%0<$'%&° Br&aoa, ffl. SYNTHESIS OF APERTURE ANTENNAS COLLEGE OF EN< AF33(616)-310 R-112-110-SR-6F2 Technical Report No. 1 3 re :€'-'".' of EL- JU«y»EI IJ ilTY OF ILL 157*1 tm~s y .>- 1301 we r spr ; ; URBAI I iiittOiS 61361 USA ANTENNA SECTION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH LABORATORY ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS If it SYNTHESIS OF APERTURE ANTENNAS Contract No. AF33(616)-310 RDO No. R-112-110 SR-6f2 TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 1 Date: October 1954 Prepared by: C.T.A. Johnk Research Associate Approved by: j R.H. DuHamel Research Assistant Professor E.C. Jorda Professo antenna section electrical engineering research laboratory Engineering experiment station university of illinois urbana. illinois TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Methods in the Synthesis of Aperture Antennas 3 2.1 Experimental Approach to Aperture Synthesis 3 2.2 Analytical Approach to Aperture Synthesis 4 2.2.1 Synthesis by Geometrical Optics 4 2.2.2 Indirect, or Analytical Methods 6 2.3 Direct Synthesis Methods 17 2.3.1 Finite Summation Method for Rectangular Apertures 17 2.3.2 Polynomial Formulation of Woodward's Method 21 2.3.3 Synthesis Methods for Circular Apertures 24 3. Tchebyscheff Polynomial Synthesis of Rectangular Apertures 25 3.1 Equal Side Lobe Formulation of a Pattern Polynomial 25 3.2 The Aperture Distribution 31 3.3 Narrow-Beam, Tapered -Side-Lobe Designs; Supergain Effects 32 3.4 Comparison of Low Side Lobe Designs 37 3.5 The Optimum Side Lobe Problem 38 3.6 Comparison of Tapered Side Lobe and Optimum Side Lobe Designs 44 4. Circular Aperture Synthesis 46 4.1 Circular Aperture Synthesis by Integral Approximation 46 4.2 Synthesis by Means of an Orthonormal Set 50 4.2.1 An Orthogonal Set of Pattern Functions 53 4.2.2 Approximation of the Integral Equation Solution 58 4.2.3 Determination of the Orthonormal System Coefficients 61 4.2.4 Properties of the Orthonormal Set 63 4.2.5 Properties of the Aperture Distributions Corresponding to G n (u) 65 4.2.6 Synthesis Examples for Circular Apertures 65 4.2.7 The Low Side Lobe Problem for Circular Apertures 84 li > TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.2,8 Summary of Design Method 85 5. Conclusion 87 Appendix I The Qj^(w) Function and Tabulation 90 Appendix II Ordered Zeros and Relative Maxima of T n (x) 91 Appendix III Circularly Symmetric Aperture Distributions and their Corresponding Space Factors 92 Appendix IV Evaluation of Coefficients Related to Development of Orthonormal Set [G] 93 Appendix V Coefficients b„i, of the Orthonormal Functions G n (u) nk 97 Appendix VI Orthonormal G (u) Expressed as Series 98 Appendix VII Values of G n (u)//n 100 Appendix VIII Values of F n (r) 101 References 102 in Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/synthesisofapert01john ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Number -Page 1. Rectangular Aperture 8 2 Ranges of Functions Related to the Aperture Problem 8 3- Circular Aperture Coordinate Systems 14 4. Two Conditions of Linear Phase Shift and Constant Amplitude Across a Rectangular Aperture 18 5. Typical Cosecant Pattern Obtained by Woodward's Method 20 6. Function T„(x) Plotted for Six Orders , 27 n 7. Even Pattern Polynomial Pjj(w) 28 g Generation of a Rroadside Pattern Polynomial Pm(w) from T n (x) 3 for the Case N = 2n = 10. 30 9. Comparison of Tapered Side Lobe Designs Rased on P 2 o(w)» for Two Aperture Widths 34 10. Reamwidth and First Side Lobe Level Related to Choice of Polynomial Degree and AP erture Width 36 11. Aperture Distributions Corresponding to Tapered- Side-Lobe Designs 39 12. Functions Related to Optimum Problem for Apertures 40 13. "Ideal" Unity Side Lobe Pattern 41 14. A Discontinuous Space Factor and its Aperture Function 47 15. Result of Confining Aperture Distribution to Finite Aperture Size 48 16. Orthonormal Functions G^Cu) 66 17. Aperture Distributions F n (r) Corresponding to G n (u) 67 18. Sector Pattern 68 19. Approximations to Sector Patterns 70 20. Triangular Pattern 71 21. Approximations to Triangular Patterns 72 22. Approximations to (sin u)/u Pattern 75 IV ' - ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued ) Figure Number fage 23. Curves of g(u)G n (u) Products, for a Gaussian Space Factor 77 24. Approximation to Gaussian Patterns 78 25. Approximations to Displaced Sector and Gaussian Patterns 7 9 26. Secant Pattern Space Factor 80 27. Approximations to Secant Patterns 82 28. Approximation to an Arbitrary Curve 83 PART I 1 . INTRODUCTION This report is concerned with the problem of determining what fields over a plane aperture are required to produce a given radiation pattern. Such a problem is termed the "synthesis of an aperture antenna". It is the converse of the antenna analysis problem, which is concerned with finding the distant fields produced by given current distributions or their equivalents The problem of synthesis is of utmost importance in antenna design work because the usual design problem involves a pattern which is specified beforehand Solutions are available for the radia- tion fields of known source distributions having a quite general char- acter 22,43 But because of the complexity with which the source dis- tribution function is contained in the radiation field integrals, the solution for the most general synthesis problem has not been obtained. Synthesis problems concerned with the design of field sources are usually attacked by constraining the source currents to lines, surfaces, or volumes which have relatively simple geometries Then from known fundamental field solutions which apply to either discrete or to differ- ential source elements, and since electromagnetic field effects can be linearly superimposed, it is sometimes possible to combine such field solutions so as to cause convergence to a prescribed radiation field function The required source distribution for producing that radiation field might then be determined from a superposition of source elements which follows a law of combination related to the combination of the field solutions- Appropriate solutions for providing the desired answer or approximation to that answer may take the forms of series, integrals, or possibly some combination of both Success in formulating an antenna synthesis method depends to a considerable extent on the ingenuity with which the geometry of the source is chosen An antenna can be assumed to be either an array of discrete sources or a continuous distribution of sources. We are concerned here with continuous distributions which are considered to exist over closed, plane surfaces commonly termed "aperture antennas" or just "apertures" An aperture surface may be characterized by other than a plane, e g , a spherical surface or some portion of the surface of a sphere might for certain problems be a better choice The aperture synthesis problems considered in this report are confined to plane > apertures having rectangular and circular boundaries. The field dis- tributions assumed for these aperture types are given certain symmetries so as to reduce the complexity of the integrals relating the distant fields to the aperture distributions. Also, the aperture fields are assumed to be entirely transverse, which reduces the expressions for the far zone retarded fields to the familiar Kirchhof f -Huygens diffrac- tion integrals. 39 These restrictions permit, as is shown later, relat- ing the far zone field to the aperture field in terms of integral transforms. The factors which are usually of importance in a preassigned far zone pattern function may be: (a) the shape of the principal lobe (e.g., the beamwidth); (b) the amplitudes of the side lobes adjacent to the principal lobe; and (c) the degree of supergaining inherent in the re- sulting design. By "degree of supergaining" is meant the relative amount of reactive or circulating energy that an aperture distribution must possess in order that pattern characteristics (a) or (b) above be maintained within assigned limits. High degrees of supergaining are usually associated with narrow beamwidth of the principal lobe, with very low side lobe levels, or both, and are discussed in detail in connection with the specific synthesis results of this report. In Section 2 is discussed some of the background work that has been done in connection with the aperture synthesis problem. Section 3 considers the problem of synthesizing tapered side lobe, broadside beam patterns for rectangular apertures. A method for synthesizing circularly symmetric patterns of otherwise arbitrary shape for circular apertures is developed in Section 4. 2 > 2. METHODS IN THE SYNTHESIS OF APERTURE ANTENNAS Not until recently was it realized that an aperture antenna which is uniformly illuminated is not the one which provides maximum gain. In fact, it has been shown that there is no theoretical upper limit to the gain obtainable from an antenna. 510 For pencil-beam antennas, it is usually desirable to minimize the side lobe level at the same time that high gain is achieved. In radar applications, for example, spurious reflections from off-target objects are minimized only if the side lobes are kept to the lowest practicable value. A better insight into the enhancement of the beamwidth and the side lobe conditions is obtained through antenna synthesis methods. The synthesis of the far zone field patterns of aperture antennas can be handled by several methods which provide approximations to a given pattern within varying amounts. Methods which have been applied in the past can generally be divided into two classes: (1) the exper- imental approach, and (2) the analytical approach. These will be dis- cussed in the following paragraphs. 2.1 Experimental Approach to Aperture Synthesis The experimental approach to aperture synthesis consists essential- ly of selecting a desired pattern from a collection of available, ex- perimentally determined patterns. In the event that a minor modi- fication of such patterns is desired, various intuitive schemes may be employed to effect the desired modification. For example, if an angular displacement of the principal beam of a paraboloidal antenna is desired, this displacement may be secured by shifting the primary feed position with respect to the focal point. In this example, the quasi-optical properties of a reflecting surface are intuitively employed. In many cases of purely experimental approach to the pattern problem, the pro- cedures will reduce to cut-and-try processes, primarily because of the large number of parameters which are usually at the command of the observer. It must be agreed that there is a point of departure at which analytical results of investigations of antenna patterns and their relations to aperture parameters become a necessary adjunct to the investigator's art. -3 2.2 Analytical Approach to Aperture Synthesis The analytical approach to the aperture synthesis problem can be divided into the following three broad groups: (1) A method depending on the laws of geometrical optics which apply approximately to the aperture problem under consideration. (2) An indirect method, involving first the substitution of classes of aperture field functions into an appropriate integral equation which relates the far zone field pattern to the aperture distribution. The resulting class of field patterns might, then, for some cases be superimposed in certain ways so as to provide an approximation to a desired field pattern. (3) A direct method, which depends on satisfying directly the appropriate integral equation mentioned in (2). The first method has found specific application in the design of curved reflectors or lens antennas which serve to direct or disperse the power derived from an appropriate primary source having a known field pattern. The second and third methods are useful in specifically de- signing the aperture field distribution without specifying how such a distribution might be obtained practically. In the following is dis- cussed some of the background of these analytical methods, together with some of their limitations. 2.2.1 Synthesis by Geometrical Optics Early applications of the principles of geometrical optics were investigated in this country and abroad during World War II, and were primarily concerned with the focusing effects of parallel-plate lenses on microwave beams. Results of the developments during that period were not published until 1946 or later. 25,36,44 Aberration problems connect- ed with spherical reflectors also found early treatment by means of optical principles. 2 A microwave scanning problem, that of preserving the shape of an electrically tilted pencil beam over a relatively wide angle, was provided with a solution by means of a thick dielectric lens. 1 ' The formulation of the Luneberg lens offered interesting variations to the solution of the scanning problem. 16 • 3 *■ > 32 > 3 5 A ray- tracing method, described originally in terms of vector notation by Silberstein 38 with a view to its application in optical design work, was extended by Kelleher 24 for use in the design of microwave reflectors. 1 The work in polar molecules of Debye 13 was given a macroscopic interpre- tation by Kock in his development of a dielectric lens based on a large scale model of molecular structure. Lens and spherical reflector combinations which had been designed originally for use at optical fre- quencies and which found application at microwave frequencies are the Mangin reflector 19 and its more elegant wide -aperture refinement, the Schmidt reflector. 7 The major part of the development work which has been done in the study of aperture antennas from the geometrical optics viewpoint has been done on the basis of existing optical designs whose performance at optical frequencies had been well established and for which equiv- alent wavefront results could be obtained at microwave frequencies with perhaps additional experimental considerations . A geometrical optics design method having sufficient generality to provide a technique for synthesizing a far zone field pattern was given by Chu 9 in connection with designs of cylindrical reflectors fed by line sources for producing cosecant-squared patterns useful in airborne navigational systems. This method, using a metallic reflector and a line source having a known pattern, permits synthesizing a prescribed field pattern by applying simple laws of geometrical optics and the concept of the conservation of radiated energy. Dunbar later extended this method to include reflecting surfaces having two planes of curvature, 15 and this in turn was modified by Marston 29 to account for the flaring of the primary source fields for such reflectors. The particular hypotheses of geometrical optics upon which the synthesis of a given pattern is based, when using the method proposed by Chu, are essentially: 1. Straight line propagation in a homogeneous medium. 2. Independence of the "rays", or solid-angle segments, of pro- pagated power. 3. The law of reflection at a perfectly conducting surface, as applied to the rays which constitute the primary pattern of the line source. These hypotheses, which are customarily applied to optical problems involving dimensions much greater than the wavelength of the radiation, neglect diffraction effects entirely > Certain limitations of such a geometrical optics approach to the synthesis of a far zone pattern will necessarily exist. Diffraction phenomena, which the ray approach ignores, cause the appearance of side lobes outside the given range of the specified pattern and permit only an approximation to the idealized pattern within that range. A minimi- zation of these effects is largely a matter of the experience of the designer. Another disadvantage of this method is that it may utilize aperture area uneconomically; that is, there frequently exist designs which provide approximations to the same pattern with less aperture height. The method has an advantage, however, in that it is a complete design method, for it specifies how the aperture field distribution is to be produced physically, i.e., by means of the curved reflector whose shape is determined by the design. Other analytical synthesis methods do not possess such an advantage; they lead to an aperture field dis- tribution without giving any information as to how the distribution may be established physically. But some of the other analytical methods to be discussed do provide better control over side lobe and beamwidth conditions by particularly considering the diffraction effects estab- lished by the properties of the aperture field itself. The synthesis method of Chu has been extended to the case of doubly curved reflecting sheets, whereby the pattern is focused to approach an idealized uniform phase front wave in one plane and controlled to approximate a desired pattern in the other plane. Such methods are readily extended to the design of shaped lenses. The principal differ- ence between reflector and lens designs lies in the replacement of the law of reflection, in the geometric optics of the problem, with an equivalent Snell's law of refraction appropriate to the kind of lens structure chosen for the design. 2.2.2 Indirect, or Analytical Methods In the following paragraphs are discussed relationships between certain aperture field distributions and their corresponding far-zone field patterns which, while not providing explicit solutions to the general antenna synthesis problem under consideration, do, on the other hand, provide possibilities of synthesis techniques from the basic de- signs which are made available. The discussion is restricted to the far zone, or Fraunhofer region, of arbitrary apertures for which the familiar simplifications regarding the ratio of transverse electric and magnetic field components is permissible. The relation of the field pattern to an arbitrary field distribution over an aperture of finite size can be conveniently carried out using the Kirchhoff method of integration 30 Whereas the field integrals pertaining to this method were derived originally by Kirchhoff for the scalar wave equation, they also apply to any aperture field consisting only of transverse electric and magnetic field components (i.e., a plane-wave field), or to any generalized aperture field which can be expressed as the superposition of a finite or infinite number of plane waves of the same frequency and polarization but traveling in different directions. Solutions of this latter type which are shown to lead to a Fourier transform pair as applied to this aperture-pattern problem, are indicated from a generalized approach by Stratton. Woodward and Lawson, following the technique of superposing an infinite number of plane waves over a rectangular plane aperture to provide a solution for the distant field pattern, also pointed out substantiation of the earlier results of Bouwkamp and de Bruijn. Ramsay has also discussed solutions from the Fourier transform pair viewpoint in considerable detail and lists many examples. Analysis : Rectangular Apertures Since the Fourier transform approach is significant to the aperture pattern synthesis problem, a discussion is given here of some of its ramifications. It is recalled from the definition given in Section 1 that by "aperture antenna" is meant that surface or area defined by a closed curve, which is a part of the surface of an arbitrary closed volume from which radiated power is emanating, such that all the sig- nificant fields on the surface of that volume are restricted essentially within the closed curve or aperture. 43 An aperture antenna may have any simple geometric shape, but for the purpose of discussion from the Fourier transform viewpoint, a rectangular aperture of length " a" as shown in Fig. 1, having transverse fields varying in only the x direction, is considered here. Its pattern in the xz plane is the one here of interest, so its height is not important. The distant field pattern may be determined in several different ways. The technique of ; FIGURE I. RECTANGULAR APERTURE, -I A(u) I U invisible L^ Visible , Range-v J ... ^ invisible -l (a) Range, aperture distribution. (b) Visible and invisible ranges of space factor. FIGURE 2. RANGES OF FUNCTIONS RELATED TO THE APERTURE PROBLEM, I superposing plane waves traveling in different directions, employed by Woodward and Lawson and mentioned previously, may be used. The field may also be derived as a limiting expression for a linear array of discrete sources whose separations approach zero but whose total width remains fixed. Integration using Kirchhoff's theorem and a component of the Herzian rt-vector may be used, and Schelkunoff applies his induction theorem using equivalent electric and magnetic current sheets to find the field. ' The techniques differ to the extent that they do or do not include the effects of the line charge and current distributions in which the fields must terminate at the edge of the aperture in order that surface field components satisfy boundary conditions. The distant field intensity of the aperture electric field distri- bution A(x) of Fig. 4, from any of these methods, is proportional to a E y (0) = (1 + cos 9) \ A(x) eJ^ x sin e dx, (1) where (1 + cos 9) is the familiar "obliquity factor" of a Huygens source, |3 is the phase-shift constant 2rc/X of free space, and the aperture dis- tribution is A(x), generally complex. The integral of Eq. 1 is the important factor in beam-shaping discussions, since the obliquity factor is essentially a constant for the important region near the forward aperture axis of the positive half of the x-z plane. In the terminology of Woodward and Lawson, this integral is called the "space factor" of the aperture distribution A(x). If the integral is denoted by a S(9) = C T A(x) eJ^ x sin 9 dx, (2) C A(x) eifr sin and it is defined that: sin 9 = YI s = a/X = aperture width in wavelengths; u = x/X = unit of aperture measure in wavelengths; then Eq. 2 may be written as a function of a parameter y: g(y) ■ \ A(u) eJ 2n Yu du „ (3) s C A(u) eJ *-' s The space factor g(y) defines the Fourier transform of the aperture dis- tribution A(u), which is zero outside of the aperture limits |u| > s/2. Since for physical field problems, A(u) satisfies the Dirichlet condi- tions and for such problems the integral s ~5" |A(u)| du (4) converges, then the inverse transform exists, i.e., g( Y ) e-J 2rcu Y d Y , ~ s - < u < & (5) oo Z Z , |u| > |. This transform pair, (Eqs. 3 and 5) is of interest in the problem of synthesis, i.e., that of determining what aperture distribution will produce a prescribed space factor g(y)r but the restriction that A(u) = for |u| > s/2 prohibits using the integral of Eq. 5 directly to de- termine A(u) for an assigned arbitrary function g(y)- If Eqs. 3 and 4 are to be satisfied exactly, then only an indirect solution is at- tainable through integration of Eq. 3, from which one can only find the space factor for a prescribed aperture field; this is of course the problem of analysis rather than synthesis. However, results of such analyses of assumed aperture distributions have been used success- fully in certain approximation problems of synthesis of rectangular aperture antennas which are described in Section 2.3. The integral of Eq. 5 for the aperture distribution A(u), as the discontinuous Fourier transform of g(yK has interesting interpretations with regard to the interval of integration (- 00 , °°) . First, the interval of y integration over the entire real y ax i s is significant insofar as that integral representation for A(u) is concerned. But as pointed out 10- by Woodward and Lawson, because y = s i n 9> the physically measurable portion of the total range (- 00 , °°) of the space factor g(y), sometimes called the u visible range" of g(y), is confined to -n/2 £ 6 £ tc/2, or -1 £ y £ 1. This condition is represented in Fig. 2b. Hence many functions obviously can be assigned to the " invisible range", for which |y| > 1, without affecting the visible pattern. So there is a con- siderable choice of aperture distributions A(u) which will provide, in the interval -1 £ y £ 1, an approximation to a preassigned g(y) within an arbitrary degree of exactness. Bouwkamp and De Bruijn showed that a necessary condition that an aperture distribution exist such that a preassigned g(y) be arbitrarily exactly approximated is that g(y) be continuous and single- valued over the interval -1 £ y £ 1. But the transform equations (Eqs. 3 and 5) do not themselves provide the in- formation as to how such approximations may be accomplished. In the next section are described methods which provide varying degrees of success in this problem. It will then be noted that it is not always desirable from the standpoint of efficiency or practical physical realizabi li ty to approximate a prescribed space factor arbitrarily closely. Much investigation has already been done from the analysis view- point with the transform pair (Eqs. 3 and 5) in connection with rec- tangular apertures. The extensive treatment by Ramsay has been men- tioned. In the same series of papers he also considers a synthesis possibility involving "mutilated functions" as a means for determining the aperture distributions which will give arbitrarily close approxi- mations to certain space factors having discontinuities or discontinuous derivatives such as sector or sawtooth patterns; this method usually requires uneconomical aperture sizes for a given wavelength, however, and may also involve difficult integrals. Brown has considered the effect of superposing cosine variations on the aperture distribution of a broadside antenna, and determined that high superposed side lobes are obtained, a result which follows from P. M. Woodward's synthesis method discussed in Section 2.3. Finally, an elaborate automatic calcu- lating machine method for analyzing the pattern integrals and other characteristics of rectangular aperture antennas has been worked out by Allen. 1 -11- Examples of typical space factors analyzed from prescribed rec- tangular aperture distributions from Eq . 3 are given here for con- venience of reference later: (1) Constant-amplitude, constant-phase aperture distribution: Given: A(u) f C 1, for -^ < u < i - 2 ~ ~ 2 for |u| > |. (6) j2rt Y u du - sin K y s /<7\ 71 y (2) Exponentially -varying amplitude and linearly-varying phase: _pu Given: A(u) = e -1 ^, for -3- < u < § - 2 ~ ~ 2 = , for |u| > |, (8) where G - a + jnk = propagation constant of attenuated travel- ing wave across aperture; a = attenuation constant; k = number of 2ti radians phase shift occurring across aperture. The space factor is: r a s - jn ( Y ~|)u du s I e -a S + jTI = sin hT-a/2 + jn (y - k/s) ul (q) -a/2 + jn ( Y - k/s) u Equation 9 is applied to a synthesis method described in the next sec- tion for the case a = 0. Note of course that for G = 0, this result reduces to Eq. 7. ■12- Analysis: Circular Apertures. In the foregoing, analysis of space factors for aperture antennas has been limited to rectangular apertures, the viewpoint being that certain restrictions of the assumed aperture distribution lead to a Fourier transform interpretation of their aperture-pattern consider- ations. Such a transform approach has led to methods of synthesis of rectangular apertures proposed by Woodward and others and are described in Section 2.3. An analogous theory holds for circular aperture antennas whose aperture distribution symmetry is restricted in a certain way, and forms a basis for a synthesis method for circular aperture antennas proposed by the author in Section 4. In the analysis of the space factor of circular aperture antennas, a plane-wave field distribution over the aperture having arbitrary amplitude and phase is assumed, and so yields to analysis by methods pointed out in Section 2.2.2. Thus for the configuration shown in Fig. 2, f^Q-Tt r* a S(9,
This result, together with Eq. 12, is analogous and directly related to
the Fourier transform pair of Eqs . 3 and 5 which applies to the rec-
tangular aperture. Observe that the restriction that the aperture
distribution f(r) = for r > 1 prohibits the use of Eq . 13 directly
to determine f(r) for an assigned arbitrary space factor g(u). As for
the case of the rectangular aperture, only an indirect solution of Eq.
13 is available through the integration of Eq . 12; again this is the
problem of analysis rather than synthesis, since Eq. 12 permits only
finding g(u) for a prescribed aperture distribution f(r). It is further
noted that similar interpretations of "visible" and " invisible" ranges,
represented in Fig. 2 for the space factor of the rectangular aperture
antenna, hold for the circular aperture by virtue of the relation of the
parameter u to the direction measured from the aperture axis, or u =
(3a sin 9. Hence the visible range for the circular aperture is confined
to — tc/2 £01 rc/2, or -pa < u < (3a.
A class of space factors provided by a corresponding class of
aperture distributions, i.e., an example of the analysis problem, is
given by the discontinuous integrals of Sonine and Schafheitlin: 28
J u+1 (at) J v (bt) t v ~» dt = ( (a 2 - b 2 )V-v b v ( for a > b
2 u-v a Li+l r (n - V + 1)
0, for a < b; (14)
if a, b are real and positive; Re v > — 1; Re (m> — v + 1) > 0. The cases
of interest relating to Eq. 13 are determined from setting v - 0,
a = 1, and b = r. Hence, Eq. 14 becomes
Jo "
u J u + 1 00 Jo (ur) du „ f (1 „ - r 2 )^ for 1 > r >
0, for r > 1; (15)
if Re (|i) > -1. The correspondence of Eq. 15 to Eq. 13, and the Hankel
transform of Eq . 13, or Eq . 12, shows that Eq. 15 is also equiva-
lent to
^ + 1 ! U) - C rd-rV Jo (ur) dr . (16 )
J 2^ r (n + i)
u. + 1
u^ - 1 -
Hence, the aperture distribution given by the right hand side of Eq. 15
will produce a pattern space factor
g(u) . Ll±jJ!!> . (17)
u m- + l
Special cases of this result, certain ones of which may be found
in the literature, are cited for convenience of future reference:
(1) Constant-amplitude, constant phase aperture distribution
(H " 0):
Given: f(r) [1, for r < 1
0, for r > 1. (18)
The space factor is
g(u) - , (19)
(2) A class of tapered aperture distributions:
Given, for m = 0, 1, 2, ... :
f(r) f (1 - r 2 ) m ~ l , for r < 1
0, for r > 1. (20)
The space factor is
g(u) ■ 2 m " l (m - 1)! ia—l (21)
(3) An aperture distribution having an edge singularity:
Given, for m = -%,
f(r) r (1 - t 2 )~ V \ for r £ 1
0, for r > 1. (22)
The space factor is
i<.) ■ & r (b ^4^ ■ s -^
^-L = sin u ( 23)
These examples of space factors pertaining to circularly symmetric
aperture distributions over circular apertures are discussed in Section
4 with respect to a synthesis method for such sources. The investi-
gations of space factors of circular aperture distributions, as con-
trasted with those for rectangular apertures, are relatively few. One
of the more significant of these is by Jones, who treats also the
effects of other than plane-polarized aperture distributions set up
by several types of primary feed sources.
2.3 Direct Synthesis Methods.
Some of the results described in the previous section have been
used in the synthesis of aperture antennas. The synthesis of the space
factors of finite apertures .has been considered by several authors,
although such work has been confined largely to apertures of rectangular
shape. The work of Ramsay was mentioned in Section 2.2.2 in connection
with the Fourier transform and " mutilated functions". The most signi-
ficant contributions to aperture synthesis have been made by Woodward
and by Taylor, and their related methods are outlined here because of
their connection with the polynomial approach to low side lobe con-
siderations in Section 3.
2.3.1 Finite Summation Method for Rectangular Apertures
A method contrived by Woodward gives an approximation to a pre-
scribed space factor for rectangular apertures. It is based on a
theorem stated by Woodward and Lawson, to the effect that specified
values can be assigned to the radiation pattern of a finite rectangular
aperture in a finite number of directions by suitably distributing the
field over that aperture. This method is based on the transform pair
of Eqs. 8 and 9 for which a = 0, i.e., aperture distributions in-
volving a linearly varying phase but constant amplitude across the
x-direction of the aperture of Fig. 1 , or, for some specified real
number, k,
A k (u) = A k e J K s ,
where: A k = a real constant;
k = number of 2k radians phase shift across aperture;
s = aperture width in wavelengths.
Then the corresponding space factor is proportional to
(y) . A sin rcs( Y - k/s)
Tts(y _ k/s)
The method bases its simplicity of application on the property that the
nulls of the space factor functions such as Eq. 24 are spaced by a cons-
tant amount, 1/s defined as the "standard beamwidth". The aperture
amplitude and phase conditions defined by Eq. 23 together with corre-
sponding pattern space factors given by Eq. 24 are typified in Fig. 4.
I |A(u)|
n Arg A(u)
(a) No phase shift (k = 0)
" IA(u)|
Arg A(u)
I u
— *»
(b) 6rc radians phase shift (k = 3),
The effect of a linear phase variation of the constant amplitude dis-
tribution over the aperture is seen to produce a deflection of the main
beam of the space factor away from the normal (or y = 0) position. If
k is an integral multiple, then the position Yo of the main beam of g(u).
given by y s = k, coincides with one of the nulls of all other such
patterns g(u) for which k is any other integer. E.g., the pattern of
Fig. 4a is moved in the positive y-direction by three standard beam-
widths by letting k = 3.
If for convenience a new variable, w, is chosen such that w = sy,
then w becomes a variable appropriately having the units of "beamwidths" .
This has the effect of scaling the y-axis °f Fig- 4 from a visible
range of ±1 to a new range of ±s. So g(y) of Eq. 24 becomes
gk(w) ■ A k sin^riw^Jil (25)
K K n(w - k)
Now the device invoked by Woodward is to insist that N + 1 functions
such as g k (w) of Eq. 25 pass through N + 1 points g k = (k, A k ) with-
in the visible w-range, i.e., for k = -§, - *» + 1 , . . . , ^. So since
each maximum beam value of successive g k ( w ) functions, used in the
approximation to some function R(w), is located at null points of all
other g k (w) functions, then the values of A k required in this synthe-
sis of a specified R(w) are simply
A k = R(k) (26)
for k ■ -Vjj-, -§■ + 1,..., 2- Hence, since the approximation pattern is
given by
g(w) = V g k (w), (27)
k = -8
then the aperture distribution required to approximate R(w) will be
A(u) = Y A k e-i 2 ^ (28)
k = -8
K 2
where the Ak are determined from Eq. 26. This completes the deter-
mination of an aperture distribution A(u) to approximate some pre-
scribed pattern R(w).
A number of examples of synthesizing the cosecant 9 patterns re-
quired for radar search work are included in the original paper by
Woodward, and one of these is reproduced in Fig. 5. Note that the
equality of the desired pattern R(w) and the approximation g(w) is
obtained for this example at N + 1 = 21. or the number of crossovers
g (w) ;
(a) Desired and approximation patterns.
(b) Corresponding aperture
equals 21 points of coincidence. Generally speaking, the method will
yield an acceptable approximation to patterns which do not demand too
much of a given aperture width in the way of rapid pattern changes
or very low side lobes. There is no way of predicing the degree of
fluctuation that will occur between assigned points of coincidence. The
method does have the advantage of automatically excluding the possi-
bility of supergain, so long as the process of matching to points on a
preassigned space factor R(w) is restricted to the visible region.
Furthermore, there is nothing in the theory of this method which will
let the designer know just how to insert energy into the invisible region
so as to produce a desired effect in the visible region. An extension
of Woodward's method to do just the latter has been developed by Taylor,
and is described in the next section.
2.3.2 Polynomial Formulation of Woodward's Method
Before considering the extension of the synthesis method of Wood-
ward, consider first the conditions for uniqueness of a space factor
defined by the integral process of Eq. 3. Consider the complex func-
S(z) \ A(u) e~J 2Ttuz du , (29)
V A(u) e~J
where we let the complex variable z - y + j a - Th e visible part of the
pattern space factor S(z) is given by the value of S(z) on the seg-
ment M of the real axis in the z-plane defined by -1 £ y £ 1. Now if
any acceptable aperture distribution function A(u) is piecewise con-
tinuous, single-valued, and bounded on the interval -s/2 £ u £ s/2 and
is zero outside this interval, then the complex function (Eq. 29) is
entire, as Bouwkamp and De Bruijn have proved. Hence the values of
S(z) on the segment M determine S(z) for all z. So if S(z) is equal
to a given function R(y) defined on M, then an exact, unique solution
to synthesizing R(y) by means of S(z) is possible only if (a) R(y) can
be analytically continued throughout all z, and (b) the inverse Fourier
transform of R(y) together with its analytic continuation (i.e., the
inverse Fourier transform of R(z) constitutes an acceptable g(x) to
the extent of the Dirichlet conditions upon it. Hence, so long as the
prescribed R(y) is continuous and single-valued over M = (-1, 1), it is
possible to approximate it arbitrarily exactly by an S(z) whose inverse
transform is an acceptable g(x). If R (y) does not satisfy (a) and (b),
only an approximation of R(y) in any synthesis technique is possible.
The method of Taylor, as an extension of Woodward's synthesis
technique, provides a way of deriving, from the properties of the
constituent functions of Woodward's summation (Eq. 27), a space factor
function whose form is recognizable as having an analytic continuation
for the entire z plane, and whose inverse Fourier transform is already
known from Eq. 28. This result expresses the Woodward summation
as the product of a factorial function and a polynomial, of which the
latter can readily be subjected to the various well-known devices for
synthesizing polynomials.
Taylor considers Woodward's finite sum of Eq. 27, for which N is
assumed an even integer, and k is given only the indicated integral
Ai sin k(w - k )
k 7i(w -- k)
k = -4
K 2
From the periodic property of sin 7t(w - k) for k an integer,
sin rcw
(-1) 2 An (-1) 2 " A_n + 1
( w + H.) ( w + & - 1)
A - 1 + Aa A^_ +
w + 1 w w - 1
,2 X
(-1)' A^ (-1)' A^
2_i + 2_
(w-J + 1) (w-f)
But the bracketed quantity can be expressed as a rational quantity,
sin itw
(w* - l)(w' - 2*)--"[
w -
(^) 2 ]
Bo + BtW +•••+ BjyjW
But from the relation of the unbracketed quantities to a gamma function,
Eq. 32 may be simplified to become proportional to
(N/2 + w)!(N/2 - w)!
[Bo + B x w + •••■ + B^], (33)
which is abbreviated as the product of a normalized transcendental
22 =
function Q N (w) times a polynomial P N (w), the B-coef ficients of which
are functions of the A^'s of Eq. 30, as follows:
g(w) f- Qn(w) P n (w). (34)
The transcendental functions (^.(w), which are the even functions whose
values of interest (for integral w) are listed in Appendix I, exhibit
tapers similar to Gaussian functions, except that they have equispaced
nulls beginning at the ±(N/2 + 1) points, as pointed out by Taylor. So
it can be qualitatively discerned from the broadness of tapers of the
Q (w) functions, that for wide-aperture broadside antennas, the polyno-
mial P N (w) represents the actual pattern space factor, except for the
tapering effect which the Q N function imposes primarily on the side
lobes. So in the subsequent discussion, P N (w) will be designated the
"pattern polynomial".
Finally, the aperture distribution A(u) corresponding to the
pattern of Eq. 34 is, from (Eq. 28):
A(u) = \ A k e *
where u/s has the range of 1/2 to -1/2 over the aperture.
Finally, since k takes on only integral values, the A k coefficients
which determine the aperture distribution (Eq. 35) may be found from the
values of g(w) where w takes on the integral values of k from -N/2
through N/2. Hence,
A k = [P N (w) Q^w)] w = k , for k - -f , -1+1,..., |. (36)
This completes Taylor's formulation of a polynomial synthesis
method for rectangular apertures. In the next section, a synthesis
formulation due to the author is described for obtaining broadside
patterns having preassignable beamwidth and side-lobe level using the
techniques above.
2.3.3 Synthesis Methods for Circular Apertures
Very little work has been done in the synthesis of plane aperture
antennas having a circular boundary and specified aperture symmetry,
and such results that have been obtained are not applicable to arbitrary
space factors. 12 In Section 4 is described a synthesis method for
circular apertures developed by the author which provides a more general
solution to this problem.
A major application of aperture antennas in the transmission of
electromagnetic waves occurs in systems which impose maximum design
restrictions on beamwidth and side lobe level In particular, radar
applications which demand high resolution of the target position with
minimum interference from off-target objects are concerned with limiting
these parameters to minimal values In aircraft radar, those designs
that minimize noise pickup from predominant reflecting objects (such
as the earth's surface) by means of inherent low side lobe pattern
structure may be considered desirable This Section is concerned with
a class of designs of rectangular aperture antennas which provide
low side lobes without an excessive sacrifice of beamwidth and at the
same time provide physically realizable aperture distributions.
3.1 Equal Side Lobe Formulation of a Pattern Polynomial
In Section 2.3.2 was discussed a synthesis method for rectangular
aperture antennas which expressed a pattern space factor g(w) as the
product of a transcendental taper function Q[yj(w) by a polynomial Pj^(w),
in terms of the real variable w s sin 9 The formulation of Eq 34
suggests two ways of synthesizing a prescribed pattern space factor g(w):
(1) the first method involves finding a polynomial Pm(w) which will
represent the quotient of a prescribed space factor g(w) divided by the
appropriate taper function Qj^(w) (2) The second method consists of
initially ignoring the taper function and considering the essential
characteristics of the desired pattern to be embodied in the polynomial
Pj\j(w), then, once the polynomial has been found which represents a
desired pattern over an appropriate interval, the actual space factor
Pj^Qjyj will possess the additional side lobe tapering effect of Qj^(w)
which, for certain designs, may be considered desirable This latter
approach is restricted to the synthesis of broadside rectangular aper-
ture antennas having symmetrical space factors with respect to the
principal aperture axis, and is the object of the following discussion
The approach of method (1) is deferred until Section 3,4 in connection
with the optimum side lobe problem
The representation of even-function patterns for which beamwidth
and side lobe level can be assigned beforehand has been conveniently
carried out in terms of transformed Tchebyscheff polynomials in connec-
tion with designs of arrays of discrete sources 14 But whereas space
factors for discrete arrays are expressible as finite cosine series, the
formulation required by Eq 34 in this synthesis problem is a poly-
nomial in w ■ s sin 9. The Tchebyscheff polynomials can be transformed
into polynomials having the essential characteristics of desired pattern
space factors in the following way.
The Tchebyscheff polynomials are defined by
T n (x)
cos(n cos ' x) , for | x - 1
Because cos n9 is a polynomial in cos
cosh(n cosh 4 x) , for | x | - 1 (37)
successive orders of Eq. 37
To(x) = 1
Ti(x) = x
T 2 (x) - 2x 2 - 1
T n (x) - 2x T (x)
ii n - 1
A graph of these Tchebyscheff polynomials for n = 1, 2, . '. , 6 is given
in Fig. 6. These polynomials have roots which are all real and which
occur in the interval (-1,1). They are found from Eq 37 by setting
the expression for that interval to zero, whence the kth root, ordered
from the one nearest x = 1, occurs at
L ok
2k - 1 K
, k - 1,2
There is a point x between each adjacent pair of roots at which T (x)
.mk n
takes on a relative maximum or minimum of ±1. These positions are
given by setting the expression of Eq 37 to ±1, whence in an ordered
manner .
x = cos
n- 1
1 t>
ml /
1 9
V /
/ i
1 j
1 /"•
» -t
/ i
7 1"
2 \
• / V
i V
6 1/ •
3 / 1
V /
\ 1
-A /
\ /
^ n=
A table of positions of ordered zeros and relative maxima or minima is
given in Appendix II.
A pattern polynomial is now desired such that its zeros are spaced
in a manner providing a high- amplitude, positive beam of preassignable
level at w = 0, and n = N/2 zeros are to be symmetrically distributed
to either side of w = in the interval (~s,s) such that alternating
relative maxima and minima of ±1 are produced between adjacent zeros. A
polynomial having this form is shown in Fig, 7. P|yj(w) must evidently
be an even polynomial, of degree N Such a polynomial can be derived
from a Tchebyscheff polynomial T n (x), where n = N/2, by means of a
second-degree polynomial transformation x = f(w) given by the linear
function of w :
a + b
where a and b are constants chosen to provide the desired mapping. If
one chooses the constants so as: (1) to map some preassigned x m > 1 of
a given T n (x) function into Pj^(0) such that the central relative maximum
of Fig. 7 becomes T n (x m ); and so as (2) to map the point (-1,1) or
(-1,-1) of T n (x) into the points (s,±l) and (~s,±l) of the Pj^(w) func-
tion; then the n roots of T_(x) are distributed symmetrically as 2n = N
nulls for Pjyj(w) as in Fig. 7, and the side lobe level of unity is
maintained within the visible range (-s ( s). A transformation which
performs this desired mapping is
x m - - Q TT- w
Its inverse is evidently
w ' ±s
x m ~ x (43)
x + 1
To illustrate the results of such a transformation, this pro-
cedure is used to generate a Pi (w) polynomial from a T 5 (x) Tchebyscheff
polynomial as shown graphically in Fig- 8. Hence the polynomial
P 10 (w) - -16c 5 w 10 + 80x m c A w B - 20(8x m ' - l)c w D
+ 20(8x m 3 - 3x m ) c 2 w 4 - 20(4x m 4 - 3x m 2 ) cw
+ (16x m 5 - 20x m 3 + 5x m ), . (44)
where c = (x + l)/s 2 , is the result of applying the transformation of
Eq. 42 to the Tchebyscheff polynomial
T 5 (x) ■ 16x 5 - 20x 3 + 5x. (45)
It is of interest to note that another mapping function which gene-
rates polynomials Pjyj(w) having the same properties as those described
above is the elliptical transformation
_*I +ll - 1.- (46)
This function will generate a desired P^(w) from a Tchebyscheff polyno-
mial Tm(x) having the same degree as Pm(w) for this case, instead of
half the degree of the pattern polynomial which is obtained when using
the transformation of Eq. 42. For example, the function Pio(w) of Eq.
44 can be generated from T 10 ( x ) by means of Eq 46^ In either case
however, the function Pm(w) having the desired properties is a unique
Some properties of the pattern polynomial Pm(w) just developed
which are useful to know from the standpoint of the later development
are readily found from the properties of the related Tchebyscheff
polynomial and the appropriate transformation Following the notation
given in Fig. 8, one obtains:
(a) The principal beam maximum, or Pj\j(0), is found from the speci-
fied ratio of the principal beam maximum to the side lobe level. Since
T 5 W
y/t VJ <
T n (X)„ FOR THE CASE N - 2n - 10
the latter is unity, it is evident from Fig 8 that this ratio is
P N (0) - T n (xj, (47)
where N = 2n. So if P[\j(0) is given, Eq. 47 permits finding x m , using
the definition of T n (x).
(b) The beamwidth of Pj^(w) is defined as 2wj ;) , where w^ is the
abscissa of Pj^(w) and the latter is equal to (l//2)Ppyj(0) . But Pj^(O) =
T n (x ), so from Eq. 43,
= 2s
/ x m " x b
Vx + 1
xj^ = cosh
1 u- 1
- cosh
(c) The first-null position w 01 (adjacent to the principal beam)
is found from the first-null position of the corresponding Tchebyscheff
polynomial, given by Eq. 39. Hence,
'o 1
Am X Q 1
V x + 1
x oi
3.2 The Aperture Distribution
The remaining characteristic to consider for the synthesis method
of the preceding section is the aperture distribution A(u). This is
provided by Eq. 35, for which the amplitudes A^ for that finite series
are supplied by Eq. 36. But the discussion of the preceding section
is restricted to even functions P]\j(w) > and since Qj^(w) is also even,
then "from Eq. 36, A^ = A_j c . This means that the total aperture dis-
tribution can be written, for an even Pj\j(w), as
A(u) = A + 2 Yi A cos 2k(u/s),
k- l
where the constants A^ are determined from the equispaced ordinates on
the synthesized pattern:
A k - [Pn Oft] for k - 0,1,2,.., N/2. (53)
In the practical designs of rectangular aperture antennas based on
these concepts, it is usually desirable to limit the designs to aperture
distributions which can be relatively easily realized from a physical
viewpoint. Since the aperture distribution is, by means of Eq. 53,
directly associated with space factor values g(w) at integral w-values,
i t is apparent that a design which permits a relatively large amount of
pattern field energy to occupy the invisible region |w| > s will also
require large order (i.e., rapidly oscillating), high- amplitude cosine
components to exist over the aperture. This condition is always brought
about when the beamwidth is forced to be too small for the available
aperture size.
3.3 Narrow-Beam, Tapered-Si de-Lobe Designs; Supergain Effects.
A design example is given here to illustrate the effect of attempt-
ing to extract an excessively narrow beam from a given aperture width.
Assume a polynomial pattern P 2 o(w) having a side lobe level 40 db below
the principal beam maximum is to be used in the design. The assumption
of a 20th degree polynomial implies an associated Tchebyscheff polynomi-
al Tio(x) and an associated taper function Q 2 o(w), values of which may
be found in Appendix I. A 40 db side lobe level means from Eq. 47
that Tio(* m ) = 100, whence from Eq. 37, x m = 1.14372. It is now nec-
essary to assume an aperture width s for which an aperture distri-
bution is to be calculated using Eqs. 52 and 53, but examination of
the latter has shown that the A^ coefficients of the finite cosine-series
distribution are determined by the values of the pattern space factor
g(w) itself for integral w-values, taken out to w = N/2 = 10 for this
case. Two cases of assumed aperture widths are here submitted for
comparison: (1) If an aperture width s - 10 is assumed for this design,
then P 2 o(w) has the value of unity at w 10, whence the last cosine
term of the aperture distribution has the negligible amplitude of the
space factor g(10) - P 20 ( 10) Q 2Q ( 10) , or 1 * (5 389 * 10~ 6 )» (2) If
aperture width s - 9 is assumed, then P 20 (9) is unity, making the next-
to-last cosine term of the aperture distribution negligible when P 20 (9)
is multiplied by Q 2 o(9). But P 2 o(10), corresponding to the last cosine
term, takes on in this instance the enormous value of 6.9715 x 10 , and
this value, even when multiplied by Q 2 o(10) - 5.4 x 10" - , still leaves
the last cosine term of the aperture distribution with an amplitude of
This latter case, for which the given polynomial pattern P 2 o(w) is
synthesized by means of too small an aperture to yield a practical
aperture distribution, is termed a "supergain" case, in which consider-
able energy must be stored in the aperture in order to make the assumed
beamwidth fit the assumed aperture length. For either case, the aperture
distribution is obtained from Eq. 52, or
A(u) = A + 2 5 A cos 2 k(u/s),
4i i lit
k = 1
and the coefficients of this series for the two cases are compared
in the table:
For s 9
For s = 10
2A 2
• 10.63
2A 3
2A 4
2A 5
2A e
. 041
2A 7
2A 8
2A 9
2A 10
These aperture distributions, together with their pattern space factors
g(u), are illustrated in Fig. 9 Evidently the effect of using too
small an aperture for the assumed order of pattern polynomial is one of
requiring an exorbitant amount of energy in the invisible region, as can
be seen from Fig. 9e. This energy, not utilized in establishing the
radiation field which must occur in the visible region (~s,s), is mani-
fest in the aperture field distribution of Fig. 9f where it exhibits
(a) Pattern polynomial and taper
function for s = 10.
9 10 11
(d) Pattern polynomial and taper
function for s = 9.
to 3765
\^\S**sj£ * ^^ B
(b) Space factor; s = 10.
-d — o
10 II
i i
1 L_ 1
(c) Aperture distribution; s = 10.
= 66-
F n (0
X 6
>\ \ .;
5 \ A ^/v- 5
> / <
i 7\
) lr i
3 \ 1 1.0
-10 I-
of the visible range, and zero space factor outside that sector. This
situation is represented in Fig. 18. Let us consider the problem of
(a) In rectangular coordinates. (b) In polar coordinates.
synthesizing this pattern by the method outlined in the foregoing
If the desired pattern is given by the function
g(u) = J 1 , £ u £ u
tO, u > u ,
the Fourier coefficients applying to this problem are found from Eq. 117,
or for this case,
A k
G^(u) du
These coefficients may be found by substituting into this expression the
series for G^(u) from Eq. 140. Since the orthonormal Gj^(u) functions
are continuous and uniformly convergent, the resulting series for the
coefficients A^ may be integrated term by term as follows:
A, =N^ < T U ° f | -'^ |ll f.'
A k 1N nn \ 2- , 9
Jo m = o m! 2
= k¥
(-l) m A, (m) \ u ° /12m
" du
m =
nn „Tn (2m + 1) m! 2
SSL (~l) m A k (m) /u |2m
Bl = '
This series converges reasonably quickly for moderate values of sector
half-width u - Hence, for u = 4, evaluation of the A^' s from Eq . 145
produces the approximation to g(u) given by Eq. 116 or
g(u) * Y A k G^u) (146)
k = 1
= .9446 d + .5149 G 2 + .0261 G 3
+ .0295 G 4 - .0325 G 5 + . . . , (147)
The corresponding aperture distribution is given by these same A^-
coefficients applied to Eq. 122, or, for £ r £ 1,
f(r) = 2 [.9446 F x + .5149 F 2 + .0261 F 3 + .0295 F 4
- .0325 F 5 + ...]. (148)
These results are plotted, using values for the Gj < (u) and the F^(r)
functions tabulated in Appendices VII and VIII, in Fig. 19, together
with similar results obtained for several other sector half-widths u .
Note that the approach to the desired pattern becomes better as u is
made larger, and that the larger sector widths demand more and more
phase reversals of the aperture distribution. These curves are of
course universal in the sense that they apply to any aperture size for
a given wavelength; a larger aperture radius "a" will provide a greater
visible range (3a along the u-axis, as discussed in Section
It is useful to note that the A^- coefficients for the sector
pattern problem, determined by the integration of Eq . 145, could also
have been obtained by graphical integration under the G n (u) curves of
Fig. 16 if desired, for the integral (144) for A^ is merely the area
under the G^(u) curve up to the value u = u . A planimeter may con-
veniently be used to perform such integrations and will give sufficient
accuracy for problems utilizing this synthesis method, while avoiding
the need for evaluating series which may converge very slowly.
(2) Triangular Patterns
Also of interest are approximations to the triangular space factor
of Fig. 20 which this synthesis method provides. Let the ideal space
Ideal sector pattern
u =IO
Actual pattern
u = IO
8 -
6 -
4 -
2 -
figure 19, approximations to sector patterns
factor be given by
1 - -H-
1 u < u
u > u •
The expansion coefficients for the orthonormal series which approximates
this pattern are found by integration to be
A k = Nn"n
;s £
(-l) m A k (m)
u \2m
m!(2m + l)(2m + 2) 2
m =
The approximation to the desired pattern of Fig. 20 is given by Eq.
146 in terms of the A^ of Eq . 150. For values of u = 3, 4, 5, and
6, the designs resulting from this expansion are shown in Fig. 21. It
is of interest to observe the effect of parameter u G on the first side
lobe and on the beamwidth in these designs. These properties are summa-
rized in the following table, and a comparison with the (sin u)/u func-
tion and with three integer-order J n (u)/u n patterns taken from the well-
known class of Eq. 21 are given:
Pattern Type
Side Lobe
2 u b
Triangular, u =
19 db
" ii =
(sin u)/u
Ji(u)/u 2
J 2 (u)/u
24 6
J 3 (u)/u
30 6
deal Triangular
Pattern, u = 3
* o
For u =5
J r
For u = 6
I r
2 4 6 B 10 .2 .4 .6
From this comparison it is obvious that it is readily possible to find
aperture distributions from certain synthesis examples which will pro-
duce more favorable low side lobe conditions for a given beamwidth than
the conventional (1 - r ) n smooth-taper distributions frequently
mentioned in the literature. Hence, the triangular pattern case for
u = 5 provides essentially the same beamwidth as the J 2 (u)/u pattern,
while having a side lobe level better than 10 db further down.
(3) Approximations to the (Sin u)/u Pattern
Given that the space factor
sin u
is to be synthesized for a circularly symmetric aperture, the Fourier
coefficients become, from Eq. 117,
sin u
G^(u) du .
For this problem, instead of using the power series (140) for G^ (u),
use Eq. 114 in terms of the Bessel functions h n (u):
A k =
n = 1
k /~oo
bkn \ ""J"* h n (u) du .
Substitution of the spherical Bessel function for (sin u)/u, and for
h n (u) with its equivalent from Eq. 92, yields for the integral of
Eq. 153:
rpoo | — — j | — —i
Sia-a h n (u) du = ^ || u^ Jy 2 (u) 2 n n! u- n J n (u)
= 2 n n! Ji
2~ n ~^ 2 >Trc r (n + l A)
r(n + l)r(n + ^)T(l)
This yields for the A^ coefficients of Eq. 153,
« I
J kn
n = 1
If <*(0).
The approximation to the (sin u)/u function of Eq. 153 then becomes the
g (u) -= i y_ G k ( ° ) G k (u)
k = 1
That this series converges precisely to the desired g(u) of Eq. 153 may
be shown on the basis of the coefficients A^ of Eq. 155 satisfying
Parseval's identity
Ak =
g (u) du
The integral of the right-hand side of this equation converges to n/2
for the function (sin u)/u of Eq. 151 in question. But substitution
of coefficients Ak determined from Eq. 155 above shows that the sum of
the left-hand side of Eq. 157 tends to n/2 as well; for example, seven
terms of that summation have the value 1.567.
The graphical results of approximations to the (sin u)/u pattern
and its corresponding aperture distribution provided by series (156)
and the form of Eq. 124 applying to this problem or
V (yO) F k (r) ,
: r < 1
r > 1,
are shown in Fig. 22. The closeness of the approximation provided by
only two terms of each series is indicated, and it is evident that six
2A K G K (u)
10 -
8 -
=22A K F K (r) 6
2 -
- + --Two terms
Eight terms
L « r
* \
or eight terms of the series provide a very good approach to the pat-
tern. For each term added, the aperture edge value at r = 1 becomes
correspondingly larger until in the limit, the singularity of the Hankel
transform of Eq. 151 is developed there.
The series representations for the (sin u)/u pattern and its aper-
ture distribution just discussed are of interest for at least two rea-
sons. First, a function which can be arbitrarily closely approximated
by means of a series of Gk(u) functions (other than the trivial case of
a finite linear combination of G^(u) functions) is non-rigorously de-
monstrated to exist. This is mentioned by way of contrast with the
previous discussions on sector and triangular space factor syntheses,
which were observed to yield oscillating approximations to given space
factors. Second, it is observed that the approximation to the limiting
forms of the sector and triangular space factor becomes precisely the
result (156) for the (sin u)/u function as the design width u of those
space factors is allowed to approach zero. This is proved by noting
that the expansion coefficients Ak for these two cases become, as
u - 0, proportional to G^(0), as for Eq. 155. It becomes apparent
that attempts to synthesize excessively narrow-beam space factors will
tend to produce high amplitude fields at the aperture edge.
(4) Graphical Integration Methods in Circular Aperture Synthesis
If a given pattern g(u) to be synthesized is of such analytical
form as to cause the series of Eq. 117 for finding the Ak to converge
quite slowly, or alternatively, if the given g(u) is merely an arbitrary
curve for which no analytical expression is assigned, then the integra-
tion of Eq. 117 can be effectively performed by graphical or mechanical
means. To do this, one need merely modify the Gk(u) functions by multi-
plying each curve of Fig. 16 by the g(u) to be synthesized, and plot
the resulting product functions. The areas under the appropriate u-
interval of these g(u) Gk(u) curves, which may be determined by means of
a planimeter, are the desired expansion coefficients Ak of Eq. 117.
As an example of a graphical solution, consider the synthesis of
the given space factor
g(u) = exp(-.179 u 2 ) , (158)
a function of the Gaussian type, for which the 20% amplitude point
occurs at u 1 = 3. The expansion coefficients Aj^ of Eq . 117 for the
series (116) representing this function are readily found by graphical
integration of Eq. 117. Hence, multiplying each (^(u) function of Fig.
16 by the given g(u) of Eq . 158 above will yield a set of curves as
shown in Fig. 23. The areas under these curves, obtainable by means
-I-*- u
of a planimeter, are by Eq . 117 proportional to the expansion co-
efficients A^. Normalizing the first coefficient so obtained yields for
these coefficients: A x = 1, A 2 = .116, A 3 ; .0423, etc., and so the
expansion for the approximation to the Gaussian pattern becomes
g(u) ; G x + .116 G 2 + .0423 G 3
- .0141 G 6 + .004 G 7
0211 G 4 + .0106 G £
This curve is shown in Fig. 24 compared with the idealized Gaussian
function of Eq. 158 which it is observed to approach in the mean. Also
shown are two more design examples for 20% amplitude points at u 4 = 4
and 5. Corresponding aperture distributions, calculated from Eq. 124,
are also shown. Note that the highest aperture edge values are again
obtained for designs for the narrowest beam, i.e., for u x = 3 in this
set of examples. The first side lobe levels and beamwidths are tabulated
here for these cases for the purpose of comparison with other results
in this text:
Uj (20% Position)
First Side Lobe Level
Beamwidth 2 ui
23 db
Gaussian pattern
Aperture distribution
for u,= 3
2 .4 .6 .8
for Uis4
i I u
8 10 12 14 16
.2 .4 .6 .8 I.
,' — Ideal Pattern
Actual Pattern
(a) Displaced sector pattern and aperture function.
Ideal Pattern
Actual Pattern f(r)
(b) Displaced Gaussian pattern and aperture function.
It is of interest to determine the effect of displacing the sector
pattern of Fig. 18 away from the normal to the circular aperture. An
example of this is represented by the dotted line of Fig. 25a. The
coefficients of the expansion representing this pattern were found once
more by means of a planimeter. The resulting expansion is
g(u) = -.24 d - .45 G 2 + 6.96 G 3 + 10.13 G 4
+ 6.17 G 5 + 2.05 G 6 + .42 G 7 + . 02 G 8 +
This result is represented by the solid curve of Fig. 25a. Note that
the high amplitude of G* in series (Eq. 160) is brought about by the
location of the lobe center of this sector pattern in the region of the
principal beam of the G 4 function. The aperture distribution corre-
sponding to this sector pattern is shown in Fig. 25a.
A pattern having lower side lobes than the sector approximation of
Fig. 25b can be obtained from the displaced Gaussian pattern defined
g(u) = exp[-.101(u - 7) 2 ] , (161)
which has its 20% amplitude points located four units to either side of
the main beam maximum, which in turn is assigned at u = 7. This space
factor is represented by the dotted line in Fig. 25b and has the same
shape as the Gaussian curve of Fig. 24, for the case u x = 4.
(5) Secant Patterns
The graphical method of synthesis, just described in connection
with Gaussian-pattern approximations, is useful in the design of a
"secant-pattern" space factor of the type shown in Fig. 26. This
space factor shape might be useful for applications requiring a circu-
larly symmetric space factor possessing a gradual increase of radiated
power with increase in deviation from the principal aperture axis, and
is analogous to the cosecant designs related to aircraft search antennas
discussed in Sec. 2.3.1. A value u is selected to be at or near the
limit of the visible range of a given design, and since the angular
deviation 9 from the aperture principal axis is related to the aperture
size through u = (3a sin 9, letting Pa = u provides the equation for the
curve of Fig. 26:
g(u) = sec [sin -1 £-] - (162)
This curve may be truncated at some arbitrary u-value to avoid the
singularity at u .
Two secant-pattern designs are illustrated in Fig. 27, for u =
9.5 and 14.5, and with the secant curves truncated at u - %• The
series coefficients were obtained by planimeter measurement as discussed
above. Note that the approximations to the desired function become
better with a larger u value. The aperture diameters required by these
two designs are given by 2u /k, or about 6X and 9A. respectively. Sever-
al phase reversals of the field across the aperture are necessarily re-
quired by such designs in keeping with the condition of deflecting the
principal beam away from the aperture central axis.
The approximations to the desired secant space factors shown in
Fig. 27 are obviously not very good ones. The reason, for this is that
this synthesis method will not give good approximations to assigned
patterns which undergo rapid changes in slope for only a small variation
of u. A much better approximation is obtained if the assigned pattern
has properties which this synthesis method is capable of reproducing
rather well, e.g., has a principal beam or beams of sufficient breadth,
has no sharp discontinuities, and has no sudden changes in slope. An
example of an assigned pattern having such qualities is illustrated by
the dotted curve of Fig. 28- This curve was arbitrarily sketched by
hand, and has a beam maximum assigned at u = 11. The solid curve shows
the approximation to this curve which is provided by the graphical
synthesis approach used in previous examples, and is given by the series
g(u) = 2.6 Gi + 3.86 G 2 + 0.86 G 3 + 12.7 G 4 + 25. G 5
+ 20.8 G 6 + 10.5 G 7 + 3.7 G 8 + 0.72 G 9 + ••• . (163)
Ideal secant
g(u) 2
Ideal secant
0^ I I I I I I I I LU I
2 4 6 8 10
Aperture distribution
Y^— for u = l4.5
\\>-^ for u o=9.5
l\ l\ 1 /l 1 >
) .1
.2 \ .3 \4 / .5 .6^
.8 >
g (u)
10 —
8 —
6 —
Arbitrary Curve - •
• -\ / \
'* / \
\ // \
w \
w >
1 1
s /
1 I 1
_i_ _l _l
i V i k^
4 —
2 —
2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 18 20
f(0 i
Comparison of this synthesis result with the secant pattern results of
Fig. 26 gives an indication as to how the ideal secant patterns of the
latter might be altered in order that a better fit may be obtained over
the important part of the ideal curves. To this end, instead of termi-
nating the ideal secant patterns abruptly in a discontinuity at u , the
termination should be made rather gradual - for example, by means of a
sloping straight line, or a curve of more nearly Gaussian form. Also,
the truncation at the top of the ideal curves should be made broader so
as to permit a higher beam-maximum value.
The designs discussed in this section are suggestive of others
which can be attacked by means of the computational or graphical methods
1.2.7 The Low Side Lobe Problem for Circular Apertures
It is apparent from the discussion of the examples of the previous
section that the synthesis method developed for circular apertures hav-
ing circular field symmetry does not provide a direct way of obtaining
an accurate control of the side lobe level. For one thing, the approxi-
mation to a pulse pattern of diminishing width was pointed out in ex-
ample (3) of Section 4.2.6 to approach a (sin u)/u pattern. This func-
tion having a first side lobe level 13.2 db below the principal beam am-
plitude, may be considered to be the limiting result of all broadside-
beam, low-side-lobe designs based on this design method and being de-
signed for excessively narrow beamwidth. Therefore a side lobe level
considerably lower than this 13.2 db figure is attainable only at the
expense of a broader beamwidth, and the precise side lobe level obtained
will be determined by the nature of the given g(u) function upon which
the design is based. It is furthermore evident that the so-called
"optimum" pattern, an equal-side-lobe formulation based on properties of
the Tchebyscheff polynomials equivalent to that discussed in Sections 2
and 3, cannot be found for the circularly symmetric aperture using this
synthesis method.
In spite of these inherent limitations of this synthesis method,
low-side- lobe designs can still be achieved by trial-and-error methods
based on observed properties of specific design results. For example,
the triangular pattern designs of Fig. 21 were observed to produce low
side lobe results. Also, two separate designs might be combined lin-
early such that the resulting side lobe level is lower than for either
component. The pattern results of Fig. 21 also exhibit possibilities
of this kind. Again, it is sometimes possible to combine some higher-
order G n ( u ) function with a given pattern result so as to produce
cancellation of lobe amplitudes in the visible region, while the main
beam of that GLCu) function is assigned to the invisible region. This
method possesses the disadvantage of requiring rapid amplitude changes
of the aperture distribution which result from the addition of the
particular high-order F n (r) aperture function corresponding to that
CL(u). Such designs are also inclined to be quite frequency-sensitive
in practice.
1.2.8 Summary of Design Method
The design examples of the previous section serve to demonstrate
that once the orthonormal set of space factor functions G n (u) and the
corresponding aperture distribution functions F n (r) were developed, the
procedure for designing an aperture distribution f(r) to produce an
approximation to a given space factor g(u) reduces to the relatively
simple Fourier process for determining the unknown coefficients of both
functions .
For convenience, the design procedure is summarized here as follows:
(1) Given: a real space factor g(u), expressed either analyti-
cally or graphically.
(2) Coefficients A^ are to be found from Eq . 117. If g(u) is
expressed analytically, the integral for successive A^,
A k =\ g( u ) G k (u) du , k = 1, 2, ••■ (117)
may be evaluated by substituting for successive G k (u) with their infi-
nite series expressions from Appendix VI, and then integrating term by
term. If these results converge too slowly, or if g(u) is expressed
graphically, curves (or tables) of the successive product functions
g(u) Gk(u), for k = ■ 1 , 2, ... , may be formed. Integration under these
curves in accordance with the interpretation of Eq. 117 above may then
be carried out by any convenient means (such as a planimeter) to yield
the A^-values of interest
(3) The approximation space factor is now given by the series of
G^(u) functions to which there correspond significant values of Au ;
g(u) - \ A k (^(u) ,
k = 1
where the G^(u) functions may be taken from Fig. 16 or Appendix VII.
(4) The aperture distribution which produces the approximation
space factor (116) above is
Y A k F k (r) , £ r < 1
k =
I , r > 1 , (124)
where the F k (r) functions may be taken from Fig. 17 or Appendix VIII.
86 =
The purpose of this report has been to develop new approaches and
techniques of synthesizing rectangular and circular aperture antennas
having certain symmetries. Methods of aperture design and synthesis
which have been achieved in recent years in the field of microwaves have
also been reviewed in an effort to provide the reader with a reasonably
comprehensive background for the synthesis methods proposed.
The synthesis method for tapered side lobe designs derived from the
Tchebyscheff polynomial as proposed in Section 3 is seen to provide a
method for designing rectangular aperture distributions which produce
a given first side lobe level and a beamwidth compatible with dis-
tributing the zeros of the space factor inside the visible region
such that a supergain solution is not developed. The corresponding
aperture distributions for such designs are observed to taper to essen-
tially zero at the aperture edge, and so they correspond to aperture con-
ditions which are more nearly physically realizable than distributions
having a substantial edge discontinuity or pedestal. Comparison of
these designs with low side lobe designs provided by smooth taper
aperture functions such as power-cosine distributions shows that a
first side lobe level of the order of 10 db lower than that provided
by power-cosine designs is obtainable for a comparable beamwidth. Also,
the differences between the aperture distributions for these Tchebyscheff-
polynomial -derived designs and power-cosine designs providing equal
beamwidth is quite small in spite of the differences in side lobe levels
noted, which points out the inherent difficulty of solving the low side
lobe problem from a practical standpoint.
Comparison of the tapered-side -lobe, Tchebyscheff-polynomial-derived
designs developed by the author with equal-side - lobe approximations
discussed by Taylor shows that slightly smaller beamwidths are avail-
able from the latter. This condition is due to some of the total radi-
ated energy being distributed among the more remote side lobes within
the visible region, those lobes being considerably larger for Taylor's
results than the corresponding side lobes obtained from the tapered side-
lobe designs. Taylor's results are quite important from an academic
point of view in providing an approximation to the optimum synthesis
problem for rectangular apertures. His calculations show that a more
or less considerable edge discontinuity can be expected from typical
optimum designs The tapered side lobe designs provide more nearly
physically realizable aperture edge results, although at the expense of
The synthesis method discussed in Section 4 provides a new class
of solutions for circular aperture antennas having fields of circular
symmetry. Besides providing a mean-square approximation to patterns of
arbitrary shape, it also offers low-side lobe, narrow-beam solutions
which represent an improvement over existing designs The labor in-
volved in obtaining the orthonormal functions essential to this method
was observed to be rather extensive, but once the functions were ob-
tained, the additional work needed to synthesize a prescribed pattern
is relatively small. Furthermore, the functions involved are inde-
pendent of aperture size, which permits using the same orthogonal set
for all designs. To accomodate a given aperture size, one need only
assign the appropriate limit of the visible region to the u-axis for
the space factor. Since the method is designed for the case of plane-
wave aperture excitation, it is evident that it might also find applica-
tion in sonic or optical field problems involving circular symmetry.
It seems reasonable to suspect that this synthesis method for
circular field symmetry, utilizing an incomplete orthonormal set of
space factors as a basis for the synthesis method, might be extensible
to variations of this problem involving other aperture symmetries, or
perhaps aperture excitations which are not necessarily plane-polarized.
To establish such a synthesis method, it would be necessary to find an
appropriate class of integral representations of far zone space factors
in terms of their corresponding aperture distributions, and provided
the appropriate orthogonalization integrals could be evaluated, an
orthogonal system of space factors might be constructed from that class
using the Schmidt method. The synthesis procedure would then follow, in
terms of the familiar Fourier processes Complex field variables might
be used if desired, since orthogonality conditions apply equally well
in such a case.
In the light of the theoretical results which have been supplied
by the synthesis methods described, there yet remains the question of
finding practical antenna designs which will produce the circularly
symmetric amplitude variations over the aperture as required by the de~
signs. Also, it is recalled that one of the requirements of the aper-
ture fields for these designs is that such fields be transverse over
the aperture. This condition is generally not the case for aperture
antennas currently used in practice, e.g., metal-plate lenses or parabo-
loid reflectors fed by means of small horn primary sources. Recent work
has shown that plane-wave fields are obtainable from special primary
sources which use a combination of an electric dipole feed coupled with
a complementary source amounting to a magnetic dipole. 8 Such sources,
used in conjunction with suitable lens designs, may provide a practical
solution to many of the pattern design results provided by the synthesis
method discussed.
The general expression for Qm(w), w integral or not, is the un-
bracketed factor of Eqs. 32 or 33. But for w an integer, say w = w 1}
the expression contains the limit, evaluated using L'Hopital's rule:
lim sin Ttw = cosjrjvi
w-*w 1 rc(w 2 -w 1 2 ) 2wi
Hence the desired expression, for w x a non-negative integer, is
(-1) 2 (N/2)! cos TCwi
Qm(W!) = — —
2w 1 2 {(w 1 2 - l 2 )( Wl 2 -2 2 )»-[ Wl 2 -(w t - 1) 2 ]}{[ W1 2 -(w! + l) 2 ]-'[w 1 2 -(N/2) 2 ]}
... ... (165)
This is alternatively written, for w 1 a positive integer:
Q N (wJ
(*)(| - 1)-"(| - w t + 1)
(§■ + !)(«■ + 2)---(| + wj
Noting also that 0^(0)^ 1, from Eq. 165.
A tabulation of Qj^(w) for w an integer in the useful range is
given in Table I.
Table I. The Qyj(w) Function
N = 8
N = 12
N - 16
N = 20
N = 24
N = 30
. 85714
. 88888
. 90909
. 92307
. 53571 ■
. 62222
. 72527
. 114284
. 23809
. 33939
. 41958
. 55760
. 14141
. 35217
. 04315
. 12799
. 19369
. 026223
. 04977
. 08895
. 006170
7.77 x HT 5
5.41 x HT 6
8.87 x 10 -6
3.65 x HT 7
2.62 x 10
2.80 x 10-
1.93 x 10-
6.45 x 10'
T n (x)
T 3 (x)
T e (x)
T 8 (x)
x ok x mk
x ok
x ok
x ok
.8660 .5
. 2504
. 1951
-.1951 -
. 1564
-.5556 -
- . 9659
-.8315 -
- . 4540
f(r), - r 1 1
2 U
(1 - r r
2 -H
(1 - r r*
2 Jf
(1 - r )
cos mrtr
- 1
cos a
v/l - r :
r yr
/ l^ k 2k
( -1) u
k^O 2 2k (k!) 2 (2k + m + 2)
J t (u)
2 J 2 (u) _ J 3 (u)
u 2 u
8 J 3 (u) 8 J 4 (u)
V - 1
- J 5 (u)
■ rUjiii^, Relixl > - 1
sin u
in vu
2 2
+ a
/ 2 2
v u + a
k +
Z. E
k =0 P = l 2 k!
k - 2 P + 1
(2k - 2p + 2)!
a A 2k+l , ( 2k + l )!u 2k
fi o L la ( ^ L) 2k., ,,2 2k
a^ k=0 p=0
2 (k!) a
2k + 1 - p 2k + 1
_a_ (-1) (2k + 1)!
2k + 2
(2k + 1 - p)!
K (u 2 ♦ a 2 ) % + a (u 2 ♦ a 2 / 72 - a
2 J ° j Jo 2
. Evaluation of N
From Eq. 106, and using the expression for ^ from Eq. 94, one
may write
KPn du
n-l N N
i - s ^^
k=lN kk R mn
It is convenient to evaluate N mn in the order N m ^, N m 2» ... so as to
obtain a recursion relation. First, N m ^ = R^. Then, from Eq. (167)
N m2 = R m2
"l - N 21 N n,l'
N n R m2
N 21 = R 2 i , 2
N»l - 5»1 _ 3 (2m + 3)
N n Rli 3 7 5' R m9 "' R m9 2 9 (m + 1)
2 (2m + 3)
N m2 = R m2
1 -
5(m + 1)
= R
5(m + 1)
3 1 ml
N32 N m2
N 2 2 R m3
N 31 N ml _ R 31 R ml _ 2-3 (2m + 5) (2m + 3)
5-7 (m + 2) (m + 1)
N ll R m3 R ll R m 3
N 32 N m2 -
N 22 R m3
R 3 2 j*
R 2 2 2
R m2 (m - 1) 2(m - l)(2m + 5)
R m ,5(m + 1) 3-5 (m + 1) (m + 2)
N , = R_
i -
2-3(2m + 5)(2m . + 3) 2(2m + 5)(m - 1)
5 7(m + 2 Km + 1)
(m - l)(m - 2)
3-5(m + D(m + 2)
3'7(m + l)(m + 2)
In a similar fashion one obtains
N m4 = R m4
5(m - l)(m - 2 Km - 3)
3-ll-13(m + D(m + 2)(m + 3)
Finally, by induction,
l-3-5 — (2n - l)-m(m - l)(m - 2)-"(m - n + 1)
N = R
mn mn
(2n - l)(2n + l)----(4n - 3)°m(m + l)(m + 2)----(m + n - 1)
(2n - l)![(2n - 2)!] 2 m!(m - 1)!
■ R
mn (4n - 3)![(n - l)!] 2 (m + n - l)!(m - n) !
The following result is also useful for finding C and for normal-
izing the B-coef ficients :
N nn " R nn
n[(2n - 2)!]
(4n - 3)!
2 Evaluation of C
From Eq. 105 and using the results above,
-N mn /N nn
-2 mUn- l )![(m - l)(m - 2)— n1 3 -m(m - l)-°-(n + 1)
n(2m - l)i(m - n) ! (2m * 2n -• 1) (2m + 2n - 2)---(m + n)
4 ( m - n )
-2 mm! f(m - PiT (4n • l)!(m j m -1) !
(m - n)! nn! [(n 1) !] 3 (2m 1) ! (2m + 2n - 1)1 '
m -» n.
3 Evaluation of B,
These coefficients are readily evaluated on the diagonals of the
triangular matrix corresponding to the sequence of equations (108).
The B values are given by Eq. 126. Hence, on the principal diagonal,
for all integers m - 1.
The next diagonal, for which m - 2, yields, using Eq. 173 above:
m (m- 1 ) m(m- 1 )
= -2V(m - 1)
(4m - 3) (2m - 1)
Again, for m - 3, and using the previous result:
B " C
m(m-2) m{m-2)
Y + m(m- 1) g
C ,»(m-2) (■-!>(■-!:
where it has already been determined that
and that
2* m 2 (m - l) 3 (m - 2)
mU-2) 2! (4m - 5) (4m - 7) (2m - 1) (2m - 3)
= 2! (4m - 5) (4m - 6) (4m - 7)
C m(m-2) 23 < 4m - 3) (m - I) 2 (m - 2)
Thus Eq. 176 becomes
I _ 2 (4 m 5)
B = C
m(m- 2) m(m- 2)
(4m 3)
2 m (m
1) (m = 2)
2! (4m 3) (4m - 5) (2m - 1) (2.
In a similar manner, one obtains if
o e 2 I
- z m (m
1) (m 2) a (m - 3)
(m-3) 3! (4m - 3) (4m - 5) (4m - 7) (2m - 1) (2m - 3) (2m • 5)
and finally by induction, for the (m k)th diagonal, where m > k:
(-l) k 2 2k m 2 r(m - l)(m 2) — "(m - k + 1)T (m - k)
m(m-k) k![(4m 3) (4m 5)- (4m 2k ■ 1)] [(2m l)(2m • 3) • • • -(2m -2k+ 1)]
k al-2 4,
= (-1) 2m (m - kU(m - DM (2m - 2k)!(4m 2k - 2)!
(2m - l)k! [(m - k)!] 4 (4m - 3)!(2m k 1)! ' n , ,
This result, the one desired may also be written in terms of row m and
column n of the matrix:
, ,1-n 2u-2n r ...3
B = LJJ I n [m(m ■ l)(m - 2) — (n + 1)1
mn m(m - n)! [(4m - 3)(4m - 5)— (2m 2n - 1)] [(2m - l)(2m - 3)*°°°(2n + 1)]
= (-l) m " n 2 4m " 4n " 2 m 2 n r(m - 1)!1 4 (2n)!(2m + 2n - 2)! ; (182)
(2m - l)(4m - 3) ! (m n)!(m + n - l)!(nl) 4 '
if the integer m > n
bii -
.433 012 702
b 2 i
= -1.620 185 175
b 3 i
= 3.211 308 144
b 2 2
= 1.518 923 601
b 32
b 33
= -8.429 683 878
= 5.268 552 424
b 41 =
-5.123 475 38
b 5 i
= 7.310 095 716
b 6 i
= -9.740 380
b 42 =
25.937 594 11
b 6 2
= -60-308 289 85
b 82
■ 118.710 879 7
b4-3 =
-39.626 879 90
b 5 3
= 163.334 951 7
b 6 3
= -494.628 665 3
b 44 =
18.781 489 95
b B4
= -178.647 603 4
b 8 4
- 919.700 174 4
= 68.332 708 29
b 6 5
- 786.343 649
- 252.285 254 1
b 71 -
12.392 033 7
b 8 i
= -15.247 950 54
b 9 i
= 17.443 089 3
b 72 =
-209.115 569
b 82
■ 340.219 899 2
b 82
■ -497.128 044 6
t>7 3 =
1234.362 73
b 8 3
= -2693.407 538
b 83
= 5047.848 789
b 74 ■
-3420.213 41
■ 10310.700 73
b 9 4
■ -25532.832 97
i>75 =
4848.152 74
= -21343.150 52
b 96
= 71811.092 73
b 7 e =
-3407.173 85
b 8 e
■ 24455.693 30
b 8 e
= -118488.303
b 77 =
941.608 418
b 8 7
- -14598.551 6
b 8 7
= 113954 311 8
b 8 e
■ 3543.733 23
b 98
b 99
■ -59139.235 48
■ 12799.811 38
Note that the coefficients b n j { listed here omit a common v^T factor.
Since this factor is common to every G^(u) expression, it may be ignored
in any synthesis problem, or the final space factor may be multiplied by
vK if correct scaling is desired.
Where the series expression for h k (u) defined by Eq. 92 for in
tegral k is
h. (u) = 2 k k! u" k J.(u)
oo . . m 2m
k . C ( ~ u u
"-° 2 2m m! (k + m)
then combining this series into Eq. 113 for G n (u), one obtains, upon
interchanging the order of summations,
G „<
u) - N * 1 ^
nn jf=\) k!
1! B
2! B
(1 + k)! (2 + k)!
+ . o .+
n! B.
(n + k)!
( 184)
Eq. 184 may also be written
G„(u) N nn L
(-1) A (k) ,„ 2k
nn ifrft u\ v 2~' '
k! '*' (185)
/here A^(k) represents the bracketed rational expression of Eq.184, or
A n (k) - Z J
m! B„
i= l
(m + k)!
These A n (k) may be evaluated by inserting appropriate values of B nm to
yield, for the first six expressions:
A ft
(k + 1)!
-2(1 ± 8k)
l!3°5(k + 2)!
a = 2*3 (3 - 8k t 32k^)
2!3-5-7-9(k + 3) !
A 4 -~ 2 3 (75 + 784k - 576k' + 512k°)
3!3°5-7 13(k + 4)!
e„3 _2
A = 2°3 5 (735 - 2992k + 14464k - 5120k + 2048k )
5 4! 3 -5 7» -17(k + 5)!
A = -2 3 5 (19845 ± 245976k - 269120k + 343040k - 71680k + 16384k )
5!3»5-7»--21(k + 6)!
No recursion relation has been obtained for successive /^(k).
Series expressions for G n (u) are then as follows, for the first
few terms:
d(u) = .433 013vn [1 - 5(u/2) 2 + .08333(u/2) 4 - . 006 9444(u/2) 6
+ .000 017 36111U/2) 8 - •••]. (188)
G 2 (u) =-.101 262v^k [1 - 3(u/2) 2 + .708 333(u/2) 4
- .069 444(u/2) e + .003 81944(u/2) 8
- 1.355 82 x i(T 5 (u/2) 10 + •••]. (189)
G 8 (u) = .050 177^ [1 - 2.25(u/2) 2 + .958 333(u/2) 4
- .123 611(u/2) e + .008 15145U/2) 8
- .000 393849(u/2) 10 + ■■•■•}. (190)
G 4 (u) =-.031 271v^ [1 - 2.12(u/2) 2 + .763 333U/2) 4
- .117 lll(u/2) 6 + .008 85020(u/2) 8
- .000 393849(u/2) 10 + 1.159 06 x 10" 5 (u/2) 12
- 7.602 87 x 1(T 7 (u/2) 14 + ■ • •] . (191)
G 5 (u) = .022 6247v^ [1 - 2.07142(u/2) 2 + .719 388(u/2) 4
- .120 629U/2) 6 + .007 81351(u/2) 8
- .000 370196(u/2) 10 + .000 116556(u/2) 12
- 2.60342 x 10~ 7 (u/2) 14 + ■ • •] . (192)
G e (u) - -.016 386^ [1 - 2„04762(u/2) 2 + .700 539U/2)*
- .096 199(u/2) e + .007 11513(u/2) 8
- .000 331771(u/2) 10 + 1.05629 * l(T 6 (u/2) 12
- 2.42166 x io- 7 (u/2) 14 + 4.16657 x UT 8 ^) 1
- 5.56362 x 10 _11 (u/2) 18 + •■•••]. (193)
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