|* 7 . 3 Ole, 7l9~w UBftAiiY SCHOOL Colorado Medical Library Association MEDICAL JOURNALS AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY HIGH SCHOOL AND PUBLIC LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/medicaljournalsaOOcolo Medical Journals List of Those to be Found at the Public Library, 19th and Stout Streets. An S following the name of a journal shows it is subscribed for and paid for by the Library. All others are given to the library. The years indicate the volumes on hand ; for example, ’83-’87, means that the library has the volumes from 1883 to i887, both inclusive; if there is a comma between the two dates it means the library has the journals only for the years given. All the journals are arranged on the shelves alphabetically by their names. Each journal is numbered, and all are in con- secutive order according to these numbers. In this list the bold-face number following each journal is the number of the pamphlet case in which unbound copies will be found, with the bound copies standing by it. Pamphlets have been classified under subjects and marked “ miscellaneous,” and are entered below under their respective headings. Those treating of no special subjects will be found in box 79 . Abstract of Medicine, 1870-1874 21 Addresses, Medical Miscellany 70 a Albany Medical Annals, Odds 1893 20 Abstract and Index 20 Alienist and Neurologist, Odds 1889, 90 22 American Analyst, Odds ’90-’92 121 Alabama Medical and Surgical Jour., Odds 1 890-’ 92 23 American Gynaecological Jour., 1892 54 American Journal of Insanity, S 23,5 American Journal of Medical Science, S 1890- 1893, Vols. 23-28, 33, 36, 95-98, bound , ___24 American Jour. Medical Science, half yearly abstract, Vols. 44-47, odds, 1870-1874. American Jour, of Obsterics, S 1883-1891 25 American Journal of Psychology, S, 1885-1893, American Medical Jour., S, vols. 23-28, 33, 36, 95-98, bound, 1890-1893 24 American Medical Association, Journal of, 57- 62, 64-71, bound, 1888-1893, S 126 American Lancet, Current 26 American Practitioner, 1893 27 Analyst, American, odds 1890-1892 121 Annalen der Physik und Chemie, S 1891-1893 und Beiblaetter 28 Annales de V Institute Pasteur, 1893, S 28.5 Annals of Gynaecology, odds, 1893 54 Annals of Surgery S, 1891-1893 30 Announcements and Reports 31 Archives de Medicine Experimental, S 1891- 1893 32 Archives Generales de Medicine, S 1891-1893.33 Archives of Opthalmology, 1893, S 33.5 Archives of Otology, 1893, S 33.6 Archives of Pediatrics, 1893, S 33.7 Atlanta Medical and Surgical Jour., odd, 1889, current 34 Berlin. Klin. Wochen., W, S 34.5 Boston Jour, of Health, 1890-1893 35 Boston Medical and Surgical Jour., vols. 95-100, 108-125, bound, odds, 1876, 1883, 1890, 1892 122 Brain, quarterly, S 35.3 Braithwaite’s Retrospect, 1893, 8 35.5 British Medical Jour., S 1876 incomplete 1891- 1893 123 Brooklyn Medical Jour., current 36 Buffalo Medical and Surgical Jour., odds, 1890, 1891, 1893 39 California Medical Jour., current 38 Canada Lancet, monthly, S 38.5 Centralblatt fur Bacteriologie, S 1889-193 lacks July-December, 1890 39 Charlotte Medical Jour., 1893 40 Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, 1893 41 Cleveland Medical Gazette, 1893, odds, 1890- 1893 42 Climatologist S, 1891-1893 43 Clinic, Cincinnati Lancet, 1893 41 Clinic, International, S 1892, bound 610.5 In 8 Clinic Miscellany 44 Columbus Medical Journal, S 44.7 Courier of Medicine, odd, 1863 107 Cutaneous Diseases, Journal of, 1893 40 Daniel’s Medical Journal, odds, 1889, 1893 --47 Dietetic and Hyg. Gazette, odds, 1888- 1893 . 124 Doctor, odds, 1890-1891 35 Denver Medical Times, 1888-1893, odds, 1882- 1887 48 Dosimetric Medical Review, odds, 1887-1892.49 Drugs, Miscellany 79 n 3 Ephemeris, odds 50 Epitome 50.1 Epitome of Medicine 50.2 Food, Miscellany 79 n Foote’s Health Journal, odds, 1890-1893 51 Formulary, odds, 1883-1886, 1888-1890, 1892, 1893 52 Fort Wayne Medical Science, 1893 83 Genito-Urinary, miscellaneous 79 i Geuito-Urinary Diseases, Journal of Cutaneous and, 1893 46 Good Health, S 1892-1893 125 Gynaecology, Miscellany 54 Gynaecology, N. Y. Journal of, 1893 55 Hahnemannian, 1883, 1884, 1887-1892, incom- plete 56 Hall’s Journal of Health, odds, 1889-1892 ___57 “Health,” odds.___ 58 Health, Hall’s Journal of, odds, 1889-1892 57 Health Resorts 60 Herald of Health, odds, 1889-1891 59 Homoeopathic News, 1893 60 Homoepathic Recorder, 1893. 60.2 Homoeopathy, North American Journal of, S, 1892-1893 91 Hospitals, misc. 61 Hygiene, Zeitschrift fuer, S, incomplete, 1891- 1893 __120 Hygienic and Dietetic Gaz, odds, i888-i893_124 [n Hygienische Rundschau, S, 1891-1893 62 :. Index Medicus, 1892, 1893, S 63 Indiana Medical Journal, 1893 64 Infectious Diseases, miscellany 79 i International Clinic, S, 1892, bound_ 610.5 In 8 International Journal of Surgery 125.4 4 International Medical Magazine, odds, 1892, 1893 65 Johns Hopkins’ Biolog, Lab’y studies, S 65.5 Journal of American Medical Association, S, 1857-1862, 1864-1871, bound, 1888-1893, S -126 Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Dis- eases, 1893. 46 Journal of Mental & Nervous Dis., mo, S _ 65.8 Journal of Mental Science, quarterly, S 65.9 Kansas Medical Journal, odds, 1884, 1886, 1893, 66 Lamphear’s Kansas City Medical Index, 1887, 1888 67 Lancet, London, S, 1853, 1855, 1858, 1859, bound, 1891-1893, odds, 1851, 1854-1856, 1869, 1871 127 Lancet-Clinic, Cincinnati, 1893 41 Le Progres Medicine 126.9 Maryland Medical Journal, 1893 68 Medical Abstract, odds, 1879-1873 80 Medical Advance, 1881 69 Medical Brief, odds, 1879-1893 70 Medical Bulletin, odds, 1881, 1885, 1892, 1893, ....... : 71 Medical Compend, odds, 1890-1892 72 Medical Current, 1892, 1893 73 Medical Era, 1893 75 Medical Fortnightly, odds, 1892, 1893 76 Medical Free Press, odds, 1890-93 77 Medical Herald, 1893 106 Medico-Legal, Miscellany 79 i Medical Methods, general 79 k Medical Mirror, 1893 78 Medical Miscellany, odds 79 b Medical News, S, vols. 52-59, bound, 1890-1893, odds, 1887, 1888 129 5 Medical News and Abatract, 1880, 1881 80 Medical News and Library, odd, 1873-1879 , __81 Medical Progress 81.3 Medical Review, 1893 131 Medical Record, S, bound vols. 1-3, 8-1 1, 15, 20 22, 24, 26-35, 37-39, 1891-1893, incomplete, 1878-1889 130 Medical Science, monthly, odds, 1893 83 Medical and Surgical Reporter, 1893 82 Medical Standard, odds, 1888-1890 84 Medical Summary, odds, 1890, 1891 85 Medical Times, odds, 1891-1893 131 Medical Tribune, odds, 1893 ___ 85.5 Medical Weekly, odds, 1886-89 791 Medical Week, S __ 85.5 Medical World, odds, 1884-1892, complete 1888, 1890, 1891 80 Memphis Journal Medical Science, S 86.8 Mental Diseases, miscellaneous 79 k Merck’s Bulletin of Advanced Medicine and Surgery, odds, 1892, 1893 87 Monthly Abstract of Medical Science, 1875. _88 Mother and Child, 1887, 1888, bound 618.05 M 85 Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surger} 7 , odds, 1893 89 Nervous Diseases, Miscellaneous 79 k Neurologist, Alienist and, odds, 1889, 1890 . _22 New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., S 89.8 New York Journal of Gynaecology and Obstet- rics, 1893 55 New York Medical Abstract, 1881-1890, incom- plete, and 1893 90 New York Medical Journal, S, 1884-1891, bound, 1867-1873, 1883-1891, incomplete 132 New York Medical Times 132.3 6 North American Journal of Homoeopathy, S, 1892-1893 91 North American Practitioner, 1893 92 Northwestern Lancet, odds, 1893 93 Northwestern Med. Jour., odds, 1889-1891 _133 Notes on New Remedies, odds, 1893 94 Occidental Medical Times, 1893 95 Ohio Medical Journal, 1893 96 Obstetrics, Am. Journal of, 8,1883-1891 25 Obstetrics, miscellaneous 54 Obstetrics, N. Y. Journal of Gynaecology and 1893 55 Omaha Clinic, odds, 1888, 1889, 1893 97 Ophthalmology, Amer. Journal of 97.3 Ophthalmology, Archives of, 1893, S 33.5 Ophthalmalic Record 97.3 Otology, Archives of, 1893, S 33.6 Pacific Health Journal, 1893, odds 1890-1892, 98 Pacific Medical Journal, 1893 99 Pacific Medical Record, 1893 134 Pacific Record of Medicine and Surgery, 1893, odds, 1892 134 Pamphlets 79 Pediatrics, Archives of, S 33.5 Pharmacy, Miscellaneous 100 Physiology, Miscellaneous 79 k Pittsburg Med. Rev., odds, 1887, 1889-1891 __101 Post Graduate, odds, 1889-1892, 1893 102 Practitioner (London), monthly, S 102.5 Proceedings and Transactions 103 Proceedings of Royal Society, S 103.5 Revue d’Hygiene, S, 1891-1893 105 Rocky Mountain Druggist 118.9 St. Joseph Medical Herald, 1889, odds, 1888, 106 St. Louis Courier of Medicine, odds, i 893__107 7 St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal, odds, 1889-1891, Feb. 1879 108 Sanitarian, odds, 1893 109 Sanitarian, Texas, 1893 115 Sanitary Era, S, odds, 1889-1893 135 Sanitary Reports, Miscellaneous 113 Satellite, S, 1892, 1893 110 Schmidt’s Jahrbiicher, moiithly, S 110.5 Skin Diseases, Miscellaneous 79 i Southern Californian Practitioner, 1893 111 Southern Medical Record, S, 1892-1893 112 Special Organs, Miscellaneous 79 m State Boards of Health Reports 113 Surgery, Miscellany 114 Surgical Methods and Appliances, Miscellany, 79 k Texas Courier Record of Medicine, 1893 __115 Texas Sanitarian, 1^893 „___115 Therapeutic Gazette, 1880-1882, 1885-1886, bound, 1880-1887, incomplete 137 Therapeutics, Miscellany 79 n Times and Register 138 Treatises on Medicines 79 a Tuberculosis, Miscellany 79 m U. S. Medical and Surgical Journal 117 U. S. Medical Investigator, 1881 incomplete, 1882-1887 117-2 Universal Medical Review, 1893 118 University Medical Magazine, 1893 118 Veterinary 118.5 Virginia Medical Monthly, S 118.8 Western Medical Reporter 139.3 Western Dental Journal 119.8 Weekly Medical Review, odds, 1886-1889. _ 119 Zeitschrift fur Hygiene, etc., S 1891-1893 __120 8 4 c F LIBRARY REGULATION^ All books in the library, except fiction and recent additions in great demand, are lent for fourteen days. Books of fiction are lent for seven days. Except in a few special cases all books may be renewed for a second term of seven or fourteen days. A fine of two cents per day is collected for all books overdue. Current journals and magazines are lent for three days; back numbers for fourteen days. Books and magazines are sent to persons living outside of Denver on payment of express or postage, and under simple requirements as to identification of the borrower and payments in case of loss. For many books sent to the non-resident bor- rower an extension of the usual time limit can be made. Any reputable adult resident of Denver can become a borrower on agreeing over his own name to conform to the library rules in his use of books. Minors must have guarantors. All members of the Colorado Mtdical Library Association may take books from the general library. The medical books and all other resources of the library are open to all comers, every one having access to all shelves, save only those containing fiction. This last restric- tion is solely because of lack of room. Books given to, or deposited with, the library or the Medical Library Association, will be properly acknowledged and full receipts given where wished. Proper care and return on demand will be guaranteed to the owners in the case of books placed temporarily in library. The Public Library is established and main- tained by the Board of Education of School District Number One, Arapahoe County, Colo- rado. Its permanency and responsibility are therefore well assured. It is capable of receiv- ing any gift, grant or devise. Donations of books or magazines, one or many, new or old, for the medical alcove or the general library, are always acknowledged and made accessible to all readers. The library is open every day, including Sundays, from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. J. C. DANA, J. J. SMITH, Librarian. Chairman of Com. on Library.