c 1 LL i : IS UN i SIT - E AGRICULT EC !CS ETT I ! DUC- TIONS if or ^Better ^Introductions ♦ ♦ . Personal information cAhoul }jour "Agricultural "Extension Specialists an} cA^ministraloYS This information was gathered at the request of farm advisers to help them make better in- troductions of visiting extension specialists and administrators from the University of Illinois College of Agriculture. This material can also be used in preparation of county news stories and radio programs. Prepared by Extension Editorial Office College of Agriculture University of Illinois Ur ba na , Illinois Revised Apri I , 1 962 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/forbetterintroduOOuniv ADMINISTRATION LOUIS B, HOWARD, Dean and Director Louis B. Howard has "been dean of the University of Illinois College of Agriculture, director of the Illinois Agricultural Experi- ment Station and director of the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics since September 1, 195^» Born in Bloomington, Illinois, he spent several years of his youth on the family farm in McLean County, near his birthplace. Dean Howard received a B«S,. degree from Purdue University in 1927 and an M.S. degree in 1928 and a Ph.D. degree in 1930 from the University of Chicago. Purdue also awarded him an Honorary Doctor of Science degree in May, 195^« He is widely known for his research work in the fields of food processing and utilization of agricultural commodities for industrial purposes. He holds a patent on the process of dehydro~freezing"-a method of preserving food that has "been expanded for specialized commercial uses. After World War II, he received a certificate of appreciation from the U e S. Army for his leadership and assistance in expanding food- processing facilities during the war. He has written many articles for scientific journals in the fields of chemistry, food technology, ento- mology and chemurgy. Dean Howard joined the University of Illinois staff in Octo- ber, 19^8, as head of the newly created Department of Food Technology. He was named associate director of the Agricultural Experiment Station in 1951 and. continued to serve as head of food technology. He came to the University from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, where he had been chief of the Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry since 19*+6. Prior to that he occupied various positions in the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, including assistant chief of the Bureau, ad- ministrative assignments in the regional laboratories at Peoria, Illi- nois, and Albany, California, and research chemist in Washington, D.C, and Whittier, California. Dean Howard was named a charter member of Phi Tau Sigma, hon- orary society in the field of food processing. He also belongs to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society, the Institute of Food Technologists, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Chi Sigma, Cosmos Club in Washington, D. C, Phi Gamma Delta, the Urbana Rotary Club and the Champaign Presbyterian Church. He serves on a number of state and national committees and boards concerned with food and agriculture, among which are the Refrig- eration Research Foundation and the Agricultural Committee of the Na- tional Planning Association. ****** ■ "■ .■-'■ • /-. Agr biography - 2 KARL E. GARDNER, Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture Karl E. Gardner became associate dean of the College of Agricul- ture on August 1, 1959* He is in charge of resident instruction. Dean Gardner was born in Chicago and raised on an Indiana farm. He graduated with high honors from Purdue University in 1936 with a bach- elor of science degree in dairy science. Graduate work at Cornell Univer- sity brought him a master of science and a doctor of philosophy degree in dairy science in 1939 and 19**0, respectively. In September, 19^*0 f Gardner joined the University of Illinois staff in dairy husbandry extension. During World War II he served three years in the U. S. Army Medical Department. .After the war he returned to the University Department of Dairy Science. Numerous articles on calf nutrition written by Dean Gardner have been published in the Journal of Dairy Science. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Tau Alpha, the American Dairy Science Association, the American Society of Animal Production, the American Institution of Nutrition and Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. He has served as mayor of the village of Tolono for eight years. ****** TOM S. HAMILTON, Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station Tom S. Hamilton has been associate director of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station since September 1, 195^« He received the bachelor of science degree in chemistry from the University in 1917 and became an assistant on the Agricultural Ex- periment Station staff that same year. He received the master of science degree in animal nutrition from the University in 1922 and the doctor of philosophy degree in 1937* He was named assistant chief in the animal nutrition division in 1939 and advanced to associate chief the same year. He became chief in 19^ and head of the division in 1953. Mr. Hamilton's work in animal nutrition has resulted in more than 100 scientific publications and articles, including co-authorship with Dr. H. H. Mitchell of a book on animal nutrition. Mr. Hamilton is a member of the American Society of Animal Production, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Nutrition, the American Society of Biological Chemistry and the American Association of University Professors. He is also a member of Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Eta, Phi Sigma and Scabbard and Blade. ****** . : . . ■ „■■», i >;'■ :■-•- I i " - ' 1 ■ . :•'•■•}•, ■ Agr biography - 3 CECIL D. SMITH, Assistant Dean of the College of Agriculture Cecil D. Smith, a native of Metamora, Illinois, graduated from the University of Illinois with high honors in 19^1> receiving a B.S. dgree in farm management. During World War H, he served five years in the Army Quartermaster Corps, reaching the rank of major. He returned to the University in 19^6, assuming the position of assistant to the dean. At the same time he "began graduate work, receiving an M.S. degree in economics and education in 195°» He also advanced to his present position, assistant dean of resident instruction, in 1950° Dean Smith is a member of Alpha Zeta, Alpha Tau Alpha, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Delta Kappa and FanaHou.se Fraternity. ****** WARREN K. WESSELS, Assistant to the Dean of the College of Agriculture Warren Wessels has been assistant to the dean since July, 1958. Among other duties, he is in charge of the college placement work and the Winter Short Course in Agriculture. Born in Fairbury, Illinois, Mr, Wessels served two years in the U.S. Army after graduating from high school. He then attended the University of Illinois, receiving the bachelor of science degree in agriculture in 1951* After his graduation, Mr. Wessels taught vocational agriculture at Clifton, Illinois, for two years. He served as assistant farm adviser in Iroquois County for one year and then taught vocational agriculture at Fairbury from January, 19>'-*> until June, 1958* During this time he was also taking graduate courses, and in February, 1957> ke received the master's degree in education from the University. ****** EXTENSION ADMINIST R ATION JOHN B. CLAAR, As s ociate Director of the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics John (Jack) Claar, associate director of the Cooperative Ex- tension Service, is a native of Watson, Illinois. He attended Blackburn College from V^hO to 19^2, served in the U.S. Air Corps from 19^3 to 19^5 and graduated from the University of Illinois in 19^7 • He received a master's degree from the University of Illinois in 19*$ and a Ph.D. degree in 1959. A recognized authority in the field of agricultural economics and farm management, Mr. Claar worked with the Sangamon Valley Farm Bureau Farm Management Service from 19^7 *© 1951* He then became a member of the U. of I. College of Agriculture staff as farm management specialist and state leader of Farm Bureau Farm Management fieldmen. In 1955 be vas named chief of the farm management extension branch of the Federal Extension Service in Washington, and in 1958 he vas appointed administrative field representative of the Federal Extension Service. He has been associate director of Cooperative Extension in Illinois since September, I960. ****** . .: • . • :..■ , ■ - ■ ,. .. . t > .-; - .. .. -:' - ' . ' . • : .■<. Agr "biography - **• H» W. BEAN, Assistant Director of Extension Service In , Agriculture and Home Economics H. W. Bean, born in B3.ue Mound, Illinois, graduated from the Uni- versity of Illinois, receiving a B*S. degree in animal science in 1922 and an M.S. degree in education in 1932. Before joining the University of Illi- nois staff in 1938, he was a science teacher and superintendent of the Blue Mound Community High School. Mr. Bean is a member of Sigma Xi> Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa, the American Society of Animal Produc- tion and the American Statistical Association. ****** MARTHA L. DUNL AP , Assistant Director of Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Martha Dunlap joined the University of Illinois extension staff in February, i960. Born in Eureka, Kansas, she received a B.S. degree in home economics education and an M.S. degree in textiles and clothing from Kansas State University. She received a Ph.. D* degree from the University of Wisconsin Extension Center for Advanced Study. Her major for doctoral study Was cooperative extension administration* She has also done graduate study at Iowa State University. Before coming to Illinois, Miss Dunlap served as county home dem- onstration agent in Missouri for eight years and as clothing and textiles specialist on the state staff for two years. She was also assistant and associate state home demonstration leader in Montana. Miss Dunlap is a member of the Illinois and American Home Economics Associations, the Adult Education Association, the National Council of Family Relations, the Amer- ican Sociological Society, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Pi Lambda Theta and Alpha Kappa Delta. ****** WILLIAM DEIMER MURPHY, Assistant Director of Extension Service in Agricul - ture and Home Economics W. D. (Del) Murphy, a native of Macon, Missouri, received a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois in 192U and an M*S. degree in pub- lic administration from Harvard University in 19*1-9 • He attended Harvard on a Carnegie Fellowship. Mr. Murphy has been assistant director of extension at the University of Illinois since 1959, From 19^7 to 1959 he was assistant state leader of farm advisers except for the years 195^ to 1957* when he served as leader of extension training and taught an undergraduate cooperative extension course. Previous to 19^7* Mr. Murphy was a high school vocational agriculture instructor, farm ad- viser and extension specialist in farm labor. He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta and Epsilon Sigma Phi. ****** rT,1 : ■- > . . ■ , - - ' ' " • • 1 . • •■ .•■•■' .' •» . •» '.'1 " •' • ■ • ''-'"..■■ ■ ' : ' Agr "biography - 5 ERNEST W. ANDERSON, Professor of Agricultural Extension Ernest Anderson, a native of Rochester, Indiana, is in charge of extension education. He completed the B.S., M„S. and Ph.D. degrees at Purdue University. He ha,s held an Indiana state teaching license since 1927. His academic majors included poultry science, marketing, work simplification, educational psychology and counseling. Mr. Anderson is active in a number of honorary and profes- sional organizations. Before joining the University of Illinois staff in September, 1957> he served on the staffs of Purdue University and Ball State Teachers* College. His military experience includes five years with the Army during World War II. He now holds a reserve com- mision as a colonel of artillery. ****** GERTRUDE E« KAISER, Assistant Leader of Extension Education and Train- Gertrude Kaiser, born in St. Olaf, Iowa, received a B.S. degree in home economics from Iowa State University and an M.S. de- gree in foods and nutrition from the University of Illinois. She has studied at the Merrill-Palmer School and has done advanced study at both the U. of I. and the University of Chicago. She joined the Illi- nois extension staff in 1936. Miss Kaiser previously taught school in Iowa and served as executive secretary for the Illinois nutrition committee. Also, she was home adviser in Mercer County for seven years. While home ad- viser, Miss Kaiser was president of the Illinois Home Advisers Asso- ciation. She is a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron, Iota Sigma Pi, Ep- silon Sigma Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, the Adult Education Association and the Illinois and American Home Economics Associations. ****** EDWARD J. BARNES, Assistant State Leader of Farm Advisers Edward J. Barnes, born in Bunker Hill, Illinois, has served as an assistant state leader of farm advisers since September 1, 1959* He attended the University of Illinois, majored in agriculture and science, and received a B.S. degree in 193&. Mr. Barnes then taught vocational agriculture at Bunker Hill and Herrin before turn- ing to extension work. As Richland County farm adviser, he received the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Distinguished Service Award. In i960 Mr. Barnes received an M.S. degree in agricultural education from the University of Illinois. He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Epsilon Sigma Phi and Alpha Tau Alpha. ****** - . ■ ■• ■ ' Agr biography - 6 G, J, CHRISTENSON, Assistant State Lead er of Farm Advisers G. J. Christenson, a native of Barron County, Wisconsin, "be- came an assistant state leader of farm advisers on September 1, 1959* Prior to that, he had served as the Franklin County farm adviser for 15 years. In his present position, he supervises all farm advisers in District I. Mr. Christenson received the bachelor of science degree in agriculture in 193 1 *- from River Falls College and the master of science degree in horticulture in 19^1 from the University of Illinois. He taught vocational agriculture at Christopher and Sesser before becoming a farm adviser, Mr. Christenson is a member of Epsilon Sigma Phi and the College of Agriculture Alumni Association, ****** WILLIAM FRANCIS COOLIDGE, Assistant State Leader of Farm Advisers W. F. (Bill) Coolidge is a native of Bloomington, Illinois. He attended the University of Illinois, receiving a B.S. degree in 1918, He also attended Cornell University. Before joining the Uni- versity of Illinois staff in September, 3950, Mr Coolidge worked as farm adviser in Livingston, Morgan and Macoupin Counties. He is a mem- ber of Epsilon Sigma Phi and Gamma Sigma Delta honoraries, ****** HAROLD HENRY GORDON, A ss istant State Lea de r of Farm Advisers Harold Gordon, a native of Peoria County, Illinois, received a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois in 1923 » He also at« tended Bradley University, Cornell University and the University of Wisconsin, He assumed his present position in September, 1950. Before joining the Illinois extension staff, Mr. Gordon farmed in Peoria County, He has served as assistant farm adviser in Christian County, farm adviser in Pulaski -Alexander Counties, assist- ant project manager of the Dixon Springs Experiment Station and farm adviser at large. He is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Epsilon Sigma Phi and Pi Delta Epsilon honoraries. ****** GLEN F. SONS, Assistant State Leader of Farm Advisers Glen F. Sons, born in Wayne County, Illinois, received a B.S, degree in agriculture from the University of Illinois in 19^0, He be- came assistant state leader of farm advisers on September 1, 1962, Before that, he taught vocational agriculture at Hindsboro from 19*10 to 19^3 and managed the Idless Ranch in Oxnard, California, in 19^3. He was farm adviser in Hamilton and Shelby Counties and received the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Distinguished Service Award. ****** .. T - ■ ■ • ' "' . ■ - ' . • :, - . ..:/ * ', : '.:' . ■:. ■ ■ ;::•■' '-.- -■ . i ., ■ 1 .- Agr "biography - 7 D. M. BALL, Studies D. M. Hall, born in Creston, Iowa, received a B.S. degree in agricultural education from Iowa State University in 1922, He received an M.S. degree in 1932 and a Ph.D. degree in 193^ from the University of Minnesota. Before joining the University of Illinois staff in 1937, he worked as a vocational agriculture instruction and vocational guid- ance supervisor in Newton, Iowa. He also worked in plant "breeding at the University of Minnesota and was an agronomist-personnel officer with the Soil Conservation Service. Mr. Hall is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi and Phi Sigma Epsilon. ****** ORDIE LEROY HOGSETT, Extension Safety Specialist 0. L. Hogsett has been extension safety specialist at the University of Illinois since January, 1955. He is a native of Nevada, Missouri, and received a B.S. degree in agriculture from the Univer- sity of Missouri in 1952, majoring in agricultural engineering. Before taking the position as safety specialist, Mr. Hogsett taught general agriculture and worked as a grain inspector. ****** WILLIAM F. LOMASNEY, Area Specialist, Food Merchandising and Consumer Education (Chicago ) William F. Lomasney, born in Central Falls, Rhode Island, re- ceived a B.S. degree in horticulture from the University of Rhode Island in 19^9. Before joining the University of Illinois staff in 1951, he was an instructor and extension economist with the University of Rhode Island. He is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, the American Institute of Management, the American Marketing Association and the Ameri- can Farm Economic Association. ****** EARL HUBERT REGNIER, Extension Recreationist Earl H. (Duke) Regnier has been extension recreationist on the Illinois staff since 1935. He is widely known for his authorship of the bulletin, "Fun at the Meeting Place," which has been translated into Japanese, and for co-authorship of "Fun With the Family," "Organized Camping for Families," and "4-H Leader Recreation Handbook." Mr. Regnier received the B.S. degree in agriculture from Kansas State College in 1932 and the M.S. degree in rural sociology from Cornell University in 19^1. He received the Re.Dir. degree in recreation administration from Indiana University in 1951 and is a cer- tified recreation administrator in Illinois. He also teaches under- graduate course work at the University of Illinois. Mr, Regnier is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Epsilon Sigma Phi, the Ameri- can Recreation Society, the National Recreation Association, the Ameri- can Camping Association, the National Audubon Society and the American Folk Lore Society. ****** >: '• . .. :" 1- . i •i c> * •.... ■ . > . •. ! ' '< ■ - •' ' • ■>.- '■■■ "• -~'?y , . ■ . ' ' • ■ ■ Agr "biography - 8 FAY H. ROOT, Camp and Park Management Fay H. Root, born in Beloit, Wisconsin, attended Beloit Col- lege and received a B.E. degree from State Teachers College in Plette- ville, Wisconsin. Before joining the University of Illinois staff in I9I+8, he taught high school in Rockton, Bloomington and El Paso, Illi- nois. During the summers of 1922-48 he worked in camping, the Y.M.C.A., Boy Scouts> church camps and 4-H camps. Mr. Root is a member of the National and Illinois Education Associations. ****** ROBERT D. WALKER, Soil Conservation Robert D. Walker, "born in Herrin, Illinois, attended Southern Illinois University and graduated from the University of Illinois, re- ceiving a B.S. degree in agriculture in 1950 and an M.Ed, degree in 1955* Before "becoming a soil conservation extension specialist in i960, he was assistant farm adviser in White County and farm adviser in Edwards County. He also taught vocational agriculture in Thompsonville and Shawneetown, Illinois. Mr. Walker is a member of the Soil Conservation Society of America. ****** AGR ICULTURAL 1»-H SPECIALIST S — — ■ »— ^ — ^— — 1 — — — — — — 1 — — II II M l» RICHARD 0. LYON, State Leader Richard 0, Lyon has been head of the state 4-H staff since April 1, 1959» A native of Hesston, Kansas, he received the bachelor of science degree in general agriculture at the University of Illinois in 1939* He received the master of science degree in extension admin- istration from the University of Wisconsin in 1958. Lyon is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta and Epsilon Sigma Phi. ****** LAWRENCE JOHN BIEVER, Extension 4-H Specialist, Urban Centers (Chicago ) Lawrence Biever, a native of Lake Benton, Minnesota, re- ceived a bachelor of science degree in 19^2 in agricultural education from the University of Minnesota, and a master's degree in 1955 and a Ph.D. degree in 1957 in cooperative extension education from the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. His graduate studies related to 4-H Club work and roles of extension agents. Before graduate work, Mr. Biever served as a county agent in Minnesota for 12 years, devoting much of his time to k- H Club work. He started work as an office secretary in 1932 for a county agent and was a 4- H member for seven years, enrolled in livestock and junior leadership projects. Mr. Biever, who has been on the University of Illinois staff since July, 1957> is presently an area specialist in k-E Club work. He • ■ ■■ ■*■'■ ■ . ''■ . . . . \. ■ : ■'■■'■'■■;. .. . -- -- : ' ' ' • ■ : .-■:■ , ' ' ■ ■ . .■■■•"■'.. .. ., .. . -. .- . . Agr "biography - 9 is a member of Phi Delta Kappa, Epsilon Sigma Phi, the American Socio- logical Society, and the Academy of American Political and Science Society. In Chicago, he is a member of the Welfare Council of Metro- politan Chicago, the Chicago Agricultural Club, the Chicago KLwanis Club and the U.S.D.A. Club. * * * * * * GEORGE LERUE DAIGH, JR., Extension ^--H Specialist, Agriculture George Daigh, a native of Springfield, Illinois, received a B.S. degree in agriculture from Purdue University in 1952 and an M.S. degree in animal science from the University of Illinois in i960. He joined the k-K staff at the University in the fall of 1957 after having served six years as an assistant farm adviser in Fulton and Pike Coun- ties. Mr. Daigh' s undergraduate majors included animal science, engi- neering and agronomy. He is a member of Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Phi Omega and Gamma Sigma Delta. ****** FRED L. HAEGELE, Extension q-H Specialist, Agriculture Fred L. Haegele, born in Fairfield, Illinois, attended South- ern Illinois University and received a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois in 19^9 • He has also done advanced study at the University of Illinois. Before joining the state 4-K staff in 1957> he served as assistant youth adviser in Ford County, assistant farm adviser in Liv- ingston County and farm adviser in Cumberland County. He also served with the U.S. Army for three years. Mr. Haegele is a member of Alpha Zeta and Epsilon Sigma Phi. ****** FR ANK HENRY MYNARD, JR., Extension *t-H Specialist, Agriculture Frank Mynard was born in Amboy, Illinois. From 1929 to 193^ he taught vocational agriculture at Illiopolis High School. He received a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois in 1929 and has been on the University staff since 193^. Mr. Mynard is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Alpha Zeta, FarmHouse Fraterrdty, the Ex- change Club and the First Congregational Church of Champaign. ****** GEORGE WILLIAM STONE, Extension k~B Specialist, Agriculture G. W. (Bill) Stone, was born in Pittsfield, Illinois, and re- ceived a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois in 1951 and an M.S. degree in 1953« His academic majors included animal science and agri- cultural economics. Before joining the University of Illinois k-E staff in September, 1956, Mr* Stone was assistant youth adviser in Greene County and assistant farm adviser in McLean County. ****** : .. } Agr biography - 10 HUBERT JULIAN WETZEL, Extension *t-H Specialist, Agriculture H. J. (H'.igh) Wetzel, a native of Alhambra, Illinois, received a B.S. degree from the University of Illinois in 19^ and an M,S. degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1957* He has "been on the 4-H staff since September, 1950. He serves the western 19 counties (Extension District II) as the extension youth specialist, agricultural k-E Club work, and is chairman of the Illinois IFYE (international Farm Youth Exchange) Program. Previously, he served as assistant youth adviser in Whiteside County and taught in the vocational agriculture teacher training program. Mr. Wetzel is a member of Alpha Tau Alpha, Epsilon Sigma Phi and Gamma Sigma Delta honoraries and Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. He served as a navigator in the Array Air Corps for three years during World War II. ****** DIXON SPRINGS STATION ■w ■■■■ ■ ■ mmmmimm » m a ■ muni m*tmmmt*mm ROBERT J. | W E 3B, Superintendent Robert Webb, a native of Ewing, Illinois, received a B.S. de- gree in agriculture in 1937 aad an M.S. degree in animal science in 1939 from the University of Illinois. From 1937 to 1939 he was an assistant in animal husbandry in the College of Agriculture. In 1939-19^0 he served as assistant to the dean of the College of Agriculture and to the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Since I9U0 he has been superintendent of the University of Illinois Dixon Springs Experi- ment Station. During 1960-1961 Mr. Webb was assigned by the University to duty in India to aid in establishing the Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University, the first land-grant university in the Far East. He is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Delta Theta and the American Society of Animal Science. ****** HUBERT A. CATE, Animal Husbandman H. A. (Bob) Cate, a native of Thomson, Illinois, received a B.S, degree in agriculture in 19^9 from the University of Illinois. Be- fore that time he served as dairy herd improvement tester in Carroll County, served in the Army Air Corps during World War II and operated a dairy and hog farm in Carroll County. Since 19^+9 he has been in agri- cultural extension at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station. Mr. Cate is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and Phi Eta Sigma. ****** - ! - •. t . ' 5 ■ - • ,■■: .... -. ' •" ■ •tx '■ '-'■ . ■ . ' ■ .'■ \ . Agr "biography - 11 GEORGE E. McIOBBEN, Agronomist George E. McKLbben, "born in Fairfield, Illinois, received a B.S. degree in 19^0 and an M*S, degree in agronomy in 19^1 from the Uni- versity of Illinois. Before joining the University of Illinois staff in 19^6, he worked as an assistant supervisor in the Farm Securities Ad- ministration of the U.S.D.A. and spent four years in the U.S. Air Force. Mr. McKLbben is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and the Ameri- can Society of Agronomy. ****** EXTENSION EDITORS HADLEY READ, Extension Editor Hadley Read has "been extension editor of the University of Illinois College of Agriculture since June, I9U7. A native of Hamil- ton County, Iowa, he received a B.So degree in agricultural journalism from Iowa State University in 1939 and an M.S. degree in 19^1. Before coming to the University of Illinois, Mr. Read worked as a research analyst for the Ralston Purina Company in St. Louis and as assistant extension editor at Iowa State College. He also farmed for several years and at the same time edited a weekly newspaper. In 1952-53* be served as an agricultural information consultant for AID programs in Europe. He is the author of "Getting Information to Farm Families," a well-known text in agricultural journalism. Mr, Read is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Rho, Sigma Delta Chi, the Illinois Farm Writers and Broadcasters Association and the American Association of Agricultural College Edi- tors. ****** JIM EVANS, Assistant Extension Editor Jim Evans has been with the University of Illinois since January, 1962. As head of the teaching and research division for the Extension Editorial Office, he works to improve the communication skills of students in the College of Agriculture. He also administers the communication research programs of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. Farm-raised in southeastern Iowa, Mr. Evans received a B.S. degree in agricultural journalism from Iowa State University in 195^» He then became farm editor for WBAY and WBAY-TV, Green Bay, Wisconsin. A two-year Air Force tour of duty began in 1955* after which Mr. Evans entered the field of agricultural advertising. From 1957 *o i960, he was associate farm radio director and later assistant account execu- tive with Aubrey, Finaly, Marley & Hodgson, Inc. Advertising, Chicago. He left the agency in October, i960, to enter the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago. He was graduated in December, 1961, with an M.B.A. degree. Mr. Evans is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Delta Chi and Beta Gamma Sigma. ****** UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I IRPtPV ' v '-■' , • t • • ■ . Agr biography - 12 JACK C. EVERLY, Assistant Extension Editor (Photography ) Jack Everly has been with the editorial staff since 1956. A native of Jameson, Missouri, he received a B.S. degree from the Univer- sity of Missouri in 1950 and an M.S. from the University of Illinois in I96I. Before joining the Illinois staff, he worked as farm editor on a Peoria newspaper and for the DUROC NEWS and HAMPSHIRE HERDSMAN. He served with the Army in Korea. Mr. Everly is a member of Alpha Zeta, Sigma Delta Chi, the National Press Photographers, the Missouri Farm Writers* Guild, the Illinois Farm Writers and Broadcasters Association, the University Film Producers Association and the American Association of Agricultural Col- lege Editors. ****** J. J. FEIGHT, Assistant Extension Editor (Radio) J. J. Feight, a native of Clyde, Kansas, received a B.S. de- gree in agriculture from Kansas State University in 1950 and an M.S. de- gree in technical journalism from Iowa State University in 1961. He joined the extension editorial staff in i960. Before that time, he served as k~K Club agent in Kansas. Mr. Feight is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, the Illinois Farm Writers and Broadcasters Association and the American Association of Agricultural College Editors. ****** HAROLD D. GUITHER, Assistant Extension Editor (Press) Harold Guither, a native of Walnut, Illinois, received a B.S, degree in agriculture in 19^9, an M.S. degree in agricultural econmics in 1950 and a Ph.D. degree in agricultural economics in 1962 from the University of Illinois. He has been an assistant extension editor at the University of Illinois since 1956. Before that, he served as an agricultural editor and agricultural economist with the Doane Agricul« tural Service, Inc., in St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. Guither received the Agricultural Communications Award for professional improvement from the National Plant Food Institute and the American Association of Agricultural College Editors in 1961. He is a member of the American Farm Economic Association, the American As- sociation of Agricultural College Editors, Sigma Delta Chi, the Illinois Farm Writers and Broadcasters Association, Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma Delta. ****** JESSIE E. HEATHMAN, Assistant Extension Editor (Radio and Television ) A native of Washington State, Jessie Heathman received a B.S. degree in home economics from Washington State College and later took advanced work at the University of Washington, University of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania and Temple University. She was home adviser • • . n • . . ' . . ' .. ■ Agr "biography - 13 in Tazewell County for three years. For 10 years she worked with Curtis inibliBhers in Philadelphia as home economics editor, syndicate writer and director of women's radio programs. She joined the U. of I. staff in I9U3. Miss Heathman is a member of the American Association of Ag- ricultural College Editors, the JJational Association of Educational Broadcasters, American Women in Radio and Television, Theta Sigma Phi, the Illinois Nutrition Committee, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Phi Upsilon Omi- cron and the Illinois and American Home Economics Associations. She is a past president of IHEA and has been a member of the information committee of the Association of Land-grant Colleges and Universities. ****** ROBERT A. JARNAGIN, Assistant Extension Editor R. A. (Bob) Jarnagin has been an assistant editor since Sep- tember, 19kQ, He was born in Des Moines, Iowa, and attended the State University of Iowa, receiving a B.A. degree in journalism in 1938* He received an M.S. degree in journalism from the University of Illinois in 1957« Mr. Jarnagin was a lieutenant in the Navy during World War H. Before joining the Illinois staff, he was employed by the Iowa Daily Press Association and the Bankers* Life Company, Des Moines, Iowa. He is a member of the American Association of Agricultural College Editors, Kappa Tau Alpha, Gamma Sigma Delta, Epsilon Sigma Phi and the Illinois Farm Writers and Broadcasters Association. ****** SU ANN K . JOHNSTON, Assistant Extension Editor Su Ann K. Johnston, a native of Rock Island, Illinois, at- tended the University of Iowa and graduated from the University of Il- linois in 1961, receiving a B.S. degree in English education. She joined the University of Illinois staff in 1957 as a student assistant and began her present position in September, 1961, working in the areas of special projects, training materials and research. Before that, she worked in personnel administration for two years at the Rock Island Arsenal. ****** HERBERT DEAN NOSKER, Assistant Extension Editor (Press ) Dean Nosker, a native of Sheldon, Illinois, received a B.S. degree in journalism from the University of Illinois in August, 1958. He joined the University of Illinois extension editorial staff in June, 3.958, working part-time, and received a full-time appointment in charge of a special project on milk and milk products on September 1. In September, 1959 » be took over his present duties, which include depart- mental editorship for dairy science, agricultural engineering, food technology, forestry and k~R» He is general adviser for the College's Student News and Information Bureau (SNIB) and is a member of the Il- linois Farm Writers and Broadcasters Association* ****** Agr biography - Ik VICTOR R. STEPHEN, Assistant Extension Editor (Visual Aids and Exhibits ) Victor Stephen, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, grad- uated from Pratt Institute of Fine and Applied Arts in 19k"J, received a B.A. degree in applied arts from Pennsylvania State University in 1958 and completed his course work for an M. A. degree from the same in- stitution in 1961. He has been coordinator of the technical services divi« sion of the Extension Editorial Office since 1961. He was formerly employed as publications production manager in the College of Agriculture at Cornell University and as staff artist of the College of Agriculture at Pennsylvania State University, He served for a year as visual aids consultant to the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Mr. Stephen is a member of the American Association of Agricultural College Editors and received its Pioneer Award for "Conspicuous contribution to high pro- fessional standards of communications..." in 1959* JANICE E. WOODWABD, Assistant Extension Editor (Press ) Janice Woodward, a native of Oxford, New York, received a B.S. degree in 1951 from New York State University College for Teachers at Buffalo, In 19?-, she received an M.S. degree in economics of the household and household management from Cornell University. She has been an assistant extension editor at the University of Illinois since 1959* Before that time, she served as an instructor in home manage- ment and foods and nutrition at the University of Illinois and as a high school hom3.-ncikj.ng teacher in New York state. Miss Woodard is a member of the American Association of Agri- cultural College Editors, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Pi Lambda Theta and the Illinois and American Home Economics Associations. # * * * * * JOHN L. WOODS, Assistant Extension Editor (Television ) John Woods, a native of Taylorville, Illinois, received a B.S. degree in agricultural journalism in i960 and an M.S. degree in television in 1962 from the University of Illinois. He assumed his present position as television production editor in February, 1962. Before that time, he worked as a student assistant and as a half-time graduate assistant in photography and motion pictures on the extension editorial staff. During the summer of 1958, he worked as a trainee in the U, S. Department of Agriculture's Motion Picture Service. Mr. Woods is a member of the American Association of Agri- cultural College Editors, Sigma Delta Chi, the University Film Pro- ducers Association, the Illinois Farm Writers and Broadcasters Asso- ciation, the National Association of Television and Radio Farm Directors and the Illinois Press Photographers Association. Tv Tv vv w w w ' • . ■ ' / - ! Agr "biography - 15 AGRICUIIPURAL ECONOMICS HAROLD G. HALCROW, Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics Haro3.d G. Halcrow has been head of the Department of Agricul« tural Economics since September, 1957. He is a native of North Dakota and received a B.S. degree from Montana State College in 1938 and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago in 19^9« Before coming to the University of Illinois, Mr, Halcrow served on the agricultural economics staffs at the University of Con- necticut and Montana State College. He is author and co-author of sev- eral hooks and has written numerous circulars and bulletins. He is also a member of several organizations and honorary societies. ****** ARNON R. ALLEN, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist A. R. Allen, a native of Wisconsin, received a B.A. degree in liberal arts in 1952 and a law degree in 1957 from the University of Wisconsin. He has been an extension specialist in agricultural law with the University of Illinois since September, 1961. Before that, he was on the staff of the University of Wisconsin Extension Division and practiced law in Madison, Wisconsin. Mr. Allen is a member of the American and Wisconsin Bar Associations. ****** ROIAND W. BARTIETT, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Roland W. Bartlett is an extension specialist in dairy mar- keting with the University of Illinois. Born in Orleans, Vermont, he attended the University of Vermont and graduated from Cornell Uni- versity, receiving a B.S. degree in 1922 and an M.S. degree in 192k. He received a Ph.D. degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1929. Before joining the University of Illinois staff in 1928, he was an assistant in agricultural economics at both Cornell and Pennsylvania State Universities and was an economist for the Dairymen's Cooperative Sales Association in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mr. Bartlett has served as an economic consultant to the Antitrust Division of the U C S. Department of Justice, the British Columbia Royal Commission of Milk, a Trade Barrier Study for the U.S.D.A, and the Department of Agricultural Economics at Washington State Col- lege. In 19^7 he was a delegate to the International Conference of Agricultural Economists held in England. Mr. Bartlett is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma, the Biology Society, the International Conference of Agricultural Economists, the American Economic Associa- tion and the American Farm Economic Association. ****** ■ . - ■ • ....... .' ' * ■ ■ > » - . . . ■ . .-'.'■■ . • '•-■'• ' ■ .- '. • • s ' ... .■" . . -'. ■ - ■' • ,'... ' C ■ -■- ' ■ . • • . ! Agr biography - l6 ROBERT BENTZ, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Robert Bentz, a native of Dallas, Texas, received B.S. and M.S. degrees in agriculture from Texas Technological College. He re- ceived an M.S. degree in business management and marketing from Cor- nell University and a Ph.D. degree in agricultural economics from Louisiana State University. Mr. Bentz has been an extension special- ist in poultry and egg marketing with the University of Illinois since I96I. Before that he held a similar position with Louisiana State Uni- versity. He is a member of Alpha Phi Omega, Kappa Sigma, the American Farm Economic Association and the Poultry Science Association. ****** DAVID W. CULVER, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist David W. Culver is an extension specialist in dairy market- ing at the University of Illinois. Born in Dresden, Tennessee, he attended the University of Tennessee, where he received a B.S. degree in dairy science in 1956 and an M.S. degree in agricultural economics in i960. He joined the University of Illinois staff in September, i960. Before that, he was an administrative officer in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps from 1957 to 1959 and a milk tester in the Of- fice of the Milk Market Administrator in Memphis, Tennessee, from 1952 to 1953* Mr. Culver is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and the American Farm Economic Association, ****** GEORGE M. ENGLAND, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist George England has been an extension specialist in food mer- chandising at the University of Illinois since November, 1957« A na- tive of Northfield, Vermont, he received a B.S. degree in economics in 1950 and an M.S. degree in 1951 from the University of Vermont. He was on the Vermont staff as an agricultural economist (teaching, research, and extension) from 1951 to 1956, worked at Cornell University in ex- tension marketing from 1956 to 1957 and served with the Army Air Force for four years during World War II. Presently he is a consultant for Oklahoma State University on an FES warehousing research project. Mr. England is a member of Kappa Phi Kappa, Gamma Sigma Delta, the American Society of Farm Economics, the North Central Regional Re- tail Extension Marketing Committee, A e F. and A.M. and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. ****** ROYCE A HTNTON, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Royce A. Hinton, a native of Fisher, Illinois, received a B.S, degree in agriculture in 19^9 and an M.S. degree in agricultural eco- nomics in 1950 from the University of Illinois. He attended the Uni- versity of Minnesota for two years, working toward a Ph.D. degree. He . ; ' . • ■ : - ' . , • ' • .'- ' . . ' f '- ' :■ ■■ '■"•': • ■'. .....'■ i • '■•- ■•■...: V .. ' - : I . ' ■ . " ' ■ ..•...•„ ■ ■'■■■ ' '• • ' ' ' • • U I ■■ . . . ■ ■ ■ '-...:":■..'... . ■ .. : ■ .• •> ■• , . '. Agr biography - 16 ROBERT BENTZ, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Robert Bentz, a native of Dallas, Texas, received B.S. and M.S, degrees in agricu3.ture from Texas Technological College. He re- ceived an M.S. degree in business management and marketing from Cor- nell University and a Ph.D. degree in agricultural economics from Louisiana State University. Mr. Bentz has been an extension special- ist in poultry and egg marketing with the University of Illinois since I96I. Before that he held a similar position with Louisiana State Uni- versity. He is a member of Alpha Phi Omega, Kappa Sigma, the American Farm Economic Association and the Poultry Science Association. ****** DAVID W. CULVER , Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist David W. Culver is an extension specialist in dairy market- ing at the University of Illinois. Born in Dresden, Tennessee, he attended the University of Tennessee, where he received a B.S. degree in dairy science in 1956 and an M.S. degree in agricultural economics in i960. He Joined the University of Illinois staff in September, i960, Before that, he was an administrative officer in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps from 1957 to 1959 and a milk tester in the Of- fice of the Milk Market Administrator in Memphis, Tennessee, from 1952 to 1953* Mr. Culver is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and the American Farm Economic Association. ****** GEORGE M. ENGLAND, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist George England has been an extension specialist in food mer- chandising at the University of Illinois since November, 1957« A na- tive of Northfield, Vermont, he received a B.S, degree in economics in 1950 and an M.S, degree in 1951 from the University of Vermont. He was on the Vermont staff as an agricultural economist (teaching, research, and extension) from 1951 to 1956, worked at Cornell University in ex- tension marketing from 1956 to 1957 and served with the Army Air Force for four years during World War II. Presently he is a consultant for Oklahoma State University on an FES warehousing research project. Mr. England is a member of Kappa Phi Kappa, Gamma Sigma Delta, the American Society of Farm Economics, the North Central Regional Re- tail Extension Marketing Committee, A.F. and A.M. and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. ****** ROYCE A BTNTON, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Royce A. Hinton, a native of Fisher, Illinois, received a B.S. degree in agriculture in 19^9 and an M.S. degree in agricultural eco- nomics in 1950 from the University of Illinois. He attended the Uni- versity of Minnesota for two years, working toward a Ph.D. degree. He • ' ■ • ■ • ' ■ ' • • • ' 8 : • • ■ : • • • . - • ■ i ■:■■ ■ ." . ' . ■ ' Agr biography - 17 has been an extension specialist in farm management at the University of Illinois since 1955 • In addition to his work in extension, Mr, Hin- ton spends part of his time in research on the farm cost account rec- ords* He is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and the American Farm Economic Association. ****** M. B. KIRTLEY, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist M* B. Kirtley serves as an extension specialist in livestock marketing with the University of Illinois » A native of Bellf lower, Mis- souri, he received the bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Missouri. He joined the U. of I. staff in 1951. At that time he also began work toward his doctorate, which he received in 1955* Mr. Kirtley is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta and the American Farm Economic Asso- ciation. ****** FRANKLIN J. REISS, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Frank Reiss is an extension specialist in farm management and tenancy at the University of Illinois. He is a graduate of the Univer- sity, receiving the B.S. degree in agriculture in 19*K), the M.S. degree in agricultural economics in 19^2 and the Ph.D. degree in agricultural economics in 1952. A native of Freeburg, Illinois, he has been on the University staff since I9IK). From 19kQ to 1953, he did research in farm management for the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a cooperative agent at the University of Illinois. In 1959, he spent three months in Europe studying land tenure, land consolidation and land reclamation. Mr. Reiss is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, the American Economic Association and the American Farm Economic As- sociation and an associate member of Sigma Xi. In his senior year in the University, he was named to Bronze Tablet. ****** ELMER L. SAUER, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Elmer Sauer, a native of Winchester, Illinois, received a B.S. degree in agriculture in 1931, an M.S. degree in farm management in 19314- and a Ph.D. degree in agricultural economics in 19^7 from the University of Illinois. He joined the University of Illinois Department of Agricul- tural Economics as extension specialist in rural areas development in 1961. Before that, he served as Corn-Belt States research liaison representative, Agricultural Research Service, Soil Conservation Serv- ice, U.S. Department of Agriculture, from 1956 to 1961 and as research economist, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, North -Central States, from 1936 to 1956. fc- ... . • ' Agr biography - 18 Mr, Sauer was elected a Fellow of the Soil Conservation Soceity of America in 1955 and received the Superior Service Award of the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture in 1956. He is past president of the Soil Con- servation Society of America and a member of Sigma XL, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Zeta and the American Farm Economic Association. ****** ROBERT B. SCHWART, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Robert B. Schwart is an extension specialist in farm management in the Department of Agricultural Economics. He received the bachelor's degree in 19^7, the master's degree in I9U9, and the doctor of philos- ophy degree in 1958 from Ohio State University. He has been on the Uni- versity of Illinois extension staff since May, 1959. Mr. Schwart left the U.S. Navy in 1953 as a lieutenant commander. He has also been an associate county agent in Ohio and an extension economist at Ohio State University. ****** LAWRENCE HARRY SIMERL, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist L. H. (Larry) Simerl, a native of Rantoul, Illinois, is the Department of Agricultural Economics extension specialist in agricul- tural policy and outlook. He received a B.S. degree in agriculture in 1932 from the University of Illinois, where he was named to Bronze Tablet and received the Gamma Sigma Delta award. In 1939, he received an M.S. degree in agricultural economics from the University of Illinois and in 19^0-iH did additional graduate work in economics at the University of Chicago on a Farm Foundation Fellowship. Before joining the University of Illinois staff in 1937* Mr. Simerl was a vocational agriculture teacher. From 19^2 to I9V7, be was director of economic research with the I. A. A. He returned to the Illi- nois staff in 19^7 and served on the professional staff of the U.S. Senate Committee Appropriations from March to June, 19^8. Mr. Simerl is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Tau Alpha and Epsilon Sigma Phi. ****** FAY M. SIMS, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Fay Sims, a native of Quincy, Illinois, is an extension spe- cialist in farm management with the University of Illinois. He super- vises the Illinois Test-Demonstration Farm Program, a special farm management extension project involving kO farmers in nine counties. Mr. Sims received B.S. and M.S. degrees in agriculture from the Uni- versity of Illinois and an I. A. degree from Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration. He joined the Illinois staff in 1958. • - . : ■■ ' - '. . . • • i ■■ ■ ■ ^ . . ■ *• ■ '■ • . . . . . - ■ - . ' ' ' , ; ' . • ■ ' : ' ■ - ■ ' ■':■■:.,-■ 1 " - ' "'' - r ■'• . . . •' . ■ ■ - •- : ■ ■ '' " ■ ■ ' ■' - " ■ " ' .' ' ' ' ' ' ■ •' . •'■■'-. ' ,r . . . - I ■ ■' ■ • ■ " ' • .•--•■.■ ■:'•■■- ■■ U " : : . .. . Agr biography - 19 Before that, Mr. Sims operated his own farm (grain, hogs and cattle) in northern Indiana, was assistant farm adviser in Will County, Illinois, and served with the U.S. Army in Europe and with the U.S. War and State Departments in Germany. He also managed the feed, seed and plant food division of a county farm supply cooperative in Will County, Illinois. ****** ROBERT G. SPITZE, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Robert G. Spitze is an extension specialist in public policy with the University of Illinois. Born in Berryville, Arkansas, he re- ceived a B.S.A. degree from the University of Arkansas in I9I+7 and a Ph.D. degree in agricultural economics from the University of Wiscon- sin in 195k. Before joining the University of Illinois staff in i960, he worked in the agricultural economics departments of the Universities of Wisconsin and Tennessee. Mr. Spitze is a member of Alpha Zeta, Blue Key, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Sigma, the American Farm Economic Association, the American Economic Association and the Association of Southern Agricultural Workers. ****** LESLIE F. STICE, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Les Stice is an extension specialist in grain marketing with the Illinois staff. A native of western Oklahoma, he received a B.S. degree in agriculture from Oklahoma State University in 1937 and has done graduate work at Oklahoma State and the University of Illinois. He joined the University of Illinois staff in 19^2. Before that time, he was on the Oklahoma State University staff as extension economist in farm management. Mr. Stice is a member of Epsilon Sigma Phi, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and the American Farm Economic Association. ****** DEIMAR F. WILKEN, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist Delmar Wilken, a University of Illinois extension specialist in farm management, has held this position since 195^« He was born in Danforth, Illinois, and is a graduate of the University of Illinois, re- ceiving a B.S. degree in agriculture and agricultural economics in I9V7 and an M.S. degree in farm management in 1953. After receiving his B.S. degree, he worked as fieldman with the Pioneer Farm Bureau Farm Manage- ment Association until 195 1 *. During World War II, Mr. Wilken saw action in Japan with the Army infantry as a first lieutenant. He also served with the infantry during the Korean War. He is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, the American Farm Economic Association and the Illinois Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. He has served as executive secretary of the Illinois Farm Bureau Farm Management Association and as state leader of Farm Bureau Farm Management Service fieldmen since 1955 • ****** ••••-. : ... ;■ : •;■ ■.'.-.■ . -. ■ . . ■■ ■ ' i ■ .. .. 1 ■ - . • • ■ Agr biography - 20 JOHN E. WILLS, Agricultural Economics Extension Specialist John E. Wills is an extension specialist in farm management with the University of Illinois. Born in Watseka, Illinois, he grad- uated from the University of Illinois, receiving a B.S. degree in ag- ricultural education in 1925, an M.S. degree in farm management in 1932 and a Ph.D. degree in economics in 1937* Mr. Wills has taught vocational agriculture in Monticello, Illinois, worked as an associate professor of agricultural economics at the University of Tennessee and was state BAE representative for Tennessee in the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U.S.D.A. He is a member of Alpha Tau Alpha, Gamma Sigma Delta, the Amer- ican Farm Economic Association, the Western Farm Economic Association and the Illinois and American Societies of Farm Managers and Rural Ap- praisers. ****** AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING FRANK Bo LANHAM, Head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering Frank B. Lanham has been head of the Department of Agricul- tural Engineering since September 1, 1955« Born in Weston, West Virginia, he graduated with high honors from Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1935. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Iowa State University and also did some graduate work at the University of Georgia. From 19^6 until 1950 Mr. Lanham was sales manager and later general manager of a wholesale hardware firm in Bainbridge, Georgia. Before joining the University of Illinois staff, he was secretary of the American Society of Agricultural Engi- neers at St. Joseph, Michigan. During World War II, he served with the Army in the Southwest Pacific. He entered service as a first lieuten- ant and was separated with the grade of lieutenant colonel. The author of numerous publications, Mr. Lanham is also a registered professional engineer and a member of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma XL and Alpha Zeta. ****** FRANK W. ANDREW, Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist Frank Andrew, born in Palmyra, Illinois, is the University of Illinois extension specialist in electric power and processing. A graduate of Blackburn College and the University of Illinois, he re- ceived a B.S. degree in agriculture in 1938 and a B.S. degree in en- gineering in 19^9. He is a licensed professional engineer and private pilot. ****** . ■ f Agr biography - 21 H. H. BEATY, Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist Harold H. Beaty is the University of Illinois extension spe- cialist in electric power and processing a A native of Greene County, Iowa, he received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1931 and the M.S. degree in agricultural engineering in 19^2 from Iowa State University. He was named to the Illinois staff in November, 1958. Before coming to Illinois, Mr, Beaty worked as rural service manager for the Edison Electric Institute and as an associate profes- sor of agricultural engineering at Iowa State College. He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta and Epsilon Sigma Phi, He is also a past vice- president of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. ****** PETER A. BOVING, Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist Peter Boving is an extension specialist in soil and water with the University of Illinois. Born in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, he received his bachelors degree in agricultural engineering at the University of British Columbia in 1953 and his master's degree at Davis, California, in 195^. He joined the University of Illinois staff in 1961. Before that, Mr. Boving spent for years in agri- cultural drainage research: two years at Swift Current, Saskatche- wan, Canada, and two years at Davis, California. Then he spent two and one-half years as a design engineer in irrigation systems in- stallation. ****** WENDELL BOWERS, Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist Wendell Bowers is the University of Illinois extension spe- cialist in farm machinery. A native of Potomac, Illinois, he at- tended both the University of Notre Dame and Indiana State Teachers College before graduating from the University of Illinois with a B.S. degree in agricultural engineering in 191*8. He received an M.S. de- gree in agricultural engineering from the University in 1956. Before joining the Illinois staff, Mr. Bowers was on the staff of Alfred University in Alfred, New York. He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Epsilon Sigma Phi and the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. ****** DONALD G. JEDELE, Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist D# G. (Don) Jedele, the University of Illinois extension specialist in farm structures, has been on the Illinois staff since 1956. A native of Denison, Iowa, he received the B.S. degree in ag- ricultural engineering in 19^9 and the M.S. degree in 195^ from Iowa State University. After receiving his bachelor's degree, Mr. Jedele served on the Iowa State University staff until December, 1955. He is a registered professional engineer and a member of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. ****** •. . ! ■ . ' ■ • ■ - .. : ! - ' £ - ■ . . ■' ■ ■ _ v..- - ■ ; . • '••"''■' ' ' . ■ ■ ;■ Agr biography - 22 ARTHUR J, MUEHLING, Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist Art Muehling is the University of Illinois extension spe- cialist in farm structures. A native of Cissna Park, Illinois, he received a B.S. degree in agricultural engineering in 1950 from the University of Illinois and an M.S. degree in the same field in 1951 from the University of Missouri. He is a registered professional engineer in Illinois. Mr. Muehling had done teaching and research in the Agricul- tural Engineering Department for six years prior to joining the ex- tension staff in I96I. His military service includes four years in the Weather Service of the U.S. Air Force* He is a member of the Amer- ican Society of Agricultural Engineers. ****** AGRONOMY MORELL BEIOTE RUSSELL, Head of the Department of Agronomy M. B. Russell joined the University of Illinois staff as head of the Department of Agronomy in 1951 • A native of St. Joseph County, Michigan, he received the B.S. degree in agriculture in 193^ from Michigan State College, the M,S. degree in soil physics in 1937 from Iowa State University and the Ph.D. degree in 1939, also from Iowa State. After receiving his doctorate, he joined the Iowa State staff, where he did both teaching and research. From 19^5 "to 1951* he was a member of the agronomy staff at Cornell University. Mr. Russell is a member of several scientific societies and has served on numerous state, national and international boards and commissions relating to soil science and agriculture,, ****** SAMUEL ROY ALDRICH, Agronomy Extension Specialist S« R. (Sam) Aldrich, extension specialist in soil fertility, has been on the Illinois staff since 1957« Born in Fairgrove, Michi- gan, he received a B.S, degree in farm crops from Michigan State Uni- versity in 1938 and a Ph,D. degree from Ohio State University in 19^2. While at Ohio State, Mr. Aldrich did research work for both the Uni» versity and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In 19^2 he went to Cornell University as an extension specialist and later served as project leader in agronomy extension. At Illinois, he has conducted research on fertilizers and minimum tillage. Mr. Aldrich is a member of Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Agronomy and the Soil Science Society of Amer- ica. ****** . ■ Agr biography - 23 TEQM&S De HOTESLY, Agronomy Extension Specialist ■■ ■ ' ■!■ ■ — J ■ m i ■ wwJ — nr i w ■ r ■ ■ ■ i ■ — ■■ ■q i ■■■»■■ . i f W» ■ i » ■ ■#■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Thomas D„ Hinesly, a native of Texas, received a B.S. degree in agriculture in 1952 and an M»S degree in agronomy in 1956 from the A. & M. College of Texas e He completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree in soil physics in 1961 at Iowa State University -while serving as a member of the teaching staff* He joined the agronomy extension and research staff in soil conservation at the University of Illinois in July, 1961. Mr. Hinesly is a member of the American Society of Agronomy, Alpha Zeta and Sigma Xi. ****** PERCY EVERT JOHNSON, Agronomy Extensi on Sp ecialist ^ 11 . ■■ ■ 11 1 — — ^mm — — 11 ji 11 11A11 a* Ei ip 1 1 J wmmmt — — "j ■ Wfc «iii h iy .*. inwiij . wiimw P. E„ (Pat) Johnson is an extension specialist in soil fertility. A native of Martinsville, Illinois, he received a B.S. degree in agri- culture in 1930 from the University of Illinois. He has "been associated with the University Soil Experiment Fields since 1930 and has "been a soils extension specialist since 19^-0. Mr. Johnson received the "Award of Merit" from the College of Agriculture Alumni Association in 1961 in recognition of outstanding service to the college, to its alumni and to agriculture in Illinois, He is a member of Alpha Gamma Rho, Gamma Sigma Delta and Alpha Tau Alpha fraternities, ****** ELLERY L. KNAKE , Agron omy Extension Special ist Ellery Khake is a extension specialist in crops with the De- partment of Agronomy. In addition to his extension activities, he is also engaged in weed control research. He received a B.S* degree from the University of Illinois in 19^9 ar Kl an M.S. degree in agricultural education in i960. He taught vocational agriculture for six years at Barrington, Illinois, Return- ing to the University of Illinois in 1956, he served on the Vocational Agriculture Service staff for 3 1/2 years. He received a Ph.D. degree in agronomy in i960 and joined the agronomy staff the same year, Mr. Khake is a member of Nabor House, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Alpha Tau Alpha, the Weed Society of America and the American Society of Agronomy. ****** ALVIN LEONARD IANG, Agronomy Extension Specialist A. L. (Al) Lang is an extension specialist in soil fertility. A native of Dilsboro, Indiana, he received a B»S. degree in agriculture from the University of Illinois in 1920 and an M,S. degree in soil sci- ence from Cornell University in 1929. He has been on the agronomy staff since 1920. • . . • . • Agr biography - 2k Mr. Lang 6erved as consultant to the Economical Cooperative Administration in Europe in 1951. He is a member of the American Society of Agronomy Emeritus, the Soil Science Society of America, the Soil Science Society of Florida, the International Soil Science Society, the Illinois Academy of Science and Gamma Sigma Delta. He is a fellow in the American Society of Agronomy. ****** JAMES C. LAVERTY, Agronomy Extension Specialist James C. Laverty has been an extension specialist in soil chemistry in the Department of Agronomy since September, 1959* A na- tive of St. Paul, Minnesota, he received the bachelor of science de- gree in chemistry from the University of Minnesota in 19^9 &ad the Ph.D. degree in agronomy from Ohio State University in 1959* Mr Lav- erty was previously an analytical chemist at Ohio State University and had also worked as a quality control chemist. He is a member of Phi Lambda Upsilon, Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi, the Soil Science Society of America and the International Soil Science Society. ****** LLOYD JAMES McKENZIE, Agronomy Extension Specialist L. J. McKenzie is an extension specialist in soil pedology. A native of Alberta, Canada, he received a B.S. degree from the On- tario Agricultural College in 1950, an M,S. degree from Michigan State University in 195^, and a Ph 5 D, degree from Michigan State in 1957- He joined the University of Illinois staff in January, 1957* Mr. McKenzie is a member of Sigma Xi, the Soil Conservation Society of America, the American Society of Agronomy, the Soil Science Society of America and the International Soil Science Society. He previously taught at Michigan State University and served more than three years with the Royal Canadian Air Force. ****** WILLIAM D. PARDEE, Agronomy Extension Specialist William (Bill) D. Pardee is an extension specialist in crops. Raised on a dairy and grain farm in Connecticut, he received a bache- lor^ degree from Dartmouth in 1951* He served with the Army Engineers during the Korean War and then spent several years in business. He at- tended Graduate School at Cornell University, receiving a Ph.D. degree in June, i960, and served for a year on the Cornell staff as an exten- sion specialist in field crops, Mr. Pardee is a member of Phi Sigma Phi and Sigma Xi honorary fraternities, as well as the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America and the American Grasslands Council. ****** \ Agr "biography - 25 W, 0. SCOTT, Agronomy Extension Specialist W. 0. (Scotty) Scott is an extension specialist in crop produc- tion. A native of Westmoreland, Kansas, he received a B.S. degree in agriculture in 1939 from Kansas State University. He received an M.S. degree from the University of Illinois in 19^9 and a Ph.D. degree from Purdue University in 1959* His academic majors were soils and crop production. Mr. Scott has been on the University of Illinois staff since December, 19^. Before that time, he worked as a county agent in Kansas, was on the agronomy staff at Kansas State College and was assistant sec- retary of the Kansas Crop Improvement Association. He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Sigma Xi and the American Society of Agronomy. He is also a director of the International Crop Improve- ment Association. ****** EDWARD H. TYNER, Agronomy Extension Specialist Edward H. Tyner was born in Chicago and grew up in Crete, Nebraska. He received the B.S, degree in agriculture from the Univer- sity of Nebraska and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in soil chemistry from the University of Wisconsin He has served on the staffs of the Uni- versity of Nebraska, North Dakota State University and West Virginia University. He came to the University of Illinois as professor of soil fertility in 1950 and served for an 18-month period in 1958-1959 as Cornell University visiting professor of soils at the University of the Philippines. Mr. Tyner is a Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy and was associate editor of the Proceedings of the Soil Science Society, He has published material in the fields of leaf analysis of corn, strip-mine reclamation and soil phosphorus chemistry. ****** ANIMAL SCIENCE 0. BURR ROSS, Head of the Department of Animal Science Burr Ross became head of the Department of Animal Science in July, 1958» He was born in Rosalie, Nebraska, and received a B.S. degree in animal husbandry from the University of Nebraska in 1936. Mr. Ross continued his studies at the University of Wisconsin, where he received an M.S. degree in 1939 and a Ph„D. degree in bio- chemistry and animal husbandry in 19^2. During both his graduate work and professional career, he has done outstanding research in swine and beef cattle nutrition. Mr. Ross has worked for the University of Tennessee as instruc- tor in charge of sheep; as assistant at the University of Wisconsin in . - • ■ i • -• - . Agr biography - 26 charge of swine; and at Oklahoma State University in charge of beef cat- tle nutrition. He came to the University from Salina, Kansas, -where he was manager of the Gooch Feed Mill. He is a member of the American Society of Animal Science, Sigma XL, Gamma Sigma Delta and Alpha Zeta. * * * * * * GEORGE RICHARD CARLISLE, Extension Livestock Specialist G. R. (Dick) Carlisle, born in Carthage, Illinois, received both the B.S. and M.S. degrees in animal science from the University of Illinois. During his college career, he was named to Bronze Tablet and received the Borden scholastic award. After receiving his master's degree in 19*1-8, he joined the University of Illinois staff as an exten- sion livestock specialist. Mr. Carlisle is a member of the American Society of Animal Science, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Zeta and Phi Kappa Phi. He served a four-year term in the Army during World War II. ****** TERRY GREATHOUSE, Extension Livestock Specialist Terry Greathouse, a native of Eindsboro, Illinois, has been a livestock extension specialist at Illinois since October, 1958. Mr. Greathouse graduated from the University of Illinois, receiving the B,S. degree in animal science in 1955* After graduation, he served two years as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps. He returned to the Uni- versity and received the M.S. degree in animal science in June, 1958. Mr. Greathouse has completed course work for a Ph.D. degree at the Uni- versity of Kentucky. He served with the Illinois Livestock Marketing Association before joining the Illinois staff. ****** HUGH S. JOHNSON, Extension Poultry Specialist Hugh Johnson, born in Illinois, received the B.S. degree in agricultural education in 195^ from Iowa State University. He obtained the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in poultry science at Michigan State Uni- versity. While there, he taught poultry courses, did research and worked as an extension poultry fieldman. Before that time, he taught vocational agriculture for two years at Decorah, Iowa. Mr. Johnson spent his early years on a gen- eral farm in Wisconsin and later helped his parents operate a poultry farm in Illinois. He is a member of the Poultry Science Association. ****** S. F. RIDLEN, Extension Poultry Specialist S. F. (Sam) Ridlen, a native of Marion, Illinois, received a B.S, degree in agriculture in 19^0 from the University of Illinois and an M.S. degree in poultry husbandry in 1957 from Michigan State Uni- versity, He served as extension poultry specialist at the University ' 1 . • - it ■ ■ . ■ ■ • ■ ' * ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■■• j . ...... ■■■■.. I ... ; Agr biography - 27 of Illinois from 19^6 to 1953 and resumed this position in February, 1958. Mr, Ridlen has also taught vocational agriculture, served in the Army in World War II and been general manager of a leading poultry breeding firm in the Midwest. Prior to returning to the University in 1958, he was extension poultry specialist at the University of Con- necticut, He is a member of Alpha Tau Alpha, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Poultry Science Association and World's Poultry Science Association. ****** HARRY G. RUSSELL, Extension Livestock Specialist Harry Russell, a native of Neponset, Illinois, received a B.S. degree in agriculture in 1930 and an M.S. degree in agricultural economics in 1932 from the University of Illinois He has been an ex- tension livestock specialist with the University since 1936. Before that time, he served as professional farm manager and appraiser with the Doane Agricultural Service in Quincy, Illinois. Mr. Russell received the first Pfizer Livestock Extension Award during the American Society of Animal Science meeting in 1959 for "outstanding contributions to the progress of the nation's agri- cultural industry." He is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and the American Society of Animal Science. ****** DONALD E. WALKER, Extension Livestock Speci alist "Don" Walker, livestock extension specialist at Illinois, has held this position since July, 1955- He is a graduate of the University of Illinois, receiving a B.S. degree in agriculture in 1952 and an M.S. degree in animal science in 1953* After graduating, he served in the Army Quartermaster Corps until March, 1955> when he became commission salesman for a livestock firm in Peoria. A native of Mazon, Illinois, Mr. Walker is a member of Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma Delta and is a recipient of the Borden scholastic award. ***** * DAIRY SCIENC E GLENN WADE SALISBURY, Head of the Department of Dairy Science Glenn Salisbury has been head of the Department of Dairy Sci- ence at the University of Illinois since 19^7* Born on a farm in Ash- tabula County, Ohio, he graduated from Ohio State University in 1931 with a B.S, degree in dairy husbandry. He received a Ph.D. degree from Cornell University in 193*4-. In the summer of 19^+1, he did post-doctoral studies in animal breeding and statistical methods at Iowa State Uni- versity. - ' -. ■ ■ - - . ., ' • , Agr biography - 28 Mr. Salisbury is widely known for his work in the field of artificial insemination, having written more than 100 research papers on this subject for scientific journals., Since coming to the University of Illinois, he has expanded the research facilities of the Dairy Sci- ence Department and has concentrated his efforts in this work toward the needs of Illinois dairy farmers. He is a member of numerous organi- zations and honorary societies. ****** J. G. CASH, Extension Dairy Specialis t A native of Brocton, Illinois, "Jerry" Cash has been an exten- sion dairy specialist with the Univeristy of Illinois since 1931» He attended Blackburn Junior College for two years and then transferred to the University of Illinois, where he received a B.S. degree in agricul- ture in 1931 and an M.S. degree in dairy science in 193&« Mr. Cash received the U.S. Department of Agriculture Award for Superior Service in i960. He is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and Epsilon Sigma Phi. ****** L EO RAY FRYMAN, Extensi on Dairy Specialist Leo Fryman, born in Noble, Illinois, graduated from the Uni- versity of Illinois with a B.S. degree in agriculture in June, 19hQ f and joined the Illinois staff as extension dairy specialist in Septem- ber, 19^8. He received an M.S. degree in dairy science in 1950. Dur- ing his college career he received the Bronze Tablet and the Borden scholastic award. During World War II, Mr. Fryman served with the Army Air Force as an aerial engineer. Prior to the war, he was a Dairy Herd Improve- ment Association tester in Ford County. He is a member of the American Dairy Science Association, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Zeta, Phi Kappa Phi and Gamma Sigma Delta. ****** GERHARD WILLIAM HARPESTAD, Extension Dairy Specialist G. W. (Gary) Harpestad, a native of Wisconsin, has been an extension dairy specialist with the University of Illinois since 195^. He received the B„S, degree in dairy production in 1952 and the M.S. degree in the same field in 195*1- from the University of Minnesota. Dur- ing World War II he served with the U.S. Naval Reserve. Mr. Harpestad is a member of the American Dairy Science Association. ****** RALPH V. JOHNSON, Extension Dairy Specialist Ralph Johnson, a native of Sandwich, Illinois, has been with tiie University of Illinois as an extension dairy specialist since Sep- tember, 1956. He received the B.S. degree in general agriculture from . . ] - ■ ■ " . ■ Agr biography - 29 the University of Illinois in 19^8 and the M.S. degree in dairy nutri- tion in 1961. Prior to joining the University of Illinois staff, Mr. John- son was a farm adviser in Boone County, assistant farm adviser in White- side County and quality control checker for the National Dairy Company in Milwaukee . During World War II he served with the Army infantry in Italy as a first lieutenant. He is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and the American Dairy Science Association, He was named to Bronze Tablet in 19^, graduating with highest honors. ****** PAUL PETER SOMERS, Extension Dairy Special i st (Marketing ) Paul Somers, a native of Kankakee, Illinois, received a B.S. degree in chemistry from the University of Illinois in 1920 and joined the Illinois staff in 19^6. Prior to that time, he did laboratory and distribution work for the Detroit City Gas Company, worked for the Chicago By-Product Coke Corporation and was a senior sanitary chemist for the Chicago Health Department, TP Iv 7T Tv tC 7P ENTOMOLOGY GEORGE C. DECKER, Head of Economic Entomology Secti on ■ II.. ■ I M l M>^ I - I l . . - M liu..ni , l| ■ II .I IM ! !■ II I H ■ ■ I I II 11 ■■ I I ■■! L II I II I !■— II —I ■■— . George Decker was born in Elkton, Michigan. He attended Iowa State University, where he received a B.S* degree in horticulture in 1924, an M.S. degree in entomology in 1927 and a Ph.D. degree in en- tomology in 1930. He was on the research staff at Iowa State University until l^kk, when he became head of the Economic Entomology Section of the Illinois Natural History Survey and the Illinois Agricultural Ex- periment Station. In his position as head of the Economic Entomology Section, Mr. Decker directs research on both biological and chemical insect control, pesticide residue evaluation and insect resistance to chemicals. Mr. Decker has served as president of the National Entomolog- ical Society of America and as chairman of the North Central Branch of that society. For a number of years he has been active in the work of the National Research Council. He was a member of the council's Agri- culture Board for six years and, at the present time, is a member of the Food Protection Committee and the Committee on Pesticide-Wildlife Relationships. Mr. Decker is a member of the World Health Organiza- tion's Expert Advisory Panel on Insecticides. He is a member of Alpha Zeta, Epsilon Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta and Sigma Xi. He is also a member of the Illi- nois Academy of Science, the Entomological Society of America, the Entomological Society of Canada and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. ****** . • ■ Agr biography - 30 STEVENSON MOORE III, Entomology Extension Specialist "Steve" Moore graduated from the American International Col- lege, Springfield, Massachusetts, with a B.A. degree in zoology in 19^9. He did graduate work at the University of Massachusetts, where he re- ceived an M.S. degree in entomology in 1951, and at Cornell University, where he received a Ph.D. degree in 1953. Mr. Moore then joined the University of Illinois staff and the Illinois Natural History Survey staff as extension entomologist. He is a member of the American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science, the Entomological Society of America, Phi Kappa Phi and Sigma XL. ****** HOWARD B. PETTY, Entomology Extension Specialist A native of Mt. Carroll, Illinois, "Pete" Petty has been an extension entomologist with the University of Illinois and the Illi- nois Natural History Survey since 19*1-1. He is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Illinois, receiving a B.A, degree in entomology in 19h0, an M.S„ degree in 19^3 and a Ph.D. degree in 1955 • He is a member of the Entomological Society of America, Gamma Sigma Delta and Epsilon Sigma Phi. ****** CIARENCE E e WHITE, Entomology Extension Specialist Clarence E. White, raised on a farm near Avonmore, Pennsyl~ vania, graduated from Elders Ridge Vocational School in 1933 and at- tended the University of West Virginia from 1939 to 19*10. He served with the U.S. Army, 2nd Armored Division, until 19^5, during which time he received five battle stars and the Fourre re Guerre from Bel- gium, Mr. White returned to the University of West Virginia and re- ceived a B.S, degree in agriculture in June, 19^8, He attended Cor- nell University for one year and then attended the University of Illinois on a part-time basis until 195^ while working at the Illi- nois Natural Hi. story Survey as a research entomologist. He has been a survey entomologist with the University of Illinois since 195^ • ****** FOOD TECHNOLOGY REID T. MTJiER, Head of the Department of Food Technology Reid T. Milner has been head of the Department of Food Technology since 195^. A native of Carbondale, Illinois, he re- ceived a B.S. degree in chemistry and an M S. degree in physical chemistry from the University of Illinois and a Ph.D. degree in phys- ical chemistry from the University of California. He was on the Urbana campus from 1936 until 19*H, during which time he helped set up the Regional Soybean Laboratory at Urbana. - ■ ;: . ■ • ■'... ... ■ • ■''-• . ■ ■-- ■ . . . . . .... ■ - ■ • ■ .. . . . .- • • Agr biography - 31 In 191+1 he became head of the Analytical and Physical Chemical Divi- sion of the Northern Regional Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Ag- riculture at Peoria and was named director of that laboratory in 19^8, He came to the University of Illinois in 195*1- • Mr. Milner has been president of the American Oil Chemists Society and is active in the Institute of Food Technologists. He is also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence, American Chemical Society and American Association of Cereal Chemists. -* * * * * * FORESTRY J. N. SPAETH, Head of the Department of Forestry J, Nelson Spaeth has been head of the University of Illinois Department of Forestry since 1933. A native of Rochester, New York, he received a B.S. degree in forestry from Cornell University in 1919> an M.F, degree in forestry from Harvard in 1920 and a PluD* degree in plant physiology from Yale in 1933* He was awarded a Bliss scholarship at Harvard and a Charles B. Wood scholarship at Yale. During World War I, Mr. Spaeth was a chief quartermaster in aviation, Naval Reserve Force, Before coming to the University of Illinois, he was assistant director of forest research at Harvard and assistant professor of forestry at Cornell. Mr, Spaeth is the author of numerous bulletins and journal articles on seed physiology, silviculture and forest management. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and the Society of American Foresters, He is a Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. ***** * W. FREEMAN BULKLEY, Forestry Extension Specialist Freeman Bulkley, a native of Muskegon, Michigan, attended Muskegon Junior College in 1926-27 and graduated from Michigan State University with a B.S. degree in forestry in 1932. He has been an extension forester since 19^2. Before that time he served with the Central Paper Company of Muskegon as a laboratory technician and with the U.S. Forest Serv- ice for nine years in the Huron and Ottawa National Forests of Michigan. Mr. Bulkley is a member of Xi Sigma Pi, the Society of American Foresters and the Illinois Technical Forestry Association, ****** .■;. " ■ ■ ■ Agr biography - 32 LAW SON B. CULVER, Forestry Extension Specialist L. B. Culver, a native of Isabella County, Michigan, attended Wayne University, Detroit, in 1928 and received a B.S. degree in forestry from Michigan State University in 1935. After graduation, he worked with the Michigan Emergency Conservation Work, supervising forest development. He has been an extension specialist in forestry at the University of Illinois since 1937. Mr. Culver is a member of the American Forestry Association, XL Sigma Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, Epsilon Sigma Pi, Gamma Sigma Delta, the Society of American Foresters and the Illinois Christmas Tree Growers' Association. He is a past president of the Illinois Technical Forestry Association. ****** THEODORE W. CURTIN, Forestry Extension Specialist "Ted" Curtin, a native of Beardstown, Illinois, received the B.S. degree in forestry from Purdue University in 1951. Mr. Curtin then joined the University of Illinois staff, where he was a research as- sistant before becoming an extension specialist in September, 1958. He is a member of the Society of American Foresters. ****** ROBERT E. KELSON, Forestry Extension Specialist ( Dixon Springs ) Robert Nelson has been a University of Illinois forestry ex- tension specialist since 1951. His headquarters are at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station in Robbs, Illinois, and he is the exten- sion forester for 21 southern Illinois counties. A native of DeKalb County, Indiana, he received a B.S. de- gree in forestry from Michigan State College in 1936. Before joining the University of Illinois staff, Mr. Nelson worked for the Michigan State Tax Commission; the Soil Conservation Service in Forest City, Arkansas; the Wallin Lumber Company in Earle, Arkansas; and the Ar- kansas Extension Service. From 194-1 to 19k6, he served as a captain in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. ***** * HORTICULTURE CHARLES J. BIRKELAND, Head of the Department of Horticulture C. J. Birkeland has been head of the University of Illinois Department of Horticulture since September, 1950. Before that time he had been on the department staff for two years. Mr. Birkeland was born in Warwick, North Dakota, and attended several colleges, including North Dakota State College; Michigan State Agr biography - 33 College, "where he received a B.S. degree in 1939; Kansas State College, where he received an M.S. degree in 19^+1; and the University of Illinois where he received a Ph. ,D. degree in 19^7* He studied both horticulture, and botany during his undergraduate and graduate work. During World War II, Mr. Birkeland served in the U.S. Navy. He is a member of many organizations and honorary societies and has received the Sigma Xi re- search award. ****** CHARLES E. ACKERMAN, Horticultural Extension Specialist Charles Ackerman is the University of Illinois extension spe- cialist in floriculture. He is a native of Benwood, West Virginia, and attended the University of West Virginia, where he received a B.S. de- gree in agriculture in 19^9 arid, an M.S. degree in 1950. Mr. Ackerman completed his graduate work at Michigan State College, where he re- ceived a Ph.D. degree in floriculture in 1952. He then joined the Uni- versity of Illinois staff. During World War II, he served in the Army Air Force for four years. He is a member of Phi Epsilon Phi, Alpha Zeta, Pi Alpha Xi and Sigma Xi. ****** J. WILSON COURTER, Horticultural Extension Specialist (Dixon Springs ) J. Wilson (Bill) Courter has been extension specialist in small fruits and vegetables for southern Illinois since January 1959* He was born in Cape May Court House, New Jersey, and received the B.S. degree in horticulture in 1957 and the M.S. degree in vegetable crops in 1959 from Rutgers University. Mr Courter is a member of Alpha Zeta and the American Society for Horticultural Science, ****** R„ ALDEN MILLER, Horticultural Extension Specialist (Downers Grove ) Alden Miller is a native of Carbondale, Illinois. He re- ceived a B.S. degree in rural studies from southern Illinois University in 1955 and an M.S. degree from the University of Illinois in 1956. After military service, he joined the University of Illinois Horticul- ture Department, in which he did his graduate work. Mr. Miller is presently stationed at the Drug and Horticultural Experiment Station at Downers Grove doing research and extension work with vegetable crops and lawn turf. He is a member of the American Society for Hor- ticultural Science, Gamma Sigma Delta and Farm Bureau. ****** WILLIAM R. NELSON, JR., Horticultural Extension Special::. st William R. Nelson, extension specialist in landscape garden- ing at the University of Illinois, is a native of Spokane, Washington. He graduated from Washington State University in 1955 with a B.S. de- gree in landscape architecture. He came to the University of Illinois . "• I ' * ■ ■ Agr biography - 3^ in November, 1959> after serving as assistant director and acting di- rector of park departments in Spokane, Mr, Nelson is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Alpha Xi, Alpha Zeta, Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, the American Association of Botanic Gardens and Arboretums and the Ameri- can Society of landscape Architects, ****** FRANK W. OWEN, Horticultural Extension Specialist Frank Owen, extension specialist in fruit crops at the Uni- versity of Illinois, was born in Benton Harbor, Michigan, He grad- uated from Michigan State University, receiving a B.S, degree in hor- ticulture in 1950 and an M.S. degree in pomology in 1952. After receiving his master 1 s degree, Mr, Owen was extension fruit special- ist at the University of Maine until he joined the Illinois staff in 1955* His other experience includes work with the Soil Conservation Service and merchandising training with the Kroger Company, He served in the U.S, Navy from early 19^5 until August, 19I+6. ****** JOSEPH S. VANDEMARK, Horticultural Extension Specialist Joseph S. Vandemark, extension specialist in vegetable crops, is a native of Fairgrove, Michigan. He received a B.S. degree in agri- culture in 19^1 and an M.S, in horticulture in 19*^6 from Michigan State University. In i960, he received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois, Mr, Vandemark spent nine years as an extension horticulturist at Purdue University. Later he headed the fruit and vegetable section of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Before joining the Illinois staff in i960, he was director of research of the Central Aguirre Sugar Company in Puerto Rico, Mr. Vandemark is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi and Phi Sigma. ****** PLANT PATHOLOGY WAYNE M. BEVER, Head of the Department of Plant Pa t hology Wayne Bever became head of the University of Illinois De- partment of Plant Pathology in September, 1957* Raised on a ranch in Nezperce County, Idaho, he received an M.S, degree from the University of Idaho in 1928, From 1928 to 1937, he worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the Agricultural Experiment Station in Moscow, Idaho, In 19*+0, he re- ceived a Ph.D. degree in plant pathology and agronomy from the Univer- sity of Wisconsin. The USDA then transferred him to the Illinois Ag- ricultural Experiment Station in Urbana. In 19^9 > Mr. Bever received a joint appointment in plant pathology with the University of Illinois and the USDA, which he held until he became department head in 1957. • .- Agr biography - 35 Mr. Bever is a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi and the American Fhytopathological Society. He is listed in "Who's Who in America," and "Who's Who in the Midwest." * * * * * * MICHAEL PAUL BRITTON, Plant Pathology Extension Specialist "Mike" Brit ton, raised in Montana, attended Montana State College, where he received a B.S. degree in 1951 and an M.S. degree in 1953* He completed work on a Ph. Do degree in plant pathology at Purdue University Just before joining the University of Illinois staff on July 1, 1958 • Mr. Britton is a member of Sigma Xi and the American Phytopathological Society. He has served as an instructor of botany and plant pathology at Purdue and with the Soil Conservation Service, Dillon, Montana. His military experience includes three years in the Navy. ****** MALCOLM C. SHURTLEFF, Plant Pathology Extension Specialist Malcolm Shurtleff, a native of Rhode Island, received a B.S, degree in biology in 19^-3 from the University of Rhode Island and an M.S. degree in plant pathology in 1950 and a Ph.D. degree in the same field in 1953 from the University of Minnesota. He has been an exten- sion specialist in plant pathology with the University of Illinois since July, 1961. Before that time, he served as a plant pathology extension specialist in both Rhode Island and Iowa. Mr. Shurtleff is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma and the American Phytopathological Society. He has written some 80 popular and scientific articles on plant disease subjects, including a popular book entitled "How To Control Plant Diseases— In Home And Garden," ****** VETERINARY PATHOLOGY AND HYGIENE CARL A. BRANDLY, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine Carl Brandly has been dean of the University of Illinois Col- lege of Veterinary Medicine since September, 195&. A native of Kansas, he received the D.V.M. degree in 1923 and the M.S. degree in bacte- riology in 1930 from Kansas State College. His professional career includes work in commercial biologies production and as veterinarian, New Jersey Bureau of Animal Industry; assistant professor of bacteriology, research in poultry diseases, Kansas State College; veterinary researcher, University of Illinois; senior pathologist, U.S. Regional Poultry Research Laboratory, East Lansing, Michigan; special research associate and director of the Huntington war research program, Harvard University Medical School; and professor of bacteriology and of veterinary science, head of the Department of Veterinary Science, University of Wisconsin. : - ■ Agr biography - 36 Dr. Brandly is a member of numerous honorary societies and organizations, has written many scientific papers and has served as associate editor of the American Journal of Veterinary Research and the Cornell Veterinarian . He is senior editor of Advances in Veteri- nary Science, now in its seventh volume. He is consultant to the Sec- retary of Defense, U.S. Public Health Service Communicable Disease Center, and the Plum Island Animal Disease laboratory, AES, USDA. Dr. Brandly represents the American Veterinary Medical Association in the National Research Council and the National Academy of Sciences. He has served as American delegate or representative to educational and research conferences and missions to Europe and South America. ****** M. E. MANSFIELD, Extension Veterinarian (Dixon Springs ) M. E. Mansfield, a native of McCune, Kansas, received the B.S. degree from Kansas State College in 19^*0 and the D.V.M. degree in 19^5. From 19U0 to 19^2 he taught vocational agriculture in a Kan- sas high school. Afterwards he was in private practice until he joined the University of Illinois staff in I9W as extension veteri- narian. Dr. Mansfield is stationed at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station in Robbs, Illinois, where he is conducting research in live- stock diseases. He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta and Phi Zeta. ****** J. R. PICKARD, Extension Veterinarian J. R. Pickard, a native of Thompsonville, Illinois, attended Southern Illinois University and received a B.S. degree in agriculture from the University of Illinois in 19^0. He served as assistant farm adviser in Macoupin and LaSalle Counties before entering Kansas State University. After receiving the D.V.M. degree in 19^5 > Dr. Pickard was in private practice in East St. Louis for five years and served as gen- eral manager of Livestock Conservation, Inc., Chicago, for five years. Dr. Pickard joined the University of Illinois staff in 1955 as supervisor of the diagnostic laboratory. He became extension veteri- narian in 1958. He is a member of Mu Chapter of Phi Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and Alpha Tau Alpha. ****** JOHN WINKLER , Extension Veterinarian John Winkler, a native of Illinois, received the D.V.M. de- gree from Colorado State University in 1950. Before receiving his de- gree, he served in the European Theatre, World War II, as a member of the Illinois National Guard. He practiced veterinary medicine at Wat- seka, Illinois, from 1950 to 1961. In 1961, Dr. Winkler joined the University of Illinois staff as an extension specialist in veterinary medicine. ****** ••■• V • .: ■ ■ i ' ■ ■ * • '$■ ■■■■'■ .~ : .:... .... ' ■• . - • ' • • ■..,.• ■ • ■ . • ' ■ .- ■• ' ; ■ . . ,. . :• UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA