'LI B RAR.Y OF THL UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS o 917-7 M7G ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY JAS. ANDERSON, JR. WM. M'LANE. JNO. W. AJfDEESO.N. GEO. W. ANDERSOX. ANDERSON, McLANE & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS VARIETY GOODS AND CLOTHING, No. 452 MAIN STREET, NORTH SIDE, BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH STREETS, "We have now in store a very heavy stock of Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, American, English, French and German, of all colors, grades and prices. Pilot, Beaver, Gentianella and Lion Skin Coatings. Cassimeres, American and French, all colors, styles and prices. Satinets, Tweeds and Jeans, all co!6rs and grades. Men's Summer Wear, Drap d'Etes, Croton Cloths, Cashmerettes, Codringtons, Nea- ])olirain Coatings, Linen Drills, Klay Linens, Bnft' Linens, Camlets, Cottonades, Verona Twills, Caspians, GambrOons, Nankeen Coi-ds, Blue Denims, Cliatnbrays, Nankeens, &e. Checks, &c., Mariner, Hickory and Shirting Stripes, Shirting Tweeds, Apron Checks' Furniture Cheeks, Kenubhcan Piaids, c. Tickings, 3-4, 7-8, and 4-4, various styles and qualities. Drillings, Brown, Bleached, Blue r.nd Corset. Shirtings and Sheetings, Bleached Long Cloths and Beetled Shirtings, all widths and qualities. Light, Heavy and Fine Shirtings, best brands. Tailors' Trimmings, Paddings, Serges, Canvas, Black and Colored Cambric?, Paper Cambrics, Silesias, Hollands, &c. Flannels, All colors, qualities anJ prices. Lindseys, Printed Cloakings, Rob Roy Plaids, (fee. Blankets, Bed, Saddle, Negro, Duffle, Mackinaw Coating and Whitney. Prints, A very large stock, embracing all the best makes and styles in market. Ladies' Dress Goods, Ginghams, Lawns, Mousselines de Laine, Bareges, Barege de Laine, Cballies. De Bege Lusters, Printed Cashmeres, Poplins, Tissues, Swiss Bayadere, Chintz, Cashmere, De Laine and Tissue Kobes, Merinoes, Lusters, Orleans Cloths, Paramattas, Persian; Cloths, Lyonaise Cloths, Bombazines, Silks, Fiorences, Crapes, Gimps, Fringes, e. White Goods, &c., Jaconets, Cambrics, Swiss and other Muslins', Laces, Edgings nnd Insertings, Embroidered 'Capes, Collars, Cuffs. Chemisettes, ITndersleeves, &c., Embroidered! Window Drapery, Berlin Cords, Skirts, Bobinets, Musquito Nettings, c., &c. Irish Linens, A large assortment, of our own importation. Table Linens, Crash, Diapers, Table Covers, &c. Velvets and Vestings, A great variety. Shawls, A very large stock, of all kinds. Sundries, Cravats, Ties, Silk, Linen, Lawn, Cambric and Cotton ITankerchiefs, Rib- bons, Artificial Flowers, Gloves, Hosiery, Sewing Silks, Patent Thread!?, Spool Threads, Skein Threads, Tapes, Bobbins, Bindings, Lact-ts. Cable Cords, Suspenders, Combs, Brushes. Buttons, Beads, Purses, Studs, Buckles, Hooks and Eyes, Thimbles, Snuff Boxes, Inkstands, Envelopes, Needles and Pins, Fans, AVbaleboncs, Whips, Carpet Bags and Satchels, Umbrellas and Parasols, Shirts and Drawers,. Bonnets, &c. Clothing, Overcoats, Ovcrsacks, -Frocks, Sacks, Pants and Vests, a large stock made of good materials and in good styles. We respectfully solicit the attention of dealers throughout the West and South to our stock, believing that we can successfully compete iu prices and terms with any house in the Union. ANDERSON, McLANE & Co. A 1 HYDRAULIC FOUNDRY. B. F. TEVIS. E. BARBAROUX. > Cor, Washington and Floyd Sts, LOUISVILLE, Ky, MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES MILL MACHINERY, RAIL ROAD CAR WHEELS, CAST IRON SCREW PIPES, SOCKET & FLANGE PIPE GAS OR WATER: SUPERIOR FORCE OR LIFT "vufv JaUL OF VAEIOUS SIZES AND KINDS. LARD, TIMBER & MILL SCREWS, AND ALL KINDS OF JOB WORE. orm MANUFACTURED BY J. .<= 3E3E CINCINNATI, OHIO. This limb is got up on the most scientific principles, com- bined with strength and durability. It has stood the test for over half a century, and numerous are the attempts made to produce an equal ; but as soon as a fair test is had, they invariably wear out of notice. We admit that one limb has been preferred at the "World's Exhibition, but why? on account of itis exterior finish, and inasmuch as instruments of this description a?ti seldom seen, I have made it ray constant care to produce such limbs as give service, comfort, and satisfaction to the wearer. My undivided attention has been given to this branch of busi- ness for over twenty-four years. I have had three times the ex- perience of any manufacturer in the United States, and have pro- duced more good Limbs than any one man living ; and in fact I defy comparison where real utility, lightness, strength and dura- bility are in question. Descriptive Handbills procured by letter prepaid. Rooms 24 If V.vi Sixth Street. DANIEL D. WINANT, BILLIARD TABLE The oldest and most extensive Manufactory of the kind in America. No. 71 Gold Street, NEW YORK. Between Beekman and Spruce. Everything in the line furnished at ten per cent, less than any other Estab- lishment in the city. Tables, Balls, Maces, Cues. Cloths by the piece or yard, Gibb's Adhesive Cue Wax, Silk and Worsted Pockets, Fringes, French and American Patent Cue Points, Cord, Pool Boards, Rule Boards, Spanish Pins, o m o HH K C/2 Q H 2 H CO w a td H P I Cd g H P H M H M g tj bM 2y M g H Q o H CQ fr lillEIIIRSIBiSuiEBSIillllllllllllEIHl CQ X APPLEG-ATB & CO. No 43 MAIN STREET, CINCINNATI, O. We have one of the largest and best assorted Stocks in the West Our Stock embraces the best Works oa THEOLOGY, MEDICINE, LAW, MECHANICS, HISTORY, TRAVELS, TALES, MEMOIRS, PHILOSOPHY, &c. &c. Arid a complete assortment of all the most desirable MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS published. Our stock of SCHOOL BOOKS embraces all books of merit used in the West, from the Spelling Book to the Lexicon. Our stock of STATIONERY embraces every variety of Blank Books, from the small Memorandum Book to the large super- royal Ledger, including every article used in the counting-room. We have for the Country Merchant a full variety of Letter, Cap and Note Paper, .Envelopes, Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Boards, Ink, &c., &c. OUR OWN PUBLICATIONS are too well known as works of the highest merit, to require more than an enumeration of the most prominent, which are CLARKE'S COMMENTARY, DR. DICK'S COMPLETE WORKS, ROLLIN'S ANCIENT HISTORY, PLUTARCH'S LIVES, SPECTA- TOR, JOSEPHUS, &c., &c. We invite all who deal in, or purchase books, to give us a call, as we are confident we can oft'er them such inducements as shall be mutually beneficial. PAGED BLANK BOOKS, Of every description, on hand and made to order of the ZB13JST 10 PAPER WAREHOUSE ESTABLISHED U831. WE OFFER FOR SALE A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF laner, Carbs, a'nfo Innihw f itk, Ft rt For Printers, Publishers and Dealers . PAPER AND LEATHER FOR BOOKBINDERS, And every description of Having been the first, by several years, to establish in the West, a paper business complete in all its parts, we have formed permanent and exclusive connections with the best manufacturers in the country, and receiving mir supplies directly fro,m them, on the best terms, we have been enabled from year to year to make important reductions in our prices, until the prices and terms we now offer are as favorable as the same goods can be purchased for in the Eastern cities. We have the exclusive Agency for the superior Manufactured by PLAINER fe CO'S CELEBRATED P F lAQTIM'Q QIIPPRinR P1IITARQ u. r. Ifllulfl i) ourCjnlUn uUliAno Second Haad Piano Fortes for Sale or to Rent. BPvASS INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, AND ACCOKDEONS, OF THE MOST B3AT7TIFUL STYLES, AND WARRANTED. iUT t And Musical Merchandise of every description, selected with great care and experience, with a view especially to meet the wants of DE ALERS 3 SEMINAEIES,TE ACHERS & BANDS Ami offered on the most advantageous terms at the MUSICAL EMPORIUM OF THE WEST AND SOUTH, 16 WHOLESALE CROCIR.S ALBERT C. RICHARDSON, C3- 23 IKT IE2 !E*. ^3L la COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN STAPLE PKODUCE, GROCERIES, &C.. Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and other Manufactures. Cor, Walnut and Columbia Streets, CINCINNATI, 0. B3^Liberal advances made at all times on consignments for sale here, or shipments to other Points. E^~0rders for Cincinnati Manvf ictures, &c. Other Products of thisk. Market filled on fair terms. g^Satisfictory references freely furnished both at home and at the principal points West and East B 17 ROBERT MITCHELL. FRED. RAMMELSBEH&. MITCHELL &RAMMELSBERG WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m is im i IFLOO IMC S. Nos. 23 and 25 East Second Street, Between Main and Sycamore, CINCINNATI, O. Artificial Limb Manufactory. No. 39 West Fourth Street, near Walnut St, Cincinnati, 0, Dr. D. N. Daniels manufactures the most improved Patent Spiral Spring Pad Trusses, for all kinds of Hernia or Rupture, and for all ages and sexes. Dorsal :ind Abdominal Supporters, Spinal Corsets, Stays and Props, Shoulder Braces, Knee Caps, Fracture Bandages, Suspensoirs, Lace Stockings for varicose swollen veins. Appa- ratus for Club Feet, Bow Legs, Weak Ankles, Palsied Limbs and Diseased Joints. Galvanic Supporters, and Perpetual Electrometers, and all kinds of apparatus for the correction and cure of physical deformities of the system. Artificial Legs, Anus and Hands made to order, equal to any in material and workmanship in the country. These instruments are made under my own supervision by experienced hands, and approved and used by the best surgeons in this country and in Europe, and have received the first premiums in many of the Fairs held in the United States. Ladies will be waited on by an experienced and competent Female attendant. 19 F. SHULTZ & CO. IMPORTERS OF O 75T * FRENCH, CHINA, AND 'CUT GLASS, No. 64 MAIN STREET, CINCINNATI, 0. BROMWELL & MELI8H, Cincinnati Wire Works. Every variety of Wove and Worked Constantly on hand and manufactured to order, FOR Fan Mills, Starch Factories, Paper Mills &c. Also, SIEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS, SAFES, Wire Gauze for Windows. All kinds of plain & fancy Bird Cages GLASSES, &c. &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Also, HEAVY WIRE CLOTH, FOR LOCOMOTIVE SPARK ARRESTERS. Iron, Brass and Copper Wire, at the lowest Market prices. No. 181 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI, 0. HENRY CLOSTBRMAN, STEAM CHAIR MANUFACTURER Corner Smith and Augusta Streets, I am manufacturing a superior assortment of Chairs, to which the attention Furni- ture Dealers throughout the "West and South is respectfully invited. Orders bj mail or otherwise attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. 20 2UCYT ij^jiirv Second Street, between Vine and Race, N. B. The highest Market Prices given for POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT & CHERRY MASONIC AND ODD FELLOWS' FURNISHING STORE. WM. ADDIS, Has removed to Sixth Street, Bacon's Bld'g, under Magnolia Hall, Manufacturer of Costumes and Regalia of every description, for Masons, Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance, Temple of Honor, Druids, Red Men, Brotherhood of the Union, and Good Fellows. Being a member of the above Orders, I am prepared at all times to furnish everything ap- pertaining thereto, with punctuality and dispatch. Knight Templars, Royal Arch and Master Masons, Red Men, Druids, Temple of Honor, Brotherhood of the Union, and Good Fellows' Clothing, made of the best quality and Material Emblems, Jewels and Staff Heads always on hand. j>^~ All articles for opening new Lodges and Encampments kept on hand. Masonic Offering and Craftsman. The Odd Fellows' Offering & Text Book. 21 6. W. HASELTINE. M. B. HASELTINE. S, W. HASELTINE & CO, IMPORTERS OF CfJ L1 I MILLINERY WOODS, & TRI1MMS AND MANUFACTURERS OF S "I- 3E*. Rimm* No. 62 Pearl Street, , OHIO- Dress Silk Goods, Black Silks, all widths, Poult de Soie and Lustrine, Plaids, Stripes, Changeable Turc Satin, Plain and Eich Fancy Figured. Black and Color 3d Velvets, all kinds ; Satins, Plushes, Florences, BOMBAZINES, MODES, ILLUSIONS, TARLETONS, Frames, Crowns, Foundations, Wires, Pins, &c. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Wreaths, Trimmings, &c. Ladies' Cloak Cloths, every color; Straw, Silk, Satin, and Velvet Bonnets, of the latest shape and materials. PATTEEN BONNETS FORMILLINERS. Our Stock of Goods has been purchased in Europe, and Imported expressly for our own sales, and we shall be able to offer such Goods, for style, color quality and price, as will satisfy oar customers, and we would solicit from them a continuance of their former favors, and a look from all purchasers in our line. Orders promptly attended to. MIDDLETON a. ! a single geared "Queen of the South" Corn Mill and Crusher. We manufacture a. Cob Breaker of great strength ] and ease of operation. We place this useful contrivance on all utzesof Mills, by which means we convert a Corn Mill into a Stock-Feed mill; but a few minutes' work to pu; it on, or to take it off. We manufacture portable mills, single and double geared best quality of French burrs to grind <-oni. wheat, and stock feeds, calculated for steam, wate or horse power. These mills have, been run bv steam and horse power, in competition against th other make of mills of our city, at our State Fairs. nd have never failed to carry oft the first rre.nhn; on one occasion wa.s awarded a beautitiu siiv.- medal. Our mills also took two first premium- the best mills, at two Annual Fairs of our Median Ics' Institute. Also, Portable Saw Mills, to be ru by steam, watei or horse power. This mill was ox hibited in operation by horse power, at the !ii< State Fair in 1850, when it was awarded a premium and a splendid silver medal. Also, Different kinds of portable horse power an. ; , steam engines. All our articles, for ease of opera- ; tlon, simplicity, usefulness and durability, are su.- passed by none now in use. All our artiei: : ur> warranted as represented, or no sale, at our cost ul ttansportion, and the money refunded. For a full description and testimonials of merit and useful- ness, we refer those interested to our pamphlet, to be had at our factory, where we take pleasure to ex- plain each article. ISAAC STltAUH & Co. NOTE. Mr. Kimball, the partner of J. H. Burrows, while exhibiting a Burrows' Mill at our State Fair, last fall, was boisterous about hi$ mill, and cour- ageously entered into a verbal agreement with m to grind corn thus. Whoever grainds the most, iv- garding quality and quantity, was to be the owner of both mills at each and every trial. FIRST TRIAL Stratib to run an 18 inch mill. l>ur- rows & Co. to run a 20 inch mill. SECOND TRIAL Straub to run 22 inch mill. Bur- rows & Co. to run a 24 inch mill. THIRD TRIAL Straub to run a 26 inch mill. Bur- rows & Co. to run a 30 inch mill. When the pinch came, that boisterous courage / stepped out. To the above I append a challenge to grind cob feed out of whole cars of corn. I will run my 18 inch " Queen of the South," with a cob-breaker attachment, the same article that took the premium at the Ohio State Fair, last fall, against a 24 inch Burrows' Mill and Win. St. \\artV Ohio and Kentucy Stock Feed Mills, both to be run ]. B. BURROWS. J. H. BUBROWS' PATENT PLANTATION OO3FUST TVTTT .T ._ This Mill differs from all others in the construction of the Upper or Runner Stone, which is composed of French Burr Blocks, enclosed in a cast iron Caee, that forms the back and hoop of the Stone, with a cast iron Eye or Bush, that is of greater ex- ternal diameter at the bottom than at the top ; this is secured to the back by four bolts, so that every block is in the form of a dovetail. This gives greater strength to a stone than any other method which is required in small Mills, where the stone is run with great speed and becomes dangerous if not strongly made. It also gives any weight to a stone of small diameter that is required, without having it thicker high, which makes it top-heavy. , This Mill is a square frame made of wood, or cast iron, in the form of a husk, with Bridge-tree, Spindle, Balance, Rine, Driver and Regulating Screw, and grinds upon the same principle as a large Mill, differing only in the Runner Stone ; this being of great weight, enables it to grind near the center, a large quantity of grain, with less power than any other Mill now in use. This Mill is portable, and may be attached to Steam, Water, Horse, or Hand Power. ALSO All sizes of French Burr Mill Stones, manufactured on the same principle. Jos. H. BURROWS, of Cincinnati, is the Inventor, for which he received Letters Pat- ent in 1842. For all infringements, the purchaser will be held responsible for the right of using. These Mills do not require a Millwright to set them up ; ami all that is ne- cessary to put them in operation is, to attach a band to the pulley on the Spindle, with drum sufficiently large to run a 24 inch Mill 240 revolutions per minute, attached to Gin, Steam, or Water Power. By the steady application of two-horse power, the Mill will grind six to eight bushels per hour, of good meal ; and will grind Wheat, as well as Corn. The 30 inch MJ11, if put to its fullest speed, will grind from 10 to 15 bushels per hour. These Mills are warranted to be in every respect as recom- mended. They have gone extensively intouse for making Flour, within the last three and four years, and are approved by all who haveu^ed them. Refer to Thos Patterson, Esq., of Highland Co., O. ; Jesse Beal, Esq., of Clinton Co., O. ; C. S. Bradbury of Cincinnati, and a number of others. Directions for Using. Place TOUT Mill about 12 feet from the Drivinp Pulley, in a level position ; make the belt of leather sfx toeight inches wide. Give the Stone 240 revolutions in a minute, with the sun. Keep the neck and step of the Spindle well oiled. Place the star on the hack of the Runner Stone, the same way ns the Cross on the Driver : that is the way they are trimmed to run. All orders directed to J. H. BTJKHOWS & Co., West Front Street, Cinncinnati, O. ALSO Constantly on hand, W. STEWART'S Newly Improved Corn and Cob Crusher, known by the name of the OHIO AND KENTUCKY STOCK MILLS which will break and grind from fifteen to thirty bushels per hour. 27 J. W. KING, D. W. OORWIN, WM. M. CONES, THOS. O. SHIPLEY. KING/X)RWiN & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DRY Nos. 8 & 10 Pearl Street, Cincinnati. Having a large and commodious double Store, we are prepared to exhibit our Stock to much better advantage to the purchaser than formerly. We are receiving a very large and carefully selected stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OF 500 bales Brown Sheetings, of all favorite brands. 200 cases Fancy Prints McM.'s Hamilton's, Spragues, &c. 150 cases Bleached Muslins variety of brands. 50 bales Brown Drillings Suffolk, Amoskeag, and others. 75 bales Ticking Metheun, Conestoga, Hamilton, &c. 40 cases Satinet Black, Blue, Steel, Cadet, Mixed, &c. 25 cases Cloth Sup. Black, Brown and Olive. 25 cases Cassimeres Black and Fancy, new styles. 20 cases Jeans Blue, Cadet, Mixed and Fancy Colored. Irish Linens, Diapers, Crash, Apron and Furniture Checks Ginghams, Mouselin de Laines, Cashmeres, Poplins, BLACK AND FANCY ALPACAS, Together with a large assortment of DRESS GOODS, CAMBRICS, JW3 /? S Ji is) ^L Of every variety. In fact, a general assortment adapted to the Western trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. KING, CORWIN i> ; .vniHExots MEBICIHES and pre- !'!;. lions from them, and at the > I'K- time embraces tlie MATERIA > KiMOA of nil Systems of Practice. Tiie Powdered Medicines are prc- |j iM-d at their own Drug Mills, and no*; of the Medical 1 'reparations at it cir own Chemical Laboratory, and tan, therefore, be warranted fresh, pure, and of superior quality. The New Concentrated Medical Preparations, such as Podophyllin, Leptandrin the splendid and more convenient edifice of the CINCINNATI COLLEGE, East Side of Walnut Street, between Fourth and Fifth, Where the Lectures in the Medical Department will be resumed on the First Monday in November, by a full and able faculty. This College has an excellent Library and Anatomical Museum, and is well supplied with apparatus for the illustration of all its teachings. Also, with an Infirmary for Clinical Practice. If suitable encouragement be offered, Lectures in some of the Literary Departments and other Sciences not directly connected with Medicine, will be commenced at the same time. A. CURTIS, M. D., President of the Institute, and Editor of P. M. Recorder. Office in the College. 31 F SAFE. , o. Keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of these justly celebrated Safes, which we warrant to be superior to anything of the kind made in the United States. Burglar Proof Safes Made to Order. We are Agents for Yale's Celebrated Magic Bank Lock. The above Safes can be had of our Agents. O Agent in St. Louis, J. H. LIGHTNBR. I. V. HOWELLS. HOWELLS, PATTON & Co. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORT DIRECT FROM EUROPE. Nos. 16 and 18 East side Main St. between Front & Second, , O. H. B. PEARSON & CO. GREAT WESTERN 17 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. The most extensive and complete assortment of CHEAP PUBL cmoxs ever offered for sale in the West, comprising all the works of the must popular authors, and the most salable 33CwA.<3-^aL23XPCrBSi -A-ISTID JF'E^g.TOID^O.A T r. gf, Published in the world. At this establishment will always be found all the new and most salable Cheap Publications published. Our facilities for buying are such that we are able to supply Country Dealers, Agents , Pedlers, Ac., at N"ew Books and Magazines-will be received by us in advance of any cither house, and we have always on hand a large supply of everything wanted iu our line, which will be sold, Wholesale and Retail, -A.T DF TT !]S Xj I JS H 33 H. JS ' DE !E=t I O 3E3 JS I J^~ Orders from Country Dealers promptly attended to and the patronage of City and Country customers respectfully solicited. H. B. PEARSON & CO. No. 17 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. WOOLjGRlCULDRAL "ST A. C. BROWN, No, 37 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, M AJfUFACTURER AND DEALER IX 33I00IeK, Agricultural, Pill, airtr 0t{jer Can furnish to order on short notice and op reasonable terms, almost any description of Machinery, Utensils, and other articles required by Manufacturers, Farmers, Millers, Wool Carders, Cloth Dressers, Weavers, fec., including Wool, Hemp, Flax, Cotton Carding & Spinning Machinery; Wool, Cotton, & Hair Picking Machines; Machine Cards of all descriptions; Portable French Burr Mills of all sizes, Steam Engines, French Burr Mill Stones, Grist and Saw Mill Irons, Dutch Bolting Cloths, Tobacco and Mill Screws, Lard and Wine Press Screws, Fuller's Jack Screws,. Timber Wheel Screws, Machinery Castings, Mill Spindles and Irons, Turning Lathes, Smut Machines, Reaping Machines, Mowing Machines, Horse Powers, Thrashing Ma- chines, Stock Mills, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Drilling Machines, Crrn Planters, Cultivators, Fanning Mills. Cotton Gins, Spinning Jennies, Spindles, Steel Reeds, Shut- tles, Hand Cards, Card Plyers, Comb Plates, Cleaning Combs, Jack Cards, Press Pa- pers, Fullers' Stoves, Fullers' Plates, Power Looms, Spinning Machines, Condensers, Shearing Machines, Brush Machines, Napping Machines, Tack Hammers, Card Emery, Tenter Hooks, Heddles, Tacks, Glue, Ac. 23^~ He will also attend to filling Cash Orders for Merchandise, Machinery, or any kind of manufactured articles that may be wanted. His long acquaintance with, and fa- cilities in this line of business, will enable him to render his services very useful to - those wanting orders filled in this market. c 33 EVENS' PERCUSSION PRESS. NOTICE. REVOCATION OF AGENCY. I hereby give Notice to to the Public, and to all wishing to purchase EVENS' PER- CUSSION SKAL PRESS, that I have REVOKED the Agency of C. F. Hall, who has for some time advertised himself as my General Agent. The said C. F. Hall has no longer any authority whatsoever from me to manufacture, or sell, or in any way trade in Evens' Percussion Seal Presses, and I shall hold all persons liable to the full extent of my right, who undertake to deal with him in relation to said Press. The genuine have " Even's Percussion " cast upon the press, and "Patent, 1853 ' Manufactured exclusively by myself, under Patent, June 26th, 1853. PLATT EVENS, JR., CINOISSATI, 0. Tliis Press is to stamp your Business Address upon all Business and Important Paper, viz : Receipts, Checks, Notes, Letter Heads, Envelopes, c., to prevent the same from being FORGED or COUNTERFEITED. This protection is ob- tained by a blow of the hand upon the Press, which gives instantly to the paper a chasfe beautiful impress of a business Card or Address, IN RELIEVO, thus baffl- ing the efforts of the most adroit counterfeiter. O^ Price of Press, with feal of Fifty Letters or less, $5. All over Fifty Letters, five cents each. Press with Notarial Seal. 5. Devices on other than Notarial Seals, extra, say from 50 cents to $1 and upwards. Arrangements are now made to supply the whole country, East, West, North, and South. This PERCUSSION PRESS is now in constant use in Cincinnati and vi- cinity, by many of the principal Bankers, Merchants, Mechanics, Notaries Public, Recorders, Lodges, &c., for two years, to whom all who desire information as to 0g its utility durability and value are respectfully referred. '**' Wright of I'rcsM only Two Pounds. Application for Agencies must be made to the undersigned. This press can be HAD ONLY from MYSELF or authorized Agents. All orders for Seal Presses will be promptly attended to, with elegantly engravtd and designed Seals to match. PLATT EVENS, Jr., Sole Proprietor, Cincinnati, O. (jtngktts, Jrcjjitecte, The Subscriber respectfully informs Gentlemen in the above profession, that he is constantly manufacturing MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. ifcs, transits, |Mttls, Sarteprs' fonpssts, Land Chains. Measuring Tapes, Ivory, Metal, Boxwood, & Paper Scales, Drawing Paper, Drawing Boards, Pencils, Protractors, T Squares, Angles, Curves, Colors, Barometers, Thermometers, Hydrometers, Saccharometers, And every other article connected with the above in all its branches. JAMES PRENTICE, No. 1 Chambers Street, N, Y. N. . ORDERS PER EXPRESS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. 34 S. WARDLE & CO. DENTAL FURNISHING DEPOT, MANUFACTURERS OF ^Ihiral fluttjj, Single anb m jsrfs, Corundum Wheels, Files, Slabs, 3r-A.Ti, o. Success guaranteed In from eight to twelve weeks such as will enable gentlemen to conduct, upon scientific principles, business books of any kind. Morning Session, from 8 to 12 M. Afternoon, 2 to 4/2 P. M. Evening, 6* to 9 P. M. . As a mutter of convenience to ourselves, a new class is organized in this Institution from the first to the tenth of each month throughout the year. This arrangement, however, does not interfere with those Vwho wish to commence at any other time, as the practical part of the instruction is given to each individual separate and apart from the rest not in classes as in other schools. Hence, Gentlemen may commence at any time, without prejudice to their interest. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Ac.-Tnis is the only Commercial School in this country that even pretends to instruct its students in the various departments of Commercial Calculations to any con- siderable, extent. In short, we know of no other Institution in this country in which the higher bran- ches of Commercial science, and the doctrines of Life Assurance and Annuities are successfully taught PRESENTED BY THE AUTHOR, R. M. BARTLETT, TO HIS PUPILS. Each pupil, on completing the full course, is presented with a copy of Bartlett's Commercial and Banking Tables, hound in Russia, and gilt. The book and the knowledge obtained of its application to the various branches of business, is regarded by all who have graduated in this Institution, since its introduction into it, as being worth, in fact, more to any man, than the whole tuition fee. Some notion of this great commercial work can be gathered from the following testimonials of bank- ers and others. Commercial and Banking Tables, by R. M. Bartlett, Principal of Bartlett's Commercial College, Cincinnati, O. BARTLETT'S COMMERCIAL AND BANKING TABLES. The author of this most extraordinary and complete work, has been known for a long time to the commercial world, as Principal of the Commercial College of Cincinnati. For many years it was the only one west of the mountains. At this moment it occupies "rst Commercial Institute in the United States. [From Hunt's Merchant's of Cincinnati. For many yeai the proud position of the Firs Magazine, New York.] BARTLETT'S COMMERCIAL AND BANKING TABLES. It is almost impossible to speak of his great work within the compass of a short article, as its intrinsic merits deserve. As a work comprising the science of all mercantile calculations, we are not aware that anything of the kind has ever before been attempted. IU completeness is manifested from a few moments inspection. [From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce.] BARTLETT'S COMMERCIAL AND BANKING TABLES. This work contains the most complete series of Commercial Tables in the English language. The work in question is an original one of the highest merit. [From Columbia College, City of New York.J CHAS. KING, L. L. D., President. CHAS. W. HACKLKY, Prof. Mathematics and Astronomy. BARTLETT'S COMMERCIAL AND BANKING TABLES. We confess both surprise and admiration at the extent, the originality, the infinite labor, the com- prehensive grasp, the scrupulous accuracy, and the beautiful typographical execution of this great and minute work. [From the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer.] " It is the most splendid offering industry and intellect has yet made, in the form of a volume, to the mercantile world, and one that bears directly upon its daily transactions. The advantages which it presents are too great to be overlooked, and too useful to be neglected. Within the field of mercantile calculations it will avail more to establish order, exactness, dispatch, and accuracy of labor, than all works of the kind combined." [From the N. Y. Herald.] COMMERCIAL EDUCATION.-BAHTLETT'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, CINCINNATI, OHIO. The Principal of this old and deservedly the most popular institution of the kind in this country, has been for years known to the Business community as the only instructor in the higher branches of Com- mercial Science. In fact, Mr. Bartlett has no competitor i* his line. If any doubt the validity of these remarks, let them spend an hour or so, from time to time, in this Institution; investigate his system; listen to his lectures on Interest; Equation; Exchange, both Foreign and Domestic; Annuities Certain; Convertible Annuities ; Life Annuities, etc; and then review Mr. Bartlett's late and most remarkable work on Commerce and Banking, and they will doubt no longer. [Gazette. BARTLETT'S' COMMERCIAL AND BANKING TABLKS. These Tables are so numerous and comprehensive that they embrace the advantages of all other ta- bles combined, besides many peculiar to themselves. That.thy work will become the standard in this country there cannot be a doubt. We flnd, from experience, that the interest upon running accounts, can be determined with ease, from thy book, in less than one-half of the time required by ajiy other system. Thy assured friends, ABRAHAM BELL & SON, General Commission Merchants. We are using the tables of Mr. R. M. Bartlett, and most cordially concur in all that is said of them by Messrs. A. Bell & Son. LEV! COOK & Co.. Foreign and Domestic Fancy G.oods. WTUHtiKSS. BKNNKT i Co., Wholesale Grocers. LAWRENCE, STONE & Co., Domestic Commission Merchants. R. M. BARTLETT'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Mr. Bartlett's superior knowledge of commercial matters, together with upwards of twenty years of practical experience in the art of preparing men to discharge the duties of the counting room, gives him an advantage over all others in his line, and is an Inducement for gentlemen to become master book- keepers and scientific accountants. The principal, Mr. R. M. Bartlett, presents each of his pupils, on completing a thorough course, with a complete copy of his Commercial and Hanking Tables, which in point of value more than equals the entire cost of a complete course in this college. (Commercial. COMMERCIAL AND BANKING TABLES BY R.M. BARTLETT, PRINCIPAL OF BARTLETT'S COM- MERCIAL COLLEGE. It is now nearly three years since we flrst commenced using a portion of this work, during which time we have determined the interest on upwards of three thousand accounts cur- rent, with a saving of at least fifty per cent, of our time. The work is original in every particular, worthy of unlimited confidence, and richly merits universal patronage. T. S. GOODMAN & Co., Bankers. 36 B. FRANK PALMER, Inventor and Manufacturer, 376 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. This Limb is composed of the lightest materials compatible with strength and durability. The joints, by novel contrivance of elastic cords, perform- ing the office of muscles aiid tendons, allow of an easy, graceful motion, that by a little practice is soon made to correspond with the other limb, and so natural a gait is in a short time acquired, that the loss of the real leg would hardly be suspected. It differs radically from all other artificial limbs, both in its mechanism and external appearance, being adapted to every form of amputation, and successfully applied to the shortest and tenderest stumps. If amputation be below the knee, and the joint anchylosed, or too short to retain the use of the joint, perfect action is given by an artificial joint without elongating the thigh perceptibly. The peculiar characteristics of this limb, are life-- like elasticity and flexibility, excessive lightness, durability, adaptability, and perfection of exterior appearance. N". B. It possesses the true principles of ventilation, allowing currents of air to pass to the stump without sacrificing other more important properties. " Palmer's Artificial Leg, :is now improved, is superior to any other ever constructed, and merits, for science and humanity, the highest testimonial of the Institute." (GOLD MEDAL.) Last Report of the American Institute, N. Y. 1852. " Mr. Palmer having already received two first premiums, at former exhibitions, as well as the Scott Legacy Medal, from the Committee on Science and the Arts, the Committee do not deem any further award necessary, while at the same time they con- sider the deposit still fully sustains its position as the best form of Artificial Leg known." Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; Exhibition, Oct. 1852. I have examined, carefully, the Artificial Leg invented by B. Frank Palmer, of this country. Its construction is simple and its execution is beautiful ; and what is most important, those who have the misfortune to require a substitute for the natural limb, and the good fortune to possess it, all concur in bearing practical testimony to its superiority in comfort and utility. VALENTINE MOTT, " New York, Jan. 29, 1851. Prof, of Surgery in the N. Y. University. 1 have seen several of the Artificial Legs manufactured by Mr. B. F. Palmer, in use and consider them fcuperior to any with which I am acquainted. WILLIARD PARKER, M. D. N. Y. Jan. 29, 1851. Prof. Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N". Y. I have examined with great care the A rtificial Leg invented by Mr. B. F. Palmer, and do not hesitate to recommend it in the strongest terms. THOS. D. MUTTER, M. D. Philadelphia, March 27, 1851. Prof, of Surgery in the Jefferson College, Philadelphia, I have examined, carefully, the Artificial Leg invented by Mr. Palmer, and have formed a very favorable opinion of its construction. I have, also, advised my patients to obtain it. W. GIBSON, M. D. Philadelphia, Jan, 23, 1851. Prof, of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania. Thirty Gold and Silver Medals, or First Premiums, Have been awarded the inventor in the United States; Also, the great Prize Medal of The World's Exhibition in London, in 1851, Where Palmer's Patent was declared to be the best Artificial Limb ever presented. An American triumph over thirty different kinds of Artificial Limbs on Exhibition, from the best and most eminent artists in London, Paris, and other portions of Europe, and determined by four of the most eminent Surgeons of the World ! viz: Mr. Win. Lawrence, F. R. S., Pres't Royal College of Surgeons ; Mr. Joseph H. Green, F. R. S. College of Surgeons ; and Mr. Philp, an eminent artist, of London. M. Roux, Chief Surgeon forty years in Hotel Dieu ; and M. Lallemand, Member Royal Ins't, of Paris; Thos Chadbourne, M. D., United States ; Jurors. This Limb can be optained only at 376 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, except by persons residing in New England or New York, who should apply to Messrs. Palmer ar turpentine only. IMPROVED WHITE PATK.NT DKYER ground in oil, in cans of 1, 2, 5, and 10 Ibs each, superior to any other patent Dryer in use,dryinp sooner and whiter, and unlike japan varnish, it does not affect the color of the paint. Parlor White Lead, in oil. Pure White Lead, in oil. No. 1 do do do Pure Dry White Lead. Putty in bladders, Ked Lead and Litharge. Spanish whiting 1 , ''fire dried." American Paris white "n're dried." Paris Green, Premium. do do No. 1. do do No 2 and 3. BrunswieU Green, lapanner's Green. i hrome Ked, do Green. Premium. Chrome Green, E. F. do do No 1. do do P. tl) do X. do Yellow, Orange and Lemon, pure. do do do do G. Chinese and Prussian Blue, pure. do do No. 1. do do No. 2. Celestial Flue, No. 1 and 2. Hoiled Linseed Oil Family l.ider,and Whisky Vinegar. JP.lf.VTS, ground Oil, ia astorted sized Cam of 1,2, 3, 5, 10 and 2O /**. Hed Lead. Paris Green, Premium. Do do No. 1. Do do N. 2 and 3. Brunswick Green. Chrome Green, Premium. Do do E. F. Do do No. 1. Chrome Green. P. Do do X. Do Yellow, pure. Do do G, Do Red. Celestial Blue. Chinese and Prussian Blue.No. 1. Verdigris, pure in cans. I'rnber, burnt and raw. Black Paint. Drop Black. Yellow Ochre, in kegs. Spanish Brown, Venitian Ked. BlaKe's Patent Fire & Water Proof Paint, in kegs. JT.V CO.1BSE I.JIFOKTEB Verdigris, pure. Edglish Venifian Red. American do do Spanish Brown. French Yellow Ochre. Stone Ochre. Lnmpblack, in papers. Drop Black Umber, burnt and ground. Do raw lump. Do raw fine. English Kose Pink. Terra de Sienna, burnt and ground, Do do raw. Purple Brown, English Paris AVhite. Blake's Pat. Fire & Water IVf paint. Chalk by the ton, in bulk or barrels. Indian Red, No. 1 and 2. w We are Western Agents for the sale of THEO. SCHWARTZ'S Celebrated New York PARIS GREENS. S brand, which we offer at New York prices and tenns, [adding carriage 1 c.J in original packages. Those ordering Paris Greens, will please accurately specify the brand and size packages wanted. G grade in English Iron cans, containing 28 and X 1 grade in Wooden kegR of J30&230 Ibs. net. 5ti Ibs. net. do 2 do in Iron cans of 35 and 70 Ibs. net. do doinWoodcnkessofn2and200lbs.net do do in Wooden kegs of HO &250 Ibs.uet. X doinlroncansof30and001bs.net. No. 4 do in 29. Ib. Iron cans. do do in Wooden kegs of 120 and 212 Ibs. net. do do in Wooden kegs of 130 and 225 Ibe. X 1 do in Iron cans of 32 and 65 Ibs. net. net. JglpOur friends wishing us to buy Oils, Turpentine, and Goods out of oar line, requiring CASH to buj with, we expect, will remit the Cash at the time of ordering. 39 INCORPORATED, 1848. A emrto f s -o APPOLLO BUILDING, N. W. Corner 5th and Walnut streets, The attention of the public is respectfully called to the superior facilities afforded at this Institution, for qualifying individuals in a thorough practiced manner for the counting-room and business pursuits. IXSTUVCTION BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. A complete practical course of Instruction is given in the art of keeping scientific- ally Double Entry Books in the different departments of Trade, Commerce and Manufactures, comprehending the forms in use among the most eminent establish- ments engaged individually or in partnership business, whether prosperous or ad- Terse, in the purchase and sale of merchandise at wholesale and retail, importing and exporting on t.heir own account on commission, or on joint speculation, including speculations in stock*, real estate, &c., with steamboating, bank insurance, railroad, and books of joint stock and chartered associations generally. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS embrace every variety of computations pertaining to business operations being taught according to the most approved methods Interest, discount, equations, Arbitration of Exch-inges , &c. MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE. Such exercises are introduced on this subject as are calculated to impress business habits and a genu- ine business style of correspondence upon the mind of the student, as well as familiarize him with com- mercial technical!' e< and phraseology, including pro forma Invoices, Account nales,Bi!ls of Exchange, &c. PRACTICAL PENMANSHIP. One hour is devoted in teaching a systematic style of Business Writing, combining freedom wi h a thorough command of hand and pen, accuracy and elegance with ease and rapidity, and perfi-ct legibility with beauty of construction. COMMERCIAL LAW AM> POLITICAL ECONOMY. D illy Lectures are given on these important topics, as connected with the avocations <>f the merchant in the operations of commerce and practical workings of trade, embracing the subject of Partnership, Principal and Agent, Negotiable Instruments, sales Debts, Guarantees, etc. ; also on the laws of wealth, currency, foreign and domes ic exchanges, credit, profit, in- terest, wages, international trade, &c. The course can be completed in from eight to ten weeks. Inftr iction being given individually, appli- cants can enter at any time A knowledge of the ordinary English branches is all the requisite prepara- tory qualifications. The business acquaintance of the Principal enables him to render assistance to those wishing to procure situations on graduating. Good board can be obtained in the city at 82.50 per week. TERMS - For full course, $40 ; for partial course, $25. Diplomas unier seal are awarded the graduate?. GCXDRY'S COMMERCIAL WRIT-ISO FLUID The undersigned is prepared to furnish the Western market with his superior Writing Fluid his own invention and which in color, durability, and fluidity, is war- ranted to be unsurpassed. The color is at first a greenish blue, changing to a deep permanent black. All orders will l>e promptly attended to by addressing, or calling ou him at his office in Mercantile College. It may also be obtained at the Book Stores generally. JOHN GUNDRY. Notices of the Press. "Gt'\DRY's COMMERCIAL WRITIN'O FLUID." The merits of this article (a recent discovery by Mr. Gundry, Principal of the Mercantile College,) are not generally known. We have been using it in our counting room for some weeks, and unhesitatingly pronounce it very superior. This Ink may lie had at. the Book-srores generally. We would advise those who desire a good writing fluid to give it a trial. Cincinnati Gazette. This Ink received the First Premium at the Ohio State. Fair, Sep. 22d, 1853. 40 CHAS. ABBEY. CHAS. O. ABBEY. WM. E. ABBEY. uA_:e:o:E3Y c&? Manufacturers of Dentists' Fine Gold Foil, NO. 26 PEARL STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The Subscribers have been engaged in the manufacture of Gold Foil upwards of thirty years, and for the last fifteen years have been devoted solely to that business, and as the preparation of our Foil is performed by ourselves personally, AVC are con- sequently enabled to give it that care and attention Avhich its importance to the Den- tist demands. Our Gold Foil is used and recommended by most of , the leading Dentists throughout the United States, and we believe that we can confidently offer it to the notice of the Profession as an article of superior quality. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly executed. This unique invention is a sure protection from forgery of all important papers, such as Checks, Bonds, Bills of Exchange, Drafts, Let- ters, Labels, Notes, Receipts, Envelopes, &c. This protection is obtained by a pressure of the hand upon the Press, which instantly gives to the paper a chaste and beautiful im- pression, of a business card or address in re- lievo, thus baffling the efforts of the most adroit counterfeiter ; it likewise answers the purpose of a card to all papers on which it may be stamped. This Seal Press is a great improvement over all others, as they are lio-ht, weighing from three pounds upwards to twenty-five pounds, durable and liot likely to get out of order, and bring up a better impression than either the Per- cussion or old style Screw Press, Avith the greatest ease. This Press is now in constant use in Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Boston, and the principal cities in the United States, by many of the princi- pal Bankers, Merchants, Mechanics, Notaries Public, Recorders, Lodges, &c. to whom all who desire information as to its utility, durability and value, are respectfully referred. We have Four Sizes, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, No. 1 being the Smallest. Price of No. 1, Press all complete, $4. Price of No. 2, Press all complete, $8. 2, " $6. No. 4, which is a large Press, suitable for Corporations, ^XO- MANUFACTURERS OF THE BEST OAK TANNED LEATHEE BELTING NO. 25 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK. All kinds of Leather Cut with accuracy and Dispatch, FOR MACHINE PURPOSES. Superior Lace Leather in Sides and Stripes, always on hand. P. F. PASQUAY. W. BRAMHILL. ipy\ *y T <">"F* cfc Oo. IMPORTERS OF PURE ESSENTIAL OILS, Chemicals, Perfumery, & Apothecaries' Ware James Moore. H. E. Taylor. N. L. Pettit. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. IMPORTER AND MANUFACTOREtt OF ALL KIKDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMEITS No, 87 FULTON STREET, N. Y. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES; ALSO, THE SAME AS- SORTMENT KEPT AT THE BRANCHES OF THIS HOUSE, H. P, Sherburne, Agent, 44 Market Street, St, Louis, Mo, E. A, Benson, Agent, No. 61 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. 48 f strati totjf IE In introduciog this preparation to the public, the pro- prietor would wish simply to state its qualities and refer to the certificate below, from the well known and respectable Dentists, as testimony of its excellence. The Istrian Wash is not the result of a happy discovery, but of many and tedious experiments which have been successful in producing a preparation calculated to answer every purpose that would be desired. It cleans and pol- ishes the Teeth, makes the Gums firm and healthy, and communicates a pleasant taste and agreeable odor to the mouth and breath ; at the same time it is incapable of pro- ducing any hurtful effect on the Teeth or Gums. J&~ Give it a trial ; it will speak more than volumes of praise. J. MOSS, CHEMIST, Merchants' Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. We, the undersigned, certify that we have examined and used the "Istrian Tooth Wash," prepared by J. Moss, and consider it superior to any prepara- tion, for a similar purpose, that we have yet seen ; its effects in cleansing the Teeth and in giving the Gums a fine and healthy appearance are unequalled. We are satisfied, too, from a knowledge of the articles of which it is com- posed, that its use would not result in any injury to the Teeth, an effect pro- duced by many of the popular preparations now used. {HENRY BARRON, Dentist, S. W. cor. Fourth and Market sta. H. J. B. McKELLOPS, Dentist, No. 9 North Fourth st. A. BLAKE, Dentist, No. 62 North Fourth et. C. M. FORBES, Dentist, No. 43 North Fourth st A liberal discount made to dealers. The above article can be obtained in any desired quantity at T. L. RIVES, Fourth and Market Streets, Or of R. T. PULLEN, Agent. D 49 N. Y, SURGICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTORY. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses Bandages, Supporters, Metallic Syringes and Fine Cutlery, No. 12 Gold Street, WILLIAM BAIN, > WT^^Vc/^rtftTG) TT V. W. BRINCKERHOFF. \ _ Kl Jib W jl m^ifSi&o {[^"Druggists and Dealers in want of Goods in our line, will find it to their inter- est to call, as our facilities for manufacturing and experience in the business, are unequaled. All Goods warranted. MACHINIST AND BRASS FINISHER, Also, Manufacturer of the Premium Self-Acting Generators, ,AND BOTTLING MACHINES, At the Soda Water Apparatus Manufactory, 58 Fulton St., Third Floor, Draft Tubes, Coolers in Tubs, Copper Fountains, Bottle Moulds, Force Pumps, Gasometers, Generators, Model Making, &c. JOBBING DONE AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. SELPHO'S FIRST PREMIUM ANGLESEY LEG, Introduced into the country and made solely by WM. SELPHO, ... No. 24 Spring Street, New York. This description of Artificial Leg derives its name from the celebrated Marquis or Anglesey, who lost his leg in the battle of Waterloo, by whom it had been adopted and worn ever since its first invention by the late ingenious Mr. Potts, of London, to whom the present artist was 1 1 years a pupil and assistant. " I have seen the artificial Leg of Mr. Selpho ; its construction appears excellent and well calculated to answer all the objects desired. But the best of all is the proof of those who wear them ; this is positive and undeniable. Some of my friends whom I have mutilated inform me they are superior to all others. " VALENTINE MOTT, Prof, of Surgery, Univcrsiiy of N. Y." Also, SELPHO'S ARTIFICIAL HAND an entirely new and useful substitute for a lost hand, so arranged that the wearer can open and shut the hand by means of the remaining stump. W. S. will give further information by application or by letter, post paid. G-OIL.DSCIVEX'FIX, MANUFACTURER OF PERFUMERY, Eau de Cologne, Extracts, Pomatum, Hair Oils, AND EVERYTHING IN PERFUMERY. No. 93 Maiden Lane, MORITZ MEYER, Manager. NEW YORK. ALSO, IMPORTER OF HAVANA CIGARS. 50 3E3L XT HOE 33 FIRST PREMIUM PATENT MACHINE STRETCHED The only Patented Banding in the United States. These Bands are made from the best Oak Leather, and from the hear* or solid part only, of Leather trimmed expressly for the purpose. They are thoroughly stretched, cemented, and riveted together, and made to run straight, having a full and perfect bearing on the Drums and Pulleys. They can be furnished of any length, and from one to thirty inches wide, either single or double ; and they are warranted to please the purchaser. Also, Round Lathe and Governor Bands, with a full assortment of Lace Leather, Rivets and Burrs, Hammers, Setts, Knippers, Punches, and all other necessary articles. Apply to WM. KUMBEL, Patentee, N"o. OS JF'erry Street, JXT. "ST. N. B. Those using Bands are apprised that there are other Band Makers using the term " Patent," merely from a Patent Burr, or being stretched on a machine patented for other purposes. 51 AMALGAMATED IRID1UM ZINC & PLATINA mRRANTED NOT TO CORRODE. HERTS BROTHEBS Having been many years engaged in the manufacture of Metallic Pens, and during that time having devoted their unceasing attention to improving and perfecting that useful and necessary article, the result of their unceasing efforts and numerous experiments has been the construction of a pen, on a principle entirely new, combining all the advantages of the elasticity and clearness of the Quill, with six times the durability of the Steel Pen ; and thus entirely obviating the only objection that has hitherto existed against the use of Steel Pens. This pen will be found an invaluable article in Offices, as they never need wiping; also to Banks and Schools, as they will not spatter nor cut the thinnest paper, and are warranted anti-corrosive. CAUTION. The universal celebrity of these pens having induced cer- tain disreputable makers to foist on the public a spurious imitation, it will please be observed that each genuine pen is stamped " HERTS BROTHERS' PATENT, 1853," and each box of Genuine Pens will contain a label with a fac-simile of the Manufacturers' name. MANUFACTORY, BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. May be had, Wholesale, at the Manufacturers' Depot, No. 241 BROADWAY, N. Y. And Retail from all the respectable Stationers in the United States. 52 ANK BOOKS 33 T O. 13 T O. We invite the attention of Merchants and Dealers, Banks and Public Offices, and all who purchase Account Books, Paper or Stationery Articles, to our large Stock, embracing every style of Book for business use, Banks, Insurance Companies, Railroads, County Clerks, Factories, and Private use. Sets of Books with Printed Headings, for Societies, Lodges, Divisions, and others. Books Ruled and Bound' to pattern, Printed, Head Paged, &c. CONTRACTORS' TIME BOOKS, All sizes and styles, from the small size for the pocket, to the large folio size, calculated for months, weeks, and days. COPY YOUR LETTERS. Use Francis' Improved Manifold Letter- Writer, by which Letters and Copies are written at the same time: both expeditious and economical. The Pen never wears out. Price from $1 to $5. PAPERS, ENVELOPES, GOLD PENS, UP si en c^ ^ 13 ilsnlflc^cEics*!^ s^o Every variety of Fancy Stationery, Chessmen, Cards, Pens, Pencils, Cash and Deed Boxes, Portfolios, Writing Desks, Scrap Books, Mem. Books, Copying and Seal Presses, Perforated Board, Drawing Paper; Cap, Letter, Note and Tissue Papers; Lawyer's Cap, Sermon Paper, Notes, Drafts, Re- ceipts, Bills of Exchange, Bills Lading, &c. loxrL Solved ! ! (0 to H PI I i S- It i* the policy of self-sufficient pretension to deny and condemn every great discovery or invention that conflicts with" the traditional theories of " Old Fogy ism," or any branch of science. Even with ten thou- leviathans, and by lightning stenography, so is this Tialf the maladies incident to the human race. natural condition of the wonderful machinery which connects every member with the source of sensa- tion, motion, and thought derives immediate" benefit from the use of this cordial, which at once calms, party is not only preserved but rendered more effective by concentration CAUTION. Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by some unprincipled persons. In all cases the genuine article will have the proprietor's fac-simile pasted over the <;ork of each bottle, and the following words blown in glass : " DR. MOR.-'E'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, C, H. RING, PROPRIETOR, N. Y." The cordial is put up highly concentrated, in pint bottles, price ij?3 per bottle, two for 05, and six for 812. C. H. KING, PROPRIETOR, 19i Broadway, New York. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Canada, and the West Indies. Cl X 3Lji 3F*. FURNISHING WAREHOUSE CINCINNATI, O, The subscriber having established himself in this city aa a manufacturer of Rail- road Material, and Agent for manufacturers, is prepared to fill orders for the following articles: Railroad Spikes, of every variety of form. Ventilators, Locomotive Lanterns. Car and Tender Axles, of approved qual- Car Lamps and Lanterns, Patent Balances. ity and finish. Sparker Cloth, for Spark Arresters. Car Wheels, Spoke and Plate, separate or Canvas for covering Car Roofs. fitted to the Axle. Rubber Springs, "Ray's Patent" Spring Steel, for Car and Locomotive and Rubber Hose and Belting, Head Linings Carriage purposes. and Enameled Leather. Locomotive Tire, in bar, or bent and welded. Boiler Rivets, Wrought Nuts and Washers, Frog Steel. Confining his business almost entirely to such articles as appertain to Railroad fur- nishing, and possessing advantages by his connection with manufacturers which will enable him to supply any of the articles required by Rrulroad Companies and Car Builders, he solicits the patronage of Western Companies and builders, and will en- deavor to give satisfaction in the execution of their orders. Having been appointed Agent for" Ray's India Rubber Springs and Hose," orders Trill be filled by him at the factory prices, adding carriage. Having had large dealings with the various Companies now in operation in the West, he takts the liberty of referring to them for any personal information which may be required, as well as for the character of articles furnished by him. fit Nos. 9 and 11 West Second Street, between Main and Walnut, Cincinnati , NEWPORT IRON WORKS, Having completed extensive alterations and additions, is now prepared to supply Railroad Companies, Locomotive and Car Builders, with BENT, AND WELDED, OR IN THE BAR. C^Xl ^3NT3D T E 3NT 3D H3 n. .A. 3SL 3j El S. :o o z: Jii 13 rt irtoixr, T-^iNrisx: inonxr, All of which will be made of the best material, and by competent workmen, and warranted to be equal in quality and finish to that made in any other establishment. All the manufactures of this establishment will be branded, " NEWPORT," and warranted. The patronage of consumers in the West is solicited. Samples of manu- facture may be seen at, and orders addressed to A. S. WINSLOW, No. 9 and 11 West Second Street, Cincinnati, O. Or to D. WOLFF, At the Works Newport, Ky, 62 JOT* Can TWTT IT *Tf* Y3T JL *t ggi JLWJL JL JL JCXmip DEALER IN EIGHT DAY AND THIRTY-HOUR AND CLOCK TRIMMINGS, 12 East Fifth Street, opp. Dennison House, Cincinnati, 0. And No. 88 Main Street, St, Louis, Mo. My assortment consists of every style and variety of Clocks manufactured by Chauncey Jerome, Seth Thomas, Smith & Goodrich, Wm. L. Gilbert, J. C. Brown, Blrge, l>eck & Co., Litclitteld Manufactur- ing Company, and others, comprising In all an assortment of some 150 different styles and kinds. Orders from dealers at a distance filled at prices that will give satisfaction. No. 1 Octagon 8 day clocks and Paris 8 and 1 day Time Pieces. Pearl inlaid. Extra column; 30 hours. Octagon 8 day >"o. 2 Weight and Spring. Clocks and Time Piece* Height 22 in. Height, 17 inches. H't 25^ & 18^ in. Height 24 in. Kossuth 8 day and 1 day Pearl inlal I. Victoria 8 day and 30 hour Spring. Jerome's Union 1 day Round top Gothic Spring. No. 1 & 2 & with alarm Height, 19 in. Height, 15J in. Height, 13K in. Height, 19 in. Round Gilt 8 day time pieces. Three sizes. Cottage Piece and with alarm. Union 8 and 1 day Pearl Inlaid. Height 12 in. Height, 13 in. Octagon Lovcl Time pieces, 8 day i 30 hour. 6, 8, and 10 in. 63 A JOINT STOCK ASSOCIATION. No. 62 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, LIVINGSTON, FARGO & CO. Nos. 9, 11 and 13 West Seneca Street, Buffalo, MONEY, JEWELRY, VALUABLES AND MERCHANDISE FORWARDED. DRAFTS, NOTES AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED, AND COM- MISSIONS EXECUTED, AT ALL THE PRINCIPAL CIT- IES, TOWNS, AND VILLAGES IN THE STATES OP New York, North western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Northern Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa & Canada West. ALSO, CONNECTING AT ALBANY WITH THOMPSON & GO'S EXPRESS For all the Eastern and New England States, AND AT NEW YORK WITH WELLS, FARGO & GO'S CALIFORNIA EXPRESS, And Livingston, Wells & Go's European Express, TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. The Expresses of this Company are accompanied by special Messengers, provided with iron safes for the protection of valuables, and forwarded on Passenger trains, or First Class Steamers, affording every facility for the safe and rapid transition of property. DIRECTORS. HENRY WELLS, JOHN BUTTERFIELD, WILLIAM G. FARGO, JOHNSTON LIVINGSTON, HAMILTON SPENCER, WM. A. LIVINGSTON, ALEXANDER HOLLAND. HENRY WELLS, PRES'T. WM. G. FARGO, SECT'T. MONTAGUE'S STATE DIRECTORY 1O34-S, CONTAINING THE NAMES, OCCUPATION AND POST-OFFICE ADDRESS OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL MEN OF BUSINESS IN THE STATES OF ILLINOIS AND MISSOURI, CLASSIFIED AND ALPHABETICALLT ARRANGED FOR EASY REFERENCE. ALSO A REGISTER OF THE VARIOUS OFFICERS OF THE STATE AND COUNTY GOVERNMENTS, HOME- STEAD AND EXEMPTION LAWS, AND MUCH OTHER VALUABLE INFORMA- TION, USEFUL AND NECESSARY TO EVERY BUSINESS MAN. TO -WHICH IS APPENDED A NEW AND COMPLETE BUSINESS DIRECTORY CF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS. TIIK WHOLE CAREFULLY COMPILED FROM AUTHKNTIC SOVF.CE3. ST. LOUIS : WM. L. MONTAGUE, PUBLISHER. OLD BY V. A. KENNON, AND JAMES CRAWFORD, ST. LOUIS; A. H. & C. HURLEY, CHICAGO; AT- PLKGATE A CO., CINCINNATI; JEWETT, THOMAS A CO., BUFFALO; A. EANNET, AMD KIGGINS 4 KELLOGG, N. Y.; LIPPIXCOTT, GRAMBO . PARK, JYorth-Eatt cor. of fourth and Walnut ti. Cincinnati, O. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry ; Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsa- parilla ; Weaver's Cauker or Salt Rheum Syrup ; Mortimore's Blood Purifier or Bitter Cordial ; Mortimore's Rhuematic Compound ; Starkweather's Hepatic Elixir; Marccisi's Uterine Catholicon ; Scarpa's Creosote Acoustic Oil ; Perry Davis & Son's Pain Killer; Allen's Nerve and Bone Liniment; Bragg's Mexican Mustang Liniment; Fosgate's Anodyne Cordial; Coffeen's Chinese Linim't; Gardner's Linim't; Forsha's Alterative Balm ; Merchant's Gargling Oil; Barrell's Indian Liniment; Radway's Ready Relief; B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge ; Me Lane's Vermifuge ; Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge; Seller's Vermifuge ; The American Worm Killer ; Radway's Medicated Liniment; W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment; H. G. Farrell's Arabian do; Smith & Atkinson's Horseman's Hope ; Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster ; Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills; Urbau's Anti-Bacchanalian Elixir; Rushton & Clark's Cod Liver Oil ; Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla ; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ; Jayne's Expectorant; Roger's Liverwort and Tar ; Hall's Balsam for the Lungs ; J. Covert's Balm of Life ; Seller's Imperial Cough Syrup ; Locock's Pulmonic Wafers ; Bi-yan's Pulmonic Wafers; John Bull's Sarsaparilla ; S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla ; Sand's Sarsaparilla ; Jayne's Alterative ; Green's Oxygenated Bitters ; Houghton's Pepsin ; Hoofland's Herman Bitters ; Moffatt's Phosnix Bitters ; Bartholic's Mother's Relief; Wolf's Schiedam Schnaps ; Osgood's Indian Cholagogue ; Jones' American Chola- gogue ; Smith's Tonic Syrup ; Jayne's Hair Tonic ; Pbalon's Hair Invigorator ; Barry's Tricopherous ; Radway's Circassian Balm ; Jayne's Carminative; Fosgate's Soap ; Radway's Regulators ; Poor Man's Plaster ; Dalley's Pain Extractor ; Mc- Allister's Ointment ; Gray's Ointment ; Judkin's Ointment ; Gridley's Tetter Oint- ment; Humphrey's Pile Ointment; Hay's Liniment for the Piles; Jackson's Pile Embrocation ; Upham's Pile Electuary ; Myer's Rock Rose ; Beuj. Becker's Eye Balsam ; McLane's Liver Pills ; Seller's Liver Pills ; Benj. Brandreth's Pills ; Smith's Sugar-Coated Pills; Bonnet's Plant and Root Pills ; Soule's Sovereign Balm Pills , Peter's Vegetable Pills ; B. Hibbard's Pills ; Jayne's Sanative Pills ; Petrolium or Rock Oil ; Wistar's Pills ; Moffatt's Life Pills ; Bauning's Body Brace ; Daniels' Shoulder Brace ; Daniels' Truss for Hernia ; Still Catawba Wine ; Spark- ling Catawba ; Loree's Ohio Liniment; Morse's Invigorating Cordial; Hasting's Syrup of Naptha ; Roman Eye Balsam ; Pettit's American Eye Salve ; Pettit's Canker Balsam ; Gregory's Pills ; Holloway's Ointment; Holloway's Pills ; Hals- tead's Pills ; Sloan's Horse Ointment; Sloan's Family Ointment; Sloan's Con- dition Powder ; Sloan's Instant Relief; Brant's Pulmonary Balsam; Brant's Pu- rifying Extract; Leavi's Vermin Destroyer ; Lyon's Kathairon ; Turner's Sarsa- parilla; Radway's Ren. Resolvent; Gregory's Instant Cure ; Stabler's Cherry Ex- pectorant ; Stabler's Diarrhoea Cordial ; Stabler's Worm Mixture; Cook's Eye Water; Thompson's Eye Water; Lucin's Cordial; Hummel's Essence of Coffee ; Lee's Pills ; Jayne's Ague Pills ; Shaker Sarsaparilla ; Trask's Magnetic Ointment ; Russian Salve ; Swaim's Panacea ; Houck's Panacea ; E. Kidder's Cordial: Vaughn's Lithontriptic ; Howe's Cough Candy ; Duncan's Expectorant ; Negative Electric Fliiid ; ParvinV Circassian Extract; Lewis CHAIR MANUFACTURERS. Henry Closterman, Cincinnati, 0., 20 Front. CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARK. Swope 0 C. N. Henderson & Co., Chicago.. 111., 78 XIV INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOTHS, CASSIMKRES, TESTINGS, AC. PAGE. Field, Benedict & Co., Chicago, 111., , 94 Phillips -SHING WAREHOUSE. A. S. Winslow, Cincinnati, O., ........... ......................... 62 Front. XX INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. PAGE. Rees & Kerfoot, Chicago, 111., .... 64 Raymond, Freeman n County, on the third Monday in March, and first Monday in August, and second Monday in November. Knox County, on the second Monday in April, and second Monday in September. Warren County, on the third Monday in April, and third Monday in September. Stark County, on the fourth Monday in April, and fourth Monday in September. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Attorneys Continued. Collins, James H. Chicago Cone, John E. Cornell & Ban-on, Cornell, Paul, Cullen, Matthew R. Curtis, Charles B. Curtis, James, Daniels, Elias, Davenport. Gideon W. De Wolf, Calviu, De Wolf, Lyman E. De Wolf, Wm.F. Davis De Kalb County, on the first Monday of April, and third Monday of October. FOURTEENTH CIRCUIT, BENJAMIN R. SHELDON, Judge. ORRIS MILLER, Jr., State Attorney. Jo Daviess County, on the second Monday in March and May, and fourth Monday in August and November. Stephenson County, on the first Monday in April, and second Monday in September and November. Winnebago County, on the fourth Monday in April and September, and third Monday in November. FIFTEENTH CIRCUIT. O.VIAS C. SKINNER, Judge. JAMES H. STEWART, State Attorney. Hancock County, on the first Monday of March, June and October. Mercer County, on the first Monday of May and September. Adams County, on the third Monday of March, June and October. Henderson County, on the third Monday of April and September. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. Hon. JOHN McLEAN, Circuit Judge. Hon. THOMAS DRUMMON, District Judge. Chicago, on the first Tuesday of October, and third Tuesday of April. Springfield, on the first Monday of July, and third Monday of December. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 35 Attorneys Continued. Strother, Benjamin F. Chicago. Stewart, Wm. Wallace, Starr, Charles R. Mayo, Zelofes B. Sycamore. Simons, J. Anderson, Smartwood, James, Underbill, Saml. B. Stickney, William H. DE WITT COUNTY. Swift, Richard K. Taft, Levi B. Calvin, L. A. Clinton. Taylor, George L. Collier, John H. Thompson, George W. Harris, T. L. Town, Edward P. Lewis, R. Tracy, Elisha W. Turner, Valentine C. Lewis, Solomon F. McKinley, James B. Van Court, Benjamin P. ' t Moore, Clifton H. Vernon, S. Brown, Voss, Arno, DU PAGE COUNTY. Wadsworth, Strong, Waite, Charles B. Waite, Horace F. Walker, James M. Ward, Ephraim, Jr. Ward, Jasper D. Waughop, John W. Wells, Charles B. Wells, Joseph B. Wentworth, John, Wheeler, John J. Wight, J. Ambrose, Williams, Erastus S. Dodson, Josiah B. Brush Hill. Blanchard, Walter, Domier's Cfroce. Daniels, Seth F. Cody, Hiram H. Naperville. Loriug, Harrison, Murray, R. N. Vallett & Cody, Vallett, Henry F. Wright, James F. Brayman, Mason, Warrenvillc. Waldron, J. C. Gray, Erastus, Whcaton. Wilson, John M. Wilson, Robert S. EDGAR COUNTY. Windett, Arthur W. Winston, Frederick H. Wood, Jesse, Woodbridge, John, Jr. Benedict, Kirby, Paris. Boydston, W. L. Blackburn, John W. Dill, Milton M. Woodward, Paschal, Wright, Edward, Wright, Walter, , Yates, James H. Young, William T. Emerson & Steele, Harding, Jacob, Jaquith, James D. Steele, James, Tanner, H. CRAWFORD COUNTY. EDWARDS COUNTY. Allen, James C. Palestine. Buckingham, J. Huntsville. Hinde, James B. Albion. Sterritt, William H. Layton, John L. Peck, Geo. W. Robinson. Robb, Franklin. EFFINGHAM COUNTY. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Burford, Kendall H. Ewington. Hankins, William J. Starkweather, Elisha H. Greenup. Philbrook, E. Templeton, Lewis W. Sawyer, S. B. DE KALB COUNTY. FAYETTE COUNTY. Hopkins, Thomas M. De Kalb Centre. Hopkins, Thomas, Union Grove. Allen, Aaron C. Sycamore Beveridge & Simons, Beveridge, Jno'. L. Davis, James M. Yandalia. Gallagher, Arthur J. Gallagher Rutherford, F. S. Smith, D. T. Southwick, Edward, Wetty, David, Wood, Lorenzo, Sloss, Joseph H. Sparks, Wm. A. J. Edwards, Cyrus, Upper Alton. Stuart, William B. Shelburne. MARION COUNTY. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Bryan, Silas L. Salem. Haynie, Isham N. Tandy, James E. Pontiac. Houts, Thomas F. Mills, Uriel. LOGAN COUNTY. MARSHALL COUNTY. Cummings, John E. Middletown.. Gallager, William, Henry. Ballon, Horace G. Mt. Pulaski. Hoyt, G. L. Lacy, L. P. Hazard, E. W. Parks, Samjil C. Powell, Charles L. Young, Wm. H Bangs, Mark, Lacon. Burns, John, Fenn, Ira J. MACON COUNTY. Fenn II. JOHNSON, ) J. B. DOG-G-ETT, AND DEALER IN '. PICKLES, PRESERVES, EAST AND WEST INDIA FRUITS, NUTS, &C. FRESH AND HERMETICALLY SEALED OYSTERS. No. 123 and 125 South Water St. Near Clark Street Bridge, ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Barbers Continued. Toph, Theodore, Garden City House, Werner, John, 167 Randolph st. Wilson, James, Market st. Winters, John, Tremont House. Barrel & Stave Manufacturers. ADAMS COUNTY. Abbe, J. . Quincy. Bell, Henry, Drake, A. S. Ducker, T. H. Heldreudreuck, H. Hope, S. Kaldeuby, M. Lambert, Louis, McVeigh, Michael, Meyer. H. Peapea, N. Roberts, J. C. Corbin, Jno. & Geo. W. Burton. Hcudrix, James la00e0, pctuu Jframes, AND 177 Lake Street, CHICAGO. 3JUE. .A. ID No. 35 Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILL. EXCHANGE COLD, SILVER, AND UNCTTRRENT MONEY, BOUGHT AND SOLD. LAND WARRANTS FOR SALE. REES * KERFOOT, REAL ESTATE AND STOCK BROKERS, No. 48 Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Will attend to the purchase and jsale of Real Estate, Payment of Taxes, Examination of Land, Investigation of Titles, &c., in If.LIXOiS, WISCONSm, ITIICHIKAIV, and NORTHERN INDIANA. OGDEX, JONES & CO., .... Chicago, 111, J. YO TNG SCAM MON, ESQ., . . . " " If K. SWIFT, ESQ " " CHARLESJJUTLER. ESQ., . . . New York. ABEL T. ANDERSON, ESQ., . . < Hoy. J. A, ROCKWELL, . . . Norwich, Conn. HENRY D. MAXWELL, ESQ., . . Easton, Pa. WILLIAM P. JOHNSTON, ESQ., Cincinnati, O. WILLIAM GREEN. FSQ , . . . " WILLIAM S.SAM 1VON, ESQ., . " WILLIAM G. HARRISON, ESQ., Baltimore, Md. E. E. HUNDLEY, ESQ.. . . Charlotte C H., Va. LEIGHT, HIGHT & CO., . . . Louisville, Ky. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Blacksmith s Continued. Laudon, George, JElkkorn Grove Toery, B. Quincy. CASS COUNTY. Turner, Edward, Waggoner, J. Desoller. H. B. JSeardsiotcti. Worrell, 0. Egre, Thos. Zimmcrmau, Wm. Fisher, F. A. Cleveland, Heury, Richfield. Hill OI^.T l E3I : tS; AND Commission Merchants Nos. 163 and 165 South Water St., (up stairs,) Between Wells and La Salle, [n]D^\(Q)a : i IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS LN / ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN C TJ T JL- E5 3FL SHELF HARDWARE, GUNS, RIFLES, RIFLE BARRELS, PISTOLS, Percussion Caps, and all kinds of Sporting Apparatus, DOLLS, CHILDREN'S TOYS, MARBLES, SLATES, PENCILS, ACCORDEONS, VIOLINS, FLUTES, GUITARS &o. &c. AND Havana Cigars of the most approved Brands. ALSO: Wholesale Dealer in Yankee Notions, &c, &c, tar ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN GOODS IMPORTED TO ORDER. ^9 WAREHOUSE AND SALESROOMS, NO, 163 AND 165 SOUTH WATER ST., UP STAIRS. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. (JQ Blacksmiths Continued. DU PAGE COUNTY. GALLATitf COUNTY. Knott, A. E. Equality. Matsill, Robt Belden & Randal, Downer's Grove. McCaleb, William. Sucker, Peter, Acoff, John, Junction. GREENE COUNTY. Butters, George, Cole, John S. Robley, Richard, Bluff Dale. Crane, Jonas, Hone, Asa, Carrollton. Lynch, Matthew, Kelly, J. C. Kenyon, William, Williams, Y. F. Warmwoth, J.H. Lee, Adam, Gould, William, Naperville. Lyle, Thomas, Hant, J. J. Cress & Barrett, Greenfield. Jackson, S. S. Drake 2 01 J. E. S. FULLER. JEROME MYERS. J. E. 3. FULLER & CO. IMPORTERS OF RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS OF PURE SPIRITS AND WHISKEY. No. 27 South Water Street, CHICAGO. JAMES CARTER & CO. GALENA, ILLINOIS, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Drafts In Sums to suit Purchasers, ON THE EASTERN AND SOUTHERN CITIES, GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, And the chief cities and towns in Germany, at all times for sale ; and Sure- ties bought and sold on the most favorable terms. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths Continued. Mooney, P. !andinsvillc. Thompson, J. R. Hardesty, J. V. M. Musick, James C. !- VjJU; ' Big Prairie. Klaburg, F. R. ^ "-. ^ Lowe, Benjamin, LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Reese, David, Franck, Aaron, DocldsviUc. Blake, Jas. Avpca. McGaughy, John G. Whitely, A. F. New Michigan. Wheeler, M. A. 74 ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. JL HESIiER V% JC3L AND DEALER IN DAGUERREOTYPE MATERIALS C3- 31. IH3 2XT .A. , I PLATES OF EVERY BRAND. Cases of Every Make and Style. CHEMICALS FROM EVERY LABORATORY. Cameras and all kinds of Apparatus, from every Manufactory, always on hand and for sale on the lowest terms. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Pictures taken in this Gallery received the highest award, At the Sixth Annual Fair in Chicago, in 1853. Also, HESLER'S PICTURES ON EXHIBITION AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, IN NEW YORK, Have received the highest praise, both from the Public and the Press. NO PAINS SPARED BY THE ARTIST TO PLEASE ALL WHO MAY FAVOR HIM WITH THEIR PATRONAGE. Pictures in every style of the Art, and of all sizes. Also, the new style of Glass and Paper Pictures, taken for all who wish. All are invited to visit this Gallery, as it is the most extensive in the coun- try, and all Pictures taken here are warranted Unsurpassed in the World. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Blacksmiths Continued. Brouddus, W. L. & R. H. Doualdsou r tt oc3L 3Meloc3.ooaa.ss. NO. 98 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL, ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 87 Books, Stationery, &c. Continued. GREENE COUNTY. Barr KELLY * BLACKBURN, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX isjf, Jfrnttlj, |){nhhIj!Jwt, anb Eastern Keep a large and well-selected STOCK.to vrliich they -would particularly call the attention of Boot Makers and dealers who are desirous of purchasing a superior article, at the lowest market price. Their stock comprises all kinds of LEATHER, LASTS, and FINDINGS, required by Boot Makers. Their CALF, KIP and UPPER, are pliable, mellow, and durable, and will resist water. "Their SOLE LEATHER is solid and well tanned. K. & B. are determined to keep their prices down to the lowest possible point, so as to give Boot Makers an opportunity of using the best description of leather, at prices usually asked for the most inferior kinds. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 97 Boot and Shoe Makers Continued. Hennon, J. L. Hillsboro'. White, E. R. LEE COUNTY. MORGAN COUNTY. Morris, Isaac, Paw-paw Grove. Scrivens, M. Irving, Henry, Emerald Point . Dobsou, Robinson, Lynnville. LOGAN COUNTY. Farrer, James, Hayt, L. T. Waverley. Ettiuger, E. Mt. Pulaski. Seyler, G. OGLE COUNTY. MACOUPIN COUNTY. Ross, B. Daysvtil*. Ross, D. Gaty, John, Stanton. Williams, G. Hoag, C. Tyler, John E. PIKE COUNTY. MADISON COUNTY. Bringleman, H. H. Perry Thelie, William. Clarke, "William, Alton. Hawley, A. T. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. Manzey, S. A. Kohl, Gerhard, Brown, S. Camden Millt. Kobb, Jacob. Marine. Spichler, J. Webster, Wm. B. Hampton. MARSHALL COUNTY. Curtis, S. R. Moline. Hitchcock, C. Crider, A. S. Henry. Loptin, C. Schmidt, Vincent, Gilbert, E. Hart, H. H. Whitefield. Benedict, A. & Co. Rock Island. Crane, James, MASON COUNTY. Johnslon, W. A. Mayer, J. Hermann, Frederick, Bath. Turner, E. Hites, M. Peters, Conrad. SANGAMON COUNTY. McHENRY COUNTY. Coon, R. Springfield. Matthew, Thos. R. "W. Roe, Elysium. Uhler, M. McLEAN COUNTY. SCOTT COUNTY. Roberts, D. Lexington. Smith, Samuel, Stout's Grove. Alderson, J. Exeter. Hill, William B. , Manchester. MENARD COUNTY. SHELBY COUNTY. GSbbs, Levi, Athens. Johnson, James. Marlo-w, Joel, Shelbyville. Williams, James. MERCER COUNTY. STARK COUNTY. Aleheart, David, High Point, Bleropnell, William, Reed, Ira C. Lafayette. . Frandine, Samuel, Wyoming. Jenkins, S. Jack, John, New Boston. WHITESIDES COUNTY. Swafford, John G. Warner, George W. J. M. L. Hart, Union Grove-. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Melhumer, F. NashviUf. Bremer, H. Hillsboro'. Riter, J. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. WHOLESALE TOBACCO WAREHOUSE No, 227 Lake Street, Chicago, HI, COMPTONVSPENCE, Agents for the Virginia Manufacturers of HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND An Extensive Assortment of Every Grade and Description From the best Manufacturers in Virginia, which they sell for the Manufacturers AT NEW YORK PRICES. They are also Sole Agents in Chicago for Wm. H. Watson's Anti-Nervous Grape, Virgin and Fancy Pressed Fine-Cut Chewing Tobacco, which they sell at New York prices. Also, an extensive assortment of imported and domestic Segais, on consignment, for sale very low. CHICAGO STOVE FOUNDRY. *-. . VINCENT, HIMROD & CO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN OFFICE AND SAMPLE STOVES, No. 242 Xake Street, CHICAGO, ILL. The above firm having a large Foundry East and one in this city, have peculiar ad- vantages over any other Stove establishment here for the supply of Stoves to city and country dealers, as they keep on hand a full assortment at all times, and would represent that they are constantly adding to their large variety a number of new patterns. Call and see. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 99 Boot and Shoe Makers Continued. WILL COUNTY. Hubbard, W. H. Lockport- Lynn Cass sts. Bremen, James, cor. Front and Carpenter sts. Burgstaller, F., Superior st., near Franklin. Button, Peter, Edina st, near Tay- lor st. Byrne, Dennis, 171 Wabash av. Carl, Wm., Harrison st, near Hal- sted st Cash, P., Randolph st., near Jeffer- son st. Christ, Wm., 61 Edina st Cochrane, Chas., cor. Michigan and Sand sts. Conghlin, T., Adams st., near Wells st Daegling, C., Monroe st, near Ca- nal st. Doctor, John, Edina place, near Twelfth st, Donahue, Cornelius, 274 Monroe st Dressier, H., Carpenter st. between Chicago av. & Front st. Dudson, Henry, 6 Ontario st Edward, R., Quincy st. near State street Egan, W. D., Carpenter st near Owen st. Englespars, M., Lake st. near Un- ion st Frank, Louis, Liberty st. near the R. R. Depot Gable, M., Hinsdale st. near lake shore. Golden, John, 103 Kinzie st. Grait, James, cor. Wells & Clyborn avenue. Green, Frank, Market st. near Go- ethe st. Heald, A. H., Jeff. st. near Adams street Hemm, N., Clybourn av. near Di- vision st Hinchliff, Wm., cor. Avin st #vvl> + iafe, 1 allies, ana (SBrakto ALSO A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF Equal to the best French and English Glass. Odd lights made to order, of all sizes, from 6 by 8 to 40 by 60, single or double strength. Mineral or Soda Water Bottles made to order. Warehouse, 117 Water, and 154 First Streets, Fifth House below the Monongahela House, IP MORNING STAR COUK STOVE, 1853. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 109 Carpenters and House Builders- Payne, J. A. Princeton. Continued. Thayer, A. B. Whitmarsh, A. McLaughlin, W. Marcelline. Young, John. Palter, R. Blansett, J. Quincy. CALHOUN COUNTY. Demaree, D. Johnston & Co. Hall, Josiah, Hamburg. Morgan . B F. JONES. B. LAUTH. S. M. KIER. J. F. LAUTS. JONES, LAUTH & C O. MANUFACTURERS OF SUPERIOR BAR, SMALL AND WIRE IRON, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS,' jA3.&o, J*3"*,iX3 t:o.ci Sipil3L.os. Warehouse, No, 99 Water Street, bet, Market and Wood, ADAMS, MACLIN & Co. Late Adams, Roseman & Co. O3E* Warehouse, cor. Ross and Water Streets, L, F,. A. WILKINS &CO. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS United States Sanfe Buildings, No, 71 Fourth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS, AND GOOD BUSINESS PAPER DISCOUNTED. N. HOLMES & SONS, 33 J&. JSf JEK. 3ES 3FI AND Having correspondents in all the principal Cities in the Union, we are pre- pared to furnish Exchange, and make Collections, on the most favorable terms. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 113 Carpenters and House Builders- Continued. Ryorden, Timothy, cr. Lasalle and Indiana sts. Chicago, Sampson, S. B., Buffalo, near Harri- son st Sauuders, Joseph, 228 Adams st. Schieferstein, Franz., Ohio, near Market st. Schmidt, M., Wells, near Schiller street. Schmidt, Wm., Lasalle, bt. White and Whiting sts. Schriener, John, Wells, bt. Ham- son and Polk sts. Schuettler, John, Wells, bt. Harri- son and Polk sts. Schwisthal, John P., Wells, near North av. Schynart, Nicholas, Scott, Peter H. J., Van Buren near Sherman st. Shaal, J., Chicago av., near Frank- lin st. Shaw, Michael, 106 Huron st. Shuman, J., Desplaines, bt. Madi- son and Washington sts. Sherman, James, Randolph, bt. Halsted and Union sts. Shields, Charles, 112 Ontario st Shamboldt, John V., Sherman, bt. Jackson and Van Buren sts. Shuman, Conrad, Desplaines, bt. Madison and Washington sts. Shute, Calvin T., Carroll, bt. Des- plaines and Union sts. Sirred, Francis, Morgan, bt. Adams and Jackson sts. Sims, John B., Fulton bt. Green and Peoria sts. Skerritt, John, 45 North Clark st. Skillman, Wm. R., Randolph, bt, Jefferson and Desplaines sts. Sniale, Wm., Jackson, bt. Halsted and Desplaines sts, Smalley, S. S., Rucker, West End. Smith, Alexander, Buffalo, near Van Buren st. Smith, David, 88 Keiizie st. Smith & Gavin, Ontario near Wells street. Smith, Robt, 166 North Clark st. Smith, Thomas, Jefferson, bt. Car- roll and Kinzie sts. Smith, Wright, cor. Buffalo and Polk sts. Snyder, Frederick J., West Water, bt. Kinzie and Cook sts. Soagel, John, Quincy, bt. Franklin and Market sts. Soles, Wm., Market, bt. Monroe and Adams sts. 8 Sollitt, John, 104 Monroe st. Chicago. Sollitt, Wm., Jefferson, bt Monroe and Adams sts. Spalding, Chester, Owen, bt. Union and Milwaukee av. Spellacy, Christopher, Desplaiues bt. Owen and 4th sts. Spies, Matthias J., Market, near Goethe st> Sprinker, Hubert, Clark, bt Van Buren and Harrison sts. Steinhaus, Augustus, Monroe, bt. Jefferson and Desplaines sts. Sterling, Wm., 310 State st. Stewart, James A., 190 Washing- ton st. Stilson, Amos, Desplaines, bt Kin- zie and Hubbard sts. Straet, Joseph, Lasalle, near Clay- bourn av. Stramberg, Hugh, Nevins st Strong, Wm., 15 Wolcott st. Sutherland, James, near cor. Sher- man and Van Buren sts. Sweeney, John, Clark, bt Harrison and Polk sts. Taylor, D., cor. Van Buren and Desplaines sts. Taylor, Dovest, Ewing, bt. JefPson and Clinton sts. Tenkelson, Andrew, Desplaines, bt. Kenzie and Hubbard sts. Tenson, Ole, Desplaines bt. Hub- bard and Owen sts. Thomas, James, Peoria, bt Lake and Fulton sts. Thomas, John B., Peoria, bt Lake and Fulton sts. Thomas, Thomas, 17 Cass st. Timmons, A. A., Kinzie, west of Wells st. Toomey, Paul, Polk, bt. Desplaines and Halsted sts. Torpy, Thomas, Buffalo, bt. Harri- son and Polk sts. Trainer, John, Clark, bt. Harrison and Polk sts. Turner, John, 376 State st Uselding, John, 118 North Dear- born st Vanzwoll, Hermann, 146 Illinois street Vreeland, Henry, 140 Edina st. Walker, A., Clinton, bt. Adams and Jackson sts. Wallace, E. Q., Adams, bt. Des- plaines and Halsted sts. Wallace, Thomas, Buffalo, bt Van Buren and Harrison sts. Wardell, Henry, Fulton, bt San- gamon and Peoria sts. Wartnall, Franklin C., Franklin, near Adams st Waterhouse, L. H., Jackson, bt dintou and Jefferson sts. ESTABLISHED 1840. 9(^ <&) UWLJ LS LTAV7 /AA LJYJ U U ID LS V^V^LhziLluL^jV^LStJ PITTSBURGH, PA. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania with Perpetual Charter. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Hou. WM. WILKINS, Hon. JAMES BUCHANAX, Hon. W. H. LOTVBIE, Hon. MOSES HAMPTON, Hon. CHAS. NAYLOR, Gen. J. K. MOORHEAD. FACULTY. P. DUFF, Principal, Author of the "North American Accountant," Professor of Doublt Entry Book Keeping, and Lecturer on Commercial Sciences. L. H. DALIIOFF, Professor of the Spenserian System of Penmanship. N. B. HATOH of the Pittsburgh Bar.Professor of commercial law and lecturer on political economy. Panr assistants are employed in the Book Keeping department- Four spacious Lecture Rooms are occupied, and the Institution I* considered the most extensive and perfectly or^nized in the t'nitnl States. The Principal is the on ; y Professor of Book Keeping in the Western States, known to have spei t many years in the irost extensive American and European Inland and Maiitime Com- ', nierce. His students are known to le rdncnti-d in many of the details of commerce not attempted in other Institutions. His systsm r Book Keeping is officially sanctioned by the CHAMBER OF COMM ERCE and AMERICAS INSTJTU'l E of New York, as the mort complete in the EogUch language. Double Entiy Hook Keeping applied to every department of comn e/rce. Penmanship, Commercial computations. Daily Lecture! .,n ' nmmercial Law. Political Economy and Commercial Sciences. Duff' s Book Keeping, pp. 224 Harpers, New York. Price $1.50. "The most perfect combination of Commercial ScUnc* ma practice in the F.njrlixh language." Duff* s Steamboat Book Keeping. Price $1.00. "A perfect syetem for keeping such books and accounts." Jlercbauts and uU'itmers supplied with Book Keepers. Circular! mailed free. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 115 Carpenters and House Builders- Continued. Watson, Alansou, cor. Clinton and Jackson sts. Chicago. Watson, James, 44 Quincy st. Watson, Job S., Wells, bt. Madison and Monroe sts. Watson, R. F., Clark, bt. V. Buren and Harrison sts. Watson, Samuel, Halsted, bt. Kin- zie and Hubbard sts. Weber, Joseph, 131 Ohio st. Weller, David, Edina, near Tyler street. Wenstead, P., Kevins, near' Chi- cago av. , Werfel, Arnold, 112 Ontario st. Whalan, Martin, near cor. Adams and Market sts. Whalen, John., 115 Edina st. White, Thomas, Buffalo, bt. Harri- son and Polk sts. White, Thomas, cor. Superior and Franklin sts. Whittield, J., Carpenter, bt. Front and Chicago av. Wilccr, Thomas, Jackson, bt. Jef- fer-on and Desplaines sts. Wilder, C., Carpenter, bt. Kinzie and Huhbard sts. W Ikins, H. D., . Williams, Hiram, Buffalo, bt. Van Buren and Harrison sts. Willis, Thomas, Clark, near Ceme- tery st. Wi'moth, John, cor. Green and Mil- waukee av. Wilson, Charles, cor. Wells and Jackson sts. Wender, Wm., Sherman, bt. Har- ii*ou and Polk sts. Wiser, John, Clinton bt. Madison and Monroe sts. Wottz, John, Indiana, bt. Lasalle and Wells sts. Woith, Theodore, Buffalo, bt. Har- rison and Van Buren sts. Wood, Robt. S., Bridgeport st. Wortman, Jacob, 54 Superior st. Yoc, Thomas M., 22 Ohio st. Yorkston, Arictybald, Polk, bt. Halsted and Desplaines sts. Young, Q., -Harrison, bt. Charles and Canal sts. Youse, John, Lake, bt. Peoria and Sangamon sts. Zannar, Michael, Buffalo, bt. Har- rison and Polk sts. Corey, Charles, Elk Grove. Wass, R. F. Tunlap, William, Leyden. Dist, Godfrey, New Bremen. Fey, F. Sepple, Henry, Corbin, Thos. Palatine. Burroughs J. Hart, F. N. Hart, L. 0. Ridgevttle. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Geesemann, George, Purcell, Oliver, Corbin, Thomas, Alexander, Thomas, Funk, William M. Glood, N. C. New Hebron. Palestine. DE KALB COUNTY. Flinn, Geo. J. Lyon, Geo. W. Lyon, Orson, Scribner, Horace, Towusend, John M. Carr, Thurston, Patterson, Henry, Patterson, William, Helm, Nilcs, Smith, David, McLogan, Alex. Willard, H. W. De Kalb Center. Geneva, SJtabbonas Grove. Sycamore. DE WITT COUNTY. Buckman.W. T. Garretson. T. P., White, William, Brown, Daniel, Sampson, V. N., Watson, R. Clinton. Waynesville. DU PAGE COUNTY. Couch, Luther, Davis, Mark, Packhard, Franklin, Winship, E., Foster, A. F. Hawks, Milo, Kimball, Franklin, Blank, A. Bortles, W., Collins & Loomis, Ditzler, A., Berry, Isaac, Brown, Millard, Herrick, Ira, Sprague, Chauncy, Beard, Amos, Irons, Salem, Underwood, Lester, Underwood, Lucius. Brush Hill. Downer's Grove. Junction. NapervUle. Warrensville. Whealon. EDGAR COUNTY. Davis, John, Gellis, Daniel H., Hollis, Henson, Kimea, Thomas A. Wheeler, Edgar, D. Embarrass Point. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 0. W. BENTLEY. H. C. LAEEABEE. EXCELSIOR IRON WORKS, t Corner of Front and Ploughman Streets, Near Baltimore Street Bridge, BALTIMORE, MD. BENTLEY & LARRABEE, Proprietors. AND DEALER IN No.73Bowly'sWharf, BALTIMORE. MICHAEL HERB & CO., FOE THE SALE OF PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, &c. Nos. 88 and 90 SPEAR'S WHARF, and HERR'S DEPOT, Adjoining Calvert Station, North St., BALTIMORE. MICHAEL HERE. O. A. ZANE THOS. E. MATTHEWS & SON, 10 T60MAS E. MATTHEWS. THOMAS E. MATTHEWS, JR. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 117 Carpenters & House-Builders HANCOCK C OUNTY. Continued. Jones, A. C. Augusta. Wheeler, John, Logan. Saner, H. Wheeler, Edward, Vanbrandt, R. C. Wheeler, Andrew, Mills & Brothers, Dallas. Bleote, J. Paris. Little, A. W. Brown & Anderson, Bartlett, N. H. Hamilton. Mattingly , Mel. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Carpenters & House Builders KANE COUNTY. tionuni ieu. Bassett, George, B'ltatiM. Tunkire, Henry, JEFFERSON COUNTY. Warner, F. R, " \ ' ' Carter, Geo. W. Blackberry. Fly, J. J. Mi. Verito-it. Sheets, Jacob, Hinman, H. D. Banker, E. Geneva. Kelley, James King, J. Dewev, O. Metcalf, Charles, Melcher, N. Moss, S. C. Stone, C. H. Haish, Jacob, Kwcvilh. Schanck, Samuel, Lintner, N. Summers, George, Morse, James. Smith, Thomas, Trowley, M. KANKAKEE COUNTY. Combs, J. R, Haden, J. T. Spriita Garden. Burns, A. Momcnct. Goodell, Z. R. A. JERSEY COUNTY. McNutt, George, Rowley, E. R. Bartlett, J. . Rowley, O. F. JJCifU. [Jhrijrley J3. Gifford, A. Chadwick, J. Ecckmlle. Hackrey, W. Jr. Demmon, T. Kirkwood, A. Bartlett, W. B. Gaffer, E. Jerteyi'i'lc. , r , pwia . ^ Chaffer, O. McKee, A. Dey, J. Nicholes, J. Goodrich, George, Green, E. Howell, U. D. Lawrence, J. Sterling, J. & W. Woodruff, L. Britton. David, Wills, W. L. Shclbyvillc. Minard, L. Pitt & Burke, KENDALL COUNTY. Rue, A. ., 11. Ooggshall, J. M., B. Wav.\c.gan. 132 ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. A. B. & D. SANDS. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN English, French and Mediterranean Drugs and Chemicals, Swedish and German Leeches, Dye Stuflfc, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Window Glass, Apothecaries' Wares, &c. NO, 100 FULTON STREET, Corner of William, NEW YORK, PERUVIAN^FEBRIFUGE. For the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Remittent Fe- vers, Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Dumb Ague, Dyspepsia. Nervous Headache, En- largement of tlie Spleen, and all the different forms of Bilious Diseases. This preparation is intended especially as a remedy for the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague, but it is equally ada'pted to other forms of disease, such as bil- ious, intermittent and remittent fevers, dumb ague, -.' Ttf- Munsell, C.W. C., M. Simmons, G. D., B. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 137 Clergymen Continued. Vauess, J., .' Rockton. Thompson, , M. Berwick. Ward, William, B. Whitehead, Wm., B. Amsdeu, B. M., C. Rvscoe. Brown, E., P. Thompson, R. G., P. Ustick, John, P. Cameron James, P. Ellison. Courtney, James M., C. 0. Walker, L. S.', M. Pendarvis, Solomon, M. Ruttherford, J. R., M. WOODFORD COUNTY. Wornom, Charles, M. Foster, J., M. Low Po'nt. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Cloth Stores Wholesale. Hinners, P., M. Nashville- Hugans, David, B. Field, Benedict Marshall. Miller, J. W., M. Martin & Brother, Shaw & Bossett. ' WHITESIDES COUNTY. CLAY COUNTY. Falkenburg, D. A., H. Lyndon. Johnson, J., P. McCauley, D. L. r WaynesvUlc. Van Vlick, J., B. McCauley, John J. Goodwin, J., L. Union Grove. Walker, James, C. COOK COUNTY. Wilson, B., E. Bernard, Barbe, 126 Lake st. Chicago. WILL COUNTY. Bre inner, R,, 173 Randolph st. Brown & Thompson, 5 Clark st. Maistre, , R. C, Bidbonus Grove. Crane, John P. & Co., 213 South Chiles, M., B. Lockport. Water at. Codding, J., M. Davis, John, 1 West Randolph st Dounell, M. O., R. C. Davison & Merrills, 32 West Ran- Grant, J., C. dolph st. Pulford, S. D., E. Dix, Joel H., 1 Clark st. Roc, R., M. Flentye, H.. 185 Lake, ft. Jewett, S., M. Wilmington. Franklin, Simon, 247 Lake st. Riker, A., M. Frost, Jacob, 181 Lake st. Porter, J. G., P. Gallagher, Francis, 83 North Clark street. WILLIAMSON COUNTY. Gcrstley, M. M., 252 Lake st. Henderson, C. N. & Co., 175 South Gordon, Samuel, M.' Locust Grove. Water st. Pease, Chester, M. Harris 5J Clark st Leopold, Henry, 99 Lake st. Lock, Wm., 119 Lake st, Loewenstein, J. d A Anderson, Tyler, Ira, Richfidd. Tyler, Nathaniel. ALEXANDER COUNTY. Warner, Stewart A Co. Clear Creek Landina. Stout, A. J. Watkins, Wm. Wise, David W. Zercher, John. Pocahontas. Beaver Creek. BOONE COUNTY. Amsden A Bro. Baker, D. L. Bennett Samuel, Bigelow, J. Castle, C. M. A Co. Crosby, H. L. Froom, P. S. Froom, G. L. Garcelow, P. J. Inslee, S. L. Jenner, A. E. Lawrence A May, Lawrie A Glassuer, Magher, L. H. Murphy, J. K. Owens, A. L. Perkins A Kceler, Petteys A Hawley, Pierce, P. P. A Co. Rider, J. Rider A Honsinger, Tickens A Herren, Van Holsen A Co. Walker, H. C. Webb & Powell, Axtel A Heath, Wyant, L. B. Clark, Samuel, Belviderc. Bonus. Poplar Grove. BROWN COUNTY. Dawson, Geo. Hume, Wm. A. Raveuscroft, A. D. Sharp, S.M. Wilson, J. Versailles. BUREAU COUNTY. Garton, Carpenter A Co. Hubbard, S.H. Wilson A Isaac, Budd, Geo. W. Emerson, Jesse, Holbrook, J. T. Roth, Solomon, Gallaher, Samuel, Boyd A Baldwin, Carse, Wrn. Converse, Wm. Critteuden, John, Johnson, A. Newell AFursifh, Stevens A McConkies, Templetou, R. T. Dover. East Concord. Lamoilc. Mi/o. Princeton. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 151 Dry Goods Continued. CALHOUN COUNTY. Grisham, George, Kobb, A. J. Mori-is, S. Swearns, Lewis, Wooden, N. J. Lee, Wm. Hamburg Monterey. CASS COUNTY. Beowler, H. Bowen, S. Chase, Rich & Parker, Foster, H. T. Fran man, Geo. Freolich, Wm. Hagervan, Miller, Kippenberg, R. F. Kreigh, D. & Co. Kuhl, Geo. Maurer, John, Mashmeyer, J. A. Nolte & McCure, Overall, Isaac, Quigg, John, Shaw & Merriam, Stehline, Joseph, Summers, Alex. Treadway, John, Van Alstine, C. S. Wolf & Brother, Bergen, J. F. Montgomery Gorin, J. R. Graves, Story & Co. Gorin & Wilhoit, Humphrey Rock Island. MARION COUNTY. Webber, L. M. Forth, R. T. Peach Bluff. Keen, John. STARK COUNTY. John B. Brown, Wyoming. MERCER COUNTY. v Horner, Michael, Keithsburgh. SANGAMON COUNTY. Keith, Daniel, Olden, Henry. Roberts, R. T. M. Berlin. Stephens, Hiram, MONROE COUNTY. Yates & Scott, Birchall & Owen, Spring field. Harlow & Garrettson, James 1 Mills. Johnson & Bradford. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 177 Fancy Goods Continued. Waite, Allen, MarcdUne. Brown, John, Quincy. UNION" COUNTY. Thayer, S. & W. B. Wheeler, Osborn ibur(jJi . Freeman, C. & Co. Springfield. Lewis & Adams. SCOTT COUNTY. Armitage, E. Steel, Jaroes, Holmes, S. Exeter. Glasgow, Naples. SCHUYLER COUNTY. Graham fe Neal, Wilson, Little ;;. \? IflOi'Am JO DAVIESS COUNTY. Harness Makers Continued. .eja ttaamart baa u.^ Brendel, John & Co. Galena. Clark, E. P. STARK COUNTY. Corwith, E. H. & H. P. Easterly, John & Co. Robert Scott, Lafaydte. Hubert, A. Merrill, Cowles & Co. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Salomon, E. Small, E. A. C. Numarter, Nashville. . 1 $uiwQ KANE COUNTY. WHITE COUNTY. ' */" ~*. ' "llH -i UTa Cox, Benjamin, Elgin. Smith, Valentine, Graysville. Hacking, G. White, A. A. Kelly, O. Raymond, G. B. WILL COUNTY. Saunders, Wm. Taylor, J. S. Lynch. Daniel S. LocJcport. Weeks & Dawson. LA SALLE COUNTY. WINNEBAGO COUNTY. Felch, J. Ottawa. Eastman, S. N. Roscoc. MADISON COUNTY. Lusk, W. J. Hawley, A. T. Alton. Hat and Cap Manufacturers and Bowman, Johnson. Dealers. McLEAN COUNTY. ADAMS COUNTY. Adams, J. H. Bloomington. Godfrey, E. W. Quincy. Johnson, Sam'l. Lange, G. J. ,/JOj..J .r. |d .K.'i M ."...).! ';'jH PEORIA COUNTY. COOK COUNTY. ,'iOit Bishop, A. Peoria . Adcock, E., 181 Randolph st. Chicago. Mounts, Caleb A. Adams, R. D. ' J >)< n ')lj:jiw'i Smith, J. A. & Co., 110 Lake st Davis, D. M., Michigan av., near Willard, Geo., 66 Lake st. Jackson st Chicago. Davlin, Edward, Lake st,'near Des- DE WITT COUNTY. plaines. Eddy, W. H., near Doty's Hotel. Levering & Campbell, Clinton. McBein, James, Jefferson st, bet Matley, G. . City Hotel, Virginia Hotel, Virginia Hotel, by J. Dunaway, Virginia. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. Cooper, C. H. Adams, N. H. Dean, Samuel, Phillips, John F. Rea r John J. Gere, Asa, Vandevere, C. M. Homer. Mahomet. Urbana. CHRISTIAN COUNTY. Taylorsvillc. Cheney, Thomas, Long, Thomas. CLARKE COUNTY. Clarke House, by S. Archer, Marshall. Marshall House, by D. Legorc, Wright House, by J. Wright, Bane, W. C. Martinsvillc. CLAY COUNTY. Green, Peter, Maysville Hotel, Hawkins, James, Louisville. Maysville. Xema. CLINTON COUNTY. Hall, Samuel, Avi&ton. Carlyle House, by Mrs. Dement, Carlyle. Clinton Hotel, by D. W. Norris. COLES COUNTY. Munn, B. M. & Co. Osgood, C. O. Cartwell, E. W. COOK COUNTY. Charleston. Paradise. Bloom. Brown, Adam, Butterfield, B. McCoy, John, Morris, G. W. Sloan, Samuel, American House, by A. Rosseter Tf *~- ; Pierson, Henry, Jefferson st. bt. Adams and Jackson sts. Reed, John S., cor. Canal and Car- roll sts. Roberts, Geo. R., Market st. bt. Madison nt Pleasant. St. Josephs. Sodom. Urbana. Wiggins, Chas. A. Child. Benj. F. Hardin. Lyons, A. & Co. Noel & Wilkinson, Lee, Wm. Ruland, J. S. Monterey. CHRISTIAN COUNTY. Ar'nett, Henry, News. Simpson, Thos. Bond's Point. CARROLL COUNTY. Way land, George, Howarth, Geo. Mt. Auburn. Artt, Robert, Argo. Chapman, A. B. Stonington. Melandy, & Co. Tyler, Reuben, Blu/ville. Brigham & Co. Cisna & Clarke, Taylorsvillc. Owings, Jno. C. Tucker, Calvin, Cherry Grove. Elkkorn Grove. Squiers, D. F. Shumway & Cheney, Eisenhart, J. Fair Haven. Young, James. Olmstead, C. E. Millcdgvillc. Harris, Geo. W. Mt. Carroll. CLARKE COUNTY. San ford, Geb. H. Beldin, L. C. Rock Creek. Lager, Michel, Anderson. Allen, Chas. C. Savannah. Ryan, Jacob M. Casey. Kn : ght, C. A. Spring Valley. Thompson, C. Taylor, Robert, Malone, Hugh, Darwin. Walker, Edward. Beadles, John B. Dolson. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 211 General Merchants- -Continued. Medley, Henry, Aviston. Shelton, J. C. Fitzsimons, Jno. Fincastle. Bond, R. S. Carlyle. Marlow, Samuel, Harvey, O. A. h, Rhoads Point. Sheck & Starr, Henderson, W. C. Rising Sun. Kahn, Solomon, PostviUc. Gregory, B. T. Scottville, Stephens, Henry B. Logan. Hamilton & Brother, Mansfield, A. C.&T.L. Sears & McKnight, MACON COUNTY. Woodfolk & Gobel, Burnett, Geo. W. & Co. Shaw's Point. Carey & Maserve, Clinton. Carpenter, N. C. Mitchell, J. P. Law, Henry, Shipman. Phares, Nalley & Co. Meatzard ckport Telegraph, by Daggett & Holcomb, Lockport. VERMILLION COUNTY. Illinois Citizen, Danville. Oil Mills. COOK COUNTY. Hyde, Thos. T., 75 S. Water st. Chicago. Frangen, J. H. Leyden. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Gardner, J. A. Frankfort. KANE COUNTY. Burritt & Renwick, Goodrich, Samuel G. Elgin. Kaneville. LA SALLE COUNTY. Haskell & Schutt, Ottawa. MACOUPIN COUNTY. Record, C. Plainvicw. MADISON COUNTY. Putnam, Geo. W. Kuhner, Christian, Edwardsville. Highland. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Smyth, J. W. Hillsborov.gh ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 235 Oil Mills Continued. PEORIA COUNTY. Tucker & Mansfield, Peoria. RANDOLPH COUNTY. Holmes, J. B. Chester. WABASH COUNTY. Hollock, Aaron B. Friendsvttle. WAYNE COUNTY. Cooper, Thomas, Fitzgerald, Isaac. Fairfield. WLNNEBAGO COUNTY. Bird Tucker, Calvin, Elkhorn Grove. Abbi, Amzi, Beaver. Isenhart, Jacob, Fair Haven. Saxton, John, Bdviderc. Olmstead, C. E. Milledgcville. "Wyant, Lewis B. Bonus. Harris, Geo. W. Mt. Carroll. Belden, Jabez D. Boone. Beldiu, L. C. Jr. Rock Creek. Patton, B. F. Burton's Corner. Allen, Chas. C. Savannah. Corning, Wm. M. Caledonia Station. Knight, Chas. A. Spring Valley. Avery, Cyrus H. Garden Prairie. Libby, Chas. W. Hunter. CASS COUNTY. Daniels, John P. Kossuth. Lee, Wm. Lecsville. Cire, John L. Arcnzvtlle. Reed, Chancey, Parks' Corners. Shaw, James, Beardstown. Webster, W. S. Poplar Grove. Crews, Jesse, Berryton. Culver, Henry, Wilmot. Craven, Sam'l, Hagley. Begge, Wm. H. Jersey Prairie. BROWN COUNTY. Christy, Sam'!, Lancaster. Lippencott, C. E. Panther Creek. Frank, Wm. Buck Horn. Robinson, Z. D. Virginia. Mallory, James P. Cooperdown Barker, Hiram, La Grange Bluff. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. Bailev, James R. Mt. Sterling. 1 Higbee, W. W. Ripley. Wilson, Jeptha, Versailles. Lee, William, Walker'* Neck. Martin, Arthur, White Oak Springs. Thomas, John B. Homer. Carson, Robt. P. Mahomet. Lyon, Thomas, Point Pleasant. Kelly, Joseph T. St Joseph's. Dicksou, T. Sodom. BUREAU COUNTY. Jaquith, Jesse W. Urbana. Brown, David, Arispe. CHRISTIAN COUNTY. Watigh, James, Arlington. Hassard, Orion, Barren Grove. Simpson, Thos. Bond's Point. Humphrey, Henry C. Dover. Howarth, Geo. Att. Aulurn. Dow, Tristram C. East Concord. Chapman, A. B. Stonington. Sparks, Elizabeth, Enon. S hum way, D. D. Taylorsville. Brainard, Shaler, French Grove. Jones, Thos. N. Halloicayvillc. CLARKE COUNTY. Reeve, Tracy, Lamotie. Searl, Timothy, Leepertoim. Lager, Michael, Anderson. Waltere, Amos, Mcaghcr. Ryan, Jacob M. Casey. Sutherland, Isaac, Milo. Malone, Hngh, Darwin. Dodge, Arch. S. Ohio. Beadles, John B. Do/son. Stanard, L. Perkin's Grove. Fitzsimmons, Jno. Fincastle. Winters, Wm. A. Princeton. Cook, Elisha, Johnson's Mills. Williams, Daniel, Providence. William, Sam'l, Lodi. Smith, Erasmus D. Sheffield. Marrs, Wm. B. Margarctta. Cook, Joseph T. Tiikilwa. McCabe, Robt. S. Marshall. Lathrop, A. S. Truxton. Gard, Doctor Daniel, Jftitinsville. Adams, Mark, Winncbago. Riffe, David J. Mdrosc. Sheldon, R. H. Yorktown. Draper, Jesse, Sacton. 238 ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Postmasters Continued. Ingraham, C. M. Orland. Johnson, Wm. F. Palatine. Stephens, Elisha, Wabash Valley. Powell, M. A. Palos. Briscoe, Wm. T. Westfield. Kidder, Geo. F. Plum. Porter, A. Proviso. CLAY COUNTY. Leffler, Jacob, RichvUle. Pixley, Osraan, Ingraham Prairie. Anderson, Levi B. Larkinsburg. Neff, H. R. Louisville. McCawley, D. L. Maysville. Finch, Amos P. Button's Point. Smith, B. B. Xema. Burroughs, D. W. Woodworth, W. Swain, E. P. Cammack, John, Sauter, Chas. Kern, Peter, Chapman, Lot, Ridgeville. Ringgold. Shaumburgh. South Northjidd. Strasburgh, Summit. Thornton. CLINTON COUNTY. Churchill, S. H. Harromer, John, Thornton Station. Wed Northfield. Oharnett, M. J. Aviston. Schafer, John M. Wheeling. McCain, Chas. Carlyle. Heacock, W. O. Willow Spring. Johnson, Jno L. Crooked Creek. Shapper, F. WortL Hanekamp, F. Germantown. Uzzle, Wm. H. Jamestown. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Keys, Thomas, Key*port. Hatt, Martin, Looking Glass. Stiles, Isaac W. Trenton. Barlowe, James M. Eaton, John, Coulter, Rezin, Belle Air. f Eaton. Elkton. COLES COUNTY. Mexwell, Wm. Dyar, David, Flat Rock. Ilardinsville. Bulla, B. F. Astiby. Chandler, Wm. Bourbon Maddox, Benj. Brushy Fork' Burlingarne, L. Campbell,' Brown, Jacob J. Charleston. Turner, Jno. Fuller's Point. Kerney, Thos. Hermitage. Draper, W. L. Sweariugen, S. G. Odell, Dana W. Harrison, Reuben, Jolley, H. B. Robinson, B. F. Heath, R. Hutsonville. New Hebron. Oblong. Palestine. Robinson's. York. Vernon. Boyers, Jno. K. Hitcsville. Wampler, Westley, Oakland. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Nabb, Chas. H. Paradise. Woodbury, Wm. H. Cedron. Nabb, C. W. Republican. Faunce, Leman H. Cornton. Sanders, Robert, Rural Retreat. Nisewanger, Chas. Grcenup. Hoge, Jno. W. St. Omer. Kelly, Wm. Hazel Dell. Johnson, J. H. Springville. Morrison, J. G. Long Point Grove. Watson, Win. D. Upper jEmbrrass. Morrison, Wm. B. Towerton. Wisner, D. T. Woodbury. COOK COUNTY. DE KALB COUNTY. Kingsley, J. W. Harrington. Wallace, Robert, Bloom. Lee, John, Blood's Point. Everden, Samuel, Bremen. Mackey, Harrison, Brush Point. Stewart, Corydon, F. Calumet. Huntley, R. DeKalb Centre. Cook, Isaac, Chicago. Robertson, Wm. Dorset. Dalton, Andrew H. Dalton. Breese, Andrew, East Pawpaw. Webster, J. P. Deer Grove. Allen, Wm. H. Genoa. Lamb, Caleb, Elk Grove. Gillis, Geo. A. Hick's Mills. Dickinson, Chester, Jefferson. Hill, Geo. H. Kingston. Bracken, Thos. Lemont. Goble, Timothy, La Ciair. Dun lap, M. L. Leyden. Baker, Spencer, Line. Rogers, Selah, Leyden Centre,. Luce, Chancey, Lost Grove. Hanson, Peter, Lyons. Bigelow, Allen, New Lebanon. Vial, Robert, Lyonscille. Kellogg, Leander P. Ney. Johnston, Wm. Maine. Branch, C. W. North Kingston. Ellis, Wm. Mainctillc. Roberts, H. Ohio Grove. Cague, John, New Bremen. Hill, Moses, Picrceville. Taylor, Anson H. , New 2rier. Davis, Chas. Ross' Grcvc. Grey, John, Niles. Griswold, Wm. R. Sandwich. Shepard, Oristin, Northfidd. Kittle, Geo. W. Shabbonas Grove. Collar, Ephraim, Noyesvillc. ' Patton, Alex. R. Somonauk. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 239 Postmasters Continued. Morey, A. F. Edwards, B. 4 Mile Prairie. Hickory Creek. Bacon, Lyman, Safford, Henry, Somonauk Depot. South Grove. Cox, Alfred P. Waterman, H. C. Higgins. Howard's Point- Tappan, Wm. C. Squaw Grove. Bakensto, B. M, London City. Button, Wm. P. Sycamore. Habich, Henry G. Vandalia. Mulford, J. Van Buren. Snow, Jno. F. Williamsburgh. FRANKLIN COUNTY. DE WITT COUNTY. Goessman, John G. Benton. McCreery, Jno. W. Cave. Lewis, Robert, Clinton. Pope, Benjamin F. Criltend&n. Larued, C. G. Santa Anna. Rabourn, Ralph, Hfoutff. Lewis, John, Waynesvttle. Harrell, Jno W. Frankfort. Rolesson, Wm. A. Zabriski. Clark, Jacob, S. Hall. Kirkpatrick, John, Little Muddy. DU PAGE COUNTY. Lemme, H. Marcy. Kirkpatrick, J. F. Pleasant Shade. Hurlbut, Henry H. Hall, Edwin A. Addison. Barber's Grove. Davis, John T. Taylor, Isham C. SarahsvUle. Webb's Prairie. Warner, John, Big Woods. Barney, P. Bonaparte. FULTON COUNTY. Fuller, B. Brush Hill. Andrews, Thos. Gass. Deary, Jacob, Astoria. Bates, Gerry, Kelly, David, Cottage Hill. Danby. Tompkins, Stephen, Lewis, John M. Avon. Bernadotte. Dupue, James, Downer's Grove. Stearns, Parley C. Canton. Mowry, W. J. Wrigtit, James F. Junction. Napcrville. McCann, John, Whitaker, George, Copperas Creek. Cuba . Pierce, S. D. Sagone. Smith, Anson, Ellisville. Warren, J ulius M. Warrensville. Wychoff, David M. Fairview. Dunham, Solomon, \\ayne. Sage, R. P. Farmington. Guild, Albert, Wayne Centre. Wheeler, Peter, Fiat. Wheaton, W. L. Wheaton. Nichols, Wm. K. Fulton Centre. Van Dusen, A. Winfield. Stephenson, A. Ipava. Fuller, Geo. York Center. McLeran, Geo. Lewistown. Prichard, Geo. Liverpool. EDGAR COUNTY. Morgan, D. T. Marietta: Mtrse, T. W. Middle Grove. Baldwin, A. Baldwinsville. Combs, R. W. Midway. Meeker, S.Harris, Big Creek. Toler, William, Otto. Bailey, David, Bloomfield. Clements, E. M. St. Augustine. Phillips, David, Bonwell. Wilson, Daniel, Table Grove. Wentworth, Caleb, Elbridge. Heminover, C. H. Troy Mills. McGinuis, Ira E. Embarrass Point Kelly, Lewis E, Vermont. Miller, James, Grandview. Curtis, Levi, Virgil. Patrick, S. H. Logan. Chase, Jno. L. Walker's Grove. Metcalf, J. A. Paris. GALLATIN COUNTY. EDWARDS COUNTY. Crawford, Jno. Crawfords. Williams, Joseph, Albion. Crawford, Wm. H. Equality. Hedrick, Adam, Mills'' Praric. Hinch, Benj. P. Ncic Haven. Warford, Wm. N. Saline Mines. EFFINGHAM COUNTY. McKaig, Geo. W. ShauTicctcwn. Keisler, D. Southhampton. Rhinehart, D. Evnngton. Detebaugh, Jno. C. Frecmanton. GREENE COUNTY. Henry, Aaron, W. lone. Uptrnor, Clemens, Tentopolis. Armstrong, Jno. Atlensville. Russell, Jno. Bin/ Dale. FAYETTE COUNTY. Patterson, L. J. Brccse. Kay, Ralph W. Carrollton. McClanahan, J. A. Bowling Green. Fletcher, Jno. H. Fayette. Griffith, Ezra, Cumberland. Gilrnore, E. M. Greenjield: 240 ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Postmasters Continued. HENRY COUNTY. Turpin , Frank, Jalapa. Raymond, R. C. Andover. Perry, Nathan, M. Kane. Ericson, John, Bishop Hill. Secor, Elijah J. Letcherville. Carson, James E. Burns. Oumberford, Geo. Minooki. Catlin, Joel W. Burnsides. Calvin, Jordan W. Pioneer. Smith, David W. Cambridge. Raudle, Geo. D. Rockbridge. Randall, A. M. East Cambridge. Pankey, Wm. Whitehall. Sleight, Henry C. Gcneseo. Bradenburg, Geo. Green River. Willett, Isaac, HeatUand. GRUNDY COUNTY. Harper, Joshua, Aforristown. Dean, Chas. W. Orion. Clover, Jno. M. Clarion. Blair, Wm. Oxford. Royal, C. W. Mazon. Gaines, John, Penny's Ferry. Fisher, Geo. Morris. Patterson, H. C. Prairie. Randall, N. L. Sandy Ridge. Tenny, Ralph, A. Wether.tjleld. Marsh, Daniel, Vieita. HIGHLAND COUNTY. HAMILTON COUNTY. Burke, Fleming, Elm Grove. 7 Meyers, C. C, Bdle Prairie. Griswold, Gilbert, Griswold' s. HENDERSON COUNTY. Lane, Lewis, Lane's X Roads. Brinkley, W. McLeansboro' . Lockwood, J. B. KnigMs Prairie. King, James, Palo Alto. Gregg, Hezekiah, Rector. McDougall, A. Grove Farm. Marshall, D. McM. Hopper's Mills. Mark, Wm. F. Olena. Patterson, Jno. R. Oquawka. Crane, Robt. W. Shokokon. HANCOCK COUNT V. IROQUOIS COUNTY. Mead, Samuel B. Augusta. Nunamaker, Jno. Ash Grove. Shuey, Martin, Basco. Thomas, Joseph, Courtwriglit's Mill. Hendrix C. R. Carthage. White, Henry, Democrat. Dickerson, A. T. Chili. Stump, Wm. Farmer's Farm. Finch, Jno. M. Dallas. Smith, Wm. Iroquois. Maguire, Jehu, Durham. Lamb, James, Lamburgh. Johnson, Wm. Elm Tree. Vaughn, J. A. Limestone. Stevenson, A. W. foitntian Green. Gardiner, D. B. Middcltport. Githens, Wm. H. Hamilton. Gray, Wm. Milford. Coulson, Henry C. I.a Harpe. Byrns, James, Mt. Langum. Westfall, James, McGary's. Wilson, John, Plato. Elliott, Daniel, Nauvoo. Nichols, Roswell, Rinosa. Andrews, Nelson, Pilot Grove. Huckius, Wm. Summon' s Point. King, Wm. M. Jr. Plymouth. Walker, Henry, Pontoosac. Newcomb, P. P. P-ulaski. JACKSON COUNTY. Weston, Stephen L. Rocky Run. Pebbler, Jacob S. Rough and Ready. Barron, C. Bradley. Steffey, A. J. St. Albans. Puterbaugh, A. Carbondale. Powell, Wm. D. St. Marys. Thomas, Cyrus, Murphy doro'. Wright, Benj. G. Sylvan Dale. Robinson, U. E. U'rbana. Thatcher, Geo. W. Warsaw. Tuthill, Russell, . Vcrgennes. Howd, Johel, Webster. Reynolds, A. J. Worthington. Calkin, Lyman L. Wythe. Kendall, Wm. Yuba. JASPER COUNTY. HARDIN COUNTY. Maxwell, Wm. Ncwbm. Harris, Addison S. Rose Hill. Brent, Wm. H. Cove in Rock. Picquet, J. C. St. Marie. McFarland, Jamee, Elizabetlttown. Todd, Samuel B. Wilkw Hill. Shaw, Edmund, Martha's Furnace. Tennery, Thos. Yale. Pell, Timothy, Rosidare. Metheuey, J. P. Zero. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Postmasters Continued. Bolster, Alva, Grouse. Seymour, Wm. H. Hampshire. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Calkins, Eldad M. Jericho. Ravlin, Milton M. Kanevitte. Lucas Henry B. Blisscille. Walker, Nelson, King's Mills. Treese, Geo. W. Castlefin. Gray, Ralph, Montgomery. Wil banks, Q. A. Moore's Prairie. Archer, Stephen, New Plato. Kenny, Daniel, Mt. Vernon. Robinson, Wm. H. Virgil. Hart, J. A. Rome. Noble, James, Penjicld. Laird, Joseph, Spring Garden. Pingree, Andrew, Pintjree's Grove. Eakin,Jno. B. Rutland. JERSEY COUNTY. Simmons, Peter C. St. Charle*. Judd, Thos. Sugar Grove. Eldridge, Wm. V. Delhi. Warnc, Henry, Swinton. Felter, W. W. Fielding. Raustead, John, Udina. Hauskins, Q. M. fidelity. Brown, Amos A. lVa>t Burlington. Allen, Wm. H. GraftoH. Ingham, S. S. Winthrop. Semple, James, Jersey Landing. Jackson, Chas. S. Jerseyville. KANKAKEE COUNTY. Mott, D. L. Newbern. Hamilton, B. B. Otter Creek. Bloom, Henry S. Eloomvillc. Mtikoutz, Peter, Bulbonas Grove. JO DAVIESS COUNTY. Knight, Samuel L. ClarkxcUle. Stowell, Geo. M. Kankakee Depot. A very, Wm. Avery. Bickenton, J. R. Kankakee. Maupin, F. C. i Baltimore. Van Kirk, Geo. W. Momcnce. McAllister, John, Council Hill. Barr, David T. Derimda. Barker, Robert, Elizabeth. KENDALL COUNTY. Gray, Bernard, Galena. Martin, Jacob, Gap Grove. Davis, John, Au Sable. Jennings, Jonathan, White, James W. Grcenvale. Hanover. Arnold, A. H. Wing, Brown ell, Brutol. Holderman's Grove. Marshall, J. M. Mtllville. Shepard, Jeremiah, Kendall. Page, Geo. A. Loland, Wm, H. Mt. Sumner. Nora. Moore, John, Brady, J. T. H. Lisbon. Little Rock. Deeds, Thos. Do\v, Geo. L. Pleasant Valley. Plum Rteer. Stone, Whitman, Stevenson, James, Mansfield. Naausay. Townsend, Geo. N. Rush. Hollenback, G. B. Newark. Tucker, F. L. Stockton. Widnev, John, Ohio Farm. Thatcher, Geo. T. Thatcher's. Parke, W. O. Oswego. Sidener, F. B. Vinegar Hill. Ball, Jno. B. Pavillion. Moore, Joseph, Ward's Grove. Henning, G. D. Piano. Platt, Jno. D. Warren. Krouse, Daniel, PlaticvWe. Goldthrop, Wm. Weston. KNOX COUNTY. JOHNSON COUNTY. Reece, David, Abingdon. Reynolds, Wesley, Cross Roads. Pond, Zimri, Cetitre Point. Kisstler, Jacob, Cypress Creek. Hasbrook, D. I. farmers' Hall. Bratton, Geo. Vienna. Ellsworth, E. A. flench Creek. Sanborn, David, Galesburgh. KANE COUNTY. Rambo, Allen T. Haw Creek. Ellett, E. T. ffendirson. Allen, Edward R. Aurora. Morris, Richard, Herman. Moore, A. M. Batavia Brewer, Jacob W. Knoxvillc. Huxley, P. A. Berkshire. McGirr, Levi, Maquon. Rhodes, Joshua, Big Rock. Bartlett, John D. North Prairie. West, Wm. B. Blackberry. Hollister, Edward, Ontario. Ellethorpe, Jno. W. Purlingtr>ttisinck. Bliss, Alfred, Fillmorc. Batchelder, Jno. H. ChUlicotfie. Hutch in son, S. Francisco. Young, C. R. Elmorc. Cummings, J.' Hardinsburgh. 1 'helps, Wm. J. Elm Wood. Rutliclge, T. J. Hillsboro'. Mooney, Thomas, Helena. White, Robert, Hurricane. Maple, Wm. Hollis. Eames, James, Mt. Kingston. Seabury, R. F. Kickapoo. Fleming, W. S. Ruthsville. Hutchinsou, Samuel, Kingston Mines. Neal, Elijah, Reward's Point, Hawley, Aaron, Mt. Hawlcy. Shirley, Wm. D. Shirlcyvillc. Hai-lin, R. B. North Hampton. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 245 Postmasters Continued. PULASKI COUNTY. Sweat, Peter, Peoria. Mabry, Joel B. Ash Ridge. Huse, M. L. K. Peoriaville. Riddle, Henry D. Caledonia. Stevens, Wm. C. PrinccviUe. Atherton, Asa C. Valley Forge. Chase, Samnel, Robin's Nest, Smith, Thos. P. Smithville. PUTNAM COUNTY. Hakes, Alanson, South Hampton. Gibbs, E. W. South Port. Cassel, Christian, Florid. Moore, Thomas J. Stnrfield. Pennell, Wm. A. Granmlle. Ladd, Joseph, Timber. Bartlett, C. D. Hcnncpin. Merrill, James G. Trivoli. Morille, Luther C. Magnolia. Reynolds, Ephraim, Mt. Palatine. PERRY COUNTY. Fowler, Ephraim S. Oxbow. Curlee, Nathan G. Appleton. RANDOLPH COUNTY. Campbell, James, Carnent Prairie. Kevs, Chester A. Duquoin. Hunter, Almond P. Almond. Burn ell, J. P. Galum. Dunn, Alexander, Chester. Wood side, Jno. M. Grand Cote Prairie. Ellis, Geo. S. Ellis Grove. Hoge, Marion D. Iowa, Bond, Benj. N. Evansville. Griffith, John F. Mt. Hawkins. Dean, James, Jones' Creek. Mead, Nelson, Nine Mile Prairie. Uuger, Ferdinand, Kaikaskia* Gosnej, Alex. D. Pinckncyville. Mann, Clinton, Preston. Durfee, R. D. Red Bud. PIATT COUNTY. Hughes, Wm. S. Ruma. Farnan, Joseph, Spartc. Peck, George, Cerro Gordo. Brown, Jno. C. Steelc's Millf. Johnson, J. C. Monticello. Hood, John R. Texas. Denslow, O. C. Uba. RICHLAND COUNTY. PIKE COUNTY. Higgins, Wm. Bon Pat. Ball, John S. Atlas. Taylor, Travis, Calhoun, Watson, John, Barry. May, Jacob, Clermont. McKinney, James, Belmont. Hawks, Eli S. Fransonia. Loer, Thos. Chambersburgh. Suyder, Henry, Noble. Neely, Henry, Detroit. Lippincott, Samuel, El Dara. Wilson, Juo. M. Olney. Wilson, Levin, , Parkersburgh. Peckenbaugh, W. Florence. Henry, William, Prairie du Rocher. Parsons, Jacob, Griggsville. Lamb, Nathan C. Stringtown. Pike, Dorus, Kcysburg. Churchell, M. B. Kindcrhook. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. Howland, Medad C. Martinsburgh. Allen, Jno. W. Milton. Whitney, Flavel I. Buffalo Prairie. Bemiss, Aaron W. Montezuma. Ross, Robert, Camden Mi/ff, Hollis, David, Monument. Booth, Geo. W. Copper Creek. Pryor, James, New Hartford. Marshall, Wm. Cordova. Laird, Samuel, New MaysvUle. Kimbrel, J. C. Drury. Gray, William, New Salem. Osborn, Frederick, Fuh Port. Cleaveland, Jno. K. Perry. Bretun, S. L. Hampton. Hicks, Daniel D. Pittsfield. Tyler, Truman M. Holly. Thomas, Jno. A. Pleasant Hill. Ad in, Juo. S. Illinois City. Shipman, Stephen, Pleasant Vale. Williams, A. B. Moline. Lowrv, Margaret, Rockport. Killing, F. C. Pennsylvania. Puterbaugh, Adam, Time. Taylor, James, Pleasant Ridge. Lyford, Jeremiah H. Port Byron. POPE COUNTY. Fitzpatrick, Jno. , Prairie Field. Kelley, James, Rock Island. Jinkins, Alex. Bay. Cult, James M. Broad Oaks. SANGAMON COUNTY. Hall, Joseph A. Golconda. Shemwell, James J. New Liberty. Wadsworth, Dan'l, Auburn. Ellis, John, Rock. Batty, John D. Berlin. Ferguson, Richard, Rock Quarry. Cass, Robert, Buffalo Heart. 246 ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Buswell, "Wm. P. Oceola. Postmasters Continued. Whiffer, David, Slack Water. Turney, Benjamim, Toulon. Norton, C. J. Chatham. Wilson, Chas. C. Valley. Colbui n, W. Lick Creek. Dawson, Jacob, West Jersey. Bird, Morris, Mechanicsburgh. Thomas, James M. Wyoming. Ream, Jacob L. Mt. Pttlaski. Epler, Jno. S. Pleasant Plains. STEPHENSON COUNTY. Holcomb, Alonzo, Rich/and. Carter, Munson, Rochester. Smith, James M. Buena Vista. Miller, Jason, Salisbury. Robey, Wm. W. Cedarville. Diller, Isaac R. Springfield. Hollenbeck, Wm. H. Crane's Grove. Brawley, W. S. Freeport. SALINE COUNTY. Howard, Martin, Howardsville. Van Brocklin, C. Jackson. Butler, James, Bankton. Reber, Abram, Kent. Irvin, Oscar, Gallatia. Dodds, Sam'l F. Lena. Riley, Lark in M. Raleigh. Clark, E. F. Louisa. Rude, Handkerson, Somerset. Nash, Chester W. McConnell's Grove. Carson, Uriah, South America. Harwood, James F. New Erin. Ault, David, Oneco. SCHUYLER COUNTY. Wagenhals, Wm. Orangevillc. Niles, Andrew J. Ridotts. Hippie, Jno. J. Birmingham. Rogers, Wm. E. Rock Grove. Leach, C. M. Brooklyn. Davis, Sam'l J. Rock Run. Kiriney, Thos. J. Browning. Torrey, Erastus, Silver Creek. "West, James A. Camdcn. Manny, Pells, Waddam's Grove. Vail, Sam'l P. Fredcricksvillc. Sweeley, Philip, Window. Anderson, Jno. S. Huntsville. Andrews, Geo. W. Yellow Creek. Crawford, Talbert, Littleton. Ewin^r, John, Pleasant View. ST. CLAIR COUNTY. Haskell, Joseph, Rushville. Sheldon, Daniel, Sfieldon's Grove. Ball, Champness, Belleville. Morgan, Isaac T. Wayland. Mallory, E. M. Caseyviile. Purdum, Sam'l, Woodland. Smith, Geo. W. Chcuning. Grossman, Lemuel, Fayctteville. SCOTT COUNTY. Doneau, Lambert, French Village. Wittig, Andrew, Illinois Town. Palmer, Geo. H. Exeter. Gray, Theodore W. Lebanon. Bruce, Joel, Glasgow. Baumaun, Peter, Lenzburg. Heaton, A. H. Manchester. Willson, James, Jr. Marissa. Lindsay, A. Naples. Sheve, Julius, MaKcoutah. Argust, Jno. Winchester. Harms, William, Millstadt. Rainey, Isaac, Mud Creek. SHELBY COUNTY Carr, Geo. W. Prairie du Long. Moore, Atlas, Risdon. Spain, John, Big Spring. Cochran, James, Cochran's Grove. Canmann, Jacob, Rock Spring. Knecht, Daniel, Smithton. Johnson, Jesse, Cold Spring. Campbell, A. C. Flat Branch. TAZEWELL COUNTY. Chew, Morris R. Fruit Hill. Smith, Joseph A. Moweaqua. Walker, Lawrence, Prairie Bird. Teniiey, Jerome B. Armington. Osborn, Jno. W. Deer Creek. Hilsebeek, W. S. Sand Creek. Straut, George, Dclavan. Prentice, James B. Shelbyvillc. Mortimer, Jno. W. Dillon. Bcckwith, M. S. Stone Coal. Summers, Jefferson L. Eden. Keen, Isaac L. Westminster. Stockwell, Lucius, Groveland. Orendoj-f, Thos. H. Hopcdale. STARK COUNTY. Parke, Sam'l L. Little Uttroit. Neville, Christopher 0. Mackinaw. Freeman, Alfred, Bradford. Evans, Josc-ph, Morton. Kellogg, Henry, Camp Grove. Thompson, Jackson C. Pckin. Fuller, Chauncey D. Jjorrance Roberts, David, Trcmont. Lyle, Thos. Elmira. Burton, R. W. Washington, Ross, Thos. W. Lafayette. Rupert, Panl N. Wesley City. ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. 247 Postmasters Continued. WAYNE COUNTY. Williams, D. M. Black Oak. Biddle, Jacob H. Enterprise. , UNION COUNTY. Burnbill, J.W. Fairfield. Keene, John, Kevnevillc. Evans, John, Jonesborough. Maulding, A. Mauldino's Mill. Standard, Dan'l G. Mt. Pleasant. Morland, Jonah, Norland's Grove. Ferrill. Elizabeth, Toledo. Brown, Hezekiah H. New Franklin. Bennett, Franklin M. Union Point. Scott, John J. Wabash. Wallace, James L. West Saratoga. WHITE COUNTY. VERMILLION COUNTY. Reeves, Jehiel H. Burnt Prairie. Hunter, Philip. P. Carmi. Carter, John, Slue Grass. Langford, Richard, Duncanton. Conkey, Wm. A. Conkey's Store. Alexander, Josiah, Danville. Stone, Thos. W. Grayville. McMahon, Terence, Philipstown. Magness. Alfred, Higginsvil/c. Stirling, Thomas, Rattlesnake. Holton, Leonard C. Indianola. Porter, Josephus G. Roland. Bailey, W. B. Georgetown. Atkinson, Andrew J. Jordan. WHITE31DES COUNTY. Green. Conant C. Myer's Mi/Is. Gilbert, Alvan, North Fork. Dennis, Geo. G. Albany. Brittingham, A. W. Pilot. Oilier, Charles, Barclay. Richardson, A. J. Richardson's. Milnes, Thomas, Clyde. Smith, Abraham, Ridge Farm. Worthington, A. W. Coloma. Alexander, Josiah, Rio. Sampson, H. B. Corno. Harvey, Joel, Empire. WABASH COUNTY. McMillan, James, Erie. Wright, Wilson S. Fulton. Albeitz, Anthony, Armstrong. Sweet, James A. Garden Plain. Wilkinson, Wm. R. Friendsvi/'le. Yager. John, Genesce Grove.. Gard, Rezin, Gard's Point. Abbot, Asa M. Hemlo. Gunn, Havilah G. After. Warner, John S. Jtffer son's Corners. Arbuthnot, Wm. Mt. Carmel. Miller, Sarah A. Kingsbury. Hamm, Thos. J. New Hope. Remington, Jonathan, Lyndon. Legier, Geo. Rochester Mills. Hassker, James, Mt Prospect. Seeley, Solomon M. Portland. WARREN COUNTY. Nichols, A. B. PropJietdoim. Johnson, I. H. Sharon. Porter, Jno. R. Berwick. Fuller, Levi, Spring Hill. Hawkins, A. B. Cold Brook. Crandall, L. D. Sterling. Mitchell, Wm. Denny. Young, John H. Union Grove. Yoho, A. B. Ellison. Baker, Oliver, Uriick. Ury, Lewis L. Greenbusfi. Hibbard. Luther C. Ionia. WILL COUNTY. Muncy, William, Little York. Noe, A. W. Monmouth. Goodenow, G. W. Amon. Adams, John, New Lancaster. Wells, Seth, Aroma. Brockschmidt, J. F. Okaw. Paxson, Amos C. . Barber's Corners. Olmstead, Lewis S. Picayune. Henderson, Henry, Channahon, Morford, Benjamin, Roscville. Van Home, M. Chelsea. Carmichael, J. H. Spring Grove, Holt, Cyrus, Crete. Button, Whitfield, Swan Creek. Smith, Luther, Du Page. Terpening, Jno. P. Utah Northrop, Norman, Endor. Blount, Samuel, Goading' s Grove. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Hudson, James, Green Garden. Pratt, John, Hadley. Fillmore, Rollin S. Elk Horn. Noble, Royal S. Horse Creek. Fulwiler, Wm. B. Nashtille. Johnston, Smith, Jackson Creek. Ninelist, Christian, Plum Hill. Zarley, Calneh, Joliet. Raney, William, Ranyxbiirgh. Smith, Saxton, Lillccash. Phillips, Wm. M. Riclivlew. Marsh, Pat'k O. Lock-port. Tucker, Leonard G. Sassafras Hill, Dyer, Geo. R. Long John 248 ILLINOIS STATE DIRECTORY. Postmasters Continued. Knapp, Wan-en, Mukena. COOK UUUJNTY, Foss & Brothers, cor. Canal and Van Kirk, Geo. W. Momence. Monroe sts. Chicago. Dutton, 0. B. Monte. Morey, Leonard, Pierce. HENDERSON COUNTY. Hammond, K. J. Plainfield. Rogers, Michael, Reed's Grove. Russell & McFarland, Oquauka. Forbes, Martin P. Rockville. Selfridge, Lorenzo D. Sclfridgcville. JO DAVIESS COUNTY. Britton, David, Shtrburnvillc. Nelson, Samuel G. Wallingford. Snyder & Willis, Galena. Houghton, Rodolphus, WheatLand. Tilford, Williams kton. Roscoe. Gridley, J. C. Talcott, S. & Co. Babcock, H. Rhodes, 1. 1. Scale Manufacturers. ADAMS COUNTY. Steen, E. Quincy. COOK COUNTY. Carver, Elias, (Agent for Duryee & Forsyth,) 264 Madison st. Chicago. Chadbourn. B. H., ( Agent for Fairbank's Scales,) 197 S. Water, Chicago. Ship Stores and Chandleries. COOK COUNTY. Foster, Geo. F. & Co., 195 S. Water street, Chicago. Hubbard & Robb, 105 S. Water st. Meadowcroft, R., 118 S. Water st. Napier N. Clark st Jones, R. D. Holliday, J. N. ANDREW COUNTY. Harris, Benj. F. Robinson, Lewis W. Robinson, Jas. S. Rochester. Rollin, James S. Giddings, Napoleon B. Savannah. Russell, Francis T. Herron, Wm. Todd, David, Holly, C. F. Todd, Robert L. Hudgeus, Prince L. Turner, Archibald W. Locke, P. B. Singleton, M. R. Young, Samuel A. Singleton, M. G. ffa'lsville. Young & Gordon. ATCHISON COUNTY. BOLLINGER COUNTY. Bradford, A. A. Linden. Dews, James M. Francis, Michael, Perkins' (Jrctk. Puryear, Silas, Marshall, John C. Templetou, J. M. Thompson, J. D. N. BUCHANAN COUNTY. Hunter, Wm. Rockporl White, Isaac N. Kenlev, W. W. De Kalb. Tool, Wm. C. AUDRAIN COUNTY. Tutfc, Henrv, v Welch, S. K. Arnold, Jas. R. Mexico Bretz, John, Platte Rivfr. Craddock, Samuel A. Bassett Whitener, David, George, John, Whitener, Daniel, Lowry, J. H. Whitener, Henry, Mitchell, J. A. Young, Samuel. Porter, John A. Talo. LEWIS COUNTY. MARION COUNTY. Bickett, H. L. Lagrangc. Brice, Thomas, Hannibal. Black wood, J. Stover, Jacob, Williams, E. Turner, Jerry, MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. 317 Blacksmiths Continued. Lambeth, Jesse, Ltnn. Maxwell, Calvin, Dennis, Wm. Houston. Wilson, Hugh, Turpin, A. B. Basham, Edward, Pay Down, Bershufer Booncvttlc, Bradley, James W. Middleton. Harland, R. Cold Neck. Fisher, W. P. McCarty, N. P. Vermont. Vermillion, John. BADE COUNTY. NEW MADRID COUNTY. Ragsdall, J. D. Crisp Prairie Daughters, John V. New Madrid. FRANKLIN COUNTY. PIKE COUNTY. Robertson, David, Union. Oden, A. Ashley. Orr, J. W. HICKORY COUNTY. Klien, Eli, Howling Green. Crown, T. M. Pittsburgh. RANDOLPH COUNTY. HOLT COUNTY. Draper, George, Roanoke. Watson, Sam, Oregon. SALINE COUNTY. JOHNSON COUNTY. Botts, S. E. Cambridge. Smith, E. H. Columbus. Ferril, J. L. Miami. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. SCOTLAND COUNTY. Goben, L. F. Spring Hill. Moore, G. Memphis. MARION COUNTY. Dawson, , Hannibal. Carding & Woolen Mills. Sallee, John, Palmyra. ANDOVER COUNTY. MONROE COUNTY. Clawson & Wise, Savannah. Dawson, J. W. Madison. BENTON COUNTY. MILLER COUNTY. Browder, James, Warsaw. Humes, J. Pleasant Mount. Drake, E. S. McDowell, J. H. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. BOLLINGER COUNTY. Smith, Owen, Danvi'Ie. Owens, Evan J. Middlctown. Hahn, John, Paton. OSAGE COUNTY. BOONE COUNTY. Woodv, Henry, Linn. Martin, R. J. Wiseman's. Kinsey, T. & S. Pay Down. BUCHANAN COUNTY. PIKE COUNTY. Buell, Dowell gton. Wiseman. BUCHANAN COUNTY. Martin, John P. Bretz, John, Cargill, James, Whirehcad, J. H. Wildbraham, Thomas. L>e Kalb. Platte River. St. Joseph. CALLAWAY COUNTY. Garret, W. B. Savers, S. Tood, R. L. & H. A. Portland. Shamrock. JONES' COMMERCIAL COLDEGE. 345 and thousands of dollars squandered, by incompetent, inexperienced, and careless steamboat clerks. But we are happy to know that an important change is rapidly taking place, and interested parties are becoming impressed with the importance of confining themselves to their legitimate professions, or of qualifying themselves for others before engaging in them. Honest, competent and worthy accountants are be- ginning to be appreciated, and properly remunerated for their services. Young gen- tlemen of the highest respectability, who have distinguished themselves alike for moral character, industry,andsuperiorprofessional qualifications, are abandoning the "counting-house" for "the office." Owners are requiring the books to be correctly kept, and exacting Trip State- ments and such other diccks as are necessary to protect their interests from the in- competent, the careless, and the designing. The old fashioned steam-boat clerks, who understood nothing but the "Recapitula- tion of Cash," are abandoning "the office" and seeking employment in other profes- sions, or they are qualifying themselves for a practical and intelligent discharge of their duties; and we are anticipating a period not distant, when steamboating, as a profession, will be elevated to its legitimate and proper position, and its lucrative offices entrusted to those only who are competent. An extensive acquaintance with steamboat owners, and an experience of thirteen, years in overhauling and adjusting steamboat Books, have induced us to believe it a duty we owe alike to ourselves and to those who are not perfect, but wish to be thoroiighly qualified for the duties of their office, to call attention to this subject, and to give a more extensive outline of what our Institution contemplates. It is not a school in the common acceptation of that term, but, it is pre-eminently a counting- house, or an office. Each respective gentleman has his own table, chair and draw- er, and receives personal or individual instruction during his continuance at the rooms. The preparatory course to Steamboat Book-Keeping is substantially the same as that of the Mercantile, (except Commission operations, \ Mo. Lam me, Wm. Wirt, . . Columbia, Mo. Lamb, R. F St. Louis, Mo. Latimer, Wm. M Knox County, III Long, Geo. H Atlas, III. Lawrence, S. C St. Louis, Mo. Lindsey, E. B St. Louis, Mo. Langdeau, C. H St. Louis, Mo. Lord, Mark, Great Falls, Mo. Logan, C. C St. Louis, Mo. Leslie, Norman, St. Louis, Mo. Leavcusworth, Jno. M St. Louis, Mo. Leutty, John, London, Tenn. McPhetridge, E. M...8t. Louis, Mo. McMurray, Arch'd G.. St. Louis, Mo. CATALOGUE CONTINUED. McFaul, A. P St. Louis , Mo. Martin, Stephen, St. Louis, Mo. Mclntyre, T hos. A...Carrolton, III. McCracken, L. R St. Louis, Mo. Maurice, Thos. D St. Louis, Mo. Martin, J. H St. Louis, Mo. Mathews, James, St. Louis, Mo. Meyer, F. V St. Louis, Mo. Miller, J. P Peoria, III. Mittelbuscher, Henry .St. Louis, Mo. Moore, L. W Alton, III. Mence, J. W. St. Louis, Mo. Myers, Hainan, St. Louis, Mo. McDonnall, D Milwaukee, Wis. McNair, Jas. L Fayette, Mo. Mullen, Alex. H Bcllevulc, 111. Miller, Jas. F Nashville, Tenn. Noble, C. H St. Louis, Mo. Nolan, Thos St. Louis, Mo. Northrop, E. B Cleveland, Ohio. Ogden, J. C St. Louis, Mo. Ortis, R. St. Louis, Mo. Ober, Robt. H St. Louis, Mo. O'Bryan, C. D St. Louis, Mo. Pickford, Chas. A. St. Louis, Mo. Pignero, E. A St. Louis, Mo. Proctor, Baron, St. Louis, Mo. Perkins, N. "W" St. Louis, Mo. Pococke, Henry C St. Louis, Mo. Poetter, Gustavus, South Point, Mo. Perry, W. W. C St. Louis, Mo. Power, W. T Lebanon, 111. Price, Edwin W Jeffcr&on City, Mo. Pitcher, H. G. St. Louis, Mo. Parsell, J. H St. Louis, Mo. Park, Jno. W St. Louis, Mo. Pitcher, T. B St. Louis, Mo. Russell, Walter S St. Louis, Mo. Reinbold, A. St.I^uis, Mo. Rover, Wm St. Louis, Mo. Ruby, John H St. Louis, Mo. Ridgely, D St. Louis, Mo. Rae, E. J St. Louis, Mo. Richardson, J. W ,.St. Louis, Mo. Robin, C. B St. Louis, Mo. Read, Isaac, St. Louis, Mo. Rippey, Joseph, St. Louis, Mo. Rippey, Thos. Y St. Louis, Mo. Robinson, J. T St. Louis, Mo. Rogers, R. R St. Louis, Mo. Rogers, R. G Amite Co., Miss. Rodney, F Cape Girardcau, Mo. Sabit, L St. Louis, Mo. Saunders, S. G Hamilton, Ohio. S mith, M. A St. Louis, Mo. Shields, Joseph St. Louis, Mo. Sidway, L. B Alton, III. Stealey, John St. Louis. Mo. Simpson, Geo. E Independence, Mo. Smizer, J. W St. I^ouis, Mo. Spaulding, H. S St. Louis, Mo. Schrick, E St. Louis, Mo. Smith, S. H St. Louis, Mo. Samstag, N St. Louis, Mo. Marshall, Thomas, . . . Mason County, Ky. Stites, W. C Illinoistowtt, dl. 358 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. Shaw, J. B. Richmond. Oakley, Wm. Washburn's Prairie. SALINE COUNTY. BENTON COUNTY. Green, D. D. Arrow Rock. Henry House, by Judge Conrad, Warsaw. Noble, L. Mansion House, by H. L. Hicks. Peudleton, C. W. Miami. BOONE COUNTY. SCHUYLER COUNTY. Bruten, James, HallsvULe, Adams, Alfred, Cherry Grove. Halen, J. C. Harper, Henry. Wade, W. M. H. k SHELBY COUNTY. BUCHANAN COUNTY. Cooper, J. T. ShelbyviU.e. City Hotel, by P. R. Bains. St. Josef L Gentry, C. M. Edgar House, by W. Edgar, Mansion House, by J. W. Hays, Hemp Manufacturers. Missouri Hotel, by Wm. Dillon. CLARK COUNTY. CALLAWAY COUNTY. Cannon, W. Alexandria. Gregory, Mrs. P. Cote Sans Dcssdn. Nichols, Alexander. Portland Hotel, by C. F. Ries, Portland. Callaway House, by Jos. A. Darne. HOWARD COUNTY. John L. Estill, Glasgow. CARROLL COUNTY. LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Arnold, Thomas, CarrolUon, Bitzenberger, H. & Co. Anderson, 0. Lexing'un. Chcatham, A. G. Winsor City. McGrew, C. L. & Co. Harry, Jefferson L. Moore, W. P. CASS COUNTY. MARION COUNTY. J. B. Skillman, Pleasant Hill. Green, Wm. Hannibal. Gordon, W. M. Palmyra. CLARK COUNTY. MILLER COUNTY. Brown, M. J. Alexandria. Calvert, J. H. Swanson, W. Pleasant Mount. Puhl, Peter, Calbert, A. W. Athene SALINE COUNTY. Campbell, Isaac R. St Fraxcisville. Keimer, R. Murphy irming. Blakey, Wm. C. Cole Camp. Boyer, Henry, Boyer's Settlement. Fowler & Eastwood, Bretz, Henry, De Kalb. McFarland, A. B. 7)urr>c. Matney, W. M. Platte River. Shouvenal, Joseph, Haw Creek. Woodward, J. H. Rockhouse Prairie. Douglas, S. H. I^xsley. McPherson, Alexander, Rusliville. Jenkins, Wm. Mount View. Brown & Lyon, St. Joseph. Rives, Geo. W. Boyd tfe Moss, Hooper, Joseph, Turkey Creek. Carbry, Christopher, Atkisson, James & Co. Warsaw. Corby, John, Burns & Brother, Curd, J. & T. Byler, Jacob, Chapman, J. A. J. Henry & Borland, Craig, A. C. Martin & Cooke, Donnell. Saxton & Patee, McFarland, A. B. Duval .'j<>*rrtj|J Kizer & Atkinson, Houston. Fincke, H. C. California. Hutchinson & Gibson, Griner & Waysman, Nelson & Lake, Rollins, D. E. Cherry William, Marion City. Shaon, Thomas J. Berryman ton. Bailey, J. M. j HartvUle. Priest, A. G. Dotv, Thos. Short, James. Hendler, S. H. Lea, H. H. STODDARD COUNTY. Riley, H. W. U pshaw, , Flernoy, Sam. H. Bloomfield. Clay, Jas. Hazelwood. Paramore, Robt P. Banta, C. Waldo. Smith, J. D. Clay, J. 392 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. Hedley, , Waldo. Douglass, S. H. Lcssley. Hedler, S. H. Woodberry. Rives, Geo. W. Mount View. McLeivain, , Hooper, Joseph, Turkey Creek. Tatc, J. H. Ritchey, Lemuel J. Warsaw. Postmasters. BOLLINGER COUNTY. ADAIR COUNTY. Snider, O. E. Greene. Robinson, O. F. Paton. Hargrave, Thos. Chariton Mills. Hunter, H. Perkin't Creek. Thatcher, Jesse C. KirlcsmUe. Kilsy, Jacob, Nineveh. BOONE COUNTY. Jennings, James H. Timbered Branch. Landsdale, Isaac J. Waltersville. Wall, Van, Bourbonton. Bass, Edwin, Claysville. ANDREW COUNTY. Gentry, Ann, Colwnbia, Wade, Wm. H. Hallsville. Baker, Geo. "W. Fillmore. Clark, Bennett H. Middlcburgh. Best, John H. Hole's Point. Searcy, Benj. P. Providence. Jeffries, James, Nodaway. Phillips, Wm. H. Rochcport. Underwood, Daniel, Rochester. Hawkins, James, Sexton's. Clark, Thomas H. Savannah. Jacob, David, Summcrvillc. Spencer, John, Sentinel. Wiseman, James, Wiseman' t. Bennett, Isaiah H. Tayloraville. Pollock, John J. Youngers. White, John D. Whitesville. ATCHISON COUNTY. BUCHANAN COUNTY. Greves, Wm. E. Irish Grove. Arnold, Eli, ArnoldsviUe. Nuckols, Stephen F. Linden. McCubbin, James F. Birming. Bobst, D. T. Rock Port. Boyer, Henry, Boyer's Settlement. Bretz, Henry, De Kalb. AUDRAIN COUNTY. Matney, Wm. M. Platte River. Woodward, J. H. Rockhousc Prairie. Straube, Geo. Hickory Creek. McPherson, Alexander, RushviUe. McSwain, Daniel, Littleby. Dutzschky, Charles, St. Joseph. Hunter, W. D. H. Mexico. Smith, Hugh, Sparta. Woods, David H. Salt River. Jesse, Robt. Walnut Hill. Brown, Geo. W. Shy Post. BUTLER COUNTY. BARRY COUNTY. Ferguson, James S. Cane Creek. Wynick, M. L. Cassville. Varner, P. L. Poplar Bluff. Pack wood, Parrington, Crane Creek. Bullock, Jonathan, Gadfly. Talliaferro, Wm. B. Hazel Bottom. CALDWELL COUNTY. Frazier, W. T. H. Valley Prairie. Keet, James, Washburne Prairie. Green, F. H. Kingston. Marquain, Wm. E. Mirabile. BATES COUNTY. Morgan, John E. Butler. CALLAWAY COUNTY. Wilson. H. T. Fort Scott. McNeil, Robt. W. Little Osage. Miller, Joseph A. Concord. Dickey, Melvin W. Marvel. Bennett, W. A. Cote Sans Desscin. Eddy, Franklin, fapmtvUle. Read, Robert, Fulton. Wix, Joseph, Pleasant Gap. Waggoner, S. D. Hibcrnia. Drake, Oliver, Spruce. Jones, John, Jones' Tan Yard. Henley, Samuel, Millersburg. BENTON COUNTY. Alexander, Wm. H. New Btoomficld. Wheeler, Wm. L. Portland. Frisch, Herman, Boyler's Mills. Duncan, F. W. Reform. Blakey, Wm. C. Cole Camp. Willing, Wm. St. Aubert. McFarland, A. B. Duroc. Mannan, Wm. P. Shamrock. Shouvenel, Joseph, Haw Creek. Sharp, Benj. Williamsburg. MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. CLAY COUNTY. Postmasters Continued. Chevis, Thomas, Barry. CAMDEN COUNTY. Rich, Hiram, Fort Leavenworth. Tilley, Joshua B. Liberty. Moulder, Geo. W. Cave Pump. Bowman, Amos P. St. Bernard. Turner, Thos. Dry Glaize. Smith, Calvin, Smithville. Murphy, Wm. D. Eric. Pixlee, Peter C. Woodford. Topplewell, Gholson, West Glaize. CLINTON COUNTY. CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY. Gibson, John B. Bee Hive. Clodfelter, Geo. Apple Creek. McGuire, Silas, Castile. Gale, Wm. H. Cape Girardcau. McCartney, John P. Elmonte. Sanford, Henry, Jackson. King, John R. Hainesville. Wilson, J. M. Oak Ridge. Whittington, H. Plattsburg. Gordon, Samuel, Peoples. Kirkpatrick, J. W. Plum Creek. Miller, Andrew, White Water. CARROLL COUNTY. COLE COUNTY. Walling, Abraham, Carollton. Dixon, Jeremiah, Dixonville. Robertson, Edward C. DeWitt. Bollinger, Joseph, Hickory Hill. Edmunston, W. C. Little Cotnpton. Crawford, W. H. Jefferson C\ty. Darr, Powhatan B. Manlius. Freshour, Wm. S. Lookout. McKinny, George, Pleasant Park. Gregory, Thomas, Marion. Cox, John S. Round Grove. Campbell, Wm. M. Russdlville. Robertson, E. C. Winsor City. Ray, Luke E. Stringtou-n. Beekel, Wilhelmina, Taos. CASS COUNTY. Williams, James H. Harri&onmlle. COOPER COUNTY. Downing, J. L, Johnstown. Mockbee, C. Mockcille. Norris, W. W. Bell Air. Rice, Alexander, Morristown. Clark, Henry M. Booneville. Parker, Wm. H. Pleasant Hill. Car, Mead, Carrsville. Poage, James A. Plum Grove. Burger, Joseph, Clark's Fork. McHenry, James, West Point. Atkcson, A, C. Cold Neck. Conner, James F. Conner's Mills. CEDAR COUNTY. Ferguson, Horace W. Fair Point. Howard, Wade, Jr. GUroy. Emerson, Samuel M. Bear Creek. Gooch, Wm. D. Gooch's Mills. Fergus, John, Eaton. Wing, Freeman, La Mine. Noe, Jabez B. Fremont. Tompkins, Albert G. Midway. Turner, Truman, St. Helen. Steele, William, Aft. Carmel. Williams, T. J. White Hare. Starke, Thos. J. Oltcrvillc. Roe, Samuel, Pilot Grove. CHARITON COUNTY. Jones, David, Pisgah. Hughes, Samuel, Pleasant Grove. Punkett, W. H. Brunswick. Monk, Samuel, Round Hill. Salisbury, Lucius, Keytesville. Goodwin, John C. G. Vermont. Williams, Thomas H. Yellow Creek. CLARK COUNTY. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Stanley, Pickering S. Alexandria. Braly, James B. Argo. Snyder, John W. Ashton, Sellers, Wm. H. Avery. Gray, George C. Athens* Hill, A. W. Bourbon. Beckett, Woodford, Chambersburg. Wheeling, James, Cherry Valley. Hunt, Benj. W. El Dorado. Harmon, John W. Harrison's Mill'. Owen, James, Fair-mount. Wishon, Benjamin, Little Prairie. Spargur, Wm. W. Kossuth. James, William, Maramcc. Waylaud, Joseph F. St. Fraiicisville. Sanders, James, Osnge. Pierce, Washington J. Waterloo. Martin, Jackson T. Spanish Prairie. Arnold, Thos. W. Wincf tester. Smith, Christopher, Stcelcville. 394 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. Postmasters Continued. 3'Hara, James, South Point. [nge, Braxton J. Traveler's Repose. BADE COUNTY. Bullock, Leo, Union. [nge, James N. Virginia Mines. Lathine, Wm. K. Greenfield. Gale, Daniel Q. Washington. Emerson, James, Horse Creek. King, Samuel N. King's Point. GASCONADE COUNTY. Dale, Thomas, Mcllville. Clarkson, David S. Hock Prairie. Scheiffer, Jacob, Gasconade Ferry. Rutledge, Nathan, Turnback. Boing, Francis W. Hermann. Eldridge, Nimrod, Jake's Prairie. DALLAS COUNTY. Owen, F. W. C. Ml. Sterling. Woollam, James G. Woollam's. Paine, John H. Buffalo. Miller, W. W. Long Lane. GENTRY COUNTY. Martin, Wm. R. Pa.sco. Wisdom, Wm. W. Hound Prairie. Rryson, Samuel, Alanthus Grove. Nichols, Lazarus, St. Luke. Savage, Walter, Gentry C. H. Stafford, Bird L. Shady Grove. Smith, Booker, Gentryville. Waters, Wm. H. New Castle. DAVIESS COUNTY. GREENE COUNTY. Moberly, Edward, Clear Creek. Pryor, Wesley N. Crittenden. Woodey, Richard, Ash Grove. Owings, Robert F. Gallatin. Goodin, Joseph H. Bowdark. Graham, John S. Pattoiisburg. Smith, John, Dallas. Hines, Martin D. Victoria. Henderson, P. Henderson's. Headlee, David, Hickory Barren. DENT COUNTY. Morrow, L. I. Ozark. Burford, Wm. T. Pleasant Prairie. Orchards, James M. Dent C. H. Dodds, Thomas, Pond Creek. Orchards, John, Deval. Headlee, Daniel, Richland. Higginbotham, T. J. Montauk. Bodenhamer, Wm. F. St. Mark. Breckenridge, Geo. C. Short Bend. Chaffin, Robert, St. Paul. Gill, Joseph, Winston. Ingram, Archibald F. Springfield. Roper, Wiley, Walnut Forest. DE KALB COUNTY. Edmonson, Allen, Walnut Grove. Lyman, Asa, White Oak Grove. Downing, Alex. T. Grindstone Point. Gibson, O. H. P. Magnolia. Grant, James, MaysvUle. GRUNDY COUNTY. DODGE COUNTY. Games, T. W. Edinburgh. White, Benjamin F. Nevada. Hodges, Giles, St. John. Winter, James, Spring Town. Cooper, George M. Trenton. DUNKLIN COUNTY. Rice, James B. Chillitecaux. HARRISON COUNTY. Rice, J. B. Kennett. Whedbee, Benjamin F. Bethany. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Haynes, John S. Eagle. Valentine, Eli, Beaufort. Griswold, Milton W. Blish's Mills. HENRY COUNTY. Armstrong, John, Boone. Johnson, James, Bourbois. Browning, Jacob A. Browning's Ferry. Cleve, Urban, Cambclltown. Arbuckle, Mathew, Calhmai. Greene, George B. Calvy. Robinson, Benton W. Clinton. Springgate, Wm. P. New Germany. Gates, James R. Deep Water. Jones, Daniel B. Newport C. H. Means, Henry H. Lucas. Bailey, Samuel S. Newport. Potts, Absalom, Norris Fork. Hermiughaus, John, Oak field. Burch, John, Roscoe. Ming, James M. Port William. Reavis, F. G. Tebo. Rucker, A. M. Rucker's Prairie Taylor, Richard F. Windsor. MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. 395 Postmasters Continued. Perry, Samuel N. Rush Tower. Foster, Theodore, Salem. HICKORY COUNTY. Crowe, James G. Sulphur Spring. Robertson, Richard J. Black Oak Point. JOHNSON COUNTY. Montgomery, J. C. Bledsoe. Halbert, Joel B. Cross Timbers. Bothick, James, Air. Yost, Andrew, Elkton. Winfree, John, Basin Knob. Davis, Thomas, Hermitage. Chamblin, Coleman F. Big Creek. Morrison, John F. Pittsburg. Perrine, Samuel, B 'vff Spring* Armstrong, Andrew L. Quincy. Rogers, J, H. Columbus. Vaughan, James H. Urbana. Oliphant, John, Globe. Sartorius, John A. Knob Nosier. HOLT COUNTY. Irwin, Thomas, Post Oak. Marshall, W. F. Warremburg. Taylor, G. "W. Jackson Point. Thomas, Charles M. Lowell. KNOX COUNTY. Peter, Henry W. Oregon, C. H. Johnson, John N. Rusk Bottom. Turner, Silas, Bee Ridge. Parrish, Simeon, Tarkio. Keach, William D. Colony. Reid, James A. Edina. HOWARD COUNTY. Sisson, Harvey, Newark. Bonham, Nehemiah M. Boone's Lick. LACLEDE COUNTY. Malloney, Wm. T. Fayette. Heath, Wm. R. Franklin. Hudson, A. S. Bellfont. Marr, J. T. Glasgow. Hart, James Hugh, Brush Creek. Duncan, William, Old Franklin. Fortner, Micajah, Fortner's Hilt. Williams, O. S. Lebanon. JACKSON COUNTY. Casey, Samuel H. Logan. Keedy, Lewis, Oakland. Lea, P. J. G. Big Cedar. Walker, James, Blue Springs. LAFAYETTE COUNTY. Drake, Andrew J. Fort Osage. De Weber, Wm. F. Independence. Glenn, Robert, Bagdad. Edington, Daniel, Kanzas. Drummond, Wm. S. Blanche. Tate, John W. Lone Jack. Hornsby, Columbus, Chapel Hill. Westfall, B. C. New Santa Fe. Cook, Mordecai M. Cook's Store. Joyce, Alexander, Oak Grove. Whiting, Charles, Dover. Johnson, T. L. Sibley. Larsh, Abraham, Elk Grove. Gregg, Jacob, Stoney Point. Welborn, Jacob, Freedom. Earle, A. B. Westport. Buchanan, E. Grcenton. Bryant, Montgomery, Lexington. JASPER COUNTY. Atkinson, Sarah L. Moss. Davies, Charles, Mount Hope. Cox, John C. Blythemlle. Bledsoe, George W. Snibar. Fitzgerald, J. Carthage. Benning, Anthony D. Tabo. Stanly, Noah, Coon Creek. Duck, Davis R. ' Wellington. Walker, John W. Diamond Grove. Parry, J. C. Lamar. LAWRENCE COUNTY. Waples, N. T. Rural. Scott, William R. Sarcoxie. Richardson, B. W. Bower's Mills. Darrow, Jesse, Valley Forge. Spilman, John, Centre Creek. Richmond, John S. Chesapeake. JEFFERSON COUNTY. Wilkes, Abner P. Hall. Bradford, Daniel R. Mount Vcrnon. Walker, Wm. G. -Argyle. Duff, W. H. Spring River. Cole, Salathiel, Avoca. Stall, Benjamin, Stall's Creek. Van Prekers, John T. Glenfmlas. Frost, E. F. Grubville. LEWIS COUNTY. Rankin, Charles S. Hercidaneum. Rankin, James L. Hillsboro. Darrah, John, Ambrois. Demaree, C. H. House's Spring. Hughes, John N. Canton. Mead, Samuel H. Isle Au Bois. Gray, William, La Grange. Dunnavant, Wm. B. Jefferson Mills. Railey, George, Monticello. 396 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. Postmasters Continued. Hanson, James, Hanson . Coons, Elizabeth, Hester. Glasscock, Bailey R. Oakley. Kizer, William B. Houston. Williams, Minas L. Prairie. Cherry, William, Marion City. Stuart, Samuel H. Tully. Shannon, John, Palmyra. Boulware, John, Philadelphia. LINCOLN COUNTY. Boulware, Wm. Sharpsburgh. Christian, Samuel, Warren. Cochran, Andrew, Auburn. Bready, Caroline V. West Ely. McKee, John W. Cap Au Grey. Tucker, Milner M. Chantilly. MERCER COUNTY. Kennedy, Alexander, Hawk Point.. t Palmer, William, Lost Creek. Sallee, J. M. JRurr Oak. Adams, Increase, Louisville. Mudd,H. P. Millwood. Williams, Royal, Middleburg. Nordyke, Israel, Princeton. Harvey, Nicholas A. New Hope. Willhoefft, J. F. Old Alexandria. MILLER COUNTY. Wolfolk, S. R. Troy. Short, Reuben, Iberia. LINN COUNTY. Nolen, W. D. P. M. Pleasant Mount. Wilkes, Edmund, Rocky Mount. Harrison, Marshall, Linneus. Cummings, Daniel, Tuscumbia. Rooker, A. P. Wyandotte. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. MISSISSIPPI COUNTY. Austin, Andrew N. Austinville, Seagres, William, CJuirlcdon. Samuel, Wm. C. Chillicothe. Travis, J. L. Hopewell. Hixou, William, Dawn. Burgess, J. C. Wolf Island. Mills, Roderick R. Fair Land. Hooker, Solomon R. Grassy Creek. Pepper, George P. Spring Hill. MONITEAU COUNTY. Harper, John S. Uiica. Shaon, Thomas J. California. MACON COUNTY. Venable, Drury, Felix. Latham, Francis A. High Point. Shortridge, Geo. A. Bloomington James, Edward H. Jamestown. McLean, W. B. Coulter's Store. Jones, William B. Windmill. McMullen, Angus, East Fork, Baker, Andrew W. Mechanicsburg. Flore, James, Middle Fork. MONROE COUNTY. Eivey, William, Newburgh. Gaines, Thomas H. Ten Mile. Sidener, Noah A. Crooked Creek. Bealmear, John S. Williamsvillc. Stirman, Win. W. Elizabcthtown. Switzer, Newton, Woodville. Buchanan, Robert H. Florida. Hocker, Joseph T. Long Branch. MCDONALD COUNTY. Eubank, James W. Madison. Davis, Henderson, Middle Grove. Scott, James A. Elk Mills. f"r*!eland, William J. Paris. Love, Alexander P. Enterprise. Williams, A.. G. Somerset. Me Ghee, Burton, Honey Creek. Thomas, David, Woodlawn. Starnes, John, PineviUe. Pearson, T. A. B. Rutledge. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MADISON COUNTY. Gott, Edward C. ig Spring. Birckhead, B. F. Covmgton. Nail, Geo. B. Arcadia. Blades, C. G. Dannlle. Levin, Alex. C. Fredericktown. Clarkson, David R. Elk Horn. Kellev, Reuben E. Mill Dam. Clay, Isaac, Flint Point. Fleming, T. F. Mine La Motte. Ferguson, James A. High Hill. Graves, Washington, King's Mills. MARION COUNTY. Stone, Madison H. Little Lontre. Crosthwaite, James W. Middli-tomi. Probasco, Thomas F. Brookville. Bryan, D. E. Prairie, Fork. Berry, J. O. Honnlbal. Lensing, Gerard, Rhineland. MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. PEMISCOT COUNTY. Postmasters Continued. Branch, John, Cottonwood Point. MORGAN COUNTY. Wheeler, John S. Gazoso. Bushey, Geo. W. Lost Village. Lebow, Win. H. Florence. Davidson, Wra. F. Mineing. PERRY COUNTY. Tutt, Wm. J. Versailles. Cassill, Bernard, Perryville. NEW MADRID COUNTY. Clark, Joseph T. Port Perry. Scott, John T. New Madrid C. H. PETTIS COUNTY. Sikes, Needham, Ogden. Lesieur, Q. Ad. Point Pleasant. Bohannon, Charles S. Arator. Prigmore, Benj. Bee Branch. NEWTON COUNTY. Pemberton, Jesse, Fairvicw. Walker, James T. Georgetown. Osborn, John P. Capp's Creek. Bouldin, James W. Heath's Creak. Nutting, George W. Gates. Bruehl, John S. Lake Creek. Hickcox, Oliver M. Grand Falls. Crawford, John E. Spring Fork Boone, Noah W. Kent. Johnston, Thoa. M. Neosko. PIKE COUNTY. Huffman, James, Oliver's Prairie. Ritchey, Matthew H. Skoal Creek. Russell, S. S. Athlcy. Hard in, J. A. A. Howling Green. NODAWAY COUNTY. Clifford, John M. Clarksvillc. Starke, Daniel F. Frankford. Elliott, Hiram, Carterville. Richardson, Joseph, Louisiana. Russell, Andrew, Graham. Forgey, Andrew, Paynesville. Hallsa, Amos, Hallsa's Creek. Keith, James R. Prairie Mound. Davis, John F. Littsville. Turner, George F. Prairieville. Saunders, James H. Maryville. Blakeley, John C. Narrows. Philips, John, Spencerburg. Vannoy, Nathan, Vannoy's Alilts. Prather, Isaac N. Reindeer. Stingley, Moses, Sweet Home. PLATTE COUNTY. OREGON COUNTY. Barnes, Daniel B. Bnena Vista. Chappelair, Wm. W. Camden Point. Hall, Wm. Jobe. Jones, J ames D. Estill's Mills. Potter, James M. Pottcrsville. Stiles, Luke P. Farley. Boyd, Wm. C. Thomasville. McDaniel, James, Hampton. Jenkins, Hiram, Warm Fork. Bishop, Solomon H. New Market. Felker, John A. Webster. Stoddard, Ashton B. Parkcille. Howell, Josephus M. West Plains. Christison, Wilburn, Platte City. Edwards, Joseph, Ridgely. OSAGE COUNTY. Chinn, Richard W. Ringgold. Wilkinson, E. S. Wcstori. Harris, John, Bailey's Creek. Shipley, John, JBoaz. POLK COUNTY. Stafford, Wm. J. Fredericksburg. Pin n ell, Wm. J. Lane's Prairie. West, Leonard, Bolivar. Neill, H. W. Linn. Barnes, B. R. Brighton. Huber, Elizabeth, Lisle. Wakefield, John W. fairjlay. Munks, Wm. B. Loose Creek. Vanderford, John, Half Way. Boon, Jesse, Mavais. Human, James G. Humansvillt. Kinsey, Thos. Pay Down. Oarlock, Asael, Orleans. Bartman, Anthony, Westphalia. Smith, Robert L. Pleasant Hope. Burns, Peter, Sentinel Prairie. OZARK COUNTY. Matthews, Wm. R. Wext Bend. Turner, Wm. Cow Skin. PULASKI COUNTY. Briggs, Andrew, . North Fork. Hicks, Robert, Red Bud. Driskill, Wm. Bdhfonte. McSpadden, Green C. Rockbridge. Terrebaugh, Job, St. Leger. .Harrison, Thos. C. Little Pinne.y. Vance, John B. Relfe. 398 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. Postmasters Continued, Bellows, George, Dex Peres. Audrae, Daniel, EllisviUc. Lawrence, David B. Waynesvillc. Quisenberry, James S. Fee Fee. Bowles, Anderson, Fcnton. PUTNAM COUNTY. Benton, Delford, Florismtt. Shields, James, Fox Creek. Brasfield, John J. Hartford. Thompson, E. Jefferson Barracks. Johnson, Philip, New Town. Berry, Wm. F. Manchester. Evans, Wm. Wyreka. Erb, Henry, Matter. Shields, Walter, Rock Hill. RALLS COUNTY. Armstrong, D. H. St. Louis. Sappington, Liuton, Sappington. Hardy, James L. Cincinnati. Hume, George, Waltonham. Ellis, Thos. J. Lick Creek. Inlow, Eliza J. Madisonville. ST. CHARLES COUNTY. Smith, Samuel, New London. Lvle, John J. New Portland. Baare, Deidrich, Augusta. Ejirman, Wm. Pigeon Creek. Bayer, Thomas, Bonhomme. Kendrick, Daniel B. Saline. Taggart, Rezin A. Cvttlevillc. Knippenberg, H. H. Femme Osage. RANDOLPH COUNTY. Allen, John B. Flint Hill. King, William, Hamburgh. Bradley, Terry, Huntsville. Fulkerson, P. H. Mtstouriton. Davis, Franklin, Milton. Naylor, James, Naylor's Store. Meadows, Lewis, Mount Airy. Smith, John, Pomona. Penney, John H. Penney' 's. Christy, W. M. St. Charles. Wayland, Wm. Roanoke. Dudley, B. W. Wcllsburg. Watts, Reuben, Smithland. ST. GLAIR COUNTY. RAY COUNTY. Browning, Wm. L. Chalk Level. Manifee, Lafayette S. Camdcn. Miller, Abraham, Hogle's Creek. Graham, Elias S. Crab Orchard. Nance, Edmund, Jcnkin's Bridge. Wright, D. H. Koxville. Hernden, Joseph S. Monagan. Mason, George A. MiUville. Yeater, Charles H. Osceola. Cox, Wm. Otsego. Simms, John, Wearbleu. Brown, John, Pinney's Grove. Sullenger, Win. Prospect Hill. ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY. Quarles, Wm. T. Richmond. Brown, John, Tenney's Grove. Clardy, John E. Big River Mills. Peers, V. 0. Farmington. RIPLEY COUNTY. Scott, John G. Iron Mountain. Kinkead, Samuel, Kinkead. Black, Houston, Doniphan. Daly, Edward, Silver Spring. Martin, John F. Martinsburg. Ponder, Amos. Mill Crsek. STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY. Snider, James, Pike Creek. Coleman, William, Van Buren. Griffith, George W. Avon. Husten, S. Ste. Gcnevicve. REYNOLDS COUNTY. Griffith, Augustus, Ste. Mary. Legate, Henry L. Alamode. SALINE COUNTY. Bowles, William, Centrevillf. Parks, Marshall, Lestervillf. Herrohn, Samuel J. Arrow Rock, Barnes, Thomas, Logan's Creek. Parsons, Isaac M. Brownsville. Neff, Isaac, Bryan. ST. LOUIS COUNTY. Powell, Bun- E. Cambridge. Irvine, James H. Cow Creek. Brown, John T. Allcnton Harvey, Thomas R. E. Crow Creek. Walton, Robert A. Bcllcmordc. Woodfin, Moses, Elm Wood. Hoffman, Gustavus, Bremen. Saudridge, Micajah, Hazel Grove. Garrett, Joseph H. Bridgeton. Fisher, Jacob B. Joncsboro'. Barada, Rich'd P. Carondclct. Hix, Amanda J. Marshall. Bray, John, Central. Brown, Wm. S. Miami. Ross, Washington, Crcve Coeur. Jones, James, Pctra. MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. 399 Postmasters Continued. Dauforth, John W. Forsyth. Harvey, R. V. Ridge Prairie. TEXAS COUNTY. SCHUYLER COUNTY. Gott, William, Ellsworth. Gardner, James R. Houston. Webster, Joseph R. Cherry Grove. Harlow, Reuben, Jack's Forks. Buchanan, Joseph W. Green Top. Sherrill, John, Licking. Thatcher, Wm. S. Lancaster. McDonald, James A. JRoubidoux. Stanford, N. Stanford. SCOTLAND COUNTY. VERNON COUNTY. Tucker, Morgan, Arbela. Saunders, John D. Memphis. Eennett, John C. Butler. Bryant, Robert A. Middle Fables. Crawford, Wm. Elk Fork. Fryrear, Charles, Pekin. Downing, J. L . Johnstown. Collins, John C. Pleasant Retreat. McHenry, James, West Point. Miller, Joseph, Prospect Grove. Smith, A. S. Sand Hill. Dagg, George, Wyaconda. WARREN COUNTY. SCOTT COUNTY. Gerdeman, H. E. Camp Branch. Pringle, Mark S. Hickory Grove. Allen, F. G. Benton. Stewart, James, Loutre Island. Johnson, Henry A. Commerce. Griswold, Harvey, Marthnsvillc. Kew, Charles H. Cypress. Anderson, Qustavus A. Pinckney. Hunter, Isaac, Pleasant Plains. Stewart, John W. Warrcntown. SHANNON COUNTY. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Chilton, Thomas T. Eminence. Dawson, William, Hen Peck. Effinger, Geo. W. Caledonia. Munger, Marvin, Munger's Mills. Clancy, John, Fourche a Renault. Wingo, Gibbon C. Harmony. SHELBY COUNTY. Green, Wm. Meeker. Boildue, Lewis, Old Mines. Finck, Henry, Bethel. Wallis, Geo. W. Potoni. Sparks, Fountain C. Greenwood. Hersey, Benj. K. Richwoods. Hager, John, Hager's Grove. Wood, Adolphus E. Oak Dale. WAYNE COUNTY. Rounds, Charles L. Shclbyville. Carman, Wm. B. Walkcrsville. Collier, Wilson, Cold Water. Wilson, John R. West Springfield. Spencer, Jeremiah, Greenville. McFadden, L. Greenwood Valley. STODDARD COUNTY. Reed, Elias, Lowndvs. Farrell, James, Otter Creek. Owen, Reuben P. Bloomfield. Kemper, John, Patterson. Harris, C. C. Piketon. Harris, Little B. West Prairie. WRIGHT COUNTY. STONE COUNTY. Robinson, E. R. Cave Spring. Bowman, James R. Hartmille. McCulloup-h, Alexander, Curran. Johnson, Thos. M. Hazclwood. Mitchell, George W. Galena. Hardin, S. C. Hickory Springs. Pool, Abraham P. Pleasant Valley. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Young, Fielding, Sacramento. Walls, E. W. Waldo. Haley, Wade H. Haley's Mill. Hightower, Wm. Woodbury. Gillespie, Allen, Milan. Clements, John, Scottsville. Saw Mills. Newman, Michael P. West Locust. ANDREW COUNTY. TANEY COUNTY. Eisiminger, C. Linden. Williams, Leonard, Cape Fare. Eliott, Samuel, 400 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. Saw Mills Continued. Maggards, Jno. & B. CarrolUon. Miles, Jonathan, Fortune.T. L. Smith, James G. MarttiascUle. PLATTE COUNTY. WRIGHT COUNTY. Burnes, James N. Buena Vista. Gist, George W. Weston. Puell, D. M. Hartville. 1 Peatt, D. M. Woodbury. POLK COUNTY. . Tailors. Boone, James, Bolivar. Journagin, Thomas. ADAIR COUNTY. PULASKI COUNTY. Burriss, T. T. Kirksville. Reed, T. B. Case, Robert M. Little Pinney. Case, R. E. Waynesville. ANDREW COUNTY. RAY COUNTY. Hayward, E. Savannah. Hyter, J. S. Oliphant, Alexander, Richmond. Terne, W. F. ST. CHARLES COUNTY. BENTON COUNTY. Broadhead, Garland, Flint Hill. Bernes, F. Warsaw. Savage, I. W. BOONE COUNTY. ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY. Austin & Filleps, Columbia. Lambeth, Aaron, Big River Mill. McCracken, W. D. Farmington. Singleton, J. S. Winn & Bro. Stewart, Chas. Wiseman's* STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY. BUCHANAN COUNTY. Amoreux, B. 0. Sie. Genevieve. Dallam, A. P. Connolly, Thos. St. Josep L Lee, John. Hayes, E. O. Keachle & Mantzer, SALINE COUNTY. Sandford, R. B. Stehly, I. A. Deggin, John, Cambridge. Tucker, George, Hazel Grove. Sulybacher, A, CALLAWAY COUNTY, SCOTLAND COUNTY. T^airiM C! 1? 7~\_ ?-... Miller, A. Pordwd C04 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. Tailors Continued. IjiiVViiS UUUjH.lI. Fowler, Joseph, Lagravye. CARROLL COUNTY. Harris, Wm. R. Tittle, W. G. Dale, Dan. Y. Carrollton. Wright, Bryan. LINCOLN COUNTY. CASS COUNTY. Chandler, A. C. A ubnrn. Gingry, J. A. Pleasant Hill. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Henry, G. W. * Caton, Aaron, Utica. CLAY COUNTY. Price, Sam. ChilUcothf. Shaw, Morris, Spring Hill. Linnhoff, M. Smithville. MARION COUNTY. COLE COUNTY. Lennox, I. N. Hannibal. Berger, H. Jefferson City. Luginbell, G. Groll, A. Thompson & Johnson, Schauru & Co. Cleggitt, W. H. Palmyra. Vogler, A. Goetze, Henry, Nicholson JASPER COUNTY. Owens, Geo. W. Mount View. Blakey & Atkisson, Warsaw. Maxey, Wm. H. & Co. Blyiheville. Bristoll, Benj. Dunn, Thomas, JEFFERSON COUNTY. Owens, James, Rank, Thomas, Greer, Samuel F. HilLboro. Staley & Proctor. England, James R. Yeider, John, Sulphur Spring. BOLLINGER COUNTY. LACLEDE COUNTY. Baker, John C. Greene. Thornburgh, Beuj. Sharp, Henry, Oakland. Kirkpatrick, Wm. C. Paton. LEWIS COUNTY. CALLAWAY COUNTY. Rane & Demovee, Lagrcmye. Russell, H. J. Pertiand. LINCOLN COUNTY. CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY. Anderson, E. Cap Au Grey. Boldin, Robert, Apple Creek. Hansell, William. LIVINGSTON COUNTY. McLain, John F. & Co. Shepherd, D. Bliss, Norman J. Chillicothe. McGuire, J. W. Jackson. Simpson, John, Spring Hill. Millon, Henry S. Utica. CEDAR COUNTY. MACON COUNTY. Wilson, Isaac M. Bear Creek. Chandler, W. P. Bloominyton. COLE COUNTY. Love, Wm. D. Ratcliff, James. De La Haye, J. H. Jefferson City. Pratt, W. D. & Co. MADISON COUNTY. COOPER COUNTY. Mason, Simeon, Arcadia. Brittian, Richard, Frcdericktoicn, Rice, J. Booncville. Griffin, D. M. Huby,H. Cold Neck. Homer, John. Stone, Eli, Ottcrville. I MARION COUNTY. DADE COUNTY. Rodgers, William, Houston. Crafft, C. Crisp Prairie. Moor, Perry B. Palmyra. McMasters, W. Wilson, Ephraim, McMillen, John, Greenfield Hamilton, Wm. Warre.i 408 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. Tanners Continued, BUUTT UUUATI. Ranney. John H. Benton. Spence, F. R. Warren. Gaither, B. B. . Commerce. MILLER COUNTY. SHELBY COUNTY. Wyrick, N. Pleasant Mount. Graham, David, Shelbyville. Simpson , Johnson, Mo. Bloom ington, McLean, ni. Batavia, Kane,, ///. Bloomington, Macon, Mo. Bath, Mason, 111. Bloom ville, Kank akee, III. Bay, Pope, ///. Blue Grass, Vermillion, III. Bear Creek, Montgomery, 111. Blue Springs, Jackson, Mo. Bear Creek, Cedar, Mo. Bluff Dale, Greene, III. Beardstown, C'ass, ///. ! Bluff Spring, Johnson, Mo. Beaufort, Franklin, Mo. Bluffville, Carroll, IU. Beaver, Boone, III. BlytheviUe, Jasper, Mo. Beaver Creek, Bond, ///. Boaz. Osage, Mo. Bee Branch, Pettis, Mo. Bolivar, Polk, Mo. Bee Hive, Clinton, Mo. Bolton, Williamson, 111. Bee Ridge, Knox, Mb. Bonaparte, Du Page, III. Belden, Me Henry, ///. ; Bond's Point, Christian, Hi Bell Air, Crawford, 111. Bonhornme, St. Charles, Mo. Bell Air, Cooper, Mo. Bon Pas, Richland, 111. Bfllefonte, Pulaski, Mo. Bonus, Boone, IlL Belle monte, St. Louis, Mo. Bonwell, Edgar, IU. Belle Prairie, Hamilton, III. Boone, Boone, mi. Belleview, Calhoun, III. Boone, Franklin, Mo. Belleville, St. Clair, III. Boone's Lick, Hmoard, Mo. Belle Plain, Marshall, III. Booneville, Cooper, , Mo. Belmont, Pike, 111. Bostwick, Monroe, IU. Belvidere, Boone, .W. Bourbon, Coles, [11. Benton, franklin, III. Bourbon, Crawford, Mo. Benton, Scott, Mo. Bourbonton, Boone, Mo. Berkshire, Kane, ///. Bow dark, Gi ecne, Mo. Berlin, Sangamon, III. Bower's Mills, Lawrence, Mo. Bernadotte, Fulton, ///. Bowling Green, Fayette, 111. Berryton, Cass, ///. Bowling Green, Pike, Mo. Berwick, Warren, III.} Boyer's Settlement, Buchanan, Mo. Bethany, Harrison, Mo. Boyler's Mills, Benton, Mo. Bethel, Morgan, ///. Bradford, Starke, III. Bethel, Shelby, Mo. Bradley, Jackson, III. Beverly, Adams, ///. Brawdie's Grove, Ogle, III. Big Cedar, Jackson, Mo. Breese, Greene, 111. Big Creek, Johnson, Mo. Bremen, Cook, III. Big Creek, Edgar, ///. Bremen, St. Louis, Mo. Big Neck, Adams, III. Bridgeton, St. Louis, Mo. Big Prairie, Logan, ///. Brighton, Macoupin, III. Big River Mills, St. Francois, Mb. Brighton, Pdk, Mo. Big Rock, Kane, ///. Brimfield, Peoria, III. Big Spring, Montgomery, Mo. Bristol, Kendall, III. Big Spring, Shdby, ///. Broad Oak?, Pope, III. Big W oods, Du Page, III. Brook dale, McHtnry, III. Billings' Grove, Livingston, III. Brook field* Lee, IU. Binghampton, Jjee, III. Brooklyn. Schuyler, III. Binning, Buchanan, Mo. Brookville, Ogle, III. Birmingham, Schuyler, I/I. Brookville, Marion, Mo. Bishop^Hill, Henry, ///. Brown ing, Schuyler, III. Bissell, Calhoun, ///. Browning's Ferry, Henry, Mo. Blackberry, Kane, III. Brownsville, Saline, Mo. Black Jack, iMwrence, III Brunswick, Peoria. III. Black Oak, Wayne, ///. Brunswick, Chariton, Mo. LIST OF POST OFFICES. 415 PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. Brush Creek, Laclede, Mo. Carte rville, Nodawoy, Mo. Brush Hill,! I hi Page, 111. Carthage, Hancock, III. Brush Point, DeKatb, III. Carthage, Jaspar, Mo. Brushy Fork, Voles, III. Casey, Clarke, //.'. Bryan, Saline, Mo. Caseyville, St. Glair, III. Buck Horn, Brown, III. Oass, Du Page, 111. Buena Vista, Stephnnson, III. Cassville, Barry, Mo. Buena Vista, Plattc, Mo. Castile, Clinton, Mo. Buffalo, Dallas, Mo. Castlefin, Jefferson, III. Buffalo Grove, Ogle, III. Cave, Franklin, '111. Buffalo Heart, Sangamon, III. Cave-in Rock, Hardin, 111. Buffalo Prairie, Rock Island, III. Cave Pump, Camden, Mo. Bui bonus' Grove, Kankakee, III. Cave Spring, Wright, Mo. Bunker Hill, Macoupin, III. Cedarville, Stcphcnson, 111. Bourbois, Franklin, Mo. Cedron, Cumberland, 111. Burlington, Kane, 111. Central, St. Louis, Mo. Burns, Henry, III. Central Creek, Lawrence, Mo. Burnsides, Henry, III. Centre Point, Knox, 111. Burnsville, McDonough, in. Centreville, Reynolds, Mo. Burnt Prairie, White, in. Cerro Gordo, Pialt, III. Burr Oak, Mercer, Mo. Chalk Level, St. Clair, Mo. Burritt, Winncbago, III. Chambersburg, Pike, III. Burton, Adams, Ill Chambersburg, Claik, Mo Burton's Corners, Boone, 111. Channahon, Will, III. Butler, Vermont, Mo. Chanttllv, Lincoln, Mo. Butler, Bates, 111. Chapel Hill, Lafayette, Mo. Byron, Oc/le, III. Chariton Mills, Adair, Mo. Cairo, Alexander, 111. Charlesto~n, Coles, 111. Caledonia, Pulaski, 111. Charleston, Mississippi, Mo. Caledonia, Washington, Mo. Chatham, Sangamon, III. Caledonia Station, Boone, III. Chelsea, Will, 111. Calhoun, Henry, Mo. Chemung, McHenry, III. Calhoun, Richland, III. Cheney's Grove, McLean, 111. California, Moniteau, Mo. Cherry Grove, Schuyler, Mo. Calumet, Cook, III. Cherry Grove, Carroll, III. Calvy, Franklin, Mo. Cherry Valley, W.nnebago, in. Cambelltown, Franklin, Mo. Cherry Valley, Crawford, Mo. Cambridge, Henry, III. Chesapeake, Lawrence, Mo. Cambridge, Sfdmf,, Mo. Chester, Randolph, HI. Camdeu, Schuyler, III. Chesterfield, Macoupin, III. Camden, Ray, Mo. Chcwning, St. Clair, 1U. Camden Hills, Rock Island, 111. Chicago, Cook. 111. Camden Point, Plattc, Mo. Chili, Hancock, III. .Campbell, Coles, III. Chill icothe, Peoria, 111. Camp Branch, Warren, Mo. Chillicothe, Living i-ton, Mo. Camp Grove, Stark, III. Chillitecaux, Dunk/in, Mo. Camp Point, Adams, 7//.I China, Lee, III. Campton, Kane, ///. Cincinnati, Rails, Mo. Cane Creek, Butler, Mo. \ Clarion, Grundy, Ill Canton, Fulton, ///. Clark's Fork, Cooper, Mo. Canton, Lewis, Mo. Clarksville, Pike, Mo. Cap-au-Grey, Lincoln, Mo. Clarksville, Kankakee, 111. Cape Fare, Taney, Mo. Clay, La Salic, 111. Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Claysville, Boone, Mo. Capp's Creek. Newton, Mo. Clayton, Adam*, 111. Carbondale, Jackson, III. Clear Creek, Damess, Mo. Carlinville, Macoupin, in. Clear Cr'k La.nd'u)g,A/cxandcr, 111. Carlyle, Clinton, in. Clermont, Richland, 111. Car mi, White, in. Clinton, Henry, Mi>. Carnent Prairie, Perry, m. Clinton, De,witt, III. Carondelet, St. Louis, Mo. Clinton ville, Kane, 111. Carrollton, Greene, 1U. Clyde, Whitesidcs, 111. Carrollton, Carroll, Mo. Coch ran's Grove, Shelby, III. Carrsville, Cooper, Mo. Cogswell, McHenry, III. 416 LIST OF POST OFFICES. PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLAOK, COUNTY. STATE. Cold Brook, Warren, III. Danville, Vermillion, III. Cold >eck, Cooper, Mo. Danville, Montgomery, Mo. Cold Spring, Shelby, III. Darwin, Clark, III. Cold Water, Wayne, Mo. Dawn, Livingston, Mo. Cole Camp, Benton, Mo. Daysville, Ogle, III. Collinsville, Madison, III. Dayton, La Salle, III. Coloma, Whitesides, III. Decatur, Macon, III. Colony, Knox, Mo. Deep Water, Henry, Mo. Columbia, Monroe, III. Deer Creek, Tazswcll, III. Columbia, Boonc, Mo. Deerfield, Lake, III. Columbus, Adams, III. Deer Grove, Cook, III. Columbus, Johnson, Mo. Deer Park, La Salle. III. Commerce, Scott, Mo. Deer Plain, Calhoun, III. Como, Whitesides, 111. De Kalb, BiLchanan. Mo. Concord, Morgan, III. JJe Kalb Centre, De Kalb, III. Concord, CaHaway, Mo. Delavan, Tazewell, III. Conkey's Store, Vermillion, 111. Delhi, Jersey, III. Conner's Mills, Cooper, Mo. Delta, McLean, III. Cook's Store, Lafayette, Mo. Democrat, Iroquois, III. Coon Creek, Jasper, Mo. Denny, Warren, III. Coon Meadows, Marshall, III. Dent, Dent, Mo. Cooperstown, Brown, m. Derimda, Jo Daviess, III. Copperas Creek, Copper Creek, Fulton, Rock Island, III. 1U, Des Peres, Detroit, St. Louis, Pike, Mo. III. .r .r Coral, Me Henry, III. Deval, Dent, Mo. Cordova, Rock Island, m. De Witt, De Witt, III. Cornton, Cumberland, III. De Witt, Carroll, Mo, Cote Sans Dessein, Callaway, Mo. Diamond Grove, Jasper, Mo. Cottage Hill, Cottleville, J)u Page, St. Charles, III. Mo. Dillon, Dimmick, Tazewell, La Salle, III. III. Cotton Wood Grove .Bond, III. Dixon, I^ee, III. Cotton Wood Point, Pemiscot, Mo. DLxonville, Cole, Mo. Coulter's Store, Macon, Mo. Doddsville, McDonovgh, III. Council Hill, Jo Daviess, III. Dogtooth, Alexander, III. CourtrigM's Mills, Covington, Cow Creek, Iroquois, Montgomery, Saline, III. Mo. Mo. Dolson, Doniphan, Dooley's Farm, Clark, Ripley, McLean, III. Mo. III. Cow Skin, , Ozark, Mo. Dorrance, Stark, III. Crab Orchard, Ray, Mo. Dorset, De Kalb, III. Crab Orchard, Williamson, III. Dover, Bureau, m. Crane Creek, Barry, Mo. Dover, Lafayette, Mo. Crane's Grove, Stephcnson, III. Downer's Grove, Du Page, in. Crawford, Gallatin, III. Drowning Fork, McDonongh, in. Crete, Will, III. Drury, Rock Island, in. Creve Cceur, St. Louis, Mo. Dry Glaize, Camden, Mo. Crittenden, Daviess, Mo. ,Dry Wood, Bates, Mo. Crittenden, Franklin, III. Duncantou, White, 111. Crooked Creek, Monroe, Mo. Dundee, Kane, 111. Crooked Creek, Clinton, 111. Dunham, McHenry, 111. Cross Roads, Johnson, III. Du Page, Will, 111. Cross Timbers, Hickory, Mo. Duquoin, Perry, 111. Crotty, La Salle, 111. Durham, Hancock, 111. Crow Creek, Saline, Mo. Duroc, Benton, Mo. Crystal Lake, Cuba, Me Henry, FMon, III. 111. Eagle, Eagle, La Salle, Harrison, III. Mo. Cumberland, Fayelte, 111. Eagle Cliffs, Monroe, 111. Cummiugton, Macoupin. 111. Eagle Point, Ogle, 111. Curran, Stone, Mo. Karlville, La Salle, III. Cypress, Scott, Mo. East Cambridge, Henry, III. Cvprcss Creek, Johnson, 111. East Concord, Bureau, III. J r Dallas, Greene, Mo. East Fork, Macon, Mo. Dallas City, Dal ton, Hancock, Cook, 111. 111. East Pawpaw, Eaton, DC Kalb, Cedar, 111. Mo. Danby, Du Page, Ill Eaton, Crawford, 111. LIST OF POST OFFICES. 417 PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COWNTI. STATE. Eden, Tazewell, 111. Fairvie'w, Pettis, Mo. Ediua, Knox, Mo. Fairweather, Adams, 111. Edwardsville, Madison, m. Farley, Platte, Mo. Ela, Lake, 111. Farlow's Grove, Mercer, 111. Elbridge, Edgar, 111. Farmer's Farm, Iroquois, III. El Dara, Pike, 111. Farmer's Hall, Knox, 111. El Dorado, Clarke, Mo. Farmington, Fulton, 111. Elgin, Kane, III. Farmiugton, St. Francois, Mo. Elida, Winnebago, 111. Farm Ridge, IM Salle, III. Eliza, Mercer, 111. Fayette, Greene, III. Elizabeth, Jo Daviess, III. Fayette, Howard, Mo. Elizabethtowu, Hardin, 111. Fayetteville, St. Clair, III. Elizabethtown, Monroe, Mo. Fee Fee, St. Louis, Mo. Elk Fork, Vernon, Mo. Felix, Moniteau, Mo. Elk Grove, Lafayette, Mo. Fern me Osage, St. Charles, Mo. Elk Grove, Cook, III. Fenton, St. Louis, Mo. Elk Horn, Washington, 111. Ferdinand, Mercer, HI. Elk Horn, Montgomery, Mo. Fiatt, Fulton, III. Elk Horn Grove, Carroll, 111. Fidelity, Jersey, III. Elk Mills, McDonald, Mo. Fielding, Jersey, 11L Elkton, Crawford, 111. Fillmore, Montgomery, III. Elktou, Hickory, Mo. Fillmore, Andrew, Mo. Ellis Grove, Randolph, 111. Fin Castle, Clark, III. Ellison, Warren, 111. Fishport, Hock Island, III. Ellisville, Fulton, 111. Fitz Henry, Ogle, III. Ellisville, St. Louis, Mo. Flat Branch, Shelby, Ill Ellsworth, Texas, Mo. Flat Rock, Crawford, III.. Elm Grove, Highland, 111. Flint Creek, Lake, 111. Eltnira, Starke, III. Flint Hill, St. Charles, Mo. Elmonte, Clinton, Mo. Flint Point, Montgomery, Mo. Elniore, Peorla, 111. Florence, Pike, III. Elm Point, Bond, 111. Florence, Morgan, Mo. Elm Tree, Hancock, III. Florida, Putnam, m. Elm Wood, Saline, Jfo. Florida, Monroe, Mo. Elm Wood, Peoria, 111. Florisant, St. I/>uis, Mo. Elysium, McHcnry, 111. Forkner's Hill, Laclede, Mo. Embarrass Point, Edgar, 111. Forksville, Lake, III. Emerald Point, Morgan, 111. Forsyth, Taney, M<>. Eminence, Logan, 111. Fort Hill, Lake, IlL Eminence, Shannon, Mo. Fort Leaven worth. Clay, Mo. Emmet, Lake, 111. Fortner's Hill, Laclede, Mo. Empire, Wldtesides, 111. Fort Osage, Jackson, Mo. Endor, Will, III. Fort Scott, Bate*, Mo. English Prairie, McHenry, 111. Foster's, Marion, III. Enon, Bureau, 111. Fountain Green, Hancock, III. Enterprise, Wayne, III. Fourche a Renault, Washington, Mo. Enterprise, McDonald, Mo. Four Mile Grove, Lee, III. Equality, Gallatin, III. Four Mile Prairie, Fayette, III. Erie, Whitesides, III. Fox Creek, St. Louis, Mo. Erie, Camden, Mo. Fox Lake, Lake, III. Erin, McHenry, 111. Francisco, Montgomery, III. Estill's Mills, Platte, Mo. Frankford, Pike, Mo. Eureka, Woodford, 111. Frankford, Franklin, III. Evansville, Randdph, 11. Franklin, Morgan, III. Ewing, Frankhn, III. Franklin, Howard, Mo. Ewington, Effinqham, 111. Franklin Grove, Lee, III. Exeter, Scott', III. Fransonia, Richland, in. Fairfield, Wayne, 111. F redcr ick sburgli, Osage, Mo. Fairhaven, Carroll, 111. Fredericksville, Schuyler, III. Fail-land, Livingston, Mo, Frederickstown, Madison, Mo. Fair Mount, Clark, Mo. Frederickstowu, Marion, III. Fail-play, Polk, Mo. Fredonia, Williamson, LI. Fail-point, Cooper, Mo. Freedom, Lafayette, Mo. Fairvie'w, Fulton, III. Freedom, La Salle, III. 27 418 LIST OF TOST OFFICES, PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COUNTY. STATK. Freemauton, Effingham, 111. Greene, Bollinger, Mo. Frceport, Stephcnson, III. Greenfield, Greene, III. Fremont, Cedar, Mo. Greenfield, Dade, Mo. Fremont Centre, Lake, III. Green Garden, Will, 111. French Creek, Knox, III. Green River, Henry, 111. French Grove, Bureau, III. Greenton, Lafayette, Mo. French Village, St. Clair, 111. Greentop, Schuyler, Mo. Friendship, McDonough, III. Greenup, Cumberland, 111. Friendsville, Wabash, III. Greenvale, Jo Daviess, 111. Fruit Hill, Shelby, III. Greenville, Bond, 111. Fuller's Point, Coles, III. Greenville, Wayne, Mo. Fulton, Whitesides, III. Greenwood, McHenry, 111. Fulton, Callaway, Mo. Greenwood, Shelby, Mo. Fulton Centre, Fulton, III. Greenwood Valley, Wayne, Mo. Gadfly, Barry, Mo. Griggsville, Pike, 111. Gage's Lake, Lake, 111. Grindstone, McDonough, 111. Galena, Jo Daviess, III. Grindstone Point, De Kalb, Mo. Galena, Stone, Mo. Griswold, Hamilton, 111. Galesburg, Knox, III. Grouse, Kane, 111. Gallatia, Saline, III. Grove Farm, Henderson, 111. Gallatin, Daviess, Mo. Groveland, Tazewell, III. Galloway, La Salic, 111. Grubville, Jefferson, Mo. Galum, Perry, III. Hadley, Will, III. Gap Grove, Jo Daviess, 111. Hager's Grove, Shelby, Mo. Garden Plain, Whitesides, 111. Hagley, Cass, III. Garden Prairie, Boone, 111. Hailey's Mill, Sullivan, Mo. Gard's Point, Wabash, III. Hainesville, Lake, 111. Gasconade Ferry, Gasconade, Mo. Hainesville, Clinton, Mo. Gates, Newton, Mo. Hale, Ogle, 111. Gayoso, Pemiscot, Mo. Hale's Point, Andrew, Mo. Genesee Grove, Whitesides, 111. Halfday, Luke, 111. Geneseo, Henry, III. Halfway, Polk, III. Geneva, Kane, III. Hall, ' Lawrence, Mo. Genoa, De Kalb, ia. Hall, Franklin, III. Gentry, C. H. Gentry, Mo. Hallowayville, Bureau, 111. Gentryville, Gentry, Mo. Hallsa's Creek, Nodaway, Mo. George's Creek, Massac, 111. Hallsville, Boone, Mo. Georgetown, Vermillion, III. Hamburg, St. Charles, Mo. Georgetown, Pettis, Mo. Hamburg, Calhoun, 111. Germautown, Clinton, Mo. Hamilton, Hancock, 111. Gilead, Calhoun, III. Hampshire, Kane, 111. Gillespie, Macoupin, 111. Hampton, Rock Island, 111. Gilmer, Lake, III. Hampton, Platte, Mo. Gilroy, Cooper, Mo. Hannibal, Marion, Mo. Girard, Macoupin, 111. Hanover, Jo Daviess, 111. Glasgow, Scott, 111. Hanson, Marion, Mo. Glasgow, Howard, Mo. Hardin, Calhoun, 111. Glenfinlas. Jefferson, Mo. Hardinsburg, Montgomery, 111. Globe, Johnson, Mo. Hardinsville, Crawford, 111. Godfrey, Madison, III. Harlem, Winnebago, 111. Golconda, Pope, 111. Harmony, McHenry, 111. Groch's Mills, Cooper, Mo. Harmony, Washington, Mo. Gooding's Grove, Will, 111. Harrison, Winnebago, HI. Grafton, Jersey, III. Harrison's Mills, Crawford, Mo. Graham, Nodaway, Mo. Harrisonville, Monroe, 111. Grand Cote Prairie, Perry, 111. Harrisonville, Cass, Mo. Grand Detour, Ogle, III. Hartford, Putnam, Mo. Grand Falls, Neivton, Mo. Hartland, McHenry, 111. Grand View, Edgar, 111. Hartsville, Wright, Mo. Granville, Putnam, III. Havanna, Mason, 111. Grassy Creek, Livingston, Mo. Hawcreek, Benton, Mo. Gray vi lie, White, 111. Haw creek, Knox, 1U. Greenbush, Warren, III. Hawk Point, Lincoln, Mo. Greene, Bollingcr, Mo. Hazel Bottom, Barry, Mo. LIST OF POST OFFICES. 419 PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COUNT r. STATE. Hazel Dell, Cumberland, ia. Humansville, Polk, Mo. Hazel Grove, Saline, Mo. Hunter, Boone, III. Hazelwood, Wright, Mo. Huntley Grove, McHenry, 111. Heath land, Henry, 111. Huntsville, Schuyler, 1U. Heath's Creek. Pettis. Mo. Huntsville, Randolph, Mo. Hebron, McHenry, 111. Hurricane, Montgomery, 111. Hecker, Monroe, III. Hutsonville, Crawford, 111. Helena, Peoria. 111. Iberia, Milton, Mo. Hemlo, Whiiesides, 111. Illinois City, Rock Island, 111. Henderson, Knox, 111. Illinois Town, St. Clair, 111. Henderson's, Greene, Mo.. Independence, Jackson, Mo. Hennepin, Putnam, Ill Independence, McLean, 111. Henpeck, Shannon, Mo. Indian Creek, Morgan, 111. Henry, Marshall, III. Indian Grove, Livingston, III. Herculaneum, Jefferson, Mo. Indianola, Vermillion. 111. Hermann, Gasconade, Mo. Industry, McDonough, III. Hermitage, Coles, Mo. Ingraham Prairie, Clay, 111. Hermitage, Hickory, Mo. lone, Effingham, 111. Herman, Knox, III. Ionia, Warren, 111. Hershey's Mills, Lawrence, III. Iowa, Perry, 111. Hester, Marion, Mo. Ipava, Fulton, 111. Hibernia, Callaway, Mo. Irish Grove, Atchison, Mo. Hickory Barren, Greene, Mo. Iron Mountain, St. Francis, Mo. Hickory Greek, Audrain, Mo. Iroquois, Iroquois, 111. Hickory Creek, . Fayette, 111. Isle au Bois, Jefferson, Mo. Hickory Grove, Warren, Mo. Jack's Forks, Texas, Mo. Hickory Hill, Marion, III. Jackson, Stephenson, III. Hickory Hill, Cole, Mo. Jackson, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Hick's Mills, DeKalb, 111. Jackson Creek, Will, 1U. Hickory Springs, Wright, Mo. Jackson Point, Holt, Mo. High Hill, Montgomery, Mo. Jacksonville, Morgan, III. Higgins, Fayette, III. Jake's Prairie, Gasconade, Mo. Higginsville, Vermillion, III. Jalapa, Greene, RL Highland, Madison, III. James' Mill, Monroe, III. Highland Prairie, McHenry, III. Jamestown, Moniteau, Mo- High Point, Mercer, 111. Jamestown, Clinton, 11L High Point, Moniteau, Mo. Jefferson, Cook, , 111. Hillsborough, Montgomery, 111. Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo. Hillsborough, Jefferson, Mo. Jefferson City, Cole, Mo. Hill's Grove, McDonough, III. Jefferson's Corners, Whitesides, 111. Hitesville, Coles, III. Jefferson Mills, Jefferson, Mo. Hogle's Creek, St. Glair, Mo. Jenkins' Bridge, St. Clair, Mo. Holderman's Grove.Kendall, III. Jericho, Kane, HI. Hollis, Peoria, Ill Jersey Landing, Jersey, HI. Hollowayville, Bureau, III. Jersey Prairie, Cass, 111. Holly, Rock Island, III. Jerseyville, Jersey, 111. Homer, Champaign, III. Jobe, Oregon, Mo. Honey Creek, McDonald, Mo. Johnson, McDonough, HL Honey Point, Macoupin, 111. Johnson's Mills, Clarke, 111. Hoover's Point, Macoupin, III. Johnstown, Cass, Mo. Hopedale, Tazev.cH, III. Joliet, Will, 111. Hopewell, Macon, 111. Jonesborough, Union, in. Hopewell, Mississippi, Mo. Jonesborough, Saline, Mo. Hopper's Mills, Henderson, III. Jones' Creek, Randolph, in. Horse Creek, Will, III. Jones' Tan Yard, Callaway, Mo. Horse Creek, Dade, Mo. Jordan, Vermillion, in. House's Springs, Jefferson, Mo. Junction, Du Page, m. Houston, Marion, Mo. Kane, Greene, in. Houston, Adams, 111. Kaneville, Kane, m. Houston, Texas, Mo. Kankakee, Will, m. Howard, Winnebago, III. Kanzas, Jackson, Mo. Howard's Point, Fayette, 111. Kankakee Depot, Kankakee, m. Howardsville, Stephenson, III. Keenville, Wayne, m. Hudson, McLean, 111. Keithsburg, Mercer, in. 420 LIST OF POST OFFICES. PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COUXTT . BTATE. Kendall, Kendall, 111. Lexington, Lafayette, Mo. Ko nnctt, Dunklin. Mo. Lexington, McLean, 111. Kent, Newton. Mo. Leyden, Cook, 111. Kent, Stephenson, 111. Leyden Centre, Cook, III. Keysburg, Pike, 111. Liberty, Adams, Ul. Keysport, Clinton, 111. Liberty, Clay, Mo. Keytesville, Chariton, Mo. Libertyville, lake, 111. Kickapoo, Peoria, III. Lick Creek, Sanffamon, 111. Killbuck, Oqle, 111. Lick Creek, Rails, Mo. Kinderhook, Pike, 111. Licking, Texas, Mo. Kingsbury, Whitesides, 111. Lillecash, Will, 111. King's Mills, Kane, 111. Lima, Adams, 111. King's Mills, Montgomery, Mo. Limestone, Iroquois, III. King's Point, Dade, Mo. Linden, Atchison, Mo. Kingston, De Kalb, 111. Lindenwood, Ogle, 111. Kingston, CaldweU, Mo. Line, De Kalb, 111. Kingston Mines, Peoria, III. Linn, Osage, Mo. Kinkead, St. Francois, Mo. Linneus, Linn, Mo. Kirksville, Adair, Mo. Lisbon, Kendall, 111. Kishwaukee, Winnebago, 111. Littleby, Audra'.n, Mo. Knob Noster, Johnson, Mo. Little Comptou, Carroll, Mo. Knoxville, Knox, 111. Little Detroit, Tazewell, 111. Kuoxville, Ray, Mo. Little Loutre, Montgomery, Mo. Kossuth, Boone, 111. Little Muddy, Franklin, III. Kossuth, Clark, Mo. Little Osage, Bates, Mo. Kyte River, Oqle, III. Little Pinney, Pulaski, Mo. Lacey, I>e Kalb, 111. Little Prairie, Crawford, Mo. La Claire, De Kalb, 111. Little Rock, Kendall, in. Lacon, Marshall, 111. Littleton, Schuyler, 111. Lafayette, Starke, 111. Little York, Warren, 111. La Grange, Lewis, Mo. Littsville, Nodaway, Mo. La Grange Bluff, Browne, 111. Liverpool, Fulton, HI. La Harpe, Hancock, 111. Livingston, Clark, HI. Lake Creek, Pettis, Mo. Lockport, Will, 111. Lake Zurich, Lake, 111. Locust Grove, Williamson, III. Lamar, Lake, 111. Locust Spring, Macoupin, HI. Lamar, Jasper, Mo. Lodi, Clark, 111. Lamb's Point, Madison, 111. Logan, Edgar, 111. Lamburg, Iroquois, 111. Logan, Laclede, Mo. La Mine, Cooper, Mo. Logan's Creek, Reynolds, Mo. Lamoile, Bureau, 111. London City, Fayette, 111. Lancaster, Cass, 111. Lone Jack, Jackson, Mo. Lancaster, Schuyler, Mo. Long Branch, Monroe, Mo. Lane's Cross Roads ,Hamilton, 111. Long Grove, Lake, III. Lane's Prairie, Osage, Mo. Long John, Will, 111. Laona, Wmnebacto, III. Long Lane, Dallas, Mo. Larkinsburg, Clay, 111. Long Point, Livingston, 111. La Salle, La ' Salle, III. Long Point Grove, Cumberland, III. Lawu Ridge, Marshall, 111. Looking Glass, Clinton, 111. Lawrenceville, Laurence, III. Lookout, Cole, Mo. Lebanon, Laclede, Mo. Loose Creek, Osage, Mo. Lebanon, St. Clair, 111. Lost Creek, Lincoln, Mo. Lee, Ogle, III. Lost Grove, De Kalb, 111. Lee Centre, Lee, 111. Lost Village, Pcmiscot, Mo. Leepertown, Bureau, III. Louisa, Stephenson, 111. Leesville, Boone, 111. Louisiana, Pike, Mo. Leraont, Cook, 111. Louisville, Clay, 111. Lena, Stephenson, 111. Louisville, Lincoln, Mo. Lentzburg, St. Clair, 111. Loutre Island, Warren, Mo. Le Roy, McLean, 111. Lovington, Mo ul 'trie, III. Lessly, Benton, Mo. Lowell, La Salle, III. Lesterville, Reynolds, Mo. Lowell, Holt, Mo. Letcherville, Greene, 111. Lowndes, Wayne, Mo. Lewistown, Fultm, 111. Low Point, Woodford, 111. LIST OF POST OFFICES. 421 PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COUNTT. 8TATB. Lucas, Henry, Mo. Mendota, La Salle. Ill Lyndon, Whitesides, 111. Merona, McHenry, 111. Lynville, Morgan, 111. Metamora, Woodford, 111. Lyons, Cook, 111. Metropolis City, Massac, 11L Lyonsville, Cook, 111. Mexico, Audrain, Mo. Lytlesville, McLean, Mo. Miami, Saline, Mo. McConnell's Grove, Stephenwn, 111. Middleburgh, Boone, Mo. Me Gary, Hancock, III. Middleburg, Mercer, Mo. McHenry, McHenry, III. Middle Fabies, Scotland, Me. McLean sborough, Hamilton, III. Middle Fork, Macon, Mo. Mackinaw, Tazewell, III. Middle Grove, Monroe, Mo. Macorab, McDonough, 111. Middle Grove, Fulton, ///. Madison, Monroe, Mo. Middle Port, Iroquois, ///. Madisonville, Rolls, Mo. Middletown, Logan, ///. Magnolia, Putnam, III. Middletown, Montgomery, Mo. Magnolia, De Kalb, Mo. Midway, Fulton, ni. Mahomet, Champaign, III. Midway, Cooper, Mo. Maine, Cook, 111. Mier, Wabash, III. Maineville, Cook, III. Milan, Sullivan, Mo. Malugin Grove, Jjte, III. Milford, Iroquois, III. Manchester, Scott, III. Milburo, Lake, 111. Manchester, St. Louis, Mo. Mill Creek, Ripley, Mo. Manlius, Carroll, Mo. Mill Dam, Madison, Mo. Mansfield, Kendall, III. Milledgeville, Carroll, III. Maquon, Knox, III. Millersburg, Mercer, 1U. Maradosia, Morgan, III. Millersburg, Callaway, Mo. Maramec, Crawford, Mo. Mill's Prairie, Edwards, in. Marcelliue, Adams, III. Millstadt, St. Glair, in. Marcy, franklin, III. Millville, Jo Davicss, 111. Marengo, McHenry, 111. Millville, Ray, Mo. Margaretta, Clark, III. Millwood, Lincoln, Mo. Marietta, Fulton, III. Milo, Bureau, 111. Marine, Madison, III. Milton, Pike, 111. Marion, Williamson, III. Milton, Randolph, Mo. Marion, Cole, Mo. Mineing, Morgan, Mo. Marion City, Marion, Mo. Mine La Motto, Madison, Mo. Marissa, St. Glair, 111. Minooki, Grundy, 1U. Marseilles, La Salle, 111. Mirabile, Galdwell, Mo. Marshall, Clark, III. Mission Point, La Salle, 111. Marshall, Saline, Mo. Missouriton, St. Charles, Mo. Martha Furnace, Hardin, 111. Mockville, Cass, Mo. Marthasville, Warren, Mo. Mokena, Will, 1U. Marti nsburg, Pike, III. Moline, Rock Island, 111. Martinsburg, Ripley, Mo Moraence, W'tll, lit. Martinsville, Clark, 1U. Monagan, St. Glair, Mo. Marvel, Bates, Mo. Monee, Will, III. Maryville, Nodaway, Mo. Money Creek, McLean, 10. Mascoutah, St. Glair, III. Monmonth, Warren, 111. Mattese, St. Louis, Mo. Montaulk, Dent, Mo. Maulding's Mills, Wayne, 111. Monterey, Calhoun, III. Mavais, Osage, Mo. Montezuma, Pike, I1L May Hill, Lee, 111. Montgomery, Kane, 111. Maysville, Clay, Ill Monticello, Piatt, ILL Maysville, De Kalb, Mo- Monticello, Lewis, Mo. Mazon, Grundy, III. Monument, Pike, III. Measjher, Bureau, III. Moore's Prairie, Jefferson, 111. Mechanicsburg, Sangamon, III. Morlan's Grove, Wayne, lit. Mechaniesburg, Macon, Mo. Morris, Grundy, ia. Medina, Winnebago, 111. Morristown, Henry, in. Meeker, Washington, Mo. Morristown, Cass, Mo. Melrose, Clark, III. Morton, Tazewell, 111. Melville, Dade, Mo. Moss, La Faycttc, Mo. Memphis, Scotland, Mo. Moultonville, Madison, 1U, Msudon, Adams, III. Mount Airy, Randolph, Mo. 422 LIST OF POST OFFICES. PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COD NTT. STATE . Mount Auburn, Christian, 111. New Milford, Winncbago, 111. Mount Carmel, Wabash, 111. New Plato, Kane, 111. Mount Carmel, Cooper, Mo. Newport, Franklin, Mo. Mount Carroll, Carroll, til. Newport, Lake, III. Mount Hawkins, Perry, HI. Newport, Franklin, Mo. Mount Hawley, Peoria, III. New Portland, Rails, Mo. Mount Hope, Lafayette, Mo. News, Calhoun, 111. Mount Hope, McLean, III. New Salem, Pike, 111. Mount Kingstgn, Montgomery, III. New Santa Fee, Jackson, Mo, Mount Langum, Iroquois, Hi. Newton, Jasper, 111. Mount Liberty, Marion, 111. Newtown, Putnam, Mo. Mount Morris, Ogle, 111. New Trier, Cook, 111. Mount Olive, Macoupin, 111. New Virgil, Kane, 111. Mount Palatine, Putnam, 111. Ney, De Kalb, 1U. Mount Pleasant, Union, 111. Night's Prairie, Hamilton, Ill Mount Prospect, Whitesidcs, 111. Niles, Cook, 111. Mount Pulaski, Sangamon, III. Nine Mile Prairie, Perry, in. Mount Sterling, / Brown, III. Ninevah, Adair, Mo. Mount Sterling, Gasconade, Mo. Noble, Richland, 111. Mount Sumner, Jo Daviess, 111. Nodaway, Andrew, Mo. Mount Vernon, Jefferson, 111. No Grove, La Salic, III. Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Mo. Nora, Jo Daviess, 111. Mount View, Benton, Mo. Norris Fork, Henry, Mo. Moweaqua, Shelby, III. Northfield, Cook, III. Mud Creek, St. Glair, III. North Fork, VcrmiUion, III. Muddy Lane, McDonough, III. North Fork, Ozark, Mo. Mulberry Grove, Bond, III. North Hampton, Peoria, III. Munger's Mills, Shannon, Mo. North Henderson, Mercer, III. Murphysborough, Jack son, III. North Kingston, De Kalb, III. Myer's Mills, Yermillion, 111. North Prairie, Knox, III. Naausay, Kendall, 111. Northville, La Salic, III. Naperville, Du Page, 111. Norway, La SaUe, III. Naples, Scott, III. Noyesville, Cook, III. Narrows, Nodaway, Mo. Oakdalo, Shelby, Mo. Nashua, Ogle, 111. Oakfield, Franklin, Mo. Nashville, Washington, III. Oak Grove, Jackson, Mo. Nauvoo, Hancock, 111. Oak Hill, Lake, 111. Naylor's Store, St. Charles, Mo. Oakland, Coles, Ill Neasho, Newton, Mo. Oakland, Laclede, Mo. Nevada, Grundy, Mo. Oakley, Macon, 111. Newark, Kendall, III. Oakley, Lewis, Mo. Newark, Knox, Mo. Oak Ridge, Cape Girardcau, Mo. Newbern, Jersey, III. Oblong, Crawford, 111. New Bloorafield, CaUaway, Mo. Ogden, New Madrid, Mo. New Boston, Mercer, III. Ogle, Ogle, 111. New Bremen, Cook, III. Ohio, Bureau, 111. Newburg, Macon, Mo. Ohio Farm, Kendall, 111. New Castle, Gentry, Mo. Ohio Grove, De. Kalb, 1U. New Erin, Stephenson, 111. Okaw, Washington, 111. New Franklin, Wayne, 111. Old Alexandria, Lincoln, Mo. New Germany, Franklin, Mo. Old Farm, Lawrence, 111. New Hartford, Pike, 111. Old Franklin, Howard, Mo. New Haven, Gallatin, 111. Old Mines, Washington, Mo. New Hebron, Crawford, 111. Old Ripley, Bond, 111. New Hope, Lincoln, Mo. Olena, Henderson, HL Naw Hope, Wabash, III. Olive, Lawrence, 111. New Lancaster, Warren, 111. Oliver's Prairie, Newton, Mo. New Lebanon, De Kalb, 111. Olney, Richland, III. New Liberty, Pope, 111. Oueco, Stephenson, III. New London, Rolls, Mo. Ontario, Knox, HI. New Madrid, C. H. New Madrid, Mo. Ophir, La Salle, 111. New Market, Platte, Mo. Oquawka, Henderson, 111. New Maysville, Pike, III. Oraugeville, Stephenson, Hi. New Michigan, Livingston, 111. LIST OF POST OFFICES. 423 PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COUNTY. STATK. Oregon, Holt, Mo. Peru, Lasall', 111. Oregon, Ogle, 111. PetersburgL, Mcnard, 111. Orion, Henry, III. Petra, Saline, Mo. Orland, Cook, III. Philadelphia, Marion, Mo. Orleans, Polk, Mo. Phillipstown, White, HI. Orleans, Morgan, 111. Pisa, Macoupin, HI. Osage, Crawford, Mo. Picayune, Warren, III. Osceola, St. Clatr, Mo. Pierce, Will, III. Osceola, Starke, III. Pierceville, DC Kdb, III. Ostend, McHenry, III. Pigeon Creek, Rails, Mo, Oswego, Kendall, III. Pike Creek, Ripley, Mo. Otsego, Lake, III. Piketon, Stoddard, Mo. Otsego, Ray, Mo. Pilot, VcrmUlion, 111. Ottawa, La Salle, III. Pilot Grove, Hancock, in. Otter Creek, Jersey, 111. Pilot Grove, Cooper, Mo. Otter Creek, Wayne, Mo. Pilot Hill, Mason, III. Otterville, Cooper, Mo. Pinckney, Warren, Mo. Otto, Fulton, III. Pinckneysville, Perry, 111. Ovid, Lee, III. Pine Creek, Ogle, 111. Oxbow, Putnam, III. Pineville, McDonald, Mo. Oxford, Henry f 111. Pingree Grove, Kane, 111. Ozark, Greene, Mo. Pinney's Grove, Ray, Mo. Paddock's Grove, Madison, III. Pioneer, Greene, 111. Padua, McLean, III. Pisgah, Cooper, Mo. Paine's Point, Ogle, III. Pittsburgh, Hickory, Mo. Palatine, Cook, 111. Pittsfield, Pike, III. Palestine, Crawford, III. Plainfield, Will, 111. Palmyra, Marion, Mo. Plain View, Macoupin, III. Palo Alto, Hamilton, III. Piano, Kendall, in. Palos, Cook, III. Plato, Iroquois, in. Panola Station, McLean, III. Platte City, Platte, Mo. Panther Creek, Cass, III. Platte River, Buchanan, Mo. Papinsviile, Bates, Mo. Plattsburg, Clinton, Mo. Paradise, Coles, 111. Plattville, Kendall, III. Paris, Edgar, 111. Pleasant Gap, Bates, Mo. Paris, Monroe, Mo. Pleasant Green, Cooper, Mo. Parkersburg, Richland, III. Pleasant Hill, Pike, 111. Parkio, Holt, Mo. Pleasant Hill, Cass, Mo. Park vi lie, Platte, Mo. Pleasant Hope, Polk, Mo. Pasco, Dallas, Mo. Pleasant Mount, Miller, Mo. Paton, Bollinger, Mo. Pleasant Park, Carroll, Mo. Patterson, Wayne, Mo. Pleasant Plains, Saiiqamon, III. Pattonsburg, Daviess, Mo. Pleasant Plains, Scott, Mo. Pavillion, Kendall, 111. Pleasant Prairie, Greene, Mo. Pawpaw Grove, I*ee, 111. Pleasant Retreat, Scotland, Mo. Paydown, Osage, Mo. Pleasant Ridge, Rock Island, 111. Paynesville, Pike, Mo. Pleasant Shade, Franklin, III. Pay son, Adams, 111. Pleasant Vale, Pike, 111. Pecatonica, Winnebago, 111. Pleasant Valley, Jo Daviess, 111. Pekin, Tazewell, III. Pleasant Valley, Wright, Mo. Pekin, Scotland, Mo. Pleasant View, Schuyler, 111. Peufield, Kane, III. Plum, Cook, 111. Penney's, Randolph, Mo. Plum Creek, Clinton, Mo. Pennsylvania, Rock Island, 111. Plum Grove, Cass, M. Penny's Ferry, Henry, 111. Plum Hill, Washington, III. Peoples, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Plum River, Jo Daviess, III. Peoria, C. H. Peoria, 111. Plymouth, Hancock, 111. Peoriaville, Peoria, 111. Pocahontas, Bond, 111. Perkins' Creek, Bollinger, Mo. Point Pleasant, New Madrid. Mo. Perkins' Grove, Bureau, 111. Point Pleasant, Champaign, 111. Perry, Pike, III. Pomona, St. Charles, Mo. Perry ton. Mercer, III. Pond Creek, Greene, Mo. Perryville, Perry, Mo. Ponotiac, Livingston, III. Persifer, Knox, 111. Pontoosac, Hancock, 111. 424 LIST OF POST OFFICES. PLACE. COUNTT. STATE PLACK. JOTUfTT. BTATK ' Pope's Creek, Mercer, /// Ridge Farm, Vermillion, Ill- Poplar Bluff, Sutler, No. Ridgley, Madison, Ill- Poplar Grove, Boone, III. Ridgeley, Platte, Mo Port Byron, Rock Island, III. Ridge Prairie, Saline, Mo. Port Clinton, Lake, III. Ridge ville, Cook, III. Portland, Whitesides, III. Ridotts, Stephenson, III. Portland, Callaway, Mo. Riley, McHenry, III. Port Perry, Perry, Mo. Ringgold, Cook, III. Port William, Franklin, Mo. Ringgold, Platte, Mo. Postoak, Johnson, Mo. Ringwood, McHenry, III. Postville, Logan, III. Rinosa, Iroquoix, III. Potosi, Washington, Mo. Rio, Vermillion, 1U. Pottersville, Oregon, Mo. Ripley, Brown, III. Prairie, Henry, III. Risdon, St. Glair, III. Prairie Creek, Logan, III. Rising Sun, Macoupin, Ill Prairie Bird, Shelby, III. Roanoke, Randolph, Mo. Prairie Du Long, St. Glair, III. Robin's Nest, Peoria, III. Prairie du Rocher, Randolph, III. Robinson's, Crawford, ia. Prairie Field, Rock Island, III. Robinson's Mills, Menard, in. Prairie Fork, Montgomery, Jfo. Rocheport, Boone, Mo. Prairie Mound, Pike, Mo. Rochester, Sanqamon, 1U. Prairieville, Pike, Mo. Rochester, Andrew, Mo. Preemption, Mercer, . III. Rochester Mills, Wabash, 111. Preston, Randolph, III. Rock, Pope, 111. Princeton, Bureau, III. Rockbridge, Greene, 111. Princeton, Mercer, Mo. Rockbridge, Ozark, Mo. Princeville, Peoria, III. Rock Creek, Carroll, III. Prophetstown, Whitesides, III. Rockford, Winncbago, III. Prospect Grove, Scotland, Mo. Rock Grove, Stephenson, 111. Prospect Hill, Ray, Mo. Rock Hill, St. Louis, Mo. Providence, Jtoone, Mo. Rockhouse Prairie, Buchanan, Mo. Providence, Bureau, III. Rock Island C. H., Rock Island, III. Proviso, Cook, III. Rockport, Pike, 111. Pulaski, Hancock, III. Rock Prairie, Dade, Mo. Quincy, Adams, III. Rock Quarry, Pope, III. Quincy, Hickory, Mo. Rock Run, Stephenson, 111. Quiver, Mason, III. Rock Spring, St. Clair, 111. Racoon, Marion, III. Rockton, Winnebago, 111. Raleigh, Saline, III. Rock ville, Will, 111. Randolph's Grove, McLean, III. Rocky Mount, Miller, Mo. Ra'neysburgh, Washington, III. Rocky Run, Hancock, 111. Rattlesnake, White, * III. Rockton, Winnebago, 111. Reading, Livingston, III. Roland, White, 111. Rector, Hamilton, III. Rome, Jefferson, III. Red Bud, Randolph, III. Romeo, McHenry, III. Red Bud, Ozark, Mo. Rook's Creek, Livingston, m. Reed's Grove, Will, III. Roscoe, Winnebago, in. Reform, Callaway, Mo. Roscoe, Henry, Mo. Reindeer, Nodau'ay, Mo. Rose Hill, Jasper. III. Relfe, Pulaski, Mo. Rose ville, Warren, III. Renault, Monroe, III. Rose Clare, Hardin, III. Republican, Cole*, in. Ross Grove, De Kalb, III. Rhineland, Montgomery, Mo. Roubidoux, Texas, Mo. Rhoads' Point, Macoupin, III. Rough and Ready, Hancock, III. Richardson, Vermillion, III. Round Grove, Carroll, Mo. Richfield, Adams, I/I. Round Hill, Cooper, Mo. Richland, Sangamon. in. Round Prairie, Dallas, Mo. Richland, Greene, Mo. Ruark, Lawrence, 111. Richland Grove, Mercer, III. Rucker's Prairie, Franklin, Mo. Richmond, McHenry, III. Ruma, Randolph, III. Richmond, Ray, Mo. Rural, Jasper, Mo. Richview, Washington, III. Rural Retreat, Coles, 111. Richville, Cook, III. Rush, Jo Daviess, ia. Richwoods, Washington, Mo. Rushaway, Menard, III. LIST OF POST OFFICES. PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. Rush Bottom, Holt, Mo. Seward's Point, Montgomery, III. Rush Tower, Jefferson, Mo. Sexton's, Boone, Mo. Rushville, Schuyler, 111. Shabbonas Grove, DeKalb, III. Rushville, Buchanan, Mo. Shady Grove, Dallas, Mo. Russellville, Lawrence, 111. Shamrock, Callaway, Mo. Russellville, Cole, Mo. Sharon, Whitesides, III. Ruthsville, Montgomery, 111. Sharpsburg, S/larion, Mo Rutland, Kane, 111. Shaumburg, Cook, III. Rutledge, McDonald, Mo. Shawneetown, Gallatin, III. St. Albans, Hancock, III. Shaw's Point, Macoupin, III. St. Aubert, Callaway, Mo. Sheffield, Bureau, 111. St. Augustine, , Fulton, III. Shelburn, Lee. III. St. Bernard, Clay. Mo. Shelbyville, Shelby, in. St Charles, Kane, III. Shelbyville, Shelby, Mo. St. Charles, St. Charles, Mo. Sheldon's Grove, Schuyler, III. St. Francisville, Lawrence, III. Sherburnville, Will, III. St. Francisville, Clark, Mo. Shipman, Macoupin, III. Ste. Genevieve, Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Shirleyville, Montgomery, III. Ste. Helen, Cedar, Mo. Shoal Creek, Newton, Mo. St. Jacob, Madison, 111. Shokokon, Henderson, III. St. John, Dodge, Mo. Short Bend, Dent, Mo. St. Joseph, Buchanan, Mo. Shypost, Audrain, Mo. St. Joseph's, Champaign, 111. Sibley, Jackson, Mo. St. Leger, Ozark, Mo. Silver Creek, Stephenson, 111. St. Louis C. H. St. Louis, Mo. Silver Springs, St. Francois, Mo. St. Luke, Dallas, Mo. Slack Water, Stark, 111. Ste. Marie, Jaspar, III. Smithland, Randolph, Mo. St. Mark, Green, Mo. Smith ton, St. Clair, III. Ste. Marv, Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Smithville, Clay, Mo. St. Mary's, Hancock, 111. Suibar, La Fayctte, Mo. St. Oraer, Coles, III. Sodom, Champaign, IK. St. Paul, Greene, Mo. Solon Mills, McHenry, III. Sacramento, Wright, Mo. Somerset, Saline, III. Sacton, Clark, III. Somerset, Monroe, Mo. Sagone, Dupage, III. Somonauk, DeKalb, III. Salem, Marion, III. Somonauk Depot, DeKalb, 111. Saline, Rails, Mo. South America, Saline, 111. Saline Mines, Gallatin, III. Southampton, Peoria, 111. Salisbury, Sangamon, III. South Grove, DeKalb, III. Salt River, Audrain, Mo. Southhampton, Gallatin, III. Salmon's Point, Iroquois, III. South Northfield, Cook, III. Sandcreek, Shelby, III. South Port, Peoria, III. Sand Hill, Scotland, Mo. Spanish Prairie, Crawford, Mo. Sandwich, DeKalb, III. Sparta, Randolph, 111. Sandy, Morgan, m. Sparta, Buchanan, Mo. Sandy Ridge, Gruncly, ui. Spava, Fulton, III. Santa Anna, DeWitt, m. Spencer burg, Pike, Mo. Santa Fee, Alexander, in. Spring Bay, Woodford, III. Sappingtown, St Louis, Mo. Spring Creek, McDonough, III. Sarahsville, franklin, in. Springfield, Sangamon, 11. Sarcoxie, Jasper, Mo. Springfield, Greene, Mo. Sassafras Hill, Washington, 111. Spring Fork, Pettis, Mo. Savanna, Carroll, 111. Spring Garden, Jefferson, III. Savannah, Andrew, Mo. Spring Grove, Warren, III. Scott, La Salle, 111. Spring Hill, Whitesides, III. Scottsville, Sullivan, Mo. Spring Hill, Livingston, Mo. Scottville, Macoupin, III. Spring River, Lawrence, Mo. Selfridgeville, Will, 111. Spring Valley, Carroll, III. Selma, McLean, III. Springville, Coles, 11. Selma, Jefferson, Mo. Spruce, Bates, Mo. Senex, McLean, III. Squaw Grove, DeKalb, III. Sentinel, Andrew, Mo. Stall's Creek, Lawrence, Mo. Sentinel Prairie, Polk, Mo. Stanford, Texas, Mo. Serena, La Salle, 111. Starfield, Peoria, III. -426 LIST OF POST OFFICES. PLACE. COUNT V. STATE. PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. Stauuton, Macoupin, 111. Truro, Knox, 111. Steele's Mills, Randilph, 111. Truxton, Bureau, III. Steelsville, Crawford, Mo. Tully, Lewis, M. Sterling, Whiiesides, III. Turkey Creek, JSenton, Mo. Steuben, Marshall, III. Turnback, Dade, Mo. Stockton, Daviess, III. Tuscumbia, Miller, Mo. Stone Coal, Shelby, III. Tvler, Winnebago, III. Stonington, Christian, III. Uba, Piatt, III. Stony Point, Jackson, Mo. Udina, Kane, III. Story, Ogle, III. Union, Franklin, Mo. Stout's Grove, McLean, III. Union, McHcnry, 111. Strasburgh. Cook, III. Union Grove, Whitesides, III. Stringtown, RicMand, III. Union Point, Union, 111. Stringtown, Cole, Mo. Uniontowu, Knox, III. Sugar Creek, Williamson, III. Unity, Alexander, III. Sugar Grove, Kane, III. Upper Alton, Madison, 111. Sullivan, Moidtrie, 111. Upper Embarrass, Coles, III. Sulphur Springs, Williamson, III. Urbana, Champaign, III. Sulphur Springs, Jefferson, Mo. Urbana, Hickory, Mo. Summerville, Boone, Mo. Urbane, Jackson, 111. Summit, Cook, III. Urn, Knox, III. Sunbeam, Mercer, III. Ursa, A Jam*, III. Sunberry, Livingston, III. Urtick, Whitnsidts, III. Button's Point, Clay, III. Utah, Warren, III. Swan Creek, Warren, III. Utica, Livingston, Mo. Sweet Home, Nodaway, Mo. Utica, JM Salle, III. Sweet Water, Menard, III. Valley, Stark, III. S win ton, Kane, HI. Valley Forge, Jasper, Mo. Sycamore, De Kalb, HI. Valley Forge, Pulaski, III. Sylvan Dale, Hancock. III. Valley Prairie, Barry, Mo. Table Grove, Fulton, III. Van Buren, RipJey, Mo. Tabo, La Fayctte, Mo. Van Buren, De Kalb, III. Taos, Cole, Mo. Vanceborough, Winnebago, III. Tarkio, Holt, Mo. Vandalia, Fai/ette, III. Taylor, Ogle, III. Vannoy's Mills, Pike, Mo. Taylorsville, Christian, III. Venice, Madison, 111. Taylorsville, Andrew, Mo. Vergennes, Jackson, III. Tebo, Henry, Mo. Vertnillionville, Le Salle, III. Ten Mile, Macon, Mo. Vermont, Ftdton, III. Tentopolis, Effingham, III. Vermont, Cooper, Mo. Texas, Randolph, 111. Vernon, Crawford, III. Thatcher, Jo Daviess, 111. Versailles, Brown, 111. Thebes, Alexander, III. Versailles, Morgan, Mo. Thomasville, Oregon, Mo. Victoria, Knox, III. Thornton, Cook, III. Victoria, Daviess, Mo. Thornton Station, Cook, III. Vienna, Johnson, III. Timber, Peoria, III. Vietta, Grundy, III. Timbered Branch, Adair, III. Vinegar Hill, Jo Daviess, III. Time, Pike, 111. Virden, Macoupin, III. Tinney's Grove, Ray, Mo. Virgil, Fulton, III. Tiskilwa, Bureau, III. Virginia, Cass, 111. Toledo, Union, 111. Virginia Mines, Franklin, Mo. Toluca, Madison., III. Wabash, Wayne, in. Tonica Station, La Salle, 111. Wabash Valley, Clark, in. Toulon, Starke, III. Waddam's Grove, Stephenson, 1U. Towerton, Cumberland, III. Waldo, Wright, Mo. Traveller's Repose, Franklin, Mo. Wales, Ogle, 111. Tremont, Tazewell, III. Walker's Grove, Fulton, 111. Trenton, Grundy, Mo. Walker's Neck, Brown, in. Trivoli, Peoria, III. Walkersville, Shelby, Mo. Troy, Madison, III. Wallingford, Will, 111. Troy, Lincoln, Mo. Walnut Forest, Greene, Mo. Troy Grove, La Salle, III. Walnut Grove, Knox, 111. Troy Mills, Fulton, III. Walnut Grove, Oreent, Mo. LIST OF POST OFFICES. 427 PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. 1 PLACE. COUNTY. STATE. Walnut Hill, Buchanan, Mo. Wheeling. Cook, 111. Walnut Hill, Marion, III. Whitefield, Marshall, 111. Waltersville, Adair, Mo. Whitehall, Greene, 111. Waltham, La Salle, III. White Hare, Cedar, Mo Waltenham, St. Louis, Mo. White Oak Grove, Greene, Mo. Wauconda, Lake, III. White Oak Springs, Brown, III. Ward's Grove, Jo Daviess, 111. White Rock, Ogle, III. Warm Fork, Oregon, Mo. Whitesville, Andrew, Mo. Warren, Marion, Mo. White Water, Cape Girardcau, Mo. Warren, Jo Daviess, III. Whitley's Point, Moultrie, 111. Warrensburg, Johnson, Mo. Wilkesborough, McLean, III. Warrensville, Du Page, III. Williamsburg, Callaway, Mo. Warrentou, Warren, Mo. Williamsburg, DeKalb, 111. Warrentown, Lake, III. Williamsonville, Macon, Mo. Warsaw, Hancock, III. Willow Creek, Lee, III. Warsaw, Benton, Mo. Willow Hill, Jasper, III. Washbourn Prairie, Barry, Mo. Willow Springs, Cook, III. Washburn, Marshall, III. Wilmington, Will, III. Washington, Tazewell, III. Wilmot, Boone, III. Washi ngton, Franklin, Mo. Winnebago, Bureau, III. Waterloo, Monroe, III. Winchester, Scott, III. Waterloo, Clarke, Mo. Winchester, Clark, Mo. Wauconda, Lake, III. Windmill, Montieatif Mo. Waukegan, Lake, III. Windsor, Henry, Mo. Waverly, Morgan, III. Winfield, Du Page, III. Waverly Station, La Salle, 111. Winslow, Stephenson, III. Wayland, Schuyler, III. Winsor City, Carroll, III. Wayne, Du Page, III. Winston, Dent, Mo. Wayne Centre, Du Page, III. Winthrop, Kane, III. Waynesville, De Witt, III. Wiseman's, Boone, Mo. Waynesville, Pulaski, Mo. Wolf Island, Mississippi, Mo. Weaubleu, St. Glair, Mo. Woodburn, Macoupin, III. Webb's Prairie, Franklin, III. Woodbury, Cumberland, III. Webster, Hancock, III. Woodbury, Wrigttt, Mo. Webster, Oregon, Mo. Woodford, Clay, Mo. Wellington, Lafayette, Mo. Woodland, Schuyler, III. Wellington, Lake, III. Woodlawn, Jtfonroc, Mo. Wellsburgh, St. Charles, Mo. Woodsborough, Montgomery, III. Wenona Station, Marshall, III. Woodstock, McHenry, III. Wentworth, Lake, III. Woodville, Adams, III. Wesley City,' TazeweU, III. Woodville, Macon, Mo. West Bend, Polk, Mo. Woolam, Gasconade, Mo. West Burlington, Kane, III. Worth, Cook, III. West Ely, Marion, Mo. Worthington, Jackson, 1U. Western Saratoga, Union, III. Wyaconda, Scotland, Mo. Westfield, Clarke, III. Wyandott, Linn, Mo. West Glaize, Camden, Mo. Wyoming, Starke, III. West Hebron, McHenry, III. Wyreka, Putnam, Mo. West Jersey, Starke, III. Wythe, Hancock, III. West Locust, Sullivan, Mo. Xenia, Clay, III. Westminster, SMby, III. Yale, Jasper, III. West Northfield, Cook, m. Yankee Hill, Menard, III. Weston, Jo Daviess, in Yellow Creek, Chariton, Mo. Weston, Platte, Mo. Yellow Creek, Stephenson, III. Westphalia, Osage, Mo. Yellow Head Grove, Will, III. West Plains, Oregon, Mo. York, Crawford, in. West Point, Cass, Mo. York Center, Du Page, i//. West Port, Jackson, Mo. Yorktown, Bureau, in. West Prairie, Stoddard, Mo. Young, McDonowgh, in. West Springfield, Shelby, Mo. Youngers, Boone, Mo. West Wheeling, Rotk, III. Yuba, Hancock, III. West Wood, Woodford, HI. Zabriski, De Witt, III. Wetherfield, Henry, III. ZanesviUe, Montgomery, III. Wheatland, Will, III. Zero, Jasper, III. Wheaton, Du Page, III. Zion, Morgan, Itl. MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORS 429 HENRY P. SHERBURNE, No, 36 Market Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Agent for EDWARD BAACK, New York, for the sale of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Wholesale at New York prices, Retail at less than can be bought West of the Mountains. BILLIARD & TEN PIN BALLS By Light & Newton, H. Worcester, Hall & Son, and Grow and Chris- topher, of New York. By Geo. A. Prince & Co. Buffalo, and Alexander it Fils, Paris, France. ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED. 430 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. W. WAKELAM W. A. IUCHO. WAKELAM & IUCHO, PUBLISHERS AND IMPORTERS OF DEALERS IN MELO-PEANS, GUITARS AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Fourth Street, Corner of locust, St, Louis, Mo, All orders by mail or otherwise, will be attended to with the same care and punc- tuality as if the parties were present. Music sent by mail. AND SAW MILL. SASH, DOOR, BLIND, MOULDING, AND CORNER OFOTALLON AND THIRTEENTH STREETS, Office, South side of Olive Street, between Fourth and Fifth, , :EUECX "We have always on hand, Flooring of the various qualities, both White and Yellow Pine ; Shelving, Sheathing, and every description of Dressed Lumber, for Carpenters' immediate use. Are also prepared to plane, Split and Rib Lumber, at short notice. J^fSash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and Boxes, warranted of the best material and workmanship. Also, Door and Window Frames, on hand or made to order. WADE, STILLE & CO. MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY Dr. FLORENCE M. CORNYN, No. 141 Market Street, Betiveen Fifth and Sixth Streets, g'g' o g AC. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK fSJT* A T'T^^&TVT'Fi'F* ~V, cfcC?. &3d7. No. 30 Chestnut Street, First Door above Second, J. BRUCE THOMPSON, 3 s TAYLOR BUILDINGS, No. 31 Third St., North side, between Pine and Chestnut, JSt, ST. LOUIS PRICE-CUREENT EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, In the Exchange Building, cor. of Olive and Main Sts. 432 MISSOURI STATE DIRECTORY. REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE GENERAL COLLECTING AND RAYMOND, FREEMAN & Co. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, D. C. FREEMAN, N. C. RAYMOND. G-. R. FREEMAN. iusfti City Teas, Homes in Texas and Safe Investments obtained through this Agency. Fidelity to the interests of non-residents. A thorough and intimate knowledge of the country, of Land Titles, &c., insures superior locations. Some leading items and useful hints may always "be had at this Agency by strangers looking at the country APPENDIX. CONTAINING A CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS Also, Advertisements, &a, &c. Accountants. Douglass, B. Chestnut, Buckner, Aylett H. south side Chestnut, bt. Main and Second. Burke, P. E. 39 Chestnut. Burke & Glover, 39 Chestnut. Burton, Wm. D. north west cor. Chestnut and Third. Carroll, Charles C. south side Chestnut, bt. Mail) and Second. Casselberry, Evans, north side Pine, bt. Second and Third. Chester, Thomas C. Cline, George W. 82) Chestnut. Cline & Thompson, S'2% Chestnut. Clover, Henry A. north west cor. Third and Chestnut. Cobb, Henry, 75 Chestnut. Colman, C. D. south west cor. Chestnut and Second. Colman, N. J. south west cor. Chestnut Second. Comfort, James H. 77 Chestnut. Comfort & Manter, 77 Chestnut. Conyngham, J. B. 39 Chestnut. Cooke, William M. 29 Chestnut. Cooke, Littleton, 10 Pine. Darby, John F. 71 Pine. Dayton, Benjamin B. 34 Pine. Dedman, Henry N. south side Vine, bt. Second and Third. Delafield, J. 55 Chestnut. Delafield ^ Chestnut. Grover, William N. 17 Locust. Grover & Hill, 17 Locust. Gwathmey, J. B. Post Office building, cor. Chestnut and Second. Haight, F. M. cor. Olive and Main. Haight & Shepley, cor. Olive aud Maiu. "Hamilton, Alexander. Harding, Chester, jr. north side Olive, bt. Main and Second. Haruey, Thomas, 43 Pine. Haren, Edward, 30 South Fourth. Haren & Matthias, 30 South Fourth. Hart, Henry N. south east cor. Chestnut and Pine. Hart & Jecko, south east cor. Chestnut and Pine. Haven, Charles H. north east cor. Cnest- nut and Third. Hening, Robert, 11 North Fourth. Hening, J. H. north side Chestnut, bt, Sec- ond and Third. Hickman, Benjamin F. 38 North Main. Hill.Brittain A. 17 Locust. Hill, David W. 17 Locust. Hill, Grover ct Hill, 17 Locust, Hitchcock, Henry, north west cor. Olive and Main. *Hockaday, P. B. Holmes, Nathaniel, 45 Chestnut. Holmes, Samuel A. 36^ Chestnut, Hudson, Thomas B. 7 i;f Chestnut. Hudson & Thomas, 7}X Chestnut. "Hughes, James M. Hungerford, George W. 73 Pine. "Hurst, William H. Jaeger, Anthony T. south side Chestnut, bt. Main and Second. *Jaeger, J. F. Jamison, W. C. 5] } Chestnut. 438 ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys Continued. Jecko, Joseph, south east cor. Chestnut Pine. Jenkins, A. G. 43 Pine. "Johnson, Thomas Q. Jones, Asa S. south side Chestnut, bt. Main and Second. Kasson, John A. north west cor. Olive and Main. Kayser, Alexander, northwest cor. Fourth and Elm. Keim, Isaac H. 82 V Chestnut, Kelloo-g, S. B. 38 North Main. *King, John B. Kinsey, L. R, 36} Chestnut. Knox & Kellogg, 38 North Main. Krtbben. Oh. 55 Chestnut. Krum .C Chestnut. *Langton, J. Leslie, Myron, 80 Chestnut Levi, Solomon J.44 Pine. Lewis, Edward A. 29 Olive. Lewis, Augustus, south side Cherry, bt. Second and Third. Lewis & Hening, south side Cherry, bt. Second and Broadway. Lewis & Sanders, 29 Olive. *Linn, William A. Lord, Charles B. 82> Chestnut. Manter, Francis H. 77 Chestnut. McBride, C. 36 Pine. McBride, James J. 36 Pine. McClellan, Josiah G. 71 Pine. McKee, William S. north side Locust, bt. Main and Second. M'Lean, M. N. 15 North Second. M'Lure, Christopher C. north west cor. Chestnut and Third. McMartin, James, south side Pine, bt. Main and Second. M'Pherson, William M. north east cor. Fourth and Olive. Mac Donald, Robert S. 39 Chestnut. Mason, Edward R. south side Chestnut, b. Main and Second. Mauro, Charles G. 39 Chestnut, Minor, Francis, south side Chestnut, bt. Main and Second. Morehead, P. C. south west cor. Chestnut and Second. Morgan, William F. 60 Pine. Munford, J. E. 48^ Chestnut. Nalley, William L.~30> Chestnut. Nelson, Thomas S. west side Second, south of Walnut. Norris, Lyman D. 32.!^ Chestnut. Packard, Elnathan W. 55 Chestnut. Page, John Y. 17 Chestnut. Parsons, Lewis B. jr. 39 Chestnut. Phillips, Robert E. south west cor. Chest- nut and Main. Picot, L. G. 82>.< Chestnut, Polk, Trusten, 67> Market. Rankin, John H. 38 North Main. Reber, Samuel, 49 Pine. Redman, Henry N. 52 Vine. Reed, John H. 41^ Chestnut. Reynolds, Thomas C. 43 Chestnut. Rohland, Robert, south east cor. Third and Pine. Romyn, William J. north side Chestnut, bt. Main and Second. Roquez, John D., Main. Sanders, Rufus K north side Olive, bt. Main and Second. Shands, Edward W. south side Chestnut, bt Main and Second. Shepley, John R. cor. Olive and Main. Sherman, E. south east cor. Second and Chestnut. Shreve, L. M. 66J Chestnut. Simmons, C. C. 14~j^ North Second. Simmons, Samuel, south west cor. Third and Chestnut. Skinner, J. Warhurton, 100 Market. Sloss, William L. 73 Pine. Smith, Irwin Z. 13 Chestnut. Smith, J. Sidney, 60 Pine. Smith, Sol, 10 Chestnut, Snead, Thomas L. 56 1 Chestnut. Spies, Frederick, 75 Chestnut. Strong, N. D. & G. P. 118 North Main. Swop, W. G. 59 Chestnut Tarver, M. 75 Chestnut. Taussig, James, south side Chestnut, bt Main and Second. Tavlor, George R. north east cor. Elm and Fifth. Taylor, Isaac W. south side Chestnut, bt. Main and Second. Thomas, Benjamin F. 48_^> Chestnut. Thomas, John E. northwest cor. Olive and Main. Thomson, Wm. B. 60 Pine. Thompson, J. Bruce, 31 North Third. Tilson, Charles H. south side Chestnut, b. Main and Second. Todd, Albert, 27 Olive. Van Waggoner, Garrot S. soutli sid Chestnut, bt. Main and Second. Voorhis, Robert S. 82> Chestnut. Voullaire, Seymour, south side Chestnut, bt. Main and Second. Weer, William, jr. 75 Chestnut. Whittlesey, Charles C. 32,J,< Chestnut WickhamJ John, 56J.< Chestnut. Williams, Henry W.~80 Chestnut Williams, Willis L. 39 Chestnut Wills, John W. south side North Market west of Broadway. Wise, Isaac T. 48>.< Chestnut, Woods, D. C. 59> Chestnut. Wright, Uriel, 8 Chestnut Yeatmau. T. 29 Chestnut Young, George E. cor. Fourth and Chest- nut. ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Auctioneers. Burgoyne, D. N. 3^ North Second. Dickinson, L. C. 37 Locust. Hanna, Geo. W. 279 Broadway. Harvey & Whedon, 45 North Main. Moses, S. L. & Co. 45 Second. Murdock & Dickson, 47 North Main. Riggin, John, 43 Chestnut. Scott & Whitelaw, 3 South Front. Woodman, H. T. east side Second betw'n Locust and Olive. Bakeries. Ahrens, Charles, north side Market, be- tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Amende, William, north side Chouteau avenue between Seventh and Eighth. Baumgartner, Ferdinand, north side Ar- senal between Carond. avenue and Sev- enth. Bauer, John, sr. east side Columbus, be- tween Carroll and Soulard. Bauer, Joseph, north side Market between Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Bertram, Ludwig E. E. west side Thir- teenth, between Wash and Carr. Blatz, Frederick, west side Tenth betw'n Carr and Biddle. Boellert, Louis, east side Thirteenth be- tween Fr. avenue and Wash. Borbine, Win. south east corner Gay and Fourteenth. Bracht, Wtn. east side Thirteenth north of Biddle. Brown, Richard P. north side Washing- ton avenue bet. Seventh and Eighth. Christ, Peter, 88 South Main. Copp, Josiah, north side Greene between Seventh and Eighth. Dausch, George, north west cor. Seventh and Marion. Debus, Jacob, north side Elm between Second and Third. Dellit, Andreas, south west cor. Park av- enue and Buel. Doeberle, John, 385 South Second. Dolde, Dan'l, south side Hamtramck, be- tween Emmett and Geyer avenue. Dolde, Henry, south east cor. Beaumont and Fr. avenue. Eiffert, George, north side Wash bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. Farley, Peter, 248 Market. Fausel, Frederick, east side Carond. ave- nue, bet. Sidney and Victor. Flack, Thos. 52 South Fifth. Freihaut, Henry, east side Seventh bet. Carroll and Soulard. Freyeberger, John, west side Eighth north of Biddle. Frickel, Martin, south side Wash bet. Tenth and Eleventh. Fritschle, Jacob, north west cor. Seventh and Chouteau avenue. Gamble, Hugh, south east corner Greene and Sixth. Garueau, Joseph, 70 North Front. Gebke, Frank, east side Broadway north of Webster. Gobels, Henry, north west corner Seventh and Wash. Harlock, James, 231 Broadway. Harmann, Peter, south east cor. Market and Tenth. Hermann, John, east side Carond. avenue bet. Lesperance and Picotte. Hirtzel, U. 190 South Second. Holmes, Charles, 107 Greene. Hood, Richard, 167 Morgan. Hussmann, Francis, north west cor. Elev- enth and Carr. Kellner, Charles, north east cor. Geyer av- enue and Menard. Kendall, H. N. south west cor. Sixth and ^ Pine. Kock, Frederick, east side Eleventh be- tween Wash and Carr. Korn, Michael, south side alley between Seventh and Fulton, and Soulard and Carroll. Kraft, Philip, north west corner Lafayette and Decatur. Kroeck, Frederick, west side Fifteenth between Wash and Carr. Laubener, Valentin, west side Buel bet. Marion and Carroll. Lohmann, Charles, north side Park ave- nue, between Seventh and Provenchere. Lohram, Reinhardt, east side Jackson, bt. Emmett and Lesperance. McAnulty, B. 68 North Front, McAnulty, B. b, Henry, north east cor. Second and Myrtle. Hisel, John, north side Morgan bt. Main and Front. Holle, Anton, 26 Franklin avenue. Huthmacher, Michael, east side Carond. av. bt. Carroll and Sou lard. Johns, August, north side Franklin av- enue bt. Eighth and Ninth. Jonger, Charles, east side Third bt. Mar- ket and Walnut. Kaeshoefer, John, west side Main bt. Mul- lanphy and Florida. Keaue, Timothy F. 37 Franklin avenue. Kelly, John, 43 North Third. ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 445 Kilgour, James, east side Fifth bt. Greene and Washington avenue. Kinney between Wash- Rev.F.X. DeCoen,S J. I ington avenue and j Green. Rev. P. Ward, ) St. Patrick's, n'th Rev.J. Higginbotham > west corner Sixth Rev. Henry, ) and Biddle. "\ St. Mary's, (Ger- Very Rev. J. Melcher { man,) east side of Rev. Peter Fisher, ( Third, corner of j Mulberry. St. Joseph's, German, north east corner Middle and Tenth. Rev. Michael Pendergast, St. Michael's, north east corner Eleventh & Jefferson. Rev. Simon Siegrist, St. Peter and Paul, (Ger.,) west side Seventh ^ North Front, Kohn, Joseph, 291 Broadway. Kohn, Simon, 94 North Front. Kornich, Adolph L. 225 Broadway. Kretzer, Christian, south west corner Fourth and Morgan. Kruger, Ferdinand, 280 South Fifth. Kruse, Frederick, south side Fr. avenue, between Fifth and Sixth. Kunsemuller & Bnrgesch, 43 Fr. avenue. ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 449 Kunsemuller, C. cfe F. south west corner |Weigle, Abraham, north east corner North Fourth and Morgan. Market and Broadway. j Weil. David, 45^ Market. Wild, Hart, 16 South Front. Wilden, Henry, 63 South Fourth. Wolff, Frederick, 105 Fr. avenue. Wood,F.M. St. Louis. BSNJ. R. NBSBIT. \* a ? r -. H. L. PATTERSON, ) W. T. SHERMAN, ) C1SCO ' CaL "WESTERN HOTEL, Corner Pearl and Terrace Streets, near Niagara Falls, Rochester, Brantford & Great Western R, R. Depot, F. L. BROWN, PROPRIETOR. ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 457 Manny, J. D. cor. Commercial and Olive. Matthews, William, t'2 Commercial. Mellen, John D.3 South Front Moffett, Stillwell & Co. 3 Olive. Mogridge, Joseph, 38 Commercial. Morgan & Reid, 27 Commercial. Morrison, \Vm. M. & Co. 67 North Front. Mudd & Hughs, 35 North Front Nelson, Wm. A. 11 Locust Nuer, Ernst, 1 1 Market, Pettes, Chickering pel, Jacob, east side Seventh bet. Mari- on and Barry. Benker, Andreas, east side Twelfth bet Franklin avenue and Wash. Borgelt, William, west side Columbus, bet. Wood and Miller. Emmitt, W. B. alley bet Main and Second, Washington avenue and Green. Eckert, William, west side Thirteenth bet. Wash and Carr. Haas, George, south side Wash bet Eighth and Ninth. Hawa, Wm. north side Market between Twelfth and Thirteenth. Hewitt, Thomas, south side Christy avenue bet Fifteenth and Sixteenth. Jenue, Peter, east side Seventh bet La- fayette and Soulard. Kalbfleisch, west side Carond. avenue bet. Geyer avenue and Allen avenue. Koch, Wm. north side Sidney bet Jack- son and Easton. Landgraf, Frederick, 273 South Seventh. McColm,' Wm. east side alley bet Main and Second, Elm and Walnut Mears, W. R. north west cor. Monroe and Main. Moodz, John, east side Ninth betw'n La- beau me and Webster. Reinstadtler, Andrew, south east corner Wash and Fifteenth. Rahman, Freder'k, south west cor. Carroll and Fulton. Schapelkotter, Fred'k, west side Twelfth south of O'Fallon. Scherer, Christopher, north side Webster east of Broadway. Schneider, Frederick, alley betw'n Wash- ington and Carr, Eleventh and Twelfth. 458 ST - LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BACON, HYDE * CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No, 87 MAIN STREET, JST HiOOjCSS, 3VEO. CHAS. T. WILCUS * CO. Nos. 52 and 54 Fine Street, St. Louis, Mo. HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL i aimers, Jpp,(Lr HANDSOMELY EXECUTED, And all work in our line done at the shortest notice, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. . H. WLTTLiT^ESFL cfc Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Britannia Ware, Looking Glasses, Tea Tiays, Ac. No. 34 Main Street, between Chestnut and Pine Streets, ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 459 Schottgen, Francis, 373 South Second. Schop, Joseph, north side Biddle betw'n Eleventh and Twelfth. Schoppe, George, east side Ninth bet. La- beau me and Webster. Schubricht, John G. west side Stoddard avenue between Chouteau avenue and Hickory. Slinkamp, Henry, east side Second bet. Monroe and North Market. Stoeker, Wm., Commercial bt. Market and Chestnut. Street, Wm., north west cor. Lafayette and Jackson. S troops, Thomas, south side Gratiot, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Stroup, Thomas C. 161 South Third. Weigolt, Tobias, west side Carond. avenue between Lafayette and Soulard. Cuppers and Leechers. Baker, H. R. 94 Washington avenue. Heuer, H. 56 North Seventh. Thompson, John, 140 Olive. Daguerrean Artists. Dobyns a r=C^2lgj!rQ SiCQ.cH rP^QQrgftxc^agtlfk^ HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND GUNS, NO. 147 MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. JOSEPH MOGRIDGE. FRANCIS MOPAUL. MOGRIDGE & MoFAUL, Commission ano Jfortoarflmg Cor. of Commercial and Pine Streets, St, Louis, Mo, Consignments will receive prompt and personal attention. The Forwarding and Receiving Business entrusted to us, guarantied to give satisfaction. Orders for purchas- ing filled at the shortest notice and lowest market prices. Liberal cash advances on Produce and Merchandise, iu hand. NOYES B. MEECH, DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY & PAPER North West cor. cf Main and Chestnut Sts. JST, JdOOIS, B/EO. T. GRIMSLET. G. L. STANSBURY. J. J. GRIMSLEY. T. GRIMSLBY & CO., Dealers in all kinds of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, OAJFtaPEST lO^GrSi, efeO. No. 68 Main Street, four doors below Olive Street^ ST. LOUIS, MO. ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 471 Groceries Continued. Gehner, Frank, north side Morgan bet. Fifth and Sixth. Gehner, Fred. W. east side Fourteenth bet. Wash and Franklin avenue. Gibson, Wm. O. & Co. 140 Market. Giesselmann, Henrv, north west cor. Fr'n avenue and Tweffth. Gietner, John G. 107 South Third. Gilbraith & Harvey, 32 South Main. Gildhaus, Henry, south side Market, bet. Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Goeken, Joseph, north west cor. Main and Howard. Goldstein, Charles, south east cor. Mul- lanphy and Main. Gorin, Gladdin, 149 North Third. Gorla, Joseph, 62 North Front. Grefcnkamp, S. H. south west cor. Or- chard and Barlow. Greve & Ommen, south west cor. Market and Seventh. Grocott, James, south side Morgan bet Sixth and Seventh. Groeninger, John, 219 South Third. Groeninger, Rudolph, 123 South Second. Grell, John P. east side Carond. avenue bet. Barton and Victor. Guerdon, Francis, 114 South Second. Gutbrod, George, west side Columbia bet. Lafayette and Emmett Hallermann, Dedrick, north east corner Broadway & Wright. Hamilton, A. M. north east cor. Eleventh and Carr. Harty, Andrew, north side Christy ave- nue bet. Sixteenth and Seventeenth. Haupt, Jacob, east side Carond. avenue bet. Lesperance & Picotte. Hays, Philip, 143 South Main. Hebrock, Fred, south east cor. O'Fallon and. Collins. Heitkamp, Joseph, south side Lombard bet. Fourth and Fifth. Helmkamp, John Pine. Pacific, south side Pine> between Main and Second. Phoenix, of St. Louis, south east cor. Main and Vine. Protection, 130 North Main. S. W. Branch of the American Mutual, of Amsterdam, N.Y.38 North Main. S. W. Branch of the Mohawk Valley Far- mers', of Scotia, N. Y. 38 North Main. St. Louis, 70 North Main. St. Louis Floating Dock and Insurance Co. 69 North Main. St. Louis Mutual Fire and Marine, south west corner Market and .Second. St. Louis Perpetual, 65 North Main. Union, 81 North Main. U. S. Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust, of Philadelphia, south side Washington avenue, between Third and Fourth. U. S. Life, in the City of New York, cor- ner Main and Pine. U. S. Mutual, Laudable and Provident As- sociation, south side Washington ave- nue, west of Fourth. Iron Merchants. Bakewell, Henry, agent, south east corner Morgan and Main. . Ch outcau, Harrison & Valle, 1 10 N. Sec'd. Coleman, Hailmarv & Co. 26 North Front. Cronenbold, F. W. west side Carondelet avenue, between Barry and Marion. Ellis, Thomas, west side Main, south of Carr. Lyon, Shorb & Co. north west corner Vine and Front. McNeilly, Samuel, 12 North Front. Runyan, Hillman & Co. 15 North Front Semple & Bonner, 14 North Front. Squire wer, 49 North Second. Meyer, H. 11 Market. Meyer & Meister, 53 South Second. Michol Market. O'Reilly Chestnut. Hening, John H. north side Chestnut bt. Second and Third. Hening, Robert, 11 North Fourth. Herrisse, Henri. Hill, David W. 17 Locust. Hitchcock, Henry, north west cor. Olive and Main. Hofer, Anthony V. Johnstone, P. W. west side Pine between Second and Third. Kalb. G. O. Kehr, Adolph. Kellogg, S. B. 38 North Main. Kretschmar, Frederick. Kuneman, Fr. Kurlbaum, J. D. Ladue, P. A. 59}< Chestnut. Leffingwell, H. W" south side Pine bt. Main and Second. Levi, S. J. 44 Pine. Lindsay, William. Linton, W. Long, Alton. McDonough, James. McLure, William P. Mauro, Charles G. 39 Chestnut, ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mauro, P. C. Mauro, Philip. Nisbet, Robert N. corner Chestnut and Main. Obear, J. H. north side Chestnut bt. Sec- ond and Third. Olshausen, A. Pettus, William G. Price, William R. Pritchartt, William H. Reichard, George. Riggin, John, north side Chestnut bet. Second and Third. Schneider, F. A. H. Schneider, Julius F. Shands, Edward W. corner Chestnut and Second. Simmons, Samuel, south west cor. Third and Chestnut. Smith, Irwin Z. 13 Chestnut Smith, J. Sidney, 60 Pine. Stevens, Robert. Snead, Thomas L. 56) Chestnut. Stille, George H. Stoll, Peter W. Stout, Benjamin F. Straat, John N". Stuart, Jacob. Taussig, James, south side Chestnut bet. Main and Second. Thomas, J. E. north west cor. Olive and Main. Thompson, W. B. 60 Pine. Tice, John H. Tilson, C. H. south side Chestnut bet. Main and Second. Timon, O. V. Tucker, F. H. Tuttle, D. C. Ulrici, E. Vail, P. M. Vogel, J. C. Voullaire, Seymour, south side Chestnut bt. Main and Second. Walsh, J. B. Weber, William. <_.. ' Wetmore, D. Wetmore, T. K. Williams, H. W. 80 Chestnut. Wolff, M. A. Painters. Betts, Conway & Co. 58 Pine. Bolton, Wilson & Co. 62 North Second. Boneau & Wonderly, 48 North Second. Bury, J. C. 9 North Third. Doellner, Henry, 54 North Second. English, James, 190 Market. Farmer, H. & Son, 38 Olive. Harrington, Charles, 62 Locust. Histed & Charles, alley bt. Chestnut and Market, Third and Fourth. Hooper, Clark, south side Walnut bet. Main and Second. Jarvis, L. 87 South Second. Julian, M. L. south side Washington av- enue, west of Fourteenth. Kaltwasser, John, south side Marion bt. Seventh and Fulton. Kaltwasser, John & Philip. 381 South Second. Koenig & Bros. 44 Franklin avenue. McCullogh, Thomas J. 94 Pine. McVicker, Thomas H. 28 Pine. Marley, J. P. 52 North Sixth. Mehl, Henry G. west side Seventh bt. Park avenue and Rutger. Middleton & Gordon, 240 Market. Rank, Theodore, 22 Locust. 'Schmeisser, John C. west side Carond.av. bt. Soulard and Lafavette. Schrimpf, William, 372" South Second. Scollay, James, south side St. Charles bt. Fifth and Sixth. Severin, John, 127 Carond. avenue. Slawensky & Wehrs, 29 N. Second. Spore, James, 64 Chestnut. Spore, Thomas, 46 Franklin avenue. Thornburgh, R. & W. A. north east cor. Cherry and Main. Turmborg, Henry, west side Stoddardav. bt. Chouteau avenue and Hickory. Wilgus, Charles T. & Co. 52 Pine. Paper Hangers and Dealers. Conzelman, G. 54 Market. Howard, James & Co. 98 Market. Kennard, P. S. 70 North Fourth. Michael, Geo. B. 80 North Fourth. Vinson, J. & Co. 172 North Fourth. Wilgus, Charles T. & Co. 54 Pine. Wolf & Engert, 43 South Second. Pawn Brokers. Cowperthwait, Win. P. 23 Locust. Frehgh, John S. & Son, 19 Locust. Hollister, Warren, 30 Vine. Jacobs, A. S. 87 Market, Lawrence, Leander, 21 Locust. Physicians. Adreon, Stephen W. north side Locust bt. Sixth and Seventh. Alleyne, J. S. B. north east cor. Locust and Fifth. Assman, , south side Franklin av'e bt. Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Banister, T. Y. west side Linn bt. Lafay- etle and Park avenue, City Hospital. Barbee, Andrew B. south side Olive bt. Third and Fourth. Barnes, A. F. Wash bt. Ninth and Tenth. Barnes, John, west side Fourth bt. Wash- ington avenue and Greene. Barnett, Andrew F. south side Locust bt. Fourth and Fifth. ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY Barr, E. W. 102 Washington avenue. Bebr, Alfred, 62 South Second. Benkendorf, E. 100 Washington avenue. Bohannan, Wm. A. S. north side Pine bt. Second and Third. Boisliuiere, L. C. north east cor. Wash- ington avenue and Fifth. Bomino, Peter, north side Market bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Bosbick, Joseph, west side Linn, bt. La- fayette and Park av. City Hospital. Bosse, Louis, 401 South Second. Britt, Lucas P. east side Tenth bt. Wash and Carr. Brookie, John, south west cor. Broadway and Morgan. Brown, Joseph T. 42 North Fourth. Bryan, E. H. 112 North Third. Byrne, Edward, 123 Chestnut. Campbell, Cornelius, 333 South Fifth. Campbell, Geo. W. 331 South Fifth. Case, George F. east side Broadway north of Chambers. Chapman, O. H. 163} North Fourth. Christopher, Hiram, 97 Greene. Clark, J. J. 41> North Fourth. Cluk, Eliza, 151 South Seventh. Cogan, James, 376 Morgan. Coleman, John B. east side Third bet. Chestnut and Pine. Coleman. L. L. 69 Greene, i Collot, J. 59)4 Market. Comstock, Thos. G. north east cor. Third and Pine. Converse, A. H. 53 Locust. Cook, Moses C. 45 cor. Pine and Second. Coons, Andrew J. north side Locust bt. Sixth and Seventh. Cornyn, Florence M. 141 Market. Crane, 'Morton E. 61 Market. Crow, A. T. east side Broadway bt. North Market and Monroe. Cruttenden, Henry E. 124 Carr Dachene, A. 12 South Fourth. Dorsey, F. J. west side Seventh bt. Marion and Carroll. Drechsler, Wm. south east cor. Third and Pine. Dudley, W. A., Locust west of Fourth. Edgar, Wm. S. east side Third bt. Market and Walnut. Engelmann, George, south west cor. Elm and Fifth. Farrar, John, west side Sixth between St. Charles and Locust. Fisher, Gustavus, west side Carond. av'e bt. Park avenue and Barry. Fnazer, Elijah S. north west cor. Fourth and Walnut. Galli, P. 87 South Fourth. Gibson, Wm. 180 South Fourth. Golding, W. S. 3 South Fourth. Granger, John, 3 North Fifth. Gregory, E. H. north east cor. Locust and Fifth. Guszmanu, Rudolph, 336 South Fifth. Hackman, Wm. south side Franklin av'e bt. Twelfth and Thirteenth. Hall, J. W. west side Sixth bt. Market 1 and Chestnut. Hansmann, Christian, 13 Frank, avenue. Harrison, J. S. 143 Market. Hasse, Edward, south side Hickory bt. Fifth and Seventh. Hatch, Wm. G. 68 Vine. Hauck, Charles, 36 South Second. Hauck, Frederick, east side Carond. av'e bt. Soulard and Lafayette. Haughtou, Thomas, 156 Olive. Hempsread, C. W. 13 North Fourth. Hensley, Benjamin, north west cor. Fourth and Walnut. Hoeweler, Joseph, 65 South Third. Hoffmeister, August, 300 South Third. Holmes, R. S. 36 North Eighth. Hopton, Abner, 157 South Seventh. Horn, Wm. north east cor. Frank, avenue and Seventeenth. Huffell, Louis, east side Broadway bet. North Market and Benton. Hutawa, Charles, 238 North Seventh. Jackson, Jonathan E. 64)^ Chestnut. Jenkins, W. A. 98 Washington avenue. Jennings, John C. 67 Greene. Jennings, Robert M. 67 Greene. Jerman, Jefferson S. 16 South Fourth. Johnson, J. B. 90> North Fourth. 'Johnson & Wilson, south east cor. Olive and Seventh. Jones, Wm. A. 168 South Third. Kalbitz, Ernst, 214 Franklin avenue. Kavanaugh, Benj. north side Morgan bt. Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Keith, Wm. G. 164 South Fourth. King, Henry T. north side Spruce bet. Main and Front. Kloes, J. G. north west cor. Gratiot and Fourth. Koch, , east side Broadway south of Palm. Koehler, Francis, 429 South Second, In- dian M. D. Kunemann, Edward, south side Walnut, bt. Main and Second. Laugh ton, J. south side Olive, bt. Sixth and Seventh. Leguire, Francis, north east cor. Broad- way and Webster. Lemoine, E. S. north side Pine, near Fifth. Lintou, M. L. south east cor. Locust and Tenth. Lonergan, Thomas A. 198 North Sixth. Ludwig, Valentine, north side Franklin avenue, bt. Seventh and Eighth. Lumaghi, Octavius, 122 South Fifth. M'Dowell, James, 104 Walnut. M'Dowell, John B. north side Olive, bt. Ninth and Tenth. M'Dowell, Joseph N. north west cor. Eighth and Gratiot. 484 ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. M'Evoy, Joseph A. 179 North Sixth. il'Gintie, E. south side Market, bt. Four- teenth and Fifteenth. M'Keage, John M. 112 North Third. M'Kinley, C. G.66!^ Chestnut. M'Kinley, John, 66^ Chestnut. M'Murray, Wm. A. f'28 North Fourth. M'Nair, T. J. 82 Chestnut. M'Pheeters, Win. M. south -west cor. Olive and Tenth. Magoffin, John, 71 Fourth. Marshall, Alex, south east cor. Greene and Fourth. Marthens, H. C. 121 Olive. Martin, Meredith, north east cor. Fourth and Walnut. Meyer, Frederick J. east side Thirteenth, south of Biddle. Montgomery, E. 160 North Fourth. Moore, John S. west side Fourth, bt. Pine and Chestnut Morehead, L. A. 270 Pine. Morgner, Oscar A. west side Carondelet avenue, bt. Barry and Marion. Morse, Edw. W. south west cor. North Market and Main. Moses, S. Gratz, 63 North Fifth. If alley , north west cor. Greene and Fourth. Few man, T. "W. south side Washington avenue, bet. Fourth and Fifth. O'Reilly, Thomas, 159> North Fourth., Oliphant, R. W. 8 South Fifth. Olshausen, John J. 9 South Second. Fallen, M. M. 26 St. Charles. Papin, T. L.236 Locust. Perry, L. P. south east cor. Fifth and Lo- cust. Petri, Ignace, south west cor. Franklin and Ninth. Peyer, John, 196 South Third. Philips, , 119 Pine. Philips, G. W. east side Ninth, north of Hempstead. Philips & Walker, 90 Olive. Piggot, Isaac N. 270 North'Second. Pollak, S. south side Market, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Pollok, Joseph F. south east cor. Pine and Fourth. Pope, Cbas. A. 123 Locust. Powers, Edward M. south west cr. Frank- lin avenue and Seventh. Prout, H. A. 46 North Sixth. Reily, Philip B. 170 South Fourth. Rcinnardt, south side Carr, bet. Eighth and Ninth. Reyburn, Thomas, south side St. Charles bet. Fifth and Sixth. Ripley, J. D. 164 North Fourth. Rislers, Henrv, cor. Sixth and Wash. Rodier, P. C. 306 South Second. Roelofsz, Joost, 153 South Seventh. Rogers, Patrick, 163X North Fourth. Rose, Edward, 282 South Second. Rosenbaugh, Sarah, 256 North Second. Rowland, Robert, 114 Olive. Rupp, J. M. 316 South Fifth. Schoeneich, Henry, 209 South Second. Shoenemann, William, west side Caroud. avenue, bet. Park avenue and Barry. Scott, Isaac W. 71 Fourth. Seemann, Emil, west side Seventh, bet. Carroll and Marion. Sharp, Alex. 16 South Fourth. Shore, John, south side Locust, bt. Fourth and Fifth. Short, R. Newton, 80 North Eighth. Shumard, B. F. north side Chouteau av. bet. Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Simmons, Robert P. west side Eighth, bt. Pine and Chestnut. Smith, F. south side Lafayette bet. Fulton and Decatur. Smith, John, west side Tenth, bet. Wash and Carr. Stark, Solon, north west cor. Broadway and O'Fallon. Steele, G. G. 16 St. Charles. Stephenson, David I. north side Wash, bet. Ninth and Tenth. Taylor, J. 93 Market. Temple, J. T. 90^ North Fourth. T'horman, Frederick, north side Elm bet. Main and Second. Tinley, C. A. 42 South Fourth, U. S. A. Tupper, Lewis B. east side Broadway, bet. Hempstead and Brooklyn. Turner, Chas. F. 93J Pine. Tyler, Benjamin R. west side Tenth south of Market. Van Studdiford, H. south west cor. Vine and Third. Van Zandt, Wm. 100 Washington avenue. Vastine, T. J. 78 Chestnut. Wagner, Christian, south side Franklin avenue, bet. Fifteenth and Sixteenth. Walter, L.H. 104 Market. Warnock, James, 135 North Third. Washington, Jas. R. west side Fifth bet. Franklin avenue and Wash. Webb, Wm. north east cor. Fourth and Greene. We.gerhoff, John A. north side Carr, bet. Tenth and Eleventh. Weigel, Philip, 39 South Third. White, W. S. 78 Washington avenue. White, D. 43 Fifth. Wiebe, Julius A. 290 North Seventh. Wilson, Anthon D. east side Carondelet avenue, bet. Emmett and Lesperance. Wilson, James, north side Elm bet. Third and Fourth. Wislizenus, Adolphus, 47 South Fifth. Xaupi, L. A. 47 Market. Picture Framers. Benziger, Ignatz & Conrad, 86 South Second. ST. LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 485 Epp, Oswald, Franklin avenue bt. Eighth and Ninth. Gooch, John, 10 North Third. Hequembourg, A. G. 11 South Third. Lohmann, Chs. F. A. south side Walnut, bet. Main and Second. Smith F. 157 North Main. Gessel, Andreas, 3 Carond. avenue. Gill, John J. 237 Broadway. Hart Z.& 1 II s> tioned in this table shall be charged; and tr 3 O. 3 K o o CR N 3 p. I for every additional half ounce or fraction g 3 3 re o 3 3 of an ounce, above the weight named in this S3 O o Rd O O table, an additional single rate Is to be .? 3 o *ft o o charged. J 1 5 ' ? 1 1 rate. rate. rate. rate. rate. rate. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. For any distance not over 5000 miles, - - - 3 6 9 5 10 15 For any distance over 3000 miles. - - - - 6 12 18 10 20 30 To and from British North American Provin- ces, for any distance not over 3000 miles, - For any distance over 3000 miles, 10 15 20 30 30 45 10 15 20 30 30 45 Every letter or parcel not exceeding half an ounce in weight, shall be deemed a single letter or rate. All drop letters, or letters placed in any post-office, not for transmission, but for delivery only, shall be charged with postage at the rate of one cent each. Rates of Postage to be chargtd upon Newspapers, Periodicals, Unsealed Circulars, and every other description of printed matter, transient or otherwise, from and after 30/A September, 1852. Newspapers, periodicals, unsealed circulars, or other articles of printed matter, (except books,) when sent to any part of the United States, weighing 3 ounces or under, 1 cent. For every additional ounce, 1 cent. Newspapers and periodicals, when circulated in States where published, weigh- ing not over % ounce, % cent. Transient newspapers, periodicals, Letter, and Note Papers; Playing, Printing, and Visiting Cards, and all Counting- House Stationery. We are prepared to print Blanks of every description, and to manufacture all kinds of Blank Books, ruled and bound to any pattern. CARR & BUCHANAN. J. H. LIG-HTNER, New No. 82, Old No. 88, Second Street, between Locust and Olive, opposite Monroe House. "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Latest and best Patterns for Cooking and other uses, GRATES, HOLLOW WABE & CASTINGS, ALSO, Ploughs, Peoria and Moline Ploughs and Breakers; Railroad Iron Ploughs for Contractors' use ; Jewett, Peacock, and other patterns ; also, Hall, Dodd & Go's Patent Fire and A SUPERIOR ARTICLE, having a run of public favor unprecedented. CALL AND EXAMINE. 504 ST - LOUIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Saline, Gallatin County, Illinois. The Stock of this Company consists of 10,000 shares of $100 each, fully paid up, 'and liable to no assessment, of which 2,000 shares are the property of the Company. The mines are located on the Saline river, about 2)^ miles from the Ohio, in Galla- tiu county, Illinois. The Company own over 7,000 acres of excellent farming lands, free from incumbrauce, about 6,000 acres of which is underlaid with seven workable seams of coal, of an aggregate thickness of 30 feet. The greatest portion of the surface is covered with valuable timber, much of it white oak of the very best quality. Besides the coal, there are inexhaustible quantities of marble, freestone, fire sandstone, fire clay, common clay, building and moulding sand, and salt. It is well situated, with reference to markets, for all of these products, especially coal, which sells readily, for cash, at a large profit upon the cost of mining and delivery. The Company Lave three coal mines open and in working operation, over forty houses built, and others in process of construction. Four blacksmiths' shops, one forging shop, one machine shop, one carpenter's shop, one steam saw mill, two steam tug boats, thirty coal boats, about two miles of T iron railroad, and a large amount of live and rolling stock, tools,