G)txj\ Sjuuu) ^ Press Bulletin Series STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION A. M. SHELTON. Director DIVISION OF THE Issued Twice Quarterly 0G ,r UlVlMUfM ur 1Mb STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY**^. . ov/fc. . ^% M. M. LEIGHTON. Chief. Urbana ^ of! "^^ No" ILLINOIS PETROLEUM September 3, 1927 RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN THE VICINITY OF ■ JACKSONVILLE By Alfred H. Bell Introduction Gas was discovered about 6 miles east of Jacksonville as early as 1890, and oil in 1910. Since that time numerous attempts have been made to develop a commercial oil held, but until this year the oil production has been of little importance except for local use. During the fall of 1926 the attention of oil operators was attracted to the Jacksonville area by the com- pletion of a well estimated at 10 barrels by P. C. Irwin and others on the Conklin farm in sec. IS. T. 15 N.. R. !) W. Attempts to extend this pro- duction have so far not been successful although a little oil has been found in Mime of the adjacent wells. In the meantime timberlake and Higgins of Centralia, and Benoist Brothers and others of Alt. Vernon obtained leases and began operations in the vicinity. As a result of the efforts of Timberlake and Higgins. commercial quantities of oil, as well as gas, have been found. The new drilling has added to previous knowledge of geo- logical conditions in the area, and a brief presentation of the newly acquired data will undoubtedly be of assistance both in the development of the pro- duction already discovered and in the search for new oil production in the surrounding territory. The area to which this paper refers is part of that described in a former Survey publication 1 . Field Work Because of the close spacing of some of the wells, a new plane table >urvey of the area was made on a scale of 1,000 feet to one inch which is a larger scale than that formerly used. Levels to the oil and gas wells and to as many of the dry holes and abandoned wells as could be located were run from Strawn's Crossing on the Chicago and Alton Railroad. The in- strument work was done by Leslie A. Holmes. 1 Collingwood, I >. M., Oil and sas development in the vicinity of Jacksonville; Illinois Stat.- Geol. Survey Bull. 4J1-:, 1923. 2 ILLINOIS PETBOLEUM The surface material of the area is glacial drift and stream deposits, and the topography gives no indication of the subsurface structure. Accord- ingly the physiographic features are not described in this paper. Stratigraphy Beneath the Pleistocene deposits of unconsolidated materials, which vary in thickness from 30 to 100 feet, lie rocks of Pennsylvanian age, largely shale with some interbedded limestone, sandstone, and coal. As the Pennsyl- vanian strata are bounded both above and below by irregular erosional sur faces, their thickness is variable; it is roughly 200 feet. In the area mapped only two of the wells of which records are available were deep enough to pass through Mississippian strata, and consequently data concerning the older rocks are very limited. One of the wells, Rhodes and Moorehead's Geary No. 2, went 14 feet into the Kimmswick-Plattin or "Trenton" lime- stone. A study of cuttings from this well and correlation with the logs of other deep wells in the general region indicate the following probable thick- nesses for the formations drilled : Thickness of Formations Penetrated in Rhodes and Moorehead's Cleary No. 2. Thickness Feet Kind of rock Mississippian 640 Chiefly limestone and shale Devonian 150 Chiefly limestone Ordovician Maquoketa 200 Shale Kimmswick-Plattin 140 Limestone Structure The stratified rocks of the area are essentially fiat-lying and have a gentle regional dip to the east. Owing to the inadequate character of the majority of the well logs available, it was not found practicable to use a Pennsylvanian stratum as the key horizon for a structure contour map. However, the majority of the older logs give the depth to the top of "rock" which presumably represents the top of the Mississippian limestone in most places, and accordingly this was chosen as the key horizon in figure 1. It has the disadvantage of being a surface of unconformity, and therefore the map cannot be considered a structure map in the ordinary sense. The con- tours represent the topography of the pre-Pennsylvanian erosional surface, modified perhaps by later deformational movements. It is possible, as has .LUNO.S STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY fill ! 00005 1395 RECENT DEVELOPMENT l\ THE VICINITY OF JACKSONVILLE 3 been pointed out 2 , that the form of this erosional surface may to some extent have been controlled by the folding of the Mississippian rock strata beneath. Insofar as the upper surface of the porous oil- and gas-bearing zone in the Mississippian conforms with the pre-Pennsylvanian erosional surface, the oil and gas pools in this horizon should have a definite relation to the features shown by the contours. Collingwood's conclusion" that the oil anil gas of this area "have been found mostly in certain lenses or horizons in the Salem, and are associated with the highest parts of its old eroded surface" must he somewhat modified in the light of the new data here presented. The more obvious features of the contoured pre-Pennsylvanian surface in T. 1.") X.. R. 9 \Y. as shown in figure 1 are enumerated below: Mississip- pian "highs" occur ( 1 ) along the S. line of the SE. r 4 sec. S, extending eastward into sees. 9 and Ki and S. into sec. 17. (2) in the E. ^4 of sec. 5 and adjacent part of sec. 1, ( .'! ) NW. % sec. 18, and (4) E. part of see. 4 and the whole of sec. 3. A synclinal belt trending east-west lies about in the center of sec>. 8, 9, and 10. The oil production in both sees. 8 and IS is situ- ated not on the highest parts of the erosional surfaces, but on the saddles between the highs. The Harris-Conklin gas field in sees. 3 and 2 is associ- ated with a Mississipian high. As would be expected, gas occurs higher on the slopes than oil. but there are exceptions, and the probable explanation is that the upper surface of the porous reservoir rock does not entirely conform with the erosional surface mapped. Some of the gas also comes from pro- ducing horizons other than the Salem limestone and would not be expected to be related as is this formation to the features of the pre-Pennsylvanian erosional surface. Table 1 contains in outline form the material treated in the pages follow- ing and when used with the map (fig. 1 ), gives a summary of the information gained from the wells drilled in the last eight months. Producing Horizons Pennsylvanian: Gas from sandstone beds in the Pennsylvanian has been reported in a number of the wells, but at present the only commercial well producing from the Pennsylvanian seems to be Timberlake and Higgins' Cleary Xo. 'i (map Xo. Ki). This well was drilled into the Salem limestone, but gas having a pressure of 45 pounds was found in a sand from 239 to 247 feet, or about 60 feet above the top of the Salem, which was found at 299 feet. Salem: Most of the gas and all of the oil so far produced in the area occurs in a Mississippian limestone which has been correlated as the Salem 1 Collingwood, D. M., Oil and gas development in tin- vicinity of Jacksonville: Illinois State Geol. Survey Bull. MP., i>. 13, 1 023. ■ Id' 111., p. 1 4. ILLINOIS PETROLEUM >. >> a i- a 3 0) 7. CM , CD ~ u u a U o a> si 3 <]J r"j o UJ ,— . - a) -w !> 7. o i £} 9 C3 m O ffi C3 » w si a 13 O in S - o — ft CD RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN THE VICINITY or JACKSONVILLE - -5 a a Ex > CU H »45 o O Si c a co a E o O CO • ° hy c 2 J us CO CU a* oa (5 |S - - - * a «J a o o "= a "= a o a a « CO ^3 M>,Q a a a — • s. — • ~Z s 1 I V 11 u £ £ S* i% is m is to CD s s ° ,2 a a E- « cp" -. ' o ^ .a is cu cp T, T-, ° o OOK0QC3OOUC5OC5OO CO OO £ is o o -a .- 3 QUO07iS £ * _ C0 GO ~ CO co OC5CJ -T t-H co os c- e~- c-. CO CO :. co o o it co -* co e- J^ CO CO CO tO US GN OS CO CO O • CO CO CO *f -*t< O* US O" C- ■* 00 . 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Ke Rhode Rhode Leepei Five £ CU CU CU ^ ■2 -2 -2 « : a a a r> . oooooouooooo W >i • a a o CutXa-DHCuP-OHDiQHDHCueLi £* : P P 5 h IP h fc : 222t»222t»aj2Kia!2cflc«222222222222ccOT MtflwZ;2;cctc2;cctC(Ba]^^coZ;co2;co[093Kcct/3tntncnZ;»] CMCMCNlOJCSOSCOOCOOCOCO^UStOI^OC&OcoaiOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOC c 2 a CO cm os tj< us to t— cz; en ^z, ILLINOIS PETROLEUM •2tf cd - o 2 i-l la a — EH 25 u U o 2 a cd cd oj Hi 02 02 o 2 a 03 I * _. — ■° £ 03 cd .a ,Q Cd Cd r* £ o o rC J3 c/a c/2 a -a Ti — - T3 T3 ^ ^5 cd o» a> 0) cu cu cu a; fi .a a p3 a a a a a cd c ^3 ."O ~ — -a -a -o -3 W M — 2 ai « a! m cu M.a ,fi ,a ,0,0.0.0 5 ° & . =« ~ - aj c3 cd C3 X2 O cd -s ' t3 ai a> a a o V -o a ^ 5 — ? cd - ~ co ^^•rHttjcflocflWcflccwtfitflcr! '^cdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd C50000C5C5C5 ._ .~ s- ca co £3 OOQOOrai cd.a C5 02 is is o o .a 43 02 02 cd 'o o o >> r/2 Q ■3 T3 0) 0> a a o o cd a! .a & rt cd a> 2 ~ V. — C OQ o o rS is ■* m m t^o^ ^ ' Tj< -^ i-H CO -^ Tt^ CO CO CO <£> CO CO cd? $ ca _ tD EC OOtS rH C- tO rH ' C-- CO P-- 10 U3 ~& <>• CO CO CO CO CO -S> CO LO CO CO CM CO NHWMCH^t , C'7'*'*MWMc0W[MHHHHHHHOa00C001 tDCOCDWLIMCOCOCOCCWCDtOCDtOCD^DtOCOCDtDtOCDlOlOmin OOO 222 £*2 a. ca cd cd cd o 2 CO S m NH*iOHNM >• > > cd cd cd cu ca « HH H H o o 22 a a 3 3 a a o o 22 a a 3 3 o o 2 2 ^^000 ^ . o £2 a o o ^BgblgHHHHiiH agHQouoo r* r* a a o o r*.2 O^ ££ -3 X ID cd a ~ a a; CD ££ v . u ■^0- ■£-* • • (3 , • oj in • •M a • o> ■ K^ ^ >> >» >, >> ^^ T3 T3 T3 "T3 T3 ""G d) d) (D 0) O CD (p cd cd cd cd cd O) cu njnjcuoJcucucPojjncya) > > > > > ^* ^ ^Jj fc S-c h t-. t.^^ 1 ^ ~z ~ — — — — — o> a ca ? - — cu 0202020222202022220222222222222Z202 2222o22o222o202222o22222o20202022o2022 .. ^,„-,01I)!OCDtO!OCDCOCOCOt-t-IK(1000»ICOOOOOOOOOOOOO I^J ^^ « c-H 7-H t-H t-H t— ( ^^ 7-H rH rH y—i r-4 r—i T~i i—i t—\ r-i T—i rH r-i T—i r—i r~i OHNCO-*WCDN00010H(MM^lOCOt-OOaiOHMC0^1rtCD «MCOCOMMWCQCO«'*^^^^^TPrJ and 21 ), the oil rock is a relatively pure limestone and seems to he entirely lacking in silicious material. On the other hand, the same horizon to the southwest in the Five Star 1'etroleum Company's Coons No. 1 (map No. 28), to the northwest in the Timberlake and Higgins' Mahon No. ? (map No. ."> ) . and to the north in the Five Star Petroleum Company's Malum No. -1 (map No. 23 ) is represented by a sandy limestone 5 . The same condition was found in a study of the samples from Timberlake and Higgins' Mahon No. 7. The typical oil-hearing rock from Mahon No. !> (map No. 21 ) is a light hi own limestone, rather soft, having a finely mottled texture. On examina- tion with the hand lens it is seen to consist of numerous small fragments re- sembling oolites hut more irregular in shape. The interstitial space is partly filled with calcium carbonate, and the remaining open space appears ample to contain oil in commercially extractahle quantities. The impervious rock which confines the oil to certain zones in the Salem limestone appears to he dense non-porous parts of the Salem itself. In Mahon well No. !) (map No. 21 ) a bed of sandstone 2 feet thick, contain- ing no gas. oil. or water, lies directly on top of the Salem limestone. A thickness of is feet of limestone was drilled through before the first show of oil was encountered. Evidently at least part of this upper 18 feet of the Salem is impervious in this location. The drill cuttings from this "cap nek" are very line grained in texture and light gray or almost white in color. As illustrated in the Mahon wells Nos. 8 and !> (map Nos. 20 and 27), the succession of nil-hearing and barren strata in the Salem varies within comparatively short distances. The porosity of a given bed may vary from place to place, and the oil-bearing zones may to some extent he across the bedding planes. Keokuk-BurUngton: Gas from a deeper producing horizon was dis- covered in Timberlake and Higgins' Willerton No. 1 (map No. 55). A small quantity of gas was found in the Salem in this well, and drilling was continued. After passing through 90 feet of Salem limestone and 110 feet of Warsaw formation, chiefly sandy shale, the top of the Keokuk-Burlington was reached at a depth of I'M feet. The 5 3/16-inch casing was set at this depth, and drilling was continued in hard limestone to a depth of 435 feet at which point gas with a pressure of 15 pounds and a slight "rainbow" 1 Collingwood I >. M., oil and gas development in the vicinity of Jacksonville: Illinois State Geol. Survey null. 14K, pp. 12 and 13, 1923. s Idem, pp. 9 t" 1- for logs based on sample studies from the two wells of the live star Petroleum Company. » ILLINOIS PKTROLKUM of oil were found. Production was estimated at 2, 000, ()()() cubic feet per day. Figure 2 is designed to show the oil-bearing horizons in relation to the barren strata, and the two logs detailed below example the character of the formations penetrated. Driller's log from Timberlake and Biggins' well No. 10 (map No. 32) on Travis farm in NW. % SE. *4 See. 8, T. to N.. R. 9 W. Elevation— 627 Feet Thickness Depth No. Feet Feet Pleistocene system 1. Clay, yellow 18 18 2. Gravel, clay, sand 22 40 Unconformity Pennsylvanian system 3. Shale, blue 24 64 4. Lime 1 65 5. Shale 3 68 6. Gravel and water ( coal ) 3 71 7. Slate, dark 9 80 8. Slate, white 15 95 9. Lime 1 96 10. Slate, white 24 120 11. Shale, gray 54 174 12. Sandstone 5 179 13. Shale, dark 23 202 14. Lime (?) 1 203 15. Slate, black 3 206 16. Coal 6 212 17. Fire clay 12 224 18. Lime 5 229 19. Slate, white 16 245 20. Sand; gas and show of oil 6 251 21. Sand ' 6 257 22. Coal 3 260 23. Fire clay 6 266 24. Slate, dark 17 283 Unconformity Mississippian system 25. Lime, white 30 313 26. Lime; first oil show in limestone 13 326 27. Lime and green shale 4 330 Unconformity Mississippian system 19. Lime, hard 18 275 20. Lime, brown ; oil show 4 279 21. Lime, light brown 4 283 22. Lime, brown 4 289 23. Lime, white 2 291 KE( INT DEVELOPMENT IN THE VICINITY OF JACKSONVILLE 9 Driller's log from Timberlake and Higgins' well No. 9 (map No. i"i ) on Malum farm in SW. >, NW. \ sec. 8, T. 15 X.. R. 9 W. Elevation— 595 Feet Thickness Depth No. Feet Feet Pleistocene system 1. Mud, brown 15 15 2. Hardpan, gravel, water 21 36 3. Clay, blue ; and gravel 29 65 4. Gravel 12 77 Unconformity Pennsylvanian system 5- Shale 58 135 6. Lime, dark 9 144 7. Shale, dark 21 165 S- Lime 1 166 9. Shale, black 3 159 10. Coal 5 174 11. Lime, gray 7 181 12. Lime, white 6 187 13. Shale, gray 41 228 1 4. Coal 6 234 15. Fire clay 4 238 16. Slate, gray 7 245 17. Slate, dark 10 255 18. Sand, hard 2 257 Recent Development An account of the history of development up to L922 has already been published 6 . Within the last eight months Li wells have been drilled in sees. H and is. 1". 1 ."> X., R. !> W. of which 2 are gas producers, 5 oil producers, and ii dry holes. Among the best of the oil wells are the last two drilled; namely, Timbcrlake and Higgins* Marion Nos. S and '•• (map Nos. 26 and Zt). The character of the oibbearing rock is such that shooting with nitroglycerin is particularly successful. The showing of oil in Mahon No. 8 before the shot was so small that most operators would not have considered • Collingwood, 1 >. M., oil and gas development in the vicinity of Jacksonville: Illinois stale Geol. Survey Bull, in:, 1923. 10 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM CD fi ■!-> Vj w 5H O CI o EC ~ So s *s ? <3 . o cd >a iu z Oj RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN THE \HIMTY OF JACKSONVILLE 11 shooting. However, Mr. Timberlake decided to shoot with 80 quarts of nitroglycerin, and the performance of the well afterwards shows this ex- penditure to have been justified. Within 3 hours after the shot the oil was standing .~> feet above the bottom. By the time the well was ready to be pumped there was L50 feet of oil in the well. In a 12-hour pumping tesl it produced 11 barrels of oil of '■'> I A. I'. 1. gravity (American Petroleum Institute). Mahon No. 9 had a somewhat better showing of oil before the shot than had Xo. 8. and it also was shot with so quarts. On account of trouble with tubing and valves the well was not pumped continuously for 12 hours, hut in a total of 8 hours pumping on two successive days it made 19 barrels of oil. The most recent well drilled in the area, Timberlake and Higgins' Travis Xo 10 (map Xo. 32) was completed on August 17th, total depth 330 feet. It had a show of gas and oil in a 1'ennsylvanian sand from 245 to 251 feet and a show of oil in the Mississipian from 310 to 328 feet in lime- stone. At the time of writing it has not yet been shot, hut it will probably make a commercial well for the amount of oil showing in the Mississipian is about the same as in Mahon Xo. !). The group of six gas wells on the Harris and Conklin farms in sees. 2 and '■>, T. 15 X. R. !> \Y. were drilled by P. (A Irwin and his associates in 102:!. The best well, Harris No. 3 (map No. '.]) gauged 9.3 million cubic feet per 24 hours. All the rest except Conklin No. 3 which was consider- ably lighter gauged in the neighborhood of 2, 000, 000 cubic feet. The owners of these wells have recently completed the construction of five miles of 6-inch and four miles of 8-inch pipe line to the city of Jacksonville. About August ] st natural gas was turned on in Jacksonville and is being used mixed with artificial gas to the extent of a quarter of a million cubic feet per day. At present only two wells are being used ; namely. Conklin Xos. 1 and 2 (ma]) Nos. 1 and 2). The pressure in the main is 55 pounds, and this i^ reduced to seven pounds at the city limits. Recom mendations It seems probable that oil production will be found to extend some distance south, southeast, and east of the present productive area on the Mahon lease. It will probably he found most advantageous to "feel out" this acreage by moving outwards, one location at a time, in these directions. The occurence of gas at a number of localities in the surrounding region and the association of oil with gas in sees. 8 and is, T. 1 ."> N.. R. 9 W. sug- gest the possibility of the occurrence of oil in commercial quantities in the 12 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM same geologic horizon in other localities than those in which it is already known. At present the lack of adequate knowledge of structural conditions prevents the making of any very specific recommendations as to territory worthy of wildcat testing. Much of this lack of geological data must he attributed to the fact that only meager records were kept of the great majority of the earlier wells drilled. Those who have been operating more recently in the region are to be congratulated on the way in which they have cooperated in the geological study of the area by keeping detailed logs and samples of cuttings. These data will be an invaluable aid in future development in the area. 11 (73780 — 1500)