 (214) 1791. RUTH ABBOTT Born Mar. 27, 1880, Dubuque, la. f. Chas. Fuller Abbott, Boston, Mass. m. Jane Bingham, Charlotte, Vt. Assistant Librarian. Prepared in Hyde Park High School. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phi Delta Psi; Library Club; Watcheka League; Y. W. C. A. B. L. S. Asst. Librarian of School of Education Library at Univ. of Chicago. Chicago Library Club, 1903—. Address, 5426 Lexington Ave., Chicago, 111. 328 University of Illinois [1903 1792. EDITH LOUISE ALLEN Daughter of No. 91 Born June 24, 1880, in Delavan, 111. f. Ralph Allen, Apr. 15, 1854, Seekonk, Mass. m. Ada Mary Eaton. Prepared in Delavan High School. Delta Sigma. B. A. Address, Delavan, 111. 1793. MAE LOUISE ALLEN Born in Champaign, 111. f. I. H. Allen, m. Mary Louise Reynolds. Stenographer. Prepared in Urbana High School. B. A. Stenographer in Coll. of Agr. Address, Urbana, 111. 1794. EUGENIA ALLIN Born at Bloomington, 111. f. William H. Allin. m. Harriet Eliza Capen. Librarian. Prepared in Bloomington High School, Illinois Weslevan Univ. Glee Club; Library Club; Glee Club; Phi Delta Psi. Treas. Glee Club, 1901-02; Pres., 1902-03. B. L. S. Librarian of The Decatur College and Industrial School of The James Millikin Univ., Sept., 1903 — . Address, Decatur, 111. 1795. MARY ANDERSON Born Nov. 17, 1875, Macon, 111. f. A. A. Anderson, m. Sarah Carter. Teacher. Prepared in Decatur High School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Mathematical Club; Watcheka League. Pres. of Watcheka. B. A.; M. A., 1904. Teacher of Mathematics and Physics in Illinois Woman's College, Jacksonville, 111., 1904 — . Address, (Home) Macon, 111. 1796. CHARLES E. APPLE Born June 4, 1879, Palestine, 111. f. Wm. S. Apple, m. Sarah B. Decker. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Robinson High School. B. S. With Bridge Engineer, Rock Island System, Chicago, June, 1903, to Jan., 1904; with American Bridge Co., Chicago, Jan., 1904, to May, 1904; with Spring Valley Coal Co., Spring Valley, 111., May to Sept., 1904; with American Bridge Co., Sept., 1904, to Feb., 1905; Engineer in charge Bridge Constr., Mobile, & Ohio R. R., Feb., 1905—. Address, Palestine, 111. 1797. JAMES THOMAS ATWOOD Born July 24, 1881, Rockford, 111. f. Patten B. Atwood, Rockford, 111. m. Emma C. Catlin, Fitchfield, Conn. Instructor. Prepared in Rockford High School. M. E. Soc; Tau Beta P. Capt. B. S. Draftsman, National Sewing Machine Co., Belvidere, 111., 1903; Instructorin Experimental Engineering, Univ. of Wis., 1903 — . Mem- ber of Baptist Church; Tau Beta Pi. Address, Engineering Bldg., Udiv. of Wis., Madison, Wis. 1798. LOU BAKER Born in McLean Co., 111. f. Luman E. Baker, Julv 9, 1846, Greeneville, Greene Co., New York. m. Margaret M. Price, Sept. '23, 1849, McLean Co., 111. Teacher. Prepared in Normal Univ., Normal, 111., and Northern 111. State Normal School, De Kalb, 111. B. A. Teacher of Biology, Charleston High School, 1903-04 and 1904-05, Kankakee, 111.; Biology, Boone High ' School, Iowa, 1905 — . Address, Boone, Iowa. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 329 1799. CHARLES VINCENT BARRETT Born Mar. 19, 1882, in.Chicago, 111. f. Michael Barrett. Lawyer, 1904. LL. B. Address' 847 W. 22d St., Chicago; Office, 81 Clark St. 1800. JAMES THEOPHILUS BARRETT Born Nov. 14, 1876, in Butler, 111. f. J. C. Barrett, m. Emma C. Hutchinson, Litchfield, 111. Botanist. Natural History Society; Glee Club, 1901-02, 1902-03; Graduate Club. B. A. Asst. in Botany in the Agricultural Experiment Station. Article, The Vascular System and Blood Flow in Diplocardia Com- munis Garman, Science, N. S., Vol. XIX. Member Methodist Church; M. W. A. Married Anne Myrtle Turner, June 15, 1904, at Butler, 111. Address, 1203 West Stoughton St., Urbana, 111. 1801. CLARENCE HERBERT BEAN Born May 26, 1879, Rock Falls, 111. f. Jason Pierce Bean. m. Mary Ella Spotts. Chemist. Prepared in Sterling and Colomia Twp High School, Sterling, 111. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Capt. B. S. Asst. Chemist, Armour & Co., Chicago, June, 1903-05; Chemist, Armour Fert. Works, Atlanta, Ga., Sa- vannah, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., 1905 — . Address, 19 W. Baker St., Atlanta, Ga., or Armour Fert. Works, Atlanta, Ga. 1802. ERNEST BEAR Born Dec. 24, -1881, in Bearsdale, 111. f. Samuel Bear. Draftsman. Prepared in Decatur High School. B. S. Structural Iron Draftsman for North Works, Illinois Steel Co., 1904. Address (1904), 2715 Lincoln St., Ravenswood, Chicago, 111. 1803. KATHARINE W. BEAR (DREW) Born Apr. 21, 1879, Ludlow, 111. f. Henry Bear, 1835, Constance, Switzerland, m. Elizabeth Hilke, Germany, 1835. Prepared in Rantoul High School. Y. W. C. A.; Der Deutsche Verein. B. A. Married Frank L. Drew, Jan. 1, 1906. Address, 117 So. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1804. FRANCIS MARION BEATY Born Mar. 30, 1868, in Ewing, 111. f. Geo. W. Beatv. Teacher. B. A. Teaching in White Hall, 111., 1904—. Address, White Hall, 111. 1805. JOHN PHILIP BECKMAN Born Jan. 5, 1877, Camp Point, 111. f. Henry Beckman, Ger. m. Hanna Hocamp, Germany. Lawyer. Prepared in Maplewood High School, Camp Point, 111. Sec. Alumni Assn., College of Law. LL. B. Practicing Law, Golden, 111., 1903 — . Member First Union Congregational Church, Quincy, 111., 1905. Address, Golden, 111. 1806. LEROY FITCH BEERS Born Oct. 9, 1880, Clinton, Pa. f. Levi Beers, Milan, Ohio. m. Jennie M. Fitch, Hunterton, Ind. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Harvey High School. Y. M. C. A.; M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. Drafting till Oct., 1904; erecting engineer for The Underfeed Stoker Co. of America, Chicago, 1904—. Address, 14 518 Union St., Harvev, 111., or 30 Pearl St., Rochester, N, Y. 330 University of Illinois [1903 1807. STELLA BENNETT Born in Belvidere, 111. f. Charles Bennett,. 1845, Belvidere, 111. m. Ellen Celeste Reynolds, 1847, Mukwonago, Wis. Cataloger. Prepared in South Belvidere High School. Alethenai; English Club; Watcheka League; Y. W. C. A. B.L. S. Reviser in Library- School, Illinois, Feb. -Apr., 1904; Asst. Cataloger in Univ. of 111. Library, Sept., 1904—. Address, SUE. John St., Champaign, 111. 1808. JOHN MILTON BERGER Born Jan 27, 1883, Dolton, Cook Co., 111. f. John Berger, 1841, Dolton, 111. m. Margret Karch, 1854, Frankfort. 111. Teacher. Prepared in Thornton Twp. High School, Harvev, 111. Ger- man Club; Pres. Glee Club, 1900-03; Delta Upsilon. B. A'. Teaching Chemistry and Man. Tr. in Champaign High School, 1904 — . Member of M. E. Church. Address, Dolton, 111. 1809. HARRY ARMAND BIOSSAT Born Feb. 22, 1882, in Boyce, La. f. H. A. Biossat. Lawyer, 1904. LL. B. Address (1904), 5496 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. 1810. LUTHER EARLE BIRDZELL Born Dec. 1, 1880, St. Joseph, 111. f. Eathen Allen Birdzell, Feb. 22, 1855, Urbana, 111. m. Mahalah Olive Koch, Aug. 3, 1857, Piqua Co., Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in St. Joseph High School, 111. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Van Twiller Club Court; Political Science Club. LL. B. Clerk in Law Office of Ullman & Hacker, Chicago, six months; in Legal Dept. American Surety Co., seven months; Instructor in College of Law, Univ. of N. Dak., 1904-06; Asst. Prof, same, 1906—. Married Bessie Leola Perring, Dec. 28, 1904, Gifford, 111. Address, Grand Forks, North Dak., 705 N. 3d St. 1811. GEORGE W. BLACK Born June 23, 1882. f. W. J. Black, July 19, 1839, Oakland, 111. m. M. D. Black, June 16, 1846, Ky. High School Principal. Prepared in Oakland High' School. English Club; Y. M. C. A.; Iowa Debating Team, 1903, First Prize; Adelphic De- clam., 1901. B. A. Teaching, 1903-04, at Oakland; 1904-05, Principal of Monticello High School. Received scholarship in University of Chicago, 1905; law student, Univ. of Chicago, 1905—. Address, (Home) Oakland, 111. 1812. EDGAR WILLIAM BLOCK Born Apr. 3, 1879, Sidney, 111. f. Theodore Leopold Block, Germany, m. Mary Pauline Block, German}'. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Civil Eng'rs Club. Instru- mentman for T. C. R. R., June, 1903-Jan., 1904; Draftsman for 111. Traction System, Jan., 1904-Jan., 1905, Instrumentman for I. C. R. R., Jan., 1905- May, 1905; Draftsman, same. May, 1905-06; Asst. Engr., same, Jan. 1906 — . Article, Earthwork Table, published by the author; description of table in Engineering News, Oct. 13, 1904. Address, Asst. Engr., I. C. R. R., Ft. Dodge, Iowa., (Home) Sidney, 111. 1813. ANNA LOUISE BOND Born Nov. 19, 1880, Mt. Vernon, 111. f. Rufus J. Bond, Nov. 11, 1847, Mt. Vernon, 111. m. Mary Jane England, June 23, 1850, Tenn. Teacher. Prepared in Mt. Vernon High School and Univ. Acad. Eng- 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 331 lish Club. B. A.; M. A., 1906. Teaching in Mt. Vernon High School, 1903-05; graduate student in English, Illinois, 1905-06; Teaching in Mt. Vernon Twp. High School, 1906 — . Address, (Home) 215 S. Tenth St., Mt. Vernon, 111. 1814. AUSTIN BOND Born in Carmel, Ind. f. Calvin Bond. Draftsman. Prepared in Carmel, Ind., and Purdue Univ. B. S. Archi- tectural Draftsman, 1903' — . Address, Carmel, Ind. 1815. HARRY LEHRE BOON Born Feb. 8, 1878, Chrisman, 111. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean; Van Twiller Court, Law School; Pi Theta; Theta Kappa Nu. B. A.; LL. B., 1905. Address, 602 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. 1816. LUCINA JANE BORTON (RODI) Born Sept. 30, 1872, in De Land, 111. f. A. R. Borton. m. Nancy J. Borton. Teacher. Kappa Kappa Gamma. B. A. Taught Enghs'h in High School, Madison, Ind., 1903-04; at Calumet, Mich., 1904 — . Member of Methodist Church. Married Charles Harvey Rodi, Feb. 22, 1906, DeLand, 111. Address, 17 Pingree Sts., Calumet, Mich. 1817. GERTRUDE BOWMAN (JOHNSON) Born Jan. 30, 1879, Brimfield, 111. f. Clarence Edgar Bowman, Mar. 31, 1856. m. Clara Estelle Putnam, May 19, 1853. Prepared in Brimfield High School and Knox Acad. B. L. S. Organizer Citizens' Library, Washington, Pa., Nov., 1903 — Feb., 1904. Married George Robert Johnson, June 22, 1904, Brimtield, 111. Address, 1410 Euclid Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 1818. JESSIE ISABELLE BRADSHAW (WHITE) Born June 28, 1882, in Chicago, 111. f. J. J. Bradshaw. m. Agnes Crichton, Glasgow, Scotland. Teacher. B. A. Teacher at La Grange Park, 111., 1904-05. Member of Avondale M. E. Church, Chicago, Married Harold Russel White, Feb. 10, 1905, at Austin, 111. Address, 1609 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago, 111. 1819. EDWIN CRESSY BRIGGS Born Feb. 26, 1881, Rockford, 111. f. Chester E. Briggs, 1853, Vt. m. Ollie A. Preston, 1857, New York. Instructor. Prepared in Rockford High School. Y. M. C. A.; M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. Draftsman for Bostedo Pneumatic Tube Co., 1903; Instructor in Machine Design, Kinematics, and Descriptive Geometry, Armour Inst, of Tech., 1903—. ■ Faculty Club, Armour Institute Y. M. C. A!; South Congr. Church, Chicago. Married Constance Fritz, Sept. 14, 1904, Harvard, 111. Address, 814 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111., or Armour Inst, of Tech. 1820. JANE WIDNEY BROTHERTON Born Oct. 30, 1878, in Delphos, Ohio. f. Burritt Johnston Brotherton. July 24, 1850. m. Harriett Leaman, Feb. 14, 1856. Librarian. Prepared in Prep. Dept. Shepardson Coll., Granville, Ohio; attended Denison Univ. B. L. S. Organizer Franklin, Ohio, Pub. Lib., Sept. -Dec, 1903; Cataloger, Lib. of Congress.'Feb., 1904-Aug., 1905; Libra- rian, Brumback Lib. of Van Wert Co., Ohio. Address, Brumback Lib., Van Wert, Ohio. 332 University of Illinois [1903 1821. LEWIS BROWN Born Feb. 10, 1879, in Roscoe. f. Lewis Brown, Somers, N. Y. m. Mary B. Moore, Northampton, Eng. With Deere & Co. Prepared in Rockford High School. Phi Gamma Delta. B. S. Address, 611 20th St., Moline, 111. 1822. MARGUERITE BUERKIN (WARD) Born Oct. 31, 1881, Quincy, 111. f. Joseph Buerkin, Germany, m. Augusta Lerpp, Quincy, 111. Prepared in Quincy High School. Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League. Capt. of Class Basket Ball team, 1901-03. B. A. Sept., 1903-June, 1904, Asst. Prin. in Rock Falls High School, 1903-04. Married Harry Amos Ward, June 30, 1904, Quincy, 111. Address, 971 N. Cherry St., Galesburg, 111. 1823. WAYNE EDISON BURKHALTER Born Jan. 23, 1881, in Maquon. f. William Burkhalter. m. Clara Beard. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Peoria, 111. B. S. Engaged in R. R. Con- struction, Engineering and Topographical Surveying, Pittsburg, Pa., 1903- 04; Engineer on Panama Canal, 1905 — . Member of Presbyterian Church; Masonic Lodge. Address, care of Isthmian Canal Com., Panama, Canal Zone; (Home) Peoria, 111. 1824. JEAN BURKHART Born Nov. 7, 1880, Marion, 111. f. James Monroe Burkhart. m. Mary Ellen Spiller. Merchant. Prepared in Marion High School and Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Phi Kappa Psi, (Wesleyan). B. A. Address, Marion, 111. 1825. MILDRED ANNA BURRILL (STONE) Wife of No. 1974 Born Dec. 11, 1881, Pendleton, Ore. f. Thomas Jonathan Burrill, 1839, Pittsfield, Mass. m. Sarah Helen Alexander, Schenectady, N. Y. Prepared in Univ. Acad. English Club; French Club; Alethenai; Choral Society; Chi Omega; Illini Staff; Literary Editor Illio; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, 1902-03. B. A. Articles: Five short articles in the Central Christian Advocate, 1900; The Old Days of 1903, 1903 Illio; Pater's Theory of Life and Art, The Illinois, June, 1903. M. E. Church, 1892-1904; Presbytr., 1904. Married Hal Marot Stone ('03), Nov. 11, 1903, Urbana, 111. Address, 803 E. Washington St., Bloomington, 111. 1826. DAISY IRENE CAMPBELL (FLUCK) Sister of Nos. 1465, 2040 Born July 1, 1878, Sadorus, 111. f. David Louis Campbell, Julv 24, 1837, Hoboken, N. J. m. Almira Tabissca Ball, Feb. 6, 1842, Newark, Ohio. Prepared in Champaign High School. Y. W. C. A.; Illio Artist. B. A. Married Martin JohnFluck, Sept. 1, 1904, Champaign, 111. Address, 105 E. Clark St., Champaign, 111. 1827. FRANCIS THOMAS CARSON Born Nov. 5, 1879, in Urbana, 111. f. T. B. Carson. Lawyer. Prepared in Urbana. Sigma Chi. Engaged in newspaper work and the practice of law. Address, 310 High St., Urbana, 111. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 333 1828. JOHN WILLIAM CATTRON Born Mar. 2, 1880, Fairview, 111. f. Josiah Cattron. m. Margeret Markley. Farmer. Prepared in Knox Acad. Alpha Zeta. B. S. Farming and stock raising. Address, Ellisville, 111. 1829. FRANK TRACY CAVANOR Born June 2, 1881, Chicago, 111. f. Jas. W. Cavanor, Oct. 22, 1881, Halifax, N. S. m. Mary E. Roberts Tracey, Oct. 7, 1847, Chicago, 111. Student. Prepared in Englewood High School. Capt. B. A. Asst. traffic Mgr., Knickerbocker Ice Co. Student in P. & S., 1905—. Member Alpha Kappa Kappa; Hyde Park Presby. Church, Denver, Colo., 1894-97; Englewood Y. M. C. A., 1896; Central Y. M. C. A., 1904-05. Address, 6619 Green St., Chicago, 111. 1830. ANNA OLIVE CHACEY (KUEHN) Wife of No. 1360 Born Aug. 4, 1881, Hillsboro, 111. f. Ezra J. Chacev, Nov. 26, 1847, Wayne Co., Ohio. m. Anna Cline, May 11, 1849, St. Louis, Mo. Prepared in Hillsboro High School. ' Y. W. C. A. ; Watcheka League. B. A. Elected second Asst. Hillsboro High School, 1903; Taught school, 1903-05. Member Congregational Church; Collegiate Alumnae Assn. Married Alfred Leonhardt Kuehn ('00), Oct. 10, 1905. Address, Hillsboro, 111. 1831. MARTIN TUTTLE CHAMBERLAIN Born Aug. 17, 1880, Muskegon, Mich. f. Alonzo Wesley Chamberlain, m. Cornelia Tuttle. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Muskegon High School, Mich. Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Engineer for Expanded Metal Fire- proofing Co., 1903-04, Chicago; Contracting Engineer for The General Frieproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio, 1904-05; Consulting Engr. for Gen'l Contracting Co., Seattle, Wash.. 1905 — . Article in Pacific Monthly Record, May 28, 1904. Member Pacific Northwest Soc. Engineers, 1905. Address, 411 Globe Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 1832. DANIEL WARD CHAPMAN Born Oct. 30, 1883, Vienna, 111. f. Pleasant Thomas Chapman, Oct. 8, 1854, Vienna, m. Leora May Chapman. Banker. Phi Kappa Psi. B. A. Address, Vienna, 111. 1833. ESTELLA FORTH CHRISHOLM Born Nov. 13, 1878, Farmer City, 111. f. Geo. W. Chrisholm, Kenosha, Wis. m. Winifred Rony, New York City. Teacher. Prepared in Farmer Citv High School. Deutsche Verein. B. S. Teaching, Sullivan, 111., 1903—. Address, (Home) Farmer City, 111. 1834. MATILDA LENNA CLARK Born Oct. 9. 1878, Carthage, 111. f. Lot B. Clark, 1847, Lewis Co., W. Va. m. Matilda J. Jackson, Jan. 16, 1856, Warsaw, 111. Prepared in Carthage High School. Y. W. C. A; Alethenai, Pres.; Watcheka League, Pres.; Phi Delta Psi. B. A. Address, Carthage, 111., R. F. D. No. 4. 334 University of Illinois [1903 1835. LUCILE ANNE CLINTON Born Dec. 30, 1880, Polo, 111. f. John Waterbury Clinton, 1836, Andes, N. Y. m. Caroline Adelia Perkins, 1839, Delhi, N. Y. Prepared in Polo Public School. Library Club; English Club. B. L. S. Librarian, Charleston Pub. Lib., 1906 — . Address, Charleston, 111. 1836. HOMER CLARENCE COEN Born June 27, 1879, Olney, 111. f. Henry Coen, Apr. 25, 1835, Franklin Co., Ind. m. Ruth C. Osborn, Sept. 15, 1840, Franklin Co., Ind. Lawyer. Prepared in Olney High School. Adelphic; Witenagemot Law Court; Theta Kappa Nu. B. A.; LL. B., 1904. Building Contractor, June 17, 1904-Feb., 1905; Lawyer, Apr. 6, 1905—. Member I. N. G., 1895-1900; Second Lieut. 4th 111. Vol., Apr. 26, 1898-May 2, 1899, in Spanish War. Second Lieut. 4th Inf. I. N. G., Apr. 11, 1905—. Address, 115 Kitchell Ave., Olney, 111. 1837. JOHN EDWARD CONLEY Born June 17, 1874, near Keithsburg, 111. f. Matthias Conley, Oct. 27, 1850, Clifton, Galway Co., Ireland, m. Bridget Bokaw Mahill, Leitram Co., Ireland. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Keithsburg and by private tutors. C. E. Club. B. S. Successively Road Supervisor I. C. R. R., Belleville, 111.; Supt. Construction Thebes Bridge; Supt. Const, for D. D. Streeter Co. on N. Y. C. & H. R. R.; Gen. Supt. for W. J. Oliver, Railroad Contractor, in charge of work in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, on Big Four R. R. Designed Centering for 100 ft. Arch, on Thebes bridge; invented and patented Safety Railroad Frog and Crossing. Article, Organization and Management of Men in Railway Maintenance and Construction, R. R. Gazette, Mar., Apr. and May, 1903. Address, Areola, 111. 1838. JAMES FITCHIE COOK Born Nov. 10, 1879, in Dundee, 111. f. D. W. Cook. Experimental Draftsman. Prepared in Dundee High School. M. E. and E. E. societies; Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Football team, 1898-1902; Baseball team, 1900-02, Capt. of 1903 team. B. S. Experimental Draftsman, 1904 — . Married Grace Miller, March 3, 1906, at Elgin, 111. Address, Dundee, 111.; business, Woodstock, 111. 1839. GEORGE ASHLEY CROSTHWAIT Born Nov. 30, 1868, Grove City, 111. f. William Young Crosthwait, Mar. 22, 1826, Ky. m. Ellen Mary Benson, bom Feb. 11, 1831, Ind. Agronomist. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. In soil investigations, 1903; Agronomist of Idaho Agr. Exp. Sta., Mar. 1, 1904 — . Articles, a series of two pamphlets entitled Public School Studies in Agriculture. Member of M. E. Church, 1885; Amer. Breeders' Assn., 1904; Nat'l Geog. Soc, 1906. Married Martha Ella Rogers, Dec. 24, 1896, St. Louis, Mo. Address, Moscow, Idaho. 1840. JOHN FAY CUSICK Born Mar. 13, 1877, Paris, 111. f. Rufus S. Cusick, Feb. 2, 1845, Boom Co., Ind. m. Mary V. Anthony, Red Line, Ohio, Jan. 28, 1854. Secretarv Chrisman Saving and Loan Ass'n. Prepared in Chrisman, 111., San Jose, Calif., Westfield Coll. B. A. Asst. Postmaster, Chrisman, 1904; Bookkeeper, State Bank of Chrisman; Secretary, Chrisman Saving and Loan Association, 1905 — . Member 111. O. F. Lodge 541, Jan., 1904; Knights Pythias; Nestor Lodge 246, 1904. Address, Chrisman, 111. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 335 1841. LE ROY GILBERT DAKE Born May 23, 1881, Big Foot, 111. f. Gilbert Benjamin Dake, Apr. 27, 1846, Marengo, 111. m. Mary Elizabeth Sanborn, Mav 14, 1844, Marengo, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Harvard High School. Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. B. A. In oflfice of Jas. S. Kirk & Co., July-Nov., 1903; wholesale salesman for A. H. Abbott & Co., Chicago, Nov., 1903-Oct., 1904; Instructor in History and Civics and Manager of Athletics in Rockford High School, 111., Oct.- June, 1904; teacher of History in Walla Walla, Wash., 1905 — . Member of M. E. Church and Epworth League. Address, Walla Walla, Wash.; (Home) Harvard, 111. 1842. THOMAS FRANCIS DANAHEY Born Mar. 22, 1880, Quincy, 111. f. Dennis Danahey, County Cork, Ireland, m. Hannah Cashman, Adams County, 111. Newspaper Reporter. Prepared in Quincy High School. B. A. With Hargodine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co., Quincy, 1903-04; on reportorial staff of Quincy Whig, 1904 — ■. Member Knights of Columbus, 1905; Knights of Father Mathew, financial recorder, 1904-05; Woodmen of World, 1905; Quincy Historical Soc, 1905. Address, 614 North 13th St., Quincy, 111. 1843. EDNA EARLE DANIELS Born Apr. 22, 1881, Danville, 111. f. John Allen Daniels, 1843, Beverly, W. Va. m. Marcia Williard Hobart, 1843, Indianapolis, Ind. Librarian. Prepared in Danville High School. Pi Beta Phi. B. L. S. Asst. in Danville Public Library, 1903 — . Address, 427 Hazel St., Danville, 111. 1844. GENEVIEVE DARLINGTON Librarian. Prepared in Lyons Twp. High School, La Grange, 111. Phi Delta Psi; Library Club; Der Deutsche Verein. B. L. S. Asst., John Crerar Library, Chicago, 1903 — . Address, 329 S. Stone Ave., La Grange, 111. 1845. HORATIO S. DAVIS Born Julv 27, 1867, Versailles, 111. f. James R. Davis, 1832, N. C. m. Ann Heflin, '1835, Fanquire Co., Va. Lawyer. Prepared in Versailles High School and Valparaiso, Ind., Normal School. Theta Kappa Nu; Webster Law Club; Philomathean; Star Literary Soc, Ind. B. A., 1896, Valparaiso Coll.; LL. B. Practice of Law in Spokane, Wash., member of firm of Davis & Parks. Member of official Board in Christian Church, Spokane, Wash. Married Dollie M, Hobson, Aug. 26, Pana, 111. Address, 314 Rookery Bldg., Spokane, Wash. 1846. WILMER ESLA DAVIS Born Mar. 27, 1867, Vinton Co., Ohio. f. Francis M. Davis, Ohio. m. Mary A. Colville, Ohio. Instructor. Prepared in Ohio Normal Univ. B. A., 1894, Ohio Normal; B. A. Principal High School, Rossville, 111., 1903-04; teacher. Great Falls High School, 1904-05; Instructor in Science, Urbana High School, 1905-06. Address, Urbana, 111. 1847. CHARLES HUBBARD DAWSON Born July 8, 1878, in Bement, 111. f. Geo. Dawson. Correspondent, Sears, Roebuck & Co., (1904). Philomathean. B. A. Address (1904), 379 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. 336 University of Illinois [1903 1848. JAMES ROY DE MOTTE Brother of No. 1649 Born Dec. 24, 1882, Christian Co. f. Oliver DeMotte, Dec. 13, 1857, Taylorville, 111. m. Ida J. Berry, Oct. 1, 1859, Taylorville, 111. Estimator. Prepared in Taylorville Twp. High School. Natural His- tory Soc. and Y. M. C. A. B. A. Taught Science at Sulhvan, 1903-04; attended Rush Med. Coll. during summer of 1904; estimating word in mail- order house in Chicago, Sept., 1904 — . Address, 3440 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. 1§49. GEORGE HAMM DICKERSON Born May 30, 1882, Champaign, 111. f. Joseph Wilson Dickerson, Nov. 9, 1849, m. Mary AHce Hamm, 1856, Sept. 20. Draftsman. Prepared in Univ. Acad. M. E. and E. E. Soc; Track team, 1902 and 1903; Mgr. 1903. With the Powers Regulator Co., Chicago, 111.: Construction and repair work, June, 1903-Apr., 1905; car work a spec- ialty; with Chas. F. Hall, Chicago, designing special automatic machinery, Apr. -Aug, 1905; with L. H. Prentice Co., Chicago, in drafting room and estimating dept., 1905 — . Address, 6119 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. 1850. OLIVER MORTON DICKERSON Born Sept. 8, 1875, Jasper Countv, 111. f. Stephen Lee Dickerson, Mar" 15, 1835, Jeflferson Co., Ind. m. Margaret Consley, 1837, Jefferson Co., Ind. Fellow in History. Prepared in Public Schools of Jasper Co. and at Illinois State Normal Univ. B. A.; M. A., 1904. At Normal, Member Philadelphian; Pres. Cicero; Manager first interstate debate with Oskosh State Normal School; Bus. Mgr. Index. At Illinois, Pres. Philomathean; Political Science Club; Pres. of Grad. Club. At Harvard, member Harvard History Club; Graduate Club. Fellow in History, Illinois, 1903-04; Thayer scholar, Harvard, 1904-05; Fellow in History, Illinois, 1905-06. Member I. N. G., 1891-94; 13th lUinois (Bogardus Provisional Regiment), Second Lieut., 1898. Pamphlet, The Illinois Constitutional Convention of 1862, Univ. of 111. Studies, Vol. 1, No. 9, 800, 58 pp. Member 111. State Teachers' Ass'n, 1899-1903. Address, 1102 Oregon St., Urbana, 111.; Home, Newton, 111., R. R. No. 2. 1851. BERTHA ALMA DODGE (PIPER) Born Nov. 10, 1877, East Dummerston, Vt. f. Jerry Josiah Dodge, 1853, Dummerston, Vt. m. Abbie Maria Moore, Aug. 26, 1857, Ludlow, Vt. Prepared in Brattleboro High School, Vt. B. A., 1901, Tufts College; B. L. S. Married Harry Lyman Piper, Dec. 24, 1903, Williamsville, Vt. Children, Gladys Ruth, born June 1, 1904; Louise Rebecca, born June 19, 1905. Address, 60 Marble St., Springfield, Mass. 1852. LEO DOLKART Born Sept. 14, 1881, EHzabethgrad, Russia, f. Abraham Dolkart, 1858, Russia, m. Julia Brownstone, 1855, Russia. Draftsman and Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Northwest Div. High School, Chicago. M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. Testing dept. Automatic Electric Co., 1903-04; in charge at night of Automatic Telephone Exchange at Chicago, Illinois Tunnel Co., Jan., 1904-Jan., 1905; in charge of the auto- matic telephone exchange used in dispatching the tunnel trains, 111. Tunnel Co., Jan.-May, 1905; drafting dept., Deere & Co., Moline, 111., May, 1905 — . Assoc. Member Inst. Elec. Engrs. ; member Ilium. Eng'g Soc. Address, 1442 13th St., Moline. 111. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 337 1853. JEANNETTE MAY DRAKE Born Oct. 31, 1878, Argenta, 111. f. John Lewis Drake, Argenta, 111. m. Aura Belle Dickey, Argenta, 111. Librarian. Prepared in Decatur High School. Organizer of libraries. Wisconsin Free Library Com., June, 1903-May, 1905; Librarian of Jack- sonville Public Library, May, 1905 — . Address, Public Library, Jacksonville, 111. 1854. RALPH SOUTHWARD DRURY Born Sept. 10, 1881, New Boston, 111. f. Omer H. Drury, July 17, 1855, New Boston, 111. m. Minnie Southward, Jan. 3, 1857, Boston, 111. Mechanical Draftsman. Prepared in New Boston High School and Univ. Acad. M. E. and E.E. Soc; Mgr. Univ. Band. B.S. Mechanical Draftsman for The Link Belt Machinery Co., 39th St. and Stewart ave., Chicago, 1903 — . Married Stella Odell Rugh, Sept. 28, 1903, Evanston, 111. Child, Omer Christian, born Dec. 21, 1904. Address, 6454 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. 1855. JAMES FRANKLIN DUFFY, Jr. Born Mar. 12, 1883, Chicago, 111. f. James F. Duffy, m. Miriam Hall. Engineer. Prepared in South Chicago High School. Sigma Nu; Tau Beta Pi; M. E. and E. E. Soc; Orange and Blue. Lieut. Colonel, Univ. Regiment; Capt. B. S. With the Duffy Mfg. Co., 1903—. Address, 240 E. 65th Place, Chicago, 111. 1856. WILLIAM VAN DUNKIN Born Sept. 16, 1872, Odel, Ind. f. Van M. Dunkin, June 15, 1846, At- tica, Ind. m. Agnes E. Wagner, Sept. 16, 1855, Attica, Ind. Instructor. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Draftsman and Mech. Engr. for The Stover Mfg. Co., Freeport, 111.; Instructor in Machine Design, IlHnois, Sept., 1905—. Married Nannie J. Davis, June 29, 1898, Urbana, 111. Child, Van Davis, born June 15, 1899. Address, 202 South Busey Ave., Urbana, 111. 1857. GUSTAV HERMAN EIDMANN Born Aug. 31, 1881, Mascoutah, 111. f. Louis Fred Eidmann, Mar. 15, 1847, Mascoutah, 111. m. Katherine Koob, Apr. 7, 1852, New Baden, 111. Stockraiser. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Y. M. C. A.; Agricultural Club; Choral Society; Chemistry Club. B. S. Outside investigation in corn for Agronomy Dept., Illinois, June-Dec, 1903; Plant Breeding, Funk Bros. Seed Co., Bloomington, 1903-05; breeding Chester White Swine and Shrop- shire Sheep, with E. D. Funk, Shirley, 111., 1905-06; Farming Mas- coutah, 111., 1901. Member of American Breeders' Association. Address, Mascoutah, 111. 1858. CLARA EDNA FISHER Born Dec. 23, 1880, Mahomet, 111. f. David Fisher, Oct. 30, 1841, Frank- fort, Ohio. m. Sarah A. Latham, Aug. 18, 1848, Washington, Ohio. Prepared in Mahomet High School and 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi. B. A. Address, 708 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111. 1859. CLARENCE WILSON FISKE Born July 19, 1879, in Sterling, 111. f. C. C. Fiske. m. Fanny Wilson. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Sterling, 111. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma. B. S. With Deere & Co., 1904; Williams White & Co. Address, 611 20th St., Moline, 111. 338 University of Illinois [1903 1860. ETHEL CLARA SCHUMANN FORBES Sister of Nos. 941, 1022 Born July 20, 1881, Normal, 111. f. Stephen Alfred Forbes, May 29, 1844, Silver Creek, 111. m. Clara ShawGaston, Aug. 31, 1848, Hamilton, O. Instructor. Prepared in Urbana High School and Univ. Acad. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi. B. A. Instructor in French, Univ. of So. Dak., Feb. 1, 1904—. Address, Vermilion, S. Dak.; (Home) 1209 Springfield Ave., Urbana, 111. 1861. MARJORIE DOUGLAS FORBES Sister of Nos. 682, 1121 Born Apr. 5, 1882, Polo, 111. f. Henry Clinton, Forbes, May 19, 1833, Preble, N. Y. m. Laura Jane Gorham, Feb. 24, 1835, Pittsford, Vt. Prepared in Urbana High School and Univ. Acad. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi. B. A. 1904, Teacher of German and English in Dixon High School, 1904; Student at Illinois, 1905; Travelling for health, 1905—. Address, Tuscon, Ariz.; (Home) 912 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 1862. LOIS GERTRUDE FRANKLIN Born Feb. 13, 1881, Streator, 111. f. William Lyman Franklin, Apr. 14, 1830, Buffalo, N. Y. m. Caroline Elizabeth Morton, Sept. 4, 1843, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Dwight High School. Pi Beta Phi. B. A. Teaching in Champaign High School, 1904 — . Address, Champaign, 111.; (Home) 123 Waupansie St., Dwight, 111. 1863. MAURICE DEEN FRENCH Born July 26, 1881, Armstrong, Vermilion Co., 111. f. T. P. French, May 11, 1851, Vigo Co., Ind. m. E. I. Robinson, Apr. 25, 1853, Peoria Co., 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in David City, Neb., High School. M. E. and E. E. Soc. B. S. Electrical and Gas Engineering. Address, Danville, 111. 1864. RALPH HAWES GAGE Born Aug. 12, 1880, Hannibal, Mo. f. L. C. Gage, 1852, Vt. m. M. A. Gage, 1856, Mo. Draftsman. Prepared in Chicago English High and Manual Training School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Engineer and Chief Draftsman for A. Bolter's Sons, Structural Steel Works, 1903 — ■. Invented Automatic Milling Machine Grinder for Structural Machines, July, 1904. Married Nell Davidson (Ex-'06), June 1, 1905, Champaign, 111. Address, 1335 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. 1865. HENRY RIEHL GARDEN Born Dec. 6, 1874, in Seneca, 111. f. J. A. Garden. Engineer and Supt. with Yawger & Batlefeld, Lockport, (1904). B. S. Address (1904), 10 Fair Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 1866. WILLIA KATHRYN GARVER Born July 4, 1880, Farmer City, 111. f. Christian Garver, 1849, Harris- burg, Pa. m. Eva Pettit, 1855, Shelbyville, Ind. Library Organizer. Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ. and Blooming- ton High School. Watcheka League; Pi Beta Phi; Library Ckib. B. L. S. Organizer of Pekin Public Library, Dec. -June, 1903-04. Address, 805 E. Front St., Bloomington, 111. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 339 1867. RALPH MAYO GASTON Born Jan. 2, 1881, Normal, 111. f. Frank Lee Gaston, May 5, 1853, Tremont, 111. m. Ida Lavonia Philbrick, Feb. 29, 1856, Adeline, 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Normal Public High School. M. E. and E.E. Soc. Pres., 1902-03. B. S. Draftsman for Sargent and Lundy, Con- sulting Engineers, Chicago, till June, 1904; Chief Engineer for Geo. P. Nichols & Bro., Manufacturers of railroad machinery, 1904 — . Articles, Methods of Increasing the Power Factor of Induction Motors, Technograph, Vol. 18, 1904, pp. 137-155. Physical Properties of Steam Below Atmospheric Pressure", Power, Mar., 1904, pp. 157. Assoc, member American Inst, of Elec. Eng'g. Married Margaret P. Jennings, April 13, 1904, Saybrook, 111. Address, 10813 Armida Ave., Morgan Park, 111. 1868. JOHN FRANCIS GAVIN Born Feb. 9, 1879, in Chicago, 111. f. William Gavin. Lawyer, (1904). LL. B. Address (1904), 4249 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111.; Bus. 1222 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1869. FRANCES EMELINE GILKERSON Daughter of No. 137; Sister of Nos. 1678, 2387 Born Dec. 18, 1880, Marengo, 111. f. Hiram Gilkerson, Oct. 14, 1853. m. Portia Moffet, Dec. 14, 1853. Teacher. Prepared in Marengo High School. Alethenai. B.A.;M. A., 1904. Graduate student at Illinois, 1903-04; Teaching German, Dixon, 111., 1904-05; Teaching at Homer, 111., 1905-06. Address, (Home) 1105 California St., Urbana, 111. 1870. KATHARINE EATON GOLD Born in Dundas, Minn. f. William Jason Gold, Washington, D. C, June 17, 1845. m. Kate Doran Eaton, Aug. 18, 1845, Cambridge, Mass. Library Assistant. Prepared in Kemper Hall, Wis. English Club. B. L. S. In Joliet Pub. Library, Nov., 1903-Jan., 1904; First Asst. in City Park Branch of Brooklyn PuIdUc Library and later Children's Librarian, Mar. 14, 1904 — . Member American Library Association and Long Island Library Club. Address, 241 Ryerson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1871. GRACE GOODALE Born Aug. 28, 1880, Cincinnati, Ohio. f. Levi Crafton Goodale, 1843, Sangamon Co., 111. m. Wilhelmina Coates Roberts, Bucks Co., Pa., 1845. Librarv Assistant. Prepared in Woodward High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. Delta Delta Delta; Phi Delta Psi. B. L. S. Cataloger, Cincinnati Public Library, Sept. 1-15, 1903; Instructor, Library Economy, 111. State Librarv School, 1903-04; Cataloger Young Men's Mercantile Library Assn., Jan., r904-June, 1906. Address, 3004 Stanton Ave., Walnut Hills, Cinncinati, Ohio. 1872. CHARLES HENRY GREEN Born June 6, 1882, Sterling, 111. f. Henry Green, m. Harriett Yeager. Engineer. Prepared in Sterling Twp. High School. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. B. S. Junior member of Amer. Soc. of Mech. Engi- neers. Address, Sterling, 111. 1873. CLARENCE GREEN Born June 18, 1875. f. George W. Green, Apr. 6, 1848, Lawrence Co., 111. Mary Jane Scarlett, 1847, Lawrence Co., 111. Instructor. Prepared in Lawrenceville Schools and Vincennes Univ. 340 University of Illinois [1903 Philomathean; Junior Hatchet Orator, 1902; Senior Hatchet Orator, 1903; Pres. English Club; Assoc. Editor Illinois Magazine. B. A. Instructor in English, Urbana High School. 1903—. Co. L, 159th Ind. Vol., 1898; Co. 2, 1st reg. I. N. G., 1901-03. Married Besse Nola Butler, Dec. 29, 1903, Augola, Ind. Child, Laura Mary, born Mar. 9, 1905. Address, Urbana, 111. 1874. ROLLA BURDETTE GROVE Born Dec. 13, 1880, in Buckley, 111. f. George Grove, Apr. 29, 1839, Ottawa, 111. m. Margaret Chapman, Oct. 5, 1843, Dearborn Co., Ind. Lawyer. Prepared in Ottawa High School. Theta Kappa Nu; Von Twiller Court. LL. B. Lawyer, 1903—. Address, Hillyard, Spokane, Wash. 1875. GEORGE CONRAD HABERMEYER Husband of No. 2171 Born Sept. 4, 1876, Aurora, 111. f. John George Habermeyer, Bavaria, m. Mary M. Ochsenschlager, Aurora. Civil Engineer. Prepared in East Aurora High School. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. With W. S. Shield, Engineer in charge of construction of water and sewer systems, 1903-05; Asst. City Engr. of Elgin, 111., 1905 — . Member Illinois Soc. Civil Eng'rs and Surveyors. Married Iva Esther Mercer ('04), Nov. 14, 1905. Address, 474 Addison St., Elgin, 111. 1876. EMMA JOANNA HAGEY Born July 5, 1874, Milledgeville, 111. f. William Henry Harrison Hagey, Dec. 5, 1841, Trappe, Pa. m. Emilo Maria Humphrey, Oct. 5, 1845, Harris- burgh, Lewis Co., N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Norfolk High School, Nebr. B. A., 1898, Univ. of Nebr.; B. L. S. Librarian at Beatrice, Neb., July, 1903-June, 1904; of Lincoln City Library, at Lincoln, Nebr., July, 1904 — . Address, 610 Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1877. SAMUEL JOHN HAIGHT, Jr. Born June 21, 1879, Meriden, 111. f. Samuel John Haight, Meriden, 111. m. Mary Ann Hoffman, Peru, 111. Farmer. Prepared in Blockstone High School, Mendota, 111., and Western Military Acad., Upper Alton, 111. Alpha Zeta; Agricultural Club; International Live-Stock Judging team, 1900. B. S. Farmer and Stock- man, 1903 — . Member American Breeders' Association; American Short- horn Breeders' Assn. Address, Earlville, 111., R. F. D. No. 42. 1878. HERMAN EUGENE HARTLINE Born Mar. 30, 1881, Anna, 111. f. Benj. F. Hartline, Dec. 6, 1835, Anna, 111. m. Mary Lingle, Aug. 5, 1849, Cobden, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Anna High School and Valparaiso Coll., Ind. Phi Delta Phi. B. S., 1900, Valparaiso Coll.; LL. B. Practicing Attorney, 1903—. Address, 610 Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1879. ANDREW EDGAR HAUTER Born Dec. 23, 1874, Tiskilwa, 111. f. Joseph Hauter, Sept. 19, 1840, Nancy, France, m. Mary Augspurger, Dec, 1844, Butler Co., Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Tiskilwa High School. Philomathean; Y. M. C. A.; Oratorical Ass'n; Webster Law Club. LL. B. Admitted to Bar, May, 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 341 1903; member of firm of Fuller, Israel and Hauter, Belvidere, 111.; May 23, 1904, ^vith firm of Fisher & North of Rockford, 111.; Asst. State's Attorney of Winnebago Co. and Claim Adjuster for the Rockford & Interurban Rv- Co. Member of M. E. Church, 1895; Y. M. C. A.; Pres. Univ. of 111. Club, Rock- ford, 111. Address, 504 No. Court St., Rockford, 111. 1880. EDNA MAY HAWLEY Born Jan. 16, 1878, Chicago, 111. f. Orange Foote Hawley, Cambridge, Vt. m. Susan Harriette Whitaker. Library Cataloger. Prepared in Englewood High School, Chicago. Attended ' Oberlin Coll., 1896-98; Northwestern Univ., 189.9-1901. B. L. S. Cataloger, Wis. Free Library Com., Mar.-Aug., 1904; Cataloger, La Crosse Public Librarv, Aug., 1904-05; Organizer in Iowa and Oregon, Sept., 1905. Member 111. State Lib. School Assn. Address, 1341 Farwell Ave., Chicago, 111. 1881. EMERY ROE HAYHURST Bom at St. Louis, Mo., June 28, 1880. f. John Em.ery Hayhurst, Mar. 19, 1849, Evansville, Ind. m. Mav Eva Roe, Nov. 20. 1856, Hernando, Miss. Medical Student. Prepared in Maywood High School and John Mar- shall High School, Chicago. Nu Sigma Nu; Delta Upsilon; Adjutant; Capt. B. A.. M. A. Asst. in Physiology, Illinois, 1904; Instructor in Physiology, 1905, same. Member of Prof. Kemp's Physiological expedition to Cripple Creek and Pike's Peak, Summer of 1903; Article, (with Prof. Kemp), The Perfection of an Apparatus for studying Gaseous Exchanges in Muscle, 1905. Member of Episcopal Church. Address, 514 S. 8th Ave., Maywood, 111. 1882. MABEL HAYWARD Born. f. Arthur W. Hayward, in Waterford, Ohio. m. Elizabeth Chase, South Hadlev, Mass. Librarian. Prepared in Hvde Park High School. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League. B. L. S. Cataloguer, Elgin Public Librarv, Oct., 1903-July, 1904; Asst., John Crerar Library, Aug., 1904—. Member Illinois Librarv School Ass'n; Chicago Library Club.; Presby. Church. Address, 5418 Washington Ave., Chicago, 111. 1883. LILLIAN HEATH Born Nov. 14, 1881, White Heath, 111. f. Noble Porter Heath, Feb. 11, 1830, Circleville, Ohio. m. EHzabeth Hevel, Mar. 28, 1839, Charleston, 111. Prepared in Champaign High School. Alpha Chi Omega; Phi Delta Psi; Y. W. C. A.; Ladies' Glee Club; Choral Societv; Opera Club. B. A. Mem- ber of M. E. Church, 1891—. Address, White Heath, 111. 1884. MARY HENDERSON (FLETCHER) Wife of No. 2084 Born Nov. 17, 1880, Cedar Rapids, la. f. William Perry Henderson. June 27, 1843, Toulon, Illinois, m. Emma Catherine Wagner, Sept. 10. 1846, York, Pa. Prepared in Cedar Rapids, la. Pi Beta Phi. B. L. S. Married Carl Joshua Fletcher ('04), Dec. 16, 1905, Galesburg, 111. Address, 505 E. 19th St., Indianapolis, Ind. 342 University of Illinois [1903 1885. LYLE GEORGE HERRICK Born Mar. 14, 1881 , Farmer City, 111. f . George W. Herrick. m. Dora O. Lawyer. Prepared in Farmer Citv High School. Sigma Chi; English Club. Track team, 1900-03; Captain, 1903. B. A.; LL. B., Chicago. Student, Univ. of Chicago, 1903-06. Phi Delta Phi, Univ. of Chicago, 1904. Address, Farmer City, 111. 1886. BENJAMIN WILLIAM HETHERINGTON Born Aug. 24, 1881, in La Salle, 111. f. Benjamin M. Hetherington, Ire- land, m. Mary Lavi^lor, Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. Prepared in La Salle High School. LL. B. Practiced law, 1903 — . Member Royal Arcanum and Knights of Columbus; N. N. A. Club. Address, La Salle, 111. 1887. CHARLES HUNTINGTON HIGGINS Born Dec. 11, 1879, Springfield, 111. f. Edwin L. Higgins. m. Belle Huntington. Chemist. Prepared in Springfield and Quincy High Schools. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon. Base Ball team, 1900-03; Pres. Athletic Ass'n., 1903. B. S. Asst. Chemist, Swift & Co., Chicago, Asst. Chemist A. T. S. F. Ry. Co. Member I. N. G., 1897-1903; U. S. V., Apr.-Nov., 1898. Address, La Junta, Colo. 1888. EDNA DU BOIS HOFF Born Aug. 25, 1882, Wilmington, Dela. f. Theo. Hoff, Sept. 21, 1844, Richboro, Pa. m. Lucy May Naishy, May 12, 1856, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher. Prepared in Chicago Heights High School. Illiola. B. A. Asst. in Chemistry, Illinois, 1903-04; Science teacher, Bloomington Town- ship High School, 1904-05. Pres. Christian Endeavor Soc, Chicago Heights, 1905; Vice-pres., Chicago Heights Alumni Assn., 1905. Address, 2414 Ash St., Chicago Heights, 111. 1889. VERNON MILNER HOLDER Born Oct. 26, 1873, Bloomington, 111. f. WiUiam I. Holder, May 30, 1849, Bloomington, 111. m. Ida Weber Bowen, Nov. 17, 1848, W. Va. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Public School at Hudson, 111., and Univ. Acad. Architects' Club; Y. M. C. A. ; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Railway Engineering Dept., General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 1903-04; Boston Edison Co., 1904-05; Engineer with F. O. Blaclavell, Consulting Engineer, 49 Wall St., New York City, N. Y., 1905—. Married Elsie Patterson, July 12, 1904, Normal, 111. Address, 49 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 1890. MARJORIE CAMPBELL HOLDERMAN Born May 10, 1881, in Indianapolis, Ind. f. J. G. Holderman. Teacher. B. A. Address, 804 California Ave., Urbana, 111. 1891. ELLEN ALDEN HUNTINGTON Born Dec. 25, 1878, Lebanon, Conn. f. William Huntington, May 18. 1839, Lebanon, Conn. m. Caroline Elizabeth Saxton, Mar. 18, 1843, Goshen, Conn. Instructor. Prepared in Hartford, Conn., Public High School. Kappa Alpha Theta; Phi Delta Psi. Pres. Watcheka League, 1903-04. B. A. Attended Pratt Institute, 1897-99; School of Housekeeping, Boston, 1899- 1901. Supt. Household Aid Co., Boston, 1903-04; Instructor in Home Eco- nomics, Univ. of Wis., 1904—. Pamphlet, The Dietary, Boston, 1900, 16 pp. Address, (Home) 26 Charter Oak Place, Hartford, Conn. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 343 1892. SOPHIA HYDE Born May 5, 1869, in Chicago. 111. f. R. Hyde. m. Babett Librarian. B. A. Attended New York State Library School, 1904-05; Assistant in John Crerar Library, Chicago, 1905 — . Address, (Home) 620 La Salle Ave., Chicago, 111. 1893. FRANK BRUCE INGERSOLL Born Mav 10, 1878, Sterling, 111. f. Frank L. Ingersoll, 1838, Buffalo, N. Y. m, Evelyn M. Crook, 1850, Sterling, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Denver High and Man. Tr. School. B. S. Civil Engineer with C. & E. I. R. R., Mav-Julv, 1903; C. & N. W. Rv., Julv, 1903-Feb., 1905; M. R. & N. W. R. R., Feb., 1905— . Address, Deadwood, S. Dak. 1894. FRANK EMERSON INKS Born Feb. 7, 1882, Ohio, 111. f. Fenak Wm. Inks, Julv 11, 1861, Ohio, 111. m. Mary Mabel Shefflett, Sept. 21, 1861. Fire Insurance Clerk. Prepared in East Mendota, 111., High School. Philomathean. B. A. Clerkship Kimball Piano Co., Chicago, 1903-04; Clerkship, Stromberg Carlson Tel. Co., Chicago, Sept., 1904-Apr., 1905; German Ins. Co.. 1905 — . Member Y. M. Soc., Freeport; Pres. Y. P. S. C, Douglas Park Christian Church, Chicago, 1903-Jan., 1904; Treas., Mar., 1904-Apr., 1905. Address, 164 Washington St., Freeport, 111. 1895. WASHINGTON PARKER IRELAND Born Apr. 7, 1881, Stewartsville, Mo. f. David James Ireland, May 5, 1842, Cincinnati, Ohio. m. Louisa Salle Parker, Apr. 25, 1849, Alton,' 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Englewood High School. C. E. Club; Glee Club. B. S. Draftsman and Asst. engineer with C. B. Pride on Construction of water-driven paper mill at Rhinelander, Wis., July, 1903-04; draftsman, designer and asst. engineer with T. T. Johnston, on hydro-electric power plants at South Bend and Elkhart, Ind., dam across river at Kankakee, 111.; pumps for Memphis, Tenn., Artesian Water Dept., Feb., 1904-05; Drafts- man and Designer on Chicago— Gulf of Mexico deep waterway project, Jan.— Julv, 1905; Engineering draftsman, 1905 — . Articles, Discharging Capacity of Culverts, Engineering Record, Apr. 2, 1904, pp. 420-421 ; Water- Power De- velopment for the Rhinelander Paper Co., Technograph, 1904, pp. 107-111. Installing Water Wheels on a "Hurry Up" Job, Technograph, 1905. Address, 6341 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, 111. 1896. FANNY REBECCA JACKSON Born in Janesville, Wis. f. Alfred Augustus Jackson, Oneida Co., N. Y. m. Rebecca Walker Johnson, Brockport, N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Janesville, Wis., and Rockford Coll. Acad. Library Club; Y. W. C. A. B. A., 1896, Rockford Coll.; B. L. S. Peri- odical and binding Asst., Univ. of 111. Library; Instructor in public documents. 111. State Librarv School, 1903 — . Secv. Wisconsin C. E. Union, 1898-1901; Sec. Illinois State Library Assn., 1904-05. Address, Univ. of 111. Library, Urbana, 111. 1897. HENRY PHELPS JARMAN Born Nov. 12, 1889, Elmwood, 111. f. John Jamian, Sept. 3, 1840, Russelville, Ohio. m. Clara May Phelps, Dec. 5, 1852, Harwington, Conn. Chemist. Prepared in Elmwood High vSchool, 111. B. S. Asst. Chemist Morris & Co., Chicago, 1903-05; Chief Chemist, Milk Products Co.,Cary, 111., 1905—. Address, Nunda, 111. 344 University of Illinois [1903 1898. ANNA VIVIAN JENNINGS Born Jan. 30, 1874, Van Meter, la. f. William Henrv Jennings, Feb. 14, 1845, Gurnsey Co., Ohio. m. Ruth Ann Clayton, Jan. 7, 1847, Salem, Ind. Librarian. Prepared in Davenport High School, York Coll., Nebr., and Nebr. State Normal, Penn. Lib. Club; Y. W. C. A. B. L. S. Cataloger, Nebr. State Normal Library, Peru, Nebr., Nov., 1903-June, 1905; Librarian same, Kearney, Nebr., June, 1905 — . Address, Kearney, Nebr. 1899. ALBERT MYRON JOHNSON Born Apr. 9, 1880, Kishwaukee, 111. f. Frank Chandler Johnson, Kish- waukeee. 111. m. Carrie Emmeline Adams, Beloit, Wis. Draftsman. Prepared in Rockford High School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; M. E. and E. E. Soc; Orchestra; Band. B. S. Employed in Chicago, gen- eral engineering work, pumps, hydraulic presses, ice machines; Rockford, 111., Draftsman of Machine Tools for B. F. Barnes Co., Cincinnati, O., Lunken- heimer Co.; Chicago, Telephone Switchboard Dept. Western Elec. Co., 1905—. Address, 6201 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. 1900. FREDERICK DAWSON JOHNSON Born June 26, 1877, Alton, 111. f. William Henry Harrison Johnson, Feb. 8, 1839, Canastota, N. Y. m. Hannah Armstrong, July 14, 1837, Alton, 111. Railroad Engineer. Prepared in Alton High School. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Special apprentice with Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Member Western Railway Club, 1902. Address, 1400 Hollins St., Baltimore, Md. 1901. GRACE OSGOOD KELLEY Born Oct. 10, 1881, Whitehall, Mich. f. Marshall Charles Kellev, Sept. 23, 1840, Wilmington, N. H. m. Marv Strong Smith, June 12, 1852, Dela- field. Wis. Library Cataloger. Prepared in Muskegon High School, Mich. Delta Gamma. B. L. S. Attended Univ. of Minn., 1899-1900; Albion Coll., Mich., 1900-01. Cataloger, Univ. of 111., 1903—. Address, 508 High St., Urbana, 111. 1902. HELEN THERESA KENNEDY Born at Council Bluffs, la. f. Prof. John A. Kennedy, m. Mary Elizabeth McCurdy Kennedy. Library Cataloger. Prepared in High School and 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111. B. L. S. Librarian, 111. State School for the Deaf , 1898- 1901; Cataloger, Jacksonville Public Library, Aug., 1903-July, 1904; Cata- loger, Lincoln Library, Springfield, 111., Aug., 1904 — . Address, 1015 S. Sixth St., Springfield, 111. 1903. ELWOOD ALMON KINGSTON Born Oct. 30, 1876, Picton, Ontario, Canada, f. Jas. J. Kingston, 1851, Picton, Ont. m. Anna E. Reynolds, 1858, Picton, Ont. Physician. Prepared in Picton High School. B. A.; M. D., 1903. Attended Queen's Univ., Kingston, Can., 1894-95, 1897-1901. Queen's Univ. Foot Ball team for four years; two years on Queen's Univ. Hockey team, for year's intercollegiate Champain of the world. Practicing Medicine, Lockport, 111., 1903 — . Member of Will Co. Medical Soc; Mason, Lockport Lodge, 538, A. F. and A. M. Married Lenne G. Burr, Oct. 8, 1903, at Belleville, Ont. Address, Lockport, Jll. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 345 1904. WILLIAM DAVID KNOWLTON Born Mar. 11, 1878, Joliet, 111. f. David Knowlton, May 1, 1849, Leeds Co., Ontario, Canada, m. Rena Powers, 1849, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Onarga High School and Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. Y. M. C. A. B. A. Electrical Engineer and switch-board operator, July, 1903-Mar., 1904; Power sub-station superin- tendent. Mar., 1904 — . Assoc, member The American Inst, of Elec. Eng'rs. Married Nellie Wise, Nov. 23, 1903, Milford, 111. Child, Margaret Wal- damara, born Mar. 6, 1905. Address, 1525 Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111. 1905. ROBERT HAYDEN KUSS Born Nov. 9, 1876, Peoria, 111. f. Joseph Kuss, Dec. 16, 1844, Germany, m. Louise Birkenbule, May 15, 1843, Germany. Instructor. Prepared in Peoria High School. B. S. Armv and Navv Club; Theta Nu Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi; M. E. and E. E. Soc; Editor Tcchno- graph No. 17. Hamian Engr. Co., Peoria, Sept. 1, 1903; Instructor in Mech. Engr., Illinois, 1903-05; Computer U. S. Geol. Survey, Coal Testing Plant, Sept., 1904; Special Observer, same, St. Louis, Mo., 1905 — . Enlisted June, 1898, Third U. S. Vol. Engineers; corporal; detached service under Maj. John A. Logan in Santa Clara Province, Cuba, until discharge. Mar., 1899; U. S. Commissary and Q. M. Dept., Cienfuegos, Cuba, 1899. Married Florence Wilhelmina Brower, Sept. 3, 1904, Springfield, 111. Child, Ralph Logan, born June 16, 1905. Address, 4521 A, McKinley Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1906. WILLIAM ADELBERT KUTSCH Born Jan. 21, 1883, La Salle, 111. f. William G. A. Kutsch, Mar. 18, 18S7,Lichi, Hessen, Germany, m. Othlie A. Bockme, June 10, 1857, Peru, 111. Student. Prepared in La Salle Twp. High School. Honorary Chemical Fraternity. Chemist with Armour Packing Co., June, 1903-Sept., 1904; graduate student in chemistrv, phvsics and mathematics in Freiburg, Ger- many, 1904 — . Address, (1905) Freiburg, in Baden, Germany, Freidrich Strasse, No. 10. 1907. CAROLINE VALERIA LANGWORTHY Born June 20, 1879, Dubuque, la. f, L. H. Lang\vorthy. m. Carrie L. Glover. Librarian. Prepared in Dubuque, Iowa. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Y. W. C. A. B. L. S. Assistant Cataloguer, Iowa Univ. Library, Iowa City, 1903-06; Ref. Librarian, Iowa Univ. Library, 1906. Member Congrega- tional Church. Address, 485 Hill St., Dubuque, la. 1908. LAWRENCE FRED LARSON Born Sept. 6, 1880, Galva, 111. f. Nels P. Larson, Mar. 17, 1839. Sweden, m. Hannah Peterson, Oct. 15, 1846, Sweden. Life Insurance Agent. Prepared in Galva High School. Philomathean; Oratorical Ass'n; Illinois-Indiana Debating team, 1903. B. A.; M. A., 1904. Insurance fellowship, 1903-04. District Manager Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., Peoria, 111. Address, Galva, 111. 1909. NELS ALFRED LARSON Born Dec. 31, 1879, Lindkoping, Sweden, f. John F. Larson, Sweden, m. Wilhelmina Anderson, Sweden. Lawyer. Prepared in Moline High School. Delta Upsilon. LL. B. Lawyer, Rock Island, 111., Oct., 1903—. Address, 1819 16th Ave., Moline, 111. 346 University of Illinois [1903 1910. EMMA GRACE LEFLER Born Jan. 2, 1875, Pontiac, 111. f. Geo. M. Lefler. m. Amanda Dunn, Farmington, 111. Librarian. Prepared in Pontiac High School. Y. W. C. A.; B. L. S. Taught at Pontiac, 1898-1900; Special work in English, Illinois, 1903-04; Cataloger, Lib. of Univ. of Mo., 1904 — . Member Baptist Church. Address, Columbia, Mo. IQll. LULU MACKINTOSH LEGO Born Jan. 10, 1880, Mt. Carroll, 111. f. Henry Luther Lego, Feb. 12, 1840, Blair Co., Pa. m. Alice Mav Rowlev, Mar. 24, 1854, Armstrong Co., Pa. Prepared in Lanark High School. Alethenai; Ladies' Mandolin Club; mini staff; Class Prophet. LL. B. Admitted to 111. Bar, Oct., 1903. Clerk, office of Vice-pres. and Dean of grad. school, Illinois, 1901-06. Mem- bership in Christian Church. Member Beneficiary committee Royal Neigh- bors of America, 1905 — . IlHnois State Recorder, R. N. A., 1905 — . Address, Urbana, 111. 1912. MARY LENTZ Born Aug. 21, 1864, in Freeport, 111. f. Jacob Lentz, May 12, 1822, Germany, m. Elizabeth Anger, Sept. 10, 1835, Germany. Teacher. B. A. Entered from Univ. of California. Did Graduate work in, Univ. of Wis. Has taught at Farmer City and Ridott, 111. Address, Ridott, 111. 1913. ALFRED CURTIS LeSOURD Born Jan. 4, 1875, Topeka, 111. f. Charles Thomas LeSourd, Feb. 4, 1843, Bethany, Ohio. m. Velarah Curtis, Oct. 21, 1843, Bethany, Ohio. Railroad Engineer. Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ. High School. C. E. Soc. Instrumentman on construction, 1903-04; Masonrv Inspector, 1905; Asst. Engr. M. of W. Dept. C. C. C. & St. L. Ry., Mich. Div., 1905—. Address, Topeka, 111. 1914. ROBERT CLINTON LLOYD Born July 4, 1878, Canton, 111. f. Robert Lloyd, Feb. 23, 1839, Dawn Mills, Ontario, Canada, m. Hananh Maria Burson, July 4, 1842, Walnut Grove, 111. Manager of Estate. Prepared in Canton High School. Alpha Zeta; Sigma Xi. B. S. Student Asst., Soil Survey, June, 1903-Sept., 1905 ; Supt. of Soil Survey in the Agr. Exp. Station, Urbana, 111., Sept. 1, 1905 — ; Asst. Mgr., Estate of Hiram Sibley, Sibley, 111., 1905—. Address, Sibley, 111., (home) Canton, 111. 1915. JOHN ALBERT McFARLAND Born Oct. 23, 1880, Mendota, 111. f. Abel Witherspoon McFarland, near Akron, Ohio. m. Amelia Genet McFarland, Mendota, 111. Chemist. Prepared in Mendota High School and La Salle Twp. High School. Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. S. Asst. Chemist A. T. & S. F. R. R.; Asst. Chemist C. & N. W. R. R.; Chemist, Mo. Pacific R. R. Married Paula Siegel, Sept. 1, 1903, Champaign, 111. Address, 3001 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1916. ISABEL McROBIE (RAY) Wife of No. 1568 Born July 9, 1881, Chicago, 111. f. John McRobie, Feb. 15, 1855, Mon- treal, Canada, m. Susan Musgrove, Apr. 3, 1854, Toronto, Canada. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 347 Prepared in Hyde Park High School, Chicago. Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League; Deutsche Verein. B. A. Married Walter Thornton Ray ('01), June 14, 1904. Child, Lewis Bart- mer, born May 30, 1905. Address, 4524 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1917. ALICE CALHOUN MANN Born July 10, ISSl, Danville, 111. f. f. William Mann, 1838, N. J. m. Kate Harmon, 1850, Buffalo, N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Danville High School. Pi Beta Phi. B. L. S. Cataloger of Covington, Ky., Public Library, Mar., 1905; Organizer of Win- terest, la.. Public Library, May, 1905-06. Address, Winterset, la. 1918. GEORGE EDWARD MARKER Born May 4, 1867, He\-vvorth, 111. f. Jacob L. Marker, May 7, 1827, Middletown, Va. m. Marion L. Bentley, Grafton, W. Va. Instructor. Prepared in Hevworth, and Normal, 111. B. A.; M. A., 1904, Teachers' College, Columbia. Scholarship at Columbia Univ., 1903- 04; Prin. Teachers' Training and Model School, Schenectady, N. Y., 1904-05; Professor of Psychology and Education, State Normal School, Cheney, Wash., 1905 — . Articles, Teaching Children Ho^v to Study History, Teachers' Coll. Record, Vol. V, May, 1904, pp. 20-33; How to Test the Quality of Teaching, Education, Apr., 1905, Vol. XXV, pp. 451-459. Elder in Presbyterian Church, 1905-08. Member Hudson River School masters' club. Married Leila Webber, Aug. 25, 1896, Mt. Sterling, 111.; Pres. Inland Empire Schoolmasters' Club, Spokane, Wash., 1906 — . Address, Cheney, Wash. 1919. GRACE E. MARTIN Bom Apr. 13, 1883, Ludlow, 111. f. Geo. W\ Martin, Sandusky Co., Ohio, Nov. 2, 1852. m. Luaretta Martin, Green Valley, 111., Mar. 7, 1854. Clerk in Law Office. Prepared in Champaign High School. LL. B. Clerk in law office, 1900 — . Address, 209 E. White St., Champaign, 111. 1920. CYLDE MILTON MATHEWS Born Dec. 22, 1878, in Urbana, 111. f. M. W. Mathews, Marshall, 111. m. Julia R. Mathews, Medina, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Urbana High School. Sigma Chi. Football team, 1900; baseball team, 1899, 1900, 01, 02. LL. B. Practicing law, 1903 — . Publisher Urbana Herald, 1900-05. Address, 601 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111. 1921. MARY ALICE MATTHEWS Bom at Mayview, Mo. f. Arthur Bradley, Matthews, Ross, England, m. Mary Joanna Reed, Sharon, Penn. Librarian. Pi Beta Phi; Phi Delta Psi; Pres. Library Club, Illinois. B. L. S. Attended State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo., 1886-90; Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1893-94. Asst. Calatog Div., Library of Congress, July, 1903-Sept., 1905; Librarihn, Univ. of So. Dak., Sept. 1905—. Mem- ber Amer. Lib. Assn., 1906 — . Address, Vermilion, So. Dak. 1922. JOHN DELOSS MELL Born Apr. 9, 1878, San Jose, 111. f. Emeziah J. Mell, Feb. 8, 1842, Youngstown, Ohio. m. Melinda E. Taylor, Apr. 23, 1844, Ind. Lawyer. Prepared in San Jose, 111." LL. B. Practicing Law, 1904 — . Married Ollie I. Cease, June 14, 1904. Address, Hagerman, New Mex. 348 University of Illinois [1903 1923. JULIA WRIGHT MERRILL Born Sept. 11, 1881, Chillicothe, Ohio. f. Chester Wright Merrill, 1847, Montpelier, Vt. m. Mary Franklin, 1850, Chillicothe, Ohio. Librarian. Prepared in Woodward High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. Attended Univ. of Cincin., 1898-1900. Matthew Thorns scholarship, Univ. of Cincin., B. L. S. Wisconsin Free Library Comm., reviser in Summer library school, 1903; Legislative reference department, Aug., 1903-Jan., 1906; Acting Librarian, Free Pub. Lib., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Feb., 1906 — . Member American Library Ass'n, 1901 — . Address, Free Public Library, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1924. RALPH GARFIELD MILLS Born Mar. 4, 1881, Lincoln, 111. f. Andrew Hopkins Mills, Oct. 8, 1853, Magnolia, 111. m. Elizabeth Emily Bell, June 1, 1856, Lincoln, 111. Student. Prepared in Decatur High School. Glee Club; Opera Club; Adelphic; Y. M. C. A. B. A. Student of Medicine, 1903—, Northwestern Med. Coll. Member of Nu Sigma Nu and Alpha Omega Alpha at North- western Med. Coll. Address, 356 W. Decatur St., Decatur, 111. 1925. STELLA WEBSTER MORGAN Born Sept. 15, 1876, Indianapolis, Ind. f. Alfred White Morgan, Ind. m. Louise Grimes Morgan, Ind. Associate Professor of English, Univ. of So. Calif. Prepared in Springfield High School, 111. English Club; Watcheka League; Y.'W.C.A.; Natural History Club. B. A. Principal High School, Ashland, 111., 1903- 04; Dean of Women, Univ. So. Calif., 1904-05. Associate Professor of English, 1905—. Address, 328 Pacific Ave., Long Beach, Calif. 1926. WINIFRED MYERS (FURSMAN) Wife of No. 2088 Born Ap. 14, 1878, Champaign, 111. f. John Wesley Myers, m. Helen E. Vitterm. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. Married William H. Fursman ('04), Oct. 24, 1904, St. Louis, Mo. Address, 1237 Ainslie Aye., Chicago, 111. 1927. FREDERICK LOUIS NEES Born Dec. 5, 1879, in Germany, f. F. L. Nees. m. Barbara Lutz. Lawyer. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Alpha Delta. LL. B. Address, 1221 Perry St., 627 Chicago Opera House Bldg., Chicago, 111. 1928. CHARLOTTE BRIGGS NELSON Born Sept. 16, 1881, Bloomington, 111. f. Edgar F. Nelson, m. Min- erva Rogus Briggs. Prepared in Decatur High School, 111. B. A., 1902, Vassar College; B. S. Pi Beta Phi; Household Science Club. Second Presbyterian Church; Clio Club, president, 1905-06; Discussion Club, president, 1904-05; Musicale Club; Woman's Club. Address, 710 North East St., Bloomington, 111. 1929. MARY FRANCES NESBIT Born Mar 24, 1870, Rardin, 111. f. Joseph Washington Nesbit, New Richmond, Ohio. m. Sarah Margaret McAllister, Oakland, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Rardin Village Schools and Oakland High School. Y. W. C. A. Capt. Basket Ball team. B. A. Presbyterian Church, 1884; taecher in Sunday School ; member of choir. Address, Oakland, 111. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 349 1930. THOMAS NOBLE Brother of Nos. 974, 975 Born June 25, 1879, Todds Point, 111. f. Robert Cooper Noble, Feb. 21, 1848, Arlington Farm, Massillon, Ohio. m. Elizabeth Harmount, New Haven, Conn. Farmer. Prepared in Urbana High School. Nat. Hist. Soc.; Agricul- tural Club. B. S. Farmer, 1903—. Address, 1230 Waco Ave., Wichita, Kans. 1931. SAMUEL RUFUS NOE Born Jan. 18, 1880, Dandridge, Tenn. f. William Sterling Noe, May 1, 1844, Morristown, Tenn. m. Eliza Jane Dyke, Nov. 11, 1845, Greenville, Tenn. Builder and Contractor. Prepared in Bement High School, 111. B. A. Teacher, 1903-04. Builder and Contractor, 1904—. Address, Auburn, 111. 1932. CHARLES LEWIS OGDEN Bom Feb. 21, 1876, Cameron, 111. f. Franklin Delos Ogden, Oct. 1, 1833, Rome, N. Y. m. Harriet Ann Lewis, Apr. 20, 1844, Berwick, 111. Lawver. Prepared in Knox Prep, and L^niv. Acad. LL. B. Practiced Law, Plymouth, 111., Feb., 1904-Nov., 1905; Village Attorney, Plymouth, 1904; Practicing at Galesburg, 1905 — . Member Baptist Church, Plymouth, 111. ; Clerk of Salem Baptist Ass'n. Address, Galesburg, 111. 1933. GEORGE CARROLL OXER Born Apr. 29, 1878, in Macon, 111. f. J. W. Walker. Electrician. B. S. In 1904 with General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Address, 1618 Chapel St., Schenectady, N. Y. 1934. ROY SHELDON PARKER Born May 1, 1882, Toluca, 111. f. John William Parker, Oct. 25, 1850, Evansville, Ind. m. Sarah Ann Litchfield, Dec. 30, 1856, Bennington Twp., Marshall Co., 111. Clerk. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; Foot Ball team, 1901-02; Base ball team, 1902-04. B. A. Clerk, D. O. DevHn Coal Co., Oct. 15, 1904-05; Union Pac. R. R. Co., to date. Address, 324 S. 26th St., Omaha, Neb. 1935. ROBERT WILLIAM PARR Bom Apr. 20, 1875, Mapleton, 111. f. James Parr. m. Harriet M. Reeve. Teacher. M. Accts., 1896, Hedding Coll. Studied at Simpson Coll., 1898. B. A. Instructor in Mathematics and Commercial work, Pontiac Twp. High School, 1903-04; Instructor in Commerce, Minneapolis High School, 1904-05; Principal of Schools, Eraser, Idaho, 1905. Address, Eraser, Idaho. 1936. CHRISTIAN PETER LAURITZ PETERSEN Bom Jan. 24, 1874, Roskilde, Denmark, f. Johannes P. Petersen, Mar. 15, 1831, Sjovang, Denmark, m. Margrete Y. C. M. Wind, Jan. 11, 1847, Flensbarg, Denmark. Draftsman. Prepared in Danish Schools. Scandinavian Club. B. S. Bridge draftsman, 1903-04; Ornamental iron draftsman, 1904 — . Lieu- tenant Royal Danish Navy, Commissioned Oct. 21, 1898. Address, (Permanent) care of H. Eflflandt, 165 Fourth Ave., Moline, 111. 350 University of Illinois [1903 1937. JAMES WILLIAM PETTYJOHN Born Oct. 4, 1881, Marton, IlL f. Oliver J. Pettyjohn, m. Nancy Margaret Todd, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Farmington High School. Theta Kappa Nu. LL. B. Clerked in law office until Oct., 1903 ; in Marshall Field & Co. whole- sale credit department, 1903 — . Member Congregational Church. Married Elizabeth jack, Oct. 19, 1904, Farmington, 111. Address, 276 E. 63d Place, Chicago, 111. 1938. CHARLES ROBERT POLLARD Born Dec. 2, 1882, Delphi, Ind. f. Robert Carter Pollard, Aug. 24, 1855, Mobile, Ala. m. Sally Allen Jackson, Feb. 27, 1863, Delphi, Ind. Lawyer. Prepared in Culver Military Acad. Sigma Chi; Illinois Club. Foot Ball team. LL. B. Practicing law. Address, Delphi, Ind. 1939. GEORGE AUGUSTUS POWERS Born Oct. 26, 1881, Edinburg, 111. f. Erasmus Darwin Powers, Mar. 7, 1847, Perrysburg, Ohio. m. Martha Augusta Ryan, July, 1859, Taylorville, 111. Bookkeeper. Prepared in Edinburg Twp. High School and Lincoln Univ. Prep. School. Alpha Tau Omega. B. A. In Grain Commission Business, Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan-July, 1904; Grain and Provision Broker, Nashville, Tenn., July, 1904-May, 1905; Bookkeeper Benton Coal Co., Benton, 111., May, 1905—. Address, Benton, 111. 1940. BANUS HUTSON PRATER Born Nov. 11, 1881, Bingham, 111. f. Lyman A. Prater, m. Sarah J. Crouch. Engineer. Prepared in Decatur High School. Sigma Nu. Class Base Ball and Foot Ball, four years; Major, 1st Batt., Univ. Reg., 1902-03. Capt. B. S. American Bridge Co., Chicago, 111., July-Sept., 1903; Instructor, Illinois, 1903-04; Isthmian Com., Canal Zone, Panama, June, 1904 — . Married Daisy Fernie Lovett, July 13, 1905, Decatur, 111. Address, Bohio, Canal Zone, Panama; (Home) Vandalia, 111. 1941. HUGH MITCHEL PRICE Husband of No. 1974 Born Mar. 25, 1877, in Danvers, 111. f. Edward Llewellyn Price, m. Emmaline M. Mitchel, Bloomington, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Illio Board; Capt. B. S. Civil Engineer, with Chicago & Alton R. R. Co., July, 1903-Jan., 1904; Const. Engr. with Burns & McDonnell, M. & S. E., Kansas City, Mo., Feb.- Dec, 1904; Chief Engr., Muskogee Elec. Trac. Co., Muskogee, I. T., Dec, 1904-July, 1905. Married Marietta Loiza Street ('03), Dec. 28, 1905, Dixon, 111. Address, City Hall, Paris, Texas. 1942. LORING HARVEY PROVINE Born Aug. 18, 1880, Quincy, 111. f. James Harvey Provine, May 4, 1844, Macomb, 111. m. Abbie Luella Ross, Dec. 18, 1849, Bangor, Me. Concrete Engineer. Prepared in Macomb High School. Tau Beta Pi; Technograph Board, three years; President of Board, 1903; Capt. B. S. Assistant in Math., Illinois, 1902-03. Architectural Engineering, Chicago, 111.; Concrete Engineering, St. Paul, Minn. Married Bertha Walker, Aug. 31, 1904, Macomb, 111. Address, 1016 Guaranty Loan Bldg. , Minneapolis, Minn. ; (Home) Macomb, 111. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 331 1943. HENRY JOSEF QUAYLE Born Apr. 29, 1876, Isle of Man. f. John Quayle, 1835, Isle of Man. m. Jane Skinner, 1837, Isle of Man. Entomologist. Prepared in Northern Ind. Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind., Central Normal Coll., Danville, Ind., and Univ. Acad. Nat. Historv Soc; Adelphic; Assoc. Editor I Hint, 1900-01; Business Manager, Illiui, 1902- 03; Editor Illio. Capt. B. A. Asst. in Entomology, Univ. of Calif., and Asst. Entomologist Agr. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, Calif., 1903-05; Instructor in Zoology Iowa State College, and Asst. Entomologist Iowa State Experi- mental Station, 1905 — . Article, Spraying for Scale Insects, Bull. Agr. Ex. Sta., May, 1905, Berkeley, Calif., Egg-laying Habits of Culex curriei, Ent. Ahws, 1906; Notes on Taeniorhynchos Squamigen, Canadian Entomol- gtst, Jan., 1906; Mosquito Control Work in Cahfornia, Bull. Calif. Ex. Sta., Berkeley, Calif., June, 1906. Member Assn. Economic Entomologists, Washington, D. C; Entomological Societies of Philadelphia and Ontario; Amer. Assn. Adv. of Science; Fellow Iowa Acad. Scienres. Address, Iowa State College, Ames, la.. Box 774. 1944. WILLIAM EVERTON RAMSEY Born Jan. 3, 1880, Chicago, 111. f. WiUiam Wilson Ramsey, Oxford, Pa. m. Laura Simpson White, Philadelphia, Pa. Architectural Engineer. Prepared in Englewood High School, Chicago, and So. Side Acad., Chicago. Phi Delta Theta. B. A., 1900, Chicago; B. S. Engineer for the General Fireproofing Co., Chicago. Address, 6056 Harvard Ave., Chicago, 111. 1945. BERTHA THATCHER RANDALL Born Feb. 27, 1871, Decatur, 111. f. John Newton Randall, Pittsfield, N. H. m. Mary M. Thatcher, Uwchlan, Pa. Library Cataloger. Prepared in Decatur High School. B. S., 1893, Smith College. B. L. S. Instructor 111. State Library School, 1903-04; First Asst. Cataloger Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Aug., 1904 — . Address, Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1946. FRANK HIETT RHEA Bom Jan. 25, 1871, in Saybrook, 111. f. T. F. Rhea. Lawyer. Prepared in Bloomington High School. LL. B. Address, Bloomington, 111. 1947. JOHN JEFFERSON RICHEY Born Jan. 8, 1877, Peoria, Kans. f. J. Scott Richev, Mar. 23, 1850, Marvsville, Ohio. m. Elmina Rhinehart, Mav 16, 1853, Lightsville, 111. Instructor. Prepared in Polo High School. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Instructor, Illinois, 1903-04, 1904-05; Inspector and Draftsman, Bridge Dept. C. & N. W. R. R., Chicago, 1906—. Address, Bridge Dept. C. & N. W. R. R., Chicago, 111.; (Home) Polo, 111. 1948. FRED ELMER RIGHTOR Born Aug. 8, 1882. Rockford, 111. f. Elmer Abram Rightor, Mar. 8, 1861, Rockford, 111. m. Arabella Victoria Drummond, May 25, 1858, Oquawka, 111. Railroad Engineer. Prepared in Rockford High School. Delta Upsi- lon. B. S. Civil Engineer, 111. Cent. R. R., at Freeport, Clinton Mem- phis, Tenn., Chicago, 111., and Ft. Dodge, la.; Asst. Engr., Omaha Division I. C. R. R., to Jan. 17, 1906; Asst. Engr. of Freeport Division, I. C. R. R., 1906—. Member Masons; Elks. Married Minnie Marie Garrett, Oct. 26, 1904, Champaign, 111. Address, Freeport, 111. 352 University of Illinois [1903 1949. SUSAN FARLEY ROLFE Daughter of No. 14; Sister of Nos. 1399, 1751 Born Oct. 13, 1882, Oswego, 111. f. Charles Wesley Rolfe, Apr. 17, 1850, Wheeling, 111. m. Martha Kussman Farley, May 8, 1849, Boston, Mass. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. A. Address, 601 John St., Champaign, 111. 1950. FRED WAYLAND ROSE Born June 24, 1877, Mazon, 111. f. David A. Rose, Sept. 3, 1841, Somer- hill, N. Y. m. Emma May Manley, 30, 1844, Grange Co., Ohio. Erecting Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. B. S. Erecting Engineer with The Arnold Co., Chicago, 111. Address (Home), 623 Poplar St., Ottawa, Kan. 1951. ROY WEAVER RUTT Born Feb. 1, 1880, Prairieville, 111. f. Levi R. Rutt, 1844, Pa. m. EHzabeth S. Weaver, 1843, Pa. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Sterling High School. Phi Delta Theta. B. S. Experimental Draftsman, Oliver Typewriter Co., Wood- stock, 111., July, 1903-04; Computer, Coal Testing Plant, U. S. G. S. at World's St. Louis, Mo. Married Julia M. , May. 27, Woodstock, 111. Address, 5052 A Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. 1952. GEORGE LOYAL SAWYER Brother of Nos. 1757, 2491 Born May 11, 1881, Mt. Pulaski, 111. f. George Sials Sawyer, Sept. 11, 1843, Chester, Vt. m. Phebe Content Hubbard, Feb. 14, 1852. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Oak Park High School, 111. Y. M. C. A.; Phi Gamma Delta. B. S. Res. Engr., Wis. & Mich. Ry., 1903; Asst. Engr., to W. S. Shields, Chicago, Asst. City Engineer, Champaign, 111., 1904; Office Engineer in City Engineer's office, Boise, Idaho, 1904-05; Engineer for Warren Improvement Co., San Francisco, Calif., 1905 — . Member Illinois Society of Eng'rs and Surveyors, Jan. 1, 1904 — . Address, (Home) 3101 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111.; 869 Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif. 1953. JOHN HENRY SCHACHT Brother of No. 1074 Born Mar. 14, 1878, Moline, 111. f. Henry August Schacht, Apr. 9, 1847, Schoenberg, Holstein, Germany, m. Katherine Efflandt, Sept. 14, 1847, Schoenberg, Holstein, Germany. Architectural Draftsman. Prepared in Moline High School. Delta Upsilon. Manager Base Ball team, 1903. B. S. Architectural draftsman with O. Z. Cervin, Moline, 111. Married Maude Menora Smith, Apr. 6, 1904, Moline, 111. Address, 1440 13th St., Moline, 111. 1954. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS SCHMIDT Born Dec. 24, 1879, Goppingen, Germany, f. John A. Schmidt, 1849, Germany, m. Louise Martin, 1847, Germany. Instructor. Prepared in Englewood High School, Chicago. Der Deutsche Verein; Capt. B. A. Instructor, Sterling Twp. High School, 1903—. Address, (Home) 6225 Halsted St., Chicago, 111.; Sterling, 111. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 353 1955. BUDD WILLARD SEYMOUR Born Feb. 22, 1876, Dwight, 111. f. John Seymour, Sept. 2, 1834, Jack- sonville, 111. m. Ellen Orr, Oct. 4, 1843, Mercer, Pa. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Dwight High School. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Draftsman, Morava Const. Co., June, 1903-Oct., 1904; Southern Bridge Co., Oct. -Dec, 1904; McClintic Marshall, Dec, 1904-May, 1905; A. Bolters Sons, May, 1905-Mar., 1906; Civ. Engr. for Swift & Co., Chicago, 1906—. Address, 6400 Harvard Ave., Chicago, 111. 1956. MAUDE LILLIAN SHELDON Sister of No. 1957 Bom Apr. 10, 1880, Sharpsburg, 111. f. Salmon Maxwell Sheldon, Sharpsburg, 111. m. Mary Isabella Wood, Oct. 27, 1849, Dixon, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Tavlorv^Ue Twp. High School. Watcheka League. Y. W. C. A. B. A. Principal of Avon High School, 1903—. Address, (Home) Sharpsburg, 111. 1957. VICTOR LORENZO SHELDON Brother of No. 1956; Husband of No. 2270 Born Oct. 14, 1876, Sharpsburg, 111. f. Salmon Maxwell Sheldon, Feb. 16, 1847. m. Mary Sheldon, 1850, Dixon, 111. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Taylor\'ille Twp. High School. Adlephic; Mech. and Elect. Engineering Club. B. S. Mechanical Engineer- ing. Article, A New Hvdraulic Belt Dynamometer, American Machinist, Aug. 13, 1904, pp. 1145-1148. Married Nellie Wetzel ('04), June 28, 1905, Stonington, 111. Address, 1368 Clara Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 1958. ADDISON M. SHELTON Bom Nov. 11, 1875, Loami, 111. f. Chatham, 111., Mar. 25, 1844. m. Chatham, 111., Jan. 25, 1849. Superintendent of Schools. Prepared in Loami High School and So. State Normal, Carbondale, 111. Philomathean; English Club; Choral Soc; Illinois-Missouri Debate, 1903; Class Poet. B. A. Teacher. Married W'anda Schember, 1899, St. Louis, Mo. Address, Crystal Lake, 111. 1959. JOHN EARL SHOEMAKER Bom Sept. 26, 1881, Charleston, 111. f. T. T. Shoemaker, Sept. 14, 1847, Charleston, 111. m. Emmazetta Reat, Oct. 15, 1850, Charleston, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Charleston High School. Phi Kappa Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Theta Nu Epsilon. C. E. Club; Mathematical Club; Manager lUio; Manager Technograph No. 18; Pres. Technograph Board, Tech. No. 19. B. A.; B. S., 1905. Engineering Aid in the U. S. Reclamation Service. Address, Charleston, 111. 1960. RODERICK WILLIAM SILER Born Sept. 16, 1879, on the Island of St. Helena, f. J. W. Siler. m. Susan E. Smvthe. Civil Engineer. Phi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon. B. S. Civil Engineer, 1903 — . Member of Episcopal Church. Address, 6345 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. 1961. FRANCES SIMPSON Bom in Burtonsville, Schoharie Co., N. Y. f. James Nelson Simpson, Apr. 7, 1815. m. Elizabeth Diefendorf, Jan. 8, 1837, Minden, N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. 354 University of Illinois [1903 Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi Beta Kappa, Northwestern. B. L., 1884, Northwestern; M. L., 1888, same; B. L. S. Teacher in Troy High School, 1885-87; Decatur, 111., 1887-91; Rockford, 111., 1891-93; Pontiac, 111., Twp. High School, 1894-98; Asst. Librarian, Chicago Inst., 1899-1901; Univ. of 111., Head Cataloger, 1901-03; Reference Librarian and Asst. Prof, of Library Economy, 1903 — . Published, History of the Evolution of the Library, a Syllabus; Lloyde, Champaign, 1903, pp. 95. Pres. Illinois State Library School Ass'n, 1904-05. Address, Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. 1962. ELGIE RAY SKINNER Born Dec. 12, 1877, Pulaski, Ohio. f. John R. Skinner, Pulaski, Ohio. m. Mary A. Skinner, Winimac, Ind. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Areola High School. Tau Beta Pi; Engineering Soc. B. S. Mechanical Engineer with Corn Products Re- fining Co., 1903 — . Member U. S. Vol. Infantry, Apr. 27, 1898-May 2, 1899. Junior member Western Soc. of Enigneers, Apr., 1904 — . Address, 4451 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago, 111. 1963. CHARLES HENRY SMITH Born June 8, 1875, in Metamora, 111. f. John Smith, m. Magdalene Schertz. Student.. Prepared in Metamora High School; Illinois State Normal, 1896-98; Univ. of Mich., 1899. A. B., 1902, 111.; A. M., 1903, Univ. of Chicago. Adelphic. Fellowship Univ. of Chicago, 1905 — . Ares. Y. M. C. A., 111. State Normal; Vice Pres., same, IlHnois. Address, Snell Hall, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. 1964. CHARLES WESLEY SMITH Born June 20, 1877, Ehzabeth City, N. C. f. Charles Weslev Smith, July 14, 1843, Smithfield, Pa. m. Hester Ann Bourne, Dec. 17, 1845, Smithfield, Pa. Librarian. Prepared in Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. Y. B. A.; B. L. S., 1905. Teacher, Public Schools, Lockwood, N. Y., 1895-1900; Asst. Librarian, Univ. of Washington, Aug., 1905-Feb., 1906; Acting Librarian, Mar., 1906 — Article, Bibliography of Morris Birkbeck, Transactions of the 111. State Hist. Soc, 1905. Member Amer. Library Ass'n., May, 1904; Amer. Historical Ass'n, Jan., 1905; Bibliographiral Soc. of Amer., 1906—. Address, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. 1965. JOHN JACK SPRIGGS Husband of No. 1981 Born Sept. 14, 1877, Louisville, 111. f. James J. Spriggs, Apr. 6, 1818, N. C. m. Nancy Warren, July 20, 1844, Ky. Lawyer. Prepared in Shurtleff Coll., Alton, 111., Ewing Coll., Ewing, 111. Band. B. A.; LL. B., 1905, Univ. of Missouri. School teacher, Louisville, 111., 1903; admitted to Bar in Mo., Dec. 5, 1904; Student and Lawyer, 1904 — . Member 9th Illinois Vol. Inf., June 28, 1898-Jan. 12, 1899. Married Edna Cecelia Vance ('03), June 10, 1903, Champaign, 111. Child, Deane Vance, born July 19, 1904. Address, (Home) Louisville, 111.; Columbia, Mo. 1966. GARLAND STAHL Born Apr. 13, 1880, f. Henrv Stahl, May 19, 1842, Hamilton, Ohio. m. Eliza Stahl, Jan. 16, 1844, Winchester, 111. Lawver and Base Ball Manager. Prepared in Elkhart High School, and Univ. Acad. Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Phi; Base Ball and Foot Ball teams four 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 355 years; Capt. Foot Ball team, 1902. LL. B. Plaving Professional Base Ball, 1903; Boston, 1904-05; Washington, 1905—. Married Jean Mahan (Ex-'04), Jan. 24, 1906, Pasadena, Calif. Address, (Home) Elkhart, 111. 1967. ALTA LOUISE STANSBURY Born Nov. 10, 1880, Western Call, la. f. G. W. Stansbury. Librarian. Prepared in Cedar Rapids High School, Iowa. Pi Beta Phi. B. L. S. Librarian, Port Huron Public Library. Address, 1504 Military St., Port Huron, Mich. 1968. CARL STEINW^EDELL Brother of No. 1079 Born Apr. 13, 1882. f. Wm. Steinwedell. m. Louise A. Steinwedell. Chemist. Prepared in Quincv High School. Kappa Sigma; Theta Nu Epsilon; Base Ball team, 1900-03.' B. S. Gas Engineer, The Gas Machinery Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Chemist, St. Paul Gas Light Co., 1905-06; Supt. Butte Gas, Light & Fuel Co., 1906—. Address, Butte Gas, Light & Fuel Co., Butte, Mont. 1969. LUCIA ALZIXA STEVENS Born Mar. 8, 1879, Coral, 111. f. Frank Ernest Stevens, 1852, Friendship, N. Y. m. Rosalie Barber, 1848, Java Village, N. Y. Teacher. Prepared in Marengo High School. Teacher, Marengo, 1903-05; Graduate Student, Illinois, 1905-06. Address, (Home) Marengo, 111. 1970. J. CARL STINE Born Jan. 21. 1873, in Sharpsville, 111. f. William Stine. m. . Prepared in Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. B. A.; M. A., 1905. Address, 1971. CLYDE ERNEST STONE Brother of No. 1972 Bom Mar. 23, 1876, near Mason City, 111. f. Claudius L. Stone, Sept. 18, 1845, near Middletown, 111. m. Mary Gertrude Marot. Lawver. Prepared in Mason Citv High School, 111. Philomathean; Political Science Club ; Van Twiller Court ; Phi Delta Phi ; Theta Kappa Nu ; Phi Kappa Sigma. Illinois-Missouri debating team, 1902; Senior Class Orator, 1903; Foot Ball Team, 1901-02. LL. B. Attorney at Law, (firm name Joseph V. Graff & Clyde E. Stone), 1903 — . Member Peoria Bar Assn. ; Vice-pres. of Univ. of Illinois Club, Peoria, 111.; Trustee of First Presbyterian Church, Peoria. Married Jessie Browning, Nov. 14, 1900, at Havana, 111. Address, 1020 Glen Oak Ave., Peoria, 111.; bus. 309 Y. M. C. A. Bldg. 1972. HAL MAROT STONE Brother of No. 1971 ; Husband of No. 1825 Born July 31, 1877, Mason City, 111. f. Claudius L. Stone, Sept. IS, 1845, near Middletown, 111. m. Mary Gertrude Marot. Lawyer. Prepared in Mason Citv High School. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu. Philomathean; Van Twiller Court; Y. M. C. A.; Political Science Club. LL. B. Practicing Law. 1903 — . Married Mildred Ann Burrill ('03), Nov. 11, 1903, Urbana, 111. Address, 330-331 Unity Bldg., Bloomington, 111. 356 University of Illinois [1903 1973. ELLSWORTH PRIME STOREY Born Nov. 16, 1879, Chicago, 111. f. Henry Clififord Storey, m. Mary Lavinia Northway. Architect. Prepared in Chicago English High and Manual Tr. School. Delta Tau Delta. B. S. Draughtsman for James H. Schack, 1903; opened office as architect, Oct. 1, 1903. Married Phoebe Mulliken (Ex-"03), Sept. 29, 1904, Champaign, 111. Child, Eunice, born July 13, 1905. Address, 260 37th Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. 1974. MARIETTA LOIZA STREET (PRICE) Wife of No. 1941 Born Feb. 23, 1880, Nachusa, 111. f. Horace Street, 1846, Barre Center, N. Y. m. Sarah Evelyn Broadwell, 1845, Gaines, N. Y. Prepared in Dixon High School. English Club; Watcheka League; Ladies' Glee Club, 1901-02; Basket Ball team, 1901-03; Illio Board, 1903. B. L. S. Library Organizer, State Normal School library, Kirksville, Mo., 1903; Carnegie Public Library, Paducah, Ky., 1904; Free Public Library, Shelby ville. 111., 1905. Married Hugh Mitchel Price ('03), December 28, 1905, Dixon, 111. Address, Paris, Texas. 1975. CORNELIA EMMA STREHLOW Born Aug. 22, 1883, in Champaign, 111. f. Henry Strehlow. Teacher, 1904. B. A. Teacher of French and German, Linderwood Coll., St. Charles, Mo., 1903—. Address, care of Linderwood College, St. Charles, Mo. 1976. ALEXANDER JENNINGS STROM Born Jan. 2, 1881, in Chicago, 111. f. Jans Julius Strom, m. Gina. Lawyer. Prepared in Northwest Division High School, Chicago; 111. Coll. of Law, Chicago. LL. B. Officer Supreme Council, American Protective League. Address, 149 Lunt Ave., Rogers Park, Chicago, 111.; Bus. 145 La Salle St. Chicago, 111. 1977. LEONARD FREDERICK WILLIAM STUEBE Born Aug. 25, 1881, Danville, 111. f. J. Stuebe. m. Caroline Kraft. Architect. Delta Upsilon; Technograph Board, 1903; Architects' Club; Pres. Delmar Club, 1901-03; Orange and Blue. B. S. Architectural drafts- man for H. E. Hewitt and F. J. Klein, Peoria, 111., 1903; licensed to practice Architecture, Apr., 1904. In partnership with J. F. McCoy, firm name, McCoy & Stuebe. Member of K. of P. Lodge, White Oak Lodge, No. 469. Married EHzabeth Temple Cobine, Sept. 15, 1903, St. Louis, Mo. Address, R. F. D. No. 2, Danville, 111.; Bus., 305 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1978. ADA HELEN STUTSMAN Born Feb. 7, 1883, Chicago, 111. f. Oscar McLean Stutsman, 1858' Leavenworth, Kans. Teacher. Prepared in Quincy High School. Y. W. C. A.; Alethenai; English Club; Deutsche Verein. B. A. Instructor in History in Quincy High School; 1903-05; Enghsh and History, Jacksonville High School. Address, Acad. Hall, Jacksonville, 111.; (Home) 807 Madison St., Quincy, 111. 1979. JAMES WOLFE SUSSEX Born Mar. 22, 1878, in Dunlap. f. George Sussex. Engineer, 1904. B. S. Asst. Engineer with A. Potter, 1903^-. Address, 107 Halsey St., Newark, N. J. 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 357 1980. ANNE DAVIES SWEZEY Born June 28, 1880, Chicago, 111. f. Tappin Reeve Swezey, Brooklyn, N. Y. m. Phebe Anne Davies, Utica, N. Y. Librarian. Prepared in Hinsdale High School. Library Club. Basket Ball team. B. L. S. Cataloger Ishpeming, Mich., Aug. -Dec, 1903. Order Asst., Univ. of 111. Library, Mar., 1904-Sept., 1905; Binding Asst., Sept., 1905 — . Hinsdale Presbyterian Church, 1896 — . American Library Asso- ciation, 1903. Address, 1016 Nevada St., Urbana, 111. 1981. ALBERT EDGAR TAFF Born July 28, 1876, Bentonville, Ark. f. George G. Taff. m. Susan Downing. Lawyer. Prepared in Canton High School and Western Normal, Bush- nell. 111. LL. B. Attorney at Law, Canton, 111. Member Fulton Co. Bar Assn., 1904—; Asst. States' Attorney, Jan., 1905 — . Address, Canton, 111. 1982. EDNA CECILIA VANCE (SPRIGGS) Wife of No. 1965 Born Oct. 31, 1879, Formosa, 111. f. John Albert Vance, 1846, Md. m. Nancy Ellen Barnsback, 1856, 111. Prepared in Edwardsville High School. Library Soc. B.L. S. School teacher in Louisville, 111., 1903-04. Married John J. Spriggs ('03), June 10, 1903, Champaign, 111. Child, Dean Vance, born July 19, 1904. Address, Columbia, Mo. 1983. PAUL RAYMOND VAN DERVORT' Born Sept. 17, 1875, Tiskilwa, 111. f. James M. Van Dervort. m. Elvira Jane Barebor, Wilmington, Ohio. Lawyer. Prepared in Tiskilwa High School. Philomathean; Orator, presentation of Draper memorial by Senior Laws, 1903. LL. B. Practicing Law, 1903 — . Bureau County Bar Assn. Address, Tiskilwa, 111. 1984. ALBERT GRAFTON VARNES Bom Apr. 20, 1881, TrivoH, 111. f. Ezra Dotz Varnes, Aug. 9, 1834, Oakland, Pa. m. Jane Barbara Kepner, Aug. 8, 1835, Pa. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Farmington, 111. Adelphic. B. S. With City Engineer at New Philadelphia, Ohio, till Sept., 1903; with Eng. Dept. of Chicago and Northwestern R. R. till May, 1905; Resident Engr. of Southern Indiana Rv, 1905—. Married Carrie Berneta John, Dec. 24, 1903, Cobden, 111. Address, Corv, Ind. 1985. JACOB H. WALLACE Born Mar. 8, 1877, Altamont, 111. f. James K. Wallace, Jan. 10, 1845, Greencastle, Ind. m. Maggie A. Baker, Jan. 24, 1851, Dexter, 111. Instructor. Prepared in Altamont High School and Univ. Acad. M. E. and E. E. Soc. Technograph Board. B. S. Teaching in Univ. of Mo., Sept., 1903-04; Boulder, Colo., for health, 1904; Instructor in G. E. D., Univ. of Colo., Boulder, Colo., 1905 — . Designed Anemometer Tester, and Stroke Measurer, 1904; exhibited at World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. Articles, Comparison of Boiler Trials, Power, XXIV, 1904, p. 735; Setting the D Slide Valve, Jour, of Eng'g. Univ. of Colo., 1906; The Sweet Valve Diagram, Power, XXV, 1905; Two-Motor Lever, American Machinist, 1905. Member of M. E. Church, Boulder, Colo. Married Julia Means, Aug. 4, 1904, Effingham, 111. Address, 1076 12th St., Boulder, Colo. 358 University of Illinois [1903 1986. ROBERT RUSSEL WARD Born Aug. 9, 1879, Benton, 111. f. W. R. Ward, Benton, 111. m. Imo- gene Snyder. Lawyer. Prepared in Benton High School. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Shield and Trident. Manager Foot Ball team; Mgr. Interscholastic. LL. B. Vice-pres. Benton State Park; Secy, and Teas., Benton Coal Co.; Attorney at Law. A. F. & A. M. No. 64. Married Terzie Isabel Kirkpatrick, Sept. 3, 1905, Benton, 111. Address, Benton, 111. 1987. RUTH AIMEE WARDALL Born July 28, 1877, Tolono, 111. f. Xenophon Leonidas Wardall. m. Emma Sawyer Wardall. Teacher.' Prepared in Tuscola High School. B. A. Head of Dedt. of Domestic Science in S. Dak. Agricultural Coll., 1903-06; Fellow in Dom. Sci., Illinois, 1906-07. Address, (Home) Tuscola, 111. 1888. PEARL WEBBER Born Jan. 27, 1882, Urbana, 111. f. William B. Webber, Oct. 31, 1836, Urbana, 111. m. SalHe D. Barnett, June 8, 1845, Shelbyville, Ky. Teacher. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Alethenai; Y, W. C. A.; Watcheka League; Der Deutsche Verein. B. A. Teaching at Georgetown, 1903-04; Hoopeston, 1904-05; Champaign, 1905 — . Member Urbana Baptist Church, 1894. Address, 709 W. Green St., Urbana. 111. 1989. MIRIAM URSULA WELLES (REEVES) Wife of No. 1748 Born July 22, 1880, Dover, 111. f. Henry G. Welles, Aug. 21, 1848, Dover, 111. m. Mary A. Arnold, Oct. 11, 1848, Amboy, 111. Prepared in NortMeld Seminary, Mass. B. A.; M. A., 1904. Married George I. Reeves ('02), Apr. 14, 1906. Address, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. 1990. FRED MASON WELLS Born Nov. 23, 1879, Moline, 111. f. William W. Wells, Mar. 2. 1843, Coal Center, Pa. m. Emma Cordelia Rhodes, Nov. 9, 1848, Savannah. 111. Real Estate Dealer. Prepared in MoHne High School. B. S. Ranch- ing, 1903-05; Real Estate, 1905—. Address, 315-16-17 Union Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. 1991. HANNAH AMANDA WESTHOLD Born Apr. 14. 1881. Quincy, 111. f. Frank A. Westhold, Nov. 15, 1837, Germany, m. Wilhelmina Westerman, June 7, 1842, Germany. Teacher. Prepared in Quincy High School. Basket Ball Team; Y. W C. A.; German Club; Mathematics Club. B. A. Teaching in High School, Urbana, 111., 1903-04; Quincy High School, 111., 1904—. Address, 424 So. 16th St., Quincy, 111. 1992. HAMMOND WILLIAM WHITSITT Born Feb. 10, 1879, Preemption. 111. f. Benjamin Whitsitt. Aug. 14, 1838, Ireland, m. EHzabeth Adelaide Betty, Feb. 1, 1842, Ireland. Architect. Prepared in Reynolds High School and Augustana Coll., Rock Island, 111. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Bus. Mgr. Technograph, 1903. Capt. B. S. Instructor in College of Engineering, Illinois, 1903-05 ; Associated with C. F. Drury, ( '02), firm of Whitsitt & Drury, in Architecture, Moline, 111., June, 1905 — . Member of Presbyterian Church. Address, Moline, 111. . 1903] Baccalaureate Alumni 359 1993. VONIE AMES WILEY (DOUGLASS) Born Sept. 12, 1869, Charleston, 111. f. Eli Wilev, 1823, Kentucky. m. Martha Sanborn Whittemore, 1829, Salisbury, X. H. Prepared in Charleston High School, 111.; Mary A. Burnham School, Northamton. Mass., and Smith Coll. Information Clerk in Seattle Public Library, Sept., 1903-Apr., 1904. Married Donald Pierson Douglass, June 8, 1904, Butler, Ky. Address, Colfax, 111., R. F. D. Xo. 1. 1994. WALTER WIXSLOW WILLIAMS Bom Jan. 18, 1873, Herrin, 111. f. John G. Williams, 1840, Xew Har- mony, Ind. m. Louisa Martin Harrison, Oct. 23, 1835, Marion, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Southern Illinois Xormal, Carbondale, 111. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Delta Phi; Political Science Club. Assoc. Editor Illio. LL. B. Lawyer, in partnership with Judge Hart. Vice-pres. First X^at'l Bank, West Frankfort, 111.; Pres. Hart-Williams Coal Co. Member of House in Illinois Legislattire, 1904-06. Member Christian Church, 1894; A. F. and A. M., Herrin, 111., 1898; R. A. M., Urbana, 1902. Married Mary Virginia Moore, June 27, 1906, Benton, 111. Address, Benton, 111. 1995. GEORGE SHIRLEY WILSOX Born Xov. 19, 1875, Magnolia, 111. f. Morris A. Wilson, 1837, Ohio. m. Lydia E. John, 1841, Pa. Teacher. Prepared in Putnam Co. Rural and State Normal, Xormal, 111. B. A. Principal Bement High School, 1903-05; Teacher of Phvsics, Seattle High School, May 1, 1905—. Address, 806 E. Howell St., Seattle, Wash. 1996. JOSEPH WADE WILSOX Born Feb. 9, 1878, Morristown, Henrv Co., 111. f. William Christian Wilson, Feb. 11, 1839, Christiana, Xorwav.' m. Ellen E. Showalter, Julv 2, 1845, Edwardsville. 111. Draftsman. Prepared in Moline High School. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Architectural Club; Armv and Xavv Club. Foot Ball team, 1903. B. S.; M. Arch., 1904. Fellowship, 1903. 'Draftsman, office of Ximmons and Fellows. Architects, Chicago. Seaman U. S. X., U. S. S. Xewport, 1898. Member Chicago Architectural Club, Sept., 1905 — ; Sec. same, 1906. Address, 44 Seeley Ave., Chicago, 111. 1997. LLOYD VERXOX WOLCOTT Born Oct. 23, 1882, in Fillmore, 111. f. C. W. Wolcott. m. Ella Shields. Student. Prepared in Fillmore, 111. B. A. Student in Coll. of Law, 1903 — . Member of Masonic Lodge. Address, care of Univ of Illinois, Urbana, 111. 1998. RALPH CULLOM WOODMAXSEE Born July 5, 1878, in Roseville, 111. f. J. L. Woodmansee. m. Selena Gorden. Librarian. Prepared in Champaign High School, 111. B. L. S. Asst. at Loan Desk, Univ. of 111. Library, 1904-05; Shelf Dept., Univ. of Calif., 1906—. Address, Univ. of Calif. Library, Berkeley, Calif. 1999. METTA EDXA WOODWORTH Bom June 9, 1880, Champaign, 111. f. Stephen Elias Woodworth, Nov. 26, 1814, Tyre, X. Y. m. Mary Celina Carpenter, Apr. 5. 1842, Erie Co., N. Y. Lecturer in Household Science. Prepared in Champaign High School. 360 University of Illinois [1903 Watcheka League. B. A. Lecturer in Household Science in Farmer's Institutes for the Univ. of Cahf., Sept., 1903-June, 1904. Address, (Home) Potomac, IlL, care of David Judy. 2000. LYNNE GRISWOLD WORTH Born Mar. 13, 1879, Benton Harbor, Mich. f. Charles Burton Worth, m. Augusta Griswold. Librarian. Prepared in Benton Harbor, Mich., High School and Marin- ette, Wis., High School. Librarian of Medford, Wis., Free Public Library, Nov. 21—. Address, Medford, Wis. 2001. NORMAN ARTHUR ZANGERLE Born Jan. 18, 1883, Chicago, 111. f. Joseph Zangerle, in the Tyrol, m- Angie Staley, 111. Manufacturer. Prepared in St. Mary's Inst., Dayton, Ohio. Kappa Sigma; Base Ball team. B. S. With Joseph Zangerle, in the manufacture of parlor frames, Jan., 1905 — . Address, 157 Janssen Ave., Chicago, 111. 2002. LESTER WILLIAM ZARTMAN Husband of No. 1454 Born Dec. 9, 1878, Kankakee, 111. f. William Elias Zartman, Apr. 18. 1841, Hamilton, Ohio. m. Almira Gates, Feb. 12, 1844, Mt. Carmel, Ind. Instructor. Prepared in Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111. Philoma- thean; Philo.-Adelphic Debate, 1901; Illinois-Missouri Debate, 1903; Manager Star Lecture Course, 1902; Political Science Club. B. A. Fellowship in Economics, 1903-04. Graduate Student, Yale Univ., 1904-06; Instructor in Insurance, Yale Univ., 1906 — . Married Laura Louise Black ('01), Sept. 22, 1904, Champaign, 111. Address, 100 Brownell St., New Haven, Conn. CLASS OF 1904 (293) 2003. RALPH ELLIOTT ABELL Born Jan. 21, 1880, Elgin, 111. f. William Wright Abell, Nov. 17, 1853, Cummington, Mass. m. Rachel Calame Abell, Dec. 18, 1855, Morat, Swisse. Architect. Prepared in Elgin High School. Tau Beta Pi, Illinois; Gar- goyle, Cornell. Cornell Fellowship in Architecture, 1904-05; Architect, 1,905—. Address, 527 Lourel St., Elgin, 111. 2004. BLANCHE ALDRICH Born Nov. 20, 1877, Hudson, 111. f. J. W. Aldrich, 1838, Uxbridge, Mass. m. Flora S. Cox, 1850, Waterford, Me. Prepared in Illinois State Normal Univ., Normal, 111. B. A. Address, Normal, 111. 2005. ARTHUR WILLIAM ALLEN Born Apr. 16, 1881, Melbourne, Prov. of Quebec, Canada, f. William Marshall Allen, 1854, Melbourne, Quebec, Canada. Architect. Prepared in Peoria High School and Univ. Acad. Delta Tau Delta. B. S. Junior member of firm, W. M. Allen, Son & Co., Building Contractors. Address, 520 4th Ave., Peoria, 111. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 361 2006. JOHN EDWARD ANDERSON Born Dec. 6, 1S79, Paxton, 111. f. John Anderson, m. Mathilda Sophia Nelson. Insurance Agent. Prepared in Rice Collegiate Inst., Paxton, 111. Pi Theta; Political Economy Club; German Club; Pres. of Scandinavian Club. Special Honors in History. B. A. Asst. Dist. Agt. of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Milwaukee, Wis. Address, 410 Masonic Temple, Rockford, 111. 2007. CARL ELMER ARMELING Bom July 11, 1883, Mason City, 111. f. John Henrv Armeling, Mar., 1841, Badbergen, Germany, m. Caroline Pugh, Mar. 14, 1841, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher. Prepared in Mason City High School. Glee Club ; Opera Club ; Adelphic. B. A. Teacher of Latin, Logan Countv High School, 1904-05; Sterling, Colo., 1905 — . Address, Sterling, Colo. 2008. ADOLPHUS EDWARD ASKINS Born June 4, 1878, in Lakewood, 111. f. F. Askins. m. Elizabeth Hart. Asst. Engineer. Adelphic; Glee Club; Opera Club. B. S. Draftsman. Purdy & Henderson, New York, until October; with Big Four Assistant Engineer, Mt. Carmel. Summer of 1905 was resident engineer on construc- tion at Litchfield, 111., with Illinois Traction System. Address, Mt. Carmel, 111. 2009. DAVID ARTHUR BAER Bom Feb. 24. 1880, Westfield, 111. f. Michael Rine Baer, Sept. 26, 1849, Spring Run, Franklin Co., Pa. m. Henrietta Parcel, Mar. 3, 1853, West- field, 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Alexis High School, 111., and Knox Coll. Y. M. C. A.; Charter member of Electrical Eng'g Soc. Capt. B. S. Underground .Electrical Construction Co., Chicago Edison Co., July, 1904-Apr., 1906; Asst. Supt. of Underground Const.. Dayton Lighting Co., Dayton, O., May, 1906—. Address, 124 E. 4th St., Dayton. O. 2010. WALTER THOMAS BAILEY Born Jan. 11, 1882K, ewanee. 111. f. Emanual Bailey, m. Lucy Rey nolds, Jackson, Mo. Head of Architectural Dept., Tuskegee Inst. Prepared in Kewanee High School. Architects' Club. B. S. Draftsman for Henry Eckland, Architect, Kewanee, 111.; Feb. 20, 1905 — . draftsman for Spencer and Tem- ple, Archts., Champaign, 111. Head of Architectural Dept., Tuskegee Nor- mal and Industrial Institute. Tuskegee. Ala. Married Josephine L. McCurdv, Oct. 31, 1903. Child, Edyth Hazel, bom Mar. 8, 1905. Address, Tuskegee Inst., Tuskegee, Ala. 2011. WILLIAM SALISBURY BALLARD Born May 29, 1881, Platteville, Wis. f. Jas. Harvey Ballard, 1849, Batavia, 111. m. Elizabeth M. Carpenter. Asst. in Botany. Prepared in West Batavia High School. Sigma Xi. B. A. Asst. in Zoologv, 1903-04; Assistant in Botany, Illinois, Summer of 1904—. Address, 401 W. Green St., Champaign, 111. 362 University of Illinois [1904- *2012. RAPLH ADAMS BALLINGER Born Jan. S, 1881, Gallatin, Mo. f. Adams Ballinger, Feb. 16, 1853, Handsburg, Kv. m. Helen Josephine McCormick, May 6, 1856, Simmens, Mo. Prepared in Keokuk, Iowa, High School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. B. S. Died Feb. 3, 1905, El Paso, Tex. 2013. PERRY BARKER Born Mar. 28, 1882, Rochelle, 111. f. Frank Barker, Dec. 31, 1840, Oberlin, O. m. Josephine Waite, May 4, 1850, Byron, 111. Chemist. Prepared in Rochelle High School. Delta Tau Delta; Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. S. Chemical Engineer for F. W. Mattiessen Zinc Co.; now with A. Bement, Mining and Mech. Engr. Article, The Determination of Phosphates in Natural Waters, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, Aug., 1904. Address, care of A. Bement, Amer. Trust Bldg., Chicago, 111. 2014. HAROLD HENDRY BARTER Born June 3, 1881, Dowiac, Mich. f. Clarence T. Barter, Mar. 27, Con- Cord, N. H. m. Lillian Adel Hendry, Apr. 25, 1860, Battle Creek, Mich. Prepared in Englewood High School, Chicago. Delta Tau Delta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Foot Ball team., 1903; Asst. to Supt., Racine Sattley Co., Springfield. Address, 415 S. 7th St., Springfield, 111. 2015. RALPH STANLEY BAUER Born Sept. 25, 1883, Stonington, 111. f. Josiah Thomas Bauer, m. Katie Smith. Principal. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Philomathean. B. A. Asst. Principal of the Blue Mound High School, Sept., 1904-May, 1905; Prin. same, Sept., 1905 — . Address, Blue Mound, 111. 2016. JAMES RUSSELL BENSON Born Aug. 31, 1875, in Colfax, 111. f. C. H. Benson. Supt. Western Springs Public Schools, 1904 — . Attended Illinois Wesleyan Univ. B. A. Address, Western Springs, 111. 2017. MARY MATILDA BEVANS Born Dec. 16, 1860, Platteville, Wis. f. James Haney Bevans, 1830, Green Bay, Wis. m. Hannah Cramer, 1839, Newark, N. Y. Library Organizer. Prepared in State Normal, Platteville, Wis. B. A.; B. L. S., 1904. Organizing libraries in Wisconsin and Illinois. In Wiscon- sin employed by State Library Commission, in Illinois organized libraries in La Grange, Fairburg, and Teachers' library, School for Blind, Jacksonville. First Congr. Church, Redlands, Calif., 1895—. Address, 901 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111. 2018. ROY JABEZ BLACKBURN Born Feb. 2, 1883, in Hillsboro, 111. f. J. F. Blackburn. B. S. Address, 903 W. Church St,. Decatur, 111. 2019. JOHN DOUGLAS BLOCHER Born June 19, 1884, Amboy, 111. f. John Geo. Blocher, Oct. 8, 1844, Herrick, Pa. m. Lucy M. Rose, Feb. 22, 1846, Locke, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. Prepared in Amboy High School, 111. Foot Ball, 1003; Winner of Artillerv Competitive drill, 1903-04. B. A. Super- intendent of La Porte, Texas, Public Schools, 1903 — . Address, La Porte, Texas. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 363 2020. FRANK SMITH BOGARDUS Bom Aug. 30, 1874, Springfield, 111. f. Stephen Bogardus. m. Mary J. Smith. Instructor. Prepared in Springfield High School and Illinois State Nor- mal Univ. B. A. Teacher, 111. State Normal Univ., 1899-1903. Pro- fessor of European History, Indiana State Normal School, 1903 — . Mem- ber of American Historical Ass'n; Secretarv of Illinois School Masters' Club, 1900-04. Married Luella Forden, June 30, 1898, Springfield, 111. Child, Franklin Forden, born May 27, 1902. Address, Terre Haute, Ind. 2021. BERTHA JULIA BOND Born Nov. 11, 1880, Charleston, 111. f. Charles Giles Bond, Sept. 18, 1851, Lancaster, Ohio. m. Malinda Ehzabeth McNutt, Sept. 13, 1854, Paris, 111. Librarian. Prepared in Charleston High School. Y. M. C. A. B. A.; B. L. S., 1905. Assistant in charge of Loan Desk, Univ. of 111. librarv, Jan. 1, 1906—. Address, 601 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. 2022. HELEN ETHEL BOOKER Sister of No. 1193 Born Mav 18, 1878, Fairmount, 111. f. Geo. A. Booker, Sept. 14, 1846. m. Caroline Bell, July 27, 1846. Teacher. Prepared in Champaign High School. B. A. Teacher of Latin and English, Newman, 111., 1903; Chrisman, 111., 1904 — . Member of First Baptist Church, Champaign, 111., 1890. Address, Chrisman, 111. 2023. MARY JOSEPHINE BOOTH Bom May 24, 1876, Beloit, Wis. f. John Robertson Booth, 1827, Montgomery Co., N. Y. m. Minerva Leonard, 1841, Roscoe, 111. Librarian. Prepared in Beloit High School. B. A., 1900, Beloit College; B. L. S. Librarian Eastern 111. State Normal School. Address, Charleston, 111. 2024. ALDA HALDERMANN BORN Born Nov. 1, 1883, Lancaster, Ohio. f. George Born, 1853, Lancaster, Ohio. m. Fides Amelia Holdermann, 1854, Lancaster, Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Decatur High School. B. A. Taught in Rock Falls, 111., 1905. Address, (Home) 506 John St., Champaign, 111. *202 5. WALTER CHARLES EMIL BRAUN Born Aug. 16, 1881, Elbing, Prussia, f. Charles Emil Braun, June 20, 1845, Gross Muensterburg, Prussia, m. Mathilda Christiana Dann, Sept. 18, Groos Brunau, Prussia. Prepared in Medill High School, Chicago. Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon. B. A. Analytical Chemist, Armour & Co., Chicago, 1904-05. Died July 7, 1905, Chicago, 111. 2026. CHARLES GUY BRIGGLE Born Jan. 27, 1883, Rushville, 111. f. R. T. Briggle, Mt. Sterling, 111. m. Mary E. Thompson, Rushville, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Rushville High School. Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Delta Phi. LL. B. Engaged in practice of Law, firm of Anderson & Briggle, 1904 — . Member Morris Bar Ass'n. Address, Morris, 111. 364 University of Illinois [1904 2027. OLIN LORRAINE BROWDER Born Sept. 4, 1879, McLeansboro, 111. f. William A. Browder, Sept. 8, 1844, Nashville, 111. m. Hattie A. Henry, May 21, 1851, Nashville, 111. Student. Prepared in Mt. Vernon High School. Adelphic. Oratorical Assn.; Band; Orchestra; Pi Theta. 111. representative to Cent. Oratorical League. Delaware, Ohio, 1904. Class Hatchet Orator. B. A. Student of Law. Pres. of Epworth League M. E. Church, Urbana, 1903-04. Married Nellie Taylor, June 29, 1905, Urbana, 111. Address, 803 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. 2028. SEYMOUR DEWEY BROWN Born Apr. 3, 1882, North Egremont, Mass. f. Charles Frank Brown, Jan. 19, 1853, Genoa, Wis. m. Carrie Grace Dewey, Apr. 9, 1853, North Egremont, Mass. Draftsman. Prepared in Sedgwick Institute, Mass., and Vermont Acad., Vt. Phi Gamma Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Illinois Club; Bus. Mgr. Illio. B. S. Draftsman, D. L. & W. R. R., Hoboken, N. J., 1904—. Address, Maplewood, N. J. 2029. CAMILLA MARGARET BRUNNER Born Mar. 14, 1880, Peru, 111. f. Herman Brunner, Mar. 5, 1838, Her- zenhein, Hessen, Germany, m. Rosa Reinhart, June 7, 1848, Harbach, Bavaria, Germany. Prepared in Peru High School, Peru, 111.; La Salle Twp. High School, Univ. of Minn., 1900-01. Watcheka League and German Club. B. A. Address, 1406 Bluff St., Peru, 111. 2030. JOHN LEE BUCHANAN Born Jan. 29, 1884, Lacon, 111. f. Elbridge Lee Buchanan, Ohio, m- Cornelia Elizabeth Townsend, Henry, 111. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Lacon High School. Sigma Xi. B. S. With General Electrical Co., Calculating Dept. Vice-pres., Lacon Elec. Co. Member Edison Club, Schenectady, N. Y. Address, P. O. Box 262, Schenectady, N. Y.,or, care of General Electric Co. 2031. GERTRUDE AMELIA BUCK Born Mar. 8, 1868, in Wheaton, 111. f. E. J. Buck. m. Sarah Trask. Head of Dept. of Library Science, Kansas State Normal School. B. L. S. Junior Revisor, State Library School, 1901 ; Director Summer Library School, Kansas State Normal School; Head of Department of Library Science, 1905-. Member of Congregational Church. Address, Emporia, Kan. 2032. CARY CLIVE BURFORD Born Mar. 28, 1882, Farmer City, 111. f. Wm. T. Burford, July 27, 1844, Harrison Co., Ind. m. Mary E. McWilliams, Jan. 28, 1853, Belmont Co., Ohio. Instructor. Prepared in Hoopeston High School. B. A.; M. A., 1905. Graduate work, Illinois, 1904-05; Instructor in Ellsworth Coll., Iowa Falls, la., 1905 — . Member Presbyterian Church. Address, Iowa Falls, Iowa. 2033. FRED HENRY BURGESS Brother of No. 2034 Born Dec. 20, 1880, Monticello, 111. f. Gilbert A. Burgess, 1848, Henry, 111. m. Jane Conaway, 1852, Le Roy, 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Monticello High School. B.S. In employ of Kansas City Bridge Co., Kansas City. Address, 1108 E. 15th St., Kansas City.Mo. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 365 2034. RALPH ROYAL BURGESS Brother of No. 2033 Born May 2, 1882, Monticello, IlL f. Gilbert Allen Burgess, Feb. 12, 1848. m. Jane Conaway, Apr. 24, 1852. Architect. Prepared in Monticello High School and Eastern Illinois Normal School. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Draftsman with Pond and Pond, Architects, Steinway Hall, Chicago. Address, 235 65th St., Chicago, 111. 2035. JOHN HERMAN BURKHARDT Born Oct. 10, 1877, near Greenville, 111. f. John Burkhardt, 1844, Switzerland, m. Augusta Siemens, 1856, Sorento, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Sorento High School and Northern 111. Normal, Dixon, 111. Theta Kappa Nu; Political Science Club. B. S., 1894, Normal, Dixon, 111.; LL. B. Asst. State's Atty. St. Clair Co. Address, Belleville, 111. 2036. MABEL ETTA CAFKY (STARK) Wife of No. 913 Born May 17, 1875, in Jacksonville, 111. f. Simon Cafky. m. Sarah Spangle. B. L. S. Member of Baptist Church. Married Robert W. Stark, Oct. 5, 1904, Jacksonville, 111. Child, Eliza- beth, born July 6, 1905. Address, 903 West California Ave., Urbana, 111. 2037. ELIZABETH ELEANOR CALDWELL (INGALLS) Bom Sept. 18, 1880, in Dwight, 111. f. F. O. Caldwell, m. Mary Ahce Rae. Librarian. Prepared in Zanesville, Ohio. B. A. Married Claude Eugene Ingalls. Address, Washington, Kan. 2038. MURIEL FLORENCE CAMPBELL (BUCKLES) Sister of Nos. 1465, 1826 Born Oct. 2, 1881, Sadorus, 111. f. David Lewis Campbell, 1837, N. J. m. Elmira T. Ball, Dayton, Ohio. Prepared in Champaign, 111. B. A. Married William Piatt Buckles, Sept. 7, 1905, Champaign, 111. Address, 728 S. Randolph St., Champaign, 111. 2039. WILHELMINA ELLEN CAROTHERS Born Sept. 19, 1875, Turtle Creek, Pa. f. Rev. Robert Carothers, Turtle Creek, Pa. m. Emeline E. Milligan, Swissvale, Pa. Library Cataloger. Prepared in Preparatory of Univ. of N. Dak. Adel- phia, Univ. of N. Dak.; Welleslev Graduate Club, Wellesley Coll.; Literary Editor The Student, Univ. of N. Dak. B. A., 1896, N. Dak.; B. A. Cata- loguer, Library of Univ. of N. Dak., 1904-05; in Catalog division of Library of Congress, July, 1905 — . Member American Library Ass'n, 1904; Illinois State Library School Ass'n, 1905. Address, 54 The Olympia, Washington, D. C. 2040. FREDERICK CLIFFORD CARRIEL Born Mar. 26, 1879, Jacksonville, 111. f. Dr. Henry F. Carriel. Aug. 20, 1830, Charleston, N. H. m. Mary Turner, Oct. 30, 1845, Jacksonville. Mechanical Engineer. Prepared in Preparatory school at Illinois Coll. 366 University of Illinois [1904 Sigma Chi. B. S. Woods Motor Vehicle Co., Sept., 1904-Jan., 1905; Jan.- June, 1905, H. B. Dodge & Co.; Green Engineering Co., Aug., 1905—. Address, 1152 W. College Ave., Jacksonville, 111. 2041. CHARLES NICHOLAS CASEY Born Dec. 6, 1878, in Chicago, 111. f. Thomas Casey, m. Hannah. Lawyer. Prepared in Chicago. LL. B. Address, 4021 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 2042. LUCY CHAPIN Sister of Nos. 1470, 1636 BornNov. 3,1883,Tolono, 111. f. Edward B. Chapin, May 7, 1856, Clyde, N. Y. m. Lucy Margaret Pierce, June 2, 1857, Feesburg, O. Prepared in Champaign High School. Le Cercle Francias; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League. B. A. Presbyterian Church, Apr. 15, 1895. Address, 304 W. Coluinbia Ave., Champaign, 111. 2043. ANGIE RAY CLARK Born July 3, 1878, Chicago, 111. f. Gideon Egbert Clark, May 28, 1844, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. m. Mary Laurette Tilden, Oct. 6, 1844, Cornwall, Addison Co., Vt. Teacher. Prepared in South Chicago High School. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A.; Watcheka League; Pres. Alethenai; Y. W. C. A. cabinet. B. A. Member of Congregational Church, South Chicago. Address, 137 75th Place, Chicago, 111. 2044. CLINTON OLIVER CLARK Born Aug. 4, 1880, Coffee Co., Kans. f. Thornton Clark, Apr. 12, 1856, St. Joseph, 111. m. Mary Jane Coeray, Feb. 12, 1855, near Urbana, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Winchester High School. Phi Delta Phi; Thi Delta Theta; Theta Nu Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Marshal Law Club; Students' Dancing Club. LL. B. Practicing law, 1904 — . Address, 403 D. Ave., Lawton, Okla. 2045. LORIN CLARK Born Feb. 4, 1880, St. Joseph Twp., Champaign Co., 111. f. Wallace Clark, Feb. 18, 1856, Ogden Twp., do. m. Eliza Ann Thompson, Mar. 23, 1859, St. Joseph Twp., do. Lawyer. Prepared by private study. Witenagemote. LL. B. Ad- mitted to practice of law, Feb., 1905. Address, Homer, 111. 2046. THOMAS AQUILLA CLARK Born Nov. 22, 1879, Sidney, 111. f. Wm. Davis Clark, m. Mary Jane Huff. Electrical Engineer. Prepared in Sidney High School and Univ. Acad. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Alpha Delta Sigma; Band; Mandolin Club. B. S. General Electric Co., 1904-05; U. S. Navy Yard, New York, 1905—. Address, 808 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. 2047. EDNA CLARKSON (EVANS) Born July 16, 1880, Carthage, Mo. f. James Douglas Clarkson. m. Ida Cornell. Librarian. Prepared in Drury Acad., Springfield, Mo. B. L. S. Asst. Librarian, Carthage Public Library until Apr. 1, 1905. Married John Campbell Evans, June 20, 1905, Carthage, Mo. Address, Olden, Mo. 1904] Baccalaureate Alumni 367 2048. EMO LIZZIE COLE Born Jan. 1, 1878, Keokuk, la. f. J. H. Cole, Beetown, Wis. m. Luelia Warner, Pa. Teacher. Prepared in Keokuk High School. English Club; German Club. B. A. Address, 216 High St., Keokuk, la. 2049. LEONARD ALLAN COLP Born Jan. 18, 1881, Carterville, 111. f. John Colp, Dec. 31, 1850, Osage, 111. m. Dora North, Nov. 14, 1852, Carbondale, 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Carterville High School and Valparaiso Coll. Alpha Tau Omega; Witenagamote Law Club; Phi Delta Phi. B. S., Val- paraiso, 1900; LL. B. General Law Practice; Coal and Land Broker, 1904 — . Address, Marion, 111. 2050. EDWARD CHAPMAN CONVERSE Born Oct. 3, 1881, Chicago, 111. f.- Chas. I. Converse, Feb. 16, 1858, Andover, 111. m. Hattie Smith, May 24, 1862, Sandwich, 111. Teacher. Prepared in Sugar Grove High School and Aurora Coll. Deutsche Verein. Teaching at Charleston, 111., 1904; Champaign, 111., 1905. Married Maude M. McCannon, June 21, 1905. Address, Champaign, 111. 2051. ORRIL PAULINE COOLIDGE Born Feb. 8, , Niles, Mich. f. O. W. Coolidge, 1839, Edwardsburg, Mich. m. Ann Catherine Pettengill, 1840. Librarian. Prepared in Niles High School, Mich. In Univ. of Calif., 1900-01. B. L. S. Librarian, Niles Public Library, Nov., 1904 — . Address, Niles, Mich. 2052. MANFORD E. COX Born Mar. 20, 1880, Robinson, 111. f. John Thomas Cox, Apr. 29, 1844, Hutsonville, 111. m. Lucinda Jane Buckner, May 10, 1851, Clark Co., 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Robinson High School. Phi Delta Phi; Theta Kappa Nu; Van Twiller Court. LL. B. Practice of Law; City Attornev for City of Robinson, 111., Apr. 19, 1905 — . First Sergeant Co. D.,'4th Reg. "Inf., I. N. G., 1905. Address, Robinson, 111. 2053. ALICE BOURLAND COY Born Sept. 15, 1864, Peoria, 111. f. Eliab Washburn Coy, Dec. 6, 1832, Thorndike, Me. m. Georgianna Louisa Bryant Harrington, July 3, 1838, Leominster, Mass. Library Cataloger. Prepared in Hughes High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. B. L. S. Cataloger in Cincinnati Public Library. Address, College Hill, Ohio. 2054. ERNEST WILFRED CRESAP Brother of No. 2055 Born Dec. 8, 1879, Bondville, 111. f. B. T. Cresap, 1838, Marion Co., Ohio. m. Elizabeth Lister, 1848, Pickaway Co., Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Lovington, 111., and Sullivan, 111., High Schools. B. A. Instructor of German in Coshocton High School, 1904 — . Address, 224 So. Sixth St., Coshocton, Ohio. 368 University of Illinois [1904 2055. TRELLA JANE CRESAP Sister of No. 2054 Born Sept. 28, 1881, Bondville, 111. f. B. T. Cresap, 1838, Marion Co., Ohio. m. Elisabeth Lister, 1848, Picaway Co., Ohio. Teacher. Prepared in Sullivan High School. Der Deutsche Verein. B. A. Principal of High School, Homer, 111. Address, 202 S. Romine St., Urbana, 111. 2056. FREDERICK CUTTLE Physician. Prepared in Riverside, Calif., High School, 1892. At- tended pre-medical course in Univ. of Calif., 1898-1901; College of P. & S., Chicago, 1901-04. B. A., M. D., 1904, Coll. of P. & S. Served as In- terne in Cook County Hospital for eighteen months. 205 7. HENRY CAMILLE DADANT Born Oct. 4, 1882, Hamilton, 111. f. Camille P. Dadant, Langres, France. m. Mary Marinelli. Merchant. Prepared in Keokuk High School, la. Tau Beta Pi. B. S. Manufacturer bee-keepers' supplies. Address, Hamilton, 111. 2058. CLEON LESLIE DAVIS Born Mar. 18, 1877, Mt. Zion, 111. f. Joseph Edgar Davis, Oct. 24, 1848, Pike Co., 111. m. Martha Allen Bell, Dec. 15, 1853, Macon Co., 111. Civil Engineer. Prepared in Univ. Acad. Tau Beta Pi; C. E. Soc. B. S. Topographical Surveying, in Bohio, Panama Canal Zone, 1904 — . Address, (Home) 905 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111. 2059. JOHN WOLFERSPERGER DAVIS • Born Aug. 6, 1880, Sterling, 111. f. William White Davis, Oct. 25, 1836, Lancaster, Pa. m. Margaret Wolfersperger, Mar. 25, 1849, Lebanon, Pa. Structural Engineer. Prepared in Sterling Twp. High School. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. B. S. Structural Engineer with A. Bolter's Sons, struc- tural Steel Works, Chicago. Address, 315 Bissell St., Chicago, 111. 2060. MABEL KATHERINE DAVISON Born Aug. 11, 1879, Joliet, 111. f. George Davison, m. Hannah Allen. Librarian. Prepared in Joliet High School. Kappa Alpha Theta; Plii Delta Psi. B. L. S. Assistant Librarian of the Joliet Public Library. Address, Joliet, 111. 2061. LAURA MAY DAYTON Born Jan. 27, 1880, in ]gh School; In- ^:rS''^^t^. H?^;^-?'- 'A'-, in Chicago Address, Fresno, Calif. ADELLXE WHITNEY ROWLEY instructor in Music, 1896-97. 1^04. (SeeNo.2223f^™^'^^^'^^^^^'^^ im. (See No. 2224) "^'^''""-^'^^'^^'-^^^ 1903. (SeeNo.l95ir''^^''-'^^^^^^"^T FANNY M. RYAN nguages, 18c -es in Bloomington, 111. Instructor in Modem Languages, 1890-92 Married. Lives in BloominPtnn Til 550 University op Illinois FRED ANSON SAGER Assistant Professor of Physics, 1894-1903. B. S. JOHN LANGLEY SAMMIS 1897. (See No. 1071) WILLIAM EMANUEL SANDFORD Born Mar. 31, 1871, in Chicago, 111. f. Wilham Brown Sandford, July 9, 1843, in Paterson, N. J. m. Marv Ann Cowan, Feb. 1, 1846, in Paterson, N.J. Assistant in Chemistry, Instructor in Pharmacy, 1892-96. Prepared in Kewanee High School and Univ. of 111. Acad. Ph' B., 1892, Univ. of Mich. Member, Phi Chi. Assistant in chemistry, 1892-93, Illinois; asst. in chem. and instructor in pharmacy, same, 1893-94; instructor in pharmacy, same, 1894-96; chemist, Western Tube Co., Kewanee, 111., 1897-99; superintendent, Western Tube Co., 1899-1905; supt. Mark Mfg. Co. (Tube Works), Zanes- ville, Ohio, 1905 — . Discovered, appliances in Tube Making and methods of refining waste products from galvanizing works, also improvements in galvanizing process. Member, Masons (Royal Arch), 1906; Seventh Regi- ment (Ohio) Military Band, 1906; director Kewanee Military Band, 111., 1900-05; Amer. Chem. Soc, 1899; Amxr. Soc. of Mech. Engrs.,' 1906. Married Eva Regine Phillips, Aug. 7, 1895, in Kewanee, 111. Children, Wilham Philhps, born Oct. 27. 1896; Edna Muriel, born May 6, 1898; Florence Louise, born May IS, 1900; Margaret Isabel, born Jan. 16, 1905. Address, 1327 Maple Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. HERBERT HOWLAND SARGENT Born Sept. 29, 1858, in Carlinville, 111. f. Jacob True Sargent, m. Maria L. Bradley. Professor of 'Mihtary Science, 1886-87. B. S., Blackburn Univ., 1878; U. S. Mil. Acad., 1883.' Appointed Second Lieut. 2d U. S. Cavalry, 1883. Served on frontier (and prof. science at Univ. of 111., 1886-87) till out- break of Spanish-Amer. War; served at Washington, May, 1898, in organiz- ing volunteers. Appointed major and adj.-m.ajor volunteers. May 1, 1898, declined; appointed col. 5th U. S. volunteer infantry. May 20, 1898; organ- ized regt. at Columbus, Miss.; at Santiago, Cuba, Aug. 12, 1898; comd. dist. Guantonamo under Gen. Wood, 1899; mustered out at Camp Meade, Pa., May 31, 1899; promoted to captain of cavalry, Mar. 2, 1899; appointed lieut.-col. 29th infantry, U. S. V., July 5, 1899; arrived Manila with regt. Nov. 2, 1899; fought insurgents on island of Luzon; comd. attacking forces Dec. 19, 1899, at battle of San Mateo in which Gen. Lawton was killed; returned to U. S., 1901; captain Second Cavalry. Author, Napoleon Bona- parte's First Campaign, 1893; The Cam.paign of Marengo, 1897. Married AHce C. Applegate, Aug. 11, 1886, at Ashland, Ore. Address, care of Adjutant-General, Washington, D, C. FREDERICK WILLIAM SCHACHT 1897. (See No. 1074) PETER PHILLIP SCHAEFER 1900. (See No. 1407) HENRY CARL SCHELD Born Apr. 11, 1873, in Germiany (Niederscheld, Wiesbaden). Instructor in Violin, 1901-03. Prepared in Staples High School, West- port, Conn. At Amierican Conservatory, Chicago, 1899-1901. Instructor in Violin, Harm.ony and Musical History, Illinois, 1901-03. Teaching and professional work in Music (Composition); Instructor in Violin. Mus. The- ory, and Mus. Hist., Illinois, 1906 — . Member of Congregational Church. Address, 3064 Magnolia Ave., Chicago, 111. Faculty 551 EDWARD CHARLES SCHMIDT Bom Mav 14, 1874, in Jersey City, New Jersey, f. John Frederick Schmidt, Apr. 15, 1833, Alphen Holland, m. Kathe'rine E. Bisbord, Feb. 25, 1838, New York, N. Y. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, Assistant Professor of Railway Engineering, 1898-1903. Prepared in Jersey Citv High School. Tau Beta Pi. M. E., 1895, Stevens Inst, of Tech. With Kalbfleisch Chemical Co. of New York and Buffalo, in charge of construction and m.aintenance of fur- naces, towers, boilers, engines, pumps and auxiliary apparatus in plant for the manufacture of sulphuric, nitric, and h^-drochloric acids and their by- products, 1895-9 ; one-half year, 1896, wi'th C. W. Hunt Co., New York, makers of hoisting machinery, coal handling m^achinery, elevators, conveyors, etc. Engaged in draughting room. With Edison Electric Illuminating Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., in steam department as assistant to the mechanical engi- neer, 1897; With Am.erican Stoker Co., New York, manufacturers of the American underfeed automatic stoker, 1898; Instructor in Mech. Eng'g, Illinois, 1898; Assistant Professor of Railway Eng'g, same. 1903. Asst. Engineer, Amer. Hoist & Derrick Co., St. Paul. Minn., 1903-04; Engineer of Tests, Kerr Turbine Co., Wellsville, N. Y., 1904—. Married Violet Delille Javne. June 15. 1904, Urbana. 111. Child. Kath- arine, bom Mar. 19, 1905. Address, Urbana, 111. GEORGE WASHINGTON SCHMIDT Instructor in German, 1896-97. M. A. MAURITZ SCHMIDT Instructor in Gymnastics, 1890-91. HENRY LAWRENCE SCHOOLCRAFT Bom June 19, 1868, Hannibal, Ohio. f. Sylvester Schoolcraft. Mar. 6, 1834, Gallupville, N. Y. m. Jane Elizabeth Ridinger, Mar. 21. 1847, Empire, Ohio. Instructor, Assistant Professor of History, 1898 — . Prepared in Marietta Acad., Ohio. B. A., 1892, Marietta Coll.;'Ph. D., 1899, Univ. of Chicago. Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Beta Kappa. Scholar in Philosophy, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1894-95; Fellow in History. Univ. of Chicago. 1897-98. Instructor in History. Illinois. 1898-1903 ;' Asst. Prof, of History, same. 1903 — . Published: The Genesis of the Grand Rem.onstrance, Univ. of 111. Studies, Vol. 1, No. 4. Com.municant in Episcopal Church; m.em.ber of Hist. Assn. Address, Urbana, 111. CURT AUGUST SCHROEDER 1901. (See No. 1575) WILLIAM FREDERIC SCHULZ 1900. (See GlO) GEORGE FOSS SCHWARTZ Bom Sept. 6, 1872, in Cincinnati, Ohio. f. George Julius Schwartz, September 18, 1850. m. Jennie Foss, bom Oct. 17, 1853, Wooster, Ohio. Instructor in Violin, Musical Theory and History, 1902-06. Prepared in Wooster, Ohio, High School. B, M., '1894, Univ. of Wooster; B. A., 1895, same; M. A., (hon.) 1898, same. Member Athaenean Lit. Soc; Delta Tau Delta. Taught in Central Calif. Conservatory of Music, 1896-98; Univ. of Wooster, School of Music, 1900-02; instructor in Violin, Musical Theory and History, Illinois, 1902 — . Published, Review of Modem Hannony, Foote and Spaulding, in Music Lovers' Calendar, 1905. Member Episcopal Church. Married June 18, 1901. Children. George J., born June 2, 1902, (died); Anna Jeannette, bom May 11, 1903. Address, 1105 West California Ave., Urbana, 111. 552 University of Illinois FRANK WILLIAM SCOTT 1901. (See No. 1577) JAMES BROWN SCOTT Born June 3, 1866, in Kincardine, Bruce Co., Ont. f. John Scott, m. Jeannette Brown. Professor of Law, and Dean of College of Law, 1899-1903. Prepared in Central High School, Philadelphia, Penn., 1885. B. A., 1890, Harvard Univ.; M. A., 1891, do.; Dr. of Civil and Canon Law, 1894, Heidelberg, Ger- manv. Practiced Law, Los Angeles, Calif., 1894-99; organized Los Angeles Law School (now law dept. Univ. of So. Calif.), 1896, dean of same, 1896-99; dean Coll. of Law, Illinois, 1899-1903; prof, of law, Columbia Law School, 1903 — . Prof, of law. Law School, Univ. of Chicago (summer quarter, 1905) ; prof, of law, George Washington Univ., Washington, 1905-06; Councellor in International Law, Dept. of State, 1906 — . Member: Edn'l Congress, Paris Exp'n, 1900 (hon. pres. for sect, legal ed'n); chmn. sect, internat. law in Congress of Ed'n, La. Purchase Expn., 1905; del. Universal Congress Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Pvt. and corporal Co. C, 7th Regt., Calif. Inf., U. S. V., in Spanish-Amer. War, 1898. Extensive traveler in Europe. Translated into German Pollock's Short History of Politics, 1893; edited Fitz-Gerald's Omar Khayyam (with prose transl. from French of J. B. Nicolas and an intro.), 1899-1901. Author: Cases on International Law, 1902; Cases on Quasi-Contracts, 1905. Contrb'r to legal and edn'l reviews on matters of internat. law and legal education. Married Adele C. Reed, at Champaign, 111., 1901. Address, Department of State, Washington, D. C. MARGARET ANNIE SCOTT Born, Kincardine, Ontario, f. John Scott, in Glasgow, Scotland, m. Jeannette Brown, Paisley, Scotland. Instructor in German and French in Academy, 1901 — . Prepared in Brantford Young Ladies' College. Attended Phila. School of Design for Women. Studied in Germany, 1891-1893 and in Paris, 1893-94. Taught Greman in Marlborough School, 1896-1900; instructor in German and French, Univ. of 111. Acad., Sept., 1901—. Address (Home), 1111 East Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y.; 915 West Cali- fornia Ave., Urbana, 111. MELVILLE AMASA SCOVELL 1875. (See No. 84) CHARLES WALTER SCRIBNER Professor of Mech. Eng'r,. 1892-94. B. A. M. E. DAVID LEONARD SCROGGIN Born Oct. 16, 1864, in Logan Co., 111. f. George Washington Scroggin, Logan Co., 111. m. Hattie Sherry, Piatt Co., 111. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1901 — . Prepared in Indianapo- lis High School, Ind. Began machinist trade at 18 years of age; worked in shops in Ind., 111., Kan.; accepted foremanship, C. C. C. & St. L. R. R., at Urbana, 111., 1894; mechanician in machine shop, Illinois, 1900-01; instruc- tor in M. E., July 18, 1901 — . Member First Baptist Church, Urbana, 111. Married Cora Blanche Wamsley, June 25, 1893, at Indianapolis. Ind. Children, Frank Dalton, born Oct. 14, 1895; June Ronchola, born June 21, 1897; Phil, born June 21, 1905. Address, Urbana, 111. J. S. SEARFOSS Carpenter, 1869-70. MINNIE EARL SEARS 1900. (See No. 1410) Faculty 553 CHARLES VICTOR SEASTONE 1895. (See No. 908) EMMA EFFIE SEIBERT 1891. (See No. 663) ARCHIBALD DIXON SHAMEL 1898. (See No. 1162) KATHARINE LUCINDA SHARP Born at Elgin, 111. f. John William Sharp, July 14, 1834. Arkport, New York. m. Phebe Thompson, Feb. 28, 1840, Dundee, 111. Head Librarian, Professor of Library Economy and Director of Library- School, 1897 — . Prepared inElgin Acad. andOakla'nd, Calif., High School. Ph. B.,1885; Ph. M., 1889, Northwestern Univ.; B. L. S., 1892, N.Y. State Library School. Kappa Kappa Gamma ; Ossoli Lit. Soc. Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher, Elgin, 111., Acad., 1886-88; Asst. Librarian, Scoville Inst., Oak Park. 111., Oct., 1888-Sept., 1890; Organizer, Adams Memorial Library, Wheaton, 111., July- Oct., 1891; Organizer, Xenia. Ohio, Library Assn.. Aug.-Oct.. 1892; in charge Comparative Library exhibit of Amer. Lib. Assn. at World's Colum- bian Exp.. Nov.. 1892-Oct., 1893; Librarian and Director, Dept. of Lib. Science. Armour Inst, of Technology, Chicago, Jan., 1893-Aug., 1897; Director, Wis. Summer School of Library Science, Univ. of Wis., 1895-96; extension lecturer on Lib. Econ., Univ. of Chicago, 1896; Head Librarian, Prof, of Library Econ. and Director of Library School, Illinois, Sept., 1897 — . Published: Local public libraries and their relation to university extension, 26 pp., Albany, 1892, New York State Univ. extension bulletin. No. 4; Univ. of 111. State Library School Report and Student Record, 1893-1903, 79 pp., Champaign, 1903. A. L. A. library exhibit at the World's Fair, Lib. Jour., 18, 270-274, 1893; Libraries in secondary schools. Lib. Jour. 20, C 5-11, 1895; Library Schools on a graduate basis, Assn. of Collegiate Alumna Mag- azine, Ser. 3, No. 5, pp. 24-33, Feb., 1902. Member Assn. of Coll. Alumnse, 1885 — ; vice-pres., 1902-04; Sec. Chicago branch, 1888-90; Sec. Eastern New York branch, 1891-92. Member Amer. Library Assn., 1892 — ; coun- cilor, 1895-1905; vice-pres., 1897-98; cooperation com., 1893-94; 1895-96; library training com., 1903-05. Chicago Library Club, member. 1893-97; vice-pres.. 1895-96. Member N. Y. State Library School Assn.; 1894 — ; president, 1894-95. Member 111. Library Assn., 1896 — ; director. Bureau of information. 1896-1903; president. 1903-04; legis. com., 1896 — ; councilor, 1902-03; financial director, 1902-05. Member Bibliographical Society of Chicago. 1899-1904; Bibliographical Soc. of Amer.. Chicago Chapter, 1904 — Grand President, Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1894-96; Member D. A. R., 1905 — . Address, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. EDITH SHATTUCK (WHITE) Born Mar. 12, 1870, in Urbana, 111. f. Samuel W. Shattuck. m. Adelaide Louise White. Prepared in Champaign High School. Attended L^niv. of Illinois, 1886- 90. Teacher of free-hand drawing, Illinois, 1890-94. A/arru'd James McLaren White, June 15, 1899, at Champaign, 111. Child, Adelaide Louise, bom Mar. 14, 1903. Address, 716 West Univ. Ave., Champaign, 111. SAMUEL WALKER SHATTUCK Bom Feb. 18, 1841, Groton, Mass. f. Walter Shattuck, 1801, Groton, Mass. m. Roxana Fletcher, 1805, Groton, Mass. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, etc., etc., 1868 — . Prepared in Law- rence Acad. Theta Chi; Sigma Xi. B. S., 1860, Norwich Univ.; Vt.,C. E. and A. M. Instructor in Math., 1860; Adjunct Prof. Math, and Military Tac- tics, 1865-66; Pres. pro tern, 1865-66; Vice-pres., 1866, Norwich Univ., two and 554 University of Illinois a half years; U. S. Military Service, 1861-63, as Sergeant, Adjutant, Capt., Adj. and Insp. Gen., Inspect. Gen. of Vt., 1867-68; Asst. Prof, of Math, and Instructor in Military Tactics, Illinois, 1868; Professor Civil Engineering, 1870; Prof. Math., 1871-1905; Head of Dept. of Math., 1868-1905; Acting Regent, six months, 1873; Business Agent and Manager, 1873-1905; Prof, of Math, and Comptroller of University, 1905 — . Army, Apr.-Aug., 1861, and Julv, 1863-Aug., 1865. Member of New York Math. Soc. (Now Amer. Math. Soc; Fellow of Amer. A. A. Soc; Loyal Legion; C. C. Club; Nat'l Geog. Soc. Married Adelaide L. White, Aug. 14, 1866, Columbus, Ohio. Children. Charles W., bom May 31, 1867; Anna F., born Dec 7, 1869; Edith A., Mar. 12, 1871 ; Walter F., born Oct., 1873. Address, 208 W. Church St., Champaign, 111. GEORGE ROBERT SHAWHAN 1875. (See No. 86) GERTRUDE SHAWHAN (SHAEFER) 1894. (See No. 831) DANIEL WILLIAM SHEA Born Nov., 27, 1859, in Portsmouth, N. H. f. Timothy Shea, Jan. 12, 1822, Kenmare, Ireland, Kerry Co. m. Margaret McCarthy, 1829, Middle- ton, Cork Co., Ireland. Assistant Professor, Professor of Physics, 1892-95. Prepared in Brackett Acad., Greenland, N. H. B. A., 1886, Harvard Univ.; M. A., 1888, same; Ph. D., 1892, Friedrich-Whilelms-Universitat. Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard chapter. Academisches Turn Verein, Friedrich-Wilhelms Universitiit. John Tyndall Scholar of Harvard, 1889-92. Asst. in Phvsics, Harvard, 1898 and 1892; Asst. Prof . of Physics, Illinois, 1892-94; Prof, of Physics, 1894-95; Prof, of Physics, The Catholic Univ. of America, Washington, D. C, Nov. 1. 1895 — . Dean of Fac of Science, sam.e. Published : Ueber die Brechung und Dispersion des Lichtes in den Metallen, Berlin, 1892. Mem.ber of the N. H. General Court, 1886-88, in House of Representatives, from Greenland, N. H. Member Amer. Inst, of Elec Engrs., 1892; Assn. for Adv. of Sci., 1905; Amer. Physical Soc, 1895; UniversitvClub, Washington, D. C, 1904; Knights of Columbus, 1905. Address, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. JACOB KINSER SHELL Born Jan. 16, 1862, in Dauphin, Dauphin Co., Penn. f. Edmund Wil- liam Shell, May 12, 1838, Harrisburg, Penn. m. Susanna McCaulev, Jan. 1, 1840, York, Penn. Professor of Physical Training, 1898-1901. Prepared in Philadelphia Central High School. B. A., 1878, Central High School, Phila., Penn. ; M. A., 1882, same; M. D., 1881, Univ. of Penn. Director Athletics, Univ. of Ver- mont, 1887; Swarthmore Coll., 1888-98; Phila. Ath. Club, 1891-93; Media Acad., 1890-93; Prof, of Physical Training and Director of Gymnasium, Coach Track Athletics, Illinois, 1898-1901; Director Athletics, Univ. of Penn., 1901-05; at St. Luke's Acad., 1902-04; Prof. Physical Training, Swarthmore Coll., 1905 — . Published, Practicing Roster of Athletics, 1889, 12mo, 60 pp., Phila. President Young Men's Soc, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 1882; Chairman Athletic Com. Y. M. C. A., 1884; Vice Pres. A. A. A. Phys. Education, 1893 — ; Vice Pres. Com. on Physical Education, La. Pur. Exp., 1903; Vice Pres. A. A. U. Atlantic Assn., 1896; Official Handicapper, 1894-1898; 1901-09. Married Emma Keller, Aug. 16, 1884. Children. Joseph Keller, Dec. 25, 1885; Susanna, born June 10, 1887; Catherine, born Oct. 10, 1888; Edward McCauley, Oct. 17, 1890; Jacob Kinzer, Julv 26, 1892; George, born Feb. 12, 1895; (died Dec. 2, 1895); Emma, Feb. 12, 1895, (died Feb. 15, 1896); CorneHus, Mar. 26, 1901. Address, 1228 S. 46th St., Philadelphia, Penn. Faculty 555 JESSIE FOX SHEPARDSOX Born Oct. 6, 1873, in Kinmundy, 111. f. Dr. Daniel Jesse Fox, Dec. 2, 1814, Columbia, S. C. m. Mary Wade Speed, bom Apr. 24, 1839, in Mech- lenburg Co., Va. Assistant in Piano, 1897-1901. Prepared in Preparatory Department of De Pauw Univ. B. A., 1895, De Pauw. Alpha Chi Omega. Asst. in Piano, Ilhnois, 1897-1901 ; studied Piano with William H. Sherwood, Chicago, 1902-03. Married Ralph Steele Shepardson, June 5. 1903, at Chicago, 111. Address, 479 Fifth St., Aurora. 111. JAMES RICKETTS SHIXX 1904. (See Xo. 2235) ROBERT LOUIS SHORT Bom Sept. 18. 1866, in Danville, 111. f. Robert Atwell Short, Sept. 14, 1836, Danville, 111. m. Emily Welsh Murdock, Jan. 25, 1838, Lafayette, Ind. Instructor. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1899-1903. Prepared in Danville High School. B. A.. 1890. Chaddock Coll.. Quincv, 111. Pri- vate student with H. S. White, X. W. Univ. Univ. of Munich, 1897-98. In- structor, Danville Weslevan Sem., 1885-87; Instructor Chaddock Coll. Prep., 1887-90; Professor 'Mathematics, Chaddock Coll., 1893-94; Professor Math., Ft. Worth Univ., 1894-97; Instructor, Quincv High School, 1898-99; Instructor Math., Illinois, 1899-1901; Asst. Prof, of Math, same, 1901-03; Department of Math., D. C. Heath & Co., 1903 — . Published. Supplemen- tary Algebra, 50 pp., D. C. Heath & Co.. 1905; Some Ideas on preparatory Mathematics, School Science and Mathematics, pp. 217-219, March, 1904. Dualistic properties found in Linear Equations, pp. 273-276, School Science and Mathematics, 1905. Member Methodist Church, Danville, 111., 1883; Soc. for Promotion of Eng. Edu., 1903; Missouri Soc. of Mathematics Teach- ers, 1905 ; Ohio Assn. of Science and Math, teachers, 1905 ; Asso. for the Adv. of Sci., 1906. Married Laura Grant, Dec. 27, 1893, in Danville. 111. Address, 176 Ashland Boul., Chicago, 111. CHARLES WALLACE SILVER 1872. (See Xo. 15j CORNELIA ELIZABETH SIMOX Born Apr. 27, 1865, in Newark, 111. f. Charles Louis Simon, Oct. 16, 1836, Hesse Cassel, Germany, m. Olive Rebecca Lewis, Apr. 17, 1840, Canadaga, Xew York. Assistant in Domestic Science, 1900-01. Prepared in Ottawa Twp. High School. Graduate Lewis Inst., Chicago, 1899. Pupil Teacher, Lewis Inst., 1898-99; Instructor Domestic Science, 111. Soldier's Orphan's Home, 1899-1900; Asst. Household Science, Illinois, 1900-01; Instructor Domestic Science, Miller Man. Tr. School. Miller School, Ya., 1901—. Address, Miller School, Albermarle Co., Va. FRAXCES SIMPSOX 1903. (See Xo. 1961) EDWARD OCTAVIUS SISSON Bom May 24. 1869, Gateshead, England, f. Geo. Sisson, Dec. 25, 1828, Lanchester, England, m. Mary Arnott. Assistant Professor of Education, 1905-06. Prepared in Roval Grammar School, Morpeth, England. B. S.. 1886, Kansas Agr. Coll.; B. A., 1893, Univ. of Chicago; Ph. D., 1905, Harvard. Teacher and Prin. in Public Schools, Kans., 1886-91; Prin. of So. Side Acad., Chicago, 111., 1892-97; 556 University of Illinois Director, Bradley Polytechnic Inst., 1897-1904. Asst. Prof, of Education, Illinois, 1905 — . Teacher of Special Pedagogy of Secondary School Eng- lish, Summer school, 1902, Chautauqua, N. Y. Professor of Pedagogy, Univ. of Wash., 1906 — . Published: Mental Results from Manual Train- ing, Proc. N. E. A., 1897, pp. 742-46; German religious instruction, Proc. Relig. Ed. Assn., 1905; Educational Courses in German Universities, Edu- cation, ] an., \906; A New History of Education, Dm/, Feb., 1906; The School of Education of the University of Illinois, Jour, of Education, June 5, 1906. Member N. E. A.; Pres. Manual Training Dept., N. E. A., 1897; member Rel. Ed. Assn., 1903—. Married Nelhe Stowell, Nov. 29, 1899, Lawn Ridge, 111. Child, Ruth Stowell, born May 18, 1902 (died). Address, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, Wash. JOHN HARRISON SKINNER Born Mar. 10, 1874, in Romney, Ind. f. William Harrison Skinner, July 9, 1839, Brookville, Ind. m. Mary Alexander, Mar. 15, 1848, at Green- ville, Tenn. Instructor in Husbandry, 1901-02. Prepared in public school, Romney, Ind. B. S., 1897, Purdue. Farm manager, 1897-99; Asst. Agri- culturalist, Purdue Univ., 1899-1901; Instructor in Animal Husbandry, Illinois, 1901-02; head of dept. of Animal Husbandry, Purdue Univ., Sept., 1902 — . Published: Contributions to the Annual Report of Purdue Epx. Sta., bulletin No. 108. Member Royal Arch Masons; Methodist Church for sixteen years; Sec. of Ind. Livestock Breeders' Assn.; hon. member Swine Breeders' Assn.; hon. member Short Horn Breeders' Assn. Married Mary Edna Throckmorton, Sept. 3, 1903, at Romney, Ind. Child, boy, born Jan. 20, 1906. Address, Lafayette, Ind. ROY HARLEY SLOCUM 1900. (See No. 1413) STEPHEN ELMER SLOCUM Born June 5, 1875, Hlenville, N. Y. f. William W. Slocum. m. Mary E. Conde. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1905-06. Prepared in Union Classical Inst., Schenectady, N. Y. B. E., 1897, Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y.; Ph. D., 1900, Clark Univ. Special Honors in Math, and Physics, Union Coll. Scholar and Fellow of Clark Univ., 1897-1900. Instructor in Civil Eng'g, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1900-01; in Applied Math., 1901-04; Asst. Prof, of same, 1904-05; Asst. Prof, of Mathematics, Ilhnois, 1905-06; Prof, of Applied Mechanics, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1906 — . Published: Text book on the Strength of Materials by S. E. Slocum and E. L. Hancock, Ginn & Co., Boston (in press); Map of Cincinnati and Environs, Cin. Univ. Press, Mar., 1904, Suggestions for a Teachers' Course in Mathematics, Teach- ers' Bull., Cin. Univ. Press, Apr., 1905. Note on the Chief Theorem of Lie's Theory of Continuous Groups, Proc. Amer. Acad., Jan., 1900; Supplementary Note on the Chief Theorem of Lie's Theory of continuous Groups, same. May, 1900; On the Continuity of Groups Generated by Infinitesimal Transformations, same, Aug., 1900; The Infinitesimal Generators of Certain Parameter Groups, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, Apr., 1902; Rational Formulas for the Strength of a Concrete-Steel Beam, Engr. News, July 30, 1903; The Strength of Flat Plates, with an application to Concrete-Steel Floor Panels, same, July 7, 1904; Relation between Real and Complex Groups with respect to their Structure and Continuity, Amer. Jour. Math., Jan., 1905. A Simple Method for the Calculation of the Strength of Curved Pieces, Faculty 557 Engg Xcu's, June 2, 1906; The Development of Mechanics, Pop. Sci. Monthly (in press). Member Amer. Math. Soc; Sigma Xi. Married Anna Jeanette Ware, June 25, 1902, Cincinnati, Ohio. Child,' Dorothy Jeannette, born July 28, 1904. Address, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O. ALFRED HIGGINS SLUSS 1901. (See No. 1582) CONSTANCE BARLOW-SMITH Born in Pimlico, England, f. James S. Barlow, born in London, m. Susan J. Haskell, same. Instructor in Sight-singing, Ear-training, and in charge of Public School Methods, 1903 — . Prepared at home and in private seminaries. Graduated, Illinois Conservatory of Music and Amer. Inst, of Normal Methods; profes- sional training under Aggrimonti, Mason, George Morgan, Frederick Lyman, and Ponanski, late examiner in the London Coll. of Music. Taught piano in New Jersey Conservatory of Music and sasistant to father, James S. Barlow, in the 111. Conservatory, in voice and chorus work; supervisor of music in city schools of Jacksonville for eight years; taught seven summers in the Morgan Co. Teachers' Inst.; instructor in Sight-singing, Ear-training, and in charge of Public School Methods, Illinois, 1903 — . Member State and Nat'l Ed. Assns.; State and Nat'l Music Teachers' Assns.; was 111. dele- gate to the National Music Teachers' Association, held in Ashville, N. C. Read Papers in each of these organizations. Two terms on Standing Music Committee of State Fed. of Women's Clubs (111.) Wrote series of articles on the State Course of Study for the Trainer Lesson Leaf, 1896; edited a Souvenir Music Number of the hiter State School Review. Address, 915 West California, Ave., Urbana, 111. FLORENCE MARY SMITH 1899. (See No. 1267) FRANK SMITH Born Feb. 18, 1857, Winneconne, Wis. f. Samuel Franklin Smith, Mar. 10, 1825, at Barton, Vt. m. Aurelia Shepard, Nov. 21, 1830, Sutton, N. H. Assistant, Instructor, Assistant Professor of Zoologv, 1893 — . Prepared in Hillsdale Coll., Mich. Delta Tau Delta. Ph. B., 1885, Hillsdale Coll.; M. A., Harvard, 1893. Instructor in Math, at Hillsdale Coll., 1882- 86; Professor of Chem. and Biologv, Hillsdale Coll., 1886-92; Instructor in Biology, Trinity Coll., 1892-93; Ass't. in Zoology, Illinois, 1893-94; instructor in same, 1894-96; Asst. Prof., same, 1896 — . Published: The Gastrulation of Aurelia flavidula. Per. & Les., Bull, of Museum of Comp. Zool., at Har- vard Coll., Vol. XXII, 1891, pp. 115-125, 2 plates; List of the Protozoa and Mollusca Observed in Lake St. Clair in the Summer of 1893, Bull, of Mich. Fish Com., 1894, pp. 42-44; A Preliminary Account of Two New Oligochaeta from m.. Bull. III. State Lab. of Nat. Hist., Vol. IV, Art. V, 1895, pp. 138-148; Notes on Species of N. Amer. Oligochaeta, same, Vol. IV, Art. VIII, 1895, pp. 285-297; Notes on Species of N. Amer. Oligochaeta II, same. Vol. IV, Art. XIV, 1896, pp. 396-413, four plates; Notes on Species of N. Amer. Oligochaeta III, List of species found in 111. and Descriptions of 111. Tubificidie, same,. Vol. V, Art. X, 1900, pp. 441-458, two plates Notes on Species of N. Amer. Oligochaeta, IV, on a New Lumbriculid Genus from Florida, with Additional Notes on the Nephridial and Circulatory System.s of Mesoporodrilus asymmetricus Smith, same. Vol. V, Art. XI, 1900, pp. 459-478, 1 plate; Notes on Species of N. Amer. Oligochaeta V, The Svstematic Relationships of Lumbriculus (Thinodrilus) inconstans (Smith'), same, Vol. VII, Art. V, 1905, pp.^ 45-51. Magazine Articles: Undescribed Species of Megascolides, Amer. Xaturalist. 1897, pp. 202-204; Some Japanese Oligochaeta, same, Vol. 33, 1899, p. 615-618; Some Additional 558 University of Illinois Data on the Position of the Sacrum in Necturus, same, Vol. 34, 1900, pp. 635-638; State Nat. Hist. Surveys, Science, N. S. Vol. XIII, 1901, pp. 566- 568; The Vascular Svstem and Blood Flow in Diplocardia communis Garman, F. Smith and J. T. Barrett, Science, N. S., Vol. XIX, 1904, p. 216; The Chief Aims in Zoology Work in High Schools, School Science and Mathe- matics, Vol. V, 1905, pp. 339-345; An Unusual FUght of Sparrow Hawks in Michigan in 1904, Bull. Mich. Ornithological Club, Vol. V, 1904, pp. 77-78. Member, A. A. A. S.; Executive Com., Section F, 1903-08; Amer. Soc. of Zoologists, Sec. Central Branch, 1903; Amer. Soc. of Naturalists; Amer. Breeder's Assn.; Amer. Assn. of Anatomists; formerly, F. R. M. S. and member Deutsche Chemischen Gesellschaft. Married Edith Marv Fox, Sept. 28, 1887, at Fremont, Ind., (died Nov. 15, 1888); Isadora Stamats, Julv 12, 1890, at Bokes Creek, Ohio. Child, Donald Fisk, born Nov. 14, 1888 (died Oct. 29, 1905). ■ Address, 913 West California Ave., Urbana, 111. FRED JOHN SMITH Bom in San Jose, 111. Assistant in German, 1903-04. Prepared in The German Coll. B. A., 1899, Iowa Wesleyan Univ. Attended I. S. N. U., 1900-01. Received third place' in two different German oratorical contests, at German Coll.; second place in "Beach Prize," at I. S. N. U. Prin. of Betonsport schools in Iowa, 1900; Normal High School teacher of Eng. Lit., History, Com. Law, Bookkeeping and German, 1901-03. Asst. in German, 1903-04. GEORGE McPHAIL SMITH Born Nov. 15, 1878, Nashville, Tenn. f. Robert McPhail Smith, Oct. 16, 1837, Norfolk, Va. m. Laetitia Clark Trimble, 1840, Nashville, Tenn. Instructor in Chemistry, 1905 — . Prepared in Fogg High School, Nashville, Tenn. B. S., 1900, Vanderbilt Univ.; Ph.D., 1903, Univ. of Freiburg. Beta Theta Pi. Asst. in Chem. Lab., Vanderbilt; At- tended Univ. of Berlin, Geneva and Freiburg, 1900-03; Instructor in Qualitative Analysis, Mich. Coll. of Mines, 1903-04; Instructor in Ana- lytical Chemistry and Metallurgy, N. C. Coll. of Agr. and Mech. Arts, 1904- 05; Instructor in Chemistry, Illinois, 1905 — . Published: Zur Kenntnis der Derivate des p- Jodazobenzols und des m- Chlorjodbensols mit mehrwerti- gem Jod, Freiburg i. B., 1903,Speyer& Kaerner; The Action of Sodium Amal- gam on Solutions of Potassium Salts, and of Potassium Amalgam on Solutions of Sodium Salts, Jour, of Physical Chem., Vol. 8, pp. 208-213, 1904; The Action of Barium Amalgam on Solutions of Sodium and Potassium Salts, Jour, of Physical Chem., Vol. 9, pp. 13-35, 1905; On the Reciprocal Replace- ment of the Metals in Aqueous Solutions, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, Vol. XXVII, pp. 540-551, 1905. Member Amer. Chem. Soc, 1905. Address, 708 S. 4th St., Champaign, 111. PERCY ALMERIN SMITH 1901. (See No. 1585) RALPH PARSONS SMITH Instructor in German, 1894-97. Ph. B. JOHN McBEATH SNODGRASS 1902. (See No. 1764) EDWARD SNYDER Born Oct. 7, 1835, at Sokal, Austrian Poland. Instructor in Bookkeeping and German, Professor of German and Mili- tary Science, etc., 1868-96. Educated at Lemberg and Vienna. Entered Austrian army and attended military school at Kronstadt and Mauer, 1848-49; lietuenant in 1854, and served with the army of occupation sent to prevent the war of the Crimea from extending into Roumania; taught Faculty 559 languages and history in cadet school of Gratz and Styria for two years; in Italian Compaign of 1859, being in battles of Palestro, Magenta, and Sol- ferino; came to U. S. 1862; went into war with New York regiment, 1862- 65; taught school in St. Louis and in high school at Carlinville after the war; instructor in bookkeeping and German, Univ. of 111.. 1868, the first year of the opening of the Univ. and continuing until 1896; professor of German and military science and commissioned a colonel in the 111. Nat'l Guard, 1870; in charge of Univ. Battalion until 1880; received appointment of pro- fessor of m.odem langs. and military science, 1873; professor of German language and literature, 1889; held office of recording secretary of Board of Trustees, 1870-87; business agent of Univ., 1870-76; dean of college of literature, 1874. Gave the Univ. $12,000.00, 1899, to be loaned to worthy students; it is maintained as a students' beneficiary aid fund. Resigned in 1894, but resignation was not accepted. He was given a leave of absence for a year on half pay; he again served a year on his return, and resigned in 1896, going to California. Died Sept 13, 1903, Pacific Beach, Calif. ALBERT ALEXANDER SOMERVILLE Born Jan. 28, 1883, Milroy, Ind. f. Ira A. Somerville, 1855, Milroy, Ind. m. Linda Somerville, 1850, Edgar, 111. Instructor in Mathematics in Academv, 1905 — . Prepared in Milrov High School. B. S., 1905. DePauw Univ., 1905. Delta Kappa Epsiloii. Asst. in Math, and Phvsics. DePauw, 1904-05; Instructor in Math, in Acad., July 22, 1905—. Address, 506 Mathews Ave., Urbana, 111. JEROME SONDERICKER 1880. (See No. 248) DAVID ELLSWORTH SPENCER Born Feb. 22, 1863, in Berlin, Wis. f. Alanson Anderson Spencer, born in Western Oneida Co., N. Y. m. Sarah ElLsworth, born in North East of Erie Co., Penn. Acting Professor of Historv, 1901-02. B. L., 1887, Univ. of Wis.; M. A., 1891. Harvard Univ. Instructor in History, Univ. of Wis., 1888-90; In- structor in Historv for a time while student at Harvard, 1891; Acting Asst. Prof, of History, Univ. of Mich., 1892-93; Asst. Prof, of History, Stanford Univ., 1893-1901; leave of absence from Stanford for Historical study at Leipsig. Germany, 1899-1900; Acting prof. History, Illinois, 1901-02; Special Historical Research Work in Paris, France, 1902 — . Address (home). Pacific Grove, Calif.; present, Paris, France. NELSON S. SPENCER 1882. (See No. 327) OTIS ORION STANLEY 1902. (See No. 1587) ROBERT WATT STARK 1895. (See No. 913) JOHN MATHER STAYMAN 1^77. (See No. 154) JOEL STEBBINS Born July 30, 1878, Omaha, Nebr. f. Charles Sumner Stebbins, 1848, Penn. m. Sara Ann Stubbs, 1846, Penn. Instructor, Assistant Professor of Astronomv, 1903 — . Prepared in Omaha High School. B. S., 1899, Nebraska; Ph. D., 1903, Cahfornia. Phi Delta Theta; Sigma Xi. Scholar in Math, and Astronomy, Neb., 1899-1900; 560 University of Illinois Asst. in Washburn Observ. . Univ. of Wis. . 1 900-01 ; Fellow in the Lick Observa- tory, Calif., 1901-03; Instructor in Astronomy, Illinois, 1903-04; Asst. Pro- fessor of Astronomy, 1904 — , same. Published: Observations of the Bright- ness of Nova Persei, (with Geo. C. Comstock), Astrophysical Jour., 13, 336, 1901; The Brightness of Nova Persei, Lick Observatory Bull., 1, 43, 1901; Note' on the Spectrum of Nova Persei, same, 1, 57, 1901; Elements and Ephemeris of Comet a, 1902, with Messrs. Leuschner, Curtis and Weymouth, Astronomical Jour. 22, 140, 1902; The Leonids of 1902, Pub. of the Astron. Soc. of the Pacific, 14, 1902; The Spectrum of Omicron Ceti, Lick Observa- tory Bull., 2, 78, 1903; The Leonids of 1903, at Univ. of I, Pop. Astronomy, 11, 582, 1903; The Leonids of 1904, at U. of I., same, 13, 55, 1905; Personal Scale, Pub. of the Astron. Soc. of the Pacific, 17, 73, 1905. Member Astro- nomical and Astrophysical Soc. of Amer., 1900 — ; Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific, 1903—. Married May Louise Prentiss, June 27, 1905, Lincoln, Nebr. Address, Urbana, 111. EDWARD STRIEBY STEELE Born Apr. 20, 1850, in Farmingdale, 111. f. James Steele, m. Minerva S. McConoughey. Instructor in Latin, Greek and English, 1872-73. Prepared in Prepara- tory Dept. of Oberlin Coll. B. A., 1872, Oberlin Coll.; B. D., 1883, Oberhn Theol. Sem. Taught elementary Latin, Greek, and English, Illinois, 1872- 73; Preaching, Concord, 111., 1877-81; Graduate Study, Andover Theol. Sem., 1881-83; at Harvard Divin. School, 1883-84; Prof, of Philosophv, Middlesbury Coll., 1884-85; Study at Leipsic, 1885-86; at Harvard Divin. School, 1886-87; Sub-editor Century Dictionary, 1889-91; government ser- vice mostly since Sept., 1891. Member Soc. for Philosophical Inquiry of Washington; Amer. Philosophical Assn. Married Grace Avery King, Jan. 29, 1891, in Washington, D. C. Address, 1522 Q Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. WILLIAM LA BARTHE STEELE 1896. (See No. 989) MAUDE WHEELER STRAIGHT (CARMAN) Born June 17, 1868, Fairbury, 111. f. Hiram Judson Straight, 1840, New York. m. Annie Wheeler, 1842, New York. Instructor, Assistant Professor Library Economv, 1898-1900. Prepared in Oak Park High School. B. A., 1892, Wellesley. ' Kappa Kappa Gamma. Attended Armour Inst, of Tech., 1894-96. Organizer of public library in Dubuque, la., 1896-97; Librarian at Oshkosh Normal School, 1897-98; Instructor in Library Economy and Reference Librarian, Illinois 1898-99; Asst. Prof, in Library Economy and Reference Librarian, 1899-1900. Married A. P. Carman, June 21, 1900, Oak Park, 111. Address, 908 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111. SAMUEL WESLEY STRATTON 1884. (See No. 406) ADAM JULIUS STROHM 1900. (See No. 1418) ARNOLD VALENTINE STUBENRAUCH Born Apr. 27, 1871, in New Orleans, La. f. Valentine Stubenrauch, Mar. 23, 1847, Sondernheim, Germany, m. Henrietta Weber, Nov. 10, 1849, in New Orleans, La. Instructor in Horticulture, 1901 — . Investigator, U. S. Dept. of Agri- culture. Prepared in Prep, of Tulane Univ. of La. B. S., 1899, Univ. of Calif.; M. S. Agr., 1901, Cornell. vSigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Acacia (Shin Teth Faculty 561 Hi). Fellowship in Horticulture, Cornell, lQOO-01. Supt. of Agr. Expt. Sta. Paso Robles Substation, Calif., 1895-96; Clerk to Director of Calif. Expt. Station, 1896-1900; fellow in Horticulture, Cornell, 1900-01; Instructor in Horticulture, and Asst. in Hort., Illinois, 1901 ; Asst. Prof, of Hort. in charge of Exp. Sta. of Univ. of Calif., July. 1902-Jan., 1906; Special Agent in Fruit Transportation and Storage, P'omological Investigations of the U. S. Dept. of Agr., Jan., 1906 — . Published: Report on Climate and Cultures at So. Coast Range Sta., Cahf. Exp. Sta. Rpt. for 1895-96 and 1896-97; A Labora- tory Study of the Percolation of Water through Soils, Calif. Exp. Sta. Rpt. for'l 898-01 ; Aritcles on Olives in Calif., Plums in Calif., Pilocarpus, Pimelea, Platycodon, Raisin in Calif., Sequoia, Tulipa: Cyclopedia of Amer. Hort., 1901 and 1902. Important Details of Spraving, Bulletin 68, 111. Exp. Sta., 1902; The Farmer's Fruit Garden, Circular 40, 111. Exp. Sta., 1902; The Fund- amentals of Spraying, Bull. 93, Penn. State Dept. of Agr., 1902 ; The Econom- ic Garden, Rpts. of the Culture Substations. The Univ. Forestry Stations, Calif. Exp. Station Report, 1902-03; Same in Calif. Exp. Sta. Rpt., 1903-04; A Country Reader, (with H. B. M. Buchanan), 2 Vols.; The Macmillan Co., New York, Vol. I in press. Married Marie Elizabeth Meyer, Jan. 8, 1895, in San Francisco. Child, Arnold Valentine, Jr., born Nov. 25, 1895, Berkeley, Calif. Address, 2727 Russell St., Berkeley, Calif. HENRY ELIJAH SUMMERS Born Aug., 1863, in Rochester, N. Y. f. Theodore A. Summers, m. Mary A. Minniss. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Human Physiology, 1893-97. Prepared in Rochester Free Academy. B. S., 1886, Cornell Univ. Sigma Xi. Fellow in Anatomy and Entomology, 1886-88. Assoc. Prof, of Biol- ogy, Univ. of Tenn., 1888-91; abroad, 1891-92; working under Prof. S. A. Forbes for 111. Board World's Fair Comm'n., 1892; Assistant Prof, of Human Physiology, Illinois, 1893-95; Assoc. Prof, same, 1895-97; Prof, of Zoology, Iowa State College of Agr. and Mech. Arts, 1898; Entomologist, Iowa Exp. Sta.; State Entomologist of Iowa to date. Published, Agricultural bulletins and reprints of articles in Soc. Proceedings and in magazines; Numerous articles in Agr. and Hort. papers. Member: la. Acad. Sc; A. A. A. A. S.; A. E. E.; Biol. Soc. Wash.; Entomol. Soc, Wash.; Amer. Soc. Anatomists, etc. Held various offices in same. Address, Ames, Iowa. ALEXANDER CULBERTSON SWARTZ 1873. (See No. 33) BERNARD VICTOR SWENSON 1893. (See No. 772) ANNE DAVIES SWEZEY 1903. (See No. 1980) ALBERT PHILIP SY 1894. (See No. 836) DON CARLOS TAFT Born June 19, 1827, in Swanzey, New Hampshire, f. Zadock Lovell T,aft, April 12, 1786, in West Swanzey, New Hampshire. m. Anne Rams- dell, Sept. 5, 1792, Richmond, New Hampshire. Assistant Professor, Professor Geology, 1871-82. Prepared in Swanzey Academv and Shelburn Falls Academv,' Mass. B. A., 1852, Amherst Coll.; Studied' at Union Theol. Sem., New York, N. Y., 1852-55. Con- ducted Elmwood High School, E^lmwood. 111.. 1855-1865, supplying the pulpit part of the time; taught the High School in Metamora, 111., 1865-1868; in Minonk, 1868-71 ; appointed assistant professor of Geology in 562 University of Illinois Univ. of 111., 1871 ; professor, same, 1872-82; taught during this period Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology, Physical Geography and Meteorology; visited Europe, in 1882; Hanover, Kansas, in 1883, organizing branch of missionary enterprise. Prepared a series of twelve articles for the Hanover Enterprise on Spelling Reform. Married Mary Lucv Foster, Sept. Q, 1856, at Faribault, Minn.; (died Feb. 11, 1890); Marv Virginia Ford, Mav 30, 1894, at Milwaukee, Wis. Children, Lorado Z., born Apr. 29, 1860; Florizell A., born Dec. 30, 1862; Zulimae M., born Mar. 14, 1868; Doctoria P., born Dec. 13, 1870. Address, 4127 Berkley Ave., Chicago, 111. LORADO TAFT 1879. (See No. 222) ARTHUR NEWELL TALBOT 1881. (See No. 293) BEDROS TATARIAN 1887. (See No. 516) RUTH BEATRICE TAYLOR 1905. (See No. 2517) HELEN MARY TAYLOR 1902. (See No. 1772) SETH JUSTIN TEMPLE Born Aug. 15, 1867, Winona, Minn. f. Holmes Temple, Sept. 4, 1830, Heath, Mass. m. Mary Eliza Ford, June 23, 1832, Williamstown, Mass. Instructor, Assistant Professor of Architecture, 1896-1904. Prepared in Winona High School. Ph. B., 1892, Columbia University. Columbia Fellow in Architecture, 1894. Instructor in Architecture, Schools of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1892-94; Studying in Europe, 1894-96; Instructor in Arch., Illinois, 1896-97; Asst. Prof, of Arch., same, 1897-1904; Practicing Architecture, Temple, Burrows & McLane, Architects, Daven- port, la., 1904 — . Member Iowa Chapter Amer. Inst, of Arch.; Tau Beta Pi. Married Alice Maud Gamble, June 12, 1896, Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. Holmes, born Apr. 11, 1897; Gilbert, born Apr. 24, 1899; Arthur, born Aug 14, 1902. Address, 63 McManus Bldg., Davenport, la. ALEXANDER THOMPSON Practical Mechanism and Foreman in Machine Shop, 1869-73. C. E. JOHN GIVEN THOMPSON Instructor in Mathematics, 1892-93. MARION THOMPSON 1895. (See No. 916) CHARLES WESLEY TOOKE 1900. (See No. 1423) EDGAR JEROME TOWNSEND Born Feb. 22, 1865, in Litchfield, Mich. f. Warren Townsend. m. Henrietta Crocker. Assistant, Associate, Professor of Mathematics, Acting Dean of College of Science, 1893 — . Prepared in Albion Coll. Acad. Ph. B., 1890, Albion Coll.; Ph. M., 1891, Univ. of Mich.; M. A. and Ph. D., 1900, Univ. of Got- tingen, Germany. Delta Tau Delta; Sigma Xi. Principal of Public Schools, Reading, Mich., 1888-89; County Examiner of Schools, Hillsdale Co., Mich., 1887-90; teacher of math, and History, Chicago Manual Training School, 1891-93; Asst. Prof, of Mathematics, Illinois, 1893-95; Assoc. Prof., same. Faculty 563 1895-1905; Professor of Mathematics and Acting Dean of College of Science, 1905 — . Published: Foundation of Geometry, Open Court, about 200 pp., 1902; Uniforn Convergence, Tcchno^raph; Properties and Application of Double Limits, Gottingen; Arzela's Condition for Continuity of a function defined by a Series, Math. Bull. Member Amer. Math. Soc. (Member of council); Society for Adv. of Sci. (Fellow). Married Belle Miller, June 24, 1891, Litchfield. Mich. Child. Lorene, born June 16, 1895. Address, 510 John St., Champaign, 111. JOHN MAIN TRUEMAN Born Dec. 19, 1870, Point de Bute, New Brunswick, Canada, f. Howard Trueman, Mar. 31, 1837, Point de Bute, Canada, m. Mary Jane Main, Mar. 24, 1840, Kingston, New Brunswick, Canada. First Asst. in Dairy Husbandry, 1905 — . Prepared in Nova Scotia School of Agr. B. Sc. Agr., 1895, Cornell Univ. Asst. in charge of dairying, So. Dak. Agr. Coll., 1895-96; and asst. agriculturist, 1896-97 ; farm manager in Penn., 1897-1903; asst. in dairying and Animal Husbandry at Cornell Univ., 1903-05; first asst. in Dairy Husbandry, Illinois, Apr., 1, 1905 — . Member Methodist Episcopal Church. Married Clara Louise Huff, Apr. 27, 1896, Brooking, So. Dak. Children, Howard Lewis, born Mar. 25, 1897; John Thompson, born Feb. 19, 1899; Albert William, born Jan. 17, 1902; Louise Jean, born Sept. 5, 1904. Address, 501 East Daniel St., Champaign, 111. GEORGE S. UPSTONE Foreman on Fami, 1869-70. SUSANNAH USHER Born Jan. 14, 1863, La Crosse, Wis. f. Isaac Lane Usher, May 12, 1825, Hollis, York Co., Me. m. Susannah Coffin Woodman, May 20, 1824, Buxton, York Co., Me. Instructor in Household Science, 1904 — . Prepared in La Crosse, Wis., High School. B. S., 1898, Mass. Inst, of Tech. Teacher in Newjjort Indus- trial School for girls, 1887-90; Teacher in School of Housekeeping, Boston, Mass., 1900-02; Simmons College, Boston, Mass., Instructor in Household Science, 1908-04; Instructor in Household Science, Illinois, 1904 — . Mem- ber Lake Placid Conference of Home Economics; the Corporation of the Marine Biological Lab. of Woods Hall, Mass. Address, 1007 West Illinois St., Urbana, 111. HENRI JOHANNES JACOBUS VAN DEN BERG Born Jan. 17, 1869, Amsterdam, Holland. f. Henri van den Berg, July 18, 1825, Amsterdam, Holland, m. Johanna Jacoba Maas, May 31, 1830, Amsterdam. Holland. Instructor in Piano, 1905 — . Prepared in Amsterdam, Holland, Hoogere Burger School. Grad. from the Royal Conservatory, Amsterdam, 1890; Leipsic Conservatory, 1892; pupil of Clara Schumann, 1893. Prof., Conser- vatory, Amsterdam, 1894-96; Director Gov't Music School, Pretoria, So. African Rep., 1896-1902; Instructor Collegiate Piano classes, School of Music, Illinois, 1905 — . Served in the Boer Army, under Gen. Piet Joubert, Dan Erasmus and Louis Botha, Oct. 12, 1899-Feb., 1901. Editor Music- lovers Calendar, pub. in Boston, Mass., by Musiclovers Co.; Correspondent for the Merciire Musical, Paris, and for Weekblad voor Muziek, Holland; Guide for Piano Teachers (in preparation). Married Laura Wolcott, May 13, 1901, New York Citv. Child, OMvcr Wolcott, May 17, 1902, Holland. Address, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. 564 University of Illinois WILLIAM H. VAN DERVOORT Born Feb. 28, 1869, Ypsilanti, Mich. f. Thomas S. Van Dervoort, Phelps, N. Y. m. Euphrasia S. Westfall, Phelphs, N. Y. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1893-98. Prepared in Michigan State Normal, Mich. B. S., 1889, Mich. Agr. College, Agr. College; M. E., 1893, Cornell, Univ. Delta Tau Delta; Tau Beta Pi. Instructor Mech. Dept. Mich. Agr. College, 1889-92; Asst. Prof. Mich. Agr. Coll., 1892- 93; Asst. Prof. Mech. Engineering, 1893-99; Manufacturer of Gasolene Engine Mach'j' and Automobiles, 1899 — . Published: Modern Machine Shop Tools, Norman W. Henley & Co., New York, Publisher, 640 pp. Con- tributed monthly articles on Machine Shop Practice to Machinery for about three years. Married Mary S. , Nov. 9, 1892, Lansing, Mich. Children, Esther M., born June 27, 1896; Louise A., born Aug. 9, 1903. Address, 2427 6th Ave., Moline, 111. ANNA ROBERTA VAN METER 1905. (See No. 2522) JOHN TERRILL VAWTER 1904. (See No. 2266) DAVID CARROLL VIERS 1901. (See No. 1599) ROBERT CLARK VIAL 1893. (See No. 775) HUGH KENNEDY VICKROY Born Oct. 24, 1841, West Fairfield, Westmoreland Co. Pa. f. Isaac Vickroy, 1812, Westmoreland Co., Pa. m. Martha Kennedy, Nov. 15, 1815, Ireland. Superintendent of Orchards, Gardens, and Forests, 1869-74. Prepared in public schools, Mt. Carroll Seminary and Eastman's Business College. School teacher, nurseryman, fruit grower etc., until 1869; appointed supt. of orchards, gardens and' forests, Illinois, 1869-74; fruit grower at Normal, 111., eighteen years; lemon grower in Hollywood, Calif., 1895 — . Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, in company K, 93d 111. Vol., hon. discharged July 5, 1865. WasU. S. inspector of spirits, at Peoria, 111., winter of 1866-67; was Vice. Pres. of the 111. State Horticultural Soc, 1881 and 1884; treasurer of same, 1885-90; member of the Town Council of Normal, 111., several years; member of the Board of Trustees of City of HollyAVOod past two years. Married Mary Pamela Graves, Dec. 10, 1868. Children, Mary Edna Louise, born Aug. 14, 1871, Hugh Edwards, born July 31, 1874. Address, Hollywood, Calif. EDGAR WHITE WAGENSEIL 1905. (See No. 2525) MARIE L. WALDO 1900. (See No. 1428) EDWARD PHILIP WALTERS Born May 4, 1878, at East Boston, Mass. f. Maurice E. Hughes, 47 Camp St., Providence, R. I. Assistant in Chemistrv, 1899-1900. Prepared in Providence High School. B. S., 1899, Mass. Inst, of Tech. Asst. in Chem. on 111. Water Survey, 1899-1900; Biologist for Metropolitan Water Board of Mass., 1900-03; do., Brooklyn Water Board, 1903; afterwards consolidated with New York Water Board; was made head of local laboratorv at Katonah, N. Y. Died Jan. 28, 1904, at Katonah, N. Y. Faculty 565 JAMES HENRI WALTON, Jr. Born Feb. 26, 1878, in Deer Isle, Me. f. James H. Walton, Jan. 25, 1845, Castine, Me. m. Florence S. Hewlett, Nov. 21, 1846, New South Devonshire, England. Assistant, Instructor in Chemistry, 1899-1900; 1903 — . Prepared in Newburyport High School. B. S., 1899, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Ph. D., 1903, Heidelburg. Member Sigma Xi, U. of I. Austine Fellowship for foreign studv, Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1901-03. Asst. in Chemistry, Mass. Inst., 1900-01; Asst. in Chemistry, Illinois, 1899-1900; Instructor, same, 1903 — . Published: Die Jodionenkatalvze des Wasserstoffsuperoxyds, Zietschrift fur physikalische Chcmie, XVLII-2-, pp. 185-222. Address, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. HUGH ELMER WARD Born Feb. 13, 1872, in Ada, Mich. Instructor in Soil Fertility, Bacteriologv, 1899-02. Graduated State Agr'l Coll., Mich., 1895. M. S., 1898, same. Graduate work in Bacteriology, Physiology and Organic Chem. Taught in district schools of Mich., 1889- 95 ; Instructor in Soil Fertility, Illinois, 1899-1901 ; Instructor of Bacteriology, 1901-02. Holds a teacher's Life Certificate in Mich. Address (home), Ada, Kent Co., Mich. ROBERT BOWNE WARDER Born Mar. 28, 1848, at Cincinnati, Ohio. f. John Aston Warder, M. D., 1812, at Philadelphia, Penn. m. Elizabeth Bowne Haines, 1815, at Phila- delphia, Pa. Instructor in Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, 1875-79. Prepared at Cincinnati, Ohio. M. A., 1873, Earlham College, Richmond Ind. B. L., 1874, Harvard Univ. Taught in the Mooresville, Ind., High School one year; spent some years in travelling in the West and in Gennany in connection with geological survev; instructor in Chemistrv and Natural Philosophv, Illinois, 1875-79; Hav'erford, 1879-80; Purdue Univ., 1880-83; State Chem- ist, 1883-87; professor of chemistrv and phvsics at Howard L^niv., Washing- ton, D. C, 1887-1905. Published: The Speed of Saponification of Ethyl Acetate and Evidence of Atomic Motion within Liquid Molecules, pioneer investigations in phys. chem. Papers, Influence of Time in Fertilizer Analy- sis, Speed of Dissociation of Brass, Dynamical Theory of Albumenoid Ammonia, Recent Theories of Geometric Isomerisen, The Major Premise in Physical Chemistry. Was a minister in the Friend's Church; fellow Amer. Assn. Adv. of Sci., (Vice-pres. for chemistry, 1890); member Amer. Chem Soc; German Chem Soc; Civ. Eng'g Soc; Director of Cen. Union Mission; member Bible Soc. and Soc. for Religious Education, etc. Married Gulielma M. Dorland, Mar. 25, 1884, at W^ellington, Canada. Died July 23, 1905, Washington, D. C. WILLARD OTIS WATERS 1900. (See No. 1430) FLOYD ROWE WATSON Born Apr. 23, 1872, Lawrence, Kans. f. Norman Allen Watson. Dec. 10, 1829, Machias, New York. m. Helen Altana Hitchcock, Oct. 10, 1835, Gainesville, N. Y. Instructor, Assistant Professor of Phvsics, 1902 — . Prepared in Los Angeles High School and Normal School. B. S., 1899, Univ. of Calif. ; Ph. D., 1902, Cornell. Le Conte Fellowship, Univ. of Calif.; Whiting Traveling Fellowship, same, Calif.; Pres. White Fellowship. Cornell Univ. Asst. in Phvsics, Univ. of Calif., 1897-99; same, Cornell Univ., 1902; Instructor in Physics, Illinois, 1902-04; Asst. Prof, of Physics, same, 1904. Published: Elementary Experiments in Physics, Gazette Pub. Co., Champaign, 111.. 566 University of Illinois 1903; Surface Tension at the Interface of Two Liquids, Phys. Review, Vol. XII, pp. 257-278, 1901. Viscosity of Liquids Determined by Measurements of Capillary Waves, same. Vol. XV, pp. 20-38, 1902; Surface Tension by Method of Liquid Jets, same, Vol. XXI, pp. 59-62. Member Sigma Xi; American Phys. Soc; Hon. member of Univ. of 111. Elec. Eng'g Soc. Married Estelle Jane Barden, Aug. 14, 1902, So. Pasadena, Calif. Address, 503 Coler Ave., Urbana, 111. J. BURKITT WEBB Professor of Civil Engineering, 1873-80. C. E. ROY IRVIN WEBBER Born Aug. 27, 1876, Warsaw, Ind. f. Irvin B. Webber, M. D., Mar. 31, 1844, Deerfield Center, Portage Co., Ohio. m. Jane Mary Wilson, May 22, 1855, Warsaw, Ind. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1902-06. Prepared in Warsaw High School. B. S. in C. E., Purdue, 1899; C. E., 1906, Illinois. Civil Eng'rs' Club. Rodman for Pa. R. R. Co., 1899-1900; Civil Engr. for Pressed Steel Car Co., Pittsburg, Pa., 1900; Borough Engineer, Sewickley, Pa., 1901-02; Instructor in Civil Eng'g, 1902-06. Member Presbyterian Church; Masonic Order. Married Olive Jennie Holtzberger, Sept. 4, 1900, Lafayette, Ind. Chil- dren, Deane H., born Mar. 30, 1902; Margaretta, born Sept. 22, 1903. Address, 828 Fulton Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. HENRY ADAM WEBER Born July 12, 1845, in Clinton Twp., Franklin Co., Ohio. f. Frederick Weber, Palatinate, Germany, m. Caroline Tascher, Palatinate, Germany. Professor of Chemistry, 1874-82. Prepared in Otterbein Univ., Westerville, Ohio, and School of Tech., Kaiserslautern, Univ. of Munich, Germany. Ph. D., 1879, Ohio State Univ. Chemist to Geol. Survey of Ohio, 1869-74; professor of Chemistry, Illinois, 1874-82; manufacturer of sugar from sorghum, 1882-84; prof. Agr. Chem., Ohio State Univ., 1884—. Chemist to State Board of Agr., 111., State Board of Health, 111.; State Chemist, Ohio; State Dairy and Food Commission; State Board of Agriculture, Ohio; member of Pure Food Stand- ards Commission, etc. Published: Qualitative Analysis; numerous arti- cles in Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, in reports of the State Dairy and Food Com- mission, Ohio. Member Amer. Chem. Soc; fellow, Amer. Assn. for Adv. of Sci.; member Amer. Microscopical Assn.; Ohio Academy of Science; Inter- national Congress of Applied Chemistry. Married Rosa Ober, Dec. 29, 1870, in Columbus, Ohio. Children, Henri- ette; Hilda L. Address, 1342 Forsythe Ave., Columbus, Ohio. HUBBART ANTHONY WEBBER 1897. (See No. 1087) NEWTON ALONZO WELLS Born Apr. 9, 1852, Lisbon, N. Y. f. Alonzo Wells, Oct., 1825, Westville, N. Y. m. Julia Anna Cargin, 1824, Mar., Constable, N. Y. Professor of History and Practice of Painting, etc., 1899 — . Prepared in Frankhn Acad., Malone, N. Y. B. Painting, 1877, Syracuse Univ. Studied in the Academic Julien under Beniamin Constant, J. P. Laurens and Adolph Bouguereau firs't in 1886 and again 1895-9 7. Instructor, Union Coll., 1877-79; Prof, of Drawing, Syracuse Univ., 1879-89; Dean, School of Art, Western Reserve, 1889-90. Prof, of History and Practice of Painting, Illinois, 1899-1903; Prof, of Architectural Decoration, same, 1903—. Has executed many art works of both public and private character. Exhibited in the larger national exhibitions, since 1884; in Paris Salon, 1896-98; Col- Faculty 567 umbian Exhibition, 1893. Asst. Editor on Art Interchange, 1893-1894; published reviews and other articles upon art topics for newspaper and art magazines. Member Nat. Soc. of Amer. Artists, 1889; Architectural League of Amer., 1900, (vice-president, 1903-04); Salmagundi Club, 1903; Architec- tural League of N. Y., 1903, Nat. Soc. of Mural Painters, 1904; T Square Club, Phila., 1906. Married Flora A. Ellis, 1879, Schenectadv, N. V. Child, Reginald Ellis, born Jan. 8, 1881. NATHAN AUSTIN WESTON 1889. (See No. 580) ALFRED HOLMES WHITE Born Apr. 28, 1873, Peoria, 111. f. Samuel Holmes White, 1830, Lock- port, N. Y. m. Jennie McLaren, 1840, Glasgow, Scotland. Assistant in Chemistrv, 1893-96. Prepared in Peoria High School. Attended McGill, 1889-90i B. A., 1893, Univ. of Mich.; B. S., 1904, Mich. Assistant in Chem., Illinois, 1893-96. Student in Polytechnicum, Zurich, 1896-97; Instructor in Chemical Technology, Univ. of Mich., 1897-1904; Asst. Prof., same, 1904 — . Published: A Burette for Accurate Gas Analysis, Jotir. Am. Ghent. Soc., 22, p. 343, 1900; Composition of Coal Tars from Amer- ican Gas Works (with H. W. Hess), Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 19, p. 509, 1900; The Oxidation of Nitrogen as a Source of Error in the Estimation of Hydro- gen and Methane, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, 23, p. 476, 1901; Relation of Heating to Lighting Power of Gases with Special Relation to Incandescent Mantles, (with H. Russell), Proc. Mich. Gas. Assn., 1901; The Volumetric Analysis of Alumina and Free and Combined Sulphuric Acid in Alums, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc, 24, p. 457, 1902; Theorv of the Incandescent Gas Mantle, (with A. F. Traver and H. Russell), Proc. Mich. Gas Assn., 1902; Theory of the Incandescent Mantle, Second Paper, (with A. F. Traver), Jotir. Soc Chem. Ind., 21, p. 1012, 1902; Loss of Illuminating Power of Man- tles while Burning, (with Max Mueller), Proc. Mich. Gas Assn., 1903; Different Gases in Gas Engines, Proc. Amer. Gas Light Assn., 20, p. 284, 1903; The Chemical Industries of Michigan, Proc. Mich. Acad, of Science, p. 180, 1903; The Value of Gas Analysis in Gas Engine Tests, Michigan Tcchnic, p. 68, 1904; The Removal of Naphthalene from Coal Gas, (with S. Ball), Proc. Mich. Gas. Assn., p. 72, 1904; The Decomposition of Ammonia at High Temperatures, (with Wm. Melville), Joitr. Amer, Chem. Soc, 27 p. 373, 1905; The Removal of Naphthalene from Coal Gas, Second Paper (with David H. Clarv), Proc. Mich. Gas. Assn., 1905. Member Amer. Chem. Soc, 1895; Soc. Chem. Ind., 1898; Hon. member Mich. Gas Light Assn., 1900; Research Club, Univ. of Mich.; Secretary Mich Section Amer. Chem. Soc, 1900; Trustee First Unitarian Church, Ann Arbor, 1902. Married Rebecca Mason Downey, July 28, 1903. Pueblo, Colo. Child, Alfred McLaren, born July 1, 1904. Address, 1017 Hill St , Ann Arbor, Mich. ANNA DAVID WHITE 1904. (See No. 2272) JAMES McLAREN WHITE 1890. (See No. 619) MARION BALLANTYNE WHITE Born at Peoria, 111. f. Samuel Holmes White, Lockport, New York, m. Jennie E. McLaren, Glasgow, Scotland. Instructor in Mathematics, 1902 — . Prepared in Peoria High School. Ph. B.. 1893, Michigan. Attended Univ. of Munich, 1st semester, 1899- 1900; Univ. of Wis., Summer 1904 and 1905; Univ. of 111., 1904-05. In- 568 University of Illinois structor in Math., Pueblo, Colo., High School, 1893-95; at Peoria, 111., 1895-99 and 1901-02; Instructor in math., Illinois, 1902 — . Address, 716 West University Ave., Champaign, 111. HAMMOND WILLIAM WHITSITT 1903. (See No. 1992) CHARLES WILLIAM WHITTEN Bom Aug. 6, 1871, Stark Co., 111. f. WilHam Henrv Whitten, Dec. 25, 1819, New York City. m. Ellen Schuyler, Oct. 13, 1830, Morristown, N. J. Instructor in Physics and Geometry, Academy, 1903 — . Prepared in 111. State Normal Univ. B. A., Illinois, 1906. Teacher in rural schools, 1888-93; Principal of Schools, Varna, 111., 1895-98; Asst. in Science and Math., 111. State Normal Univ., 1900-03. Instructor in Physics and Geome- try, Academv, Univ. of 111., 1903 — . Married Henrietta Leigh, Feb. 14, 1893, (died Oct. 12, 1901); Jessie Helene Cunningham, June 7, 1904. Children, Jennie Alma, born Jan. 3, 1894; Mabel Doris, born May 9, 1896. Address, 311 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. BURTON B. WILCOX 1904. (See No. 2274) GEORGE A. WILD 1876. (See No. 117) CHARLES THORNTON WILDER 1894. (See No. 844) LUCY BERTHA ELY WILLCOX 1900. (See No. 1435) ■ELRICK WILLIAMS 1902. (See No. 1785) FRANK GARDNER WILLSON Born June 11, 1878, in Bozeman, Mont. f. Davis Willson, July 17, 1841, in Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. m. Martha Van Allen, Sept. 19, 1846, in Canton, N. Y. Assistant, Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1903 — . Prepared in private school and Acad, in Bozeman, Mont., B. S., 1903, Univ. of Wis. Attended Montana Coll. of Agr. and Mech. Arts, 1898-1901. Mechanic in Elec. Engr. Lab., Illinois, Sept., 1903-04; Assistant in Elec. Eng'g, same, 1904-05; Instructor, same, 1905 — . Service in Nat'l Guard of Mont., May 1, 1901-02. Member Presbv. Church, 1891; Assoc, in Amer. Inst, of Elec. Engrs., 1905. Married Lynne Rachel Corbett, July 20, 1904, at Ft. Collins, Colo. Address,' 920 West Green St., Urbana, 111. WILLIAM HENRY WILLIAMS Born in 1866, Taychudah, Wis. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1902-05. Prepared in Battle Creek Coll., Mich., 1886. Univ. of Wis., 1896. Prin. of High School, New Richmond, Wis., 1887-91 ; Supt. of Citv Schools, Antigo, Wis., 1891-93 ; Prof. Elec. Engr., Mont. State Coll., 1896. Asst. Prof. Elec. Engr., 1902-05. ALBERT ST. JOHN WILLIAMSON 1898. (See No. 1176) CLIFFORD WILLIS 1900. (See No. 1436) Faculty 569 ALBERT HARRIS WILSOX Born Feb. 4, 1872. Saundersville, Tenn. f. Thomas Black Wilson. June 18, 1839. Nashville. Tenn. m. Lucy Crazwall, June 18, 1839, Water- town, Tenn. Instructor in Mathematics. 1904-05. Prepared in Station Camp Acad., Tenn., and Montogmerv Bell Acad., Nashville. Tenn. B. S., Vanderbilt Univ.. 1892. M. S.. 1893. same. Kappa Sigma. Crawford Scholarship; Founder's Medal; Phi Beta Kappa; (Teaching) Fellowship in Math. Stu- dent in Johns Hopkins. 1893-95; Gottengin, 1899-1900; Bonn, 1903-04. Instructor in Math., Princeton Univ., 1895-1903; Instructor in Math., Illi- nois, 1904-05; Assoc. Prof. Ala. Polvtech. Inst., 1905 — . Member Amer. Math. Soc, 1901. Married Zue Ward, Dec, 1900, Fort Worth, Texas. Address, Auburn, Ala. JOSEPH HENDERSON WILSON Foreman Foundry, 1896-03. JOSEPH WADE WILSON 1903. (See No. 1996) VICTOR TYSON WILSON Born Apr. 11, 1864, Philadelphia, Penn. f. Joseph Washington Wilson, Feb. 22, 1838, Philadelphia, Pa. m. Anna Tyson. Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant Professor of General Engineering Drawing, 1904 — -. M. E., 1902, Cornell. Grad. Penn. Museum and School of Industrial Art, Phila., 1886. Tau Beta Pi, Cornell. Draftsman, New York City, 1888-1892. Instructor Central Man. Train. School, Phila., 1892; Instructor in Free-hand and Mech. Drawing, Cornell, 1893-1903; Instructor in Mech. Eng., Drexel Inst., Phila., 1903-04. Asst. Prof, of G. E. D. in charge of Dept. of Drawing, Illinois, 1904 — . Published, Free-hand Perspective, John Wiley & Son, 1898; Free-hand Lettering, John Wiley & Son, 1900. Married Harriet T. Pattison. Address, 602 West High St., Urbana, 111. SAMUEL ROBERTSON WINCHELL Bom Nov. 26, 1843, North East, Duchess Co., N. Y. f. Horace Winchell, Aug. 12, 1796, North East, Duchess Co., N. Y. m. Caroline McAllister, Apr. 29, 1806, North East, Duchess Co., N. Y. Professor of Latin, 1889-91. Prepared in Amenia Sem., Amenia, N. Y. B. A., 1870, Univ. of Mich.; M. A., 1873, same. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prin. Birmingham, Mich., Acad., 1864-65; Prin. Union School, Paw Paw. Mich., 1865-66; Prin. High School, Flint, 1867-68; Prin. High School, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1869-73; Prin. High School, Milwaukee. Wis., 1873-75. Classical Editor for D. Appleton & Co., 1881 ; New England Manager, D. Apple- ton & Co., 1882-86; Mgr. Interstate Pub, Co.. Chicago and Boston. 1886-88; Pres. National Young Folks' Reading Circle, 1888-92 ; Professor of Latin, Univ. of Illinois, Sept., 1889-Jan. 1. 1891 ; Manager, in the West, of High School and Coll. Department of American Book Co., Jan., 1891-Oct., 1892; Mangr. Winchell's Teachers' Agencv and Lecture Bureau, Dec, 1892 — . Prin. Winchell Acad., Evanston, '111., T894-97. State Visitor to State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis., 1874; School Commissioner, Melrose, Mass. 1885-86. Published: Books: Latin Prose Composition. 1875, E. H. Butler «& Co., Phila., 142 pp.; Elementary Lessons in Greek Syntax, 1887, D. Appleton & Co., New York, 107 pp., 8vo'. ; Primary Fridays, Nos. 1,2,3; Intermediate Fridavs; Grammar School Fridays, pub. by Interstates Pub. Co., Chicago, and Boston, 1886-88, 80 pp. each, 8vo.; Interstate Primer Supplement, Interstate Pub. Co., Chicago and Boston, 1887, 150 pp., 8vo.; Orthography, Orthoepy and Punctuation. 1901. A. Flanagan Co.. Chicago. 155 pp. 8vo., Chicago, Past and Present, 1906, A. Flanagan Co., Chicago, 250 pp., 8vo.; Associate Editor 570 University of Illinois Univ. Chronicle, weekly, Ann Arbor, Mich,, 1865-69. Editor and Pub., Public School Record, monthly, Milwaukee, Wis., 1874-75; Public School Record and Northwestern Jour, of Education, monthly, 1875-76; Educational Weekly, Chicago, 1876-80. Editor Christian Statesman, weekly, Mil- waukee, Wis., 1876. Editor, Interstate Primary Reader, monthly; Inter- state Grammar School Reader, monthly; Interstate Intermediate Reader, month- ly, Chicago and Boston, 1886 — 8. Editor and Publisher, Teacher and Stu- dent, monthly, Chicago, 1894-96. Editor, Chicago Teacher and School Board Jour., 'monthly, Chicago, 1896-98. Editor and Publisher, WinchelVs Quarterly, Chicago, '1898-1901 ; The Rostrum, m.onthly, Chicago, 1901-04. Vice Pres. Central Howard Assn., Chicago, 1900 — . Married Calphurnia Eleutheria Corson, Aug. 2, 1870, Birmingham, Mich. Children, Harley Corson, born Aug. 13, 1871 ; Calphurnia Maia, born May 16, 1874; Julia Alexandrina, Dec. 31, 1879; Roberta Carissima, Sept. 26, 1887; (died Jan. 23, 1895). Address, 2622 Harrison St., Eyanston, 111. AMBROSE PARE WINSTON Born Oct. 5, 1867, in Mt. Morris, 111. f. Thomas Winston, Oct. 17, 1829. Deyynock, Breconshire, Wales, m. Caroline E. Mumford, Mar. 26, 1836. in Wayne Co., Penn. Instructor in History, 1893-94. Prepared at home. B. A., 1887, Wis- consin; Ph.D., 1900, Cornell. Delta Upsilon. Attended Johns Hopkins, 1891- 92; Uniy. of Chicago, 1892-93; 1894-95; Fellow, Cornell Uniy., 1899-1900. Teacher in pubhc schools, 1887-1889; Instructor in History, Illinois, 1893-94; Instructor in Ohio State Uniy. ; teacher in Chicago and Indianapolis High Schools; instructor and Asst. Professor of Economics, W^ashington Uniy., 1901 — . Published: The Constitutionality of the Protective Tariff, Jour, of Political Economy, Dec, 1896; Socialism in the United States, Contem- porary Review, Jan., 1900; Sixteenth Century Trusts, Atlantic Monthly, July, 1901 ;'The Pullman Strike, Jour, of Political Ecomony, Sept., 1901 ; A Quarter Century of Strikes, Atlantic Monthly, Nov., 1902; The Trade Union and the Superior Workman, Atlantic Monthly, Dec, 1902; Article on "Political Economy" in Encyclopedia Americana. Member Amer. Economic Assn. Address, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. ROBERT ALVIN WOOD 1894. (See No. 845) WILLIAM G. WOOD Professor of Militarj^ Science and Tactics, 1880; detail expired July 1, 1883. Second Lieut. 18th Inf., U. S. A. RALPH C. WOODMANSEE 1903. (See No. 1997) ARTHUR TENNANT WOODS Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1883-88; Prof, of Mech. Eng'r, 1888-92. M. S. Asst. Engineer, U. S. N., 1892—. HERBERT SPENCER WOODS Born Apr. 12, 1881, Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo. f. Peter George Woods, M. D., Dec. 19, 1844, Rocky Mount, Va. m. Susan Harriett Parkes, Aug. 11, 1853, Moniteau Co., Mo.' Assistant in Chemistry, 1905 — . Prepared in Versailles and St. Joseph High Schools. B. A., 1904, Univ. of Mo.; M. A., 1895, same. Student Asst. in Chemistry, 1903-04; Gazollo Fellow, 1904-05. Asst. in General Chemistry, Illinois, Sept., 1, 1905—. Address, Chemical Lab., Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. 1894. (See No. 846) Faculty 571 OLA C. WOOLSEY RALPH WYLIE Born Aug. 31, 1874, in Warsaw, Wis. Instructor in Violin and Theory of Music, 1899-1900. Graduated, Chi- cago Musical Coll., 1899. Taught violin and harmony in Chicago. Concert meister in college orchestra; first violinist in picked string quartet, Chicago Musical Coll. Instructor of Violin and Theory of Music, 1899-1900. ALANSON PHELPS WYMAN Born Apr. 13, 1870, Manchester Centre, Vt. f. Edmond Lewis Wvman, June 27, 1843. m. Louise Kimball Phelps, Sept. 2, 1847, Painesville,'Ohio. Assistant Professor of Landscape Gardening, 1905 — . Prepared in Burr & Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., B. S. in Agr., 1897, Cornell. Sigma Xi, Cornell, 1897. Draughtsman, office O. C. Simonds, Landscape Gar- dener, Chicago, 1897-98; with D. W. Langton, Landscape Architect, New York, 1898; with Olmsted Brothers, Landscape Architects, Brookline, Mass., 1899-1902. Student of Landscape Architecture, Mass. Inst. Tech.. 1902- 04; Landscape Architect, Chicago, 1904-06. Instructor in Landscape Gardening, Hort Dept., Feb. -June, 1905; Asst. Prof, in Landscape Garden- ing, Illinois, Sept., 1905 — . Christian Science Church, 1899. Married Martha Scott Anderson, Aug. 24, 1905, Minneapolis. Address, 17 East Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. CHARLES WHITTIER YOUNG ,1897. (See No. 1090) ANDREW YSTGARD Born June 7, 1873, Sparbuen, Trondhjem, Norway. f. Ole A. Yst- gard, Feb. 19, 1843, Sparbuen, Trondhjem, Norway, m. Martha H. Schei, Jan. 25, 1848, Sparbuen, Trondhjem, Norway. Assistant in Chemistry, 1904 — . Prepared in St. HansHougen Middle School, Christiana and Frogner Gymnasium, Christiana. B. Agr., 1896, Agr. Coll. of Norway; B. S., Engr. College, Norway, 1900; The Students' Society of the Agr. Coll. of Norway; Eng'g Students' Soc, Norway. Scholar- ship at Agr. and Engr. Colleges; Fellowship from Govt, of Norway for graduate work at the Agr. College in Agr. Chem. Asst. in Agr. Chemistry in the Agr. Coll. of Norway, July 1-Dec. 30, 1903; Asst. Chemist in the Dairy and Food Com. of the State of' Wis., Apr. 1-May 30, 1904; Asst. in Chemistry in the 111. Agr. Exp. Sta., July 1, 1904 — . Served as soldier in the Standing Army of Norway. Discovered a method for preparation of soluble phosphoric acid from crude phosphates for fertilizer purposes, 1902. Pub- lished: Contribution to our knowledge of the composition of Norwegian small fruits, Tidskrift for Xorsk Landbriig, 1902, pp. 125-145; Abstract in Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. XIV, 1903, pp." 443; The preparation of Soluble phosphoric acid from crude phosphates for fertilizer purposes, Tcknisk I'^cblad, Christiana, 1903, pp. 329-333; Abstract in Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. XV, 1904, p. 1063; Some plant culture trials with a new artificial fertilizer, Tidskrift for Xorsk Landbrng, 1903, pp. 357-365; Abstract in Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. XV, 1904, pp. 571. Member Polytechnical Assn., Christiana Norway, 1900 — . Address, 901 W. Illinois St., UrVjana, 111. LESTER WILLIAM ZARTMAXX 1903. (See Xo. 2002) 572 University of Illinois KARL WILHELMJ ZIMMERSCHIED Born Aug. 27, 1880, Kansas City, Mo. f. John Ferdinand Zimmer- schied, Dec. 11, 1849, near Sedalia, Mo. m. Matilda Rosenbury, Aug. 27, 1857, Canal Dover, Ohio. Instructor in Chemistry, 1904-05. Prepared in Manual Triaing High School, Kansas City, Mo. Kappa Sigma and Sigma Xi. B. A., Univ. of Michigan, 1803; M. S., 1904, same. Asst. in Quantitative Analvsis, Univ. of Mich., 1903-04; Chemist, Traugott, Schmidt & Co., Detroit, 'Mich., 1904, July 11, Nov. 1. Instructor in Quantitative Analysis, Illinois, 1904-05, Instructor in Metallurgy and Quantitative Analysis, Univ. of Mich., Sept., 1905—. Address, Room 117 Chemical Lab., Ann Arbor, Mich. OTTO MANTHEY-ZORN Born Oct. 26, 1879, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, f. Rev. Carl Manthey- Zorn, Mar. 18, 1846, at Schleswig-Holstein. m. Maria Luise Hengstenberg, Dec. 29, 1853, at WestphaHa. Instructor in German, 1905-06. Prepared in Cleveland Central High School. B. A., 1901, Adelbert College, Western Reserve Univ. Ph. D., 1904, Univ. of Leipzig. Instructor at Western Reserve Univ., 1904-05; instructor at Cleveland Central High School, 1904-05 ; instructor in German, 1905-06. Published, Johann Georg Jacobi's Iris (Thesis), by John Herr- mann, Zwickau, 1905, quarto, 83 pp; Friedr. Heinr. Jacobi's Home at Pempelfort, Mod. Philology, July, 1905. Member Modern Lang. Assn., 1904; Philological Club of Western Reserve, 1904-05. Address, 905 West Green St., Urbana, 111. Trustees 573 TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY ALICE ASBURY ABBOTT Trustee 1898-1905. Born in Quincy, 111. f. Henry Asbury, lawyer. Critic. Prepared in private school. Special course in sciences and languages for three years; one year study of German literature in Germany. Edited scientific journal in Chicago, 1876. Translated Die Waflfen Xieder!, under the title Ground Arms! written by the Baroness Bertha von Suttner. Member for many years of the Fortnightly and the Woman's Club of Chicago. Married Abial R. Abbott, June, 187 1'. Children, Sarah and Alice. Address, Urbana, 111. WILLIAM L. ABBOTT Trustee 1905-11. (See No. 368) CARRIE THOMAS ALEXANDER Trustee lQOl-07. Born March 4, 1861, in Belleville, 111. Prepared in Monticello Sem., Godfrey, 111., 1876-80. Assumed the place of Mr. Alexander as General manager and treasurer of local street railway line, after his death; operated same for several years; spent two years in study and travel abroad. Organized Belleville chapter Order of Eastern Star; was matron four years, 1900-04; joined Woman's Relief Corps, in 1892; treasurer of local corps four vears, and president three years; also as Dept. Junior Vice Pres., Inspector, Pres., 1898-Q9, counselor, 1899-1900; president of local Ladies' Aid Soc. four years and introduced and put into effect plans by which able bodied men and women were suppled with various kinds of work for which they received wages instead of alms. Director 111. Childrens' Home and Aid Soc. Married Henry A. Alexander, Dec. 1887, at Belleville, 111., (died Oct., 1888) Address, Belleville, 111. *LEMUEL ALLEN Trustee 1867-71. Born Mar. 23, 1818, in Loudoun Co., Va. Prepared in Prep. School at Waverly, 111. Member of School Board of Pekin, 111., for many years; County Supt. of Schools of Tazewell Co. for ten consecutive vears; served as County School Commissioner; taught in Spring- field, 111., 1841; in Decatur, 111., 1842; in Pekin, 1846. Invented and patented a Planetarium: Aided in organizing the First Baptist Church, Decatur, and also at Pekin, 111.; helped organize the Washingtonian Society, and Sons of Temperance, Pekin, 111. Married Mrs. Margaret Pratt, 1843, Decatur, 111.; Josephine Goodheart, Pekin, 111., 1898. Died Aug. 8, 1905, in Pekin, 111. *JOHN PETER ALTGELD Trustee, ex ofpcio, 1893-97. Born in Prussia, 1848. Came to Mansfield, Ohio, in early life. At age of 16 volunteer in final campaigns of Grant. Discharged at Columbus, Ohio. Studied in private school, Lexington, Ohio, and taught school for two years. Traveled until 1869; studied law at St. Louis, Mo., 1869-70, when admitted to the bar at Savannah, Mo.; elected prosecuting attorney for the county; resigned and moved to Chicago, 1875; candidate before democratic caucus of state legis- lature for U. S. Senator, 1876; extensive real estate owner, 1876-86 in Chicago; accepted democratic nomination for office of judge of supreme court and elected in 1886; resigned from the bench, Aug., 1891; governor of Illinois, 1 892-96 ; delegate to Democratic national convention of 1 896 and unsuccessful independent candidate for mayor of Chicago, 1899. Author; Our Penal 574 University of Illinois Machinery and its Victims; Live Questions, and various political and eco- nomic pamphlets. Died March 12, 1902, in Joliet, 111. tW. B. ANDERSON Trustee, 1870-73. JAMES E. ARMSTRONG Trustee, 1893-99. (See No. 253) AUSTIN D. BARBER Trustee, ex officio, 1905-07. Address, Hamilton, 111. *NEWTON BATEMAN Trustee, 1867-73. Born July 27, 1822, in Fairfield, N. J. Prepared in Illinois College, 1843; attended Lane Theol. Sem., 1844. Taught as Prin. of an English and Classical School, St. Louis, Mo., 1845-47; Prof, of Math., St. Charles Coll., St. Charles, Mo., 1847-51; prin. public schools, Jacksonville, 111., 1851-53; Supt. of schools, Morgan county, 1853-58; State Supt. of PubUc Instruction, 1859-63, 1865-67; President Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., 1875-93; Pres. emeritus and Prof, of Mental and Moral Science, Knox Coll., 1893-97. Member State Board of Health, 1877-91; Assay Comm'r, 1878; Editor of Common School Decisions; editor for three years. The Illinois Teacher; editor in chief. Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. Married Sarah Davton, 1850, Jacksonville, 111., (died 1857); Annie N. Tyler of Mass., 1859, (died May 28, 1878). Children, Clifford Rush, born Mar. 7, 1854, Jacksonville, 111.; three daughters Died Oct. 21, 1897, in Jacksonville, 111. ALFRED BAYLISS Trustee, ex officio, 1899-1907. Born in Glouchestershire, England. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Prepared in Prep. Dept. of Hills- dale Coll., Hillsdale, Mich. B. S., 1870, Hillsdale Coll.; M. S., 1873, same. Service in 11th Mich. Cav., Sept., 1863-Aug., 1865. Member Citv Council, Sterling, 111., 1882-84; member of present Library Board, Sterling, 'ill., 1878- 94; elected Supt. Public Instruction, 1898 — . Published, Easy Lessons on the Constitution of the United States, for Grammar grades; numerous arti- cles for educational journals. Pres. Northern 111. Teachers' Assn., 1887 ; pres. Schoolmasters' Club, 1900-03; member N. E. A. Com. to report upon Indus- trial Education, 1903. Married Clara M. Kern, June 28, 1871, in Lawton, Mich. Children, Clara K., born Nov. 10, 1872; Zoe, born Aug. 14, 1890. Address, Springfield, 111. CHARLES BENNETT Trustee, 1879-91. Born March 27, 1839, in Bridgton, Maine. Lawyer. Prepared in Bridgton Academy. B. A., 1864, Bowdoin Coll. ; studied Law, Portland, Me. Served nine months. First Lieut. Maine, 19th, 1864-65; Maine, 23rd, 1862. Member Board of Education; County Judge Coles Co., one term. Member Unitarian Church; G. A. R. Married S. W. Cleaves, Mattoon, 111. Children, Cleaves, born 1870; Sarah, 1872; Charles, 1874; Edith, 1876; Helen, 1878; John Lewis, 1881; Susan, 1884. Address, Mattoon, 111. tUnder law of May 7, 1873, the number of appointed members of the Board was reduced from thirty-four tq nine. When the law went into effect twenty-seven members with from two to six years still tc serve, were dropped. Of these ten had an opportunity to serve at but one meeting, that of March 11, 1873. The reorganized board first met on July 10. Trustees 575 JOHX LOURIE BEVERIDGE Trustee, ex officio, 1873-77. Born July 6, 1824, at Greenwich, Washing- ton Co., N. Y. f. George Beveridge. m. Ann Hoy. Ex-governor of Illinois. Prepared in Xew York State and Rock River Sem., Mt. Morris, 111. Taught school and read law, 1845-51, in Tenn.; located at Sycamore, 111., 1851 ; removed to Evanston, 111., 1854, and opened office in Chicago; rem.oved to Calif., 18Q5; enlisted Aug., 1861; served as maior 8th 111. cav. in army of Potomac; was in battles of Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Frederickburg and Gettysburg; in winter of 1863-64 recruited and or- ganized 17th 111. cav.; commissioned col. and served in dept. of Mo.; bvtd. brig, gen.; mustered out Feb. 6, 1866; elected sheriff Cook Co., 111., 1866; state senator, 1871; elected Lieut. Gov. Illinois on Rep. ticket with Gen. Richard J. Oglesby as governor in Nov., 1872; upon Gov. Oglesby's election to the U. S. Senate, Jan., 1873, succeeded to the gubernatorial chair and served full term 4 vears, save 10 davs. Appointed Asst. Treas. of U. S. at Chicago, Dec, 1881 ;' resigned Sept., 1884. Married Helen M. Judson, Jan. 20, 1848, in Chicago, 111. Address, Holh^wood, Los Angeles, Calif. *ALEXAXDER BLACKBURX Trustee. 1867-77. Born May 31, 1805, in Hamilton, Butler Co., O. Farmer and Teacher. Prepared in common schools of Indiana. Was made honorary member of the G. A. R. when that post was organized in Macomb, 111. First Pres. church of northern Ind. was organized in his log cabin at La Porte, Ind. Wrote frequently for Presbyterian books and magazines, also for local palpers. Elder in Pres. church for sixty-live years, La Porte, Ind., and Macomb, 111. Married Delilah Polk, Jan. 28, 1828, in Vincennes, Ind. Children, William Maxwell, born Dec. 31, 1829; John, born Xov. 6, 1831; Margaret Polk, born Jan. 15, 1833; Anna EHzabeth, born June 19, 1842; Alexander, bom Nov. 4, 1844; Charles Edward, born Sept. 19, 1847; three children died in infancy. Died in Macomb, 111., July 31, 1897. *GEORGE STEPHEX BOWEX Trustee, 1870-73. Born Xov. 30, 1829, at Ingham.'s Mills, Manheim, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Moved to Chicago, 1849. and engaged in bvisiness with brother until 1871. President, Young Men's Library Assn. of Chicago. 1861. Was instrumental in organizing the Woolen Manufacturers' Assn. of the Xorthwest, 1867, being first and only president of same. Leader in establishing a free public library in Chicago, 1871, and in 1873 raised money to build Chicago exposition. Organized industrial exposition of 93 people, 1879, who visited Mexico in interest of reciprocitv. Instrumental in organizing Manufacturers' Assn. of Chicago, 1878. Mayor of Elgin, 1873-75; Pres. of Electric Light Co., Elgin, 1883; issued call to electric light m.en of the U. S. who met in Chicago and organized the Xat. Elec. Light Assn.; made honorary member, 1890. Xomi- nated for Congress, 1876. Treasurer Grace M. E. Church, Chicago, for eight years; Pres. of Protestant Orphan Asylum, Chicago, two years. One of the principal organizers and builders of Chicago & Pacific R. R. Served as pres. Elgin Scientific Soc. Pres. Xorth Pacific Trading Co., with offices in Chicago and Tokio, Japan, last few years. Married ]\i\\a. Emma Byington, May 1, 1854, at Salisbury Center, X. Y. Children , George E . ; Anna C . Died Jan. 12, 1905, Elgin, 111. *MASOX BRAYMAX Trustee, 1867-73. Born May 23, 1813. at Buffalo, X. Y. Lawyer. Admitted to the bar, 1836; removed to Monroe, Mich., City Attorney, Munroe, 1838-41 ; edited a newspaper, 1841 ; practiced law, Spring- 576 University of Illinois field. 111., 1842; special commissioner under government, 1843; revised and published statutes of Illinois, 1844-45 ; attorney for I. C. R. R., 1851 ; became promoter of railroad enterprises throughout Mo., Ark., and southwest. Major of 29th 111. vol., 1861; in command of Ohio regiments at Natchez, 1864-65; presiding officer of com. to examine cotton claims and revive railroad interests in the south. Edited Illinois State Journal, 1872-73; practiced law at Ripon, Wis., 1873-77; appointed Governor of Idaho by Pres. Hayes, 1877-80; resumed practice of law at Ripon, 1880; afterwards settled in Kansas City, Mo. Died Feb. 27, 1895, at Kansas City, Mo. *ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY BROWN Trustee, 1868-79. Born Dec. 11, 1818, in Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky. Jurist and horticulturist. B. A., 1838, Hanover Coll. Studied law in Indianapolis, and practiced; removed to Paris, Ky., 1844; continued practice of law until he came to Illinois; removed to Villa Ridge, Pulaski Co., 1861. Elected to county judgeship three times. Pres. 111. State Hort. Soc. ; Editor of Paris Citizen, 1852-61. Member Presb. church. Married Mary A. Maxwell, 1841, in Hanover, Ind. Children, Elizabeth, born 1842; Edward M., 1844; Jennie T., 1847; Alexander B., 1856; EmmaG., 1858. Died June 27, 1879, at Villa Ridge, 111. *DAVID ALLEN BROWN Trustee, ex officio, 1870-73. Born Sept. 27, 1824, in Greensburg, Ky. f. William B. Brown, m. Harriet L. Allen. Lawyer. Came to 111. ,1833. Read law with Col. E. D. Baker. When Mexican War broke out helped raise a company of which he was second lieut., Co. I, in 4th Regiment, 111. Vols. Present at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. Afterwards took command of the company; ordered home after war when he took up law in office of Abraham Lincoln. Appointed circuit clerk of Menard County. In 1859 engaged extensively in farming. Vice- pres. State Board of Agr. two terms, and Pres. one, 1870-73. Member State Board of Railroad and Warehouse Commn., 1873. In 1884 appointed by Pres. Cleveland State Agr. Statistician for four years. Pres. Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., 1892; re-elected three times. Member Presbyterian Church since 1841, and in 1869 with Dr. Patterson started Bates Presbyterian church; elder, 1869-92; delegate to the general assembly of Presby. Church, Portland, Ore., 1892. Married Eliza J. Smith. Children, Sallie C, Mamie E., Carolyn, William J., of Spokane, Wash., and Harriet (wife of Rev. Wm. Gault). Died Feb. 25, 1895, near Springfield, 111. Trustee, 1867-71. Trustee, 1891-95. E. L. BROWN *JOHN H. BRYANT *HIRAM BUCK Trustee, 1872-74. Born Mar. 20, 1801, in Seneca Co., N. Y. Farmer. Opened first hotelinLeRoy, 1837 ; Justiceof the Peace, 1838-56; Post Master for seven years of this tim.e ; County Comm'r, Surveyor and Judge under the Constitution of 1848 for eight years; Supervisor of Empire Twp., .four years; trustee of schools and school director at different times; Trustee of Lombard Univ., 1876. Member of Universalist Church; Charter mem- ber of Le Roy Masonic Lodge; Chaplain for years, also W. M. for years. Married Mercy Karr, Apr. 4, 1827, in Hamilton Co., Ohio. Children, Amanda M., born Julv 10, 1828; Thomas L,,born Oct. 23, 1831 ; Elizabeth R., Trustees 577 bom Feb. 21,1834; deceased child, bom Feb. 13, 1837; Martha E.,bom Dec. 14, 1838; Nancy, J., bom Feb. 19, 1843; Charles Albert, born Aug. 19, 1849. Died May 12, 1888, in Le Roy, 111. SAMUEL A. BULLARD Trustee, 1889-1907. (See No. 165) HORATIO CHAPIX BURCHARD Trustee, 1867-70. Bom 1825, in Marshal, Oneida Co., N. Y. Lawyer. Prepared in Beloit, Wis. Attended Hamilton Univ., X. Y., 1847-50'. Pursued study of general law since 1850. Member of Congress, and Director of U. S. Mint. Published History of the U. S. Mint, and many articles on tariff, coinage. Member Congregational Church, Beloit, Wis.; Masonic bodies of Freeport; Freeport Club of State Hist. Soc. Married Jane Lawrer, 1861, of West Point, 111. Child, Edward L., born 1867. Address, 34 Lincoln Boul., Freeport, 111. *JOHN CURTISS BURROUGHS Trustee, 1867-70. Bora Dec. 7, 1818, in Stanford, Delaware Co., \. Y, Educator. Graduated, Yale, 1842; Drew Theological Sem., 1846.. Preached at Waterford, X. Y.. 1846-47; held pastorate at West Troy, 1847- 52; First Baptist Church. Chicago, 111., 1852, and helped to found the Christian Times and the Standard; inaugurated movement with Senator Douglas for establishment of Univ. of Chicago; first president, 1856; chancellor, 1876-78; member of board of education and later assistant supt. of Chicago public schools. Received S. T. D., Univ. of Rochester, 1858; LL. D., Madison Univ., 1869 Died Apr. 21, 1892, at Chicago, 111. MARY ELIZABETH BUSEY Trustee, Mar., 1905—. Born June 21, 1854, in Delphi, Ind. Prepared at Delphi and Oxford, Ohio. Graduated, Vassar Coll. Trustee Presbyterian Church; member of W. R. C. and Dames of the Loyal Legions; member of The Fortnightlv Club of Urbana. Married Samuel T. Busey, Dec. 25, 1877, at Delphi, Ind. Children, Marietta Ruth, Bertha, and Charles Powers. Address, Urbana, 111. JOHN J. BYRD Trustee, 1872-85. MARY TURNER CARRIEL Trustee, Mar. 6, 1897-1901. Born Oct. 30, 1845, in Jacksonville. 111. Prepared in Jacksonville. 111. B. A., 1865, Jacksonville Presb. Acad. Officer, Vice-pres. Morgan County Historical Society; Pres. Morgan County Suffrage League; member, Illinois Syndoical Board of Freedmen, 1885; Recording Secretarv of Springfield Presbv. Home Missions, 1888 — ; Vice-pres. State Street Presb! Church, 1905-06; Pres. Ramabai Club, 1894; Pres. of Woman's Club, 1900-01; Pres. and at various times Sec. of Art Assn., etc. Married H. F. Carriel, Mav 6, 1875, in Jacksonville, 111. Children. Ella (Mrs. W. D. Roberts), born Feb. 26, 1876; Howard Tumer, bom Mav 12, 1877; Frederic C, born Mar. 26, 1879; Charles Arthur, born Dec. 8, 1883. Address, Jacksonville, 111. WILLIAM W. CLEMENS Trustee, 1887-93. Bom Sept. 29, 1839, in Livingston Co., Ky. Lawyer. Studied law and was admitted to the bar of Ky. at Smithland, Ky., in 1861; came to Illinois in Aug., 1862; graduated in Ann Arbor. Law 578 University of Illinois Dept., 1865 ; Practicing Law in Marion, 111., 1865 — . States Atty. of William- son Co., 1880-84. Address, Marion, 111. EMORY COBB Trustee, 1867-93. Born Aug. 20, 1831, in Drj-den, Tompkins Co., N. Y. f. William Cobb, Norton, Mass. m. Achsah Bradley, Conn. Banker and farmer. Prepared in common schools and Ithaca Acad. Learned teleg. at age of 16. Operator in Buffalo; came West 1848. Oper- ator at Fredonia and Cleveland. First Supt. of the Western Union Tel. Co., Chicago, 111., organized in 1855; resigned 1867 on account of ill health; Director same Co., 1871-74; Vice Pres., Northwestern Teleg. Co. from 1863 until its consolidation with Western Union Co., 1874; Pres. First Nat'l Bank, Kankakee, 111., from its organization, 1873, until 1893; director, 1873 — . Director in The Eastern Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, Kankakee, 1902 — ; Pres. Kankakee Elec. Railway Co. from its organization, 1889, until Aug., 1905; Senior warden, St. Paul Episcopal Church, Kankakee, 1880 — ; Vice Pres. of 111. Agr'l Board, 1869-82; Pres. of American Shorthorn Breeders' Assn., 1882-1902; Trustee of Univ. of 111. from its orgainzation, 1867, to 1893; Pres. of Board Finance Committee, 1867-73; on Executive Com. during entire term of service. Member; Chicago Club, Social, 1882-1903; Union League Club, of Chicago, 1884-1904; Chicago Church Club from its organization, 1888 — ; Old Times Tel. Assn. of the U. S. from its organiza- tion to date. Lay delegate to the Triennial Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church of \J . S., representing Chicago Diocese held at following places and times: New York, 1883; Chicago, 1886; New York, 1889; Balti- more. 1892; Minneapolis, 1895; Boston, 1904. Lay Delegate from St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Kankakee, 111., to the Annual Conf. of the Chicago Dio- cese, successively, 1867 — . Married Isabelle Haven, 1858, in Chicago, 111. Children, Charles Haven, born Feb. 17, 1860; William Walter, born Nov. 14, 1862; Duane PhilHps.born Nov. 14, 1867. Address, Kankakee, 111. *JAMES C. CONKLING Trustee, 1879-80. Born Oct. 13, 1816, in New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Prepared at Morristown, N. J., B. A., 1835, Princeton. Entered law office of Henry A. Ford, and read law there about three years. Came to 111., 1838, and located in Springfield; obtained license from supreme court and commenced practice of law; formed partnership with Cyrus A. Walker, of Macomb; became associated with Gen. James Shields, Auditor of State, 1841; elected mayor of Springfield, 1845; elected member of Legisla- ture from Sangamon Co., 1851, and served one term; delegate to the Bloom- ington Convention, 1856; chosen a presidential elector for 111., in 1860 and in 1864; during Civil War appointed by Gov. Yates as state agent to settle the claims of the State against the gen. Govt, for equipment of volunteers; elected a representative from Sangamon Co., to legislature 1866, and drew up and introduced bill which was passed into a law, providing for the erection of a new State house in Springfield; one of the fourteen members of Lincoln Monument Assn., 1867; received from Pres. Harrison appointment of Post- master in Springfield, 1890, and retained office four years. Was a prac- titioner at the bar, a participant in public affairs and was actively engaged in business pursuits. Delivered address on dedication of Oak Ridge cemetery. May, 1860; lecture on Early Bench and Bar of Illinois, read before the Chicago Bar Assn., Jan., 1881. Member Second Presb. Church of Spring- field; ruling elder of same about thirty years, until his death. Married Mercie A. Levering, Sept.' 21, 1841, at Baltimore, Md. Chil- dren, Clinton L., James, Charles, Annie V., and Alice. Died Mar. 1, 1899, at Springfield, 111. Trustees 579 MARTIN CONRAD Trustee, ex officio. 1901-03. Born 1844, in Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. Studied law at Lake Forest Univ. Was private in Co. C, 13th Wis. Inf. Attorney and General Agent for the Peter Schuelter Co., mfrs. wagons for thirty years. Published Forestry for Profit, Hints on the Law of Contracts; Agency and Bailments. Vice.' Pres. 111. State Board of Agriculture. Married Frances A. Osborn, Chicago, 111. Address, Chicago, 111. SHELBY M. CULLOM Trustee, ex officio, 1877-83. (See H3) JOSEPH OSCAR CUNNINGHAM Trustee, Mar. 1867-Mar., 1873. Born Dec. 12, 1830, in Lancaster Erie Co., N. Y. Lawyer. Prepared in the log schoolhouses of Huron County, Ohio. Attended Baldwin Coll., Berea, Ohio, and Oberlin Coll.; partial course at Union Law Coll.,, Cleveland, Ohio. Served one term as Judge of the County Court of Champaign Co., 111., ending in 1865. Has been Prohibitionist candi- date for both houses of the Gen. Assembly of 111. and for Circuit Judge, but always defeated. Joint author of Jones and Cunningham's Practice in the County Courts of Illinois, and author; History of Champaign County; Some Facts in the Judicial History of Illinois; The Republican State Convention of 1856 and of those who Participated in it, read before the 111. State. Hist. Soc; William Wells, the Hero of the Massacre of Chicago; Pioneer Bovhood on the Firelands, read before the Firelands Hist. Soc, of Norwalk, Ohio. Member, the Hist. Soc. of 111. and of the Firelands Hist. Soc. of Ohio; for m.ore than 40 years of M. E. Church; twice repr. in the Gen. Conf. and for :nore than 38 years steward and trustee in local church. Married Mary Margaret McConoughey, Oct. 13, 1853, at Bainbridge, Geauga Co., Ohio. Address, 922 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. CHARLES DAVISON Trustee, 1905-11. Born Jan. 13, 1858, in Lake Co., 111. Surgeon. Prepared in public schools, Wauconda Acad., and by private tutors. M. A., 1883, Chicago Medical Coll. Interne Cook County Hospital, 1883-84, by competitive examination; practicing medicine and surgerv in Chicago, 1884 — . Asst. Surgeon, 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1887-92; Attending Surgeon, Cook County Hospital,' 1894 — ; same at We'st Side Hospital, 1896 — ; Prof. Surgical Anatomv, Coll. of Phvsicians and Sur- geons, 1899-1900; Adjunct Prof. Clinical Surgery, 1900-03; Adjunct Prof. Surgerv and Clinical Surgerv, 1903-04; Prof. Surgery and Clinical Surgerv, 1905—'; Prof. Surgery, Chicago Clinical School, 1896-1906. Contributor to current medical literature. Member Amer. Med. Assn. ; 111. State Med. Soc. ; Chicago Med. Soc; Miss. Valley Med. Assn.; Chicago Surgical Soc. Member of M. E. Church; Knights Templar and Mvstic Shrine; Illinois Club; West- ward Ho Golf Club. Married Mary L. Kidd. 1887, Chicago, 111. Child, Charles Marshall, born Apr. 16, 1896. Address, office, 1010-103 State St., Chicago, 111.; Res., 955 Jackson Boul. CHARLES SAMUEL DENEEN Trustee, ex officio, 1905-08. Born May 4, 1863, in Edwardsville, 111. Governor of Illinois. Prepared in public schools, Lebanon, and Mc- Kendree Coll. Taught school about three years; studied law; admitted to bar. Elected to 111. House of Representatives, 1892; served one term attor- ney for State's Atty., Cook Co., 111., 1896-1904; governor of Illinois, 1904-08. 'Married Bina Day Malone of Mt. Carroll, 111., May 10, 1891. Address, Springfield, 111. 580 University of Illinois JAMES K. DICKIRSON Trustee, ex 'fficio, 1903-05. Bom Feb. 13, 1845, in Lawrence Twp., Law- rence Co., 111. Farmer and Commercial Salesman. Limited education in common school. Served in 70th 111. Infantry, 1862. County Clerk, Lawrence Co., 1877-82. One Editor Democratic Herald, Lawrence ville. 111. Member Christian Church; Elder in Lawrenceville Christian Church for thirty years. Married Nancy A. Warner, Oct. 22, 1871, at Allison, 111. Children, Lizzie A., born Sept. 7, 1872; Mary Warner, born Aug. 10, 1892, (died June 10, 1896). Address, Lawrenceville, 111. *MATTHIAS LANE DUNLAP Trustee, 1867-75. Born Sept. 21, 1814, in Cherry Valley, N. Y., fruit grower, and editorial writer. Pirepared in common schools. War correspondent for Chicago Tribune, Miss. River Campaign, 1862. Mem- ber of Illinois House of Representatives, Session of 1865, from Cook County; nominated for Lieut. Governor, but declined, 1856; member Board of Supervisors, Champaign Co.; Editor Illinois Farmer, pub. at Springfield, 111., 1859; Agricultural Editor, Chicago Tribune for twenty-five years; cor- respondent of many agricultural papers. Member of Masonic order. Married Emeliiie Pierce, Jan. 7, 1838, Chicago, 111. Children, Hiram J., Oscar, Merton, Albert, Ernest, Ella, Henry M., Louie and Eva. Died Feb. 14, 1875, at "Rural Home," Savoy, 111. SAMUEL DYSART Trustee, 1889-90. Born Sept. 14, 1834, in Huntingdon Co., Penn. Farmer. Prepared in common schools and Mountain Acad., Hunting- don Co., Penn. Came to Illinois, Mar. 1, 1855, and commenced the improve- ment of present home. Returned to native State, Feb., 1858, for a short time. First ten years after settlement on farm were spent in improvements, in 1866, established a herd of Short Horn cattle, and Berkshire swine. In 1874, elected vice pres. of State Board of Agriculture, and served for twenty years. Appointed bv Pres. Haves, Live Stock Commissioner at Paris Expo- sition, 1878. Chosen Pres. of the State Board of Agr'l, 1886-88. Visited Europe for purpose of investigating the breeding of Draft Horses, 1887. Appointed by Governor Fifer, Commissioner of the Columbian Exposition, 1892. Secretary of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. for thirty-three years. Retired from active business, 1904. Married Margaret J. Henderson, Feb. 24, 1858, in Penn. Children, seven. Address, Franklin Grove, 111. PARKER EARLE Trustee, 1885-91. Born Aug. 8, 1831, at Mt. Holly, Vt. Fruit Grower at Roswell, New Mex. Pres. twice of 111. Hort. Soc; Pres. for 16 years of Amer. Hort. Soc; Director of Dept. of Hort. at Colton Cen- tennial, New Orleans, 1884. Published many articles in Agr. and Hort. papers; addresses before Hort. Socs., Farmers' Conventions, etc. Married Melanie Tracy, Aug. 24, 1855, at Dwight, 111. Children, Franklin Sumner, born Sept. 4, 1856; at Dwight, 111.; Charles Theodore, born 1861, at Cobden, 111.; Mary Tracy, born 1864, at Cobden, 111. Address, Roswell, New Mex. RICHARD EDWARDS TTustee,cx ojjicio, 1887-91. Born Dec. 23, 1822, in Aberistwith, South Wales. Educator. Attended State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass., and Rensselaer Polvtechnic Inst., Trov, N. Y. B. Nat. Sci., 1847, Rensselaer Inst.; C. E., 1848, Harvard Univ.; M. A. (hon.), 1863; LL. D. (hon.), 1867, Trustees 581 Shurtleff Coll.; D. D., (hon.), 1891, Blackburn Univ. Offices: Prin. State Normal School, Salem, Mass., 1853-57; Prin. St. Louis City Normal School, 1857-62; Pres. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111., 1862-76; State Supt. of Public Instruction, 111., 1887-91; Pres. Blackburn Univ., Carlinville. 111., 1891- 93. Compiled two series of Readers emphasizing certain pedagogical prin- ciples, 1867 and 1880. Addresses: Address on the Life and Services of Nich- olas Tillinghast, Barnards Journal, Dec, 1856; Address on the Life and Ser- vice of Cyrus Pierce; Address on the Life and Services of Mary Jane Cragin; last three published in the Nat' I Teachers Monthly, 1875; The Heritage of Culture; Universal Education; Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln; Decennial Address at the State Normal Univ., 1872; The Worth of a State Hist. Soc, 1900; The Rise and Progress of Normal Schools in the United States, Public School Journal, 1896. Member: 111. Industrial League, 1858; 111. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1862; State Teachers' Assn. (Pres. 1863 and 1864); Page Literarv Assn., 1864; Nafl Educational Assn.; Pastor of Congregational Church'. Princeton, 111., 1876-85; 111. Central Assn. of Congr. Churches, 1876; Amer. Inst, of Civics, 1886; 111. State Hist. Soc, 1900; College Alumni Club, Bloomington, 111.; Bloomington Presbytery. Married Annie M. Edwards. Children, Richard Arthur, bom Nov. 9, 1851; Ellen S., born Aug. 23, 1853; MarvC, born June 20, 1855; Nicholas T., bom Julv 8, 1857; George H., born Mav 25, 1860; Walter A., born Sept. 17, 1862; Ralph A. born Mar. 23, 1865, '(died Jan. 15, 1869); Owen M. and Florence M., born Apr. 3, 1868; Frederick N., bom Julv 9, 1870, (died Mar. 26, 1874). Address, 1401 Park St., Bloomington, 111. SAMUEL EDWARDS Trustee, 1867-73. *GEORGE C. EISENMAYER Trustee, 1883-89. Born July 9, 1820, in Hassloch, Germany. Farmer. Prepared in home school. vServed in Civil War the last three months of War, near Alton, 111. Took great interest in politics and did all he could for his country. Was correspondent for several agricultural and farm journals. Married M. Emig, 1845. Children. Alvina (Mrs. R. Hughes), born 1852, in Mascoutah; Matilda L., born 1861 ; Arthur W., born 1864; Ida, bom 1867. Died Aug. 23, 1893, in Mascoutah, 111. JOHN M. EULL Trustee, 1873. LAURA B. EVANS Trustee, 1903-09. Born Oct. 6. 1860, at Weston, Mo. Prepared in Waynesville, 111. Pres. Woman's Relief Corps, three years; Worth V Matron Eastern Star; Grand Rebeccah Order; member Presbyterian Church; Pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. for years; Pres. Woman's Club; honorary member of Nu Sigma Phi Sorority;' Court of Honor; Ben Hur; member Librarv Board for eight vears, Pres' for three vears. Married Charles E. Evans, Oct. 10, 1877', Wavnesville, 111. Children, Kenneth U., born Feb. 10, 1882, in Wavnesville, 111.; Bessie B., born Feb. 19, 1885, in Taylorville. 111. Address, 412 First St., Taylorville, 111. JOSEPH W. FIFER Trustee, ex officio, 1889-93. Born Oct. 28. 1840, Stanton, Va. Lawyer. Graduate Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington. 111., 1868. Studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1870. Corporation Counsel for Blooming- ton, 1871; State's Attornev, McLean Co., 1872-80; State Senator 32d and 33d Gen. Assemblies; Governor of Illinois, 1888-92. Member Interstate Conim.erce Comm'n, 1904 — . Served as private in 33d 111. Inf., throughout 582 University of Illinois the Civil War. Dangerously wounded at Jackson, Miss., 1863, but recovered and reentered service. Married Gertrude Lavis, June 15, 1870, Bloomington, 111. Address, Bloomington, 111. *WILLARD CUTTING FLAGG Trustee, 1867-78. Bom Sept. 16, 1829, in Moro, 111. Prepared in Wyman Inst., St. Louis, Mo. B. A., 1854, Yale. Served in Army as Enrolling officer, 1862, Madison Co., 111. Appointed by President Lincoln Internal Revenue Collector 5th Dist., 111., 1861-69; State Senator, 1869-73; member Republican State Comm., 1860. Horticultural Editor, Prairie Farmer. Pres. 111. State Farmers' Assn., 1873-75; Secy. Amer. Pomological Soc, 1873-74. Married Sarah Smith, Feb. 13, 1856, at St. Louis, Mo. Children, Bessie, born May 4, 1857, (died June 28, 1859); Jennie, born Feb. 13, 1860, (died Sept. 18, 1860); Isabel (Mrs. O. M. Hatch, Jr.), born June 17, 1861; Mary W. (Mrs. E. L. Gillham), born Feb. 17, 1863; Willard G., born Mar. 28, 1864, (died Dec. 18, 1864); Norman G., bom Aug. 4, 1867. Died Mar. 30, 1878, at Moro, 111. LUCY L. FLOWER Trustee, 1895-1901 (first woman member elected). Born May 10, 1838, Boston, Mass. Prepared in Parker Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mem.ber of Chicago School Board, June, 1891; largely instrumental in introducing kindergartens in the Chicago Public Schools, in establishing the Parental School, the St. Charles Hom.e for Boys, and in securing the Juvenile law; also helped organize the Illinois Training School for Nurses and was the Pres. of the Board of Managers for ten years until obliged to leave Chicago. Published numerous articles on education, philanthropy and interest of children generally. Member and Pres. Chicago Woman's Club; League of Cook Co.; Illinois Training School for Nurses League; member Chicago Fortnightly Club, and many lesser organizations. Married James C. Flower of Wisconsin, Aug., 1862, in Washington, D. C. Children, Elliott; Harriet D. (Mrs. Dunlap Smith); Louis B. Address, Chicago, 111. GEORGE ALANSON FOLLANSBEE Trustee, 1883-89." Born Feb. 26, 1843, in Cook County, 111, Lawyer. Prepared in Milwaukee High School. B. A., Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis., 1865; M. A., 1867, do.; LL. B., Harvard Law School. 1867. Member of law firms: FoUansbee, McConnell & FoUansbee, 205 La Salle St., Chicago, and McConnell & FoUansbee, 111 Broadway, New York. Ex Vice- Pres., Amer. Bar Assn.; Ex. Pres., 111. StateBar Assn.; Chicago Bar Assn. ; Ex Pres., Chicago Literary Club; Law Club of City of Chicago; Harvard Club; Union League Club, Chicago; Unitarian Church. Married Susan D. Davis, Apr. 14, 1869, at Appleton, Wis. Children, Mitchell D.; Mrs. Blanche FoUansbee Caldwell; Mrs. Susan FoUansbee Hib- bard; Alanson; Eunice D. Address, 205 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. *THEOPHILUS THORN FOUNTAIN Trustee, 1873. Born Aug. 12, 1844, in Washington Co., 111. Lawyer. Prepared in Benton and Du Quoin, 111., McKendree Coll. and Ann Arbor, Mich. Scientific Course and Law, Univ. of Mich, 1866-70. Was in Army, Civil War, Lieut, and Capt. of Co. R., 13th Reg. 111. Cav., 1863-66; master in Chancery for several years, between 1873 and 1884; member State Legislature, 1874-76; was candidate for the nomination to Congress from this district, was defeated by J. R. Thomas, in 1878; Practiced Trustees 583 Law in Chicago, 1887-90; failing health compelled him to go South; spent some time in New Mexico; returned to his home, in Du Quoin a year before his death. Member I. O. O. F. and several local organizations. Married Mrs. E. Williams, Nov. 29, 1885, at Golconda, 111. Died Oct. 3, 1892, in Du Quoin, 111. JOSEPH H. FREEMAN Trustee, ex officio, 1898-99. WILLIAM HOUSTON FULKERSON Trustee, ex officio, 1899-1901. Bom Sept. 9, 1834, in Tazewell, Tenn. Stock Fanner. Prepared in McMin Acad., Rogersville, Tenn., and United States Mil. Acad., West Point. Served in Mormon War, 1857, as Indian Scout, 1858-59; served in the Confederate Army, 1861-65; was Col. of the 63d Tenn. when Gen. Lee surrendered, Apr. 9. 1865. Was County Comm'r, 1875-78; Gen. Man., St. Louis, Jersevville and Springfield (now Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis) R. R., 1881; member. 111. State Board of World's Fair Comm'rs, 1893 ; member. 111. State Board Agr., 1887-98; pres. same, 1809-1900. Married Cornelia T. Russell, Oct. 17, 1861, in Rogersville, Tenn. Chil- dren, James W. (deceased); Joseph R.; Frank E.; Frances R.; Sarah B. (Mrs Judge Charles S. White). Address. Jerseyville, 111. LAFAYETTE FUNK Trustee, 1891-93. Bom Jan. 20, 1834, at Funk's Grove, 111. Farmer and Stockraiser. Prepared in log school at Funk's Grove. Graduated Ohio Wesleyan Univ., scientific course, 1858. Was Supervisor of Township twelve years; member lower house of Legislature, 1882-83; member Senate, 1884-86; member State Board of Agr., twenty years. Married Elizabeth PauUin, Jan. 12, 1864. Children, Eugene, bom Sept. 3, 1867; Paul, born July 9, 1871, (died Jan. 2, 1873); De Loss, born Sept. 1, 1882. Address, Shirlev, 111. O. B. GALUSHA Trustee, 1868-77. *DANIEL GARDNER Trustee, 1873-81. Born Dec. 18, 1815, at Warehouse Point, town of Windsor, Conn. Was County Comm'r of Licking Co., Ohio, 1854-58; member Ohio Senate 1856-58; First' Mayor of Champaign, 111., 1860. Member of Chicago Board of Trade, 1862-82; Pres. and Director, Champaign Co. Fair Assn. and m.any other local organizations. Married Marv Josephine Hodges. Apr. 6, 1840, at Homer, Ohio. Children, Frederick Chenev, born Dec. 25, 1840, (died Oct. 20, 1842); Emilv Chenev, (Mrs. Henrv Swannell), born Julv 26, 1843; Dick Hodges, born Nov. 8, 1847; OHve Augusta (Mrs. N. A. Lloyd', Cin., O.); WilHs Smith, born Apr. 21, 1856; Jessie, born Apr. 27, 1863. Died Feb. 13, 1883, in Champaign, 111. *DANIEL B. GILLHAM Trustee, ex officio, 1875-79. Born Apr. 29, 1S26. at Wanda, Madison Co., 111. f. John Gillham. Prepared in Saline school house, near Wanda, and McKendree Coll. En- gaged in stock raising and agriculture. Mem.ber State Board of Agr. for twenty years, several its Pres. ; Pres. Board of Trustees of Shurtlefl Coll., 'Upper Alton, for many years. Member of Democratic State Central comm.; member of the 27th General Assembly; elected to the State Senate, 1882, holding seat until 1886. Retired from active life a few years before death. Member of Baptist church. Married. Children, one son and five daughters. Died at Upper Alton, 111. 584 University of Illinois *MOORE C. GOLTRA Trustee, 1867-73. Born Oct. 29, 1810, Came to Illinois in 1836. Indentified with the early development of this State; contractor and builder of the first Institution for the Insane, Jackson- ville, and for the School for the Deaf. One of the first members of the Board of Trustees, and one of the men who located the lands set aside by the Government for the University. Member of State Board of Agriculture. Died Apr. 11, 1881. DAVID GORE Trustee, ex officio, 1893-97. Born Apr. 5. 1827, Trigg County, Ky. Retired Stockman. Came to Illinois, 1833, and remained in Madison 'County until 1847, when he enlisted in Mexican War. Returned to Illinois, and engaged in farming extensively. Removed to Macoupin County. Edu- cated by self study. Invented many implements and devices, notably the first riding plow. Raised the best breeds of live stock, and for many years bis farm was the home of splendid herds of Short Horn cattle and the finest herd of Berkshire swine to be found in the United States. Member State Board of Agr., 1880 until 1896; Pres. of the Board, 1892-96. Elected member of the State Senate, 1884; Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, 1893-97. Vice-Pres. of 111. World's Fair Comm'n, 1893. Retired 1897. Address, Carlinville, 111. *NELSON W. GRAHAM Trustee, 1891-97. *L. L. GREENLEAF Trustee, 1871-77. Was a resident of Evanston for many years. *JOHN MILTON GREGORY Trustee, 1867-73. (See Faculty) CLARK ROBINSON GRIGGS Trustee, 1869-73. Born Mar. 6, 1824, in Mass. Removed to Champaign county, 1859. Before coming West served a term as member of legislature of Mass. Engaged in trade in Urbana. Appointed by Col. W. N. Coler sutler for 25th Regiment. Career and suc- cess as Legislative member gave him prestige as a railroad man. Secured charter for Danville, Urbana, Bloomington & Pekin R. R. Was influential in locating the University. Lives in New York. *FRANCIS BOGGS HALLER Trustee, 1873. Born Oct. 13, 1826, at Lewistown, Pa. Physician. Prepared in Hillsboro Acad.; Univ. of Mo., 1851; Jefiferson Med. Coll., 1865. Located in Vandalia in 1851 for practice of medicine, where he remained until his death. Member of County, District, and State Med. Socs., Pres. of latter, 1866; m.ember Amer. Med. Assn.; Methodist Church; The Masonic Fraternity, and for many years Master of Lodge in Vandalia; for years a member of State Board of Charities. Married Lucinda R. Higgins, May 22, 1856, in Chandlerville, 111. Chil- dren, Mary, Minnie and Maude. Died Sept. 14, 1895, in Vandaha, 111. *JOHN MARSHALL HAMILTON Trustee, ex officio, 1883-85. Born May 28, 1847, in Richwood, Union county, Ohio. f. Samuel Hamilton, m. Nancy McMorris. Lawyer. Prepared in country schools and Acad, at Henry, Marshall Co., 111., and Ohio Wesleyan in 1868. Enlisted in Company I, 141st 111. Inf., served about seven months. Taught in Acad, at Henry, 1869; taught Latin at 111. Wesleyan Univ. and studied law; admitted to bar 1870; formed Trustees 585 partnership with J. H. Rowell. Vice-Pres. State Bar Assn. two terms; state senate 28th senatorial district. 1876-80; onstate ticket for lieut. governor, 1880; governor of 111., 1883-85; Member Scarlet degree of Odd Fellowship; Knights of Pythias; trustee of First M. E. Church at Bloomington. Married Helen M. Williams of Bloomington, July, 1871. Three children. *DAVID S. HAMMOND Trustee, 1867-70. Bom Jan 15, 1811. in Washington Co., N. Y. Came West 1840 and settled on small farm in Hanover Twp.. Cook Co., 111. Was a carpenter. Built Tavern in 1848 on old Galena & Chicago stage road; was assessor one term; supervisor fourteen years; chairman seven years; elected Sheriff of Cook Co.. 1862; appointed railroad and warehouse comm'r by Gov. Palmer, and served four years; one of the trustees that located the Insane Asvlum. Married Laura A. Barnard, 1839, at Glen Falls, N. Y. Children, Eugene G.. born 1848; Marv A. Hammond-Gilbert, bom 1846; Edward D. Hammond, 1852. Died May 26, 1883, at Hammonds' Station, Kane Co., 111. GEORGE HARDING Trustee. 1867-68. O. A. HARKER Trustee, 1890-91. (See Faculty) R. R. HARRINGTON Trustee. 1871-77. Trustee. 1873. CYRUS HARTWELL *GEORGE SAMUEL HASKELL Trustee, ex officio, 1891-93. Bom Oct. 4, 1838, at Rockford, 111. Prepared in Antioch, Ohio. Alderman of City of Rockford. 111. Mem- ber of State Board of Agr'l, 1880 — . Member Masonic Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commanderv. Married Lvd'ia E. Howell, Dec, 1859, Battle Creek, Mich. Children' Geo. Edward, bom Apr. 5, 1861, (died Nov., 1869); Mark Tracy, born Nov., 1863, (died Mar.. 1881). Died Aug. 12, 1891. at Rockford, 111. FREDERIC L. HATCH Trustee. 1899-1905. (See No. 22) *SAMUEL SNOWDEN HAYES Trustee, 1867-70. Born Dec. 25. 1820. at Nashville, Tenn. Lawyer and Politician. Engaged in drug business for two years, 1838- 40, at Shawneetown, Tenn. Began study of law and was admitted to practice in 1842. settling at Mt. Vernon and later at Carmi, 111. Took interest in politics early, stumping the southern counties for the Democratic party in 1843-44. Delegate to the Memphis Commercial Conv.. 1845; elected to lower House of the State Legislature, 1846; relected in 1848. Raised com- pany for service in Mexican War, 1847, but did not serve. Delegate to State Constitutional Conv., for White Co.. 1847; Democratic Presidential Elector, 1848; removed to Chicago about 1852; Citv Solicitor and City Comptroller, 1862-65. Delegate to Nafl Dem. Conv. at Charleston and Baltimore. 1860, and earnest worker for Douglas in following campaign. Last public service was as Delegate from Cook countv to the State Constitutional Conv. of 1869- 70. Died J. P. H UNGATE Trustee. 1867-68. 586 University of Illinois *OBADIAH HUSE Trustee, 1873. Born July 1, 1810, Concord, N. H. Prepared at Kertz Hill, Me. Pursued th estudy of Divinity. Held many civil honors and positions. Married Mary Knight, 1840, at Freibury, Me. Children, Fred Dresden, born 1850; Marie Castine, born 1854; Florence, 1856. Died Oct. 13, 1887, at Evantson, 111. *SAMUEL M. INGLIS Trustee, ex officio. 1895-98. Born Aug. 15, 1838. Received early education in Ohio; came to Illinois in 1856, and graduated with first honors from the Mendota Collegiate Institute in 1861. Enlisted in 104th 111. Inf., 1862; discharged for disability. Took charge of an Academy at Hillsboro, 1865, meanwhile studying law with the late Judge E. Y. Rice; Supt. of public schools at Greenville, 1868-83; Professor of Mathematics in the Southern Normal Univ. at Carbondale, 1883-86; transferred to chair of Literature, Rhetoric and Elocution, 1886. State Supt. of Public Instruction 1894-98. Died June 1, 1898, at Kenosha, Wis. DARIUS JOHNSON Trustee, 1873. JOHN S. JOHNSON Trustee, 1867-73. JAMES W. JUDY Trustee, ex officio, 1895-97. Born Mav 8, 1822, Clarke Co., Ky. Farmer. Was Col. of 114th 111. Inf., 1862. Farming in Menard Co., Illinois, since 1851; also traveled in selling thoroughbred cattle and as auc- tioneer from Canada to California and from Minneapolis to San Antonio, Texas, and over all the intermediate country where such cattle were raised. Mem- ber State Board of Agr., 1895 — . 'Member of the Christian Church near Tallula for 53 years. Married Kate A. Simpson, Mar. 23, 1851, Menard Co. Children, Emma Adelaide, WiUiam Scott, Charles Carrol, Maria Luella, James Joseph and Julia Birdie. Address, Tallula, 111. GEORGE F. KENOWER Trustee, 1881-83. (See No. 71) LEONIDAS HAMLINE KERRICK Trustee, 1903—. Born in Franklin Co., Ind., Oct. 16, 1846. Farmer. Prepared in public and private schools of Indiana, and at home. B. S., 1866, 111. Wesleyan Univ.; M. A., in ciirsii. Licensed to practice law, 1868. Was with Major J. W. Powell in Geological Survey, 1867, first year of his work in the West. Member of Illinois House of Rep., 27th General Assembly. Member M. E. Church; Delegate to Gen. Conf., 1900, Chicago; Pres. Amer. Aberdeen-Angus Ass'n, 1902-03; vice-pres. Amer. Breeders' Assn., 1904-06; Trustee 111. Weslevan Univ., since 1888. Married Sallie E. Funk, Oct'. 29, 1868, Bloomington, 111. Children, William, born Julv 26, 1869, (died July 11, 1873); Daisy, born Jan. 30, 1871, (died July 20, 187^3); Idelle B., born June 13, 1874. Address, Bloomington, 111. DR. WILLIAM KILE Trustee, ex officio, 1869-70. *EDWARD KITCHELL Trustee, 1869. Died 1869. Trustees 587 JOHN LAXDRIGEN Trustee, ex officio, 1882-87. LUTHER LAWRENCE Trustee, 1867-73 LEWIS L. LEHMAN Trustee, 1905-09. Born Aug. 13, 1845, BruchsaL Baden, Germany. Pres. First Natl, Bank, Mattoon, 111. Prepared in Bruchsal Gymnasium. Served in Armv, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, in Co. B, 86th 111. Vol. Inf.; mustered out July, 1865! Clerk Circuit Court, Marshall Co., 111., 1868-73; Member Citv Council, Mattoon, ten years; County Board, 1885-95-1902 (chairman 1901); Pres. Board of Education, Mattoon, 1897-1904; Pres. Library Board, 1896-1906; State Senator, 32d District, 1888-92. Married Ella M. Granger, Dec. 12, 1888, at Mattoon, 111. Children, Ma- rion, bom Oct. 28, 1889; Louis Harry, born Aug. 6, 1895. Address, Mattoon, 111. WILLIAM LINDSAY Trustee, 1873. A. B. McCONNELL Trustee, ex officio, 1867—68. FRANCIS MARION McKAY Trustee, 1885-1901. (See No. 276) WILLIAM McKINLEY Trustee, 1903-05. Born Sept. 5, 1856, in Petersburg, 111. Farmer, Congressman, etc. Prepared in Champaign, 111. Attended Uniy. of 111. two years. Prominent in electric traction interests of Illinois. Organized Illinois Traction System. Member House of Rep. Member of City Council; all Masonic orders; Knights Pythias; Elks; Clubs, Union League, Illinois Athletic Club, Chicago; Art Club, Philadelphia; Army and Nayy, Washington; Cumberland, Portland, Me. Married Kate W. Frisbee, July 23, 1881, at Chicago. Address, Champaign, 111. ALEXANDER McLEAN Trustee, 1876-1901. Born Sept. 24, 1833, in Glasgow, Scotland. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Prepared in Public Schools in Scot- land. In Militia, 1856-58; commissioned 2d Lieut, by Goy. Mattison and Deputy Proyost Marshall, 1863-64. Member of City Council of Macomb, 1858-59; Mayor, 1873-76; elected four times; was elector in 1876 and selected as messenger to carry yote to Washington on Hayes campaign; Deputy Circuit Clerk, McDonough Co., eight years. Wrote a history of McDonough Co. Appointed a member of Board of Trustees, Uniy. of 111. by Goy. Oglesby and elected three times, six year terms, the longest continu- ous membership on board. Member: Moderator of Salem, twenty-fiye years; Baptist Assn. of 111.; Macomb Club, twenty-seyen years; Treasurer of the Grand Lodge, A. O. U. W. of 111.; Grand Sec. 'of I. O. M. A., twenty-four years; member of Supreme Council of Masonic order 33rd degree; I. O. O. F., fifty-one years, filled all offices in subordinate lodge; K. O. Lodge, twenty- fiye years; Knight Templar, forty years; and other beneficiary and assessment orders. Married Martha J. Randolph, Dec. 31, 1856. near Macomb, 111. Children, Wm. R., bom Mar., 1858; John B., born Dec. 21, 1859; Benj. F., bom Mar. 29, 1862; Alex., Jr., born Mar. 27, 1864; Fred R., first, 1866; Fred. R., second, Mar. 6, 1869; Edgar R., born May 14, 1873; Wm. R., second, Jan. 21, 1878; I. R., bom March 3, 1875; Walter R., born Noy. 16, 1881. Address, Macomb, 111. L. B. McMURRAY Trustee, 1867-73. 588 University of Illinois *ISAAC SANDERS MAHAN Trustee, 1867-75. Born Oct. 4, 1828, in Sardinia, Ohio. Minister. Prepared in Lexington High School, 111. M. A., Knox Coll. Married Jane H. Sherman, Oct. 10, 1853, in Peoria, 111. Children, Henrv W., Dec. 3, 1854; in Weathersfield, 111; Jennie C, Jan 6, 1859, Tonica, 111. Died Oct. 31, 1893, in Chicago, 111. JOHN L. MANSFIELD Trustee, 1873. *ROSWELL B. MASON Trustee, 1873-83. Bom Sept. 19, 1805, in New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y. Prepared in District School, New Hartford Acad.; studied engineering at a select school in Utica, two years. Appointed Supt. of Morris Canal; Located and constructed Housatonic Railroad and was engineer and supt., 1836-48. Built III. Cent. R. R., 1851-56; built bridge over Mississippi between Dubuque and Dunlieth, 1867-68; built New York and New Haven R. R. and was Supt.; built Illinois Central R. R. from Dubuque to Sioux City, 1857-59; was connected with Chicago & Alton R. R. and was Land Commissioner for 111. Cen. R. R. Appointed b}^ 111. Legislature member of Board of Public Works in Chicago to take charge of lowering summit of Illinois and Michigan Canal, 1865-69; Mayor of Chicago, 1869-71. Published reports and articles on public works, last one on drainage canal. Was mem- ber of Board of Engineers in Chicago and at one time pres. Elder of Fourth Presbyterian Church; one of original incorporators of the Presby. Theol. Sem., organized Feb. 16, 1857, and a director and trustee almost continually Married Harriet Lavinia Hopkins, Sept. 6, 1831, Parsippany, N. j Children, Sarah Caroline (Mrs. Henry G. Miller of Chicago), born 1833 George Arnold, born 1835, (killed on railroad, 1855); AHce Lindslev, (Mrs Rev. J. H. Trowbridge), 1837; Edward Gay, 1839, (died Dec. 18^ 1898) Roswell Henry, born 1841; Harriet Hopkins, (Mrs. W. F. G. Anderson of Glasgow, Scotland) 1845; Henry Burrall, born 1848; Alfred Bishop, born 1851. Died Jan. 1, 1892, in Chicago, 111. *SYLVESTER M. MILLARD Trustee, 1879-91. Bom Aug. 24, 1839, in vShiawasse Co., Mich. Lawver. Prepared in a boarding school, Lansing, Mich. Graduated from the Agr'l Coll. at Lansing, 1864; taught at Olivet Coll., 1864-65 ; studied law in office of Butler & Cottrell at Milwaukee, 1865, until admitted to Bar, 1867; went to Chicago, 1868, and practiced until 1902; had as junior partners at various times. Judge Blanchard, Judge Fred A. Smith, I. K. Boyesen, Charles P. Abbey, and William B. Hale. Took active part in Lake Co. politics for a number of years; alderman in Highland Park; trustee of Univ. of 111., 1879- 91, and Pres. of Board, 1885-91. Member of Union League Club, Bar Assn. and served for a time on Board of Law Institute. Married Amelia C. Collins, 1870. Children, Fred C, of Los Angeles, Calif. ; Everett L. and Mrs. Hugo G. Fischer, of Chicago. Died Dec. 1, 1905, at Lake Geneva, Wis. RICHARD PRICE MORGAN Trustee, 1891-9 7. (See H4) NAPOLEON B. MORRISON Trustee, 1893-99. Born Feb. 12, 1824, in Waterford, Vt. President of Odin Coal Co. Prepared in Newbury Acad., Newbury, Vt. Member of State Legislature , 1872. Engaged in Civil Engineering for twenty Trustees 589 years; commenced in New Hampshire, 1846, and followed railroads as they were built westward as far as Illinois. Member of Baptist Church. Married Margaret Lavina Smart, Oct. 11, 1854, Greenfield, Ohio. Chil- dren, Sadie Helen, born Jan. 7, 1861; Jeannie B., bom Apr. 11, 1863; Jessie S., born Sept. 3, 1865; Helen B., born Oct. 30, 1867; Charles Hugh, bom Feb. 1, 1871; Lavinia L., bom Mar. 10, 1873. Address, Odin, 111. AUGUSTUS F. NIGHTINGALE Trustee, 1899-1905; Pres., 1902-03. Born Nov. 11, 1843, in Ouincy, Mass. Supt. of Schools, Cook Co. Prepared in Quincy Public Schools and pri- vate Conference Sem., Newburv, Vt. B. A., 1866, Weslevan Univ.. Middle- town, Conn.; M. A., 1869, sam'e; Ph. D., 1891, Upper Iowa; LL. D., 1901, Simpson Coll. Occupied Chair of Ancient Languages, Upper Iowa Univ., 1866-68; Acting President North Western Female Coll., 1868-71; Chair of Ancient Languages, Simpson College, 1871-72; Supt. of Public Schools, Omaha, Neb., 1872-74; Principal of Lake View High School, Chicago, 1874-90; Assistant Supt. of Chicago Public Schools, in charge of Elementary schools, 1890-92; Asst. Supt., in charge of the High Schools of Chicago, 1892-1901; Supt. of Schools, Cook Co., 111., 1902 — . Author of Require- ments for Admission to American Colleges, D. Appleton & Co., 1879. Editor of Twentieth Century Text-Books for Secondary Schools, D. Appleton & Co., 1899-1906, eighty-five in all. Pamphlets and Reports: Value of Classical Studies; Reform of College Adm.ission Requirements; The Public School System; History of the High Schools; Election in High Schools; The Proper Scope of the Public School Education; Rigid vs. Elastic Courses of Study in Secondary Schools; The Function of the Free Public High Schools; The Tendencv of Students to Omit the College Course that they may enter Professional Schools Direct from the Secondary Schools: College Entrance Requirements; History of the Experiment of Introducing Latin into the seventh and eighth grades of the Chicago Public Schools; Education and Training of Secondary Teachers; and many other educational papers, reports, etc. Memberships: 'Pres. Neb. State Teachers' Assn., 1872-73; Pres. Neb. State Sabbath School Assn., 1873-74; Pres. 111. State Teachers' Assn.; Pres. Secondary Dept. N. E. A., 1888-89; Pres. North Central Assn. of Secondary Schools and Colleges, 1899; member of the Com. of the North Central Assn. of Secondary Schools and Colleges on Accredited Schools; Pres. High School Teachers' Assn. of Chicago, 1892-1901; Pres. Northwestern Alumni Assn. of Wesleyan Univ., 1891; Pres. Northwestern Alumni Assn. of the Psi Upsilon Fraternitv, 1890; Pres. of the Mass. Societv in Chicago, 1895; Trustee of Epworth'M. E. Church, Chicago, 1890; Trustee of Univ. of 111., 1899-1905; Pres. of Board, 1902. Married Fanny O. Chase, Aug. 24, 1866, in BrookHne, N. H. Children, Florence, born May 22,1868; Carl Fred, Sept. 26, 1869; Harrv,Oct. 1 1 . 1871; Jessie Anna, Feb. 27, 1873; Winifred, Oct. 20, 1874; Pearl Romevn. Dec. 12, 1875. Address, 1997 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. *RICHARD J. OGLESBY Trustee, ex o^cio, 1867-68, 87-91. Born July 25, 1824. Prepared in Decatur, 111. Farmer and carpenter in 111. and Ky. in early years; studied law 1844 with Silas W. Robbins of Springfield; practiced law in Moultrie Co. until the outbreak of Mexican War. Volunteered 1845; elected first lieut. Co. C, 4th 111., commanded by Col. E. D. Baker; com- m.anded in battles of Vera Cruz and Cerro Gerdo; after war returned to Decatur, 111.; went to California, 1849, for the purpose of gold mining; Traveled abroad, 1856-57; State Senator; made colonel by election of Eighth Regiment at Springfield, Apr., 1861; was wounded at Battle of Corinth, 3d and 4th of Oct., 1862; recovered and in 1863 was promoted to Major- 590 University of Illinois Gen. of Volunteers by Pres. Lincoln; elected Gov^ernor of 111., 1864; re- elected 1872; elected to U. S. Senate, served until Mar. 4, 1879; retired to private life, but in 1884 was nominated for governor for third time and entered third term Jan., 1885; after close of term, Jan., 1889, retired to farm near Elkhart, Logan Co.; received Republican nomination for U. S. Senator, 1890. Pres. of the Nat'l Lincoln Monum.ent Assn., organized May 11, 1865; delivered address at dedication of Monument, Oct. 15, 1874. Married Anna E. White, of Decatur, in 1859, (died May, 1868); Mrs. Keyes, of Elkhart, in 1873. Children, Robert; Olive (Mrs. Snyder, Kansas City); Emma Louise; Richard John; Jasper. Died Apr. 24, 1899. *ROBERT NEWTON PADEN Trustee, 1881-87, Born in Todd Co., Ky., 1830. Prepared in Lutheran Coll. at Hillsboro, 111. In 1865, elected mayor of City of Litchfield; built the City Hall and contracted for the first public school house; held numerous offices of trust in city, township and county. Came to Montgomery Co. 1835 and located four miles south of Hillsboro; engaged in lumber business in Hillsboro, 1856; in business at Minneapolis, Minn., 1868; at Litchfield, 111., 1878-1895. Was charter member of the Pr^sb. Church in Litchfield; was an elder for years and S. S. Supt. many years. Married Illinois Blackwell, 1855, Vandalia, 111., (died May 16, 1881); Anna Grinsted, May 8, 1883, Litchfield, 111. Child, Joseph T. Eccles, born June 13, 1857, (died Oct. 5, 1857). Died June 18, 1895, at Litchfield, 111. *JOHN McAULEY PALMER Trustee, 1869-73. Born Sept. 13, 1817, on Eagle Creek, Scott Co., Ky. f. Louis D. Palmer, m. Ann Tutt, Culpepper, Ky. Prepared in public schools. Attended Shurtleff Coll., Upper Alton, for one year, 1833; studied law and entered law office of John L. Greathouse, Carlinville, 1839; received license to practice, 1841; elected probate justice, 1843; member of constitutional convention, 1847; county judge, 1849-51; member state senate, 1852-58; presided over republican state con- vention, 1856; state delegate to peace conference, 1861; entered Civil War as Col. of the 14th 111. Vol. Inf.; governor of Illinois, 1869-73; supported national ticket (the Greeley ticket) 1872; nominee of the legislative caucus for United States Senator, 1877; and again in 1883, but was defeated; again nominated 1889 and secured election by one vote, Mar. 4, 1891; democratic candidate for governor of Illinois, 1888, but was defeated by Joseph W. Fifer. "Sound Money" Democratic nominee for President, 1896. Married in 1842. Died Sept. 25, 1900. Trustee, 1897-99. Trustee, 1881-87. J. IRVING PEARCE J. T. PEARMAN JOHN MILLS PEARSON Trustee, 1868-73. Born Oct. 7, 1832, Newburyport, Mass. Farmer. Prepared in Newburyport, Mass. R. R. and Warehouse Com'r, 1873-77 ; member house of Representatives, 1878-84; State Live Stock Comm'n 1886-92. Member Congr. Church and Masonic bodies. Married Catherine Godfrey, Nov. 15, 1855, in Godfrey, 111. Children, three living, Arthur, 'John Longfellow, and Eleanora, born 1856, 1858 and 1860; three dead. Address, Godfrey, 111. Trustee. 1870-73. Trustees 591 J. S. PICKARD JAMES HENRY PICKRELL Trustee. 1867-69. Bom Mar. 20. 1834. in Mechanicsburg, 111. Stock Judge. Prepared in Mechanicsburg village school, 111. Attended Eureka Coll. Pres. of Macon County Agr. Soc. 1858-66. Pres. Amer. Short Horn Breeders' Assn., 1878-84.' Judge of the Short Horn Cattle at the World's Columbian Exp.. 1893. Judge at State Fairs through United States. Sec. 'Amer. Short Horn Breeders' Assn., 1884-1901. Published many addresses before the different Live Stock Conventions in U. S.; many articles published by Breeders' Gazette. Edited Amer. Short Horn Herd Book for sixteen vears. Served as elder in Christian Church, Harristown, 111., 1865-85, and' in Chicago, 1885-93. Married Margaret T. Bedford, Sept. 20. 1860. at Paris. Ky. Children, Nannie B.. born Julv 7, 1861; Amanda \V.. born Dec. 28. 1862; Anna Laura, born June 13, 1865;' Helen, born Oct. 22, 1868; Harvey, born Oct. 11, 1870; Wm. Benjamin, born Jan. 19, 1873; Jesse Tarrard, born Jan. 31, 1875; Margaret Russell, born Apr. 1, 1878; Henrv A., born Sept. 1, 1880; Walter Scott, born Apr. 5, 1882; Hathaway, born July 7, 1883. Address, 146 North Walnut St., Springfield, 111. PHILIP H. POSTEL, Sr. Trustee, 1883-85. Born July 11. 1818. Hassloch. Rhein Pfalz, Germany. Merchant, Miller, and Banker. Prepared in Folk's Schule in Germany. Member of Legislature, 1881-82. Married Marv A. Eisenmaver, 1841, in Mascoutah, 111. Children, Catherine E., born 1840; Mary E.', born 1846; Ph. H., Jr., born 1850; George, born 1852; Anna M., born 1857; Louisa, born 1859; Julius, born 1862. Address, Mascoutah, 111. A. S. PROCTER Trustee, 1873. BURDEN PULLEN Trustee, 1867-77. Born June 6, 1833, in Hightstown, Mercer Co., N. J. Banker. Fruit Grower, and Manufacturer. Prepared in common schools and Franklin Coll., Johnson Co., Ind. Engaged in horticulture almost exclu- sively; banking, manufacturing, etc. For twenty years a member of the State Board of Agr. Helped to plan and plant the old University Arboretum. Was one of the commissioners to take charge of the State Exhibit at the World's Columbian Exp., 1893; chairman of com. in charge of the Hort. and Floral Exhibits, Member Com. on grounds surrounding our State building. Was member of Merchant's State Bank, Centralia, 111.; resigned office of president and director recentlv on account of ill health. Married Lucille O. Gex, Dec. 10, 1857, at Ghent, Carrol Co., Ky.; A. E. Russell, Sept. 13, 1893, at Centralia. 111. Children, five girls and four boys, two dead. Address. Centralia. 111. Trustee. 1867-68. THOMAS QUICK *HENRY RAAB Trustee, ex officio, 1883-87, 91-95. Bom June 20, 1837, in Wetzlar, Rhenish Prussia, f. Philip Raab. m. Justine Kaiser. Educator. Prepared in public school and Roval Gvmnasium of Wetzlar. LL. D.. 1892, Univ. of Wis. Came to United S'tates,' 1853, and worked as currier in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1853-54; in St. Louis, Mo., 1854-56; in Belleville, 592 University of Illinois 111., 1856; meanwhile studying English language; taught in Belleville public schools, 1873-82; and 1887-90; state supt. of public instruction, 1883-87 and 1891-95. Author of contributions to school journals and annual reports of the Belleville schools and the department of public instruction. Married Mathilde von Lengerke of Ankum, Germany. Died Mar. 13, 1901, in Belleville, 111. ISAAC STUART RAYMOND Trustee, 1893-99. Born Jan. 29, 1849, in Union county, Ohio. Moved to Champaign in 1864 and settled in what is now Raymond Twp., named after his father, Nathaniel Raymond. Prepared in public schools; attended Univ. of Illinois. Engaged in farming, and at present has a highly cultivated estate of 600 acres located on Sections 4 and 5, Raymond Twp.; also extensively engaged in feeding and shipping stock. Helped organize the First National Bank of Philo, in 1902; president, since organization. School Trustee of Raymond Twp. for thirty years; Supervisor at different times for eleven vears, being re-elected to that office for two years in 1904; Trustee of Univ. of 111., 1892-99; President of the County Farmers' Inst, for past six years. Married Edith Eaton, Oct. 27, 1875, of New Jersey. Children, John E; Ruth (Mrs. Warren E. Hazeltine, Aurora). Address, Philo, 111. JOHN P. REYNOLDS Trustee, ex officio, 1873-75. DAVID DICKEY SAB IN Trustee, 1876-79. Born Dec. 13, 1850, at Columbia, N. Y. Retired merchant and banker. Was Pres. or Vice Pres. of Second Nat'l Bank, Belvidere, for fourteen years. Member of Iowa Legislature, 1860-62. Member of Presbyterian Church, since 1865; elder in same since 1890; member of Sons of Colonial Wars, Missouri Society. Married Frances M. Avery, Mar. 26, 1857, Belvidere, 111. Children, Eugene F.; Sidney A.; Helen L. (Mrs. Charles E. Brown); Mary A. (Mrs. Fred K. Houston). Address, Belvidere, 111. JAMES R. SCOTT Trustee, ex officio, 1871-73. Address, Champaign, 111. *J. W. SCROGGS Trustee, 1867-73. Born Mar. 12, 1817, Harrison Co., Ohio. Physician and Newspaper man. Attended a seminary in Martinsburg, Ohio, when about sixteen. Worked for a while as a millwright. Began the study of medicine with Dr. Sabin of Knox Co., 1837; later attended lectures in Ohio Medical Coll., Cincinnati. Graduated from Eclectic Medical Coll., Cincinnati, 1840. Began practice in Wilmington, Ohio, same year; in Har- veyburg, 1847-57; moved to Champaign, 111., 1857; bought the Central Illi- nois Gazette, 1858, and was very influential in securing the location of the University in Urbana. Elected to the legislature 1868. Member Methodist Church. Married Sarah A. Roach, Aug. 18. 1841, Warren Co., Ohio. Children, George and Leonidas. Died Jan. 3, 1874. GEO. R. SHAWHAN Trustee, 1887-93. (See No. 86) Trustees 593 JAMES PARK SLADE Trustee, 1867-73, ex ojpcio. 1878-82. Born Feb. <>. 1837, in Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y. Teacher. Attended Fairfield Seminary, N. Y., 1854, and Hudson River Inst., Claverack. N. Y. M. A. (hon.), 1872, Shurtleff Coll. Principal of grammar school in Belleville, 111., 1857-61; Prin. of Belleville High School, 1861-67 ; Coimtv Supt. of schools of St. Clair Co., 1867-77. In 1864 awarded State Certificate; elected State Supt. of Public Instruction, 1879-83; Pres. of Elmira Coll., Greenville, 111., 1882-90; Supt. of public schools of East St. Louis, 1890; Principal of Irving School, East St. Louis, to date. Married Ella Bowman, Julv 13, 1876. Child, Leonard Tracv, born Nov. 3, 1878. Address, 527 Brighton Place. East St. Louis, 111. A. E. SMITH Trustee, 1873. JULIA HOLMES SMITH Trustee, 1895-97. First woman trustee. THOMAS J. SMITH Trustee, 1897-1903. Born July 4, 1836, in Preston Co., W. Va. Lawyer. Prepared in Bellefontaine, Logan Co., Ohio. Read law with Major W.J. Stevenson at Louisville, 111., and was admitted to the bar, July 4, 1858. Enlisted as private in Co. F, 98th 111. Vols. Mustered into service in Julv. 1862; passed through grades of Orderlv Sergeant, 2nd Lieut., 1st Lieut, and Capt. of Co. F, 98th 111. Vols, and se'rved to the close of the Civil War. In Nov., 1859, elected Co. Supt. of Schools in Clay Co. on repub- lican ticket, for a period of four years, but resigned office at end of two years to enlist in army. In Apr.' 1865, commenced practice of law at Champaign, 111., and continued practice to date; Attorney of the Wabash R. R. Co. for more than twenty years; traveled in Europe, in 1885 ; elected a m.em.ber of Board of Trustees^ 1896, and was enthusiastic promoter of the interests of the Music department. Married Tina Weedon, Jan. 25, 1864, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. (died Aug. 21, 1903.) Address, Champaign, 111. *JOHN R. TANNER Trustee, ex officio, 1897-1901. Born Apr, 4, 1844, in Warrick Countv, Ind. Removed during boyhood to farm near Carbondale. 111. In 1863 enlisted in 98th 111. Vols., serving until June, 1865, when transferred to 61st and finally mustered out in following Sept. Established himself in business as a fanner in Clay Co. on return from war, later engaging in milling and lumber business as partner of his brother. Held positions of Sheriff of Clay Co., 1870-72; Clerk of Circuit Court, 1872-76; and State Senator, 1880-83. During latter years appointed U. S. Marshal for So. Dist. of 111.; served until after accession of Pres. Cleveland, 1885. Repub. nominee for State Treas., 1886; appointed bv Gov. Fifer member of the Railroad and Warehouse Comm'n, 1891; appointed Asst. U. S. Treas. at Chicago, 1892, continuing as same until Dec, 1893. Member of Rep. State Central Comm., 1874-84, returning to that body in 1894, when chosen Chainnan. In 1896 received the nomination of his party for Gov. and was elected over John P. Altgeld. Died May 23, 1901. in Springfield, 111. CHARLES H. TOPPING Trustee, 1867-68. 594 University of Illinois *JOHN M. VAN OSDEL Trustee, 1867-73. Born July 31, 1811, in Baltimore, Md. Builder and contractor, 1831 ; in 1833 began the publication of a work on practical house carpentry, "The Carpenter's Own Book." In fall of 1836, he went to New York; designed and erected residence of William B. Ogden (first m.ayor of Chicago), 1837, besides m.any of the finest buildings in Chicago. After the Chicago fire, buildings covering a mile and a half street frontage were supervised and erected by him. Went to Europe, 1873, for rest. After serving term as Trustee was commissioned by the governor to be his own successor for another term, but on account of the new law, reducing the number of Trustees from twentv-eight to nine, his place was vacated. Married Caroline Gailor of Hudson, N. Y., 1832, (died); Martha McClel- lan of Kandall Co., 111., 1846. Died Dec. 21, 1891. Trustee, 1870-73. Trustee, 1869-73. D. C. WAGNER PAUL R. WRIGHT RICHARD YATES Trustee, ex officio, 1901-05. Born Dec. 12, 1860, in Jacksonville, 111. £. Richard Yates (Gov. 111., 1861-65; U. S. Senator, 1865-71). m. Catharine Yates. Lawyer. Graduated 111, Coll., 1880; M. A., 1883; studied law at Univ. of Michigan, 1884. Citv Att'y, Jacksonville, 1885-91; Rep. nominee congress- man at large, 1892; Co. judge, Morgan Co., 1894-97; U. S. collector internal revenue, Springfield, 111., 1897-1900. Governor of Illinois, 1901-05. Resumed practice of law at Springfield. Lay delegate gen. conf. M. E. Church, 1900. Married Helen Wadsworth, Oct. 28, 1888. Address, Springfield, 111. Alumxi Associations 595 DIRECTORY OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS "University of Illinois Alumni of Chicago," organized in 1S76 and again in 1884, membership 300. Pres., Charles B. Gibson; Vice-pres., Dr. A. R. Kaneman; Sec. and Treas., C. A. Schroeder. Address, 81 South Clark St., Chicago, 111. " Puget Sound Association of the Alumni and former students of the University of Illinois," organized in \S^\, membership 100. Pres., Henry Drum, Ex. -'83; Sec. and Treas., Miss Cassandra Boggs, Address, Seattle, Wash. "University of Illinois Southwestern Alumni Association," organized , membership 140. Pres., Gov. W. J. Bailey; Vice-pres., A. B. Coulton; Sec. and Treas., E. J. Plym. Address, Kemper Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Executive Committee; Mrs. Henrv M. Beardslev, Mr. J. M. Kent, H. L. Nicolet, D. C. Ketc'ham. "University of Illinois Club of St. Louis," organized May 30, 1903, m.embership . Pres., John A. Ockerson; Vice-pres., Will A. Reiss, Belleville, 111.; Sec. and Treas., Fred S. Hall, Address, Suite 915 Missouri Trust Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Directors: President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer, John H. Frederickson, H. L. Dunlap. "University of Illinois Club of Rockford, lUinois," organized Feb. 28, 1904, membership 25. Pres., A. E. Hauter, '03; Vice-pres., W. W. Bennett, '93; Sec. and Treas., Clarence Wallin, Ex. -'05, Address, 302 West State St., Rockford, 111. "Universitv of Illinois Club of the East," organized Dec. 3, 1904, mem- bership 181. Pres.. E. L. Abbott, '83; Sec, Paul E. Lodge, '01. Address, Room 308 Park Row Bldg., New York. X. Y. "The University of Illinois Club of New England," organized Dec, 1904, membership 15. Pres., W. C. Brenke; Sec, Miss L. R. Gibbs, Address, 26 Shepard St., Cambridge, Mass. Tri City Alumni Association," organized March 19, 1905. membership Pres., H. H. Van Dervoort; Vice-pres., E. L. Mayall; Sec. and Treas., Jos.' G. Worker, Address, Moline, 111. 75. 596 University of Illinois .'University of Illinois Club of Peoria," organized October, 1905, member- ship fortv to sixtv. >res. H.'W. Lynch; Vice-pres., C. E. Stone; Sec. and Treas., H. D. Kellogg. Address, Peoria, 111. 1 Fic SI U. Er 0' TC UNIVERSITY °^ 11 RECEIPTS I8GE ures at sides represent amovnts n thousands of dollars FATE APPROPRIATIONS S. APPROPRIATIONS ^OOWMENT FUND rHER SOURCES — DTAL -LINDIS i-1307 v "" ^ 1 f X A, Jv ,"\ - -- -t -7.0 .1 I _ ^|t J ^ 1 /^OO ^ 1 ' snn ^-^tl : I jvi ' 1 1 ■^i?*:^ '^ '^ ^II / 1 _4 ct/i/l I T ^'^ ^^- T T" ^^~ i TX -A ~ ' t : -J p >^- ,00 A ' A- - 1- --^ "ll -.-^ U ^^ t 1 - ^^ z li y^L i _ too 7^ X '^"^ ''/aI, "^ ^ / Jr, j V*'-*- .4^ " — '■'^•.'•■' ■■■ <;.=55iiEE5E: 11 P '' '^'"' ^'\ " "^ "^ \' '70 '75 ao 35 '90 '9 J 'CO '05 Geographical Index 599 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ALUMNI UNITED STATES ALABAMA Birmingham Fairhope Kate Frances Clark (Stockham), Ida Louise Jackman (Dougher- '85 George Greaves, '88 William H. Stockham, '85 BiSBEE Will Een McKee, "90 Naco John Barr, '02 Phcenix Opal B. Heller, '91 Emery Kays, '79 William S. Pickrell, '74 Carlisle Lloyd S. Robertson, '00 Forest City James H. Gunder, '79 Fort Smith Frank L. Lyman, '01 George H. Lyman, '72 Little Rock Theodore M. Sanders, '02 Auburn Lyman F. Warner, Jr., '7 5 Berkeley Cora J. Hill, '84 Arthur B. Smith. '02 Christopher H. Snyder, '90 Ralph C. Woodmansce, '03 Charles W. Woodworth, '8! Chatsworth Nelson A. Gray, '83 Covina Francis B. Plant, '02 Dale Bedros Tatarian, '87 ty), '00 TUSKEGEE Walter T. Bailey, '04 ARIZONA Prescott Robert K. Porter, '96 Tempe Watson Pickrell, '75 Benj. H. Scudder, '00 Tucson Robert H. Forbes, '92 ARKANSAS Rogers NeUie M. Darby, '91 Alonzo L. Whitcomb, '72 Springdale Chas. S. Bouton, '91 Stamps William H. Vance, '99 CALIFORNIA Decause Thomas Noble, '82 Eureka Frank H. Green, '96 Fresno John J. Seymour. '77 Alexander 'C. Swartz, '73 Gilrov Lola D. Ellis (Forsyth), '84 James W. Forsyth, '81 Grass Lake George T. Lloyd, '02 Halleck Joseph D. Huey. '63 600 University of Illinois CALIFORNIA— Continued Hemet Thomas E. Rickard, '72 Hollywood Arthur R. Keely, '02 HOLTVILLE Charles H Trego, '94 Igo Edward L. Ballou, "76 Kennett Armin Harms, '95 Long Beach Thomas J. Gilkerson, '05 Stella W. Morgan, '03 Arthur E. Paine, '99 Los Angeles Fred A. Alspach, '02 Ralph Bennett, '99 "William Buckingham, '77 Cora M. Cairns (Marsh), '96 Guy R. Collins, '01 Charles V. Crellin, '97 Ralph E. Cunningham, '02 Henry Houser, '78 Otto Janssen, '04 William H. Kiler, '97 Leila S. Love (Brown), '04 Norman F. Marsh, '97 Albert C. Martin, '02 George H. Moore, '02 Calvin E. Parker, '72 George A. Riley, '04 Rome C. Saunders, '98 Margaret E. Stewart (Robbins), '75 Frank A. Strout, '00 Fred. Mason Wells, '03 Majavo Wm. A. G. Eraser, '99 Oakland Edmund Volk, '99 Ocean Park Smith L. Stroud, '04 Petaluma Howard O. Woodworth, '92 Pomona Lucy M. Lewis, '05 Redlands Frank W. Hamm.ett, '81 Riverside Sophia N. Leal, '96 Harry M. May, '98 San Bernardino Hubert F. Andrews, '93 Nancy E. Hartrick (Webster), '00 WiUiam W. Webster, '99 San Diego James Fulton, '86 Josephine Krause (Chalfont), '84 Edith U. Whitehouse, '02 San Francisco Harrv Anderson, '99 Richard D. Faulkner, '77 Augustus H. Briswold, '01 Ralph W. Hart, '92 William H. Kimball, '95 Theo. J. Klossowski, '97 Emil Lemme, '86 Albert Schneider, '94 San Luis Obispo George Story, '74 Tropics Clyde R. Carmack, '95 Venice Frank H. Lloyde. '78 Vemtira Seth F. Van Patten, '00 Visalia Nettie E. Lawrence (Allen), '81 Whittier Jessie A. Carroll, '01 Boulder Ruby T. DeMotte, '02 Milo Smith Ketchum, Jacob H. Wallace, '03 Colorado Springs, Ella Loftus, '09 ■95 COLORADO Denver Frank L. Birnev, '81 Henrv J. Burt, ''96 John B. Garvin, 86 Henry A. Goodridge, '98 Charles I. Havs, '73 Geographical Index COLORADO— Continued 601 Denver — continued Georgetta Kemball (Murray), Charles S. Kingsburv. '80 Ernest McConnell, '94 Robert B. McConnev, "89 Jean C. Mahan (Plank), '78 Oliver S. Moles. '89 Walter M. Morgan, '97 David C. Viers, '01 Ft. Collins Edward P. Boyd, "01 Joseph Howard, '01 Golden Mabel C. Shrum, '00 Grand Junction Edward E. Cole, '82 Jae E. Leaverton, '04 Edward L. Morse, '85 Marie L. Waldo (Taylor), '00 La Jlnta Charles H. Higgins, '03 Montclair Timothy O. Holcomb, '04 Palisades Henry G. Hottes, '96 Pueblo James F. Drake, '76 SiLVERTON Thomas S. Bailey, '05 Sterling Carl E. Armeling, '04 SUEFFELS Andrew B. Shipman, '05 Victor Albert G. Higgins, '93 CONNECTICUT Hartford Ellen A. Huntington, '03 New Haven Eva Bogardus (Price), '77 Mary L. Boggs (East), '05 New Haven — continued George P. Clinton, '90 Edward M. East, '01 Henry W. Smith, '04 Lester W. Zartman, '0." Congress Heights Elvira E. Mark, '04 Washington Sarah Ambler, '00 Frank Barrv, '7 7 Wilhelmina'E. Carother, '04 Jane E. Cooke, '99 Charles G. Elliott, '77 Frank D. Gardner, '91 Oscar L. Housel, '01 Torstein K. T. Jahr, '00 Albert Johannsen, '94 George F. Kepler, 'GO John W. McLane, '01 Jacksonville Clarence J. Buttertield, '94 Harrv Hasson, '00 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington — continued Charles J. Mann, '04 William C. Pollock, '75 Mathew A. Reasoner, '96 Adele C. Reed (Scott), '00 George L Reeves, '02 Archibald D. Shamel, '98 Samuel W. Stratton, '84 Charles E. Van Orstrand, '96 Merten B. Waite, '87 Harrv J. Warner. '01 Willard O. Waters, '00 Miriam U. Welles, '03 Ralph J. Williams, '01 Le Roy C. Wilson, '04 FLORIDA Jacksonville — continued Walter E. Knibloc, '76 Atlanta Clarence H. Bean, '03 Baldwin Ethan Philbrick, '81 GEORGIA Bri'xswick Wm. C. S. Lemen, 602 Albion Clarence E. Bocock, '99 Boise City Godfrey Sperling, '99 CoEUR d'Alene Ida M. Spaulding (Milner), '02 Fraser Robert Wm. Parr, '03 University of Illinois IDAHO Moscow George Ashley Crosthwait, '03 Nam PA Harry A. Roberts, '02 Pearl Herbert B. Williams, '87 Pocatello Torris Eide, "04 Chas. P. A. Lonergan, 'OS ILLINOIS Adair Aaron W. Miner, '04 Albion John H. StraAvn, '01 Aledo Charles W. Carter, '93 Wm. Johnson Graham, '93 Mary E. Mann (Carter), "93 Altamont Henry N. Drury, '72 Alton Samuel B. Flagg, '04 Hosea B. Sparks, '78 Wm. H. Wehmeier, '04 Geo. E. Wilkinson, '90 Amboy Harold D. James, '02 Anna Anna A. Barnhart, '05 Howard M. Rov, '05 Lewis B. Tuthiil, '04 Antioch Silas J. Eakle, '94 Arcola John E. Conley, '03 Noah Knapp, '04 John McCartv, '04 Armington Blenda Olson, '05 Sidney W. Wright, '01 Armstrong James A. Dewey, '04 Arthur Felix Ritchey, '99 ASHTON Dora A. Andrus (Griffith), '82 James Garrett, '86 Assumption Roy E. Travis, '04 Atwood Adolph Gore, '05 Auburn Samuel R. Noe, '03 Augusta Janet Garwood. '05 Margaret A. Kctchum, '00 Clarence O. Pitney, '97 Aurora Claude P. Briggs, '01 Paul H. Cooper, Jr., '96 Beni. F. Krahl, '00 Frederick W. Von Oven, '98 Ruth C. Ravmond (Haseltine), '99 Ralph S. Shepardson, '97 Grant W. Spear, '87 John C. Thorpe, '00 Rebecca G. Wharton, '96 Charles B. Young, '91 Avon Maurice L Carr, '05 Beardstown Edward C. Slocumb, '01 Belleville John H. Burkhardt, '04 Fred J. Deutschmann, '04 Harry B. Kircher, '04 Louis Klingel, Jr., '93 WiUie A. Reiss, '72 Alfred G. Schutt, '05 Bellflower Edmund B. Wheeler, '05 Bement Rose Eilene Fleming, '05 Nellie Mav Frazey (Vines), '01 William P. Miller, '01 Geo. M. Thompson, '01 Geographical Index ILLINOIS— Continued 603 Bexton- Geo. A. Powers, '03 Robert R. Ward, '03 . Walter W. Williams, '03 BiGGSVILLE Joseph C. Gilmour, '05 Blandinsville William L. Bennett, '02 Bloomingtox George W. Bishop, '05 Mildred A. Burrill (Stone), '03 Rolla W. Evans, '89 Grant Frederick, '88 Willia K. Graver, '03 Daisy D. Iddings, '01 Guy C. Johnstone, '05 Margaret H. J. Lampe, '97 William B. Leach, '99 Ehzabeth D. McClure, '04 William A. McCully, '04 Franklin W. Marquis, '05 Fred L, Muhl, '04 Marv Neff, '02 Charlotte B. Nelson, '03 Arthur L. Pillsbury, '95 Florence E. Pitts, '04 Henrietta B. Pitts, '02 Frank H. Rhea, '03 Ora M. Rhodes, '98 Donald H. Sawyer, '02 Aaron T. Simmons, '01 Hal M. Stone, '03 Helen M. Taylor, '02 Blue Island Arthur G. Diefenbach, '04 Robert E. McCloy, '93 Frederick P. Patrick, '01 Vertus B. Roberts, '86 Blue Mound Ralph S. Bauer, '04 Lewis E. Griswold, '01 Bondville Mary S. Colvin (Hargis), '83 Broadlands Wm. W. Smith, '00 Buda Wm. K. Mason, '81 BUSHTON James W. Frazier, Jr., '02 Byron Francis D. Linn, '98 Cad WELL Chas. N. Caldwell, '02 Cairo Wm. N. Butler, '79 Lois G. Clendenin, '05 Cambridge Frank A. Randall. '05 Canton Frances E. Kelly, '01 Frederick A. Perkins, '01 Albert E. Taff, '01 Carbondale Anna C. Davis, "05 George M. Harker, '01 Oliver A. Harker, Jr., "00 Thomas B. F. Smith, '05 Ralph Thompson, '99 Carlinville Samuel T. Morse, '96 Grace M. Munhall (Morse), '97 Carlock Milo P. Lantz, '85 Carlyle John W. Fisher, '00 Frederic A. Lietze. '84 Carpentersville Theophil H. Hildebrandt, '05 Carterville Frederick J. Bird, '01 Augustus J. Reef, '04 Frederick Wm. Richart, '91 Carthage Matilda L. Clark, '03 Charles H. Garnett, '96 Ethel E. McAnulty, '05 Castleton Charles S. Montooth, '05 Catlin Arthur C. Boggess, '02 Champaign Dviff A. Abrams, '05 Anna W. Ahrens, '02 Grace M. Allen, '05 Amelia D. Alpiner (Stern), '96 Imo E. Baker, '05 Ira (). Baker. '74 Ira W. Baker, '05 William S. Ballard, '04 Mary L. Barnes, '88 604 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued Champaign — continued Stella Bennett, '03 Alvin C. Beal, '97 Mary C. Bigelow, '99 Alda H. Born, '04 Columbus A. Bowsher, '90 Harry B. Boyer, '02 Frank M. Brown, '93 Jessie J. Bullock, '00 Eugene I. Burke, '00 Ellis M. Burr, '78 Milo B. Burwash, '72 Helen V. Calhoun, '05 Henrietta A. Calhoun, '01 Ashton E. Campbell, '01 Daisy I. Campbell (Fluck), '03 Muriel F. Campbell (Buckles), '04 Harvev I. Carpenter, '93 Arlo C'hapin, '02 Alice Cheever (Bryan), '74 Margaret B. Chester, '01 Charles R. Clark, '98 Percival L. Clark, '87 Amy Coffeen, '89 Fred G. Coffeen, '93 Birch D. Coffman, '94 Harrv A. Coffman, '01 Ella Connet, '88 Edward C. Converse, '04 Ernest Cook, '05 Nellie E. Detrick, '01 Henry B. Dirks, '04 Ethel I. Dobbins, '02 Joseph C. Dodds, '86 Nettie E. (Harris), '86 Edward C. EngHsh, Jr., '02 • George C. Fairclo, '02 Ida B. Falls, '77 Clara E. Fisher, '03 Charles Wm. Foster, '74 Lois G. Franklin, '03 Wilber J. Eraser, '98 Angelina Gayman (Weston), '87 Orval L. Gearhart, '97 Belle I. Gillespie, '02 Louella I. Gillespie, '04 Henrv A. Gleason, '01 Leslie' L. Glenn, '00 James A. Green, '95 Elizabeth G. Greene, '04 Joseph P. GuHck, '92 Lilian Hammers, '05 John J. Harmon, '02 Ida M. Hill, '05 Ida M. Hinkle, '01 Fred V. Johnson, '02 Henry L. Jones, '02 Mary H. Kittredge (Brown), '01 Champaign — continued Samuel K. Hughes, '02 Isabel E. Jones, '91 Mabel Jones, '91 Emma R. Jutton, '99 Israella K. Kariher, '75 Katherine L. Kennard, '90 Charles A. Kiler, '92 Wesley E. King, '97 John F. Kvte, '04 Ida S. Landel, '99 Justa M. Lindgren, '02 Stacia Livingston (Temple), '01 Clarence A. Llovde, '87 Corda C. Lucas, '80 Flora McCormick, '94 Belle L. McFadden, '97 Mary C. McLellan, '88 Helen L. McWilliams, '00 Charles W. Malcomb, '02 Albert G. Manns, '85 Pearle Manspeaker, '04 Harry C. Marble, '96 Grace E. Martin, '03 Robert C. Matthews, '02 Anne M. Maxwell, '92 Esther A. Maxwell, '02 Ernest E. Meir, '05 Edward L. Milne, '96 Charles M. Morris, '04 Daniel C. Morrissey, '94 Albert D. Mulliken, '00 Cyrus F. Newcomb, '04 William G. Palmer, '00 Calton W. Parker, '04 Lawrence G. Parker, '02 George R. Pettv, '85 Solon Philbrick, '84 John L. Polk, '04 Ernest W. Ponzer, '00 Jerome E. Readhimer, '04 Edward M. Rhodes, '00 Horace A. Rhodes, '99 Walter B. Riley, '94 Elna A. Robinson, '75 Charles W. Rolfe, '72 Martha D. Rolfe, '00 Mary A. Rolfe, '02 Susie F. Rolfe, '03 Charles C. Rovall, '04 William I. Rovsdon, '95 Frederick D. Rugg, '82 Peter P. Schaefer, '00 Henrv T. Schumacher, '04 Tillie'j. Schumacher, '02 William J. Scott, '95 _^_ George R. Shawhan, '75 Fred""D. Smith, "05 Geographical Index ILLINOIS— Continued 605 Champaign- — continued Franklin Spence, '77 Nelson S. Spencer, '82 Isabel Staler, "04 Angeline J. Stedman, '05 Ida M. Stoltey (Petty), '88 Charlotte Switzer, '85 Gertrude Switzer (Petticord), '7 7 Elsie M. Tavlor, '04 Ruth B. Ta'vlor, '05 Harrv R. Temple, '00 John H. Trevett, '00 Clara E. Trimble, '04 Sophia M. Voss, '05 Nathan A. Weston. '89 M. White, '90 Mark H. Whitmever, '99 Frank D. Wilber,''90 Charles T. Wilder, '94 Lucv B. E. Willcox (Wallace), '00 John G. Wilson, '04 Lewis F. Wingard, '98 Charleston Anna L. Clinton, "03 Paul B. Glassco, '04 Ruth Reat, '05 Theodore Shoemaker, '04 Chenoa Andrew O. Rupp, '84 Chester Thomas J. Howarth Chicago Philip J. Aaron, '98 Ruth Abbott, '03 William L. Abbott. '84 Herbert C. Anns, '95 James E. Armstrong, '81 Annetta Avers (Saunders), '84 Laura B. Avers, '86 Ella U. Barber, '84 William D. Barber, '92 Marv E. Barker, '05 Perry Barker, '04 Lela E. Barnard. '05 James Barr, '90 Charles V. Barrett, '03 George F. Barrett, '00 Charles Barrv, '9 5 William J. B'artholf, '84 Henrv E. Bartlett, '93 Willa'rd J, Bass, '05 Etta L. Beach (Wright), '88 Ernest Bear. '03 Frank Beckwith, '92 Georgie E. Bennett, '96 Chicago — continued Thos. A M. Bevans, '99 Harrv A. Bioss, '03 William W. Black, '98 John B. Blake, '87 John C. Blev, '80 William G. Bopp, '02 Anna C. Bovle (Junkensfeld), '97 Ellis F. Bracken. 01 Jessie I. Bradshaw. '03 Ernest N. Braucher, '91 Walter C. E. Braun. '04 Walter B. Brown, "97 Charles E. Brush, '77 Luella E. Buck (Linn), '97 Beni. F. Bullard, '82 Charles B. Burdick, '95 Ralph R. Burgess. '04 Augusta E. Butts, '79 Norman H. Camp, '90 Robert F. Carr, '93 William C. Carter, '02 Charles N. Casey, '04 Frank T. Cavanor, '03 Oscar P. Chester, '93 Weaker S. Church, '00 Alice H. Clark, '05 Angie Rav Clark, '04 Florence B. Clarke (Michalek),'90 James F. Clarkson, '90 William W. Clay, '05 Thomas W. Clayton, "98 Archibald O. Coddington, '81 Harrv C. Coffeen, '98 Berthold Cohen, '05 Emma Columbia (Mann), '78 Jay S. Condit, '02 James W. Cook. '93 Robert J. Cooke, '90 Fred W. Cooper. '00 Thomas P. Cowley. '02 Wallace Craig. '98 John W. Crissey, '92 Ethan A. Cross, '05 Whitman Dart. '05 John W. Davis. '04 Chester M. Davison. '98 Charles H. Dawson. '03 James R. De Motte. '03 Charles H. Dennis. '81 Harry S. De Velde. '02 George H. Dickerson. '03 Edward A. Dieterle. '03 William W. Dillon. '98 Franklin P. Dobson. '75 Charles F. Dosch. '05 Ralph S. Drury. '03 Ervin Drver. '87 606 University of Illinois ILLINOIS — Continue i Ch ic A GO — continued Alexander D. Du Bois, '99 James F. Duffv. Jr., '03 Sherman R. Dufify, '95 _ Burleigh A. Dunlap, '75 William N. Dunning, '02 Mark A. Earl, '93 Harry E. Eckles, '98 Charles Edwards, '04 David Eichberg, '82 George H. Ellis, '85 Howard M Ely, '99 Martin T- Engberg, '94 Delbert'R. Enochs, '98 Anna M. Ermentrout (Kamper), '86 Edna Fairchild, '99 Fred P. Falkenburg, '02 James M. Farrin, '02 William O. Farrin, '02 Eugene W. P. Flesch, '99 John A. Foberg, '99 Ernest T- Ford, '05 Alfred B. Foster, '94 WiUiam G. Foster, '00 Winslow H. Foster, '92 Frank D. Francis, '00 Burton French, '04 Edward J. Fucik, '01 WilHam H. Fursman, '04 Ralph H. Gage, '03 Richard P. Garrett, '02 Robert E. Gant, '94 John F. Gavin, '03 Bert A. Gayman, '97 Frank H. S. Gazzolo, '96 Charles B. Gibson, '77 Aletha Gilkerson, '02 John Gilkerson, '77 John D. Gill, '76 Hiram R. Ghck, '04 Jundson F. Going, '83 Alfred G. Goldschmidt, '88 Margaret E. Grafius, '05 Archie J. Graham, 02 Herbert J. Green, '96 Dr. Thomas S. Green, '91 Walter B. Griffin, '99 Fred Grim, '99 John C. Gustafson, '05 Arthur A. Hale, '05 Isabella Hale, '79 Emery S. Hall, '95 John E. Hannan, '00 Carl M. Hanstein, '05 Chester E. Harris. '02 Samuel A. Harrison, '82 Edna M. Hawley, '03 Chicago — continued Mabel Hayward, '03 Thomas M. Headen, '00 William A. Heath, '83 Alexander Henderson, '02 Augustus L. Hennessev, '73 Smith T. Henry, Jr., '04 Charles W. Henson, '87 Samuel C. Higgins, '02 Fred L. Hill, '81 Thomas C. Hill, '81 Frank W. Hillman, '05 Roy W. Hilts, '04 John Hindman, '96 Edward G. Hines, '00 Parker H. Hoag, '95 Glen M. Hobbs, '91 Edna D. Hoff, '03 Frederick S. Holbrook, '94 Mattie G. Holton (Krebs), '76 Charles Hopper, '85 Georgia E. Hopper, '98 Roy L. Horr, '04 Jennie Alice Hulce, '02 Benjamin Hyde, '80 Sophia Hyde, '03 Washington P. Ireland, '03 Manuel J. Jacobs, '05 Albert M. Johnson, '03 Chas. S. Johnson, '00 John P. Johnson, '02 Lucile Jones, '04 Peter Junkersfield, '95 Lee Jutton, '02 James F. Kable, '09 Harry Keeler, '96 Arthur W. Kirkwood, '05 Fred C. Koch, '99 Anna Koehn, '02 Nellie I. Kofoid (Dillon), '98 William D. Knowlton, '03 Adolph Kreikenbaum, '01 Carl O. Kuehne, '97 Nina B. Lamkin, '93 Charles W. Leigh, '97 Alexander Levy, '93 Edward F. Ligare, '89 Homer Roberts Linn, '96 David R. Llewellyn, '95 Albert M. Long, '95 Frank B. Long, '87 Fred Lowenthal, '01 Clinton G. Lumley, '86 John J. McCarthy, '04 Fred L. McCune, '01 Francis M. McKav, '81 William A. McKnight, '04 James A. McLane, '78 Geographical Ixdex ILLINOIS— Continued 607 Chicago — continued Nellie McLean (Lumlev), '88 Neil McMillan. Jr.. '04' Roscoe P. McNeill. '05 Henry W. Mahan. '76 Arthur R. Mann, '0 7 Edward L. Mann, '<*5 James R. Mann. '76 William R. Martin, '05 Joseph Matousek, '05 Robbins Y. Maxon, '05 Charles J. Maxwell. '96 David f. Mav. '05 Fred H. May. '00 Clarence E. Mead. '04 WilHam Meir, '01 Louisa Merboth (Morgan), '85 Grant C. Miller, '94 William G. Miller, '92 Walter R. Mitchell, '87 Carlos Montezuma, '84 Wensel Morava. '78 George N. Morgan. '84 Sidney D. Morris, '05 Grace" E. Morrow (Seeley). '98 Nelson C. Morrow, '04 Henry C. Morse. '04 Henry M. Morse. '86 John'H. Morse, '81 John W. Musham, '98 George W. Myers, '88 Winifred Mvers (Fursman). '03 Herbert [. Naper. '98 Charles G. Neelv. 'SO John R. Neelv, '82 Fred L Nelson, '98 Fred E. Newton, '00 Emily L. Nichols. '05 Carter Norris, '02 Charles W. Norton. '01 Samuel Ostrowski. '00 Fred M. Outhouse. '04 Albert N. Oven, '02 John W. Page, '92 Jacob A. Patton. '88 Grace E. Parminter, '86 Arthur E. Paul. '97 Arthur Peabodv. '82 Kate F. Peabody (Girling). '83 John W'. Pearson. '05 Cornelius J. Peeples. '00 Frederic G. Pegelow. '05 Fred D. Pierce, '83 Herman S. Pepoon. '81 William A. Pepper. '97 Alonzo L. Perry, '05 John F. Peterson, '04 James W. Pettyjohn, '03 Chicago — continued Theodore C. Phillips, '00 Edward W. Pickard, '88 Hiram F. Post. '02 Fred J. Postell. '99 Jesse R. Powell. '04 William E. Praeger, '00 Alice Putnam, '99 William H. Radcliffe. '01 William E. Ramsey. '03 George L. Rapp. '99 George W. Rediield. '01 Edwin T. Renner. '05 Llewellvn S. Richards. '04 John J.'Richev, '03 Lewis C. Roberts. '84 Warren R. Roberts. '88 Carl J. F. Rochow. '00 WilHam H. Rone v. '05 Robert M. Ross. '05 Robert B. Roulston. '04 Paul F. A. Rudnick. '99 Charles L. Sampson, '02 Charles E. Sargent, '86 Harrv [. Saunders, '96 Fred S! Sawver, '05 Albert J. Savers, '95 William W. Savers. '97 John V. E. Schaefer. '88 Theodore H. Schlader. '85 Gustave A. Schmidt. '03 Hugo Schmidt. '05 Frederick Schott. Jr.. '05 Rudolph E. Schrieber. '04 Henrv D. Scudder. '02 Blanche Seelv. '00 Garrett T. Seelv. '99 Budd W. Seymour. '03 Claude H. Seymour. '05 Clarence A. Shamel. '91 Richard W. Sharpe. '93 Walter F. Shattuck. '91 Robert P. Shimmin. '02 Roderick Wm. Siler. '03 Elgie R. Skinner, '03 William F. Slater,'94 Charles H. Smith, '03 Ellen G. Smith, '02 Elma Smoot (Postel), '99 Clara L. Sommer. '04 Fred W. Spencer. '97 Otis O. Stanley. '01 Samuel C. Stanton, '79 John M. Stavman. '77 Philip Steele. '89 Lewis A. Stephenson. '04 Nathaniel Stern. '02 Ella M. Stewart, '83 608 University of Illinois ILLINOIS — Continued Chicago — continued Oscar E. Strehlow, '96 William C. Swern. '85 Lorado Taft. '79 George E. Tebbets, '99 Linslev F. Terbush, '90 William S. Thayer, '05 Darlie Thomas, '81 Wm. A. Theodorson, '01 George H. Thompson, '00 Walter N. Vance, '95 George G. Vanhome, '04 Edgar W. Wagenseil, '05 Henrv Wahl, '01 George M. Wakefield, '97 Fred J. Weedman, '94 Charles D. Wesselhoeft, '02 Abbie Weston (Swern), '85 Clyde L. Wetzel, '98 Jacob N. Wharton, '72 Anna D, White, '04 Burton B. Wilcox, '04 Henrv W. Wilder, '86 Carroll C. Wiley, '04 Parker M. Williams, '95 Frank R. Williamson, '92 Joseph W. Wilson. '03 Robert C. Wilson, '90 Thomas Wilson, '02 Joseph C. Worrell, '04 David C. Wrav, '98 John E. Wright, '85 Lizzie M. Wright (Canaday), '85 Roval Wright, '92 William K. Yeakel, '95 Arthur N. Zangerle, '03 Ferdinand Zipf, '02 Chicago Heights Edwin B. Clarke, '91 Ira Chase Harman, '04 Chillicothe Orla A. Proctor, '90 Chrisman Helen E. Booker, '04 John F. Cusick, '03 Clinton Minnie C. Bridgman (Ingham), '01 Amanda Campbell (Moore), '75 Leonard W. Ingham, '02 Frank M. Palmer,- '76 Cobden Claud W. Rich, '04 Colfax Vonie A. Wiley (Douglass), '03 Collinsville John W. Kennedv, '94 Stillwell F. Merrill, '00 Crystal Lake Addison M. Shelton, '03 Cutler Clarence A. Braden, '05 Dalton Station Frederick W. Kasten, '05 Danville Lawrence T. Allen, '05 Charles E. Annstrong, '05 Edgar D. Bell, '01 Martha H. Boggs (Love), '83 Arthur C. Braucher, '84 William B. Braucher, '85 William R. Chambers, '93 Edna E. Daniels, '03 Harrv B, Derr, '05 John F. Fisher. '90 Louis E. Fischer, '98 Maurice D. French, '03 Arthur R. Hall, '01 James E. Johnson, '01 Lewis W. Johnson, '96 Louis M. Kent, '96 Charles M. Lewis, '96 George C. Liese, '96 George W^. Ludwick, '96 Frederick B. Penwell, '05 John C. Shea, '96 Leonard F. Stuebe, '03 James D. White, '02 Dawson Mary O. McGinnis, '02 Decatur Mary E. Allen, '05 Eugenia Allin. '03 Marv M. Be vans, '04 Rov J. Blackburn, '04 Ralph M. Carter. '05 James H. Dickey, '98 Myrtle N. H annum, '05 Pearl Higinbotham, '05 Marinda Ice (Middleton), '97 Ralph G. Mills, '03 Frederick D. Niedermever, '04 Minnie A, Parker (Host'etler), '80 Henry H. Scurlock, '95 Frank, '82 Harry Shlaudeman, '86 Emm'a M. Wittlinger, '04 Deer Grove Joseph S. Terrill, '91 Geographical Index 609 ILLINOIS- De Kalb George M. Crossland, 'Ul Frank S. Hadfield. '04 Charles E. Skelly, '05 Walter H. Zimmerman, "''7 De Land John M. Dillavou, '05 Delavan Edith L, Allen, '03 Paschall Allen, '05 Ralph Allen, '76 DOLTON John M. Berger, '03 Downers Grove Hibbard S. Greene, '05 Downs Ehzabeth T. Hall, "00 Dundee James E. Bumstead, '77 Glidden Hinman, '05 D WIGHT Frank H. Kneeland, '04 Roy V. Seymour, '04 Earlville Samuel J. Haight, Jr.. '03 Frederick B. Keeler, '95 East Peoria Frederick H. Doeden, '04 East St. Louis Bruce A. Campbell, '00 Carl F. Hagedom, '02 Sylvester J. McGrath, '05 George C. Smith, '01 Edinburg Lawrence S. Heath, '01 Edwardsville Charles F. Cook, '80 Wilkens H. Owens, '00 Elburn Warren Jones, '00 O Elgin Ralph E. Abell, '04 Cari K. Brvdges, '05 Jav H. Bufdick, '01 George C. Habenneyer, '03 Iva E. Mercer, 04 Charles S. O'Connell, '05 -Continued Elgin — continued Washington L. Parker, '80 James Todd. '82 Irvin M. Western, '02 Elkhart Garland Stahl, '03 Ellisville John W. Cattron, '03 Elwood William D. States. '97 Etna Mills Otto L. Luther, '02 Eureka Richard J. Dickinson, '94 EVANSTON Adaline M. Baker, '02 Robert G. Holabird. '00 Otto C. Wehrstedt, '00 George B. Williams '99 Ida F. Wright, '04 Fairbury George S\^pe, '05 Fall Creek Charles H. Rankin, '85 Farmer City Lott R. Herrick, '92 Lyle G. Herrick, '03 Effie M. Tull, '01 Fisher John W. Boyd, '01 Thomas S. Hewerdine, '04 Rutherford T. Miles, '01 Lucius N. Sizer, '84 Foosland William Noble, "96 Forest City Ralph E. Bowser, '05 Franklin Park Walter R. Schutt, '99 Freeburg Edward P. Chapin. '01 Harriet E. McCully (CMiapin), '02 Freeport Frank E. Inks, '03 Fred. E. Rightor, 03 610 University ILLINOIS- Galena Philip H. Clark, '99 William V. Poole y, '98 Frank T. Sheean, '99 Henry D. Sheean, '99 Galesburg John G. Beadle, '88 Marguerite P. Buerkin (Ward), '03 Guy B. Hardy, '05 Charles L. Ogden, '03 John J. Tunnicliff, '01 Maybelle G. West, '00 Galva Lawrence F. Larson, '03 Earl L. Yocum, '04 Garber Roscoe McCormick, '01 Garden Prairie Charles G. Wilson, '04 Geneseo Otis W. Hoit, '79 Genoa Dillon S. Brown, '75 Georgetown Marcus S. Fletcher, '99 Gibson City Henry C. Estee, '96 Bruce H. Lundahl, '05 GiFFORD Jedidiah D. Morse, '96 Gilchrist Hugh M. Gilchrist, '99 GiLMAN Fred L. Holch, '04 Frank L Mann, '76 GiRARD Albert Bellamy, '81 Glencoe August Ziesing, '78 Glen Ellyn Roy V. Spalding, '98 Godfrey Leroy H. Maxfield, '05 Golden John P. Bcckman, '03 OF Illinois -Continued Granite City William J. Dolan, '00 Theo. C. Kistner, '97 Granville Margaret Franceway, 'OS George W. Hunt, '04 Grayville Hugh L. Ronalds, '85 Greenview • Henry E. Pond, '05 Greenville John C. Dresser, '81 William G. Kaeser, '04 Henry H. Morey, '05 Robin R. Reid, '05 Hamilton Henry C. Dadant, '04 Louis C. Dadant, '02 Hamlet Elisha Lee, '79 Hampshire Ora S. Morgan, '05 Chris B. Watrous, '05 Harristown Helen F. Stookey, '04 Harvey Charles Beck, '05 Le Roy F. Beers, '03 James H. McKee, '96 William S. Weston, '81 Robert E. Yolton, '05 Havana Clara A. Ranson, '04 Henning Arthur P. Seymour, '04 Heyworth Charles A. Ryburn, '00 Highland Albert F. Kaeser, '98 Jennie M. Latzer, '00 HiLLSBORO Anna O. Chacey (Kuehn), '03 John L.'Dryer,''04 Hoopeston Wm. A. Miskimen, '04 Edna W. Sheldon (Trego), '04 HOPEDALE Lee W. Railsback, "04 Roy J. Railsback, 99 Mabel Schulte, '01 Humboldt Harry L. Carter, '85 Sarah T. Dole (Morgan), '02 Illiopolis Harold H. Kirkpatrick, '97 Ipava Sherman L. Marshall, '85 IVESDALE Cella G. Green, '04 Jacksoxville Truman P. Carter, '88 Fred C. Carriel, '04 Jeanette M. Drake, '03 Bartlett S. Grav, '04 Percy T. Walton, '94 JOLIET George J. Arbeiter, '93 George A. Barr, '97 John K. Bush, '00 Mabel K. Davison, '04 Warren E. Dumstine, '96 D wight C. Haven, '83 Arthur R. Johnston, '00 Cyrus A. Lewis, '89 James W. Martin, Jr.. '02 Althea S. Mather (Durstine), '96 Myra A. Mather, '04 August Maue, '91 Robert E. Orr, '82 Charles W. Schroeder, '05 Herbert A. Stevens, '84 Harvey E. Wood, 00 Kankakee Arthur Swannel, '79 Kewaxee Florence f. Beebe (McCarthy), '02. Clifford Crosby, '05 Frederick Frances, '78 John E. Kemp, '01 John C. Quade, '95 Charles C. Rayburn, '97 Charles H. Sheldon, '04 Carlyle \. Shilton, '04 Bertha Spencer (Miner), '95 Charles D. Terry, '97 Mabel H. Zilly (Hamilton). '97 Geographical Lvdex ILLINOIS— Continued Lacox 611 Frederick W. Eberlein, '84 La Graxge Edward E. Barrett, '93 Frank H. Clark, '90 Genevieve Darlington, '03 Emma C. Piatt (Llewellyn), '7 William Townsend, '93 Alice M. Vial, '99 Frederic K. Vial, '85 Robert C. Vial, '93 Adolph H. Wesemann, '00 Lake Villa Mabel F. Forbes, '05 La Moille Everett S. Bonnell, '05 La Salle Blanche A. Church, '89 Mary Collins, '05 Richard C, Donoghue, '99 Elmer T. Ebersole, '02 Benjamin Herthington, '03 Grace L. Moore, '95 Lex A Albert E. Jones, '01 Nelson C. PhilHps, "05 Lexington Lida E. Popejoy, '04 Lewistowx William A. Babcock, '86 Alphonso P. Standard, '05 Lily Lake Robert Gray, '00 LiXCOLX Alma E. Braucher, '84 Herbert H. Braucher, '94 Cora L. Camp, '05 Christina Denny, '05 David H. Harts, Jr., '00 Maud Mangas, '04 Arthur C. Quisenberry, '00 Harold F. Trapp, '04' Lisbon Edwin Anders, '05 Litchfield David R. Kinder, '89 Rena M. Odell, '02 LOCKPORT Elwood A. Kingston, '03 Howard C. Storm, '05 612 University of Illinois ILLINOIS- LODA Nathan P. Goodell, '88 Long View Leanah J. Paine, '89 Sarah M. Paine, '91 LOSTANT George P. Gallaher, '05 Louisville Harvey D. McCullum, '01 Aaron H. Moore, '78 LOVINGTON Alva L. Wilt, '05 McLeansboro Fronia R. Cole (Hall), '02 McNabb Floyd E. Mills, '04 Macomb Margaret Dunbar, '02 Dean Franklin, '04 Mary E. Mcllhenny, '04 Thomas H. Miller, '02 Macon Mary Anderson, '03 Mahomet Rev. Edward E. Gulick, '92 James O. Pearman, '81 Malta Martin D. Brundage, '02 Manlius Karl B. Seibel, '04 Marengo Charles W. Grove, '80 Carl L. Lundgren, '02 Lucia A. Stevens, '03 Dr. Jas. L Wernham, '99 Marion Jean Burkhart, '03 Clyde Capron, '00 Le'onard A. Colp, '04 William A. Cook, '02 Laura B. Warder, '05 Marseilles George R. Marsh, '04 Mascoutah Gustave H. Eidmann, '03 Ida Eisenmayer, '87 -Continued Mason James N. Matthews, '72 Mason City Thos. W. B. Everhart, '86 John N. Herwig, '99 Effie A Mathers (Enlows), '88 Helen A. Naylor, '04 Arthur R. Warnock, '05 Mattoon Dr. Cleaves Bennett, '89 Edith P. Bennett, '00 Harry A. Chuse, '99 Edward C. Craig, '93 Clarence W. Hughes, '00 Harrv F. Kendall, '89 John'McNutt, Jr., '94 Louis R. Noble, '76 Rollo G. Riddle, '04 Maywood John M. Bond, '05 Emery R. Havhurst, '03 Herman L. Wuerffel, '98 Mazon Samuel C. Hadden, 'OS Metamora Lloyd E. Engel, '04 Milmine Lewis W. Wise, '04 Milstadt Fred W. Kerchner, '94 Mode Frances M. Green (Hoagland), '01 John K. Hoagland, '99 MOLINE Clarence L. Crabbs, '90 Helen M. Crane, '05 Leo Dolkart, '03 Clair F. Drury, '02 Lambert T. Ericson, '04 Clarence W. Fiske, '03 Newton D. Gaston. '04 Harry A. Hunton, '05 John S. Hunton, '05 Nels A. Larson, '03 Estella M. McCarthy, '05 Edwin L. Mayall, '00 George H. McKinley, '04 John W. Samuels, '88 Fred W. Schacht, '97 Carl M. Nve, '97 John H. Schacht, '03 Josephine Schillinger, '01 Geographical Index 613 ILLINOIS- MoLiNE — continued Harvey A. Soverhill. '00 Rufus Walker, Jr., '98 Hammond W. Whitsitt. '03 Milton J. Whitson, '02 Monmouth John Schuyler Bates, '02 Andrew W. Gates, '92 MONTICELLO James P. Kratz, '00 Laura Kratz, '97 Morgan Park Ralph M. Gaston, '03 Morris Charles G. Briggle, '04 Harriet Holdemian, '04 Fanny E. Jones, '01 Le Roy Kershaw, '04 William G. Sachse, '04 Morrison Alfred N. Abbott, '85 Flora D. Hulbert, '01 Morton Louis C. Moschell, '05 Moscow Belle Sweet, '04 Mt. Carmel Adolphus E. Askins, '04 Mt. Carroll Daniel S. Mackay, '76 Henry Mackay, '76 Mt. Sterling Fred H. Mann v. "97 Walter L Manny, '90 Mt. Vernon OHve L. Barton, *05 Anna L. Bond, '03 Silas Echols, '05 James L. Pollock, '78 Moweaqua William McGinlev. '05 Claud S. Rodman, '04 Murphysboro Otis Ferguson Glenn, '00 Josephine Scherer, '05 Naperville Fred E. Mather, '95 -Continued Xashville Benj. B. Holston, '94 Normal Blanche Aldrich, '04 Annie M. Broadhead, '02 Mertie M. Dillon, '04 John P. Stewart, '02 NUNDA Henry P. Jarmann, '03 Oakland George W. Black, '03 Mary F. Nesbit, '03 Oak Park Loretta K. Elder (Robinson), '81 George N. Gridlev, '75 Christopher F. Hafner, '80 Mabel Hopkins (Hubbard), '01 George W. Hubbard. '99 Robert P. Manard, '96 Louis Omer, '02 Edwin L. Poor, '02 Albert F. Robinson, '80 Odell Rev. Horatio R. Marsh, '95 Ohio Andrew Munsen. '04 Olney Homer C. Coen, '03 Harry T. Dewhirst, '05 Elbert M. Rowland, '00 Oregon Lawrence Fischer, '91 Ottawa David G. Cairns, '02 Laura M. Eustis, '05 Mabel S. Ha>'\vard, '05 John O. Langman, '00 Agnes McDougall, '05 Tom W. Smurr, '99 Myrtle Eva Sparks, "89 Palestine Charles Apple, '03 Pan A Richard P. Vickerage, '04 Paris Aneta Baldwin, '01 Mary G. Danely, '02 Laura Davton, "04 Stewart W. Kincaid, '02 614 University of Illinois ILLINOIS- PARIS — continued John V. Mapes, '02 James A. Marley, '05 Elnathan K. Nelson, '94 Herbert B. Rowe, '95 Maxwell B. Wilson, '81 Park Ridge Winthrop S. Welles, '01 Paxton Ada Patton, '02 John T. Stewart, '93 Albert F. Trams, '05 Pekin Dietrich H. Jansen, '94 Wm. S. Prettyman, '04 Neal D. Reardon, '00 Guy H. Rump, '04 Peoria Arthur W. Allen, '04 Theodore L. Burkland, '99 George H. Campbell, '95 Horace R. Doughert^^ '00 Rov V. Engstrom, '04 Mabel L. Geiger, '02 Jacob H. Heinzelman, '02 George J. Jobst, '97 Charles H. Kamman, '86 Cloyd E. Keith, '04 Asa B. Kirkpatrick, '00 Ora D. McClure, '91 John M. Martin, '96 Fred C. Miller, '04 Walter H. Parker, '05 John L. Parr, '97 Sophie M. Peterson (Parr), '93 Clarence J. Roseberrv, '05 Clvde E. Stone, '03 Albert Triebel, '05 Ross S. Wallace, '91 Josephine M. Zeller, '85 Peru Camilla M. Brunner, '04 Andrew H. Neureuther, '98 PiTTSFIELD William Strauss, '94 Plainfield Rose M. Mather, '05 Mildred E. Sonntag, '04 Pvlmouth Elmer L. Garnett, '04 Grace A. Garnett, '01 Carrie E. Talbot (Miner), '01 -Continued Polo Edward O. Keator, '02 PONTIAC Bertram W. Adsit, '01 Louise Jones (Adsit), '99 Potomac Metta E. Woodworth, "03 Princeton PhiHp D. Gillham, '04 Eugene M. Philhps, '04 Ol'INCY Will J, Bader, '02 Geo. P. Behrensmeyer, '93 John H. Briestadt, '02 Thomas F. Danahey, '03 Thomas Jasper, '94 Jessie I. Lummis, '02 William A. Martin, '92 Carl W. Simpson, '04 Alex. M. Simons, '96 Charles N. Stone, '04 Adah H. Stutsman, '03 Hannah A. Westhold, '03 Rankin Zella B. Hayes. '00 Rantoul Mary E. Goff, '02 Rentchler Jessie A. Wright (Richardson), '81 Reynolds Arthur T. Bell, '01 Richmond Frank W. Hatch, '80 Ridott Mary Lentz, '03 Riverside Wm. A. Thompson, '79 Robinson Wm. W. Arnold, '01 Manford E. Cox, '04 Forrest S. Davis, '05 Rochelle Emma Buerkin, '02 Maud M. Patterson, '04 Rock Falls Edmiston, '05 Geographical Index ILLINOIS— Continued 615 ROCKFORD John E. Anderson, '04 Frank W. Cutler, "05 Andrew E. Hauter, '03 Lelia P. King, '04 Byron A. Slade, '81 Rock Island Harriette A. Johnson, ''^3 Harrv M. McCaskrin. '<)4 Cyrus D. McLane, '92 Albert L. Richards, '87 Norman C. Woodin, '04 Joseph G. Worker, '04 RUSHVILLE James A. Thompson, '05 Edna M. Work. '04 Sadorus Leone P. House, '98 Salem Joseph Schwartz, '81 Sandwich Charles Howison, '97 Savoy Edward J. Baker, '78 Henrv M. Dunlap, '75 Robert L. Dunlap, '85 George T. Jordan, '00 Helen Jordan, '98 Sharpsburg Maud L. Sheldon, '03 Sheffield Comma N. Boyd, '81 Shelbvville Ulysses G. Ward, '05 Sheldon Mary E. Clark, '99 Gertrude S. Dillon, '01 Shipman James D. Metcalf, '93 Shobonier Jerome G. Wills, '84 Sibley Robert C. Lloyd, '03 Sidney Herbert Eaton, '74 John E. Raymond, '99 Springfield Harold H. Barter, '04 David R. Betts, '05 Helen E. Bullard, '05 Samuel A. Bullard, '78 Albert Carver. '89 Guy J. Chester, '98 George M, Clendenin, '05 Ralph W. Elden, '05 Thomas I. Fullenwider, '02 Hugh J. Graham, '00 James J. Graham, '05 Thomas L. Jarrett, '05 Helen T. Kennedv, '03 Carl A. Mehn, '05 Mason H. Newell, '99 Reed M. Perkins, '98 John I. Rinaker, '87 Percv A. Stone, '96 Ernest L. Wait, '01 Spring Grove Frederic L. Hatch, '73 Sterling Faith L. Bardwcll (Welherbee), '01 Josephine R. Elliott, '05 Charles H. Green, '03 Fred W. Honens, '96 Carl E. Sheldon, '99 Charles E. Wetherbee, '01 Thomas T. Williams, '76 Stockton William G. Curtiss, "82 John C. Lehner, '02 Stonington Frank S. Garwood, '05 Herman E. Garwood, '05 Streator Hattie B. Frahm (Fomof), '01 Gustave A. Kramer, '05 Lela G. Pilcher, '05 Francis M. Powers, '04 Stllivan Zion F. Baker. '00 Thomas L. Cook, '05 Lucius R. Harshman, '02 Mahlon S. Vance, '04 Frank R. Wiley, '04 616 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued Summer Hill Leslie L. Anderson, '05 Roy Stebbins, '05 Sycamore William J. Fulton, '98 Walter M. Hay, '91 Floyd Whittemore, '97 Taylorville Archie B. Dorman, '04 Kenneth N. Evans, '04 Troy L. Long, '05 Charles H. Shamel, '90 George G. Taylor, '04 Texas City Louise E. McCaskrin (Stayton), '94 Thebes Rev. Frederick M. James, '99 Thomasboro Curtis E. Kelso, '05 TiCE Wm. E. Sampson, '05 Tiskilwa Clarence Brainard, '83 Paul R. Van Dervort, '03 TOLONO Alice M. Black (Arps), '01 Robert A. Bower, '95 George F. Meharry, '05 Jesse E. Meharry,^ '99 Joseph L. Parry, '94 Topeka Alfred C. Le Sourd, '03 Toulon Wm. W. Wright, Jr., '04 Trenton Theophilus Gaffner, '78 Troy Myrtle Gayman (Schott), '02 Tuscola Jessie Ellars (Hackett),'90 Hans Frahm, '91 Wilbur F. Goodspeed, '05 Guy R. Jones, '02 Ruth A. Wardall, '03 Urbana Milton K. Akers, '05 Mae L. Allen, '03 James T. Barrett, '03 D. Edythe B. (Goben), '98 Benjamin Bing, '88 Lucinda P. Boggs, '94 Oliver C. Boggs, '02 Halbert E. Boner, '05 Henry L. Boon, '03 Fred B. Bowditch, '88 Ralph W. Braucher, '97 Alice V. Broaddus (Clark), '91 Lillie O. Bronson, '89 Olin L. Browder, '04 Wm. T. Burnett, '05 Frank L. Busey, '95 Robert O. Busey, '00 Mabel E. Kafkv (Stark), '04 Hortense Call (Barr), '95 David H. Carnahan, '96 Anna Carson, '91 Edith L. Clark (Kirkpatrick), '90 Emma A. Clark, '02 Thomas Aquilla Clark, '04 Thomas Arkle Clark, '90 Wm. A. Clark, '05 Agnes M. Cole, '01 Trella J. Cresap, '04 Cleon L. Davis, '04 Marv B. Davis, '01 Wilmer E. Davis, '03 _ Oliver M. Dickerson, '03 Oliver K. Donev, '00 Francis K. W. Drury, '05 William Van Dunkin, '03 Wm. G. Eckhardt, '05 Arthur D. Emmett, '01 Bertha V. Forbes, '96 Marjorie D. Forbes, '03 Zebulon Foster, '92 Fred Gates Fox, '98 Harry B. Fox, '00 Pearl Frankenberg, '04 AHce B. Frazey, '98 John P. Gilbert, '05 Frances E. Gilkerson, '03 Hiram Gilkerson, '77 Rudolph Z. Gill, '87 Harry F. Godeke, '05 Edna Lucky Goss, '02 Clarence Green, '03 Harrv S. Grindley, '88 Clyde D. Gulick, '97 Louis D. Hall, '99 Lucy A. Hall (Parr), '84 Virginia M. Hammett (Talbot), '81 Geographical Index ILLINOIS- Urbana — continued Edith E. Harper, '05 Marjorie C. Holdennan, '03 Charles F. Hottes. '94 Harriett E. Howe, '02 Harry T, Hubbard. '86 George W. Hunt. '04 Fanny R. Jackson, '03 Minnie Jaques, "86 Claude J. Jones, '02 Grace O. Kellv, '03 Martha C. Koehn (Hubbard). '04 Katherine A. Lavton, '01 Lula M. Lego. '03 Oscar A. Leutwiler. '99 Allie V. Lindley (Parks). '0? Ernest B. Lytle, '01 Ether Masse'v. '05 Clyde M. Ma'thews. '03 Loueva M. Mathews (Nicolaus), '93 Nellie A. Miller. '05 George W. Morgan, '05 Jeremiah G. Mosier. '93 Haven H. Moss, '05 Mary F. Moss, '05 Chafles N. Nuckolls. '05 Samuel W. Parr. '84 Ida M. Pearson, '04 Charles C. Pickett, '00 Bertha M. Pillsbury, '95 Anna M. Price, 'OO' Dwight T. Randall. '97 Clara B. Reasoner. '02 Robert E. Richardson. '01 Ethel Ricker. '04 Nathan C. Ricker, '72 Anna B. Riley, '02 Joseph W. Rover. '95 Roy W. Rutt,'' 03 Louis B. Saffer, '00 Inez R. Samson, '04 Frank W. Scott. '01 Anna F. Shattuck (Palmer). "91 Tames R. Shinn, '04 Charles W. Silver, '72 Keturah E. Sim. '84 Frances Simpson, '03 Marv J. Slocum, '04 Roy H. Slocum, '00 Florence M. Smith, '99 Valentine Smith, '05 John McBeath Snodgrass, '02 Annie E. Sparks, '04 Marion E. Sparks. '95 William G. Spurgin, '94 Mary C. Stesle (Ricker). '75 Anne D. Swezev, '03 -Continued Urbana — continued Arthur N, Talbot, '81 Anna R. Van Meter, '05 John T. Vawter, Jr., '04 Leslie A. Waterburv, '02 Pearl Webber. '03 Elrick Williams. '02 Mary E. Williams, '04 Winifred S. Williams, '01 CHflFord Willis, '00 Frank R. Winders, '05 Lloyd V. Wolcott, '03 William F. Woods, '00 Vandalia Joseph H. Gordon. '01 Frederick G. Remann, '01 Arthur Roe, '00 Etta C. Wills (Schcnker), '85 Vermont Ervin E. Wyne. "02 Verona Clark H. Felhngham. '01 Vienna Arthur C. Benson, '04 David W. Chapman, '03 Andrew J. Kuvkendall, '98 Eugene A. McCall, '01 Virginia Harrv N. Gridlev, '01 Charles W. Russell, '93 Warrensburg Frank L. Thompson, '02 Caroline L. White, '04 Warsaw Louis A. Lamet, '01 Ella E. Worthen, '04 Washington Lee I. Knight, '02 Willis A. Mansfield, '81 Watseka James H. Armitage, '01 Lyle D. Perrigo. '04 Waukegan Jacob W. Mueller, '04 Wellington Wade H. Rothgeb, '05 We NONA William J. Donoghue. '02 Western Springs James R. Benson. '04 618 University of Illinois ILLINOIS— Continued West Union Madison H. Mount, '02 Wheaton Margaret Weston (Van Osdel),'89 White Hall Frances M. Beatv, '03 Lillian Heath, '03 Wilmette Herbert Bassett, '02 Sarah Bennett (Erwin), '92 Simeon C. Col ton, '85 Charles N. Roberts, '82 Winchester John P. Campbell, '74 Anderson Hubert A. Webber, '97 Bloomington Clarence E. Flamming, '04 Cambridge City Ellen M. Schaefer, '04 Carmel Austin Bond, '03 Columbus Elmer E. Dunlap, '97 Donald G. Scott, '93 Cory Albert G. Varnes, '03 Delphi Charles R. Pollard, '03 Fort Wayne Wilham F. Borton, '02 Benj. P. Weaver, '99 Hartford City Robert B. Fulton, '02 Indianapolis Gwavas F. Beckerleg, '99 Arthur Boothby, '81 Charles W. Cross, '92 Carl J. Fletcher, '04 Charles T. Freijs, '79 Henry R- Garden, '03 Mary Henderson (Fletcher), "03 Nellie G. Hewitt, '04 Eugene C. Kenyon, '05 Louis McMains, '93 Clara Myers (Harvey), '91 Charles "E. Sims, '05 Winnebago Harietta Wray, '05 WiNNETKA Frank E. Herdman, '84 Woodburn Reuben O. Wood, '72 Woodstock F. Cook, '03 Geo. A. Darmer, '00 William Sondericker, '83 Myron J. Wright, '77 ■ Ward E. Wright, '04 Wyamet Clarence A. Clement, '95 INDIANA Indianapolis — continued Charles A. Walter, '98 Theodore Weinshank, '96 Herbert H. Wolleson, '02 George T. H. Wray, '00 Lafayette Nettie Adam.s (Wilson), '7 7 La Grange Gunther Nichols, '01 La Porte Allen M. Otwell, '99 Laurel Edna E. O'Hair, "01 Lebanon Raphael P. Bundy, '04 Logansport Carl J. Horn, '9 7 LOVEE Rachel E. Folger (Rhumphrey) '96 New Castle Lela G. Pilcher, '05 Portland Inez C. Pierce, '04 Richmond William A. Ha^vley, '00 Rochester Nuba M. Pletcher, '01 South Bend George H. Heidemian, '94 John E. Pfeffer, '96 Wallace D. Teeple, '97 Terre Haute Frank S. Bogardus, '04 Valparaiso Charles R. Vickery, '96 VlN'CENXES James T. Kingsbury, '99 Wabash John M. Harney, '05 Geographical Index INDIANA— Continued West Lafayette 619 Wilham David Pence, '86 Charles V. Seastone, '95 Whiting Flosence S. Wing, '01 Win AM AC Bessie G. Plank, '85 Luther Thompson, '86 Susan E. Thompson, '97 INDIAN TERRITORY Tl'LSA Francis G. Wendell, Albia John H. Braden, '02 Ames Frank G. Allen, '01 Henrv T- Quavle, '03 Daisy C. Scott (Stevenson), '95 Belmond Elon A. Pierce, '76 Boone Lou Baker, '03 Burlington WiUiam G. Boon, '95 Karl F. McMurry, '02 Minnie B. Woodworth (Young), '98 Cedar Rapids Harry E. Hunter, '01 Julia W. Merrill, '03 Clinton Thomas Crawford, '94 Council Bluffs Jennie E. Moore, '04 John G. Wadsworth, '82 Davenport Parke T. Burrows, '92 Otto Kuehlcke, '04 Gustavus A. Hanssen. '90 Edward S. Johnson, '87 Denmark Russell J. Lewis, '05 Des Moines Elmer Burroughs, '00 Luther S. Ross, '89 IOWA Dougheri V Flora L. Kellogg (Hudson), Dubuque Nellie Besore (Sears), '96 Alfred A. Harvey, '91 Ft. Dodge Edgar W. Block, '03 '95 Thos. W. Reeley, Gaza George L. Hicks, '85 Grinnell Bruce Fink, "87 Humboldt Altha Haviland, '04 Independence Alexander Donnon, '95 Jesse Hammers, '01 Iowa City Clarissa L. Howell, '04 Caroline V. Langworthy, '03 George B. Worthen, '98 Iowa Falls Cary O. Burford, '04 Iron City Lorena N. Webber, '04 Keokuk Emo L. Cole, '04 Benj. F. Crow, '77 Cleves H. Howell, '05 Louis E. Williams, '73 Le Mar Thomas E. Cole, '85 620 Melbourne Ernest A. Hunt. '95 Neola Wm. G. Corrin, '05 Newton Charles P. Hunter, '02 OSKALOOSA Marjorie Graves, '02 Carolyn M. Roberts, '04 Ottumwa George J. Hinshaw, '02 Ashland Sarah C. Deardorfif (Donnell), Rev. Charles P. Graham, '73 Chanute Mary S. Lamed (Parsons), '7J Fernando A. Parsons, '75 Clifton Guess Humphrey, '05 Emporia Gertrude A. Buck, '04 Delia J. Sister, '05 Freeport William B. Rowe, '93 Hanover Florizel A. Taft, '82 Howard Sherman Smith, '96 Independence David R. Kinkead, '89 Iola Charles E. Hair, '98 Charles A. Smith, '99 Kansas City William Barclay, '87 Francis J. Plym, '97 Lawrence James E. Armstrong, '97 AHce M. Barber (Bennett), Rev. Fred M. Bennett, '89 Ulysses S. G. Plank, '92 Lexington Nancy Davis (Scovell), '78 Melville A. Scovell, '75 University of Illinois IOWA— Continued Pella Ira J. Stoddard, Jr., '77 Sioux City Charles G. Gibson, William L. Steele, Waterloo Franklin C. Piatt, ' Winterset Alice C. Mann, '03 '91 '96 73 KANSAS Leavenworth '78 John E. Leflar, '75 Ottawa Fred W. Rose, '03 Carrie B. Sheldon, '05 Pittsburg Lyle I. Brower, '98 Rosedale Fred. A. Mitchell, '98 Straight Creek Jeptha H. Davis, '82 Ella M. Watson (Davis), '80 TOPEKA Erwin H. Berry, '98 WilHam A. Powers, '93 Washington EHz. E. Caldwell (Ingalls), '04 Waterville Stanley L. Soper, '98 Wichita Frank R. Capron, '97 Roy S. Elder, '01 William D. Moore, '83 William R. Morrison, '95 Isabelle Noble, '96 Thomas Noble, '03 '92 Colet L. Sim, '77 KENTUCKY Louisville Fred L. Thompson, '96 Geographical Index LOUISIANA 621 MOXROE George R. Bascom, '05 Wm. M. Park, '04 New Orleans Harry W. Baum, '95 Lawrence E. Curftnan, '01 Orono Guy A. Thompson, Baltimore John A. Freese, '02 Frederick D. Johnson, '03 Marv E. Noble, '96 John J. Rutledge, '94 Charles P. Van Gundv, '88 Robert A. Wood, '94' New Orleans — continued John H. Frederickson, '91 Daisy Garver (Baum), '99 Josie B. Houchens, '05 Alvah Philbrick, '86 McDonald Thompson, '02 MAINE MARYLAND Bethesda WilHam L. Chitty, '86 Wheeling John C. Hall, '00 Amesburg Lillian M. George, '04 Belmont Shirley K. Kerns, "97 Boston Clarence H. Blackall, '77 Howard S. Hazen, Jr., '05 John A. McRea, '96 Cambridge Charlotte M. Gibbs, '04 Laura R. Gibbs, '02 Arthur B. Seymour, '81 Chelsea Fred A. Beebe, '95 Lynn Frank W. Hilliard, '04 Ann Arbor Howard B. Murphy, '04 Mabel Perry, '04 Esther A. Smith, '04 Bay City George R. Smith, '00 Calumet Lucinda J. Borton, '03 Chesaning Ralph Agnew, '05 MASSACHUSETTS North Cambridge William C. Brenke, '96 Springfield John K. Barker, '92 State Line Elsa J. Coar, '02 SWAMPSCOTT Charles P. Jeffers, '74 Wareham George Gibbs, Jr., '00 Waverly Anna J. Conkling (Seymour), '84 Williamstown Elizabeth Branch (Shepherd), '00 MICHIGAN Detroit Edith Clark (Burr), '99 William H. Dillon, '95 Howard T. Graber, '01 George L. Grimes, '97 Thomas M. Hatch, '98 Grand Rapids Burton R. Corbus, '00 Hancock William M. Gilliland. '90 622 Jackson Harry W. Weeks, '04 Lansing William P. Johnson, '7Q Olive C. Lathrop, '00 Jesse J. Myers, '01 LUDINGTON Alice L. Wing, '04 NiLES Orrill P. Coolidge, '04 Norway Byron W. Hicks, '01 Port Huron Alta L. Stansbury, '03 University of Illinois MICHIGAN— Continued St. Clair Bertha M. Carleston, '05 St. Joseph Isabella Fyfe, 'OS Sault Ste Marie Arthur S. Robinson, '80 Three Rivers Frank G. Frost, '01 Traverse City John W. Patchin, '78 Vulcan Frank H. Annstrong, '99 WiNNEPEG James W. Harris, '86 MINNESOTA Albert Lea Martin L. UUensvang, '99 Big Lake Minnette C. McAllister (Miller), '79 Mankato Chessley J. Posey, '00 Minneapolis WilHam T. Burrill, '95 Franklin G. Carnahan, '92 Annette M. Culver (Ellison), '78 Charles T. Greene, '01 Grace Healey (Smith), '83 Edward E. Hunt, '93 Rena A. Lucas, '04 Charles C. Lvford, '75 Minneapolis — continued Loring H. Provine, '03 Charles L. Smith, '82 Laura B Solon M. Orleans Byron S Paul Louis F. Smith (Piatt), '84 White, '96 Borton, '05 St Brayton, '01 Horace Dunaway, '89 Walter C. Harvey, '92 Judson Lattin, '85 Silas H. Piatt, '83 George Steinwedell, '97 WiUiam B. Stewart, '02 Stillwater Lucile A. Booker, '99 Jackson George W. McCluer, '84 Madison Station Parley A. PhilHps, '73 Breckenridge John T. Kenower, '83 Carterville Aimee M. Sides, '04 Carthage James W. Blakeslee '96 Byard S. B riles, '80 MISSISSIPPI Quitman Frank S. Coflin, '78 MISSOURI Columbia Ernest B. Forbes, '97 Emma G. Lefler, '03 Lydia M. Mather (Forbes), '00 Grace D. PhilHps, '05 John J. Spriggs, '03 Edna C. Vance (Spriggs), '03 Eldorado Springs James F. Rhodes, '76 Geographical Index MISSOURI- Fergusox Gertrude Shawhan (Shaefer), '04 Harrisonville Abia J. vSharp, '82 Jo PL IN- Arthur F. Barnett, '01 Clendon V. Millar, '93 Alfred W. Rea, '93 Kansas City Otto Baumann, '94 Henry M. Beardsley, '79 John Beardsley, '90 Gertrude Bowman (Johnson), '03 Fred H. Burgess, '04 Lettie E. Burrill, '02 Marietta Davis (Beardsley), '81 Alfred Gregory, '78 Harry A. Grossberg, '00 Emma J. Hagey, '03 Herman E. Hartline, '03 James M. Kent, '83 Daniel C. Ketchum, '85 Hugo Lund, '02 Henrv L. McCune, '83 Wm.'A. Medill,'04 John H. Powell, '91 Avis E. Smith, '77 KiRKSVILLE Louis S. Daugherty, '89 Lewistown William H. Smith, '85 Oldex Edna Clarkson, '04 Springfield Lorin W. Peabody, '91 St. Charles Cornelia E. Strehlow, '03 -Continued St. Joseph Jesse G. Funston, '95 Leonard J. Lease, '04 William H. Sherman, '01 Hilda K. White, '05 St. Louis Joshua F. Begole, '96 Lee Byrne, '98 Charles W. Clark, '76 Octave B. Clark, '76 Edward C. Eidman, '91 WilHam A. Etherton, '04 Joel E. Ferris, '95 Frederick S. Hall, '98 John F. Garber, '97 Philip M. Hucke, '93 Arthur D. Hurd, '98 Henry Kreisinger, 'O-I Robert H. Kuss, '03 John A. McFarland, '03 Isabel McRobie (Ray), '03 Louis C. Frederick Metzger, '05 Ralph W. Mills, '99 Andrew T. Morrow, '73 Arthur T. North, '85 John A. Ockerson, '73 Edward E. Orr, '96 Fred O. Pahmeyer, '05 Raebern H. Post, '04 Walter T. Ray, '01 Virginia C. Richeson, '05 Harrv K. Rubev, '05 Victor L. Sheldon, '03 Benj. B. Stakemiller, '00 Marion Thompson (Gratz), '95 Ernest C. F. Von der Lippe, '02 Edward L. Walker, '92 Nellie Wetzel (Sheldon), '04 Sprixgfield Andrew J. Eisenmeyer, '82 Webb City Walter P. Ward, '7 7 Beartooth Florence E. Carter (Sherman), '01 Butte Raymond M. Place, '88 Carl Steinwedell, '03 Charles D. Vail, '91 Creston L. Estelle Paullin (Padgett), '85 MONTANA Crestox — continued William C. Bryant, '88 Glexdive Wm. H. Warner, '05 Helexa Hazel Sloan, '05 624 Alvo Mahlon O. Weed, '78 Beatrice Florence S. Smith, '04 Blair Earl V. Capps, '95 BOOKWALTER Thomas H. Barclay, '91 Grand Island Bertha E. Barnes (Ross) Sprague D. Ross, '81 Hay Springs Charles Weston, '76 Hebron Charles L. Richards, '78 HOLDREGE Frank A. Dean, '78 University of Illinois NEBRASKA Kearney Ingleside Herman F. Wright, '05 Beatty Thomas Beadle, Goldfield Arthur E. '97 Barnes, '75 Anna V. Jennings, '03 Elijah N. Porterfield, '73 Lincoln Charles J. Bills, '80 Eugene H. Brandt, '97 Camilla F. Lewis (Bills), '83 Fanny Pierce, '75 John L. Pierce, '74 Mitchell Ray S. Carberry, '95 '81 Nebraska City Alex. M. Munn, '95 Omaha Kittie C. Avery, '82 Frederick W. Clarke, '91 Josiah Gorham, '04 Edward V. Lewis, '77 Roy S. Parker, '03 George E. Row, '96 William L. Unzicker, '98 Wisner George F. Kenower, '75 NEVADA Goldfield — continued James H. Parks, '75 Reno Horatio W. Baker, '01 NEW HAMPSHIRE Durham William D. Gibbs, '93 Bloomfield Robert W. Cornehson, '90 Hoboken Lincoln Bush, '88 Edward I. Cantine, '87 Ransford M. French, '91 Maplewood Seymour D. Brown, '04 Mont Clair Dick H. Chester, '91 Otto E. Goldsmith, '94 Albuquerque Edward B. Safford, '00 Carlsbad Guy R. Hartrick, '01 East Las Vagas Henrv S. Van Petten, '84 NE-W JERSEY Newark Guy B. Barackman, '02 Walter H. Mueller, '05 Enima E. Seibert, '91 James W. Sussex, '03 Plainfield Charles W. Hawes, Jr., Trenton Adam J. Strohm, '00 NEW MEXICO Hagerman John D. Mell, '03 Raton Don Hays, '98 Geographical Index NEW YORK 625 Albany Edwin L. Draper, '02 Harlan H. Horner, '01 Auburn Edw. A. Renich Brooklyn Helen E. Butterfield (Schoon- hoven), '91 Katherine E. Gold, '03 Grant Gregory, '87 C. E. Holcomb, '04 Olof A. Nilsson, '01 Buffalo John A. Miller, '85 Albert P. Sy, '91 Francis J. Tresise, '90 Flushing John C. Sample, '96 Franklinville Laura A. vStreight, '99 Ithaca Juniata G. Campbell, '84 Thomas F. Hunt, '84 Oskar A. Johannsen, '91 Albert C. Phelps, '94 New York Edward L. Abbott, '83 Henry H. Barbour, '84 Frederick B. Bonser, '01 Willard A. Boyd, '91 Edwin L. Brockway, '98 William J. Brown. '00 Charles H. Chapman, '01 Manlev E. Chester, '97 Roland R. Conklin, '80 Frank L. Davis, '88 Cromwell B. Dickev, '05 Roy H. Dillon, 'oT Mark Fargusson, '87 Alfred Fellheimer, '95 Oscar J. Francis, '02 Ransford M. French, '91 Frank M. Gilbert, '87 Edward W. Goldsmith, '87 Oliver D. Havard, "00 Hugh Hazelton, '90 Albert C. Hobart, '97 Vernon M. Holder, '03 Stephen F. Holtzmann, '95 Charles A. Hoppin, '01 New York — continued Conrad B. Kimball, '94 Lizzie A. Knowlton (Cushman), '83 Paul E. Lodge, '01 Bernard V. Swenson, '93 Horace Taylor, '87 Otto J. Theiss, '99 Charles P. Turner, '04 Hector H. Tvndale, '75 Ralph W. Weirick, '99 Niagara Falls Frances W. Higgins, '02 Phoenix Caroline Wandell, '00 Poughkeepsie Harris P. Greenwood, '05 Rochester Wilham B. Carman, '82 Edw. G. Eidam, '04 Myron E. Whitham, '96 Saratoga Springs Ferdinand Toenniges, '98 Schenectady Edgar F. Collins, '98 Max R. Hanna, '02 James A. Kinkead, '93 George C. Oxer, '03 Wesley N. Spitler, '05 Charles C. Webster, '95 SUFFERN Willis C. Chipps, '01 Syracuse RolHn O. Everhart, '98 Horace C. Porter, '97 Mary E. Todd, '01 ~ ~ ■ '00 Charles W. Tooke, Wellsville Kenneth G. Smith, '05 Westfield Roxana Goble, '03 Bertha E. Royce, '04 Wolcott Rochelle M. Hanson (Gurley), '00 YoXKERS Sidney O. Swenson, '99 NORTH CAROLINA ASHVILLE Ella H. Clark, '05 626 Devils Lake Earl L. Duell, '04 Dickinson Charles E. Gregory, '7( Fargo Edward S. Keene, "QO University of Illinois NORTH DAKOTA Grand Forks Luther E. Birdzell, '03 Valley City 6 Frank White, '80 OHIO Akron Albert C. Linzee, '98 Cincinnati Ferdinand J. Foote, '94 Jessie Gardner, '83 Carl L. Ginzel, '04 Leo A. Ginsel, '05 Grace Goodale, '03 Edwin G. Greenman, '00 Pauline Gunthorp, '00 Georgetta Haven, '00 Edna Hopkins, '04 David H. Kelly, '04 . Alfred L. Kuehn, '00 Charles L. Logue, '00 May L. Martin, '01 Peter F. W. Timm, '04 Cleveland Laura M. Beach (Wright), '91 Franklin I. Blair, '05 John C. Cromwell, '86 WiUiam F. Goltra, '83 Ralph D. Lewis, '83 Mrs. Mary McGilvrey, '99 Edwin Nesbit, '90 Lorinda B, Spellman, '01 Robert J. Stewart, '04 Solomon Wolff, '02 College Hill Alice B. Coy, '04 Columbus Albert M. Allen, '01 Frank H. Eno, '91 Thomas L. Harris, '02 Mrs. Gertrude F. Hess, '04 George D. Hubbard, '96 Emma T. Jones (Spence), '85 Edna A. Rugg (Hubbard), 'OC Coshocton Ernest W. Cresap, '04 Herman S. Piatt. '92 Dayton . Linda M. Clatworthv, '00 Herbert Turner, '82 Defiance John C. McCauley, '75 Delta John A. Latzer, '99 Timothy Mojonnier, '01 Franklin Joseph B. Weis, '83 Galion WilHs P. Kimble, '79 Geneva Francis E. King, '95 Lorain Fred W. Waterman, '90 Mansfield George W. Seaman, '93 Mt. Gilead Thomas A. Marsh, '04 North Bristol Marcia B. Clay, '05 Norwood George Dodds, '99 Oberlin Mabel Stewart (Cole), '95 Ohio Davis A. Baer, '04 Ravenna Nellie W. Reese, '05 Toledo Arthur B. Loomis, '93 William Watts, '74 Van Wert Jane W. Brotherton, '03 Geographical Index 627 Clinton Fred T. Huston, '96 COOPERSTOWN Joseph E. Hallinen, '94 Enid Winfred D. Gerber, '99 Henrv F. Merker, '98 Hamlin W. Sawyer, '78 Ft. Reno Walter C. Short, '01 Albany PhiHp A. Goodwin, '87 Baker City WilHam A. Pepoon, '81 Monmouth Lewis A. Robinson, '98 Portland Tames G. Beach, '96 Charles H. Kable, '02 Bryn Mawr Charlotte M. Jackson, '04 Minnie E. Sears, '00 Cannonsburg Henry C. Briedert, '98 East Pittsburg Elmer K. Hiles, '95 Greenburg Elmer C. Smith, '99 New Castle Albert L. Thayer, '98 Norristown Charles C. Barnes, '82 Philadelphia Fred L. Bunton, '91 Henry M. Lyman, '87 Emily C. Maxwell, '77 Joshua P. Webster, '98 Pittsburg James C. Bradley, '99 Thomas D. Casserly, '05 Central Falls Charles A. Smith, OKLAHOMA La WTO N CUnton O. Clark, '04 Oklahoma City Virginia Dinwiddie (Piper), '99 George Frederickson, '94 Frank M. Lindsay, "04 Bertram O. Young, '99 Walter Harold F. Tripp, '04 Wellstown Louis E. Hartrick, '01 OREGON Salem Fred M. McElfresh, '99 Sumpter Frank A. E. Starr. '76 Weston Simeon T. Gore PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburg — continued John N. Chester, '91 Wilham H. Cornell, '93 Stanislaw Dowiatt, '99 Caroline K. Foster, '04 Charles A. Gunn, '92 Clara E. Howard (Bovd), '01 Nellie W. Jillson, '88 U. J. Lincoln Peoples, '90 Bertha T. Randall, '0.3 Scranton Edna R. Hammers (Ray), '01 George J. Ray. '98 Joel R. Savler, '97 Louis L. T'allyn, '01 Sewickley Roy A. Mather, '92 Warren Morgan J. Hammers. '98 Wilkinsburg Henry E. Kceney, '00 Amy C. Moon, '01 RHODE ISLAND Providence Frances A. Potter, '74 Henry S. Reynolds, '74 628 University of Illinois SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia William P. McCartney, '93 SOUTH DAKOTA Madison William A. Mackay, '76 Spearfish City Aberdeen Frank A. Brown, '78 Ralph L. Brown, '75 Chamberlin Ebenezer L. Drury, '74 Deadwood Frank B. Ingersoll, '03 Gettysburg John F. Whitlock, '78 Huron Bayard E. Beach, '81 Metta M. I. Macknet, '81 Alphonso S. Gares, '83 Vermilion • Ethel C. S. Forbes, '03 Mary A. Matthews, '03 Wessington George P. Scotchbrook, '83 Yankton Mary M. Cole (Scott), '96 George H. Scott, '96 Chattanooga Raymond S. Wiley, '00 Memphis Jerome G. Applequist, '00 Julia E. Caswell, '05 Arbala Arthur E. Davis, '81 Austin Wm. F. Kendall, '85 CORSICANNA Minnie E. Wright (Blackburn), '83 Dallas Laura M. Anderson (Greenhalgh), '75 Frank H. Holmes, '01 Severin C. Skielvig, '93 El Campo Luther V. Rose, '02 Elpaso Allan G. Kennedy, '7 7 Encimal Cicero J. Polk, '98 Fort Sam Houston Charles L. CHfford. '99 Ft. Worth Charles D. Beebe, '9 7 Benj. A. Wait. '92 TENNESSEE Memphis — continued Frank M. Gulick Nashville Francis M. Phillippi, '96 Walter C. Vail, '97 TEXAS Houston James O. Davis, '86 Williamson, '87 Rozina P. Fairchild (Davis), '86 Sampson J. Fountain, '05 George B. McHugh, '88 La Porte John D. Blocker, '04 Memphis Chas. H. Hittson, '05 Palicios Mary H. Paris High M. Price, '03 Marietta L. Street (Price), '03 St. Augustine Dale S. Harrison, "01 Somerville, Otto C. Steinmayer, '02 Tyler Augusta Batchelder (Eaton), '80 Mary A. Osgood, '04 Geographical Ixdex 629 Salt Lake City Robert L. Fowler, JavT. Harris, '91 Eddv O. Lee, 78 Bristol John E. Shepardson, '95 Arlington William F. Oliver, '76 Bellingham Katherine L Bacon, '80 Bellington Grace E. Switzer, '04 Brigthon Howard B. Slauson, '82 Burton Miles F. Hatch, '72 Camas Herbert W. Wallace, '97 Chehalis Noah B. Coffman, '78 Cheney George E. Marker, '03 North Seattle Charles E. Bogardus, '83 Clara B. Fellows (Dav), '85 Ellsworth P. Storey, '03 North Yakima Fred A. Hall. '92 Bessie W Owens (Needham), '85 Daisie M. Owens, '99 Chester S. Van Brundt, '00 Olympia Emma E. Page, '78 Mary L. Page, '78 George M. Savage, '80 Port Townsexd Charles A. Clark. '98 POULSBO Kate Hullinger (Sterling), '75 UTAH Salt Lake City — continued John E. Pohlman, '97 Arvilla K. Raley (Harrison), '82 VIRGINIA Roanoke William Snodgrass, Jr., '92 WASHINGTON Pullman Hubert V. Carpenter, '97 Maggie E. Staley (Carpenter), '99 QUINCY Edgar W. Morris, '94 Seattle Jay J. Arnold. '98 Cassandra A. Boggs, '92 Lucia R. Brumbach (Bogardus), '90 Martin T. Chamberlain, '03 Norman W. Chapman, '84 Jessie Estep, '78 Clarence E. Fleager, '99 Theodore C. Frye, '94 Carl Hays, '01 Aureka B. Kiler, '96 Martha Page (Whitham), '77 Henrv L. Reynolds, '85 Robert F. Whitham, '77 George S. Wilson, '03 Spokane James W. Buchanan. '01 Stuart F. Forbes. '98 Rollo B. Grove, '03 Mel Dora Ice, '97 Joseph C. Staley, '98 Hiram B. Ferris, '94 Tacoma George W. Bullard. '82 S. Foster Bullard, '86 William B. Chandler, '7 Irwvn H. Hill, '99 Fred W. Stevens, '90 W^alla Walla Le Roy G. Dake, '03 Albert' C. Moore, '87 Waterman Harvey C. Estep, '74 "WEST VIRGINIA MORGANTOWN Ida Estelle Sawyer, '00 630 Appleton Peter Mogensen, '94 Beloit Mary J. Booth, '04 Charles J. Mitchell, '91 Lula C. Woolsey, '99 Green Bay Clyde E. Durland. '04 Janesville Emory E. Patch, '75 La Crosse Abbev L. Bravton, '05 Harry T. Eastman, '99 Claude D. Enochs, '98 Alice D. Hughston (Enochs), '99 Charles W. Noble, '95 University of Illinois WISCONSIN Madison Isabella J. McCuUough, Adam Vause Millar, '97 Charles A. Ocock, '04 Arthur Peabody, '82 James D. Phillips, '93 John L. Sammis, '97 beha C. Sanford, '00 Edwin R. Smith, '05 Casper John T. Scott, '05 "04 Medford Lynne G. Worth, '03 Mellin Albert E. Logeman, '04 Merrill Helen L. Price, '00 Milwaukee Carroll G. Lawrence, '99 Joseph H. Marshutz, '98 Joseph A. Mesiroflf, '99 Fred. H. Wilson, '98 North Milwaukee Vantile W. Coddington, '75 Alice Lee (Coddington), '75 Racine John J. Davis, '72 Edmund B. Funston, '92 South Kaukauna Clarence L. Eddy, '00 Edwin T. Renner, '05 Stevens Point Florence M. Beck, '00 Superior Grace O. Edwards, '98 WYOMING Cheyenne AlHson J. Wharf, '98 Geographical Index 631 FOREIGN COUNTRIES AFRICA Mt. Silixda, Melsettar Dist., Rhodesia Julia F. Winter, '97 BRAZIL Campinas, Sao Pai-lo Adolph Hempel, '95 BRITISH COLUMBIA Hazelton Curt A. Schroeder, '01 CANADA Arcola, Saskatchawan Montreal Fred C. Beem, '98 Nathan Wilkinson, '02 Dawson, Yukon Territory Ontario James E. Lilly, '84 Wallace K. Wiley, '04 CENTRAL AMERICA BoHio, Panama, Canal Zone Gokgona, Panama, Canal Zone Banus H. Prater, '03 Frank L. Drew, '04 Christobal, Panama, Canal Zone La Boca, Panama, Canal Zone Enwin B. Karnopp, '04 Lawrence S. Keeler, '05 John O. Taylor, '04 CHINA Canton Tsicheo Xellie L. Read, '01 Raymond C. Ricker, '00 Peking Tsing Kiang pv Charles W. Young, '97 Mrs. Ruth Bennett Morgan, '99 Santiago de las "Vegas Mary T. Earle, '85 CUBA CYPRUS Nicosia Panagiottis Gennadius, '74 ENGLAND London London — continued Willis W. Danley, '93 Henry M. Pease, '98 Mrs. Louise C. Allen Gregory, '93 GERMANY Besigheim, Wurtemberg Halle John Mueller, '75 Louie H. Smith, '97 Frieburg im Baden Goettingen William A. Kutsch, '03 Arthur R. Crathorne, '98 632 Bombay Agnes G. Hill, '92 GONDA OUDH George C. Hewes, '83 Rome Helen B. Gregory, '77 Hiroshima Charlotte E. Draper (Smith), Percy A. Smith, '01 University of Illinois INDIA Mysore, South Arthur C. Hobble, '01 Ongole, Madras Presidency Samuel D. Bawden, '90 ITALY JAPAN TOKIO Tokiyo Ogihara, '04 Shigetsura, '93 Roy Smith, '02 '02 Taikn Marion M. Null, '00 Mexico Jose M. Alarco, '00 Judson F. Ayers, '85 Albert S. WiUiamson, '98 Guanajnato William L. Crouch, '01 Monterrey Frank A. Hughes, '97 Parral Walter A. G. Olshausen, '86 KOREA MEXICO Parral — continued Philemon A. Schaefer, '90 Saltillo Theodore S. Abbott, '77 Sonora Francis J. Murphy, '97 Martin Sprague, '78 San Lorenzo, Uelardeno Dgo Frank O. Smolt, '91 PALESTINE Jaffa Maude E. Nichols. '94 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Romblon Charles W. Franks, '01 Calumpit, Bulacan James W. Myers, '96 Manila Harlow B. Kirkpatrick, '01 SOUTH AMERICA Montevideo, Uruguay Thomas T. Woodruff, '93 SYRIA Beirut Edward F. Nickolev, '98 Emma M. Rhodes (Nickoley), '99 TURKEY Backjajeck Gregory G. Dabriskian, '74 Index to Alumni 633 INDEX TO ALUMNI Note — Addresses in the Index differing from those in the biographies are later and should be used in preference. For 1906 see pp. 437-43; k. 457; h, 470. '98 Aaron. Philip Judv, 3610 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111., 212 '85 Abbott, Alfred Noyes, Morrison, 111., R. F. D., No. 7, 84 '83 Abbott, Edward Lorenzo, 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 68 '03 Abbott, Ruth, 5426 Lexington Ave., Chicago, 111., 327 '77 Abbott, Theodore Sparry, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, 27 '84 Abbott, William Lamon't, 3213 Beacon St., Chicago, 111., 76 '04 Abell, Ralph Elliott, 527 Lowell St., Elgin, 111., 360 '05 Abrams, Dnfif Andrew, 703 S. 3d St., Champaign, 111., 403 '00 *Abry, Bertrand, 246 '83 *Adams, Charles Francis, 68 '96 *Adams, Edward Langford, 181 '77 Adams, Nettie (Wilson), 613 South St., Lafavette, Ind., 27 '00 Adams, Otto C, 409-11 MilHkin Bldg., Decatur, 111., 246 '01 Adsit, Bert Wilson, Pontiac, 111., 270 '05 Agnew, Ralph, Chesaning, Mich, 403 '02 Ahrens, Anna Wilhelmina, 212 E. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 299 '05 Akers, Milton Kent, Elect. Eng. Lab., Urbana, 111., 403 '00 Alarco, Jose Maria, Mexico., P. O. Box 2015, 246 '04 Aldrich, Blanche, Normal, 111., 360 '01 Allen, Albert Miller, 27 Ruggery Bldg., Columbus, O., 271 '04 Allen Arthur, William, 520 4th St., Peoria, 111., 360 '77 * Allen, Charles Wesley, 27 '03 Allen, Edith Louise, Delavan, 111., 328 '01 Allen, Frank Gilbert, Ames, la., 271 '05 Allen, Grace Matilda, 508 So. 4th St., Champaign, 111., 403 '05 Allen, Lawrence Thompson, 206 Daniel Bldg., Danville, 111., 404 '03 Allen, Mae Louise, Urbana, 111., 328 '05 Allen, Marv Elizabeth, 405 W. Eldorado St., Decatur, 111., 404 '05 Allen. Paschal, Delavan, 111., 404 '76 Allen. Ralph, Delavan, 111., 21 '03 Allin, Eugenia, Decatur, 111., 328 '81 *Allison, James G., 53 '96 Alpiner, Amelia Darling (Stern), 712 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111., 181 '02 Alspach, Fred Albert, 1411 Reid St., Los Angeles. Calif., 299 '00 Ambler, Sarah, 629 E. Capitol St., Washington, D. C, 247 '97 gAmmerman, Charles, 226a S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 447 'OS Anders, Edwin, Lisbon, 111., 404 '98 Anderson, Clark Godfrey, City Hall, Moline, 111., 212 '97 Anderson, George Forbes, 140 So. Summit St., Prescott, Ariz., 195 '99 Anderson, Harry, care of Pacific States Tele. Co., San Francsico,Cal., 229 '04 Anderson, John Edward, 410 Masonic Temple, Rockford, 111., 361 '7 5 Anderson, Laura Morris (Greenhalgh), 181 Jefferson St., Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas, 14 '05 Anderson, Leslie Lee, Summer Hill, 111.. 404 '03 Anderson, Mary, (home) Macon, 111., 328 [141 '93 Andrews, Hubert Franklin, Home Tele. Bldg., San Bernardino, Calif., '82 Andrus. Dora Angelina (Griffith). Ashton, 111., 62 [247 'GO Appelquist, Jerome Gustaf, care of Ford, Bacon & Davis, Memjihis. Ten '03 Apple, Charles, Palestine, 111., 328 * Dead g Graduate Alumnus 634 University of Illinois '93 Arbeiter, George John, 714 Oneida St., Joliet, 111., 141 '04 Armeling, Carl Elmer, Sterling, Colo., 361 '01 Armitage. James Howard, Watseka, 111., 271 '95 Anns, Herbert Clarke, 26 Michigan St., Chicago, 111., 167 '05 Amistrong, Charles Edward, 24 Tennessee Ave., Danville, 111., 404 '99 Armstrong, Frank Hall, care of Republic Iron Co., Vulcan, Mich., 229 '81 Armstrong, James Elder, 10638 Prospect Ave., Chicago, 111., 53 '97 Armstrong, James Ellis, Lawrence, Kas., 195 '98 Arnold, Jay Jennings, Bailey Bldg., Seattle, Wash., 213 '02 Arnold, "Lillian Belle, Room 38 State House, Indianapolis, Ind., 299 '93 *Arnold, Marv Edna, 142 '01 Arnold, William Wright, Robinson, 111., 271 '83 *Ashbv, Lida M. 'Richards), 69 '00 *Ashley, Harriet EHzabeth, 247 '04 Askin's, Adolphus Edward, Mt. Carmel, 111., 361 '03 Atwood, Jamies, Eng'r Bldg., U. of Wis., I\Iadison Wis., 328 |94 Atwood, Levi Patten, Edwardsville, 111., 154 '84 *Austin, James, 76 '82 Avery, Kittie Clyde, 2736 Decatur St., Omaha, Neb., 62 '84 Ayers, Anetta (Saunders), 303 La Salle Ave., Chicago, 111., 76 '93 Avers, Grace (Powers), 627 Lincoln St., Topeka, Kas., 142 '85 Avers, Judsun Finlev, (1904) care of Mex. Cen. R. R., Mexico, 84 '86 Ayers, Laura Belle, 4508 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111., 92 '94 Babcock, Clvde Leslie, 100 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., 154 '84 Babcock, Guy H., 76 '86 Babcock, William Arthur, Lewistown, 111., 92 '93 Bacon, Harlow, care of Coast & Geodetic Survev. Washington D. C, 142 '80 Bacon, Katherine Ingalls, 1811 Eldridge Ave.', Bellingham, Wash., 48 '02 Bader, Will John, (home) Quincy, 111., 299 '04 Baer, David Arthur, 124 E. 4th St., Davton, Ohio., 361 '01 *Bailey, Donald Herbert, 271 '82 *Bailey, Samuel Gordon, Jr., 62 "05 Bailey, Thomas Stanley, Silverton, Colo.. 404 '04 Bailev, Walter Thomas, Tuskegee Inst., Tuskegee, Ala., 361 "04 /^Bailev, Wilhs ]., Bailewille, Kan.. 461 '02 Baker, Adaline Maitland, 1325 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111., 209 '78 Baker, Edward J., Savoy, 111., 35 '01 Baker, Horatio Weber, Reno, Nev., 271 "05 Baker, Imo Estella, 702 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 405 '74 Baker, Ira Osborne, 702 W. Universitv Ave., Champaign, 111., 9 '81 *Baker, Kittie Marie (Wadsworth), 53 ' '03 Baker, Lou, Boone, la., 328 "94 Barker, Louis William., Sparta, 111., 154 '05 Barker, Marv Elton, 4625 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111., 405 '00 Baker, Zion Frost, Sullivan, 111., 247 '01 Baldwin, Aneta, Paris, 111., 272 '78 *Ballard, Charles Keene, 35 '04 Ballard, William Salisburv, 401 W. Green St., Champaign, 111., 361 '04 *Ballinger, Ralph Adams, 362 "76 Ballou, Edward Lull, Igo, Shasta countv, Calif., 22 '86 Bannister, George Steele, 10227 So. Wood St., Chicago. 111., 92 '02 Barackman, Guy Bernard, 142 S. 13th St., Newark, N. J., 290 "92 Barber, Alice Mav (Bennett), Lawrence, Kas., 133 "84 Barber, Ella Ursula, 1418 Tribune Bldg.. Chicago, 111.. 76 '92 Barber, William. Davis, 323 Citv Hall, Chicago, 111., 133 |84 Barbour, Henry Hugh, 14 W. 96th St., New York, N. Y., 77 '91 Barclay, Thomas Henry, Tem. Ad., Champaign, 111., 124 h Honorary Alumnus Index to Alumni 635 '87 Barclay. William 740 Sanduskv Ave., Kansas Citv, Kas.. 99 •01 Bardwell. Faith Leland (Wetherbee). 405 6th Ave., Sterling, 111., 272 '05 Baker, Ira Webster. 702 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 405 '92 Barker, John King. 332 Main St., Springfield, Mass., 134 '94 Barker, Louis William Sparta, 111., 154 '04 Barker, Perrv, Amer. Trust Bldg., Chicago. 111.. 362 '01 Barnett, (Dr.) Arthur Franklin, 818 Main St., Jophn, Mo., 272 '75 *Bamard, De Lonson Elrov, 14 "05 Barnard, Lela Ethelvn, 2033 Lexington St., Chicago, 111., 405 "75 Barnes, Arthur Ellis', Goldfield, Nev., 14 '81 Barnes, Bertha E. (Ross). Grand Island, Neb., 53 '82 Barnes, Charles C, Norristown, Pa., 62. '88 Barnes, Mary Lena, 603 E. Springfield, Ave., Champaign, 111., 104 '05 Bamhart, Charles Anthony. Anna, 111., 405 '97 Barr, George Andrew, 215 Sherman St., Joliet, 111., 196 '90 Barr,, 636 W. 75th Place, Chicago, 111., 116 "02 Barr, John, Xaco Ariz., 299 '03 Barrett. Charles Vincent, 847 \\ . 22d St., Chicago, 111., 329 '86 *Barrett, Dwight Harrison, 92 "93 Barrett, Edward Ernest, 212 S. Madison Ave., La Grange. 111., 142 '00 Barrett, George Francis, 847 W. 22d St., Chicago, 111., 247 '03 Barrett, James Theophilus, 1203 W. Stoughton St., Urbana, 111., 329 '84 *Bartholf, Emmett G., 77 "84 Bartholf, William Joseph, Von Humboldt School, Chicago, 111., 7 7 '93 Bartlett, Henrv Emmett, 356 E. 51st St., Chicago, 111., 142 '05 Barton. Olive Lillian, Mt. Vernon, 111., 405 '95 Barry, Charles, 380 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.. 168 '77 Barrv, Charles Hart, 1225 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111., 27 "77 BarrV, Frank, P. O. Box 290, Washington. D. C, 28 ;04 Barter, Harold Hendryx, 415 S. 7th St.. Springfield, 111., 362 '05 Bascom. George Rockwell, Monroe. La., 405 '05 Bass, Willard Jason. 6110 Ellis Ave.. Flat H 4, Chicago, 111., 406 '02 Bassett, Herbert, 1431 Forest Ave., Wilm.ette. 111., 300 '80 Batchelder, Augusta (Eaton), 533 W. Erwin St.. Tvler, Texas, 48 "02 Bates, John Schuvler, Monmouth, 111., 300 '04 Bauer. "Ralph Stanley, Blue Mound, 111., 362 '95 Baum, Harry Williani, care of James Stewart & Co., New Orleans, La., 168 '94 Baumann. Otto. Room 339 Live Stock Exchange, Kansas City, Mo., 155 '90 Bawden, Samuel Dav, Ongole, Guntur Dist.. India, 116 |99 *Bayard, Samuel Michael, 229 '81 Beach, Bayard Edwards, Huron, S. Dak., 53 '95 Beach, Charles Worth, Denver, Colo., 168 [Chicago, 111., 104 '88 Beach, Etta Lorraine (Wright), 2439 Lakewood Ave., Edgewater Sta., '96 Beach, James George, 304 McKav Bldg., Portland. Ore., 181 '91 Beach, Laure Mae (Wright), The' New Amsterdam, Cleveland, O., 124 '88 Beadle, John Grant, Galesburg, 111., 104 '97 Beadle, Thom^as, Beattv, Nev., 196 '97 Beal, Alvin Casev, 514 E. Daniel St., Champaign, 111.. 196 '03 Bean, Clarence Herbert, 19 W. Baker St., Atlanta, Ga., 329 '03 Bear, Ernest, 2715 Lincoln St., Ravenswood, Chicago, 111., 329 '03 Bear, Kathcrine W., 117 So. Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111., 329 '79 Beardslev, Henry Maham, Water Wks. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., 43 '90 Beardslev, John,' 3523 Highland Ave., Kansas City, Mo., 'll6 '98 Beasley.'D. Edythe (Goben). 401 E. Elm St.. Urb'ana, 111., 213 '94 Beaslev, Harrison Eaton, 721 Favette St., Peoria, 111., 155 '03 Beatty, Frances Marion. White Hall, 111.. 329 '05 Beck, Charles, 209 Columbia Ave., Harvey, 111., 406 '00 Beck, Florence Maria, Stevens Point, Wis., 247 '99 Beckerleg, Gwavas Foster, 2233 N. Alabama St.. Indianapolis. Ind., 229 '03 Beckman, John Philip, Golden, 111., 329 636 University of Illinois '92 Beckwith, Frank, La Salle St. Station, Chicago, 111., 134 '97 Beebe, Charles David, care of Swift & Co., Ft. Worth, Tex., 196 '02 Beebe, Florence Jennie (McCarthy), Kewanee, 111., 300 '95 Beebe, Frederick Albert, 43 John St., Chelsea, Mass., 168 '98 Beem, Fred Clarkson, Areola, Saskatchawan, Canada, 213 '03 Beers, Le Roy Fitch, 30 Pearl St., Rochester, 111., 329 '96 Begole, Joshua Franklin, 2017-27 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo., 181 '93 Behrensmever, George Philips, 430h Main St., Ouincy, 111., 143 '01 Bell, Arthur Timothv, Revnolds, 111, 272 '01 Bell, Edgar Deforest, Danville, 111., 272 '81 Bellamv, Albert, Girard, 111., 54 '05 Belting, Pearl Mable, Kiethsburg, 111., 406 '89 Bennett, Cleaves, Mattoon, 111., 112 '00 Bennett, Edith Page, 404 N. 21st St., Mattoon, 111., 247 '89 Bennett, Frederick Marsh, Lawrence, Kas., 112 '96 Bennett, Georgian E., 1030 Warner Ave., Chicago, 111., 181 '99 Bennett, Ralph, 136 Witmer St., Los Angeles, Calif., 229 '99 Bennett, Ruth (Morgan), Tsing Kiang pu, via Chinkiang, China, 230 '92 Bennett, Sarah (Erwin), 817 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111., 134 '03 Bennett, Stella, 511 E. John St , Champaign, 111., 330 '02 Bennett, William Lee, Blandinsville, 111., 300 '05 Benson, Arthur Chapman, Vienna, 111., 406 '90 *Benson, Edward Mills, 117 '04 Benson, James Russell, Western Springs, 111., 362 '03 Berger, John Milton, Dolton, 111., 330 '98 Berrv, Er\vin Howard, 1006 W. 8th St., Topeka Kas., 213 '96 Besore, Nellie (Sears), 82 Fenelon Place, Dubuque, la., 181 '05 Betts, Davis Ray, 1100 S. 13th St., Springfield, 111., 406 '04 Bevans, Mary Matilda, 901 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111., 362 [230 '99 Bevans, Thomas Archibald Murray, 353 W. 60th Place, Chicago, 111., '99 Bigelow, Mary Constance, 407 W. Washington St., Champaign, 111., 230 '80 Bills, Charles Jacob, Lincoln, Neb., 48 '88 Bing, Beniamin, Urbana, 111., 104 '03 Biossat, Harrv Armand, (1904) 5496 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111., 330 '01 Bird, Frederick Joel, Carterville, 111., 272 '03 Birdzell, Luther Earle, 705 N. 3d St., Grand Forks, N. Dak., 330 '81 Birnev, Frank Lansing, 1524 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo., 54 '05 Bishop, George William, 304 E. Mulberry St., Bloomington, 111., 406 '01 Black, Alice Mary (Arps), Tolono, 111., 273 '03 Black, George W., Oakland, 111., 330 [2 73 '01 Black, Laura Louise (Zartman), 100 Brownell St., New Haven, Conn., '98 Black, William Wesley, 6347 Stewart Ave., Chicago, 111., 213 '77 Blackall, Clarence Howard, 16 Chauncy St., Cambridge, Mass., 28 '04 Blackburn, Roy Jabey, 903 W. Church St., Decatur, 111., 362 '05 Blair, Franklin Irvine, 735 Case Ave., Cleveland, O., 406 '87 Blake, John Bidwell, 1618 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111., 99 '96 Blakeslee, James Woodbury, 301 Garrison Ave., Carthage, Mo., 182 '93 Blakesley, George Webster, 1200-04 West 1 1th St., Kansas City, Mo., 143 '80 Blev, Tohn Cornelius, 5046 Washington Park Place, Chicago, 111., 48 '03 Block' Edgar William, care of I. C. R. R., Ft. Dodge, la., 330 '04 Blocker, John Douglas, La Porte, Texas, 362 '99 Bocock, Clarence Edgar, Albion, Idaho, 230 '83 Bogardus, Charles Eugene, 90 Columbia St., N. Seattle, Wash., 69 '77 Bogardus, Eva (Price), 34 Shilton Ave., New Haven, Conn., 28 '04 Bogardus, Frank Smith, care of Ind. State Normal School, Terre Haute, '02 Boggess, Arthur Clinton, Catlin, 111., 300 [ilnd., 363 '92 Boggs, Cassandra Armstrong, Seattle, Wash., 134 '94 Boggs, Lucinda, 811 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 155 '83 Boggs, Martha Harriet (Loor); 1214 N. Vermilion St., Danville, 111., 69 '05 Bogg, Marv (East), 97 Borwnell St., New Haven. Conn., 413 Index to 637 '02 Boggs, Oliver Carter, 808 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111.. 300 '03 Bond, Anna Louise, 215 S. 10th St., Mt. Vernon, 111.. 330 '03 Bond, Austin, Carmel, Ind., 331 '04 Bond, Bertha Julia, 601 W. Green St., Urbana, 111.. 363 '05 Bond, John Mvron. 316 S. 3d Ave.. Ma\^vood. 111.. 407 '05 Boner, 'Halbert Evans, 1006^ W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 407 '05 Bonnell, Everett Shanon, La Moille, 111.. 407 '01 Bonser, Frederick Gordon. Teachers' Coll.. Columbia, U., New York, '04 Booker. Helen Ethel. Chrisman, 111., 363 [N. Y., 273 '99 Booker. Lucile Alice, Stillwater, Minn., 230 '03 Boon, Henrv Lehr, 602 \V. Oregon St., Urbana, 111.. 331 '95 Boon. William Guthrie. 981 Washington St., Burlington, la., 168 '04 Booth, Marv Josephine. Charleston. 111., 363 '81 Boothbv. Arthur. 3311 N. Pennsvlvania St.. Indianapolis, Ind., 54 '89 Bopes. Charles Arthur. Revnolds^ 111.. 112 '02 Bopp, WilHam George. 942 Addison St.. Chicago. 111., 301 '04 Bom. Alda Halderm.ann, 506 John St., Champaign, 111., 363 '05 Borton, Byron Sarver, Orleans, Minn., 407 '03 Borton, Lixcina Jane, (Rodi), 17 Pingree St., Calumet, Mich., 331 '02 Borton, William Frankhn, 416 W. Jefferson St.. FortWayne, Ind.. 301 '79 *Boume, Henry Peter, 43 '91 Bouton, Charles Sherman, Springdale. Ark., 124 '88 Bowditch, Fred D., 504 So. Race St., Urbana. 111., 104 '95 Bower, Robert Allen. Tolona. 111.. 168 '03, Gertrude (Johnson, 1410 Euclid Ave., Kansas Citv, Mo., 331 '05 Bowser, Ralph Em.mett. Forest City. 111., 407 '90 Bowsher, Columbus Austin. Champaign, 111., 117 '81 Boyd, Comm.a Nathaniel, Sheffield. 111., 54 '01 Boyd. Edward Parkman. Ft. CoUins, Colo.. 273 '00 Bovd. Hobart Shearman, Lewistown, 111., 248 '01 BoVd, John WilHam, Fisher, 111.. 273 '91 Bovd, Willard Albion, 95 Libertv St., New York, N. Y., 124 '02 Boyer, Harry Bernard, Champaign. 111., 301 [Chicago. 111., 1 17 '90 Boyle, Anna Cecilia (Junkensfeld), 320 S. Prairie Ave., Austin Sta., '01 Bracken, EUis, 1162 E. 56th St., Chicago. 111., 274 '05 Braden. Clarence Arthur. Cutler. 111.. 407 '02 Braden, John Henrv, Albia, la., 301 '99 Bradlev, James Clifford, 518 Frick Bldg., Pittsburg. Pa.. 230 '03 Bradsh'aw. Jessie I. (White). 1609 N. Sawyer Ave.. Chicago. 111.. 331 '83 Brainard. Clarence V.. Tiskilwa, 111.. 69 '00 Branch, Elizabeth (Shepherd), William.stown, Mass., 248 '97 Brandt, Eugene Herman, 1621 Locust St., Lincoln, Neb., 196 '84 Braucher, Alma Elizabeth. 227 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, 111., 77 '84 Braucher, Arthur Conrad. 501 Sherman St.. Danville. 111.. 77 '91 Braucher. Ernest Newton, 2790 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111.. 125 '94 Braucher. Herbert Hill. 227 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, 111., 155 '97 Braucher. Ralph Waldo, Neogo, Cumberland Co., 111., 1Q6 '85 Braucher, William Burson, 525 Sherman St., Danville, 111.. 84 '04 *Braun, Walter Charles Emil. 363 '05 Brayton, Abbey Louisa, 137 So. 11th St., La Crosse, Wis., 407 '01 Bravton, Louis Frederick, Guaranty Loan Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn., 274 '98 Brei'dert Henrv Cvrille, 124 W. College St., Cannonsburg, Penn.. 213 '02 Breitstadt. John Henrv, 325 S. Ninth St., Quincv, 111.. 301 '96 Brenke, William Charles, 35 Eustis St., N. Cambridge, Mass., 182 '82 *Bridge. Arthur M., 62 '78 *Bridge, Wallace Everett, 35 '01 Minnie C. (Ingham). Clinton. 111.. 274 '04 Briggle. Charles Guv, Morris, 111.. 363 '89 *Briggs, Charles Wes'ley, 112 '01 Briggs, Claude Porter^ Aurora, 111., 274 638 University of Illinois '03 Briggs, Edwin Cressv, 814 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111., 331 '80 Briles, Bvard Stevens (1904), 106 E. Fourth St., Carthage, Mo., 49 '05 gBriscoe, Charlev Francis, 604 S. Busey Ave., Urbana, 111,. 456 '91 Broaddus, Alice Virginia (Clark), 928 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 125 '02 Broadhead, Annie Maple, Normal, 111., 301 '98 Brockway, Edwin Ladue, 213 W. 104th St., New York, N. Y., 214 '05 Bronson, Frank Lloyd, 402 E. Kent St., Streator, 111., 407 '89 Bronson, Lillie O., 1107 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 112 '77 *Broshar, Cornelia, 28 '03 Brotherton, Jane Widnev, Brumback Librarv. Van Wert, O., 331 '04 Browder, Olin Lorraine, '803 W. Main St., Urbana, 111., 364 '98 Brower, Lvle Irenus, Pittsburg, Kas., 214 '97 *Brower, Ralph Plumb, 197. '75 Brown, Dillon Sidney, Genoa, 111., 14 '93 Brown, Frank Minear, 411 Univ. Ave., Champaign, 111., 143 '78 Brown, Frank Adelbert, Aberdeen, S. Dak., 36 '03 Brown, Lewis, 611 20th St., Moline, 111., 332 '75 Brown, Ralph Lee, Aberdeen, Brown Co., S. Dak., 14 '04 Brown, Seym.our Dewey, Maplewood, N. J., 364 '97 Brown, Walter Burrows, 89 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111., 197 '00 Brown. WilHam Jay, 1170 Broadway, New York, xN. Y., 248 '94 Browning, Howard Allen, Elgin, 111., 155 '90 Brumbach, Lucia Rav (Bogardus), 323 14th Ave., North Seattle, Wash., '02 Brundage, Martin De'nman, Malta, 111., 302 [117 '04 Brunner, Camilla Margaret, 1406 Bluff St., Peru, 111., 364 '77 Brush, Charles Eliphalet, 414 36th Place, Chicago, 111., 29 '88 Bryant, William Cullen, Dillon, Mont.. 105 '05 Brydges, Carl Kent. 277 Division St., Elgin, 111., 407 '01 Buchanan, James William, 1617 Gardner Ave., Spokane, Wash., 274 '04 Buchanan, John Lee, care of Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 146 '04 Buck, Gertrude Amelia, Emporia, Kas., 364 '97 Buck, Luella Eugenia (Linn), 6501 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111., 197 '77 Buckingham, William, care of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Los Angeles, '02 Buerkin, Emma, 1234 Broadway, Quincy, 111., 302 [Cal., 29 '03 Buerkin, Marguerite P. (Ward), 971 N. Cherry St., Galesburg, 111., 332 '82 Bullard, Benjamin Franklin, 1680 Barry Ave., Chicago, 111., 62 '82 Bullard, George Wesley, 523 North J St., Tacoma, Wash.. 63 '05 Bullard, Helen EHzabeth, 318 S. Glenwood Ave., Springfield, 111., 408 '78 Bullard, Samuel Alexander, 318 S. Glenwood Ave., Springfield, 111., 36 '86 Bullard, S. Foster, 3001 N. 29th St., Tacoma, Wash., 92 '00 Bullock, Jessie Jane, 209 E. White St., Champaign, 111., 248 '77 Bumstead, James Edward, Dundee, 111., 29 '02 Bundv, Raphael Parmer, Lebanon, Ind., 302 '91 Bunton, Fred Lvle, 730 Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Penn., 125 '95 Burdick, Charles Baker, 1207 Hartford Bldg., Chicago, 111., 168 '01 Burdick, Jay Horace, 25 S. Shanning St., Elgin, 111., 274 '04 Burford, Cary Olive, Iowa Falls, la., 364 '04 Burgess, Fred Henrv, 1108 E. I5th St., Kansas City, Mo., 364 '04 Burgess, Ralph Royal, 229 65th St., Chicago, 111., 365 '00 Burke, Eugene Irving, 609 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 248 '03 Burkhalter, Wayne Edison, care of Isthmian Canal Com., Panama, '03 Burkhart, Jean, Marion, 111., 332 [Canal Zone, 332 '04 Burkhart, John Herman, Belleville, 111., 365 [230 '99 Burkland, Theodore Leonard, care of Peoria W. Works Co., Peoria, 111., '05 Burnett, WilHam Thomas, Urbana, 111., 408 '05 ABumham, Daniel Hudson, 1417 Ry. Exchange Bldg , Chicago, 111., 463 '78 Burr, Ellis M., 306 Washington St., Champaign, 111., 36 '02 Burrill, Lettie Evelyn, 3124 E. Ninth St., Kansas City, Mo., 302 [332 '03 Burrill, Mildred Anne (Stone), 803 E. Washington St., Bloomington, 111., '95 Burrill, William Thomas, 3010 4th St., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn., 169 Index to Alumxi 639 '00 Burroughs, Wesley Elmer, 3328 4th St., Des Moines, la., 2-iS '92 Burrows, Parke Tunis, 221 Mississippi Ave., Davenport, la., 134 '96 Burt, Henrv Jackson, 222 Equitable Bldg., Denver, Colo., 182 '72 Bunvash, Milo Benedict, 610 W. Green St., Champaign, 111., 1 '95 Busev, Frank Lyman, Urbana, 111., 169 '00 Busev, Robert Oscar, Urbana, 111., 249 '94 Bush, Arthur Willis, LeadviUe, Colo., 156 '00 Bush, John Kenyon, 653 So. Chicago St., Joliet, 111., 249 '88 Bush, Lincoln, 281 Springdale Ave., East Orange, X. J., 105 '79 Butler, William Nichols, Cairo, 111., 44 '94 Buttertield, Clarence James, Jacksonville, Fla., 156 '91 Butterfield, Helen E. (Schoonhoven), 34 Second Place, Brooklvn, X. Y., '79 Butts, Augusta Esther, 1375 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111.,' 44 [125 '98 Byrne, Lee, 3948 Delmar Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 214 '02 Cadwell, Charles Xickerson, Cadwell, 111., 302 '04 Cafkv, Mabel Etta (Stark), 903 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111., 365 '96 Cairns, Cora Mae (Marsh), 911 Fair Oaks Ave., So. Pasadena, Calif.. 182 '02 Cairns, David Gem.m.ell, Ottawa, 111., 302 • '04 Caldwell, Elizabeth E. (Ingalls), Washington, Kan., 365 'OS Calhoun, Helen Vera, 504 Daniel St., Champaign, 111., 408 '01 Calhoun, Henrietta Ann, 504 Daniel St., Champaign, 111., 275 '95 Call, Hortense (Barr), 702 West Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 169 '05 Camp, Cara Louis, 718 W. Logan St., Lincoln, 111., 408 '90 Camp, Norman Harvey, 1037 Early Ave., Chicago, 111., 117 '75 Campbell, Amanda (Moore), Clinton, 111., 15 '01 Campbell, Ashton Ellsworth, 604 E. Green St., Champaign, 111., 275 '00 Campbell, Bruce Alexander, 500-5 Metropolitan Bldg., East St. Louis, 111., 249 '03 Campbell, Daisv I. (Fluck), 105 E. Clark St., Cham.paign, 111., 532 '95 Campbell, George H., Woolner Blk., Peoria. Ill,, 169 '76 *Campbell, James William, 22 '74 Campbell, John P., Winchester, 111., 9 '84 Campbell, Juniata G. (Hunt), 37 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y., 78 '04 Campbell, Muriel Florence (Buckles), 728 S. Randolph St., Champaign, '96 *Campbell, Walter Gilbert, 182 [111., 365 '03 /iCannon, Joseph Gurnev, Danville, 111., 460 '87 Cantine, Edward Ike, 45 Watson Ave., E. Orange, N. J., 99 '95 Capps, Earl Vanhise, Blair, Neb., 169 '00 Capron, Clvde, Marion, 111., 249 '97 Capron, Frank Read, 1659 Park Place, Wichita, Kas., 197 '95 ■ Carberrv, Rav Shepard, Mitchell, Neb., 169 '05 Carleton, Bertha M., Willow Bank, St. Clair, Mich., 408 '95 Carmack, Clyde Robert, Tropico, Calif., 170 '82 Carman, William Burgess, 32 Upton Park, Rochester, N. Y., 63 '05 Carmichael, Berton Eugene, Wooster, O., 408 '96 Carnahan, David Hobart, Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111., 182 [135 '92 Carnahan, Franklin Gregory, 901 Chamber of Com., Minneapolis, Minn., '04 Carothers, Wilhelmina Ellen, 54 The Olympia, Washington, D. C, 365 '93 Carpenter, Harvev Irving, 602 E. Univ. Ave., Champaign, 111., 143 '97 Carpenter, Hubert Vinton, Pullman, Wash., 197 '01 Carr, George Russell, 227-234 Postal Tele. Bldg., Chicago, 111., 275 '05 Carr, Maurice Le Rov, Avon. 111.. 408 '93 Carr. Robert Franklin, 416 Home Ave., Oak Park, 111., 143 '04 Carriel, Fred Clifford, 1152 W. Coll. Ave., Jacksonville, 111., 365 '01 Carroll, Jessie Anna, Whittier, CaHf., 275 '91 Carson, Anna, 310 High St., Urbana. 111., 125 '03 Carson, Francis Thomas, 310 High St., Urbana, 111., 332 '99 gCarson, Lucv Hamilton, Dillon, Mont., 449 '93 Carter, Charles Willard, Batavia, 111., 144 640 University of Illinois '01 Carter, Florence E. (Sherman), Beartooth Ranch, Joliet, Mont., 2 75 '85 Carter, Harrv Leslie. Humboldt, 111., 85 '05 Carter, Ralph Merle, 922 N. Church St., Decatur, 111., 409 '88 Carter, Truman Post, 475 Lincoln Ave., Jacksonville, 111., 105 '02 Carter, William Curtis, 3853 Langlev Ave., Chicago, 111., 302 '89 Carver, Albert, 120 W. Allen St., Springfield, 111., 112 '04 Casey. Charles Nicholas, 4021 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., 366 '05 Casserlv, Thomas David, 438 Rebecca St., Wilkinsburg Sta., Pittsburg, '05 Caswell, Julia Ethel, 1592 Court St., Memphis, Tenn., 409 [Pa., 409 '03 Cattron, John WilHam, ElHsville, 111., 333 '03 Cavanor, Frank Tracv, 6619 Green St., Chicago, 111., 333 '05 Center, Orlo Dorr, Champaign, 111., 409 '03 Chacev, Anna Olive (Kuehn), 233 Heame Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, 333 '01 Chamberlain, Charles Corv, 303 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., 275 '03 Chamberlain, Martin Tuttle, 411 Globe Bldg,, Seattle, Wash., 333 '05 /iChamberlin, McKendree Hypes, Lebanon, 111., 463 '05 /zChamberlin, Thomas Chrowder, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111., 464 '93 Chambers, William Rock, 414 Daniel Bldg., Danville, 111., 144 '76 Chandler, William Bayrd, R. F. D. No. 3, Tacoma, Wash., 22 '05 /^Chanute, Octave, 413 E. Huron St., Chicago, 111., 464 '02 Chapin, Arlo, 304 W. Columbia Ave., Champaign, 111., 303 '01 Chapin, Edward Pierce, Freeburg, 111., 275 '04 Chapin, Lucv, 304 W. Columbia Ave., Champaign, 111., 366 '01 Chapman, Charles Hiram, 122 S. 13th St., Newark, N. J., 276 '03 Chapman, Daniel Ward, Vienna, 111., 333 '84 Chapman, Ward, 117 Cherry St., Seattle, Wash., 78 '01 *Chase, Adelaide Maria, 2 76 '96 Chatten, Melville Clarke, 2049 Main St., Quincy, 111., 183 '74 Cheever, Alice (Brvan), 401 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 9 '05 Chester, Anna, 717 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 409 '91 Chester, Dick Hubert, 74 Montclair Ave., Montclair, N. J., 126 '98 Chester, Guv Jacobs, 520 E. Monroe St., Springfield, 111., 214 '91 Chester, John Needles, Box 1103, Pittsburg, Pa., 126 "97 Chester, Manley Earle, 463 West St., New York, N. Y., 198 '01 Chester, Margaret Belle, 717 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 276 '93 Chester, Oscar Paul, 4707 Lake Ave., Chicago., 111., 144 '94 Chipman, Paul, Room 48 Sovereign Bank Bldg., Montreal, Canada, 156 '99 *Chipps, Halbert Lilly, 231 '01 Chipps, Willis Cullen, Suffern, New York, 276 '86 Chitty, William Lemon, Bethesda, Md., 92 '03 Chrisholm, Estella Forth, (home) Farmer Citv, 333 '89 Church, Blanche Adelaide, 636 Joliet St., La Salle, 111., 112 '00 Church, W^ alter Samuel, 2679 Kenmore Ave., Edgewater, Sta., Chicago, '99 Chuse, Harry Arthur, Mattoon, 111., 1117 Wabash Ave., 231 [111., 249 '05 Clark, AHce Hartzell, 5733 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111., 409 '94 *Clark, Amos Cabel, 156 '04 Clark, Angie Rav, 137 75th Place, Chicago, 111., 366 '98 Clark, Charles Albert, Ft. Worden, Port Townsend, Wash., 214 '98 Clark, Charles Richard, Cham.paign, 111., 215 '76 Clark, Charles Wright, 813 Securitv Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., 22 '04 Clark, Clinton OHver, 403 D. Ave., Lawton, Okla., 366 '99 Clark, Edith (Burr), care of Burr, Patterson & Co., Detroit, Mich., 231 '90 Clark, Edith Louise (Kirkpatrick), Urbana, 111., 117 '05 Clark, Ella Hazel, 58 Orange St., Asheville, N. C, 409 '02 Clark, Emma Alberta, 808 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 303 '90 Clark, Frank Henrv, 130 Eighth Ave., La Grange, 111., 118 '85 Clark, Kate Frances (Stockham), 1113 N. 25th St., Birmingham, Ala., '04 Clark, Lorin,, 111., 366g .#>; ^, [85 '84 *Clark, Lucv Jane, 78 :^-^'^ '99 Clark, Mar'y Edith, Sheldon, 111., 231 Index to Alumni 641 '03 Clark, Matilda Lenna, R. F. D. No. 4, Carthage, 111., :-,3^ '87 Clark, Percival Lemon, Nat'l Self -Winding Clock Co., Champaign, 111., 'Q9 Clark, Philip Henry, Galena, 111., 231 [99 '04 Clark, Thomas Aquilla, 808 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 366 '90 Clark, Thomas Arkle, 928 W. Illinois St.. Urbana, 111., 118 '05 Clark, William Arthur, 808 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 410 '91 Clarke, Edwin Besancon, Chicago Heights, 111., 126 '02 Clarke, Ehvyn Lorenzo, Rolla, Mo., 303 [Heights, 111., 183 '96 Clarke, Florence Besancon (Michalek), 1629 Vincennes Ave., Chicago '91 Clarke, Frederick Woodruff, 1009 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb., 126 '97 Clarke, Octave Besancon, 4867 Fountain Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 198 '04 Clarkson, Edna (Evans), Olden, Mo., 366 '90 Clarkson, James Francis, 4823 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111., 118 '00 Clatworthv, Linda May, Public Library & Museum, Davton, O., 249 '77 *Clay, Luther G., 29 '05 Clav, Marcia Barnes, North Bristol, O., 410 '05 Clay, Wharton. 3145 Rhoades Ave., Chicago, 111., 410 '98 Clayton, Thomas Wilev, 2655 N. Robev St., Chicago, 111., 215 '95 Clement, Clarence Adlebert, Wvanet, 111., 170 '05 Clendenin, George Morev, 1009'So. Second St., Springfield, 111., 410 '05 Clendenin, Lois Grace, 7'22 Center St., Cairo, 111.. 410 '99 Clififord, Charles Luther, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., 231 '90 Clinton, George Perkins, care of Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., New Haven, '95 *Clinton, John De Witt, 170 [Conn., 11& '03 Clinton, Lucile Anna, Charleston, 111., 334 '02 Coar, Elsa Jeanette, State Line, Mass., 303 '03 ^Coar, Henrv Livingston, 930 W. Illinois St., L^rbana, 453 '79 *Coburn, Ralph P., 44 '81 Coddington, Archibald Osborn, 938 Summerdale Ave., Chicago, 111., 54 '75 Coddington, Vantile William, North Milwaukee, Wis., 15 '03 Coen, Homer Clarence, 115 Kitchell, Ave., Olnev, 111., 334 '89 Coffeen, Amv. 312 W. Clark St., Champaign, 111", 113 '93 CofTeen, Fred Goldsmith, 104 E. John St., Champaign, 111., 144 '98 Coffeen, Harv Clarv, Flat 3, 3801 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111., 215 '94 Coffman, Birch DaVid, 730 N. Randolph St., Champaign, 111., 156 '01 Coffman, Harrv Augustus, 107 S. Elm St., Champaign, 111., 276 '78 Coffman, Noah Beery, ChehaHs. Wash., 37 '78 Coffin, Frank Shennan, Quitman, Miss., 37 '05 Cohen, Berthold, 637 46th Place, Chicago, 111., 410 '01 Cole, Agnes Marv, Urbana, 111., 276 '97 gCole, Charles Nelson, 45 King St., Oberlin, O., 447 '82 Cole, Edward Everett, 905 White Ave., Grand Junction, Colo., 63 '04 Cole, Emo Lizzie, 216 High St., Keokuk, la., 367 '82 Cole, Fronia Rickords (Hall), McLeansboro, 111., 63 '96 Cole, Mary Maude (Scott), 1200 Douglas Ave., Yankton, S. Dak., 183 '85 Cole, Thomas Edward, Le Mars, la., 85 '05 /tColeman, Norman Jav, St. Louis, Mo., 463 '98 Collins, Edgar Francis, 1203 State St., Schenectadv, N. Y., 215 '01 Collins, Guv Richard, 106 N. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.. 277 '05 Collins. Marv, 720 Sixth St., La Salle, 111., 410 '02 *Collins, Frank Bernard, 303 '04 Colp, Leonard Allen, Marion, 111., 367 '85 Colton, Simeon Colton, 603 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111., 85 '78 Columbia, Emma (Mann), Hvde Park Hotel, Chicago, 111., 37 '83 Colvin, Marv Sabina (Hargis), Bondville, 111., 70 •01 Conard, Philip Arthur, 3 W. 29th St., New York, N. Y., 277 '02 Condit, Jav Sidncv, Temple Bldg., Chicago, 111., 303 '80 ConkHn, Roland Ray, 111 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 49 '84 Conkling, Anna J. (Sevmour), Waverlv, Mass., 78 03 Conley, John Edward,' Areola, 111., 334 642 University of Illinois '88 Connet, Ella, 412 W. Green St., Champaign, 111., 105 '04 Converse, Edward Chapman, Champaign, 111., 367 '80 Cook, Charles F., Edwardsville, 111., 49 'OS Cook, Ernest, 108 S. Fifth St., Champaign, 111., 410 '03 Cook, James Fitchie, Woodstock, 111., 334 '93 Cook, James W., 1650 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111., 144 '04 /jCook, John W., DeKalb, 111., 461 '90 Cook, Robert James, 616 W. 65th PI., Englewood, Chicago, 111., 119 '05 Cook, Thomas, Lee, SulHvan, 111., 411 '02 Cook, William Adelbert, Marion, 111., 304 '99 Cooke, Jane EHzabeth, 218 Maryland Ave., N. E., Washington, D. C, '05 /iCooley, Edwin Gilbert, La Grange, 111., 464 [232 '04 Coolidge, Orrill Pauline, Niles, Mich., 367 '00 Cooper, Fred Worth, 3998 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111., 250 '81 *Cooper, Frederic E., 54 '96 Cooper, Paul Henry, Jr., Aurora, 111., 183 '00 Corbus, Burton Robinson, 82 Monroe St., Grand Rapids, Mich., 250 '90 Cornelison, Robert Wilson, Bloomfield, N. J., 119 '93 Cornell, WilHam Henry, 7332 Hermitage St., Pittsburg, Pa., 144 '05 Corrin, William Garret, R. F. D. No. 3, Neola, la., 411 '05 /zCortelyou, George Bruce, 2111 Bancroft Place, Washington, D. C, 465 '02 Cowley, Thomas Philip, 274 42d St., Chicago, 111., 304 '04 Cox, Manford E., Robinson, 111., 367 '04 Coy, Alice Bourland, College Hill, Hamilton Co., O., 367 '90 Crabbs, Clarence Lincoln, 620 24th St., Moline, 111., 119 '93 Craig, Edward Chilton, Mattoon, 111., 145 '98 Craig, Wallace, Zoology Lab., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111., 215 '83 *Craig, William Patterson, 70 '05 Crane, Helen Marv, care of Ind. St. Normal Sch , Terre Haute, Ind., 411 '98 Crathorne, Arthuf R., Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111., 216 '94 Crawford, Thomas, Clinton Elec. Lt. & Coke Co., Clinton, 111., 156 '97 Crellin, Charles Virgil, 509 E. 32d St., Los Angeles, Calif., 198 '04 Cresap, Ernest Wilfred, 224 So. Sixth St., Coshocton, O., 367 '04 Cresap, Trella Jane, 202 So. Romine St., Urbana, 111., 368 '92 Crissey, John Waterbury, 1725 Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111., 135 '02 Cracker, William, Kewanee, 111., 304 '86 Cromwell, John C, 1104 New England Bldg., Cleveland, O., 93 '05 Crosby, Clififord, 610 E. 2d St., Kewanee, 111., 411 '92 Cross, Charles Williams, 1629 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., 135 '05 Cross, Ethan Allen, 5413 Jackson Ave., Chicago, 111., 411 '01 Crossland, George Marshall, 227 Locust St., De Kalb, 111., 277 '03 Crosthwait, George Ashley, Moscow, Idaho, 334 '01 Crouch, William Liebrick, care of Dwight Furness, Guanajuato, Mexico, '77 Crow, Benjamin Franklin, Ceder Place, Keokuk, la., 29 [277 '03 /iCullom, Shelby Moore, Springfield, 111., 460 [Minn., 37 '78 Culver, Annette M. (Ellison), care of Public Library, Minneapolis, '02 Cunningham, Ralph Edwin, 642 Rubey St., Los Angeles, Calif., 304 '01 Curfman, Lawrence Everett, 412 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 277 '82 Curtiss, William Goss, Stockton, 111., 64 '03 Cusick, John Fay, Chrisman, 111., 334 '05 Cutler, Frank Woodbury, 842 N. Main St., Rockford, 111., 411 '04 Cuttle, Frederick, 368 '74 Dabriskian, Gregory Gabriel, Backjajeck, Turkev, 10 '04 Dadant, Henry Camille, Hamilton, 111., 368 '02 Dadant, Louis Charles, Hamilton, 111., 304 '03 Dake, Le Roy, Gilbert Walla Walla, Wash,. 305 '02 Dalbey, Dwight Stout, Jerseyville, 111., 304 '03 Danahey, Thomas Francis, 614 N. 13th St., Quincv, 111., 335 '02 Dancly, Mary Golden (Slaughter), Paris, 111 . 335 Index to Alumni 643 '03 Daniels, Edna Earle, 427 N. Hazel St., Danville, 111., 335 '93 Danley, Willis Wilson, 20 Cheapside, E. C. , London, England, 145 '91 Darby, Nellie Margaret, Rogers, Ark., 126 '03 Darlington, Genevieve, 329 S. Stone Ave., La Grange, 111., 33S '00 Darmer, George Alexander, Woodstock, 111., 250 '05 Dart, Whitman, 5656 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111., 411 '89 Daugherty, Louis S., 116 E. Baldwin St., Kirksville, Mo., 113 '05 Davidson, Thomas Meredith, Champaign, 111., 411 '05 Davis, Anna Clara, Carbondale, 111., 412 '81 Davis, Arthur Eldorus, (1904) Arbola, Texas, 55 '04 Davis, Cleon Leslie, 905 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111., 368 '03 gDavis, Exum Woodard, Chenoa, 111., 454 '05 Davis, Forrest Suprgeon, Robinson, 111., 412 '88 Davis, Frank Loyen, 1711 Flatiron Bldg., New York., N. Y., 106 '03 Davis, H. S., 314 Rookery Bldg., Spokane, Wash., 33-^ '86 Davis, James Oliver, 1907 Travis St., Houston, Tex., 93 '82 Davis, Jeptha H., (1904) Straight Creek, Kas.. 64 '72 Davis, John Jefferson, 1111 College Ave., Racine, Wis., 1 '04 Davis, John Wolfersperger, 315 Bissel St., Chicago, 111., 368 '81 Davis, Mariette (Beardsley), 3621 Walnut St., Kansas Citv, Mo., 55 '01 Davis, Mary Belle, 606 So. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, 111., 277' '78 Davis, Nancv (Scovell), Lexington, Kv., 37 '03 Davis, Wilmer Esla, Urbana, 111., 335 ' '98 Davison, Chester Morton, Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111., 216 '04 Davison, Mabel Katherine, Joliet, 111., 368 '03 Dawson, Charles H., (1904) 379 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111., 335 '04 Davton, Laura, Paris, 111., 368 '78 Dean, Frank A., Holdrege, Neb., 37 '78 Deardorff, Sarah C. (Donnell), Ashland, Clark county, Kas., 38 '03 gDehn, William Maurice, Champaign, 111., 454 '03 De Motte, [ames Rov, 3440 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., 336 '02 De Motte, Rubv Tho'rne, 905 Cascade Ave., Boulder, Colo., 305 '81 Dennis, Charles Henry, 1893 Roscoe St., Chicago, 111., 55 '05 Denny, Christina, Lincoln, 111., 412 '04 Derby, Alice Greenwood, 93 I5th Ave., Columbus, O., 368 'OS Derr, Harry Benjamin. Danville, 111., 412 '01 Detrick, Nellie Elizabeth, 602 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, 111., 277 '04 Dewev, James Ansel, Armstrong, R. F. D., No. 1, 198 '88 *Dewev. Ralph Elmore, 106 '97 Dewev, Sarah Louise, 701 W. Green St., Urbana., 111., 198 '05 Dewh'erst, Harry Thomas, Olney, 111., 412 '02 De Velde, Harrv Samuel, 375 Crescent Ave., Norwood Pk., Chicago, 111., '04 Deutschmann, Fred John, Jr., Belleville, 111., 369 ]305 '03 Dickerson, George Hamm, 6119 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111., 336 '03 Dickerson, OHver Morton, 1102 Oregon St., Urbana, 111., 336 '05 Dickey, Cromwell Bartlett, 921 St. Nichols Ave., New York, N. Y., 412 '98 Dickey, James Harvey, Decatur, 111., 216 '05 /^Dickinson, Jacob McGavock, 1 Park Row, Chicago, 111 , 465 '94 Dickinson, Richard Jav, Eureka, 111., 156 '04 Diefenbach, Arthur Garfield, Blue Island, 111., 369 '04 Dieterle, Edward August, 909 Ogden Ave., Chicago, 111., 369 '05 Dillavou, John Milford, De Land, 111., 412 '01 Dillon. Gertrude Semphill, Sheldon, 111., 278 '04 Dillon, Mertie Mav, Normal, 111., 369 '01 Dillon, Rov Hodgson, 49 Wall st.. New York.. N. Y.. 278 '95 Dillon, William Henrv, Detroit, Mich., 170 '98 Dillon, William Wagner, 552 Englewood Ave., Chicago, 111., 216 '99 Dinwiddie, Virginia (Piper), 625 W. Fourth St., Oklahoma Citv, Okla., '04 Dirks, Henry Bernhard, 202 E. John St., Champaign, 111., 369' [232 '02 Dobbins, Ethel Irene, 402 E. Green St., Champaign, 111.. 305 644 University of Illinois '75 Dobson, Franklin Pierce, P. O. Box 965, Chicago, 111., 15 '99 Dodds, George, 2605 Norwood Ave., Norwood, O., 232 '86 Dodds, Joseph Chambers, 203 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 93 '03 Dodge, Bertha Alma (Piper), 60 Marble St., Springfield, Mass., 336 '04 Doeden, Frederick Hugo, E. Peoria, 111., 369 '00 Dolan, William John, Granite City, 111., 2 50 '02 Dole, Sarah Pauline (Morgan), Humboldt, 111., 305 '03 Dolkart, Leo, 1442 13th St., Moline, 111., 336 '00 Doney, Oliver Kinsey, 511 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 250 '95 Donnan, Alexander, Independence, la., 170 '99 Donoghue, Richard Charles, La Salle, 111., 232 '02 Donoghue, William Joseph, La Salle, 111., 305 '04 Dorman, Archie Bland, Tavlorville, 111., 369 '05 Dosch, Charles Fred, 72 Bingham St., Chicago, 111., 412 '00 Doughertv, Horace Raymond, Peoria, 111., 250 '00 Dowiatt, Stanislaw (1904), Pittsburg, Penn., 250 '76 Drake, James Frederick, Pueblo, Colo., 23 '03 Drake, Jeanette May, Jacksonville, 111., 337 '05 /^Draper, Andrew Sloan, 133 Lake Ave., Albany, N. Y., 465 '02 Draper,. Charlotte Enid (Smith), 50 Kaminagarekawa, Cho Hiroshima, '02 Draper, Edwin Lyon, 133 Lake Ave., Albany, N. Y., 306 [Japan, 305 '81 Dressor, John C, Greenville, 111., 55 '04 Drew, Frank Leon, Gorgona, Panama, Canal Zone, 370 '72 Drewry, Henry N., Altamont, 111., 1 '02 Drury^ Clair Fred, 1927 6th Ave., Moline, 111., 306 '74 Drury, Ebenezer Lewis, Chamberlain, S. Dak., 10 '05 Drury, Frances Keese Wynkoop, Univ. Sta., Urbana, 111., 413 '03 Drury, Ralph Southward', 6454 ElHs Ave., Chicago, 111., 337 '87 Dryer, Ervin, 26 Ogden Ave., Chicago, 111., 100 '04 Dryer, John Lewis, Hillsboro, 111., 370 '99 Du Bois, Alexander Dawes, 418 W. 72d St., Chicago, 111., 232 '04 Duell, Earl Leroy, Devil's Lake, N. Dak., 370 '03 Duffy, James Franklin, Jr., 240 E. 65th Place, Chicago, 111., 337 '95 Duffy, Sherman Riley, Jr., 269 Erie St., Chicago, 111., 191 '97 Dull, Raymond William, Aurora, 111., 199 '89 Dunaway, Horace, U. S. Engineer's Office, St. Paul, Minn., 113 '02 Dunbar, Margaret, Macomb, 111., 306 '03 Dunkin, Van William, 202 S. Busey Ave., Urbana, 111., 337 '75 Dunlap, Burleigh Arthur, 163 Randolph St., Chicago, 111., 15 '97 Dunlap, Elmer Edgar, Columbus, Ind., 199 '75 Dunlap, Henry M., Savoy, 111., 15 '85 Dunlap, Robert Livingston, Savoy, 111., 85 '02 Dunning, WilHam Neil, 6623 Woo'dlawn Ave., Chicago, 111., 306 '04 Durland, Clyde Earl, Green Bay, Wis., 370 '96 Durstine, Warren Edward, 310 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111., 183 '94 Eakle, Silas Jackson, Antioch, 111., 157 '93 Earl, Mark Alden, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111., 145 '85 Earle, Mary Tracy, Santiago de las Vegas, via Havana, Cuba, 85 '01 East, Edward Murray, care of Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn., 278 "99, Harry Truxtun, 1108 First Ave., Rock Island, 111., 232 '75 *Eaton, Ernest, 16 '74 Eaton, Herbert, R. F. D. No. 58, Sidney, 111., 10 '84 Eberlein, Frederic Walter, Lacon, 111., 78 '02 Ebersol, Elmer Tryon, 7th and Wright Sts., La Salle, 111., 306 '05 Echols, Silas, Mt. Vernon, 111., 413 '05 Eckhardt, WilHam George, 506 S. Mathews Ave,, Urbana, 111., 413 •98 Eckles, Harry Edward, Bridge Dept., C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, 111., 217 '00 Eddy, Clarence Leroy, So. Kaukauna, Wis., 250 '05 Edmiston, Emma, Rock Falls, 111., 413 Index to Alumni 645 '04 Edwards. Charles. 9477 Ewing Ave., So. Chicago, 111., 370 '98 Edwards, Grace Osborne, Superior, Wis., 217 '82 Eichberg, David. Suite 510-167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.. 64 '04 Eidam, Edward GoUert. The Oxford. Rochester. N. Y., 370 '04 Eide, Torris, Box 682, Pocatello, Idaho, 370 '91 Eidmann, Edward Charles, 4246 Juniata St., St. Louis, Mo., 126 '03 Eidmann, Gustave Herman, Mascoutah, 111., 337 '87 Eisenmayer. Ida (Scheves). Palisades, Colo., 100 '82 Eisenmeyer, Andrew John, Springfield, Mo., 64 '05 Elden, Ralph Waldo, State Highwav Comm'n, Springfield, 111.. 414 '81 Elder. Loretta Kate (Robinson), 448 Marion St.. Oak Park, 111., 55 '86 Elder, Nellie (Harris), 511 S. Randolph St., Champaign. 111., 94 '01 Elder, Rov Samuel, over Kansas Nat'l Bank, Wichita, Kas., 278 '88 *Eldridge. "Marv Augusta, 106 '90 Ellars, Jessie (Hackett), Tuscola, 111,, 119 '77 Elliott, Charles Gleason, Dept. of Agr'l, Washington, D. C, 29 '05 Elliott, Josephine Ruth, Sterling, 111., 414 '85 Ellis. George Huntington, 1818 Wesley Ave.. Evanston. 111.. 86 '84 Ellis. Lola D. (Forsyth). Gilbrov, Calif., 78 '88 *Ellison, Edward E.,' 106 '74 *Ells, WilHam C, 10 '99 Elv, Howard Montgomerv, 738 First Nafl Bank Bldg.. Chicago. 111., 233 '01 Emmett, Arthur Donaldson, 1011 Oregon St., Urbana, 111., 278 '86 *Endsley, Leroy, 94 '94 Engberg, Martin Jonas, The Engberg-Holmberg Publishing Co. , Chicago, '04 Engle, Llovd Edwin, Metamora, 111., 371 [111., 157 '02 English, Edward Cary, Jr., 510 Union St., Champaign, 111., 306 'Oi Engstrom, Roy Victor, 1204 N. Madison Ave., Peoria, 111.. 371 '91 Eno. Frank Harvev, care of Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O., 127 '98 Enochs, Claude Douglass, 900 Vine St., La Crosse, Wis., 217 '98 Enochs, Delbert Riner. 6247 Wooldawn Ave., Chicago, 111., 217 '04 Ericson, Lambert Theodore, 1301 12 Ave., Moline, 111., 371 '86 Ermentrout, Anna Mae (Kamper), 34 Elaine Place, Chicago, 111., 94 '96 Estee. Henry Clarence. Gibson City, 111.. 184 '74 Estep, Harvev C, Waterman. Kitsap Co., Wash., 10 '78 *Estep, Ida Mav, 38 '78 Estep, Jessie, Room 624 Alaska Bldg.. Seattle. Wash.. 38 '04 Etherton. William Alonzo. 5351 Bartmer Ave.. St. Louis. Mo., 371 '05 Eustis, Laura Mae, Ottawa, 111., 414 '04 Evans, Kenneth Neill. 412 W. First St., Taylorville. 111.. 371 '89 Evans. Rolla Watkins, 517 N. Center St., Bloomington. 111.. 113 '96 *Everett. Frank Milton. 184 '98 Everhart, Rollin Oriando, 640 University Blk.. Syracuse. X. Y.. 217 '86 Everhart, Thomas Ward Beecher, Hason Citv, 111., 94 '75 *Everhart, Winfield Scott, 16 '99 Fairchild, Edna, The Lessing, Chicago, 111., 233 '86 Fairchild, Rozina Phoebe (Davis), 1907 Travis St., Houston, Tex., 94 '02 Fairclo, George Cassius, 411 E. Green St., Champaign. 111., 307 '02 Falkenburg. Fred Peter. 790 Maplewood Ave., Chicago, 111., 307 '77 Falls, Ida Belle, 806 So. 6th St., Champaign, 111., 30 '87 Fargusson. Mark, 35 Wall St., New York, N. Y., 100 '02 Farrin, James Moore, 361 E. 64th St., Chicago, 111., 307 '02 Farrin, William Otis, Pulaski, 111., 307 '75 *Faulkner. James, 16 ' 7 7 Faulkner, Richard Douglas, 8th St. , near Harrison, San Francisco, Cal. , 30 '95 Fellheimer, Alfred, 5 East 42d St., New York. N. Y.. 171 "01 Fellingham. Clark Hughes. Verona. 111.. 279 '83 Fellows. Clara Belle (Dav). 533 14th Ave., N. Seattle, Wash., 70 '05 JiFelmlev, David, XormaL 111.. 466 646 University of Illinois '94 Ferris, Hiram Burns, P. O. Box. 1848, Spokane, Wash., 157 '95 Ferris, Joel Edward, 1367 Union Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 171 '87 Fink, Bruce, Iowa College, Grinnell, la., 100 '91 Fischer, Lawrence, Oregon, 111., 127 '98 Fischer, Louis Engelmann, Danville, 111., 218 '01 Fishback, Mason McCloud, Pasadena, Calif., 279 '03 Fisher, Clara Edna, 7 58 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 337 '90 Fisher, John Franklin, 701 N. Gilbert St., Danville, 111., 120 '00 Fisher, John William, Carlvle, 111., 251 '03 Fiske, Clarence Wilson, 611 20th St., MoHne, 111., 337 '72 *Flagg, Alfred Murray, 1 '04 Flagg, Samuel Barry, Alton, 111., 371 '99 Fleager, Clarence Earle, 1614 E. Harrison St., Seattle, Wash., 233 '04 Fleming, Clarence Earl, Y. M. C. A. House, Bloomington, 111., 371 '05 Fleming, Rose Eilene, Bement, 111., 414 '05 Fleming, Virgil R., 712 E. 47th St., Chicago, 111., 414 '99 Flesch, Eugene William, Penn 4102 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., 233 '04 Fletcher, Cari Joshua, 505 E. 19th St., Indianapolis, Ind., 372 '99 Fletcher, Marcus Samuel, Georgetown, 111., 233 '99 Foberg, John Albert, 653 Otto St., Chicago, 111., 233 '88 *Folger, Adolphus D., 106 '96 Folger, Rachel Ellen (Rhumphrey), Loree, Ind., 184 '94 Foote, Ferdinand John, care of Amer. Oak. Leather Co., Cincinnati, 0.,1 5 7 '96 Forbes, Bertha Van Hoesen, 1209 Springfield Ave., Urbana, 111., 184 '97 Forbes, Ernest Browning, 819 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo., 199 '03 Forbes, Ethel Clara Schumann, Vermilion, S. Dak., 338 '05 Forbes, Mabel Frances, Lake Villa, 111., 414 '03 Forbes, Marjorie Douglas, 912 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 338 '92 Forbes, Robert Humphrey, Tucson, Ariz., 135 'OS /jForbes, Stephen Alfred, Urbana, 111., 466 '98 Forbes, Stuart Falconer. Hotel Cadillac, Spokane, Wash., 218 '05 Ford, Ernest Jason, West Side Hospital, Chicago, 111., 414 '81 Forsyth, James W., Gilroy, Santa Clara Co., Calif., 56 '94 Foster, Alfred B., 395 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, 111., 157 '04 Foster, Caroline Catherine, 226 Oakland Ave., Pittsburg, Penn., 372 '74 Foster, Charles William, 607 W. Healey St., Champaign, 111., 11 '00 Foster, WilHam Grant, 1200 Steinway Hall, Chicago, 111., 251 '92 Foster, Winslow Howard, 9238 Pleasant Ave., Chicago, 111., 135 '92 Foster, Zebulon, 512 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111., 135 '05 Fountain, Sampson James, 607 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex., '98 Fox, Fred Gates, 909 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111., 218 [414 '00 Fox, Harry Bert, 909 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111., 251 '99 Fowler, Robert Lambert, 62 J St., Salt Lake City, Utah, 233 '91 Frahm, Hans, Tuscola, 111., 127 '01 Frahm, Hattie Belle (Fornof), Streator, 111., 279 '05 Francewav, Margaret, Granville, 111., 415 '00 Francis, Frank D., 506 Wells St., Chicago, 111., 251 '78 Francis, Fred, R. F. D. No. 5, Kewawnee, 111., 38 '02 Francis, Oscar Jefferson, 36 E. 20th St., New York, N. Y., 307 '04 Frankenberg, Pearl, R. R. No. 7, Urbana, 111., 372 '04 Franklin, Dean, Macomb, 111., 372 '03 Franklin, Lois Gertrude, 123 Waupansie St., Dwight, 111., 338 '01 Franks, Charles Wilber, Romblon, P. I., 279 '99 Eraser, William Gordon, Majavo, Calif., 234 '93 Eraser, Wilber John, 1003 S. Wright St., Champaign, 111., 145 '98 Frazey, Alice Belle, 1307 W. Mam St., Urbana, 111., 218 '01 Frazey, Nellie Mav (Vines), Bement, 111., 279 '02 Frazier, James Wi'lliam, Jr., Bushton, 111., 307 '88 Frederick, Grant, 1301 E. Washington St., Bloomington ,111., 106 '94 Frederickson, George, Box 485, Oklahoma City, Okla., 158 Index to Alumni 647 '91 Frederickson. John Henrv, Hibernian Bldg., Xew Orleans, La., 127 '00 Freeman, (Dr.) Harry Eben, Millington, 111.. 251 [Md., 307 '02 Freese, John Andrew, care of Johns Hopkins Med. School, Baltimore, '79 Feriis. Charles Theodore, 32-3 Central Trust Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind., '04 French, Burton, 125 So. CaHfomia Ave., Chicago, 111., 372 [44 '03 French, Maurice Dean, Danville, 111., 338 '91 French. Ransford Morton, 40 Eldorado Place, Sta. 1, Hoboken, N. J., '01 Frost, Frank G.. Three Rivers. Mich., 279 [127 '94 Frye. Theodore Christian, Univ. Station, Seattle, Wash., 158 '01 Fucik, Edward James, 813 Sawver Ave., Chicago, 111., 280 '98 Fullenwider.ArthurEdwin,2504'X.XewJersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. 218 '02 Fullenwider, Thomas Irvvin, care of Springfield Bridge & Iron Co., Springfield. 111., 308 '02 Fuller. Irwin Lee. 415-19 Woolner Bldg.. Peoria, 111., 308 '02 Fullerton, Hugh Regnier, 612-20 Hammond Bldg., Detroit, Mich., 308 "86 Fulton, Tames B., 637 Boston Ave., San Diego, Calif.. 94 '02 Fulton, Robert Bruce, 506 X. Jefferson St., Hartford Citv, Ind., 308 '98 Fulton, William John, Syca-rore. 111.. 218 '92 Funston, Edmund Bailev, 501 Robinson Bldg.. Racine. Wis., 136 "95 Funston, Jesse Grant, 119 X. 8th St., St. Joseph, Mo., 171 '04 Fursman. William Hiram, 1237 Ainslie Ave., Chicago. 111.. 372 '05 Fyfe, Isabella, 821 Lake Blvd.. St. Joseph. Mich.. 415 '78 Gaflfner. Theophilus, Trenton. 111.. 38 '03 Gage. Ralph Hawes. 1335 Sheridan Road. Chicago. 111., 338 '05 Gallaher, George Puffer, Lostant. 111. 415 '02 *Gallaher, Lewis Theron. 308 '97 Garber, John Frederick. Yeatman High School, St. Louis, Mo., 199 '03 Garden. Henrv Riehl. (1904) 10 Fair Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind., 338 '91 Gardner, Frank Duane, 3548 10th St., X. W., Washington, D. C, 128 '83 Gardner, Jessie, Elmhurst. E. Walnut Hill. Cincinnati, O., 70 '96 Gamett, Charles Hunter, Carthage, 111., 184 '04 Gamett, Logan, Plvmouth, 111., 372 '01 Gamett, Grace Ann, Plvrtiouth, Hancock Co., 111., 280 '86 Garrett, H., Ashton, 111., 95 '02 Garrett, Richard Pratt, 4741 Ave., Chicago, 111.. 308 '99 Garver, Daisv (Baum), Hibemian Bank Bldg., Xew Orleans, La., 234 '03 Gar^-er, Willia Kathervn, 805 E. Front St., Bloomington, 111., 338 '86 Gar\'in, John Brewer, 4531 Grove St.. Denver, Colo.. 95 '05 Garwood. Frank Sanders. Stonington, 111.. 415 '05 Gar^vood, Herman E.. Stonington. 111., 415 '05 Garwood, Janet, Augusta, 111., 415 '04 Gaston, Xewton, David, 2008 6th Ave., Moline, 111.. 373 '03 Gaston, Ralph Mayo, 10813 Annida Ave., Morgan Park, 111., 339 '83 Gates, Alphonso Samuel, Spearfish, City, S. Dak., 70 '92 Gates, Andrew Wallace, Monmouth, 111'., 136 '94 Gaut, Robert Eugene, 6415 Minerva Ave., Chicago, 111., 158 '03 Gavin, John Francis, 4249 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., 339 '87 Gavman, Angelina (Weston), 601 Daniel St., Champaign, 111., 100 '97 Gavman, Bert A., 5425 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III, 200 '02, Mvrtle (Schott). Trov, 111., 309 '96 Gazzolo, Frank Henrv Serafina, 95 Astor St., Chicago, 111., 184 '97 Gearhart, Or\-al. Lee.' Cham.paign. 111., 200 '02 Geiger, Mabel Louise, 1120 Perry Ave., Peoria. 111., 309 '74 Gennadius. Panagiottis. Xicosia. Cyprus. 11 '04 George. LilHan Mabelle. 11 Cedar Court. Am.esburv, Mass., 373 '99 Gerber. Winfred Dean. Enid. Okla.. 234 '05 Gibbs, Charles Henrv, 717 Clinton St., Ottawa, 111., 415 '04 Gibbs, Charlotte Mitchell. 404 E. John St., Champaign, 111.. 373 '00 Gibbs, George, Jr., Wareham. Mass., 252 648 University of Illinois '02 Gibbs, Laura Russell, 26 Shepard St., Cambridge, Mass., 309 [145 '93 Gibbs, William David, N. H. Coll. of Agr. & Mech. Arts, Durham, N. H., '77 Gibson, Charles Brockway, 620 Fullerton Blvd., Chicago, 111., 30 '91 Gibson, Charles G., 512 Fourth St., Sioux City, la., 128 '87 Gilbert, Franklin Marion, 610 Grand Cent. Sta., New York, N. Y., 100 '05 Gilbert, John Philo, 1204 Stoughton St., Urbana, 111., 416 '99 Gilchrist, Hugh McWhurr, Gilchrist, 111., 234 '02 Gilkerson, Aletha, 304 Honore St., Chicago, 111., 309 '03 Gilkerson, Frances Emeline, 1105 California Ave., Urbana, 111., 339 '77 Gilkerson, Hiram, 1005 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111., 30 '77 Gilkerson, John, 402 Fulton St., Chicago, 111., 30 '05 Gilkerson, Thomas John, Long Beach, Calif., 416 '76 Gill, John David, 26 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111., 23 '87 Gill, Rudolph Zerse 932 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 101 '02 Gillespie, Belle Irene, 741 N. Randolph St., Champaign, 111., 309 '04 Gillespie, Louella Ida, 741 N. Randolph St., Champaign, 111., 373 '04 Gillham, Philip Dakin, 925 Frisco Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., 373 '90 Gilliland, William Meyers, Quincy Mining Co., Hancock, Mich., 120 '05 Gilmour, Joseph Coleman, Biggsville 111., 416 '04 Ginsel, Carl Louis, 2707 Norwood Ave., Sta. H, Cincinnati, O., 374 '05 Ginesl, Leo Arthur, 2707 Norwood Ave., Sta. H, Cincinnati, O., 416 '04 Glassco, Paul Bond, Charleston, 111., 374 '01 Gleason, Henrv Allen, 511 E. John St., Champaign, 111., 280 '00 Glenn, Leslie Leland, 207 E. Green St., Champaign, 111., 252 '00 Glenn, Otis Ferguson, Murphvsboro, 111., 252 '04 Glick, Hyman Richard, 97 De Kalb St., Chicago, 111., 374 '03 gGoble, Roxana, Westfield, 111., 454 '05 Godeke, Harry Fred, 106 S. Romine St., Urbana, 111., 416 '02 Goff, Mary Emma, care of High School, Rantoul, 111., 309 '83 Going, Judson Freeman, 221 Fremont St., Chicago, 111., 70 '03 Gold, Katharine Eaton, 214 Ryerson St., Brooklyn, N. Y., 339 '88 Goldschmidt, Alfred Gustave, 503 W. 9th St., Davenport, la., 107 '87 Goldschmidt, Edward William, 187 Inwood Ave., Upper Montclair, N. [J., 101 '94 Goldschmidt, Otto Emil, 2 Montclair View PI., Montclair, N. J., 158 '83 Goltra, William Francis, 375 Amesbury Ave., Cleveland, O., 71 '03 Goodale, Grace, 3004 Stanton Ave. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O., 339 '88 Goodel, Nathan Phillips, Loda, 111., 107 '00 gGoodenough, George Alfred, 607 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111., 450 '98 Goodridge, Henry Anthony, 149 S. Evans St., Denver, Colo., 219 ^05 Goodspeed, Wilbur Fisk, Tuscola, 111., 416 '87 Goodwin, Philip Albert, Albany, Ore, 101 '01 Gordon, Joseph Hinckley, Vandalia, 111., 280 '05 Gore, Adolph, Atwood, 111., 416 '76 Gore, Sim.eon Thomas, Weston, Umatilla Co., Ore., 23 '04 Gorham, Josiah, 2608 Harney, St., Omaha, Neb., 374 '02 Goss, Edna Lucy, State Lib. of Nat'l Hist., Urbana, 111., 309 '04 /zGoss, William Freeman Myrick, 811 Columbia St., Lafayette, Ind., 461 '01 Graber, Howard Tyler, 706 E. Congress St., Detroit, Mich., 280 '05 Grafius, Margaret Elizabeth, 1646 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111., 417 '02 Graham, Archie James, 6857 S. Halsted St., Chicago, 111., 310 '73 Graham, (Rev.) Charles Peyton, Alshand, Kas., Box 61, 6 '00 Graham, Hugh Joseph, 934 S. Second St., Springfield, 111., 252 '05 Graham, James John, 413 South 7th St., Springfield, 111., 417 '93 Graham, Louis Thomas, Pittsfield, 111., 146 '93 Graham, William Johnson, Aledo, 111., 146 '04 Gramesley, Margaret Amidon, Charleston, 111., 374 '02 Graves, Marjorie, Pub Lib., Oskaloosa, la., 310 '04 Gray, Bartlett Stephen, Charleston, III., 374 '05 gGray, Daniel Thomas, 456 Index to Alumni 649 '83 Grav, Xelson, Allison, Chatsworth, Calif.. 71 '00 Gray, Robert, Lily Lake. 111., 252 '88 Greaves. George. careofDecaturCar Wheel Works, Birmingham, Ala. ,107 '04 Green, Clela Genevieve, Ivesdale, 111., 374 '03 Green, Charles Henry, Sterling, 111., ^3^) '03 Green, Clarence, Urbana, 111., 340 yi Green, Frances Myrtle (Hoagland), Mode, 111., 281 '96 Green, Frank Hopkins, Eureka, Calif., 185 '96 Green, Herbert John, 839 Shenvin Ave., Rogers Park. Chicago, 111., 185 '95 Green, James Albert, 309 E. White St., Champaign, 111., 171 '95 Green, Marianna (Steele), 2024 Douglas St., Sioux City, la.. 171 ^91 Green, (Dr.) Thomas Stephen, 245 E. 43d St., Chicago. 111.. 128 '01 Greene, Charles Thomas, care of Evening Press, Minneapolis, Minn., 281 '04 Greene, Elizabeth Grosvenor, 1011 Wright St., Champaign, 111., 375 '05 Greene, Hibbard Spencer, Downers Grove, 111.. 417 '04 *Greene, Mabel. 375 '02 Greenman, Edwin Gardner. 1611 Waverly Ave., Cincinnati. Ohio, 310 '05 Greenwood, Harris Paul, 42 Market St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. 417 [78 Gregory, Alfred, Water Works Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo.. 38 '76 Gregorv. Charles Edwin. Dickinson, N. Dak., 23 '87 Gregory, Grant. 1733 74th St.. Brooklyn. N. Y.. 101 '77 Gregory, Helen Barber, care of French Lemon & Co., Rome. Italy, '92 /zGregorv, Mrs. Louise C. Allen, London, England, 458 '75 Gridley, George Newton, 119 Park Place, Oak Park, 111., 16 '01 Gridlev, Harrv Norman, Virginia. 111., 281 '99 Griffin, Walter Burlev, 1200 Steinwav Hall, Chicago, 111., 234 '99 Grim, Fred, 326 W. 65th St.. Chicago, 111.. 234 [200 '97 Grimes, George Lyman, Detroit Stoker & Foundrv Co., Detroit, Mich., '88 Grindley, Harry Sands, 918 W^ Green St., Urbana, 111., 107 '01 Griswold, Augustus Harold, care of Eng. Dept. Pacific States Tel. & [Telgr. Co., San Francisco, Calif., 281 '01 Griswold, Lewis, Edwin, Blue Mound, 111., 281 '00 Grossberg, Harrv Altman, 1617 Central Kansas City, Mo., 252 '03 Grove, Rollo Burdette. Hillvard, Spokane, Wash.. 340 '80 Groves, Charles Weslev, Marengo, 111., 49 '97 Gulick, Clvde Dennv, '108 S. Race St., Urbana, 111., 200 '92 Guliek, (Rev.) Edw'ard Everett, R. F. D. No. 40, Mahomet, 111.. 136 '93 Gulick, Frank M.. 1063 Monroe St., Memphis, Tenn., 146 '92 Gulick, Joseph Piper. 508 S. Elm St.. Champaign, 111., 136 '79 Gunder, James H., (1904) Forest Citv, Ark.. 44 '92 Gunn, Charles Alexander, 7414 Race'St., Pittsburg, Penn., 137 '00 Gunthorp, Pauline, care of Lib. Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O., 252 '05 Gustafson, John Christopher, 6947 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, 111., 417 '04 Gutmann, Ludwig, 5228 Kensington Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 375 '30 Habermeyer, George C, 474 Addison St., Elgin, 111., 340 '05 Hadden, Samuel Cornelius, Agr'l College. Mazon. 111.. 417 '04 Hadfield, Frank Stanlev. 119 Park Ave.. De Kalb, 111., 375 '97 Hadsall, Harrv Hugh, 6406 Greenwood Ave.. Chicago, 111., 200 '80 Hafner, Christian Fred. 409 Chicago Ave., Oak Park. 111., 49 '02 Hagedom, Carl Frederick, 717 St. Clair Ave., E. St. Louis, 111., 310 '03 Hagev, Emma Joanna, 610 Kansas Citv Life Bldg., Kansas Citv, Mo., '03 Haiglit, Samuel John, Jr., R. F. D. No.'42. Earlville, 111., 340 [340 '98 Hair, Charles Ernest, lola, Kas., 219 '05 Hale, Arthur Aldrich, Chicago, 111.. 417 '79 Hale. Isabella, (1904) 1714 E. Ravenswood Park. Chicago, 111., 44 '01 Hall, Arthur Ravmond, 134-15 Daniel Bldg., Danville, 111.. 281 '00 Hall, EHzabeth twining. Downs. 111., 253 '95 Hall, Emerv Stanford. 1483 W. Monroe St.. Chicago. 111.. 171 '92 Hall. Fred Augustus. North Yakima. Wash., R. F. D. No. 4. 137 650 University of Illinois '98 Hall, Frederick Silvey, 915 Missouri Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., 219 '00 Hall, John Calvin, Whiting, Ind., 253 '99 Hall, Louis Dixon, care of Coll. of Agr'l, Urbana, 111., 235 '84 Hall, Lucy Alzira (Parr), 919 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 78 '94 Hallinen, Joseph Edward, Cooperstown, Okla., 158 '01 Hammers, Edna Rose (Ray) 418 Webster Ave., Scranton, Penn., 282 '01 Hammers, Jesse, Independence, la., 282 '05 Hamm.ers, Lilian, 609 W. White St., Champaign, 111., 418 '98 Hamm.ers, Morgan J., Warren, Penn., 219 '81 Hammett, Frank Watson, 16 Caion St., Red Lands, Calif., 56 '81 Hammett, Virginia Mann (Talbot), 101 1 Cahfornia Ave., Urbana, 111., 56 '02 Hanna, Max Ross, care of Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 310 '00 Hannan. John Edward, 2358 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., 2 53 '05 Hannum, Myrtle Neta, 451 S. Water St., Decatur, 111., 418 '00 Hanson, Rachelle Margaret (Gurley), Walcott, N. Y., 253 '90 Hanssen, Gustav Adolph, Davenport, la., 120 '05 Hanstein, Carl Menelaus, 361 Mohawk St., Chicago, 111., 418 '80 *Harden, Edgar Eugene, 49 '05 Hardy, Guv Byron, 790 N. Broad St., Galesburg, 111., 418 '01 Harker, George Mifflin, Carbodale, 111., 282 '00 Harker, Oliver Albert, Jr., Carbondale, 111., 2 53 '02 Harman, John, 412 E. Green St., Champaign, 111., 310 '04 Harmon, Ira Chase, 1636 W. End Ave., Chicago Heights, 111., 375 '95 Harms, Armin, care of Mammoth Copper Mining Co., Kennett, Calif., '05 Harney, John Matthew, Wabash, Ind., 418 [172 '05 Harper, Edith EHzabeth, 906 California Ave., Urbana, 111., 418 '02 gHarper, Merritt, Ithaca, N. Y., 453 '02 Harris, Chester Ellis, care Coll. of P. & S. U., U. of I., Chicago, 111., 311 '86 Harris, James Waldo, Charlevoix, Mich., 95 '91 Harris, Jav Tarvin, 21 E. First South St., Salt Lake City, Utah, 128 '02 Harris, Thomas Luther, 468 W. Goodale St., Columbus, Ohio, 311 '01 Harrison, Dale Stuart, San Augustine, Texas, 282 [64 '82 Harrison, Samuel Alexander, Room 51, 99 Randolph St., Chicago, 111., '02 Harshman, Lucius Romaine, Sullivan, 111., 311 '92 Hart, Ralph Warner, 805 Mills Bldg., San Francisco, Calif., 137 [340 '03 Hartline, Eugene, 610 Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. '01 Hartrick, Guy Russell, Carlsbad, N. Mex.^ or Urbana, 111., 282 '01 Hartrick, Louis Eugene, Wellston, Okla., 282 [253 '00 Hartrick, Nancy Emma (Webster), 796 G. St., San Bernardino, Calif., '00 Harts, David Hassleton, Jr., Lincoln, 111., 254 '91 Harvey, Alfred Ernest, Dubuque, la., 129 [137 '92 Harvev, Yv' alter Clarence, Apartment 23, The Virginia, St. Paul, Minn., '96 *Haskeil, Howard Hall, 185 '00 Hasson, Harry, care of Arniour Fertilizer Works, Jacksonville, Fla., 254 '80 Hatch, Frank Wait, Richmond, McHenry Co., 111., 49 '73 Hatch, Frederic Lewis, Spring Grove, 111., 6 '72 Hatch, Miles Fayette, Burton, Wash., 2 '98 Hatch, Thomas Milford, 362 Forest Ave., Detroit, Mich., 219 '78 Hauser, Henry, 231 Germ.ain Blk., Los Angeles, CaHf., 39 '03 Hauter, Andrew Edgar, 504 N. Court St., Rockford, 111., 340 '97 Havard, Oliver David, 494 Broadway, New York, 201 '83 Haven, Dwight Craig, 408 Richards St., Joliet, 111., 71 '00 Haven, Georgetta, Public Library, Avondale, Ohio, 254 '04 Haviland, Altha, Hum.boldt, Iowa, 375 '04 Hawes, Charles Wesley, Jr.. Plainfield, N. J., 376 '03 Hawlev, Edna May, 1341 Farwell Ave., Chicago, 111., 341 '00 Hawley, William Albert, Room 14, Pennsylvania Sta., Richmond, Ind., '04 Hawthorne, EHzabeth Lena, La Place, IlL, 376 [254 '91 Hay, Walter Morris, Sycamore, 111., 129 '00 Haves, Zelia Bemice, Rankin. 111., 254 Index to Alumni 651 '03 Havhurst, Emerv Roe, 514 South 8th Ave., Mavwood, 111., 341 '01 Hays, Carl, 609 Coleman Bldg., Seattle, Wash., '283 '73 Havs, Charles Irving, care of North Side High School, Denver, Colo., 6 '98 Havs, Don, care of H. B. Turner. Raton, N. Mex., 220 '03 HaWard, Mabel, 5418 Washington Ave., Chicago, 111.. 341 '05 Ha^^vard, Mabel Strickland. Ottawa, 111., 418 j90 Hazelton, Hugh, 409 W. 145th St., New York, N. Y., 120 '05 Hazen, Howard Spencer, Jr., 154 Newburv St., Boston, Mass., 419 ;00 Headen, Thomas Moulton, 1112, 135 Adams St., Chicago, 111., 254 '83 Healey, Grace (Smith), 2018 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., 71 '01 Heath, Lawrence Sevmour, Edinburg, 111., 283 '03 Heath, Lillian, White Heath, 111., 341 "83 Heath, William Ames, Res. 1808 Chicago Ave.. Evanston, 111., 71 '00 Hayes. Zelia Bernice. Rankin, 111., 254 '94 Heideman, George Herman, 1207 Vistula Ave., So. Bend, Ind., 158 '02 Heinzelman. Jacob Harold, 220 N. Institute Place, Peoria, 111., 311 '91 Heller, Opal Beatrice, 2131 West Wash St., Phoenix, Ariz., 129 '95 Hempel, Adolph, Caxia No. 7, Campinas, Sao Paulo. Brazil, S. A., 172 '02 Henderson, Alexander, 1348 W. 87th St., Chicago, 111., 311 '03 Henderson, Mary (Fletcher), 505 E. 19th St., IndianapoHs, Ind., 341 '73 Hennesey. Augustus L., 7124 Eggleston Ave.. Chicago, 111., 6 '04 Henrv, Smith Tompkins, Jr., care of Engineering Record, Chicago, 111., '04 /zHenry, Wilham A., Univ 'Farm, Madison, Wis., 462 [376 '87 Henson, Charles Weber, 4826 Evans Ave., Hyde Park Sta., Chicago, "84 Herdman, Frank Elmer, Winnetka, 111., 79 ' [101 '92 Herrick, Lott Russell, Farmer City, 111., 138 '03 Herrick. Lvle George, Farmer City. 111., 342 '99 HerAvig, John Newton, Mason Citv, 111., 235 '04 Hess, Mrs. Gertrude Fox, 983 N. High St.. Columbus, Ohio, 376 '03 Hetherington, Benjamin, La Salle, 111., 342 '04 Hewerdine, Thomas Sloane, Fisher, 111., 376 '83 Hewes, George Cavender, Gonda Oudh, India, 72 '04 Hewitt, Nellie Goodwin, 1116 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., 376 '01 Hicks, Byron Wallace, Warren. 111., 283 '85 Hicks, George Leroy, Gaza, Iowa, 86 '93 Higgins, Albert Grant, Victor, Colo., 146 '03 Higgins. Charles Huntington, La Junta, Col., 342 [Y., 311 '02 Higgins. Frances Whitson, care of Carborandum Co., Niagara Falls. N. '02 Higgins, Samuel Chase, 7721 Lowe Ave.. Chicago, 111., 311 '05 Higinbotham, Pearl, Kipp Flatt, E. Eldorado St., Decatur, 111., 419 '05 Hildebrandt, Theophil Henry, Carpentersville, 111., 419 '95 Hiles, Elmer Kirkpatrick, care of Westinghouse Machine Co., E. Pitts- [burg, Penn., 172 '92 Hill, Agnes Gale, care of Y. W. C. A., Bombav, India, 138 '84 Hill. Cora Jane, 2113 Rose St., Berkeley, Calif., 79 '73 *Hill, Edgar Louis, 6 '81 Hill, Fred Lehman, Highland Park, 111., 56 '05 HilK Ida Mvrtle, 311 W. Springfield, Ave., Champaign, 111., 419 '99 Hill, I rwvn' Horatio, Washington Bldg., Tacoma, Wash., 235 '81 Hill, Thomas Crawford, 200 W. 113th Place, Chicago, 111.. 56 ■04 Hilliard. Frank Wvman, 80 Park St., Lynn, Mass., 377 "05 Hillman, Frank W'illiam^s, 1318 E. 70th 'Place, Chicago. 111., 419 '04 Hilts, Roy Wilson, care of Armour & Co., Chem. Lab., Union Stock [Yards, Chicago, 111., 377 "96 Hindman, John, 885 Osgood St.. Chicago. 111.. 185 '00 Hines, Edward George. 634 46th Place, Chicago, 111., 254 '01 Hinkle, Ida Mav, 1007 So. Wright St., Champaign, 111., 283 "05 Hinman, GHdden, Dundee, 111., 419 '02 Hinshaw, George Jacob, Ottumwa, la., 312 '05 Hittson, Charles Henry, Memphis, Tex., 419 652 University of Illinois '95 Hoag, Parker Hale, 3210 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111., 172 '99 Hoagland, John King, Mode, 111., 235 '97 Hobart, Albert Claude, 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y., 201 '01 Hobble, Arthur Casson, Sivasamudramysore, So. India, 283 '91 Hobbs, Glen Moody, care of Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111., 129 '03 Hoff, Edna Du Bois, 2414 Ash St., Chicago Heights, 111., 342 '79 Hoit, Otis WilHs, Geneseo, 111., 44 '00 Holabird, Robert Grant, 2319 Harrison St., Evanston, 111., 255 '94 Holbrook, Frederick Samuel, 6334 Yale Ave., Englewood Sta., Chicago, '04 Holch, Frederick Leidy, Gilman, 111., 377 [111., 159 '04 Holcomb, Clarence Eugene, 377 '04 Holcomb, Timothy Osmond, Jr., Montclair, Colo., 377 '03 Holder, Vernon Milner, 49 Wall St., New York, N. Y., 342 '04 Holderman, Harriet, Morris, 111., 377 '03 Holderman, Marjorie Campbell, 804 California Ave., Urbana, 111., 342 '05 /zHolgate, Thomas Franklin, 617 Library St., Evanston, 111., 468 '01 Holmes, Frank Hamilton, 164 Masten St., Dallas, Tex., 284 '94 Holston, Beniamin Baldwin, Nashville, 111., 159 '76 Holton, Martha Gray (Krebs), 3029 Groveland Ave., Chicago. 111., 23 '95 Holtzman, Stephen Ford, 11 E. 24th St., New York, N. Y., 172 |96 Honens, Frederick William, 507 Fifth Ave., Sterling, 111., 185 '73 Hook, Sam.uel Houston, California, 7 '04 Hopkins, Edna, 223 Langland St., Cincinnati, Ohio, 377 '01 Hopkins, Mabel (Hubbard), 1409 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111., 284 '85 Hopper, Charles, 5850 So. Park Ave., Chicago, 111., 86 '98 Hopper, Georgia Etherton, 523 E. 43d St., Chicago, 111., 220 '01 Hoppin, Charles Albert, 14 Morningside Ave., New York, N. Y., 284 '97 Horn, Carl John, Stettiner Block, Logansport, Ind., 201 '01 Horner, Harlan Hoyt, State Education Dept., Albany, New York, 284 '04 Horr, Ray Leekley, 232 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111., 378 '94 Hottes, Charles Frederick, 915 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111., 159 '96 Hottes, Henry Gustav, PaHsades, Colo., 185 '05 Houchens, Josie Batchelor care of F. U. Smith, New Orlean, La., 420 '93 House, Leone Pearl, Sadorus, 111., 220 '01 Housel, Oscar Lloyd, 39 Seaton Place, N. W., Washington, D. C, 284 '01 Howard, Clara EHzabeth (Boyd), Carnegie Lib., Pittsburg, Pa., 285 '01 Howard, Joseph, Ft. Collins, Colo., 285 '91 Howarth, Thomas James, Chester, 111., 130 '02 Howe, Harriett Enima, 1205 Stoughton St., Urbana, 111., 312 '04 Howe, Ralph Barnard, 1004 So. Mathews Ave., Urbana, 111., 378 '04 Howell, Clarissa Loviise, 122 N. Capital St., Iowa City, la., 378 '05 Howell, Cleves Harrison, 605 Grand Ave., Keokuk, la., 420 '97 Howison, Charles, Sandwich, 111., 201 '96 Hubbard; George David, 1235 Harrison Ave., Columbus, Ohio, 186 '99 Hubbard, George Wallace, 1409 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111., 235 '86 Hubbard, Harrv Thomas, 701 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 95 '93 Hucke, Philip Matthias, Room 305 Mermod & Jaccard Bldg., St. Louis, '83 Huev, Joseph DarAvin, Halleck, San Bernardino, Co., Calif., 72 [Mo., 146 '86 *Huff, Bertie (Philbrick), 95 '00 Hughes, Clarence Wilbert, Mattoon, 111., 255 '97 Hughes, Frank Alexis, Apartado Postal, No. 101, Monterrev, Mex., 201 '02 Hughes, Samuel Kelso, Champaign, 111., 312 |99 Hughston, AHce Dellena (Enochs), 900 Vine St., La Corsse, Wis., 236 '02 Hulce, Jennie /Vlice, care of John Crerar Lib., Chicago, 111., 312 '75 Hullinger, Kate (Sterling), Poulsbo, Wash., 16 '05 Humphrey, Guess, Clifton, Kas., 420 '01 Humphrev, Wallace George, Hamilton, 111., 285 |02 Hunter, Charles Phelps, Newton, la., 312 '93 Hunt, Edward Everett, 26 Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn., '95 Hunt, Ernest Alexander, Melbourne, la., 172 [147 Index to Alumni 653 '04 Hunt, George Warren, Granville, 111., 378 '04 Hunt, Mabel Dorothy, 501 W. High St., Urbana, 111., 378 '84 Hunt, Thomas Forsvth, 3 7 East Ave., Ithaca, N. Y., 79 '01 Hunter, Harry Edgar, 1220 2d Ave., Cedar Rapids, la., 285 '03 Huntington, Ellen Alden, 26 Charter Oak Place, Hartford, Conn.. 342 '05 Huntoon, Harry Alexander, 825 5th Avenue, Moline, 111., 420 '05 Huntoon, John'Samuels, 825 5th Ave., Moline, 111., 420 '98 Hurd, Arthur Burton, care of Amer. Car & Foundrv Co., Bellevue, Pa., '01 Hurlbert, Flora Dorothv. Hudson, Wis., 285 ' [220 '96 Huston, Fred Thales, Clinton, Okla., 186 '80 Hyde, Beniamin, 1548 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111., 50 '03 Hyde, Sophie, 173 Lake View Ave., Chicago, 111., 343 '97 Ice, Marinda (Middleton), 1459 N. Mains St., Decatur, 111., 205 '97 Ice, Mel Dora, Hotel Palmerston, Spokane, Wash., 201 '01 Iddings, Daisy Deane, 814 N. Main St., Bloomington, 111., 285 '03 Ingersoll, Frank Bruce, Deadwood, S. Dak., 343 '02 Ingham, Leonard Ward, Clinton, 111., 312 '03 Inks, Frank Emerson, 164 Washington, Freeport, 111., 343 '03 Ireland, Washington Parker. 6341 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. 111., 343 '00 Jackman, Ida Louise (Dougherty), Box 154, Fairhope, Ala., 255 '04 Jackson, Charlotte Mav, Bryn Mawr Lib., Brvn Mawr, Penn., 378 '03 Jackson, Fannv Rebecca, 802 W. Illinois St.,' Urbana, 111., 343 '05 Jacobs, Manuel Joseph, 291 Division St., Chicago, 111., 420 '84 *Jacobson, Jacob Stone, 96 '00 Jahr, Torstein Knutson Tortensen, care of Lib. of Congress, Washington, '99, (Rev.) Frederick Milton, Thebes, 111., 236 [D. C, 255 '02 James, Harold Demming, Amboy, 111., 313 '94 Jansen, Dietrich Herman, Pekin, 111., 159 '04 Janssen, Otto, 532 Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif., 379 '86 Jaques, Minnie, 207 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111.. 96 '03 Jarman, Henry Phelps, Nunda, 111., 343 '05 Jarrett, Lewis. 508^ E. Adams St., Springfield. 111.. 420 '94 Jasper, Thomas, Quincy. 111.. 159 '74 Jeffers, Charles Perry, 164 Humphrey St., Swampscott, Mass.,11 '03 Jennings, Anna Vivian, Kearnev, Neb., 344 '88 Jilson. Nellie Wainwright. 315 S.' Highland Ave., E. E., Pittsburg, Penn., '97 Jobst, George J., Peoria, 111., 202 ]108 '94 Johannsen. Albert, 2917 Thirteenth St., N. W.. Washington, D. C, 160 '94 Johannsen, Oskar Augustus, 919 E. State St.. Ithaca, N. Y., 160 '87 John, Edward Spencer. East River Road. Davenport. la., 101 '03 Johnson, Albert Myron, 6201 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. 111.. 334 '00 Johnson, Charles Sunderland, 1525 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111., 255 '03 Johnson, Frederick Dawson, 1400 Hollins St., Baltimore, Md., 344 '02 Johnson, Fred Vollentine, 718 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 313 '93 Johnson, Harriette Augusta, 1132 First Ave., Rock Island, 111., 147 '01 Johnson, James Edward, 4 Main St., Danville, 111., 285 '02 Johnson, John Peter, 5720 Madison Ave., Chicago. 111.. 313 '96 Johnson, Lewis Williams, Danville, 111., 186 '79 Johnson, William Pitt, 208 Pine St.. South. Lansing. Mich., 45 '00 Johnston, Arthur Russell, 217 Hunter Ave.. Joliet. 111., 255 '05 Johnstone. Guv Cariyle. R. F. D. No. 5, Bloomington, 111., 420 "01 Jones, Albert Edward, Lena, 111., 285 '85 Jones, (Spence), 55 Hoffman Place, Columbus. O., 86 '01 Jones, Fanny Ella, Morris, 111., 286 '02 Jones, Guy Raymond, Tuscola, 111.. 313 '02 Jones. Henrv Leonard. Bumham Block. Champaign. 111., 313 '91 Jones, Isabel Eliza, 302 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 130 '02 Jones, J. Claude, 708 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111., 313 654 University of Illinois '04 Jones, John William, Seattle, Wash., 379 '99 Jones, Louise (Adsit). 502 W. Grove St., Pontiac, 111., 236 '04 Tones, Lucile, 170 Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, 111., 379 '91 Jones, Mabel, 302 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 130 '80 *Jones, Robert Davis, 50 '02 Jones, Warren, Elbum, Kane Co., 111., 313 '00 Jordan, George Thomas, R. F. D. 66, Savoy, 111., 256 '98 Jordan, Helen, Savov, 111., 220 '95 Tunkersfield, Peter, 320 So. Prairie Ave., Austin Sta., Chicago. 111., 173 '99 Jutton, Emma Reed, 501 Chalmers St., Champaign, 111., 236 '02 Jutton, Lee, 114 Kenilworth Ave., Oak Park, 111., 314 '02 Kable, Charles Howard, 665 Worcester Blk., Portland Ore., 314 '99 Kable, James Franklin, 6201 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111., 236 '98 Kaeser, Albert Fred, Highland, 111., 220 '04 Kaeser, William George, Greenville, 111., 379 '86 Kamman, Charles Henrv, 810 Sixth Ave., Peoria, 111., 96 [111., 16 '75 Kariher, Israella Kate (Eisner), 301 W. University Ave., Champaign, '04 Karnopp, Edwin, Benjamin, Cristobal, Panama, Canal Zone, 379 'OS Kasten, Frederick WilHam, Dalton, Sta., 111., 421 '79 Kays, Emery, Phoenix, Ariz., 45 '02 Keator, Edward Orris, Polo, 111., 314 '95 Keeler, Frederick Blair, Earlville, 111., 173 '96 Keeler, Harry, 9654 Longwood Ave., Chicagoi 111., 186 '05 Keeler, Lawrence Swasey, (home) 1646 York Place, Chicago, 111.. 421 '90 Keene, Edward Spencer,' 1028 7th St., North, Fargo, N. Dak., 120 00 Keenev, Henrv Ezra, 1207 Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa., 256 '04 Keith,' Cloyd EHas. Suite 315 Observatory Bldg.. Peoria, 111., 379 '75 Kellogg. Flora Lorena (Hudson), Doughertv, la., 17 '02 Kelly, Arthur Rolland, Holl>^vood, Calif., 314 '04 Kellv, David Henrv, 2329 Kenilworth Ave., Sta. H., Cincinnati, O., 379 '01 Kelly, Francis Emily, Canton, 111., 286 '03 Kelly, Grace Osgood, 508 High St., Urbana, 111., 344 '05 Kelso, Curtis Elmer, Thomasboro, 111., 421 '84 Kemball, Georgetta (Murray), Denver, Colo., 80 '01 Kemp, John Edward, 701 Prospect Ave., Kewanee, 111., 286 '89 Kendall, Harry Frederick, 1520 Lafayette Ave., Mattoon, 111., 113 '85 Kendall, William Finley, 605 Nueces St . Austin, Tex.. 86 '90 Kennard, Kate Louise, 311 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 120 '77 Kennedy, Allan Gilmour, Box 591, El Paso, Tex., 31 '03 Kennedv. Helen Theresa, 1015 S. Sixth St., Springfield, 111., 344 '94 Kennedy, John William, Collinsville, 111., 160 '75 Kenower, George Frederic, U. of Neb., Wisner Neb., 17 '83 Kenower, John, Breckenridge, Mo., 72 '85 Kent, James Martin, 2726 Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo., 87 '96 Kent, Louis Maxwell, 408 N. Hazel St., Danville, 111., 187 '05 Kenyon, Eugene Crouse, 530 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind., 421 '00 Kepler, George Frank, Home Life Bldg., Washingto.n, D. C, 256 '94 Kerchner, Fred WilHam, Milstadt, 111., 160 '97 Kerns, Shirlev Kendric, Belmont, Mass., 202 '04 Kershaw, Le 'Roy, Morris, I. T., 379 '99 Ketchum, Daniel Clement, 521 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.. '00 Ketchum, Margaret Adele, Augusta, 111., 256 ]236 '95 Ketchum, Milo Smith, Univ. of Colo., Boulder, Colo., 173 '96 Ketchum, Richard Bird, 30 N. Harrison Ave., Pocatello, Idaho, 187 '05 Kidder, Mrs. Ida Angeline, Cedar Rapids, la., 421 '96 Kiler, Aureka Belle, 612 Madison St., Seattle, Wash., 187 '92 Kiler, Charles Albert, 24-26 Main St., Champaign, 111., 138 '97 Kiler, William Henrv, 311 So. Hancock St. Los Angeles, Calif., 202 Index to Alumni 655 '94 Kimball, Conrad Bryant, care of Barnes Crosby Co., 41 Union Sq., N. [Y.. 161 '84 Kimball, Edwin Raymond, Flat 17, 883 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111.. 80 '95 Kimball, William Hayen, 2006 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal., '79 *Kimberlin, Nettie Dousman, 45 [173 '79 Kimble, Willis Prentice, care of Cincinnati Di\-., Erie R. R., Galion, O., '02 Kincaid, Stewart William, Paris, 111., 314 [45 '89 Kinder, Dayid Russell, 1013 Madison St., LitchHeld. 111., 113 '95 King, Francis Edward, Maple Lawn Farm. Route 1,, Geneva, Ohio 174 '04 King, Leila Pauline, 622 N. Main St., Rockford. 111., 380 '97 King, Wesley Edward. 17 Davidson Place, Champaign, 111., 202 '81 *Kingman, Arthur, H., 5 7 '80 Kingsbury, Charles Sumner, 1735 E. 18th Ave., Denver, Colo., 50 '99 Kingsbury, James, Thompson Vincennes, Ind., 237 '03 Kingston, Ehvood Almon. Lockport, 111., 344 '89 Kinkead, David Robinson, Indenpendence, Kas., 133 '93 Kinkead, James A., 1515 LTnion Schenectady, N. Y., 147 '04 Kircher. Harry Bertram. Belleville. 111.. 380" '00 Kirkpatrick. Asa Baird. 321 Caroline St., Peoria, 111., 256 '97 Kirkpatrick. Harold H,, Illiopolis. 111.. 202 '01 Kirkpatrick. Harlow Barton, care of Bureau of Eng'r, Manila, P. I.. 286 '05 Kirkwood, Arthur WilHam, 1830 Wellington Ave., Chicago, 111., 421 '97 Kistner, Theodore Charles, Granite City, 111., 203 '01 Kittredge, Marv Harriett (Brown), 306 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111., 286 '93 Klingel, Louis, 'jr., Belleville, 111., 147 '97 Klossowski, Theodore Julius, 1273 Leavenworth St., San Francisco, Cal., '04 Knapp, Noah, Areola, 111., 380 [203 '04 Kneeland, Frank Hamilton, Dwight, 111., 380 '76 Knibloe. Walter Elliott, 925 Oak St., Jacksonville, Fla., 24 '02 Knight, Lee Irving, Washington, 111., 315 '83 Knowlton, Lizzie (Cushman), 1735 Amsterdam Ave., New York, 72 '03 Knowlton, William David, 1525 Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111., 345 '99 Koch, Fred Conrad, 1519 W. Garfield Blvd., Chicago, 111., 237 '02 Koehn. Anna. 218 E. Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111., 315 '04 Koehn, Martha C.f(Hubbard), R. F. D., No. 10 Urbana, 111., 380 '98 Kofoid, Nellie (Dillon), 552 Englewood Ave.. Chicago. 111.. 221 '03 gKofoid, Prudence Winter, 2618 Aetna St., Berkeley, Calif., 445 '02 *Kofoid. Ruben Nelson, 315 '00 Krahl, Beniamin Franklin, 154 So. Lincoln Ave., Aurora, 111., 256 '05 Kramer, Gustave August. R. F. D. No. 8, Streator, 111.. 421 '00 Kratz. James Piatt. Monticello. 111., 256 '97 Kratz, Laura, Monticello, 111.. 203 '84 Krause, Josephine (Chalfont), Rosedale Ranch, San Diego, Cal., 80 '01 Kreikenbaum, Adolph, 960 Tripp Ave., Chicago, 111., 286 '04 Kreisinger, Henry, 6010 Suburban Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 380 '05 Krippner, John, Oplat. Bohemia. 421 '05 Kuehlcke. Otto, 521 W. 8th St., Davenport, Iowa. 422 '00 Kuehn, Alfred Leonhardt, Cincinnati, O., 257 '97 Kuehne. Carl Oskar, 197 Bissell St., Chicago. 111., 203 '79 *Kuhn, Isaac. 46 '03 Kuss, Robert Hayden, 4521 A. McKinley Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 345 '03 Kutsch, William Adelbert, (1904) Frieburg im Baden, Germany, 345 '98 Kuvkendall, Andrew Jackson, Vienna, 111., 221 '97 Kyle, Martha Jackson 502 Goodwin Ave., Urbana, 111., 203 '04 Kyte, John FeHx, 405^ N. Prairie St., Champaign, 111., 380 '95 Lake, Edward John, 703 W. Park St., Champaign. 111.. 174 ' — Lamet, Louis Armand W., Warsaw, 111., 287 '93 Lamkin, Nina Belle, 4323 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111., 147 [203 '97 Lampe, Margaret Henrietta Johanna, R. F. D. No. 1, Bloomington, 111., 656 University of Illinois '99 Landel, Ida Susan. 408 E. Green St., Champaign, 111., 237 '83 *Langley, Celeste (Slauson), 73 '00 Langm'an, John Oscar, 415 State St., Ottawa, 111., 257 '03 Langworthy, Caroline Valeri, 125 N. Clinton St., Iowa City, la., 345 '85 Lantz, Milo Plank, Carlock, McLane Co., 111., 87 '78 Lamed, Mary (Parsons), 803 So. Central Ave., Chanute, Kas., 39 '97 *Larson, Charles Siguard, 203 '03 Larson, Lawrence Fred, Galva, 111., 345 '03 Larson, Nels Alfred, 1819 16th Ave., Moline, 111., 345 '00 Lathrop, Ohve Clarice, Lansing, Mich., 257 '85 Lattin, Judson, 1462 Perry St., Chicago, 111., 87 '99 Latzer, John Albert, Delta, O., 237 '00 Latzer, Jennie Mary, Highland, 111., 257 '81 *Lawhead, Lucy M., 57 '99 Lawrence, Carroll Gray, care of Amer. Appraisal Co., Milwaukee, Wis., '81 Lawrence, Nettie E. (Allen), 614 Main St., Visalia, Calif., 57 ]237 '01 Layton, Catherine Alberta, Urbana, 111., 287 '99 Leach, WiUiam Blake, 707 E. Walnut St., Bloomington, 111., 237 '96 Leal, Sophia Nott, 1031 Twelfth St., Riverside, Calif., 187 '04 Lease, Leonard John, 1801 Sylvanie St., St. Joseph, Mo., 381 '04 Leaverton, Jae Ernest, Grand Junction, Colo., 381 '75 Lee, Alice (Coddington), North Milwaukee, Wis., 17 '78 Lee, Eddy Orland, 162 So. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah, 39 '79 Lee, Elisha, Hamlet, 111., 46 '00 Lee, Julian Lisiecki, care of I. C. R. R., McComb, Miss., 257 '75 Leflar, John Emerson, Leavenworth, Kas., 17 '03 Lefler, Emma Grace, Columbia, Mo., 346 '03 Lego, Lulu Mackintosh, Urbana, 111., 346 '02 Lehner, John Conrad, Stockton, 111., 315 '97 Leigh, Charles Wilbur, care of Armour Institute, Chicago, 111., 204 '95 Lemen, Wm.. Clarence Smith, Brunswick, Ga., 174 '86 Lemm.e,, 337 7th Ave., San Francisco, Calif., 96 '98 *Lentz, CaroHne, 221 '03 Lentz, Mary, Ridott, 111., 346 '99 Leutwiler, Oscar Adolph, 511 W. Green St., Urbana, 111.. 237 '03 Le Sourd, Alfred Curtis, Topeka, 111., 346 '04 Leverton, Ernest Richard, 3154 I5th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. '93 Levy, Alexander, 5404 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111., 147 [381 '83 Lewis, Camilla Florence (Bills), 1503 H St., Lincoln, Neb., 73 '96 Lewis, Charles Milton, Press Bldg., Danville. 111.. 187 '89 Lewis, Cvrus Almon, R. F. D. No. 13, Joliet, 111., 114 '77 Lewis, Edward Vernon, 401 South 40th St., Omaha, Neb., 31 '89 *Lewis, Livingston, 114 '05 Lewis, Lucy Mae, 154 W. Pasadena St., Pomona, Calif., 422 '83 Lewis, Ralph Dand, 145 Robinson Ave., Cleveland, Ohio., 73 'OS Lewis, Russell James, Denmark, la., 422 '96 Liese, George Charles, 128 N. Vermilion St., Danville, 111., 187 '84 Lietze, Fred August, Carlyle, 111., 80 '89 Ligare, Edward Frances, 156 Grove St., River Forest, 111., 114 '84 Lilly, Charles Hervey, Foot of Main St.. Seattle, Wash,, 81 '84 Lilly, James Edward, Dawson, Yukon Territory, Canada, 81 '02 Lindgren, Justa Morris, 608 E. Springfield, Ave., Champaign, 111., 315 '01 Lindley, Walter Charles, 25i E. Main St., Danville, 111., 287 '04 Lindsay, Frank Merrill, Oklahoma City, Okla., 381 '98 Linn, Francis David, Byron, 111., 221 '96 Linn, Homer Roberts, 6501 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111., 188 '98 Linzee, Albert Carl, Akron Elect. Mfg. Co., Akron, Ohio, 221 '83 *Little, Henry Pearson, 73 '01 Livingston, Stacia (Temple), 603 E. Daniel St., Champaign, 111., 287 '95 Llewellyn, David Rossiter, care of Amer. Bridge Co., Chicago, 111., 174 Index to Alumni 637 '77 Llewellvn, Joseph Corson, 1516-20 First Nafl Bank Bldg., Chicago, '02 Lloyd, George Tavlor, Grass Lake, Siskivou Co., Calif., 315 [111., 31 '03 Llovd, Robert Clinton, Siblev. 111.. 346 '87 Lloyde, Clarence Angier, 305 S. Randolph St., Champaign. 111., 102 '78 Llovde, Frank Havden, Venice, Calif., 39 '01 Lodge, Paul Edmund, Room 308 Park Row Bldg., Xew York, \. Y., 287 '99 Loftus, Ella, Colorado Springs, Colo., 238 '04 Logeman, Albert Edwin, Mellin, Wis., 381 [O., 257 '00 Logue, Charles Lewis, care of Mill Creek Valley Starch Co., Cincinnati, '05 Lonergan, Charles Patrick Augustus, Pocatello, Idaho, 422 '95 Long, Albert Milton. 339 Bowen. Ave. Chicago, 111., 174 '87 Long, Frank Brewer, 327 Bowen Ave., Chicago, 111.. 102 '05 Long, Troy Lovell, Taylorville, 111., 422 "93 Loomis, Arthur Bates, Toledo, Ohio, 147 '04 Loosley, Frederick Edwin, 1808 6th Ave., Moline, 111., 381 '01 Lotz, John Rudolph, Lockport, 111., 287 '04 Love, "Leila Sara (Brown), 610 Witmer St., Los Angeles, Calif., 382 '05 /jLowell, Abbott Lawrence, 843 Exchange Bldg., Boston, Mass., 468 '01 Lowenthal, Fred, 1405 W. 103d St., Chicago, 111., 288 '94 *Lowry. John Albert, 161 '80 Lucas, Corda Candes. 108 S. 5th St., Champaign, 111., 50 '04 Lucas, Rena Avis. Minneapolis Public Lib., Minneapolis, Minn., 382 '96 Ludwick, George Washington. Danville, 111., 188 '86 Lumley, Clinton Grant, 3332 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., 96 '02 Lummis, Jessie Isa, Quincy, 111., 316 '02 Lund. Hugo, Kansas Citv, 1657 Summit St., Mo., 316 '05 Lundahl, Burce Hjalmaf, Gibson City, 111., 422 '02 Lundgren, Carl Leonard, Marengo. 111., 316 '02 Luther, Otto Lawrence, Etna Mills, Calif., 316 '75 Lvford, Charles Chamberlain, 817 Third Ave.. South, Minneapolis. Minn. '01 L'vman, Frank Lewis. 316 N. 6th St.. Ft. Smith. Ark.. 288 [17 '72 Lvman, George Henrv, 316 N. Sixth St., Ft. Smith, Ark., 2 '87, Henrv Molineaux, 704 N. 40th St., Philadelphia, Penn., 102 '01 Lytle, Earnest Barnes, 924 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 288 '79 McAllister, Minnette Cleora (Miller), Big Lake, Minn.. 46 '05 McAnultv, Ethel E., 612 S. Schofield St., Carthage, 111., 422 "01 McCall. Eugene Adolph. Vienna, 111., 288 '90 McCandless, Henrv Wallace, 690 E. 22d St., Brooklvn. X. Y.. 121 '05 McCarthv. Estella, 1116 12th Ave.. Moline, 111., 423' '02 McCarthv, Harrv, Kewanee, 111.. 316 '04 McCarthv. John'james. 1638 N. Halstead St., Chicago, 111., 382 '93 McCartnev. William Priestlv, care of So. Car. Coll., Columbia, S. C, 148 '98 McCartv. Charles James, 5l'7 Mulberrv St., Rockford, 111., 221 '04 McCartv. John, R. F. D. No. 5, Arcolk, 111., 382 '94 McCaskrin. Harrv Madison. Rock Island. 111.. 161 '94 McCaskrin. Louise EHzabeth (Stayton). Texas City. 111., 161 '75 McCaulev. John Charles. Defiance. O., 18 '05 /zMcClelland. Thomas. 656 X. Prairie St., Galesburg. 111., 468 '93 McClov, Robert Emmet. 838 Greenwood Ave., Blue Island, 111., 148 '93 *McClure. Clvde Benjamin, 148 '04 McClure, Elizabeth Delilah, 808 X. Prairie St., Bloomington, 111., 382 '84 McCluer, George Washington, Jackson, Miss., 81 '91 McClure, Ora Deal, 220 Xorth St., Peoria, 111., 130 '94 McConnell, Ernest, 1643 Champa St., Denver, Colo., 161 '89 McConnev, Robert Bonner, 1162 Vine St., Denver Colo., 114 '99 gMcCormack, Harrv, 5736 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111., 449 '94 McCormick, Flora! 602 E. Green St.. Champaign, 111., 161 '01 McCormick, Roscoe, Garber, 111., 2SS '91 *McCormick, Wert, 130 658 University of Illinois '04 McCulloch, Isabella Jane, 266 Mineral Pt. Ave., Janesville, Wis., 382 '04 McCullough, John Fred, 203 N. Locust St., Centralia, 111., 382 '01 McCullum, Harvev Darling, Louisville, 111., 288 '02 McCully, Harriet E. (Chapin), Freeburg, 111., 316 '04 McCully, William Ashway, Bloomington 111., 383 '01 McCune, Fred Leavitt, 3558 W. 63d St., Chicago, 111., 288 '83 McCune, Henrv Long, 3516 Holmes St., Kansas Citv, Mo., 73 '05 McDougall, Agnes, 203 E. Jackson St., Ottawa, 111.,' 423 '99 McElfresh, Fred Morgan, R. F. D. No. 1, Salem, Ore., 238 '97 McFadden, Belle Lorraine, 301 S. Neil St., Champaign, 111., 204 '03 McFarland, John Albert, 3001 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 346 '93 McGee, Walter Scott, 5325 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111., 148 '99 McGilvrev, Mrs. Mary, 167 Whitman St., Cleveland, O.. 238 '05 McGinley, William, Moweaqua, 111., 423 '02 McGinnis, Marv Ola, Dawson, 111., 317 '05 McGrath, Svlvester Joseph, 300 Ohio Ave., E. St. Louis, 111., 423 '88 McHugh, George Burt, Houston, Tex., 108 '04 Mcllhenny, Mary Elizabeth, Macomb, 111., 383 '02 *McIlvaine, Brown Erwin, 317 '81 McKay, Francis Marion, 134 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111., 57 '96 McKee, James Harry, 79 W. 150th St., Harvey, 111., 188 '90 McKee, Will Een, care of C. & A. Mine, Bisbee, Ariz., 121 '04 McKinley, George Harvey, Jr., 855 19th St., Moline, 111., 383 '04 McKnight, WilHam Asburv, 609 153 La Salle St., Chicago, 111., 383 '92 McLane, Cyrus Daniel, 1019 21st St., Rock Island, 111., 138 '78 McLane, James Adrian, 909 100 Washington St., Chicago, 111., 39 '01 McLane, John Wallace, U. S Dept. of Agr'l, Bureau of Soils, Washing- [ton, D. C, 289 '88 McLean, Nellie (Lumley), 3332 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., 108 '88 McLellan, Mary Clutha, 706 W. Park St., Champaign, 111., 108 '93 McMains, Louis, 23 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind., 149 '04 McMillan, Neil, Jr., 464 Bowen Ave., Chicago, 111., 383 '02 McMurry, Karl Franklin, 301 Woodlawn Ave., Burlington, Iowa, 317 '05 McNeill, Roscoe Plant, 413 E. 40th St., Chicago, 111., 423 '94 McNutt, John, Jr., Mattoon, 111., 161 '77 *McPherson, John, 31 '96 McRae, John Alexander, 366 S. Terminal Sta., Boston, Mass., 188 '03 McRobie, Isabel (Rav), 4524 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 346 '00 McWilliams, Nellie Louise, 38 South 2d St., Champaign, 111., 257 '76 Mackay, Daniel Stottenkirk, Mt. Carroll, 111., 24 '76 Mackay, Henry, Mt. Carroll, 111., 24 '76 Mackay, William Alexander, Madison, Lake Co., S. Dak., 24 '81 Macknet, Metta Mary (Irene) Beach, 529 Beach St., Huron. S. Dak., 57 '76 Mahan, Henrv Weston, Drexel State Bank, Chicago, 111., 24 '78 Mahan, Jean '(Plank), 1660 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo., 40 '02 Malcomb, Charles Weslev, 412 E. Green St., Champaign, 111., 317 '96 Manard, Robert Pavton, 1413 Iowa St., Oak Park, 111., 188 '04 Mangas, Maud, 404'Fremont St., Lincoln, 111., 383 '76 *Mann, Adin Howard, 25 '03 Mann, Alice Calhoun, Winterset, la., 347 '97 Mann, Arthur Richard, 639 E. 72d Place, Chicago, 111., 204 '04 Mann, Charles Judson, Bureau of Soils, Washington, D. C, 384 '95 Mann, Edward Loring, 4405 Sidney Ave., Chicago, 111., 174 '76 Mann, Frank Irvin, Oilman, 111., 25 '76 Mann, James Robert, 906 Ashland Blk., Chicago, 111., 25 '93 Mann, Mary Estelle (Carter) Batavia, 111., 149 '85 Manns, Albert George, 5643 Marshlield, Ave. Chicago, 111., 87 '97 Manny, Fred Hugh, Mt. Sterling, 111.. 204 "90 Mannv, Walter Isham, Mt. Sterling. 111., 121 '81 Mansfield, Willis A., Washington, 111., 57 IxDEX TO Alumxi 659 '04 Manspeaker, Pearle, 201 W. Universitv, Champaign, 111., 384 '02 Mapes, John Victor, Paris, 111,, R. F. D. No. 7, 317 [188 '96 Marble, Harry Curtiss, 305 W. University Ave., Ave.. Champaign, 111. '04 Mark, Elvira Ellen, 7 Park Place, Congress Heights, Washington, D. C, '03 Marker, George Edward, Chenev, Wash., 347 " [3S4 '05 Marlev, James Abraham, Box 564, Paris, 111., 423 '05 Marquis, Franklin Wales, 613 E. Grove St., Blooniington, 111., 423 '04 Marsh, George Requa, Marseilles, 111., 384 '95 Marsh, (Rev.) Horatio Richmond, Odell, 111., Box 458, 175 '97 Marsh, Loren William, 15 Orchard Terrace, Adington, Mass., 204 '97 Marsh, Norman Foote, 512 Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif., 204 '04 Marsh, Thomas Alfred, Mt. Gilead, Ohio, 384 '85 Marshall, Sherman Latta, Ipava, 111., 87 '98 Marshutz, Joseph Hunter, 644 Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wis., 221 '02 Martin, Albert Carey, 2330 4th Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., 317 '03 Martin, Grace E., 209 E. White St.. Champaign. 111., 347 '02 Martin, James Walter, Jr., 60-62 Young Bldg., Joliet, 111., 317 '96 Martin, John Madison, 1113 N. Perry Ave., Peoria, 111., 188 '01 Martin, May Louise, Young Men's Mercantile Lib., Cincinnati, O., 289 '01 Martin, Robert William. 6062 Young Bldg.. Joliet, 111., 289 '92 Martin, William Alex, care of Quincv H. Rv. & Carrving Co., Quincv, '05 Martin, William Rov,5656 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111., 424 [111., 1,36 '81 Mason, William Kaime, R. F. D. No. 1, Buda, 111., 58 '05 Massev, Esther, 706 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 424 '96 Mather, Althea S. (Durstine), 310 Nicholson St., Joliet, 189 '95 Mather, Fred Elbert, Naperville, 111., 175 '00 Mather, Lvdia Maria (Forbes), 819 Virginia Ave., Columbia, Mo.. 257 '04 Mather, Myra Abbie. 310 Nicholson. St.. Joliet. 111.. 384 '05 Mather, Rose Margaret. R. F. D. No. 1. Plainfield. 111.. 424 '92 Mather, Rov Allen. 800 Nevin Ave.. Sewickley. Penn., 139 '88 Mathers, Effie Anne (Enlows), Mason Citv. 111., 109 '03 Mathews, Clyde Milton, 601 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111., 347 '93 Mathews, Loueva Mae (;Nicolaus), 601 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111., 149 '05 Matousek. Joseph, 1596 W. 22d St., Chicago, 111., 424 '72 Matthews, James Newton, Mason, 111., 2 '03 Matthews, Marv Alice, Vermilion, S. Dak., 347 '02 Matthews, Robert Clevton, 508 E. Daniel St., Champaign, 111., 318 '91 Maue, August, 102 Mound St., Joliet, 111., 130 '00 Maurv, Howard Van Reed, New Castle, Ind.. 2 58 '04 Mautz. George John, Pana, 111.. 384 '05 Maxfield. Lerov Haskell, Godfrev. 111., 424 '95 Maxon, Robbins Yale, 6113 Green St.. Chicago. 111., 175 '92 Maxwell, Anne M., 310 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 139 '96 Maxwell, Charles Jacob, 4647 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111., 189 "77 Maxwell, Emilv C, 2016 Bellevue St., Tioga, Philadelphia, Pa., 31 '02 Maxwell, Esther Anna, 203 N. New St., Champaign, 111.. 318 '05 May, David Thorpe, 558 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111., 424 '00 Mav, Fred Hutchinson, 558 Washington Boul., Chicago, III., 258 '98 Mav, Harrv Monroe, 206 E. Prospect St., Riverside. Calif.. 222 '00 Mayall. Edwin Lyman, 2008 6th Ave.. Moline, 111., 258 "04 Mead, Clarence E'ugene, 6108 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111., 385 '04 Medill, William Anthony, S:^ Water Works Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., 385 '05 Meharrv, George Francis, Tolono, 111., 424 '99 Meharry, Jesse Erie, Tolono, 111., 238 '05 Meier, Ernest Edward, 401 E. Green St., Champaign, 111., 42 5 '01 Meier, William, 81 Alice Place, Chicago, 111.. 289 '05 Melin, Carl August, 916 South First St., Springfield, 111., 425 '03 Mell. John De Loss, Hagerman, N. M., 347 '"^6 ,^Meneely, John Henry, 499 Fourth St., Brooklyn. N. Y., 447 '85 ' Merbot'h, Louisa (Morgan), 7646 Marquette Ave., Chicago, 111., 88 660 University of Illinois '0-i Mercer, Iva Esther, 474 Addison St., Elgin, 111., 385 '99 *Mercil, Benoni Edward, 238 '98 Merker, Henry Fleury, Enid, O. T., 222 [348 '03 Merrill, Julia Wright, care of Free Public Library, Cedar Rapids, la., '00 Merrill, Stillwell Frederick, Lock Box 267, Collinsville, 111., 2S8 '82 *Merritt, Charles H., 64 '99 Mesiroff, Joseph A., 597 4th St., Milwaukee, Wis., 238 '93 Metcalf, James David, Shipman, 111., 149 '05 Metzger, Louis Charles Frederick, 1008 Hickory St., St. Louis, Mo., 425 '05 gMeyer, Ido Franklin, '97 Middleton, Marinda Ice, 1439 N. Main St., Decatur, 111., 205 '01 Miles, Rutherford Thomas, Fisher, 111., 289 '97 Millar, Adam Vause, 222 Charter St.. Madison, Wis., 205 '93 Millar, Clendon Vanmeter, 417 Joplin St., Joplin, Mo., 149 '04 Miller, Fred Charles, 1023 N, Adams St., Peoria, 111., 385 '94 Miller, Grant Clark, 140 Dearobrn St., Chicago, 111,, 162 '85 Miller, John Albert, 174 Nor^vood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y., 88 '02 gMiller, John Ezra, Mt. Morris, 111., 453 '05 Miller, Nellie Augusta, 907 W. Illinois St., Urbana. 111., 425 '02 Miller, Thomas Henry, 602 S. McArthur St., Macomb, 111., 318 '92 Miller, WiUiam George, 7051 Normal Ave., Chicago, 111., 139 '01 Miller, William Pitt, Bement, 111., 289 '04 Mills, Flovd Eari, McNabb, 111., 385 '03 Mills, Ralph Garfield, 356 W. Decatur St., Decatur, 111., 348 '99 Mills, Ralph Walter, Webster Groves, Mo., 238 '96 Milne, Edward Lawrence, 307 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111., 189 '79 *Milton, Franklin Silas, 46 '04 Miner, Aaron W., Adair, '111., 385 '04 Miskimen, William Anderson, Hoopeston, 111., 386 '01 Mitchell, Annie, Bement, 111., 290 '91 Mitchell, Charles Jacob, 836 College Ave., Beloit, Wis., 130 '98 Mitchell, Frederick Alexander, 14 So. Rosedale Ave., Rosedale, Kas., '87 Mitchell, Walter Reynolds, 433 E. 57th St., Chicago, 111., 102 [222 '94 Mogensen, Peter, Appleton, Wis., 162 '01 Moionnier, Timothy, Delta, Ohio, 290 '04 Moles, Martha Edith (Fairchild), Gervais, Ore., 386 '89 Moles, Oliver Stephen, 14 Peari St., Denver, Colo., 114 '84 Montezuma, Carlos, 3158 S. Park Ave., Chicago, 111., 81 '05 Montooth, Charles Stuart, Castleton, 111., 425 '01 Moon, Amy Constance, 718 North Ave., Wilkinsburg, Penn., 290 '78 Moore, Aaron Henry, Louisville, 111., 40 '04 Moore, Jennie Erma, 625 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la., 386 '87 Moore, Albert Cutts, 303 Alder St., Walla Walla, Wash., 102 '90 Moore, Byron Llewellyn, 536 Ellicott Sq., Buffalo, N. Y., 121 '02 Moore, George Henry, 502 Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif., 318 '95 Moore, Grace LilHan, 430 Fifth St., La Salle, 111., 175 '77 Moore, John Fremont, Room 17 Lincoln Bldg., Dubuque, la., 32 '96 Moore, Minnie Rose, R. F. D. No. 20, Brimfield, 111., 189 '83 Moore, William Douglas, 1715 LTniversity Ave., Sta. A., Wichita, Kas., '78 Morava, Wensel, 5621 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111., 40 [74 '05 Morey, Henry Hiram, Greenville, 111., 425 '84 Morgan, George Nathan, (1904) 7646 Marquette Ave., Chicago, 111., 81 '05 Morgan, George Walker, 501 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, 111., 425 '92 ^Morgan, John Barb, Jr., 139 '05 Morgan, 'Ora Shennan, Ham.pshire, 111., 425 '03 /zMorgan, Richard Price, '03 Morgan, Stella Webster, 328 Pacific Ave., Long Beach, Cal., 348 '97 Morgan, Walter Montgomery, 21-22 Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo., 205 '04 Morris, Charles Myers, 509 So. Prairie St., Champaign, 111., 386 '94 Morris, Edgar William, Quincy, Wash., 162 Index to Alumni 661 '05 Morris, Sidney Dealey. 4082 Newgard Ave., Chicago, 111., 426 '95 Morrison, William Robert, Wichita, Kas., 175 '94 Morrisev, Daniel C, Champaign. 111., 162 '73 Morrow, Andrew T., 1115 Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.. 7 '98 Morrow, Grace Espy (Seelev), 602 E. 50th St., Chicago, 111., 222 '04 Morrow, Nelson Case, 545 N. Leavitt St., Chicago, 111., 386 '85 Morse, Edward Leland. Grand Junction, Colo., 88 '04 Morse, Henry Childs, 1553 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111., 386 '86 Morse, Henry Milton, 2292 N. Ashland Aye.. Chicago, 111., 96 '96 Morse, Jedidiah D., Giflford, 111., 189 '81 Morse, John Hale, 229 E. 42d St.. Chicago. 111.. 58 '96 Morse, Samuel Theodore, care of C. & E. I. R. R., Carlinville, 111., 189 '05 Moschel, Louis Conrad, Morton, 111.. 426 '93 Mosier, Jeremiah George. 907 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111.. 149 '05 Moss. Hayen Harnell. Urbana, 111., 426 '05 Moss, Mary Frances, Urbana, 111., 426 '02 Mount, Madison Hoge, Long Beach, CaHf., 318 '04 Mueller. Jacob William, Waukegan, 111., 386 '75 Mueller, John, Besigheim, Wurtemberg. Germany, 18 '05 Mueller, Walter Herman, 304 Fulton St., Waukesha. Wis.. 426 '04 Muhl, Fred Lewis, 315 E. Locust St., Bloomington. 111.. 387 '00 Mulliken, Albert Danforth, 404 W. Church St., Champaign, 111.. 258 '97 Munhall, Grace May (Morse), Carlinyille, 111., 205 '95 Munn, Alexander Majors. Nebraska City, Neb., 176 '04 Munsen, Andrew, Ohio, 111.. 387 '97 Murphy, Francis Joseph, Cinnpas, Sonora, Mex.. 205 '04 Murphy, Howard Bruce, 1109 E. Uniy. Aye., Ann Arbor. Mich., 387 '05 /zMurphy, John Benjamin, 100 State St., Chicago, 111., 469 '97 Musham, John WiUiam, 177 Rush St., Chicago, 111., 222 '91 Myers, Clara (Haryey). 2327 N. Delaware St.. Indianapolis, Ind.. 131 '88 Myers, George William, 6444 Greenwood Aye.. Chicago. 111.. 109 '96 Myers, James William. Polo. Bulacan. P. I., 190 '01 Myers, Jesse J., care of Agr'l College, Lansing, Mich., 290 '03 Myers, Winifred (Fursman), 1237 Ainslie Ave., Chicago, 111., 348 '98 Naper, Herbert John, 57 Delaware PL, Chicago, 111.. 223 '04 Navlor, Helen Andromache. Mason City. 111.. 387 '80 Neely, Charles G., 122 Ridge Ave.. Evanston, 111., 50 '82 Neely, John Ralph, 2159 Clarendon Ave., Chicago, 111.. 65 '03 Nees. Frederick L., 1221 Perry St.. Chicago, 111., 348 '02 Neff. Mary, 609 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington. 111., 318 '03 Nelson. Charlotte Briggs, 710 N. East St., Bloomington. 111., 348 '94 Nelson, P^lnathan Kemper, care of Link Nelson & Co.. Paris, 111., 162 '97 Nelson, Fred Irwin, 2600 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., 206 '90 Nesbit. Edwin. GrasselH Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 121 '03 Nesbit, Mary Frances, Oakland, 111., 348 [223 '98 Neureuther, Andrew Henry, care of Western Clock Mfg. Co., Peru. 111., '98 Nevins, John, Box 46, Seattle, Wash., 223 '04 Newcomb, Cyrus Forsyth, Champaign, 111., 387 '99 Newell, Maso'n Harder, Springfield. 111.. 239 '00 Newton. Fred Earle, 532 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111.. 259 '05 Nichols, Emily Lavinia, 5627 Madison Ave., Chicago. 111., 426 '01 Nichols, Gunther, care of La Grange State Bank, La Grange, Ind., 290 '94 Nichols, Maude E., care of English Hospital, Jaffa. Palestine, 162 '98 Nickoley, Edward Frederick. car3 of Syrian Protestant College. Beirut. '04 Niedermeyer. Frederick David. Decatur. 111.. 387 [Syria. 223 '01 Nilsson, (llof Anton, 231 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y., 291 '95 Noble, Charles William, La Crosse, Wis., 176 '96 Noble, Isabelle, Johns Hopkins Nurses' Tr. School, Baltimore, Md., 190 '76 Noble, Louis Reeder, 1710 Broadway, Mattoon, 111., 25 662 University of Illinois '96 Noble, Mary Elizabeth, 1230 Waco Ave., Wichita, Kas., 190 '96 Noble, WilHam, Foosland, 111., 190 '82 Noble, Thomas, Sr., Because. San Diego Co., Calif., 65 '03 Noble, Thomas, Jr., 1230 Waco Ave., Wichtia Kas., 349 '03 Noe, Samuel Rufus, Auburn, 111., 349 '02 Norris, Carter, 261 Jackson Park Terrace, Chicago, 111., 318 '85 North, Arthur Tappen, 806 Hartford Bldg., Chicago, 111., 88 '04 /;North, Simon Newton Dexter, Census Office, Washington, D. C, 462 '01 Norton, Charles Waterman, 314 E. 66th St., Chicago, 111., 291 '01 *Norton, Wilbur Perry, 291 '05 Nuckolls, Charles Morrison, Urbana, 111., 427 '00 Null, Marion Michael, Taikn, Korea, Asia, 259 '97 Nye, Carl Merriman. Moline, 111., 206 '73 Ockerson, John Augustus, 4217 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 7 '04 Ocock, Charles Albert, 1221 W. Dayton St., Madison, Wis., 387 '05 O'Connell, Charles Slade. 420 Charles St., Elgin, 111., 427 '02 Odell. Rena May, (home) Morrison, 111., 319 '03 Ogden, Charles Louis, Galesburg, 111., 349 '04 Ogihara, Tokivo, Tokio, Japan, 388 '01 O'Hair, Edna "EHzabeth, "Laurel. Ind., 291 '01 gOliver, Edd Charles, 515 Oak St., S. E., MinneapoHs, Minn., 452 '76 Oliver, William Forrest, Arlington, Wash., 25 '04 Osgood, Mary Anderson, care of Public Lib., Tyler, Tex., 388 '86 Olshausen, Walter Aurel George, Parral, Mex.,"96 '05 Olson, Blenda, Armington, 111., 427 '02, Lewis, 404 N. Cuvler Ave., Oak Park, 111., 319 '96 Orr, Edward Ellsworth, 2205 Universitv Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 190 '82 Orr, Robert Elwood, 105 2d Ave., Jolie't, 111., 65 '00 Ostrowski, Samuel, 3227 S. Halstead St., Chicago, 111., 259 '99 Otwell, Allen Meade. 104 Division St., La Porte, Ind., 239 '04 Outhouse, Fred Myrine, 5700 Jackson Ave., Chicago, 111., 388 '98 von Oven, Frederick William, Aurora, 111., 223 '85 Owens, Bessie Wolfe (Needham), 416 N. Second St., N. Yakima, Wash., '99 Owens, Daisie Mav, North Yakima, Wis., 239 [88 '00 Owens, Wilkens Hoover, Edwardsville, 111., 259 '03 Oxer, George Carroll, 1618 Chapel St., Schenectady, N. Y., 349 '02 Oyen, Albert Nelson, 801 N. Rockwell St., Chicago, 111., 319 '78 Page, Emm.a Elizabeth, Box 463, Olym.pia, Wash., 40 '92 Page, John William, 2832 N. PauHna St., Chicago, 111., 139 '77 Page, Martha (Whitham), 1739 13th Ave., South, Seattle, Wash., 32 '78 Page, Marv Louisa. Box 463, Olvmpia, Wash., 40 '05 Pahmeyer," Fred Oscar, 1317 Shawmut Place, St. Louis, Mo., 427 '99 Paine, Arthur Elijah, Long Beach, Calif., 239 '89 Paine, Leanah Jane, Long View, 111., 114 '91 Paine, Sarah Mariana, Long View, 111., 131 '83 *Palmer, Arthur William, 74 '82 * Palmer, Charles W., 65 '76 Palmer, Frank Mitchell, Clinton, 111., 26 '00 Palmer, William Gav, 406 John St., Champaign, 111., 2 59 '04 Park, William. Mansfield, 301 S. Catalpa St., Monroe, La., 388 '04 Parker, Claton Wilham, 410 So. Neil St., Champaign, 111., 388 '72 Parker, Calvin Ebenezer, 512-552 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif., 2 '02 Parker, Lawrence, Gilbert, 705 S. Sixth St., Champaign, 111., 319 '80 Parker, Minnie AHce (Hostetler), 341 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111., 50 '03 Parker, Roy Sheldon, 324 S. 26th St., Omaha, Neb., 349 '05 Parker, Walter, Peoria, 111., 427 '80 Parker, Washington Lerov, 632 Grace St., Elgin, 111., 51 '05 Parks, Mrs. Allie V., 810 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 427 '75 Parks, James Harvey, Box 655, Goldfield, Nevada, 18 Index to Alumni 663 '86 Pamiinter, Grace Etta, 22Q E. 42d St., Chicago, 111.. 97 '97 Parr, John Louis, 117 Behrends Ave., Peoria, 111., 206 "03 Parr, Robert William, Eraser, Ida., 349 '84 Parr, Samuel Wilson, 91Q W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 82 '94 Parry, Joseph Lawrence, Tolono, 111., 163 '75 Parsons, Fernando Alston, 803 S. Central St., Chanute, Kas., 18 '75 Patch, Emorv Edward, 255 Glenn St., Janesville, Wis., 19 '78 Patchin, John Wakelev, Traverse Citv, Mich., 41 '01 Patrick, Frederick Phillips, 447 Maple Ave., Blue Island, 111.. 291 '05 /zPatten, Simon Nelson, Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, Penn., 469 '04 Patterson, Maud Mav, Rochelle, 111.. 388 '02 Patton. Ada. Paxton, 111., 319 '88 Patton, Jacob Allen, 1785 Magnolia Ave., Chicago, 111., 110 '97 Paul, Arthur Ernest, 12 S. Ehzabeth St., Chicago, 111., 206 '85 Paullin, L. Estelle (Padgett). Creston, Mont., 88 '82 Peabodv, Arthur, Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis., 66 '83 Peabodv, Kate (Girling), 5241 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111., 74 '91 Peabodv, Lorin William, Springfield, Mo., 131 '80 *Pearman, Ida (Stevens), 51 '81 Peannan, James Ora, Mahomet, 111., 58 '05 Pearson, John Winthrop, 1298 Wilcox Ave., Chicago, 111., 42 7 '04 Pearson. Ida May (Hiner), 707 W. Green St., Urbana. 111.. 388 '98 Pease. Henrv Mark, Western Elect Co., N. Woolwich, London, Eng., '00 Peeples, Cornelius James, 287 E. 41st St., Chicago, 111., 259 [224 '05 Pegelow, Frederick George, 1256 Diversitv Boul.. Chicago, 111., 428 '83 Pierce, Fred Densmore, 5500 State St., Chicago, 111., 74 '86 Pence, William David, 175 Littleton St., W. Lafavette, Ind., 97 '05 Penwell, Frederick Bowman, Danville, 111., 428 '90 Peoples, U. J. Lincoln, 5518 Homer St., E. E., Pittsburg, Pa., 121 '81 Pepoon, Herman Silas, 1314 Wolfram St., Chicago, 111., 58 '81 Pepoon, William Abbev, Baker Citv, Ore., 59 '97 Pepper, WilHam Allen,' 1003 Division St., Joliet, 111., 206 '01 Perkins. Frederic Allen. 341 S. Main St., Canton, 111., 291 '98 Perkins, Reed Miles, 915 E. Edwards St., Springfield, 111., 224 '04 Perrigo, Lyle Donovan, Watseka, 111., 389 '05 Perrv, Alphonso Lorenzo. 1200 Wrightwood. Chicago, 111., 428 '04 PerrV, Mabel, 417 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor. Mich.. 389 '03 Petersen. Christian Peter Lauritz, 165 4th Ave., Moline, 111., 349 '93 *Peterson, Adolph Bertinus, 150 '04 Peterson, John Frederick, 1451 King Place, Chicago, 111.. 389 '93 Peterson, Sophie Mav (Parr), 117 Behrends Ave., Peoria, 111., 150 '00 *Pettinger, Robert Gerald, 260 '85 Pettv, George Rilev, 32 S. Market St., Champaign, 111., 89 '03 Pettvjohn, James tVilliam, 276 E. 63d Place, Chicago, 111., 350 '96 Pfeffer, John Edward, 301 Webster Ave., Chicago, 111., 190 '94 Phelps, Albert Charles, Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N. Y., 163 '86 Philbrick, Alvah, Hibernian Bldg., New Orleans, La., 97 '81 Philbrick, Ethan, Baldwin, Ga., 59 '84 Philbrick, Solon, 210 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111., 82 '96 Phillippi, Francis Marion, 613 Wilcox Bldg., Nashville, Tcnn., 191 "04 Phillips, Eugene Martin, care of High School, Princeton, 111., 389 '05 Phillips, Grace Darlev, Columbia, Mo., 428 '93 Phillips, James David, 113 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wis., 150 '05 Phillips, Nelson Chancellor. Lena. 111.. 428 '73 Phillips. Parlev Agrippa. Madison Sta.. Miss., 8 "00 Phillips, Theodore Clifford, 310 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111., 260 '77 Piatt, Emma Clarinda (Llewellvn), 324 Sixth Ave., La Grange, 111., 32 "92 Piatt, Herman S.. Coshocton, O., 139 'S3 Piatt, Silas Hubbell, 129 Highland Ave., Minneapolis. Minn.. 74 '88 Pickard, Edward Webster, 18 Crillv Court, Chicago. 111.. 110 664 University of Illinois '00 Pickett, Charles Churchill, Urbana, 111., 260 '75 Pickrell, Watson, Tempe, Ariz., 19 '74 Pickrell, William S., Box 7, Phoenix, Ariz., 11 '76 Pierce, Elon Albert, Belmond, la., 26 '75 Pierce, Fanny, 1721 Holmes St., Lincoln, Neb., 19 '04 Pierce, Inez Charlotte, Portland, Ind., 389 '74 Pierce, John Larke, 1721 Holmes St., Lincoln, Neb., 11 '05 Pilcher, Lela Gretchen. Streator, 111., 428 '95 Pillsbury, Arthur Low, 109 Olive St., Bloomington, 111., 176 '95 Pillsbury, Bertha Marion, 506 W. Elm St., Urbana, 111., 176 '04 Pinkum, Anna Shaw, 420 4th Ave., Eau Claire, Wis., 389 '97 Pitney, Clarence Orville, Augusta, 111., 206 '04 Pitts, Florence Elizabeth, 24 White Place, Bloomington 111., 389 '02 Pitts, Henrietta Betsev (Martin), Joliet, 111., 319 '88 Place, Raymond Mason, 1629 Grace St., Chicago, 111., 110 '85 Plank, Bessie Gay (Thompson), Winamac, Ind., 89 '92 Plank, Ulysses Samuel Grant, care of Univ. of Kas., Lawrence, Kas., '02 Plant, Francis Benjamin, Covina, Cal., 320 [140 '73 Piatt, Franklin Carpenter, 515 E. Third St., Waterloo, la., 8 '81 *Pletcher, Francis M., 59 '01 Fletcher, Nuba Mitchell, 10 St. Nicholas Terrace, New York, N. Y., 291 '86 *Plowman, William Lewis, 97 '97 Plym, Francis John, Kemper Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., 206 '97 Pohlman, John Edward, Room 122 Atlas Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah, '98 Polk, Cicero Justice, Encinal, Tex., 224 [207 '04 Polk, John Luther, 409 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 390 '03 Pollard, Charles Robert, Delphi, Ind., 350 '00 Pollard, Earle Royal, 1436 Albany St., Los Angeles, Calif., 260 '78 Pollock, James Lvon, Mt. Vernon' 111., 41 '75 Pollock, Wilham Clarence, 1819 Q St., N. W., Washington,, D. C, 19 '05 Pond, Henry Everett, Greenview, 111., 428 '00 Ponzer, Ernest William, 706 S. 4th St., Champaign, 111., 260 '04 Popcjoy, Lida Elizabeth, Lexington, 111., 390 '97 *Poole, Edward Warren, 207 '98 Pooley, William Vipond, 215 S. Dodge St., Galena, 111., 224 '02 Poor, Edwin Lindsav, 306 N. Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111., 320 '81 *Porter, F. H., 59 '97 Porter, Horace Chamberlain, care of Solvav Process Co., Syracuse, N. '96 Porter, Robert Knight, Prescott, Ariz., 191" [Y., 207 '73 Porterfield, Elijah Newton, 2300 Central Ave., 2d Floor, Kearney, Neb., 8 '00 Posev, Chesslev Justin, State Normal, Mankato, Minn., 261 '02 Post,' Hiram F'ranklin, 1275 Old Colonv Bldg., Chicago, 111., 320 '04 Post, Raebem Henry, Curtis Mfg. Co.,' St. Louis, Mo., 390 '99 Postel, Fred Jacob, 5227 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111., 239 '97 *Postlethwaite, Francis William Henry, 207 [12 '74 Potter, Frances Adelai (Revnolds), 60 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I., '04 Powell, Jesse Rov, 4247 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, 111., 390 '91 Powell, John Henderson, Broadwav & 8th St., Kansas City, Mo., 131 '04 Powers, Francis Marion, 401 S. Monroe St., Streator, 111., 390 '03 Powers, George Augustus, Benton, 111., 350 '87 *Powers, Mark, 103 '93 Powers, William Ambrose, 1012 Taylor St., Topeka, Kas., 150 [261 '00 Praeger, William Emilius, care of ICalamazoo Coll., Kalamazoo, Mich., '03 Prater, Banus Hutson, care of Isthmian Canal Zone Co., Bohio, Canal '04 Prettyman, William Schenck, Pekin, 111., 390 [Zone, Panama, 350 '00 Price, Anna Mav, 912 W. Calif. Ave., Urbana, 111., 261 '00 Price, Helen Louise, T. B. Scott Free Lib., Merrill, Wis., 261 '03 Price, Hugh Mitchell, Citv Hall, Paris, Tex., 350 '90 Proctor, Orla Alfred, Chillicothe, 111., 121 [Minn., 350 '03 Provine, Loring Harvey, 1016 Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis, Index to Alumxi 665 '92 Pullen, Rome B.. 322 Reaper Bldg., Chicago, 111., 140 '99 Putnam, Alice. 55 Madison Park, Chicago, 111., 240 '03 /iPutnam, Herbert, Library' of Congress, Washington, D. C. 460 '95 Quade, John Conrad, St. David, 111., 176 '00 gQuaintance, Hadley Winfield, Laramie, Wyo., 450 '03 Quavle, Henrv Joseph, Box 774, Ames, la., 351 '04 /iQuiiie, William E., Columbus Mem'l Bldg., Chicago, 111., 463 '00 Quisenberry, Arthur Clifford, 326 Lincoln Ave. Lincoln, 111., 231 '01 Radcliffe, William Hickman, 5218 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, 111., 292 '00 Radlev, Guv Richardson, 1414 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., 262 '04 Railsback, Lee Willard, Hopedale, 111., 390 '99 Railsback, Rov J., Hopedale, 111., 240 '82 Raley. Arvilla K. (Harrison), (1904) 37 H St., Salt Lake City, U., 66 '03 Ramsey, William Everton, 6056 Har\'ard Ave., Chicago, 111.', 351 '03 Randall, Bertha Thatcher, Carnegie Librarv, Pittsburg. Penn., 351 '97 Randall, Dwight T., 608 S Busev Ave., Ufbana, 111., 208 '05 Randall, Frank Alfred, 1209 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago, 111., 429 '85 Rankin, Charles Henry, Fall Creek, 111., 89 '04 Ranson, Clara Ann, Havana, 111., 391 '99 Rapp, George Leslie, 53 E. 53d St., Chicago, 111., 240 '98 Rav, George Joseph, 418 Webster Ave., Scranton, Penn., 224 '01 Rav, Walter Thornton, U. S. Coal Testing Plant, St. Louis, Mo., 292 '97 Ravbum, Charles Clvde, Kewanee, 111., 208 '72 Ravmond, Isaac Stuart, R. F. D. No. 58, Sidnev, 111., 2 '99 Ravmond, John Eaton, R. F. D. No. 58, Sidnev, 111., 240 '99 Ravmond, Ruth Cleveland (Haseltine), Box 422, Aurora, 111., 240 '93 Rea, Alfred Willemin, 204 Grome Bldg., Joplin, Mo., 150 '01 Read, Nellie Lewis, Canton, China, care of A. P. M., 292 '04 Readhimer, Jerome Edward, 311 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, 111., '00 Reardon, Neal Daniel, Delavan, 111., 262 [391 '02 Reasoner, Clara Beck. S. Lincoln Ave., City Limits, Urbana, 111., 320 '96 Reasoner, Matthew, Aaron, Armv Med. School, Washington, D. C, 191 '05 Reat, Ruth, Charleston, 111., 429' '01 Redfield, George William, 1311 Winona Ave., Chicago, 111., 292 '00 Reed, (Mrs.) Adele Cooper (Scott), care of Department of State, Wash- '04 Reef, Augustus Joseph, Carten.'ille, 111., 391 [ington, D. C, 262 '95 Reeley. Thomas Washington, Port Dodge, la., 177 '05 gRees, Maurice Holmes, Newton, la., 456 '05 Reese, Maurice H., 270 Lincoln Ave., Ravenna, O., 429 '05 Reese, Nelle Wheeler, 270 Lincoln Ave., Ravenna. O., 429 '02 Reeves, George I., Bureau Entomologv, U. S. Dept. Agr., Washington, '95 Reeves, Harlev Edson, Atkinson, Ill.,'l77 [D. C, 320 '05 Reid, Robin Rov, 107 So. 2d St., Greenville, 111., 429 '00 Reimers, Frederick William, 714 21st St., Rock Island, 111., 262 '72 Reiss, Willie Albert, 200 Portland Ave., Belleville, 111., 3 '01 Remann, Frederick Gordon, Vandalia, 111., 292 '04 Renich, Edward Alexander, Morgan Hall, Auburn, New York, 391 '05 Renner. Edwin Theodore, 486 FuUerton Ave., Chicago, 111., 429 '85 Reynolds, Henry Lincoln, 402 Walker Bldg., Seattle, Wash.. 89 '74 Reynolds, Henry Sheldon, 60 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I., 12 '01 Reynolds, Mabel, care of State Normal School, Cheney, Wash., 292 '72 *Revnolds, Stephen Averv, 3 '03 Rh'ea, Frank Hiett, Bloo'mington, 111., 351 '04 Rheil, Anna, Evergreen Heights, Alton, 111., 292 '00 Rhoades, Edward Melville, 308 E. Healy St., Champaign, 111., 262 '99 Rhoades, Emma May, (Nickoley) care of Svrian Protestant Coll., [Beirut, Svria, 240 '99 Rhoades, Horace Adams, 510 Healey St., Champaign, 111.. 240' '76 Rhodes, James Frederick, El Dorado Springs, Mo., 26 666 University of Illinois '98 Rhodes, Ora, Com Belt Bank, Bloomington, 111., 225 '04 Rich, Claud Winfred, Cobden, 111.. 391 '87 Richards, Albert Lennox, Federal Bldg., Rock Island, 111., 103 '78 Richards, Charles, Laurens, Hebron, Thayer Co., Neb., 41 '82 *Richards, George William, 66 '04 Richards, Llewellvn Sylvester, 3526 S. Paulina St., Chicago, 111., 291 '01 Richardson, Robert E'arl, Urbana, 111., 293 '91 Richart, Frederick William, Carterville, 111., 131 '05 Richeson, Virginia, Campbell, 3805 S. King's Highway, St. Louis., Mo, '77 *Rice, George Clark, 32 ' [429 '03 Richev, John Jefferson, C. & N. W. R. R., Bridge Dept., Chicago, 111., '72 Rickard," Thomas Edwin, Hemet, CaHf., 3 [351 '04 Ricker, Ethel, 612 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 392 '00 Ricker, Ravm.ond Carver, Tsicheos. via Chungking, China, 262 '72 Ricker, Nathan Clifford, 612 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 3 '04 Riddle, Rollo Gaun, Mattoon, 111., 392 '03 Rightor, Fred, Clinton, Ind., 351 '02 Rilev, Anna Berthair, 501 W. Main St., Urbana, 111., 320 '04 Rilev, George Albert, 819 W^ 7th St., Los Angeles, Calif., 392 '94 Riley, Walter Busev, 702 W. Clark St., Champaign, 111., 163 '87 Rinaker, John Irving, 212 E. Canedv St., Springfield, 111., 103 |99 Ritchey, Felix, R. F. D. No. 3, Arthur, 111., 241 '00 Robbins, Ernest Thompson, Iowa State Coll., Ames, la., 263 '04 Roberts, Carolyn Mabel, Oskaloosa, la., 392 |82 Roberts, Charles Newton, 1014 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111., 66 '02 Roberts, Harry Ashton. Nampa, Idaho, 321 '84 Roberts, Lewis Clark, 4098 Milwaukee, Ave., Chicago, 111., 82 '86 Roberts, Vertus Bassett, 175 Vermont St., Blue Island, 111., 97 '88 Roberts, Warren Russell, 1275 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago, 111., 110 '00 Robertson, Lloyd Silas, Carlisle, Ark., 263 '80 Robinson, Albert Fowler, 448 Marion St., Oak Park, 111., 51 '80 Robinson, Arthur Seymour, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 51 '75 Robinson, Elna Alphonso, 112 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111., 19 '98 Robinson, Lewis Archibald, Oregon State Normal School, Monmouth, '73 *Robbins, Henry Edwin, 8 [Ore., 225 '00 Rochow, Carl John Frederick, 1206 4th Ave., Rock Island, 111., 263 '04 Rodman, Claud Seaman, Moweaqua, 111., 392 '00 Roe, Arthur, Vandalia, 111., 263 '72 Rolfe, Charles Weslev, 601 E. Jonn St., Clam.paign, 111., 4 '00 Rolfe, Martha Deette, 601 E. John St., Champaign, 111.. 263 '02 Rolfe, Mary Annette, 601 John St., Champaign, 111.. 321 '03 Rolfe. Susan Farley. 601 E. John St., Champaign, 111., 352 '85 Ronalds, Hugh Louis, Grayville, 111., 89 '05 Ronev, William Hanson, 557 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111., 429 '02 *Rose,'AHce, 321 ^03 Rose, Fred Wayland, 623 Poplar St., Ottawa, Kas., 352 '02 Rose, Luther Vernon, El Cam.po, Tex., 321 '05 Roseberrv. Clarence Judson, Box 1008 Peoria, 111., 429 '89 Ross, Luther Sherman, 1308 27th St., Des Moines, la., 115 [05 Ross, Robert Malcolm, 481 E. 45th St., Chicago, 111., 430 '81 Ross, Sprague Dwight, Grand Island, Neb., 59 '05 Rothgeb, Wade Hampton, Wellington, 111., 430 '04 Roulston, Robert Bennett, 25 Market St., Chicago, 111., 392 '96 Rowe, George Edward, 607 So. 29th St., Om.aha, Neb.. 191 [95 Rowe, Herbert Brunskill, 201 N. Central Ave., Paris, 111., 177 '93 Rowe, William Briggs, Freeport, Kas., 151 '00 Rowland. Elbert Mallary. 1030 So. Morgan St.. Olnev. 111.. 263 '05 Roy, Howard Meek. Anna. 111., 430 '04 Royall, Charles Crecv, 407 E. Green St., Champaign. 111.. 393 '04 Royce, Bertha Ella, 926 W. Illinois St., Westfield, N Y., 393 Index to Alumni 667 '95 Rover, Joseph William, 801 W. Oregon St.. Urbana, 111., 177 '95 Rovsdon, William Ira, Champaign, 111., 177 yS Rubey, Harry Kelly, 5066 W. Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo., 430 '99 Rudnick, Paul Frederick Augustus, 4956 Vincennes Ave., Chicago, 111., '78 *Rudv, William Dole, 41 [241 '00 Rugg, Edna Almira (Hubbard), 2135 Harrison Ave., Columbus, O., 264 '82 Rugg, Frederick Daniel, 507 W. Universitv Ave., Champaign, 111., 66 '04 Rump, Guv Henrv, Pekin, 111., 393 '84 Rupp, Andrew Oliver. Chenoa. 111.. 82 '93 Russell, Charles Weslev, Virginia, 111., 151 '78 *Rutan. Abram D., 41 "94 Rutledge. John Weaver, 3626 Cedar Ave., Hampden, Baltimore. Md., 163 '03 Rutt, Rov Weaver, 5052a Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo., 352 '00 Ryburn, Charles A., He^-^vorth, 111,, 264 '05 Sachse, William Gustavus, Morris, 111., 430 '00 Saffer, Louis Bvron, 1001 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 264 '00 SaflFord, Edward Brigham, 414 S. Edith St., Albuquerque, N. M., 264 '05 gSakagami, Gasuzo, '97 Sammis, John Langlev, L^niv. of Wis., Madison, Wis., 208 '96 Sample, John Clavart', 74 Elm St., Flushing, N. Y., 191 '02 Sampson, Charles Leonard, 815 W. 54th Place, Chicago, 111., 321 '02 Sampson, George Rov, 311 W. High St., Urbana, 111., 321 '05 Sampson, Wilham Edgar, Tice, 111., 430 '04 Samson, Inez Rose, 311 W. High St., Urbana, 111., 393 '88 Samuels, John Huntoon, 2015 7th Ave., Moline, 111., 110 '05 /zSanders, Alvin Howard, care of Breeders' Gazette, Chicago, 111., 469 '02 Sanders, Theodore Marcus, Little Rock, Ark., 322 '00 Sanford, Delia Cleora, Univ. of Wis., Librarv, MadiS^on, Wis., 264 '86 Sargent. Charles Elliotte. 2509 N. Hermitage Ave.. Chicago, 111., 97 '96 Saunders, Harry J., 5430 Armour Ave., Chicago, 111., 192 '98 Saunders, Rome Clark, care of Sante Fe Gen. Office, Los Angeles, Cal.. 225 '80 Savage, George Marvin, Room 454 New York Bldg.. Seattle, Wash., 52 '78 Savage, Manford, 722 W. Church St., Champaign, 111.. 41 '02 Sawyer, Donald Hubbard. Bloomington, 111., 322 '05 Sawyer, Fred Scott, 3801 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111., 430 '03 Sawyer, George Loyal, 3101 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111., 352 '00 Sawyer, Ida Estelle (Tate), Morgantown, W. Va., 264 '78 Sawver, Hamlin Whitmore, Enid, Okla., 42 '95 . Sayers, Albert Jefferson. 518 W. 66th St., Chicago, 111., 177 '97 Savers, William Weslev, care of Link Belt Mach'v Co., Chicago, 111., '97 Savler, Joe Revnolds, Box 208, Scranton, Pa., 208 ' [208 '97 Schacht, Frederick William, 1444 13th St., MoHne, 111., 208 '03 Schacht, John Henrv, 1440 13th St., MoHne, 111., 352 '04 Schaefer, Ellen Marv, Cambridge Citv, Ind., 393 '88 Schaefer, John Victor, 6630 Yale Ave., Chicago. 111.. HI '00 Schaefer. Peter Philip, 13 Main St., Champaign, 111.. 265 '90 Schaefer, Philemon Anatolio, Parral, Chihuahua, Mex., 122 '92 Scheidenhelm, Ed. Lewis, Wilmette, 111., 140 '05 Scherer, Josephine, Murphvsboro, 111., 431 '01 Schillinger, Josephine, 432'8th St., Mohne, 111., 293 '85 Schlader, Theodore Henrv, 1014 Monadnock Bldg.. Chicago. 111., 90 '03 Schmidt. Gustave Adolphus. 6225 Halstead St.. Chicago. 111., 352 '05 Schmidt, Hugo. 285 Fremont St., Chicago, 111., 431 '94 Schneider, Albert, Parnassus Ave., San Francisco, Calif., 163 '00 Schneider, Edward John, 704 Postal Tel. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., 265 '85 Schrader, Alfred Charles. 736 Millard Ave.. Chicago. 111.. 90 '05 Schott. Frederick, 856 W. 22d St., Chicago, 111., 431 '04 Schreiber, Rudolph Ernest, 167 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, 111., 393 '05 Schroeder, Charles Ward, (home) 107 Woodworlh Ave., Joliet, 111., 431 668 University of Illinois '01 Schroeder, Curt August, Hazelton, B. C, 293 '01 Schulte, Mabel, Hopedale, 111., 293 '00 gSchulz, William Frederick, 225 S. Brodaway, Baltimore, Md., 451 '04 Schumacher, Henry Theodore, 405^ Prairie St., Champaign, 111., 394 '02 Schumacher, Tillie Joe, 405 E. Green St., Champaign, 111., 322 '05 Schutt, Alfred George, 809 S. Jackson St., Belleville, 111., 431 '99 Schutt, Walter Robert, Franklin Park, 111., 241 '81 Schwartz, Joseph, Salem, 111., 59 '97 gScoggan, Edward Barker, Jamaica, la., 448 '83 Scotchbrook, George Pope, Wessington, S. Dak., 75 '95 Scott, Daisy Coffin (Stevenson), College Campus, Ames, la., 178 '93 Scott, Donald Gamaliel, care of Caldwell & Drake Iron Works, Columbus, '01 Scott, Frank William, 924 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 293 [Ind., 151 '96 Scott, George Harvey, 1200 Douglas Ave., Yankton, S. Dak., 192 '05 Scott, John T., Casper, Wyoming, 431 '95 Scott, WiUiam John, 721 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 178 '75 Scovell, Melville Amasa, Lexington, Ky., 20 '76 *Scribner, Artemus C, 26 '00 Scudder, Benjamin Harrison, Tempe, Ariz., 265 '75 Scudder, Clarence Orlando, 909 Berteau Ave., Chicago, 111., 20 '02 Scudder, Henry Disbro, 909 Berteau Ave., Chicago, 111., 322 '95 Scurlock, Henry Harrison, 122 N. Water St., Decatur, 111., 178 '93 Seaman, Geroge Washington, Mansfield, O., 151 '00 Sears, Minnie Earl, care of Bryn Mawr Coll., Lib. Bryn Mawr, Pa., 265 '95 Seastone, Charles Victor, University St., W. Lafavette, Ind., 178 '00 Seely, Blanche, 5734 Washington Ave., Chicago, 111., 265 '99 Seely, Garrett Teller, 602 E. 50th St., Chicago, 111., 241 '04 Seibel, Karl Bird, Manlius, 111., 394 '91 Seibert, Emma Effie, 170 9th St., Newark, N. J., 132 '81 Seymour, Arthur Bliss, 26 University Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 60 '04 Sevmour, Arthur Piatt, R. F. D. No. 1, Henning, 111., 394 '03 Seymour, Budd Willard, 6400 Harvard Ave., Chicago, 111., 353 '05 Seymour, Claude Henrickson, 386 Racine Ave., Chicago, 111., 432 '77 Seymour, John James, 1419 L St., Fresno, Calif., 32 '04 Seymour, Roy Vincent, Dwight, 111., 394 '98 Shamel, Archibald Dixon, 1227 Princeton St., Columbia Heights, Wash- '90 Shamel, Charles H., Taylorville, 111., 122 [ington, D. C, 225 '91 Shamel, Clarence Albert, 1443 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111., 132 '82 Sharp, Abia Joseph, Harrisonville, Mo., 66 '93 Sharpe, Richard W., Zoology Bldg., Univ. of Chi., Chicago, 111., 152 '91 Shattuck, Anna (Palmer), 1013 California Ave., Urbana, 111., 132 '91 Shattuck, Walter Francis, 4743 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, 111., 132 '75 Shawhan, George Robert, 807 S. W^right St., Champaign, 111., 20 '94 Shawhan, Gertrude (Shaefer), Ferguson, Mo., 164 '96 Shea, John Clark, 120 Logan Ave., Danville, 111., 192 '99 Sheean, Frank Thomas, Galena, 111., 241 '99 Sheean, Henry David, Galena, 111., 242 '99 Sheldon, Carl Edmund, Sterling, 111., 242 '05 Sheldon, Carrie Belle, Ottawa, Kas., 432 '04 Sheldon, Charles Harper, Kewanee, 111., 394 '04 Sheldon, Edna Weaver (Trego), Hoopeston, 111., 394 '03 Sheldon, Maud Lillian, Sharpsburg, 111., 3 53 '03 Sheldon, Victor Lorenzo, 1368 Clara Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 353 '03 Shelton, Addison M., Crystal Lake, 111., 353 '95 Shepardson, John Eaton, care of South & Western Ry., Bristol, Va., 178 '97 Shepardson, Ralph Steele, 479 Fifth St., Aurora, 111., 209 '01, William Horace, 601 E. Missouri Ave., St. Joseph, Mo., 293 '93 Shiga, Shigetsura, Tokio Coll. of Tech., Asakusa, Tokio, Japan, 152 '04 Shilton, Carlyle Nance, 218 So. Elm St., Kewanee, 111., 394 '02 Shimmin, Robert Philip, 623 E. 65th St., Chicago, 111., 322 Index to Alumni 669 '04 Shinn, James Ricketts, care of Coll. of Agr'l. Urbana, 111., 395 '05 Shipman, Andrew Bradt. SuefTels, Colo., 432 '82 Slaudeman. Frank. 833 S. Webster St., Decatur, 111., 67 '86 Shlaudeman, Harry. 95 5 Lincoln Ave., Decatur, 111., 98 '03 Shoemaker. John Earl, Charleston, 111., 353 '04 Shoemaker. Theodora, Charleston, 111., 395 '01 Short. Walter Campbell, Ft. Reno, Okla., 294 '00 Shrum. Mabel Claire. Golden. Colo.. 265 '04 Sides, Aimee May. R. F. D. Xo. 1. Carterville, Mo., 395 '03 Siler. Roderick William, 6335 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111., 353 '72 Silver, Charles Wallace, 904 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111., 4 '72 *Silver. Howard. 4 '77 Sim. Coler Lindlev. 1065 Emporia Ave.. Wichita. Kas., 32 '84 Sim. Keturah Elizabeth. 605 W. Green St.. Urbana. 111.. 82 '01 Simmons. Aaron Trabue. 402 First Xat'l Bank Bldg., Bloomington. 111., '96 Sim.ons. Alexander Martin. 401 S. 12th St., Quincv, 111.. 192 [294 '04 Sim.pson. Carl William, Blackstone Bldg.. Quincy. 111., 395 '03 Sim^pson. Francis, Univ. of 111.. Urbana. 111., 353 '05 Simms, Charles Edward, 507 Terrace Ave., Indianapolis. Ind.. 432 '05 Sisler, Delia Jarett. Emporia, Kas.. 432 '84 Sizer. Lucius Xoves. R. F. D. Xo. 35. Fisher. 111.. 83 '05 Skelley. Charles Edward. 328 W. South St.. De Kalb, 111.. 432 '93 Skielvig, Severina Canute, Dallas, Tex., 152 '03 Skinner. Elgie Ray. 4451 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago, 111., 354 '77 *Skinner. Velma Elethea (Ward), 33 '81 Slade, Bvron A.. 1027 SpafTord Ave., Rockford. 111., 60 '94 Slater, WiUiam Frederick. 203 Trude Bldg., Chicago. 111., 164 '82 Slauson. Howard Brinkerhoff. Brighton. Wash.. 67 '05 Sloan. Hazel (Schroeder). 421 Hemlock St.. Helena. Mont., 432 '04 Slocum, Marv Jane, 1016 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111., 395 '00 Slocum., Roy'Harley, 1016 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111., 266 '01 Slocumb, Edward Clvde. Beardstown. 111., 294 ■ '01 Sluss. Alfred Higgins. 1011 W. IlHnois St., Urbana, 111., 294 '02 Sm.ith. Arthur Bourne. 2 704 Virginia St., Berkelev, Calif., 322 '77 Smith, Avis. 400 Univ. Bldg.. Kansas Citv, Mo., 33 '01 Smith, Bruce, Xewman. 111.. 294^ '99 Smith. Charles Augustus, lola, Kas.. 242 '74 Smith. Charles Augustus. 243 Broad St., Central Falls, R. I., 12 '03 Sm.ith. Charles Henry. Snell Hall. Univ. of Chicago. Chicago, 111., 354 '82 Sm.ith, Charles Linnaeus. 2018 Hawthorne Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., 67 '03 Smith, Charles Wesley, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, Wath., 354 '05 Smith, Edwin Ravmond, 1029 L'niversitv Ave., Madison, Wis., 432 '02 Smith, Ellen Gartield, 1843 Aldine Ave., 'Chicago, 111., 323 [Penn., 242 '99 Smith, Church, care of Jamison Coal & Coke Co.. Greensburg, '04 Smith, Esther Anna, Univ. Librarv. Ann Arbor, Mich.. 395 '99 Smith, Florence Mary, 606 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 242 '04 Smith, Florence Sebring, Free Public Lib., Beatrice, Xeb., 395 '05 Smith, Fred D., 203 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 433 '04 gSmith, Fred John, 455 '01 ' Smith, George Carroll. Josephine Bldg.. E. St. Louis, 111., 294 '00 Smith, George Russell. 616 Grant St., Bav Citv, Mich., 266 '04 Smith, Henrv William. 152 Tem.ple St.. Xew Haven. Conn., 396 '05 Smith, Kenneth Gardner. Wellsville. X. Y.. 433 '84 Smith, Laura Belle (Piatt), 129 Highland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., 83 '97 Smith, Louie Henrie. (Temporary) Halle a. d. Saale, Germany, 209 '01 Sm.ith, Percy Almerin, 50 Kaminagarekawcho, Hiroshima, Japan, 295 '02 Smith, Rov,'Okura, Commercial School, Tokyo, Japan, 323 '96 Smith. She'rman, Howard, Kas., 192 '05 Sm.ith, Thomas Barrington Franklin, 400 W. Main St., Carbondale, 111., '05 Smith, Valentine, 1208 W. Clark St., Urbana, 111.. 433 [433 670 University of Illinois '85 Smith, William H., Lewistown, Mont., 90 '00 Smith, William Walter, (home) Broadlands, 111., 266 '91 Smolt, Frank Oscar, San Lorenzo, Uelardena Dgo, Mexico, 132 '99 Sm.oot, Elma (Postel), 5227 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111., 242 '99 Smurr, Tom Woods, Suite No. 1, Gednev Bldg., Ottawa, 111., 242 '02 Snodgrass, John McBeath, Urbana, 111., 323 '92 Snodgrass, Williani, Jr., 71 Broadway, N. Y., care of N. J. Zinc Co., 140 '90 Snyder, Christopher Henry, 413-45 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco, Calif., '04 Sommer, Clara, 4634 Champlain Ave., Chicago, 111., 396 [122 '80 *Sondericker, Jerome, 52 '83 Sondericker, William, Woodstock, 111., 7 5 '04 Sonntag, Mildred EHza, Plainfield, 111., 396 '98 Soper, Stanlev Livingston, Waterville, Kas., 225 '00 Soverhill, Harvey Allen, 623 23d St., Moline, 111., 266 '93 *Spalding, Fred Milton, 152 '98 Spalding, Roy Verner, Glen Ellyn, 111., 225 '97 gSpangler, John Nathaniel, Remington, Ind., 448 '04 Sparks, Annie Elnora, 1205 Springfield Ave., Urbana, 111., 396 '78 Sparks, Hosea B., care of Sparks Milling Co., Alton, 111., 42 '95 Sparks, Marion Emeline, 1205 Springfield Ave., Urbana, 111., 179 '98 Sparks, Mrs. Myrtle Eva, 1103 Post St., Ottawa, 111., 115 '02 Spaulding, Ida (Milner), Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 323 '87 Spear, Grant Warren, 96 Wilder St., Aurora, 111., 103 '84 *Speidel, Ernest, 83 '01 Spellman, Lorinda Ballou, 37 Olive Place, Cleveland, O., 295 '77 Spence, Franklin, 605 S. Wright St., Champaign, 111., 33 '95 Spencer, Bertha (Miner), Wilsey Place, Kewanee, 111., 179 '97 Spencer, Fred Wilcox, 2794 St. Anthony St., Chicago, 111., 209 '82 Spencer, Nelson Strong, 112 E. Green St., Champaign, 111., 67 '95 Sperling, Godfrey, 709 Hays St., Boise City, Ida., 179 '05 Spitler, Weslev Newton, 773 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., 433 '78 *Spradhng, William F., 42 '78 Sprague, Martin, Sahuripa, Sonora, Mexico, 42 '03 Spriggs, John Jack, (home) Louisville, 111., 354 '94 Spufgin, William Grant, First Nat'l Bank Block, Urbana, 111., 164 '81 *Stacey, Morelle M., 60 '03 Stahl, Garland, Elkhart, 111., 354 '00 Stakemiller, Benjamin Benton, 7th & Poplar Sts., St. Louis, Mo., 266 '04 Staley, Isabel, Cor. Church & Prospect Sts., Champaign, 111., 396 '98 Staley, Joseph Clarence, 1112 5th Ave., Spokane, Wash., 226 '99 Staley, Maggie Edith (Carpenter), Pullman, Wash., 243 '05 Standard, Alphonse Perry, Lewistown, 111., 433 '01 Stanley, Otis Orion, 2943 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., 295 '03 Stansbury, Alta Louise, 1504 MiHtary St.. Port Huron, Mich., 355 '79 Stanton, Samuel Cecil, 1040 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111., 46 '95 Stark, Robert Watt, 903 W. California Ave., Urbana, 111., 179 '97 States, William Daniel, Elwood, 111., 210 '76 Starr, Frank Augustus Ellis, Sumpter, Ore., 26 '77 Stayman, John Mather, 1424 Eastwood Ave., Chicago, 111., 34 '05 Stebbins, Roy, Summer Hill, 111., 434 '05 Stedman, Angeline Jones, Champaign, 111., 434 '02 Steele, Lavinia, State Library, Des Moines, la., 323 '75 Steele, Mary Carter (Ricker), 612 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 21 '89 Steele, Philip, 171 Osgood St., Chicago, 111., 115 '96 Steele, William La Barthe, 2024 Douglas St., Sioux City, la., 193 '02 Steinmayer, Otto Christopher, Somerville, Tex., 323 '03 Steinwedell, Carl, Butte Light & Power Co., Butte, Mont., 355 '97 Steinwedell, George, St. Paul Gas Light Co., St. Paul, Minn., 210 '04 Stephenson, Lewis Alva, 4604 Calumet Ave., Chicago, 111., 396 '02 Stern, Nathaniel, 1616 Tribune Bldg., Chicago, 111., 323 Index to Alumni 671 '90 Stevens, Fred Worthlev, care of Tocoma Smelting Co.. Tacoma, Wash., '84 Stevens, Hurbert Allen. 104 Bartleson St., Joliet. 111.. 83 [122 '03 Stevens, Lucia Alzina, Marengo, 111., 355 '01 Stevenson, Amos Milton. 425 Katherine St.. Ottawa, 111.. 205 '01 *Stevenson. Ralph Ewing, 295 '83 Stewart, Ella Marv, 2409 N. 43d Ave., Chicago, 111.. 75 '02 Stewart, John Pogue. Normal. 111.. 324 '93 Stewart, [ohn Truesdale. Paxton. 111.. 152 '95 Stewart. Mabel (Cole). 45 King St.. Oberlin. O., 179 [21 '75 Stewart, Margaret Esther (Robbins), 1951 Grand Ave., Los Angles. Cab, '01 Stewart, Miles Vincent, care of Gen. Elec. Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 295 '04 Stewart, Robert Jacques, 11406 Detroit Ave., N. W.. Cleveland. O.. 396 '02 Stewart. William Bowen. 56 E. 5th St.. St. Paul. Minn.. 324 '03 Stine. J. Carl, 355 '94 *Stocker, Edwin Warren, 165 '85 Stockham, William Henry, 1113 N. 25th St., Birmingham, Ala., 90 '77- Stoddard. Ira Joy. Jr.. Pella. la.. 34 '88 Stoltey. Ida May (Pettv). R. F. D. No. 2, Champaign, 111., HI '04 Stone, Charles NewhalL E. Main St., Ouincy. 111.. 397 '03 Stone. Clyde Ernest. 1020 Glen Oak Ave., Peoria, 111., 355 '03 Stone, Hal Marot. 330-33 Unity Bldg., Bloomington, 111.. 355 '96 Stone, Percy Allyn, R. R. No. 4. Springfield, 111., 193 '04 Stookey, Helen Florence, Harristown, 111., 397 '05 Storm, 'Howard Charles. Lockport. 111.. 434 '03 Storey. Ellsworth Prime. 260 37th Ave.. N. Seattle. Wash.. 356 '74 Story. George. 1342 Garden St.. San Luis Obispo. Calif.. 13 '84 Stratton. Samuel Wesley, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, 83 '94 Strauss, WilHam. Pittsfield. 111.. 165 '01 Strawn, John Harris, Albion, 111.. 296 '03 Street, Marietta Loiza (Price), Paris, Tex., 356 '03 Strehlow, Cornelia Emma, Linder^vood Coll., St. Charles, Mo., 356 '96 Strehlow. Oscar Emil. 1740 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Chicago, 111.. 193 '99 Streight. Laura Allana. FrankHnvil'le, N. Y., 243 '00 Strohm, Adam Julius, care of Free Public Library, Trenton, N. J., 266 '03 Strom, Alexander Jenning, 149 Lunt Ave., Rogers Park, Chicago, 111., '04 Stroud, Smith Lerov, Ocean Park, Calif., 397 [356 '00 Strout, Frank Asbu'rv, 243 So. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Cal., 267 '03 Stuebe, Leonard Frederick, R. F. D. No. 2, Danville, 111., 356 '81 *Sturman, James B., 60 '03 Stutsman, Adah Helen, Academy Hall, Jacksonville, 111., 356 '03 Susex, James Wolfe, 107 Halsey St., Newark, N. Y., 356 '02 Swanberg, Floyd Ludwig, 1209 Cypress St., W. H.. Cincinnati. O., 324 '79 Swanell, Arthur, Kankakee, 111., 47 '73 Swartz, x\lexander Culberton, Fresno, Calif.. 8 '04 Sweet. Belle. Moscow, 111., 397 '96 Swenev, Don, 238 New York St., Aurora, 111., 193 '93 Swenson Bernard Victor, 60 Wall St., New York, X. Y., 153 '99 Swenson, Sidney Orin, 84 Warburton Ave., Yonkers, N. Y., 243 '85 Swem, William Cooke, 1519 W. Adams St., Chicago. 111.. 90 '03 Swezev. Anne Davies. 1016 Nevada St., Urbana, 111., 357 '85 Switze'r, Charlotte, 608 W. Church St., Champaign. 111., 90 '77 Switzer. Gertrude (Peddicord), 602 W. Hill St., Champaign, 111., 34 '04 Switzer, Grace Ellen, Sta. A, Bellington, Wash., 397 '94 Sy, Albert Philip, 24 High St., Buffalo, N. Y., 165 '05 Sype, George, Fairbury, 111., 434 '94 *Tackett, William C, 165 '03 Taff. Albert Edgar, Canton, 111., 357 '82 Taft, Florizel Adino, Hanover, Kas., 68 '79 Taft, Lorado, 1038 Fine Arts Bldg.. Chicago, 111., 47 612 University of Illinois '81 Talbot, Arthur Newell, 1011 California, Ave., Urbana, 111., 60 '01 Talbot, Carrie E. (Miner), Plvmouth, 111., 296 '01 Tallyn, Louis Liston, care of Div. Engr. D. L. & W., Scranton, Pa., 296 '87 Tatarian, Bedros, (1904) Dale, Calif., 103 '04 Taylor, Elsie Mae, 1003 S. Sixth St., Champaign, 111., 397 '04 Taylor, George Graham, Taylorville, 111., 397 '02 Tavlor, Helen, Marv, 504 E. Walnut St., Bloomington, 111., 324 '87 Taylor, Horace, Scarsdale, New York City, 103 '04 Tavlor, John Orlo, Christobal, Canal Zone, C. A., 398 '88 *Tavlor, Tohn Walter, 111 '05 Taylor, Ruth Beatrica, 406 John St., Champaign, 111., 434 '99 Tebbetts, George Edward, 1298 Millard Ave., Chicago, 111., 243 '72 *Teeple, Jared, 5 '97 Teeple, Wallace Douglas, 227 N. Taylor St., South Bend, Ind., 210 '00 Temple, Harry Roberts, 603 E. Daniel St., Champaign, 111., 267 '94 *Templeton, Benjamin Franklin, 165 '90 Ter Bush, Lindley Fletcher, 304 Bowen Ave., Chicago, 111., 122 '91 Terrill, Joseph Samuel, Deer Grove, Whiteside Co., 111., 132 97 Terrv, Charles Dutton, 338 W. Prospect St., Kewanee, 111., 210 '98 Thayer, Albert Lewis, 709 Trust Bldg., New Castle, Penn., 226 '05 Thayer, Wilham Summer, 846 Estes Ave., Rogers Park, Chicago, 111., '99 Theiss, Otto John, 131 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., 243 [434 '01 Theodorson, WilHam Anton, 19 Milton Ave., Chicago, 111., 296 '81 Thomas, Darlei, 5211 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111., 61 '95 Thomas, Homer, R. F. D. No. 19, Edwards, 111., 180 '93 Thompson, Almon Daniel, 101 Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Peoria, 111., 153 '02 Thompson, Frank Linn, Warrenberg, 111., 324 '96 Thompson, Fred Lawrence, Seventh St. & River, Louisville, Ky., 193 '00 Thompson, George Henry, 180 Cass St., Chicago, 111., 267 '01 Thompson, George Mershon, Bement, 111., 296 '98 Thompson, Guy Andrew, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me., 226 '05 Thompson, James Arthur, Rushville, 111., 434 '86 Thompson, Luther, care of Marion Land Co., Winamac, Ind., 98 '02 Thompson, McDonald, 1122 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, La., 325 '95 Thompson, Marion (Gratz), 3658 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo., 180 '99 Thompson, Ralph, Carbondale, 111., 243 '04 Thompson, Sherman, Warrensburg, 111., 398 '97 Thompson, Susan Elizabeth, Winamac, Ind., 210 '79 Thompson, William Augustus, Riverside. 111., 47 '00 Thorpe, John Charles, New York, St., Aurora, 111., 267 '04 Timm, Peter Frederick Wilham, 2329 Kenelworth Ave., Sta. H., Cin- '82 Todd, James, Elgin, 111., 68 [cinnati, O., 398 '01 Todd, Mary Estelle, 742 S. Beech St., Syracuse, N. Y., 296 '98 Toenniges, Ferdinand Frederick Emil, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 226 '00 Tooke, Charles Wesley, 12 Svracuse Bank Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y., 267 '94 Tower, Willis Eugene, 444 N' Normal Park Way, Chicago, 111., 166 '93 Townsend, William, HI N. Catherine Ave., La Grange, 111., 153 '05 Trams, Albert Francis Paxton, 111., 435 '99 Trapp, Harold Frederick, 227 Tremont St., Lincoln, 111., 243 '04 Travis, Rov Elmer, Assumption, 111., 398 '80 *Travis, Wilham W., 52 '94 Trego, Charles Henry, Holtville. San Diego Co., Calif., 166 '90 Tresise, Francis John, 321 Herkimer St., Buffalo, N. Y., 122 '00 Trevett, John Howard, 101 N. Elm St., Champaign, 111., 268 |05 Triebel, Albert, 1421 Perry Ave., Peoria, 111., 435 '04 Trimble, Clara Eugenia, Champaign, 111., 398 '04 Tripp, Harold Frank, Walter, Okla., 398 '90 *Tscharner, John Baptiste, 123 '01 Tull, Effie Mav, Farmer City, 111., 296 '01 Ttmnicliff, John James, Jr. 663 W. North St., Galesburg, 111., 297 Index to Alumni 673 "05 //Turncaurc, Frederick Eugene, Madison, Wis., 460 "04 Turner, Charles Philip, 42.3 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y., 398 •82 Turner. Herbert. (1004) 1618 N. Main St., Dayton, O., 68 '04 Tuthill. Lewis Butler, Anna, 111., 399 '00 Tyler, Walter Simeon, 96 Sherwood Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., 268 '75 Tyndale, Hector Hilgard, 49 Wall St., New York, N. Y., 21 '99 Ullensvang, Martin L., 424 Fourth St., Albert Lea, Minn., 243 '98 Unzicker, William Luther, Room 204 Federal Bldg., Omaha, Neb., 226 '91 Vail, Charles Davis, 915 W. Woolman, St. Butte, Mont., 133 '97 Vail, Walter Cheney, Nashville, Tenn., 210 '00 Van Brundt, Chester S., No. 1 N. First St.. N. Yakima, Wash., 268 '03 Vance, Edna Cecilia (Spriggs), Columbia, Mo., 337 '04 Vance, Mahlon Smith, Sullivan, 111., 399 '95 Vance, Walter Noble, 120 Lincoln Park Boul., Chicago, 111., ISO '99 Vance, William Herbert, Stamps, Ark., 244 '05 /zVanderlip, Frank Arthur, Nat'l Citv Bank. i\ew York. N. Y.. 470 '03 Van Dervort. Paul Ravmond, Tiskilwa. 111., 357 '88 Van Gundo. Charles Philip, Mt. Clare, Baltimore, Md.. Ill '04 Vanhorne, George Garret, 6406 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111., 399 '05 Van Meter, Anna Roberta, 1008 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 435 |02 Van Meter, George William, 630 W. 7th St., Oklahoma City. Okla., 325 '96 Van Orstrand. Charles Edwin, care of U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, '00 Van Patten, Seth Fields, Ventura, Calif., 268 ' [D. C, 194 '84 Van Petten, Henrv Seward, East Las Vegas, N. M., 84 '03 Varnes. Albert Grafton, Corv, Ind., 357 '04 Vawter, John Terrell, Jr., 602 E. Springfield Ave., Urbana. 111.. 399 '01 Veirs, Davis Carroll, Denver Union Water Co., Denver, Colo., 297 '99 Vial, Alice Mildred, R. F. D. No. 2, La Grange, 111., 244 '84 Vial, Edmund Robert, R. F. D. No. 2, La Grange. 111., 84 '85 Vial, Frederick Ketchum, 312 Madison Ave., La Grange, 111., 90 '93 Vial, Robert Clarke, La Grange, 111., R. F. D. No. 2, 153 '96 Vickerv, Charles Rov. 29 N. Washington St., Valparaiso, Ind., 194 '04 Vickerkge, Richard Percival, 104 S. Clark St., Pana, 111., 399 '77 * Victor, Carrie Doniphan (Stoddard), 34 '05 Vines, Edgar, James, 1307 W. Main St., Urbana, 111., 435 '99 Volk, Edmund, 1275 Franklin St., Oakland, 111., 244 '02 Von der Lippe, Ernest C. F., Chemical Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo., 325 '05 Voss, Sophie Marv, 405 S. State St., Champaign, 111., 435 '97 *dc Vries, Steven George, 210 '82 "Wadsworth, John George, 201 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. la., 68 '05 Wagenseil, Edgar White, 5725 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111., 435 '01 Wahl, Henrv, 6124 So. Park Ave., Chicago, 111., 297 '92 Wait, Beniamin Asaph, 826 Cannon Ave., Ft. Worth, Tex., 140 '01 Wait, Ernest Ludden, 117 E. Washington St., Springfield, 111., 297 '87 Waite, Merten Benwav, care of Dept. of Agr'l, Washington, D. C, 103 '00 ^fijWaits, Charles Jefferson, 1940 N. 10th St., Terre Haute, Ind., 451 '97 'Wakefield, George Michell, 441 S. Normal Parkwav, Chicago, 111.. 211 '97 Wallace, Herbert Wilford, Camas, Wash., 211 '03 Wallace, [acob H., 1076 12th St., Boulder, Colo., 357 '00 Waldo, M'aric L. (Tavlor), Grand Junction, Colo., 268 '92 Walker, Edward Lewis, 3639 A Winsor Place, St. Louis, Mo., 140 '79 *Walker, Francis Eugene, 47 '98 Walker, Rufus, Jr., 641 22d St., Moline. 111., 226 '03 Wallace, Jacob H., 1076 12th St., Boulder, Colo., 357 '91 Wallace, Ross Strawn, 125 N. Jefferson Ave., Peoria, 111., 133 '98 Walter, Charles Albert, (1904 317 E. North St., Indianapolis, Ind.. 227 '94 Walton, Percy Thomas, 831 W. Lafayette Ave., Jacksonville, 111., 166 674 University of Illinois '00 Wandell, Caroline, Phoenix, Oswego, Co. N. Y., 269 '03 Ward, Robert Russell, Benton, 111., 358 'OS Ward, Ulysses Garfield, Shelbyville, 111., 435 '77 Ward, Walter P., Webb City, Mo., 34 '03 Wardall, Ruth Aimee, (home) Tuscola, 111., 358 '05 Warder, Laura Belle, Marion, 111., 436 [D. C, 297 '01 Warner, Harry Jackson, Bureau of Chem., Dept. of Agr'l, Washington, '75 Warner, Lyman Fenn, Jr., Auburn, Placer Co., Calif., 21 '05 Warner, William Herbert, care of U. S. Reclamation Service, Glendive, '05 Warnock, Arthur Ray, Mason Citv, 111., 436 [Mont., 436 '02 Waterbury, Leslie Abram, 907 W.' Calif. Ave., Urbana, 111., 325 '90 Waterman, Fred Walter, 116 E. Broad St., Elyria, Ohio, 123 '00 Waters, Willard Otis, 2514 Thirteenth St., Washington, D. C, 269 '05 Watrous, Chris Beach, Hampshire, 111., 436 '80 Watson, Ella Maria (Davis), Straight Creek, Kas., 52 '74 Watts, William, 339 Huron St., Toledo, Ohio, 13 '99 Weaver, Ben Perley, 215 W. Wayne St., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 244 '94 *Weaver, Leslie Alvord, 166 '97 Webber, Hubert Anthony, 304 W. 13th St., Anderson, Ind., 211 '04 Webber, Lorena Nell, Iron City, la., 399 '03 Webber, Pearl, 709 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 358 '95 Webster, Charles Carlton, Pumping Station, Schenectady, N. Y., 180 '98 Webster, Joshua Percy, 4613 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., 227 '98 Webster, Sarah Emmeline, 245 E. 119th St., New York, N. Y., 227 '99 Webster, WilHam W., 796 G St., San Bernardino, Calif., 244 '78 Weed, Mahlon Ogden, Alvo, Neb., 42 '94 Weedman, Fred John, 305 Park Row Sta., Chicago, 111., 166 '04 Weeks, Harry William, 112 Webb St., Jackson, Mich., 399 '04 Wehmeier, William Henry, 436 E. Eight St., Alton, 111., 399 '00 Wehrstedt, Otto Charles, 2603 Sheridan Road, Evantson, 111., 269 '96 Weinshank, Theodore, 720 Newton Claypool Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind., '99 Weirick, Ralph Wilson, 17 E 95th St., New York, N. Y., 245 [194 '89 *Weis, Herman Lincoln, 115 '83 Weis, Joseph Brenneman Franklin,, Franklin Co., O., 75 '03 Welles, Miriam Ursula (Reeves), Bureau of Entomology, Washington, '01 Welles, Winthrop Selden, Park Ridge, 111., 297 [D. C, 358 '01 gWells, EHas Herbert, Box 619, University Place, Neb., 452 '03 Wells, Frederick Mason, 315-17 Union Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif., '02 Wendell, Francis George, Box 664 Tulsa, I. T., 325 [358 '99 Wernham, (Dr.) James IngersoU, Marengo, 111., 245 '00 Wesemann, Adolph Henry, La Grange, 111., 269 '02 Wesselhoeft, Charles Dietrich, 749 S. Sawyer Ave., Chicago, 111., 326 '00 West, Maybel Gay, 794 N. Academy St., Galesburg, 111., 269 '02 Western, Irvine Mark, Elgin, 111., 325 '03 Westhold, Hannah Amanda, 424 S. 16th St., Quincy, 111., 358 '85 Weston, Abbie (Swern), 1519 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111., 91 '76 Weston, Charles, Hay Springs, Neb., 26 '89 Weston, Margaret (Van Osdel), Wheaton, 111., 115 '89 Weston, Nathan Austin, 601 Daniel St., Champaign, 111., 116 '81 Weston, William S., 6617 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111., 61 '01 Wetherbee, Charles Earl, 405 Sixth Ave., Sterling, 111., 298 •98 Wetzel, Clyde Leigh, 259 S. Clinton St., Chicago, 111., 227 '04 Wetzel, Nellie (Sheldon), 1368 Clara Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 400 '98 Wharf, Allison James, 122 E. 16th St., Cheyenne, Wyo., 227 '74 *Wharry, Walter Ward, 13 '72 Wharton, Jacob Norton, Douglas Park, Chicago, 111., 5 '96 Wharton, Rebecca Gaskin, care of Aurora High School, Aurora, 111., 194 '05 Wheeler, Edmund Burke, Bellflower, 111., 436 '72 Whitcomb, Alonzo Lyons, Rovers, Benton Co., Ark., 5 '04 White, Anna David, 1612 Fulton St., Chicago, 111., 400 Index to Alumni 675 '04 White, Caroline Louise, Warrensburg, 111., 400 '80 White, Frank, Valley City, N. Dak., 52 'OS /zWhite. Henrv Clav, Athens, Ga., 470 '05 White, Hilda Kirke, St. Joseph, Mo., 436 '02 White, James Dunwell, care of D. U. & C. Ry., Danville, 111., 326 '90 White, James McLaren, 716 W. University Ave., Champaign, 111., 123 '96 White, Solon Marx, 627 12th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn., 194 '02 Whitehouse, Edith Ursula, 526 National Ave., San Diego, Calif , 326 '96 Whitham, Myron Ehvin, 301 State St., Rochester, N. Y 195 '77 Whitham, Robert Farwell, 1739 13th Ave., South, Seattle, Wash 35 '78 Whitlock, John Franklin, Gettysburg, S. Dak., 43 '99 Whitmeyer, Mark Hubert, 203'W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 245 '79 *Whitmire, Clarence Leonard, 48 '86 *Whitmire, Zech Lincoln, 98 '03 Whitsitt, Hammond William, Moline, 111., 358 '02 Whitson, Milton James, Moline, 111., 326 '97 Whittemore, Flovd, Sycamore, 111,, 211 '90 Wilber, Frank Dent, 701 W. Church St., Champaign, 111., 123 '04 Wilcox, Burton B., 3440 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., 400 '76 *Wild, George A., 27 '94 Wilder, Charles Thornton, Champaign, 111., 167 '86 Wilder, Henry White, 9847 Prospect Ave., Chicago, 111., 98 '04 Wiley, Carroll Carson, 288 Belden Ave., Chicago, 111., 400 '04 Wilev, Francis Rudolph, Sullivan, 111., 400 '00 Wiley, Raymond Sly, 518 Cherry St., Chattanooga, Tenn., 269 '03 Wiley, Vonie Ames (Douglass), R. F. D. No. 1, Colfax, 111., 359 '04 Wiley, Wallace Kenneth, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, 400 '90 Wilkinson, George El Dorado, 17 E. 2d St., Alton, 111., 123 [ada, 326 '02 Wilkinson, Nathan, care of Allis Chalmers, Bullock Ltd., Montreal, Can- jOO Willcox, Lucy Bertha Ely (Wallace). 708 W.Park St., Champaign, 111., 269 '99 Willcox, Maurice Meacham, care of Chief Eng'r Soo Line, Minneapolis, '02 Williams, Elrick, 1001 W. lUinois St., Urbana, 111., 326 [Minn., 245 '99 Williams, George Bassett, 1115 Davis St., Evanston, 111., 245 '87 Williams, Herbert Baldwin, (1904) Pearl, Idaho, 103 '73 Williams, Louis Edward, 119 N. Fifth St., Keokuk, la., 9 '04 Williams, Mary Edith, 901 S. Busey Ave., Urbana, 111., 401 '95 WilHams, Parker Merrill, 91 Illinois St., Chicago, 111., 180 '01 Williams, Ralph Joseph, The Van Courtland, Washington, D. C, 298 '96 Williams, Robert, Alden. Minn., 195 '01 Williams, Seymour, 532 Prairie Ave., Decatur, 111., 298 '76 WiUiams, Thomas Thatcher, R. F. D. No. 2, Steriing, 111., 27 '03 Williams, Walter Winslow, Benton, 111., 359 '01 Williams, Winifred Sue Curfman, San lose, Calif., 298 '98 Williamson, Albert St. John, Apuas, Calentes, City of Mexico, Mex., 227 '92 Williamson, Frank Robert, 338 Leland Ave., Chicago, 111., 141 '87 Williamson, Marv Hess (Elder), Palacios, Tex., 104 '00 WilHs, Clifford, 503 W. High St., Champaign, 111., 270 '85 Wills, Etta Catherine (Schenker), Vandalia, 111., 91 '84 Wills, Jerome Gideon, Shobonier, 111., 84 '99 Wilmarth, George Henry, care of Illinois Traction Co., Danville, 111., 245 '04 Wilson, Charles Gorman, Garden Prairie, 111., 401 '98 Wilson, Frederick Henry, care of Allis Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, Wis., '03 Wilson, George Shirlev,'806 E. Howell St., Seattle, Wash., 359 ]228 '04 Wilson, John Guy, 412 Daniel St., Champaign, 111., 401 '03 Wilson, Joseph Wade, 44 Seeley Ave., Chicago, 111., 359 '04 Wilson, Le Rov C, U. S. Dept. Agr'l, Washington, D. C, 401 '81 Wilson, Maxwell Blackburn, Paris, 111., 61 '90 Wilson, Robert Conover, 4644 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111., 124 '02 Wilson, Thomas, 4752 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Ill,, 327 '05 Wilt, Alva Lewis, Lovington, Moultrie Co., 111., 436 676 University of Illinois '05 Winders, Frank Rae, 504 So. Matthews Ave., Urbana, 111., 4,^6 '04 Wing, Alice Louise, Ludington, Mich., 401 '01 Wing, Florence Sherwood, Whiting, Ind., 298 '98 Wingard, Lewis Forney, 407 N. State St., Champaign, 111., 228 '97 Winter, Julia Flora, Mt. Silinda, Melsetter Distr., Rhodesia, Africa, 212 '04 Wise, Lewis W., Milmine, 111., 401 '04 Wittlinger, Emma Marie, 1143 E. Marietta St., Decatur, 111., 401 '98 *Wolcott, James Thompson, 228 '03 Wolcott, Lloyd Vernon, care of LTniv. of 111., Urbana, 111., 359 '02 Wolff, Solom.on, care of Allis Chalmers Co., Cleveland, O., 32 7 '02 Wolleson, Herbert Henry, 2321 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind., 327 '76 Wood, Frederick L., California, 27 '00 Wood, Harvev Edgerton, 819 Oneida St., Joliet, 111., 270 '94 Wood, Robert Alvin, Winfield Ave., Forest Park, Baltimore, Md., 167 '72 Wood, Ruben Oscar, Woodburn, 111., 5 '04 Woodin, Norman Charles, 922 1st Ave., Rock Island, 111., 402 '03 Woodmansee, Ralph Cullom., care of LTniv. of Calif., Librarv Berkelev, '[Calif., 359 '93 Woodruff, Thomas Tyson, care of J. G. White & Co., Montevideo, Uru- [guay. So., 154 '00 Woods, William Francis, 712 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111., 270 '85 Woodworth, Charles William, 2237 Carlton St., Berkelev, Calif., 91 '92 Woodworth, Howard Oakley, Petaluma, Calif., 141 " [111., 360 '03 Woodworth, Metta Edna, care of David Judy, Potomac, Vermilion Co., '98 Woodworth, Minnie Barnev (Young), 1419 Division St., Burlington, la., '99 Woolsey, Lulu Catharine (Hurst), Beloit, Wis., 246 [228 '94 * Woolsey, Ola C. (Gibbs), 167 '04 Work, Edna McCluskv, Ruskville, 111., 402 '04 Worker, Joseph Garfield, 1229 Second Ave., Rock Island, 111., 402 '04 Worrell, Joseph Carl, Room 907 C. & N. W. Bldg., Chicago, 111., 402 '03 Worth, Lynne Griswold, Medford, Wis., 360 '04 Worthen, Edmund Lewis, Warsaw, 111., 402 '04 Worthen, Ella Eugenia, Warsaw, 111., 402 '98 Worthen, George Bedell, 422 N. Linn St., Iowa City, la., 228 '98 Wray, David Conder, 734 The Rookery, Chicago, 111., 228 '00 Wray, George Henry, 309 Majestic Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind., '05 Wray, Harriette, Winnebago, 111., 437 [270 '05 Wright, Herman Festues, Ingleside, Neb., 437 '04 Wright, Ida Faye, 1301 Benson Ave., Evanston, 111., 402 '81 Wright, Jessie Armilda (Richardson), Rentchler, 111., 61 '85 Wright, John Edwards, 2439 Lakewood Ave., Chicago, 111., 91 '85 Wright, Lizzie Marilla (Canaday), 122 S. Kedzie Ave, Chicago, 111., 91 '83 Wright, Minnie Elizabeth (Blackburn), Corsicana, Tex., 75 '85 *Wright, Minnie Sunderland (Barbour), 91 '77 Wright, Myron Jerom.e, Woodstock, 111., 35 '92 Wright, Royal, 905 W. Green St., Urbana, 111., 141 '01 Wright, Sidney Walter, Armington, 111., 298 '04 Wright, Ward Ellis, Woodstock, 111., 403 '96 Wright, Wilber Hoyt, 6428 Jackson Ave., Chicago, 111., 195 '04 Wright, William Wilberforce, Jr., Toulon, 111., 403 '98 Wuerffel, Herman Louis, 409 S. 10th Ave., Maywood, 111., 229 '02 Wyne, Ervin Evermont, Vermont, 111., 327 '95 Yeakel, WiUiam Kriebel, 2682 N. 42d Ave., Irving Park, Chicago, 111., 180 '04 Yocum, Earl Lavton, Galva, 111., 403 '05 Yolton, Robert Elgene, 75 154th St., Harvey, 111., 437 '99 Young, Bertram Otto, Oklahoma City, Okla., 246 '91 Young, Charles Bailey, 411 Fox St., Aurora, 111., 133 '97 Young, Charles Whittier, Peking, China, care of Amer. Bd. Mission, 212 '99 Young, John H., 1419 Division "^St., Burlington, la., 246 Index to Alumni 677 154 'Q3 Young, Orres Ephriam, SI Lincoln Ave., Detroit, Mich '04 gYoung, Sadie, '03 Zangerle, Norman Arthur, 157 Janssen Ave., Chicago, 111., 360 '03 Zartman, Lester William, 100 Brownell St., New Haven, Conn., 360 '85 Zeller, Josephine M., 1111 N. Monroe St., Peoria, 111.. 92 '78 Ziesing, August. Glcncoe, 111.. 43 '97 Zillv, Mabel Helen (Hamilton), Kewanee, 111., 212 '78 *Zim'merman, Henry \V., 43 'Q7 Zimmerman, Walter Herman, De Kalb, 111., 212 '02 Zipf, Ferdinand, 153 111th Place, Chicago, 111., 327