A -an \.s a June, 1914. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. WASHINGTON, D. C. LIST OF REFERENCES ON STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT. (Prepared in the Library Division, Bureau of Education.) GENERAL. Brewer, J. M. Some plans for student cooperation in school government. Educa- tional review, 37:519-25, May 1909. /Clapp, H. L. Self-government in public schools. Education, 29:335-44, February 1909. ^Cronson, J3ernard. Pupil self-government, its th'eory and practice. New York j [etc.] The Macmillan company, 1907. ix, 107 p. pi. 12°. Demarest, A. J. Pupil self-government. School progress, 3:11-14, January 1912. Edson, A. W. and Stevens, E. L. Report on self-government by pupils. In New York (City) City superintendent of schools. Annual report, 1905. p. 451-61 (Appendix M). Experiment in self-government. Current literature, 27: 98, February 1900. French, C. W. School government. School review, 6:35-44, January 1898. Gill, Wilson Lindsley. The boys’ and girls’ republic; textbook of the art of citizenship. Philadelphia, American patriotic league [1913] ( 100 p. 12°. A new citizenship; democracy systematized for moral and civic training. . . Introduction by Patterson Du Bois. Philadelphia, American patriotic league [1913] 268 p. 12°. Harris, William Torrey. The school city. Syracuse, N. Y., C. W. Bardeen, 1906. 20 p. 16°. Reprint of an article in the School bulletin for March 1906, p. 3. King, Irving. Democratic government of schools. In his Social aspects of educa- tion. New York, The Macmillan compan^, 1912. p. 291-309. "Bibliography on pupil participation in school governmen t”: p, 30 7-309. Leupp, F. E. Progressive ideal in school management. Scribner’s magazine, 54: 388-94, September 1913. Student self-government in a boarding-school for girls. MacMullen, John. Self-government in schools. New York, 1880. 11 p. 8°. "The contents of this pamphlet appeared originally in the Evening post.” MacMunn, N orman. Differentialism; a new method of class self-teaching. London, W. H. Smith & sons, 1913. 27 p. 12°. Martin, George H. Student self-government. In National municipal league. Proceedings, 1904. p. 278-82. Neumann, Henry. Moral values in pupil self-government. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1913. p. 41-4:5. Also in Kindergarten-primary magazine, 26:110-12, December 1913. Perry, Arthur C. [Self-government systems] In his Management of a city school. New York, The Macmillan co., 1908. p. 283-90. 51653—14 2 REFERENCES ON STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT. Philips, Walter L. Pupil cooperation in school government. Education, 22- 538-54, May 1902. Ray, John T. Pupil self-government. Journal of education, 64:444, October 25, 1906. The John Crerar school, Chicago, 111. Ray’s democratic government in the schools, with rules and plans. Bloomington, 111. , Public school publishing co., 1899. 25 f>. 16°. Smith, Bertha H. Self-government in public schools. Atlantic monthly, 102: 675-78, November 1908. Storm, A. V. Discipline as the result of self-government. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1894. p. 764-72. Suzzallo, Henry. Self-government in schools. In Cyclopedia of education, ed. by Paul Monroe. Vol. 5. New York, The Macmillan company, 1913. p. 320-22. Thrasher, Max Bennett. Government of boys. New England magazine, n. s. 22:193-208, April 1900. Thompson’s island, “ Cottage Row.” United States. Bureau of Education. Educational pathology, or self-govern- ment in school. In its Report of the Commissioner, 1901. p. 235-62, chap. 5. Welling, Richard. Pupil self-government as a training for citizenship. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1911. p. 1005- 1009. Also in American school board journal, 43: 28, 30, August 1911. School citizen’s committee, 2 Wall street, New York city, issues publications relating to self-government in New York city schools. HIGH SCHOOLS. [Block, Louis J.] [Students’ council in the John Marshall high school, Chicago] School review, 12:6-10, January 1904. Brown, John Franklin. Pupil self-government. In his American high school. New York, The Macmillan company, 1909. p. 298-300. References, p. 301-302. Hollister, Horace A. Student self-government. In his High school administra- tion. Boston, D. C. Heath and co., 1909. p. 198-200. Long, Leo F. Self government in high schools. Western journal of education, 5: 59-67, February 1912. . A description of an experiment in pupil self government. ‘'' McAndrew, W. A. High school self-government. School review, 5:456-60, Sep- ** tember 1897. Nason, Arthur H. Coney high school assembly. School review, 14:505-11, Sep- tember 1906. Thurber, C. H. High school self-government. School review, 5:32-35, January 1897. JTucker, Henry R. Government in the high school. Education, 25: 1-11, 81-89, 152-61, September-November 1904. Walker, F. A. Self-government in the high school. Elementary school teacher, 7: 451-57, April 1907. Whitney, M. A. Student advisers as an administrative device in high schools. School review, 12:3-10, January 1904. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Aley, R. J. Student participation in university government. In National associa- tion of state universities. Transactions and proceedings, 1912. p. 291-94. Dis- cussion, p. 294-98. ) REFERENCES ON STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT. 3 Fallows, A. K. Self-government for college girls. Harper’s bazar, 38: 698-705, July 1904. Fiske, G. Walter. Student self-government in colleges. Religious education, 5: 307-15, October 1910. Gates, Merrill E. To what extent is student government available as a means of college discipline? In College association of the Middle States and Maryland . Proceedings, 1892. p. 68-74. Gill, H. B. Student government. Harvard illustrated magazine, 12: 109-13, February 1911. Griffith^, Farnham* P. Student self-government at the University of California. International journal of ethics, 17: 347-61, April 1907. Reprinted in University of California chronicle, 9: 240-55, July 1907. [Harvard university: A year of student-government] Harvard graduates’ magazine, 18: 57-58, September 1909. Kendrick, Georgia A. Self-government at Vassar. Harper’s bazar, 40: 3-8, January 1906. Religious education association. -Committee of six. Student government. In its Report on Religious and moral education in the universities and colleges in the United States. Religious education, 1: 213-14, February 1907. Scharff, Maurice R. A study in student initiative. Technology review, 12: 290-95, July 1910. Self-government at Carlisle. American educational review, 33: 281-82, March 1912. Self-government in women’s schools. School journal, 74: 374, April 13, 1907. Sheldon, Henry D. Self-governing associations in the modern period. In his Student life and customs. New York, D. Appleton and co., 1901. p. 255-71. Progress of the plan in American colleges. Sproull, W. O. College government — The students’ senate. In Ohio college asso- ciation. Transactions, 1893-1894. Wooster, Ohio, The Herald printing co., 1894. p. 61-68. Stimson, Julia. Student government in colleges. In American society of superin- tendents of training schools for nurses. Proceedings, 1910. Baltimore, J. H. Furst company, 1910. p. 117-28. Thompson, William Oxley. Self-government by students in school and college. Social education quarterly, 1: 41-53, March 1907. Also in Southern educational review, 4: 137-49, October-November 1907, and in School journal, 73 : 569-73, December 22, 1906. Van Hise, C. R. Self government at the University of Wisconsin. In National asso- ciation of state universities. Transactions and proceedings, 1912. p. 255-63. Discussion, p. 263-71. Documents giving forms of student self government at the University of Wisconsin, p. 272-90. Webster, Edgar H. Government by committee. Journal of education, 67: 236-37, February 27, 1908. “Town-city” of Atlanta university. Welch, Herbert. Student self-government. In Ohio college association. Trans- actions, 1909. p. 66-69. Willard, Frances E. Self-government of students. Educational foundations, 16: 657-61, May 1905. How the idea worked at the Women’s college of Northwestern university. COLLEGES WHICH HAVE TRIED STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT. Amherst college, Amherst, Mass. Atlanta university, Atlanta, Ga. Barnard college, New York, N. Y. Blackburn college, Carlinville, 111. Brown university, Providence, R. I. 4 REFERENCES ON STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT. Bryn Mawr college, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Carthage college, Carthage, 111. Converse college, Spartanburg, S. C. Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Graceland college, Lamoni, Iowa. Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Leland Stanford Junior university, Cal. Miami university, Oxford, Ohio. Massachusetts institute of technology, Boston, Mass. Milton college, Milton, Wis. (partial). Mount Holyoke college, South Hadley, Mass. Muhlenberg college, Allentown, Pa. Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Otterbein university, Westerville, Ohio. Oxford college, Oxford, N. C. Radcliffe college, Cambridge, Mass. Randolph-Macon woman’s college, Lynchburg, Va. Rensselaer polytechnic institute, Troy, N. Y. Rutgers college, New Brunswick, N. J. Simmons college, Boston, Mass. Southwestern Presbyterian university, Clarksville, Tenn. Swarthmore college, Swarthmore, Pa. Syracuse university, Syracuse, N. Y. University of California, Berkeley, Cal. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Vassar college, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Virginia polytechnic institute, Blacksburg, Va. Washington college, Chestertown, Md. Wellesley college, Wellesley, Mass. Wells college, Aurora, N. Y. Western Reserve university, Cleveland, Ohio. Williams college, Williamstown, Mass. Wilson college, Chambersburg, Pa. HONOR SYSTEM IN COLLEGES. Allison, Francis Greenleaf. Honor system in colleges and out. Nation, 83: 458-59, November 29, 1907. Barnes, Earl. Student honor; a study in cheating. International journal of ethics, 14: 481-88, July 1904. Birdseye, Clarence F. [Student honor and examinations] In his The reorganiza- tion of our colleges. New York, Baker & Taylor company, 1909. p. 78-80. Firkins, 0. W. The honor system. Nation, 98: 538-40, May 7, 1914. This paper is discussed by W. A. Colwell in Nation, 98: 663-64, June 4, 1914, and by W. Le Conte Stevens, 98: 754, June 25, 1914. Green, E. L. Honor system in South Carolina. Nation, 82: 117, February 8, 1906. [Honor system at Adelbert college] Journal of education, 69: 197-98, February 18, 1909. Hyde, William De Witt. Honor system of examinations. Nation, 83: 412-13, November 15, 1906. Joynes, Edward Southey. Honor system in college. Nation, 83: 259, 459, Sep- tember 27, November 29, 1906. REFERENCES ON STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT. 5 Lewis, William Draper. The honor system of conducting examinations in law schools. In Association of American law schools. Proceedings, 1910. p. 90-93, Reprinted from American bar association. Transactions, 1910. p. 1003-. Also in American law school review, 2: 454-56, November 1910. Lile, William Minor. The honor system. In Association of American law schools. Proceedings, 1910. p. 77-89. Discussion, p. 15-40. Reprinted from American bar association. Transactions, 1910. p. 990-. Also in American law school review, 2: 456-64, November 1910. Discussion, p. 464-70. New England association of colleges and preparatory schools. [Proceedings of the] twenty-seventh annual meeting, November 1 and 2, 1912. Education, 33: 257-317, January 1913. (Walter B. Jacobs, secretary, Providence, It. I.) Contains: 1. D. W. Abercrombie: Honesty in school work, p. 289-99. 2. W. L. Phelps: Student honesty in college, p. 300-302. 3. W. S. A. Pott: The honor system of Virginia, p. 303-11. 4. Maxwell Chaplin: The honor system at Princeton, p. 312-14. 5. A. W. Chauncey: The honor system of Sheffield scientific school, p. 315-17. O’Shaughnessy, B. Honor system in American universities. Harper’s weekly, 56: 25, November 30, 1912. Schuerman, William H. The honor system of examinations. In Society for the . promotion of engineering education. Proceedings, 1907. Brooklyn, 1907 , ' p. 635-50. Vanderbilt university, p. 635-46; University of Virginia, p. 646-50. Stevens, Walter LeConte. Honor system in American colleges. Popular science monthly, 68: 176-85, February 1906. [Success of the honor system at Princeton] American educational review, 29: 203- 204, February 1908. Thornton, William M. The honor system at the University of Virginia in origin and use. In Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the Southern States. Proceedings, 1906. Nashville, Tenn., Marshall & Bruce co. p. 24-40, Also in Sewanee review, 15: 41-57, January 1907. Venable, Francis P. A question of morals. Educational review, 46: 361-68, November 1913. Colleges and universities using the honor system: Allegheny, Amherst, Goucher, Ken- yon, Marietta, Oberlin, Princeton, Ripon, Simmons, Swarthmore, University of Arkansas, University of Virginia, Vassar, Wellesley, Wells, Western Reserve, Wil- son, Yale (Sheffield scientific school). PERIODICALS INDEXED IN THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY. American college, New York, N. Y. American educational review, 431 South Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. American school board journal, 129 Michigan street, Milwaukee, Wis. Atlantic monthly, 4 Park street, Boston, Mass. Current literature, 134 West 29th street, New York, N. Y. Education, 120 Boylston street, Boston, Mass. Educational foundations, 31-33 East 27th street, New York, N. Y. Educational review, Columbia university, New York, N. Y. Elementary school teacher, University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Harper’s bazar, 119 West 40th street, New York, N. Y. Harper’s weekly, Fourth avenue and Twentieth street, New York, N. Y, Harvard graduates’ magazine, Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard illustrated magazine, Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. International journal of ethics, 1415 Locust street, Philadelphia, Pa. Journal of education, 6 Beacon street, Boston, Mass. Kindergarten-primary magazine, Manistee, Mich. Nation, Box 794, New York, N. Y. 6 BEFERENCES ON STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT. New England magazine, 221 Columbus avenue, Boston, Mass. Popular science monthly, Substation 84, New York, N. Y. Religious education, 332 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, 111. School bulletin, Syracuse, N. Y. School journal, 31-33 East 27th street, New York, N. Y. School progress, School progress league, Philadelphia, Pa. School review, University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Scribner’s magazine, 597 Fifth avenue, New York, N. Y. Sewanee review, Sewanee, Tenn. Southern educational review, Chattanooga, Tenn. Technology review, 491 Boylston street, Boston, Mass. University of California chronicle, University of California press, Berkeley, Cal. Western journal of education, now American schoolmaster, State normal college, Ypsilanti, Mich. o WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OIIICB : 1814 l