NEW YORK STATE LOCAL HISTORY LEAFLETS PREPARED BY THE DIVISION OP ARCHIVES AND HISTORY SOME SCHOOLMASTERS OF COLONIAL NEW YORK ROBERT FRANCIS SEYBOLT PH. D. Reprinted from the Fifteenth Annual Report of the State Depart ment of Education * ALBANY THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NFW YORK 1021 Y26r-My2i-5oo (7-1620) ' . 13 V" •2~z_ v-/w first paragraph was writte the editor, Thomas E. Fin eg; 31 0.^1 vt ,n. Chapter 14 NEW YORK COLONIAL SCHOOLMASTERS (From the first English Occupation to the Evacuation) 1664-1783 Robert Francis Seybolt, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin Although this list of schoolmen has no direct bearing upon the history of the free school movement, yet we must appreciate the part they played. History is probably the best proof as to the part schools have played in its making. We can probably, without injustice, attribute a great deal to these schoolmen as being among those who from the beginning were conscious of the responsibility the State had in the education of its youth, and this probably laid in the minds of the young the principles that came to pass in the generations to come. 1 2 3 4 Name Date Evert Pietersen (1664-1669) Johannes la Montagne (1664-1670) John Schutte (1665) Willem la Montagne (1666) Place New York City New Harlem Albany Wildwyck, Ulster 5 Jan Tiebout (1666-1670, 1681-82, 1685-98) 6 Abram de La Noy (1668-1702) 7 Philip Alcock (1669) 8 Houlding (1669) 9 Richard Charlton ( 1670) 10 Richard Gildersleeve (1670) 11 Jacob Joosten (1670-1676) 12 Hendrick Jansen Van der Vin (1670-1685) 13 Michael Hainelle (1674-1675) 14 Ebenezer Kirtland (1674-1676) co. Flatbush and New Harlem New York City Jamaica Hempstead Hempstead Hempstead Flatbush New Harlem Flatbush New York City I The Records of New Amsterdam (B. Fernow, editor. 7 v. N. Y., 1897), V. 137; VI, 1 68. ” * W. H. Kilpatrick, The Dutch Schools of New Netherland and Colonial New York (U. S. Bureau of Education, Bulletin 1912, No. 12), 133, 160. B The Annals of Albany (J. Munsell, editor. 10 v. Albany, 1850-59), III, 327. 4 Olde Ulster (B. M. Brink, editor. 10 v. Kingston, N. Y., 1905— 1914), X, 69. 6 Kilpatrick. 167. 172, 174. ® Abstracts of Wills, 1665-1686 (17 v. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1892-1908), I, 342-. 7 Records of the Town of East Hampton, N. Y. (4 v. Sag Harbor, 1887—89), I, 322. 8 D. J. Pratt, Annals of Public Education in the State of New York, 1626-1746 (Albany. 1872). 58. • Pratt. s8. 10 Pratt, 122. II Kilpatrick. 167. 170. 12 Kilpatrick, 160. 164. 13 Pratt, 63. 14 Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1675— 1776 (8 v. New York, 1905), I, 22-23. [653] 654 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Name Date Place 15 John Laughton (1675) Jamaica 16 Mathew Hillyer (1676) New York City 17 Asher Long (1676) New York City 18 Luykas Gerritse (Wyngaard) . . . . (1676) Albany 19 Arien Appel (1676) Albany 20 Jan Becker (1676) Albany 21 Gerret Swartt (1676) Albany 22 Jan Gerritz Van Marken Flatbush 23 Richard Jones (1677) Jamaica 24 Rem Remse (1677) Flatbush 25 Thomas Webb (1678) Oyster Bay 26 Derick Storm (1680-1681) Flatbush 27 John Bowne — (1680-1693) Flushing 28 Dirck Wessels (1681) Marbletown, Ulster 29 Peter Benson CO. East Hampton 30 Johannes Van Ekelen Flatbush 31 Goody Davis ..(1685) Jamaica 32 Rachel Spencer (1685) Hempstead 33 Henry Harrison (1685) New York City 34 Charles Gage ....(1686-1687) New York City 35 Jores Van Spyk ....(1687-1688) Flatbush 36 Guilliam Bertholf (1690-1691) New Harlem 37 Johannes Schenk ....(1691-1711) Flatbush and New York City 38 Joost de Baare (1692) New Utrecht 39 Daniel Martineau (1692-1700) Flatbush 40 David Vilant . . . . (1693-1697) New York City 41 John Mowbray (1694) Southampton 16 East Hampton Records, I, 380. 16 Min. Com. Coun. City of N. Y., I, 24. 17 Mayor’s Court Minutes, Nov. 1675-Nov. 1 677. Item dated April n, 1676. (Manu- script folio. Pages not numbered.) 18 Pratt, 62. 18 Pratt, 62. 20 Pratt, 62. 21 Pratt, 62. 22 Kilpatrick, 170, 172. 23 Records of the Town of Jamaica, N. Y., 1656-1751 (Brooklyn, 1914, 3 v.), I, 69. 24 Pratt, 64. 25 Oyster Bay Town Records (v. 1, N. Y., 1916), I, 235. 26 Pratt, 63. 27 Pratt, 68. 28 Olde Ulster, II, 60; X, 69. 29 East Hampton Records, II. 107. 131. 30 Kilpatrick, 174, 176, 177; Pratt, 63. 31 Pratt, 69. 32 Pratt. 60. 33 Pratt, 71. 34 Pratt, 7 1 • Kilpatrick, [89. 36 Kilpatrick, 165. 87 Kilpatrick, 176, 177; Pratt, 63; Roll of Freemen of New York City, 1675-1866 (in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1885, p. 39-443), 7*. 38 Calendar of New York Historical Manuscripts (E. B. O’Callaghan, editor. P. 2, Albany, 1866), 226. 38 Kilpatrick, 189. 40 Min. Com. Coun. City of N. Y., II, 21. 41 Pratt, 75. FREE SCHOOLS 655 Name Date Place 42 William Huddlestone (1695, 1702-1725) New York City 43 Isaac Selover ( 1695 - 1708 ) Flatlands 44 Alexander Paxton ( 1698 ) New York City 45 Adrian Vermeule ( 1699 ) New Harlem 46 William de Meyer ( 1700 ) Albany 47 Cornelis Bogardus (1700) Albany 48 Jan Langestraat Flatbush 49 Peter Bontecou New York City 50 Robert Parkinson (1702) New York City 5i John Sellwood (1702) New York City 52 Paulus Van Vleck ( 1702 ) Kinderhook 53 Dan Thwaites (1703) New York City 54 Evert Ridder (1703) Albany 55 Andrew Foucautt (1703) New York City 56 Stephen Gasheris (1704) Kingston 57 Joseph Cleator (1704-1731) Rye and New York City 58 George Muirson (1704) New York City 59 Prudent de la Fayole (1705) New York City 60 Andrew Clarke (1705) New York City 61 Henry Lindley (1705) Jamaica 62 Elias Bon Repos (1705) New Rochelle 63 Elizabeth Hand ( 1706 ) East Hampton 64 Alexander Baird Hempstead 65 Edward Fitzgerald ( 1706 ) Westchester 66 James Jeff ray ( 1706 ) New York City 67 Thomas Barclay Albany 68 John Stevens ( 1708 ) New York City 42 Abstracts of Wills, VII, 55; W. W. Kemp, The Support of Schools in Colonial New York by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (New York, 1913), 80, 92; Pratt, 11 2. 43 Pratt, 69, 1 1 7. 44 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 62. 46 Kilpatrick, 165. 48 Annals of Albany, IV, 100. 47 Annals of Albany, IV, 106. 48 Kilpatrick, 189. 48 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 83. 60 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 76. M Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 82. 61 E. B. O’Callaghan, The Documentary History of the State of New York (4 v. Albany, 1849-51), III, 894. 58 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 85. 84 Annals of Albany, IV, 177; Ecclesiastical Records of the State of New York (6 v. Albany, 1901-1905), III, 1522; Pratt, 90, 85 Pratt, do. 88 Pratt, 91. 87 Pratt, 07, 1 14; Kemp, 77, 122, 126; A List of Emigrant Ministers to America, 1600— 181 1 (G. Fothergill. London. 1904). 20 88 Ecclesiastical Records, III, 1552; Pratt, 87. 89 Pratt, 92. 80 Min. Com. Coun. City of N. Y., Ill, 69; Kemp, 72; A List of Emigrant Ministers to America, 20. 81 Pratt, 91. 82 Pratt. 02. 63 East Hampton Records, III, 154. 84 Pratt. 02. 88 Pratt, 93. 08 Pratt, 92. 87 Kemp, 197. 88 Kemp, 77. 656 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Name Date Place 69 Thomas Meeken (1708-1709) Jamaica and Flush- ing 70 John Bashford (1708) New York City 71 Cornelius Lodge (1708) New York City 72 John Humphreys (1708) New York City 73 Thomas Huddlestone. . . . ..(1708; 1714; 1725-31) Southold, Rye and New York City 74 Daniel Clarke (1710) Westchester 75 Adam Brown (1710-11 to 1712-13) Staten Island 76 Jan Gancell (1711-1719) Flatbush 77 Allane Jarrat New York City 78 Francis Williamson (1712-1713) Staten Island 79 John Dupuy (1712-1713) Staten Island 80 Benjamin Drewitt (1712-1713) Staten Island 81 Thomas Potts (1712-1713) Staten Island 82 Charles Glover XI7I3-I7I5) Westchester 83 Robert Macbeth (1713) Huntington 84 Benjamin Miller (1713-1715) Staten Island 85 Thomas Gildersleeve . ...(1713-14 to 1739-40) Hempstead 86 Charles Taylor (1714-1742) Staten Island 87 John Conrad Codwise.. (1715) New York City 88 James Battersby (1715) Flushing 89 Robert Jenney (1716-1722) New York City 90 David Jamison New York City 9i Jacobus Goelet (1717) New York City 92 William Forster (1717-1744) Westchester 93 Samuel Jones (1718-1719) Yonkers 94 Pieter Van der Lyn (1719) New York City 95 (1719-1720) Westchester 96 Adriaen Hegeman (1719-1741) Flatbush 08 Kemp, 77; Pratt, 94. 70 Kemp, 77. 71 Kemp, 77. 72 Kemp, 78. 73 Kemp, 77, 9 2; Pratt, 112, 116. 74 Pratt, 114. 75 Pratt, 1 13. 70 Pratt, 63. 77 Pratt, 93. 78 Pratt, 1 13; Kemp, 165. 79 Pratt, 1x3; Kemp, 165. 80 Pratt, 1 13. 81 Kemp, 165. 82 Pratt, 1 1 4 ; Kemp. 146. 83 Huntington Town Records, 1653-1688 (3 v. Huntington and Babylon, 1887), II, 310. 84 Pratt, 1 13; Kemp. 165. 85 Pratt, 1 1 1 ; Kemp. 174. 88 Kemp, 166: Pratt, 113. 87 Mayor’s Court Minutes, May 24, 1715, to April 29, 1718, 26. 88 Pratt. 121; Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS., 427. 88 Kemp, 74. 90 Pratt, 122. 91 Mayor’s Court Minutes, May 24, 1715, to April 29, 1718, 317. 92 Pratt, 114: Ecclesiastical Records, III, 2x40; Kemp, 147. 93 Kemp, 160— 1. 94 Mayor’s Court Minutes, May 1718 to June 1720, 232. 95 Pratt, 1 13. 96 Kilpatrick, 181. 182. FREE SCHOOLS 6 S 7 Name Date Place 97 Peter Parvisol (1720) New York City 98 Johannes Glandorf . . , ( 1721 ) Albany 99 Georgius Sheriosby . . , ( 1721 ) Westchester 100 George Browning ( 1721 ) New York City 101 George Brownell ( 1722 , 1731 , 1733 ) New York City 102 William Glover ( 1722 ) New York City 103 James Loquart (1722) Jamaica 104 Thomas Lynstead . . . . . ( 1723 ) Oyster Bay .105 James Weeks ( 1723 ) New York City 106 John Carhart ( 1723 ) Rye 107 Tames Wetmore (1723-24 to 1724-25) New York City 108 Daniel Denton ......(1724-25 to 1730-31) Oyster Bay 109 Peter Finch (1725) New York City IIO Jonathan Sherer (1725) New York City III Thomas Colgan (1725-26 to 1729-30) New York City 1 12 Barend de Forest (1725-1732) New York City n 3 Flint Dwight . ..(1728-1735; 1735-1745) Rye and White Plains 114 Johannes Glundorff . . . (1728) New York City US Edward Gatehouse (1728, 1731, 1740) New York City 1 16 Mitchell Somersett . . . (1729) New York City ii 7 James Delpech (1729) East Chester 118 Edward Davies (1729-1735) Southampton 119 Edward Willett (1729-30 to 1741-42) Jamaica 120 Charlton (1729-30 to 1743-44) New York City 121 Samuel Purdy (1729-30 to 1752-53) Rye 122 Thomas Keble (1730-1748) Oyster Bay 123 James Lyde (1730) New York City 124 John Beasley (1730-1734) Albany 97 Liber 29 (manuscript folio in library of N. Y. Hist. Soc.), 63. 8S Annals of Albany, VIII, 262. 98 Pratt, 1 1 8. io° Mayor’s Court Minutes, May 1720 to August 1723, 179. 101 Liber 29, 145; New York Gazette, June 14 to June 21, 1731; New York Weekly Journal, Feb. 18, Feb. 25, March 4, March 11, 1733. 102 Roil of Freemen of N. Y. City, 102. 103 Pratt, 1 18. 104 Pratt, 1 1 8. 105 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 103. 180 Pratt, 1 14. 107 Pratt, 1 13. 108 Pratt, 1 1 1 ; Kemp, 183. 109 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 106. 110 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 105. 111 Pratt, 1 13. 3,2 Kilpatrick, 150-151. 113 Pratt. 1 14. t 1 6 ; Kemp, T42. 143. 114 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, hi. 115 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, hi; New York Gazette, Oct. 4 to Oct. n, 1731. New York Weekly Journal, March 24, March 31, April 7, 1740. 118 Mayor’s Court Minutes, Jan. 26, 1724 to June 1729 (Manuscript folio, in N. Y. Hall of Records). 117 Kemp, 1 61. 118 Pratt, in; Kemp, 101. 1,8 Pratt, in; Kemp. 188. 120 Pratt, 113. 121 Pratt. 114; Kemp, 67. 130-131. 122 Pratt, in; Kemp. 184. 123 New York Gazette, Aug. 31 to Sept. 7, 1730. 124 Kemp, 200; Pratt, in. 658 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Name Date Place 125 Thomas Noxon ...( 1730-31 to 1742 - 43 ) New York City 126 William Rock (1731) Jamaica 127 Alexander Malcolm (1732-1739). New York City 128 William Thurston (1732) New York City 129 Gerrit Van Wagenen (1732-1742) Nfew York City 130 Peter Stoughtenburgh . . (1735) New York City 131 Daniel Shatford (I735X New York City 132 John Cavelier (1736) New York City 133 Charles Henley (1737) New York City 134 Joshua Ring (1737) New York City 135 Walter Hetherington . . . (1739) New York City 136 Thomas Temple ...( 1739-40 to 1752-53) Hempstead 137 James Foddey (1740) New York City 138 Thomas Allen ...(1740-41, 1752; 1763) New York City and Cortlandt 139 John Campbell (1741) New York City 140 John Ury (1741) New York City 141 John Moore (1741-1743) Jamaica 142 Jores Remsen (1741-1755) Flatbush 143 Henry Peckwell (1741-1769, 1771) New York City 144 Elward Mariner (1742) New York City 145 Andrew Wright ( 1742 - 1748 ) Staten Island 146 Samuel Seabury (1742-1764) Hempstead 147 Abraham de Lanoy (1743-1747) New York City 148 Huybert Van Wagenen.. (1743) New York City 149 Samuel Dunlop (1743-1744) Cherry Valley 150 Basil Bartowe . ..( 1743-44 to 1760 - 61 ) Westchester 151 Thomas Hildreth . . . .(1743-44 to 1775-76) New York City 126 Pratt, 112; Kemp, 97, 100. 128 pratt, 1 1 8. 127 Kemp, 73; Pratt, 124-141; Min. Com. Coun. City of N. Y., IV, 174—5. 128 New York Gazette. Aug. 28 to Sept. 4, 1732. 129 Kilpatrick, 15 1—2. 130 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 127. 131 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 128. 132 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 130; Mayor’s Court Minutes, Feb., 1735 to Aug.* 1742, 48. (Manuscript folio, in N. Y. Hall of Records). 133 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 131; Mayor’s Court Minutes, Feb., 1735 to Aug., 1742. 100. 134 New York Weekly Journal, April 4, April 11, 1737. 135 Pratt, 142; Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS., 538. 130 pratt, in; Kemp. 176-7. 137 New York Weekly Journal, March 24, March 31, April 7, 1740. 138 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 142; Abstracts of Wills, VIII, 235; Mayor’s Court Minutes, Feb., 1735 to Aug., 1742, 432; New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post- Boy, March 16, March 23, April 6, 1752. 139 Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS., 552; New York Weekly Journal, April 6, April 13, April 27, May 4, May 18, May 25, May 31, June 15, June 22, 1741. 340 Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS., 553, 565. 141 Pratt, t r x ; Kemp, iflo. 142 Kilpatrick, 182. 143 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 106, 307; VII, 56, 304; Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City. 209 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, April 15, April 22, May 6, 1771. 144 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 144; Mayor’s Court Minutes, Feb. 1735 to Aug. 1742, 571. 145 Pratt. 1 13; Kemp, 168. 148 Kemp. 182. 147 Ecclesiastical Records, IV, 2828—9; Kilpatrick, 153. 148 Pratt, 144; Ecclesiastical Records, IV, 2938. 149 Pratt. 143. 150 Pratt. 114; Kemp, 153. 151 Pratt, 1 12. FREE SCHOOLS 659 Name Date Place 152 Charles Johnston (1744, 1748, 1752) New York City 153 Abraham De Lancey. . (1744) New York City 154 John Carhart (1744-1770) Rye 155 Joseph Hildreth (1744-1776) New York City 156 William Sturgeon ( 1745 - 1746 ) Rye 157 George Gorden (i745-I76i) Rye 158 Malcolm Campbell . . . . (1746) New York City 159 Christian Schultz (1746, 1769) Rhinebeck 160 George Bingham (1747) New York City 161 Joseph Blanchard (1747) New York City 162 Thomas Metcalfe (1747) New York City 163 Henry Moore (1747) New York City 164 Augustus Vaughan . . . , (1747) New York City 165 Archibald McEuen (1747, 1750) New York City 166 Charles Johnson (1747) New York City 167 Samuel Auchmuty (1747-48 to 1763 - 64 ) New York City 168 Cornelius Linch (1748) New York City 169 (1749) Oyster Bay 170 John Clarke (1749-1750) Brooklyn 171 Thomas Evans (1749-1750) New York City 172 Daniel Bratt (I745HI754) New York City 173 Nicholas Barrington.... ..(1749-52; 1752 , 55 , 57 ) Staten Island and New York City 174 Richard Smith (1749-50, 1753-1757) New York City 175 Mary Giles (1749, I76l) New York City 152 New York Weekly Post-Boy, March 5, 1744; Records of the Town of New Rochelle. 1699-1828 (J. A. Forbes, editor. New Rochelle, 1916), 273; New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 11, May 18, May 25, June 1, 1752. 153 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 151. 154 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 176, 254, 425; Ibid, VII, 10, 247, 383. 155 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 165; Abstracts of Wills, VI, 24; Calendar of Wills, 1626—1836 (B. Fernow, editor. N. Y., 1896), 1 6 1 ; Kemp, 106. “• Pratt, 1 14. 357 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 77, 128. 368 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City. 156. 358 Abstracts of Wills, V, 420; Ibid, VII, 333; Calendar of Wills, 224. 380 New York Evening Post, Aug. 3, 174 7. 163 New York Evening Post, Aug. 3, 1747. 302 New York Evening Post. Aug. 3, 1747. J® New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 1, June 8, 1747. 384 New York Evening Post. Oct. 26, 1747. 306 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 159; The New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Aug. 6, Aug. 13, Aug. 27, 1750. 368 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 158. 387 Pratt, 1 13. 368 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, July 4, July n, July 18, July 25 , 1748. 168 Kemp, 186. 370 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Dec. 4, Dec. 11, Dec. 18, 1749; Jan. i, Jan. 8. 1750. 371 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Dec. 18, Dec. 25, 1749; Jan. 1, Jan. 8. 1750. 372 Ecclesiastical Records, IV, 3025: Kilpatrick, 153. 373 Pratt, 1 1 3 ; Kemp, 169; New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Nov. 13. T 752 ; New York Mercury, May 19, June 2, 1755; New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, May 29, June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27. July 4, 1757. 374 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Bov, Dec. 25, 1749; Ibid, Jan. 1, Jan. 8, Jan. 15, Jan. 22, Jan. 29, 1750; Abstracts of Wills, V, 246; New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, April 23, April 30, June 11, June 18, June 25, July 2, July 9, July 16. 1753: Ibid, Feb. 16, March 8, 1756. 375 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 65. 66o THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Name Date Place 176 James Giles ,(1749, 1 758-59> 1761 - 62 ) New York City *77 William Wilson New York City 178 Gabriel Wayne New York City 179 Michael C. Knoll (1750) New York City 180 Reinhold Jan Klockhoff. (1751) New York City e8i Benjamin Leigh (1751) New York City 182 Jan Paulus Ostome (1751) New York City 183 Edward Smith (1751) New York City 184 Garrat Noel (I75I-I753) New York City 185 Robert Leeth (1751-1752, 1755) New York City 186 John Nathan Hutchins.. ...( 1751 - 52 , 1755, 1763, 1765 , 1770, 1772) New York City 187 Rebecca Furman (1752) New York City 188 John Baptiste Guerbois.. (1752) New York City 189 James Hutchins .... (1752) New York City 190 Thomas Price (1753-1760) Staten Island 191 John Lewis (1753-1754) New York City 192 John Lewis Mayor (1753-1754) New York City I 93 William Elphinstone •(1753-1766, 1775-1776) New York City 176 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 65; New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, March 27, April 3, April 17, May 1, 1758; Ibid, April 30, May 14, May 21, May 28, 1759; New York Mercury, Sept. 7, Sept. 14, Sept. 21, 1761; New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Sept. 2, Sept. 23, Sept. 30, 1762. 177 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 18, June 25, July 2, 1750. 178 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, July 30, Aug. 6, Aug. 13, Aug. 27, Sept. 17, Sept. 24, 1750. 179 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Aug. 6, Aug. 13, 1750. 180 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 22, 1751. IS1 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Jan. 14, Jan. 21, Jan. 28, 1751. 182 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Aug. 26, Sept. 2, Sept. 16, Sept. 23, 1751. 1W New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 29, 1751. 384 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 177; New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Jan. 21, Jan. 28, June 3, June 10, Sept. 2, Sept. 9, Sept. 16, Sept. 23, 1751. 185 New York Evening Post, May 27, June 3, 1751; New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 17, June 24, July 8, July 15, July 22, 1751; Ibid, Sept. 18, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, Oct. 9, 1752; N. Y. Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, May 12, May 19, * 755 - 180 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 177; Abstracts of Wills, VI, 147, 225, 266; Ibid, VII, 434; Ibid, VIII, 1 2; Ibid, IX, 299; New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 13, May 27, June 3, 1751; Ibid, June 26, July 6, July 13, July 20, 1752; New York Mercury, May 12, May 19, 1755; Ibid, April 25, May 2, 1763; Ibid, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, 1765; New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Oct. 22, 1770; Ibid, Sept. 21, * ^Abstracts of Wills, VI. 4K0. 188 New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, Nov. 6, Nov. 27, 1752. New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 26, July 6, July 13, July 20, 1752. 390 Pratt, 1 13; Kemp, 170. 191 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, June 4, June 11, June 25, July 9, July 16, July 23, Oct. 15, Nov. 26, Dec. 3, Dec. 24, 1753; Ibid, Jan. 7, Jan. 14, Jan. 21, Jan. 28, Feb. 11, Feb. 23, 1754. 392 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 1753; Ibid, Sept. 30, Oct. 14. Nov. 4, Nov. 11, 1754. 19: - New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 12, Nov. rg, Dec. 3, 1753; Ibid, Jan. 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 20, Jan. 27, 1755; Ibid, April 26, May 10. May 17, 1756; Ibid, May 22, May 29, June 5, June 12, June 26, July 3, 1758; Parker’s New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Sept. 18, Oct. 9, 1760; New York Mercury, June 22, July 27, Aug. 3, Sent. 14, Sept. 21, Sept. 28, Dec. 7, Dec. 14, 1761; New York Mercury, Jan. 10. Jan. 17, Feb. 7, Sept. 19, Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 1763; New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, May 17, May 31, 1764; New York Mercury, Feb. 4, Feb. 11, March 25, April 1, Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 14. Oct. 21, 1765; Ibid, April 14, May iq, Aug. 4, Aug. 11, 1766: Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or The Connecticut, Hudson’s River. New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Aug. 31, 1775; New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Jan. 1, 1776. FREE SCHOOLS 66 1 Name Date 194 Timothy Wetmore (1753-1767; 1777) 195 Adrianus Van der Swan ( 1754) 196 Jeremiah Owen ( 1754) 197 Thomas Ross 0754) 198 John Cooper 0755) 199 Graham 0755) 200 John Searson 0 755, 1757) 201 James Wragg 0755~i757) 202 Anthony Whelp (1755-1767) 203 Peter Durand (1756) 204 James Farrill (1756) 205 Elizabeth Wragg (1756) 206 John Thompson (1756) 207 Luke Cummins (1756) 208 Thomas Johnson (1756, 1761-1762) 209 Gerard Smith 0757) 210 Thomas Clark 0757) 211 John Philipse 0 757-1758) 212 William Penn 0757-1759) 213 Edward Willet 0757-1758, 1764) 214 John Davis (1758) 215 George Adams (1758) 216 Nathaniel Havens (1758) Place Rye and New York City Albany New York City New York City Southampton Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess co. New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New Windsor Hempstead New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City Westchester co. New York City New York City 194 Pratt, 114; Kemp, 134; New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Jan. 27, 1 777. 193 Ecclesiastical Records, V, 3521. 199 Abstracts of Wills. V. 112. 197 New York Mercury, Oct. 7, 1754. 198 Abstracts of Wills, V, 59. 199 New York Mercury, May 19, June 2, 1755. 200 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, April 28, May 5, May 12, May 19, June 2, Sept. 15, Sept. 19, Sept. 29, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 27, 1755; Ibid, May 16, May 23, May 30. June 13, 1757- 201 New York Mercury, Feb. 17, 1755; New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, April 7, April 21, May 5, May 12, May 19, May 26, June 16, July 14, July 28, Aug. 4, Aug. 11, Aug. 18, Sept. 1, Sept. 8, Sept. 15, Sept. 22, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Oct. 27, 1755; Ibid, April 5, April 12, Sept. 19, Sept. 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, June 4, July 19, Sept. 13, Sept. 20, Oct. 25, Nov. 29, 1756; Ibid, April 4, April 11, April 18, April 25, 1757 - 202 Docs. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y. (E. B. O’Callaghan and B. Fernow, eds. 15 v. Albany, 1853-1887), III, 312; Kilpatrick, 185—6; Pratt, 63. 203 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, May 31, 1756. 204 New York Mercury, July 12, July 26, Aug. 2, Aug. 9, Aug. 16, 1756. 205 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, April 5, April 12, April 19, April 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, June 4, July 19, 1756. 209 Calendar of Wills, 387. 207 Abstracts of Wills, V, 376. 208 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, May 10, May 17, June 7, June 21, 1756; New York Mercury, Nov. 23, 1761; New York Gazette, Jan. 18, 1762; The American Chronicle, May 17, May 24, 1762. 209 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 340. 3,0 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, May 2, May 9, May 30, June 13, 17^7. 211 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Oct. 17, Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, Dec. 19, 1757; Ibid, Jan. 30, Feb. 20, Mar. 6, 1758. 212 Abstracts of Wills, V, 226. 213 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Oct. 24, 1757; Ibid, Aug. 14, Aug. 28, 1758; Ibid, March 29, April 5, 1764. 214 Muster Rolls of the New York Provincial Troops (in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1891), 66. 76. 215 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, July 31, Aug. 14, Aug. 28, 1758. 216 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, May 8, May 15, May 22, May 29; June 12, 1758. 662 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Name Date Place 217 William Wilson (1758) Queens co. 218 Alexander Graham (1758) Orange co. ‘19 Joseph Gibbs (1758) Southampton 220 Samuel Giles .(1758-59, 1761, 1763-64) New York City 22 1 John Wingfield (1758, 1777) New York City 222 Samuel Moore (1759, 1763) Phillipsburgh, Westchester cm. 223 William German (1760) Queens co. 224 John MacGie (1760) Suffolk co. 225 Daniel Moor (1760) Dutchess co. 226 John Wallas (1760) Westchester co_ 227 John Watts Staten Island 228 William Barker (1761) Dutchess co. 229 John Chandler (1761) Orange co. 230 Nathaniel McCaul (I76l) New York City 231 John Kean (1761) Dutchess co. 232 William Rudge (1761) New York City 233 Robert Butcher (I76l) Poughkeepsie 234 William Hanna (1761) Albany 235 Caleb Heustis (I76 i) North Castle, West- chester co. 236 Ephraim Avery (1761-1763) Rye 237 Samuel Bruce (1761-1763, 1765) New York City 238 William Clajon New York City 239 Petrus Van Steenburgh. (1761-1792) Flatbush 240 John Young ..(1761, 1766, 1768-1793) New York City 217 Muster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 108. 218 Abstracts of Wills, V, 272. 219 Abstracts of Wills, V, 308. 220 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, March 27, April 3, April 17, May 1, 1758- Parker’s New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, April 30, May 14, May 21, May 28,. 1759; New York Mercury, Sept. 7, Sept. 14, Sept. 21, Dec. 7, Dec. 14. Dec. 21, 1761;; Ibid, April 11, Sept. 19, Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 1763; New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy,. April 1 2, Sept. 20, Sept. 27, 1764. 2211 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Oct. 23, Oct. 30, Nov. 13, Nov. 27, Dee~ 4, 1758; New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Sept. 15, Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct. 13,. 1777. 222 Muster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 182, 336; Abstracts of Wills, VII, 9^. 223 Muster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 242. 224 Muster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 236. 225 Muster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 254. 228 Muster. Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 316. 227 Pratt, 1 1 3 ; Kemp, 171. 228 iviuster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 414. 229 Muster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 404. 220 New York Mercury, Sept. 21, 1761. 231 Muster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 382. 232 N»w York Mercury, Sept. 28, 1761. 283 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 123. 234 New York Mercury, Nov. 23, 1761. 235 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 319. 236 R. Bolton, History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the County of West- chester (N. Y., 1855), 3 J 4- (Taken from Abstracts of the Venerable Propagation:/ Society). 237 Abstracts of Wills. VT. 409; New York Mercury, Aug. 31, Sept. 7, Sept. 28, 17-61;; Ibid, April 4, 1763; Ibid, May 13, 1765. New York Mercury, .Tan. 26, Nov. 2, 1761: New York Gazette or Weekly Post-B'cy,. Oct. 2S, Nov. 1, Nov. 15, Nov. 22, 1764; Ibid. Tan. 2, Jan. 9, May 15, May 22. 1766. 239 Abstracts of Wills, VII, 335, 350, 398; Ibid, VIII, 269; Ibid, XIV, 195; Kilpatrick, 183. 183. 240 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 214; Abstracts of Wills, VII, 252; Ibid, XIV, T30; 173, 2 22, 2d7; Parker’s New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, April 9, 1761; New Y-orJSr Mercury, May 19, May 26, Sept. 7, 1766. FREE SCHOOLS 663 Name Date Place 241 Frederic Rothenbuhler . . (1762) New York City 242 John Wallis (1762) Westchester 243 Cornelius Cregier (1762) New York City 244 Stephen Dwight (1763) New York City 245 William Jones (1763) New York City 246 Alexander Leslie (1763) New York City 247 Daniel Thane (1763) Staten Island 248 Dunlap Adems (1763) New York City 249 George Harrie (1763) Rye 250 William Cockburn (1763-1764) New York City 251 Tunis Egberts (1763-1783) Staten Island 252 John Roorback (1764) Albany 253 Richard Fletcher (1764-1769) New York City 254 Nathaniel Seabury ...(1764-65 to 1767-68) Westchester 255 William Adams (1764, 1766; 1770) Coldenham, Ulster co. and Harlem 256 George Rynhard (1764-1784) Catsbaan, Albany 257 Mary Bosworth (176S) co. New York City 258 Peter Wilson (1765) New York City 259 Richard Bunn (1765) Rye 260 James McCarrell ...(1765) N ewto wn 261 Jeremiah Connor (1765) Staten Island 262 Seth Moore (1765) New York City 263 Jackson (1765) New York City 264 Thomas Carroll (1765-1766) New York City 265 Edward Riggs (1765-1766, 1783). New York City 266 Leonard Cutting Hempstead 267 Godfrey Hains (1767) Harrison’s Pur- chase 241 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Bay, July 8, 1762. 242 Muster Rolls of the N. Y. Provincial Troops, 422. 24(5 Abstracts of Wills, VII. 165. 244 New York Mercury, May 2, May 9, 1763. 243 New York Mercury, April 25, May 2, Nov. 21, Nov. 28, 1763.' 246 New York Mercury, April 25, May 2, 1763. 247 New York Mercury, Nov. 14, 1763. 248 New York Mercury, Tan. 10, Jan. 17, Jan. 24, May 9, May 16, 1763. 249 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 329. 250 New York Mercury, Dec. 5, Dec. 12, 1763; New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Jan. 12, Feb. 16, 1764. 231 Pratt. 1 13; Kemp, 171. 2,r ’ 2 Abstracts of Wills. VI, 405. 258 Abstracts of Wills, VI, 437! Ibid, VII, 299; Ibid, VIII, 17. 234 Pratt, 114; Kemp, 156. 255 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Anril 26, 1764; New York Mercury, April 14, Sept. 16, 1766; New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, June 11, June 18, June 23, Julv 30, Aug. 6, 1770. 268 Abstracts of Wills, VII, 375; Calendar of Wills, 195, 229, 275, 471. 257 New York Mercury, May 20, 1765. 2.08 \ ew York Mercury, April 22, April 29, 1765. 269 Westchester Wills. 210. 2 «° New York Mercury, April 15, June 3, 1765. 2C1 Abstracts of Wills, VIT. 165. 202 Abstracts of Wills. VII, 25. 203 New York Mercury, April 22, April 29, 1765. 264 New York Mercury, May 6, May 13, May 20, Sept. 30, Oct. 7, 1765; Ibid, May 1 2. May 10. June 2, Nov. 10, 1766. 266 New York Mercury. April 22, April 29, 1765; Ibid, May 26, 1766; New York Packet and American Advertiser, Nov. 1783. 206 Kemp. 182. 267 Westchester Wills, 261. 664 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Name Date Place 268 George Murray (1767) New York City 269 Wiliiam Hider (1767) Staten Island 270 Hugh Hughes (1767, I77I-I772) New York City 271 George Meader (1768) New York City 272 James Lamb ..(1768, 1770) New York City 273 Edward Wall ..(1768-1775) Johnstown 274 George Youngs . (1768-69 to 1775-1776) Westchester 275 Cornelius Van Velzar. . . Westchester co. 276 Lewis Donovan (1769) Woodbury Clove, Orange co. 277 John Rand ..(1769-1770) Rye 278 William Leahy . . (1769-1770) South Hempstead 279 George Robinson (1770) New York City 280 James Carpenter (1770) Goshen 281 Josiah Stoddard (1770) Kingston 282 Robert Pigot (1770) Orange co. 283 Joseph Coddington (1770) Shawangunk, Ulster co. 284 Stephen Van Voorhis... (1770) New York City 285 J ohn Avery (1770) Huntington 286 Hall ..(1770-1771) Canajoharie 287 John Girault . . (1770-1773) New York City 288 Jacob Tyler . . (1770-1775) New York City 289 Colin McLeland ..(1770-71 to 1781-82) Canajoharie 290 Mary Pack (1771) New York City 291 John Bay (1771) Albany 292 Michael Bechades (1771) New York City 268 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, June 18, July 2, July 23, July 30, Aug. 6, Sept. 3, Sept. 10, Sept. 24, 1767. 2u9 Abstracts of Wills. VII. 464. 270 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, April 16, April 23, April 30, May 7, May 14, May 21, June 4, 1767; New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Dec. 30, 1771; Ibid, Jan. 6. Jan. 13, Jan. 20, Jan. 27. 1772. 271 Abstracts of Wills. VII. 466. 272 New York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, Dec. 12, 1768; New York Gazette or Weekly Mercury, May 14, May 21, 1770. 273 Pratt, 1 1 2 ; Kemp, 204. 274 Pratt, 1 14; Kemp, 1 57. 275 Abstracts of Wills. VII. 467. 276 Abstracts of Wills, VII, 359. 277 Doc. Hist. N. Y., IV, 408-9; Pratt, 114; Kemp, 139* 278 Pratt, iii; Kemn. ti8 . 279 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Jan. 1, Jan. 8, Jan. 15, Jan. 22, Jan. 29, 1770. 280 Abstracts of Wills, VII, 403. 281 N> w York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 26, 1770. 2S2 Calendar of Wills, 359. 283 Abstracts of Wills, VII. 40s. 284 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 229. 285 Abstracts of Wills. VII. 341. 230 Pratt, 1 1 2. 287 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Jan. 29, Feb. 5, Feb. 12, Oct. 1. Oct. 8, 1770; Ibid, Sept. 9, Sept. 16, Sept. 23, Sept. 36, 1771; Ibid, Sept. 7. Sept. 14, Sept. 21, Oct. 12, Oct. 19, 1772; Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or The Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Sept. 16, Sept. 23, Oct. 7, Oct. 14, 1773 . 288 Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 230; Abstracts of Wills, VIII, 374. 289 Pratt, t 1 2. 21,0 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury. April 22, April 29, May 6, 1771. 291 Abstracts of Wills. VIII. fio; Early Wills of Westchester County, 1664-1784 (W. S. Pelletreau, editor. New York, 1898), 309. 292 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, July 22, July 29, Aug. 19, 1771. FREE SCHOOLS 665 Name Date Place 293 Frederick John (I77l) Jamaica 294 James Wetmore Rye 295 William Andrews (I77I-I773) Schenectady 296 J. Tanner (I77L 1774) New York City 297 M. Tanner (1771, 1774 New York City 298 James Gilliland .(1771-1772, 1774-1775) New York City 299 James O’Brien (I77L 1780 ) New York City 300 John Bryan Brooklyn 301 Francis H. De La Roche. (1772) New York City 302 John Haumaid New York City 303 James Duffie (1772) Staten Island 304 Samuel McCorkle (1772) New York City 305 Terence Reilly (1772) Staten Island 306 Anthony Fiva (1772-1774) New York City 307 J. Peter Tetard (1772-1773, 1775). Kings Bridge 308 J. Hughes (1773) New York City 309 Robert Gilmore (1773) Westchester 310 (1773) Albany 311 Alexander Miller (1773) Schenectady 312 John Leffert (1773) South Hempstead 313 John Doty (1773-1777) Schenectady 314 Frances Brien (1774) New York City 315 John Addison (1774) Kingston 316 Joseph Cozani (1774) New York City 293 Abstracts of Wills, VII, 451, 457. 284 Pratt, 1 1 4 ; Kemp, 139. 285 Doc. Hist. N. Y., IV, 467, 470; Kemp, 202. 290 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Jan. 74, Jan. 21, Jan. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 11, 1771; Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or The Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jer- sey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Feb. 24, March 3, April 7, April 14, 1774. 297 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Jan. 14, Jan. 21, Jan. 28, Feb. 4, Feb. 11, 1771; Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or The Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advrtiser, Feb. 24, March 3, April 7, April 14, 1774- 288 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, May 27, June 3, 1771; Ibid, Dec. 14, Dec. 28, 1 772; Roll of Freemen of N. Y. City, 237; Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Con- necticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Jan. 12, Jan. 19 , 1775 . 299 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, May 6, May 13, May 27, 1771; Ibid, June 5, 1780. 390 Abstracts of Wills. VIII. 18. 301 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, March 2, 1772. 302 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Sept. 21, 1772. 303 Abstracts of Wills, VIII. 38. 304 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Dec. 21, Dec. 28, 1772. 305 Abstracts of Wills, VIII, 38. 300 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, July 22, Aug. 12, Dec. 9, Dec. 16, 1773; Ibid, May 19, May 26. Dec. 22. 1774. 307 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Sept. 7, Sept. 14, Oct. 5, 1772; New York Journal or General Advertiser, Feb. 17, 1774; Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Con- necticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, June 1, June 15, June 22, July 13, July 21, July 27, 1775. 308 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 11, 1773. 399 Abstracts of Wills, VIII, 359. 310 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, April 29, 1773. 311 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer, or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Nov. 4, Nov. 11, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 1773. 312 Kemp, 180. 313 Kemp, 203. 314 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, March 14, 1774. B1B Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, May 5, May 12, Sept. 1, 1774; Olde Ulster. X, 75. 370 Rivington’s New Yoork Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, June 16, 1774. 666 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Name Date Place 317 John Ostrander (1774) Albany 318 Thomas Byerley (1774) New York City 319 Josiah Day (1774) New York City 320 Daniel Hamill (1774) Dutchess co. 321 George Shannon (1774) New York City 322 Catherine Lugrin New York City 323 Simeon Lugrin (1774) New York City 324 John Copp Flatbush 325 David Monell (1774) Hanover, Ulster co. 326 (1774) New York City 327 (1774) New York City 328 William Horton (1774) Phillipsburg, West- chester co. 329 Sarah Long (1774-1775) New York City 330 William Long (1774-1775) New York City 331 Mrs. Cozani (1774-1775) New York City 332 George Gott (1774-1776) Westchester 333 Samuel Seabury (1775) Westchester 334 Francis Vandale (1775) New York City 335 John Campbell Orange co. 336 Cornelly Ferran (1775) Goshen 337 Robert Frayer (1775) Orange co. 338 Thomas Hart Goshen 339 James Howard (1775) Goshen New Jersey, New Jersey, New Jersey, and and and 317 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 285. 318 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Feb. 17, April 14, June 22, June 30, July 7, 1774; New York Journal or General Advertiser, Feb. 17, Feb. 24, March 3, March 10, March 17, March 31, April 21, April 28, 1774. 319 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Feb. 17, April 14, June 22, June 30, July 7, 1774; New York Journal or General Advertiser, Feb. 17, Feb. 24, March 3, March 10, March 17, March 31, April 21, April 28, 1774. 320 Abstracts of Wills, VIII, 349. 321 Abstracts of Wills, VIII, 373. 322 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, Quebec Weekly Advertiser, April 21, April 28, 1774. 323 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, Quebec Weekly Advertiser, April 21, April 28, 1774. 824 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Tuly 7, July 14, 1774. 325 Abstracts of Wills, VIII, 265. 328 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Oct. 6, 1774. 327 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Oct. 6, 1774. 328 Abstracts of Wills, VIII. 259. 329 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 3, March 31, 1774; Ibid, Nov. 2, 1775; New York Journal or General Advertiser fan. 27, Feb. 3, 1774. 330 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 3, March 31, 1774; Ibid, Nov. 2, 1775; New York Journal or General Advertiser, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 1774. 331 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River. New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, July 21, 1774; Ibid, April 20, April 27, July 21, 1775. 332 Pratt, 1 14; Kemp, 139. 333 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, March 16, March 23, 1775. 334 Rivington’s New York Gazetteer or Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New Jersey, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser, Oct. 26, Nov. 9, Nov. 16, 1775. 336 Calendar of Wills, 78. 338 Docs. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y.. XV. 116. River, New Jersey, and New Jersey, and FREE SCHOOLS 667 Name Date Place 340 Owen Madden (1775) Shawangunk 34 * * (1775) Johnstown J342 James Leasley 0776) New York City -343 William Denn (17/6) Goshen -344 Amos Bull (1776, 1778 - 1782 ) New York City -345 Gabriel Ellison (1776-1790) Flatbush -346 John McClenachan ( 1 777) New York City -347 John McKillop (1777) New York City 34% Thomas Kyle (1777) Goshen -349 William Thompson (1777-1778) Goshen .350 (1777-1778) New York City 351 Jacob Taylor (1777-1779) New York City 352 Panton (1777, 1779) New York City .353 Thomas Wiley ( 1 777, 1779, 1782 ) New York City .354 James Wetmore (1777-1783) Oyster Bay 355 William Hume (1778) Ulster co. -356 Thomas Kingston 0778) Staten Island -357 Peter Sparling (1778) New York City -358 John Davis ( 1778 , 1781 - 1782 ) New York City -359 Thomas L. Moore (1779) Newtown 360 Lionel Watts (1779) New York City 36 1 Tames Foley ( 1779 - 1780 ) Bushwick 362 Thomas Egan ( 1780 ) New York City .363 John Clints ( 1780 ) Albany .364 Robert Davis ( 1780 ) Norman’s Kill .365 Edward Finn ( 1780 ) Ballstown 366 Philip Doyle ( 1781 ) Gray Court, Orange CO. 34 *Docs. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y., XV, 171. 341 Kemp, 207. 342 Abstracts of Wills, VIII, 331. 345 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 183. 344 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, May 13, May 20, 1776; Pratt, 113; Kemp, st6. 345 Pratt, 63. 344 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Dec. 15, Dec. 22, 1777. 347 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Sept. 8, Sept. 15, Sept. 22, 1777. 348 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 169. 340 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 157; Calendar of Wills, 40. 350 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Sept. 1, Sept. 8, Sept. 15, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Dec. 8, 1777; Ibid, July 13, July 27, 1778. 351 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 41, 82. 352 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Dec. 15, Dec. 29, 1777; Ibid, Jan. 18, 1779. 353 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Feb. 17, Feb. 24, March 3, March 10, 31 arch 24, 1777; Ibid, Sept. 13, Sept. 20, 1779; Ibid, Nov. 4, 1782. 354 Kemp. 186. 355 Calendar of Wills. 120. 356 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 24. 357 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 49. 358 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Jan. 19, Jan. 26, 1778; Ibid, Jan. 7, Jan. >24, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, 1782; Royal Gazette, Oct. 6, 1781. 3za New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Aug. 2, Aug. 9, Aug. 16, Aug. 23, 1779. * ao Abstracts of Wills, VIII. 353. 301 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, June 14, June 21, Aug. 30, Oct. 4, 1779; ffbid. March 27, April 10, 1780. 301 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Jan. 10, Jan. 17, 1780. ^ Calendar of Wills. 472. 364 Minutes of the Commissioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York (3 vols. Albany, 1909—10), II, 506. 3,55 Min. Com. for detecting and defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York, II, •4.36. Abstracts of Wills, IX, 240. 668 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Name Date Place 367 William Kerr (1781) New York City 368 Mrs. Shackerly (1781) New York City 369 John Klint (1781) Rennselaerwyck 370 (1781) New York City 371 Thomas Madden (1781) New York City 372 Christopher Witting (1781) Rennselaerwyck 373 Alexander Campbell (1782) Goshen 374 John H. Hentz (1782) New York City 375 George Huggan (1782) New Windsor, Ulster co. 376 Isaac Rysdyk (1782) Dutchess co. 377 Ebenezer Street (1782) New York City 378 Benonij Bradner (1782) Goshen 379 Edwara Haswell (1782-1783) New York City 380 J. Mennye • = (1782-1783) New York City 367 Royal Gazette, April 25, 1781. 368 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, July 16, July 30, 1781. 369 Min. Com. for detecting and defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York, II. 651. 370 Royal Gazette, Oct. 17, Oct. 20, Oct. 31, Nov. 21, 1781. 371 Abstracts of Wills, XIV, 219. 372 Min. Com. for detecting and defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York, II, 716. 373 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 293. 374 New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, May 27, 1782. 375 Abstracts of Wills, IX, 295. 376 New York Packet and American Advertiser, June 13, 1782. 377 Kemp, 120. 378 New York Packet and American Advertiser, Sept. 26, Oct. 3, Oct. 10, 1782. 379 Kemp, 1 2i. ago New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Sept. 20, 1782; Royal Gazette, Oct. 18, Oct. 22, 1783. This list is not exhaustive. It would be impossible to name all the schoolmasters of the English colonial period. Even if all the names could be secured, the number would still seem to be inade- quate for so long a period. In this connection, one must keep in mind the fact that instruction of various grades was also given by parents, older children, tutors and ministers. No attempt has been made to classify the schoolmasters; in many cases this would be impossible. Many are mentioned, in the records, merely as schoolmasters. We know that most of them were English, and taught in English elementary and secondary schools. A rela- tively small number were Dutch, and most of these taught in Dutch schools. Ministers and catechists, as such, are not included in the list. Kemp and Kilpatrick, as sources of information for the colonial period, are reliable. Only verifiable references have been taken from Pratt. FREE SCHOOLS 669 Probable duplications: numbers 107 and 294, or 107 and 354 ^ James Wetmore) ; 98 and 114 (Joannes Glandorff or Glundorff) ; 106 and 154 (John Carhart) ; 93 a^F95 (Samuel Jones and . . . Jones) ; 177 and 217 (William Wilson) ; 146 and 333 (Samuel Seabury) .