LLANELLY PARISH CHURCH ARTHUR MEE U 1 D K.\J\ K I OF THE U N I VERS ITY Of ILLINOIS 94S.965 MA7i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/llanellyparishchOOmeea ^f((v Tffi'ffs, IjTjAN^ETjL\ PAETSH CHTiRCir. \V}i()i(Kjvuph(')' , WITH NOTES RELATING TO THE TOWN. r,v AKTIIUR MEE. THE OLD CHALICE. LLANELT.Y: PRINTED AT THE “SOUTH WALES PRESS” OPFICES, 1888. [co-BYnmuT:] To THE Ciittoit llillinnw, fj., Vicar of Llanelly, (JTfjis Boolt IS RESrECTFCLLY IXSClllBEl). INTRODUCTION. Tlic printed niateriul relating to Llanelly and its Chiircli is altogether meagre and nn worthy of the subject. Faulty though the present work may be, the Author has at least essayed to do what others with better opportunities and (possibly) a larger fund of matter, have left unattempted. Our little book has grown in the literal sense of the word. At the outset, the Author was merely desirous to acquaint the readers of the Honth Prens with the general contents of the Llanelly Parish Eegisters. With great kindness the Vicar, the Eev. Caxox Williams, placed in his path such facilities as rendered the actual transcript of a large portion of the records a not insurmountable task. The Author then determined to xiroduee, along with notes of the registers of baptisms and buiials, a comxdete list of the marriages from the eaiiiest times to the period when the Church ceased to be the solo medium for the xDerformance of the matrimonial rite, together with occasional extracts from the later marriage records. These data were duly published, and though the labour of transcription was considerable, the task was lightened by the assurance that work had been accomxdished not without its importance in the lU’esent, and which might in time be of the highest value. The idea next occurred to reproduce these registers in permanent form, along with some notice of the monuments. Such a book, however, would scarcely have been complete without reference to the Church and its history, and it was then determined to expand the latter by the acquisition of all possible material. In this agreeable undertaking the Author has been aided by a host, of friends. The available data were scattered— some at the Public Eecord Ollice, some at the Eegistry of the Diocese, some in the registers themselves, some in newspaper files, some in old topographies, some in the memories of silver-haired citizens. From these and other sources has the Author been enabled to collect a quantity of information relating to the Church, which is now for the first time laid before the general public. To Mr. Ernest G. Atkinson, of the Eecord Office, the best thanks of the Author are sincerely tendered for generously unearth- ing a mass of material from those vast and priceless mines, in which he is so skilful a delvcr. The Author has also to gratefully ac- Jrtiowlcdge the kiud euurtcsy of Mr. J. IL Eaukek, registrar of thy Jiocese of St. David’s, The Ten. Archdeacon James, Devs. Prei^en- DARY Williams, D. D. Jones, Anthony Britten (late curate of St. Elly’s.) ; Sir Arthur Cowell -Stepney, Bart., M.P. ; Messrs. Mansel Rees, Benjamin Jones, William Thomas, James Buckley, E. II. Lingen- Barker, AT. Y. Nevill, J. Gt. Thomas (Goodig), C. R, Robinson (Brettanby Manor, Darlington), Richard Glascodine, C. li. Glascodine (barrister at law), J. Rowland (“ Giraldus ”), AIeyler Daniel, W. H. Ludford, J. Griffiths (Burry Port) ; Mrs. Helen AVatney and others who, in various, ways, have helped in the work. The history whilst in proof has had the benefit of careful perusal by Canon Williams and Mr. James Harris (late Editor of the Red Dragon), to which latter gentleman the Author is deeply indebted for most thorough and pains- taking revision of the work. Such revision, however, was purely literary, and had no bearing on the views and opinions expressed, for wdiich the author alone is responsible. The registers, be it noted, are so arranged as to permit of the insertion of ALS addi- tions. Tlie illustrations, from pen -sketches by the author, though rough, will, it is hoped, prove useful ; the plan is a tracing from the ordnance map ; the photographs (by an adept in his art) speak for themselves. Our work is accomplished. ATe have sketched as best we could the history of the Parish Church ; glanced at its off- slioots, ancient and modern ; reproduced the bulk of tlie monuments and registers ; touched somewhat on the progress of the town. It is matter for regret that whilst Churchmen lavish their affections on the fine new temples of the parish, they should look with compara- tive indifference on the grand old mother of them all. St. Elly’s, by its age and historical interest, has powerful claims on the affee- tion and reverence of every inhabitant of Llanell}". Alay this yet be the case, and if our little book should prove the means of sug- gesting research, or of stimulating interest, it will not have been written in vain. South Wales Press, Llanelly, May 14th, 1888, ARTHUR AIEE. Jlantllg Parish OUhnrrh. CHAPTEE I. THE CHIJECH BEEOEE THE :N'0EMAN CONQUEST. writing the history of Llanelly Parish Churchy frequent reference must of necessity be made ta the rise and progress of the town of which it i& the most venerable monument. The chronicles of both are closely interwoven : w^e shall try and elucidate the one by aid of the other, and shall outline the story of the town at the same time that we expand the record of the church. Within the last forty years, the ecclesiastical parish of Llanelly contained the five hamlets of Borough, Hengoed, Westfa, Glyn and Berwick, which constitute the parish as at present divided. It is parcelled now into four distinct ecclesiastical districts and is subject to further re- arrangement as the inhabitants increase. The area of the old parish was 16,000 acres ; but how* or wLen the boundaries were fixed w^e cannot ascertain. ‘‘In ancient times the division of the country into parishes (as we understand the term) did not exist in Wales in any strict sense until long after the Norman adventurers had established themselves, and had divided and subdivided their conquests. Indeed it may be doubted whether the boundaries of parishes were fixed with exactness throughout Wales — particularly in the hilly parts of the country — much before the reign of Henry WII.’’ f Each hamlet had its chapel-of-ease, to be described in another portion of this book. Llanelly Parish Church is situate in the borough at the foot of a slight acclivity. In olden times when it stood alone — no busy town with a forest of smoky stacks to interrupt the gaze — the grand old tower must have been a commanding * But why should it be doubted seeing* tha.t Wales never became heathen after its conversion to Christ (before 318) whereas England relapsed into heathenism after the coming of the Saxons and Danes. — ■ / Canon William,'!. t “ History of Llangynwyd” (T. C. Evans). yi. ■uTjject. Yiewed from tlie liills around, from tlie plain, the- estiiary or from distant Gower, the solitaiy pile rose from the midst of wood and meadow land, eloquent though silent, to tell its tale of days that are no more. ‘‘What a tower is this I” exclaimed Wirt Sikes, writing of Neath Church, in words which are suited to Llanelly — “ of course it was built with less regard to beauty than to its probable use as a military defence, a place of refuge for the people in case of an assault from some marauding band of sea- rovers. It is presumed that the door and windows have been cut in the old walls lately; usually these military church towers can only be entered through the church. Along the entire coast of Wales certain striking charac- teristics are observed in the churches. Here is a grouj) of Welsh churches ; look at their towers, each more ponderous than the next. It needs no argument to convince us they were meant for strong-holds as well as campaniles. They could almost defy the waves of ocean, like the cliffs. . . The rough weather they are often doomed to encounter in tlieir generally exposed situations is provided against by an entire absence of external ornamentation, and a rugged solid simplicity of construction. Many of them have been restored in the present century — some rather too much re- stored ; but others err in this regard by omission rather than commission. The feelings of the antiquary are offended by the introduction of incongruous pointed or staring square-headed windows and such like base inser- tions ; but even this is more enduiable than the neglect which has been allowed to fall on many of these old sea-coast temples.” Eighteen hundred years ago Llanelly was a Homan out-post, f The legionaries, penetrating ever westward, arrived at length at Loughor. There they founded a set- tlement I, and spanning the river with a bridge of wood, pushed on to Llanelly. This was their terminus in South Carmarthenshire. Elsewhere in the county they left traces^ * “ Tbe Wild Welsh Coast ” in Harper, February, 1883. t Lewis in his Topographical Dictionary ” remarks that Llanelly w'as probably an ancient British town of some importance, and the remains of British fortifications may be distinctly traced in the imme- diate neighbourhood.” Does he refer to the curious mound between the Park and the Mynydd Mawr line ? X See Benjamin Jones’s paper read before the British Association at Swansea; also Davies’s “ West Gower.” Vll. of their presence in the shape of roads and other works, and the still more enduring inoniiinents of etymology. But at Llanelly a square green camp alone remained until the present decade to tell of the place as known to the Bomans. f The foundation of Llanelly Church must have been laid at a very earl}^ period. It has been suggested that churches bearing the prefix Llan ” are tlie most ancient of these in- stitutions in Wales J and mark the spot where the Britons, forsaking Druidism for the religion of the Cross, transformed the temples of the older faith into sanctuaries of the Cruci- tied. II Whether this be the case or no, we have little hesita- tion in according the Church at Llanelly an age of at any rate a thousand years. This period, in the eyes of those accus- tomed to think and speak of the place as a mere upgrowth of to-day, may seem a gross exaggeration ; but we shall be able to show tliat the estimate just given is at all events reasonable, and may even be, if anything, below the mark. Before proceeding to investigate the meaning of the word Llanelly, it may be curious to note some of the many variations thereof. Tlie name has been very differently spelt, and in some of the forms the Saxon struggle with the Cymric ‘‘ LL’ is amusingly obvious. Besides Llanelly, and its Welsh equivalent Llanelli, we have such versions as Llanelly e, Lannelli, Llannelley, Llanelliw ,§ Llanelthi, Llanelthy, Llannelthie, Lanelthy, Llanethli, Llanetly, Llan- nethe, Llanneth}’, and many other disguises. The name is generally accepted as a compound of Llaii — ehiireh, and Elli a saint who figures in the martyrology of ancient Britain. In the same way, Ffynoii Eli — a sirring near Iville famed among old inhabitants for its admirable water, is conjectured by some to be no other than Elli’s Well. ‘‘ According to Jones’s Lewis’ ‘‘Topographical Dictionary.” In the angle between Murray and Arthur streets : all trace has since been removed by building operations. X Roberts’ Druidical Remains,” p. 32. Llan anciently meant an enclosure for any purpose. The well- known x^ractice of the early Christian missionaries in transforming heathen temples, festivals, sacred wells, &c., to the purposes of the new religion may helyj us to see how the meaning of the word Llan became restricted. -Edmunds’ ” Names and Places.” § This spelling occurs in the map affixed to Llwyd’s “ History of Cambria,” 1788. • Deheufardd’s “ Essay on Llanelly.” Compare also Waunelly. Vlll. ^ Brecknockshire,’ Ellyw or Elyw, whose name is not mentioned in any of the lists, was a grand-daughter of Brychan. With her may have originated the establishment of Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, subject to which are Llangennech and the extinct chapels of Dewi (8t. David), Jfan (St. John), and Berwick or Dyddgen Chapel. The Church of Llanelieu, Brecknockshire, is called after her ; and she is also the patron of Llanelly, subject to Llangattock Crickhowel in the same county, where her wake is held on the Sunday next before the first of August O.S., and renders it probable that her name is only an abbreviation of Elined, upon whose festival the Avake depends ” If Elli is, as Bees suggests, an abbreAuation of Elined, she is identical Aviththe Almedha of Giraldus Cambrensis, f of whom the church historian Cressy remarks — This de\wit Aurgin, rejecting the proposal of an earthly prince, Avho sought her in marriage, and espousing herself to the Eternal King*, consummated her life by a triumphant martyrdom.’^ She suffered on a liill near Brecon. Elli is believed to have been a contemporary of St. DaAud, to aaIioul is dedicated a chapel-of-ease in Llanelly parisli, and to whose mother is consecrated the neighbouring church of Llaniion. St. Elli flourished about the sixth century, and the church bearing her name Av^as founded, in all like- lihood, either during her lifetime or soon after her martyr- dom. X It may be objected that much of the above is legendary ; but it is to be noted that, in the case of St. David at all eA'ents, such high authorities as the present Bishop of the Diocese and Prof. Freeman accept as accurate the leading factors in the story of his life. || We cannot bid farewell to these far-off days, wrapped as they are in legend, without a reference to the religious house Avhich is said to haA’e flourished once upon Machynis. § This little promontory, now echoing to the roar of tinworks and lit in the hours of darkness by the glare of electricity, was as late as the close of last century an island. It is so represented in Camden (1586), in the Rees' “Welsh Saints.” t This conjecture is g*iven in an old volume of “ Notes and Queries.” Pryce in “Ancient British Church " alludes to “the old British practice of naming- churches after their living- founders.” 11 See their noble work on “ S^-. David's Cathedral.” § According- to Lewis’ “ Top. Diet.” there were other institutions of this kind in the district —ste under Glyn and Penallt. IX. Stepney estate book (1761) and in other maps. Tlie name is variously interpreted. One authority considei*s Mach to be the name of a person. Another gives it as a ridge, and would confer upon the name a distinction which the appearance of the place fairly warrants, at all events as viewed from the sea. Others read simply ‘ ‘ the little island,” and Drayton perhaps had an inkling of this when in his Polvolbion ” he sang her best beloved isle Bachannis.” Others again see in Machynis a corruption of Monach Ynj's — Monk’s island. They affirm that in the fifth century a splendid monastery was founded at Mach- ynis ; that the first abbot was St. Piero, who was followed by Samson, a pupil of St. Illtyd. The establishment fiourished until Henry YIII. broke up the religious houses throughout the kingdom, but even then monks from Neath Abbey continued to minister to and instruct the people. It must be confessed that some uncertainty attaches to the connection of this monastery with the Llanelly Machynis, and the story is claimed to have ‘‘ rather a doubtful founda- tion by its being distinctly stated in the life of St. Samson that the island in which St. Pierio built a monastery was not far from Llanilltyd Fawr or Lantwit Major in Glamor- ganshire.” f Turn we now to a narrative which with greater proba- bility refers to Machynis, Carmarthenshire, and which besides its own inherent interest, opens up the curious ques- tion of the bounds of the sees of St. David’s and Llandaff : — ‘‘After the death of Gwynen, Gwrgan held the region of his" father, and lived with his step-mother incestiionslv, for whi(*h he was excommunicated by Bishop Berthgwyn, and a full synod assembled together from the mouth of the Taratyr to the month of the Towy. And excommunication having been pronounced, and the Crosses with the holy relics and inverted bells being deposited on the ground, he sought pardon and absolution by means of his intercessor, King Itliael, on dismissing his step-mother with mahing due satisfaction. And 2)ardon being granted to him on amendment “ Next. Loghor leads the way, who with a lustie crue (Her wdld and wandriiig steps that ceaseleslie pursue) Still forw'ard is inforc’t : as. Anioiid thrusts her on, And Morlas (as a mayd shee much relies upon) Intreats her present speed ; assuring her withall, Her best-beloved He. Bacha unis, for her fall, Stands specially prepar’d, of every thing suppli’d. When Gueudra with such grace deliberatly doth glide As Tovi/ doth entice ; who setteth out prepar’d , At all points like a Prince, attended with a guard.’* t Editor’s Note in “Liber Landavensis.” X. -of life, with fasting, prayer and almsgiving, he gave the hind of ^lachynis, being six inodii in quantity [about 54: acres] to God and Peter the Apostle, and to St. Dnbriciiis, St. Teilo and St. Oudoceus and Bishop Berthgwyn and all his successors in the Church of Llandalf for ever, with all its libert}' and commonage in field and in waters, in ^vood and in pastures, and upon the altar of St. Peter the Apostle, and of St. Dubricius, St. Teilo and St. Oudoceus, he swore that he would never withdraw this alms ; and excommunica- tion was pronounced on whomsoever of his family, or of any other stock, who should separate it from the Church of Llandalf. And he took for his proper wife the daughter of Ellfin. Of the clergy the witnesses are Bishop Berthgwyn, Cynfwr, Cynfarwy, Tyrchan ; of the laity King Ithael, Gwrgan, Gafran, Elfiin, Elfarwy. AVhOsoever will keep it, may God keep him, but whosoever will separate it from the Church of Llandaff, may he be accursed. Amen.” * Llanelly — with, the rest of Carmarthenshire, now in the diocese of St. David’s — was once a part and parcel of Llandah ; hut the narrative of the transfer is rather long and does not hear very closely upon our church ; we therefore leave it and pass on, referring the reader to such authori- ties as deal fully and minutely with the whole question. CHAPTEE II. THE CONQUEST TO THE HEFOllMATION. first actual reference to the church at Llanelly ‘Curs in the “Liber Landavensis,” and carries 5 back to the Norman Conquest. The extract as follows : — “ When King William conquered England, Bishop Herwald held the Bishoprick of the Church of Llandaff from the mouth of the Wje to the river Towy, with all episcopal dignity and subjection. In which time Cadwgan, son of King Meurig, reigned in Glamorgan as far as the ford of the Trunk on Towy, and King Caradoc reigned in Ystradyw, Gwent L^chcoed, and Gwynllwg, and Phydderch in Ewyas and Gwent Iscoed. Which before named kings were sub- ject to King AVilliam, and died in his time ; Avhose aforesaid terri- tories, witli the district of Ergyng, Bishop Herwald lield in einscopal subjection. And in Avhose time Sandde, a jiriest, officiated * “ Lil ej landavensis.” xi. iu the Church of Lanharcliieu,* and after him hi.s son Daniel. In Lanneadaiie, Sulmyd, a priest, officiated, and after him Elnd. In Pembre, Cadfor, son of Mor, and after him Gwrhai, son of Silli, a doctor of Llanilltyd, and after him Sedd. In Lannelli, Umel was jmiest, afterwards Uchdiyd, afterwards lonas, afterwards Gwas- dwyn, afteiuvards Aeddmi. In Lanncinith, Bywgi, son of Edwyn, afterAvards Cyfelyn, afterwards lago Goch, afterAA^ards Albrit ; in which church Bishop Herwald ordained Caradoc, a holy and reli- gious man, to be a monk. In Lanngeuelach, Agger, a priest, and after him Clydno. In Lann Ethrim, GAAydir, a priest. In Lann- diuailuc, Afassei. AVhich aforesaid churches Bishop Heiwald con- secrated, and he also ordained the aforesaid Clergy. And in the district of Guhir, and Cetgueli, and Cantref Bichan, King Cadwgan reigned many years until his death. Wherefore ho received hostages of Cudifor Torrawg, Asser son of Phydderch, Garwy, 8elyf son of HyAvel, CollAvyn son of Llywarch the son of Athrem, HyAvel son of Trystan, Gulbrit son of ]Marchan, Mor son of Ceredig. In YstradyAv, Herwald consecrated the church of St. ^Bchael, and the church of Lann Cetguinn, and Lann Petyr, and Merthyr Issui, and committed the care of those churches to Madweith, and to Isaac after him, and to Beatus the priest, whom he (the Bishoi^) had or- dained priests ; and which he held in all episcopal subjection in the time of King William, and Earl William, and Walter de Lacy.” It is impossible to form an idea of Avliat tliis ancient clinrcli at Llanelly was like ; what manner of men were its clergy', Umel, Uchdryd, lonas, Gwasdwym, and Aeddan ; or who and what were the people to whom they' ministered. The beams which illumine those troublous times are faint and uncertain, and we must pass on with the reflection that the position and j)rogress of the Church at Llanelly' were in all probability^ much the same as those of other churches within the sees of St David’s and Llandaff. From the time of the Conquest till the sixteenth century the references to LlanelU Church are sparse, and AA'hat they^ tell us has more to do with the value of the benefice than with the sx)iritual condition of the people, f Among the Inquisition es Post Mortem of the llthy'ear of Edward the First [1282-3], is one (No. 35) concerning the possessions of Patrick de Cadurciis. These were very extensive. The said Patrick owned, among the advowsons ^ The reader will readily recognise in these old spellings — Llanarth- ney, Llangadock, Pembrej^ Llangenydd (Gower), &c. t All the extracts Avhich follow, relating to documents in the Public Kecord Office, have been supplied by Mr. Ernest G. Atkinson, of aaKoso courtesy and invaluable aid the writer has made acknowledg- ment elsewhere. Without the assistance thus so generously afforded,, our account of the Church from the eleventh to the sixteenth century would be a complete blank. He has also amplified its later history. Xll. / of several other clmrclies, those of ‘‘Lannethy/’ “ Lande- vayloc ” and “ Penbray.” The value of the first of theso churches is put down at 80 marks per annum ; of the second at 100 marks ; and of the third at 40 marks. The advowsons of these three passed to the King. Our next reference to Llanelly bears date circa 1291, and is found in the “ Taxatio Ecclesiastiea Anglim et Wallim Auctpritate P. Nicholai IV.’’ Under St. David’s Diocese and the Deanery (Decanatus) of Kedwely, the “ Ecclesia de Llanetly” is valued at £10. Penbrey is £6 13s. 4d. ; Kedwely £13 6s. 8d. Of course the modern equivalent of these sums would be a much larger figure. It is to be noted that Llanelly is situate today within the rural deanery of Kidwelly, and that its Vicar, Pev. Canon Williams, is the Pural Dean. It is asserted, on how accurate authority we know not, that Llanelly as a borough dates from the reign of Edward II. If a charter were conferred upon the place (the town Avas formerly governed by a portreeve and burgesses), it Avas probably the gift of the lord of the manor, and not of the King. The whole matter merits more thorough in- vestigation than it has hitherto receh^ ed. f ^ In the Cambrian, May 27, 1831, we read: — “ At the Earl of Caw- dor’s Courts leet and Baron for the borough of Llanelly, as of the honour, barony, lordship or manor of Kidwelly, in the county of Car- marthen, hoiden on Friday last before the Earl’s agent, William Chambers, Esq., of Llanelly House, was admitted a freeman of that ancient and flourishing place, and after having taken the oath of quali- fication and allegiance as burgess that gentleman was appointed portreeve for the borough and its extensive precincts during the ensuing year.” t The “Penny Encyclopedia” says “Llanelly is mentioned as a borough town in the reign of Edward II.” “ Silurian ” (in the WeeMy Mail), who has kindly made search for me relative to the supposed charter, writes : — “ As far as my acquaintance with this matter stands I believe there is no town in Wales that has a charter making it a free town earlier than ii. Henry III. In that year the town of Montgomery had a charter granting certain privileges. In the fourteenth year of the same king the town of Cardigan had a charter of a similar nature. In the sixth year of Edward I., Rhuddlan, Builth, and “ Lampadar ” — I have examined the original charter on the Boll, which induces me to think that probably Aberystwith, and not Lampeter, is meant by this word “ Lampadar ”— had similar grants. The general rule in those early days was to grant charters for fairs, markets, courts leet, and courts for inquiry into crime, debts, &c., to the lord of the adjacent territory. He usually, or occasionally, granted some municipal privileges to the towns in his territory. These mesne charters have, in many instances (I mention two within my own knowledge — Welsh- pool aiid Llanfyllin, in the county of Montgomery), been confirmed by subsequent Eu’glish kings. There is an index of all confirmations of •K ..iV . ff; / V : 'i K ,1(0 , ' < , 'V / (Si# / . • f • • ‘ • •- '•%•• ^ ?v- '.•■ '‘i;’'' . . ^ fitUtt »A.'‘ ,' '■ 'i’v' ^ ^ i!\ jik <4. ^ I,-. , 'm •■ u:' ;-F. f '‘ ‘V’’: ' ■ -! • .^: V ’ ' .' BAVTB’R CHArKT,-OF-KASE. TJAVyNHENFT. Xlll. From early times Llanelly formed part of the extensive domains of the Duchy of Lancaster. In the Public Pecord Office are the Ministers’ Accounts of the Duchy (Kidwelly lordship), extending from Kichard II. to Charles II., in all about 400 years. Llanelthe ” appears in these ancient accounts, and Mr Atkinson informs us that they are of much interest as regards the borough, giving details as to the rents of land, pi’olits of mdls, perquisites of courts and other matters of great interest to a compiler of a history of the place. The references to Llanelly Church contained in the accounts are scanty ; but we know that its tithes were ap- propriated by John of Gaunt (“time-honored Lancaster ”) to the Collegiate Church of St. Mary’s, Leicester. Mr. Atkinson remarks : — “In the Ministers’ xiccounts for the Ducliy, I note, amongst a very large number of others, one by William Gillott, clerk, Provost and Peceiver-General for all the possessions of the College of New Work, Leicester. From it we learn that there was due for arrears from the executors of the will of Henry Morgan, deceased, late farmer of the rectories of ‘ Llanneth,’ ‘ Llanoidvallok,' and ‘ Llankyndern, ’ in Wales, the sum of £14 11s. 6d. It is stated that £4 Is. lOd. had been allowed Morgan for repairs done by him. I daresay, adds Mr Atkinson, that a regular list of the farmers of the rectory of LLnelly could be obtained from the long series of Ministers* Accounts. The vicarage or rectory was comparatively a valuable one.” Among the Inquisitiones post Mortem of the 3oth year of Edward the Third is one (No. 122) on the possessions of Henry, Duke of Lancaster. These include the advowson of the Church of “ Lanelthy,” which is valued at £100 per annum. In the “ Yalor Ecclesiasticus ” of Henry YIII. (looo) under the Deanery of Kydwally, the clear yearly value of Llanelly Church is put down at £6 6s. 8d., less 12s. 8d. for tenths. The then vicar was Lewis David, and the church. mesne, or chief charters, at the Record Office. Llanelly does not ap- pear among them. It will be observed from the above that Llanelljr might have had from the lord of the district a charter which the peo- ple in after centuries did not value, and consequently took no steps to^ g-et confirmed. A town was better off without a charter than with one^ granted to the lord, for the latter meant tolls of markets, court fees, sentation of King AVilliam and Queen Mary, rationo Ducatus Lancastriu).” J Prosser died in 1696 according to the parish register, and Av^as buried in the churchyard. Maria, his wife, died 1697. ^^Gualterus Prosser” (died 1693) was also probably a relative. It is not improbable that the church was restored in 1683, as a pillar bearing this date was standing before the last alteration — forty-three years ago. || It is curious to note that the oldest monuments and registers carry us back no earlier than the year in question. The tower and chancel (the most ancient existing portions of the edifice) belong to the middle ages : the Piscina (according to the ^ Mr. Dillwyn, in his “ History of Swansea,” says: “Nor have E met with an account of any battle nearer than Llanelly, where the Oliverian Colonel Fleming- defeated Colonel Powell, when he was ad- vancing from Pembroke to support General Laugharne, shortly before his overthrow at St. Fagan’s.” Mainwaring, in his pamphlet, “ Glimpses of Welsh Politics,” gives some curious particulars con- necting Llanelly and neigh!) uirhood with the Civil War. t St. David’s Diocesan Kecords. X llecord Office. ll Deheufardd’s Essay. XXll. late Mr. Goring Tliomas) is good Perpendicular — lotk century. In 1G97 (August 27) Lewis Nicholas wavS instituted to the vicarage of Llanelly, on the presentation of the Duke and Duchess of Somerset. There is no record of his burial in the register. Possibly he removed elsewhere, but it must be recollected that the earlier entries are in- complete, and those from 1723 to 1735 are missing. Four entries (1703-8), relating to Jocda, wife, and Johannes, Gulielmus and Eclwardus, sons of L. Nicholas, are presum- ably the household of the Vicar. Feb. 7, 1710, Benjamin Lloyd was instituted vicar of Llanelly and Llangeiieth, on the presentation of Duke (Charles) and Duchess (Elizabeth) of Somerset, f Lloyd’s name is absent from the register. His wife survived him some years, for whilst the vicar died in or about 1734, in 1748 the Burial register contains this entry: — ‘‘Anne Lloyd, Mr. Benjamin Lloyd Vic’s widow,” aged GO years. Mar. 28, 1734, Pichard Davies was instituted to Llanelly and Llangeiinech, on the presentation of Charles, Duke of Somerset ; f but all we know of him is that he died in 1741, and was buried in the churchyard. Davies was succeeded by the Pev. James Pinaud, insti- tuted July 28, 1741, on the presenfcation of “the most noble Prince Charles Duke of Somerset.” f Mr. Pinaud, though nothing is known of his personal history, has strong claims to the chronicler’s regard. Up to the time of his the foundry was transferred to Mr. Ilichard Nevill, junr., who still retains it : so that the Wern foundry may fairly claim to be, by many years, the oldest “ going ” works in the town of Llanelly. The names of other pioneers might be mentioned, but such matters are more suited for a full account of the commercial development of Llanelly, and we therefore pass rapidly on. Ail this industry and enterprise must have had a most invigorating effect upon the village of Llanelly. Indeed the place was already beginning to shape itself into roads and streets, and a glance at a contemporary map shows clearly, though quaintly, the nucleus of the present town. In the Stepney Estate-book for 1761 a plan, carefully drawn, appears, and though its value is somewhat lessened by the fact that other house property is not necessarily in- dicated, yet there is quite sufficient to convey an idea of Llanelly as it stoud one hundred and thirty years ago. To describe the place, with this old map for guide, may 2 )rove a not unprofitable task. A rough elevation of the Parish Church shows the presence of one very curious feature. To the rear of the tower, half way along the roof, rises a smaller turret, giving the whole a most singular appearance. The churchyard, then as now, was bounded by a wall, on the south and north west ; but Ifridge Street vras narrower even than at present — in fact little more than a pathway. To the north and east of the Church were houses, whilst a broken line of cotiages marked the present Oxen and Thomas street. LTnion Square, accord- ing to the map, was much as now, and so was Cilheol. * See Harrison’s work already referred to. t Francis’ “ Swansea Cliarteis.” XXVll. The main thoroughfare was Church Street — one long con- tiiiiious row of houses, for then there was no Hall Street as at present to divide it into Upper and Lower. To return to our starting point : Llanelly House formed the west ex- tremity of Bridge Street, and the rest appears to have been one long building from the ‘ Old Bank ’ to Falcon Bridge. At Elm Grrove were a few cottages, and Water Street, with its familiar curve, stood much as today. The site of the ‘ Beehive ’ was occupied by what was evidently a superior liouse, for it is depicted as quite the equal of Vauxhail. Curiously enough it stood back from the street exactly as the ‘Beehive ’ does now. From Water Street, east and south, was pasture-land, dotted with perhaps a cottage here and there. A house, somewhat larger than its fellows, stood on the site of the present Athenanim, and from the ‘ Salutation ’ to Xing Square were cottages, forming the opposite side of the present Lower Church Street, and of course including the “ Vicaridge House.” In the neighbourhood of King Square and Spring Gardens were a number of houses, the site of Bradbury Hall and the York Hotel being occupied by cottages, which were also to be foiiii(i within the limits of the present Park. Such was- the town or village 6i Llanelly according to this old estate-map of 1761. Yery much of what is now occu- pied by houses was the “ Green (or great) garden,” comiiig down to the Lliedi bank. Near Mincing lane were the Hothouse Gardens. Where Market Street now stands were the Pickyard and Orchard, whilst from our Yaughan Street to Bradbury Flail ran the New Garden. These and the neighbouring grounds were the original of the Old Park, once the pride of Llanelly, and when this delightful spot was rooted up and swept away to make room for streets, und shopping, and market sheds, the townsfolk might well have lifted up their voice and cried — “Ichabod ! the glory is departed.” AVhere now stands Lloyd Street was in 1761 Bradbury^s Field. The old Poman encampment appeared as it did within the last dozen or fifteen ^nars ; it is called in the plan Old Castle, and the field in which it stood is described as Little Castle.'*' From Bradbury Hall a footpath ran in the direc- The name Old Castle would appear to indicate that a stronghold of some sort once existed at Llanelly. Years ago extensive rnins were to be seen near the present Old Castle ijit, and it is said that from the sam- XXVlll. tion of tlie present Park Cliapei. Thence almost to AIjj stretched Jires Fawr. The Wern is represented on the map by two or three houses designated Park y W ern cot- tages and gardens. The present Marble Hall Poad was a footpath, but there is no clue to the origin of that extra- ordinary name. The Mill near Llanerch existed, of course, in 1761, and between it and the AVern, and eastward, lay various fields called Park Llwm y Fedwen, Ca Twmbach, Gwainlle yr AVhiad, Cadu (stated in the plan to be occupied by a Mr. Kitson), A¥ain Cradock, the Cows’ Field, Kilwrfa Field, and Kilwrfa Gardens. AA^e conclude our survey of this old and deeply interesting map by noting that Llanelly, in Sir Thomas Stepney’s time, possessed bridges on the site of the present Falcon and Pont y Felin Dan. AVe referred just now to the visits cf John AVesley to the town, but before descGbing them we shall take occasion to state that during the Eighteenth Century the four great Nonconforming sects obtained a more or less firm footing- in the neighbourhood. AATth the rise and subsequent pro- gress of Dissenting Christianity we do not concern ourselves, but a most interesting work might be devoted to the subj ect. John AVesley’s visits to Llanelly are all recorded in his fascinating Journal^ and containing as they do some curious information relating to the church and town, they demand ]nore than a passing reference. On his first journey through South AVest AVales the good man does not appear to have stayed at LlanelK, though he was in the neighbour- hood, for he mentions Kidwelly and bewails those wild interminable sauds “ with many streams of quicksands in- termixed,” wLere he was in considerable peril in crossing over to ‘‘ Oxwych.” On the 8th of August, 1768, says the devoted diarist, ‘‘I rode to Llanelly and preached to a, small ecirnest company on ‘ Ye are saved through faith.’ ” 1771, Aug. 26, ‘‘1 rode to Llanelly and at six read prayers, and preached in another large church, almost as ruinous as tliat at Pembroke. The congregation was numerous ; yet mit of the walls Lough or Castle could be plainly seen : so the remains must have been considerable. The Bigyn was presumably used for -signalling purposes — hence the name, a corruption of Beacon. Its adaptability for such a purpose was admirably displayed on the night of the celebration of Queen Victoria’s Jubilee. Llanelly was not unknow-n to other evangelists. Vicar Pritchard, we understand, preached here many times ; so did Christmas Evans and other worthies, nor should it be forgotten that Christmas made his lirst great impression at the neighbouring village of Eelinfoel. fhiimin -ts . XXIX. most of them seemed to understand what they heard, which is somewhat strange as little English was spoken locally ; but doubtless the preacher’s earnestness and lir^ earried with them their own interpretation.'*' The following year, Aug. 24 (nearly all his visits were in August), Wes- ley again visited this place, but his diary simply recalls the fact, though so zealous was he that w^e may be sure the op- portunity was not let slip of saying a word in season. In 1772 Sir Thomas Stepney died, and in 1774, Aug. 18^ appears this note in Wesley’s journal: — “I went on to Llanelly. But what a change was there! Sir Thomas Stepney, the father of the poor, was dead ! Cut down in the strength of his years I” Words like these fiom a man of the keen discrimination of Wesley are indeed a tribute. They show that then, as now, goodness of heart vras the ruling characteristic of the house of Stepney. But let us hear Wesley to the end. “ So the family was broke up, and Wilfred Colley, his butler, the father of the Society, obliged to remove. Soon after John Deer, who was next in usefulness to him, was taken into Abraham’s bosom ; but just then Col. St. Leger, in the neighbourhood, sent to 'Gatway, for Lieutenant Cook to come and put his house into repair and manage his estate. So another is brought just in time to supply the place of Wilfred Colley ! I’ preached at five near Sister Deer’s door f to a good compan^^ of plain country-people ; and then rode over to the old ruinous house, which Mr. Cook is making all haste to re- pair. It is not unlike old Mr. Gwynne’s house at Garth, having a few large handsome rooms. It is also situated much like that only not quite so low ; for it has the com- mand of a well cultivated vale, and of the fruitful side of the opposite mountain.” In 1777 and 1779 John Wesley again paid visits to Llanelly. In the latter year, Aug. 24, at eleven, though the sun was intensely hot, I stood at the end of the churchyard in Llanelly, and took occasion from a passing bell strongly to enforce those words, ‘ It is ^ Tradition says, such was Wesley’s oratorical power that notwith- standing* the people’s ignorance of English, their feelings were ren- dered almost uncontrollable, and they were unable to retain their seats ! Students familiar with the times will recognise in Wesley’s being* permitted to preach in the church a strong proof that the Eev. Tlieophilus Davies was a broad and liberal-minded man. t This was near the office of Messrs. Johnson and Stead in Church Street. Here was afterwards situated the post office, kept 50 years ago by the grandfather of our townsman, Mr, J. B, Morgan. XXX. jiX)poiiitod unto men once to die.’ ” In 1788, Aug. 26, tlie illustrious divine again honored Llanelly with his presence, and he preached as he quaintly says “to all the gentry iu the town.” This was his last appearance in the jjlace. It is not many years since an old Llanellyite passed away on whose shoulder, as a boy, John Wesley leaned when ex- horting the people. A letter of AVesley’s and the guinea, which he gave to the little cause — for he not only preached but practised ! — are still treasured by the Buckley family. About the year 1786, one Alatthews made a “ Tour of Observation and Sentiment through S. Wales.” Amongst other places he visited our town, and speaks in glowing terms of the “comfortable little inn at Llanelthy.” He also mentions “roads and streets,” and describes the vill- agers as “simple” people. The inn, he informs us, was “ the abode of two most respectable persons, of their order, in the middle station of life.” AVith the hostess he had some chat of a religious nature, and “the conversation with my landlady being brought to a conclusion, I left her in the midst of her line family of children, studying the scrip- tures in a large handsome octavo Bible, and occasionally referring to Bishop Burkett’s folio exposition, which lay by her on the table.” A funeral which Matthews observed ill the churchyard impressed him so much that lie wrote a long poem on “The Grraves of Llanelthy,” Avliich may bo road in his curious little book. AVe are conscious of considerable deviation from our theme, but the Llanelljute who cares to read of the place as it was in by-gone days, will forgive us. Eeturning to the parish church we note from AVesley’s com- ments that it wms in a dilapidated state. In 1763 the fol- lowing details wmre given in reference to the church and its chapels-of-ease : — “ Llanelly V. alias Llan-Elli, St. Elliew. Eri. Kidwelly Bropr. Duke of Somerset Impr. and Patr. Clear yearly value £27 6s. 8d. ; Yearly Tenths 12 s. 8d. Kot in charge: If an St. Jolin, Chap, to Llanelly; in Enins. Llangennech, St. Gw^mnoc, cap. to Llanelly, £6 13s. 4d. certified value. Dewi chap, (ruined) — Burwicli or Dyddvven chap, (ruined) : cap. to Llanelly.” During the lifetime of Eev. Theophilus Davies, the names of the following curates occur : — Joseph Mathews, Jolin AVilliams, Tliomas Alorris, AVilliam Uewelyn, and Daniel Evans : re- ference is also made in the registers to the “Eev. Mr. Evan Davies,” married in the year 1783. CHAPTEE YI. JEREMIAH DAVIES, VICAR. CHURCH AXD TOWN, 1787-1821. m^^IIEOPHILIJS DAYIES died May 31, 1787,^ and Pees Jones entered on the curacy the fol- lowing October. Pev. Jeremiah Davies was in- stituted Nov. 19 of the same year, and though the register says that ho ‘‘ commenced vicar ” 1st June, 1787, it adds, Jeremiah Davies, Yicar of Llanelly, “came to live there, ” Oct. 13, 1789. In this good mean’s time Llanelly made still greater strides, and we come to the days of the Pabys, Nevills, Pembertons — men of enterprise and strength, under whose commercial influence the place ad- vanced by leaps and bounds. There were indeed “giants in those da^ s.” Eirst and foremost pioneer comes one whose name de- serves to be held in lasting remembrance — Mr. Alexander Paby. Like the Y’aldens, of whom we spoke at an earlier stage, Mr. Paby was higldy connected ; but nature had made of him a man of business. Whether or no tliis was fortunate for him, it was indeed a blessing to Llanelly. His ancestors were, at one time, Barons Paby, of Paby Castle, in the North ; but the head of the family fell on the scaffold under the Stuarts, the estates were confiscated, and their owners reduced to comparative indigence. Mr Paby however appears to have retrieved, for Cobham Park in Surrey was his property; but in conjunction with his son he sold it, and brought to business in Wales no less a sum than £175,000. He was first of all in partnership with Sir Benjamin Harnett and Mr. Pichard Crawshay in works near Saundersfoot. The three dissolved partnership. Crawshay went to Glamorganshire and prospered ; Paby to Carmarthenshire where after a gallant struggle with tho times he lost the whole of his large investment. His operations at Llanelly may be summarised as follows in the graphic words of Mr. J. Beavan Phillips f : — “ He took ^ Mrs. Tlieopliilus Davies, who appears to have been connected with the Protheroes, of Llandebie, was buried in that parish church. Her epitaph, in the porch, shows that she survived her husband forty years : — ‘^Sacred to the memory of Maria Davies, widow of tlie Rev. Theophilus Davies, Vicar of Llanelly, in this county, who died at Blaenau, December 27th, 1827, asfed 89 years.” t Presidential address before Llanelly Chamber of Commerce, 1885. XXXll. io tlie blast Furnace at Cwmddycbe Farm. It bad been started by Messrs. Givers and Ingman in 1791, and they parted with it to Baby in 1796. The ruins of that furnaco may still be seen at the village wFich sprang up around it, and which is still called ‘ The Furnace.’ He was a man of capital and large experience, and of great knowledge in the iron trade. His enterprise and great energy brought him into note and he is very favorably spoken of in Smiles’ ^‘History of Iron and Iron-making.” He at once went thoroughly to work here. He erected another furnace, started a brick- works, put up six steam engines, and estab- lished a forge to roll his pig-iron at a place which is still known by the name. He laid tramroads, and built uj)- wards of a hundred cottages at Forge, Caerelms, Furnaco and Pentrepoth for his workpeople. They are still to be seen at these various places in a more or less dilapidated condition, and I merely mention them to show you that Mr Alexander Baby may fairly be looked upon as the pioneer of the industries of Llanelly. He energetically set to work to establish large manufactories here. He not only had blast furnaces and forge, but he sank coal-pits at Cae-bad, owerful tone as to be heard even from Pencoed and Pembrey, and its vibrations affected the liquor in a neigh- bouring public-house — a novel point in the annals of cam- panology ! X Having, finally, cracked, they were sent to the founders at Bridgwater to be remelted. The present peal ar© six in number. Three of them bear the following inscription : — E. Morris, Yicar ; W. Eees and T. Samuel, C.W. J. Kingston, Engineer, 1828.” And the rest the following : — ‘‘E. Morris, Yicar; E. J. Kevill and T. Samuel, C.^Yardens. J. Kingston, Founders. Bridgwater, 1828,” The old churchyard was larger than at present, and its It is related that when Mr. Morris was on a visit to Llanelly be- fore becoming Vicar, there was such a crowd to hear him preach that the old gallery either cracked or actually gave way ! f See special note in a subsequent portion of this book. X The old bells, it appears, were only two in number, and we are inclined to think that it was the one in the little tower which was noted for its loud tone ; and the very large one in the main tower whose vibrations produced such extraordinary effects, which prevented its being frequently rung. xli. propinquity to the Great House was once the cause of an extraordinary incident. The then occupant, displeased by the presence of the emblems of mortality beneath his very windows, proposed to turn the yard into a flower- garden and set apart another plot for future interments. The parishioners were highly incensed at the idea of such desecration, more especially as it was noised abroad that the originator intended to remove the remains in carts to their new resting place ! It was necessary for Parliament to approve the alteration, and the late Mr. Paby was de- putecl by the enraged parishioners to oppose. His opposi- tion was successful, the churchyard was saved to the parish, and the bells ‘‘rang backward ” for joy. The churchyard-gate was a quaint construction. Hear it stood the stocks, for the symbol of civil power was pre- sumably rendered more terrible by its nearness to the spiritual centre of the parish. Many persons now living recollect delinquents in the stocks, and we regret, for more reasons than one, the removal of the time-honored and elffectual appliance. It is said that a bull-baiting ring once stood close at hand. When the yard was encroached upon for the purpose of widening the streets, many remnants of mortality were exposed to view. One skull of exceptional size is mentioned to us as having been laid bare. The remains were re-interred elsevrhere, and the gravestones removed to other portions of the burying ground. There were in former times other entrances, now walled up. But we are forestalling our narrative by some ^mars, and we must leturn to the alteration and enlargement of the church. This was partially effected prior to 1830 and com- pleted in 1845, and though the persons concerned did their work with the best intentions, we cannot but regret that the restoration did not take place at a time when church architecture was held in higher estima- tion. The renovators of to-day would, on no account, have sacrificed the little tower ; but their predecessors were of a different opinion, and the cjuaint appendage ceased to exist, except in cyclopedias imperfectly revised. It is a melancholy gratification to learn that the contractor charged with the demolition of the turret found the task so * A statement that the stocks were still to be found amongst the- lumber in the old market-place unfortunately turned out to be founded on misapprehension. xlii. onerous tliat lie was not able to make any profit by that portion of the business. '* ** The buttresses w’ere added at this time, a portion of the stonework being dressed in the schoolroom adjoining the church, which was considerably reduced in size to make way for a window in the main edifice. The windows in the nave were enlarged, galleries erected, the old porch walled up, and the entrance arranged through the great west tower. The puljiit and font were also transferred to their present position. During the altera- tion of the church, the congregation worshijiped in a room off Thomas Street ; but marriages were performed in the building even when roofless, and townsfolk are still living who underwent the ceremony under these unwonted condi- tions. At length the restoration was accomplished, and the reopening is thus described, the same account appear- ing (curiously enough) in the three ‘ ‘ local ” organs of the time, the Welshman^ Cambrian and Carmarthen Journal : — ‘‘ The IIe-opexixo of Llaxelly Chuhch. — We Have great pleasure in announcing that this church, which has been closed for- the last seven months, during which time it has been thoroughly repaired and enlarged, was re-opened by the Lord Bishop of St. David’s, on Wednesday, the 22nd inst., on which occasion his Lordship x^i’cached twice, in the morning in English, and in the evening in Welsh. Prayers having been read at 11 o’clock by the Yicar, the Rev. E. Morris, his Lordship preached an orthodox, eloquent and spiritual diseourse from the words, ‘ M will glorify the house of my glory,” Isaiah, c. 60, v. 7, to a full and respectable congregation. At half jiast six, the Welsh service commenced, when his Lordship took his text from Eph. 4, 23, ‘‘ And be ye re- newed in the spirit of your mind.” The manner in which he treated the subj ect and the easy and fluent delivery of his sermon in Welsh astonished, and at the same time gratifled, all present. The ehurch was crowded to excess with attentive hearers, supj^osed to be nearly 2000 persons, as the aisles, chancel and three galleries, as well as the body of the church and its transepts were full. The- collections after both sermons amounted to nearly £60, being very ample, as most of the hearers had before subscribed. The whole cost and improvements of the building amounts to about £1,100, £300 of which had been provided by church rate, £180 from ‘ the Incorporated Society for the building and enlarging of churches,’ and the remainder is to be made up by subscription, the deficiency being £150. The repairs of the chancel devolve ux^on Rees Goring Thomas, Esq., the lay impropriator of the parish, and the outlay iiX)on the present occasion is supposed to be £100. The handsome pulpit hangings and cushions, being crimson Genoa velvet, with silk fringe, were presented by the lady of David Lewis, Esq., of * The little tower was taken down by the late Mr. David Griffiths^. l)uilder, a member of the old Coldbath family. xliii. Stradey, and the altar covering and pede cloth were purchased by collections made by ladies, members of the church. In the inter- val between the services, the bishop and clergy, with other distin- guished guests, were hospitably entertained at dinner by the lady •of W. Chambers, Esq., jun., after the manner and style of English customs of the olden times. W. Chambers, Esq., x)resided at the sumptuous board, in the ancient wainscoted hall, and distinguished himself much by his affability and suavity of manners. Praise is due to the churchwardens, more especially to Morgan Williams, Esq., whose exertions were indefatigable in carrying the improve- ments into effect and completing the work, and it is to be hoped that the parishioners will not suffer his zealous and laudable efforts to pass unacknowledged, but tliat they will testify by some tangible token tiieir lasting obligations to him, having been the chief inter- est in securing for them and their children a temple meet for the worship of God. The improvements were carried on under the -able superintendence of Edward Bagot, Esq., whose attention and skill are deservedly appreciated.” A notice board in the new entrance under the tower gives the following particulars : — “This Church Avas enlarged in the year 1845, by vdiich means 205 additional sittings are obtained, and in consequence of a grant from the Incorporated Society for promoting the enlargement, building and repairing of churches and chapels, the Avhole of that number are hereby declared to be free and unappropriated for ever, the provision of (diurch room previously to the alteration being to the extent of 445 sittings, 431 of which number are free. A plan showing the situation and number of the free seats is fixed up in the A^estry room. Ebeiiezer Morris, vicar ; Morgan Williams, William Morris, churchAvardens. Llanelly, January 16th, 1846. E. Bagot,. A.M., suiweyor.” A few more words as to the church before we pass to other subjects. Of the old communion cup we have already spoken. The other vessels are of modern date, und all of them of solid silver. A handsome chalice bears the following inscri^^tion : — “In Usum Ecclesise Llanelly. D.D. Laetitia Lewis de Stradey In Hoc Com : A.D. 1850.” Some words round the bottom cannot be deciphered. A flagon and paten ai^e thus inscribed : — ‘ ‘ Presented by the Communicants to Llanelly Church, A.D. 1850.” The remaining bread-plate has the following inscrip- tion “ Llanelly Church, John Hughes and William Williams, church- wardens.” In 1854 the organ was erected, the cost — nearly £300 — being covered by subscriptions. There had previously xliv. "been in use for some jeavs a serapliine, the gift of Mr. David Lewis, of Stradey. It is curious to note that early in the century it w^as the custom for the congregation to bow at the recital of “ Gloria Patri.’’ In 1837 were opened the National schools on the Wern. These buildings were subsequently abandoned on account (we believe) of the foundations giving way, and they are now a melancholy ruin. A stone, however, is still in place Avhich bears the following inscription : — “Llanelly Boys’ jS'ational School, completed An. Dorn. 1837. Lev. E. Morris, Vicar.” In 1850, the parish churchyard being too small for local requirements, an additional burying ground was pro- vided on the hill behind Old Poad, and was consecrated by the Bishop the 12th of December. Some years later the last church rate was levied — to pay off the balance of money borrowed of the late Mr. David Morris, M.P., for the acquirement of the land forming the cemetery and the im- provement of the ancient burying-ground. It was a heavy rate — about elevenpence in the pound, and the fact forms a curious and interesting reminiscence. It was in the pastorate of the Rev. Ebenezer Morris that the first of a series of steps was taken towards the extension of church work and influence in the neighbourhood. We refer to the formation of St. Paul’s as a separate ecclesiastical parish, which took place in December, 1846. The popula- tion of the new district was 4500 souls. The church was erected by voluntary subscriptions and a grant from the Church Building Society, and was consecrated December 13, 1850. The first vicar was the Rev. David Edward Williams, who was licensed to the district July 21^ 1847. Mr. Williams — a man of superior parts — removed ini 876 to Llangammarch, and was succeeded by the Rev. D. D. Jones, the present active and zealous incumbent. During the last 40 years St. Paul’s Church has been once restored, and two chapels-of-ease, a mission room and various schoolrooms have been erected in the parish. It is expected that the Docks will ere long be formed into a separate ecclesiastical district on account of the rapid increase in the population. During the pastorate of Mr. Morris the names of the following are mentioned as clerg}" and assistants : — J. Jones, T. Morgan, D. Evans, R. H. Janies, Isaac Row- lands, G. E. Rees, J. Griffiths, D. M. Rees, Henry Evans, xlv. A. J. M. Green, Evan Eowland, Morgan Jones and Joint Eees. During the last few years of his long life, the Vicar was Tery feeble, and used to be wheeled about in a little car- riage. He died at the old Vicarage, April 18, 1867, aged 77 years. At his funeral the Bevs. John Griffiths, Cwm- avon (late curate of the church) and A. J. M. Green (curate) officiated, the funeral sermon being preached by the Eev. J. Griffiths. CIIAPTEE VIII. CAXOX WILLIAMS, YICAH. E ^EPTEMBEE 17, 1867, on the presentation of the 3 late Mr. Eees Gorijig Thomas, the Eev. David § Williams (the present incumbent) was instituted S to the vicarage of LlanelljL Mr. Williams is the son of the late Mr. Evan Williams, of Troedyrharn, near Brecon, and was born at Troedyrharn. He was educated at St. David’s College ; ordained deacon 1848, and 2 )riest the following year by Dr. Thirlwall, Bishop of St. David’s. In 1854 he became rector of the neighbouring parish of Llanedy, and he has also filled the chair of Welsh Ihofessor at Lampeter College. For many years the Sunday School had assembled in the little room on the north side of the Church. Wiien this became overcrowded and uncomfortable, recourse was had to the British School in Market Street, where accommoda- tion at a low rent was obtained for a considerable period. In 1867 the National Schools at Pembrey Eoad — familiarly known as “ Pen tip,” through their being erected on the debris of the old Caemain Collier}^ — were opened by the> JBishop. The building is picturesque, but for general Church meetings is somewhat remote, and the fine new hall at Church Street will be hailed as a blessing by all whom it concerns. In 1874 was consecrated the handsome chapel-of-ease of All Saints’, on land at Goring Eoad, the gift of the late Mr. E. Goring Thomas. ‘‘It was erected entirely by voluntary contributions, through the efforts of the present xlvi. Ticar . . . assisted by the zealous laity of the parish.”" All Saints’ is now undergoing* enlargement ; but it will be some time before the design of the gifted architect (the late Mr. Street) is carried out in its entirety. In 1879 another separate ecclesiastical parish was formed, having for its centre the church of Holy Trinity^ Helinfoel, and including in its jurisdiction Graiglwyd, Hive Eoads, and parts of Furnace and Pontyberem. Muni- ficent donations towards Holy Trinity (erected 1858) were-- made by the Eev. J. Y. Nevill and Mr. C. W. Nevill, of A\Ystfa, the latter giving £1000, in accordance with the- wish of his father, Mr. E. J. Nevill, expressed just before liis decease. The j)rosent vicar is the Eev. J. AY. Eoberts. The churchyard is considered one of the most pictuvesque in Carmarthenshire. Contemporary with the last-named parish is that of Dafen, having for its centre the pretty church of St Michael and All Angels. This was consecrated in 1874, the j)i‘incipal contributors being Messrs. Phillips, Nunes and Co. A mission chapel has been built near the old ruin of St. David’s, and a vicarage also erected on ground the gift of that truly devoted churchman, Mr. J. T. 1). Llewellyn. The first vicar was the Eev. Anthony Britten, late cui\ate of St. Elly’s, and now A^icar of Penbryn, Car- diganshire. He has a worthy successor in the Eev. David Davies. AVe have reviewed very briefly the events of the last few years, and now proceed to make some quotations on the matter of Church property in the parish. AVe know that the tithes were appropriated by John of Gaunt to tha Collegiate Church of St. Alary’s, Leicester ; that the ATcarage was worth £6 6s. 8d. in the A^alor Ecclesiasticus of Henry AHII. : £27 6s. 8d. in the time of Queen Anne. The first grant to augment the benefice, which consisted of £200, was given by the Alarquis of Granby in 1753. This was met with an equal sum by the Governors of Queen Anne’s Bounty in 1754. In the same year, this sum of £400, with other benefactions, was laid out in the purchase of a farm called Croesfan, consisting of a farm-house and out-buildings, and 62 acres inclosed in the Parish of Llanon. In 1812, a grant of £800 was given by Queen Anne’s Bounty. In 1825, another sum of £200 was granted by the same body. These two mentioned sums were in- vested in Government Eunds ; and in 1842, this money was laid out by the late Eev. Ebenezer Alorris, vicar of the . xlvii. place, in tlie purchase of a farm called Blaennant, consisting* of o2 acres, 1 rood, 22 perches, situated in Llanelli Parish, with an allotment of 2 acres, 3 roods, 31 perches, on Syleii Mountain. (Among the items of stipend paid to the Yicar, returned to the Governors in 1812, there is one of £11 13s. 4d., paid from time immemorial by the tithe-owner, which, I pre.siime, were paid ever since the tithes were ^’iven to the Monastery at Leicester). The value of the benefice was up to the death of the late vicar, Ebenezer Morris, £140 a year, which was derived from the two farms, Blaennant and Croesfan ; cottages and field at Capel Issa ; and the £ 1 1 1 3s. 4d. paid by the Lay Impropriator.’’ The late Mr. Bees Goring Thomas “ inlierited from his ancestors tlie advowson or right of appointing the Vicars of Llanelly. It had come to them with the possession of -the tithes. At the time of the decease of the late Vicar,. Mr. Morris, the benefice was very ill endowed, which made it necessary for him to hold the Vicarages of Llannon and Llanddarrog together with it. But by that time, A.D. 1867, it was neither lawful nor desirable for the Vicar of Llanelly to liold any other benefice with it. And yet Llanelly alone was too small to afford a decent mainten- ance for any clergyman. And being in private patronage no assistance could be obtained from public sources, such as the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, for its augmentation. Mr. Tliomas therefore resolved to surrender the presenta- tion to the Bishop of the Diocese ; thus placing it in pahlio patronage, and making this poor benefice, whicii was tlien. only wortli £140 a year, eligible for augmentation by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to £300 a year. It Avas a^ most generous act on his part, as it Avas the most impor- tant of three benefices in his gift. Those who are conscious of the ability and desire to exercise church patronage for the good of the parish, value it as affording them the means of promoting the interests of the Church. For this reason Mr. Thomas valued the patronage of Llanelly Church. But for the sake of conferring a A^ery great material benefit on it, he performed an act of real self- denial in giving up the patronage to the Bishop of the Diocese. The present Vicar was appointed by him. The patronage is noAv vested in the Bishops of St. David’s for -ever. Mr. Tliomas conferred a similar benefit on Llangen- * Rev. A. Britten’s paper on Llanelly Church. xlviii. deyrn Cliurcli, which, was in his gift, but is now in that of the Bishop of the Diocese.” The curates, &c., of the parish church under Canon Williams have been as follow : — David Nicholl, John Williams, A. B. Edwards, E-owland Griffiths, William Griffiths, Anthony Britten, David Davies, and Samuel Davies, f Since the opening of All Saints, the parislt church is exclusively conlined to services in the vernacular. It were presumption on our part to enlarge upon the merits of the Dev. Canon Williams. He has been described as “the model of a j)arish j)riest,” and the description is just and accurate. Canon AVilliams in the twenty-one years he has laboured at Llanelly, has gained the esteem and respect of every citizen whose eyes are not blinded by bigotry and prejudice. Deeply devoted to the Churcli, minds at variance with his own encounter in the Canon a doughty, though at all times a fair and generous, antago- nist. In the pulpit, on the platform, in the press, he grounds his principles on strong and weighty argument. Yet it is not in Avords that The Vicar sets the brightest example, but in deeds. None than he more active, more zealous in good works ; none more tender to the poor ; none gentler, more loAmbl^ than he ; none bolder and more resolute, when epidemic swept the district, to face the terror of tlie time. Memories like these — the odour of a pure, unselfish, godly life — have gained for Canon AVilliams the affection and respect of Christians of all •creeds AvhereA'er he is known. Long may he be spared to adorn the sacred office Avhich he holds — To show ns how Fuitli’s battle should be fought, f During the pastorate of Canon Williams and his pren it was said to have been cut the following epitaph ; — - “ Cwffin Clement careg yw, ^lae liwii Til siwr o gadw’i livv ; Pan elo y byd yii wenlilam dan, Bj'dd liwn yn ^vyn tel eira 1111111 .” This may be rendered somewhat as follows : — Clement’s coffin made of stone AVill keep tlie colour all its own. On that Great Day when all things glow, ^ ’Twill be a coffin white as siiow.^^ ^ Tlie Cambrian^ March 28, 1824, has the following : On Monday' last at Bryn y Groes Fach, his place of residence, near Llanelly, aged 76. the Bev. Thomas Clement, minister of the Gospel. His de^th was preceded by a long lingering illness which he bore with becoming for- titude. He distinguished himself by writing* and pnbiishing some years since a work on the subject of natural philosophy ; he has also written an essay on theology and an introduction to the study of, polite iiteratiire, both ^f which wall shortly be published. His re- mains are to be interred in a chapel which he built and endowed for Presbyterian divine worship. His loss will be much lamented by his- widow and friends.” Mm T.mm, Tlmwlh/.-] TJ.ANELT.Y PARISH PHUKCH (TNTERKIR). {Vh„tohn-. KOTE ON THE ‘^JITLE TOWER.” Mr. E. H. Ltxgex Barker, the well-kllo^ya architect, informs ns that the “little tower” must have contained a “ sanctus-bell ” — which “was common enough in ;pre- Reformation times, and was of course for the purpose of calling the attention of ^ the faithful ’ to the time of tlie elevation of the host,” during mass. Mr. Barker adds that the majority of such erectious are what he calls hell-gablets, and which, according to the sketch he kindly sends, are identical (in shape) with what one sees at St. Paul’s, Llanelly. But the “little tower” was very different, and Mr. Benjamin Jones (Goring Place), whose memory is veiyr clear upon the subject, says it was a square construction of stone, with sloping roof surmounted by a vane or something o : the kind, and resting- on arches as mentioned by us, p. xl. The bell could be seen from within the Church, and was presumably rung from the old rood-loft which once existed (according to Mr. Jones) in the southern transept. The “little tower,” Avliich was not quite so high as the large one, had become very ricketty ; water dropped from it during showers, on the head of the preacher, and there w'as even danger of bell and steeple being precipitated into the Church. Accordingly, this most curious and (as we venture to suggest) unicpie appendage had to go. But local indigna- tion was great — -and justifiable. The old Church roof appears to have been practically nnceiled. Both roof and walls were in a wretched state. The Church was supplied with brass candelabra, and the story of their removal reflects no credit on the parties concerned. JHonitnunts. From time immemorial the Parisih Church and yard have receivecT? into their bosom the dust of the dwellers in tlie district. Doubtless each chapel -of -ease had its “ Clod’s -acre ” attached, and there is evidence that Trebeddod (i.e. Trebeddrod) was in ancient times a p)lace of burial.^ Put the i)arish churchyard was above all tlie centixi of interment for at any rate the more iniinediate district, whilst to be laid to rest within the consecrated edifice itself was held a blessed thing* in times which erred not more in superstition than we do in lack of reverence. The oldest monuments carry us back two -hundred years— no farther ; but that is not surprising when we consider to what base uses the churchyard was formerly abandoned, and when we bear in mind the soft and crumbling nature of th(r stone in which, for the most part, the epitaphs were cut. The marble monuments within the Church are as perfect novr as the day they were chiselled, and many ot* a certain hard, dark stone arc* equally distinct ; but the rest have disappeared or are fast disap - liearing beneath the corroding finger of Time. Nevertheless, a gocxl deal might be done to preserve the monuments both within and without the Church. It is painful to note that in the case of many who deserve well of the town — who merit honour at the- hands of posterity — that in the case of even such, it is of ten -im- possible to decypher the inscriptions on their tombs. We fear that The small jealousies which flourish between sect and sect have pre- vented the town as a tovrn from seeing to this matter long ago. It is little to the credit of Llanelly that the x>lace which contains the ashes of thirty generations — • “ its mould Compacted of the unnumbered dead ” — f should continue in its present deiilorable condition. THE YAUGHANS. Header, whoe’re thou art, have regard to the unsullied ashes of AYalter A'aughan, ye son of John Vaughan, of Llanelly, Esquire, descended from the Honorable family of Golden Grove, and born to a plentifull estate. He had also acquired soe many laudable virtues in his life that he deserves to be remembered after ]iis death. Such was his integrity, and soe equall in the discharge of his duty in several offices of trust under his Prince, — soe constant his obeclience See “ Deheufardd's ” Essay and Britten’s pamphlet before alluded to. Caegroes, a field on the Old Road, was so called from a stone cross which formerly existed there and which formed a resting-place for funerals on their way to Trebed(Jod. t Lewis Morris. Iv. his parents, — soe impartiall liis kindnesse to liis relations, — soer taithtnll his inclination to his frinds, and soe sweetly disposed his temper towards all sorts of men, that lie died lamented by all. Anno Domini, 1()83. ^ICtatis sum 84. This IMonnment his most indulgent and mournful mother dedica- ted to his memory, which nor death nor time can extinguish. To the Pious Memory of ]Margaret, daughter to Sir Marmaduke Lloyd, of Maesyfelin, in the county of Cardigan, Kt., ye Kelict of - John Yauglian, of Llanelly, in ye county of Carmarthen, Esquire, cousin to ]\ichard. Lord Vaughan, late Earl of Carbury. She boro him fourteen children, six sons and eight daughters, but left only three behind her : — Ann, ye wife of Griffith Lloyd, Esquire ; Mary, Lady Williams ; and Margaret, Lady Stepney. She was (without hattery) an excellent Wife, a careful Mother, and a kind ]Mistress, -an exemplar of Temperance and Chastity, liberal but private in -almsgiving — hospitable, and not riotous nor profuse, — rich, and not covetous, — affable without fondness, — peaceful without stupidity, — devout Avithout ostentation, — religious Avithout superstition or •enthusiasm. She lived a AAudoAV almost 84 years. Died Januaiy 26, A.D. 1708. Aged 81. This grateful IMemorial of her was erected b}" Sir Thomas Stepney, Bart., and his Lady, whom she made her sole executrix. A gracious A\mman retaineth honour.” Hcare lyeth the body of Walter John Vaughan, of Llanellir Es(p*. one majesty’s jvstices of the peace and deputy lief tenant for this coAuity of Carmarthen who departed this life the 12th daw of October ing high sherife of said covnty an 1683 aged J Here lies the Body of leinima Vaughan Eldest Daughter of John Vavghan of Kanellj^ f Esq and Avife of liichard Vavghan of Terracoed in the County of Carmarthen Esq who Departed this Life the Tthi Day of ^larch in the Forty year of her age Anno Dom 168J. Here Also is interr’d Dorothy 8d Daughter of the above named Ivichard ATiughan Esq by the said lemima & Wife to John Allen of Lanelly Esqr Avho Died ye Ttli of luly 1728 Aged 50 The Memoix of ye lust is Blessed Pro x. 7. Here lyeth the body of Margarett Vaughan the Relict of John Aniughan of tins Tonne Esquier who departed this Life the 26th daw of January Ano Dom 1708-4 aged 81 years and 2 m. Rise I shall Avdien Christ doe call. Here the Body of Griffith Lo lly Esqr of John Vaughan Esq who dyed the 81st . . .... Anno Domini 1705-6 Aged 5(?)9 Here also lyeth the Body of Dame Anne IMansell, Daughter of “ AVithoiit fanaticism,” as we should say. t The reader Avill note this unique spelling. Ivi. Woodford Rice Esqr descended from Walter Yauglian She dyhl the ITth of January 1763 Aged 26 years lamemited by all her* Acqtce Aged 26 Years Judge thou my Cause O Lord. THE STEPNEYS.* To the ^lemory of John Vaughan Stepney, PI squire, obt. 9 5, Hie Aprilis Anno Domini, 1730, ^Etatis suae 3 years, 2 mouths, and S days. Blest Inocent, whose race so soon was run ; ’Twas but a step, and finished when begun ; So dear thy virtue, such thy early bliss. That many, ripe in years and wickedness. Shall wish, as often as they see thy Shrine, Their lives as sinless or as short as thine. Now say what made thee go so soon away? Heaven called me hence I could no longer stay. This ^Monument was erected by his most affectionate Parents, John Stex^ney, Esquire, and Eleanor, his Wife. Anno Domini, 1732. Near tliis place rested the body of Mrs. Eleanor Stepney, wife of John Stexuiey, Esquire, and daughter of John Lloyd, of Llangen- nech. Esq. She was a most obliging, endearing wife, a most tender but prudent ^Mother ; happy in all valuable endowments, religious 4ind moral ; constant in her devotions to God, ever sim^ere to her friends, charitable to the x)oor, just and benevolent to all ; a pattern truly worthy the imitation of her sex. In her husband’s affectionate 1 ‘steem she still lives, and as an instance of that esteem this monu- ment is here erected to her memory. She died the 3rd of January, 1733. Aged 32 years. Here lie the remains of Lady "Margaret Stejoney, wife of Sir Thomas Stejmey, Bart. In all relations of life she was amiable and endearing, courteous, affable, humane, — in dex)ortment graceful-- in friendshij) sincere — in affection tender. Every virtue she f^weetened with kindness, and every excellency she heightened Tsutli liuniility. Her piety was exemplary, her charity universal. En- liclied with these hajox^y accomplishments, she was the very treasure of goodness — a treasure never more valuable or more to be desired than now when hidden. She dyed November the first, 1733. Aged 73 years. In honour to her memory this monument was erected by her loving and equally beloved husband. Near this place lieth the body of Miss Margaret Ste^niey, eldest daughter of John Stepney, Esquire, and Eleanor, his wife, who de^Darted this life May 6, 1740, aged 22 years. In Memory of Sir Thomas StejDiiey, Baronet. A person less- * In Westminster Abbey is a monument to perhaps the mostaccom- ]>lished of the house —George Stepney, diplomatist and literateur. His funeral pall was borne by “two dukes, two earls, and two barons.” "distinguislied by hi.s illustrious descent from Henry YK. of England than by his many excellent virtues. In him were seen, admired, und revered, the wisdom of the Senator, the publick spirit of thfj *1 ’at riot, the polite address of the Courtier, the sincerity of the Friend, the more private virtues of the Good Husband, Parent, and blaster, and, to crown all, the unaffected piet}" of ye Christian (pialities, too rarely united in the same character. “ Aha en nostra voca.” He died Anno Domini 1744, aged 76 years. Also, in Alemory of his son. Sir John Stepney, Part., wlio, pre- ferring the innocent Repose of a Rural Retirement to the noise and liurry of a more busy, active scene of life, chose to confine himself to a narrower sphere of action, although his talents were equal t(i the greatest, and being less studious of applause than of deserving it, his ambition and his happiness was to fill up the several relations of a private life with the grace and dignity suitable to his rank. “ Prodesse quam videri.” He died a.d. 1748, aged 5(5 years. This Alonument was erected by his son. Sir Tliomas Stepne;v, Paronet, a.d. 1751, whom Providence has blessed with a promising- issue . “X on deficit alter. ’ ’ Xear this place lieth the body of Thomas A^aughan Stepney, Esquire, son of Sir Thomas Stepney, Part., and Dame Elizabeth, liis wife, born September 14, 1744, died Ai^ril 1, 1745. In memory of Sir Thomas Stepney, Paronet, for more than od years groom of the Pcdchamber of H.R.H. Frederick Duke of York, k.G. Porn 11th February, 1760. Died without issue 19th September, 1825, when the Paronetcy became extinct. He was buried in the 4 amily A^ault of this Church. Here lies interred the remains of Alary Stepney, wife of Thomas Stepney, second son of Sir Thomas Stepney, of Llanelly, Paronet. She expired on the 14th of December, 1810, aged 47 years, after* a tedious and painful illness, which she bore with unexampled for- titude and Christian resignation. Her clear understanding and tin; sincerity of her heart were only excelled by her unequalled good- ness. To commemorate her virtues, and record liis affliction, her husband has erected this monument. In Alemory of Sir John Stepney, of Llanelly, county of Carmar- then, Paronet, representative in Parliament for the (-ounty t of Alon- mouth, sometime Envoy Extraordinary and Alinister Plenipotentiary to the Court of the Elector of Saxony at Dresdem, and, subsequently, to that of Frederick the Great of Prussia. Pom 19th September, 1743. Died at Turgau, near Temeswar, in Hungary, 3rd October, 1811. This tablet is erected to his memory by his nephew and heir, JohiL * It was revived in 1871. t Should be the borough. Iviii. .Stepney Cowell Stepney, of Llanelly, Esquire, Kniglit, Lieutenant- Colonel late Coldstream Cxuards. In memory of Andrew Cowell, of Colesliill, Bueks. A General in. tlie army and Lieutenant-Colonel of the Coldstream Guards, in Avliich regiment he served 42 years. He commanded the Brigade of Guards in the Irish Bebellion, 1798. He died September 21st, 1821, aged GO, and is buried at Maryle- bone New (hiureh, London. Also his wife, Maria Justina, youngest daughter of Sir Thomas Stepney, of Llanelly, Bart., and relict of Erancis Head, of St. Andrew’s Hall, Norfolk. She died November 9th, 1821, aged G5, und is buried at Pateham, Sussex. Also of their youngest son, ACilliam George Stepney Cowell, of the Park, Brighton, Sussex, who died, aged 41, at ]\Iadeira, Dec^ember 10th, 1836, and is buried in tliat Island. J. Stepney Cowell Stepney, of Llanelly, erected this Tablet, 31st day of ^lay, 1858. A tribute of reverence and affection to the memory of his Parents and Brother. In inemory of ]Mary Anne, eldest daughter of the Hoii. Robert Annesley (second son of Richard, Earl of Annesley), first wife of Lieut. -Colonel John Stepney Cowell Stepney, of Llanelly. Slie died at Ni('e, November 9th, 1821, aged 21, and is there interred ill the Old English Burial Ground. 3Iany daughters have done virtuously, but thou excelledst them, •all.” “ And the victory that day was turned into mourning.” In memory of James Charles Murray Cowell, eldest son of Lieut. - OJonel Stepney CoAvell Stepney, of Llanelly, by his second wife, Euphemia, daughter of General John Murra}^ of Glenalla, Ireland. Some years Page of Honour to King ACilliam IV. and Queen A’ictoria, afterAvards Lieutenant -Colonel in the Coldstream Guards. He fell, aged 30, leading part of his regiment against the Russian, eolumns at the Battle of Inkermann, November 5th, 1854. He lies buried on Cathcart Hill, near Sebastopol, Avith seven of his brother officers. Brothers in Arms, in glory, and the grave. Sacred to the Memory of Frances, only daughter and heiress of Francis Head, Esq., by Maria Justina Stepney, his Avfife, of St. AndrcAv’s Hall, Norfolk, and AsudoAV of the Hon file George Herbert, fourth son of Henry, first Earl of Carnarvon. She was bom the: 24th December, 1780, and died at Florence, 2nd February, 1862. I Icji* remains are interred in the Swiss cemetery in that city. Thi« memorial, a tiibute of ahection and regret, is erected by her half- brother, Lieut. -Colonel Stepney Coaa'cH Stexmey, of Llanelly. * This cenotaph in bronze is a copy of that in marble by Marochetti in St. Paul's Cathedral. It has been, by some ignorant vandal, black- leaded. lix. Here lyes Interred the Body of John Vaughan Stepney Escj {Second Son of John Stejmey Esq and Grand-Son to the Honourable i^v Thomas Stepney Barronet who Departed this Life the ninth Day of Ainil Anno Domini 1730 Aetatis Sue 3 Years 2 Ylontlis and 3 tiays Here Lyeth the Body of Vhilter Stepney Esqr third Son of John Stepney Escp' who departed this Life the 19th day of April 1733 Aged 3 years 1 Month and 6 dayes Sacred to the memory of Euphemia I^ady Stepney daughter of General John Murray of Glenalla, county Donegal, and yife of Lieut Colonel Sir John Ste^mey Bart of lilanelly. She died 3rd of August 1874, aged Seventy-three. Also in memory of the said Sir- John Stepney Cowell Stepney Bart of Tilanelly, Knight of the Guelphic Order of Hanover some time Lieut -Colonel in the Cold- stream Guards, Colonel of the Carmarthenshire Biti(* Volunteers and afterwards member of Parliament for the Lnited Boroughs of Carmarthen and Llanelly. Sir John Stepney served in six c-am- 2 )aigns under the Duke of Wellington and Lord Lynedoeli, and was jn’osent at the seiges of Ciudad Itodrigo, Burgos, St. Sebastian and Antwerp, and at the battles of Euentes, D’Onoro, Salamanca, Vit- toria, Quatre Bras, and at the final capture of Paris. He died on the 15th May, 1877. Aged eighty-six. This tablet to the dear memory of his parents was erected by their only surviving son 1877.’^^ MJKSEL AND SHEWEN. In the Family Vault at Pembrej Church in this Cbunty are de- X)osited the lleniains of Edward William llichard ]Mansel of Stradey Esqr. who died the 22 of October 1806, Aged 28 Y^ears. x\lso of Mary Annet his Wife, the Daughter of Sir Edward Vaughan Mansel of Stradey, Bart, who succeeded on the Death of her Br Sir Edwiird Joseph Sliewen 3Iansel to her Father’s Estates She died the 18th of January 1808 in the 41st Year of her Age leaving no issue This Monument is here erected to their ^lemory by the Devisee and ^Successor to the Estates, | from a due sense of Bespeet and Gratitude December 1st 1809. Here lieth the body of Rose wife of Daniel Shewen of the town of Laugharne in this County, gent, youngest daughter of Robert Rodd, late of the Tenqde, London Esq. by Anne his wife who was one of the daughters of Sir Robert Austin, late of Boxley in Kent, Baronet, deced. She died June the 7 1757 aged 48 years. £The famil}' vault of the Mansels is at Pembrey Church.] DAWKIN AND REES (IMarchoglwyn) . Cathrin (?) daughter of George Dawkin Gent died in 1731, aged 4 (?) years. Ann his daughter (?) died in 1731 (?) aged 3 years.. Magdalene their sister died in 1741 aged 2 years. Rowland Daw- ^ Sir Arthur Stepney, M.P. ■f Known locally as “Lady” Mansol. X Thomas Lewis, grandfather of Mr. C. W. Mansel Lewis. lx. Idu died in March 1753 aged 10 jcara. Hester the daughter of Thos. Kees, of Marchoglwyii Gent, died in February 1755 aged « Hays. Here lyeth the Body of Catherine Bees, wife of Thomas Bees of jMarchoglwyn in the parish of Llanon, gent, who died May the 29th 17b ... . aged 29 years. Here likewise lie two of their children Hes- ter and Griffith. Hester died Jan. the 14th 1754 aged 6 days, (Griffith died June llth 1755 aged 6 months. Also in Memory of (teorge Hawkins Esq of Killagwyn died the lOth of Sepr 1792 aged 47 years. Also in ^leniory of Catherine Edwards the wife of Capt. Harid Edwards and daughter to the said Geo Hawkins died the 18th of Hecr 1800 aged 36 years. Also Harriet the daughter of Havid Hdwards died Eeb the 17th 1801 aged 10 months. £There is another tomb to a Hawkins (‘r) almost illegible.] CHAMBEBS AXH PAYNE. In a Vault in this Church are interred tlie remains of William Chambers Esqre of Llanelly and of Bicknor Kent, who died the 9th of February 1855, xVged 81. Sacred to the memory of Emma the Avife of William Chainbers Fisqre who died the 30th of March 1838 after a tedious illness. Sacred to the ^lemory of Samuel Henry Clark Payne son of tlu‘ late Captain Samuel John Payne BM Hied October llth 1847 Aged 126 years Also of Win C. H. Payne B.N aaBo died abroad. I'nderneath also Lyeth ye Body of lohn Allen of this TownEsqr.. H most amiable k Pious Man and Bemarkable for his charitj' to the poor, Avhom he siqiported greatly. Obijt 25 May, 1743.^' Near this place lyes interr’d the body of Hector Tones Eldest son of Hector Tones of Gillvach in the parish of Abergwully Gent aaIio- departed this life, 16th day of September, 1699. Aged 5 years and 10 AA'eeks. Why saint soe early fled and leave us here Benighted in a mournfull gloomy sphere Could nothing here below serve to beguile Thy fancy for to stay with us awhile No Twas decreed Thou ht-ardst a call divine Which lead thee hence into a Glory shrine A happy change indeed Celestial loves For empty nothings or at best but toyes. Idest son to Hector s of Gil Gent of the Parish c>f Ab Ihvin in the county of Carmarthen departed this life of September 1699 Aged 59 (t) years (ck) Hv'o months. Tn the parish of AbergAvile (t). in the coAuity of Carmarthen 'ik'iit. aaIio departed this life the 5th Hay of May 1701 aged 46 {':) * See Notes on Old Families. years. As also the bodys of AVm and ]\Iary Join's liis eliildreii. Leaning' tn o sonns and (»ne daughter and his beloued wife and their indulgent inotiier Mrs. Lridgett Jones two suruiue them. Memento Mori (i"). Liiderneath also lies ye remains of Mhlliam Ihiee second vson of 'Wm Price of Dyttiyn in ye iiarish of lilandt'bye and county of Carmarthen (lent who departed this life of Oct Here lieth the Body of Prudence Holliday, daughter of Hum- phrey Holliday of this Town Gent, who departed this life the .... of Nov IToS aged 20 years. Here also lieth Margaret ye Dr. of Jtobert Pees, Gent who died ye 26th of Nov 1758 aged 1 years. Also Anne her sister who died ye 11th of Deer 1758 aged 11 months. Here also lieth Waiter ye son of MTdter Pees gent who died ye JOth of Deer 1758 aged 15 months. Also Walter his second son who died ye 28th ot Octr 1750, aged 19 weeks. Here also lieth the body of Humphrey Holliday, Gent, who departed this life ye IJth Day of July 1761 aged 66 years. Here likewise lieth ye body of 3Iagdalene Pellet ot the above Humphrey Holliday, who dei^arted this life the 5th of Deer 1761, aged 60 years. Here likewise lieth. the body of Anne the wife of the above said Walt(u’ Pees gent of this jDarish, who departed this life the 60th of January 1778, aged 40 years. Dear husband now my life is past, my love so long to you did last, Now as for me no sorow take but love my children for my sake. To the IMemory of Mary Holliday wlu) departed this Life Nov- ember 18th 1706 Aged 16 years. Also the remains of John Holli- day Brother to the above i\rary who departed this Life the first day of 8eptr 1728 aged 2 IMonths. Also John Holliday Gent, Father to the above M and J, Avho departed this life tiie 16th Day of August 1790 Aged 61 years. “ Pest in peace.” Here Lyeth the Body of Evan Maurice who died Novber the 25th 1710 Aged 50 yrs. Here Also Lyeth Mary his Wife died O’r 1721 Aged 28 this Place L^^'th Thomas his Brother died D’r 19th 1710, Aged 10 Yrs. Here also Lyeth David son of Win Maurice Avho died Deer 16th 1762 Aged 2 Years and 7 Months. Also Pebekah ye Wife of Win Maurice, Deceased Feb. 20th 1767, Aged 67 Years. Also Mary their dr died in 1776 aged .... Also IMary his 2d Wife died in 1775 aged 46 yrs Also 2 daughters died Young. Also the 8d Wm Maurice Deceased the 2d of April 1706 in his 71 Yr Jane his dr died M’y 13th 1701 aged 21 Yrs. Sacred to the ^leniory of IMary the Wife of William IMaurice of this town Schoolmaster who died July 26rd 1778 aged 16 yc'ars. Also the remains of the above William ^laurice who taught School ill this Town upwards of 50 years and died 2nd April 1706 in his 71 year. Also Such of his Pelation and Children as inscribed on a lomb inside of this tower. He hath delivered me out of all my trouble, Psalm liv, verse 7, Ixii. Here Ivetli the body of Robert Itees of Llyngwernon who departed thii< life ye 6th of Jaiiy 1746, aged 58. Here also lyeth the body of Margt : only daughter of the above Robert Rees who departed this life the 12th day of June 1753. Aged 17 years, also Margaret wife of Thos Rees Gelligille who departed this life ye 11th day of Feby 1768 aged 21 (t) years. Here also lyeth the body of John Rees late comptroller of the Customs in this Port who departed this life the 19th day of Xovr 1769 aged 49 years. Also ]Mary widow of the said Robert mother of the said ]Margt and John Rees who died the 25th of Mareh 1781 Aged 87 years. Hnderneath Lyes the Body of Mary the daughter gf Matthew Powell who Departed this Lite Xovr the 17th 1747 Aged 1 year and ^ months. Xear ys Place Lyeth Anne Francis of Camawr Died May ye 5, 1776 Aged 89 yrs. Also David Francis her Husband Died Xovr ye ^th 1779 Aged 86 yrs Erected to their Memory by their Son John Francis of Chai)pel. Here Lyeth the Body of ^lorris J oliii of Deed A T Also ]Mary the Wife of the said Morris John Deed May the Aged 68 years. To the Memory of John IMorris Gent of Gellifechan in this Parish who departed this Life the 25th of March 1789 Aged 71 years. Also to the memory of Jane his wife who departed this Life on the 22nd day of September 1770 Aged 38 years. Xear this place lieththe Body of James Dalton late of Vaughan's liodge in the parish of Pembrey, gent, who departed this life the 10th day of February 1761 aged 82. In Memory of Edward Austin of this Parish who died the IGth day of Marcli 1829 Aged 78 years. Also E'th wife of the above E A died Apiil 1829 (:) Aged 87 years. Here the Body of ]\t D, daughter (!") of Thomas Ridiard of this Parish, who departed this Jul. 1763 (r) month and Also the body of his son (t) died May 1769 aged 3 (r) years. Also David his son died ceniber 30 1769, aged y. There are several other stones in. the Church more or less illegible. There is also a tablet to a member of the Horsley family high up near the inner eiitiunce. These conclude the tombs in the church : the remainder, unless specified, are in the yard. CHILD xVXD BUCKLEY. Sacred to the ^lemory of Mary the Wife of Henry Child of this Town who died in peace the I8tii Day of June, 1799, aged 52 years. “ I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psid xxxiv, 4th. Ixiii. Also to tlic 3Ieinory of Elizabetli their second daughter who died the 20th Day of July .1802 aged 28 Years. And Margaretta their fourth Daugliter who died the oth Day of 3Iay 1803 aged 22 years. *• Tlie Lord was our hope and is our por- tion for ever.” [Tonib in chancel]. Sacred to the ^Memory of Henry and Hary Child and their Sons id Daughters wlio lie interred in the Chancel of this Church and the Burying Ground adjoining. Henry Child, Esqre, the Father of this united and happy Family for more than half a century pat- ronised and jiromoted by liis counsel and influence, the interests of tliis Town and its Vicinity. He was the benevohmt Friend of the Poor, uniform in liis zealous attachment to and support of^fhe Gospel and vital religion of Christ, an exemplary ornament of itis virtues, experienced its renewing grace and saving power, enjoyed its consolations in the bereavements of life, and in death a joyous liope of a blissful and glorious immoitality. He died iMareh 25th 1824, aged 82 years. “ Mark the jieiiect man and behold the up- right for the end of that man is peace.” His amiable and beloved AVife Mary Child, Avho Avas the affectionate Partner of his piety and Christian fidelity, died January 18, 1799 aged 52 years. John their Son died March 29tli 1772 a^ed 2 years. Hannah their Daughter died Dec 25th 1789 aged 11 years. Elizabeth died July 20th 1802 aged 27 years. Alargaretta died May 5th 1803 aged 22 years. Catherine died ScptemlDer 2nd, 1817, aged 35 j^ears. Joseph died IMarcli 24th 1821, aged 43 years. AATlliam died Februaiy 8th 1824, aged 44 A^ears. Henry died August 23rd 1831 aged 60 years. Alaria, the much lamented and greatly beloved A\ife of the KcaxI James Buckley eldest daughter of the above Henry and Mary ChCd Avho died May 18th, 1831, age ^ 58 years. “ All flesh is gniss and tlie glory thereof as the flower of the field.” Header ! prei^are to meet thy God. Tlu' Hca d Janies Buckley died August 24th ISJJ, 4iged 68 years. He aauis for upAvardsof forty years an able laborious and distinguished miiiLster of Christ. [Tablet in South Transept.] To the ^lemory of A [aria Buckley the eldest Daughter of Henry < Jhild Esq late of this place and the beloved and much endeared Avife of the HeA" James Buckley Avho dejiarted this life to the inex- l^ressible sorrow (jf her bereaA^cd husband and children Alay the 18t]i 1831 in the 58th year of her age. She was deeply lamented by her- numerous friends in Avhose affection she lived by the amiableness of her manners and sincerity of her friendship, also by the suffering Poor who shared her sympathy and benevolence. She attained in -early life a saving and consolatory power of religion by faith in her Kedeemer the distinguished virtues of AvhicJi she exemplified in the various relations of daughter, sister, Avife and mother and in the social enjoyment of Cliristian society. In her last protracted illnesr^ slie possessed her mind in patient acquiescence in the sovereign will of lieaAxn, AAuth a stedfast and blissful liope of eternal glory till in a(.*cordan(*e AAuth the last expression of lier dying lips ‘ 1 sleep in Jesus’ she peacefully entered into the joy other Lord. Write, Blessed are the dead Avhich die in the Lord.” Ixiv. To the ]Mcmorv of Hy Child Esq who for more than half a centuiT" promoted by liis influence and counsel the interests cfl’ this Town and its Vicinity. He was a friend of the poor, uniform in his attachment and liberal in his sui)port of the religion of Christ, an ex« ^emplary ornament of its virtues and experienced its consolations in the successive afflictive bereavements of a beloved wife the faithful partner of his joys and sorrows who lies under the chancel of this (‘hurch and seven of their children who died much lamented in the bloom or vigour of life. He flnished his long and valuable course with a joyful hope of blissful and glorious immortality on the 25th day of March 1824 aged 82 years. Mark the perfect man and be- hold the upright for the end of that man is peace.” Also to the Memory of (Japt Win Child, late of the local militia, youngest son of Hy and Mary Child who died Eeby 8, 1821, aged 44 years. The general and deep regret felt for his loss is the best testimony to his worth and the high esteem in which he was held by his friends and all who knew him. Also to the ^Memory of Hy Child Esq, eldest son of Hy and Mary ( fliild. He possessed a highly cultivated mind with great urbanity of manners ; will ever live in the best esteem of his relatives. After a long leddence at Baltimore in America he returned to his native Town where he died much lamented August 23rd 1831 aged 60 years. Sacred to the Memory of Catlierine Child the youngest daughter of , Henry and iMary Child of this Town who died tiie 2nd day of Septr, 1817, aged 35 years. “ Blessed are the dead avIio die in the Lord.” Also to the memory of Joseph Child, their third son, Avho died on the 24th day of March 1821 aged 43 years. Also to the Memory of the Rev James Buckley son in law of tlie above named Henry Child Esq. and the beloved husband of Maria Buckley who departed this life August 24, 1836, aged 68. For forty years he Avas an able and distinguished minister in the AVes- leyan Alethodist Connexion during which period he proclaimed the unsearchable riches of Christ Avith zeal, fidelity and extensive useful- ness in some of the princii)al toAvns of Eiighuid and AVales. In 1832 lie retired from the more active labours of tlie ministry and became the friend and father of tlie AV^esleyan Society in this place as w^ell as the zealous promoter of every good Avork. In his public capacity he was faithful and aifectionite and in the endeared relations of domestic life he truly excelled. His dying AA^ords will testify that his liope Avas laid on a sure foundation. ‘‘ Eor me the Savuour died.” “ Blessed are the dead” 6cc. REES. Beneath are interred the mortal remains of Rosa Caroline the deari}" beloved and greatly esteemed Avife of Charles Courtney Rees, second son of John Rees Esqr of KilymaenllAvyd Avho died (tiirougli mercy) in the faith and patience of Jesus the 20th of Jan 1840 aged 28 years, terminating an ordeal of peculiarly severe and protracted illness belov(‘d and regretted by idl aa4io knew her, and from her value and excellence in the conjugal, Christian and social relation. Ixv. -n lo^s to her Ploiiseliold nothiiig cartlily can supply who will evt^r clierisli her memory with {itteetion, gratitude and resi:>eet. The; body is dead beeiiuse of sin, but tlie spirit is life because of: righteousness.” Horn viii. 10. “ Oh what can compensate thy deep mourned loss ? Nought but my God displayed upon the cross. He in my heart supreme sways its regrets. And fills the void liis faithfid’ love begets.” IIABY. Sacred to the memory of Ann Avife of Alexander Raby of Gobliam^ Surrey, who died October 1821 aged 77 years. Also Alexander Itabv of Bryn IMor, Llanelly, born 1771, died 1850. Also Jane Avife of Alexander Ihiby of Bryn IMor, born 1780, died 1858. ‘-‘Where the Aveary are at rest.” NPIVILL AND YALDEN. Underneath are deioosited tlie remains of Charles Xevill (lent, bmri IMay 17 died 10th Nov 1815. Justice and sound. unclerstjinding and allied and good Avorks, luiving suih* and < earnest reliance on his lh3deemer. lie ii\ ed resoeeted and lamented died. Here also are interred tlie remains of ^lartha, AAufe of the aboAu; named Charles Nevill. Slu' died 50th (:) April 1821 (r) aged 75 (r) years. A sincere Christian beloved and lamented by all Avho knew iier. Here lie interred the Remains of ]Mary Avife of Thomas Ward, Soho, in this parish, formerly of Gerrard Street, Soho, Ijondon, avIio departed this Lite the 1st day of July 1821 (r), in the 70t}i year of lier age. Alsc) Catlierine Caroline, the bedoyed wife of Charles Neyill and daughter of the aboye Thomas and IMary Ward, avIio departed this life the 5th Getober 185 (1) in the (P) year of lier age. Also Charles NcauII who departed this Life the 25th of October* 1815 in the 60th year of his age. Here lie the Remains of Wm Yalden Esq of in tlui county of Hants Ayho departed this life 1810 (1) aged years. Also of Ann his affectionate Avife, died Ap 26 (f) 18 (‘r) aged 75 (f) years. In memoriam of Cliarles ]la\ues Nevill born July 0, 1812, dierl April 17. 1810. Jane Elizabeth born Noy 8, 1846, died Dec; (i, 1848. Herbert Richard born IMarch 22, 1845, died 15 July 1840. Arthur Charles born Sep 7, 1852, died Octr 2, 1852. Childrcai of Cha]‘les William and Jane Nevill. RODERICK. To the memory of William Roderick of Llanelly gent, avIio after -a long course of patient suffering d(;parted this life the lOfch of Hay Ixvi. 1828 aged 85 years trusting in the merits of his Saviour for a happjr -tjternity. Also of Sarah wife of the above William Koderick who died the l ltli of iNIarch 1885 aged 72 years in the full hope of a blessed re- surrection. Also of iMargaret third daughter of the above named William and Sarah Koderick avIio died Gth day of Ax)ril 18G5 aged TO years and S months. [Various children]. Also in memory of the above named Thomaar Koderick who died Aug 21, 1878, aged 82 years. Sacred to the ^lemory of the Kev Jeremiah Davies, upwards of 80 Years Vicar of this Parish, who departed this life May llth 1820 aged 60 Ye.irs. His remains were interred on the 17th of the same month in tirm a id certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Ha ‘k ! from the tomb a doleful sound four ears attend tl*e cry, Ye living men. come view the ground Where you must snortly lie. Princes, this clay must be your bed In spite of all your powers. The tall, the wise, the reverend head Must lie as low as ours. •“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saint!?.’ ^ Ps cxvi 15. [Next to this tomb, we believe, lies the Kev Theophilus Davies, but his epitaph is almost illegible.] In Mcmoriam Ebenezer Morris died A.pril 18, 1867, ag(M 77 r'ears. Forty seven years the beloved and respected Vicar of the parish of JJanelly. “ Lord novv^ lettest thou thy servant depart in peace.” Sacred to the ^lemory of Sarah the beloved wife of the Rew Ebentizer iMorris, Vicar of this parish, who dejiarted this life on thet 81st day of May 1825 aged 87 years. Also Mary the beloved wife of the said Ebenezer Morris who diect •on tlu' H)th day of April 18 (•") aged (‘r). Also Master Morris. [Several other children of Kev E. Morris are buried here.] Sacred to the Memory of Joanna IMor^s, Avife of the Kev. Ebenezer Morris, avIio died Noau 17th, 1889, aged 88 years. Also to the Memory of David Jones, builder of this Toaaui, and fatlicr of the above Joanna Morris, who died Nov 7, 1819, aged 70 years. Also to the Memory of Joanna the wife of thcaboAX David Jones,, who died Oct 8, 1857, aged 81: years. Sacred to the ^lemory of Henry Eaton Esq, who tlied the 9th of Ap]‘il 1819 aged 51 years, comptroller of the customs at tliis port und Lieut, in the 9th Kegt. in which he served many years abroad. IxA'ii. and ill several engagements with acknowledged valour for his coim- and honour to himself. Wave, gentle branches, o’er the turf where Henry’s laid,, And cast around the spot Elysian shade. Friendship and love shall shed a tender tear O’er probity and truth reposing here. In Memory of William Marker of this Parish who died Xov 17, 1833 aged 88 Years. Also John Marker son of the above who died July 2nd 1831 aged 58 Years. Also Susannah Marker Wife of the above John Marker who died May 27 1814 aged (55 Years. In IMemory of Capt John Britten of the Mima of Tilanelly who on the 21st of Septr 1823 (r) was lost in a storm oft Lundy Island, aged 43 (I') years. That day the sun had crossed the equinox. Night drew earth’s shadow o’er the harvest moon. The raging billows dash against the rocks, Consigning mortals to their watery tomb. Also Sarah his wife who died on the 18th March 1830 aged 40 years. Also Thomas son of the above who died the 8th Mar 1817 (r)- aged 2 years. With widowed grief she hal a mother’s care And bore with fortitude the il s of life. Her children’s blessing was her latest praver. To realms of bliss removed from worldly strife. Also in IMemory of Sarah daughter of the above John and Sarah Hritteii who died ^larch 25th 1842 aged 29 years. Also in Memory of Anthony son of the above John and Sarah Hiitten who died July 12th 1842 aged 19 years. ‘‘ He comes forth like a flower and is cut down : he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not.” Also to the memory of Mary Jane Grifliths, second daugh- ter of the late ^Ir John Thos. Grifliths, currier, of this Town who- died Sep 10, 1817 (?) in her 18th year. Sacred to the memory of Eliza the beloved wife of Tlromas Lewis Howell surgeon who died July the 28th 1840 aged 47 years. Also to the Memory of Wm Morgan Howell the son of the said Thomas Tewis Howell and Eliza his Wife who died Jany 28th 1855 aged 15- years. Also to the Memory of the above named Thomas Lewis Howell, surgeon, who died August 24, 1872, aged 73 years. TTiiderneath lie the remains of J ohn Bees of Macsarddaf en of this parish, who departed this life Dec 28, 1809 in the 02 years of his «ge. Here also lie the remains of Anne wife of the aforesaid John Bees who departed this life the 22 day of June 1830 in the 0(8^ year of her age. Ixviii. hi jMemory of Capt John liall, master of the brig Good hd.cn^, of this port, who died at T.oiidoii Sep IJ, 1827, in the 20 year of his Here lieth the body of Anne the wife of Hector Morris of ^lach- ynys who departed this life the 0 day of Seji 1781 aged 20 years. Here also lieth the body of the said Hector Morris who departed this life Sep 178 ... . Aged 88 years. Also ill niemory i)f Catherine Morris the mother of the said Hector Morris of Maesar- ddafen died the 18th of May 1802 aged 08 years. Body of M'illiam ^laurice Esq, comptroller of customs in who departed 27, 1810 (y) 80 (■') Sacred to the Memory of John Davies, Gent, who departed this life the 18th of June 1814 in the 52nd year of his age. Also in memory of Frances, Itelict of the above, who departed this life on the 7th April 1857 aged 50 years. Here lie the remains of Evan Price Esq, grandson of the late Evan Price Esq of (r) 1817 (r) Sacred to the 5lemory of AVilliam Please Sowdon son of Tliomas Sowdon Esq of AAlinvole in tliis j arish who died May 28th 1820 (:) aged years. Sacred to the Memory of I'rances Elizabeth the beloved and nffectionate wife of Martyn Itoberts Esq of Bryncaerau (!') in this l^irish and only danghter ef John Vic*ars (‘t) Esq of in the c-onnty of Glamorgan. She departed this life the 81st of Jul}' 1882 aged 26 (?) years. I'nderneath lie the mortal remains of Catherine the beloved wife of John Koberts Esq of near this town who departed this life Also to the memory of the aforesaid John lloberts Es([ who departed this life on the 10th day of Kov. 1880 in the 45th year of his age. Sacred to the ]Memory of Hy I'arkcr, Gent, late of AVallingford, in the county of Berkshire, who departed tliis life at Bryncaerau ill the parish of Llanelly Get 81st, 1888. Sacred to the Alemory of Alargaret wife of Bees Harries, grocer, «)f this Town who departed this life July 80th 1844 aged 81 years. To the Alemory of Catherine the wife of Morgan AVilliams of Gi's "^I’own, banker, born at Bala in the county of Meirion, and also of thcar infant c hild Win Alorgan wlioni she survived 10 days and died iit Carmarthen on the 28d day of Eelw 1884 of a most nqiid decline in the 24 year of her age. Sacred to the niemory of Elizabeth wife of Samuel Be van, iron- anonger of this Town, who died Feb 19th, 1849, aged 27 years. Also of Fanny Corbie Beran, daughter of the ab6ve, who died Octr llth 1868, aged 21 years. Sacred to the ^Icmory of JMead sou of Simon and Anne 3Iead who died at Glanmor in tiiis parisli April 6tli, 1831, aged 11 years and 9 months. Also of Anne the beloved wife of the above Simon IMead wlio died at Wellheld near this town Novr 14th 1846 aged 45 years. Also of the above Simon IMead wlio died Aug 25th 1881 aged 85 years. Plere lieth the body of John the son of David A. Davies, surgeon of this Tov/n, wlio died Jan 17th 1833 aged 3 years. Also of the body of Sophia the sister of the above, who died on the 1st of 4’eb 1848, aged 20 years. Also the body of Spiaieer Boyd, the beloved wife of David A. Davies who died on tlie 13th of March 1852 aged 58 years. Also in Memory of the above named David Arthur Davies, sur- geon, who died on the 13th day of jMay 1855 aged 58 years. Saered to the IMemory of Ddward (Jialinder of this parish who d(‘parted this life Dee 9th 1827 agcal 54 years. Also in IMemory of Ann wife of the above Kdv.nrd C'lialindca* who died Sej) 19th 1836 agi'd 62 years, Saered to the Memory of Ily (Jialinder, late postmaster of this Town, who died Feb 22, 1841 (y) agial 38 years. In Memory of Jane the beloved wife of John Humphreys, New Dock, IJanelly, died Xov 28, 1846, aged 45 years. Also the above John Humphreys, died Feb 26, 1868, aged 70 years. Also Jane daughter of tlie aliove died June 14, 1840, aged 8 months. Sacred to the Memory of Ilachel daughter of William and Anne Isaac, jeweller, avIio departed this life ()ct 27 1838 aged nine months. Also Win. Bichard son of the above who died April 8th, 1848, aged 5 years. Also in memory of David Griffiths son of the above named who died in Blackwood, Australia, ]May 21st, 1866 aged 31 years. Also Anne wife of the above Win. Isaac Avho died jMay 26 1874 aged 66 years. Also the above William Isaac born Feb 12, 1812, died Jan 29, 1886. Underneath lie the remains of Mary the wife of William Bees of IMaesarddafen in this parish who died June 21st 1832, aged 52 years Here also lie ^he remains of the above named Win Bees who died July 8, 1858, aged 82 years. The mortal remains lie here of IMiriam Guthrie, wife of James Guthrhi, of \4iis Cwni in this Barish. 8he lived beloved by her Husband and tier Family, esteemed by her Friends, respe(4ed by her Neighbours and benevolent of the needy to the extent of her means. She died lamented by all on the 20th Xov 1834 (‘r), aged 68 (V) years And the above named James Gntlirie lies buried within this Tomb. He died the 8 (r) Septr 1885 (r) aged 82 (!") years. Also to the memory of the aforesaid Samiiel llroom of Kidderminster who died at Yiiisyewm in this l^arish (Jet 11th 1814 (r) aged TO. Sacred to the memory of 3Ir Jolin Davies, late of Prospect Place in this Town. He was for many years clerk of this parish, clerk of tlie vestry, assistant overseer, and for some time before his death was clerk of the IJanelly Union, all which otiices he tilled to tlie satisfaction of the public and Avith credit to himself. He died March 25th 1837 in the 45th year of his age. To the memory of John T. Stanley, saddler, of this Toavii, who departed this life (Jet 1st, 1818, aged 31 yc'ars. In memory of Thos. Roberts, native of this Town, 30 years tin acceptable local preacher in the AVesleyan Connexion. He died in the triumph of Faith, on the 20th February 1811 aged ()7. Also Sarah the Avife of John Roberts, currier, died in the Lord, Aug 7th 1832, aged 62. Sacred to the memory of the Rev John Jones Avho Avas for 8 a ears the pious and faithful curate of Alerthyr Tydfil in tlie county of Glamorgan and son of the late AVm Joseph Jones of Bryncarnarvon in this parish, eminently distinguished for genuine Christian simpli- city and singleness of heart. His constitution, never strong, sank beneath the activity of his ministerial labours and he Avas called to an early reward in his Alaster’s heavenly kingdom in the 38th year of his age, June 10th 1838. Also to the memory of Mrs Margaret Jones, the wife of the above, Avhp departed this life Aug 1st 1846 (I) aged 41 years. Here lieth the body of John Jones of this parish who died July 14, 1762 aged 58 years. Ill memory of Anthony Tregcrthen for 20 years harbour master of this place. Died March IT, 1844, aged 6(). Also Mary David his Avife died Aug 26, 1858, aged 70. Haercd to the memory of John Robert of Pciibryn ill this parish who died April 8th 1811 aged 60 years. Also Catlierinc Avife of the above John Robert died April 18th 1811 aged 67 years. Also to the memory of John Bonville of Peiibryn who died Juno 18th 1816 aged 69 years. Also David son of the above John Boimlic died March 18th 1818 aged 25 years. Sacred to the Memory of Frances the Avife of John AVells of Ricli- niond in Surrey. She departed this life Alay 21st 1813 aged 31 years. [Above this tomb on a small diamond shaped stone in the eluueh vail 19 —“ I'l'autfcs WtUs, I’lulcriicatli lie the rciiuiiUvS of John Deere of (liis Town late chief mate of the CaiifVidate h>ast India ir^hip who departed thi« life the iTtli day of Oetober 1807 aged 87 year.s. In Memory of James Evans, mason, who vras killed on the Green- field Chapel Aug 29 1857 aged 22 years. Sacred to the Memory of AVilliam Wingyett, sceond son of Mr. J. B. AVingyett, ship owner of Plymouth, Devon, llis death occurred in this Port from an accident he received on hoard the yhni of Plymouth in assisting to heave up the anchor, llis skull was frac- tured, and from the effects of this injury he died on the 4th Septr 18^6 aged 19 years, respected and regretted by all who knoAv hiui. Sacred to the Memory of Esther the wife of Poger Jones, late officer of excise, of this Town who departed this life the 12th of April 183G aged 50 (‘r) years Also to the jMemory of the above lloger Jones who dcx>arted this life JSept 21, 1815 (i^) aged 08 years. Sacred to the Memory of MTlliam Moodic, sen., of Llwnywhilwg fawr in this parish, who died Dec 29th 1885 (h) aged 08 years. Here lieth the body of John Morgans of Parity grocs, in this parish, who died Nov 7th 1882 aged 81 years. Sacred to the Memory of Pobert Rees, of this Town, Butcher, who departed this life March 17th 1848, aged 00 years. Also Jane the beloved wife of the above who died Jan 8, 1854, aged 79 years. Here likewise lie the remains of the aforesaid John Howells, land surveyor, who dexrarted this life May 7th 18 (?) aged 47 (?) years. In ^lemory of Anne Powell the wife of Evan PowtJl, surgeon of this Town, who dejiarted this life Juije 80th 1814 aged 22 years. Endcrneath lieth the body of MTlliam Bowen, malstcr, of this town, who departed this life June 24th 1809 aged 55 years. Here lieth the body of John the son of Win Lewis of Park in the parish of Pembrey who lamentably met an untimely death by a steam engine on the of March 1817 aged 18 years. In memory of Win Bowen of this Town Engineer, born 24th July 1784, died 10 Eeb 1859. Also of Jane Bowen wife of the above, born 8 Oct 1784, died 9 January 1800. Sacred to the memory of Morgan Daniel of this town wdio depar- ted this life Ap 0, 1829, aged 82 years. Sacred to the memory of John Ply Samuel the son of J ohn and Ann Samuel of this 'Toavii who departed this life Jan 0, 1848, aged 8 months. Also to the memory of the ab(n'c named John Samuel, Wiaster miuiucr, wPig departed this life gth January 1802 aged 03 years , . * . Also to the loving memory of Ann widow of the above named John Samuel who passed quietly into her rest Dec 7 1879 in her 79 year. Sacred to the 7ilemory of William (roulstone, an eminent Drug- gist of this Town, ^v\lo died 1st, 1839 aged 39 years. Sacred to the Memory of John Powell Engineer of this Town who died March 27th 1820 aged 61 years. To the Memory of William Hulni of this Towm, died T^Iarch 25th 1833 aged 55. Also Elizabeth relict of the above named, died June 27, 1855 aged 68. The Unavailing Tribute of a Sorrowing Motlier to the memory of a beloved daughter Eleanor Lamego who died 17th IMay 1829 aged 31 years. Sacred to the memory of W. D. Davies Esqr, comptroller of P1.1\L Customs of this Port, lie died on the 29th day of Ai^ril 1839 aged 63 years. In ^lemory of William Thomas, of Caswddy in this Parish, lie died Dec the 9th 1781 aged 61 years. Also Alice his wife dit^d March the 7th 1807 aged 80 years. In memory of Anne wife of the late Capt James Ijane of this Port who (r) died iVx)ril 12th 1801 aged 52 years. In Memory of ^largaret the wife of John Francis of Talsarne in this Parish who died Sept 18th 1796 aged 36 years. Sacred to the jMemoiy of John Shiimbrook of Llanelly Flats, who departed this Life May the 9tli 1817 aged 70 years. AVilbam Griffith senior of this town Died ye 4th of Nov 1782 aged 49 Yrs. M his wife died apr 15th 89 aged 6 yrs also Mary ye wife of A¥m GrifTh his son died apr 9th 1790 aged 26 yrs. In jMemory David Griffiths, Coldbath, who died Feb 6th, 1878, aged 86 years. In Alemory of Alary, wife of I'homas Griffiths of Cold bath in this loarisli who departed this life 24th day of I'eb 1820 aged 58 years. Also the above Tliomas Griffiths who departed this life Dec 27th 1850 aged 94 years. Ill Alemory of AAhn A'azie Simons of this to^^m who died on the 30th Septr 1843 aged 51 years. Sacred to the Alemory of ALirgaret the daughter of Henry and Alary Pees of this toivn who died Apr 19th 1838 aged 3 years Also in memory of the above Henry Kees who died June 21 1860 aged 55 years. LLANELLY FIFTY A"EAR> A(4(). Before dealing with the Bej^isters of Llanelly Pansk €hurcb, a word on Parish Eegisters in general may not be out of place. The first known public authority binder which registers of births or baptisms, marriages, deaths or burials were systematically kept in England, was an injunction issued in 1538, directing that in every parish a register- book soould be kept in a coffer, and that every Sunday the clergyman in the presence of one of the churchwardens should enter therein the weddings, christenings and burials of the week, under a penalty of 3s. 4d., to be employed in the repair of the Church. In 1547 and 1559 very similar injunc- tions were issued, and in 1603 followed a still further injunction having special reference to the preservation of the older registers. Various enactments were afterw’ards made, and an Act of 26 Georjje 11. “"to pre- vent clandestine marriages’^ enjoined the keeping: of such entries in a separate volume. Pees were also ordered to be levied. In 52 George III. the law re- lating to registers was still further amplified, and various particulars directed to be appended to the en- tries, forming in fact the forerunner of the present system of registration. Arrangements were also made whereby copies of the registers were to be transmitted to the registrar of each diocese. Certain defects im the system led to the passing of the registration act of 1836 which handed over to civil authorities the keeping of all data of births, marriages and deaths, leaving to the clergy the entries of baptisms and burials. A full account of the history of Begistration may be found in the Eacyclopccdia Briiannica, of which the above is a very brief epitome. The Llanelly Registers are preserved in two massive iron coffers in the vestry of ihe Parish Church. The oldest volume is a folio, in massive binding, vith leaves of paicbment. The book bears evidence of the \ '■ '. \ r;r.t^k - -r ■ m 1 2 tbougbtful care of the Eev. Canon Williams. On the cover, in bis writing, is the following inscription : Baptisms A.D. 1684 to 1812 p.p. 1-25 and 104—262. Marriages A.D. 1687 to 1754 p.p. 26—42. Burials A.D. 1697 to 1795 p.p. 47—103. Turning over two new fly leaves, we come to one of the original pages, of rough paper, on which is written in scrawling characters the name of a former Vicar of Llanelly, with memoranda of the death of three persons, two of them infants. Turning over the leaf we have the following interesting entries, the first re- lating to a former Vicar : — Theophilus Davies obiit 31st May 1787. James Pinaud, late Vicr de Lanelly, was buried 3rd July 1761. Jeremiah Davies commenced Vicar 1st June 1787. Bees Jones cicpit Curate 2 1st Deer 1787. Jerpmiah Davies Vicr of Lanelly came to live there the 13th day of October 1789. The Rev. Jeremiah Davies, it will be noted, was en- trusted with this ‘^cure of souls ” for over two years before he came to reside among his people. On the next leaf are the following memoranda : — Pichard Davies, late Vicr de Lanelly, buried 16tii April 1741. James Pinaud, late Vicr de Lanelly, buried 3d July 1761 Theophilus Davies, late Vicr de Lanelly, buried 3d June 1787 The next page is blank; and then we come to the parchment leaves of the register proper. The first — a half-sheet, bears the following inscription This booke was bought by Mr. Edmund Meyricke (?) paid d803 00s OOd Paid for by Rawleigh Mansell Esqr Hugh Jones gent Churchwardens for the p’ish of Llan- nelly in the yeare 1684. Then comes the following specification in the clear handwriting of the Rev. J. Pinaud. There are 84 Leaves of Parchment in this Book : Auo'ust the 10th Day 1741, this piece included : and the 25 first Pages Register the Names of the Baptized Persons, & that Register is continued from the 104 page on. The Register of Marriages begins Page the 26th And the Re- gister of the Burials begins Page the 46th. Ja : Pinaud. Nomina Eorum qui Baptiz : fuere Anno Dorn 168;L Raw : Mansell filius Rawleigh Mansell Armigeri Natus fuit vicessimo sexto die Eeb et Baptizatus fuit vicesimo die Marti j Anno Dom prodiit. On the back of this same half leaf are several entries, the first of which is as follows : — Wilhell Morrise Faber ferar sepult fuit secundo Die Aprillis 1684, Mort. xxxi mo Martij Ano 84. Ti;, ' v Jfei# The other entries are to the following — Edwar- •dus, s. Thomas Lloyd, baptised Jan. 4, 170v ; Thomas Morgan, s. Eev Jerh. Davies, bora and ‘‘ christned ^ept , 1812. Tlie first page of entries proper is headed ^‘Copia Uegistarij Pro Anno Dom. 1688,” and the whole for a Dumber of pages is in Latin and engrossed. BAPTXSHS. 1688. — Jenetta d David John David... Frisnill dOweii Penry... John s John Jenkin...]\[aria d Thomas David... Philiip s John Thomas... Martha d John Anthony... Johannes s John David Morgan. ..Thomas s Eicbaid Morris. ..Thomas s Hug^h Thomas... Luce d Thomas William... Anne d Matthew John Powell... Maria d Harry Thomas. ..Maud c? Rosser T homas... David s David William. ..Matthew s David Joh 0 ...Margarett d John D. Harry. ..Marla d David Huijh... John s Thomas John Jenkins... Margaretta d Anthony Price. ..Sage d John W'iiiian}, “alias Glace ’’...Margt. d Wm. OwyDn...Eichaid s W'alter Richard. ..Edward s Jen- Icin Roger. ..John s John Griffith John... Frances d TVilliam David Hiigh...Janett d Care lus Harry... John Thomas Eudd...Caritas d John Morris... Anna d Walter Thomas David. ..Henry s D. T. Rees... Thomas s W'alter Thomas... (?) John Jenkin... Griffith s Fran. Griffith... Jane d Robert W'illiam Mor- gan. ..Richard s Thomas John Prichard. ..Frances d Francis Moriis... Martha d Evan Rees...Margarett d Hugh D. Owen. ..Thomas Carolus Wro. Thos. Moriis. 1689 (p.p. 4.5) Thomas “ Stradling.” This surname occurs later from time to time. Johannes “ Thorc- borough” : a similar remaik applies to this surname. “ Margaretta ” is extraordinarily common in the earlier registers. Suroanie “ Wiggley ” occurs now and eDo later. Puritan Christian names comm^’U, e.g., “Prudence,” “ Sage.” 1690 (5) Female Christian name, “ Chrisly.” XTp to this year the entries are in “text” or eugrossing hand. 1693 (6) Johannes s Thomas Stepney, “Kt and Barrt,” born February 8th (the hour oUen specided in the case of these grandees !), and baptised 12th. 1693-6 (6) Margareta, Hector, John, children of Hector Jones, gent., Gilvacb, Abergwiliy. At this point the name of the mother as well as father of the :-‘V. ■ % ■ 'C ' > '■ •■ r-ri>4 . i;; aiv ■ * »Ll .»*• M..) .1 a ■ - 1 j , . !■ «.' M, ^ ‘ r * I ■ ; I ! I j i i) -f 'I ir i'// I!- . : i : ■; • i . ' • ■ •• •; • ' .ultni.i-'v'.'ti '. .nihii.; // i »tfni**riuV ^ i.G '• ; cjfcfloinL j ttii* ijjfftm -■.. ..; '..i.i. . ili0A .‘.'..■U ■.■‘ ' ■ ■ '!. Y I .'■• . i .: . H .' ■’.■,’. '1 '.WJ'l .:'f i.i.lfi?/’ i'f . 'i c> ' V “ ^ ' • /, Jv.^ V , T '^i V ' ••>; l-^r i ' . y ■' •* •,/ !Wi/. jy-'i - . tr.. 'Ji ' • ■ ■• Si^y ■ i ' <* . :-... - .. t '■■ '.■ ^O.i 4 jV: • i'.l i-tli. V? . . I " ■ •'■-<' ■ •'•■» • •’ v/'i' . .( • ■; i 5, ”^>•'1 4) - i ^ .•/ t'ii , , . i V ' j j #.•*) ; » Ik ) .-’I ‘ T - 1 ’ : - i Vffv’.i > i i. ; “! .i>U ^ . .. • -', • .' ^’f;0.l i 0 w 4 i(Iti> ‘ :• i '■ ; ■'*- f '1^3 -•i WMStl'i* I ■. ;i t : i1?T\V m . -'C* .(k- . M"K : r ' . . tuT^\', f '* ' 4 .»i . -’I ^ ; sj-Jt * M ' M/a • »{—-■' .i ■ ' ^.-Vi ■ 1. .;-f' . \l — . V> -‘v’ 7 of the officeis of the customs”; Lewis Richard, “ coalworks steward”; Joseph Gay, “ Sir Johu Step- ney’s gardioer”; Evan Francis, coal shaker; Divid Thomas, coalbearer ; David Rogers, barber. “John Ridgeway.” Churchwardens, John Badger, William Morgan. 1748(133) Bapt. 61. ‘‘Robert, the supposed c of Edward Mansel Cole, gent.” Freeholder; — Luce, d B. Williams. Walter Morris, officer of excise. Wil- liam, William, merchant. William Mathew, clothier. William Charles, butcher. Chuich wardens, ibid. I74d (131) Bapt. 57. Freeholder Walter s Evan Jones. “ Margaret the child of Elizabeth Thomas Hopkin and Lewis John the pretended father thereof.” Richard Wey, mat iner ; John Sais, innkeeper (mari- ner) ; Peter Wilkins, showman, “ Edward Cuaioner.” Churchwardens— John Jenkins, Rees William. 1750 (135) Bapt. 56. Ebzibetha Bridgetta d Hon. Sir Thomas Stepney, born Feb. 19. Freeholder — Jane d John Thomas. Henry Rees, “ farmer and collier.” Churchwardens — John Jenkin, Rees William — David Richard, John Hugh, Note, the Churchwardens sign each page. 1751 (137) Bapt. 55. Edward Chandler, pilot. Churchwardens — John Morris, Christmas John. 1752 (139) Bapt. 57. Freeholder — John s John Morris. Richard Ayres, officer of excise. Morris Morgan, “ wood collier.” 1753 (140) Bapt. 59 Jane d J. Morris, freeholder. John Sais (mariner) now appears as “Says.” 1754 (142) Bapt. 54. Freeholder — Thomas and Catherine, children of Samuel Anthony. 1755 (143) Bapt. 47. Esther d Thomas Rees, gent. “William Jarabee (Mr Brown’s groom).” Henry Lloyd, currier. This year the hamlet begins to be specified in each instance. 1756 (144) Bapt. 65. Maria Justina d Sir Thomas Stepney, h M.sLy 15. Griffith s Thos. Rees, Gent., Hengoed. Freeholders — John s J. Morris, Heigoed; Thomas s Thomas Bowen, Boro. Thomas Robert, clerk. D.tvid Griffith, schoolmaster, Glyn. 1757 (147) Bapt. 57. Freeholders — Sarah d Thomas Jones, Hengved ; Margt. d J. Morris, Glyn; Walter s Walter Rees, Boro. “ Mr Charles Gwyn, Berwick.” “Thomas Griffith Alexander Geln (?), farmer,” Glyn.’* 1758 (148) Bapt. 64. Anna Maria d Daniel Shewen, gent., and Bridget, Hengoed. Freeholders : — Jane d Thomas Bowen, Boro. John Holliday, Boro. William Morris. Boro., and William Welsh, Glyn, schoolmas- ters. “Jervis,” “ Blewet,” “ Wales.” — 1 ' *■ h'rn^A , . .i-r.-i' ssiit’ . , . ^ i ,-. y *<*' ' i, . •. -•. ■ ■ ■ . ■ ‘ ,'.- , '• ..?•■; '. ” ■ T .? .vV!' • ■ .' ^4^5 •V ■' : , •‘■'■-i fiV-'-- ;^£'r ■.. . • „■ , i.: - . ; ■ ;;; •r ,' ■ , V’( ‘ ' ■ i'' J ' .•;*, ;/ •■^. ; .^; ' ** - •'-, ' M ,/ ''’ ' I. fAr,. .- .r.' .-• ,, ' .ivr ^,(' -f r - ■ -■ ■ / '' - ' ' • ‘4 ,' .*• 'i , ' _ -j, ,i.. ’fly ■ ', :-v jDjTt} _^-'nr'0 ; -*'t' ' ' . . -r i . . ■ ''■- :-"r. .*! ' -'jv/j «ii . •>: »i |t^#l ■,: • :■ ■ / - : •■ : “15^ • ■kii. *'>i'. . ■■>'!»'« .,i-'.*’i' w -ti .il’rTJ Av S , i ■ 7 i i ^ ,n<:5 ‘ifexS — rtialilod-in-V'J . S: ¥5"' Wp* ^ ■> A 7M>^^ e Ifc' k ■ ( if 111' -w, fl£^yn% ' .'*•• \y - . :> :ii 8 1759 (150) Bapt. 76. Walter s Walter Rees, free- liolaer, Boro. Brands Phillip, tanner. 1760 (152) Bapt. 60. Bridget d Daniel Shewen, gent. Thomas s Sir Thomas Stepney, Feb. 11, Freeholders — John s Thomas Jones, Boro. ; Anne d Thomas Bowen, Boro. Here, unfortunately, end the clear plam entries of the Rev James Pinaud : hence- forth to the end of the century the entries seem to go from bad to worse. 1761 (]53j Bapt. 53. John Jones, curate; church- wardens, P. Hugh, Rd. Edmund. 1762 (155,6) Baptised 53. Eliz d of Mr Daniel Shewing?, of Strade.’’ Vicar, Tneophilus Davies, Churchwardens, Phillip Hugh ; Richd. Edmond (by maiii). 1763 (156) Baptised 38. “ Thos. s of Thomas Rees and Hannah by a clandestine marrige.^’ ^ 1764 (158) Baptised 45. Mary d Thos. Rees, gent. Edward Mansell s George Dawkin, gent. George s Geo. Dawkin. There are some om'ssions in the four last months of the year 1764 owing to sickness that I was aflicted with daring the sd months.” 1765 (159) Baptd. 48. John s of Thos. Evans, of the Falcon. Catherine d Geo. Dawkin. “ Mary d of Evan , a stroling tinker out of Merioneth- shire.” Churchwardens — Walter William (?) — Daniel Rees, David Richard. 1766 (161) Baptd. 54. William s of Geo. Dawkin, of “ Killegwinn.” John s cf Daniel Bees, ‘'‘of the Chapell.” Robert Bowen, parish clerk. 1767 (163) Bapt. 46. Maria d Mr Geo. Dawkin > A quaint note occurs here relative to a woman named “ Mary Hix.” 1768 (i65) Baptd. 55. “Mr John Morris, of Strade.^’ *‘Geo. s. Mr Geo. Dawkins.” John Basker- ville, excise officer. On page 167 it says : — “ The following sheets were added to and bound together with this book in the year 1768 (?) DanDl Rees, of the Chapel (?), John Holliday (?), Churchwardens. After this are frequent blank pages, and the writing often almost illegible. 1769 (169) Baptd. 45. 1770 (170) Baptd. 48. “Thomas Lot.” “Deer.” 1771 (173) Baptd. 77. Jeremiah s Geo. Dawkin, “Henry Child,” a name of subsequent occurrence, “ John, son of Noble Champion Engineer ! ” 1772 (178) Baptd. 42. “Thos. s Joseph Gulston,. Esqr.” 1773 (182) Baptd. 73. Rowlands 5 Mr Geo. Dawkin, “ Ahnoij.” “ Dimond.” ■10^ ' I r' ■■ yr -.uifiC-" - • .filj;* ‘ i r v . • /\[M- ‘fliswA i ' ofUiTH'f'l' 'll . -^11 _ ^Crtr.jt *f 1 - ■ »4J'f tiv.'^i'iii'/';'' ; V ■ ■ ’ ''’ >■ i?' 'v < ■'? 'a/:*'’ '• . .V 1. V.K .' Wi..: . '..' r •■;-ilwv8c^ \u v^Ar / i ' ., ijh..-l •' . .i ■' !•- 'I *- •••../■!' •■ )l .4-..K 1,1.- 'ij i7 '*' •I'D?* '• ♦ ‘Wi to 4(4' ■ ^. u n i ..;■ iii:.if. , M' *■ \|Aii' ^yrr ^ , ‘ I ■•--'*• ' '?• ■ '%* ^ *<■ * .4! ''C ,'f- ' t : *':•'■■ >■.• - w«l‘' \' ’ • > J'Wtjpi ■ • . - -v- I h; »d4;0rt hi :-r:U;Vf Ml .uri^ h->: ‘M ; - ■ : .^'. : r. • ii i ' ;ni4^I 40 u: •*; ^ ...:..K M. Ijkniuo aamo.f i» - ir * ^ '.>tou A ‘ ' .idi f ' " . :- .^ ' o ,' A . ? r 0 ' . , ' 4 ‘ * '■>■'' ^ ^ ' -* .i-^F • I iif. ”. ' 3;/. - '. . .' »4 4^,/i- • — «.U'/ "j d l> i./ <-i h-j.' . ..*^ .' I rt» ,«4:4X..4 { H^'i7 t *;*•• .':i i:i i-- - -. -•'i iliiw ff "sM^ V ' I .i .t. .',;.) ^»<1t w-ftitnyK ^■:.::^|& 7 ^ 4 -ij, isj/* i 1 , ■ ■ . •; ar>Uo **' , *' 'V M4’ / - .. liAUcn . o iy7r Vt • . (.iT ■ •’ . ^' •: »»>3. . ' >0/1 V‘ t*m .>>i-<*t** • -'v I . ,0-'>©.^U (i^ I) :?? : - , ^ . ia*^- d\,:::z:l/, ** 1774 (186), Baptd. 79. Raleigh s Geo. Dawkia, gent. Elizabeth d Henry Child tiie Falcon.’’ “ David Kees yr Ariau.” “ Muchel.” Churchwardens — David John, David Kees. 1775 (19 J) Baptd. 66. “"Jpmes Councell, puppet shew man.” Wm. Kees, sexton. David Kees, JenkinHugh — Churchwardens. 17:76 (193) Baptd. 50. Kichd. s Mr Geo. Dawkin. 1777 (198) Baptd. 59. Wm. Jones, surveyor.” Joseph s of xVlr Geo. Dawkin. 1778 (201) Baptd. 49. Robert s Mr. Walter Kees. Ed. s Mr Geo. Dawkin. 1779 (203) Baptd. 48. 1780 (206) Baptd. 51. 1781 (209) Baptd. 44. Daniel s Mr Geo. Dawkin. 1782 (211) Baptd 50. James s Capt. Wm. Bail. Jane d Mr Evan Griffith. 1783 (214) Baptd. 55. Mary d Capt. Et. W^ms. 1784 (217) Baptd. 29. James Mabe (?) 1785 (219) Baptd. 44. Charlotte d Mr Evan Griffiths. John Jones, officer of excise. ‘‘ Henshaw.” Lodwick.” 1786 (221) Baptd. 38. Mary Ann d Portescue Mansell Pinkney. John Jones, officer of excise. 1787 (222) Baptd. 29. Jeremiah Davies, vicar j John James and John Badger, churchwardens. 1788 (223) Baptd. 52. David Ho'well, Eobt. David Edward — Church w ardens. 1789 (127) Baptd. 39. Howell Nicholas, officer of excise. Churchwardens — AValter Eees, farmer, and Walter Eees, butcher. 1790 (225) Baptd. 41. George s John Eees, Kilvery, gent. Churchwardens — Robert Deer und Daniel Williams. 1791 (226) Baptd. 43. Martha d Cipc. Thos. Wil- liams. Harriet d Capt. Eobt. Williams. ‘•John Thomas, Sir Edward’s huntsman.” Churchwardens — John Griffiths and Charles Rees. 1792 (227) Baptd. 46. John Donne.’^ Jane d Mr J. Griffiths, tanner. Churchwardens — John Griffiths and Thomas Kees. 1793 (229) Baptd. 47. William Thomas, Tyllwyd, Many of the entries about this time are quite illegible. 1794 (230) Baptd. 39. Churchwardens, John Eees and Thomas Eees. 1795 (231) Baptd. 45. Churchwardens— William Williams and WaPer Griffith. 1796 (232) Baptd. 57. Robert Jenkin, schoolmaster, Hengoed. Eliz h. d Edward Chalinder. Ohurcn war- dens — Wm. Williaii], Morgan Daniel. 10 1797 (234) Baptd. 50. Thomas s Joho Powell, inn- keeper. 1798 (235) Baptd. 50. Wrr. Bees, sexton. John Thomas alias Delabay. Mr Geo. Walker. 1799 (237) Baptd. 39. Robert Craven. Walter Rees, sen. {?) gent. Churchwardens, John Thomas, Daniel William. 1*^00 (238) Baptd. 38. Juliana Dixie d Edward Mansell Dawkins, g^ent. 1801 — 1812 (inclusive), p.p. 239, 262. It will be evident to all that from about this period, owing^ to the increase of Nonconformist chapels in the district, the Baptisms in the Church register cease to be anything like a complete record of the parish : we therefore discontinue our notes with the advent of the present century. HAERXAGES 1687 - 1837 . Our Marriage record will contain every entry between these dates, thus furnishing the completest existing record of weddings in the parish. Subse- quent to 1837, Nonconformist chapels were licensed for the solemnisation of marriages: we shall therefore break off at or near this point. (P. 26.^ John Morrise (?), Margareta Traharn, Nov., 1687 (blank)... Edwardus Kemeys, Anna Richard, 17 Oct., 1699. fblank). (27) Nomina Eorum qui matrimonia conjuncti fuerunt incipient 25 die Maitij 1697"” — Morganus Thomas, .Tenetta Moigan. ..Thomas Dela Hay, Anna Edwards... Johan Evan, Maigeret Thomas. ...lohn Walter (?), Ellinor David... Johannes Griffith, Anna John.,.Gulielmus Phillips, Margereta Hugh. 1698. Thomas Griffith, Alicia Hugh...Robertus William,. Margereta Mon ice. ..Thomas Howell, Wenlliaa John.. Johan Hugh, Jeneta Rees...Jenkinus David, Margaret. ..(?) Guliel Moriss, jun., Jana Wil- liam... Johan Wins., Jenneta Morriss../rhomas John, Margerett Evan ..Guliel Jones, Margereta Badger.., Johan Hopkin, Maud John Gorse (?)... Johan Thomas, Margereta rfrances...Morrice Thomas, Margeret David. 1699. Edwardus .John, Elizabetha ...Griffith William, Joanna Thomas... Richard Stepney, Anna Jones... Johannes Vaughan, Dorothea Price. ..David Hugh, Dorothea Thomas. ..Daniel Mathew, Catherine Hop- kin. ..Gulielmus David, Jenetta William. ,-. .••<*rTo<‘‘. ? ; ' ' , . V.- ■'■ '■ - .. ■*■'' T'.‘7 A r . • *> '. ..i,:; -■ •; ‘-J-i: ■ ■• ■ ;-’r ' ;/ '■ • ^ '. .1 jii1«|3[ooand> y.i‘*l Ai^r>tqtnC*i J.l / .. • -1 :ur ^ vicr^' k iw >4, uy.' ■ -.i. -lii': - :7 . N .JJ I »»<•'>#»<»/ *'* *'* /. : 6 V ..t ':•■> «»'»rj •• .-■ i,1 V ’ V rrinq' qrc^ ^ 1* -C . ^ 1 .’twl .i9iir.(i^M| ' . ■ '- *' --iv ♦4|)|'_;^lp’ ' ■'•; '>'.■■ rf'i , i.J. ‘ ■■ " . -■ ■’‘ri ! 7 /i > J ;, ,V '* .• .. -^/:-' .’ i// *:. ^'''' ''t ■ J ! ^ ,;'■ I- ''■■■- 7/ . ^ <>Fl ' ' f J •'. ■ ■■ f ,. ... ^ .jTj v/ miorlT ' V • * jr.t:- TXIN^tilM ■ . ' ' ' ... .. i 11 1700. Willmus John, Cv^therina Phillip,.. William Bowen, Elizabeth Hugh... Willmus Howell, Margareta David ...William David, Anna John...Gnielm Griffith, Elixa- beta John...Guliemua John, Margeretta Phillip..^ David Thomas, Maria James. ..Griffinus Price, Anna. Lloyd... Ffranciscus Griffith, Catherina John... Jenkinns Griffith, Jana Hopkin Evanus Griffith, Catheriaa. William. 1701. Johannes David, Jane Jones. 1702. Morganus David, Anna David. (28) Phillipus John, Maria David.. .Thomas Lloyd;^ Jana Thomas. ..Thomas Owen, Maria Griffith. ..Mor- ganus Thomas, Elizabeta Wigley. 1703. Henricus Bowen, Anna Oliver... David Bichard Whittin, Maria Anthony... David Morgan, Maria Thomas... Morgan Thomas, Anna Griffith. ..Gulielmns Mathew, M.^rgereta Morgan... Ffranciscus William,. Anna Griffith. ..Guliel Samuel, Elizabeta Wiiliam.,, Samuel Eichard, Anna Eees. 1701. Gulielmus Jenkin, Jana William. ..David Daniell> Eacbell William... Daniel Thomas, Elizffietk David .. Johan Bowen, Maria Dawkins. ..David William, Jane- William. ..David Walter, Maria Mathew. ..Edwardos William, Anna David.. Johan Thomas, Elizab Grffith ...Eichard Harry, Margeretta Thomas.. .Guliel Howell^ Joanna Price. 1705. Anthony John, Judith Bynon... Gulielmus Davies,, Elizibeth Watkins. (29) Johannes Jenkin, Sarah Eichard... Eowlandns Jenkin, Elizabeth ...Gwalterus Eees, Jana William... Gulielmus Morriss. Margeretta Hugh... Eicdus Humphrey, Leticia Jenkin. 1706. Johan David, Catharina Thoma=^...Hugo Jones, El- linor Jones. ..Thomas Griffith, Magetta John.,. Mor- ganus David, Maria James.. Owen Morgan, Sarah Ffrancis... Meredith Griffith, Catherina Evan...Gual- terus Thomas, Auna Johu...Gualterus Eees, Elliaoi Thomas. ..Gulielmus David, Maria Hopkin. 1707. Gulielmus Eees, Margeretta David... David Jenkin,. Margerett Ffrancis.. .Dauiel Bowen, Anna Harry... Evanus Ffrancis, Jennett Jenkin. ..Gulielmus John, Catherina Jenkin. .0’>T '4^^^^HMl> ,ailo\ Z 6.. t Vrf^filrkiif 4^tiA mnUiW*.. ■ c;!t'lvf.n 4i*T5l^^!^VV ./idol? i^tfi9Ui/r>'/.ad/i'5, 4145P»|. C M h/i^ivir.4.fcA^dT - 3 V ^ • 1a :r liivij r . ? *^m5 ificA .o“-no?^ Ijik^O ♦'^ec^d^rA/, ,'>ii«itfi to < > . . ,d 1 i> fiH r £. ,aBfr*M%- .t^ 'd r ; \' il’ : 7r :'r''»^>fj»fritu idV /:tW ;‘;‘:‘'.W ^ . ..c:^' viiai r'. ' I iTV^'SIB i (sodA i' ■*T,' rTIf^rW / J > V .' ‘ t rr^ . ? ■ ' 7 /j 1* ^ ^'* . * j j ]< ^acB ?J h*; .1 j*.oo- 7T ^ •■ r'h if f ^ 1 *iUf ' '. . . * ' ' s -■ - - •• . V" V • ' V ■ K h UfO .:fiiSiy i ' ■ .^i't^ *' ■ *,'[ '1 • ' 4 r - ^ '»->i ■ .1, f»A‘ «H . . f * ^j>/' ^ t! 5 '47^1(1. ...Ifd^h ■'• -il i»/flM' . r.'l V jitf^ ,• ■ .i't li/Hf. tfAtl- •^i< I . ijv!ir‘^l" ^ ' , tj-n #K r . 4- HI ‘•_:^<* 1I»‘JI, .7' 12 1708. Johan Morgan, Elizabetha Ffrancis Henricas Bowen, Ellinor Griffith... Morganus John, Maria Bad- eer...G ulielmus Harry, Ellinor Willianj... Thomas Husrh, Margeretta Lewis. (30) David Ungoed, Margeretta William. ..Thomas Phillip, Jennetta David... Johannes Morriss, Anna Rees. 1709. Evan David, Margeretta Hopkin... Thomas Rosser, Sage Thoofias ..Gulielmus Bowen, Catherina William... Griffinus Morgan, Catherina William. ..Ffranciscus William, Elizibetha John...'J'bomas John, Tennetta JohL...Henricus Ffisher, Maria Bernard. ..Gulielmus Lewis, Mary Hugh. 1710. Evanus David, Catherina Rees. 1711. Benj^n Morgan, Anna Thomas... Arthur William, Margaretta Nicholas... Mauritius David, Catherina Richard. ..Gulielmus Price, Margaretta Jones... David Hopkin, Maria Morgan. ..Thomas Dalton, Elizabeth Davies.. .Andoenus Thomas, Dorothea David. 1712. Andoenus Morrice, Maria William... Thomas Wil- liam, Maria Griffith. ..Georgius Hugh, Martha Evan... Johannes Thomas ab (?) Stradling, Margaretta Griffith ...Johannes Griffith, Margaretta David. ..Henrious William, Margaretta Thomas. 1713. David Powell, Margaretta Griffith... Johannes David, Chrisly Francis... David Edward, Rachel Robert.,, Gulielmus Penry, Anna Rees,.. Jacobus Mayn waring, Elizabetha David. 1714. Gulielmus John, Lelitia David. ..Griffinus Morgan, Dorothea John ..Franciscus Howell, Elizabeth Wil- liam. ..Thomas Francis, Margaretta Howell, . .Richardus Thomas, Anna D \niel... Thomas James, Rebekah David. ..Jacobus James, Jana Griffith. ..(?) Randel (?), Anna Francis. 1715. (31) Gulielmus Kennor (?), Anna Stepney... Johannes David, Elizabetha David... Hector Williams, Marix Rees... Philippus Down, Prudentia Walter. ..Frauciseus Morgan, Francisca Morrice.. . ..Gulielmus Nicholas, Sagea John (?)...Rieaidus Jenkin, Elizabetha Showier ...David Howell, Margarett-a David. .•David John, Maria Griffith... Evanus Morgan, Maria Thomas. ■ WL ♦O ‘ ^ ■ ’ . , .' 1 .i , . V.- L^.t.tfTisi ' l^f . *S'» I ki ‘ ' I Vii* ^ .;■ J^'rtA • '■ ..;r{..',, Livi/ • . . “J ■ ' ^ ' .^,' :• .uH J .ciJ'hiT.. ub ■ ., .i'^' .4 ii ».jHrV‘ ■ i/J ».• j,W> •* " - y •;'«#* i. V' . .*v;.:hfii:^ -'1 V 4l:j J ' •.'4*!'' . (>';■» ' . : j: 'V i' ■ ■ , -; ^ ■' ‘ “''i '»C''tvjiw4->,,.'Ii-;&- |1J !l'; ..-iif , - -r . . . i! 1 .- u! i '.44 -U; 1 . «*< 11 4r . ■ ' •• ■*"•’ v i>.K , ■ ■ ' f Aiuv' -wX : ^ ■• A>’ii(!i . i. -i. i ' i>- : M6i4 ; 1. ^ K|?' f ‘ 4t4T!h4^v/a^jjM »tJ' ' >4' *•,. , a rv. ' 1 i>lfi K ij b'ff. ’■ . r. . ... f>i f ft <1 ti I ;•'«'< j».l. .,1 !i.' /. *•! I 4>) M , • vat'l !>*;/ ^ 'A «(i . # . o ri , . 4 WJiay/ A/ttxot ,....».' :i,; ‘ !Tliv ■ r.'< • u-H' ■'» uiiJv’i^ .i.i.L ,4:ii!a .. ii c.'iiiw t -..I ‘ , .liMltOlAT i-li, (/- 13 1716. Gualterus Morgan, Joanna Richard... Philippus Evan, Maria David... Griffinus Thomas, Dorothea Jenkin.,,Gulielmus Duckfield, Caterina Morgan... GrifiSnus Evan, Jana Rees... David John, Margeretta Griffith. 1717. Eichardiis Philipp, Gwladys Hopkin...Gulielmua Robert, Catherina Griffith... David John, Joanna Griffith... Morganus Thomas, Margaretta William... Richardus John, Anna Thomas. ..David Griffith, Mar- garetta Francis. ..Thomas Morgan, Catherina Williams ...Joannes Jtnkin, Anna David. 1718. Jacob David, Lucea David... Ed wardus .Evan, Jana Hugh...Gulielmus Matthew, Maria David ..Johannes Hugh, Maria Jenkin.. .Thomas Francis, Matilda Mor- gan. [Hiatus of two years]. 1721. Johannes David, Elizabetha Hugh... Morgan us David, Esther Griffith. ..Thomas David, Catherina Rees. 1722. Evanus Morris, Maria David. ..Evanus David, Anna Powell Johannes Jenkin, Maria Morgan David Thomas, Jana Gambold (?) ...Johannes William, Maria Thomas. ..Thomas William, Sarah John... Matthaeus Bennet de Cheriton, Maria David. ..David .William de Llanedy, Joanna William de Llanelly.. .Evanus Wil- liam, Margaretta Rees.. Daniel Jones, Maria Jones... Enoch Rees, Prudentia Thomas. (32) Thomas David, Margaretta William... Joannes David, Maria — ^ ...Johannes Bassett, Anna Butler. 1723. David Lewis, Jana Richard... Johannes Morris, Mar- garetta William. ..Johannes Bowen, Maria Jenkin... [I page blank]. (33) Blank. Hiatus of twelve years ! 1735. (34) David Humphrey, Mary John... Walter Griffith, Elizabeth David. ..John Morgan, Gwenlian John... Peter Penry, Juan Howell... Walter Thomas, Francis Thomas... William Griffith, Mary John. ..Thomas Robt Bowen, Elizabeth Howell. ..Thomas Harry, Elizabeth Hugh... William John, Lettuce Harry.. .Ed ward David, Elizabeth David... William David, Cicil Hugh. 1736. Nathan Evans, Mary Griffith. ..Robert Lewis, Jen- net Henry... Henry Rees, Mary Hngh... George Hugh, . : ^.fT • . '^^^•’0 . ^-r- i mo ' 1 >•" « ^ •;t: J> ...*i: R '' /H' * ‘l' *. . ' M' . . : ii]ri 0^ • « J n . . , K/' W ‘ ^ 4 rt • r A - ^ ^ '•> ■* i - ' ; •./. ^ ^iii: ' .'-ii;' * 4. . * . “ .hj-rl!(! V--- i-lv' •» .am ~ ' '! *.’ rvT...MTi ' I ,lKTj|Udoo**C ' , •.•r^, .o-i. ‘ n:ui'Wn|l^»JjS|FW . ( f. ^'1 Vi 1 1 ,c^r' - i : r :: . >• r. . . I ,. . '-f ll^ 0 r.lv . n ' i 1^* n'iOi} •. U h , DiT 15<*.L : . .irr^Ii i W i&l tcHillSl • 1^1 Kill *^tUi A' >;.'»rjnil?f< l*.,.fr . , i*5 // 0 B f ^ ^ .,‘; ik*W€i^< ;X' , ]i»l. ^‘fcitKiwi'r i r.: j { ■ .m.a’J yiv ^tMIll'A ; Mi M ^ V I. shi^^ tifAG ■' ' ••.■'•■' f i . ". .Ii,i!l t,W> ' •mSVI '.'. ,. -H-.t, v-yil/i tr'’) , 1.. . ,» ,fi . ' ’ "^iy>..A'rv4»vl •'(•I , -1 i • iJ'ty it' l r4». i , — r.. rdvi. ' T.:tt mn. :l'( .. ^:ie7AO f-l#:T' !•. .. ' ■ - • ^ ■ ' '■ • '- . XXM -r'U X * '!...d;^1ii^in ■i;*' . (M 'ci.ilV/ .-..'.r.Ujnu ^ : '‘»dl*N'.; ji .ut»vi' . t '^:r. rl . 14 Mary Evan... Griffith Vaughan, Elizabeth David... Thomas Jones, Catherine James... Ed ward Hughes, Margaret William... John Evan, Margaret Hugh... William Morgan, Jennet Hugh... John William, Jane Pry therch... David Beavan, Margaret Rees. ..Cornelius William, Margaret David. .Jahn Reay, Mary Hugh. 1737. David Griffith, Eleanor Thomas. ..Richard Griffith, Magdalen Thomas... Thomas Jones, Bridgett Price... William Bowen, Anne Thomas. ..Morris Rees, Mar- garet Jenkin... John William, Margaret William... William Harry, Margaret Harry...... Rees William, Dorothy Rees. ..Griffith William, Mary Francis. ..Wil- liam Thomas, Lydia Griffith.. ^ Griffith Thomas, Anne Griffith... William Beynon, Margaret Thomas... Evan John, Margaret Bassett. 1738. John Williams, Mary Powell... John Thomas, Mar- garet David. ..John Thomas, Mary Francis. ..John Thomas, Hannah Parker. (35j Walter Morgan, Anne Mathew. ..james Owens, Anne Basset... Jeremiah Lloyd, Margaret John.., John Evan, Margaret Hugh. ..William James, Prudence Rees... William Walters, Elizrbeth Evans. ..John Thomas, Mary Webb... Benjamin Thomas, Jemimah John... Richard Thomas, Elizabeth Williams... Ben- jamin David, Jemima Thomas... William Thomas, Joanna William. 1739. Thomas Morgan, Jennet Evan. ..Thomas Howell, Magdalen Hugh... David Edward, Mary Morgan... Edward Austin, Elizabeth Morgan. ..David Evan, Anne Edward... Edward John, Mary John.. John Mor- gan, Anne William... John Lewis, Margaret John. 1740. John Morris, Lucretia David. (36) John Morris, Jane Robert., .William David, Mary John. ..Evan Jones, Catherine Bowen. ..Lewis Francis, Anne Ed ward... William Thomas, Anne Hugh ...William Philip, Cicil Bowen... John Griffith, Catherine William. ..Evan David, Jane John. ..John Morgan, Margaret Lewis. ..John James, Catherine Griffith... Hector Rees, Anne John.. .John Griffith, Jennet Hugh ...Thomas William, Mary Rees... William David, Anne Jenkin. 1741. John Watkins, Margaret Robert. ..William David, Elizabeth Jenkins... Jotin Evans, Elizabeth Rees... •John Francis, Anne Morgan ..John Jones, Mary 15 Oritfith... Griffith VVilliam, Elizabeth John, at Chappel Evan,.. John Davies, Mary iiowen, att Llangenach... David William, Jane David. ..David Bowen, Elizibetb Prutherch...Evan Richard, Rebecca David, at Llan- genach... John Morgan, Catherine Hugh (by Lycence) ...William Thomas, Catherine Morris (by Licence).., David Griffith, Mary Rees, at Chappel Evan., .John Thomas, Sarah Phillips (by licence). 1742. John Butler, Margaret Thomas... John Richard, Jemima Meyrick...John Rees, Mary Beynon... Richard Morgan, Mary Morgan... John Powell, Elizabeth Lewis, of Gheriton...John David, Anne Owen... William Bad- ger, Anne Lewis. ..William Thomas, Mary Gwen... David Hugh, Catherine Morgan... Hopkin Davids Catherine Henry... William Morgan, Anne Evan... William William, Anne Griffith. 1743. John Thomas, Jennet Rees. ..Thomas Davies, Jane Morris... Harry Rees, Margaret Griffith. ..William Thomas, Margaret Evan ..Barret Bowen, Frances Martin (by licence).. .Henry Jenkin, Elizabeth Thomas ...Thomas John, Prances Morgan. ..Thomas Lloyd, Jane Richard. ..William John, Elizabeth Morgan... John Francis, Catherine Jenkin... David Jenkin, Anne Bon- ville. 1744. David Owen, Jennett Harry... George Ely, Jennet Evan. ..William John, Anne Manwaring... Edward Dalton, Elizabeth Bevan...Mr John Alien, Mrs Mary Stepney, by Mr Thomas Dalton... David Griffith, Jane Owen... Morgan John, Elizabeth Thomas at Llannon by Mr Price... William David, Mary Jenkin. ..David Thomas, Dorothy Thomas. ..Griffith Henry, Anne Lloyd... David Evan, Anne Anthony.. .Thomas John of Llanou, Mary David.. .John Morris, of Penbrey, Catherine Williams., .David Rees, of Llangevelach, Jennet Griffith. 1745. Thomas White, Mary David. ..William Williams, Rebekah Thomas, by certih : from Penbrey. (38) John Henry, Ruth William... David Evan, Juan Morgan. ..David Bowen, Jennet John... Phillip William, Anne John... John Simon, Catherine Morgan ...William Gwynne, Anne Hugh... Morgan Thomas, of Jjlandiloe vach in Glamorganshire, Mary Howel... William John, Priscilla Thomas. ..John Badger, Anne Rees. ..David Thomas, Mary Ungoed... David Jones, Elizabeth Williams. ..William Thomas, Anne Morgan H-s ^ ' ■ ; • 9 \ ''•><) tf;"^ , ■ • 'i*. ' m .. :i) ^ ‘■•- ■■•-- -’ ,/•■'•■' ■ ■■ V rt;.X,..,::f./u 'i O;-} ■ ' . .'! , 1 ,...;.r i,..../’ , ' •■ -.I • , . 7 ■ ij*- ■ 'I u»6« ■; .■'■■’■C ... . _ M : ' -MfK'.i , _ i .1 . ={ * ■ . --= '■■.''■■ .'. • / ■ , // , • V' ^ V • . - ^ • ■ : . • f ' , 1 , ■ ■ . > 1 t!-i r; .n^ . .. r; .nf.c! ^ ' ,'ri . ^ ■■ - I ■ 1 . , li; , , J; ; A i ‘.' iil3 ..i-''aii:' ..ii-iinn/ ...'k’'‘.\ V;j*V) ■/, ' »«•'?■ , ioftiv *.'< t'btviri ^ . . .AT, .'i.- // fi^A -r . T ^ cv'i • •'{ ‘ A'^’^ J . ■ ■ • ■ TircT" ' ‘’.. .f' “T^'K f'll!)''. 'VJ .' j't“ l-> 17 , mm r U ‘ t''s' ' :'.7 o. S j . l r-. r *•» ' i .♦rLiT . ' . A :,7 iin' r.if:; Ii» V . •..il !<> , 1 ■- asL:^ , \ : >; WL > ’.:7...a. . . . « w/ . ''■'^...■ti-i>li»''6' 'e-'- i. . ■•<. f %:< W>:*iWdfeksipa''V'^^ ,«].■' .., , < :ir!-.j75H /I : , -ilVIiU I ,v 17 1749. John Hu^b, Anne John . .Thom is Thomas, Mary William... John Thomas, Miry D^ivid... William Hueh, Anne Rees, ..John David, Anne John... Morgan John, Priscilla Evan. 1750, Morris Morris, Catherine Morris. ..Thomas Williams Margaret Bo wen.. .Griffith Griffith, Luce Anthony... Morgan Bowen, Mary Anthony... David Owen, Mary John... Daniel Griffith, Laugharne, Anne Harry... George Ely, Anne William... IVilliam Thomas, Pri- scilla Charles. ..David Griffith, Dorothy Vaugh?^n .. John Stradling, Anne Randal... Owen John, Margaret David. (41) Evan Lewis, Amy Jenkin. ..Griffith John, Mar- garet Davies... John Morris, Freeholder, Jane Rees... Anthony Thomas, of Kidwelly, Mary John ..Robert David, Lettuce John... William AVilkins, Marv Wil- liam. ..David Thomas, Jane Roach. ..Simon David, Jane John. 175L William Bevan, of Peubree, Margaret William... John Willi ini, Anne Samuel... John Evan, Jane Thomas ..John Tbnmas, Catherine Duckfield... VVilliam Bowen. Priswill Wiiliam... William Rees, Magdalen William. ..Hopkin Phillip, Susannah Phillip... Daniel David, Jane Bowen. ..Ed ward Hugh, Gwen John... William Thomas, Mary Bowen.. .John Rees, Mary Wilkin... John Thomas, Sage Owen.. .John Bowen. Anne Vaughan... John William, Penbrey, Jan@ Griffith. 1752. John Francis, Margaret Griffith... John William Mary Basset... Walter Morgan, Jane Edmund. ..Owen Griffith, Mary Thomas., .Robert Morgan, Indiana William., .John Morgan, Catherine Roger... John Richard, Anne John. ..Thomas Prutheroe, Elinor Thomas. ..Morris Edward, Anne Jenkin... William David, Catherine Phillip... David John, Anne Thomas ...Williana Hugh, Mary David John. [This year com- mences January 1st : its predecessors on April 25, the old legal year. This curious custom creates a difficulty in examining registers prior to 1752]. 1753. (42) Richard Morris, Mary John.. .Thomas Morris, Martha Griffith.. .Thomas Chalinder, Margaret Frances. ..Griffith Pontaa (?), Margaret Webb. ■'i"' ' Kf V- 7 Ax<'^.r.V. W'livV'- ': .U.- ■ - - ‘ f-A V/ W^r , J .■''l''.V.' ■t < -s. .: •,••.,>• ^4,10, T !Vj>> •'< 'hivr.n ly^'ir; fl ,«;; A ' . , '■ •»(>!” {flirlUr.'T' !♦ • • iWlJiW.lVr^l ' •'•■ ■■ .-tH?:*! 'A 1*^1;, 1 «A n- Aiii!' , K ■-' 'U'/U %, . ^1 '» ' c5jrf^) . *.•' . . « -.'i - .. ,, ir ' - •• •> -v'*’! _; ‘.-lyi/l. bTYnil|»^| .'>; ,4t; '' , V ‘.AJLfltiii ji •' - . ■ ■Mh \ 7 ■ frj....-'T. ir u' . T. •: '* *^ ‘ ,' - •!; . 't ..‘.ij*.,- . il-.; *. '.-i .: ;'iiy.J...lAuif^^ ; .18 1754. William Hu^li, Anne William. ..John Griffith, Aone Howland. ..Griffith David, Eleanor David. ..Thomas Hees, gent, Catherine Dawkin. John Jones of the Parish of St. Peters in Carmar- then and Jane Williams of this Parish of Llanelly were married in this Chutch by Licence this Sixth Day of May in the year 1754 by me James Pinaud vicar This marriage was solemnised between us John Jones, Jana Jones, in the presence of Thos Kitson, Mary Kitson ; Margt Powell. The Banns of marriage between William Thomas and Sarah John both of this Parish of Llanelly have been duly published on these several Sundays in this Church April 7th by me James Pinaud vicar. William Thom^is and Sarah John, both of this parish, were married in this church by Binns, May the 10th 1754 by me James Pinaud vicar This marriage was solemnised between us [ X the mark of Wm Thomas the X mark of Sarah John] in the presence of Thomas Eobert, David Owen. The Banns of marriage b'^tween Edward Morgan and Lettuce Vaughan both of this Parish of Llanelly have been duly published on several Sundays in this church, March l7tli 1754 by me James Pinaud vicar. Edward Morgan and Lettuce Vaughan both of this Parish, were married in this church by Banns, May 10th, 1754 by me James P naud vicar. This marriage was solemnised between us [Edward Morgan, x the mark of Lettuce Vaughan] in the presence of John Badger, John Holliday.’’ [It is very curious to notice the mark ” of the individuals throughout the marriage entries, ai^d to trace the frequent nervousness of fingers that have long re- turned to dust.] [Here conclude the Matrimonial entries in the old register. From this time they are kept in separate books, according to the Act of 26 Geo. II. for the better preventing of clandestine marriages.” Notices of the publication of banns are also given in the origi- nal; but they do not concern us here. No further reference will be made to vol. and page, as the mar- riage registers have been carefully arranged, bound and specified by the Rev Canon Williams — searching them is therefore a very different matter from wading through the older book. From this date we are nble to give the exact date of each marriage, name officiating priest, parochial residence of the parties and /’ tiT, . . 0 i ,. j': 4 f) ii tt^LU :::M^X.M' i.^;:'-^ »'ia' >urt€f r ^i'i'V'^:^^'^ !'!•' li ‘i fi-»ni5.^Vr4i^ . -in.'V ,V*nvf. i^; . !» :';'•- :ija : , *■ /! v;t ^ (H . r ,a;'.'c IS ; :r •' ' t'‘ > ^ ^ > 2 f - il aV,*-! »l -, ^44i,- :. !-•..>. a i' 1 : t; : .iUNAq .aiVA/t. . ■ i'liV '7 : i. - ijC^i a / ‘ ’/I •“ ' .'if^ky ti.. ja ii • 1 ^-. a ' yVifKlDk >►/!! .‘^JJiJ hL i -i^af (^iiy * 4 . ^ *- '• - Cl rr ■ .' ■;/ 1 - 418 1:^7 ' ■ . ^ :it : ,'fj . ..'■ur' SaJ. ■- ’ y"V^^' ^^ -': •■ „• a 7 .' , S ;. ..a rct v 7 «jiiq 'i > 7 ^ ai. V'jdl.-lw# '> 'v* - s Jm- ju'y . .’ ^ .r^'l im ^^ot.rp»Vl. V p; ■ 4'* i f: ‘tij* '* V . iii^'-fji )ott iJ'F' -lai * . ’ fi , ■■ >. .S >JlfjX /-{«' r nc K. x^bM^ iVi^iiuL .2 r ’>U4. .1.,, ’ ' — •‘’ ^’' - w n iiiii'. • ■ ■ F: r-W-. f.-l ■ ..'* ) VC.]’, 4 j, :;A- -. ■' V ^Cj^riUV/- *•— "“***■ ,*v^ ’• .. -*7.— ’i*.: n ' I ^ . ' *' ►>■ ■ , -< ... - ' w. j. . . ■ ~*Jt;rir, ci.yyfiivM •'■ n '■ A'r^i^bW . ' iWik*' (Hnis .O.t f>t'Q r : >r, k'ut’ * *■ . F J M'l ty./if OV ■: ff' .1/; iMl , .!<• V ,,vl ; - ,_ . ."i • ■ ■ ■ / ■ n^\ :i'iH^tP..ti s'",^ i{(r:rl*i «)•-■•) ■ .,.a^iL|^. V h^^M, ■_ / Mti, ^ iFF': . ;: I V:4*V. .^3 ::(A ■ .♦ »£ or » T« .^ 5 , ^ “ /I .■.■!b •. I aa rv^itu’r - L ... ,.' :U.t. -PrC / .•Ull ill '' u ’Qf ^ ■** " 'V '■^V. 20 Howell Thomas, b— Anne David, sp. Oct 23. The above married by Rev. John Williams, Rector of Cberi- ton. William Francis, husbandman and b — Margafiet Robert, sp, Nov. 7. James Williams, Llangendeirn, husbandman and h — Jennet Edward, Nov. 10. Robert John, 1, b— Mary (John) Hugh, sp, Nov. 11. James (David) Griffith (Hugh), band 1 — Aiiue David (Thomap), Nov. 18. Nathan (Evan) William, Bd, b and 1 — Mary David, Bp. Nov. 25. Thos. Needham (?), a witness. Robert Rees, b and freeholder — Anne Bowen, ap. At Chappel Evan, Dec. 12. David (Johnj Jenkin, b and husbandman — Anne (Evan) John (Anthony), sp, Nov. 16. The above by Rev J. Pinaud. 1756. Thomas (Thos. David) Morgan, b and mariner— Rachel (Samuel) David, sp, Jan. 18. WilUam Saunders, b and husbandman — Anne(Wm. Thos) Bees, sp, Feb. 13. William (John) Thomas, b — Margaret William sp Feb 20. Edward Chalinder, wdr and mariner — ^usanBah Jones, wd. lat-e of Tinmouth, Devon, Feb. 25. Tbos. Jones, b and freeholder — Prudence Thomas, sp.. Margam, Glamn, Feb. 29. John (Griffith) Bowen, b and 1 — Mary (William) Thomas, sp. April 19. Robert Robert (King), b and 1— Mary (John) Griffith {David), sp. May 13. Joshua Jenkiu, b, Penbrey, husbandman — Catherine David, sp, June 7. Robert David (Samuel), b and taylor — Mary Job© (David) sp. June 7. Walter Williams, b — Mary Rees, sp. July 5. William (Thos. Bowen), Bd, 1 and b — Margaret (John Griffith) Bowen, sp., July 5. David Thomas, b and husbandman— Jane (? Sarah) Man waring, sp, July 9. David John, wdr and husbandman — Mary John, wd, July 27. John Lewis, Cadoxton, Neath, b and tanner — Eliz. William, sp, August 15. Certificate of banns from William Thomas, Vicar of Cadoxton, stitched on. He spells Laneltby but even careful Mr Pinaud some- times trips over the name ! John (Thomas) Bowen, b and collier— Margaret Phillip, sp. Sept. 24. . i ■ I . V, { ; -:,4i f^J. - - :/ * -:a . :.^~ - • .iJO " ' ■' *• ' *' . ■■ - V . ’"'Saiv • - ;V ■ ,^ ■ ^ • • -v^ ' t" ■« ■ •' . 'i i9% ' . • ' • n ■■'- .M i,-. ..>v;-:'./ -i.* iTa > - . w , ... f~-7ZTf j :>'. 1 ^ '-tf 1 f J ,;.:i , •■' .1..- ,Ci: i,: iiilbfyi' ••'. ‘«4T ,,q'5 •• ;.rrf:.l ^4i;;A-— *r'5^:;^.^i.■c*1V -V::;' (f ,■■ *'T )^ •, '■ ,*r .'••^t'i.ij,;. ,ijr...U' '-C ■ i ;'. ,1..; .i i i’./ 1 ! • ... 1 ’fVy , , , M ,4i " • •■ 5 oi ;i'; .,«■>: r^ ■'! X, 'T . ‘ ^ .'’i' "I ,(r.\ l' el WtV, ; : .j»tq ’. ,•;. .. '.r • A' f' /■ r;.J.V .1 ' /Aj/. .',; .. M ' ’?'.»* . . .1 .■“ r>rt 7 l 'M Jir/fU '■ ./h' / ^1 y..^iC>*i . . •*» :^ 43 s•l‘ .*- 3 Aiig 4. 29 John rhomas—Ann Bowen, sp, Oct 12. William William, 1 — Joan Morgan, sp, Oct 30. John Basset, 1 — Jane Griffith, sp, Nov 3. Walter Bees, Langandairn — Elinor Jones, sp, NovO. Mr Evan Griffiths — Miss Margaret Bees, Pembrey, €p, in presence of Thomas Stepney, Nov 14. Owen Muchel, 1 — Margaret David, sp, Dec 11, Evan David, 1 — Ann Bowen, sp, Dec 11. Elias Thomas, wdr — Elizabeth Charles, sp, Dec 18. William Bowen, wdr — Mary Griffith, sp, Dec 25* The above by Bev Theop. Davies. 1768. Thomas Phillips— Margaret Jenkio, Langennech, Jan 1. John Thomas, farmer — Mary Thomas, sp, Jan 8. Henry Chalinder, Pembrey, mariner — Jennet Bobert> €p, Jan 12 (?). Walter Thomas, 1 — Elizabeth Austin, sp. Mar 8. William Thomas, Langandairn — Catherine Thomas, sp, May 20. John Jones, Langandairn — Jennet Basset, sp, May 24. Antliony William, Bettws, 1 — Sarah Williams, sp, June 10. John Evan, 1 — Mary Chalinder, wd, July 1. Thomas Thomas, 1 — Catherine Thomas, sp, July 5. William Maurice, schoolmaster— Mary Bowen, sp, Aug 23. Bobert Morgan, 1 — Sarah Jones, wd. Sept 12. Thomas Emanuel, Pembrey — Ann Hugh, wd, Sep 24. William Bobert, yeoman — Margaret William, sp, Oct 6. John Evan, 1 — Elizabeth Sais, sp, Oct 21. William William, Pembrey— Elinor Thomas, Nov 12. John William, Lannon — Bachel David, Nov 28. Thomas Richard, 1 — Mary Morris, sp, Dec 13. Evan Francis, 1 — Margaret Hop kin, sp, Dec 20. The above by Bev Theop. Davies. 1769. John Evan, 1 — Margaret Evan, sp, Jan 6. David David— Margaret Morgan, Llangennech, Jan 12 . John Bowen, 1 — Margaret Thomas, sp, Jan 13. David David, 1 — Mary Griffith, sp, Jan 13. .John Griffith, taylor — Jennet David, sp, Feb 28. Henry Child, gf*nt— Mary Jones, sp, in presence of John Deer, Mar 9. William Thomas, farmer — Sarah Owen, sp. Mar 16. J L 4-1 J‘ 'f ^ . ^/(is.iiiri/ :t?^ - '■'* • ■■ \ .rt^i-c." - pil /I’VC .JitJOKMi i T>FI ■ .«r:»e>«>«(!fl -.. 4 .it #‘--' . / * •»# V . ♦ , ^ - K^j(siPt 1% yy J ^ • -N T ** '*' ‘ » w ' . - f- ■ • .• ' ^ ' . ..;;:r-7 A: -^ !^’A i >' .'.*5 '7,;; r :' •> 7 ,i :;o:::n' " '» > • ' . ■ *« T • ~ o’*** ' • . • •>:-:• : ^ 00 William David, 1 — Susanna Austin, sp. Mar 26. John Rees — Anne Edward, sp, Ap 4. William William — Ann Pnillip, sp, Ap 19. William Thomas, shoemaker — Maiy Davies, wd.. May 12. William Rees, wdr — Mary Williams, sp, May 30, Richard Rees, Pembrey — Dorothy Inon, June 2. Thomas Phillip, Pembrey — Ann Gwinn, June 19. Phillip Phillip, 1 — Mary Thomas, sp, June 20. Join Morgan, 1 — Dorothy Lloyd, sp, June 13. Griflfith Hervey, St. Ishmaels — Mary David, July 11. Rees David, cooper — Elizabeth Treharn, sp, July 26 . David Rogers, yeoman — Margaret Hengoed, Llan- gennech, July 3. David John, 1 — Elizabeth Charles, sp, Aug 25. Patrick Hughes, shoemaker — Elizabeth Duckfield, wd, Aug 28. David Morris, 1 — Ann Morgan, sp, Oct 6. Thomas Roberts, shoemaker — Mary Morgan, sp, Oct 10, David Rees, Llangennecb — Ann Badger, sp, Oct 23. David Williams — Ann Rees, sp, Oct 23. William Griffith, Pembrey — Jane Rees, Nov 21. David John, 1 — Mary Phillip, sp, Nov i. Thomas Rees, gentleman — Jane Evans, wd, witness John Baskervihe, Dec. 4. Zacharias Williams, yeoman — Rachel Hugh, sp, Dec 15. John William, 1 — Joyce Morris, sp, Dec 29. The ^bove mairied by Rev Theop. Davies. 1770. Thomas Griffith, 1 — Lecice Vaughan, sp, Jan 12. Nicholas Dymond, Forbery, Cornwall, mariner — Jane Gwynne, sp, Feb 3. Thom^is J>avid, 1 — Mary Owen, sp, Feb 6. John Morris, wdr — Eliziheth Lawrence, sp, Feb 12, David Jones — Elizibeth Morris, sp, Feb 23. Edward Bowen, wdr — Elizabeth Williams, sp. Feb 27. David Meyrick — Catherine Meredith, sp, Mar 8. Walter Richard, yeoman — Bridget Rees, Ap 5. Win. John, Kidwely, yeoman — Mary Morgan, sp, Ap 19. Morgan David, Lannon — Elizabeth Williams, May 24. John Thomas, yeoman — PJargaret Rees, wd, June 4. John David, yeoman — Ann Richard, sp, June 4. James Lane, Eddington, Wilts — Elizabeth Maddock, sp, June 10. The above by Rev Theop. Davies. 31 David Lewis, Pembrey — Ann Haddock, sp, Jnae 13. By Charles Price. John Morgfan, yeoman— Mary Owen, sp, June 18. William Thomas. Langandarn, mason — Margaret Thomas, sp, June 29. Hector Morris, 1 — Ann Thomas, sp, July 10. David Badger, wdr — Margaret Griffith, July 27 (?). John Thomas, wdr — Christiana Thomas, Llangen- nech, Aug 6. David Muchell, yeoman — Jane David, sp, Sept 7. William Clement, 1 — Elizabeth William, sp, Oct 16.. Thomas Thomas — Susanna William, Oct 19. John David, Llangandeirn — Rachell cJdward Oct 22. The above by Theop. Davies. David Richard, yeoman — Elizabeth Morgan, sp,. Nov 2. By Thomas Morris. David Rees, 1 — Ann Daniel, sp, Nov 14. David Bowen, 1 — Mary John, sp, Nov 20. William Robert, 1 — Margaret vVilkins, sp, Dec 21^ The above by Theop. Davies. 1771. Job William, farmer — Mary William, sp, Jan 11. John John, 1 — Margaret William, sp, Jan 31. John Lewis, shoemaker — Lettice Lewis, sp, Jan 25^ David Howell, maiiner — Mary David, sp. Thomas Morgan, 1 — Catherine James, sp, Jan 29. David Emanii^^l, 1 — Sage Morgan, sp, Feb 5. The- above by Theop Davies. John Thomas — Frances Thomas, sp, Feb 15, by Thos Morris. Samuel Williams, Langandairn — Catherine Jenkin,. sp (?), Mar 15. By Theop Davies. Thos. Thomas, 1 — Elizabeth Morgan, wd, Mar 17. John Hopkin, Langennech — Margaret Howell, wd^ Mar 17. John Ropier (?), Pembrey — Ann Rees, Ap 1. The above by Theop Davies. David Morris — Mary William, Ap 1. No clergyman specified. Edward Jenkin, mason — Mary Francis, sp, Ap 2. John Bowen, mason — Elizabeth Thomas, wd, Ap 19... Simon Samuel, 1 — Catherine Rees, sp, May 10. John Gay, mariner — Elizabeth Jones, sp. May 13. John Morris, collier — Catherine Robert, sp, May 20. Wm. Thomas, 1 — Dorothy Williams, sp, June 2. Wm. Harry, Pembrey, I {?) — Margt. John, sp, June 21. The above by Ttieop Davies. John Thomas, yeoman — Sarah Niclas, sp, July 5^ By John Williams. 32 Wm. Phillip, wrir— Catherine Morgan, sp, July 12. Henry Thomas, 1 — Marart. Samuel, Aug 10. Walter Bowen, wdr — Elizabeth Eees, wd, Aug 16. Owen Howells, mariner — Susanna Phillip, wd, Sep 19. Andrew Morgan,! — Mary Thomas, sp, Sep 23. David Thomas, I — Mary Bowen, ep, Oct 18. Wm. Thomas, wdr — Jane Bees, wd, Oct 25. Pees Thomas, wdr — A.nn Thomas, wd, Nov 16. James Griffith, 1 — Mary Walter, sp, Nov 19. Samuel Davies, 1 — iMargt. Davies, sp, Nov 29. David Humphrey, Langandairn — Dorothy David, Dec 27. The above by Rev Theop Davies. 1772. Edward David — Jane Morgan, sp, Feb 13. Edward Harry, 1 — Elizabeth William, sp, Feb 28. Thomas Gravel, Kidwellj, 1 — Elizabeth Gower, sp. Mar 2. John Daniel, 1 — Margaret Jones, sp. Mar 3. Pees Eees, yeoman — Ann William, sp. Mar 10. John Morgan, wdr — Sage Owen, wd. Mar 20. Eichd. Gwinne, Laudilovach, Glam, 1 — Gwenllian Vaughan, sp, Ap 20. Wm. Charles, 1 — Ann Hu^h. sp, Ap 20. David Evan, shoemaker — Mary Eees, sp. May 3. The above by Eev Theop. Davies. [Beginning of another volume]. Thomas Jones, 1 — Mary Richard, sp. May 12. Morgan Morgan, 1 — Margaret Jones, sp, June 8. John Thomas, 1 — Margt Llewelyn, sp, June 16. John Francis, yeoman — Mary Griffiths, wd, June 30, Thos Eees, yeoman — Susanna Howell, wd, July 1. Griffith James, Langandeirn — Jane Basset, Aug 18. John Morris, smith— Sarah Clement, sp, Oct 9. John James, farmer — Hester Edward, sp, Nov 3. Henry Eees, 1 — Marg '•■'.**' . i: ; ii . r, . ; /4 , *3 ‘ rj 0 A ‘ • 1 > -^ri Jo •' ^i\i.>ruyL mfAy^uM ^ ' , /'. I,. ‘ ^rj «-)„.' i . ■ ; ./v /- ; t •■.,>. ■ >;«•¥ ^ > ..f'k ■ ;.. i .y/if-T , . ’ . • - - ^ . ■ ' - , . I; . - I f , > / I ^ * ‘■.- - ■■- -< ' - j* »- lrfu% t.Ii ■ivu.- ..c<.,,f.rA. _ ■;iS5>"V^,. j. v.c:: 1 -/:^ ,\pfy'.ii.‘irK .« »au •- .f4>4u >-oiJvlr /■•'*^*'*r !!«- ‘»M -. - » ■•I .il^ ■;’». V-- I»W.-^.I .- • *• A .Vi^* t^‘*lW'i’^^ H ia »***^^J ' * ■ !.■'*«** ' ->vS\4q'’V^-^ '■ V : „f.jJ3| ■■ ,- .-i. : ■• .uu»'fni3> •■ ,t;^ ;‘'-’rac '*’f '*'•• -‘ , :■, r’ ^ ’>! -2.i'0 ,ri' .ra-. ,4 i-WO ' '4 34 Abraham Ayrps, Swansea, cabinet-maker — Margaret Jones, sp, Oct 16. David Griffith, shoemaker — Ann Sais, sp, Oct 21. Thomas Anthony, 1 — Mary Francis, sp, Oct 24. Owen Griffith, b— Jane Holliday, sp, Nov 12. William John, smith— Maro^aret Rees, sp, Nov 15. William Morgan, Llanrhydian, Glam. — Catherine Lewis, wd, Nov 15. The above by Theop Davies. Joshua Edward — Mary William, sp, Dec 15, by Lewis Morgan. David Hugh, 1— Rachel Phillip, wd, Dec 20, by Theop Davies. 177r5. John William, Pembrey, farmer — Frances Badger, sp, Jan 12. David David, 1 — Mary James, sp, Jan 12. Anthony Basset, 1 — Catherine John, sp, Jan 18. Joseph Morgan— Jane Gwinn, Feb 14. John Robert, taylor — Margaret Hugh, sp. Mar 10. John Roger, Pembrey— Catherine Edward, Ap 17. Edward Bowen, farmer — Ann Thomas, sp, Ap 28. Thomas Evan, 1 — Ruth WcRb, Pembrey, sp, June 25. Thomas Knoles, millwright —Ann Robert, sp, July 4. Edward David, Langennech — Mary Davies, July 5. Walter Edward — Mary Tliomas, July 8. The above by Theop. Daries. William Jones — Jane Hugh, sjj, clergyman’s name omitted, July 11. John Thomas, 1 — Elizabeth Williams, sp, July 31 (?) Thomas Webb, 1 — Mary Edwards, wd. Sept 26. William Thomas, 1 — Ann Jones, sp. Sept 26. Thomas Morgan, smith -JMary Thomas, sp, Sep 26. Evan Evans, shopkeeper — Jane Deer, wd, Oct 1. John Hugh, Prudence William, sp, Oct 13. John Richard, carpenter — Mary Watkin, sp, Nov 26. AVilliam Williams, Langandeirn, yeoman — Ann William, sp, Nov 26. John Griffith, Llanddarog — Mary Edward, sp, Dec 1. David Howell, yeoman — Elizabeth Rees, sp, Dec 5. William Cropley, mariner — Mary Jones, sp, Dec 18. David Hugh — Susanna Austin, Dec 25. .lohn Rees, 1— Hannah Thomas, sp, Dec 26. The above by Rev. Theop. Daries. 1776. William Bowen, 1 — Ann Thomas, sp, Jan 19. John Thomas, 1 — Elizabeth Gillian, Feb 3. Edward Hugh, taylor — Jennet Lewis, Langennech, gp, ]Mar 8. 10^' .T' -'*:■ 7;..it€''— • .”V. Jtw/ 1*>-' JraM^ : .'; ,VJ*:-f '^( iliJhl ,0/. -.^ttiv ,'iiwUJl'Ti ■ ^ ilT •fIM - • . ;' .« J 'i » '** ■ ’•> . »* Vf > ^ y 1 W-^ <• ' j < d? •■■^►: • *nKi^' in ii i>»..a ■• ^/ ‘ :':f ^^.l-r£.'. •:■ ,»■ >, ; I * ,i I kj* ^>l I {, itCU.ij I • ^ . ' X V'*' ' ' •*1 ._ * / . . i I^*k4 i* I , • .1-1/^/ , ^>.''« '"M' t?!' J i. ■ .v*^-i‘| .^fc’»l/' .']* -M'l .. ;*r .' ./ .,i -U.*. '.'•.'rtKi- ' - ' t ^''t- TifilCS iiitj - ., I . - ' ' * ' r' ' 'V‘ '' ■ • ' '' >: J • tiW ^ .‘M j.*n .i(‘. ,ciiijm:j Y-'!." ,»' ^lJJUi 7 f h M ■ . t f I .' I ^ ''.r>''‘*'^l ,^1' ri : VI ^ t " 'v.fi . V' ./ •. lAm <.i .M irl/. .,au*: '* ?’ •' . '■ ' ' ■ - i >' n r ' :, ./ ^ . ,fVi : -',.M .it •>; '''\'V w. '.'l^fv Thomas Rees — Catherine John, ^lar 25. David William, farmer — Margaret Powell, sj), Mar 20 . David Phillip, 1 — Jane Rees, sp, ]\Iay 12 (?) Grifhth Owen, 1 — Margaret John, sp. May 2 4. Janies Lewis, Kidwelly — Dorothy Powell, May 27. John Rees — Margaret David, j\Iay 27. The above by Theop. Davies. Isaac Morgan— Margaret Yanghan, May 31 , by Thomas Morris. Jolin Thomas — Sarah Henshaw, June 10 (?). John David, tanner — -Sarah Richard, sji, June 18, Moses Edward, 1— Justina Evan, sp, June 28. IMorgan David, farmer — Elizabeth William, sjv July 9. John G-riffith, 1 — Martha Griffith, sp, Ang 2. David Samuel, 1 — Ann Thomas, sp, Ang 2. David Phillip, 1 — Ann IMorgan, sp. Sept 30. John Rees, 1 — Margaret Harry, sj), Oct 25. Thomas David, 1 — Catherine ^lorgan, sp, Oct 25. David Powell, 1— Ruth William, s^i, Nov 12. Tha above by Theop. Davies. Harry William, farmer— Jcainet Rees, Langennecliy Nov 15, by Thomas Morris. 1777. John Thomas, 1 — Jane Samuel, sp, Jan 3. Aron Daffid — Mary William, sp, Jan 0. Rees Harry, 1 — Ann John, sp. Mar 11. Walter Williams, gentleman — Ann Thomas, sp, be- fore Thomas Tittle, William Rees, Mar 14. John Morgan, carpenter— Jane William, sp. Mar 14^ William Daniel, 1 — Anne King, sp, iMar 27. John Griffith, 1 — Mary Griffith, sp, JMar 31. William Thomas, 1— Margaret iMorgan, S2:), Mar 31*. The above by Theop. Davies. Edward Grant— Ann Charles, sp, Ap 2, by Thomas- Morris. David Humphrey, Langandeirn — Mary Thomas, May 24. William Rees, 1 — Prudence Yulliam, sp, July 11. IMorgan DaHcl, mariner — ]Mary Williams, wd, July 27. John IMathoAV, mariner— Elizabeth Thomas, sp. Sept 2. The above by Rev Theoj). Daffies. Daffid John — Mary Hugh, sj^. Sept 12, by Thomas Morris. Gwen John, 1 — IMary IMorgan, wd, Oct 30. Thomas William, 1 — Mary John, sp, Nov (>. Jonathan Erancis, weaver — 3Iargaret David, sp, Nov 17. 36 David Rees, mariner — Jane Williams, sp, Xov 25. Walter William, farmer — Margaret William, sp, Xov 25. Above by Theop. Davies. David Oliver — Margaret Maurice, sp, Xov 29. Thomas Williams, gent, and Mrs Margaret Morris, s;p, Dec 5, before William Jones, John Holliday. John Owen, shoemaker — Margaret Phillip, sp, Dec 5. The above by Theop. Davies. 1778. John Griffith, 1 — Elizabeth Francis, sp, Jan 12. John Rees, 1 — Susanna Rees, sp, Jan 16. John Lewis— Ann David, sp, Ai3 10. John Evans, shoemaker — Susanna Chalinder, sp, Ap 20. David Jenkin, 1 — Gatherine Griffith, sp, Ap 20. George Henshaw — ^lary Edward, sp, June 8. Thos. Prothero, Pembrey — Mary “ Riehert,” June 9. William Bowen, wor — Ann Jenkin, sp, July 2. James Mabe (‘r); — Ann Price, Aug 9. George William, carpenter — Catherine Thomas, sp, Aug 20 (?). John Thomas — Martha Phillip, Langennech, Sept 6. William Andrews, Langennech — Dinah Williams, 8ept 11. William Umphrey, 1 — Catherine Evan, sp, Oct 24. William Griffith, 1 — jMargaret Stradling, sp, Oct 30. Henry xVnthony, farmer — Catherine Basset, sp, Oct 31. William Daniel, 1 — ^Elizabeth Rees, sp, Xov 20. John Williams, yeoman — Gwenllian Jones, wd, Xov 30. William Williams — Elizabeth John, Dec 11. Thomas Thomas, carpenter — Ann Mathias, sp, Dec ^2. The above by Theop. Davies. Griffith Edward — Sarah David, Dec 29. By John Williams. 1779. William Williams, shoemaker — Juan Evan, sp, Jan 11 . William Lewis, 1 — Jane Charles, sp, Jan 12. John Straker, gentleman — Lucy Price, sp, Jan 31, before John Holliday, William Rees. John Daniel, 1 — Ann Richard, sp, Feb 9. Thomas Phillip, 1 — Catherine Evan, sp. Mar 19. Thomas William, 1— Jane Hugh, sp, Ap 5. John Jones, 1 — Elizabeth Williams, sp, Ap 27. Thomas Thomas, farmer — Ann Jenkin, sp,Hay 4. John Thomas, wdr — iMary Powell, sp, June 29. Abraham Dawson {? Rawson), 1 — Jennet Bynon, sp, Aug 17. 37 George Phillip, 1 — Ann Pees, sp, Sept 21. William Bowen, yeoman — Elizabeth Griffith, sp, iSept 21. Robert Deer, carpenter — Margaret jMorris, sp, Oct 12. The above by Theop. Davies. 1780. John Griffith, cooper — Maigarat Thomas, sp, Jan 5. Evan Thomas, 1 — Elizabeth Rees, sp, Jan 12. David William, Langennech — Hester Edward, Jan. 14 . John William, 1 — Mary Morgan, sp, Jan 18. The ^bove by Theop Da\ies. William Thomas — Elizabeth Richard, sp, Jan 21. By Thomas ^lorris. John William, 1 — Catherine Richard, sp, Feb 25. John Rees, farmer — Elizabeth Rees, sp, Ap 2. Thomas Griffith, mariner — 3Iargaret John, sp, Ap 14. Phillip Evan, 1 — ^lary David, sp. May 15. Above by Theop Davies. Simon David, 1 — Sarah Rees, sp. May 15. By Wm. Lewelyn, curate. Evan Griffith, Esquire — Miss Margaret Elizabeth Bowen, before Henry Child, Jane Bowen, June 8. Above by Theop. Da\des, Henry Rees — Anne Moiris, sp, June 15, by Thos. Morris John Thomas, 1 — Elizabeth Bevan, sp, July 18. William Harry, Swansea, mariner — Ann Perkins, July 23. William IMorgan, smith — Jane David, sp, Aug 13. John James, Pembrey, yeoman — Mary Badger, Oct 15 . David Jenkin, wdr — Jane Evan, sp, Oct 27. Walter Stephen, Llanddarog — Luce (?) Thomas, wd, married at Chappel Evan, Oct 27. jMorgan David, Lannon, farmer— Ann Griffith, sp, Nov 17. John Holliday, gent — Mrs Mary Phillips, sp, before John Williams, William Rees, Dec 12. Above by Theop. Davies. 1781. John Price, 1 — Mary James, sp, Jan 6. Walter Griffith, Elizabeth Morgan, Feb 12. David Samuel, 1 — Mary Thomas, sp, Feb. 23. ]Moses Gower, Pembrey, carpenter — Catherine Lewis, Feb 25. William Phillip, Llannedy — Mary Clement, Ap 2. William Ball, “Troy” (Cornwall), mariner — Mary Griffith, sp. May 15. 38 John Thomas, 1 — Margaret Jcnkin, wd, June 4. Thomas Lewis, 1 — Mary Griffith, sp, June 25. Thos. Griffith — Anne David, wd, July 13. Griffith Griffith, Llannon — Jane Hughes, July 27. Phillip Wniiam, 1 — Mary Richard, wd, July 27. Thomas Davies, Neath — Elizabeth Vaughan, Aug 7. Above by Theop. Davies. John Harry — Ann Morgan, Llanon, Aug 13, By Thomas Morris. John Nicholas, mariner — Catherine Morris, sp, Aug 21. John Evan, 1 — Mary John, wd. Sept 2. Christopher Vaughan, 1 — Ann Bowen, sp, Oct 12. Rowland Jenkin, yeoman — Mary Evan, Oct 15. Griffith John, 1 — Margt Morris, Llangennech, Oct 26. John Francis, 1 — Margaret Francis, sp, Nov 6. William David, farmer — Mary Griffith, sp, Nov 16. Thos. Tittle, shoemaker — Sarah David, wd, Nov 27. Walter Morgan, 1 — Ketura William, sp, Dec 14. John Morgan, 1— Elizabeth Thomas, sp, Dec 28. The above by Theop. Davies. 1782. William Morris, 1 — Ann Lewis, sp, Jan 25. By Theop. Da\4es. William Mathew, ‘ ‘ shooemaker ” — Ann Roger, sp, Eeb 26. By Thos. Morris. William David, 1 — Catherine Hugh, sp, April 1. Win. John, smith — Mary Jones, sp, April 2. Jenkin Bomall, Pembrey — Margt David, wd. May 3. Morgan David, 1 — Margt. Samuel, sp. May 14. Evan Lodwick, shoemaker — Margaret Griffith, sp, May 20. James John, shoemaker — Ann Owen, sp. May 24. Above by Theop. Da\4es. Michael Williams, shoemaker — Mary Rees, sp. May 31. By Thos. Morris. John William, shoemaker — Eleanor Rees, sp, June 9. Thos Evan, yeoman, Catherine Thomas, sp, June 9. David John, 1 — Ann William, sp, June 23. Da\id David, 1 — Jane Evan, sp, July 19. Thos Delehay, wdr — Jane John, sp, Aug 9. John Morris, 1 — Margaret Francis, sp. Sept 12. Thomas Manin (?), Pembrey, wdr — Ann Griffith, sj). Sept 24. David Edward, currier — Elizabeth Lewis, sp, Nov 11. Morgan Da\ud, wdr — Sage Thomas, sp, Nov 18. Hector Williams, 1 — Ann Jenkin, sp, Dec 20. The above by Theop. Davies. 1783. John Stephen, Llangendeirn — IMargaret Morgan, Jan 7. w . s. ' !■ -.• ,'i stl/T: y . '■'•■ ‘.;j>;: • /f ' •■ ■•.«*•> •/', i/ . •M''.* *•'> 'J- I‘ ./■ Mfr-.'’ ■ .'.’^IT / , ..TC J‘-’‘ ,, r>- /^ ■’1’-';^'' 'vT ‘MvliiicrS ./] i-'y-vSk^ -'r'’'- -iV-^ . -M' i> '.■!.? i*»5OT'‘^= . . ., » r ii&fiyi^^.. . ^ • -^i \Hr* r Vr ^ 1 , ;. ,r|jV 'irTi'»'v'‘ • fl- • •';i . » • V \' ' 3 ' :<, •' ^ ■ 'Tj‘ • ’ I 'n:Ar, ' ' ^ .•> ..::;i M-,. _ i. :: !/:•■ f ‘.ft » . I‘•l*fi^ I J^Wl - '1^ , " 41 imO .O' - .'• T Jvi' T bf ''"3 .M -n’^f <7iuf'3^-^,- 't ^ '• 'I* {(vSf>^ I ;!' X' ■■; , '( . t fi rr^ A .rf ►’ ; H\;:i ; ■ * ■ u;/. .•».'• ’,:'i!, 'yz-J" . ir ■ . ,Uh < '■ ' V ’’ir .1 I •- u; .*r- / ' r., :-\ . ■ ■'4^;'** t- tr •- ..'A ■ ‘■•^"•tlfn ■ . . . ',.-<-tv •'i^- . >•-■ ’ •>: f - • . « , ■. .r>; .>.., 4. 0 1- ^ ^ '''■‘;-|#!^,a-*'-'v . -,11 .Vi V i ■•■ ■ '■ ■.■ ./“it ‘w /v-j* ’/: - - V 39 James Hoj)kin, 1 — Catherine Sanders, sp, Jan 9. Above by Tlieop. Da\des. Mathew Powell, 1 — Lettice William, Jan IG. By Daniel Evans. David Williams, Llannon — Ann Clement, Jan 24. Thomas Thomas, Llangandeirn — Elizabeth Bowen,, sp. Mar G. Wm. John, farmer — Mary Hopkin, sp. Mar 25^ Above by Theop. Davies. Da^dd James, 1 — Margarett Morris, sj), Ap 20. By Daniel Evans. Thomas Evan, 1 — Catherine Rees, sp, Ap 21. By Theop Da\des. William Griffith, blacksmith — Eleanor Bowen, sp^. May 16. By Daniel Evans. Richd J ohn , Llannon — Catherine Manwaring, J une 9. William Delehay — Elizabeth William, June 9. Above by Theop Davies. William Hugh, Catherine Phillip, Aug 15, by Daniel Evans. William Clement, weaver — Margaret Webb, sp. Sept 23, by Theop. Davies. David Griffith, Mary Edward, Oct 14, by Daniel Evans. David Nixon Donellan, gent — Elizabeth Macnamara,. Carmarthen, sp, before Michel Macnamara, H. Childp Oct IT. Thos Morgan, 1 — Mary Thomas, Carmarthen, sp,. Oct 17. On separate slip of paper partially torn. Thos Jones, 1 — Ruth Richard, sp, Oct 21. David William, 1 — Margaret Francis, sp, Nov 21^ Above by Theop. Davies. John Edward, 1 — Margt John, wd, Dec 2, by Daniel Evans. John Jenkin, gent — Elizabeth Clement, Llannon, wd, before Owen Rowland, Wm Rees, Dec 3. By Theop. Davies. 1784. John Rowland, farmer — Margt Evan, sp, Jan G. Thos Evan, mason — Mary David, wd, Jan 20. Jas Manwaring, 1 — Jennet Morgan, sp, Jan 30. William David, wdr — Jane Morgan, sp, Feb G. John David, collier — Elizabeth William, wd, Feb 23. Samuel Da^dd, shoemaker — Margaret Morgan, sjx. Mar 5. Thos Griffith, 1 — Mary Thomas, wd. May 24. Samuel William, 1 — Margaret Da\dd, sp. May 25^ Above by Theop. Davies. Thos Thomas — Margaret Ungoed, May 30, by Daniel Evans. 40 David Hugh, Llangaiidirn — Jennet Jones, ‘‘married ill the chappel of St. John’s,” June 18. Samuel Stephen — Catherine Evan, July 16 (?) David Thomas, farmer — Ann Jones, \vd, July 26. Above by Theop. Davies. Henry Philip, 1 — Margaret Eobert, sp, July 29, by* Daniel Evans. Thomas Griffith — Mary Thomas, Aug 13. William Bevan, collier — Ann Lewis, wd. Sept 5. Win Williams — Catherine Evan, sp. Sept 26. Thos William, 1— Mary William, wd, Oct 19. Win Bowen, gent — Anna Pruclentia Rees, at St. John’s, before John Bowen, Wm Rees, Nov 12. Samuel Pry ddero, 1 — Jane Robert, sp, Dec7. Above by Theop. Davies. 1785. John Thomas, Llanddarog — Hanna Thomas, Jan 25. David Oliver — Margt John, sp, Feb 4. John Morgan, yeoman — Catherine Rees, wd, Feb 25. Win Robert, wdr — Margt Richard, sp. Mar 28. Evan Davies, yeoman — Mary Jones, sp, Ap 5. Thomas Howell, 1— Ann Jenkin, sp, iMay 16. “ The Revd Mr Evan Davies of this parish ” — ]Mary Phillip, wd, before Anne Bunyan, Dan Davis, May 27. John Evan (? David), mariner — Mary Emanuel, sp, June 13. John Owen, taylor — Mary Thomas, Aug 9. Tlios Harries, Ne^vport (Pembrok), mariner — [Mary Williams, sp, Aug 16. John Thomas, 1 — Mary Ungoed, sp, Aug 26. John Gambie, 1 — Elizabeth Williams, sp. Sept 9. Walter Arnold, yeoinah — Ann Phillip, sp, Oct 4. Above by Theop. Davies. Win Emanuel, Penbrey, 1 — Anne William, sp, Nov 18, by Daniel Evans. Wm Hugh— Catherine Rees, Dec 2. Wm Griffith, shoemaker — Mary Charles, sp, Dec 9. John Smith, shoemaker — Elizth Morgan, sp, Dec 12. Thos Morgan, 1 — Bridget Griffith, sp, Dec 30. John Manwaring, shoemaker — Frances Morgan, sp, Dec 30. Above by Theop. Davies. 1786. Wm Evan, weaver -Elizabeth Robert, sp, Jan 6. Wm Morgan, smith — Catherine Thomas, sp, Jaix 12. Above by Theop. Davies. Wm James — Mary Samuel, sp, Jan 23. By Thos Morris. John Thomas, 1 — Margaret John, wd, Ap 3. David Edward, farmer — Ann Jones, sp, Ap 11. David Morris, shoemaker — [Margaret Griffith, sp, April 17. 41 Joliii Huglios, farmer — Margt Samuel, sp, Aj:) 21. Win Owen, taj^lor— Margt Harry, sp. May 23. John Hugh, funner — Jane King, June 5. Win Franei5, 1 — Ann KeeSj sp, June 5. Andrew William, Pembrey— Mary Owen, July 21. Oriflitli Clement, 1 — Margt Hieks, .sp, Aug 15. John Bowen, 1 — Mary Tliomas, sp, Nov 17. Wni Emanuel, 1— Jane Kobert, Dec 2. Kobert Davies, 1— Martha Morris, sp. Dee 19. Thos Thomas, yeoman — Mary Phillip, sji Dec 22. David (rriffith, 1 — Mary Morgan, sji, Dec 22. The iibove by Theop. Davies. 1787. Joseph Morgan, shoemaker —Jane Edward, sp, Feb 27. Da\dd Janies, Llangunnor, mariner — ]Margt Rees, sp, April 3. John Williams, shoemaker— Jane Jenkins, sp, AplO. Thos Saunders, 1— Margt William, sp, Ap 27. Henry Vaughan, Llannedy, yeoman^ — Mary Francis, wd, ^lay 4. Above by Theop. Davies. Walter Thomas — Anne Phillip, wd. May 28. John Bowen — Jane Phillip, .sp, May 28. Evan Hughs- -Anne Jones, .sp. May 28. David Howell— Jane Thomas, sp. May 29. AVin Rees — Sarah Thomas, sp, June 5. Above by Thos Morris, ohieiating minister. John Humphrey — Elinor William, June 29. Henry Rees, eordwainer — ^Martlia Phelps, July 6. John Thomas, Avdr, collier^ — Anne Morgan, sp, July 20. Benjamin Bevan, yeoman — Mary Bowen, sp, Jul^^ '27, before John (h) Rees, Edivard Jos. Shewen Mansell. William Griffith, wdr — Anne Richard, .sp, July 31. AVni Thomas, yeoman — Anne Walters, sp, Aug 7. John Bowen — Elizabeth Howell, sp. Sept 11. Francis Argust (‘r), eordwainer — Mary Hughes, wd, Nov 29. AVm Williams, Penbrcy — -Elizabeth (lAven, Dec 10. Hector Moriis — Hannah Thomas, sj), Dec 11. Above by Daniel Evans.. William Da\dd — Rebeeeah Rees, sp, Dec 21. 1788. Tlios Richard — Elizabeth John, sp, Jan 1. DaAud AVilliams — Ann Badger, Jan 15. AValter Owen — ^Mary Rees, Jan 17. Joshuah Morgan — Ebzabeth Jenkins, Jan 20. AVm. Harry^ — Elizabeth Hugh, Feb 8. John Llewelyn — Rachel Jones, April 4. Above by Rees Jones, ciu’ate. "HI I _r fm«; ^-. /• ^ , ^ ;’■“, fw'AT't,-' • f'i.li -?*^, , J/ .-H’.*rm *-'•#»> |-; ■1* .•r^.\*i * ' -'i' ,*^' ■ 11 i .’«ff> ¥< ItAff V- 1 ^'. , ^ - •. ,< f "'t .' ,: i ., (. •{ .1 *4Uf.iuwM ;<> -' Wi I ' . L *» A/ , -*^3 *1,1/. i . V. ^ .>< r *■ ■ i '•■’■ 1 ,1 .. ■■"fl A.'.. >.;*. 1. .(, ^ M J/ J 'rfiiff ’ Urv •/ H;; - »r 7 .1 1 <1 i . ir^l re - ' /e ‘ * > X. 'f ■f . 4 .., .'T f 1 ^) 1 /^^ ,;r . :< .1-^ MS.^i * " / j .rjl^ ' auW..i kr^ ■ ■:'‘5 ' nfil' f i '»/• .)w' aL ■ ■:■" .-nm«j(rt'r.f3' •'’ v^'- / ' . i . U (tifilJii!^^^* - .■ 1 . ^ ■ *' ! •‘^''4:-'fe|^^.*fc',’' i:‘J ■' ■ ■ 'V-V ,i»^ M;ny. -’e;M.l(l^v2>'H • JO ■ ' ' ^ ' p V ■' A-' ’■ . Zt^ - ■ ' ' " . * -r.' .■•■*,'/. .f -tu* v^i <.--f i.r • - , ..T ^ . * 'p)/ \u,' >.y . '■ »':.//j '■' {■! .1' -I.!./' ,..._. ,. t ^'2 ^■* ^ '/'tl-'"''-'* lf^.-' .w^ ■ i'. *!’. rj' «WL,. - ■ ”‘V‘' ' • * . 'w'.' . . .'V^ ^ • - "f'' /I '■^ • .]' • ■’ '■■^■^' ^ ■’ ■ ►'■N- !,■ lev/- •! jlflJ ‘ • (Js . '••/-.■' -■ • » v: ' , 5 ' Jtii , " - Itw O t Li., U « r >*V’ ' ‘ ‘ . •.: u;',^ .'n.ijlli; it*- » 7'i - _ , ; '. 42 John ^^lorgan — Luce Morgan, May 12, by Jeremiah Davies, vicar. John Lewis— Mary Brown, May 13, by Bees Jones. £There is a second form relating to this marriage, partially filled up, with the parties’ names, 1^' Vfifr ■ / ■’;; • ''•■•(N-^ ■• ’♦'h • .‘■y/ '.'^1 . ■ . .!‘ts\(. ;.’ •' ,.t1‘ . ^ .' t Ml If " ' hkU f ; • '■ i' ■ ^ r?' itt' *’ > )iif»THrfVf - ni |>i^® .•“’ • If .v;n,.'l/ti(,ti:^ ■>.;,. „’'ri',,i*tf- , h .'•?» . . . , .u r:|l^ tr yi idLu/f , rr v iur/rtjf'iva^ '’ ■■ > .. - r ..Ml I, ;tii(viipvf^‘'» . i- . " /' ', <..' ,{ ''■•», i ' .1' 'iii’ifrH' • ''?• ...t..„Tc-r>«t'V .'‘t.vjLi ; - ' 'v tii . .•.M-.4+*. wfestatTi-’ !'..uv.'i'‘ ■:^ ' ,*/ ''>V '.. l..;; .. ‘.'..irTi^k.. ■ i -M . ^ **^41 » .?.<)■ , -I iuv ' r1 ’.Im rij /i- “- i ' **i^e .' I ' •', ' " •':ft^ridgot llces, \vd, Oct 30^ AVidtcr Edward — Mary Thomas, Nov 5. John Jcnkiii, taylor — Mary Matthew, sp. Bee 4. William Gely, Avdr— Jane Kees, wd. Bee 11. John AVilliam — Mary Jones, Bee 11. Owen Hug'll — Hester Price, Pembrey, Bee 13. Piehard Engoed — Anne Thomas, Bee 1' Pees Jones, “minister pro hae vice”; Pev. Jerli^.. Davies a ^vitness. 1791. David Levis, Langefelach -Anne Oliver, Eel) 15. Thomas AATlliam, b — Esther Tliomas, sp, Eeb 27- James Aleiriek — Judith Lewis, Ap 25. John Hugh, b— Elizabeth David, sp, Ap 25, John Hugh, b — Elizabeth John, wd, Alay 27. Edward Hugh, Pembrey — Anne Piehard, June 13. Thomas Alorgan, b — Alary Griffith, sj), July 31.. “ AVm. Pees, saxton,” a witness. AVilliam Bowen, b — xVnne Knowles, wd. Sept 2, Above by Jerh. Da’vi.es. Pevd. Daniel Evans — Alary AVilliams, Oct 21, by B.. Jonc's. AL A. (?) Alansell a witness. OA\ en Alorgan, blacksmith - Alary Bowen, sp, Dee 2„ ♦.V ki" ' i ' I •' '^4 ' ''^ 'lI^' ’ ^■■'■*^ < ; ; ‘ ' * ■* I' . ' f ' • U' '*< M'-HlT.^niiOJ^ ‘•'iO.J , - L .- ?''^V '^' :i< U ^n > iniiiitim ^ . .: H.iL . --rJl ]‘ . -I -' ^n.;.it,, — >• *K < .HW'i)^\ ; > . ) - >ft -■ . ‘ -. ' *• ■/>» :. • •..'•■It* I\<'? ^*11 ./ . : .i^’ <.«* >:' ''J' ^ *^1 ■f^^SlIPPi'Mjifi^ ' . i , ■ ••( r 'f 1. t-' .' ^ . WMI ' t -. ' .i- :), ;75f yIh*’ f. UA} . •: f'-»i’':>V*v’-^. ;. ./ »...}/,, »p • ' ; ! ^• ’ '[ > 'V/T-* ’ r/^jTld.v v.aixrtU’njI • ' ■ / s I iiiiyUL ■ .oiTS ' .»r. ic»i /•♦'i .^•'>> ■ ■ JW ■ ■- 71 t. / 45 Samuel (libbs, Louglier, gent— Sarali TIuglies, sp, Feb 11, by Daniel Evans, before E. V. (•') Mansell, E. IM. Sliewen. Da\id Thomas, b — Mary Francis, sp, Feb 22. William Fees, b — Lettice Albon, sj), Feb 22. Morgan Morgan, wclr — INlargaret Evan, sp, Mar 12. Howland Jenkin, wdr — Ann ISlorgan, sp. Mar 19. Da^dd Da\des, b — Jennet Basset, sp, Ai) 1. John Griffith, wdr — Elizabeth John, sp, Ap 22. William Morris, b— Catherine Hoberts, sp, Aj) 2o. Above by Jerh. Davies. Howland Prothero, wdr — Plimbe Griffith,, sp, ]\Jay 19, by Daniel Evans. John Bowen, Pembrey, b — Anne Jenkins, sp, ]\lay 29 William Hichard, b — Mary Daniel, sp. May 20. Thomas Thomas, Lansamlet, wdi* — June James, sp, May 26. Thomas Jones, Pembrey, b — Susanna Evan, wd. May 31. Job Morgan, b — Mary Samuel, sp, June 7. Above by Jerh. Davies. David Ungoed— Anne Philip, sp, June 28, by Danul Evans. Thomas Rees, b — Elizabeth Bowen, sp, July 19. John Jenkin, mason — Mary Da\ld, sj), Nov 3. l\lorris Francis, b— Mary Jenkins, sp, Xov 29. John Thomas, wdr- Mary Henry, sp, Dec 13. Thomas Griffith, b — Anne David, sp, Dec 20. Above by Hev. Jerh. Davies. 1794. John Griffith, Llannon, b— Haeliel Hugh, sp, Feb 7. John William, b — Keturah Basset, sp, Feb 7. William Robert, b — Jane Thomas, sjd, Feb 14. Tliomas Jones, b — Anne Thomas, sj). Mar 7. Henry Beynon, b— Anne Bowen, sp, Ap 15. DaHd Phillix), b— Anne Phillii), sj), Ajo 21. David Hugh, b — Mary i\Ianwaring, sp, Ap 21. David Da\dd, b — Ann Edward, sj). May 24. David Jenldn, 1 — Mary Griffith, sp, June 9. David Hichard, b— Elizabetli Tliomas, sjd, June 9. Thomas Evan, Lannon, b— Jennet Bennet, sj), July 4. Janies Clements a witness. David Morris, Pembrey, b — Margaret Richard, sp, Aug 1. John Bowen, Lannon, b — Mary Mainwaring, s^), Aug 8. John Griffith, b — Margaret Lewis, sp, Aug 25. J. Hill a witness. David Evan, b— Rachel Walter, sp, Sept 9. % •j- i i ■ ' ' . :■/ U j-i , •- ' ■ /j-hr . “p* • .c( . ,o ■ .'u ; - ii;)] ‘.jjf tv.V - .. . I' '■ 'S 46 John Thomas, b — Elizabeth Evaii, wd, iScpt VI ^ Above by Key. Jerh. Payies. Tliomas jNIorgan, b — Ann Byrne, sj), Sept 19, by Daniel Eyans. Walter William, b — Mary Rees, sp, (let 5. J(»hn Thomas, b — Rosaanna Taylor, sp, before •> witnesses including William Chetland (V), Oct 31. Payid Rhillip, b — Eliz. Eyan, sp, Noy 4. Robert Rees, taylor — Jennet Robert, sp, Noy 23. Above by Rev. Jerh. Da^des. Thomas Evan, wdr — Margaret Hugh, sp. Pee 14, by Paniel l^vans. R. Pixie, a witness. 1795. Thomas Rees, b — Mary Jones, sp, Jan 1, John Bowen, wdr-^Eliz. Manwaring, sp, Jan 1. John Richard, Pembrey, b — Anne Thomas, sj), Jan 12. Above by Jerh. Pavies. William William, b — Joyce Samuel, sp, Jan 18, by Paniel Evans. The two vdtnesses same name. John Thomas, b — Margaret Jenkin, sp, Feb 3. AVilliam King, b — Mary Meredith, sp, Feb 13. Franeis Jenkin, b — Anne Samuel, sp, Ap 6. Tliomas Ungood, b — Elizabeth AVilliam, sp, Ap 11.* Thomas Harry, b — Mary Pavies, sp, Ap 21. Above by Jerh. Pa\ies. Thomas Arnold, b — Margaret IMorris, sp. May 26, by Paniel Evans. John Partridge, b — Margaret Rees, wd, July 27. Thomas Richard, b — Catherine Francis, sp, Aug 18, Edward Challinder, b — Ann Griffith, sj!. Sejit 11. Pavid Idiillip, b — Rachel Richard, sp, Nov 1. Jonathan Samuel, b — Margaret Robert, sp, Nov 17, John Hugh, Pembrey, b—Margt. Hugh, sp, Nov 24. John Rees, b — Mary Austyn, sp Nov 29. Pavid Thomas, b — Mary Morgan, sp, Pec 1. Pavid Michael, b — Mary Andrew, sp, Pec 15. John Ffrancis a witness. Above by Jerh. Pavies. 1796. John Thomas, b — Mary Hugh, sp, Jan 12. Pavid Levis, b — Ann Bowen, sp, Jan 12. James Pavid, b — Mary Evan, sp, Jan 29. Edward Robert, b — Ann Bonnell, sp, Feb 9. Pavid Lewis, b — Mary Edward, wd, Feb 22. Rowland Morris, b — Jane Roger, sp, l^eb 26. Pavid Hugh, wdr — Anne Morris, sp. Mar 15. John Bowen, b — Mary Thomas, sp, IMar 28. William Jenkin, b — Anne Francis, sp, IMar 28. William Edmund, b — Jane Harvey, sp, Ap 22. Joshua Howell, b — Anne ]MoiTis, sp, Ap 22. 47 Rcc 3 William, b— Margaret Owen, wd, Ap 2rb Above by Jerh. Davies. Phillii) Hugh, b — Catherine James, sj), ]May (i, ]\y Tliomas Morgan. David Evan, b — Mary Bowen, sp, Aug 1(). William Thomas, b— Jane Hugh, sp, Sep (>. John AVilliams Mansfield, St. Mary’s parish, Swan- sea, gent— ^Nlargaretta Maria Kees, sp, before Henry Child, Elizabeth Child, Sep 30. Thomas Phillii), b— Mary Hugh, sp. Get If. Howell Thomas, b— Anno Thomas, sp, Oct 23. Alexander Be vain, Pyle, Glam. — ^Ann Archer, sp,. Oct 2S. Edward vSamucl, b— Anne Thomas, sj), Xov 4. Robert Lewis, b — Anne Jenkin, sp, Nov 8. Thomas Kobert, b — Gwen Vaughan, sp, Nov 11. Above by Jerh. Davies. Thomas David, b— Mary Jones, sp, Nov 25, by Tliomas ^lorris, William Davdd, b — Sarah Evan, sp, Dec 0. David iicu^ds, b — Elizabeth David, sp, Dec 0. John Evan, b — Mary Edward, sp, Dec 13. Above by Jerh. Davies. 1797. John Kobert, b — Anne Jenkin, sp, Jan 27. Thomas Griffith, Lannon, b — Sara Williams, sp, Jan 30. John Owen, Lannon, b — Anne Jones, sp, Feb 7. ATilliam Thomas, wdr — Rachel Griffith, wd, IMar 21. John Thomas, b— Elizabeth Thomas, sp, Ap 17. Bridegroom and 2 witnesses same name. John Samuel, b — Mary Griffith, s^), June 23. William Llewellyn, Pentyrch, Glam., b— Mary Thomas, sp, July 4. John Coleman, Lansamlet, Glam., b— Jennet 'Thomas, sp, Aug (>. David Morgan, b — Mary l^hillip, sp, Aug 19. Thomas Meirick, b — Mary Bowen, sp, Oct 13. John Thomas, b — ^Margaret Griffith, sp, Nov 17. David Basset, b — Mary Howell, sj:), Dec 8. William Engood, b — Mary Edward, sjy Dec 10. Above by Jerh. Davias. Samuel Long, b — Elizabeth Hugh, Dec 27, by Thomas ^Morgan. Rev. Jerh. Davies a witness. 1798. AVilliam Robert, b — Anne IMeredith, sp, Jan 1. John Samuel, b — Mary Thomas, sp, I'eb 2. Rees Palmer, taylor, — Susanna Jones, wd, Feb 23. AVilliam Davdd, b — Elinor Thomas, sx), 2Iar 2. Above by Jerh. Davies. 48 David PaiTy, Esqr, b— Ann Bowen, wd, at cliap- j)el If an,” before Walter Bees, JoJin Beefed, ^lar 11). William Bobert, Pembrey — Anne Anthony, Aj) U. John Beynon, b — Elizabeth David, sp, Ap 9. William Bobert, b— Prudence William, ^p, Ap t>. Above by Daniel Evans. William Bees, b — Anne Emanuel, sp, Ap 27. Thomas Evans, mariner — Ann Jenkin, sp, a minor, with the consent of her father. May 27. Griffith Harvey, b — Anne Bees, sp, June 20. John Daniel, b — Elizabeth Griffith, sp, June 20. John Hopkin, b — Jane William, sp, July 0. James Buckley, of the To^\ni of Brecon,” b — - Maria Child, sp, July 18, before J. W. Manslield, •of Swansea, attorney (h) ; Joseph Williams. Bobert Miles, b, of Nunney, Somerset — Elizabeth Hughes, sp, July 28. Evan Davies, Gelli, a witness. Thomas Bobert, b — Mary Hugh, sj), Sept 21. Above by Bev. Jerh. Davies. David Hugh, Pembrey— Margarett Thomas, sp, .Sej^t 25, by Daniel Evans. .Jenkin Hugh, b — Mary George, sp, Oct 9. Thomas Moi'gan, Lhingunnock, clerk — ^largaret Powell, sp, Oct 21. William Dawkin, b — Margaret William, sp, Nov 0. Benjamin Evan, b— Anne William, sp, Nov 9. Above by Jerh. Davies. Thomas Thomas, b — Jane Giiffith, Nov 27, l^y Daniel Evans. William Thomas, b — Bachel Stephen, sp, Dec 3. AVilliam Davies, Lloughor, b — Margt. Evan, sp,. Dec 21, above by Jerh. Davies. .John Simon, b — Bachel Thomas, sp, Dec 28, by "Daniel Evans. 1799. David Edward, Lanon, wdr — Hannah Evan, sp, Jan . 21 . ” Hendry” Bichard, b — Jane Bonnel, sp, Eeb 12. Owen Morgan, wdr — Mary Michael, sp. Mar 8. Edward jMansell Dawkin, gentleman- — Margarett Anne Dixie, sp, Ap 1, before Jane Dalton, E. M. Shewen. David Griffith, b — Margaret Hopkin, sp, Ap 19. Above by Jerh. Davies. Thomas Thomas, b — Margarett Thomas, sp, Ap 25,, by Daniel Evans. Edward William Biehard Shewen, Oystermouth, Glam., b — Mary Ann Mansell, before .Jane Slu^wen, E. M. Shewen, E, ]M. Shewen (another hand), JMary Ann Shewen. By John Williams, June 21. ' * . ,li'> . ii ' 7 ' • * : A:i ^sS M u I ‘ - ' *’ . ^ H i-' i ■ .'fv -:*■ *, ,» ;^ .r\ rii^rr ■ ? ■ .i .. , ,;^ carfS«t«i»>»f' i- . * * ! ' Ur ts;i5li'-....Y -N , ,^ :;.i'* . xl ‘ ;l,*Airi .' - o ,j(i' ♦ftini! ’ ■'**.'. =1'- ■ ‘i ’*i' ^r.-f •‘f - r,-^ ;,*• xtsMfrU' - ' ^" • • * \. . . '. .•/’., .i «3 ■ ''■ .'-’i V.r.', .p i' ^ ■ t .x.<>d /t J .n*^ ^ V r ■• ’. . *4i t.;/.l .ife^ !i , ,■>.- Y ' . i.. ./: ■ r-'*'- >V' ■■ -1 .-iri’.'? ' . -.1^; . • i " • • ;. -^ "■* V - .*4 ' ■\l |‘- V ^,Vx f - ^ -. M ' r ^‘'\'M ■ kT iti«i :”Jy* y <-i.>iyicr-;; ■«, Siv^ - -• ' ■ ;- ". *% UJl >;■ r'_.’.>' t‘1-^ ,. r^ -a* r-.u *.1 » . ' • • “'fjJ • f'xC . r> p.-- - ,' ... ,.l ■■ ‘ "■‘‘T /I ■ ; wo. Ai ■ ' !4r ’' : ';. 7 ' a. -A ' ^ /. .’. ,'i.! , ...X.:- ..lo- -w '>1 ■ :;. V ^'..v '- ,t t' • v:; ■ k rm'if; 50 irorg'iiii Bowen, b — Margaret Bees, sp, Doc 12. Elias David, b — Jennet (Jialender, sp, Dec 20. John Tliomas, b— Buth Evan, sp, Dec 20. Thomas William, Langandeirn, b^ — Anne Dwen sp, Dec 30. Above by Jerh. Davies. 1801. John Bopier (? Bopper) b — ^laiy Hill, sp, Feb 0. William Morgan, b — ^Anne Bowen, sp. Eeb 0. Thomas Griffiths, Saint Bride’s parish. Glam., b — Oitherine Evans,, sp, Eeb 25. Dwen Morris, b — Mary David, sp. Mar 0. Anthony Basset, b — Anne John, sp. Mar 0 Wm. Shirk (‘r), b — Catherine Lewelyn, sj), ]\ray 10. David William, Langefelach, b — Ann Austin, sp, May IT. William Thomas, b — Catherine Lot, sp. May 17. Above by Jerh. Davies, Walter Thomas, b— Catharine Mereditli, sp, ]May 31, by Daniel Evans. David Bobert, b— Mary Samuel, sp, June 1(). William Davies, Oystermonth, b— Margaret Bees, sp, at St. John’s, June 28. William Thomas, b — Anne William, sp, July 10. William IMoodie, b— Eleanor Challen, sp, Ang 4. Charles Le Caan, a witness, John Daniel, b — Mary Thomas, sp, Sep 13. Wm. Jones, Llanedy, b — ]\Iary Williams, sp, Sep 27. Thos. Bees, b — Margaret Harvey, sp, Sep 29. Aaron David, wdr— Anne Boch, wd, Nov 0. Wm. Griffith, wdr — Sarah Bees, sp, Xov 12. Hy. Child, Elizabeth Child, witnesses. xVbove by Jerh. Davies. David Jones, b — Mary Hugh, sp, Xov 17. David Gwyn, b — Elizabeth Bees, sp, Xov 27. Ab--. .-'',7' i /i-w i^l//Vl^»- ' s >■ ■ •i'i'‘'-*<€'f^ ' .1»■^5^,' r r. \ . "■*" C/i> 7 l^u*«iii'*ftii^. . .-«'» /'.M. ^ '‘\ 0 r wfvt, ^••-^>^■^ • . '>1 . .•:i > . * *9 ■'•: >' M ♦# ■ -■ '• ' 7*»’j )t^. .Ti ‘ f' ^l i"t\uI4! in,6f?rt7y ' I :^,i’' :'XT' ‘«,'i'4^^T'i ' ■ ^' - U 'v^ -w? .” • ' ( ’.te - 1 : n - • ‘ V/ ■ • ,if t .n-vlufx ' < ••' .^■sr 7 ' , V-C '■ r ■■ ' ., ,sAit^' ■ ' ,. L.,: 'v""' .;»v '/ .i’l »ri 'U:.* .» ^ ' /A ^ -'.1 '..v^' ,^' ’ . r -V i/iM/-,' . ..^1 ’^r *1 .lii:r^v - V'_^. . I r n .' f • : « »• . .r, ji. !' •» )' , I f , I r’T 1 ■; ' '' 7 ■‘ -i; -‘I .'Y Ti'tW •-. ' . ..• u i . '*’ '-iH\lJlh : - ./■ rf ^ • 'T- ■ Mi^yTl^ •-»! -. .J \'«- 'j \^mKj^li- ■ • r !,■') X \{^ • ^^"C- : '■ '■■■ . " , ■ T^<- ; -A ’ ’-■■ \ ' 1 % '■ . ^ td ' ' ‘, r ■ -v5 ♦ - '•* ,• ‘•'•7, . If itAfcrfft ol AVillijim Jones, b — Frances Griffiths, sp, .4p 10. John Thomas, b — Catherine Koch, sj), Ap 19. David Bowen, b — Mary William, sp. May 4. William Griffith, b — Mary Jamby, sp. May 7. Da^nd Thomas, b — Catherine Basset, sp, Ma 3 " 11. Bcnj. ITydderch, b— Elizabeth Morgan, sp, May 11. David ^Michael, wdr— iMar.y Thomas, sp, Ma}" 11. Phillii) Phillii), b— ]\Iary uamuel, sj), i\lay 14. Griffith Lewis, b— Mary 8aniiiel, sp, June 7. Evan Lewis, wdr — Juana Morris, wd, June 7. Abovc- b}" Jerh. Davies. David Samuel, labourer — Sarah Thomas, sp, June 11, by Daniel Evans. David William, b— Mary Morgan, sp, June 25. David Charles, b— Mary Kees, sj), June 29. Above b>" Jerh. Davies. John William, Langennech, b— Anne David, sp, Auly 10, by K. Jones. (ieorge \VTlliams, b — ^Anne Edmund, sp, Aug J. John Harry, b— Anne Jones, sp, Aug 10. Pj). Tlujinas, Lannedy, wdr — Mary Hugh, sp, Sej) J. Ki(‘hard ^lorris, b — Anne William, sp, Sep 10. Jolin Thomfis, b — Jane James, wd, Sej) 19. Janies Harve.y, b — Anne Penhall (!"), sp, Sep 20. David Thomas b — Mary Jones, sp, Sep 24. Philip Ball, Moyagissey (r), Cornwall, mariner— -Jane Evans, sp, Oct 10. John Thomas, b — ^Margaret Samuel, sp, (3ct 15. John William, b — Margaret Jenkin, sp. Get 29. John Thomas, b- — Margaret Thomas, sp, Nov 2. John Michael, b — Elizabeth Gw,yn, sp, Nov 9. AVilliam Be^uicn, b — Catherine David, si>, Nov 12. Ezekiel Holliday, wdr — Catherina William, sj), Nov 19. John Kees, b — Maiy David, sp, Nov 19. William Griffith, b— Mary Kees, si:>, Noy 2(). Heniy David, b — ^laiy Francis, sp, Dec 10. Above l>y Jerh. Davies. Thomas Cule, wdr — Anne Francis, sp, De(il7, b^ 1). Evans. John William, b — Anne Hugh, sp, Dec 21. John Bowen, b— Anne Morgan, sj), Dec 24. Above b}" Jerh. Davies. 1803. Edward Francis, b — ^laiy Thomas, sp, Feb 4. William William, b — Anne Lewis, sp, Feb 13. David Edwards, mariner — ^Maiy Thomas, sp, Feb 21. Walter David, b — Lettice Hugh, sp, Feb 25. David Jenkin, b — Luce Francis, sp, FtJ) 25. John Hugh, b-AIargaret Evan, sp, ]\Iai- 25. UNIVERSITY OF. ILLINOIS LIBRARY !'v> ■ i ,. w ' ’ ‘ : 'iSBK"? ■ . r.'.'r ;TM4*t ■< • ^- V- V'} ■■ i''^ -‘r* ..! T;.. . \ .: r’- ‘ . , ■ , ,, . - ’ ^ i .i '* i * 52 John Cbrnelcion (‘r), b— Elizabeth Price, sp, Ap 11. David Phillip, b — Margaret David, f^p. A}) 22. JohIiiui Williams, b — Mary Mnlliams, sj), Ax) 22. David Pees, b — Sarah Perkins, sj^. A}) 24. John AVilliam, b — Sarah Thomas, ]May IT. Josex^h Lneas, b — Elizabeth Thomas, sx>. ^lav 2T. ^lorris Edward, b — ^lluth Michael, sx), .Jiinc' 7. James (Ireen, wdr— Anne Thomas, sx), rhine 24. li(>wiand Jenkins, b— Mary AVilliams, sx), July by 4’homas Morgan. Pev Jerh. Davies a witness. 4'liomas Samuel, b — Margaret Thomas, sx), July 12« JOvan Thomas, b — ^Mary Pees, sx>, July IT. Jolin Smith, b — Soxdiia AVilliams, sx), July 18. Tlionias AVilliams, Avdr — Joiee Haiwey, sx), July 20. John Jones, b — Hannali Jones, sx), July 22. AVilliaiii Ponville a witn(‘ss. David Thomas, b — Paehel (Jwen, sx), July 24. E. ]\r. Shewen a witne>s. Pobert Pecs, b— Bridget Says, sx), July 29. Williaiu Dawkins a witness. Isaac Alathevv, b— Martha Nicholas, Haseard (Pern.) sp, Aug 2. EdAvard Pees, b — Ann Griffith, sx), Aug 2. Thomas Bowen, b — Hannah Morris, sx), Aug 14. Joseph Owen, b — Sarah Philix^, sx), Ang 19, by D. Evans. John AVilliam, b — Mary Daniel, Avd, Aug 30. Da\4d Alorgan, b — Margaret David, sx), Sex) 2. John Piehard, wdr — Anne William Avd, Sex) 10. Pice Williams, Carmarthen, clergyman (?), — Jane Elumphreys, sp, Sex^ 30. Mhlliam AVilliam, b — Mary Griffith, sx^, Get 14. A\hlliam Thomas, b — Anne AATlliam, sx). Get 14. John Pees, b — Ann Janies, sxi, Get 18. John Basset, b — Alary Vaughan, sxi, Nov 11. AVilliam Erancis, b — Esther Williams, sx), Nov 11. David Hugh, b- -Alary Gavcii, sxi, Nov 18. Thomas Harry, b — Alargaret Erancis, sx), Nov 25. Samuel AVilliam, b — Alary William, sx), Dee 23. Thomas Thomas, b -Elizabeth DaAud, sx), Dec 27. The above by Pev Jerh. Davies, unless othervA'isc .sx)C‘eitied. 1804. John PoAA’land, Avdr — Elizabeth AVilliam, sx^, Jan 1. AViiiiam BoAA'en, b Alajy Thomas, sx), Jan 20. Joshua DuA'id, b - Dina Thomas, sx), Jan 2T. AVilliam Saniiud, b - Anne Jenldii, sx), Eeb 3. John Deer, b — Elizabeth Harry, sp, Pembrey, Eeb 10. Griffith Edward, b Alary Alorris, sx), Eeb 14. Thomas Griffith, b— Anne Piehard, sx^, Eeb 19. 53 Jolin Morgan, b — Catlieriiie Keos, sp, Mar 20. David Jones, taylor— Anne lliehard, Mar 22, bj Daniel Evans. Kobert Morgan, b— Jane Morris, wd, by D. Evans, Mar 27. David Basset, wdr — ^largaret William, sp, Ap 2. David lliehard, b — ^lary Thomas, sj), Aj) 13. Morgan Bowen, b — Esther Morris, sp, Ap 13. Morgan Jones, Lanon — Sarah Evan, sp, by Daniel Evans, Ap 15. William Thomas, b — ^largaret Howarth, sp, Ap 27. Samuel Stei^hen, b — Margaret Thomas, sp. May 13. Win. Edmund, Avdr — Margaret Thomas, sp. May 21. Da’vid Da\id, Ilston, Glam., b — Margaret Anthony, sp, May 21. Thos. John, Pembrey, b — ^Jane Thomas, sp. May 21. Isaac Hugh, b — Joice Evans, sp, June 8. Edward ]\Iorris, b — Margaret Evan, sp, July 8. Da\Id Hammon, b — Mary llopier, wd, July 17. Kobert Derby, b — Grace Marker, sp, Ang 13. John Thomas, b — Mary Harry, sp, Llannon, Sep 28. Walter Jones, b — Elizabeth Hugh, sp, Sep 28. John Williams, mariner — ]\lary Hughes, sp, Oct 7. John Harry, wdr — Margaret lliehard, sp, Oct 1). Thomas Tliomas, wdr — Margaret Edward, sp, Oct 20. llees Emanuel, b — Margaret Griffith, sp, Nov 2. John Bowen, Avdr — IMary Evan, sp, Nov 13. Zachariah Andrews, b, St. IMichel, Somerset — Mary Ann Ward, sji, Nov 22. Thomas Ward, II. Lindon, witnesses. Mathe-vv Pow^cll, b— Jane Evan, sp, Nov 25. Kobert Lewis, wxlr — Elizabeth llees, sp, Dec 14. Edward Clement, b- — Catherine Evan, sp, Dec 19. David Basset, b — Anne John, wd, Dec 18. ‘‘ Tomas” Phelps, b — Catherine llees, sp, Dec 21. James David, b — Anne Hugh, sp, Dec 25. George Jenkins, b — Elizabeth ^Morgan, sp, Dec 25. William Jamby, wdr — Jane Bowen, sp, Dec 28. Tlie above by Kev Jerh. Davies, unless otherwise .stated. 1805. Thomas Evan, b — -Catherine George, sp, Jan 1. David Basset, b — ^Mary Edward, sp, Jan 1. [organ Erancis, b — Mary Evan, sp, Eeb 15. William Phillip, b — Anne Edward, sp, I'el) 20. David Evan, wdr — ^Deborah Thomas, sp, Mar 3. William Jenkin, b — Jennett ^Morris, sp, x\.p 12. William AVilliam, b — Catherine William, sp, Ap 15. William William, vvMr — Mary James, wd, Ap 23. James ^[eirick, vvMr — Anne David, sp, ^lay 5. 54 John Francis, b — Anne lingli, sp, ]May 10. Thomas Koger, b — Mary Evan, s^), ^lay 19. David Hngli^ b — ^Jane Daniel, sp, June 11. Morgan Thomas, b — Mary Thomas, sp, June 20. William Hugh, b— Anne Jcnkin, sj), July 5. John Thomas, wdr — Sarah Dowen, wd, July 00. Edward Thomas, b — Catlna-ine Williams, sp, Aug 2. William William, b — Catherine Phillip, sp, Aug 2. Henrv Eaton, wdr — Margaret Elizabeth Gritht]i, wd, Sep 20. ‘ David Thomas, wdr— lluth Thomas, sj), Sep 22. William (Iregory, wdr — Margaret Penry, sp, Sex> 21. John Morris, b — IMary Griffith, sj), Sep 27. John Poberts, b — Caroliiu' Yalden, sp, Oet 6, before (hiarlotte Griffith, W. Yalden. John William, b, Llangenneeh — Anne Anthonv, sp. Get 25. Thomas George, wdr — Margaret Saunders, sp, (3et 29. John Edward, b— Elizabeth Basset, sp, Xov o. Iffiillip Phillip, b — Luce Pobert, sp, Nov 0. Samuel Howell, b, Llannon Catherine Pecs, sp, Nov 7. Francis Jenkin, wdr — Margaret John, sp, Nov 8. John Wetley (?), b — Jane (lark, sp, Nov 19, by Daniel Evans. David Pees, b — Margarett James, sp, Nov 19, by Daniel Evans. Thomas Howell, b — Elinor Evan, sj:), Nov 22. John Thomas, b -Anne Pobert, sp, Nov 26, by D. Evans. Thomas Oldham, b — Susanna William, sp, Dec 8. PK*njamin Lewis, b — Anne David, sp, Dec 6. Edvard ^Morgan, b— ^Margaret Pees, sp, Dec 8. David Clement, b — Mary John, sp, Dec 14. Thomas Charles, b — Margaret Bowen, sp, Dec 17. Win. Evan, b — Jane Samuel, sp, Dec 22. Win. Moi’gan, Pembrey, b — ^Margaret AVilliam, sp, Di'c 25. The above by Pev Jerh. Davies, unU'^ss stated otherwise- 1806. Daniel MTlliam, Llanbadarn Eglwys, Card., wdr — Alargaret Griffith, sp, Jiin 1. David Griffith, b — ]\Iary Clement, sp, Feb 14. Joseph Morgan, taylor— Anne Lewis, s^i, Mar 14. John Griffith, b— Margaret David, s^i. Mar 14. William Bowen, b— Jane Evan, sp. Mar 16. Ebenezer Evan, b Alary Pobert, sp, Mar-18. Posscr Pees, b — Elizabeth Jenkins, wd, Ap 1. John David, b — Elizabeth David, sp, Ap 7. David Philip, b — ]Mary Jenkins, sj), Ap 7. Henry Hammon, b — Sarah IMorgiiii, sp, Ap 11. Above three marriages by Daniel Evans. / 1 ' <'ih:t , .• .1 55 John Jenkins, b Mary l^ees, wd, Ap 27. John Kees, wdr — Elizabeth John, sp, ^May 4. David Lewis, Avdr— Margaret Jones, sp, ^lay G. John Beynon, b — Jane Nieliolas, sjj. May 9. Thomas Clement, elergvman — ^lary Charles, May 11. Joshini Griffith, b- -Elizabeth Bees, sp, Jmio G. John James, b- -Anne Thomas, sp, June G. William Daniel, b — Hannah Owen, sp, June 14. AVilliam Griffith, wdr Anne Thomas, sp, Jiirn^ 2:^^ AVilliam Hugh, b--Elizabetli xVustin, sp, June 29. Owen Bees, b — Margaret George, sp, July 4. Thomas Griffith, b — Anne John, sj), July 4. David James, b -Martha David, sp, July 11. Thomas Griffiths, mariner — Ann Williams, sp.. July 14. James Scarlett, b Alartha Pritchard, sj^, July 22. MTlliam Jenkin, b Elizabeth Thomas, sp, Aug 1. TUaijamin ITiillip, Ikanbrey, b— Jane Walters, sp^,. Aug 1. Henry William, 1 — Jane Bees, sp, Aug 29, by* Tliomas Clement. John Bees, wdr — Anne James, sp, Sep 12. MTlliam Jones, b — Lettice Stei^hen, Sep 22. ^Villiam ]\Iorris, wdr — Margaret Bowen, sp, Sop Evan Griffith, wdr — Margaret Austin, sp, Oct 12. John Howell, b — ^Margaret Morgan, sp, Oct 12. Bees Morgan, b — Mary Bees, s^^, Oct 18. AValter Bowen, b — Mary Evan, sp, Oct 24. Jklward Hugh, Llannon, b — Anne Bees, sp, Xov 18^ David Beynon, b^ — Elizabeth Harry, sp, Nov 21. MTlliam Andrew, b — Elizabeth Gwyii, wd, Nov 21* Phillip Jenkin, b — Elizabeth James, sj), Noy 21. John Phillip, b— Lettice Thomas, sp, Xov 21. Thomas Daniel, b — Stira Davies, sp, Nov 25. David Thomas, b — Mary AVilliams, sp, Nov 25. Thomas Prothero, b — Margaret Hugh, sp, Xov 25. Bichard Thomas, b — (litherine Boger, sj), Dec 5. IMorris Morris, b — Sarah Jones, sp, Dec 19. Thomas Bowen, b — Esther James, sp, Dec: 40* Above by Jerh. Davies, unless otluu-wise stated. 1807. Benjamin David, b — ]Mary Griffith, sp, Jan 2. William ^Morgan, taylor — Mary Harry, sp, Jan 24. Isaac Mathias, wdr — Catherine Erancis, sp, Jan 4(L The name John Erancis occurs in the list ot witnesscn^ written for the last time thus — ffrancis.” AVTiliam William, b -Alary Alorgan, sp, Feb 14. David Thomas, b— Alargaret Humphreys, sp Feb 17* Henry Alan waring, b --Sarah Alorgan, s^), Feb 20. 1 56 Jeremiah Griffith, b — Mary Phillip, sp. Mar 13. David Charles, b— Mary Jenkins, sp. Mar 13. John Thomas, wdr — Aliee Jenkin, wd. Mar 14. William David, wdr — Mary liees, sp, Ap 10. John Bowen, b — Mary Harris, sp, Ap 12. John Francis, b — Hannah Phillip, sj), Ap 21. John Davies (■"), b— “ Margret ” Jones, Pembrey, wd, Ap 23. John Gay, mariner — Anne Willis, sp,May 1. John Williams, b— Margaret Hall, sp. May 12. David Thomas, b — Mary Peregrine, sp, June 5. John Basset, b— Jane Samuel, sp, June 12. David Davis, b — Margaret Powell, sp, June 14. David Hugh, Llannon, b— Margt. Bees, sp, June 16. David Bees, b — Harriot Ward, sp, “in the ehax)el of St. John’s alias Capel loan,” Ang 11. Benjamin Jenkins, b — Hannah John, sp, Ang 14. David William, b — Anne William, sp, Ang 28. David 1^0 well, wdr — Mary C. Manelows, sj), Ang Henry Child, a witness. William Thomas, b — Bose James, sp, Sep 4. One witness, John Phillij), b — Margaret David, sp, Ijangenech, Sep 18. Tln^mas Leech, surgeon— Ann Evans, wd, Sep 20-. William William b — Margaret Thomas, sp, Sep 25. Thomas John, b — Elizabeth Coleman, sp, Sep 25. David Lewis, wdr — Bosanna Lewis, Oct 1, before Thomas Bees ; Henry Bees, by consent. John William, Pembrey, b — Margaret Evan, sp, Oct 6. Griffith Francis, b — Anne Thomas, sp, Oct 27. John Charles, b — Mary William, sp, Oct 27. John David, b — Catherine Nicholas, sp, Nov 6. WTlliam John, wdr — Lnce Jenkin, wd, Nov 27. William ITosser, b — Sarah Boberts, sp, Dec 1. Benjamin Evan, b — Mary Boger, s^), Dec 8. William Griffiths, b — Mary Bees, sp, Dec 8. Benjamin Griffith, b — Maiy Lewis, sp, Dec 11. The .^ibove by Jerh. Davies. 1808. Edward Bees, b — Anne Williams, sp, Jan 15. Dimd Francis, b — Anne Bichard, sp, Jan 26. ■ *» ) 58 3')jiYirl Thomas, taylor - Jane Rowland, sp, Oct 27. dohii Hii^h, b ]\lary David, sp, Oct 29. Jhaijamin Rcvaii, b — Anne King, sp, Oct 29. Harry Idiiliip, wdr -Alary lloAvcn, Avd, Xov 5. DaAdd Moss, 1 a — A nno Hugh, sp, Xov 7, John Jcnkin, b, IVmbroy — Anne Hugh, sp, X"o\HO. John Phillip, Avdr Ann John, sp, Xov 19. Evan Phillip, b -Elizabeth Thomas, sp, Xov 21. Thomas Thomas, b — Elizabeth Roberts, sp, Dec H>. John AVilliams, Avdr - Alary PhillixA, sj), Dec 25. The above by Rev. Jeih. Daodes. 1810. Thomas Phillip, Avdr— Anne Peynon, Avd, Jiiii 1. [End of volume.] 'William Oriffith, b — Elizabeth Austin, sp, Eeb lO. Joseph Williams, b — Llangennech — iNlary AndreAVS, sp. Mar 3. Thomas PoAveii, 1> — Jane Hopkin, sp, Ap 23. David Rees, Avdr- Elizabeth AVilliam, sp, A}) 23. Joseph b, Llangathen — Mary Jones, aaM, May 27. John BoAvcii, b — Llangendeirn — Elizabeth Harris, sp. May 29. Hcaidry ” Harries a AAutness. AVilliam Powen, b, TJangeiideirn — iMary EdAvard, sp, June 8. l)avid Samuel, b — Sarah AndreAv, sp, June; 11. Phillip Idiillips, b, 1 Jangendeirn — Jane Passet, sp, June 22. DaAud Francis, b -Justina Arnold, sp, Juik' 29. AVilliam Rees, Avdr ^Margaret Rees, July 10 John William, aaMi* —E lizabeth IMoiris, sp, July 15. DuA'id AVilliam, Aberdarc', b— Jane Rees, sp, JuH*' 20. The nanuis of the })arties not appended to their marks.” DaAud Loaaus, 1) -Mary John, sp, July 20. James Dritliths, b, Swansea - -Amy Hughes, sp, Aug 20. John Rees, b -Anne Rees, sp, Aug 28. DaAod Simon, b — Sarah Evain, sp, Se^A 28. X’oah Eloyd, b — Llangennech —Anne (triffitli, sp, Oct 5. Thomas John, b — l-ilangennecli— Jane (Piftith, sj), Oct 9. DaAud Jenkin, b— Jennet William, sp, Oct 19. Uiomas Jones, b — Anne DaA’ies, Oct 28. Richard Thomas, b- -Alary Iticliard, sp, X"(av 0. DaAud liCwis, b — Sartdi MTlliam, sp, X'^ov 18. John .James, b — Hannah Thomas, sp, X^ov 20. John Harry, b —Margaret Griffith, sp, Xov 21. 59 Thomas b— Mary Lewis, sp, Dee 11. 'iliomasTreliarne, b — 3Iary “ Clemment,” sp, Decl^. Stephen AVillis, b — Jane Lees, sp, Dec 18. A witness? iind the bridegrooin the same name. The above by Itev Jeili. Davies. 1811. Griffith Gwyn, b- Alary James, sp, Jan 1. William Hughes, IJanclilotalybont, b - Alary Jones', gsp, Feb 1. John Charles, b — Gwen Eobert, sp, Feb 12. William David, b— Sarah Eichard, sp, Fel) 22. Edmund Tlionias, b — Judith Jenldns, sp, Fel) 22. Hector ^lorris, b— Anne Jenkins, sp, i\tar 8. Henjamin Hugh, b — Margaret I’hillip, wd, 3Iar 2'^. Hector 31oiTis, b— Jane AVAlliam, sp, Ap 5. Walter AVilliam, b — Mary Owen, sp, Ap 15. Tliomas Eowen, b — Anne Ahiughan, sp, Ap 15. John Eobert, b — Eli/abeth Harry, sp, May 19. David Jones, b — Mary Thomas, wd, Alay 25. John Tlioniiis, b —Alargaret Thomas, wd, June 5. Thomas l^errot, wdr — Anne Thomas, s]), June 14. John David, b— Eaehel Jones, sx:), Jum' 11. John Edward, b — Anne AVilliam, sp, June 28. Thomas Francis, b — Alargaret DaHd, sx), .Iuik) 28. John Eichard, b— Ann Griffith, sp, July 5. John David, wdr — Alary Thomas, sp, July 19. John Thomas, b — Alargaret Evan, sx), July 28. David Jenkin, taylor — Anne Lewis, sx), IVanbrey, Aiig]:?. Edward Samuel, wdr— Anne Eees, sp, Sex) 19. David Tliomas, wdr — Sarah Edward, sx), S(;x> 2(). George Thomas — Annc'. Alorgan, sp, Oct 4. George' Jenkins, b— Elizabeth Jenkins, Get 15. Evan Harry, b — Elizabeth Eonnel, sx), Oct 22. David 'Tliomas, b, JJangendeirn— Alary Anne) David, SX), Oct 25. William Giittith, b — Alargaret Tliomas, sx), Xov 1. Thomas AAhlliam, b — Jane Owen, sx), Nov 8. AVilliam Je'iikin, taylor -Alary Lane, sx), Nov 17. Thomas Aforgan, wdr- Alary Thomas, sp, Nov 21. Joshua Thomas, b— Anne Eobert, wd, Nov 22. Tliomas Thomas, b — Esther David, sx*, Nov 29. David Alorgan, b - Jane Aforgan, sp, Dec 5. John David, b, IJannon — Catlierine Ihlward, sj), Dec 5. Above by Eev Jerh. Davies. AVilliam Eees, wdr —Alary Seward, Dec 29. By Aioi’gan Join's. 1812. John Brazel, husbandman —Alary Thomas, sx^, Ja,ii I, by Thomas Clement. t GO .Joliii William, b- — llacliel Nichols, s}), Jaii 1‘1. 3)avid AX'illiam, b— Marg-arct Thomas, s[), , Ian 28. David William, Pembrcy, b — Klizabcth "WTlliam, sp, Fob 7. John llowcll, 1) — INIargaret William, Avd, Ftd) 23. Kvan PoAYcll, b — xVini Powcn, sp. Pci) 23. Henry lvc(‘s, b -Anne Evan, sp, ^lar 17. 'Tliomas lioAvcn, b — Anne Powcai, wd, 3[ar 20. W'ni. Moodie, Avdr — CatluTine Poberts, Avd, ^lar 28. David Thomas, b — Ai ne Evan, xVp 17. John P)OAV(‘n, b— Catherine Evan, s]), Ap 10. Edward Harry, b — Elizabeth Thomas, Kidwelly, >jp, -XI ay 3. Phan Evans, marriner Plary Xicholas, Avd, IMay 21, by Thomas (dement. Tliomas (Jrittith, b — Mary (1) James, sp, July 0. John ANTlliam, Llangendeirn , Avdr- Alary Thomas, isp, tiuly 10. William IloAvt'ii, aaMi’ — IM argaret Thomas, sp, Aug 21. John Thomas, b — Maiy PoAven, sp, Aug 28. “ John. PloAvell, School INlaster,” a AA'itness. tlohn iMarsh Shaxson, Northam, Devon, b Alary PobtTts. sp, Sep 1. Phlward William, Llangendeirn, b -Alargaret OAven, sp, Oct 13. VXhlliam Thomas, b— IMargand Evan, s}), Oct IG. John Jeiikin, b — Margaret Daniel, sp, 5s ov 3. AVhdtcr Plorgan, b — Margaret ^lorris, sp, Nov G. Jerli. Gritlith, b — Mary Ih'es, sp, Nov 17. AVilliani Plorris, b — Catheriiu' Edward, sj), Nov 24. Samuel Ace, b — Sarah Jones, sp, Nov 27. James Hopkin, b— Elizabeth W’illiam, sp, Dec — — . Ilc'V Jc'remiah DaAues, a Avitness. This marriage and the previous one solemnised by “Thomas Mmgan, minister of Pembrey.” William lloAvell, b — Hannah Pichard, sp, Dec IG. John Thomas, b — Jane Evan, Avd, Dec 18. Walter Pees, b — Anne PoAven, sp, Dec- 23. The above b}^ Jerh. Davies, unless otherAvisc' specified. [End of tlu! entries in this volume, the remainder of it being lilank.] 1813. William William, b — Mary Morgan, sp, Jan 1. Eraneis Jenkins, Avdr — ^larv Evans, JJanon, wd, Jan P). Walter Pees, b— Elizabeth Serle, sp, Jan l-h Samuel Anthony, b — Jane AVillinm s}), ,Jan 13. John Powland, “ yoman,”— Alary ^lorgan, sj), by Thomas Morgan, Jan 17. Jonah David, Avdr — Anne St('phcn, Avd, Jan 19. Gl Thomas Gay, b — Jane Roes (? Thomas), sp, Feb 12, JLeiiry JiobeTt, b — Luce (Vriiohl, sp, Feb 10. Daniel basset, b — Mary ^lor^au, sp, i\Iar 19. Thomas Evan, b — Kntli (!■" Rachel) David, sp, Luke bell, b — -Margaret Rees, sp, Ap -h John Lewis, b — Hannah Janies, sp. May 11. Phillip Phillii^, wMr - Anne (.'harles, sp, June 11. (diaries Slayne, baker — 3[ary ^lor^an, sp, July 17. Min. iVilliam, 'svdr — Jemima Waltcas, sp, July JO. Robeort ” Henshaw, b — Jane browai, sp, Ang 0. David bowen, Truro, Corii’wall, b (mariner) — Ann Griiliths, wd, Aug 27. John Evan, wxlr — Anne Jones, sjj, Aug 31, by T’homas ^lorgan. William David, b— Alary Arnold, sp, Sep 10. John Morgan, b — Elizabetli Williams, sp, Sep 1 1. dohn Maclean, b — ^Sarah Matlu'w, sp, Sep 17. William Prichard, wTlr — IMargaret Hugh, Avd, Sep 20. Win. Rees (■'Griffith), b -Hannah Rees, sj), Se^) 9)0. John Jeiildn, “a mason,” Avdr Anne DuAid, Avd, Oct 30. W^illiam Daniel, b — ^lary Phillip, sp, Xov 5. lid, W^hatley, Avdr — Susanna Ricliards, sp, Noa" IS. Thomas Rule, b — Maria EdAvards, sp, Avitli cons(uit of her father, Xov 19. Thomas HoAvell, b — •Annali (y) Rees, sp, Dec 7. DaAid Phillip, Llangennech, b — Margaret Hugh, Dec 11. John Morgan, b — ^Rachel Rogers, sp, Dec 17. fohn boAA^en, — Elizabeth Rees, Dec 21. Thomas Prothero, LlangennecJi, b— Mary David,, sp, Dec 2T. David .fones, b — Mary Robert, sp, Dec 25. Above by Jerh. Davies, unless otherAvise specified. 1811. David Roger, b — Mary boAven, sp, by Thomas Morgan, Feb 14. AVilliam Thomas, b — Mary Rees, Feb 22. William Daniel, b — Margaret William, sp. Mar 8. W^illiam Phillii), b — Anne W^illiam, sp, Ap 11. John bennet, b— Mary Rees, sp, Ap 22. John billing, LoAver St. Columb, (Jornwall, mariner — Elizabeth ball, sj). May 9. Henry Morgan, b — iMary Rees, iMay 13. John Jenkin, b— Elizabeth Duberton, sp, IMay 29. William Thomas, b — iMary AVilliams', sjt, Alay 30. John bowen, b — Anne David, sx:), Alay 30. Henry Robert, b — Margand Ckuncait, sj), June 3, by Thomas Morgan. John Thomas, b — Anne W’altcrs, sj), June 10. 02 'Jliomai^ William — Elizabotli (xriffith, wd, July 15. William, b - Klizabotli AVilliam, sp, Au" 2. 'WJlliam iMattliCAN% b — Maiy Jones, sp, Aug- 12. Jolni Thomas, Avdi* — Ann iM organ, sp, Aug 21. J'liomas Howell, b -iNIargaret William, sp, Aug 30. John Tliomas, b - Ann Williams, sp, vSej) 0. John iMorgan — ]\lary Thomas, Sep 13. David KoAvland, Avdr — Annc' IOh's, sp, Sep 23. William Kees, b — Lettice llrazel, sj), Oct 14, b^r Thomas iMorgan. William Hopkins, b — IMaiy Thomas, sp, Avith consent of mother, Oct 21. William Thomas, b — iMargaret Tliomas, sp, Xov 4. DaA'id Jones, Llanarth, CarnaiTon, b — Mary liixll, sp, Avith consent of mother, No\^ 27. John Furnass, b — Hannah Hughes, sp, Xov 23. John Morgan, rembrey, b — Kachel David, s|>, Xhiv 23, by Thomas Morgan. William Clement, b - Luce Samuel, sp, Dec 2. , John Kobert, b- Alargarct LcAUin, sp, Dec 3t). ( Jiarles Edniuno , b —Mary David, aatI, Dec 30. William John, b Alaiy lh)Avell, sp, Dec 30. Above by Jeremiah Davies, unless othcrAvise specified. 1S15. Tliomas DaA'ies, b -Elizabt'th Ward, sp, Jan 5. Oeorge Llewellyn, b- Jane ball, Avd, Jan 7. John “Hopkines,” b— Margaret DaA'id, sji, Jan 17. William Anthony, TJangennech, b — Margaret Hugh, s]), Jan 27. Isaac basset, b Mary William, sp, Eeb 3. David Edward, b- Anne boAvtai, sp, Eeb 10. John Williams, b— Mary Tiloyd, sp, Eeb 17. IIoAvell Williams, minister of the gospel - Ann Evans, sp, Eeb 2S, before Samuel Trice, Evan Evans. -This gentleman was pastor of Capel Als. William Kees, b -Anne William, sp, IMar 3. John Wells, Avdr— “ .Margri't ” Koberts, sp, ]Mar IT. John ToaatII, aaMt ElizabcTli David, sp, ^lar 27. David William, b - Anne Hugh, sp, Ap 11. John David, b- -Hannah William, sj), Ap 25. William Thomas, wdr — ^laiy KoAvland, sp. May 3. John Trice, b — Mary Jones, sp. May 12. John AVilliam, b- -Alary Edmund, sp, Alay 15. Kichard Samuel, b--‘‘ Cathrine ” Kogers, sp, Al ay 43, by Thomas Aloigan. Ezeciel Holliday, Avdr — Alargaret (rregory, aauI, Alay 23. Kev Thomas Alorgan, a witiu'ss. Simon AVilliam, b - Alargaret (Iriftith, sp, Alay 23. EdAvard AVTlliain, b -Anne Francis, sp, June 1. James boAven, b — Alary Kees, sp, June 23, by Thus?. ^ '1 cine At. 03 Williams, b — IMargaret Evans, sp, June 30. 3olm Samuel. I — Jane lIoAvell, July J. David Joliu, b— ^largarct Lloyd, sp, with parents’ consent, Aug 18. Above by Thomas Clement. David Howell, b — Sarah Williams, sp, Sep 12. Jelni Ilungoc'd, b — Esther Griffith, sp, Oct 20. Wm. ]\l(jss, Pembrey, b— IMary Thomas, sp, Nov 3. .tohn Arnold, Avdr- Hhiehel Thomas, s^), Nov 10. ‘i’homas Samuel, b — Idurbe Bowen, sp, Xov 17. Itichard David, b -Justina Bichard, sp, Nov 24. -lolin Philpot, b, Llanon — Elizabeth Bees, sp, Dec 7. Whlliam Hugh, b — Jane William, sp, Dec 15. William Sanders, b — Anne Hopkin, sp, Dec 15. Edward Parry, b — Elizabeth Jones, sp, Dec 22. Edward Bobert, b — Mary Morgan, sp, Dec 22. Joiin William, b — Anne Thomas, sp, Dec 25. John George, b — Mary Hugh, sp, Dec 29. Thomas Jones, b — -Margaret Lewis, sp, Dec 29. Above by Jerh. Davies, unless otherwise si^ecitied. LSD). Benjamin Bic'hards, b — Elizabeth AVTllianis, sp, Jan 22. Henry Harry, b-Alary Samuel, wd, Feb 4. lOiillip Bevan, b — Anne Chanent, sp, Feb 23. John Morgan, b -Margarc't Jones, Mar 8. Janies Griffith, b — Bachel William, sp. Mar 12. Daniel Bees, b— Margaret Bowen, sp, Ap 15. William Williams, b — Anne Jenkins, sp, Ap 15. Daniel Williams, wdr -Anne Jones, wd, Ax> 20. Witness, John Howell, *‘L. surveyor and auctiom.'er.’* Janies IJewellyn, Temby, mariner — Eliza])ctk dialinder, sp, with parents’ consent, Ap 16. Jolin Howell, b — Ann David, sp, iMay 7. lulward Thomas, Avdr Alary Jones, sp. May 19. Charles Evans, b — ]Mary Jeukin, sp. i\lay 29. David Phillip, b — Jane Hugh, sp. May 31. Joseph Evans, b— Martha James, wd, June 2. Tliomas Thomas, b — Ann Pollard, Avd, June 3. David Daniffi, b — Catharine ’Morgan, sp, by Thomas? CJement, June 4, David Mhlliams, b — Amy Treharne, sp, June 14. John Bocli, b Elizabeth Evan, sp, June 21. DaAud ^lorris, b — Elizabeth Thomas, sp, July 19. 'i’homas HoAvell, b Amu' Bowen, sp, July 21. ■John AValker, wdr Elizabeth .Morgan, Avd, July 29. William Evan, b — ]Mary AVilliam, sp, S('p 9. Da\4d William, b ]Mary Harry, sp, Oct 11. William Griffith, b — Elizabeth Gravel, sp, Oct 27. Benjamin IMorris, b — IMary Jenkins, sp, Nov 5. William Phil lii), Avdr— Alargaret Griffith, sp, Nov 10. G4 AVilliam Aiitlumy, 1) Alary Thomas, sp, Xov 1-h IliyU'h AVaddlc, Swansea, Cllam., b— -Ann Kuberts.. fip, Nov -U), before' Meetor Hadg'cr, John Davic's. Thomas Kdwards, b — IMary K<.‘(.!s, sp, Dee ■>. AVm. Huuh, 1) Klizabetli (‘r Alary) John, sp. Dec 'KL Tliomas (i-rihith, Im- Amy Jenhin, s^n Dee. 1.0. AVilliam Ilowen, b Jane Anthony, sp, Dec IJ. David Dunn, b- Janc' AVhathw, sp, D(*e 17. David Jones, b - Alary Ihice, sp. Dee IT. A\7illiam Jliomas, b - Anne Jolin, s^), Dee- 22. John A\hllis, b - Anne AVilliam, sp, Dec 21. l>avid Uiehard, 1)- Ann Bowen, sp. Dee 20. Above by Jerh. Davies, nidcss otherwise speeitied. 1817. Siuion Samuel, b Alary William, sp, Jan 1. Tliomas Jamc'S, 1), rembrey- Atargaret Uiehard, sp,. Jan 11 . Ib'nry Sanuu'l, b, Llangendi'irn — Kachel Jone.s^ ivd, Jan 2)1. VV'illiam Bowcai, 1) — Alargaret (Iriffith, Avd, h’eb 25. William Jenkin, Liston, ttlam., b — Anne Thomas, sp, I't'b 25. John Alorris. b -Elizabeth Grant. sp< Alar 11. John Hopkin, b Anne Alorgan, sp. Alar 18. AMlliam William, b - Elizalieth Griffith, sp, Alar 21. Daniel Thomas, b - Anne Bliillip, sp. Alar 21. Isaac Arnold, 1) — Anne Phillip, Avd, “ in chapel Eauih alias St. John’s chapel,” Alar 50. David AVilliam, b -Alargaret Pecs, sp, Ap 7. Jaiiu's Evans, mariner — Ann(‘ DaAud, syi, Alay 3. David Uecs, b — Alary Harman, sp, Alay 13. John Perkin, b Jane Danic'l, sp, Alay 20. Thomas Kiehard, b — Buth AVilliam sp, Alay 20. Bobert Jenkin, b - Hannah Phillip, sp, June 10. Thomas Evan, 1) — Alargaret Alorgan, sp, June 13. Edward BoAAdand, b - Sarah AValter, sp, June 13. JiCwis Jones, b -Alary Thomas, sp, June 15. Henry Alaliphant, b -Alargaret Jones, sp, June 21. ANhdter Griffith, b — Anne Brown, sp, July IT. AVilliam Thomas, b- Alary I.eAvis, sp, July 22> Bichard Hall a Avitness. Elias Davies, b - Hannali James, sp, July 29. T’homas Webb, b- - Alargaret Thomas, sp, Aug 10. A\hlliani Clement, b Anne Griffith, sp, Aug 22. John Boger, junior, b -Alary Alorris, sp, Sep 27. David Tlumias, b -Alai'garet AVilliams, sp, Sep 30. David Samuel. b - Jane Evan, sp, Oct 17. John Alorris, b — Alary Jones, sp, Oct 30. DaAud AVilliam , b- -Elizabeth David, sp, Nov 7. AVilliam Thomas, b - Alargaret Evans, sp, Nov 13. 65 "William Lewis, b — Mary Evan, sp, 'Nov 17. Morgan Hugh, b, Llannon — Marylices, sj), Nov 18, John Jones, wdr — Mary Griffiths, sp, Nov 21. David Engoed, b — Mary iMorris, sp, Nov 28. John William, 1— Anne David, Nov 30. William Thomas, b — Mary Phillip, sp, Dec 5. John Richard, wdr — Ruth Manwaring, wd, Dec 11. William William, b — Luce Morgan, sp, Dec 12. Daniel William, b — Mary Jones, sp, Dec 13. “ Rees Prytherch, Rhandirissa, ” a witness. David Davies, b — -Anne Phillip, sp. Dec 25. John Davies, b — Jennet Lane, sj), Dec 20. The above by Jerh. Davies. 1818. \VTlliam Edward, b — Mary Morris, sp, Jan 1. John Phillip, wdr — Anne Edward, wd, Jan 17. Richard Jones, Llandarog, b — Charlotte Thomas, sp, Eeb 0. Howell Williams, Minister of the Gosj^el — Mary Robert, sp. Mar 3, before John Roberts, William Jones, JMargaret Roberts. Thomas Thomas, b — Mary Rees, sp. Mar 23. John Evan, b, Pembrey — Anne Edmund, sp. Mar 23. Evan Powell, wdr — Margaret Rogers, sp, Ap 28. Henry Moj’gan, wdr — Sarah Mathew, sp, Ap 30. William Lewis, b — Mary Thomas, sp. May 11. John Rees, b — Jane Jenkin, sp, May 11. John Edwards, mariner — Elizabeth Walters, sj),. May 12. David Edwards, b — Mary Evans, s^). May 16. Joseph Thomas, b — Anne Rees, sp. May 21. Esai William, b — Anne Bowen, sp, ]May 24. Griffith Harry, wdr — Margaret Simon, sp, June 20.. David Davies, b — Mary Thomas, sp, Sep 11. John William, b — Sarah Thomas, sp, Sep 24. Thomas Hier, carpenter — Mary Bowen, wd, Sep 29.. Rees Evans, b — Sarah Walker, sp, Nov 1. AVTlliam Phillip, wdr — Mary James, sp, Nov 3. Morgan Thomas, wdr — Anne Hopkin, sp, Dec 4. William Daniel, b — Anne Edward, sp, Dec 4. John Gibbs, wdr — Mary Roberts, wd, Dec 5. John Jenkin, taylor — a witness. John Charles, b, l^embrey — Mary Willis, sp, Deo 15. The above by Jerh. Davies. 1819. John Bevan, b — Mary Bowen, sp, Feb 16. Morgan Thomas, wdr — Ruth Thomas, wd, Feb 21. Edward Morgan, wdr — Margaret Samuel, sp, Feb 23. William Jones, Llanon, b— Margaret Rees, sj). Mar 5. 66 William Ilarries, Merthyr, Glam., b — Cliarlotte Bowen, sp, Mar 26. Thomas Thomas, b — Anne Samuel, sp, Ap 2. David Hox)kin, b, LlandeGlog — Hannah David, sj), Ap 12. John Man waring, Llangennech, b — Gwenlliaii Llewelyn, sp, Aj) 60. Mhdter David — Elizabeth Jones. May 14. Thomas Griffith, b — Mary Morgan, sp, June 11. Thomas Davies, b — Mary William, sp, July 11. ’William Hugh, wdr — Margaret Eiehard, wd, Augl. John Powell, b — Mary Francis, sp, Aug 21. Eiehard Thomas, b — Mary Gey (r^), sp, Aug 22. John Owen — Elizabeth Eiehard, sp, Sep 3. John Owen, wdr, Llanon — Martha Phillips, sp, Sep 3. Thomas Eobert, b — Margaret William, sp, Aug 20. John Phillip, wdr^ — Hannah David, sp, Oct 1. The above were married by Eev Jeremiah Davies. This is the last marriage solemnised by him, and several of tlie latter entries are very shaky and uncertain as thougli the Vicar were in feeble and failing health. He died the following year. Griffith Howell, b — Elizabeth Gardner, wd, Oct 3, by Thomas Clement. David Lewis — Hannah Walter, Nov 13, by Ebenezer Morris, curate. Joshua Edwards — Jennet Bevan, Hov 16, by Lewis Powell. John Jones, b—lMargaret Evans, sp, with guardians’ consent, Nov 21, b;; Enoch James, curate of Llandyssul. David Jenkins^ — Anne William, Nov 23, by Lewis Powell, with parents’ consent. David Jones — Hannah Edwards (? Jenkin), sp, by Lewis Powell, curate of Llannon, Nov 26. Hugh Lloyd — Elizabeth Lloyd, Nov 27. William Owen— Catherine Jones, sp, Dec 3. George Jones, yeoman— Jane Edward, Dec 15. John Williams, wffir — Jane Thomas, sp, Dec 24. The last four marriages by Lewis Powell. John Bowxm — Ann Eees, Dec 28. John Jones, Idangedeirn — Mary Daniel, Dec 28. Tlie last two marriages by Ebenezer Morris. Tlie last eight are marked “with consent of parents,” a note wffiich frequently occurs in subsequent entries. 1820. Eobert William, Pembrey — Ann Jenkins, Jan 1,. It will be noticed that under Mr Morris’ regime, the “ b ” and “ sp ” are very rarely entered. David William — ]Margaret Eees, Feb 22. Joseph Eees — Mary Davies, Mar 3. William Beynon — Mary Thomas, Mar 12, by Lewi^ Powell. 67 John Jones — Lettice Hugh, Mar 17. Jolin Morris — ]Maria Lewis, Mar 20. Da^hd Morris — Mary Thomas, Mar 24. William Williams — Margaret Dawkin, Mar 31. David Lewis — Ann John, Ap 3. David ]\lorris — Mary Morgan, Ap 16. Willitini. Moodie, a witness. John Thomas — Anne Price, May 26, by L. Powell . John Thomas — Jane Hughes, July 20, by D. Davies. Evan Evans — Anne Thomas, Aug 18. Thomas Kobert, Llanedi — Margaret Arnold, Aug 18. Thomas David — Hannah David, Sep 8. John Thomas — Mary Thomas, Sept 22. Above by' D. Davies. Philip Thomas — Ann Philip, Oct 30, by E. ^lorris. Richard Bonville, Pembrey — Margaret Jones, Nov 3. Philip Philip — Mary Harries, Nov 14. Thomas Rees — Mergaret Francis, Nov 17. Roger King — Margaret Jones, Nov 24. Thomas Powell — Margaret Jenkins, Nov 24. William Clement — Catharine Griffith, Nov 28. Henry Howell— Mary Jones, Dec 5. Above by D. Da\ies. Edward Samuel — Mary Lewis, Dec 5. John Williams — Margaret Jones, Dec 8. Thomas Meredith — Mary Lewis, Dec 19, by Ebenezer Morris, Vicar. Thomas Rees — Ann Knight, Dec 22. John Da\4es, Llangandeirne — Mary Hughes, Dec 26. John Hopkin — Maria Bowen, Dec 29. David l^hillip — Jane Morris, Dec 29. Daniel David — Mary Owens, Dec 29. 1821. David Griffith — Sarah Samuel, Jan 1. John Jones — Margaret Williams, Jan 23, by D. Davies. William Robert — Mary Rees, Feb 6, by L. Powell. Richard Rowlands — Mary Daniel, Feb 9. John Bowen — Anne Roberts, Feb 16. William Philip, Kidwelly — Elizabeth George, Mar <>. Above by D. Davies. John Griffiths — Mary Richards, Mar 20. Thomas Da\dd — Anne Rees, Mar 23. William Walters, b, Swansea — Mary Richard, Mar 23. This and last by D. Davies. Richard Hopkins — Mary J ones. Mar 30. Oliver Evans — Mary Thomas, Ap 9. Wm. Walters — Eleanor Thomas, Ap 19, by D. Davie??. William Evans — Margaret William, Ap 23. William Thomas — Hannah Rees, Ax) 23. Tliis ancL last by L. Powell. C8 William Hugh — Ann William, Ap 29. AVilliam John — ^laiy Bennett, JMay 8. Da\id Eees — Sarah Marker, ]May 1 1 . Above by Davies. William Williams — Ann Thomas, IMay 18. Thomas William — Catherine Kieharcl, INIay 18. Thomas Davies— Margaret Samuel, July 20. Thomas Eiehard— Mary Hooper, Aug 8. OweiiEowland — ]\Iary Beynon, Aug 31, by D. Davies. David Morgan — l\[ary Samuel, Sep 11. David Hugh — Mary Thomas, S(‘i) 14. Lewis Jones — Ann Eobert, Oct 12, by D. Da\ucs. Thomas Lodwick — ]Mary laieas, Nov 20. AVilliam Powell — IMary Eobert s, Nov 23. Eobert Evan, Lanon — Elizabeth Thomas, Nov 23. Walter Morgan — Mary Daniel, Nov 23. Above by D. Davies. Edward William — ]Margaret ]\torgan, Nov 27. John Evans, Lhingennech — ^jMargaret Edward, Nor 27. John Treharne, Llangendeirne — Sarah Williaiia,, Nov 30. Thomas Bowen — ^largaret Clement, Dec 7. Morgan Jones — Mary David, Dec 11. James John — Elizabeth John, Dec 18. Daniel Thomas — Sara Daniel, Dec 18. Daniel William — Esther Hugh, Dec 18. Thomas Morgan — Sarah jMiehael, Dec 21. Thomas Eogers — Elizabeth Eowlands, Dec 25- William Williams — ^lary Evans, Dec 28. AVilliam Evan — ^Margaret Adams, Dec 28, by D. Davies. The rest by E. IMorris, unless otherwise »i)ecitied. 1822. Thomas Eoach — ^]Mary Hughes, Jan 25. Daniel Morgan — Ann Samuel, Eeb 5. Above byD^ Davies. John Prosser — Susan Griffith, Feb 8. Thomas Eees — Charlotte Philip, Feb 8. John Williams — ]\Iary Jones, Feb 8. John Jones — Sarah Eichard, Feb 12. Morgan Daniel— ]Mary Jenkins, FcE 15. Samuel Stephen — Anne Davies, Feb 19. Walter Edward — Ann Bassett, Feb 19. Henry William — Eliz.abeth Eees, Feb 22. Henry Edmund, Pembrey — Frances Hugh, Feb 26, by George Parry (r), Curate of Tiaugharne. Griffith Morgan — ^lary William, ]\bu' 8. David Evan — Mertha Lewis, j\Iar 8. Griffith Thomas, wdr— Jane Eees, sj), Aj) 2. Evan AVilliams, Llannon — ^Margaret Bejuion, Ap 9, C9 •Siimiiel Samuel — Elizabotli David, Ap 12. David Griffith — Jane Williams, xVp 2o. George Morris — Sarah Morgan, Ap2G, byD. Davie??. Thomas Thomas — Catherine Tliomas, May 30. David Edward— Ann Davie?, June 7. AVilliam Marker — Sarah Griffiths, June 7. John Kees — Margaret Thomas, Pembrey, June 2 26, by Thomas Evans, Vicar of Pembrey. John William — Catherine Josiah, Sex) 26, by Thomas Evans. William Coplay — Dina Davies, Oct 3. William Samuel — Mary Morris, Oct 10. John Morgan — Mary Morris, Oct 10. Morgan Bowen — Catherine Hugh, Oct 12. David John — Jane Morris, Oct 17, by J. Thomas. John Evan — Elizabeth A^rnold, Oct 17, by J. Thomas- John Bassett — Mary CJiarles, Oct 24. David John — Jane Bevan, Nov 7. William Davies — Jane Lewis, Nov 7. John George — Elizabeth Griffith, Nov 21. John Beynon — ^Jane jMorgan, Nov 23. David John — Catharine Morris, Nov 28. 71 John Eoborts — Dina lices, Doc 5. John Eichard — Anne Evans, Dec 5. This and last by L. Powell. Win. David— Eachel Thomas, Dec 12, by J. Thomas^. Edward Hugh — Mary Eobert, Dec 19. AVilliam Hoi:>kin— iMary John, Dec 19. William Hughes— Margaret Eichards, Dec 19. David Bevan — Maiy Thomas, Dec 21. This antX last by J. Thomas, Llangennech. Eowland Thomas — Elizabeth (Griffith, Dec 25. David David — Mary Eichards, Dec 25. Daniel Thomas — Hannah Thomas, Dec 25. Above- by Eev E. Morris, unless otherwise specified. 1824. Samuel Davies — Margaret Samuel, Jan 1. John Michael— Margaret Davies, Jan 23. James Evans — Sarah Arnold, Jan 24. (Tritfith Owen — Harriot Deer, Eeb 13. Edward Eobert— Elizabeth I'owell, Eeb 20. John Cory — Ann Daily, JMar 3. David Eoberts — Margaret Bowen, ]Mar 12. Thomas Eoberts — Amelia I^ewis, Ap IG. John Evans— Sophia Thomas, Ap 19. David Brazel — Mary Daniel, xVp 19. Lemuel Stephens — Hannah Jones, May 4. Daniel Fisher — Margaret Jones, June 18. David Morgan— Ann Samuel, July 9. David Hugh — Mary Edwards, July 13. John Ifiiillip — Elizabeth Hugh, July 23. Thomas Eoderick— Ann Chalinder, July 25, before James Llewellyn, H. (‘r) Chalinder. David Morris — Ann Morris, July 25. David Samuel — Mary Eees, Sep 10. David Thomas— Elizabeth Williams, Se^^ 10. ♦fohn l^hillip — Mary Jones, Sep 10. William Cule — Maiy Eees, Sep 14. David Jones — Ann William, Sep 14. William Morgan — 31ary Williams, Scx) 17, by h, Powell. Evan Harry — Catherine William, Oct 19. Benjamin Davies — ]Mary Eobert, Oct 22. Thomas Eees— Elizabeth Eees, Oct 22. John Thomas, Penderyn, Brecon — Mary Morgan,. Nov 5. David Lewis — Mary Charles, Nov 5. William Jenkins — Mary Owen, Nov 9. William Hany — Jane Samuel, Nov 16, by Henry Williams, Llangyfelach. Evan Lotwig — Eachel Edwards, Dec 7. John Hany, Llanedi— Ann Emanuel, Dec 7. 72 iStephon Stephens — Elizabeth Lewis, Dec 21. William Davies — Mary Williams, Dec 25. Kichard Davies — Jane Kobert, Dec 31. William Owen— Mary Thomas, Dec 31. Hector Dees— Ann Lewis, Dec 31. Above by K. Morris, nnless otherwise specified. 1825. Edward Ilobert, b — Elizabeth Shambrook, sp, Jan 9. Daniel Phillip — Elizabeth Thomas, Jan 28. John Davies — Lucy Thomas, Feb 2. David Jenkin — Susannah Philli}), Feb 4. David Lewis — Margaret Jones, Feb 4. David Morgan — Esther Evans, h"eb G. Thomas Howell — Mary Hugh, Mar 1. Edward Pugh — Elizabeth Charles, Mar 1. John Thomas — Mary Edward, Mar 11. James Driver — Margaret Bassett, Mar 18. Thomas Hugh — Elizabeth Pees, Mar 20. John Evan— Hannah Pees, Mar 25. William John — Ann Jones, Aj^ 1. Da\4d William— Jane Hopkin, Ap 4. iMorris Jones — Margaret Thomas, Ap 10. Thomas John, Llangennech — Mary Brown, A.p 15„ by L. Powell. David Clement— Ann Lewis, Ap 22. Thomas Evan — Hannah Pees, May 6. Thomas Lewis — Mary Lewis, June 3. Henry Thomas— Elizabeth John, June 10, by Powell. ACilliam Pees — Sarah Jenkins, June 2G. William Pees — Mary Crriltith, July 8. Edward Hugh— Elizabeth Phillip, July 15. (xcorge Poose, Amlwch — Eliza Dawkin, July before John Poose, William Poose. Walter Pees — Margaret Morgan, Aug 14. John Evans — Elizabeth Hugh, Aug 10, by Ij. Powell. Daniel Jones — Hannah Jenkins, Aug 19, by .1. j Joyd, Curate of Lough or. William Houlstone — Alary Ann Powell, Sep 3. Jolm Clement — Alary Thomas, Sep 9. David Pogers — Eleanor (Iriffiths, Sej) 13. Pichard House — Alary Pell, Sep IT. William Evans — Alargaret Jenkin, Sep 27. Jolm AVilliams — Ann Stanley, Oct 1. Joseph Thomas, wdr — Sarah Saunders, OcJ 2. 8arali Alorris, ATcarage, a witness. John Hariies — Alargaret Evan, Oct 7. AVm. Thomas, Llangendeirne — Alary David, Oct 14. Walter Bowen — Alaria AI organ, Oct 28. Pi(4iard Jones — Alargaret AA^illiams, Oct 28. Thi»«- and last b}" J. Llo^xl. 73 AVilliam William— Mary Thomas, Xov 4, Thos. Bowen, Pembrey — Margaret Hughes, Nqv 14* MTlliam Evans — Sarah Mainwaring, Xov 13. John AVilliams — Margaret Wilkin, Xov 22. John Bowen — Margaret Bees, Xov 28. John Hugh — ^Maria Williams, Pembrey, Xov 29. John Bees — Ann Thomas, Dec 9. David Jenkins — Jane Thomas, Dec 18. David Charles — ^Margaret Harries, Dec 23. William Morris — Elizabeth Edwards, Dec 27. William Stephen — Catherine Hopkin, Dec 30. The :above by Bev E. Morris, unless otherwise specified. 1826. Thomas Williams — Ann Boberts, Jan 14. David Bowland— Elizabeth William, Jan 20. Thomas Thomas, Kidwellj" — Bach el William, Feb 28. iMorgan Saunders — Anne Hugh, Mar 3. John William — Catherine Beddow, ]Mar 19. David Thomas— Margaret William, Mar 27. John Beed — Letitia Thomas, Ap 8. John Evan — Mary Thomas, Ap 28. This and last by J. TJoyd. David Jones — Mary Morris, ]May 26. David Bees — Bachael Jones, May 30. Da\ud [organ — ^Mary Walters, June 9. Janies BoAven, Avdr — Elizabeth Harry, sp, June 16. Stephen Evans, wdr— Ann Thomas, sp, June 20. Dd. Griffith, IJangennech — Elizabeth John, July 14. David Hugh — Ann Bonnell, July 25. Thomas Smith— Elizabeth Evans, July 28. David Beynon— Ann Phillii^, Aug 4, by L. Powell. David Bobert — Mary Hugh, Aug 11. Thomas Longhurst — Ann Thomas, Aug 11. Joseph Chappel, b — Anne Guy, sji, Aug 15. Thomas iMainwaring — Catherine EdAvards, Aug 22, by J. Lloyd. Bichard Evans, b— Catherine Bees, wd, Aug 25, by T. B. Gavvii, Curate of Hston. David Thomas, b — Mary Thomas, sp, Aug 25. tJohn Evans — Margaret Thomas, Sep 8. Win. DaAud, Pembrey — Margaret Thomas, Sep 26. Thomas Jones — Mary Bobert, Sep 29. Evan Davies, minister and b, Pembrey — Elizabetli Williams, sp, Oct 10. DaAud Jones— Juan Hughes, Oct 10. This and last by L. Powell. Benjamin Price, b — Ann Bassett, sp, Oct 13, by J. Lloyd. EdAvard William — ^Catherine Janies, Oct 24. AWalter Bees — Ann Treharne, Oct 24. 74 John liC'Os, b— M[ir;:i’aret Willhim, sp, Oct 27. John Thomas, 1) — Maiy Kobcrts, si:>, Nov o. John Samuel, b — Aim Davies, sp, Nov 10. AVilliam Thomas— Mary Edwards, Nov 11. William Eiehard — Elizabeth Smith, Nov IT. John Wilkin --Elinor Charles, Nov 17. This and last by J. Lloyd. David Sanders, b — ^Mary Morris, sp, Dec 1. Samuel Davies — ^Margaret Owen, Dec 5. John Jones — Mary Thilxiot, Dec 8. John Griffith — Sarah Samuel, Dec 25. Daniel Idoyd — Elizabeth Morgans, Dec 29. John Jones, b — Margaret Emanuel, wd, Dec 31. Above by E. Morris, unless otherwise specified. 1827. Thomas Harries — Esther Hopkin, Jan 19. William Thomas, b — Margaret William, sp, Feb 2. William Williams — Mary Griffith, sp, Feb 2. Thomas Griffith, wdr — Ann Francis, wd, Feb 8. Morgan Bowen, b — Sarah Bees, sp, Eeb 10. David Samuel — Mary Michael, Eeb 16. David Jenkins — Ann Griffiths, Mar 2. • AVilliam Edmund — Jane Bassett, Ap 16. David AVilliams, Llangendeirn — Catherine Jones^ Ap 24. Samuel Davies — Bosannah Bees, Ap 27. Thomas Jones — Mary Thomas, Ax3 27. David jMichael— Jane Beynon, May 11, by J. Lloyd. Thomas Evans, b — Sarah Hopkins, sp. May 23. William Davies, Kidwelly^ — Elizabeth Bowen, J unel. Thomas Evans — Ann Davies, June 3. Bees Jones — Jane William, June 15, by J. Thomas. John Samuel — Ann Bees, June 19. Daniel Job— Mary George, Llangendeirn, June 19.- George Thomas Couch, Swansea — Jane Walters, June 25. Thomas Griffiths — Joyce Griffiths, June 29. David Thomas, Llangedeirne — Ann Hughes, July 10. David Thomas — Sarah Davies, July 14. Thomas Griffiths — Deborah Hughes, July 20. Ebenezer Morris, clerk [Vicar of Llanelly] — Mary Williams, wd, by licence, July 27, before William Chambers, Emma Chambers. By J. Lloyd, Curate of Loughor. Bees Michael — Margaret William, July 27, by J.. Lloyd. David Lewis, b — Anne Morgans, sp, Aug 24. Dd. Jones, Llanpumpsaint — Mary Clement, Aug 28.. AVilliam William, b — Jane Davies, sp, Se^) 7. Oliver Owens — “Sarha” David, Sej) 9. William Hugli, b — Ann Bonnell, wcl, Sep 18. AMlliain Morgan, b — Elizabetli Kees, sp, Sep 21. John ^larker, b — ]\Iary AVilliam, yp, Sep 24. John lloAven — Elizabeth Thomas, Sep 28. David Edward — ^Margaret Uriltith, Oet 12, by T. Evans, Yiear of Pembrey. Penjamin Lewis — Charlotte Davies, Oet 19. AVilliam David — Mary U\\en, Oet 20. John Cook, a witness. John Evans, b — Charlotte Dawkin, sp, Oct 21,, beibre lingh \Vaddle, AVilliam Thomas. 4(.]in Jenkin, wdr — Ann Cule, wd, Oet 25. ANhlliam Pees — Mary Jones, Oct 2(). John Edward— Mary Evan, Oct 2(). (leorge Thomas — Esther Jenkin, Oct 2(5. MTlliaiu Isaac, a witness. AVilliam Jones — Margaret William, Oct 2G. David Pobert— Ann Morris, Nov 2. Charles Phillips — Eranccs Peynolds, Nov 9. David Thomas — Martha Evans, Nov 10. William MTlliams, Llangendeirne — Ann Passettj^ Nov 14. Henry Poberts — Hannah MTlliam, Nov IG. AVilliam AVilliam — jMaiy Bassett, Nov 1(5. Samuel Steplnai— Anne Thomas, Nov 23. David Emanuel — Martha AVilkin, Dec 10. Thomas Morris— Anne Hugh, Dec 21. Josejjh Morris — Dinah Philip, Dec 25. John Thomas — “Cnthrina” Davies, Dec 28. John Harries— Ann Evans, Dec 31. The last threo certiticates are not on printed forms. The above by E. iM orris, unless otherwise specified. [End of volume]. 1828. William Pogers — Jane David, Jan 1. DaHd John -Ann Cornelson, Jan 1. Charles Stone — Jane Thomas, Jan G. John Jones— ^lary Ann Pegley, Jan 22. Thomas Griffith— Frances Bowen, Jan 25. David Griffiths — Maria Morris, Feb 1. William Gregory — Ann Evan, Feb 8. Samuel William— Sarah Bo wen, Feb 8. John Pecs — Elizabeth Christopher, Feb 15. James Jenkins — Hannah William, Feb 17. John Potts, Llangennech — Mary Poberts, Feb 28. George Edwards, b — Margaret Williams, sp, Mar IE William Evan — Elizabeth David, JNIar 21. David Bowen — Susannah Harries, Mar 28. Thomas Pichard — Elizabeth Morris, JMar 28. 7G Ivicliard Uiigoed — ]Mary Morgan, Ap 4. James James — Mary William, Ap 7. Kees Kees, b — Jane Edwards, sp, Ap 8. William Owen — Jane Reynold, Ap 18. John Hugli, b— Mary Bland, sp, Aj^ 20. George Douglas, a witness. William Phelps — Elizabeth John, Ap 25. John Chappel — Ann Howell, May 2. “ Chrismas ” Beddoe, wdr— Ann Lewis, wd, May 1- AVilliam Rees — Mary Davies, May 0. John Phillip — Margaret Richard, May 9. David Rees— Hannah Thomas, May 27. William Hughes — Mary Walters, with parents* consent. May 28. Griffith Lewis — Sarah Bowen, May 30. John Hugh — Mary Stephens, June 3. Joshua Treharne — Maria Davies, Llangendeimc, June 4. George Jenkins— Mary William, June G. William Jenkins — Mary Rees, with parents’ consent, June 17. Thomas Saunders — ^lary Shambrook, June 24. John (1) Brabyn, a witiu'ss. John Austin, Walcot, Somerset — Margartjt Pemberton, with consent of friends, July 12, before J. C. Hickey (‘r), R. Pemberton. Benjamin Protheroe — Jemima Jones, July 13. William Jones — Hannah Davies, Aug 1. David Tliomas — -Ann Beynon, Aug 8. David Jenkins, Llannon — Sarah Treharne, Aiig 8. John Thomas — Elizabeth Arnolds, Aug 15. Thomas Morgan — Ann Leyson, Aug 2G. This and the next three marriages, by John Jones, Curate of IJanddarog. Isaac Thomas — Elizabeth Morgan, Sep 19. John Davies — Ann Griffiths, Sep 26. Daniel Bassett — Margaret Phillip, Get 10. John Griffith — Jane Hugh, Oct 14. James Green — Rachel Says, Oct 31. Walter Hugh— Ann Thomas, Xov 7. Heniy Hitchings — Mary Price, Xov 21. William Anthony — Joyce Jones, Xov 21. Thomas Samuel — ^Margaret Hugh, Xov 25. William Charles — Mary Davies, Xov 28. Av.c.p. [w.c.p.— with parents’ consent, w.c.f. — witli friends* consent. A.M.] William Richard — Sarah Sanders, Xov 28. Thomas Davies — Frances Owen, Dec 2. John Richard — Ann Griffith, with i)arents’ consent, Dec 19. Phillip Phillips —Maiy Griffith, Doc 30, hj David Jones. The above, unless otherwise si)eeitied, by* Ebenezer Morris. 1829. David Francis — Ann Harry, Jan 30, by John Joiies. Edward Jenkins— Eliza Griffiths, Feb 0. Henry Thomas — Ann John, Feb 6. Lemuel Davies— Margaret Rowland, Feb 13. John Morgan— Mary Jones, Feb 17. David Rassett, wdr — Margaret Stephen, wd. Mar 6. AVilliam Robert, b, Llandilotalybont — ^lary Anne Edwards, sp. Mar 10. Francis Hall, Pembrey^-Elizabeth Lewis, Mar 13. David Samuel — Margaret Rees, Mar 17. David Thomas — Jennett Lloyd, Mar 31. This and last by David Jones. John Hall, b — Sarah Dawkin, sp, Ap 7, before John Furnaces, J. M. (?) Dawkin. John David — Ann Phillip, Ap 10. John Davies, Llandilotalybont — Elizabeth Rees, Ap 10. Phillip Phillip— Ann Mhdters, Ap 10. John William— Catherine Bassett, Ap 21. William Jenkin — ^Ann Morris, Ap 24. w.c.p. Edward Hugh — Rachel Daniel, Ap 28. John Hugh— Mary Hugh, Ap 28. This and last b}’^ L. Powell. John Jones, clerk (clergyman) — Margaret Robert, May 1. Thomas Oldham — Mary David, May 1. This and last by D. Jones. Joseph Evans — ^Sarah Philips, May 8. William Davies, Lhingendeirne — Jane Williams, May 8. David Green — Ann Richard, May 17. This and two last by John Jones. George Hugh— Lettice William, June 8. Zerubabel Davis, a witness. Thomas Thomas — Catherine Evans, June 17. w.c.p. John Meyrick — ^Elizabeth Jones, July 17. Joseph Thomas — ^Jane Powell, July 24. Thomas Hugh — Mary Thomas, Aug 25. John ^lorgan — Jane Rees, Sep 11. John Griffiths, b — Elizabeth Morgans, sp, Sep 18, by J. Thomas, B.D. Before William Chambers, jun., William Chambers, sen., Joseph Brissett, JTiza. Edington, R. T. {‘f) Dixie. Evan Charles, Pembrey — Sarah Bowen, Sep 22. William Thomas — 3Liry ]\[orris, Sep 25. William Rees —Elizabeth Roberts, Sep 29. V" ft* 1 , ^ ' ■>-v ( ' ■* 78 llemy Perrot, Llauddarog — ^Margaret Jones, Oct 5. Morgan Owen — Path Oriffith, Oct 16. Thomas Oriffith— Mary Ann Thomas, Oct 16. David Francis — Mary Mathew, Oct 16. John Owen — Frances Howell, Oct 16. David Thomas — Mary Pees, Oct 23. John Samuel, b— Ann Morgan, sj), Oct 25. The above by John Jones. Josej)!! Pees, b — Catherine Pogers, sp, Oct 30, before William Chambers, jun., Eliza Edington. Pees Anthony — Margaret Harries, Xov 20, by J. Jones. David Pobert — Ann Evans, Nov 21. Thomas Morris, Llangendeirne — Elizabeth Edmund, Kov 25, by John Jones. Pobert Thomas, b — Mary Grant, sp, Dec 4. John William — Sarah Pegley, Dec 6. David Howell, Llangennech — xVnn Davies, Dec 8. Thomas John — Margaret Bassett, Dec 22. William Morris, b— Elizabeth Bowen, sp, Dec 25. Above by John Jones. The above, unless otherwise specified, by Pev E. Morris. 1830. Pichard Williams — Mary Harry, Jan 29. Anthony David, Llangennech — Margaret David, Mar 12. William Lloyd, b— Mary Lewis, sp, Mar 16. Edward Evans — Sarah Owens, Mar 19. w.c.f. William Thomas, wdr — Mary David, sp. Mar 20. John Bailey Morris, a witness to this and various other marriages. David Jenkins — Jane Chappel, Ap 2. Captain Philix^ Ball — Elizabeth Poberts, sp, Ap 10, by John Jones. Joseph Chappel — Albenia Gay, Ap 25. Thomas William— Margaret Pees, Ap 30. John Thomas — Mary Davies, May 7. w.c.f. Edward Bowen — Elizabeth Walters, May 7. George Rees — Frances Pegley, June 4. AVilliam David — Sartih Tliomas, June 4. John David — Ann Phillip, June 18, by John Jones.. Tv.c.p. David Williams — Mary Tombs, St. Paul’s parish, Gloucester, June 29. John Davies — Mary Philip, July 2. Captain George Llewellyn, wdr — Ann Thomas, wd, July 3. William Hughes — ^laria Bowen, wd, July 9. Daniel William — Elizabeth Thomas, July 16. Tlri» and last by J. Jones, w.c.p. 70 Llewelyn Thomas, b — Aim Edwards, sp, July 20^ w.c.p. (Iriffitli AVilliams — ^lary Ann Eees, Sep J. James Thomas, wdr — rinebe Jones, sp, Seji 10. John Morris — ^Ann Hopkin, Sep 24. James Hopkin — ^.lane Morris, Sep 25. Daniel Davies, wdr — Ihichel Cxiiffith, wd, Sep JO. John Thomas — Sarah lloberts, Sep 30. Daniel Davies — Miriam Philip, (let 1. David Lodwick — Ann Samuel, (let 15. AV^illiani Lewis — Ann Lewis, Get 22. o- David Howell — Margaret Thomas, Jan 28. Peter Jenkins — Margaret John, Jan 29. Walter Thomas— Mary Treharne, Feb 10. Thomas Williams — Elizabeth Davies, Feb 21. Jenkin Harries — Sarha ” Williams, Feb 24. Pee» Harrys, a witness. Thomas Stokes — Sarah Jenkins, Feb 25. Jenkin Pees — Sidonia David, Cardiff, Mar 9. jMorgan Griffith — Mary Pichard, Mar 11. David Pees, Llangennech — Ann Thomas, Aj) 4, 80 John John, wdr — Marjjaret Beynon, wcl, Ap 7. David Hugh — Margaret Griffith, Ap 8. John William, b — Margaret Thomas, sp, Ap 18. John Games — Margaret Walter, Ap 19. David Jones, b — Mary Harry, sp, Aj) 21. Kichard Gregory, Llandilotalybont — Jane Jones', Ap 29. William ‘‘Meretith” — Elizabeth Bees, Ap 29. David Evans — Elizabeth Maddoek, May 0. David William— Jane Clement, May 10. Jolm Jones, Llangendeirne — Mary Bees, May 23- William Jones — Mary Thomas, May 21. David Charles — Margaret Morgan, June 14. Bichard John Sawyer — Sarah Consons, Lee, Dovoiij June 24. Jolin ’Manuel — Mary Thomas, July 1. William AVilson — Mary Thomas, July 19, by Bowell. Charles Edmond— Margaret Bevan, July 22. John Francis — Elizabeth Beynon, July 23. Thomas David — Mary Basset, July 29. John “ Haries,” Llangennech — Elizabeth Bees, Aug 2. William Alorgan — Margaret Francis, Aug 5. Above by L. Powell. William AVTlliam — Alary David, Aug 8. John Gwen — Deborah AVilliam, Aug 8. This and last by J. Jones. Thomas Howell— Alary Jenkin, Aug 19. Tliomas Bichard — Hannah John, Aug 20. AVilliam Alorgan — Alary Leach, Sep 1 . Tiionias Bees — Alary Bees, Sej) 2. David A\Tlliani — Sarah Jones, Sep 2. .lohn Bees — Elizabeth Cule, Sep 9. David Idiilip — Frances George, Sep 9. William Hughes— Elizabeth Clement, St‘p 9. WTlliam Thomas— Ann AVilliam, Sep 11. ATilliam John — Hannah Jenkins, St'p 10. Jolin Thomas — Ann Bogers, Sep 23. John Davies — Elizabeth Lewis, Sep 27. 1) avid Thomas — Alary Thomas, Oct 4. David Smith — Ann Thomas, Oct 14. Thomas Treharne, Llangendeirne — Alargaret Wil- liam, Oct 14. John Evan — Alary Bees, Oct 18. David Griffith — Alary Griffith, Oct 21. John Alorgans — Elizabeth John, Oct 21. AVTiliam Beynon — Sarah Griffith, Oct 28. A^b'lliani Jones — Alaria Alainwaring, Nov 4. William Thomas — Elizabeth Bees, Nov 15. 81 Thomas Phillip — Catherine Thomas, Xov 18. AVilliam Davies — Bridget AVilliam, Nov 25. IVilliam Wilkin — Jane Owen, Nov 25. William Hall — Ann Bees, Dec 2. (Iritiith Philips — Elizabeth Hugh, Dec 11. Thomas Rees — Ann Philips, Dec 9. Daniel Bowen — Sarah Morris, Dec 16. John Davies — Mary Hugh, Dec 23. Walter Phillpot — Maiy Rowland, Dec 30. Above by E. Morris, unless otherwise specified. 1832. David Hopkin — Mary IMainwaring, Jan 5. David Rees, b — Sarah Roberts, sp, Jan 9. John Rees — Margaret Samuel, Jan 19. William Voss — Ann Bowen, Jan 27. John Hughes — Jane G-rifiith, Jan 27. Henry Chalinder — Jane Jenkins, Feb 3. David John — Mary Thomas, Feb 10. Thomas Harris — lilary Williams, Feb 17. David AVilliam— Mary Hinstance, Feb 17. William Rees — Mary Rogers, Feb 24. William jMorris — Hannali Williams, Llangendeirne, Feb 29. William Wilkin — Elizabeth Morgan, Mar 12, by Thomas Toley (?) John Stride, Ealing, Hants — Jane ‘‘Haris,” ]\lar 13, by J. Lloyd, Curate of Loughor. William John — Mary Morris, Mar 1(), by L. Powell. Daniel Walters, wdr — ]Margaret Rees, Llangenncch, wd. Mar 20. Thomas John— Anne Lewis, ]Mar 31, by L. Powell. David Edmond — Mary Rees, Ap 9. AVilliam Harry — Jane Charles, Aj) 13. Josua Richard — Mary jMorgan, Aj) 20. William Thomas — iNIargaret Samuel, Ap 20. Thomas John — Mary William, iMay 11. John Small, Llanstephan — iMary Collins Powell, May 14. John Davies — ^Maria Lewis, May 15. William Rees — Elizabeth Morgan, May 15. John Morris — Mary Evan, ]May 25. William jones— Llanfoist, Mon., Clerk — Elizabetli Thomas, sp, June 14, before Eliazar Williaims, Catliarine Williams. Henry Evans, b — Jane Hugh, sp, June 21. Hugh Williams, Carmarthen — Anne Jones, June 20. John Beynon — Margaret Phelps, July (h John Richard— Catherine IMorris, July 7. Tliomas Samuel— Ann ^Morgans, July 9. 5Villiain Hughes — 31ary Beynon, Juiy 10. . ■■'■' ]K' 'Ir'lC'- “ ' *■**' <• ''■ V ■ 1. , ... , ii 82 Thomas Powell — Ann Francis, July l->. Ambrose Taroni — Mary Dayicl, Jnlj 27. Peter Morris — Hannah Dayies, Aug 7. William Eyan, wclr — Ann Francis, Ay cl, xVug 9, by E. Powell. Walter Morgan — IMargaret Harry, iVng 10. Daniel John — Ke/ia Eyan, Aug 10. IMorgan Eees, Llannon — Elizabeth E^^ans, Aug 17. • Thomas Poberts — Mary Walter, Aug 29. David Thomas, “ M. H. , ” a \yitness. fTohn Williams — Frances Thomas, Sep 4. John Jones — Margaret Kees, Sep 7. David Powell— Ann William, Sep 7. William Thomas — Mary Williams, Sep 14. David “ Sep 2 )en,” a witness. “ This was intended for David Stephens. E. Morris.” Thomas Evan, wdr — Bridget Pees, sp, Sep 18. William Thomas — Mary William, Sep 21. This and last by L. Powell. AVilliam Thomas — Catherine Davies, Sep 28. Thomas Lewis — Mary Hugh, Oct 11. John IMorris — Margaret Phillip, Oct 26. John Lewis — Jane AVilliams, Nov 9. Thomas Davies — Sarah Hughes, Nov 9. Daniel Ev^ans— Jane Treharne, Nov 10, by J. lb Morgan, Curate. AVilliam Morgan — Susannah King, Nov^ 16. John Lewis, Pembrey — Catherine Hughs, Nov 16. John Thomas — Alargaret Lewis, Nov 20. AValter HoiDkin — Mary Evans, Nov 25. David Griffith — Jane Jenkins, Nov 30. This and tw^o last by J. P. Morgan. John Charles— Elizabeth Pees, Dec 7. th'iffith Jenkin — Ann Davies, Dec 7. This and last by J. Jones. Eclniund Leigh — Jane Alorgan, Dec 18, by J. lb Morgan. Dan Harris — Ann Jenkins, Dec 27. Above by IL Morris, unless otherwise specified. 1833. John Protheroe — Emy Beynon, Jan 12, by J. Jones. John John— Margaret Thomas, Jan 25. Philip Ball, wdr — ^Mary Pees, sp, Feb 11. John Bassett — Jane Beynon, Feb 15, by J. lb IMorgan. John Mathias— Mary AVilliam, Feb 15. Griffith Evain — Elizabeth Owen, Feb 17. Abovx' by J. P. iMorgan. John Brabyn — Margaret Alorgan, Feb 18. Thomas Davies, Pembrey — xVnn Pogcrs, Feb 26, by J- lb Morgan. 83 David Pices — Catlierino Powen, ]Mar 1. John AVilliain — liaclu‘1 Nichols, IMar 8. Thomas Cdement — Harriot Lewis, IMar 8. This and last by J. Lloyd. John AVilliains — Mary AVilliam, Mar 18, by J. 1 \ Morgan. Jolm Hugh — Jane Griffith, IMar 29. Isaac* Jones — Anne Lewis, iMar 30. Eliezer Griffith — Jane Thomas, Ap 1, by J. 1 \ Morgan. Joseph Thomas— Margaret Thomas, Ap 5. Mllliam Kees — Jane Maddoek, Ap 5. John i\rorris— Esther Harris, Ap 8. Evan Jones — Sarah Thomas, tVp 8. Titus Lems, witness. Henry Harries — Margaret Thomas, Ap 20. William Samuel — Elizabeth Lees, Ap 30. William Lees — Posthuma Stephens, May 0,. James Thomas — Jane William, May 10. William Jones — Mary Thomas, May 14. David Hugh— Ann William, May 21, by J. P. Morgan. Lichard Edmund — IMargaret Griffiths, May 27. Thomas John — Margaret IMalephant, May 31. David Ladger — Mary IMathew, May 31. fSaniuel Owens — Elizabeth Jones, June 2. Joseph Tjiicass — Margaret Harry, June 7. James Hughes — Laeliel Hugh, June 10. AYilliam Lees — Margaret Jones, June 11. John Bevan — Ann Eynon, June 21. William Evans — Mary Williams, June 21. David Hopkin — Mary Lewis, June 21. AVilliam Lees, Llannon — Alargaret Bowen, June 25. J. M. Dawkin, a witness. David Charles — Susannah AVilliam, June 28. AVilliam Jones — Mary Jones, June 28. Thomas Jenkins — Alary Jolm, July 5. John Oldham — Mary Lees, July 5. Liehard Griffiths — Mary Davies, July 7. David Levis — Ann Thomas, July 12. Edward Harry— Ann Nieholls, July 12. Evan Daniel — Margaret Thomas, July IG. John Thomas — Sarah John, July 19. AValter Jenkins — Ann Edward, Aug 9. Daniel David — Alargaret John, Aug 9. John Hughes — Margaret AVilliam, Aug 30. A\"illiam Thomas — Ann Bassett, Sep G. Henry AVilliams — Ann , Tones, Sep 8. AVilliam I’eters — ^lary AMlliams, wd, Sep 10. John Evan — Elizabeth Lees, Sep 12. 84 William II any — Catherine Thomas, Sep 13. Charles Kdmimcl — Margaret (Irillith, Sep IT. .rohn riiilix^— Sarah Daniel, Sep 20, Elias Davies — Maiy David, Sej) 27. David Samuel — Jane Philip, Sep 27. David Griffith — Ann Daniel, Oct 8. John Hany — Ruth Thomas, Oct 11. David Lewis, wdr — Esther Jones, Llangemicch, Oct 17. David Howell — Ann Bowen, Oct 18. John John — Maiy Clement, Oct 25. Thomas Francis — Jane Phillip, Oct 26. John Jones — Jane Walters, Xov 1. Thomas Owen — Elizabeth Williams, Xov 5. John Philip— Margaret Evans, Xov 8. John Maddock — Hannah Rees, Xov 8. AValter Rees — Rachel Thomas, Xov 12. Hopkin Davies, Llandilotalybont — Ann Ariiolcl, Affiv 14. John AVilliam— “ Elizebeth ” Williams, Xov 15. John Jones — Alice Stannes (r), Xov 16. David Jones, wdr— Catherine Bowen, wd, Xov 27, < )ne Ebenezer Morris, a witness. Thomas Phillips -Maiy Beynon, Xov 29. William David- -Elizabeth Rees, Xov 29. John Davies— Mary Thomas, Xov 29. AVilliam ATilliams — Rachel Davies, Dec 6 . AVilliam Bowen — Elinor Jones, Dec 6. David A'anghan — Mary James, Dec 6. David Ricliard — Ann Brown, Dec 14. .lohn Griffiths — Elizabeth Griffiths, Dec 16. Wm. Jelfrey, Llangennech— Mary Alorris, Dec 20. Thomas John— Mary AVilliam, Dec 25. John Hoi)kin — Ann Hugh, Dec 28. David Davies— Alary Harvey, Dec 29. * ‘ Henery ’ ’ Rees— Hannah Thomas, Dec 30. Above by E. Alorris, unless otherwise specihed. 1834. AAdlliam Bowen — Chistina Idiilip, Jan 24. David Lewis — Cather-ine Alorgan, Jan 31. AWlliam AVilliam, Sarah Bowen, Feb 7. Thomas Jones — Jane Green, Feb 7. Griffith AATllis — Alargaret AVilliam, Feb 21. AVilham Phillip — Jane Alorgan, Feb 25. AVilliam Rees — Alargaret Tliomas, Feb 27. John Price — Sarah Treharne, Alar 2. .lohn Roberts — Alary Giiffith, Alar 7. David Francis - Alary Rees, Alar 7. John Hay -Eleanor Jones, Alar 9. Josiali Alanstield — Catherine R(jse Hearson, Mar 13. 85 .-'iTames Bucklev, jun. — Elizabetli AVedgo, Mar 18, Ibefore Jane Mary Wedge, John Davies. Thomas AVilliains — Hariett Daniel, IMar 21. David Evan — Mary Jenkins, Mar 21. Philip Hugh — Mary Hugh, Mar 24. AVilliam Thomas — Ann Jones, ]\Iar 25. Thomas Jones — Margaret Pees, Ap 3. by L. ro\vc]l* John Morris — Ann Challinder, Ap 4. William David — Elizabeth Charles, Ap 11. Benjamin Morgan — Hannah Morris, Ap 11. DaHd Thomas — Margaret Bowen, Aj) 15. John Green^ — Enth Arnold, Ap 18. David Thomas — Ann Thomas, Ap 18. William Thomas — Elizabeth Voss, Aj) 25. Janies Brab^ni — Celia Evans, Ai) 2(). William Howell —Margaret Samuel, Ap 27. John Chaides — Catherine IMorgan, ]May 4. John Thomas — Jane Bowen, May 15. John Phillip^ — Elizabeth Samuel, ,rnne (>. John Davies — Jane Eichard, June (>. David Eraiicis— -Mary Thomas, June 20. William Skym— Sarah Jones, June 20. William Be van — Ann Morris, June 22. Thomas Erancis — Mary Griffith, July 4. John Jones — Ann Da\4es, July 10. Edward Morgan — Elizabeth IMorris, July 11. Evan Eeynolds — Eachel Thomas, July 11. Tliomas Williams — Anne AVilliams, Jul}' 15, by J. Lloyd. John Thomas — Ann Jenkins, July 18. Samuel Phillip — Sarah Thomas, July 18. Witnesses', James Lewis, Town ; David Jones, Sandy. David Hughes — Elizabeth Payne, Southwark, Surrey, Aug 9. ,) ohn David— Jane Eogers, Aug 10. John Hopkins— Elizabeth Mathews, Aug 15. John Brazel — Mary John, Aug 29. Tliis and three last by J. Lloyd. Simon Samuel— Elizabeth Thomas, Sep 1, by T. H. Davies, Llangunllo, before William Thomas, J. Samuel. John Eees — Hannah Edwards, Soil 2. William Stephens — Sarah Eees, Sep 2. This faul. last by T. H. DaHes. Edward Eoberts — Frances Jenkins, Sep 12. David James— Elizabeth Gwen, Sep 14. Thomas William — Jane William, Sep 14. John John -Mary Bowen, Sep 10. Joseph Clement- Elinor Morgan, Sep 19. William iMorgan - Elinor Bidder, Sep 21. John Thomas— lEary Hopkins, 0(4 7. 86 AVilliam Cxriffitlis, Llanddarog — Sarah Jones, Oct 10. Thomas Howell — ^Maiy Ilejiiold, Oct 10. David Eichard — Maiy John, Oct 10. l)a\>id Evan — Ann David Oct 27. Daniel Davies — Catherine IMorgan, Nov 2. AVilliani Edward — Eachel David, Nov 7. John Jenkins — Maria Hooper, Nov 10. T'homas C-riffiths — Catherine Pdiydderch, Nov hJ. David Philpott — Margaret Evans, Nov 1-1. This and last by Thomas Evans, Yicar of Pembrey. Ebenezer Morris— Joannfi Jones, Nov 20. David Beynon — Mary Harris, Dec 2. John MTlliam — Mary Charles, Dec 5. John Jenkin— Elizabeth Jenkin, Dec 5, by Dl. Jones, Llangendeirne . Pichard Harvey — Ann Barnes, Dec 10. John Jones — Ann Hugh, Dec 10. Thomas Howell— Ann Lewis, Dec 19, Edward Jones — Jane Jones, Dec 20. MTlliam Andrews — Margaret Thomas, Dec 25. John Morgan— Jane William, Dec 25. David Pichards — Margaret Williiim, Dec 20. AValter Thomas — Mary Jones, Dec 30. David Thomas — Charlotte Pogers, Dec 30. Above by E. ]Morris, unless otherwise specified. 1835. Isaac Jenkins — Ann Francis, Jan 9. John Stringer — Elinor Jones, Jan 19. flolin Hopkin — Ann Williams, Jan 22. John William — Mary Jones, I’eb 2. John Thomas — Mary Lloyd, Eeb 2. Evan Thomas, Pembrey — Elizabeth Hugh, Eeb 3. John Harry — Ann Perrott, Eeb 3. David Plowell- — Margaret Anthony, Eeb 3. This- and two last by T. Evans. Daniel Hugh — Ann Daniel, Eeb 5. David Thomas — Mary Dison, Eeb (>. John Lloyd — Mary William, Eeb 12. Henry AVilliams — Mary Thomas, Eeb 13. AVilliam Pichard — Sarah Morris, Eeb 13. Henry Hopkins — Ann William, Eeb 13. This and four last by T. Evans. David Morgan — Elizabeth Gay, Feb 20, by Stephen Evans, Llanddowror. Daniel Francis — Ann Bowen, IMar 6. Edward Thomas — Mary Powland, IMar 6. Edward James, Pembre}' — Mary Bowen, Mar 8. diaries Poberts — Mary Ann Lugg, Mar 9. William Griffith— Mary Lewis, IMar 10, by L. I^owell . • 'V < , /•>' '■ >- ' ^•.«■ v; t ^ ■ Vi u'.iA.. ' . M .'V ' - '■ . rtr . ‘ -% • V •:V •vV'K •i- ' . •t-'J ''' . «.v. «t a! V n . v. i .v^ w ^ ^ - ... X. . ''.'ili'iil'lia 87 "Wil'Iiam Jone?^ — Maiv Griffitlir=<, Mar IT). AVilliaiii Jenkins — ^Ann Thomas, iMar 17. David John — ]Maiy Parry, Mar ’20, hy H. AVilliriins. John Jones — Margaret Morgan, ^lar 21. David •Thomas, Pantlletrew, a witness. David Jones — Ann Daniel, Aj) 10, hy T. Evans. Thomas Evan — iMargaret Lewis, Ax) IT. ‘William Hox^kin — ^Elizaheth Thomas_, A]} 17. David Davies — iMary Davies, Ax:> 17. David Davies — liachel Lloyd, Aj) 20. John Jenkins — Margaret Jones, Aj) 21. Thomas Griffith — ^Pachel Pobert, Ax:> 24. Eklward Jones — Elizabeth Giles, A^^ 27. Edward Jenkins — Emma IMorgans, Ax) 40. Josex)h Anthony— Ann Skym, Ax:) 40. Pees Bowen^ — ^Ann Jones, May 1. David MTlliam— Catherine Anthony, [May 5. David [Morris — Elizabeth Mathias, [May 5. David [Morgan — Elizabeth Bennett, May 5. Jenkin Hugh — Mary Jenkins, [May 8. AVilliani Morgan, taylor, a witness. Edward ‘WTlliam — Jane Piehard, [May 8, before D‘civid Piehard, Kidwelly ; "William "Williams, eollier^ Eorge. Thomas Thomas — [Margaret "William, [May 8, before Eamned ‘William, Yelin voel ; and David Lewis, "V'elin vole. Piehard Evans — Posannah Davies, [May 20. AYilliam Banks — Ann AVilliams, [May 27, by 8. Evans. Joshna Howell — [Margaret Charles, June 5. John Piehard, b — Elizabeth Thomas, wd, June 8. Josex^h Hickmins — Mary Lewis, June 14. John Howell — “ Sarha ” "Williams, June 10, William Jones — Maria "Williams, June 28. John John — ^Ann George, July 0. John Bowen — Ann I^ewis, Only 10. Thomas Evans — Margaret Thomas, July 10. John Lansdown— Ann ‘William, July 12. Pees Pees — Jennett Evans, July 17. Joshna Thomas — Mary Davies, July IT. M'illiam Chambers, Junior, Esquiry. b — Jojwina Trant Payne, sx^, July 20, before 4’red L. Brown, Attorney, Llanelly ; Tiant Payne, W. Chambers, Eimma [\Iaria Chambers. AVilliam Isaac — Ann Griffiths, July 22, by J. IJoyd. John Davies— Erances Poderick, Aug 2, Lefore W. Poderiek, E. A. (r) AVilliams. Hector Howell — ^Margaret David, Aug 7. James Thomas, b— [Mary Tregerthen, sx),, Aug 9. John Pogcrs — Maria Evans, Aug 14. 88 'Wiilter Rees — Raeliel Davies, Aug *21. Edwin Bowser, b — Elizabeth Thomas, sp, Aug 25. Thomas Thomas, lilannoii — ]Maiy Daniel, Sep 8. Thomas Davies — Margaret Hugh, w.e.p., Sej) 10. William Jones — Jane Williams, Sex> 11. John Bowen — Elizabeth Phillip, Sep 11. Zechariah Williams — Elizabeth Griffiths, Sep 11. William Erancis — Sarah Rees, Get 1(3. David Thomas— Hannah ^lorgan. Get 16. »lohn Thomas — Ann Griffith, Get 16. Daniel Leigh — Mary Williams, Get 23. John Higgs, Pembrey — IMary Billing, Get 26. J)avid Phillip — Sarah Roberts, Get 27. ])avid Harry — Ann Bassett, Xov 3. Thomas Thomas — Susan Dalton, Xov 6. John ./ones — Catherine Richard, Xov 6. John Thomas — Mary Thomas, Xov 10. John Williams — Amelia Jones, by R. Bowen Jonc^?, Curate. John Thomas — Mary Robert, Xov 17. Richard Morgan — Mary Samuel, Xov 20. .John Thomas — Ann Gldham, Xov 20. John Rees, b — iMary Bonville, sp, Xov 24. David I’owell — Rachel Phillii^, Xov 27. John Williams — Ann Thomas, Dec 4, by R. B. Jonofe*. William Lewis— Margaret Hughes, Dec 11. Thomas AVilliams — Margaret Ilavid, Dec 11. AVilliam Hugh— Mary Morgan, Dec 11. A\Tlliam AVilliam — Margaret William, Dec 24. Jeremiah M. Dawkin — Eliza (^libbs, Dec 25. AVilliam Clement — Elizabeth Rowland, Dec 25. John Richard — Ann Voss, Dec 25. AVilliam AVilkin — ^Margaret Beddow, Dec 25. Above by E. Alorris, unless otherwise specified. 1836. John Thomas — Mary Smith, Jan 8. John Lloyd — Margaret EdAvards, Jan 8. John Bowen, b — Alartha Evans, sp, Jan 19. John Morgan — Lydia I^eigh, Eeb 2. Thomas Harry — Margaret AVilliam, Feb 5. Richard AVilliams — Margaret Alorgan, Feb 5. John Alorgan — Ann Griffith, Feb 12. AViiliam Griffith — Sarah Thomas, Feb 26. John AVilliams, Avdr — Alary Jones, Avd, Feb 29. AVilliam DaAues— Elizabeth Bassett, Alar 4. AVilliam AValters, b — Elizabeth Rees, wd. Alar' 11. David Alorgan — Elizabeth Devonald, Alar 11, David Bowen— Alary IRains, Alar 12. Thomas Bevan— Sarah Davies. Alar 15. Rees Harries — Alargaret Thomas, Ap 1. David IJiillip— Alary John, Aj) 1. 89 David Williams — Catherine Evans, Ap 1. John Samnel — Ann Erancis, Aj) S. John Evan — Catherine (Iriffith, Ap 8, John Williams, Llandilotalybont — ^laiy Jones, Ap 1‘2. William Thomas — Hannah Jenkins, Ap 15, by R. B. Jones. William Howell — Margaret Harry, Ap IS, by J. P* IMorgan. Benjamin Samuel — Sarah William, Ap 24. DaHd l\I()rris — Jemima Pliillips, May 3. David William^ — Lettice Harry, IMay 12. Jonah Kees— Mary Morgan, ]May 20. MTlliam Clement — Sarah Harry, IMay 27. John Lewis — Hannah Morgan, IMay 27. TTiomas Bevan — Maiy Jones, Inne 3. Henry Charles — Mar}" Jenkin, June 10. John Hughes — Erances Rees, Jnne 10. Theophilns l^ewis — Sarah Griffiths, Jnne 24. Griffith TTiomas — Margaret Jones, Jnne 24. Evan Evans — 51ary Ann Evans, July 1. David Wilkin — Elizabeth Thomas, Jnly 22, by J. TJoyd, MTlliam Hugh — IMaiy Bowen, Ang 10. Evan Jones — Ann Davies, Seji 2. John Erancis — Jane John, Sep 2. David I.ewis, ITandilofawr— Jane 31orris, w.c.f., Sep 12. William John — Catherine Evans, Sep 10. Rees Rees — IMaiy Anthony, Sep 10. Janies Mayhew — Mary Anne Davies, Sep 18. TTiomas l\rorgan — Rebekah Rogers, Seji 20. William Davies — Ann Powell, Get 3. AVilliam Davies — Jane Howell, Get 7. John William — Sarah Griffith, Get 12. AVilliam Rees, wdr — Mary IMorgan, sp, onville, Penbryn, Ap 20, Evan Davies, farmer, Bryn — ]\lary Howell, TJwynwhilwg, June 22. Pobert MTiite White, mercer, son of John White, schoolmaster — Mary Burgess, Seaside, Dec 30. Pichard Glascodine, surveyor. See., Wern — Harriot Simons, Seaside, d. William Simons, merchant, July (), 1839. Henry Ih-odie, landsurveyor. Seaside, s. George Brodie, gent — Sarah Tregerthen, d, Anthony Treger- then, harbour master, Xov 10. John Pice AVilliams, gent., Danybank — Ann Stone, Danyexuarry, Jan 14, 1840. Pichard Thomas Howell, merchant, Thomas Street — Sarah iMorris, d. Pev. Ebenezer Morris, Jan 18. William Bowen, smith. Smith’s Arms — Ann Howell. SX), Phandirfaeh, d. — Tenant, gent., Oct 18. Thomas Thomas, Thomas Arms — Elizabeth Morris, Thomas Street, wd, Jan 27, 1811. David IMorris, cabinetmaker. Hall Street— ^lary Ann Jones, wd. Water Street, Eeb 28. William Erancis Pemberton, b, gent., Xcav Lodge — Louisa Brown, d, Jolm Brown, attorney, Ax) 21. DaHd Watkevs, carx)enter— iMary Griffith, Bridgend Shop, May 14. Sf' ^ *> 5 ; . '‘' x'*.t ;.) : '-vt , . :i,\. V- r » ..; ’••* »f .iB^' • ‘ “ ^ .. --It:;] ■ %^ i * ^ : ^ 4v '*■' TTVi v*^ ' »,»-■• ■ ■■ ,’i ■If.'V.^ V'.' . J % ;;m *( m .. -nv::. ] ■ • ‘.''v . ' L’ .■.‘*:'i‘’(^-:;- -/I .... L ^ J I «i>fc :-.-r ■ •A ,'.!^'-ii' 92 Jolin l>urgess, artist, Lcainington — iMary Yauglmii, <1. Thomas Vaughan, gent., June 24. Da^ucl iMorris, sclioolmaster— Louisa Marks, school- mistress, July 1. David Arnold, farmer, dors — Margaret IMorgan, sp, July 1(). Jeremiah Forsdikc, seaman, Sunderland — Elizabeth Anthony sj), Sep 24. John K(^es, engineer, 'Worn — Ann h'crguson, sp, De(^ 17. William Hooper, King scpiare, s. Charles Hooper, gent — Catherine Walker, sp, Sep 25, 1842. Henry Tliomas, gent — Catliarine Buckley, Cilfig, d. James BiuLley, minister of the gospel, Oct 18. Henry Kogers, wdr — Jane Koberts, sp, late T 3 isu, Dee 2. James AVilson, architect, Bath — Alaria Buckley, d, James Buckle^", minister of the gospel, Jan 12, 184J. David Lewis, wdr, gent., IJandilofawr— Helemr. Eliza Baby, Brynmor, d, Alex Bab}^, gcait., June 11. Joseph CLalinder, mariner — Amelia Tregerthen, Seaside, June IB, 1844. riiilip driffiths, maltster -ddizabeth PoAvell, d, Evan Bowell, surgeon, June 4, 1845. Bichard Alarker, marinc*r. Wen; — Harriet Jones, sp, Jul 3 ^ 15. Edward Huglies, clnunist and druggist. Hall street -Emma ALoore, sp, July 22. David Thomas, mariner -Alai^v Lewis, ren 3 ^cocd, Sep 21. John Eynon, master mariner — Jane Chalinder, wd, post mistrt‘ss, Thomas str(^et, Jan 4, 1846. Aloses Seymour, colliery agent, dell 3 " — -Alary Cook, d. Thomas Bedlington Cook, surgeon, Eeb 1. Alorgan ANTlliams, banker, Thomas street — Anne Davies, sp, Oct 10. Bees lianies, wdr, shopkeeper — Alary dibson. Box, Jan 10, 1847. Thomas Hayton, master mariner — Harriet Stanley, sp, Jan 23. William Kingston, wdr, gent — ^Elizabeth Aloore, Swansea, Ara 3 ^ 15. AVilliam Edward AVhite, mariner — Sarah Winch, sp. d. John AVineh, agent, Sep 26. AVilliam Aleager, shipbiiikh r, Oysterniouth — Elinoir Davies, wd, AVater street, ( )ct 23. John Davies, b, farmcu-, Oyisa — Sophia Bowser, sp, Brittauia,” Xov 26. Bichard Boberts, b, minister of the gospel— Sarah Sophia Xevill Brtjom, d. Samuel Broom, gent., Aug^ 28, 1840. 93 John Comgall, b, master mariner — Sarah Holmes,.. <1. William Moore, gent., Aug 29. John Thomas, shopkeeper, Grwendraeth — ^lary Ann Howell, sp, Mansel Arms, Dec 25. John liandell, linendraper, s. Francis Randell, publican — Mary Jones, sp, Feb 3, 1850. James Garratt, gent., Vauxhall — Elizabeth Ami Jobling, Greonfields, Mar 13. William Heed, gent., Tenby — E. G. Brabyn, sp. Mar 20. Joseph Douglas, wdr, contractor — Ann Gardner,, wd, Aug 12. John Brooke, agent — Mary Matilda Davies, sp,. Nov 3. Henry Seys Howell, linendraper. Hall street — Eliza Gibson, Box Cottage, Nov 5. John Williams, gent., Gwiles (?) fawr — Ann Evans,, sp, Oct 14, 1851. Dd. Guest, potter — Ann Wells, Park street, Dec 28. Thomas Pridham, druggist. Water street, s. Edward Pridham, druggist — Sarah Morris, sp, Thomas street, June 18, 1852. Sir Godfrey John Thomas, Bart., Clifton— Emily Chambers, sp, Llanelly House, Oct 25, 1853. Thomas Poberts, shopkeeper. New Dock — Ann Jones, sp, Dec 13. William Morgan, b. Seaside — Elizabeth Jenkins, ^ip, Dec 28, 1854. Thomas Herbert, shopkeeper — Jane Jones, sp, July 31, 1855. William jMoodie, Llwynwhilwg fawr — Jane Jones, sp, d. David Jones, gent., Dec 1. Edwin Harry Douglas, contractor, Tymawr— Caroline Griffiths, Anchor House, Dec 22. William Jones, patternmaker. Hall Street — Marga- ret Bees, s^:), Jan 4, 1856. Joseph Mead, assay er. New road, s. Simon Mead, assay er — Henrietta McKiernin, sp, Feb 2. Roger Lester, accountant. Dafen — Jane Samuel, sp,. Hall street, Feb 19. Edward Llewellyn, innkeeper, Shij) and Castle — • Marv" Williams, wd, d. James Bevans, shipwright, Mar26. Arthur David Davies, Registrar, s. D. A. Davies,, surgeon — Anne M. Waddle, New road, Aug 2. Evan Evans, linendraper, London House, s. John Evans, farmer — -Magdalene Smith, wd, Jan 23, 1857. John Griffiths, b.. Old Castle — -Ann Davies, sj)., June 13, 1858. William Harry, surveyor. Stepney Place — Jennett Williams, sp. Box, Aug 26. Stephen Brown, clerk. Strawberry Hill — Gcorgiaiia / /'l 1 • 04 Mjirianne Morris, Vicarage, Oct 12. K. Goriiig- Tiiomas, a witness. Angus Morrison, supernumerary S.W. Hail way — Ellen Clark, both of Dyffryn, Oct 24. William Kodcrick, banker’s clerk, Llanelly Bank, Thomas Koderick, H.M. Customs — Maria Buckley, I’enyfai, d. James Buckley, gent., Ap 12, 1859. Robert Bonville, farmer, Trosserch— -Margaret Wil- liams, sp, Geliy, July 26. Thomas Jones, banker’s clerk, Aberdare — Ann. Samuel, Hall street, Mar 8, 1861. David Rees, draper’s assistant, Ijondoii House — Elizabeth Lloyd, sp, Cambrian, Aj) 9. F. C. Hennett, engineer, Bridgewater, s. George- Hennett, engineer — Georgina Waddington Ross, Fur- nace House, d. C. H. Ross, Captain R.X., Dec 17. J«3hn Hall, wdr, merchant, Ann street — Ann Lloyd, sp, Aug 12, 1862. Samuel Cratchley, gent., Greenhelds — Elizabetli Kerr, wd, Ap 4, 1863. Charles Evans, minister of the gospel, (Jlifton- — Harriette Boulter, d. George Boulter, accountant, Aug 5. A. J. M. Green, clerk in holy oi'ders, New road — Elizabeth Bond Howell, d. Richard Thomas Howell, merchant, Bryncaerau, Sep 23. ]Morris Jones, (Jerk in holy orders — Anne Isaacs, d. William Isaac, watchmaker and jeweller, De(; 8. AVilliam Evans, assorter in tinworks — Caroline Thomas, Market street, Ap 30, 1865. James Foot Young, woollendraper — Ann Bennett, Sturminster Kewton, Aug 6. William Lloyd Triiighfim, war office clerk — Margaret Eleanor Howell, d. T. L. Howell, IM.R.C.S., Ap 11, 1866. David Furber, railway official, Swansea- — ^Elizabetli Thomas, d. Henry Thomas, merchant. Water street, .May 26, 1867. Amos Fields — Susannah Price, Tan 1, 1868 — first marriage by David Williams, Vicar. Mansel Rees, solicitor, s. John Hughes Rees, gent — Susan Anne Jones, d. Benjamin Jones, solicitor, Sep 11, 1869. R. H. Hepburn, engineer, s. Joseph Hexdmrn, engineer — Sarah Isaac, d. William Isaac, jeweller. Get 17, 1871. David Llewellyn, postmaster, Llantrisant — ( Vithen'ne J. Marks, d. Samuel ]Marks, jeweller, Market str(3et, Feb 17, 1873. Morgan T I organ, attorney at law, Cardiff' -Elizabeth. ]Margaretta Buckley, Penyf ai, d. James Buckley, gent., Aug 18, 1871. Six witnesses. 05 BUmALS (1693-1886). From tlie Burials, as from the Baptisms, we shall content ourselves with extracts. The earliest Burials commence in the ‘‘old” register, j), 46, on which arc six entries, the rest of the page being blank : — 1693, Gualterus Prosser sepultus fuit. 1696, Kogerus Prosser, Vicar. The other four entries (1703-8) refer to Joeda, wife and Johannes, Gulielmus and Edwardus, sons of Jj. Nichols. Page 47 is headed, “Nomina Eorum qui sepulti flier : incipiente (•') 25 Martii 1697.” 1696, Maud, wd. John Kees ; Ann, d. Walter Thornborr on gh . 1697, Joanna, w. William David; Anna, w. Johan Griffith Evan ; Thomas Hugh Jenkin ; Griffith Ed- ward ; liCttice David, w. Zach. David ; Janna Williams, spinster ; IMargereta, w. Phillip Pees ; Johan Hugh, Batehelr ; John Bowen Morriss ; Ellinor Morgan; Ellino]*, d. Johan ap John ; Maria, w. Poger Prosser, V. ; Ellinor, d. ]\Iorgan Harrv ; Anna, d. Johan ap John ; Jacobus Prutherch ; Gwalterus, s. Evanns Pees; Griffith David ^Lorgan ; 8amuell John Hugh; Maria, d. Hector Jones ; Hugo David ; Ellinor, d. Henricus David ; Hcnricais Thomas : Elizabeta, d. ■ J olian Cross. [These are the burials for a Avhole year]. 1698, Eramasca, wd. Pichard Stepney. 1699, David Thomas, smith ; Maygod (?) Phillip ; -Johan Mark. 1700, Capt. (?) Walterus Thomas; Margaretta' w. Powland o’r Kefan (?) 1701, Jenetta Wogan. 1703, Pichardus Stepney. 1705, Walter John o’r Graig. 1706, Hopkinus y gof. 1707, Chrisley Dawkin. 1709, WidoAv (4‘oss ; John, s. DaAA’kin Wilrnott. 1710, [One burial only reeorded. This, with the occasional blanks, shoAvs tliat these earlier records are most probably incomplete, whilst the occasional memoranda by the elerk indicate i^erhaps a transcript. See p. 4.] 1711, Margaretta, Av. Johan Pees dc Killey ; Mar- garetta Griffith, alias Farthing. 171-^, Samuel de ^lesuiror (?), sailor. 1714, [From this jioint entries of paupers art; fre(]uent.] 1717, Peverendus Georgius DaAvkins, S.T.B. [Second son of Col. PoAvland Dawkins, of Cilvrough, Governor of Carmartlien under (ToniAvell. S(*e Clarke’s “Genea- logies of Morgan and Glamorgan,” p. 483.] 1711), Eo’>vlaiidus Davies, mercer (r) ; Evaiius Eowland, faber ferrarius. 17*22, Gratiola Lewis, wd. 1723, Griffiims Edward, agrieola ; Joliaiines David, ; Evanus Thomas, weaver. — [Hiatus in register of 12 years.] 1730, John Jones, gent. ; Margaret Eosser. 1710, Margaret Stepney (Sir Thomas’s grand- daughter) ; George Dawkins. 1741, Eichard Davies, el., vicar of Llanelly ; Bridget Jones, gent, (h) ; Magdalen Dawkins ; Jane, w. of •John Griffith John, was buried at Pembrey ; William Howell, the clerk of this parish ; ]Mrs. Mary Lucy, wd. 1743, John Allen, Esq. ; Thomas Oroonok ; Jolin Pon er, Phillqi Owens, mariners from Appledore ; George Gwin, officer of excise. 1744, Eichard Hutchins and Thomas Tremayn(\ mariners from St. Ives. [This year the age of the parties begins to be recorded.] 1745, Sir Thomas Stepney, Bart., 75, Jan 11). [See note in Chapter lY. on change of Stylo.] 1747, [Occupation of parties now frequently re- corded.] David Hugh, David Howell, Henry Eees, freeholders ; Eobert Eees, William Eowlands, Morris John, AVilliam David, farmers ; David Thomas John, taylor : John David, miller ; Thomas William, husbandman; Peter Morris, blacksmith ; HugliHallet, butcher; David Evan, shoemaker. [Also various col- liers, labourers, ckc.] Abigail and Dorothy Langdon ; John John Sais. 1748, The Hon. Sir John Stepney, Bart., 55, l\Iar 14 : Lewis David Welsh sthoolm aster ; Anne Lloyd, Mr. Benjamin Lloyd Vic’s wd. ; William Anthony, farmer ; John Morris, smith. 1741), John Williams, from Penclawdd ; Marmaduke Wey (child) ; Da\4d Phillipi)s, mariner ; John Mhlliani, of Llandilovawr ; Margaret, Mr. William Price’s wd. 1750, Henry Vaughan, gent. ; William Harry, drowned : Edward Hugh, freeholder. 1751, Thomas Jones from Pyle ; Thomas William, drowned. 1752, Thomas William, Laugharnc ; James Eaphael ; Samuel West, from Somerset ; William David, frec*- holder. 1753, Eowland Geo. Dawkin, gent. ; Nov. 17, ^‘43v(> .sailors from the WilUaiii and Mary, Wm. Hole master, belonging to Tingmouth, Devon, that was ship- wreck’d ; ” Nov. 21, One more of this ship’s crew ; ” Nov. 23, ‘‘Another of the above ship's crew ; ’ Griffith John, farmer. 97 1754, John Blick, from Birmingham ; John Griffith T)avid., alehouse keeper ; Wm. Bowen, labourer, killed in Mr. Townsend’s works ; Thomas Bowen,, Ireeholder ; Wm. Bobert, pilot, drowmed. 1755, John Hugh, Evan Morgan James, farmers ; Griffith INIorgan, innkeeper. 175G, Nathan, Nathan Evan, drowned. 1757, Bose, Mr. Daniel Shewen’s w. ; John Lewis, tanner ; John Seys. 1758, Eleanor, Thomas Morgan’s (the sexton) ■wife. 1759, Hugh Bowland, Thomas David, farmers. 1760, Thomas Boison (‘i"), clerk ; Thomas William Thomas, cooper. [Here ends the careful handwriting of Mr. Pinaud ; the subsequent entries are some of them prodigies of carelessness.] 1761, The Bev. James Pinaud, 56 ; James Dalton, 82 ; Thomas Kitson. 1763, Dame Ann Mansell, of Strade, 26, Jan. 20 ; George Bowen, David Pendiy, mariners ; Edward Morgan, an extra man in the customs (?) ; John Grouer, soldier ; David Jones, innkeeper ; Mary, w. Henry Bees, excise officer ; John Badger, Penywern ; Walter Bees, Glyn ; Philip Williams, farmer. 1764, Elinor Broadberry ; Umphrey Holyday. 1766, Mr. James (?) Diilton, collector, 81. 1767, Mrs. Dawkins, of Kille, 63. 1768, Thomas Evans, of the Falcon ; Jenkin John, “a stroler, taken up in Monmouthshire, and died here.” 1769, [Burials 71, of whom 15 (mostly infants) suc- cumbed to small pox.] Bichard Dawkin, 76; Bees Jones, freeholder; John Jones, mercer; Hector Morgan, “ extra man ; ” Mr. John Bees, “ compr.” 1770, Mrs. Jane Morris, of Strade, 38. 1772, Sir Thomas Stepney, Bart., 48 ; Mrs. Morris,, of Gellyv^aayha (?), 84. “ N.B., The said Mrs. Moriis had at the time of her death 35 great gr. children.” 1774, Bobert Bowen, clerk and sexton, 33 ; [twa deaths of adults from small -pox.] 1775, Catherine Thomas , ‘ ‘ stranger . ’ ’ 1779, Mr. Phillip Owen, 49. 1780, Mrs. Jane Powell. 1781, Mr. George Dawkin, 76. 1782, Mr. William Lewis. 1783, Mrs. Mary Dalton, 77 ; Mr. William Jones ; David Gronow ; Thomas Morris and David Bowen (each 18) “smothered in a coal pit.” [This accident is referred to in an early volume of the Cambrian. ^ 1784, Mrs. Ann Price. 98 1785, James Eidair (‘r), a Erencli young man ; Ur. Hector 3Iorri»j. 1787, Theop. Davies (clerk), vicar, 58. 1790, James Dalbiac (h). Esq., 09. 1791, Thomas Price, late excise officer, 74. 1792, George Dawkin, gent., 47 ; David Williams, late of Pwll. — Note by Canon Williams : “After Burials in page 102, turn over three leaves, and you will find Burials continued in page 108, which are afterwards continued in this page.” 1793, xVlexander Gwynne, 88 ; Thomas Jones, <*lothier; Walter Bees, “in profundum mersus ; ” William Morris, schoolmaster, 72. 1794, [A large number of the burials about this period were those of paupers.] 1795, Cap Thomas Williams. 1790, Thomas Jones, Penygraig ; Margaret Bonvil de Pembrey, 50. 1798, William Pees, fisherman ; William Ball, mariner, 37 ; William Evan, “ profundum mersus.” 1799, Anne William dc Wrexam ; Mary Child, 52 ; David Anthony, “xorofundum mersus.” 1802, Joseph Dawkins, b., 25 ; John Dawkins,. 05 ; Elizabeth Child, 28. 1803, Margaret Child, 22. 1804, One Buckington, a sailor of Chepstow, drowned. 1805, Mary Pees, drowned. 1800, David Pees yr arian ; Mary Hannah She wen, infant. 1807, Mrs. Maria Dawkins, wd., 07 ; Walter Pees, gent., 75. 1808, Margaretta Maria Dawkin, infant: John Pobert, Tybach ; Francis Pichards, engineer ; Isaac Pearce, a sailor of Plymouth, drowned. 1809, John Poberts, victualler ; Hula Holden Horsley; Benjamin Evan, drowned. 1810, John Pees, gent., 00 ; William Yalden, Esq., 58 ; William Maurice, comptroller, 38. 1811, Charlotte Broom, infant ; James Elliot, drowned. 1812, Hugh Edward, “a poor stranger.” [At this point the burial entries are transferred from tlie oldest register to a separate book containing a, form prescribed by parliament, and giving the name, abode and age of deceased, date of burial and name of officiating minister.] 1813, Charles Neville, gent., Vauxhall, 23d Gctr., 0)0, buried by the Vicar, Pev. Jeremiah Davies ; Anne Pees, wd., Maesarddaf en, 08 ; Pliillip Bathelom (‘r), iv Dane, drowned. 99 1815, Georgina Harriot Sliewon, Oystcrinoiitli, infant. 1817, Catherine Child, 35; “Name unknown^ drowned — mariner. ’ ’ 1818, John Porkin, at the yard. 1819, Mrs. Elizabeth Bird Nevill, Kidwelly, Jan. ^3, 38. Last burial by Kev. Jeremiah Davies, viear, IVIay 10 ; first burial by Kev. Ebenezer Morris, curate, afterwards vicar, Oct. 23. 1820, Thomas Nevill, Yauxhall, 1st April, 12 ; Ivcv. Jeremiah Davies, Llanelly Vicarage, 17th May, 09 ; Mary Griffith, Cold Bath, 58. 1821, Joseph Child, Esq., Mar. 28, 44 ; William Yalden, Yauxhall, infant ; Martha Nevill, May 3, 77. 1823, William Boderick, May 15, 85. 1824, Ann Baby, Great House, Eurnace, Oct. 23, 78 ; Sarah Ward Nevill, infant ; William Child, Eeb. 11, 44 ; Henry Child, Ap. 3, 81 ; Ann HowelC IMansel Arms, Aug. 20, 33 ; John Bogers, Square and y Pev. E. Morris : assisted b}^ D. Morgan Pees, curate. 1864, Margaret Poderick, Hall Street, 76. 1867, Pev. Ebenezer Morris, 77, Ap. 23, by Pevs. John Griffiths, Cwmavon, and A. J. Green, curate. Oddly enough there is a burial in July by “Eben- ezer Morris, officiating minister.” 1868, John Humphreys, Neptune, New Dock, 71, Mar. 2 — the first burial by Pev. David Williams. 1869, James Pandall, Yillage Hospital. 1870, William George Yye Paiminter, National J>chool House, infant. 1873, Thomas Poderick, Danj^graig, Pembrey, 81. 1876, Matthew Edward Young, 11, “ drowned by loathing in the sea.” % • I 101 1877, Crcorg'e Broom, Market Street, 7B 1881, Margaret Ann Babsett, “at the Box Ceme- tery . ’ ’ 1883, Thomas liees, Glanymor Terrace : lir^^t “ hiirial under the Burial Laws Amendment Act, 1880, certified by John E. Davies, Dissenting Minister.” 1880, William Isaac, Park Street, 73. Tlie Mrs. Bridget Jones mentioned under Burials? 1711, is jjresumably the lady in imiise of whom the Inillianfc but unfortunate Savage (whilst residing at Swansea) indited several of his compositions. One of these is entitled “ The Employment of Beauty— -a Poem, addressed to INIrs. Bridget Jones, a Young- Widow Lady of TJanelly, Carmarthenshire.” The veises are somewhat too exuberant for reproduction litre ; but the ^Doet’s opinion of his hHauoraia may be -summed uj) by his passionate exclamation : — “ As soon the sun shall cease the Avorld to Avarni, • As soon Llanelly's fair that world to cliarm !” LOKGEIYITY. We apiiend a list from tlie Burial Begisters of personsi ijged ov(!r JO at the time of their decease. The result; speaks well for the salubrity of the district. 1719, Anne Bees, widow, 107. ,, Sage Thomas, widow, 95. 1751, John William, 94. 1752, Catherine Thomas, widow^ 91. 1754, Crittith Morgan Bees, 91. T701, Benjamin Allen, 90. 1780, Mrs Allen, 103. 1801, Birth Webb, pauper, 91. ,, Jane IVIorgan, Pembrey, 91. 1802, Catherine Morris, widow, 93. 1803, William Thomas, 90. 1808, Anne Thomas, widow, 90. 1813, Anne Phillips, rvidow, 1>9. 1810, ^largaret Bowen, near Stradey, 9L 1819, Margaret Peregrine, Caie IVIoh^, 93. 1822, Elizabeth Bowen, Trebian, 91. 18-2.3, Ann Howell, Seaskle, 90. L'<25, Bobei-t Davies, Wern, 101. 102 1827, Jennett Rees, 90. ,, Jane William, 91. 1829, James Goody er, Caerelms, 93. 1830, Robert Rees, Sandy, 90. 1833, Margaret Austin, Renrhos, 91. 1830, Margaret Anthony, Gwmbach, 92. ,, David Griffith, I’foesydildre, 90. 1837, Mary Jenkins, Caepersonbach, 93. ,, Pa^ld Jenkins, Town Mill, 92. 1838, John Jones, Poorhouse, 93. 1810, Stephen Willis, Seaside, 100. 1812, Ann Howell, Seaside, 91. 1813, Mary Jenkins, Yelinissa. 93. ,, Sarah Davies, Furnace Cottages, 98. 1811, Margaret Thomas, Bank-glas, 92. ,, i^Iargaret Morris, King Square, 98. ,, Ann Leonard, lihos, 90. 1810, John Treharne, Cilwrfa, 91. ,, John Hugh, Cilferi-isa, 90. 1817, John Rees, Caerelms, 91. Ann Johns, Gaswo rks, 90. 1819, Owen Hugh, Pantyginiaw, 91. ,, Margaret Clement, TJanedy, 90. 18.”)0, Ann Rees, Maesllydan, 91. 1850, Thomas Griffiths, Greyhound, 93. 1855, Mary Lewis, Park, Pembrey, 92, 1858, Evan Evans, AVorkhouse, 90. 1859, Rachel Longhurst, 98. 1800, Mary Stephens, AVorkhouse, 90. 1805, Nancy Griffiths, Caebont, 101. 1807, Ann Williams, New Road, 91. 1808, David Evans, Greenfield, 97. 1872, Alary Davies, Cambrian Street, 92. 1878, Alary Evans, Swansea, 93. 1881, Hannah Furness, St. Paul’s, 91. 1881, Ann Jones, Zion Row, 92. 1885, Ann Evans, Inkerman Street, 90. / r. m ' ' ^ . : \; A.:; />/■, -m, ■ 103 N0TK3 ON OND LLANELLY FAMXLXES. "We append a few notes on old families mentioned in the register.^ or monuments, or otliervdse comieeted with Llaneliy Parish Church. STEPNEY. The Stepneys are an old English family, whose members have been distinguished in manv depai't- iiients. On tlie battle field, in di^xlomacy, in litera t ure, the name of Stepney has had honorable representatives.. Their connection with Llanelly dates from the eaily part of the Eighteenth Century, when Sir Thomas Stepney mari-ied the daughter of John Vaughan, of the family of Golden Grove. By this union IJanelly House and the estates connected therewith passed into the hands of the Stepneys, where tliey still remain. A full account of the family and its doings will be Tound in Harrison’s work already referred to. Tire late Sir John Stepney, as Lieut. -Col. Cowell Stepney, of the Coldstream Guards, distinguished himself hi the Ihminsular A^hl^, and the narrative of his experiences in that thrilling CLimpaign has been privately printed. i hie of his sons (a ^oldier like his sire) fell nobly at Inkcrman, and it will be noted tliat the names of various IJanelly streets call to mind the historic combats of the two great wars in which England and ETance were engaged — as enemies and allies. In poli- ces, no less than on the tented field, did Sir John Sbepney prove his prowess. In 18(jS, after a brilliant ^itruggle, he wms returned to Parliament for the ( far- iiiarthen Borough^ in the Liberal interest ; and his youngest son— the present respected representative of the family — has twice been honored with the suffrages of the electors of this important centre. Sir Arthur Stepney’s loyalty to and interest in all that relates to ijlanelly need not be referred to here. Suffice it to i^ay that he nialntaiiis in all particulars the noble traditions of his house. A'ALGHAN. The Vaughans — a branc-h of the great house of 'Golden Grove — vrere connected with this neiglibour- hood at least as early as the beginning of tlie Seventeenth or end of the Sixteenth Century. To them belonged Llanelly House and the contiguous estate. Walter Vaughan was high sheriff of Carmarthensluro in 1520, John Vaughan in 1059, and Walter Vaughan in 1083. The Lloyds, of Maesyfelin— referred to in 104 tlie A'aiigliau epitaphs — were also an old family, and eonneeted by marriage Avitli the gentlest blood in Wales. The nifaision of IMaesyfelin stood near Lam- j)eter. See Kowlands’ notes on Wehsli Families — shortly to be given to the i^nblic in permanent form. FEES. The family of Fees, of Kilymaeiillwyd, is of ancient descent— of the royal line of Wales. The mansion is mentioned as far back as the 17th Century, and in all probability dates from a period still more remote. Tlie name Kilymaeiillwyd (according* to “Burke”) means “ the seat of the grey rock,” from a ridge on the sands below the house. In 1775 John Fees married Amy, d. of Sir William ^Mansel, Iscoed, and had issue (1) John, (2) Charles, (3) Fichard. (1) IJeut. Col. John Fees m. into the Yanderhorst family, and iiad issue John Hughes Fees (d. 1871), Avho had amongst other issue John Yanderhorst; Mansel ; and two daughters drowuied Avhilst bathing on tlu^ sands in 1855. (3) Fichard had issue Jane m. 1800 to- Alexander Faby. She lies buried at Llanelly Church : lier daughter is ]\lrs. Helen Watiiey. The Aiufe of Charles Courtney (uncle of Mr. ]Maiisel Fees) is also buried in Llanelly Churchyard. She was a member of the family of ShcAven. 31r. Mansel Fees (senior* partner of the firm of Fees and EdAvards, solidtors, Llanelly) is superintendent registrar, and clerk to the Lni(m. ALLEY. The Allens appear to har^e been people of consider- able local rci^ute about the middle of the last century. l.cAAus in his “ Topographical Dictionary,” speaking of Llanelly, says: “The sum of £5 per annum was ]:>equeathcd by Mr. Allen of this parish to be expended in the purchase of bibles for the poor, Avhich Avas for some years regularly paid and applied to that purpose ; but the i^ayment of it has latterly been discontinued, under the operation of the Mortmain Act.” Tin*, author was deeply interested when lately looking over the bookshelves of a friend, to come upon a venerabhi Welsh i^rayer-book Avith the folloAAung* inscription “The gift of John Allen, Esqr., late of Llanelly, to John Criftiths, July 1754.” This inscription is in the hand- writing of the Fev. James Finaud, vicar of Llanelly at that period. :maxsel, shexyex and daaykix. These three old famnies were closely connected. 41ie Hansels once held extensive posst'ssions in (Mr- mtuthenshire, and Avere the oAvnors of Stradey. Two 105 of the family were created Baronets in the 17th Century. The local property passed out of the liands of the Hansels in the early years of the 2 ^ 1 ‘^^sent oentury. It is now held by C. W. Hansel Lewis, a g-cntleinan of refined taste, and an enthusiastic and elegant artist. The Dawkins were once an important local family. One of the number, says a correspondent, used to live in a pretty little cottage in a field near the New Hoad. He looked a thorough old gentleman — I remember him so well, with his white rufties and hair. ’ ’ The name Dawkin is locally extinct ; but appears in tne Christian names of H. Dawkin Evans and W. Dawkin Evans, Idanelly, who are descendants id the once influential house. The 8hewens have dis- apiieared altogether from the place : the present Tepresentative of the family is E. T. P. Shewen, of An- tigonish, Nova Scotia, to wliom we are indebted for much encouraging assistance and advice. CHILD AND BUCKLEY. Henry Child, the first of the family resident in this neighbourhood, came from Pembrokeshire some time in the last century, and was connected with the estate of 8ir Thomas Stepney, Bart. When John Wesley Tisited this place he stayed at the residence of Hr. Child, in Thomas Street, near the present London House. Hr. Child was the owner of Felinfocl Hill, Tanygraig, Tremorfabach, Pantygwenith, and other jiroiierty. He built the malthouse neai* the present Brewery and was the founder of that portion of this extensive concern. He leased or rented the tithes of Llanelly parish, and the tithe barn for receiving the offerings in kind may still be seen to the rear of the premises of ISIr. Herbert, in Thomas Street. Hr. Child had a large family. Henry his son (who resided at the Dell) continued the business of maltster and Hied at the age of 60 years. Haria, daughter of Hr. Cliild first mentioned, manledthe Bev James Buckley (of good English stock), who died Aug., 1839. Of this excellent man the Vamhrlan says : — ■“ On the 24th in-st. in Liverpool the Kev James Buckley, of Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, in the 69th year of his age, and the 50th of his ministry amongst the Wesleyan Hethodists. He visited Liverpool to attend the Centenary Confer- ence in which he felt the deepest interest and took an active part in its proceedings. He participated in the closing service, the conference sacrament, respecting which he remarked that a grticious and holy influence bad attended that sacred ordinance. When retiring ibr the night he complained of indisposition and soon / 106 iifter b(x*anie dangerously ill. livery means tliat tlie skill and assiduity of the best medical aid could devise Tvas used ; but after eight days of great suiferings . AVilliam Morgan, Disgwill'a, Glyn ; John Kadgcr, I’enywern, lleng. — 17 17. l>avid Francis, Kamawr ; John AVilliani 1718. Ih'cs William, Penyfai, lleng. ; John Jciddn, Gap- pel Ueha — 1719. John Hugh, Gleine, Kcrwiek ; David Kidiai’d, Ghappcl Evan — 1750. John Morris, Gcllyvyehan, Ih ng. ; Ghrislnias John William, Gdlygalcd, ileng. - 1751. David Samuel, Velynvoel ; John Evan John, Ty- gwin, Glyil — 1752. Henry Kees, Cwm, Kiirg ; William Thomas -175‘). Morgan John, Glvn ; John Hugh, Trostre, Kuri;' -• 1751. John Eraneis, Chappel: Kiehd. Thomas, Glyn — 1755. Griffith Bowen, Golebrook, Glyn; John Thomas, 1 ae sardda veil , Bn rg— 1 7 5 6 . 5f r Walter Kees, Eoy, Glyn ; John Jones, Kilhvnwg, J [dig. - 1757. William Kobert, Koedwrion (f) Wesiv, ; Morris ^Morris, Tykennol, Glyn -1758. William Kobert ; .Morris ^lorris- 1759. Walter Edward, Ikmddcrw, Glyn ; William David, IV'iicryg, Berwick — 1 7 hO. Kiciiard Edmund, Danyqiiarrc, Glyn ; Khilip Hugh, Teclion, Bor. — nol. Kiehard Edmund ; Khilip Hugh- -1702. Thomas Jones, Ystyrl’ai ; David Jones, innkeeper— 1 7 Oo . A^hdter Williams, of Glyn ; Williiiin Khilip, of Eoesvaeh — 1701. Daniel Kees, of Cluiiicl ; David Kiehard, Chapel Evan — 1705. Euuicl Ivecs ; John ITJvduj'— 170C, 0 0 N T t NTS. iNTuoni'mox .. ,, ,, iii. lIlf^TOliY ; TiiE Cin’iicH Befohe the XouMan Oonquest v, I’jiE Conquest TO THE Kefoumation .. , x. The Chuhch I'^nher Elizareth . . . , . , xvi. Cm lUH AND Parish 158()17()1 .. .. .. xx. Theofhilus Davies, Yic af. : Local 1’roqress . . , . xxv, Jeremiah Davies, AT( ar.- ( 'hi kch and '1'onvn, 1787 — 1821.. xxxi. Erenezer AEouris, Vicar. — Church Pestoraeion ..xxxviii. Canon AVilliams, Ahcar .. .. xlv. The Ancient Chafels-of-ease : Conclusion .. .. xlix. Xote on the Ihttle J'onn i:r ” . , . . . . liii. THE AIOXT^AIEXTS .. .. .. .. liv. THE UEEHSTEliS .. .. .. .. 1 Notes ON liARTisMS .. .. .. ?, AEarihaces H»S7 -L8-)7 .. .. .. .. 10 XoTES ON liURIALS .. .. 0.7 liONGEVITV .. .. .. .. .. 101 XoTES ON ( )lD LlANELI.Y 1'^ ‘MIT lES .. .. 100 Churchm'Ardens .. .. .. .. 108 ILL IJSTEATIOXS. Llanellv Parish Chi rch, Exterior (PnoTicORAFii) Front ispi oco St. David's Charel-of-Ease, Llavvnhendv .. Facing’ xiii. Llanellv Church One HuNDREii Tears Aoo .. ,, xxviii. Old Church Date, Stocks and AEarket .. ,, xxxvii. Plan OF the Church .. .. xlv. Parhsh Church, Enterior (I'hotoorarh) .. ,, lii. Llanelly IDftv A'ears A 00 , . .. X ITST OF STTBSOFTBEFS. The rap:ht TTon. the Earl of Cawdor, Staekpole Court, Pemlu’oke. The Ki«'ht Hon. T.ord 'Civdegar, Tredeg’ar Park, Xowport, A Lou. Sir Arthur Cowell Stepney, Part., M.P., The Dell, Iilaiu‘lly (r» copies). W. H. Ludford, Esq., Ilall Street, Idanelly. .TauKis Piiekley, Esq., Bryn-y-eaerau, Llaiu'lly. Thomas Johnson, Esq., solicitor, Tilanclly. P. V. limes. Esq., Yr Hen Dy, Llanelly (2 copies). Jolm Lines, Esq., E.C.S., PerllanfaAvr, Llanelly. John Hrittiths, Esq., Tenby House, Llanelly. Lev. Eatlier Hyland, St. Mary’s, IJanelly. J. T. D. Llewellyn, Esq., Ikaillergare, Swansea. Henry Thomas, Esq., Bryn-Mair, Llanelly. Bees Jenkins, Esq., Stepney Street, Llanelly. Joseph Maybery, Esq., Goring Place, IJanelly. Hugh Xeyill, Esq., X"ew Eoad, Llanelly. J. S. Tregoning, Esq., Iscoed, Eerryside (2 copies). Bey. E. A. Dayies, The Vicarage, Llangennech. John Jennings, Escj., Greenfields, Llanelly. [Cardifl’. IMessrs. D. Duncan & Sons, Proprietors, South IJhdes hu\hf Xtirs, C. B. Bobinson, Esq., Brettanby jManor, Darlington, Joseph Joseph, Esq., E.S.A., Brecon. AY. J. AVilson, Esq., The Dell, IJanelly. Samuel Beyan, Esq., AVelltield, Tilanelly, D. C. Edwards, Esq., solicitor, IJanelly. AY. Buckley Boderick, Esq., s^)licitor, IJanelly. Itichard Glascodine, Esq., Itelyoir Place, Swansea. B. l\Ia(Jaran, Esq., Cilfig, Llanelly. [Gower”). Bev. J. D. Dayies, Llanmadoc Bectory, Swansea (author of “ AA^est D. J. AVilliams, Esq., surgeon, TJanelly. Cliarles Bath, Esq., Ffynone, Swansea. Airs. Alee, Greenfields, Llanelly. Hugh AA". AYaddle, Esq.. New Boad, Llanelly. C. W. Xeyill, Esq., AYestfa, Llanelly. B. ICcnneth Hand, Es(p, XY^y Boad, TJanelly. B. Jones, Esq., Goring Place, Llanelly. James Hansard, Esq., Xtew Boad, Llanelly. J. Alead, Esq., Xew Boad, Llanelly. Bey. David Davies, The AJcarage, Dafen. Bey. VYitton Davies, The (kJlege, Haverfordwest. Bev. Anthony Britten, The AJcarage, Penbryn, Cardiganshire. Charles WJlkins, Esq., Springfield, Abwthyr (author of “ The History of the Coal Trade of Wah's,” Ac.) T. Arnold, Esq., Bros House, Llanelly. D. AAJlliams Bees, Esq., solicitor, IJanelly. S. J. Boderick, Esq., surgeon, Llanelly. James Bowlands, Esq., AI.D., Carmarthen. J. D. Bowlands, Esq., surgeon, Carmarthen. Airs. AAYtney, Berry Grove, Liss, Hants (authoress of ‘‘Gwendraeth” and other tales and sketches) . Airs. Shewen, AixJier ATlla, Victoria Boad, Southsea, Hants. His Hon. Judge Brynmor Jones, 28, De AYre Gardens, Kensington, London, AY. [(hrdid. Thomas Powel, Esq., Professor of Celtic, University College, Bobert Bon^ille, Esq., Trosserch, IJangennech. P^ev, Canon AYilliams, B.D., Tlie AJcivrage, Llanelly, AN*in. Jlowcll, .solicitor, New Lndg'e, J'oitiw Tort. (apt. Joliii Sumucl, Alariiic St., I>lfnielly (2 copies). Morgan AV. Jaiue.<, Iv^cp, Stepney Street, lilanotly. Jiicliard Xevill, Ksq., Feliiifocl House, Llanelly. (rco. Watkeys, E,s(p, Idaneily. fJolin Cteorge, Ksep, Llaiu'lly. J. 1). Aiorgan, L.sq., Al.S.A., New Jload, 1 blandly. IT. Dawkin Evcin.<, Es(p, The (Iraig, I dauelly. AVm. Stover, Estp, ttrceiilields, IJanelly. 'J\ Herbert, Es(j., Avenue Allla, Llanelly. ]\. AV. T'('el, Tlsq., T'erryside. J. Beavan Phillips, l-]sq., Myi'tle, Llanelly. T). Jlliys Williams, Esq., Albion House, Jilanelly. Owen Bonville, Es(j., Bwlch, Idauelly. Alessrs. Home and Williams, solicitors, Tdanclly. Mrs. Pridham, d2, Alilsom Street, Bath. Albert E. Old, Plsq., Swansea Bank, Llanelly. jlev. Samuel Davies, curate of the Parish Cluirch, Llanelly. [Inu en. W. (:r. AATiitaere, Esq., E.K.(jr.S., Al.S.A., H.AI. Customs, White- Aleyler Daniel, Plsq., Hendre, Llanelly. Robert Alargrave, Esq., Thomas Street, Llanelly. Jlowell Bees, Esq., Al.D., Tyrbach, Cwmamman. J. H. liogers, I'lsq.. Olyncoed, Llanelly. Henry AMlkins, Esq., Hall Street, Idauelly. T. C. Evans, Idsq. (Cadrawd), Idangynwyd, near Bridgend (aidlior of “ History of Llangynwyd ”). JL K. Thomas, E.